1 ^RE6^. lr-.Q^l 1 C0.-y/.r..:^-j3 ''^JS95 • . ^ 1 ^i'3^MLT0eE ••'•*'• •* .• . m RcTAINEO '. , .; : ' :•*•'•.•> •'•, fj • 1 SCHEME OF FRANSUTERATION OF THE SCHOOL OF ?(^Zl^ 1 RUSSIAN STUDIES. 5"^^ a Bibliographic. a Popular. 1 Bibliographic. Popular. a y u u !>K 6 b b « I { 1*9 B V V X kh kh, medial, !>i r g K initial = h i|3 A d (1 i'i e e (after T.='e) f initial ; me- a ts ts iii dial or final s c ch j|9 after vowel, m s sh i's 1, or b = ve tn sc shch I'l iK z zh i> omit omit i'S 3 z ■/. u y y '« H 1 i 1. omit li and m are rendered as a and «. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Money Table. Kopek =about Jrf. Rouble (loo kopeks) = about 2/1 (945 roubles =£1) Measure of Length. Vershok =iiin. Arshin (16 vershoks) =28 in. Sazhen (3 arshin) =7 feel Verst (500 sazhens) =ri66 6 yds. or alK)ut ^ of a mile. Liquid Measure. Vedro =27 gallons Couiniercial Weight. Fuut (pound) = 90 lb. avoir. Pud (40 pounds) =3611 lbs. avoir. Square Measure. Square versliok Square arshin Square sazhen Desyatine (2400 sfj. sazhens) Sq. verst (104 des.) =307 sq. in. =o-6o sq. yd. =5'44 3qy