>* A f- 1 • 1 • ^ . <- • V.*4f, ?. ,,> #. •* • - v.«., i'^ V '•- -^A^*'' ■/ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES iL V •■ t m CATALOGUE PETRARCH BOOKS ITHACA, NEW YORK Mnccci.xvxir. PETRARCH BOOKS CATALOGUE OF PETRARCH BOOKS ITHACA, NEW YORK MDCCCLXXXII Edition of i6o copies, of which 80 are on Whatman paper and 80 on American tinted paper, printed by the University Press of Ithaca, New York. V(^ A IT 54 PRE FA TOR Y NOTE. The works relating to Francis Petrarch, and the editions of his various writings in Latin and Italian, of which a list is given in the following pages, were chiefly gathered together during a sojourn at Paris in the Summer of 1881. Having been placed in the hands of different English and French binders, they did not all reach this country until the Spring of 1882. The present cata- logue has thus been hurriedly prepared, and is now privately printed solely with the view of facilitating the increase of the collection. In its compilation I have been materially aided by those admirable treatises, the Catalogo delle opere di Francesco Pctrarca esistenti nella Petrarchesca Pos- settiana di Trieste of Dr. Attiolo Hortis, and the Bibliografia petrarckesca of Professor Giuseppe Jacopo Ferrazzi; to both of these eminent scholars, therefore, I feel myself under a great weight of obligation. Of constant utility, likewise, has been the Biblioiheca petrarchesca of Antonio Mar- sand, whose familiar acquaintance with the multitudinous editions of the Canzoniere few of his successors in the line of Petrarch collectors can hope to equal. Without the assistance of these bibliographical works, and of the various lists published by Domenico de' Rossetti, it would hardly have been possible, in such a brief period of time, either to purchase or to catalogue so considerable a collection of Petrarch books. It is proper to state that the titles of an earlier date than 1700 have been transcribed with tol- erable precision and fullness ; for my purpose this has not been deemed so essential in the case of works issued since that time. Those portions of the older titles which were printed in capitals are reproduced in lower-case type except the initial letters in names of persons and places ; while in those portions printed in lower-case type the capitalization of the title has been followed. This will explain some apparent inconsistencies, as, for instance, in the usual abbreviation of the word messer, which is sometimes given as m, and sometimes as M. In all the titles the omission of the author's name is generally shown by the substitution of two period-marks ( . . ), and that of other matter by the insertion of three (...). The enclosure of page or folio numbers in brackets is an indi- cation that the pages or leaves they represent are without numeration. The names of Italian writers beginning with Da, De, De', Degli, Dell' or Di are customarily so entered. For my own convenience in using the collection the index has been made unusually comprehensive. To these explanations I may add that the few more pretentious bibliographical notes are to be regarded as tentative rather than final in their character. W. F. Cornell Unrvtrsity Library, November, 1883. r-p'i-fo 1111373 CATALOGUE OF PETRARCH BOOKS. Acharisio, A. Vocabolario, grammatica, et orthographia de la lingva volgare d' Alberto Acharisio da Cento, con ispositioni di molti Ivoghi di Dante, del Petrarca, et del Boccacccio. . . . 1543. At end: Stampato in Cento in casa de Tauttore del mese di Zugno. 1543. 40. S. [4I, 316. Acker, J. H., editor. Francisci PetrarchEe vita ac testamentvm ilia ab ipso poeta et Hieronym. Sqvarzaficho profecta, hoc vero a PavUo Manvtio et lo. Georgio Grsevio conservatvm emendavit mvltis locis, notis ac singvlaribvs qvibvsdara avxit lo. Henr. Acker. Rvdolstadii, GoJlner, 1 71 1. 80. ff. 8, pp. 87, ff. [3]. ConUnts : — Dedication, ff. [i]- [4] : prsefado ad ivventvtem, ff. [4]-[8] : Franciscus Petrarcha posteritati, pp. 1-23 ; vita per Sqvarzafichvm, pp._ 23-64 : Pe- trarchEe testamentvm, pp. 65-79 • additajpenta cvriosa ex Mas- sono, pp. 79-87 ; index rerum. Appendix ad vitam ac testamentvm Fran- cisci Petrarchse vt prodiervnt ex recensione lo. Henrici Ackeri. Rvdolstadii, Litteris vrbanianis. 1712. 8«. f. [i], pp. 22. Bound with the preceding. Affo, I. Dizionario precettivo, critico, ed istorico della poesia volgare del padre Ireneo Aff6 di Bus- seto ; seconda edizione con una tavola in rame. Milano, Silvestri, 1S24. 80. pp. xii, 451. 2 pi. Constant allusions to Petrarch. Agrati, G. Manuale di letteratura poetico- cristiana all' use specialmente della gioventu e di chiunque voglia erudirsi con diletto e senza fatica. . . Petrarca. . . . Milano, Wilmant, 1854. 80. pp. 120, f. [i]. AgTiilhon, E. d', M. Bourotte, and others. A Petrarque : vers in^dits recueillis a I'occasion de sa fete s^culaire, 18 Juillet 1874. Aix-en-Provence, Remondet-Aiibin, 1875. 80. pp. 80, f. [1]. 118 copies printed, no. 100; separate re- print from Fete secitlaire et internatwnaU de Petrarque (ALv, 1875). Aleardi, A. Discorso su Francesco Petrarca, letto a Padova il 19 Luglio 1874. Padova, Sacchetto, 1874. 40. f [i], pp. [5]-79. Inserted slip d Errata. Discorso su Francesco Petrarca, letto a Pa- dova il 19 Luglio 1874 . . Padova, Saechetto, «87S- 1. 80. pp. 59. Second edition. [Allegri, A.] Lettere di Ser Poi pedante nella corte de' Donati a messer Francesco Petrarca, a Gio. Boccaccio ed a Pietro Bembo, dedicate a mon- signor Giovanni della Casa ; teste di lingua riddotto a miglior lezione ed illustrato con note per Anton- enrico RIortara. . . . Casalmaggiore, Bizzarri, 1850. 80. pp. 6j. See Melzi {Dizionario di opere anonime l pseudontme) li. p. 355. Alunno, F. Le ricchezze della lingva volgare sopra il Boccaccio, di M. Francesco Alunno da Fer- rara. Di nuouo ristampate, ricorrette, et ampliate dallo istesso autore, con le dechiarationi, regole, osservationi, & aggiontoui le Cadenze o uero Desi- nenze di tutte le uoci del detto Boccaccio, e del Pe- trarch.a, per ordine di Alphabeto, col Decamerone secondo I'originale, e ristampato dall' Academia Fiorentina, e segnato co i numeri corrispondenti all' opera. ... In Vinegia per Pavlo Gherardo, M.D.LVII. At end: In Vinegia per Comin da Trino. M.D.LVII. 4". ff 39s, [ij. Amadi, A. M. Ragionamento di m. Anton Maria Amadi intorno a qvel sonetto del Petrarca che incomincia ; Quel; che infinita proiiidentia, &" arte; Tratto dal suo Conuiuio, sopra' 1 Canzoniere di esso Petr. celebrato, come nella seguente lettera appare. In Padova, Appresso Gratioso Percacino, 1563. 40. ff (4], 42, [■]■ Andreoli, R. II Petrarca a porto Matirizio. . . Oneglia, Ghilini, 1879. 8". pp. 19. Andres, G. Dell' origine, progressi e stato attuale di ogni letteratura . . ; nuova edizione conforme all' ultima di Roma con giunte e correzioni deir autore. Pisa, Capurro, 1829-30. 8 v. 8*^. Vol. i., 1829, pp. xix, 36S: ii., pp. xiv, 367: iii., pp. v, 304: iv., pp. vii, 297 [by error 295] ; v., pp. vii, 308: VI., pp. viii, 367: vii., 1830, pp. xii, 271: viii., f. [1], pp. viii, 310. The copy seems to Lack the Tavola detlc cose notabili belonging at the end of vol. vii. Petrarch allusions frequent in vol. i.-iii. Aiinotationi brevissime. See Benavides, M. M. Aretino, L. See Bruni, L. [Arnavon, F.] Petrarque a Vaucluse, prince de la poesie lyrique italienne, orateur et philosophe le plus renomm^ de son siecle, et non moins cil^bre par la Constance de sa passion pour la vertueuse Laure. . . . Paris, Le A^ormand, 1804. 8*^, pp. xxxii, 391. In the s.ime vol. a ms. copy. pp. [4], of Mme. Verdier's well-known idyl, La Fontaine de I 'aucluse. [ ] Retour de la fontaine de Vaucluse conte- nant I'histoire de cette source et tout ce qui est digne d'observation dans cette contree : par I'auteur du Voyai;e a Vaucluse et du Petrarque a I'aucluse. Avignon, Gnichard, 1S05. So. f [i], pp. no. 2 pi. Petrarque a Vaucluse, pr^c^d^ du Voyage a Vaucluse et suivi du Retour de Vaucluse ; pr6sent6 i sa majesty Louis XVIII. . . . Deuxidme Edition. Paris, Debray, 1814. 80. Portr., ff. [61, pp. xxxii, 391, pi., pp. no. PETRARCH BOOKS. Arnlgio, B. Lettvra . . letta pvblicamente sopra '1 sonetto Liete, Pcnsose, Accompa^nate, e Sole. Ove si fa breve discorso intorno alia Inuidia, all' Ira, & alia Gelosia. In Brescia,-M.D.LXV. 8'^ ff [39]. Name of printer not given; but on the tide- page is Marcnetti's dolphin and anchor. Aubanel, T., F. Mistral, and others. 18 de Juliet 1874; a Petraixo, quauquei rimo inedicho mandado au centeuari cinquen celebra a Vau-cluso e en Avignoun. . . . Ais-en-Prouvfen90, Remon- det-Aiibin, 1875. 8». pp. 14, f. [i]. Reprint IxQm Fete siaiUiire eiiniema- iioiiiiU de Piltrarque {Aix, 1875). A[ubrey], P. C. Le P^trarque fran9ais ; poe- sies diverses, par P. C. A. Seconde Edition. Tours, Mame, [1799?]. i8«. ff. [2], pp. 235. Allusions to Petrarch, pp. 2, 222-224. Two copies. Averani, B. Dieci lezioni composte sopra il quarto sonetto della prima parte del canzoniere del Petrarca, e recitate nell' accademia della Crusca . . air illustrissimo signor Enrico Nevvtton jiviato straordinario di S. M. della Gran Brettagna . . Ravenna, Landi. 1707. 40. ff. [6], pp. g8. On the sonnet. Quel ch* infinita prov- videnza. Baldelli, G. B. Del Petrarca e delle sue opere libri quattro. Firenze, Cambiagi, 1797. 4'\ pp. XXV, 321. Del Petrarca e delle sue opere, libri quattro ; edizione seconda con postume correzioni ed aggiunte dell' autore ora per la prima volta pubblicate. [Firenze], Poligrafia fiesolana, 1837. 80. pp. x.\iv, 319. Two copies. Vita di Giovanni Boccacd. ... Fi- renze, Ciardetti, 1806. 80. Portr. pp. lii, 392. Petrarch references, pp. 58, 9p, 97-98, log-iii, 114-118, 129-136 (Petrarch and Dante), 158-159, 192-193, 208-210 and elsewhere. Baret, E. Les troubadours et leur influence sur la litl^rature du niidi de I'Europe, avec des extraits et des pieces rares ou in^dites. . . Troisieme Edition. Paris, Didier, 1S67. 8°. pp. X, 483. Petrarch, pp. 175-178, 180-185, and fre- quently. Bartoli, A. I primi due secoli della letteratura Italiana. . . Milano, Vallardi, 1880. 1. 8". ff. [3], pp. 609, f. [i]. Petrarca, pp. 433-554. Bassi, C. Al sommo poeta lirico italiano Fran- cesco I'etrarca pel suo centenario funebre 18 Luglio 1874: poesie. Milano, 1S74. 8*^. pp. 8. Author's name, place, and date not on title-page. Al sommo poeta lirico italiano Francesco Petrarca pel suo centenario funebre 18 Luglio 1874: poesie. Secopda edb.ione. Milano, Commercio, 1874. 8". pp. 8. Author's name, place, and date not on title-page. Baudrillart, H. Pertes ^prouv^es par les bib- liotlii;ques publiques de Paris pendant le siege par les Prussiens en 1870, et pendant la domination de la commune revolutionnaire en 1871 ; rapport am. le ministre de I'instruction publique. . . Deu- xiJme Edition revue et corrig^e. Paris, Techetier, 1872. 8". pp. yz. Destruction of the Mareand collection of Pe- trarchiana in the library of the Louvre, pp. 25-26. Baumker, TS.. Zweiundsechzigster Jahresbe- richt iiber das konigliche Paulinische Gymnasium zu Miinster in dem Schuljalire 1881-1882. Mit welchem zu der am 24. Miirz stattfintlenden .Schluss- feicr ehrerbietigst einladft [sic] der Direktor des Gymnasiums Dr. Johannes Oberdick. Inhalt : I, Quibus antiquis auctoribus Petrarca in conscriben- dis Rerum memorabilium libris usus sit ; vom Herrn Gymnasiallehrer Dr. Klemens Baeumker. 2, Schul- nachrichten; vom Direktor. Miinster 1882, Cop- penrath, 40. £ [i], pp. 35, folding table. The essay by Dr. Baum- ker occupies pp. 1-18, Quibus antiquis auctoribus Petrarca in con- scribendis Rerum memorabilium libris usus sit ; pars prior ; scripsit Clemens Baeumker. Monasterii Guestfalorum, Pormis Coppenratliianis., 18S2. 40. f. [i], pp. i8. Separate reprint of Dr. Baumker's essay, with an independent title-page. Bembo, P. Le prose di M. Pietro Bembo, nelle quali si ragiona della volgar lingua, scritte al Car- dinal de' Medici, che poi fu creato a sommo ponte- fice, e detto papa Clemente VII. ; divise in tre libri ; in questa nuova edizione unite insieme con le giunte di Lodovico Castelvetro, . . . Napoli, Rail- lard, 1 714. 2 v. 40. Vol. i., fT [so], pp. 187 : ii., ff. [2], pp. 306. Edited by Ottavio Ignazio Vitaliano. Petrarch references, voL L, pp. 61-62, 157-158, 179, 182-184: ii., pp. 243-244. [Benavides, M. M.] Annotationi brevissime, sovra le rime di m. F. P. leqvali contengono molte cose a proposito di ragiou ciuile, sendo stata la di lui prima professione, \ beneficio de Ii studiosi, hora date in Ivce, con la tradvttione della Canzona. Chiare fresehe ur" dolc^aqite. Italia mia. Vergine bella. & del Sonetto Qiiaitdo ueggiodal del scender P aurora, in Latino. ... In Padova. Appresso Lorenzo Pasquale, MDLXVI. 8'\ ff. [4], 171. Two copies. Bericht iiber Rosetti's Ideen. See Mendels- sohn, J. Betti, S. Intorno alia canzone del Petrarca, la quale comincia Spirito gentil che quelle membra reggi esposizione. . . Roma, Tipagrajia delle belle arti, 1854. 80. pp. 12, f. [i]. Estratto dal Ciontale arcadico, tomo J35. Author's autograph. Intorno a una famosa canzone del Pe- trarca, dialogo . . 'tistampa con molte aggitmte. Roma, Tipografia delle belle arti, 1864. 80. pp. 17. Estratto dal Giomale arcadko^ tomo xxxvi. della nuova serie. Relates to the canzone Spirto getttil. Delle 17S7. lodi del Petrarca. BettineUi, S. Mantova, Pazzotii, 8». pp. 88. Bianchetti, G. Dei lettori e dei parlatori, saggi due di Giuseppe Bianchetti : alcune lettere di lui medesimo ; nuova edizione riveduta dall' autore. Firenze, Le Monnier, 1858. 120. ff. [2], pp. 416. Petrarch, p. 240 ; Una visita a Valchi- usa, pp. 291-298. Bianchini, G. Tre lezioni del dottore Giuseppe BL^nchini di Prato, accademico fiorentino, dette da esso publicamente nell' acctdemia fiorentina sotto il consolato del conte Gio. Batista Fantoni; al serenis- simo Ferdinando, principe di Toscana. . . . Firenze, Manni, 1710. 4*^. pp. xii, Ixxvi. Lezione seconda, sopta il sonetto 'di M. Francesco Petrarca, che comincia Si come etertm vita i veder Dio, pp. xxvii-xxxxii. Bidelli, G. Centoni del Petrarcha di M. Givlio Bidelli senese. . . . Stampata in Vinegia L'Anno M.D.XLIII. Del Mese di Nouembre. 8". ff [12). Biondi, M. Omaggio di un Aretino alia tomba di Francesco Petrarca in Arqui il giorno del quinto centenario della di lui morte. Arezzo, Cagliani, 1874. 80. ff [2]. Relazione delle splendide onoranze rese al Petrarca nel Luglio 1874 in Arqui ed in Padova in PETRARCH BOOKS. occasione del V. centenario dalla sua morte, letta dal presidente generale dell' accademia di scienze, lettere ed arli di Arezzo nell' adunanza solenne del 9 Agosto 1874 per quel giorno stesso prescclto a festeggiare il sommo poeta. Arezzo, Racuzzi, 187S. 1. 8". pp. is- Bisso, G. B. Voci e locuzione poetiche di Dante, I'elrarca, Ariosto, Tasso, e d'altri autori del cinquecento. . . . Palermo, Ferrer, 1756. 2 V. 8^. Contents; — Vol. i., A-I, pp. xi, fl[ [2], pp. 484; ii., L-Z, (T. [2), pp. 570. Blaiic, L. G. Petrarca. [Leipzig, Brockltatts, 1844. ] 4"- PP- 204-254. Extract from tne Allgenume Encyklopadie of Ersch and Gruber, 3"« Section, iq'^t Theil. Blaze de Bvury, H. Laure de Noves ; a Pocca- sion du cinquiemc centenaire de P^trarque. [Paris], 1874. 80. pp. 241-283. From the Revue des deux tmmdes, 15 Jliillet, 1874. Boccaccio, G. Document historique de Boc- cace sur Petrarque, manu.scrit de la bibliothique de Saint Marc de Venise, public pour la premiere fois et accompagn^ d'une dissertation et de recherches nouvelles par M. le M's de Valori. Avignon, Fischer, 1 85 1. 8'\ pp. V, 6-77, 2 pi., f. [1]. Edited by Henri Zozime, Marquis de Valon, who was ignorant of the previous publica- tion of the document Two copies. Bocchi, A. Alcuni giorni ai colli Euganei, opuscolo. . . Venezia, Ahisopoli, 1S30. 16'^. pp. 136. Storia d' Arqua, pp. 58-59; Fonte d' Arqu^, £60 : Sommario della vita del Petrarca, pp. 60-62 ; Madonna aura, p. 62 : Casa di Petrarca, pp. 63-64 ; Sepolcro di Pe- trarca, pp. 64-67 : La gatta del Petrarca, pp. 67-69. Bongiovanni, P. Risposte a nome di madonna Laura alle rime di messer Francesco Petrarca in vita della medesima. . . Roma, Franzesi, 1762. 120. fr. [3], pp. xi-xix, 339. The name of the author is also spelt Bitongiovanni; Bonifaccio, G. Lettione sopra vn sonetto del Petrarca. Del signor Giovanni Bonifaccio, L'Op- portnno academico filarmonico. In Rovigo. M.DC.XXV. Appresso Daniel Bissuccio. . . . 40. ff. [6], pp. 48. On the sonnet, Passa la nave. Bonifas, P. De Petrarcha philosopho thesim hanc facultati litterarum parisiensi disceptandam projiosuit ad doctoris gradum promovendus F. Boni- fas. . . . Parisiis, Duraiid, 1863. %■>. ff. [2], pp. 70, f (i). Bonsi, L. Cinqve lezzioni . . Lette da Lui publicamente nella Accademia Fiorentina Aggiuntoui vn breue trattato della Cometa. E nella fine vn Ser- mone sopra I'Eucarestia da douersi recitare il giouedi Santo del inedesimo Autore. In Fiorenza Appresso i Givnti, MDLX. ... 8°. ff. [4], 112, [ij. Lezzione prima, sopi^ quel sonetto del Petrarca, che comincia: L'aspeHata Z'irtu, ehe'n voi Jioritta, ff. 1-14 : — Lczzione seconda [terza, quarta, j, sopra quel sonetto del Petrarca, che comincia: Fommi one' I sole occide i Jiori, e r herba ff. 15-74. Borgognoni, A. La canzone spirito gentil. (A chi meglio possa ella tenersi diretta. nuova inter- pretazione de' primi tre versi.) Ravenna, David, 1S81. 8"*. pp. 22. Brevi ricordi sopra Francesco Petrarca. [Pa- dova, Cresciiii, 1874.] 80. pp. 32. On first page of cover: In occasione del guinto eentinario [sic] di Francesco Petrarca. Briefe iiber Italien. See Jagemann, C. J. Bringuier, O. . . . A perpaus de Petrarca. . . Montpellier, 1874. 80. pp. 12. Publications de la SociiU ^our Vitudt des langues romanes. Bnice-Whyte, A. Histoirc des langues ro- manes et de leur litt^rature depuis leur originc jusqu'au XIV" siiicle. . . . Pans, 7W-«//£7, 1S41. ^ ff. bl, pp. xii, 519; ii., ff. (2], pp. ii, II, f [iJ. Petrarch, vol. iii.,pp, 338-477, 3 V. 1. 80. Vol. 544 ; iii., pp. vi, 501, 498-501. Bruni, Ii. Le vite di Dante, e del Petrarca scritte Da Lionardo Aretino cavate Da un Manu- scritto antico della Libreria Di F'rancesco Redi E confrontate Con altri Testi a penna. In Firenze All' Insegna della Stella. MDCLXXII. 12". pp. 112, ft". [2]. Buonarroti, M. A. Rime di Michelagnolo Buonarroti il vecchio; col comento di G. Biagioli. Parigi, prcsso l\-i/i/ore, 1821. 8". ff. [4], pp. xliv, 405. Lezionc di Michelagnolo Buonar- roti, ncir accademia della Crusca detto I'lmpostaLa, sopra il sonetto del Petrarca che comincia : A nior cite ncl pensicr into vive e rcgna. pp. f293]-327. Uniform wltll Bi.agiolo's edition of the Canzoniere (Pans, 1821). — — Opere varie in versi ed in prosa . . alcune delle quali non mai stampate, raccolte da Pietro Fanfani. Y\reme, Le Jl/oniiier, 1863. 120. ff. [2], pp. iv, 607. Lezione sopra 'I sonetto del Pe- trarca, che comincia : Amor, cite nel pettsiertnio vive e rcgita, pp. 497-517- Burckhardt, J. Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien : ein Versuch . . Dritte Auflage besorgt von Ludwig Geiger. Leipzig, Sceman, 1877-78. 2 V. S-^. Vol. i., pp. xii, 362; ii, pp. x, 380. Petrarch, numberless references. Bustelli, G. Su la canzone del Petrarca all' Italia, considerazioni di Giuseppe Bustelli lette nel r. liceo spedalieri di Catania per la conferenza del Giovedi I d'Aprile 1869; aggiuntovi un carme Latine di Vito Coco tradotto. Catania, Caronda, 1869. 8". f. [i], pp. 18, xiii. Butenschon, [J.] P. Petrarca; ein Denkmal edler Liebe und Humanitat. , ■ Erster Band. . . . Leipzig, Wolf, 1796. 80. pp. xvi, 322. Never completed. Calrao, A. Le bizarre. Faconde, et ingeniose rime pescatorie. Nelle qvalle si contengono sonetti stanze. Capitoli, Madrigali. Fpitafii. Desperate, e Canzoni. Et il Commento di dui Sonetti del Pe- trarca, in antiqua materna lingua. Per m. Andrea Calmo. At end : In Venetia per Alessandro de Viano Nell' anno del Nostro Signore. 1564. 8'*. pp. 104. The singular punctuation of the tiUe-page ts here copied, as well as the misprints. Imitations in the Vene- tian dialect of t^vo of Petrarch's sonnets (one being the sonnet Pace noil trovo) with humorous comments, pp. 8S-104. Camerini, S. Esposizione delle due prime bal- late e del sonetto dodicesimo del Petrarca. Pisa, Prosperi, 1837. 8". pp. 33. Ballate, Lctssare il veio, and Ocelli ntiei lassi ; sonetto, Qitando Jra I'altre dontte. CamiUo, G. Di m. Givlio Camillo. Tvtte le opere, ciofe Discorso in materia del sue Theatre. Lettera del riuolgimento dell' huomo a Dio. La Idea. Due Trattati : I'uno delle materie, I'altro della imitatione. Due orationi. Rime del detto. . . In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Fer- rari et Fratelli M.D.LII. 120. pp. 263. The Trattato delle materie especially abounds with Petrarch allusions. Bound by Chatelin of Lon- don. Annotation! . . sopra le rime del Pe- trarca. Tavola di m. Lodovico Dolce de i concetti: & Estratti di molte belle & affigurate forme di dire, e di altre cose pertinenti a moralit.a, & all' arte. Tavola di tvtti i vocaboli con le sposition loro, e de gli epiteti usati da esso Petrarca. ... In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari e fratelli. M D LIIII. lO PETRARCH BOOKS. 80. ff. [90]. Folio [7]. being sig. [*7], appears to be lack- ing — the full count would thus be ff. [91]. The preceding page ends J/rt / the succeeding one begins c/it' pace. Campbell, T. Life and times of Petrarch, %vith notices of Boccaccio and his illustrious contempo- raries . . second edition. . . . London, Col- btirn, 1843. 2 V. fio. Contents : Vol. i., portr., t-p., £ [1] : preface and contents, pp. [vii.]-xxxii : life, pp. 380: ii., portr. of Laura; t-p. and contents, pp. xii; life, pp. 413: 2 pi. of coins. Life of Petrarch . . . Philadelphia, Carey, 1 841. 1. 80. pp. x.\iv, 25-444. Campbell's life of Petrarch. [New York, 1842.] 8". pp. 294-330. Extract from the iVVw Fi>r^ i?^z'«tt', vol. X., no. 20 {.\pril, 1842). Canestrini, G. Le ossa di Francesco Petrarca ; studio antropologico . . Padova, Prospcrini, 1874. 1. 4". ff. [3], pp. 95, 4 pi., £ [i]. Cant&, C. Storia della letteratura italiana . . Firenze, Lc Jllonniei; 1S65. 80. ff. [2], pp. xlx, 733, f. [i]. Petrarch, pp. 59-76, 95, I70-I75- Petrarca. Milano, Bernardoni, 1874. 80. pp. 8. Estratto i:A^ Archh'io storico IcitnbardOt anno I., fasc. 3": date and place on reverse of tide-page; author's name at end. Canzoniere per la gioventd. See Opici, L. Caponsacchi, P. Discorso intorno alia can- zone del Petrarca Vergine bella. Di m. Pietro Caponsacchi Pantaneti Aretino. In Fiorenza, Ap- presso Georgio Marescotti. 1589. . . . 40. ff. [.], =4, [i]. Carducci, G. Presso la tomba di Francesco Petrarca in Arqui il xviii. Luglio MDCCCLXXIV. discorso . . Livorno, Vigo, 1874. 8". pp. 22. Poesie di Giosu^ Carducci (Enotrio Ro- mano) ; quarta edizione, preceduta da una biografia del poeta. . . . Firenze, Barb'era, iSSo. 8''. pp. xUii, 372. Sonnets : F, Petrarca, p. 235, and CoininentaUiio il Petrarca^ p. 238. Casa (La) ed il sepolcro del Petrarca in Arqua. Venezia, Gattei, 1827. 80. pp. 81, f [i]. Casaregi, G. B., G. T. Canevari and K. Tom- masi. Difesa delle tre canzoni degli occhi e di alcuni sonetti, e varj passi delle rime di Francesco Petrarca, dalle opposizioni del signor Lodovico An- tonio Muratori . . Lucca, Frediani, 1709. 8". ff. (4I, pp. 308, ff. [2]. Casotti, F. Esposizione d'un luogo del Pe- trarca di varia e dubbia lezione, indirizzata all' ac- cademia Pontauiana . . Napoli, Gicja, 1S55. 80. pp. 20. On the words buon sire in the line Contra '^ btton sire, cite I'limaua spente from the Trioytjo delta Fatiia, Castiglione, G. B. I Ivoghi diflicili del Pe- trarcha nvovaniente dichiarati da. m. Giovamba- tista da Ch.astiglione, gentil' hvomo fiorentino. M D XXXII. . . . Al end: In Vinegia per Ciouan Antonio di Nicolini e Fratelli da Sabbio. M D XXXII. 80. ff i^^, [2]. Imperfect copy, lacking ff. 49-56. Cavedoni, C. La canzone di Francesco Pe- trarca in lode della beatissima vergine Maria iUus- trata co' riscontri delle s.acre scritture, de' santi padri, e della liturgia della chiesa. [Modena. ] 8'\ pp. 18. Estratto dal Tomo X. degli Opuscoli religiosi^ kttcrarj e morali. No title-page, name at end of article. Cavriani, F. Vita di Francesco Petrarca . . Mantova, Pazzoni, 1816. 120. ff. [4], pp. 93. On thick paper; another copy on thin paper lacking dedicatory letter, 120. ff. 2, pp. 93. Celesia, E. Petrarca in Liguria. Genova, Istititto sordo-miiti, 1874. 1. 80. bl. If., ff [2], pp. [7]-73, pi. Cereseto, G. B. Storia della poesia in Italia, lezioni . . Milano, Silvestri, 1857. 3 V. 80. Vol. i., pp. viii, 460: ii. , pp. 426, f. [i] ; iii., pp. 362, ff. [2]. Biblioteca scelta di opere italiane anticlte e »w- deme, v. 590-592. Petrarch, vol. l, pp. 131-216. Cervoni, G. Giovanni Cervoni da Colle sopra il sonetto del Petrarca Amor, fortuna, & la mia mente schiua, letto publicamente nell' Accademia Fiorentina. In Firenze M D L. At end: Stam- pato in Firenze appresso Lorenzo Torrentino a di. XXVI. di Giugno. M.D.L. 80. pp. 32, ff [3]. Chevalier P. Una \isita ad Arqua. . . . Padova, Gamba, n. d. 120. engr. t.-p., pp. 64, 7 pi. Author's name at end. Ciampi, S. Monumenti d'un manoscritto auto- grafo di messer Gio. Boccacci da Certaldo trovati ed illustrati da Sebastiano Ciampi. Firenze, Galletti, 1S27. 80. pp. 108, ff. [2], 2 pi. Lettera di Francesco Petrarca a Giovanni Boccaccio tradotta di latino in volgare dal suddetto, pp. 88-S9. Cinquieme centenaire de P^trarque; bibliogra- phic: publications, fran9aises, proven^ales et ita- liennes. [Aix- en- Provence, Remondet-Aubin, 1875.] S«. pp. 8. Reprint from Fete siculaire et internationale de Petrarque ciUbr^c en Provence 1874. (Aix, 1875), pp. 201-207. Cipolla, C. Quale opinione Petrarca avesse sul valore letterario di Dante. [Venezia, Msentini^ 1874.] 80. pp. [407J-425. Extract from the ^ rcluvio veneto, tomo vii., parte ii., no. 14. CittadeUa, L. N. II Petrarca in Ferrara (MCCCXLVIII-MCCCLXX) studio. [Venezia, Visentini, 1875O 8". pp. [372]-393. Extract from the Archivio vencto, tomo X., parte ii.. no. 20, Cittadini, C. Partenodoxa, o nero Esposition della Canzone del Petrarca alia Vergine Madre di Dio, per Celso Cittadini. In Siena Appresso Sal- vestro Marchetti all insegna della Ivpa M.D.C.IIII. 40. ff (4], pp. 147, ff [5). Codice (II) di ArquL Padova, Betloni, 1810. 80. pp. xvi., 130, f. [1]. See Macola, E. Coen, G., compiler. Rimario del canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca . . Firenze, Barbera, 1879. 80. pp. 84. Colonna, S. I sonetti, le canzoni, et i trioniphi di m. Lavra in risposta di m. Francesco Petrarcha per le sve rime in "vita, et dopo la morte di lei Perue- nuti alle mani del Magnifico M. Stephano Colonna, gentil'huomo Romano, non per I'adietro dati in luce A san Luca al segno del Diamante. M.D.LIL 80. ff. 174, [8]. I sonetti le canzoni, e i trionfi di m. Laura in risposta di m. Francesco Petrarca per le sue rime in vita, e dopo la morte di lei ridotti alia buona lezione, e da molti errori purgati. Venezia, Bas- saglia. M.DCC.XL. 80. ff. [4], pp. 327. Two copies. Corradi, B. Nella quinta festa secolare di Fran- cesco Petrarca versi . . Padova, Seminario, 1874. 80. pp. 13. Costa, L. Pei quattro imbusti rappresentanti Beatrice, Laura, Alessandra e Leonora scolpiti dal PETRARCH BOOKS. cavaliere Santo Varni per commissione del marchese Ala Ponzoni. Genova, Pagano, [1858]. 80. pp. 6. Costaiug de Pusignan, J. J. P. La muse de Petrarque dans Ics aillines de Vaucluse ; ou Laure des Baux, sa solitude ct son tombeau dans le vallon de Galas . . Paris, Rapet, 1819. 120. 2 portr. pp. xxiv, 282, folding pi. Courtet de I'lsle, V. Notice sur Pdtrarque, avec une piece inijdite de Mirabeau sur la fontaine de Vaucluse. . . Paris, GosseUit, 1835. 80. pp. 74. Crescimbeui, G. M. L'istoria della volgar poesia, scritta da Gio. Mario Crescimbeni, canonico di Santa Maria in Cosmcdin, e custode d'Arcadia; nella seconda impressione, fatta I'anno 1 714, d'or- dine della ragunanza degli Arcadi, corretta, rifor- mata, e notabilmente ampliata ; e in questa terza publ)Iicata unitamente coi comentarj intorno alia medesima, riordinataedaccrei>ciuta . . . Vene- 2ia, Basegio, 1730-31. 6 V. 1. 8". Vol. i., 17JI, ff".'[i8], pp. 480, 2 portr. : ii., 1730, ff- (4]. pp. 564. portr. ; iii., 1730, IT. [4], pp. 359; iv. 1730, ff. [4], pp. 312; v., 1730, ff. (4], pp. 365; VI., 1730, ff. [7], pp. 460. Vols, ii.-iv. have the title, Commentarij del canonico Gio. Mario Crescimbeni . . . intorno alia sua istoria della volgar pocsia, i.-iv. ; vol. vi. has the title. La bellezza della volgar poesia. Petrarch, vol. li., pp. 290-315, and innumer- able references elsewhere. Cuioz, I., baroness of . Zur Petrarca Jubelfeier : Franz und Edda, ein Liederkranz von Z. von Claudio (pseiiJojiym). Venedig, Visetitini^ 1874. 80. pp.64. Pf/rrtrca K«(/^r^7/rt, Juli 1874, Sonett, p. II : autograph of authoress. D'Ancona, A. II maestro del Petrarca. [Mi- lano, Lomhardi^ 1874.] 80. pp. [i45]-i77. E.xtract from the J?/i';j/a :Va/;(i«rt, anno I., fasc. ii., (15 Aprile 1874). Daniello, B. Delia poetica di Bernardino Daniello Ivcchese. . . . At end : In Vinegia per Giouan' Antonio di Nicolini da Sabio, I'Anno de nostra salute M D XXXVI. 40. pp. 136, f [i]. Largely relating to Petrarch. Da Ponte, C. Vita di Francesco Petrarca . . Padova, Scminario, 1874. 1. 81. portr., pp. 200, I pi. Author's autograph. Da Prato, G. II paradiso degli Alberti ritro\'i e ragionanienti del 1309, romanzo di Giovanni da Prato dal codice autografo e anonimo della Riccar- diana a cura di Alessandro Wesselofsky. Bologna, Romagnoli, 1867. 3 v., (in 4). 80. Vol. ;., I. ff. [4], pp. 370; i., 2. ff [2], pp. 440: ii., (T. (2], pp. 230: iii., if. (2], pp. 274, f [1]. Scelta di citriosita l-lterarie inedite rare, di-'^p. 86, 86-, 87, 88 ; edizione di 202 esemplari, numeri 51 (vol. L, i), 154 (i., 2), 16 (ii.), 148 (iii.). Frequent Petrarch allusions in the two introductor>' vol- umes; vol. I. (parte 211), p. 226, an inedited sonnet by Petrarch, O monti al/estri. Degli Aromatari, G. Risposte di Gioseffe Degli Aromatari Alle Considerationi del Sig. Ales- sandro Tassoni, Sopra le Rime del Petrarca. In Padoua, per Orlando ladra M.DC.XI. 80. pp. 96. Edited by Gio. Battista Bottini. De Gubernatis, A. Italienische Briefe. IV. Neueste italienische Scliriften iiber Petrarca. [Leip- zig, Her/ng, 1874.] 8". pp.__ 395-400. Extract from Die Grenzboten, xxxiii. Jahrgang, ii. Semester, No. 36, 4 SepL, 1874. De la Barba, S. Nvova spositione del sonetto die comincia /« noHl sangiie uita /lumile, e' qiieta Ne la quale si dichiara qual sia stata la vera nobilla di Madonna Laura. Per M. Simone de la Barba da Pescia Academico Fiorentino. In Firenze MDLIIII. 80. pp. 44. Delecluze, E. J. Franjois Petrarque; De I'art de bien gouverner un etat, dcdi(S a F. Carrare, prince de Padoue. Par m. E. J. Delecluze. Extrait de la Revue de Paris du 9 Novcmbre 1838. [Paris, Four- nier, 1838]. 80. pp. 15. Article interspersed with translated passages. Vie de F. Petrarque fcrite par lui-m6me. Extrait de la Revue de Paris du 17 Mars 1839. [Paris, Fournier, 1839. ] 80. pp. 15. Passages from the Latin works of Petrarch, relating to himself, collected and edited. Petrarque au Mont-Ventoux. . . Extrait de Xn. Revue de Paris du 13 Janvier 1S39. [Paris, Fournier, 1839.] 8'\ pp.11. Petrarch's letter on Mont- Venloux, with intro- duction and comments. Dante Alighieri ; ou La poesie amoureuse . . Paris, Amyol, [1848]. 12°. ff. [2], pp. xi, 616. Author's autograph. Petrarch, pp. 444-455. Dell' Acqua, C. II palazzo ducale Visconti in Pavia e Francesco Petrarca, coll' aggiunta di una lettera del medesimo in lode del soggiorno di Pavia, cenni storici . . Pavia, Bizzoiii, 1S74. 8^. pp. 40, 3 pi. De' MarsUi, L. Comento a una canzone di Francesco Petrarca, . . Bologna, Romagnoli, 1863. 80. pp. 51. Scelta di citriosita letterarie inedite o rare, disp._ 36 : edizione di 202 esemplari, no. 75 ; editor. Carlo Gar- giolli : on tlie canzone, Italia tiiia. Canzone di Francesco Petrarca, col comento inedito . . Lucca, Landi, 1868. 80. pp. [2], 16, [2]. Nozze Burlamacchi-Giomignani : editor, Donato Leonardi. Denina, C. Saggio sopra la letteratura italiana, con alcuni altri opuscoli serventi di aggiunte al dis- corso sopra le vicende della letteratura. . . . Torino, Giusti, 1762. . . 80. pp. 155. Petrarch, pp. 59-60. [De' Rosetti, D.] Raccolta di edizioni di tutte le opere del Petrarca e di Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Pio II. Venezia, Picotii, 1822. 24". pp. 8, 32, 39, 44, f. [i]. Edizione singolarissima del canzoniere del Petrarca descritta ed illustrata . . con un fac- simile inciso in rame. Trieste, Marenig/i, 1826. 8". pp. 56, I pi. Catalogo della raccolta che per la biblio- grafia del Petrarca e di Pio II. e gia posseduta e si va continuando dalF avvocato de' Rossetti di Trieste. Trieste, Marenigh, 1S34. 80. ff [2], pp. vii.-.xi., 96. Continuazione del catalogo. [Trieste, 1840?]. 80. pp. 6. De Sanctis, F. Saggio critico sul Petrarca . . Napoli, Ahvano, 1869. 8". pp. xxxx, 309. . . Nuovi saggi critic! ; seconda edizione aumentata di dodici saggi. Najioli, Morano, 1879. 80. pp. [6], 527. La critica del Petrarca, pp. 255-278. Storia della letteratura italiana ; terza edi- zione. Napoli, Morano, 1879. 2 V. 8". ^Vol. i., ff [2], pp. 459, f. [i] : ii., ff. [2], pp. 465, f [1]. I! Canzoniere, pp. 262-287. la vol. i. sign. aS (pp. 433-448) is lacking. De' Vieri, F. Discorso della grandezza, et felice fortvna d'vna gentilissima, & gr.aziosiss. Donna; qua! fit m. La\Ta, di iM. Francesco De' Vieri, dctto il Verino Sccnndo, Dotlore, & Lettore publico della Filosofia ordinari.a, & Cittadino Fiorentino. All' illvstrissima signora Pellegrina Cappello Bentivogli. 12 PETRARCH BOOKS. In Fiorenza, Appresso Giorgio Marescotti. MDLXXXI. . . . S*>. pp. 69. De' Vieri, F. Lezzione di m. Francesco de' Vieri fiorentino, detto il Verino secondo, per recitarla nell' Accadcmia Fiorentina . . . nel Consolato di M. Federigo Strozzi I'Anno 1580. Dove si ragiona delle idee, Et i)elle Bellezze. Dedicata all' lUus- triss. & Eccellentiss. Signer Conte Vlisse Benti- uotjli. In Fiorenza, Appresso Giorgio Marescotti 15S1 S"*. pp. 39. Frequent allusions to Petrarch and Lauia, Dimoud, W. Petrarchal sonnets and miscella- neous poems, by AVilliam Dimond, the yoimger. Bath, Cnittwcll, iSoo. 8°. pp. xxiii, vii, 165. Sonnet xiii. [to Laural, imitated fi:om the Italian, p. 51; other^vise little relating to Petrarch in the volume. DionlEi, Or. I. ■ De' vicendevoli amori di messer Francesco Petrarca e della celebratissima donna Laura. Verona, Merlo, 1802. 80. ff. [4], pp. 82. De' ■sicendevoli amori di messer Francesco Petrarca e di donna Laura ; nuova edizione, con un carme del Boccaccio e lettera responsiva del Petrarca. Verona, Mcrlo, 1804. 80. f. (i), pp. 139, f. [i]. Dobson, S. See Sade, J. F. P. A. de. Dondi dall' Orologio, F. S., marquis. Serie cronologico-istorica dei canon ici di Padova, opera del marchese Orologio, canonico e vicario capito- lare. Padova, Seminario, 1S05. 1. 40. portr. of P., pp. xvii, 261, f. [ij. Petrarca (Francesco) fiorentino, canonico, pp. 14S-155. Doorenbos, W. Petrarca, de profeet van het humanisme ; eene voorlezing. . , Winschoten, Venue r, 1S60. 8". pp. 32. Dottori, A. , count, L. Budan and others. Poe- sie per I'inaugurazione del busto in marmo di Fran- cesco Petrarca eretto nella cattedrale di Padova. Padova, 1S18. 1. 4". pp. .vxxvi. No names of authors on title-page. Durante. II fiore, poeme italien du xiii^ si^cle en CCXX.XII. sonnets imite du Roman de la Rose texte inedit public avec fac-simile, introduc- tion et notes par Ferdinand Castets. Jlontpellier, 1881. 80. pi., ff. [2], pp. xxiv, 184. Publications sp^ciales de la sociiti pour I etude des langues romanes, ncuvi^me publica- tion. Only one Petrarch allusion (Introduction, p. xviii) ; but the work is important for the history of the Italian sonnet Elogj degU uomini illustri toscani. Lucca, 1771- 74- 4 V. 80. Vol. i, pi., engr. L-p., pp. xvi, ccclxxxviii; ii., pi., engr. t-p., pp. iv, f. [i], pp. iv, cccxc; iii., pi., engr. t.-p., pp. XX, cccc; IV., pi., engr. L-p., pp. ii, ff. [2], pp. cccci. — dcccxlvii. 'y\i^ Elogio di )ncss. Francesco Petrarca, v. i., pp. cxlii-cl, is by Bencivenni Giuseppe Pclli, and is signed "G. P" Emiliani-Giudici, P., editor, Florilegio dei lirici pill insigni d'ltalia, preceduto da un discorso . . Firenze, Foligrafta ilaliana, 1846-7. 12*^. pp. 862. Petrarch, pp. 40-44, 237-260. Epistola di Senvccio del Bene. See Marca- telli, G. Erizzo, S. Espositione di m. Sebastiano E'rizzo nelle tre canzoni di m. Francesco Petrarca, Chia- mate le tre sorellc. Nvovamente mandata in Ivce da m. Lodovico Dolce. ... In Venetia Ap- presso Andrea Arriu.abene. M D LXI. At end: In Venetia per Bernardino Fasani. M D LXI. 4». ff [3), bl. If, ff SI, [i]. Two copies. Espositione di m. Seb.astiano Erizzo. Nelle tre canzoni di m. Francesco Petrarca, Chiamate le tre sorelle. Nvovamente mandata in Ivce da m. Lodo^nco Dolce. ... In Venetia Appresso Andrea Arriuabene. M D LXII. At end: In Vene- tia per Bernardino Fasani. M D LXI. 4". ff. [3], bL If., ff SI, [i]. New title-page edition of the preceding. Le sei giornate di messer Sebastiano Erizzo. Milano, Silvestri, 1814. 8'>. portr., pp. XV, 412, f. [i]. Translation from the Epis~ tolte tie rebus jatniliaribits {lib. i., let. 3) — the letter Gallias ego WK/t'r— of the adventure of Charlemagne, pp. 47-57. Kac- colia de' jtovellieriitaliatti, v. 11. Essay (An) on the life and character of Petrarch. [London, 1812]. 80. pp. 161-193. Extract from the Quarterly Reviezu, v. viii., no. 15 (September, 1812) : review of Lord Woodhouslee's book, An historical atid critical essay on the li/e and cliaraC' ter 0/ Petrarch. Etienne, L. Histoire de la litt^rature italienne depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours. . . Paris, Hachette, 1S75. 80. pp. X, 608. Under the general title, Histoire univeT' selle publUe . , . sons la direction de M. V. Dunty ; Vii^ trarch, pp. 120-144, ^^^ frequently. Exemplvm privilegii lavreae apoUinaris Fran- cisci Petrarchae, qva insignis poeta Romce, in capi- tolio, an. M.CCC.XLI. V. id. Apr. honorifice do- natvs est. Legisse luuabit. Venetiis X. cal. Sept. M.D.XXXI. . . . 8'J. ff. [4]. \p^ftv\icA\^xh^Testameutvin ilhsirispoeitu Francisci Petrarchae, with a distinct title-page. Fabroni, A. Fr.ancisci Petrarchae vita auctore Angelo F.abronio. Parmae, .eEdibus palatinis, 1 799. 40. f [i], pp. viii, i83. Date in Ferrazzi (p. 9) incorrect Fantoni, Or. In occasione del V. Ccntenario di Francesco Petrarca, memoria e sonetto. . . [Ve- nezia, Grimaldo, 1S74. ] F°. pp. 5, f rij. The memoria is Sulla originality delte rime peirareliesclie. Fenoglio, E. Festeggiandosi il V. centenario di Fra'ncesco Petrarca, studio imitativo, . . LPadova, Sacchetto, 1874.] 40. pp. 13, f. [i]. FernoTW, C. C. See Meiian, J. B. Ferrari, G. Corso sugli scrittori politici italiani . . Milano, Manini, 1S62. 8°. pp. 865. II Petrarca, pp. 103-145. Ferrazzi, G. J. Fraseologia della Divina Coin- media e delle liriche di Dante AUighieri per I'abate Jacopo prof. Ferrazzi ; aggiuntari quella del Pe- trarca, del Furioso, e della Gerusalemme liberata, con i confront! comparativi degli altri rimatori del secolo XIII e XIV. Bassano, Sante Pozzato, 1865. B**. ff. [4], pp. 793. Manuale dantesco, V. I. Innumerable Petrarch citations. Enciclopedia dantesca . . v. i. Bas- sano, Sante Pozzato, 1S65. 80. ff [4], pp. 819. Manuale dantesco, v. ii. Enciclopedia dantesca . . con alcnne * appendici sul Petrarca, I'Ariosto e T. Tasso. V. ii. Bassano, Sante Pozzato, 1865. 8". ff. [2], pp. 416. J\Ianitale dantesco, v. iii. Petrarca, Specchio cronologico della vita di Francesco Petrarca, pp. igi- 202 ; biografi ed elogisti del Petrarca, 203-204 ; del Petrarca e del suo canzoniere, 204-227; sentenze del canzoniere, 228-242; proverbi, 242; altri delti memorabili e sentenziosi, 243-259; edizioni del canzoniere, 260-265 1 comentatori, 265-273 ; bibti- ografia, 273-285: traduzioni, 286-289 : ritratti, 289-295; me- daglie, 295-297 ; iscrizioni monumental!, 297-301. Enciclopedia dantesca . . ; vol. iv. — Bib- liografia . . . Bassano, Sante Pozzato, 1871. 8''. ff [4], pp. 598, f [r]. A/anuale dantesco, vol. iv. The volume number of Uie principal title-page is here made iv. in- PETRARCH BOOKS. 13 stead of iii., evidently so that it may correspond with the act- ual number of volumes. Ferrazzi, G. J. Enciclopedia dantesca . . premiata colla medagUa d'argento net congress! pedagogic! di Napoli e d! Venezia; Bibliografia, parte !!. : aggiuntavi la Bibliografia petrarchesca, vol. V ed ultimo. . . . Bassano, Sanie Pozzato, 1877. 8c. ff. [2], pp. xxiv, go2, f [i]. ManuaU dantescOt voL v. Bibliograha petrarchesca, pp. 553-853. Bibliografia petrarchesca del Prof. Giuseppe Jacopo Ferrazzi ; edizione di soli 50 esemplari. Bassano, Sante Pozzato, 1S77. 80. ffl [2], pp. [vii]-xx\'iii, 306. Two copies. See Appen- dLx iL Femicci, C. F. I prirai quattro secoli della lelteratura italiana dal secolo XIII al XVI, lezioni . . Firenze, Barbira, 1856-58. a v. 120. Vol. i., lezioni 1-14, pp. xi, 417; ii., lezioni 15-25, pp. viii, 416. Petrarch, vol. i., pp. 295-351. Fetes p^trarquesques d'ltalie, Arqua, Padoue, Arezzo, Rome, etc., 1874. E.xtrait du Compte rendu de la FHi scculaire et inUrnationale de Pi- trarqtie. Ai.x-en-Provence, Runondcl-Aiibin, 1875. 8°. pp. 8. [Fichard, J.], editor. Virorvm qui svperiori nostroqve secvlo ervditione et doctrina illustres atque memorabiles fuerunt, Vitee. lamprimum in hoc Volumen coUectae . . . Francoforti, Chris- tianus Egenolphus e.NCudebat. At end: Franco- forti, Christianus Egenolphus excudebat, Mense Septembri. Anno M.D. XXXVI. 40. ff. [4], 119. The first biography is that of Petrarch: Vita clanssuni viri Francisci Petrarchse, per Hieronymum Squarzaficum Alexandrinum composita, ff. i-io. It is followed by those of pius II, Campani, Codrus (Urceus), Pico della Mi- randola and others, written by various audiors. Fiorentino, P. La filosofia di Francesco Pe- trarca, studio . . (Estratto dal Giornale Napo- Utctno di filosofia e Lettere ecc.) Napoli, Perrotti, 1875. 1. 8». pp. 56. Scritti varii di letteratura, filosofia e critica. . . Napoli, Morano, 1S76. 80. pp. viii, 554. Francesco Petrarca, i.. La filosofia del Petrarca : ii.. La filosofia della storia nel Petrarca, pp. 101-160. Fiortifiocca, T. Vita di Cola di Renzo Tribuno del Popolo Romano. Scritta in lingua volgare Roniana di quella eta da Tomao Fiortifiocca Scriba- senato. ... In Bracciano, Per Andrea Fei Stampator Ducale. MDCXXIV. . . . 12'*. ff. [61, pp. 274. Canzone del Petrarca in lode di Cola di Renzi, ft [3H4]. Fontanini, G. Biblioteca dell' eloquenza italiana . . con le annotazioni del signor Apostolo Zeno, istorico e poeta cesareo, cittadino veneziano, accres- ciuta di nuove aggiunte. Parma, Gozzi, 1S03-4. 2V. 40. Vol. i., pp. XV, 536, ff. [4]; ii., pp. 525, f. [i], pp. 31. Petrarch, ii., pp. 7-23, and elsewhere. See Appendix u. Fomaciari, L., editor. Esempi di bello scrivere . . riveduti ed accresciuti di un' appendice per opera del prof. Raffajllo Fomaciari, figlio del com- pilatore ; terza edizione fiorentina . . . vol. ii. — Poesia. Firenze, Paggi, iSSo. 8'>. pp. 480. Petrarch, Morti di Laura, p. 128; Amore, pp. 173-174: Sonetti, pp. 206-213: Canzoni, pp. 257-274; A' grandi d' Italia, pp. 302-306; notizie, pp. 414-415. Fortunio, G. P. Regole grammaticale della volgar lingua dopo ogni altra impre.'ssione di quelle in qualunque locho fatta, nuouamente reuiste, et con smnma diligentia emendate. At end: Finisse le regole del primo : & secondo libro della uolgare grammatica, Nuouamente Stampate et con diligen- tia corrette, In Venetia p Domenego Zio, & Fradelli Venetiani ad instantia de M. Marchio Sess,a. Nelli anni del nostro Signore. M.D.X.XXVIII. 80. ff. 48. Constant references to Petrarch. [Foscolo, XJ.] Petrarque et Laure, par ma- danie la conttesse de Genlis. [London, 1S21.] 80. pp. 523-566. Exti-ict from the Qiiart^yly Ki-vii-.v, vol. xxiv., no. xlvui. (January, 1821); a review of the work of Mme. de Genlis. Essays on Petrarch. . . . London, Bent ley, 1S21. 1. S*. ff. [6], pp. 211, pi. Coittcnts : Title-pages, dedication, statement as to the number of copies, contents, sub-title, ff. [6] ; Essays, pp. 211. Privately printed by barbarina, Lady Dacre; edition of 16 copies (no. xv, Jessie Payne Brand) : thick paper. The volume is bound in heavy green moroccn, with careful tooUng, by a London binder of the period. > Essays on Petrarch. . . . London, Murray, 1823. 80. ff. [3], pp. 325, I pi. Saggi sopra il Petrarca, pubblicati in in- glese . . e tradotti in italiano. . . , Lu- gano, Vaiielli, 1S24. 80. pp. XX, 256. The translator was Camillo Ugoni. Saggi sopra il Petrarca, pubblicati in in- glese . . e tradotti in italiano. . . . Fi- renze, Galletti, 1825. 8">. pp. XV, 190, f. [ij. Same translation as the preceding. Two copies. Franco, N. II Petrarchista, dialogo di m. Nicolo Fr.anco, Nel quale si scuoprono nuoui Secret! sopra il Petrarca. E si dano a leggere molte lettere, che il medemo Petrarca, In lingua thoscana scrisse a diuerse persone. Cose rare, ne mai piu date a luce. . . . In Vinegia per Gabriel lolito de Ferr.arii M.D.XLI. At end: II fine del Petrarchista, Dia- logo di m. Nicolo Franco Benevantano, Impresso in Vinegia, per Gabriel lolito de Ferrarij del Mese de Luio Nel' anno del Signore. M.D.XLI. 80. ff. Iv, [i]. The second edition of the work, the fiist having appeared in 1539. II Petrarchista dialogo di messer Nicolo Franco, Nel quale si scuoprono nuoui Secret! sopra il Petrarca. E si danno a leggere molte lettere, che il medemo Petrarca, In lingva thoscana scrisse a diuerse persone. Cose rare, ne mai piu date a luce. ... In Venetia Appresso Gabriel Gioli di Ferrarij. M.D.XLIII. At end: II fine del Petr.archista, Dialogo di m. Nicolo Franco Beneven- tano, Impresso in Vinegia, per Gabriel Gioli di Fer- rarij nel Mese di Maggio Nel' anno del Signore. M.D.XLIII. 80. ff Iv, [il. and E. Giovannini. Li dve Petrarchisti dialoghi di Nicolib Franco, & di Ercole Giovannini : ne' quali con vaga dispositione si scuoprono bellis- sime Fantasie, nuoui, & ingegnosi Secretti sopra il Pelrarca ; e si danno k leggere molte Lettere Mis- siue, e Responsiue, che lo stesso Petrarca in lingua Toscana scrisse Al Re Roberto di Napoli, A Be- nuenuto da Imola, A Giouanni Boccaccio, A Ma- donna Laura, A D. Gherardo Petrarca, A Toniaso Messinese, A Leonardo Beccamuggi, Et ad altri molti, & eglino a lui. Cose pregiatissiiue, e rare, & la maggior parte mai piu date in luce. ... In Venetia, M DC XXIII. Appresso Barezzo Barezzi. 8'\ ff. (8), pp. 109, bl. If, ff. [4], pp. 198. Second title- page after blank leaf: // Petrarchista dialogo di Ercole Gio- vannini Net quale si spiegano tutte tc Attioui del Petrarca, la sua Coronatione, e Littaeiinanza di Roma ; gli Ainori; le Percgriiiationi ; e le Solitudini, ch'esso ha passaio in questa vita: . . . In Venetia, M DC XXIIl. Fulin, R. II Petrarca dinanzi alia signoria di Venezia, dubbi e ricerche. . . Venezia, Cecchini, 1874. 1. 80. f [1], pp. [5]-35. Estratto dal libro Petrarea e Ve- nezia, 14 PETRARCH BOOKS. Gagliardi, P. Cento osservazioni di lingua . . nelle quali si spiegano diversi modi particolari, usati dalla lingua Toscana. Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1740. 120. flf. [5], pp. 391. t etiarcli citations frequent Gamba, B. Serie dei testi di lingua e di altre opere importanti nella italiana letteralura scritte dal secolo XIV. al XIX. di Bartolommeo Gamba da Bassano, accademico della Crusca ec. ec. ; quarta edizione, riveduta, emendata e notabilmente accres- ciuta. Venezia, Tipi del Gomhliere, 1S39. 1. 8". portr., pp. XXV, f. |i], pp. 794, f. [i]. Petrarch lists: pp. 710-752, 756-758, and elsewhere. Gandini, L. Lettione . . sopra vn dubbio, Come il I'ftrarca non lodasse Lavra espressamente dal Naso. Rime del medesimo. ... In Vine- giaAl segno della Pace, 1 581. At e7id : InVinegia, Appresso Pietro Dusinelli. M D LXXXI. 8". ff. 29. Geiger, Ii. Petrarka. . . Leipzig, Dunckcr, 1874. 8". pp. X, 277. Petrarca . . traduzione dal tedesco di Augusto di Cossilla. Milano, Manini, [1877]. 80. pp. 262, f. [i]. Genie (Le) de Petrarque. See Roman, J. J. T. Genlis, S. F. D. de S.-A., countess of. Pe- trarque et Laure. . . . Yzi'x'i,, Editeur des ceuvres de J\Imc. de Genlis, 1S19. 80. pp. xvi, 330. A French newspaper sHp inserted con- taining a contemporaneous criiiqite of the work, signed " V." Petrarch and Laura . . translated from the French. . . . London, Phillips, 1S20. 12". f. [ij, pp. 374, ff- [12]. Genthe, F. W. Handbuch der Geschichte der italianischen litteratur ; erlautert durch eine Samm- lung iibersetzter Musterstiicke. . . Magdeburg, Rubach, 1832-4. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., pp. xii, 507: ii., pp. X, 654. Also with the title, Handbuch d<-r Gcsclikhte der abettdlaiidischeit Littcra- iitren 7tnd S^raclien: /., Italiiinische Litteratur. Petrarch, vol. i., p. 26; ii., pp. 114-146. Ghivizzani, G. A Francesco Petrarca, can- zone. . . I'adova, Sacchelto, 1874. Z^. pp. S. Author's autograph. Giacomim Tebalducci Malespini, L. Le- zione di Lorenzo Giacomini Tebalducci Malespini sopra un sonctto del Petrarca. Firenze, Stamperia di Borgo Ognissaiiti, 180S. 80. pp. 37. Editor, Luigi Clasio : Estratta dal vol. vi. delta eollezioHe dopuscoU scientijici e tetterarj ; on the sonnet. La gola e ^l souno. Gizunpietri, M. J. Petrarque ^crivain satirique ; extraitdu "Courrierd'Orient." Constantinole [sic], Courrier d^ Orient, 1874. S**. pp. 22. Giani, G. F. Francesco Petrarca, precursore e inizialore del rinascimento, pubblicazione fatta per cura del municipio di Perugia. Perugia, Boneoin- pagni, 1874. 1. Z^. ff. \i\, pp. 7-61. Name of the author at the end of the preface. Gibelli, G. Considerazioni sopra un sonetto del Petrarca. . . Bologna, Marsigli, 1 846. 8". pp. 16. On the sonnet, L'orc e le perU. Considerazioni sopra un sonetto del Pe- trarca. . . Bologna, Sasso, 1 849. 80. pp 16. On the sonnet, Quel vago impallidir. Gidel, C. A. Les troubadours et Petrarque, Ih^sc presenile a la faculte des lettres de Paris. . . Angers, Cosnier, 1857. 80. B. [2], pp. 174. Giogueue, P. L. Ilistoire litl6-aire d'ltalie. ■ . . Paris, Miehaud, 1823-35. 14 V. S**. Vols, i.-ix., 1824, " S^conde Edition, revue et corrigee sur les manuscrits de I'auteur, om6e de son portrait, et augmentee d'une notice historique par M. Dauuou: " vols, x.- xiv., 1823-25, "ContinuiSe par F. Salfi." Vol. i., porlr., pp. xxxii., 488: ii., ff. [2], pp. 591; iii., ff. [2], pp. 611: iv., ff. [2J, pp- 597:, v., ff. [2], pp. 576 :_ vi., ff [2], pp. 502: vii., pp. viu, 620: viii., ff. [2], pp. 526: ix., ff. [2], pp. 500: hicluding the Table g6n6rale, pp. 433-500: x., ff. [2], pp. vi, 534, f. [i] ; xi., ff. [2], pp. 445: xii., ff. [2], pp. 527: xiiL, ff. [2], pp. 488; xiv., ff. [2], pp. 444. Petrarch, vol. 2, pp. 334-566, 582-591, and elsewhere : Petrarchists, vol. 9, pp. 246, ff. Gironi, R., editor. Raccolta di lirici italiani dair origine della lingua sino al secolo xviii. . . Milano, Classici, 1 808. 8'\ portr., pp. xxxvii, f [i], pp. 294, f. [i]. Petrarch, pp. 6-14. Gloria, A. , editor. Documenti inediti intorno al Petrarca con alcuni cenni della casa di lui in Arquit e della reggia Dei da Carrara in Padova. Padova, Minerva, 187S. 1. 8^. pp. 50. Two copies, Documenti inediti intorno a Francesco Pe- trarca e Albertino Mussato raccolti dal s. c. Andrea Gloria. [1879?] 8\ pp. 52. Extract from Tomo vi., serie v. of some peri- odical. Gobbi, A., editor. Scelta di sonetti e canzoni de' piu eccellenti rimatori d'ogui secolo. . . . Bologna, Pisarri, 1709-:!. 4V 80. Contents: — Vol. i., 1400-1550 — ffl [18], pp. 512: ii., 1550-1600 — ff. [3], pp. 445; iii., Viventi del 1709 — pp. 433; iv.. Rime d' alcuni illustri autori vivente aggiunte alia terza parte — pp. 218. Petrarch, vol. i., pp. 33-100. Goudoever, A. van. . . Oratio de Fran- cisco Petrarcha, literarum humaniorum, seculo xiv. instauratore praecipuo; dicta publice die xxvi. Mar- tii, A. ciDiDCCcx.\viii. . . . Trajecli ad Rhenum, Alt/ieer, 1829. 8*'. pp. 60. Author's autograph. Gravina, V. Della ragion poetica libri due, e della tragedia libro uno. . . Venezia, Geremia, 1731- 4". ff. [4], pp. 120, ff. [7], pp. 122, f. [i]. New title, Di I'inccnzo Gravina delta tragedia libro una, after p. 120: Pe- trarch, pp. 114-117 of parti. Grazzini, G. Novelle scelte e lezione acca- demica sopra di un luogo del Petrarca ne' trionfi intorno al giudizio universale. . . Parma, Fiac- eadori, 1843. 80. ff. [2], pp. 356 [^=256]. The la-st t^vo pages are wrongly numbered 355, 356, instead of 255, 256. The lezione {"im- pressa per la seconda volta") fills pp. 226-236; it relates to the lines beginning, Nessnn secrcto Jta ehi copra, cltiuda, in the Trion/o delta divinita. [Greene, G. W.] Petr.arch. [Boston, 1835]. 8". pp. 26. Extract from the North American Review, vol. xl., no. 86 (January, 1835) : reprinted as the first essay in the author's Historical studies (New York, 1850). Guerin, J. Description de la fontaine de Vau- cluse. . . Seconde Edition. Avignon, Seguin, i2'i. pp. xii, 312. 2 folding pL Two copies. Halirsch, L. Petrarca, dramatisches Gedicht in droi Aufziigen. . . Leipzig, Wienhrack^ 1823. 8'^. pp. vi, 90. The author, Liidwig Halirsch, was born at Vienna, 1802, and died :it Verona, 1832. Haym, N. F. ISiblioteca italiana os.sia notizia de' libri rari italiani divisa in quattro parti, cio6 istoria, poesia, prose, arti e scienze . . edizione corretta, ampliata, e di giudizj intorno alle miglioi'i opere arricchita. . , . Milano, Silvestriy 1803. 4 V. 8«. Vol. i., fr. [2], pp. 306: iL, pp. 268; iii., pp. 210; IV., pp. 368. Petrarch, i., p. 226; iL, pp. 61-79, 225; iii., pp 40, Q4, 113. See Appendix ii. PETRARCH BOOKS. IS Henschel, A. 'W. E. T. Francesco Petrarca, seine liotleutuiig fiir Gelehrsamkeit, Philosopliie unci Religion. [ r.iaunschweig, Sc/iwclsc/ike, 1S53.] 80. pp. (6g8]-7i4. Extract from llic Al/gcmein^ Monats- sckrijl/iir WisseKSchaft Uftii Litcratitr, August, 1853. [Higgiiison, T. W.] Sunshine and Petrarch. [Uoston, Ticktior, 18&7.] 8". pp. 307-311. E.\tract from \hQ At^ntic ATotithlpf, \(A. XX., no. 119 (September, 1867): includes new translations of the sonnets, A urn, che quelle chiomc, Dicemi s/>t-sso, Git angcli eUttt, GU occhi di cli to parlat, /' viiti in terra, Lev- ominiil inio pettsierfl, Lteti/iori, O fiassi s/'itrsi, Quando amor, and Soleasi nel mzo cor, and of the madngal. Nova angektta. Oldport (lays . . with ten heliotype illustrations from views taken in Newport, R. I., e.x- pressly for this work. Boston, Osgood, 1873. 8«. pp. 268. top!. Suttshiue aitd Petrarch (reprint of the A tlautic Mouthly essay), pp. 198-215. Hipp, G., editor. Vaucluse: sonnets in^dits de A. de Gagn.aud, J.-B. Gaut, G. Hipp, A. Laforet, M. Masson, C. Menard, Bon de Meyronnet-Saint- Marc, Ch. Raflalli, P. Rigaud, Marquis de Valori- Rustichelli ; recueillis a I'occasion de la fete de Pe- trarque. . . Aix, Rcmo>id€t-A}ihiii, 1874. 8". pp. 26, f. [i]. Presentation copy to the Chevalier Nigra from the editor; 125 copies, no. 15. Hooft, P. C. P. C. Hoofts werken. t' Amster- dam, By Jacob Lescailje, Boekverkoper op den Mid- dledam 1671. fo. fr. [18], pp. 187, fi: [2], pp. 35, ft: W, pp. 170, f. [i]. pp. 184, 308. Petrarch : in the Brkven, p. 60 (letter to Con- stantyn Huigens) ; in the Poems, p. 149 (sonnet, Op lutstcurcn van Pe/rarcliaas g^'a/); and pp. 219-221 {'T loot van den diavtant des heeren Huigetis, genaamt LaURA Latroni, Laura tot den roovcr), Hortis, A. Catalogo delle opere di Francesco Petrarca esistenti nella Petrarchesca Rossettiana di Trieste ; aggiunta\'i 1' iconografia della raedesima, per opera di Attilio Hortis, civico bibliotecario. Trieste, Appolonio, 1874. 40. portr., pp. xiii, f. [1]. pp. 215, flf. [2], 3 pi. See Ap- pendix iL . . Dante e il Petrarca ; nuovi studii ; estratto dalla Rivista Eiiropea. Firenze, Tipografia editrice deW associazione, 1875. L 80. pp. 9. Accenni alle scienze naturali nelle opere di Giovanni Boccacci, e piii particolarmente del libro De Montibus, Silvis, etc. . . Trieste, Tipografia del Lloyd austro-ungarico, 1877. I. 80. pp. 124. Occasional Petrarch references. Author's autograph. . . M. T. Cicerone nelle opere del Petrarca e del Boccaccio, ricerche intorno alia storia delta eru- dizione classica nel medio evo ; con lettere inedite di Matteo d'Orgiano e di Coluccio Salutatl a Pasquino de CapelUs. Trieste, Herrmanstoifi-r, 1878. 1. 80. pp. 102. Author's autograph. . . Le additiones al De remediis fortui- torirat di Seneca dimostrate cosa del Petrarca e delle attinenze del Petrarca con Seneca ; la Corografia di Pomponio Mela attribuita falsamente a Giovanni Boccacci. Trieste, Ilernnanstorfcr, 1879. 1. 80. pp. 56. Author's autograph. Per I'inaugurazione del monumento a Gio- vanni Boccacci in Certaldo adtU xxii di Giugno del MDCCCLXXIX, discorso. . . Firenze, Car- nesccchi, 1S79. 1. 8". pp. 22. Frequent allusions to Petrarch. Author's autograph. . . Studj sulle opere latine del Boccaccio con particolare riguardo alia storia della erudizione nel medio evo e alle letterature straniere; aggiuntavi la bibliogralia delle edizioni. Trieste, Dasc, 1879. 40. f. [1], pp. XX, 956. Petrarch allusions: pp. 21, 173, 191, 196, 201, 202-203, 273-274, 277-283, 292, 209-309, 349, 303-3*^, 368-370, 374-375, 600-602, 786-787, and frequently. Huyghens, C Constantini Hugenii, . . . Momenta desultoria; poematum libri xiv. Editio altera, mult6 priore auctior, Procurante Ludovico Hugenio C. F. Ciim Prajfatione Casparis Barl^ei. Hag^ - comitum, Ex Typographia Adrian! Vlacq. CIO lOCLV. . . . 8". pi., ff. [38], pp. 423. Laura Latroni, Thomae Martinel- lio monacho doniinicano, qui cfTosso Petrarchje cadavcri fere- batur brachium dexterum abripuisse, pp. 18-20. Invernlzzi, G. Storia letteraria d'ltalia : il risorgimento ; parte i., II secolo xv. . . Milano, Vallardi, 1878. 1. 8". pp. xi, 368. Petrarch, chiefly, pp. 39-51. J[ageinaim], C. J. Briefe iiber Italien von C. J. ^ * * *, Mitglied der florentinischen Academie des Ackerbaues. Weimar, Hofiftnann, 1778-S5. 3 V. 80. Vol. i., 1778 — (T. [2], pp. 244: ii., 1780 — ft". [2], pp. 240; iii., 1785 — ff. [2J, pp. 286. Ueber des Herrn Abtvon Sade Meitiaircs pour la vk de Petrarque, vol. ii., pp. 120- 142. Bound in one volume. Jager, A. Francesco Petrarca's Brief an Kaiser Karl IV. iiber das osterreichische Privilegium vom Jahre 105S. . . [Wien, 1868.] S-*. f. [1], pp. 439-483. Extract from the ^ rc/i/z'yjV> Ar/. IT. [4], 73. Petrarch, fF. 33-45. This seems to be the first edition ; the statement by Fcrrazzi (p. 197) that it original- ly appeared in 1516 is probably a misprint 'Le tre fontane di messer Nicolo Libvrnio in tre libbri divise, sopra la grammatica et eloqvenza di Dante, Petrarcha et Boccaccio. . . . At end : Stampata in Vinegia per Merchio Sessa. Del M.D.XXXIIIL Nel mese di Febraio. 80. ffi no, [i]. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Italy. See Montgomery, J. Loria, C. II Petrarca a Mantova ; memoria del socio effettivo e \'ice-prefetto dott. cav. Cesare Loria, letta nella seduta del 21 Marzo 1S75. [n. p.] L 80. pp. [691-76. E.\tract from a serial. Iiottiui, Gr. A. Esposizione del r. p. f. Gio. Agnolo Lottini dell' ord. de' servi Intorno alia Can- zone del Petrarca Verg. bella dove per molti nvovi, e con eleganza distesi Concetti possono gli Studiosi hauere di scelte Intelligenze non poco lume, e diletto. Con la tavola delle cose piv notabili, che nell' Opera si contengono. ... In Venetia, Presso Fran- cescho di Franceschi Senese. 1595. 4». ff. 240, [4]. Lozzi, C Ancora di Francesco da Bologna e della invenzione de' caratteri aldini. [Bologna, So- cieia tipografica^ 1S82. ] 80. pp. 5. Estratto dal Bibliofih, anno III., num. i, Gen- naio 1882. Lugli, G. Dante e Petrarca. [Moden.a, 1842?] 4"^. pp. 74-87. E.\tract from 3 quarto journal. LyttOQ, B. B., lord Lytton. Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes ; . . copyright edition. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1S42. 80. pp. X, 492. Frequent mentions of Petrarch ; see pp. 14, a8, 45, 72-73, 91, 123, 180, 182, 249, 288-289, 32s. 339. 3.';5-357. 361, 387-388, 441, 479. Collection q/ British Autliors^ vol. 25. Macaiilay, T. B., lord Macatilay. Saggi bio- grafici e critici . . versione dall' inglese, con note, di Cesare Rovighi. Torino, Unione iipogra- fico-cditriee, 1859-63. 5 V. 80. Vol. i., pp. 387: ii., pp. 366, f. [i]: iii., pp. 309, f. [:); iv., pp. 325, f [il: v., pp. 302, f. [i]. Petrarca, iii., pp. 97-114. Nuova bil'lioteca po/'olare, c\3.ssz\\. The essay, of which a translation is to be found in the pages cited, is the one entitled Criticisms on tlie principal Italian writers ; see Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings (London, 1S60, vol. i.), or Macaulay's Critical and miscellaneous essays and poems (New York, i860, vol. i.). ' Macola, E., count, editor. Quinto centenario dalla morte di Francesco Petrarca; i codici di Arqui dal Maggio 1788 all' Ottobre 1873, raccolta di poesie, pensieri, memorie, sottoscrizioni, amenitA, mani- lestazioni del sentimento nazionale, componimenti e ricordi di donne italiane e straniere . . Padova, Prospcrlni, 1874. 80. pp. XL\, 237, f. [i]. See Codice. MafTei, G. Storia della letteratura italiana . . terza edizione originale, nuovamente corretta dall' autore, e riveduta da Pietro Thouar. Firenze, Le JMoniiier, 1853. 2 v. 12". Vol. i., pp. vii., 464; ii., ff. [2], pp. 490. Pe- trarch, i., pp. 83-133. Maggiolo, L. Essai sur la philosophic morale de P^trarque, these pr^sent^e k la faculty des lettres de Strasbourg. . . S'-Nicolas, Trend, 1843. So. ff. [3], pp. loS. Malipiero, G. Jl Petrarcha spiritvale. . . . At end : Stampato per Francesco Marcolini da Forli, in Venetia appresso la Chiesa de la Trinita, Ne gli anni del Signore. M D XXXVI. Del mese di Nouembre. 40. ff. 161, [i]. The first edition of this once popular work. The name of the author is sometimes given as iilaripetro, or Maripetnis. II Petrarca spiritvale di frate Hieronimo Malipiero venetiano, dell' ordine de minori d'osser- vanza. In Venetia, Appresso Domenico Farri. 1575- 80. ff. [11], bl. 1£, E 162, [10]. Last numbered f. plainly 161 by error. II Petrarca spiritvale di f. Hieronimo Mali- piero venetiano, dell' ordine de minori d'osservanza. Nuouamente ristampato, e da molti errori espurgato. In Venetia, M D LXXXVII. Appresso gli Heredi di Alessandro Griffio. 8'>. ff. [11], bl. 1£ ff 162, [10]. Last numbered f. appeals to be, by error, 161. Malmignati, A. Parole sulla tomba del Pe- trarca . . lette all' adunanza commemorativa in Arqua nel iS Luglio 1870. (Ristampa dall' appen- dice del Giornalc di Padova). Padova, Sacchetto, 1870. 12'>. pp. 12. . . Petrarca a Padova, a Venezia, e ad Arqui, con documento inedito. Padova, Sacchetto, 1874. 1. 80. f. [i], pp. 93. A Francesco Petrarca nel V centenario dalla sua morte, sonetti. . . Padova, Sacchetto, 1874. 80. pp. 7. Malvica, F. Quinto centenario del Petrarca dalla sua morte (iS Luglio 1374); descrizione d'Avig- none, della tomba di Laura e della fontana di Val- chiusa, lettera a Constanza Monti vedova Perticari di Ferdinando Mah-ica, tradotta dal francese per Gio- vanni Monti, con note del traduttore. [Roma, Tipografia delle scienze, 1 8 74.] 40. ^^ pp. 257-266, [28iJ-2gi. Extract from // Buonarotz, serie ii., vol. ix., quademi viii., ix., (Agosto, Settembre, 1874.) Manuani, T. Del Petrarca e dell' arte moderna. [Firenze, 1874.] 80. pp. [8331-862. Extract from the A^wtfZ'a.<4«&/(;.^,voL 26, fasc. viii. (Agosto 1874.) Mancini, A. II V centenario del Petrarca, ode. Venezia, Griinaldo, 1S74. Broadside. Manetti, G. Specimen historiae litterariae florentinae saecvli decimitertii, ac decimiqvarti, sive vitae Dantis, I'etrarchae ac Boccaccii a eel. lanno- tio Manetto saecvlo XV scriptae; litterarumque tam Graecarum, quam Latinarum iam tum resurgentium incunabula exhibentes, quarum duae nunc primum in lucem prodeunt recensente Lavrentio Mehvs. . . . Florentiae, Ciovannelli, 1747. 8". pp. xlvii, 86. Vita Petrarchae, pp. si-7a rETRARCH BOOKS. 17 Marmi, D. M. Lezioni di lingua toscana di Donienico Maria Manni, nccademico fiorentino, dette da esso nel semiiiario arcivescovale di Fireiizc ; prima edizione veneta, con annotazioni del p. Inno- cenzio del sanliss. Kosario. . . . Venczia, Val- vasensf, 1 758' S**. pp. xvi, 272. Petrarch, pp. 94-100, and elsewhere. [Manso, J. K. P.] Franz Petrarca. [Leipzig, '79S-] 80. pp. 148-246. Extract from Charnktere dcr vomehm- sten Dichter alU-r Natumt-n ; nchst brithclun und histor- ischen Adhnmiliittgen fiicr Gcgenstiiiuic dt-r schoncn KunsU- ttttd Wissetischa/Un, voit einer Gesellscha/t von Gclehrtcn. Bd. iv., i»^'* Stiick. (Leipzig, 1795). Maiaghini, P. Omaggio dell' accademia Pe- Irarca di .scienze, lettere ed arli di Arezzo al muni- cipio di Arqua pel 50 centenario dalla morte dell' illustrc poeta. Arezzo, Cagliani, 1874. 8*". pp. 10. Author's name at end. [Marcatelli, G. ] Epistola di Sennvccio del Bene della incoronatione di Messer Francesco Pe- trarca, fatta in Roma I'anno della salutifera incarna- tione M.CCC.XLI. Al Magnifico Signor Cam della Scala Signor di Verona. In Fiorenza, [i553]' 40. ff. [7]. See Melzi, i., 123. Date at end of dedication. II solenne triompho fatto in Roma, qvando I'eccellentiss. m. Francesco Petrarcha, fv laureato, et coronato Poeta, in Capidoglio, ritratto fedelmente dair antico. Stiipato In Pftdoua per Giacopo Fab- riano. M.D.XLIX. . . . 80. ff. [12]. Contents: — L-p.; dedication by Marcatelli, fi". [2-3] : Deir incoronatione et trionipito, in a pretended epistle trom Scnnucio to Can della Scala, ff. [3-12]. Maripetro, H. Av Malipiero, G. Marsand, A. Biblioteca petrarchesca formata, posseduta, dcscritta ed illustrata dal professore An- tonio Warsand. Milano, Ciiisti, 1826. 40. f. [i], portr., pp. xxxvUi, bl. If, pp. 280, 4 pi. Two copies. See Appendi.\ ii. I manoscritti italiani della regia biblioteca parigina descritti ed illustrati. . . I'arigi, Sla/ii- peria reah, 1835. 40. ff. [2], pp. xiii, f. [i], pp. 864, ff. [2]. The index of per- sons contains 26 references to Petrarch mss. I manoscritti italiani della regia biblioteca parigina descritti ed illustrati . . continuazione e fine; volume IIo, chc contiene altresi la descrizione e I'illustrazione de' manoscritti italiani delle tre regie biblioteche, I'Arsenale, Santa Genovefa, la Maza- rina. Parigi, Stamperia reale, 1S38. 40. ff [2], pp. 514, f. [1]. 10 references to Petrarch mss. in the index. Canzone di Francesco Petrarca a laude di nostra signora, con alcune sposizioni e considera- zioni . . edizione seconda. Milano, Ronchetii, 1841. 1. BO. ff [3], pp. 74. ff. [=]. Marsili, L. See De' Marsili, L. Massini, P. Letlioni academiche dell' eccel- lentiss""> Sig. Filippo Massini, I'estatico insensate, Principe De Gli Affidati. Recitate da lui publicamente in dinersi tempi nell' Academia de gli Insensati di Perugia ; nouamente ristampate. In Pa\ia, Per Andrea Viani, 1611. . . . 40. ff. [4], pp. 185, f. [i]. There are four "lettioni" in all. the last three having separate title-pages (all dated Pervgia 1588), although the pagination is continuous. The first "let- lione " is styled Della di/esa del Petrarca intortto aW opposi- tioni fatteli dal Castelnetro nel sno co)nento della Poetiea ^Axistotele, leitiotte dell' Estatico Insetisato^ recitata da lui publicamente nella Academia il di 25 d'Agosto 1852, pp. 1-38. Masson, [J.] P. Vitse Trium Hetrurire pro. cerum Dantis, Petrarchce, Boccacii, ad Paschalcm Serenissimum Venetorum Ducem. Papirii Massoni opera. Parisiis. Ex Typographia Dionysii a Prato, via Aniygdalina, ad Veritatis insigne. ' 1587. 8<». ft". [4], 116. Vita Fr. Petrarcha;, ff. 9^4*. Bound with the same author's I'ita Lalirentii Medicis {Psnsas 1586}. Ijound by Bauser of Paris. [Meinert, J. G.] Franz Petrarkaj Biografie. I'rag, Albrccht, 1794. 8". t.-p., pp. viii, [31-279. Memoires pour la \ie de Francois P^trarque. See Sade, J. P. P. A. de. Menage, G. Menagiana ; ou bons mots, ren- contres agreables, pensees judicicuses, et observa- tions curieuses de M. Menage; troisi^me Edition augmcnt^e. Amsterdarn, Coup, 1713. 2 V. 120. Vol i., frontisp., f. [i], pp. xxxiv, 472: ii., frontisp., f. [i], pp. v-l.\iii, 462. Menagiana ; ou les bons xnoXs, et remarques critiques, historiques, morales et d'erudition de M. Menage; recueillies par ses amis; tome troisieme [et quatrieme]. Amsterdam, Coup, 1716. 2 V. 120. Vol. iii., frontisp., ff. h], pp. 599: tv., frontisp., i. [i], pp. 432, ff. [27]. Petrarch allusions: vol. i., p. 286; ii., p. 336; iii., LS3, 566: iv., p. 86. Mescolanze d'Egidio Menagio; prima edi- zione veneta corretta ed ampliata. Venezia, Pas- quali, 1736. 8". ff. [2], pp. 3^2. On the verse, Forse (0 che spcro) il tnio tiirdar le dole, in the sonnet Rapido /itiine, pp. 1-51 : le- zione sopra 'I sonctto di messer Francesco Petrarca chc inco- mincia La gola, e 'I sonno pp. 308-360. [Mendelssohn, J.] Bericht Uber Rossetti's Ideen zu einer neuen Erlauterung des Dante und der Dichter seiner Zeit; in zwei Vorlesungen. Ber- lin, Djtueker, 1S40. I. 80. t.-p., pp. 82. Petrarch, pp. 69-79. Meneghelli, A. Delia edizione Le rime del Pe- trarca pubblicate per opera e studio del professore iMarsand, relazione . . Padova, jMhtenia, 1820. 1.4°. ff[9l. Sul presunto ritratto di madonna Laura, Ict- tera. Padova, I\!iiterva, 1822. 8'\ pp. 29. I pi. Name of author at the end of the letter. Opere. . . Padova, Minenm, 1830-31. 6 V. 80. Vol. i., portr., ff! [4], pp. 290, ff. [2] : ii. pp. 323, ff. [2] ; iii. pp. 331, ff. [2] : iv. pp. 340, H. [2) ; v. pp. 288, ff. [2] : vi. pp. 296. Discorsi accadcmici sopra il canzoniere di I-'rancesco Petrarca, iii., pp. 3-62 : Osservazioni sopra una lettera dei Fiorentini al Petrarca, iv., pp. 129-152; tjsserva- zioni sopra una lettera del Petrarca al Boccaccio (cpist. fam. lib. xi., epist xii.), iv., 171-189; Del canonicato di messer Francesco Petrarca, \i., pp. 135-150; Sul presunto ritratto di madonna Laura [with plate], vi., pp. 151-168: Sopra due let- tere italiane attribuitc al Petrarca [with plate], vi., pp. 169-199: Sopra un dipiiito [di Laura] del cav. Pictro Paoletti, vi., pp. 219-230. Opere Padova, Sicca, 1843. 4 v. 8'^. Contents: — Vol. i. Biografie e discorsi, pp. 456; ii. Belle lettere e belle arti, pp. 8, 496-^DeIla edizione : LeRime del Petrarca pubblicate per opera e studio del prof Antonio Marsand, relazione, pp. 1-13 : Laura al bagno del cav. Pietro Paoletti, pp. 213-220 : II trionfo della castita del cav. Pietro Pao- letti, pp. 236-242 : Bre\a cenni intomo la ristaunizione della tomba di Francesco Petrarca, pp. 260-264 : i'i. Elogi e discorsi, pp. 511: iv. Ragionamenti e trattad, pp. 541, f [1] — Discorso intorno il canzoniere di Francesco PetiTirca, pp. 5-28; Dis- corso intorno la seconda parte del canzoniere, pp. 6-45. Lamia^^ta; memorie postume. . dova. Sicca, 1845. 8". ff. [2], pp. [71-79. Petrarch allusions: pp. 33, 40-42, 46, 49. The copy lacks pp. 47, 4S. See Leoni, Meneghelli, P. A. Della stinia dei Padovani verso il Petrarca e sopra il monumento a lui nuova- mente eretto nella cattcdrale. Padova, A/iuen'ci, 1818. 80. pp. 31. The author's name Is given in the dedication. [Merian, J. B.] Francesco Petrarca dargestellt von C. L. Fernow; nebst dem Leben des Dichters und ausfiihrlichen Ausgabenverzeichnissen heraus- Pa- 36-39. , O. i8 PETRARCH BOOKS. gegeben von Luchvig Hain. Altenburg, Brockhaiis, 1818. S'^. f. [i], pp. [v.]-viii, 352. Fernow has long been regard- ed as the author of this work : he was, however, merely the translator. " Diese angebliche Darstcllung ist aber njchts anderes als eine von Anfang bis zu Ende rein wortliche Ober- setzung einer g.ir nicht uninleressanten Vorlesung Uber den Perrarca von Merian In Nonveattx tn^)noir€s de V academic de Bcrtiti, ann^c 1786." (See Blanc, in \^. pp. 31, 5 pi. Atendinms.: Nuova appmdice ; secojida edizioue con tiuova appendice, Londra, 1873, f. [1], pp. 50-58 [2]. Privately printed. See Appendix ii. Papencordt, P. Cola di Rienzo und seine Zeit, besonders nach ungedruckten Quellen dargestellt. . . Hamburg, Perthes^ 1S41. 80. pi., pp. \-i, 354, cv. Petrarch, pp. 53-60, 103-110, 156- 161, 184-186, 257-259, 341-34S, lx.\xviu-bcxxix. Paxolari, G. C Delia religiosita di Francesco Petrarca, discorso . . Bassano, Baseggio, 1847. 1. S". pp. 48. Two copies. Paroliiii, G. L'incontro di Petrarca e Laura in paradiso: cantiche. Piacenza, Majno^ 1816. 80. ff. [5], pp. S3. Pasqualigo, C. Saggio di alcune varianti trntte dai migliori codici a penna delle rime di Francesco Petrarca esistenti nelle biblioteclie Mediceo-Lauren- ziana e Riccardiana di Firenze . . Savona, Mi- ralla, 1S62. 1. 80. pp. 20. Autograph of author. Two copies. Varianti e correzioni ai trionfi di Francesco Petrarca tratte dai migliori codici a penna e dalle piu antiche stampe. Venezia, Grlmaldo, 1S67. 80. pp. 32. Editor's name at the end of the preface. See also sub Petrarca. Fastorello, D. Pel quinto centenario di Fran- cesco Petrarca, canto popolare . . Padova, Lon- go, 1874. 80. pp. 14. The only title-page is on the cover, which is not Included in the pagination. Paterno, L. Nuouo Petrarca di m. Lodovico Paterno, distinto in qvattro parti. La prima & se- conda, in vita & in morte di M. Mirtia. La terza de' varii soggetti, & la quarta de' Trionfi ... In Venetia, Appresso Gioan' Andrea Valuassori, detto Guadagnino. MDLX. 80. ff. [8], pp. 624, ff [12]. Penco, E. . , Francesco Petrarca. Milano, AgueUi, 18S2. 80. pp. vi, 58. Portrait of Petrarch, included in the pagina- tion, pp. [27-28]. Pendens, F. T. Histoire de la litt^rature ita- lienne depuis ses origines jusqu'A nos jours (1150- 1848) . . Paris, DcUigj-ave, 1867. 8*^. pp. XV, 480. Petrarch, pp. 65-84 ; Petrarchists, pp. 248 ff., 296. Perticari, G. Degli scrittori del trecento e de* loro imitatori ; delP amor patrio di Dante Alighieri ; intorno la morte di Pandolfo Collenuccio; letlcre familiari e delle nozze di Costanzo Sforza con Lsa- bella d'Aragona . . Parma, Fiaccadorl^ 184S. 8". pp. xxiii, 295. Petrarch, pp. 123-132 and elsewhere. Peruzzi, L. Ricordi sulla vita di messer Fran- cesco Petrarca e di madonna Laura, scritli da Luigi Peruzzi, loro contemporaneo. Bologna, Romagnoli, 1866. _8<». pp. 35. Scelta di citriosita htterarie ittcdite rare, disp. 69; '■■^izione di 202 esemplari. N. 137. Petrarca, Francesco. I. COLLECT! IE U'K/TLVCS. . 1496. Librorum l-'rancisci Petrarcha; Basilere Imprcssorum Annotatio. Bucolicum Carmen per duodecim Aeglogas dislinctu. De Vita solitaria: Libri. IL De Kemedijs utriusqi Fortunae : Libri. IL Libri quem Secretuni : siue de Conflictu curarum suarum inscrij^sit: Colloquium trium dierum. De Vera sapientia : Dialogi. II. De Rebus memoran- dis : Libri. IIIL Contra medicum obiurgantem : Inuectiuaru libri. IIIL "Lpislolarum de Rebus fami- liaribus: Libri. VIII. EpistolarUm sine titulo: Liber. I. Ad Charolum quartum Romanoiv Regcm : Kpis- tola. I. De Studiorum suorii successibus ad Posteri- tate : EpI'a. I. Septem Psalmi prenitentiales. Epi- toma Illustriu uirorum ad PVanciscu de Cnrrharia. Eiusdem Epitomatis : post obitu Francisci Pe- trarchse : Lorbardi dc Siricho supjilcmentum. Beneuenuti de Rombaldis Libellus qui Augustalis dicit. At end: Explicit Liber Augustalis : Beneue- nuti de Ranibaldis cum pluribus alijs opusculis Fran- cisci Petrarchan : Impre^sis Basiles^ per Magistrum loannem de Amerbach : Anno salutiferi uirginalis partus : Nonagesimosexto supra millesimu quatercj centesimum. This is the earliest collective edition of Petrarch's works, those cited by certain bibliographers— of Deventer 1494, P-asle 1494 and 1495, and Venice 1496— being now generally regarded as never having. had an existence. 'Ihe mention of a Deventer 1494 edition is said lo occur in Visser {A^aam/tjst vun hockcn) ', it certainly does occur in Panzer, Janscn and Hain. Panzer cites Mal:i,iire and Visser, but the title seems not to be in the former. The whole story of this supposed Deventer edition may have originated in a careless reading (by cither Visser or Panzer, or both) of the following lines occurring in one of Mait- taire's lists (cd. nova, Tom. i., Amst. 1733, p. 789) : — F. Petrarchje Opera, fo. Basil. 1494 Liber metricus Faceti Morosi. 4«. Davent 1494 On referring to these in Maittaire it will be seen that they are so printed that, at a hasty glance, the place and date of the second work might be read m connection with tlie title of the first. Once thus copied into the references of Vi.sscr or Panzer, the blunder would of course perpetuate itself, if Ferrazzi is to be believed (see note, p. 211), Campbell, in hi'^ Atnitiics de hx typographic nccrkinduisc an Xi '. siccU, does not mention the citation of the Deventer edition by Visser. It is true that some of the minor treatises of Petrarch were printed at Deventer be- tween 1490 and 1500 (the Eclogues and the Ciriscldis, for in- stance, both from the press of Richard Paflroet, and die De co>ttcfr.ptn mundi (rom that of Jacobus de Breda), and this fact may have originated or confirmed the belief in a ]Jeventer issue of all the works. Notices of the other pscudo editions (of Basle and \'enice) have probably arisen from misprints in catalogues and similar errors. Ferrazzi (j). 211) mentions a Paris 1501 edi- tion of the collected Latin writings, which seems to be equally apocryphal. This Basle edition (Hortis, no. i) is in folio, and contains 388 unnumbered leaves, the colophon cited occurring on the ob- verse of f [367], the reverse being blank. The obverse of tlie next folio contains, in the centre of the page, the title of the index, Principaltu sentcntui?-u ex iil>ns Emncisci Pctrarcha coUceiarn smnmaria Antiotatto ; the other side of the folio is blank ; at the top of the next page the inde.\ begins, filling 20 folios to the end of the volume. The edition includes only the Latin works. The editor was Sebastian Brandt, the famous author of the Narrenschiff. On the reverse of the title-page are twenty Latin verses, entitled, Dc Connncudaitoue Irii- p7-essio>iis Francisci Pctrarchae E/ofpu Sd'astiutii BrarJ. The collection contains three copies, all perfect e.\cept that f. [i] in one copy is supplied in e.vact facsimile — so exact as to be indistinguishable except by the use of a glass. One of the two perfect copie> is unusually tall, having broad margins, and with some illuminated initials; it is in the original stamped vellum and oak binding. At the beginning are two leaves of rubricated ms. (not later than the verj- earliest years of the i6th centur>') with the title at the head, FRANCISCI PO- ETF LAVREATI ET ORATORIS CLARISSIMI PSALMI CONFESSIONALES. At the end .are seven leaves, containing in the same, or a similar handwriting, AuC' ioritatcs varic philosophorum, poctarum cratorutti et alio- runt scriP'toruiJi de rebus z'ariis coHectc et primo dc Funui bona ct mala. One of the copies has the treatise, De vera sapientia inserted before the De Renwdiie. Otherwise, in all the copies, the arrangement is tliat given by Hortis. One of tlie copies is bound by Pratt. PETRARCH BOOK'S. y 1501. Librorum Fraucisci Petrarche Impres- sorum Annotutio. De ignorantia suiipsius et m»l- loll. Liber. I. De ocio religioso:!/. Liber. \. Itine- rariura. Propositum factum cora rege vngarie. De vita solitarra. Libri. IL De Remedijs utriusc^ for- tune. Libri. H. Libri quern secretmn siue de con- fiictu curarum suarum inscripsit: Colloquium trium dieruj. De uera sapientia. Dialogi. IL De rebus memoraiidis. Libri. IIU. Contra mcdicum obiur- gante: Inucctiual/ Libri. IIIL Epistolaruj de rebus familiaribus. Libri. VIIL ^d quosdam ex illustribus anliquis quasi sui pteporanei forent. EpVc V. Kpis- tolarum sine titulo. Liber. L Ad Karolum quartum Romanorum regem. Kpl'a. L Septem psalmi pcni- tetiaies. Inuectiua contra Galium. Kpitoma Illu?.,- trium virorum ad Franciscum de Carrharia." Eius- dem Kpilomatis : post obitum Francisci Petrarche : Lorbardi de siriclio Supplementum. Beneuenuti de Robaldis Libellus qui Augustalis dicitur. At cud .- Explicit liber Augustalis : Beneuenuti de Rambaldis cum pluribus alijs opusculis Francisci Petrarche Im- pressis Venelijs (impesis dni Anchee Torresani de Asula) per Simonem de Lucre : Anno Incarnationis Christi. M.cccccj. die. xxvij. Blarcij. Feliciter. Annotatio nonnuUorum librorum seu epistolarum Francisci Petrarche, Vita Petrarche edita per Hie- ronymum squarzaficum Alexandrinum. Epistolc rerum senilium. C.xxviij. diuise in libris. xviij. Item epistole. Ivij. eiusdem poete: & aliorum. Africa libri. viiij. Buccolicum carmen in duo- decim eglogas distincluni. Epistole metrice ad bar- batum. "ixiiij. «Si: libri tres. Testamentum suum. Priuilegium laureationis sue. Atev.d: hnpressum Venetijs per Simone de Lucre: impensa domini An- dree Torresani de Asula. 17. Junij. 1501. [2v. inl]. fo. ii. [4Q4]. The colophon is in the second coUmiii of the obverse of the last folio, the reverse '^''mg blank. 'Ih.cse two volumes form the second collective iaition of the works, and the first Venctin'n edition. Only tht Latin works are included. The arrangement of the treatises is that given by Hortis {no. 2), but the head-line on f. {:i]ii reads, Lzl'cr Dc i^vordtia sui &= ahorfi, instead of the reading given by Hortis (p. 4). Folio [306] Is a blank leaf separatiiig the two parts. In the present copy n*. [64] and [65J occur in duplicate. 1503. Librorum Francisci Petrarche Irnpres- sorum Annotatio Vita Petrarche edita per Hierony- muni squarzaficum Alexandrinum. Epistole rerum senilium, C.xxviij. diuise in libris. xviij. Item epis- tole. Ivii. eiusdem poete : & aliorum. De ignorantia - suiipsius & multorum. Liber, i. De ocio religio- sorum. Liber, i. Ilinerarium. Propositum factum coram rege Nmgarie. De vita solitaria. Libri. ii. De remediis utriusqi fortune: Libri. ii. Libri quem secretum siue de conflictu curarij suarum inscripsit : Colloquium trium diei;. De vera sapientia. Dia- logi. iiii. De rebus mcmorandis Libri. iiii. Cotra raedicu obiurgate Inuectiual^. Li. iiii. Epistolaru de rebus familiaribus. Libri. viii. Ad quosdam ex illus- tribus antiquis quasi sui contemporanei forent. Epl'e. V. Epistolarum sine titulo. Liber, i. Ad Karolii qrtu Romanoru rege. Epl'a. i. Septem psalmi peni- tentiales. Inuecliua contra Galium. Epitoma Illiis- Irium virorum ad Franciscu de Chararia. Eiusde Epitomatis : post obitii Fracisci Petrarche : Lorbardi do sirico 5_Hipplemetia. Beneuenuti de Rombaldis Libellus qui Augustalis dicitur. Africa libri. viiii. Epistole metrice ad barbatu. Ixiiii. & libri tres Tes- tamentum suum. Priuilegium laureationis sue. Bu- colicum Carmen in duodecim eglogas distinctum cum comento Beneuenuti Imolensis viri Clarissimi. At end: Imprcssum Venetiis per Simonem Papiensem dictum Biuilaquam. Anno domini. 1503. die uero. 15. lulii. fo. ff. [524I. The third edition of the Latin works, the second Venetian one, corresponding in every way to the careful description given by Hortis (no. ^) ; it was bound by Zachns- dorf of London. The colophon Is in the second column, ob- verse of f [494] ; the reverse is blank, and then follows the title- page of the last work mentioned in the main title, Bucoiicui/i Cariiwn in ituodi'cim e^log^as distinciuM cum cotrtento Bctwue- Huti Imolensis viri Clarissimi. At the end of this, and at the foot of the second column on the obverse of the last folio [524], is this: — Pt'trarchac laureaii pociae sub bucolico cannim re- colL'ctionis sub uiro ueneratido Magistro Bcneuenitto de ymola Recollecte fa: licit: r expliciunt : per me Marann horigono de Venet. Annis. d. nostri I esu christi : curreiitibus. ALccccxvi. Die. 7'ii. lulH. This date of 1416, which Hortis simply declares a misprint, has aftorded a good deal of trouble to tlie bibliog- raphers, from Panzer down. Brunet and Griisse make Horigono (or Ongono) a printer, as does Ijlanc also in his article on Petrarch in Ersch and Gruber; but can any other works be cited which issued from his press? Meanwhile the explanation of the singular date is not easy. Simon de Gabis, called Bevilaqua of Pavia (not to be con- founded with Nicolo Bevilacqua, a possible descendant, who, after the middle of the i6th century, printed at Venice several editions of the Rime) went from Pavia, probably his native place, to Venice, where he issued his first book, an edition of Terence, in 1485, calling himself then according to Panzer, Si- mon Biiiilaqita. He published but one more work during this period of his residence at Venice, a missal in 1487, in which he gives his name simply as Simoji papiensis, Simon of Pavia. The same year he transferred his press to Vicenza, from which city three of his publications are dated, the first one being Boc- caccio's Gcncalogi(E deorum^ the colophon of which reads, hn- pressum Vinccntice per Symonem de gabis Papiesem, etc. His next work {1489), the I'icioria contra Jndccos of the Vene- tian archbishop, Peter Brutus (see the story of the way the manuscript reached Bevilaqua's hands as told in Michaud, sub BnitHs)^ has the following curious colophon, given by Panzer and Hain: — Est opus impressum papiense simone clarum: Compositum petn prccsulis ingenio. En ego sum simon papiensis nomine ciuis Biuelaquam nuper fata dedere mihi. Hunc uirtute mea libi-um magnoqj labore Impress! : nostra; uirginis ob meritum. In his next book, the Leges vtitnidpales of Vicenza (1490), the colophon reads, Impensa et diligentia maxima Simojiis dc I'apia dictns [sic] Bez'ilacqua^ and with this grammatical slip he ended his career at Vicenza. Two years later he is again in \'cnice, and from 1492 prints several books a year (except in 1495-6) undt after the century's end. In some of these, if we are to believe Panzer — but the statement lacks any other proof -he wrote himself " Simon Tichicnsis Blbilaqua." His usual style was "Simon papiensis dictus Bevilaqua." In 1502 Bevilaqua printed an edition of Cicero's Tuscv.lan questions, dated September 10, with a colophon worded in his ordinary maimer. But under the two dates of October 3 and November 10 appeared some Covimentationcs of Valla on the Tusculan questions and otiier works, the earliest of the colo- phons rending, In officina Simonis Bivilaqua. Here the ex- pression In officina, and the absence of the dictus, form very striking innovations, leaving Htde doubt that Bevilaqua was no longer superintending his own press. In fact, it seems cer- tain that his death took place about Uiis time, for the only work, after this date, which bears his imprint is the present 1503 edi- tion of Petrarch's works. This bulky volume had doubtless been for several months in the press, and the demise or disabili- ty of the press's proprietor before its completion would naturally affect its fate. But its printing evidently went on, and by the middle of the year (July 15) the great Petrarch was apparentiy finished and Bevilaqua's usual colophon appended to what is surely the most important work of his press. How long, in the process of settling the printer's estate, the sheets may have Iain before actual publication it is impossible to know. The rival edition of Simon de Lucre had appeared in the middle (June 17) of the year 1501, and this may have influenced in some way the destiny of the Bevilaqua edition. But it is hardly reason- able to suppose that the delay was of many years' duration. When, at last, it was determined by somebody — possibly the guardians of the estate or its creditors — that the book must be published and sold, it was discovered that one important por- tion of Petrarch's writings, the Bucolicnm carmen, had not been included. A manuscript of the omitted poems, with a commentary by Petrarch's correspondent, Benvenuto, was per- haps hastily procured and as hastily prepared for the press under no especially skilled supervising eye. It was given to the compositors, who set It up, and with it the name of the commentator and of the old copyist — Origono or Horigono — who, nearly a hundred years before, had attached to the manu- script his name and the date at which he had finished his tran- script, which was not an uncommon thing for a scribe of those days to do. Nobody thought of appending an imprint to this treatise, first, because the book, as a part ot which It was to be issued, already had one, and secondly, because there was now no real head to the office, whose name could be given. So this appendix was struck off — on paper sllghUy inferior in quality to that which Bevilaqua had originally acquired for the work, and, although by the same maker, having a sllghdy differing water PETRARCH BOOKS. mark A Inir-titlc to the Biicolicum cannen was printed with | in prose, with a contmuous paging ; tome lu. contains the LaUn S"tletVcrq-pe such as nowhere occurs in the previously- writings in verse, atjd tome iv. . lie Itahanwntings with a con- Drinted .ortiSt of the volume : and at the same Ume a title-page tmuous paging. The copy corresponds to that described by printed portion of the volume : and at the same Ume a title-page for the whole work, in exactly the aunt type as the halJ-titU ; and on this general title-page the addition of the Bucohcs was noted in a peculiarly prominent way, showing, as docs the com- mon tjpe of the two titles, that the printing of tlie Bucolics had recently been comi)lcted, and that the work was fresh m the mind of the man who directed the composition of the title-page. Then the book was published, a few months, or at most a year or t\m, let us guess, after July is, 1503. . This explanation of the singular and puzzling date, 1416, may not be the true one, but it at least avoids the more venturesome assumptions of Panzer, Ebert, Brunetand Grasse, that apenod either of 7 or 13 years elapsed between the dates of pnnUng the two portions of the volume. See Hortis's note, which includes a citation from Ur. Moser, the Stuttgart librarian. 1554. Francisci Tetrarchae Florentini, Philo- sophi, Oratoiis, & Poeta; clarissimi, refloiesccntis liteiaturx Latinaecj linguoe, aliquot seculis horrenda barbarie iiiquinata; ac pen^ sepultje, assertoris & instauiatoris, Opera que e.xtant omnia. In quibus prajter Theologica, Naturalis Moraliscj Philosophite prxcepta, liberalium quotj artium Encyclopediam, Histoi-iarum thesauru & Poesis tliuina quandam uim, pari cum sermonis maiestate, coniuncta inuenies. Adiecimus eiusdem authoris, qua; Hetrusco sermone scripsit carmina siue Khythmos in quibus GrKcorum gloriam, Latinorum copiam, uiris hac a:tate doctis- simis ajquasse, im6 suauitate & elegantia superasse_ multuni, uisus est. Ha:c quidem omnia nitnc iterum' summa diligentia a mendis repurgata atij, innumera- bilibus in locis, genuina: integritati restitut.i, & in Tomos qualuor distincta. Quk uero unoquoq! Toino continentur uersa pagina Lectori exhibebit. Insig- niorvm atqve doctissimorvm in re literaria uirorum, de hoc autore testimonia in Praefatione habes. Ba- silea: excudebat Henricus Petri. At end: Basilea: per Henrichvm Petri Mense Martio, anno M.D.- LIIII. [4 V. in I.] fu. ff [14I, pp. 1375, ff. I42]. ■ The fourth edition of the works, the second Basle edition, and the first which includes the Italian writings, which fill the 42 unnumbered folios at the end and make the fourth tome. The copy according to Hortis (4) is perfect, and was bound by Bauser of Paris. The dedi- catory letter prefaced to this edition shows that the editor was a fertile writer of the day, Johannes (or, .as he subsequently styled himself, Basileus Johannes) Herold, bom at Hochstadt in Suabian Bavaria, in 1511. He is supposed not to have been alive when the re-impression of this edition was made in 1581. (See Ersch uud Grubcr, sub nomine, where the statements of the Michaud Biographie universelle are corrected.) 1581. Francisci Petrarcliae Florentini, philo- sophi, oratoris, et poet^ clarissimi, reflorescentis literat\Tse latina^qve lingvae, aliqvot secvlis hor- renda barbarie inquinata ac penfe sepultce, asser- toris & instauratoris. Opera quae extant omnia. In quibus praeter Theologica, Naturalis, Moralisq! Phi- losophise priECepta, liberalium quoqt artium Kncy- clopediam, Ilistoriarum thesaurum & Poesis diui- nam quandam uim, pari cum sermonis maiestate, coniuncta inuenies. Adiecimvs eivsdem avthoris, qv3e Hetrvsco sennone scripsit carmina sive Rylh- mos, in quibus Gra;corura gloriam, Latinorum co- piam, uiris hac a:tate doctissiinis aequasse, imo suauitate & elegantia superasse multCim, uisus est. Haec quidem omnia nunc iterum summa diligentia a uarijs mendis, quibus scatebant, repurgata, atque in- numerabilibus in locis) genuina: integritati restituta, & in Tomos quatuor distincta. Quce uer6 uno- quoque Tomo continentur, uersa pagina Lectori ex- hibebit. Insigniorvm atqve doctissimorvm in re literaria viror\™, de hoc avthore testimonia in Pra:- fatione habes. Basileae, per Sebastianvm Henric- petri. At end: Basilere, per Sebastian\'m Henric- petri, anno i virgineo partv cio.lo.xxci. mense martio. [4 v. in I.] fo. ff [14], pp. 1131, 205, f. [i). The fifth edition of the works antl the third Basle edition, being the last one and the one usually cited. Tomes i. and ii. conuin the Latin writings Hoitis (5), except that this one has an additional foho at the entC on the reverse of which is the printer's mark. II. LA TIN WRITINGS (Prose). a. De remediis utriusque fortuziae. 1492. Tabula Rubricarum prxccdentis libri. &c. Operis Francisci Petrarca; de remedio utriuscj fortuna;. At end: Accipe tandem candidissime lector Diuinum Francisci Petrarcie : opus Nicolai lugari industria soUerti: Nitidissimu Bern.irdini. de misintis de Pap. ac Ca^saris Parmensis sociorum diligenti opera. Impressum Cremonae. Anno In- carnationis dfiice. 1492. die. 17. mensis Nouembris. fo. bl. If, ft'. [164]. Hortis, 338. The first edition of the De Remediis with a date. Bound by Zachnsdorf. 1515. Francisci Petrarchae de remediis vtrivsfj fortvnae. libri. II. At end: Venetiis in aedibvs Alexandri Paganini inclito Lavretano principe. IIII. idvs. Novem. M.D.XV. 320. (T. (8), cccxxxv [1]. Hortis, 345. Two copies, one bound by Pratt, the other by Bauser. 1536. Francisci Petrarchje de remediis vtrivstj fortvnK. libri II. At end: Venetijs per Dominiij Bernardinum Stagninum de Tridino Montis ferrati. Anno Domini. M.D.XXXVL 16^. ff. [6], 7-422, 2 bl. leaves. Hortis, 348. 1546. Francisci Petrarchae poetae oratorisqve clarissimi, de Remediis utriusque Fortunae ad Azone libri duo, multo quam antea diligentius ab erratis, quibus scatebant, repurgati atque eniendati. Lvte- tiae, Apud Nicolaum Boucher, na ad diuum laco- bum, sub intersignio floris. 1546- i6». S. [7], bL If., ff. 415. Hortis, 350. 1557. Francisci Petrarchae poetae oratorisqve clarissimi, de remediis vtriusque Fortunae ad Azo- nem libri duo, multo quam antea diligentius ab erratis, quibus scatebant, repurgati atque emendati. Lvtetiae, Apud Martinum luuenem, sub insigni D. ChristophoriferegionecoUegijCameracensitim. 1557- 160. f. [1], pp. 3-811, ff. [6]. Hortis, 353. 1557. Francisci Petrarchse poetae oratorisqve clarissimi, de remediis vtriusque Fortuna; ad Azo- nem libri duo, multo quam antea diligentius ab erra- tis, quibus scatebant, repurgati atque emendati. Lvtetiae, yVpud Gulielmum Cauellat, sub pingui Gallina, ex aduerso coUegij Cameracensis. 1557. 16*3. f. [1], pp. 3-S11, ff. \p\- There seems to be only a title-page ditlerciice between these two editions. _ The t.-p. of the former lins in the centre a woodcut representing two hands clasping a T (or cross), about which is twined a serpent ; in the centre of the t.-p. of the latter is a woodcut of a hen (sat//»a) standing within a circle. Sep.arate tide-pages to this edition seem to have been printed for several Pans bookselleis; see Hortis, 354. 1577. Francisci Petrarchae poetce oratorisqve clarissimi de Remediis vtriusque Fortuna: Libri 11. In quorum priore prospera fortuna refutatur : in pos- teriore vero aduersa defenditur. lam denu6 .iccura- tius quim antea ab innumeris mendis repurgati & emendati. Lvgdvni. apvd Clementem Bavdin. M.D.LXXVII. 16". pp. 884, ff. [5]. Hortis, 357. Three copies. 1585. Francisci Petrarchae poetae oratorisqve 'clarissimi de Remediis vtriusque Fortunae Libri II. In quorum priore prospera fortuna refutatur : in pos- tei-iore vero aduersa defenditur. lam denu6 accura- tius quim antea ab innumeris mendis repugnati & emendati. Lvgdvni, Apvd' Carol \nn Pesnot. M.U. LXXXV. 16". pp. 884, ff. [5]. Hortis, 359. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1595. Francisci Petrarchae de remediis vtriusau/s 22 PETRARCH BOOKS. Fortune, libii dvo. Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. [BernK], Excudebat loannes Le Preux. JI.D.XCV. i6o. ff. [3], pp. 7-6S6, IT. [22]. Horlis, 360, with whose de- scription the copy agrees. 160S. Francisci Petrarchre, de remediis vtriusque Fortune, libri dvo. Editio tertia, prioribus loiigi castigatior. Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. Ber- nce. Excudebat loannes le Preux, lUustriss. D D. Bern. Typographus. M DCV. i6'>. pp. 728, ff. (i6). Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Not in Hor- tis. 1613. Francisci Petrarchae de remediis vtriusque Fortuna?, libri dvo. Editio Quinta, prioribus longfe castigatior. Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. [Gene- va:] Apud Esaiam le Preux. M.D.C.XIII. 160. ff. [i6j, pp. 33-72S, ff. [16]. Hortis, 374. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1628. Francisci Petrarchae de remediis vtriusque Fortunre, libri dvo. Editio Quinta, prioribus longfe castigatior. Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. Colo- nice Allobrogum, Ex Typographia lacobi Steer. M.D.C.XXVIII. 16". ff. [16], pp. 728, ff. [16]. Not in Hortis. 1649. Francisci Petrarchse Poetse Oratorisque clarissimi, De remediis utriusque Fortune, libri dvo. Ejusdem de contemtv mvndi CoUoquioruin Liber, quem secretum suum inscripsit. Editio nova ac melior. Cum Indicibus duobus, altero Dialogorum, altero Rerum. Roterodami, Ex Officina Arnoldi Leers, do loc XLix. 120. engr. L-p., ff. [17], pp. 824, ff. [13]. Hortis, 379. In Bohemian. 1501. Franciskvs Petrarcha. Ri-^'erse of title- page: Franczyska Petrarchy Poety a vvelmi zname- niceho a dospieleho muze w wymluwnosti knijehy dwoge o leekarzstwij proti sstiestij a nesstiestij totiz proti libym a protiwnjnn wieczem. At end : Tyto Ftantisska Pctrarchy Knijehy : ktereezgest Pan Rzehorz hruby z Gelenije w nowie z Latijnsk^ho yazyku w Czesky przelozyl ; gsv w Slawnem Starem miestie Prazskeem wytisstieny. Leta Bozijeho Ti- syczijeho Pietisteeho Prwnijeho. f^. ff. [247]. Defective copy of the Bohemian version (Prague, 1501) of the treatise Dc Ke)nediis utriusque fortitttie. The title-page contains a full-page woodcut, representing For- tune and her wheel, with the name, Franciskvs Petrarcha, above : the two books have separate signatures, book first lack- ing all after sheet o, that is, after signature o [viii], and book second lacking the leaves I [n] and N [vi] : every page has double columns of 41 lines each; black letter; the final signa- ture of the second book is Q in ten folios ; colophon, bottom of the second column on reverse of Q [.\] ; the last actually printed signature is Q v. In the colophon the name of the translator is g'ven as Gregory Hruby of Geleny, whose Latinized name was regorius Gelenius. Hruby was his real name : and the epi- thet Gelcnsky (of Geleny or Gelenie) was derived from the town so called in northeastern Bohemia. He resided at Prague, of which he was a respected citizen, and there he died March 7, 1514. He has been styled the reseller of the Bohemian lan- guage (see Dobrowsky's Gesclticlite tier boltjuisciten Sprncltc, p. 359-360), and, besides the remarkable version of the De Re- mediis, translated into his mother tongue the Ejieot/iittii: Mor- ritz of Erasmus, and a theological work by W. Pisecky ; but these last two were never printed. In English. 1579. Phisicke against fortune, as well prosper- ous, as aducrse, conteyned in two Bookes. Where- by men are instructed, with lyke indifferencie to remedie theyr affections, as well in tyme of the bryght sliyning sunne of prosperilie, as also of the foule lowryng stormes of aduersitie. Expedient for all men, but most necessary for such as be subiect to any notable insult of eyther extremitie. Written in Latine by Frauncis Petrarch, a most famous Poet, and Oratour. And now first Englished by Thom.as Twyne. At London, printed by Richard watkyns. An. Dom. 1579. 80. ff [8], 342, [3]. Black letter; bound by Bedford. The translator, Thomas Twyne, physician and poet, was educated at Corpus Christi College, 0.vford, and wrote, compiled, or translated a considerable number of works : among them, Tiu Garland 0/ godtie Jioivers, covtmoniy called Titnncs praters (London, 1580), and The scitoointaster, or teaelier of table phylosopliie (London, 1583). He died at Lewes, Sussex, 1613. 1797. Petrarch's view of human life; translated from the Latin by Mrs. Dobson ... a new edition. 'L.on^on, Assoeiateil booksellers^ 1797- 8". pp. xiii, 359, ff! (4]. This so-called translation is really a selection of passages taken from Twyne's English version {Phisicke against/ortttne. London, 1579 — see preceding title), apparently without any comparison with the original, and with scarcely more alleradon than was necessary to connect the selected passages. The statement on the title-page that Mrs. Dobson translated the work from the Latin is, therefore, in- correct In French. 1534. Messire Fracois petracque des remedes De lune & lautre fortune : prospere & aduerse : nouuellemet Imprime a Paris. On le vend a Paris par Pierre Caouduol a lenseigne de lescu de Bre- taigne. At end : Cy finist le liure de Francois pe- tracque Poete florentin des remedes de lune et lautre fortune, prospere & aduerse Nouuellemet tr.aslate de latin en fracois, Imprime a Paris. M.D.xxxiiii. fo. ff. [6], clxxiii. Black letter, with woodcuts; bound by Masson-Debonelle. The first edition of this version was print- ed at Paris, 1523. The translator was a writer of the 14th cen- tury, Nicolas Oresme (d. 13S2), bishop of Lisieux, who also rendered the Ethics and Politics of Aristotle into French. 1660. Le sage resolu contre I'vne et I'avtre for- tune. Par Francois Petrarque. Premiere partie. Edition Nouvelle. A Brvxelle, Chez Francois Foppens, Imprimeur & Libraire, au S. Esprit. M. DC. LX. . . . 120. engr. L-p., ff. [29], pp. 514. 1661. Le sage resolu, contre la fortvne et contre la mort. Par P'ran5ois Petrarque, Florentin. II. Partie. A Bruxelles, cliez Francois Foppens, Lib- raire & Imprimeur. M. DC. LXI. 120. engr. L-p., ff. [3], pp. 616. The engraved title-page of both volumes reads : Le Sage Resoh contre la Bonne et inavz'atse Forh'ne, par Francois Petrarque Florentin Ncnt- vellentent jnis en Franfois . . . This is the same version as the following one, made by Franfois de Chatonniere de Gre- nailles (b. 1616, d. after 1678), a fertile writer. The Michaud Btograpiiic uni-jerselle (vol. 17, p. 4S5) s.ays: "Dans la pre- face de sa traduction du Sage r^soiu de Petrajquc (1660), Gre- nailles dit qu'on I'avait accuse de crime d'Ktat et qu'il a\'ait couru le risque de porter sa tete sur I'^chafaud; " and again: " L'lm des molns mauvais ouvrages de Greuailles est la traduc- tion du Uvrc de Petrarque, De remediis utriusque JbrtuntE, Elle eut dans le temps assez de succes : il en piiblia le premier volume en 1650 ; mais le second ne parut qu'en 1660, chose tres- singuliere dans un ^crivain qui, pour la fecondite, aurait pu defter Scudery. La premiere edition est intitiili^e le Sage resolu centre la fortune ; mais dans la rdimpression, Paris, 1678, 2 vol. in-i2, il changea ce titre en celiii d.^Entretiens de Pi- trarque." The remark here made concerning the first edition applies to the Paris original edition of 1550-1560, not to this Brussels reprinL 1673. Le sage resolv contre la fortvne, ov le Petrarqve, Mis en Fran9ois par Mr De Grenaille, Ecuyer, sieur de Chateaunieres. ^Dernier Edition. Reveue & corrig^ par FAutheur. A Lyon, Chez lean Baptiste De Ville, rue Merciere, a la Science. M. DC. LXXIII. . . . 2 v. 120. Vol. i., li\Te i, engr. t.-p., ff. [30], pp. 516, f. [i] ; ii., Uvre ii, engr. L-p., ff [4], 616, f. [i]. In German. 1516. Eyn Neiiwe Geteiitscht Biichleyn, Inhal- tende Grosse Erbermliche Clagen, der Synlichkeit vfi des .Schmertze Umb Belegerug Zerstorug Verbrenug vaterlats. Kranckheit des Leibs. Ufi' dz alles Trostlich Antwurt Der Vcrnunfft. A tend: Getriickt zu Oppenheym. Anno. &c. 4'^. ff- [8J. Black letter, with woodcuts ; bound by Zaehns- dorf. A translation of book ii., dictlognes Ixviii., Ixix., Iv., and PETRARCH BOOKS. 23 iii. of the De Rcmediis. On ihe reverse of the title-page is a dedicatory letter, dated Oppenheim, on the Monday after St. Lawrence, 1516, addressed to Dcin StrCfi^vnHcr^fii Hansen LantschaJe zu Stcinach RitU'y, by Jacob Kobel dysser zcit Statschreiber zu Oppcheiin. in which the writer states that this kUyn /tiichtbar bikhleyn has been translated from the Latin original of Petrarch by his Ler€r rn gcbitcr, der Hociigetert Doctor Add ll't-rn/ier von Thctiiar, whom he describes as Ordinarius of the University of Heidelberg. 1559. Iliilff, Trost vnd Rath in allem anligcn der Menscheii. Fiancisci Petraiche, des liochwei- sen, fiirtreflichen Poeten Mid Oratorn, zwei Tiost- biicher, \'on Artznei vnd Rath beyde im guten vnd widerwertigen Gliick. Zu Franckfurt am Mein, Bci Christian Egenolffs Erben. M. D. LIX. fo. ff. [6], ccxxii; many woodcuts. Contents: — I. -p.: Petrarch's testament ; brief life ; Petrarch's preface to the first book; Innhtili ; Vorred Sebastian Brandts ; verses (For. tuna Evrlpvs) ; book i. (ff. i-cv) : verses (ff. cv. rev. — cvi) ; Petrarch's preface to the second book (ff. c\'ii-c.vi obv.) ; book ii. (ff. c.\i. rev. — ccxxii). Two of the 30 verses by Sebastian Brandt (25, 26) read as follows ; — Vil \-ngluck mir anfechtung mem, Hdr zu, Petrarcha wiirt dichs lern. Fourteen editions of the German version of the De Remediis are cited, but there is a good deal of confusion in the tides quoted. The title-pages, in fact, vary, but they may per- haps be classed as follows : I'on dcr A rtzruy beydcr Gliick, Augsburg, 1532, 1539, and ^545: Zwci Trostbiichervon Artz- nei »nd Gliick, Frankfurt a-M., 1551, 1555, and 1559: Trost- spicgel in Gliick itnd Ungliick, Frankfurt, 1572, 15S4, 1589, 1596, 1604, 1614, 1620, and Niirnberg, 1652. But a comparison of these is necessary to form any defin'»e idea of their variations, as well as of the names of the translator or translators. To the list ought to be added a volume of copper-plate engravings, with both a Latin and a German title, cited as follows: Nova Piiilotlieca Petrarckiana, contincns alitpiot 124 artijiciosas Jigiiras, gtta in /". P. libro qui solaincn in bona et prospcra /ortuna intitulatnr, ligttcis Ji^iris invcniuntur. Nunc vcro . . . trncis Jignris ab S. Kicsero scnlptore, in iuic fortna in Ittcetn editie sunt : Das ist nczv Stammbuch : In ■welclicni 124 Kiinstliclic Pigurcn so ausz. F. PetrarclitE Bitcii wclckcs er Trostspicgcl in gtttein Gliick intitulirt . . . bcgrciJJ'ct. Nttn aber . . , von E, Kiesern . . . in Kupffcr gravirt an Tag gegebcn. . . Franckfurt am Mayn, 1620, obi. 40. There was a previous edition of this at Frankfurt in 1614 with only 116 plates, which may have been mistaken for the edition of the te.\t of that year cited in the list given above. The woodcuts in the earlier editions of the German version are, in part at le.ist, by Hans Burgkmair. 1584. Trostspiegel in Gliick \'nd Ungliick, Des Weitberiimbten Hochgelehrten fiiitrefflichen Poeten vnd Oratorn Francisci Petrarche Tro.stbiicher, von Rath, That, vnd Artzeney in Gliick vnd UnglUck, Nemlich, wie sich ein jeder verstiindiger Mensch halten soil, In seiner Wolfahrt nicht vberheben, Desgleichen in Ungliick, Widerwertigkeit, Angst vnnd Noth zutrosten wissen. Allen ehrliebenden Regiments Personen, Hauszvattern, vnd jedermen- niglichen, vves Stands sie seyn mogen, zu Nutz vnd Trost ausz dem Lateinischen mit fleisz verteutscht, vnd mit schonen Figuren geziert, vnd in Truck von newera verfertiget. . . . Getruckt zu Franck- furt am Mayn, in Verlegung Christ. Egenolffs Er- ben. Anno M. D. LXX.XIIII. fo. ff. (4], 222, [3] ; many woodcuts. Bound by Pratt 1620. Trostspiegel in Gliick vnd Ungliick, Francisci Petrarchce Dess Weitberhiiinten Hoch- gelehrten fiirtrefilichen Poeten vnnd Oratorn Trost- biicher, Von Rath, That, vnd Artzney in Gliick vnd Ungliick, Nemblich, wie sich ein jeder verstandiger Mensch halten soil, In seiner Wolfahrt nicht vber- heben, Deszgleichen in Ungliick, Widerwertigkeit, Angst vnd Noth zu trosten wissen. Allen ehrlieben- den Regiments Personen, Haussvattern, vnnd jeder- menniglichen, wess Standts sie seyn mogen, zu Nutz vnd Trost ausz dem Lateinischen mit fleisz ver- teutscht, vnd mit vielen schSnen kiinstlichen Figuren gezieret vnd in Truck von newem verfertiget. . . . Getruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, bey Jo- liann Bringers, seligen, Wittib, in verlegung Vin- centij Steinmayers. Anno M. DC. XX. f o. ff. [4I, pp. 379, ff. [3] : many woodcuts. Bound by Pratt. The contents, text, illustrations, and, with some slight changes, the arrangement, are the same in these two editions as in tliat of 1559. In iTALtAN. 1549. Opera di m. Francesco Petrarca, de rimedi de 1' vna et 1' altra fortvna, ad Azone, tradotta per Remigio Fiorentino ... In Vinetia Ap- presso Galjriel Giolito di Ferrarii MDXLI.X. 8'\ ff. 4:6, [3]. Two copies, one bound by Chatelin. The full name of the translator, a Florentine, is Remigio Nannini, according to Melzi (ii., p. 333); but see Stolfi's preface to Das- s.iminiato's version (i., p. 29), 1584. De' rimedi dell' vna, et I'altra fortvna, di m. Francesco Petrarca. Libri II. Tradotti per Re- migio Fiorentino. In Venetia, Appresso Doinenico Farri. 15S4. 160. ff! [4], 5-416, [3]. Bound by Bauser. 1589. De' rimedi dell' vna, et 1' altra fortvna, Cioe Auersa, & Fauoreuole. Di m. Francesco Pe- trarca. Libri II. Tradotti per Remigio Fiorentino . . . In Venetia, Appresso Giacomo Cornetti. M D LXXXIX. 8". ff. [4], 5-397, [3]. Bound by Pratt 1607. De' rimedi dell' vna, et 1' altra fortvna, di m. Francesco Petrarca. Libri II. Tradotti per Remigio Fiorentino. In Venetia, Appresso Lucio Spineda. M D C VII. 8". ff. [4], 5-4t6, [6] Two copies, one lacking the first f. of the Tavola at the end. 1867. De' rimedii dell' una e dell' altra fortuna di messer Francesco Petrarca volgarizzati nel buon secolo della lingua per d. Giovanni Dassaminiato monaco degli Angeli pubblicati da don Casimiro Stolfi. . . . Bologna, Romagnoli, 1867. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., libr. i., pp. 460, f. [ i] ; ii., libr. ii., pp. 506, bl. If, ff. [2]. ColU'zione di opcre incditt: o rare dci pritni tre sccoli delta lingua, 17, 18. 1867. Fioretti de' rimedii contro fortuna di messer Fr. Petrarca volgarizzati per d. Gio. Dassa- miniato ed una epistola di Coluccio Salutati al me- desimo d. Giovanni tradotta di Latino da Niccold Castellan! ; testi del buon secolo. Bologna, Ro- magiicli, 1867. 80. pp. 278. Scelta di cvriosita letterarie inedite o rare, disp. 80; edizione di 202 esemplari, no. 144. In Spanish. 1523. Francisco Petrarcha de los remedios con- tra prospera y aduersa fortuna. At end : Fue im- primido el libro del famoso poeta, y orador Fracisco petrarca de los rcmedio' cotra prospera, & aduersa fortua. En la muy noble, & muy leal ciudad d' Cara- gofa. por Georgi Coci aleman. Acabose a doze dias del mes de Nouiembre. Aiio de mil, y quinietos, & veynte, y tres aiios. fo. ff. [6], clxix. The translator's name is given in the dedication. " It may be worth while to add here, in connec- tion with the great Captain [Gonzalvo de Cordova], that a translation of Petrarca's Dialogues, ' De Remediis utriusque ForsuncC,' was made, at his especial request, into tine old Cas- tilian, by Francisco de Madrid {N. Ant. Bib. Nov., Tom. i., p. 442}. I have a copy of it — a most becoming black-letter folio — printed at ^aragofa, 1523." (See Ticknor's History 0/ Span- isJt Literature, Lond. 1863, vol. i., p. 183, foot-note.) Antonio stj-les the translator Franeiseus de Madrid, Palentinus, Petri Gundisalvi Jilius. The copy is bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1534. Fracisco petrarcha de los remedios cotra prospera y aduersa fortun.i. M.D.XXXiij. At end: A loor y gloria de nuestro seiior Jesu christo y de la sacratissima virgen Maria nuestra seiiora: haze fin el libro del famoso poeta & orador Fracisco Pe- tr.irca delos remedios contra prospera & aduersa For- tuna : q fue impresso en la muy noble & muy leal cibdad de Seuilla. En casa de JVAN varela de Salamanca. Acabose a veynte & seys dias d'l mes de 24 PETRARCH BOOKS. Abril. Ano del nascimieto de nuestro saluadoi Jesu xpo de mill & fjuinietos & treynta & quatro anos. fo. ff. [4], clxiii. Last f. numbered by error Ixiii. The same version ns that published in 1523. Grasse mentions edi- tions of Valladotid, 1505, Salamanca, 1515, and Saragossa, 1518 ; while Antonio (Biblioh'u-ca hispana nova, i., p. 442) cites one of Seville, 1524, printed by Juan Varela; but the date is prob- ably a misprint for 1534. b, De contemptu mundi. 1600. Francisci PetrarchiE v. c. De con- temptu mundi, CoUoquiorura Liber, quem Secretum suum inscripsit. [Bernce], Excudebat loannes le Preux. M.DC. 16". pp. 176. The last edition of the Latin te,\L Bound by Zaehnsdorf. In French. 1879. P(5trarque. Mon secret, ou du conflit des mes passions ; traduit pour la premiere fois par Victor Develay. Paris, Librairie des bibliophiles, 1879- . .„ ■ 3 vols. 160. Vol. 1., pp. XXX, 100: u., pp. 133: ni., pp. 187. Bound by Can.ipe-Belz. In German. 1846. Franz Petrarch's Bekenntnisse in Ueber- tragungen seines Briefes an die Nachwelt und seiner drei Gesprache iiber die Verachtung der Welt ; Deutsch von Ludwig Clarus. Mainz, Kirehheiin, 1846. 180. pp. viii, 182. The translator died about 1869. In It.\lian. 1520. Secreto De Francesco Petrarcha in dialogi di latino in vulgar & in lingua toscha tradocto noua- mente cum exactissima diligentia stampato & cor- recto. At end : Impresso in Venetia per Nicolo zopino & Vicentio compagno. A lande de dio & dela gloriosa Vergine Maria. Nel anno della incar- natione del nostro signore Dio M.D.-xx. adi. ix. de Marzo. 80. ff. [79]. Double columns. Bound by Bauser. The translator was Francesco Orlandini, of Siena. {Ferrazzi, p. 221.) 1839. Il,mio segreto ossia del disprezzo del Mondo dialoghi tre di Francesco Petrarca recati in Italiano dal professore Giulio Cesare Parolari . . . Venezia, Andreola, 1S39. 80. ff. [i], pp. 210, f. [i]. 1847. II secreto e le rime di Francesco Pe- trarca ; con prefazione di Paolo Emiliani-Giudici. Firenze, Societa editrice fiorentina, 1847. 120. ff. [3], pp. 1, 456. Contents:- — Intorno alia vita ed alle opcre di Francesco Petrarca lezione . . . di Paolo Emiliani-Giudici (p. i) ; 11 Secreto . . . tradotto da Fran- cesco Orlandini, sanese (p. i): Testamento _. . . tradotto per quelli che non sanno lettere (p. 129) : Privilege della in- ©oronazionc del Petrarca ... (p. 137) : Le Rime (p. 143). 1857. Del disprezzo del mondo ; dialoghi tre di Francesco Petrarca : prima versione italiana del rev. prof. Giulio Cesare Parolari. . . . Milano, Pirola, 1857. 8'». pp. 258, f [i], pp. XXX. The last pagination (xxx) does not relate to Petrarch. For another version of the De con- temptu itiuntti, see I'lifie opere Jilosojiclte di Francesco Pe- trarca, under the Epistolte. c. De olio religiosoram. 1604. Francisci Petrarchce v. c. de ocio reli- giosorvm, libri dvo. Kivsdem de vera sapientia. Bernte K.xcudebat loannes le Preux, lUustriss. DD. Bern. Typographus. M.DC.JIII. i(fl. pp. 173. Bound by 2.aehnsdorf. Hortis, 368. d. De vita solilaria. 1605. Francisci Petrarchcc v. c. De Vita Soli- taria. Liber primus. .\d Virum summoe reuerentise dignum, Philippum Patham, eo tempore Cauallicen- sem Episcopum . . . Editio secunda, priore longfe castigatior. BernK. E.xcudebat loannes !e Preux, Illustr.D.D. Bern. Tj^pographus. M. D. CV. 160. pp. 285. Contains both books i. and ii. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Hords, 371. In Italian. 1879. La vita solitaria di Francesco Petrarca volgarizzamento inedito del secolo XV^, tratto da un codice deir Ambrosiana pel dott. Antonio Ceruti ... Bologna, Roma^^noti, 1 8 79. 2 v. 8". Vol. i.. pp. 1, f. [i], pp. 170: ii., f. [i], pp. 250. Large paper copy, with broad side and bottom margins. Scelta di curiosita letterarie inedite rare, e. De Tiris illustribus vitae [and Epitome]. 1604. Francisci Petrarchae v. c. opvscvla his- torica & Philologica, qvorvm titvlos sev summam sequens exhibet pagella. Bernse, Excudebat loannes le Preux, Illustriss. D D. Bern. Typographus. M. DC. IIIL i6'\ f. [i], pp. 291. Contents: — i. Viront^n ilUtstriuvt epitome (pp. 1-140) ; 2. De pacijieanda Italia (pp. 141-151) : 3. Ad z'ctcres Rout, reipnb. de/ensores (pp. 152-158): 4. De capessenda libertate (pp. 159-181); 5. De obedientia ac Jide uxoria (pp. 182-214) : 6. De avai-itia vitanda (pp. 215-252) : 7. Itinerarium Syriacum (pp. 253-291). Bound by Pratt Hortis, 369. 1697. C. Jvlii Cfesaris Quae extant Cum Notis & Animadversionibus Dionysii Vossii, Ut & qui vo- catur Jvlivs Celsvs de vita et rebvs gestis C. Jvlii Cccsaris, Ex Musaeo Joannis Georgii Graevii. Am- stelodami, Ex Typographia P. & J. Blaev . . .. 1697. 8"*. portr., engr. t.-p., ff. [4], pp. 680, ff. [25], pp. 205, 15 pi. and maps. Petrarch's life of Cxsar, under the title of y-ttlit Ceisi comutentarii de vita jlnlii Ccesaris, at the end of the volume, ff. [2], pp. 205. Hortis, 381. 1713. C. Julii Cfesaris quje extant omnia . . . ut & qui vocatur Julius Celsus de vita et rebus gestis C. Julii Cn:saris, ex museeo Joannis Georgii Graevii.^ Lugduni Batavoruni, Boittcsteyn, 1713. 8'^. engr. t.-p., ff. [7], pp. 862, IT. [26], pp. 224, 15 pi. and maps. At the end of the volume (f..!']. PP- 224) is Petrarch's life of Caesar, under the tide of yulii'Celsi eommentarii de vita ynlii Ctesans. Hortis, 382. 1827. Francisci Petrarchae historia Julii Cae- saris ; auctori vindica\'it secundum codicem ham- burgensem correxit, cum interpretatione italica, con- tulit C. E. Clir. Schneider. . . . Lipsiae, Fleischer, 1 82 7. S**. pp. cxxliii, 335. The last page of the prefatory' matter is erroneously numbered Ixxiiii, instead of cxxiiii. Two copies. Hortis, 389. > 1829. Diem natalem regis potentissimi et cle- mentissimi Friderici Gvilelmi III., die III. Avg., hora XII. mcd.; orationeet ren\-ntiatione victorvm in certaminibvs litterariis solenni celebrandvm, maudato vniversitatis litterarvm Vratislaviensis, indicit C. E. Ch. Schneider . . . Praemissa est Francisci Petrarchae de viris illvstribvs libri nondvm editi pars. Vratislaviae, 1829. 4'*. ff. [2], pp. 32. Hortis, 390. In Italian [and Latin]. 1527. Le vite de gli hvomini illvstri di messer Francesco Petrarcha. M.D.XXVII. At end: Stampate in Vineggia per Gregorio de Gregorii, Ne' I'Anno del Signore. M.D.XXVII. Del mese de Genaio. 80. ft [6], 381. 1862. La vita di Romolo composta in Latino da Francesco Petrarca, col volgarizzamento citato dagli accademici della Crusca di maestro Donato da Pra- tovecchio ; edizione procurata da Luigi Barbicri, membro della r. commessione depntata alia stampa de' testi di lingua. Bologna, Romagnoli, 1S62. 80. pp. 5^. Scelta di eitriositH letterarie inedite o rare, disp. 18: edizione di 202 esemplari, no. 55. Hortis, 395. PETRARCH BOOKS. 1863. Le vile cli Numa e T. Of tilio, testo latino di Francesco I'elrarca e toscano di m. Donato da Pratovecchio ; per cura e studio di Luigi Barbieri, . . . Bologna, Ronm^iioli, 1863. 8". pp. 38. Sist'Ua di curiosita letterarie ineditr o rt^re^ disp. 2 ; edizionc di 202 eseinplari, no. i.j8. Hortis, 396. 1874-79. Le vite degli uomini illustii di Fran- cesco Fetrarca, volgarizzate da Donato degli Alban- zani da Pratovecchio, ora per la prima volta niesse in luce secondo un codice Laurenziano citato dagli Accademici della Crusca, per cura di Luigi Razzo- lini. Bologna, Romagnoli, 1874-79. 2 V. 80. CofiL-nts : — Vol. i. (pp. x.\xv, 893, f. [1], 2 pi.), Romolo — Pompeo il grande: ii. (pp. xvi, 726, f [1]), Gaio (Jiu- lio Cesarc. With the Latin text opposite, and a second tide, — J^rariciSf-i Pctrarchae de viris tllustribus vitae ftiiftc prima t'jtr Cffdd. L'ralisinviensi, I 'aticano ac Pataviito in lucem cditcie : published as part of the Coll^zionc di o^erc inediie o rare del primi tre sccoii dclLi lirt^a. /. De rebns memorandis. 1485 ? Francisci petrarclie Poete laureati reru memorandarum Liber primus incipit Feliciter. [Lo- vanii, R. Locffs de DrieH, n. d. 40. bl. If., IT. [221]. Contents: — Renttn 7ncinor. lib. i., 23 ff., lib. ii., 36 ff., fib. iii., 104 ff. ; Dc moiistro guoa tiatil e i comitatu Jloretino, i f. ; Eiiisdcm francisci petrarcke epistola de studionivi successions ad postcritatem, 6 fl". ; Liber Hayrno de xpianarnnt rcnim tnenroria, 51 ff. black letter. Bound by Zaebnsdorf. Hain (iv., pp. 84-85) malics the place of publication Cologne, and the printer .Arnold tcr Hoemen, but the t>'pe is certainly not that used in other issues of that printer's press. The date is about 1485. Not in Hortis. In German. 1541. De Rebus Memorandis. Gedenckbuch AUer der Handlungen, die sich ftirtreffenlich vonn anbegind der Welt wunderbarlich begeben vnd zu- getragen haben, wirdig vnd werdt dass sie inn ewig zeyt nyiTiermer inn vergess gestellt, Dergleichen iiii Teiitsch vor nye gesehenn, gehort noch geredt ist worden, Des hochgelerten herrn, Oratoren vn Poe- ten, Francisci Petrarche, Ganlz new, lustig, lieblich, alien Standen vnd menschen hoch nutzlich vnnd noth zu wissenn. An den tag gebracht vnnd Ver- teiitschet, Durch Magistrum Stephanum Vigilium Pacimontanum. Gedruckt zu Augspurg, bey Hain- rich Stayner, M. D. XXXXI. fo. ff. [S], xcvi. With woodcut illustrations; bound by Pratt 1566. De rebvs memorandis. Franciscus Pe- trarcha der Hochgeleert vnd weitberiimpt Orator vnnd Poet, von allerhandt fiirtreflichen handlungen, so sich von anbegin der Welt wunderbarlich zuge- tragen vnnd begeben haben, wol "wirdig, dass sie in ewige zcit nimmer in vergess gestellt, dergleichen aach in Teutscher Spraach vor nie gesehen, gehort noch geredt worden. Jetzunder auffs fleissigst Mind herrlichst auss dem Latein inns Teutsch gebracht durch M. .Stephanum Vigilium Pacimontanum, vnd mit schbnen Figuren gezieret . . . Franckfurt am Meyn, Bey Christian Egenolfifs seligen Erben. M. D. LXVL fo. ff. [61, cii, [6]. _ With woodcuts. Two copies (one bound by Pratt), of which the one cited has after f cii two un- numbered leaves, contairiing Der Sieben ll'eisen in Grecia Sprichworter, In Rheimen gestellt. A nsz dem Spiel Caspa- ris Bntschii ; the other lacks these, and has therefore but four imnumbered ff. at the end. The woodcuts used are, in Large part at least, the same as Uiose found in the early German ver- sions of the De Remedits. 1591. Von Gedenckwiirdigen Sachen : Das ist. Von Aller Handt fiirtreflichen Handlungen vnd Geschichten, so sich von Anbeginn der Welt wun- derbarlich zugetragen vnd begeben haben, wol wiir- dig, d.ass sie in ewig Zeit, nicht in Vergess gestellt werden. Erstlich durch den Hochgelehrten vnnd Weitberiihmten Oratorem vnd Poeten Franciscum Petrarche in Latein beschrieben : Hernacher in vnser Teutsche Spraach gebracht Durch AL Stephanum Vigilium. Jetzunder aber nach vielfaltigem nach- fragen aufls new mit vielen schancn, hierzu dien- lichen IIi..,torien vnd Exempeln gemehrt, vnd mit einem niitzlichen Register gebcssert. Gelruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn. At euj ; Getruckt zu Franck- furt am Mayn, Bey Martin Lechlern, in verlegung Frawen Barbarie weyland D. Joannis Cnijiij, vnd Maria; Paulussen Sleinmeyers bcyder nachgelaisencn Wittiben vnd Christian Egenolphs seligen Krben. JLD.XCL 8'\ ff. [8j, 214, [8]. Bound by Zaehnsdorf Grnesse cites the three editions of this German version which are here given, styling the last one, erroneously, folio instead of octavo. To these Ferrazzi (p. 229) adds two other% one of Frankfurt, 1550, and tlie other, without place, of 1610. g. Fsalmi poenitentiales. 1821. I sette salmi penitcnziali di Dante Ali- ghieri e di Francesco Petrarca. Bergamo, Mazzo- leni, 1 82 1. 80. pp. 91. Petrarch, pp. 57-91 : text and prose version by A. Levari. Hortis, 386. 1827. I sette salmi penitenziali di Dante Ali- ghieri e di Francesco Petrarca. Firenza, Socicta' lipografua, 1S27. 80. pp.81. Petrarch, pp. 51-81. Reprint of the preceding. In French. 1880. Petrarque. Psaumespenitentiaux; traduits pour la premiere fois par Victor Develay ; avec une gravure d'Holbein. Paris, Libiaire des Bibliophiles, 18S0. 16". pp. 61. Frontispiece included in pagination. Bound by Canape-Kelz. In Italian. 1852. I salmi di Francesco Petrarca recati di Latino in versi volgari dal dottore Antonio Racheli. . . . Guastalla, Liicchiiti, 1852. 80. f [i], pp. 62, f. [i]. With the original text. For an- other version see the dates 1821 and 1827 above. In English. 1875. The works of George Chapman : poems and minor translations ; with an introduction by Al- gernon Charles Swinburne. London, C/wtto, 1875. 8^. pp. ixxv, 435. Petrarch's seveft penitential psalms translated, pp. (133J-143. This version was originally pub- lished in 1612 under the following title : Petrarclt's Seven Peni- tential Psalms, Paraphrastically translated : with other Philoscphicall Pocnts and a Hymne to Christ itpon the Crosse, lyritten by George Chapman , . . London. Imprinted Jor Jllattheiv Sclman, eltvelling in Fleeie-Streete tware Chan- eerie lafie. 1612. 8". ff. 50. /;. De sni ipsins et aliomm ignorantia. In Italian. 1858. Delia propria ed altrui ignoranza trattato di Francesco Petrarca con tre lettere dello stesso a Giovanni Boccaccio; traduzione di Giuseppe Fra- cassetti, con note. Venezia, Grimaldo, 1858. 80. pp. vii, 219, f [i]. The introducrion is signed G. C. Parolan. 7* Epistola ad posteros [and Testamentum]. 1531. TestanientMn illvstris poetae Francisci Petrarchae, ab eo ipso mvlto ante, qvam e vita dece- deret conscriptvm . . . [Venetiis], M.D.XXXI. 8". pp. [8]. Bound with Exempluin Frivilegii laiireae ; same place and publisher. Hortis, 347. In French. 1880. Petrarque. fipitre a la postfrit^ et testa- ment ; traemare ottimamente jmo staio,^. i (Sen. xvL, 1) : Libro degli iiffici e delle virtit di tin capitano, p. 93 (Sen. iv. , i) ; Delia %>era sapienza, p. 139: // segreto, p. 163. 1827. Alia maestEi di Carlo IV. imperatore esor- tazione di Francesco Petrarca per la pace d'ltalia; volgarizzata da Teresa Carniani Malvezzi. Firenze, Il Magheri, 1827. 80. pp. II. The letter /"rtw. x., i. 1835. Kpistola di messere Francesco Petrarca a messere Niccola Acciaiuoli, siniscalco del reprio di Puglia, per la coronazione del re Luigi. Roma, Bouhaler, 1835. 80. pp. 23. Articolo estratto dal Ciomale Arcadico nel torn. 1x11. The dedicatory letter is by Giuseppe Ignazio Mon- tanari. The letter is Fam. xii., 2. 1845. Tre Ictterc di Francesco Petrarca recate in italiano ed offerte al noliil giovane come Angelo Tattini. Bologna, .Sassi, 1845. 8". pp. 16. 1 he dedicatory letter is signed Enrico Sassoli. The letters are Fant. ii., 6, 10, and 14. 1846. Lettere di Francesco Petrarca voltate in italiano ed offerte da Enrico Sassoli al nobil giovane marchcse Anniliale Guidotti. Bologna, Sassi, 1846. 8». pp. 16. The letters are Fam. iii., 15, 16, 17, and iv., 2. Two copies. 1846. I.ettere di Francesco Petrarca dirette ad uomini illustri del suo tempo, volgarizzate dal cav. MicKele Leoni. Guastalla, Fortinuiti, 1846. 8". pp. 103. Fourteen letters, including the Epistola ad posteros, one by Cino da Pistoja and two by Boccaccio. For the exact contents see Ferrazzi (p. 245). 1846. Saggio di epistole di Francesco Petrarca volgarizzate dal cavaliere Michele Leoni. Guas- talla, Fori una ti, 1S46. 80. pp. 103. Translations of fourteen letters, including the Epistola ad posteros. There is merely a title-page diflerence between this and the preceding. 1851. La Griselda di Francesco Petrarca volgar- izzata; novella inedita tratta da un codice Riccar- diano del sec. XIV., con note e tavola di alcune voci mancanti al vocabolario. Firenze, Fahbihii, 1851. 3". pp. 30, f. [i]. Preface signed L. Bencini. Letter, Sen, xvii., 3. 1857. Lettera inedita di Francesco Petrarca a Marquardo, vescovo di Augusta e vicario imperiale in Lombartlia, tradotta, commentata e difesa. Pa- dova, Zambcccari, 1S57. 8". pp. 48. The preface is signed Agostino Palesa. The letter is I'ar. 59. 1860. Intorno alia obbedienza ed alia fedelta della moglie, novella di Francesco Petrarca, tratta dalla X della giornata X del Pecamerone di Gio- vanni Boccaccio; dalla latina nella italiaiia favella tradotta da Giovanni Paoletta, direttore scolastico. Venezia, Tipogmjia del Conimercio, 1S60. S'^. pp. 35. Edizione di soli 150 escmpLiri, per le nozze Giuriati-Bigaglia. This, and the title cited above with the date 1851, seem to be the only separately printed versions of the Griseldis in Italian. 1853-67. Lettere di Francesco Petrarca delle cose familiar! libri ventiquattro ; lettere varie libro unico : ora la prima volta raccolte, volgarizzate e dichiarate con note da Giuseppe Fracassetti. Fi- renze, Le Moiinicr, 1863-67. 5 V. i2'\ Vol. i., 1863, libr. i.-iv., ff. [2], pp. 574, f. [i], folding sheet: ii., 1864, libr. V.-.X., ff. [2], pp. 503: iii., 1865, libr. xi.-xvi,, ff. [2], pp. 4S3: iv., 1866, libr. xvii.-xxii., f [2], pp. 500, f fil: v., 1867, libr. xxiii.-x.\iv., lettere varie Hbr. i., ff. (2], pp. 542. f. [2]. 1869-70. Lettere senili di Francesco Petrarca volgarizzate e dichiarate con note da Giuseppe Fra- cassetti. Firenze, Le Monnier, 1869-70. 2 V. 12°. Vol. i., libr. i.-viii., ff [2], pp. 409; ii., libr. ix.- xvii., ff. [2], pp. 5S7. The last two titles, with the three-vol- ume set prcviou.sly cited under the dates 1859-63, make up the invaluable Fracassetti collection. Unfortunately the original text is given only in the case of the Epistola de rebus /ami' liaribiis and the Kpistohu t'aricc. 1869. Due lettere di Francesco Petrarca a Nic- colosio Bartolomei da Lucca. Lucca, Canoveiti^ 1869. 80. pp. 24. Nozze Sforza-Pierantoni. The dedication is signed C Pagano Paganini. The letters arc from the version of Fracassetti, Fam. ix., 11, and Var. 5. The notes on them occupy pp. [ii]-24- 1870. Tre lettere di Francesco Petrarca recate in italiano dal marchese Lodovico Pallavicino-Mossi . . . Torino, Spciraniy 1S70. 8'>. pp. 30. On t.-p. of cover, Edizione ii. The letters are Fam. i., i, Sen. v., 4, and Sen. ii., 5. • 1874. Pel V. centenario di Francesco Petrarca : Tepistola ad Orazio (lib. xxiv., X.) e I'epistola ad PETRARCH BOOKS, Omero (lib. xxiv., XII.), tradotte da Vittorio Polacco e Luigi Alberto Ferrai, student! del ll. corso liceale. Padova, Scminario^ 1S74. 80. pp. 24. [n. d.] Lettera e versi di Frapcesco Petrarca a Filippo, vescovo di Sabina e cardinale, versione del conte Giovanni Marclietti ; estratta dal giornale let- terariodi Bologna, La RUreqzio>u. [Bologna], «. d. 60. pp.7. ITicletter is 5f«. XV., 15. Not in Ferrazzi. HI. LATIN WRITINGS (Verse). 1558. Fr^ncisci Petrarcliae florentini poetae eruditissimi bvcolica, Africa, epistolae. Basileae, M.D.LVIII. 8''. pp. 5S3. Bound by Chatelin. Pages [9] and [10] are blank; they follow the dedicatory letter of Alban Thorer (Al- banus Torinus), the editor {b. 1489, d. 1550: see Michaud, sub Thorer), who prepared the first edition of this collection in 1541. Hortls. 355, with whose description the present copy agrees. The dale, 1553, in Ferrazzi (p. 211) is presumably an error of the printer. 1829-34. Francisci Petrarchae poemata minora quae exstant omnia nunc primo ad trutinam revocata ac recensita. Mediolani, Societas typographica das- sicomm^ 1S31. 3 V. 8«. Vol. i., 1829, Eglogse 1.-XII., portr., pp. Ivii, 300, f. [1]; ii., 1831, Epistolx, pp. XI, 42S, f. [i]: iii., 1834, Episto- lae, pp. X, 283, 77, f. [i]. Also with the title, Poesie minori del Petrarca sul testo Uitino ora corretto, volgarizzate da pocti viventi o da poco dcfuntt. These volumes are edited in Italian by Domenico de' Rosetti, and furnish the standard texL Three copies, two being on superior paper. 1872. F. Petrarclice Africa quam recensuit, prx- fatione, notis et appendicibus illustravit L. Pingaud, scholce normalis olim alumnus. Parisiis, Thonn^ 1872. ^^' ff- [3]» PP- 400- L^ge paper. Hortis, 397. In French. 1880. P^trarque. Sophonisbe, episode du po^me de VAfriqiie ; traduit pour la premiere fois par Vic- tor Develay. Paris, Librairie des bibliophiles^ 18S0. 32'*. pp. 94. A complete French version of the Africa, by the same translator, is now {October, 1882) in preparation, to be issued by tlie same house. In Italian. 1570. L'Africa del Petrarca in ottava rima in- sieme col testo latino. Fedelissimamente tradotta da M. Fabio Marretti, gentilhuomo Senese. Alia illvstre e valorosa Sig.*'^ la Sig.*^*^ Aloisia Ridolfi del Nero, nipote del Card.le Ridolri, & del S. Marescialle Strozzi, Sig.ra uirtuosiss.^^^, & di bellezza singolare . . . In Venetia, appresso Domenico Farri. M D LXX. 40. ff. [4], pp. 9-103. 1776. Dell' Africa di Francesco Petrarca libro primo volgarizzato da Egle Euganea p. a. e indiritto a s. e. la contcssa Camilla Martinelli Giovanelli. Pa- dova, Conzatti^ 1 776. . 80. pp. 45. The pseudonym Egle Euganea=the countess Franccsca Kobcrti Franco; sec Melzi, i., p. 344. 1874. I-'Africa, poema epico in esametri latini distribuitoin IX. libridi Francesco Petrarca, versione con note di Ciio. Batta Gaudo dall' edizione parigina in ottavo dell' anno 1872 illustrata con prefazione, note critiche ed appendici in idioma latino da L. Pingaud. Oneglia, Ghilini, 1874. 8«. portr., PP ix, f. [i], pp. 4-454- 1878. Francesco Petrarca. L'Africa recata in versi italiani, dal dottor Agostino Palcsa. Padova, Salmin, 1878. I. 80. pp. xii, 494. IV. ITALIAN WRITINGS. a. Manuscripts. Trionfo primo del clarissimo poeta lavreato meser Franciescho Petrarcha fiorentino inel qvale trionfo tratta damore incomincia felicemente. 190 folios of vellum, two at the beginning and two at the end being blank Each folio measures 26.5 centimeters by 17; 29 lines on a page, with margins at top 3 centimeters in width, and at bottom 7, the text itself varying between 16 and 17 centi- meters in height. The Trionfi occupy the first 41 folios (includ- ing the first two blank ones), the title given beinc; on the reverse of the third folio. On the obverse oi the 41st folio, at the top, is the title of the sonnets and canzoni: Incovtiytciano isonetti ele canzone di mesere Francescho Petrarclia poeta fiorentino /cli- citcr incipit, whereupon follows the text. At the end of the text comes a blank folio, and at the obverse of the next com- mences the firsl-line index, whicb includes seven folio?, ending on the obverse of the 7th. The two blank leaves close the vol- ume. The binding is by Bedford, of London. The manu- script, which dates from about 1470, was sold at the Libri sale of manuscripts in 1859, the cataloguer (Libri) Riving this ac- count of it; " This magnificent manuscript, exhibiting a beau- tiful specimen of Italian calligraphy, has the first page in gold and blue, within an elegant wreath, upheld by Cupids. The first page of the Trionfi is adorned with a large miniature capi- tal, shewing Petrarch dreaming, and an angel or diable boiteux in attendance. This page is surrounded by an exquisitely illuminated border, formed by portraits, cupids, birds, insects, flowers, &c., with the arms of an ancient Italian family in the center of the lower margin. A very similar border adorns the first page of the Sonetti, having a miniature potrait of Petrarch in the initial letter. There are also throughout the manuscript numerous capital letters illuminated in gold colours. No finer or more costly manuscript of Petrarch than this has ever been offered in a public sale ; for it is not only valuable for the fine penmanship, the illuminations, and the whiteness of the Italian vellum, but also for the text, which is remarkably pure. Under the elegant garland on tlie reverse of the first leaf there was formerly the name of an ancient owner, which, although de- faced, is still legible, and shows that this volume belonged to the abate Ughclli, who, two centuries ago, published the cele- brated work entitled, ^Italia Sacra'" A fac-simile of thoi initial letter to the Sonetti accompanies the Libri catalogue. II Petrarcha. 206 folios of vellum, 21 by 13.5 centimeters, the first and last blank ; 25 lines on a page ; top margins 1.5 centimeters in width, bottom margins 4.5. Title on obverse of second folio. On ob- verse of third folio begin the Sonetti, ending on the reverse of the i62d. The Trionfi commence on the obverse of the 163d folio, and end on- the reverse of the 205th. At the end of the Sonelti, and again at the end of the I'rionfi, is the Greek word Tc/.o(T- Handsome illuminated inidals in gold and colors, with floral ornamentation, begin both parts. The Sonetti and Can- zoni begin alternately with large blue and red capitals. The folios i-ii, 16, 17 and last are quite modern, and seem to have been made to supply the place of lost foUos. At the end, in a hand somewhat later than that of the text, are two lines (of which the first is Chi semina uirtit fama richolie), and after these what looks like the date M.CCCC.Ii., which, however, is probably not an actual date, for the manuscript seems later. At the bottom of the reverse of the i62d foHo (the Trionfi begin- ning on the page facing this) is the following title : Coviinciano eirioviphi sei di M Francesco petrarca cioe dafiiore' di pudici- tin : di mo7'te: di phama : di tempo: deternita. The open- ing lines of the first Trionfo read thus : NEI tempo che rinuoua imici sospiri per la dolce memoria diquel giorno che fu principio asi lunghi martin Gial sole al thauro luno & laltro como scaldaua : & la fnnciulla di Titone correa gielata ad suo uso soggiomo. The morocco binding, which is profusely ornamented with tool- ing, looks like eighteenth century work. b. The Oanzoniere (complete). 1471. NEL TEMPO ch rinoua imie sospiri. At end: Qui finisce le canzone & sonecti delpe- trarcha poeta excelletissio. facte 1 Roma Nel tepo del .sanctissimo in xpo patre & Signer nfo. S. Paulo p ladiuina puidetia papa. ii. & delsuo potificato ano septimo. Nelli anni del nfo signer yho xpo. iM. CCCC. Lxxi adi x diluglio. sm. fo. ff. [194]. Lacks the last two fr„ [46th and 47th], of the Trionfi and the Vita, the blank leaf which ought to follow, and the first f [48th) of the Sonetti. When perfect this second edition of the Rime consists of 197 ff , besides the blank leaf between the Vita and the Sonetti! It is printed on vcr>' heavy, firm paper, in the Latin letter, 27 lines on each page. The colophon cited is at the bottom of the reverse of the Last folio. The Sup- plement (vol. ii., Paris, 1880, columns 215-216) to Bnmet's Manuel du libraire says: " Cettc cxccllcntc et rarissiipe Edi- tion a . The first part, the Trionfi, has 150 unnumbered ff.; then follows a blank leaf, and after that the Sonetti and Canzoni, ff tioo]. Black letter. The copy answers to the description of lortis, 12. 1486-88. [ p Rohemio del prestante Oratore et Poela Misser Francesco Philelpho.] At end: Qtii finisse gli triumphi & soneti di Misser Francesco Petrarcha. Impress! in Vencsia per Pelcgrino di Pasquali & Domenico Bertocho bolognesi. Anno Domini M.cccc.lxxxvi. adi. vii. di Ziigno. PROLOGVS. Ad Illustrissimum Mutina: ducem diuum Borsium Estensem Bernardi Ilicini medicinoe: ac philosophios discipuli in triumphorum Clarissimi Poetce Francisci Petrarchse expositio incipit. -•// end: Finisse il commento delli triumphi del pe- trarcha composto per il prestantissimo philosopho Misser Bernardo da monle illicinio da Siena, Im- presso in Venisia per Pelegrlo di pasquali e Do- menico bertocho da Bologna compagni nelli anni del nostro Signore. M.cccclxxxviii. Adi. viii. di Aprile. fo. The parts are given in the order of their dates and bind- ing. The copy is imperfect. Part first (Sonetti and Canzoni) lacks all the ff. preceding the one bearing signature Aiii., in- cluding the procmio, sonetto primo (Oi chascoltaie) and sonetto ?,^c\\t\Aq (Era il poitw). It also lacks f. [Hviii.], containing stanze vi. and vii. of the Canzone xxvii. (that is, lines Fuor tutti nostri lidi to In una chiusa untie oiiJescie sorga) and the sonetti cviii. {Fiamma del cicl), cix. {Lauara babilonia), ex. \Fontane di dolore), cxi. (Quanto pin disiose), and cxii. {Amor eke net pensier). The ff. are unnumbered, but count 109; they should be 112. Part second (Triumphi) has snme of the illuminated initials in ff. aii. and aiiii. cut out; aiii. (the second folio) is lacking, including the prologus, after the words El secotuio introduce laragiofie triumphare damore : laqnale in- tende sotto iluelame de. This makes the ff. (unnumbered) 130, the proper number being 131 (not 151 as stated by Hortis, 13). Latin letter. 1490. TABVLA PER informatione & dechia- ratione . . . At end: Finis. TABVLA Azo che tu elqual ne lopra dil glorioso petrarcha con minore difficulta possi ritroiiare le his- toric & fabule . . . At end : Finisse gli sonetti di Misser Francescho Petrarcha coreti & castigati per me Hieronymo Centone Paduano Impress! in Venetia per Piero Veroneso nel M.CCCCLXXXX. Adi. xxii. de Aprilo Regnante lo Inclito & glorioso principe Augustino Barbadico. ff^. The signatures of the Trionfi run : aa2, aaiii., aaiiii., 4 ff. without signatures, a, aii, aiii, aiiii, 4 ff, without signatures, and so on to qi., q^ii., qiii., qiiii., followed by 4 ff. without signatures. The folio numbers run thus: 6 ff. without numer- ation, 3, 4, I., 5, 4, 5 — 33, I unnumbered f, 34, 36 — 128. The reverse of f. 128 is blank. The signatures of the Sonetti run from A to N iii., followed by 2 ff without signatures. The folio numbers run thus: i, 2, i f unnumbered, 4-50, 40, 52-92, 94-102. Folios 33 and 44 are indicated thus: 3iii., 4iiii. Contents: — Tabvla, prologvs Bernardi Ilicini, Tri- vmphi; Tabvla, prohemio del prestante Oratore & poeta Misser Francescho Phielpho, Sonetti, registro delli sonetti. Each triumpho is preceded by a full-page woodcut The copy seems perfect The description of Hortis (15) includes only the Sonetti. 1500. Triumphi de Misser Francescho Petrarcha con Ii Sonetti : correcti nouamente. At end: Finit Petrarca. Impressum Venetiis per Bartholameum de Zanis de Portesio: Anno domini. M.ccccc. die. vi. Marci. TABVLA Tabula deli Soneti . . . At end: Finisse Ii sonetti de Misser Francescho Petrarcha corretti & castigati per me Nicolo Peranzone altra- iTiente Riccio Marchesiano liquali sonetti incomin- ciando dal pricipio insino al sonetto Fiamma dal ciel su le tue trezze pioua: sono exposti per el degno poeta Misser Fr.icescho philelpho & dali indrio insi- no qui sonno exposti per lo Spectabile homo Misser Hieronymo Squarciafico Alex.adrino. Impressi in Ve- netia per Bartholomeo de Zani da Portese : nel. M.CCCCC. a di. xxviii. de Aprile: Regnante lo In- clyto & glorioso principe Augustino Barbadico. FINIS. fo. ff. [10], 128— ff [3], 5-100. CoWfs/i.- — Title, preface of Nicolo Peranzone with verses In taitcie del Petrarcha <^ de Laura, etc.. Tabula dell Triumphi, Prologo of Bernardo Ilicino. El subgetto uniuersale deli triumphi, Vtilita de Ii triumphi, Nome del libro & auctore dcsso. La origine de Misser Frances- cho petrarcha, etc.. Triumphi and commentary; Tabula deli Soneti, Prohemio del prestante oratore v't poeta Francescho Philelpho, Soneti with commentar)'. Full-page woodcuts illus- trate each Triumpho. The copy agrees with the one described by Hortis (22), except that he makes the unnumbered ff. at the bc;;inning of the second part 4, which must be an error unless one be blank. Bound by Pratt 3° PETRARCH BOOK'S. 1501. Le cose volgari di messer Francesco Pe- trarcha. At end : Impresso in Vinegia nelle case d'Aldo Romano, nel anno. MDI. del mese di Luglio. et tolto con sommissima diligenza dallo scritto di mano medesima del Poeta, hauuto da M. Piero Bembo. Con la concessione della lUustrissima sig- noria nostra, che per. X. anni nessuno possa stam- pare il Petrarcha sotto le pane, che in lei si conten- gono. 80. fF [191], of which two are blank. The first Aldine edition, and the first work printed with the Italic types invented either by Aldo or Francesco da Bologna. Two copies, one corresponding to the description ^ven by Marsand (p. 24) and by Hortis (no. 24), the other lacking the f. containing the latter portion of the Errori. The former is bound by Gruel of Paris. [1502 ?] Le cose wlgari di messer Francesco petrarcha. 80. ff. [1S8], of which 2 are blank. Except the orthogrriphy of the word vi'lgari in the title, the first 178 ff. correspond to those of the first Aldine edition : the Triomphi terminate on the reverse of f [179I1 but are followed by no colophon. Then comes a blank leaf, followed by the index of first hnes, occupy- ing 7 ff., and then a blank leaf. The signatures run from (aj to z iii. (179th f ), and in the index from A (iSist f.) to A ini. (184th {.). This appears to be the earliest (with unnumbered folios) of the two counterfeit Aldine editions loosely described by Brunet (vol. iv., coll. 543-544) and Graesse (vol. v., p. 224), and printed, according to them, at Lyons in the earliest years of the i6th century. But the subject of these so-called counter- feit editions needs far more careful investigation than it has received. Hortis does not mention the edition here cited. 1508. Petrarcha con doi comment! sopra li so- netti et canzone. El primo del ingeniosissimo mis- ser Francesco Philelpho. L altro del sapientissinio mi.'^ser Antonio da Tempo novamente addito. Ac etiam con lo commento del Eximio Misser Nicolo Peranzone, ouero, Riccio Marchesiano sopra li Tri- umphi, con Infinite noue acute & Excellente Expo- sitione. At end : Finisse li Sonetti et Canzone de Miser Francescho Petrarca ben corretti per Nicolo Peranzone altramente Riccio Marchesiano : liquali sonetti incominciando dal principio insino al sonetto Fiamma dal del su le tue trezze pioua : sono exposti per el degno poeta Miser Francescho Philelpho et da li indrio insino qui sono exposti per il Spectabile Miser Hieronymo Squarciafico Alexandrine. Et etiam tutti li ditti sonetti sono exposti per lo Eximio Miser Antonio da Tempo. Stampadi in Venesia per Gre- goriu de gregoriis. TABVLA PER inforniationeet declaratione . . . At end : Finit Petrarcha nup siima diligetia cor- retto. Impressum Venetiis per Gregorium de gre- goriis Sumptibus Egregii viri Domini Bernardini de tridino. Anno dni. M.D.VIII. Die. xx. nouebris. 4". fr 119, bl. If, ff. [4], bl. If.— ff. [7], 139, [i]. The copy agrees in its arrangement with that of Marsand (pp. 28-29). El altro in the second line of Marsand's description should read Laltro. Bound by PraiL Hortis, 30. 1514. II Petrarca. At end : Impresso in Vine- gia nelle case d'Aldo Romano, neP anno MDXIIII del mese di Agosto. I. 80. fi: 183, bl." If, ff. (7], bl. If., ff. [16]. The second Aldine edition. Bound by Gruel. Hortis, 35, 1515. Opera del preclarissimo Poeta misser Francescho Petrarcha con el comento de misser Ber- nardo Lycinio sopra li triuphi. Con misser Fraces- cho Philelpho: Misser Antonio de tempo: Misser Hieronymo Alexadrlno sopra li Soneti & Canzone nouamente historiate : & correcte per misser Nicolo Peranzone. Azonte molte notabele & excellente ad- ditione. At end: Qui finisse li triumphi de Misser Francescho Petrarcha: Stampadi in Venetia per Au- gustine de Zanni da Portese nel. M. D.XV. adi. xx. Mazo. Sonetti & Canzone de misser Francescho Pe- trarcha. At t'ottom of f. cxii't. : Finisse li Soneti & Canzone de Misser Fracescho Petrarcha ben correti p Nicolo Parazone altramete Riccio Marchesiano : liquali soneti incominciado dal principio insino al soneto Fiama dal ciel su le tue trezze pioua a carte. 66. sono exposti p el degno poeta Mis. Fracescho Philelpho & da li indrio isino qui sono exposti p el Spectabile Mis. Hieronymo squarciafico Alexadrino : Et etiam tutti li ditti soneti sono exposti p lo F^ximio Misser Antonio da Tepo. Stapadi in Venetia p Augustino de Zani de portese nel. M. D.XV. Adi. XX. Mazo. fo. ff. [lol, CXXVHI.— CXni., [3]. With woodcuts from the Paduan-Venetian school of wood-engraving. The copy corresponds to the description by Hortis, 38. 1516. Canzoniere et triomphi di messer Fran- cesco Petrarcha. At end : Stampato in Bologna Per II Discretto huomo Maestro Francesco da Bologna nel Anno del Signore. M.D.XVI Adi. xx. De Set- tembro. 320. ff. [7], bl. If, AT [i], n-CLX. On the reverse of the title folio is Franciscvs Bo'ioHiensis LectoH. S. The next 6 unnumbered If. contain the Tabz'la, followed by the blank leaf, after which is a second title-page, an exact repetition of the first, the reverse of the folio being blank. On f. 11, Thomass Clarkinvs Grammar-vSy Lectori Cddidisshno, ending on the reverse. On the obverse of f ni the Sonetti begin, the running title being either Soneti or Canzon, as far as the obverse of f. CXVil. On the reverse commences the Oratio ad Virginem^ continuing through the upper part of the reverse of f cxix. At the end of this, just above the centre of the page, is the title of the Triumphi, Triomphi di messer Fraficesco Petrarcha, the lower half of the page being blank. On the obverse of f. cxx begins Captivh primo del triomplw damore. The Triumphi continue to the upper part of the reverse of f CLn, followed by these lines: // correttore non si extende oltra li Tridphi: pa^ redo in lin/rascritti i uetide esser atribuito ah poeta alcitnt scritti ch no tegono H suo legiadro stile. Then comes the Cayt- zone di messer Francesco Petrarcha troitata ludtico libro, oc- cupj-ing the lower half of the page, followed by the usual giunte^ which end a little below the centre of the obverse off CLX with the words FINIS. PETRARCHA. Beneath is the colophon. The reverse of f clx is blank. Bound by Pratt This edition was unknown to Marsand, nor is the title to be found in Hor- tis; but the present copy corresponds to the descriptions given by Senesi and Panizzi (see those names) in their published treatises on the edition. The bibliographical interest attaching to the edition has been increased by comparatively recent dis- cussions, which relate, first, to the claims of Francesco da Bo- logna to the original design of the Italic or cursive type, com- monly ascribed to Aldus; and, secondly, to the identity of Fran- cesco da Bologna with the famous artist Francia. The testi- mony as to the former question appears to be in favor of Fran- cesco as against Aldus; but the identity of Francesco with Francia has hardly been established. {See G. Manzoni, Stu- dii di bibliografia antica, Bologna, 1881, and an article by C. Lozzi in // Bibliojilo, anno iii., nnvt. i, Gennaio, Bologna, 1882 : the latter citing a late publication by professor A. Rossi of Perugia, in favor of the identity of the printer and the painter.) Only one or two copies of this edition, besides the present one, are known to exist See Lozzi, C, Panizzi, A., and Senesi, F. 1519. Li sonetti canzone trivmphi del Pe- trarcha con li soi comment! non senza grandissima evigilantia et svmma diligentia correpti et in la loro primaria integrita et origine restitvti noviter in lit- tera cvrsiva stvdiosissimamente impressi. At end: Finiscono e Sonetti & Canzoni de Meser Francesco Petrarcha con li soi comenti stampadi per Gregorio de Grigorij in Venesia del mese de Maggio. M.D.- XIX. regnante Inclyto Principe Leonardo Laure- dano. Triomphi di meser Francesco Petrarcha con la loro optima spositione. At end : I Triumphi mo- ralissimi del Petrarcha co ogni diligentia transunti da lexempio di quekhe scritto di mano propria del poeta per tutto esser se afferma : con li optimi & eruditissimi comentarii de lunico & excellentissimo interprete Meser Bernardo illicinio in lantiquaria loro dignita redotti felicimente finiscono in Venegia impressi nel anno. M. D.XIX. del mese di Zug^io per Meser Bernardino stagnino regnante il. S. Prin- cipe Leonardo Loredano. 40. ff. 158, — [6], 184. The parts are bound in the reverse order of their dates. The copy is as described by Hortis, 40, 1521. II Petrarcha, At end: Impresso in Tus- culano aprcsso il Laco Benacese Per Alessandro Pa- PETRARCH BOOKS. 3' ganino di Paganini Brixiano. Nel anno. M.D.XXI. adi primo di Giugno. 240. ff clxi. The numbering of folios is at the bottom of the obverse page, in Rom.in. The first two ff. lack the numer- ation, which begins at iii. The last f also lacks the numeration, while the three preceding, by the carelessness of the printer, are numbered c, clx and civi, respectively. The colophon is on the obverse of f. cxlvi, after which follow the Tabvla, 1 1 pages, and other matter, 20 pages. Hortis, 42. 1521. H Petrarcha. At end: Impresso in Vi- negia nelle case d'Aldo Romano, cSi d' Andrea Aso- lano suo suocero nel' anno M.D.XXI. del mese di Giulio. 8°. ff, [i], 2-184, [15]. bl. If, ffi [8]. The third Aldine edi- tion. The last numbered folio, 184, is blank except the numer- ation. Broad margins. The copy answers to the description of Hortis, 43. 1521. Canzoniere et triomphi di messer Fran- cesco Petrarcha. historiato et diligentemente corret- to. At end : Impresso in Venetia per Nicolo Zo- pino e Vincentio compagno nel. M.CCCCC.XXI. Adi. IIII. di Decembrio. 80. ffi 193, [7I. The Triumphi are illustrated by 6 full-page cuts, included in the pagination. Hortis, 44. Bound by Ringer of Chicago. 1522. Petrarcha con doi commenti sopra li so- netti et canzone. El primo del ingeniosissimo mis- ser Francesco Philelpho. Laltro del sapientissimo misser Antonio da Tempo novamente addito. Ac etiam com lo commento del Eximio Misser Nicolo Peranzone, ouero Riccio Marchesiano sopra li Tri- umphi, con infinite noue acute & excellente exposi- tione. At end: F'inisse li Sonetti & Canzone de Misser Francesco Petr.archa ben corretti per Nicolo Peranzone altramente Riccio Marchesiano : liquali sonetti incominciando dal principio insino al soiietto Fiamma dal ciel su le tue trezze pioua: sono exposti per el degno poeta Misser Francesco Philelpho & da li indrio insino qui sono exposti per U Spectabile Misser Hieronymo Squarciafico Alexadrino. Et eti.am tutti li ditti sonetti sono exposti per lo Eximio Misser Antonio da Tempo. Stampadi in Venetia per il No. Misser Bernardino Stagnino al's de Fer- rarijs. Mcccccxxij. die. viij. Mensis Martij. TABVL.\ PER informatione et declaratione . . . At end: Finit Petrarcha nup summa diligetia cor- recto. Impressuj Venetiis p dnm Bernardinu Stag- ninu Alias de Ferrarijs de Tridino Motisferrati. Anno dni. M.D.XXII. Die. xxviij. Martij. Reg- nate il serenissimo principe Misser Antonio Urimano. 8". ff. [i], ii-cxviii, [i], bl. If— ff. (4], bl. If , ff. [7], cxL. The copy corresponds with the description of Hortis, 45. 1525. Le volgari opere del Petrarcha con la e.spositione di Alessandro Vellvtello da Lvcca . . . MDXXV. At end: QVI Finiscono le opere uolgari del Petrarcha, Stampate in Vinegia per Giouannian- tonio & Fratelli da Sabbio del mese d'Agosto L'anno del Signore Mille cinquecento uenticinque. 40. ff. [12], 201, [59]. The first edition with the commen- tary of Velutello, printed throughout in Italic. The description given by Hortis, 47, applies to the copy. Bound by Pratt. 1526. II Petrarcha. At end: Stampato in Vi- negia per Gregorio de Gregorii Nel anno del signore M.D.XXVI. Del mese di Gienaio. 80. fi". [il, 2-199, \l\- Reimpression of the Aldine edition of 1514 or 1521 : on the reverse off. 2 is the title, Soncttiet cau- zoni di messer Francesco Petrarcha jn vita di vteidonna Lav- ra : on the reverse of f 103, Soiietti et canzoni di jnesscr Fran- cesco Petrarclta in morte di madonna Lavra ; on the reverse of f. 144, Triomphi di messer Francesco Petrarcha ; f [184] is a blank leaf A liio gti h-ttori begins on i. 185. The imprint is on the reverse of f 199, which is followed by 7 unnumbered folios containing the index of first lines. Not m Hortis, but is found in Marsand, p. 40. 1528. II Petrarcha con I'espositione d'Alessam- dro Vellvtello e con molte altre vtilissime cose in diversi Ivoghi di qvella nvovamente da Ivi aggivnte . . . M D XXVIII. At end: Qui finiscono le uolgari opere del Petr.archa, cio i i Son. le Canz. & i Triomphi Stampate in Vinegia per Maestro Ber- nardino de Vidali Venetiano del mese di Kebraro L'anno del Signore Mille cinquecento uentiotto. 40. (T. [11]. 185, [51]. The second Velutello edition. Hor- tis, 49. It lacks folio 170. 1532. II Petrarcha col commento di .m. Sebas- tiano Favsto da Longiano, con rimario et epiteti in ordine d'alphabeto. Nvovamente stampato . . . M. D. XXXII. At end: Stampato in Vinegia a san Moyse, al segno dell' Angelo Raphael, per Fran- cesco di Alessandro Bindoni, e Mapheo Pasini, com- pagni. Ne gl' anni del nostro Signore M.D.XXXII. 80. ff. [24], 284. Seems to be perfect, although Hortis makes the last numbered i. 302, and Marsand 303. Imprint on the re- verse of f 284; f 133 is a second title-page, Zc (;rt«3(J«/(/t7 /'r- trarcka ; f 229 forms a third ride-page, Triomphi del Pe- trarcha. The contents, from title-page lo the pnnter's mark (an archangel and Tobias, below the colophon), agree exacdy with the descriprions given by Horti-s, 52, and Marsand, p. 42. The copy differs only in the page numeration. T'his is the sole edition with the commentary of Fausto. Bound by Cha- telin. 1532. II Petrarcha con I'espositione d'Alessan- dro Vellvtello e con piv vtili cose in diversi Ivoghi di qvella novissimamente da Ivi aggivnte . . . M D XXXII. At end: Qui finiscono le uolgari opere del Petrarcha, cio e i Son. le Canj. & i Tri- omphi : Stampate in Vinegia per Maestro Bernar- dino de Vidali Venetiano del mese di Nouembre L'anno del Signore Mille cinquecento trenta due. 80. ff [ro], 176, [49]. The third Velutello edition ; Hortis, 53. 1533. II Petrarca col commento di .m. Sylvano da Venaphro, dove son da qvattrocento Ivoghi dichia- rati diversamente da gli altri spositori, nel libro col vero segno notati . . . At end : Stampato nella inclita Citta de Napole per Antonio louino & Mat- thio Canzer Cittadini Neapolitani nel. M.D. XXXIII. nel mese di Marzo Regnante Carolo Augusto Quinto Imperatore. 40. ff. [2], ccxtx, f4], ccxxix-cccnn. Folio ccxxix is a second ritle-page, Triomphi di messer Francesco Petrarcha. Hortis, 54, who makes no mention of the break in the numer- ation. 1533. Sonetti k canzoni di messer Francesco Petrarca in vita di madonna Lavra. At end: Im- presso in Vinegia, nelle case delli eredi d'Aldo Ro- mano, ^ d' Andrea Asolano, nell' anno M.D.XXXIII, del mese di Giugno. 8". ff. [2], 4-183, bl. If, ff [42]. The fourth Aldine edition. The title as given is on the obverse of f [i], the reverse being blank. On the reverse of f 104 is Sonetti el canzoni di ?ru-sser Francesco Petrarca in niorte di madonna Lavra ; f [144], obverse blank, has on the reverse, Trionfi di messer Francesco Petrarca. The Trionfi end at the top of the reverse of f 183 : the next f Is blank: on the obverse of the next begins the Ciipifo!o di M. F. P. (and a new series of signatures running from A to F [iv], the final folio) ; the Capilolo and the rest of the giunte fill 12 ff.; then follows the index of first lines, 7 ff.; then, obverse of next f , A candidi kttori, 9 ff., the reverse of the last bein<^ blank; then a commentary, ine head-line on the first f \ie^m£ I'oi ch' ascottote, 14 ff , ending on the obverse of the 14th, at the bottom of which is the colophon. The reverse of this last f contains the Aldine anchor and dolphin. _ The copy probably lacks the first f , containing the proper title as given by Hortis, 55. 1533. I! Petrarcha coUa spositione di Misser Giovanni Andrea Gesvaldo . . . MDXXXIII. At ena di Nicolii Signore M D XXXIII del mese di Luglio. 40. ff. 23, bl. If, ff. cccLxxxiui, [80]. The first edition with the commentary of Gesualdo. Hortis, 56. 1538. II Petrarcha con I'espositione d'Ales- sandro Vellvtello e con piu utili cose in diuersi luoghi di quella nouissirnamente da lui aggiunte . . . MDXXXVIII. /J^ ^/f/.- Qui finiscono le uolgari opere del Petrarcha, cio ^ i Son. le Canz. & i Triomphi: Stampate in Vinegia per Bartolomeo aitiii i^iiii-in-a ,j \- 3 V (ii..tv. . • • *■» '■- •-■ nd : Stampato in Vinegia per Giouann' Antonio icolini & fratelli da Sabbio, Nel anno di Nostro 32 PETRARCH BOOKS. Zanetti Casterzagense, Ad instantia cU Messer Ales- 1 sandro Velutello, e di Messer Giouanni Giolitto da Trino: Ne I'anno del Signore. MDXXXVIII. 8". ff. [lo], lll-vill, 9-160, [44]. The fourth Velutello edi- tion : Hortis, 60. Two copies, one lacking the title-page. 1538. Sonetti h canzoni di messer Francesco Petrarca. M D XXXVIII. 120. fF. 216. Imperfect copy: f. 25 supplied in ms. and f. 215 lackbg. See Hortis, 58, with which the copy otherwise agrees. 1539. II Petrarca con le osservationi di messer Francesco Alvnno. M.D.XXXIX . . . At end : Impressa in Venetia per Francesco Marcolini da Forli il mese di Ottobre nel M D XXXIX. 8°. fT. [2], pp. 3S4, ff [185). The first edition with the commentar>- of Aluiino. On the tide-page is a portrait of Pe- trarch with the wreath; on the obverse of f. [2], A lamagni- /ica mado7:na Lavra Badoara, Francesco Marcotiuo ; re- verse of same f. , Souctti et canzoni di J/csser Francesco Pe- trarca in vita dt maiioiina Lavra. On the page opposite 354 begins the inde.\ of first lines, filling AT [7] : the ne.xtf has on the obverse the Errori, and on the reverse the Registro and this imprint : Stantpato in I 'cnetia per Francesco Marcolini da Jiorli appresso la Chicsa de la Tnnita, Nc gliaimi del Signore M. D. J. IT. [S], 316, [3J. The other 1350 Velutello edition. Hortis, 88. Bound by Chatclin. 1550. II Petrarca con nvove et brevi dichiara- tioni, Insierae vna tauola di tutti i vocaboli, detti, cS: prouerbi difficili diligenlemente dichiarati . . . In Lyone, appresso Gulielmo Rouillio. 1550. 160. pp. 575, ff. [15]. The first of the editions printed by Rovillio. Hortis, 89. Two copies, one with broad margins (bound by Zaehnsdorf) ; the other (bound by Pratt) has the tavoLi di tvtli i vocaboli before the tavota dc sonciti, with a blank leaf benveen, making [16] ff. at the end. A third copy has the order the same as in the first, with a i6th blank leaf at the end; but immediately following the te.vt is inserted the Ro- villio (1551) edition of Ridolfi's Rimario (see sub nomine Hi- dolfl). 1550. II Petrarca con le osservationi di m. Frrncesco \_sic'\ Alvnno da Ferrara ... In Vi- negia per Pavolo Gherardo M.D.L. 8". f. [i], pp. 354, ft. [to]— engr. t-p., S. [7], 527, [3]. The second Alunno edition. Hortis, 90. In two pans, te,\t and osservationi, bound in reverse order. On the opposite page, at the end of the table of first hnes which follows the te.vt, is the rcgislro and an imprint, Ik Viuegia per Comtn d,i Triiio dh Moii/errato, V anno. M.D.L. The wood-engraved t.-p. prefixed to part ii. reads: Le osscr-Mlioiii dt m. Francesco A lyniw da Ferrara sopra H Petrarca, below which is a por- trait, and under it, Francesco Alvnno. The proper t.-p. of part ii. then follows : Le osservationi di m. Francesco A Iviino da Ferrara sopra il Petrarca. Novamente ristampatc, &= con diligotza ricorrette, if molto atnpliate daW isicsso antore. Con tvtte le sve avtorita, et dechiarationi delle uoci, &> de luoghi difficili, con le regole, &= osseruationi delle particelle, et delle altre uoci a i luoghi loro per ordine di A Iphabeto col- locate. Insieme col Fctrarca nel quale sono segnate le carte per numeii corrispondenti all' opera per pin chiarezza, ii' comnwdita de gli studiosi . . . In Vinegia per Pavolo Gherardo M. D. L. Bound by Bauser. 1551. II Petrarca con nvove, e brevi dichiara- tioni. Insieme vna tauola di tutte le sue rime, ridotte co i versi interi sotto le cinque lettere vocali . . . In Lyone, appresso Gugliclmo Rouillio. 1551 • • • 12". pp. 576, ff. [17), p. 3-294, ff [5]. The second of the editions pnnted by RoviUio. Hortis, 92. The 17th unnum- bered f. is a second title-page, Tavola di tvtte Ic rime de i So- nettt e Canzoni del Petrarca. Ridotte co i veisi interi sotto le cinque lettere vocali . . . In Lyone, appresso Cngliebno RouiMio. 1551 . . . Hortis, 02. Two copies, one bound d'^j I - ' "^^'"S a' the end the Rouillio 1551 edition of Ridolh s Rimario, as given above: the other, in old Grolier blndiii;;, without the Rimario. See Ridolfi. 1552. II Petrarcha con I'espositione d'Alessan- dro Velvtello. Di novo ristampato con piv cose vtili m varii Ivoghi aggivnte. In Venetia per Domenico Giglio. M D Lll. 8". ff [8], 317, [3]. The fifteenth Velutello edition (accord- ing to I'crrazzi: but according to Hortis, 93, the i6th). Bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1552. II Petrarcha con I'espositione d'Alessan- dro Vellvtello di novo ristampato con le figvre a i triomphi, et con piv cose vtili in varii Ivoghi ag- givnte. In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari e fratelli. M D LII. ;o ff. [16], pp. 388, ff ri72]. The [.72] ff. at the end lUld be [173], as the copy lacks the f. with signature o (that 4°. ff. [8], 216. The si,tteenth \'elutelIo edition; Hortis, 94 (the 17th). Bound by Bauser. 1553. II Petrarcha con la spositione di m. Gio- vanni Andrea Gesvaldo. W magnif. m. Bernardo Privli, fv ilcl magnifico m. Giaconio. Per Domenico Giglio. .4/ ciiil: In Venetia per Domenico Giglio. IiIDLIII. ^ . 4". "■- [2=]. 346, [72]. The si.vth Gesualdo edflion. Hor- tis, 95. 1 he first of the 72 unnumbered ff. is a second title- page, / trion/! del Petrarcha, con la spositione di m. Giovanni .■Indrea Gesvaldo da Traetto. .M.D.LIli. This edition, not having a place or date on the title-page, is sometimes sold by the book-sellers without the final f. containing the imprint, as an edition sine anno et loco. 1553. II Petrarcha con I'espositione di m. Gio- vanni Andrea Gesvaldo, nvo\amente ristampato, e con somma diligenza corretto, con nvova tavola di tylte le cose degne di memoria, che in essa esposi- tione si contengono, & ornato di Figure. In Vine- gia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari e fratelli. MDLIII. 4°.. ff. [26], 16, pp. 17-667. The si.xth Gesu,Tldo edition. Hortis, 97. Bound by Pratt 1554. II Petrarca, nvovamente con la perfetla ortografia della lingva volgare, corretto da Girolamo Rvscelli. Con alcvne annotationi, & un pieno Vo- cabolario del medesimo, sopra tutte le voci, che nel libro si contengono, bisognose di dichiaratione, d' auuertimento, & di regola, et con vno vtilissimo rimario di M, LanfraTico I'armegiano, & un raccolto di tutti gli Epiteti usati dall' Autore. In Venetia, per Plinio Pietrasanta. M.D.LIIII. 80. - - - should is, 01) of the 'Vocabolario' hnwetn the words"y';YSi7^»'and Rappellare. Contents:— l.-p., f [i]; dedication, ff Is]: A t letton, ff. [12]: Sonctii et canzoni, pp. 282: Trionji, pp. 283- 388 ; Tavola, ff [6] : La vita del Petrara, ff [7] ; II testamenlo, ff. [6] : Origine di madonna Lavra, ff. [9] ; Divisione de' so- nettt, f. [i] : Registro and imprint, f [i] ; Rimario, ff [21] ; Epiteti, fl. [18] ; V'ocaliolario, ff. [103], which should be lioj) Honis, 98. ^ 1554. II Petrarca con I'espositione d'Alessandro Vellvtello, di nvovo ristampato con le figvre a i Tri- omphi, et con piv cose vtili in varii Ivoghi aggionte. In Vinegia. per Giouan. Griffio. M D LIIII. 40. ff. [S], 214, [2]. The seventeenth Velutello edition. Hortis, 99. 1554. II Petrarca novissimamente revisto, e corretto da niesser Lodovico Dolce. Con alcvni dottiss. avertimenti di M. Giulio Camillo, et Indici del Dolce de' concetti, e delle parole, che nel Poeta si trouano, & in ultimo de gli epitheti ; & un' utile raccoglimcnto delle desinenze delle Rime di tutto il Canzonicre di esso Poeta ... In Vinegia ap- presso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari et 8-atelli -MD LIIII. . ^"^ T."' ''9]. pp. 7-380, ff. [97]. The last f. but two is w.ant- ing. Page 284 is a second title-page, / trionft del Petrarca. Revist! e corretti diligcntissimamente da vi. Lodovico Dolce. In I tncgia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari e ■fratelU MDLII. After p. 380 follows. La tavola dell' opera, ff. [7], and then another title-page, Annotationi di m. Givlio Ca- tnil/o sopra le rime del Petrarca. Tavola di m. Lodovi-o Dolce de i concetti: &• Estratii di molle belle &• affiguratl forme di dire, e di altre cose pertinenti a moralita, Sr- air arte. Tavola di tvtti i vocaboli con le sposition loro, e de gli epiteti usati da esso Petrarca . . . In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giohto de Ferrari e fratelli. MD LIIII. Hortis 100. ' 1557. II Petrarca. Nvovainente revisto, e ricorrctto da m. Lodovico Dolce. Con alcvni dot- tissimi .Xucrtinienti di M. Giulio Camillo, & Indici di esso Dolce utilissimi di tutti i concetti, & delle ' parole, che nel Poeta si trouano. E di piu con una breue, e particolare Spositione di tutte le Rime di esso Poeta ... In Vinojia appresso Gabriel Giolito dc' Ferrari. M D L\Tl. 120. f. [,], pp. 3-488, ff [i], 2-132. Page 377 is a second bUe-page, / Irwn/i di m. Francesco Petrarca. Nvovamente 34 PETRARCH BOOKS. revisti e corretti da m. Lodffvico Dolce, con nvo7'e spositioni . . . In I'iut-gia Afprcsso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari. M D L VII. The third title-page, opposite p. 4SS, reads : A n- twtatioui di m. Gii'lio Camiilo sopra le rime del Pctrarca. Tavola di m. Lodovico Dolce de i concetti: Estratti di molte belle «5r^ affi^urate forme di dire, ^ altre cose pertinenti alia moralita, *jr> all' arte. Tavola di tviti i vocaboU con le Spo- sition loro, e de' gli Epiteti nsati da esso Pctrarca : e di ttttte le desinenze de i Sonetti e CaJizoni del medesimo secondo for- dine dclle cinque iiocali . . . In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari. M D Ll'II. Hortis, 102. Bound by I'ratt 15S3. II Petrarca con dichiarazioni non piv stampate, Insieme alcune belle Annotazioni, tratte dalle dotlissime Prose di Monsignor Bembo, cose sommaraente vtili, a chi di rimare leggiadramente, & senza volere i segni del Petrarca passare, si prende cura. E piu \Tia conserua di tutte le sue rime ridotte sotto le cinque leltere vocali ... In Lyone, appresso Gulielmo Rouillio. 1558 . . . 160. f. [i], pp. 5-577, ff. [23]. The third ofthe editions printed by Rovilho. Hortis, 105. Two copies, one bound by IJauser, the other red-lined throughout 1558. II Petrarca con I'espositione d'Alessandro Vellvtello. Di novo ristampato con le figvre a i trionfi, con le apostille, e con piv cose vtili aggivnte. In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari. MDLVIII. 4". S. [12J, 216. The eighteenth Velutello edition; the nineteenth according to Hortis, 106. 1559. II Petrarca nvovissimamente revisto, e corretto da m. Lodovico Dolce. Con alcvni dottis- simi avertimenti di m. Givlio Camiilo, et indici del Dolce de' concetti, e delle parole, che nel Poeta si trouano, & in ultimo de gli Epitheti ; & un' utile raccolgimento delle desinenze delle Rime di tutto il Canzoniere di esso Poeta ... In Vinegia ap- presso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari. M D LI.K. 80. ff. [27], pp. 7-400, ff. [64]. Page [285] is a second title-page, I trioii/i di m. Francesco Pctrarca. Nvovamente rislainpati, et con diligenza revisti da m. Lodoz'ico Dolce. In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari J\I D LVIII. A third tide-page follows p. 400, Annotationi di m. Givlio Ca- tnillo, sopra le rime del Petrarca. Tavola di ;«. Lodoi'ico Dolce de i Concetti, &■ Estratti di molte belle S^ affignrate forme di dire, e di altre cose pertinenti a mortalita, <2^ aW arte. TavoLi di tvtti i vocaboli con le sposition loro, e de gli epiteti nsati da esso Petrarca . . . In t 'inegia appresso CabriH Giolito de' Ferrari. M D LIX. Hortis, 108. Bound by Pratt 1560. II Petrarca con I'espositione d'Alessan- dro \'ellvtello. Di novo ristampato con le figvre a i trionfi, con le apostille, e con piv cose vtili aggivnte. In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari. M D LX. 40. ff. {12], 216. The nineteenth Velutello edition. Hor- tis, 110. Bound by Causer. 1560. II Petrarca con I'e.spositione d'Alessandro Vellvtello di nvo\o ristampato con le figvre a i tri- onfi, con le apostille, e con piv cose vtili aggivnte. In Venetia, appresso Vincenzo Valgrisi. M D LX. 4'^. ff. [12], 213, [3]. The twentieth Velutello edition. Hortis, III. 1560. II Petrarca. Nvovamente revisto, et ricorretto da m. Lodovico Dolce. Con alcvni dot- tissimi .Vuertimenti di M. Giulio Camiilo, & Indici di esso Dolce utilissimi di tutti i concetti, & delle parole, che nel I'oeta si trouano. E di piu con una breue, e particolare Spositione del medesimo Dolce, di tutte le Kime di esso Poeta ... In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari. M D LX. 12". f. [i], pp. 3-488, ff. [i], 132, Page 377 is a second title-page, / trionfi di m. Francesco Petrarca, nvoz'amente revisti, e corretti da m. Lodovico Dolce, con nvove spositioni . . . In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari. M D LX. Third title-page, opposite p. 488, Annotationi di ?«. Givlio Camilla, sopra le rime del Petrarca. Tavola di m. Lodoznco Dolce de i concetti: Estratti di molte belle et ajlign- rate forme di dire, io' attre cose pertinenti alia moralita, &> all' arte. Tavola di tvtti i vocaboli con le Sposition loro, e de gli Epiteti usati da esso Petrarca : e di tutte le desinenze de i Sonetti e Canzoni del medesimo, secondo I'ordine delle cinque uocali . . . In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari. Hortis, 113. Three copies, one of them bound by Pratt and another by Bauser ; the only apparent difference bet^veen them being that one copy has at the head of the bird's- eye view of the Sorga {pp. 21-22), Discrittion delta Sorga, while the others have Cisdrittoin delta Sorga, as given by Hortis. In the copy bound by Pratt the Trionti tide-page bears the date of 1557 (see the Dolce-Camillo edition of that date) : and on the third title-page (that of the A nnotaiioni) of all three copies the place of the date is supplied by four aster- isks (* * * •). 1562. Rime di m. Francesco Petrarca in vita, e in morte di. M. Lavra. Con vn ragionamento in fine d'incerto -\utore dell' opinione d'alcuni intorno a' Triomfi di detto Poeta, e con la dichiaratione di molte voci Toscane, & in che modo si debbono vsare. In \'enetia Per Comin da Trine di Monferrato. .M D LXII. S'>. f. [i], 2-180, [43]. Another imprint on the reverse of the last unnumbered f. [43]. Hortis, 115, who makes 44 unnum- bered ff. at the end : the present copy seems, however, to be perfect Bound by Chatelin. 1563. II Petrarca con I'espositione di m. Ales- sandro Vellvtello : Di nuouo ristampato con le Figure a i Trionfi, con le apostille, e con piu cose utili ag- giunte. In Venetia, Appresso Nicolo Beuilacqua. M D LXIII. 4». ff. [12], 213, [3). The t\venty-first Velutello edition. Hortis, 116. Bound by Chatelin. 1564. II Petrarca con nvove spositioni, Nelle quali, oltre I'altre cose, si dimostra qual fusse il vero giorno & I'hora del suo innamoramento. Insieme alcune molto vtili & belle annotationi d'intorno alle regole della lingua Toscana, E vna conserua di tutte le sue rime ridotte co'versi interi sotto le lettere vocali ... In Lyone, Appresso Gulielmo Rouillio. M.D.LXIIII ... 12'). ff. [24], pp. 19-5S8, ff [25], 2 bl. Ivs., C [i], pp. 3-=94. ff. [5]. The fourth of the editions printed by Rovillio. Hor- tis, 117. After the two blank leaves comes this tide-page: Tavola di tvtte le 7ime de i sonetti e canzoni del Petrarca. Ridotte CO i versi interi sotto le lettere vocali^ . . . In Lyone, Appresso Gulielmo Rouillio. lil.D.LXIIlI . . . Two copies, one red-lined. 1564. II Petrarca con dichiarationi non piv stampate. Insieme con alcune belle Annotationi tratte dalle dottissime Prose di Monsignor Bembo, cose sommamente vtili, a chi di rimare leggiadra- mente, & senza volere i segni del Petrarca passare, si prende cura. E pii una conserua di tutte le sue rime ridotte sotto le cinque lettere vocali. In Vene- tia, Appresso Nicol6 Beuilacqua. 1564- 120. f. [i], pp. 3-490, bl. If, f. [i], pp. 3-259, f. [1]. The title-page of the second part reads: Taz'ola. di tvtte le rime de i sonetti e canzoni del Petrarca, ridotte. co £ versi interi sotto le cinque lettere uocali. In Venetia, Appresso Nicolo Beuil- acqua M D LXII II. Hortis, 1 18. Bound by Pratt 1565. II Petrarca di nvovo ristampato, Et dili- gentemente corretto. In Venetia, appresso Nicol6 Beuilacqua. 1565. 24". f. [i], pp. (31-367, ff. [6]. Old Grolier binding, with clasps. Hortis, 120. 1568. II Petrarca rivedvto, et corretto, et di bellissime figvre ornato ... In Vinegia, ap- presso Gio. Griphio, M D LX VIII. 120. ff. [i), 2-162, [8]. On reverse of last f. but one, In Vinegia per Gio. Crifio. M D L XHU. Hortis, 122. 1568. II Petrarca con I'espositione di m. Ales- sandro Vellvtello. Di nuouo ristampato con le Figure a i Trionfi, con le apostille, e con piu cose utili aggiunte. In Venetia, Appresso Nicol6 Beuil- acqua. M D LXVIII. 40. ff. [12], 213, [3J. The twenty-second Velutello editicn. Hortis, 121. Bound by Bauser. 1573. II Petrarca con I'espositione di m. .-Mes- savidro Velvtello. Di nuouo ristampato con le Figure a i Trionfi, con le apostille, e con piu cose PETRARCH BOOK'S. 35 utili aggiunte. In \'enetia, Appresso Gio. Antonio Bertano. MDI.XXIII. 40. ff. [13), f. numb, by error 52, fT. 3-213, [3]. The twen- ty-third Velutello edition. Horlis, 126. 1574. 11 Petrarcha con rcspositione cli m. Gio. Andrea Ge.svaldo. Nvovamente ristampato, e con somma diligenza corretto, et ornato di figvre, Con Doi TaiTOle, vna de' Sonetli e Canzoni, & I'altra di tutte le cose degne di Memoria, clie in essa Esposi- tione si contengono. In \'inegia, appresso lacomo Vidali. M D LXXIIII. 80. ff. [28], 419. The seventh Gesualdo edition. Hortis, 128. Bound by Llauser. 1575. II Pctrarca di nvovo ristampato, Et dili- gentemente corretto. In Venetia, Appresso Do- menico Nicolino. M D LXXV. 12". f. [i], pp. 3-34S, ff. [6]. Hortis, 129. Bound by Cha- telin. 1579. II Petrarca con I'espositione di m. Ales- sandro Velvtello. Di nuouo ristampato con le Fi- gure a i Trionfi, con le Apostille, e con piu cose utili aggiunte. In Venetia M U LXXIX. 4". ff. [12], 213, (3]. The ^^•enty-third Veliitello edition. No printer's name is given ; but by comparing the title-page with that of'the last preceding Velutello edition (see 1573), it will be .seen that it came, like that, from the press of Bertano. At the end is what seems to be a printer's device, a_ crane or stork holding a stone, with the encircling motto, U'i^lat ncc fatiscit. Hortis, 130. Two copies. 1580. II Petrarca di nvovo Ristampato, Et dili- gentemente corretto. In Venetia, Appresso Pielro Dehuchino. M D LXXX. 241. f. [i], pp. 3-336, ff. [6]. In the centre of p. 119, in large type, is the line. Qui inancaito trc Sonctti. These son- nets (c%i., c\ ii., cviii.) — the three against the papacy — are given on an e.xtra ieaf'at the end, being the last of the 6 unnumbered ff. Hortis, 131. 1581. II Petrarcha con I'espositione di m. Gio. Andrea Gesvaldo. Nvovamente ristampato, e con somma diligenza corretto, et ornato di figvre. Con Doi Tauole, vna de' Sonetti e Canzoni, & I'altra di tutte le cose degne di Memoria, che in essa Esposi- tione si contengono. In \'enetia, Appresso Ales- sandro Griffio. M D LXXXI. 40. ff. (28], 415. The eighth Gesualdo edition. Hortis, 132. The last folio, by a printer's error, is numbered 413. 1582. Le rime del Petrarca breuemente sposte per Lodovico Castelvetro. Con priuilegio del Re christianissimo ... In Basilea ad istanza di Pietro de Sedabonis. M D LXXXII. 40. ff. [8], pp. 447, 396, f. [i]. The original edition with the commentar)' of Castelvetro. It is divided into three parts, the second and third p.aged continuously; the last numbered page being, by an error, 378 instead of 396. On the titlc-pa^e is a woodcut (an owl upon an overturned v.ase), below wliicli is the Greek word KEKPIKA. This word is frequently mistak- enly regarded in booksellers' catalogues as a p.art of the im- print The unnumbered f. at the end contains a portion of the Errori, and at the bottom of the reverse page a second imprint. Hortis, 133. Two copies. 1584. II Petrarca con I'espositione di m. Ales- sandro A'elvtello. Di nuouo ristampato con le Fi- gure a i Trionfi, con le apostille, e con piu cose utili ^ aggiunte. In Venetia, Appresso Gio. Antonio Ber- tano MDLXXXIIII. 4*>. fir. (12], 213, [3]. The t\venty-fourth Velutello edition. Hortis, 135. Two copies, one bound by Pratt 1585. II Petrarca nvovamente Ridotto alia uera Lettione con Vn Nuouo Discorso sopra la qualila del suo amore : La Coronatione fatta in Campidoglio di Roma & il suo Priuilegio ... In Vinetia, presso Giorgio Angelieri. M. D. LXXXV. 120. ff. [24], pp. 350, ff. [5]. Hortis, 136. 1586. II Petrarca con nvove spositioni, et in- sieme alcune molto utili, & belle Annotation! d'in- torno alle regole della lingua Toscana, Con una conserua di tutte le sue Rinte ridotle co' Versi inleri sotto le letterc Vocali. In Venetia, Appresso Gior- gio Angelieri, 1586. 160. ff. [63), pp. 58S, ff. [22), bl. If., f. [1], pp. 3-232. After the bl. If. comes the following title-page : Tavola di tvtte le^ rime tic' sonetti, e canzoni del Petrarca, riihtte CO i versi interi sotto le lettere -nocali. In I 'euetia, apf>resso Giorgio Anselieri, 1586. This reprint of Hidolfi's Riinario_ e.\tends to 232 pages, but does not always accompany the edition. The three sonnets against the papacy are lacking, the space which they shoultl occupy being left blank on pp. 207-210, on the first-named page being trie words, Qui tnancono tre sonetti. Hortis, 137, where, by a slip of the pen, the 63 and 22 unnum- bered ff are spoken of as pages. 1583. II Petrarca nvovamente Ridotto alia vera Lettione. Con Vn Nuouo Discorso sopra la qua- lita del suo amore : Et La Coronatione fatta in Cam- pidoglio di Roma, & il suo Priuilegio. In Venetia, Appresso gli Heredi di Alessandro Griffio. M D L- XXXVIII. i2">. ff. [24], pp. 350, ff. [5]. Hortis, 139. Bound with the copy is, La inaga innocente tavola pastorale tragicotnica di Givtitino Bezzi. Bologna, Monti, 1649. 1592. II Petrarca di nvovo ristampato, Et dili- gentcmente corretto In Vinetia, Presso Marc' An- tonio Zaltieri. MDXCTI. 24". ff. [i], 2-162, [6]. Hortis, 140. Bound by Chatelin. 1600. II Petrarca di nvovo Ristampato et di bellissime Figvre Intagliate in Rame adornato E diligentemente corretto ... In Venetia Presso Girolamo Porro MDC. At end : In Venetia, MDXCII. Presso Marc Antonio Zaltieri. 24". ff. [i], 2-162, [6]. Hortis, 143. Bound by Pratt. 1605. II Petrarca di nvovo Ristampato et dili- gentemente corretto. In Venetia, Appresso Gio- uanni Alberti. M D C V. 24". f. [i], pp. 3-321, ff. [6]. Hortis, 144. Bound by Pratt 1607. II Petrarca nvovamente Ridotto alia vera Lettione. Con vn Nuouo discorso .sopra la qualita del suo amore : Et la coronatione fatta in Campi- doglio di Roma, & il suo Priuilegio. In Venetia, Appresso gli Ileredi di Domenico Farri. M D CVII. 12". ff. [24], pp. 350, ff. [5]. Herds, 146. 1610. II Petrarca nvovamente Ristampato, e diligentemente Corretto. Con brievi argomenti di Pietro Petracci ... In Venetia Appresso Ni- colo Misserini. At end: In Venetia. Appresso Nicol6 Misserino. M DC X. 240. f. [i], pp. [3]-346, ff. [6]. Hortis, 148. 1619. II Petrarca nvovamente Ridotto all a vera Lettione. Con vn Nuouo discorso sopra la qualitil del suo Amore. Et la Coronatione fatta in Campi- doglio di Roma, & il suo Priuilegio. Diligente- mente corretto, & di nuouo Figure adornato . . . In Venetia. MDCXIX. Appresso B.aldissera Giu- liani. 12"^. ff. [24], pp. 350, ff. fio]. Not in Hortis. Contents: — t-p., Senvccio . . . Delr incoronatione, 11 ff ; Privilegio della incoronatione, 4 ff., ending on obverse of the fourth : So- netto del V.archi, i f., beginning on the reverse of the preced- ing; Discorso sopra la qualita dell' amore del Petrarca, 7 ff. ; Sonetti e canzoni, pp. 1-256: Trionfi, pp. 257-327; giunta, pp. 328-350 : tavola, 10 ff. See Marsand, p. 96. 1624. II Petrarca nvovamente Ristampato, e diligentemente Corretto. Con brievi argomenti di Pielro Petracci ... In Venetia .\ppresso Ni- colo Misserini. At end: In Venetia, M UC XXIV. Appresso Nicol6 Misserini. 24". f. [1], pp. 3-370, ff [7]. Last p. erroneously ntim- bered 270 instead of 370. Hortis, 151. 1,638. II Petrarca di nvovo Ristainpato et di bellissime Figvre adornato E diligentemente corretto Con argomenti di Pietro Petracci ... In Ve- netia Presso Gio. Maria Misserini. At end : Vene- tia, M DC XXXVIII. Appresso Gio. Maria Mis- serini. 24'^. pp. 346, ff. [6J. Hortis, 153. 36 PETRARCH BOOKS. 1631. 11 Petraica cli nvovo Ristampato, cS: Dili- gejUemente conetto. Con argomenti di Pietro Pe- uacci . . . Venetia, M. DC. LI. Appresso li Gueiigli. 24^. ^. [z], pp. 5-347, ff- [6]. The first f. is an engraved title-page, y/ZV^mrc'av the second has the printed title. Mor- tis, 155. 1711. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca, riscon- trate co i testi a penna della libreria estense, e co i fragment! dell' originate d'esso poeta. S'aggiun- gono le considerazioni rivedute e ampliate d' Ales- sandro Tassoni, le annotazioni di Girolarao Muzio, e le osservazioni di Lodovico Antonio Muratori, biblio- tecario del sereniss. sig. duca di Modena. All' illus- Irissimo ed eccelentissimo sig. Antonio Rambaldo . . . Modena, Soliani, 171 1. 4°. pp. XXXV, 860. The first edition with the combined commentaries of Tassoni, Muzio and Muratori, edited by the last-named distinguished scholar and critic. Hortis, 158. 1722. Le rime di m. Francesco Petrarca riscon- trate con ottimi esemplari stampati, e con uno an- tichissiino testo a penna ; quanto poi nella presente edizione si siano adornate, ed accresciute, per la se- guente lettera e manifesto. Padova, Coiiiino, 1 722. 8<*. ff. [6], pp. civ, 397. The first Comino edition, contain- ing, among other things, a Catalogo di irtoite delle principali edizioni che state Jatte del Cajtzoniere di titesscr Francesco Pctt-arca, pp. Ixiv-civ, the first attempt at a Petrarch biblio- graphy (see Appendix ii.). At the end is an unnumbered f, containing a list of books printed by the Comino press. Hor- tis, isQ. Two copies. 1727. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca, riscon- trate co i testi a penna della libreria estense, e co i fragment! dcU' originale d'esso poeta. S'aggiun- gono le considerazioni rivedute e ampliate d'AIes- sandro Tassoni, le annotazioni di Girolamo Muzio, e le osservazioni di Lodovico Antonio Muratori, bib- liotecario del sereniss. sig. duca di Modena. AH' illustrissimo ed eccellentissimo sig. Antonio Ram- baldo . . . nuova edizione, accresciuta nel fine d'una giunta d'alcune composizioni del medesimo Petrarca, e d'altri autori. Venezia, Coh'ti, 1 727. 4'^. pp. xxiv, 732. The second Tassoni-Muzio-RIuratori edition. Hortis, 160, where the pages numbered in Roman are given cxxiv, probably an error, 'three copies. 1732. Le rime di m. Francesco Petrarca riscon- trate con ottimi esemplari st.ampati, e con uno anti- chissimo testo a penna; quanto poi nella presente seconda nostra edizione, piii che nella prima, si sieno adornate, ed illustrate, per la seguente prefa- zione h manifesto. I'adova, Comino, \Ti'i. S-^. portr., pp. Ixxx, 447. The secontl Comino edition. Hortis, 161, where there is a printer's error in the date. See Appendix ii. 1741. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca riscon- trate co i testi- a penna della libreria estense, e co i fragmenti dell' originale d'esso poeta. S'aggiun- gono le considerazioni rivedute e ampliate d'Ales- sandro Tassoni, le annotazioni di Girolamo Muzio,, e le osservazioni di Lodovico Antonio Muratori, bib- liotecario del sereniss. sig. duca di Modena. All' illustrissimo ed eccellentissimo sig. Antonio Ram- baldo . . . seconda edizione, accresciuta nel fine d'una giunta d'alcune composizioni del mede- simo Petrarca, e d'altri autori. Venezia, Viczzeri, 1 741. 4'\ pp. xxiv, 728. The third (called second) Tassoni- Muzio-5luratori edition. ' Hortis, 163. Two copies. 1746. Le rime di m. Francesco Petrarca col migliori esemplari diligentemente riconstrate e cor- retle. Bergamo, Laiial/otli, 1746. 1 20. fl". [17], pp. 398. Hortis, 164. Bound by Bauser. 1747. Le rime di m. Francesco Petrarca riscon- trate con ottimi esemplari stampati, con la tavola di tuUc le rime tlel canzoniere ridotte coi versi interi solto le Icttere vocali. Venezia, Bortoti, 1 747. 120. pp. Ixxxiv, 623. Frontispiece (portraits) included in the pagination. Hortis, 165. 1748. Rime di mess. Francesco Petrarca riscon- trate e corrette sopra ottimi testi a penna eoU' ag- giunta delle varie lezioni e d'una nuova vita dell' autore. Firenze, Stamperia all' insegna d' Apollo, 1748. 8". portr., pp. liii, 384. Dedication by Luigi Bandini. Hortis, 166. Two copies, one bound by Bauser, the other lack- ing portrait. 1751. Rime di mess. Francesco Petrarca. Ve- nezia, Remondini, 1751. 120. frontisp., engr. L-p., ff [2], pp. xliii, 372. Hortis, 168. 1752. Le rime di m. Francesco Petrarca coi migliori esemplari diligentemente riscontrate e cor- rette ; edizione seconda. Bergamo, Lancellotti, 1752. i2'>. fF. [18], pp. 396. Hortis, 169. 1753. II Petrarca con note date la prima volta in luce ad utilita de' giovani, che amano la poesia. Feltre, FogUctta, 1753. 16'^. ff. [8], pp. 319, ff. I_61 — pp. 340, Ixx-ii. What is properly the second volume has no tide-page. The notes are by the canon Sebastiano Pagello, and this is therefore known as the Pagello edition. Hortis, 170. 1755. Rime di mess. Francesco Petrarca. Ve- nezia, Remondini, 1755. 12". frontisp., engr. t.-p., fF. [2], pp. xliii, 378. Hortis, 173. 1756. Le rime del Petrarca brevemente esposte per Lodovico Castelvetro. Venezia, Zatta, 1756. 2 V. 1.4*^. Contents: — Vol. i., bastard tide, frontisp., L-p., dedic, engr. sonnet, prefazione (pp. v-xvj), portrs.. Vita del Petrarca scritta da L. Beccadelli (pp. i-l.\xx). Rime (pp. 1-549), errori, etc. {pp. 550-557): ii., b.astard title, L-p., avviso (pp. vii-viii), portrs., lettera di B. Peruzzl (pp. ix-xi), privllegio (p. xii), dichiarazione de" rami (pp. xiii-xvi). Rime (pp. 1-504), in- dice (pp. 505-512), giunta (pp. 513-548), catalogo di molte edi- zioni (pp. 549-615). Known as the Zatta edition. Two copies, one on very large, heavy paper, in Italian full calf binding of the last century; the other on ordinary paper. Hortis, 174. See Appendix ii. 1759. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca riscontrate CO i testi a penna della libreria estense, e co i frag- menti dell' originale d'esso poeta; s'aggiungono le considerazioni rivedute e ampliate d'Alessandro Tas- soni, le annotazioni di Girolamo Muzio, e le osser- vazioni di Lodovico Antonio Muratori, bibliotecario del sereniss. sig. Duca di Modena ; all' illustrissimo ed eccellentissimo sig. Antonio Rambaldo . . . terza edizione, accresciuta nel fine d'una giunta, d'al- cune composizioni del medesimo Petrarca, e d'altri autori. Venezia, Viczzcri, 1759. 4". pp. xxiv, 728. The fourth (called third) Tassoni-Muzio- Muraton edition. Hortis, 175. Two copies, one bound by Bauser. 1762. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca riscon- trate CO i testi- a penna della libreria estense, e co i frammenti dell originale d'esso poeta; s'aggiungono le considerazioni rivedute e ampliate di Alessandro Tassoni, le annotazioni di Girolamo Muzio, e le osservazioni di Ludovico Antonio' Muratori, biblio- tecario del serenissinio signor duca di Modena. Mo- dena, Soliani, 1762. 4". fr, [2], pp. xxiv, 568. The fifth Tassoni-Muzio-Mura- tori edition. Hortis, 176. 1768. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Parigi, Prault, 1768. 2 V. 120. Vol. i., portr., engr. t-p., pp. cliv, f. [i], pp. 211 : ii., engr. t.-p., pp. 324, ff. [2]. Hords, 178. Two copies. 1774. Le rime del Petrarca . . . Dresda, IValthcr, 1774. 80. pp. xxiv, 456. The tiUe.page has engraved portraits of Petrarch and Laura, with their respective names above the heads. Hortis, 179. 1775. Le rime di ni. Francesco Petrarca riscon- trate con ottimi esemplari stampati, con la tavola di (.^ PETRARCH BOOKS. 37 tutte le rime del canzoniere ridolte coi vers! inteii sotto le lettere vocali. Venezia, Bortoli, 1 775. 120. pp. Ixxxiv, 623. Frontispiece (portrait) included in the Roman pagination. Hortis, 180. 1776. Rime di mess. Francesco Petrarca. Bas- sano, Remondini, l']^i>. 120. pp. 405. Hortis, i8i. 1778. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Londra, 1778- 2V. 12". Vol. i., portr.,engr. t.-p.,pp. XXIV, 343; u., cngr. t-p., pp. 300. The date is indistinctly engraved, and is often mistaken for 1775 or 1776. The ediuon was really printed at Leghorn {Mast). Hortis, 182. 1784. Francesco Petrarca. Venezia, Zalta, 1784. 2 V. 8". Vol. L, f. [i], pp. s-366, f. [i]; ii., f. [i], pp. 5- 328. Belongs, according to Hortis, 184, to the series, i'arnaso itaiiatto mfvcra raccoUi de poeti cUsski ttaUaniy edited. by the abb^ Andrea Rubbi. 1784. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Londra, 1784. 2 V. 24". Vol. i., portr., ff (2], pp. xlviij, 210; il, ff. [2], pp. 212. Printed in Leghorn. Hortis, 185. 1785. Le rime di mess. Francesco Petrarca; edizione riscontrata coUa Cominiana dell' anno 1732, e che porta in fronte il compendio della vita del poeta, il suo testamento, I'albero gentilizio di sua famiglia, ec. Venezia, Zalttj, 178^. 2 v. 8». Vol. L, pp. xxviii, [3]-368; ii., pp. 328. Hortis, 186. 1786. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Orleans, Jacob, 1786. 2V. 180. Vol i., port, S. [2], pp. x.xxii, 216; iL, ff. (2I, pp. 228. Hortis, 188. 1787. II Petrarca, con note brevissime, ma bastevoli per Tintelligenza del testo. Orleans, Count Je ViltencHve, 17S7. 8'>. pp. 405. Biblwtheque des meilleurs poetes itaUens,^\- rieme vol. Horus, i8g. 1787. Due opuscoli del dottor Gio. Agostino Zeviani, il primo intitolato Metastasio maestro, Tallro del canto ed ornamento poetico lirico italiano, con I'indicazione delle piu eccellenti bellezze del Pe- trarca ; unitevi tutte le sue rime ed anco il rimario CO versi intieri alle sue lettere. Verona, Moroni, 1787. 2 V. 80. Contents: — Vol. i., frontisp., engr. t-p. : Lo stampatore a chi legge, p. [i] ; privllegio, p. [ii] ; dialogo, pp. iii-xiv : Del canto e dell' ornamento poetico hrico italiano, pp. xv-xlii : Vita del Petrarca da L. Beccatelli, pp. xliii-xcviii : Compendio della vita del Petrarca fatto da' signori giornalisti d'ltalia, pp. xcix-cxxxiv; Sonetti e canzoni, pp. [i]-276; in- dice, pp. 277-290; ii., Trionfi, pp. [i]-65: giunta, pp. [67]- 124 : indice delle rime, pp. 125-127 ; tavola di tutte le nme, pp. 128-388. Hortis, 190. 1789. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Parigi, Delalain, 17S9. 2 V. 120. Vol. i., portr., engr. t-p., pp. cxxxviij, 211; ii., engr. t-p., pp. 319. Hortis, 193. 1797. Francesco Petrarca. Venezia, Valle, 1797. 2 V. 8». Vol. i., f. [1], pp. s-366, f. [il ; it, f. [i], pp. s- 326. Hortis, 199. 1798. Rime di mess. Francesco Petrarca. Bas- sano, Remondini, 1798. 120. pp. 404. Hortis, 200. 1799. Rime di Francesco Petrarca. Parma, Tipi Bodoniani, 1799. 2 V. 1. fo. VoL L, t [i], pp. Ixiv, 365; ii., i. [1], pp. viii, 330. Hortis, 201. 1799. Rime di Francesco Petrarca. Parma, Tipi Bodoniani, 1 799. 2 V. 8". Vol. i., pp. xxxiv, 373: ii, pp. xvii, 352. Hortis, 202. 1799. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca tj-atte da' migliori esemplari, con illustrazioni inedite di Lo- dovico Beccadelli. Verona, Giuliari, 1799. 2 V. 80. Vol )., pp. xxxi, 112, 338: ii., f. [i], pp. 288. Hortis, 203. Two copies. 1805. Le rime di m. Francesco Petrarca illus- trate con note dal p. Francesco Soave c. r. s., pro- fessore di filosofia nell' university di Pavia. Milano, Classici ilaliani, 1S05. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., 2 portrs., pp. cxii, 283: ii., pp. 348, f. [l]. Hortis, 205. Three copies, one on heavy paper. 1805. Rime di Francesco Petrarca. Pis,a, So- cieta Utteraria, 1805. 2 V. 1. fo. Vol. i., portr., pp. viii, xxii, 352: ii., pp. 368. Hortis, 207. Bound by Gruel. 1806. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca riscontrate e corrctte sopra i migliori esemplari; s'aggiungono le varie lezioni, le dichiarazioni necessarie, ed una nuova vita dell' autore, piii esatta delle antecedenti da C. L. Fernow. Jena, Ffommanti, i8o6. 2 V. 120. Vol. i., pp. Iv, 348: ii., ff. [3], pp. 361, f. [i]. Raccolta di autori classici italiani, poeti, tonli iv., v. Hortis, 209. 1806-7. Rime di mess. Francesco Petrarca. Roma, Pogpoli, 1S06-7. 2 V. 8-^. Vol. i., 1806, pp. 264; ii., 1807, pp. 240. Hortis, 210, where only the first date is mentioned. 1809-10. Rime del Petrarca. Venezia, Picotti, 1809-10. 2 V. 40. Vol. i., 1809, pp. XV, 355: il, 1810, pp. xxviii, 318. Heavy paper. Hortis, 213. 1811. Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca; edizione forniata sopra quella di Comino del 1732. Venezia, Vitarelli, 181 1. 2 V. 160. Vol. i., portr., ff. [2], pp. xxx, bl. If., pp. 357; ii., pp. 312. Hortis, 214. 1811. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca, illustrate di note da varj comentatori scelte ed abbreviate da Romualdo Zotti. hondra, Bii/mcr, 181 1. 3 V. 12*1. Vol. i., portr., pp. viii, 505: ii., f. \i], pp. 380: iii., portr., f. [i], pp. 378, f. [i). Known as the Zotti ediuon. The third vol. has a change of title: Disscrtazionc tstorica e critica sulla vita di Francesco Petrarca, e sit gitclla di ma- donna Laura, contro una ipotesi istorica dell' abate de Sade, volntne terzo. This volume contains a Vita del Petrarca (pp. 1-105), the Latin text of the Testament (pp. 106-117), Rifles- sioni del cav. Tiraboschi sopra la vita di Francesco Petrarca scritta dair abate de Sade (pp. 118-153), Riflessioni intomo a madonna Laura ossia dissertazione su d'una ipotesi istorica del sig. abate de S.ade (pp. 154-295), Giunta di alcune composi- zioni di F. Petrarca (pp. 297-354), Sommario cronologico della vita del Petrarca (pp. 355-362), and the Latin text of the letter to posterity (pp. 363-378). The I^rylessioni intorjio a tnadonna Laura are drawn from the Historical and critical essay, and the Dissertation on an historical hypothesis 0/ the abbi tie Sade of Lord Woodhouselee (A. F. Tytler). Hortis, 216. 1812. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca tratte da' migliori esemplari ; nuova edizione nella quale si fe adoperato il modo piu semplice di notare le voci coll' accento di prosodia. Avignone, Segnin, 1S12. 2 V. 120. Vol. L, ff. [2], pp. [vii]-,xv, 209: it, pp. 220. Hortis, 217. 1813. Rime di mess. Francesco Petrarca co' migliori esemplari diligentemente riscontrate e cor- rette. Roma, Dc Romanis, 1813. 18". portr., pp. xxxvi, 431. Hortis, 219. 1814. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca disposte secondo I'ordine de' tempi in cui vennero scritte. Venezia, Vitarelii, 18 14. 2 v. 8«. Vol. i., pp. 435: ii., pp. 244, £ [1]. Hortis, 221. 1817. Rime di Francesco Petrarca. Pisa, Nis- tri, I Si 7. 2 V. 160. VoL I, 2 portrs., pp. xxx, bl. If, pp. 359 :_ ii, £ tij, pp. xii, 298. Collezione di poeti classici italiani, xiv-xv. lorUs, 227. 1819. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Padova, Crescini, 1819. 3 V. 80. Vol. i, tt [6], pp. 5-S09; ii, pp. 463; iii, pp. 232, cvi. Hortis, 231. 1819-20. Le rime del Petrarca. Padova, 7V- pografia del Seminario, 1819-20. 38 PETRARCH BOOKS. 2 V. 1. 4". Vol. L, 1819, pp. lix, 375, 4 pi. ; ii., 1820, fT 1^2], pp. 444, fl'- [2], 5 pi. Large-paper copy of the original edition by Antonio Alarsand. Hortis, 232. 1820. Le rime del Petrarca. Livorno, Masi, 1820. 2 V. 80. pp. xii, 24S. 1820. ff- [4]. pp. xlvii, 362; ii., portr.. Vol. i. , portr. Hortis, 234. Rime del Petrarca, con note. Venezia, Orlamielli, 1 820. 2 V. 160. Vol i.. portr., pp. xv, 351; iL, portr., ff. [3], pp. 355. ColUzioue dci poeti cUusici italiani. Hortis, 235. Two copies, one on thick paper. 1820. Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca publicate da A. Buttura. Parigi, Lefc-fi-e, 1820. 3 V. 160. Vol. i., portr., pp. xvi, 192: li., portr., pp. 192: iii., pp. 240. Biblioteca poctica italiana scelta c ^tibUcata da A. BHttiira,loxm'\\.-^\. Hortis, 237. Two copies. 1820. Rime di messer Francesco Petrarca. Prate, Vannini, 1820. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., pp. 239: ii., pp. 238. Hortis, 238. 1820. Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca; edizione formata sopra quella di Rovillio del 1574, con afjgiunte indicate nel seguente avviso. Venezia, Molinari, 1820. Vol. i., portr., ff. [5I, pp. xxviii, 356 ; ii., pp. 315- Three copies. Rime di F. Petrarca col comento di G. Parigi, presso Vedilore \_Doiidey-DiiprJ'\, 2 V. so. Hortis, 239. 1821. Biagioli. 1821. 2 V. Vol. i., ff. [4], pp. xxxvi, 831 ; ii, ff. [2], pp. 564. Bound in 3 vols. The original edition with the commentary of Bagioli. Hortis, 241. An additional volume, uniform in style, and under the same editorship, contains the Rime di Michel- agiwlo Buo7mrrotL il vecchio. See Buonarroti. 1821. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Brescia, Bvttoiii, 1 82 1. 2 V. I2». Vol. i., portr., pp. Ixxii, 335; ii., portr., pp. 29r. Hortis, 2 [2. Dound together. 1821. Le rime del Petrarca con tavole in rame ed illustrazioni. Firenze, Cianietti. 1821. 2 V. S". Vol. i., pp. .xlviii, 366, bl. If, ff. [5], 4 pi. ; ii., pp. 483, f. [1], 5 pi. Printed on blue paper. Hortis, 243. 1821-22. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca cor- rette sovra i testi migliori ; si aggiungono le consider- azioni rivedute e ampliate di .-Vlessandro Tassoni, le annotazioni di Girolamo Muzio, e le osservazioni di Lodovico Antonio Muratori; prima edizione romana. Koxad., De Romaiiis, 1821-22. 2 V. S^i. Vol. i., 1821, fronrisp., pp. xxxv, 543: ii., 1822, pp. 412. The sixth edition. Hortis, 245. 1822. Le rime del Petrarca con brevi annota- zioni. Firenze, Moliui, 1822. 120. frontisp., engr. t.-p., pp. xxxiii, 496, f [i]. Hortis, 246. 1822. Le rime del Petrarca con tavole in rame ed illustrazioni. Firenze, Ciardetti, 1822. 4 V. 120. Vol. i., pp. 216, f. [i], 3 pi. ; ii., pp. 222, f. [i], T pi. ; iii., pp. 279, 5 pi. : iv., pp. 177. Hortis, 247. 1822. Le rime del Petrarca . . . Londra, Pickering, 1822. 48''. portr., engr. t.-p., ff. [2]. pp. 237, ff. [s]. One of the well-known Pickering duamond classics. Hortis, 249. 1823. Rime di Francesco Petrarca col comento di G. Biagioli. Milano, Silvcstri, 1823. 2 V. 8'). Vol. i., portr., t.-p., pp. [v]-lii, 352; ii., pp. xii, 688, f. [1]. Hortis, 250. Two copies, one on Large paper. 1824. Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca. Milano, Bettotii, 1824. 2 v. So. Vol. i., pp. vii, 343; ii., pp. 383. Classica bib- h'oteca ttaliaua aitticii e nioderna. Hortis, 251. 1825. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Milano, Bt-ltoiii, 1825. 2 v. 160. Vol. i., pp. xx^H, 190: ii-, pp. 190. Biblioteca portatile latitia, italiana e/rancese. Hortis, 252. 1825. Rime del Petrarca, con note. Torino, Alliana, 1825. 8°. pp. xxxii, 459. On the cover, Edizione prima Tori- tiese. I'he preface is signed Luigi Cibrario. Copy imperfect, hacking signature 6, pp. 81-96. Hortis, 253. 1826. Le rime del Petrarca; secondo I'edizione di Marsand, con tavole e illustrazioni. Firenze, Pagni, 1826. 4 V. 24«. Vol. i., pp. 212, 3 pi. ; ii., pp. 228, i pi. : iii., pp. 239, 4 pi. : iv., pp. 239, I pi. Hortis, 255. 1826. Rime di Francesco Petrarca coUa inter- pretazione composta dal conte Giacomo Leopardi. Milano, Stella, 1S26. 2 V. 160. Vol. i., pp. 501 : ii., pp. [so5]-97l. Hortis, 256. 1826. Rime di Francesco Petrarca. Milano, CIcissici italiiDti, 1826. 2 V. 160. Vol. i., portr., pp. LIX, 306: ii.,pp. 308. Raccolta di poeti classici italiani antichi e modemi, vol. xlii-xliii. Hortis, 257. 1826. II parnasso italiano owero : i quattro poeti celeberrimi italiani : La divina commedia di Dante ."Mighieri; Le rime di Francesco Petrarca; L'Or- lando furioso di Lodovico Ariosto ; La Gerusalemme liberata di Torquato Tasso ; edizione giusta gli otti- mi testi antichi, con note istoriche e critiche . . . ornata di quattro ritratti secondo Raffaello Morghen. Lipsia, Fleischer, 1826. 40. frontisp., f. [1], pp. xii, xxiii, columns 236, pp. vii, col- umns 160, pp. vii, columns 644, pp. .\vi, columns 256, ff. [47]. Petrarca follows Dante, making pp. vii, columns 160. The Italian dedication of the volume to Goethe is signed Adolfo Wagner. Bound by Bauser. Hortis, 262. 1826-27. Rime di Francesco Petrarca col co- mento del Tassoni, del Muratori, e di altri. Pa- dova, MiiieiTa, 1826-27. 2 v. 80, Vol. i., 1826, pp. cxxi, f. [i], pp. [i]-320, ff. [2], pp. 321-786; ii., 1827, ff. [2], pp. [,i]-445, f l_i), pp. [446I-745, f. [1]. The seventh Tassoni-Muzio-Muraton edition. Hortis, 260. 1827. Parnaso classico italiano contenente Dante, Petrarca, .\riosto e T3SS0. Padova, Min- eii'a, 1 82 7. 4". ff. [4], pp. viii, 140, vii, 104, bl. If, f [i], pp. xi, 368, f. [il, pp. viii, 136. Each author is separately paged, the Pe- trarch pagination being vii, 104. Editor, Angelo Sicca. Hor- tis, 264. 1827. Rime di Francesco Petrarca. Firenze, Borghi, 1827. 2 V. 16". Vol. i., portr., ff. [2], pp. 7-266: ii., ff. [2], pp. [7]-29o. Hortis, 263. 1829. Rime del Petrarca, secondo la lezione del professore Antonio Marsand. Padova, Miner- va, 1829. 2 V. 12". Vol. i., ff. [4], pp. xxii, f. [i], llp. 436, f. [1] : ii., ff. [2], pp. 357, bl. If, pp. 264, ff. [2]. Horris, 266. 1829-30. Biblioteca portatile del viaggiatore; volume primo ; Dante, Petrarca, Ariosto, Tasso. Firenze, PassigU, 1829-30. 80. ff. [4], pp. [51-835, f h]. Not included in the count are a portrait and an engraved title-page to each author, mak- ing 8 pi. in all. The Dante engraved tide-page-is dated 1828, the printed title-page 1S29. Both the Petrarch title-pages are dated 1829. those of Ariosto 1S29, and those of Tasso 1S30. The printed Petrarch title is, Rime di tnesser Fraticesco Pe- trarca con brevissime illustrazioni di G. B., Firenze, Pas- sigU, 1829. Portr., engr. t.-p., pp. [257]-384. The initials represent the name of Giuseppe Borghi (see FerrazzI, p. 144). Hortis, 270. 1830. Le rime di messer F. Petrarca, le .St.anze e rOrfeo del Poliziano, con note di diversi; per dili- genza e studio di Antonio Buttura. Parigi, BauJry, 1830. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., t.-p.. pp. [v]-xxx, f. [r], pp. 442, f. [i] : ii., ff. [2], pp. 373, f. [ij. / quattro poeti italiani e il Poli- ziano, vol. 111. iv. Hortis, 271. 1831-32. II canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca. Venezia, AntoncHi^ 1831-32. 2 V. 640. Vol, i., 1831, portr., pp. xvi, 254; ii., 1832, f. [i], pp. 329. Parnaso classiio italiano, torn, iii., iv. Hortis, 273, where only the date 1831 is given. 1832. I'arnaso italiano; volumeprimo: Dante, Petrarca, Ariosto, Tasso. Venezia, AfitoncHi, 1S32. PETRARCH BOOKS. 39 8'^- ^- [3]. columns [xvii.]-xxx.» f. [i], columns [5]-^36, IT. [2], columns (ix.]-xiv., f. (i]> columns [5]-3io, n. [2], col- umns rix.]-xxx., 786, ff [3], columns [Lx.]-xxxii., f.[i], col- umns [5J-326, f. [i]. There arc an engraved general tule, 3 illustrations to the Divina commcdia, and a portrait prccetling the text of each author — njaking 7 pjates not included in the above count To each author there is a separate title-page (included in the count), the second one reading: 11 canzoniere di Francesco Pttrarca^ Vciiczia, AnioncUi, 1832. f. [1], portr., f. [i], columns [ix.]-xiv., f. [i], columns [5]-292, f. [i], cohmms [237]-3io. The Ariosto title-page is dated 1832, and the Tasso title-page 1S34. Hortis, 277, under the dates 1833-34. 1832. II canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca. Ve- nezia, Autouclli^ 1^32. 80. portr., ff. [2], columns [ix.]-xiv., f. [i], columns [5]- 310. Separate repnnt from the preceding Farnaso iiaiiano, Venezia, 1832. 1832. Le rime del Petrarca con note letterali e critiche del Castelvetro, Tassoni, Muratori, Alfieri. Ginguen^, ec, ec, scelte, compilate ed accresciule da Carlo Albertini da Verona. Firenze, Ciardetti^ 1832. 2 V. 80. Vol. j., f. [i], pp. [vl-cxxiv, 367; ii., fF. [2], pp. 7-348, cliv. Hortis, 275. 1833. Biblioteca portatile del viaggiatore, vol- ume primo: Dante, Petrarca, Ariosto, Tasso. Fi- renze, Borghij 1833. _ 80. ff. [4J, pp. [5T-833, f. [i], 8 pi. The four engraved title-pages are all dated 1832, while all the printed ones bear the date of 1833. The Petrarch title is Rime di vtesscr Francesco Petrarca con drcvissime illnstrazioni di G. B., Kirenze, Bor^hi, 1833. Portr., engr. t-p., pp. [257J-384. See the edition of 1829-30. Hortis, 274, where it is entered under 1832. 1833. I quattro poeti italiani con una scelta di poesie italiane dal 1200 sino a' nostri tempi; pub- licati da A. Buttura. Parigi, Lcjcz' iSx 1. S-J. frontisp., pp. ix, f. [i], pp. 731. Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca, pp. [113J-203. Hords, 276. 1836. I quattro poeti italiani con una scelta di poesie it.iliane dal 1200 sino a' nostri tempi ; pub- licati secondo I'edizione del 1S33 da A. Buttura. Parigi, Lefh'rc, 1836. 1. 8". frontisp., ff [2), pp. V, f. [i], pp. 903. Le rime di vtesscr Francesco Petrarca, pp. [1371-243. Hortis, 2S0. 1836. Le rime di messer F. Petrarca, le Stanze e rorfeo del Poliziano con note di diversi. Parigi, Baiidry, 1S36. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., portr., pp. xxx, f. [i], pp. 442, f. [i] ; ii., ff- [?1, PP- 373. f- (,!]■ Collczionc de' mtgtiori autori italiani antichf e tiioderttt, voL ■ ■■ -^ - - - ■ 281. . vi., vii. Bound by Eauser. Hortis, 1837. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca colle note letterali e critiche del Castelvetro, Tassoni, Mura- tori, Alfieri, Biagioli, Leopardi, ed altri, raccolte, ordinate ed accresciute da Luigi Carrer. Padova, Minerva, 1837. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., pp. cxxi, f. [i], pp. 7S6, f. [i]; ii., ff. [2], PP- 76s. f- [i]- With the book-plate of A. Schopenhauer and a few ms. notes by him. Hortis, 282. 1838-40. ... I quattro poeti italiani coi migliori comenti antichi e moderni e con Toniamento di XII incisioni . . . Firenze, Passi^U, 1S38-40. 1. 8". ff [2], pp vi, f [i], pp. 738, f (i]_'ff. 3, pp. [747]- 1552, 12 pi. Bound in two vols., the first containing Dante. Each author is preceded by a printed and an engraved title, e.xcept that Dante has only the engraved one. The Petrarch printed title reads: Le rime di Francesco Petrarca con I' inter- pretazione di Giacomo Leopardi da liii corretta e accresciuta per fjuesta cdizione alia quale si sono uniti gli argomenti di A. Marsand e altre gjunte, Firenze, Passagli, 1839. Engr. t-p., ff. [3], pp. [747)-927. ■ P'- (besides the engraved title). The titlc-pagcs to Anosto and Tasso are dated 1840. Hortis, 286, giving only the Petrarch title under 1839. 1839. Rime di Francesco Petrarca Venezia, 7>// del Comiolicre, 1S39. 120. pp. xvi, 380. Biblioteca classica italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti disposfa e illustrata da Luigi Carrer; classe X. — vol. it. Hortis, 285. 1840. Rime del Petrarca secondo la lezione del professore Antonio Marsand. Mantova, Negretti, 1840. ** 2 v. 80. Vol. i., portr., 8! [2), pp. xU, 310; ii., portr., ff. ijj. pp. 260. Scelto parnaso antico. Copy on thick paper. Hortis, 288. Bound by Bauser. 1840-42. ... I quattro poeti italiani coi migliori comenti antichi e moderni e con I'orna- mento di XII incisioni; seconda edizione . . . Firenze, Passigli, 1S4O-42. 1. 8". f. [il, engr. t.-p., ff. (2], pp. vi, f. [i], pp. 738, f. [il r-ff- (4I, PP- I747I-1552. 12 pl- (inch engr. t.-pages). Bound in two volumes, with separate title-pages. These title-pages are distinguished by the words, / 'olitme uuico, parte prima, and / 'olitine nnico, parte secortda. The engraved title-p.ages preceding the different authors still retain the dates of the hrst edition. In the first part, following the title-pages, is found an introduction, At discrete lettore, in reference to the texts of the two parts, wJiich is absent from the copy of the first edition de- scribed above- Petrarca, f. [i], engr. l.-p., ff. [3], pp. [747]- 927. Hortis, 292, with the dates 1S40 — 1844. 1841. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca con I'iii- terpretazione di Giacomo Leopardi da lui corretta e accresciuta per questa edizione alia quale si sono uniti gli argomenti di A. Marsand e altre giunte. N.apoIi, Cioffi, 1841. 4". pp. ix, [io]-242. Thick paper. Two copies. Not in Hortis. 1842. II canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca con indici. Lione, Cormon, 1S42. 32<>. pp. xiii, [i4]-4i6. Hortis, 295. 1844. II canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca con brevi annotazioni di L. Carrer. Venezia, Tasso, 1844. i2». pp. xxiii, [7I-360. Biblioteca di opere classichi an- tiche e modernc. Horbs, 297, where the number of pages is given as 382. The above copy is, however, complete. 1845. I quattro poeti italiani con apposite pre- fazioni e commenti di Paolo Emiliani-Giudici. Fi- renze, Socie/d editrice fiorentiiia, 1845. 40- ff [4), pp. 969, f [ij. Petrarca, le Rime, pp. r3o7]-437. Not in Hortis. 1847. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Firenze, Poligrafia italiana, 1 847. 120. pp. xii, 312. Hortis, 300. 1847. Rime del Petrarca secondo la lezione di Antonio Marsand con variant! ed emendazioni. Pa- dova, Sicca, 1847. l6". pp. xxx, f [i], pp. 352. Hortis, 302. 1851. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Prato, Tcrni, 1851. 32C. portr., ff. [3], pp. 452. Not in Hortis. Bound by Bauser. 1854. Rime di Francesco Petrarca con I'inter- pretazione di Giacomo Leopardi migliorata in varj luoghi la lezione del testo, e aggiuntovi nuove osser- vazioni per cura dell' editore ; quarta edizione. Fi- renze, Le Monnicr, 1854. 8°. ff- I2], pp. xi, 447. Hortis, 309. Two copies. 1858. I quattro poeti italiani : Dante, la divina commedia, col comento di G. Biagioli ; Petrarca, le rime; Ariosto, I'Orlando furioso, con dichiarazioni di G. A. Barotti e di altri ; e Tasso, la Gerusalemme liberata; con discorsi di P.iolo Emiliani-Giudici; edizione curata da Gabriele de Stefano. Napoli, Rossi-Romano, 1858. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., ff. [2], pp. Ixxv, 527, 3 pl. : ii., ff. [2], pp. XXII, 624, f. [i]. Petrarca, vol. ii., pp. xxii, loQ. Not in Horus. 1859. Rrnie di Francesco Petrarca con I'ag- giunta di centoquattordici sonetti e una canzone inediti. Torino, Unione tipograjico-cditrice, 1859. 80. pp. 408. Nttova biblioteca popouire. Hortis, 322. ^ 1866. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca secondo I'edizione e col proemio di Antonio Marsand; ag- giuntevi le memorie sulla vita del poeta, i saggi di 40 PETRARCH BOOKS. Ugo Foscolo, le dichiarazioni de' raigliori comenta- tori, etc. Parigi, Didot, 1866. 120. fF. [2], pp. 567. Not in Hortis. 1867. Rime di Francesco Petrarca con I'inter- prelazione di Giacomo Leopardi, migUorata in varj luoghi la lezione del testo, e aggiuntovi nuove osser- vazioni per cura dell'editore; sesta impressione. Firenze, Le Monnier, 1867. 80. ff. [2], pp. xi, 447. Not in Hortis. 1870. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca col co- mento di Giuseppe Bozzo. Palermo, Amenta, 1870 2 V. 8". Vol. i., portr., ff [2], pp. xl, 392; ii., ff. [3], pp. (91-431. Hortis, 331. 1870. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Firenze, Barb'cra, 1 8 70. 32'>. portr., f. [i], pp. 511. Not in Hortis. Two copies. 1871. Rime di Francesco Petrarca con scelte poesie liriche di scrittori anterior! al Petrarca. Mi- lano, Giiigoni, 1871. 16". pp. 424. Not in Hortis. 1871. Rime di Francesco Petrarca con scelte poesie lirici di scrittori anteriori al Petrarca. Mi- lano, Pagiioni, 1871. 16"^. pp. 426. Not in Hortis. 1876. Rime di Francesco Petrarca con I'inter- pretazione di Giacomo Leopardi e con note inedite di Francesco Ambrosoli; 3* edizione stereotipa. Firenze, ISarbem, 1876. So. pp. xvi, 194. 1877. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Firenze, Barbera, 1877. 320. portr., f. [1], pp. Jii. Bound by Bauser. 1878. Rime di Francesco Petrarca con I'inter- pretazione di Giacomo Leopardi e con note inedite di Eugenio Camerini ; 3» edizione stereotipa. Mi- lano, Sonzogno, 1878. 80. pp. 454. Biblioteca classica ecofwniica, n. 26. 1879. Le rime di Petrarca. Venezia, Ongania, 1879- 2 V. in I. 12S0. Vol. 1., portr., pp. 354: u., portr., pp. 230, ff. [5]. The smallest printed edition of the sonnets. At the end of the text, on an unnumbered folio, is this colophon : Coin- piitta Iti riproduzione delta statnpa dello Zatta 17S4 og^ Ve- nezia 30 novembre MDCCCLXXIX ; and this folio is fol- lowed by the title-page, Sei sonetti di Francesco Petrarca scoperti e pubblicati da G. Veludo MDCCCLA'X, followed by three fohos of text The height of the printed text is less than 4 centimeters. c. The Canzoniere (in part). 1642. Le rime di m. Francesco Petrarca estratte da \r\ svo originale. Il'trattato delle \irtv morali di Roberto re di Gervsalemnie. II tesoretto di ser Brvnetto Latini. Con qvattro canzoni di Bindo Bonichi da Siena. In Roma, nella stamperia del Grign;ini. MDCXLII . . . 40. i^. [5], pp. x,\.xx, 48. Large paper copy. Hortis, 154. 1750. II trattato delle virtu' morali di Roberto re di Gcrusalcmme ; il tesoretto di ser Brunetto Latini ; quattro canzoni di Bindo Bonichi da Siena; con alcune rime di m. Francesco Petrarca estratte da un suo originale . . . Torino, Stamperia rcaic, 1750- 8". ff. [12], pp. 216. The dedication is by Santi Bruscoli ; Petrarch, pp. 140-216. Reprint of the edition of 1642, with a change of uile and arrangcmenL Horus, 167. 1818. Sonetti di Francesco Petrarca. Zwickau, SchuinanHj 1818. , 16^. portr., pp. viii, 280. Biblioteca poriatile di classict itatiani, no 1. 1818. Canzoni di Francesco Petrarca. Zwickau, Schumann., 1818. \(f. pp. 176 (by error 166), Bibliotfca poriatile di classict italiani, n° 2. Lacks the portrait of Laura. This and the pre- ceding will be found in Hortis, 228. 1874. I trionfi di messer Francesco Petrarca riscontrati con alcuni codici e stampe del secolo XV, publicati per cura di Crescentino Giannini, socio deir academia aretina. Ferrara, Bycsciani^ '874. !. 8". pp. xviii, 88. 1874. I trionfi di Francesco Petrarca corretti nel testo e riordinati con le varie lezioni degli auto- graft e di XXX manoscritti ; per cura di Cristoforo Pasqualigo con appendice di vai'ie lezioni al canzon- iere. Venezia, celebrandosi il quinto centenario dalla morte del poeta, M.DCCC.LXXIV. At end : Finito di stampare oggi 3 Giugno MDCCCLXXIV nella tipografia Grimaldo e c. in Venezia, regnando Vittorio Emanuele II. 40. f [i], 128 numbered columns, ff. [2]. Esemplare n. 37; with editor's autograph. Hords, 335. 1876. Rime di Francesco Petrarca sopra argo- menti storici, morali e diversi; saggio di un testo e commento nuovo col raffronto dei migliori testi e di tutti i commenti a cura di Giosu^ Carducci. Livor- no, Vi^^Oy 1876. %^. pp. Iv, 175. See Appendix iL 1880. Rime di Francesco Petrarca e d'altri del trecento scelte ed annotate dal sac. dott. Gio. Fran- cesia; quarta edizione. Torino, Tipografia Sale- siana., ioSo. 16". pp. 230. n. d. Rime scelte di Francesco Petrarca. jMonza, CorU'tta, n. d. i6<*. pp.80. Title on cover: Rime scelte di Francesco Pe- trarca sccofuio i piit reccnti programvti luijiisteriali per le scHole licealt. For other selections from the Canzoniere see: Agrati, O., Emiliani-Giudici, P., Fornaciari, L., G-ironi, R., Gobbi, A., Rime di diverse avtore, and Sonetti e Canzoni. For various text-readings see Pasqualigo, G. and Scara- belli, L. d. The Canzoniere (translated). In Bohemian. 1847. Frant. Lad. Celakowsk^ho spisu bds- nickych knihy Sestery. Spisu musejnich Cislo xxviii. \V Praze, Kronberg, 1S47. 80. ff. [5], pp. 404, f. [i]. Also under the title of Nowo- ceskd biblu>th/ka ivyddivand ndkladevt ccskdho Museum. Cislo VIII. Pages 379-381, Z Petrarkou. pp. 80. Extract from Hooft s Cedickien, ecrsie vol- ledige vitgavc, gedeeltetijk tiaar des dichters handschn/t^ met aanteekeningen van P. Leatdcrtz Wz. (Amsterdam, 1S64 — ). Dutch version of the sonnets Valto e fioz-o miracol, p. 3, and Se la mia vita, p. 31 ; allusion to Petrarch, p. 17. In English. 1591. Complaints. Containing sundrie small Poemes of the Worlds Vanilie. Whereof the next Page maketh mention. By Ed. Sp. London. Im- printed for William Ponsonbie, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signeof the Bishop's head. 1591. s. 40. ff [91]. Signatures A — Z3. Includes three addi- tional title-pages, The teares of the muses, (London, 1591); Prosopopoia, or Mother Uubberds tale (London, 1591):" and Mvtopotmosy or the /ate o/the butterpJie (London, 1590). The last two ff. contain The 7'isions of Petrarch, Jormerly trans- la/i-d, being a version of ihe-canzone, Standomi un giorno. This is the first edition of the Complaints of Edmund Spenser. PETRARCH BOOKS, 41 1777. Poems, consisting chiefly of translations from the Asiatick languages, to whicli are added two essays: I. On the poetry of the Eastern nations; II. On the arts commonly called imitative , . . the second edition. London, CoHitnf, 1777. 8*^. pp. XV, 208. By Sir William Jones {b. 1746, d. 1794). Contains, pp. 65-74, -'^" *"'*' of Petrarch^ to the foitniain of Vakkiitsa ; pp. 75-S7, Laura, an cU^y/rom Petrarch. 1777.' Sonnets and odes, translated from the Italian of Petrarch, with the original text, and some account of his life . . , London, Darin's, 1777. 8°. pp. x.\iii, 105, ff. [3]. The editor of the complete English version of the Canzoniere published in one of the liohn series in 1859, and found in this catalogue under the dale ot 1879, was unable to ascertain the name of the translator of the sonnets and canzoni contained in the work here cited, which he accordingly quotes as the " Anonymous 1777 edition." This volume, as will be seen by reference to the proper place, was reprinted in London, 180S, by an association of booksellers — of which J. Miller, Chancerj* Lane, was the head — with apparent- ly no change except a new preface {"advertisement") dated January 1. In the same year the same association of book- sellers published another version of a somewhat larger collec- tion of sonnets and canzoni, by "the translator of Catullus," with a preface dated August i. The reprint of the 1777 book and the puljlication of a new book with a very similar title, by the same publishers in the same year, have led to a good deal 01 confusion, which the bibiiog^phers have done their best to aggravate. It is proper to remember that two diffenng versions are in question, one originally published in 1777 {the "1777 version"), which was reprinted in 1808, and the other tirst ap- pearing in 1808 {the "1808 version"). In the book itself there IS no clue 10 the authorship of the 1777 version; whereas, on the title-page of the i8o8 version, it is stated to be by " the translator of Catullus." As to the 1777 version, it is not cited at all by Watt (Bihltotheca Briitanica). Lowndes cites it (Bohn edition, sub Petra?r/ia), but without any remark, and knows nothing of the 1808 reprint. Neither the Bodleian cata- logue nor the Advocates' catalogue has it. The editor of the Bohn volume, as has been said, speaks of it, both in Xotts ami Queries (2d series, vol. v., p. 14S) and in his complete edition, as the anonymous 1777 translation. Its author^liip seems never to have been even surmised. As to the 1808 version. Watt gives it, under the name of that person, as by George Frederick Nott, D.D., "late fel- low of All Souli college, Oxford." Under Petrairha {vol. ii.) he simply cites the title. Lowndes (ii., p. 17081, under the name of G. F. Nott, D.D., says: "This Dr. Nott was prebend of Winchester and tutor to Princess Charlotte. He translated Catullus, some of the sonnets of Petrarch, and Joannes Secundus, and edited Surrey and Wyatt's poems." Under Pctiarcha (iii., p. 1842) the version is cited and " Geo. Fred. Nott, D.D.," given as the author. Under ra/w/Z^j, the translation of 1795 (2 v.) is said to be "by Dr. Nott." I'he Bodleian catalogue gives, under Pctrarcha (v. iii.), the title of the 1808 version and, in parenthesis, the name of " Geo. Nott" as the translator. In its supplementary volume it corrects this, repeats the title, and gives "J. Nott" as the author, showing that Bodky's librarian, at least, had discovered the blunder, which s-JpHS to have originated with Watt. He might have done this by a mere study of his own catalogue, for, in the first volume, under Catullus, the translation of that poet published in 1795 was credited to "J. Nott " ; and, of course, if J. Nott was " the translator of Catullus," then Geo. Nott could not be the translator of the 1808 version of Petrarch. Now for the real state of the case, so far as it can at present be m\'en. In 1826 there died at Bristol, England, John Nott, M.I). i,b. 1751), for several years the physician in charge of the Hotwells, Bristol ; a great traveller, having spent long peri- ods on the Continent, and having been to India and China. Immediately after his death a lung obituary appeared in the Bristol you rruil, copied into the GenticJitans Maf^azittc, and thence into the Annual Biography (vol. xi., pp. 475-477). In the course of this obituary, among the names of those who attended the funeral is given that of "the Rev. Dr. Nott" Further on the obituary writer presents the reader with a list of the publications of Dr. John Nott, evidently made out with some care, the treatises being arranged chronologically. In this list arc found the Petrarch version of 1777, the Catullus translation of 1795, and the Petrarch version of 1808, no men- tion, however, being made of the i3o8 reprint of the 1777 edi- tion. The " Rev. Dr. Nott " who was present at the funeral, as will be seen hereafter, was the Rev. George Frederick Nott, D.D., whom Wait cites as the translator of Catullus, and to whom Lowndes ascribes both the version of Catullus and the 1808 one of Petrarch. It is more than probable that he himself furnished the list of Dr. John Nott's publications to the writer of the obituary. At the close of the notice the following state- ment is made : " Besides these published works, Dr. Noit sup- plied many valuable articles to the Gentleman* s Magazine, and other literary and mediical journals. Previous to his last illness he had finished a complete translation of Petrarch's Sonnets, Canzoni, and Triumphs, with copious notes, as well historical as critical and explanatory-, with a life and a dissertation on the genius of Petrarch ; which tran<;lation, had his life been spared, It was his intention to have published. We hope that so inter- esting a work, which was the result of many years' labor and investigation, will not be eventually lost to the public." Thus this evidence goes to show that Dr. John Nott was the authoJ of both the 1777 and the 1808 versions. In the Gentleman's Magazine for 1842 {new series, vol. xvii., Januar>-, pp. 106-107) is an obituary of (he Rev. George Fred- erick Nott, born 1768, and died just before the end of 1841. In it is stated that he was " nephew to John Nott, M. D., of Bris- tol Hotwells. author of translations from Petrarch, Catullus, etc.," and, further on. that "of Dr. John Nott, Dr. G. F. Nott was executor and heir." The writer gives a list of the Rev. Dr. Nott's publications, in which no translations of Petmrch or Catullus — in fact, no translations whatever — appear. The conclusion is that Dr. John Nott is to be considered the author o( both the 1777 and 1808 versions, one published when he was 26 years of age, the other when he was 57. DiHcrent ;is they are, a very careful comparison of the two shows considerable in- ternal evidence that they were by the same hand. Uhe question occurs, in this connection, was Dr. John Nott cognizant of the re-editing in 1808 of the 1777 editi-m? Following the original preface in the reprint comes an " Advertisement," dated " Lin- coln's Inn, January i, 1808," and reading in this wise: "The following elegant little work was originally published in 1777, since which period it has become extremely scarce. The pres- ent editor has therefore been induced to offer a new edition to the public, in which the Italian text has been very carefully revised, and many errors, which had escaped the notice of the translator, corrected." It is suspicious that no such correc- tions, either of the Italian text or the English translation, arc to be found in the reprint — it being almost word for word like the original edition. Did Dr. John Nott reprint the 1777 version himself, and issue his new version in the same year as a sort of tour de force ^ or did he, having found that a reprint of his old version had been issued in January, send to the press his new version in August as a protest? Both versions have on the opposite pa§;e the Italian text That of 1777 has a sketch of Petrarch's life, while that of i8o3 gives merely a list of his works. Another ql^estion suggesting itself is, what became of Dr. John Nott's unpublished Petrarch works ? Did the Rev. Dr. G. F. Nott, as his uncle's "executor and heir," receive them, and were they sold at the sale of his library, which took place at Winchester in 1842 (see Gentleman's Magazine, new series, vol. xvii., p. 290), lasting eleven days? Dr. G. F. Nott's library contained many Italian books, which doubtless came from his uncle's shelves. Ihe volume contains versions of 30 sonnets, followed by translations of 3 canzoni, and by text and translation of the apocr>-phal sonnet, Qid riposan guci caste^ said" to have been found in Luura's tomb. 1792-97. Elegiac sonnets by Charlotte Smith; the sixth edition, with additional sonnets and other poems. London, Cadell^ 1792-97. 2 v. 8^ Vol. i., 1792, f [i], pp. xvi, 106: ii., 1797, ff. [8], pp. XV, ff. [2], pp. 117. From Petrarch, vol. i., pp. 13-16, being sonnets. Pomtni ozr'l sol, Erano i capei, Sc iamcntar angelU, and Valle che de' lamenti. The translator, Charlotte Turner Smith, was bom in 1749 and died in i3o6. 1795. Translations, chiefly from the Italian of Petrarch and Metastasio ; by*********, M.A., fellow of >,'ew College . . . O.xford, Cooke, 1795- 8". pp. iv, 127. A ms. note inserted states the translator to be " Mr. Le Mesurier, a brother of the late Ld. Mayor of that names"; he was the Rev. T. Le Mesurier (Bampton lecturer at Oxford in 1807), and the volume is entered under his name by Lo.vndes (p. 1339). Translations of 24 sonnets of Petrarch, with the text opposite, pp. [4]-5i. Sonnet, "To Miss Mary ****** with Petrarch," p. 3. 1801. Poems, by John Penn, esq. ; in two vol- umes ; consisting of original works, imitations, and translations . . . London, Biclmer^ iSoi. 2 V. 8«. \*()1. i., original poems, ff. [5]. pp. xcviii. 232 pi. ; ii., Imitations and translations, H. [4], pp. 29S, 6 pi. 'J'ranslations front Petrarch, &'e., ii., pp. (243]-2Qo, with three plates. The translator lived at Stoke Park, Bucks, Eng- land, where he died in 1834, aged 75. He was a grandson of William Penn, the founder uf Pennsylvania. The plate in the first volume is hi.s portrait. 1803. Petrarca: a selection of sonnets from various authors, with an introductory dissertation on the origin and structure of the sonnet. London, Baldwin^ 1803. PETRARCH BOOKS. Z^. pp. xl, 192, 3 pi. Editor, George Henderson. Petrarch translations, pp. 22-26, 38-44, 59-61, 96-09; sonnet to Petrarch by Crowe, p. 50, and to Vaucluse by Russell, p. 108. Two copies. 1807. The triumphs of Petrarch : translated into English verse, with an introduction and notes, by the Rev. Henry Boyd, A.M., chaplain to his royal highness the duke of Sussex, and to the right hon- ourable the earl of Charleville ; translator of Dante, 5;c., &c. London, Longman, 1S07. 12". ff. [2], pp. viii-l.wiii, 216, f. [i]. The translation of Dante by the Rev. Henry Boyd {d. i3-i2) was published in 1802. Two translations of the Triumphs into English preceded this. The first one was by Henry Parker, Lord Morley (who studied at Mary Magdalen Hall, Oxford, and died in 1555). Its title is thus given by W. C. Hazlitt (Hand-book to the pop- ular literature of Great Britain, p. 455) : The trj'umphes of Fraunces Petrarcke, translated out of Italian into Englishe by Henry Parker knight. Lord Morley Tu . C of Loue ^^^*7-JofChastitie. "■"Ph^i of Death. C of Fame. < of Tyme. ( of Diuinity. At end: Printed at London in Powles churchyarde at the sygne of the holy Ghost, by John Cawood, Pr>'nter to the Qucnes hyghnes. Cum priuilegio Regise Males- la tis. It is a quarto, without date, of 52 ff., the last page blank. The title is on A i. It is dedicated " Unto the mooste towarde- ly yonge gentle Lord Maltrauers, sonne and heyre apparant to the worthy and noble Earle of Arundel," and this dedication is tlius signed: " Dixi Henry Morelye." At the end the trans- lator has added a version of " Vyrgyll in his Epigrames of Cu- pide and Dronkenesse," in 8-line stanzas, and his own epitaph, in Latin with an English version. Of this early translation Hazlitt found four copies, two in tTie British Museum, one in the Bodleian library, and the other in the private collection of Mr. S. Christie Miller at Britwell, England. The other version apparently includes but three of the Triumphs. Its title is thus given by HazHtt : U'he Triumphs I Love : Of ^Chastitie; I Death : Translated out of Petrarch. By Mrs. Anna Hume. Edinbvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyl^^ Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestic. 1644. It is an octavo of 55 ff , including an Advertisement to the Reader (i f ), and Errata {i f ) at the end. Each Triumph has a separate title, and is accompanied by annotations. The British Museum, the Bodleian, and the library of Mr. H. Huth contained copies. Anna Hume, the translator, published some other poetical works, and was the daughter of the author, David Hume of Godscroft (Scotland). 1807. Poems, by Anne Bannerman ; a new edi- tion. Edinburgh, Mundell, 1S07. 4". ff. [4I, pp. 227. Sonnets from Petrarch, pp. [67J-72; At the sepiiuhre 0/ Petrarch, frofu Lazzarini di Morro, p. 73, 1808. Sonnets and odes, translated from the Italian of Petrarch, with the original text and some account of his life ; a new edition . . . London, Miiic-r, 1S08. S"*. pp. xxiii, 105, ff [3]. Reprint of the original edition of 1777, the anonymous translator being John Nott, M.D. 1808. Petrarch translated in a selection of his sonnets and odes, accompanied with notes and the original Italian; also with the head of Petrarch from an antique bronze ; by the translator of Catullus . . . London, Miller, 180S. 80. portr., pp. xii, 268. An entirely new and different version, by the author of the preceding, John Nott, whose translation of Catullus was published anonymously in 1795. It embraces 70 sonnets and 10 canzoni, while the notes fill pp. [227J-268. Two copies. 1809. Petrarch translated, in a selection of his sonnets and odes, accompanied with notes, by the translator of Catullus. . . . New York, Ins- keep, 1809. 120. pp. vii, f. I^i], pp. 10-142, f. |i]. A reprint of John Nott's second vcrsum by the New \ ork firm of Inskccp & Bradford. This house had a branch in Philadelphia, doing business under the inverted name of Bradford 6: Inskecp. There is, consequently, a title-page edition of this reprint, dif- fering only in the imprint, "Philadelphia. Bradford & Inskeep," instead of "New York, Inskeep & Bradford." A copy of this impression with the Philadelphia imprint is in the State Li- brary, Columbus, Ohio. 1814. Laura: or an anthology of sonnets (on the Petrarcan model) and elegiac quatuorzains — English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German, original and translated, great part never before publisht, with a preface, critical and bio- graphic, notes and index ... by Capel Lofft. London, Taylor, 1814. 5 v. 80. Vol. i., ff. [2J, pp. ccl.\i, AT [5]. Petrarch: pp. Ixiii-lxix; sonnets in theonginal, pp. ccx, ccxxi; sonnets rci.i ting to Petrarch, pp. ccxxi (Sacchelti), ccxxili (Boccaccio), ccxxxiii (Daniel), ccxiix (Alfieri) ; ii., ff [184] — including 15 sonnets of Petrarch in the original with translations, 9 translations and 5 relating to Petrarch; lii., ff. [184] — 13 sonnets by Petrarch with English translations, 5 translations, 4 French versions, 4 relat- ing to Petrarch; iv., ff. [132] — 5 sonnets with translations, i translation; v., ff. [145] — 8 sonnets with translations. Capel Lofft was bom in 1751, and died in 1824. 1817. A few sonnets attempted from Petrarch in early life . . . Kent, Lee priory press, 1817. I. 40. ff. [2], pp. 95. Privately pnnted. 'the translator was the Rev. Francis Wrangham (S. 1770, d. 1843). 1822. Select sonnets of Petrarch, with transla- tions and illustrative notes by James, late earl of Charlemont. Dublin, Folds, 1822. 80. ff. [4I, pp. xvi, 113. Privately printed. James Moly- neux Caulfield, first earl of Charlemont, was bom 1728, and died 1799. 1836. Translations from the Italian, by Bar- barina, lady Dacre. 1836. At end: Charles Whit- tingham, Tooks court, Chancery lane, London. 8'>. ff. [84]. Also with an Italian title, Traduzioni dalC Italiano ; 150 copies printed for private distribution. No. 21. Last 9 ff. contain translations from other poets than Petrarch, Lady Dacre, the wife of Thomas Brand, lord Dacre, was bom in 1767, and died in 1854. She printed privately Ugo Fos- colo's " Essays on Petrarch" (see that title). 1841 One hundred sonnets translated after the Italian of Petrarca, with the original text, notes, and a life of Petrarch, by Susan WoUaston. Lon- don, Bull, 1 84 1. 120. portr., f [i], pp. vi-xii, 257. The preface is dated at Hampstead. 1844. Poems, original and translated, by John Herman Merivale, esq., F.S.A. ; a new and cor- rected edition with some additional pieces. Lon- don, Pickering, 1844. 3 V. 8°. Vol. i., pp. XX, 360, f [ i] ; ii-, pp. iv, [i]-43, f. [i]. PP- [451-347. f. [i], 5 Pl-: ii'-, ^- [3]. PP;. [sl-J^x", f- [i]. pp. 416. Translations from Petrarch, vol. ii., pp. 186-191, being a portion of the canzone Nella. station, and the sonnets StiamOy amor. La vita /ugge, and Quante fiatc. The trans- lator, whose residence was Barton Place, Devon, England, was the father of the more noted writers, Hermann and Charles Merivale. He was bom in 1799, and died in 1844. 1851. Odes of Petrarch ; translated into Eng- lish verse by Captain R. G. Macgregor (late of the Bengal artillery). London, Smith, 1851. 8". pp. viii, flf! [2], pp. 230, f [i]. Comprises versions of all the canzoni, ballate, sestine and madrigali (except the can- zone, ^lai uon vo' piit cantar) and of the Trion/o della mort£. At the end is a rendering of Alfieri's sonnet written at Arqu^ 1854. Indian leisure: Petrarch; On the char- acter of Othello ; Agamemnon ; The Henriad ; An- thology; by Captain Robert Guthrie Macgregor, of the Bengal retired list. London, Smith, 1854. go. ff. [5], pp. 580. The translation of Petrarch's sonnets, canzoni, ballate, sestime, madrigali, and of the Trion/o delta morte, occupy pp. 1-275, and the notes upon them, pp. 276- 298. l"he Petrarch portion of the work is, in part, a reprint of the preceding title, to which are added versions of the sonnets. 1860. The poetical works of Leigh Hunt, now finally collected, revised by himself ami edited by his son, Thornton Hunt; with illustrations by Cor- bould. London, Routledge, i860. 8". t.-p. with woodcut, pp. XV, 455, 7 pi. Petrarch's con- templations of dcatit in tlu bower of Laura, pp. 348-350—3 translation of the canzone, Chiare,/resctt€ e dolci acque. PETRARCH BOOKS. 43 1866. The poetical works of Sir Thomas Wyatt. London, Bill, 1866. - 8". pp. (incl. cngr. portr.) civ, 243. Thc"Aldine edition of the British poets." Versions from Petrarch, pp. [i], 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 24, 149. 1870. . . . Thomas Watson, poems, viz.: The EnaTomtaOia, or passionate centurie of love [15S2] . . . edited by Edward Arber . . . London, 1870. 8'». pp. 208. A quatorzain commencing, " T/te Starr's wltich did at Petrarch's byrthday raigtie" p. 33 : transla- tions or imitations of sonnets, pp. 41-42, 57, 75-76, 102, 126. Thomas Watson, rt*. 1591. Arber s Kn^lish reprints. 1879. Qui comincian le rime di m. Francesco Petrarca. The sonnets and stanz.as of Petrarch, translated by C. B. Cayley, B.A., translator of Dante's " Comedy," etc. London, Longmans, 1879. 80. pp. vi, i. [i], pp. 474. 1879. The sonnets, triumphs, and other poems of Petrarch, now first completely translated into English verse by various hands ; with a life of the poet by Thomas Campbell. , . . London, Bell, 1879. 80. f [1], pp. cxl, 416, 2 portrs , 14 pi. Bohn s lUitstrated library. This volume, made up from the works of all previous translators of Petrarch, is still the only English version at .-dl complete of the Canzonierc. It was first published in 1859, the present being simply a new impression. The name of Camp- bell is so prominent on the tide-page that the volume is often spoken of, by error, as Campbell's translation of Petrarch. 1882. Translations and other rhymes by Henry C.Lea. (Privately printed.) Philadelphia, I S82. sq. 80. pp. iv, [3]-ii4. Sonnet, ZrtKrn (Petrarch), p. 102 — a version of the sonnet, Quatuio/ra Faltre donne. In Frenxh. 1538. Les Triumphes Petrarcque ... On les vend a Paris en la rue neufue Nostre Dame a I'enseigne sainct lehan baptiste pres saincte Gene- uiefue des Ardens par Denys lanot Libraire. At end: Cy finissent les triumphes de Messire Francoys Pe- trarcque, tresillustre Poete, souuerain & elegant Ora- teur, nouuellement redigez de son lagaige vulgaire Tuscan en nostre diserte langue Francoyse. Et Im- primez nouuellement a paris par Denis lanot Li- braire & Iinprimeur Demourant en la Rue neufue nostre Dame a I'enseigne Sainct lehan Baptiste, pres Saicte Geneuiefue des Ardens. 1538. 80. ff. 208. A prose translation. Bound by Cuzin. 1554. Les Triumphes Petrarqve. Le Triumphe d'Amour. Le Triumphe de Chastet^. Le Tri- umphe de la Mort. Le Triumphe de Renomm^e. Le Triumphe du Temps. Le Triumphe de Diuinite. Amovr vainq le monde. A Paris. Par Estienne Groulleau, demourant en la rue Neuue nostre Dame a I'enseigne saint lean Baptiste. 1554. 160. flf. 289, [i]. A prose translation. Boimd by Trautz- BauzonneL 1600. Le Petrarqve en rime francoise avecq ses commentaires, tradvict par Philippe de Maldeghem, Seigneur de Leyschot. A Brvxelles. Chez Rutger Velpius, Imprimeur Iur6, Pres de la Court, a I'Aigle d'Or. M.D.C. . . . 8". fi". [11], pp. 547, ff [6J. The translator was boni about 1540 and died m 1611. Sec his life, and some curious details about the version, in Michaud, Biograpliie iinii'erscile, Paris, 1854, tome xxvi., pp. 217-218. Bound by Bauser. 1669. Les oewres amovrevses de Petrarqve. Tradvites en Francois, Auec I'ltalien i cost^. Par le Sieur Placide Catanvsi, Docteur & Professeur en Droict, & Aduocat en Parlement. A Paris, Chez Estienne Loyson au Palais, dans la gallerie des I'ri- sonniers, au Nom de lesvs. M.DC.LXIX. . . . 120. pi., ff. [12], pp. 373. See the life of Cataniisi in Hoe- fcr, Nouvetle biographie utiiverselle, Paris, 1854-77, tome 9, P- M3- 1787. Choix des poesies de Petrarque traduites de I'ltalien par m. Levesque; notivelle Edition cor- rigee et augmeiil^e. Venise [Paris], Hardouin, 17S7. 2 V. 120. Vol. i., portr., pp. 203: ii., pp. 203. The full name of the trai^slator of this frequently reprinted vcr.,ion in prose was Pierre Charles Levesque {b. 1736, d. 1812). It is Sitid to have been made at the age of twenty-five. 1816. Poesies de Ptitrarque traduites en vers fran9ais, suivies de deux poemes ; par m. L^oncc de Saint-Genius. . . . Paris, Deiiunay, 1S16. 2 V. i2'>. Vol. i., portr., ff. [2], pp. xxiv, 211, f. [i] ; ii., portr., ff. [2], pp. 185, f. (i). The translator wrote other verse, and rendered several German works into French. Bound to- gether. 1842-43. Sonnets, canzones, ballades et sex- tines de Petrarque, traduits en vers par le comte Anatole de Montesquiou; tome premier [et second]. Paris, Leroy, 1S42. Sonnets, canzones, ballades, sextines, ^pitres, eglogues et triomplies de Petrarque traduits en vers par le comte Anatole de Montesquiou ; tome troi- sieme. Paris, Leroy, 1843. _ 3 V. 80. Vol. i., pp. viii., 280, f. [i] ; ii., ff. [2], pp. 295; iii., ff [2], pp. 268. The translator, Ambroise Anatole -Augus- tin, comte de Montesquiou-Fezensac, was bom in 17S8 and died in 1878. 1843. Petrarque ; tome premier [et deuxidme] : sonnets, canzones, ballades, sextines, traduits en vers par le comte Anatole de Montesquiou, pair de France . . . 2™« edition. Paris, Amyot, 1843. Petrarque; tome troisieme : ^pitres, eglogues, trioinphes, traduits en vers par le comte Anatole de Montesquiou, pair de France . . . 2™" Edition. Paris, .4myot, 1843. 3 V. So. Vol. i., ff. [4], pp. 280, f. [i]; ii., ff. [2], pp. 295; iii., ff. [2], pp. 268. Bound in i v. 1847. Cent cinquante sonnets et huit morceaux complementaires traduits des sonnets de Petrarque; texte en regard. Paris, Dido/, 1S47. 120. pp. 396, f [i]- The translator is Madame S. Emma Mahul des Comles Dejean (b. about 1836). 1848. Poesies de Petrarque, traduites en vers par Camille Esm^nard du Mazet. Paris, Lmpri- tfienrs itttis, 1848. 80. ff. [2], pp. vii, 452. The translator was bom at Peli- sannc in 1S02. [1875]. Les ceu\Tes amourenses de Petrarque, sonnets — triomphes, traduites en fran9ais avecle texte en regard et prlc^iMes d'une notice sur la vie de Pe- trarque par P.-L. Ginguene, auteur de L'hisloire lit- teraire d' Italie. Paris, Gamier, n. d. 80. ff. [2], pp. Ix.vxv, 398. Reprint of the French prose version of a portion of the Sonnets and of the Triumphs by Ca- tanusi, preceded bv chap. xii. of Ginguen^'s histoire litt^raire. The date is given ^y Lorenz as 1875. 1877. Rimes de Petrarque ; traduction com- f)lete en vers des sonnets, canzones, sextines, bai- ades, madrigaux et triomphes par Joseph Poulenc, membre de la societe des lettres, sciences et arts de r.\veyron; deuxieine edition, revue et corrig^e. Paris, Libraire des bibliophiles, 1877. 2 v. 120. Vol. i., f. [i[, pp. ix, ff. [2], pp. 317, f. [i] ; ii., ff. [2], pp. 280, ff. [2]. Bound by Bauser. 1877-79. Les sonnets de Petrarque, traduction complete en sonnets rdguliers, avec introduction et commentaire par Philibert Le Due ; ouvrage cou- ronnd aux fetes littt§raires de Vaucluse et d'Avignon a I'occasion du cinqui^me centenaire de Petrarque. Paris, IVilleiii, 1877-79. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., 2 portrs., pp. xlii, 377, f. [l] : ii., 2 portrs., ff. [2], pp. 410, f [i]. The translator was bom at Bourg in 1815, and is a member of the Academic de Lyon. One of 30 copies on Whatman paper, no. 16. Bound by Bauser. 1880. La vraie mani^re de traduire les pontes. [Paris, Liseit.x, 18S0.] 12". pp. 77-93. Extract from La curiosity litt^raire et bibtiographiquc . . . premiire s^rie. At the end of the 44 PETRARCH BOOKS. essay, which is signed by Joseph Boulmier, are given the text and translation of the canzone, Chiare,/rcscltc e dolci acgne, and '• i'clcgante imitation latine qu'en a donnee, au seizieme siecle, Marc-Antoine Flaminio." Joseph Boulmier was born at Toumus in 1821. In German. 1817. Sonette von Petrarca. [Berlin, Nauck^ 1817]. 8*^. pp. 223-226, 505-508. German versions of 8 sonnets by J. D. Gries: extmct from Littcrarische Anahkten heraus- gegcbenvon Fried, Alts- /^'t?^ i*-"r bd. Johann Dietrich Gries, (b. 1775, d. 1S42), a well-known translator, was the author of these versions. 1818-19. Le rime di Francesco Petrarca. Fran- cesco I'elrarca's italienische Gedichte, ubcrsetzt und niit erliiuternden Anmerkungen begleitet von Karl Forster, Professor an der k. Ritterakademie zu Dresden. . . . Leipzig, iiroirMfl/M, 1S18-19. 2 V. 80. Vol. i., pp. xviii, 437, ff. [3]: ii., pp. xii, 523. Karl Forster, the poet, author of this version, was born at Naumburg in 1784 and died at Dresden in 1841. 1829. Francesco Petrarca's sammtliche italien- isclie Gedichte ; neu iibersetzt von Friedrich Wilhelm Bruckbrdu, niit erliiuternden Anmerkungen; neue Ausgabe. MUnchen, Lindaiicr, 1S29. 6v. I2». Vol. i., f. [1], pp. [v)-vi, f. [i], pp. [vii]-xiii, ff. [3], pp. 20-96: ii., pp. 95; iii., pp. 96: iv., pp. 96; v., pp. 96; VI., pp. 84. A prose translation. The translator, a fertile writer, w.as born 1792, died (Munich) 1874. Bound in i v. 1833. Francesco Petrarca's sammtliche Can- zonen, Sonette, Ballaten und Triumphe, iibersetzt und mit erlauternden Anmerkungen begleitet von Karl Forster ; zweite verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1833. 80. pp. xii, ff. [2], pp. 531. 1844. Die Reime des Francesco Petrarca ; uebersetzt und erlautert von Karl Kekule und Lud- wig von Biegeleben. Stuttgart, Colta, 1844. 2 v. 80. Vol. i., pp. xii, 400, f. [i] : ii., pp. iv, 302. Bound in i v. 1851. Francesco Petrarca's sammtliche Canzo- nen, Sonette, Ballaten und Triumphe; aus dem Ita- lienischen iibersetzt und mit erlauternden Anmerk- ungen begleitet von Karl Forster ; dritte, verbes- serte Auflage. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1S51. 2 V. 120. Vol. i., pp. X, 280: ii., ff. [2], pp. 261. For an- other edition of K.arl Forster's version of the Trionfi see Stein- biichel, A. von. 1866. Die Gedichte des Francesco Petrarca ; uebersetzt von Wilhelm Krigar; zweite Auflage. Flannover, Riitnplcr, 1866. 80. 2 portrs., pp. xviii, f. [i], pp. 560. 1868. Hundert ausgewiihlte Sonette Francesco Petrarka's iibersetzt von Julius Iliibner. Berlin, Nicolai, 1868. 80. pi., pp. 256. In Latin, 1743. Marci Antonii, Joannis Antonii et Ga- brielis Flaminiorum forocorneliensiuni carinina ; quid prxterca in hoc volumine contine.itur, duce in- dicant ad lectorem epistolce. Patavii, Cominiis, 1743- 8". ff. [4], pp. xl, 487. De Delia, Latin version of the can- zone, C/nai-c, /resche e dolci acguc, lib. L, vi. (pp. 13-15). Allusion to Petrarch on p. 79. 1853. Scelti sonetti e due canzoni di Francesco Petrarca, cd altri sonetti d'italiani poeti ; versione in due nictri latini di Domenico Eugenio Fanti col testo originale a fronte. Bologna, Sassi, 1853. 8<>. pp. 45, f. [1]. Latin tran.slation, with translator's auto- graph. 1861. A Maria vergine e madrc, canzone di mcsscr Francesco Petrarca, e laude di fra Iaco])one da Todi, tradotte latinaniente da Alessandro Pie- gadi ; si aggiunge un' antica interpretazione della canzone, fatta in faleucii da Pietro Barozzi, vescovo bellunese, poi padovano. Venezia, Caspar}, 1861. 4". pp. 37, f. [i]. 1866. La canzone Vergine bella di mess. Fran- cesco Petrarca tradotta in esametri latini dal can. Luigi d.alla Vecchia, vicentino; con saggio di cinque altre traduzioni latine della medesima ; vi fanno seguito varii epiCTammi di sacro argomento. Vi- cenza, Paroni, 1S66. 4°. pp. 32. Plate and date on reverse of title-page. In Sp.\nish. 1567. De los sonetos, canciones, mandriales y sextinas del gran poeta y Orador Francisco Pe- trarca, tradvzidos de Toscano Per Salusque Lusitano, parte primera con breves svmarios, 6 Argumentos en todos los Sonetos y Canciones que declaran la intencion del autor. Compvestos por el mismo. Con dos tablas, vna Castellana, y la otra Toscana y Castellana . . . En Venecia, En casa de Nico- lao Bcuilaqua. M D LXVIL 1567. De los sonetos, canciones, mandriales y sextinas del gran poeta y Orador Francisco Petrarca, tradvzidos de Toscano Por Salomon Vsque Hebreo, parte primera con breves svmarios, 6 Argumentos en todos los Sonetos y Canciones que declaran la in- tencion del autor. Compvestos por el mismo. Con dos tablas, vna Castellana, y la otra Toscana y Cas- tellana . . . En Venecia, En casa de Nicolao Beuilaqua. M D LXVIL 40. ff. [8], pp. 164, ff. [4]. Two copies, which are alike except in one important portion of their title-pages. The first title which is given above, is that to be found in Marsand, p. 225 (save one slight error in punctuation, made by Marsand in copying it) ; on the title-page of the second copy, the line "Por Salusque Lusitano" is changed to "Por SALOMON VSQUE Hebreo," and it is this title-page which is copied by both Bninet and Griissc. The description of the work itself, except variations in airangemcnt, given by Marsand, answers for both copies. In both copies the dedication is signed " Sal- usque Lusitano." The preface, by Alonso de Ulloa (the noted Spanish traveler and author, who passed the last years of his life in Venice), immediately follows the dedication, and styles the translator " Salusqve Lusitano," and says of him: " HJi traduzido toda la obra, pero no pubUca agora sino la Primera parte, hecha en vida de NL L. (que es mas ella sola que todas las oiras juntas) por estar con Apeles detras dela tabla Ji oyr lo que della dize el mundo: y si viere que contenta, pubhcar^ presto lo de mas, con el ayuda deDios." From this, as well as from the change made in the title-page, it would appear that the translator was still alive. The preface is followed by a sonnet in Castilian: "Del senor Dvarte Gomez al Ebro, rio famoso en Espafia," concerning the author of which Antonio (Bibliotheca nova, vol. i., p. 337) gives the following sketch: " Eduardus Gomez, Lusitanus, Venetiis degebat, mercaturas excrcens, eo tempore quo Amatus Lusitanus [the distinguished Portuguese medical writer, Joao Rodriguez Amato, better known under the Latin cognomen cited by Antonio, some of whose works appeared at Venice in 1553], & ipse magnae famse (uiinam pie- tatis) medicus, haic de eo scribebat centuria quinta, curatione XIX. Eduardus Goftifz, Lusitanus^ znr gravis, doctus, &* poeta 71071 vulgaris, ut qui Petrarclue numcros endecasyllabos (5h cantzuuculas Heirusca lingiia scriptas, /eliciter in litv- guam HispatiicajH vcrtat ita cordate apposite &^suis numeris consone ut ouiutbus admirationisit" The sonnet of this po- etical merchant occupies the reverse of the fourth unnumbered folio. On the obverse of the next folio begins the Tabla dc los sonetos y caucioucs del Petrarca en vida de Madona Lavra^ ending on the obverse of the sixth, on the reverse of which is a SoHcto sobre las ccnizas del Petrarca y dc Mad. Laz'ra, ap- parently by the translator, printed under the portraits of Pe- trarch and Laura. The next two folios contain a / 'ida y cos- tvmbrcs del poeta, closing with a life of Laura. Then on the first numbered page the sonnets commence, each one accom- panied by a marginal argtmient. The four unnumbered folios at the end contain the Tabla de los sonetos, canciones man~ drialcs y sextinas del Petrarca en Ungua toscana^ y casteU lana. Melzi (vol. ii., pp. 200-201), under the name of "Leone da Mod na, israclita," cites a work, I.' Ester, traged/a (Venezia, 1619), and .idds: " Scbbene porti il nomc del Alodcna, pure ne b autore Salomone Usque del pari israelii, confessandoil primo in una sua prefazione non esscrc stato sc non correttorc, ed editore di cssa tragedia." This is, of course, a posthumous work. In the work of Antonio, cited above, there is (vol. ii., p. 275) a sketch of Samuel Usque, who, in spite of the differ PETRARCH BOOKS. 43 ent first name, is quite likely the same person as Solomon, reading thus: "Samuel Usque, Hebraeiis gcnte, ut vidctur, sed Hispanus, aut proprius Lusitanus natalibus. scripsit Castcl- lane & Liisitane : Consolacion a las trihiihuiones de Israel: Fcrniria:, ut pracsefert, edilum opus anno a ci^atione Mundi 5313- indomo Aben Usque, qui annus est christianus MDLI II. juxLa Calvisii t't aliorum regulam. Huic vero, utpote super- stitionis Hebraica penu, jure ac mcrito nigrum praefixit Iheta Expurgatoriiis noster Index" It may be deduced (rom all this that the translator was Salo- mon Usque, a Portuguese Jew, who lived at Ferrara in 1553, where he must have been known to Joao Rodriguez (Amatus), another Portuguese Jew (who taught medicine in tliat city in 1547 and afterwards) ; that this Amatus likewise knew the merchant, Duarte Clomez of Venice, also Portuguese, who pre- faces Usque's translation with a sonnet in praise of the version : and that Usque wrote at least two other works, that cited by Antonio and that cited bj: Melzi. Another hypothesis would be that Antonio is correct in regard to the first name, in which case- Samue might possibly have been the father of Salomon, the translator of Petrarch. As to the second title-page, that probably came into existence from the fact that Usque (receiv- ing a copy of the work at Ferrara or elsewhere) objected to the curious combination of his first and last names, and wrote to Venice ordering a new title-page to be printed for the copies still unsold. Salusque may have been the nickname by which the translator was generally known ; examples of misappre- hended or mispronounced Hebrew personal names, growing into nicknames, are common enough. _ 1591. Los sonetos y canciones del poeta Fran- cisco Tetrarcha, que tiaduzia Henrique Garces de lengua Thoscana en Castellana. Dirigido a Philippe segundo dcste nombre, Manarcha primero de las Espaiias, k Indias Oriental, y Occidental. En Ma- drid Impresso en casa de Guillermo Droy impressor de libros. Ario 1591. 4''- .ff- [1.3], bl. If., ff. 178. Of this version and its author Antonio (Bibliotheca nova, vol. i., p. 563) says: "Henricus Garcez, Lusitanus, Portuensis, fixo apud Americos in Regia urbe Peruani regni domicilio, vertendis in vernaculum Castellse serraonem Francisci illius Petrarch^, Italicorum vatum cori- phai, versibus non infcliciter incubuit ; longe tamen ab Hispania, yerequc a patria castigatoris stili ac linguae positus, diclionis punlatcm peregrinis quibusdam e trivioque desumptis verbis corrupit, quamquam vi.insurgat frequenter poetica." After stating that (Jarces also translated the Lusiads of Camoens, An- tonio says that he made a version of a Latin prose work by Pe- trarch, under the title, Del reyno y de la institucion del gue ha dercyimr, pnnted the same year (1591), in quarto, at Madrid, being most likely a version of the letter Sen., iv., i, or Sen. aav., I — one or both. ' In SwEDtsH. 1874. Petrarcas sonetter till Laura i svensk ofversiittning af Theodor Hagberg. Upsala, Ed- guisl, 1S74. _^°- ^.f- Ul,.. pp. 597, f. [i]. Opposite title-page in Italian, c" J- u !• niiceseo Petrarca ; Italian text opposite the Swedish. Professor Hagberg is the translator into Swedish of some of Caldcron's dramas (Upsala, 1S70), and author of an intercsung essay on the revival of Provencal letters in the nine- teenth century. 1880. Francesco Petrarca's canzoner, ballater och sestiner. I svensk ofversattning af Carl A. Kullberg. Stockholm, Norstcdt, riSSoJ. 8». pp. 176, f. [i). -^ IV. ASCRIBED WRITINGS. Latia. 1874. Scritti inediti di Francesco Petrarca pub- blicati ed illustrati da Attilio Hortis. Trieste, Ti- pogra/ia del Lloyd Auslro-Ungnrico, 1874. 1. 8». pp. xvi, 372. Improperiy cited by Brunei ISliMU- ment, vol. u., col. 221) as •■ Sonetu inediti." Italian (prose). 1507. Chronica delle vite de pontefici et im- peratori roniani composta per .m. Francesco Pe- trarcha alia qvale sono state aggivnte qvelle che da tempi del Petrarcha insino alia eta nostra nian- cavano. At end: Stampata in Venetia per jMaestro lacomo de pinci da Lecco co gratia come nel priui- legio si cotene. MDVH. Adi. iii. di di [j;Vl De- ccmbre. 4». ff xc, [1) Not m Hortis. 1534. Chronica de le \-ite de pontefici et iin- peradori romani, Composta per .AL Francesco Pe- trai;cha alia quale sono st.ate aggiunte qlle che da tepi del Petrarcha insino alia eta nostra nianciuano . . . At end: Stampata in Vinegia per Marchio Sessa. Nel anno. JLD.XXXIIIL Adi. XV. Del mese di Marzo. 160. ff. 120, [2]. Hortis, Bauser. ,410. Two copies, one bound by 1858. Lettera volgare di messer Francesco Pe- trarca a Leonardo Beccamuggi tratta da un codice della Marciana col raffronto della lezione nel Pe- trarchista di Nicold Franco. Venezia, Merlo, 1858. . 8". pp. 17, f. [i]. Nozze Marcello-Zon. Dedicatory letter signed Andrea Tessier. Hortis, 414. 1868. Caso di amore, prosa volgare attril)uita a Francesco Petrarca. Firenze, Tipografia iiazionale, 1 868. 8». pp.20. Nozze Delia Volpe-Zambrini ; editor, Pietro Dazzi ; edizione di 125 esemplari. ji Italian (Terse). 1856. Nelle faustissime nozze del conte Fran- cesco Zauli Naldi di Faenza colla marchesa Maria Cattani di Brisighelfa seguite nel Gennajo del 1856; la famigUa Sessi voile far segno di sua viva esultanza coir offerta della presente frottola inedita di messer Francesco Petrarca. Firenze, Sulle logge del grano, 1S56, Z". pp. 20. Editor, Giovanni Ghinassi. 1859. Francisci Petrarchae Aretini carmina in- cognita ; ex codicibus italicis bibliothecae Monacen- sis in lucem protraxit ipsorumque ad instar manu scriptorum edidit Georgius Martinus Thomas. Mo- nachii, Franz, 1859.. 4°. pp. xliii, 136, 3 pi. Also with the title, Manumenia saecularta; herausgegeben von der koniglich bayerischen AA-aJemie der IV tssenscha/ten ziir Feier Hires hunder/jahri. gen Bestehens am =8 Ma^rz 1859; /. Classe ; 1. G. M. Tito- mas : Francisci Pctrarcae A retini carmina iucognita. Hor- Bs, 415. See also Tliomas, &, M. 1870. Sonetti di Francesco Petrarca ora sco- perti e publicati. Venezia, Tip. S. Giorgio, 1870. Per le nozze di Amedeo Grassini con Emma 120. ff. [lo; Levi: editor, G. Veludo. 1870. Parma liberata dal giogo di Mastino della Scala add! 2i Maggio 1341, canzone politica di Fran- cesco Petrarca, nuovamente esposta e ridottn a mig- lior lezione dal professore Francesco Berlan. Bo- logna, Romagnoli, 1870. 80. pp. 199, f. [i]. Scelta di curiosita lelterarie inedite o rare, disf. log ; edizione di 202 esemplari, no. 147. 1874. Una corona sulla tomba d'-\rqui ; Rime di Francesco Petrarca, colla vita del medesimo pub- blicate la prima volta per cura-di Doraenico Car- bone. Torino, Beuf, 1874. 8<>. f. [i], pp. 96. Three copies, one with the editor's auto- grapli. 1874. Un sonetto inedito di F. Petrarca ed una canzone al medesimo attribuita. [Bolocna. Romasr. noli, 1874.] * 80. pp. ri54]-i6i. Extract from ///'r^/K,5TMA7«, vol vil. parte u (Lugho-Ottobre, 1874). The introductory note is signed A[lessandro] d'A[ncona]. 1874. Un sonetto inedito di mess. Francesco Petrarca ed una canzone a lui attribuita; premesso un sonetto di Tonimaso da Messina al Petrarca indi- ritto. Bologna, Garagnani, 1874. 8". pp. 10. Estratto dal Profugnalore, vol. vii The preface is signed A. d'A. Sep.arate reprint of the preceding. 1874. Raccolta di rime attribuite a Francesco Petrarca, che non si leggono nel suo Canzoniere, colla giunta di alcune fin qui inedite. P.idova, Pros- perini, 1874. 1. 8". pi., pp. 70, f. [i], pp. viiL Edited by professor Pietro r errato. 46 PETRARCH BOOKS. 1876. Rime del Petrarca, codice cartaceo nella biblioteca Bertoliana di Vicenra. [Vicenza, Paroni, 1S76.] 40. pp. 23, f. [i]. Per nozze Mangilli-Lampertlco. The dedication is signed A. Capparozzo. Editor's autograph. The cover is counted in the pagination. Petrarca. [London, 1843.] 8'*. pp. 396-426. Extract from the Forei^ quarterly re- vieiv, vol. xxxi., no. Ixii. (July, 1843). Review of (i) Le rime del Petrarca . . . «'« C .^ /i!^fr//«7'(2 torn., Firenze, 1842) ; and of (2) The life 0/ Petrarch, by Thomas Campbell, (Lon- don, 1841). The running title of the article is Francesco Pe- trarca. Petrarca, ein dramatisches Gedicht. SeeWest- phalen, E. C. v. Petrarca e Venezia. Venezia, Cecchini^ i874- I. 8**. f. [i], portr. of Laura, f. [i], pp. [71-327, f [ij. Con- tents : — Air Aleneo Veneto, pp. f7]-8; Introdiizione (A, Matscheg), pp. [9]-4o: Codici manoscritli pusseduti dalla biblioteca M.irciana (G. Valentinelli), pp. [4i]-i47; Due codici conservati nella biblioteca del Museo ci^^co (D. Urbani), pp. [i49]-i75: Codice posseduto da EmiHo dc Tipaldo (G. RL Malvezzj), pp. [i77]-iS6; Del Petrarchismo e delprincipali pe- trarchisti veneziani (G. Crespan), pp. [i87]~252r Opere d'arte relative a Francesco Petrarca (D. Urbani), pp. [253J-280; Pe- trarca a Venezia (N. Barozzi), pp. [28i]-293; 11 Petrarca dinanzi alia Signoria (R. Fulin), pp. [295]-327. [Petrarca, Reviews of works relating to.] Fi- renze, 1S74. 8''. pp. 230-236. Extract from the Nuoz'a antalogia di sci- enze, lettere ed arti, anno IX., vol. xxvii., fasc. ix. (Settembre, 1874). Possibly by A. De Gubematis. Petrarch. See Greene, G. W. Petrarch and his times. [London, 1861.] 8°. pp. 99-115. Extract from Fraser's ntagazine, vol. Ixiv., no. 379 (J"'y> 1861). Petrarque a Vaucluse. See Amavon, F. Petrarque e Laure, par madame de Genlis. See Foscolo, XT. Petrarque (Le) fran^ais. See Aubrey, P. C Pezzana, A. Notizie bibliografiche intorno a due rarissime edizioni del secolo XV. . . Parma, Bodoniy 1 808. 8°. ff [4], pp. 91. Lettera . . . intorno ad una edi- zione delle rime del Petrarca pubblicata da Gaspare e Do- tnenico Siliprandi nel 1477, pp. 19-91- See Appendix ii. Proposta di un edifizio da costruirsi alia memoria di Francesco Petrarca in Selvapiana di Ciano. [Parma, 1838.] 40. pp. 7. 4 pi., ff. [10]. Phillimore, C. M. Petrarch : his life, times and works. [London, yJAzrw///*??;, 1873. ] 8**. pp. [385]-396, [4811-489. Extract from Macmillan's magazine, vol, xxviti., nos. 167, 168 (September, October, 1873). Pietropoli, G-. II Petrarca impugnato dal Pe- trarca piu matiiri riflessi. . . Venezia, Alvisopoli, 1818. 1. 8-\ pp. xix, 456. Pimbiolo, F. Sulle opere di raesser Francesco Petrarca discorso e poesie . . Brescia, Bettoni, 1807. 8'>. pp. \-iii, 137, ff. [2]. Piombin, S. Discorso . . letto il i8 Luglio 1878 nella solenne inaugurazione del Museo I'e- trarchesco in Arqui. Monselice, Longo, 1878. 8'>. pp. 8. Planche, G. £tudes sur I'art et la poesie en Italic: II., Petrarque. [Paris, 1847.] 1. 80. pp. [997I-1018. Extmct from the hevue des deux tnondfs, June 15, 1847. Poggio Bracciolini. lacopo di messer Poggio a Lorenzo di Piero di Cosimo de Medici sopra e! triompho della fama di messer Franceshco \_sic'\ Pe- trarcha prohemio . . At end : Impresso in Fi- renze per ser Francesco Bonaccors A petitione di Alexadro di Francesco Varrochi Cittadino Fioren- tino. Nel anno. MCCCCLXXXV. adi. xxiiii. di gennaio. 4". ff. [124]. The signatures run from a ii to q iii, followed by the two final ff. ; the signature a i, being a blank leaf, is miss- ing- The proper title is given on the reverse of the 3d (prop- erly 4th) folio after the prohemio, and reads : Comenio di lacopo di ntcsser Poggjo soprix el triompho della fama di messer Francesclio Petrarcha a Lorenzo di Piero di-Cosimo de Medici. Latin letter. In the colophon the final o in citta- dino is really a / from which the lower stem has been broken off in the type or erased after printing — apparently the latter. Poi, Ser. See AUegri, A. Puccianti, G. . . La donna nella F//iz «;«!i/o di Dante e nel Canzoniere del Petrarca; lettura fatta al circolo filologico di Pisa 11 di 15 Marzo, 1874. Pisa, A'is/ri, 1874. 80. pp. 30. Pulling, W. Sonnets i^Titten strictly in the Italian style, to which is prefixed an essay on son- net-writing. . . London, Bohn, 1840. 80. pp. viii, xl, 112. Constant references to Petrarch in the essay (pp. i-xl), and a sonnet To the four g^'eai poets of Italy ^ Dante, Petrarca, A riosto aftd Tasso (p. 39). Quadrio, F. S. Delia storia e della ragione d'ogni poesia volumi quattro . . alia serenissima altezza di Francesco III., duca di Modana, Reggio, Mirandola, &c. Bologna, Pisarri (Agnelli), 1739- 52- 4 V (m 7). 40. Vol. i., 1739, ff. [14], pp. 786, f [i] : ii., i, 1741, ff- [4]. PP- 825, f. [■], pl. : ii.. 2, 1742. pp. 45= : ■>>., ». 1743. ff. (loj, pp. 441 ; iii., 2, 1744, pp. 563 ; iv., 1749, ff. 18], pp. 746, f [i] ; v., 1752, Indice universale, pp. 784. Petrarch references too numerous to cite. Notice of his life, and the principal editions of the Rime, vol. ii., z, pp. 182-187. Two copies, one having the arms of Cortina, and his book-plate. RaSaelli, F. Illustrazione di un codice del Tri- onfi di Francesco Petrarca esistente nella comunale biblioteca di Fermo, e saggio di variant!. Fermo, Paccasassi, 1874. 1. 8*^. pp. xxxxvi, f. [1]. Imprint at end of volume. Rastotil [de Mongeot],*A. S. Petrarque; par Alphonse Rastoul. rari>, B/aisol, 1836. ■ 80. pp. xiv, f [i], pp. 483. Petr.arque et son sifecle ; par A. Rastonl de Mongeot. Bruxelles, Mcliiii-, 1846. 2 v. 12". Vol. i., ff. [2], pp. 280: ii., ff. [2], pp. 232. Re. Z., alitor. La N-ita di Cola di Rienzo, tribune del popolo romano, scritta da incerto autore nel secolo XIV, ridotta a migliore lezione, ed illustrata con note ed osservazioni storico-critiche . . con un comento del medesimo sulla canzone del Petrarca, Spirto gcniil chc quelle membra reggi. Firenze, Le Monnier, 1854. 12'>. ff. (2], pp. 348. Many Petrarch allusions; Comento sulla canzone del Petrarca, Spirto geittil, ec, pp. 301-344. I ritratti di madonna Laura, articolo di Ze- firino Re, estratto dair Album di Roma, riveduto ed ampliato. Fermo, Ciferri, 1857. 8. portrs., pp. 22, f. [i]. ^ I biografi del Petrarca, ragionamento . . Fermo, Ciferri, 1859. 80. pp. 76, f. (i). Rearden. T. H. Francis Petrarch. [San Fran- cisco, 1SS2.] 80. pp. 447-460. Extract from The Califontian, vol. v., no 29 (May, 1882}. Reeve, H. Petrarch . . Edinburgh, Black- wood, 1 8 "8. 8''. ff. 13], pp. 148. Foreign classics for English readers, Retour de la fontaine de Vaucluse. See Ama- von, P. PETRARCH BOOKS. 47 Heumont, A. von. Dichtergriiber : Ravenna, Arqua, Certaldo . . Berlin, Dtincker, 1846. 8°. ff. [3], pp. 87. Argua^ pp. 37-60. Reynald, H. Cinquieme centenaire de la mort de Pitrarque, c^Iebr^ a Vaucluse et i Avignon les 18, 19, et 20 Juillet, 1874; concours de pofoie fran- 9aise; rapport . ■ Avignon, Gros, I074. 80. pp. 22. Ridolfi, L. A., compiler. Tavola di tvtte le rime de i Sonetli e Canzoni del Petrarca; ridotte co i versi interi sottole cinque letterevocali ... In Lyone, appresso Guglielmo Rouillio. 1551. . . . 160. pp. 294, ff. [5). The author's name is at the end of the dedicatory letter and centone addressed to Matteo Nicolini, which terminates on p. 5. On p. 6 is the address A i Icttort. The 5 unnumbered ff. at the end are filled with the Tavoki di H'tte le voci ridotte soita U cinque tettere vocali. Three cop- ies : one bound by Pratt, another inserted in a copy of the Ro- villio 1550 edition of the Canzoniere, at the end of the text, and a third bound at the end of the Rovillio 1551 edition of the Can- zoniere, Tavola di tvtte le rime de' sonetti, e can- zoni del Petrarca, ridotte co i versi interi sotto le lettere vocali. In Venetia, Appresso Giorgio An- gelieri, 1586. 16*^. f. [i], pp. 3-232. Bound with the edition of the Can- zoniere by Ridolfi published in 1586. The name signed to the dedicatory preface is Luc' Antonio Ridolfi. Ritnario dei tre poeti. See Serassi, A. Rime di diversi antichi avtori toscani in dieci libri raccolte. Di Dante Alaghieri Lib. IIII Di M. Cino da Pistoia Libro I Di Guido Caualcanti Libro I Di Dante da Maiano Libro I Di Fra Guittone d'Arezzo Lib. I Di diuerse Canzoni e Sonetti senza nome d'autore Libro I. At end: Stampata in Vi- negia per lo. Antonio, e Fratelli da Sabio. Nell' anno del Signore. MDXXXII. 8". ff- 148. Allusions to Petrarch in the preface by Ber- nardo di Giunta. For the original edition see Sonetti e canzoni. Rizzini, G. In occasione del quinto centenario del Petrarca; suoi onori e trionfi — suo amore per Laura, suo soggiorno a Valchiusa ed Arqui, sue opere latine e italiane, coll' aggiunta del suo ritratto fisico e morale . . Milano, Trn'es, 1874. 8". pp. 148, ff. [2]. [Roman, J. J. T.] Le g^nie de P^trarque, ou imitation en vers franjois de ses plus belles po&ies, pr^c&l^e de la vie de cet homme cel^bre, dont les actions & les Merits font une des plus singuli^res ^oques de I'histoire & de la litt^rature modernes. Parme [Paris], Lacombc, 1778. 80. pp. \-iii, 46S, f. [i]. [ ] Le g^nie de P^trarque, ou imitation en vers fran9ois de ses plus belles poesies, pr^c^dee de la vie de cet homme calibre, dont les actions & les Merits font une des plus singulieres ^poques de I'his- toire & de la litt^rature modernes. Parme [Avi- gnon], Guicliard, 1 778. 80. pp. vi, 390. A counterfeit edition, really printed at Avignon, with a smaller page and in smaller type than the pre- ceding original. [ ] Vie de Francois Petrarque, c^l^bre poete italien, dont les actions & les Merits font une des plus singulieres ^poques de I'histoire & de la litt^ra- ture moderne ; suivie d'une imitation en vers fran- 5ois de ses pins belles poesies. Vaucluse, Cttssac, 1782. 80 pp. viii, 468, f. fi]. Really the same work as Le ginie de P/trargjfe, with a change of title. [ ] Vie de Fran9ois Petrarque, c^l^bre poete italien, dont les actions & les fcrits font une des plus singulieres ^poques de I'histoire & de la litt^ra- ture moderne ; suivie d'une imitation en vers fran- 9ois de ses plus belles poesies. Vaucluse, Cussac, 1786. 80. portr., pp. viii, 471. [ ] Vie de Petrarque, publi^e par I'Ath^n^e de Vaucluse, augment^e de la premiiire traduction qui ait paru en fr-an^ais, de la Leltre adress^u d la po- st^rit^ par ce po^te calibre ; avec la liste des sou- scripteurs qui ont concouru a lui faire ^riger un monument ri Vaucluse, le jour seculaire de sa nais- sance, 20 Juillet 1S04, ler Thermidor an 12. Avi- gnon, Si-giiin, 1804. I2'\ 2 portrs., pp. xxi, 324. Romussi, C. Petrarca a Milano (1353-1368), studi storici . . a beneficio del fondo vedove ed orfani de' soci del pio istituto tipografico. Milano, Istituto tipoffrajico, 1874. 8u. pp. 93, f. (i). Lacks bastard title, f. [i]. Ronchini, A. La dimora del Petrarca in Parma ; memoria recitata alia r. deputazione parmense sopra gli studi di storia patria . . in occasione del quinto centenario dalla morte del poeta. Modena, Fi/tee/izi, 1S74. 1. 8«. pp. 52. Rondanl, A. Francesco Petrarca, sua casa in Selvapiana e accusa fattagli di magia. [Firenze, 1874]. 80. pp. [8541-876. Extract from the Nuova Antologia, vol. 27, fasc. xii. (Dicembre, 1874). Affetti e meditazioni, sonetti . . Parma, Ferrari, 1875. sq. 160. ff. [2], pp. Ixx, f. [1]. Sonetto LIX., A Francesco Petrarca da Selvapiana, Rossetti, D. See De' Rossetti, D. Rossetti, G. Disquisitions on the anti-papal spirit which produced the reformation ; its secret in- fluence on the literature of Europe in general, and of Italy in particular . . translated from the Ita- lian by Miss Caroline Ward. London, Smith, 1834. 2 v. 80. Vol. i., pp. xW, 287: ii., pp. iv, 259. Petrarch allusions, i., pp. 7-13, 30-41, 155: ii,, pp. 97, 102, 146, 189, 248-253, and elsewhere. Rossi, D, Nel quinto centenario di Francesco Petrarca, Petrarca e Laura, armonie . . Pa- dova, Miiteit'a, 1874. 80. pp. 36, RouUeaiLS, B. Petrarque et les fgtes du cen- tenaire a Vaucluse & d Avignon (18, 19, et 20 Juil- let, 1874) . . Bourg, Comte-Milliet, 1S75. I. 80. ff [2], pp. 47. Ruth, B. Geschichte der italienischen Poesie . . Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1844-47. 2 V. 80. Vol. i.,_ 1844, f. [i], pp. iv, 592: ii., 1847, pp. x, 718. Petrarch, vol. i., pp. 5^8-571, [Sade, J, F, P. A. de. ] M^moires pour la vie de Fran9ois Petrarque, tir^s de ses oeuvres et des auteurs contemporains, avec des notes ou disserta- tions, cS: les pieces justificatives. Amsterdam, Ars- kce, 1764-67. 3 V. 40, Contents: — Vol. i., 1764, K [4] : dedicatory epis- tle, ff [2]; aux personnes d'ltalie qui aiment la pofeie, pp. cxix : mi^moires, pp. 447: notes, pp. 113: errata. — ii., 1764, ff. [2] : aux litterateurs, pp. xxiv : m^molres, pp. 495 ; notes, pp. 82: errata, f [i]. — iii., t767, L-p. : avis, f. [i] ; mimoires, pp. 8ti: errata: avertissement, pp. vii; pieces justificatives, pp. 102, Bound by Bauser. [ ] Nachrichten zu dem Leben des Franz Pe- trarca aus seinen Werken und den gleichzeitigen Schriftstellern. . . . Lemgo, Meyer, 1774-78. 3 v. 80. Contents: — Vol, i., 1774, t.-p., Vorerinnerung der Uebersetzer, ff. (3I : An die Liebhatier der Poesie , , . in Italien, pp. 141: Nachricht an den Leser, pp. 142-144: Leben, pp. [1451-718.— ii., 1776, t-p. : An die Gelehrten m Frankreich, Italien, u. s. w., pp. [^31-24: Leben, pp. 25-640. — iil, 1778, t.-p. : Leben, [31-904, Title-pages to each half vol- ume. The translator was Karl Eberhard Klamer Schmidt. [ ] The life of Petrarch, collected from Me- moires pour la vie de Petrarch [sic'] . . . Lon- don, Buckland, 1 775. 48 PETRARCH BOOKS. 2 V. So. Contents : — \ o\. i., t-p., dedication, preface and postscript, pp. xxxii; Life, pp. 544; i pi.— ii., t-p., f. [i]; Life, pp. 560. An abridged translation, and nothing more, of Sade's Mimoires, made by Mrs. Susannah Dobson. The original edition. [Sade, J. F. P. A., de.] The life of Petrarch, collected from Memoires four la vie de Petrarch . . . Dublin, Beatty, 1777. 2 V. 120. VoL L, f [i], pp. [v)-xxii, f [i], pp. 299, ff. [6] ; ii., f [i], pp. 307, ff. [7]. The pirated Dublin edition, without die plate. [ ] The life of Petrarch, collected from Me- moires pour la vie de Petrarch, by Mrs. Dobson ; third edition, embellished with eight copper-plates, designed by Kirk and engraved by Ridley . . . London, Bensley, 1797. 2 V. so. Vol. I., pp. xviii, 388, £f. [6], 5 pi. ; ii., f. [ij, pp. 401, ff. [5], 3 pi. [ ] The life of Petrarch, collected from Me- moires pour la vie de Petrarch, by Mrs. Dobson ; . . the fourth edition, embellished with eight copper-plates, designed by Kirk and engraved by Ridley. London, Maiden, 1799. 2 V. 80. Vol. 1., pp. xvlii, 388, ff. [6], 6 pi. ; ii., f [1], pp. 401, ff. [s], 2 pi. [ ] The life of Petrarch, collected from Me- moires pour la vie de Petrarch, by Mrs. Dobson; ... the fifth edition, embellished with eight cop- per plates, designed by Kirk and engraved by Ridley . . . London, Veriior, 1S03. 2 V. 30. Vol. i., pp. xviii, 388, 6f. [6], 6 pi. ; ii., ff. [2], pp. 400, ff. [4], 2 pi. [ ] The life of Petrarch, collected fi-om Me- moires pour la vie de Petrarch, by Mrs. Dobson ; the sixth edition, embellished with eight copper- plates, designed by Kirk and engraved by Ridley. . . . London, Vernor, 1805. 2 V. 80. Contents: — Vol. i., t-p., dedication and preface, pp. x\-iii: life, pp. 388: index, ff. [6], 6 pi. — ii, L-p., ff. [2]; Ufe, pp. 400: index, ff. [4], 2 pi. [ ] The life of Petrarch, collected from Me- moires pour la vie de Petrarch, by Mrs. Dobson ; . . . the seventh edition, em1>ellished with eight copper-plates, designed by Kirk and engraved by Mackenzie . . . London, JVilson, 1807. 2 V. sm. So. Vol. i., ff. (3], pp. [vii]-xvi, pp. 291, ff. [5] ; ii-, f [t]> PP- S"^' ^- [5]- ^" impeifect copy, all the plates having been removed. The preceding editions of this version seem to have been published in 1775 (1st), 1776 (id), 1797 (3d), 1799 (4th), 1803 (sth), 1805 (6th). This of 1805 appears to be the last English one until one of LondoUj 1840, which, to judge from the price, must have been an abridgment of Mrs. Dob- son's abridgment As will be seen above, a pirated edition was published at Dublin in 1777. [ ] The life of Petrarch, collected fi-om Me- moires pour la vie de Petrarch, by Mrs. Dobson. . . . Philadelphia, Mitchell, 1817. 80. pp. xvi, [171-496. Engraved frontispiece and bastard title. Sailer, L., editor. Buon capo d'anno! strenna pei fanciulli compilata dal professore Luigi Sailer, rettore del coUegio Calchi-Taeggi. Milano, Treves, [j875]- 1. 80. pp. xi, 148. Pages 127-139 contain an illustrated article. La Ciovinezza di Fraitcesco Fctrarca, signed " Pietro Batlaini (dal frauccsc)." Who was the original French author ? Salfi, F. Manuale della storia della letteratura italiana. Milano, Silvcstri, 1834. 2 vols. So. Vol. i., pp. xii, 29S; ii., ff. [2], pp. 324. Pe- trarch, vol. i., pp. 52-53, 58-75. Biblioteca icetta di opere italiane antiche e modertte, v. 328, 329. See Ginguen^, P. L. Salomon!, F. A Fr.ancesco Petrarca nella cclc- brazione del ([uinto centenario dalla sua morte. Pa- dova, Prospcrini, 1 874. 80. f [i], pp. iv. Author's name at end. Scarabelli, L. Trionfi del Petrarca secondo il codice del Redi coUazionato con due altri senza nome nel 1874; estratto dal Propugnatore, vol. viii., disp. I*. Bologna, Garagnani, 1875. 80. pp. 23. Name of author at end. [Schiavo, B.]? Lettere di m. Francesco Pe- trarca air autor della prefazione premessa alia Ret- torica d'.\ristotile fatta in lingua Toscana dal com- mendatore Annibal Caro . . . Venezia, Gere- """> 1733- 80. pp. 115. The authorship is also ascribed to Domenico Lazzini. Two copies. Schlegel, A. W. von. Dante, P^trarque et Boccace a propos de I'ouvrage de m. Rossetti, Sullo spirito anti-papale che produsse la riforma, e sulla segreta injlueuza cli' esercito nclla letteratura dEu- ropa, e specialmente d^ Italia, come risulta da molii suoi classici, massintc da Dante, Petrarca, Bocca- cio. [Paris, 1836.] !. 80. pp. [4oo]-4i8. Extract from the Revue des deux tnondcs, Aoilt 15, 1836. Le Dante, P^trarque et Boccace, justifies de I'imputation d'hfresie et d'une conspiration ten- dant au renversement du saint-si^ge. [I^ipzig, Wcidmann, 1846.] 80. pp. [3071-332. Y'co^viOeiivres dem. Aitgnste-GuUlaume de Schlegel. ifcrites en/rangais et pubUees par ^douard Back- ing ; tome second. Scolari, F. Intorno alia Griselda novella rifatta in Latino da Francesco Petrarca sull' argomento di quella di Giovanni Boccaccio, lettera al nob. sig. dottore ed avvocato Giuseppe Fracasseti di Fermo. Venezia, Tipografia del Commercio, iS(5o. so. pp. 8. Author's name at the end. Senesi, F. Su Franceso da Bologna calcografo e tipografo e sulla di lui sconosciuta edizione del canzoniere del Petrarca riveduta da Tommaso .Sclari- cino Gammaro, letterato bolognese ; memoria dell' a\'vocato Filippo Senesi. [Perugia, 1842.] 80. pp. II. Articolo estratto dal Giomate scietttifico-lei- iernno di Perugia, secondo trimestre, 1842. Author's auto- graph. [Serassi, A.], compiler. Rimario dei tre poeti Petrarca, Bembo, e Molza, o sia tavola di tutte le rime dei loro canzonieri ridotte coi versi interi sotto le cinque lettere vocali. Bergamo, Lanccllotti, 1746. 120. ff. [2], pp. 571. Ascribed by Melzi (ii., p. 444) to Serassi: but, so far as Petrarch is concerned, the work seems to be copied from the Rim.irio of Ridolti. Sezanne, G. B. Arezzo illustrala, memorie istoriche, letterarie e artistiche . . e cenni storici e artistici sovra Poppi e Bibbiena. Firenze, A'icco- lai, 1858. 80. pp. 376. Francesco Petrarca, pp. 237-244. Silius Italicus. Seconde guerre punique, po- eme de Silius Italicus, corrige sur quatre manuscrits & sur la pr&ieuse edition de Pomponius, donn^e en 1471, inconnue de tous les editeurs; complette par un long fragment trouv^ dans la bibliotheque du roi, & traduit par m. Lefebvre de \'illebrune . . . Vaxis, Rue Serpente, l^&l. . . . Vol. i , pp. Ixxj, 167: ii., f [i], pp. 219; iii., f. d [1], pp. 87. 261. Text and transbtion on opposite pages, with separate pagination. Petrarch: preface, pp. xi-xiii : vol. iii., pp. 36-38 (text), lib. xvi., line? 28-61 inserted from Petrarch's Africa, in the belief that the editor had discovered a missing passage of the poem of Siliiis. Simpson, A. H. Petrarch. [London, 1S74.] 8*^. pp. [269J-2S6. Extract from the Contemporary Re- view, vol. xxiv, July, 1874. Sismondi, J. C L. Simonde de. De la lit- l^rature eria di corte, 1858. Then comes an I t.alian rendering of Stembuchel's te.\t by G. E. Bolza, with a letter from the translator to Ludwig Auer, the well- known director of the imperial printing-establishment at Vienna. Hortis, 321. Sunshine and Petrarch. See Higginson, T. W. Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy: The age of the despots . . . London, Smith, 1875. 8». pp. xvi, 574. Inserted slip of errata. . Renaissance in Italy : The revival of learn- ing . . . London, Smith, 1877. . . . 80. pp. XV, 546. Petrarch ; pp. 69, and frequently. Renaissance in Italy : The fine arts . . . London, Smith, 1877. . . . 80. pp. xiv, 539. Petrarch: p. 217. Renaissance in Italy : Italian literature, in two parts . . . London, 6»«V/i, 1881. 2V. 80. Vol. i., portr., pp. xv, 561: ii., pp. x, 631. Pe- trarch: i., pp. 84-57; ii., p. 117, and frequently elsewhere. Vol. ii. contains an uidex to all tlic five volumes of this impor- tant work. Tassoni, A. Considerazioni sopra le rime del Petrarca d'.\lessandro Tassoni. Col ConfVonto de' luoghi de' Poeti antichi di varie lingue ; Aggiunt.aui rtel fine vna scella dell' Annotazioni del Muzio ris- trette, e parte esaminate ... In Modona. M.DC.IX. .'\ppresso Giulian C.assiani . . . 80. ff. [8], pp. 576, f. [i]. Two copies. Thomas, G. M. Ueber neuaufgefundene Dich- tungen Francesco Petrarca's ; Vortrag in der offent- lichen Sitzung der konigl. Akademie der Wissen- schaften am 27. Miirz 1S58 zur Vorfeier ihres 99 Stiftungst.iges. . . Miinchcn, IVciss, 1858. 4". pp. 16. Thoughts on what has been called sensibility of the imagination, with practical illustrations from the lives of Petrarch, Sterne, and B)Ton ; and on other subjects. . . . London, Sim/Jiiii, 1839. 120. ff. [2], pp. vi, f. [i], pp. 180. Petrarch: pp. 1,5, xi-22, 57, and elsewhere. Tiberto, F. . . Laura ed il Petrarca, can- tica. Padova, Giammarlini, 1874. 80. pp. 16. Tixaboschi, G. Storia della letteratura it.iliana del cav. abate Girolamo Tiraboschi; nuova edizione. . . . Firenze, Molini, 1805-13. 9 v. (in 20). 80. C<7«toi/'.r.-—Tomoi., parte I, 1805. Delia letteratura degli Etruschi fino alia morte d'Augusto, ff. [2), pp. i. i. [l], pp. 217; i., 2, pp. v, (2191-382; li., I, Dalla morte di Augusto smo .alia caduta dell' impero occidentale, pp. xxii, 244 ; u., 2, 1806, pp. vii, [2451-476 ; iii., i, Dalla ro\-ina dell' impero occidentale fino all' anno MCLXXXIII. pp. Ixvi, 226; iii 2 pp. VI, [229^-469; iv., 1, Dall' anno MCLXXXIII. fino all' anno MCCC. pp. viii, 239; iv., 2, 1807. pp. vi, [241I-511; v., I, Dair anno MCCC. fino all' anno -MCD. pp. xxix. 344 ; v., 2, Dall' anno MCCC. fino .all' anno MCCCC. pp. v [jld- 663; vi., I, Dall'anno MCCCC. fino all' anno MD. pp i, 438, f, [ij; VI., 2, 1809. pp. v, [4411-817; vi., 3, pp. V, [810]- 1182; vu., 1, D.air anno MD. fino all' anno MjDC. pp. x, 409: vu 2, 1810. ff. [2], pp. [411I-7S7, f. [i]; vii., 3, 1812. ff. [2j, pp. [788]-i337; vu., 4, ff [2], pp. [13391-1722; viii., i, pp. vui, 368; viu., 2, pp. XV, [36o]-668; ix., 1813. Indice generale, f [i], pp. 227. Petrarch: v. i, pp. iii-xxiv (De S.ade s Mimoires) ; v. 2, pp. 509-548, and numberless other references in vols, i., iii., v., and vii: ; but chiefly in vol. v. Tomasini, J. F. lacobi Philippi Tomasini pata- vini D. M.iria; in Vantio Canonici Saecularis Pe- trarcha redivivvs, Integram Poeta: celeberrinii Vitam Iconibus rere celatis exhibens. Accessit nobilissimse foeminae Lavras Breuis Historia. Ad Eminentiss. et Reverendiss. d. loan. Franciscvm Ex Comitibus Guidijs a Balneo S. R. E. Cardinalem, S:c. . . . Patavii, Typis Liuij Pasquati, & lacobi Bortoli. Apud Paulum Frambottum. MDCXXXV. 4°. engr. t.-p., ff. [6], f [il with portrs., pp. 208, f. [i]. The first edition of this remarkable and much-quoted work. The engravings are included in the pagination. Thick paper copy. lacobi Philippi Tomasini patavini episcopi .(^imoniensis Petrarcha redivivvs, Integram Poetse celeberrjmi Vitam Iconibus a:re crelatis exhibens. Accessit Nobilissimje Femino^ Lavr£E brevis historia. Editio altera correcta & aucta. Cui addita Poetae Vita Pavlo Vergerio, Anonymo, lannozzo Manetto, Leonardo Aretino, Et Lvdovico Beccadello .^uctori- bus. Item, V.C. Fortvnii Liceti ad Epist. Tomasini de Petrarch^ cognominis ortographia Responsum. Patavii, do lo CL. Tj-pis Pauli Fr.imbotti Biblio- polas 4°. quence o. _ _ ^. „, .^ ,.^.,„^...., ,...,,u,^c., .ui loui (C13 ID CI. ) and often so cited. Another copy lacks the ett graved title-page. Tomlinson, C. The sonnet, its origin, struct- ure and place in poetry; with original translations from the sonnets of Dante, Petrarch, etc., and re- marks on the art of translating. . . London, Murray, 1874. 8<>. pp. x\-i, ff. [2], pp. 227. Largely relating to Petrarch. Tosini, P. La liberta dell' Italia dimostr.ita i suoi prencipi [«V] e popoli. . . Amsterdam, Steen- houwer, 1718-20. 2 v. 120. Vol. i., 1718, pp. 4, v-xii, 471 ; ii., 1720, ff. [2], pp. 504. Petrarch : vol. ii., pp. 429-433, including the whole oi the canzone Italia tnia. Triyellato, G. Carmina latina et itala. . . Patavii, Tvf'is seminarii, 1857. 8". ff. [4I. pp. 264, f. [ij. Franciscus Petrarca in capi. tolio laurea doitatiis ; ode atcaica, pp. 1-4. Ti-ollope, F. E. and T. A. The homes and haunts of the Italian poets. . . London, Chap- man, 1 88 1. 2v. 8". Vol. i., pp. vii, ff. [2], 296; ii., pp. vii, ff. [2], 300 Petrarch ; 1.. pp. 51-103. 4». engr. t.-p., ff [7], pp. 270, ff [9]. The date, in conse- )f an indistinct L, is frequently mistaken for 1601 5° PETRARCH BOOK'S, Tuckerman, H. T. Petrarch. [New York, 1S45.] 8'\ pp. 468-476. Extract from the Avierzcan review, a Whig jonr Hal, vol. i., no v. (May, 1845). Thoughts on the poets ... a new edition, ^twY^xV, Francis, 185 1. 80. f. [i]. pp. 318. •' Petrarch" : pp. 1-29 — the essay pre- viously published in \}^q Auterican Review (New York, 1845). Tvoguo Figaro. See Valmarana A. [Tytler, A. F., lord IVoodhoiisclec,'^ An his- torical! and critical essay on the hfe and character of Petrarch ; v/ith a translation of a few of his sonnets. . . Edinburgh, Ballantyne, iSlO. 8*^. portr. of Petrarch, pp. vii., portr. of Laura, pp. 269, f. [ij. Two copies, one lacking the portrait of Petrarch, the other the corrections. The first edition was published in J 785. U[nge]r, [J. F. von.] Nachrichten von den altern erotischen Dichtern der Italiener. Hanover, Hofbuchhandluuir^ 1 774. 80. pp. 140, f. [ij. Petrarch: pp. 20-33. Preface signed Ur. Urbani, D. Per la commemorazione in Arqua del quinto centenario dalla morte di Francesco Pe- trarca. Venezia, Ccrchiniy 1874. 80. IF. [3]. Author's name, place and date at end. Valentinelli, G. Codici manoscritti d' opere di Francesco Petrarcha od a lui riferentisi posseduli dalla biblioteca Marciana di Venezia ed illustrati dair ab Giuseppe Valentinelli, prefetto dalla bib- lioteca medesima. Venezia, Cecchini, 1S74. 1. 80. pp. 107. Estratto dal libro Petrarca e I 'enezia pub- licato per opera dell' Ateneo Veneto a spese del Cnmune nell' occasione del quinto Centenario del Petrarca. See Petrarca e Venezia, [Valmarana, A.] Smissiaggia de sonagitti, canzon, e smaregale in lengva pavana, de Tvogno Figaro da Crespaoro, e de no s6 que altri buoni Zugolari del Pauan, e Vesentin. Parte prima. In Padoua Appresso loanni Cantoni. M.D.LXXXVI. i,^. ff. fsz]. Sonaggetto al mub de quel del Spcirarca, Amor m'hh posto come segno a strale &c., ff. F'-F2. Vandam. A. D. Amours of great men. . . . London, Tinslcy, 1S7S. 2 V. 8'\ Vol. i', pp. xiii, 365; ii., fF. [3], pp. 371. On itn- requitcd love: Petrarch and Laura, pp. 45-87. Bound by Hammond. Varchi, B. Lezzioni di m. Benedetto Varolii Accademico Fiorentino, Lette da lui publicamente neir Accademia Fiorentina, sopra diuerse Materie, Poetiche, e Filosofiche, raccolte nvovamente, E la maggior parte non piu date in luce, con dve tavole, vna delle materie, L'altra delle cose piu notabili : con la vita dell' avtore, all' illvstriss. et eccellent. sig. Don (jiovanni De' Medici. In Fiorenza, per Filippo Oivnti, M D XC. ... 4'^. fF. [12], pp. 682, ff. [11]. The volume abounds in Pe- trarch allusions and quotations; but the portions more especial- ly devoted to the poel are the following : pp. 3i8-;^42, Lezzione di m. Benedetto I'archi, sopra il sonetto di m. Francesco Pe- trarca, II quale incomincia. S'Ainor non e, che dunque e quel, ch' io sento? letta da lit pvblicamcnte nell' Accademia /•'ioreniina, la ierza Domeiiica di Quaresima. L'anno M. D. L III : pp. 458-559, Lezzione prima [ — ottava] di Benedetto V arc Ui sopra le tre canzoni de gli occhi, Letta da lui priuatament^ nello Studio Fiorentino il quarto Gioued} (i'Aprile. MDXLV. ; pp. 566-592, II principio delle lez- zioni di Benedetto Varchi sopra il canzoniere di vt. Francesco Petrarca, Net quale si tratte della poctica in generale Recitata da Lui publicamente Nell' Accademia Fiorentina la Seconda Domenica d' Ottobre, I' Anno MDLIII. The tavoUi delle lez- zioni is on the reverse of the title-page, while the tavola delle cose piv notal'ili fills the first 8 of the ir unnumbered fif at the end, the remaining 3 comprising a sonnet, the errori, the regis- tro, ant', a Seconal unprint. Veratti, B. Delia Laura del Petrarca e di un' antica vita di questo. [Modena, ^VZ/V:///, 1S65.] 80. pp. 22, f. [i]. Estratto dagli Opuscoli religiosi, letter arj e ffiorali. No title-page. Di alcune rime attribuite al Petrarca. [ Mo- dena, Soiiaui, 1S67.] 80. pp. [71I-94. Extract from the Opuscoli religiosi, let- te rary e morali, serie II., tomo x., fasc. 28. Di due neglette poesie del Petrarca. [Mo- dena, Soliani, 1868.] 80. pp. [2861-295. E-xtract from the Opuscoli religiosi, let- te rarj e morali, serie II., tomo xii., fasc. 35 (Settembre e Otto- bre, 186S). Versi morali et sententiosi, di Dante, del Pe- trarca, di M. Lodouico Ariosto, & de molti altri autori. Per vtilita comvne insieme raccolti, perche in essi si puo imparare molte cose utili & uirtuose. . . . In Venetia ne la contra [sicj Di S. Maria formosa. M D LIIIL i6'^ t.-p., ff. 206. Ferrazzi (p. 200) gives this title, making the imprint read. In I'enetia ne la conirada S. Maria For- mosa, 1553, and making the number oK pages (instead of folios) 204. 7'he extracts from Petrarch, with the heading, Del Pe- trarca, begin on the reverse of f. 10, and end on the obverse of f. 18. The I'ersi morali et sententiosi end on the obverse of f. log, the reverse being blank. On the obverse of f no is this title: opera del magnijico cavaltero vtesser Antonio Phi- leremo Fregoso la gual tratta de duoi Filosqfi, cioe di Demo- crito che Rideua de le Pazzic di qnesto mondo, 5j' Heraclito che piangeua le Miserie humane, beneath which are six Latin verses, entitled, Bartholomai Simonette Epigramma. The Riso di Democrito e pianto d' Eraclito of Fregoso, which is given complete, extends to the reverse of f. 159: it is followed by Stanze et vcrsi estratti Dal sogno del Carauia, occupying the remaining fif. Vie de P^trarque, and Vie de Francois Pe- trarque. See Roman, J. J. T. Viertel, A. Die Wiederauffindung von Cicero*s Briefen durch Petrarca, eine philologisch-kritische Untersuchung. . . Konigsberg in Pr., Hartung, 1879. 40. pp. 44. Villemain, A. F. Cours de littiSrature fran- 9aise . . ; tableau de la litt^rature du moyen age en France, en Italie, en Espagne et en Angleterre ; nouvelle Edition. Paris, Didier, 1846. 2 V. S'"*. Vol. i., fF. [2], pp. iv, 372: ii., ff. [2], pp. 350. Petrarch: il., pp. 9-31. Virorvm qvi svperiori nostroqve secvlo ervdi- tione et doctrina illustres memorabiles fuerunt, vitae. See Fichard, J. Vita di Francesco Petrarca scritta da incerto tre- centista. Bologna, Romagnoli, iS6l. S". pp. 22. Scelta di ctiriosita letierarie inedite rare, edizione di 202 esemplari, no 134. Preface signed Gaetano Romagnoli. Also a duplicate, no. iiS. Voigt, Q-. Die Wiederbelebung des classischen Alterthums oder das evste Jahrhundert des Hu- manismus . . zweite umgearbeitete Auflage, Ber- lin, Kiimer, 1880-81. 2 V. SiJ. Vol. i., pp. xii, 505: ii., pp. viii, 547. The first book (vol. i., pp. 21-159) i^ devoted to Petrarch, with many references elsewhere. Walree, J. P. van. Over den invloed van Pe- trarca op de klassieke letterkunde . . [Amster- dam, 1S20. ] 80. pp. 52. No title-page. [Watterston, Gr. ] ? The Wanderer. [Rich- mond, I'll., 1843.] 80. pp. 17-25. Kxlr^cl horn \i\c Soittkcnt literary titcssen~ gcr, vol. i.\., no. i (Janu.ary. 1843). Ch.ap. It. of the essay is devoted to Vaucluse and Petrarch (pp. 21-25). Ihe intro- ductory note is signed " G. W.," these initials apparently repre- senting the name of George Watterston, formerly librarian of Congress, and author of many works of a miscellaneous char- acter. [Westphalen, E. C. von.] Petrarca: ein dra- matisehes Gedicht in ftinf .-Vkten, von der Verfas- serin der Charlotte Corday. . . . Hamburg, Iloffiiiaiiit, 1S06. PETRARCH BOOKS. SI 80. pp. 324, ft*. [2], pi. The authoress, Engel Christine von Westphalen, whose maiden name was von Axen, was bom 1758 and died 1840. Besides this drama and Charlotte Corday, she published three collections of poems. The vohimc was firinled at Jena. Ferrazzi (p. 92), by what is probably a singu- ar bhmder of the printer, makes Charlotte Corday the authoress of the play. Wismayr, J. Pantheon Italiens, enthaltend Biographien tier ausgezeichnetsten Italiener, nebst deren I3ildnis.sen . . des ersten Bandes, zweyte Abtheilung : [Francesco Petrarca]. Salzburg, Mayr, 18 16. 4°. pp. iv, lith. portr., pp. [57]-i48. Wolff, A. Die italiiinische National- Literatur in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung vom 13*™ bis zum igtcn Jahrhundert ; nebst den Lebens- und Charakterbildern ihrer classischen Schriftsteller und ansgewahlten Proben aus den Werken derselben in deutscher Uebertragung. . . Berlin, Hemfel, i860. 1. 80. pp. viii, f. [i], pp. 620. Also under the title of Die Classiker alter Zciten und Kationen . . . erster Theil." Francesco Petrarca, pp. 69-87: Die Petrarca' sche Dichtungs- arten und Auswahl aus den Uebersetzungen der Gedichte Pe- trarca' s, pp. 87-101. ■Woodhouslee, A. F. Tytler, lord. A. F. See Tytler, Zabborra, G. B. Petrarca in Arqu^, disserta- zione storico-scientifica di Gio. Battista Zabborra, figlio di Paolo; scritta nell' anno cio. lo. cc. inc. ; opera postuma per alcune vicende sospesa dapprima e resa pubblica presentemente coUe stampe dopo I'inopinata perdita del giovine autore. Si-minario, n. d. Padova, 80. engr. t.-p.,.pp. xcvx, f. [i], 6 folding pi. and 2 portrs. Fer- razzi (p. 31) makes the date of the publication 1791 : but the title-page states that the book was not written until 1797. Zacco, T. di, count. Studi sopra Petrarca . . pubblicazione postuma; estralto dal GiomaU di Pa- dora. Padova, Sacchetio, 1870. 4». i. [i], pp. [31-36. Zambrini, F. Le opere volgari a stampa dei secoli XIII e XIV indicate e descrilte . . si ag- giungono . . . inediti de' quali alcuni citati dagli accademici della Crusca. Bologna, Fava, 1866. 80. pp. xiv, f. (i], pp. 532, f. (,]. Collezime di opere in- edtte rare dei primi tre secoli delta lingua; third edition. Petrarch titles, pp. 340-356. Zendrini, B. Petrarca e Laura; studio. . . Milano, Lombardi, 1875. 1. 8°. pp. gi. Estratto dalla Rivista italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti. Zingerle, A. Petrarca's Verhaltniss zu den romischen Dichtern. [Innsbruck, ll-'agncr, iS, S". pp. [5I-21. 'E.xOzai'com Kleine philologisc/ieAtkait tungen von Dr. Anton Zingerle^ i. Heft. Zuccala, G. Della solitudine secondo i prin- cipii di Petrarca e di Zinimermann, lettere . . . con I'aggiunta di due orazioni sul bello ideale, e sul mirabile dello stesso autore. Pavia, Btzzoni, 1822. 80. pp. 2S0. Second edition. Letters ix. and x (pp. 63-€S) are more specially devoted to Petrarch. Zumbini, B. Studi sul Petrarca. . . Na- poli, Morano, 1878. 8". ff. [4], pp. 265, f. [i]. Inserted slip of errata. APPENDICES a- I. PETRARCH ICONOGRAPHY* Portraits of Petrarch. Water color. 1. Canvas"; 25 centimeters; copy, by a Florentine artist, of the Laurentian library portrait ; half-length ; profile to the left, with hood and wreath. Engravings. 2. Adam. Le Titien pinx ; 1 1 ; framed in double lines ; face nearly full, slightly right ; hair long, parted ; pearl chain on breast ; fur-faced garment ; beneath, F. PETRARQUE PoSte Italien N£ en 1304 dans Arezzo mart en 1341 [sic]. Two copies. 3. Bemardi. Agricoladipinse; Borani disegn6 ; 14; half-length; profile, right, with hood and wreath; beneath, FRANCESCO PETRARCA A'fz- to ill Arezzo, ciltd della Toscana, il di 20 Lu,e;lio 1304. Rtorlo in Arqud, villaggio Padovano, il di 18 Liigtio 1374. Two copies on paper and one on vellum, the last having be- neath only the name, FRANCESCO PETRARCA. 4. Boutrois and Jouannin. Grav^ d'apr^s I'original de Gazzini; 10; enclosed in double lines ; three-quarters face, right, with hood and wreath; book in left hand. 5. Bxirger, J. Giorgio Vasari pinx'. ; S. Amsler del; 28x29.5; gioup of six early Italian writers, four with the laurel, Dante seated, the rest stand- ing ; on a table at the left are globes, a sextant, an inkstand, and books. Petrarch, with hood and wreath, presents a three-quarters face, right ; his right hand extended and his left resting upon a book, on the cover of which is a medallion of Laura. Beneath are the names in the order of the figures, commencing at the left: Guido Cavalcanti. Cinoda Pistoja. Pftrarca. Boccaccio. Dante. Guido d^A- rezzo. At bottom, In Commission bei Amsler Ss' Rtitharl in Berlin. Druck von jf. Becker in Berlin. Vasari's well-known picture was painted in 1544 (see his Vite de' fittori, Milano, 1807. vol. i., p. 122). When compared with the earlier copper-plate mentioned below (see no. 26) the figures arc in reverse order. 6. Chapman, J. 14.5; enclosed in line; in oval above, profile, right, with hood and protruding wreath ; in oblong frame below, Petrarch and his father in the scene of the burning Virgil ; beneath, PETRARCH ; at bottom. Engraved for the Ency- clcpxdia Londinensis Oct. 1823. 7. Chauvet. Imp. Uclatre; 12.5; oval in rect- angle ; profile, left, with wreath ; below oval, harp, laurel branch, torcli ; wreath at top, shield on boss at bottom ; on panel, F. PETRAKCJUE Ne a Arezzo en 1304 Mort a Arqua en 1374. Another copy printed in tint. * The engravincs are arranged, as far as possible, under names of the engravers: the measurements are of height, and in centimeters: the smaller engravings are inserted in sheets of uniform size, and the photographs are unifonnly mounted. 8. Delvauz, R. 8.5; oval in rectangle ; three- quarters face, right, hood and fillet ; on panel, FRANCESCO PETRARCA nato in Arezzo. 1304. morto in Arqud. 1374. Two copies. 9. Desrochers. 14.5; oval in rectangle ; half- length ; profile, right, hood and Wreath ; on scroll under frame, Franfois Petrarque Po'ele et Philosphe [sic] un des beaux genie [sic] d'ltalie, il naquit e nacque Francesco Petrarca. At bottom, Da foi c/i'i nacqiti in su la riz'a d'Amo. 42. Gautier. Peint par L. Rubio ; 44x57; group — Laura in the centre background seated on a dais, female figure at her right holding her left hand, group of musicians at the right, at the left Memmi seated before the easel, Petrarch standing at his left, with left hand raised and a book in the right ; light from window at the left; beneath, PETRARQUE FAIgANT FAIRE LE PORTRAIT DE LAURE PAR SIMON MEMMI ; at bottom, Imprim^ &- Piiilit' par Goupil &' O le ler Stae i860 Paris- London . 43. Ledoux, A. Ch. Wauters pinxit; 30x52.5; group on a terrace; Laura centre right, standing, Petrarch seated at the right; seven figures (three seated) on left half of engraving; extreme left, female scattering flowers ; trees and landscape in the back- ground ; beneath, Pctrarqite ks' Laure ; at bottom (left), PARIS-DUSACQ & C'e Ed™ 14. Boulevard Poissoniere (right), NEW YORK, by Knoedler et CO [sic]. 44. [jV<; name']. Five lithographed views, F. Petrarca casa, credenza and sedia, la gatia, and tomba, mounted on one sheet, with text, from the Ricordo del Vo centenario dalla morte del Petrarca (Padova, 1 874). 57 Photographs. 45. Arezzo. Two \iews mounted together, one a panorama " preso da S. Maria delle grazie " (18x22.5), 'he other a view of the town from the opposite side of the Chiana (ii-|-x2o— ). 46- 13- X9.5; view of the birth-house; the house on the left, well in the distance on the right; [by Mugna?] 47. Arqua. Set of seven ^iews (each 9.5 x 12.5 : I. Salita alia casa I'etrarca ; 2. Ingresso alia casa Petrarca; 3. Prospetto della casa Petrarca; 4. Stanza princifale della casa Petrarca ; 5. Mobili del Petrarca ; 6. Fontana Petrarca ; 7. Tomba del Petrarca ; fotografia Farina ; G. Canella disegni ; dcposito presso i fratelli Salmin, Padova; at top, Arqiia-Petrarea 1874. 48. Avignon. 17x28.5; view of the city from the other side of the Rhone. 49- 16x28.5; view of a portion of the city, with the chapel and ruined bridge of St. Benazet. 5°- Two views mounted together, one of the cathedral (19x9.5), the other of one of the city gates (9.5x10.5). 5'- Four views, mounted together, of the cathedral and papal palace (10 x 16—), the conserva- toire de musique or old mint, the papal palace at a distance, the old tower, etc. (9.5x15). 52- Four views (each 9.5 x 15), mounted together, of various portions of the city. 53- 18x29; "ew of the papal palace, with cathedral in the foreground. 54. Laura. 18.5x16.5; copy of the Laurentian library portrait ; numbered, 3593. 55. Montpellier. Four views (each 9.5 x 15.5) of different portions of the town. 56. Petrarch. 28.5x20—; statue^ of Petrarch in the portico of the Uffizi, Florence; lettered, 329c Firenze ( Uffizi), Francesco Petrarca (Lconi fece). 57- 16.5 X 13 ; copy of the Laurentian library profile portrait ; lettered 3592. 58; ;- Four photographs of Petrarch portraits, varying sizes (two from the Morghen engraving^ mounted on one sheet, together with one of Laura (from the Laurentian library picture). 59. Vaucluse. View of the fountain of Vaucluse (9-5 " 15). and another of the village of Vaucluse (9 X 15—), mounted on one sheet. 58 APPENDICES. II. PETRARCH BIBLIOGRAPHIES. The various editions of the works of Petrarch are enumerated in all the large bibliographical dic- tionaries, as in Brunet's ' Manuel du libraire ' (cin- quieme Edition, Paris, 1860-65, vol. iv., coll. 534- 571) and in its ' Supplement,' by Deschamps and Brunei (Paris, 1878-80, vol. ii., coll. 215-221); in Ebert's 'General bibliographical dictionary' (Eng- lish edition, Oxford, i83'"7, pp. 1323-1337, vol. iv. ) ; in Griisse's 'Tresor des livres ' (Dresde, 1859-69, vol. v., pp. 221-237); and, so far as the earliest edi- tions (before 1500) are concerned, in Hain's 'Reper- torium bibliographicum ' (Stuttgartise, 1826-38, vol. iv., pp. 76-87). These last, down to about the middle of the sixteenth century, are likewise treated in Mattaire's ' Annales typographici ' (Hagse-comi- tum [Amstelodami] 1719-26) and its successor. Panzer's 'Annales typographic!' (Norimbergae, 1793-1S03). Titles of Italian editions will be found in the general Italian bibliographies, as in Gam- ba's ' Serie dei testi di lingua' (pp. 218-232 and else- where of the Venice edition of 1839), in Fontanim's 'Biblioteca dell' eloquenza italiana ' (vol. ii., pp. 7-48 and 49-60 of the Parma edition of 1804), and in Haym's 'Biblioteca italiana' (vol. ii., pp. 61-79 and elsewhere of the Milan edition of 1803) ; while the oldest issues of the Italian press are catalogued in the admirable work of Zambrini, ' Le opere vol- gari a stampa dei secoli XII e XIV' (third edition, Bologna, 1866, pp. 340-356), which forms a part of the 'Collezione di opere inedite o rare.' There have likewise been published no inconsiderable number of bibliographical essays treating separate topics of P^rarch bibliography. Among these are several relating to the biographies of Petrarch and Laura, as the ' Serie cronologica delle vite del Pe- trarca' in Domenico de' Rossetti's ' Petrarca, Giulio Celso e Boccaccio' (Trieste, 1828, pp. 285-312); the ' Brevi notizie intorno agli scrittori ed alle edi- zioni delle vite del Petrarca ' in Baldelli's ' Del Pe- trarca e delle sue opere ' (second edition, Firenze, 1837, pp. xxi-xxiv) ; and Zefirino Re's ' I biografi del Petrarca' (Fermo, 1859), to which may perhaps properly be added the same author's ' I ritratti di Laura '( Fermo, 1857). Others are devoted to spe- cial works of Petrarch, like the list of the editions of the Africa given by De' Rossetti in the prefatory part of his edition of the ' Poesie minori del Petrar- ca' (Milano, 1829-34, vol. i., pp. xlvii-xlviii), where there is likewise much other interesting bibliograph- ical matter ; the invaluable list of the editions of Pe- trarch's Epistles in Fracassetti's collection of the ' Lettere di Francesco Petrarca' (Firenze, 1863-67, vol. i., pp. 19-21)1 which is followed by several pages of notes and by a careful list of the manu- scripts in which the best texts of the various Epis- tles are to lie found ; and a list of the editions and versions of the De Remediis, prefixed to the Italian translation by Dassaminiato, edited by Stolfi, and published in the series of the ' Collezione di opere inedite o rare' (Bologna, 1867-68, vol. ii., pp. 41- 43) — a list partly extracted from the second Rossetti catalogue, but which, as given in the pages cited, is not characterized either by accuracy or completeness. Other works still relate to special Petrarch edi- tions, as in the case of Piombolo's ' Analisi delle opere del Petrarca contenute nell' edizione di Basilea 1581,' in his work ' Sulle opere di messer Francesco Petrarca' (Brescia, 1807); Pezzana's ' Notizie biblio- grafiche intorno a due rarissime edizioni del secolo XV' (Parma, 1808), one of the editions alluded to being the ' Rime del Petrarca pubblicata da Gaspare e Domenico Siliprandi nel 1477 ' ; Costanzo Gaz- zera's interesting ' Osservazioni bibliografiche let- terarie intorno ad un' operetta falsamente ascritta al Petrarca' (Torino, 1823), of which the subject is an edition of the work ' De vita solitaria ' of Lombardo dalla Seta, printed in the fifteenth century, probably at Lyons, and attributed to Petrarch in consequence of its title being identical with that of one of the lat- ter's treatises ; Rossetti's ' Edizione singolarissima del Canzoniere ' (Trieste, 1826), on the extremely early edition of the Canzoniere, without name of printer, place, or date, which is now known as num- ber 401 of Hortis's catalogue of the Petrarchesca Rossettiana, at Trieste ; Panizzi's ' Chi era Fran- cesco da Bologna?' (London, 183S), and .Senesi's ' Su Francesco da Bologna e sulla di lui sconosciuta edizione del Canzoniere' (Perugia, 1842), the two latter referring to the rare edition of the Rime printed by Francesco da Bologna in 1616 at Bologna. The bibliographical works relating to Petrarch in the following list, however, are of a different char- acter, all of them (with a single exception) being exclusively concerned with Petrarch books, and all of them treating a large number of editions. Manuscripts — 1835-8. I manoscritti italiani della regia bib- lioteca parigina descritti ed illustrati dal dottore An- tonio Marsand. Paris. 2 v. The first volume relates to the National library, the second to the Arsenal, St. Genevieve and Mazarin libranes. Professor Marsand describes 35 Petrarch MSS., of which 2 are lives of Petrarch, i a translation of the De Remediis, and nearly all the rest codices of the Rime or comments upon them. The Latin MSS. of Petrarch at Paris sorely need descriptions at least as faithful as thosehere given of the Italian ones. In regard to Petrarch MSS. north of the Alps many other sources of infor- mation must be consulted, among the more important being Denis's ' Codices manuscripti theologici bibliothecae palatinae vindobonensis' (Vienna, 1794-1802), with the later work pub- lished by the Vienna Academy, ' Tabulas codicum manu- scriptorum in bibliotheca palatina vindobonensi asservatorum ' (Vienna, 1864-75): the 'CaLalogus codicum manuscriptorum bibliothecae regiae monacensis ' (Munich, 1858-76) : and ftlelot's 'Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum bibliothecae regiae ' (Par- is, 1739-44). In Italy itself, besides the more recent works mentioned below, Bandini's ' Catalogus codicum manuscripto- rum gra;corum, latinorum et italorum bibliothecae Laurentianae ' (Florence, 1764-75), and the supplement, 'Bibliotheca Leo- poldina Laurcntiana' (Florence, 1791-93) are of especial value. The sale catalogue of the Libri manuscripts (London, 1859) contains (pp. 174-176) 8 Petrarch titles. 1874. I codici petrarcheschi delle biblioteche governative del regno, indicati per cura del ministero deir istruzione pubblica [e descritti da E. Nar- ducci]. Roma. This excellently conceived and excellently executed volume was a contribution of the Italian government to the literature which originated in connection with the general celebration of the fifth centenary of Petrarch's death (1S74). It describes 419 Petrarch MSS., existing in the public libraries subject to the control of the government in liologna, Florence, Mantua, Milan, Modena, Naples, Padua, Parma, Pavia, Rome, Turin, and Venice. 1874. Catalogo dei codici petrarcheschi delle biblioteche Barberina, Chigiana, Corsiniana, Valli- APPENDICES. 59 celliana e Vaticana, e delle ecUzioni petrarchesche esistenti nelle biblioteche pul)bHche di Roma [lavoro di K. Narducci]. Roma. A complement to the preceding work. The codices described in it are found in those Roman libraries which are not under government .^dminislratinll. They niunber 184. The editor has added (pp. 71-96) hsts of printed editions of the Canzo- nierc, 102 in number, existing in the public libraries of the ItalLin capital. 1874. Codici manoscritti d' opere di Francesco Petrarca od a lui riferentisi posseduti dalla bibliotcca Marciana di Venezia ed illustrati dall' ab. Giuseppe Valcntinelli. Venezia. Originally published in the centenary volume 'Petrarca e Venezia' (Venice. 1874.), pp. 39-M7- The descriptions and criticisms of the 101 MSS, in the possession of the Marcian Li- brary are admirable. The list embraces the Italian works {pp. 7-34), the Latin works in pruse (pp. 35-77). the Latin works in verse (pp. 78-89), and works concermng Petrarch (pp. 90-107). Valentmelli's treatise is followed in the ' Petrarca c Venezia' by two shorter essays, one by S. Urbani on ' Due codici delle cose volgari di Fr. Petrarca conservati nella Bibliotcca del Museo civico di Venezia' (pp. 147-175), and the other by G. M. Malvczzi on a ' Codice petrarchcsco posseduto da Emilio di TIpaldo' (pp. 175-1S6). Other portions of this contribution to the literature of the cciitcnarj' are of bibliographical interest. 1876. Brevi storia del teste del Canzoniere di F. Petrarca.— Gli autograft. — Le edizioni original! e fondamentali.— I codici.— Prima eta degli stampati (1470-1525).— Seconda eti degli stampati (1525- 1596).— Interregno (1600-1722). — Terza eta degli stampati ( 1 722-1819). — Quarta eta (1819 . . .). [A cura di Giosue Carducci.l Livorno. This most excellent list of the best texts of the Rime, both manuscript and printed, forms the preface to Carducci's invalu- able commentary on the ' Rime di Francesco Petrarca sopra argomenti storici morali e diversi ' (Livorno, 1876, pp. vii-xlix), a work which leads one to regret that Italian scholarship of the present day has not treated the whole Canzoniere with similar erudition and critical acuteness. Printed "Works— This essay forms pp. 341 356 of vol, edited by C. L. Fcmow (Leipzig, 1806) of the edition n^ ♦he It enumerates 1722. Catalogo di molte delle principali edizioni che sono state fatte del Canzoniere di Messer Fran- cesco Petrarca ; disposto per ordine di cronologia e arrichito di qualche osservazione da G. V[olpi]. Padova. The earliest list of Petrarch editions made with any attempt at completeness, comprising 134 titles. It occupies pp. Ixiv- civ of the edition of the Rime (known as the first edizione Cominiana) issued at Padua, 1772, by the printer Comino, then at the head of the press attached to the publishing-house of the brothers Volpi. I'he younger member of this noted firm, Gaetano Volpi, was the compiler of the list (see Melzi's 'Dizio- nario di opere anonime,' vol. ii., p. 445). The following refer- ence to it is made in the Lettera a lettori prefaced to the edi- tion : — *' Non dobbiamo lasciar di dire che i Chiarissimi Sigg. Fratelli Piercatterino, cd Apposlolo Zeni, e i Sigg. Paolo, c Giulio Gagliardi ci hanno cortesemente somministrata la notizia di molte r.ire Edizioni del Poeta, conservate nelle loro pregiatis- sime Librcrie, perchi ne adornassimo, ed accrescessimo il sopraccennato nostro Catalogo: non volendoci noi arrogare la lode agli altri per ogni ragione dovuta." In the spirit of tliis statement the names of the possessors of the editions described are frequently mentioned. This list was reprinted ("eora in vaij luoghi corretto, e molto accresciuto ") and increased to 175 Utles in the second Comino edition (Padua, 1732), pp. 391-440. From this it was copied into the edition with the comrnentarj' of Castclvctro printed by Zatta (Venice, \i%(i), vol. ii., pp. 549-576. unaltered except by the addition of 6 titles of a dale later than 1732. It next appeared in the reprint of the Comino edition of the Rime issued by Prault (Paris, 1768), vol. ii., pp. 215-307, only the title of the Prault edition itself bein^ added, and again, transferred from this edition, in the Rime printed by Delalain (Paris, 1789), vol. ii., pp. 2i5-2C(8. It is copied, wholly unchanged, from the second Commo edition, in the Classier Itiliani edition of the Canzoniere, edited by Soave (Milan, 1805), vol. ii., pp. 373-337. Its last appearance is in the edition of the Rime by Zotu (London. 1811), vol. iii., pp. 355-380, copied from the Zatta edition, without additions and with the notes omitted or abridged, under the slightly changed tiUe of ' Catalogo de alcune delle principali edizioni' 1806. Notizie storiche concernenti le Rime del Petrarca, le principali edizioni di esse, e la vita dcU' tutore [da C. L. Fernow]. Lipsia. Riine I , . . „- . only the most important editions, and the notes are rather criucal than bibliographical. In its compilation Volpi's 'ist was probably used. Pp. 352-356 are occupied with notices of Petrarch biographies. 1818. Verzeichnisse der vorziiglichsten Ausga- ben von Petrarca's Werken [von F. A. Ebert]. Altenburg und Leipzig. An appendix prepared by the distinguished Dresden librarian and bibliographer, to * Francesco Petrarca dargestellt von C. L. Fernow [should be J. B. Merian, Femow being merely the translator], nebst dem Leben des Dichters und ausfiihrlichen Ausgabenverzeichnissen herausgegeben von Ludwig Hain ' (Altenburg und Leipzig, 1818), occupying pp. 31:3-352. The list is apparently based on the Volpi catalogue, but includes the Latin works. It is a work of merit, but the praise bestowed i^on it by Petzholdt (' Bibliotheca bibliographica." p. 326) may possibly be regarded as somewhat exaggerated. 1 1 enumerates 203 editions of the Rime (pp. 313-336), Q of ' Petrarca's iibrigc italienische Werke' — that is, the doubtiiil Vile de Pontefici ed Impcratori and versions of li.e De Viris illustribus vitae — (337- 338), and 92 of the collected and single Latin works (339-352)- The arrangement under these heads is chronological. 1820. Bibliotcca petrarchesca [quadro crono- logico delle edizioni del Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca ; Descrizione bibliografica e critica delle edizioni del Canzoniere seguendo I'ordine crono- logico del ;quadro antecedente] [studio di A. Mar- sand]. Padova. Inserted by Professor Marsand in his famous edition of the Rime (Padua, 1819-20, vol. ii., pp. 292-444). It includes a ' Pioeniio ' (293-295) and a tabulated chronological list of edi- tions of the Canzoniere (r99-3oS). followed by the titles in full with descriptions (309-402). Then come three appendices, first an alphabetical list of Commentators, with references to the editions containing their commentaries (405-411); second, a list of works having allusions to Petrarch (412-437) ; and finally, titles of translations, arranged by languages (438-444). 1 his bibliography is also found In a reprint of the Marsantl edition (Florence, 1826), the 'Proemio' and 'Quadro cronologico* oc- cupying pp. 221-239 of vol. iii., and the 'Descrizione biblio- grafica ' pp. 45-234 of vol. iv. It grew later into the important work published by the same noted scholar in 1826. 1822. Raccolta di edizioni di tutte le opere del Petrarca e di Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Pio II, [la- voro di D. De' Rossetti]. Venezia. The first of the Rossetti catalogues, printed by that zealous collector with a view of increasing his collections. It is not verj' conveniently arranged, the sections devoted to Petrarch alternating with those devoted to Pius II. The books are entered in a tabulated form, the columns containing successive- ly the running number, year, place, printer, and title. Three collezloni are given, each with separate pagination, the pages allotted to Petrarch being 9-32, 6-39, and 11-44. The Pe- trarch titles number 520, and the portraits of Petrarch and Laura go. 1826. Bibliotcca petrarchesca formata posse- duta, descritta ed illustrata dal professore Antonio Marsand. Milano. One of the most usefid of the Petrarch bibliographies, al- though it includes few of the Latin works. The library of Pro- fessor Marsand {b. 1765, */. 1842), hefe catalogued, passed in 1826 into the possession of the French king Charles X, by whom it was deposited in the library of the Louvre. The pref- atory matter of the volume is an introduction (pp. v-xiv) with ' Annoinzloni' (pp. xv-xxli), a 'Vita di Francesco Petrarca' reprinted from the 1471 edition of the. Canzoniere (pp. xxiii- xxix), and the ' Sermo habitus in exequiis domini Francisci Pe- trartae a reverendissimo magistro Bonaventura de Padua anno domini MCCCCLXXIIll ' [j/V] (pp. xxxi-xxxviii). Then fol- low the book titles, fully described, thus: 'Parte prima, Edi- zioni del Canzoniere e de' Trionfi' (pp. 1-145). 'Parte seconda, Scrittori intomo alia vita cd al canzoniere di Francesco Pe- trarca,' divided into three sections (pp. 147-231), the sheet being filled out by a * Breve ragionamento intorno al celibato di Laura" (pp. 231-235), after which follows "Parte terza, Codici manoscritti delle poesie vulgari di Francesco Ptltrarca o che alia vita di lui appartcngono " in three sections (pp. 237-260), and two lists, one indicating the pages, in various editions, of the principal sonnets, canzoni, etc., to which reference is made in the book, the other enumerating the specially rare editions of the collection (pp. 261-265). 1 ^^ volume closes with a full index of personal names (pp. 267-278), four plates illuslrating the typography of early editions and a tabic of contents and erra- tum of the incorrect date previously assign'ed to the 'Sermo* (pp. 279-281). Marsand's sale of trie most complete and pre- cious Collection of Petrarchiana ever brought together proved to be a most unfortunate step. He doubtless thought that ( 6o APPENDICES. once within the walls of the Tuileries, its preserxation for all time was a matter of certainty. But it perished in the confla- gration of a portion of that edifice kindled by the Paris com- munists. Nor does the transfer of the library to France seem to have been any the less luckless for the collector's reputation. The French evidently did not appreciate the act which added so greatly to the literary treasures of the nation. In the few sparing lines devoted to the Marsand Collection in Baudrillart's •Pcrte-s cprouvtJcs par les bibliotheques publiques de Paris' ^pp. 25-26), the collector is called Majsard, while even a much higher literary authority, the Michaud ' Biographie universelle ' (nouvclle Edition, vol. xxxii., p. 621, sub P6trarque), corrupts his name into Ma'n'atid. 1832. Catalogc delle principal! edizioni del Canzoniere preceduto da un cenno storicocritico in- torno ad esse ad ai primarj comentatori [da C. Al- bertini]. Firenze. Occurs in the edition of the Rime edited by Albertini (Flor- ence, 1832), vol. li., pp. c.\i-c.xlv of the appendatory matter at the end of the volume.' The arrangement of the 69 titles enu- merated is chronological. The descriptive notes are in general meagre. 1834. Catalogo della raccolta die per la bibli- ografia del Petrarca e di Pio II e gi^ posseduta e si va continuando dalP avvocato de' Rossetti. Trieste, J834- The second Rossetti catalogue. The contents are 'Ai bib- liofili ed ai libraj ' (pp. vii-xii) — ' Sezione prima, serie crono- logica di edizioni de'lc opere del Petrarca o da lui intitolate ' (pp. 1-42) : Sczione sccunda, serie cronologica di edizioni delle opere di Pio II o da lui intitolate ' (pp. 45-54) ; ' Sezione terza, serie alfabetica di opere accessorie o relative al Petrarca ed a Pio II ' {pp. 55-94). followed by two appendices, one of addi- tions and one of duplicates (pp. 95796). A ' Continuazione del Catalogo ' of 6 (?) pp. was printed in 1839 (?) and is often found attached to the book. The jiumber of purely Petrarch titles given is 707. As in Rossetti's catalogue of 1822, there are few or no descriptive notes. 1874. Catalogo delle opere di Francesco Pe- trarca esistenti nella Petrarchesca Rossettiana di Trieste; aggiuntavi I'iconografia della medesima; per opera di Attilio Hortis. Trieste. The Rossetti collection, now a part of the Municipal library ot Trieste, is probably, since the destruction of -the Marsand collection, the largest in existence relating to Petrarch. This admirably compiled catalogue includes only editions of works by Petrarch, the arrangement being pp. i-xiii ' Di Domenico Rossetti e della Petrarchesca Triestina' ; pp. 1-9, Opera om- nia; pp. 11-138, Rime volgari; pp. 139-172, Opere latine; pp. 173-178, Opere senza data; pp. 178-1S8, Opere ascritte al Petrarca; pp. 189-195, Manoscritri; pp. 196-215, Iconografia. At the end are three plntes, illustrative of the Trionfi, and a table of contents. The tides are arranged chronologically and the descriptive notes are astonishingly complete and accurate. An excellent photo-lithograph of the bust of Rossetti forms the frontispiece to this beautifully printed volume. 1874. Edizioni [dei Trionfi] esistenti nella communale biblioteca di Fermo [esaminate e col- lazionatc dal professore C. Pasqualigo]. [ Fermo. 1 Contained in the ' Illustrazione di un Codice dei Trionfi &. Francesco Petrarca esjstente nella communale biblioteca di Fermo e saggio di varianti per Filippo Raffhelli' ([Fermo], 1874), pp. .xiv-xxviii. The descriptive notes are excellent. The number of tides is 36. [1875]. Cinqui^me centenaire de P^trarque. Bibliographie : publications fran^aises, proven9ales et italiennes. [Aix-en-Provence.] Separate reprint from the volume entitled ' Fete s^culaire et Internationale de P^trarque c^lebr^e en Provence, 1874.' (Aix- en-Provence, 1875.) It comprises a fairly complete list of the Petrarch publications of the centenary year, the title numbers reaching 125. The name of the compiler is not given. 1877. Bibliogi-afia petrarchesca del Prof. G. J. Ferrazzi ; edizione di soli 50 esemplari. Bassano. A most useful manual and the only bibliographical work which attempts to give a complete systematic view of the whole range of Petrarch hterature. It is carefully classified by sub- jects, and the critical remarks in general leave little to be de- sired. Indispensable as it is, it has some serious defects. The titles are not always given in full, the foreign ones are too often disfigured by misprints, and there is no Index. It is to be hoped that these imperfections may be remedied by its distin- tinguished author in a later edition. Originally this extensive work formed a part of Professor Ferrazzi's ' Manuale dantesco.** III. GENERAL INDEX. Acciaiuolo, N., 27 a. Africa, 19 a b, 20 a, 28 a, 58 a. Agricola, C. L., 55 a b. Ala Ponzoiii, 1 1 a. Albertiiii, C. , 46 a. Alessandra, 10 b. Alfieri, v., 42 (5(2). Altoviti, A., 15 b. Amato, J. R., 44 /', 45 a. Amsler, S.. 55 'f. Arber, E., 46 b. Arezzo, 17 «, 48 b, 57 a b. Ariosto, L. , 9. 50 b, 56 a. Aristotle, 22 b. Arqua, 42 /', 57 a. liiondi, 8 b. Bocchi, 9 17. Casa, 10 a. Chevalier, 10 b. Co J ice, 10 b, 16 «. Fetes, 13 a. Gloria, 14 b. Macola, 16 a. Malmignati, l6 b. Maraghini, 1 7 a. Fadoz'a, 19 a. Piombin, 46 a. Reumont, 47 a. Urbani, 50 a. Zabborra, 51 ff. Ascribed writings, 45 a b, 49 n, 50 a. Auer, L., 49 a. Audin, E., 28 b. Avignon, 16 b, 47 /', 57 b. Balbo, C, 25 b. Barbieri, G., 15 b. Barbieri. L., 24 b. Barotti, G., 39 b. Barozzi, N., 46 a. Barlaeus, C, 15 b. Baux. Laura de, 11 a. Beatrice, 16 b. Beccamuggi, L., 13 /', 45 I'- Bembo, P., T a, 48 b. Bencini, L., 27 b. Benintendi, M., 27 a. Beutivogli, U., 12 (?. Benvenuto da Imola, 20 (1 b. Berlan, F., 45 b. Bezzi, G., 35 b. BiagioU, G., <) b. Bibbiena, 48 b. BibUography, 58 a-6i b. Albertini, 60 a. Antonio, 44 b, 45 a. Baldelli, 58 a. Bandini, 58 b. Baudrillart, S rt, 60 a. 27 a. 13 '5, APPENDICES. 61 Bibliography, 58 a-6i b. Brunei, 20 b, 21 a, 28 b, y>a, 44 b, 45 fir, 58 a. Carducci, 59 "■ Cinquieme centenaire, 10 b, bob. De Gubernatis, 11 a. Denis, 58 b. De' Rossetti, 11 i, 583 /^ 59 (5, 60 a b. Deschamps, 58 a. Ebert, 21 a, 58 a, 59 b. Ferrazzi, 12 ?, 13 a, 60 b. Fontanini, 13 a, 58 a. Fracassetti, 58 a. Gamba, 14 a, 58 a. Gazzera, 58 a. Grasse, 20 ^, 21 a, 24 a, 30 a, 44 ii, 58 a. Hain, 19 *, 58 a, 59 iJ. Haym, 14 b, 58 a. Hazlitt, 26 a, 42 a. Hortis, 15 a, 58 (5, 60 a li. Huth, 42 a. Jansen, 19 i. Libri, 28 a, 58 i. Lowndes, 41 a b. Lozzi, 16 a, 30 b. Maittaire, 19 b, 58 a. Malvezzi, 59 a. Marsand, 170, 58 b, 59 b. Melzi, 45 a. Meneghelli, 1"; b. Miller, 42 a. Moser, 21 a. Narducci, 18 b, 58 b, 59 a. Omaggio, 18 i5. Panizzi, 19 «, 30 h, 58 ^. Panzer, 14 i5, 21 a, 58 a. Pasqualigo, 60 b, Petrarca e Venezia^ 46 a, 59 a. Pezzana, 46 a, 58 ;>, Piombolo, 58 a. Re, 46 *, 58 a. Senesi, 30 ^, 58 b. Urbani, 59 a. Valentinelli, 59 a. Visser, 19 b. Volpi, 59 a. Watt, 41 a. Zambrini, 51 <5, 58 a. Biographies. See also Studies. Baldelli, 8a. Battaini, 48 a. Beccadelli, 36 i5, 37 a. Blanc, 9 a. Brevi Ricordi, 9 a. Butenschon 9 A Campbell, 10 a, 43 a. Canto, 10 a. Cavriani, lo a. Courtet de I'lsle, 1 1 a. Da Ponte, 11 a. Dondi dair Orologio, 12 a. Elogi, 12 a. Fabroni, 12 ^. Geiger, 14 a. Ginguen^, 43 b. Greene, 14 b. Lamers, 15 b. Leoni, 15 b. Manetti, 16 b. Manso, 17 a. Masson, 7 a, 17 a. Meinert, 17 <>. Montgomery, 18 a. Opmeer, 18 b. Peruzzi, 19 a. Petrarch, 46 a. Phillimore, 46 a. Rearden, 46 b. Reeve, 46 ^. Roman, 47 a ^. Romussi, 47 b. Ronchini, 47 b. Rondani, 47 b. Sade, De, 47 b, 48 a. Squarciafico, 7 a, 13 a, 20 a, 29 b. 30 a (5, 31 a. Stebbing, 49 a. Tomasini, 49 b. Vita, 50 b. Wismayr, 51 a. Blanc, L. G-., i8a. Boccaccio, G., 25 i}, 27 ^, 42 (5, 55 a, 56 a ^. Acharisio, 7 a. Allegri, 7 a. Baldelli, 8 a. Bisso, 9 a. Ciampi, 10 i. Dionisi, 12 a. Franco, 13 b. Hortis, 15 a. Liburnio, 16 a, Masson, 17 a. Prosa, yi a. Schlegel 48 h. Booking, E., 48 b. Bolza, G. B., 49 a. Bonaventura di Padua, 59 b. Bonichi, B., 40 a. Borani, 55 a. Bottini, G. B., 11 a. Bozza, G., 55 b. Brandt. S., 19 i5, 23 a. Bruschius, C, 25 a. BruscoU, S., 40 a. Brutus, P., 20 b. Budan, L., 12 a. Buonarroti, M. A., 38 a. Burgkmaier, H., 23 a, 24 a. Bjrron, G. G., lord, 49 b. Cabassoles, F. de, 24 a, 28 a. Cassar, J., 24/;, 25 a. Caloria da Messina, T., 13^, 26 a, 45 /4. Calvisius, S. , 45 a. Camoens, L., 45 a. Campani, G. A., 13 a. Campbell, M. F. A. G., 19 b. Campbell, T., 46 a. Canella, G., 57 (5. Canevari, G. T., 10 a. Canzoniere. Complete, 28 a-40 a. In part, 40 a i^. Translated, 40 1^45 a. Capparozzo, A., 46 a. CappeUo Bentivogli, P., 11 b. Capellis, P. de, 15 a. Carbone, D., 45 b. Camiani Malvezzi, T., 27 a. Carrara, F. di, 11 b, 19 b, 20 a. Castelvetro, L., 8 ^. Castets, P., 12 a. Cattani, M., 48 b. Catullus, 41 a (5, 42 a. Cavalcanti, G., 47 a, 49 a, 55 a, 56 a. Celsus, J., 24 h. Centenary, Fifth. Aleardi, 7 a. Aubanel, 8 a. Bassi, 8 a. Biondi, 8 ^. Bringuier, 9 a. Canestrini, 10 a. Carducci, 10 a. Cinquieme centenaire, 10 ^ Corradi, 10 ^ Culoz, II a. Fantoni, 12 <5. Fenoglio, 12 b. Fetes, 13 a. Ghivazzani, 14 a. . Hipp, 15 a. Malmignati, 16 ^ Mancini, 16 ^. Maraghini, 17 a. Mugna, 18 a. Pastorello, 19 a. Reynald, 47 a. Rizzini, 47 a. Rossi, 47 b. RouUeaux, 47 b. Salmon!, 48 a. Urbani, 50 a. Certaldo, 15 a, 47 a. Ceruti, A. , 24 b. Chalas, J., 26 a. Charlemagne, emperor, 12 b. Charleville, earl of, 42 a. Charles IV., emperor, 15 ^, 19 b, 20 a, 27 a. Charles X., -^/w^, 59 b. Charlotte, princess, 41 a. Chettle, H.. 26 a. Chiabrera, G., 25 i5. Cicero, M. T., 15 a, 20 b, 50 b. Cino da Pistoja, G. G., 27 a b, 47 ", 49 ", 55 '^• CitadeUa, G., 19 a. Clasio, Ii., 14 a. Clement VII., pope, 8 b. Coco, v., 9/'. Codrus, see Urceo, A. Collective -writings, 19 b-2\ b. CoUenuccio, P., 19 a. Colonna, G,, 27 a. Coluccio Salutati, 15 a, 23 b. Commentaries (special). Amor che nel pensier mio, 9 b. Amor, fortuna, 10 /'. Canzoni degli occhi, 10 a, 12 a b, 50 a. Chiare fresche e dolci acqne, 8*. Contra '1 buon sire (line), 10 b. In nobil sangue, 1 1 a. Italia mia, 8 (5, 9 ^, 11 i, 49 b. La donna che '1 mio cor (line), 18 a. La gola e '1 sonno, 14 a. Lasciate hai, morte, 15 #. L'aspettata virtu, 9 a. Lassare il velo, 9 b. Liete e pensose, 8 a. L'oro e le perle, 14 a. Mai non vo' piii, 18 a. Nessun secreto fia chi copra (line), 14 b. 62 APPENDICES. Commentaries (special). Ocelli miei lassi, 9 b. Passa la nave, 9^7, 19 a. Perchfe la vita k breve, 18 b. Pommi ove '1 sol, 9 a. Quando fra I'altre donne, 9 b. Quand' io veggio dal ciel, 8 b. Quanta invidia, 18 b. Quel ch' infinita providenza, 7 b, 8 a. Quel vago impallidir, 14 a. Rapido tiume, l"] b. S'amor non h, 50 a. Se mai foco, 18 ^. Siccome eterna vita, 8 b. S|>iito gentil, 9 /', 9 a, 46 b. Slandomi un giorno, 49 a. Vergine bella, % b, IT a, 10 a (2), :o b, 16 a. Comniontators. Alficri, 39 a. Alunno, 32 a, 33 a. Amadi, 7 b. Ambrosoli, 40 a. Arnigio, 8 a. Avevani, 8 a. Bandini, 36 b. Bembo, 30 a, 34 b. Benavides, 8 b. Bernardo da Monte Alano, see Ilicino. Bernardo da Siena, see Ili- cino. Betti, 8 *. Biagioli, 38 (7, 39 It b. Bianchini, 8 b. Bonifacio, 9 a. Bonsi, 9 a. Borghi, 38 b, 39 a. Borgognoni, 9 a. Bozzo, 40 (7. Brucioli, 32 /'. Buonarroti, 9 b. Bustelli, 9 /'. Euttura, 38 a b, 39 a. Camerini, g /', 40 b. Camillo, 9 /;, 33 b, 34 a. Canevari, 10 ci. Caponsacchi, 10 a. Carducci, 40 b. Carrer, 39 a b. Casaregi, 10 a. Casotti, 10 a. Castelvetro, 1 7 a, 35 a, 36 /', 39 «• Castiglione, 10 a. Cavedoni, 10 a. Centone, 29 b. Cervoni, 10 b. Cibrario, 38 b. Cittaclini, 10 b. Daniello, 32 a b. Da Tempo, 30 a b, 31 a. Degli Aromatori, II ti. De la Carba, 1 1 a. Dc' Marsili, 11 /'. De' Rossetti, 28 a. De Sanctis, 11 ^. De Stefano, 39 b. Dolce, 32 b, 33 a b, 34 a. Emiliani-Giudici, 39 b. Erizzo, 12 a b. Fausto, 31 /'. Fernow, 37 b, 59 " !>■ Filelfo, 29 a b, Tp a b, 31 a. Fiorentino, 13 a. Foscolo, 13 b, 40 a. Francesia, 40 b. Gandini, 14 a. Gesualdo, 31 b, 32 a, 33 b, 35 a- Giacomini, 14 a. Giannini, 40 b. Gibelli, 14 a. Ginguene, 39 a. Glicino, see Ilicino. Grazzini, 14 b. Ilicino, 29 a b. Lapini, 15 i. Leopardi, 38 b, 39 a b, 40 a. Lottini, 16 a. Lycinio, see Ilicino. Marsand, 17 , 28 a. Pallavicino-Mossi, L., 27 b. Paoletti, P., 17 A Parma, 47 b. Pasquale MaUpiero, (%•«-, 17 a. Patha, F., see Cabassolea, F. de. Pavia, II b. Paye, 55 b. Pelli, B. G., 12 a. Penn, W., 41 b. Peruzzi, B., 36 b. Petrarca, G., 13 b. Petrarchists. Aubrey, 8 a. Bidelli, 8 b. Malipiero, 15 b. Mosti, iS a. Paterno, 19 a. Piccolomiui Bellanti, A., 57a. Pico deUa Mirandola, 13 a, 27 a. Piercatterino, 59 a. Pingaud, L., 28 a. Pisano, N. and G., 49 a. Pitti, J., IS b. Pius H., /■ope, It b, 13 a, 59 b, 60 a. Pliny, 27 a. PoiiMATA MINORA, 28 a, 58 a. Poliziano, A., 39 a, 56 a. 64 APPENDICES. Pompey, 25 a. Pompouius Mela, 15 3. Poppi, 4S b. Porta Maurizio, 7 b- Printers and publishers. Acharisio, 7 a. Aedespalatinae (Parma), \2b. Agnelli, 19 a, 46 b. Albert!, 35 b. Albrecht, 17 b. Album di Romay 46 b. Aldine edition of the British poets, 43 a. Aldo, 30 a (2), 30 ^, 31 a i, 32 *. Allgemeine Encyklopddie (Ersch und Gruber), 9 a. Alliana, 38 a. Altheer, 14 b. Alvisopoli, 9 a, 46 a. Amenta, 40 a. Amerbach, de, 19 b. American review, 50 ^^ Amsler, 55 a. Amyot, II i5, 43 b. Andreola, 24 a. Angelieri, 35 a, 47 a. Antonelli, 38 b, 39 a. Apollo (Air, Venice), 27 a. Apollo (Insegna d', Flor- ence), 36 b. Appolonio, 150. Arber's English reprints, 43 rt. Archiv fiir osteiTeichische Ge- schiehtc, \<, b. Archivio storico lombardo, JO a. Archivio veneto, 10 b (2). Arrivabene, 12 a b. Arski^e, 47 b. Associated booksellers (Lon- don), 22 b. Atlantic monthly, 15 a. Baldwin, 41 b. Ballantyne, 50 a. Barbara, 403 (2), 10 a b, 25 b. Barerzi, 13 b. Basegio, 11 a. Bassaglia, 10 b. Baudin, 21 ^ Baudry, 38 b, 39 a. Beatty, 49 b. Bechet, 26 b. Becker, 55 a. Bell, 43 a (2). Belle arti (Rome), 8 b (2). Bensley, 48 a. Benlley, 13 ,5. Bernardoni, 10 a. Bertano, 35 a. Bertoclio, 29 a b. Bettoni, 10 b, 38 a, 46 a. Beuf, 45 b. Bevilacqua, N., 34 i (4), 44 b. Bevilaqua, S., 20 a b, 21 a. Biagioli, 9 b. Bibliofilo {II), 16 a. Biilioteca elassica economica, 40 a. Btblioteca classica italiana, 39 «• Btblioteca dt open dassiche, 39*- Biblioteca poetica italiana, 383. Biblioteca portatile di classici italiani, 40 a. Biblioteca portatile latina, ita- liana, e franeese, 38 a. Biblioteca scelta di opere ita- liane, 10 b, 48 a. Bibliothcqite des vieillenrs po- etes italiens, 37 a. Bindoni, 18 a, 31 b, 32 a. Bisuccio, 9 a. Bizarri, 7 a. Bizzoni, 51 ^. Blackwood, 47 b. Blaev, 24 b. Blaisot, 46 b. Bodoni, 37 a (2), 46 a. Bohn, 46 b. Bohn's illustrated library, 43 «• Bonaccorsi, 46 b. Boncompagni, 14 a. Borghi, 38 b, 39 a. Bortoli (Padua), 49 b. Bortoli (Venice), 36 a, 37 a. Boucher, 2\ b. Boulzaler, 27 a. Boutestyn, 24 b. Bresciani, 40 b. Bringer, 23 a. Brockhaus, 3^ 3, 34*- Comino, 36 a, (2), 44 a, 59 a. Commercio (Milan), 83. Commercio (Venice), 27 b, 48(5. Comte-Milliat, 47 b. Conant, 41 a. Contemporary review, 48 b. Cooke, 41 b. Conzatti, 28 a. Coppenrath, 8 b (2). Corbetta, 40 b. Cormon, 39 b. Cornetti, 23 b. Cosnier, 14 a. Cotta, 44 a. Coup, 17 b (2). Co;iret de Villeneuve, 37 3. Courrier d'orient, 14 a. Crescini, 9 a, 15 b, 37 b. , Crispin, 26 3. Cruttwell, 12 3. Curiosite, {La), litteraire, Cussac 47 3 (2). Dalla Volpe, 14 a. Dase, 15 3. David, 9 3. Davies, 41 a. Debray, 7 b. Dehuchino, 35 3. Delagrave, 19 3. Delalain, 37 a, 59 a. Delatre, 55 o- Delaunay, 43 b. De Romanis, 37 b, 38 3. Deville, 22 b. Diamante (Segno del), 10 b. Didier, 83, 18 3 (2), 50 b. Didot, 40 a, 43 b. Dionysius a Prato, 17 ^. Dondey-Dupr^, 38 3. Doni, 27 a. Droy, 45 a. Duncker, 14 3, 17 b, 47 3. Durand, 9 3. Dusacq, 570. Dusinelli, 14 a. Edquist, 45 3. Egenloff, 13 a, 23 a (2). Fabriano, 173. Fabbrini, 27 b. Farri, 16 b, 2-^b, 28 a, 35 b. Fasani, \2 a b. Fava, 51 b. Fei, 13 a. Ferrari, 47 b. Ferrer, 9 a. Fete seculaire, 10 b, 13 3. Fiaccadori, 14 b, 19 3. Fiorentina (SocietJl editrice), 24 3. Fischer, 9 3. Fleischer, 24 b, 38 b. Foglietta, 36 b. Folds, 42 b. Foppens, 22 b (2). Foreign classics for English readers, 46 b. APPENDICES. Printers and Publishers. Foreign quarterly rex'ie7v, 46 a. Fortunati, 27 i. Fournier, 11 4. Frambotti (Frambotto?) 49 a i. Franceschi, di, 16 a. Francesco cla Bologna, w /i, 48 <>, 58 3. Francis, 50 a, Franz, 45 i. Franzesi, 9 a. Eraser's magazine, 46 a. Frediani, 10 a. Frommann, 37 i. Fues, 15 i. Galletti, 10 i, 13 i. Gamba, 10 i. Garagnani, 45 i, 48 i. Garnier, 43 i. Gaspari, 44 i. Gattei, 10 a. Geremia, 14 i, 48 i. Gherardo, 7 i, 33 a. Ghilini, 7 i, 28 a. Giammartini, 49 i. Giglio, 33 a i. Gioja, 10 a. Giolito, 9 i (2), 13 i (2), 23 /-, 27 a 32 i (3), 34 a (4), ^333(3). 33'^ (3)- (jtornale areadieo, 27 a. Giomalecii Padova, \(i b,e,\b. Giornale napoletano di Jiloso- fia e leltere, 13 «. Giornale scientijico leiterarin di Perugia, 48 b. Giovanelli, 16 b, Giuliani, 35 b. Giulari, 37 a. Giunti, 9 a, 49 a, 50 a. Giusti, II b, 17 a. Gollner, 7 a. GondoUere (Venice), 14 a, Gosselin, 11 a. Goupil, 57 a. Gozzi, 13 a. Gregorii, de, 16 a, 24 b, 26 a, 30 a b, 31 a. Griflio, A., 16 b, 35 a b. Griffio, G., 33 b, 34 b. Grignani, 40 a. Grimaldo, 12 b, i() b, \ij a, 25 l>, 40 b. Gros, 47 a. Groulleau, 43 a. Guerigli, 36 b. Guichard, 7 b. Guigoni, 40 a. Gutknecht, 27 a. Hacherte, 12. b. Hardouin, 43 b. Hartung, 50 b. Hempel, 51 a. Herbig, 11 a. Herdingh, 40 b. Herrmanstorfer, 15 a (2). Hofbuchhandlung (Hano- ver), 50 a. Hofdruckerei (Vienna), 49 a. Hoffmann, 15 ^, 50 b. ladra, 11 a. 65 Imprimeurs unis (Paris), 43 b. Inskeep, 43 a b. Istitulo sordo-muti (Genoal. 10 b. Istituto tipografico (Milan), V] b. Jacob, 373. Janke, 18 a. Janot, 43 a. Jo\'ino, 31 (5. Juvenis (Le Jeune?), 21 b. Kainpen, 40 /'. Kircliheim, 24(7. Knoedler, 57 a. Kronberg, 40 b. Kruijoff, 15 b. Lacombe, 47 a. Lancellotti, 36 a b, 48 b. Landi, 8 a, 1 1 ^. Lee priory press, 42 b. Leers, 22 a. Lefewe, 38 a, 39 a. Le Monnier, % b, t) b, 10 a, 15 /', 16 b, 26 a, 27 b (2), 39 b, 40 a, 46 b. Le Normand, 7 b. Le Preux, 22 a (2), 24 a {z\, 24 b (2). Leroy, 43 b. Lescailje, 15 a. Libanti, 49 a. Librairie des bibliophiles (Paris), 24a, 25 (5 (2), 26 (5, 28 a, 43 b. Lindauer, 44 a. Lisieux, 43 b. Lloyd austriaco-ungarico (Ti- pografia del), 15 a, 45 a. Loeffs de Driel, 25 a. Loescher, :8 b. Logge del grano (Florence), 45(5. Lombardi, 11 a, 51 b. Longm.an, i8a, 42 a, 43 a. Longo, 19 a, 46 a. Loyson, 43 a. Lucchini, 25 b. Lucre [Lovere], de, 20 a. Macmillan, 46 a. Afiuiiiillan's magazine, 46 a. M.igheri, 27 a. Maideif, 48 a. Majno, ig a. Mame, 8 a. Manini, 12 b, 14 a. Manni, 8 b. Manzoni, 15 b. Marchetti, 8 a, 10 b. Marcolini, 32 a. Marcolini da Forli, 16 b. Marenigh, 11 b, (2). Marescotti, 10 a, 12 a (2). Marsigli, 14 a. Masi, 38 a. Mayr, 51 a. Mazzoleni, 25 b. Meline, 46 b. Merlo, 12 a (2), 45 b. Meyer, 47 b. Michaucl, 14 b. Miller, 41 a, 42 a (2), 55 b. Minerva (Padua), 14 b, „.'7,''(4). 38'''. 39 «, 47*- Miralta, 19 a. Misintis, de, 21 b. Misserini, G. SI., 35 /,. Misserini, N.. tc b. Mitchell, 48 a. Molinari, 38 a. Molini, 38 a, 49 b, 55 b. Moroni, 37 a. Morano 11/; (3), 13 a, 51,5. Mundell, 42 a. Murray, 13 b, 49 b. Muzio, 18 a. Naratovich, 15 b. Nauck, 44 a. Negretti, 39 b. Nevj York reriezu, 10 a. Niccolai, 48 /). Nicolai, 44 a. Nicolini da .Sabbio, loa, 11 a 31'"*. 320^ ^(3). 47 «. JMicoIino, 35 a. Nistri, 37 b. Nobili, iS b. Norstedt, 45 a. iVort/i American reT.iicii), 14 b. Nuova antologia, 16 b, 46 a, 47 b. Nuoi:a biblioteca popolare 16 a, 39 ^. Oeler, 26 a. Ongania, 40 a. Opuscoli religiosi, lelterarj e morali, 10 a, 50 i5. Orlandelli, 38 a. Osgood, 15 a. Paccasassi, 46 (5. Paganino, 21 i5, 31 a. Pagano, 11 a. Paggi, 13 a. Pagni, 38 b. Pagnoni, 40 a. Panizij, 15 b. Parnaso classico italiano. 38 ^- . Parnaso italiano, 37 a, 30 a. Paroni, 44 b, 46 a. Pasini, 18 a, 31 b, 32 a. Pasquale, 8 b. Pasquali, 1 7 ^, 29 a ^. Pasquati [Pasqualo?], 49 b. Passigli, 38 b, 39 a. Pazzoni, 8 b, 10 a. Percacino, 7 (5. Percy society, 26 a. Perrotti, 13 a. Perthes, 19 a. Pesnot, 21 i. Petri, H., 2i a. Petri, S. H., 21 a. Phillips, 14 a. Pickering, 38 a, 42 b, 55 i. Picotti, 1 1 i^, 37 b. Piero Veronese, 29 a ^. Pietrasanta, 33 i. Pinci, de, 45 a. Pirola, 24 a. Pisarri, 14 1^, 46 #. Poggioli, 37 ^. Poligrafia fiesolana, 8 a. Poligrafia italiana, 12 a, 39 b. Ponsonbie, 40 b. Prault, 36 h, 59 a. Propugnatore {II), 18 a, 45 '5(2). Quarterly review, 12 *, 13 i. 66 APPENDICES. Printers and Publishers. KaccoUa dc' noveU'wri liali- Raccolla di autori classici Ita- lia iii, y] b. a)ii, 12 l>. Jiaccolta di poeti classici itali- ani, 38 b. Racuzzi, 9 a. RaiUard, 8 b. Rapet, II <7. Reimer, 50 b. Remondct-Aubin, 7 ff, 8 «, 10 b, 13 .1, 15 a. Remondini, 36 /' (2), 37 a, 26 a. Taylor, 42 b. Techener [Teschener], 8 a, iSb. Ter Hoernen, 25 a, Thorin, 28 a. Ticknor, 15 a. Tinsley, 50 a. Tipografia dell' associazione, 15 a. Tipografia delle scienze, 15^, 16^. Tipografia nazionale, 45 b. Tipografia romana, 18 b. Tipografia salesiana, 40 b. Tipogi-afia S. Giorgio, 45 b. Torrentino, 10 b, 18 b. Tournes, de, 32 b. Trenel, 16 b. Treuttel, 9 b, 48 i. Treves, 47 a, 48 a, Triibner, 26 b. Tyler, 42 a. Unione tipografico-editrice (Turin), 16 a, 39 b. Urbanianse (Littera;), 7 a. Valenti, 18 a (2). Valgrisi, 32 b, 34 a. Vallardi, 8 a, 15 b. Valle, 37 a. Valvasense, 17 a. Valvassori, 19 a. Vanelli, 13 b. Vannini, 38 a. Varela, de, 23 b. Varrochi, 46 b. Velpius, 43 a. Verdussius, 18 b. Vernor, 48 a (2). Verwer, 12 a. Viani, IJ a. Viano, de, 9 b. •Vidali, 31 ^, 35 / Viezzeri, 36 a b. Vigo, 10 a, 40 b. Vincenzi, 47 b. Visentini, 10 b (2), \l a. Vitarelli, 37 b. Vlacq, 15 b. Wachter, 2"] a. Wagner, 51 b. Walther, 36 b. Watkyns, 22 a. Weidmann, 48 b. Weiss, 49 a. Whittingham, 19 a, 42 b. Wienbrack, 14 b. Willem, 43 b. Wilmant, 7 a, Wilson, 48 a. Wolf, 9 *. Zaltieri, 35 b. Zambeccari, 27 3. Zanelti, 32 a. Zani, A. de, 30 a b. Zani, B. de, 29 b. Zatta, 36 b. Zazza, 37 (7. Zio, 12 a. Zopino, 24 a. Priuli, 33 b. Psalm I pcenitentiales, 25 b. Quaiiento, 55 b. Raffalli, C, 15 (7. Raffaello da Montelupo, 25 b. Raibolini, F., 30 b, 48 b. Rambaldi da Imola, B., 19 b, 20 a. Rambaldo, A., 36 b. Ravenna, 47 a. Razzolini, L., 25 a. Rebus memorandis, De, 25 a b. Redi, F., 9 3. Remediis, De, 21 15-24 a, 58 a b. Renaissance. Burckhardt, 9 b. Doorenbos, 12 a. Giani, 14 a. Goudoever, 14 b. Henschel, 15 a. Mamiani 16 b. Symonds, 49 a. Voigt, 50 b. Walree, 50 b. Ridley, 48 a. Ridolfi, A., 28 fl, 33 a, 35*, \%b. Rienzo, Cola di. Fortifiocca, 13 a. Lytton, 16 a. Papencordt, 19 a, Re, 46 b. Rigaud, P., 15 a. Rimarj. Coen, 10 b. Moreto, 18 a. Ridolfi, 28 a, 33(7, 35 b, 470. Serassi, 48 b. Rime, see Canzoniere. Robert, king, 13 ^, 40 a. Romagnoli, G-., 50 b. Romance (Petrarch). Gcnlis, 14 a. Halirsch, 14 b. Miiller, 18 a. Rastoul de Mongeot, 46 b. Westplialen, 50 b. Rome. Excmplum, 12 b. Fetes, 13 a. Labruzzi di Nexima, 15 b. Marcatelli, 17 a. Monti, 18 a. Romulus, 24 b, 25 a. Rovighi, C, 16 a. Rubbi, A., 37 a. * Rubio, L., 57 (7. Sacchetti, F., 42 b. Sade, J. F. P. A. de, 15 b, 37 b Sailer. L., 48 a. Schmidt, K. E. K., 47 b. Schneider, C. E. C, 24 b. Selvapiana, 46 a, 47 b. Seneca, 15 a. Serico, L. da, 19 b, 20 a, 58 b. Sforza, C, 19 a. APPENDICES. 67 Sicca, A., 38 b. Simonetta, B., 50 b. Skeat, 'W. 'W., 26 b. Squarciafico, A., 7 «, 20 a. Bterne, L., 49 b. Stolfi, C, 23 /^, 58 ff. Strozzi, M. F., 12 a. Studies. Baumker, 8 a. Bettinelli, 8 b. Bonifas, 9 a. Diouisi, 12 3. Doorenbos, 12 a. Fantoni, \2 b. Fiorentino, 13 a. Foscolo, 13 ^. Giampetii, 14 a. Giani, 14 a. Goudoever, 14 b. Henschel, 15 a. Higginson, 15 a. Lazzini, 48 b. Macaulay, 16 a, Maggiolo, 16 b. Merian, \'] b. Mezi^res, 18 a. Parolari, 19 a. Pasqualigo, 19 a. Penco, 19 a. Pietropoli, 46 a. Pimbiolo, 46 a. Planche, 46 a. Raffaelli, 46 a, 60 b. Rizzini, 47 a. Schiavo, 48 b. Schlegel, 48 b. Simpson, 48 b. Thoughts, 49 a b. Trollope, 49 b. Tuckerman, 50 a. Tytler, 50 a. Van Dam, 50 a. Viertel, 50 b. Watterston, 50 b. Zacco, 51 b. Zendrini, 51 i5. Zingerle, 51 i5. Zuccala, 51 b. Zumbini, 51 i5. Sudre, P., 563. Surrey, H., carl of , 41 a. Sussex, A. F., duke of, 42 a. S'winbunie, A. C, 25 b. Tasso, 9 a, 12 ff, 38 b, 39 a b, 46 b, 55 *. Tassoni, A., 11 a. Tattini, A., IT b. Tauchnitz, B., 26 b. Tessier, A., 45 b. Testamentum, 25 b, 47 b. Thomas, G. M., 45 b. Thorer, A., 28 a. Thouar, P., 16 *. Ticknor, G-., 23 b. Tipaldo, E. de, 46 a, 59 a. Tiziano, 55 a. Todi, J. da, 44 a. Tofanelli, S., 56 a. Tommasi, A., 10 a. Translators. Bannerman, 42 a. Barozzi, 44 bm Biegeleben, 44 a. Bilderdijk, 40 b. Boulmier, 44 a. Boyd, 42 a. Bruckbrau, 44 a. Camiani Malvezzi, 27 a. Castellani, 23 b. Catanusi, 43 a b. Cayley, 43 a. Celakovvski, 40 b. Chapman, 25 b. Charlemont, 42 b. Chaucer, 26 a b. Clarus, 24 a. Dacre, 42 b. Dalla Vecchia, 44 b. Da Pratovecchio, see Degli Albanzani. Dassaminiato, 23 b, 58 a. DegU Albanzani, 24 b, 25 a. Del&luze, 11 b. Develay, 24 a, 25 b, 26 b, 28 a. Dobson, 22 b. Dolce, 27 a. Esmenard du Mazet, 43 b. Euganea, see Robert! Franco. Fanti, 44 a. Ferrai, 28 a. Flaminio, 44 a. Forster, 44 a, 49 a. Fracassetti, 27 *. Francisco de Madrid, 23 b. Garcez, 45 a. Gaudo, 28 a. Gelenius, see Hruby. Grenailles, 22 b. Gries, 44 a. Hagberg, 45 a. Henderson, 42 a. Higginson, 15 "• Hooft 40 b. Hruby, 22 a. Hiibner, 44 a, Hume, 42 a. Hunt, 42 b. Jones, 41 a. Kekule, 44 a. Krigar, 44 a. KuUberg, 45 a. Lea, 43 a. Le Due, 43 b. Lefebvre de Villebrune, 48 b. Le Mcsurier, 41 b. Leoni, 27 b. Levati, 16 a, 25 b. Levesque, 43 b. Lofft, 42 b. Macgregor, 42 b. Makleghem, 43 a. Marchetti, 28 a. Marretti, 28 a. Mehul, 43 b. Merivale, 42 b. Montanari, 27 a. Montesquiou, 43 b. Morley, 42 a. Nannini, 23 b. Nott, 41 a i5, 42 a. Oresme, 22 b, Orlandini, 24 a. Paccard, 26 b. Pagano Paganini, 27 b. Palesa, 27 b. Pallavicino-Mossi, 27 b. Paoletta, 27 b. Parolari, 24 a. Penn, 41 b. Piegadi, 44 a. Polacco, 28 a. Poulenc, 43 b. Racheli, 25 b. Remigio, see Nannini. Robert! Franco, 28 a. Saint-Genius, 43 b. Salusque, see Usque. Sassoli, 27 *. Smith, 41 b. Spenser, 40 b, Tomlinson, 49 b. Twyne, 22 a. Usque, 44 b. Vigilius, 25 a. Watson, 43 a. Wernher, 23 a. WoUaston, 42 b. Wrangham, 42 b. Wyatt, 43 a. Troubadours, 8 a, 14 a. TuUus Hostilius, 25 a. Twyne, T., 22 a *. ^ Tytler, A. F., lord Woodhouse- Ice, 12 *, 37 *. XTgoni, C, 13 b. tnioa, A. d', 44 b, 45 a. TJrceo, A., 13 a. Urbani, D., 46 a. Valentinelli, G., 46 a. VaUa, L., 20 b. Valori, H. Z. de, 9 a. Valori-Rustichelli, 15 a. "Varchi, E., 35 b. Vami, S., 11 a. Vasari, G., 55 a, 56 a. Vaucluse, 41 a, 57 b. Arnavon, 7 b. Bianchetti, 8 b. Costaing de Pusignan, II a. Courtet de I'Isle, II a. Gu^rin, 14 b. Hipp, 15 a. MMvica, 16 b. RouUeaux, 47 b. Watterston, 50 b. Veludo, G., 40 a, 45 b. Venice. Fulin, 13 b. Malmignati, 16 b. Ventoux, Mont, 11 b. Verdier, Mmc. S. A., 7 b. Vico, G. B., 25 b. Villari, P., 15 b. Virgil, 42 a, 55 a. ViRIS ILLUSTRIBUS, VlT/E DE, 24 i5-25 a, 59 b. Vita solitaria, De, 24 a i, 58 b. Vitaliano, O. I., 8 b. Vittorio Emanuele II., king, 40 b. ■Wagner, A., 3S b. Ward, C, 47 b. Wauters, C, 57 a. Wernher, A., 23 a. Wolf. F. A. , 44 a. Woodhouselee, lord, see Tyt- ler, A. F. "Wyatt, T., 41 a. Zauli Naldi, F., 45 b. Zeno, A., 13 a, 59 a. Zeviani, C. A., 37 a. Zimmermann, J. G., 51 b. r ADDENDA. The following titles embrace works received after the Catalogue of Petrarch Books had been com- piled. Bisso, G. B. Introduzione alia volgar poesia in due parti divisa dal Pa Giambatista Bisso palermi- tano della compagnia di Gesu' professore di Ret- tiirica nel Collegio Massimo di Palermo. Prinia cdizione Veneta. Accresciuta e migliorata. Venezia, 1772, Indi'ich. . . . 8^. pp. 302. Constant illustrations drawn from Petrarch. Corso, R. Fondamenti | del parler J thoscano. | Di Rinaldo Corso. I Non prima vedvti corretti, | et accrescivti. I In Vmetia [5'tTm, 1550]. S". ff. [104]. On the L-p. is the printer's mark (a cat), of Sessa: there is no colophon. Frequent Petrarch references and citations. G-azzera, C. Osservazioni bibliografiche let- terarie intorno ad un operetta falsamente ascritta al Petrarca, dell' abate Constanzo Gazzera, assistente alia biblioteca della regia universita. 4°- PP- 33 J-384. Original edition from Tom. xxviii. ofMemo- rie della reale accadtmia di Torino (Scisnze moralz), 1824. See Ferrazzi, p. 227. Osservazioni bibliografiche letterarie in- torno ad un' operetta falsamente ascritta al Petrarca del professore Costanzo Gazzera, assistente alia bib- lioteca della regia universita. Torino, dalla s/nm- peria reale MDCCC XX III. 40. pp. 56. Separate reprint of the preceding. Ideler, L. Handbuch der italianischen Sprache und Litteratur, oder Auswahl interessanter Stiicke aus den klassischen italianischen Prosaisten und Dichtern nebst Nachrichten von den Verfassern und ihren Werken von Ludwig Ideler. . . . Berlin, iSoo-02. 3 V. 80. Vol. i., 1800, Prosaischer Theil, engr. t-p., pp. XVI, 704: ii., 1802, Poetischer Theil, Abth. 1., engr. L-p., pp. viii, 456; iii., 1802, Poetischer Theil, Abth. II., engr. t.-p., pp. 533> f- [^1- Petrarca, vol. i., pp. 49-83. Israels, A. H. Twee epidemien in Nederland, eene historische-pathologische studie. [Amsterdam, Van dc-r J'osI, 1833]. 8". pp. [45']-455, 463-466, [473I-477. [4831-487.,, Lacfc pp. [4611-462. Exti-acted from the NederUindscli WsekNad voor geneesktiiuiisen, 111., 43, 44, 45, 46 (22 0ct.-i2 Nov. 1853), containing citation from the Epist de red. /ainil. lib., viii, 7. James, C. Poems by Charles James, author of the Military dictionary, Regimental companion, etc., etc. . . . Third edition, with additions. . . . London, Rcnuorth^ 1S08. 2 V. 120. Vol. i., IF. [6], pp. xlvii, 215, 6 pi. : ii., ff. [6], pp. 288, 3 pi. Petrarch to Laura, a poetical epistle, with a front- ispiece representing Petrarch at Vauclu-se, vol. i., pp. 39-58- A portrait of Petrarch forms frontispiece to vol. ii. La'wrence, E. The Italian poets. [New York, Hatper, 1878.] 80. pp. 816-828. Extract from Marper^s New Monthly Magazine, no. cccxxxvi.. May, 1878, vol. Ivi. Pp. 821-823 relate to Petrarch. Malipiero, G. II Petrarca spiritvale, no- | va- mente ristampato, et dal- | 1' avttore con nvova addi- W. F. . At end: In Venetia D. XLV. Nel I mese di I tione reconoscivto. | . nel anno del | signore. M genagio. So. ff. 169 [10]. On the L-p. a portrait in laurel wreath, under which is the line, Francisci vera e^^ies, &^ imago Pe- trarcee, and on reverse of t.-p. a full-page womi.riit. the name of the author is given at the top of the second ft>liu, Dialogo di /rate Hyeronytno Maripetro Vepictiaiw, etc. For three other editions see the Catalogue. Meinhard, J. N. M. Johann Nic. Meinhard Versuche iiber den Charakter und die Werke der besten italianischen Dichter. . . . Neue Anf- lage. . . . Braunschweig, Waysenhaus-Btich- handlung, ITJ/^. 3 V. 80. Vol. i., ff. [19], pp. 8-279; ii., pp. 280; iii., pp. 136. Ueber Franz Petrarca, vol. i. , pp. [1751-279. Muratori, L. A. Della perfetta poesia italiana spiegata, e dimostrata con varie osservazioni. . . . Air illustrissirao, ed eccellentissimo Sig. March. Alessandro Botta-Adorno. Modena, Soliani, 1706. 2 V. 40. Many Petrarch allusions and citations. Petrarca, Francesco. LATIN WRITINGS. 1473. Viri preclarissimi . . . Francisci Pe- trarche bucolicum carmen incipit. At end: Ex- plicitfl est feliciter impssu colonic p me Arnoldii Ter Hoerne anno Dfii 1473. f«. ff. [30]. Not in Hortis; see Brunet, vol. iv., col. 568-569. 1736. Epistole di Franc. Petrarca recate in Ita- liano da Ferdinando Ranalli. Milano, Sihestri, M. DCCC. XXXVI. 80. portr. pp. vi, 272. Biblioteca scelta di opere greche e latine tradotte in lingua italiana, vol. 44: Francesco Pe- trarca, epistole. ConLains a Discorso del traduttore ; anno- tazioni al discorso ; prcfazione di Francesco Petrarca intorno le Epistole di cose familiari ; and translations of 30 letters. n. d. Lettera di Francesco Petrarca a Giberto Bajardi, grammatico parmigiano, recata dal latino in italiano dal professore Araadio Ronchini. [n. d., n. p.] 80. pp. 8. The same translation is given in Ronchim's Di- mora del Petrarca in Parma, Modena, 1874 (pp. 21-26), but this is an earlier edition, to judge by the paper and printing. The page and type are likewise smaller. ITALIAN WRITINGS. 1472. [A piedi colli delabellauesta.] At end : Francisci petrarcae laureati poetae | necnon secre- tarii apostolici | benemeriti. Rerum | uulgariQ frag- me I ta ex original! I libro e.xtracta [ In urbe pa| tauina Ii | ber abso I lutus est | foeliciter. | Bar. de ValVle. patauus. F. F. | Martiims de seple bus Prutenus. I M. CCCC. LXXll. ( DIE VI NO I VEN I BIRS. I Martiims de seplem arbori- CCCC. LX fo. ' ff. [185)'. This copy lacks the first three^ folios of the eight which contain the Ubie at the beginning of the volume : otherwise it ia complete. Hortis, 6. 1473. A pie di colli dela bella uesta. At end: Francisci Petrarcae poetae | excellentissimi tri- PETRARCH BOOKS. vmphvs I sextvs et vltimvs de | eternitate explicit | M. CCCC I. .XXIII. Nicolao Mar|cello Principe regnante iuijpressvm fvit hoc opvs | foeliciter in Venetiis | finis, fo. ff. [i86]. The present copy of this edition, printed by Nicolo Jenson, lacks only the blank leaf, or f [81, at the end of the table. The binder has placed the table at the end of the volume, but it properly belongs at the beginning. The bind- ing is old calf, with the anns of J. A. de Thou. Hortis, 7, where the copy lacks both the table and the blank leaf, tliat \s, ff. [iHsj. 1473. Oi chascoltate in rime sparse | il suono [ At end: iM.CCCC.LXXIII. | Impressum p An- tonium zarotu paimesem. fo. ff. [12S]. Printed at Milan. Roman letter. The copy- lacks two folios. I'he first folio is illurainaled. Not in Hortis. 1481. p Rohemio del prestante Oratore et Poeta Messer Francesco Philelpho al Illu|strissimo et inuictissimo principe Philippo Maria Anglo Duca de Milano At end : Finisse il commento deli Sonetti et Canfone del Petrarcha : composto per el presta] tissimo oratore & poeta Messer Francesco Philelpho. Impresso nella inclyta Citta da ] Uenexia: per Leo- nardii Wild de Ratisbona nelli anni del Signore M.CCCC.LXXXJ. Ad lUustrissimum Mutine Ducein Dinum Borsium Estensem Bernard! glicini At end: Finisse il co- mento delli triumphi del Petrarcha composto per il prestantibsimo philo|sopho chiamato messer Ber- nardo da Sena : Impresso nella inclyta citta da Uenexia p ) Leonardo Wild de Ratisbona nelli anni del Signore. M. CCCC. LXXXJ. fo. ff. [75], [173]. The second part, or Triumphi, lacks the blank leaf {f. aj). Hortis, lo. 1492-4. Tabvla | Per informatione et dechiara- tione di questa I Tabula At end : Finit Petrarcha nuper summa diligetia a reuerendo. P. ordinis mi- noru magistro Gabriele bruno uene|to terrce sanctie ministro emendatus anno domini. M, CCCCL- XXXXXII. die XII. Januarii. Tabvla | Azo che tu el qual ne lopera At end: Finisse gli soneti di Misser F"racescho Petrarcha coreti et castigati p me Hieronynio Centone Padoua I no. Impress! i V'enetia p Piero de Zohane di quaregi Bergamascho. Nel. M.CCCCLXXXXIIII. Adi. XVH. Zugno. Regnante lo inclito et glorioso principe Augustinu Barbadico. f". ff. [7], cxxviU, cj. Hortis, i8, where the 7 unnumbered ff. at the beginning are given as 8. 1504. Le cose volgari | di Messer | Francesco Pctrarclia. A! end: Impresso in Firenze a petitione di Philippo di (Jiu|ta cartolaio, Nel Anno Mille. D.iiii. I a di. X. di Marzo. et nuova|mente riueduto Deo I gratias. 80. ff [187]. The first Giunta edition. Hortis, 27. 1512. Opera del preclarissimo Poeta Miser Fran|cesco Petrarcha con li comenti sopra li | Tri- mnphi : Soneti : el Canzone hi|sloriate el noua- mente corette | per Miser Nicolo Pe|razone co molte acu|te et excellente | additione. . . . Fin- isse il Petrarcha Con Tre Comenti | Stampado in Milano per Joanne | Angelo Scinzeuzeler. | Anno domini. M. CCCCCXII. adi. VIII. del Mese di Mazo. Sonetti et Canzoe de | Miser Francescho | Pe- trarcha. At end : Finisse li Soneti et Canzone de Miser Francesco Petrarca ben correti per Nico|lo Peranzone altramente Riccio Marchesiano : li quali sonetti incomincianldo dal principio insino al sonet- to tiamma dal ciel su le tue trezze piojua: sono expoUi per el degno poeta Miser Frace.sco Philelpho I et da li indrio insino qui sono exposti per il Spec- tabile | Miser Ilieronymo Squarcialii;o .Mex.indrino I Et etiam tutti gli ditti sonetti sono e.\po|.->li p lo Eximio Miser Antonio da | Tepo. Stapadi in Mi- lano I per Joane J Scinzenzeler. fo. ff. [10], cxxviii, 116. Hortis, 34. 1513. Li Sonetti, Canzone, e Triumphi del Pe- trarcha con li soi comment! non senza grandissima evigilantia et summa diligentia correpti et in la loro primaria integrita et origine restituti noviter in lit- tera cursiva studiossimamente impressi. At end: Finiscono e .Sonetti e Canzoni de Meser Francesco Petrarcha : con li suoi cofhenti stampadi per opera de Meser Bernardino Stagnino in Venesia del mese de Maggio. M. DXIII. regnate linclyln Principe Leonardo Lauredano. Triomphi di Meser Francesco Petrarc'ia con la loro optima spositione. At end : I Triomphi moral- issimi del Petrarcha co ogni diligentia transunti da lexepio di quel che scritto di mano propria del poeta per tulto esser se afierma: con li oplin^i et eruditis- simi comentarii de lunico et excellen'.issimo inter- prete Meser Bernardo Illicinio in lantiquaria loro dignita redotti felicimete finiscono in \'enegia im- pressi nel anno. M. D. XIII del mese di Maggio per opera de Meser Bernardino Stagnino regnante il serenissimo Principe Leonardo Loredano. 40. This copy is now (December, 1882) still in London. Not in Hortis, but see Marsand, pp. 31-32, from whom the above title is copied. 1516. II Petrarcha. At end : Impresso in Mi- lano in cassa | de Alexandre Minutiano M D XVI | Del mese de | febr. 80. ff. clxxxiii. Hortis, 39. 1538. II Petrarca con I'espositione d'Alessandro Velutello. . . . MDXXXVIII. 40. See Catalogue, p. 31 b. A third copy with a beautifully wntten title-page in lieu of the printed one, reading Messer | francesco Petrarca | sonetti, canzoni | e | triomphi cio ia xxx- viii, I from which the three Babylonian sonnets have been elided (reverse of f 141 and obverse and reverse of f 142), but afterwards restored in very handsome MS. 1539. II Petrarcha | nvovamente conferito | con essemplari antichi scritti al tempo ch' egli era in | vita, et con somma diligenza corretto con | le figure a luoghi suoi accomodate. | Aggiuntaui la spositione de luoghi difficili del Petrarcha, et le regole de gli accent!. At end : Impresso in Vinegia, per Giouan' Antonio di Nicolini da Sabio; Ad in stantia di M. Marchiii Sessa. Nel Anno del Signore. M.D. - XXXIX. 80. ff. 184, [32]. Hortis, 61. 1544. II Petrarcha | con I'espositione | d'.\les- sandro Velvtello | di novo ristampato con le figv|re ai triomphi, et con piv cose | vtili in varii Ivnghi ag- givnte. In Venctia appresjso Gabriel GioU | di Ferrarii | MDXXXXIIII. At end: II fine delle opre volgari di M. Franlcesco Petrarcha, Stanip.ite in Venetia per Gabriel Gioli | di Ferrarij d;i Trino di Monferra I'anno di nostra salute | MDXLIIIl. 8". a. [8], 197, [7]. The seventh Velutello edition. Hor- tis, 6g. 1547. II Petrarca | corretto da | M. Lodovico | Dolce, I et alia sva | integrita | ridotto. At end : In Vinegia appresso Gabriel | Giolito de Ferrari | MDXLVII. i2'>. ff. igs, [7]. Lacks the second unnumbered folio in the table, tlortis, 77. 1553. II Petrarca | Novissimamcnte revis|to, e corretto da M. | Lodovico Dolce. | Con alcvni dottiss. Averli|menti di M. Giulio Camillo et In- dici del Dolce | utiliss. di concetti, e delle parole, | che nel Poeta si trouano. At end : In Vinegia ap- presso Gabriel I Giolito De Ferrari e fratelli. M.D.- Lm. 12" ff. 386, [5I, 4 bl. leaves. Copy on blue paper. Hor- tis, 96. PETRARCH BOOKS. 1558. II Petrarca. | Nvovamenle | revisto, e | ri|coretto da M. | Lodovico Dolce. Con alcvni dottissimi | .^uertimenti di M. Giulio Camillo | . . . At end : in Viiiegia .ippresso Gabriel | Giolito de' Ferrari. | MDLVIU. ij". pp. 488, 132, Printed on vellum. Not in Hortis, but see Mariand, p. 71. 1562. II I Petrarca | con dichiarationi | non piv Stampate. | Insieme con alcune belle Annotalioni, | Iratte dalle doltissime Prose di Monsi|gnor Beniho, cose aomm.iraeiite vtili, | \ chi di rimare leggiaclra- mente, ci sen|za volere i segni del Petrarca pas- sare, | si prende cura. | E piii una conserua di lutte le sue rime ridotte | sotto le cinque lettere vocali. | . . . In Venetia, appresso Niccol6 | Beuilacqua. 1562. 12°. pp. 490, bL If., pp. 259, f. [1]. After the bl. If. follows the L-p., Tiivota di \ tzitU le rime \ de i sonctti e \ canzoni del 1 Petrarca, Ridotte co i versi \ interi sotto le cinque lettere \ uocali. In yenetia, | A/ifiresso Nicold BeuiUuqua. | M D- LXU. (t.-p., pp. 3-259, f [i]. Hortis, 114. 1564. II I Petrarca | Rivedvto, | et corretto, ] et I di bellisissime | figvre ornato. At end: In Vinegia, appresso Gio. Grifio. MDLXIIII. 120. ff. 162, [7]. Hortis, 119. 1568. II Petrarca, con dichiarationi non piii stampate. Insieme con alcune belle Annotationi, tratte dalle dottisime prose di Monsignor Bembo, cose sommamente utili, a chi di rimare leggiadra- mente, et senza volere i segni del Petrarca passare, si prende cura. E piu una conserva di tutte le sue rime ridotte sotto le cinque lettere vocali. In Ve- netia, appresso Nicol6 Bevilacqua. 1568. At end : In Venetia appresso NicoloBevilacqua. MDLXVIII. 120. This copy is not yet received from London. Not in Hortis: see Marsand, p. 79. 1570. 11 Petrarca | Di novo | ristampato, | Et diligentemente corretlo. | At end: In Venetia, ap- presso Nicol6 I Beuilacqua 1570. 24". Nut yet received from London. Hortis, 123, which is imperfect. Marsand, p. 79. 1573. II I Petrarca | Con dichiarationi non piu I Stampate. | Insieme con alcune belle Annotationi, tratte | dalle doltissime Prose di Monsignor Bem| bo, cose sommamente vtili, a chi di rima|re leggia- dramente, & senza volere i segni | del Petrarca pas- sare, si prende cura. | Et piu una conserua di tutte le sue rime, | ridotte sotto le cinque lette | re vocali. In Venetia, Appresso Domenico I Nicolini. M D- LXXIII. sm. 8". pp. 544, 256. After p. 544 is a new t-p., Tavola \ di tvtte \ le Rime de i Sonetti, \ b' Canzoni del\ Petrarca, \ Ri- dotte CO i ( 7'ersi interi sotto le cinque 1 lettere vocali. | /n I V- netia, | AJ^presso Domenico Nicolini^ M D LXXIL, compris- ing the Rnnario of Ridoiti, filling the above cited 256 pp. Hor- tis, 124. 1573. 11 I Petrarca | rivedvto, | et corretto, ( et I di bcllisbime | figvre ornato. J ... In Vinegia, appresso Gio. Griphio, | M D LXXIII. | 120. ff. 162, [8J. Hortis, 125, who makes the unnumbered ff. at the end Oiily 6. The present copy has 8, of which the first 7 are occupied by the Tavola^ and the 8th h.as on the ob- verse the printer's mark {a griffin standing on a book), the reverse being blank. 1574. II I Petrarca | con nvove | spositioni, | Nelle quali, oltre I'altre cose, si dimo|stra | qual fusse il vero giorno & | I'hora del suo inna | mora- mento. | Insieme alcune molto vtili tS: belle annota- tioni I d'intorno alle regole della lingua Toscana, | E vna conserua di tutte le sue rime ridotte | co' versi interi sotto le lette|re vocali. I . . . In Lyone, | Appresso Gulielmo Rouillio, | 1574. | . . . i6'. fr. [24J, pp. 19-588, fr. (25], bl. If., pp. 294, ff. (4I. The number of the last page of the Canzonierc is, by a printer s blunder, 558 (instead of 588), an error not discovered by Mar- sand (p. 82). After the blank leaf, cited above, is a new t.-p., Tavola dt \ ti'tte le rime \ de i sonetti e | canzoni del \ Pe- trar\ca, \ ridotte co i ver\si interi sotto | le lettrre vocalu \ . . . In Lyone, [ Appresso Gulielmo Rouillio | 1574, j . . . being Ridoffl's Rimano, with its own pagination (t.-p., pp. 3-294). The 4 unnumbered ft", at the end cuntiiin the Tavola di tvtte le voci ridotte sotto le cinque lettere vocali. Hortis, 127, where the 24 unnumbered ff. preceding p. 19, the 25 which follow p. 580, and the succeeding bl. If are given as 80 pages senza Humeri. The contents answer completely to the descrip- tion of Marsand (pp. 81-82). 1583. II I Petrarca. | Rivedvto | et Corretto 1 E di bellissime Figure ornato. In Venetia J ap- presso Fabio et Agostino Zopini. | MDLXXXX.III. I At end : In Venetia, | .\ppresso Francesco de' Franceschi. | M.D.L.XXXIII. 120. ff 164, [5]. Hortis, 134. 1586. II I Petrarca | Di nvovo | Ristampato, | Et diligentemente corretto. In Venetia, | Appresso gli Heredi di Pietro I Dehuchino. 1586. 240. pp. 336, [10]. Hortis, 138. 1805. Le rime di m. Francesco Petrarca illus- trate con note dal p. Francesco Soave c. r. s., pro- fessore di filosofia nell' university di Pavia. Milano, Ciassiei ittiliani, 1 805. 2 V. 8"^. Vol. i., 2 portrs., pp. cxvii, f [i], pp. 272: ii., pp. 356, f [ij. This is the original Soave edition (Hortis, 205), the tide given in the Catalogue (p. 37 b) being that of the reprint (Hortis, 206), which was made in 1820, but with the old date. The two differ in the paging, paper, and in other slight par- ticulars. In French. [1538.] Les Triiiphes de Petrarque tr.aduictes de lague Tuscane en Rhime francoyse par le Baron d'Opede. Paris, chez les Angeliers [1538I. 80. ff [8], 108. 1606. Le Petrarque en Rime Fran9oise, avecq ses commentaires traduict par Philippe de Malde- ghem Seigneur de Leyschot. Douay, chez Fr. Fa- bry. So. Copy still in London. ASCRIBED WRITINGS. 1478. Inconiincia . La . tavola . della . presente . ope|ra . di messer . Francie-|sco . Petrarca. At end: Impressum . Florentiae . apvd . Sanc|tvm Jacobvm . de . Ripoli . Anno . Domilni . M.CCCC- LXX.VIII. fo. ft' [103]. Lacks f P4. The first edition of the apoc- ryphal Chronica delle vite de pontejici e imperatori. Hortis, 408. Poeti del primo secolo della lingua italiana in due volumi raccolti. . . . Firenze, 1816. 2 V. 8'i. Vol. i., pp. ix, 552, f fi] : ii., ff. [2], pp. 547. Italian verse just anterior to Petrarch, ranging from 1197 to 1300. Rime di diversi et eccellenti autori, raccolte da i libri da noi allre volte impressi. In Vinegia, Ap- presso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari et fratelli. MDLVI. 12". Bound in two volumes. [Schmidt, K. E. K.] -•Vn meine Minna; nach der 26ten Canzone des Petrarca. Lenigo, Meyer, 1772. 80. ff [8]. A Petrarchan imitation. Schiick, Julius. Aldus Manutius und seine Zeilgenossen in Italien und Deutschland ; im An- hange : die Familie des Aldus liis zu ihrem Ende ; von Dr. Julius Schiick, Oberleherer am Magda- lenaum im Breslau. Berlin, Diinimler, 1862. 80. pp. viii, f. [i], pp. 151. Petrarch allusions, pp. 11, 12, 31, 50, 75 '• notice of Francesco da Bologna, pp. 55-56. Several of the works, of which the titles are given above, were purchased at the recent sale of the Sunderland collection in London, and some have not yet reached America. For this reason the titles are not to be considered as transcribed, in all instances, with exactness. II HAND-LIST OF PETRARCH EDITIONS FLORENTINE PUBLIC LIBRARIES V BIBLTOGEAPHICAL y NOTICES t XOTE. In the aocompanj'ing bcok-list, which is printed for my own convenience, the titles are given in a greatly abridged form, but it is believed that, with the date, place, printer's or publisher's name and size, they will suffice for the identification of any particular edition, Tlie few inserted notes are intended to indicate the extent of the deficiencies of the Floren- tine libraries in Petrarch literature. A brief appendix at the end comprises a concise list of the most useful works on Petrarch bibliographj". The names of editors , commentators and translators , whenever given , are printed in Italics ; an asterisk (*) denotes an imperfect copy ; a dagger (f ) shows that the edition is lacking in my own collection. The different Florentine libraries are distinguished as fol- lows: — r, National Library (Magliabechian and Palatine); I, Library of the Istituto di Studi Superiori; Ii, Laurentiau Library: M, MaruceUian Librarj^; R, Kiccardian Li- brary. Abbreviations of the names of places are the usual ones, as Amat., Amsterdam; Augsh., Augsburg; Bus., Basilea, Basle; Bol,, Bon., Bologna, Bononia; Crem. , Cre- mona; Fi)-., Flor., Firenze, Florentia, Florence; Frhf., Frankfort; Li2>s., Lipsia, Loipsic; Lh., Livomo, Leghorn; LonJ., Loudra, London; LuyrL, Lugduuum ; Mil., McdioL, Milano, Mediolanum ; A'njj., Napoli, Naples; Pad., Pat., Padova, Patavium; Pa^., Palermo; i-'or. , Parigi , Paris ; i?o(. . Eotterdam, Eoterodamum; Ven., ^'in.,Ye- nezia, Venetia, Vinegia; Tic. , Vicenza. PL, pr., d., signify ^jtocc, printer, date, re- spectively. W. F. Villa Foriui, Florence, March ItiSU. PETRARCH EDITIONS IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES OF FLORENCE. I. COLI.KCTIVE WHITINGS. ItOG. Opora latina. Bas. , per Magistrum loaunem tie Amerbach. f''. F. TliLTc "as no edition of tlio collectcil worts previous to thi.s. Citations (.f prcti'mliMl editions of Devciitcr Mill, li.tiilc lliH and MM, and Vouicc ll'Jii rust upon biblio- tjraphieal errors. 1501. Opera latina. Vcn. , per Simono de Lucre. 2 v. f^ F. B. R lias IVIS notes Ijy A. M. Salvini and L. Melius. 1503. Opera latina. Ven., per Simonem Pa- pieusem dictum Biuilaquam. f . F. M. R. Tile final r>0 folios (sif^. A-K) contain the lincoUeum Car- men , with the conunentary of Heiivenuto da Imola. At the end of this is what is iu appearance a colophon clo- sing thus: — per via Marcam lioriyono de Vetlet^ . Anyli/f , fl. nostnlcsu CTisliciirrentibttn . M. ccccxvi . Die. yii. lulii. This date (1416) has given rise to much discussion. It is, however, simply the date on which the scribe or copyist, Marco Oriffono . completed his transcript of the text and commentary, and was copied by the compositors from the MS used in printing the work. No printer by the name of Marco Origono ever existed either at Venice or elsewhere. 1554. Opera latina etitalioa; J. Uerold.'Ba.s., Henrichus Petri. 2 (in 4) v. f°. F. 1581. Opera latina et italica; /. Herold. Bas., per Sebastianviu Henricpotri. 2 (in 3) v. f". F. M. R. These » comprise all the editions of the collective writ- ings. A pseudo edition, in 2 stout volumes in IG", was issued at Berue SaniptUais E.i(ti'v le Pri-nr , with the (late mm. and under tin- title. Francisci Petrar- chse opervm tomus primus | alter], but it is merely the Latin prose treatises pubIi^lK•d by I.e Preux, in various previous years, bound together and provided with a new general title-page. 11. LATIN WOltKf: (fitiiSK). A. De remediis utriusque fortunae. 1. Latin Text. 1474? De remedys. No pi., no pr. , no d. The first edition, probably printed at .Strasburg by Ileiiirieh Kggestein. Hain 12790. 1492. De reinodii.s; N. Lugarl. Crem.,B6r- nardini. de misintis do Pap. ac Cassaris Par- inonsis socioruni diligenti opera. 4". F. 1507. Do remcdijs vtriusq; fortune. Par., Lambert. 8". F.' Not the work by Petrarch, but the compend of it, ascribed to Adrianus carthusiensis, U4 ard Genev,a 1610. The German version by S. Vigilius, with wood-cut illustrations , had four editions in folio between 1541 and 1591; and a French anonymous trans- lation was published at Lyons in 1532 and in 1551. 11. Itinerarium syriacmn. 1847. Itinerarium liierosolymitanum-frag- nientum, in Mai - Spicilegium romanum, viii., p. 512. Eomae, typis CoUegii Urbaui. 8". F. I. Psalmi poenitentiales. 1. Latin Text. t 1491. Psalmi, in Iiudolfus de Saxonia- Psalterium, if. '222-223. Spirte, no pr. f". F. f 1514. Psalmi, in Ludolfus de Saxonia- Psalterium, ft', at end of volume. Par., Jean Petit. 4". F. 1518. Psalmi, in Ludolfus de Saxonia- Psalterium, if. covi-ccvii. Lugd., J. Moylin. 4". F. M. t 1521. Psalmi, in Ludolfus de Saxonia- Psalterium, f. 143. Ven., Scotus. f". F. 1604. See II. B. 1. other editions of the commentary on the Psalter by Lndolf of Saxony contain the Penitential Psalms, which are usually followed by the Psalmi confess ionalcs. likewise .iscrihed to Petrarch. The two were issued together at Venice 1473, being possibly the earliest edition of the Psalmi. 2. In Italian. 181C. Li salmi. Eoma,DeEomaui§. 12". M. FLORENTINE LWIURIES. 1821. I sotte salmi; -J. Levati. Ber°:amo, Mazzoleni. 8". F. 1827. I settesalmi; J. /^cta(i. Fir., Societa tipografica. 8". F. Tlu'sc last two include also the Penitential Psalms of Dante. — Various other Italian versions exist, as well as translations in Knj,'lish and (lerman, and an incomplete one in Hebrew. .1. Epistolee. L.^TiN Text. flt'O. Ad Cicoroncm (Fam., xxiv, 3), in Ci- ceronis Epistolae ad Atticum. ff. 176-177. Von., N. .Tenson. f". F. L. Proliably the earliest Petrarch letter in print. 1492. Epistole familiares,- .9. Mavili. Ven., J. & G. do Gregoriis. i". F. M. B. 1601. Eiiistolge. Lugd., Crispinus. 8". F.E.. The title-page of this edition is found in four difrorent forms: — 1. Lvgdani Apud Samitefcm Crisitinum; 2. With the place-name, Liujdrni, completely erascl : 3. With the sannr \vord erased l>y a cuncellinjr-blficii. and the plai-e- nanie, Genevan, hand-stamped above it; 1. Without any lilacc , Aptul I'etrum Jt'orfriiinum. 1754. Carolo delphino (Var., G3) ; Guidone card. (Var., 61 in Lazeri- Miscellanea, i., pp. 14.5-149. Eomifi apud frat. Palearinns. 2 v. &". R. 1772? Ad fratrem (Fam., x, 4). Xo pi., no pr. 4". F. Possibly printcc re miliiari (Noriberjjaj 1595); in Conrad Ile- rcsicvch De educaudis principum (Torga; l:AiS] ; and in Coldasfs Moiiar<-fna (FralK-ofordise IGll). The letters Sinr fifitttt , or portions of Ihetn. have been fretiuently is- su<-d I>y Protectant coutroversialists-the last time in 1702. 2. I.v Italian. l.")47. Pistole, in Prose antiche, pp. 33-40, 44-46, .07-58,68, 74-75. Fior., appresso il Do- ni. 4". B. Translations of 5 letters, with others by Dante, Hoc. caeeio and later writers; reprinted at Florence 1723 and at I'llinc 1K.)1. 1518. Epistole famigliari , in Epistole di G. Flinio, di M. Franc. Petrarca, ff. 31-lU. Viii., (Tiolito. 8". F. M. N'ersinns of :il letters iiy L. Dolce. 1824. Varie opore filosofiohe (Sen., iv, 1 and xiv, 1). Mil., Silvestri. 8". F. PubMslie.l with tile ami II segreto. isays Delia vera sapienza 1834. Opere filosofiohe (Sen., iv.l an. In French. tl491. La pacience dc Griselidis (Son., xvii, 3). Troye, G. leKouge. 4". F. Tlicre :lre an iiiliuife number of translations and p.t- raphrases of the Griselda tale in Ilu- modern languages of Europe, of which many were printed in the Quat- trocento. The most complete account of these is in U. Kohler's essay, Grisetda, in the Erscli and Gruber --1 Wjemein^ Enc'jklopadief sect. I, xci. III. LATIX irO/.'A'.V (VKltSE). 1. I.ATiN Text. 1504. Bvcolicon, tnEclogae,ft'. 13-75. Flor., Giunta. 8'. M. tl.504. Carmen in laudemHieronymi. Fano, .Soncino. 8". F. tl546. Bucolioa, in Bvcolicorvm avtores XXXVni, pp. 71-139. Bas., Oporinus. 8". F. B. 1558. Bvcolica, Africa, Epistolae. Bas., no pr. 8". F. The printer w.as Oporiims : the lirst edition of this col- lection of the Latin poems was H;i.s.. l.jll. 1720. Epistolae poeticae, in Carmina illu- ! PETJiARCU EDITIOXS. strium poetariun italorum, vii, pp. loT-lGR. Plor., apud J. C. Tartinium. 11 v. 8". M. R. 1829-34. Poemata minora; D. de'Iiossitli. Me- dio!., soc. typ. Classicorura. 3 v. 8". F. M. With Italian versions hy \avioiis bands en /(ti-f, aud a .second title. Poesie minori. 1872. Africa: L. Pimiaud. Par., Tliorin. S . I. L. 1874. Africa ; /•'. Corradlni, in Padova a Francesco Petrarca,pp. 74-474. Pad., Semi- uario. 4". F. I. The other chief editious of the Eclogues iu the origi- nal are those of Cologne (A. ter Hoernen) 1483: Daveii- ter 14Sli); Paris 15U2; and Uaventei- 1508. 2. In It.m.i.vs. 1-570. Africa; i''.3/«r!'cWt. Ven.,Farri. 4". F. Books i'iii only. 1776. Africa,: F, Rohcfti Franco. Pad., Coii- zatti. 8". F. Book i only, Iraii-slated under the pseudonym, ICglc Euganea. 1820-34. Poesie minori. See III. 1. 187U. Africa; A. Palesa. Pad., Sacchetti. 8". F. L. M.- 1874. Africa: G. B. Gaudo. Oneglia. Ghi- lini. 8". F. M. Tr.in:slaliou> of portions of tlie Africa hare liei-ii pu- blished by (i. Cuutonio, (t. I. Montanari aud (l. Pcrti- cari ; and of the Jlitcolica by L. Bioudi aod B. 8. Turzo. V. Dcvclay has givyu to the world a complete versiou of l*etrarch's epic in Frouch prose (Par., 1S82). IV. ITALIAX WOIiKS. A. The Hime (complete). 1470. Potrarca. Xo pi., Viudeliuus. f', r, li. The first edition of the Italian poems, printed at Ve- nice. Hain 1275:5. 1472. Kerum uul^ariuni fragmouta. Pat., Bar. de Valde. f . " F. The third edition, j>rinted by Bartolonieo Valdizoeco and Martinns dc septem arboribiis Prntenu.s. 1473. Carmina amorum; Triumphi. Yen., no pr. f '. F. E.. I'rinted liy Xieolo Jenson. H has marginal uoto/cf. Yin., Giolito. S'. F. R. Date at end of the volume MD.XI-IX. —Dolce corrected tlie te.Kt, but did not attempt to coininent it: his first edi- tion bears the date of 15'17. 1.549. Sonetti, canzoni, e triomphi; Daniel- lo. Yin., da Sabio. 4". F. M. R. The second and final edition with the cominentary "i Bernardino Danielle. 1.549. Lo Rime; Campano. Yin., Yalgrisi. 10'. F. Campano atlempled to revise the text. 1550. II Pctrarcha; Vellvtello. Yin., Gio- lito. 4". F. M. R. 1550. II Petrarcha; re//(Vt7/o. Yen., al se- gno della speranza. 8". F. 1550. II Petrarca; ^^t-nnci. Yin., Cihcrardo. 8". F. 1-550. II Petrarca. Lione, G. di Tovrnes- IG". F. The publisher, .Teau de Tourues, had previously issued editions ill 1545 and 1517. 1550. IlPetrarca. Lyone, Rouillio. 16". F. Tile first edition published by Koville. 15.51. IlPetrarca. Lyone, Bouillio. 16". F. There were two ditferent issues by Koville of this date. 1552. IlPetrarcha; Vellctello. Yin., Giolito. 4'. F. 1552. II Petrarcha; Vclletello. Yen., Giglio. 8'. F. I. 1553. IlPetrarcha; Gesvaldo. Yin., Giolito. 4". F. 1553. IlPetrarcha; Gesvaldo. Yen., Giglio. 4". F. I. M. R. 1554. II Petrarca; Vellvlello. Yin., Griffio. 4". F. 1554. II Petrarca; Doke, Camilla. Giolito. 2 V. 8". F. Tile annolalioiis and iude-Kcs form the second voUllne. I .11 I PETKAliCH JEDITIOXS. 1554. II Petrarca; Svscelli. Ven., Pietra- santa. 8. *F. Contains the rimario of Lanfrauco. Camillo. Vin., 1557. II Petrarca; Dolce, Giolito. 2v. 12'. F. 1558. II Petrarca; Vellvtello. Vin., Giolito. 4". F. 1558. II Petrarca. Lyone. Rouillio. 16°. F. 1.559. II Petrarca; Dolce, Camillo. Vin., Giolito. 2 V. 8." F. tl5,59. II Petrarca. Ven., Valgrisi. 12". F. B. 1560. II Petrarca; Velktello. Van., Valgrisi. 4". F. 1.560. II Petrarca; Dolce, Camillo. Vin., Gio- lito. 2 V. 12". F. Of the five issues of this year four were published by Ciolito. Ven., Beuilae- 1563. II Petrarca; Vellctello. qua. 4". F. 1.564. n Petrarca; Eidolfi. Lyone, Rouillio. 12". F. Witli tlie riin.irio of Ilirlolfi this eilition forms properly two volumes. 15(11. II Petrarca. Ven., Beuilacnua. 12". F. M. 1565. II Petrarca. Ven., Beuilacqua. 24". F. 1568. II Petrarca; VtUvtello. Ven., Beui- lacqua. 4". F. 1568. II Petrarca. Ven.. Beuilacqua. 12". F. B. • 1571^1. II Petrarca; Vellctello. Ven., Bertano. 4". F. 1573. II Petrarca. Ven., Nicolini. 16. F. M. 1573. II Petrarca. Vin., Griphio. 12". F. 1574. II Petrarcha; Gesvaldo. Vin., Vidali. 4". F. . 1574. II Petrarca; Eidolfi. Lyone, Rouil- lio. 16. F. 1579. II Petrarca. Vin., Farri. 12". F. 1581. II Petrarcha; Gesealdo. Ven., Grif- fin. 4". F. M. Dated .at the end MDLXXXir. The sixth aud last edi- tion with the commentary of Gesualdo. 1582. Le Rime; Castelvetro. tlabouis. 4". F. I. M. B. 1584. 11 'PctTarca; Vellvtello. Ven., Bertano. 4". F. Tlie twenty-fourth aud last edition having the complete commentary of Velhitcllo. 1586. II Petrarca. Ven., Angelieri. 16". F. 1.588. II Petrarca. Ven., Griifio. 12". F. 1592. II Petrarca. Ven., Barezzi. 12". F. The total number of known Cinrjueeento editions (KlUO-loUll) of the complete Rime is 136, of which 111 were from Venetian presses, HJ from those- of Lyons. o from those of Florence, and the remainder thus" divi- ded :■.- Milan. H; Toscolano, 2; Ancoua. Uasilea. liolo- cna. t'ano. Naples, 1 each. Among the noteworthy edi- tions of this period which aro not found in Klorenco may lif cited those of .Soncinb (Kauo. 150,3j ; Albertino da I.is- sona(Ven., 1503); CJiunta (Fir., 1501) licins the first .Tun- liiii' edition ; Scinzenzeler (.Mil., I;i07 and 1512) ; Ci. de fire- foriis (Yen., 1508). the earliest by that printer, and a ^till rarer one (Ven.. 1523) j Giunta (Flor., 1515) being Bas., P. de Se- the third Juntino ; P.aganino (Vin., 1515 and TvscvKv no, 1521) ; Francesco da Bologua (Bol., 1516) ; Guerraldi (Ancona, 1520); Zoppino (Ven., 1521), the first from his press; Sessa (Ven., 1526); G. de Tournes (Lionc, 1545), the earliest bearing the name of that city ; Kampazctto (Ven., 1557); and Zanetti (Ven. 15'.1.5) . the' last edition of the century. 1605. II Petrarca. Ven. , Alberti. 24". F. 1609. II Petrarca. Ven., Alberti. 24". F. 1610. II Petrarca. Ven., Misserini 24". *F. 1624. U Petrarca. Ven. , Misserini. 24". F. 1638. n Petrarca. Ven., Misserini 24". F. There arc two issues of this edition, one with wood- cut illustrations to the Trionfi , the other with larger ones on copper. 1851. n Petrarca. Ven., Guorigli. 24". F. The last complete edition of the .Seiccnto. Counting the double impression of 1638 as two, there wore in all. during that century. 1*7 editions, of which none were printed outside of Venice. All were in 2-1'*. 1711. Le rime; Tassoni, Mti~lo, Muratori. Mod., Soliani. 4". F. M. The first complete edition of the llinie after that of 1651 — a period eudjracing two generations. 1722. Le Rime. Pad., Comino. 8. F. B- With the date MDCCXXI at the end. 1727. Le Rime; Tassoni, Muzio, Muratori. Ven., Coleti. 4". F. B. 1732. Le Rime. Pad., Comino. 8". F. 1730. Le Rime. Ven., Bortoli. 12". M. 1741. Le Rime; Tassoni, Muzio, Muratori. Ven., Viezzeri. 4". M. 1746. Le Rime. Bergamo , Lanta'llotti. 12". F. 1747. Le Rime. Ven., Bortoli. 12". F. 1748. Rime; L. Bandini. Fir., all' insegna d' Apollo. 8". F. M. B. R with MS notes by G. Lanii. 1753. II Petrarca; S. Pagello. Feltre, Fo- glietta. 2v. 16". F. 1756. Le Rime ; CasleUetro. Ven., Zatta. 2 V. 4". F. The second and last edition wifli the couiincnt.iry of Castelvetro. 1768. Le Rime. Par., Prault. 2v. 12". F. 1778. Le Rime. Londra,' no pr. 2 v. 12". F. .-Vctu.ally printed at Leghorn by Masi. 1784. Francesco Petrarca; A. liuMii. Ven., Zatta. 2 V. 8". F. M. 1789. Le Rime. Par., Delalain. 2v. 12". F. 1797. Francesco Petrarca; .1. Ruhbi, Ven.. Valle. 2v. 8". F. 1799. Rime; G. J. Dionisi. Parma, tij>i Bo- doniani. 2 v. f". F. In form and type the largest of all the editions of the Rime. 1799. Rime. Parma, tipi Bodoniani. 2 v. 8". F. 1799. 1,0 Hime ; L. Beccadclli. Ver.,Giulari. 2v. 8°. F. 46 complete editions of the Rime appeared in the vi-ars 1700-n91>, of which 8 were published north of the Alps. 1800. Le Rime. Ven., Andreola. 12". F. FLORBNTINE LIBRARIES. 1805. LeEimo; F.Soace. Jlil., Tip.de'Clas- sici. 2 V. 8'. v. i, pp. cxviii, 272; ii, pp. 35t). F. M. B. A reprint of this eilitioii , OatiMl 1805, w.as executed at Milan 1820; it may lie recogiiize, at Naples ; the Reunine edition has a copyright note on the reverse of the title- folio of vol. i, and an Avvino detjli editon on pp. 971-972; both arc omitted in the connlerfeit. 1820-27. Rime; Tassoni.Muralori. Pad., tip. della Minerva. 2 v. 8". F. The latest edition containing the annotations of Jlura- tori and Tassoni, to which are addetl notes dr.awn from later commentators. Mu/.io's aro omitted, but, reckoning this, the .Muratori commentary passed through 7 editions. 1827. Parnaso classico italiano. Pad., tip. della Minerva. 4". F. There is a sjfccial title-page for Le tiimf did Petraifd. anil a distinct p.^gination (vii, 101). — The second (I)eing tile first in Italy) of the editions l). — The principal English translators have becYi lord Morley (Tryumphes . iibout 1540). Anna Hume (Triumphs, IGll), .T. Nott(177(. 1808), iioyil (Triumphs, 1807), \Vrangham 11817), the earl of Charlemont (1821'). Susan Wollaston (1811), Macgre- gnr (1851, 1851) and Cayloy (lS7!t). In 18:.H a complete version of the Rime, selected , from the various extant translations, aiijieared at LonI}. V. ASCIilBED WOliKS. A. Latin. 1874. Scritti ineditij A, Horfis. Trieste, tip. del Lloyd austro-ungarico. 8^, F. L. M. R. R. Italian (prose). 1478. Vite de pontefici et imperadori. Plor., apvd sanctvm lacobvm de Ripoli. P. F.IH.It. Nothing seems to be known of the real compiler of (Jiose lives, of which this is the original edition. 1507. Vite de pontefici et imperatori. Ven., I. de pinci. 4". M. F. Ixxviii of this edition contains a passage relating to the recent discovery of America by Christophoro Co- lombo coisalc di nazionc f/enouese. 1534. Vite de pontefici et imperadori. Vin., Sessa. 8". F. A better edition was printed the same year at Venice bv Bindoni and Pasiiij. The work was reprinted there iii 1548, 1625. Vite degl' imperadori et pontefici. No pL, no pr. 4'\ F. A reprint of the Florentine edition of 1478, mado perhaps at Geneva, and the 7th and last edition of this apocryphal work. The rarest issue is that of Ven. 15S0, liublished by Felice Ambrosino de ILulria. 1868. Caso di amore; P. Daz::i. Fir., tip. naziouale. 8". F. C. Italian (verse). 1846. Caccia, in Trucchi-Poesie italiane inedite, ii, pp. 198-20!. Prato , Guasti. 4 v. 8". F. 1850. Carmina incognita; G. M* Thomas* Monachii, Franz. 4°. F. Tho 111 sonnets aud the canzone, attributed by the editor of this volume to Petrarch, were reprinted the same year as an appendix to an edition of the Uimo issued' at Turin il'nione tipografico-editriee). That they were not productions of Petrarch was demonstrated by B. Ver.atti in the Modenese " Opusroli religiosi , lelterarj e moraIi|" ser. ii., tomo x., pp. 71-1)1 (18G7). /■%0IIENTT\'E LIBBAIilES. It 1870. Parma liberata; F. Berlan. Bol., Ko- magnoli. H". F. M. t 1870. Francesco Petrarca, in Rime ine- dite d' ogni secolo, pix 20-21. Mil., Agnelli. b'. F. 1871. Una corona sulla tomba d' Arqua; D. Carhonc. Tor., Beuf. 8". F. Contains 2ilsonni:ts .-md ;i cauzoue, together with I !«on- lifts iultlressL'tl to Pctrareli. 1871. Eaccolta di riiiio attribuito a Fran- cesco Petrarca ; 1'. Fenalo. Pad., Prospo- rini. 8". F. ■II sonnets, a psalm, a mailrigal, iVottolo, etc., au7B; the Pruult reprint of the Comino edition (Par., 1768), ii. pp. •2t5-.'i07; the Delalain rei>riut of the same edition (P.ir. , 178i)) . ii , pp. 210-2LI8; the Classici edition edited liy .Soave (.Mil., 1803). ii, pp. 273-337; and tlie liulmer edition (Lond., 1811). iii, pp. 355-380. 180G. Notizie storiche coneernenti le Rime del Petrarca, lo principali edizioni di esse, e la vita doll'autore, in Petrarca - Rime , ii, pp. S41-35G. .Tena, Frommann. 8". Probably the work of C. I.. Fernow. the editor of this .Telia edition of (he Itiiue, who seems to have made use of \'olpi".s list ;iud of Baldelli's essay on Petrarch. 1808. Pezzana, A. — Notizie bibliografiche intorno a due rarissime edizioni. Parma, Bodoni. 8". F. M. One of the editions treated is the 1177 .Siliprando edi- tion of Petrardi's Itime. 1818. Verzeichniss der vorziigliclisten Aus- aaben vou Petrarca's AVerken, in Mei'ian- Francesco Petrarca, pp. 331-352. Alten- burg, Brockhaus. 8". This is the tirst bibliographical list which iucludcs the Latin works. It was prejiared by F, A. Kbert, at the instance of Ludwi;; Ilain, as an appendix to Merian's sketch of Petrarch — a hook wrongly ascribed on its title- jiagu to C. L. Fernow. who ^vus nicrely its translator. 1820. Bibliotoca petrarchesca, in Petrarca - Rime,ii.,pp.292-3M. Pad., Seminario. 4". F. Marsand's tirst bibliography of the Itiiiie, published as an appendix to his 181i)-2l) edition of the Ilinie. It is still of utility, since it includes some editions not in his col- lection, and which were therefore excluded from his se- cond catalogue. It was reproduced in tho Pagni edition of the Rime (Fir., 182G). iii, pp. 221-239 and iv, pp. .15-23 1. 1822. De' Rossetti, D. — Raccolta di edi- zioni di tutte le opere del Petrarca. Vcu., Picotti. 2i". The first catalogue of the Rossetti collection. 1820. Xarsa&d, A. — Biblioteoa petrarolie- sca. Mil., Criusti. 4". F. JUL. The catalogue of the important Marsand collection of editions of the Rime, and of works illustrating them. This collection was sold in 1826 to Charles X of France, and was whol!.v destroyed in the contiagration of the li- brary of the Louvre, kindled in May 1871 by the French eoinniunards. 1820. De' Rossetti, D. — Edizione singo- larissima del Canzoniere del Petrarca. Trie- ste , Marenigli. 8". Describes an undated Quattrocento edition, having neither the iirintcr's name nor place. 1832. Quadro cronologic-o dolle edizioni del Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca, in Petrar- ca -Rime, ii., pp. xcvii-cxlv. Fir., Ciardetti. 8'. F. Compiled from Marsand ami others by C. .Mbertini. the editor of the edition. The second section of the com- pilation is entitled •• Catalogo doUo principali edizioni del Canzoniere. " 1832. Gazzera, C. — Osservazioni biblio- grafiche letterario intorno ad un operetta fal- samente ascritta al Petrarca. Tor., stam- peria reale. 4". Relates to the treatise Be bono solititdinis of Lombardo da .Serico printed, without date or place, but, as Gazzera concludes, probably at Lyons about 14'J5, under the name of Petrarch and with the same title as his work De vifa soUtaria. This interesting essay is a separate reprint from the '' MemorW della reale Accademia di Torino (.Scienzc morali)." 1823, pp. 331-381. 1831. De' Rossetti, D. - Catalogo. Trie- ste, Marenigli. 8". The second catalogue of the Uossotli collection, with a "Contiuutizione," this latter printed about 183'J. To these should bo added certain supplementary lists issued be- tween 18.50 and 1855 by the Municipal library of Trieste, where the collection is now dejiosited, under sucli titles as "Invito ai bibliotili , ' •• Bibliogratia , " "Avvisu ai bibliolili , " etc. 1868. Panizzi, A. — Chi era Francesco da Bologna? Lond., Whittiugham. 8". F- Treating the Fr.aucesco da Bologna edition (Bol., 1516) of Petrarch's Rime. Panizzi's little book appeared in a second , enlarged edition in 1873 (Lond. , Pickering). Other works on the same topic are F. .Senesi's .*jn i-'mii- ceaco da Bologna (Perugia. 1812), A. Guatondi's Intorno a Francesco IlailiOlini (Bol.. 1880) and G. Mauzoni's Stiidit di hiUiOfiralia unaHlica. I. (Bol.. 1881). .See .also C. Loz- zi's journaK " 11 llibHofilo, " especially iii. pp. 01-05. 1871. Hortis, A. — Catalogo dello opere di Francesco Petrarca esistenti nella Petrarche- sca Eossettiantt. Trieste , Appolonio. 4". The third and latest catalogue of the Rossetti collection, and the best of the Petrarch bibliographies so far as the works of Petrarch are coneerncd. Its descriptive notes aro very complete; translations are not included. 1874. I codici potrarchescUi dello bibliotecho governative del regno. Roma. tip. romana. 8". F. L. 1871. Catalogo dei codici petrarclieschi dolle bibliotecho Barberiana, Chigiana. Corsiniana, Vallicelliana e Vatioana. Roma, Loescher. 8". I. These two works were pulilished under the superinten- dence of E. Narducci, the former at the expense of the Jliiiistrv of Public Instruction. Au .appendix in the se- cond volume comprises a list of the printed editions of I'elrarcli's works in the public libraries of Rome. The number of Petrarch manuscripts described in the first work as belonging to the Florentine libraries is as fol- lows : —National Library, 40; Laureutiau, 119; Uic- cardian. 48; Marucelliau, 3. rKTUAUQU J'WITIOXS. 1874. Valentinelli , G. — Codici manoscritti d' opero di Francesco Petrarca od a lui rife- rentisi posseduti dalla Biblioteca Marciana. Ven., Cecchini. 4". F. Thp last work of the lamented author, describing 101 coflices. It is a separate repriut from tho centenary volume, Petrarca e Vcnezta, published by the Venetian Ateneo, which likewise contaius an essay (pp. 14'J-175) on "Due cudici delle cose volgari di Francesco Petrarca, consen'ati nolla Biblioteca del Miiseo civico di Venezia " by D. Urbani. and another fpp. 177-186) on a "Codice petrarchesco posseduto dal Ufhilc commendatore Emilio I'e Tipaldo" by ii. M. JIalvezzi. with other bibliographi- cal uoticeB. — .MSS of Petrarch's various works, and of works relating tu him. abouud in every great European 'library, and in many of the smaller ones. See especial- ly , however, the catalogues of -MSS published outside of Italy by the libraries of Paris. Oxford, Munich and Vienna. There are numerous inedited versions of his writings in various modern languages; and the codices fontainiug his Latin treatises may be said to lie almost unexamined. 1874. Edizioni esistenti nella Comunale bi- blioteca di Fermo in Raflfaelli -Illustrazione di iin codice dei Trionfi. pp. xiv-xxvii. Fermo , Paccasassi. 8". Raffaclli. describe? '"G edi- In this list tho librarian, F. tions of the Rime. 1S75. Berluc-Perussis, L. — Cinquieme centeuaire dePetrarque. Bibliographie. Aix- en-Provence , Remondet-Aubin. S". This list, published anonymously, enumerates the va- rious publications of the centennial year. The same wri- ter contributed to the " Proei'-s-verbaux des stances de la Societe litteraire, .scieutifique et artistique d'Ajjt" (2me serie. tome 3me, Apt 1880, pp. 12J-131) an essay, '■Des o^uvres relatives a Petrarque publiees a Toccasiou de sa fete seculaire. " 1875. Petzholdtj J. — Die ItalienischeFest- litteratur zur Feier der Jubilaeu von Bo- naventura, Petrarca uud Thomas v. Aquin. Dresden, Schonfeld. 8'^. Extracted from the iournal, "Neucr Anzeigcr fiir Bi- bliographie und Bibliothekswissenechaft " for Janu- ary 1875. A similar "Nota delle publicazioni fatte in onore de! Petrarca nell'occasionc del siio V** centenario" appeared in "11 I'ropugnatox-e" (Bol. 1874)vii,itp. -Ij7-4t'2. 1877. Ferrazzi , G. J. — Bibliografia pe- trarchesca. Bassario, Sante Possato. 8". The princij.al general work on Petrarch bibliography. It is a separate reprint, with a preface, from the au- thor's Eticictopedia dautcsca {or Manual*: dantesco) issued by the same publisher in b volumes, 1865-77, in which it includes pp. 553-853 of the 5th volume. - Francois Petrarquo Moutbeliard , Hoff- 18S0. Chevalier, U. bio-bibliographique. mann. 8*^. A compact catalogue, with brief titles, of works and periodical articles relating to Petrarch. 1882. Fiske, W. — A catalogue of Petrarch books. Ithaca, IVew York. 4". F. A hastily prepared catalogue of my own collection. as it was at the time, printed (privately) to avoid the purchase of duplicates. 1883. Arrigonijii. — Notice historique et bibliographique sur vingt-cinq manuscrits dont vingt-quatre sur parchemin et un sur papier des X^ XI-, XO", XIII^ & XIV-^ sie- cles. Fir. , tip. dell' Arte della stampa. 4**. An account of certain manuscripts, asserted to have once belonged to Petrarch, otfered for sale by the well known and recently deceased Milanese bookseller. G. Fracassetti, in the preface to bis Italian version of Petrarch's Letfere dclle cose familiari (Fir., I863-G7), i, pp. 19-21, has a careful list of the editions of Petrarch'a Kpistles; C. Stolfi inserts a similar list, but with many errors and many omissions, in his edition of the early volgarizzamento of Petrarch's De remediiv (Bol. 1867-68), i , pp. 41-43 , recording tho editions of the original text and of the translations of that work ; and G. Carducci gives an excellent critical estimate of the more valuable manuscripts and editions of the Rime in the preface to his commentary on the Eime di Francesco Petrarca ao- pra argomcnti storici, morali e diocrsi (Liv. , 1876), pp. vii-xlix. The bibliography of the Boccaccio- Petrarch Griseldis tale, and of its multitudinous versions, paraphra- ses and imitations, is to be found in a special article by R. Kohler in the Ersch and Uruber Allf/emeine Encykto- pdtUe, erste Section, xxi. Bibliographical information in regard to the various biographies of Petrarch is to be sought in Ct. B. Baldelli's Del Petrarca e delle .sue Opere (Fir., 1797, and again 1837); in D. de' Rossetti's Pe^raraf, Giulio CeUo e Boccaccio (Trieste 1828), pp. 285-312; and in 2. Re's / hiograji del Petrarca (Fermo, 1859). — Pe- trarch editions are, of course, treated in the general bib- liographical dictionaries of Mattaire and Panzer, Main. Brunet. Kbert and Griisse ; in the more restricted dictio- naries of Fontanini and Haym ; in Zambrini's Le opcrt volgari a stampa dei secoli XIII e XIV (of which the edi- tion with the false date of 18i^l is identical with the 4th edition of 1878, except that it hasagenuine appendix containing some additional luatter and corrections); in tho lists of Testi di lingua by (Jamba, Poggiali, Bacchi dcUa Lega and others; and iu the various special trea- tises devoted to tho history of the early presses, such as Renouard(Aldiue),Bandini (Juntine),Zaccaria (Marcolini), (Manzoni (Souciuo) . etc. An invaluable addition to Pe- trarch bibliography will be tho catalogue of Petrarch editions in the British Blusenm , now in course of pre- ))aration and to be published by the Museum authori- lits, as a separate work, sometime iu the year 1887. TABLE or CONTEXT.'^. I Preliminary Note Page 2 I. ('OLI-ECTIVK WbITINGS 3 II. Imtin Works (prose). A. De remediis utriusciue forttuue 3 B. De contemptu niundi 3-4 i C .De vera sa])icntia 4 D. De Vita Nolitaria 4 ; K. De otio religiosoruni 4 ' V. Do vivis illustribus 4 ' (J. De rebus memoraudis 4 II. llinerarium syriacum 4 i. Psalmi pccnitentialej* 4-5 ■ II. Latin Works (pkose). J. Epistolar P-tj*- "> III. Latin Works (^^RSK) *' i- IV. Italian Works. A. The Rime (complete) G-9 B. The Rime (in part) 9-10 C. The Rime (translated) in V. AscuiHKn Works. A. Latin in B. Italian (prosei 10 C. Italian (verse) I nil SpKCIAL PkTRAKCH BiBLIOGRAl'llIKS 1 1 1 :i Florence. - Printed by La Uonoier Succcsiors. BIBLIOGEAPHICAL NOTICES III FRANCIS PETRARCH' S TREATISE DE RE MED IIS UTRl USQUE FORTUNJS Text axi* Versions. PEELIMIXABY NOTE. Excepting the invaluable collections of his letters, the longest, and, on the -whole, most important Latin prose ■(vork of Petrarch is his ethical dialogues concerning the An- tidotes against both G-ood and Evil Fortune, or, as he himself entitled it, the treatise Df remediis ulriusqtie fortimcr. Of its wide-spread popularity, in the century which preceded and the two centuries which followed the introduction of tj-pography , the numberless man- uscript copies still preserved in the libraries of Europe, and the many titles of printed editions enumerated in subsequent pages, afford abundant evidence. It is safe to say that, until after the days of Erasmus, no secular production in modern Latin literature was fa- miliar to so large a public ; and the avidity with which it was perused in Germanj-, France and Spain may almost be compared with that singular devotion which was paid , south of tlie Alps, to Peti-arch's Italian verse. In some of its numerous versions it is still not infre- quently cited, despite the fact that only a single complete edition, in any language, has appeared during the last hundred years. Both Mussafia and Hortis have observed that the idea of the second book especially, as doubtless the title of the whole work , is to be sought in the brief tractate De remrdlis fortrii- iorum attributed to the philosopher Seneca, whose stylo the Latinity of Petrarch resem- bles, and whose witings the Italian moralist had assiduously studied. Eefereuce is made to tlie work of Seneca in the prologue to the first book of the Dc remediis utriusquc fortuna-, and again in at least one of the dialogues ; that work was itself printed half a dozen times before the year l-iOO, and to some of those early editions Petrarch, through the dishonesty, or amplifying zeal, of a scribe or editor, became an involuntary contributor — the similarity of style and subject having led to the idea of eking out the meagre paragraphs of Seneca by adding to them passages selected from Petrarch. In one of his epistles {Sen., xvi, 9) Pe- trarch disclaims any relationship between his production and another famous one on an allied theme, the essay De miseria conditionis vitm humanie of Pope Innocent III. But whatever may have been the original motive which induced Petrarch to plan the work, its composition was probably finally determined, or at anj- rate accelerated, by its author's meditations on the fluctuating fortunes of his friend, Azzo da Corregio, at one time , in association with his brothers , the ruler of Parma , to whom the treatise , in the first prologue, is expressly dedicated. Twice, in his letters, Petrarch alludes to its progress, so that the date of its composition is fairlj' well ascertained. From these statements in the correspondence , and from internal evidence , we ma3- reasonably conclude that it was begun about 1357, that is, not very long after the culmination of Azzo's misfor- tiyies — his flight from Verona, of which city he had been governor under the powerful Sea- las, followed by the confiscation of his estates and the imprisonment of his wife and children by Can Grande ; while , if we may believe an apparently trustworthy codex , preserved in the Marcian library, purporting to be a copy, made by the scribe Franceschino daFossadolce, of Petrarch's own autograph, it was finally finished exactly at the " hora tertia" of Octo- ber 5, 136G {Anno Domini. 1366. mi. nonas octobris hora tertia. -Ex originali proi>ria scriplo manu.) — a precision of statement quite in accordance with Petrarch's literary habits. The dedicatory prologue was evidently written at an early period of the woi-k's progress, while the Parmesan prince was still alive, and his overwhelming misfortunes still fresh in Pe- trarch's remembrance, a fact explaining the absence of any allusion to Azzo's death, which occurred in the summer or autumn of l'iG2. The relations which existed between the two have been often described. They are dwelt upon, at more or less length, in the second volume of Tiraboschi's Diblioteca Modenese (178"2, pp. 88-95) ; in the 'Discorso preliminaro su la di- rEELTMIXARY XoTE. mora del Petrarca in Parina,' which introduces tho second volume il7S9) of AfTi'i's Meniorie deijli scrittori e lelleratl parinigiani, and in the sketch of Azzo which immediately follows it (pp. 3-39) ; in Baldelli's Del Petrarca e delle sue oiiere (,1797, pp. 230-231, or 1837, pp. 242-243); in the Fracassetti edition of the Lcttere di Francesco Petrarca delle cose familiart (1863 1867) in the form of a note to book iv. , epistle 9 (vol. i. , pp. 525-533) ; and in the ' Cenni storici ' prefixed to Borlan's Parma liherata (1870) — an edition , with commentary , of the canzone Quel ch' ha nostra natura in si: pik degno. Two of the extant letters of Petrarch were ad- dressed to Azzo, and others to members of his family; while the canzone just cited (first printed in the Soncino edition of the E,ime, Fano 1503) was probably composed b\- him in lionor of Azzo , though not assigned a place in the Canzoniere. The De remediU is divided into two books, the first treating of good fortune, witli exam- ples and arguments intended to prove that prosperity is not an unmixed blessing, the other on evil fortune, endeavoring to show that adversity is not an unqualified ill. It is written in the form of dialogues, but without any intention or pretence of dramatic effect. The first speaker serves simply to suggest, by an assertion or ejaculation, a theme to the second, who thereupon enlarges upon it; in other words, the colloquial style is used merely to make the author's admonitions, counsel, or consolation more personal and direct, while it answers the purpose of paragraphing the essay, and of giving a momentary repose to the reader's retlective and attentive faculties. These interlocutors are styled in the first book Gaiulium (or, in the later dialogues, Spes) and Ratio; in the second book Dolor (or, occasionally, Me- lun) and Jialio. Of course, in both books, the burden of the discourse falls upon Patio. There are, in all, 254 dialogues, each on some subject supposed to conduce to felicity or in- felicity, 122 in book i. , and 132 iu book ii. Each book is preceded by a prologue, that intro- ducing book i. serving both as a dedication and as an explanation of the general object of the treatise. The work abounds in citations of classic and ecclesiastical writers, and in il- lustrations drawn from the lives of noted men —a mass of learning gathered, it must be no- ted, in those days at first hand, and not, as now, easily acquired from encyclopedias and biographical dictionaries. Tho De rcmediis belongs to that class of literary productions de- signed, not for study or continuous reading, but for occasional solace or recreation — a class represented in Euglisli literature by Burton's Anatomy of Melanchobj , and in Frencli by the Essais of Montaigne, who, like Petrarch, had made himself familiar with the moral dissertations of Seneca. The condition of the printed text, as that of Petrarch's Latin prose in general, is not such as to render an estimate of the character of the woi'k either a safe or an easy task. The best and fullest analysis is that of Gustav Ivoertiug in his Pelrarca's Leheii and Werkc (1878, pp. 524-DG4) ; far less worthy of praise is the account of it in the preface to Casirairo Stolfi's reprint of the so-styled Dassaminiato Italian version (1867); but some information may be gleaned from passages in the Avritings of Hortis, Symonds and Geiger. The printed issues of the complete Latin original , if we reckon those comprised in the various editions of the author's collected works, number nearly thirty, and to them must be added the epitomes of the Carthusian Adrianus, Albrecht von Eyb and others, some ot which were many times reprinted. The work was rendered into eight modern languages — two different versions existing in each of the two principal continental tongues — and sev- eral of these translations wont through numerous editions, many of them in the shape of large and expensive volumes. They were mostly translated and illustrated by scholars of note, and adorned by artists of skill. The Latin text appeared successively, between about 1474 and 1753, in Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Holland and Hungary. The va- rious translations are cited in the following lists in the alphabetical order of their languages ; but chronologically, the earliest editions of each version were issued as follows : 1501, Bohemian ; 1510, Spanish ; 1523, French by Oresme ; 1532, German by Stahel and Spalatinus; 1539, German by Vigilius; 1549, Italian; 1579, English; 1006, Dutch; 1641, Swedish (pseudo- translation); 1044 (?), French by Greuailles ; 1720, Hungarian. A book thus universally read during three centuries merits a more thorough anS critical examination than it has hitherto received, and deserves the justice of a carefully edited and purified text. PRELIMINARY NOTE. s No real attempt has ever been made to compile the bibliography of the Be remediis , the meagre notices of its editions and versions in the general and special bibliographical works abounding in errors , and rendering many doubtful points more obscure. The essay here attempted is to be regarded as a chapter of the still unprinted second catalogue of my Pe- trarch collection, though I have included not a few editions absent from my shelves, but which I have been able to examine elsewhere. These latter are indicated by an obelisk (f) !' before the title number. The exigencies of printing have required the setting of the de- ;; scriptive notes in Italic, while citations of the titles of books and chapters, and quotations f' from the text of the edition treated , are usually in Eoman — a plan adopted , probably for the same reasons , by Hain in his Rcpertorium hihliograpldcum. My thanks are due, for numberless acts of kindness, to the always courteous authorities of the principal European libraries — more particularly , perhaps , to the chiefs and under- .^ librarians of the great public book-collections of Florence, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, JH Prague and Copenhagen; to my obliging correspondents, Dr. M. P. A. G. Campbell of the If. Eoj'al Library at the Hague, Mr. George Bullen, Keeper of the Department of Printed ■<■-■ Books at the British Museum, Dr. Claes Aunerstedt of the University Library of Upsala, Dr. Manuel Eamayo y Bans of the National Librarj- of Madrid, Dr. Arpad Hellebraut of Budapest, Professor Karl Szabo of the Transylvaniau National Museum at Klausenburg, Mr. Victor Develay of Paris, Dr. Johannes Uebinger of Miiuster, and many others; to my friend, Mr. George L. Burr, for painstaking researches in some 6f the French and English libraries; and, most especially, to my friend and former assistant, Mr. Horace Kephart, now of the Yale University Library of New Haven , Connecticut. ViUa Forini, Florence, Kovcmhcr 1^87. I W. F. FRANCIS PETRARCirS TREATISE DE REMEDIIS UTRIUSQUE FORTUN.E. I. THE LATIN TEXT. 1. In the Collected Works. 1. (1496). Franciscus PetrarcliadeEe-[me- diis utriusiy Fortume. At end, 'i Franoisci Petrai'ohai poet* Oratorisrj; Clarissimi : Liber Secundus: | in quo de Aduersa Fortuna dispu- tatur : Foeliciter explicit. f." ff. [112] ■ si fortune liber primus, ff. oa-4()a, col. 2 (sig. k viii); table of d'lalonucs, ./. 4l)a, col. 2-40b; prologue, book'ii. , ff. '41a- 42 b; text, book ii. , II Fracisci Petrarche poe- te Oratorisq,' | Clarissimi consolatiui operis sui ad Azo'nem de Kemedijs utriusq; fortune: Li-ber secudus, ff. 43a-S5a, on the reverse the begmmnq of the treatise De contemptu mun- m. — The title as cited is more correctly the cur- rent heading to the dialogue-index ofbooki., the special title of that index containinr'; the2>rop- cr designation of the treatise, (f. la, col. 1): 1i Insignis ac plurimum cr.solatiui opis | Fra- cisci Petrarche poete atq,' oratoris | Clarissi- mi: de remedijs utriusq,' fortune | ad Azonc : duos libros dialogis ducentis qnqgintaqtuor distinctos otinetis : Dialoigo? libri pnii do remedijs pspe fortune: j coUecta : ordiata: euumeratati,' annotatio— r/icDeremediis /'orms the sixth division of the secoivl collective edition , of Petrarch's works (Venctiis, Simon de Lucre, 1501), and is preceded by the 5 treatises, De ignorantia suiipsius ? niulto?,De ocio religio- S09, Itinerarium, Propositum factum corii rege vngarie, and De vita solitaria. The text ■IS apparently that of the Basle edition of 1406 (see no. 1) , which, to judge .from the adoption of the term Epistolaris prefatio as the runninq ti- tle of the prologues, and .from other indications, the artonymous editor mtcst have had constantly before his eye. 3. (1503). t Insignis ac Plurimil consola- tiui opis Franloisci Petrarchiii poetaj atq,' ora- toris Clarissimi: De I remediis utriuscp fortu- na3 ad Azonii : duos libros | dialogis ducetis qnqgintaqtuor distinctos cotlneitis. At end, II Francisci Petrarohae pootaj Oratorisqj Cla- rissimi. Liber seoundus J quo de aduersa for- tua di sputat. FcBliciter explicit. /."Ml 8s. ff. \8(;] ; sig. f ii-q [vii] ; Latin let- ter; double columns; page-lines (excluding run- ning title and signature)' IJI. Contknts ':— Ta- ble of dialogues, ff. la (siy.fii, col. l)-3b; text, book I., ff. 3a-4(>b; table of dialoqnes , f. 41a (sig. Hi); prologue, book ii. , ff. 4ib-43a; text, book It. , ff'. 41b-SGa (sig. q vii , col. 2 , below uuddle) , .followed by tke'colophon, and the title andfirst^ lines of the treatise De contemptu niun- p. 7-121; prologue, book ii. , ])p. 121-125; text, book ii. , pp. 125-254. — This is the first treatise , folloir ing the general dedication and other preliminary mailer , in t tie first vol- ume of the fourth, best edited and best printed, collective edition of Petrarch's ivorks (Basileie, Henricus Petri, 1554). The editor iras Johan- nes (or, as he suhseciuentlg stalled, himself, Ba- sileus Johannes) Herohl, b. Jiochstadt 1511, d. Basic 1581 ('?), a laborious scholar , who dedica- ted the edition to Johannes Baderius. The te.et is virtually unchanged, but the index of dialogues, jtreviously prefixed to each book, is omitted, and the 'mention ofAz::o is transferredfrom the head- ing of the 2>rologue to book, i. to the sub -title j)re- ceding the text of book i. , and is repeated in the sub-title of the text of book ii. 5. (1581). Francisci Petrai--|ch!e V. G. in libros de re-lmediis vtvivsqve fortvufe. Prse- fatio. At end, Age res tuas, curam banc re- lin-'que uiuentibus. finSs. ff. [2], 2}p. 1-222; Florentine ini- tials. GoNTENis: — Prologue, hook i. , ff.[l\h- [2\b; text, hooki., Francisci Petrar-.chae V. C. de remediis : vtrivsqve fortvnse , , Liber I. j ad splendidvm natalibvsq'. | clarvm virvm Azo- nem Corre- givm , principem parmen- sem, a- micum suum. , jp. 1-101 ; j>rolo'iue, hook ii., pp. 102-106; text, book ii. , pp. 10G-122.—Tlie De remediis again succeeds the introductory mat- ter as the first t7'eati3e in the fifth and last col- lective edition of Petrarch' sivorks (Basilem, Se- basiianus Tlenricpetri , 1581}, a reprint, hut in- ferior in typography and paper, of the 1554 edition. The ivorks are divided into two tomes , separately paged, the first containing the prose, the .second the verse (Latin and Italian). The ti- tlecited is that prefixed to tlie first prologue, lehicli, as in 1554 , follotrs immediately after tlie general index to the a:orks, occupying the three final pa- yes of the 14 unnumbered folios at tlic beginning (that is, sig. fff a to fffS a), the text of book i. commenci'ig ivith Ihe numbered pages. — For a notice of a pseudo-edition o'' the Opera, inclu- ilinfi Ihe De remediis, see no. 21 ; but Ihe only col- lective editions, properly so called,, of Petrarch's writings are the fire here cited, namely, 1. Basle 14HI!; 2. Venice 1501; 3. Venice 150!) ; 4. Basle 1554; 5. Ba,le 1581. 2. Independent Editions. t6. (lili?). [d]E etate ilorida ? spe vite longioris capitulum f mu | De foi'ma /. la. [c]Vin res fortunasi^ hominu cogito, incortos ? subitos I reru mot /. ."a. At end , Laus deo pax viuis. Kequies eterna defunctis. f." ff. [187]-\-4 blank leaves ; no signatures ; Gothic; 2»'ge-lines, 39; printed page, 211 by 132 millimeters ; water-Diark , ox-head, a line tipped ivith a star risitig between the horns; tiro of the four blank leaves usually occur betnxen ff. 76 and 77, and ff. 130 and 131, the other t]vo follon- ing the two-leaved index of dialogues, irheth- er that he placed at the begiinting or end of the volume; in the space left at the higinning oj'each dialogue for an ornamental initial the proper letter is indicated in lower-case, so pjlaced as to line ivith the inner margin of the page. Cox- tents; — Index, or table of dialogues^ double col- umns, [d]E etate florida ? spe vite ^. la-2b, ending Eeplioit [sic] liber iste 3 remedijs | vtriusq,' fortune dni francisci | petrarclie lau- reati poete ?c /. 2b, col. 2; 2>rologue, hook i. ; [c]Vm res fortunasij,' hominu cogito , ff\ 3a-5b, ending Explicit :p\og\is , followed by a false title to hook i., in tivo separately printed lines, Inci- pit liber Primus de Kemedys vtriust^' fortue De etate florida | Sequitur Capitulum Pri- mum tc f. 5h , middle, tite remainder of the page blank; text, hook i. , [e]Tas florida est multum superest vite^'. Ga-88b, followed by the two dis- tinct lines, Finit liber jimus de Remedys vtriusq,' fortune laureati poete folicitery'. .S'Si, lines 15-16, with remainder of page blank ; p)ro- logue, book ii, , [e]X omnlb , que uf micla [sic] lecta placuerut, ff. 89a-93b, folloived by four lines, Explicit prologus secundi libri de Ke- medys | Vtriusfp fortue Incipt [sic] liber se- cundus De for- initate coi-poris. Capitulu. Pri- mu. Egisse mecu | niniis illiberaliter ief. SSh, lines 12-15, rest of page blank; text, book ii., eGisse mecu nimis illiberaliter naturam ff. tl4a-187a, ending .Deo. gracias line 10, fol- loived hy colophon, the remainder of the page and the reverse of this fina I folio 6/ariA". — Charactkk- iSTics. — In two instances Ihe text is interrupted afeir lines below the lop of the page, and is only continued, at the top) of the follon- ing l>age; the first occurs in book i. , dial. 64 , on f. 5.^b, where the interrupted text in line !> ex arabia in egip- tumauolasse isfollorved by an isolated lothline, Vaoat Neo Vicio Nee Defectu — the remainder of the page remaining blank , and the dialogue continuing , f. 54a, with the x'ocrfs captamq,' ibi, ct roma delata ; the second similar case is in the same book, dial. 89 on f. 66h, the text suddenly ending line 13, in pronellis redis, followed hy cm isolated 14th line, Vacat Nee Vicio Nee De- fectu Soc^uit E Oacrere [sic] re — leaving the rest of tlie page vacant, and the text continuing , f. 67a, Ct. E carcere digressus gaudeo. — Another blunder of the press, though less evident to the eye, is more perplcring to the reader. A por- tion of the manuscript of hook ii. , being the whole of dial. 85. Do scabie, and the first lines of dial. 86. De vigilia, teas apparently jmt into type too early, and , hg a blunder in the making up of a form, inserted as a page in the text of dial. 7. De servitute ; /. HOa ends forsan vxori forsan— //',cn comes the' u-ronglg placed page— and the sentence is resumed at the top of f. lOOa, TUB LATIN TEXT. ii:ilh raetricule forsau otii. TfiU faultili/ in- ^rted iwge irtis suhscqucntly reset, as the typo- graphical variations indicate, and repeated in Hi proper x>lace, /. t'>Oa, One page of'llic liouk there/ore occurs twice. For a repetition of this hltmder — Jess pardonahle titan the original Diis- take — sec no. 7. — There are no titles or numbers to tlic dialogues , hut in most of the extant copies these have been neatly inserted in red by hanlace and printer tliere is still much room for in- vestigation. The tyjye is assuredly the same as that used for tite first edition (147.^) of Petrarch's Vita C;«saris and in Vwsar's T>e bello gallioo which accompanies it, Vanzer assigns both the De remediis and the Vita Ciesaris to Jlcinrich Eggestein of Slrassburg. llain gives the De remediis to Eggestein and the A'ita Ccesaris (no. 422R) to Conrad Eyner ofEsslingen. Grlis- se (Trisor , ii., p. 5) says of the Ciesar, ' Cette Edition est attrihudc a tort a Eggestein de Stras- bourg par Panzer et Barnard, ou ri, Arnold Therlioernen de Cologne par Crevenna et Santan- der. Elle apparlient aux presses de Conr. B'yner (f Esstingen qui s^cst servi des memes caracteres (sauf quelqucs jictites d,iff'irences, j>. ex. dans les s) ]joar son edition dc Pet, Nigri Tract, ad .ludieorum pevfidiam estirpandum, Esl. 1475. 8".' This poiitivc statement is not supported by the facts , for, carefully comparing the Csesar (or, nliat is the same thing , tlie De remediis) tcilh the edition of the treatise by P. Niger (which is no' in octavo, hut in folio) cited by Grdsse, it will be found that there arc too many and too wide divergences in the characters of the type em- ployed to make it probahle that they came from the same press. Striking in both, the De reme- diisanr? llie Vita Cwsaris are the shapes of the capitals G and Q, as n-ell as the regular curves of the lon-er-case f , (long) s, and combined ot; hut most notable is a jtecnliar mark of punctua- tion, used in addition to the long comma [/|; it resembles a rou ;hly designed mark of interroga- tion (V) , inclinel to the right, and is common to the tu-o Petrarch books, but is not found in the ■work of /*. Niger, cited by Grasse, which bears the imprint of Fyner or' Esslingen, A type, like that styled by I'anzcr the 'smaller Gothic of Eggestein,' seems to have been used in the years 1470-14S0 — but n-ilh slight variations of charac- ter— at Slrassburg , Esslingen, Wiirzburg and one or tn-o other 2>laccs, On the u-holc, in the case of the De remediis, the xreight' of the evi- dence tints far atldttccil is in favor of Slrassburg anil the priitter Eggestein ; but titerc still remaitis the fact of such ungainly mistakes as the ttro half- vacant piages, and the improperly interpolated %)age—nol at all probable in an establishment so icell organized as that of Eggestein in 1474, and in marked contrast tvith the carefully executed irorks n-hich issued from it even earlier than that date. If the first edition of the Du remediis be indeed his, tlien its date might ivell be referred to a period u:hen his 2'»'esses irere much netcer , and his craftsmen much less experienceil, Egge- stein apj)arctti It/ printed from about IdtiS to 1478, but his first dated book left the press in 1471, The EnrriON. — 'This is the earliest printed edi- tion of the complete De remediis. U was prin- ted from a mantiscript characterized by many corruptions of the text, and teas rtprittteil but once. There is tto ntention ofAzzo's nattic cither in the first proloytte or elsetvhere, — Copies of tlie edition e.rist in the National Library, Paris (which possesses tiro); in the British Musetini; in the Royal Library, Copenhagen (very fresh, hav- ing hut one rubricated page, and very tall); in both the lioijal and University Libraries , Munich (that of the latter , Itotrevcr, lacking several fo- lios) ; and, in the National Library, Florence (othepvise fine, but tranting the tiro folios con- taining tIte table of dialogues). Most of these copies have been examined. Rain, 12790. 7. (1485?) Franciscus Petrar-jcha de Re- raedijs | vtriusij} fortune. At end, Laus deo. S.» ff. [4], l-CXII, I-CXXX; sig., \ sheet icithout signatures, a-z, A-M, ofvhich d, h, m, q, V, A, E, H and K in 4s, and M in 6; Gothic ; page-lines (exclusive of folio number and signature), ,16 ,17; jirintcd page (cxcltiding the same), 14.'> by 84 millimeters ; in the dialogues three-line, and'; in the prologues and at the be- ginning of each book, five-line or six-line spaces are left for ornamental initials; it trill be noted that the trork is divided by the folio ttumeration into ttro tomes (I. , table and book i, , II. , l>ook ii,) , but the signatures are continuous ; the folio numlter is on the obverse in the centre at top , in much larger t ype ; on the reverse, centre, top, of each folio , in the saritc large type as the folio number oppiosile, is, in book i,, the abbrevia- tion Fo., irhile book ii. has throughout , in the sameplace, Iheunabbr viatedFoMo.; thctpecial titles of the dialogues are folloived , in the same line, by the dialogue numbers in Roman, coin- mencing iti book i, with Ca. iij on f. Vila, but tvith some errors in numeration, as at the end of book i. , tvherc the las! ilialogues rtm oxis , cxxij , cxxi, cxxij, atid in bookii., where ichat should be Ca. xxxiiij is numbered Ca. xliiij. Con- tents: — Title, f. [1]a; table of dialogues, Inci- pit Tabula Presentis Operis. , ff. [l]b-[4]b, doidilc ciilttinns, ending irith an isolated 12th line, Finit Tabula Secuiidi Libri the remaintler of tlte page, f. \4]b, blank ; prolotine , book i. , Pro- logus Primi libri. (large type), ff, la-IIIIb, ending Explicit Prologus. , line 7;'text , book i, , Inoipit liber primus (large type), ff. IIII b (line S)-CXIIb, ending with tivo lines at bottom, Finit liber primus dni Francisei petrarche.' do Remedijs vtriusip fortune laureati poete. ; 2>ro- logue, book ii., Prologus Secundi libri (large), ff. la-VIIa, ending Explicit liber Secundus line 9; te.vl , book ii, Incipit liber Secundus {large), ff, Vila {line l(1)-CXXXa, ending in final line tvith Laus duo. , the reverse of the final folio being blank, CiiAnACTERiSTics. — The printers of this second edition used the first , the text and arrangement being throughout the same. DE EEMEDIIS VTRIUSQVE FORTUN.E. W They even reprinted that edition's tcorst blunder, the insertion of a prematurely composed page in the midst of book ii. , dial. 7. De Servitute. The matter thus misplaced begins here on f. Xlllla (book ii.), line 4 from the bottom, De Scabie im- portuna. Ca. viij. and ends f. XVa, line 9, n-ith the irords teste h^ illusionu, thefollotring v-ords, meretricule forsan being the continuation of dial. 7; the n-rongbf-placed matter is repeated helxceen f. LXXXtb, line 10, De Scabie. Ca. Ixxxvi., andf. LXXXIIa, line 5 from bottom, ending witli the words babet illusionum. — The number of dialogues in book i. , is 122, and in book ii. , 133, but the latter is first increased bg tico, oiling to the double insertion of the two dia- logue-headings De Scabie and De Somni caren- tia (or De Vigilia), and then, decreased hg one by merging into one the tiro dialogues of later edi- tions, De paupertate (8) and De damno passo {9j. — No mention of Azzo da Correggio occurs anywhere. Date and Printer. — Hain (12791) indicates no place , date or printer. The Rossetti collection does not possess a copy , and the title is therefore not found in the Hortis catalogue ; it apparently exists in none of the Italian libraries ; indeed, the book seems to be nearly or quite as rare as the first edition. Griisse (Tresor, v., 2). 235) says that it is either from the press of Heinrich Knotdocht-cr of Heidelberg , c. 14So, or from that of Johann von Amerbach of Basle, the publisher of the first collective edition of Pe- trarch's icorks (see no. 1). But an examination of various books issued by A merbach betiveen 14S9 and 1492 shows that, in those years at least, he used no Gothic type at all corresponding to that here employed. — The copy described is bound in inlaid vioroccos , in a geometric ptattern , by Gruel and Engelmann of Paris. 8. (1492) .1 Tabula Eubricarum prteceden- tis libri. &c. 1 1 Operis Francisci Petrarote de remedio utriusip fortunte. At end, Ii Accipe tandem candadissime lector Diuinum Fran- cisci Petrarose : opus | Nicolai lugari industria sollerti: Nitidissimii Bernardini. de misintis de Pap. ] ao Csesaris Parmensis sociorum dili- genti opera. Impressum Cremona?. Anno | Incarnationis dnice. 1492. die. 17. mensis No- uembris. | q. /.° in 6s. ff. [IGS], ofirhich ihefirst is blank; sig. 2 , a-z , A-C , of ichicli. 2 is in 4 , a and b in 8s, and C in 7 ; page-lines (exclusive of signa- ture) 44 ; Latin letter. Contents: — Blank leaf; 'l Tabula Rubricarum, _//'. 2a-3a; Ii IncipiC Tabula secundi libri, jf. 3b-4b ; Dedication , II Ad magnificum splendidissimumi>( uirum Marchisinum stangham : Ducalem Se'creta- rium Nicolai lucari Cremonensis Epistola, /. 5ab; prologue, booki.; Ii Francisf.i Petrarcse poetie oratorisq^. Clarissimi de Remediis u- triusi],' fortu-lnse : ad Azonem. Liber primus. Incipit., fj'. tia-Sa; text, book i. , H De Etate tlorida Dialogus. I. , jf. Sb-Slh (FINIS) ; pro- logue, book it., II Clarissimi poetaj et oratoris Firanoisci Petrarca; de 1 remediis fortunas ad- uerste secundus liber incipit. ,^'. K2a-S5b (near bottom): text, book it., 1 De Deformitate cor- poris. Dialogus. c.xxiiii., J)'. Sr>b (7 lines from bottom)- llitib (12 lines from top); colophon, f. J65h; device of printers, f. lH^ib (middle).^ — fiome errors occur in the numbering of the dia- logues. In book i., in one place, tlie numeration runs Ixsxvii, Ixxxix, Ixxxs; the 115th dia- logue has no number, and the following one bears the number c.xvii (instead q/'c.xvi), and the nu- meration is then continued, tims making the num- ber of the dialogues one too many, book i. leav- ing apparently 123 in place of 122. Moreover, unlike the next preceding editioyi, the dialogue numeration rmis on through book ii., u-hich begins with dialogue c.xxiiii (should be 123) and ends u-ith dialogue CQ..\-v (should be 254) ; book ii. like- leise presents some instances of imperfect mt- meration, and dialogue 214 has the number in Arabic instead of Roman. Ajidiff'redi {'Editio- 7ies Italicee Sieculi XV.,' p. 223) and Hortis (Catalogo , no. 338) note the occurrence of the Tabula at the beginning of the volume , the for- mer, reasoning from the expression prtecedentis libri, declaring that it properly follorrs the text; but it is rarely or never found elsewhere than at the beginning , and 'prtecedentis libri' here sig- nifies simply " of book i," Neither the copy de- scribed by Main (12793) , nor those in the Rosset- tiana at Trieste have the blank leaf with ichich the iiork opens , and which forms the first leaf of the signature containing the Tabula. The copy descritiedis exceptional, not only in the possession of this blank leaf, but in the great width of its margins; on the reverse of the introductory btank folio is the oval book-stamp , bearing his arvis, of the Milanese scholar, count Donato tiilva (1690- 1779) , the useful co-laborer of Muratori. — Of the printers, Bernardino de Misintis of Pavia and Cesare of Parma, nothing is knoivn. Their mark, beloiv the colophon , is a globe and cross bearing their initials, B. M. , and C. P. — This is the first dated edition of the De remediis, and the third or fourth book printed at Cremona. The text iras either taken from a manuscript su- pterior to that used by the German 2^ri7iters of the two previous editions , or was corrected by the aid of better sources. It is virtually the text since folloned. The editor, Xiccolb Lucaro (Lucari, or Luf/ari) , d. Cremona, Jan. 8, 1515, was a distinguished professor of 'eloquence ,^ ivrote se- veral Latin eulogies or funeral sermons— one of them on the Cremonese philosopher , Battista Pia- sio — and a history of Cremona under the domi- nation of the French king Louis XII, and edited Fr. Filelfo's Latin version of the oration De Ilio capto of Dio Chrysostomus, issued by the same printers three months earlier than tlie De reme- diis. A eulogy pronounced at Lucaro's funeral hg J. Crotti is still extant. In his dedicatory epistle Lucaro alludes in terms of great praise to two members of a Cremonese family , .Johannes Franciscus and. Josephus Philippus Melius. The edition is dedicated to one of Lucaro's jyupils , Marchesino Slang a , who is characterize'! in the ' Cremona literata ' ofArisi as Consilii Magni, & Virtutis exquisita?, cut maximarum rerum fidem Ludovieus Sfortiai semper habuit in Reip. Mediolanensis administratione omnium consiliorum suorum participi. He was sent by Sforza in 1494 as embassador to Maximilian I. 9. (1515). Francisci Petrarchae | de reme- diis vtrivsip I fortvnae. Libri. II At end, Ve- netiis in aedibvs Alexan-ldri Paganini incli- to Lavlretano principe. | IIII. idvs novem. I M.D.XV. .^2' in 8s. ff. [8] , i-x, Xl-CCCXXXr, [/j; sig. a, A-V, AA-YY: Italic ; jnige-lines 3i;-37 ; tlie numeration of the folios is at lite bottom of the page ; the 14th , '58th and ISIith folios arc crro THE LATIN TEXT. neouslji nuiiiliered XIII, LVI and CLXXXV; the lU'te and colophon are in ca^iitaU; tlte latkr ii f'olluired bi/ a single correction of an error, Ailuerte In "Epigram, versu sexto -vbi- in- iu- rias, repone eximias Coniknts: — Title-fo- lio, reverse blank; Tabvla rvbricarvm prae- celdentis libri,,^'. [2]a-(3]?); Incipit tabvla se - cvndi libri.,_#'. ('4lo-['j|«, ending Explicit tabvla libri se- cvndi. I). Erancisci Pe- trarohae de reme diis vtrivsfj^ fo'rtvnae., reycrsu blank; ded- ication, D. Leoni. X. pont. max. san-jctiss. ip Alexander Pa- ganinvs perpetvani | felicit., ff. \7]a-[S\a; Ticivs,/'. [8]l>; prologue, hooki., Francisci Petrarcae poetae | oratorisq^ve cla- rissimi de | remediis vtrivsqve fortvuae, ad Azonem | liber primvs. Incipit.,,^'. ia-via; text, hook i. , De aetate florida dialog. I., ff. vi b-CLXa , reverse blank; prologue, book ii., Clarissinii poetao et ora toris Francisci Po- trar- caederemediisfor tvnae adversae.j Liber incipit., //. (JLXIa-[CLXII]a; colophon, and correction of an error of the x>ress , ff. [CLXII]a, reverse blank. — A second copy in the collection of this little edition— the printed page of which vieasures 84 bij 38 millimeters— in the pretty semi- italic ti/pe emploged by Alessnndro Paganino , has some variations : f. LVIII is correctlg num- bered, leliite Ike tSth folio is numbered VX, and for the head-line (f. ia) liber primvs. Incipit. is .lubstituteil Epistolaris praefatio. — Tn book i. the dialogues are numbered from I to CXXII, and in book ii. from I to CXXXII. Under the title TICIVS, onf. [S]b, are 13 anonymous Latin ^erses : Vin lector precio leui libellum Thesaurum potius tibi parare , Croessi [sic] qui superat, Midgus gazas, Crassi diuitias, opes LucuUi, Qui te perpetuo bea/re possit, Fortunf iuiurias procacis iras Falsas Ijlandicias docens cauere. Vitam et viuere sanctitate auita Aequaudam Curiis, erunt quot, et sunt? Hoc Kemedia sortis vtriusqj Petrarche, eximii illius Poety, Cui tantum tribuis vol in pudendis ; Compara, lege, perlege, ^'mulare. It is to this 'epigram^ that the solitary erratum at the close of the volume refers, the leord iniu- rias in line 6 being a misprint for eximias. — It is ivorthy of note that in the same year, Pa- ganino issued an edition of the Rime of Petrarch, uniform in size and type with this miniature De Remediis. 10. (1536). Francisci Petrarchre [ de reme- diis vtrivsq,' I fortunte. Libri. II. ! q At end, Venetijs per Dominu^ Bernardinum , Stagni- num de Tridino Montis | ferrati. Anno Domi- ni. [ JI.D.XXXVL li;" in 8s. ff. [6\, 7-48, 79-222, 217-422, [2]; sig. A-&, AA-&&, AAA-BBB; the two unnumliercd folios at the end are blank; from the folio-numeration given above it jvill be seen that, in making np the forms , the last number of sig. F (48) ivas mistaken for 78, and the nu- mernlion goes on trith 7D etc., there being, there- fore, no folios 49-78, while, by another error, the folio-numbers 217-222 are duplicated, and, by another, f. 390 is incorrectly numbered 690; Me vignette occupying the loiver three-quarters of the title-page represents the patron-saint of the 2{rinter, tit. Bernard, an upright figure , holding in the right hand a book , and ui'th the left supporting the_ rayed symbol IH.S, ivilk his three rejected mitres, one in front and tiro belli/id; the title and eoloplion are in capitals. Cp.MTiiNT.s -.—-Title-folio , reverse blank; table of dialogues, Tabvla rvbricarum prse- cedentis libri.,/". [•J]a-i;a FIXIS., reverse blank; pro- logue, book i., Francisci Petrarcae poeta; | ora- torisqve clarissimi de remediis vtrivsqve eor tunte [sic], ad Azonem. i Liber primvs. Incipit., ff. 7a-12b; text, book i., De ietate florida dialog. I., ff. 12b (line 4 from bottom)- 218b, FINIS.; jirologuc, book ii., Clarissimi po''tte et oratoris Francisci \ Petrarcae de re- ine;diis fortvnae I adversse. | Liber incipit., /. 219a-222n,; text, book ii., De deformitate i:orpo ris diaiogvs. I., ff'. 222'h. (line 12 from bottom)-422a, FINIS.", (line 11); colophon, f. 422a, middle; printer's device, f. 422b. — A reprint, in different type, with a slightly broad- er and shorter page and less carei'ulli) executed, of Paganino' s edition {no. 9), with the omission of his dedication, and the Latin epigram. Sta- gnino' s mark at the end, printed from anincised block, is a heart eiwlosing a B, and risinr/ from it an anchored cross bearing an S. 11. (1546). Francisci | Petrarchae poe-'tae oratorisqve cla-|rissimi , de Remediis utrius- (jue Fortunae ad [ Azone libri duo, multo quam antea dili-jgentius ab erratis, quibus scate- bant, I repurgati atque emendati. ] o I Lvte- tiae, I Apud Xicolaum Boucher, via ad diuum Ia-]cobum, sub intersignio floris. | 1546. _ 16" in 8a. ff: [8] , 1-415, [1] ■ Italic; Flor- entine initials ;ff. 283 and 408 are wrongly num- bered, respectively, 238 and 418 ; the last unnum- bered folio of the preliminary signature (a), and the final unnumbered folio (sig. FPF) are both blank; the title-page vignette is a hand grasping a foliated and lilied cross (emblem of SI. Nicho- las of Tolentino) , with the letters N and B in the upper corners. Coxtknts : — Title-j}age, f. [l]a; epigram, Ad lectorem epigramma., /. [l_\b; table, Index dialogo-'rum, .#'. [2]a-[7]a, ending Finis indicis., reverse blank'; blank leaf, f. [8] ; prologue, book i., ff. [!]a-7a; text, book i., ff. 7b-193a, terminating foeliciter explicit.; prologue, book ii., ff. 193b-20Sb; text, book ii., ff. 204a-415b, closing with di-!spntatur, fteli- citer explicit; blank leaf.— The edition is from that of Paganino, and has the same Latin epi- gram of 13 verses prefixed; the text is very slightly, if at all, emended, but the abbreviated tjipographical forms are nearly all abandoned ; paper and printing are excellent., 12. (1547). Francisci | Petrarchae poe-jtae oratorisqve cla-|rissimi, de Remediis utrius- que Fortunse ad | Azone libri duo, multo quam antea dili-'gentius ab erratis, quibus scate- bant, I repurgati atque emendati. | a I Lvte- tiae, I Apud Nicolaum Boucher, via ad diuum I lacobum , sub intersignio Floris. | 1.547. 16° in Ss. ff. [8], 1-415; Italic; Florentine Initials. — A re-issue of the edition of 1546 , in the first sheet ot which the title-page iras altered H'hile it iras jjas.sinj through the press; the chmiges made were the two lines of ilie imprint ■J 10 BE REMEDIIS UTHIUSQUE FORTUX.E. I (Apud... Floris.)/»-o»« Romcmto Italic, and the mhstilution of the date 1547. The contents, in- cludinr] the errors in the numeralion oftlie folios, are, therefore, identical.— 'J'lic eopn', irhlck >ras bound by Tout of London , larks tlie fnal blank leaf', hut has the one at the end of the prefatory matter. 13. (1557). Francisci i Petrarchae i poetae oratoris-'qve clarissimi, de re-Jraediis vtrius- que Fortunse ad Azo- neni libri duo, multo qnim antea | diligentius ab erratis, quibus | scatebant, repurgati | atque emendati. ] a I Lvtetiae, | Apud Martinum luuenem, sub insigni ) D. Christophori e regione collegij Ca- meracensium. \ 1557. IG" in 8s. _ f. [1] , pp. 3-8U, ff. [S] ; Italic; Florentine initials (2); p. 371 bears the number 37. Contents: — Title-par/e , f. [l]a; epifiram, Ad leptnrem I Epigramma. , f. [2]b ; i)rolo(jue , book i., pp. 3-15 (middle); text, book i., pp. 15 (middle)- 377 , ending fceliciter explicit.; jj/o- logue, book ii., pp. 378-398 Explicit Epistola- ris Pi-fefatio.; te.vt, book ii., pp. 399-811 dispu- tatUT fceliciter explicit., reverse of folio blank; table, Index dialogorvm,^'. [/]o-[ffl« Finis in- dicis., reverse blank, and final In-o folios blank. —A reprint of the edition of 154G-7 (nos. 11, 12), made jointly by several booksellers or publishers of Paris (see no. 1^). The title-page ofthejires- ent_ issue , U'liich bears the name of Martin Lejeune (Juvenis), has a vignette representing two hands supporting a T cross, about ickich is twilled a serpent. 14. (1.557). Francisci I Petrarchfe | poetae oratoris-jqve clarissimi, de re-lmediis vtrius- que Foi-tunfe ad Azo-lnem libri duo, multo quam antea | diligentius ab erratis , quibus I scatebant, rejjurgati | atque emendati. ) □ j Lvtetiae, | Apud Gulielmum Cauellat, sub pingui j Gallina, ex aduerso collegij | Came- racensis. i 1557. /C in Ss. f. [1] , pp. 3-811, ff. [8] ; Italic; Florentine initials (2); p. 371 numbered 37; the last two of the eight unnumbered folios at the end_ are blank. — The same edi'ion as no. 13, dif- fering from it only in the title-page rignelte and imprint; the vignette is a hen (gallina, the sign of the publisher) within a circle. Another of these title- j>age editions of Paris 1557 is cited by Ilortis (Catalogo, no. 355), having a vignette representing Itro storks (ciconicc), with this im- ^nni;— Lvtetiae, | Apud Sobastianura Niuel- lium sub I Ciconiis in vico Jaoobsoo. J 1557. All of these impressions have a noticeable misprint in the sub-title of the prologue to book ii.,p. 378, line 5, EpistoliBris [sic] Prsefatio. 15. (1577). Francisci | Petrarchae poe- tfe oratorisqve cla-jrissimi de llomediis vtrius- quo ' Fortunfe Libri II. | In quorum priore prospei'a fortuna refutatur: in | posteriors vero aduersa defeuditur. ; lam denu6 accura- tius quam antea ab in- numoris inendis re- purgati & emendati. | o I Lvgdvni, apvd Cle- montcm Bavdin. \—\ M. D. LXXVII. Flo, page, entine 16' in 8s. f. [/], pp. 3-88-1, ff. [6]; xe initials {i). Contents :—7trte- /• [l\a; epigram. Ad leotorem | epigramma, .f- l^]*; prologue, book i., pp. 3-16; text, book i., 2)j>. IG, line 8 from boltom-412. Finis libri primi; prologue, book ii., pp. ■113-43-1; text, book ii.,pp. 435-884 FINIS.; table, Index dialogorvm,,//'. [/|o-[5]i, Finis indiois.; blank leaf.— From the Paris 1557 edition, with appa- rently no notable changes beyond the title-paqe; the i'nganino epigram is still retained. The titlc-pagr vignette is the device of Clement Bau- din-— under shining stars a blar.ing altar, in- scribed Ara ; dementia, and around, the irhole the Horalian motto, Micat inter omues | Ivlium sidvs. — Tlie collection 2)ossesses 3 copies of the edition. 16. (ISSl). Francisci | Petrarchae | poetae oratorisqve i clarissimi de Bemediis vtrius- que I Fortunse Libri II. ) In quorum priore prospera fortuna refutatur : in, i posteriore vero aduersa defenditur. 1 lam denuo accura- tius quam antea abin-lnumeris mendis repng- nati [sic\ & | emendati. [ a I Lvgdvni , j Apvd Carolvm Pesnot. | M. D. LXXXIIII. ^tf» in Ss. f. [1], pp. 3-884 , f. [6] , Floren- tine initials (4). — A reprint of the previous Lyons edition Ino. 15), differing from it typographi- cally only very slightly, except in the introduction on the title-page of a notable error, repugnati for 're2iurgati' ; the contents are page for page the same ; the fi,nal folio is blank. The title-page vignette is a crowned salamander lying in the fames. 17. (1585). Francisci Petrarcbae | poetae oratorisqve 1 clarissimi de Reraediis vtrius- que I Fortune Libri II. ' In quorum priore prospera fortuna refutatur: in | posteriore vero aduersa defenditur. ] lam denuo accura- tius quam antea ab iu-|numeris mendis repug- nati [sic] & I emendati. [dI Lvgdvni, | Apvd Carolvm Pesnot. | M. D. LXXXV. 16° in Ss. f. {1\ , pp. 3-884, ff'. [0].—A new title-page edition only , icith a chanye of dale, but with the typographical blander (repugnati) perpetuated; the vignette is the same. — The copy is bound by Zaehnsdorf of London. 18. (1595). Francisci ( Petrarchae | de remediis ; vtriusque For-ltunse. ! Libri dvo. | Cum Indioibus locupletissirais. | D | Exoude- bat loannes Le Preux. | — I M. D. XCV. IG' in 8s. ff. [3], pp. 7-G86. ff.^ [25], of xuhich the last .i' blank; Florentine initials (4). Contents: — Tiflc-folio, reverse blank; dedica- tion, D. Lenni. X. Pont. Max. \ sanctiss. Alexander Paganinus | perpotiiam felicis., ff.[2\a-[3\a; epigram, Ticivs., /'. [3]b ; 2)rologue, book i., Francisci Petrarchae ( poetae orato- risqve cla-lrissimi, de remediis vtriusque - fortunae ad Azonem. , Epistolaris praefatio., jip. 7-17; text, hook i., De aetate florida. Dia-ilog. I 2'P- l'7-322; 2}rologue, book ii., Clarissimi poetae et | oratoris Francisci Petrarchte de remediis for- tuniu aduorsie Liber 1 incipit., jip. 323-339 ; text, book ii., De deforniitate corporis Dialogus I jij). 339-GS6; table, Ta.hv\a rvbricarvm ,/^'. [y]«-[.yja; index, THE LA TIX TEXT. 11 Index rervm me- moi-abilinm quii? in las li- bris conthientur., ff. [5]a-[i2]a , FINIS., re- verse 0' folio, and the S iolioicin dialoguet of book i., the abbreviations Gau. ajid Ra. and Dol. for the interlocutors are replaced by the simple initials, G., R., and D. An important addition is made in the shape of the general index (index reruni) at the end. 'The editor (or printer) had access to the I'aganino edition, fur he has copied from that the dedication to Leo X., and has restored to the prefixed epii/ratn its former title (Ticivs). The copy descrihccl has a vellum binding lettered on the side: M. R. W. | lUOiJ; the 'collection possesses tivo copies. 19. (1600). Francisci \ Petrarchse, ; de remediis j vtriusque Fortunas, i libri dvo. \ Editio secunda, priore longe eastigatior. j Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. iQl Bernse, | Excudebat loannes le Preux Illustriss. j D. D. Bern. Typographus. — | M. D. C. ^le-inSs. ff. [2],pp.[5]-6S0,ff. [22]; Flor- entine initials (5). Contents: — Title-page, f. {t\a; epigram, Ticivs., /'. [2]b; dedication, D. Ltoni X. Pont. Max. [ sanctiss. Ale.xander Paganinus : perpetuam felicit., ff. [2]a-[3]a (■=2*. 5, unnumbered); printer's preface, Typo- graphus benigno Lectori. | S. D., p. 6; 2jro- logue, book i., Francisci Petrarohae, plii-l losophi, poetae, oratorisqve j clarissimi, de Remediis vtriusq; Fortu-|nre, ad Azonom CoiTegium, Princi- pem Parmensem, ami- cum i suum. | Epistolaris praefatio., J'^j. 7-17 ; text, book i., De iEtate Florida. Jjial. I., pp. 17-322; prologue, liook i., Clarissimi poetae, et oratoris, Francisci , Petrarchae de remediis fortunte i aduersffi, Liber in- cipit. , Praefatio., p^). 32S—'Jri:i; text, book i., De Det'orraitate corporis, Dialogus 1.,^*^. .V.W- 6SG; table, Tabvla rvbricarvm , ,^'. [/[((-[.'jja; index. Index rcrvm me-,morabilium ff. Wa- \22]a, reverse blank. The copy probablij lacks 3 blank folios at the end, to complete sig. Z. — The second J. Le Preux edition, tehich, in cer- tain of the headings, shours the influence of tlic Basle 1554 (or 1.581) edition of Petrarch's works. The edition is 2>rinted. ' with fresher type than the preceding one. In his preface the printer states that the 15115 edition being exhausted he had now issued this one in a very large number of eopv s, and, to improve it, lia'd availed himself of the editorial aid of Paolo Lentnlo (d. Berne 1(113), a member of a Xea- politan jirotcstant family settled in Switzerland — Qua quidem in re usi sumus opera [Clariss. & eruditi doctiss.] viri PauUi LontuU , Medici, &Oivisliujus inelyt;e Roip. Berncnsis, qui nihil, in eo expoliendo, & a mendis, qnib. scatebat, plurimis, repurgando vel laboris, vel industriic prfetermisit. Tlie punctuation , accfntifation, etc., ore cer'ainly bettered, but Lenfulo, in his work of revision , seems to have consulted no manuscripts. The general index of 15:i5 is reproduced xinchanged , and as its comjiiler is not mentioned either then, now, or in the following edition , his name remains unknonn; had it been the work of Lentulo he n-oulil, doubtless, have alluded to it in his long dedicatory preface to the succeeding edition. — The title-page vignette is the arms of Berne, sur- mounted by the double-headed eagle. 20. (1605). Francisci | Petrarchae, | de re- mediis ; vtriusqne Fortunae, | libri dvo. j Edi- tio tertia, prioribus longe eastigatior. | Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. j a \ Bern®. [ Excu- debat loannes le Preux, Illustriss. I D D.Bern. Typographus. ] — | MDCV. 16" in 8s. f. [/] , pp. 3-728 {=726), ff. [17], of winch the last is blank; Florentine initials (4). Contents : — Title- folio , reverse blank; dedica- tion, Genere, virtute ! et ingenio vere no-, bili Viro, Domino Lvdovico Enecelio, Es- sertii, &c. 1 Domino. | S. P. D. , Pavllvs Lentvlus ^jp. 3-15; table. Index capitvm libri . prioris pp. 16-24, FINIS; Privilegii lav- reae receptae a Francisco Petrar- cha, exiSplar., ^yj. 25-31, ending Anno domini, i M. CCC.XLlII. ; epi- gram, Ticivs, J). 32; jirologuc, booki.,pp. 33-43; text, book i.,pp. 43-372 (^=356=354) ; prologue, book a., 372 {=356=354)-357 (=37 .^=.37 1) ; text, book a., 357 (=373=371) 728 (=726) ; in- dex. Index rerum, ff'.[l]a-[/6]a , FINIS, re- verse and folloning Jolio blank. — The edition is less carefully printed, llian that of 1G00; after p. 199 the pagiiialion is irregular and confused, running at that point 199, 201-225, 22i , thus ultimately making the a2'l>arent total of num- bered pages {7'2S) two too many. The title-piage vignette is that of the 1600 edition. The 1 aga- nino dedication is omitted; the new matter intro- duced is the dedicatory in-eface and the privi- legium laureit , the latter, printed in Italics, probably taken from some 16th century Venetian edition ol' Itie Rime; the table of dialogues is placed before the text instead of at the end. As will be seen later (see no. 21) the edition must have been a large one. — Tlie editor, T^entnlo, seems to have possessed, or had acccis to a small collection of Petrarch editions. In his dedica- tion, after citing the oinnions of Erasmus , Vi- ves, Paulas Jovius and Boccaccio concerning Petrarch, he goes on to say that ichen, a few years before, he v;as urged by Le Preux to re- vise the text of the De Itemediis he did not feel at liberty to rel'usc the task — Ita euim mendo- sum exoplar illud, quod milii tradiderat, of- fendi ; vt nisi aliorum aliquot diuersoru exem- plarium, non sine impensa, hinc indo conqui- sitorum (quamquam noc ilia suis quoque men- dis carebant) collatione, adiutus f uissem , de restituedo illo omnino desperandu fuisset. Multis enim in loeis vocabula aut deprauata, aut transposita ; and then states that the present edition had received further improvement , and particularly additis in vuiiquodque Caput Di- stichis, eius complectentibus summii, haud- ijuaquara inelegantibus. These distiches are the Latin ones of Job an n Pinilian (see no. 69), irhieh are here, for the first time in any Latin edition of the De lemediis, prefixed to the dia- logues. The dedication is da'cd at Berne in January 1805. — Xo edition of this dale is cited byHortis. — The copy n-as bound by Zaehnsdorf of London. K - t ! 12 BE REMEDHS UTRIVSQUE FORTVXyE. 21. (1610). Fraucisci | Petrarchse [ de re- mediis , vtriusque Fortunte , j libri dvo. | Edi- tio Quarta, prioribuslonge castigatior. Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. j d | Sumptibus Esaia3 le Prenx. | — | M.DCX. IG'in 8s. ff. [16].pp.33_ 728(=726);ff. [17], the last blank; Florentine initials (4). Contknts: — Title-folio, reverse blank; letter to posteritij De online, vita, conversa-]tione : et stv- dio- rum suorum sucessu, ipsius-met Aucto- ris E-jpistola. ; Fran. Petrarcha posteritati S., ff. [2\a-[S\b ; index, Index capitvm, J'. [9]a-[12]b ; eu^ojfj'es, FranciscilPe-jtrarcbae | Klogia. jloan- nis Bocatu,#. [i3]a-[16]h; prologue, book i, pp. 33-48; tc.it, book i., p2}. 43-,37 2(^354); pro- logue, book ii, pp. 372{-=^3S4)-3.'j7(^371); text, book ii., pp. 357(=^371)-728i==7-JG); index, ff. \l]a-\lti\a, FINIS , reverse and Jinal folio blank. The oval title-page vignette is a poorly execu- ted woodcut head of Fetrarch. — This fourth Le Preux edition, and the first which bears the name of Fsias Le Preux , so far as the numbered pages, and the following index folios , are con- cerned, is that of' 1605, of which evidently a con- siderable number of copies had beenprinled; the title-page, and the unnumbered folios which suc- ceed if, are thus the only actually reprinted p>or- tion of tlie edition. Of the preliminary matter of IROCi only the index of dialogues , Index ca- pitvm, is retained; for the rest are substituted Petrarch's Epistola ad posteros, and eulogies ijirinted in Italic) by Boccaccio, Erasmus, Luis Vices, Francesco Florido, Panlus Jovius and Johann lIcrold,—In this year Esaias Le Preux, in order to dispose of' the remainder of the 1605-10 edition of the De remediis, and of the accumidated stock of the other Latin works of Petrarch issued by his house {or, perhapjs in- duced by the death of Joannes and the consequent change in the title of the eslcihlishmenl), united them all in two volumes, retaining , except in the cases of the De remediis and the Libri rerum memorandarum, the original lille-jJages, but jirinting 2 general t'ltle-piages as follows : - Francisci j Petrarcha; i opervm | Tomus Primus: | Cuius libros pagella sequens ] exhi- bet. ! Vna cum Indicibus locupletissimis. j D [ Sumptibus Esaite le Preux. i — j M.DCX. 16" in 8s. pt. i., ff. [16], pp. 33-728{—726), ff. U7]; pt. ii. (1605), f. [/], pp. 3-285, /. f/1, 'blank, pt. Hi. (1604), f. [l], pp. 3-173, f. [/], blank; pt. iv. (1604), f [l],pp. 3-176. Fi-ancisci ; Petrarchse ! opervm i Tomus alter : j Cuius libris pagella sequens exhibet. | Vna cum Indicibus locupletissimis. j D | Sumpti- bus Esaite le Preux. j M.DCX. 16" in 8s. l)f. i., ff. [16], pp. [3]-44S ; pt. ii. (1604), f. [1], 7}r- 1-^91; pt. Hi. (1609), f. [1], pp. 3-430, f. [1], blank ; pt. iv. (1602), lip. 3-136. — On the reverse of the title-folio of each, volume is a list of the contents of the volume asfollons: — [i.lLibrihoctomo I comprehensi. ' I. De reme- diis Fortunte Libri II. | II. De Vita solitaria. ; III.DeOcio Mouachorum. IV. De Contemptu Mundi. ; [ii.] Libri hoc tnmo I comprehensi. | I. Kerum. Memorandarum, Lib. III. ' II. Opu- scola Historica & Philologica; nrjie ! 1. A''iro- rum lUustrium Epitome, i 7. Itinerarium Syriacura. j 111. De Suiipsius & multorum ignorantia, | Liber. I IV. Inuecti varum con- tra Medicum, Lib. IV. | V. Notha, qu* Au- thori falsi) tribuuntur. I VI. De Republica optimo administrada, Liber. I VII. De Offi- cio & Virtutibus Imperatoriis, Li- ber.— 7h vol. ii. the parts here numbered III, , IV. andY. have a common t'dle-piagc and a continuous pay- ination, as have also VI. an<^ VII. As stated, the first treatise hi vol. i. is the 1610 De reme- diis, nithout a special title-page, and in vol. ii. the Kes memorandae (1604), likewise w'lth no separate title-page. The vignette on the title-pag- es of the tico volumes of this pseudo 'Pelrarchie opera'' is the same head of the author as is found in the 1610 De remediis. — Tlie cop>y cited by Mortis of this Le Preu.e collection lacks ail of vol. i. except the De remediis; but in the copy here described vol. i. hai all the works enumera- ted in the table of contents. — The collection also possesses a copy of the 1610 De remediis, on tlie title-page of which the date has been altered to M.DCXIlI by stamping the three III by hand. 22. (1613). Francisci | Petrarchae ) de re- mediis I vtriusque Fortunse , | libri dvo. Editio Quinta, prioribus longe castigatior. I Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. [ □ j Apud Esaiam le Preux. | — j M. D. C. XIII. Pi'in 8s_. _J. [16],i}p. .53-728(=726),ff. [16] ; Florentine initial. Contents; — Title- folio , re- pp. 356 (=:3.J4)-357(=^373) ; text, book it., pp. 357(=372)-728(=726); index, ff. [l]a-[16]b. — There is much confusion in the imagination , expecially in the second prologue; and in book i., 2>. 256 is followed by p. 259, a blunder ivhich is not afterwards remedied; but the typography othenmse is an improvement on the j'revioits edition. The title-p>age vignette is the same. 23. (IGIG). Francisci I Petrarchae | de re- mediis I vtriusque Fortunas , | libri dvo. | Editio Quinta , prioribus longe castigatior. I Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. | D ! Excude- bat Esais le Preux. i — | M. D. C. XVI. 16" in 8s. ff'. [16] , pp. 33-728(—72G) , ff. [16]. — Tlie contents agree precisely with the issue of 1613. — Tlie edition is made up of the preliminary 16 unnumbered folios, n-hich have been reprinted ivifh slight typographical chan- ges (here, for instance, there is no ornament at the topi of the page on which the eulogies begin) , anil the 1613 sheets of the remainder of the hook. The title-piage vignette is still the head, of Pe- trarch. As will be noticed the edition is again styled the fifth; it is the last lehich bears the Le Preux imprint. 24. (1628). Francisci | Petrarchse | de re- mediis I vtriusque Fortunse, | libri dvo. i Editio Quinta, prioribus longe castigatior. ! Cum Indicibus locupletissimis. | n | Coloniae Allobrogum , Ex Typographia lacobi Steer. I — IM. D. C. XXVIII. 16"in8s. ff. [16], pp. 33-728 (726). ff. [16]; Florentine initials (4). — The contents are the same, page for page, as in the previous edition, and the obi title-page vignette is retained. So slight iras the editorial care exercised that the words, Editio Quinta, still remain on the title- THE LA TIN TEXT. 13 page, and the omission of' tiro jiage-nnmbers beltieen 356 and 359 is not rectified , though many other errors in numeration are corrected. The edition is not cited by Hortis. 25. 1,1045). Franoisai | Petrarchse | de re- mediis | vtriusque fortunte, | libri dvo. | Edi- tio Quinta, prioribus lijge castigatior. | Cum Indicibus looupletissimis. D G-enevse. | Apud laoobvm Stoer. [ — i M. D. C. XLV. Ii;' in Ss. ff. [11!], jip- ^a-72S (=720), ff. [/'<■]; Florentine initials M). — 1!ie contents, ti- tle-cigncttc and error in numeration after p. 256 repeated; the Florentine initials and otiier ti/po- qraphical ornaments arc in part changed; the X in the first word of the title-page is of a larger- sized font tlian the rest of t lie irord ; still called the fifth edition; the paper and press-tcork are poor. This the final one of the lierne-Oeneva editions. 26. (1649). Francisci | Petrarchie | Poetaj Oratorisque clarissimi, | De remediis utrius- que Fortunse, | libri dvo. | Ejusdem | de oon- temptv mvndi | Colloquiorum Liber, quern secre- turn suum inscripsit, | Editio nova ac melior. | Cum Indicibus duobus, altero Dialo- gorum, I altero Rerum. D | Roterodami. [ Ex Officiua Arnoldi Leers. | do loc xlix. 12". ff. [IS], pp. 1-824, ff. [14), of which the hist is blank; Florentine initials (!i) ; ff'. [7]a- [V'j'la , pp. 1-h'i, ijij2-3i~)2 , "12-110 in Italic; a copper-plate title-page -precedes the jjrinted one cited. ConTE^TSi—Engraced title-page, reverse llank;f.[/]; printed title-page, f.[2]a; epigram, Epigramma | ad ] Franciscura | Petrareham, /'. [:;H,-e)(/o(/ies,Francisci Petrarch* Elogia.. ff. [S\a-[ti]h ; letter to jJosterily , De origine , vi- ta , conversatione, ! Et studiorum suorum suc- ces- su, ipsiusmet Auctoris I Epistola.,,^'. [7]a- [I3]a; table, ff. [13]b-[l.y]h ; prologue, looki.. Franc. Petrarohse, j Philosophi, Poette, Ora- torisque I clarissimi, de Remediis utriusque Fortune, ad Azonem Corregium , ] Principem Parmensem, arai-icum suum. , Epistolaris pr«- fatio. , lip. l-t-'J; text, hook i. , De jEtate flori- da, Dialogvs I. ,pp. 14-331; jirologue, book ii., Clarissimi PoiHie, At Oratoris, | Franc. Petrar- chfp, I De remediis fortuna^ adversas, | Liber secundus. , 7^p. 3.-12-3.^2; text, hook ii. , De de- formitate Corporis. | Dial. I., ^'^i. 3'>3-711; preface to the De contemptu mundi, P2>. 712- 710; text, pp. 717-824; index to the De reme- diis, /f'. [l}a-[l.'i]b; blank leaf .— The edition is irell-printed 07i good but not even paper , and is from one of' the better or' the Berne editions. The text is pr'mteil , for the first time, in strict dia- logue style, each speech forming a iiaragrapjh. The Pinitian distiches (see no. 69j are retained. The title-page virpietle is a female figure holding a; deiUcatori/ ejns- tle, lUustrissimi, domini j comites domini patroni munificentissimi! , ff. [2]a-[.i]h, signed by Joannes Trdsij ; Assertiones | ex uni- versa I philosophia., \^'. [6']o-['S']J, numhered ISO; letter to postcritij , De origme, vita, I conversatione et studiorum suorum succes- su I ipsiusmet Auctoris Epistola.,,//'. [,'')a-[/.5]6.- jirologue, book i., Francisci Petrarchas , phi- losophi, poetse , i oratorisque clarissimi, de i Remediis Utriusque Fortuna? : ad Azonem Corregium, ' principem parmensem , ] Ami- cum suum, , Epistolaris prtefatio. , jj^). 1-11; text, hook i., 2^p. 11-S32; prologxie, hool: IL, Clarissimi poeta; , et oratoris i Francisci Pe- trarohse, de Remediis Fortune AdverssB , liber secundus. Pra?fatio. , 2^P- .V.i'.-?-.?J9; text, book ii. , 2>p. S50-71i>: Index dialogorum, p. [12 (no. 27) edition, the onlg nev: matter being that contained in the first 8 unnumbered folios (title- 2>age, academic annonncement, dedication, asser- tiones). — Tiic description is from a copij in the Hungarian National Museinn of Budapest. 3. Incomplete Editions. a. The Compend hg Adrianus. t29. (146.^). Incipit liber de Kemedijs vtriusque fortune, pspere ? aduse. Copulatus \sic\ p queda Adri anQ Cartusien. ? sacre theo- logie pfessorem Prologus. ii< oici, Explicit liber de rcmedijs vtrius(j,' fortune Prospfi % adiise. Copulat p queda Adria nu Cartusien 5 sacre theologie professors. 4" in 8s. ff. [too] ; hook i. comjjriscs 12 sheets in 8s and 1 in er , with tiro differing iratcrmarks. Contknts : — Title, f. 1 a : 2»o- logiie, book i., [] Vonda niiehi meditanti su- bijt ilia ; que me sepius oocupat cogitacio ff. Ia-r,h; text, hook J., ff. .V,-t(l2h, ending. Explicit Liber l*rim de Eemcdijs pspe ro fortune; 2'^eilogue, hook ii., Incipit prologus sciiilibri deremedijs scili cet aduerse fortune ff. lO.'Ja-IO'ia; text, book ii., ff. Kl.'ta-liiOa: co- lophon, Explicit/. mOa: the final l^age, lilOh, lilank.^Ham, Un, irherc the edition is ascribed to the 2>rinter Jlricli Zell of Cologne, hul ncitlicr date nor printer is knoitn uith any certainty. There are no signatures and no folio numera- tion, indicative in hooks issued at Cologne (where Zell hegan_ to 2'rint about 1464) of 'the decade before 14) 1.^ Tlie copy examined appertains to theLei2nig University Library. — Adrianus car- Ihusiensii, ivliose family name is ttnknoirn, uas, according to themeagre notices of the biographical d'ctionaries, a native of Brabant, and entered the Carthusian convent of Gelruideuberg, Hol- land , about 1410. He seems to have had some note as a teacher of theology. Aiiparently no one who lias treated of the relationship of his book, De remediis utriusque fortunse, to that of Petrarch , ever took the trouble to com)>are the tiro works. The former contains only about one-third of the matter comprised in the latter. Both productions have identically the same ti- tle; each is divided into two hooks, or piarts: i., Against 2'rosperous fortune, and ii.. Against adverse fortune; each of these o^jens xvitli a pro- logue; both irorks are comjiosed in clialofjue form (the assertion to the contrary in the 2l/i- chaud Biographic uuiversclle is unfounded), hut while the interlocutors in Petrarch are, in book i., Gaudium {and Spes) and Ratio, and in book ii.. Dolor (and iiletus) and Ratio , in the Carthusian monk's treatise they are in both parts T and G, wliich he exjilains , in his first prologue, to signify Tyro vanitatis and Cu'ltor virtutis. Even the most cursory examination ivill shoir that the Adrianus book is simply an abridgment (or, better, a slightly rehashed aljridgmenl) of Petrarch's. The order of sub- jects is in general the same; much is of course omitted, sometimes sentences, sometimes para- grajihs, sometimes whole dialogues; and the con- struc'ion is at times changed , usually for the iro7*se. Many of the cilations and examples drairn from classic authors and iiagan historij are left oat; and noir and then a less philo- so2>hic and more theological tone is evident, as ivas, jJer/iO;jjs, natural in a devout friar en- gaged in a2'>pro]-)riating to himself the labor and fame of another. The prologues are the sole portions of the work to which Adrianus could- in any measure lay claim, but even {n these the arguments are largely draicn from the intro- ductions of Petrarch. The folloiving 2'assafies from the com2)lete treatise and the epitome arc taken wholly at random, but illustrate the char- acter of the latter 2}roduction : — Adbiaxus. T. Xati sunt mihi filii. C. Dulcedo tibi amarissima est. atqj fel melle circulinitum. fontem grauiu eau- sarum domi tibi natum fore scito quia i\\up vitam ages sine metu ^ angoribus. porro iiecq,' timere necij,' sperare noueris. ac vota facere. Sic nunc disces tuo cum periculo. disces parentos orbes misereri. disces iii breui cursu longas curas texere longioraq,- negotia ordiri. discesq,- debiis que nihil ad te attincnt torqueri. disces ea qauq-; sis yisurus dispo- nere. Postreo disces altos pi qj te amare. amare dico ardctissimo. tepidissimeq; amari sane duras artos omunes tamsa—EdHion of Lou vain, f. l.'ib, col. 2. Pkirvkcii. G-. Xati mihi sunt filii.... R. Dulcedo amarissima, & fel melle cir- cumlitum.... Fontem tibi gravium curarum domi natum credito. Nunquam sine metu atque angoribus vitam ages.... Noc timere, THE LATIX TEXT. nee sperare, uec, vota lacero noveras. En disces tuo periculo, disces & partiues oibos miserari, disoes & in brevi vita Inngas curas texere, tuque longiora negotia ordiri: disces his. qUiB nil ad te pertineant torqueri; '^uaa visurus nunquam sis disponere. Ad postre- nium, disces amarc plus altam quam te; di- sces ardentissimediligere, tepedissime diligi; duras artes. — Bool,!, dial. 70, edition of Hot- (erclaiii l(!l:i,iy. 211. Tlic dialogtie follows immcdiateli/ after the x"'o- loijtu: in each hook and is continuous , that is, not liroken into chajters as in Petrarch, a fact ivhicli mates the freqiien' changes of suhject seem very sudden. It is //ossible thal,Ju(licionsli/ used, (he compend of Adj-ianus mujlU occasionalttj tje of assistance in a recision of the text of tlie De reiaediis, since the monh must haee liad at his commajulan early manuseri/.t. — Of the compen- dium, as tcill be seen below, five editions were printed. 30. (UTy). Incipuit vubrice sbscripti opis et f mo libri ]5 [ Eya At end, Expli- cit liber de reme- dijs vtriusry fortune. sm. ■!■>. ff. [12], l-Sa, blank leaf, .19 143; Gothic; printed paijc, 1 .11 hy SS millimeters, exclusire of the folio nmnerals; paye lines, 27; ff.[I]ab,[127]b and tlOb are blank. 'Cuntents: — Blank leaf; index or tablf, Incipuit [sic] ru- brice OS o6ot-f, _^'. [2]a-[l:^]a, endiny, middle, Expliciut rubrice subscript! operis., reverse of folio blank; prologue, book i.. Liber de re- medijs vtriusip fortune pspere scih et i ad- uerseper quenda A.poetamprestanteiu necn sacre Theologie prof'essorem exiniium noui- ter co-pilatuS. Pret'atio libri incipit. , //'. la— lb; text, book i.. Tiro vanitatis loquitur; ff. -Ja-tHIa , ending, beloir middle , Explicit pri- mus libellus do- ■jeus remedia fortune pspere reverse of folio blank; prologue, book ii. , Pro- logus i sccSm libellu do remedijs I aduerse for- tune. , ff. !lla-!)2h; text, hook ii., T. | Totus mundus michi aduersatur C, (f. 02h-l43b; colophon, f. 143b, lines S-t), the remainder of page blank. — Jiain U4, irhere the edition Is ascribeil to Htinrieh Egyestein of Strassburg about 1471, but the typigraphi; differs mate- rially from that of the first edition 'of the com- plete De remedlis ( no. 6) , also attributed to this printer. Ilain indicates neither the preliminary blank leaf, nor the one inserted betu-een ff. 38 and :i:t in the jiresent copy , on the early last- century binding of which the date of impression is given as 1469. There are doubts as to the priority of this edition, or t/tat next described {no. 31). CuAKACTKRisTics. — The final 17 lines of the prologue to book i., (f Sb) form a sort _ of explanatory isolated paragraph, be- ginning [P)Rocessu's sbsejjti operis p modu dyalogi , which is found in only a part of the editions ol'the Adrianus compend; at the begin- ning of this, as well as at the commencements of the prologues and texts of the two books, spaces are left for ornamental initials. Many digraplis occur, the combinations oa, ce, cu, de , do, fr, he, in,_ti, tu and other more usual combina- tions being apparently cast on a single body ; ij has ordinarily only the i dotted : iu and ui (vi) are, or closely renemble , an incerteil m. Tlie abbreeialions are nmnerou,^ , ,bnt the only mark of punctuation is the period. Tlie present copy is rubricated throughout. — The prefixed, index. occupying the II unnumtiered folios, is made up of all the phrases ascribed to the interlocutor T., arranged in their actual order, and accompa- nied by not very exact references, in Arabic nu- merals, to the folios. — But the most interestin'j typographical feature of the book is the nume- ration of the folios, of n:hich this is a very early instance; these numbers are Arabic and are placed^ on the outer margin of the obverse of each folio, half way down the page;f. 1)2 is numbered by error UO , and the numbers !!■'> and 7(1 are omitted; number 1 is a Gothic capital I. t31. (1471). Incipiiit rubrice subscripti operis. et f" libri fimi. Eya At end, Expli- cit liber do remedijs fortui torum casuum nouiter gpilatus ! et impressus Colonic per Arnol dum ther hoernen finitus. Anno I do- mini M" cccc" Ixxi" . die veneris i octaua men- sis februarij. Deo gras Gothic; page- C'oxTKxrs: — In- sm. 7°. /. [//], 1-/04; lines, 2t ; colophon in red. b, col. 2, ending Explicit Liber Primus de Kome'diis prospere fortune., folhired bg blank space hi rcmainJer of column; prologue, book ii., Incipit prologus seoundi libri. de | Kemediis scilicet aduerse Fortune., ff. 4(ja, col. l-46b, col. 2; text, book a, 4Ch, col. 2-70b, col. 2, ending Deo gras.; colojjkon, f. TOh, col. 2 , leaving the loner third of page blank. — Hain, 05 y assigns this edition to about the gear 1474, but had erident/g never examined a copg ; Campbell ('Annates de la tgpographie Neerlandaise,^ La Hage 1874, p. 2, no. 6) is plainlg much nearer the truth when he places the date at about 1485. — The text of thin fourth edition of the Adrianus com- pend caries considerahlg from that of the Eg- gestein edition; especiallg notable is tlie absence of the xiaragraph (Processus sbscpti operis p modu dyalogi) ap2>ended, to the first prologue {see no. 30), and of the index, which makes it probal)le that the e tition is a reprint of that de- scribed under no. 29 and ascribed to Ulrich Zell. t33. (1507). De remedijs vtrius I qj fortu- ne. I D I Venales repiiitur i vico scti iacobi aditer siignium [sic] diui claudii Pro franci- sco regnault. At end , 1 De remediis casuum liber p , utilis Parisius recetissime ipressus Per I Johannem Lambert Finit feliciter Anno I domini millesimo quingetesimo septimo j Die vero .XV. Julii. sm. S." ff. [i]-cvi, [10]; sig. [A]-r; Gothic; Florentine initials (4); double columns; printed page, lit) bg 7.3 millimeters ; the title-page vignette is a shield bearing the initials F E sup- ported bg a male and a female figure , two goats in the forciiround , the ivhole enclosed in a bor- der vi'th a motto, EN DIEV | EST MON | ESPE- RANCE (tlie two letters S reversed), running around three sides , and on the fourth (bottoni) 'the name Francoys Regnault; the Htle-jtage is in black and red. Contents: — Title-folio, re- verse blank; sub-title. Liber de \ remedijs utriusij,' fortune p 1 spere scilicet | e | aduerse per quemdam A pootam prestantem necnon sacre Theologie pfessorem exipiium , compila- tus,/. ij a; prologue, book i; ff.^ij a, col. 1-iiij a, col. 2; text, book i., ff'. iiij a, col. 2-lxix a, col. 2, ending It Explicit primus libellus docens remedia fortune pspere; pro- logue, book a., "t Prologus in secundum Iibellum de remediis ad- juorse fortune., .^'. Ixix b, col. 1-lxx h, col. 1; text, book ii., ff. Ixx b, col.2-[2]b, line 11; Colophon, f. [2]b, lines 7 - 1 1 , remainder of page blank; index, Ta- bula \ ITabula presentis'oporis, //'. [3\a-[l0]a, ending") Expliciunt rubrice praesentis operis, reverse of folio blank. — The final tu-o folios of the text of book ii., and all those of the index are unnumbered. The folio numeration shows some irregularities ; ff'. x.iyDiij and xxix are, bg error, xviij a7id xixj ff. c, cvij and cviij are not num- bered at all. The following are numbered in Aj-abic: 34, '67 [properlg 36), 74, 81-8'J, and 86 {projierlg US). — The fifth and final edition of the coniptnd'ium ascrittcd, to Adrianus the Car- thusian. It has the final paragraph to tlie first 2'>rologue (processus subscripti) and the index found in titc so-called Ter Hocrnen and Egge- stein editions, and was therefore reprinted from one of them. Tlie folio numeration is in a line with the topmost tine of the page in the outer margin. — 'The copg described is that of the Na- tional Lihrarg of Florence. b. The Compend bg Egb, 34. (1472). Tabula siueEegist?prgsentis operis incipit At end, Anno a natiui- tate domini Millesimo quadringentesimosep-l tuagesimosecuudo die vero secunda Mensis decembris finita est | hec summa Albert! de Eijb: vtriusq-; Juris doctoris eximij que Mar- garita pofetica dicit': p industriosu;; impres- sorie artis Ma-gistru lohaunem sensen- sohmid ciuem Nurmbergensem oui'' di-jli- gentia imfimendi corrigendiiij: opus ipsu optie manifestat. /." ff'. [477], of vehicle ff'. 1 and 2(1 are blank; Gotliic; page-lines , 35. Contents : Blank leaf; inde.v, ff'. 2a-2IJa; blank leaf; text of vol. i., Margarita poetica: opus claris- simu foeliciter incipit. ;[] Lbertus de Eijb lurisutriusiji doctor,. /?'. 2ha-18'2b , terminating Laus deo; text of vol. ii., Auctontates diver- S05 tam oratorum t^ poetaru3 virorum sane i clarissimo^, ff. 183a-477a; colophon , f. 477a reverse blank. — Tlic I'etrarch portion of this bulkg volume includes the Benvenuto continua- tion of tlie Epitome vitarum virorum illu- strium, here putd'islied under tlie title 0/' Liber augustalisimperatorum Francisci Petrarcha;, and a compe^id of the De remediis, in which, singularlg enough , the books are arranged in reverse order, that on evil fortune preceding. The compend begins f. 365a and ends 37 (Ja, ivith a title /'or each book, Francisci petrarche de aduersa Fortuna Reraedia and Francisci Petrache [sic] de prospera fortuua Remedia (f. 367a). The compend opens with a prefa- torg iiote as follon-s: [] Vnc nunc prudicti fraoisci Petrarcliu : oratoris sane ? \ poety cla- rissimi: ? imp|mis de aduersa: Auctoritates nostro operi inserore tepta | bo. Cui quidem petrarche talis pcedendi in his e consuetudo : vt j si de re quapiam doleas: remediu tibi re- spondendo aifert : dolore | ne nimio conficia- ns : Si quidem gaudeas : vt infra de pspere fortune remedijs: item leticiane nimia extol- laris. Et prima in or-;dine: aduerse fortune de deformitate corpis se otfertKubrica h"| mo- do. The text of the compend ends with Hec de aduersa | et pspera fortua petrarohte:. This epitome is fairlg u:ell done, as is shown hg its repeated issue in a separate form in tliefollowing century. — The author of this abridgment, Al- brecht von Egb, n:as born 14211 and died at Eichstiitt in 1475. His interest in the classical and later Italian authors was increased bg a THE LATIN TEXT. 17 coh sojourn at the univcrsit;/ of' Pavia , witerc he receii-crl the doctorate, ills Margarita poetica lias hecii succinctly ilescribeil as 'itnc mil del- fachcn Beiipkleii bcleale Anteituixj zur Ue- tlctcmtsi.^ The Jirat book it ticvoteil to the theory of rhetoric, irith examples of the construction of phrases, nhile the second cotJi2}ri3cs a great num- her of evtracts from lUe princijial orators, phi- losofthers , historians and poets. This e.rtcnsirc anthology leent through many editions, of irhich the folloiring arc cited:— [SIrassburg , (ieorg Jliisner, N7:i/]; J'aris, hi vico Sancti .Jacobi il'ctrus Cirsuris et Johannes S/ol/, //7.5.*|; Jiome, Vdalricus Gallus, 1 17 Tt ; Paris, in vico Sancti Ja- i [Petras Vasaris ct Johanne StoU], 1 17.'> ; Pa- ns , Ulricus Gerin'j, J17S; [Pome, Ulcphanus Plancl,-], t4><0: no 2'!ace. 14s.'-,, §'. 2-l->; nn place, lis? , ff. 2.11; \ Venice/], llft.'l (see no 35); Basle, Joliannes dc Amerbach, 14'.l:'i; no place, t.'>il'J, ff. I7:i ; Basle, Johann Froben, l.')l>-'l ; Sirassbnri/ , Johann J'rijss, l.'ill.'J; and three un.laled issues: — 1. Jt'.['i\', :i'.>7 ; -J., ff. [2], 297 ; and 3. ff'. [I2\, 2.'tl; but this list mdy need rceisioti. The edition of' 1-172 is JIuin HHIS. 35. ili'JJ). Oratorum omnium I'octarum : Hystoricorum : ac Pliilosophol^ elegantes dicta: per Claiissimum j uirum Albcrtum de Kiib in unum collecta fuuliciter incipiunt. At end of tc.r.l , Suma Oratol^ omniil: Poo- taru : Historicol?: : ac Pliilosophol^ Auctorita- tes in unu collo'cti.o per olarissimu uirum Albortum do Eyb Vtriusq; iuris doctorr. exi- miu; quio Marjgarita poetica dicitur: fieli- citer iinr adepta est. M. CCCCLXXXXIir. Kale. lanuarii. At end of irork , Margarita poetarviu. ./■'. ;,; S'-. ,//'. [I7r,], nf irhich. Ike first is blanl.'; sig. a-x, and one additional sheet; page- lines (jf; spaces for initials. Contknts: — Bliinl: leaf; te.rt,par'. i., ff. 2a-i;:!h, ending Lausdco; text, 2'artii., Autoritates diuersorum tara ora- torum 4 f oetaram, ff. hon,f. IHSb; imlrx. Tabula totius pr;i' sentis opis, //'. Ii;:ia-I7.'ib, rji(/i»7 Finis totius tabuhn; rc<7j»'(';', I7:'ib, en- ding FINIS ; title-folio. The index is in four columns, the rc/rrences being to folios (as if they were numbered, eomiling from tbe'Jirxt 2»''nlid one) and to marginal letters. — This edition, irhich, in the British Museum ca'ologur, is in- terrogu'iriiy ascribed, lo a Veiieliaii press, is a singular p'leee ofbooh-iiiahiiig. Inthe first 2>lace, the blanlL-leaf at the beginning belongs to sig- nature a, but no account is lal,:en of it in flic sig- nature numbers, lekich: begin irith the first printed folio, and run a, a ii and so on. In the second place, the fnal folio is a 2iurt of the last siqnature (irhich has no signature lelter, but simjjl/i the .■signature numbers 1, 2, 3, i on the first four folios); this final leaf has the obrerse blan/r, but, in the middle of the rererse, a title to the n-hole icorl:, MA RCrAElXA POETARVM, the 2tossih!e intention haring been to bind the in- \ de.v at the beginning of the volume, the final leaf then serving as a title-folio ; it must be remem- bered that book-titles, in early Italian 2^rinting — and es2>ccially chapter or section titles— f're- fjnently occur on tlie reverse of the folio 2>rece- dinq the text. The edition is Ilain , U2!<4 , ikIio indicates only 174 folios, and kiiotia nothinij of the title-leaf at the end. — It has been already noted, that i/ic Maxgarita Poetica cjn'alns other I'elrarchan malter besides the eompeiid of the De remediis. _ On f. lltla (counting the hlank leaf at the beginning) j line l.'f, tliere is a refc' rence to Petrarch's Vita Ctosaris, ascribing it to lulius celsus historiographus; _//'. t20a-/2.1b of this edilion include the Libor Augustalis of Benvenulii da Imnla under the title of Liber Au- gustalis Fraucisci Petraruha; (sec Petrarch's collected works, edilion of 1554, pp. 575 590.) t36. (1501). Opusculu Eemedioru ad-! uerse fortfio ex Fracisoo Pe-|traroha oratore ot poeta sane clarissimo, Vt si do re qua- pia doleas: llemediu tibi respondendo aft'ert: do- lore ne i nimio conficiaris. i Totrasticlion Ma- gistri Grogorij. Pro. do Konitz ) ad Leoto- rem. | Obuia quern tangunt aduerso flamina sortis Quern miserum semper duraf]; fata pi'emunt [ Accelara ot docti sumas medica- minavatis I Dogmata Franciscus clarasalutis liabet. At end, Inipressu'! et finitu est p Jacobil Tlianner in Liptzk Foria scSa I post dnicfi Palmatt Anno diii 1501. 1". ff. [I(;\; (iotliic; page-lines 27. Con- ■rKsta:— Title- jiage ; Kpigrama magistri Gre- gorii I Eredtkopfs do Konitz, /'. lb; text, ff. 2a-li:a : li Latin verses addressed to Johan- nes dc Sochlitz by the editor , f. Ilia; colojihon, f. Kilt, reverse blank. — 'The ejngram on the reverse of the title-folio is of IS lines : "! Tristia turbatas angut discrimina mentos Et faciunt mestos ducoro nosi|-! dies Accelerantcj; breui funesto teiupora mortis Et solidi vires corporis vs(|; traliunt. Perdidit vxorem : famaiii sod pordidit alter: Forinam: alter pueros: diuiciasi|; simul. Angiturliic morbo: morto formidat ot atram. Iste alio premitur: cur sine lino dolent. Sic raesti cnplont misoris looacunctaquerelis: Sors mala mu torquet: sorsqj sinistra, trahit: Semper quid meres fortune llamina nigreV Ventus eras niueus ad tua tecta veuit. Vcrsat res cunctas liuius liamnusia vito Spurandu est lioniini : fidere lci|; decet. Si bona perdidoris labentis singula mundi: Expecta eterni dona bcata poli. Cum jiremet aduersi te dura potentia casus: Voluas Petrarcha: tunc puto sanus eris. The si.r verses 2>receding the coloj/hon are Ex Rooblitz natus .Than digna ex stirpe Jnan- Tuprobitato nitons laureasertageris. (nes ProU dolor immeritus cruris tu damna subisti ; Ledunt innocuos impia fata viros. Accipo Petrarcho docti solacia vatis: Aduersi casus hie mrdicina patet. — This is the first separately jirinied edilion of Kyli's compend although there is no mcnfion of JCgb in the leork. It is ev'irlently a baccalaureaie 2f rod actio II , 2iublisheil in honor of the recipient of the degree, but leas so much read that it vas twice reprinted, as the ne.rt titles shou-. It in- cludes only the first book of the comi'end, relating to adverse fortune. Copies e.vist in the Munich Hoyal Li')rary , the tiottingen U-'irry'i.i fj. brary, and the British Museum. IS BE EEMEDIIS UTRIUSQUE PORTUNJl. ^S' 37. (1507). Opusculum Eeme-;diorum ad- uerse fortune ex Francisco ' Petrarcha oratoro etpoetasaue clarissimo — Vt si dere qua-!piam doleas: Kemediu tibi respondendo affert: do- lore ne ; nimio couficiaris. Tetrastichon Ma- gistri Gregorij Bre. de Konitz | adLectorem. | Obuia (juem tangunt aduerse flamina sortis | Quern raiserii semper duraq; fata premut i Ac- celera: et docti suinas medicamina vatis i Dog- mata Pranciscus clara salutishabet. At end, Liptzigk impressum per Jacobu Thanner | lier- bipolensem. Anno dni 1507. 4". ff. [W]; sicj. A-C, of n-lilch the first and last in 6s; Gothic; page-lines '27 (excluding signatures). Contents: — Title-j>age;VjingTa,- iiia Magistri Gregorii Brejdikopfs de Konitz, /. llj; H Magister Gregorius Konitz optio ado- lescenti | Joanni de Sala. , ./'. lb; t Ide Leu- poldo de Sala egregie indolis Juueni., /'. ll; text, Opuseulu aduerse for-;tune ex Francisco Petrarcha: Ora tore et Poeta sane clarissimo — Vt si de re quapia doleas : re- mediu tibi re- spodendo alfert: dolore ne nimio conficiaris., Jf'. 2a-l6a, ending Et hec de remedijs aduerse fortune.; Magister Gregorius Konitz i ad Jo- anne JhandeRoohlitz artiubacealariu., f. 16a; colophon, /■ 16a, reverse blank. — The edition is the same as that of 1504, except in the addition of the two quatrains , addressed to Johannes and Leupoldusde Sala, lehich follow the epigram on the recerse of the title-folio. fSS. (1512). Opusculum remedioru adver- se I fortune ex Francisco Petrarcha j Oratore et Poeta sane clarissimo — Vt si de re quapiam ) doleas: remediu tibi respondendo affert: do- lore ne ni-|mio conficearis. i Tetrastichon Ma- gistri Gregorij Bre. de Konitz ad Lectorem. Obuia quern tangunt aduerse flamina sortis | Quem miscru semper durat^' fata premut ' Ac- celera et docti sumas medicamina vatis ' Dog- mata Franciscus clara salutis habet. At end, t Lipsi impressit Vuolfgangus monacen-!sis Anno. 1512. In platea Grimmen slum apud Sanctum Paulum. 4". ff. [24] ; Gothic; page-lines, 21. Con- tents:— jiifc-ixwe; epigrama, /. lb: qualraiiis to J. anel L. ele Sala, f. lb; text, ff. 2a-24a ; colophon, 24a, reverse blank. — This third indc- 2>endent edition of the Eyb compend differs ma- terialli/ from the two preceding ones in its Igpo- grapliical appearance, hat the contents are the same as in the edition of 1507 , except that the 6" Latin verses ad /rested lo Johannes de liochlltz, printed at the end of the text, are here omitted.— This compend was not the ontg Pelrarclian work issued at Leipzig in comiection vnth the bacca- laureate degree in the earlg years of' the sixteenth centum. In t.'tl)4 the printer, Jakob Thanner, published, under the title of De rectitudie me- tis, the fetter Animi cura, addressed to Thomas of Messina (Fam. i., S) ; from the same press came, in /.'lOS, , This seems to be the second edition of the treatise. ]i''hat is protiably the earliest edition, published n-ith Fi- lelfo's Latin translation of Plutarch's 'Apoph- thegmata ' (Lticteriw) , is thus described by l.'amp- bcU (p. 402, no. 1423):— 'F. 1 recto blanc. F. I verso: Tabula titulo? seu capituloru in so- quenti opere contentoru. { Et prime \ etc. F. 2 recto: Ad magnanimu principe pliilippu ma- riam inclitu mediolaneii ' ducem francisci phi- lelphi dicteriarum plutarchi cheronen ad I tra- ianum cesarera. que etaddiciones ad valeriuiu maximum ! recte dici possunt e greco in la- tmu traductio. Incipit feliciter. | /•'. 40 recto, ligne li: Dictjrie plutarchi cheronen ad tra- ianuiu cesarem seu | addiciones ad Valeria maximu. Feliciter expliciunt. [ Francisci ]ie- trarche pnete laureati. de vera sapientia. Dya- log I primus. Incipit feliciter. Collocutores sunt ydiota et orator. | F. 45 recto, a la fin: Francisci petrarche de vera sapientia dj'alo- gus I primus explicit feliciter. Incipit secun- dus. I F. 4'.) verso, h la fin : F. petrarche de vera sapia dyalog'' secund . Explicit feliciter. ) F, 50 bla}ic.' It Is a folio of 50 unnnmbered leaves ; Gothic; page-lines , ij I ; and is assigned by Campbell to the printers, Nico/nus Kelelaer and Gerardus de Lempt of Utrecht about I47i!. A copy is in the Hague lioyal Library. It is Main 13138. In tmk Ciim.ectki" Wouks. — In the first edition of Petrarch's u'orks (N'.Ui) the trea- tise Do vera sapientia stioutd he, according to the prefixed list of contents, the fit'/ h article, co- ming directly after the Secretum (Docouteuiptu mundi) ; yVo;ji its signature (F) it should follon) the De vita solitaria. trhere if is sometimes fo and. It ocenjiies the four folios of the first signatured , but has no special title-folio , as have the other ivorks. It begins, f. la, irilh the head.-line, Francisci Potrarchaj de uera Sapientia: Dia- logus I. and then follon-s the title: Francisci Petrarcha; poety Oratoris((,' Clarissimi: Dia- logus ])ri- mns: in quo de Vera Sapientia di- sputatur: Foelioiter incipit. Book ii. begins on Tim L ATI X TEXT. 19 /'. 3aj irlfk a similar licad-Une and title, and ends onf. •//*, middle, irith an Explicit o/' tiro lint'Sf the revuiinder of jjar/e hlanl:. The text is front one of' the indepeniient editions alread.tf ei- tcd. — In the second edition of the irorlcs (!.~>01) the De vera sapientia ./(Y/s the last three /'olios of sii;. r, hei/inniruj n-ilh the current title, FrH,- cisci petrarcho deiiora [sir] sapietia. Uia. ]., followed hi/ the full title; i( enda near the l/ottoin of col. 2 on therererse of the third folio irith an explicit of three lines. Itfolloirs the Seorctuiii. — In the third edition of the irorla (I'tOoj it still comes immediatt'li/ after the Secretum on the last three folios or' si;/, s, irltk the three-line Explicit quite at the hoftom of ihc eerii last column. — In the fourth edition of the leorks (l'i.'>-l) it hei/ins p. HG-l mifldle , and end^t p. o72, bottom. It here follows the treatise Do ocio religiosorum. — /h tlie fifth and final edition of the irorks (I'lHt) it occupies the same position, its sub-title beginning p. il'J'i, line 14, and the d'lalogues ending p. 330 near the bottom. In all these cases the text is eirtualli/ unchanged. Duhle ('Geschichte der ncuren Philosox>hie' , IsOO-lKO'i) leas the first to note distincllg the si- milaritij of a portion of the two dialogues De vera sapientia to the treatise Do sapientia bg cardinal Nicolaus C'usanus, bat lie took it for granted that Cusanus cop'ied Petrarch, to lehom the De vera sapientia had been ascribed at least eecr since the printing or its earliest edition. Just a centurg after I'etrarrli's death. Vineenzo Vi Gioranni {^Scuola, Scienza e Oritica^, JS74 , p. 204)^ citing Ilnhle, ivonders that no biogra/iher of Telrarch assigns am/ date to the composition of the De vera sapientia; he himself seeks to prove that it could not Jiaee been irrilten until after 1370. At afar earlier date than Di Gio- vanni's remarks the rompiler of I he general index to the fourth and fifth (Basle) editions of I'e- trarcJCs works, to judge from the manner of one of his references , was aiearc t/iat some passages of the treatise greatli/ resembled, one of the dia- logues of the i)e remediis. The ablest of Pe- trarch' s foreign biographers , Ktirt'ing , showed (1878) that the first of the tiro dialogues is ' theilireise sogar eine leiirtliche Wiederholung des zwolften Dialogs des ersten Bitches der Heilmit- tel gegen GUick und Unsliick' (p. 587). Tlie passage in the first dialogue of the De vera sa- pientia irhieh he thus finds to be re/iroduced, irith rarious slight changes anil oviissions , from book i., dial. 12, of the JJe remediis Vies between tlie words, Sapienliam attamen .... consecutus sum and. humilitas operosa. But a great ad- dition to our knowledge of the true character of the De vera sapientia has bem rerentlg made bg Dr. Johannes Vebinger of MUnster in an article entitled "Die anqeblichen Dialoge Petr ar- eas ilher die wahre Weisheit" (Gciger's ' \'icr- leljahrschrift liir die Knltur und Litteratur der Itenaissance', ii., I. /SSO, pp. 57-7tl). Dr. Uebingen finds I hat the first dialogtie is composed, of four not altogether consonant ports ; of these, two, forming the beginning and conclusion , ae taken from the dialogue De sapientia of enrdi- 'iial (Jusanus; the second is made up, as K'ortiiu/ ind'iraled , of passages from the Do remediis t , 12; the third portion Dr. Uebinger fails to re- cognize , but considers that it viai/ possihlg also be derived from some work by Petrarch. Tlie second dialogue oives its origin cntirclg to the De sapientia of Cusanus. The Do vera sa- pientia, in the present state of our knowledge of its origin, maij , therefore, be characterized as drawn two-thirds from Cusanus' s similar I g en- titled dialogue, one sixth from Petrarch's De remediis, and one si.r,tli from some still nnas- cerlaineil source. There is no allusion to the work in ang of Petrarch's letters, nor bg any of his contemporaries, nor ai'2>arentli/ hg any one during the three folloir'ing generations ; nor does there ojypear to tic any eery earlg manuscript of it in existenre. On the other hand , it must he noted, as Dr. Uebinger informs us, that the dialogue of Cusanus (d. 1464) , the in'erlocutors of which are likewise styled. Idiota and Orator, leas written in 1450; thcV)e vera sapientia leai printetl under I'etrareh's name, in or about 1473; the compiler, therefore, must have done his work betircen those tiro dates, that is not many gears after the compos'Uion of the Cusanus dialogue. The latter, moreover, was not printed until about I47H, some five years after the ori- ginal edition of the De vera sapientia, ascribed to Petrarch, had left the l)ress. As the first three editions were issued either in Holland or North Germany the De vera sapientia, in its existing state , seems to have originated not far from the birthplace of the Adriamis compen- dium. For another ascribed work, compiled, in the same region, see no. 40. f 40. (149?). Dyalogus Prancisoi peltrarehe poeti laureati de vera sapienoia Cuius Colilo- cutores sunt Orator et Idiota i Dyalogus Fran- cisci pe[trarche poeti laureati Cuius interlo- cutores in prijmis sunt Pilades et Horrestes post hoc Hospes et Caupo. At end , Et sic hui libelli piocundi finis adest. 4" in 8 and 4. ff. [12]; sig. a-b ; Latin letter; page-lines, 34. Contents: — Title-folio, reverse blank; text o/'De vera sapientia, dial. i.,ff. 2a-(!a; dial, ii., ff. Ga-9b; title of the se- cond treatise, Francisei potrarclie sequit' dya- logus pornatus tf poeticus de | rhomane curie euitatde Cuius coUoquijtes Pilades sunt Z Horre|stes Hospes Caupoip,/. :di; text, ff. Illa- 12a, rerer.'tc blank. The typography seems to be North German, and the date can hardly be later than 14110. The titles of the two tracts are at the top off la, the remainder of the 2><^9'^ blank. — This third edition of the De vera sa- pientia is Ilain, 127ItS; the co^^y described, crisis in the Copenhagen Royal Library. — 'I'lie second ivork in the volume, De romaiiie curiae evitatione, is a suppositious Petrarch composi- tion, of which another edition is cited, by Ilortis ('Catalogo drlla Petrarche^ca Posseltinna', no, 4117). It is a singular production of slight mer- it; its compiler apparently kneiv little of Pe- trarch , or of his irorks, except that he had written against the corrupt practices of the Ii'o- man curia. Ilortis reprints a portion of the text, irith variants from a Vienna codex. The following citation from, the Copenhagen copy (irith the abhrrviat'ions wriHen out) indicates an approximation to the Vienna text: Pyla.... Oppido contigi tandem tibi ni- niium penes campum qui flore dicitur ab lios- pioo acceptus crepusculo autein experrectus delubra poll petens clauigeri rotani inter omnes pauonis ad instar expandi : et oerte robar magnam mihi pontifex mittoret digni- tatem. Hor. Spes latain arduis iiersepe redit inanis. Pylades. Cont'ertim nfniain predam intuentes "lupi famelici in eoruin speluncam cecidisse parte qua lanam ouis diacerperent isi 20 DE REMEDIIS VTRIUSQUE FORTVN^. auisaiunt. nee momenta duo effluei'ant et ecco duo e illis quasi ceteris famulantes latus utrumque ambientes me antrum vnum de- trnserunt. quo ante presidentis fere tribunal efferate vellerura suorum cues vidi pati diuor- tia. Ibi tot a me satellites presidentis abstu- lere spolia quod minimum posteris relique- runt. vnus desoernebat. alij inscribebant. alij pi-ede auidissimi feruenter mee spoliationis procurabant sententiam. Et credo viuus in- saciabiles oorum hiatus subintrassem nisi me ad partem alij superueniontes reclamassent. de raanibus itaque anne liberatus traductus sum ad caypliam. Hor. Hand alias accidit mihi. — Ciliiiq DiMin and Brunei, Ilortis sai/s that this ilialor/uc is/ound annexed lothc first edition of^Ac De' vera Sapientia , jmblislicd with Plu- tarch's Dicteri;e at Utreelit ul/out 1473 {sec no. 39), lint ncitlicr Camphell nor /lain enume- rates it as O' part of that pnhlication. The Trieste copu may he a portion o/Hain I'J'i'J!) , or it maji he an indejjendcnt edition of the spu- rious dialogue. 41. (1G04). Francisci ! Petrarchse | V. C. i de ocio religio-jsorvm, i libri dvo. | Eivsdem ] de vera sa-!pientia. | n ] Bernse 1 Excudebat loannes le Preux, Illu-!striss. DD. Bern. Ty- pographus. | — | M. DC. IIII. 1(1" in 8s. /. [1], l)p. P,-173; Florentine initials (5); on title-par/e a small ornament; at end, arms of Berne, irith ilie douhle-lteaded eagle. Contknts: — Tillc-folio, reverse hlanli'; dedication, Fi-ancisovs Pe-ttrarcha sodali-ltati magnae Car-lthusite, S._ | Praefatio., pp. 3-11 ,■ text of De otio, hook i., pp. 7-S9; hook ii., pp. '.!()- 137 : text o/'De vera sapientia, dial, i., Francisci Pe-'trarch;e V. G. de vera sapientia, dialogvs I.,j)jJ. 138-lSG; dial. ii.,2)p. K>7-173 (Fl'i^IS.), folloned hi/ troodcut of Berne arms, reverse of folio blank. — The latest edition of the original text of the De vera sapientia. The edition forms the third rlieision of eolamc i. in the Le I'reux 2^'^euilo edition of Pctrarcli^s works (10 10); see no. 21. — For a hricf reference to a Bohemian translation of the treatise De vera sa- pientia see no. 48. A German eersion }riU he found in Miehacl Denis's ' Ttenkmaale der ehrist- lichen Olauhens- und Siltenlehre aus alien Jahr- liunderten'' (Wicn , hoj Franz .Joseph ItiJtzel, 17:).'>-96, 3 vols., S"). ' It occupies pji. Iir>-I'>2 of vol. Hi., preceded, bi/ an. introduction (pp. 10i>- il-t), under the tlivision Vierzolintes Christ- liclics .Talirhundert, n-lt.h the title Des christ- liclien weisen Franzs [sic] Petrarca Gespriich von der waliren Weisheit. 'J he introihiction (Vorbericlit) is a dissertation on. J*ttrarch's life and religions character. There do not appear to be am/ other translations of the Do vera sa- pientia. d. In Soicca's De remcdiis fortuitorum. 42. (185;?). L. Annaoi Ronocac opera quae supcrsunt. liocognovit et rerum indiceni lo- oupletissimum adiecit Fridericus Haaso jirof. vratislav. Vol. I. (II.] [III.) Lipsiao sumpti- bus et typis B. G. Teubneri. MDCCGLXII. [MDGCCLXXXIV.] [MDGCOLIII.]. 3 cols. 8". Vol. i. (1862), f. [/], pp. iv- vni, /: [/], pp. 4-304; ii. (1884), ff. [2], pp. iv- VI, 2-318; Hi. (1853), f. [I], pp. jv-xxvii, f [y], jip. 4-594. CoNTEMs:— J., Pi-aefatio , Dialogoruni libri XII., Ludus de morte Claii- dii, Du dementia; ii., IPraefatio, De beneficiis libri VII.; Hi., Praefatio, Epistularum mora- lium libri XX., Fragmenta, Ad Gallionem do remediis fortuitorum (pp. 4 16-457} , De pau- pertate, De moribus liber, De formulae houes- tae vitae , Ad Paulum epistolao_. Fach volume has a very complete index. — This edition of the philosophical writings of ,Se/icca originally ap- peared in 1851-53, 'the third volume of I he set being of the first issue. In it occurs the treatise De remediis fortuitorum, in vhich certain p>ortions , occurring at the ends of some of the jiaragraphs, arc separately printed under the head o/ Additio. 'j'hcsc ^ additiones\ the editor says in his preface to the volume (pp. xvi-x.\), he found in a codex , and also in a rare printed edition (additiones, quas ego in uno cod. ms. repperi itemque in una editione rarissiuia impressa Lipsiao per Arnoldum de Colonia, anno, ut dicitur, 1495). He decided that they did not properlg belong to Seneca, and considers them the work of I'clrarch or some oilier scholar of the fourteenth or ffleenth centuri/ (adeoautcm lion infeliciter vel'imitatus est vel aeniulatus, ut mihi videatur Petrarcha aliquis vel unus ex iis esse, qui seoolo XIV aut ineunte XV. fuerunt eruditissimi). The credit of selling at rest the question of the origin of these interpiola- ted passages appertains to that learned Petrarch inveslii/afor, AtHlio Tlortis, who puhlished at Trieste in 187!) his essay , 'Le additiones al De remediis fortuitorum di Seneca diinostrate cosa del Petrarea e dellc attiiicn;:e del Petrarca eon Seneca.'' He shows that all the additions arc excerpla from book ii. of Petrarch's De reme- diis, dran-n from fifteen different dialogues. The treatise of Tlortis is valuable, in other respects, for the study .of the De remediis.— yls to the 'edition of Seneca's tractate, said to liave been printed at Leipzig in 1495, it is apparently not to be found in JIain, certainly not with the date or place assigned to it. Jlaasc found the edition bound in one volume with the De senectute of Cicero— a volume ivliich likewise contained an edition of the abbreviated epistles of Seneca (Hain I i(;04) — bearing the name of the printer Arnold of Cologne, and dated T^e'ipziy 1495. Hence he infers'that the De reinediis fortuito- r\lin came from the same jtress in the same year {see Iris preface to vol. Hi., p. \\n).-^TIie ad- ditions from Petrarch, are found, also in the edi- tion (if Seneca's treatise printed at Leipzig by Jakob Thanner in 1500 (llain I4G59), and perhaps in other editions unknown to Ilaase. c. ]'arious OomiKnds and Excerpla. t43. (l.jll). Seruij Ilonorat in Donati cditi-;onom interpretatio. I Distichon ad Lec- torom ; Optimo toutonicis recto preceptor alumnis j Consuiturus: eis hoc opus ore lo- gas. : Isidonous G-ermanicus Jc tribus \ parti- bus Alexandri (optimi sentontia suorfi cmu- loru grri- i matici) quid oligendu et quid THE LATIN TEXT. 21 pretcieumlum. PiikUenimus dialogusFran;- cisci Petrarclie do Eloquontia. At end, Im- pressum Liptzck per Bacoalaurou Vuolf- gangum Monacen. Expensis honesti Gcorgij Kellers Bibliopole Lipsiensis Anno. 1511. 4". ff. [I(>\\ sir/, a ij-C iij la ami c in , of the De X'emediis. t44. (loOi). Hugonis Platti | Armig : Manv-iale, Sententias | aliquot Diuinas & Mora-.Ies complectens: [ Partim ti Sacris | Patribus. ' Partim 6 Petrarcha philo- sopho & Poeta celeber-jrimo decerptas. ( Mel ex fo- ribus , noil herbis. j — j Londini | Escudebat Petrus Short. | 1594. Sq. Ill" in Ss. ff. [10], of ic I tick the first and last arc blank, 132; sirj. 1, A-V; iiulials ami ornaments; catchwords ; pafjc-lines, 21 (excluding running-title and catchwords); run- ning-titles, Index; Floras i Petrarcliie; Flores | Patrvm (all but the first in Italic capitals) ; size of printed, par/e bg It. 2 cenfimeters, Con- TKNis: — Blank leaf; title-folio , on reeersc the Piatt arms; Petrarch index, ff'. [3]a-[15]h; blank leaf; Petrarch text, Flores Pe-[trarchiB., •ff. /a-12'ib, ending n'ith FINIS.; text from the Fathers, SeutentuB aliquot selectiores, e sa- cris Patrum scriptis excerpt®,,^'. 12i!a-l.'t2b, ending n'ith, FINIS. The rtinning title is omitted, on f, I'.ib. There is no index to the sentences from the Fathers, — The constriiclion of tlie title- page should liaee been reversed, the extracts from Petrarch not only preceding those from the Fathers, but occujiging the larger portion of the little volume. Iliese sentences are ntimbcred from 1 lo 10.55, and those from the Fathers in the same n'og frnm 1 to '214. Most of the Petrarch matter, possildg the n-hole, is from the De reme- diis. The description is that of the British Museum co2>g. — Sir Hugh Piatt, who nas apro- tifie irriter and comjyilcr , produced two noted books, ' The .Tciecll House of Art and Nature'' , ami 'The Floures of Pliilosophie'' ; his books mostlg appeared bctn-ien l'>72 and lliOS, Ilarte, the biographer of Oastavus Adolphus , sags of him: 'Sir Hugh Piatt , not to mention his most excellent talents, n'as the most ingenious husband- man of the age he lived in.'' t45. (ITOlj). llarmonia j Philosopluoa Cantus I'.ntioros tristioribus, & | ti-istiorcs lajtioribus attemperans , | Sive | Principia j Quicdam voriy ac genuin.ii Phi-ilosoplii*, ani- mum human umregu- [Ian tia ;ne, vel prosporis ovanesoat, vel advor-|sis frangatur: ox libris duobus Francisci Petrar-|cliai , De romedijs utrius(£ue fortun;i', , I dcsumpta. | Honori Spectabilis, Magnific-i, at Eevcr. Dom. ! Ada- mi L. B. Amado, | Et reliquorum, mox nomi- nan-dorum, Eevorondorum, Prainobilium, i Nobilium, ac Eruditorum Dominorum AA. LL. & Philosopli. Baocalaureorum I Per Ke- verendum Patrem i treorgium Raiosani, \ 6 Soc. Jesu, AA. LL. & Philosophias I Docto- rem, ejusdomque Profossorem ; Ordinarium, I In Alma Archi-Episcopali Universitate Tyr-| naviensi, recens creatorum, [ Ab addictissi- mis Coiidiscip. Phj^sices Studiosis j Dicata. ( Anno M. DCCVI. die VI. Maij. | — ) Tyrnaviie, Typis Academiois. . . .^f°- /■ [-]' PP- 1-l-i-i; ornaments and initials. Co!m:>irs: — 7ttle-page; names of tac/if^ors o/orts, Nomina roliquor. DD. Bac- calaureoru., ./'. [I]b; dedication, Spectabiles, Magnifici, Reve-irendi, PritMiobiles, Nobiles, ac I Eruditi Domini, /. [2]ab ; te.rt, part i., Harmonia' philosophica; ! pars prima. Cantus Lifctiores tristioribus temperati | Sive I Res prosperte, ac hilares cogi-,tatione tristiorum regulatte.,^;^). l-r>2;part u'., Harmoniicphilo- sophica? [ pars altera | Cantus Tristiores Iwtio- ribus temperati | Sive | Res adversse, ac tristes cog_ita-;tiono hetiorura regulatse.jjj/^. :');!-t44. — Each part ends w'lth the abbreviated, ineoea- tion, O. A. M. D. Gr. The first part embraces i:i iiumbercd dialogues of the De remediis, from g I. De JEtato Florida 'to SJ XIX. De Spe'vitio seterna-; tlie second part includes 2'.l,l'rom § I. De imbecillitate corporis to % XXIX. De Mor- te. Eeerij dialogue is preceded, bg one or In-o of the l^initian Latin cutiplcts {see no. 69), making it probable thai the editor used either a Berne (ICO') or later) or the Rotterdam lUt'.l edition (see no. 20) of t/ie De remediis.— 7'/ie compiler or' Ibis academic publication, Gcorgius Uaicsani (or , Itajcsdngi) , was born at Maros- Vdsdrhelg, in the countg of Pars, eastern Hungary , Sep- tember 8 , 1070, entered the order of'jesus at tlie age of 17 , taught at Tgrnau until 172:!, became nllimatelg chancellor of the Universitij of Ka- sehau (Cassovise canceilarius) and rector of the college at Klauseyiburg (Collogii claudiopolilaiii rector); he held several high positions in con- nection with his order, wrote various Latin works of a ])hilosophical character, and died, June o, 1734. He somen-hat abridged, and other irise altered these dialogues from the Do re- mediis before publishing them. — The copy of the Harmonia pliilosoi>hica ]iere described is in the Library of the Transglvanian National Museum at Kltvusenburg. 46. (1707). Ars | reote philosophandi | sen t Vitam ex prsescripto | rationis mode- randi | dosumpta potissimiim | Ex Dialogis FrancisciPo-|trarcha', De remediis utri usque | fortuntc, I ot I A Pra>nobili, ac Erudito Do- mino I Stephano Hunj^adi ! AA. LL. & Phi- losophise Baccalaureo, [ eju.sdemque pro su- proma laurea Candidato [ public;e utilitati proposita: } dum ! In Alma Archi-Episcopali Univer-jsitate Tyrnavienso Anno 1707. | Mense Die | Universara Philosophiam propugnaret, | pra}side | Reverendo Patre | Georgio Raiosani, | 6 Societate .Tesu, AA. LL. & Philoso-jphise Dootoro, ejusdCmq, Pro- |- . 1 22 DE REMEDIIS VTRIVSQUE FORTUNE. fessore Ordina-jrio, & Facultatis Philosoph. p. t. Seniore. |— | Tyrnavis, Typis Aoade- micis. $m. S»_ /. [2], pp. 1-314, f. [I]. C.,N- iv.ms: — Title-page; dedication, Ladislan j Py- ber, i De Gyirken, jElecto Episcopo Almisien- si, signed Stephanus Hunj'adi, ff. [I]h-[2]a ; Conoiusioiies ex Universa Philosophia, /. [2]6; text. Pars prima ( Artis rectfe philoso- phandi, ; De robug prosperis., pp. 1-0!); Pars altera I Artis recte Philosophandi, , De rebus adversus., 2)p. 100-314; Index ! Ordine Para- graphorum,,/'. [l]ah, ending FINIS. — T]iis is an enlarged edition of the preceding title, hauing 28 ahrirlged dialogues from tite first book of the De remediis, oiia oS from the second; it has likewise an index, n:hich was lacking in the edition of 1706. t47. (1718). Conclusiones | scientiss ; practicse. ! Quas tarn in rebus prosperis, | quara adversis. i Eecta dictat ratio. [ Oblati honori : admodum reverendi , doraini ) Adami Malik, [ Ecclesife Nagy-Tapolscanensis [sic] Plebani ' Zelantissimi; nee non Districtiis ejusdem f Vice-Archidiaconi, &o. , Dum sub ejusdem auspiciis | In Alma Archi-Episco- pali Universitate | Soo. Jesu Tyrnaviensi [ Anno M. DCC. XVIII. Mense Majo , Die | Universam Theologiam publicepropuguaret | Rev. Nob. Excell. ac Doctissimus Dominus Antonius Farkas, AA. LL. & j Phil. Magister, SS. Theol. in Itum Annum Auditor, | ejus- demq; Baccalaureus formatus, C. G. CI. R. H. Presb. ! prseside | R. P. Georgio Raiosani | e Soo. Jesu SS. Theol. Doct. ejusdemq; Profess. Ord. Neo non Inclj-tse Facultis [sic] Juridicse ! Decano Spectabili. j — [ Tyrnavise, Typis Academiois, per Fridericum Gall. 8". ff. [4], pp. 1-314 , f. [I]; ornaments. Contents: — Title-folio , reverse blank; dedica- tion, Admodum reverende ; domine , /'. [2]ab, signed Antonius Farkas; Conclusiones | ex | universa 1 1 heologia.,//'. [3]a-[4]b ; text, book i.. Pars prima ConclusionuiuScientiEe Practicse, De rebus prosperis., pp. I-l>9; text, book ii., Pars altera | Conclusionura Scientite Prac- ticse, I De rebus adversis. , pp. 110 [=: I00]-314; Index I Ordine Paragraphorum , /. [l]ab, end- ing _ FINIS.— /u his prefatorg dedication An- tonius Farkas says (f. l^i) .---Desumta sunt potissimum (hoc enim'valens ac lubens I'ateor) e Franeisci Petrarchfe , Viri, sua Memoria, Eruditiono Clarissimi, Dialog'is, De remediis utriusque fortunpe; quibusdam adjectis, qui- busdam pauln immutatis, quo accomodatiora nostrte forent Patrife , Regionisque consve- tudini.— ^ reissue of the Ars recti philoso- phandi (no. 41!) ii-ith the same number of dia- toqiies in each part. The four unnumbered I'olios at the beginning are new; the remainder is, in great pari, composed of the sheets of the first issue, though a portion teas certainlg reprin- ted , as is shown bg tlie changed ornaments at the heads of pp. I and 100, and by the erroneous numbering of the latter page (110). The title- page contains two typographical blunders, Tapolscanensis for ' Tapolcsanensts ' and Fa- cultis, for ' Facultatis. ' The text ends (p. 314) xoitk O. A. M._D. G.— The copy described be- longs to the University Library of Budapest. 48. (1854). Erasmi i Corderii etPetrarcl.89 [ seleota colloquia. ] Nova editio | argumentis notisque adornata ' Acourante E. Fremont. [ D [ Paris. ! Imprimerie et librairie classiques | De Jules Delalain , imprimeur de I'universite | rues do Sorbonne et des Mathurins. | — I M DCCC LIV. 12". ff. [2], pp. vi-vm, 2-131. Co.v- TEH-rs:— Bastard title, on reverse publisher's book-list; title-folio, on reverse copyright notice; avant-propos, pp. [v|-viii; text, Erasmi fami- liara colloquia, yjjj. [t]-87 ; Mathunni Corderii. colloquia selecta, pp. [SS[-toi!; Petrarclise colloquia selecta, pji. [lo7\-tll; Decivilitate morum puerilium, j>jj. [It2]-12'), reicrsc blank; table des matieres, j^p. [I27]-1.-!1. T/ie a,va.nt,- propos in French contains brief notices of Erasmus, Corderius and Petrarch; tlie sub- titles anil foot-notes arc in French, 'J he two FetrarcJi dialogues are entitled L'lilevc dolt profiler des talents de sou maitre, et non en tirer une vaine gloire , and Devoirs d'un fils Olivers un bon p&re; they arc dialogues 70 and 73 of book i. of the De remediis.— ii'o)- an ear- lier edition of these selected Latin dialogues (often published for the use of French colleges), ivitli a French version by F. Dumas, see tio. 61. II. TRANSLATIONS. 1. Bohemian. 49. (1501). FRANCISKVS •:• PETRAR- CHA| a At end, t Tyto Frantisska Pe- trarchy knije|hy: ktereezgest Pan Rzehorz hru-lby z Gelonijo w nowie z Latijnskejho yazyku w Czesky przelozyl : gsv j w Slawnem Starora miestie Praz skeem wytissticny. Leta Bozijeho 1 TisyczijehoPietisteeho Prwnijeho. /" in 8s. ff. [2r>ti]; sit/., one sheet in C, a-p, A-Q (the first signature in having only the signature numbers, ij, iij, signature p having five folios and a blank leaf, anartment, Fetrarch. seated before some book-deskn, pointinr/ to ail open volume, and, in the lower division, a ivheel of fortune to ivhich various figures are clinging. Contknts : — Title-jyage ; prologue, book i., Ii FrancisskaPetrarchy Pooty a wolmi znameuiteho adospieleho mu z w wyiiiluwno- TMAySLATIONS—liOHEMIAN AND DUTCH. 23 \v<- * > sti knijuliy dwogo ' o loekarzstwij proti sstiestij a uosstiesiij totiz proti libym a pro- tiwoyiii wie- ozein. A iiayjirwee na knijehj' prw uijo wnichz se o sstiestij to gest o sstia Btoycli nebo o libych wieczach rozmlv wa: Episstola k Azonowi inijesto : przedmluvvy sstastnie so poczijna, ff. Ih , cot. I- lb, col. 'J; tabic of dialoijaesj book L, \ Kegistrum nebo zprawidlo tiech wieczi.j o niohz se w prwuijch kneliaoh rozinlvvva, (f. lb, col. 2-Sb, col. 2; book ii, Kegistrum nebo Zprawidlo tieuh ( wieczj' o nicliz se w druhycli knie-'hach rozmlvwa, _//'. -jb, rol. 2-Gb, col. 2; text, book L, H Frantisska [sic] Petrarciiy Poety a ', welmi znameniteho a dospieleho mu ze w wymluw- nosti kniehy prwnije I o leekarstwijch proti sstiestij nebo pro'ti sstiastnyiu wieczera sstia- stnie se po'czijnagij, ff. Ijb, col. 2-12Hh, col. 2, cndint/ Fraticysska Petrarchy Poety ' a Dos- pieleeho a Znameniteeho niu'ze w wymluw- nosti: Knijeby Pr- wnije w nichz se o sstiestij rozmlv- wa: Sstiastnie gsv dokonany; blank leaf; prologue, book ii., "i Franczysska Pe- trarchy Poety I a welmi znameniteeho muze w wy- mluwnosti: na knijeliy druhe w kte rychz se rozmlvwa o nesstiestij Epi- sstolnije przedmluwa, if. 12.ja, col. l-l:ila, col. 1; tcx', book ii., t Fraocysska Petrarchy Poethy | a welmi znamenite' muze w wymluwnosti: Knijehy druhee potiessenijo ; sweho k Azo- nowi w kterychz se o nesstiesty rozmlvwaa: sstastnie se po-|czijnas;ij,_^'. JcJla, col. l-25iib, col. 2 ; colojiiion, f. 256b, col. 2 , botfom. It is to be noted that the cited, titles of the text of book i., and of the text of book ii., arc at the bot- toms of the columns, the texts proper covimcneinij at the top of the folloirinr/ columns, tliat is that of book i. on f. la, col. 1 (si(j. a), ami that of book ii. on f. 131a, col. 2 (sig. A vij). Each book has its projjer complement of dialogues (122 and 132} ; each dialogue is preceded b'l/ its title and member, the numbers being printed in full in dialogues 1-11, 13, 1:) , 10 , 19, 20 of book i., and in dialogues 1-4, 6, !) , 13 and lb' of book ii. : otherwise they are expressed in Ro- man numerals. — The collection j^ossesses two coot- ies of this monument of early Bohemian typog- raphy , one slightly defective; the complete one has broad margins and is rubricated throughout, irith seeeral illuminated initials and 7nargins ; but superior to if is the noble copy belonging to the University Library at Prague; tliat of the Mtmicli Royal Library Js imper/ect. — The author of this translation, Relioi' Hruby, »:as, i// /us family at least, originally of Oelenije or Jcle- nije, a town in northeastern Bohemia, from which the Latinization of his name, (Tregorius Gelenius, was derived. Notliing is knoirn of' his early life, but later he resided at I'rague , an active literary icorker and a zealous oppo- nent of the Catholic church, until hedied in l.'>Il'i (or, according to other statements , in l.'ilo or l'il4). Besides the De remediis of Petrarch he rendered various Lalhi ivorks into the Czech tongue, among them Petrarch's Epistola". sine titulo, preserved in manuscript {XVII. D. 3S) in the I'rague University Library, the title of ivttich is contained in that of' the preface, Fran- tisska Petrarciiy Poety a slawnelio muze w wj-mluwnosti ua kuijeliy Epistol geho bez tytuluow przedmluwa'. Jle also translated the ascribed treatise, De vera sapientia, the original o/'nhich version is in another mannacript of' the same collection (XV II. /•'. -14)., In J. .lum/- mann's ' Historie Literatury Veski' (Prague tti4'.l, p. 74) the title of the version of the Do vera sapientia is given as follows: — F. Pe- trarchy Rozmluwanio mezi mudrcem a uedou- kem o prawii miidrusti. Jungmaim states that it was printed at I'rossnilz, Moravia, in octavo, by J. Giinlher in /.■>.)/, but the public libraries of Bohemia, Moracia and Vienna have been searched in vain for a copy of the work. Hruhy seems liketvise to haec translated , in addil'ion to the tiinc titulo ejnstles, other letters of Petrarch, At the end of one of' the Prague manuscripts {XVII. F. 44) is a rendering of the letter lufe- iiccm invidium addressed to cardinnl Annibale di Ccecano, bislio}> of Tusculum (Fam., vi., 1), and possiblg of others, though t/ix title only modions the name of the cardinal (Frantisska petrarchy mudrcc slaweho Epistola k hanny- balowi Tusskula nenskomu Biskupu). — TIte writings, published and unpublislicd, of II ruby certainly demand more attention tlian they liaee yet received at the liands of Bolnmian scliolars, who liave perliaps been deterred from their study by his unpopular religious creed. To one very slightly acejuainted with the Czecli tliey appear to be of no little value linguistically , and to de- serve editing on tliat account alone. Dobrowsky, in his 'Gesehichic dcr biJhmischen Sprache^ {pp. 359-3111)), states that Ilruby has beoi styled ttie liberator of his mother tonpue, and sums up his cliaracter in the follon'iny paragraph : — ' Gregor Hrnby , sonst auch Gelensky (von Ge- lenie) genannt , ein ansehnlicher Biirger zu Prag , wandte seinen Fleiss und seine gan7.e Musse bis zu seincm Tode , der am 7. Miirz 1514 erfolqte, dazu an, seinen Landsleuten bohmische Uibersetzungen auserlesener Schriften in die lirinde zu liefern. Diesen regen Eifer, diese ivarme Liebe zur Muttersprachc , lobte auch Pi- secky an ilirn, da er ih n den Relter (mstitel, vindex) derselben nannte, dessen Bemiihung seit langer Zeit die Verherrlichung %md Verbreitung der bohmisclien Sprache sey.' In another place ('Bohmische Literatur,^ 1779, pp. 145-/47) Dobrowsky says of the translation of the De re- mediis: — ' Sie ist wegen des kernichlen und rei- iien Ausdruckes in der holnnischen Sprache sehatzbar. Zur Bereiehervng eines bohmifchen Worterbuehes kann sie als Quelle mit Kutzen gebraucht werden.^— \'arious liohemian bibliog- raphers have deserilied the Prague edition of Hruby's version of the Do remediis, such as J. A. Ilanslik in his ' Gesc/iiclite und Beschreib- ung der Prayer ^Unicersitcitsbibl'iotliek'' ( IH51) and Hanka in the 'disopis Musea Kralovstvi C'eskeho (1852) , bat by far the best account of it is the essay devoted to it by J. J. Hannsch (H.a,nu.i) , formerly director of the Prague Uni- versity Library ,, in the 2'^riodical Ju>t cited (Casopis Musea ('eskeho, ,/'or {ti Uimk, at' the end; doth- ic, except the prologues, the poetical chapter- mottoes, the inilexes, the vorjs, Francisci Pe- trarchse and Anno of the title-paric, ami iso- lated words and i^hrases elseioherc; double columns; par/c-lines, 4(! ; size or' pirinted page :>..j by n centimeters, of leaf , 14..'1 by ISrJ , of title-page, 11 bg IC.i, and of title-page vignette S bg 7.5 ;_ the vii/nctle represents the wheel of fortune icitti four attached figures, of which tl'ie uppermost is a king — a design not uncommon in earlg modern art, but which was fi'rst executed with consummate skill bg Hans Burgkmalr in Ids Du remediis_ title-pages (no. 69) ; the nume- ration of folios is very d'efectice, rmmini/ as fol- lows : 4 unnumbered, 1-15, 15, 17-23, 22, 28-41,41, 43, 43, 45-6a , G4, 64, 64, 66-88, 92, 92, 91, 92- 113, 113, 115-119, 119, 121-126, 138, 138, 128-143, 143, 145-149, 116, 151-179, 179-lSl, 176,183-185, 187, 187, 189-193, 149, 195-213, 217-261, 165, 266-268,/ unnumbered, Vil, 1 imnu7nbered=^27(! : the running-li'les arc in large Gothic ; Dat eerste Boeck des Troost-sfiegliels, \ Van Kaodt in goet gheluck, and Dat tweede Boeck dos Troost-spipghols, \ Van Raedt in teghenspoet; 7iot inifeijueni arc marginal arguments, or indieulioas of the subject-jnatter , placed on the inner and outer margins; 2'rcfi.ccd lo the dia- logues — which arc titled and numtwrcd as usual {as, Van overvloedicheyt, meniehte ende vcel-'heydt van Boecken. > Het 44. Capittel.) —are tlic Latin coup)lels if J'initian, followed by Dutch versions or' his Cerman distiches; the type is fairly clear and handsome, the ])apcr thiti but generally firm. Conthnts: — Title- l'oli6 , reverse blank ; .Sonnet j Op den gheiiioed-dienstiglien ende nutten Troost-1 spioghul Francisci Petrarchi [s'lc] des glieloof- weerdiglien , Puijts, en vermaorden Ora- teurs.,/'. [I'Ja; Klinck-gliedicUt tot den Loser, /'. \'-]b; Afcomste eii leven Fran-loisci Pe- trarche uyt zijn eyghen sohrifteu ende | an- ilurc glietoglicn. , y'. \il\a ; prologue, book, i, Voor-reden , ' oji iiet eersto boeck Francisci Pe-jtrarcho, vant gocde Glieluck, gliescliro- ven aondon \ Ileeren Azonen Fstonsera, Hur- toga tot Ferrara., ff. [fl]h-\4]b; Fortvna Ev- ripvs.,/: [4]b; tr.ct, booki, t Dat oerste Boeck des I Troost-spieghels Francisci Potrarcbo, des hooch- beroouiden Popten ende Oratou- ren. Van Baet ende Raedt dos gncden gbe- luckx,^'. la-loK/i l=133b], ending I<;yndo dos eersteu Boocks Francisci Petrarclie van Kaedt in goet geluck.; sub-ttt'c or book is., Dat tweede Boeck des j Troost s|iieshcls Francisci Pclrarcbe , des hooch- bcrocniden Poclen on Orateuron , van baet ende Kaodt, hulpe I ende troost in tegenspoedigen zaken, /. l:^Sa [=lrl4a]; poem headed Heraclitus., /'. iJtSa [^J.'l4a]; j^rologue, book ii., Voorrede op liet twoedo Boeck des Heeren Francisci PetrarchiB, /. liSa [—134a]-1.12b [=l.'!f, ending Eynde des tweeden Tafel's. — The sonnet on the De re- mediis, at the opening of tJie volume, reads as follows: — Den Mensch als wandelgast in dit becommcrt velt (Om soeckon eeuwich rust) wort veel ge- smeeckt bedrogeu Van kitligh schijn-gheluck , en bo von zijn vermoghen Schier aenghevochten hier vol onghevals ghequelt. Des hem tot raedt en troost, wort dienstich voorgestelt. Een spieghel daer by ziet den rechten weech voor ooghen. Hoe by d' onweghen crom to niijden hem sal pooghen, Daer toe vint by ghenoeeh voorbeoldon hier ghemelt. Door eon gbcleert Toscan die liefiijck wel ghesonghen, Heet't Laura, dat siju Hooft met Louwer was omwrongen Op d'Houft-clip biuuen Room, als edel dichtcr soet. Hy die beliooniclit heeft d'ltaliaenscbe tonghen, Vont hem tot alle mensch uj-t lief den oock ghedronghen , Te gheven recht ghestalt t' verwacnt on swack glicmoot. At the cud of this sonnet, as a signature, is the motto, Een is noodich. — The Ivlinck-gliedicht, ichich fills the following page, is in the form or' a double sonnet (2S lines), and is signed, with the motto, Kijck in vrede vry van twist. Its first tn'o quatrains read: — Petrarchus do Poet en Orateur verniaert. En is hier gheou Poiit, noch Orateur al- leene, Maor een vertrooster zoet, een l^ecrarr oock met eono: Want hy in dit zijn Boeck zeur wijsselijck verclaert : lino een monsoli zijn gliomoet, zal houden in welvaort , In voorspoet, inrijokdoni, by olck een int ghemeene, Hoe dat in teghenspoet, oock onbosmot en rcene, Ziju ooghen, handen , mondt, en hert moot zijn bewaort. — I'hc biographical sketch of Petrarch , filling a single l>age, is the same meagre notice which ap- Til ANSLATIONS— BUTCH AND ENGLISH. pears in various editions of tlic Viage seems to imply that he u-as not the printer , but the book- seller or puhlisher. — Pcrhajis it mag be piroper to add that the copy ivas acquired for the collec- tion, at an insignificant price, from a South~ German bookseller. 3. English. 51. (1579). Phisioko | against For-|tune, aswell pro-i'sperous, as aduerso, oon-|teyned in two I Bookcs. | Whereby men are instruct- ed, with lyke injdiHerenoie to remodio theyr aiieotions, aswell in | tyme of the bryght shyning sunne of prosperitie, I as also of the foule lowryngstormes of aduor-jsitie. Expe- dient for all men, but most ne-jcessary for such as be subiect to any | notable insult of eyther extre-jmitio. Written in Latine | by Frauncis Petrarch, a | most famous Po-|et, and Ora-'tour. | And now first Englished by | Thomas Twyne. | At London, printed by Kichard i watkyns. An. Dom. | 1579. At end, Imprinted at London in Paules | Church- yarde, by Kychard VVatkins. | 1579. S». ff. [.s'l, 1-3^3, [.i']; %. II _, A-u, aa-Zz, Aaa-Bbb ; Gothic (except running-titles , dia- logue-titles, and various ivords and i:>lirases) ; page-lines , .17 (excluding _ running-title and, catch n'ord) ; Florentine initials; paginal catch- irords ; the iitlc-p>age surrounded by a renais- sance border, having the English arms at the top, the figure of a p)elican bclon\ a cherub hold- ing the letter R in the lower left-hand corner, and, in the lon'er right-hand corner what is ai)- parently a coat of arms, being a bird on a bush and, above, the motto Ivgge (V) ; folios iS9 , 40, SS, l.W, VilJ, 207, 217, 22 J, 231, 2t;0, 203 and. 3 17 are numbered bij error, respectively , 11,42,89, 129, i:-5l, 195, 207, '225, 232, 2.iO, 291 and i>18 ; thv running -titles are Phisicke for Fortune. ' The fyrst Booko, and. Phisicke agaynst Fortune. | The seconds Booke., and, for 'the two jirologurs The Epistle of Francis Petrarch i Into tlie fyrst Booke. and The Epi- stolare Preface of Frauncis Petrarche, in t ' t' ■4 I 26 VE REMEDlIti UTEIUSQUE FORTUNE. large Italic Latin letter ; the copy was hound bi/ Bedford. Contents: — Title-folio, reverse blank-; dedicatory preface, To the right ivooi-- shypful Maister I Kichard Bertie Esquier. &c. qui-etnosse of Conscience, health of Boily, continuance ofLyfe, with eiicrease of world- ly I Woorshyp., /. [2]ah; proloyue, book i., i^ The Epistolare Preface of Fran- |cis Petrarch, a most famous Poet | and Oratour, written vnto Azo, con-;cernins the Phisicke and remedies of both | Fortunes, aswell aduerse, as I prosperous., ff. \J!]a-\8]a, reverse blank; text, book i., Phisi'ck 'for Fortune., ^^■. l-l'>2a (reverse blank) , endiny Deo gratie. I Thus endeth the fyrst Booke.; prologue, book ii., The Epistolare Preface of Frauncis | Pe- trarche, a most famous Poet and Oratour, I into the second booke of his woorke of | Physicke against Fortune, wherein ! he di- sputeth of I Aduer- sitie., ff. ir>;!a-ll}2a; text, hook ii., Of deformitio of the bodie. The first I Dialogue. Sorowe and | Reason , ff. lh"Jb-,'l42b, ending FINLS.; colophon, f. :'i-J-Jh; table of dialogues , A Table of the matters, ff. [l]a-[S]b, ending FINIS.— 7Vie English trans- lation of the De remediis, ofwtiich lids is the sole edition, eompares most favorahlg u^itli the versions in other tongues. 2'he rendering is cor- rect, and the style vigorous and terse; the typog- raphy is every n-ay excellent. The translator, Thomas Tivyne, p>hysician, naturalist and jjoet, teas educated at Corpus Christi college, Oxford, and wrote, compiled, or translated, a emisid- erable number ofivorks, among them. The Gar- land of goodlie Flowers , commonly called Twines Praiers (London 1574), ivhieli passed through many editions, onrf The School emas- ter , or Teacher of Table Philosophie (Lon- don I5SS). He died at Leives , Sussex, in llilu. Of Bertie, to ivliom the version is dedicated, Tivync says that he n-as married to a duchess, had a daugliter ivho iras a countess, and a son n'lio ivas a lord ajjparent. He teas probably coniiectcd with the earls of Lindsey. 52. (1791). Petrarch's view [ of \ human life. I By Mrs. Dobson. |— | Go, little book! to the friends of humanity , and to | the lov- ers of Petrarch, and lot their honourable | and united suffrage spread the fame of his ex-|alted knowledge, and impress the virtues of his benevolent heart. I London : | printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly, t M DCC XCI. •''"• .ff- ['^'li PI'- viii-xiil, 1G-3.'>',I , ff. [-i], Co.XTKNTs: — Bastard title , reverse blank; title- folio, reverse blank; dedication. To Andrew Stuart, Esq.. ./'. [H\ab ; preface, pp. [cii]-x; Petrarch's preface | to his noble friend j Azon [sir] do Correge., pp. [xi\-xiii; text, pip. \l''>\- il.'iU; index, ff. [l\a-\4\a. — Mrs. Husannali Dob- son, n-lio ijave this abridgment to i/te world, 2)ublished m 1775 a feebly execufed abridged rendering of l)e Sadi-'s ' Menioiros pour la "vie de Potrarquo'; and heruork, marred as it was by innumerable inaccuracies , teas 'p^'i^ded in upwards of a do".e)i. editions. The so-called translation liere cited, is reallt/ a selection, of 2)assages taken from Tn-ync^s English cersinn of the Do remediis (no. 51), n-ithont any compar- ison with the original tc.et, and with scarcely more alteration tttun n-as 7iecessary to etnmect them together. The statement on the title-page that Mrs. Dobson translated the tcorkfrom the Latin is, therefore, wholly incorrect. 53. (1797). Petrarch's | view ! of ; human life. I — I Translated from the Latin , | by Mrs. Dobson. | — | Go, little Book, to the Friends of Humanity, and to the Lovers of Petrarch, and [ let their honourable and uni- ted Suffrage spread the Fame of his exalted Knowledge , | and impress the Virtues of his benevolent Heart! | — i A new edition. | — | London : | Printed for the Associated Book- sellers, |Vernor and Hood; I. CuthoU; J.AValk- er; | Ogilvy and Son; Lackington, Allen, and Co. ) and J. Nunn. | — | 1797. 6'°. ff. [3]; ]ip. viii-jtiii, l(i-o5'J,ff. [4], and 2 leaves of hook-advertisements. Con- tents: — Title-folio; dedication, To | Andrew Stuart, Esq., /'. [2]ab ; preface, pp. [vii]-x; Petrarch's preface \ to his noble friend I Azon de Gorrege., ppi. [xi]-.viii; text, pp. [I5y.':50 ; index, ff. [l\a-[4]a. — The second and final issue of Mrs. husanali Dobson's extracts from Twyne's version, with no alterations except the sup- pression of the bastard title, and the change of publishers and date. 4. French. t54. (1523). Messiro Francois j Petrarque des remedes | De lune et lautre Fortune, pros- pere et aduerse Nouuel-] lenient Imprimo a Paris. I 11 II se vend en sa grant salle du Pa- lais au pre-;mier pilller en la boutique de Galliot du pre Li-,braire iure deluniuersite. | Cum puillegio At end, Ii Cy finist le liuro de Francois peltracque Poete llorentiu des remedes | de lune et laure [sic] fortune, pros- pere et | aduerse Nouuellement translate de j Latin en Francois, et Imprime aPairis pour Galliot du pre , Librairo iure de Lluniuorsi- te , [sic] ayant sa bouti-'que on la grand sallo du Pallais au | premier pillier Et fut acheuo le .xv. I iour do Mars Mil ciuq cens viugt ] trois auant Fasques. /." ff. [6'1 , [ij-clxxiiii ; the G unnuinhercd folios at tlie herjinning bear the signature a, and ivitli the numbered folios commence the signa- tures A etc.; Gothic ; double columns ; page-lines, 52; 11 noodcuts, ejxlusive of escutcheon , title- page border, and initial letters; title-page in engraved border, bcarin(j at the foot the name of the publisher , GALLIOT [ DV PRE; the first letter in Messire is a fioriated initial ; the larger portion of the tille-jiage, betn-ecnyatis and 1 11, is blank. Contknts : — 2'itle-page ; escutcheon, being a coronettcd shield beariiig 3 fieur-de-lis on a nliile field , sujiportcd by scraplis, followed by the privilegium, 11 est pcrtnis par la court de Parlcment a 1 Galliot du pre,y'. lb; prologue, bl Til A ySLA TIOXS-FnEXail. 1i Seusuyt le prologue du premier Li-uro, J/'. ia-3li; indej-, 11 .Sensuyt la tabic deschapi- tres, ff. 4a-5b; dedication , 1i A tresliault ot illustre princo Mon-signeur Charles due de Vendos-!mois , conte de Mario, /. flali ; text of hook i., o Sensuyt le Premier liure do Frau- ^!ois petracquo, /. [8]o, continued to ihcprolor/uc of book a., Ti Cy commenco le prologue do' maistre Francois Petracque au I second liure, f. Ixxxi a , followed hij Ike text, endinopes. Petrarch's references to Oresme, however, are, on the whole, of a character to strengthen the belief that Ihei/ were personally acquainted. — The copy of this translation here described be- longs to the National Library at Paris. 65.(1534). MEssiro Fralcois petraoque dos I remedes Do lune % | lautre fortune: pro-;spero x aduerse; nou uollcmGt Imprime ' a Pai-is. I — I o On le vend a Paris par Pierre Gaouduol a lonseigne de lescu de Brotaigne At end, o Cj' finist le liure do Francois pe- tracque Poeto florentin des re-'medes de lune ot lautro for- tune, prospere ? aduerse NouuellomGt trusla to de latin en fra-'cois - Impri- me a Pa ris. i M.Dxxxiiii. f." in age-linea, fii . .. . ^ . „ . x> AA-IIj Gothic; double columns; pagc-l'mes, r>2 (exclusive of running-title and signature) ; Flor- entine initials (varying in size, mostly of' hand- some designs); lille-page in an elaborate bonier, enclosing scenes connected irith the affections, n-ith many mottoes introduced , such as Amor doi omnia vincit, Par tovt amovr, Amovr partovt, Tovt par amovr etc., with an elaborate monogram of JDcnis Janol at the top, and his name again in full Denis I lanot above the base of the design; title-page proper in black and. red,, but the line beloiv the border, o On lo vend etc., in black; 11 ivoodcuts, besides the title-border , one of them fu.ll-j>age , the others varying in size ; the running-titles are Francoys Petracque. [ Du remede de Fortune prospere. [aduerse.] ; the numeration of the folios ia Ro- man, in Gothic lower case, preceded throughout bi/ the ivord FueiUet (as Fueillet. xxxvii.); folios 46, .-7.7, 5.'*, 60, 71, 108 and 141 are er- roneously numbered , respectively, xlvii, liii, Ix, Ixi, Ixxiii, ex, and cxliii. ' Contknts :• — Title-folio, reverse blank; prologue, book i., o Sensuyt le prologue du | premier Liure de Francois I petracque. Lequel traicto du ' re- mede de fortune prospere.,//'. [2)a-[4]n, ending Fin du Prologue du premier li-Jure de Fran- cois petracque | Lequel traicte dies re-'medes de fortu-!ne prospere.; table of dialogues, o Sensuyt la table des chapi-'tres du premier liure de Fran-cois petracque Poeto Flori'tin, ff. [4]a-\5]b, ending o Fin de la Table du se- cond et] dernier liure de Fracois pe-|tracque Lequel traicte | des remedes do for | tune ad- uerse.; dedicatory epistle of the pirinter , » A treshaute ? illustre prince Men ) seigneur Charles due de Vendos-]mois, conte de Marie, conuersan et i de Soissons,Viconte de Meaulx, | Gouverneur f Lieutenant general !pourle roy es pays de Picardie., /. [t:\ah, ending Finis.; text, book i., o Sensuyt le premier liure do Francois petraoque Poeto ilorentin, dos Ee- medes de Fortune prospere. Translate de La- tin en francois. (followed by a large woodcut, below irhich is the title of the .first dialogue) , ff'. [i]a-l.r-xx b , ending o Cy fine le premier liure qui [ parle de la prosperite de fortune. ; prologue, book ii., o Cy commence le prologue de maistre Francois petracque au [ second li- vro de lune 5 de lautre fortune qui traicte des ad-luersitez. que on so repute auoir en cemondo, ) ainsi comme fait le premier ! des prosperitez. (f'ollou-cd by a woodcut representing Petrarch at his desk , belong irhich the prologue begins), ff. Ixxi a-clxxviii b , ending o Finis; colophon, f. clxxviiib, col. 2. — The first pro- logue has the running-title, Le prologue de fac- teur., the jtrinter' s dedication has Prologue as has the prologue to the second book,— This is the second edition of Oresme' s version, a reprint of the first , except that the name of the printer ia omitted from the dedicator if epistle, and the title- piage differs in design and arrangement. It ivas printed by Denys Janot. — The copy ia bound by ilasson- i )ebonelle , the design copied from a binding in the destroyed Petrarch collection of Marsancl, formerly in the library of the Louvre. — Brunei (iv., r>l!7} says that other editions of the Oresme translation acreissucd, but gices no dates. \ J » VU 28 DE REMEDIIS UTMIUSQUE FORTUNE. \ 56. (1G50). Le sage j resolv | contre | la j fortune j A Paris I chez | Cardin Besongne | Au Palais j — \ Auec pri allege | 1650. l^"- .f m,PP- i-CS, 1-259, 1-27, 1-24/1; enr/raved iule-'pai/e— pedestal , bearing the title cited, and supporting a bust (Petrarch f), on Ike base of ichich is the inscription , Petrarclire j Posuit I Virtus, to a-hich a female Jigurc is pointing. Contknts: — iW/rawcZ titlc-payc, recerse blanic; Px-eface, | contenant le dessein | de I'avthevr, et | la viej dv Petrai-qve.,^)^). 1-7 ; lettre dv Petrarqve ! a toute la Posterite., pp. 8-30; continuation of the life, pp. .'10-62; privilege daioy. , 2}p. 6:!-G4; table, pp. 05-(jS; ■prologue, book i., Le j sage resolv | contre la prosperito. Livre I. [ — 1 Discours du Peti'ar- que sur sos Eutretiens Moraux, | Dediez a son ami Dom Azone Corregio, j Prince de Parme., pp. 1-19; text, book i., pp. 20-259; prologue, book a., Avant-propos [ dv Petrarqve ! svr le second livre | de ses eutretiens moravx., pp). 1-27 ; text, book ii., pp. 1-24:1, ending FIN. — The copy is XJerhaps defective, since it has no printed title-page , onl// the meagre engraved one. — According to both Rrnnet and the Hoefcr ' liiographie ijinirale ' (sub Grenailles) this should be the first edition of the first piortion of the Grenailles version of the De remediis, the second portion , as they stale, having appeared in 10(10. But the partial incorrectness of this statement is shown by the assertion in the privi- lege du roy (dated September 21 , 1649) that Cardin. Besongne a cy-deuant fait imprimer this same work, ivhich he depuis fait reuoir & corriger de plusieurs fautes qui s'estoieut glisses aux premieres impressions. The fact that this is not styled volume first, or part first, on the engraved title-page , and that the word Fin occurs at the end , indicates that the edition iras co7nposed solely of this volume, and that the remainder of the version had, not yet been pub- lished.. But it is difficult, tcilhout further re- search in the French liljrarics, to give a date to the first edition of the version, or of its first part. Ferrazzi (p>. 282) assigns to one edition the date 1644 , and that may possibly app)ly to the ear- liest issue. All that can be said is that the first volume of Orenailles's version, comprising a portion of each of the t}PO books, appeared at least tivice — a fair deduction from the irords premieres impressions in the privilege— before 16'>0 , and that the final volume was pti'inted later , perhaps as late as 1660. — Fran<;ois Gre- nailles, sieur de Chatonniire (b. Uzerche, Bas Limousin, 1616 , died 16S0) was the author of this version. He teas historiographer to Riche- lieu's inveterate enemy, Gaston, duke of Orleans, and jmblished many noir forgotten ivorks. The Midland ' Bioyraphie universelle ' says : — ' Dans la preface de sa traduction du Sage rd- ao\M de PUrarque (1G60},, Grenailles dil qn'on Vavait accusi de crime d'Etat et qu'il avail conru le risqtce de liorter sa tele sur I'cchafauil.' It thus characterizes the version: — ' L'un des mains mattvais ouvrages de Grenailles est la traduction du livre de PUrarque, De remediis utriusquo fortuna3. Ellc cut dans le temps assez de succis: ' (then comes the statement made by Brunei and in Hoefcr) ' il en pubiia le premier volume en 1650: mais le second neparutqu'en 1660, chose irh singulicre dans un 6crivain qui, piour la feconditc, aurait pn difier ficudery. La jjre- mierc edition est intitulee Lo sago rusolu contre la fortune; Diais dans la rcimprcssion , Paris 167 S, il chanyea ce litre en celui d'Entretiens de Petrarque.' — The work of Grenailles has some of the characteristics of a paraphrase. He dis- cards the dialogue form, and arranges the mat- ter in chapters, divided into numbered para- graphs; he sometimes compresses the substance of tu-o dialogues into one chapter; he makes no 'pretence of 2>reserviny Petrarch's order of sub- jects; and, he occasionally inserts matter of his oivn. In his introduction he e.rj^lains elaborately the plan he has pursued, and twice announ- ces his intention of rendering all the ivorks of Petrarch into French. He alludes to the Oresme version as barbarous and obscure. Besides in- serting in his introduction a version of the Epis- tola ad posteros, he also translates from a Berne edition of the De remediis the eulogies of Boccaccio, Paulus Joviiis and Vives. 57. (16G0-61). Le sage i resolu 1 contre I'vne et I'avtre | fortune, | Par Francois Pe- trarque. I Premiere partie. | Edition Nouvel- le. I — I A Brvxelle, \ Chez Francois Foppens, Imprimeur | lSi Libraire, au S. Esprit. | — ] M. DC. LX. I Avec Privilege du Eoy. Le sage resolu, | contre la fortvue, | et contre \ la mort. | Par Francois Petrarque, Plorentin. | IL Partie. | — | A Bruxelles, | Chez Franijois Foppons , j Libraire & Impri- meur. I - I M. DC. LXI. 2 vols. 12". Vol. i., ff. [.TO], 2^p. 1-514; a., ff. [4] , pp. 1-616. Each volume has also an engraved title-page , being of the design of that which originally appeared in the Amsterdam 1649 edition of the Latin text [see no. 26) , the vignette representing a sage binding a youthful figure to the icheel of fortune , the background exhibiting a landscapic through an arch, the title inscription reading : — Le Sage Eesolv j contre | la Bonne et Mavvaise , Fortvne, i Par Fran- iiois Petrarqve Florentin ) Nouvellement mis en Fran(;ois ! I. (II.] Partie. | d I Sapiens Su- pra Fortunam. I — | A Bruxelles. ; Chez Fran- 9ois Foppens. Imprimeur i et Libraire. | — Avec Privilege duRoy. 16G0. — The first volume should 2^roper I y have .516 pages, the last two containing the dialogue tables of book ii. Con- tents: — Vol. i.. Engraved title-page , reverse blank; title- folio, reverse blank; Preface, | con- tenant le dessein | de I'avthevr, et la vie ] do Petrarqve. {including //ic Lettre de Petrarque | a toute la Posterite), _//'. .1a-.'10a, reverse blank; prologue; hooki.,p2J. 1-15; text, book i., pp. 15- 250; j)rologue, book ii., pp. 251-271; text, book ii., pp. 271-51-1 (516); vol. ii.. Engraved title-2>age, reverse blank; title-folio, reverse blank; advcrtiasemBnt, ff'. .'la-4b ; l'- 612-616. — The introductory matter to vol. i., omilliny the privilege du roy, is iden- tical ivith that of the 2"'eccding title (1G50) ; the text likcii-ise is the same as far as the end of cha2iter (ontretien) x.vx, of book i.; but 7 new chapters are added to book i,, and 10 to book, ii., making in all U7 in the former, and 40 in the TllANSLA TIONS— FRENCH. 29 latter. On the other hand rot. ii, consists irholli/ of f re ah matter fatten from the 2>revioitsti/ jin- translateil portions of the Do romodiis. 'J'he translator has arraw/ed it in three bool,i>, the first from hoolc i. of the original, the second and, third from hook ii. The number of cliaptcrs in these is 4'J, 12 anil 14 rcspcctivelij . The third book (contro la mort) comprises the final (117- 1:12) dialogues of the original. The advertisso- ment prefixed to vol. ii. is not dated,, and, in no other way cnatilcs us to decide the r/rwstioti as to the time of the first appearance of the final in- stallment of the Grenailles version. 'Tins mag Ije the original edition of vffl. ii., althougli. it is jirinted at Brussels rattier than al Paris; favorable to this view is the 'privilege' ivhich folloirs the advertissement and is dated August 26, unit) , granting the right of piulilication for sir i/ears to Francois Foj)pens. The advertis- sement begins as folloirs: — Co n'est pas uu Ouvrago de Cour, mais un fruit do prison d'Estat que je voqs oflre, Lcotour. La Bas- tille & la Tour de Montgomery I'ont concpu, & le Palais le voit naistre. Tliis signifies pos- siblg that the imprisonment of Grenailtcs had intervened hetiveen the jmblication of the first installment and thai of the second. It is to be noted that in this edition the engraved title-pages loth Ijear the date of 1660. 68. (1662). Le | sage resolv 1 centre ! la fortvne, [ ov le Petrarqve , j Mis on Fram^ois par M' De Gronaille , [ Ecuyer, siour de Chii- teauniiires. | Cinquieme Edition. | Eeveuo & corrigue par 1' Autheur. | — ■ Imprimo iRoven,| Aux Depens de Cardin Bosongne; ! Marcband Libraire a Paris, au Palais, eu | la Gallerie des Prisonniers, anx | Roses vermeilles. ! — | M. DC. LXII. i Avec privilege dv roy. Lo I sage resolv | eontre | la fortune j et centre | la mort, | ov [ le Petrarqve, ! Mis en Francjois par M'' De Grenaille , | Ecuyer, sieur do Cliateaunieres. | Seoonde & Derniere Par- tie. I — ! Imprimo a Roven , | Aux Depens de Cardin Besongne, ! Marcband Libraire a Pa- ris, au Palais, en \ la Gallerie des Prisonniers, aux I Roses vermeilles. | — j M. DC. LXII. Avec privilege dv roy. 2 vols. 12". Vol. i., ff. [2] , lip. .->-60. 1-527; ii,, ff. [6], 2)2>- 1-625, ff. [.''J; engraved frontis- pieces {title-pages) , tliat facing the title-jJagc of vol. i. being the same as in the edition of 1650 {no. 56) , Iiaving on the pedestal the same in- scrii^tion and date, ivhile that facing tlic printed title-page of vol. ii. represents a male and a female figure conversing under an arch, in the background a temple and various figures , and at the top of tlie arch tivo cherubs holding a scroti uith this inscription : — Le sage | resolv j centre la ; fortvne ' et eontre | la mort and at the bottom of the ivhole plate: I. o. inuut Tome 2' loan. Ricart sc. : A Paris. Chez Cardin Besongne au Palais. Auec Priuilege. 1040. [sic] Co.NTE.NTs:— yo/. i., Frontispiece; title-folio, re- verse blank; preface, ^rp. 5-0.5; table, jip. 56-50; Extrait du Privilege du Roy., p. 60; te.it, book »., 2'P- 1-258; book ii., pp. 25t>-527 , ter- minating "■(■(/( Fin del a premiere Partio ; vol.ii., Frontispiece; litlc-folio, reverse blank; Avortis- soment., ./: [.V]a4; table, ff. [I.]a-\6]a; Extrait du Privilege, registration, imprint, f. [6]b; text, pp. 1-625, ending Fin des Entretiens Moraux du Potrarque., reverse tilank; table, ff. [l]-[!l]a, folloivcd bg a final-note. Si 1' Ad- versity contient plus do Dialogues que la | Prosperitij , c'est que dans la vie il y a plus do suiets qui nous choquent... The privilege in vol. i. is dated 165.'l-55 , and beloir the privi- lege is this statement :—Acho-v6 d'imprimer en deux petits Volumes le | dernier luin 1655. A Roven, ! par Lavrons Mavrrj'. A similar imprint^ occurs beloiv the jirivilege in vol.ii.: — Acbovo d'imprimer k Roiien , par Laurens Maurry, | en deux petits Volumes, pour la premier fois i dopuis les presentes Lettros, le dernier | iS'ovembre 1662. This indicates an issue bearing the date of 1655, Jn this edition, as in thoseijreviouslii cited, tlie preface to vol. i., is in Italic, ivhile tlie inserted versions of the Epistola ad posteros and. the eulogies are in lloman. Tlie onlg change in the text is that the later chapters in vol. i, are arranijcd in a somen-hat different order.— The date (1010), if it be a date, on the fronlisjiiece of vol, ii., seems inexplicable. 59. (1673). Entretiens j de [ Petrarque I sur la bonne | et mauvaiso fortune , [ Ou I'Art da vivro heureux, [ Traduction Nouvelle. | Tome premier, [second.] | — I A Paris, | Chez Avgvs- tin Besoignc, dans | la grando Salle du Pa- lais, devant la | Cour des Ay des, ii la Verite. | — I M. DC. LXXIII. I Avec Privilege du Roy. 2 vols. 12". Vol. i., ff: [1] , pp. 1-401; ii., .if- Wi PP- i-'i^S. Cox'[KN-tii: — 2'itle- folio, reverse blank; avertisseracnt, J'. [2]ab ; table, ff. [3]a-[4]b;text, Entretiens j do | Petrarqve., pp. 1-401 ; ii., title-folio, reverse blank; table, ff. [2]a-[4]b; text, Entretiens 1 de | Petrarqve. j Seconds partie., p/;. 1-625; Extrait du Privi- legedu Roy., p. 626. The privilege is dated April 14 , 1667 , and there must, eonseqiientlg , be an elition of that date. Beloir p. 15-3:'>() ; prologue , bookii., pp. 251- 371; text, book ii., pp. 27 i-512 ; table, p>P- ■''•';-;- 516; permission, f. [/In, reverse blank; ii., Bastard title, reverse^ blank; engraved title, re- verse blank; title-folio , reverse blank; Adver- tissement,,^'. [J]a-[.')]i; text, book i.,px>. 1-276 ; book ii., 2}P' 277-520; book Hi., pp. 521-611; table , pp. 612-616; permission , f. {l]a, reverse blank. — 'This edition is much superior to that of Paris of the same date (no. 58), having all the matter of the earlier issues, and the same ar- rangement.— There ivere evidentlg several otiier issues of the Grenailles (or Grenaille) version ; cited, besides that of 1644, above alluded to, are one of Paris 1667, another at the same 2daee in 1678, and a second, Brussels edition of 1678 (Foppens) — a eopg of the last-named exist- ing in the Munich University Library. 61. (1763). Les | colloques | choisis ] d'ilrasme, ] traduits en fran(jois: | Le Texte vis-a-vis de la Traduction ; | avec | Le Precis de la Vie d'Erasme, & trois | Dialogues mo- raux tires de Piitrarque & I de Mathurin Cor- dier. | n| A Paris, I Chez Brocas & Humblot, Libraii^es; | rue Saint- Jacques, au-dessus de la rue des Mathurins, au Chef Saint-Jean. | — 1 M. DCO. LXIII. I Avec Approbation & Privilege du Eoi. 12". ff. [2], pp. [l]-2.33 f. [1]. Con- tents: — Bastard title, reverse blank; titlc-jotio, reverse blank; Precis | de la j vie d'Erasmo, 2)p. 1-11; Les colloques choisis | d'Erasme, pp. \I2[-215, having the Latin text en face n'«//t the heading (p. /3/Familiaria j Erasmi I col- loquia selecta; sub-title, Trois dialogues j mo- raux. I Dont deux de Petrarquo, & I un de Mathurin Cordier, j En Latin & en Francois, p. 214; brief biograjj/iical notices , Petrarque, Mathurin Cordier, j>p. 214-215; Dialogue LXXX, I du I"' Livre de Petrarque , pp. 216- 22:S , the opjmsite Latin text liaving the title (p. 217) Dialogus LXXX | Libri I'. Francisoi Petrarch^; Dialogue LXXXI, pp. 222-225; Dialogue tirci de Mathurin Cordier, ^jp. 226- 2H,H; table, p. [2::4\-f. [/]«,• approbation, t'.[t]a_, reverse blank, llic tivo dialogues from book i. of the De rcmediis, being those De oxcellente praicoptoro and Do patre bono are ^yrinled complete. The French version vas made for the publication by its editor, the grammarian Phi- lippe Duma's (b. Issodoun 773.S', d. 1782). His sketch of PetrarclCs life fills otilij some thirtij lines. The Approbation bears the date of l)c- tember 12, 1761, and Barbier(in the latest edition of the ' Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes,'' 1872-76, no. 2467) cites vhat is perha2>s the earliest issiic of the compilation as piuhlished, under the same title, at Paris htj Blocas (Bar- bier's error for Brocas) in 1762. — The eminent French student of Petrarch, Mr. Victor Develay (see nos. 62, 63, 64) has in his library an edition of of these dialogues dated 1768 with the following title: — Les | colloques ] choisis | d'Erasme, | traduits en franc'ois, | Le Texte vis-a-vis de la Traduction; ] avec j Le Precis de la Vie d'Erasme, &, trois I Dialogues mo- raux tires de Petrarque & de i Mathurin Cordier. | n I A Lyorf, Chez les freres Perisse, rue I Merciere. I — ! M. DCC. LXVIII. ! Avec Approbation & Privilege du Koi. 7'hc number of ijoges and contents are the same as in the edition of 1763. Mr. Develay says: — 'II y a cent ans , ce livre itait en tisage dans tous les col- leges, et il en a ite fait une Ires grand nomhrc des iditions.'' — Another issue cited by Barhicr is of Paris, Ny on jcune, 1817, 18", — For an edition of the Latin text only of this manual see no. 48. 62. (1883). L'amour des livres (chapitre inedit de Petrarque) [Paris, A. Quantin, 1S83]. 4". 2'>P- [l^li]-200. Extracted from ' Le Livre, revue du monde litteraire ,'' 4' ann^e, 6 livraison (10 juin , 1S83). The translation is stated, in an inlrodnctory note, to be by M. Victor Develay , ' qui s'csl voui a la traduc- tion des ceuvrcs latines de Petrarque.' 7'hc dia- logue here rendered is book i., 43 , De librorum copia. For the same version printed indepen- dently sec the following title. 63. (1883). Petrarque — Do I'abondanco des livres et de la reputation des ecrivains Tra- duit du latin par Victor Develay D Paris Li- brairie des Bibliophiles Rue Saint-Honoro 838 M DCCC LXXXIII At end, A Paris des presses de D. Jouast Rue Saint- HonorS, 338. 32" in 4s. ff. [.91 , iyj. [5]-44, jf._ [.?] ; title- page in black and red ; one of ten copies pii'inted on Ja2ianesc paper; bound, by Cecchi. Con- tents: — Cover title; bastard title, on reverse note of eo2ne3 issued ; title-folio, reverse blank; text, De I'abondance des livres, pp. [flJ-S?, reverse blank; De la reputation des livres, PP- [■']-^7, reverse blank ; De la reputation des Ecrivains , pp. l2!>]-44; 2^ublishcr s book-lists, ff. [l]-[2]; imjirint , f. [2]b; cover. — In 2}"rt a scp}arate reprint of no. 62, to ivhicli. is added a version of book i., dialogue 44 , Da scriptorum fama. 64. (1883). Petrarque — Dos amours char- mantes Traduit du latin par Victor Develay n Paris Librairie des Bibliophiles Rue Saint - Honorii , 338 M DCCC LXXXIII Al end, A Paris des presses do D. Jouast Rue Saint- Honore , 338. 32" in 4s. ff. [.1], pp. [5]-74, ff. [4] ; lillc- pagc in black and red; one of the ten co2nes on Ja2mnese paper ; hound by Cecchi. Contents: — Cover-title; bastard title, note of copies issued on reverse; title-folio, reverse blank: 2>refacc, PP- l-^l"*') ti'T^li A Azon do Correggio seigneur do Parmo — lottre-prcface, 7'2). [7]-42; Dea TJtAN.'iLATluXS—FJiEXCU A.MJ GEILMAX. 31 amoui-s chai'mantes, JJ2>. _['Jo]-74 ; 2)ullislur's hook-list, ff. [/|-[l'j; imprint, f. [S\a; cover. — The vohintc inclu'ien new vci'sions of tin: dedica- tory proloijue to book i. of the Deremediis, and of dialoffuc 09, De gratis araoribus, of llie same hook.— Mr. VietorVecclay is rendering a most important service to Petrarch literature hij Ids admirahlc translations from the Latin irrifinys, of vhich several volumes, exquisilelii printed at the Jouast pi-css , have alreaity been issued. In time the French x>ublic n-ill on'e lo his 2>en a third complete vcraion o/'/7ie Deremediis, much more correct and agreeable than either of its jiredeces- sors, — In Josej>h Blanc's ' Biiliographie Italico- i'ranc^aise' (Milan ISSli ; vol. ii., col. 12-17) is citett an anonymous French n-ork, ivhlch evid- ently ones its oriijin to the Do remcdiis: — Prosperito de jeunesse et comme il on faut user selon Dieu et raison, imitation de Fr. Petrar(|uo en ses dialogues de la bonno Fortune commentez do diverses pensees par F. J. M. R. C. _ Evroux, Hamilton, 1G34. 4". Tlic author is said to he a monk, the frerc J. Marccau. Inquiries at /he public libraries of Ecreux and the adjacent Norman cities have, unfortunatel ij , not resulted in tlic discovery of a copy of the work. 5. German. 165. (1478). Item in der ersten translatze dieses buclies von Curiolo [sic] | vnd luorecia wirt funden ain grosser fredcr handel ainer biiUlsohaflft... At end, Geben zii stutgarto vf dem acht zochenden tagedes hornugs Anno diii Millesimo i|ua-|dringC'tesimo septuagesi- mo octauo Indicoe vndecima. /.'• ff. 1250]; Gothic; paye-lincs , 27-30; outline chapiter initials, Cuntknts: — Table of contents, ff. [l]b-[3]a , obverse of first folio blank; dediealury letter to hn. Jergen von absperg, //'. [.i'|i-(6']i ; text, each secl ion preceded by a special dedicatory introduction , ff. [71a- [23!)]h; translator's final epistle, ff'. \28ll\a- \250\h. — This is Ilain 10224, who ascribes it to the printer Conrad Fyner of Esslincjen, Prop- erly tlie volume has no colophon, the cited pas- saye, giving date and place, being the final lines of the epistle vith nrhieh the translator terminates his irork. TIte date is again stated at the close of the general dedicatory preface, written, like the final epistle , at Stuttgart (f. 7a) , Gebon zii stiitgartn vf dom fiinften tage des I aberelleu Auno domini,M. CCCU.lyyviij. — ThcPetrarch portion of this volume is the first printed versioii of any part of the De remcdiis in a modern tongue. Il comprises the tiro dialogues 25, Do infamja, and IS, Do uxoris amissiono of' book ii. They are introduced hy a dcdleatorii epistle to ir'uvi Mechilten gobornerpfaltzgreuiii by rj'ue, //'. 2t0b-2t7b, and oceujii/ the fiilion-inij ff. 21fage; dedicatory letter, f. ]l]b; introductory ■note, Der Inhalt dis^ Biichleins in einer Suiii begriffen, ,/! [2]a; text, first dialogue, fi'. [2]a- [l]a; seconil dialogue, Von Verderbiing aes Vatcr-'landes., ff'. [4\a-[5]a; third dialogue. Von dem Brandt., _;/'. [.))i-[«]6 ,• fourth dia- logue. Von Kranckhoit des Leibs.,.ij/'. |7]a-[.S'|o; colophon, f [^>]a, reverse blank. — In the dedica- tion to DEni IStrengen Herren I Hansen Lant- schadG zu Stoinach Ritter, on the part q/' Ja- cob kiibol, dysser zeit Stadtschreiber I zu Op- pC'lieira, it is stated that the translatioii was made by Doctor Adfi Wern her von Theiuar, professor at the university of' Heidelberg ; the dedication closes: — Datum Oppenheim Mutags no(.h Lauretii Anno re. 1516. — The dialogues here rendered, are, in their order, OS. Do pa'tria obsessa; (/.'*. De patria evorsii; 55. De incen- dio, and .'.'. De adversa valetudine — all from book ii. The interlocutors are styled Vernuufft and Synlichkeit (or Synlicheit, as is the more common orthography) or Schmertz, » ' 1 32 BE BEMEBIIS VTRIVSQUE FORTlfNJC. 67. (lo32). FEanciscus Petrarcba. Von der I Artzney bayder Gliick , dos guton vnd j widerwertigen. Vnnd wesz sich aiu yeder inn Ge-lliick vnd vngluck halten sol. Ausz dera Latoinischen in das ; Teiitsch gozogen. Mit kiinstUc-hen fyguren duroh- ausz, gantz lust- ig vnd schijn gezyret. d ! Mit Kuuigklicher May. Gnad vnd Priuilegio. Gedruokt zu Augs- purg durch Heynrich Steyner. , 51. D. XXXII. At end, Gedruokt vnd volendet in der Key- serlichen statt Augspurg, durc-h , Heyuriohen Sto3'ner , Am IX. tag Februarij , Im jar | M. D. XXXII. f. in lis. ff._[12], I-CXLIII, [W], I- C'LXXVIII; Gothic; ornaments; Florentine initials; lines 1, 3, 5 and last of title-patje in red ; in hook ii, f, 101 is erroncousbj numocred CX; 2ti0 wood-engravings (125 in the first part, and 13S in the second, exclusive of those on the title-pages) of which the smaller measure II! hij 10 centimeters, while manij are larger, and tico are full-page, 22 hy 16 centimeters. Con- texts : — Part i., Title-folio, reverse blanlc ; j)ri- vilegiuvi, (granted hy Ferdinand I., dated in the Gth year of his reign as King of Bohemia and Hungary, that is, 11)31-2), f. 2a; puhlislier's preface (trritlcn in 1532), Heynrich Stej-ner Driicker Zii Augspurg, wiinscht alien j Le- sern dises buchs, hayl, vnd die genad Gottes K., ff. 2h-3a; introductory poem hy Sebastian Brandt, Vorred Sebastiani Brandt , in das biich I des Hocbgelerten Francisci Petrarche, von der hayl-;sumen Ai'zney.... ./'. 3h ; dedi- catory letter by Oeorgius Spalntlnus (dated 1521) Den Hoobgeierten achtparn vnd Ersamen, | Herren Sigmund Gryiuen, der Arzney Doctor, vnd Marxen Wirsyng \ Burgern zu Augspurg , ff. 4a-:'>a; life ofl'elrarch, Francisci Petrarche ieben, auft' das [ kiirzest begrytfen., ,//'. 5b-ija ; table of dialogues, Register oder Orilnung in ehgedachts bueb Petrarche, Nach den Capi- teln vnd zal der Bletter, gesetzt, ^^■. 6b-7b; prologue, book i.. Die Vorred in gestalt eines Send- briefs , des aller beriimtesten Poeten vnd Oratoris j Francisci Petrache, inn das erst buch seines j werckes, von dem mittol beder gluck, | inn wijllichem von demguten vnd seligen gliick wirt di sputiert, Vnd wirt zu I geschribe dij Mar- grafen Azoni ' Fsten- si., j7. 8a-12a, ending wHli Ende der Vorred.; 12 'distiches, signed J. B. Von Marckdorff, binder the motto, Dat veniam coruis, vexat cen- sura columbas., /. 12b; text, book i.. Das erst Biich Francisci Pe-;trarche, Von dor Artznoy | des Giitten Gliicks., fi'. Ja-CXhIlIIa; trans- lator' s final note , Ain Ende des ersten Buchs, des Wolberiiraptc Francisci Petrache Poe;ten vnnd fiirtrefl'euliclien Kedners, inn dem vonn dem lloldseligen gliii-k, gedisputiert ist, Mit iloisz durch den Erbarn Peter Stah- el Burger zii Niirnberg, nachfolger der Poeterey, von dom : Latein inn das Teiitscli transfe- riert oder gowendt., ,/'. CXLIIIln, n- verse blank; Part ii., Title-page, DAs Ander Buch Francisci Petrarche — vO der Artzne3' I des bosen Gliicks [ n K f- ia; 24 distiches, signed .T. B. Von Marckdorft', accompanying 2 full- page uondcuts , ff. la-2a; prulogxic , book ii., Vorred Francisci Petrarche, in das .\ndor Buch , von der Artzney des biiscn gliicks., ff. 2h-8a; tabic of dialogues , Eegister in das Ander buch.,.^'. 8b-10a, reccrse blank; text, book it., Des Hochberiimpten vn glerten Poeten, auch Eedners , Francisci Petrache, | seynes Trostwercks, von Artzney bayderlay Geliicks, Das An- der Cuch, d3'sputierend von widerwertigem Ge-liiek, facht siiligk- lichen an., //'. la-CLXXVIIIa ; translator's final note , Das ander Biich mit Gottes hilff , mit der verteiitschung beschlossen, durch | Georgium Spalatinum, iun dem Churfiirst- lichenn schlosz zu Lochau, inn der Chur vnd land zvi .S.xchssen. Anno diii tausent fiinff- hundert vnd xxj., /'. C'LXXVIIIa; colophon as cited, J'. GLXXVIlIa, reverse blank. The Text. — The story of this, tlie earlier of the two complete German versions of the De remediis, may be gleaned, in great i^art, from the book itself. About 1517 two well-to-do citizens of Augsburg, the physician and apothecary Sieg- munil l-iriinm, and the mercltant Mar.v iVirsung, eslahlislied a piress in that city. They then en- gaged, a scholar, Peter Stahel of Nuremberg, to translate the De remediis, who died after having rendered little more than the first book, where- upon the continuation of the task iras confided to Georg Spalatin (b. Spalt near Nuremberg 1484, d. as supierintendent , or bishop, of Altcnburg 1575), subsequently one of the reformers, the friend and correspondent of Luther, and a great lover of books, with an especial fondness for good typography. Be completed the labor in 152t, and n-rote at that date the dedicatory preface, so that the translation (engravings and all) was ready for the 2'ress eleven years before its actual publication. Just then (1522) Wirsung, one of the partners, died, and Grimia fell into financial difiiculties, and likewise died not lonq after 1524. Meamvldle a printer, Bcinric)i Steiner (Stayner), took up his residence (1522) at Augsburg and eventually commenced business as a publisher. Finding the translation of Stahel and Spalatin ' gleichsam vergraben'', as he says, he decided to issue it. It does not seem probable that any of the work liad been printed by Grimm a7id Wirsung, but that it had been lying in man- uscript, for Steiner also speaks of it as having been laid aside after the demise of the two pmli- lishers (mit balder tod verlegt). It is quite probable that the undertaking originated in the advice of Brandt, and his death in 1521 possibly did something towards delaying the 2>ublication of the volume. — The incidents of the life of Spal- atin, from his prominent position in the struggle for ecclesiastical reform, are familiar to all stu- dents of si.rteenth-coUury history; but of the man n-ho began the version, Peter Stahel, al- most nothing is known. He ispretty surely iden- tical with the Peter Stalil, who is cited in J. F. Roth's ' Genanntadruch ' (or ' Vereeichniss der Genanntcn in Niirnberg'), as a ' Genannter\ or patrician occupying a seat in the city council. According to Roth he sat in the council of Nu- remberg from 1513 to 1520. — The text of book »., dial. 1., opens as follon-s: — Hoffming. Ich hab ein jpIUond alter, mir ist zii Ieben noch vil .Tar. I ernunfl'l. Nj-iTiwar, Ditz ist die erste der monschenn vergebene holl'nunng, dye vil tausent botrogen hat, vnd noch betriegen wiirdt. Freud, vnd Hofi'nnng. Ich hab ain vnzergengt alter. Vernunjft. AVer wijlte das jbenig dem vil manglet," gantz nennen, vii man nit waiszt, wie vil des so\', das daunocht vbcrig ist: 'Jhc two speakers in book ii. are styled Schmertz and Forcht. The dialogues (Capiteln) arc TEA XSLA TIOXS— GERM A X. 3;l niimheieil. The jirinrijial i-aim'mq-tilles arc Das erst buch, von Artzney dea giiten Glucks. and Das aiider Buch, von Avtzney | des bosen Gliioks . The Ili.ustiutioxs. — The Jinal wood- cut in the volume if. C'LXXi'T) bears on a tomh represented in it the date 15J0. This indicales that Grimm and Wir3U7>32 edition of the De remediis, and was even not quite certain of its existence. 68. (153G). Translation. | oder Deiitsch- ungeu, des hochgeachten j Nicolai von Weil, den zeiten Statscbreiber der | StattEszlingen, etlicher biicher Enee Siluij, Pogij Florentiui, Doctoris Pelicis Hemerliu, Mit sampt ande- ren schrifften, deren achtze- hen nach einan- der vndersohydlichen mit jrcu fygu-|ren vnd titlen, in disem biich begrift'en sind. | j. Eigen- schafft der liebe. | ij. Trauriger anszgang vnorden- licher lieb. | iij. Sich vor vnorden- licher lieb zii .| hiiten , vnd ledig zii werden. | iiij. Trostung in widerwertigkait. i v. Ob die gest dem wiirt , oder der wiirt den gesten 1 34 BE JiEMEDIIS VTEIUSQUE FORTUX^. dancken sol. \ vj. Ob eim altea maim ziiTi ein ehe lich weyb ziinenien. ; vij. Guter rat, krieg zu fiirkomen. i viij. Wie man das hausz Tn hauszge siud regieren soil. ix. Von den Eey- chen betlern. ; x. Yon nutz viid lernuug der schrifft. I xj. Wie Hieronymus vu Prag zu Constantz : im Coucili verprennet ward, sij. Vom gliick. | xiij. Tom guldin esel Luoia- ni , wie eiuer durch ! zu einem esel verkert ward. xiiij.Vrsprung des Adels. xv.Trustung in wiSwertigkait ausz Francisco | Petrarcha. | xvj. Von den vbertreflichsten weybern. | svij. Ein zyerliche red vomConcilio. [ xviij. Ortho- graphia, auf schreybrey fast nutzlich. | M. D. XXXVI. At end, Gedruckt vnd volendet inn der Kayserlichen Statt Augspurg, durch Hayn;ricb Stayner Biicbtrucker, am xviij. tag Februariij, [sic] des M. D. XXX vj. Jars. /". in lis. _ ff. [IS], I-XCIX, [1] ; sig. a, A-K, ofwIiidiR in 4, haviny the final folio hlank; Gothic; ornaments and initials ; pafjc-lines , ,'>0 (excluding running-title and signature); il3 n-oodcuts, of irhich those on ff. XXIV b and LXXXVIa are aiil-e. Contents : — Title- t'olio, on reverse full-page woodcut , emperor on throne irith German arms in upper angles; Register, /. [iJ]ai; dedicatory letter tojorgen vonAbsperg, ff. [2]b-[4]a , first special dedication, f. [4]ab; "Vorred Nioolai von Weil , der ersten translatz /. [5]ali; Vorred Enee Siluij., ff. [5]h-[(!]a,_on reverse title of first translation , Derliebhabede Euriolus, icitli large n:oodcut below: text, tj. la-XCIXh; colophon,/. XCIXb. — This is the third {see no. 65) edition of Xiclas voji Wyle's voluiae of translations , the first having been issued in 147s and the second in l.ill). The Petrarch portions (De remediis , hook ii., dial. 25 and IS) begin Die Fiiniftzehend Transla- tion, Nicoiai von j Weyl, des buchs Francisci Petrarche, von der artzney, baj-der gliicks vnnd I vngliicks. Vnd ist die anred des layds sich beklagend, letzuug seines leiimbdens, f. LXXXl'Ia, the frst dialogue (25) ending f. LXXXVIIb , follov-ed on the same page by the second (IS), Trostung inn laydsamen ver- lust I einer bauszfrauwen., ichich terminates f. LXXXVTlIb. These dialogues are preceded (f. LXXXt'ab) by the special dedication to Praw Mechil-iteu', Geborne I Pfaltzgraffin j bey dem Hein, before ichich is the general title Die Fiinftzehet Translatz, Nicoiai von Weyl Des buchs Francisci Petrarche de remedio vtriusij} fortune. The text is the same as in the previous editions; the special dedication and each of tlte dialogues have icoodcufs from the iStahel-Spalatin (1532) German translation of Ike De remediis, from which several of the oilier woodcuts in the volume are also drann. Of all the illustrations only the one on f. LXXXIXa has a monogram (of Schiluftein?) , but another f. LXVIa) is known to he by Hans Baldung Grien. llie Florentine initials and printer's ornaments arc those ichich occur iri so many of :'!)teiner's publications. 69. (1539). DAs Gluckbiich, Beydes desz Gut- ten vii Bosen, darin loere vnd trost, wesz sich menigklich ' hierin halten soil, Durch Franciscum Petrarcham vor im latoin beschriben , vnd yetz griintlioh verteiitscht, mit schonen Figuren , Concordantzen, i Re- gister , durcliausz g-ezieret , der gestalt von nie gesehen. j D [ Getruckt zu Augspurg durch Heynrich Ste3-ner, liu Jar. i M. D. XXXIX, At end, Gedruckt vnd volendet in der Kaj'ser- lichen Statt Augspurg, , Durch Heynrich Stayner am ix. tag Julij ; des M. D. XXXXX. Jars. f." in es. f. [20], I-CXr, blank leaf, ff. (lO], I-0XLI'I,[S]; Gothic; initials; ff'. 22, 68, 71, lUo, of book i., and ff. 11, 2'J of book ii., are erro7ieously numbered , respectively, XXIII, LXVII, LXXII, XCIII, XII, XXXII; 260 engravings (124 hi the first part, and J36 in the second): the targe engraving on the title-)>age has above it themolto Glorior elatus, and below it, Axi rotor, while on the two sides are Ad alta vehor and Descendo mortiiicatvs , referring to the position of the wheel of fortune. Com- TES'is: — Title-folio, reverse hlank; dedicatory letter, signed Stephanus Vigilius, addressed to Dem Ersamen vnd Weysen Mar-;tino Weysz, Bui-ger zu Augspurg , seinem | geliebten Herrn vnd Patron., ff'. [2]a-[6]a; life of Fe- /raj-c/j, Francisce Petrarclie leben, als vil man ausz seinen BUchern alien, audi von ande- ren so von ihm goschriben, haben mag., ff'. [6]i-[S]i; table of dialogues, Innhalt vnd Siimmarien eynes yeden Capitols, ff'. [!)]a- [10]a; prologue, book i.. Die Vorrede auffdas Erst Biich '; Francisci Petrarche von dem Gtitten Geliicke, | geschribeu an den Durch- leiichtigesten vnd hochgeborneisten Fiirsten vnd Herrn Azonem Estensem, ! Herzoge zii Ferrer, griindtlich i verdeiitsohet., ff'. [10]b- [l.S]b; subject- index , Register vber das erste j biich, ff'. [14]a-[20]a ; Errata des ersten Biichs., f. [20]b ; te.ct, book i.. Das Erst Buch Francisci Pe- trarohe desz hochberiimpten Poeten vnd oratoren i wie vnd wesz sich ainer halten soil, so es jm wol geet, ff. Ia-CX\'b, ending Ende des Ersten Biiclis Francisci Petrarche, ' von guteni Gliicke.; blank leaf; (part ii) litle- folio, DAs AuderBiich Francisci Pe-]trarche, desz hochgelerten vnnd beriimbten Poeten i vnd Oratoris Trost Biich, Von widerwertigem Gliick. 1 of. [l\a; introductory poem by Sebas- tian Brandt, Ein uutzliche vnd scliune vuder- wey-Isung,/'. [l]h, signed D. S. B. [=z Dr. Se- bastian Brandt); table o( dialogues, Summarien vnd Innhalt eynes yeden Capitels,_^. [2'\a- [3]b: prologue, look ii.. Die Vorrede auii' das AnderBuch ] Francisci Petrarche des Poeten vn Oratoren , von | dem widerwertigen Ge- liicke, ff. [4]a-l!)]a; tico full-page icoodcuts, cji^j'i'crf Augenscheinliche Erkliirung, ff'. [9]b- [/"]», reverse blank; text, hook ii., Das Anaer Buch Francisci Pe-|'trarche , ff. la-CXLlIb, ending Ende des andern Buchs Francisci Pe- trarclie , von ; dem widerwerdtigen Geliick; subject-index. Register vber das ander I biich, ff'. \l]a-[7]h ; colophon, f. [7]b : Errata des an- "dern biichs, /'. [S]a, recersc blank. Tue Text. — The translator of this second complete version of the De remediis n-as Stcphan Vigilius {whose vernacular name was doubtless Wachter),2)ro?i- ably a native of the South German town of Fried- berg and hence styled ' I'acimontanus,^ or 'Frid- herqensis.^ He taur/ht in the gymnasium at Augsburg, and besides his translations of the De remediis and or' Petrarch's ' Libri rcrum me- morandarum'' (Gedenkbuch, Augsburg 1541), TRAy^SKA TIOXS- OEliM. I N. 35 2>iil'lis/ierl an edition of Jeaus tiiraciJcs in Latin (A utjsburfj i5-')SJ. In his dediration he utates thai in consulliiu/ the former translation he often found it so incomprelietisible that he iras ohliijed to refer to the Latin ; later on he again alludes to the ohscurilji of the Stahel- lipalatin version (mir des zeiigknusz gibt , der die vorigen Translation liszt). Ilenec he determined to retranslate the leork. He li/ceivise announces that he intends to publish a eersion of cin biiche das Petrarcha do rebus inemorandis intitulie- ret vnd nennet. Of his rersion the opening lines ofboolc i., dial. 1., will give an idea: — Hoffnnng. Meia sacli sfcehet wol, ich springe uooii daher wie ein liirscli , gedenok noch lang vnd gut tag auff erdzeliaben. Ver- nunjl'l. Gedenckestu iiicht das du mocUtesk ein vergebene hoffnuiig langes lebens liaben, so die selbige so mauchen dick vfi oflFt betro- genhat. Hoffnnng, Ja wol, mein blume stehet griin in der awen, so ist es gantz, alles was vfTi vnd vmb michist. Vcrmmfft. Du bist ein tbor, dann inn dem das du noch mit mir re- dost , verwelcket dein blume bin, verdorret vnnd verselt. — The biographical sketch of Petrarch is far fuller than that prefixed, to tlie previous version, and might well have been retained in the subse- quent editions. A note at the end states that it is based on information derived from Petrarch's own ivritings , vii zii teyl ausz Paulo Vergerio genome Ci'cho Pollento, Leohardo Arentino [sic] Pliilosopho , Hieronymo Squarzafico , Alexadrino, Raphaele [ifaffei], Voltei-rano xxj lib. vnd anderen — a list of authorities in- dicating no III tie research. — Theblundcr of giving to Azzo the title ofdule of Ferrara is repealed at the head of each prologue, and n:as afterwards coined, in mang editions. — The idea of the two subject-inde.ves , of so much ulility in a work like the Do reraediis, ai>%>arentlg originated tvith Yigilius , and doubtless led to the similar index in the Latin edition of Berne tS!)S (see nos. 18 and 19). Another new feature is the marginal arcjuments in smaller tgjje running through the volume.— The dedication is dated 1534, shou-ing that Yigilius must have performed his task verij soon after the first version appeared. — It will be noticed that Brandt's poem is transferred frotii the first to the second, jjart. — Tub Pjnitian Dis- tiches. The most interesting noveltg of the edition is the Latin and German couplets , introducing each dialogue, u-h ich soon greu- to be considered, as thcji v:ere later rej^roduced in the Latin edi- tions, an integral part of the work and from the same hand. In hisjn'efalorg iledieation Vigilius sags: — Es hat auch der eherwiirdig hochgelert vnser getrewer lieber Preceptor vnd herr Johan Pinitian hierinn sein fleysz nicht ge- spart, disz kostlich Buch mit seine Versibus vn reymo zii zieren, hat eines jegklichC Capi- tals jfihalt kurtzlich zn latein vn teiitsoh ver- fasset. These couplets of Pinitian, parlicularlij those in Latin, are of merit, and, a'tained pop- ularity as a sort of poetical epitome of Pe- trarch's treatise. It was with the second Berne edition (t(j(i.')) that the Latin ones began to ap- pear in connection irith the original text of the De remediis. The distiches were even published separately. E. Weller , in his 'Annaleti der 2>oetisi'hen National-Literatur der Deutschen^ (Freiburg im. Bri'isgau l>ii;2-4, i. 43.')), under Petrarca , cites what can hardlg be anything else than an issue of Pinitian's verses: — Zwei sclione newo vnd gar edle Trostbiichlein in latein. Carmin. vnd doutsche Eeymeii. Ciiln 1573, 8". ]yeller, unfortunately, neglects to give the source of the title, and all'efforts to discover a copy of the hook in the public libraries of Germany have hitherto proved fruitless. It ap- p)cars to have been reproduced, n-ilh Swedish renderings of the Gerjuan couplets (sec no. 94). The author of these happil y -conceived ]}roduc- tions, Johann Pinitian (Johannes Pinieianus) , published two small collections of other Latin ' Carmina' (Augsburg , Othmar 1.511 and l.'il2, 4"), in each of which there were three woodcuts by Hans Burgkiuair; copies of these books exist in the Augsburg Public Library. The expres- sion_^ Preceptor'' used by Vigilius indicates that Pinitian taught in A%igsburg. The Illustra- tions. The woodcuts arc, with very slight changes in the order of their arrangement, those executed by Burgkmair, aud published, by Klei- ner in 1532. The Markdorf poems being omit- ted,, the large_ rut onf. [12]bof the Slahc'l-Spat- atin translation , is likewise le't out. As before noticed the illustration to the Brandt poem is transferred , with the verses, to part ii. Tlie original illustration to book ii., dial. 102, for some reason , gives place to a duplicate of that properly belonging to dial. 112 of the same book. Both the fine title-page vignettes,' so alike and yet so different, are retained. 70. (1551). Von Hulff vnd Eath in I AUem anligen. | DEs hochweisen , fiirtrefli-'chen Francisci Petrarche zwci Trostbiicher, Von Artznei, beydes des giiten vnd widerwertigen Grlucks. I D I Zu Franokf urt Bei Chr. Egenolff. At end, Getruckt zu Frauckfurt am Meyn Bei Christian Egenolff. | Im Jenner. An. M. D. LI. /■." in Os. ff. [6], I-CCXXII; Gothic; woodcuts, 125 and 134; f. 30, 65, S7, lit)- 114, 211), 221 are erroneousli/ numbered XXIX, XLV, LXXXVI, OXI-CXV, CGVIX, ICOXI respectively. Contexts: — Title-folio, reverse blank: Voui leben Francisci Petrarche, /'. [2]a; Vorrede auft' das Erste Biich \ Francisci Pe- trarche, von dem guten Gliick, Geschriben ) an Herrn Azonen Estonsem, Herzogen zu Ferrer,, .#'. [2]b-[3]a,; ^a'(/f, Innhalt dor Capit- tel,.^'. [3]a-[5]b; Brandl's introductory verses under the mo/Zo, Nemo laeditvr nisi a seipso., /'. [G]a; ten verses (O du grossmechtigs falsches gltlok) under the motto, Fortvna Evripus., /'. ](y]h; text , book i.. Von Artznei des guten Gliicks,,^'. la-CVa; sub-title. Von Artznei, Rath, Hiilff vnd ! Trost in widerwertigem GKick, )(■///( large engraving and the lines, Sich jederman, auch Fiirsten, Herrn Des Gliick- radts mogen nit envehrn.,/. CVb; 2 full-page engravings, illustrative of Petrarch's doctrine of universal strife, each with 4 lines of verse, under the mottoes: Omnia secundum litem fiunt. Heraclitus. and Alle ding bestohen im Zanok., f. C'VIah; prologue , book if, Vorrede auff das" Ander Bhch , Jf. CVIIa-CXIa; text, book i,i.. Das Ander Bi'ioh Francisci ! Petrar- che,^'. CXIb-CCXXIIa; colophon,/. CCXXIIa, reverse blank. — Tlie second (?) edition of the Vir- gilius version, greatly inferior to the first. The life of Petrarch is again the very meagre sketch prefixed to tlie Slahel-Spalatin translation: the tivo prologues are greatly abridged; the subject- 36 DE REMEDIIS VTRIUSQUE FORTUNE. indexes arc omitted; and the marginal notations are reduced in number. Tlie u'oodcuts are the old ones of Burykmair , u-hich after Sfeiner's retirement from business in 1545 jiassed into the hands of Egenolff (Egenoljdi) : the large wood- cut of Fortune's wheel, intended for tlie title- page of book {!., is twice given, once on f. [6]b, under' the motto, Fortvna Eripvs, a«rf again under the sub-title to book ii.; dialogue 102 (hook ii.) ha« again, as in 1532, its proper iroodcut. It is to he noted that the error in re- gard toAzzo's title IK 2'erpetualed; that the folio numeration is carried continuously through the ichole volume ; and that the dialogues are para- graphed, that is, a neir paragraph begins -with the discourse of each interlocutor. 71. (1559). Hulff,Trost vnd Eath in allem anligen I der Mensohen. | Francisci Petrar- che, des lioch|weisen, fiirtrefliclien Poeten vnd Oratorn, zwci Trostbiiclier, Von Artznei vnd Eath beyde in guten vnd widerwertigen Orliick. ! D 1 Zu Franokfurt am Mein, Bey Christian Egenolflfs Erben. | M. D. LIX. At end , Getruckt zu Franckfurt am Mein, Bei Christian Ege-Iuolifs Erben. Anno M. D.LIX. /._" in 6s. ff. [6], /- CCXXII; Gothic ; title- page in black and red ; woodcuts, 125 and 134; the lack of supervision is shown hi/ tlie fact that, although the irork was entirelg reset , ff. SO, 65, 110-114 are still faultily numbered (XXIX, XLV, CXl-CXV), while a new blunder gives to f. 143 the number CXLII. — The contents are the same as in the edition of 1551 , v:ith very slight changes here and there in tlie amount of matter on certain pages, and the addition, on the reverse of the title-folio, of a version of Pe- trarch's tciil, Francisci Petrarche, des hoch- beriimpten Poeten, Te-!stament, welches er laugest zuuor ehe er gestorben gemacht hat im Jar i 1370. deu vierdten Aprilis, zu Padua. f72. (1572). Trostspiegel in Gluok j vnd Vngliick. ' Francisci Petrarche , des i Hoch- beriimpten, Fiirtrefliichen , vii lioch weisen Poeten vnd Oratorn, zwey Trostbiicher, Von i Artznei vnd Eath , beydes in gutem vnd widerwertigera Gliick, Nem-|lich, wie vnd vres sich ein Mensch halteu soil, so es jhme wol.gehet, seine sachen | noch wol stehen, vnd in alien dingen gliickhafftig ist, Vnd hergegen auch , | wes er sich in allerhandt vbel, wider wertigkeyt, angst vnd noth, | verhalten vnnd trosten soUe. [ Allen Hausz- uattern, vnd Kegiments personen, ja jeder- menigk- lich, wes stands oder Condition die sein, welchen es nit allwegen naoh jrem J sinn gehet, sondern biszweil vil vnfiill, vnd rauhe Nebol vnder augen I pflegen zustossen, sehr niitz vnd trOstlich zuwissen. .Tetzund von newem widerumb ziigericht vnd in ' Truck vcrfertiget. ! 2CP***«^j® [ Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Imperiali. j D j Getruckt zu Frauck- fortamMeyn, bey Christian 1 Egenolifs Er- ben. I M. D. LXXII. ^1/ end, Getruckt zu Franckf art am Meyn, Bei , Christian Egenolffs Erben. | Anno M. D. LXXII. /." in Os. ff. [4], I- CCXXH, [3] ; Gothic ; Burqkinair's ivood engravings; title-page in black and red; colojdton 07i reverse of final un- numbered folio. — The contents are, in general, the .same as in the next following Egcnolff' edition. — The title cited is that of the copy belonging to the Munich University Library. 73. (1584). Trostspiegel in Gluck vnd | Vngliick, | Des Weitberumb- ten Hochge- lehrten i fiirtrefliichen Poeten vnd Oratorn | Francisci Petrarche Trostbiicher, von Eath, That, vnd Ar-;tzeney in Gliick vnd Vngliick, Xemlich , wie sich ein jeder verstandiger Mensch I halten soil. In seiner Wolfahrt nicht vberheben, Desgleichen in Vn- gliick, Wider- wertigkeit, Angst vnnd Noth zutrb-lsten wissen. I Allen ehrliebenden Eegiments Per- sonen, Hauszvattern, vnd jedermenniglichen,| wes Stands sie seyn mogen, zu Nutz vnd Trost ausz dem Lateinischen mit fleisz ver- teutscht, vnd mit schonen Figuren geziert , vnd in Truck von newem verfertiget. | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Imperiali. | D | Getruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, in Verlegung Christ. Egenollfs Erben. , — ! Anno M.D. LXXXIIII. At end , Getruckt Zu Franckfurt am I Mayn, Bey Christian Egenolphs Erben , ; in Verle- gung Adami Louiceri, Joannis Cuipij An-| dronioi secundi, Doctorum, vnnd Pauli | Steinmeyers. ; D | Anno M. D. LXXXIIII. /.» in (Js. ff. [4], 1-222, ff. [.?]; Gothic; ornaments; title-page in black and red: wood- cuts, 125 and 134; ff. 65, 1U2 , 104, 111-112, lis, 114, 115, 143, iiJ7 , 1S4, 199 are numbered by error, respectively, 45, 92, -JOl, 112-113, 214, 115, OXV, 142, 16s, 182, 119, and f 110 is unnumbered. Conients: — Title-folio, reverse blank; Das Leben vnd Ankunift Francisci Petrarche, /. [21a; testament, f. [2]b; ptrologue, book i., Vorrede,./'. [3]ab; verses by Brandt, f. [4]a; Fortuna Evripvs, ivith woodcut and. ten verses, f. [4]h; te.vt, book i.. Das erst Buch, ff'. la-105h; sub-title, full-page woodcuts and mottoes, ff. 10,5b-li>0h; prologue, hook ii., Vor- rei.6, ff.' 107 a-[llO]a: te.vt , book ii., Trostspie- gels Ander Buch,.^'. [ll(J\b-122a, reverse blank; tabic of dialogues, Innhalt der Capitel,.^'. \l]a- \3\a; colophon and printer's mark, f. [3]i.^ The edition has nothing new; the Herzogen zu Ferrer still occurs; the life is the same sketch of 17 lines; tlie prologues are abridged ; the dia- logues are jiaragraphed ; the impressions from Burgkmair's engravings have been made with care. The title-page vignette is no longer the fine, large design by Burgkmair, but a small inferior one, representing the same subject , the wheel of fortune with clinging figures. — 'The co^iy is bound by Pratt of London. 74. (1604). Trostspiegel in Gliick vnd Vngliick , | Francisci | Petrarchse i Desz WeitberhuiTiten Hoch-!gelehrten [ fiirtreflii- chen Poeten vnnd Oratorn Trostbiicher, I Von TliANSLA TIONS-GERMAN. l-.'i Eath, That, vnd Artzney in Gliick vnd Vii- gliick, Xemlich, wie | sich ein jeder verstiln- digar Mensch halten soli, lu seiner Wolfahrt nicht I -vberliebeii , Doszgleichon in Vngliick , Widerwertigkeit, | Angst vnd Noth zutriJsten wisseu. I Allen ehrliebenden Regiments Per- sonen, Hauszvattern , vnd jedermennig-jli- chen, wesz Standts sio seyn mijgen, zu Nutz vnnd Trost ausz dem Lateiuischen | mit fleisz verteutselitjVndmit schonenFigureiigezieret, vnd in | Truck von uowem verfertiget. | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Imperiali. 1 a | Getruokt zu Frankfurt amMayn, bey Johanu Sauern, | in verlegnng [»(c] Vinoentij Stoinmayers. | — | Anno. M. D. CIV. Al end, Getrucktin der Keyserlicheii|fi'eyen Keichszstatt Franckfurt amMayn, \ Durcii Johanu Saurn in verlegung | V'incentij Steinmayers. j D j M. D. CIV. /■." in 6s. ff. [2], 1-222, [3]; Gothic; Buryhnair'n woodcutu; litle-page in Mack ami red; ff. OS, 08, 102, 113, 143, 1S4 erroneously nmnlKred, re-ipectiveli/ , 45, 86, 'J2, 213, 142, 182. — 2'ltc contents are as in the last edition , irltli the omission of the testament ,Jirst prologue and life (running: — Tit Ic- folio , reverse blank; lirandt's ])oem, f. 2a; Fortvua Evrijivs, /. 2b; text , book i.,jf. I-10'> etc.). The copy may pos- sibly lack the leaves containing tlie testament of Petrarch , first prologue and life; the printer's mark on the reverse of the final folio is that iiseil hy Egenolff in t)ie preceding edition, a flam- ing altar in d renaissance border. — The bind- ing is by Kaufmann of London. 75. (1620). Trostspiegel in Gliick vnd Vngliick, I Francisci | Petrarchaj J Desz Weit- berhiiinteu Hoch- j gelehrten fiirtreiitiichen Poeten vnnd Oratoru Trostbiicher, | Von Rath, That, vnd Artzney in Gliick vnd Vn- gliick, Nemblich, wie | sich ein jeder ver- stiindiger Mensch halten soil, In seiner Wohl- fahrt nicht | vberlieben , Deszgloichen in Vngliick , Widerwertigkeit, | Angst vnd Noth zu trusten wissen. | Allen ehrliebenden Regi- ments Personen, Hauszvattern, vnndjeder- mennig-|Uchen, wesz Standts sie seyn mogen, zu Nutz vnd Trost ausz dem Lateiuischen mit fleisz | verteutscht, vnd mit vielen scho- nen kiinstlichen l<'iguren gezieret, Vnd j in Truck von newem verfertiget. | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Imperiali. \ a | Getruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, bey Johanu Bringers | seligen, Wittib, in verlegung Vincentij Stein- mayers. I — I Anno M. DC. XX. At end,, Getruckt in der Keyserlichen | freyen Reichsz- statt Franckfurt am Mayn, | Durch Johann Bringers, seligen, Wittib, [ in verlegung Vincontij Steinmayers. | M. DC. XIS. [ D /." in 6s. ff. [4], pp. l-37!>, ff. [3] ; Gothic ; ornaments; woodcuts, 12't and 134; title-page ill black and red ; double columns. Contexts: — I'itle-folio , reverse blank; prologue, book i., Vorrede auft' das erste Buch, /. [2\al; li/'e of Petrarch, Das Leben vnd Ankuniit , /. |5]o,- testament, f. \3\b; Brandt's poem; f. [4\a; Fortvna Evripvs., /. [^l*; le.ct , book i.. Das crste Buch desz Trostspiegels, pp. 1-178; title-page , book ii.. Das ander Buuh Trost- spiegels ! desz hochberhiimpten Pooten vnd Oratoren Francisci Petrarche, Von Artznej', Rath, Hiltf vnd Trost in widerwerti- gem Gliick, wesz man sich in allei-hand vbel, Widerwer-itigkeit, Angst vnd Noth, halten vnd trosten soil. | a I Sich jedermann, auch Fiirsten vnd Herrn Desz Gliickrads mogen nicht erwehrn.,^^. 17:t; 2 full-page voodcuts , wilti mottoes and. verses, pp. 180-lSl; prologue, book a., Vorrede auff das ander Buch, jip. 182- 189; text, fiook a., Trostspiegels Ander Buch, pp. lt>0-.37!h table, Innhalt der Capitel, p. [38tJ]-f. [3]a; coloj/hon and printer's mark, f. l3\b. — The contents and arrangement are tints tliose of tite just preceding editions; Azzo is stijled Herzog zu Ferrar; the second title-jiage, icitk the large ivood-cut , is restored, the cut being that originally used tor the first title-page; the main title-page has tlie same small vignette, and the printer's mark at tlie end is unchanged . — This is probably the last of the editions tcilh Burgkmair's illustrations, and the last in folio. Briinet (Supplement, 1880, ii., 21!)) cites an edition of ttie German De Remediis /mblished by Steiner at Augsburg l.~il7 , eight years before Steiner could, possibly have jirinted anything at Augsburg. Many other editions, with Burgk- mair's engravings, are to be found mentioned in various Ijibliofjrapliical vorks , as Aur/slnirg 1345; Frankfurt 1535, 1389, 1395, ami 1614;^ and Nilrnberg 1652. But some, al least, of these dales may be erroneous. 76. (1(520). Noua Philotheca Petrarchia- na, I contiuens aliqvot 124. ar-jtificiosas figv- ras, qufe in Francisci ' Petrai'chje libro , qvi solameu in bona | & prospera fortuna intitu- latur, ligneis [ figuris inueniuutur. | Nunc vero in Studiosorum aliorumijj artis pictorise amatorum vtilitatem, teneis figuris ab | Eber- hardo Kiesero sculptore , in hac forma in lucem edit;* sunt: j Das ist, | New Stamm- buch. [ In welchem CXXIA''. kiinstliche FigU' ren, so ausz Franci-jsoi Petrarchfe Buch: Welches er Trostspiegel in gutem Gliick in-| titulirt, vnd in Holtz geschnitten zu finden begreitfet. | Nun aber alien Studenten vnd andern Kunstliebhabern , von Eberhard Kie- sern Kupft'er-|stechern, in diesem Format, in Kupffer gradirt, an Tag gegeben, vnd offent- lich publicirt. j — [ Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Meyn, 1 Vnd bey Johann Carl Vnckel, Buchhilndlern daselbsten j zu finden. 1620. Obi. S". _ ff\ [4] , 1-[124]; ff: [l]a, [2]ab and [3]a are printed, the remainder engraved on copper; /'. [124] has been cut-down and moun- ted. ConTKH'ts: — Title-folio, reverse blank; preface, signed Eberhardt Kieser, An den guthertzigen vnd Kunstlie-|benden Leser., ff. [i]a-[.i']«; jiortrait of Petrarch, with the inscription on the oval frame, Francisci. Pe- trarchan. Florentini. Poe-,tte. et. Oratoris. vera. Effigies, ^latis 70, / [3]b; engraved % !'■< If 38 DE REMEDIIS VTBIUSQUE FORTUN.E. tille-page , f. \4'\a, reverse hlank ; xilaten l-[t34], reverses blank. — This volume is composed of copiier-platc copies of Burglmair's wooilcuts illustraling the early editions of the German De remediis. The jireface of the enc/raver says: — Als haben mir, die darinnen (that is, in the 'Trostspieorel') in Holtz geschnittene Figuren (wegeu der ICunst vnd sonderlichen fleisses derselbige kunstreiche JMahler vnd auch der Formsohneider, so solclie gerissen vnd ill Holtz gesehnitten , augewendet) vber alle massen wolgefallen. Danii ob wol dex' Mahler seinen Namen nielit darbe3' gesetzt, man auch eygentlich nicht wissen kan , wer solche gerissen oder gesehnitten, so lobt doch das Werck seinen Meister genugsam, seyn auch so gut vnd wol geinacht, dasz sie auch wol Albrecht Diirern, dem fiirtrefflichsten, kiinstlichsteu vnd ^veit- beriihmsteii Jlahler vnd Kiinstler, mouhten zugemessen warden. The engraver iras Ihns unaware of Tiurgkmair's connection with the xroodcuts, which he feels in- clined, to ascrihe to Dilrer. His preface hears the date of 1020 ^ precluding the idea of a pre- vious eilition of these plates in Ifil-J , cited by some of the bibliographers. — The portrait ofPe- trach, side-viem bust, with laurel wreath, has beneath it the lines Italia scriptis vivit celeberrimus omui Qui nunc Eugane coUe Petrarcha jacet. Tlie engraved title-page is a copy of the Burgk- viair title-page, irith a scroll in the center of the wheel containing the inscriptio7i, Francisci : Petrarchae Trosts Piegels [sic] i Kiinstliche Fi- guren. ; ami in the angles below Eberhardt Kieser Francof. excudit. The engravings are more or less reduced from the size of the origi- nals, and made uniform; at each end of each engraving is a pretty arabesque border of foivers, insects and birds, in every jdate diffe- ring in design; above each is eiigroved a proper heading and a phrase from the dialogue illus- trated, and below the approjiriatc distiches (botliLatin and German) of i'initian (seeno.GQ). The engraving is all remarkably well done. The brief life of Petrarch included in the preface is, in general, the short one to be found in the var- ious editions of the German translation. The first numbered engraving is a reduction of that one of Burgkmair which represents Petrarch writing in a garden-house , or under a loggia. Above it is the inscription, Francisci Petrar- chfe Behausung sampt einem Lustgiirtlein. 1st ausserlialb der Stadt Aveuion in einer Clausen, doch schonen lustigen vnd frucht- barcn Thai gelegen. Below are the following Latin and German couplets: Petrai-chfe hie ^Edes, Musaeum & iiobile Vatis Qui Clarias coluit nocte dieij; Deas. Ausserlialb der Stadt Auenion Hat Petrarcha ein Giirtlein sehon. Vnd ein Hausz: darin or laiig blieb, Auch gar viel herrliche Biicher schrieb. The second numbered plate has the design ivhich, in the editions of the version, accompanied Brandt's poem, rvilh a German heading (Voii auszwagcing Cfliick . .) , a Latin motto, and , at the bottom, six distichei ending somewhat like those of Brandt : Versteh es recht , thu es ahnhiirn, AV'as dich hier wirt Petrarcha lohrn. Then follow the illustrations of the 122 dialogues of book i., Kieser evidently never having com- pleted his task so as to include the illustrations to book it. 77. (1637). Trost Spiegel, in Gliick vnd Vngliiek, ' Francisci I Petrarchae, Des Hoch- weisen vnd BeriihiTiten Oratorn, I Zwey Biioher : | Manniglich , zuforderst ■ denen welchen es nicht allwege nach jhrem Sinn gehet, niitz vnd notig zu ■\vissen. | D j Liine- burg, Gedruckt vnd verlegt bey Johanu vnd Heiu- rich Sternen , Buchf. daselbst. ; — | Anno M. DC. XXXVII. -it end, Liineburg, | Gedruckt vnd verlegt bey Johanu vnd Heiu- rich Sternen, Buchhandlern daselbst. ' — i Anno M. DC. XXXVII. o.o-'^A /• t^^^]> M'- i-422,f [11], pp. 423- 842; Gothic; 2 engravings. Contents: — Engraved frontispiece , obverse blank, f. [y]; engraved title-page , reverse blaiik , f. [2]- title- page, f. [3]a ; 4 extracts from the De remediis, /. [3]b; ilcdicatory letter to Herrn Hansen von Pe- terszdorif, auif Coszlin, I Vnd Herrn Johanu Eber- hardten Steding, auff 01- den- rode Erbgesessen.,^".['/]a-[/"]a,si.9Jierf by Hanz vnd Heinrich Stern; Petrarch's testament, ff. [10]h-[l2]a; life, Vom Leben Francisci Pe-| trarche,./". [12ib; jirologue, book i., ff'. [13]a- [lo]a; fable of dialogues , Inhalt der Capitel, ff'. [lo]b-[19]b; Brandt's introductory poem, f. \2()\a; Fortuna Euripus., f. [2IJ]b; text, book I., Von Artziie3' des gu- ten Gliioks, 2'p. 1-422; jirologue, book ii.. Von Artzney, Rath, Hiilff vnd Trost in widerwer- tigem Gliick, #. [l]a-[ll]b; te.rt , book ii.. Das Ander Bueh, 2n>- 423-842; colophon, p. 842.— The copper-plate frontispiece represents Petrarch's doctrine of universal contention, as devclojted in the second prologue , at the top the four lines beginning Als -n-as auff erden schwebt vnd lebt. The engraved, tille-page has the wheel of fortune and clinging figures in the upper com- jiartmcnt, and a group of persons (including Death) bclotv; at the top is the couplet commen- cing Sich iederman auch Fiirstern Hern [sic] on a scroll: near lite bottom is the monogram of the jtrinters surrounded by the motto, Manvs Domini protegat nos , and in an angle Lune- burg bey den Sternen; quite at the bottom is the title: Francisci Petrarche Trostspiegel in Gliick vnd Vngliiek Manniglich, Sonderlich denen esz I nicht allmal Nach ihrem Sinne ghet, nutziich zu lesen. — This volume is a re- print of one of the later folio editions of the Vi- gilius version, ivilh the Burgkmair woodcuts omitted, and having the usual abridged pro- loqucs etc. The pirintcrs alhule to the many eilitiuns of the De remediis (weiln er so oll't in frembder auch Deutscher Spraeh gedruckt ist). Tliis is probably the latest edition of the tvork in German (but see the list of cited editions, no. 75). 78. (18G1). Translationen von Niclas von AVyle horansgegeben durch Adelbert von Keller. Stuttgart. Gedruckt auf Kosten des TRANHLATIONS— GERMAN AND IIUNGAIiTAN. 39 litterarisclion Voroins nach Beschluss des Aussohusses voni Februar 1860. 1861. S". ff. [2], pj>. 1-37:1. The roliimc hoK also a general lUlc-pafje: Bibliothek dcs litte- rarischeii Vereins in Stuttgart. LVII. — Stutt- gart, tledruckt auf Kosten des litterarisclien Veroins. 1861. Ccintknts : — General lille- vacjc , on reverse llxt of officers; lltle-j/ai/e; bastard title, p. 1; text, pp. 3-364; Anmer- kungon des Herausgebers , j'P- 365-372; Inlialtsiibersicht, ji. 373.— A reprint of the first ( 1-178) cilition of Nielas von Wyle's 'Trans- lations^ {see no. 65). The Itco dialogues from the De remediis /I'H pji. 316-324 , jireceded, by the special iledicatori/ preface, pp. 314-316. 6. Hungarian. 79. (1720). Nagj- eralekezetii ' Petrar-jcha ' Ferencznek | A' jo, (is gonosz | Szerencsenek Orvoslasarol i irott kiit 1 kiJnyvecskeje, ] J6, es Bal Szerencsek kozott for-;g6knak vigasz- tali'isara | D6akb61 Magyarra | fordittatott j Laszlo Pal I Buthenis Prsepost, es Varadi Canonok altal. | D I — | Kassan, | az Akademiai Betiikkel, 1720. 12° in 6s. ff. [2], pp. 1-240; initials and ornaments. Contents: — Title-page; dedica- tory letter to Grofl' Zabolai Mikes Mihaly, ff. [l]b-[2]b , signed Laszlo Pal; te.et, bool'i., A' jd, OS gonosz ' Szerencsenek Orvoslasa. ' Az urdraet a' szomoriisag idez/. j Elso resz., pp. l-'.tl; text, book ii., Masodik resz. | A' Szo- morusag vigassaggal egye- 1 llttetik. j Az Okossag a' fajdalmat vigasztallya., 2'P- •''-- 240, terminating H-UhNEGE. — There were three editions of dialogues selected fi'oiii the De rome- diis and edited bij G. liaicsani (liajcsnni/i) , namely, the ' Harmoiiia I'hilosophica ' 2^>d'lished at Tyrnau 1706; the ' Ars rccte pliilosophandi,^ published at Tyrnau 1707 ; and the ' Conrlusio- nes Scienticepractica',^ published at Tyrnau 1718 {see nos. 45 , 46 , and 47). Of' these the earliest leas the Irriefest , comprising only 40 dialogues , v:hile the tim others contained 86. It is from the first edition (1706) that this translation was made. Tlie 4il dialogues are numbered and titled from I. A' viragzu eletrol. to XIX. Az orok "eletnek remeusegdrol. in book i.; and from I. A' testnek gyenge voltarol. to XXX. A' halalnak kiiliimbsegurol. in book ii. To the dialogues are prefi.eed the propter I'inilian coup- lets rendered into Hungarian , the distich pre- ceding the first dialogue of hook i, being Ne biztasd magadat ifjui esztendokkel ; Mert azok el-mennek toled repiiliSssel. Each dialogue is folloii'cd by a 'reflection'' or 'obsereation'' (elmelkedes) of a moral character , ivrillcn by the translator, usually occupying half a page or more, and printed, in italic. — The author of tliis version was the priest. Fed Ldszld, born in Csik-linkos , Htmgary ; from the station of a parish-priest he rose (1713) to be dean of the cathedral chapter of Gross- Wardein. (I^'arad) , irhcrc lie died as a canon of the cathedral , February 11, 1720. His title of ' Fru posit lis de Ruthenis' irus an honorary ecclesiastical distinction at that time conferred by the cmjieror of Austria, as king of Hungary, on specially learned or noted priests. Ldszlo wrote nothing crcej't this version of the selected De remediis dialogues. In his iledicator// p^re- J'ace, addressed to count Michael Mikes ile Za- bola, he makes no direct mention of Petrarch. — The present C02>g formerly belonged to count l'\ Sz6chenyi, and lias his library stamp. fSO. (1813). Az igaz os valosagos boltsel- kedosnek az emberi elmet arra mdrseklo kiltfejei hogy sem a' boldogsagbann el ne enyeszszen, sem a' iiyomorusagbann el ne tsiiggedjen. Melyek viitettek, es bclvitessel kiirattattak romai bfilts Petrareha Ferentznek mind a' kut I'endbeli jd es bal szei'entsenek orvoslo szereirol irt kdb kcinyveibol Egy ne- vezetlen Koresztyda Tudos altal Deak Nyel- venn. Ezen Nyelvbc'il pedig Magyar Nyelvre fordittattak egy magyar nemes altal Tek. Nemes Maramaros Varmegyebenn 1812-dik Eszteudobenn. — Debreczenbenn Nj'oratalta Csdthy Gynrgy. 1813. 8". /. [1], pp. IV-Vm, 2-160. CoN- TENis: — Title-Jolio , reverse blank; preface, Elciljard beszed., pp. [ni]-VI; table of dia- logues, Mutata tablaja, jtp. [\TI]-\TII ; text, book i.. Else resz. Az okossag morsekli a' bol- dogsagba elenyeszni kozelito elmet., ^j^j. [/]-.56'; book ii., Masodik resz. Az okuss4g mersekeli a' kedevetlen dolgokbann tsiiggedezo elme fajdalmat., pp. 57-160, ending VECtE. — This translation, like the one previously cited, was made from the selection of dialogues , abridged and altered, published by G. Raicsani, under the title of ' Harmonia jjhilosophica,'' at 'Tyrnau in 1706 (sec no. 45). T/ie anonymous translator was evidently unaware that Raicsani' a exccrpta from the De Kemediis had been already rendered into Hungarian. As in the version of Ldszlo the I'inilian distiches in Hungarian verse pre- cede the dialogues. The folloiving extracts from these two translations, appearing nearly a cent- ury apart, will give an idea of their different characters. They are from the opening of the second dialogue of book i. : — Veusion of p. L.vszlo (1720). II. A' testnek egussugerol , vagy az elcibbeni egossugnek meg-nyereserol. Okdssag. Jobb mindenkor lenni lelki egessegben, A' testi artalmas sokaknak lelkeben : Egessdges testbeu a' lelek kornyadoz , A' liivsagos liilek, test csak teged okoz. Oram. Hala Istennek ! hoszszas botegs6- gembol sel-gydgyultaV Okossag. Keclveslebb meg-vallora a visz- sza adatott egcsseg, mint a' meg-tar tatott. Ah liah'idatlan halandu emberek ! a' ni-ktek adatott jdkat alig ismeritekmog maskuppf', hanem ha el-vesztitek: ha ol-vesznek tehat M 40 VE REMEDIIS UTETUSQUE FORTUN.E. titeket kinoznak , os ha viszsza nyerettetnek, orvendeztctnek. Oram. Valalia mar egyszer a' neh^z hideg- leles el-hagyott. Okossdr/. Az ollyan hideg-lelest az orvo- sok neheznek mondgyak , melly a csontokban, es velokben rend kiviU hevseget szerez. Ah mennel nagyobb hideg-lelusek azok , mellj'ek benne a' lulekbeu bujkalnak! a' te hideg- lelesed (ligy tanittya Szent Ambrus Doctor) fosveiiyseg ; a' te hideg-leliised gonosz kivan- sag; a' te hided-leli5sed bujasag; a' te hideg- lelesed fel-fiivalkodas; a' te hideg-lelesed liarag-tartiis; inkabb akarnam, ha ezek a' hideg-lelosek togedet el-hadnanak. Anonymous Version (1813). II. A' Testi Egissigrol. Okossdcj. Jobb Elmednek mint sem Testednek epsege, Arra Rosznak viszsza iiyert jo egiissege. Sokszor beteg Elmed kegyetlen Testebenn, 'S roszszabbul van dolga a' Test erejebenn. Oriim. Hali'i legyen az Egeknek ! hoszszas betegsegembril kiszabadiiltam? Okossdy. Meg kell vallani, hogy kedvesebb a' viszszanyert egusseg az allandonal. Halaa- datlan Halandok, magatok Javat alig esme- ritek meg maskuppenu, hanem ha elvesztitek ; tehiit az elvesztett Javatokonn emesztodtok , a' viszszanyertteun oriiltok. Oriim. Valahara a' terhes Hidegleles elhagyott. Okosxdg. Az Orvosok a' legterhesebb Hidegleleseknek azokat tartjak, mellyek a' tsontokat es veloket emesztik; de oh melly sokkal terliesebbek azok, mellyek a' Lolek- benn lappanganak. Mint Ambrus tanitja, a' Te Hideglelesed, a' Te fijsvenyseged, bujasagod, kevulyseged , haragod; ezektol a' Hideglelu- seidtol akarnam leginkabb megszabadula- sodat. There arc, as in the ' Harmonia Philosophica,'' 49 dialogues in all, running, in hook i., from, I. A' Viragzo Eletrol. to XIX. Az Orok Elet Remenys6gerol., and in hook ii., from I. A' Test^ Erotlensegrol. to XXX. A* Halalnak sokfele neraeirfil. The interlocutors are the same as in the earlier version (Orom and Okossag — Fajdalom and Okossag). T/ie distich of Pinilian prefixed to dialogue 1 , book i. is thus translated: Mit oriilsz esztelcn Ifjii oletednek! Elrepiil az , 's vegit veti oromednek ! The translator has thron-n the closing phrases of the final dialogue (ii., XXX) into verse as folloios (p. IHO): Mivel halal nemet, ozoljsU, is orajat Nem tudjuk, keszlttsiikjil annak pally iljat. Oh jaj annak, a' ki meghal gonoszsilgbann ! Isteniink adj lialalt az artatlansAgbann ! — Oft/ie author of this second Hungarian versimi the title-page tells ns that he was a distinguished nobleman (the abhreriation Tek. rcjjrcsents ' ^o- kintetes') of the Hungarian countg of Mdrama- ros (Marmaros) , and that /;.• made the transla- tion in 1812. It has not been possihU to elicit any further information concerning liim either at IJebreczin, where I lie hook n-as puldished , or at Marmaros- Szigcth, the capital of the district in which lie resided. — It icill be noted that the title-page refers to Eaicsani as 'an anonymous Christian scholar;^ and it iroidd seem as if the translator sup2yosed that Raicsani had rendered the De remediis dialogues into Latin (from the Italian f). The copy examined is to he found in the University Library of Budapest. 7. Italian. 81. (1549). Opera di M. | Francesco Pe-| traroa, de rimedi de | 1' vna et 1' altra | for- tvna, I ad Azone, ti-adotta | per Remigio | fiorentino. | — | Con Priuilegio. i D | In Vine- tia appresso Gabriel [ Giolito di Ferrarii | MDXLIX. At end, In Vinegia appresso Gabriel ] Giolito de Ferrari, j M D XLIX. sm, S". ff. [/], 2-416, [.7] ; Italic; initials aiid ornaments ; the title-page vignette comprises the mark of Giolito (a p)hu;iiix} with the initials of his name (C. G. F.) and, the mottoes, De la raia morte eterna vita 1 vivo and Semper eadem ; at the end with the colophon is a differ- ent engraving of the phceniv , gazing at the sun, with the motto, Semper eadem, and the initials; ff. 58, 1U2, 290, 202, 294, 296 , 31)9 are by error respectively numbered 3S, 202, 289, 290, 292, 294, 890. Com'ENTs:—Title-folie>, reccrsc blank; dedicatory ejiistle , Al molto illvstre | signore il signorChiap-lpino Vitelli,,//'. 2a-4h, signed B.Qmigiri Fiorentino, and dated Di Fio- renza il sesto di Ge-^naio. 1549; jico/ogrie , hook i., Opera di M. Fran-'ceseo Petrarca de ri-lmedi dell' vna et 1' al-jtra fortvna ad | Azone tradotta I per Remigio j fiorentino., /?'. 5a-IOb; le.xt, book i.. Opera di M. Pran-loesco Petrar- ca , ff. lla-196b; ending iritli II fine. ; prologue, book ii., De rimedi de 1" vna I et 1' altra for- tvna ) libro secondo , ove si dispvta della | fortvna aversa., _//'. 19Ta-20S'a: te.vl , hook ii., De rimedi de 1' vna ) et 1' altra fortvna ' di M. Francesco Petrarca. [ Libro secondo,,//". 208h- 415h (II fine.); table of dialogues , Tavola di Qvanto | ne la presente opera di i M. France- sco Petrarcha ) do rimedi de 1' vna et I'al I tra fortvna,si ] contiene.,,//'. -://6a-[.3]a; Registro., f. [.-l]a; printer's m.ark and colophon , f. [3[h.— The earliest edition, as it would, seem, of the Italian version of the Do remediis, printed under the name of liemigio fiorentino. Ilaym (Hi., 94) cites one of the year 1542 hy the same printer (a statement copied without investigation by Zamljrini) , but the existence of an issue of tliat year is, to say the least, doubtful. As will be seen below three other editions ivere published. — Remigio Nannini , calling himself ' Fiorenti- no ,' leas , according to Ajioslolo Zeno , in his notes to Fontanini, a monk of the convent of Sts. John anil Paul at Florence, of ichich he n-as twice prior (150G and 1574), and died in TJi.L\\-iL,MJu.\.)i—riAIJAy. 41 tlic same citii Oclohcr 2, lo8U at Ike age of 72. lie published some translations of other reorks. His renilerinij of the Do romcdiis Jias been said to be realtfi the icork of an earlier writer (see no. 86). The dediealorij letter is vierelij one of eourtesi/ , leith no allusions to the leorlc it j>rc- eedes. — The collection possesses two copies ^ one bound bij Chalelin. 82. (1584). De' | rimedi | dell' vna , et 1' al- tra fortvna, ; di M. Francesco Petrarca. ! Libri II. J Tradottl per Keraigio i fiorentino. | n! In Venotia, | Appresso Douicnioo Farri. 1584. am. tine initials . 8". ff. [4] , 5-4 to, [.?] ; Italic ; Floren- Mals;^: 68, 9!l, 20(), 2!)2, 294, 290, 303, 344 arc inronglij numbered, rcspeclieelij , 56, 62j 288, 290, 2U2, 294, 297, 144. Coniexts: — Tille-folio, reverse blank; dedication Al molto illvstre e revereudiss. signor e padroii inio osser- vandissimo , ; II S. Cesare de Nores, Vescouo di Parenzo., jf. [2]a-[4]b , siijueil Po- lidoro Ealli; prolotjue, book i., Opera de M. Fran- cesco Petrarca de' ri-medi dell' vna, et I'al- tra fortvna. Tradotta per Eemigio Fio- rentino., Jj'. Sa-lUb; text , book i.. Opera I di M. Francesco Petrarca,_;/'. I la- 19iib; prolorjue, book ii., De' rimedi de I'vna ! et 1' altra for- tvna. ! Libro secoudo. ] — i Dove si dispvta della I Fortuna auuersa., ^^Z'. 197a-20S'a; text , book a.. Do' rimedi de I'vnai et 1' altra for- tvna di M. Francesco Petrarca. Libro se- condo. ,_;/■. 2()Sb-4inb ; table, Tavola di qvanto i si contiene | nella presento Opera, //'. 41Ca- [3]a; ]iri liter's mark and reijistro , f. (o']6. — The second edition of the version, in ivhich the chief chanije is the omission ^of Azzo's name at the beginniiii/ or' the first prologue. The author of the dedication, as lie himself slates, ^vas a reader of jiroofs (la necessita di proourarmi la mag- gior parte del uiver mio, con le fatiche del corregere le stampe); he sags thai often hearing inijiiiries for the cersion, and liauendone io iin uolunie gia molti anni, Jte resolved to reprint it. The jirinter''s mark on the title-paqe is the Usual one of Farri ami the same as that at the end. — I'hc copg is bound bg Bauscr of I'aris. 83. (loSO). De' ' rimedi dell' vna, etl' al- tra fortvna, Cioe Auersa, & Fauorevole. ■ Di M. Francesco Petrarca. , Libri II. | Tradotti per Komigio i fiorentino. I n I In Venetia, [ Appresso Giacomo Coruetti, MDLXXXIX. sm. S". ff\ [4]. 3-397, [3]; Italic : initials; ff. 113, 143, 173, 177, 237 , 239, 271 by error bear the numbers 105, 110, 97.S, 17, 2^9, 241, 26 respectively. Cuntknis : — Title-folio, reverse blank; dedication to Cesare de yores, ff. [2]a- [4]a, signed Polidoro Ralli; reverse' blank; prologue, book i., Opera do M. Fran- cesco Petrarca, (/'. 3a-liib; text, book i., Opera di M. Francesco ' Petrarca, //'. lla-I'-Hb: prologue, book a., De'rimedii del' vna et 1' altra for- tvna. I Libro secondo., ff. 192u-2ii2b: tc.vt , book a., De' rimedi de 1' vna et 1' altra for- tvna di M. Francesco Petrarca. Libro se- condo., (I'. 203a-397a; Tavola, _^'. 397b-[2]b; Registro , /. [o']« , reverse blank'. — A close re- Xirint , even including Ralli' s dedication, of the 2>rcccding eiUlion, despite the slightly diminished number of pages ; the typograjihy is inferior. The title-page vignette is the j)rinter's mark. — The copy is bound by Pratt. 84. (1607). De' rimedi | dell' vna, \ et I' al- tra ; fortvna , | di M. Francesco [ Petrarca. | Libri II. | Tradotti per Kemigio fiorentino. | D I — [In Venetia, Appresso Lucio Spineda. | M D C VII. At end. In Venetia, M D C VII. I — I Appresso Lucio Spineda. _ sm. 8" in 4s. ff'. [4], 5-416, [C] ; Italic; initials and ornaments; wrongly numbereil arc (i: 29U, 292, 294, 296, being, resiieclivcly, 288, '290,292,294. Gosif.vis:— Title -folio, reverse blank; dedication ofP.Italli to Cesare de Nores, ff. [2]a-[4]b ; jiroloyite, book i., ff. 3a-10b ; text, book i., (t'. 1 la- 196b ; 2'rologue, book ii., ff. 197a- 20Sa; 'text, book ii., ff'. 2()8b-416b ; 'Tavola, ff'. [/]a-|6'la; liegistro and colophon , f. [tl]b. — A reprint of the preceding editions, inferior in typography and paper. The collection has two copies. 85. (1867). Fioretti de'rimedii contra for- tuna di messer Fr. Petrarca volgarizzati per D. Gio. Dassaminiato ed una epistola di Co- luccio Salutati al medosimo D. Giovanni tra- dotta di Latino da Niccolo Castellani — Testi del buon secolo d Bologna presso Gaetano Eomagnoli 1367. S"- , .ff- [2], VP- [^]-pS. Contents :- Cover-title , on reverse publisher' s announcement; title-folio, on j-CferseEdizionedi soli 202 esem- plari ordinatameute numerati, — N. 144 Bolo- gna. Tipi Fava e Garagnani.; Avvertenza, pp. [3]-0 , signed D. C Stolfi , dated Firenze 1^)65; Tavola dei capitoli, 2'P- [tJ]-~0; te.vt, Fioretti de' rimedii et prima del suo proemio, pp. 21-11)2; Libro secondo, ^J^J. 103-186; title. Epistola di Coluccio Salutati al revereudo D. Giovanni Dassaminiato tradotta di Latino da Niccolo Castellani , ^j. 187; Avvertenza, pp. 189-191, signed D. Casimiro Stolfi; te.vt, Pistola mandata per lo egregio uomo messere Coluccio de' Salutati, 2'p. 193-274; Tavola di alcuue voci notevoli, ^>^^. 273-27S; cover. — A volume composed of the most striking passages in each dialogue of the De remediis, edited here for the first time from a codex (Med.-1'al. N. 40) in I he Laurentiun Lib rary. The editor considers this compend lo be the work of the translator of the next title [no. 84), the jiassages being from that version. They are arranged in the order of the chapiters and so numbered. — The volume is one of the weU-knoivn Bologna series, tite title of ivhielt is on the outer cover: Scelta di curio- sitii letterarie inedite o rare dal secolo XIII al XVIII In Appendice alia Collozione di Opere inedite o rare Dispeusa LXXX. — For an explanation of the misjirints in the volume see the following title. • 86. (1867). Da' rimedii dell' una e dell' al- tra fortuna di messer Francesco Petrarca vol- garizzati nel buon secolo della lingua per D. Giovanni Dassaminiato monaco degli An- 42 UE REMEDUS UTRIUISQUE F01iTUN.E. geli pabblicati da don Casimiro Stolfi — Li- bro I. ;II.i— 111 Bologna presso Gaetano Ko- magnoli 1867. 2 vols. S\ Vol. i. , ff. [2] , pp. [o]-4(J0, f. [/] ; ii. , Jf. [2] , xip. [5\-o06'. Contexts : — Vol. i., Series-title, reverse blaulc ; title-folio, reverse blank; Prefazione, JU^- [S]-3-'>, reverse blank; Tavola delle edizioni di tutts le opere, secon- do I'edizione Henrioi Petri Basileae 15S1, 2>P- 37-:-i:), reverse blank; Bibliografiapetrarchesoa di Domenioo Kossetti relaciva alle edizioni e versioni diverse dell' opera De remediis etc. possedute da lui Trieste 183i, ^(jj. 41-4:1, re- verse blank; prologue , Comiiicia il prime libro, jip. [4.'i]-56 ; text, book i., Comincia il trattato del primo libro, pp. [57)--/:?,'', reverse blank; Tavola dei nomi proprii, 2>i). [4.3I]-44!I, reverse blank; Tavola di alcune voci, 2)i).[451]-4:j2 ; Tavola di alcune voci, pp. [4U3\-40il , reverse blanl:; Tavola dei Capitoli,^;). [r>01]-5U4; Avvertenza,p/i. [■)f.J[-_ ')0lj, signed Francesco Zambrini. — A version of irliich man// codices exist (in the Paris Xatioiial Librarg , in the Ambrosian of Milan , in the Mic- cardianof Flore lice), the present edition folloiving one dated 142(1-27 , considered bi/ Mekusto be the translator's oivn copy, and, preserved, in the Laureidian Librarij (pint. XC no. 'J). It is ascribed to Giovanni da San Aliniato (Dassami- niato), a Camaldolensian rnonk,bor}t 1363. The editor contends that tlie version piublishcd under the name of liemigio fiorentino iras a distorted copii of this, corriiptcd to sail the taste of the age in irhich it ^vas first printed. The pirefacc bg Stolfi gives an account of the De remediis , and enumerates the better extant manuscripts of this version. In the codex tised, book i. is dated at the end 1420 and book ii. 1427 ; in it there is no allusion- to A^zo. — In a bihliograpJiical note , pp. 3S-3!i, the editor makes the editions of Pctrarcli' s collected works eight, exaggerating the common blunder about the scribe Marco Origono bg re- cording Jiim as 2)rinter of a se2^arate edition of the irorks, citing the siip2>ositious edition of l)e- venter 1404 , ami adding tivo more non-existent ones of Paris 1301 and Lgons 1601. In the ex- tracts from liossetli's list of 1S34 , bg a blunder of a cojigist doubtless, he cites an edition of the jicmigio fiorentino text jjrinted at Venice^ to'.l5. There are viang minor errors. — Zambrini, in ids useful n'ork , 'Le 02>ere volgari a stampa dei secoli XIII e XIV' (4th edition I. S7 8, coll. 802- 803) , gives a narrative of the I'i'inting of the Fioretii (no. 85) and of the jirescnt edition, both prepared for lliejyress bg Casimiro Stolfi (d. Au- gust II, 1867, aged 53). On account of the edi- tor's illness the i>roof-reading nas intrusted to an incompetent 2'erson , ami the Fiorotti abounds in mis2^rints. Zambrini then assumed charge of the Do' limedii, of ivhich a few sheets onlg had Jiassrd through the press, and was able to /,refixed the Latin distiches of Pinitian , but makes sad work in his endeavor to ex2)lain tlieir source (i,, p. 2'.)), saging that theg first occur in a Frankfort edition of 1620, from ivhich he takes them. — The reference (p. 37) to the edizione Henrici Petri Basileae 1581 should have been to the Sebastian Ilenric2ietri edition ot' that date, the printer of ivUicli was tlie son of Ilenricus Petri. 87. (1876). Conforti a rassegnazione. □ Imola. Tip. d' I. Galeati e figlio Via del Cor- so, 35. — 187G. 8"in_4s. ff. [U], pp. [XVIiyxXl, [/]- 200; 2>rivatelg pi^'i'ded. Contexts: — Cover title; tUle-folio, reverse blank; dedicatorg epistle to Albina Zambrini , vedova Ves2Jignani,'tJ'. [3]a- [9]a, signed La figliuolaPellegrina — IlVratello Francesco; Avvertenza. , ^jj). [XVII]-XXI, re- verse blank; text (with bastard titles before each selection) , x>P- \_i\-205 , reverse blank; Indice. , 2>1>. [207]-209. — A book of consolation, coin2iosed of '.I selections from various sources (Valerius Maximus, Seneca and other authors) compiled and edited bg Francesco Zambrini (b. 1810, d. 1SS7). — 2'he Petrarch extracts are from the Das- saminiato translation, as edited bg Stolfi, and consist of 6 dialogues (48, 46, 47, 49, '>2 and iiS) from book ii. , 2^reccded bg the Pinitian Latin distiches. The sub-title of this pjortion of the volume is Dell' una e dell' altra fortuna di Fran- cesco Petrarca. See also Zambrini' s note in the 'avvcrtcnza', 2>. XX. 8. Spanish. 88. (1510). a I Francisco | Petrarca I Dc- los remedios contra prospora y aduersa fortu- na I Con preuilegio. Real. At end , Ii Al loor y gloria de nuestro seiior ihesu christo y de \ la sacratissima virgen maria senora nfa:- es imprimido el libro del fa moso poeta y ora- dor Francisco petrarca delos remedios cotra pros'pa y aduersa fortuna enla muy noble villa 3 Valladolid por Diego : de gumiel. El qual tiene cedula SI rey nro sefior para(| nin- gun impri|midor ni librero le pueda imprimir nivender enestos rej'nos sino el di cho diego de gumiel o quic su poder ouiere, por espa- cio de cinco anos | primeros siguientes : q eor- ren desde oy q so aoabo el dicho libro: q son i xviij. dias del mes de mar9o del ailo do M. d. X. 1 D /. in 8s. ff. [228] ; sig. a-z (including both uand v), A.-F,' of ivhich o andS-F in 6sj Goth- ic; 2>oge-lines , 42 (excluding running-title and signature) ; initials, ornaments and woodcuts; (f. [2]b, [3\a and [tll]a in black and red; the title-page, e.ice2it the tivo final lines, is engraved on two blocks, the njijier one, occujjying nearly three quarters of the iiage, being the coat of arms of Gonzalvo de Cordova, the lower right quarter of which has the motto AVE MABIA | GKA- CIA. , white the lower block is the two lines FEANCEHCO ! PETKARCA, in which the first letter (F) is so cvtendcd as to occupy the w'ldth of both lines; ff'. [4]a and [:i]n have broad en- graved borders, com2>osed of blocks of 2>rinter's ornaments; the dedicatory letter, the life of Pe- trarch and the second prologue begin with very THANSr.A no XSSI M A7 S7/. l:! large inilials, ivhile at the commencement of the first in-ologue a Iwclve-line space is left for an illuminated initial ; f. [8]h has a full-page wood- rut of the Crucifixion, with three figiiras hcloir; the derice of Gumiel, a large (x containing the remainder of his name (YMIFjL) within it, from nhich rises a cross, follon^s the colophon on the reverse of the final folio ; the running-ti- tles, in general, are the dialogue-titles ; f. \:i\a, III/ error, has the running-title. La vida del au- tor. , which is out of place, the snhjcct-malter of the page being the' deilicalory letter, while the life begins later on f. [■/]«. The dialogues are tilled andnumhered in both hooks, hut in hook i., dialogues 1, 2, ■'■', I), 7 and. in hook ii., dialogue I hai-e the numbers printed in full {^Timer-o , SQ- ffundo), ii-hile elsewhere tlicg are in Roman fig- ures (loicer-case). Contents: — rii/e-/oiJo, re- verse blank; letter of dedication, t Carta para el Excellente y mu'y lUustre seuor el seiior Don gonijalu fernandez de Cordoua. . fi'. ' "^ [2]b 7ida (obcei-sc blank)-[3]b; life, 1 Comenca la vida del Clarissimo Poeta': | Filosofo y Orador Francisco Petrarca. con 1 el epilogo desus nbras. TC, (f. l'J]a-[7]n ; table of dialogues , book i. , Ii Tabla delos dialogos del libro primero : , //'. [7]b-[S]a; full-page woodcut , f. [^yj ; pro- 'logue, book i.', Prologo del primero libro., .//'. [.'/]a-[/^]a .■ text, book i., 1 Dialogo Primero dcla rtoriescente edad., .//'. [I2]a-[10:i]b; table, hook a., Tabla delos dialogos del segundo li- bro.,,/'. Ill0]ah; prologue, hook ii. , H Comien- oa el segundo hbro que el clarissimo poeta pbilosopho y orador Francisco Petrarca cupu- so delos Kelraedios contra aduersa fortuna. , f. [lll]a-[lH:]a; text, book ii. , Ii Dialogo pri- mero dela felicidad del cuerpo, (f. [IIi:]a- [227]b ; II Ultilogo o epistola final del'interprete para el sobredi-jcho senor gran capitan. et.c, /. [228]a ; colophon and printer's mark, /'. i;?2N]i. — The translator stgles himself in the ded- tcation Francisco dr Madrid, 'Arcediacono del Aleor y Canonigo enla gglesia de I'alcncia.' Ac- cording to Ticknor the version teas made at the especial request of the Great Captain, to whom it is dedicated. The life of Petrarch seems to he a rovipilation hi/ the translator ; it concludes irlth. a list of PetrarclCs irorks; and in the course of it lite statement is made that the Do remediis leas dirigido aun CaualUcro amigo suyo Uamado Azon. The Ultilogo at the end records , in its first paragraph , Ihe completion of the version, lehile its second is devoted to the praise of Ihe (rriat Captain. — This is the first edition of the translation; hut in the catalogue of the librarg of J. Gomes de la Cortina (Madrid 1857, iv., 188) there is the description of a copy bear- ing the date of l.'iO'i. This copi/ subsequently passed into the jyossession of the Library of the British Museum , and has been closely compared, page for lyage , with the jiresent cojjy. The only difference belioeen themis in the final letter of the colophon; one having v. and the oilier x. (M.d.v. and M. d. X.). Otherivisc, in jiaper and typog- raphy , the two copies are identical. Both haee the incorrect running-title on f. [.91a; both have the 7iti.yj)-iHi Esperrnga in the middle off. [/i']a; in both, Ihe Florentine initial is omitted at the beginning of dial. xvii/.> book i. , and a loirer- casc s subsitluted; similar omissions occur in dial. XXX f , IxviiJ , xcir etc., and, abrays in both copies; and the instances of broken types, and other li/pographical irregularities , are always the same. There can be no doubt that both coines irere printed at Ihe same time. The question to be decided is — in ichich copy is the dale correct? 'Jo ansirer this with certainly more knowledge than is easily accessible in regard to the opera- tions of GnmicV s press at ValladoUd is necessary. In Ihe 'Tipografia Mspaiiola' of F. Mender (2d edition) it is stated th-at Diego de Gumiel began to print at ValladoUd in l'>IJ2 , and in another place that a new printer , .Tacoro de Gumiel, is- sued his first ivork there in 100.^. Until the ap- pearance of the Cortina catalogue the bibliogra- j)hical works all gave the date of the earliest edition oftlicHpanish De remediis as I'ltO; and. no second copy, bearing the date of t'lltS, is to be found in any of Ihe public libraries of Spain, or in any other of the /irineipal bonk-collections of Europe. A reasonable explanation of the mat- ter is that the date M. d. v. , in the Brilish Mu- seum eopi/ , may be an error of the press, cor- rected, after Ihe printing of one or tn-o copies of the final sheet of the book. Copies having the dale M. d. x. exist hi many public libraries. 89. (1513). □ I Fracisoo Petrarca. | Dolos roraedios ootra j)spora x aduersa fortuna. \ Con puilegio Keal. At end , t A loor y gloria do nfo seiior .Josu christo I y dela sacratissima virgij Maria nfa sefiora : es imprimido el libro cil famoso 1 poeta x orador Fracisco petrarca dolos remcdios ootra pspera ? aduersa foritu- na. Enla muy noble 5 muy leal cibdad de Se- uilla por Jaoobo croberger ! alema. El qual tieue cedula 31 rey nfo seiior para q ningu imprimidor ni libre-jro lo pueda imprimir ni voder enostos reynos sino el dicho Jaoobo croberger | alema o quien su poder ouiere, por espacio do cinoo anos. Acabose a tres dias I del mes de Febrero. aiio do mill x quinietos y treze. /." in 8s. ff. [li\, j-elxix ; sig. A (in Ij), a-x, and 1 leaf with no signature; Gothic; piage-lines , 4li (not including signature or run- ning-litle) ; Florentine initials; ff. 8, 22, lt'>, I lil, lil7 are ivrongly numbered : iiij , xsxj, cxxj, cxxv, cxx ; the title-page is enclosed in an orna- mental border, the upper three quarters occujned by the coat of arms described nnder the previous title. Contents: — Title-page; letter of dedi- cation, ff. [f\a-[2]a; life of Petrarch , ff. [2]b- \4\h ; table, ff. ['f\a-[(i]b ; prologue, book i.,ff. /a-iija; text, hook i.,ff. iijh-lxxriija; pro- logue, iookii., ff. lxxixa-lx.vxiij a ; text, hook ii., ff. Ixxxiij a-cl.vix a ; Ultilogo,/. clxixa; colo- phon,-f. cLcixb, top, rest of page blank. — The contents, order of arrangement, headings are the same as in the edition of 15i0 , exce/tt that the dialogue-tables of both books are here prin- ted, together after the life. The folio numbers are preceded by the abbreviation Fo. — The copy lacks f. ix. t90. (1518). Francisco Petrarcha. | delos remedio' con-|tra prospera y aduer sa fortu- na .:. •:• .:. At end, t Fue imprimido el li- bro del fa-Imoso poeta y orador Fracisco pe- trarca I dolos remedies cotra prospera y ad-[- uorsa fortua. Enla muy noble y \ muy leal ciudad do Carago^a. ! por Georgi Coci ale- raan. Acaboso a .xxiij. dia- del | raos do oc- I >' 1 I' u DE REMEVm UrniUSQUE FORTUNE. i tubre .Alio j dc mil v quinie'to' ( ? .dezioclio. : afios. I ^ I ■.• /." /. [G], I-CLXrX; sig. A (in G), a-x (Ike last til 10); Gothic; paye-tincs, 4S (exclu- sive of rnnnintf 'title and signature) ; printed 2'agc, 'JU) hg 14S millimeters ; the title-2>age has the words Francisco Petrarcha, prospera, for- tuna and the second group ot points (•:■) in red; the title is enclosed in a hroad harder, having the emhlcms of the four evangelists in the angles; the top forms an arch, from irhich hangs a shield mith tlie printer's initials; the center of the page is divided into two panels, tlic upper hearing a looodrnt representation of a scribe at work in his scriptorium, the lower with the title as given; Florentine initials of IS and 30 millimeters square; at the right of the triangular colophon is the printer's device — a cord in tiro concentric circles surrounding his monogram supporting a cross. Contents: — Title-page, dedication to Gonzalo Fernandez de _ Cordoba, life of the author, list of his irorks, index, ff, [ /jft-f^li ; book i.,f. la-LXXXVnib ; hookil, f. LXXTXa- CLXIXa; Ultilogo, colophon, CLXIXa, reverse blank. — The copg cited is in the National Li- brarg of Madrid. 91. (1523). n I Francisco Petrarolia j do- les t romedio' con-|tra prospera y aduer]sa fortuna .:. ■:• .:. At end, 1i Fue imprimido el libro del fa- moso poeta, y orador Fracisco petrarca 1 deles remedio' cStra prospera, 5 ad-|uersa fortua. Enla muy noble, ? muy leal ciudad 3 Caragoija. I por Georgi Cool aleman. ] Aoabose a doze dias del i mes de Nouiembre. Ano de mil, y qui-;uictos, ? veyn- to, y tres | aiios. I ^ ! .:. /.» in 8s. ff. [G], I- CLXIX; sig. A (in 6), a-x (the last in 10); Gothic; page-lines, 45 (without signature line and running-title) ; fitle- J>age in red and, black, in a border, the njiper 2>anel having a vignette representing the author irriling , a Cupid on the other side of the desk; above, on a shield, is the monogram of tjie prin- ter; 2^receding the folio number is the abbrevia- tion Fol. ; the colophon and jirinler's mark at the end are side bij side. Contents: — Tillc- 2)ar/e; letter of dedication {running-title Pro- logo), /. [l]b-[2']a; life of Fctrarch, ff. [■>]b- [4\b; table of dialogues, ff. [■^]a-[6]h; 2'rologue, book i. , Prologo del primer libro. , ff. la-llla ; text, book i., ff. TIIb-LXXVlIIb; proloque, book a. , f. L'XXIXa-LXXXIIIa ; text , book a., ff: i:xxxuia-cLxvnib; uitiiogo, xr. CLXyillb-CLXIXa ; colophon and 2>rinter's mark,f. CLXIXa, reverse blank.— The edition is admirably printed, Tieknor styling it 'a most becoming black-letter folio.' — The C02>g is bound by Zaehnsdorf of London. t92. (15'24). Fracisco pe-itrarcha de-!los rremo-idios contra prospa ? ad uorsa for- tu-'na. .:. At end, T A loory gloria de nue- stro seuor Jesu christo y | dela sacratissima virgen Maria nuestra Scnora: fenescc cl li- bro I del famoso poeta f orador Francisco I'u- trarca delos reme dios contra prospera j ad- uersa fortuna (j fao ympres-'ao. Enla muy no- ble ? muy leal cibdad de Se-,uilla por Joan varela de Salamanca A-jcabose a doze dias del mes de Ene-lro. Afio da mill ? quinientos | y veynte y quatro ! Aiios. ) ^ f.° ff'. [4],j-clxix, [1) ; sig. A, a-x (the last in 10); Gothic; imgc-lines, 4G (exclusive of running-title) ; printed-page , 233 by l.W milli- meters ; initial letters, 17 and 29 millimeters square; the title cited is in red; the title-2>agc has a double border, the outer comijosed of wood- cut figures of the piroiihets, the inner of a socle (bearing in red the words En romance) , two pi- lasters and a cornice. Contents: — Title- page; dedication , life of the author, list of his works, index, ff. la-4b; text, ff'. ja-elxixa; ultilogo,/'. clxi.vah; colo2)hon , f. el.xi.x b ; blank 2^''ge,f. I[^nl70]a; arms of Gonzalvo de Cordova, surrounded hy the legend, TI Estas son las ar- mas del gran Capitan a quien fue | dirigida la presento obra. , >it—The Madrid Xational Library 2>ossesses the co2yy here described. 93. (1533-4). 1 Fracisco petrarcha delos remedi-'os cotra prospera y aduersa fortuna. | M. D. XXX iij. At end, 1 A loor y gloria de nuestro seiior Jesu christo y dela sacratis-l sima virgen Maria nuestra seliora: haze fin ellibro del falraoso poeta f orador Fracisco Petrarca delos reme-jdios contra prospera ? aduersa Fortuna : q fue im- jjresso enla muy noble ? muy leal cibdad de Se uilla. En casa de JVAN varela de Salamanca. Acabose a veynte ? seys dias 31 ' mes de Abril. Ano del nascimieto | denuestro saluador Jesu Xpo I de mill x quinietos 5 tre-iynta s quatro | anos.:. /° in 8s; ff. [4] , j-[c]l.eiij ; sig. A (in 4) , a-x (ino); Gothic; page-lines, 48 (not including signature or running-title); title-page in red and black , with border composed largely of figures ofthei^rophets, witli their names, having in the upper eonq^artment the arms of the Great Cap- tain , on its sides Estas son las armas del gran capitan J aquiP. fue dirigida la presente obra., and at the base the 2}rinter's monogram ; ff. 74, 98, 111!, Ill, 142, 1G3 are erroneously num- bered ¥o. Ixxiij , cxviij, cxv, cxj , cxij , Ixiij res2>eetively. Contents: — Title-jiagc; dcitica- tory letter, f. [l]a; life, ff'. [2]a-[.-.'Ja,- table, ff'. [3'\b-[4]b; 2>rologue, book {., ff'.j a-tij a; text, book i., ff'. iij b-lxxv b, prologue , book ii., ff. lx.rvja-U.civb; text, book ii. , ff. Ix.ex a- '[c]lxiii a ; Ultilogo, ./'. [c]l.r!ij a ; coloiihon, f. [r^Lviij b. — 'The 2>reliminart/ matter is 2^rinted in smaller type than the remainder of the volume. To be noted is the difference betu-een the title-iyage and colo])hon dates. — There teas at least one other edition of tlie S2ianish version of the Do remediis hy Francisco de Madrid; it bore the date of 1,'>1G, and the essential 2>ort'tons of the colophon are thus cited in the ^alvd catalogue (187 2, a., 801):— 'Es imjjrimido ... on la muy noble T muy leal cibdad de Seuilla por Juati varela do Sal.imanca . Acabose a . xx . dias del mes dc Setirbro. Aiio de mill % quinictos ? xvj aiios. Like the others it is in folio, having ff. [''■), j-ctxix, Salvd characterizes it as a good edition. T/iA NSL. 1 TTOXS-S WEDTSII. 45 9. Swedish. t94. (ICU). Francisci Potrarchfc | Spocu- lum I Morale, | Tliet iir | En kort Skadespogol, | som liirer I Hura on Jlenniskia i Thenno werlden ! sigh fui-balla skall , at hon sigh aiT Modgang icke [ forhiifwer , och i Mootgang icke ofwergifwer : | Vthan Matteligheeten achtar, | Enden j betiincker, och sitt hopp til I Gudh setter | A''ngdommenom til nytta, och eliest | Eiittsinnigom Christnom til j Be- trachtelso [ Forswonskad och i Rijm affsatt | AfF I Arvido Olai I Sch. Line. Collega | Linko- ping I Tryokt hoos Christopher Griinter, Ahr IGll. S". ff-[S},P2J- 1-7S. Contents:— TtVc- parjc; dedication to Jon Petri , bishop of Linko- ping , /'. [/]''," preface, ff. [2\a-[l]h; Cai-mina gratulatona Arvido Olai dedicata, ff. [.■>]«- {(i]h; Ic.rt, hook i., Then FiJrsteTractat, | Huru man skall lerapa ; sin frogd i Lycko och 'M.edgkng., pp. 1 38; text, hook ii., Then An- dra Tractat i Huru man skal lempa 1 sin Sorgh i Olycko och ! Mootgang, jip. .V.'/-7.s'. — Tlds volume is •propcrhj a separate edition of Joliann Pinitian's Latin De remediis distiches (I'JO in part i,, and, t2'.> in part ii. ) , ifith Sn'edish me- trical translations of his Gerinan cojiplets ap- pended. Each section (that is each distich witli its version) has a heading, as Vngdoms frogd, Sundheot, and so on. In his preface the translator has no allusion to the origin, of the couplets, except the statement that he has ren- dered Petrarchtie skione Moraliske Verscr— eridcntbj supposing them to he hg the author of the Da remediis. It is possible that this poetical compendmag he a Swedish rendering of the Coin l:)7.'l volume cited bg Welter (see no. 6Q) ] though there is no reason ichg the translator should, not hare himself coneeieeil the idea of detaching the Pinilian distiches from some one of the many editions of the De reraodiis containing them, and editing them separately nith Swedish translations , e.reept that, perha^ys, in that case, lie n^ould have been likelg in some teag to allude to the De remediis itself. — The (ierman distiches of Pinitian prefixed to dial. 1., book i. read thus in their antiquated Swedish orthographg : Hor vnger Man , aohte och merk, Hvij star din friigd i Vngdoms werk? Vngdom medli hast fiJrsvinnor bort, Ty Doden jaghar altijd fort. And those which ojjen the succeding dialogue are rendered in this toise: Menniskia betonck will hiir, Skiot ey thet tu s;i fagher ar, Fagrink kyskheeten fOrsat gor, Then oss alia dock elska bor. — The translator, Arvldus Olai, or Olavi (Arvid Olafsson) , is cited bg the historians of Swedish literature (see P. Wieselgren's ' Sveriges skona litteralur, ' vols. i.,P'P . 28 1-2, and Hi., 2>p. ■1(!li-7); and a sketch of his life will he found in J. J. IlahVs ^ Linkijpinq stiffs herdaminne ,'' (lS4tJ, pp. 2)10-201). He was born in 160:) at the little town of Skeninge (lehence he slgled himself ' Schetiingensis ') , entered the university of Upsala in lll3t, took orders in W3S , became, the following gear, a teacher (collega) in the gymnasium of Linkiipinq , and received in 1(J4!) the living of Grgt. He died Jan. 3, IIH13. Be- sides the SpocuUim morale he published a Swedish version of J. von Beiost's compendium of the treatise ' De arte bene moriendi ' under the title of '■Een nytligh och grundelig Tractat om then fijrnemlighc och helsosamme konsten til at n:'ll och sallgcn dlto,'' (Stockholm li)32) ; a sis ' ) issued twice after his death, (lt!C,8 and, KilS); and a number of sermons (t042, ll)4:> , 1(J4',I). Ilahl c'taracterizes him as * l^n hcriimlig och Jlllig man.^ — The copy described appertains to the Upsala University Library. FINAL NOTES. Manuscripts of the ' De remediis.' — In his tn^o calalngua of ' Codici Pclrarcheschi'' Enrico Nardncci enumerates thirty early codices of the Do reraodiis existing in twenty two of the principal libraries of Italy. Others are to be found in the minor public, book-collections of the kingdom; and a few even in private lihrarie^:. North of the Alps tlie number , however, is relatively greater. — Giuseppe Valentinelli {' Petrarca e VencT.ia,^ pj). t0.'>-10li) thus describes the most important, historically, of the codices existing in Italy, aiid which has already been referred to (see the 'Preliminary A'bie') as a treasure of the Martian Library in Venice: — Francisci Petrarcaelaurcati, do remediis utrlusq^uefortunaolibri duo. Splendido oodice membranaceo (Z. L, 475, di c. 12G) del socolo XIV , soritto da una sola mano, ovo so ne cccettuino i qua- derni torzo o quarto. II testo, boncho in gonoralo di buona lezionc, manca tal volta di alcune parole. Distribuito a duacolonne, 6 acoompagnato da brovi note marginali dichiaranti la 4G FINAL NOTES. materia trattafca, e da mani disegnate che aocennano alle proporzioni oapitali, ma special- mente alle sentenze. II margins inferiore alia fine del quaderno reca nel mezzo il riohiamo tra piccoli ornati a colori. Lo capilettere dei duo libri sono raesso a fregi colorati in oro; quelle dei capitoli supplito in rosso ed azzurro; tutte le intitolazioni scritte in rosso. Ag- giunge importanza al volume la (jnalita della membrana, di fibra stipata, liscia quantunque non sompre Candida, allineata a perpendicolo per la regolarita dello scritto. E oio pure che ne rileva il pregio h 1' avvertimento apposto dallo stesso copista alia fine, ad inohiostro rosso ed azzurro alternato, nel quale e fissato il termine del trattato. «Deo gracias. Scriptus et completus manu mea Francischini de Fossaduici, notarii, civis tarvisini. Tar- visii anno nativitatis dominice millesimo trecentesimo nonagesimo octavo. Indictione sexta. die Martis. XII Novembris. hora septiraa. Ex originali proprio soripto manu indelende memorie domini francisci petrarce diguissimi laureati et per eum ipsum ad exitum. per- ducti. Ticini. Anno domini. 13GG. IIII. nonas ootobris hora tertia. Amen.» Leggesi quindi scritta nel secolo decimoquinto la nota seguente : « M.CCC.LXXIIII." die martis XVIII. Julii hora quinta noctis arquade inter montes euganeos, duos dies et LXX. annum attingens obiit celeberimus vates j'storicus, theologus et orator eximius, qui in M".CCC.XLI. die Villi aprilis sub examine lUustrissimi Roberti regis ierusalem scioilie et apulie sapientissimi atque potentissimi Rome in arce capitolina maxima cum gloria et totius romani populi consensu extitit laureatus. » La Marciana deve questo buon codice alia larghezza di Gio- vanni Battista Eecanati, patrizio veneto, che legavalo con altri stimabilissimi nel 1734. Other French Versions. — Fcrra-izi , in Ids ' Bihliografia pelrarclicsca'' (p. SSH), says:— L' Hortis ricorda un' altra versione [of t lie De remediis] di Giovanni Doudin, canonico e bac- coUiere in teologia , ch' ei feco d'ordine di Carlo V. 11 mss. trovasi nella Nazionale di Pa- rigi. 11 De Sade vuole che anche Giacomo Bouchant, die tradusse il libro De' Rimedii di Seneca, voltasse pur quello del Petrarca. It seems scarccbj prohahle that Charles the Fifth, ii-hosc tutor had been Nicolas Orcsme (sec no. 54) , the translator of the earliest printed French version, should have requested another scholar to render the De remediis into French. Oresme, as already slated, died in 13S2; king Charles died in I.-ISO; it is equally improhahle that two different translations should hace been completed before these dates. The matter, however, can only he cleared up by further research. The version thus referred to by Mortis and Ferrazzi has been thought to be identical ivith a partial one in French existing in the Laurentian Library . (codd. Med. -Pal., no. 41). It forms a small, thickish vellum manuscript of the fifteenth century entitled, Dialogue dos septante-sejit dialogues ou le poete parle de fortune adverse. It com- prises only a portion of book ii. The text commences : —[&]s toutes les chosce qui jamais me pleurent a lire ou a ouyz reciter cer|tes il ny en a aucune qui plus me tienne an courage; ne qui pl'l souuent sont reduyte a ma memoirs q oe qa esoript le philosophe heraclitus Tlie same passage (opening of the prologue to hook ii.) , in the printed text of Orcsme' s version, reads thus: — De toutes les choses qui oncques me pleurent a lyre ou a escouter oncques a bien pou riens ne sen assist ns adioinct plus parfondemet ne plus fermement en mon en- tendement ne ne tournc plus souuent a ma memoirs que le dit dung nome Heraclitus.... Judging from a very inadequate examination it is quite possible that the Laurentian manuscript , at least, ivill prove to be merely the Oresme translation in a text varying somewhat from tlie printed, one. — I)e Sade asserts (■ Memoircs ^jour la vie dc Frangois Pitrarque ,' Hi., p. 3') I), tvithout any citations, that the Paris National Library possesses a manuscrijA French version of the De Tcmodi'is, made jointly (not separately, as Ferrazzi erroneously states), by two scholars attached to the suite of the Dauphin (afterwardes Charles V.), 'Jacques Bouohant de St. Quen- tin, sergent d'armes da Roi & .lean Dandin (not Daudin). It will be seen that Ferrazzi's note, by its misprints and misarrangetncnt , somewhat distorts the sejise of the statements which lie cites from lloriii and IJc Sade. Translated Excerpts in Italian. — Tn-o notable instances of versions of passages from tlie Do remediis occur in modern Italian literature. The first is contained in Panegirico di Napo,- leone e frammenti di Francesco Petrarca volgarizzati — di Giulio Perticari. n Parigi MDCCt'XXXVlI.— /< is an octavo of f. [I],2>p. 2-31. Thee.vtract Dal libro de Romed.utriusq. Fort. Lib. I. Dialogo 83. is found on pp. 23-24, hecng a translation of the dial. Do carcoris FINAL NOTES. 17 oxitu. Tlie author , count Oiulio Pcrticari (b. IITJ, d. 1822), wrole the notable work 'Dogli sorittori del treoouto.' — The other ecrsion formn a pari of the treatise, Delia religiosita di Francesco Potrarca disoorso di G-. C. Parolari O Bassano Tipografia Basoggio oditricc 1847, OH octaco of ff. [3], i)p. 8-48. The translation is from booh i., dial. 13, Dc religionc, and occurs on i>p. 2il-23. A new edition of this intercstiiiy easai/ appeared at Milan (I'irotta) Ifi57. It was oriijincUji read hij its autlior , Giulio Cesar e I'arolari, at an assembly of a learned institution in liassano. INDEX OF NAMES. The rv/nrcnceo arc tu the title- nuinhcra* Abspurg, J. von Go, G8. Adriuuus carthiisiuusis, 21>-33. Auiadu, A. L. U., IJ. Aiiitirosc. Saiut., SU. Amcrbach, J. voii, 1, 7, 3i. Aretiiio, L., see Bruui. Arisi 1\, 8. Aristotulus, 54. Ariiolil of L'olotjuu., -12. AuditlVcd G. H., 8. A/'KO tla C'oiTUf^^io, 2-11, 18, li), 26- 28, -I'J-Jl, yli, UI, G7, GD, 70, 73, 75, 81, 82, 8G, 88. IJadurius, J., 1. Barbier A. A., Gl. llaruai'd, 6. liaudiu, C, 15. IJcuvcuuto da liuola, 31, 35. licrecz, RI. 28. licruard, Saiut., 10. Burtic, U., 51. Besoi^uc, A., oil. Boust, J. vou, i)l. Bivilaqua, S., 3. Blanc, J. Gl. Blouas, GI. Buccaccio, G., 20, 21, 50, G5, OS. Bouclicr, N., 11, 12. Brandt, S., 1, GG, G7, GO, 71, 7G, 77. Brudekopf, G., 3G, 37, 38. BringL-r, J., 75. Briinut J. C, 20, 10, 55, 50, 75. Ilruni, L., 00. Biihle, J. G., 30. Biu-b'kmaicr, H., 50, G7, GO, 70, 72-77. ("ausaris. P., 34, Cxsar, J., G. Caloria, T., 38. GanipbLll, M. F. A. G., 32, 30, 10. Cardin Benso-^no, 50, 58. Castcllani N., 85. Cavullat, C, M. ,^CL-uuo, A. di, 10. Culsus, J., 35. Cesare of I^arma, 8. Charles V., 51. Christopher, Saint. 13. Cicero, M. T., -12, 67. Coci, G., 00, 01, Culuccio SaUitati, 85. Corderins, M., 48, Gl. Cornutti, G., 83. Cortiua, J. G. du, S3. Crcvonua, 1*. A., G. Crouberger, J., 80. Crotti, J., 8. Cusauus, N., 30. Dasaaniiuiato, G., 85, 8G, 87. Dulalaiu, J., 48. Denis, M., 41. Dcvclay, V., Gl-Gl. Ue Ville, J. B.,GO. Dibdiu, T. l-\, 40. Di Giovanni, V., oO. Douatus, K., 04. Douatus, ^E., 43. Dumas, P., 48, Gl. Dupricntia 18 iL In Suneca's Ve Remcdih forlui- toruiii 20 c. Other Corapends and Excerpta. 2U II. Tll.iNSLATIONS: 1. Bohemian Pag. 22 2. Dutch 23 3. English 2.5 ■1. French 26 5. Gernian 31 U. Hungarian 3'J 7. Italian 10 S. Spanish 12 y. Swedish 45 Fl.NAI. NOTKS 45 I.NUK.x 01' Najii;s 47 I'loruHco ItiStl, itriuled at the Lv Moiiuicr I'r,:..;.. 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