398 Us UC-NRLF $C 17b SDS K^ UBKARY OF CONGRESS WVISKiN- f)F IIIBUOGEAPHY SELECT LIST OF BOOKS ON THE CABINETS OF ENGLAND AND AMERICA COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP A, P. O. G-RIFFIN CHIEF OF DIVISIOK OF BIBLIOGRAPHY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1903 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY SELECT LIST OF BOOKS ON THE CABINETS OF ENGLAND AND AMERICA COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A. F». C. G-RIFFIN CHIEF OF DIVISIO>f OF BIBLIOGRAPHY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1903 INTRODUCTION. This is one of a number of lists upon topics of current interest which have been compiled to meet requests by letter. So far as it could be distributed at all it has hitherto been distributed in typewritten form. The applications have become so numerous that it has now been reduced to print, so as to be available for more general distribution. It has no claim to completeness, nor does it even attempt to exhaust the resources of this Library on the subject. Its purpose is merely to present some of the authorities of interest to the general inquirer. The special investigator must, of course, go much further. A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Dwiaion of Bibliography. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C, March 26, 1903. 3 I rj~o f o * OF THE LIST OF BOOKS ON THE CABINETS OF ENGLAND AND AMERICA. COMPARATIVE TREATISES. Aiken, Peter Freeland. A comparative view of the constitutions of Great Britain and the United States. London: Longmans^ 18Jf2. mii, 192 pp. 16^. Bourinot, John George. Canadian studies in comparative politics. I. The English character of Canadian institutions. II. Comparison between the political systems of Canada and the United States. III. Federal government in Switzer- land compared with that in Canada. Montreal: Dawson hrothers., 1890. 92 pp. ^P. Burgess, John W. Political science and comparative constitutional law. Boston and London: Ginn (& company, 1891, 2 'vols. 8^. {Systematic series edited hy the University faculty of polit- ical science in Columhia college.) Hart, Albert Bushnell. Introduction to the study of federal govern- ment. Boston: Ginn (& company, 1891. 200 pp. 8°. {Harvard historical monographs, no. 2.) Q Sears, Joseph Hamblen. Governments of the world to-day. Meadmlle, Penn.: Flood and Vincent, 1895. 4.18 pp. 8°. Sidg^vick, Henry. The elements of politics. 2d ed., revised throughout. London: Macmillan and co., 1897. xxxiii, {1), 665 pp. 8°. "The Cabinet," pp. 422-427, 435-436, 443-447. Tremenheere, Hugh S. The constitution of the United States com- pared with our own. London: J. Murray, 1854-. xvi, 389 pp. 12^. 5 I 6 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS. Wilson, Woodrow. The state; elements of historical and practical politics. Rev. ed. Boston: D. C. Heath <& co., 1898. xxan), (7), 666pp. 8°. "The English cabinet," pp. 375-382. AMERICAN TREATISES. Ashley, Roscoe Lewis. The 'American federal state; a text-book in civics for high schools and academies. ^eiv York: The Macnnillan company^ 1902. xlv^ (i), 599 pp. 8°. "The Cabinet," pp. 16, 40, 119, 303, 328-330, 338. Bradford, Gamaliel. Congress and the cabinet. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 2, pp. 289-299. Philadelphia, 1891.) Bryce, James. The American commonwealth. 3d ed., completely revised throughout. Neio York: Macmillan andco., 1893-1896. 2 vols. 8°. Fiske, John. Civil government in the United States con.sidered with some reference to its origins. Boston., New York [etc.]: Houghton.^ Mifflin cmd company^ [1900.] XXX, 360 pp. Map. 12^. Hinsdale, B. A. The American government, national and state. New and revised ^d. Chicago: The Werner company^ [1895.] viii, 4^8 pp. 8^. tio-vrell, A. Lawrence. Essays on government. Boston and New York: Houghton., Miffiin and company, 1889. 4, 229 pp. 16^. "Cabinet responsibility and the Constitution," pp. 20-59. Sno'w, Freeman. Cabinet government in the United States. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 3, pp. 1-13, Philadelphia, 1892. ) A defense of congressional government. {In American historical association. Papers, vol. 4, part 3, pp. 109-128. New York, 1890.) United States. 38th Congress, 1st session. House report no. J/S. Report from the select committee on admitting heads of departments on the floor of the House. April C, 1864. 17 pp. 8°. 46th Congress, 3d session. Senate report no. 837. Report from the select committee on the bill to provide that the principal officer of each of the executive departments may occupy a seat on the floor of the Senate and House of Representatives. Feb. 4, 1881. 12 pp. 8^. LIST OP BOOKS ON CABINET GOVERNMENT. 7 Wilson, Woodrow. Committee or cabinet government. ( hi The Overland monthly, 2d ser., vol. 3, January, 1884, pp. 17-33. ) Congressional government: a study in American politics. 12th ed. Boston: Houghton^ Mifflin and company^ 1896. vi, {£), 344 ENGLISH TREATISES. Anson, /iSYr William R. The law and custom of the constitution. 2dea. Oxford: At the Clarendon press, 1892-1897. 2 vols. <9°. Part 1. Parliament. Part 2. The Crown. "Cabinet and party government," pt. 1, pp. 27-30. "The Cabinet," pt. 2, pp. 100-132. Blauvelt, Mary Taylor. The development of cabinet government in England. London., New York: The Macmillan co., 1902. xv% (2), 300 pp. W. Couxtnej, Leonard. The working constitution of the United King- dom. New York: The Macmillan company, 1901. viii,383pp. 8°. "The Cabinet," pp. 129-134. Cox, Homersham. The institutions of the English government. London: II. Sweet, 1863. xcii, 757 pp. <9°. "The Privy Council and Cabinet Council," pp. 222-259. Dicey, A. V. Introduction to the study of the law of the constitu- tion. 6th ed. London : Macmillan and co. , 1902. xvi, 533 pp. 8°. "English Cabinet," pp. 8, 152, 407, 429-431. Dorman, Marcus R. P. The mind of the nation. A study of polit- ical thought in the nineteenth century. London: Kegan Paul, Trench., Trubner <& co., 1900. xx, 492 pp. Folded diagrams. 8°. "The Crown and Cabinet," pp. 3-20. Heam, William E. The government of England; its structure and its development. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1867. vii, 569 pp. 8°. Chapter VIII. " The Cabinet. " Medley, Dudley Julius. A student's manual of English constitutional history. 2d ed. Oxford: B. II. Blackwell, 1898. xxvii, {1), 61^4 pp. 8P. "The Cabinet," pp. 104-111, 313-317. 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Moran, Thomas Francis. The theor}'^ and pi-actice of the English government. Longmans^ Green^ and co., New York^ 1903. xi^ (i), 379 pj). 12^. "The origin and early development of the Cabinet," pp. 59-70; "The composition of the Cabinet," pp. 71-92; "The fundamental principles of the Cabinet," pp. 93-104; "Miscellaneous provisions relating to the Cabinet," pp. 105-118; "The Cabinet's responsi- bility to Parliament," pp. 119-136; "The Cabinet in Parliament," pp. 137-154. Todd, Alpheus. On parliamentary government in England; its origin, development, and practical operation. New edition. London: Sampson Low^ Marston tfe company^ 1892. 2 vols. 12^. Vol. I, part III. "The history of the Cabinet;" Vol. II, part IV, chapter 1. " The functions of the Cabinet." Traill, Henry Duff. Central government. London: Macmillan and co., 1892. viu\ 162 pp. 12°. Chapter II. "The Cabinet; its formation, functions, and responsi- bility." o / OTHi ^ UNIV£;:?5ITY OF UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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