THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA MEMORIES OF HER STUDENT-LIFE AND PROFESSORS Thomas Jefferson, at sixty 1743-1826 See page 21 FRONTISPIECE THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Memories of Her Student-Life and Professors By DAVID M. R. CULBRETH, M. D. " Haec olim meminisse juvabit NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON THE NEALE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1908 5 COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY THE NEALE PUBLISHING COMPANY CONTENTS CHAPTER I THOMAS JEFFERSON STUDENTS' BENEFACTOR AND EXEMPLAR PAGE Early knowledge of him and that gained through various conversa- tions with Mr. Wertenbaker, who remembered him well, as he did his younger friend Edgar Allan Poe; personal character- istics of Mr. Jefferson as outlined by Randall, Webster, Ran- dolph, Smith, and himself; estate depreciation of; hospitality, financial troubles. Students' surprise and appreciation; his principles and epigrams,- etc 21 CHAPTER II THOMAS JEFFERSON AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN AND STATESMAN Father's characteristics and prominence; his own early life, educa- tion, experience at William and Mary College ; personal sorrows ; lawyer, member of the House of Burgesses, Continental Congress, and Congress; Shadwell destroyed; marriage; death of Dabney Carr and its episode ; Patrick Henry's great speech ; John Adams' eulogy; Declaration of Independence when, where, and how composed; religious liberty, public reforms; diffusion of knowl- edge; Governor, Northwestern Territory; Minister to France, Secretary of State, etc 39 CHAPTER III THOMAS JEFFERSON IDEAL PARENT AND PRESIDENT Retires to Monticello; daughter Martha Mrs. Thomas Mann Ran- dolph becomes its mistress; Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's visit; Excise Law, revolts in Pennsylvania; Curtius and Camillus; Jay Treaty; Vice-President, Talleyrand, Alien and Sedition Acts; President Burr Vice-President; inauguration, address, princi- ples; death of daughter Mary; Judge Samuel Chase, John Ran- dolph; Embargo Act; administrations compared; retirement, declines public reception; reconciliation with Adams; employ- ment, advocate and user of machinery; correspondence, etc. . 59 6H7037 8 CONTENTS CHAPTER IV THOMAS JEFFERSON ADVOCATE OF KNOWLEDGE AND EDUCATION PAGE University of Virginia interest in "Diffusion of Knowledge"; his educational plan, bills incorporating same ; Quesnay French Acad- emy; Swiss College of Geneva; correspondence with Joseph Priestley; Mons. Dupont de Nemours; National University at Washington; Professor Pictet; Joseph C. Cabell, Dr. Thomas Cooper, Samuel Knox; sold library to Congress; letters to Dr. Jones, Adams, Burwell; Lieutenant Hall's visit to Monticello; educational plan submitted to Peter Carr; Albemarle Academy: Central College first Board of Visitors; Charles Fenton Mer- cer's plan; Governor Nicholas' report, etc 77 CHAPTER V THOMAS JEFFERSON FATHER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA The Mercer bill vs. Mr. Jefferson's; Mercer in Congress; Mr. Jef- ferson's Educational Bill of 1817-1818; first report of Central College proposing its conversion into the University of Virginia; Mr. Jefferson's final draft and trial; dreams realized; difficulty over location; Rockfish Commission its report to Legislature; final contest, Mr. Baldwin of Augusta; First Board of Visitors; Mr. Jefferson chosen Rector ; University's architecture, plans, con- struction ; Dr. Thomas Cooper's opposition, religious apprehen- sions; selection of Ticknor and Bowditch; buildings advanced; monetary difficulties ; religious doctrines ; Father of our Navy, etc. 96 CHAPTER VI THOMAS JEFFERSON CHAMPION OF FREE-RELIGION AND GOVERNMENT Letters to Dr. Cooper and James Smith religious conditions and ideas ; student discipline ; denominational schools near the Uni- versity; letter to Gallatin, ambition for the University remitting her debts, financial difficulties disappearing; correspondence with Cabell; rotunda begun; letter to Judge Johnson defining object of the Federalists; letter to Cartwright explaining State and Federal powers; letter to Adams concerning health and the University; letter to President Monroe about "Monroe Doc- trine " ; letters to Lafayette, Cabell, Jared Sparks and Van Buren ; Gilmer seeking professors abroad; buildings completed and described; English professors arrive; University opened March 7, 1825 116 CHAPTER VII THOMAS JEFFERSON DEFENDER OF " EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL MEN " Mr. Jefferson's letter to Giles ; defense against letter in Enquirer, by "American Citizen"; letter to Madison concerning financial CONTENTS 9 PAGE embarrassment; Cabell's continued efforts in the Legislature for education; Mr. Jefferson's letter to the President, John Quincy Adams; last visit to the University; letter to Weightman; final week, and death; Madison's letter of condolence; funeral and burial; Andrew K. Smith's letter recounting his student days and recollection of Mr. Jefferson's sickness and interment; re- flections upon Mr. Jefferson's life and abilities 135 CHAPTER VIII CONDITIONS DOMINATING THE SELECTION OF THE UNIVERSITY Luther M. Reynolds academic and professional education Pro- fessors Allen, Horsford, Norton, Porter; his trip to Pennsylvania and Kentucky, where he frequently saw and heard Henry Clay make impressive speeches ; other experiences related and person- ages encountered that enthused my youthful mind ; his high appre- ciation of college training, and estimate of various institutions, including the University of Virginia; factors that led me to select that University, etc 154 CHAPTER IX MAIDEN TRIP TO WASHINGTON AND VIRGINIA Leaving home for the University; visit in Baltimore at my uncle's; short stop in Washington; first inspection of the Capitol; view of the White House, Arlington; made a friend of the brakeman; Alexandria its seeming antiquated appearance; Orange and Alexandria Railroad ; Henry Knox, the courteous and obliging brakeman; Fairfax, Bull Run, Manassas Confederate cemetery Bristoe, Catletts, Warrenton Junction (Calvertbn), Bealeton, Rappahannock, Brandy, Culpeper, Rapidan, Mitchell, Cedar Mountain, Orange, Madison (Montpelier), Gordonsville, etc. . 173 CHAPTER X ARRIVAL AT THE UNIVERSITY MR. JEFFERSON'S CHILD AND PET Last twenty-one miles Gordonsville to Charlottesville ; Lindseys, Keswick, Rivanna River, Shadwell Mr. Jefferson's birthplace Monticello, his home and place of burial; Charlottesville friendly greeting of students; arrival at the University; meeting the Proctor, Major Peyton, and the Chairman, Colonel Venable, with whom I dined ; letter from Colonel Charles Marshall ; select- ing room ; passing of the first few days ; first letter home ; Uni- versity work selected and begun its character ; meeting students ; mass meeting in the Court House, etc 193 io CONTENTS CHAPTER XI FIRST VISIT TO MONTICELLO MR. JEFFERSON'S HOME AND GRAVE PAGE Monticello visit to Lawrenceville and Princeton; Aaron Burr's grave and tomb contrasted with those of Mr. Jefferson's ; pilgrim students journeying on foot to his home and tomb; description and dilapidation of both; now happily restored the one by Jefferson M. Levy, the other by act of Congress; his tomb in- scription, also that of Dabney Carr ; home-letter to grandmother ; secret fraternities; literary societies Jeff and Wash; method of electing officers, etc 210 CHAPTER XII LITERARY SOCIETIES; DEBATES AND CELEBRATIONS Became a member of the Jeff ; recorded many of the debates, excerpts from a few Wickes, Saunders, Smith, Herron, Brent, Green, Clark, etc.; trip home at Christmas; excerpts from diary; sick- ness and death of Professor McGuffey; accident to room-mate Pearce ; closing weeks of the session ; remained for Commence- ment; sermon by Rev. J. William Jones; Wash Celebration Richard H. Maury, John W. Stephenson, Fergus R. Graham; Jeff Celebration B. Chambers Wickes, William R. Alexander, John Sharp Williams, etc. 230 CHAPTER XIII COMMENCEMENT ADDRESSES AND BANQUET SESSION 1872-73 Commencement of 1873 continued; memorial address on Professor Gessner Harrison, by Rev. John A. Broadus; Joint Celebration Hon. Thomas F. Bayard; Commencement or Final Day alumni address by Ex-Governor Thomas Swann; alumni ban- quet to which a few of us students were invited to enjoy the good things and speeches; escorted two of the honored guests, Senator Bayard and Ex-Governor Swann, to Professor Venable's home; death and funeral of Mr. Swann, etc 250 CHAPTER XIV INCIDENTS AND COMMENCEMENT OF SESSION 1873-74 Session of 1873-74; democratic set of students; Professor Noah K. Davis; excerpts from home-letters; Gen. Wade Hampton's lec- ture; death of Mrs. Venable, also Dr. Henry Howard; Jeff and Wash interests; Episcopal Convention; Commencement sermons by Revs. T. D. Witherspoon and James A. Duncan; Wash Celebration T. L. Raymond, R. A. Saulsbury, J. St. Clair CONTENTS ii PAGE Brookes; Jeff Celebration F. F. Reese, M. W. Ransom, Jr., J. A. Powell ; Joint Celebration Hon. John Goode, Gen. Jubal A. Early; alumni address Judge J. H. Kennard; session 1874-75; Semi-centennial; Bayard Taylor, Daniel B. Lucas; Jeff and Wash changes; Rev. Dr. Steel's marriage; Mrs. Cabell's death, etc 271 CHAPTER XV INCIDENTS AND COMMENCEMENT OF SESSION 1874-75 Session 1874-75 continued. Address of Rev. Dr. Randolph H. McKim ; Selection of Jeff, and Wash, officers. Sermon by Rev. Dr. Robert L. Dabney. Sermon by Rev. Dr. R. N. Sledd. Typhoid epi- demic; Baseball games. Commencement Semi-Centennial Cele- bration: Sermon by Rev. Dr. W. T. Brantly; Wash. Celebra- tion Geo. Ben. Johnston, Henry C. Stuart, Charles E. Nicol; Jeff. Celebration Benj. Fitzpatrick, A. M. Robinson, Leo N. Levi. Alumni Celebration Daniel B. Lucas, Gen. Jubal A. Early, Robert M. T. Hunter ; Commencement Day Gen. John S. Preston; Alumni Banquet; Final Ball, etc CHAPTER XVI INCIDENTS AND COMMENCEMENT OF SESSION 1875-76 Session 1875-76: Sickness, death and funeral of Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Home-letters another visit to Monticello; failure of the Charlottesville National Bank; Bible classes. Former and present chaplains; Davis becomes business editor of the Maga- zine. Professor Thornton succeeds Professor Boeck. Election; Christmas; Earthquake; social pleasures, dancing. Edward H. Squibb Gymnasium. Literary Societies. Davis Sunday School Supt. at Chapel. Visit to Rev. John T. Randolph's. Religious meetings. John Jasper's sermon; Commencement Ralph Waldo Emerson, etc 308 CHAPTER XVII INCIDENTS AND PLEASURES OF SESSION 1876-77 Session 1876-77; Professor Gildersleeve missed. Sons of Confucius. Tilden and Hayes campaign dangers experienced. Dr. Dame's sermon. Students' Minstrel Troup. Christmas. Dr. Wither- spoon's sermon. Literary Societies. Boat Club. Trip to Staun- ton. Baseball with Washington and Lee. Lexington as a seat of learning visit thereto; her noted personages, living and dead. Observance in Baltimore of Gen. Lee's death and burial our regrets that he and Jackson had not been connected with the University; Jackson's ambition to succeed Professor Courtenay in mathematics, etc 3^9 12 CONTENTS CHAPTER XVIII INCIDENTS AND COMMENCEMENT OF SESSION 1876-77 PAGE General Lee's possible identification and association with the Uni- versity; deaths of Commodore Maury and Mrs. Lee. Off for Lexington, via Goshen; pleasant midnight reception, and sight- seeing of the next two days. Gen. Hunter's destructive visit in 1864; Baseball game and banquet. Commencement, June, 1877. Address by Maj. John W. Daniel. Final Day and Ball. First regatta at Lynchburg, crowned with accident and defeat, etc. 348 CHAPTER XIX PROFESSORS PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND TRAITS The Professors Mr. Jefferson's high ideal ; a noble band of faithful, painstaking workers, especially interested in industrious students to whom they extended social courtesies; our appreciation of their talents and personalities profound attention and respect in class, etc. Charles S. Venable appearance, dress, quick insight of students; interviews and visits after my University career; his address in Baltimore. William E. Peters appearance and characteristics ; great interest in his ambitious students annoyed by stupid laggards. Last visit to him, April, 1904 366 CHAPTER XX PROFESSORS PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND TRAITS Francis Henry Smith, characteristics, accomplishments and popular- ity; loyal to his teacher and predecessor, William B. Rogers sketch of latter. Maximilian Schele De Vere, characteristics and popularity ; students' pranks ; last visit to him, 1894 ; his semi-centennial ; value as an American scholar. Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, characteristics and traits ; war incidents ; class- room diversions; regret at his leaving the University; personal letters, etc 384 CHAPTER XXI PROFESSORS PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND TRAITS John William Mallet characteristics and traits; beautiful lecturer, accurate, safe and pains-taking experimenter; fine teacher with much dignity. George Frederick Holmes, characteristics tall gaunt form; enjoyed students' applause, our strong regard for him; a public lecturer of merit. John Staige Davis personal traits and magnetism, brilliant and healthful teacher, high sense CONTENTS 13 PAGE of honor, facetious humor, kind and sympathetic. James Law- rence Cabell distinguished ^ personality, strong character, gifted intellect, kind knowing physician ; personal letter. James Francis Harrison characteristics, brusque mannerism, popular with students and in the University management 404 CHAPTER XXII PROFESSORS PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND TRAITS William Holmes McGuffey appearance and dress, liberal thinker and Presbyterian; sickness, death, funeral, burial; successor; life work and greatness. John Barbee Minor great moral and legal teacher; appearance, hard worker; Christian home life; loyal to the University during the Civil War. Noah Knowles Davis personal characteristics, close observer, deep thinker, hard worker, mingled little with the world ; Sunday afternoon Bible lectures. Francis Perry Dunnington appearance, reserved man- ner, accurate worker and good teacher 423 CHAPTER XXIII PROFESSORS PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND TRAITS Leopold Jules Boeck nativity, personality; great linguist; resigna- tion. Stephen O. Southall characteristics, fine speaker; popular with students. John Randolph Page characteristics ; course unpop- ular; resignation. Thomas Randolph Price, successor to Pro- fessor Gildersleeve ; characteristics ; home quite a social factor. William Wertenbaker, Librarian; youth, training; appointed by Mr. Jefferson. M. Green Peyton, Proctor personality, good official, friendly to all students. Henry Martin, Janitor per- sonal traits, affable, dignified but friendly 442 CHAPTER XXIV . j SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY LIFE DUTIES VERSUS PLEASURES University life falsely understood by many; in truth exacting and filled with cares, but had a bright side. Unusual condition at the University for close study and thorough scholarship. Methods of diversion pleasurable walking, ball games, gym- nasium, skating, theatricals, minstrels, short trips, attending church, Bible and public lectures. Social visiting dancing, re- ceptions, games, horseback riding, driving, musical instruments and practice; debating societies; secret fraternities. University laws seldom violated, etc 460 I 4 CONTENTS CHAPTER XXV UNIVERSITY TRAINING, SELECTION AND CRITICISM PAGE Conclusions and Observations. College and university training some more desirable than others; all improve the type of man- hood and chances of success in life ; none makes wise men out of fools. Few older heads advise, but let the youthful select for themselves. University criticised by some alumni for extreme thoroughness, and other institutions for excessive weakness. Kind of students best suited to attend the University some should not go there. Conditions especially commending the Uni- versity versus those considered negative. Opinions of some students of my day discussion that did good 472 Index 495 ILLUSTRATIONS Thomas Jefferson Frontispiece FACING PAGE Monticello 24 Thomas Jefferson Randolph 34 Monticello Graveyard 34 University Lawn View 44 University Eastern View 54 University Western View 62 University Birds-eye View 72 University The Lawn 82 University The Rotunda 92 University East Wing of Rotunda 102 University West Lawn 114 University West Lawn Arcade 124 University East Range 134 University West Range Arcade 142 University Serpentine Walls 152 University Carr's Hill 162 University Medical Hall i?2 University Infirmary 172 University Hospital 182 University Chemical Laboratory 190 University Mechanical Laboratory 190 University Rouss Physical Laboratory 200 University Academic Building 210 University Lewis Brooks Museum 220 University McCormick Observatory 230 University Madison Hall 230 University Chapel 238 University Fayerweather Gymnasium 248 16 ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE University Randall Dormitory 258 University Medical Class 268 University Travesties 278 President, Edwin A. Alderman, LL. D 286 Professor Charles S. Venable, LL. D 296 Professor William E. Peters, LL. D 306 Professor Francis H'. Smith, LL. D 316 Professor M. Schele DeVere, J. U. D 326 Professor Basil L. Gildersleeve, LL. D 334 Professor John W. Mallet, LL. D., F. R. S 344 Professor George Frederick Holmes, LL. D 354 Professor John Staige Davis, A. M., M. D 364 Professor James L. Cabell, LL. D 374 Professor James F. Harrison, M. D 382 Professor William H. McGuffey, LL. D . . .392 Professor John B. Minor, LL. D 402 Professor Noah K. Davis, LL. D 412 Professor Francis P. Dunnington, B. Sc 422 Professor Leopold J. Boeck, Ph. D 430 Professor Stephen O. Southall, LL. D 440 Professor John R. Page, M. D 450 Professor Thomas R. Price, LL. D 460 Librarian, William Wertenbaker 470 Proctor, M. Green Peyton, B. A., C. E . .478 Janitor, Uncle Henry Martin 488 PREFACE AFTER the passing of a generation from the busy activities of life at the University it may seem strange that a casual alumnus inclines to turn from absorbing current events and look backward through dim-visioned eyes upon scenes of earlier days. As a fact, however, he is still to himself, despite growing old in the sight of others, the same young man sitting on those hard wooden benches for he continues to absorb and learn daily unfamiliar truths as in those formative years. In- deed, with recurring frequency and delight the retrospect con- tinues to awaken memories, not as of the distant past, but of the near-by yesterday, and through an ambition that such be preserved while under happy recognition ere the dawn of mental decline and obscurity and that a passing fancy for the task be gratified, this work has been permitted to see light. The author claims no special aptitude over legions of the University's loyal sons for producing a reminiscent volume; certainly he regrets that some one more gifted has not here- tofore made good the opportunity of a richer product along similar lines a hope that has occasioned much deliberation, if not delay, in compiling his own available material. Such a work might be regarded as coming best from that fortunate coterie detailed these many years at the University in one or another capacity enjoying the closest contact with her daily life but glimpses from within are often less real than those from without, and it is ever wholesome " to see ourselves as others see us." In truth few have worshipped at that altar and gone forth into chosen ways unmindful of her history, unimbued with her love, or untrained in stating facts those readily correlated by one and all such as it has been the effort here to record, some possibly through filial affection a little tinted but in the main void of any intent at exaggeration or misrepresentation. The University needs no deceptive cham- pion, the truth is quite sufficient whether her sons become great, perhaps small, by or in spite of her training, argues not i8 PREFACE the slightest against her intellectual forces and moral ideals being the highest. The conception of the work, like many undertakings, was largely accidental growing out of the preservation by parents of the author's University letters, the recording by him of weekly doings, a form of diary, and the retention of photo- graphs, magazines, newspaper articles and his side of a liberal correspondence belonging to those times. The chapters pertaining to Mr. Jefferson and the founding of the University the capstone of his fruitful life have in substance been collected from most reliable sources, supple- mented by the innumerable fragmentary conversations with Mr. Wertenbaker. Not that his ipse dixit is believed more accurate than others, but being the only conversant cotem- porary of Mr. Jefferson known then to the author, whatever he said or indorsed as said by others seemed to receive a vitalizing influence. The recounting of experiences and oc- currences of the several sessions has been restricted to those making strongest impression upon the individual, relieved largely of detail incident to the average student's life, wherein slight variation can exist. Preparing for lectures, attendance thereon, fraternity meetings, social visiting, even interest in various young ladies, belong practically to so many alike as to need little, if any, reference. The impressions of my professors have been given without reserve, and include much personal detail that frequently recognized unworthy of transmission, since it is claimed not to edify but only to appease curiosity. Many delight in Mr. Lincoln's witticisms, indifferent to his tall homely personality ; not a few desire critical knowledge of Napoleon's pyrotechnic career, regardless of his diminutive stature contented with the common weakness of always associating intuitively physi- cal largeness with mental greatness while some prefer an intelligent conception of the man as well as his works. The author wondered over the proportions of Mr. Jefferson long before meeting Mr. Wertenbaker, and was only too glad to accept from his lips valuable details, and be directed for the first time to Mr. Webster's contribution in that direction. Here, therefore, an effort has been made, as far as memory serves, to remove individual uncertainties, so that even the PREFACE 19 stranger comparing description and portrait may have a mind- vision of the personage. Many will consider both object and matter unworthy a laudable ambition ; some will claim, " it fails reach the mark the archer meant/' while a few those for whom the volume chiefly is intended will accept gladly anything concerning their alma mater honestly intended to encourage a remem- brance of her past, an interest in her present, and a stimulus for her future. If it may only impress the greatness of Mr. Jefferson, strengthen a belief in his doctrines and hasten their reaccept- ance in the land of his creation; or incline the doubting towards a university training perchance at her shrine and refresh youthful years there enjoyed, it will not have been written in vain. THE AUTHOR. BALTIMORE, Ma, October, 1908. The University of Virginia CHAPTER I THOMAS JEFFERSON STUDENTS' BENEFACTOR AND EXEMPLAR : s * >."' Early knowledge of him and that gained through various conversations with Mr. Wertenbaker, who remembered him well, as he did his younger friend Edgar Allan Poe; personal characteristics of Mr. Jefferson as outlined by Randall, Webster, Randolph, Smith, and him- self ; estate depreciation of; hospitality, financial troubles. Students' surprise and appreciation; his principles and epigrams, etc. IN my day at the University of Virginia one required only a brief brushing up against the students, old and new, to be convinced of their extraordinary knowledge of Mr. Jefferson, as he was called always by us with a respect and pride ap- proximating filial veneration. Especially was this noticeable in those coming from Virginia and in that contingent deeply interested in the weekly debates of the Jeff, and Wash. Socie- ties. This to me was a sort of revelation, for of his greatness I knew little, inasmuch as I had simply learned from school histories that he was our third President; had occupied the honorable position two terms; had represented the opposing party to Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Marshall and Jay, and had made more than an ordinary impression upon the then civilized world during his many years of public service. Among the small collection of books at my home was the " Life of Jefferson," by Tucker, but of this I had only read with profit that short portion in the second volume pertaining to the founding -of the University. In my first visit to the library I gazed with admiration upon a beautiful white marble 21 22 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA statue (Gait's), enclosed by a high iron railing, whose rect- angular pedestal bore the inscription: THOMAS JEFFERSON Author of The Declaration of American Independence; Of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom; and Father of the University of Virginia. Born April 2, 1743, O. S. Died July 4, 1826. I also encountered the librarian, Mr. Wertenbaker, then ap- parently a very old man, who recognizing in me a new student, volunteered itlie names of the several portraits suspended -against the 'columns Joseph C. Cabell, Gessner Harrison, Charles ;Banriycas;tle, Thomas Hewett Key, Robley Dunglison, 'Ecfweirxl' Pi. Cotirtenay, John P. Emmet, Socrates Maupin, Robert E. Lee, etc. along with numerous historic facts, in- cluding that he had seen Mr. Jefferson many times in the flesh and from him had received, nearly fifty years before, the ap- pointment to his present position. Seeing I was interested, he absented himself, but in a moment returned with a small dark frame held carefully in his hands. This, he remarked, is the evidence of what I have just said ; I prize it most highly, but you may read it if you will be cautious in the handling. Upon inspection it proved to be the original well-preserved letter of notification from Mr. Jefferson, in his own hand- writing, and is self-explanatory: To Mr. Wm. Wertenbaker: SIR, The office of librarian to the University of Virginia having be- come vacant by the resignation of Mr. Kean, and the authority of ultimate appointment being in the Board of Visitors, it becomes necessary, in the meantime, to place the library under the temporary care of some one; you are, therefore, hereby appointed to take charge thereof until the Visitors shall make their final appointment. You will be entitled to a compensation at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars a year, to be paid by the Proctor from the funds of the University. An important part of your charge will be to keep the books in a state of sound preservation, tmdefaced, and free from injury by moisture or other accident, and in their stated arrangement on the shelves according to the method and order of their catalogue. Your other general duties and rules of conduct are prescribed in the printed collection of the enactments of the Board of Visitors. Of these rules the Board will expect the strictest observ- ance on your part, and that you use the utmost care and vigilance that they be strictly observed by others. Given under my hand this 3Oth day of January, 1826. TH. JEFFERSON. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 23 To me that certainly was a most profitable hour, as it not only gave rise to a positive determination to accept the ad- vantages of the library along with the required duties, but also to a close friendship with the librarian that enjoyed by few students which continued ever cordial throughout my course. Some days thereafter I repeated my visit, and while there chanced to observe on one of the tables a moderate-sized vol- ume with a fresh, attractive green cloth binding, titled " The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson." This was by his gifted great granddaughter, Sarah N. Randolph, who resided with her father and sister on the old homestead, Edgehill, some five miles distant, where they conducted in the pretentious brick mansion a private boarding school for young ladies, which then enjoyed a substantial reputation in many parts of the South. The book had only appeared the year before (1871), and had just been returned by one of the professors, so I concluded this my opportunity for learning more of Mr. Jefferson. Upon the asking, Mr. Wertenbaker cheerfully granted its loan recording its title, date, my name and room number. In due time I followed this with other lives Tucker, Randall, Schmucker which, with the Jeffersonian atmosphere pervading the community, soon sufficed to create intelligently in me an ardent admiration for the man and his principles. Ever afterwards the library somehow possessed for me a peculiar fascination whether due to its classic architecture, its contained literature, its vivid souvenirs and reminders of the quiet as well as turbulent past, or to Mr. Wertenbaker's personality, or to these collectively, need not be affirmed, but the fact remained that I was allured into spending frequently hours there that might have possibly. been devoted elsewhere to greater advantage. It was, however, far from idle pastime to sit facing that senile personage, never garrulous, and quietly imbibe his ruminations of bygones such as at times, when the spirit moved, he willingly communicated to the patient and in- terested. His birth, youth, manhood and old age had followed each other in and around Charlottesville, where he remembered the enactment of most important events since that day in 1809 on which Mr. Jefferson returned from the occupancy of the White House. 24 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA He was filled with pleasant recollections, not only of Mr. Jefferson and the creation of the University, but he had seen time and again even enjoyed their conversation such worthy celebrities as Madison, Monroe, Lafayette, Cabell, Gil- mer, Poe, Long, Bonnycastle, Emmet, Blaetterman, Key, Dunglison, Courtenay, Bledsoe and countless others, and better yet, still retained to a remarkable extent, accurate impressions of their respective personalities. How he delighted to defend his poet classmate, Edgar Allan Poe, students together at the University during its second session, when they enjoyed each other's friendship and confidence to a felicitous degree. It was as though an oracle sat recounting mysterious experiences with that scintillating and lugubrious genius so gifted then in many languages as to excel his associates, and even in Italian, at Professor Blaetterman' s assigning the rendition into English verse parts of Tasso and other authors, to be usually the only one of the class living up to the requirement. It, however, was no dream, nor the fiction of The Raven, when he recalled a certain cold night in December, 1826, on which, after spending together its early hours at a private house socially, they wended their way to Poe's room, 13 West Range, to find the fire in " dying embers," but soon to be rekindled by that gifted hand with some candle-ends and the wreck of a table, in order to recount in comfort before the blaze real as well as imaginary grievances against man and the world. It was an open confession a sad story as Poe referred with regret to money wasted and debt contracted, forsooth, of an ungovernable thirst for card-playing not for drinking, as that to him was then almost an unknown vice. That remi- niscence possesses a charm tinctured with pathos never to be forgotten immutable in the mind as are many of our earlier lessons. Indeed after a talk with Mr. Wertenbaker it seemed no imaginative effort to realize Mr. Jefferson on horseback riding through West Range to the rear of the original library fourth pavilion from the Rotunda, West Lawn, occupied at my period, first by Professor Leopold J. Boeck, and later by Professor Noah K. Davis dismounting, hitching his horse and hastening within to assist the librarian, Kean or Werten- baker, in properly classifying various books; or perchance o II ft! UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 25 hurrying along the Lawn to the Rotunda that he might give and see executed orders, as well as watch its progress and finish a stage it had not quite reached even at his death. Truly all of us recognized that every brick trod had in the long-ago received the impress of nobler feet; every hall and room frequented had been consecrated by the touch of him, our great founder, who alone pioneered the very walks we journeyed in the discharge of our daily duties. Despite the sentiment of the Good Book, " a prophet is not without honor save in his own country," and that of our greatest poet : "The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones." Mr. Jefferson stands a shining exception to their application in the County that gave him birth and burial. There may have been many, and still some, who disagreed with his tenets and doctrines, but all unprejudiced, knowing individuals at that time and place delighted in calling him great. Apart from his illustrious deeds I was interested in and solicitous for first-handed knowledge of his personal appearance and characteristics qualities of which I then knew accurately little, but Mr. Wertenbaker much such, be it to his credit, in spite of natural reticence and disinclination to wasting words, he took delight in communicating. He, however, always de- clared that Randall in preparing Mr. Jefferson's biography had enjoyed to the fullest extent the entree and confidence of the family descendants (Randolphs and Carrs), as to record in such matters of detail about the truth and that he could simply verify those statements. He remembered Mr. Jeffer- son in his gray suit, clerical cut tall collar, wide white cravat and low black slouch hat, and considered him more impressive than handsome being unusually tall, six feet two and a half inches, erect, slender, sinewy, filling out in his best years to good proportions, yet never beyond one hundred and sixty- five pounds. His step was elastic and vigorous; face angular but beamed with cheerfulness, benevolence and intelligence; skin freckled and suffused with superficial capillaries produc- ing a delicately fair and ruddy complexion; cuticle very thin and fragile, consequently peeling off easily after the slightest 26 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA exposure to sun and wind; hair parted in the middle, luxur- ious, silken, reddish-chestnut or auburn when minister to France intermingled with a few white strands, which greatly increased during his presidency and until death, then being much whitened but retaining the sandy tinge very perceptibly ; nose gracefully outlined, slightly pointed and turned upward ; eyes those of genius kindly, blue-gray, full-size and deeply set; manners unusually graceful, simple, cordial, but reserved and dignified; conversational powers charming; voice almost femininely soft, gentle and musical, used slowly and hesitat- ingly but possessing in its tone a cordiality, earnestness and frankness a deep sympathy with humanity, a confidence in man and a bright hopefulness in his destiny which irresist- ibly won upon the feelings alike of friend and foe; temper amiable and forgiving calm, self-reliant and courageous. He never found it necessary to engage in a personal encounter nor to experience a manly indignity, while his accomplish- ments enabled him to shun all popular vices and habits of the prevailing gentry; he never gambled, knew not one card from another and did riot allow their playing in his home; he dis- countenanced strong drink and indulged in neither tobacco nor profanity. What an inspiring character for ambitious youths to study and emulate! Mr. Wertenbaker thought that Mr. Webster portrayed un- justly Mr. Jefferson shortly after visiting him in 1824, and likewise his grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, did not agree with all of that description, believing it calculated to produce an unfavorable impression that of an ill-looking man the opposite to what he was. But as it was the last at- tempt at recording permanently his declining condition, a por- tion may be reproduced : " Mr. Jefferson is now between eighty-one and eighty-two, about six feet high, of an ample long frame, rather thin and spare. His head, which is not peculiar in shape, is set rather forward on his shoulders, and, his neck being long, there is, when walking or conversing, a habitual protrusion of it. It is still well-covered with hair, which, having been once red and now turning gray, is of an indistinct sandy color. His eyes are small (as a fact they were normal), very light, and now neither brilliant nor strik- ing. His chin is rather long but not pointed ; his nose small, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 27 regular in outline, and the nostrils a little elevated ; his mouth is well formed, and still filled with teeth it is strongly com- pressed, bearing an expression of contentment and benevo- lence; his complexion, formerly light and freckled, now bears the marks of age and cutaneous affection. His limbs are un- commonly long; his hands and feet very large, and his wrists of an extraordinary size (one had never recovered from dis- location). His walk is not precise and military, but easy and swinging. He stoops a little, not so much from age as from natural formation. When sitting he appears short, partly from a rather lounging habit of sitting, and partly from the disproportionate length of his limbs. His dress, when in the house, is a gray surtout, kerseymere stuff waistcoat, with an under one faced with some material of a dingy red. His pan- taloons are very long and loose, and of the same color as his coat. His stockings are woolen, either white or gray ; his shoes of the kind that bear his name. His general appearance indi- cates an extraordinary degree of health, vivacity and spirit. His sight is still good, for he needs glasses only in the even- ing. His hearing is generally good, but a number of voices in animated conversation confuse him. He rises as soon as the hands of the clock, just opposite the bed, can be seen, and examines immediately his thermometer, as he keeps a regular meteorological diary. He employs himself chiefly in writing till breakfast, which is at nine, thence till dinner he is in his library, excepting in fair weather he rides on horse- back from seven to fourteen miles this habit being essential for his health and comfort. His diet is simple, being re- strained only by his taste; his breakfast is tea and coffee, bread fresh from the oven, of which he does not seem afraid, with sometimes a slight accompaniment of cold meat ; his din- ner is largely vegetables with a little meat, which he enjoys. He is easy and natural in conversation, not ambitious ; it is not loud, as challenging general attention, but usually addressed to the person next him. Outside of topics to suit his audi- tor he discusses science and letters, and especially the Uni- versity of Virginia, which is coming into existence almost entirely from his exertions, and will rise, it is to be hoped, to usefulness and credit under his continued care. When we were with him, his favorite subjects were Greek and Anglo-Saxon, 28 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA historical recollections of the times and events of the Revo- lution, and of his residence in France from 1783-1789." The ingenuous grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, fondly called by Mr. Jefferson, " the companion and staff of my old age," has also given with unqualified accuracy some characteristics of that wholesome life observations amid the sanctity of domestic relations : " I never saw his countenance distorted by a single bad passion or unworthy feeling. I have seen the expression of suffering, bodily and mental, of grief, pain, sadness, just indignation, disappointment, disagreeable surprise and displeasure, but never of anger, impatience, peev- ishness, discontent, to say nothing worse of more ignoble emotions. To the contrary, it was impossible to look on his face without being struck with its benevolent, intelligent, cheerful and placid expression. It was at once intellectual, good, kind and pleasant, whilst his tall, spare figure spoke of health, activity and that helpfulness, that power and will, " never to trouble another for that he could do himself," which marked his character. His dress was simple and adapted to his ideas of neatness and comfort. He paid little attention to fashion, wearing whatever he liked best, and sometimes blending the fashions of several different periods. He wore long waistcoats when the mode was very short, white cambric stocks fastened behind with a buckle, when cravats were uni- versal. He adopted the pantaloon very late in life, because he found it more comfortable and convenient, and cut off his queue for the same reason. He made no change except from motives of the same kind, and did nothing to be in conformity with the fashion of the day. He considered such independ- ence the privilege of his age." Mrs. Samuel Harrison Smith (nee Margaret Bayard), dur- ing a few days' visit to Mr. Jefferson, at Monticello, in the summer of 1809, recorded these observations in her treasured notebook (August i.) : "Yes, he is truly a philosopher, and truly a good man, and eminently a great one. Then there is a tranquillity about him, which an inward peace alone could bestow. As a ship long-tossed by the storms of the ocean, casts anchor and lies at rest in a peaceful harbor, he is retired from an active and restless scene to this tranquil spot. Volun- tarily and gladly has he resigned honors which he never UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 29 sought, and unwillingly accepted. His actions, not his words, preach the emptiness and dissatisfaction attendant on a great office. His tall and slender figure is not impaired by age, though bent by care and labor. His white locks announce an age his activity, strength, health, enthusiasm, ardor and gayety contradict. His face owes all its charm to its expres- sion and intelligence; his features are not good and his com- plexion bad, but his countenance is so full of soul and beams with much benignity, that when the eye rests on the face, it is too busy in perusing its expression, to think of its features or complexion. His low and mild voice harmonizes with his countenance rather than his figure. But his manners how gentle, how humble, how kind. His meanest slave must feel as if it were a father instead of a master who addresses him, when he speaks. To a disposition ardent, affectionate and communicative, he joins manners timid, even to bashfulness, and reserved even to coldness. If his life had not proved to the contrary I should have pronounced him rather a man of imagination and taste, than a man of judgment, a literary rather than a scientific man, and least of all a politician, a char- acter for which nature never seemed to have intended him, and for which the natural turn of mind, and his disposition, taste and feeling equally unfit him. I should have been sure that this was the case, even had he not told me so. In an interesting conversation -I had one evening speaking of his public and present domestic life he remarked : ' The whole of my life has been a war with my natural taste, feelings and wishes; domestic life and literary pursuits were my first and my latest inclinations circumstances and not my desires lead me to the path I have trod, and like a bow though long bent, which when unstrung flies back to its natural state, I resume with delight the character and pursuits for which nature de- signed me. The circumstances of our country, at my entrance into life, were such that every honest man felt himself compelled to take part, and to act up to the best of his abilities/ " Mr. Jefferson, in reply to Dr. Utley, who desired a history of his physical habits (March 21, 1819), wrote: "I live so much like other people, that I might refer to ordinary life as the habits of my own. I have lived temperately, eating little 30 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA animal food, and that not as an aliment so much as a condi- ment for the vegetables, which constitute my principal diet. The ardent wines I cannot drink, nor do I use ardent spirits in any form. Malt liquors and cider are my table drinks, and my breakfast is of tea and coffee. I have been blest with organs of digestion which accent and concoct, without ever murmuring, whatever the palate chooses to consign to them, and I have not yet lost a tooth by age. I was a hard student until I entered on the business of life, the duties of which leave no idle time to those disposed to fulfil them, and now, retired, and at the age of seventy-six, I am again a hard stu- dent. Indeed, my fondness for reading and study revolts me from the drudgery of letter writing, and a stiff wrist, the con- sequence of an early dislocation, makes writing both slow and painful. I am not so regular in my sleep, devoting to it from five to eight hours, according as my company or the book I am reading interests me; and I never go to bed without an hour, or half an hour's previous reading of something moral (Bible), whereon to ruminate in the intervals of sleep. But whether I retire to bed early or late, I rise with the sun. I use spectacles at night, but not necessarily in the day, unless in reading small print. My hearing is distinct in particular con- versation, but confused when several voices cross each other, which unfits me for the society of the table. So free from catarrhs that I have not had one (in -the breast I mean) on an average of eight or ten years through life. I ascribe this ex- emption partly to the habit of bathing my feet in cold water every morning for sixty years. A fever of more than twenty- four hours I have not had above two or three times in my life. A headache every six or eight years has left me, and now enjoy good health; too feeble, indeed to walk much, but riding without fatigue six or eight miles a day, and some- times thirty or forty." Beyond my individual ignorance of Mr. Jefferson's physical personality thus minified by Mr. Wertenbaker's words and suggestive literature his life presented to our student-body manifestations of seeming strangeness. That evoking most general surprise which Mr. Wertenbaker also stood ever ready to explain satisfactorily being: How was it possible for such a gifted man, with a large landed estate and a long UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 31 public career, an economist in theory and practice, to be borne down in his latter years by the wail of poverty? Our visits to Monticello were frequent, where we saw desertion, solitude, neglect, decay that indicating destitution, desecration, apathy a condition of several decades. At no turn around us could the slightest evidence of his personal wealth be encountered. His few descendants still lived in the community, and from observation, they, like their neighboring humanity, were struggling for an honorable existence. It was well known to us that his ingenuous grandson preferred beneficiary whom we occasionally saw in the town, especially on Sundays at the Episcopal Church, had liquidated a residuary indebt- edness of over forty thousand dollars, in order to spare his grandfather's honored name. His estate upon entering public service consisted of ten thousand acres, a fine home and one hundred and fifty slaves, which yielded two thousand dollars annually, while from his law practice came an additional reve- nue of three thousand dollars that after this period necessarily ceased. During his vice-presidency he saved a little, but when minister to France, Secretary of State, and President his salary failed to meet expenses. In all these positions his style of living was plain and retiring, restricting entertainments to a small coterie most congenial to him travelers, investigators, scientists and learned men of all types. In spite of this how- ever, he vacated the White House twenty thousand dollars in debt, a sum easily released by the sale of land or slaves, but which, rather than do, he preferred to carry indefinitely with its accumulating burden. In his long absence the entire es- tate had depreciated in value, and although his slaves, through normal fertility, had increased to nearly two hundred, the majority was either too young or old for service, therefore an additional expense and not a revenue. For several years after his retirement seasons were unfavorable for good crops, which, with low prices, tended to cheapen land and embarrass agriculture, thereby making money scarce and at high pre- mium. His home, Monticello, was a sort of " Liberty Hall " to relatives and friends, who continually came and went singly or in families, remaining one, three or six months as inclina- tion and convenience suggested. Accomplished young kins- women regularly spent months there as though it were a 32 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA fashionable resort; these married sons of Mr. Jefferson's friends, and then came with their entire home circle first one child, then many with a retinue of maids and servants. One friend from abroad arrived with a family of six and stayed ten months, while a second visit followed of six months. They came of all nations men, women and children, and at all times, remaining for various periods, long or short. A judge from New England, bringing simply a letter of introduction, spent three weeks, and every day for at least eight months of each year, brought its contingent of guests those of wealth, fashion, officials, military and civil, professional men, lawyers, doctors, clergymen, priests, congressmen, diplomats, mission- aries, tourists, artists, strangers and friends. There came also swarms of impertinent gazers, who, without introduction, permission or ceremony, thrust themselves into the most pri- vate of Mr. Jefferson's out-of-door resorts, and even into the house, staring about as at a public show a nuisance that in- creased as years advanced. Many groups of utter stran- gers, of both sexes, would plant themselves in the passage between his study and dining-room, consult their watches and wait his passing from one to the other for dinner, so that they could momentarily catch a glimpse of him. One woman punched through a windowpane with her parasol that she might have the better view of him. He was waylaid in his rides and walks, and when sitting under the porticoes in the coolness of the evening, parties would approach within thirty or forty feet and focus their eyes on him as a lion in a cage. The several stables and carriage-houses every night through- out the pleasant season were filled to overflowing with the belongings of others the larger coaches having to be shel- tered under the stately trees. Traveling in that day and district was by necessity on horseback, in carriage or coach, and those journeying south- ward or northward seemed unwilling to pass Monticello with- out paying a courteous respect to its illustrious host that which frequently was used to give themselves and equipage a rest of over night. It truly took all hands to take care of the visitors, and the whole farm, nay more, to feed them. Mrs. Randolph affirmed that in her day there always was present one or more visitors; some nights four, six or ten, while as UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 33 many as fifty guests had unexpectedly been provided beds for over night. Although Mr. Jefferson started out to live plainly, like a country gentleman, his fashionable and distinguished visitors expected much beyond that. New England judges remaining three weeks would soon tire on ham and turkev; claret and cider might suit Mr. Jefferson, but not his guests. He vir- tually was hunted down by his reputation, and literally eaten up by his countrymen that which he predicted years before when he remarked to his grandson : " If I live long enough I will beggar my family, the number of persons I entertain will devour, my estate." Thus without prodigality, idleness, improvidence or speculation he was reduced to poverty. But through self-denial, retrenchment and wisest economy this would have been averted had not his endorsement miscarried for his dearest friend, Governor Wilson C. Nicholas, to whom was reserved the giving of " that coup de grace which shrouded Monticello in gloom, consigned it to stranger hands and early decay, exposed its aged and tottering owner to the jeers of brutal partisans, and broke the noble heart that dealt the un- willing blow." Indeed Mr. Jefferson's contributions to religious, educa- tional and charitable objects through life would have made him rich in old age, but above all the memory of those gen- erous acts gave him an " unfaltering trust " when the storm of need came, so that their possession would have brought even then more pain than pleasure. Poverty, as it had overtaken him, " was no disgrace, for there was not a single circumstance connected with its causes, progress or sequel over which man- hood could blush, or friendship desire to draw a veil." All of his debts were paid willingly by loving hands, leaving no one to present a farthing's claim. It was very difficult for us students to understand, why his dear Virginia heeded not that final pathetic appeal for just and honorable relief, or why the Government still partly democratic and fully acquainted with all extenuating condi- tions did not volunteer proudly and unasked that help he so worthily deserved. We observed in our day the President's salary easily doubled; the Senators and Congressmen receiv- ing thousands in back pay; the Government liberal to a fault 34 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA towards men and objects of questionable merit; the public eager to erect costly monuments and to pay homage to those whose labors had been far less to their country's good. And yet we realized sadly that fifty years before the true nation- builder, the great apostle of democracy, of civic liberty and personal freedom the expounder and defender of most en- nobling principles had been allowed to pass away amid finan- cial misfortunes, incident to serving his country during a long life the best he knew; that his beautiful and cherished home had been permitted to fall into the hands of strangers, and that its lovely mistress of the later years, his dear and beloved daughter, Martha, whose tender and ever-sustaining hands ministered for many years to his every want, had been suffered to go forth from its threshold into the cold world penniless, with its doors closed forever upon her. But " as every cloud turns forth her silver lining/' all humanity did not remain callous, nay heartless, in the hour of greatest dis- tress for the Legislatures of South Carolina and Louisiana, with a generosity beyond reason to expect, learning her true embarrassment took immediate steps for relief by handsome monetary appropriations. Mr. Jefferson's life, however, as it stood, possessed a value and inspiration to many of us students, for while we recog- nized that the world accepted it as something beyond the at- tainment of those living, it was before us a veritable guide, commanding our respect and challenging an ambition for at least modest emulation. We marveled at the trusted positions thrust upon him dur- ing forty years, from early manhood to old age: member of the House of Burgesses, Continental Congress, Governor of Virginia, Minister to France, Secretary of State, Vice-Presi- dent, and President and even then besought not to desert the " Ship of State." We wondered at what he accomplished, the many deeds performed and advocated beyond the three he considered greatest and alone worthy to be engraved upon his tomb; the common school system; the abolishment of slavery and the prohibition of its importation into Virginia with failure; the revision of the laws of Virginia in con- formity with his ideas of liberty ; the establishment of our dol- lar with its various subdivisons; the selection of location for Thomas Jeiferson Randolph 1792-1875 The companion and staff of my old age " See page 308 Monticello Graveyard (Mr. Jefferson's original monument) See page 218 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 35 the capital at Washington; the personal magnetism exercised towards ratifying the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain settling the war his Declaration of Independence helped to bring about ; the presentation to Congress of the Virginia deed ceding her lands, northwest of the Ohio River, to the Govern- ment for public domain; the devised plan for the temporary government of the Northwestern Territory, with the clause prohibiting slavery therein; the improvement of navigation of the Rivanna River; the removal of Virginia's capital from Williamsburg to Richmond; the enactment abolishing entails, and that establishing the natural right of man to expatriate himself at will; the laws changing the course of descents giving the inheritance to all children alike and that appor- tioning crimes and punishments; the introduction of the olive plant into South Carolina from France (1789-90); the bringing of upland rice into South Carolina from Africa (1790); the purchasing of the Louisiana territory from France (1803) ; the sending of Lewis, Clark and Pike to ex- plore the far west; the endeavor to enforce national rights by "embargo" instead of by war; the reduction of the public debt; the aiding of trade and commerce with the world; the advocacy for a navy, and the provision of a system of sea coast and tide water defences. And yet after having gloriously been the causa sine qua non of all these benefits to his country and countrymen, he thus modestly wrote : " I have sometimes asked myself whether my country is the better for my having lived at all. I do not know that it is. I have been the instru- ment of doing these things ; but they could have been done by others, some of them, perhaps, a little better." To us students it seemed almost incredible that he could have evolved that profound document Declaration of Inde- pendence when only thirty-three years of age, which, save the Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount, including the Commandments, continues to-day the most read and quoted composition of our Country. It was equally surprising to us that through his efforts denominational hatred and bigotry were suppressed, so that the Catholic, Dissenter, Hebrew, Quaker, Unitarian, Orthodox and Unorthodox could live at peace with one another in his State and finally in the land. And last it was a greater mystery, a profound joy: how one 36 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA of his ripened years could champion successfully the cause of general education and inaugurate a complete system having as a capstone our favorite institution the University. Many of us in those days studied and pondered over his principles those that gave him individuality and immortality, not a few amazing us by their comprehensiveness and truth, and will continue to impress strongly till the end of time un- born generations: 1. All men are created equal and with certain inalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness this is the bedrock of our Republic, and the basic proposition of my political creed. 2. The rights of man are inviolable the weaker must be protected from the stronger ; laws are to be made without coercion, undue influence, purchase of legislators or law-making bodies. 3. Taxes are to be evenly laid and collected; there must be a free press, and no great standing army. 4. Public matters are to be discussed by the people at public meet- ings, wherever and whenever desired ; lands should be held by our citizens, and agriculture fostered as the basis of wealth, comfort and happiness. 5. No king, potentate, or ruler other than the people; no classes or orders of men ; and arrogance, assumption and pretension of the vulgar of whatever station must be checked. 6. Make the people homogeneous by promoting the general welfare; educate them to govern themselves and regulate their rulers. 7. Education should be fostered and aided by all means possible, and the government must keep abreast of the developments of science and the growth of the arts. 8. Economy must prevail in national expenditures, with the largest possible proper private outgo consistent with means. 9. The Republic should be partisan, with frequent changes in offi- cials, because long continuance in power by one set of men or party is, in effect, monarchy; as few officials as possible, and merit not competi- tion to be the test of capacity the man as much if not more than his acquirements. 10. Rights of private judgment in matters of faith must be respected in all men, and rights of property, like the rights of man, must be pre- served. n. Principle that ascertained best for the people must be pushed with vigor for the common good; the nation's word once given, to be sacredly preserved, and faith always kept. 12. Eternal and constant vigilance in maintaining liberty that which, although costly, will require frequent elections ; free opportunity for brains, energy and manhood, and one man as good as another. 13. First, last, and all the time, public opinion the will of the people to be supreme; always law and never license, but protest to be needed. Somehow or another in my student period we accepted and believed Mr. Jefferson the greatest of our Nation's founders, unquestionably the most profound scholar and thinker of his UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 37 age possessing a versatility of knowledge so essential then for his Country's immediate needs, which he dealt out regard- less of stint or favor, having but one hope and ambition to improve the condition and liberty of his countrymen. This he felt reasonably assured must follow if the cardinal prin- ciples advocated and inaugurated be held inviolate, and did not hesitate to express himself thus : " With all the defects of our Constitution, the comparison of our Government with those of Europe is like the comparison of heaven and hell. England, like the earth, may be allowed to take the intermedi- ate station." We lived under the impression that his hands, head and pen were at work constantly in the service of man- kind and the exercise of larger humanities throughout the world, and towards that end he knew nothing of apathy, in- difference rest, or repose; that while Washington, Green, Franklin, Hamilton, Adams and Madison were indispensable luminaries in the formation and creation of our organic gov- ernment, yet upon Mr. Jefferson, more than any other, rested the evolution of her best underlying principles those that will tide over impending emergencies until the end of time; that it was through no fortuitous, but rather a prophetic real- ization of this truth our Constitution possesses an elasticity, although constructed for only three millions, standing to-day the equally acceptable code for thirty. times that number it is true having received an occasional amendment, but recog- nized just as essential, if at all, then as now and will remain free from the need of change so long as we continue to grow and expand. Some of Mr. Jefferson's epigrammatic words of wisdom were familiar to many of us students, and had useful applica- tion in our daily intercourse, being quoted always with a suppressed smile that carried approval : 1. Never trouble another for what you can do yourself. 2. Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day. 3. Never fear the want of business; he who qualifies himself well for his calling never fails of employment in it. 4. Never spend your money before you have it. 5. Never buy what you do not need because it is cheap; it will be dear to you. 6. The object of all learning is the freedom and happiness of man. 7. Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. 8. Always do what is right. 38 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 9. Take things always by their smooth handle. 10. When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, an hun- dred. 11. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. 12. Conscience is our only guide from doubts and inconsistencies. 13. Differences of opinion in politics, religion, or philosophy should not break friends. 14. The happiest man is he of whom the world says least. 15. Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold. 16. We never repent of having eaten too little. 17. How much pain have cost us the evils which have never hap- pened. 18. Adore God; reverence and cherish your parents. 19. Love your neighbor as yourself, and your country more than yourself. 20. Be just; be true; murmur not at the ways of Providence. CHAPTER II THOMAS JEFFERSON AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN AND STATESMAN Father's characteristics and prominence; his own early life, education, ex- perience at William and Mary College; personal sorrows; lawyer, member of the House of Burgesses, Continental Congress, and Con- gress; Shadwell destroyed; marriage; death of Dabney Carr and its episode; Patrick Henry's great speech; John Adams' eulogy; Declara- tion of Independence when, where, and how composed; religious liberty, public reforms; diffusion of knowledge; Governor, North- western Territory; Minister to France, Secretary of State, etc. THOMAS JEFFERSON was born April 13, 1743, on the family estate, Shadwell, Albemarle County, Virginia, four miles east of Charlottesville. To-day an unpretentious station of that name, on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, marks the plantation's original southern boundary, while on the near-by rising hill northward a few straggling locust and sycamore trees, planted by him on his twenty-first birthday, remain as the only visible reminder of the historic frame mansion de- stroyed by fire in 1770. His father, Peter Jefferson, who owned and resided here from early manhood until death (1757), cultivating so much of his -nineteen hundred acres as practical with thirty slaves, was possibly the most prominent man of Albemarle in that day standing high with his gov- ernment, his people, and the surrounding Indians. He was large in body and strong in mind, possessing sound judgment, a substantial and inspiring personality, and an education ac- quired by self-effort through extensive reading and an eager- ness for general knowledge a fine mathematician, a skilled surveyor, following it, as did Washington, with remarkable credit and success. He occupied a number of honorable and important positions Justice of the Peace, State and County Surveyor, Colonel of the County, executor of large estates, Church vestryman, member of the House of Burgesses, etc. while an early death deprived him of much assured distinction. His estate joined another of local interest, Edgehill, owned and 39 40 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA occupied by William Randolph, with whom for years he en- joyed the closest friendship, and finally a relationship by marrying a brother's daughter, Jane Randolph. The fruition of this union was ten children six girls and four boys; of the latter, three died quite young, while the eldest, Thomas, alone survived to bring fame to the name. The father sympa- thized with struggling humanity, espoused the popular side, took pride in plain dress and appearance, and was solicitous about his characteristics and theories being impressed upon his son, whom he also had taught the darings of sport to ride a fleet horse, fire a gun, and brave a swollen stream in pursuit of deer or turkey. He was a firm believer in educa- tion, considering it a far better legacy than monetary inherit- ance, desired his son, Thomas, to have the best, and previous to death had begun to shape that by placing him when five years old at an English school in Tuckahoe, and when nine at the Latin school of Mr. Douglas, a Scottish clergyman, where he studied Latin, Greek, French and mathematics, and remained until fourteen, at the death of his father. The next two years he spent only fourteen miles from Shad well,, at the school of Rev. James Maury, a Huguenot, a broad-minded man and a correct classical scholar, from where he entered (1760) William and Mary College, Williamsburg the then capital of Virginia, an unpaved village of a thousand inhabitants, but the center of much social, political and educational activity, especially during winters when the Legislature and Great Court were in session, as then many distinguished families took up there a temporary residence. To all such Mr. Jefferson had entree, but was careful not to abuse the social side, as he held ever foremost the object of his sojourn an education. Of the various college instructors there was one with whom he formed the closest intimacy, speaking of him afterwards in grateful terms : " It was my good fortune, and what prob- ably fixed the destinies of my life, that Dr. William Small of Scotland was then professor of mathematics, a man profound in most of the useful branches of science, with a happy talent of communication, correct and gentlemanly manners, and an enlarged and liberal mind. He most happily for me, became soon attached to me and made me his daily companion, when not engaged in school; and from his conversation I got my UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 41 first views of the expansion of science and the system of things in which we are placed." He was also a religious skeptic and no doubt gave vent frequently, in the presence of his youthful associate, to his agnostic doctrines with more or less effect. Mr. Jefferson also while there became very friendly with two other distinguished and highly educated men Governor Francis Fauquier, a thoroughly cultured, able and aggressive gentleman, imparting much that should be imi- tated as well as 'avoided, and George Wythe, a scholarly lawyer, who became his law preceptor, and in due time the same to Chief Justice Marshall and Henry Clay. The attain- ments of these companions stimulated in Mr. Jefferson an ambition and industry scarcely conceivable, so that in spite of beginning college life with the enjoyment of various diver- sions social entertainments, healthful exercises, horseback riding (for he had his own stable), playing the violin, etc. these by degrees were discarded, with the exception of a mile run at twilight, in order that he might devote at least fifteen hours to solid study, an application which only a strong, vigor* ous and robust constitution, like his, could have safely en- dured. Although adhering to such a studious regime and braving successfully the many besetting temptations cards, wine and tobacco so as to leave college morally sound when not yet twenty (1762), he had gone so far as to become strongly interested in Miss Rebecca Burwell, an heiress of much beauty in manner and person, who, pretending a recipro- cal sentiment, clandestinely married another Jacquelin Ambler. To cover disappointment this unexpected conclusion of a romance made Mr. Jefferson all the closer reader and student of law that upon which he had now entered with strong determination and bright hopes under the mentorship of his staunch friend, George Wythe. To the study of this profession he devoted five entire years, passing the winters in Williamsburg and the summers at Shadwell, being admitted to the bar (1767) when twenty- four years of age. While these five years had been spent profitably and satisfactorily, yet apart from their pleasant memories others had entered more or less depressing. Thus at the very beginning he en- countered love's delusion, and two years later the death of his favorite sister, Jane, which inflicted a much more serious blow, 42 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA as she was the pride and ornament of the home, a beautiful singer, his literary and musical companion a grief from which he never completely recovered, cherishing her memory to the last in the expression : " Often in church some sacred air which her sweet voice had made familiar to me in youth recalls to me sweet visions of her whom I loved so well and buried so young." Mr. Jefferson, with his training, might truthfully have been considered the finest educated man of his country at that day, as he possessed a masterly knowledge of Latin, Greek, French, and mathematics; knew considerable of the Indian dialects, Anglo-Saxon, Spanish, Italian, science, agriculture, and archi- tecture; had been a close student of literature, history, biog- raphy, philosophy, and was well-grounded in the various phases of law. He once remarked to his grandson : " I have never sat down in idleness, since when a boy, I first found pleasure in books," and his thirst for information was insatiable, as he eagerly seized every possible means of obtaining it. In later life he was recognized as a veritable " walking encyclopaedia," but the stranger farmer, mechanic, scientist, lawyer, physi- cian, theologian by personal contact thought him in turn simply one of his own craft, as he invariably adapted his con- versation to suit each individual. He regarded farming the most moral and ennobling vocation, and farmers as God's chosen people, consequently, as might have been expected, he now assumed control of his landed estate, Shadwell, and in addition began the practice of law in Albemarle and adjoin- ing counties, having his office in Charlottesville. He was the staff of the home, consisting of his mother, brother, and three younger sisters the three older being absent, Jane by death, Mary by marriage to Thomas Boiling, and Martha by mar- riage to Dabney Carr and fully appreciated the responsibility assumed, but in the spirit of confidence and happiness. From the beginning both chosen interests were highly suc- cessful, for he increased his lands in value and acreage, and gained daily professional business and renown. As a lawyer he was patient, accurate and fearless, but nothing of an orator not even a pleasant public speaker, his voice when elevated becoming husky and indistinct. His talent for investigation and summarizing caused all of his cases to be well-prepared, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 43 but in a few pithy, characteristic sentences, thereby avoiding the tricks of the fluent speaker. His nephew once asked an old man, who in youth had heard Mr. Jefferson often plead at court, how his grandfather ranked as a speaker, and received this reply : " Well, it is hard to tell, because he always took the right side." In the first year he had before the General Court of Virginia alone sixty-eight cases; in the second year one hundred and fifteen; in the third one hundred and ninety- eight, and so it continued throughout the eight years he prac- ticed, until August n, 1773, when he passed over his legal business to Edmund Randolph. In addition to the higher court practice, each year he was retained as attorney or coun- sel for three to five hundred cases his clients coming from the most reputable and aristocratic of his own and mother coun- try, including the Elands, Burwells, Carters, Harrisons, Careys, Lees, Nelsons, Pages, Randolphs, etc. Mr. Jefferson, soon after reaching majority, became vestryman of his parish church, and justice of the county court, as had his father be- fore him. In 1769 he was elected to the House of Burgesses, which he entered amidst foreboding clouds, as public senti- ment throughout the colonies was drifting from the mother country, owing to increased distrust in George III and Parlia- ment. Virginia had already caught the contagion, so that her legislative body echoed loud the spirit of revolution, con- taining as it did so many formidable advocates especially three of towering strength: Washington, its sword; Henry, its tongue; Jefferson, its pen. Early in the session Mr. Jefferson prepared resolutions and an address in reply to Governor Botetourt's inaugural mes- sage, but only the former were accepted. Shortly thereafter he introduced a bill making the emancipation of slaves lawful, which was rejected promptly and emphatically, but adopted twelve years later (1782). It was during this absence from home that the family mansion at Shadwell was destroyed by fire (February i, 1770), with all of its valuable historic con- tents of furniture, books, legal papers, etc. his " fiddle " be- ing saved by the servants as the only thing they considered of special value. Fortunately Monticello had been begun the year before and was advanced sufficiently to shelter the family by enduring numerous inconveniences. Two years later, Jan- 44 ' UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA uary i, 1772, Mr. Jefferson married and brought to his new home Mrs. Martha Skelton, the childless widow of Bathurst Skelton (their only child having died in infancy), then twenty- three years of age, and the daughter of John Wayles, a wealthy lawyer of Williamsburg. On May 16, 1773, his gifted and beloved brother-in-law, Dabney Carr, died at the age of thirty, leaving his young wife (nee Martha Jefferson), and six small children to the tender mercy of Mr. Jefferson, by whom they were adopted and supported. All of us University students were well- acquainted with the mutual fondness of these two gentlemen, and in our visits to the Monticello graveyard almost the first object instinctively sought was the oak tree and tomb there- under of this dearest youthful companion of Mr. Jefferson, not two yards from his own grave. We knew of their recipro- cal promise that the survivor should see the other buried under its broad foliage, where in boyhood they had spent to- gether so many hours in profitable study and pleasurable dis- cussion. The writer listened more than once to Mr. Werten- baker recite the episode with ever-increasing fervor and de- light as he emphasized Mr. Carr's death and burial to have occurred during Mr. Jefferson's absence from home, and upon his return, making known their boyish promise, proceeded to fulfil the obligation by removing the body to its present rest- ing place. Mr. Jefferson, July, 1774, enjoyed a double election to the Convention and to the House of Burgesses but owing to in- disposition the following month was unable to attend the former which convened at the Raleigh Tavern, Williamsburg. He, however, prepared and sent a document, " Summary View of the Rights of British America," to Peyton Randolph and Patrick Henry, which proposed the instruction to the Vir- ginia delegates in the- Continental Congress. This proved possibly the most important political pamphlet of the South in the earlier days of the Revolution, being not only printed anonymously at Williamsburg, but also in Philadelphia and London. It breathed the spirit of independence so strongly, that, amusingly to the knowing, Mr. Jefferson was accused by some ^of pilfering from it in the " Declaration of Independ"- ence." He attended the Convention, March 1775, at St. > s a I I UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 45 John's church, Richmond, during which Patrick Henry made his second world renown speech, " Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death," resulting in the appointment of a committee, of which he was a member, " to devise plans for putting the col- ony upon a military basis." That body also previous to adjourn- ment selected him its representative in the Continental Con- gress, as the successor to Peyton Randolph, who was to be recalled to preside over the House of Burgesses. Before leaving for his new position Mr. Jefferson enthusiastically prepared a firm, courageous and rebellious reply to Lord North's " Conciliatory Proposition," which had been referred to the Burgesses by the Governor for their consideration. It was in this belligerent frame of mind, at the age of thirty-two, that he went to Philadelphia and took his seat in Congress, June 1775. He could calculate an eclipse, survey an estate, read many languages, tie an artery, plan an edifice, plead a case, break a horse, dance a minuet and play the violin a re- putation that had preceded him and of which John Adams, then also a member of that body, wrote in 1822: " Mr. Jef- ferson came to Congress bringing with him a reputation for literature, science, and a happy talent for -composition. Writ- ings of his were handed about, remarkable for the peculiar felicity of expression." Shortly after entering upon duties, Congress, feeling an explanation to the world necessary of the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill, appointed a committee for drafting suitable declarations, which, when finished, proved unsatisfactory. Immediately Mr. Jefferson and John Dickinson were added to the committee, and their personal efforts soon produced something thoroughly accept- able. Congress appointed, July 1775, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams and Lee a committee to report on Lord North's " Conciliatory Proposition," but Mr. Jefferson's colleagues at once requested him to draft the reply, which he did with signal satisfaction. Thus in a few weeks his aggressive and fearless nature brought him to the front of that honorable body, eliciting kindly ex- pressions from every turn that of the great Adams being a striking compliment : " He was so prompt, frank, explicit and decisive upon committees and in convention that he soon seized upon my heart." Congress adjourned Augrust 1775, wnen 46 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Mr. Jefferson returned to Richmond and took his seat in the Virginia Convention, only to be re-elected to represent the colony in the next Congress. It was at this session of the Convention that a petition was presented by the Baptists, im- ploring the privilege of their denominational ministers preach- ing to Baptist soldiers. The request was granted, and Mr. Jefferson's vote for it was his first act in a movement directed by himself leading to the disestablishment of the church in Virginia, and to the general separation of the Church and State in America. In September he returned to Philadelphia, where he found Congress greatly aroused over passing events, especially the presence of an agent of France, offering the support of his government in any resistance that might be determined upon against England. Congress appointed Jay, Franklin and Jefferson a committee to confer with the envoy, resulting in successful conferences that led not only to our French alliance, but to Mr. Jefferson's diplomatic career in France. In the early part of the month he mourned the loss of his second child, Jane Randolph, and in December was called home by the illness and death of his mother. As a fact he was very unfortunate with his children, as out of six, only two survived infancy Martha and Mary; the former born September 27, 1772, died October 10, 1836; the latter born August i, 1778, died April 17, 1804. He did not return to Congress until May 1776, but with re- newed energy for work, and on the first day resolutions were passed advising the colonies to form individual separate gov- ernments. Five days later news came that the Virginia Con- vention had adopted a resolution instructing its delegates in Congress to support a motion declaring the " United Colonies free and independent States, absolved from all allegiance or dependence upon the Crown or Parliament of Great Britain." Mr. Jefferson's relative, Archibald Cary, reported the resolu- tion, as he had also the reply to Lord North's " Conciliatory Proposition," a fact, coupled with Mr. Jefferson being in Rich- mond at the time the resolution was passed, and his custom of never appearing himself in legislative measures when others would serve for him, leading to the belief that he had a hand in drafting and passing this most important act of the Conven- tion. Congress at once took up the Virginia resolution, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 47 whereupon R. H. Lee (June 7) moved, " That the colonies be declared independent," which after two days* discussion was postponed twenty days for further action, so that the other colonies might reach their final decisions. Congress, however, was not idle any of this time, as on the loth, Jeffer- son, Adams, Franklin, Sherman and Livingston were ap- pointed to draft the " Declaration of Independence," and upon Mr. Jefferson devolved the composing of that celebrated docu- ment a task requiring just three weeks, and performed in his parlor, second-story front room, southwest corner of Sev- enth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, since called " The De- claration House," upon the site of the present Penn National Bank building which was brought before Congress on the 28th, read, laid upon the table, then taken up, debated three days, slightly modified and passed on the afternoon of July 4th. Although this great instrument even to-day stands as the exponent of rare thought and decision, yet it has been criticised for both style and principles. At first it was claimed to have been copied somewhat from Locke and Otis, but Mr. Jefferson denied any plagiarism, while he boldly acknowledged it to contain no new ideas or sentiments in these words : " I turned to neither book or pamphlet while writing it; it is virtually my political creed and faith." Although re-elected to Congress, June 1776, he resigned that seat in September, owing to the demands of domestic affairs and the need of his counsel in the Virginia Legislature, chiefly in framing the new Constitution, of which he prepared the outlines. Congress in October selected Franklin, Deane and himself envoys to France, for effecting a treaty of alliance, and although it al- ways had been a cherished hope to visit Europe that for which his first sweetheart had been asked to defer marriage several years, the alleged cause of her accepting another yet when the opportunity came, peculiar family circumstances com- pelled him to decline the honor. In the fall of 1776 he took his seat in the first Republican House of Delegates of Virginia, and at once began a labor of reform that proved the greatest work of his life, including a revolutionizing of the public and private laws of the State. The Virginia code sanctioned tyranny, cruelty and bigotry, but it was now to be made reasonable, humane and just. He 48 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA fought to abandonment the pillory, whipping-post, stocks and ducking-stool, the system of land tenure, and then introduced a bill abolishing entails on the claim, " That one generation has no right to bind succeeding generations ; that the usufruct of the earth belongs to the living, not to the dead ; that entails were contrary to good policy, tended to deceive honest traders who gave credit on the visible possession of such estates, dis- couraged the holder from improving his lands, and sometimes did injury to the morals of youth by rendering them independ- ent of and disobedient to their parents. This privilege should be annulled, and instead of an aristocracy of wealth, of more harm and danger than benefit to society, we should make an opening for the aristocracy of virtue and talent." Conse- quently tenure by fee-tail was wiped from the statute, lands and slaves could no longer be prevented by law from falling into the hands of their rightful owners, and finally was removed the only remaining prop of landed aristocracy principle of primogeniture. These reform blows fell hard upon the aris- tocracy the old families so that the recoil and criticism upon Mr. Jefferson was most severe from the great land hold- ers, extending sometimes to their children and grandchildren, yet the time came later when few dishonored his memory, and many stood proud of the man and his deeds. He then championed a reform bill for easier naturalization and expatriation, both being too severe, which not only passed but led Congress to adopt its best features in a general natural- ization law. He next devoted his relentless energies in favor of religious liberty, incorporating in his law, " No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, min- istry, or place whatsoever; nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods; nor shall other- wise suffer on account of his religious opinions or beliefs ; but all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion ; and the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge or affect their civil capacities." Prior to this : To call in question the Trinity, or to be a deist was punishable with imprisonment without bail; to be a Catholic debarred a man of the right to teach, to own a horse or a gun, or to give testimony in a court of law ; a Protestant minister, not of the Anglican faith, could legally be drummed out of the UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 49 country. At first the bill met with disastrous opposition, and it was not until ten years thereafter, when sentiment softened and the massive strength of Mason, Madison, Nicholas and Wythe was invoked, that the bill passed. Thus the United States became the first Nation to separate Church and State, to tolerate a free state by the side of a free church, along with perfect freedom of religious opinion. It was this that Vir- ginia, yes, the entire country, needed, and Mr. Jefferson was the first to realize seriously that need. In those days one could not vote unless owning twenty-five acres of land with a house thereon, or one hundred acres without a house; in a city one must own land within the corporate limit possibly the other extreme of our present unrestricted franchise. He next drew up and offered a bill preventing the further importation of slaves by sea or land, as he was an abolitionist in theory but recognized that to be impractical. " He did not believe the negro could live as a free man side by side with the white man. but he believed he should be free, and that he would be noth- ing was more clearly written in the book of fate." His plan was to free the negroes by gradual emancipation to regard as lawfully free all slave-born children, to educate them at the public expense, and when grown transplant them to some dis- tant and isolated colony where they might enjoy, under a mild protectorate, the privileges of self-government. Mr. Jefferson, however, had yet pent within himself one other interest he considered of far greater moment to his people, state and country the general " Diffusion of Knowl- edge." He recognized that a democracy must rest upon the enlightenment of the masses, and accordingly brought forward his system: Free elementary schools for all the children of the State for a term of three years ; high schools at convenient places for superior and ambitious youths; a State university at the top. Other states had set this most worthy example, but Virginia seemed decidedly less ready for it than she did for his other reforms fortunately he was willing to abide time. The actual revision of his State laws, 1777-1778, fell upon himself and his old law preceptor, George Wythe, who together went over carefully the whole body of British and colonial statutes, extracting therefrom a concise and coherent system. Their report consisted of one hundred and twenty- 50 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA six bills, and although a few were adopted from time to time, as demanded, the entire number was not enacted into law until 1785, when Mr. Jefferson was abroad, but who, with proper sagacity, had left the cause in the efficient hands of his prom- ising neighbor and political ally, James Madison. Mr. Jefferson at the age of thirty-six, 1779, was elected by the legislature Governor of his Statue, and re-elected in 1780. but in that capacity proved neither a great administrator or warrior the kind of man then needed for the executive head, as British invasion and Indian ravaging were largely the dis- turbing elements so that he himself did not regard those years as specially creditable. Early in 1781 the British fleet ascended the James River, and in June Cornwallis approached Charlottesville, making it possible for a body of raiders, de- tached by Tarleton, to visit Monticello the day after Mr. Jef- ferson retired from the governorship in the hope of carrying him away as a rich prize of war. Through individual alert- ness they were foiled in this, but did succeed in injuring to an appreciable extent the mansion, papers, property, and in cap- turing twenty-seven slaves, who, after a season gladly re- turned, but with a pestilence contracted in captivity from which most of them died. Mr. Jefferson's dislike to England was ever afterwards more intense, as his own eyes witnessed Corn- wallis' unnecessary devastation of Virginia and the perpetra- tion of many atrocious outrages. In the fall he was elected to the Legislature which convened at Staunton, and appeared in that body during December, but only for a period sufficient to defend himself against the attacks of certain critics retir- ing thereafter to Monticello somewhat chagrined, yet chiefly to guard with tender care the precarious health of his wife. This withdrawal from the Legislature, spring of 1782, was supposed by him a final retirement, even though it elicited strong denunciation from enemies and inexpressible regret from friends. Indeed, Mr. Monroe's attempt at recalling him to a more healthy view of life was futile, since it reached him just at the death of Mrs. Jefferson, September 6th, after most trying months of apprehension. The fleeing from Richmond at Arnold's approach, the solicitude for her husband's safety, the birth of her last child, and the sad experiences with her many dying servants, all contributed to a gradual decline which UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 51 no earthly hand could stay a blow in spite of its assurance that fell heavy upon Mr. Jefferson and inclined him to prefer seclusion in his distressing grief. Two months later Mr. Jefferson, largely through the efforts of Mr. Madison, was appointed by Congress Minister Pleni- potentiary to Europe a position he had declined eighteen months before, June 1781, when he thought it best to remain in this country and return to his state Legislature in order to clear himself of alleged charges. He, however, accepted the appointment, believing a change of scene might temper his sorrow, but by the following spring, 1783, foreign matters were adjusted so as to render his going unnecessary that which mattered little, as the preparation all during the winter for the trip acted well in lifting his gloom. In June, 1783, he was elected again to Congress, and in that body soon became one of its most powerful leaders, serving on every important committee and frequently as chairman. He initiated and headed the ceding by Virginia to the Government of the entire Northwestern Territory, and submitted to Congress the plan adopted for its government the development along lines of self-government and ultimate statehood of each growing com- munity surely one of the greatest contributions to our politi- cal history, as he neglected nothing, giving boundaries of States proposed, nature of their temporary government to be established, conditions of admission into full statehood, and fanciful names of the new States. The most far-reaching stipulation was the prohibition of slavery or involuntary servi- tude in those States after 1800, a clause that at the time killed the plan, only to be taken up, however, and passed in 1787. At the same session he also proposed and had adopted a modification of Mr. Morris' monetary unit and plan, thus giving us four coins in the decimal ratio ten dollar gold piece, silver dollar, silver dime, and copper cent. In 1784 Mr. Jefferson was appointed by Congress, for the fourth time, to a foreign post, it being now to France, with Adams and Franklin as colleagues. He reached Paris August 6th, accompanied by his eldest daughter, Martha, whom he placed in a fashionable convent. The mission was to negoti- ate treaties of commerce with foreign nations, and was con- ducive of slight results, even though the next year (1785) he 52 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA succeeded Franklin as Minister Plenipotentiary to that court, who returned home, while Adams was sent to the court of England. His " Notes on Virginia " were published soon after reaching Paris, which assured him to be a man of power, as well as a happy and forceful writer. He had entertained eminent Frenchmen at Monticello, knew many of that coun- try's officers, which together with his frank, graceful and genial manners, made him only second to Franklin in rec- ognized popularity. He was known also to be an uncom- promising advocate of the sentiments of liberty and national rights, then so popular throughout France, but in spite of all this his desired treaty of commerce remained a dream for a time, as the foreign people, especially the English, mistrusted our Nation's credit many regarding us as cheats and swin- dlers. Upon this point he wrote : " We are branded for the non-payment of our debts, and the want of energy in our Gov- ernment. I consider the extravagance which has seized my countrymen as a more baneful evil than Toryism was during the war. This feeling is most pronounced in England, as that nation hates us, so do the ministers, and the King more than all others." He, however, finally succeeded in getting France to suppress many duties on American products, to abolish certain ones for specific periods, and in general to make concessions which were granted to no other country. This he believed more important from the moral than the material stand-point, recognizing in it the willingness of the French government for national intercourse as well as the people's cordial and friendly feeling. The Barbary powers had been accustomed to capture and confiscate vessels of all nations, holding the crews for ransom, and at last an American vessel was so treated that which in- cited a conference between Mr. Jefferson and Adams but with a disagreement as to the best action to be taken. Mr. Jeffer- son was firm that such a practice should be stopped by force, and to that effect advised Congress, arguing and advocating the necessity of a navy his acknowledged child " if we mean to be commercial." In addition to his diplomatic duties Mr. Jefferson kept in sight the doings at home aiding her interests wherever pos- sible, Thus he procured a statue of Washington, consulted UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 53 architects and furnished plans for the Statehouse in Richmond, corresponded with Washington in reference to improving the navigation of the Potomac and the running of a canal through the Dismal Swamp, followed the desire of Kentucky to sep- arate from Virginia, advocating it as soon as they could agree, and kept in touch with our governmental action, especially in the formation and adoption of the Constitution, which he heartily favored and approved. In his second year abroad he spent two months in travel, chiefly in the rural districts of England. The next year (1787), having broken his right wrist and becoming much depleted thereby, he journeyed up the Seine and down the Saone and Rhone to and from Aix, where he spent three months drinking the waters ; also visited Genoa, Italy. The next year he met Adams by appointment at Amsterdam, and after transacting pending business pro- ceeded up the Rhine to Strassburg, observing everywhere the people their condition, habits, daily occupations, and all economic questions dependent upon soil, climate, products, etc. In a letter to Lafayette he said : "In great cities I go to see what travelers think alone worthy of being seen; but I make a job of it, and generally gulp it down in a day. On the other hand, I am never satiated with rambling through the fields and farms, examining the culture and cultivators with a degree of curiosity which makes some take me for a fool and others to be much wiser than I am. You should take the journey, for it would be a great comfort to inspect the condition of all the provinces of your own country, but it must be absolutely incognito. You will feel a sublime pleasure in the course of this investigation and a sublime one hereafter when you shall be able to apply your knowledge to the softening of their beds or the throwing a morsel of meat into their kettle of vege- tables." While abroad his enormous correspondence, the range of subjects treated, and their length, is almost marvelous, bearing evidence of the great energy and method with which he worked. To some he sent new astronomic discoveries and calculations, to others described improvements in musical in- struments, narrated explorations into natural history, sent descriptions of architectural specimens, gave opinions on statues and paintings, also accounts of agriculture and me- 54 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA chanical invention. Everywhere he observed and recorded faithfully social conditions, noting the excellences as well as the defects. The more he saw of other countries, the more highly he appreciated the superiority of his own, and always used as a text : The abuses of the civilization of Europe, includ- ing England, in advocating the education of the masses of his own country. Especially was this his attitude towards France, which he saw at a most unfavorable period from the begin- ning of the follies and defeats of the crown and nobility, to the armed conflicts in the streets of Paris and the fall of the Bastile. In spite of the attending and subsequent horrors, his faith was not shaken in the ultimate good to humanity that resulted from the Revolution. During those turbulent times it required a level head to act always discreetly and above criticism, but this Mr. Jefferson managed to do, in spite of coming in contact and conferring with public men of varying sympathies. As a fact he contributed much towards forming the new French government, often interposing simply as a lover of human liberty to produce a new life for the people, then ground to dust by the abuses of the governing powers. He incorporated his ideas in the " Charter of Rights," which though not adopted, led to him being requested to assist in drafting their Constitution an honor he declined, and yet en- tertained at his house " a number of leading patriots of honest but different opinions, sensible of the necessity of effecting a condition by mutual sacrifices, knowing each other and not afraid, therefore, to unbosom themselves mutually." The next morning after this assembly Mr. Jefferson waited upon Count Montmorin with full explanation and apology for the occurrence, only to receive this reply : " I wish you would habitually assist at such conferences, for I am sure you will be useful in moderating the warmer spirits, and promoting a wholesome and practical reformation." Mr. Jefferson after an absence of five years returned to America, December 1789, having been granted a six months leave for looking after his private affairs. But upon reaching Norfolk found a letter from Washington tendering the ap- pointment of Secretary of State that which he hesitated to accept for several months, thinking his ambassadorship more congenial to himself and important to his country, but finally UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 55 yielded to the appeal, when Washington sent Madison per- sonally to persuade and explain the nature of the duties, and according to arrangement reached New York, the then seat of Government, ready for duty, March 21, 1790. In vigor of intellect, self-confidence and experience in public affairs Mr. Jefferson at once took position side of Hamilton, and these two became the dominant figures of the Cabinet, as Knox and Randolph simply reflected their views. They had never met personally before, but knew thoroughly of each other, and that they differed radically in ideas of finance, gov- ernment and the constitution of society. Indeed, Mr. Jeffer- son unhesitatingly affirmed of Hamilton. " He was not only a monarchist, but for a monarchy bottomed on corruption; he was wedded to the British form, thinking it absolutely per- fect. I want the Constitution to contain a Bill of Rights securing freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom from standing armies, trial by jury, a constant Habeas Corpus act, and longer presidential term to make the occupant more independent; he wanted it for a King and a House of Lords, and desired the general government to make laws binding the States in all cases. His system is adverse to liberty, and cal- culated to undermine and demolish the Republic, by creating an influence of his department (Treasury) over the members of the Legislature. ... I saw this influence actually pro- duced, and its first fruits to be the establishment of the great outlines of his project by the votes of the very persons who, having swallowed his bait, were laying themselves out to profit by his plans; and that had these persons withdrawn, as those interested in a question ever should, the vote of the disinter- ested majority was clearly the reverse of what they made it. These were no longer then the votes of the representatives of the people, but of deserters from the rights and interests of the people." When Washington, through his great honesty of purpose, brought Mr. Jefferson and Hamilton together, many thought it ill advised, knowing how widely they differed. For a year, however, their relations were pleasant, when the first great difference occurred over the Bill for a United States Bank, whose charter basis Mr. Jefferson pronounced absolutely un- constitutional, although it was signed finally by Washington 56 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA thus giving date and data for the first clear division of the country into political parties. The second issue, was the criti- cism and claimed interest Mr. Jefferson had in editor Freneau, and his National Gazette a controversy that proved to be founded upon falsity, while the fact was established of Ham- ilton largely supporting, by his departmental patronage, the Federalist organ, Fenno's Gazette of the United States. In this controversy Hamilton lost weight, as did his cherished pet scheme a strong central government, administered in the English spirit ; while the Jefferson idea became more popular- a light and easy central government, that would respond read- ily to the will of the populace; universal free trade, so highly advantageous, but so long as foreign restrictions on our com- merce and carrying trade continues, they might best be counteracted by a policy of liberal reciprocity. He believed in retaliative methods for discriminating restrictions, considered foreign relations to be of superlative importance, and his " Re- port on the Privileges and Restrictions of the Commerce of the United States in Foreign Countries," sent to Congress at that time, contained severe criticism of Great Britain's rigorous attitude towards our commerce in contrast with the fair and equal principles of trade proposed by France, and embodied the germs of all subsequent party discussion and division on the tariff. England after the ratification of the Treaty of Peace, re- mained indifferent, even contemptuous, towards the United States manifesting anything but a conciliatory spirit on every point, so that our Minister (Morris) was recalled, and no treaty of commerce instituted until 1791, eight years after peace had been declared. In May, 1792, Mr. Jefferson gave forth his ablest State paper on " Foreign Relations," recount- ing the debts paid to England, and her failure to live up to promises, but it had no effect upon her actions. Then came the internal dissensions of France, her declaration of war against England, and the sending to our country of a new Minister, Genet, who represented the extreme type of their revolutionary movement. As might have been expected, the partiality of the Federalists for England, and the Republicans for France rendered the situation most acute throughout our country. The Republicans recognized beneath the atrocities UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 57 of the movement a contest between the monocratic and demo- cratic principles of government, and the sympathies of most of them were not to be extinguished because of excesses which they considered inevitable in the transition from despotism to freedom. In this war it was a political necessity that the United States remained neutral. Hamilton and Knox thought the treaty with France void, while Mr. Jefferson, Randolph and Washington considered it valid, consequently the latter (Wash- ington) issued a proclamation of neutrality, which brought down upon him much criticism from Freneau and other Re- publican papers the former's insolence to Washington person- ally causing the first difference between him and Mr. Jefferson. Genet upon arriving began to act in utter disregard of the prevailing neutrality laws, thereby causing Mr. Jefferson to write Monroe : " I do not augur well of the mode of conduct of the new French Minister; I fear he will enlarge the evils of those disaffected in his country. I am doing everything in my power to moderate the impetuosity of his movements, and to destroy the dangerous opinions which have been excited in him that the people of the United States will disavow the acts of their government, and that he has an appeal from the Ex- ecutive to Congress and from both to the people." While Mr. Jefferson was grateful to France for her hospitality and kind personal treatment, and the invaluable aid rendered his country when in need, yet, in spite of recognizing now a golden opportunity to reciprocate, saw plainly that such a course would be disastrous to our infant country, consequently ac- quiesced heartily in Washington's policy of strict neutrality, and followed his line of duty so closely as to occasion Chief Justice Marshall who always towards him expressed faint praise to write : " The publication of his correspondence with Genet dissipated much of the prejudice which had been excited against him." Upon the subject Mr. Jefferson wrote Monroe : " I fear the disgust of France is inevitable ; we shall be to blame in part, but the Minister much more so. His conduct is indefensible by the most furious Jacobin. I only wish our countrymen may distinguish between him and his nation, and, if the case should ever be laid before them, may not suffer their affection to the nation to be diminished." He felt Genet's conduct would put weapons into the hands of the 58 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Federalists. Hamilton urged an appeal by the government to the people, but Mr. Jefferson thought such an explosion would certainly endanger a dissolution of the friendship between the nations, and ought, therefore, " to be deprecated by every friend to our liberty; and no one but an enemy to it would wish to avail himself of the indiscretion of an individual to compromit two nations esteeming each other ardently. It will prove that the agents of the two peoples are either great bung- lers or great rascals, when they cannot preserve that peace which is the universal wish of both." Genet's indiscreet language and insolence so increased that the Cabinet requested from the French government his re- call, and adopted more stringent rules for maintaining neu- trality between the contending nations. In fact the affair oc- casioned a wider separation of the two Cabinet factions, and led to slight coolness between Washington and Mr. Jefferson, which happily was only of passing duration. Mr. Jefferson, however, had determined " to retire to scenes of greater tran- quility," and in July sent his resignation to Washington, who not only urged his retention, but would not accept it until its second transmission, December 31, 1793. CHAPTER III THOMAS JEFFERSON IDEAL PARENT AND PRESIDENT Retires to Monticello; daughter Martha Mrs. Thomas Mann Randolph becomes its mistress ; Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's visit ; Excise Law, revolts in Pennsylvania; Curtius and Camillas; Jay Treaty; Vice- President, Talleyrand, Alien and Sedition Acts ; President Burr Vice- President; inauguration, address, principles; death of daughter Mary; Judge Samuel Chase, John Randolph; Embargo Act; administra- tions compared; retirement, declines public reception; reconciliation with Adams; employment, advocate and user of machinery; corre- spondence, etc. MR. JEFFERSON had served four years as Secretary of State, and now sought rest in retirement at his beloved Monticello, where he expected to pass the remainder of his life. Although only fifty-one years of age he fancied himself, from temporary feelings of indisposition, a very old man, but fortunately the new and more congenial order of living and enjoyment soon restored his health and youthful energies. William Randolph, the neighbor friend of Mr. Jefferson's father, left one son, Thomas Mann Randolph, who, in turn, gave to his only son the same name. This Thomas Mann Randolph, the second, became a member of Congress, Colonel in the war of 1812, Governor of Virginia, and the husband of Mr. Jefferson's eldest daughter, Martha, February 23, 1790. They were sec- ond cousins, had known each other from childhood, and now came with their two children to live permanently at Monti- cello, to grace, minister and comfort Mr. Jefferson's surround- ings. Mrs. Randolph was highly accomplished, attractive in manners and conversation, possessing rare judgment and a strong fondness for her father with whom John Randolph of Roanoke quarrelled, but in spite of that pronounced her, " the noblest woman in Virginia." The household was com- pleted by the younger daughter, Mary (Maria), who had spent the last three years in Philadelphia with her father, be- ing now just seventeen, frail, beautiful resembling her mother and above all noted for her extreme unselfishness. Thus 59 60 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA again Mr. Jefferson began the quiet farmer's life for which he had a supreme thirst, devoting most of his time to general supervision, reading from his choice library, and in writing an occasional letter to his former colleagues Edmund Ran- dolph, John Adams, Tenche Coxe, etc. but declining to take and read any newspapers. To Randolph he wrote : " I think it is Montaigne who has said that ignorance is the softest pillow on which a man can rest his head. I am sure it is true as to everything political, and shall endeavor to estrange my- self to everything of that character " ; while in a letter to Adams he made this admission : " Instead of writing ten or twelve letters a day, which I have been in the habit of doing as a thing of course, I put off answering my letters now, farm- like, till a rainy day, and then find them sometimes postponed by other necessary occupations." His estate now consisted of ten thousand six hundred and forty-seven acres about two thousand acres being continually in tillage; one hundred and fifty- four slaves; three hundred and ninety hogs; three sheep; thirty- four horses; five mules; two hundred and forty-nine cattle. In a letter to Washington he said : " I find on a more minute examination, that a ten years' abandonment of them to the ravages of overseers has brought on them a degree of degradation far beyond what I had expected. ... I am not yet satisfied that my acquisition of overseers has been a happy one, or that much will be done this year towards rescuing my plantations from their wretched condition. Time, patience and perseverance must be the remedy ; and the maxim of your letter, * Slow and sure,' is not less a good one in agriculture than in politics." In 1796 Rochefoucauld-Liancourt visited Monticello, and shortly thereafter wrote : " He manages his farms and build- ings, orders,- directs and pursues every branch of business rel- ative to them. His negroes are cabinetmakers, carpenters, masons, bricklayers, smiths, etc., and they are nourished, clothed and treated as well as white servants could be; the children he employs in a nail-factory the source of much profit ; the young and old negresses spin for the clothing of the rest. He animates them by rewards and distinctions, etc." It was in this year that Mr. Jefferson solved mathematically the mould-board of least resistance, and operated on his own UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 61 lands his ideal plows, which became known throughout the progressive agricultural world. He neglected only a few months the political activities of his country, for Washington's address to Congress, November 1794, gave him the deepest interest, as it dealt chiefly with suppressing revolts in Penn- sylvania, incited by the attempted enforcement of the Excise Law an obnoxious law of Hamilton that Mr. Jefferson op- posed bitterly from the very first, and equally now the manner of enforcing it by the aid of fifteen thousand militia. Con- sequently he could no longer keep silent, as Washington also vigorously denounced the Democratic Corresponding Societies, which in some States had been established in imitation of the French societies of that name, as responsible for the outbreak. Mr. Jefferson wrote Madison : " The denunciation of the democratic societies is one of the extraordinary acts of bold- ness of which we have seen so many from the faction of Mono- crats. It is wonderful indeed that the President should have permitted himself to be the organ of such an attack on the free- dom of discussion, the freedom of writing, printing and pub- lishing. I expected to have seen some justification of arming one part of the society against another; . . . but the part of the speech which was to be taken as a justification of the arma- ment reminded me of Parson Sanders' demonstration why minus into minus makes plus. After a parcel of shreds of stuff from ^Esop's Fables and Tom Thumb, he jumps at once into his ergo, minus multiplied by minus makes plus. Just so the fifteen thousand men enter after the fables in the speech." Scarcely had the Excise Law troubles abated, when arose a general dissatisfaction over the " Jay Treaty " with England that which Mr. Jefferson heartily disapproved^ writing Madison: " Thus it is that Hamilton, Jay, etc., in the boldest act they ever ventured on to undermine the Government, have the address to screen themselves, and direct the hue and cry against those who wish to drag them into light. A bolder party stroke was never struck; for it certainly is an attempt of a party who find they have lost their majority in one branch of the Legislature, to make a law by the aid of' the other branch and of the Executive, under color of a treaty which shall bind up the hands of the adverse branch from ever re- straining the commerce of their patron nation. There appears 62 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA a pause at present in the public sentiment which may be fol- lowed by a revolution. . . . For God's sake take up your pen and give a fundamental reply to Curtius and Camillus." When the " Treaty " was ratified there arose even a greater storm of criticism from the Republicans, in which Mr. Jeffer- son shared strongly not even sparing Washington, assailing the treaty-making power of the Executive. Mr. Jefferson, however, seemed determined to remain out of the activities of politics, desiring Madison to stand at the helm of his party, and writing him to that effect : " The whole mass of your constituents are looking to you, as their last hope, to save them from the effects of the avarice and corruption of the first agent (Jay), the revolutionary machina- tions of others, and the incomprehensible acquiescence of the only honest man who has assented to it. I wish that his hon- esty and his political errors may not furnish a second occasion to exclaim : ' Curse on his virtues, they have undone his coun- try.' . . . There is not another person (besides yourself) in the United States, who being placed at the helm of affairs, my mind would be so completely at rest for the future of our political bark." On the other hand Madison was just as in- sistent that Mr. Jefferson take the leadership of the party, which finally he did much against his will, as he preferred looking after his impaired health, enjoying the society of his family, agreeable pursuits, and the healthy establishment of his business affairs. He wrote Madison : " The little spice of ambition which I had in my younger days has long since evap- orated, and I set still less store by a posthumous than present name. In stating to you the heads of reasons which have produced my determination, I do not mean an opening for future discussion, or that I may be reasoned out of it the question is forever closed with me, my sole object is to prevent any division or loss of votes which might be fatal to the Repub- lican interests." Mr. Jefferson's nomination for Vice-President, however, was the spontaneous and unanimous wish of his party, and in it he felt constrained to acquiesce, since political conditions badly needed his counsel and personality, but during the cam- paign he wrote only one political letter, and did not go outside of his county in the three months preceding election. On '-^ c C O O x SI 2 .3 -o 5 4> CC p I fc g O UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 63 January i, 1797, he wrote Madison: "I know the difficulty of obtaining belief in one's declarations of a disinclination to honors, and that it is greatest to those who still remain in the world. ... It is the only office in the world (Vice-Presi- dency) about which I am unable to decide in my own mind, whether I had rather have it or not have it. Pride does not enter into the estimate ; for I think with the Romans, that the general of to-day should be the soldier of to-morrow, if neces- sary. I can particularly have no feelings which would revolt at a secondary position to Mr. Adams. I am his junior in life, was his junior in Congress, his junior in the diplomatic line, his junior lately in our civil Government." No doubt Mr. Jefferson was satisfied thoroughly through the hope of effecting some compromise with Adams, and reached Phil- adelphia, March 1797, eager to assume the duties of his new post. The Federalists considered Adams' inaugural address as " temporizing, and as having the air of a lure for the favor of his opponents at the expense of his sincerity." As a matter of fact Mr. Jefferson was more than willing to meet Adams half way, and, looking towards a coalition of their forces, both had interchanged visits (March 2, 3) just prior to the inau- guration. At first Adams was very free in conversation, claim- ing a desire to join Gerry and Madison to Pinckney in France. Three days later, however, when coming away together from a dinner at Washington's, as Mr. Jefferson reported Madi- son's declination of the position to Adams, the latter ex- pressed himself as having already found some objections to his nomination, and with that dismissed the subject thus making it the last interview the two had during the admin- istration upon any measure pertaining to the Government. The " Jay Treaty " with England, and Monroe's recall from France so enraged the latter country against the United States as to cause Adams to call an extra session of Congress, May 15, 1797, over which Mr. Jefferson had his first experience as presiding officer. The address of Adams to that body greatly displeased Mr. Jefferson, who, convinced that those in power intended forcing war with France, opposed the policy of the Government. Political passions ran at fever heat, as Mr. Jef- ferson wrote : " Men who have been intimate all their lives 64 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA cross the street to avoid meeting, and turn their heads another way, lest they should be obliged to touch their hats. This may do for young men with whom passion is enjoyment, but it is afflicting to peaceable minds. Tranquility is the old man's milk. I go to enjoy it in a few days, and to exchange the roar and tumult of bulls and bears for the prattle of my grand- children and senile rest." He never allowed himself to be present at the reading of the President's addresses, as he chafed under the formal and fulsome replies of the Federalist Senate, consequently he did not appear until after Congress assembled in November, 1797 a session that had little to do except await results of the envoys (Marshall, Gerry, Pinckney). This mission to the French government up to March, 1798, was unable to secure an interview with Talleyrand only with his unsatisfactory agents and as no agreement could be reached the envoys broke off all negotiations, a necessity that aroused our country's indignation against France. The tem- per of the House even swayed against the Republicans the traditional friends of France and although Mr. Jefferson urged a suspension of censure until the exact truth was known, he was rather disgusted at that country's action. Congress, indeed, began making ready for war, by giving the President discretionary powers, placing Washington in command of the armies and Hamilton the Inspector-General, rendering natural- ization more difficult, and passing alien and sedition acts the latter aimed at the native-born Republicans, as they were op- posed to war. During the summer (1798), however, the war sentiment abated somewhat. Congress had adjourned and its sad minority members, realizing their insignificant power in that body, turned their attention towards influencing various Republican State Legislatures, especially Kentucky and Vir- ginia, as their sympathies were so cordial, to oppose the Gov- ernment's interpretation and inflexion of the Constitution, in the passing of the alien and sedition acts. Mr. Jefferson wrote the Kentucky resolutions, and Madison those of Virginia. The former declared : " That the Union was not based on the principle of unlimited submission to the general Govern- ment ; that the Constitution was a compact, to which each State was a party as over against its fellow State; and that in all cases not specified in the compact, each party had a right to UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 65 judge for itself as well of infraction as of the mode and measure of redress." The Alien and Sedition Acts were de- nounced as unconstitutional, and other States were invoked to join in declaring them null and void. Madison's resolutions declared that, " whenever the Federal Government exceeded its constitutional authority, the State governments, in Conven- tion, should interfere and pronounce such action unconstitu- tional." Mr. Jefferson's went a step further declaring our Federal Constitution a compact, to which the several States were the one party and the Federal Government the other; that each party must decide for itself any infringement of the compact and proper remedy therefor; that nullification was a suitable remedy and one that any State might employ. This gave rise later to the possibility of different interpre- tations, such as advocated by Calhoun nullification where- by a State might suspend the application of a Federal law to its own district; and by Jackson, who, equally a Jeffersonian Democrat, could find nothing in the resolutions sanctioning such action by a State, consequently strenuously opposed nulli- fication. While the Legislatures paid little attention to the advocacy or adoption of these resolutions, public sentiment gradually become less acute and more thoughtful. Mr. Jef- ferson relinquished no efforts in the interest of his political faith, and wrote Madison : " People wish to hear reason in- stead of disgusting blackguardism. The public sentiment be- ing on the careen and many heavy circumstances about to fall into the Republican scales, we are sensible that this summer (1799) is the season for systematic energies and sacrifices. The engine is the press. Every man must lay his purse and his pen under contribution. As to the former, it is possible I may be obliged to assume something for you ; as to the latter, let me pray and beseech you to set apart a certain portion of every post-day to write what may be proper for the public." Adams and his Cabinet began now to disagree, as he sus- pended war preparations and dispatched envoys to France with specific instructions acts culminating finally in a rupture with his party leaders, and the accession to power of the Re- publicans. In addition to these, other obnoxious Federal legis- lation endangering individual liberty, etc. was held up to ridicule by Mr. Jefferson, so that he became, in the eyes of all, 66 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA the most logical presidential candidate at the approaching election (1800), a position to which he was nominated unan- imously in May by the Congressional caucus, as was Burr to the vice-presidency. In spite of this high honor and its demand for success, Mr. Jefferson remained all summer at Monticello, except for two short visits one to the remote part of his county, Albemarle, the other to his Bedford estate being kept busy with his farming interests, nail factory and brick kiln. His only ex- travagance during the campaign was a few additional news- papers, while he restricted his correspondence to three letters from the time of nomination to election bearing silently the many effusions to defame his character and lessen his popular- ity. Within these three months it was proclaimed far and near, in the press and on the platform that : " He had ob- tained his money by fraud and robbery; had defrauded and robbed a widow and fatherless children of their estate." In a widely distributed pamphlet, " The Voice of Warning to Christians on the Ensuing Election," he was portrayed an atheist, French infidel, as lacking a decent respect for the faith and worship of Christians, etc. Thus he wrote Dr. Rush: " The late attack of the Federalists on the freedom of the press had given to the clergy a very favorite hope of obtaining an establishment of a particular form of Christianity through- out the United States. The returning good sense of our country threatens abortion to their hopes, and they believe that any portion of power confided to me will be exerted in opposi- tion to their schemes. And they believe rightly, for I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. And this is the cause of their printing lying pamphlets against me, forging conver- sations for me." In spite of all the direct and indirect methods employed, Mr. Jefferson was elected, receiving seventy-three votes against Adams' sixty-five. Unfortunately Burr, the candidate for vice- president, obtained the same number, seventy-three, thereby compelling Congress to make a final decision ordinarily a task of little moment, but now, owing to a Federal plurality in Congress, with which Mr. Jefferson was far less popular than Burr, a conspiracy was planned to advance the latter to UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 67 the first position, over the head of Mr. Jefferson and the will of the people. Hamilton, although hating and distrusting Mr. Jefferson, would not sanction the scheme and in a letter to Wolcott said : " There is no doubt that upon every virtuous and prudent calculation Mr. Jefferson is to be preferred. He is by far not so dangerous a man; and he has pretensions to character. As to Burr, there is nothing in his favor. Better will it be to obtain from Mr. Jefferson assurances on some cardinal points: i, To preserve the actual fiscal system; 2, To adhere to the neutral plan ; 3, To preserve and gradually in- crease the navy; 4, To continue our friends in the offices they fill, except in the great departments in which he ought to be left free." The proposed strategic movement to thwart the popular will, if successful, was filled with direful consequences, as the people were incensed to a degree for civil war and a rup- ture of the Union. Hundreds hurried to Washington, anx- iously awaiting results; armed Baltimoreans were restrained with difficulty from hastening to prevent and avenge a viola- tion of the public sentiment, and if need be, hurl the usurper from his seat. Mr. Jefferson was yet the Vice-President, presiding daily over the Senate where he listened to the whis- pered designs and machinations of the conspirators, ever mind- ful of the dreadful sequel of their nefarious plot. But in spite of an uneasy mind he preserved the most unclouded serenity and perfect equanimity riding self-possessed above the stormy passions threatening his downfall, maintaining a placidity that baffled his enemies. Congress met with closed doors the Senators as witnesses, the Representatives as electors. The ballot continued thirty hours beyond a day and night so that beds for the sick and wearied, and food were supplied in adjoining rooms, as no one felt willing to miss the hourly ballot. On the morning of February I7th, upon counting the thirty-sixth ballot, one ticket was found to be blank, placed in the box by James A. Bayard, Senator from Delaware, who, after such a contest, felt it best to sacrifice his party rather than his country. This gave the Republicans a majority and made Mr. Jefferson the third President of the United States. Concerning this memorable incident a cotemporaneous writer truthfully said : " Thus the dark and thundering cloud which hung over the political hori- 68 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA zon rolled harmlessly away, and the sunshine of prosperity and gladness broke forth, and ever since, with the exception of a few passing clouds, has continued to shine on our happy country." The saddest part to Mr. Jefferson was, that the clumsiness and inadequacy of the law admitted the possibility of such a fraud and injustice, and two days before the final decision he wrote Monroe : " If they could have been permitted to pass a law for putting the Government into the hands of an officer, they would certainly have prevented an election. Many attempts have been made to obtain terms and promises from me, but I have declared to them unequivocally, that I would not receive the Government on capitulation, that I would not go into it with my hands tied." The four years that Mr. Jefferson was Vice-President were marked by unprecedented party rancor and bitterness, and al-, though the Senate, over which he presided, was composed mostly of Federalists, yet his conduct and ruling were never a subject of the slightest criticism a fact thoroughly attested by the Senate's reply to his farewell address before that body, February 28, 1801 : " Sir. While we congratulate you on those expressions of the public will which called you to the first office in the United States, we cannot but lament the loss of that intelligence, attention and impartiality with which you have presided over our deliberations. Be persuaded that the Senate will never withhold its support from a chief magistrate who, in the exercise of his office, shall be influenced by a due regard of the honor and interest of our country." In June, 1800, the offices of the Government were removed from Philadelphia to Washington, where, for the first time, Congress assembled in December, in spite of the Capitol and White House being still in an unfinished condition. The latter building, therefore, had only been occupied by its first tenant. President Adams, a few months, when Mr. Jefferson, March 4, 1801, took the oath of office to make it his home for the succeeding eight years. So early as May he wrote : " This may be considered as a pleasant country residence with a num- ber of neat little villages scattered around within a distance of a mile and a half, and furnishing a plain and substantially good society. The whole population is about six thousand." UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 69 While the inauguration of Washington and Adams had been semi-royal, that of Mr. Jefferson was marked by great simplic- ity indeed thus described by an Englishman : "He rode on horseback to the Capitol without a single guard or servant in his train, dismounted without assistance, and hitched the bridle of his horse to the palisades." This was mere fiction, as in truth, he went from his lodgings to the Capitol where Congress convened, on foot, in ordinary dress, escorted by a military body, accompanied by senators, congressmen, polit- ical friends, etc. The ceremonies took place in the Senate Chamber, where he received the oath of office from his political enemy, Chief Justice Marshall, and delivered his address, in which he thought it wise to enunciate his political persuasion : " Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or per- suasion, religious or political; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none ; the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns, and the surest bulwarks against anti-Republican tendencies; the preservation of the general government in its whole constitu- tional vigor, as the sheet-anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad; a jealous care of the right of election of the people, a mild and safe corrective of abuses which are lopped by the sword of revolution where peaceable remedies are un- provided; absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the major- ity, the vital principle of the republics, from which there is no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism ; a well-disciplined militia, our best reliance in peace, and for the first moments of war, till regulars may relieve them ; the supremacy of the civil over the military authorities ; economy in the public expense, that labor might be lightly burdened ; the honest payment of our debts and sacred preser- vation of the public faith ; encouragement of agriculture, .and of commerce as its handmaid; the diffusion of information, and arraignment of all abuses at the bar of public reason; freedom of religion; freedom of the press; and freedom of person, under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected." Mr. Jefferson at first made few removals, except those Adams had " crowded in by whip and spur," after the result 70 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA of the election was known, and upon the subject wrote: " Some deprivations of office I know must be made, but they must be as few as possible, done gradually, and bottomed on some malversation or inherent disqualification." He lived up to this sentiment, and of all candidates considered these three points: Is he honest, capable, and faithful to the Constitu- tion? Congress was for the first time Republican, and set to undo much legislation enacted by the Federalists. Newspaper re- porters were admitted to Congress; naturalization laws were improved ; internal taxes were abolished ; army was reduced to three thousand, and naval appropriation was lessened. After no little deliberation and effort on the part of Mr. Jefferson, Livingston, Monroe, etc., Congress granted, 1804, autocratic power upon the President to purchase of Bonaparte the Lou- isiana Territory for fifteen million dollars. In the spring of this year (1804) Mr. Jefferson was re- nominated for President, and about the same time was called to Monticello by the illness of his daughter, Mary Maria or Polly as he was wont to call her who died, April I7th, leav- ing two small children, Francis and Maria the latter dying in infancy. Much to Mr. Jefferson's satisfaction she had mar- ried a cousin, John Wayles Eppes, October 13, 1797, who, to- gether with the other son-in-law, Thomas Mann Randolph, became highly creditable cotemporaneous members of Con- gress during his presidency. Her death was a crushing blow to Mr. Jefferson, but slightly palliated by the many letters of condolence he received, and among them one from Mrs. Adams, which served as the initiative of renewed friendship between the two families, although it required years and the kindly intervention of Dr. Rush for complete reconciliation. It was about this time that Mr. Jefferson incurred the dis- pleasure of John Randolph, of Roanoke, leading to absolute estrangement and bitter enmity, chiefly because he took so little notice of and interest in the. impeachment of Judge Samuel Chase, whose conviction Randolph so urgently de- sired. The first thing of moment accomplished in Mr. Jefferson's second term was the conclusion of the war with Tripoli, through a partial but wise compromise treaty. It had continued UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 71 four years, costing- many lives and much money, with but one advantage the discipline and experience gained by the navy. A little later our relations with England, France, and Spain became strained, owing to Bonaparte insisting upon the latter country rebelling over the possible uncertainties of the Louisi- ana Purchase boundaries a menacing danger happily averted by our purchasing the two Floridas, that which Randolph and his following of Federalists and disaffected Republicans (" Quids ") opposed strenuously. In 1806-1807 the administration was confronted with Burr's conspiracy in Kentucky and Ohio, by which he hoped to place himself on the throne of Montezuma, and extend his empire to the Alleghany, seizing on New Orleans as an instrument of compulsion for our Western States. Mr. Jefferson and his party won considerable censure by not being more vigilant in apprehending Burr and his allies. Chief Justice Marshall, John Randolph and the Federalists were very severe in criti- cising the Executive for not furnishing immediate proof of the treasonable plot that which Mr. Jefferson claimed would require at least four months, adding : " The fact is that the Federalists make Burr's cause their own, and exert their whole influence to shield him from punishment. And it is unfor- tunate that Federalism is still predominant in our judiciary de- partment, which is consequently in opposition to the legislative and executive branches, and is able often to baffle their meas- ures." During 1806-1807 the insolence of the British warships, " Leander " and " Leopold " in firing upon the " Chesapeake " and other of our coasting vessels incensed and inflamed the public mind scarcely short of disrupting the Union, inasmuch as Mr. Jefferson would not declare for war that towards which, seemingly he had great aversion. However in lieu of this he caused to be passed finally an Embargo Act on all shipping within the ports of the United States which was to extend over an indefinite period. This was found to produce much hardship along the coast especially in New England, the bed of Federalism, leading to smuggling by all classes and a growing favor towards the Federalists, so that their vehement clamoring at last caused its great modification, almost equal- ling a repeal, which Mr. Jefferson signed three days prior to 72 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA vacating office. In spite of the embargo's unpopularity, Mr. Jefferson protested to the last, that had it been adhered to steadfastly the desired purpose would have been accomplished done more harm to England and France than to our country, and American shipping would have its rights without war. Although many dissensions existed in the Republican party, Mr. Jefferson was still its leader, and while he declined a re- nomination himself, he easily named his successor Madison. Unfortunately Randolph detested politically both men, con- sequently he and his small following strongly urged, without effect, their favorite Monroe. As a matter of fact Mr. Jefferson's first administration had been peaceful and satisfactory, but his second was filled with many harassing conditions, due chiefly to his favorite theory - the preservation of peace at whatever cost becoming very unpopular. He, therefore, now welcomed retirement with the greatest joy and in these words : " Within a few days I retire to my family, my books, my farms; and having gained the harbor myself, I shall look on my friends still buffeting the storm, with anxiety indeed, but not with envy. Never did a prisoner, released from his chains, feel such relief as I shall on shaking off the shackles of power. Nature intended me for the tranquil pursuits of science, by rendering them my supreme delight, but the enormities of the times in which I have lived have forced me to take a part in resisting them, and to commit myself on the boisterous ocean of political pas- sions. I thank God for the opportunity of retiring from them without censure, and carrying with me the most consoling proofs of public approbation." He traveled home mostly on horseback, and in spite of en- countering a severe eight-hour snow storm, reached Monti- cello safe and well, March 15, 1809, where he passed in ideal contentment the remainder of his life, seventeen years, by pref- erence secluded from the world's activities following the fa- miliar paths incident to farming and other pleasurable inter- ests visiting few, visited by many, and establishing the Uni- versity of Virginia. He was now sixty-six years of age, cheerful, healthy, and without the infirmities of old age; his home continued to be presided over by his accomplished and graceful daughter, Martha, who with her husband, children V ; fe O x a i o ou u UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 73 and grandchildren supplied the full pleasures to a truly hos- pitable Southern life. He declined a public reception tendered by his Albemarle neighbors, hoping instead, as he wrote : " To have opportuni- ties of taking them individually by the hand at our court house and other public places, and of exchanging assurances of mutual esteem." From the very first no little time was devoted to reading; then his correspondence soon became extensive through letters to friends, noted personages, and authors of books, pamphlets and addresses, who were furnishing him con- tinually complimentary copies. In spite of the great congeni- ality and friendship between himself and Madison letters were interchanged seldom, as their enemies made so much capital out of the false idea of Mr. Jefferson still dominating the admin- istration. His interest in literary and scientific matters took on renewed activity, making him known to every learned body of Europe and America, in most of which he held membership. In a letter to Kosciusko, February 26, 1810, he wrote: " My mornings are devoted to correspondence; from breakfast to dinner I am in my shops, my garden, or on horseback among my farms; from dinner to dark I give to society and recrea- tion with my neighbors and friends; and from candle-light to early bedtime I read. My health is perfect, and my strength considerably reinforced by the activity of the course I pursue. I talk of plows and harrows, of seeding and harvesting, with my neighbors, and of politics too, if they choose, with as little reserve as the rest of my fellow-citizens, and feel, at length, the blessing of being free to say and do what I please, without being responsible for it to any mortal. A part of my occupation, and by no means the least pleasing, is the di- rection of the studies of such young men as ask it. They place themselves in the neighboring village, and have the use of my library and counsel, and make a part of my society. In advis- ing the course of their reading, I endeavor to keep their atten- tion fixed on the main objects of science, the freedom and hap- piness of man, so that coming to bear a share in the councils and government of their country, they will keep ever in view the sole objects of all legitimate government. Instead of the unalloyed happiness of retiring unembarrassed and independ- ent, to the enjoyment of my estate, which is ample for my lim- 74 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ited views, I have to pass such a length of time in the thraldom of mind (financial depletion) never before known to me. Ex- cept for this, my happiness would have been perfect." His disposition, however, in the face of this, never changed, for, as in youth it continued always sunny and hopeful. After an unfavorable crop or event he looked forward with assurance for a better next one but he was severely prudent when con- fronting debt, as he then believed it a duty to cut off every needless expense that which he did from the moment of his retirement. During 1811 there was considerable friction in Madison's Cabinet, in which Mr. Jefferson took much interest, indulging in no little correspondence for its relief. The attitude of Eng- land and France towards us gave him great concern, and though he wished for peace, he finally concluded that war was our only alternative, and approved of it when it came the following year, 1812. In the summer of 1811 he experienced a severe spell of sickness, after which he wrote Dr. Rush : " Having to conduct my grandson through his course of math- ematics, I have resumed that study with great avidity. It was ever my favorite one. I have forgotten much and recover it with more difficulty than when in vigor of mind I originally acquired it. It is wonderful to me that old men should not be sensible that their minds keep pace with their bodies in the process of decay. It has been the delight of my retirement to be in constant bodily activity, looking after my affairs. It was never damped, as the pleasures of reading are, by the question cui bonof for what object? The sedentary character of my public occupations sapped a constitution naturally sound and vigorous, and draws it to an earlier close, but it will still last quite as long as I wish. There is a fullness of time when men should go, and not occupy too long the ground to which others have the right to advance." During 1812 he enjoyed a complete reconciliation with Adams, through the kindness of their mutual friend, Dr. Rush, and thereafter the two Ex-Presidents until death indulged an uninterrupted correspondence, much to the delight and buoyancy of both. He was advocated in many directions for the Presidency in 1812, and, stranger yet, for the Secretary of State under Madison, but both of these proffers he gracefully UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 75 declined, stating : " The hand of age is upon me, the decay of bodily faculties apprise me that those of the mind could not be unimpaired, had I not still better proofs." In spite of this, however, his familiarity with the languages remained im- mutable, for he read Homer, Dante, Corneille and Cervantes as he did Shakespeare and Milton, and even the year before death went over ^Esculus, Sophocles, Thucydides, and Tacitus. The continuation of the War of 1812 deprived us of im- ported goods, and increased the prices of our own manufac- tured articles, at the depreciation of agricultural products, so that we were stimulated not only to establish additional industrial factories in cities, but also to introduce the smaller machinery into our homes. Upon this subject Mr. Jefferson, January, 1813, wrote: " I had no idea that manufactures had made such progress in the maritime States, and particularly of the number of carding and spinning machines dispersed throughout the whole country. I have hitherto, myself, de- pended on foreign manufactures, but I have now thirty-five spindles going, a hand carding-machine, and looms for flying shuttles for the supply of my own farms, which will never be relinquished in my time. The continuance of war will fix the habit generally, and out of the evils of impressment and of the Orders of Council, a great blessing for us will grow. I have not formerly been an advocate of great manufactories. I doubted whether our labor, employed in agriculture, and aided by the spontaneous energies of the earth would not procure us more than we could make ourselves of other neces- sities. But other considerations entering into the question have settled my doubts." Throughout this and -the following year (1813-1814) Mr. Jefferson continued to be much interested in the progress of the war -giving advice to those in authority, conducting a liberal correspondence, and strongly expressing opposition to the Hartford Convention. When we consider the gradually increasing personal dis- comfort that the mechanical side of writing gave Mr. Jefferson owing to his long ago imperfectly set right wrist, and more recent rheumatic attacks it seems almost incredible that time was sufficiently long, at that ripe age, to write such lengthy and studied letters, veritable essays and literary productions 76 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA of high order, requiring research, if for nothing else, at least dates and figures. The scanning of this correspondence from his retirement up to this period certainly implies a great de- mand upon energy, patience and thought. Among that coterie, which was legion, all classes were represented the more hum- ble citizens receiving none the less consideration on account of station or want of political influence. Besides family connec- tions, there were many regulars, including such personages as Madison, Monroe, Adams, Rodney, Gerry, Tyler, Lafayette, Kosciusko, Rush, Gallatin, DeStael, Sparks, Livingston, Cart- wright, Van Buren, Everett, Cabell, Giles, etc. The subjects treated and discussed were all of a serious nature conveying an interchange of opinions on the Bible, clergy, religion, Chris- tianity, infidelity, ethics, politics, Congressional acts, foreign questions, criticism of books, Latin and Greek writings and authors, etc. CHAPTER IV THOMAS JEFFERSON ADVOCATE OF KNOWLEDGE AND EDUCATION University of Virginia interest in " Diffusion of Knowledge " ; his educa- tional plan, bills incorporating same ; Quesnay French Academy ; Swiss College of Geneva; correspondence with Joseph Priestley; Mons. Du- pont de Nemours; National University at Washington; Professor Pictet; Jqseph C Cabell, Dr. Thomas Cooper, Samuel Knox; sold library to Congress ; letters to Dr. Jones, Adams, Burwell ; Lieutenant Hall's visit to Monticello; educational plan submitted to Peter Carr; Albemarle Academy ; Central College first Board of Visitors ; Charles Fenton Mercer's plan; Governor Nicholas' report, etc. EDUCATION seems to have held Mr. Jefferson an ardent votary from his earliest association with William and Mary College to his latest realization the University of Virginia. From manhood to old age he never ceased expressing paternal gratitude for his classic training in these words : " If I had to decide between the pleasure derived from a classical educa- tion which my father gave me and the estate he left me, I would decide in favor of the former." In his day and environment education was " conspicuous by its absence " as the majority possessed it only in low, the minority in high degree pre- senting a difference in these two classes, self-evident to every one, that amounted to an inhuman contrast to a man with Mr. Jefferson's sensitive and generous nature, eager to give others that which he possessed and enjoyed. He was a firm believer in the Latin proverb, " veritas vos liberabit," and recognized the passing of his existence in an atmosphere, yes a country, sadly lacking in its observance bound by ironclad heresies, superstitions, apathy and ignorance. His entire being was enthused and exhilarated over the possibilities in reform by evolution, or preferably revolution, as he realized a great change to be an immediate need. At the same time he desired to destroy nothing bad without creating something good in its stead, and heeding common sense plans and policies he accom- plished and predicted many wholesome results. He not only 77 78 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA believed that " knowledge was power/' but that the emanci- pation of mankind from the bonds of various servitudes cen- tered in education. It is, therefore, not surprising that almost his very first energies were directed in procuring for his fellow- statesmen better opportunities for acquiring knowledge. Al- though re-elected to Congress, June, 1776, he resigned three months later, in order to remain in his State Legislature, where he considered his efforts most needed in forming a new Constitution and in aiding many desirable reforms. Among these he reckoned as greatest the curtailment of ignorance, by a more general " Diffusion of Knowledge" among the people, and to that end introduced during the ses- sion three educational bills furthering the support of his gov- ernmental philosophy : " Experience has shown that under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have in time perverted it into tyranny ; and it is believed that the most effectual means of preventing this would be to illuminate the minds of the people by giving them historic facts of past ex- perience, so that they may know ambition under all its shapes, and may exert their natural powers to defeat its purposes. It is generally true that people will be happiest where laws are best administered, and that laws will be wisely formed, and honestly administered, in proportion as those who form and administer them are wise and honest; whence it becomes expedient for promoting public happiness that those persons, whom nature hath endowed with genius and virtue, should be rendered by liberal education worthy to receive, and able to guard, the sacred deposit of the rights and liberties of our fellow citizens, and that they should be called to that charge without regard to wealth, birth, or other accidental circum- stance. But the greater number, by indigence, being unable to educate their children whom nature hath fitly formed and disposed to become useful instruments of the public, it is better that such should be sought for and educated at the common ex- pense of all, than the happiness of all should be confined to the weak and wicked. Instead of putting the Bible in the hands of children with immature judgments for religious inquiries, their memories, in my plan, may be stored with the most use- ful facts from Grecian, Roman, European, and American his- tory. The finest element of morality too may be instilled into UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 79 their minds; such as may teach them how to work out their greatest happiness, by showing them that it, does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed them, but is always the result of good conscience, good health, occupa- tion, and freedom in all just pursuits." His bills presented a comprehensive and thorough plan, involving the division of each county in hundreds, each of five or six miles square, and these to constitute ten districts of the entire State, and further: 1. An elementary school in the center of each hundred, which shall give to the children of every citizen gratis compe- tent instruction in reading, writing, common arithmetic and general geography. 2. A college in the center of each district for teaching two languages (ancient and modern), higher arithmetic, geog- raphy and history. This places a college within a day's ride of every inhabitant of the State, and adds provision for the full education at the public expense of select subjects from among the children of the poor who shall have exhibited at the elementary schools the pronounced indication of the apt- ness of judgment and correct disposition. 3. An university near the center of the State, in which all the branches of science deemed useful at this day shall be taught in their highest degree. The bill, as a whole, lay dormant four years in the original manuscript, until Mr. Jefferson, when governor, advanced it to the printing stage; then followed a sleep of fifteen years and amendment unto death. During this period the country was experiencing serious agitation, revolution and reorganiza- tion, with little incentive for internal reforms, while beyond that the great home exponent of these proposed measures, Mr. Jefferson, had not been permitted to remain with his people to look after their needs and acts having been called to posts involving higher and more serious interests. But this long period was not a barren waste to the cause of education, for the people were becoming gradually sensible of its advantages, indeed necessity, and Mr. Jefferson, better acquainted with its methods of development in the most cultured centers of the civilized world. While Minister to France, Mr. Jefferson, with many other 80 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA celebrities, loaned his name to the establishing in Richmond, Virginia, of the " Quesnay French Academy," an institution of arts and sciences, with branches in Baltimore, Philadephia, and New York. It was to be on a gigantic scale, affiliating with the royal societies of London, Paris, and Brussels, as well as with other learned bodies of Europe. Mineralogists, mining engineers and experts of every class were to come from Paris to the New Academy to teach American youth and to serve as scientific commissioners for governments. All research results were to be communicated to other countries, so that there might be established a comity of interests, and although the foundation of the building was laid, June 24, 1 786, with great eclat and apparently under most favorable circumstances, yet the close following of the French Revolution, when capital and scholars, so much needed at home, were timid towards foreign undertakings, rendered the brilliant project of very short life. The original building, however, was finished, but soon after- wards converted into a theater the first in Richmond and better yet, has played a historical part by sheltering legislative bodies, especially the Conventions ratifying the Constitution of the United States, and the Federal Union. It is credited by many, that had this Academy prospered the University of Vir- ginia would have been forestalled, while the border States would have been dominated largely by French culture and customs. Mr. Jefferson's next decided step to advance higher education was in 1795, when he favored transplanting to Vir- ginia the entire faculty of the Swiss College of Geneva thoroughly French in its form of culture. He had met in Paris some of these professors, who no doubt helped to implant in him the more liberal systems of university education, for prior to that association he heartily countenanced developing the curriculum of William and Mary College, but of this nothing was heard after his return to America. This Faculty, having become dissatisfied with the political environment, wrote to Mr. Jefferson, an old friend to most of its members, expressing a willingness to come over in a body, provided suit- able arrangements could be made for continuing its academic work. Mr. Jefferson now thought his dreams near unto realization, and suggested to his Legislature that it make pro- vision for the establishment of the Genevan College in Vir- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 81 ginia. The practical thinkers, however, considered the scheme too hazardous and expensive, while Washington, who had fos- tered the idea of a National University, expressed opposition thus : " I doubt the expediency of importing a body of foreign professors not familiar with the English language and at vari- ance with the popular party in their own land. If we are to im- port professors, they should not be all from one nation." Mr. Jefferson, encountering discouragement in all directions, had to abandon this tempting proposition, but his bounteous hope and ambition for a great Southern center of education faded not the slightest with failure, as five years later, January 18, 1800, we find him communicating to Dr. Joseph Priestley well-matured plans for a new institution. Dr. Priestley, with his family and son-in-law, Dr. Thomas Cooper, had emigrated to this country, 1794,, settling in Northumberland, Pennsyl- vania, and was regarded possibly as the then greatest English scientist, being the leading authority on electricity and a chem- ist of the highest rank the discoverer of oxygen, simultane- ously with Scheele in Sweden, the initiator of gas analysis and author of " History of Electricity " (1767). Beyond pro- found scholarship he was an excellent preacher, proclaiming, to the utter disgust of many, adverse doctrines to the Church of England, which caused his house, chapel, books, papers, ap- paratus and all belongings to be burned and destroyed by a loyal and pious mob of Birmingham. Mr. Jefferson welcomed with open arms such talented men as Priestley and Cooper, seeking shelter and protection in our land, and in his letter of above date revealed his devised scheme : " We wish to establish in the upper district of Virginia, more central than William and Mary College, an university on a plan so broad and liberal and modern, as to be worth patronizing with the public sup- port, and be a temptation to the youth of other States to come and drink of the cup of knowledge and fraternize with us. The first step is to obtain a good plan; that is, a judicious se- lection of the sciences, and a practical grouping of some of them together, and ramifying of others,' so as to adopt the professorships to our uses and our means. Now there is no one to whom this subject is so familiar as yourself, and to you we address our solicitations. We should propose that the professors follow no other calling, so that their whole 82 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA time may be given to their academical functions; and we should propose to draw from Europe the first characters in science, by considerable temptations, which would not need to be repeated after the first set should have prepared fit suc- cessors and given reputation to the institution. From such splendid characters I have received offers most perfectly rea- sonable and practical." About this time (1800) Mons. Dupont de Nemours, a highly educated French economist and philosopher, reached this country, having been friendly with Mr. Jefferson in Paris, close to Turgot, and an ardent worker in averting the French Revolution. While here he visited Mr. Jefferson frequently at Philadelphia, Washington and Monticello when they discussed freely a general scheme for higher education in America, which he followed by an exhaustive treatise of one hundred and fifty-nine pages upon the subject, outlining our educational needs according to his opinion preparatory schools of all grades in the several States, and a central mam- moth " National University," at Washington, second to the capitol, consisting of four departments: i, Medicine; 2, Mines; 3, Social Science and Legislation; 4, Higher Mathe- matics. In order to reach this University one must have passed through all the ascending schools a fact that rendered the plan too comprehensive for those unsettled days, but en- couraged Mr. Jefferson in his own educational scheme for his State, that which he had formulated largely from French and German institutions, those fostering advanced instruction in distinct schools. In 1803 Mr. Jefferson renewed his correspondence with Professor Pictet, of the Genevan College, writing him Febru- ary 5th : " I have still had constantly in view to propose to the Legislature of Virginia the establishment of a good * seminary of learning ' on as large a scale as our present circumstances would require or bear, but as yet no favorable moment has occurred. In the meanwhile I am endeavoring to procure materials for a good plan. With this view I am asking the favor of you to give me a sketch of the branches of science taught in your college, how they are distributed among the professors ; that is to say, how many professors there are and what branches of science are allotted to each professor, and II r " I II % - . OJ'C ,-H - *- D S5 25 .c UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 83 the days and hours assigned to each branch. Your successful experience in the distribution of business will be a valuable guide to us who are without experience." During Mr. Jeffer- son's second Presidential term, 1806, a young Virginian called upon him in Washington, bearing simply commendable letters of introduction. It was Joseph Carrington Cabell, just twenty- eight years of age, on his way home from a three years ab- sence in Europe, where he had gone for travel, study and the improvement of health. He seemingly had used Mr. Jef- ferson as an exemplar graduating at William and Mary Col- lege, studying law at Williamsburg, accepting Paris as his foreign educational center. He had attended lectures under Cuvier at the " College de France," had absorbed natural science at Montpelier, had sojourned at the Universities at Leyden, Padua, Rome, Naples, Cambridge and Oxford, and through this long line of contact and influence had become naturally a broad-minded thinker and critical observer. But above all he held as the most deserving mission in life the furtherance of improved educational methods in his own State, interesting himself in Swiss education to the extent of study- ing at Verdun the novel system of Pestalozzi in the hope of introducing it into Virginia. Of course such a counterpart in experience, thought, ambition and aspiration appealed at once, heart and soul, to Mr. Jefferson, who immediately offered him positions of civic and diplomatic prominence, which were refused on the ground of already being sufficiently long from home, whither he must hasten that he might speedily become identified with the interests of his people. A year later we find him favoring De la Coste, a French scientist, in the es- tablishment of a natural history museum at William and Mary College, a step disapproved by Mr. Jefferson, who already had abandoned the possibility of increasing the scope and useful- ness of his alma mater. Upon the subject he directed his pri- vate secretary to write Cabell : " If the amelioration of educa- tion and the diffusion of knowledge be the favorite objects of your life, avail yourself of the favorable disposition of your countrymen, and consent to go into your legislative body. Instead of wasting your time in attempting to patch up a de- caying institution, direct your efforts to a higher and more valuable object. Found a new one which shall be worthy of 84 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA the first State in the Union. This may, this certainly will one day be done, and why not now ? You may not succeed in one session, or in two, but you will succeed at last." This sugges- tion was not long in being heeded by Cabell, for he was elected to the House of Delegates in 1808, where he remained two years, 1810, and then to the Senate for a continuous period of nineteen years, 1829, becoming a far greater man than these home political positions imply being entreated to represent his district in Congress and to enter the Cabinets of Madison and Monroe. These, however, he declined, preferring an energetic devotion directly to the good of his State, in whose legislative halls he became a most able and persuasive debater, a formidable champion of all that tended towards her better- ment, breathing as none other the spirit and ambition of Mr. Jefferson for local government, popular education, and a great State University. Indeed but for the mental and physical accordance of these two dominant characters, neither of them would have seen the University of Virginia a living reality in their day. It would have come later, but to the credit of different powers and persons. Mr. Jefferson, during 1813, revived an earnest interest in higher education for his State, making it the most vital and absorbing occupation of declining years 'happily a broader and more serious field than an overtaxed correspondence with which hitherto he had been afflicted. The first evidence of this appeared in agitating the subject locally, and in numerous letters to various friends and educators. Among these Dr. Thomas Cooper possibly took first rank, being a man of high university culture, well trained in chemistry, physics, miner- alogy, physiology, law and political economy- one of our earliest writers upon the latter science and the first to intro- duce the study of Roman law the son-in-law of Dr. Joseph Priestley, with whom he had escaped political and religious persecutions of England, and now resided in Pennsylvania. In his adopted home he assumed the practice of law, became a judge, and afterwards a professor in Dickinson College, University of Pennsylvania, and South Carolina College, and the second one appointed (chemistry, law) in the University of Virginia the first being Dr. Samuel Knox (language) of Baltimore. Mr. Jefferson, January 16, 1814, wrote Dr. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 85 Cooper : "I have long had under contemplation and been collecting materials for the plan of a university in Virginia which would comprehend all the sciences useful to us, and none others. This would probably absorb the functions of William and Mary College, and transfer them to a healthier and more central position perhaps to the neighborhood of this place. The long and lingering decline of that College, the death of its last president (Bishop Madison), its location and climate force on us the wish for a new institution more convenient to our country generally, and better adapted to the present state of science. I have been told there will be an effort in the present session of the Legislature to effect such an establishment. I confess, however, that I have not great confidence that this will be done. Should it happen, it would offer places worthy of you, and of which you are worthy." The first decided act by the people of Albemarle, indicating a sympathy for higher education and a desire for their locality to be the seat of a great institution, was taken in 1783, when some public-spirited citizens requested Mr. Jefferson, just about departing from Monticello for Trenton to resume con- gressional duties, to secure a suitable tutor to assume charge of a grammar school or academy proposed for Charlottesville. In reply to this request Mr. Jefferson wrote, December 3ist: " I inquired at Princeton of Dr. Witherspoon, but he informed me that that college was just getting together again, and that no such person could, of course, be had there. I inquired at Philadelphia for some literary character of the Irish nation in that city. There was none such, and in the course of my in- quiries I was informed that learning is but little cultivated there, and that few persons have ever been known to come from that nation as tutors. I concluded on the whole, then, if the scheme should be carried on, and fixed on so firm a basis as that we might on its faith venture to bring a man from his native country, it would be best for me to interest some person in Scotland to engage a good man." The contents of this letter evidently brought temporary death to the academy scheme, for it was not chartered by the Legislature until twenty years later, 1803, and then remained simply on paper another ten years, March 25, 1814, when Mr. Jefferson was 86 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA elected one of its trustees. At this meeting and several others that followed in quick succession, he recounted his life-long 1 study, identity and interest in educational institutions, and his great desire to have a creditable one in his State boldly ad- vocating the abandonment of the simple academy idea for a university of the broadest scope and usefulness. In accordance with his views the Board of Trustees was re- organized and a committee appointed, he being chairman, to draft governing rules and regulations, to seek subscriptions and other monetary aid by promoting the sale through lottery of certain glebe lands in Albemarle, and to provide a suitable site and plans. Mr. Jefferson wrote Dr. Cooper, August 25th : " To be prepared for our new institution I have taken some pains to ascertain those branches which men of sense, as well as of science, deem worthy of cultivation. To the statements which I have obtained from other sources, I shall highly value an additional one from yourself. You know our country, its pursuits, its facilities, its relations with others, its means of establishing and maintaining an institution of general science, and the spirit of economy with which it requires that these should be administered. Will you, then, so far contribute to our views as to consider this subject, to make a statement of the branches of science which you think worthy of being taught, as I have before said, at this day and in this country ? It will be necessary to distribute them into groups in order to bring the whole circle of useful science under the direction of the smallest number of professors. We are about to make the effort for the introduction of this institution." Although from now on the creating of the University was Mr. Jefferson's absorbing pleasure his hobby, as he termed it receiving daily the greater part of his attention, yet by forced effort and indomitable will nothing seemingly was neglected in the older directions except his own business, that which he erringly thought might run itself satisfactorily. He never lost interest in the affairs of our country, and was thoroughly in- dignant at the British, August, 1814, burning Washington with its Congressional Library, even endeavoring to repair the latter by offering Congress, at its own price, his private collection of ten thousand volumes, an accumulation of fifty years that cost as many thousands of dollars an offer, after UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 87 much unpleasant debate, personal crimination and recrimina- tion, finally accepted at half the amount. During this year he wrote Dr. Jones : " I deplore with you the putrid state into which our newspapers have passed, and the malignity, the vulgarity, and mendacious spirit of those who write for them; and I enclose you a recent sample, the production of a New England judge, as a proof of the abyss of degradation into which we have fallen. These ordures are rapidly depraving the public taste, and lessening its relish for sound food, etc." In this same letter he expressed opinions of Washington, which, despite the claim of depreciation, amounted to a glowing eulogy from beginning to end. In the early part of 1815 he catalogued and shipped his books to Washington, and throughout the year wrote many letters, con- tributed material to Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry, perfected several mechanical devices adjustable carriage top, hemp ma- chine, etc. and pursued a number of scientific investigations. Early in 1816 he wrote Thompson: "I retain good health, walk a little, ride on horseback much. No tooth shaking yet, but shivering and shrinking in body from the cold. My great- est oppression is a correspondence afflictingly laborious, the extent of which I have long been endeavoring to curtail. This keeps me at the drudgery of the writing-table all the prime hours of the day, leaving for the gratification of my appetite for reading, only what I can steal from the hours of sleep." Later in the year he wrote Adams : " You ask if I would agree to live seventy-three years over again? To this I say, yea. I think with you, that it is a good world on the whole; that it has been framed on a principle of benevolence, and more pleasure than pain dealt out to us. There are, indeed (who might say, nay), gloomy and hypochondriac minds, inhabi- tants of diseased bodies, disgusted with the present, and despairing of the future; always counting that the worst will happen, because it may happen. To these I say, how much pain have cost us the evils which have never happened! My temperament is sanguine. I steer my bark with Hope in the head, leaving Fear astern. My hopes, indeed, sometimes fail ; but not oftener than the forebodings of the gloomy. I have often wondered for what good end the sensations of grief could be intended. I wish the pathologists would tell us what is 88 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA the use of grief in the economy, and of what good it is the cause, proximate or remote. There is a ripeness of time for death, regarding others as well as ourselves, when it is reason- able we should drop off, and make room for another growth. When we have lived our generation out, we should not wish to encroach on another. I enjoy good health; I am happy in what is around me, yet I assure you I am ripe for leaving all, this year, this day, this hour." To Adams' reply on the utility of grief, Mr. Jefferson re- plied : " You have exhausted the subject. I see that with the other evils of life, it is destined to temper the cup we are to drink." This same year he passed over to his eldest grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, the management of his lands, and of the fact writes : " I am indeed an unskillful manager of my farms, and sensible of this from its effects, I have now committed them to better hands, of whose care and skill I have satisfactory knowledge, and to whom I have ceded the entire direction. This is all that is necessary to make them adequate to all my wants, and to place me at entire ease." In one of his letters to John Taylor, May 28, 1816, he defined the term republic a government by its citizens in mass, acting directly and personally according to rules established by the majority; and every other government is more or less repub- lican, in proportion as it has in its composition more or less of this ingredient of the direct action of the citizens. The further the departure from direct and constant control by the citizens, the less has the government of the ingredient of re- publicanism. The Senate is less so than the House. In the early part of 1817 Lieutenant Hall, of the British Army, an intelligent traveler, visited Monticello, writing there- of a beautiful description. Mr. Monroe also became President, much to the delight of Mr. Jefferson, as he believed " twenty- four consecutive years of republican administration would so consecrate its forms and principles in the eyes of the people as to secure them against the danger of a change." In a letter to Dr. Stuart he wrote : " I hope the policy of our country will settle down with as much navigation and commerce only as our exchanges will require." He heartily approved of the President's veto of the Internal Improvement Bill, and in a letter to Adams, January n, 1817, wrote: "Forty-three UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 89 volumes read in one year, and twelve of them quarto! Dear sir, how I envy you! Half a dozen of octavos in that space of time are as much as I am allowed. I can read by candle- light only, and stealing long hours from my rest; nor would that time be indulged to me, could I by that light see to write. From sunrise to one or two o'clock and often from dinner to dark, I am drudging at the writing-table. And all of this to answer letters in which neither interest nor inclination on my part enters; and often from persons whose names I have never before heard. Yet, writing civilly, it is hard to refuse them civil answers. This is the burden of my life." Indeed, when President his published writings included considerably less than one-fiftieth part of his written letters. In a letter to Burwell, March 14, 1818, upon female educa- tion, he said : "A great obstacle to good education is the inordinate passion prevalent for novels, and the time lost in that reading which should be instructively employed. When this poison infects the mind, it destroys its tone and revolts it against wholesome reading." Even Scott's novels were not to his taste, refusing to read them, and to accept either prose or poetry of the romantic school, while he detested the middle- age political civilization, especially the feudal system, just as much as Scott admired them; he was the warm sympathizer with common humanity as Scott was with kings and nobles. The most absorbing topic, however, all this time was his proposed University. On September 7, 1814, he submitted to the president of the Board of Trustees of the Albemarle Academy, Peter Carr, a lengthy report, incorporating his educational views the result of thirty years careful reflection plan of organization for the Academy, and the suggestion of its possible expansion into a college with professional schools, which as a complete document, defining general and technical education, classification of the sciences, and profes- sional schools, may truthfully be claimed to represent the " literary foundation " of the University of Virginia. Three days later Mr. Jefferson forwarded a copy of this report to Dr. Cooper, asking for such suggestions as might be available through future amendments, and implied that his plan was ma- turing fast. Peter Carr placed his copy, along with the peti- tion in behalf of the Academy needing legislative sanction, into 90 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA the hands of a legislator, who with inexplicable motive with- held its publicity until January 5, 1815, when Mr. Jefferson could refrain no longer from writing his loyal co-worker, Jo- seph C, Cabell, then a member of the Senate: "Could the petition which the Albemarle Academy addressed to our Legis- lature have succeeded at the late session, a little aid additional to the objects of that would have enabled us to have here im- mediately the best seminary of the United States. I do not know to whom Mr. Carr committed the petition and papers, but I have seen no trace of their having been offered. Think- ing it possible you may not have seen them, I send for your perusal the copies I retained for my own use. They consist of letters to Mr. Carr and Dr. Cooper, and a petition of the Academy trustees, requesting a change in the name to Cen- tral College in the number, appointment, succession, duties and powers of the Visitors, also the enactment of fixed prin- ciples for its safe government and administration/' In ad- dition the Academy desired the moneys from the sale of the two glebes, and from the Literary Fund that established in 1810 for the encouragement of learning, being created and increased from certain escheats, penalties and forfeitures, and augmented, at the suggestion of representative Charles Fen- ton Mercer, by the amount of the Government's indebtedness to the State for expenses incurred in the war of 1812. " They are long, but as we always counted on you as the main pillar of our support, we shall probably return to the charge at the next session, the trouble of reading them will come upon you, and as well now as then. In addition to the revenue asked, if we could obtain a loan for four or five years of seven or eight thousand dollars, I think I have it now in my power to obtain three of the ablest characters in the world to fill the higher professorships of what in the plan is called the second or general grade of education ; and for those of language and mathematics, a part of the same grade, able professors doubt- less could also be readily obtained. With these characters I should not be afraid to say that the circle of the sciences would be more profoundly taught here than in any institution in the United States, and I might go farther." There seemed to be considerable opposition to so much legis- lation in favor of the new institution Central College then UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 91 even recognized as the child of Mr. Jefferson, the great sup- posed believer in heterodox religion, the true sainted apostle of the Republican creed. The older colleges of the State William and Mary, Washington, Hampden-Sidney, etc. were all, as elsewhere, under orthodox regime, and dreaded a more liberal thinking competitor, making it difficult to assuage their staunch supporters and his political opponents. As a result the act passed, February 14, 1816, did not afford all that was desired, as it shared none of the Literary Fund ad- vantages, but otherwise conceded about what was hoped for. Consequently a reorganization under the new name Central College was soon effected, by the Governor (Nich- olas) appointing a distinguished Board of Visitors, consisting of Mr. Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Cabell, Cocke, Watson selected evidently on account of great ability, interest in edu- cation, Mr. Jefferson's preference, and geographical conveni- ence, none residing beyond twenty-five miles of the institution a half day's ride except Monroe, then President, when temporarily away from his nearby home, " Ashlawn," on the west side of Carter's Mountain. At their first legal meeting, held at Monticello, May 5, 1817, all present except Cabell and Watson, a lottery plan was ap- proved, subscription paper prepared, while Mr. Jefferson re- ported the purchase from John Perry of two hundred acres of suitable land, one mile west of Charlottesville, for the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, and submitted tentative plans of the proposed buildings those that now exist in reality as the Uni- versity of Virginia consisting of ten distinct two-storied pavilions for the professors, arranged at equal distance apart (about one hundred and twenty-five feet) on the longer side of a rectangle, and connected by spans of ten one-storied dormi- tories for the students. The construction was to be of brick and stone the pavilions to contain a schoolroom and accom- modations for the professorial family (?), the dormitory rooms of sufficient size for two students all to open upon a covered colonnade, suggestive of the mediaeval monastery, or the modern academic village. As the plan contemplated low buildings in long ranges, the funds in hand, forty-five thousand dollars, could at once be turned to" a beginning, and as these increased, construction could be extended. During this first 92 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA meeting it also was determined to erect at once one of the pavilions (fourth from Rotunda, West Lawn) and the attached dormitories -twenty rooms, ten on either side one of which the writer occupied his second session. Progress was so sat- isfactory that the Board of Visitors, as an entire body, at- tended the laying of the corner-stone of the parent building, October 6th, an event accentuated with great local eclat and masonic honors. At a preceding meeting, July 28th, Dr. Sam- uel Knox had been appointed professor of languages, but having declined, the Board, on the day following the dedicatory services, elected Dr. Thomas Cooper professor of chemistry, etc., and directed two additional pavilions with attached dor- mitories to be built. Just at this time there seemed to have developed in the Legislature a very strong possibly rival interest towards advancing all grades of education in Vir- ginia. The new source or faction was headed by Cliarles Fenton Mercer, a delegate from Loudoun, a Federalist, a man of culture and travel, who had drawn, 1811, the act, " To pro- vide for the education of the poor/' and now, apparently with- out any knowledge of Mr. Jefferson's plan, conceived a very broad scheme of public education, to be aided by the Literary Fund, to whose corpus large additions had been made through his energy and efforts. He now proposed the following reso- lution which was passed by the Legislature, February 24, 1816: "Be if resolved by the General Assembly, that the President (Governor Nicholas) and Directors of the Literary Fund be requested to digest and report to the next General Assembly a system of Public Education, calculated to give ef- fect to the appropriations made to that object by the Legis- lature, heretofore, and during the present session, and to com- prehend in such a system the establishment of one University, to be called, " The University of Virginia," and such additional Colleges, Academies, and Schools as shall diffuse the benefits of education throughout the Commonwealth; and such rules for the government^flf such University, Colleges, Academies, and Schools as shal^Bjxiuce economy in the expenditures for the establishment an^fmaintenance, good order and discipline in the management thereof." This happened to be the first legislative sanction for the es- tablishment of a University of Virginia, and two days after L " - s I B- o oS e*. en S fc s UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 93 its enactment, February 26th, Cabell wrote Mr. Jefferson : " I think the passage of these two measures (i) Mercer's on education, (2) Increasing Literary Fund unquestionably to be ascribed in a great degree to the publication in the Etiquirer, on that very morning, of your letter to Peter Carr. But it may be asked, why inquire of the President and Directors of the Literary Fund for plans, when one so satisfactory is already before the public? I will tell you. Appropriations abstracted from their location are -not easily obtained. Should the next Assembly sanction the scheme of an university, you will see the Lexington and Staunton interests striving to draw it away from Albemarle, and the whole western delegation will threaten to divide the State, unless this institution should be placed be- yond the (Blue) Ridge. Mr. Mercer will be an advocate for a western site; the Federalists will favor Lexington, but I think that Central College will triumph over them all. I am pleased to think Governor Nicholas will be in office at the commencement of the next session of the Assembly." In accordance with the resolution of February 24th, Gov- ernor Nicholas, desiring to make a creditable report, began at once collecting necessary data, and soon applied to Mr. Jeffer- son, the recognized authority on educational matters, for advice and information, which were given both gladly and freely. Mr. Jefferson emphasized the close resemblance between Mer- cer's scheme and his own bills for the more general " Diffusion of Knowledge " reported in 1776 and 1779, and for his detailed view of education, professional and otherwise, list of subjects, arrangement, departments, and professorships he referred him to his comprehensive letter to Peter Carr, published several months before. He also recommended that the buildings be arranged as proposed for Central College this village form being preferable on account of fire, health, economy, peace and quiet. Governor Nicholas thought that possibly some others outside of his State might suggest something tangible for an educational system if appealed to, consequently addressed, May 30, 1816, a " Circular Letter " to a number of well-known educators Dr. Thomas Cooper, Rev. Timothy Dwight, Dr. Samuel Mitchell, J. A. Smith, President Monroe, etc. all of whom gave lengthy and painstaking replies, which were di- gested into an able " Report of the President and Directors of 94 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA the Literary Fund," and presented to the Legislature, Decem- ber 6th. Upon this Professor Herbert B. Adams makes the following comment : " If Mr. Jefferson was not the author of this entire report, his ideas pervade it from beginning to end, and as Governor Nicholas sought his advice before all others, just so he gave it preference. The official voice is the Governor's, but the hand is Jefferson's." In this report the general subject was subdivided into (i) Primary Schools, (2) Academies, (3) an University, and this system was based upon dividing the counties into townships, each to support one primary school, in which should be taught reading, writing and arithmetic the Lancastrian method of teaching being recommended. Boys when well-grounded in these will be prepared to enter the next grade, academy, teaching Latin, Greek, French, higher arithmetic, six first books of Euclid, algebra, geography, elements of astronomy, and the u,se of globes. Finally a university, " comprehending in its teachings the whole circle of the arts and sciences, ex- tending to the utmost boundaries of human knowledge. The peculiar conditions of Virginia must be studied, and the uni- versity adapted to the needs of the people; it should have a modest beginning ; centrally and healthfully located ; buildings paid for out of the Literary Fund; fifteen visitors and nine professors; there shall be educated, boarded and clothed, at the public expense (Literary Fund) ten of the most deserving and promising young men, who shall remain four years at the University, and shall serve four years in the academy, if re- quired ; there shall be seven fellowships about the first offered in this country to be filled out of the most learned and meri- torious graduates of the University, who are to receive salaries out of the Literary Fund, and teach four years in the acade- my, if required. It is to these we ought to look for our supply of teachers and professors, by which service to the youth of the country, they will amply repay their own obligation for gratu- itous training. This will create a corps of self-sustained liter- ary men able to devote their whole time to science, thereby enlarging its boundaries and infusing generally an inspiration for the charms of literature and knowledge." The report was destined to have its vicissitudes, being at once referred to the Committee of the Whole, while the reso- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 95 lutions, after receiving ten amendments, were ordered by Mer- cer laid upon the table, January 12, 1817, and upon further amendment including a series of colleges were presented, February 3rd, as a bill, a Providing for the establishment of an University." The Committee of Schools and Colleges re- ported several bills, which, not being acted upon at a late hour of the session, gave Mercer opportunity to hurriedly prepare and present a suitable substitution, leaving out the site of the University, that passed the House, February i8th, but failed two days later in the Senate, by a tie vote, as half of the mem- bers were absent, thus causing to be deferred for two years the whole educational scheme. However, these various bills per- taining to education were ordered by the Senate to be printed in pamphlet form, entitled " Sundry Documents/' for general distribution throughout the State, in order that the public might become thoroughly familiar with their various pro- visions. CHAPTER V THOMAS JEFFERSON FATHER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA The Mercer bill vs. Mr. Jefferson's; Mercer in Congress; Mr. Jefferson's Educational Bill of 1817-1818; first report of Central College propos- ing its conversion into the University of Virginia; Mr. Jefferson's final draft and trial ; dreams realized ; difficulty over location ; Rockfish Commission its report to Legislature ; final contest, Mr. Baldwin of Augusta ; First Board of Visitors ; Mr. Jefferson chosen Rector ; Uni- versity's architecture, plans, construction ; Dr. Thomas Cooper's oppo- sition, religious apprehensions ; selection of Ticknor and Bowditch ; buildings advanced; monetary difficulties; religious doctrines; Father of our Navy, etc. THE Mercer Bill although similar to that of Mr. Jefferson's had some notable exceptions: i, The Board of Public In- struction was authorized to accept the Anne Smith Academy, for the education of females, and to provide for the erection of not more than two other similar institutions, thereby in- troduced female education at the public expense. 2, Four col- leges were proposed Pendleton, Wythe, Henry, Jefferson, and the three already existing, William and Mary, Washing- ton, Hampden-Sidney, might be received into this arrange- ment at the option of their Trustees. 3, The Primary Schools were to be established first, Academies second, Colleges third, and the University last then only if sufficient funds remained after completing the preceding. These and several minor dif- ferences rendered the bill in Mr. Jefferson's opinion decidedly objectionable much inferior to his plan of establishing Pri- mary Schools without taking a cent from the Literary Fund, leaving it for founding Academies (Colleges) in every district of eighty miles square, and finally an University centrally lo- cated. He further believed that unless something less extrava- gant be devised, the whole undertaking would fail, as the Primary Schools alone would exhaust the entire funds, conse- quently he set himself again at work to produce a more ac- ceptable single bill for the next session of the Legislature. 96 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 97 Mercer had now been elected to Congress, where he re- mained twenty-one years, so he was out of the way, and like- wise, as it proved, was his bill. After a slow and painful siege of writing Mr. Jefferson finished the so-called, " Jeffer- son's Educational Bill of 1817-1818," which was forwarded, October 24, 1817, to Cabell with these concluding words : " I send you the result brought into a single bill, lest by bringing it on by detachments some of the parts might be lost." This bill abstracted largely from the plan enunciated in his compre- hensive letter to Peter Carr, September 7, 1814 dividing the State into nine collegiate districts, each to have a college with two professors, paid from the Literary Fund, and teaching Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, Italian, German, English gram- mar, geography, higher arithmetic, mensuration of land, use of globes, and the ordinary elements of navigation; also an University " in a central and healthy part of the State/' whose location should be determined by a board of eight visitors, subject to approval by the Board of Public Instruction, unless the State should decide to accept the present lands, buildings, property, and rights of Central College, whenever its board of visitors should authorize a transfer to the Board of Public Instruction, for the purposes of an University. In this institu- tion should be taught history and geography ancient and modern natural philosophy, agriculture, chemistry, theories of medicine, anatomy, zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology, mathematics pure and mixed military and naval science, ideology, ethics, law of nature and nations, law municipal and foreign science of civil government and political econ- omy, languages, rhetoric, belles-letters, and the fine arts gen- erally all distributed to not more than ten professors." In order to pave the way for this bill Mr. Jefferson sub- mitted shortly thereafter, January 6, 1818, to the speaker of the House of Delegates the first report of the Trustees of Central College, in which he recounted in detail its plans, progress and prospects, taking care to emphasize " the want of a seminary of general science in a healthy part of the State, and nearly central to its population, for whose development the resources at the command of the Legislature would alone be adequate. By the Mercer bill of the last session, passed by one branch and printed by the other, for public consideration, a 98 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA disposition appears to go into a system of general education, of which a single University for the use of the whole State is to be a component part. But observing that in the bill pre- sented to public consideration a combination of private and public contributions has been contemplated, and considering such an incorporation as completely fulfilling the view of our institution, we undertake to declare that if the Legislature shall think proper to proceed to the establishment of an Uni- versity, and to adopt for its location the site of the Central College, we are so certain of the approbation of those for whom we act, that we may give safe assurances of the ready transfer to the State of all the property and rights of the Cen- tral College, in possession or in action, towards the establish- ment of such an University, and under such laws and provi- sions as the Legislature shall be pleased to establish ; and that we ourselves shall be ready to deliver over our charge to such successors, or such other organization, as the Legislature shall be pleased to ordain, and with increased confidence of its suc- cess under their care." This was the first intimation, at least official proposal, to convert Central College into the University of Virginia, a proposition to thoughtful persons savoring of much reason and advantage, as that institution was well-located, well-endowed and well-underway, while its educational scope was to be of an university character that which the State so thoroughly needed and desired. It would be far better, surely more eco- nomical, to promote and sustain this than to establish another de novo, only to become a strong and deadly rival a fact that Mr. Jefferson fully realized, and could not believe his people would think otherwise when enlightened upon the conditions and yet he was conscious of needed diplomacy that his hopes might succeed. He wrote to Cabell, December 18, 1817 : "I think you had better keep back the general plan till this report is made, as I am persuaded it will give a lift to that. Pray drop me a line when any vote is passed which furnishes an indication of the success or failure of the general plan. I have only this single anxiety in the world. It is a bantling of forty years' birth and nursing, and if I can once see it on its legs, I will sing with sincerity and pleasure my nune dimittas" UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 99 Mr. Jefferson was now seventy-five years of age, and though all his efforts in the interest of local " Diffusion of Knowl- edge," extending over forty years, had been apparently with- out results, yet he was enthused to a high degree in making one more final trial. He wrote Cabell, December 3ist: "I have this morning sent to Mr. Madison a draft of the report I promised you. When returned, I shall have to make out a fair copy and send it the round for signature. You may, therefore, expect it about the last of next week." This report was placed in the hands of the Speaker, January 6, 1818, with the request that it be communicated to the House in such form as he thought best. Mr. Jefferson anxiously awaited a knowl- edge of the impression it made upon the Legislature " be- cause that shows how near we are to the accomplishment of a good college, one that cannot but be thought of some value to the State and the urgency of their enabling us to com- plete it." Cabell wrote Mr. Jefferson, January 5, 1818: "It grieves me to tell you that I think our prospects are by no means flattering in the General Assembly. I shall not relax my small exertions in this noble cause. I hunt assiduously around me for every suggestion towards lessening the difficulties on the branch of the primary schools. The hostile interests to Central College the Cincinnati Society, mostly Federalists, and the Lexington people both favor Washington College; the Staunton people, who have not only selected the site in their midst for the University, but would have the capital removed there from Richmond have been constantly at work producing some effect on the House of Delegates, now much altered for the worse, with which I believe nothing can be done. Again, the discordant opinions about the primary schools seem irreconcilable. Efforts have been, and doubtless will be made to convert this subject into a question between the east and west side of the Blue Ridge. Judge Roane, Col. Nicholas and others disapprove of your plan of an assessment on the wards, believing the moneys should come out of the Literary Fund, but that your mode of administration should be kept up." Mr. Jefferson wrote Cabell, January I4th : " A system of general instruction which shall reach every description of our ioo UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA citizens, from the richest to the poorest, as it was the earliest, so will it be the latest of all the public concerns in which I shall permit myself to take an interest. Nor am I tenacious of the form in which it shall be introduced. Be that what it may, our descendants will be as wise as we are, and will know how to amend and amend until it shall suit their circum- stances. Give it to us, then, in any shape, and receive for the inestimable boon the thanks^of the young, and the bless- ings of the old, who are past all other services but prayers for the prosperity of their country and blessings to those who promote it." This letter Cabell had published in the Rich- mond Enquirer, February loth, and while the " enlightened few " read it with sympathy and fervor, yet it failed to attract many legislators to the support of the bill. The House of Delegates really preferred a small appropriation for educating the poor from the Literary Fund, and the rest of it devoted to paying the State's debts. It rose, however, to the demands of the occasion, by accepting a compromise between the high- est and lowest forms of education Hill's substitute for Mr. Jefferson's bill. On January 22nd, Cabell wrote Mr. Jefferson : " I have read the bill and am greatly disappointed. Indeed, sir, the prospect before us is dreary." Three weeks later he wrote in a more cheerful strain : " When the school bill came up in the Senate we engrafted upon it a provision for an University, and it has passed, February 2ist, in the form of the enclosed with one small exception. The bill gives forty-five thousand dollars per annum to the poor, and fifteen thousand to the University this latter amount being continued for nearly sixty years as the State's sole annuity. The Governor and Council shall choose one commissioner from each Senatorial District in the State, who, as a body, shall meet at Rockfish Gap, August i, 1818, and sojourn from place to place and time to time; that they shall report to the next Assembly the best site, plan, etc., and the next Assembly will have the whole subject in their power. We have fifteen districts (out of the possible twenty-four) on this side of the Ridge, and I think we are safe in the hands of the Executive. The appointment of the commissioners is now a subject of infinite importance to us, The Executive, I think, will do us justice. Our policy UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 101 is to invest all our funds (Central College) in buildings, and get them as far advanced by August as possible." Truly Mr. Jefferson needed no reminder for this, as he had time and again expressed the same aim to make the greatest progress, then have the Legislature adopt and further it. The University of Virginia was no longer a dream its existence had been decided upon definitely, but where it should exist was still, as it always had been the disturbing and un- settled question one that Mr. Jefferson determined should be influenced towards his choice location, Central College, with all the reason, logic and personal magnetism he pos- sessed. The contest was to be with the Commissioners and also the next Legislature, and in both assemblies Mr. Jeffer- son proposed to meet manfully the pending issue. Of the twenty-four commissioners only three were absent from the meeting, August ist, at the tavern in Rockfish Gap that between Albemarle and Augusta counties, through which the turnpike to the West passes now the summer resort, " Afton or Mountain Top." Besides the President of the United States, Mr. Monroe, and his two predecessors, Mr. Jefferson and Madison, nearly all the others were distinguished men judges, statesmen, lawyers, etc. " yet it was remarked by the lookers-on, that Mr. Jefferson was the principal object of regard both to the members and spectators; that he seemed to be the chief mover of the body the soul that animated it; and some who were present, struck by these manifestations of deference, conceived a more exalted idea of him on this simple and unpretending occasion than they had ever previously entertained." He was elected unanimously President of the meeting, and, after some discussion, Chairman of a Committee of six, tp report on all the duties assigned the Commission by the Leg'i^tfifce/ except ; j that of the site that being left to the legislative fro'dyl *HoW"-^ ever, at the same time this point was discuss^ lib$f&8fg '$*$ ' *> of the three places proposed, Lexington, StauritdA, 'Central' College, being recognized as located in equally healthy and fertile districts, but Mr. Jefferson added much weight to his favorite, by exhibiting " an imposing list of octogenarians," and by demonstrating with figures and charts its approximate centrality in territory and white population. 102 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Although absolutely fair in his bearings, statements and conclusions some criticism followed the manner of drawing his transverse lines so as to intersect at Charlottesville the beginning of his westerly line being the mouth of the Chesa- peake Bay, a point much nearer the southern than the northern state boundary but he defended his position by the state- ment : " the greatest part of what is north is water." This line was not drawn due west, as the northern state boundary was north of northwest, but discreetly balancing his geog- raphy, followed the line of " equal division of the population." For his north and south line of population, he paralleled the Blue Ridge, running southwest and northeast. Mr. Jefferson afterwards affirmed : " Run your lines in whatever direction you please, they will pass close to Charlottesville." Be that as it may, he apparently had little trouble in winning the As- sembly at Rockfish Gap, for when the vote was taken, sixteen stood for Central College, three for Lexington, and two for Staunton an expression of opinion which the Committee was instructed to include in the report unanimously adopted, Au- gust 3rd. The following day two copies were signed by the entire Commission present, in readiness for the Speakers of the House and Senate. The report as an entirety was lengthy, elaborate and comprehensive, being prepared with careful thought, no doubt by Mr. Jefferson, prior to the meeting. It defined the object of primary and higher education, the rela- tion of the State to science, the relation of education to morals and religion, the advantage of modern languages and Anglo- Saxon, the necessity of bodily exercise and manual training, and finally enumerated the many objects to be taught in a masterly manner, .arranged for ten professors. '.* : :*At th'e/lieginning of the next Legislative session, Cabell w'cts in RichmoncJ, a&.usual, attending to his Senatorial duties, '.ehieflyr't^c^^J^aiping to the University. Mr. Jefferson "fofSva'rded'to him the report, November 2oth, stating it the opinion of the Commissioners, " that it should be delivered to each speaker in the chair on the second morning of the session." In a letter to Mr. Jefferson, December 8th, Cabell wrote: " The report was read, and received with great attention in .8 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 103 both the Houses, and a resolution to print a number of copies passed each House. The ability and value of the report I am informed are universally admitted. It was referred in the lower house to a select committee, and the speaker is friendly to the measure. A portion of the Assembly will be opposed to the whole subject, and how far a combination between this part and the Lexington interest may jeopardize the measure, I cannot now determine. All that I can now positively affirm is, that the clouds seem to be scattering, and the prospect to smile." Just as was apprehended and feared, opposition to Mr. Jef- ferson's university scheme did not abate in the Legislature, as shown by Cabell's letter, December 24th : " There is a de- cided majority of the Committee in favor of the Central Col- lege; but the Eastern members are less attentive than the Western. The friends of Lexington wish to have the clause of location reported with a blank, discredit your calculations, seek to reinforce their claims, so that the hostile interests are daily acquiring new force by intrigue and management. The party opposed altogether to the University is growing so rapidly we have just grounds to fear a total failure of the measure." Some believed the Literary Fund was to be di- verted from its original object to educate the poor, and that the rich were to receive its benefits. Others thought Char- lottesville too small for a university town, neither attracting nor furnishing polished society for either professors or stu- dents, and incapable of supplying accommodations and police authority for governing a large number of young men. The friends of William and Mary College demanded five thousand dollars annually for their concurrence that which Cabell spurned, preferring to lose the bill, and, in spite of precarious health, braved all the objections, by not relinquishing in the least his efforts towards quieting the turbulent waters and converting legislators to his way of thinking. As he put it: " I passed the night in watchful reflection and the day in ceaseless activity." He wrote to liberal minded men in the belligerent districts importuning influence upon their repre- sentatives; prepared letters for the Enquirer, calculated to move public sentiment in favor of his cause; published Mr. Jefferson's able defense and explanation of the true center of io 4 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA population, and by skilful tactics at last won over the majority to his opinion. Early in January, 1819, he wrote Mr. Jeffer- son : " Happily sir, a counter-current has been produced, and I am now confident of ultimate success. Our friends are at last aroused, and are as ardent as you could desire, so that our policy now is to keep back the vote as long as possible." Again he wrote, January i8th: "Grateful, truly grateful is it to my heart, to be able to announce to you the result of this day's proceedings in the House of Delegates. In Committee of the Whole the question was taken, after an elaborate dis- cussion, on the motion to strike the Central College from the bill, and was lost by a vote of 114 to 69. This is a decisive victory." Just then one of the western opponents, Baldwin of Augusta, arose to the occasion, and expressed eloquently : " I have supported Staunton as long as there was any hope of success, but now I implore this body to sacrifice all local preju- dice and sectional feeling, in order to have unanimity of action let us unite with the majority in support of the bill." And as he wished, so it was an overwhelming victory for Mr. Jefferson's cause. Cabell had been suffering two days before from hemorrhage of the lungs, " brought on by exposure to bad weather and loss of sleep," and left the House just prior to the final vote in order, " to avoid the shock of feeling which I should have been compelled to sustain. But I am told the scene was truly affecting. A great part of the House was in tears, and, on the rising of the House, the Eastern members hovered around Mr. Baldwin some shook him by the hand, others solicited an introduction. Such magnanimity in a de- feated adversary excited universal applause. The discussion must have produced a considerable effect." In the Senate the bill was known to be safe, where it passed by a vote of 22 to i, January 25th, thus chartering the University of Virginia and adopting Central College as her site. Her seal " Minerva enrobed in her peplus and characteristic habili- ments as inventress and protectress of the arts " bears this birth year, 1819, but six long, perplexing years elapsed before she was opened formally (1825) to the reception of students. Although in this great struggle Mr. Jefferson was the power behind the throne, yet Cabell had been the watchdog and fighter better pacifier -who could have accomplished UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 105 alone much that he did, but Mr. Jefferson nothing. At the same time Cabell even was powerless without the hearty co- operation of the many indeed denied the timely voice of the intrepid Baldwin, who can predict the fate of the almost for- lorn hope? Cabell graciously paid tribute to a few of those worthies Brooke, Brockenbrough, Cabell, Gilmore, Green, Hoomes, Nicholas, Nicholson, Minor, Pannill, Rice, Roane, Ritchie, Scott, Slaughter, Stanard, Taliaferro, Taylor, etc. but scores of others unnamed, came in for a large share of the unbounded credit. Before the great world the line has to be drawn somewhere, as in martial battles simply with Xeno- phen, Wellington, Napoleon, Washington, irrespective of pos- sibly as large or larger factors so here we must attribute results to Mr. Jefferson and Cabell that which, however, the great majority accepts as alone the work of Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson congratulated Cabell, January 28th, on the passage of the bill, expressed concern about the funds needed at once for furthering the construction of buildings, and in- quired, " If the Legislature would not give the University the derelict portions offered to the pauper schools and not ac- cepted by them," the unclaimed dividends of which would en- able the University " to complete its buildings, and procure its apparatus, library, etc." Cabell in his reply, February 4th, disapproved of mentioning at that session of the Legislature anything more pertaining to the University, as he and many others believed it best to rest quietly on what had been accom- plished, mollify the asperities of the contest, and thereby gather good friends and opinions for the institution. The financial side will stand a much better show next session. " Let well enough alone ; we have got possession of the ground, and it will never be taken from us." The first Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia Jefferson, Madison, Cabell, Cocke, Breckenridge, Johnson, Taylor met March 29th, when Dr. Thomas Cooper was ap- pointed professor of chemistry, mineralogy and natural philos- ophy, and the purchase of additional land from John Perry was decided upon; Mr. Jefferson was chosen Rector a position retained until death and owing to close identity with the cause, ambition for early completion, general information, broad experience, familiarity with education, fondness for the 106 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA work and proximity thereto, his associates gladly entrusted to him practically the entire management of affairs. He from now on was the University's architect, constructor, supervisor, in- spector and administrator giving his unstinted time in look- ing after the minutest details. If he had no desire for " build- ing better than he knew," he certainly had a pride in pro- ducing the best he knew something beyond that already ex- isting in this country, possibly the world. He realized that " Virginians would never be pleased with anything on a small scale/' that here he must be equal to expectations, that his in- stitution must be a source of attraction to professors, students, visitors, far and near, and by " the extent and splendor of the establishment " win for it, as actually was the case, staunch friends and ardent supporters. At the very outset, with a keen sense of the sublime and beautiful, he determined to carry into practice there what this later day Municipal Art Societies are endeavoring wisely to impress upon communities the value of good object lessons for refining taste and character that the various pavilions should present the several types of architecture, and in order that the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian capitals to the stately columns might have their imposing place, Italian stone cutters were brought over for the service, but, owing to the indifferent Virginia marble, they returned and carved seventeen in Italy from its excellent white marble, which to-day remain as originally placed, being among the most unique and instructive attractions to both young and old at the University. The drawings and plans submitted by Mr. Jefferson met the approval of the Visitors, with the exception of Cabell, who, also possessing a resourceful mind from home and foreign training, did not hesitate to make such suggestions thereto as seemed to him wise and best. Thus he believed that some other architectural style should be adopted for the hotels and ranges, than that selected for the pavilions and lawns; that the flat roofs would leak and require renewal every six years; that the classroom in each pavilion now the professor's par- lors should be abandoned in favor of a central recitation building having rooms of varying capacity to suit different size classes, thereby releasing the pavilions to the sole use of the professors' families. He did not agree with Mr. Jefferson UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 107 that the professors would all be, and ever remain, unmarried, like the English college tutors, and need only rooms for the literary side of life. In this he was not mistaken, and in some of the other directions his opinions modified and partly pre- vailed, giving a decided shade to final results. For the con- struction of this beautiful mental creation Mr. Jefferson sadly realized the want of the one great essential money that which must have an early vision, provided the University was to materialize in his day. Despite funds and equipment he at first believed the institution might begin its " Diffusion of Knowledge" in a modest way that year (1819) an opinion he soon abandoned as absolutely impractical consequently at the first meeting of the Visitors it was determined to push forward the work upon the pavilions and dormitories until all of the then available means were exhausted. Cabell was still in the Senate and happily was in perfect accord with Mr. Jefferson upon the financial policy to be adopted for promoting and maintaining the University. They decided the first effort should be directed towards getting spe- cific appropriations from the Legislature, but failing in that, then endeavor to secure its sanction for borrowing as much as possible of the Literary Fund, paying interest thereon from the University's annual endowment of fifteen thousand dollars. Mr. Jefferson communicated to Cabell, January 22, 1820, the need of eighty thousand dollars for completing the proposed buildings, and the House of Delegates at once rejected a bill for this, and another for half the amount, but passed one, February 24th, allowing the use of sixty thousand dollars of the Literary Fund, under the restrictions already suggested. The appointment of Dr. Thomas Cooper, October 7, 1817, professor in Central College duties to be assumed only when the institution was equipped sufficiently gave rise, as the months rolled by, to much unfavorable comment, but when it became generally known that he was to be retained in the University under similar conditions criticism grew pronounced and defiant. Mr. Jefferson, August 22, 1813, wrote Adams: " The fate of my letter to Priestley, after his death, was a warning to me on that of Dr. Rush; and at my request, his family were so kind as to quiet me by returning my original letter and syllabus. By this you will be sensible how much io8 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA interest I take in keeping myself clear of religious disputes be- fore the public; and especially of seeing my syllabus disem- bowelled by the Aruspices of the modern Paganism. Yet I enclose it to you with entire confidence, free to be perused by yourself and Mrs. Adams, but by no one else; and to be re- turned to me. You are right in supposing, that I had not read much of Priestley's ' Predestination/ his no-soul system, or his controversy with Horsley. But I have read his ' Cor- ruptions of Christianity/ and ' Early Opinions of Jesus/ over and over again; and I rest on them, and on Middleton's writings, especially his letters from Rome, and to Waterland, as the basis of my own faith. These writings have never been answered, nor can be answered by quoting historical proofs, as they have done. For these facts, therefore, I cling to their learning, so much superior to my own." To this might well be added here what another eminent writer has said pertinent to this subject : " There would be much less obscurity and misunderstanding about Mr. Jefferson's religious views if peo- ple would take him at his word and in the light of his relations to Priestley and Cooper. All three were Unitarians." No institution can defy the universal denunciation of the clergy of its State, and least of all a new one, like the University, whose creation had suffered already such cantankerous senti- ments as to embarrass its promoters. Under the circumstances there certainly was only one alternative to accept, as the Visi- tors did, Dr. Cooper's resignation, tendered in full knowledge of the prevailing criticism and in the following spirit : " I re- gret the storm that has been raised on my account, for it has separated me from many fond hopes and wishes. Whatever my religious creed may be, and perhaps I do not exactly know it myself, it is pleasure to reflect that my conduct has not brought, and is not likely to bring, discredit to my friends. Wherever I have been, it has been my good fortune to meet with, or to make ardent and affectionate friends. I feel per- suaded I should have met with the same lot in Virginia had it been my chance to have settled there, as I had hoped and expected, for I think my course of conduct is sufficiently ha- bitual to count on its effects." This was equally a great blow to Mr. Jefferson, who wrote : " I do sincerely lament that untoward circumstances have brought on the irreparable loss UNIVERSITY OF ' VIRGINIA 109 of this professor, whom I looked to as the cornerstone of our edifice. I know no one who could have aided us so much in forming the future regulations for our infant institution; and although we may perhaps obtain from Europe equivalents in science, they never can replace the advantages of his experi- ence, his knowledge of the character, habits, and manners of our country, his identification with the sentiments and prin- ciples, and high reputation he has obtained in it generally." At one of the early meetings of the Visitors it was decided to engage George Ticknor, of Boston, as professor of modern languages, and Nathaniel Bowditch, of Salem, professor of mathematics, but unfortunately both declined, having already accepted satisfactory positions elsewhere. Mr. Jefferson wrote Adams, July I9th : " I am glad to learn that Mr. Ticknor has safely returned to his friends ; but should have been much more pleased had he accepted the Professorship in our University, which we should have offered him in form. Mr. Bowditch, too, refuses us; so fascinating is the vinculum of the dulce natale solum. Our wish is to procure natives, where they can be found, like these gentlemen, of the first order of acquire- ment in their respective lines ; but preferring foreigners of the first order to natives of the second, we shall certainly have to go for several of our Professors to countries more advanced in science than we are." Again he wrote Adams, August 1 5th : " Our University, four miles distant, gives me frequent exercise, and the oftener, as I direct its architecture. Its plan is unique, and it is becoming an object of curiosity for the traveler. I have just read its critique in your North American Review, having not been without anxiety to see what that able work would say of us; and I am relieved on finding in it much coincidence of opinion, and even where criticisms were indulged, I found they would have been obviated had the de- velopment of our plan been fuller." During: all these months there was not the slightest cessation in building, and in late November Mr. Jefferson forwarded his report to the Gover- nor, in which he estimated the entire cost of the institution, exclusive of the library, at one hundred and sixty-two thou- sand dollars, and made further appeal to the Legislature by referring to the good example of New York, concluding thus: " Surely the pride as well as the patriotism of our Legislature no UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA will be stimulated to look to the reputation and safety of their Own country (State), to rescue it from the degradation of becoming the Barbary of the Union and of falling into the ranks of our own negroes. To that condition it is fast sinking. We shall be in the hands of other States, what our indig- enous predecessors were when invaded by the science and arts of Europe. The mass of education in Virginia before the Revolution, placed her with the foremost of her sister col- onies. What is her education now ? Where is it ? The little we have we import like beggars from other States ; or import their beggars to bestow on us their miserable crumbs. And what is wanted to restore us to our station among our com- petitors? Not more money from the people. Enough has been raised by them, and appropriated to this very object. It is that it should be employed understandingly, and for the greatest good." He also recommended again, with equal failure, the establishment of the common schools upon a self- supporting basis, in order to liberate the entire Literary Fund for the University's promotion. Cabell wrote him, January 18, 25, 1821 : " The general impression here is that we shall be able to effect nothing for the University during the present session. It is now my serious intention to withdraw from the Legislature. My object is domestic, rural, and literary leisure." To these letters Mr. Jefferson replied : " They fill me with gloom as to the disposition of our Legislature towards the University. I perceive that I am not to live to see it opened. I think we had better not open the institution until the build- ings, library and all, are finished, and our funds cleared of incumbrance, which must be infallibly at the end of thirteen years, and as much earlier as an enlightened Legislature shall happen to come into place. Even with the whole funds we shall be reduced to six professors, while Harvard will still prime it over us with her twenty professors. How many of our youths she now has, learning the lessons of Anti-Missour- ianism, I know not, but a gentleman lately from Princeton told me he saw there a list of the students at that place, and that more than half were Virginians. These will return home, no doubt, deeply impressed with the sacred principles of our holy alliance of Restrictionists." Thus in the midst of his all-ab- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA in sorbing University work, his one chief ambition for her was revealed a service towards impressing and inculcating his political principles upon future generations. In this same let- ter he also discussed another loan of sixty thousand dollars, and upon Cabell's suggestion wrote to General Breckenridge a public letter upon the subject, showing no preference and taking no imputations : " I learn with deep affliction, that nothing is likely to be done for our University this year. So near as it is to the shore that one shove more would land it there, I had hoped that would be given; and that we should open with the next year an institution on which the fortunes of our country may depend more than may meet the general eye. The reflections that the boys of this age are to be the men of the next; that they should be prepared to receive the holy charge which we are cherishing to deliver to them ; that in establishing an institution of wisdom for them, we secure it to all our future generations; that in fulfilling this duty, we bring home to our bosoms the sweet consolation of seeing our sons rising under a luminous tuition, to destinies of high promise; these are considerations which will occur to all ; but all, I fear, do not see the speck in our orizon which is to burst on us as a tornado, sooner or later. I fear our di- visional line will never be obliterated, and we are permitting our sons to be trained by those opposed to us in position and principles. If we send three hundred thousand dollars a year to the northern seminaries, for the instruction of our own sons, then we must have there five hundred of our sons, imbibing opinions and principles in discord with those of their country. This canker is eating on the vitals of our existence, and if not arrested at once, will be beyond remedy. I have brooded, per- haps with fondness, over this establishment, as it held up to me the hope of continuing to be useful while I continue to live. I had believed my life to be of some favorable service to the outset of the institution. But this may be egotism; pardon- able, perhaps, when I express a consciousness that my col- leagues and successors will do so well, whatever the Legisla- ture shall enable them to do." As hoped and intended this letter made such a powerful hit, that the House of Delegates appropriated another sixty thousand dollars from the Literary Fund for the University, and Cabell immediately wrote Mr. ii2 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Jefferson : " It is the anxious wish of our best friends, and of no one more than myself, that the money now granted may be sufficient to finish the buildings. We must not come here again on that subject. These suggestive applications for money to finish the buildings, give grounds of reproach to our enemies, and draw our friends into difficulties with their con- stituents. I hope the buildings may be ready by next winter. The popular cry is that there is too much finery and too much extravagance." The great trouble arose from the fact of the House being a severely practical body, preferring to provide only for pres- ent needs in the simplest form, while Mr. Jefferson desired to create an unique and ornate temple of education, a pride for all time to himself, the cause, and the State a sentiment the Senate, a more enlightened body, shared and felt willing to promote. Although this Legislative antagonism abated somewhat, it continued sufficient to do the University great harm, as in time it spread to the general public. While the Dr. Cooper episode should have ceased irritating the Presby- terians at Hampden-Sidney, and the Episcopalians at William and Mary, yet the general clergy continued to believe and pro- claim that the Socinians were to be installed at the University in order to overthrow the prevailing religious opinions of the country. Mr. Jefferson wrote Cabell, September 3Oth : " The Proctor has settled for six pavilions, one hotel, and thirty-five dormi- tories, and will proceed with the rest; so that I hope, by our next meeting, the whole of the four rows will be nearly set- tled." To this Cabell replied, November 2ist: " I am at this time inclined to think I would ask nothing of the present As- sembly. I would go on and complete the buildings, and at another session make the great effort to emancipate the funds. I will heartily co-operate in such measures as your better judgment will propose." At a meeting of the Visitors, November 3Oth, a financial arrangement was agreed upon, a ground-plat of the buildings ordered engraved and copies made for sale, while it was fur- ther decided to engage a painter to draw a perspective view of the upper level of the buildings, and to join other seminaries in a petition to Congress for a repeal of the duty on imported UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 113 books thereby becoming one of the first in this respect, as she has since in many others, to relieve literature and science of unwise burdens. The annual report adopted at this meet- ing, to go before the Legislature, contained a full summary of all expenditures and likely monetary needs, also a defense of the style and scale of the buildings, claiming them to be " proportioned to the respectability, the means, and the wants of our country, and such as will be approved in any future condition it may attain. We owed to it to do, not what was to perish with ourselves, but what would remain, be respected, and preserved through other ages." Cabell, January 3, 1822, reminded Mr. Jefferson of the unchanged attitude of the Sen- ate and House towards the University the one body so friendly, the other so hostile and that he refused to sanction the proposition of the House in wishing the Senate to pledge the University " never to apply for any further appropriation, if the Legislature would consent to cancel the University bonds." Now the colleges had begun to seek appropriations, and, being more popular than the University, had to be conciliated, while the clergy continued antagonism, claiming they were to be excluded from the University. As financial relief for the University was all important, Mr. Jefferson thought pos- sibly that the Government might be willing to pay the arrears of interest, amounting to two hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars, on the amount borrowed from the State for war defence, etc. (which principal now constituted the greater portion of the Literary Fund), and if so, it might be divided between the colleges and the University; he also desired a suspension for four or five years of the interest payments by the University on its debts. Cabell desired more money from the Literary Fund, although he preferred the cancelling of the University's bonds, and after persistent effort during the entire session, realizing near its close that no aid would be forthcoming, wrote Mr. Jefferson, February nth: "My patience was nearly exhausted, and I felt an inclination, almost irresistible, to return to my family. I remembered, however, the great interests at stake, and chided my own despondency. Would it be believed in future times that such efforts are necessary to carry such a bill for such an object! I attribute the result ii4 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA to the idea of extravagance in the erection of the buildings, which has spread far and wide among the mass; and even among a part of the intelligent circle of society/' Mr. Jefferson wrote Dr. Waterhouse, June 26th : " I have received and read with thankfulness and pleasure your de- nunciation of the abuses of tobacco and wine. I expect it will be a sermon to the wind. You will find it as difficult to incul- cate these sanative precepts on the sensualities of the present day, as to convince an Athanasian that there is but one God. The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend all to the happi- ness of man: i. That there is one only God, and he is perfect. 2. That there is a future state of rewards and punishments. 3. That to love God with all your heart and thy neighbor as thyself, is the sum of religion. These are the great points on which he endeavored to reform the religion of the Jews. But compare with these the demoralizing dogmas of Calvin: i. That there are three Gods. 2. That good works, or the love of our neighbor, are nothing. 3. That faith is everything, and the more incomprehensible the proposition, the more merit in its faith. 4. That reason in religion is of unlawful use. 5. That God, from the beginning, elected certain individuals to be saved, and certain others to be damned ; and that no crimes of the former can damn them; no virtue of the latter save. Now which of these is the true and charitable Christian? He who believes and acts on the simple doctrines of Jesus, or the impious dogmatists, as Athanasius and Calvin? Verily I say these are the false shepherds, mere usurpers of the Christian name, teaching a counter-religion made up of the deliria of many imaginations, as foreign from Christianity as is that of Mahomet. Their blasphemies produce infidels, but had the doctrines of Jesus been preached always as pure as they came from his lips, the whole civilized world would now have been Christian. I rejoice that the genuine doctrine of one only God is reviving, and I trust that there is not a young man now living in the United States who will not die an Unitarian." In a letter to Adams, June 27th, he wrote: " I happened to turn to my letter-list some time ago, when I found those received year before last to be twelve hundred and sixty-seven, many of them requiring answers of elaborate research, and all to be answered with due attention and con- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 115 sideration. Is this life? At best it is but the life of a mill- horse, who sees no end to his circle but in death. To such a life, that of a cabbage is paradise." Again, November ist, " While in Europe I formed, undoubtedly, the opinion that our government, as soon as practicable, should provide a naval force sufficient to keep the Barbary States in order; and on this subject we communicated together, as you observe. When I returned to the United States and took part in the admini- stration under General Washington, I constantly maintained that opinion, and reported to Congress in favor of a force sufficient to protect our Mediterranean commerce. I thought afterwards, that the public safety might require some addi- tional vessels of strength, to be prepared and preserved in readiness in dry docks, above the level of the tide waters, cov- ered with roofs, but clear of the expense of officers and men. But the majority of the Legislature (Congress) was against any addition to the navy, and the minority, although for it in judgment, voted against it on the principle of opposition." To this letter Adams replied : " I have always imputed to you the measures of Congress ordering the four ships built and the appointment of their captains, for carrying an ambas- sador to Algiers to protect our commerce in the Mediter- ranean. I did this for several reasons : First, because you fre- quently proposed it to me while we were at Paris, negotiating together for peace with the Barbary powers. Secondly, be- cause I knew that Washington and Hamilton were not only indifferent about a navy, but averse to it. There was no Sec- retary of the Navy; only four heads of department. I have always suspected that you and Knox were in favor of a navy, but Washington, I am confident, was against it in his judg- ment, yet his attachment to Knox, and his deference to your opinion, for I know he had great regard for you, might induce him to decide in favor of you and Knox, even though Bradford united with Hamilton in opposition to you. I have always believed the navy to be Jefferson's child, though Knox may have assisted in ushering it into the world. Hamilton's hobby was the army." CHAPTER VI THOMAS JEFFERSON CHAMPION OF FREE- RELIGION AND GOVERNMENT Letters to Dr. Cooper and James Smith religious conditions and ideas; student discipline; denominational schools near the University; letter to Gallatin; ambition for the University remitting her debts, finan- cial difficulties disappearing; correspondence with Cabell; rotunda begun; letter to Judge Johnson defining object of the Federalists; letter to Cartwright explaining State and Federal powers; letter to Adams concerning health and the University ; letter to President Mon- roe about " Monroe Doctrine " ; letters to Lafayette, Cabell, Jared Sparks and Van Buren; Gilmer seeking professors abroad; buildings completed and described ; English professors arrive ; University opened March 7, 1825. MR. JEFFERSON wrote Dr. Cooper, November 2, 1822 : " While in Boston Unitarianism has advanced to great strength, with interchange of sectarian pulpits, in Rhode Is- land no sectarian preacher will permit an Unitarian to pollute his desk. In Richmond there is much fanaticism; in Char- lottesville there is a good degree of religion, with a small spice of fanaticism. We have four sects, but no church or meeting house, except the court house, which is the common temple one Sunday in the month to each, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist, where all meet together, join in hymning their Maker, listen with attention and devo- tion to each other's preachers, and all mix in society with per- fect harmony. The ambition and tyranny of the Presbyterians would tolerate no rival if they had power. Systematical in grasping at the ascendency over all other sects, they aim, like the Jesuits, at engrossing the education of the country, are hostile and jealous of different institutions unless under their control. The diffusion of instruction and progress of Unitarianism are the remedies to this fever of fanaticism. In our University you know there is no professorship of Di- vinity. A handle has been made of this, to disseminate an idea that this is an institution, not merely of no religion, but 116 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 117 against all religion. To offset this our Visitors suggest that each sect establish its own independent professorship (semi- nary), on the confines of the University deriving therefrom all possible advantages of the higher sciences, etc. I think the invitation will be accepted by some sects from candid inten- tions, and by others from jealousy and rivalship. And by bringing the sects together, and mixing them with the mass of other students, we shall soften their asperities, liberalize and neutralize their prejudices, and make the general religion, a religion of peace, reason and morality. The opening of our University is uncertain. All the pavilions, boarding houses and dormitories are finished, nothing wanting except the Ro- tunda, for whose construction we have no funds. I have heard with regret of disturbances among your students. The article of discipline is the most difficult in American education. Premature ideas of independence, too little repressed b'y parents, beget a spirit of insubordination, which is the great obstacle to science with us, and a principal cause of its delay since the Revolution. I look to it with dismay in our institu- tion, as a breaker ahead, which I am far from being confident we shall be able to weather. The advance of age, and tardy pace of the public patronage, may probably spare me the pain of witnessing consequences." In a letter a few weeks later, December 8th, to James Smith, upon religious belief, he wrote : " The Athanasian paradox that one is three, and three but one, is so incomprehensible to the human mind, that no candid man can say he has any idea of it, and how can he believe what presents no idea ? He who thinks he does, only deceives himself. He proves, also, that man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without a rudder, is the sport of the wind. With such per- sons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason, and the mind becomes a wreck. While I claim a right to believe in one God, if so my reason tells me, I yield as freely to others that of believing in three. Both religions, I find, make honest men, and that is the only point society has any right to look to. I take no part in controver- sies, religious or political." The report of the Visitors to the President and Directors n8 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA of the Literary Fund (November 1822) stated that all the buildings had been completed, except the library to cost forty-seven thousand dollars ; that it had been decided as best to postpone the opening- until all building was finished, for then the whole income will be absorbed in salaries and current expenses. Mr. Jefferson discussed the financial difficulties and the religious attitude of the University, suggesting as a rem- edy for the lack of specific religious instruction, that the de- nominations " establish their religious schools on the confines of the University, thus giving to their students ready and con- venient access and attendance on the scientific lectures of the University; and to maintain, by that means, those destined for the religious profession on as high a standing of science, and of personal weight and respectability, as may be obtained by others from the benefits of the University. To such propo- sitions the Visitors are prepared to lend a willing ear and to give every encouragement to these schools, and every facility of access and attendance to their students, the schools being independent of the University and of each other." This very wise suggestion was never taken seriously, as the denomina- tional institutions have all remained where originally estab- lished, or been located elsewhere. The report further showed that two hundred thousand dollars had been expended so far, with a deficit of twenty-seven thousand dollars. Mr. Jefferson wrote Gallatin, October 29 (1822): "Our University of Virginia, my present hobby, has been at a stand for twelve-month past for want of funds. Our last Legisla- ture refused anything. The last elections give better hopes of the next. The institution is so far advanced that it will force itself through. So little is now wanting that the first liberal Legislature will give it its last life." Cabell suggested, December 23rd : " That he be authorized to ask the Legislature for fifty thousand dollars to build the library, as a loan out of the surplus capital on hand, and to put the whole University debt one hundred and seventy thousand dollars under the operation of the sinking fund. This is manly and dignified legislation, and if we fail, the blame will not be ours. The public mind seems impatient for a commencement of the operations of the institution." Mr. Jefferson replied, December 28th : " Of all things the UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 119 most important is the completion of the buildings. The re- mission of the debt will come of itself. It is already remitted in the minds of every man, even of the enemies of the institu- tion. The great object of our aim from the beginning has been to make the establishment the most eminent in the United States, to draw the youth of every State, especially those of the South and West. We have proposed, therefore, to call to it characters of the first order of science from Europe, as well as our own country. Had we built a barn for a college, and log huts for accommodations, should we ever have had the assurance to propose to an European professor of that char- acter to come to it? Why give up this important idea, when so near its accomplishment that a single lift more effects it? The opening of the institution in a half-state of readiness, would be the most fatal step which could be adopted. A single sum of sixty thousand dollars is wanting. If we cannot get it now, we will another or another trial. Courage and pa- tience is the watchword. Delay is an evil which will pass; despair loses all. Let us never give back. The thing will carry itself, and with firmness and perseverance we shall place our country (State) on its high station, and we shall receive for it the blessings of posterity. I think your idea of a loan, and placing it on the sinking fund, an excellent one. We are safe in saying that another loan of sixty thousand dollars will place us beyond the risk of our needing to ask another dollar on that account." Cabell wrote two days later, December 3Oth : " It gives me heartfelt pleasure to inform you that the intelligent members generally express the opinion that the institution should be finished. This confirms the propriety of the course we have taken." And again, January 9 (1823) : " I am happy to in- form you that our prospects are now very favorable. Every- thing is understood; everything is arranged. The report I am told, will have a very happy effect. The institution is gaining greatly in the South and to the East, and indeed everywhere. The prints of the University will be brought up rapidly." Mr. Jefferson wrote, January 13, 1823 : " The local academies should be left to private enterprise, but primary schools might be looked after. Were it necessary to give up either the Primaries or the University, I would rather abandon 120 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA the last, because it is safer to have a whole people respectably enlightened, than a few in a high state of science, and the many in ignorance. This last is the most dangerous state in which a nation can be. The nations and governments of Europe are so many proofs of it." Cabell replied, January 23rd: " Our most prudent course, at this time, is to neither enter into alliance or make war upon the academies and primary schools. Politeness to all, inter- ference with none, and devotion to our object, constitute the policy that ought, in my opinion, to govern the course of the friends of the University." Mr. Jefferson replied, January 28th : " Your letter has con- verted me entirely we need take no part for or against either the academies or schools." Cabell wrote, February 3rd : " There is now no doubt of the success of our Loan Bill. I earnestly hope that this loan will finish the buildings. We must never come here again for money to erect buildings. The Proctor's account has pro- duced capital effect, as the Legislature was much pleased to see the public money so accurately accounted for, and so faith- fully applied. I think also that your suggestion respecting the religious sects has had great influence. It is the Franklin that has drawn the lightning from the cloud of opposition." And again, February 5th : " I have now the satisfaction to enclose you a copy of the act concerning the University, which has this moment passed the Senate, and is now the law of the land. I am now casting about to see if we can cancel the bonds. The best interests of the institution require that we should come here no more for money for buildings ; some say their patience is threadbare on the subject. The Hampden- Sidney interest was opposed to us, as was that of William and Mary, but the latter has sensibly diminished. We hear noth- ing of the Washington College interest." And again, Febru- ary 26th : " A strong and general wish prevails that we should finish the buildings with the third loan. If we do this, I think all will ultimately succeed. I think the enemy is ready to strike his colors." Mr. Jefferson wrote, March I2th: "The Proctor has been authorized to engage the work of the Rotunda, and have it commenced immediately. It will be completed as far as the UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 121 funds may go, and not delay the opening of the institution. The work will occupy three years." Cabell replied, March 24th : " I approve the engaging for the hull of the library. There is a powerful party in this State, with whom it is almost a passport to reputation to condemn the plan and manage- ment of the University. Perhaps this may be the natural re- sult of old political conflicts (Federalists). When asked concerning books and apparatus, he had replied : that it would certainly be good policy in the Legislature to grant occa- sional aids toward those objects ; but that the institution could go into operation and flourish without them. I think it would be both politic and proper to ask the Legislature to anticipate on a loan that portion of the tuition fees which was to be set aside for those objects." Mr. Jefferson wrote Judge Johnson, June 12 (1823) : " The original objects of the Federalists were: I. To warp our gov- ernment more to the form and principles of monarchy; 2. To weaken the barriers of the State Governments as co-ordinate powers. I have been blamed for saying that a prevalence of the doctrines of consolidation would one day call for reforma- tion or revolution. I answer by asking, if a single State would have agreed to the constitution, had it given all powers to the General Government? If the whole opposition to it did not proceed from the jealousy and fear of every State, of being subjected to the other States in matters nearly its own? And if there is any reason to believe the States more disposed now than then, to acquiesce in this general surrender of all their rights and powers to consolidated government, one and undivided? The capital and leading object of the con- stitution was, to leave with the States all authorities which respected their own citizens only, and to transfer to the United States those which respected citizens of foreign or other States; to make us several as to ourselves, but one as to all others." Upon the same subject he wrote Cartwright : " The one is the domestic, the other the foreign branch of the same gov- ernment; neither having control over the other, but within its own department. If the two departments should claim each the same subjects of power, in cases of little importance or urgency the prudence of both parties will keep them aloof 122 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA from the questionable ground, but if it can neither be avoided or compromised, a convention of the States must be called, to ascribe the doubtful power to that department which they may think best. Our constitution is yet imperfect. I do not think one generation can bind another, and all others, in suc- cession forever. The Creator has made the earth for the liv- ing, not the dead. Rights and powers can only belong to persons, not to things, not to mere matter, unendowed with will. The dead are not even things. The particles of matter which compose their bodies, make part now of the bodies of other animals, vegetables, or minerals, of a thousand forms. To what then are attached the rights and powers they held while in the form of man? A generation may bind itself as long as its majority continues in life; when that has disap- peared, another majority is in place, holds all the rights and powers their predecessors once held, and may change their laws and institutions to suit themselves. Nothing then is un- changeable but inherent and unalienable rights of man." The report of the Visitors, October 6, 1823, stated: That the library building was then ready for the roof, but it will be allowed to settle and dry until the ensuing season. All the other buildings are now in perfect readiness for putting the institution into operation, and this might be done at the close of the ensuing year, 1824, were its funds liberated from their present incumb ranees, but these remove the epoch to a very distant time as the loan could not be extinguished for twenty- five years. Mr. Jefferson wrote Adams, October I2th : " Crippled wrists and fingers make writing slow and laborious. But while writ- ing to you, I lose the sense of these things in the recollection of antient times, when youth and health made happiness out of everything. I forget for a while the hoary winter of age, when we can think of nothing but how to keep ourselves warm, and how to get rid of our heavy hours until the friendly hand of death shall rid us of all at once. Against this tedium vitas, however, I am fortunately mounted on a hobby, which, indeed, I should have better managed some thirty or forty years ago ; but whose easy amble is still sufficient to give exer- cise and amusement to an octogenary rider. This is the es- tablishment of a University, on a scale more comprehensive, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 123 and in a country more healthy and central than our William and Mary, which these obstacles have long kept in a state of langor and inefficiency. But the tardiness with which such works proceed, may render it doubtful whether I shall live to see it go into action. It would be strange indeed, if, at our years, we were to go an age back to hunt up imaginary or forgotten facts, to disturb the repose of affections so sweet- ening to the evening of our lives. Be assured, my dear Sir, that I am incapable of receiving the slightest impression from the effort now made to plant thorns on the pillow of age, worth and wisdom, and to sow tares between friends who have been such for near half a century." Mr. Jefferson a week later, October 24th, wrote President Monroe : " The question presented by the letters you have sent me, is the most momentous which has ever been offered to my contemplation since that of Independence. That made us a nation, this sets our compass and points our course. Our first and fundamental maxim should be, never to entangle our- selves with the broils of Europe. Our second, never to suffer Europe to intermeddle with cis-Atlantic affairs. America, North and South, has a set of interests distinct from those of Europe, and peculiarly her own " Monroe Doctrine, but bet- ter, Jefferson-Monroe Doctrine. " Great Britain can do us the most harm of any one, or all on earth, and with her on our side we need not fear the whole world. With her we must cherish a cordial friendship. I candidly confess, that I have ever looked on Cuba as the most interesting addition which could ever be made to our system of States. I have been so long weaned from political subjects, and have so long ceased to take any interest in them, that I am sensible I am not quali- fied to offer opinions on them worthy of any attention. But this question involves consequences so lasting, and effects so decisive of our future destinies, as to re-kindle all the interest I have heretofore felt on such occasions, and to induce me to the hazard of opinions, which will prove only my wish to contribute still my mite towards anything which may be useful to our country." Mr. Jefferson wrote Lafayette, November 4th : " Whether the state of society in Europe can bear a republican govern- ment, I doubted, you know, when with you, and I do now. A 124 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA limited hereditary chief, the right of war vested in the legis- lative body, a rigid economy of the public contributions, and absolute interdiction of all useless expenses, will go far to- wards keeping the government honest and unoppressive. But the only security of all, is in a free press. On the eclipse of Federalism with us, although not its extinction, its leaders got up the Missouri question (Compromise), under the false front of lessening slavery, but with the real view of producing a geographical division of parties, which might insure them the next President. However, the line of division now, is the preservation of State rights as reserved in the Constitution, or by strained constructions of that instrument, to merge all into a consolidated government. After much sickness, and the accident of a broken and disabled arm, I am again in tolerable health, but extremely debilitated, so as to be scarcely able to walk into my garden. The habitude of age, too, and extinguishment of interest in the things around me, are wean- ing me from them, and dispose me with cheerfulness to resign them to the existing generation, satisfied that the daily advance of science will enable them to administer the commonwealth with increased wisdom." Cabell wrote, November 22 (1823), regretting his inability to go to Europe for Professors, as Mr. Jefferson wished a mission afterwards filled by Francis W. Gilmer but added, " I will continue my best endeavors to co-operate with you in the State, and for that purpose I hope I shall be able to remain in the Legislature." And again, December 3rd : " I am here (Richmond) to join the band of steadfast patriots engaged in the holy cause of the University. As far as I can learn, the public sentiment is decidedly in favor of removing the debt." And again, January 26, 1824: "The University Bill, liber- ating her funds from the charged incumbrances, is now before the Senate and will be acted on in a day or two. We gained a great victory. The bill is worth ten thousand and eight hun- dred dollars per annum to the University. We can get no more money for building this year." Mr. Jefferson wrote Jared Sparks, February 4 (1824): " The article on the African colonization of the people of color, to whom you invite my attention, I have read with great consideration. To fulfil this object, the colony of Sierra Le- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 125 one promises well, and that of Mesurado adds to our prospect of success. They now number one million and a half, and their estimated value as property ( for actual property has been law- fully invested in that form, and who can lawfully take it from the possessors?), at two hundred dollars each, would be six hundred millions of dollars, and to this transportation, main- tenance, industrial implements, etc., would amount to three hundred millions more, making thirty-six millions of dollars a year for twenty-five years. This with insurance of peace all that time, renders the question impractical. There is, I think, a way in which it can be done ; that is, by emancipating the after born, leaving them, on due compensation, with their mothers, until their services are worth their maintenance, and then putting them to industrious occupations, until a proper age for deportation. This was the result of my reflections on the subject five and forty years ago, and I have never yet been able to conceive any other practical plan. The estimated value of the new-born infant is so low (twelve dollars and fifty cents), that it would probably be yielded by the owner gratis, thus reducing the initial cost to thirty-seven millions and a half, leaving only the expenses of nourishment while with the mother, and of transportation. In this way no violation of private rights is proposed. I do not go into all the details of the burthens and benefits of this operation. And who could estimate its blessed effects ? I leave this to those who will live to see their accomplishment, and to enjoy a beatitude forbidden to my age. But I leave it with this admonition, to rise and be doing. A million and a half were within their control ; but six millions (which a majority of those now living will see them attain), and one million of these fighting men, will say we will not go. Cabell wrote Mr. Jefferson, February iQth: "That the House of Delegates had rechartered the Farmers' Bank without demanding a bonus, which I propose from the Senate shall be fifty thousand dollars the amount we need for our library (books) and apparatus. As a fact we have been com- pelled to accept an equivalent out of the balance of the debt due from the Government. Never have I known so obstinate a struggle between the two Houses of Assembly. It is very important that we should succeed at Washington. We have 126 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA exhausted the favor of the Assembly, and we must not ask for a cent at the next session; if we do, we shall be turned off by a large majority. One line from yourself and Mr. Madison will do more than all the members of the Assembly could say on this subject." Cabell went to Washington and placed the cause, in a lucid letter, before the President, and while barren of immediate results it no doubt influenced the fu- ture action. Mr. Jefferson wrote Martin Van Buren, June 29 (1824) : "I have to thank you for Mr. Pickering's elab- orate philippic against Mr. Adams, Gerry, Smith and my- self. I could not have believed that for so many years, and to such a period of advanced age, he could have nourished pas- sions so vehement and viperous. As to myself, there never had been anything personal between us, nothing but the general opposition of party sentiment; and our personal intercourse had been that of urbanity, as himself says. He arraigns my ac- tions, motives, such as the great majority of my fellow citizens have approved. The approbation of Mr. Pickering, 'and those who thought with him, I had no right to expect. My motives he ascribes to hypocrisy, to ambition, and a passion for pop- ularity. Of these the world must judge between us. It is no office of his or mine. To that tribunal I have ever sub- mitted my actions and motives, without ransacking the Union for certificates, letters, journals and gossiping tales, to justify myself and weary them. Nor shall I do this on the present occasion, but leave still to them these antionated party diatribes, now newly revamped and paraded, as if they had not been already a thousand times repeated, refuted, and adjudged against him, by the nation itself. If no action is to be deemed virtuous for which malice, can imagine a sinister motive, then there never was a virtuous action, not even in the life of our Savior himself. But he has taught us to judge the tree by its fruit, and to leave motives to him who can alone see into them. Washington lived too short a time after, and too much withdrawn from information, to correct the views into which he had been deluded ; and the continued assiduities of the party drew him into the vortex of their intemperate career ; separated him still farther from his real friends, and excited him to actions and expressions of dissatisfaction, which grieves them, but could not loosen their affections for him. They would not UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 127 suffer the temporary aberration to weigh against the im- measurable merits of his life; and although they tumbled his seducers from their places, they preserved his memory em- balmed, in entire oblivion of every temporary thing which might cloud the glories of his splendid life. It is vain then, for Mr. Pickering and his friends to endeavor to falsify his character, by representing him an enemy to republicans and re- publican principles, and exclusively the friend of those who were so; and had he lived longer, he would have returned to his antient and unbiassed opinions, would have replaced his confidence in those whom the people approved and supported, and would have seen that they were only restoring and acting on the principles of his own first administration." At the next meeting of the Visitors, October 5 (1824), ow- ing to insufficient funds it was determined to institute eight rather than ten professorships ancient languages, modern languages, mathematics, natural philosophy, natural history, anatomy and medicine, moral philosophy, law and the re- port mentioned the reason for seeking some of the professors from Europe, and that Francis W. Gilmer was already on his way across for that purpose, whose mission, if successful, would admit of the University opening February i, 1825. Practically the buildings now were finished, and in readiness for the teaching equipment, professors and students, and pre- sented, as an entirety, a most magnificent group in our country the first evidence in college or university construction in keeping with harmonious architectural designs. These in the writer's day, so far as the central academic village was concerned, existed as though just from Mr. Jefferson's hands, for they had neither received nor taken to themselves any- thing except the necessary minor repairs incident to age and usage. It is true additions had been made to the University accommodations, but upon out-lying hills and points that in no way interfered with the sacredness of the originally con- structed group. Professor Herbert B. Adams beautifully re- counts his own sense of surprise and admiration of them in the following words : " A visitor, pacing slowly through those monastic colonnades extending along two sides of the great quadrangle campus of the University of Virginia will receive a strange variety of impressions from the extraordinary archi- 128 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA tectural combinations which greet his wandering eyes. The arcades themselves, from which open directly the single cham- bered rooms of the students, remind one of cloistered walks in some ancient monastery. These student-rooms are like monkish cells. But what wonderful fagades are those which front the professors' houses or pavilions! They reproduce classic styles of architecture. The shadows of remote antiquity are cast upon those beautiful grassy lawns which form the campus, or, shall we say the campo santo, of the University of Virginia. From Mr. Jefferson's drawings we learn, what is now well-nigh forgotten, that these varying types of classic architecture were copied from well-known Roman buildings, pictured by A. Palladio, in his great work of four volumes, on architecture : Thus of the pavilions on West Lawn, the first (Gildersleeve's, Page's) typifies, The Doric of Diocletian's Baths Chambray; the second (Harrison's) Corinthian of Palladio; the third (Smith's) Palladio's Ionic order with modillions ; the fourth (Boeck's, N. K. Davis') Doric of Pal- ladio; the fifth (McGuffey's, Peters') Ionic of Temple of Fortuna Virilis, while those on East Lawn, the first (Cabell's) Ionic of Fortuna Virilis; the second (DeVere's) Doric of Albano; the third (Holmes') Ionic of the Theater of Marcel- lus; the fourth (J. S. Davis') Corinthian, Diocletian's Baths; the fifth (Minor's) Doric of the Theater of Marcellus. At the upper or northern end of the quadrangle, stands the Ro- tunda, a fac-simile of the Roman Pantheon, the temple of all the gods, reduced to one-third its original size, but still majestic and imposing. This building upon which Mr. Jefferson spent almost as much pains as Michael Angelo did upon the dome of St. Peters, comprises the library and various lecture halls. Young people dance merrily under that stately dome at the end of the academic year. The young monks thus escape from their cells into the modern social world. How charmingly old Rome, mediaeval Europe, and modern America blend together before the very eyes of young Virginia ! There is a manifest unity in Jefferson's institutional creation, and yet a reflecting student cannot fail to see that there is an interesting historical background to this beautiful picture. In the material structure of the University of Virginia there is much to remind the traveler of Old World forms, and in the documentary history UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 129 of the institution itself there are many indications of European influence upon the mind of Mr. Jefferson. These things have greatly interested me, and they may not be unworthy of the attention of friends of American educa- tional history, in which so little work has been done, especially in the Southern States. The formative influences which en- tered into the making of the University of Virginia are doubt- less more numerous than those described in this monograph; but Mr. Jefferson was the master and controller of them all. It is no detraction from his individual power of origination to open the volume of his large experience in the world, and to point out here and there his connection with men and things that shaped his purpose to its noble end. Instead of evolving the University of Virginia entirely out of his own inner consciousness, Mr. Jefferson combined, in an original and independent creation, the result of academic training, phil- osophical culture, foreign travel, wide observation, and of an extensive correspondence with the most illustrious educa- tors of his time. His intelligent study of Old World insti- tutions prepared him to devise something new for Virginia and America. How the idea of one man became the sov- ereign will of the State, after a struggle of fifty years for the higher education, is an instructive study, affording grounds for encouragement in these modern days." ' Had Mr. Jefferson only lived a few years longer he would have experienced a mingled feeling of pleasure and sorrow at seeing the immense popularity of his favorite child over- taxing her capacity in supplying hungry youth of his beloved land with educational food. Indeed, it is curious to speculate upon what would have been his plans of extension that which his immediate successors found a necessity in both dormitories and teaching equipment. But, under the wearying struggle for existence that had followed her very inception, action was deferred many years beyond the demand until finally a spirit of growth was inaugurated that has been continuous with the years and this result: Public Hall (1851-53), Parsonage (1854-55), Monroe Hill (1854), Temperance Hall (1855- 56), Infirmary (1857), Carr's Hill (1858), Dawson's Row six buildings, known as " A," " B," " C," " D," " E," " F," each of two-story and eight rooms (1859), Professor Mallet's 1 30 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Residence and Chemical Laboratory (1868-69), Lewis Brooks Museum (1875-77), Observatory (1882), University Chapel (1883-85), New Med Hall (1886), Dispensary (1892), Fayerweather Gymnasium (1892-93), Academic Building, Mechanical Laboratory, Rouss Physical Laboratory and Restored Rotunda (1896-98), Randall Dormitory (1899), Hospital (190005-08), Madison Hall (1905), Refectory (1907), President's Residence (1908). Mr. Jefferson, December 22, 1824, informed Cabell of the safe arrival of Professors Blaetterman (modern languages) and Long (ancient languages), and three weeks later, January n, 1825, wrote: "We are dreadfully non-plussed here by the non-arrival of our other three professors. We apprehend that the idea of our opening on February ist, prevails so much abroad (although we have always mentioned it doubtfully), as that the students will assemble on that day without awaiting the further notice which was promised. In your letter, Decem- ber 3ist, you say my * hand writing and letters have great ef- fect there (Richmond). I am sensible, my dear Sir, of the kindness with which this encouragement is held up to me. But my views of their effect are very different. When I retired from the administration of public affairs, I thought I saw some evidence that I retired with a good degree of public favor, and that my conduct in office had been considered, by the one party, at least, with approbation, and with acquiescence by the other. But the attempt in which I have embarked so earnestly, to procure an improvement in the moral condition of my native State, although, perhaps, in other States it may have strength- ened good disposition, it has assuredly weakened them within our own. The attempt ran foul of so many local interests, of so many personal views, and so much ignorance, and I have been considered as so particularly its promoter, that I see evi- dently a great change of sentiment towards myself. I cannot doubt its having dissatisfied with myself a respectable minority, if not a majority of the House of Delegates. I feel it deeply, and very discouragingly. Yet I shall not give way. I have ever found in my progress through life, that, acting for the public, if we do always what is right, the approbation denied in the beginning will surely follow us in the end. It is from posterity we are to expect remuneration for the services we are making for their service, of time, quiet and good will. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 131 And I fear not the appeal. The multitude of fine young men whom we shall redeem from ignorance, who will feel that they owe to us the elevation of mind, of character and station they will be able to attain from the result of our efforts, will insure their remembering us with gratitude. We will not, then, be ' weary in well doing ' Usque ad aras amicus tuus" At this session of the Legislature many members favored the removal of William and Mary College to Richmond, but the friends of the University, realizing it might become a formidable rival when nearer and under organization, fought the scheme to its bitter death. In order to further antagonize this sentiment Cabell wrote, January i6th, requesting Mr. Jef- ferson to draw a bill in conformity with his previous suggestion dividing the funds of the College " and send it as quickly as possible by the mail." Mr. Jefferson a week later, January 22nd, forwarded the requested bill " most hastily drawn," whose receipt Cabell acknowledged at once, saying : " It will be a powerful instru- ment in our hands." The bill, however, was never offered, as by February 7th, the scheme had lost nearly all of its supporters. Cabell wrote Mr. Jefferson, January 3Oth, expressing relief over the fact of the " Competitor," bearing the three English professors, was still at Plymouth on December 5th, thus re- lieving the apprehension of the delay being due to storms at sea and the possibility of all being lost. And again, February 1 8th, he wrote: "Professors Bonnycastle, Dunglison and Key have arrived, and will leave at once for Charlottes- ville." During the few preceding months Mr. Jefferson and Cabell were much concerned about selecting the domestic professors the latter writing the former: " Mr. Gilmer (Francis W.) has a third time declined the law chair, and it might be wise for you to inquire into the qualifications of Chancellor Tucker (Henry St. George)" who finally accepted the position in 1840. Mr. Jefferson thought the selection of text-books should be left to the professors, " but we are the best judges of the one branch government in which heresies may be taught of so interesting a character to our own State and Country as to make it our duty to lay down the principles to be taught. We 132 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA must guard against the dissemination of the principles of quondam federalism, now consolidation, among our youth, and the diffusion of that poison, by a previous prescription of the texts to be followed in their discussion." Even Madison ob- jected to chaining up a professor to one set of books, prefer- ring to secure an " orthodox man and give him free rein." But Mr. Jefferson insisted that the professor of Constitutional Law must be one wedded to republican principles, who would expound the Constitution according to its writer's (Madison) interpretation that concurred in by the State Legislature and most Virginians. Cabell also shared this view, and in its ob- servance, early in 1824, wrote Mr. Jefferson suggesting his nephew, Chancellor Carr, as the ideal professor of Law. To this Mr. Jefferson replied in a tone, from the standpoint of this generation, that may seem very remarkable : " In the course of my trusts I have exercised through life with powers of appointment, I can say with truth, and with unspeakable comfort, that I never did appoint a relation to office, and that merely because I never saw the case in which some one did not offer, or occur, better qualified ; and I have the most unlimited confidence, that in the appointment of professors to our nurs- ling institution, every individual of my associates will look with a single eye to the sublimation of its character, and adopt, as our sacred motto, detur digniori/ In this way it will honor us, and bless our country." Late in February (1825) Cabell wrote Mr. Jefferson: " It is now of the utmost importance that we should succeed at Washington, as by the rejection of the College measure we have added some very strong and active enemies to the oppo- sition." The University was opened, without special formality, March 7, 1825, having in attendance sixty-eight students, which in- creased to about one hundred during the year. Gilmer, much to the delight of all University friends, finally expressed a willingness to accept the chair of Law, and was appointed to the same, August igth. Mr. Jefferson, owing to personal indisposition, invited the Visitors to meet, October 2~3rd, at his home, Monticello, where all business was transacted and afterwards attested pro forma by a ride to the University. This meeting gave rise to the first report after the opening of the UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 133 institution the last written and submitted by Mr. Jefferson and dealt largely with its opening together with the several initiative professors: Long (ancient languages), Blaetterman (modern languages), Key (mathematics), Bonny castle (nat- ural philosophy), Dunglison (anatomy and medicine), Tucker (moral philosophy) and Emmet (natural history), who was a couple weeks late in arriving. Gilmer (law) did not accept his position until August ist, and owing to serious sickness and death never assumed duties, being succeeded by Lomax, who entered the Faculty shortly after the beginning of the second session. On October ist, the matriculants had increased to one hun- dred and sixteen, and at the beginning of the second session, February i, 1826, all dormitory accommodations two hun- dred and eighteen were expected to be filled. The report also noted progress on the Rotunda and Anatomical Hall, commented upon student discipline and government, and, un- der Mr. Jefferson's signature, concluded thus : " We have thought it peculiarly requisite to leave to the civil magistrate the restraint and punishment of all offences which come within the ordinary cognizance of the laws. At the age of sixteen, the earliest period of admission into the University, habits of obedience to the laws become a proper part of education and practice; the minor provisions and irregularities alone, un- noticed by the laws of the land, are the peculiar subjects of academic authority. No system of these provisions has ever yet prevented all disorder. Those first provided by this Board were founded on the principles of avoiding too much govern- ment, of not multiplying occasions of coercion, by erecting indifferent actions into things of offense, and for leaving room to the student for habitually exercising his own discretion; but experience has already proved that stricter provisions are necessary for the preservation of order ; that coercion must be resorted to where confidence has been disappointed. We have, accordingly, at the present session, considerably amended and enlarged the scope of our former system of regulations, and we shall proceed in the duties of tightening or relaxing the reins of government, as experience shall instruct us, in the progress of the institution; and we are not certain that the further aid of the Legislature itself will not be necessary to i 3 4 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA enable the authorities of the institution to interpose, in some cases, with more promptitude, energy, and effect than is per- mitted by the laws as they stand at present." Cabell wrote Mr. Jefferson, December 7, 1825: "I think the character of the University has risen exceedingly in the public estimation since the new regulations were adopted. From the short and hasty view which I have taken of the scene of legislation, I am of the opinion that we may obtain, at this session, the money necessary to finish the buildings. If others will not ask for it, I will do it myself/' CHAPTER VII THOMAS JEFFERSON DEFENDER OF " EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL MEN" Mr. Jefferson's letter to Giles; defense against letter in Enquirer, by " American Citizen " ; letter to Madison concerning financial embar- rassment; Cabell's continued efforts in the Legislature for education; Mr. Jefferson's letter to the President, John Quincy Adams ; last visit to the University; letter to Weightman; final week, and death; Madi- son's letter of condolence ; funeral and burial ; Andrew K. Smith's let- ter recounting his student days and recollection of Mr. Jefferson's sick- ness and interment; reflections upon Mr. Jefferson's life and abilities. MR. JEFFERSON wrote Giles, December 25, 1825 : " Far ad- vanced in my eighty-third year, worn down with infirmities which have confined me almost entirely to the house for seven or eight months past, it afflicts me much to receive appeals to my memory, now almost blank, for transactions so far back as that which is the subject of your letter. However, I re- member well the interview with Mr. Adams; not, indeed, in the very words which passed between us, but in their substance, which was of a character too awful, too deeply engraved in my mind, and influencing too materially the course I had to pursue, ever to be forgotten. He called on me pending the em- bargo to further its appeal, stating that he had information, that certain citizens of the eastern States were in negotiation with agents of the British government, in order to effect an agreement that the New England States should take no further part in the war then going on; that without formally declaring their separation from the Union of the States, they should withdraw from all aid and obedience to them; that their navigation and commerce should be free from restraint and interruption by the British ; that they should be considered and treated by them as neutrals, and as such might conduct themselves towards both parties; and at the close of the war, be at liberty to join the confederacy." And again on the following day he wrote Giles : " I see, as you do, and with the deepest affliction, the rapid strides with which the federal 135 136 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA branch of our Government is advancing towards the usurpa- tion of all the rights reserved to the States, and the consolida- tion in itself of all powers, foreign and domestic ; and that too, by constructions which, if legitimate, leave no limit to their power. Under the power to regulate commerce, they assume indefinitely that also over agriculture and manufactures, and call it regulation to take the earnings of one of these branches of industry, and that too, the most depressed, and put them into the pockets of the other, the most flourishing of all. And what is the resource for the preservation of the Constitution? Reason and argument? You might as well reason and argue with the marble columns encircling them. Are we then to stand to our arms, with the hot-headed Georgian? No. That must be the last resource, not to be thought of until much longer and greater suffering. We must have patience and longer en- durance then with our brethren while under delusion; give them time for reflection and experience of consequences ; keep ourselves in a situation to profit by the chapter of accidents; and separate from our companions only when the sole alterna- tives left, are the dissolution of our Union with them, or sub- mission to a government without limitation of powers. But this opens with a vast accession of strength from their younger recruits, who, having nothing in them of the feelings or princi- ples of '76, now look to a single and splendid government of an aristocracy, founded on banking institutions, and monied incorporations under the guise and cloak of their favored branches of manufactures, commerce and navigation, riding and ruling over the plundered ploughman and beggared yeo- manry. This will be to them a next best blessing to the monarchy of their first aim, and perhaps the surest stepping stone to it. I learn with great satisfaction that your school is thriving well, and that you have at its head a truly classical scholar. He is one of three or four whom I can hear of in our State. We were obliged last year to receive shameful Latin- ists into the classical school of the University ; such as we will certainly refuse as soon as we can get from better schools a sufficiency of those properly instructed to form a class. We must get rid of this Connecticut Latin, of the barbarous con- fusion of long and short syllables, which renders doubtful whether we are listening to a reader of Cherokee, Shawnee, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 137 Iroquois, or what. Our University has been most fortunate in the five professors procured from England a finer selection could not have been made. Besides their being of a grade of science which has left little superior behind, the correctness of their moral character, their accommodating dispositions, and zeal for the prosperity of the institution, leave us nothing more to wish. I verily believe that as high a degree of education can be obtained here as in the country they left. And a finer set of youths I never saw assembled for instruction. They committed some irregularities at first, until they learned the lawful length of their tether; since which it has never been transgressed in the smallest degree. A great proportion of them are severely devoted to study, and I fear not to say, that within twelve or fifteen years from this time, a majority of the rulers of our State will have been educated here. They shall carry hence the correct principles of our day, and you may count assuredly that they will exhibit their country in a degree of sound respectability it has never known, either in our day or those of our forefathers. I cannot live to see it. My joy must only be that of anticipation you may see its full fruition, owing to the twenty years I am ahead of you in time." Mr. Jefferson, February 7, 1826, wrote Cabell of his great mortification over the articles in the Enquirer ', by " American Citizen," purporting a familiar talk at Monticello about his method of obtaining money from the Legislature not in a lump sum, but in small amounts, and his jocose reply: " No one likes to have more than one hot potato at a time crammed down his throat. He makes me declare that I have intention- ally proceeded in a course of dupery of our Legislature, teas- ing them, as he makes me say, for six or seven sessions for successive aids to the University, and asking a part only at a time, and intentionally concealing the ultimate cost, and gives an inexact statement of a story of Obrian. Now, our annual reports will show that we constantly gave full and candid ac- counts of the money expended, and statements of what might still be wanting, founded on the Proctor's estimates. No man ever heard me speak of the grants of the Legislature but with acknowledgments of their liberality, which I have always de- clared had gone far beyond what I could have expected in the beginning. Yet the letter writer has given to my expres- 138 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA sions an aspect disrespectful of the Legislature, and calculated to give them offence, which I do absolutely disavow." In spite of this denial, the suggestion was so applicable, that many in a spirit of resentment, continued to hold it against Mr. Jefferson and the fortunes of the University that which was very evident in the Legislature the remainder of that session. On February i/th, he wrote Madison: "Imme- diately on seeing the overwhelming vote of the House of Rep- resentatives against giving us another dollar, I rode to the University and desired Mr. Brockenbrough to engage in nothing new, to stop everything on hand which could be done without, and to employ all his force and funds in finishing the circular room for the books, and the Anatomical theater, both being indispensable. There have arrived twenty-five boxes of books from Paris, London and Germany, and must await until May their shelving. In the selection of our Law Professor, we must be rigorously attentive to his political principles. You will recollect, that before the Revolution, Coke Littleton was the universal elementary book of law stu- dents, and a sounder whig never wrote, nor of profounder learning in the orthodox doctrines of the British constitution, or in what were called English liberties. You remember also that our -lawyers were then all whigs. But when his black- letter text, and uncouth but cunning learning got out of fashion, and the honied Mansfieldism of Blackstone became the students' hornbook, from that moment, that profession (the nursery of our Congress) began to slide into toryism, and nearly all the young brood of lawyers now are of that hue. They suppose themselves, indeed, to be whigs, because they no longer know what whigism or republicanism means. It is in our seminary that the vestal flame is to be kept alive ; it is thence to be spread anew over our own and the sister States. If we are true and vigilant in our trust, within a dozen or twenty years a majority of our own legislature will be from our school, and many disciples will have carried its doctrines home with them in their several States, and will have leavened thus the whole mass. " You will have seen in the newspapers some proceedings in the Legislature, which have cost me much mortification. My own debts had become considerable, but not beyond the effect UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 139 of some lopping of property, which would have been little felt, when our friend gave me the coup de grace. Ever since that I have been paying twelve hundred dollars a year interest on his debt, which, with my own, was absorbing so much of my annual income, as that the maintenance of my family was making deep and rapid inroads on my capital, and had already done it. Had crops and prices for several years been such as to maintain a steady competition of substantial bidders at mar- ket all would have been safe. If it is permitted in my case to sell my lands, etc., by lottery, those here alone will pay every- thing, and leave me Monticello and a farm free. If refused I must sell everything here, perhaps considerably in Bedford, move thither with my family, where I have not even a log hut to put my head into, and whether ground for burial, will depend on the depredations which under the form of sales, shall have been committed on my property. But why afflict you with these details? Indeed, I cannot tell, unless pains are lessened by communication with a friend. The friendship which has subsisted between us, now half a century, and the harmony of our political principles and pursuits, have been sources of constant happiness to me through that long period. And if I remove beyond the reach of attentions to the Univer- sity, or beyond the bourne of life itself, as I soon must, it is a comfort to leave that institution under your care, and an assurance that it will not be wanting. It has also been a great solace to me, to believe that you are engaged in vindicating to posterity the course we have pursued for preserving to them, in all their purity, the blessings of self-government, which we had assisted too in acquiring for them. If ever the earth has beheld a system of administration conducted with a single and steadfast eye to the general interest and happiness of those committed to it, one which, protected by truth, can never know reproach, it is that to which our lives have been devoted. To myself you have been a pillar of support through life. Take care of me when dead, and be assured that I shall leave with you my last affections." Cabell during the remainder of the legislative session ( 1825) was much interested in advancing Mr. Jefferson's bill of 1817- 18, in so far as it pertained to intermediate education, or the establishment of nine Colleges. For these he thought the idea 140 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA of making the districts give the land very popular, " as then we can give twenty-five thousand dollars to the University, and a salary of five hundred dollars to each college. I like the idea of having one near the University, as a preparatory school." All of this Mr. Jefferson heartily favored, writing, February, 1 4th : " Wait not a moment, but drive at once the nail which you find will go." A week later, February 2Oth, Cabell wrote Mr. Jefferson, that the bill granting a lottery for the dis- posal of his property had passed, and that he himself had pre- pared an amendatory act relative to the Colleges, which he feared would not pass owing to the lateness of the session. Mr. Jefferson, March 3Oth, wrote the President Johru Quincy Adams : "I am thankful for the very interesting message and documents of which you have been so kind as to send me a copy, and will state my recollections as to the par- ticular passage of the message to which you ask my attention.! The stipulations making part of these instructions, which re- spected privateering, blockades, contraband, and freedom of the fisheries, were not original conceptions of mine, but of Dr. Franklin. I happened only to have been the inserter of them in the first public act which gave the formal sanction! of a public authority. We accordingly proposed our treaties, containing these stipulations, to the principal governments of Europe." Mr. Jefferson's last circular, April 2ist, informed the Vis- itors that Mr. William Wert had declined the Presidency of the University, as well as the Professorship of Law, but that Mr. Lomax had accepted the latter and would begin in- struction on July ist. From the issuance of this circular Mr. Jefferson only lived two and a half months, but, in spite of infirmities of age and sickness, he continued his frequent rides to the University, to within a few weeks of his death, in order to keep in touch with all matters, to see the professors, the proctor, the librarian, and the progress made on the Rotunda. The exterior of this was about completed, except its beautiful front portico, and upon this workmen were engaged actively all during the summer, so that when he made his final trip he slowly ascended the winding steps to the library floor, where he stood and UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 141 gazed through the center window that which many of us students often repeated, after hearing from Mr. Wertenbaker the episode. It was here that Mr. Wertenbaker observed him watching the various mechanics and hastened to him from the library room with a chair which he accepted for nearly an hour, during which he witnessed the first marble capital lifted to the top of its pillar on the southwest corner. That accom- plished, he journeyed home in contentment little conscious that he would never return. But the child was well-born, healthy, of the right material, and could thrive without its parent. He had nurtured it near unto maturity and had an abiding faith of it thriving in others' hands bringing to him- self abundant reward, to itself unbounded credit, and to the world imperishable light. Mr. Jefferson wrote his last published letter, June 24th, to Mr. Weightman : " The kind invitation I received from you, on the part of the citizens of the city of Washington, to be present with them at their celebration on the fiftieth anni- versary of American Independence, as one of the surviving signers of that instrument pregnant with our own, and the fate of the world, is most flattering to myself, and heightened by the honorable accompaniment proposed for the comfort of such a journey. It adds sensibly to the sufferings of sickness, to be deprived by it of a personal participation in the rejoic- ings of that day. I would have been delighted to have met the remnant of that host of worthies, who joined with us on that day, in the bold and doubtful election we were to make for our country, between submission or the sword and to have enjoyed with them the consolatory fact, that our fellow citi- zens, after half a century of experience and prosperity, continue to approve the choice we made. May it be to the world, what I believe it will be (to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all), the signal of arousing men to burst the chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had per- suaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government. That form which we have substituted, restores the free right to the unbounded exercise of reason and freedom of opinion. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the pal- pable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with 142 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA saddles on their backs nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God/' Mr. Jefferson passed away, Tuesday, July 4th, at 12.50 o'ck. p. M., having retained, until two hours previous, perfect consciousness. During the last few days he spoke freely of his approaching death, discussed and arranged as best he could all private affairs, and expressed anxiety for the prosperity of the University, which, however, he believed absolutely safe in the hands of Mr. Madison and the other Visitors. Pathetic- ally he spoke of Mr. Madison's virtue, purity, wisdom, learn- ing, and great abilities, and then stretching his head back on the pillow, with a sigh, exclaimed : " But oh ! he could never in his life stand up against strenuous opposition." From youth on, they had resided in close proximity, visited frequently, consulted and advised each other, and enjoyed an unbroken friendship kindred to love. Several days after the sad event, Mr. Madison wrote a member of Mr. Jefferson's family : " But we are more than consoled by the assurance that he lives and will live in the memory and gratitude of the wise and good, as a luminary of science, as a votary of liberty, as a model of patriotism, and as a benefactor of the human kind. In these characters I have known him, and not less in the virtues and charms of social life, for a period of fifty years, during which there was not an interruption or diminution of mutual confi- dence and cordial friendship for a single moment in a single instance." Mr. Jefferson was buried in the family graveyard between his wife and daughter Mary, while the eldest daughter, Martha, was placed ten years later at the head of these three graves. Professor Tucker in his life of Mr. Jefferson states that: " The funeral was modest and unpretending as he had directed. It took place on the afternoon of the 5th. The day was rainy, and many from distant parts of the country, who might have been disposed to pay this last tribute of respect, were thereby prevented. The number, however, who did attend, was con- siderable." An account of much greater detail came to my notice while a student, in the fall of 1875, shortly after the death of Thomas Jefferson Randolph, which I then took from The Chronicle (Charlottesville) a paper I saw in those days Ss UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 143 every week, and continued to subscribe to years afterwards. The article is headed, JEFFERSON, and is in part: "Mr. Andrew K. Smith, of the General Land Office, having noticed the death of Col. Thomas Jefferson Randolph, of Virginia, sends the Washington Republican the following interesting personal remembrances of the deceased and of Jefferson. They constitute a valuable contribution to the current literature of the day. I well remember the last time I saw him, in the sum- mer of 1826. He was then a tall, fine-looking person, about thirty-five years of age. It was at Monticello, the residence of his grandfather, the immortal Thomas Jefferson, and the singular circumstances attending the funeral of the latter is fresh in my memory. Nearly fifty years have elapsed since then, and the greater portion of those present at the burial having passed to their reward, I have thought I would give you and the readers of your valuable paper the benefit of the recollections of my younger days, should you think them worthy of publication. Mr. Jefferson had been for some time confined to his house, and about the ist. of July, 1826, the sad news was brought to Charlottesville and the University of Virginia that Dr. Dunglison, professor of medicine .at the University and Mr. Jefferson's family physician, had pro- nounced his case a hopeless one. You may imagine the grief of his old friends about Charlottesville who had known him from youth to old age, and of the students of the University, who truly admired and respected him as the Rector of their Alma Mater. On the 3rd of that month the doctor, having stated that his illustrious patient was calmly yet fast sinking, was importuned to try his skill to prolong his life at least until the next day, that he might see the sun rise upon the fif- tieth anniversary of the day when he framed the Declaration of Independence. All was done that care and skill could do, but about i o'ck, p. M., on the 4th, while the cannons were booming around us, we were notified by the tolling of the courthouse bell, that the spirit of the author of the Declaration of Independence had taken its flight from its tenement of clay. The time for the funeral was fixed for 5 o'ck, p. M. 6th, and it was arranged that the procession should form on the court- house square at 4 o'ck, but a difference of opinion arose as to 144 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA whether the citizens or the students were entitled to the right of the procession, and much time was lost, and several of us, becoming tired of the discussion, turned our horses' heads to the mountain. On arriving at the cemetery, we found that the coffin had been removed from the house and was resting on narrow planks placed across the grave, with a view of enabling the greater number expected to have a better opportunity of seeing it. Ex-Governor Thomas Mann Randolph, son-in-law of the deceased, stood at the head of the grave, and his son, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, at the foot. Soon after the Re ? /. Mr. Hatch, of the Episcopal Church, made his appearance, and, supposing they were waiting him, as is customary with the usage of that church, commenced the service at the gate of the cemetery, reading as he walked to the grave. Mr. Ran- dolph, Sr. (who was not on good terms with Mr. Jefferson) thought it the duty of his son to inform the clergyman that they were awaiting the arrival of the citizens, professors, and students, and his son deeming it the duty of the father to do so, kept silent, and the services went on to the close of the same. The grave was filled up, and the thirty or forty persons who witnessed the interment started for home, and met the procession, numbering about fifteen hundred persons, coming up the mountain. They were sorely disappointed, and, in some cases angered at the report we made, and were only satisfied when the explanation was made the next day in the Charlottes- ville Advocate. Among the students present at the funeral, I recollect seeing Edgar Allan Poe, a high minded and 'honor- able young man, though easily persuaded to his wrong; also Robert M. T. Hunter, of Virginia, and Colonel John S. Pres- ton, of South Carolina. I believe the last two persons are still alive." Although this sketch of Mr. Jefferson is intended. simply to outline the chief activities of his long and eventful life, espe- cially emphasizing his connection with education and the Uni- versity of Virginia, yet a few supplementary thoughts con- cerning his principles, his position, and his power upon man- kind may even here be pardonable. For forty years he was in public service, measuring up beyond reasonable criticism to every expected duty, so that whether in the house of bur- gesses, continental congress, congress, executive mansion of UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 145 his State, minister to France, Secretary of State, Vice-Presi- dent, or President, the same concordant expression was uni- versal, " well done, thou good and faithful servant." During this tenure of office he was in a continued process of evolution from one position to another resigning some, declining others, always acting, as he conceived, for the best interest of his country and his people. Certainly he lived in the most crucial period of the Nation's history its formative age when wisdom, judgment, knowledge, foresight and hindsight were all needed, indeed imperative, for launching safely the new empire; when ignorance, superstition, intolerance, dis- organization and dissatisfaction were at their height from which happily we have ever since gradually and safely been drifting; when willing and capable hands were rare, and honor- able purposes and enactments so likely to be perverted by the low and mercenary. At every opportunity he strongly asserted himself for right, irrespective of those it hit or missed sacrificing if necessary, though often with bitter pangs, friend and foe alike, that the general good might be served. He had pronounced views and convictions, those formed usually upon careful thought, read- ing, observation and comparison, but in spite of this he was neither dogmatic nor arrogant in opinion and action, as he was ready always to entertain, weigh-well and profit by the wis- dom of others. Once convinced, however, he seldom changed simply held quietly and firmly to his thoroughly digested conclusions. As such, he was ripe for the times and the times ripe for him, consequently he arose to be one of the strongest advocates for knowledge, religious harmony and toleration, universal supremacy of organization, reason, sense and justice, and in doing that, without any personal preference, became the leading champion of certain principles, and therefore the great target for those with whom he differed. By his acts and doctrines, both his defenders and defamers have endeavored seemingly to justify their relative positions; for his, like all systems of philosophy, contained slight ambiguities, sufficient to create in the willing mis-conceptions and mis-interpreta- tions. It has been a century since he controlled the pulse of this great Republic, the period of his strongest influence years that have carried poorly in sacred memory many of 146 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA the then reigning satellites but as we look at him through this long vista little of his individuality seems to have been lost " Thomas Jefferson still lives." Why this lasting impress or perpetuity? Is it because he was a simple minded and ingenuous demagogue, with a super- ficial learning and philosophy, lacking sincereness and truth- fulness, possessing a pusillanimous and morbid terror of pop- ular censure and an insatiable thirst for popular praise? For all of these and much more his traducers have affirmed many times against him. "Be sure your sins will find you out," would never have missed an application to him, had he pos- sessed the many claimed. As one of his worthy successors wisely said : " You can fool some people all the time, all the people some time, but never all the people all the time." Had he been the demon his enemies alleged, would not in life his popularity have waned rather than increased, and in death the plaudits of the intelligent world been withheld? Against his enemies he only said : " I have not considered them as abus- ing me: they have never known me. They have created an imaginary being clothed with odious attributes, to whom they have given my name; and it is against that creature of their imagination they have levelled their anathemas." Surely his recognition and following came not through an invincible tongue he was no Demosthenes or Webster for oratory- was not his gift; he even could not make an effective speech, long or short, and never did ; he was no loud talker, proclaim- ing his knowledge and dogmas whenever opportunity pre- sented; nor was he a witty, facetious conversationalist that appeals to most persons. On the contrary he was serious, re- served and retiring, the very last of all to force opinions where and when unsought; nor was he imperious, self-centered, haughty or conceited qualities that frequently count for some- thing. He even neglected to accept all the honors due him, preferring to direct others discreetly in things he might easily have accomplished himself, thus permitting them to share the entire reward. Was he shrewd, smart, clever and bright in the sense we to-day usually apply those attributes, making good all in one's composition tending towards material profit ? Did he live alone for self and the present, bending everything for his individual advantage and his immediate generation's UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 147 gain? Oh no! He was a man far removed from this, and, whatever may have been in the past, no careful and liberal stu- dent of to-day, in the light of accessible facts, can reach other than the one conclusion that he was a man of exceptional learning and greatness, whose power and influence during our Nation's formative period stood second only to Washington's, whose will and word later in life took the first position, dom- inating absolutely political sentiment and principles, and whose creeds now, generations after death, furnish the most accept- able doctrines to the great majority, who gladly extol him as the greatest prophet of national government and wisest ex- pounder of human rights the world has ever known. But this was simply his political side, that through which the millions reckon his chief worth and merit a side Mr. Jefferson never thought he possessed, for he did not consider himself a politician, but only an expounder and advocate of right and justice to all alike, preference and favor to none. Beyond this, however, stands in exceptional brightness his life-work for the general " diffusion of knowledge and re- ligious toleration " throughout the land. Himself a free and liberal thinker, he felt it a humane duty to enlighten others to become likewise; himself educated, he desired all others to share the inestimable blessing, according to indi- vidual capacity and need, believing this latter the only key for unlocking the former. Thus he wrote, February 15, 1821 : " Nobody can doubt my zeal for the general instruction of the people. Who first started that idea? I may surely say, myself. Turn to the bill, in the revised code, which I drew more than forty years ago, before which the idea of a plan for the education of the people, generally, had never been suggested in the State, and there you will see developed the first rudiments of the whole system of general education we are now urging and acting on." Only think of the then prevailing indifference to the sub- ject that he should have labored passively for forty years to enlighten his people, with little or no effect, and actively another ten before, happily, he saw the dawn. And yet he was reconciled and satisfied in delay for he had at last founded what he believed destined to become a great educa- tional center his cherished University. 148 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Mr. Jefferson like most martyrs to a cause or creed hoped against hope. Too sadly and seriously he realized the world's complement of conspirators, fools, hypocrites and knaves; that human nature was not exempt from duplicity, selfishness, ingratitude, vanity and treachery in their manifold forms and disguises; that even the sanctity of the church was per- verted frequently in a service for individual gain; and that while our mental endowments indicate the highest type of God's creation a likeness unto himself yet our appetites, propensities and passions often remove us but slightly from the brute and lower animal forms. His only hope for a partial redemption of his people from these weaknesses, lay in edu- cation, religious and political freedom, and the domestic serenity of agricultural pursuits aloof from congested mul- titudes, where vice, evil and immoral purposes have best opportunity to thrive. Thus he said : " Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God." Our country, as well as others, seemingly at present inclines to move in the oppo- site direction away from farm life to that of the city, to concentrate and combine in every line of industry, to make the small minority financial kings, the great majority indigent artisans and peasants, but in spite of this tendency the world is said to be growing better certainly an anomaly, if Mr. Jefferson's doctrine be true. The fact is that his beliefs, hopes and predictions have not all been realized or verified, nor, it may be said with equal truth, have they had fair chance and trial. Thus he thought that twenty-four years of continuous Republican supremacy administrations 'of him- self, Madison and Monroe and others most likely to follow in course of time, with their self-apparent benefits, would eclipse, and possibly destroy finally, the seeds of Federalism, provided the people, plain and otherwise, could through edu- cation hence one of his great objects therefor be made to understand and appreciate the ultimate and universal ad- vantage centered in his political doctrines. From no fault of his, as history was his teacher, he failed to gauge our country aright, never conceiving the enormous strides it was destined to take within a single century that only expected of a dozen or more. Nor had he the slightest conception that emigration would develop to any great proportions; or that UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 149 so many States would soon follow Virginia's example, only with increased liberality, in establishing each its own Uni- versity ; or that the wealth and resources of our country would quickly become so enormous as to justify many individuals endowing and creating private institutions with untold mil- lions, only to prove formidable competitors of his own favor- ite child, teaching the very principles that enabled the accu- mulation of these fortunes, therefore their own existence policies he so thoroughly detested and strove hard to combat. No one can predict accurately the future of our country whether its permanency, and the preservation of the spirit, " the greatest good to the greatest number," would have better been assured by moving slowly along conservative lines, in keeping with the past, present, and likely future of foreign nations known to Mr. Jefferson, from which he caught much of his inspiration and thought, or to have advanced rapidly and radically, as certainly we have, beyond the bounds of all precedent. Time alone will reveal and then only problematic- ally. But " Thomas Jefferson still lives," in spite of some unpopular doctrines and erring judgment, and why? Chiefly because he was a great man, accomplished something for the benefit of mankind, and always endeavored intelligently to do right. Surely he possessed the highest manly attributes ability, conviction, firmness, generosity, gentleness, honor, honesty, knowledge, kindness and sincereness; he championed a cause relentlessly whether the monetary consideration be for or against him personally ; he devoted the very best energies of his entire life to the betterment of his country and people, whether under or out of salary, and in order that his undivided talents might aid in solving the most serious questions those he considered infinitely of more importance than indi- vidual problems he neglected personal affairs and consumed a private fortune, thus beginning rich and dying poor. A noble ambition and precept one that in his case, as usual, produced a final aching void, but that seemingly with which he was perfectly satisfied, judging from his own words: " It is from posterity we are to expect remuneration for the sacri- fices we are making for their service of time, quiet and good will, and I fear not the appeal." Is it more than the desert of every faithful and conscientious worker, having spent 150 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA a life in strengthening others and weakening one's self, to expect, nay crave, some slight recognition and gratitude in death, if not in life, from those directly and indirectly served ? Is it surprising that, " having fought the good fight," he should say in his declining days : " Tranquility is the greatest good of life, and the strongest of our desires, that of dying in the good will of all mankind." These are only natural sentiments, by most persons concealed, sadly without realiza- tion by Mr. Jefferson willingly expressed, gloriously real- ized. With all of his virtues and greatness he, like the rest of frail humanity, fell in some instances under the bane of just criticism indeed possessed faults but his strength over- shadowed his weakness as does the mountain the molecule. The author and champion of a political school, the rank and file looked upon him as their chief apostle from whom advice and opinions were sought by endless thousands, resulting in an enormous correspondence that enslaved and shortened his declining years. But the disciple of his people, he did their bidding as though a public servant but without compensa- tion and with a kindness prompted by genuine love. This in the light of the present-day business world might be consid- ered his greatest besetting sin. He detested the abridgement or curtailment of any man's liberty and rights, seemingly for- getful that it is human nature when given an ell to take a mile to violate the Golden Rule, thereby necessitating laws for protection and restriction. It is a beautiful dream to see man accountable alone to himself and his Maker, acting with equal justice to all alike, considering self no more than others, but in practice it is so often violated. Thus Mr. Jefferson had too great confidence and trust in mankind. This was another of his shortcomings accepting human nature as it ought to be and not as it is. But in this generation these trivial weaknesses are forgot- ten he remains a tower of strength for parents to honor their children with his name, while associations, cities, col- leges, companies, counties, corporations, hotels, institutions, schools, towns and townships will ever keep it familiar to an unforgetting people. Thus physically dead, spiritually he goes marching on still breathing his crest motto as a benedic- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 151 tion upon oppressed humanity wherever found: Ab eo liber- tas a quo spiritus From Him (is) liberty from Whom (is) life. We cannot improve upon Donaldson's conclusion: " The bibliography of Jefferson is now some six hundred volumes and incidentally reaches thousands more. From the records, from the testimony of his fellows and family, from the results of his public acts and private virtues he stands in the front line of American immortals. He was useful to his period, and his life and deeds are valuable as an example to posterity ; he was the chief founder of the Republic of the United States. Lovers of liberty and the rights of man are partial to the name and fame of Thomas Jefferson; in our Republic he is the sweetest flower that blossoms in liberty's garden. The man at the wheel several times in periods of National danger, he always brought the ship of State into port with banners flying. In public matters he kept his temper; he pushed onward for the liberty and rights of mankind, and he never failed to succeed. He made more notches on the column of progress of human rights in the years of his political life and power than any other five Amer- ican statesmen Thomas Jefferson, the publicist; the forceful man in the formative period of our Republic; the statesman and leader, was always in the forefront of the battle for humanity, giving and taking blows. This great man of affairs was as humane and lovable as a woman. This man who reached the highest possible altitude of human glory was one of the softest by nature in private life, and beloved of children and brutes. He walks through history in public matters as the iconoclast. In his family and domestic life he was as gen- tle as the Master, and his presence as sweet as the voice of a loving song. " Along in the eighties it was my privilege and honor to be a guest at the house of the last person living who was with Mr. Jefferson at his death. Stately, with Jefferson's features, even to his nose and his reddish-brown hair; queenly in man- ner and with a memory for family matters and events, as tenacious and retentive as that of a gossipy society woman on personal scandals. This granddaughter of Thomas Jefferson (Mrs. Septima Randolph Meikleham, nee Septima Ann Carey Randolph) was a link connecting one epoch in our nationality 152 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA with the other. Fourteen years of age at his death, she re- called vividly events that had happened eight years prior to that event. She recalled the home life at Monticello, and the habits and manners of her grandfather. She was born at Monticello; she saw James Madison, James Monroe and the Marquis De Lafayette sit at table with Mr. Jefferson. In her presence they chatted revolutionary events so that she seemed almost a part of. that period. General Washington and other heroes, by reason of this table chat, seemed to her to be friends and almost at hand. She had unbounded affection for her grandfather, and recalled him as a gentle loving person, without temper, attentive to the poor, kindly to the lowly, and the equal of any man who ever lived. Their long rides in the country about Monticello; their journeys to Mr. Madi- son's and Mr. Monroe's homes in the vicinage; the noonday halt, with lunch at a roadside spring, half-way on the journey from Monticello to Mr. Madison's at Montpelier she loved to talk about. She vividly recalled and described l Eagle,' Mr. Jefferson's favorite saddle horse; she had often been placed upon him for a ride by Mr. Jefferson himself. She recalled the day when Mr. Jefferson was thrown from ' Eagle's ' back and his wrist broken. She sat day after day and heard Mr. Jeffer- son play the violin; one which he had made himself, and so constructed that he could place it in his trunk when he trav- eled; and she recounted his efforts at carpentering. Visitors overran them at Monticello. She pictured to me a delightful old man whose chief aim was to make everybody about him happy. Never a harsh word, never a growl patience and for- bearance instead. Of course, she never knew how great her grandfather was until after his death, and even then recalling his mildness she would for herself wonderingly measure the grandeur of his acts. The simplicity of his character, in his later life, seemed to preclude greatness and she used to say 'and he wrote the Declaration of Independence.' And then her description of his death. Of the long days of patient wait- ing; of his calling the members of his household to him and saying good-bye to each ; of the awful grief of her mother, and of the vast assemblage of citizens who came to lay him away. ' I peeped over the gallery in the hall at Monticello (women and small children did not then go to the grave at funerals in I? UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 153 Virginia) as I heard the men coming in to carry my poor old grandfather out, and then I saw the bearers lift him, and as they went through the doorway it seemed that my heart and life and the sunlight went with them. As they disappeared I fancied I could hear his sweet voice of but three days before (I was the last person who spoke to him) as I said, " Good morning, grandfather, do you know me? " and as he moved his hand a bit I thought he said, " Yes, dear." And now, after more than fifty years, when I recall that hot July morning in 1826, and think I see that tall pure figure waiting for the touch of the angel, I can still hear faintly those sweet words, " Yes, dear." ' " CHAPTER VIII CONDITIONS DOMINATING THE SELECTION OF THE UNIVERSITY Luther M. Reynolds academic and professional education Professors Allen, Horsford, Norton, Porter; his trip to Pennsylvania and Ken- tucky, where he frequently saw and heard Henry Clay make impres- sive speeches; other experiences related and personages encountered that enthused my youthful mind; his high appreciation of college training, and estimate of various institutions, including the University of Virginia; factors that led me to select that University, etc. MY uncle, Luther M. Reynolds, a Delawarean by birth, a Mary lander by adoption, enjoyed a divided collegiate course the first half within his native State, at Delaware College, where, entering in 1844, he came under the guidance, as was often his delight to relate, of four young but afterwards noted educational characters: George Allen, Eben Norton Hors- ford, William Augustus Norton, and John Addison Porter, a quartet not long together, being a few years later drawn into broader and more useful fields. Professor Allen was called to the chair of Ancient Languages in the University of Penn- sylvania ; Professor Horsford to the Rumford chair of Applied Science in Harvard University, where he encouraged Mr. Ab- bott Lawrence to found the Lawrence Scientific School, and originated the world renowned acid phosphate and baking pow- der; Professor Norton to the Sheffield Scientific School, where he taught for thirty-one years, becoming the author of popular works on astronomy and natural philosophy ; Professor Por- ter to the chair of Chemistry in Yale College, where he married the daughter of Mr. Joseph E. Sheffield, whom he influenced in making the liberal donation that founded the scientific school bearing his name. Mr. Reynolds, owing to circumstances to be related, com- pleted his academic training at Jefferson College, Cannons- burg, Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1847. Two years later, June 1849, at the age of twenty-five, he graduated 154 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 155 from Yale Law School, and while there, near the end of his course, had determined for himself by a chance method his future scene of activity. A number of companion students one day, according to usual custom, were resting carelessly in chairs and on tables in the law library, when stoically the subject of their prospective careers was introduced. Some had fathers already well-established in legal practice, to whom the problem was of easy solution ; others were close to members of the Bench and Bar, or to statesmen of acknowledged power and influence, while Reynolds was simply the son of a well- to-do farmer, with little following to aid advancement in a professional line. On this day he made no secret to these associates of his future, just then, being without plan or pur- pose, so that all, interested in his welfare, made suggestions some indeed worthy of serious consideration. In the " con- fusion of tongues," he arose to the occasion in rather a self- assertive manner, proclaiming his ability to settle the matter thus : " I will stick my knife at random between the leaves of this law directory and write to the man whose name is nearest the edge of the blade to take me in his office." Suiting action to the words revealed the name of Samuel Tyler, Frederick, Maryland. Then and there, in presence of the multitude, a letter was written and mailed, which in due time brought a courteous reply from Mr. Tyler to the effect, that at the then present his office had sufficient force, but within the year he expected a vacancy, which, if agreeable, he would reserve gladly for his new correspondent. Leaving Yale, Mr. Reynolds returned to his home, Golden Ridge, a farm near Willow Grove, Delaware, from which during the early autumn he entered the law office of Mr. Mar- tin W. Bates, at Dover, nine miles distant, where he remained a year then accepted the position that had materialized with Mr. Tyler. Upon reaching Frederick he was received kindly by his new preceptor, taken to his home and there domiciled. A few days' intercourse convinced Mr. Tyler that the ambitious young man already was well-equipped for the Bar, requiring chiefly a familiarity with the Maryland " Code " a fact gladly realized, as he was having issued then from the press a legal work, " Tyler's Practice," and needed some one to aid in proof- reading. This labor Mr. Reynolds willingly shared, in spite 156 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA of the great desire to make rapid progress in his legal studies, and although serving two masters that half year he was ad- mitted to the Maryland Bar by Judge Purviance, February 19, 1851. This accomplished, the road would seem to have been clear, but in those days, as now, opportunities had to be created by the great majority, and where these could best be realized was problematic. Young Reynolds' friends in Frederick, and they were many, with one accord would listen to no other selection than Maryland's accepted metropolis, Baltimore, and to that end they armed him with letters to her most eminent judges and lawyers. These he visited, and the welcoming hands were so sincere and cordial that without hesitation he decided to make Baltimore his permanent home, where he lived for more than fifty years, enjoying a lucrative practice, and ever loyal to her people and best interests, yet never losing perceptibly the fondness for his native State and place of birth. He loved his parents, brothers and sisters, possibly " passing understanding," and his ter-annual visits to home- land continued until death, December 12, 1901, with unabated pleasure to both the visitor and the visited. His own home was always most hospitable, sheltering in and out of season all relatives, near and remote alike, and turning aside no worthy Delawarean, though perhaps a positive stranger. He was well-conversant with the genealogy of his State, taking unusual pride in locating doubtful members of his own and other families, and holding out to all the comforting friend- ship, of there being for them in the Monumental City only one stopping place his residence. The longer and more frequent the visits of those near to him the greater was he pleased, and he thoroughly recognized that towards him all relatives bore a reciprocal feeling. With such an " open sesame " the writer was no small boy when first aware that hotels were needed in cities, especially Baltimore believing that all visitors thereto enjoyed similar favorable privileges and now looks back with surprise at the freedom, second not even to possession, always extended and realized by that delightful fireside. Although uncle's Christmas visit to Delaware was by rail and usually hurried, those in the spring and autumn were more deliberate and made invariably with his private team a necessity for the greatest comfort in calling on those of his UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 157 direct line and a few congenial friends scattered over con- siderable territory. His horses, a source of great pride, were of high order, becoming wherever seen objects of comment and admiration ; his carriage, a Brewster or Rogers, was com- modious, attractive and easy, far excelling the prevailing styles of that community, and his driver, of the colonial colored type, now sadly almost extinct, was trusted and tried, having served the family far beyond a generation. As a rule uncle was ac- companied by his wife, and sometimes his very congenial mother-in-law, making a companionship of three or four ex- tremely happy souls. The route was either by Chester River to Rolph's Wharf, or by Choptank and Tred Avon Rivers to Easton or Oxford, thence driving the twenty or thirty miles to their destination. So long as his parents lived their home was his headquarters, and to them the coming was always a joy- ful event, as, indeed, it was to the entire family circle. Re- union dinners were given every day either at the paternal abode or those of his brothers' and sisters', and abundant good cheer pervaded every one's nature until the parting farewell was given. The younger generation nieces and nephews was not slow in catching the pleasure contagion incident to these occasions, for they meant a substantial remembrance in some form or another and contributed much delight to an otherwise dull and monotonous rural life. After the death of his parents (1874) these visits were continued just the same, restricted, however to brothers and sisters, and a cousin bear- ing his father's name, for whom he entertained the strongest affection. It was during his autumn visit of 1871, when spending a night or two with my parents that in my presence he inquired of mother (his sister) concerning the progress I was making at school and contemplated educational plans. He expressed himself earnestly in favor of college training, enumerated many potent reasons therefor, and related a number of school-boy experiences, for which he possessed an unusually retentive memory, and I an appreciative as well as receptive mind. One of these at least deserves preservation, as it not only concerns several public characters, but reveals some extraordinary real- izations the kind that served then to have a decided influence for good upon a callow youth just beginning to see the light : 158 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA " In the summer of 1845 I returned home from Delaware College complaining with a pain in my side, which the doctor pronounced the result of liver complication, but readily amen- able to treatment. Father, however, concluded that a trip might do more good than medicine, and quickly arranged for me a visit to his cousins, John, Thomas and George Reynolds three brothers living at Jefferson, Pennsylvania. My old teacher in Smyrna, Mr. Morgan, for whom I had unbounded respect and admiration, had moved to Clarksburg, West Vir- ginia, and I determined it would be opportune to look in upon him en route. I left home early one morning by stage for Smyrna Landing, thence by boat to New Castle, by train to Frenchtown, by steamer and train to Baltimore, reaching the latter point, President Street Station, at 8 o'ck, P. M. Mother advised me to patronize always the best hotels, so Barnum's was selected for the night. Next morning I con- tinued my journey, purchasing a ticket to Paw Paw, a station on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and in course reached Martinsburg for dinner this being announced by a waiter beating vigorously a large triangle. Upon arrival at Paw Paw I took the Paw Paw and Parkersburg stage-line to Clarks- burg, some ninety miles east of Parkersburg, where I remained a week, seeing much of my former teacher and riding around the various mountains on horseback trailing chiefly along partly overgrown footpaths, there being no roads for vehicles save the Parkersburg pike. One day I strayed to Beverly, a distance of fifty miles, stopping often at the little farm houses along the way to talk with the occupants, who, as a rule in- clined at first to be unfriendly. But as our conversation pro- gressed, and I announced myself a stranger to that section, a resident of Delaware, their attitude quickly changed, since they all were descendants of Revolutionary soldiers of the Delaware line their ancestors having taken that land, a con- tribution by the State of Virginia, as a pension. None, how- ever, seemed to know from what part of Delaware they came originally. After this delightful rest I proceeded to Geneva, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, where I spent a Sabbath, put- ting up at a hotel kept by Mr. Everhardt. This was a Dutch town, but in conversation with the proprietor soon learned that he was from Delaware, as were the Davenports, who UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 159 owned the store and dwelling opposite. As the store was open I went over in a short while and had a talk with Mr. Daven- port, who, becoming interested, called his wife from the rear, where they lived, to join in our already pleasantly begun chat of Delaware and her people. This good woman was disin- clined to credit my representations until I introduced incidently the old Welsh graveyard near Newark with the strikingly peculiar inscriptions on many of the tombstones. Of these she knew something and desired to learn more, as some of her relatives lay buried there. Fortunately, having attended col- lege at Newark, I was equipped with much suitable informa- tion and its imparting led to me being invited for dinner and to spend with them the entire day. In the afternoon I gave an account of my college work and expressed the intention of teaching somewhere the coming year a fact that caused Mrs. Davenport to mention their school being closed, teacher gone, and the universal delight it would give to have it reopened. It was a select school, each scholar paying four dollars per quarter, and the well-to-do families, in turn, boarding the teacher. I decided then and there to accept the position for a term, and began with about twenty-five scholars, among them two daughters each of Messrs. Everhardt and Gans, the re- puted wealthiest citizens of the town the latter receiving me into his own family circle. I had not been in traces more than a week or two, when, to great surprise and annoyance, I found myself with a parasitic skin disease, scabies, contracted from some of the students, and upon inquiry ascertained that all knew of its prevalence, but attached little importance to its seriousness, as they could guarantee a cure within a week. Mr. Gans affirmed that the best doctor around was a graduate of medicine living across the Monongahela River, but that there resided in town one (quack) especially successful in treating minor ailments. I saw this quack doctor, who gave me a white salve to rub between my fingers and knee joints, and as promised the cure was like magic simply drying up the disease within forty-eight hours. During the three months' stay at Geneva I paid several visits to my father's cousins the Reynolds brothers, at Jefferson the first being on a bright Sunday morning astride of Mr. Gans' favorite trotter, when the distance was covered by 10:30 o'ck. After 160 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA hitching the horse I rapped at the front door, but found all away except Mrs. Reynolds, to whom I revealed my identity and the fact that her husband had only seen me once when a baby in my mother's arms. As her husband's return was ex- pected by noon she suggested me remaining in the parlor so that he could have an abrupt chance at guessing my personal- ity. When told of a stranger's presence he immediately came into the room, extended pleasant salutations, and after stand- ing a few moments facing me, smiled and said: Why, you are my cousin Robert W. Reynolds' son, Luther, whose home I visited for a week when you were an infant. This gentle- man was Thomas Reynolds, seemingly the most prosperous of the three brothers, who kept the main hotel of the town and managed other industries being fine looking with ruddy complexion, six feet high and weighing two hundred pounds. After talking a while he went out and invited his two brothers, George and John, to dine 'with him, so we all together spent several very pleasant hours. He insisted that I remain longer than had been planned, an impossibility, and that I repeat my visit often so difficult as only to be availed of on one other oc- casion. Another day, however, I rode in a different direction and called on their two sisters, whom I found large, healthy and good-looking women, much beloved by their neighbors the one who married Mr. Randolph appearing the more in- telligent and expressing her intention of visiting Delaware some time. " My sojourn at Geneva came at an end one pleasant Sun- day afternoon, when I departed for Brownsville, a town some twenty miles down the river, with a population of four or five thousand, on the National pike at the head of slack-water of the Monongahela. Soon after arriving I walked down to the wharf to take for Pittsburg the boat, which, to my great sur- prise, bore the name of ' Louis McLane,' a fact that made me feel not so far from home as other conditions would indi- cate. It was now Monday afternoon when we pulled away from Brownsville, and upon reaching Pittsburg some hours later I sought a hotel with good accommodations, as I pro- posed to remain at least a week and explore the city thor- oughly, in order to learn its advantages, if any, over eastern rivals. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 161 " One of my colleagues at Delaware College, Mr. Armstrong, had accepted a position at Lexington, Kentucky, as an assist- ant teacher in his brother-in-law's female seminary, and for him I still retained a friendly attachment. As I yet had con- siderable money from my Geneva teaching, the thought of a trip to Lexington to see him and her greater citizen, Henry Clay, suggested itself, consequently after staying the allotted time in Pittsburg, I took a steamer, one beautiful morning, running between that city and New Orleans. The first night on board I noticed a great deal of gambling among the fast set, which, however, did not begin until about n o'ck, after the less worldly passengers had retired to the sleep of the just. These gamblers I observed slept during the day, and had a banker whom they called Levi, who awoke them at any de- sired hour and furnished wine, money, etc. In due time Louisville was reached, and as I stood on the ' quay ' with my trunk, my eye, glancing up one of the streets, saw in the distance the sign Ohio Hotel towards which I immediately set pace, having a colored man to follow with my trunk, think- ing all the time of my father's cousins who lived somewhere in that city. Their name was Forsythe, so next morning I started out to hunt them up, having previously consulted the directory and several persons. This task shortly came to a happy conclusion, as they were found easily and convinced quickly that I was no impostor. They soon inquired my hotel, and when I replied, adding mother's injunction always stop at the best they laughed heartily, saying: Well, you certainly missed it this time; you must change to the Gault House an advice accepted the following morning. Mr. For- sythe, the senior, had one son and two daughters; the former was studying medicine then, became prominent in his profes- sion a surgeon in the Confederate service and married the widow of General A. P. Hill, she being a sister of General John Morgan; one of the daughters, Emma, married Mr. Crockwell, and is the mother of Miss Lillian, who frequently spends weeks at my home; the other daughter married Mr. Sterling, and is the mother of Mrs. Scott, who also visits us occasionally. Their father reminded me very much of my father in manners, affability, florid complexion, Adam's apple, etc., and not only he but his entire household were extremely 162 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA kind to me that which in later years I have endeavored to reciprocate. " I only remained in Louisville half of the week, and then set out for Lexington by stage, which ran to Frankfort some fifty miles distant, where I tarried several days, taking in the beautiful suburban country. From here the rest of the trip was by railroad, the only one west of the Alleghany mountains, which was then financially embarrassed owing to its defaulting treasurer, a man from New Castle County, Dela- ware, of whose whereabouts the authorities were anxious to learn. Some thought him secreted in New York or Phila- delphia, but I heard in after years that his father-in-law, Mr. William (Billy) Hurlock, had given him refuge within his own home, near Saint George's, Delaware, where he remained a long time to the mystification of the public. I reached Lex- ington one Monday after dark and was recommended to the Phoenix Hotel, where registering, dining, and feeling fatigued I soon sought my room for sleep. After a comfortable night's rest I arose early, as was my custom, and finding a colored man washing the pavement, inquired of him the way to Ash- land, the home of Mr. Clay, only to receive the quick and polite reply : ' Right straight out dat road dere Boss/ This road was Main Street, and the direction eastward, so I began to walk the route suggested, reaching Ashland, one and a half miles, in a very short time. I readily recognized the place from the pictures already seen, which at that time were well- scattered over the country, as were those of Mr. Clay he hav- ing just been a Presidential candidate. It was the great popularity and esteem enjoyed by Mr. Clay that stimulated me to get a glimpse of him if possible, and as I neared the house, standing about two hundred yards from the pike, I noticed several gentlemen in the side field looking at some colts, one of which party persisted in walking towards the animals while suddenly making a rattling noise with his hand on the inside of his silk hat, thereby giving fright and causing them to prance around at a lively gait. I had never seen that trick practiced before and as it was effective considered it a good one. I passed beyond the house, and upon turning around to retrace steps townward noticed in the same field with the colts a colored man on the road side taking down the old post and UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 163 rail fence, and a little further on another colored man with a white gentleman setting new posts in new holes the old posts having been removed. I asked the first individual, if Mr. Clay had gone to his office, when he pointed ahead to the two en- gaged at post setting and said : ' Dat dare yonder is Moss Henry/ I then walked slowly towards that spot and sure enough it was Mr. Clay, plainly recognized from his various pictures. In passing I never took my eyes off of him, as he was intent upon the work in hand and little conscious of the intruder, and hurriedly returned to the hotel for breakfast. The same day I called upon my friend, Mr. Armstrong, and among other things told him of my favorable impression of the country, climate, town, and the looks of things in general, adding that should he hear of an opportunity for teaching, kindly put me in the way of it, as I would like to remain in Lexington, at least during the winter. He at once spoke of the school at Walnut Hill, six miles from town, likely to be in need of a teacher very soon, and as this was on the pike run- ning from Lexington, the county-seat of Fayette County, to Richmond, the county-seat of Madison County, the next day found me on foot seeking the school. This I readily rec- ognized by Mr. Armstrong's description building small and by the side of a church and upon rapping at the door the teacher soon appeared, when I introduced myself and made known my business. He seemed pleased at this possible turn in affairs, stated that he was from Maine where the winters were too severe for his weak lungs, consequently had sought Lexington as a southern point, expecting it to meet all re- quirements, but this it did not do last winter, so he thought it wise to spend from November to March in Florida that which he would do, if he could get a suitable substitute for that period willing to hand over the charge upon his return. I told him of my willingness to accept the school under those terms, and that he need apprehend no trouble in resuming duties at any time he might specify. We at once arranged matters, going so far as to discuss a suitable boarding place and to ask one of the little scholars, Levi Rhoads, if he thought I, their new teacher, could get accommodations at his house. To this he replied : ' I don't know, sir, but if you will go home with me we can soon find out from my mother.' After school 164 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA I accompanied Levi to his father's, Colonel Rhoads, and re- mained on the porch while the lad searched for his parents. It was a beautiful afternoon and while sitting there in the enjoyment of quiet meditation, Mrs. Rhoads appeared, who, after the usual formalities of strangers meeting, made the as- surance that they would be pleased to have me with them. This young lad, Levi Todd Rhoads, was a grandson of Levi Todd, a lieutenant in the battle of Blue Licks, whose brother John, the hero of that engagement, exhibited such foolhardy bravery, as did Major McGary, as to lose the battle along with his life. The Kentuckians were pursuing the Indians, and, as related in the life of Daniel Boone, had reached the Licking River, when a council of war was held to consider the ad- visability of awaiting reinforcements or crossing the river in further pursuit. Boone opposed the latter alternative, but Major McGary and Colonel Todd, before a decision had been reached, wildly rushed into the river exclaiming : ' Brave men will follow me, cowards will remain behind,' whereupon all fell in line. Upon ascending the opposite shore and pro- ceeding about a mile they encountered an ambuscade of In- dians just where two ravines, one on either side of the ridge, so conformed as to conceal an enemy that might assail them in front and flank before realizing the slightest danger. It was this that happened, giving to the Indians the famous vic- tory of Blue Licks, in which many officers and men sacrificed their lives. Colonel Todd owned about three thousand acres of highly cultivated land around Walnut Hill, divided into three farms, one for each of his daughters wives of Colonel Rhoads, Major Bullock, and Major Carr. It was here these families resided, while Robert Todd, a brother of the three ladies, conducted a store in Lexington, and became the father of several children, two of whom it was my pleasure to know well one a boy, Bob, about fourteen years of age, the other a young lady, Ann, some years older. This lady frequently came out to visit her aunt, Mrs. Rhoads, so that enjoying the same home, we naturally gravitated into good friendship, in spite of her never appealing to me owing to aggressive smart mannerisms. One day, however, she took me aside to recount the shortcomings of her brother, Bob, whom she described as incorrigible and a menace to the happiness of all his former UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 165 teachers insisting that I take him under my special care in conformity with her parents' wishes, since they, knowing me, believed I could do something for the boy's good. I readily consented to the appeal, so within a few days the young fellow was sent out to his aunt's, Mrs. Rhoads, to board and become my pupil a contact that gave me not the slightest trouble, as he soon became studious and attentive to all duties. Mrs. Bullock had a son who was a lawyer in Lexington, a partner of John Cabell Breckinridge, whose sister he married. " The regular teacher failed to return the last of March, as had been his intention, owing to the unusually severe winter in Florida as well as Kentucky, consequently I retained my teach- ing until early June, that which was very acceptable to me, as it neared the completion of the scholastic year and allowed him a few weeks for examinations and closing the school according to his own liking. " Several days before leaving for home, preparatory to re- entering Delaware College, Mrs. Rhoads thought so well of me as to extend the compliment of a parting supper, at which the following personages were seated : Mr. and Mrs. Rhoads, Levi Rhoads, their son, Bob Todd, the bad boy, Ann Todd, the aggressive sister, Mr. Bullock, John C. Breckinridge, and my- self. While at the table the subject of my going was discussed, as well as college course yet to be completed. Mr. Breckin- ridge seemed especially interested, and insisted that I change from Delaware College to Jefferson College, of which his uncle, Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge, was president a gentleman possessing many friends around Lexington, having been born and reared there, but for many years pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Baltimore. I promised the assembled guests to stop over at Jefferson College, whereupon Mr. John C. Breckinridge at once penned a letter of introduction to Dr. Breckinridge, to which all present affixed their names. " I left Lexington on the appointed afternoon, taking the stage for Maysville on the Ohio River, and when about fifteen miles on the road we met a lady desiring passage to our des- tination, but as every seat was rilled it was impossible to give her accommodation unless some gentleman consented to vacate and ride on top with the driver. The appeal was made and I alone responded, giving her my seat and riding the rest of the i66 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA night high above their heads under a beautiful starry canopy. While it was rather cool, protection by blankets and an iron guard-rail made sleep safe and refreshing. About midnight we stopped at a large hotel where an orchestra discoursed sweet music to which manly and maidenly feet kept pace in the rhythmic dance. This was the Blue Lick Springs Hotel brightly illuminated and in the midst of an overcrowded hop, but the prevailing sulphurous emanations were so strong that I was right glad when we sped again our onward way. We arrived at Maysville next morning and there took a boat for Pittsburg, where I caught a stage for Cannonsburg, eighteen miles distant. Shortly after reaching there and getting lo- cated at the hotel, I visited Dr. Breckinridge, and presented my much signed letter, which upon reading caused a greeting of more than ordinary cordiality, emphasized by calling all the family to meet the young gentleman direct from Lexington. Dr. Breckinridge had two sons, Robert and William, also several daughters, one then grown. A granddaughter after- wards became a Mrs. Handy, the wife of a Presbyterian min- ister on the eastern shore of Maryland, and to them children were born, one son having served Delaware as Congressman. " I remained at Jefferson College until graduated, June, 1847, having as classmates, John H. Handy, John P. Pennington, William McDonald, etc., but left for home immediately after Commencement, going by boat and stage to Brownsville, canal boat to Cumberland, cars to Baltimore and home. While at the hotel in Lexington, several days before taking charge of Walnut Hill School, when eating breakfast one morning I noticed a gentleman, Mr. Horeine, finish the meal, get up and go out, and to be followed by a Mr. Shelby, son of Colonel John Shelby. Getting through shortly thereafter, I walked out of the dining room just in time to see the latter fire and kill the former. Shelby was brought to trial and I had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Clay's great speech in the defence. I came to reside in Baltimore, February, 1851, boarding opposite The Sun office, Baltimore Street near North, and soon found that some gamblers were very near by being brought several times in close legal relation with one, who frequently spoke of his manager the identical Levi that was on the steamer when I went down the Ohio River to Louisville, whom I saw in our UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 167 city many times thereafter. After an absence of twenty-five years I revisited Lexington this summer, reaching there at night and only to spend twenty-four hours, as my chief inter- est lay in Frankfort. Next morning I thought I would look around the town to see what changes time had wrought. Of course Mr. Clay was dead, as I had seen his body lay-in-state in the Rotunda of our Baltimore City Hall, but I walked out to Ashland, which I found looking as it did a quarter-century be- fore, and strange to relate the old fence was being replaced by a new one. I talked with the colored men engaged at the work, when one remarked that, " Moss Henry helped to put up the old fence," to which I replied: Yes, that is true, for I can testify to having seen him with my own eyes right here thus engaged. I inquired of the hotel clerk concerning various old friends, including Bob Bullock, whom the clerk said was then the county sheriff, and had an office just opposite. In a short while I called on him and asked if he knew who I was? He replied : ' I cannot tell your name, but you were a captain in my Regiment during the war, or a member of my Regiment, or so and so of Colonel Henderson's Regiment/ Finding he was not a very good guesser, I revealed my identity, when, remembering me distinctly, we entered pleasantly into con- versation concerning former times and persons somewhat dear to us both. I inquired after the Todds, who were his cousins, especially Bob and Ann, when he jumped up from his chair and loudly exclaimed : * You don't mean to tell me that you lived for eight years within forty miles of them and knew noth- ing of either ! ' I replied : 1 1 do mean to say so, whereupon he quietly continued : * My cousin Ann resided at the White House with her sister, Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, while her brother, Bob, was the keeper of Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia/ ' Mother and I seemed to enter so thoroughly into the spirit of Uncle's morning talk that thereafter he felt warranted in making some suggestions concerning my future, at least such as he considered important at that time. As a fact, however, he was not unlike other eldest children, as he never hesitated to counsel brothers and sisters to their advantage in matters of significance, and although not a father he advised freely con- cerning children of his blood and those in whom he took in- terest, expressing opinions in no mistaken language upon their 168 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA acts done and proposed; he allowed nothing to go unnoticed and unchallenged savoring of the slightest deception or in- directness, and while liking his advice followed he never held against one its non-acceptance. On that morning he con- tinued: " You know ' Sal ' (for that was the name he used in speaking to her, but " my sister Sarah " when speaking of her), if I were in your place I would see that David receives more than a seminary training, for he seems studious and re- ceptive of knowledge, and it would be a shame to deny him opportunities or curtail any ambition he might possess and develop in that direction. I freely confess that some men of my acquaintance are great in the absence of collegiate education, but with it I contend they would have been far greater; while on the other hand I know some men who are fools in spite of their college course, but I honestly believe that without it they would have been even greater fools. Al- though it may be true * that all men are created equal/ so far as the ' rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness ' are concerned, yet this does not hold good when applied to natural inheritance and endowments. Truly I recognize that there is no special reason why your son should be more favorably gifted than his several companions, and as most of them will have to be contented with moderate schooling, should David be allowed to follow their example, we can expect his future only similar to that predicted for them. But if he will apply himself diligently, making more than ordinary advancement in his studies, then there is hope for a career of greater promise than fighting for a mere existence. Granting, that with an education he makes simply a living, then I contend he will have a broader and deeper life one more resplendent in self-satis- faction. It is true I appreciate the fact that there is more in education than books, institutions and diplomas, as there is more in religion than creeds, churches and sermons; even knowledge may not be education, but the two are related closely, since the former is the food of the latter, consequently a person may have much knowledge and little education, or much education and little knowledge. I consider education to be developed mind, thinking power, the mind trained and equipped to do that for which it was intended and when a mind can do this it is educated, whether it has encountered the UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 169 college process or not, but if it cannot do this it is not educated, although backed by many diplomas and crammed to overflow- ing with important facts. Such a development I would like to see wrought in David, but even if that be impossible we owe it to ourselves to make the endeavor at having him become an honorable and intelligent citizen through mind training. In order that he may have good opportunities and advantages it is important to be careful in the selection of a college, and personally I have no special one to recommend. Of course there are three kinds good, better, best and yet at any one a decided amount of knowledge can be gained, much depend- ing directly upon the individual himself. You may lead a horse to water but all power on earth cannot compel him to drink unless he feels so inclined. " At every college there is the greatest abundance of knowl- edge held on tap for willing recipients that the sloth and laggard secures only a small quantity is no evidence against the atmosphere he breathes being overcharged with it. As you well know, from the beginning to the end, I attended three Delaware, Jefferson, Yale and in a way each possessed merit. I was all along a close student, deriving untold benefit from each year's work, and there were plenty of my com- panions that equalled, possibly excelled me. I never saw a week in those days when I considered myself not having about all I desired to stand up to in comfort, and yet I am not wedded to these institutions for David. On the other hand our brother Thomas is very decided in his likes and dislikes of educational institutions, and never hesitates to express his great admiration for the work done at the University of Vir- ginia. Thomas, you recall, attended Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and upon leaving there went direct to Virginia to teach others some of that which had been taught him, and during those two years of pedagogic experience came in contact with a number of University of Virginia men those loyal to truth and in sounding her praise consequently he believes that not only is the scholarship offered and gained there of an unusual high order, but that the dignified personnel of the student-body has few equals, and cannot be excelled/' Even though all of this conversation was directed chiefly to my mother, yet personally I was paying strict attention to 170 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA that which ultimately was to have positive effect. I had al- ready passed through the first grade public school, having had the guidance of two unusually fine teachers, and had spent one year at Felton Seminary, Delaware, to which I was about re- turning for a second year. The expression of this solicitous feeling in my behalf, on the part of " Uncle Luther," was by no means the first awakening impulse to my mother's aspirations, for she had followed closely her only offspring from his very infancy, waiting and hoping that each succeeding year would reveal a substantial evidence of something more than child- like precocity that which every one admitted to be possessed in no little degree. She, in and out of my presence, had often talked over with father the advisability of giving me a well- rounded education, and he was in perfect accord of letting it include a college or university training. His schooling had been limited restricted to the public schools and he was un- willing that his son's should be likewise, for no one realized more keenly than he what the absence of higher advantages signified. I have so often heard him lament the poor oppor- tunities afforded him for gaining knowledge, and reasonably predict what more he might have made of himself had the earlier years been turned to a different account. Most promi- nent men of his acquaintance, in professions and business, en- joyed a liberal education, and he sincerely thought that it was this alone that had brought them to positions of honor and trust. It is true, as he commented, he had seen a few college men reach untimely drunkard's graves, but he considered such as poor unfortunates attributing their downfall rather to per- sonal weakness than to the evil of worldly associates formed away from parental restraint and influence. He further be- lieved that with a good education no one need be a financial failure, and that with it every one easily secured unto himself a life of far greater comfort and satisfaction. My course at the Seminary continued to be Latin, Greek, mathematics, and music the latter mother contending essential to drive dull care away in after life, that which no one seems entirely able to escape. During the early spring of that session (1871- 72), without consulting my parents considering that unneces- sary I wrote to several institutions, including the University of Virginia, for catalogues, all being received in due time. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 171 That of the University was accompanied by excerpts there- from, bound separately, of the three professional schools Law, Medicine, Agriculture supplemented by a very friendly personally written letter, signed, Charles S. Venable, Chair- man. As time permitted these were read with adequate care and interest to become familiar with essentials, without de- ciding what to do in the coming autumn. Seminary boys of the industrious sort have little time for thoughts outside of preparing daily recitations and assigned duties, consequently in these tasks I had questions to settle quite " sufficient unto the day thereof." It is true we discussed together occasion- ally our preferences for colleges, and for particular ones some students from the start had arranged their studies, thereby avoiding any concern in that direction on the home stretch, but most of us talked little and thought less concerning the near or remote future. One day late in April I picked up in the reading room among the newer magazines, a copy of Harper's Monthly for May, which I found to contain an article, entitled, " Mr. Jefferson's Pet," in reality a ten or twelve page history of the University of Virginia, beautifully written and attractively illustrated with five good-sized wood cuts: Statue of Mr. Jefferson, by Gait ; Western aspect of the University ; Southern view of the Lawn; The Rotunda, and School of Athens, in the Public Hall. Of course I was much interested in its reading, and confess to it impressing me strongly with the institution's greatness, as up to that time I had seen little or nothing pub- lished in the more reputable household journals concerning our colleges or universities, and that Harper's would devote such space to other than the higher I knew to be impossible. Thus my Uncle's conversation, Professor Venable's friendly and explanatory letter, and the article in Harper's influenced, indeed confirmed the selection so far as I personally was con- cerned, consequently thereafter my parents' approval was the only thing needed. My record at the Seminary for the year had been highly satisfactory nothing below ninety, and from that up to ninety- five, ninety-six and one hundred, so with such a creditable report there was neither shame or remorse attached to my re- turn home the middle of June a fact I hastened to manifest by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA showing these results and explaining my already determined plans supported as best I could with intelligent arguments. Mother from the first seemed thoroughly pleased, so express- ing herself, while father was not adverse, since he had sided with the Confederacy, proclaiming boldly in and out of season his fervent devotion to that cause. He had endeavored to escape into the Southern line, but was intercepted after get- ting many miles from home; owing to his outspoken senti- ments the Federal forces, by which we absolutely were sur- rounded, kept close vigil over his goings and comings once with arrestment subjecting him during the incarceration to numerous indignities, and on several other occasions used dire- ful threats in order to curb his irritating tongue. A positive character like his, and that he was in those days for all the words imply, quite naturally chafed in no little degree under such impending authority, and could not well at that slightly later period be reconciled to the fact of there existing anything good north of " Mason and Dixon's Line." He was, there- fore, not slow in deciding against all northern institutions and in favor of my selection, consequently as he controlled largely the purse I felt that an early realization of cherished hopes was assured. During vacation several letters passed between Professor Venable and myself pertaining to entrance, neces- sary arrangements, etc., and in one of these he advised my reaching the University a few days before the session opened, in order to get located suitably by the time work began in earnest a suggestion gladly followed. University Medical Hall (Erected 1825, restored 1886) University Infirmary (Erected 1857) FACING 172 CHAPTER IX MAIDEN TRIP TO WASHINGTON AND VIRGINIA Leaving home for the University; visit in Baltimore at my uncle's; short stop in Washington ; first inspection of the Capitol ; view of the White House, Arlington; made a friend of the brakeman; Alexandria its seeming antiquated appearance; Orange and Alexandria Railroad; Henry Knox, the courteous and obliging brakeman; Fairfax, Bull Run, Manassas Confederate cemetery Bristoe, Catletts, Warrenton Junction (Calverton), Bealeton, Rappahannock, Brandy, Culpeper, Rapidan, Mitchell, Cedar Mountain, Orange, Madison (Montpelier), Gordonsville, etc. THE morning of Thursday, September 26, 1872, broke in with beautiful sunshine, such as soon mellowed the early brac- ing temperature into that which brought discomfort to every exposed man and beast. I donned my best, a trifle heavy, breakfasted hurriedly, and now was to be the saddest duty saying farewell to mother for whom I recognized the part- ing painful, as by nature she could repress poorly, womanly emotions, while for me a sharer of that weakness, if weakness it be, I felt it absolutely impossible to refrain the tear that moments before had so boldly been defied. To her my going meant so much the breaking of a hitherto continuous com- panionship, the unmistakable separation by a long distance, the likely escape from maternal domination, the possible disregard of pious teachings, and the probable beginning of the end of paternal home life. To me it implied equal concern few ever had stronger attachment for home or parents, and now both measurably were to be sacrificed in going to a strange land. Besides it marked the beginning of the self-reliant stage, when for every turn one's own head had to be taken and held responsible true a condition some natures crave and court, but from which my own then recoiled and shrank. I was entering upon a new and all-important drama of life, which properly played would lead certainly to a desirable re- ward, but poorly, to discouragement and disappointment. The going away to college centers upon one at least some slight i73 174 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA attention from acquaintances and friends, and I fully realized that from then on they occasionally might cast an eye in my direction looking for the good or bad developments that henceforth my doings were expected to count for something. None of this was incident to the more youthful years at the Seminary, for there I was among my people " a prophet with- out honor" within easy driving distance of home, where each Sunday was spent, while standing and results in studies had little effect outside of self and family. I frankly confess to having even at that age an ambition for becoming some- thing beyond the ordinary, and an intuition that a few others had for me bright hopes and expectations, so it was not strange that those separative moments claimed thoughts most serious far from idle and frivolous. And yet a vein of pleasure, indeed satisfaction, pervaded the hour through confidence in this outward step into the world being the only proper one to take. Father drove me one mile to the nearest railroad station, for the 7 125 A. M. train, which soon arrived giving only time for checking trunk, and bidding him and the several local well-wishers a hearty good-bye. No ticket was needed as I enjoyed complimentary privileges on that portion of the road a fact causing me to cover the route often, to know well the train's crew, and to be considered by father just a trifle careless and risky. Indeed his last counselling words were: " Be careful on trains, take care of yourself, and be a good boy " possibly not an unusual admonition to sons first depart- ing from home. The journey to Baltimore was without special feature, as it had frequently been taken with the same dual changes, Clayton, Delaware Junction, and could not be expected to offer any unforeseen complications. All I could hope for was to pass acceptably the hours in transit through reading a morning paper, viewing familiar scenes, and revert- ing occasionally to the just enacted sad home-parting. Our train reached President Street Station at 1 105 p. M., where I found awaiting me the trusted coachman of my Uncle, to whose residence I soon was conveyed, only to receive from all a most hearty welcome. That night I accompanied Uncle and Aunt to the theater surely a pleasant treat, and one in which I felt not the slightest ill-at-ease, in spite of my semi-puritanic UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 175 training suggesting a corrupt influence of the stage. Twelve hours only had passed since turning in the direction, of an education, which I was not slow in realizing had to be made up of many elements, so that the coming of an opportunity to enjoy a healthy comedy for three hours, which to peruse in book required that many days, even with less permanent effect, I accepted as a very helpful beginning. Next morning I sat for a photograph, that my youthful identity upon entering the University might be preserved, and also made numerous pur- chases to complete my necessary outfit. We all had finished dinner when Uncle came in from his office an occurrence more the rule than exception, as he preferred one session at business and dinner alone at 3.30 P. M., to eating earlier with the family and returning thereafter. According to custom he soon came up in the library where most of us sat reading, and after an exchange of some pleasantry he addressed me thus : " David, I made it convenient this morning to call on one of my brother lawyers, whom I knew to be a University of Virginia graduate, in order to ask him, if he would not give my nephew a letter of introduction to some member of her Faculty? He seemed delighted at the opportunity, and penned this while I waited, which may be of some service to you." I thanked him as best I knew for his trouble, interest and thoughtfulness, and with natural curiosity proceeded to read the contents, it being unsealed, which I found well-worded, somewhat difficult to decipher, but bearing the assurance of friendship the creation of at least one friend in the newer field towards which I was drifting. That evening was passed pleasantly with music and family talk, and upon retiring I bade them all good-bye as well as good-night. I was called next morning at 3 o'ck, and after a hurried breakfast for be the hour what it may, Uncle would never allow any one to go hungry from his home the trusted coachman called for me in time to take the 4 120 A. M. train from Camden Station. The gates guarding the entrance to trains in those days, especially at such an early hour, were open alike to attendant and passenger, consequently we both passed to the car where 'he saw me seated comfortably for what I considered then a long ride. Our train soon moved slowly out of the station, leaving him watching after me, to whom I waved parting farewells receiv- 176 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ing acknowledgment in return. I was determined to be of good cheer, knowing upon his return the family would inquire the details of departure. So far there was nothing to occasion the least despondency, indeed, I had scarcely left home, as kind relatives had been taking the place of fond parents and a tu- multuous city that of the quiet country. But now I was gliding over hitherto untraveled space, and as the train rushed along madly in the darkness, swerving ungracefully to the accommo- dation of short and frequent curves, I could not refrain the passing thought any moment may bring me to eternity, a rapid race for an education. Shortly after leaving Baltimore I witnessed a very familiar farm-boy scene the break of day, so that upon reaching the depot at Washington faces could be recognized with accuracy. A wait here of over an hour gave opportunity for a cup of coffee, a walk around the Capitol, and a view of our making-up southern train, consisting of a baggage, mail, and two day coaches with the " Orange, Alex- andria and Manassas Railroad " lettering and occupying a track on the elevated street in front (west) of the depot. The through express, arriving at 6.30 o'ck, brought for us two ad- ditional cars, one a sleeper, which were detoured around and up the incline the bed of tracks in the rear (east) of the depot building being at least ten feet below its front street level by a number of able-bodied horses. This higher street track was the only connecting link between the two systems, both then being practically under the Garrett management, as the " Baltimore and Potomac Railroad " had only just been completed and the " Pennsylvania Railroad " had not yet shown its strong hand. A few months later, however, its power began to be felt, when, having secured control of the " long bridge " and the short line of railroad to Alexandria, all amicable rela- tions ceased between the two systems, causing thereafter through cars of the Baltimore and Ohio Company to be de- toured around Washington to the river-front, Quontico, thence by large transfer-boats to Alexandria to make the southern connection a condition I found existing when returning home for Christmas vacation. In September, however, the track on the elevated street fronting the " Baltimore and Ohio Depot " soon took an almost right-angle course westward, along a street apparently paralleling Pennsylvania Avenue, and over this UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 177 route our six cars, in two sections, were drawn slowly by horses to a point half across the city, where coming to a halt of several minutes, an engine was attached for more rapid and permanent progress. The White House from its southern exposure soon came in view along with its beautiful landscape and floral grounds, truly a handsome mansion of English Renaissance style, with an imposing semicircular projecting bay, nestled at the summit of a slight incline. To me it had existed only in picture, as had the Capitol and the rest of Washington, but even this had impressed so indelibly the true outlines as to defy mis- taking the veritable object. As we moved slowly to its several angles of advantage I could but recall, that of all the homes of various countries* rulers this one had sheltered possibly those having most discordant opinions, and that only a few of these had enjoyed there peaceful days unalloyed. Its corner-stone had been laid by General Washington and it had been occupied first in 1800 by President John Adams, who the following year, March 4th, was succeeded by his bitter partisan adversary, Thomas Jefferson, and thereafter by a list of intermittent party presidents. General Grant was now its host, and again was before the country for re-election in the coming November. With repressed speed we curved upon the " long bridge "(Po- tomac), about a mile long and of requisite width to accommo- date a single railroad track and separate ways for teams and pedestrians. Its open construction readily afforded unob- structed views of the river in various directions, but that to my right claimed first and last an unconquerable fascination. We had left Washington slightly behind time, the schedule being 7.15 o'ck, and now it was an hour later. A more perfect au- tumn day never dawned, as the bright morning sunlight cast its golden rays strongly upon the river's southern bank, which in places gradually lifted itself from the water's edge, seem- ingly in the north to rise in more abrupt cliffs and still higher rolling elevations in the distant background. But far to the front towered in bold relief what appeared almost a living, speaking sentinel Arlington in fawn-like colors, adorned by majestic columns in white, once the home of the great Con- federate chieftain, Lee, now the resting place of the brave Fed- eral dead. As the brilliant rays played upon the many win- i;S UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA dows, as likewise upon that silvery sheet of placid water, and as an occasional passing cloud cast irregular shadows upon the surrounding hills and dales clothed in verdant garb, Arlington revealed itself that morning an actual temple of gold. Indeed, one could have exclaimed justly : Is this nature I see or a canvas highly tinted ? But " will of the wisp-like " the scene soon faded in the distance to be followed in quick succession by others hav- ing at least an interest in common if not in degree. Contrast convinced me that the one so inspiring was not a dream crea- tion it was real and ever lives in sweet memory. This to me became a true retrospective moment, indeed,- the initiative to an endless sequence of historic thought and Civil War remi- niscences from which I was inseparable the entire day. The keen relish for this journey was occasioned by no trivial or passing fancy, for it had a beginning quite a score of years before, when as a mere child I not only saw hundreds of Union soldiers mobilized and mustered into service for what in many instances proved their deadly march to Richmond, but also heard read and thoroughly discussed at and from home the nu- merous startling newspaper accounts of each and every encoun- ter between the contending armies. Even at that youthful age opportunity was never lost in conversing with soldiers home from the front on furlough or leave due to physical disability and I had frequently been thrilled near unto paroxysms by the pathetic and startling experiences of those engaged at first Manassas, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and on the Merrimac. Indeed, our teacher's announcement one morning of an additional study History of the United States to be assumed in the near future met with trite opposition from me, for no one could have accepted the increased duty with greater satisfaction, nay delight. In the home I had often glanced over Lossing's History of the Revolution, and Brook's Narra- tive of the War with Mexico, while there had appeared al- ready several well-illustrated works on the Civil War the last then being " The War Between the States," by Stephens which I had carefully read and partly remembered. Was it at all surprising, therefore, that I could scarcely make myself realize the dawning of that auspicious day when for the first time I was to enter Virginia's historic domain, and that along the very route used a few years before by Generals McDowell UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 179 and Pope in leading their unsuccessful but restless forces, enthused by the war-cry, " On to Richmond? " It was true that seven years had passed since the Appomat- tox surrender, but these were as one long drawn out preg- nant with horrible reconstruction scenes and political agita- tions. In substance the war was still on; bitter partisan feel- ings had not subsided in the least; internecine strife yet pre- vailed to an alarming extent in some of the States ; uniforms, especially overcoats, were still in daily winter use by the heroes who had worn them in active service ; conversation fell largely along the lines of warfare, while our National legislation seemed daft upon a reconstructive policy more calculated to keep open than heal the wounds already inflicted. Every one was thoroughly conversant with, in fact thought he knew the most truthful account of, many war incidents, and enthusiastic- ally discussed them, while personal experiences, risks, exploits, sufferings and sensations received first consideration. Then scarcely to a minor degree the greatness of preferred leaders in peace and war gave rise to much contention, and their conduct on various fields, on the rostrum, in State and National coun- cils caused many expressions of approval and disapproval ac- cording to individual sentiment and admiration. " The War " seemed the latest and most absorbing topic, consequently all things else faded into insignificance as to impression and mag- nitude; surely the bitter struggle was not ended, for every American continued fighting as in the yesterday; certainly slavery had been abolished but not settled, for nothing is set- tled until settled right, and therein centered " the bone of contention," just where at the present day it continues to rest. Our train to me was one of strangers, and the necessary refrain seemed beyond endurance. Frequent travel over home- land roads had made me friendly with conductors and brake- men, whom I invariably found courteous and communicative, and of all times I now felt their need most. The idea of rail- roading in some form as a future pursuit had more than once suggested itself to me, as it often does to others somewhere in life's early stage the result no doubt of a fancied conception in youth that one should follow whatever is most accessible and inviting, without duly allowing for puerile imagination and inexperience. At any rate my opportunities had been such as to i8o UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA efface all timidity in approaching those in charge of trains, and the brakeman assigned to our two cars had a good face and ap- peared kindly disposed. Until we cleared the " long bridge " he was a very busy body, for in those days, when compressed air was a rare service, brakemen were true to the name, as at every proper signal they had to jump to the wheel for a severe test of strength and judgment. In a short time, however, he loitered in the rear of the car, near my seat, when I inquired : " How long have you been running this route? " He replied, " About three years." " Then you are familiar with the points of interest ! " To which he answered " I ought to be." The formality over, I continued a fusilade of questions, which he answered promptly, pleasantly and satisfactorily. He was strong in patience, and more generous with time and knowledge than I had reason to expect, for he dare neglect his many duties. The distance to Alexandria, although only eight miles, ap- peared that morning far greater, as I had taken in so many new and unusual sights, and as we had lost nearly half an hour waiting a train at a junction near the canal several miles north of the city. As we pulled into Alexandria I was impressed forcibly with the many crude frame hovels lining either side of the track seemingly a district of squalid poverty whose open doorways and steps were filled with colored women and children, sparsely clothed but laughing and vicing with each other in giddy de- light over the approach of our well-laden train. The majority of buildings appeared extremely plain, many, both brick and wood, regaled in fresh or faded whitewash, evidence at least of cleanliness and neatness, while a few of modern design loomed up at commanding points, apparently not exceeding four or five stories. The depot was a composite structure, brick and frame portions, one and two stories with a train shed in front (westward) extending over several tracks and the length of three or four cars. The roofs were pointed and the entire building wore a coat of either grayish-blue paint, calcimine or whitewash, according to its various sections; the main por- tion, brick, contained waiting rooms for men and women, divided by ticket and telegraph offices. On the same side (east) and a little southward stood a moderate-sized round- house, where the engines of the road were housed and given UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 181 necessary attention. For these natural conditions I thought none the less of Alexandria, as I had never seen a railroad pass through a desirable section of any city such that would leave a favorable impression upon the passer-by. The friendly brakeman in going out with some parapher- nalia remarked " The train has a new make-up here and for that ten minutes are required." As we came to a standstill I jumped off my car and walked over to the depot, for a better view of the crowd and surroundings, and while there saw our engine steam away and replaced by another, which stood belching forth, in hatefully loud accents, steam and smoke, as it was being oiled and looked over finally by its master. It seemed so self-conscious and solicitous of notice that I gave it more than passing glance sufficient to observe that it was built at Paterson, New -Jersey, a wood consumer, with large flaring smoke-stack, high and heavy fly-wheels, and the gen- eral appearance of newness, thereby assuring speed, strength and durability. During the wait each car wheel went through a process of tapping or sounding ; ice and water were supplied the coolers; considerable baggage was taken on, and a num- ber of passengers joined us, among them several well-dressed young men whom I reckoned students having possibly a des- tination in common with myself. Shortly after 9 o'ck, our train was again in motion, and still I seemed a " stranger in a strange land " the more unfortunate from me recognizing that here was the true beginning of the " Orange and Alex- andria Railroad/' and that the next four hours could speak much of history if I only had an intelligent interpreter to asso- ciate narratives with places of enactment. The new conductor in a short time came around, and tore from my ticket a coupon giving in lieu thereof a small piece of yellow cardboard having printed on one side the names and distances of stations, and on the other a small advertisement with directions to this effect: Washington City, Virginia Midland and Great South- ern R. R. put this on your hat and avoid the frequent call of " Ticket Sir ! " In addition it bore a picture of a silk hat and a sentence limiting stop-over privileges, signed by J. F. Peyton, Conductor. The new brakeman to our car appeared in a few minutes, and looked at the smoldering fire, ventilators and such incidentals coming under his care. He wore the air 182 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA of experience and possessed a face of equal kindness to the one met and parted with the hour before, so I determined to address him at first convenience. Fortunately not long thereafter he took a seat in the rear of the car near me, and at once I passed him my Baltimore paper, The Sun, which he accepted with thanks. In a short while I inquired the length of his service on the road, if he were a Virginian, where he lived, etc., only to receive acceptable answers and an inclina- tion to prolong the conversation. He related some personal experiences at second Manassas and other turbulent fields towards which we were hastening; his father Henry Knox, whose name he bore, had been killed at Chancellorsville the afternoon before " Stonewall " Jackson received his fatal wound; an older brother had experienced the fortunes mis- fortunes of the Army of Northern Virginia from beginning to finish, while he himself had joined the ranks (Longstreet's Division) in early August, 1863, as it returned to Culpeper from the battle of Gettysburg, and remained therein until the Appomattox surrender. He had lived on a farm near Warren- ton prior to the war and enlistment, and told his story with such rural simplicity and earnestness as to cause no doubt of its truthfulness, while his two visible scars one on the fore- head, another on the left hand needed no verification by words. He 'was pleased with my interest and the seeming familiarity with which I handled dates, contests and person- alities of the war period, the more so from my residence hav- ing been outside of the belligerent district, but his surprise abated somewhat when I revealed my objective point, and that I had so been absorbed in war records as to have written after puerile fashion quite a history. Henceforth we were very loquacious, and for the rest of the journey I never lost his com- panionship and explanations save when duties compelled his absence. He had been on the road five years, making three round-trips per week from Alexandria to Lynchburg, and knew well every historic acre through which it ran, impressing the fact that it played a most significant part in bellum days; while I had so often seen in print the words " Orange and Alexandria," as it connected the two places eighty miles apart, that I fancied it the greatest southern outlet, deserving com- parison with the magnificent trunk lines of our country. But UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 183 how did I find it on that memorable day? As much time was spent at the rear car window and in standing on the platform, catching every opportunity offered for inspection, and being better acquainted with the Pennsylvania system than any other, a comparison with it became natural but strikingly sad. Here grass often occurred between the tracks almost to their con- cealment, and at times we ran so slow as to reveal portions of track badly worn from my viewpoint absolutely unsafe. My companion affirmed that much of the road-bed was still in its war-time form the same light iron rails, ties and bridges serving yet wherever thought possible, the only replacement occurring in places of total destruction by the armies or age and in spite of that the controlling powers manifested confi- dence in its secureness and safety. Curves were almost in- numerable, seldom a mile without one or more, which in round- ing, owing to imperfect curvature and joints, produced a screeching, binding noise a chattering song positively alarm- ing to the quietly disposed or nervous passenger. I could not but exclaim : What a road ! And yet I then realized as never before that no other had ever experienced commensurate vicissitudes carrying as it did burdens heavy and light alike for the one or other army according to that in control, serv- ing simultaneously often the Confederates with its southern portion, the Federals with its more northern, suffering at times partial destruction from either forces in the effort to render abortive the emergent or matured plans of the advancing or retreating foe. Time and again various sections had been torn up for miles, ties burned and rails diverted to other uses ; important bridges had frequently been destroyed only to occa- sion excessive expense and delay, and yet that was the ex- pected fate of war a bridge was praised for the safe passage of its present load, and there all gratitude ceased it could not serve another. We had now covered about twenty miles and were nearing Fairfax Station, several miles south of the Court House bearing that name, around which considerable skirmishing took place in the advance on Bull Run. The next four miles brought us to Clifton (Union Mills), and as my informant made ready for the stop he remarked : The stream just beyond this station is the famous Bull Run. The country now entered was of irregular surface with many hills, dales 184 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA and streams of varying size; the soil exposed was brownish- red sand and clay permeated with rocks and stones of all dimensions, and woods were plentiful, consisting of many kinds of trees, saplings and undergrowth, bearing autumnal foliage. The railroad spanning Bull Run had been destroyed by General Beauregard at first Manassas, in order to prevent an advantage to General McDowell in case of Southern defeat, and also met a similar fate at the hands of General Jackson in his raid around General Pope, thereby severing the latter's communication with Washington and rendering Con- federate success more certain at second Manassas. As we came upon the bridge I felt somewhat apprehensive, but it proved secure and afforded a fine view of the stream below having a good volume of reddish-yellow water noisily hurrying its way to the Potomac. Its banks were fringed with timber, more or less rocky, especially the northern, giving often an unbroken range southward. The distance from this stream to Manas- sas Junction, four miles, was covered at creditable speed, but in spite of that the remaining trenches and mounded works could easily be seen those having timely sheltered so many brave and loyal hearts. These with their many grass-covered portions, were of irregular outline and showed marked signs of denudation by natural elements and the husbandman's hand, as fields, near and far, gave evidence of a moderate spirit of industry at the then seeding season. The railroad coursed through numerous deep and shallow cuts of character- istic reddish-brown soil, but in the clear was revealed gently sloping hills and plateaux, furrowed by ravines of varying length and direction, and studded with clumps of undergrowth chiefly pine and oak. Assured that the stop at Manassas would be several minutes, I alighted and walked the station platform in order to secure various view-points of surround- ings, which in a degree were disappointing from revealing simply well-defined country on every side. The village, of not more than five or six hundred, lay mostly to right (west), a number of frame dwellings of modest design and size, also a few stores being visible. To the southward on the same side could be seen a well-filled cemetery of Confederate dead, and around in close proximity to our train many colored women and children grouped themselves. There was a generous UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 185 sprinkling of white adults, a few without arm or leg, various crude vehicles, some with a single or pair of steers, or a care- lessly groomed horse, while a number of those with saddles stood hitched in the background intently grazing upon the sprigs of grass in the fence-locks and on the roadside. I could but be impressed with the serenity and stillness of the spot, and made to lament the aching hearts its name revived at many firesides for within a radius of three miles thousands of patriotic souls had sacrificed an earthly existence in defend- ing conceived rights or wrongs. It was here that on July 21, 1 86 1, General McDowell (Sherman, Burnside, etc.) on the one side, and General Beauregard (Ewell, Longstreet, Early, Johnston, Jackson, etc.) on the other began the dreadful con- flict that lasted four weary years; that Mr. Davis and Gen- erals Beauregard and Johnston had their memorable confer- ence which checked the then foremost southern ambition of following up Confederate success by " On to Washington ; " that a year later, August 29-30, 1862, General Pope (McDow- ell, Hooker, Siegel, Porter, Banks, Kearney, etc.) met a foe worthy of his steel in General Lee (Jackson, Longstreet, Hill, Stuart, etc.) ; that owing to railroad connections, the con- vergence of several common roads, and emergency conditions, either one or the other army at various times located the quar- termaster's commissary and ordnance stores; and that General Jackson fell upon such a desirable prize belonging to General Pope, thereby well resuscitating his hungry and poorly clothed soldiers. Those were truly days of carnage, strife, unrest, and for the moment I could not refrain from drawing the contrast between peace and war now a reign of perfect silence, and only a few visible reminders of the not remote stormy past. In revery I boarded my train, and as we slowly sped along viewed intently the cemetery and a single track road branching west- ward, at right angles from our own that which the brakeman affirmed to be the Manassas Gap Division, running to Fort Royal in the Shenandoah Valley, first through the Thorough- fare Gap of the Bull Run Mountains, then the Manassas Gap of the Blue Ridge, both of whose outlines could readily be seen in the near and distant background. It was over thirty- four miles of this road, Piedmont to Manassas Junction, that General Johnston, July 20, 1861, conveyed his army of nine 186 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA thousand men to join General Beauregard, thereby making possible a Confederate victory of first Manassas. This same Thoroughfare Gap was used by General Jackson (Longstreet, Hood, etc. ) in his raid around General Pope that culminated in success at second Manassas ; also by the opposing forces under General McClellan, November 5, 1862; and finally by General Longstreet in his advance and retreat from Gettysburg, thus causing its high and precipitous sides to reverberate often the fearful din and clatter of moving artillery and infantry en route to havoc and destruction. Four miles brought us to Bristoe (Bristow), even less pretentious than Manassas, and sufficiently removed to be used with safety at both battles for field hospitals. Here General Jackson, August 26, 1862, ran upon a portion of General Pope's supplies, capturing two heavily laden trains, while on the following day General Hooker's division engaged General Swell's division of General Jackson's corps, to the latter's detriment, during which the railroad to the south (west) of the station was torn up in sev- eral places and many important bridges burned, only to be re- paired in a few days later by General Banks, so that the por- tion of store-trains to the south, saved from General Jackson's raid, could be sent northward towards Manassas. Here also General Hill's corps, October 14, 1863, engaged General War- ren, while later in the same month General Lee, in pursuing General Meade towards Manassas, again destroyed the rail- road, but retreating, General Meade pressed him closely mak- ing necessary restoration. Several miles more brought us to Catlett's, an insignificant station, but around which the contending armies often marched and countermarched. Here General Lee, returning from Gettysburg, encamped one of his divisions for a while, thence moved to Culpeper, tearing up the railroad the entire distance. Three miles and we were at Warrenton Junction (Calverton), a small station nine miles east of Warrenton, where the Army of the Potomac, under Generals Sumner, Hooker, Franklin, etc., encamped in the autumn of 1862. Here General Grant, April, 1864, came near being taken prisoner by Colonel Mosby. The General during that spring made weekly trips to Wash- ington from Culpeper, his headquarters, using special trains, and it was on one of these return trips that the special and UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 187 Colonel Mosby happened at this point a few moments apart. The regular train had passed and as everything around the station seemed deathly quiet, the Colonel and his command made only a short pause, crossed the track and pushed slowly westward, only when a mile distant, and in perfect view, to hear and see the special arrive, stop, and hurriedly depart. As a fact upon learning of the Colonel's proximity the General hastened his escape, thereby preventing the capture of valu- able booty. It was at this point that General Pope ordered General Porter, though nine miles away, to join him on the night of August 27, 1862, when his tardiness in obeying as well as his indifference at second Manassas led to him being court-martialed and cashiered. Six and ten miles brought us respectively to Bealeton and Rappahannock (Remington), both simple railroad stations of a few scattered houses and stores, but thoroughly rich in war associations the former a seat of battle, January 14, 1864, the latter an encampment of General Pope and his nu- merous forces, August, 1862. Just beyond Rappahannock we crossed at considerable elevation a good-sized yellowish- brown stream, Rappahannock River, flowing southeasterly and joined later by the Rapidan River, before entering the James. It was along the south (west) side of the Rappahan- nock River, during the summer of 1862, before and after the battle of Antietam, that General Lee encamped his two corps under Generals Longstreet and Jackson, whence they marched to engage in the battle of Fredericksburg ; while it was to the north (east) side of the same stream that General McClellan advanced after his famous Antietam experience. The con- tending armies also accepted these banks for winter-quarters, January-March, 1863, gladly considering the location a ver- itable haven from the overtaxing duties of the year. To thousands of those heroes deserving rest the ripple of that stream seemed sweet music, and although its waters had min- gled with the blood of their many comrades, it now served simply as a narrow amicable dividing line. It was the Army of the Potomac (Generals Burnside, Hooker, etc.) on the north bank, and the Army of Northern Virginia (Generals Lee, Jackson, etc. ) on the south bank, that during those severe months, lion and lamb like, determined to lie down together. 188 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Indeed, by a welcomed comity no firing was countenanced on either side, and any one could parade the shores out of harm's way opposing pickets enjoyed frequent communica- tion > gladly hailing all opportunities for friendly exchange of thoughts and commodities, the Confederates sending across little rafts ladened with tobacco, the Federals returning them filled with coffee, salt, etc. Our next station, Brandy, was five miles southward and a stop of two minutes revealed a few commonplace houses, having in the background a rich fertile soil apparently well- cultivated. Here General Lee, June 8, 1863, reviewed Stu- art's brigade; W. H. F. Lee received a severe wound; Gen- eral Stuart had a severe cavalry encounter with General Pleas- onton, proving the excellent mettle of the contending forces; General Ewell encamped, June 10, 1863 ; General Sedgwick sought as an objective point to engage General Lee, October, 1863, only to find him in an entirely different location than supposed; and General Meade had headquarters, November, 1863, until General Grant's visit, March 10, 1864. Our next stop, six miles distant, was Culpeper, where sev- eral minutes were spent on the sidewalk which paralleled and separated the track and store fronts. Besides the eager multi- tude of all classes standing around to witness the day's great event coming of the Washington train there appeared in greater evidence that which hitherto I had never encountered the famed colored venders of tempting eatables, as fried chicken, hard-boiled eggs, sandwiches, cakes and apples. These men and maidens paraded the sidewalk several times the entire length of our coaches, supporting on their heads and in their arms well-proportioned platters heavily ladened with these tastefully arranged viands, whose qualities they loudly sang. The appearance, odor and advertising expressions appealed to many, myself included, purchasing several yellowish-green apples, which I found as represented much better than they looked succulent, firm and fine grained, bearing the name " Albemarle Pippin," a variety I had never seen, but by the brakeman claimed to have no superior in the South. Culpeper was several times a disputed possession of the contending armies, being the scene of cavalry engagements, September 13, October 12-13, 1863; where General Lee entrenched after UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 189 the battles of Antietam (September, 1862) and Gettysburg (July, 1863), from which latter field the Army of the Potomac under General Meade, followed and encamped for the winter ; where General Grant set out from on his Wilderness cam- paign, and where to the left lay hundreds of Federal dead in a well-kept National Cemetery. The run to Rapidan (Rapid Ann) was twelve miles and only one stop had to be made at Mitchell, the midway point. The country through which we glided compared favorably with that just left behind, of which it was a continuation, and while all directions were inviting from an agricultural stand- point, the trainman suggested that I direct most attention to the left (east and southeast), for said he: We are passing now through the southern portion of Culpeper County and shortly will enter Orange, but these counties are bounded on the east by one of even greater celebrity, Spotsylvania, in which Fredericksburg is located some thirty miles away. There General Burnside (Hooker, Franklin, Sumner, etc.) to his great mortification and sacrifice of reputation engaged Gen- eral Lee (Jackson, Longstreet, etc.), December 13, 1862, while ten miles nearer is Chancellorsville, where General Hooker (Meade, Hancock, Sickles, Sedgwick, Howard, Reynolds, Couch, Miles, Slocum, etc.) encountered General Lee (Jack- son, Hill, Longstreet, Ewell, Stuart, McLaws, etc.) May 2-3, 1863, fighting that ever memorable battle during which the invincible " Stonewall " Jackson lost his life, as did my poor father. Then still five miles nearer but in the same direction and county is the historic " Wilderness/' where the Army of the Potomac, General Grant (Meade, Hancock, Warren, Sedg- wick, Burnside, etc.) met in deadly combat the Army of Northern Virginia, General Lee (Longstreet, Ewell, Hill, Early, Rhodes, etc.) May 5-6, 1864, while one week later, May 12, these armies again tried strength at the county-seat giving to the world the battle of Spotsylvania (Court House). When leaving Mitchell, a modest station, the trainman called my at- tention to a small mountain in the near distance on our right, Cedar Mountain, around whose eastern base and over the few intervening miles was fought, August 9, 1862, that short but conspicuous battle of the same name between Generals Jack- son and Pope. 190 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA As we passed in rapid succession hill, dale, woodland and stream, often repeated in and out of the order, I could almost fancy myself going to the front, for the war seemed no longer of the past but a real present active conflict. Mental emotion became more and more acute from the interesting portrayal of busy scenes and daring deeds performed at every step of our advance in more turbulent days, but in this moment of reverie my guide, for that he was, exclaimed : We now are crossing the Rapidan (River). A glance revealed the railroad bridge considerably elevated above the rapidly flowing stream, which appeared fully a hundred feet wide and to contain a good volume of yellowish-red water. The outlook was unob- structed, the banks gradually inclined at points while at others became rolling and precipitous; the flow was eastward and ultimately joined the Rappahannock some ten miles this side of Fredericksburg. Near the railroad bridge the Army of the Potomac, General Meade, encamped, September 1863, taking absolute control of the stream for miles, but early in the fol- lowing spring it retired to the north bank, when the Army of Northern Virginia, General Lee (Ewell, etc.) advanced to occupy the south bank. We soon reached Rapidan station, not unlike many stopping places encountered that day, being extremely simple and small, but rich in wartime experiences. To this point General Lee returned after the battle of Gettys- burg, July 1863, General Meade remaining at Culpeper, and the opposing cavalry had active engagements here, September 14, October 10, while to the left, at Martin's Ford, the two forces came to bitter conflict. We now had only six miles to Orange (Court House) through a succession of well-cultivated farms of irregular undulating surface with visible running streams. I accepted the few minutes' stop in walking the length of the platform seeking various viewpoints of the quaint town, in appearance of good size and not unlike Culpeper in general activity about the station, as here was also to be en- countered a variety of quiet onlookers and more active vend- ers proclaiming loudly the quality and prices of tempting edibles. One fancied he could see at every turn traces of the war, since intervening time had apparently brought no recov- ery from drains then made for she as conspicuously as any other point had kept life, to her own depletion, in the contend- University Chemical Laboratory (Erected 1868-69) University Mechanical Laboratory (Erected 1896-98) FACING 190 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 191 ing armies. It was the county-seat of a rich agricultural dis- trict, and the few modern buildings presented happy contrast with the prevailing plain and uniform structures. General Lee, spring of 1864, na d headquarters about two miles north- east of the town, and various divisions of his army had often stacked arms temporarily in the Main Street seeking needed rest. The distance to Gordonsville was nine miles with one stop about midway, Madison, named after the President and not far from his former home, Montpelier. Upon leaving Orange we at once passed on our right the base of the largest hill so far encountered, but these now continued to grow in frequency and size until the end of our journey. The land no longer seemed so well adapted for best agricultural results, nor was it so highly cultivated and treated as around Culpeper, Rapidan and Orange farmers being less careful of outbuild- ings, dividing fences, ravine banks, and homes, which were of less expensive style and type. Gordonsville itself apparently possessed nothing to attract a stranger, as only a good-sized whitewashed hotel paralleled the tracks and a platform beyond ordinary dimensions accommodated traffic. While a few stores and numerous small whitewashed houses indicated the town, yet it did possess more than ordinary significance as the point of intersection of our railroad (Orange and Alex- andria) with the Central (Chesapeake and Ohio). For years the former road only extended to Orange, but a connecting link of nine miles was built, in order to use conjointly, by traffic arrangements, the Central's track for the next twenty- one miles Gordonsville to Charlottesville whence its own trunk line continued southward to Lynchburg. Thus a junc- tion of two important railroads Gordonsville was protected amply during the war as it was of great strategic value to the Army of Northern Virginia. Various divisions were passing and repassing almost continuously; General Lee spent there August, 1862, and later accepted headquarters for the winter, while General Longstreet followed the example during the winter and spring of 1864; General Jackson was not an in- frequent visitor, and indeed a considerable battle was fought nearby, December 28, 1864. Apart from its former activity it seemed yet a busy place, for within the hour of our arrival i 9 2 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA four trains, when on schedule time reached that point caus- ing many persons to loiter around the station. Among these not a few were young students shaking hands with one another, filled with kindly expressions over renewed associa- tion. With some the meeting evidently was by accident, with others by arrangement, presenting altogether a veritable love- feast a happy exchange of radiant smiles and fraternity grips. Who they were and whither bound found ready answer in casually observing the frank and audible conversa- tion in no wise intended for themselves alone. The Richmond train, bearing its contingent of old and new University students, had arrived a few minutes before our Washington train, causing that youthful multitude to be grouped together hjere and there on the platform awaiting those we brought along so it was the reunion of familiar forms and faces from various sections of Virginia that occasioned the excessive hilarity with its outside notice. It was then for the first time that I sadly realized what it was to be a freshman unknown in an unknown land barred, as I then erroneously thought, by a code of college ethics from making advances to upper class- men. Above all merriment and sober reflection, however, came the ever distracting element of humanity the noisy and by this time less tolerant food venders even more numerous and active than at previous places, owing to the lateness of the hour, after midday, and the first stop on the Central that fur- nished supplies to the weary and hungry traveler, that which made the demand and consumption somewhat phenomenal. A piece of fried chicken and bread in one hand, an egg and salt in the other, with more or less greasy mouth and fingers, seemed the rule rather than exception. My Albemarle pippins were of the past, and that ever ready organ, stomach, for that it was in those days, carried a craving for all visible goodies, so, following the prevailing fashion, I invested in the Virginia fowl. As I now revert to that occasion and investment it brings a certain sense of delight the satisfaction of having filled the aching void with the true non-flying bird. Yes, no one need wish for better than that prepared in that day and place by the elder generation of faithful colored cooks. CHAPTER X ARRIVAL AT THE UNIVERSITY MR. JEFFERSON'S CHILD AND PET Last twenty-one miles Gordonsville to Charlottesville ; Lindseys, Kes- wick, Rivanna River, Shadwell Mr. Jefferson's birthplace Monti- cello, his home and place of burial ; Charlottesville friendly greeting of students; arrival at the University; meeting the Proctor, Major Peyton, and the Chairman, Colonel Venable, with whom I dined; letter from Colonel Charles Marshall ; selecting room ; passing of the first few days ; first letter home ; University work selected and begun its character ; meeting students ; mass meeting in the Court House, etc. AFTER a restless stop of ten minutes at Gordonsville we found ourselves curving slowly with screeching noise upon the " Chesapeake and Ohio " track, to be increased shortly beyond our accustomed speed, as the roadbed was evidently of higher order than that already passed over, while the rails seemed heavier and firmer indeed, made of steel and of English im- portation according to my informant. This reconciled me to the quicker service now enjoyed, that which would have made acceptable a greater distance than the twenty-one miles yet to be covered, including the three stops Lindseys (Cobham), Keswick and Shadwell, six, fourteen and eighteen miles re- spectively. The road now entered a more rugged and hilly territory with scarcely a half mile curveless, some short and on grade, while the land gave evidence of richness, but the kind farmers care little to cultivate save in the absence of less rough and rocky. Lindseys, a small station around which the hand of industry appeared active, came shortly in sight, as did within the next fifteen minutes a larger village, Keswick, nestled even in a more thriving neighborhood, where preten- tious homes crowned the surrounding hilltops and inclines. Our route lay at the base and between slopes of a hundred or more feet, then in the open or through deep artificial cuts of solid rocks concealing in passing our train from landscape 193 i 9 4 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA views, and contributing a disagreeable weird resonance from which one is always glad to make escape. A glimpse of an occasional cascade, entire or part, following abrupt declivities could be caught in shade and sunlight, while a rapidly running stream often added picturesqueness to the scene. Suddenly we came to hug for a mile or two the north (east) bank of the Rivanna River, when every moment brought us nearer to a mountain base on our left, whose lofty altitude continued to overshadow more and more our onward path. The stop at Sruadwell of a minute sufficed ( to give those on the alert an idea of Mr. Jefferson's birth-place the estate inherited from his father, which gradually lifted itself in irregular nodules of gently declining sides to the north (east) of the station and stream, whose rapid flow towards the James through hills and valleys afforded in the distance a panorama of an im- mense rolling plain relieved by a fading yellow line. Slightly to the southwest towered above us some six hundred feet the graceful little mountain, Monticello, carrying upon its summit in clear outline the majestic home built by the immortal Jef- ferson, while just opposite the waving crests in the northwest ascended even higher to vanish in the distance from the bluish horizon. Onward we sped encountering the mountain sides studded with stately trees and dense foliage, with scarcely diminished size and quantity towards the apex, immense over- hanging boulders projecting their rugged faces partly covered with moss and indigenous ferns, persistent autumnal leaves assuming beautiful variegated tints, the brilliant shining sun diffusing its caloric rays from the western quarter causing shadows to fall now and then at various angles as the train tortuously " drew its slow length along." A moment we were in the clear, then lost to all save noise and a mountainous passage. Surely these last few miles afforded a succession of pictur- esque surroundings in joyous contrast with anything encoun- tered during the day, while none was quite as impressive as that, after hugging the river's northern bank, of grading above the water-level nearly a hundred feet to pass over the stream by a long substantial unobstructed iron bridge. Thus suspended apparently amid air, the view of the river north- ward was somewhat unique, revealing in the foreground a high dam across the entire width, over which rolled in UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 195 lively fashion a large volume of reddish-yellow opaque water, while above (northward), until broken by a right divergence, appeared a smooth continuous golden sheet. Below (south- ward) the river-bed revealed many rocky boulders of varying size, around which turbulent waters rushed and spouted for the autumn equinox had spent itself only a few days before, giving mountain streams excessive volume and swift- ness, thereby causing the Rivanna to betray its ordinary form and habit. At the western terminus of the " long bridge " loomed up on our left a large factory building, Charlottes- ville Woolen Mills, whose running power was supplied mostly by the waters beyond the retaining dam. We were now ap- proaching our last milestone, and for that distance I stood at the rear car door in order to gaze at Monticello from the best exposed position. Often the deep cuts broke the level view only to reveal in the clear the entire landscape to be a con- tinuous table-land composed of highly cultivated fields of an irregular rolling surface, ornamented here and there with pleasant arbored homes. It was the Piedmont Valley unfold- ing itself in beautiful panorama. One long shrill blast from the engine, the passing of outlying buildings, and the retarding speed brought a recognition of my approaching destination, confirmed in a few moments by the brakeman swinging' open the doors and loudly calling out several times, " Charlottesville." We were entering the town at a very slow pace, with engine bell rhythmically pealing its note of warning and the car-wheels accenting the friction of hand-applied brakes. But above all could be heard distinctly the penetrating sound of a gong, which I soon saw to be of good size and manipulated vigorously by a stalwart man of color, wearing highly polished brass insignia in front of his cap and on the lapel of his coat. Added to this unwelcome noise came that of many voices uttering names and expressions to me thoroughly unfamiliar " Central Hotel ; " " Parish House;" "Monticello Hotel;" "Hack, Sir;" "Buss, Boss;" " Right up to the University," etc. Amid such confusion and pandemonium our train came to a standstill, my car's forward platform just edging up to the east flagging of the Central Ho- tel, whose sign I easily read from the car platform with grip and umbrella in hand, but lost sight of in descending to the 196 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA pavement, since then the din appeared to grow stronger and I found myself surrounded by all shades of drivers and hotel so- licitors. The depot building was brick, one story, many years old, on the west side of the track, but south side of Main Street, and along the entire width together with considerable street space westward stood a line of various styled vehicles awaiting patronage. I quickly scanned the array apparently belonging to a different period than that in which " we lived, moved and had our being." While to have singled out the special one used by Mr. Jefferson, or the driver that had served him at Monticello, fifty years before, was more than an ordinary task, yet the majority looked equal to that service. Indeed, all these so styled hacks were heavy, unwieldy, old and dilapidated, having experienced many years of constant use as well as abuse, while the occupants of the boxes possessed silvered heads hav- ing grown decrepit in faithful bondage. One of these from polite salutation and urgent solicitations appealed especially to me, and to him I passed over my traps and baggage check, never a moment questioning integrity or trustfulness. In a few minutes, however, with my identification, he produced the trunk, which, by a knack familiar to those of his craft, was landed from the shoulder to a place high up in front near where he was to sit and drive. In the wait I saw at least a hundred students, some who had journeyed along with me, others who, having arrived at earlier hours, were there to greet the return of fellow classmates. On every side unusual rejoicing prevailed as friendly faces renewed their quondam smile and hands their secret grasp. Cheery laughter rang out on every side, frenzying the atmosphere with the best social qualities of youth, and impressing the stranger that above all things the most loyal friendship pervaded those attending the University. The hacks were soon filled, leaving a large walking contingent, chiefly from choice, as riding proved a rare indulgence by the old and thoroughly familiar students. Our procession headed westward up a short easy grade, curving slightly leftward to follow in a straight line the Main Street for a half mile, then veered leftward up a short ascent, Vinegar Hill (Collis Acetum), along a roadbed elevated thirty feet above the street level in the town, at first southwest for UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 197 a hundred or more yards, thence to the right, westward, for a mile, at which distance the buildings, trees and outlying grounds of the University could plainly be seen. This much traveled boulevard was practically level and straight, although just before reaching the railroad crossing near the entrance to the University precinct it made a slight divergence to the right northwest. After engaging at the depot the carriage and placing therein my hand effects, I aided the driver some- what in designating my trunk among the many, and upon re- turning to take my seat found sitting within a lady dressed in black. Her hair was arranged neatly, but severely plain, curving from a distinct middle part to slightly cover a decid- edly intelligent forehead; the face was kind and expressive, but to me a trifle sad as though she carried years of weighty responsibility. Having thrown carelessly my light luggage upon the rear seat, she was occupying the front one until I insisted on an exchange a suggestion readily accepted with an avowed apology for trespassing knowingly in a pre-engaged vehicle, but in the dilemma of none other, " necessity knew no law." Thereafter we shared the rear seat, and she soon brightened into conversation upon University matters to my benefit and pleasure. My prospective course, preparation, day's journey and even family came in as agreeable topics, and in spite of the rattling conveyance giving annoyance as it bounded heedlessly over cobbles of various size, the end of the ride came too quickly. As the driver made his first right-angle turn leftward at Wash. Hall he came to a stop, when the lady remarked : I leave you here. At once I alighted, held open the door, assisted her to the pavement, and expressed my good fortune in having had her as a companion and the desire for her name, she being the first lady with whom I had enjoyed a conversation in Virginia. She withdrew smilingly and said: " I am Mrs. Davis, wife of one of the professors " (Dr. John Staige Davis). I re-entered the carriage only for a few hundred feet, Proc- tor's office, midway this (east) range of buildings that paral- leled the driveway. The door stood open, indicative of the mild temperature without, the hospitable sentiment within, and on the pavement in front were several trunks to which my own was added. Upon entering the office I saw, seated behind 198 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA a long table covered with green baize, a handsome middle- aged gentleman with florid complexion and tall figure, Major Green Peyton, surrounded by a half dozen students, who in turn were arranging for rooms and tuition. While waiting I observed the doings of those ahead and followed their example by introducing myself and explaining my wants. I spoke of my correspondence with the Chairman, to whose office I wished to be directed, and expressed the desire for a quietly located room, and although other students in this time had joined our ranks, standing around impatiently, he in an affable, obliging and deliberate manner supplied every pos- sible detail. Assured of my trunk's safety I followed his directions to the Chairman's office, by turning left outside of the door, proceeding up the range a hundred or more feet, swinging left at right angle along a gradual incline of several hundred feet to the rear of a parallel row of buildings at a higher elevation reaching their front by a ten-foot opening flanked by a dozen steps, thereby coming for the first time upon the " Lawn." Here I turned right, ascended a half dozen stone steps, and continued forward a hundred yards to room No. 8, whose location I prejudged in the distance from the line of young men filed out on the pavement. I found, as at the Proctor's office, the door wide open revealing a mod- erate-sized desk backed against the north wall, with an ordi- nary large office chair in front occupied by a middle-aged gen- tleman inclined to be fleshy. As he sat there one could readily catch his back and side view, and when turning occasionally his head towards the door the strong facial features became dis- tinctly visible and impressive. At least ten students were ahead of me, and feeling no hurry in taking position in line until several others were about to join, I passed some minutes viewing the beautiful terraced Lawn adorned with its impos- 'ing pantheonic Rotunda, towering white columns and long colonnades. One by one the numbers faded until I myself faced the Chairman, who spoke to me, as I observed he had to the others, with a kindly smile and a deliberate deep-toned voice : " Well, it is your turn next." To which I replied : " Yes Sir, I believe so " at the same time reaching in my side pocket for the letter of introduction my Uncle had given me the afternoon before and placing it in his hand. Being un- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 199 sealed and bearing his name he quickly unfolded it to reveal the contents: BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, Sept. 27th, 1872. My dear Col. V enable: On behalf of my personal friend, Mr. Luther M. Reynolds, a leading member of our Baltimore Bar, I take great pleasure in introducing to you his nephew, David M. R. Culbreth, the bearer of this letter, who is about to enter the University. I bespeak for this young man while with you, your kind consideration, assuring you that any courtesies extended will be appreciated highly by him, his uncle and your sincere friend. CHARLES MARSHALL, N. E. Cor. St. Paul and Saratoga Sts. Although I had read the letter several times, neither the contents nor the attached names conveyed to me any special significance beyond a friendly indorsement and a happy me- dium of making acquainted two strangers from a social stand- point. It was written on small-sized letter paper, in a legible open hand with letters carelessly formed, and from its bold- ness covered nearly two pages. As Colonel Venable glanced at the chirography I noticed a facial brightness though something pleasant had half taken possession of his mind and upon reading only a few lines turned the page suddenly to catch the name evidently anticipated a revelation that brought him to his feet and caused him to take me most cordially by the hand nearly forgetting my name. He then adapted the following words to his heartfelt action : " My dear young man, I am delighted to see you, and equally glad to have a line from my true and tried friend, Colonel Marshall. I shall ask you to be seated here by the window until I finish with these young men, when I shall be free and will want you to go dine with me." I thanked him, stating that my Gordonsville lunch had been quite substantial. But he replied : " I am sure you have room for something more." Within a half-hour the last student bid good afternoon, when the Colonel, after arranging a few papers, again picked up the letter I had given him, re-read it and remarked : " I scarcely know which affords me more pleasure, to greet a new student or receive a letter from Colonel Marshall, for, as possibly you know, we were associated together in the war on General Lee's staff, and have had in common many trying and exciting experiences." He referred to the several letters which had passed between us during the past few months, and 200 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA expressed regret that Delaware had sent so few students to the University in recent years indeed only two, Messrs. Mitchell and Martin. The key of the office door turned and we were soon off for his home, Monroe Hill, possibly a sixth of a mile distant, when he remarked : " As we go along some of the room doors will be open, and, although they are either occupied or engaged, you can catch a glimpse of their general condition and arrangement. I want to see you well and suit- ably located, so after dinner we will consult Major Peyton as to the best available rooms." I then handed him the list the Major had given me an hour before, but after looking it over he seemed to think we together might do something better. Our route was a trifle circuitous down East Lawn colonnade to the base of the first terrace, across to West Lawn, to the last pavilion, Dr. McGuffey's, turning right through a narrow opening in the building, down a few stone steps, then on the level several hundred feet by the side of a serpentine wall to West Range, at whose southern terminus descending a num- ber of stone steps, crossing the public road and following its west side by a narrow gravel walk, having a board fence on the right but unprotected on the left from the roadbed that lay several feet below. Within a hundred yards we turned abruptly to the right and approached his home over a gradu- ally rising lawn, during which he remarked : " This house possesses at least one point of historic interest, in that it was for some time the office and home of Ex-President James Mon- roe the years he practiced law in Charlottesville and the ad- joining courts." The main front building was brick covered with yellowish-gray plaster, two stories, with a frontage of forty feet, a depth of thirty, and a slightly pointed tin roof. The entrance door was central, approached by several wooden steps attached to a small uncovered railless platform of similar material. We entered a good-sized hallway, thence a parlor on the right (north), plainly but attractively furnished with square piano, sofa, table, chairs and a number of family portraits, including General Lee's. The floors were without rugs or carpets simply stained dark with dull finish. The colored butler, middle-aged, compactly built, quiet and respectful, soon announced dinner, which was served in the dining-room, just opposite to (south) and a counterpart of the parlor. The UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 201 table was about four and a half feet square and we sat facing each other, he south and I north, while the dinner consisted of a fine broiler, corn cut from the cob and cooked in a dish with egg to which I made my first acquaintance sweet potatoes and Lima beans. A bottle of red wine stood loosely corked, which I declined when offered, only to cause him to explain its lightness and agreeable taste. I, however, was positive, stating that my training had been entirely without stimulants, had no desire for them, and at that stage of my career thought it wise not to indulge their use for fear of possible abuse. He expressed some surprise, commended my firmness, and drank none himself. I ate heartily of the substantiate, as everything was cooked and served to a turn, consequently the delicious looking grapes and pears that followed, apparently the very best, suffered little by their presence. Thus it happened, that my first meal in Virginia was with the Chairman of her Uni- versity, a former aide-de-camp to General Lee and in the house once the home of President Monroe. Shortly after dinner Colonel Venable suggested the pro- posed visit to the Proctor's office, which we made and there- after inspected rooms on West Lawn, Dawson's Row and Monroe Hill the latter location appearing to please him most owing to its perfect quietness and freedom from various distractions. I so well remember him pacing the floor of the corner room forming the right-angle of that group, and claim- ing for it the three best requisites abundant space, light and air but when I spoke of the outlook west on to the Blue Ridge, though beautiful, being so bleak and cheerless in win- ter, he concluded I was determined to have something with a southern or eastern exposure. He positively discountenanced the Lawn from the constant tread of passers-by and possible interlopers, although I expressed the likelihood of one becom- ing accustomed to that and commented upon the favorable point nearness to recitation rooms not to be despised in bad weather. We retraced our steps to the Proctor's, talked mat- ters over, and selected Dawson's Row, House " B," first floor, front east room, and at once matriculated paying in currency two hundred and thirty dollars and fifty cents. A colored man was called to take charge of my trunk, and to see that the room was made ready for immediate occupancy, conse- 202 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA quently 6 o'ck. found me landed bag and baggage in my new quarters, which I at once began to make a little homelike by properly arranging the few things brought along for that purpose. Owing to the many attempts at eating during the day, my late dinner, and some tempting eatables in my trunk, I determined to cut out supper in order to get thoroughly un- packed and settled. It was truly fortunate that hunger proved no contending element that night, as none of the University boarding houses (mess halls) were open, nor would be until the following Tuesday, and for me, a stranger, to have been compelled to grope in darkness along unknown rugged paths in search of town or nearby hotel would have meant consid- erable annoyance and consumption of time. The keeping of a diary was a great fad at the Seminary where I had seen and read frequently those of others, and al- though this familiarity served rather to condemn than com- mend the custom, especially among those absorbed in more serious matters, as the usual contents were commonplace and circumscribed by a monotonous student life, barren of historic incidents and personages, yet this day had been so resourceful and memorable that I concluded its last two hours should be spent in summarizing my chief experiences, and in reducing the same to writing in a small volume purchased several months before for the purpose a practice continued daily until the following spring when studies so crowded my time that thereafter its continuance was with great irregularity. The strain of the first day in Virginia was far beyond the usual, so that in spite of the narrow springless couch that car- ried my outstretched aching form, sweet sleep soon came and continued into the brightness of the morrow. The next day, Sunday, was ushered in with dampness and fog, so while dressing I concluded sorrowfully the outcome to be rain that in a strange place I was to be denied my only cheering friend, sunshine, then, of all times, most needed and desired. Happily I was a poor weather-prophet in mountainous dis- tricts, as by noon the mist lifted and the sun shone forth with more than usual power and brilliancy. It was something after 7 o'ck, when, having made inquiry of my room attendant concerning available places for table board and direction thereto, I heard a rap at my door, which UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 203 upon opening I found to be a fellow student well and neatly dressed bearing a pleasant word and smile. After friendly salutations he inquired my plans for breakfast, and, finding these undecided, at once suggested our going together, for said he: "I have already made a happy selection McKennie's in spite of me being right hard to please." Surely this kind messenger was Godgiven and timely, as he dispelled fore- boding clouds and brought untold comfort to a callow youth hundreds of miles from familiar scenes, faces and names for the first time in touch with the cold and austere world. He was my next-door neighbor and the first student with whom I exchanged a word a fact causing me to hold him ever since in grateful remembrance. His opportunities, ad- vantages and experiences had been far in advance of mine, and he no longer possessed a youthful appearance, although it was his initial year at the University. He was manly with heavy moustache, had enjoyed extensive travel at home and abroad ; had been reared in a large city giving him pronounced social characteristics distinctive of the " Smart Set/' and able to grace with perfect ease and confidence that phase of society in which his life had been ordered. To approach a stranger was absolutely to his liking, while to pilot and encourage the inexperienced were pleasurable ambitions. Unfortunately in one sense his department was medicine, which, having little in common with my own, accounted for us gradually drifting apart. But beyond that his social nature occasioned a neglect of study to enjoy functions more congenial, those in which I was unable to join from a lack of time and inclination. Sadly enough nature is prone to follow lines of least re- sistance, or to accept in the daily walks of life that which af- fords the most immediate comfort and pleasure, and to this law of inheritance the University student finds himself no exception. Often he falls victim of the tempter self-indul- gence sometimes to the utter disregard of class work, which persisted in, usually brings its measure of sorrow, but corre- sponding joy when desisted from, through solicitations of fel- low classmates or self-assertive power aroused by a conceived duty to parents or others having in him bright hopes and cor- dial interests. The beginning of a University course may be thoroughly congenial and highly satisfactory in every respect, 204 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA since the amount of material covered by each lecture does not seem for a while beyond reason and comprehension. To keep up for a few months is not found overtaxing, but as the lectures follow each other in quick succession month after month, unless most of the available moments have been turned to proper account, one is caught bewildered in the enormous maze of the unknown, resulting often in discouragement, even a disinclination to hold up his end of the line. It was, there- fore, no great surprise when I learned that my friend, in spite of his creditable record early in the session, had given away to positive indifference. But the going wrong of a companion, beyond passing regret, figures little as a rule to those possess- ing tenacious ambition and the quality of acquiring close friendships, as it is a very brief spell at any institution wherein an honest and capable worker has only one friend. First Home-letter, Sunday night, September 29, 1872. My dear Mother: I reached here safely yesterday afternoon, and was fortunate enough to secure a room without much trouble having two windows one east, the other south which will give delightful sunlight in winter and southern breezes in summer. The bare floor and white walls look very cheerless compared with home, but a few pieces of furniture and a carpet I intend to purchase during the week will add much to the comfort. While a student is supposed to need little else than books he must have accus- tomed surroundings for best work. . . . This morning I attended the Episcopal Church in Charlottesville a building of many years, with gal- lery on two sides and end, and usual roomy chancel. My seat was far in the rear, so failed to catch the minister's connected theme. Will go further forward next time, where you know my inclination always prompts, but this time gave way to older heads and paid the penalty. Some people seem contented to have anything, anyway. What a misfortune not to de- sire and strive for the best attainable ! . . . I have seen so much dur- ing the last few days, new to me, yet very old to others, that it would be useless to make an effort, in my feeble way, at description that which can only be given viva voce. . . . My trip to Baltimore, stay at Uncle's, bird's-eye view of Washington, Capitol, White House, Potomac River, Arlington, Alexandria, Bull Run, Manassas with its breastworks and cemetery, Rappahannock, Culpeper, Orange, Cedar Mountain, Shad- well and Monticello, has left an unfading picture, always to be carried in pleasant memory. ... In passing through the war district I made friends with the brakeman, my weakness you know, who, being intelli- gent and communicative, gave much information that was interesting and startling, so I know much more of the great conflict than a week ago. After leaving Alexandria the country soon began getting more hilly and rugged, while on our right a range of mountains, Blue Ridge a beautiful blue color could be seen most of the way, but in the far distance. Streams of water were numerous, most with rapid motion and all with reddish- yellow water, so different from any of ours, which under all conditions are clear and limpid. . . . It is too early for judging the University UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 205 and my impression of it, but I trust it will measure up to expectations. So far everything has been strange, but at breakfast, dinner and supper met a number of students and several ladies Mrs. McKennie and two daughters where I am boarding temporarily, until the University hotels open on Tuesday. Nothing familiar has come within range, even the colored men, women and children seem different from those at home more respectful, better mannered and dressed as those noticed show humility to whites when occasion offers. ... I must give you a list of expenses so far, which I trust will not exceed your or father's expec- tation. Any way rest assured I shall be as economical as possible, know- ing well how difficult it is to make that which I am spending. . . . Indeed, I found that the first few weeks sufficed to develop among the majority of us very cordial relations, since the going together to and from classes, the promiscuous sitting by one and then another, the class recitations with success and failure (curl or cork), the commingling for a short while after dinner at the postoffice, or just before each meal in front of the boarding house, awaiting the door of the dining room (mess hall) to be opened, the general table talk indulged and enjoyed, all tended to break quickly the thin frigid film so manifest at the start. Soon we were comparing notes and thoughts, discussing lectures, taking afternoon walks into the undulating country for exercise, or leisurely strolling towards the town (city) to gaze upon beauty in the form of lads and lassies out on dress parade all simple within them- selves, yet sufficient to create mutual esteem, nay more, strong attachment and love, attributes that sooner or later tended towards fraternal propinquity, that when established assuring much in harmony with a genial soul. It was true that the satisfactory passing of the first days entailed most effort, flavored as they were with a degree of " mat du pays" owing to the utter strangeness and the absence of work, but happily an abundance of the latter was soon forthcoming, giving food for study and reflection, and establishing an interest to the disappearance of all signs of unrest. Then again those glori- ous autumnal days of bright sunshine, known alone to such a clime, recurred with that regular periodicity of darkness succeeding light each with a cloudless sky, and tempered with mildness so congenial to all nature, especially her human beings. Surely did such an atmosphere contribute a stimulat- ing breath of life, that which created in one an ambition for the higher ideals, manly virtues, and the evolution of the best 206 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA and rarer gifts all that stood for improving and ennobling character. It was a little but a busy world, apparently all to ourselves, so that the thoughtful, reflective and strenuous student found no cause or reason for homesickness. The Rotunda bell pealed in accents loud each changing hour; pro- fessors either in slow meditative mood or with quick elastic step sought posts of duty in advance of schedule time ; students like martial soldiers were ever on the rapid tread; action was everywhere as impelled by mechanical power making time most precious and not to exist for loitering on the wayside. Towards the oneness of purpose all visible signs indicated work, work, work, so for the thoughtless and indolent what an unfortunate spot! A few were there poorly prepared, ap- parently without energy, definite object or purpose adrift upon a fomenting sea of knowledge but how fortunate that such were rare, and that one session usually sufficed to see their finish, thus preventing serious results from ingrafting pernicious and desultory habits. During the early part of the session when meeting students by introduction several stereotyped questions invariably were interchanged, as: Your State, studies and class, and if an old student happened in the party he usually volunteered some real or fancied knowledge of your tickets selected, as well as char- acteristics of the professors having same in charge the less your informant really knew the more ominous of evil he por- trayed your future. Thus the " green ticket " (Latin, Greek, Math.), that for which I was prepared best, evoked, as a rule, a derisive smile from the more experienced, and in fact caused me, after a few lectures, to postpone Greek until my second year in favor of Natural Philosophy. It was, however, some weeks before I realized the significance of their exclamations and surprise when I faced the thoroughness with which everything was taught and had to be learned. Each language carried not only an assigned tri-weekly task in translation with syntactic interpretation reasons for every construction and why the author had not used other forms but a knowledge of its history, geography, literature, rhythm, meters, accents, etc., while greater importance yet was centered in the weekly exercise (composition), each consisting of about two hundred English words, mostly in idiomatic forms, to be rendered cor- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 207 rectly into the respective tongues. In this one phase an aver- age throughout the session of more than three to five errors was considered so ordinary as scarcely to justify an attempt at graduation. Then again private reading, parallel, was as- signed, consisting of several hundred pages from various styled authors, which was to be mastered by one's self in the quietness of the room, since from it a portion of the examina- tions were taken, the remainder coming from sources unknown and presumably hitherto unseen. In mathematics beyond the text problems quite a half dozen deductive or inferential corol- laries, riders, were given each day to be worked out by one's self privately, and these mostly constituted the recitations. Rarely, indeed, was a student called to the blackboard and asked to demonstrate any problem explained fully in the text, unless getting at the same time some possibility growing there- from, and on examinations he never encountered the direct theorems as set in the books. Some of these riders at various steps were susceptible of several solutions, adding not only to the interest but demanding often many thoughtful efforts. I had only been at the University three weeks when several of us decided to take our usual afternoon walk this time westward along the Staunton pike and in nearing the first crossing with the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad we noticed a man tacking to a large tree what turned out to be a campaign poster. As he drove away rapidly we approached slowly and read the announcement of a Grand Republican Mass Meeting, to be held in the Court House, Charlottesville, Saturday, October 26th, 3 o'ck, p. M., at which the Hon. Henry Wilson, the Vice-Presidential candidate, was to be the attraction. Thus far I had seen and met several governors, senators and congressmen, but nothing of a stronger national character, and at once decided to shape studies to attend the meeting. Upon reaching the Court House shortly before the hour I found it so filled as only to be entered by patient effort, but, gradually maneuvering forward, I secured standing position in easy range of the judge's rostrum, from which was to be the speak- ing. The audience was largely colored (male and female), very noisy, and enlivened now and then by threatened difficulties and melees, owing to the wild hurrahing of a thoughtless few in the background having political sentiments adverse to Ihe 208 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA rank and file present. The characteristic African aroma strongly asserted itself, which together with the personnel made me feel decidedly ill at ease, but recognizing I was there for a commendable purpose resolved that the discomforting elements should have no deterring influence. During the wait- ing stage quite a sprinkling of students, filled to overflowing with youthful buoyancy and antagonistic political enthusiasm, reinforced the already congested number, apparently delighting in inflaming the assemblage " by word and act," thu^ keeping it in a continued state of fever. A delay tended to make " hope deferred," by prolonging the commotion, but about 3.30 o'ck, word was passed that the speakers and accompanying digni- taries were entering the building, so in the immediate expect- ancy quietness reigned, only in a few moments to burst forth in wildness at their veritable presence. Of course all eyes seemed centered on Mr. Wilson, who for quite a while was kept busy smiling and bowing in recognition of the frequent loud calling of his name. When the initial eclat had subsided, Mr. Lawton in a very happy mood, and with his characteristic deep stentorian voice, affirmed great delight at the honor of presenting Mr. Wilson to his Albemarle constituents, etc. As Mr. Wilson arose and stood there he appeared six feet high and to weigh two hundred pounds. He was dressed becomingly in black long frock coat, widely open standing collar, polished silk hat, which he rested on the desk in front; face of the roundish type, florid and smoothly shaven; hair blackish, of more than ordinary length and quantity for his supposed years ; nature seemingly kind, paternal and magnetic above that represented then by the opposing party papers and speakers throughout the land. He spoke an hour, saying some things distasteful to the Democratic portion of his hearers, who had not the slightest hesitation in showing disapproval by hisses, groans, and other disrespectful audible punctuations. The student element especially was antagonistic, going so far as to plan giving him eggs that which happily was averted by more sober reflection and disorder grew fierce whenever the col- ored contingent showed signs of resentment by trying to reach the rear, the incendiary spot of dissension. I was puzzled as to the outcome, but, being well up towards the speaker and tightly wedged in a sweltering mass of humanity, recognized UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 209 there to be no escape, let come what might, consequently re- signed myself to the dose. Fortunately for all present, Mr. Wilson, although halted and interrupted several times in order to restore quietness, brought his speech to a close without serious trouble or bloodshed, for which I personally was very thankful. As he took his seat the hall became partially cleared, so I began edging myself towards the door encountering several angered student acquaintances, whom I counseled to be charit- able for the opinions of others and to tolerate even those of our opponents on occasions like this, only to become the target of many uncomplimentary expressions. I certainly was glad to make safe retreat to the University, with the firm resolve, religiously kept, of never attending another Republican mass meeting in Charlottesville. At the time I did not con- sider Mr. Wilson as saying much deserving criticism, since he began by stating he had come South to talk over calmly and kindly that which the Administration proposed to do in case of re-election; that the war being over it was his hope and ambition to adjust satisfactorily all unsettled issues; that we must look towards making our country's future brighter and greater, forgetting as much as possible the bitterness of the past. He extolled General Grant's magnanimity in the field, his determination to see the Government live up to the Appo- mattox surrender, verbal and written, his kindness manifested towards the South in the past four years, which he faithfully promised to continue if re-elected President, etc. As I now revert to that occasion, despite the youthful curiosity to see and hear such a loyal personage, it would have been equally well had I remained at my post of duty out of harm's way, leaving to a more favorable time, which afterwards came, the realization of individual contact. CHAPTER XI FIRST VISIT TO MONTICELLO MR. JEFFERSON'S HOME AND GRAVE Monticello visit to Lawrenceville and Princeton ; Aaron Burr's grave and tomb contrasted with those of Mr. Jefferson; pilgrim students jour- neying on foot to his home and tomb; description and dilapidation of both; now happily restored the one by Jefferson M. Levy, the other by act of Congress; his tomb inscription, also that of Dabney Carr; home-letter to grandmother; secret fraternities; literary so- cieties Jeff and Wash; method of electing officers, etc. IN early September, 1902, 1 made my first visit to Princeton, an institution, in spite of Mr. Jefferson's known prejudices its teachings in those primitive days being- elementary and de- nominational, characteristics he so thoroughly detested I al- ways held in high esteem. Each and every journey North and to the upper Jersey coast resorts had brought me past the Junction, revealing in the distance the beautiful outlines of town and college (university) buildings, which served to create an interest as well as a determination to take time some day for a tour of inspection. Indeed every thoughtful college- trained man possesses abundant milk of human kindness for all educational institutions, and, although usually a graduate of only one, finds in after years his criminations and discrimi- nations against the many becoming less and less acute. While most of us during student life may have had strong preferences for the institution we attended standing for it ever loyal yet our sense of justice was never so obtunded as not to accord to some others equal if not superior advantages. Certainly a visit to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, or even Vassar, at that early age would have been hailed by every collegian with keen delight. Along with others it was my good fortune to be on several occasions a delegate to my Fraternity's Grand Chapter Annual Convention held at one or another college, and that contact not only increased acquaintance and strength- ened friendship, but gave an insight to what was doing else- where provided more liberal views and a broader conception 310 C JP 4i 2 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 211 of the true educational life. Most persons enjoy travel and a visit to the unseen, likewise nearly all believers in learning have a natural curiosity, nay inspiration beginning early and not ceasing with years to see the leading educational centers of our land. From Princeton some relatives and many friends had graduated, which served as a stimulus for realizing an un- fading hope, and now a nephew, for whom I had more than ordinary ambition, was nearing the college period that which I preferred should be taken in Virginia, but knew would be otherwise, as his family entertained strong Federalistic senti- ments. He was then at a preparatory school far from best and we had talked over time and again Lawrenceville, think- ing the course there ideal, and that the stay of several years in such close proximity to Princeton might incline towards finally accepting her advantages. Enjoying mutual friends in Trenton we happened one day in their presence to mention these schools and a desire to visit them, when one of the gen- tlemen quickly affirmed a willingness to accompany us at our convenience. It was a golden opportunity readily and gladly accepted as the proffered escort was born and reared in that city, had graduated from Princeton, following the good exam- ple of his elder brothers, and carried a social entree that was most delightful. His father was a man of large affairs prominent in the counsels of State but it was rather early to prejudge the son's career. He met myself and nephew on the appointed morning at the Trenton depot (Pennsylvania Railroad), where we took the trolley to the center of the city and there transferred to a larger and more commodious elec- tric car running the suburban route desired. After a half hour's run over a well-equipped road through six miles of slightly rolling agricultural land we reached, laying to our right, the campus of the Lawrenceville School with its inviting open en- trance. Just within the grounds to the right of the first road stood a well-proportioned and well-planned brick cottage, partly overvined and faced with a small porch upon which stood a gentleman of middle years, with seeming intelligence and affability. Only a few steps and we faced him, when I introduced ourselves and asked the privilege of inspecting the institution. He greeted us cordially, stated he was the head- master, Dr. McPherson, and would be only too glad to go 212 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA with us through the grounds and such buildings as might in- terest the stranger. I found him to be a Scotchman by birth, well-informed, of strong personality and executive ability a strict disciplinarian, positive yet kind, evidently an ideal char- acter to fashion manly boys. I never was impressed more favorably with any preparatory school, as its magnitude and equipment left little to be desired far excelling in my judg- ment many of our American Colleges. The hour and a half together was spent most delightfully, as Dr. McPherson not only gave lucid descriptions of the buildings Foundation House, Memorial Hall, Memorial Chapel, Upper House, Gym- nasium, etc. and methods of teaching used, but was friendly enough to discuss freely several educational topics in accord- ance with his decidedly pronounced opinions. I there saw what I had never beforedozens of mahogany desks in ser- vice six or eight years without the slightest evidence of knife or other vandalic marks only an occasional ink stain pre- venting their acceptance as absolutely new. There seemed little else to Lawrenceville beyond the school, which, with tennis courts, buildings, athletic grounds, golf links, baseball and football fields, extended a full half mile on the right of the one (Main) street, whose center was the bed of our electric road, while on the left the Burser's office, post-office, a few stores and many comfortable residences with attractive grounds, shrubbery and flowers occupied an equal distance. Certainly it gave the one impression simply an institutional town without commercialism and distracting forces, perfect qualities for the student. Resuming our trolley ride, another six miles through fields of growing corn and grazing herds, traversed now and then by large, sluggish streams, brought us to our destination, Princeton very near the railroad station. To our com- panion I referred several times en route to Aaron Burr, ex- pressing a great desire to see his grave, and always received the courteous reply : " I shall most assuredly show you that." After passing a couple of hours in going through various buildings and haunting grounds, and beginning to realize fatigue, hunger and the approaching end of sight-seeing, I reminded him again of Burr's grave, only to bring forth the reply : " That is now very near." We were then about finishing UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 213 the Dynamo, Engineering and Chemical buildings, and im- mediately proceeded to the extreme east of the campus, along Washington Street southward to the Infirmary and that beautiful boulevard, Prospect Avenue, whose level sides were graced with students' club-houses and professors' homes all in well-arranged floral plots and verdant grounds. Just be- fore reaching this latter street we came to a standstill under a good-sized tree, with extensive foliage canopying a solitary neglected grave, modestly enclosed by small cedars or arbor vitse, and marked by ordinary much-discolored and mutilated white marble slabs, the foot one being almost invisible. The head was westward and carried by far the larger vertical slab about three feet six inches high, two feet wide and two inches thick bearing upon its eastern face this epitaph: " The remains of Catherine Bullock, daughter of Joseph and Esther Bullock, of Philadelphia, who, after a tedious illness which she suffered with exemplary resignation, died June 7, 1794, aged 22 years." As we approached the spot our companion with confidence and emphasis ejaculated: " This is the grave of Burr." My great surprise can well be imagined upon find- ing it the resting place of another that in which our friend shared to the extent of positive embarrassment. After a ruminative period we concluded that Burr must lay in the town cemetery, often called " America's Westminster," where a later hour was arranged to be spent, and where on June 26th (1908) was laid at rest our much revered ex-President, Grover Cleveland. We next visited his club-house (Colonial) and the Infirmary, then accepted an hour for dinner (Nassau Inn the Princeton Inn being closed and under repairs ), after which a team conveyed us to the more remote points Bayard Lane homes (Mr. Cleveland's, Dr. Van Dyke's, etc.), Theological Seminary, Moses Taylor Pyne's, Athletic grounds, Cemetery, etc. To this latter entrance was gained by a small gate on Witherspoon Street, and once within no difficulty was experienced in finding along the south boundary graves of many distinguished dead those who had held with signal ability most important positions in the College, Seminary, town, county and State. Near the corner of Wiggins Street was one of the oldest treasures the discolored and almost illegible tomb of Dr. Thomas Wiggins " many years a dis- 214 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA tinguished and faithful physician in the town." Close by and eastward was the Stockton lot containing graves of Commodore Richard Stockton and members of that noted family. But the one adjoining College lot was of most interest, as there rested so many of her illustrious presi- dents and their intimate associates. The west boundary was marked by a row of fourteen graves, each two or three feet apart and covered almost uniformly with full length horizontal white marble slabs upon marble coping, or brick covered with cement, about two feet high. The most northward was that of the elder Aaron Burr, followed by those of Jonathan Edwards, Samuelis Davies, Samuelis Finley, Joannis Witherspoon, Samuelis Stanhope Smith, Walter Minto, Ashbel Green, Mary wife of James Carnahan, Jacobi Carnahan, Joannis Maclean, Johannis Maclean, M. D., Mrs Phebe Maclean, William Bainbridge Maclean. Many of the epitaphs were entirely Latin, some so lengthy as to fill completely the slab, but those of Aaron Burr and Jonathan Edwards seemed most difficult to decipher owing to greater discoloration and mutilation. At the foot of these two graves, nearly centering the continuous four-foot inter-space, but slightly nearer Jonathan Edwards, stood the vertical tombstone of Aaron Burr's son, Aaron once our vice-president con- sisting of a white marble slab four feet high, twenty-one inches wide, and eight inches thick, with edges channeled, set into a slightly broader block of similar marble two feet wide, ten inches thick and high which in turn rested upon a granite slab three feet long, twenty-two inches deep and eight inches high. Near the top the eastward face bore this inscription: " Aaron Burr, Born Feb. 6, 1756. Died Sept 14, 1836. A Colonel in the Army of the Revolution. Vice-President of the United States, from 1801 to 1805." It is said that some lady admirer erected this monument incognito two years after his death, it being conveyed to the cemetery and mounted in the stillness of night without even the knowledge of residents or town authorities. Just opposite a few feet northeast corner of the lot stood by far the most imposing tomb granite monument bearing upon its westward face the in- scription: "James McCosh, D. D., LL. D., D. S. Born Ayrshire,' Scotland, April i, 1811. Died Princeton, New Jer- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 215 sey, Nov. 16, 1894. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temples." In strolling over towards the entrance driveway we noticed to our left what was possibly the graveyard's most imposing monument, having on its summit a life size statue in frock-coat and skull- cap, and on one face the inscription: "Paul Tulane, 1801- 1887. Founder of the Tulane University of New Orleans." Near here we encountered several colored men busily improv- ing the appearance of various lots, and of one I inquired the direction of Professor Guyot's tomb, only to provoke con- siderable hesitation, but finally the exclamatory reply : " Oh, yes, it is over yonder " pointing somewhat northward. He soon desired to know why I asked for that gentleman, as in his memory I was the first so to do. I could not suppress my regret that the man and name, Arnold Guyot, for thirty years a Princeton professor, and a world-renowned naturalist, ranking possibly next to Agassiz in their day, should have left in this land of adoption such a fading memory. I have related this experience to show that it is possible for an intelligent young man to spend four years at Princeton, to graduate, to pass by the supposed grave of a great man several times daily without the interest or curiosity to verify an im- pression, to keep all that time without the cemetery walls, and to know not where rest, at least, some of her noted dead. And here I wish to draw a happy contrast that in contact with my fellow students I never encountered one who admitted having been drawn to the University of Virginia alone by its reputa- tion as a teaching institution, knowing nothing previously of Mr. Jefferson's identity with it. Not only this, but they realized with considerable pride, that on the crest of the near- by towering peak to the east, Monticello, he lived, died and rested. Nearly every school history of that day gave, if not an illustration, some reference to Monticello, the home of Jeffer- son, while the two names at Charlottesville and the University were linked so inseparably that we students somehow imbibed very early the Jeffersonian spirit that which still pervaded thoroughly the atmosphere, causing us to consider their palmy days not remote and of the greatest historic interest. At Princeton it seemed very different with Mr. Burr and his resting place a man certainly to whom the institution 216 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA and students owed indirectly not a little for his father, Aaron Burr the elder, had been the College's second president and had rescued it from its predecessor, Jonathan Dickinson, just in time to save it from possible extinction and to assure it thereafter a substantial existence that which it had never enjoyed. Therefore, if not its founder he was its life saving spirit, and, upon meeting an untimely death, was succeeded by his renowned father-in-law, the saintly Jonathan Edwards, who aided in making the family connection and dependence all the stronger. Beyond that the younger Aaron Burr was a graduate of the College and became distinguished in politics strangely enough a contemporaneous party rival of Mr. Jefferson the two running together, 1800, on the National ticket for President and Vice-President, the one securing sim- ply the larger electoral vote to occupy the higher office. It is true then came the tie vote contest occasioning the House of Representatives to make a decision, by only one plurality in favor of Mr. Jefferson being President and Mr. Burr the Vice-President, a result in exact conformity with the peoples' wishes; that Mr. Burr was accused at that time of chicanery and trickery to thwart public will in his behalf, and that later he had headed a conspiracy against his country, but the fact remained that at one time they both had about an equal hold upon the confidence of their countrymen. Although it is easy to draw between these two noted characters a kind of parallelism in some respects, yet to-day all recognize them to have been widely different one living nobly and solely for others, the other, Aaron Burr the scoundrel as Fiske puts it, intriguingly and strictly for self. No one, therefore, need be surprised that even at Prince- ton the name and deeds of Mr. Burr count for little, while in Virginia those of Mr. Jefferson still remain near the hearts of his people, old and young worshiped by many, praised by all, condemned by none and that one of the earliest ambi- tions of first year students at the University was to make during the pleasant autumn weather a journey to his home and tomb. The distance by road was considered four miles, but a little less by foot when passing in a straight line over fields, fences and ravines. As a rule youth has no aversion to long and rugged walks those recognized advantageous to health and development. Indeed, the more difficult the pas- UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 217 sage the more tempting the undertaking, space figuring little, as each boasts himself capable of walking the entire day with- out serious inconvenience from fatigue. Inasmuch as every week-day carried its full quota of work, the Sabbath alone was left for such a required absence and diversion, so that during the week small parties arranged for these Sunday trips, weather permitting a clear, bright day being preferred, as only then we chanced to see the smoke of Richmond, nearly a hundred miles away, and the dim outline of the slightly nearer " Peaks of Otter," the highest point of the Blue Ridge in Virginia (southwest). Several of us made plans for the fourth Sunday in October (2/th), but the early morning rain rendered roads muddy and walking heavy, so we postponed the trip a week later, November 3rd, which proved all that could be desired. I take from my diary notes of that date, important facts which I have thought wise to revise and am- plify: Burrus and I started for Monticello at 11.30 o'ck. ; stopped at Ambroselli's for oysters and waffles, knowing we would miss regular dinner; left restaurant an hour later and journeyed the usual route to Charlottesville, thence out by the depot, the only one in those days over the railroad tracks by the private road, on the crest, through Mr. Ficklin's two farms, thence up hill and down dale to intersect the regular winding road around the base and in the notch between the higher Car- ter's Mountain on the south and Monticello, reaching the lat- ter's summit by a tortuous road over its southwestern slope. Our pace was rather rapid until near ing the mountain's base we encountered an unexpected obstacle a good-sized stream without bridge or foot-log. This vehicles easily forded, but none of these was in sight, nor likely to be on the holy day a time not justifying much passing to and from the town. While deliberating our troubles two students joined us having in common the same destination, so we four proceeded up the stream until a point was reached with many bed-rocks pro- truding above the running water and sufficiently close to- gether to be reached by forced effort in jumping. This en- abled our safe passage and the entrance shortly thereafter upon the ascent of the mountain side covered densely with a growth of small and larger trees. Hill climbing at best re- quires the expenditure of much energy means work but to pull one's self up that narrow, poorly made and kept rocky, 218 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA precipitous road, taking cross-cuts whenever possible, sug- gested early the nature of our impending task and the wish that the summit be less remote. After tugging quite an hour we came upon the graveyard, laying near to and on the right (east) of the road, an area of more than a hundred feet square enclosed by a brick wall of at least eight feet high. An iron gate slightly higher than the wall and about ten feet wide, constructed of three horizontal and many vertical rods four inches apart, guarded the entrance on the roadside (north- west), which was locked securely. We stood a while gazing through these wide meshes, and except in the immediate front the view was that of a neglected wilderness thoroughly covered with an undergrowth of grass, small and large bushes and a few stately trees. In the foreground several feet from the gate and about its median line stood a modest monument, obelisk, eight feet high, with square base three feet broad and two feet high, surmounted by a tapering rectangular shaft with base two feet and apex ten to twelve inches, the latter beveled on all four sides to form an obtuse point. To our left could easily be seen several graves covered with full-sized horizontal marble and slate slabs, and in the rear wall one or two disintegrated crumbling spots, by which we concluded an entrance might be effected without risk or injury a surmise well-founded as in a few minutes we faced the lettered side (east) of the monument. On the granite base could partly be made out in three lines: Born April 2d. 1743, O. S. Died July 4th, 1826. In the main shaft above was an indentation, into which was fastened originally a white marble plate or slab bearing the following inscription that which Mr. Jefferson during life purposely wrote and placed in a certain private drawer along with various souvenirs, including an ink sketch of the monu- ment he desired: Here was buried THOMAS JEFFERSON, Author of the Declaration of American Independence, Of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, And Father of the University of Virginia. There was not a vestige left of this inlaid slab, but it must have conformed in outline to the full tapering face of the shaft, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 219 nearly two feet wide, and have been that high, as the visible recession extended from within three inches of the base to the shaft's median line. Of course the marble slab, soft com- pared with the rest of the monument, had been broken and chipped off by the relic hunters, whose ruthless hands ceased not even there, but had made disfiguring inroads upon all four of the square corners, these being irregularly broken their entire length. Seeing what others had done set a vulgar example encouraged me to possess a similar memento of my visit, so with various pieces of rocks lying around I attempted to break off small fragments, but in vain as the harder granite sternly resisted the violence applied. I did, however, find within twenty feet of the grave a straight growing scion, which I cut, had ferruled and capped, to serve me many years as a curio walking stick. Although Mr. Jefferson lay buried between his wife and daughter, Mary, with his eldest daughter, Martha, across the head, all having had appropriate marble slabs, yet only a few fragments of Martha's, the longest sur- vivor, remained to tell the story. To the left of the gate a number of graves of still older dates had been more fortunate, as their slate and discolored marble slabs had been unmolested belonging to family members less known and revered by the general public. Slightly to the right and near the center of the enclosure stood that stately oak, whose branching foli- age covered the remains of Dabney Carr, and extended to the edge of the Jefferson group. Under this canopy of nature, removed from all earthly disturbances, these two youthful spirits, so congenial in feelings, tastes, principles and pursuits, sat daily upon a rustic seat of their own construction studying and discussing their Bracton, Coke and Matthew Bacon, crit- ical of the past, dissatisfied with the present and apprehensive of the future. In death they rested together the slab of Carr covering their favorite spot and bearing this inscription : Here lie the remains of DABNEY CARR, Son of John and Jane Carr, of Louisa County, Who was born , 1744, Intermarried with Martha Jefferson, daughter of Peter and Jane Jefferson, 1765; And died at Charlottesville, May 16, 1773, Leaving six small children. To his Virtue, Good Sense, Learning, and Friendship this stone is dedicated by Thomas Jefferson, who, of all men living, loved him most. 220 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA After carefully inspecting everything considered of interest we rescaled the rear wall and continued our steps to the slightly more elevated summit, not more than a fourth of a mile distant, which we found practically level for a space of six hundred feet north and south by three hundred east and west, to serve as a lawn, the sides of the mountain gradually sloping therefrom. Stately trees stood here and there, and near the center the neglected mansion, facing north more accurately northeast to whose approach a straight indented but thoroughly overgrown walk led from the lawn's edge. It seemed closed and unoccupied, but upon walking around to various points of advantage, talking considerably, and show- ing signs of curiosity, an elderly white man made his ap- pearance. He was the keeper living on the premises (several south rooms), having the privilege of certain tillage and the revenue from showing visitors through the house that for us being the modest sum of fifteen cents each. In this capacity he had acted for years, knew considerable Jeffersonian history, and delighted to communicate it. The mountain has a height of about six hundred feet and contains two hundred and twenty- three acres, only one-half being subject to cultivation. The building, externally Doric, internally Ionic architecture, is constructed of English bricks, much discolored, apparently a single story with balustrade around the almost flat roof cornice, and consists of one large octagonal pavilion sur- mounted by a circular dome, having wings north and south, and projecting porticoes east and west each cross-section be- ing about one hundred feet. The north and south wings each terminate in a piazza with same floor elevation as the house, three feet, supported by brick arches, and opening on to a terrace, one-third above and two-thirds under ground whose floors are of the same level as the cellar with which they com- municate, and whose nearly flat roofs are on a line with the first floor, thus enabling their use for promenading in evenings and damp weather. These terraces extend to the brow of the mountain on either side, having their two projecting ends terminating in additional storied turrets or pavilions, twenty feet square, both having been used by Mr. Jefferson as offices the south one in winter, the north one in summer where he was accustomed to sit bareheaded until bedtime with University Lewis Brooks Museum (Erected 1875-77) UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 221 friends, unannoyed by dew and insects. The north one was occupied many years as an office by his grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, and it was through one of these, possibly the southern, that Mr. Jefferson, when Governor, made es- cape, thus evading capture by the British under Tarleton. The mansion contains thirty-six rooms, small and large, and has two almost similar entrances east and west the former considered front, having a portico receding six feet within the wall, thereby giving it a depth of twenty-five and a width of thirty feet, covered by an angled roof supported by four stout stone pillars resting on the floor, three feet above ground, and reached by five or six low stone steps extending its entire width. It was through this our guide admitted us, entering first a lofty nearly square hall or saloon having balcony to the right, connecting the upper story and originally intended an avenue of reaching the first floor by ornamental stairways those that never were erected. On one side is an old bust of Mr. Jefferson and opposite stands one of Hamilton, both mounted on large pedestals ; over the front door built into the wall is a good-sized clock, which had to be wound standing upon a ladder this latter being in normal position and claimed to have been made by Mr. Jefferson himself; the hands stand at 7.34 o'ck. From this hall we passed through folding glass doors into an octagonal parlor or drawing-room, twenty- six by twenty-three feet, opening out upon the rear or west portico, so that these two large rooms comprise the entire depth of the house. The parlor is adorned with several pictures, and French plate mirrors extending from ceiling to floor, the latter being tessellated or parqueted in ten inch squares of wild cherry (mahogany color) with four inch borders of light-colored beech, finished with a glossy surface. From these two large halls or rooms we entered the other living apartments from the east hall by a passage on the right to two bedrooms and the piazza, by one on the left (south) to Mrs. Jefferson's sitting-room, library and piazza; from the west hall (parlor) we entered on the right (north) a good-sized dining-room furnished with a handsome crystal chandelier and busts of Washington, Lafayette and Voltaire, while just beyond (northward) is an octagonal tea-room, used alone by Mr. Jefferson, opening out upon the north 222 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA piazza ; from the parlor on the left (south) was Mr. Jefferson's room, which entered, as did the adjoining passage, into the library a room extending the full depth of the building and opening by glass windows and doors upon the piazza, enclosed with glass for a conservatory. The upper story, reached by a very narrow, dark, winding stairs admitting the passage of only one person at a time, is divided into a number of small irregular shaped, poorly lighted and ventilated rooms, several having alcoves with slats fastened into them for beds, like unto the bed-chambers on the lower floor The dome room is octagonal, large and commodious, without any par- titions, being used in its palmy day as the " ladies' drawing- room," but now the repository of one solitary article of more than passing interest the sulky or gig body in which Mr. Jefferson made frequent trips to Richmond, Washington, Philadelphia, etc. In one of the upper bedrooms a member of the family died, when it was found necessary to lower the body through one of the front circular windows, the stairs being too contracted for that purpose. Upon approaching by the front entrance the octagon with its circular dome is scarcely visible, as that occupies the rear half of the building, but looms into conspicuous prominence and effect when one approaches from the graveyard or rear. Monticello of that day was a total wreck, as many years had passed without the slightest effort at repairs; the shin- gles of the roof were so decayed as not only to admit rain and snow but the rays of sunlight; many window panes, slats and shutters were broken or missing; the paint of former years was scarcely visible, and everything, once bright and beautiful, was stained and effaced. The old English bricks, as durable as time, were darkened by exposure, while the covered ways (terraces) were coated with mould and green deposit, the re- sult of dampness, darkness and neglect. The front was carved, penciled and disfigured with the names and remarks of many who could not omit registering the delightful occasion of their visitation. That day's experience at Monticello was attended with no little sadness, indeed, depression, for everything observed belonged to a passed generation, had apparently seen its day of usefulness and was on the rapid road to extinction. No UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 223 one, seemingly, was left with sufficient means, interest or patriotism to stay the inroad of decay, and the entire moun- tain top stood in our minds hopelessly doomed. One could scarcely realize the historic side of the place, especially the facts: that there possibly above all other private spots in America had been assembled most love of liberty, virtue, wis- dom and learning; that it had been the home of Mr. Jefferson for sixty years, forty of which, having been spent in higher positions of public trust, had occasioned a certain degree of entertaining unsurpassed in its day; that Madison, Monroe, Wirt, Henry, Randolph and others had used so frequently its hospitality as their own, while Webster, Paine, Priestley, Tick- nor, Wayland, Lafayette and hundreds of more or less emi- nence had wandered around those grounds as were we that beautiful afternoon of perfect sunshine. Although this was my maiden trip to the " bleak house on the hill top," yet no year passed during my stay at the University without making at least One visit to that sacred shrine. It was the custom of quite a number of us students and many fair daughters of Albemarle to unite in giving upon those spacious and secluded grounds annual May-parties, and the days thus spent stand out now in after life with unusual brightness. Each year we found it the same dilapidated, heartrending object, ex- periencing no change save for the worse, presided over by the old keeper, more dead than alive, ever glad to greet a strange and youthful face, and when in numbers, as on those festive May occasions, his joy knew no bounds, for we not only brought him abundant sunshine, but what possibly was more appreciated and to his liking many dainties and dimes. No one enjoyed more than he the coronation of May Queen and the reverberations through that grove and palatial mansion of music's sweet strains furnished by the Charlottesville String Band. It certainly is very gratifying to realize that the " little mountain " top of to-day is not what it was then ; that the deadly pall no longer enshrouds the historic home, for in the hands of its present owner, Mr. Jefferson M. Levy, it has been restored to its original condition, so that life and manners seem again to flourish there as in primeval times. The little graveyard now is not quite the neglected and despoiled 224 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA spot as then, for happily by order of Congress, 1882, the original much defaced and unlettered monument was replaced by one carrying strikingly the same outline but greater pro- portions (granite, twelve to fifteen feet high, two and a half feet at the base tapering to fourteen inches at the summit), and bearing the Jeffersonian epitaph 'identical with that originally inscribed on the marble slab set into its predecessor. With this order also came the removal of the crumbling and disintegrated brick wall around the enclosure, and the sub- stitution of a more attractive and durable iron railing, with gate bearing the Latin proverb Mr. Jefferson's crest motto : " Ab Eo Libertas, A Quo Spiritus." Monticello of to-day needs no apology, the wrongs have been arighted she lives as does her immortal Jefferson. Home-letter, Sunday afternoon, November 24th, 1872. My dear Grandmother: As it was your request that I write my only "dear old grandmother" soon after reaching the University, I am going to devote at least an hour of this beautiful afternoon to its fulfillment. The work here keeps me very busy, causing the weeks to pass in rapid succession, so that these together form my apology for what you no doubt have considered already an unnecessary delay possibly a violation of a prom- ise. This I trust, however, though late, will atone for any entertained misgivings. As a matter of fact, I have recounted about all of my doings since leaving home in weekly letters to mother, and as you see each other often I am confident their contents have furnished material to a certain extent for conversation. But at the risk of repetition I must express to you direct my very great satisfaction with the University, where I think one may gain as much, if not more, knowledge than at any other institution in our country. Here we all are southerners together and extremely friendly to one another. The morals of the young men are exceedingly high and nowhere I fancy could be surpassed. . . . We are located practically among the Blue Ridge mountains, which make it cool in both winter and summer. Upon my arrival their crest and slopes were clad in verdant grass, but already several times snowy white- caps have been visible. Winters here, however, I am confident are less severe than with you. . . . The buildings of the University were con- structed by Thomas Jefferson, and to-day they stand, with a few addi- tions, a gigantic monument to his wisdom and greatness. Their descrip- tion can better be told than written, so I will wait and do that at Christ- mas. Nor can I write much of the town I understand an incorporated city of Charlottesville, from which we are one mile distant, for as yet I know only a few students who reside there and have enjoyed no visiting among her people, that which is quite essential in order to speak intelli- gently of a place. We walk there nearly every afternoon for exercise, and it seems right active in business, having many stores, two newspapers, Chronicle and Jeffersonian, half a dozen churches, town hall, Court House, and claims a population beyond five thousand. . . . This climate seems to favor typhoid fever, as a number of students have already had it this UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 225 session. Whether they came with the seed of disease lurking in their sys- tem or contracted it here is to be determined by the physicians of the University. One student died on Thursday and his remains were sent home to South Carolina on the noon train yesterday, several students going along. The funeral was preached in the hall of the Washington Literary Society, and there were no family mourners, the long distance preventing any one coming from his home. All the others are reported as improving. Personally I am well, but at first had a slight attack of malaria, which soon yielded to a physician's treatment. ... I am looking forward with much pleasure to spending ten days with you all at Christmas, so will then report to you often with tongue hung in the center. . . . The new student soon heard much of the many secret fra- ternities and the two open literary societies Jeff, and Wash. and observed that while fraternity membership depended upon good fellowship, social qualities, creditable class stand- ing and thorough acquaintance commendations requiring time for development, unless one's favorable reputation as gained elsewhere had been heralded in advance by kind friends that on the other hand membership in either literary society carried no such restrictions, they being accessible from the very first to every matriculant desiring to sign the constitution and pay the initiation fee of ten dollars. Both societies, as far as merits, advantages, weekly debates, prominent members in the present and past, and aspirants for positions of honor received not a little general discussion, often furnishing much of our table talk. The Jeff(erson) was established during the first ses- sion of the University, July 14, 1825, at No. 7 West Lawn, having as its object the promotion of debate and literary improvement, and at first had the phase of secrecy, which was abolished after a time. Its badge was a scroll breastpin of polished gold, about an inch long and fully half that wide, bearing upon the front the inscription: Jeff. Soc. U. V., crossed pens and three Greek letters