View of the Convention 6 Delegates JK 3125 1853 A484 s POOLE'S Statistical Tltto CONVENTION OF DELEGATES Bcbisinj ; t|)t Constitution of Passatljusctts, WEDNESDAY, THE FOURTH DAY OF MAY, 1853. ^ <) K 1 II E II W 1 I II THE PROCEEDING, AND LIST OF MEMBERS CONVKNTION FOR I'UAMLXU THE CONSTITUTION, September 1st, 1779. A S I) THE MKMJJERS oj' THE "CONVENTION oi' is2o. BOSTON: WFIITK AND, PKINTKllo TO Till', ('O.XVKNTION*. 1853. 3 ^VO POOLE'S tistical Tieto WEDNESDAY, THE FOURTH DAY OF MAY, 1853. TOGETHER WITH THE OPENING PROCEEDINGS, AND LIST OF MEMBERS OF THB CONVENTION FOR FRAMING THE CONSTITUTION, September 1st, 1779; AND THE MEMBERS OF THE CONVENTION OF 1820. BOSTON: WHITE AND POTTER, PRINTERS TO THE CONVENTION. 1853. ' RESOLVE Recommending a Convention. State of iJHftggacijttsctts IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ) June 15, 1779. } WHEREAS, by the returns made into the Secretary's Office, from more than two-thirds of the Towns belonging to this State, agreeably to a Re- solve of the General Court, of the 20th of February last, it appears, that a large majority of the inhabitants of such Towns as have made return as aforesaid, think it proper to have a new Constitution or form of Government, and are of opinion, that the same ought to be formed by a Convention of Delegates, who should be specially authorized to meet for this purpose : Therefore, Resolved, That it be, and it hereby is recommended to the several inhabitants of the several Towns in this State to form a Conven- tion, for the sole purpose of framing a new Constitution, consisting of such number of Delegates, from each Town throughout this State, as every different Town is entitled to send Representatives to the General Court, to meet at Cambridge, in the County of Middlesex, on the first day of Sep- tember next. And the Selectmen of the several Towns and Places with- in this State, empowered by the laws thereof to send members to the General Assembly, are hereby authorized and directed to call a meeting of their respective Towns, at least fourteen days before the meeting of said Convention, to elect one or more Delegates, to represent them in said Convention, at which meeting, for the election of such Delegate or Dele- gates, every Freeman, Inhabitant of such town who is twenty-one years of age, shall have a right to vote. Be it also Resolved, That it be, and it hereby is recommended, to the Inhabitants of the several Towns in this State, to instruct their respective 2 4 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Delegates, to cause a printed copy of the Form of a Constitution they may agree upon in Convention, to be transmitted to the Selectmen of each Town, and the Committee of each Plantation ; and the said Selectmen and Committees are hereby empowered and directed to lay the same be- fore their respective Towns and Plantations, at a regularjmeeting of the Male Inhabitants thereof, being free and twenty-one years of age, to be called for that purpose, in order to its being duly considered and approved or disapproved by said Towns and Plantations. And it' is also recom- mended to the several Towns within this State, to instruct their respective Representatives to establish the said Form of a Constitution, as the Con- stitution and Form of Government of the State of Massachusetts Bay, if, upon a fair examination, it shall appear that it is approved of by at least two-thirds of those, who are free and twenty-one years of age, belonging to this State, and present in the several meetings. Sent up for concurrence, JOHN HANCOCK, Speaker. IN COUNCIL, June 17, 1779. Read and concurred, JOHN AVERT, Dep'y Sec'y. Consented to by a Major Part of the Council. A true copy, Attest, J.OHN AVERT, Dep'y Sec'y. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONVENTION, begun and held at Cambridge, in the County of Middlesex, on the first day of September, A. D. 1779, in conformity to the preceding Resolve of the Great and General Court of the State of the Massachusetts Say, passed the llth of June last, for the sole purpose of framing a new Constitution of Government for said State. A. M. WEDNESDAY, 1st Sept. 1779. A large number of Delegates being convened, On a motion made and seconded, Voted, That a President and Secretary be chosen by Ballot, CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 5 On a motion made and seconded, Voted, That a Committee be chosen to receive and sort the votes. Voted, That the Committee consist of three. Voted, That NATHANIEL GORHAM, Esq., COL. DAWES, and BRIG'R. BROOKS, be a Committee for this purpose. On a motion made and seconded, Voted, That the Convention first proceed to the choice of a Secretary. The Committee aforesaid accordingly proceeded to receive and sort the votes. The Committee having reported, it appeared that Samuel Barrett was chosen Secretary. On a motion made and seconded, Voted, That the Convention now proceed to the choice of a President. The Committee aforesaid accordingly proceeded to receive and sort the votes. The Committee having reported, it appeared that the Honorable JAMES BOWDOIN, Esq., was chosen President. It was then moved, that the Person usually attending the Meeting House as Servitor or Door Keeper, be directed, and he was accordingly directed, to give his attendance, as Servitor and Door Keeper to the Convention. On a motion, Voted, That the several Delegates produce Certificates or other Creden tials of their choice or appointment to represent the several Towns in this Convention, the same to be laid before the Convention. On a motion made and seconded, Voted, That the Hon'l WALTER SPOONER, and the Hon'l SAMUEL ADAMS, Esq., be a Committee to receive and declare the same. Which being done, it appeared that the following gentlemen were duly returned to represent the several Towns and Plantations within this State, in this Convention, viz. : LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE CONVENTION FOR FRAMING A CONSTITUTION OF GOVERNMENT, September 1st, 1779. FOR THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. Ipswich, Mr. Daniel Noyce, Mr. John Crocker, Boston, Hon. James Bowdoin.Esq Hon. Samuel Adams, Esq Newbury, Enoch Sawyer, Esq. Mr. Richard Adams, Hon. John Hancock, Esq Mr. Ebenezer March, Hon. Oliver Wendell, Esq Newburyport, Hon. Benj. Greenleaf, Esq. Nathaniel Appleton, Esq. Hon. Jona. Greenleaf, Esq. Samuel A. Otis, Esq. Mr. Jonathan Jackson, Ellis Gray, Esq. Mr. Nathaniel Tracy, Thomas Dawes , Esq. Theopilus Parsons,Esq. John Lowell, Esq. Marblehead, Doctor Charles Jarvis, Lynn, Mr. Samuel Burrill, Ebenezer Storer, Esq. Andover, Samuel Osgood, Esq. Samuel Barrett, Esq. Mr. Samuel Philips, jr. Roxbury, Increase Sumner, Esq. tt Mr. John Farnham, jr. Dorchester, Mr. Samuel Coolidge, Mr. Zebediah Abbott, Milton, Ed. Hutchinson Robbins, Beverly, Mr. George Cabot, Samuel Henshaw, Esq. Mr. Joseph Wood, Braintree, Weymouth, Hon. John Adams, Esq. Hon. James Humphreys, Rowley, Nathaniel Mighill, Esq. Col. Daniel Spafford, Hingham, Rev. Daniel Shute, Doct. Parker Cleaveland, Mr. Joseph Thaxter, jr. Salisbury, Maj. Joseph Page, Cohasset, Haverhill, Hon. N. P. Sergeant, Esq. Dedham, Rev. Jason Haven, Doct. John Sprague, Gloucester, Winthrop Sergeant Esq. Col. Joseph Foster, Medfield, Doct. James Jerould, Peter Coffin, Esq. Wrentham, Mr. Thomas Man, Samuel Whitemore Esq. Mr. Lemuel Kollock, Capt Epes Sergeant, JBrookline, Major William Thomson. Topsfield, Mr. Israel Clarke, jr. Needham, Mr. Abraham Hobbs, Slouflhlon, Rev. Jedediah Adams, Amesbury, Mr. John Barnard, Stoughtonham, Mr. Royal Kollock, Bradford, Mr. Peter Russell, Medway, Rev. Daniel Stanford, Methuen, Mr. John Sergeant, Bellingham, Mr. Noah Alden, Boxford, Hull, Wenham, Walpole, Joshua Clap, Esq. Manchester, Chelsea, Capt. Jonathan Green, \tiddleton, Mr. Silas Meriam, Franklin, Hon. Jabez Fisher, Esq. Danvers, Hon. Samuel Holton, Esq. Foxborough, Mr. John Everett. Amos Putnam, Esq. Col. Israel Hutchinson, Capt. William Shillaber FOR THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. Salem, Hon. John Pickering, Esq. FOR THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. Mr. William Pickman, Mr. Henry Higginson, Cambridge, Abraham Watson, Esq. Mr. Joseph Orne, Mr. Benjamin Cooper, Mr. Miles Greenwood, Capt. Stephen Dana, Mr. Benjamin Goodhue, jr. Charlestotm, Nath'l. Gorham, Esq. Ipswich, Dummer Jewett, Esq. Watertown, Samuel Fisk, Esq. Stephen Choate, Esq. Jonathan Brown, Esq. Col. Jonathan Cogswell, Woburn, Doct. Samuel Blodgctt, CON STITTTTIONAL CONVENTION. Concord, John Cummings, Esq. Spencer, Mr. John Biscoe, Ephraim Wood, Esq. Rutland, John Frink, Esq. Newton, Dr. John King, Paxton, Capt. Adam Maynard, Mr. Thomas Parker, Oakham, Capt. Isaac Stone, Reading, Mr. Benjamin Flynt, Barre, John Mason, Esq. JUarlborough, Col. Edward Barnes, Mr. Andrew Parker, Mr. Moses Wood, Hubbardston, Mr. Winslow Bridgham, New Brainlree, Maj. James Woods, Billerica, Framingham, Rev. Henry Cummings, Hon. Josiah Stone, Esq. Southborough, Doct. James Parker, Westborough, Capt. Stephen Maynard, Lexington, Chelmsford, Benjamin Edwauls, Esq. Rev. Jonas Clarae, Col. Simeon Spaulding, Oliver Barron, Esq. Capt. Nathan Fisher, NortJtborough, Mr. Jonathan Livermore, Shrewsbury, Mr. Daniel Hemmenway, Lunenburg, Capt. George Kimball, Sherburne, Daniel Whitney, Esq. Fitchburg, Capt. Thomas Cowdin, tfudbury, Col. Ezekiel How, Uxbridge, Col. Seth Reed, Maiden, Rev. Peter Thatcher, Mr. Benjamin Green, Weston, Mr. Joseph Roberts, Harvard, Mr. Oliver Whitney, Mr. John Allen, Dudley, Mr. Joseph Upham, Medford, Stephen Hall.Tertius, Esq. Bolton, Mr. Ephraim Fairbanks, Hopkinton, Mr. Matthew Metcalf, Upton, Rev. Elisha Fisk, Westford, Dr. Asaph Fletcher, Sturbridge, Mr. Joshua Harding, Waltham, Jonas Dix, Esq. Capt Abel Mason, Capt. John Clarke, Leominster, Israel Nichols, Esq. Stow, Mr. Abraham Whitney, Hardwick, Mr. William Paze, Groton, Hon. James Sullivan, Esq. Brig. Gen. Jon. Warner, Shirley, Mr. John Hastings, Pepperell, Holden, Townsend Mr. James Locke, Western, Col. Danforth Keys, Dracut, Mr. Amos Bradley, Douglas, Mr. Eliphaz Stearns, Bedford, John Reed, Esq. Grafton, Capt. Luke Drury, Holliston, Capt. Staples Chamberlain, Petersham, Col. Ephraim Doolittle, Acton, Francis Faulkner, Esq. Mr. Ruggles Spooner, Dunstable, Lincoln, Hon. John Tyng, Esq. Brig. Gen. E. Brooks, Esq. Mr. Samuel Bryant, Royalston, Mr.Sylvanus Hemmenway, Wilmington, Mr. Abner Holden, Tewksbury, Mr. William Brown, Westminster, Mr. Joseph Miller, Ashby, Athol, Capt. Ephraim Stockwell, Littleton, Capt. Aaron Jewett, Mr. Josiah Goddard, Natick, Major Hezekiati Broad. Templeton, Capt. John Richardson, Stoneham. Mr. Joel Grout, Princeton, Asa Whitcomb, Esq. | Winchendon, Abel Wilder, Esq. FOR THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. Woodstock, . Northbridge, Mr. Jonathan Bacon. Worcester, Hon. Levi Lincoln, Esq. Ward. Joseph Allen, Esq. Mr. David Bigelow, ^^ Lancaster, William Dunsmore, Esq. Capt. Ephraim Wilder, FOR THE COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE. Capt. William Putnam, Mendon, Joseph Dorr, Esq. Springfield, Mr. Luke Bliss, Brookfield, Oxford, Capt. Peter Penniman, Hon. Jedediah Foster ,Esq Ebenezer Learned, Esq. William Pyncheon, Esq. West Springfield, Abraham Burbank, Esq. Wilbraham, Capt. Phineas Stebbins, Charllon, Mr. Ezra Bowman, Jacob Davis, Esq. Northampton, Mr. Ephraim Wright, Caleb Strong, Esq. Mr. Salem Town, Capt. Samuel Lamb, Southampton, Capt. Timothy Clarke, Hadley, Sutton, Mr. David Harwood, Mr. Nathan Putnam. South Hadley, Hon. NoahGoodman.Esq. Amherst, Mr. John Billing, Mr. Willis Hall, Granby, Rev. Ebenezer Chaplin, Mr. Ebenezer Peirce, Hatfte'ld, Doct. Elijah Morton, Whalely, Leicester, Major Seth Washburn, Col. William Henshaw, Williamsburg, Mr. William Bodman, Westfield, Col. John Moseley, 9 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Deerfield, FOR THE COUNTY OF BARNSTABLE. Greenfield, Agrippa "Wells, Shelburne, Mr. Ebenezer Fisk, Barnstable, Corncay, Sandwich, Mr. Lot Nye, Sunderland, Yarmouth, Enoch Hallett, Esq. Montague, Eastham, Northfield, Capt. Thomas Alexander, Harwich, JBrimficld, Wellfleet, South Brimfield, Mr. William Carpenter, Chatham, Momon, Major Reuben Mun, Truro, Pelham, Mr. Joseph Packard, Falmouth. . Greenwich I^Iaior Btirnzibas Sears Mr. Caleb West, Blandford, FOR THE COUNTY OF BRISTOL. Leverett, Major Richard Montague, Palmer, Mr. Joshua Shaw, Taunton, Hon. Rob. T. Paine, Esq. Granville, Mr. Oliver Phelps, Brig. Gen. G. Godfrey.Esq. JMew Salem, Rehoboth, William Winsor, Esq. Belchertown, Mr. Joseph Smith, Capt. Stephen Bullock, Colraine, Major Hezekiah Smith, Swansey and ) Capt. Philip Slead, Ware, Shawammet, $ Mr. John Mason, Warwick, Mr. Thomas Rich, Dartmouth, Hon. Walter Spooner,Esq. Bernardston, Rev. Samuel West, Murrayfield, Mr. Timothy Davis, Charlemont, Norton, Mr. Abraham White, Ashfield, Capt. Benjamin Phillips, Mansfield, Mr. Isaac Dean, Capt. Samuel Bartlett, Altleborough, Col. John Daggett, Worthington, Mr. Seth Sylvester, Capt. John Stearns, Shutesbury, Mr. William Ewens, Major Elisha May, Chesterfield, Capt. William White, Dighlon, Thomas Church, Esq. Mr. Luke Bonney, Mr. William Brown, Chesterfield Gore, Capt. Thomas Weeks, Freetown, Mr. Samuel Barnaby, Southioick, Mr. Abner Fowler, ftaynham, Capt. Israel Washburn, Suffield, Easton, Capt. James Perry, Enfield, Berkley, Samuel Toby, Esq. Somers, Ludlow, .1 Norwich, Merryfield, FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK. Plantation, No. 5, Gageborough, York, Hon. David Sewall, Esq. West Hampton, Mr. Sylvester Judd. Kittery, Capt. J. Heard Bartlett, Wells, Nathaniel Wells, Esq. Berwick, Hon. B. Chadbourne, Esq. Arundel, Biddeford, FOR THE COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH. Pepperellborough, Lebanon, Plymouth, John Cotton, Esq. Scituate, Hon. William Cushing,Esq Sanford, Buxton, Israel Vinal, Esq. Fryburgh, William Turner, Esq. Cox Hall, Duxbury, Massabeseck, Marshfield, Capt. Thomas Waterman, Limerick, Bridgewter, Benj. Willis, Esq. Brownfield, Capt. Nathan Mitchell, Little Falls. Middleborough, Mr. John Miller, Capt. William Shaw, Rochester, Capt. Nath'l. Hammond, FOR DUKES COUNTY. Plympton, Major Seth Gushing, Capt. George Hammond, Pembroke, Rev. Gad Hitchcock, Edgarton, Chilmark, Kingston, Tisbury. Hanover Hon. Joseph Cushin&r ESQ Abington, Col. David Jones, Halifax, Ebenezer Thomson, Esq. FOR THE COUNTY OF NANTUCKET. Wareham. Sherburne, CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. FOR THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. Meduncook, Pittstown. Falmouth, Care Elizabeth, Gorham, Solomon Lombard, Esq. FOR THE COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE. Brunswick, Harpswdl, Sheffield, Mr. Silas Kelloffpr, Windham, Great Barrinffton,Doct. William Whiting, New Gloucester, Patridgefield, Mr. Daniel Kinney, Scarborough, Mr. Samuel Small, Williamstown, Capt. Stephen Davis, Peirtontown, Mr. Elisha Baker, Royalsburg, New Marlboro', Capt. Zenas Wheeler, flray, Jabez AVard, Esq. Kaymondtown, Lanesborouh, Col. Jonathan Smith, Bakerstown, James Harris, Esq. Sylvester's Town, Piltsficld, William AVilliams, Esq. Bridgetown. Lenox, Capt. AVilliam Walker, Mr. Caleb Hyde Slockbndge, Mr.' Elias Gilbert, FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN. Mr. Asa Bement, Ezremont, Ephraim Fitch, Esq. Pownalborougfi , Tyringham, Capt. Ezekiel Herrick. Georgetown, Sandisfield, Mr. James Ayrault, Newcastle, Mr. David Deming, Woolwich, Becket, Mr. Elisha Carpenter, Topsham, Windsor, Mr. Hezekiah Green, Bowdoinham, Capt. Leicester Grosvenor, Boothbay, Hancock, Mr. Asa Douglass, Bristol, Mr. Jacob Eaton, Richmond, Mr. Cromstock Betts, Vassalborovgh, London, Winthrop. . Mr. Benjamin Brainard. Washington, Winslow, W. Stockbridge, Capt. Increase Hewins, Waldoborough, Alford, Mr. John Adams, jr. Edgecomb, New Anhford, Hallowell, Asheweelot, Belfast, Plantation No. 1 ) Warren, Adams, Thomaston, New Providence, Mr. Peter Werdin, Lower St. Georges, Lee. THTTESDAY, 28th Oct. 1779. Several new Members appearing produced certificates of their appointment to sit and act in this Convention, which were respectively read and approved, and the gentlemen took their seats accordingly, viz. : FROM THE COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE Brimfteld, Hon. T. Danielson, Esq. Sunderland, Mr. D. Montague, Major Whitmore, Charlemont, Mr. Aaron Rice, New Salem, Capt. Jeremiah Ballard, Buckland, Mr. Thomas Maxwell. MIDDLESEX. Ashby, Capt. Jonathan Lock, Pepperell, Col. Henry Woods, Wilmington, Capt. John Harnden, Mr. Edward Kendall. SUFFOLK. Needham, Col. William Mclntosh. Hubbardston, Holden, Adams, Kingston, Marblehead, WORCESTER. Mr. John Woods, Mr. Richard Flag. BERKSHIRE. Samuel Todd, Esq. PLYMOUTH. William Drew, Esq. ESSEX. Hon. Azor Orne, Esq. Thomas Gerry, Esq. Joshua Orne, Esq. Jonathan Glover, Esq. of IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY. . ' AN ACT RELATING TO THE CALLING A CONVENTION OF DELEGATES OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVISING THE CONSTITUTION. SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the inhabitants of the several towns, Districts, and places within this Commonwealth, qualified to vote for Sen- ators or Representatives in the General Court, shall assemble in regular town meetings, to be notified in the usual manner, on the third Monday of* August next, and shall, in open town meeting, give in their votes, by ballot, on tHis question : " Is it expedient that Delegates should be chosen, to meet in Convention, for the purpose of revising, or altering the Constitution of Government of this Common- wealth ?" And the selectmen of the said towns and districts shall, in open town meeting, receive, sort, count and declare, and the clerks thereof shall, respectively, record the votes given for and against the measure ; and exact returns thereof shall be made out, under the hands of a majority of the Selectmen, and of the clerk, who shall seal up and deliver the same to the Sheriff of the county, within one week from the time of meeting, to be by him transmitted to the office of the Sec- retary of the Commonwealth, on or before the second Monday in September next ; or the selectmen may themselves transmit the same to said office, on or before the day last mentioned ; and all returns not then made, shall be rejected in the counting. And the Governor and Council shall open and examine the returns made as aforesaid, and count the votes given on the said question ; and the Govern- or shall by public proclamation, to be made on or before the third Monday in said month of September, make known the result, by declaring the number appearing in favor of choosing Delegates for the purpose aforesaid, and the number of votes appearing against the same: And if it shall appear that a majority of the votes given in, and returned as aforesaid, are in favor of choosing delegates as aforesaid, the same shall be deemed and taken to be the will of the people of the Common- wealth, that a Convention should meet accordingly ; and in case of such majority, the Governor shall call upon the people to elect delegates, to meet in Convention, in the manner hereinafter provided. SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That if it shall be declared by the said procla- mation that the majority of votes as aforesaid is in favor of choosing delegates as abovementioned, the inhabitants of the several towns and districts within the Commonwealth, now entitled to send one or more representatives to the General Court, shall, on the third Monday in October ^iext, assemble in town meeting, to be duly notified by warrant from the selectmen, and shall elect one or more dele- CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 11 gates, not exceeding the number of representatives to which such town is entitled, to meet delegates from other towns in Convention, for the purposes hereinafter expressed: And at such meeting of the inhabitants, every person entitled to vote for representatives in the General Court shall have a right to vote in the choice of delegates ; and the selectmen shall preside at such elections ; and shall, in open meeting, receive, sort, count, and declare the votes, and the clerk shall make a record thereof, fair copies of which, attested by the selectmen and clerk, shall be seasonably delivered to each person chosen a delegate as aforesaid. And all the laws now in force, regulating the duty and conduct of town officers, sheriffs, mag- istrates, and electors, in the elections of governor, lieutenant governor, counsellors, and senators, and representatives, shall, as far as applicable, apply and be in full force and operation as to all meetings holden, and elections and returns made under this act, or which, by this act, are required to be holden or made, and upon the like forfeitures and penalties. SECT. 3. Be it furllier enacted, That the persons so elected delegates shall meet in Convention, in the State House in Boston, on the third Wednesday in November next; and they shall be the judges of the returns and election of their own members, and may adjourn from time to time, and one hundred of the persons elected shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business ; and they shall proceed, as soon as may be, to organize themselves in Convention, by choosing a president, and such other officers as they may deem expedient, and by establishing proper rules of proceeding ; and when organized, they nmy take into consideration the propriety and expediency of making any, and if any, what alterations or amendments in the present Constitution of Government of the Commonwealth ; and such amendments, when made and adopted by the said Convention, shall be sub- mitted to the people for their ratification and adoption, in such manner as the said Convention shall direct; and if ratified by the people in the manner directed by the said Convention, the Constitution shall be deemed and taken to be altered or amended accordingly ; and if not so ratified, the present Constitution shall be and remain the Constitution of Government of this Commonwealth. SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said Convention shall establish the pay or compensation of its officers and members, and the expense of its session ; and His Excellency, the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, is authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer therefor. SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Commonwealth be and he hereby is directed, forthwith, after the passage thereof, to transmit printed copies of this Act to the selectmen of every town and district within the said Com- monwealth ; and whenever the Governor shall issue his proclamation, calling upon the people to elect delegates, to meet in Convention as aforesaid, the said Secreta- ry shall also, immediately thereafter, transmit printed copies of said proclamation, attested by himself, to the selectmen of every town and district in said Common- wealth. [Approved by the Governor, June 16th, 1820.] CONVENTION OF DELEQATKS Assembled at the State House, in Boston, November 15th, 1820, for the purpose of Revising the Constitution of Massachusetts, in pursuance of the law of June 16th. LIST OF DELEGATES. SUFFOLK. Boston His Honor William Phillips, Hon. Wil- liam Gray, Isaac Parker, Charles Jackson, Thomas Dawes, John Davis, William Prescott, Artemas Ward, James Prince, Esq., Rev. James Freeman, Hon. John Phillips, Josiah Quincy, Peter C. Brooks, John Welles, Israel Thorndike, Daniel Davis. John- athan Hunewell. Uev. Thomas. Baldwin, Thomas Melville, Esq , Hon. William Sullivan. Kedford Webster, Esq., George Blake, Esq., Hon. Daniel Wesbter, John T. Apthorp, Esq., Benjamin Russell, C. Warren, William Harris, Esq., Samuel Hubbard, Esq., Kev. Paul Dean, Mr. Eliphalet Williams, James T. Austin, Esq., Mr. William Sturgis, James Savage, Esq., Mr. Heman Lincoln, Rev. Henry Ware, Nathan Hale, Esq., Mr. Samuel A. Welles, Mr. Lynde Walter, Mr. Geo. Bond. Chelsea Rev. Joseph Tuckerman. ESSEX. Amesbury John Morse, Esq., Enoch Bartlett. Andover -John Kneeland, Stephen Barker. Beverly Rev. N. W. Williams, Deacon John Low, Hon. Nathan Dane,* Hon Robert Rantoul. Boxford Thomas Perley. Bradford Deacon Daniel Stickney, Jesse Kim- ball, Jun., Esq. Darners Ebenezer Shillaber, Caleb Oakes, John Pago, Ebenezer King. Mssex Jonathan Story. Gloucestei Col. William Pearce, John Kittredge, Esq., Capt. William W. Parrntt. Nehemiah Knowl- ton. Col. William Beach, Capt. Ellas Davidson. //amtV/on^Jonathan Lamson. Haverhill Hon. Bailey Bartlett, Col. Charles White, Moses Wingate, Esq. Ipswich John Heard, -Nathaniel Wade. Lynn Joseph Fuller, Jonathan Batchelder, Enoch Mudge, Jan., John Lovejoy, Ezra Mudge. T. Newhall. Manchester Col. David Colby. Marblehead Nathan Hooper, Joshua Prentiss, Jun., Benjamin Knight, Nathan Martin, John H. Gregory. Afethiien Stephen Barker. Middleton Rev. Ebenezer Hubbard. Netcbury Josiah Little, Esq., Richard Pike, Esq. Moses Little, Esq. Ifewbui-yportllev. John Andrews, Hon. Samuel S. Wilde, William Bartlett, William B. Bannister, James Prince, Dr. Nathan Noyes. Rowley Parker Cleveland, Joshua Jewett. Salem Hon. Benjamin Pickman, Joseph Story, Leverett Saltonstall, Gideon isarstow, Esq., David Cummings, Esq., Stephen White, Esq., John G. King. Michael Shepherd, John Derby, Jun. Salisbury Samuel March, Benjamin Evans. Saugus Jonathan Makepeace. Topsfield Cyrus Cummings. Wenham John Dodge. West Jfewbury ThomasHills. MIDDLESEX. Acton Joseph Noyes, Esq. Ashby John Locke. Billerica Joseph Locke. Bedford William Webber. Brighton Francis Winship. Burlington None. Cambridge Levi Farwell, Peter Tufts, Jun., Hon. Samuel P. P. Fay. Carlisle Benjamin 'Barrett. Charlestown Seth Knowles, William Austin, Thomas Harris, Leonard M. Parker, George Bart- lett. Timothy Thompson, Jun. Chelms/ordAmos Whitney, Jonathan Pelham, Concord Samuel Hoar, Juc., Esq., John Keyes, Esq. JJracut Hon. Joseph B. Varnum. Dunstable Benjamin Rice. East Sudbuni Jacob Reeves, Esq. Framing/iamJohn Trowbridge, Esq., Josiah Ad- ams, Esq. Groton Luther Lawrence, Esq., Hon. Samuel Dana. Holliston Elihu Cutter, Esq. Jlopkinton Joseph Valentine, Esq., Xathan Phipps. Lexington Nathan Chandler, Esq. Lincoln Samuel Hoar, Esq. Littleton Rev. Edmund Foster. Maiden Elder Ebenezer Nelson, Phineas Sprague. Marlborouqh3oe\ Cranston. Medjord Nathaniel Hall, Abner Bartlett. Jfatick Jonathan Bacon. Newton Gen. Ebeuezer Cheney, Joseph Jackson, Esq. Pepperell John Walton, Abel Jewett. Reading Daniel Flint, Timothy Wakefleld. Sherburne Calvin Sanger. Shirley Nathaniel Holden, Esq. South Heading Willieuu Nichols. Stoneham None. Stow and Soxborough Joseph Stone. Sudbury William Hunt, Esq. Tew ksbury Jesse Trull. Townsend Samuel Brooks, Esq. Tynqsborough None. Waltham John Clark, David Townsend. Watertown Walter Hnnnewell. West Cambridge Hon. William Whittemore. Westford-Jolm Abbott. Weston Isaac Fiske, Esq. Wilmington William Ulanchard. Jun. Woburn John Wade, Marshall Fowle. WORCESTER. Ashburnham Silas Willard. Athol Joseph Eastabrook. Barre Nathaniel Jones, Nathaniel Houghton. Berlin Amos Sawyer. Jiolton Nathaniel Longley. ttoylston Jonathan Bond." Brookfleld Simeon Draper, Beth Field. Charlton John Spurr, Isaac Rider. ^aa-Ephraim Whipple. Douglas Welcome Wiiipple. .Oud/ey-William Windsor. Fitc/iburgJohn Sheplev, Calvin Willard. Gardner William Whitney. Graflon Pardon Aldrich. " Hardwick Timothy Page. Joseph Stone. Harvard Thomas Hersey, lle\. Abisiiu Samson. Jfolden-wmiam Drury. Hubbardston Epliraim Allen. Lancaster Jacob Fiaher, Davis Whitman. Leicester Henry Sargent. ' Did not attend. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 13 Lawrence, Joseph O. Ken- dall. L'mtnburg Josiah Stearns, Egq. Mtndon Hon. Jonathan Russell, Dr. Daniel Thurber. Mil/ord Esek Greene. Millbury Aaron 1'lerce. New Braintree Joseph Bowman. Northborough James Keyes. JforthbridgeKev. John Crane. North Bronkfleld\^\\\f\ Gilbert. Oakham William Crawford, Jun. Oxford Klchard Olney. fmtonJooftiuB 1'. Grosvenor. Petersham Hutchlns Hapgood, Israel Hough ton. Phillipston John Doanc. Princeton Ward N. Boylston. JRoyalston Rufus Bullock. Jutland Zadoek Gates. Shrewsbury Nathan Pratt. SouthburoiighRev. Jeroboam Parker. Southbridge Nathan II. Harding. Spencer James Draper, Jun. Sterling Thomas H. Blood, John Bobbins, Jun. >S7i briirfa/e Artemas Thompson. Lanesborough William H. Tyler. Lee James Whiton. Lenox Caleb Hyde. Mount Washington None. New Ashford N'one. New Marlboro' Gen. Ebenezer Hyde, Salmon Kasson. 0/is Col. Samuel Picket. Peru Cyrus Stowell. Pittsfield Nathan Willis, Henry H. Childs, Jon- athan V. Clark. Richmond Zecharjah Pierson. Sandisfield Church Smith, Eliaklm HulL Southfield None. Savoy None. Shejheld Stephen Dewey, Silas Kellogg. Stockbridge Joseph Woodbrldge. TuringhamJohn Garfleld, Esq. Washington Philip Eames. West Stockbridge Col. Joseph B. Hill. Williamstown Allanson Porter, Stephen IIos- ford. Windsor Daniel Dana. NORFOLK. Bellingham Benjamin Hall. Braintree Rev. Richard S. Storrs. Brookline Hon. Rir.hard Sullivan. Cannon Jonathan Leonard. Cohasset~ James C. Doane. Dedham Hon. John Endicott, Hon. James Rich- ardson, William Ellis, Esq. Dorchester Hon. Perez Morton, Henry Gardner, Thomas Crehore. foxborough Seth Boydcn, Esq. Franklin Joseph Bacon. Eli Richardson, Jun. Medjield and Dover Rev. Dr. Daniel C. Saun- ders. Medway William Felt. Milton Barney Smith, Jededlah Atberton. Needham Aaron Smith. Qiiincy Hon. John Adams, Thomas Greenleaf. Randolph Thomas French. Jtoxbury Henry A. S. Dearborn, Ebenezer Sea- ver, Abijah Draper, Sherman Leland. Sharon Benjamin Reynolds, Esq. Stoughton Samuel Talbott. Walpole Jcse Boyden. Wfymouth Lemuel Humphrey, Noah Torrey. Wrentham Samuel Day,* Allen Tillinghast, Samuel Bugbee. PLYMOUTH. Abtngton ^Nathan Gurney, Jared Whitman. Bridgewater Daniel Howard, Daniel Mitchell, Howard Gary, Zeph Fobes. Carvei Benjamin Ellis. Duxbury Rev- John Alleyne, Samnel A. Frazer. * Did not attend. 14 CONSTITUTION AL CONVENTION. Halifax Zededlah Thompson. Hanover Robert Kells. Hanson Calvin Tllden. lliiiy/iam Kcv. Joseph Richardson, Jotham Lin- coln, Jun., Thomas Fearing. JI'ill None. Kingston George B. Holmes. Marshfield Rev. Martin Harris. Middleborough Hon. Thomas Weston, John Tinkam, Samuel Pickens, I, 1807, Andover, Vt. Boot Manuf. 11838 Hopkinton, Eliakim A. Bates, June 30, 1817, Bellingham, Merchant, Lexington, Joel Viles, Oct. 21, 1793, Lexington, Farmer, Lincoln, William F. Wheeler, Mar. 11, 1812, LiAcoln, Farmer, 1853 Littleton, Amasa Sanderson, Apr. 16, 1796, (Gardner, Clergyman, 1852 Lowell, Josiah G. Abbott, Nov. 1, 1815, Chelmsford, Lawyer, 1837 " ShubaelT?. Adams, Feb. 5, 1817, Medfield, Lawyer, 1845 Benjamin F. Butler, Nov. 5, 1818, Deerfield, N. H. Lawyer, 1853 James K. Fellows, Aug. 5, 1809, Hopkinton.N.H Jeweller, 1837 i< John W. Giaves, James M. Moore, Jan. 7, 1810, Mar. 19, 18)9, Deerfield, N. H. Shetford, Vt. Physician, Manufacturer, 1850 11 Andrew T. Nute, Oct. 1, 1805, Milton, N. H. Mechanic, " Peter Powers, Apr. 25, 18 7, Temple, N. H. Builder, Abraham Til con, Jan. 31, 1792, Stratham,N. H. Blacksmith, Maiden, Daniel A. Perkins, Feb. 22, 1795, Maiden, farmer, 1838 Marlborough, Medford, Isaac Harden, William Haskins, Sept. 30, 1789, Mar. 18, 1S).3. Quincy, Scituate, Housewright, Merchant, 1837 M -'irose, Daniel W. Gooch, Jan. 8. 1820, Wells, Me. Lawyer, 1852 Natick, Henry Wilson, Feb. 16, 1812, Farmington,NH Editor, 11841 Newton, Ebenezer Bradbury, July 31, 1793, Newburyport, Machinist, 1828 Andrew H. Ward, May 25, 1784, Shrewsbury, Lawyer, Pepperell, Luther Lawrence, Nov. 7, 1801, Pepperell, Farmer, 1845 Reading, Tristram Littlefield, July 1, 1813, Wells, Me. Mechanic, Sherborn, Dalton Goulding, Oct. 19, 179J, Sherborn, farmer, Shirley, Somerville, Luther V. Bell, Dec. 20, 1806, Francestown,NH Physician, 1850 S. Reading, Lilley Eaton, Jan. 13, 1802, Reading, Merchant, 1831 Stoneham, Silas Dean, Nov. 7, 181.5, Reading, Shoe Manuf'r, Stow, Elbridge Gates, Feb. 6,1804, Stow, Farmer, 1852 Sudbury, Moses C. Hurlbut, July 4, 1808, Southampton, Farmer, Tewksbury, Jacob Coggin, Sept. 5, 1782, Woburn, Clergyman, 1848 Townsend, Stillman Clark, Sept. 23, 1806, Cavendish, Vt. Clergyman, Tyngsboro', Zephaniah Bennett, June 15, 1806, Groton, Farmer, 1848 Waltham, Nath'l P. Banks, Jr. Jan. 30, 1816, Waltham, Lawyer, 1849 Watertown, Wayland. W.Cambridge "Westford, Ezekiel Wright, May 26, 1798, Westford, Farmer, 1844 Weston, Edwin Hobbs, Apr. 11, 1811, Weston, Farmer, 1844 Wilmington, John M. Durgin, Feb. 11, 1813. Thornton, N. H. Clergyman, 1845 Winchester, F. 0. Prince, Jan. 18, 1818, Boston, Lawyer, 1851 Woburn, Jonathan P. Winn, Aug. 24, 1811, Burlington, Merchant, WORCESTER COUNTY. Ashburnham, Simeon Merritt, Mar. 21, 1823, Sardner, Mechanic, Athol, Lyman W. Hapgood, Nov. 27, 1812, Barre, Mechanic, Auburn, Marcus Barrett, Dec. 23, 1814, Thompson, Ct. Banner, Barre, F. Emory Aldrich, New Salem, .lawyer, Berlin, George S. Boutwell, Jan. 28, 1818, Brookline, tluu'hant, 1842 (of Groton,) Blackstone, Willard Wilson, Jan. 11, 1791, Mendon, Millwright, 1842 Bolton, Charles Newman, Mar. 31, 1800, Boston, Tanner, 4 20 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION Residence. Names. Date of Birth. Native Place. Occupation. First u>:,'. Bovlston, Daniel S. Whitney, Feb. 4, 1810, Danvers, Shoe Manuf. Brookfield, William B. Greene, Apr. 4 1819, Haverhill, Farm. & Clerk, Charlton, William P. Marble, Nov. 15. 1799, Charlton, Farmer, 1836 Clinton, Charles G. Stevens, Sept. 16. 1821, Claremont, N.H. \tfy at Law, Dana, Sam'l H. Richardson, Dec. 16, 1811, Dana. Partner, Douglas, Adolphus F. Brown, Feb. 1, 1819. Douglas, Farmer, . Dudley, Charles C. Wood, Jan. 14, 1810, Grat'ton, Farmer, Fitchburg. Charles Mason, June 3, 1810, Dublin, N. H. Lawyer, 1849 t< Nathaniel Wood, Aug. 29, 1799, Holden, Lawyer. 1840 Gardner, Levi Haywood, Dec. 10, 1800, Gardner, Chair Manuf. Graf ton, Edward B. Bigelow, July 21, 1807, Northboro ugh, Manufacturer, 1850 Hardwick, Harvard, H olden, Washington Gilbert, Charles L. Knowlton, Mar. 18, 1800, Feb. 15, 1809, Atkinson, N. H. Bridgeport, Vt. Clergyman, Merchant, 1853 Hubbardston, William Bennett, Jr., Mar. 4, 1809, Hubbardston, Merchant, 1846 Lancaster, Joel Wilder, j July 16, 1797, Westminster, Merchant, 1846 Leicester, Hiram Knight, Aug. 2, 1793, Oakham, Card Manuf. Leominster, Joel C. Allen, Sept. 2, 1817, Leominster, Merchant, 1852 Lunenburg, Sewell Boutwell, July 5, 1784, Wilmington, Farmer, 1843 Mendon, Arnold Taft, May 22, 1794, Mendon, Farmer, Milford, Orison Underwood, Mar. 19, 1815,|Barre, Boot Manuf. Millbury, Asa H. Waters, Feb. 8, 1812, Millbury, Manufacturer, 1849 NewBraintree Samuel Mixter, Oct. 15, 1785, New Braintree, (Farmer, 1818 Northbridge, Silas Rawson, Mar. 24, 1802, Uxbridge, Farmer, 1840 Northboro', Anson Burlingame, Nov. 14, 1822, N. Berlin, N. Y. Lawyer, 1852 (of Cambridge,) JST. Brookfield, Amasa Walker, May 4, 1799, Woodstock, Vt. Merchant, 1849 Oakham, David S. Ross, Oct. 3, 1808, Brookfield, Farmer, Oxford, Alexander DeWitt, April 2, 1797, JNew Braiutrce, Manufacturer, 1830 Paxton, Tohn Partridge, June 1, 1797, Paxton, Boot Manuf. P tersham, Seth Hapgood, June 10, 1805, Petersham, Farmer, 1837 Phillipston, Jason Goulding, Oct. 26, 1801, Paxton, Farmer, 1834 Princeton, Otis Wood, Sept. I, 1813. West Boylston, Farmer, Royalston, Rufus Bullock,* Sept. 23, 1779, Royalston, Manufact'er, 1820 Rutland, James L. Munroe, June 7, 1818,|Kutland, Piano Manuf. Shrewsbury, William H. Knowlton, Mar. 8, 1817, Shrewsbury, Housewrigh:, Southboro', Sullivan Fay, Mar. 12, 1799, Southboro', Merchant, 183S Southbridge, George A. Vinton, Sept.ll, 1816, Southbridge, Merchant, Spencer, Jabez Greene, July 31, 1802, Leicester, Boot Manuf. 1843 Sterling, Samuel Houghton, Nov. 19, 1796, Sterling, Fanner, 1845 Sturbridge, Benjamin D. Hyde, Feb. 8, 1803, Sturbridge, Lawyer, 1838 Sutton, Sumner Cole, Feb. 12, 1799, Sutton, Farmer, 1834 Templeton, Gilman Day, Apr. 1, 1832, Winchendon, Farmer, 1846 "Upton. George S. Ball, May 22, 1823, Leominster, Clergyman, "Oxbridge, Warren, Joseph Thayer, Nathan Richardson, Feb. 9, 1792, Oct. 21. 1806. Douglas, Brookfield, Farmer, Farmer, 1824 Webster, Daniel E. Chapin, jjuly 12,' 1814| Wilbraham, Clergyman, Westboro', Josiah Childs, Feb. 13, 1812, Cambridge, Carpenter, W. Boylston, Joseph W. Cross,. June 16, 1808, E. Bridgewater, Clergyman, W. Brookfield Hammond Brown, Mar. 27, 1810, Leicester, Boot Manuf. Westminster, Charles G. Giles, May 30, 1818, New Salem, Station Agent Winchendon, Abijah P. Marvin, Feb. 1, 1813, Lyme, Ct. Clergyman, Worcester, Charles Allen, Aug. 9, 1797, Worcester, (Lawyer, 1829 it Henry Chapin, May 13, 1811 Upton, ^Lawyer, 1845 Isaac Davis, June 2, 1799 Northboro', Lawyer, 1843 John M. Earle, Apr. 13, 1794, Leicester, Editor, 1845 H J. S. C. Knowlton, Dec. 11, 1801 Hopkinton, NH Editor, 1829 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Ambers t, Ithamer Conkey, ' May 7, 1788 Pelham, Lawyer, Belehertown, Joseph M. Rockwood July 1, 1818, Bellingham, :Clergyman, Chesterfield, Patrick Bryant, Feb. 2, 1806, Chesterfield, ^Farmer, Cummington Nathan Orcutt, Nov. 25, 1788, Cummington, Farmer, 1836 Easthampton Alfred L. Strong, Jan. 20, 1804,1 Guildhall, Vt. Farmer, CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 21 Residence. Names. Date of Birth. Native Place. First Occupation. 1 Enfield, Josiah B. Wood, Xov. 18, 1796, Greenwich, Manufacturer, 1846 Goshen, Benjamin White, Aug. 17, 1787, Goshen, Farmer, 1838 Granby, Samuel Ayers, July Itf, 1780, Granby, Farmer, 1831 Greenwich, Laban Marcy,* Mar. 7, 1780, Woodstock, Ct. Lawyer, 1817 Hadley, Hatdeld, Giles C. Kellogg, William C. Bhss, Aug. 12, 178l,|Hadley, Mar. 16, 1811, Hatfield, Farmer, Farmer, 1809 Middtetield, Matthew Smith, Aug. 26, 1787. Middlefield, Farmer, 1832 Northampton Amos H. Bullen, Feb. 6, 1809, Medway, Postmaster, 1853 " Chas. P, Huntington, May 24, 1802, Litchfield, Ct. Lawyer, 1834 Norwich, Elkanah Ring. Jr. Oct. 9, 1819, Chesterfield, Manufacturer, Pelham, Calvin D. Eaton, ^eb. 20, 1814, Pelham, Merchant, 1844 Plaiufield, Wanton C. Gilbert, May 7, 18l8,jCummington, Merchant, 1852 Prescott, Samuel Henry, Feb. 28, 1788, Amherst, Farmer, 1829 So. Hadley, David Turner, Oct. 9, 1796. Northampton, Tailor, Southampton Elisha Edwards, Apr. 22, 1793, Southampton, Farmer. 1829 AVare, Joseph Cummings, Mar. 5, 1784, Ware, Farmer, 1816 Westhampt'n Samuel Edwards, Feb. 18, 1787, Westhampton, Farmer, 1829 Williams burg [liram Nash, Feb. 13, 1819. Williamsburg, Farmer, 1849 Worthingtou, Russel Bartlett, Aug. 1, 1806, Worthington, Farmer, II. \MPDEX COUNTY. Blandford, Albert Knox, 'Mar. 17, 1808, Blandford, Farmer, 1850 Brimfield, Parsons Allen, Feb. 16, 18)2, Brimfield, Farmer, Chester, J. B. Williams, Jan. o, 1800, Worthington, Merchant, Chicopee, Charles Sherman, Oct. 29, 1813, Palmer, | Mason, " Adolphus G. Parker, June 23, 18 )1, N. Brookfield, (Manufacturer, Timothy W. Carter, July 2, 1819, Brimfield, ! Manufacturer, 1847 Granville, Alpheus Bancroft, Jan. 1, 1792, Granville, Farmer, 1836 Holland, Freeland Wallis, ,Dec. 5, 1785,|Holland, Farmer, Holyoke, Alpheus B. Clarke, May 11, 1814, New Haven, Ct. Physician, Longmeadow, Gad O. Bliss, Mar. 1, 1817, Longmeadow, Farmer, 1840 Ludlow, Chester Sikes, Nov. 11, 1789,|Ludlow, Farmer, Monson, Henry Cady, Oct. 12, 1801, Monson, Physician, Montgomery, Rmsom Clark, Jan. 20, 1804, [Montgomery, Farmer, 1836 Palmer, Frederic T. Wallace, Mar. 19, 182 ! ),!Duxbury, Vt. Lawyer, 1848 Russell, Justin E. Loomis, t Nov. 10, 1816, Westfield, Fanner, Souttiwick, Gideon Stiles, Apr. 28, 1782, South wick, Farmer, 1818 Springfield, Erasmus D. Beach, July 25, 1819, Sandisfield, Lawyer. 1851 > Chester W. Chapin,, Dec. 16, 1798, Ludlow, Manufacturer, Tolland, Hiram C. Brown, Mar. 2), 1819, Winstead, Ct. Mechanic, Wales, James C. Royce, June 27, 1817, Mansfield, Ct. Merchant, 1840 Westfield, Joseph M. Ely, Nov. 27, 1816, Westfield, Whip Manuf. W. Springfield Wilbraham, Horace Ely, Benjamin F. Hallett, May 23, 1793, Dec. 2,1797, W. Springfield, Barns table, Tanner, Lawyer, 1843 (of Boston,) FKA.NKLIN COUNTY. Ashfield, Chester Sanderson, Mar. 31, 1789, Whately, Farmer, 1832 Bernardston, Henry W. Cushman, Aus. 9, 1815 Bernardston, Farmer, 1837 Buckland, Josiah W. Griswold, Jan. 31, 1823! Buckland. 'Farmer", Charlemont, Aaron Foster, IMar. 19, 1794,!Hillsboro', N. H. Clergyman, Coleraine, Hiram S. Uenison, Feb. 27, 1821, Coleraine, Farmer, Con way. James S. Whitney, May 19, 1811, DeerfieU, Manufacturer, 1851 Deerfield, Henry K. Hoyt, Jan. 7, 1810, Deerfield, Farmer, Erving, Whiting Griswold, Nov. 12, 1814,;Buckland, Lawyer, 1848 (of Greenfield,) Gill, Alvah Ballard, Nov. 22, 1786, Gill, Mechanic, Greenfield, Amariah Chandler, Oct. 27, 1782,; Deerfield, Clergyman, Hawley, Simeon Crittenden, !May 7, 1796,'Hawley, Farmer, Heath, Luther Gale, iMar. 30, 1779, Petersham, Farmer, 1817 Leverett, David Rice, July 25, 1819, Rowe, Physician, Leyden, E. Wing Packer, . Jan. 5, 1811, Newark, Vt. Farmer, 1851 Munroe, Charles Phelps, Oct. 19, 1808, Halifax, Vt. Farmer, Montague, D. W. Alvord, Oct. 21, 1816, Greenfield, Lawyer, (of Greenfield,) 22 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Residence. Names. Date of Birth. Native 1'lace. Occupation. First Leg. New Salem, Robert Andrews, June 5? 1802, Sangersfi'ld.NY. Physician, 1842 Northfield, Charles Osgood, Jan. 7, 1805, New Salem, Merchant, 1844 Orange, Hillel Baker, Nov. 23, 1818, Orange, Farmer, Howe, Jeremiah Pomroy, |May 2, 1804, Southampton, Clergyman, Shelburne. Milo Wilson, JNov. 3, 1807, Shelburne, Physician, Shutesbury, Henry Pierce, Sept. 23, 182), Prescott, Shoe Manuf'r Sunderland, William Hunt, Nov. 2, 1807, Sunderland, Farmer, "Warwick, Samuel W. Spooner, Feb. 23, 1812, Athol, Farmer, Wendell, Lyman Fisk, Mar. 27, 1809, Wendell, Manufacturer, 1846 Whately, Josiah Allis, July 17, 1803, Whately, Farmer, BEB,K.SHIHE COUNTY. Adams, ' William C. Plunkett, Oct. 23, 1799, Lenox, Manufacturer, 1841 " Henry L. Dawes, Oct. 30, 1816, Cummington, Lawyer, 1848 Alford, Peter" Easland, Sept. 3, 1810, W. Stockbridge, Farmer, Becket, Geo. H. Huntington, Oct. 20, 1821, Becket, Farmer, Cheshire, Lansing J. Cole, Dec. 6, 1813, Cheshire, Physician, Clarksburg, falah Clark, June 22, 1787, Clarksburg, Farmer, 1838 Dalton, Will am S. Booth, Jan. 1, 1807, Hinsdale, Farmer, Egremont, Wilber Curtis, Apr. 3, 1785, Egremont, Farmer, 1816 Florida, Ephraim Tower, Mar. 28, 1811, Florida, Farmer, 1851 G-t. Barring'n Ralph Taylor, Oct. 22, 1796, Colchester, Ct. Merchant, 1832 Hancock, Hinsdale, William Hinsdale, . Mar. 5, 1790, Windsor, Ct. Farmer, 1839 Lanesboro', Asahel Buck, Aug. 11, 1802, Cheshire, Farmer, 1837 Lee, Samuel A. Hurlburt, Nov. 6, 1796, Wethersfield, Ct Manufacturer, 1841 Lenox, Henry W. Bishop, Apr. 12, 1796, Richmond, Lawyer, Monterey, Wilber C. Langdon, Apr. 18, 1814, : Tyringham, Merchant, MountWash., David P. Turner, Jan. 11, 1815,|Litchfield, Ct. Farmer, New Ashford. Phineas Harmon, July 13, 1802, New Ashford, Farmer, 1840 " Marlboro,' Kzekiel W. Fitch, Aug. 16, 1807, New Marlboro', Farmer, Otis, Increase Sumner, May 13, 18")l,jOtis, Lawyer, 1833 Peru, Joseph Knight, June 24, 1788, Monson, Clergyman, Pittsneld, George N. Briggs, Apr. 12, 1796,jAdams, Lawyer, 11 Julius A. Rockwell, July 1, 1818, Colebrook, Ct. Lawyer, 1814 Richmond, John Sherril, Nov. 29, 1782, Say^rook, Ct. Farmer, 1830 Sandisfield, Samuel C. Parsons, Mar. 14, 1809, Granville, Physician, Savoy, Bradish Dunham, Jan. 19, 1795, Mansfield, Farmer, 1845 Sheffield, Elijah S. Deming, Feb. 24, 1784, Sandisfield, Merchant, 1834 Stockbridge, Marshal Warner, May 28, 1810, Stockbridge, Far. & Teach. 1843 Tyringham, Ezra Heath, 2d, July 25, 1795, Pyringham, Farmer, 1833 Washington,' Philip Eames* Mar. 13, 1787, Washington, Farmer, 1827 W. Stockb'ge, Martin R. Kellogg, July 24, 1806, Canaan, N. Y. Merchant, 1845 Williamst'n, Samuel Duncan, Feb. 1, 182), Williamstown, Physician, Windsor, lievi M. VVinslow, May 31, 1803, Cheshire, Farmer, 1842 NORFOLK COUNTY. Bellingham Willard Thayer, Apr. 18, 1812, Bellingham, Mechanic, Braintree, Ualeb Stetson, Jan. 6, 1800, Braintree, Leather Dealer 1850 Brookline, William Aspinwall, Feb. 16, 1819, London, Eng. Lawyer, 1851 Cohasset, Tames C. Doa ie,* Sept. 9, 1788, Cohasset, Merchant, 1824 Canton, Charles H. F^nch, Sept. 21, 1814. Canton, Banker, 1853 Dover, Luther Richards, Apr. 27, 1809, Hover, Fanner, Dorchester, Samuel P. Loud, Mar. 11, 1784, Weymouth, Lawyer, 1826 " Edmund P. Tileston, Aug. 11, 18')5, Dorchester, Manufacturer, 1828 Dedham, Ezra Wilkinson, Feb. 18, 1812, Wrentham, Lawyer, 1848 Foxboro,' Henry Hobart, Sept. 13, 1790, Abington, Farmer, 1832 Franklin, James M. Freeman, June 10, 1816, Mendon, Manufacturer, 1844 Medfield, Samuel Fowle, Oct. 2, 1799,1 Watertown, Mechanic, Medway, Artemas Brown, Apr. 3, 1789, Winchendon, Physician, 1843 Milton, J. McKean Churchill, Apr. 29, 1821, Milton, 3oun. at Law, Needham, Emery Fiske, Feb. 27, 18)3, Framingham, Farmer, 1840 Quincy, Wm. S. Morton, Sept. 22, 1809, Roxbury, Lawyer, CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 23 Residence. Names. Date of Btrth. Native Place. Occupation. Kiret Leg. Quincy, George White, Nov. 9, 1821, Quincv, Lawyer, Randolph, Bradford L. Wales, May 1, 1804, Randolph, Physician, 1840 Roxbury, Benj. F. Copeland, Nov. 25, 1798, Boston, Merchant, 1844 Sam. Jackon, Jan. 15, 18)3, Roxbury, Manufacturer, 1843 John A. Lowell, Nov. 7, 1798, Boston, Merchant, George Putnam, Aug. 16, 18)7, Sterling, Clergyman, John S. Sleeper, Sept. 21, 1794. Tyngsboro', Editor, 1849 Sam. Walker, Sept. 9, 1793, Cardington,Eng. Publisher, Sharon, Stoughton, Chnrles A. French, May 24, 1811, Stoughton, Boot Maker, 1846 Walpole, Francis W. Bird, Oct. 22, 18)9, Dedliam, Manufacturer, 1847 Weymouth, John W. Thomas, Apr. 1, 1815, Weymouth, Boot Manufr, 1852 " Charles E. Hunt, Dec. 31, 1817, Weymouth, Boot Manufr, W. Roxbury, Wrentham, Samuel Warner, Jr., Oct. 2, 1816, Providence, R.T. Lawyer, 1843 BUISTOL COUNTY. Attleboro', Abijah M. Ide, Jr., Feb. 2,1825, Attleboro', Editor & Far. Berkley, Samuel French, Feb. 23, 1777, Berkley, Farmer, 1825 Dartmouth, lames B. Allen, Aug. 15, IMS, New York, Farmer, Dighton, Leonard Gooding, Dec. 16, 1812,' Dighton, Farmer, Easton, Luther Sheldon, Feb. 18. 1785, Rupert, Vt. Clergyman, Fairhaven, Elbridge G. Morton, Mar. 8, 1808, Freetown, Shipwright, 1840 Fall River, Asa Bronson, June 6, 1798, New York, Clergyman, H Robert T. Davis, Aug. 28, 1823, Ireland, Physician, tt Foster Hooper, 2, 1815, Walpole. N. H. Physician, 1831 II Job G. Lawton, Jr., Mar. 18, 1823, Freetown, Lawyer, Freetown, Elnath. P. Hathaway, Nov. 12, 1797,1 Freetown, Lawyer, 1825 Mansfield, John Rogers, Nov. 2, 18 r )6, Mansfield, Manufacturer, N. Bedford, Joseph Brownell, Ji. 19, 1795, Portsmouth, R.I. Blacksmith, Isaac Case, Jan. 19, 1793, Westport, Mechanic, 1833 N Rodney French, May 2, 1802. Berkley, Merchant, Abraham H. Howland Mar. 1, 18 '2, 'New Bedford, Merchant, 1844 ii Isaac C. i'aber, Feb. 18, 1815,'New Bedford, Merchant, 1839 Norton, George B. Crane, Nov. 10, 181 ), Norton, Farmer, Paw tucket, William Tyler. Jan. 7, 1789, Attleboro', Clergyman, Raynhim, Abishai Lincoln, Feb. 27, 18)0,| Ray nham, Merchant, 1843 Rehoboth, Granville Stevens, Oct. 21, 1797, Raynham, Merchant, 1845 Seekonk, Johnson Gardner, Nuv.22, 1793,1 Rehoboth, Physician, 1842 Somerset, Daniel Wilbur, Nov. 14. 1818, Somerset, Farmer, 1840 Swanzey, George Austin, Mar. 29, 1793,! Lynn, Shoe Manuf'r, 1835 Taunton, Marcus Morton, Feb. 19, 1784, Freetown, Lawyer, i< Joseph Wilbur, Dec. 13, 1792, Easton, Reg. of Deeds, " Henry Williams, Nov. 1804, I'aunton, Lawyer, 1834 "Westport, Frederick Brownell, Feb. 14, 1783, Westport, Farmer, 1851 PLYMOUTH COUXTY. Abington, Edward L. Keyes, Aug. 13, 1812, Brimfield, Editor, 1847 (of Dedham,) ii James M. Pool, Nov. 12, 1820, Abington, Boot ManuPr, Bridgewater, Artemas Hile, Oct. 2!), 1783, Winchendon. Farmer, 1824 Carver, Joseph Birrows, Nov. 8, 1792, 'Carver, 'Farmer, 1839 Duxbury, Gershom B. Weston, Aug. 27, 1799, Duxbury, Merchant, 1828 E. Bridgew'r, Aaron Hobart, June 26, 1787, Abington, Lawyer, 1814 Halifax, Jona. Parris, May 3'J, 18 )3, Halifax, Farmer, Hanover, Perez Simmons, Jan. 2, 181-2, Hinover, Lawyer, 1852 Hanson, Melzar Sprague, Mar. 9, 179 >. Mirshfield, Machinist, 1833 Hin^ham, Henry Hersey, Aug. 16. 1795, Htngham, Farmer, Hull, Robert Gould, Oct. 8, 179">. Hingham, Clergyman, 1837 Kingston, Thomas Cushman, May 15,1781, Kingston, Blacksmith, Marshfield, Charles Sumner, Jan. 6, 1811. Boston, Lawyer, (of Boston,) Middleboro,' Noah C. Perkins, May 28, 1810, Middleborough, Merchant, " Win. H. Wood, Oct. 24, 1811, Middleborough, Lawyer, 1848 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Residence. Names. Date of Birth. Native Place. Occupation. b'tret yr.iu f^g. N.Bridgewa'r, Jesse Perkins, Jan. 13, 1791, N. Bridgewater, Farmer, 1831 Pembroke, Otis Little, May 31, 189, Pembroke, Mason, Plymouth, Moses Bates, Jr., Sept. 15, 1815, E. Bridgewater, Editor, " Charles G. Davis, May 3!), 182), Plymouth, Lawyer, Ply mp ton, Cephas C. Bumpus, July 9, 1811. Plympton, Mechanic, 1853 Rochester, A. B. Hammond, Aug. 3 ), 1789, Rochester, Farmer, 1831 Scituate, John Beal, Mar. 16, 1792, Abington, Farmer, 1838 S. Scituate, William James, Mar. 1, 1789, Sr.ituate, Farmer, 1836 Wareham, Seth Miller, Jr., Jan. 10, 1801, Middleborough, Lawyer, W. Bridgew'r, Joseph Kingman, Mar. 14, 1799, W. Bridgewater, Farmer, 1851 BARNSTABLE COUNTY Barnstable, Brewster, Chatham, Benjamin Paine, Shvanus B. Phinney, Jan. 12, 1795, Oct. 27, 1808, Brewster, Barnstable, Farmer, Printer, 1842 (of Barnstable,) Dennis, Seth Crowell, Oct. 17, 1792, Dennis, Mast. Mariner, 1835 Eastham, David C. Atwood, Aug. 2 ! J, 1787, Eastham, farmer, 1836 Falmouth, John Jenkins, Mar. 18, 1798, Falmouth, Merchant, 1848 Harwich, Cyrus Weeks, Aug. 3), 18)3, Harwich, Mast. Mariner, 1839 Orleans, Leander Crosby, Sept.22, 1816, Orleans, Merchant, 1850 Provincet'wn. Henry Paine, July 3 J, 1794, Truro, Vlast. Mariner, 1853 Sandwich, William Stutson, Truro, Solomon Davis, Oct. 10, 1799, Truro, Mechanic, 1837 Wellfleet, William Cleverly, Aug. 18, 1797,!Wellneet, Farmer, 1852 Yarmouth, Nathaniel Cogswell, Mar. 5, 1796, Atkins, N. H. Clergyman, DUKES COUJSTY. Chilmark, Horatio W. Tilton, July 21, 1822, Chilmark, Mast. Mariner. Edgarton, Jeremiah Pease, Jr., Apr. 14, ls22,;Eilgartown, [lousewright, Tisbury, Alfred Norton, Nov. 16, 1797, Tisbury, Farmer, 1843 NANTUCKET COUNTY. Nantucket, James Easton, 2d., Feb. 21, 1807, Providence, R. I. Jeweller, " tleuben Meader, Nov. 22, 1794, Nantucket, Merchant, 1850 Cl Alanson Swain, Sept. 1, 1818, Nantucket, Manufacturer, OFFICERS OF THE CONVENTION. Residence. Names. Pate of Birth. Native Place. Office. Lowell, William S. Robinson, Dec. 7, 1818, Concord, Se cretary. Adams, James T. Robinson, Sept. 6, 1822, ! Adams, Secretary Cambridgep't, Warren Burton, Nov. 23, 1830,iMilton, N. H. Chaplain Boston, Benjamin Stevens, April 16, 1790, Boston, Messenger it Alexis Poole, Aug. 3, ISOG, Charlestown, Doorkeeper. David Murphv, Feb. 10, 1798, Charlest'n, N. H. As.Doorkeeper. ii William M. Wise, Dec. 1, 1811, Newburyport, As. " John A. Sargent, May 6, 1818, Salem, N. H. As. " Dorchester, Boston, William Sayward, James N. Tolman, Jr. Feb. 12, 1815. Gloucester, Sept. 13, 1837, Boston, Postmaster. Page. Thaddeus Page, Jan. 28, 1840, Boston, As. Page. ] Joseph P. Dexter, Jr. Nov. 33, 1835, Boston, Page in E. G. " Charles A. Murphy, Oct. 10, 1834,JBoston, Page in W.G. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 25 Official Reporters of the Debates of the Convention. Residence. Names. Date of Birth. Native Place. Reporters. Location. Mew York, Boston, Wash. D. C. Harvey Kowler, S. P. Iliinscniii, W. O Parkhurst, Francis H. Smith, 1813 *ept. 30th, 1822 April 18th, 1821 March llth, 1829 Canada, Klliot, Me. 1'lainflcld, NH. Washingt'n Ct. Superintendent Rept'r of Bus's " " De'ts. Of the Nat. Int. Corp. Late Lnpslatite and )