AMERICAN ANNALS; OR A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF AMERICA JFROM ITS DISCOVERY IN MCCCCXCII TO MDCCCVL IN TWO VOLUMES. BY ABIEL HOLMES, D.D. A.A.S. S.H.S. MINISTER OP THE FIRST CHURCH IN CAMBRIDGE. SUUM QUJEQUE IN ANNUM REFERRE. TACIT. ANNAL-, VOL. I. COMPRISING A PERIOD OF TWO HUNDRED YEARS. CAMBRIDGE, PRINTED AND SOLD BY W. HILLIARD. 1805. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO WIT. it remembered, that on the fourteenth day of October, A. D. 1805, in the thirtieth year of the Independence of the United States of America, ABIEL HOLMES, of said district, has deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to wit : " AMERICAN * ANNALS ; or a Chronological HISTORY OF AMERICA from its discovery "in 1492 to 1806, in two volumes. By ABIEL HOLMES, JD.D. A.A.S s.H.g. " Minister of the First Church in Cambridge. Suum quaeque in annum re- * ferre Tacit. Annal. Vol. I, comprising a period of two hundred years." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, intitled, " An " Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, " and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times there- " in mentioned :" and also to an Act intitled, " An Act supplementary to an Act " intitled, An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of " maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during " the times therein mentioned ; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of " designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." N. GOOD ALE, Clerk of the District f Massachusetts. A true copy of Record, Attest, N. GOODALE, Clerk. PREFACE. A NEW WORLD has been 'discovered, which has been receiving inhabitants from the old, more than three hundred years. A new empire has arisen, which has been a theatre of great actions and stupendous events. That remarkable discovery, those events and actions, can now be accurately ascertained, without re- course to such legends, as have darkened and disfigur- ed the early annals of most nations. But, while local histories of particular portions of America have been written, no attempt has been made to give even the outline of its entire history. To obtain a genera! knowledge of that history, the scattered materials, which compose it, must be collected, and arranged in the natural and lucid order of time. Without such arrangement, effects would often be placed before causes ; contemporary characters and events disjoined ; actions, having no relation to each ofrher, confounded ; and much of the pleasure and benefit, which History ought to impart, would be lost. If history however, without chronology, is dark and confused ; chronology, without history, is dry and insipid. In the projection therefore of this work, preference was given to that species of historical composition, wiiich unites the es- sential advantages of both. It has been uniformly my aim to trace facts, as much as possible, to their source. Original authori- ties therefore, when they could be obtained, have al- ways had preference. Some authors, of this charac- ter, wrote in foreign languages ; and this circumstance may be an apology for the occasional introduction of passages, that will not be generally understood. While originals possess a spirit, which cannot be infused into a translation, they recite facts with peculiar clearness M27G336 iv PREFACE. and force. Quotations however in foreign languages are always inserted in the marginal notes. There also are placed those passages in English, which are obsolete, either in their orthography, or their style. To some persons they may, even there, be offensive ; but they may gratify the historian, and the antiquary. The one may be pleased with such marks of authentic docu- ments ; the other, with such vestiges of antiquity. The numerous references may have the appearance of superfluity, perhaps of ostentation. The reason for inserting so many authorities was, that the reader, when desirous of obtaining more particular informa- tion, than it was consistent with the plan of these An- nals to give, might have the advantage of consulting the more copious histories for himself. Should these volumes serve as an Index to the principal sources of A- merican history, they may render a useful though hum- ble service to the student, who wishes to obtain a thor- ough knowledge of the history of his country. Professions of impartiality are of little significance* Although not conscious of having recorded one fact, without such evidence, as was satisfactory to my own mind, or of having suppressed one, which appeared to come within the limits of my design ; yet I do not flatter myself with the hope of exemption from error. It is but just however to observe, that, had I possessed the requisite intelligence, more .names of eminence would have been introduced ; more ancient settlements notic- ed ; and the States in the Federal Union more propor- tionally respected. For any omissions, or other faults, which have not this apology, the extent of the under- taking may obtain some indulgence. Cambridge ) Massachusetts, 10 October, 1805. AMERICAN ANNALS. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, a na- tive of Genoa, having formed a just idea of the figure of the earth, had several years entertain- ed the design of finding a passage to India by the western ocean. ' He made his first proposal of at- tempting this discovery to the republic of Genoa, which treated it as visionary. He next proposed his plan to John II. king of Portugal, who, at that time, was deeply engaged in prosecuting discove- ries on the African coast, for the purpose of find- ing a way to India. In this enterprise the Portu- guese king had been at so vast an expense, with but small success, that he had no inclination to lis- ten to the proposal. By the advice, however, of a favourite courtier, he privately gave orders to a ship, bound to the island of Cape de Verd, to at- tempt a discovery in the west ; but the navigators, through ignorance and want of enterprise, failing in the design, turned the project of Columbus int6 ridicule. Indignant at this dishonourable artifice, Colum- bus left Portugal j and, having previously sent i Some Spanish authors have ungenerously insinuated, that Columbus was led to this great enterprise by information, which he received, of 3 country, discovered far to the west, with the additional advantage of a journal of the voyage, in which the discovery was made by a vessel, driv- en from its course by easterly winds. It is affirmed, however, with en- tire credibility, that " Columbus had none of the West Islands set foorth unto him in globe or card, neither yet once mentioned of any writer (Plato excepted and the commentaries upon the same) from 942 yeeres be- fore Christ, untill that day ; neither understood he of them by the report of any other that had scene them ; but only comforted himselfe with this hope, that the land had a beginning where the sea had an ending." Hafc- luyt, iil 23. Robertson, i. Note xvii. a AMERICAN ANNALS. his brother Bartholomew into England to Solicit the patronage of Henry VII, repaired to Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen of Spain. It was not till he had surmounted numerous obstacles, and spent seven years in painful solicitation, that he ob- tained what he sought. To the honour of Isabella, and of her sex, the scheme of Columbus was first countenanced by the queen; Through the influ- ence of Juan Perez, a Spanish priest, and Lewis Santangel, an officer of the king's household, she was persuaded to listen to his request j and, after he had been twice repulsed, to recall him to court* She now offered to pledge her jewels, to defray the expense of the proposed equipment, amounting to no more than two thousand five hundred crowns ' ; but this sum was advanced by Santangel, and the queen saved from so mortifying an expedient. * On the seventeenth day of April, 1492, an a- greement was made by Columbus with their Cath- olic majesties : That, if he should make any dis coveries, he should sustain the office of viceroy by land, and admiral by sea, with the advantage of the tenth part of the profits, accruing from the pro- ductions and commerce of all the countries discov- ered ; and these dignities and privileges were not to be limited to his own person, but to be heredi- tary in his family. 3 i This denomination of money, used by most historians, may, without explanation, essentially mislead the readei-. They were doubtless gold crowns. Vega [Commentaries of Peru, 413.] says, the expense was ** six millions of maravadies, making the sum of 16000 ducats." A Spanish ducat of exchange is equal to 45. nd. 1-2, and lacks therefore but a half penny of being equal to an English crovn. If the 16000 ducats of Vega be estimated as equal to so many English crowns, they make exactly 4000 sterling ; and this is the very sum, which, Dr. Robertson says, the expense of the equipment " did not exceed." a Life of Columbus, c. xi, xii, xv, with the principal authorities, cited under A. D. 1492. 3 Harris' Voyages, i. 5. The instrument, containing the terms of this agreement, is inserted entire in Hazard's Collections, i. i 3 ; but it is .there dated April 30, 1492. Though the name of Ferdinand appears connected with that of Isabella in this compact, he refused to take any art in th enterprise, as king of Arragon. The whole expense of the ex* AMERICAN ANNALS. 3 1492. COLUMBUS, on the third day of August, 1 set August 3. sail from Palos in Spain, with three vessels 1 and g ninety men, on a voyage the most daring and grand Spain. in its design, and the most important in its result, of any, that had ever been attempted. He, as ad- miral, commanded the largest ship, called Santa Maria ; Martin Alonzo Pinzon was captain of the Pinta ; and Vincent Yanez Pinzon, of the Nigria. When the fleet was about two hundred leagues to the west of the Canary islands, Columbus observ- ed that the magnetic needle in the compasses did not point exactly to the polar star, but Varied to- ward the west. 3 ' This discovery made an alarming impression on his pilots and mariners ; but his fer- ^^ I4 * i i i it. 1-11 Variation tile genius helped him to assign a plausible reason O f the com- for this strange appearance, and to dispel their. P ass excites fears. Expedients, however, at length lost their ' effect. The crew, with loud and insolent clamour, insisted on his return, and some of the most auda- cious proposed to throw him into the sea. When his invention was nearly exhausted, and his hope jjearly abandoned, the only event, that could ap- " ' pedition was to be defrayed by the crown of Gastile, and Isabella reserved for her subjects of that kingdom an exclusive right to all the benefits, that should accrue from its success. Robertson, i. book ii. Throughout tills transaction, the conduct of Isabella was truly magnanimous ; and though she did not, like the Tyrian queen, conduct the great enterprise jn person, yet he has strong claim to similar honour : I)ux fctmina facti. I He sailed from Gomera, one of the most westerly of the Canary is- lands, on the 6th of September, " which may be accounted the first set- ting out upon the voyage on the ocean." Life of Columbus, c. xviii.' % One of these vessels had a deck ; the other two, called Caravels, had none. They are thus described by Peter Martyr : " Ex regio fisco desti- hata sunt tria navigia : unum onerarium caveatum, alia duo levia merca- toria sine cavei's, (juae ab Hispanis caravehe vocantur." De Nov. Orb. p. a. 3 Stow erroneously ascribes this discovery to Sebastian Cabot, five years after this voyage of Columbus. It unquestionably was made in this first voyage. With the correction of the name and date, the remark of this venerable antiquarian is just : " Before his time, ever since the first finding of the magneticall needle, it was generalize supposed to lie pre- cisely in place of the meridian, and crosse the equator at rij<-ht angels, respecting with the points dulie north and south." Stow's Chronicle, 4 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1492. pease the mariners, happily occurred. A light, seen by Columbus at ten in the night of the Friday,0ct. e l eventn of October, was viewed as the harbinger i z, land of the wished for land ; and early the next morn- discovered. j n g j and was Distinctly seen. * At sun rise, all the boats were manned and armed, and the adventur- ers rowed toward the shore, with warlike music, and other martial pomp. The coast, in the mean time, was covered with people, 3 who were attract-^ ed by the novelty of the spectacle, and whose atti- tudes and gestures strongly expressed their aston- ishment. Columbus, richly dressed, and holding a na ^ e( ^ swor d in his hand, went first on shore, and goon shore, was followed by his men, who, kneeling down with him, kissed the ground with tears of joy, and re- turned thanks for the success of the voyage. The land was one of the islands of the New World, cal- led by the natives, Guanahana. 3 Columbus, as- suming the title and authority of admiral, called it San Salvador ; and,, by setting up a cross, took possession of it for their Catholic majesties. 4 Many of the natives stood around, and gazed at the strange ceremony in silent admiration. Though shy at first through fear, they soon became famil- iar with the Spaniards* The admiral, perceiving that they were simple and inoffensive, gave them i The voyage from Gomerawas 35 days; a longer time than any man had ever been known to be from the sight of land. 2, They " appeared in the simple innocence of nature, entirely naked." Robertson. 3 It is one of that cluster of the West India islands, called Bahamas, lying in the ajth. degree of north latitude, above 3000 miles to the west of Gomera. Robertson, i. book ii. Belknap Biog. i. 101. The authors of the Universal History [xli. 350, 331.] erroneously affirm this first discov^ ,ered island to be the one, now called New Providence, which is another of the Bahama islands, in its neighbourhood. The island, discovered by Columbus, still retains its original Indian name, though it is also denomi- nated in maps, Cat Island. It is remarkable for nothing, but the event that we have recited. 4 Life of Columbus, c. ii. xvi xxi, xxiii. Peter Martyr, a. Herrera, i, ,47. Purchas, i. 729, 730. European Settlements in America, i. 3 n, Robertson, i, 1*9^ 8. AMERICAN ANNALS. 5 hawksbells, strings of glass beads, and red caps, 1492. which, though of small intrinsic worth, were by them highly valued. The reason, assigned for their peculiar estimation of these baubles, is, that, confidently believing that these visitants had come down from heaven/ they ardently desired to have something left them as a memorial. They gave the Spaniards, in return, such provisions, as they had, and some cotton yarh^ which was the only valuable commodity they could produce.* Columbus, after visiting the coasts of the island, proceeded to make farther discoveries, taking with and touched at three of the largest of them, which he named St. Mary of the Conception, Fernandina, and Isabella. On the twenty seventh of October, he discovered the island _ r^.1 i i i r v i r Oct. 27. of Cuba, which, m honour of the prince, the son or Cuba dis- the Spanish king and queen, he called Juanna. covered. Entering the mouth of a large river with his squa- dron, he staid here to careen his ships, sending,, in the mean time, some of his people, with one of the natives of San Salvador, to view the interior parts of the country. Returning to him on the fifth of No- vember, they report, that they had travelled above sixty miles from the shore ; that the soil is richer and better, than any they had hitherto discovered ; and that, beside many scattering cottages, they found tme village of fifty houses, containing about a thousand inhabitants. 3 Sailing from Cuba on the fifth of December, he arrived, the next day, at an Dec. 6. island, called by the natives Hayti, which, in hon- our of the kingdom, by which he was employed, be named Hispaniola. 4 I " Gentem essemissam e coelo aututnant." P. Martyr, p. 4. a Life of Columbus, c. xxiiij'xxiv. Robertson, i. book ii. Herrera, J. 47. 3 Robertson, i. book ii. Herrera [i. 54,] says, " a -whole generation Jived in a house." 4 " Ab Hispania - - diminutive Hispaniola.' ' P. Martyr, 245. Her- rera, i. 1 07, jfj 8. fi AMERICAN ANNALS. 1492. On the shoals of this island, through the care-: Dec. i4- lessness of his sailors, he lost one of his ships. The One of the T ,. . . /-, i_ . ships lost. Indian cazique, or prmce, Guacanahan, receiving intelligence of this loss, expressed much grief, and sent all his people with their canoes, to save what they could from the wreck. V We lost not the val- ue of a pin," says the admiral, " for. he caused all pur clothes to be laid together near his palace, \yhere he kept {.them till the houses, which he had appointed for us, were emptied. He placed armed men, to keep them, who stood there all day and all night ; and all the people lamented, as if our loss had concerned them much." The port, where this misfortune happened, Co- lumbus called Navidad [the Nativity], because he entered it on Christinas day. Resolving to leave a- colony here, he obtained liberty of the cazique to Columbus erect a fort, which he accordingly built with the builds a timber of the ship, that was wrecked ; and, leaving it in the hands of three officers and thirty eigh^ men, prepared to return to Spain. 2 *493- Columbus, having taken every precaution for the. Jan. 16. security of his colony, left Navidad on the fourth Columbus r T j J c j j returns to of January ; and, alter discovering and naming Sps virtues, and they, or their agents, mur- dered 6o,oco of the natives. Univ. Hist. xli. 348. 5 P. Martyr, 45. " Gentem hanc perturbasse elementa, atque porten t h^ec tuiiwe, imiruinnur^baiit ir.sulares." Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 13 Columbus, on his return to Hispaniola, to his 1494. inexpressible joy, met his brother Bartholomew at Se P5- ?9 T i ii r J J r i r He fands Isabella, after a separation or thirteen years. I he his brother brother's arrival could not have been at a more Barthoio- seasonable juncture. Columbus essentially needed a^dLf his .friendly counsels and aid ; for all things were in confusion, and the colony was in the utmost danger of being destroyed. Four of the principal sovereigns of the island, provoked at the disorderly and outrageous conduct of the Spaniards, had unit- ed with their subjects to drive out their invaders. 2 ,. ^ , , ~ J * . . . , Marches a- Columbus, first marching against a cazique, who gainst the had killed sixteen Spaniards, easily subdued him ; natives .f , i r i i Hispaniola. and sent several of his subjects prisoners to Spain. 3 I Herrera, i. 138. Bartholomew Columbus was so unfortunate, in his yoyage to England, as to fall into the hands of pirates, who detained him a prisoner for" several years. When he had, at length, made his escape, and arrived at London, so extreme was his indigence, that he was obliged to spend considerable time in drawing and selling maps, to procure mo- ney sufficient to purchase a decent dress, in which he might venture to appear at court. He then laid his brother's proposals before the king [Henry VII] ; but with, little effect. " This prince," it has been justly remarked, " was rather a prudent steward and manager of a kingdom, than a great king, and one of those defensive geniuses, who are the last in the world to relish a great but problematic design."* But, with all his excessive caution and parsimony, he received the overtures of Columbus with more approbation, than any monarch, to whom they had hitherto been communicated. When Bartholomew had finished his negociation in England, he set out for Spain, by the way of France, and at Paris receiv- ed information of his brother's extraordinary discoveries in his first voyage, and of his preparation for a second expedition. This intelli- gence hastened him on his journey ; but before he reached Spain, the Admiral had sailed for Hispaniola. He was received, however, with due respect by Ferdinand and Isabella, who persuaded him to take the com* mand of three ships, which they had appointed to carry provisions to the colony at Isabella. Robertson, i. book ii. * European Settlements, i. chap.- i. a P. Martyr's account of the enormities of the Spaniards sufficiently shows, why the poor natives were at once united and desperate : " Ea gens, qua: Prxfectum in ea navigatione secuta fuerat majori ex parte in- domita, vaga, cui nihil pensi esset, libertatem sibi, quoque modo posset, quasritans, ab injuriis minime se abstinere poterat, Insularium fceminas, an- te parentum, fratrum, et virorum oculos raptans, stupris rapinis que inten- ta, animos omnium incolarum perturbarat. Quamobrem pluribus in locis quotquot imparatos e nostris incolae reperiebant, rapide, et tanquam sacra ofFerentes Deo, trucidaverunt." De Nov. Orb. p. 39. 3 Life of Columbus, c. liv ki. Robertson, i. book ii. European Set* Cements, i, 34. 14 AMERICAN ANNALS. H95- March 24. nf ne unsubdued caziques of Hispaniola still war with showing a determination to destroy, if possible, ^ e Spanish colony, Columbus set out from Isa- bella, to carry on the war against them. His army consisted of no more than " 200 Christians, 20 horses, and as many dogs ;" but the In? dians are said to have raised already 100,000 men. The Spaniards soon routed the Indians, and obtained a complete victory. The admiral spent a year in ranging the island ; and, in this time, re T duced it under such obedience, that all the natives tribute, from fourteen years of age and upward, inhab- iting the province of Cibao, where are gold mines, promised to pay as a tribute to their Catholic majesties, every three months, a hawk's bell full of gold dust ; and every other inhabitant of the island, twenty five pounds of cotton. * iefo s f~ The tranquillity of England, at this period, be- Columbus ing propitious to the increase of its commerce and tentiorTin manu fectures, London now contained merchants England, from all parts of Europe, The Lombards and Venetians, in particular, were remarkably numerous. Among these foreigners, John Cabot, a Venetian, and his three sons, Lewis, Sebastian, and Sanctus, were living in London. The father, perfectly skilled in all the sciences requisite to form an ac- complished mariner, was led by his knowledge of the globe to suppose, that a shorter way from England to India might be found by the northwest. The famous discovery of the New World caused great astonishment and much conversation in the court of Henry VII, of England, and among the Eng- i Life of Columbus, c. Ixi. Herrera, i. 14.5. The measure, said by Her- rera to be " a small hawk's bell," is wrought up, unmercifully, by some historians, into " a large horse bell." It was, in truth, a little bell, worn by the hawk in the sport of a falconer. Herrera [i. 145.] says, that " on- ly king Manicatex gave, every month, half a gourd full of gold, being worth 150 pesos or pieces of eight." AMERICAN ANNALS. 15 lish merchants ; and the specimens of gold, carried 1495* home by Columbus, excited an ardent desire of prosecuting this discovery. The adventurous spi- rit of John Cabot was heightened by the ardour of his son Sebastian, who, though young, was ambitious, and, at the same time, well versed in e- very science, subservient to a mathematical know- ledge of the earth, and to navigation. With these incitements to the meditated enter- prise, he communicated to the king his project, which was favourably received. A commission was accordingly, on the fifth of March, granted to him and his three sons, 1 giving them liberty to sail to all parts of the east, west, and north, under the royal banners and ensigns, to discover countries of the heathen, unknown to Christians ; to set up the king's banners there ; to occupy and possess, as his subjects, such places as they could subdue ; giving them the rule and jurisdiction of the same^ to be holden on condition of paying to the king one fifth part of all their gains. * 1496. While Columbus was successfully establishing the foundations of Spanish grandeur in the New World, his enemies were assiduously labouring to deprive him of his merited honour and emoluments. The calamities, arising from a long voyage and an unhealthful climate, were represented as the effects I The style of the commission is, " Johanni Cabotto^ Civi Venetia- rum, ac Ludov'uo^ Sebastiano, et Sancto, Filiis dicti Johannis" &c. Tt is dated the 5th of March in the eleventh year of the reign of Henry VII. Henry was crowned Oct. 30, 1485. If that year be reck- oned the first of his reign, this commission is rightly placed by Hak- luyt, Robertson, and others, in 1495 : but, if the first year of his reign be reckoned from 1486, the commission must be placed, where Rymer and some others have placed it, in 1496. a Hakluyt, iii. 4, 5, 7 ; where may be seen the Letters Patent ; as al- so in Rymer's Fcedera, xii. 595 ; and in Chalmers' Annals, i. 7. Chal- mers says, it is the oldest American State Paper of England. See also Purchas, i. 718. .Life of Columbus, c. Ixiii. P. Martyr, 46. Belknap Biog.i.i49, 150. Robertson, book is. 16. Forster's Voyagesj 166. 1 6 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1496. of his ambition ; the discipline, maintained by his prudence, as excess of rigour ; the punishments, that he inflicted on the mutineers, as cruelty. Re- solved to return to Spain, to vindicate himself from these false charges, already made against him to the Spanish court, he exerted the small remains of his authority in settling affairs for the preven- tion of such disorders, as had taken place during his former absence. He built forts in the princi- pal parts of the island ; established the civil gov- ernment on a better footing ; and redoubled his Columbus diligence for the discovery of mines. Having sails for made these prudential arrangements, he set sail Spain. from Isabella, on the tenth of March, 1 with -225 Spaniards and 30 Indians ; leaving the supreme power in the government of the Province to his brother Bartholomew, with the title of Adelantado ; and the administration of justice to Francis Roldan, with the title of Alcalde. z The natives of Hispaniola, by wars with the Spaniards, and a pestilential disease, occasioned by the damp places in which they concealed themselves to shun their enemy, were already essentially re- duced in numbers and in strength. It is asserted by a very credible historian, that one third of these wretched inhabitants had now perished. 3 Three ships having arrived in July at Isabella with provisions from Cadiz, Bartholomew Colum- bus, on dispatching them for their return to Spain, sent on board three hundred Indian flaves. This measure was in compliance with the royal mandate ; for their Catholic majesties, on receiving informa- tion, that some caziques had killed the Spaniards, had ordered, that, whoever should be found guilty of that crime, should be sent to Spain. 4 i He visited several of the West India islands, before his departure for Spain, which was not till the aoth of April. Herrera, i. 154, a P. Martyr, 8, 46. Herrera, i. 153. 3 Herrera, i, 147. 4 Ibid. i. 168, AMERICAN ANNALS. tjf The country on the southern coast of Hispanio- la, appearing very beautiful, was judged an eligible place for settlement. Bartholomew Columbus, hav- ing received written orders from his brother Chris- topher in Spain, to remove the colony from Isabel- la to the south part of the island, now began a settlement there, 1 and, in memory of his father, whose name was Dominick, called it Santo Domin- go.' 1497. Henry VII on the third of February gave per- Royal per- mission to John Cabot, to take six English ships in T^hnCa any haven or havens of the realm of England, be- ot for sir ing of the burden of two hundred tons or under, shlps * with the requisite furniture, and all such masters, mariners, and subjects of the king, as should be willing to accompany him. 3 Whatever might have been the cause, an equipment appears not to have been made, to the extent of the royal licence. In the beginning of May, 4 Cabot and his son Se- Voyage of bastian and three hundred men 5 with two carav- theCabot3 - els, freighted by the merchants of London and Bristol, commenced a voyage of discovery. 6 On the twenty fourth of June they were surprized by the sight of land, which, being the first they had j une 24. seen, they called Prima Vista. This is generally The x dis - supposed to be some part of the island of New- cover foundland. A few days afterward they discover- ed a smaller island, to which, on account probably I Herrera, i6S, 169. a Life of Columbus, c. Ixxiii. P. Martyr, 66. 3 Hakluyt, i. 511, where is inserted a record of the rolls, relating to this voyage,, entitled, " Billa signata Anno 13 Henrici 7." See Hazard Coll. i. 10. Chalmers, i. 8. Brit. Emp. in America, i. Inirod. vi. 4 See Note !. at the end of the volume. 5 P. Martyr, 232. 6 Fabian, in his Chronicle, says, that one ship at Bristol was manned and victualled at the king's cost ; that divers merchants of London ven- tured in her small stocks ; and that in the company of the said ship sailed also out of Bristol three or four small ships, " fraught with sleight and grosse merchandizes." Hakluyt, i. 515. D I a AMERICAN ANNALS. 1497. of its being discovered on the day of John the Baptist, they gave the name of St. John. Contin- uing their course westwardly, they soon reached the continent, and then sailed along the coast c-ast along northwardly to the latitude of 67 and a half de- thK-nt'of" grees. ' Finding that the coast stretched toward the New the east, and despairing of making the desired dis-' covery here, they turned back, and sailed along the coast toward the equator, " ever with an intent to find the passage to India,-" till they came to the southernmost part of that tract of the continent, which has since been called Florida. Their pro- visions now failing, and a mutiny breaking out a- Returnto niong the mariner's j they returned to England, England, without attempting either settlement or conquest in any part of the New World.; 8 Through a singular succession of causes, sixty one years elapsed from the time of this discovery of the northern division of the Continent by the Eng- lish, during which their monarchs gave little atten- tion to this country, which was destined to be annexed to their crown, and to be a chief source of British opulence and power, till, in process of time, it should become an independent empire. 3 This remarkable neglect of navigating the coast, and of attempting colonization, is in some measure accounted for by the frugal maxims of Henry VII, and the unpropitious circumstances of the reign of Henry VIII, of Edward VI, and of the bigotted Mary ; reigns peculiarly adverse to the extension of industry, trade and navigation. 4 1 For an illustration of the probable extent of this voyage, to the north and south, see Note I. at the end of the volume. ^ P. Martyr, jz. Haklnyt, i. 513 ; iii. 6 9. Smith Hist. Virgin!*, p. I. Purchas, i. 737, 738. Josselyn's Voyages, 2,50. Harris, 5. 860. Ro- bertson, b.ix. 1 6, 17. Univ.Hist. xl. 378. Forster, 266, 431. Belknap Eiog. i. 152. Mather's Magnalia, i. ;. Prince Chron. Introd. 80, Bitfg. Brita. Art. GILBERT. *, Robertson, book ix. p. 22. A Univ. Hist, xxxix. 235, 406. Brit. Emp. Introd. vi, vii. AMERICAN ANNALS. ij 1498. While the testimonies of fidelity and good con- duct, carried by Columbus to Spain, silenced the personal calumnies of his enemies, the large speci- mens of gold and pearl, which he produced, prov- ed the falsity of their representation of the poverty of the Indies. The court became fully convinced of the importance of the new colony, the merit of its governor, and the necessity of a vSpeedy supply. Two ships were sent out in February with suc- cours, under the command of Peter Fernandez Co- ronel. The admiral staid to negotiate for a fleet, adequate to his enlarged views and purposes. But his enemies, though silenced, were not idle. All the obstructions, which they could raise, were thrown in his way. It was not therefore till after a thousand delays and disappointments, that he was enabled to set out again in prosecution of his discoveries. He at length received commission to carry, if he should think fit, five hundred men, provided that all above three hundred and thirty 1 should be paid otherwise, than out of the king's revenue ; and was allowed for the expedition six millions of maravedies ; four, for the provisions to be put on board the fleet, and two, for the pay of the men. It was now also provided, that none of any nation, but the Castilian, should go over to the West Indies. a On the thirtieth of May he sailed from Spain, on his third voyage, with six ships, loaded with Third voy- pro visions and other necessaries, for the relief and population of Hispaniola. 3 On the thirty first of July, in the ninth degree of north latitude, he dis- covered an island, which he called Trinidad. On 1 By advice of Columbus it was resolved, that 330 men should be kept always on the island of Hispaniola, in the royal pay. Herrera, i. I j6. 2 Herrera, i. 156 158. 3 P. Martyr, 58. Europ. Settlements, i. 38, 39. Harris Voyages, i. 270. 20 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1498. the first of August he discovered the continent at He discov- Terra Firma. Sailing along the coast westwardly, ersthe .11 i r i v n /r * continent with the continent on the left, he discoveredMargan- of America. ta> xhe Spaniards, finding that the oysters, brought by the inhabitants of this island on board the ship of Columbus, contained pearls, were inexpressibly delighted ; and, hastening to the shore, found all the natives decked in these rich ornaments, which they disposed of to the Spaniards for mere trifles. z Columbus, having discovered many other islands for two hundred leagues to Cape Vela, anchored on the twentieth off Hispaniola.* On the thirti- eth he entered the harbour at that island, where the lieutenant, agreeably to his brother's advice, had appointed a new city to be built. 3 Until this year, Isabella had been the chief place of the resi- dence and government of the Spanish colony ; but stDomin- tne capital was now transferred to this new city ; 4 gobecomes which was long the most considerable European the capital. settlement ; fl the New Wor ld.s In the absence of the admiral, Roldan, a man of obscure birth, 6 and of base character, though now high in office, had separated himself from Bartho- lomew Columbus, and formed a faction. He had virulently aspersed the characters, and misrepre- sented the designs, of the two brothers. He had sent his scandalous charges in writing to the court of Spain ; intending to prevent, if possible, the return of Christopher Columbus, and to destroy the autho- I Univ. Hist. xli. 527. a Life of Columbus, c. Ixv Ixxiii. Purchas, 1.823, 837. Prince Chron. Introd. 80. Europ. Settlements, i. 140. 3 Life of Columbus, c. Ixxiii. 4 Purchas, i. 731. Though Isabella was chosen in 1493, as a situation more healthful and commodious than that of Navidad, yet its abandonment is ascribed to the unhealthiness of the air, and the badness of the soil : " Ce qui a fait abandonner cette ville, c'est que Pair en etoit malsain et les terres mauvaises." Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. ISABELLE. 5 Robertson, i. book ii. 6 " Roldanum quendam quern fossorum et calonum ductorem ex fa- mulo suo, deinde justitiaj prassidem, Praefectus erexerat." P. Martyr, j6. AMERICAN ANNALS. rity of both. * He had been chosen the leader of a considerable number of the Spaniards, whom he mutiny. had excited to mutiny ; and, taking arms, had seized the king's magazine of provisions, and en- deavoured to surprise the fort at St. Domingo.* It required all the address and vigour of Colum- bus, to subdue this faction. He at length succeed- ed ; and in November articles of agreement were made between him and Roldan, with his insur- gents. 3 1499. Columbus, accompanied by his brother the lieu- tenant, having set out in February to pass through the island of Hispaniola, came in March to Isabel- la, and in April to the Conception. It was his in- tention to go early the next year to St. Domingo, to make preparation for his return to Spain, to give their Catholic majesties an account of all transac- tions. 4 The spirit of discovery beginning to spread itself widely, private adventurers in Spain and Portugal, stimulated by the gold remitted to Europe by Co- lumbus, made equipments at their own expense. Among the earliest of these adventurers was Alon- J eda ' 9 so de Ojeda, a gallant and active officer, who had g accompanied Columbus in his first voyage. Aided by the patronage of the bishop of Badajos, he ob- tained the royal licence for the enterprise ; the bish- op, at the same time, communicating to him the ad- miral's journal of his last voyage, and his charts of the countries, which he had discovered. Such was Ojeda's credit with the merchants of Seville, that I P. Martyr, 67. Purchas,i. 731. a Robertson, i. book ii. 3 Life of Columbus, c. Ixxxi. By this agreement, the mutineers were to have two ships, with provisions, to carry them to Spain, and each of them might take a slave with him. Herrera, i. 2IO. 4 Life of Columbus ,c. Ixxxiv. a* AMERICAN ANNALS. 1499. they equipped him with four ships, with which he sailed from St. Mary's in Spain on the twentieth Heisac- o f May. Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine gentle* ct::arumea . ii-ir-i- n i by Ameri- man, eminently skilful in all the sciences subservi- goVespuc- ent to navigation, accompanied Ojeda in this voyage. Pursuing the course of the great navigator for the New World, they in twenty seven days discover- ed land in about five degrees north latitude, on the coast of Paria. Having tr acjed here with the na- tives, they stood to the west, proceeded as far as Cape Vela, and ranged a considerable extent of coast beyond that, on which Columbus had touch- ed. After ascertaining the truth of the opinion of Columbus, that this country wa,s part of the conti- nent, they sailed to Hispaniola, where they arrived on the fifth of September, and soon after returned who gives to Spain, The country, of which Amerigo was er- rame to roneously supposed to be the discoverer, not long World; 7 a ^ ter unjustly obtained his name ; and, by univer- sal consent, this new quarter of the globe has ever since been called America. * Voyage of Another voyage of discovery was undertaken by Nino Alonso Nigno, who had served under the admiral in his last voyage. Having fitted out a single ship, in conjunction with Christopher Guerra, a mer- chant of Seville, they both sailed to the coast of Paria. Though their discoveries were unimpor- tant ; yet they carried home svjch a quantity of I Robertson, i. book ii. Rrince Chron. Introd. 80. IJurop. Settlements, i. 46. Belknap Disc, on Discovery of America, p. 115. This name is sup- posed to have been fir^t given to the New World by the publication of Vespucci's account of his Voyage ; but at what time is not certain. For a refutation cf his claim to the honour of discovering the continent of the New World, see Robertson, i. Note xxii, Herrera and all the earliest and best Spanish historians uniformly ascribe this honour to Columbus. Herrera, i. 214. Herrera says, that Americus Vesputius (so the name is often written), " to make good his false and assumed claim to the dis- covery of the Continent, suppressed the name of Dragon's Mouth, which Columbus had given to the entrance into a bay near Trinidad" ; and that he " confounded the passages of the two voyages," that, made before witii Columbus, and thig, made with Ojeda, " in order to conceal the Admi- ral's having discovered tht- continent." Ibid. 22J, 223. But English AMERICAN ANNALS. ^3 gold and pearls, as inflamed their countrymen with desire of engaging in similar enterprises. * The mutineers at Hispaniola not daring to go to Spain, a new contract was made with Roldan, by virtue of which he was reinstated in his former of- fice ; and his followers, amounting to one hundred and two, were restored to whatever they had enjoy- ed before their revolt. a In consequence of this a- greement, lands were allotted to the mutineers in different parts of the island ; and the Indians, set- tled in each district, were appointed to cultivate a prescribed portion of ground for their new masters. This service was substituted for the tribute, for- merly imposed ; and it introduced among the Span- Repartia . iards the Repartiamentos, or distributions of In- mentos i dians in all their settlements, which subjected that wretched people to the most grievous oppression. 3 moia. 1560. Vincent Yanez Pinzon having, in connexion with Voyage Ariez Pinzon, built four caravels, sailed from Palos e pin4 for America. * He stood boldly toward the south, and was the first Spaniard, who ventured to cross the equinoctial line. 5 In February he discovered a cape, in eight degrees south latitude, and called it Cabo de Consolacion ; 6 but it has since been called Cape Augustine^ 7 Here he landed, but could obtain no interview with the natives. 8 Sail- historians remember, and it ought not to be forgotten, that the CABOTS were the first discoverers of the Continent of America. See A. D. 1497. I Robertson, i. book ii. 2 Herrera, i. 211. 3 Robertson, i. book ii. 4 Prince [Chron. Introd. 81.] says, he sailed from Palos 13 November, 1499 ; and Herrera [i. 233.], that he left the Cape Verd islands 13 Janu- ary, 1500. 5 Robertson, i. book ii. 6 Herrera, i. 231. 7 Purchas, i. 828. Prince, ut supra. 8 P. Martyr, 81 83. Robertson [i. book ii.] says, that Pinzon " seems to have landed on no part of the coast beyond the mouth of the Marag- non, or river of the Amazons." But I rely on P. Martyr, who says, that the Spaniards landed at the Cape ; that in the neighbourhood of it 32 of the natives, armed with bows and arrows, came forth to meet them, fol- 24 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1500. ing northwestwardly, he discovered and named the river of the Amazons* * Having sailed along the coast to Trinidad, he returned to Spain. * The fertile district of country, " on the confines of which Pinzon stopt short," was very soon more fully discovered. Pedro Alvarez Cabral, sent by Emanuel, king of Portugal, with thirteen ships, on a voyage from Lisbon to the East Indies, in or- der to avoid the calms on the Guinea shore, fetch- April j. ec j a compass so far westwardly, as, by accident, Cabral dii- ,. 1-1 T r T covers Bra- to discover land in the tenth degree south or the sil - equinoctial line. Proceeding along the coast several days, he was led from its extent to believe, that it must be a part of some great continent ; and, on account of a cross, that he erected there with much ceremony, he called it, The Land of the Holy Cross ; but it was afterward called Brasil. 3 Hav- ing taken possession of it for the crown of Portu- gal, he dispatched a ship to Lisbon with an account of this important discovery, and pursued his voyage. 4 The Portuguese king, on receiving the intelli- gence, sent ships, to discover the whole country, and found it to be the land of America. A con- troversy hence arose between him and the king of Spain ; but they being kinsmen and near friends, it was ultimately agreed, that the king of Portugal should hold all the country that he had discovered, lowed by others, armed in the same manner ; that the Spaniards endea- voured to allure them by gifts, but in vain ; for, in the dead of night, they fled from the places which they had occupied. " Omnem sermonem rejiciunt, pantti semper ad pugnam. Nocte intempesta aufugiunt." 1 Vega [Commentaries of Peru 339.] says, the Pinzons gave the river this name, " because they observed, that the women fought with as much courage in defence of those parts as the men." 2 Prince, ut supra. 3 From a certain wood, which dies red, a name previously to this pe- riod known to the Arabians. Forster's Voyages, 263. 4 Herrera, i. 235. Purchas. i. 835. Robertson, i. book ii. Forster, 263. Prince, latrod. 81. Biblioth. Americana, p. 50. AMERICAN ANNALS. 25 which was from the river of Maragnon, or Ama- 1500. zons, to the river of Plate. 1 The implacable enemies of Columbus renewing their complaints against him, the king and queen . of Spain sent Bovadilla as a judge, with power to inquire into his conduct ; and with authority, if he should find the accusations proved, to send him in- to Spain, and to remain himself, as governor. Bov- Au s- adilla, on his arrival at Hispaniola, thoroughly ex- ecuted his commission. He assumed the govern- ri y es at . ment of the colony, and sent Columbus home in ^^"oc- chahlS, 1 . tobersend* Portugal, at that time still in her glory, disre- JS^ garding the donation made by the Pope, and the chains, compromise for half the world, to which she had re- luctantly agreed, viewed all the discoveries, made by Spain in the New World, as so many encroachments on her own rights and property. Under the in- fluence of this national jealousy, Caspar de Corte- real, a Portuguese, of respectable family, inspired with the resolution of discovering new countries, and a new route to India, sailed from Lisbon, with two ships, 3 at his own cost. In the course of his nav- v y a ?e to igation, he arrived at Newfoundland, at a bay, i a nT; which he named Conception Bay ; explored the i Purchas, v. 1437. a Life of Co'umbus, c. Ixxxv, Ixxxvi. Herrera, i. 235 243. Belknap Disc, on Discovery of America, 115. The captain of the vessel, in which Columbus sailed, touched with respect for his years and merit, offered to take off the irons ; but he did not allow it. " Since the king has com- " manded, that I should obey his governor, he shall find me as obedient " to this, as I have been to all his other orders. Nothing, but his com- " mands, shall release me. If twelve years hardship and fatigue ; if con- " tinual dangers, and frequent famine ; if the ocean, first opened, and five " times passed and repassed, to add a new world, abounding with wealth, " to the Spanish monarchy ; and if an infirm and premature old age, " brought on by those services, deserve these chains as a reward ; it i$ " very fit I should wear them to Spain, and keep them by me as memo- " rials to the end of my life." Europ. Settlements, i. 43 45. He ac- cordingly kept them until his death. " 1 always saw those irons in his room," says his son Ferdinand, " which he ordered to be buried with his body." Life of Columbus, c. Ixxxvi. Herrera, i. 244. 3 Herrera [i. 314.] says, they were Caravels. 3 6 - AMERICAN ANNALS. Proceedsto whole eastern coast of the island; and proceeded Canada; to the mouth of the great river of Canada. He af* discovers tcrwards discovered a land, which he, at first, nam* Terra e d Terra Verde, but which, in remembrance of the since called discoverer, was afterwards called Terra de Corte* Terra de real. That part of it, which, being on the south Cortereal; si j e Q f t | ie flf^^ degree o f north latitude, he judg- and Labra- e< ^ to ^ e ^ ^ or cultivation, he named, Terra de Lab- dor, rador. Returning, and communicating the news of his discovery to his native country, he hastened back, to visit the coast of Labrador, and to go to India through the straights of Anian, which he im- turnto his raigined ne had just discovered. Nothing, howev- country, he er, was afterward heard of him. It is presumed i lost. ^at k e was e ith er murdered by the Esquimaux sav-* ages, or perished among the ice. On this disas* trous event, a brother of Cortereal undertook the same voyage, with two ships ; but probably met with a similar fate ; for he was heard of no more. ' 1501. Voyage of Roderigo de Bastidas, iii partnership with John ^ e l a Cosa, fitted out two ships from Cadiz. Sail-* ing: toward the western continent, he arrived on the - coast of Paria ; and, proceeding to the west, dis- covered all the coast of the province, since known by the name of Terra Firma, from Cape de Vela to the Gulf of Darien. 8 second Not long after, Ojeda, with his former associate f Amerigo Vespucci, set out on a second voyage, and, being unacquainted with the destination of Bastu das, held the same course, and touched at the same places. These voyages tended to increase the ar-* dour of discovery. 3 1 Forster Voy. 460, 461. Harris Voy. 1.270. Venegas California,!. 1 18. a Robertson, i. 199. Prince, Chron. Introd. 81. Harris Voy. i. 270; but Galvano, cited by Harris, puts this voyage in 1502. 3 Robertson,!, book ii. Josselyn Voyages, 330. In BibHotheca Amer- AMERICAN ANNALS. 27 1502. Columbus exhibited so many charges at the court of Spain against Bovadilla, demanding justice at the same time for the injuries, which he had done h'm, that their Catholic majesties resolved to send another governor to Hispaniola. Nicholas de O- vando, knight of the order of Alcantara, being ap- pointed to this office, he sailed on the thirteenth of , February for America, with thirty two ships, in A^new * which two thousand five hundred persons embark- Spanish go- i i t . r i i vernor sails ed, with the intention of settling in the country. to America This was the most respectable armament, hitherto with fitted out for the New World. On the arrival of per this new governor, Bovadilla, whose imprudent ad- ministration threatened the settlement with ruin, resigned his charge ; and was commanded to re- turn instantly to Spain, to answer for his conduct. T Ovando was particularly charged by the queen, that the Indians of Hispaniola should be free from ser- vitude, and protected, like the subjects of Spain ; and that they should be carefully instructed in the Christian faith. By command of their majesties, both Spaniards and Indians were to pay tythes ; none were to live in the Indies, but natives of Castile ; none to go on discoveries, without leave from their highnesses ; no Jews, Moors, nor new converts, to be tolerated in the Indies ; and all, that had been taken from the admiral and his brothers, was to be restored to them. z In the large fleet, that now arrived, came over ten Franciscan Friars ; and these were the first ec- clesiastics of that order, who came to settle in the Indies. 3 icana is preserved the following title of a book ; rt Americi Vesputii Navi- gatio tertiu a Lisbon:*; portu cum tribus Conservantix NavibusadNovum Grbem ulterius detegendum, die Maii decima 1501." j Herrera, i. 247 253. Robertson, i. 188,189. a Herrera, i. 248, 250. 3 Ibid. i. 249. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1502. Columbus, acquitted at the court of Spain with the promise of restitution and reward, required but few incentives to engage once more in discoveries. His ambition was, to arrive at the East Indies ; and thus to surround the globe. On this pros- P ect > he was fitted out in Ma 7 on his fourth and ^ last voyage, under the royal patronage, with a fleet *"' of four vessels, carrying one hundred and forty men and boys, among whom were his brother Bartho- . lomew, and his son Ferdinand, the writer of his. life. ' In twenty one days after his departure from Cacliz he arrived at Dominica ; and in twenty six June 29. at liispariiola. Soon after his arrival at this island,, apprehending an approaching storm, he advised a fleet, then ready for sea, not to leave the port ; but his advice was disregarded. The fleet, consisting of eighteen sail, within forty hours after its depart- ure was overtaken by a terrible tempest ; and of the whole number of vessels, three or four only were saved. Among those, that were lost, was the ship, in which was Bovadilla, the governor, who had sent Columbus, in a tyrannical and scan- dalous manner, to Spain. z Roldan and the greater part of the enemies of Columbus were sw r allowed up atf the same time, with the immense wealth, which they had unjustly acquired. The fate of the Indian king of Magua, now also lost, was less horrible, than the outrage, that preceded it. He had offered to I Life of Columbus, c. Ixxxvii, Ixxxviii. P. Martyr, 102, 206 ; but he wys, there were 170 men : " cum hominibus centum septuaginta.'* Herrera, i. 252. Belknap Biog. i. 116, 117. a Life of Columbus, c. Ixxxviii. Europ. Settlements, i. chap. vii. Bel- knap Biog. i. 1 1 6. Herrera [i. 253.] says, the fleet consisted of 31 ships; the Author of Europ. Settlements says, it consisted of 20, and that 16 pe- rished. I have followed Ferdinand Columbus. On board the ship, in which Bovadilla perished, was a mass of gold, estimated at 3310 pesos, which was designed as a present to the Spanish king and queen. P. Mar- tyr ascribes the loss of the ship partly to the weight of the gold : " pras nimio gentium et auri 'pondere, summersa interiit." De Nov. Orb. 101, Purchas remarks, this is " a fit emblem for Christians, who, when they will lade themselves with this thick clay, drown the soule in destruction and perdition." Pilgrims, i. 723. AMERICAN ANNALS. fi 9 till the ground, to the extent of fifty miles, for the 1502, Spaniards, if they would spare him and his people from the mines. A Spanish captain, in return for this generous proposal, ravished his wife ; and the unhappy king, who secreted himself, was taken and sent on board the fleet, to be carried to Spain. ' After the storm Columbus sailed to the conti- -^"^J- nent, and discovered the Bay of Honduras/ where the Bay of he landed ; then proceeded along the main shore Honduras, to Cape Gracias a Dios ; and thence to the isthmus of Darien, where he hoped, but in vain, to find a passage to the South Sea. 3 At the isthmus he found a harbour, which he entered on the second of November ; and, on account of its beauty and security, called it Porto Bello. 4 Porto de la Plata, or the Haven of Silver, thir- ty five leagues north of St. Domingo, was built this year by Ovando. s Hugh Elliot and Thomas Ashurst, merchants of Bristol, with two other gentlemen, obtained letters patent from Henry VII, for the establishment of co- lonies in the countries newly discovered by Cabot. Whether they ever availed themselves of this per- mission, and made any voyages to the New World, neither their contemporaries, nor subsequent writ- ers, inform us. 6 On this charter of licence, An- I Purchas, i. 913. Z Columbus called it, The Port of Casinas. Hcrrera, iii. 366. 3 Herrera, Ibid. Robertson, i. 203, 206. Prince, Introd. 82. Belknzp Biog. i. 1 1 8. 4 Herrera, i. i6g. Life of Columbus, c. xcii. It was probably from personal observation, that Ferdinand Columbus drew this description : " The country about that harbour, higher up, is not very rough, but til- led, and full of houses, a stone's throw or a bow shot one from the other/; and it looks like the finest landscape a man can imagine." A water spout near Porto Bello 13 December excited great alarm among the Spaniards. The same writer remarks : " If they had not dissolved it by saying the Gospel of St. John, it had certainly sunk whatsoever it fell upon." Ibid. 5 Univ. Hist. xli. 518. This haven was formerly reckoned the second place of consequence in Hispaniola ; but in 1763 it was a mere fishing village. Ibid. 6 Forster Voy. 289, 431. This commission, in the original Latin, is la Hazard Coll. i. 1119, 30 AMERICAN ANNALS. derson observes, that king Henry pays no regard to the imaginary line of division made between Spain and Portugal by the Pope's authority ; and that, according to his genius and former practice, he does not pretend to give one penny toward the enterprise. " It therefore," he subjoins, " suc- ceeded no better than Cabot's voyage ; for private adventurers rarely have abilities and patience suffi- cient to perfect such undertakings, unless support- ed by the public."* Columbus, leaving Porto Bello, entered the riv- er Yebra on the ninth of January. The beauty Columbus and fertility of the adjacent country invited him to setter co- b e g* n a plantation. Remaining at Yebra, he sent lony at his brother Bartholomew with sixty eight men in Veraguay ; b oats j- o t ]j e r j ver Veraguay, whence they proceed^ ed to the river Duraba. Finding abundance of gold here, it was concluded to establish a settlement. The Spaniards actually began to erect houses ; but their insolence and rapacity incensed the natives, who, falling upon them, killed several of their number, and obliged them to relinquish the de- but isre- . ' . _ o. 1, j pulsed by sign. 2 These Indians were a more hardy race, the natives. t j lan those of the islands ; and this was the first re- pulse, sustained by the Spaniards. But for this ad* verse occurrence, Columbus would have had the honour of planting the first colony on the continent of America. Leaving this hostile region, he now sailed for Hispaniola ; but by the violence of a storm . was obliged to run his ships ashore at Jamaica. In ^recked at his distress at this island, he sent some of the Jamaica, hardiest of his men to Hispaniola, to represent his I Hist. Commerce, ii. 7. a P. Martyr, 114, 215. " Figere ibi pedem fuit consilium: sed inco* lae futuram perniciem olfacientes, vetuerunt. Facto agmine, cum hor- rendo clamore ruunt injnostros, qui domus xdificare jam cseperant." Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 31 calamitous situation to the governor, and to solic- 1503* it vessels, to carry him and his people away. He remained however at Jamaica eight months, without the least intelligence from his messengers, or assist- ance from the governor. The natives becoming exasperated at the delay of the Spaniards, the bur*, den of whose support was intolerable, the inven- tive genius of Columbus had recourse to an admira- ble device, to regain his authority. Assembling the principal Indians around him, he caused them to understand, that the God, whqni he served, pro- voked at their refusal to support* the objects of his favourite regard, intended to inflict on them a speedy and severe judgment, of which they would soon see manifest tokens in the heavens ; for on that night the moon should withhold her light, and appear of a bloody hue, as an omen of their ap* proaching destruction. His menacing prediction was ridiculed ; but its actual accomplishment, at the precise time foretold, struck the barbarians with terror. This eclipse of the moon, which he had happily foreseen by his skill in astronomy, es- tablished his character, as a prophet. The affright- ed Indians brought him instantly a plenty of pro- visions ; they fell at his feet, and besought him in the most suppliant manner, to intercede with the great Spirit, to avert the threatened calamity. Ap- parently moved by their entreaties, he consoled them ; but charged them to atone for their past transgression by their future generosity. The eclipse went of? ; and from that day the natives were superstitiously cautious of giving offence to the Spaniards. 1 i Life of Columbus, c. xcv ciii. Herrera, i. 294, 296. Purchtt, i. 731. Robertson, ii. Bslknap Biog. i. 118, 119. . AMERICAN ANNALS* 1504. When the fortitude and skill of Columbus had been tried to the the utmost .extent, in repressing the mutinies of his own people, and the violence of the Indians a ship, generously fitted out by a pri- vate P erson at Hispaniola, arrived at Jamaica, and carried him to St. Domingo. Convinced, that a dispute with a governor, in his own jurisdiction, could bring him little advantage or honour, he has- tened his preparation for returning to Spain. 2 On the second Off September he sailed from His- Coiumbus paniola. Having encountered the most terrible storms in the voyage, and sailed after losing his mainmast seven hundred leagues, he with difficulty reached the port of St. Lucar. Here, to his inex- there in pressible grief, he learnt that his friend and patron- Member. ess, queen Isabella, was dead. 1 She had steadily favoured and supported, while the Catholic king had opposed and injured him. The value of the Indies becoming daily more apparent, and also the largeness of the share, that must fall to the admiral by virtue of the stipulated articles, it had been the selfish policy of Ferdinand to fix the absolute do- minion in himself, and to dispose of all the employ- ments, which belonged to the admiral, according to his own pleasure. 3 The conduct of Isabella was more just and generous, as became the greatness of her character. This illustrious woman, " was no less eminent for virtue, than for wisdom ; and whether we consider her behaviour as a queen, as a wife, or as a mother, she is justly entitled to the high encomiums bestowed on her by the Spanish historians." 4 i Life of Columbus, xciv cv. Europ. Settlements, i. 55 60. Univ. Hist. xli. 347. Belknap Disc, on Discovery of America, 115. a Life of Columbus, c. cxviii. Europ. Settlements, i. 60. Belknap Disc* n Discovery of America, 115. 3 Life of Columbus, c. cviii. 4 Robertson's Charles V. ii. book i. p. 6. " The Spaniards," says Me* zeray, " lifs her above all other Heroines," Hist. France^ 540. AMERICAN ANNALS. 33 Bastidas, with the leave of king Ferdinand, went with two ships, to discover that part of Terra Fir- ma, where lay Carthagena. * Landing on the is- land Codego, z he took six hundred of the natives ; proceeded to the Gulf of Uraba ; and returned to St. Domingo, laden with flaves. 3 Some adventurous navigators from Biscay, Bre- N e wfond- tagne, and Normandy, in France, came this year lahdfiahery. in small vessels, to fish on the banks of Newfound- land ; and these were the first French vessels, that appeared on the coasts of North America. 4 . r 55-. The Indians of Hispaniola having made several war re- attempts to recover their liberty, the Spaniards con- "ewedwhh . i , , . , i ! 1 the natives sidered their conduct as rebellious, and took arms, to reduce them to subjection. They made war a- iola * gainst the cazique of Higuey, 5 who, after signalizing himself in defence of his countrymen, was igno- miniously hung. Anacoana, the female cazique of Xaraguay, 6 being accused at this time of a design to exterminate the Spaniards, Ovando, the Spanish go- vernor, under pretence of making her a respectful visit, marched toward Xaraguay with three hun- dred foot and seventy horsemen. She received him I This name had been given to that port by Columbus, on account of its resemblance to a port of that name in Spain. P. Martyr, 105. a It lay near the port ; and this was the Indian name. " Insulam vo- cant inoolae Codego." Ibid. 3 Harris Voy. i. 270. 4 Anderson Hist. Commerce, ii. 9. Brit. Emp. in America, InfroJ. xlvi. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. CANADA. This fishery appears to have been immediately productive. The French account is : " Des 1504, les Basques, les Bretons et les Normands, utiles et andacieux navigateurs, se hasardoient avec de foibles barques sur le bane de Terreneuve, et nouris- soient une partie de la France du fruit de leur peche." Ibid. These fish- ermen are said to hare discovered at this time the Grand Bank of New- foundland. Ibid. Commerce, Art. COMMUNAUTE DE BIENS. 5 A province at the eastern extremity of the island. Robertson. 6 This province extended from the fertile plain, where Leogane is now situated, to the western extremity of the island. Anacoana, its highly res- pected sovereign, had been uniformly friendly to the Spaniards. Her ac- cusers were some of the adherents of Roldan, who had settled in her coun- try, and were exasperated with her for endeavouring to restrain their ex- jcesaes. Robertson. 34 AMERICAN ANNALS. \\ith every token of honour, and feasted him -seve- ral days. Amidst this security, the Spaniards, at a preconcerted signal, drew their swords, and rush- ed on the defenceless and astonished Indians. Their princess was instantly secured. Her attendants were seized and bound, and left to perish in the flames of the house, where they were assembled, which was set on fire. Anacoana was carried in chains to St. Domingo, where, after the formality of a trial, she was condemned to be hanged* This atrocious conduct toward the Haytin princes com- JetlVnT" pl ete ty humbled the natives, who, in all the prov- fiaai subju- Hices of Hispaniola, now submitted, without far- gation. t h er res i s tance, to the Spanish yoke. x 1506. Death of Columbus, exhausted by age, fatigues, and dis- Columbus. .'" j. j T7 i? j rj o appointments, died at valladolid m opam on the twentieth of May, in the fifty ninth year of his age, and was buried in the cathedral of Seville* " He died with a composure of mind suitable to the magnanimity which distinguished his character^ and with sentiments of piety, becoming that su- preme respect for religion, which he manifested in every occurrence of his life." On his tomb is this Spanish inscription : A CASTILLA YA LEON, I Robertson, i. book iii. B. de las Casas Relation, p. 14. Casas says, that after this unjust war ended, with such a destruction and massacre, the Spaniards, having reserved few beside the women and children, di- vided these among themselves ; some keeping 30, others 40, others 100, some 200, according to the interest they had with the tyrant [governor] of the Island. Ibid. 1 6. ^ Robertson, i. book ii. Columbus was tall of stature, long visaged, of a majestic aspect, his nose hooked, his eyes grey, of a clear complexion, somewhat ruddy, his beard and hair, when young, fair, though through many hardships they soon turned grey. He was witty and pleasant, well spoken and eloquent, moderately grave, affable to strangers, to his own family mild. His conversation was discreet, which gained him the affec- tion of those he had to deal with ; and his presence attracted respect, hav- ing an air of authority and grandeur. He was always temperate in eat- ing and drinking, and modest in his dress. He understood Latin, and composed verses. In religion he was very zealous and devout. He was- a man of undaunted courage, high thoughts, and fond of great enterprises. AMERICAN ANNALS. 35 vo MUNDO Dio COLON ; in English, cc To Cas- tile and Leon Columbus gave a New World." * Some slips of the sugar cane were now brought from the Canary islands and planted in Hispaniola, where they were found to thrive so well, as soon to become an object of commerce. * Jean Denys, a Frenchman, sailed with his pilot Camart, a native of Rouen, from Honfleur to New- . foundland, and drew a map of the Gulf of St. Law- rence and of the coast of the adjacent country. 3 Ferdinand, king of Spain, established a Board Spanish ef Trade, composed of persons, eminent for rank B" d of and abilities, to which he comiiiitted the adminis- tration of American affairs. 4 Pursuant to bulls of the Pope, Father Garcia de Padilla was nominated the first bishop of St, Dor mingo. Their Catholic majesties ordered the Ca- thedral church of that city to be magnificently built at their own expense. s The inhabitants of Hispaniola, computed to have been, when Columbus discovered the island, at least one million, were now reduced to sixty thousand. 6 Herrera, who gives this description and character of Columbus [i. 311, 312.], adds, " Had he performed such a wonderful enterprise in tiie an- cient days, as the discovery of a New World, it is likely that he would not only have had statues, and even temples, erected to his honour, but that some star would have been dedicated to him, as was done to Hercu- les and Bacchus." 1 Life of Columbus, c. cviii. Belknap Biog. i. 123. 2 Robertson, i. book iii. Anderson, ii. 13. 3 Forster Voy. 431, 432. Conduite des Francois, Note 9. Anderson, Hist. Com. ii. 9. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 406 ; the Authors of which suppose, that Cabot's discovery of Canada thus early attracted the attention of the French. 4 Robertson, i. 226. The Spanish name of this court was Casa de Con- trataclon. In Robertson, iii. 2,64, this establishment is, by a typographical error probably, put in 1501. 5 Herrera, i. 318, whera are particular instructions to the Prelates on ecclesiastical affairs. 6 Robertson, i. 217. An author, cited by Purchas [i. 914], says, that in three or four months, while he was in a certain town in one of the West India islands, 6000 children died for the want of their parents, who were sent to the mine*. See B. de las Casus, Relat. p. 23. 36 AMERICAN ANNALS. The natives of the Lucayo islands, to the num- ber of twelve hundred thousand, waste.d in the, mines of Hispaniola and Cuba, v or by diseases and famine, had previously become extinct. 1 1508. Voy-ge of Juan Diaz de Solis and Vincent Yanez Pinzon HS atd sa il e d fr m Seville, with two caravels, to the coast v. Y. pin- of Brasil, and went to the thirty fifth degree south zoa. latitude, where they found the great river Parana- The name > uazu > w ki cn they called Rio de Plata, or River of the Rio de Silver. 3 Proceeding to the fortieth degree, they Plata. erected crosses wherever they landed, to.ok formal possession, and returned to Spain. In this voyage they discovered an extensive province, known ai> Discover J , r Yucatan, terward by the name or Yucatan. 3 Cubadis- Sebast inn de Ocampo by command of Ovando covered to sailed ai'ound Cuba, and first discovered with cer- hnd. n '*" tainty, that this country, which Columbus once supposed to be a part of the continent, is a large island. 4 Progress of The gold, carried from Hispaniola in one year, Commerce, about this time, amounted to four hundred and six- I Purch?.s, i. 904. The Spaniards, understanding it to be the opinion of the Lucayans, that departed souls, after certain expiations on cold north- ern mountains, would pass to a southern region, persuaded them to be- lieve that they had come from that place, where they might see their de- parted parents and children, acquaintance and friends, and enjoy every delight. Thus seduced, they went with the Spaniards to Hispaniola and Cuba. But, when they discovered that they had been deceived ; that they had come to dark mines, instead of Elysian fields ; that they should not find any one of their parents or friends, but be compelled to submit lo a severe government, and to unwonted and cruel labours ; abandoned to despair, they either killed themselves, or, obstinately rejecting food, they breathed out their languid spirits. P. Martyr, 481. " Quando vero se deceptos fuisse conspexerunt, nee parentibus aut optatorum cuiquam oc- currerent, sed gravia imperia et insuetos ac ssevos labores subire cogeren-* tur, in desperationem versi, aut seipsos necabant, aut electa inedia kngui- dos emittebant spiritus, nulla ratione aut vi persuasi, ut cibum sumere vellent. Ita miseris Lucais est finis impositus." ^ Though it now first received this name, it was previously discov- ered by the Portuguese. See A. D. 1500. 3 Herrera, i. 333. Life of Columbus, c. Ixxxix. Robertson, i. 230. 4 Robertson,!. 231. AMERICAN ANNALS. 37 ty thousand pieces of eight. Cotton, sugar, arid ginger, now also became considerable articles of exportation from the West Indies to Spain. ' The Spaniards, finding the miserable natives not Negrces so robust and equal to the labour of the mines and i m Ped f i T r r ' -L i mto " 1S " fields, as negroes brought from Africa, began about the same time to import negroes into Hispaniola from the Portuguese settlements on the Guinea coast.* A hurricane demolished all the houses in St. Domingo, and destroyed upward of t\venty vessels in the harbour. * Thomas Aubert, a shipmaster, made a voyage The French from Dieppe to Newfoundland ; and, proceeding first sail p thence to the river of. St. Lawrence, was the first st. e iw* who sailed up this great river to the country of Ca- rence, nada. On his return he carried over to Paris some pf the natives. 4 1509, Don Diego, son of Christopher Columbus, now Don Die * i 9s i i r T T Columbus succeeding Ovando in the government of Hispan- succe eds iola, 5 repaired to the island, accompanied by Ovancio as his wife, his brother and uncles, and a -numerous gov ' retinue of both sexes, many of whom were marri- ed here, and the island began to be populated. He placed a lieutenant over the island of Cuba. 6 A- I Anderson Hist. Commerce, ii. 15. z Ibid. Robertson [i. 278.] says, a few negro frjjves were sent to Ame- rica in the year 1503. 3 Purchas, i. 910. 4 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 406. British Emp. IntroJ. xlvi. Anderson Hist. Commerce, ii. 15. Forster [432] says, be made this voyage in a ship cal- led the Pensee, belonging to his father, Jean Ango, Viscourt cf Dieppe. 5 For t>vo years after the death of Columbus, this son had tnade in- cessant but fruitless application to king Ferdinand for the offices and rights, to which he was legally entitled. He at last commenced a suit against the king before the Council of the Indies, and obtained a decree, in con- firmation of his claim of the viceroyalty, with all the other privileges, Stipulated in the capitulation with his father. Robertson, i. book iii. - 6 Harris Voy. i. 271. Robertson, i. book iii. 38 AMERICAN ANNALS. greeably to instruction from the king, he set- tled a colony in Cubagua, \vhere large fortunes v/ere soon acquired by the fishery of pearls. x An attempt Alonso de Ojeda, having sailed from Hispaniola to settle with a ship and two brigantines, carrying three hundred soldiers, to settle the continent, landed at Carthagena ; but was beaten off by the natives. While he began a settlement at St. Sebastian,* on the east side of the gulf of Darien, Diego Nicues- un- sa with six vessels and seven hundred and eighty men began another at Nombre de Dios, on the west side. 3 Both however were soon broken up by the natives. 4 1510. A small ^ The greater part of those, who had engaged with SeTS die Ojeda and Nicuessa in the expedition for settling gulf of the continent, having perished in less than a year, a few, who survived, now settled, as a feeble colo- ny, at Santa Maria on the gulf of Darien, under the commund of Vasco Nunez de Balboa. 5 Juan Ponce de Leon, who had commanded in the eastern district of Hispaniola, under Ovando, now effected a settlement, by his permission, on Puerto Puerto Rico. Within a few years this island was Rico, , ^ . , .. J subjected to the Spanisn government ; and the na- tives, treated with rigour, and worn out with fa- tigue and sufferings, soon became extinct. 6 I Robertson, i. book iii, 1 Karris [i. 271.] from Galvano, calls it a fort, and says, it was the first built by the Spaniards in Terra Firma. 3 Nicuessa obliged all his men, whether sick or well, to work on his fort, and they died at their labour. The 780 men, whom he brought from Hispariiola, were soon reduced to 100. Herrera, i. 359. 4 Herrera, ibid. Harris Voy. 1.271. Robertson [i. b. iii.] says, that these Indians were fierce and warlike ; that their arrows were dipped in a. po'Hon so noxious, that every wound was followed with certain death ; that in one encounter they slew above 70 of Ojeda's followers ; and that the Sparihrds, for the first time, were taught to dread the inhabitants of the New World. 5 Robertson, book iii. Prince Chron. Jntrod. 83. 6 Herrera, i. 369. Robertson, i. book iii. This island was discovered AMERICAN ANNALS. John de Esquibel sailed from Hispaniola, and anaica. began a settlement at Jamaica* ' 1511. Don Diego Columbus proposing to conquer t'hb Conw island of Cuba, and to establish a colony there; of Cul many persons of distinction in Hispaniola engag- ed in the measure. Three hundred men, destined for the service, were put under the command of Diego Velasquez/ who, with this inconsiderable number of troops, conquered the island, without the loss of a man, and annexed it to the Spanish monarchy. 3 Hispaniola was not completely subdued until this year. 4 Two bishops were now constituted here, one at St. Domingo, and another at the Concep- tion. Three bishopricks had been previously erect- ed in the island, but no bishops had been sent to them. 5 Ferdinand established the Council of the Indies, in which was vested the supreme government , of all the Spanish dominions in America. 6 He now' 1 by Columbus in his second voyage. Juan Ponce passed over to it in 1508, and penetrated into the interior part of the country. Ibid. B. de las Casas [p. 4.] says, that above 30 islands, near this, were in like manner entirely depopulated. 1 Prince Chron. Introd. 83. 2 He accompanied Christopher CoinrrfbtU in his second voyage. Rob* 3 Robertson, i. 241. Prince Chron. Introd. 83. The island is about 700 miles long, and at that time had two or three hundred houses, with seve- ral families in each, as was usual in Hispaniola. Hatuay, a rich and po- tent cazique, who, to avoid slavery or death, had fled from Cu~ ba, was taken in the interior part of this island, and carried to Velasquez, who condemned fcim to the flames. When he was fastened to die stake.' a Franciscan friar, labouring to convert him, promised him immediate ad- mittance to the joys of heaven, if he would embrace the Christian faith ; and threatened him with eternal torment, if he should continue obstinate in his unbelief. The cazique asked, if there were any Spaniards in that region of bliss, that he described. On being told, there were ; " I wilf not go," said he, " to a place where 1 may meet with one of that accursed race." B. de las Casas, 20, ai. F.obertson, i. book iii. 4 Univ. Hist. xli. 467. 5 Herrera, i. 375. 6 Robertson, iii. book viii. This, or a similar council, was in being 40 AMERICAN ANNALS. permitted the importation of negroes in greater numbers, than before, into his American colonies. * 1512. ^priia. Juan Ponce de Leon, sailing northwardly from fuun Ponce p uerto Rj co with three ships, discovered the con- tliscovers -. .,. . ... , , Florida, tment in thirty degrees eight minutes north lati- tude, and called it Florida. * Having gone ashore, and taken possession, he returned to Puerto Rico through the channel, afterward known by the name of the Gulf of Florida, and discovered the Bahama Islands, 3 Sept. 25. Vasco Nunez de Balboa, a Spaniard, employed in the conquest of Darien and the Gulf of Ura- ba, 4 having travelled across the isthmus of Darien south sea. ^^ two h unc |red an( j ninety men, 5 from the top of a high mountain on the western side of the con- tinent discovered an ocean, which, From the direc- tion in which he saw it, took the name of the South Sea. Falling on his knees, and lifting up his hands to heaven, he gave thanks to God for be- ing the first discoverer. Having proceeded with his followers to the shore, he advanced up to his mid- dle in the water with his sword and buckler, and some years before, for we have already met with one of its decrees. See A. 0.1509, Note 5. I Robertson i. book iii. l " Because" says Purchas, [i. 769.] " it was first discovered by the Spaniards on Palm Sunday, or on Easter day, which they call Pasqua Flo- rida [de Flores, Herfera^ ; and not, as Thevot writeth, for the flourishing verdure thereof." P. Martyr [301.] agrees with Purchas : " Floridam appellavit, quia resurrectionis festo repererit. Vocat Hispanus Pascha flo- ridum resurrectionis diem." 3 Herrera, ii. 33, 34. Harris Voy. i. 271. Univ. Hist. xl. 378. Brit. tenp. iii. 208. Robertson, i. 243. Prince Chron. Inirod. 83. Encyclop. Methodique, Histoire, Art. CABOT ; and Geog, Art. FLO RIDE. Purcha?* i. 769. 4 Venegss California,!. 119, $ Harris Voy. 271. AMERICAN ANNALS* 4* took possession of this ocean in the name of the king his master, vowing to defend it, with those arms, against all his enemies. * In token of pos- session he erected piles of stones on the shore. 3 Peter de Cordova, a Dominican Friar, having Friars go obtained leave of the king, now went over from Cuma " Spain to the continent of America, with other fri- ars of his order, to preach to the Indians at Cu- mana. 3 Ferdinand issued a decree of his privy council, Decree declaring, that the servitude of the Indians is war- ranted both by the laws of God and man ; and that, unless they were subjected to the dominion of the Spaniards, and compelled to reside under their inspection, it would be impossible to reclaim them from idolatry, and to instruct them in the .principles of the Christian faith. 4 . 15 J 4- Vasco Nunez having sent the king of Spain an account of his discovery of the South Sea, and of what he had heard of Peru, acquainting him at the same time, that it would require a thousand men to effect that conquest ; s his majesty ordered Pedro Arias d' Avila to embark for America, as governor of Darien. 6 He accordingly sailed from St. Lucar i Herrera, ii. 53. P. Martyr, 178. Prince Chron. Introd. 83. Robert- son, i. 251. Forster Voy. 263. a P. Martyr, i8z. This [author says, that the Indians opposed his passage over the mountains ; that they fled at the discharge of the, Spanish guns ; that the Spaniards, pursuing them, cut them in pieces \ that 600 of them, together with their prince, were destroyed like brute Leasts ; and that Vasco ordered about 50 to be torn to pieces by dogs. ** Canum opera," adds the historian, " nostri utuntur in pneliis contra nu- das eas gentcs : ad quas rabidi infiliunt, ha'ud secus ac in feros apros aut fugaces cervos." Ibid. 180, 181. Vasco returned in February, 1514, to Darien, without the Idss of one man in any of his numerous actions witk the natives. Ibid. 205. 3 Herrera, ii. 43. 4 Robertson, i. 166. 5 Herrera, ii. 68. 6 He. was the fourth governor of " Golden Castile," as the countries f-Parien, Carthagena, and Uraba xvere now denominated. Harris Voy. 42 AMERICAN ANNALS. Pedro Ari- with fifteen vessels and fifteen hundred men ; ancf* the Indian* ^7 n ^ s tyranny and exactions after his arrival, all country, the country, from the gulf of Darien to the lake of Nicaragua, was desolated. 1 A dissension not long after arose between Vasco Nunez and Arias. Vasco, charged with calumny nezHs ^t" a g amst tne government, was sent for by the gov- to death, ernor, and put in chains ; and, after some formali- ties of a trial, was condemned, and beheaded. * Town of Puerto Rico, the chief town on the island of this GO founded, name, was founded, and John Ponce de Leon ap- pointed its governor. 3 Pearl is- Gasper Morales, sent by Pedro Arias d'Avila, marched from Darien across the land to the South Sea ; and discovered the Pearl Islands in the bay of St. Michael in five degrees north latitude. 4 John Arias began to people Panama on the South Sea, and discovered two hundred and fifty leagues on the coast to eight degrees thirty minutes north latitude. 5 Bermudas Gonsales Ferdinaiidus Oviedas discovered the is- discovered. j ands o f Bermudas, 6 1 2 degrees north of Hispaniola. / i. 271. F. John de Quevedo, a Franciscan friar, came over with him, as bishop of Darien, accompanied with several ecclesiastics of that order. Herrera, ii. 69. Herrera, ii. 128. Robertson, i. 250, 251. 1 Herrera, ii. 68, 69. Robertson, i. 257. B. de las Casas [23^26.] says, that this " merciless governor" ran through above 50 leagues of the finest country in the world, and carried desolation with him wherever* he went ; that before his arrival there were many villages, towns and cities, which excelled those of all the neighbouring countries ; that this country abounded in gold, more than any that had yet been discovered ; that the Spaniards in a little time carried away above three millions out of this kingdom ; and that here above 800,000 people were slaughtered. 2 P. Martyr, 320. 3 Univ. Hist. xli. 520. Encyclop. Methodique, Geog. Art. JUAN DE PUERTO Rico. 4 Harris Voy. i. 271. Prince Chron. Inlrod. 83. 5 Prince, ibid. 84. 6 Ibid, from Purchas. Many authors ascribe this discovery to John Ber* mudez, a Spaniard, in 1522. AMERICAN ANNALS. 43 1516. Juan Diaz de Soils, at that time reputed the Voyage of ablest navigator in the world, * was appointed by the king of Spain to command two ships, fitted out to discover a passage to the Molucca or Spice Islands by the west, and to open a communication with them. a Having sailed the preceding October he entered the Rio de Plata in January. 3 In at- Jan. i tempting a descent in the country 4 about this river, De Solis and several of his crew were slain by the Plata. natives, who, in sight of the ships, cut their bodies in pieces, roasted and devoured them. Discourag- ed by the loss of their commander, and terrified by this shocking spectacle, the surviving Spaniards The enter sailed to Cape St. Augustin, where they loaded ^ with Brasil wood, and set sail for Europe, without aiming at any farther discovery. 5 1 Herrera, ii. 79. 2 Robertson, i. book iii. 3 Ibid. On the authority of Purchas I had concluded, that the Portu- guese first discovered the river de La Plata about A. D. 1500 [See p-36, note 3.] ; but, on a careful inspection of Hakluyt and Purchas, I am led to believe, that the honour of that discovery may belong to Juan Diaz de Solis, in 1508. Kakluyt's account, taken from the same MS.* which Pur- chas afterward more completely published, says, that Don Emanuel, on hearing the news of Cabral's discovery in the west, " sent presently " shippes to discover the whole countrey, and found it to be a part of " America." But it does not satisfactorily appear, that these ships went so far south as La Plata. A controversy arising between the kings of Portugal and Spain, " they agreed in tie end, that the king of Portugal " should holde all the country that he had discovered, the which was (as " I have said) from the river of Marannon to the river of La Plate ; albeit the Spaniards affirme, that it stretcheth no farther then the Island of M Santa Catalina." The ultimate agreement of the two kings may have been subsequent to the discovery of Solis, and to the prejudice of his hon- our, and of the Spanish interest. The same Portuguese writer, whose ac- count is published by Hakluyt and Purchas, allows, that "the first Span- " iard, who entered this river and inhabited the same, was called Solis." See Hakluyt, iii. 786 788, and Purchas,'v. 1437. * " A Discourse of the West Indies and South Sea, 'written by Lopez Vaz^a Portugal" 4 This was probably some part of Paraguay, the discovery of which i* ascribed to Solis in Encyclop. Methodique, Geog. Art. PARAGUAY ; though its full discovery is justly to be ascribed to S. Cabot in 1526. 5 Herrera, ii. 81. Robertson, i. book iii. 44 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1516. Sir Sebastian Cabot and Sir Thomas Pert with Xiscian two ships, fitted out by some merchants of Bristol, 1 C^bpt s se- . . , A , r T #1 i i i i i cond voy- visited the coast or Brasil, ana touched at the islands a-ratoA- O f Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. Although this menca, -, , , ^ . , , voyage seems not to have been beneficial to the ad- venturers ; yet it extended the sphere of English navigation, and added to the stock of nautical knowledge. * B. de las Bartholomew de las Casas, 3 having undertaken to protect the American Indians, went for this purpose from St. Domingo to Spain. The Catho-. lie king being dead, 4 Ximenes, archbishop of To-. ledo, who had entered on the administration of the government for the young king Charles, sent three friars, of the order of St. Jerome, for the chief management of affairs in the West Indies ; but the negociations of Las Casas were deferred until the, 1 Robertson, book ix ; but from one account in Hakluyt [iii. 499.] it is probable they " were set foorth by the king ;" and in another [ibid. 498.] it is aiti'-r>ied, that the king furnished and sent them out. 2 Hakluyt, i. 512, 515, 516 ; iii. 498, 499 ; where there are accounts of this voyage Prince Chron. Introd. 84.^ Robertson, book ix. 22. Josse- lyn, New Eug. Rarities, 103, and Voyages, 231. Biblioth. Americana, 52. Some historians take no notice of this voyage, or confound it with a voyage, made in the service of Spain in 1526. P. Martyr [De Orb. Nov. 23 3.]. mentions Sebastian Cabot, as being with him in Spain in 1515, and expecting to go on a voyage of discovery the following year. *' Familiarem habeo domi Cabottum ipsum, et contubernalem inter? dum ; expectatque indies ut navigia sibi parentur. Martio mense an- ni futuri M. D; XVI. puto ad explorandum discessururn." But he does not determine, either from what port Cabot was to sail, or by whom he was to be employed. It is probable, that he refers to preparations, CXT pected to be made for him in England^ whence the accounts in Hakluyt prove him to have sailed. " The faint heart" of Sir Thomas Pert is afr firmed to have been " the cause that the voyage took none effect." 3 He was a native of Seville, and with other clergymen accompanied Columbus in bis second voyage to Hispaniola, in order to settle in that island. The design of this benevolent ecclesiastic was, to obtain ascenr dency over the Indians of South America without force, by the preaching of the Dominican and Franciscan friars ; and he possessed all the courage, the talents, and activity, requisite in supporting such a desperate cause. Herrera, ii. 159. Robertson, i. book iii. 4 Ferdinand died in 1516. By marrying, in 1469, Isabella of Castile, the sister of Henry IV, he annexed the crown of Castile, of which Isabella was heiress, to the throne of Arragon. Encyc. Methodique, Histoire, Art. FEKJPJNANP. See p. 8, note 3, of these Annals. AMERICAN ANNALS. 45 Arrival of the new king, who was daily expecte4 from the Low Countries. x A Flemish favourite of Charles V, having ob- patent f<* tained of this king a patent, containing an exclusive im P ortin * . , r . r i i slaves. right or importing four thousand negroes mto Ame- rica, sold it for twenty five thousand ducats to some Genoese merchants, who first brought into a regular form the commerce for slaves between Afr rica and America. z Francis Hernandez Cordova sailed from Havan- voyage qf na 3 on the eighth of February, with three caravels Cordova. and one hundred and ten men, on a voyage of dis- covery. The first land, that he saw, was cape Catoche, 4 the eastern point of that large peninsula, on the confines of the Mexican coast, to which the Spaniards gave the name of Yucatan. * As he Discovers advanced toward the shore, he was visited by five Yucatan * canoes, full of Indians, decently clad in cotton gar- ments ; 6 a spectacle astonishing to the Spaniards, who had found every other part of America pos- sessed by naked savages. He landed in various places ; but being assailed by the natives, armed with arrows, he left the coast. Continuing his course toward the west, he arrived at Campeachy. 7 At the mouth of a river, some leagues to the north-; I Herrera, ii. 101. Robertson, i. book iii. a Robertson, i. 379. 3 This port is called in the language of Cuba, Agaruco ; B. Diaz, i. 3 ; in that of Spain, LP. Havana. Purchas, v. 1415. 4 Bernal Diaz del Castillo, who was with Cordova in this expedition, gays [i. 5.], an Indian chief, who came with 12 canoes to the Spanish vesi sels, made signals to the captain, that he would bring them to land, saying 1 *' Con-Escotoch, Con-Escotoch," which signifies, " Come to our town,' ' whence the Spaniards named it Punta de Catoche. 5 De Solis had previously seen this coast. See A. D. 1508. 6 The women of this place were remarkably delicate. " Foeminas a cingulo ad talum induuntur, velaminibusque diversis caput et pectora te- gunt, et pudice cavent ne crus, aut pes illis visatur." P. Martyr, 290. 7 The Indians called the place Quimfech, -whence the name of Cam-< peachy. Herrera, ii. 113. AMERICAN ANNALS, ward of that place, having landed his troops, to protect his sailors while filling their water casks, the natives rushed on them with such fury, that forty seven Spaniards were killed on the spot, and one man only escaped unhurt. Cordova, though wounded in twelve places, directed a retreat with S reat P resence f mind, and his men, with much difficulty regaining the ships, hastened back to Cu^ ba, where, ten days after their arrival, Cordova died of his wounds. * Newfound* The coc ^ fishery on the banks of Newfoundland land fishe- had already attracted the attention of several Eu- ropean nations ; for fifty Spanish, French, and Portuguese ships were employed in it this year. * 1518. Voyage of Don Diego Velasquez, governor of Cuba, en- Gnjaiva. CO uraged by the account, that he received from those, who went on the expedition with Cordova, now fitted out a second armament. Juan de Gri- ialva, to whom he gave the principal command of Discovers J , . .,9 * : A'i : '> ' .*% < /-. the Mexi- the enterprise, sailed on the fifth of April from St. -nd cS ' ^ a & ^ e Cuba, w ^k f ur s hip s an d two hundred the coun- Spanish soldiers, to Yucatan ; discovered the souths try New ern coast of the bay of Mexico to Panuco toward Florida 5 and first called the country New Spain. 3 I Purchas,i. 783. P. Martyr, 289, 290. Herrera, Hi. 113 117. B. Diaz, i. chap. i. Robertson, i. book iii. Univ. Hist. xli. 468. 7, Anderson Hist. Commerce, ii. 34. That respectable author says, this is the first account we have of that fishery. But he allows, that French vessels came on the coast of Newfoundland as early as 1504 ; and the French writers are probably correct in affirming, that they came that year to fish. See A. D. 1504. - If Hakluyt's conjecture is right, we are in- debted to Sir Thomas Pert and Sebastian Cabot for the above information respecting the Newfoundland fishery. He supposes that Oviedo, a Spanish historian, alludes to their voyage [See A. D. 1516], when he says, " That in the year 1517, an English rover under the colour of travelling to dis- cover, came with a great ship unto the partea of Brasill on the coast of the Firme Land, and from thence he crossed over unto this island of Hispanio- ]a" &c. This English ship, according to Anderson, had been at New- foundland, and reported at Hispaniola the above statement of its fishery. See Hakluyt, i. 516, and iii. 499. 3 Herrera, ii. 120. Purchas, 1.783, 812, 813. B. Diaz, i. chap. ii. AMERICAN ANNALS. 4/ tn this voyage he discovered the island of Cozu- mel ; also an island, which he called the Island of Sacrifices ; z and another, which he called St. Juan de Ulua ; 2 and heard of the rich and exten- sive empire of Montezuma. * Francis Garay, governor of Jamaica, having ob- tained from the bishop of Burgos the government of the country about the river Panuco, sent an ar- mament of three ships with two hundred and forty soldiers, under the command of Alvarez Pinedo, "who sailed to Cape Florida, in twenty five degrees north latitude, and discovered five hun- dred degrees westward on the northern coast of the bay of Mexico to the river Panuco, in twenty three degrees north latitude, at the bottom of the bay. 4 This armament however was defeated by the In- dians of Panuco, and one ship only escaped. s Velasquez, anxious to prosecute the advantages, presented to his view by the expedition of Grijalva, having provided ten ships at the port of St. Jago, appointed Hernando Cortes 6 commander of the ar^ De Soils, i. 20 34. Robertson, i. 297. Prince Chron. Inttod. 84. En- cyclop. Methodique, Geog. Art. MEXIOUE. I " Because, going in to view a house of lime and stone, which over- looked the rest, they found several idols of a horrible figure, and a more horrible worship paid to them ; for near the steps, where they were plac- ed, were the carcases of six or seven men newly sacrificed, cut to pieces, and their entrails laid open." De Solis, i. 29. a " A little island, of more sand than soil ; and which lay so low, that sometimes it was covered by the sea. But from these humble beginnings, it became the most frequented and celebrated port of New Spain, on that side, which is bounded by the North Sea." Ibid. 3 Ibid. 28. 4 Harris Voy. i. 271 Prince Chron. Introd. 84. 5 B. Diaz, ii. 162. This ship, says Diaz, "joined us at Villa Rica. 1 ' 6 He was a native of Medellin in Estremadura. He possessed an es- tate in the island of Cuba ; where he had been twice alcalde. B.Diaz, L 35. The Authors of the Universal History [xli. 468.] say, that Grijalva, finding that the coast of New Spain furnished abundance of gold, and that the inland country was immensely rich, formed a scheme for subduing jhis great monarchy, and imparted it to Cortes. This may be true ; but all the best historians agree in ascribing the first movements of Cortes, in tins celebrated expedition, to Velasquez. 4 8 AMERICAN ANNALS. for the in Vasion of Mexico. Takes the town of Tabasco. 1519. mament. Cortes sailed from Cuba with eleveil Cortes sails ships, and five hundred and fifty Spanish soldiers, from Cuba an( J J anc | e J m at t j ie { s \^ o f Coziimel. x On the thirteenth of March he arrived with the whole armament at the river of Tabasco or Grijalva. Dis- embarking his troops about half a league from the town of Tabasco, he found the borders of the river filled with canoes of armed Indians* Perceiving them determined on hostilities, he prepared to at- tack the town, in which above twelve thousand warriors had already assembled. The Indians, ob- serving this preparation, assailed his troops in pro- digious numbers ; but were driven back by the Spaniards, who, having effected a landing, entered the town ; z and Cortes took formal possession of the country for the king of Spain. 3 The next day he marched out with his troops to a plain, where he was met by an immense body of Indians, who, falling furiously on the Spaniards, wounded above seventy by the first discharge of their weapons. The Spanish artillery did great execution ; but when the cavalry came to the charge, the Indians, im- agining the horse and rider to be one, were extremely terrified, and fled to the adjacent woods and marsh*- es, leaving the field to the Spaniards. 4 I B. Diaz [i. 47, 48.] says, at a review of the troops at this island, they amounted to 508, the mariners (of whom, there were 109) not included ; and subjoins, " We had 1 6 cavalry, II ships, 13 musketeers, 10 brass field pieces, 4 falconets, and (as well as I recollect) 31 cross bows with plenty of ammunition;" 1 Tobacco is said to have been first discovered by the Spaniards near this place, though it is assigned to the next year : " Cette plante [Tabac] acre et caustique trouvee, eri 1520, pres de Tabasco dansle golfe du Mexujue." Precis Sur L'Amerique, p. 116. 3 Drawing his sword, he gave three cuts with it into a great ceiba tree, which stood in the area of a large enclosed court, and said, that against any, who denied his majesty's claim, he was ready to defend and maintain it with the sword and shield, which he then held. B.Diaz,i.6f. 4 B. Diaz, i. 57 66. De Solis, i. 80 87. P. Martyr [308.] gives a very lively description of this action : " Miraculo perculsi miseri hjesita- bant, neque exercendi tela locus dabatur. Idem animal arbitrabantur hominem equo annexum, uti de Centauris exorta est fabella." A town was afterward founded on the spot where this battle wus fought, anil named Santa Maria de La Vitoria. B. Diaz, i. 67. AMERICAN ANNALS. 49 Cortes next sailed to St. Juan de Ulua, where he 1519* disembarked his troops, and constructed temporary April 22 barracks. At this place he received ambassadors f from Montezuma, king of Mexico, with rich pre- uka. ; etits ; and a message, expressing the readiness of Receive* that sovereign to render the Spaniards any services, ambassa- _ ,. . .,.,. . . J dors frcm. but his entire disinclination to receive any visits at Mexico. Iris court. After repeated and mutual messages and gifts, Montezuma caused his ambassadors to declare, that he would not consent, that foreign troops should appear nearer his capital, nor even allow them to con- tinue longer in his dominions. * " Truly this is a great monarch and rich," said Cortes ; " with the permission of God, we must see him." The bell tolling for Ave Maria at this moment, and all the Spaniards falling on their knees before the cross, the Mexican noblemen were very inquisitive to know what was meant by this ceremony. Father Bartholome de Qlnredo, 2 on the suggestion of Cortes, explained to them the Christian doctrines ; and they promised to relate all, that they had seen and heard, to their sovereign. He at the same time declared to them, that the principal design of the mission of the Spaniards was, to abolish the practice of human sacrifices, injustice, and idola- trous worship. 3 * While at St. Juan de Ulua, the lord of Zempoalla Sent five ambassadors to solicit the friendship of Cortes, who readily agreed to a friendly correspon- dence. 4 Cortes now incorporated a town, and named it Villa Rica de Vera Cruz, designing, how- ever, to settle it at another place. s In the first council, holden after this incorporation, Cortes re- nounced the title of captain general, which he had 1 Robertson, ii. book v. 2 He was chaplain to the expedition, and not less respectable for wis- dom than virtue. Robertson. 3 B. Biaz, i. 84, 85. De Soils, i. 122. 4 De Solis, i. 129, 130. 5 Ibid. 131, 132. H * 50 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1519. holden from Diego Velasquez, and the town Taut people elected him to the same office. * The council of Vera Cruz now wrote to the king of Spain, giving an account of their new town, and beseeching him, that he would grant Cortes a commission of captain general in confirmation of that, which he now held from the town and troops, without any dependence July 16. oll Dieoro Velasquez. Cortes having written at the Sends dis- . . . , . r -,. patches to same time to the king, giving mm assurance or nis Spain. hopes of bringing the Mexican empire to the obe* dience of his majesty, sent dispatches by one of his ships to Spain, with a rich present to king Charles.-* This present partly consisted of articles of gold and silver, received from Montezuma ; and those were the first specimens of these metals, sent to Spain, from Mexico. 3 Four Indian chiefs, with two fe- male attendants, now went voluntarily to Spain. 4 Cortes had some time since received the ultimate order of Montezuma to depart instantly out of his dominions ; s but that mandate, like the former messages, being preposterously accompanied with a present, served merely to inflame desires, already kindled, and to renew the request of an audience.- Intent on his design, he first marched through Zem- poalla to Chiahuitzla, about forty miles to the northward of St. Juan de Ulua, and there settled SettiesVera the town of Villa Rica de Vera Cruz, and put it in a posture of defence. 6 Determined to conquer, or to die, he now completely destroyed his fleet, and commenced his march toward Mexico. 7 Having I B. Diaz, i. 91. De Soils, i. chap. vii. a De Soils, i. 168, 169. 3 Clavigero, i. 425, 426. 4 P. Martyr, 311. 5 Robertson, ii. book v. 6 " Till then it moved with the army, though observing its proper distinctions as a republic." De Sohs, i. 152. It was now settled on the plain between the sea and Chiahuitzla, half a league from that tovn [ibid.], and 100 miles south east of the city of Mexico. It has since become a city, remarkable for the great traffic carried on between the opulent coun- tries of Spanish America and Old Spain. Europ. Settlements, i. 75. 7 De Solis, 171, 177, He took with him 500 men, 15 horse, and 6 AMERICAN ANNALS. 51 passed, unmolested, through several Indian towns, which, / through the influence of Zempoalla and Uti i i G T r r 11 CCS hi? Chiaiiuitzla, were previously in the inendly con- march federacy, he, with extreme difficulty, passed an . vvard abrupt and craggy mountain, and entered the pro* K vince of Zocothlan. Here he received information of Tlascala, and resolved to pass through that pro- vince on his way to Mexico. Approaching nigh to its confines, he sent four Zempoallans, of great eminence, as envoys, to obtain a passage through the country. The messengers being detained, Cortes proceeded in his march, and first successful- ly engaged five thousand Tlascalan Indians, who were in ambush ; and afterward the whole power of their republic. The Tlascalans, after suffer- ing great slaughter in repeated assaults on the Spaniards, concluded a treaty, in which they yieldr ed themselves as vassals to the crown of Castile, and engaged to assist Cortes in all his future opera- rations. He took the republic under his protect- ion, and promised to defend the persons and pos- gept> ^^ sessions of its inhabitants from injury or violence; Enters the and now entered its capital without molestation. ' Taking with him several thousand of his new allies, he renewed his march ; 3 and, after having forced his way through the most formidable oppo- sition, and eluded various stratagems, 3 formed by field pieces ; and left the rest of his troops, as a garrison, in Villa Rica. The lord of Zempoalla supplied him with provisions, and 2OO of those Indians, called Tamemes, whose office was, to carry burdens, and perform all servile labour. Robertson, ii. book v. 1 Robertson, ii. book v. De Solis, i. 178230. B. DiaE, i. chap. vi. " We entered the territory of Tlascala," says B. Diaz, " 24 days before our arrival at the chief city, which was on the 23d of September, 1519." 2 He had remained about 20 days in Tlascala, to receive the homage of the principal towns of the republic, and of their confederates. De Solis. Authors differ in respect to the number of Tlascalans, that Cortes took with him, B. Diaz saya 2OOO ; Herrera, 3000 ; Cortes himself says 6000. De. Solis, i. 264. 3 At Chohsla in particular, a large city, j leagues distant from Tlasca- la, and 20 from Mexico, a plot for the destruction of the Spaniards beinjj discovered, Cortes directed his troops and allies to fall on the inhabitants, AMERICAN ANNALS. 1519. Montezuma to obstruct his progress, he arrived a^ Iztapalapan, 1 six miles distant from Mexico, and made a disposition for an entrance into that great city. z Meanwhile Montezuma, baffled in all his- schemes for keeping the Spaniards at a distance, found Cortes almost at the gates of his capital, be- fore he was resolved, whether to receive him as a friend, or to oppose him as an enemy. 3 The next day Cortes marched his army, consisting of about four hundred and fifty Spaniards and six thousand confederate Indians, along the grand causeway, which extended in a straight line to the city of Mexico. It was crowded with people, as were also, all the towers, temples, and causeways, in every part of the lake, attracted to behold such men and animals, as they had never before seen. 4 To the Spaniards every thing appeared wonderful. The objects, great in themselves, were probably magni- fied in their view by contrast with their own, weak-, ness, and by perpetual apprehension of meeting a desperate enemy in a monarch, the extent of whose power was incalculable. As the Spaniards advanc-. ed, beside numerous towns, seen at a distance on, the lake, they discovered the great city of Mexico, Cortes to the quarters, 1 which he had prepared in Mexico, the city for his reception, and immediately took leave of him, with the most courtly expressions of hospitality and respect. Cortes took instant pre- caution for security. He planted the artillery so, as to command the different avenues, that led to the place ; appointed a large division of his troops to *be always ou guard ; and posted sentinels at proper stations, with injunctions to observe the same vigi- lant discipline, as if they were in sight of an ene- my's camp. 3 Cortes, knowing that his safety depended on the Cortes re- will of a monarch, in whom he had no right to so ) ves to confide, determined, with unexampled temerity, to tezum,i. n seize Montezuma in his own palace, and bring him, as a prisoner, to the Spanish quarters. Having properly posted his troops, he took five of his prime officers and as many soldiers, thirty chosen men 1 A palace, built by king Axajacatl, the father of Montezuma ; which was so large, as to accommodate both the Spaniards and their allies, who together with their attendant women and servants exceeded 7000. Cla- vigero, ii. 65. 2 Robertson, ii. book v. B. Diaz, i. chap. viii. De Solis, i. 209 3 10 * jGlavigero, ii. 63 66. 54 AMERICAN ANNALS. *5 10 -' following at a distance, as if without any other ob* ject but curiosity, and, at the usual hour of visiting Montezuma, went directly to the palace, where they were admitted without suspicion. * An assault, lately made on the garrison at Vera Cruz, and a, treacherous attempt against the Spaniards at Cho- lula on their march toward Mexico, were made the pretext for a charge against Montezuma. Satisfac- tion was demanded of the astonished sovereign, who endeavoured to explain and exculpate. Nothing satisfied. It v/as expected, that he would go to the Spanish quarters, as an evidence of his confi- dence and attachment. On his resenting this indig- nity, an altercation of three hours succeeded, when an impetuous young Spaniard proposing instantly to seize him, or stab him to the heart, the intimi- dated monarch abandoned himself to his destiny. Consenting to accompany the Spaniards, he called his officers and communicated to them his resolu-* tion. Though astonished and afflicted, they pre- sumed not to dispute his will, but carried him " in s * lent P om P' a11 bathed in tears," to the Spanish Spanish quarters. The principal persons, concerned in the assau lt at Vera Cruz, who had been sent for by Montezuma himself, having been tried by a Span-, ish court martial, were burnt alive. Cortes, con- vinced that they would not have ventured to make the attack without orders from their master, put Montezuma in fetters during their execution ; a monitory sign, that the measure of his humiliation and of his woes was nearly full. During six months, in which the Spaniards remained in Mexi- co, he continued in their quarters, attended by his officers, with the external appearance and the an- cient forms of government, but in personal sub- jection to a foreign and intrusive power. By the I This was eight days after the arrival of the Spaniards at Mexico B. Diaz. AMERICA^ ANNALS. 55 bersuasion of Cortes, Montezuma acknowledged ^ ns him ; ir i p i i r /^ i i i j i se " a vassa * himselr a vassal or the king or Castile, to hold his O f Castile, crown of him, as superior, and to subject his do- minions to the payment of an annual tribute. * He How firmly expressed his desires and expectations, that Cortes, having finished his embassy, would take his departure. * 1520. At this juncture a fleet and army, sent against Cort ** Cortes by Velasquez, under the command of Parn- against philo de Narvaez, made a fruitless attempt to re- Narvaez; duce the Spaniards of Vera Cruz. Cortes, hav- ing made overtures of peace, that were rejected by Narvaez, departed from Mexico, leaving a part of his forces in that city under Alvarado, and marched Conquer* to Zempoalla, where he attacked Narvaez in him- his quarters, obtained the victory, and obliged his troops to serve under his banner. Receiv- _ 11- i T -m/r Returns td ing intelligence, that the Mexicans had taken up Mexico i* arms agahlst the Spaniards, whom he left with J une * Montezuma, he now marched back, strongly rein- forced, to Mexico. 3 Alvarado, it appears, in the apprehension of dan- ger from the Mexicans, who were enraged at the detention of their sovereign, had fallen on them while they were dancing at a festival in honour of their gods> and mutual hostilities had succeeded. i Robertson, ii. book y. Montezuma accompanied this profession 6f feal- ty and homage with a magnificent present to his new sovereign ; and his subjects followed the example. The Spaniards now collected all the treasure, which they had acquired by gift or violence ; and having melt- ed the gold and silver, the value of these, without including jewels and various ornaments, of curious workmanship, amounted to 600,000 pesos. Robertson, ii. book v. B. Diaz [i. 248.] says, upwards of 600,000 crowns. a Robertson, ii. book v. De Solis, i. book iii. , 3 Robertson, ii. book v. Clavigero says, that 140 soldiers, v/ith all their allies, had been left in Mexico ; that Cortes now returned to that city with an army of 1300 Spanish infantry, 96 horses, and aooo Tlascalans J and that his combined forces amounted to 9000 men. Hist. Mex. ii. 96, 1OJ, JOi. They inarched into Mexico 24 June. Ibid. 55 AMERICAN ANNALS. T s2o. Cortes, on his arrival at Mexico, assumed a haugh- ty air and indignant tone, both toward the captive king and his people. Irritated afresh, the Mexicans fell furiously on a party of Spaniards in the streets, and attacked their quarters at the same moment. Early the next morning the Spaniards, sallying out with their whole force, w r ere met by the whole force of the Mexicans ; and after an action, fought with mutual desperation, were compelled to retreat to their quarters. Having spent oiie day in mak- ing preparations, a hundred Spaniards at day break sallied out again, and, amidst showers of arrows, tngage- made their way to the great temple, in the upper temple. area ^ which five hundred nobles had fortified themselves, and were doing essential " injury with stones and arrows. T After making three attempts to ascend the temple, and as often receiving a vi- gorous repulse, Cortes, though suffering from a severe wound in his left hand, joined the assailants in person, and, tying his shield to his arm, began to ascend the stairs with a great part of his men. Their passage was obstinately disputed ; but they cit last gained the upper area, where a terrible en- gagement, of three hours, ensued; " Every man of us," says Bernal Diaz, " was covered with blood ; 5> and forty six Spaniards were left dead on the spot. 2 Cortes, ordering the temple to be set on fire, returned in good order to his quarters. i Their station was " so very high and neighbouring," that it entirely commanded the Spanish quarters. Clavigero, ii- 107* 108. Robertson represents this action* at the temple, as after the death of Montezuma ; but I follow Clavigero, who followed Cortes. i B. Diaz, i. 310. Not one of the poor Mexicans, engaged in the action survived it. Inflamed by the exhortations of their priests, and fight- ing in defence of their temples and families, under the eye of their gods, iind in view of their wives and children, they contemned death. Part of them died by the point of the sword, and part threw themselves down to the lower floors of the temple, where .they continued to fight until they \vere all killed. Robertson, ii. book v. Clavigero, ii. 108. B. Diaz [$.311.-] says, while the Spaniards were setting fire to the temple, above 3000 no* Me Mexicans with their priests attacked thorn with great violence, which *aus*d them to retreat. AMERICAN ANNALS* 57 The violence of hostilities still continuing, and 1520. tihe situation of the Spaniards soon becoming abso- *l** lutely desperate, Cortes applied to Montezuma by rejected by a message, to address his subjects from a terrace, the Mexi- and request them to desist from their attacks, with " an offer from the Spaniards to evacuate Mexico. The captive monarch, standing at the railing of the terraced roof, attended by many of the Spanish sol- diers, affectionately addressed the people below him^ to that purpose. The chiefs aiid nobility, when they saw their sovereign coining forward, called to their troops to stop, and be silent* Four of them, approaching still nearer to him, addressed him with great sympathy and respect ; but told him, that they had promised their gods, never to desist, but with the total destruction of the Spaniards. A shower of arrows and stones now fell about the spot where Montezuma stood ; but he was protect- ed by the Spaniards, who interposed their shields. At the instant of removing their shields, that Mon- tezuma might resume his address, three stones and an arrow struck him to the ground. He was car- ried to his apartment ; where he died, in a few Death of days, 1 " less of his wound, which was but incon- n^ nte " u " siderable, than of sorrow and indignation." 3 I B. Diaz, i. 257 314. Clavigero, ii. 103-^-112. Robertson, V. De Solis ii. book iv. chap, xiii xv. a Europ. Settlements, i. chap. xi. Clavigero [ii. no.] thinks it proba- ble, that he died on the 36th of June. He was in the J4th year uf his age. His body was honourably borne out, and delivered to the Mexicans, who received it with strong expression's of sorrow. B. Diaz, i. 315. Cla- vigero, Of its treatment the accounts are various. P. Martyr [366] stops here. w Corpus h'umandum civibus tradiderunt nostri. Quid ultra nesciunt." Montezuma was a prince of majestic and graceful pres- ence ; of vigorous understanding ; of martial genius, and distinguished bravery. He was just, magnificent, and liberal ; but his justie often de- generated into cruelty, and his magnificence and liberality were supported by heavy burdens on his subjects. In every thing, pertaining to religion, he was exact and punctual, and was jealous of the worship of his gods and the observance of rites. Though often zealously urged by Cortes to re- nounce his false gods, and embrace the Christian faith, he had always re- jected the proposal with horror ; and to this rejection he inflexibly adher- ?d in the prospect of death. Ste Clavigero and Robertson. Why did he I 58 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1520. The Mexicans now most violently attacked the' Spaniards, who, making another sally in return, had twenty soldiers slain. Death being before their eyes in every direction, the Spaniards deter-^ mined to leave the city during the night. On the July i. first of July, 1 a little before midnight, they silently *>" fe ' commeilce d their march, but were soon discovered Mex- by the Mexicans, who assailed them on all sides ; ico - and it was witli great loss, and the utmost hazard of entire destruction, that they effected their retreat. On the sixth day, this maimed and wretched army, pursued by- hosts of enraged enemies, was compeJ- B-ittiaof led to give them battle near Otompan, toward the otompun. coll f ine s of the Thiscalan territories. This battle was extremely bloody, and lasted upwards of four hours ; but the Spaniards, with their Indian aux- iliaries, obtained a decisive victory ever the whole July 8. pov/er of Mexico ; and, proceeding in their march, iards enter Cached the city of Tlascala, where, in the bosom Tiascaia. o f their faithful ally, they found entire security. a Dec. 28. Cortes having subjugated the districts in the vi- Cortes cinitv of Tlascala, and as opportunely, as fortuit- marches to- J 7 ** admit Cortes into his capital, and s:t!/jec himself to the grossest indigni- ties, when he might unquestionably have e'xpeiled, if not annihilated, his' army ? Antonio De Siolis, the Spanish historiographer, is at no loss for a reas-un - " The very eifects of it have since discovered, that God took the reins into his own hand on to tame that monster ; making his un- usuui gentleness instrumental to the first introduction of the Spaniards, a Le vinn'in'S from iv/jsnce afleri'jard resulted tbr conversion of il^oss beuthsti na- tions" Conquest Mexico, ii 141. We ought to adore that Providence, which we cannot comprehend ; but it is impious to insult it hy assigning such reasons for its measures, as are contradicted by facts. The natural causes of the abject, submission of Montezuma- may perhaps be traced to a lonof and traditionary expectation of the subjection of the Mexican em- pire to a foreign power ; to the predictions of soothsayers, wirh their ex- positions of recent and present omens ; to the forebodings of a supersti- tious mind ; to the astonishment, excited by the view of a new race of men with unknown and surprizing impleip.ents of war ; and to the ex- traordinary success of the Spanish arms from the first momefat of the ar-' rival of Cortes on the Mexican coast. I This disastrous night v/as called by the Spaniards Node tristc ; and by this name it is still distinguished in New Spain. Clavigero, ii. 114. Robertson, ii. book v. a Clavigero, ii. 113 120. B. Diaz, i. 317 333. These authors here ia their dates ; I follow CJavigero, who thus adjusted theltt aftct AMERICAN ANNALS'. 59 otisly, received afresh succour of men and ammuni- 1520. don, 1 marched back toward the coast of Mexico, six months after his disastrous retreat, and made an Enters -entry into Tezcuco on the last day of the year. z Tezcuco. Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese gentleman, on strata of voyacre for the discovery of the Molucca or Spice Magellan TIT- i r r> i i r discovered. Islands, in the service or cpam, entered the famous Straits, which bear his name, on the eleventh of November, and on the twenty eighth of that month, entered the great Southern Ocean, which he called, The Pacific. 5 pi 1521. Cortes, having fixed his quarters at Tezcuco, re- Expedition solved to make an assault on the city of Iztapala- a ? a:!18t Iz - T ... { . tapalapan. pan. 4 Leaving a garrison, or more than three hun- a careful comparison. Be Soils, ii. 178 1^9. Herrera, iii. 74. Robert- son, ii. book v. Dr. Robertson [ibid. Note xoi.], after examining the va- jious accounts of the Spanish historians, gives it as his opinion, that the loss of the Spaniards, in this retreat from Mexico, cannot \vc!l be estimated at less than 600 men.. Clavigero [ii. ir6.], following the computation of Gomara, inclines to the opinion, that " there fell/' on the sti/ n^bt t " be- side 450 Spaniards, more than 4000 auxiliaries, and- among them, as Cor- tes says, all the Cholulans 4 almost all the prisoners the men and women, who were in the service of the Spaniards, were killed, also 40 horses ; .and all the riches, they had amassed, all their artillery, and all the manu- scripts belonging to Cortes, containing an account of every thing which had happened to the Spaniards until that period, were lorf." Many of the Spanish prisoners were inhumanly sacrificed in the great temple of Mexico. Ibid. 120. I A merchantman from the Canaries, with fire arms, powder, and war- like provisions, coming to trade at Vera Cruz, the captain, master, and ^3 Spanish soldiers, wlio had come to seek their fortunes, went with Cor- ps' commissary to the camp, and joined the army. .Cortes received some other reinforcements about this- time, " beyond all expectation." De Soils, ii. aj4, 255, Robertson, ii. book v. ^ a eiavigero, ii. 138, 139. Tezcuco was the second city of the empire, situated on jtfie 'banks of the Mexican lake, about twenty miles from Mex- ico. 'Jlobejtson, ii. hook v. 3 Herrera, iii. ^y f , Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. PACIJTIQUE. Prince Chron. Intrutl. 85. Harris Voy. i. ia 19, w!u>re there is an entire account of this voyage. Magellan sailed from Seville 10 August 1519, with 5 ships and 234 men ; and in Decembw; of that year discovered Patagonia. See Herreru, ii. 175, 176. Robertson, ii. 375. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 215. Biblioth. Americana, 53. Encyc. Methodise, Geog. Art. MAGELLAN. Venegas California, i. 120, 4 This was in revenge for the offences, received from its ancient lord Cuitlahuatzin, whom Cortes knew to be the author of the memorable de- feat of the first of July. Clavigero, ii. 142. 60 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1521. dred Spaniards and many allies, under the command of Gonzales de Sandoval, he marched with upwards of two hundred Spaniards, and more than three thousand Tlascalans, with many of the Tezcucau nobility, who were met by some troops of the ene- my, that fought them, but retreated. The assail- ing army, on entering Iztapalapan, and rinding it almost entirely evaluated, began in the night to. sack the city ; and the Tlascalans set fire to the houses. The light of this conflagration discovering to them the water overflowing the canals, and be- ginning to inundate the city, a retreat was sound- ed 5 but so far had the inundation risen, that the Spaniards made their passage back with difficul- ty ; some of the Tlascalans were drowned ; and the greatest part of the booty was lost. * This disaster was soon compensated by new confedera- cies, formed with several neighbouring cities by means of their ambassadors. a Cortes, who never relinquished the thought of Bncantmes , r _ , 111 i transported the conquest or Mexico, had taken care to have thirteen brigantines built, while he was at Tlascala, in aid of the great enterprise. 3 These vessels he now caused to be transported by land to Tezcuco. The command of the convoy, consisting of two, hundred foot soldiers, fifteen horsemen, and two I Clavlgero, ii. 142, 143. B. Diaz, ii. 34, 35. The citizens, in order to drown all their enemies, broke the mole of the lake, and entirely delug- ed the city. Two Spaniards only and one horse were lost ; hut upwards of 6000 of the hostile natives were slain. Ibid. B.Diaz, says [ii. 48.], that he received a wound in hi* throat, " the marks of which," he adds, < f I carry to this day." 1 Ibid. 3 He had obtained of the Senate 100 men of burden, for the transpor- tation of the sails, cordage, iron, and other materials of the vessels, which he had unrigged the preceding year, with a view to this very use ; and for tar had extracted turpentine from the pines of a neighbouring; mountain. The materials wer,e so prepared, that they might be carried in pieces ready to be put together. ' The first brigantine was built by JMartino Lopez, a Spanish soldier, who was an engineer in the army of Cortes. After that model the other twelve were built by the Tlascalans. Clavigero, ii. 135,146. Robertson. AMERICAN ANNALS. pieces, he gave to Sandoval. * Eight thousand Tlascalans carried on their backs the beams, sails, and other materials, necessary for their construc- tion ; two thousand were loaded with provisions ; and thirty thousand were armed for defence, under the command of three Indian chiefs, * After seve- ral expeditions into the neighbouring country ; 4 fruitless attempt at a negociation with Mexico ; and the suppression of a conspiracy against his own life ; Cortes made his final preparation for the seige of Mexico. On the twenty eighth of April. T: , o . . , 11. ii/r Launched,, the bngantmes were Jaundice! into t|ie Mexican, lake. Notice of the grand movements was given to the allies, who now poured into Tezcuco, in great num- bers, to the aid of the Spaniards. On the twentieth of May Cortes collected his people in the great market place of Tezcuco, and made a disposition of them for the siege. The whole army, destined for this service, for the consisted of nine hundred and seventeen Spaniards, ^Sko and mor.e than seventy five tlious'and auxiliary troops, which number was soon after increased to more than two hundred thousand. 3 Cortes, resolv- May 30 ed to possess himself of the -three causeways B *8? nntn of Tlacopan, Iztapalapan, and Cojolmacan, divid- siege. ed his army into three bodies, and committed the expedition of Tlacopan to Pedro de Alvarado ; that of Cojohuacan to Christopher de Olid ; and that of I Sandoval had orders to proceed by a place, called by the Spaniards Puebla Moresca, to inflict an exemplary punishment on the inhabitants, ivho had robbed and put to death 40 Spanish soldiers, who w>re on their march from Vera Cruz to Mexico, for the relief of Alvarado. In the temples at that place were found many traces of their blood upon the walls ; their idols were besmeared with it ; " and we fcur.d," says E. Di- az, " the skine of two of their facus with their beards, dressed like leather, and hung upon the altars, as were also the shoes of four horses, together with their skins, very well dressed." True Hist. Mex. ii. 40. a Clavigero, ii. 146. U. Diaz, ii. 41. Robertson, ii. book v. ]3ut these authors differ from each other in their account of the number of armed Indians, that guarded this convoy. I have followed Clavigero. The line of march, according to B. Diaz, extended in some places, above 6 miles ; and the entire materials for i j bri^untines were thus carried over laud, tiirough a mountainous country, 60 miles. 3 Clavigero, ii. j6o AMERICAN ANNALS. Iztapalapan to Gonzalo deSandoval. Cortes him* self took the command of the brigantines. l After several days, spent in various acts of hostility, Cor-, tes, with much difficulty, effected an entrance into the great square of the city \ but was so violently assailed by the citizens, that he found it expedient to retreat. 2 Twenty days having passed, during which the Spaniards had made continual entrance into the city, Cortes determined on a general as* July 3. sault. On the appointed day he marched with Attempt to t\yenty five horses, all his infantry, and more than ky b V a hundred thousand .allies ; his brigantines, with storm. more than three thousand canoes, forming the two wings of his army on each side of the causeway. Having entered the city with little opposition, and commenced a most vigorous action, the Mexicans made some resistance, and then feigned a retreat. The Spaniards, pushing forward with emulation to enter the square of the market, unwarily left be- hind them a broad gap in the causeway, badly filled up ; and the priests at this instant blew the horn of the god Painalton, 3 when a multitude of Mexi- cans assembling, and pouring with fury upon the; Spaniards and allies, threw them into confusion, Repulse, and compelled them to retreat precipitately. In at- tempting to pass the gap, apparently filled up with faggots and other light materials, it sunk with the weight and violence of the multitude ; when Span- iards, Tlascalans, horsemen, and infantry, plunged in promiscuously ; the Mexicans at the same mo- ment rushing upon them fiercely on every side. A I To Alvarado he assigned 30 horses, 168 foot soldiers, 20,000 Tlasca- lans, and 1 pieces of .artillery ; to Olid, 33 horses, 168 foot soldiers, 3> j>ieces of artillery, and more than 25,000 allies; to Sandoval, 24 horses, 163 Spanish infantry, 2 cannons, and more than 30,000 allies. Aniqng the hrigantines he distributed 325 Spaniards, and 13 falconets ; assigning to each brigantine a captain, 12 soldiers, and as many rowers. Clavigero, ii. 160. 2 Ibid. 162 367. 3 This horn was reserved for times of extreme danger, to excite th$ people to arms. Clavi^ero, AMERICAN ANNALS. 63 tremendous conflict ensued. Cortes, who had come to the ditch, in aid of his defeated troops, was at length bringing them off, when he was seized by six chiefs, who had cautiously taken him alive, " t6 honour their gods with the sacrifice of so illustri- ous a victim," and were already leading him away for this purpose. His men, apprized of his capture, flew to his aid ; and Christoval de Olea, cutting off with one stroke of his sword the arm of a Mexican, who held him, and killing four of the enemy ^ liberated his general, at the expense of his own life* Other sol- diers arriving to the assistance of Cortes* they took him out of the water in their arms, and, placing him on a horse, hurried him off from the crowd of his enemies. * Various acts of mutual and bloody hostility sue* ceeded by land and on the Mexican lake. Quauh-*' temotzin, the king of Mexico^ though reduced to the greatest distress, still obstinately refusing to surrender, on repeated proposals of terms more honourable and indulgent, than, in such an extrem- ity, he might perhaps have possibly expected ;* I B. Diaz, 11.98 100. Clavigero, 11.174 176. The loss, sustained by tke besiegers on that day, was 7 horses, a number of arms and boats, and a piece of artillery, upwards of 1000 allies, and more than 60 Span- iards, some of whom were killed in battle, but 40 were .taken" alive, and immediately sacrificed in the great temple of Mexico. The Mexicans ce- lebrated their victory eight successive days with illuminations and music in their temples. Ibid, and Robertson, ii. book v. This celebration ap- pears -to have commenced at the instant of victory. " Before we arrived at our quarters," says B. Diaz, " and while the enemy were pursuing us, we heard their shrill timbais, and the dismal sound of the great drum, from the top of the principal temple of the god of war, which overlooked the whole city. Its mournful noise was such as may be imagined the mu- sic of the infernal gods, any fond relic and revered monument of their ancestry and origin, and divorce them in anguish from the bosom of their country." JFor a farther account 0f Mexico ) sec Note II, at the end of ibc volume* 2 Vega, 66z. 3 Herrera, Hi. 181, i8z. Vega, 66i, 6613. Robertson, i. book iu. AMERICAN ANNALS. ; 67 Panama was constituted a city, with the proper privileges, by Charles V. 1 . The emperor of Spain appointed Cortes captain Cortes p- eeneral and governor of New Spain : and certain p inted - . - . i f i vernor of commissioners to receive and administer the royal New Spain. revenue there, with independent jurisdiction. z Villa del Spiritu Santo, in the province of Guas- caca in New Spain, was built by Gonzales de San- tloval. 3 Newfoundland, settled by different nations, is said to have contained at this period fifty houses. 4 Cortes, with three hundred foot and one hun- Conquests dred and fifty horse, conquered Panuco. On the river J^^J*" Chila he built a town, called Santo Stephano del the Span- Puerto, and left in it a hundred foot and thirty horse. 5 He now rebuilt the city of Mexico, on the model of the European towns, dividing the ground amorig the conquerors. The Spanish Quarter was now be- gun with twelve hundred inhabitants. 6 Alvarado, sent from Mexico with three hundred foot, seventy horse, and four field pieces, to discover and con- quer Quahutemallan, and other towns toward the South Sea, discovered and subdued all that coun- try ; and built' the city, called St. Jago Ouahutemal- lan. Gonzales d'Avila discovered and peopled a place in the bottom of Ascension bay, in fourteen x Ifruv. Kist. xxxix. 15$. a Herrera, ui. 323. Robertson, il. book V. 3 Encyc. Methotlique, Geog. Art. VILLA DEL SPIRITU SANTO. 4 Ibid. Art. TEHRS NJEUVE. 5 Herrera, iii. 278. Harris Voy. i. 272. 6 Herrera, iii. 2179, 2 ^' Venegas California, i. 133. The city \v:u altimately built with ico,ooo houses, fairer and stronger than before." 788. 68 AMERICAN ANNALS. degrees north latitude, and called the town Gil de buena Vista. 1 Baron de Lery formed the first project in prance for obtaining a settlement in America. * no in the service of ?rance. 1524. Voyage of John Verrazzano, a Florentine, having been out fa e p recec jin{T year by Francis I, of I r . , r J o J "with four snips, to prosecute discoveries ra the northern parts of America, now coasted from tre twenty eighth to the fiftieth degree north latitude. * In this voyage he discovered, with a considerable degree of accuracy, the coast of Florida, 4 The whole extent of his discovery was upwards of seven I Harris Voy. i. 272. a Minot Hist. Massachusetts, i. 126. The French Annotator on an English work entitled, " The Conduct of the French with respect to No- va Scotia," [note 4. p. 20.] says, the settlement pf Lery WHS projected iu 15 8 : " DCS 1518, le Baron de Lery &- de Saint Just, avoit erteipvis de former une habitation sur les cotes de i' Amerique septentrion: )e." I pre- fer a known to a dubious authority. The Annotator [p. 10.] also says, Lery and St. Just landed cattle on the Isle of Suble. Charlevoix does not mention either in his Pastes Chronologiques. 3 Hakiuyt, iii. 195 300, where is Verrazzano's own account of hli yoyage, that he sent, to the king. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 406. Forster Vey, 432 -436. Prince Chron. Introd. 86. Belknap Biog. i. 33. Harris Vcy. i. ' 810. Brit. Emp. Introd. xlvi, and i. 163. Some historians fix these disco- veries in the years 1523, 1524, 1525. It appears, that Vemizzano wa* sent out by the French king in 1523 ; that he at first cruized with suc- cess against the Spaniards ; that he at length sailed with one of his four, ships on a voyage of discovery ; that he " departed from the dishabited rocke by the isle of Madeira the iyth of January the yeere 1524 ;" and that he made another voyage in 1525, with the design of settling a colony, but was heard of no more. Forster supposes, that in his of 1524 he first arrived off that part of the American coast, where the town of Savannah now stands ; " a new land," says Verrazzano, " never before scene of any man either ancient or moderns." Having sailed thence to the southward as far as to t;he 3Oth deg. north lat. it appears, that he then sailed northwardly to the 34th deg. a.nd thence still northwardly, until he found the coast " trend toward the east ;" that here he attempted to send his boat ashore, but was prevented by the roughness of the sea* ; that pro- ceeding to the eastward, he found a well cultivated islandf, and a little beyond it a good harbour, in which were more than 20 canoes, belonging to the natives ; that he proceeded still northwardly to 50 deg. along the 4 Chalmers, i. 512. * Forster supposes this to have happened " somewhere about Nc"W Jersey, ir Stafen Island" In lat- 40 dug. be entered a h arbour ^ ivbich, by bis descrif~\ tion. Dr. Belknap supposed, must be that of Nnv York. | Supposed by fonter to be Nantueket, or Martha 't AMERICAN ANNALS. 69 hundred leagues of the North American coast,* 1524, which he named New France. 3 He made another voyage the next year ; but he and his crew were lost by some unknown disaster ; 3 and neither the king, nor the nation, thought any more of America for several succeeding years. 4 . Historians remark, that it is to the great honour R emar i5. of Italy, that the three Powers, which at this day possess almost all America, owe their first discove^ ries to the Italians : Spain, to Columbus, a Geno- ese ; England, to the Cabots, Venetians ; and France, to Verrazzano, a Florentine ; " a circunii stance which sufficiently proves, that in those times no nation was equal to the Italians in point of ma- ritime knowledge and extensive experience in navi-. gation." 5 It is however remarkable, that the Ital- ians, with all their knowledge and experience, have not been able to acquire one inch of ground for themselves in America. This singular failure has been ascribed to the penurious mercantile spirit of the Italian republics ; to their mutual animosities and petty wars ; and to their contracted selfish policy. 6 Luke Vasquez, a Spaniard of Aylon, having pre- Voyage O f viously sailed with two ships to Florida, and per- ^' fS^? coast of the country ; and that then, on account of the failure of his pro- visions he sailed directly to France. Purchas [i. 769.] says, Verrazzano rather sought to discover all along the coast, Ifhau to search pr settle with-. ia land. I Hakluyt. 2 Belknap. 3 Some authors say, they were massacred and eaten by the savages. Charlevpix [Hist. Nouv. France, i. 7.] thinks that the story is without foun- dation. His account is : " Peu de terns apres son arrivee en France, il fit See also Pastes Chronologiques, prefixed to his history, p. xviii. " 11 y per fit : On ignore par quel accident." 4 Ce qu' il y a de plus certain, c'est que le iridiheureux ?ort de Veraza- ni fut cause.que pendant plusieurs annees, ni le Roi, ni la Nation ne songe- rent plus a 1' Amerique. Charlevoix Hist. Nouv. France, i. 8. 5 The remark appears to be original in Charltvoix fi. 4.] ; the infer-? tnce is Forster's. 6 Forster Voy. 437. Purchas, i. 7^5. Jo AMERICAN ANNALS. ..1524. fidiously carried off a number of the natives, 1 for which vile action he had obtained the reward of a discoverer of new lands, instead of merited punish- ment, now sent over several ships to Florida. The year following he came over in person, with three more ships ; but, as if in judicial punishment of his cruel perfidy, he lost two hundred of his men, who v/ere cut off by the natives, and one of his ships was wrecked near Cape St. Helena. These losses, with his disappointments in the expected ad- vantages of his discoveries, induced him to return to Hispaniola, where he died of a broken heart. a :vtexica* Papantzin, a Mexican princess, sister of Monte* zuma, was baptised ; and she was the first person, who received Christian baptism in Tlatelolco, 3 j A. D. 15*0. He made this 'voyage with some associates, in execu* tion of the inhuman project of stealing Indians, to supply the scarcity of hands in working the Spanish mines. Having at the place now called St. Helena decoyed a large number on board his ships, he sailed off with them. Most of these wretched captives pined to death, or were wrecked in one of the ships, which foundered at sea. A few suffered a worse fate in Span- ish slavery. Univ. Hist. xli. 379. P. Martyr, 470, 471. " Hospitii-fidem violarunt Hispani tandem. Astu namque artibusque variis, post cuntta diligenter vestigata, operam dederunt ut una dierum ad naves visendi cau- *a multi concurreren*, implentur naves inspectantibus : ubi refertas viris ac feeminis habuere, anchoris evulsis, velis protends, lugentes abduxerunt in servitutem. Ita regiones eas universas ex amicis reliquerunt inimicas, efc ex pacatis perturbatas, filiis a parentibus ablatis, ab uxoribus maritis.'* Charlevoix [Hist. Nouv. France, i. p. xvii.] says, that Vasquez discovered the Cape of St. Helena, at the mouth of a great river, which has since been called, The Jourdain. In his map of the Coasts of French Florida [ibid. p. 514.] he makes the Jourdain the same as the Congaree, or Santff, of South Carolina, and near its mouth puts these words : Id devoit etre le Cap Sf. He- lene. I conjecture, that, instead of the Congaree, he should have taken the Combabee, which empties itself into St. Helena Sound near the island of St. Helena, whose inhabitants pronounce the name Sant He-lc-nah^ deriving probably both the name and pronunciation from the Spaniards. I have ffoiv no doubt, but that Vasquez landed on the Carolina coast ; and, but for another St. Helena in the Spanish Florida, I should long since have drawn the same conclusion from the following description of P. Mar- tyr [Pe Orb. Nov. 471.], which refers to the place where Vasquez landed t vel Bacchalaos anno abhinc vigesimo sexto ex Anglia per Cabotum repertos, aut Bacchalais contiguas, arbitror esse illas terras." a Univ. Hist. xl. 379, 3%' Q Clavigero, j. 231. AMERICAN ANNALS. 7* 1525. Charles V, emperor of Spain, jhaving sent && plien Gomez from Corunna, to find a passage to the Molucca Islands by the way of America ; this skilful navigator sailed to Cuba and Florida, and thence northwardly to Cape Razo, ifl the forty sixth degree north latitude, and returned, without making the discovery. He was the first Spaniard, who sailed along this northern coast/ Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro, who 'had already distinguished themselves among the Spanish conquerors of America, not satisfied with; the glory of the past, resolved to perform still great- er achievements. Pizarro, having inarched under JBalboa across the isthmus of Darren at the time of his discovery of the South Sea, a had received va- rious hints from the natives concerning the opulent country of Peru, 3 He and Almagro associating with them Hernando de Luque, a schoolmaster and an ecclesiastic in Panama, who had amassed consi- derable wealth, these three solemnly swore in pub- lic, and entered into articles underhand and seal, "Bever to forsake each other in any dangers or discour- agements whatever, until they should have made an entire conquest of that country. 4 Pizarro, by licence I Prince Chron. Inirod. 6. Forster Voy. 447. P. Martyr [460, 461.] takes notice of this voyage : " Decretum est, ut Stephanus Gomez alia via tendat, qua se inquit reperturum inter Baccalaos et Floridas iter ad Cataium ; neque aliud habebit in mandatis, quam ut inquirat, an exi- tus ad magnum vulgo Canem ex Oceani hujus nostri variis inflexibus, et vastis ambagibu* reperiatur. Is, nee freto neque a se promisso Cataio re- pertis, regressus est intra mensum decimum a disceseu." Venegas [Kist* Californ. i. 12,4.] affirms, that he was sent out in 1524, " and not in 15*5, as Gomara says ;" and that he returned to Spain in 1525, carrying with him some Indians. Gomez accompanied Magellan in his great voyage a few years before. Purchas, i. 738. 1 Robertson. See A. 0.1513. He was also with Ojeda, in his disas* 'treus expedition for settling the continent. See A. D. 1510. 3 All the people on the coast of the South Sea concurred in informing* -Balboa, that there was a mighty and opulent kingdom, situated at a con- siderable distance toward the south east. Robertson. 4 Vega, 418, 426,522. "Luque celebrated mass, divided a conse* orated host into three, and reserving one part for hinudf, gave the othar 7 2 AMERICAN ANNALS. of Peter Arias cTAvila, the Spanish governor, sailed from Panama to Peru on this daring enterprise, with one hundred and twelve Spaniards and some Indians, and Almagro soon followed him ; but both were repulsed, and compelled to leave the country, which they had invaded. x 1526. Voyage of Sebastian Cabot, not finding public patronage in Cabot!** England, had passed over into Spain ; and was now employed by Charles V, in a voyage for the April i. discovery of the Molucca Islands. 3 Sailing from Seville with five vessels, 3 he first made the island of Patos$ near cape St. Augustine in Brasil. The loss of his principal ship in the bay of Patos, a mu- tiny among his mariners, aud the want of provisions, sufficient to carry him through the Straits of Ma- gellan, induced him to resolve, not to proceed far- ther on the projected voyage. Making a pinnace here, to pass up the Rio de la Plata, he ascended that river sixty leagues and came to some is- lands which he called, The Islands of St. Gabriel* Here he left his ships, and rowed up the Uraguay in boats three leagues to a river on the right, which two to his associates, of which they partook ; and thus, in the name of the Prince of Peace, ratified a contract of which plunder and bloodshed were the objects." Robertson. I Robertson, iii. book vi. Purchas, v. 1491, where from p. 1491 to p. 1497 is an account of " the conquest of Peru and Cusco." From these authorities, and from Charlevoix [Hist. Nouv. France, i. Introd. xviii.] it ap- pears, that Pizarro sailed from Panama 14 November 1524. But the substance of the allied expedition was in 1525. a He went to Madrid where he entered into a treaty with the empe- ror, which was signed 4 March 1515. Its principal articles were, That Cabot should have the command of a squadron of 4 ships, in quality of captain general, and that Martin Mendez, who had been treasurer to Ma- gellan's squadron, should serve under him, as lieutenant ; that he should sail through the newly discovered Straits, then cross the South Sea to the Molucca Islands, and thence proceed on the discovery of Tharsis, Ophir and Cipango, which were then thought to be the islands of Japan ; and he should there load his ships with gold, silver, and the other pre- cious commodities, which the country afforded. It was Cabot himself, wh proposed this expedition. Charlevoix Paraguay, i. 30, 31. 3 A private adventurer freighted the fifth vessel at his own expense-. CJiarlevoix. ta AMERICAN ANNALS. 73 Ire called Rio de San Salvador ; built a small fort 1526. on its banks ; and detached some soldiers up the river, under the command of Alvarez Ramon. This officer and some of his people were killed by the natives. Cabot next sailed about thirty leagues up the Paraguay, and built a fort at the mouth of a river, issuing from the mountains of Tucuman, and called it, The Fort Santi Spiritus ; but it is gen- erally called by historians, Cabot's Fort. Send- ing dispatches to the emperor, with the silver that he had collected, he remained at Paraguay two years ; discovered about two hundred leagues on that riv- er ; and, leaving Nuno de Lara the command of the fort Santi Spiritus with one hundred and twenty men, returned to Spain. * Previously to this time, Thomas Tisoft, an Eng- English lishman, had found the way to the West Indies, trade in the J \V. Indies* I Herrera, iii. 381. Harris Voy. 1.373. Charlevoix Paraguay,!. 31 35. Charlevoix [ibid. 36 -39.] tells an affecting story of the fate of this garrison, which, though it has the air of romance, is not incredible. Mangora, prince of the Timbuez (an Indian nation in the neighbourhood of Cabot's fort), becoming enamoured with Lucy Miranda, a Spanish lady, the wife of Sebastian Hurtado, (one of the principal officers of the fort), in order to obtain possession of her, laid a plot for the destruction of the gar- rison. Taking advantage of the absence of Hurtado, who was detached with another officer, named Ruiz Moschera, and 50 soldiers, to collect pro- visions, he placed 4000 men in .a marsh, and went with 30 others, loaded with refreshments, to the gates of the fort, which were readily opened for their admittance^ Lara, the Spanish governor, in token of gratitude, gave them an entertainment, at the close of which, late at night, Mangora giv- ing directions to his attendants to set fire to the magazines of the fort, the 4000 men, at this preconcerted signal, rushed in to the massacre. Most of the Spaniards were killed in their sleep. Lara, though wounded, espying the treacherous prince, made up to him, and ran him through the body, but was intercepted in his flight, and killed. Not a living person was now left in the fort, excepting Miranda, four other women, and as many chil- dren, all of whom were tied, and brought before Siripa, the brother and successor of Mangora. At the sight of Miranda, he conceived for her the same passion, which had proved fatal to his brother. On the return of Hurtado, Siripa ordered him to be tied to a tree, and there shot to death with arrows. Miranda, throwing herself at the feet of the tyrant, by her suppliant charms procured her husband's release. The Indian prince in- dulged them a restricted intercourse ; but the boundaries being passed, he instantly condemned Miranda to the flames, and Hurtado to the tortur- ing death, which he had but lately escaped. Moschera now embarked with the poor remnant of his garrison, and Cabot'* fort was abandoned, fc AMERICAN ANNALS. and was resident there ; whence it is conjecture^ that the English merchants already carried on 3 clandestine trade with those parts of America. 1 . English Ihe scheme for discovering a passage to tlie East voyage, Indies by the northwest being resumed in England, May ao, a voyage was made, by the advice of Robert Thome of Bristol, with two shipSj furnished out by king Henry VIII ; but it proved disastrous. One of the ships was lost in a dangerous gulf* between the to New- northern parts of Newfoundland and the country, foundiand, a f terwa rd called by queen Elizabeth, Meta Incogni- ta. The second ship, after the loss of the first, sha- ped its course toward Cape Breton 3 and the coast and NO- O f Arambec or Norumbega. 4 The navigators went rumbegu. I Hakluyt, iii. 500. This fact was discovered by JIakluyt in " a cer- taine note or letter of remembrance, written 1.526, by master Nicholas Thorne, a principall marchant of Bristol, unto his friend and factour Tho- mas Midnall," then at St. Lucar in Andalusia. It appears, that to the Ti- son above mentioned Thorne sent armour and other commodities, specifi- ed in that letter. " This Thomas Tison," says Hakluyt, " (so farre as I can conjecture) may seeme to have bene some secret factour for M. Thorne and other English marchants in those remote partes ; whereby it is prob- able that some of our marchants had a k:nde of trade to the West Indie* even in those ancient times and before also/' 7, Gulf of St. Lawrence. Brit. Emp. Litrod. p. vii. 3 Forster [Voy. 289.] concludes, that as Cape Breton was called by this name at so early a period, it must have been thus named by Sebastian Ca- bot in his voyage of 1497. But it is more probable, that it received its name from the Bretons, of Bretagne in France, who early fished on the neighbouring coast. [See Annals, p. 33.] Forster himself [431.] mentions this supposition, without stricture. 4 The situation of this coast Forster [Voy. 190.] confesses, is entirely- unknown to him ; but he " rather supposes it to be the coast of what is now called Nova Scotia, or perhaps of even a more southerly region." Pur- chas fv. 1631.] says, " Pemptegoet is that place, so famous under the name of Norombega." M. Rene Laudonniere [Hakluyt, i. 305.] says, that the country, discovered by Verrazzano in 152.4, extends from 25 to 54 deg, north lat. and in longitude from 210 to 330 ; and that " the easterne part thereof is called by the late writers, The Land of Norumbega, which be- ginneth at the Bay of Gamo, which separateth it from the Isle of Canada,'* Charlevoix [Nouv. France, i. 113.] says, that M. Denys divided all the eas- tern and northern parts of Canada into four provinces, the first of which reached from Pentagoet to the river of St. John, and was what had before been called Norumbega : " La premiere, depuis Pentagoet, jusqu' a la Ri- viere de S. Jean il la nomme la Pro-vinct dcs Etccbemins t & c' est ce ju* OH appelloit auparavant la Norimbegue" AMERICAN ANNALS. 75 frequently on shore, and explored those regions, returned in October to England. ' 1528, Pamphilo de Narvaez, having obtained from ^ d ^ Charles V the indefinite grant of cc all the lands ly- ing from the river of Palms to the Cape of Florida," sailed in March from Cuba with five ships and four hundred men, for the conquest of that country. * Landing at Florida, he inarched to Apalache, a vil- April 12. lage, consisting of forty cottages, 3 where he arriv- ed on the fifth of June. Having lost many of his men by the natives, who harassed the troops on their march, and with whom they had one sharp engagement, he was obliged to direct his course to- ward the sea. Sailing to the westward, he was lost w r ith many others, in a violent storm, about the middle of November ; and the enterprise was frustrated, 4 1 Hakluyt,i. 517 ; iii. 139. Robertson, book ix. 23. Forster, 289. Biblioth. Americ. Anno 1527. Hakluyt informs us, that Master Robert Thome, " a notable member and ornament of his country," exhorted the king with " very waightie and substantiall reasons, to set forth a discovo- rie even to the North pole ;" that " this his motion took present effect ;" and that " a Canon of S. Paul in London, which was a. great mathemati- cian, and a man indued with wealth, did much advance the action, and went therein himself in person. 1 ' The imperfection of the account of that voyage Hakluyt ascribes to " the negligence of the writers of those times, who should have used more care in preserving the memories of the wor- thie acts of our nation." 2 He sailed from St. Lucar to Cuba 1 6 June, 1527, with 600 men, but he left more than 140 at St. Domingo. Purchas, v. 1499. His commis- sion authorised him to conquer and govern the^Provinces within the pre- tcribed limits. Ibid, 3 ** Small low cottages, so built by reason of continual! tempests." Pur- chas, i. 774. 4 Purchas, i. 769 ; and v. 1499 1528, where there is an entire account of this voyage, as also in Harris Voy. i. 790 805. Univ. Hist. xl. 381 ; xli. 469. Herrera, iii, 418 ; iv. 27, 28 ; v. 91105. Charlevoix Ncifv. France, i. p. six. Venegas California, i. 142. Prince Chron. Introd, 87. From the bay of Santa Cruz, where they landed, to the place of their em- barkation 22 September, it is computed, that they marched above 800 miles. Narvaez is supposed to have been lost near the mouth of the Mis- eisippi. His people, with great difficulty, provided a kind of boats, to cross the rivers in their way, making their ropes of horse hair, and their, AMERICAN ANNALS. Pizarro, having made very extensive discoveries in Peru, * went to Spain, by agreement of the joint adventurers, to ask a commission from Charles V, for the conquest and government of that country ; and, on giving information to the emperor of his discoveries and purposes, and presenting his request, was appointed governor, captain general, and ade- lantado of all the country, which he had discover- ed, with supreme authority. 1 1529. Cortes, having gone to Spain the preceding year, 3 now signed an instrument, which had also the signature of the empress of Spain, by which he obliged himself to send ships at his own expense, for the discovery of countries and lands in the South Sea. 4 sails of the soldiers' shirts. In conclusion, 15 only were left alive, 4 of whom, after suffering almost incredible miseries, arrived 8 years afterward at Mexico. The bay of Pensacola is said, by the Spaniards, to have been dis- covered in this expedition by Narvaez, who landed there. Ibid. 1 See A. D. 1525. He was absent three years on these discoveries, and returned to Panama about the end of 1527. Herrera, iv. 6. Charlevoix [Nouv. France, i. p. xix.] says, he discovered about 200 leagues of the Pe- ruvian coast, even to the port of Santo beyond the district of Quito. The sickliness of those regions, and the hardships of the adventurers, may be inferred from the extraordinary mortality, that prevailed among them. Pizarro carried out 112 men, Almagro 70. In less than nine months 130 of these died. Few fell by the sword ; most of them perished by diseases. Robertson, iii. Note II. 2 Vega, 435. 3 He went to Gastile in great pomp, carrying 250,000 marks of gold and silver, and was honourably received by the emperor, who conferred on him the vale of Atrisco in New Spain, with new titles, and extended pow- ers. Herrera, iv. 22 26. Harris Voy. i. 272. Venegas California,!. 133. 4 Venegas, i. 133. Cortes had, in 1527, sent Saavedra with three ships from New Spain, to find a passage that way to the Moluccas. Onei of the ships arrived safely at these islands, and returned the same way back to Panama this year (1529), laden with spices. This voyage prepar- ed the Spaniards to possess themselves of the Philippine Islands, in the In-^ dian seas, which they hold to this day. Anderson, Hist. Commerce* ji, 51. Harris Voy. i. 272. AMERICAN ANNALS. 57 1530. William Hawkins of Plymouth having commen- English in- ced a friendly intercourse with the natives of Bra- sil, one of the kings of that country voluntarily ac- companied him to England, where he was introduc- ed to Henry VIII at Whitehall. 1 Pizarro, returning from Spain, landed at Nom- bre de Dios, marched across the isthmus of Pana- ma ; and joining Almagro and Luque, these three enterprising associates, by the utmost efforts of their combined interests, fitted out three small vessels, with one hundred and eighty soldiers. With this contemptible armament Pizarro sailed, to invade a February. great empire. ' Landing at the bay of St. Matthew, f he advanced toward the south along the sea cost ; Peru. and, after various disasters, reached the province of Coaque, and surprised and plundered the principal settlement. Continuing his march along the coast, he attacked the natives with such violence, as com- pelled them either to retire into the interior coun- try, or to submit to the conqueror ; and met with little resistance, until he attacked the island of Pu- na, in the bay of Guayquil, whose inhabitants de- fended themselves with such obstinate valour, that he spent six months in their reduction. He next proceeded to Tumbez, where he remained several months. a j Hakluyt, i. 520. Purchas, v. 1179." at the sight of whome," say* Hakluyt, " the king ard all the nobilitie did not a little niarveile, and not without cause : for in his cheekes were holes made according to their sav- age manner, and therein small bones were planted, standing an inch out from the said holes, which in his own countrey was reputed for a great braverie. He had also another hole in his nether lippe, wherein was set a precious stone about the bignesse of a pease. Allhisapparell, behaviour and gesture, were very strange to the beholders." The change of air anc liet so affected him, that on his return with Hawkins he died at ?ea. 2 Robertson^ iij. bgok vi. 7 8 AMERICAN ANNALS Founds the Pizarro, passing forward to the river Piuro, cs* in Pei-u. ny tablished near its mouth the first Spanish colony in Peru, and named it St. Michael. ' Leaving a garri* Sept. 4. son at this new town, he began his march, with a toward the Ver 7 slender and ill accoutred train of followers,* quartet scf toward Cax'imalca, where Atahualpa, the Inca of e mca. p cru ^ v/as encamped with a considerable body of troops, and soon met an officer, dispatched by the Inca with a valuable present, and an offer of his al- liance and assurances of a friendly reception at Cax- amalca. Pizarro, advancing with pretensions of coming as the ambassador of a very powerful mon- arch united with professions of friendship, entered the town, and having posted his troops in an advan- tageous station, dispatched Hernando Soto and his nus ai \ c brother Ferdinand to the camp of Atahualpa, which be mca. was about a league distant. He instructed them to renew his assurances of a pacific disposition, and to desire an interview with the Inca, that he might more fully explain the intention of the Spaniards ia visiting his country. They were treated with the respectful hospitality, characteristic of the PeruvU ans ; and Ahatualpa promised to visit the commaiii der the next day in his quarters. Pizarro now re- solved, with equal temerity and perfidy, to seize the person of the Inca, in the interview, to which he had invited him. For the execution of his scheme he divided his cavalry into three small squadrons, under the command of his brother Ferdinand, Soto, and Belcanazar ; his infantry were formed in one body, excepting twenty, of most tried courage, whom he kept near his own person, to support i Kerrera, iv. aai. Robertson, iii. ai. 1 It consisted of 6a horse and 106 foot, among whom were 10 cross bow men. Herrera, iv. 236. In this dangerous enterprise Pizarro incited his men to go forward by the singular argument, " that his main design was the propagating of the Catholic faith, without injuring any person." Had he been but ingenuous enough for the Arabian impostor, he would have n-ude an admirable -Qpagator oftb? Mahometan faith. AMERICAN ANNALS- 79 him in the dangerous service, which he reserved for 1532, himself ; and the artillery, consisting of two field pieces, and the cross bow men, were placed opposite to the avenue, by which Atahualpa was to approach. Early in the morning the Peruvian camp was all In motion ; and late in the day the procession, which had been arranged with care, to give an impressio'n of splendour and magnificence, began to move. The Inca at length approached. First of all appeared Approach four hundred men, in a uniform dress* as harbin- gers, to clear his way. The Inca himself, sitting on a throne or couch, adorned with plumes, and almost covered with plates of gold and silver, en- riched with precious stones, was carried on the shoulders of his principal attendants. Behind him came some chief officers of his court, borne in the same manner. This cavalcade was accompanied by several bands of singers and dancers ; and the whole plain was covered with troops, amounting to more than thirty thousand men. As the Inca drew near the Spanish quarters, father Vincent Valverde, chap- Ad< j reMft f Iain to the expedition, advanced with a crucifix in the Spanish one hand, and a breviary in the other, and in a long P riestfo i- i-i'ii- r> i " un> discourse proposed to him the doctrines of the Christian faith ; informed him of the donation, made to the king of Castile by pope Alexander, of all the regions in the New World ; and required him to embrace Christianity ; to acknowledge the supreme jurisdiction of the pope ; and to submit to the king of Castile, as his lawful sovereign. * Most of his harangue, mysterious in its nature, and translated by an unskilful interpreter, was al- together incomprehensible to Atahualpa ; and some parts of it, of more obvious meaning, filled him with astonishment and indignation. His reply, however, was temperate. He asserted his right to his do- minions by hereditary succession ; and added, that I Vega, 450, 451. Robertson, iii. book ri. *b AMERICAN ANNALS. 1532. he could not conceive how a foreign priest should pretend to dispose of territories, which did not be- long to him ; that if such a preposterous grant had been made, he, who was rightful possessor, re- fused to confirm it ; that he had no inclination to renounce the religious institutions of his ancestors ; and that with respect to other matters, contained in the discourse, as he did not understand their meaning, he desired to know where the priest had learned things, so extraordinary. 1 " In this book," answered Valverde, reaching out to him his brevia- ry. The Inca opened it eagerly, and, turning over the leaves, lifted it to his ear : " This is silent, it tells me nothing," said he, and disdainfully threw it to the ground. The enraged monk, running to- ward his countrymen, cried out, " To arms, Chris- tiano, to arms ; the Word of God is insulted ; a- venge this profanation on these impious dogs." Pizarro instantly gave the signal for a general as* General as- gau it. The martial music sounded; the cannon e anc * muskets began to fire ; the horse sallied out fiercely to the charge ; the infantry rushed on, sword in hand. The astonished- Peruvians fled without attempting resistance. Pizarro, at the head of his chosen band, advanced directly toward the Inca through crowds of his nobles, who fell in num- bers at his feet in attempting to cover his person ; inca is and seizing the Inca by the arm, dragged him to t ]- ie ground^ and carried him, as a prisoner, (o his quarters. The wretched fugitives were pursued and slaughtered with deliberate and unrelenting bar- barity, until the close of the day* Above four thousand Peruvians were killed, but not a single Spaniard fell. l i Vega, 454, 455, where is the answer of Atahttalpa entire. To us it appears noble ; but it was insufferable to the soldiers of Pizarro, who, c< growing weary of this long and tedious discourse, began to quit their pla- ces, and come up close to the Indians, to fight with them and rob them of their jewels of gold and silver and precious stones." Ibid. a Robertson, iii. book vi. Vega [457'] says, that J ooo Indian* vrere AMERICAN ANNALS; The Inca, soon discovering the ruling passion of the Spaniards, offered as his ransom, to fill the a- partment, in which he was confined, which was twenty two feet long and seventeen wide, with ves- sels of goldj as high as he could reach. The pro- posal was eagerly agreed to, and a red line was drawn on the walls of the chamber, to mark the height, to which the treasure was to rise. z Ata- hualpa immediately sent messengers to Cuzco, Qui- to,- and other places, where there was most gold amassed ; and his orders for the collection were promptly executed.* X 533- The ransom of Atahualpa was now brought in ; and it exceeded one million five hundred thousand pounds sterling. 3 After the division of this im- mense treasure among the Spaniards, the Inca de- manded his liberty ; but it was denied. Pizarro, resolved on his death, easily found pretexts for pro- curing it. The charge consisted of various articles : killed that day,' 3500 of whom were slam by the sword ; and that the rest were old and infirm mai, women and children, who were trampled under foot ; for an innumerable multitude of all ages and sexes were col- lected, to see the solemnity of this strange and unheard of embassy. I Vega, 460. % Robertson, iii. book vi. 3 Europ. Settlements, i. 141. Vega [474, 482.] says, that the sum to- tal of the ransom amounted to 4,605,670 ducats ; and that there were 40 or 50,000 pieces of eight to a man. Dr. Robertson [iii. book vi.] says, that after setting apart the fifth due to the crown, and 100,000 pesos as a do- native to the soldiers which arrived with Almagro, there remained one million five hundred and twenty eight thousand five hundred pesos to Pi- zarro and his followers, and that 8000 pesos, " at that time not inferior in effective value to as many pounds sterling in the present century," fell to the share of each horseman, and half that sum to each foot soldier. Pizar- ro and his officers received dividends proportioned to the dignity of their rank. It is an astonishing fact, that when there was a dissatisfaction at the delay of completing the ransom within the limited time, which how- ever was excused by the Inca on account of the distance of Cuzco, three Spaniards only were sent to that capital, with directions to take possession loth of the city and treasures, though Cuzco was guarded by an army of 30,000 of the natives. Two hundred men's loads of gold were brought away, without the least opposition, in massy plates from the temple of tha Sun. Harris Voy.i. 793, M AMERICAN ANNALS. 1533. Tli at Atalmalpa, though a bastard, had disposses- sed the rightful owner of the throne, and usurped the regal power ; that he had put his brother and lawful sovereign to death ; that he was an idola- ter, and had not only permitted, but commanded the offering of human sacrifices ; that he had a great number of concubines ; that since his impris- onment he had wasted and embezzled the royal treasures, which now belonged of right to the con- querors ; and that he had incited his subjects to take arms against the Spaniards. After all the for- malities of a trial, observed in the criminal courts of Spain, Atahualpa was pronounced guilty, and con- Yet he is demned to be burnt alive. T Astonished at his fate, condemn- } le endeavoured to avert it by tears, by promises, and by intreaties, that he might be sent to Spain, where a monarch would be his judge. But Pizar- ro, unmoved, ordered him to be led instantly to ex- ecution. Valverde, at this critical moment attempt- ing his conversion, promised mitigation of his pun- ishment, on his embracing the Christian faith. The horror of a tormenting death extorted from him the desire of baptism. " The ceremony was per- formed ; and Atahualpa, instead of being burnt, And put to , 153, TV death, wa s strangled at the stake. Pizarro, to complete I Robertson, iii. book vi. Montesquieu, having established the princi- ple, " That we should not decide by political laws things which belong to ihe law of nations," adduces this historical example as an instance of its en*el violation by the Spaniards. " The Ynca Athualpa. could only be tr'red by the law of nations ; they tried him by political and civil laws ; ari-d, to fill up the measure of their stupidity, they condemned him, not by the political and civil laws of his own country, but by th political and- civil laws of theirs." Spirit of Laws, vol. ii. book xxvi. chap, xxi, xxiii. 2- Robertson, iii. book vi. Had the Spanish historians of South Ameri- ca been contemporary, with the Spanish conquerors , we might have suspect- ed them of a confederacy, to varnisk over the entire actions of the Con- quest with the gloss of religion. The extorted consent of the wretched Inca to an ablution, whose meaning he neither understood, nor regarded, is ascribed by Garcilasso de la Vega to the infinite mercy of God. The Catholic historian believed, doubtless, that by means of this rite the mur- dered Inca received as great a recompense for the loss of his I iff, as his subjects for the lass of their country ; which, Acosta assures us, " was re- compensed to them by the gain which heaven was to their souls." " But; AMERICAN ANNALS. -3$ the scene of shameless guilt, gave him a magnificent 1533 funeral, and went into mourning. * Pizarro soon after forced his way into Cuzco, 2 and took possession of that capital in the most sol emn manner for the king of Spain. 3 Benalcazar, governor of St. Michael, marched Quito \vith some Spanish soldiers through a mountainous duei country, and, though frequently and fiercely attack* ed by the natives, surmounted every obstacle by his valour and perseverance, and entered Quito with his victorious troops. Alvarado, about the same time, made a most hazardous expedition into the same kingdom. 4 " now," says Vega, " to consider that an idolater, who had been guilty of ** such horrid cruelties, as Atahualpa had been, should receive baptism at " the hour of his death, can be esteemed no otherwise than an effect of the K infinite mercy of God toward so great a sinner as he was, and I am." Commentaries of Peru, 476. Atahiialpa, who ever since the arrival of the Spaniards had been impressed with a persuasion, that the end of his empire was approaching, was greatly depressed at the sight of a comet ; and said te Pizarro, who asked the cause of his depression : " When I saw myself *' first in chains, I thought there would be little distance between my im- " prisonment and my grave, of which I am now fully certified by this com- ** et." Ibid. 47 2. Alsted, a German author [Thesaurus Chronologize, p. 492.], takes notice of this comet, and relates several calamitous events, which followed it. "1533- Arsit comttu xiphias seu ensiformis. Secjuti- ti sunt terrsemotus in Germania, mutationes in Anglia, et contentio inter Carolum V, cum Gallo super ducatu Mediolanensi." This expositor of omens ought to have added, The termination of the empire of the Incas. I Vega, 474 478. Herreru, iv. 275, 276. Purchas, v. 1486. Eu- rop. Settlements, i. 143, 144. a This was the imperial city of the Incas, and was situated in a corner of the Peruvian empire, above 400 miles from the sea. Robertson. The spoil of this city was immense. See Herrera, iv. 392. 3 Herrera, iv. 392. Robertson, iii. book vi. Historians differ widely in their dates of the events of this conquest. I have generally followed Dn Robertson. 4 Robertson, iii. book vi. Alvarado, a distinguished officer 1 in the con- quest of Mexico, had obtained the government of Guatimala. He embark- ed on this expedition with 500 men, above 2OO of whom served uti horse- back, and, landing at Puerto Viego, commenced his march toward Quito ; but in passing the snowy ridge of the Andes and the deserts 60 of his nu-a were frozen to death, and before he reached the plain of Quito a fifth part of the men and half ot their horses died. No expedition in the New World was conducted with more persevering courage than this ; and in none were greater hardships endured. Robertson. Vega [492, 493.] says, among those, who were frozen to death in passing the Ajides, vu*tke first Spanish woman, who ever csun t Peru. $4 AMERICAN ANNALS. J 534- The Spaniards had already begun to settle a col- ony in the interior part of Peru ; * but, for the better accommodation of trade and commerce, Pizarro now transplanted them to a place near the sea, selected for a new settlement, over against the rfLiml* valley of Rimac, and here he founded the city of los founded. Reyes ; a since known and celebrated under the name of Lima. 3 The first Though the misfortune of Verrazzano had suspen- jameTcar- ^ e ^ t ^ ie en t er P r * ses of the French for discoveries in tier to the New World ; yet, on a representation made Canada. ^y p^^p Chabot, admiral of France, of the advan- tages, that would result from establishing a colony in a country, from which Spain derived her great wealth, these enterprises were renewed. James Cartier of St. Malo, by commission from the king, April no. sailed in April from that port with two small ships and one hundred and twenty two men ; and on the tenth of May came in sight of Newfoundland ; but the earth was covered with snow, and great quanti- ties of ice were about the shore. Six degrees to the southward he discovered a harbour, which he cal- led St. Catharine's. Returning to the northward, he sailed almost round Newfoundland. In forty- eight degrees thirty minutes north latitude he dis- covered and named the Baye des Chaleurs, or Heats j 4 and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 5 Having sailed to the fifty first degree of latitude, in the suc- yiugust* cessless hope of passing to China, he returned to France, without making a settlement. d I In the valley of Saussa, 30 leagues from Rimac within land. Vega, a. Vega, 521,543. 3 Robertson, iii. book vi. Lima is a corruption of the ancient name of the valley in which it is situated. Ibid. Herrera [iv. 409 ; v. i.] puts the building of Lima in 1535 ; and Robertson 18 January of that year. I fol- low the historian of Peru, who, after observing the different dates of other historians, fixes on the beginning of 1534. 4 Thus named on account of the sultry weather. 5 Named from his entering it on the day of that festival. 6 Charlevoix, tfist. Nouv. France, i. p. xx. Introd, and p, 8, 9. AMERICAN ANNALS. ?5 1535. I Carder, by royal commission, sailed a second ^ c n< * time from France, with three ships, accompanied cZt, by a number of young men of distinction, who were desirous of making their fortunes under his guid- ance< * Discovering now the river of Canada, which gradually obtained the name of St. Lawrence, 3 he sailed up this noble stream three hundred leagues to a great and swift fall ; formed alliances with the natives ; took possession of the territory ^ built a fort ; and wintered in the country, which he called New France. He at this time visited Hochelaga, which he called Montreal, a large Indian settlement, * "where the French were well received, but were soon infected with the scurvy, of which disease twenty five of their number died. The next spring C artier re- turned with the remains of his crew to France. 4 Returns t ( This was the first attempt of the French to make a' settlement in America. * iii. 186, 201 -212. Purchas, i. 749 ; v. 1605. Univ. Hist, xxxlx. 407* Belknap Biog. i. 34. Prince Chron. Introd. 89. Forster Voy. 437,438." Brit. Emp. Introd, p. xlvii. 1 Jeunes Gentilshommes, qui voulurent le suivre en qualite de Volun- taires. Charlevoix. 2 According to Charlevoix, the name of St. Lawrence was first given to the Bay ; it was next extended to the Gulf; and then to the Ri-ver of Canada, which discharges itself into the Gulf. Hist. Nouv. France, i. 10. In sailing up this river Cartier discovered Hazle or Filbert Island [Isle aux Coudre] ; Bacchus Island, since called, The Isle of Orleans ; and the river St. Crqix, since called Jacques Cartier's river. From this river, partly by stratagem and partly by force, he carried off Donnaconna, a chief of the natives. " The poore king of the countrey with two or three others of his chiefe companions comming aboarde the French shippes, being requir- ed thither to a banquet, was traiterously carryed away into France, where he lived four yeeres, and then dyed a Christian there." Hakluyt, iii. 187. It appears, that ten of the natives were carried to France by Cartier ; and that all of them, excepting a girl ten years of age, died before his third voyage in 1540. Ibid. 232. 3 It contained abont 50 dwel^ngs, each 50 paces long, and 14 or 15 broad, encompassed with palisadoes. The eriginal name, given by Carder, was Mont-Royal, and was applied by him to a mountain near the Indian vil* lage, but it was afterward extended to the entire island t called at this day Montreal. Charlevoix, i. 13. 4 Charlevoix, i. 9 13. Hakluyt, iii. 212 232, 5 Foreter Voy. 439, ?6 AMERICAN ANNALS. J 535 g Cartier expatiated to the king on the advantages, that would probably result from a settlement in this country, principally by means of the fur trade ; but the fallacious opinion, then prevalent among all the nations of Europe, that such countries only, as produced gold and silver, were worth the possession, had such influence on the French, that they slight- ed the salutary advice of Cartier, and would hear no more of the establishment of a colony in Can- ada. 1 Bon Pedro de Mendoza, with twelve ships and two t ^ lousan ^ men > ma de an expedition up the Plata. 3rr\ rer de la Plata, to discover, conquer, and inhabit the circumjacent regions ; and died on his return home.* The people, whom he left, built a large Buenos town, called Nuestra Sennora de Buenos Ayres, 3 Ayres the capital of the government ; and, with the aid of the natives, discovered and conquered the country ^ until they came to the mines of Potosi, and to the town of la Plata. 4 I Forster Voy. 441. 1 He sailed from Cadiz in August 1535. Charlevoix Paraguay, \. 4%. By a storm in the river la Plata he lost 8 of his ships, and sailed with the rest for Spain leaving behind the greatest part of his men. In a short time not 500 of them remained alive [Purchas, i. 849.], and at length but 300, who went in the ship boats far up the Paraguay, leaving their mares and horses at Buenos Ay res. " It is a wonder," says Ix>pez Vaz, " to see that of 30 mares and 7 horses, which the Spaniards left there, the increase in 40 years was so great that the countrey is ao leagues up full of horses." Hakluyt, iii. 787. 3 From its salubrious air. Ibid, and Hakluyt, iii. 788. The Islands pf St. Gabriel [See A. D. 1526.] were a little above this place. Ibid. 4 Harris Voy'. i. 273. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 203. Encyc. Metkodique, Geog. Art. BUENOS AYRES. This Spanish colony two years afterward [1527] built the town of Assumption on the river Paraguay [Purchas, i. 850. Herrera, v. 343.] ; and " the Indians" of this place " bestowed their daughters in marriage upon them, and so they dwelt all together in one towne." They were here 20 years before any intelligence of them reach- ed Spain ; " but waxing olde, and fearing that when they were dead, their sons, which they had begotten in this countrey, being very many, should live without the knowledge of any other Christians," they built a ship, and sent it into Spain with letters to the king, giving an account of all that had occurred ; and the king sent 3 ships with a bishop and several priests and friars, " and more men and women to inhabite, with all kind of cat- tell." Hakluytjiii. 788, Lopez Vaz (ibid.) calls the town La AMERICAN ANNALS. 87 1536. A voyage was made from England to Newfound- P r | L -tii-iti i c -^nglish land by one hundred and twenty persons, thirty or voyage un. whom were gentlemen of education and character. x der M - The first land, that they made, was Cape Breton, Newfound- whence they sailed northeastward to the island of Penguin, and then to Newfoundland ; but, after suf- fering the extremity of famine, in which many per- ished, and the survivors were constrained to support life by feeding on the bodies of their dead compare ions, they returned to England. * Cortes with three ships discovered the large pen- Ma .y insula of California $ 3 and the island of St. Jago in its vicinity. 4 i Hakluyt says, " One Master Hore of London, a man of goodly stat- tire and of great courage, and given to the studie of Cosmographie, en- couraged divers gentlemen and others, being assisted by the "icing's favour and good countenance, to 1 accompany him" in this voyage of discovery ; and that " his perswasions tooke such effect that within short space many gentlemen of the Innes of court, and of the Chancerie, and divers others of good worship, desirous to see the strange things of the world, very wil- lingly entred into the action with him." This- indefatigable author wrote most of his relation from the mouth of Master Thomas Butts, one of the gentlemen adventurers, " to whom," says Hakluyt, " I rode 200 miles one- ly to learne the whole trueth of this voyage from his ov r n mouth, as being the onely man now alive that was in this discoverie." 2 Hakluyt, i. 517 519, and iii. 129 131, where there is an entire ac~ count of this voyage. When reduced to such extremities, as to be ready to cast lots, whose turn it should be to be devoured next, there arrived a French ship, of which they made themselves masters, and left theirs to the French, after distributing among them a sufficient quantity of provisiong. Some months after their arrival in England, a complaint was brought a- gainst them by the French for the forcible seizure of their vessel ; but the king, learning the direful necessity, which had induced theni to this act of violence, indemnified them out of his own purse, and allowed them to pass with impunity. These adventurers appear to have been ignorant of the immense store of fish on all the banks about Newfoundland ; whence it is concluded, that this fishery must have been in use 32 years at least, with- out the knowledge of the English. Ibid, and Forster Voy. 290, 291. 3 Venegas California, i. i 4. This name was given to the peninsula at its first discovery ; and is supposed to have had its origin in some acci- dent ; for its etymology cannot be traced. The Spaniards, in honour of Cortes, afterward called the Gulf of California, Mar de Cortes. Ibid, and [See next 4 Herrera, v, 74 91 ; vi. 178 185 Harris Voy. i. 373. 88 AMERICAN ANNALS* ordinances The Supreme Council of the Indies in Spain made th P indiaa6 some ordinances for the provinces in New Spain ; New among which were the following : That the Pre- lates should see the children of the mixed race be- tween Spaniards and Indians instructed in the Chris- tian doctrine, and good manners ; that the Viceroy should not permit the Indian youth to live idly, but require that they learn some trades ; that the Col- lege, founded by the Franciscan Friars at Mexico, for teaching Indian boys the Latin Grammar, should be finished ; and that the Indians, who understood not Spanish, appearing before any Court, should be allowed a Christian friend of their own, to assist them, and save them from injustice* r '538. Pizarro sent Baldivia with a large number of Spaniards, to discover and conquer the country of Chili ; and they discovered considerable territory, principally on the sea coast toward the south east, to upward of forty degrees south latitude. z *539- Expedition Ferdinand de Soto, governor of Cuba, having tffotio^i" projected the conquest of Florida, sailed from the fe. port of Havanna with nine vessels, nine hundred J men beside sailors, two hundred and thirteen horses, and a herd tff swine. Arriving on the thirtieth of May at the bay of Espiritu Santo on the western coast of Florida, he landed three hundred men, and pitched his camp ; but about break of day the Prcf. In the Map, Inserted in Venegas' History of California, it is called, " The Gulph of California, or Cortes's Red Sea." Robertson, ii. 394 ; but he puts this discovery in 1536. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. CALI- FORNIA. I Herrera, v. 154. z Hair's Voy. i. 273, who places the enterprise in this or the following yecr. Almagro had previously (in 1535) invaded Chili, but met with for- midable opposition from the natives, and was recalled from his expeditiom ky an unexpected revolution in Peru. Robertson, iii. book vi. AMERICAN ANNALS. 89 next morning they were attacked by a numerous is driven body of natives, and obliged to retire. z off. 1540. Notwithstanding the general rejection of Carder's Third voy advice relative to making a settlement in Canada, 3 individuals entertained just sentiments on the sub- ject. A nobleman of Picardy, Francois de la Roque, lord of Roberval, 3 more zealous than any of his countrymen for prosecuting discoveries in this coun- try, fitted out two ships at his own expense ; but not being ready for embarkation himself, he sent Carder with five ships before him, with a royal commission, as captain general. 4 Carder com- menced this third voyage in May ; and, after en- May a $. countering many storms, landed in Newfoundland dls> on the twenty third of August. Roberval not ar- riving, he proceeded to Canada ; and on a small river, four leagues above the port de St. Croix, *? built a fort, and began a settlement, which he cal- led Charlebourg. 5 1 Herrera, v. 225. Univ. Hist. xl. 382. Belknap Biog.i. 186. There is an entire account of this expedition in Purchas, v. 1528 1556. Soto had already received from Charles V the title of Marquis of Florida. Near- ly 1000 men were raised in Spain for the expedition, and among them were many gentlemen of quality. Ten ships were fitted out to carry them with all necessary stores ; and they sailed from San Lucar for Cuba 6 A- pril 1538. Herrera, v. 224. Prince Chron. Inirod. 92. Biblioth. Amerie. 57. 2 See A.D. 1535. 3 Created by the king (15 January 1540) lord in Norumbega, and his lieutenant general and viceroy in Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay, New- foundland, Belle Isle, Carpon, Labrador, the Great Bay, and Baccalaos, with plenary authority. Charlevoix, Nouv; France, i. 21. > 4 This commission, given by Francis I, is inserted entire, in the original French, in Hazard's Collections, i. 19 21. 5 Hakluyt, iii. 232 236. Forster Voy. 441, 443. Prince Chron. In- trod. 92. Chalmers [i. 82.] says, Carder built this fart with the design rather to explore the great river of St. Lawrence, than to take formal possession of the country. This first settlement appears to have been at no great dis- tance from Quebec and the little river of Charles. There is a small place just about there, called Charlesbourg. Fcrster Voy. 444, Translator's ycfr N AMERICAN ANNALS. Orellana descends the Napo and Ama- ffor. Aug. 26. February. Capital of Chili foun- ded. Guatimala chiefly de- stroyed. 26. Pizarro assassinat- r 54 r - Francis Orellana, having accompanied Gonsalvc* Pizarro from Quito to the river Napo, followed its course to the Maregnon ; descended that river ; and arrived at its mouth after a voyage of nearly seven months. 1 The reduction of Chili was completed.* St. Jago de la Nueva Estremadura, the capital of Chili, was founded by Peter de Valdivia. 3 St. Jago de Guatimala was principally destroyed by the eruption of a volcano, attended with a dread- ful storm, and succeeded by an inundation. 4 The city, for greater security, was now removed, togeth- er with the episcopal see and king's council, to the distance of two miles. * Francis Pizarro was assassinated at his own pal- ace at noon day, by the friends of Almagro, at the age of sixty three years. 6 I Robertson, iii. %$. Harris Voy. i. 272. Harris says, he sailed 503 leagues down this fiver, which he and Herrer.a say is the River of the Ama- zons. Gonsalvo Pizarro went from Quito in 1540 with 200 Spaniards, and 300 Indians to carry burdens, to discover the Isle of Cinnamon. Ar- livingat Guana, Pizarro soon after near the Napo left his sick men and - e '.vith OreiJana, rind went with a compary by land along the river's side 200 leagues. Orellana, in the ni^n tuv.e, v ent dov.'ii the river. Pi- zarro, not finding him, on his return, was reduced to great extremity for want of provisions ; and of the 200 Spaniards;, who left Quito, not more than 10 returned to that city. Ibid. 273. 1 With the addition of Chill, seven great kingdoms, inhabited by a vast number of wealthy and warlike nations, had now, since the discovery of A'vrerica, been compelled to submit to the Spanish yoke. Europ. Settle- ments, i. 67. 3 Herrera, v. 300. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 208. 4 it was the capital of the audience of Guatimala, and one of the noblest cities of New Spain. Herrera [v. 356.] says, that 600 Indians perished, and a great number of Spaniards. The authors of the Universal History [xxxix. 147.] say, that, beside a hurricane and volcanic eruption, there was at the same time one of the most dreadful earthquakes, ever felt in any part of the globe ; but their account of the number that perished appears exaggerated. 5 Purchas, i. 814. 6 Vega [612 615.] says, that 13 conspirators in Chili went with drawn swords, and assassinated him. Herrera [v. 289 291.] says, that John de Reda was at the head of the conspirators ; that he was joined by 17 others, " all able and daring men ;" that they acquainted 12 others, " no ways in- ferior 19 themselves," with the design, who also agreed to carry it on ; that " they all set out armed from Almagro's house ;" and that some stayed to air- the streets, so that; those, who made to hi* heuse, were only nineteen," AMERICAN ANNALS. 91 Don Pedro de Alvarado, in assisting to suppress Death of an insurrection of Indians, was thrown down a pre- cipice by a horse, which fell from a high rock a- gainst him \ and he died soon after of his bruises. ' 1542. Soto, having inarched several hundred miles, and Progre58 O f passed through the Indian towns of Alibama, Ta r Soto. lise, and Tascalusa, to Mavilla, whence, after a se r vere engagement, he had retreated to Chica^a, re- mained there until April of this year. * His army, now resuming its march through the Indian terri- tories, was reduced to about three hundred men, and. forty horses. * Soto, haying appointed Lewis de Moscoso his successor in command, 4 died at the His death confluence of Guacoyaand Missisippi. 5 Juan Rodriguez de Cabrillo, a Portuguese in the j Rodri- service of Spain, on an expedition, to search for guez ais- the Straits of Anian, and to explore the western ^ ver r A ' i i i ' r i Ca P e coast of America, discovered land m forty two de- docino. grees north latitude, on the North American coast, and, in honour of the Viceroy, who had employed him, called it Cabo Mendocino. Having proceed- ed to the forty fourth degree, he was compelled by the sickness of his crew, the want of provisions, the I Herrera, v. 351 354. Vega, 520. a See A. D. 1539. ^ e reached Mavilla (a town enclosed with wood- en walls) in 1541. The engagement there was in October of that year ; and in it 2000 poor natives were slain, and 48 Spaniards. A considerable number of Spaniards died afterward of their wounds ; so that their en- tire loss was 83. They lost also 45 horses. The town was burnt, in the action. Chicaga was an Indian village of 20 houses. 3 Univ. Hist. xli. 391. See A. D. 1543*. 4 Herrera, vi. 8. 5 Herrera, vi. 9. Pnrchas, v. 1552. Belkn.ap. Biog. i. 192. Univ. Hist, xli. 392. To prevent the Indians from obtaining knowledge of his death, his body was put into an oak, hollowed for that purpose, and sunk in tHe river. Belknap Biog. i. 192. Harris Voy. i. 809. Herrera, vi. 9. Herrera, xvho mentions the hollowed oak, defines the place in the river where it was sunk, by saying it was where the river was a quarter of a league over, and 19 fathoms deep. At his death he was 42 years of age, and had ex.- pended 100,000 ducats in this expedition. Kerrera, vi. 9, where there is pleasing account of his character 1 . AMERICAN ANNALS. weakness of his ship, and the. turbulence of the sea, to return. x Carrier, having waited in vain at Canada for the 1 arrival of flip v France. turns to Arrival of the viceroy M. de Roberval, and con- sumed all his provisions ; and now dreading an at- tack from the savages, set out on his return to France. Roberval, with three ships and two hun- dred persons, coming to recruit the settlement in Canada, met him at Newfoundland, and would have obliged him to return to his province ; but he eluded him in the night, and sailed for Bretagne. The viceroy, proceeding up the river St. Lawrence winters in four leagues above the island of Orleans, and find- ing here a convenient harbour, built a fort, and remained over the winter. z J 543- Termina- The small remains of Soto's armjr, consisting of tion of So- t ^ ree hundred and eleven men, arrived at Panuco to s expedi- ' tion. on the tenth or September ; and the great expedi- tion terminated in the poverty and ruin of all, who were concerned in it. Not a Spaniard was now left in Florida. 3 y- Orellana, having -contracted with the king of age of Spain for the government of as much territory as Grellana. * & . . . J . he could conquer, in the provinces about the river Amazon, by the name of New Andeluzia, sailed May ii. from San Lucar with four ships and four hundred men, and arrived at the mouth of a river, which he I Forster Voy. 448- Venegas California, i. 161. a Hakluyt, iii. 240. Purchas, i. 750 ; v. 1605. Purchas says, that Ro- feerval Built the fort " faire and strong." Belknap Biog. i. 35. Forster Voy. 44^. Prince Chron. Intnd. 93. 3 Harris Voy. Purchas, v. 1556. See an account of Soto's expedition entire in Kerrera, Decad iv. book vi, chap, i ; book vii, chap, iii, iv, v ; book x, chap, i, ii. See also Harris Voy. i. 805 Sio, for an account of it, written by a Portuguese, who went on the expedition. AMERICAN ANNALS. 93 supposed to be the Napo, that he had formerly descended. 1 Ascending this river about a hun- dred leagues, he built a brigantine, and staid here about three months, during which time fifty five of his men died. Proceeding higher up, he met with various disasters, and, after much fruitless research for the main branch of the river, fell sick, and, re- His death. linquishing the design, died of his distemper and of grief. 3 T 545- The mines of Potosi were accidentally discover- Mines of ed by an Indian, named Hualpa. Coming to a steep place, while pursuing some wild goats up the mountain, he laid hold of a shrub, which, yielding to his weight, came up by the roots, and discover- ed a large mass of silver. On the disclosure of this discovery, the mines were wrought to immense ad- vantage. 3 1546. A pestilence prevailed through the entire king- dom of Peru. It began at Cuzco ; and, spreading U1 Pl over the country, swept off an immense number of people. 4 i See A. D. 1541. One of the ships, carrying 70 men and ir horses, fumed back, on account of contrary winds, and was heard of no more. 2- Vega, 1006. Herrera, v. 265. vi. 81, 8a. See an account of Orella- na's two voyages ibid. Decad iv. book vi, chap, iii ; and Dec. v. book i, chap. iv. 3 Herrera, vi. 89. Vega, 344. Univ. HJst.xxxix. 193. Anderson, ii. 76. Beside the mass of silver, Hualpa observed large lumps of the metal in the earth, adhering to the roots of the plant. Hastening to his house at Por- r *r< raged by legislative encouragement. 1 he parliament or Eng- ine Eng- land passed an act prohibiting the exaction of mo-. * lih ' ney, fish, or other rewards, by any officer of the Admiralty, under any pretext whatever, from the fet act of English fishermen and manners, going on the ser- pariiament vice of the fishery at Newfoundland. This wa& Aiveria' g the '^ rst act ^ P ar li ame nt, relating to America, a I 549-. Roherval The civil war in France had exceedingly retard* embarks a- ec [ t | le progress of colonization, from the time o Roberval's first enterprise for the settlement of Canada. 3 The same nobleman, at length, accom- ? Vega, 756, 763. RobertsSn iii. book vi. He the next year [1548] divided the lands in Peru. Herrera, vi. 216. " His memory," says Ve- ^a [776.], " ought forever to be celebrated, in regard that by his good for- tune, excellent conduct, prudence, and wisdom, the new empire, contain- iirp; 1300 leagues in length, was recovered, and restored to the emperor Charles V, with a vast treasure which he brought with him." i Hakluyt, i. 521 ; iii, 131 , 132, where the Act is inserted entire. " By this act," says Hakluyt, " it appeared! that the trade out of England was common and frequented about the beginning of the reigne of Edward the 6, namely in the year 1548, and it is much to be marvelled, that by the negligence of our men, the countrey in all this time hath bene no better searched." See also Chalmers, i. 9. Anderson, ii. 83. Forster Voy. 293. The preamble of the act says, " within these few years past there have been taken by certain officers of the Admiralty divers great exactions, as sums of money, doles, or shares of fish &c. to the great discouragement of those fisheries [Newfoundland and Iceland], and of damage to the whole commonwealth." There is an apparent error in Prince [Chron. Intro:!. 99.], \vho peaces the beginning of the fishing trade of the English at Newfound- Undin 1560. 3 Sea A. D. 1540. AMERICAN ANNALS; 95 panied by his brother and a numerous train of ad- venturers, embarked again for the river St. Law- rence ; but they were never heard of afterward, and is lost; This disastrous event discouraged the people and the government of France to such a degree, that for fifty years no measures were taken for supply- ing the few French settlers, who still remained in Canada. * The Portuguese built the city St. Salvador, which was the first European settlement in Brasil ; 3 and the Jesuits now introduced Christianity into the Brasilian country. 3 r 55 0i . The controversy, that gave rise to the Separa- ./Era oftk tion from the Church of England, began about this time ; and now commenced the ./Era of the English Puritans. 4 The plough was introduced into Peru. 4 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 22. " Avec eux tomberent toutes les iterances, qu''on avoit congues de faire un Etablissement en Amerique." Univ. Hist, xxxix. 408. Forster Voy. 443. 2 Univ. Hist, xxxix. a 1 7. It became afterward populous, magnificent, arid incomparably the most gay and opulent city in all Brasii. Ibid. 223. 3 Histoire Impartiale des Jesuites, i. 385^ 387. 4 The controversy was " on occasion of bishop Hooper's refusing to bfe consecrated in the Popish habits." Neal Hist. Puritans, vol. i. Preface, and p. 61 65. See Prince Chron. 215. Burnet Hist. Reformation, 1^.199 203. Hooper was a zealous, a pious, and a learned man, who had gone but of England in the latter part of the reign of Henry VIII, and resided at Zurich. Ibid. Peirce [Vindication of the Dissenters, p. 29.] hence observes, " that the habits have, from the very infancy of our Reforma- tion, been an offence to very learned and pious men" The archbishop of Canterbury, with other bishops and divines, having concluded on an or- der of divine worship, an act, confirming that new liturgy, had passed both houses of parliament 15 January 1549. It was -protested against however by the bishops of London, Durham, Norwich, Carlisle, Here- ford, Worcester, Westminster, and Chichester. The parliament enacted, that all divine offices should be performed according to the new liturgy, and subjected such of the clergy, as should refuse the service, or officiate in any other manner, to forfeitures and imprisonment ; and, for the third of- fence, to imprisonment for life. Whoever should write or print against the book were to be fined jTio for the first offence ; 20 for the second ; and to be imprisoned for life for the third. The Council immediately ap- pointed Visitors, to see that the Liturgy was received throughout Eng- land. Neal Hist. Puritans, i. 50, 51. See Note III at the end of the vol. 5 Vega, 578. This historian of Peru was carried that year t see x- 96 AMERICAN ANNALS. '55 1 - Bartholomew de las Casas, having zealously la- boured fifty years for the liberty, comfort, and sal- vation of the Natives of Americi, returned dis* couraged to Spain, at the age of seventy^ seven years. l The rich mines of New Spain were discovered. * The Portuguese about this time put cattle and swine for breed on the Isle of Sable. 3 '555- The culture of grapes had already succeeded hi Chili. 4 1558. The Inca of Peru and his wife were baptized at Cuzco. The inhabitants of the city honoured the en at plough in the valley of Cuzco, and great numbers of Indians flock- ed from all parts, with astonishment, to behold " this prodigious novel- ty." Ibid. I Encyclop. Methodique, Art. CASAS. He wrote his Narrative of the destruction of the Indians by the Spaniards, in the year 1542 [Purchas v. 1569, where the substance of it is inserted], at which time he affirmed, " that of three millions of people, which were in Hispaniola of the natural in- habitants, there scarce remain 300 ;" " and now," adds Purchas [i. 913.], " as Alexaudro Ursino reporteth, none at all : only two and twenty thou- sand negroes and some Spaniards reside there." Las Casas died A. D; 1366, JEtat. xcii. Encyc. Method, ibid. 3 Robertson, ii. 388. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 155. I rely on this account, which is taken from a Re- port of Sir Humphrey Gilbert's voyage in 1583, written by M. Edward Haies, a gentleman who accompanied Gilbert, who says, " Sablon lieth to the seaward of Cape Breton about 25 leagues, whither we were deter- mined to goe upon intelligence we had of a Portugal, during our abode in 6. John's, who was himselfe present, when the Portugals (about thirty yeeres past) did put into the same Island both Neat and Swine to breede, which were since exceedingly multiplied." See a French account, p. 68, note 2, of these Annals. 4 Vega, 388. Bartholomew de Terrazas, one of the first conqueror* of Peru, first planted them in the city of Chili. This year from a vine- yard in the country he sent 30 Indians, " laden with fair and goodly grapes," to his friend Garcilasso de la Vega, father of the historian. " For my part," says Vega, " I did partake of those grapes ; for my father hav- ing made me the messenger to carry them, attended with two pages, I dcr Jivered to every priccipai house two large buc&es tf theaj.'* Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 97 eay of the baptism with the sport of bulls, and throwing of darts, and other signals of joy. 1 1560. l)on Antonio de Ribera carried from Seville se- olives verai olive plants, and planted them in los Reyes, whence one of them w r as conveyed by stealth to Chili ; and from this time the olive flourished in Chili and Peru. z 1562, During the civil war between the Protestant and Voyage of Catholic parties in France, the illustrious but unfortu- j^SJ.^ nate statesman, admiral Coligny, 3 formed a project Florida* for carrying a colony of Protestants to America, to Se- cure for them an asylum, and at the same time pro- mote the interest of his country* 4 Having obtained permission of Charles IX of France, who was anxious to get rid of his Huguenots, he fitted out two ships, and giving the command of them to John Ribault, I They appeared " in rich attire and costly liveries," says Vega the historian, who was present at this Christian exhibition. Commentaries of Peru, 999. 3 Vega, 391. 3 He is sometimes called GJyaiillon, from the place of his residence* " ,a maison de Coligny possedoit Chatillon-sur Loing, et en a quelfefois yris le nom de Chatillon." Encyc. Methodique, Histoire, Art. CHATIL- LON. This distinguished leader of the French Protestants was assassinat- ed in the beginning of the massacre of Paris 24 August, 1571. In that horrible massacre of Chatillon and the Huguenots (ordered by Charles IX of France), upwards of. 70,000 persons were killed. It is commonly cal- led the massacre of St. Bartholomew. Du Fresnoy Chronol. Tables, ii. 161. 4 PurchaS) v. 1603. Chalmers, 1^513. Chalmers [ibid,] says, "it was hot till this .year, that Coligny sent a colsny to Florida;" and with him, historians unitedly agree. Mezeray however [Hist. France, p. 700.] says, that^he had previously attempted a settlement in that country ; but does not mention the year. His words are : " One of the admiral's principal cares was to increase the navigation and the trade of France, chiefly ia those countries of the other hemisphere [America], as well for the credit of his office, as. to plant colonies there of his own religion. He had sent the Chevalier de Villegagnon to Florida, as believing him fixed in the new opinions ; but this man failed him in his promises, and rudely hand- led those of that profession. Afterward, in the year 1562, he dispatched John Ribaud thither with two ships, who sailing a quite different course than the Spaniards had wont to do, most happily landed at Florida.'* O 95 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1562. sent him over with a colony of Protestants to Flo* Feb. 18. r ida. Ribault sailed from France in February, and sails from the first land, that he discovered on the coast of Prance. fion^ was j n the thirtieth degree north latitude, which he called Cape Frar^ois. Coasting thence to- ward the north, he discovered " a very fair and great May T river," which he entered on the first of May, and Discovers from this circumstance called it the River of May. * the r=ver e of H ere ne was welcomed by a great number of the May. natives, and erected a pillar of hard stone, on which he caused the arms of France to be engraved. Pro- ceeding to the northward, he discovered nine other rivers, 3 one of which, in the latitude of thirty two i Denominated afterward by the Spaniards St. Matheo [Chalmers, !. 513.] ; but now cnllecl St. John's river. Some suppose this to have been what is now called St. Mary's river, which forms part of the southern boundary line of the United States ; but from Laudonniere's account [Hakluyt, iii. 308, 309.] we should conclude, it was the St. John's. " Hee " [Ribault] arrived in Florida, landing near a Cape or Promontorie, which " he called St. Frangois in honour of our France. This Cape is distant from the equator thirtie degrees. Coasting from this place towards the North, he discovered a very faire and great river, which gave him oc- casion to cast anker, that he might search the same. The day follow- ing he caused a piilrr of hard stone to be planted within the sayde river, and not farre from the mouth of the same upon a little sandie knappe, in which pillar the Armes of France were carved and engraved. We " called this river Tie River of May, because we discovered it the first tc d;.y of the sayde month." In coasting nartlivardly from lat. 30, Ribault could hardly have passed by St. John's river, a broad navigable stream, without noticing it. Hawkins, who visited the French settlement on the river of May [See pn^e 103, nota 3.], found it "standing in thirtie de- grees and better" [Hakluyt, i. 539.], which latitude perfectly agrees with that of the mouth of the St. John's. 2 Named Ity the French English names The Seine St. Mary's The Somme Satilla The Loire Alatamaha The Charente .c Newport The Garonne Ogeechee The Glronde j=L, ** Savannah The Belle May River [in South Carolina) The Grande Broad River Port Royale Port Royal. I know that Charlevoix's map of French Florida puts the Alatamaha for the Seine ; the Ogeechee for the Charente ; and the Savannah for the Garonne. It may be correct ; but a map, though it contain some rare and curious matter, and aid the solution of some historical problems, cannot claim entire confidence, while it presents us Powhatan or James River as in South Carolina, with James Town in Virginia on its banks, and Charles- -AMERICAN ANNALS. degrees, " because of its largeness and excellent 1562. faireness," he called Port Royal. * Sailing many Discovers leagues up this river, he erected on an island in the Port Royal, river a pillar of stone, similar to that previously erected on the river of May ; built a fort, which w ] ier e he he called Charles Fort ; and here left a colony, pro- builds a mising to return, as socn as possible, with rein- forcements and provisions. 3 The settlers, whom an( n eaves he left behind, soon after mutinied, and killed Al- a colony, bert, their captain, for his seventy. Reduced at length to insupportable extremity, they, by extra- which a- ordinary efforts, built and rigged out a vessel, 3 and b , and ? ns '. , J i . i .,, b Y r 11 the place, " embarking their artillery, their forge, and other munitions of war, and as much mill, as they could gather," they put to sea. When they had been out several weeks, and spent all their provisions, they butchered one of their number, who consent-* town, the Carolinian capital, at its mouth. I pretend however to nothing' more than conjecture, with regard to the several streams, corresponding to the French names. I Purckas, v. 1603. Hakluyt, iii. 304. " The haven is one of the fair-i est of the West Indies." Ibid. 314. "Wee stroke our sailes, and cast anker at ten fathpm of water ; for the depth is such namely when the sea beginneth to flowe, that the greatest shippes of France, yea, the Arguzes of Venice may enter there." IbicJ. 309- Ehr Belknap erroneously suppos- ed Port Royal river to be the same as the river of May : " Ribalt named the River May, and the entrance he culled fort Royal" American Biogra- phy, i. 36. He accordingly fixed Ribault's colony and Fort Charles at the river of May. Ibid. But the accounts of this voyage of Ribault, and of the voyage of Laudonniere in 1564 [See note 3 in that year], prove, that they were two distinct rivers, and widely distant from each other. The French settlement on the river of May was in about 30 degrees north latitude [Hakluyt i. 539.] ; but Fort Charles, built by Ribault pn Port Royal river, was in lat. 32 degrees. Ibid. iii. 309. a See Note IV at the end of the volume. 3 They procured turpentine from the pine trees ; and " gathered a Icind of mosse, which groweth on the trees of this country," to calk their vessel ; and made sails of their own shirts and sheets. The moss, men- tioned by Laudonniere,fgrows several feet in length on the trees along the Southern sea coast ; and is a great curiosity to a person born in New Eng- land. I never saw so perfect natural arbours, as those on the islands of St. Helena and Port Royal, formed by trees of the forest, covered with this species of moss. The trees appear exceedingly venerable ; and, im- pervious to the rays of the sun, form a most grateful shade in that burn- ing climate. ioc AMERICAN ANNALS. ed to be made a victim, to save his comrades,^ Soon after they were taken up by an English ship, and carried into England, 3 1563, The first slave trade of the English was opened on the coast of Guinea. John Hawkins, in the prospect of great gain, resolved to make trial of this nefarious and inhuman traffic. 3 Several gentle- men in London, to whom he communicated the de- sign, became liberal contributors and adventurers for its execution. Three good ships were immedi- ately provided, and with these and one hun- I After sailing a third part of the voyage, they were so becalmed^ that in three weeks they sailed not above 25 leagues. During this time, their provisions were so far spent, " that every man was constrained to eate not past twelve graines of mill by the day, which may be in value as much as twelve person" (pease). When the mill was spent, they ate their shoes and leather jerkins. " Touching their beverage," says Laudonniere, " some of them drank the sea water, others did drink their own urine." This extreme famine continued so long, that several of them died with hunger. A boisterous head wind now springing up, and their vessel be- coming suddenly half filled with water ; " as men resolved to die, every one fell downe backwarde, and gave themselves over altogether unto the will of the waves." One of their number, at this juncture, encouraging them with the hope of seeing land in three days, they threw the water out of the pinnace, and, remained three days without eating or drinking, excepting the sea water. No land appearing at the end of the three days, they became absolutely desperate. In this extreme despair, it was suggest- ed, that it were better that one man should die, than that so many men should perish. The direful expedient was adopted \ and executed on Le Chere (or Lachau), " whose flesh was divided equally among his fellowes : a thing so pitiful to recite," says Laudonniere, " that my pen is loth to write it." Hakiuyt, iii. 318. Charlevoix [Nouv. France, i. 35.] says, that I^achau voluntarily proposed to become a victim, and adds : "II fut pris au mot, et on 1' egorgea sur le champ, san qu'il fit la moindre resistance. II ne fut pas perdu une goute de son sang, tous en burent avec avidite, le corps fut mis en pieces, et chacun en cut sa part." a, Hakiuyt, iii. 303 319. Purchas, i. 769, 770; v. 1603. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 24 35. Pastes Chron. [ibid.] p. 24. Mezeray Hist. France, 700. Univ. Hist. xl. 393 395. Hewet S. Carolina and Georgia, i. 18. Prince Chron. Initod. ()<), Harris Voy. i. 810. Anderson, Hist. Com. ii. 117. 3 He had made several voyages to the Canary Islands, " and there by his good and upright dealing being growen in love and favour with the people, informed himselfe amongst them by diligent inquisition of the state of the West India, whereof he had received some knowledge by the instructions of his father, but increased the same by the advertisements and reports of that people. And being amongst other particulars assured that NEGROES were very good merchandise in Hispaniola, and'that store of negroes might easily be had upon the coast of Guinea, resolved with him- make trial thereof," Ha.kjuyt, iii. jog. . AMERICAN ANNALS. took all the best of the men at France, Fort Caroline for an expedition against a Spanish fleet, and left Laudonniere with the charge of the Fort, without the means of defence. 3 At this juncture Pedro Melendez was on his way to Flori- da, in execution of an enterprise in the service of Philip II of Spain, who had given him command of a fleet and army, with full power to drive the Hu- guenots out of Florida, and settle it with good Ca- of Florida,or at Pert Royal. " If wee passed farther toward the North to seeke cut Port Royall, it would Le neither very profitable nor convenient ; al- though the haven were one of the fairest of the West Indies : but that in this case the question was not so much of the beautie of the place, as of things necessary to sustaine life. And that for our inhabiting it was more Reedefull for us to plant in places plentifull of victual!, than in goodly H.wens, faire, deepe, and pleasant to the view." The conclusion was, *' That it was expedient to seate themselves rather on the River of May* than on any other, until! they might hear cevves out of France." Hak-. luyt, iii. 323, 324. i It stood not above two leagues distance from the rnouth of the ri-. vcr. Hakluyt, iii. 336. 2, Hakluyt, iii. 319, 325, 329, Purchas, i. 770; v. 1603, 1604. Char- levoix Nouv. France, i. 35 40. Univ. Hist. xl. 395, 396. Europ. Settle- ments, ii. 235. The English writers in general mistake in supposing Fort Caroline to have been built in the English Carolina. It was built in the French and Spanish Florida. [Univ. Hist. xl. 419.] It has been confound- ed probably with Fort Clarks. See A. D. 5562. Du Pratz egregiously <^rrs, when he affirms, that the ruins of Fort Caroline are visible near P:n-^ sacola. Hist. L,ouisiane, i. 3. See next pag;, note 4. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 354 On mustering his men, this is the account he crjves of them : u I found nine or ten of them whereof not past two or three had ever drawen sword out of a scabbard, as I thinke. Of the nine there were foure but young striplings, which served capfcaine Ribault and kept his dogs. The fifte was a cooke. Among those that were without the fort, and which were of the foresaid company of captaine Ribault there was a Carpenter of three score yeeres olde, one a Beere-brewer, one olde Crosse-bowe maker, two Shoemakers, and four or five men that had their wives, a pkyer on the Virginals, two servants of Monsieur du Lvs, one of Monsieur de Beauhaire, one of Monsieur de la Grange, and about foure score and five or *ixe in all, counting a* wel AMERICAN ANNALS;. ioj tholics.* Arriving at Florida, he massacred Ri- 1565. bault* and all the company, excepting Laudonniere Septem be*. and a few others, who escaped to France. s Me- lendez now built three forts on the river of May, 4 and strongly garrisoned them with Spanish soldiers. s Lackeys as women and children. Those that were left me of mine owne company were aboute sixteene or seventeene that could beare arines, and &11 of them poore and leane : the rest Wf re sicke and maymed." Ibid. I The Spaniards " pretended those territories belonged to them, affirm^ ing they were the first discoverers." Mezeray. 2, Ribault, at the first assault, was not far distant, and" is said to have *' parled with the Spaniards." He set sail with Laudonniere for France 45 September, but was separated from him the next day, and immediately after overtaken with a tempest, " which in fine wrackt him upon the coast where all his shippes were east away, and he with much adoe escaped drowning, to fall into their hands which cruelly massacred him and all his company." Hakluyt, iii. 355. How many were killed noiv, does not ap- pear ; but of Laudonniere's wretched company about 60 appear to have been previously massacred. There were, he informs us, 85 or 86 in ail. At his first escape from the fort, he found " three or foure" of his men, who had also escaped. When a boat arrived from the ships, to take him oiT. he went " with the boat along the reeds to seeke out the poor scule c which were scattered abroad, where (he says) we gathered up 18 or 20 of them." Ibid: , 3 Laudonniere had " fortified and inhabited" in Florida " two summers and one whole winter," or " a year and a quarter, as the French king''; lieutenant." Hakluyt, iii. 301, 319. John Hawkins, the slave merchant, was at fort Caroline in August ; but it must have been previously to Ri- Tjault's arrival. He had made a second voyage to the coast of Guinea the preceding year ; and having sold his slaves in the W. Indies, stopped r.t the River of May, on his return home, to water his ships. Laudonniere had been at war with the natives, and had " not above 40 soldiers left unhurt," norabove ten dap pro vision. The soldiers had been obliged to live on acorns and roots, and some of them had served a Fioridian king against his ene- mies, " for mill and other victualles." Hawkins spared them 20 barrels of meal and other necessaries, " to helpe them the better homewards," ar.d a bark of 50 tons ; for they had already determined to return to France. On the arrival of Ribault a few days afterward, they changed their pur- pose ; and stopped to be massacred. See Hakluyt, i. 539, 540 ; iii. 347, 348. Purchas, v. 1604. 4 The authors of Encyclopedic Methodique [Geog. Art. FLORIDE] say, that Melendez now made settlements (forma des etablissemens) at St. Au- jgustine and Pensacola. If he now built a fort at Pensacola, Du Pratz may have mistaken the ruins of tfjis, for the ruins of Fort Caroline. An ac- count in Hakluyt [ii. 469.] confirms that of the French Encyclcpedie : " The Spaniards [in 1572] have two forts there [Florida], chiefly to keepe out the Frenchmen from planting there." 5 Hakluyt, iii. 355. Purchas, i. 770 ; v. 1604. Chalmers,!. 513. Hew- et S. Carol. & Georg.i. 19. Prince Chron. Introd. 100. Mezeray Hist. France, 700. Melendez, for this act of cruelty, became infamous even a- mong his own countrymen. Disappointed in a naval project ten years afterward, he killed himself. " Eadem tcmpestate [1575] Petrus Melen- AMERICAN ANNALS. Is68. v/ r flie chevalier Dominique de Gourgues, a sol- fcf Gour- ,. r n r i r M - ^i fnes to rio- dier of fortune, of a good family m Gascony, rida - hearing of the massacre of his countrymen in Flori- da, determined to revenge their death, and repair the honour of his nation, by driving their murderers out of that country. On this vindictive enterprise he sailed from France, at his own expense, and with- out orders,, with three frigates and one hundred and fifty soldiers and volunteers, and eighty chosen mariners, to Florida. * The Spaniards, to the num- ber of four hundred, were well fortified on the ri- ver of Mayj principally at the great fort, begun by the French, and afterward repaired by themselves; Two leagues lower toward the river's mouth 1 ; they had made two smaller forts* which were defended by one hundred and twenty soldiers, well supplied with artillery and ammunition.* Gourgues, though informed of their strength, /prii proceeded resolutely forward, arid with the assist- Assmis the 2nc 0f tke natives, made a vigorous and desperate Spanish rr r< * P. 1 r r i forts at the assault. Of sixty Spaniards in the first. fort, there rfver of escaped but fifteen ; and all in the second fort were slain. After sixty Spaniards, sallying out from the third fort, had been intercepted, and killed on the spot, this last fortress was easily taken. All the des Cantaber, Floridje victor, sed insigni in Gallos perfidia, apud suos etiam. infamis, cum res Americanas Batavicis parum sapienter comparet, Bri- lam se aliosque portus obsequio redditurum jactabat ; et jam parata classe jmissa in Angliam legatio, qua: littus et hospitium, si eo venti adigerent, oraret impetraretque. Sed subita morbi lu^s nautas disjecit, et dux ipse edoctus pollicitationes vanitatem, pudore ut creditum, aut metu vitanx finiit." Grotii Annales, 63, 64 & index. I His equipment, according to Mezeray (who says he had 200 sol- diers and too seamen), was made with part of his own estate, which he sold, and with what his brother, President of the Generality of Guyenne, lent him. The reason, assigned by this historian, why the Government of- Frunce did not revenge the massacre, is, that the king's Council was half "Spanish. Gourgues had recently returned from Africa. Losing no time, he sailed from France in August 1567 to the West Indies, whence, after delays by storms, he proceeded to Florida in the, spring of 1568. i One of these lower forts must have been on one side of the river t and the other oo the other side ; for tke river " passed betweejo them." AMERICAN ANNALS. 105 Surviving Spaniards were led away prisoners, with 1568. the fifteen who escaped the massacre at the first fort ; and, after having been shown the injury, that they had done to the French nation, were hung on the boughs of the same trees, on which the Frenchmen had been previously hung. O- ver those devoted Frenchmen, Melendez had suspended a Spanish label, signifying, " I do not this as to Frenchmen, but as to Lutherans. 55 Gour- gues, in retaliation, caused to be imprinted with a searing iron in a tablet of fir wood, " I do not this as to Spaniards, nor as to Mariners, but as to Trai- tors, Robbers, and Murderers.' 51 Having razed the three forts, a he hastened his preparation to re- I Charlevoix [Nouv. France, i. 103, 104.] justly condemns this barba- rous retaliation : " Je ne crains pas de dire que 1' expedition du Cheva-* Her de Gourgues, jusques-la si glorieuse'pour lui, et si honnorable pour la Nation, auroit et< infiniment plus relevee par une conduite, ou sa mcd- ration, et la generosite Fransoise eut fait un beau contraste avec 1' inhu- manite des Espagnols, qu' en la terminant avec la mcme fureur, qu' il detestoit en eux." He pertinently cites the reply, made by Pausanias, king of Sparta, to a citizen of JEgina, who had proposed to him, as what would immortalize his name, to hang the dead body of Mardonius on a gallows, in revenge for the like indignity, shown to Leonidas by Mardonius and Xerxes : " Thou must have a very wrong notion of true glory, to imag- ine, that the way for me to acquire it is to resemble the Barbarians." The observation of the Catholic historian may have been as sincere and disinter- ested, as it is just and generous ; it is difficult however to forget, that they were Huguenots, whose massacre Gourgues revenged ; and that P. De Charlevoix was " de la Compagnie de JESUS" [a Jesuit], one of whose avow- ed tenets is, That faith is not to be kept with heretics. 2, " Considering he had not men inough to keepe his fortes which he had wonne, much lesse to store them, fearing also lest the Spaniard which hath dominions neere adjoining should renew his forces, or the Savages should prevail against the French men, unlesse his Majestic would send thither, hee resolved to raze them. And indeede, after he had assembled, and in the ende perswaded all the Savage kings so to doe, they caused their subjects to runne thither with such affection, that they overthrew all the three Forts flatte even with the ground in one day." Hakluyt, iii. 359, 360. Du Pratz [Hist. Louisiane, i. 4.] says, that Gourgues established a new post before his return to France ; but that the disorders in that king- dom did not permit its support. The account in Hakluyt, on which I re- ly, makes no mention of it. " Finding his ships set in order, and every thing ready to set sayle, hee counselled the kings to contiriue in the amitio and ancient league which they had made with the king of France, which would defend them against all nations ; which they all promised, shedding- teares because of his departure, Olocatara especially ; for appeasing of whom he promised them to returne within twelve moons, (so they count the P io6 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1568 French Solomon turn ; and on the third of May embarked fof France. * His sovereign not avowing the enterprise, k* s countrymen now bade Florida a final adieu. z If the settlement of Ribault at Port Royal, or that of Laudonniere at the river of May,- had been suppor- ted by the Parent State, long possession mi,* IK have furnished a stronger claim to the country, than pri- or discovery, and France might have had an empire in America, before Britain had sent a single colony into this New World. The Licenciate Castro, governor of Peru, todis- cover certain islands in the South Sea on the Pe- ruvian coast, sent out from Lima a fleet, which, '! ing eight hundred leagues westward of the co.istj found a cluster of islands in eleven degrees soiuh latitude, to which the governor gave the name of Solomon Islands. 3 South A- merica. First voy- Francis Drake, the celebrated English navigator, Francis made his first voyage to South America. Entering Drake to the port of Nombre de Dios with four pinnaces, he landed about one hundred and fifty men, seventy of whom he left in a fort, that was there j and with yeeres) and that his king would send them an army, and store of knive* for presents, and all other things necessary." 1 Hakluyt, iii. 356 360; and Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 95 106 ; where there are entire accounts of this voyage. Mezeray Hist. France, 701. Chalmers, i. 513. Purchas, v. 1604, 1605. Univ. Hist. xl. 413 417. Anderson, ii. 127. He arrived at Rochel 6 June, with the loss but of a small pinnace and 8 men in it, with a few gentlemen and others, who were slain in assaulting the forts. Kakluyt. When Gourgues went to Pa- ris to present himself to the king, to infoirm him of the success of his voy- age, and to offer him " his life and all his goods" toward subduing thi whole country to his obedience, he met with an ill reception, and was con- strained to hide himself a long time in the court of Roan, " about the year 1570." He died in 1582, " to the great grief of such as knew him."' Hakluyt, iii. 360. Purchas, v. 1605. 2 Chalmers, i. 513. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 467. Purchas, v. 1447. This name was given, that the Spaniards, supposing them to be those islands, from which Solomon fetch- ed gold to adorn the temple at Jerusalem, might be the more desirous t go and inhabit them. Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. ioy tiie remaining eighty surprised the town, but was soon repelled by the Spaniards. He next sailed in- to Darien harbour, where he landed, and intercept- ed two companies of mules, laden with gold and sil- ver, on the way from Panama to Nombre de Dios ^ took off the gold ; and soon after reembarked. ' The king of Spain gave the islands of Bermudas to one of his subjects ; but the Spaniards never took possession of them. a T 575 John Oxenham, an Englishman, hearing what ^ spoil captain Drake had brought from South Amer- ica, made a voyage, accompanied by seventy persons, man, to in a ship of one hundred and twenty tons. Land- ing his men at Darien, where he hauled his ship to the shore, and covered it with boughs of trees, he travelled twelye leagues into the main land, and built a pinnace on a river, by which he passed into. the South Sea. After taking some Spanish prizes, he and his company were made prisoners by the Spaniards, and executed. 3 All attempts to find a North East passage to In- F-stv xlia having been unsuccessful, queen Elizabeth sent Martin out Martin Erobisher with three small ships, for the discovery of a North West passage. Arriving at i Hakluyt, iii. 525, 526, 778, 779. He took away the gold only, " for they were not able to carrie the silver through the mountaines." Ibid. Two days after this spoliation, he came to the house of Crosses, and burnt above 200,000 ducats in merchandize. Purchas, v. 1180. a Univ. Hist. xli. 339. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 526 528 ; 779 781. The Justice asked the English captain, Whether he had the Queen's licence, or the licence of any Prince or Lord. He answered, That he had none, but that he came of his own proper, motion. On this acknowledgment, the captain and his company were condemned, and were all put to death at Panama, excepting th' TTT i T i' ^ session of enng it over to the use or oir Walter Ralegh. t i ie This proved to be the island of Wocokon, on th^ tJ 7 borders of which they remained two days without seeing any people of the country. On the third day three of the natives came in a boat to the side of the island near the English, who persuaded one of them to go onboard their ships, where they gave him a shirt, and various toys. The next day there came to them several boats, in one of which was Granganimeo, a brother of the king of the country, with about forty men; 1 and to this princely per- sonage, whom his attendants treated with profound respect, they made presents of such things, as pleas- ed him. z A day or two after they trafficked with coullT with th'e natives. i " The maner of his comming was in this sort : hee left his boates al- together as the first man did a little from the shippes by the chore, and tame along to the place over 'against the ships followed with fortie HH-.I!. \Vhen he came to the place, his servants spread a long matte upon die ground, on which he sate downe, and at the ether ende of the matte foure others of his compame did the like, the rest of his men stood round about him somewhat a farre off : when we came to the shore to him with our weapons, hee never mooved from his place, nor any 'of the other foure, nor never mistrusted any harme to be ofirtd from us, but sitting still he bec- koned us to come and sit by him, which we performed : and being set hee made all signed of joy and welcome." Hakluyt, iii. 247. 1 " When we sheAved him all our packet of merchandize, of all things that he sawe, a bright tinne dish most pleased him, which he presently tooke up and clapt it before his breast, and after made a hole in the brimme thereof and hung it about his necke, making signes that it would defends him against his enemies arrowes. We exchanged our tinne dish for twen- tie skinnes, woorth twentie crownes, or twentie nobles ; and a copp tie for fiftie gkiag woortk fiftie grownes." lialduyt, iii. 247. ji8 AMERICAN ANNALS. $584. the natives. The king's brother afterward went on board the ships, accompanied by his wife and children. After this friendly intercourse. Barlow and seven of his men went twenty miles through Poanoke ^ am ^ co soun d to Roanoke, an island near the mouth of Albemarle Sound, where they found a village, consisting of nine houses, built with cedar, and for- tified with sharp trees. In the absence of Granga- nimeo, who lived here, they were entertained with peculiar kindness by his wife. While partaking of the refreshment, that she prepared for them, they were so alarmed by two or three of the natives, who came in from hunting, as to be ready to take up their arms, to repel them ; but she instantly caused some of her men to go out, and take away 1 their bows and arrows, and break them, and beat those Indians out of the gate. This generous woman, concerned to see the English in the evening putting off from the shore, carried a supper, half dressed, and delivered it at the boat side, with the pots in which it was cooked. Perceiving their continu- ed distrust, she ordered several men, and thirty wo- men, to sit on the bank, as a guard to them through the night, and sent several fine mats, to screen them from the weather. The ships, the fire arms, th^ clothes, and especially the complexions, of the Eng- lish excited the admiration of these tawny aborigin- als, and produced a sort of magical influence, which procured from them these extraordinary tokens of respect and hospitality. After spending a few weeks in trafficking with the people, and in visiting Se >temher. some parts of the continent, the adventurers return- fietum to ed to England, carrying with them two of the na- England. t j veS- Q n t h e i r arrival, they gave such splendid descriptions of the beauty and fertility of the coun- try, and of the mildness of the climate, that Eliza- beth, delighted with the idea of occupying so fine AMERICAN ANNALS; a territory, bestowed on it the name of Virginia, * The coun- as a memorial that this happy discovery was made *~ under a virgin queen. z 1585- Sir Walter Ralegh sent out from England -a fleet of seven sail, with people to form a settlement viihtto' 1 in Virginia ; deputing Sir Richard Grenville to be Virginia. general of the expedition, and Mr. Ralph Lane to be governor of the colony. Sailing from Plymouth on the ninth of April, they proceeded ta Virginia by the way of the West Indies, and anchored at Wocokon the twenty sixth of June* From this isl* Anchors' ai and Grenville went to the continent, accompanied Wocokon, by several gentlemen j was absent from the fleet eight days ; and in that time discovered several In- dian towns. He then sailed to Cape Hatteras, |^ ^ where he was visited by Granganimeo, the prince, Cape Hat- seen by Amadas and Barlow the preceding year. 3 teras * He next sailed to the island of Roanoke, where he Au remained- a short time, and then embarked for Eng- Leaves at land, leaving one hundred and seven persons under I ^ oa ^ oke 9 r T. /r T i .the hrst the government or Mr. Lane to begin a plantation^ English This was the first English colony, ever planted in America. 4 1 It has since been called North Carolina ; and the original name is applied to the adjoining country on the north east. Prince Chron. Itttrodt ioi. 2 Hakluyt, iii. 246 251. Purchas, i. 755. Smith Virg. 2 4. Bev- erly, 4. Stith, 9, II, 31. Prince Chron. Introd. 102. Stow Chron. 1018. Brit. Emp. iii. 35. Robertson, book ix. 39, 40. Belknap Biog. i. 138. Oldys Life of Ralegh, 2325. 3 Although the short journal of this voyage in Hakluyt gives no ac- count of what passed between Granganimeo and Grenville ; Oldys suppo- ses, the settlement of the English in the country was then agreed on to their mutual satisfaction. 4 Hakluyt, iii. 251 255. Smith Virg. 5. Beverly, 6, n. Stith, 12. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 237. Prince Chron. Introd. 103. Robertson, book ix. 42. Biog. Britann. Art. GREENVILLE. Brit. Emp. Introd. i. ao ; iii. 36. Birch Life of Raleigh* prefixed to his Works, p. xv. Oldys, p. xxviii. The names of these first colonists are in Hakluyt, ut supra , and in Hazard Coll. ' 3& 39- This settlement of the English was begun seventeen years after the French had abandoned Florida, on the same coast, but far to the north of the settlements, for which France and Spain had contended. * Thus Bird and most others -write this name ; but I follow Oldys , iv &9 saiO it "written " by hit own band?' AMERICAN ANNALS. Grenville, at his departure for England, sailed northeasterly, and discovered the coast from Roan- oke to the country of the Chesepeaks, one hundred and thirty miles. 1 The Eng- Sir Bernard Drake, a Devonshire knight, with a e squadron of English ships, was now sent to New- foundland, where he took several Portuguese ships, ? Nt ' w :, , laden with fish, oil and furs, and carried them, as toundland. ' . ' good and lawful prizes, to Lnglana. voyasreof Some merchants and gentlemen of landed prop- j. Davis to erty in England, with some noblemen, belonging to ' the court, formed an association, and sent out two barks for discovery, under the command of John l)avis, ah experienced navigator. Leaving Dart- mouth in June, he sailed up to sixty six degrees for- ty minutes north latitude, in the strait, which bears his name, and explored the western coast of Green- land, and part of the opposite coast of the conti- nent of America, between which two coasts the strait runs. Anchoring here under a large moun- tain, he named it Mount Ralegh. He viewed Ter- ra de Labrador, and the more northerly coasts j and discovered Gilbert's Sound, and the straits, which he afterward called Cumberland Straits. 3 ex- Queen Elizabeth, now at war with Spain, was pedition of the Eng- x Ibid. The colony, that he left in Virginia, discovered, from 1 7 August lishtothe 1585 to 18 June 1586, so far to the south, as Secotan, 80 miles distant \T. Indies. f ro m Roanoke, and to the northwest so far, as Chawanook, distant from, Roanoke about 130 miles. Hakluyt, iii. aj8. 1 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 248. Anderson, ii. 162. Forster [294.] ascribes ft to the strength of Spain, Portugal and France, that the English did not venture before to dispute with them the title to this fishery. Anderson simply considers this, as an act against a nation at open war, " Portugal being now united to Spain." Forster erroneously says Sir Francis, instead of Sir Bernard Drake. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 98 103, where the writer of the voyage says, " we an- kered in a very faire rode under a brave mount, the cliff es whereof were as uiient as golde." Harris Voy.i. 379, 589. Purchas, i. 741. Forster Voy. 498 301. Prince Chron. Introd. 103. Univ. Hist xli. 86. Europ. Set- tlements, ii, 286. Belknap Biog. i. 38. AMERICAN ANNALS* 121 ' advised to attack her settlements in America, and 1586. to surprise the Spanish galeons. In prosecution of this scheme, private adventurers in England fitted out a fleet of twenty sail, with two thousand three hundred soldiers and mariners, under the command of Sir Francis Drake. * This distinguished naval com- mander, on his arrival at the West Indies, captured and pillaged the city of St. Domingo ; and, sailing over to the continent, took the city of Carthagena, and obliged the inhabitants to ransom it. Leaving Carthagena, and sailing by the coast of Florida, he sacked St. John's fort, near St. Augustine* He next sailed for Virginia, to visit the English colony, recent- ly planted there, and arrived off the coast on the J une 9; s -. r , P T 7 .~. . ,. ~ t F. Drake ninth of June. Discovering a distant fire, he sent arrives at his skiff ashore with some of his men, who found Virginia. several of their countrymen of that colony, and took them on board their ships. By their direction, the fleet proceeded the next day to the place, which the English colonists made their port j but some of the ships, being of too great draught to enter, an- chored about two miles from the shore. 3 From this place Drake, who had been told, that the col- ony was in distress for want of provision, wrote a Virginian letter to governor Lane, then at his fort at Roan- oke, about six leagues distant, making him an offer of supplies. The next day Mr. Lane and some of his company going on board the fleet, Drake made them two proposals : Either to leave them a ship, a pinnace, and several boats, with sufficient masters and mariners, furnished with a month's provisions, to stay and make farther discovery of the country and coasts, and so much additional provision, as would be sufficient to carry them all into England; or, to give them a passage home in his fleet. 3 I The fleet sailed 12 September 1585 ; stopped at the islands of Cape de Verd; and arrived at Hispaniola I January 1386. Hakluyt. Prince. z " Without the harbour in a wilde roade at sea." Hakluyt. 3 The whole colony now consisted of 105 persons. Ibid, K, 122 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1586. first proposal was gratefully accepted. A ship was ac- cordingly selected by Drake, and delivered to the col- onists ; but before the provisions were entirely re- A great ceivcd on board, there arose a great storm,, that con- srorm. tinned three days, and endangered the whole fleet. Many cables were broken, and many anchors lost ; and some of the ships, of which number was that, destined for the use of the colonists, were compelled to put to sea. Drake now generously making the colony an offer of another ship with provisions, or of a passage home ; governor Lane and the princi- pal persons with him, having considered what was expedient, requested the general, under their hands, that they might have a passage to England. The rest of their company were now sent for ; the whole June 18. colony was taken on board ; and the fleet, sailing Takes the from the coast of Virginia on the eighteenth of June, ony7o C l " arrived on the twenty eighth of July at the Eng* England, lish harbour of Portsmouth. x Occurren- The Virginian colonists had been in great danger cies during from the machinations of the Indians, who at first denc^of intended to starve them by abandoning them, and the first leaving the island unsown. The submission of O- vtgia! kisko > kin of Weopomeok (in March), by which he and his people became tributaries to the queen of England, had great influence in defeating that de- sign ; for Pemisapan, who projected it, was, on that occasion, persuaded by his aged father Ensenore, an Indian king, to plant a large quantity of ground on the island and main land. Ensenore dying on the twentieth of April, Pemisapan, who succeeded I Hakluyt, iii. 263, 264, 528, 534 548, 781. Purchas, I 755, 757. Beverly, 9. Stith, 47. Prince Chron. Introd. 103. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 11.7. Brit. Emp. IntroJ. \. 21. Of the discoveries of this colony, during its year's residence in Virginia, we might perhaps have had accurate ac- counts, but for the loss of-its papers. The narrator in Hakluyt [iii. 264.] say*, when Drake sent his vessels to Roanoke, to fetch away a few per- sons, who were left there with the baggage, " the weather was so boiste- rous, and the pinnesses so often on ground, that the most of all we had, wiih all our Curds, Books and writing 1 } were by the Sailors cast overboord." AMERICAN ANNALS, 123 him in the government, next formed a conspiracy 1586. for the general massacre of the colonists. This how- ever was frustrated by the vigilance of the English governor, who contrived a counterplot; in execution of which Pemisapan was slain on the first of June, ten days only before the arrival of Sir Francis Drake. The fears of the colonists appear now to have sub- sided. But the hope of finding a rich mine in the interior part of the country, which they had already made one attempt to discover, seems to have great- ly influenced their wishes to continue longer in Vir- ginia. * Little did they know the true sources of wealth. Little did they imagine, that a despicable plant would, at a future period, enrich the inhabi- tants of this very teritory, which they were ready to pronounce unfit to be inhabited, unless it were found to contain latent treasures of the pretious metals. Had the Virginian adventurers remained but a Supplies i i t t ' t t ij too late for little time longer at, their plantation, they would the C0 i ny. have received supplies from home ; for immediate- ly after their departure, a ship, sent by Sir Walter Ralegh to their relief, arrived at Hatteras, and made diligent search for them ; but, not finding them, returned to England. Wkhin fourteen or fifteen days after this ship had left the coast, Sir Richard Grenville arrived at Virginia with three ships with provisions ; but searched in vain for the colony, that he had planted. Unwilling to lose possession of the country, so long holden by Englishmen, he . left fifteen of his crew, to keep possession of the isl- and of Roanoke, and returned to England. * I Hakluyt, iii. 255 263. The mine is said to be " notorious" among the Indians, and to lie up the river of Maratoc. The narrator in Hakluyt calls it " a marvellous and most strange minerall ;" ad adds, " there want- ed no great good will from the most to the least amongst us, to have per- fitted this discoverie of the Mine : for that the discovery of a good Mbe by the goodnesse of God, or a passage to the South Sea, or some y.ay to it, and nothing else can bring this Countrey in request to be inhabited by our nation." a Hakluyt, iii. 265. Purchas, 1.755, Smith Vir*. 13. Beverly, u. 124 AMERICAN ANNALS, Tobacco 1 was now carried into England by Mr. - Lane ; and Sir Walter Ralegh, a man of gaiety into and fashion, adopting the Indian usage of smoking it, and by his interest and example introducing it at court, the pipe soon became fashionable. z April a6. Sir Vv alter Ralegh, intent on planting the terri- sends S a se- * OI T w ^hin his patent, equipped three vessels, and cond colony sent another company of one hundred and fifty to virgi- adventurers to Virginia. He incorporated them by the name of, The Borough of Ralegh in Virginia ; vernor Sd an ^ constituted John White governor, in whom, Council. with a council of twelve persons, the legislative power was vested ; and they were directed to plant at the Bay of Chesepeak, and to erect a fort Belknap Bieg. i. 216, 217. Robertson, book ix. 46. Sir R. Grenville was mortally wounded five years afterward (1591) in an engagement with a Spanish fleet, and died on board the admiral's ship, where he was a prison- er, " highly admired by the very enemy for his extraordinary courage and resolution." Stith, 29. i Mr. Thomas Hariot, a man of science and observation, who was with Lane in Virginia, after describing the tobacco plant, says, " the In- dians use to take the fume or smoke thereof by sucking it through pipes made of cb.y. We ourselves, during the time we were there, used to sucke it after their maner, as also since our return." Camden [Eliz. 324.] cays, that these colonists were the first that he knows of, who brought to- bacco into England ; and adds : " Certainly from that time forward it began to grow into great request, and to be sold at a,n high rate." Oldys [Life Ral. p. 31.] says, the colonists under Lane carried over tobacco ' doubtless according to the instructions they had received of their. proprietor ; for the introduction among us of that commodity is generally ascribed to Ralegh himself." I do not call thia the introduction of tobacco into England ; because in Stow's Chroni- cle, [p. 1038.] it is asserted, that Sir John Hawkins carried it thi- ther first in the year I ^65. But it was then considered as a mere drug, and that Chronicle tells us, " all men wondered what it meant." The description of the use of tobacco in Florida in Hawkins' voyage of 1565 [Hakluyt, i. 541. 1 confirms the account of its introduction into England that year : " The Floridians when they travele have a kinde of herbe dryed, which with a cane, and an earthen cup in the end, with fire, and the dried herbs put together, do sucke thorow the cane the smoke thereof, which emoke satisfieth their hunger." After this particular notice of tobacco in Florida, Hawkins probably carried a specimen of it to England, as a curiosi- ty. This singular plant appears to have been used by the natives in all parts of America. In the account of Cartier's voyage in 1535, we find it used in (panada. " There growth a certaine kind of herbe, whereof in Sottuner AMERICAN ANNALS* 125 there. Arriving at Hatteras on the twenty second 1587, of July, the governor with forty of his best men went on board the pinnace, intending to pass up to Roanoke, in the hope of finding the fifteen Eng- lishmen, whom Sir Richard Grenville had left there the year before ; and, after a conference with them concerning the state of the country and of the Indians, to return to the fleet, and, proceed along the coast to the Bay of Chesepeak, according to the orders, of Ralegh. But, no sooner had the pinnace left the ship, than a gentleman, instructed by Fernando the principal naval commander, who was destined to return soon to England, called to the sailors on board the pinnace, and charged them not to bring back any of the planters, excepting the governor and two or three others, whom he approved, but to leave them in the island ; for the summer, he observed, was far spent, and therefore he would land all the planters in no other place. The sai- lors on board the pinnace, as well as those on board the ship, having been persuaded by the mas- ter to this measure, the governor, judging it best not to contend with them, proceeded to Roanoak. j u i y 21. At sunset he landed with his men at that place in Land at the island, where the fifteen men were left ; but they make great provision for all the yeere, making great account of it, and onely men use of it, and first they cause it to be dried in the sunne, then weare it about their neckes wrapped in a little beastesskinne made like a little bagge, with a hollow peece of stone or wood like a pipe: then when they please they make pouder of it, and then put it in one of the ends of the said cornet or pipe, and laying a cole of fire upon it, at the other ende sucke so long, that they fill their bodies full of smoke, till that it commeth out of their mouth and nostrils, even as out of the tonnell of a chimney." Hakluyt, iii. 224. It was used copiously in Mexico, where the natives took it, not only in smoke at the mouth, but also in snuff at the nose. " In order to smoke it, they put the leaves with the gum of liquid amber, and other hot and odorous herbs, into a little pipe of wood or reed, or some other more valuable substance. They received the smoke by sucking the pipe and shutting the nostrils with their fingers, so that it might pass by the breath more easily towards the lungs." It was such a luxury, that the lords of Mexico were accustomed to compose themselves to sleep with it. Clavi- gero, i. 439. [See p. 48, note 2, of these Annals.] Clavigero says, " Tc- faco is a name taken from the Haitine language." Jt6 AMERICAN ANNALS, discovered no signs of them, excepting the bones of one man, who had been slain by the savages. The next day the governor and several of his com- pany went to the north end of the island, where governor Lane had erected his fort, and his men had built several decent dwelling houses, the pre- ceding year ; hoping to find here some signs, if not the certain knowledge, of the fifteen men. But, coming to the place, and finding the fort rased, all the houses, though standing unhurt, over- place deso- grown with weeds and vines, and deer feeding *& within them ; they returned, in despair of ever seeing their looked for countrymen alive. x Orders were given the same day for the repair of the hous- es, and for the erection of new cottages. All the colony, consisting of one hundred and seventeen persons, soon after landed, and commenced a se- cond plantation. On the thirteenth of August Manteo, a friendly Indian, who had been to Eng- *3 land, was baptized in Roanoke, according to a pre- v i us order of Sir Walter Ralegh ; and, in reward of his faithful service to the English, was called j or( j o R oanoa k ? anc [ o f Desamonguepeuk. On the eighteenth Mrs. Dare, a daughter of the go- vernor, and wife of Ananias Dare (one of the As- sistants), was delivered of a daughter in Roanoak, - who was baptized the next Lord's day by the name Virginia ; because she was the first English America, child, born in the country. On the twenty seventh i About a week afterward some of the English people going to Croa- tan were told by the Indians, that the 15 Englishmen, left by Grenville, were surprised by 30 Indians, who, having treacherously slain one of them, compelled the rest to repair to the house, containing their provisions and weapons, which the Indians instantly set on fire ; that the English, leav- ing the house, skirmished with them above an hour ; that in this skir- mish, another of their number was shot into the mouth with an arrow, and died ; that they retired fighting to the water side, where lay their boat, with which they fled toward Hatteras ; that they landed on a little island on the right hand of the entrance into the harbour of Hatteras, where they remained awhile, and afterward departed* whither thty not. HakJuyt, iii. 383, 2,84. AMERICAN ANNALS. of August, at the urgent solicitation of the whole 1587* colony, the governor sailed for England to procure Au s- *?~ ,/ 7 r , . , \ r . Governor supplies ; but of his countrymen, whom he left be- white re- hind, nothing \vas ever afterward known, x Thus tums to terminated the exertions of Ralegh for colonizing ^ M Virginia, which proved unsuccessful, says Chalmers, " because the enterprise had been undertaken with* out sufficient information, because the project was new, and the means employed were not equal to the end." 4 John Davis, having sailed the last year to Labra- Second dor, 3 now made a third and very important voyage. ^ ird 7T ! 1-v 1-11 i ages of J. Sailing from Dartmouth with three vessels, 4 one Davis, only of which was destined for discovery, the other Ma > f X 9- two for fishing, he proceeded again to that northern region ; and on the thirtieth of June was in se- June 30. venty two degrees and twelve minutes north lati- tude, where the sun was five degrees above the ho- rizon at midnight, and the needle varied twenty eight degrees toward the west. The whole of that _ i 11 i T i r^ r -T t Discovers coast he called London Coast. Sailing sixty leagues London up Cumberland S traits j he discovered a cluster of ^^L islands, which he called Cumberland Islands. Hav- i an dis- ing, on his passage back from the northern seas, Iands * , discovered and named Lumley's Inlet, he returned I Hakluyt, Hi. 280 ^8 7, where there is an entire account of this Voyage, with the names of all the 117 settlers ; of whom 91 were men, 17 women, and 9 children. The two natives (Manteoand Towaye), who went to England with Amadas and Barlow in 1584, returned with this colony to Virginia. See Smith Virg. 13, 14. Beverly, 13, 15. Stith, 47 50. Purchas, i. 755. Prince Chron. Introd, 103. Belknap. Biog. i. 39. Stow Chron. 1018. Brit. Emp. iii. 38. Harris Voy. i. 815. Haz. 1.40, 41. a Political Annals, i. 515. 3 This voyage, like the other, was for the discovery of a Northwest passage ; but Davis proceeded no farther than to 66 dcg. 20 min. north lat. For an account of this second voyage, see Hakluyt, iii. 103 in. Hani* Voy. 580 582. Forster Voy. 302 308. Purchas, i. 741. Univ. Hist, xli* 86, xoi, CamdenEliz. 3*4, 325. Belkaap Biog. i. 38. Forster considered this second voyage of Davis highly important ; but " the great fault of it is, that in consequence of his not having named the countries he savr, it is very unintelligible." 4 Two Barkes and a Clincher." Hakluyt. *23 AMERICAN ANNALS. in September to England. ' The Spanish fleet, and the untimely death of secretary Walsingharn, hin- dered the prosecution of these discoveries. * Removal ^ Nombre de Dios was about this of Nombre time removed to Porto Bello, by order of Philip of Spain. 3 Thomas Cavendish, an Englishman, completed ish the circumnavigation of the earth. On this voyage round the he passed through the Straits of Magellan ; and pillaged, and burned several of the Spanish settle-* merits in Chili, Peru, and New Spain. 4 This was 1 Hakluyt, ill. in 118. Forster Voy. 308 310. Purchas, I. 742. Univ. Hist. xli. 101. Brit. Emp. i. 2. Forster says, that Davis went farther to the north than any of his predecessors ; and that, if the ice had not prevented him, he would certainly then have made the discovery which was afterward happily effected in 1616, by Baffin. 2 Purchas, i. 742, where " Master Secretary Walsingham" is styled " The epitome and summarie of human worthinesse." 3 Some historians place this event in 1584. See Univ. Hist, xxxix^ 156. Ulloa's Voyage to South America, i. 86. But, as it clearly appears from H-ikluyt, iii. 553, that the measure was only recommended 'to the king of Spain in 1587 by his surveyor Baptista Antonio, I presume its accom- plishment cannot have been earlier than the succeeding year. " If it would please your majestic, it were good that the citie of Nombre de Dios might be brought and builded in this harbour [Porto Bello]." Nom- bre de Dios (built in 1509) was entirely destroyed in its infancy by the Indians of Darien ; but some time afterward it was repaired, arid the in- habitants maintained their ground until this removal. Ulloa, i. 86. The expediency of this measure sufficiently appears from the account given to the king by his surveyor : " Puerto Bello lieth five leagues from Nom- bre Dios westward ; it is a very good harbeur, and sufficient to receive great store of ships. Within this harbour there lieth a small creeke safe ironl all winds that can blow." [See p. 29 of these Annals.] " The fleete shall not. passe so many dangers as they dayly doe in Nombre de Dios : neither will there so many people die as there dayly doe in Nombre de Dios : and the cause thereof is, that those labouring men which doe use to unlade those merchandize, are all the whole day wading in the water no to the armepits to bring the packs of cloth and other commodities aland ; for there is no landing place where there can come any boates to land any goods close to the shore, so this wading and the parching of the siuu'ie is the cause why so many doe dye of a burning fever. There are tut 60 dwelling houses in Nombre de Dios, and but thirtie dwellers -which doe continually dwell there, and the rest doe goe to Panama after the fleete is gone, and then this towne doeth remayne desolate, every man forsaking it because it is so full of diseases." Hakluyt, iii. 553, 553. 4 Hakluyt, iii. 803 809, where this eminent navigator is called Caridhf^ Churchill Voy. iii, 4.ox. Camdeu EJiz. 397. It -was begun at hi* owa AMERICAN ANNALS. the second English voyage round the world. These warlike circumnavigations were from this time dis- continued by the English nation until the reign of queen Anne* * Governor White, though detained in England, supplies so importunately solicited Ralegh and Grenville for ^viS the relief of the Virginian colony, as to obtain two ma fail, small pinnaces, in which fifteen planters with suita- ble supplies of provision sailed for Virginia. More intent however on a profitable voyage, than on the relief of the colony, they went in chase of prizes ; until at length two men of war from Rochelle, fal- ling in with them, disabled and rifled them, and obliged them to put back for England* a 1589* Sir Walter Ralegh, having expended forty thou- March -. fand pounds in attempting the colonization of Vir- ^fj^ 5 " ginia, without realizing the expected gain, made an patent to assignment of his patent to Thomas Smith, and J h . omas . ,0 t r , , . , , Smith and other merchants and adventurers, with a donation others, of one hundred pounds for the propagation of the Christian religion among the natives, and for the general benefit of the Virginian colony i, 3 1590. The English nation i, at the juncture of governor White's arrival in England, being still at war with expense with three ships 21 July 1586, and effected in two years and two months. Two of his ships were lost iii the voyage. Ibid. i Anderson ii. 164 ; who there says, "neither this nor Drake's circum- navigations were intended for making any useful settlements in those re- mote parts for the benefit of our commerce, as most certainly they might easily have done ; but their principal aim was privateering against and pillaging the Spaniards, together with some transient commerce.'* a OldysLife Ral. p. 41. Naval Hist. G. Brit. i. 40. Belknap Biog. i. 219. 3 Hakluyt, i. 815 817 ; Hazard Coll. i. 425 ; where are entire copies of this assignment. Birch Life Ral. p. ai. Stith, 35. Belknap Biog. i. MO. Robertson, book ix. 48, where the date is erroneous. Oldys Life Ral. p. 49. Ralegh was a generous benefactor to the colony, of which he was the parent. Mr. Hariot assures us, the least that he had granted had been 500 kcres of land to a man only for the adventure of his person. Hakltiyt, iii. 280, i /30 AMERICAN ANNALS. i 590. Spain, and apprehending an invasion by thelnvincibltf Armada ; the governor, who was one of the queen's Council of war, was obliged to remain there until the spring of this year. Finding himself at liberty March ao. to return to ^is colony, he sailed from Plymouth with three ships, and, having passed through the West Indies in quest of Spanish prizes, arrived on the fifteenth of August at Hatteras. In attempting to go on shore on the seventeenth, one of the beats was overset, and seven men were drowned. This disaster discouraged the other sailors to such a de- gree> that they all seemed resolved to abandon the research ; but, by the persuasion and authority of the governor and one of their captains, they resum- ed it. The governor accordingly, taking with him nineteen men in two boats, went toward the place where he had left the English colony, and found on a he had left m an letters. This he knew to be intended to mark 1-}^ pl ace? where the planters might be found ; for they had secretly agreed with him at his departure for England, to write or carve on the trees or posts of the doors the name of the place where they should be seated, because they were at that time preparing to remove Fifty miles from Roanoke into the main land. It had also been agreed, that, in case of their distress, they should carve over the letters a cross ; but, to the great comfort and encouragement of their English friends, they found not this sign. Coming to the spot, where the colony had been left, they found the houses taken down, and the place very strongly inclosed with a high palisado of trees, in the form of a fort. At the right side of the entrance, on one of the chief trees or posts, the bark of which had been taken off five feet from the ground, was carved, in fair capital letters, CROATOAN, without the sign of distress. 1 x Within the palisado they found many bars of iron, a pigs of lead, 4 AMERICAN ANNALS. 131 Concluding that the colony was safe at the place, thus designated, they determined the next morning to sail for Croatoan. l The ship however parting her cables, the weather being tempestuous, their provisions and fresh water scanty, they concluded to sail to the West Indies for supplies, remain there through the winter, and, on their return, visit their Return* countrymen in Virginia ; but the violence of the $to.rm obliged them to relinquish that design, aad it. return to England. * A fleet of ships sailed from St. Malo in France French for Canada ; the French at that time being accus- tomed to fish at the islands about the bay of St. Lawrence for morses, whose teeth were then sold jnuch dearer than ivory. J Thomas Cavendish, distinguished by his circmn* Cavendish attempts to iron fowlers, iron sack shot, and " such like heavie things throwen here P ll > ss t ne and there almost overgrowen with grasse -and weedes." In the end of an Straits A old trench they found five chests, that had been carefully hidden by the Magellan, planters, three of which Governor White says were his own ; and adds, " about the place we found many of my things spoyled and broken, an ibid, 134 AMERICAN ANNALS. of Labrador. In sixty one degrees forty minute* north latitude, he saw the entrance of an inlet forty leagues broad, up which he sailed nearly a hundred Variation leagues, and returned. The variation of the com- of the pass here was thirty five degrees to the west. Sail- cojnpass. ^ a j on g t ^ e coast O f America, he entered an inlet in the fifty sixth degree of latitude, and had great but delusive hope of finding a passage. After $ voyage of three months he arrived in England. * J 5?4- April 4. Silvester Wyet of Bristol, in a bark of thirty Voyage of g ve t ons made a voyage up the bay of St. Law* 5. Wyet to ' , . / r . r i i St. Law- rence as far as the isle of Assumption, for the barbs rence. or ns o f whales, and train oil. Ten leagues up n la t ^ le ^ a y f Placentia, he found the fishermen of St, John de Luz, Sibibero and Biscay to be upwards of sixty sail ; of which eight ships only were Span-? ish. At Farrillon* he found twenty sail of Eng-. lishmen ; and, having in this harbour satisfactori- August 24, ^7 made up his fishing voyage, he returned to Eng* land. 3 Voyage of James Lancaster, sent out from London with j. Lancasr three ships and a galley frigate, and two hundred the span- St seventy five men and boys, took twenty nine Spanish ships, and, associating Venour an Englishman, and some Hollanders and Frenchmen, who were roving in the South American seas for booty, sur- prised Fernambuck, the port town of Olinda, in Brasil. After keeping possession of it thirty days, he carried off the freight of a rich East Indian car* rack, with which, and sugars, Brasil wood, and cotton, procured there, he loaded fifteen sail of ves- sels, and returned home. 4 I Forster Voy. 312 317. 1 To the northward of Cape Brace 14 leagues, Hakluyt. 3 Hakluyt, iii. 194, 195- 4 Haklayt, iii. 708715. Camden Eliz. 489. Anderson, ii. jf>6. AMERICAN ANNALS. J 595- Sir Walter Ralegh, having the preceding year Voyage of sent to Guiana captain Whiddon, an . old and ex- f^^; perienced officer, from whom he received flattering Guiana. accounts of the opulence and grandeur of that country, resolved now to visit it in person. 1 Fit- ting out a fleet at a great expense, he sailed on the sixth of February from Plymouth. Arriving at March Trinidad, he spent a month in coasting the island, waiting at the same time for the arrival of captain Preston. Learning, during this period., the state of St. Joseph, a small city, lately built by the Spaniards on that island, and knowing that the search for Guiana must be made in small boats, and that his ships must be left several hundred miles behind ; he perceived it would not be safe to leave at his back a garrison of enemies, interest* ed in the same enterprise, and in daily expectation of reinforcement from Spain. Determined in his purpose, in the dusk of the evening he boldly as- sailed the Corps du Garde ; and, having put them to the sword, advanced with one hundred men, and Takes tKe. by break of day took the city, which, at the, en- c ' lt ? , f S J- r i_ T j- -L <* T - i Joseph, & treaty of the Indians, he set on fire* 2 Leaving his bums it. i Guiana lies eastward of Peru under the equinoctial [Purchas, i. 833.], between the Oronoque and the river of Amazons. Ralegh says, the Oro- noque is navigable for ships little less than 1000 miles, and for smaller vessels near aooo ; later writers say, 1800. The country, where he was led to expect to find immense treasures, lay on this river, 600 miles front the sea. a He took Antonio de Berreo, the Spanish governor, prisoner, and car- tied him, and a companion who was with him, on board his ships ; but the other Spaniards he dismissed. Berreo provoked Ralegh to this mea- sure, by treacherously capturing eight of captain Whiddon's men the year before, after giving his word that they should take wood and water safe- ly. It appears too, that he and his Spaniards had treated the Indians with extreme cruelty ; which accounts for the attachment these oppressed na- tives formed for Ralegh and the English people, whom they considered a$ their deliverers. Hakluyt. Bancroft, so lately as 1766, says, The Charib- bees of Guiana retain a tradition of an English Chief, who many years since landed among them, and encouraged them to persevere in enmity to the Spaniards ; promising to return and settle among them, and afford them Aiiistance, It is said, that they still preserve an English Jack, which he i$6 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1595. ships at Trhiidad, he proceeded with one hundred men in boats four hundred miles up the Oronoque but the rrver beginning dangerously to swell, he returned, without effecting the great discovery. 1 Several petty kings of the country however resign- ed their sovereignties into his hands, for the use of queen Elizabeth. It was his intention to seek for his colony in Virginia on his return to England ; but extremity of weather forced him from the Vir- ginian coast. 3 Captain Amias Preston, arriving after Ralegh on the* coast of South America-, landed at the isle of Coche, near Margarita, where he took a few Span- Ma y X 9- iards with their negro slaves, and a small quantity of pearls. Proceeding to Cumana, the Spanish in- habitants, after a parley, agreed to pay him a ran- som, to save their town from conflagration and jane 3. plunder. He next took the city St. Jago de Leon, which was sacked, and burnt. Having afterward ^ urnt *he town of Coros, he sailed to Hispaniola, England, thence to Newfoundland, and thence to England. 3 Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins sailed Aug. as. f rom England with six of the queen's ships, and Voyage of . , . i i i Drake and twenty cine private ships and barks, on an expedi- Hawkins t j on to t ^ e West Indies. On the way from Gua- " daloupe to Porto Rico 3 Sir John Hawkins died ; 4 left with them, that they might distinguish his countrymen. This, adds Bancroft, was undoubtedly Sir Walter Raleigh, who in 1595 made a de- scent on the coast of Guiana, in search of the fabulous golden city of Ma- noa del Dorado. Hist. Guiana, 358, 259. i " The fury of Orenoque began daily to threaten us with dangers in our returne ; for no halfe day passed, but the river began to rage and overflowe very fearefully, and the raines came downe in terrible showers, i:;u gUbtes in great abundance." Ralegh, ibid. a Purchas, i. 828. v. 1269. Hukluyt, iii. 617 662, where is Sir W. Ralegh's account entire. He seemed to believe, that what he had writ- ten of Guiana would be sufficient to incite the " lady of ladies" [Elizabeth] to possess it ; " if not," he adds, " I will judge those men worthy to be feints thereof, that by her grace and leave will undertake it of them- selves.*' 3 Hakluyt,iii. 578 58;. 4 Stow [Chron. 807.] says, " as it was supposed of melancholy." Hi* s, " embU\3oued in memory cf his nyble atchievemtats," preserve to AMERICAN ANNALS. and was succeeded in command by Sir Thomas Baskerville. The next day Drake made a despe- rate attack on the shipping in the harbour of Porto Rico ; but, obtaining little advantage, he proceeded to the main, and took the towns of Rio de la Hache, Decem ber. Rancheria, Tapia, Saint Martha, and Nombre de Dios.' Sir Thomas Baskerville now march- ed with seven hundred and fifty men for the reduction of Panama ; but the Spaniards, having knowledge of the design, were strongly fortified, and he was obliged to abandon the enterprise. a Alvaro de Mendana de Neyra, a Spanish go- The vernor in South America, sailing from Callao with four ships and four hundred people, with the de- sign of making a settlement in Solomon Islands, discovered four islands in the South Pacific Ocean, which, in honour of the marquis of Cannete, vice- roy of Peru, were called Las Marquesas de Men- do9a, and were taken possession of, in the name of the king of Spain. 3 1596. Sir Francis Drake, proceeding with the English Death fleet from Nombre de Dios, died on his passage be- tween the island of Escudo and Porto Bello. His j an . a. his appropriate honours : " Upon his helm a wreath, Argent and Azure^ a Demy Moore in his proper colour, bound and captive, with amulets in his arms and ears." Biog. Britan. Art. HAWKINS. See A. D. 1563. I Hakluyt, iii. 583 590. Purchas, v. 1183. The pearls, brought by the Spaniards for the ransom of the Rancheria (their fishing town for pearl), were so highly rated, to make up the offered sum of 24000 ducats, that the general sent them back, and burned that town, and R. de la Hache* " the churches and a ladies house onely excepted." The other towns shared the same fate. The people of Nombre de Dios fled on the ap- proach of the English, excepting about 100 Spaniards who kept the fort ; but after a few discharges they also fled, leaving nothing of value. On the last of December the general burned half of the town, and I January the remainder, " with all the frigates, barks and galiots, which were in the harbour and on the beach on shore, having houses built over them to keepe the pitch from melting.'* Hakluyt, ibid. a Ibid, and Naval Hist, of G. Brit. i. 103 ; where it is observed " grasp- ing at too many things spoiled all.'*" 3 Coll. Hist. Soc. iv. 238, 239. See p. 106, and vol. ii. A. D. 1791, of these Annals. T AMERICAN ANNALS. body, according to naval custom, was sunk in the sea, very near the place where he first laid the foun- dation of his fame and fortune. x The fleet anchor-* ed at Porto Bello on the same day ; but the inhab- itants fled at the approach of the English, carrying away their goods. 2 Second Sir Walter Ralegh, at his own expense, fitted voyage to O ut two vessels under Lawrence Keymis, who ni'dde farther discoveries relating to Guiana. s , J 597- Third roy- Leonard Berrie, fitted out with a pinnace by Sir Guiana. Walter Ralegh, arriving in March on the coast of L. Berrie. Guiana, entered into a friendly correspondence with the natives, and returned to England. 4 Voyage of Sir Anthony Shirley, commanding an English sir A. squadron, landed at Jamaica on the twenty ninth 1 ey> of January, and marched six miles into the island Takes ja- to the principal town. s The inhabitants of the mitica - town and island submitting to his mercy, he resid- ed here about five weeks, and then sailed to Hon- duras } took Puerto de Cavallos ; 6 searched in vain for a passage to the South Sea , and returned by Newfoundland to England. 7 I Hakluyt, iii. 588, 593. Naval Hist. G. Brit. f. 104. Scow Chron. 808, 2, Hakluyt, ibid. " In Puerto Bello were but 8 or 10 houses, beside a. ^reat new house which they were in building for the Governour that should have bene for that place : there was also a very strong fort all to the water side. There they ment to have builded a great towne." Ibid. This place was taken " before the town and fortifications thereunto be- longing were one quarter finished." Churchill Voy. viii. 762. ' 3 Hakluyt, iii. 671 692. Oldys Life Ral. 89. 4 Hakluyt, iii. 692 697. Oldys Life Ral. 108. This voyage was- be;j;un 27 December 1596, and finished 2? June 1597. 5 " The people all on horseback made shew of great matters, but di4 nothing;." Hakluyt. 6 " The most poore and miserable place of all India." Hakluyt. 7 Hakluyt, iii. 598 602. This voyage was begun 23 April 1596. Shirley arrived at Dominica 17 October \ staid there till'aj November ; landed at St. Martha on the Spanish main December ia; remained there over Christmas ; and on New Year's day suited, for Jamaica. Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 139 The earl of Cumberland, having received a com- 1597- mission from queen Elizabeth, to attack and destroy 15 ; x P edi J ion r i i -i , ~ Y of E. of tjie territories or her enemies, took the island of cwnber- Porto Rico in the West Indies, and carried off fend to w. nearly eighty cast. pieces of cannon, eight ships, and much wealth ; * but the expedition was disastrous, for seven hundred men were lost before its com- pletion. * M. de Pointis appeared with a squadron of French pr% French privateers before Carthagena, and forced vateers $!- it to capitulate ; but his soldiers, in breach of the capitulation, pillaged the town. 3 Charles Leigh, merchant of London, made a Voyage of voyage with two vessejs to the Isle of Ramea and to 'c e ifre- Cape Breton. Having given umbrage to the ton. French at Ramea, 4 two hundred Frenchmen and Bretons from all the ships in two harbours on the island assembled, and planted three pieces of ord- nance on the shore against the English, and dis- charged on them one hundred small shot from the woods. There were also in readiness to assault them about three hundred Indians. On a parley how- ever the contest subsided. In this voyage Leigh obtained a considerable quantity of codfish and train oil, and had some little traffick with the na- tives. 5 i Purchas, 1.903. Josselyn Voy. 242. At Puerto 5 Rico, the capital, which gives name to the island, there was a bishop's see, and cathedral church, with a friery, 400 soldiers in pay, beside 300 others. " It was accounted the maiden towne and invincible, and is the Spanish key, and their first towne in the Indies." ^ Univ. Hist. xli. 522. About 60 men were slain in fight at Porto Ri- co ; 600 died of the bloody flux ; and about 40 were ca6t away in their return. 3 Univ. Hist, xxxbi. 160. 4 By taking the powder and ammunition from a vessel (in one of the harbours) supposed to belong to Spain ; but which proved to belong to the subjects of the French king. 5 Hakluyt, iii. 195 201. Both vessels were of London, the Hope- well of 120 tons, and the Chancewell of 70, and were " set to sea at the sole and proper charge of Charles Leigh and Abraham Van Herwick of London, merchants." They left Falmouth a 8 April, and 18 May were 140 Jan. 12. Commis- sion of La Roche to conquer Canada. Reaves 40 convicts on ^he Isle of |iis death. AMERICAN ANNALS. I 59 8. France, after fifty years of internal commotion, having recovered her former tranquillity, was ena* bled to renew her enterprises for colonization. 1 The marquis de la Roche, receiving from Henry IV a commission to conquer Canada, and other coun- tries, not possessed by any Christian prince, sailed from France, in quality of lord lieutenant of those countries, with Chetodel of Normandy for his pi- lot, carrying a colony of convicts from the prisons. Having landed forty of them on the Isle of Sable, he sailed for Acadie ; made researches in that re- gion ; and returned to France, without attempting a settlement, or having it in his power to carry back those miserable outcasts, whom he had set on shore. He was prevented by various misfortunes from returning to America, and died of vexation. * l6oo, death f La Roche, his patent was re- newed in favour of M. de Chauvin, who now made French a VO y a p- e up the river St, Lawrence to Tadouss- people at * . r Tadousac. a c> where he left some or his people ; and return* ed, freighted with furs. 3 on the bank of Newfoundland. On the 23d the Chancewell was cast away " upon the maine of Cape Breton, within a great bay 18 leagues within the Cape, aud upon a rocke within a mile of the shore." The Hopewell, having fished successfully at the isle of Menego to the north of Cape Breton, and at Brian's island, arrived 18 June at Ramea. Ibid. I See A. D. 1540, and 1549. Z Charlevoix Ncuv. France, i. 107 no. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 408, 409, lr orster Voy. 444. The French king, hearing at length of these convicts, $ent Chetodel to take them away ; and after seven years the survivors of that forlorn company, twelve in number, were taken off, and carried home. On their arrival in France, king Henry having at his own desire seen them, just as they were when they left the place, in their seal skin, clothes and long beards, gave each of them 50 crowns, as a recompence forvi their sufferings ; and remitted the punishment of their crimes. Ibid. 3 Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. no, in. Tadoussac is 90 leagues from the mouth of the St. Lawrence. The French people, left there, would tave perished by hunger, or disease, during the following winter, but for tie cqmp^ssion of the natives. Ibid. Chauvin the pext year made a sen- AMERICAN ANNALS. 14* Sebald de Wert, a Dutchman, having passed B - de Wert i i ,-, r-*m- 11 i o T r. discovers through the Straits of Magellan into the South Sea, the sebai- discovered without the Straits three islands, which dine lsi - the company, in honour of their captain, called the ar Sebaldine Islands. x He appears to have been one of the company of Oliver Van Noort, sent out by the Hollanders with four ships, one of which, after the passage through the Straits, proceeded to the East Indies ; and, having traded there for pepper, returned home by the Cape of Good Hope. * This was the fourth general navigation of the globe ; but the first, that was ever performed by the Dutch. 3 1 60 I. William Parker sailed from Plymouth in Eng land with two ships, one pinnace, and two shal- lops, to Cubagua ; and, having taken the pearl fishery in that island, with the governor of Cuma- Ta , tp? f!ie na, who was there with a company of soldiers, he pearl received five hundred pounds in pearl for the ran- som of the whole. Proceeding to Porto Bello, he cond voyage, with the same good fortune as the first, and sailed up the St. Lawrence as high as Trois Rivieres ; but while preparing for a third voyage he died. Ibid. Brit. Emp. i. Introd. p. 47. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 409, I Harris Voy. i. 33. They are laid down in a map, ibid, and lie in ,53 deg. 40 min. S. lat. about 60 miles from the land. a Monson [Waval Tracts, p. 402.] says, there were five ships, that went from Holland on this voyage ; that several Englishmen went in them ; that Mr. Adams of Lymehouse was on board that ship, which returned by the East Indies ; and that, while he was at Japan, he sent intelligence to England of his being there, informing the English merchants of the state of that country, and expressing a desire, that they would undertake the trade of Japan. Charlevoix mentions the same Adams, as commander of the entire Dutch squadron : " Guiilaume Adams, Anglois, en qualite de premier Pilote de 1'Escadre." 3 Anderson, ii. 194. Charlevoix Nouv. France, [Fustes Chron.] i. 2&. It was begun in 1598 ; but was impeded by adverse winds. Historians do pot perfectly agree in the names of the Dutch navigators ; but I apprehend that several, who differ in this respect, refer to the same memorable voyage. Grotius expressly mentions it, witli his accustomed neatness; : * Longinquasad navigatiues crescebat Batavis audacia, quippe et freturn, quod Magellan! cum a repertore dicitur, Draconi et Cavendisso Anglis mensum postea, quartus eorum, quos fama excepit, Oliverius Nortius ll*> terodamensis penetraverat." Aunales, p. 593, A, D. 1601. AMERICAN ANNALS. y made himself master of that rich town ; remained plunders in it one day ; plundered it without molestation R.rto f rom j ts inhabitants ; and left it without injuring its buildings. 1 i 1602. Although the disastrous issue of Ralegh's at- tempts to effect a settlement in America, together with the war with Spain, checked the spirit of co- lonization in England, it was now revived. Bar r March *6. tholomew Gosnold sailed in a small bark from Fal- Vopgeof niotith with thirty two persons," for the northern B. Gosnold r . . J -II i . r i jmd & parts or Virginia, with the design of beginning a iinohsh- plantation. Instead of making the unnecessary cir- northern cuit by the Canaries and West Indies, he steered, a$ parts of near as the winds would permit, due west, and was the first Englishman, who came in a direct course to this part of America. 3 After a passage of seven jttttovar wee ^ s ' ** e discovered ^ an ^ on ^ ie American coast ; (and in 43 and. soon after met with a shallop with sails and *H~- oars, having on board eight Indians, with whom the English had friendly intercourse. 4 Sailing along ntervew 1 Purchas, i. 901 ; v. 1143. Harris Voy. i. 747. Porto Eellq was now en- tirely finished [See p. 1 3 8, note a.] ; but Parker obtained there no more thaa jo,ooo dollars; for within a few days before 120,000 dollars were con- veyed thence to Carthagena. Churchill Voy. viii. 762,. Parker, in his de- scription of" the stately and new builded town of Porto Bello" [in Purchas], says, it " had two goodly churches in it fully finished, and six or seven laire streets, whereof two were full of all necessarie artificers, and of mer- chants, with three small forts on the tovvnes sides, besides the great fort of Saint Philip on the other. 1 ' 2 Of this number 8 were "mariners and saylers ;" 1% purposed, after the discovery of a proper place for a plantation, to return with the ship to England ; the rest were to " remayne there for population." Pur- chas. At whose expense the voyage was made, 4oes not appear ; but it was with the consent of of Sir W. Ralegh and his associates, Belknap. 3 Belknap Biog. i. 231 ; ii- 100. Robertson, book ix. '51. Biog. Britan. Art. GREENVILLE, ffatff, Smith [Hist. Virg. 16.] says, this course was " shorter than heretofore by 500 leagues." 4 These natives first hailed the English ; who answered them. After signs of peace, and a long speech made by one of the Indians, they went boldly on board the English vessel, " all naked," saving loose deer skins about their shoulders, " and neere their wastes seale-skinnes tyed fast like to Irish DiinmieTrouses." One of them, who seemed to be their Chief, wore a w-iistcoat, breaches; cloth stocjkings, shoes, and a hat ; one or t\va AMERICAN ANNALS. 143 the shore, they the next day discovered a head 1602. land in the latitude of forty two degrees, where they May 15. came to anchor ; and, taking a great number of cod A ^Hor at at this place, they called it Cape Cod. On the wSSthe^ day following they coasted the land southerly ; and, call Cape in attempting to double a point, came suddenly in- to shoal water, and called the place Point Care'. 1 Point Gare. While at anchor here, they were visited by the na- tives. In surveying the coast, they discovered breakers off a point of land, which they named Gilbert's Point ; and, passing it on the nineteenth c;ib! ao AMERICAN ANNALS. 145 Sir Walter Ralegh, not abandoning all hope of . _ T . . . rr r sends the the Virginian colony, made one effort more for its fifth time discovery and relief. Having purchased and fitted to search , J * , t for the Vir- out a bark, he sent, on that benevolent enterprise, g i n i a n co- Samuel Mace, an able mariner of Weymouth, who lon r ; sailed from Weymouth in March ; fell on the A* merican coast in about the thirty fourth degree of north latitude ; spent a month there ; proceeded along the coast ; but returned home without any thorough attempt to effect the purpose of this voyage. x 1603, The discovery, made by Gosnold, was an incite- Voyage of ment to farther adventures. By the persuasion of Mr. Richard Hakluyt, and with the leave of Sir Wal- ter Ralegh, the mayor arid aldermen, and some of the most considerable merchants of Bristol, raised a stock of a thousand pounds, and fitted out a ship of about fifty tons, called the Speedwell, and a bark of twenty six tons, called the Discoverer, under the command of Martin Pring, for the fuller discovery of the northern parts of Virginia. The ship> carrying thirty men and boys, the April bark thirteeen men and a boy, both victualed Sails * for eight months, sailed on the tenth of April from Milford Haven, In the beginning of June they fell in with the American coast between the forty third and forty fourth degrees of north lati- tude, among a multitude of islands, in the mouth of Penobscot Bay. Ranging the coast to the fouth* west, and passing the Saco 5 Kennebunk, York, and count [Voy. 157] is : "At the further end of Narraganset Bay by the mouth of the river on the south side thereof, was old Plymouth planta- tion anno 1602." I Purchas, v. 1653. This was the fifth time that Ralegh sent, at his own charges, to the succour of the colony, left in Virginia in 1587. " At this last time, to avoid all excuse, hee bought a barke, and hired all the companie for wages by the moneth ;" but they "fell fortie leagues to the southwestward of Hataraske, in 34 degrees or thereabout ; and having there cpent a moneth, when they came along the coast to seeke the people,, they tf 546 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1603. Piscataqua rivers, they proceeded into the Bay* of Massachusetts. Going on shore, 1 but not finding any sassafras, the collection of which was the chief object of their voyage, they sailed into a large sound, 2 and coasted along the north side of it ; but, no I satisfied in their expectation, they sailed over it, and came to anchor on the north side. Lands his Here they landed at an excellent harbour 3 in a bay, harbour, which, in honour of the Mayor of Bristol, they which they called Whitson Bay. Having built a hut, and en* call Whit- , , . r -i i r i son Bay ; closed it with a barricade, some or them kept con* stant guard in it, while others were employed in where they collecting sassafras in the woods. They were vi~ s i te( l by the natives, whom they treated with kind- ness. 4 After remaining here seven weeks, the bark was dispatched, well freighted with sassafras, for England. Some alarming appearances of hos- tility on the part of the Indians, soon after the de- parture of the bark, accelerated the lading and de- parture of the ship, which sailed from the coast on the ninth of August. s May 10. While Pring was employed in this voyage, Bar- B. Gilbert tholomew Gilbert went on a farther discovery to* Virginia, the southern part of Virginia ; intending also to search for the lost English colony. Sailing front Plymouth on the tenth of May in a bark of fifty tons by the way of the West Indies, he on the twenty third of July saw land in about the fortieth did it not, pretending that the extremitie of weather, and losse of some principal ground-tackle, forced and feared them from searching the Port of Hataraske, to which they were sent." Ibid. I At a place, named the year before, by Gosnold's men, Savage RocJi. 1 It is called in Purchas a " great gulf ;" which, according to Belknap, was the Vineyard Sound. 3 The haven, described in the journal inserted in Purchas," must have been that of Edgar-Town, generally called Old-Town." Note of Peleg Coffin, Esq. in Belknap Biog. ii. r^S. The place where the voyagers cast anchor is said in Purchas to be " in the latitude of 41 degrees and odde m invites." 4 One of their birch canoes was carried home to Eristol, as a curious specimen of their ingenuity. 5 Purchas, v. 1654 1656. Belknap Biog. ii. 123 133. Smith Virg.. 1 8. Beverly, 17. Stith, 33. Prince 6. Brit. Emp.i. Introd, 21. AMERICAN ANNALS. degree of latitude. Adverse winds preventing him 1603. from reaching Chesepeak Bay, at which he aimed, }ie came to anchor on the twenty ninth about a mile from the shore, and landed with four of his principal men ; nut every one of them was killed by the natives. The rest of the crew, intimidated by this disaster, weighed anchor, ancj. returned to England. * Henry IV of France granted to Pierre du Cast, ^ nt 3< of Sieur de Monts, a gentleman of his bed chamber, DC Mom a patent of the American territory from the fortieth for theter to the forty sixth degree of north latitude, constitute " t r o ing him lieutenant general of that portion of tlie^eg. N.ia* country, with power to colonize and to rule it, and to subdue and Christianize its native inhabitants. a The king soon after granted him and his associates, an exclusive right to the commerce of peltry, ia. Acadie and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 3 Samuel Champlain of Brouage in France sailed up the St. Lawrence ; anchored at Tadoussac ; and made discoveries in the neighbouring territory. 4 Two hundred ships were at this period annually state of engaged in the Newfoundland fishery, and employ- ed at least ten thousand men. s Newfound? I Purchas,v. 1656 1658. Prince, 10. Stith, 33. a Hazard Coll. i. 45 48, where the patent is inserted entire, in the original French. An English translation of it is in Purchas, v. 1619, 1620; in Harris Voy. i. 813 ; and in Churchill Voy. viii. 796 798. In the last of these places it is introductory to L'Escarbot's Description of New France, an English translation of which is inserted ibid. 796 917. De Monts was a Calvinist ; but the king allowed him and his people the exercise of his religion in America. On his part he engaged to people the country,, and to establish the Catholic religion among the natives. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. in, jia. The country, described in the patent of De Monts, is there called Acadie ; but this name was afterward restricted t? what is now called Nova Scotia. " Cadia, pars Continentis, triangularis est forma - - - qui duo sinus exiguo terrae spatio disjuncti, hanc Provin- ciam pene Insulam efficiunt." Laet, cited by Charlevoix, ibid. "Acadie, depuis le Cap le Sable juscju* a Camceaux, & c' est ce que les Anglois ont T abord nommc Nouvelie Ecosse" Ibid. 3 Chalmers, i. 8a, from L'Escarbot. 4 Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. in. Harris Voy. i. 8u. Univ. His^. sxxix. 410. Belknap Biog. i. 41, 322. $ Biog, B.-itan. Art. GILBERT, from Josiah Child's Discourse on Trade, 34$ AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 604. Voyage of The Sicur cic Monts, taking Champlain as his StoA?. 8 ' P^ ot > anc * attended by M. Poutrincourt with a number of volunteer adventurers, * embarked with Confiscates two vesse * s ^ or America. Arriving at Acadie, he a vessel at confiscated an interloping vessel in one of its liar- hours, which was now called Port Rossignol.* Coasting thence he arrived at another port, which Port Mut- his people named Port Mutton. 3 From this port they coasted the peninsula to the southwest ; dou- bled Cape Sable ; and came to anchor in the bay of St. Mary. After sixteen days, they proceeded to examine an extensive bay on the west of the pe- ninsula, to which they eave the name of La Bayc .pave. Fran- _-, . r \ . . J rrancoise. 4 On the eastern side or this bay they discovered a narrow strait, into which they entered, and soon found themselves in a spacious bason, en- vironed with hills, and bordered with fertile mea- dows. Poutrincourt was so delighted with this, place, that he determined to take his residence Port Royal here ; and, having received a grant of it from De Monts, he called it Port Royal. s From Port Roy- This estimate includes seamen, fishermen* and shoremen. They were ac- customed to sail in March, and to return in September ; and to spend every winter at home what they acquired in their summer fishery, that is, upwards of _ 1 00,000. Ibid. i Some were Protestants and some Catholics. " II assembla nombre de Gentils-hommes, et de toutes sortes d' artisans, soldats et autres, tant d' tzne que d' autre religion, Prestres et Ministres." Champlain, 43, who says (ibid.) that they were one month only in the voyage to Cap de la Heve, which lies several leagues to the eastward of Port Rossignol, in 44 deg. 5 min. After they left this cape, it appears, that Champlain parted from De Monts and went by his order in quest of a place for settle- ment. Ibid. 44, 57, 60. 2. From Rossignol, one of his countrymen, who was trading there with the Indians without licence; for which reason his ship and cargo were seized. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 115. The harbour is on the southeast side of Nova Scotia, and is now called Liverpool. Belknap Eiog. i. 324. 3 Because a sheep leaped overboard there, and was drowned. L'Escarbot. 4 Now called The Bay of Fundy. Belknap. 5 Now called Annapolis. Belknap. "In this pert (says Escarbot) we dwelt three yeeres after this voyage." Henry IV confirmed this gift to Poutrincourt : "en 1' an 1607 le feu Roy Henry le grand luy ratificaet confirm?, ce don. AMERICAN ANNALS, 14$ a! De Monts sailed farther into the great bay, to 1 604, visit a copper mine. 1 Champlain in the mean time, in examining this bay pursuant to the in- structions of De Monts, came to a great river, which he called St. John. From this river he coasted the st. John's, bay southwesterly twenty leagues, 3 and came to river * an island, in the middle of a river. De Monts, on his arrival, built a fort, and passed the winter Bullds on this island, which he called St. Croix. 3 This f ort at st. situation proving very inconvenient, he, the ensuincr Croix ' n I- winters spring, removed his settlement over the Baye r ran- t ], ere> coise to Port Royal. 4 This was the first settlement I It was a high rock, en a promontory, between two bays [Merir.l. Belknap. 2, This was along the coast of the Etechemins : " The people that he from Saint John's river to Kinnibeki (wherein are comprised the rivers of St. Croix and Norombega) are called Etechemins." Escarbot. The river St. John was called by the natives Ouygondy. Champlain. The French did not notv sail 50 leagues up this river (as Dr. Belknap seems to liavx- supposed), but in 1608. Purchas, v. 1622. 3 The river, named by the natives Scoodick, in which this Island lies, is also called St. Croix ; and, being part of the boundary between the ter- ritory of the United States and the British Province of New Brunswick, it has become a stream of great importance. After the treaty of 1783, by which the river St. Croix was made a boundary, it became a question, which was the real St. Croix ; whether the river, known by the name of ; Scoodick, or that, known by the name of Magaguadavick. It has how- ever been satisfactorily determined, by Commissioners appointed for that purpose, that the Scoodick is the river, originally named St. Crcix ; and the line has been settled accordingly. Professor Webber, who accompanied the Commissioners in 1/98, informs me, that they found an island in this river, corresponding to the French descriptions of the island St. Croix, and, near the upper end of it, the remains of a very ancient fortification, overgrown with large trees ; that the foundation stones were traced to a considerable extent ; and that bricks (a specimen of which he showed me) were found there. There is no doubt, but that these were the re- liques of De Monts' fortification. 4 Escarbot, in Churchill Vpy. iii. 798 815. Purchas, i. 751, 752. y. 1620 1626. Champlain, 42 44. Chaiievoix, Nouv. France, i. 115, and Pastes Chron. 28. Harris Voy. i. 813 ^815. Belknap Biog. i. 324 330. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 41 i. Minot Mass. i. 127. The stores, which had been deposited at St. Croix, were removed across the bay, but the build- ings were left standing. New houses were erected at the mouth of the river L'Equille, which runs into the bason of Port Royal ; and here the people and stores were lodged. The winter had been severe ; all the peo- ple had been sick ; 36 had died, and 40 only were left alive. As soon as these were recovered, De Monts sought a comfortable station in a warm- er climate. He sailed along the coast to Penobscot, Kennebeck, Casio, Saco, and ultimately to Malebarre, which was st that time the French AMERICAN ANNALS, 1604. in Acadie [Nova Scotia] ; and was begun four years after the temporary residence of Pontgrave's company in Canada. r Two Jesuits, introduced by Poutrincourt into Port Royal, leaving that place soon after on account of some controversy, went to Mount Desert, and began a plantation there. z G. VA-y- JKOUtll. 1605. King James having recently made peace with Spain, and the passion for the discovery of a North West passage being now in its full vigour, a ship was sent out with a view to this discovery, by the earl of Southampton and lord Arundel, under the command of George Weymouth. He sailed from the Downs with twenty eight persons on the last of 31- March ; and on the fourteenth of May .discovered land in about forty one degrees, thirty minutes, 1 3 north latitude. Being entangled here among shoals, he quitted this land, and about fifty leagues distant an island, jj scoverec [ several islands, on one of which he land- wnicrx lie calls St. ed, and called it St. George. Within three leagues George. o f j.]^ ' IS \^^ h e ca me into a harbour, which he called Pentecost harbour ; then sailed up a great Pentecost ., ., . t i karbour. river 3 forty miles ; set up crosses m several places ; name of Cape Cod 5 but the natives appearing numerous and unfriendly, and his company being small, he returned to St. Croix, and then to Port Royal, where he found Dupont, in a ship from France, with supplies and, a reinforcement of 40 men. Having put his affairs into good order, he embarked for France in September 1605, leaving Dupont as his lieute-r nant, with Champlain and Champdore, to perfect the settlement, and ex- plore the country. Escarbot. Belknap, M. de Poutrincourt returned ta .France with De Monts, if he had not indeed previously returned ; for he " made the voyage into these parts with some men of good sort, not to winter there, but as it were to seeke out his seate, and find out a land that might like him. Which he having done, had no need to sojourn there any longer. So then the ships being ready, for the returne, he ship- red himselfe, and those of his companie, in one of them." Purch. v. 1622. I " Ce fut en 1604 que les Frangois s' etablirent en Acadie, quatre an* * \\int d'avoir eleve la plus petite cabune dans ie Canada." Precis sur 1* Amerique, 56. 1 Belknap Eiog. i. 41. Purchas, v. 1807, 1808. 3 "The discovery of which they seem to be proudest was that of a river, \vhich they tlo upon mar.y account* prefer to any known American river.*' AMERICAN ANNALS, i ;|t and had some traffic with the natives. In July he returned to England, carrying with him five In- dians ; one, a Sagamore, and three others of thenij persons of distinction. x Although one hundred and nine years had elaps- fed since the discovery of the continent of Ame- rica by the Cabots, in the service of Henry VII of England ; yet the English had made no effectual settlement in any part of the New World. * Twen- ty years had passed since the first attempt of Sir Walter Ralegh to establish a colony in Virginia i but not an Englishman was now to be found in al) the Virginian territory. The period however of English colonization at length arrived. The grant., made to Sir Walter Ralegh, being void by his at- tainder, 3 several gentlemen, by the incitement of Mr. Richard Hakluyt, 4 petitioned king James, to J)r. Belknap, in his first volume of American Biography, says, this great river is supposed to be either Penobscot, or Kennebeck ; but, before the publication of his second volume, he had satisfied himself, after careful ex- amination and inquiry, that it was the Penobscot. Americ. Biog. i. 4 i ; ii. 149. Purchas [i. 755.] says, Weymouth "discovered three score milt-j up a most excellent river." See Harris Voy. i. 817. i Rosier 's account of this voyage is in Purchas v. 1659 1676 ; and IH Smitty Virg. 18 20. See also Harris Voy. i. 817, 81 8. Keith, 51. Priix-' 14, Stith, 34. j, Three years before, at the time of queen Elizabeth's death (1603), which was no years after the discovery of America by Columbus, neith- er the French, Dutch, nor English, nor any other nation, excepting thf Spanish, had made any permanent settlement in this New World. IM North America not a single .European family couM be found. The French had notv (1606) just begun to make settlements in Canada and Acadie ; and these, with the Spanish soldiers, maintained at two or three posts in. iorida, appear to have been all the Europeans in North America. 3 He had been arraigned for high treason, and declared guilty ; b'.; : ; was reprieved, and committed to the Tower of London. Oidys JLiie of Ralegh, 152 1.57. 4 Mr. Hakluyt, at that time prebendary of Westminster, was " the most active and efficacious promoter" of the English settlements in Ame- rica ; and to him " England is more indebted for its American possess- ions than to any man of that age." Robertson, book ix, 55, where there is a sketch of his character. He published his first volume of Voyages cuuJ Discoveries of the English Nation in 1,589, ;-.nd the thud, in ,rCcrv 15-: AMERICAN ANNAL& i 606. grant them a patent for the settling of two plantations K P Tame 3 ' on ^ m * m coasts ^ Am erica. The king accord- bypSnt ingly, by a patent, dated the tenth day of April, vk-^n^ divided that portion of North America, which int?two stretches from the thirty fourth to the forty fifth colonies, degree of latitude, into two districts, nearly equal. x The First T he Southern, called the First Colony, he granted Sotted'to to t ^ le Condon Company ; the Northern, called the the London Second Colony, he granted to the Plymouth Com- p an y r fje authorized Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, Richard Hakluyt, Edward Maria Wingfield, and their associates, chiefly resident in London, to settle any part, that they should choose^ of the Southern district ; and vested in them a right of property to the land, extending along the coast fifty miles on each side of the place of their fir^t habitation, and reaching into the interior coun- the Second, try a hundred miles. The Northern district he al- monfh. Ply ~ lotted? as a place of settlement, to several knights, Company, gentlemen, and merchants of Bristol, Plymouth, and other parts of the west of England, with a si- milar grant of territory. a Colonial The supreme government of the colonies, that risl?. 11 ' were to ^ e sealed, was vested in a Council, resi- dent in England, to be named by the king, accord- ing to such laws and ordinances, as should be giv- en under his sign manual ; and the subordinate ju- work} which will perpetuate the praise, due to his learning, diligence, and fidelity ; and which will always furnish some of the best materials for Americ?.n history. 1 " That vast country, being found upon experience and tryal too large to be moulded upon one entire government, it was thought meet should be divided into a first and second colony." Hubbard MS. N. Eng. 29. 2 The Southern Colony was desirous of " beginning their Plantation and Habitr^tion in some fit and convenient place" between 34 and 41 de- grees north latitude, along the coasts of Virginia ; the Northern Colony was desirous of planting between 38 and 45 degrees ; and the Charter gave liberty accordingly : 5' Provided that the Plantation and Habitation of such of the said Colonies, as shall last plant themselves shall not be made within one hundred English miles of the other of them, that first fcegan to make their Plantation." Charter. AMEkiCAN ANNALS. Vi'sdiction was committed to a council, resident in 1606. America, which was also to be nominated by the king, and to act conformably to his instructions. Jfhe charter, while it thus restricted the emigrants Privileges in the important article of internal regulation, se- cured to them and their descendants all the rights of denizens-, in the same manner, as if they had remained or had been born in England ; and grant- ed them the privilege of holding their lands in America by the freest and least burdensome tenure. The king permitted whatever was necessary for the sustenance or commerce of the new colonies to be exported from England, during the space of seven years, without paying any duty ; and, as a farther incitement to industry, he granted them liberty of trade with other nations ; and appropriated the duty, to be levied on foreign commodities, for twen- ty one years, as a fund for the benefit of the colo- nies. He also granted them liberty of coining for their own use ; of repelling enemies ; and of stay- ing ships, that should trade there without leave. * King James, on the twentieth of November, issu- Nov. 20. cd " orders and instructions for the colonies,' 5 un- ^rllLued der the privy seal of England. He invested the for the co* general superintendence of the colonies in a coun- lonics * cil in England, composed of a few persons of con- sideration and talents, who were empowered to make laws, and to constitute officers for their go- vernment, with a proviso, that such ordinances should not touch any man's life or member ; should only continue in force until made void by the king, or his council ; and should be, in substance, con- sonant to the laws of England.* Lord chief justice Popham, Sir Ferdinando Gor- u ff- '* ges, and some others of the Plymouth Company, H?chai- lons. I Stith Virg. Appendix, No. I, and Hazard Coll. i. 50 58, contain ^ntire copies of this Patent. Purchas, v. 1683, 1684. Harris Voy. i. 818. $mith Virg. 303. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xv. Brit. Emp. Introd. i, stz. Robertson, book ix, 56. a Chalmers, i. ij, 16. W 154 AMERICAN ANNALS. sent Henry Challons, in a ship of fifty tons, fof make farther discovery of the coasts of North Vir- ginia ; and, if it should appear expedient, to leave as many men, as he could spare, in the country. On his passage however from the Weft India isl- ands toward the American coast, he and his crew, NOV. 12. consisting of about thirty persons, were taken by a is tuk-n Spanish fleet, and carried into Spain, where his ves- and curried r . ~ into Spain, scl was confiscated. Although this misfortune considerably damped the courage of the first adventurers ; yet the lord chief justice Popham having immediately after the departure of Challons sent out another ship, un- der the command of Thomas Hanam, whose busi- ness was not so much to plant, as to make discove- ry in order to planting ; the account, given of the country on the return of this ship, was so favour* able, that the people of England were encouraged, and the year after came more "boldly Torward, as adventurers. * 1607* This is the remarkable n?ra of the arrival of the first permanent colony on the Virginian coast. On the reception of the patent from king James$ several persons of consequence in the English na- tion undertook the arduous task of planting the Southern Colony. Having chosen a treasurer, and appointed other officers, they provided a fleet of three ships, to transport the emigrants, one hun- dred in number, 3 to Virginia. The charge of this i Purchas, v. 1827, 1832 18.^7, where there is an entire account of this voyage. See also Prince, 1 8. Chalmers, i t 79. Univ. Hist, xxxix, 270. Jossdyn Voy. 244. Harris Voy. i. 851. Brit. Emp.i. 255. 1 Purchas, v. 1827. Harris Voy. 1.851. Prince [19] says, that Mar- tin Prinn was in this voyage with Hanam ; that they had supplies for Challons, hut, not finding him, returned to England ; and that Sir F. Gorges said, Prinn brought the most exact account of the Virginian coast,' that ever came to his hand. He is generally named Pring. See A? D. 1603', 3 Mos^ of their names are preserved in Smith Virjj. 43, 44, AMERICAN ANNALS- 155 Embarkation was committed to Christopher New- 1607. port, already famous for his skill in the western navigation, who sailed from the Thames on the twentieth of December the preceding year, carrying with him the royal instructions, and the names of the intended colonial council, carefully concealed in a box. " To this singular policy," says Chalmers, 4 i$ BOW tuilt. BelkfiAp Biog. i. 256. AMERICAN ANNALS. the Indkins. To guard against frequent and sudr 1607. den assaults and ambuscades, the fort was now pa- lisadoed ; the ordnance was mounted ; and the men were armed and exercised. On the fifteenth ofj unes ^ June the Indians voluntarily sued for peace ; and Indians sue Newport set sail for England, leaving one hundred for peace * men, with provisions, arms, ammunition, and other necessaries for a settlement. 1 On the prayer of the colonists, king James is- Ma ^ ch - , -. ' c i i t i Ordinance^ sued an ordinance for enlarging the number and f or en iarg- authority of his commissioners for directing the af- in s the fairs of the colonies. Encouraged by favourable anTautho- reports, and invigorated by this increase of power, ty of the Virginian treasurer and council in England on ls! exerted themselves with laudable diligence, to trans- mit proper supplies to the plantation. Captain Nelson was sent to James Town with an additional supply of men ; and, before the close of the year, New r port arrived with seventy more, making two Virginian hundred in all the colony. These accessions con- ; 3ori 7 sis ted of many gentlemen, a few labourers, several m refiners, goldsmiths and jewellers. " The various denominations of these men," says Chalmers, " e- vince the views of the whole." The ships were at length sent back ; the one, loaded by the min- ers with a glittering earth, which, they vainly hop- ed, contained golden metal ; the other, loaded with cedar. These are recorded as the first Virginian products, as constituting the first remittance, and as indicating the earliest pursuits of an infant England. people. 2 Smith, while attempting to discover the head of Chickahominy river, was taken prisoner twenty miles in the desert, by a party of two hundred In- Indians, dians, who tied him to a tree with the intention of I Stith, 46, 47. Other authorities for this and the preceding articles are, Purchas, i. 756, 757 ; v. 1796, 1707 ; Smith Virg. 43 45 ; Keith, 59 ; Neal N. Eng. i. 18. ' Smith Virg. 54. Purchas, v. 1709. Chalmers, i. 21. Prince, 24, ;& 153 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 607, shooting him to death, Already had they assem* bled around him with their deadly weapons ; but Opechancanough, a brother of Powhatan, and com* mander of the party, holding up a compass, that Smith had given him, they all instantly laid down their bows and arrows. Having conducted their prisoner in triumph to numerous Indian tribes,* Brought they at length brought him to Werowocomoco. beforePow- ' r i -1 j i i i hatan the where rowhatan then resided m barbarian state, Indian \vith a strong guard of Indians around him. * When the prisoner entered the apartment of the sovereign, all the people gave a shout. The queen of Appa- matuck was appointed to bring him water, to wash his hands ; and another person brought a bunch of feathers, instead of a towel, to dry them. Having feasted him in their best manner, 3 they held a long consultation, at the conclusion of which, two great stones were brought before Powhatan. As many of .the Indians, as could, laying hands on the devoted prisoner, dragged him to the stones, and placed his head on them, with the intention of beating out his His life brains with clubs. At this moment Pocahontas, saved by Pocahonfas the kind's x " Their order was this : drawing thamselves all in file, the King m daughter. the ml(ist haci a11 t ^ ieir P eeces anci swords borne before him : Captaine Smith was led after him by three great lubbers, holding him fast ; on each side went six in file, with their arrows nocked." Smith Virg. 47 Purchas, v. 1708, 2 Above 200 of " his courtiers stood wondering" at the prisoner, until Powhatan and his train had put themselves in their greatest bravery. Be- fore a fire he sat on a seate like a bedsted, covered with a great robe of Rarowcun [racoon] skinnes, all the tailes hanging by : on each hand did sit a young wench of sixteene or eighteene yeeres of age ; along on each side the house two rowesof men, and behind them as many women, with all their heads and shoulders painted red, many of their heads bedecked with the white downe of birds, every one adorned with something ; a great chaine also of white beades about their neckes." Purchas. Powha- tan was ordinarily attended by a guard of 40 or 50 of the tallest men in his country. " Every night upon the foure quarters of his house (says Smith) are four sentinels,' each standing from other a flight shoot, and at every halfe houre one from the corps du guard doth hollow, shaking his tips with his finger betweene them, unto whom every sentinel doth an- swer round from his stand : if any fails, theytpresently send forth an o8i-. cer that beateth him extreamely." General Hist. Virg. 37. 3 Smith " thought, they intended to fat and eat AMERICAN ANNALS. the king's favourite daughter, her entreaties and 1607* tears not availing to rescue the captive from execu- tion, rushed in between him and the executioner, took his head into her arms, and laid her own up- on it, to ward off the blow. The father was sub- dued ; and the victim was spared. Two d^s af- terward Powhatan sent Smith, acccmpank --by He is wn * . T , * x J to James twelve guides, to James iown. 1 ^ Town. Beside the personal misfortune of Smith, $.. ..-_- fant colony met with various calamities in the course of the year. The store house at James Town tak- J ames ing fire by accident, the town, thatched with reeds, burned \vith such violence, that the fortifications) arms, apparel, bedding, and much of private goods and provision, were consumed. 1 From May to September, fifty of the colonists died ; 3 of which number was Bartholomew Gosnold. 4 The suc- ceeding winter was extremely cold, and this rigour of the season was the cause of additional mortality. * There were judged to be at this time, within sixty miles of James Town, about seven thousand Oi i Smith Vifg. 46 49. Stith, 50, 56. Purchas, I. 757; Smith had been a prisoner seven weeks. a Stith, 59. Smith Virg. 52, who says, that Mr. Hunt, the preacher, lost all his library, and all that he had, yet none ever saw him repine. 3 This mortality was ascribed to excessive toil" in the extremity of the heat," wretched lodgings, and scanty, unwholesome food. " Had we been as free from all sinnes as gluttony and drunkennesse (says Smith), we might have been canonized for saints." Ibid. 44. Purchas, v. 1706, 1707 4 Purchas, v. 1690. He died 22. August, and, being one of the Coun- cil, was honourably buried, " having all the ordnance in the fort shot off, with many volleys of small shot." Ibid. This is the same distinguished person, who made the memorable voyage to the northern part of Virgi- nia (now New England) five years before. Belknap Eiog. i. 239. See' A. D. 1600. 5 " By the bitterness of that great frost, above half the Virginian colo- ny took their deaths." This severe frost " was recompensed with asrniM a winter with them the next year." Purchas, i. 757, 760. This extreme severity of cold was felt in the most northern regions of America. JL'Es- carbot, who was in Canada about this time, remarks, that " these L.v winters of 1607, 1608, have been the hardest that ever "was seene. Many savages died through the rigour of the weather ; in these our parts many poore people and travellers have bene killed through the same h of winter weather." PurcKasj v, 1637. i6o AMERICAN ANNALS^ Indians, nearly txvo thousand of whom were riors; * Settlement; On the recent encouragement for settling North f .uiEng- Virginia, Sir John Popham and others sent out twc hsli colony , . P r , r _ _, . jit sagada- ships under the command or George Popham and b Britan. [Art. GILBERT.] says, he made a voyage to Virginia this year in behalf of his uncle ; in reference perhaps to this voyage. 3 Purchas, i. 756. Smith [Virg. 203*] says, " a faire navigable river, but the coast ull thereabouts moat extreme story and rocky." Josselya Voy. 244. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. p. 9. 4 Belknap Biog. i. 350. What Dr. Bclknap calls a peninsula, is called in the Collections of the Historical Society [i. aja.] Parker's Island ; and is there said to be formed by the waters of Kenebeck on the west, by the sea on the south; by the waters called Jeremysquam Bay on the east, and by a small strait of waters, which divides it from Arrowsick Island, on the north. " The island is now* called Parker's Island, because it was purchased of the natives in the year 1650, by one John Parker, who waj the first occupant after the year 1608." Ibid. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. 30. Purchas, 756. Brit. Emp. Lifrc-tf. I. 24. Purchas, v. 1828. Harris Voy. i. 851. I. Matker N. Eng. Brit. Emp. ii. 10. Coll. Hist. Soc. i. aji, 2Ji. " All the fruit of this their expedition during the long winter, and the after time of their abode there, was build- ing a barne, which afforded then; some advantage in their return" bard MS. N Eng. p. 31, AMERICAN ANNALS. * t6l Source of the Chesepeak. Captain John Smith in 1608 an open barge, with fourteen persons, and a very scanty stock of provisions, explored the whole of that great extent of water, from Cape Henry, where it meets with the ocean, to the river Susquehannah ; trading with some tribes of Indians, and fighting with others. He discovered and named many small islands, creeks, and inlets : sailed up many of the great rivers ; * and explored the inland parts of the country. During this enterprise sixty Sufquehan- Is vi ,: tecl nah Indians visited him, and made him presents, by the At this early period they had hatchets, and utensils of iron and brass, which, by their own account, originally came from the French of Canada. The Sufquehannah nation at this time could raise about six hundred fighting men. Smith, after sailing about three thousand miles, returned to Janies Town. Having made careful observations during this ex- cursion of discovery, he drew a map of Chesepeak Bay and of the rivers, annexing to it a description of the countries, and of the nations inhabiting them, and sent it to the council in England ; and this map was made with such admirable exactness, that it is the original from which all subsequent maps and descriptions of Virginia have beeii chiefly copied. ~ His superior abilities obtained the ascendency over envy and faction. Although he had lately been re- fused a seat at the council board, he was now, by the election of the council and the request of the settlers, invested with the government ; and receiv- ed letters patent to be president of the colony. The wisdom of his administration infused confidence ; sidem of its vigour commanded obedience. The military ex- the colon > r - 1 Pamaunk [now York], Toppahanock [Rappahanock], Patowmek [Po- towmac], Sasquesahanough [Susquehannah]. Smith's map, compared with later maps. 2 Smith Virg. 21, 25,55 65; Purchas, v. 1690, 1715 ; in each of which volumes a copy of Smith's original map is inserted. Stith, 83, 84, Purchas, i. 767. Keith* 78, 79. Chalmers, i, 21,22, Rebertson, book ix. 66 j $7, X 1 62 AMERICAN ANNALS* 1608. ercises, which he obliged all to perform, struck the Indians with astonishment, and inspired them with awe. r Newport Newport arrived at Virginia with a second sup* arrives pjy f or the colony, bringing over seventy passen- piies. i>Up " gers, many of whom were persons of distinction** Eight Dutchmen and Poles came over at this time, First mar to mtroc ^ uce tne making of tar, glass, and potashes. * riage in John Laydoii was soon after married to Ann Bur* Virginia. nls . anc j ^g was t | le rst marr i a ge in Virginia. 4 Fresh instructions, now transmitted, expressly re- quired the president and council of the colony to explore the western country, in order to procure certain intelligence of the South Sea ; to transmit, as a token of success, a lump of gold ; and to find one of the lost company, sent out by Ralegh. " These orders demonstrate," says Chalmers, " that the chief object of the most active project- ors was, at this time, rather discovery, than colo- nizatidfa." The punishment, threatened in case of disobedience, struck the colonists with horror : " They shall be allowed to remain, as banished men, in Virginia." 5 On the return of Newport to England, he left about two hundred persons in the colony. 6 The colony Ships, now arriving with supplies for the colony noct?e- a ~ at Sagadahock, brought intelligence of the death mrns dis- of Sir John Popham, and Sir John Gilbert. These couragedto England. x Chalmers, i. ^^. 1 Smith Virg. 72, 73 ; where the principal names of the passengers are preserved. Mrs. Forrest and Ann Burras, her maid, who were among these passengers, are said by some historians to have been the first English women, ever 'T this country. They -were, with the exception of the de- voted colony of 1587, which contained 19 women. The marriage, just mentioned, as the first in Virginia, must be understood with the same ex- ception ; though no .mention is made by the early writers of any marriage in that first colony 20 years before. Stith, if we may rely on Smith's au- thority, errs, in omitting the name of Mrs. Forrest, and putting Ann Bur- ras into the rank of a lady, in Ler place, attended by a maid. 3 Smith Virg. 73. Chalmers, i. 23. 4 Smith Virg. ibid. Keith, 80. 5 Chalmers, i. a. 6 Smith Virg. 70. AMERICAN ANNALS. 163 misfortunes, -with the death of captain George Pop- 1608. ham, in whom very great confidence was reposed, together with the loss of the stores the preceding winter by fire, so dispirited the whole plantation, that the colony unanimously resolved to return in these ships to England. x The patrons of the co- lony, offended at this unexpected return, desisted several years from any farther attempt toward ef- fecting a settlement. Meanwhile, the English thus seeming to relinquish their pretensions to this coun- try, the French availed themselves of the occasion, plan and planted colonies in various places within the English limits. * limits, Poutrincourt having returned from Canada to France the last year, and presented to the king the fruits of the country ; the king now confirmed to M. de Monts the privilege for the trade of beavers xvith the natives, for the purpose of enabling him to establish his colonies in New France. 3 De Monts accordingly sent over three ships with families, to commence a permanent settlement. 4 Champlain, who took the charge of conducting this colony, af- ter examining all the most eligible places for settle- ment in Acadie, and on the river St. Lawrence, se- lected a spot at the confluence of this river and St. Charles, about three hundred and twenty miles from the sea. Here he erected barracks ; cleared the ground ; sowed wheat and rye ; and on this j u iy 3. spot laid the foundation of Quebec, the capital of Foundutioa. A j - of Quebec, Canada. * I Smith [Virg. 204] says, that the country was esteemed as a cold, bar- ren, mountainous, rocky desert ; and that this colony " found nothing but extreme extremities." a Gorges N. Eng. 19. Purclvas, v. 1828. Harris Voy. j. 851. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. 30. Prince, 25. See also the authorities in note jf, p, 160. 3 Purchas, v. 1640, 1641. 4 " There," says JL' Escarbot, " to beginne Chriftian and French Com- monwealths." Ibid. j Champlain, 115. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 1 21, and Faftes Chron, Chalmers, i. 8 2. Unir. Hist, xxxix. 41 Z. Brit. Emp. Intrad. i. 47. Miuot .164 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1609. May 23. The company of South Virginia, not realizing second the expected profit from its colony, obtained from, charter ot , . T i i i Virginia/ king James a new charter, with more ample privi- leges. x This measure served to increase the num- ber of proprietors, among whom we find the most respectable names in the nation. With this aug- mented wealth and reputation, they pressed forward with bolder steps. The council of the Virginia company now appointed Thomas West, lord Delaware, governor of Virginia for life ; Sir Thom- as Gates, his lieutenant -, Sir George Somers, ad- miral - 9 and Christopher Newport, vice admiral ; and fitted out seven ships, attended by two small jiiqe ves- vessels, with five hundred people for that colony. *eis with L or d Delaware remained in England. The ship, 500 people . . . _ -Y. -111 aiiforvir-in which the three other olncers a sailed, becoming g inia. separated from the reft of the fleet in a violent storm, was wrecked on the island of Bermudas, where all jniy 34- the company, consisting of one hundred and fifty n P ersons ? were providentially saved. One small ketch was lost in the storm j the other ships, much Mass. i. 127. Quebec was the Indian name of the place. " Trouvant un lieu le plus estroit de riviere, que les habitans du pays appellent Quebec, V y bastir et edifier une habitation, et defricher des terres, et faire [uel- tjues jardinages." Champlain. It was " some fortie leagues above the riv- er of Saguenay." Purchas, v. 1642. i Copies of this second charter, containing the names of the proprie- tors, are preserved in Stith Virg. Appendix, No. ii ; and in Hazard Coll. i. 58 72. By this charter the Company was made " one Body or "Com- monalty perpetual/* and incorporated by the name of The Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the City of 'London, for the First Colony in Virginia. Charter. To them were now granted in absolute property, what seem formerly to have been conveyed only in trust, the lands extend- ing from Cape Comfort along the sea coast Southward two hundred miles ; from the same promontory two hundred miles Northward ; and from the Atlantic Westward to the South Sea. Chalmers. 3 Each of these gentlemen had a commission ; and he, who should fh>t arrive, was authorized to recall the commission, that had been previously given for the government of the colony ; but " because they could not a- " gree for place, it w-& cfc}ttded they should go all in one ship." Smit& Tirg. 89. AMERICAN ANNALS. 165 damaged and distressed, arrived about the middle 1609., pf August at James river. * The infant colony was still destined to calamity \ and the very accession to its numbers, which should have added to its security, heightened its danger. 3 President Smith having detached t\vo hundred of these newly arrived adventurers to the falls of James River, and to Nansamond, 3 they imprudently of- Nans*.. fended the neighbouring Indians, who cut off many mond - of them ; and the few, who escaped, returned in despair, to beg the protection of that authority, which they had lately contemned. 4 A systematic design was now meditated against Plot of ti the whole colony by the sovereign of the country ; JJJ^*^ but it was providentially discovered and frustrated. English. Pocahontas, the tutelary friend of Virginia, though but a child of twelve or thirteen years of age, went in a very dark and dreary night to James Town, and, at the hazard of her life, disclosed to the pre- Disclosed by Poca- i Smith Virg. 89, 164, 174. Keith, 115, 116. Purchas, I. 758 ; v. nontas ' 1729 1733. Chalmers, i. 27, 28. StowChron. 1019, 1020. Belknap Biog. ii. 23 2 jr. This storm came from the north cast, and began on Monday 24 July. After it had blown twenty four hours with extreme violence, the ship sprung aleak ; and three days and four nights the whole company (tb.out 140, exclusive of women) laboured incessantly at the pump. On Friday the fourth morning " it wanted but little," says the narrator of the voyage, " but that there had bin a general determination to have shut up hatches, and commending our sinfull souls to God, committed th shippe to the mercy of the sea ;" but, in this desperate extremity, Sir George Somers, who during the whole time had not once left the quarter deck, discovered land. Not expecting to save the ship by coming to an- chor, they ran her aground within three quarters cf a mile of the shore, whence all the company (about 150 in number) by the help of their boats arrived safely at the island. Purchas, v. 1735 1737. This perilous and distressing scene appears to have occurred in the Gulf Stream [Belknap Biog. ii. 25.], the course of which, off the coast of the Southern States, is from southwest to noitheast. A gale from the northeast, in direct opposi- tion to the current, makes a great sea in that stream ; a fact, which I have had repeated opportunities to observe. a Smith [Virg. 90.] calls the people, who last arrived, " a lewd compa- " ny," containing " many unruly gallants, packed hither by their friends, cc to escape ill destinies." To them he a ; cribes the anarchy and confusion, that soon pervaded the colony. See also Stith, 103. 3 Nansamond was the most southern settlement in Virginia, under the 3 6th degree of north latitude. Chalmers, i. ji8. 4 Smith Virg. 90. Stith, 103. " 1 66 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1609. sident a plot of her father to kill him and the Eng- lish people. x This timely notice put the colony oi> its guard ; and some accidents soon after contri- buted still farther toward its preservation. An In- dian, apparently dead through the effect of a char- coal fire in a close room, was, on the application of vinegar and aqua vitas by the president, reanimated. This supposed miracle, with an explosion of pow- der, which killed two or three Indians, and scorch- ed and wounded others, excited such astonishment, mingled with such admiration of the power and art peace with of the English, that Powhatan and his people came ^ lndians - to them with presents of peace; and the. whole country, during the remainder of Smith's adminis- tration, was entirely open to the unmolested use of the English. 2 Progress of The colony now pursued its business with sue* the colony. ctss ^ j t m ^ G tar anc j pj tc h, and an experiment of glass - 9 dug a well of excellent water in the fort j built about twenty houses ; 3 new covered the church ; provided nets and weirs for fishing ; built a block house, to receive the trade of the Indians ; and broke up and planted thirty or forty acres of ground. 4 Smith- re- President Smith, enfeebled by an accident to his SlTia'd P erson f rom an explosion of powder, and disgust* ed with distractions in his colony, returned to Eng- land toward the close of the year ; leaving three ships, seven boats, upwards of four hundred and state of ninety persons, twenty four pieces of ordnance, eke. colony, three hundred muskets, with other arms and am- munition, one hundred well trained and expert sol- diers, a competent supply of working tools, live stock, and ten weeks provisions. 5 James Town was strongly palisadoed, and contained fifty or six* 1 Smith Virg. 77, 121, 122. 2 Smith Virg. 8.5. Stith, 97. 3 It appears, that 30 or 40 houses were built before. 4 Stith, 97. 5 Stith, 107, 108. Smith Virg. 93, 164. Purchas,i.758, Chalmeri,i. 2 AMERICAN ANNALS. 167 ly houses. There were five or six other forts and 1609, plantations in Virginia. x Henry Hudson, an Englishman, in the service of Voyages* the Dutch/ left the Texel in the beginning of this year, with a design of penetrating to the East Indies by sailing a northwestward course. Having attempt- ed in vain to accomplish this purpose, he followed the track, which the Cabots had marked for him above a century before. He coasted along the foggy shores of Newfoundland ; shaped his course for Cape Cod ; looked into the Chesepeak, where the Eng lish were settled ; anchored off the Delaware ; sail- ed into the river Manhattan ; 3 and departed in Oc- Enters tober for England. 4 The Dutch sent ships the Manhattan next year to Manhattan, to open a trade with the riven natives. 5 After several attempts of Englishmen to discov- New at- er the country of Guiana, and about the river of l* the Amazons, Robert Harcote undertook to settle ana, a plantation in this region. Leaving his brother Michael Harcote with sixty persons at the river I Smith Virg. 93. Smith's description of the Virginian colonists at that time, is too curious to he omitted. There was " hut one carpenter in the country ; two blacksmiths ; two saylers." Those, described as *' labourers," were for the most part footmen, and gentlemen's attendants, " who never did know what a dayes work was." Excepting the Dutch*- men and Poles, and about a dozen others, " all the rest were poore gentle- men, tradesmen, serving-men, libertines, and such like, ten times more fit. to spoyle a commonwealth, than either to begin one or but help to main- tain one." Ibid. 94. a Charlevoix, Forster and others affirm, that Hudson undertook this voyage in behalf of the Dutch ; yet some historians say that he sold to the Dutch whatever right he may have acquired to the country by his discov- ery. It is said in Biog. Britan. Art. HUDSON, that he was fitted out by the Dutch East India Company, which furnished him with a fly boat, quipped with all necessaries, and with 20 men, English arid Dutch. 3 He did not land at Manhattan without opposition ; he did not, likr Cabot, take formal possession. Chalmers. 4 Purchas, i. 743. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 143. Chalmers, i. 567, 568. Forster Voy. 33 a, 333, 411,422. Harris Voy. 1.566. Europ. Settlements, ii. 486. Prince, 49. Brit. Emp. i. 2. Smith N. York, 2. " Third Voyage of Henry Hudson towards Nova Zembla, and, at his re- turn, to Newfoundland and Cape Cod." Title of a book in Bibliotheca Americ. p. 76, under A. D. 1609. 5 Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 142. " Des 1'annce suivante quelques Marchaads d' Amsterdam envoyerent des Nurires dans cette Riviere AMERICAN ANNAL& Weapoco, ' he returned to England, where by the favour of prince Henry, he obtained a patent for all the coast of Guiana, together with the river of Amazons. The projected settlement however did not succeed, for want of due support from home. * Indians in Virginia become famine. May 15. The Eng- lish, wrec- ked on Ber mudas, ar- ri ve at Vir- ginia. 1610. Nothing could have been more inauspicious to the colony, than the departure of Smith. The In- dians, finding that the person, whose vigour they had often felt, no. longer ruled the English people, generally revolted, and destroyed them wherever they were found. Captain RatclifF, in a small ship with thirty men, going to trade, and trusting him- self indiscreetly to Powhatan, he and all his people were slain. 3 The provisions of the colony being imprudently wasted, a dreadful famine ensued, and prevailed to such extremity, that this period was many years distinguished by the name of The starv- ing time. Of nearly five hundred persons, left in the colony by the late president, sixty only remain- ed, at the expiration of six months. 4 The company $ wrecked at Bermudas, having built two small vessels, and paid the seams with lime and tortoise oil, put to sea on the tenth of May, [Manhattan], pour y faire la traitte." Hudson can scarcely be called the first discoverer of a coast, which had been often explored before, from the days of the Cabots to the present. As he had never occupied the land, he could not transfer what he never possessed. The sovereign of France in 1603, and the king of England in 1606, had formally declared their in- tention to appropriate the same region, which their subjects immediately planted. Chalmers, i. 568. i Here captain Ley settled with some Englishmen in 1605 ; but, sup- vlii." miscarrying} they were forced to abandon that settlement. Ander- son, ii..2.i5 a Smith Virg. continued, chap. xxiv. Anderson, ii. 234. Unexpected difficulties occurring, Harcote merely sent over a few passengers, " with certain Dutchmen," and the country lay neglected several years. See A. D. : '' i 7. Henry, prince of Wales, mentioned above, died in 1612, JEt. 19. 3 Keith, 120. Stith, 116. 4 Smith Virg. 105, 106. Stith, no. Beverly, 34. Chalmers, i. 39. AMERICAN ANNALS* 169 and on the twenty third arrived at Virginia. x Find- 1610. ing the small remains of the colony in a famishing Condition, and seeing no other means to preserve them, than by abandoning the country, they took them all on board with the intention of returning to England. " None dropped a tear, because none had enjoyed one day of happiness.." Lord Dela- Lord ware, arriving at this juncture with three ships, one ^ hundred and fifty men, and plentiful provisions, and supplies, meeting his forlorn countrymen in James river, caused them all to return to James Town, where he resettled the colony.* Having published his commission, which invested him with the sole command, he appointed a council of six persons, to assist him in the administration. A very essential change now took place in the form change ; n of the ancient Virginian constitution ; for the orig- the govern inal aristocracy was converted into a rule of one, o- ment< ver whose deliberations the people had no controul. Under the auspices of this intelligent and distin- guished nobleman, the affairs of the colony were soon reestablished. He allotted to every one his partic- ular business. The French he commanded to plant the vine 3 ; the English, to labour in the woodlands ; and appointed officers, to see his orders obeyed. All patiently submitted to an authority, which experi- ence had taught them to be wise and necessary - 9 and peace, industry, and order now succeeded tu- I " The three and twentieth of May," says the narrator 'in Purchas [v. 1748.], " we cast anchor before James Towne where we landed, and our much grieved Governour first visiting the Church caused the bell to be rung, at which all such as were able to come forth of their houses re- wayred to Church where our Minister Master Bucke made a zealous and f-orrowfull prayer, finding all things so contrary to cur expectations, so full of misery and misgovernment. After service our Governour caused mee to reade his Commission, and captaine Percie (then President) deliv- ered up unto him his Commission, the old Patent, and the Councell Scale." See also Stow Chron. loso. a Smith Virg. 106. Stith, nj. Beverly, 34, 35. Prince, 31. Chal- mers, i. 39. Belknap Biog. ii. 25 32. 3 A number of Frenchmen had been imported for the culture of vujes. elknap. y 3 7 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 6 1 o. rnult, idleness, and anarchy. * Lord Delaware prd- ceeded to build two forts at Kecoughtan, and called the one Fort Henry, the other, Fort Charles. 2 June 19. On the report of his deputy governors of the So'if-s^ 6 ^ ent } r? ^ lat t ^ le y k' ac * found in Bermudas, he dis- ^oeVto'Bcr. patched Sir George Somers to that island for pro- inud , as ; for vi s i ns 5 accompanied by captain Samuel Argal in another vessel. 3 They sailed together until by contrary winds they were driven toward Cape Cod ; whence Argal, after attempting, pursuant to in- structions, to reach Sagadahock, found his way back to Virginia. 4 He was next sent for provisions I Smith Virg. 107. Chalmers, i. 30, 31. 1 Smith Virg. 168 no. Stith, 120. They were built near Southampton river. Ibid. 3 Smith Virg. 108. Somers went in the Patience, the same vessel, that had brought him from Bermudas to Virginia. It had not one ounce of iron about it, excepting one bolt in its keel. Univ. rfist. xli. 340. Ber- mudas was full of hogs ; and it was the object of this voyage to kill aitd salt them for provisions. The English peeple, who were wrecked on tkis island, found them in abundance, and most historians suppose, they had escaped from some vessel, previously wrecked on the island. Sir William Monson [Naval Tracts, Churchill, iii. 439.] gives z different account ot them. " This Island [Bermudas] at the beginning was discovered by the Portuguese nation, and inhabited by them, till (hey found little profit ac- crued from it, and then they abandoned ir, and left behind them such foocf, <\ racially hogs, as they could not carry with them ; and thus it lay waste for matt 7 years." We regret, that this respectable author does not men- tifonthetime when the Portuguese discovered Bermudas. H* hisaccount be correct, the account of the discovery of that island by Bermudez in 1522, and that of its discovery by Oviedus in i "15, it seems, must be erroneous. This last account was inserted in these Annals under A. D. 1515, in reli- ance on the accuracy of Mr. Prince, who is distinguished for correctness, and on Purchas, who is there mentioned as Mr. Prince's authority. But the passage in Purchas, which I have since found, convinces me, that 'ttus did not discover B.-rmndas in 1515. .Some facts, incidentally men-" tioned there by Oviedus, relating t*> Charles V, do not possibly admit that date, [Compare Purchas v. 1728 with Pvobertson's Charles* V, vol. ii.] 1 suspect, that there is an error in tlizjigures, and that it was originally 1525 ; a year, which agrees with the facts, incidentally mentioned by Oviedun. If this correction be admitted, JOHN BERMUDEZ may yet claim the hon- our of making the discovery in 1522, three years before the voyage of Oviedus, until Sir W. Monson 's account of its discovery by the Portuguese be more clearly established. An extract from Oviedus, in the margin of Pur- chas (ibid.), appears to me to imply, that John Bermudez had made the voyage before him, and that the island was already called by his name. 4 Purchas, 1758 1762. Argal, before he left the coast of what is now New England, landed at an island " halfe a mile about, and nothing but a rocke, which seemed to be very rich marble stone." It lay in 43 deg. min. N. lat, ; and, on account of numerous seals taken there^ Seal -Hock. Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 171 to the Potowmac, where he found Henry Spelman, 1610. an English youth, \vho had been preserved from the fury of Powhatan by Pocahontas ; and by his assistance procured a supply of corn. Somers, af- ter struggling long with contrary winds, was driven to the northeastern shore of America, where he re- freshed his men * ; and at length he arrived safely at Bermudas. Here he began to execute the pur- pose of his voyage ; but, exhausted with fatigues, to which his advanced age was inadequate, he soon after expired. Previously to his death he had His death-, charged his nephew, Matthew Somers, who com- manded under him, to return with the provisions to Virginia ; but, instead of obeying the charge, he re-, turned to England, carrying the body of his deceas-. ed uncle for interment in his native country. A town, built in the very place where this worthy Jcnight died, was named, in honour of him, St. George. * It is not unworthy of notice, that Somers, when coming to America, being a member of parliament, the commons declared his seat vacant, because, by accepting a colonial office, he was rendered incapa- ble of executing his trust. This appears to be the first time that Virginia was noticed by the English parliament- 3 I According to Prince [34.], it was at Sagadahock, the place to which Somers had instructed Argal to repair. Z Smith Virg. 176. Stith, 119. Belknap Biog. ii. 35. Stow Chron. 1018. Univ. Hist. xli. 340. Sir George Somers was above 60 ye^rs of age, at the time of his death. His body was buried at Whitchurch in Dorsetshire, but his heart and entrails were buried at Bermudas. It ap- pears by his epitaph, that his death <^id not tal^e place until 161 1. In 1620 Nathaniel Butler, Esq. then governor of Bermudas, caused a large marble $tone, handsomely wrought, to be laid over the place where his remains were partially interred ; and enclosed the spot with a square wall of hewn stone. The epitaph, composed by the governor, and inscribed on tjae marble, begins, in the style of that ago, ** In theyeere 1611, " Noble Sir George Summers went to heaven ;'*- and, after four encomiastic lines, thus concludes : " At last his soule and body being to part, " He here bequeath'd his entrails and his heart." Srn-ith Virg. 193. Purchas, v. 1733. 3 Chalmers, i. 27. '*72 AMERICAN ANNALS, The spirit of adventure was at this time so prev- alent in England, that even the barren and inhospi- table island of Newfoundland was represented as proper for plantation. This representation induced the earl of Northampton, the lord chief baron Tan- field, Sir Francis Bacon, then solicitor general, and other gentlemen of distinction, to join with a num- ber of Bristol merchants, for obtaining from king James a grant of part of Newfoundland. A patent April 27. W as accordingly granted to the earl of Northamp- N^wfound- ton an d forty four other persons, by the name of land. the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the cities of London and Bristol, for the Colony or Plantation in Newfoundland, from north latitude forty six to fifty two degrees, together with the seas and islands lying within ten leagues of the coast. The proprietors soon after sent Mr. John June. Guy of Bristol, as conductor and governor of a col-. sen^tothat on y ^ tn i rt y nme persons, who accompanied him to island. Newfoundland, and began a settlement at Concep^ tion Bay, where they wintered, * 1 6 1 1 . March. The health of lord Delaware not permitting him ware 2- h ~ to remain in his office of captain general of the Vir- tums to ginian colony, he departed for England ; leaving a- England. k ove twQ hundred people in health and tranquillity. * Ma I0 Not long after his departure, Sir Thomas Dale arriv- Arrival of ed at Virginia with three ships, three hundred people, afiSe^' twe l ye cows, twenty goats, and all things needful with colo- for the colony. In August Sir Thomas Gates ar^ nists and supplies. j Anderson, ii. 242, 143. Prince, 30. The patent states, that " di- vers" of the kings " subjects were desirous to plant in the southern and eastern parts of ^Newfoundland, whither the subjects of this realm have for upwards of 50 years been used annually, in no small numbers, to resort to fish." Harris Voy. i. 860, 86 1, where the patent is entire. 3 Purchas, i. 258, 759 ; v. 1762 1764, where is lord Delaware's own relation. Chalmers, i. 31. Beverly, 36. Prince, 35. Eeljknap Biog. ii. 37. AMERICAN ANNALS. 173 rived with six ships, two hundred and eighty men, 161 1* and twenty women, one hundred cattle, two hun-. dred he^. military stores, and other necessaries ; and assumed the government. 1 Finding the peo^ pie occupied by mere amusements, and verging to their former state of penury, he took care to employ them in necessary works. z The colony now be- gan to extend itself up James river, and several new settlements were made. 3 Virginia at tljis time con- tai :c- seven hundred men, of various arts and pnx fessions. 4 Sir Thomas Dale, furnished by Sir Thomas Henrico Gates with three hundred and fifty chosen men, built * built a town on James river ; inclosed it with a palisade ; and, in honour of prince Henry, called it Hem-ico.* To revenge some injuries of the Appamatuck In- dians, Sir Thomas Dale assaulted and took their tovvii, at the mouth of the river of their name about fr miles from Henrico ; kept possession of it ; called it New Bermudas ; and annexed to its corpo- New 0er^ ration many miles of champaign and woodland muda ^ ground, in several hundreds. In the nether hun- dred he began to plant, and with a pale of two miles secured eight English miles in compass. On this circuit there were soon built nearly fifty hand-, some houses. 6 Henry Hudson, having sailed from the Thames Last v y- in the beginning of the preceding year, on discover- ^n m" which I Smith Virg. 109 -in. Purchas, i. 759. Keith, 124. Stith, 123. Hudson's Prince, 34. Chalmers, i. 33. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 245. Brit. Emp. iii. 6l. Bay is Lqrd Delaware had left the government in the hands of captain George discovered. Piercy until Dale should arrive. a Smith Virg. no. Most of the company at James Town " were a,t their daily and usual works, bowling in the streets." Ibid* 3 Marshall Life of Washington, i. 51. 4 Purchas, i. 759. 5 Purchas, v. 1767. Smith Virg. in. Beverly, 37, " The ruins of this town," says President Stith in 1746," are still plainly to be traced." 6 Smith Virg. in. Purchas, v. 1768. The pale'of two miles is said fey the historian to be " cut over from river t river." i?4 AMERICAN ANNALS. i6u. ies in behalf of private adventurers, 1 is supposed now to have perished in the icy seas of Greenland. * Having entered the straits, which bear his name, 3 he penetrated to eighty degrees twenty three min^ utes, into the heart of the frozen zone, one hun- dred leagues farther in this direction, than any one had previously sailed. 4 While preparing to push, forward his discoveries,, his crew mutinied ; and, Seizing on him, and seven of those, who were most faithful to him, committed them to the fury of thq seas in an open boat. Most of the mutineers soon came to a miserable end. Going on shore at Diggea Island, Henry Green, their ringleader, was shot i Sir Thomas Smith, Sir Dudley Digges, and Mr. John Wostenholme, M with other their friends." Purchas, i. 744. a Chalmers, i. 568, 3 Biog. Britun. Sir W. Monson, a contemporary, who received his in-, telligence." from the mouth of the master that came home from Hudson,'' says, that " the entrance was in 63 degrees ;" that " they ran in that height 200 leagues, and finding the Str eight, which was 40 leagues over, to run south, they followed that southerly course, making account it would bring them into the South Sea ;" that " here they ran aoo leagues more,^ till they found the water too shallow and unpassable ;" that " they win- tered in an island in 5 a degrees, where in the whole winter they saw but one man, who came to them but twice ;" that "this Savage was cloathed in skins, and his arrows forked with iron ;" and that " this attempt of Hudson has given u? knowledge of 400 leagues further than was ever Jtnown before." The same author was/of opinion, that the iron of the dart of the Indian, who visited Hudson, " shewed manifestly, he used to trade with Christians." Naval Tracts in Churchill, iii. 430, 433. 4 Harris Voy. i. 634. Within the straits he gave names, to several places, Desire Provokes, The Isle of God's mercy, Prince Henry's Cape, King James' Cape, Queen Ann's Cape &c. Ibid. He sailed three hun- dred leagues west in those straits, and on the second of August (i6iq) came to a narrower passage, having two headlands ; that on the south he called Cape Wostenholme, the opposite one on the northwest, Digges's Island. Through this narrow passage he passed into the Bay, which has ever since borne his name. Having sailed above a hundred leagues south into this bay, he imprudently resolved to winter in the most southern part pf it, with the intention of pursuing his discoveries in the spring. Qn the, third of November his ship was drawn up in a small creek, where he provi- dentially found a supply of provisions. When the spring arrived, he was unable to induce the natives to come to "him, and was therefore necessitated to abandon the enterprise. With tears in his eyes he distributed to his men all the bread he had left. In this extremity he had let fall threaten- ing words of setting some of his men on shore ; and now a few of the sturdiest of them, who had before been mutinous, entered his cabin in the night, and tying his arms behind him, put him into the boat. Biog. Brit- an. Art. HUDSON. AMERICAN ANNALS* '75 through the heart, and several of his companions 1611. were mortally wounded. The remnant of the \vretched company hastily embarked for England. * Champlain, when commencing the settlement Canada, found the Adirondacks engaged in an im- placable war with the Iroquois or Five Nations ; z <*acks. and being now settled on the lands of the Adiron- dacks, he espoused their cause, and accompanied them in an expedition against their enemies. He now first penetrated into the country of the Iroquois by the river of their name, and discovered a lake, which he called Lake Champlain ; 3 a name which it retains to this day* l6l2. For the encouragement of the adventurers to March 12* Virginia, the king issued a new charter, by which ^ er O f he not only confirmed all their former privileges, and Virginia, prolonged their term of exemption from payment of duties on the commodities exported by them, biit granted them more extensive property, and more ample jurisdiction. 3 By this charter all the islands, I Purchas, i, 744, 745. Harris Voy, i. 567-^572. Univ. Mist. xli. 86, Europ. Settlements, ii. a86. Their best sustenance left, while on their voyage, was seaweeds, fried with candles' ends, and the skins of .fowls, which they had eaten. Some of them were starved ; the rest were so weak, that one only could lie on the helm, and steer. Meeting; at length (6 Septem* ber) a fisherman of Foy, they with his aid reached England. Ibid. a These nations of aboriginals, under the names of Mohawks, OneycUs t)noridagas,Cayugas, and Senekas, had been confederated from ancient times. They had already been driven from their possessions aroundMontreal,and had found an asylum on the south eastern borders of lake Ontario. The Adi- rondacks had, in their turn, been constrained to abandon their lands situat- fcd above the Three Rivers, and to look for safety behind the strait of Que- bec. The alliance of the French turned the tide of success. The Five Nations were defeated in several battles, and reduced to extreme distress ; but at length procuring fire arms from a Dutch ship, that arrived high up the Manhattan river, they became formidable to their enemies, and the Adirondacks were soon annihilated. Chalmers, i. 586. 3 Charlevoix, N.France, i. 144- 146. & F.Chron. Champlain Voy. 152. A battle was fought here, and a victory gained over the Iroquois. " Ce lieu oii se fit ceste charge est paries 43 degrez & quelques minutes de latitude, & le riommay le lac de Champlain." Ibid. 4 A copy of this third charter is preserved in Stith Hist. Virg. Appen- dix, No. hi j and in Haaard Coll. i. 72 81, r;6 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1612. lying within three hundred leagues of the coastj were annexed to the Province of Virginia. Bermudas ^ le Bermudas, lying within these limits, were sold. sold by the company to one hundred and twenty of its own members, who, in honour of Sir George Named So- Somers, named them theSomer Islands. To these Wr i&iahds. j s j an( j s they now sent the first colony of sixty per- sons, with Mr. Richard Moor, as their governor. nt to These colonists,having landed in June on the principal iem uner san, ' m August subscribed six articles of govern- ment ; x and in the course of the year received an ac- cession of thirty persons. The Virginia company at the same time took possession of other small islands, discovered by Gates and Somers ; and prepared to send out a considerable reinforcement to James Town. The expense of these extraordinary efforts was defrayed by the profits of a lottery, authorized by the new charter, which amounted nearly to thir- ty thousand pounds* z Early in the year two ships, with a supply of provisions and eighty men, arrived at Virginia. 3 Voyage of Henry, prince of Wales, sent out Sir Thomas sir r. J But- Button with two ships, partly to ascertain, wheth- er there were a passage to the western ocean through Hudson's Bay : and partly to rescue Hudson and his companions, if they might be found alive, from the extreme misery, to which they must be subject* I These articles are inserted in Purcha?, v. 1795. O- Purchas, v. 1801. Smith Virg. 177. Josseiyn Voy. 246. Encyc. Mfetliodique, Geog. Art. BERMUDES. Robertson, book ix. 77, 78. Prince . 35. Harris Vey. i. 848 850. Robertson and other historians remark, that this is the first instance in the English history of any public counte- nance given to this pernicious mode of levying money. A great lottery however, for some purpose, was " holden tit London in Paules Church. Yard," in 1569, which" was begun to be drawne the II of January, and Continued day and night till the 6th of May." Stow Chron. 663. Stow gives this account of the Virginian Lottery : " The King's majesty, in sptr- i'livoiir for the present plantation of English collonies in Virginia, jrraunted a liberal lottery, in whica was contained 5000 pound in prizes rertaine, besides rewards of casualty, and began to be drawne in a new built house at the west end of Paul's, the 29 of June 1613." Ibid. 1002. .Beverly, ^ 7. Brit. limn, iii, 61, AMERICAN ANNALS. 177 ed. He wintered at a river, which, after the name 1612. of the captain of one of the ships, who died there, he called Nelson's River. A small creek on the north side of the river he named Port Nelson. He and W i nter8 at his mariners wintered on board the ships ; and Port Nei- though they constantly kept three fires, and took $on " the utmost care, many of them died. In June, he explored the whole western coast of the bay, which, after his own name, was called Button's Bay. To the south and west of that bay he discovered a great Bay. continent, to which he gave the names of New North Wales, and New South Wales ; and hereof* he erected a cross with the arms of England. The Wales. highest land, to which his researches extended, was about sixty degrees. Between Cape Chidley and the coast of Labrador he discovered a strait, through which he sailed ; and sixteen days after- ward arrived in England. x Peter Easton, a noted pirate, went to Newfound- New- land with several ships, and took a hundred men out of the fishing vessels in Conception Bay. * The English colony at that island now consisted of fifty four men, six women, and two children. 3 The French attacked the Portuguese island Ma- island Ma- ragnan in Brasil, and became masters of it. To se ra s nan - cure their conquest, they erected the city and forti- fication of St. Lewis de Maragnan ; of which how., ever they were soon deprived by the Portuguese. 4 1613. This year is memorable for the first hostilities be- Destruct . tween the English and French colonists in America, ion of the Madame de Guercheville, a pious lady in France, who was zealous for the conversion of the Ameri- i Forster Voy. 344 347. Anderson, ii. 244. ; but he puts the voy- age in 1611. Forster says, that Button was after-ward created a knight ; and that Nelson was his mate in this voyage. 1 Prince, 35. 3 Purchas, i. 748. 4 Univ. Hist, xxxix, aai. Encyc. Methodique, Art. MARAGNAN. Y i;3 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1613. cm natives, having procured from De Monts a sur- render of his patent, and obtained a charter from the reigning king for all the lands of New France from the St. Lawrence to Florida, with the excep- tion of Port Royal., sent out Saussaye with two Je- suits, father Quentin, and father Gilbert du Thet, as missionaries. Saussaye sailed from Honfleur on the twelfth of March, in a vessel of one hundred tons, and on the sixteenth of May arrived at le Heve in Acadie, where he set up the arms of Madame de Guercheville, in token of possession. Proceeding thence to Port Royal, he found there five persons only, two of whom were Jesuit missionaries, who had been previously 1 sent over., but who had fallen under the displeasure of M. Biencourt, at that time governor of Port Royal. On producing the cre- dentials, by which he was authorized to take these fathers into the service of the new mission, as well as to take possession of the Acadian territory, the two Jesuits were permitted to go where they pleased. They accordingly left Port Royal, and went with Saussaye to Mont's Deserts, an island, that had been thus named by Champlain, lying at the entrance of the river Pentagoet. The pilot conducted the ves- sel to the east end of the island, where the Jesuits fixed their settlement ; and, setting up a cross,, cele- brated mass, and called the place St Saviour.* -\r<*'ii cao- Scarcely had they begun to provide themselves tmresthe with accommodations in this retreat, before they French at surprised by an enemy. Captain Samuel Ar- i>t. baviour. f t f J m m '.-....-* ~, , . , gal or Virginia, arriving at this juncture on the isl- and of Monts Deserts for the purpose of fishing., was cast ashore in a storm at Pentagoet, where he I It appears by Champlain [Voy. 101.], \vith whom agrees Charlevoix [Nouv. France, i. 123.], that these two Jesuits, Biart and Masse, arrived at Port Royal on the lath of June, 1611. Had Dr. Belknap seen Champlain, he would not have placed their arrival in 1604. The reader may observ**, that this anachronism has been copied into these Annals (p. 150). Had 1 seen the original French author in season, that error would have been pre- vented. 2 It was in 44 deg. and 30 min. lat. Champlain. AMERICAN ANNALS. 179 received notice from the natives, that the French 1613. were at St. Saviour. Such was the account of their number and state, that he resolved to attack them without hesitation or delay. The French made some resistance ; but were soon obliged to yield to the superipr force of the English. x In this action Gilbert de Thet, one of the Jesuit fathers, was kil- led by a musket shot ; some others were wounded ; and the rest, .excepting four or five, were taken pris- oners. The English seized the French vessel, which lay there, and pillaged it. The French people, be- ing furnished with a fishing vessel by the English^ principally returned to France ; but Argal took fif- teen of them, beside the Jesuits, to Virginia. The Virginian governor, after advising with his Completes council, resolved to dispatch an armed force to the ^eir"ettit coast of Acadie, and to rase all the settlements and m ents in forts to the forty sixth degree of latitude. No time Acudlt was lost. An armament of three vessels was im- mediately committed to Argal, who sailed to St. Saviour, where, on his arrival, he broke in pieces the cross, which the Jesuits had erected, and set up another, inscribed witli the name of the king of Great Britain, for whom possession was now taken. He next sailed to St. Croix, and destroyed all the remains of De Monts settlement. He then sailed to Port Royal, 3 where he found not a single per- son, and in two hours he reduced that entire settle : I The French had a small entrenchment, but no cannon. Charlevoix N. France,!. 131. Argal had 60 soldiers, and 14 pieces of cannon ; the num- ber of his vessels was n. Champlain, 106. The equipment of these fish- ing vessels might give occasion to the belief, that they were " sent ostensi- bly on a trading and fishing voyage, but with, orders to seek for and dis- possess intuiders." Sec Belknap Biog. ii. 5 5. It is certain however, that this very respectable writer, in common with Prince and other Eng- lish historians, has confounded the t\vp voyages of Argul, made to Acadie this year. 2, It has been said, that father Biart, to be revenged on Biencourt, offer- ed to pilot the vessel to Port Royal ; but Champlain says, the French refus- ed that service, and that the English obliged an Indian to pilot them : <* Conduit d'un Sauyage t]u'il print par fovce, les Francois ne le voulani enseigner." p. 109, l8o AMERICAN ANNALS. 1613. ment to ashes. 1 Having thus effectually executed Novemb.9. fa e business of his commission, he returned to Vir- ginia. a Remarks. The only pretext for the hostile expedition of Ar- gal, in a time of profound peace, was, an encroach- ment of the French on the rights of the English, founded on the discovery by the Gabots. The Vir- ginian charter of 1 606, unless considered as founded, on that discovery, was not trespassed by the French settlements in Acadie, That charter granted indeed to the Plymouth company fo far north, as to the forty fifth degree of north latitude ; but De Monts had previously 3 received a patent of the territory from the fortieth to the forty sixth degree of lati- tude, by virtue of which the French had actually commenced settlements below the forty fifth degree, in the year 1604. Neither England, nor any European nation, appears so early to have asserted or allowed a right, derived from occupancy.* Had that right been settled by the lav/ of nations, the act of Argal would have furnished just ground of war. It does not appear, that this transaction was ei- ther approved by the court of England, or resented by the crown of France ; it prepared the way how- ever for a patent of the territory of Acadie, which was granted eight years afterward by king James. 5 Dutch sub- Argal, on his return to Virginia, visited the Dutch 6 settlement at Hudson's river > 6 and, alleging that i This settlement had cost the French more than 100,000 crowns. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 137. Z Champlain les Voyages de la Nouv. France, 103 109. English au- thorities relative to this subject are,Purchas, v. 1764 1768, 1808 ; Smith Virg. 115 ; Beverly, 51 55 ; Stith, 133 ; Hubbard Ind. War. aoi ; Prince, 94 ; Univ. Hist, xxxix. 255. ; Stow Chron. 1018 ; Chalmers, i. 82. ; Brit. Emp. i. 165, 166 ; ii. 10 ; Belknap Biog. ii. 51 55. 3 See p. 147 of these Annals, A. D. 1603. 4 See p. 10 of these Anmals. 5 Purchas,v. i8a8. Brit. Dominions in N. America, hook xiv. 246. Bel- knap Biog. ii. 55. Stith, 133. Dr. Belknap [Amer. Biog. ii. 55.] says, the settlement, which Argal AMERICAN ANNALS, 181 Hudson, an English subject, could not alienate from 1615 the English crown what was properly a part of Vir- ginia, demanded possession. The Dutch governor, Hendrick Christiaens, incapable of resistance, peace- ably submitted himself and his colony to the king of England ; and, under him, to the governor of Vir- ginia. * These conquests abroad were succeeded by pro- Mr. portionate successes at home. John Rolfe, an En- glishman, married Pocahontas, the celebrated daugh- ter of Powhatan ; and this alliance secured peace to Virginia many years. Having been carefully in- structed in the Christian religion, she not long after Openly renounced the idolatry of her country, made profession of Christianity, and was baptized by the name of Rebecca. z Sir Thomas Dale, accompanied by captain Argal Treaty and fifty men, went to Chickahominy, and held a with the treaty with an Indian tribe of that name, a bold h' and free people, who now voluntarily relinquished di their name, for that of Tassantessus, or English- men ; and solemnly engaged to be faithful subjects to king James. 3 To prevent idleness, and other evils, resulting Policy t from the prohibition of private property, and from F m ? te then visited, was " near the spot where Albany is now built ;'.' and it appears to have been the principal establishment of the Dutch on Hudson's river, at that time. They had however taken possession of the mouth of the river, and it seems to have been here (where New York now stands), that their governor resided. Smith says, that Argal " found at Manhattas isle, 4 houses built, and a pretended Dutch governor.". [Hist. N. Jersey 26.] ; but according to Chalmers [i. 568.] there was nothing more than " a trad- ing house," which the Hollanders had built near the confluence of the ri- ver Manhattan. i Stith, 133. Chalmers, 1.568. a Smith Virg.ii3, 122. Stith, 136. Beverly, 39. Brit. Emp. iii. 61, 62. 3 Stith, 130. They had no werowance, or single ruler, but were gov- erned in a republican form by their elders, consisting of their priests, and some of the wisest of their old men, as assistants. Smith [Virg. 114.] says, that they submitted to the English, " for feare," lest Powhatan and the English united would bring them again to his subjection. " They did rath- er chuse to be protected by us, than tormented by him, whom they held a tyrant." Keith [1-27] puts this submission in 1612. 62 AMERICAN ANNALS, the subsistence of the Virginian people on a pub- lic store. Dale now allotted to each man three acres of cleared ground, in the nature of farms ; re- quiring him to work eleven months for the store, out of which he was to have two bushels of corn j and allowing him one month, to make the rest of his provisions. l Bermudas. In the course of the year five hundred and fo persons arrived from England at Bermudas ; an the island now became settled, * 1614, Early in this year Sir Thomas Gates returned to England, leaving in Virginia scarcely four hundred men. 3 The administration of the government of the colony again devolved on Sir Thomas Dale, who, " by war upon enemies and kindness to friends, brought the affairs of the settlement into good or- der."' 4 pti.h A new governor from Amsterdam, arriving at the settlement on Hudson's river with a reinforcement, asserted the right of Holland to the country ; refu- sed the tribute and acknowledgment, stipulated with the English by his predecessor ; and put himself in- to a posture of defence. 5 He built a fort on the south .end of the island Manhattan, where the city pf New York now stands ; and held the country many years, under a grant from the States General, by the nam of the New Netherlands, 6 i Stith, 1,32. a Prince, 37. See A. D. 1612, 3 Stow Chron. 1018. Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. VIRGINIA. 4 Chalmers, i. 36. 5 Stith, 133. 6 Jcsselyn Voy. 153. Smith N. York, 2. Smith N. Jersey, 19. Belle- nap Kiog. ii. 56. It is affirmed [Univ. Hist, xxxix. 346.], that the Dutch now applied to king James for a confirmation of Hudson's conveyance; but that, which they could obtain, was leave to build some cottages for the convenience of their ships, touching for xvater on their way to Brasil. A writ- er in 1656 [Hazard Coll. i. 604, 605, from Thurloe.] says, that the planta- tions,then by the Dutch called the Nether lauds, were "until of very late years better known and commonly called by them the New Virginia, as a place dependent upon or a relative to the Old Virginia ;" and that this appella- tion renders still more credible the common report, that " by the pernris- "on of king James they ^rar.tfd from him to their States, only a cer- son s river. AMERICAN ANNALS. iSj John Smith, distinguished in Virginian history, 1614; \vas now sent out with two ships from England to Fi^ vn v- North Virginia, at the charge of four Englishmen, smith to with instructions to remain in the country, and to 1V(>rth . keep possession. * Leaving the Downs on the third of March, he arrived on the last of April at the isl- and of Monahigon in latitude forty three degrees four minutes. After building seven boats, he in one of them, with eight men, 2 ranged the coast east and west from Penobscot to Cape Cod, and barter- ed with the natives for beaver and other furs. By this voyage he made a profit of nearly fifteen hun- dred pounds. From the observations, which he now made on shores, islands, harbours, and head- lands, he, on his return home, formed a map, and presented it to prince Charles, who, in the warmth of admiration, declared, that the country should be New En S - called New England. 3 Smith,, in his late voyage to this country, made Discover several discoveries, and distinguished them by pecu- of^'mithi liar names. The northern promontory of Mass a- ^j" 2 " chusetts Bay,, forming the eastern entrance into the bay, he named Tragabigzancla, in honour of a Turk- ish lady, to whom he had been formerly a slave at Constantinople. Prince Charles however, in filial respect to his mother, called it Cape Ann ; a name, cap* Aon, which it still retains. The three small islands, lying at the head of the promontory, Smith called the tain island, called therefore by them Statss Island [Staten Island], as a wa- tery place for their West India fleets ; although as they have incroacbe was given to Smith ; but, before he had sailed one smith sails hundred and twenty leagues, he lost the masts of [^cf.'^uT his largest ship, and was obliged to return under is obliged jury masts to Plymouth. He soon after sailed a- to retunu gain in a bark of sixty tons with thirty men, six* _ r -L t. r j J une 2 4- teen or whom were the same, who had accompanied sails again; him in the last voyage, as settlers ; but he was ta- but i l s f F- i T-I -i r i tured by ken by four r rench men or war, and carried into t 'Jlochelle. The vessel of fifty tons, that had been separated from him in the first of these voyages, was commanded by Thomas Dernier, who pursued liis voyage, and returned with a good freight in Au- gust ; but the main design of the enterprise wag frustrated, * Captain Richard Whitburo, who with other Eng- lishmen had made several voyages to Newfoundland, now arrived at that island, with a commission from the admiralty to empannel juries, and correct abuses arid disorders, committed among the fishermen on mate of the healthfulness and fertility of this portion of the country. He had the highest expectations from the fishery of, this const ; and time has proved the exactness of his judgment. Before settlements were formed here, he made tliis remarkable discrimination : " The country of the Ma*- sachusits is the paradice of all those parts." Ibid. 2l,o, 215. i Smith Virg. iai 233. Purchas, v. 1838. Harris Voy. 1,851. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 171. iiclknap Diog.i.3ii,3ia, 359, 360. The London com- pany in January sent out 4 ships for New England. The voyagers, arriv- ing oft" the coast in March, fished until the middle of June, and then freighted a ship of 300 tons for Spain. That ship was taken by the Turks ; ' o;ic went to Virginia to relieve that colonie, and two came for Eugland with the greene fish, trains oyle and furres, within wx moncths." Pu Ciu.s } v. 1838. 1 89 AMERICAN ANNALS. the coast. On his arrival, he immediately held a court of admiralty, and received complaints from one hundred and seventy masters of English vessels pf injuries, done in trade and navigation ; a fact, which shews the flourishing state of the English cod fishery, at that early period. * Many thousands of English, French, Portuguese, and others, were already settled at Newfoundland. * Sir Richard Hawkins, by commission from the f -Plymouth company, of which he was this year the Hawkins, president, made a voyage to New England, to search the country and its commodities ; but, finding the natives at war among themselves, he passed along to Virginia, and returned home, without making a y new observations. 3 1616. Virginia. Sir George Yeardley, to whom the govern- ment of the Virginian colony was now committed, having sent to the Chickahominies for the tribute corn, and received an insolent answer, proceeded with one hundred men to their principal town, where he was received with contempt and scorn. Per- ceiving the Indians to be in a hostile and menacing posture, he ordered his men to fire on them ; and twelve were killed on the spot, Twelve also were taken prisoners, two of whom were senators, or el- ders ; but they paid one hundred bushels of corn for their ransom, and, as the price pf peace, loaded three English boats with corn. 4 Tobacco. Tobacco was about this time first cultivated by the English in Virginia. 5 Four ships sailed from London, and four from p}y mou th, to New England, whence they carried I Univ. Hist, xxxix. 249. a Prince, 43. 3 Gorges N. Eng. aa. Prince, 43. Belknap Biog. i. 360. 4 Stith, 141. Gov. Dale sailed for England early this ye.vr, 5 Chalmers, i. 36. Roban ered and named Cape Dudley Digges, Wolsten- sounds and holme's Sound, Whale Sound, Hakluyt's Island, isj Gary's Islands, Alderman Jones's Sound, and James Lancas ter * s S ountl . * "William Baffin, on a voyage for the discovery df Voyage f a northwest passage to China, sailed to the seventy Batlin * eighth degree of north latitude, where he discovered a bay, which he called by his own name ; but he returned, without finding the desired passage. 4 1 Smith Virg. 228. Purchas, v. 1839* Harris Voy. I. 851. Andeison, ii, 269. A quarto volume, published this year at London, shows the pro- gressive attention of the English to the northern parts of this country. It was entitled : " A Description of NK>V ENGLAND, Or, the Observation* and Discoveries of Capt. John Smith (Admiral of that country) in 1614, with the success of 6 ships that went the next year 1615, and the acd -.ler^ befel him among the French men of War ; with the proof of the pre-en; benefit this country affords, whither, this year 1616, eight voluntary slr.rt, are gone, to make, further trial." Prince, 145, 2 Smith Virg. 184. 3 Forster Voy. 352 357. Whale Sound is in 77 deg. 30 min, 4 Brit. Emp. i. 3. Anderson, ii. 268. Baffin, in a letter to J. Wolstt-su Jiolme Esq. writes : " In Sir Thomas Smith's Sound in 78 deg. by divers good observations I found the compass varied above 5 points, or 56 degree* to the westward ; so that a N. . by E. is true north, a thing incredible^and 199 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1616. The States General of Holland having, in favour $towLm ^ t * le * r ^ ast * nc ** a com P anv > prohibited all others- from going to India, either by the Cape of Good Hope eastward, or through the Straits of Magellan westward 5 it was projected to attempt the discovery of a new western passage into the South Sea, south- ward of those straits. Isaac le Maire, a merchant of Amsterdam, the first projector of the design, and William Gornclitz Schouten, a merchant of Hoorn, fitted out two ships, on this enterprise, of which Schouten took the command. Having sailed from the T exel in June the preceding^year, he in January, three degrees to the southward of the Magellannic January. Straits, 1 discovered land, the east part of which he j^Mair* namec ^ States Land, and the west, Maurice Land, strait. between which he found a new strait, which he nam- ed after his partner, Le Maire. Passing through this strait, he doubled a cape, which he called Cape ape Hoorn. Crossing the Southern ocean, he proceed- Hoorn. ^ to fa G ast i n di e s, and thence to Holland. This was the sixth circumnavigation of the globe. * In ' this voyage Schouten took formal possession of sev- eral islands in the southern hemisphere, in the name of the States General. 3 matchless in all the world besides." Harris Voy. i. 593. After this voy- age, the English made no attempts to discover the Northwest passage ua- til the year 1631. Ibid. 634. I Monson Nav. Tracts Churchill Voy. iii. 403. a Harris Voy.i. 37 45. Anderson, ii. 268. One of the two ships was lost lay, fire. The other, op its arrival at Jacatra (novy Batavia), was seized, to- gether with the goods on board, by the president of the Dutch East India company ; and Schouten and his men took passage home in one of that company's ships, completing their navigation in two years and eighteen days. Ibid. In Bjbliotheea Americ. [8i] there is this title of a book : " Diarium vel Descriptio laboriosissimi et molestissimi Itineris facti, a Gu- iielmo Cornelii Schoutenio Hcrnano annis 1615, 1616, et 1617*. Cum Fig. Quarto. Amst. 1619." Purchas[v. 1391.] says, " the Hollanders challenge the discovery of new straits by Mayre and Schouten before twice sailed a- bout by Sir F.Drake;" but I have found no satisfactory evidence to set aside the Dutch claim, the justness of which is conceded bj the be$t Eng- lish historians. 3 Chalmers, i. 595. See Harris Voy. ii. 805, AMERICAN ANNALS. 1617. Captain Argal, arriving at Virginia as governor, state o? found all the public works and buildings in James vkginw*. Town fallen to decay ; five or six private houses only, fit to be inhabited ; the store house used for a church ; the market place, streets, and all other spare places, planted with tobacco ; the people of the colony dispersed, according to every man's con- venience for planting ; ' and their entire number re- duced nearly to four hiindred, a riot more than two hundred of whom were fit for husbandry and tillage. 5 Pocahontas, having accompanied her English hus- reath of band, Mr. Rolfe, to England, was taken sick at Poc i^* Gravesend, while waiting to embark for Virginia, and died, at the age of about twenty two year" & 4 Unsuccessful as repeated attempts had been, for NEn ,i and . settling New England, the hope of success was not abandoned. Captain John Smith was provided at Plymouth with three ships for a voyage to this country, where he was to remain with fifteen men ; but he was wind bound for three months ; and lost the season. The ships went to Newfoundland 5 and the projected voyage was frustrated. * Sir Walter Ralegh, having been liberated from L5ls the tower, 6 obtained a royal commission to settle w Guiana. 7 Several knights and gentlemen of quality to furnished a number of ships, and accompanied him in the enterprise. They left Plymouth about the last of June, with a fleet of fourteen sail, but were obliged, through stress of weather, to put in at Cork in Ireland. Arriving at Guiana on the twelfth of November, they soon after assaulted the new Span* I Smith Virg. 133. Stith, 146. a Beverly, p. 50. 3 Smith Virg. 123. 4 Smith Virg. 113. Stith [146] says, that conformably to her life, she died " a most sincere and pious Christian." She left one son only, Thom- as Rolfe ; \vhose posterity was respectable, and inherited lands in Virginia by descent from her. Keith, 129. 5 Purchas, v. 1839. 6 See p. 151, note 3. He was confined in the tower akov? $ This commission is in Hazard Coll. i, 82 85. 192 AMERICAN ish. city of St. Thome, which they sacked, plunder'-* ed, and burned. * Having staid at the river Calia- na until the fourth of December, Ralegh deputed captain Keymis to the service of the discovery of the mines^ with five vessels, on board of which were five companies of fifty men each, who, after repeat- ed skirmishes with the Spaniards,- returned in Feb- ruary without success. Disappointed again in his sanguine expectations, he abandoned the enterprise* and sailed back to England. The hostile assault, made on St. Thome, having given umbrage, king James had issued a proclamation 3 against Ralegh^ who, on his arrival, was again committed to the tow- er ; and not long after was beheaded. 3 He was one of the greatest and most accomplished persons of the age, in which he lived. He was the first Eng- lishman, who projected settlements in America ; and is justly considered as the Founder of Virginia. 4 To 1 i Tli's is said to have been the only town in Guiana, then possessed b/ the Spaniards [Josselyn Voy. 247.] ; though the English adventurers found many fortifications there, " which were not formerly." St. Thome consist* ed of 140 houses, though lightly built, with a chapel, a convent of Francis- can friars, and a garrison, erected on the main channel of the Oronoque^ about 20 miles distant from the place where Antonio Berreo, the govern- or, ta^en by Ralegh in his first discovery and conquest here, attempted to plant. Heyliri Cosniog. 1086. See A. D. 1595. Stow Chron. 1030. Walter Ralegh, a soil of the knight, having accompanied his father, was slain in the assault. Ibid. 2, It was dated n June, and entitled, " Proclamatio concernens Walte- rum Rawleigh Militem & Viagium suum n.d Guianam." It is in Rymer'g Fcedera, xvii. 92; and Hazard ColL i. 85, 86, 3 Birch Life Raleigh, 67, 79. Stow Chron. 1039. Josselyn Voy; 247. Oldys Life Ral. 195 232. Anderson, ii. 272. Prince, 59. Gondemar, the Spanish ambassador at the court of Icing James, having gained the ear- liest intelligence of the transaction at Guiana, complained of it to that king, " as what tended not only to the infringement of his majesty's prom- ise, but of that happy union" from the projected match between young Charles, prince of Wales, and the Infanta of Spain, " now in a hopeful de- gree of maturity." Oldys. Ralegh returned from Guiana in July 1618 ; wafc committed to the tower 10 August ; brought to trial at king's bench 28 October, and condemned to suffer death on his sentence of 1603 ; and be- headed the next morning at the age of sixty six years. The sentence of 1603 was on a charge of conspiracy, for dethroning king James, in favouc of the king's cousin, Lady Arabella Stuart. Burnet [Hist. Own Time, i* T2.J says, the execution of Ralegh " was Qounte4 a barbarous, sacrific- 1 ng him to the Spaniards." 4 Stith, J2 $. CoJi Hist. Soc. J*. $3* AMERICAN ANNALS. 193 him arid Sir Humphrey Gilbert is ascribed the hon- our of laying the foundation of the trade and naval power of Great Britain. * On the solicitation of the Virginian colonists for Lord Deta a supply of husbandmen and implements of agricul- ture, the treasurer and council sent out lord Dela- ware, the captain general, with abundant supplies. He sailed from England in a ship of two hundred and fifty tons, with two hundred people ; but died on the voyage, in or near the bay, which bears his H i s death, name. His ship safely arrived at Virginia ; and, soon after, another ship arrived with forty passen- gers. 1 On the death of lord Delaware, the administra- Tyranny of tionof Argal, deputy governor of Virginia, became s v - Ar s a1 ' unusually rigorous. Martial law, which had been-pro- claimed and executed during the turbulence of form- er times, was now, in a season of peace, made the common law of the land. By this law a gentleman was tried for contemptuous words, that he had spoken of the governor, found guilty, and condemn- ed ; but his sentence was respited, and he appealed to the treasurer and council, who reversed the judg- Kr>ta ^ ment of the court martial. This is the first instance peaifrom of an appeal, carried from an American colony to^? ric , at * T. i j , * England. England. 3 Argal published several edicts, which " mark the Edicts of severity of his rule, but some of them evince an at- i Biog.Britan.^rf. GILBERT. 1 Purchas, v. 1774. Beverly, 51. Stith, 148. Belknap Biog. ii. 20. Prince, 54. Chalmers, i. 37. Brit. Emp. iii. 65. Stow [Chron. 1029.] uys, that lord Delaware " could not recover his perfect health" after his return about six years since from Virginia, " until the last yeare, in which he builded a very faire ship, and went now in it himselfe with about eight score (persons, to make good tha plantation.*' Ha was a person of a noble and generous disposition, and expended much in promoting the coloniza- tion of Virginia. .3 Chalmer?ji. 38, 194 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1618. tendon to the public safety." 1 He ordered, that all goods should be sold at an advance of twenty five per centum, and tobacco taken in payment at three shillings per pound> and not more nor less, on the penalty of three years servitude to the colony ; that there should be no private trade or familiarity with the Indians ; that no Indian should be taught to shoot with guns, on pain of death to the teacher and learner ; that no. man should shoot, excepting in his own necessary defence against an enemy, until a new supply of ammunition were received, on pain of a year's servitude ; and that every person should go to church on Sundays and holidays, or be kept confined the night succeeding the offence, and be a slave to the colony the following week ; for the se- cond offence, a slave for a month ; and for the third* a year and a day. z state of Twelve years had elapsed since the settlement of Virginia, the colony ; yet, after an expense of more than eighty thousand pounds of the public stock, beside other sums of private planters and adventurers, there were remaining in the colony about six hundred persons only, men, women and children, and about three hundred cattle ; and the Virginia company was left in debt nearly five thousand pounds. 3 The only commodities, now exported from Vir- ginia, were tobacco and sassafras 4 ; but the labour of the planter was diminished, and the agricultural interest advanced,by the introduction of the plough. s Powhatan, the great Virginian king, died this year, 6 i Marshall Life of Washington, i. 60. a Stith, 147- 3 Stith, i59> 2I - 4 Stith, 281. 5 Ibid. 149- Chalmers, I 37. 6 Smith Virg. 125. He was a prince of eminent sense and abilities, rrnd deeply versed in all the savage arts of government and policy. Pene- trating, crafty, insidious, it was as difficult to deceive him, as to elude hi* own stratagems. But he was cruel in his temper, and showed little regard to truth or integrity. Beverly, 51. Keith, 132. Stith, 154. Belknap Biog. ii. 63. AMERICAN ANNALS. 195 The Somer Isles, by direction of the council and 1618. company of Virginia, were divided by lot into ^mer tribes ; and a share was assigned to every adven- turer. * This measure essentially promoted the in- terests of the infant colony settled in those islands.* 1619, This is the memorable tera in the history of Vir- ginia of the introduction of a provincial legislature, in which the colonists were represented. Yeardley, appointed governor general of the colony, arriving in April with instructions favourable to freedom, convoked a colonial assembly, which met at James June 19. Town on the nineteenth of June. Tlie people were ^^ n ^} now so increased in their numbers, and so dispersed in their settlements, that eleven corporations appear- ed by their representatives in this convention, where they exercised the noblest function of freemen, the power of legislation. They sat in the same house with the governor and council, in the manner of the Scotch parliament, 3 The king of England having formerly issued his College at letters to the several bishops of the kingdom for Hl collecting money, to erect a college in Virginia for the education of Indian children, 4 fifteen hundred pounds had been already paid toward this benevo- lent and pious design, and Henrico had been select- ed, as a suitable place for the seminary. The Vir- ginia company, on the recommendation of Sir Ed- win Sandys, its treasurer, now granted ten thousand 3.cres of land, to be laid off for the projected univer- sity, This donation, while it embraced the origin- i The names of the adventurers, and the number of the several shares are in Smith Virg. 188, 189. a Ibid. 187. It had previously been but as an unsettled and confused chaos ; now it begins to receive a disposition, form, and order, and becomes . indeed a plantation." Jbt/j. 3 Stith, 160. Of the n corporations 4 had recently been set off. Ib. 161, 4 " For educating Infidel children in the true knowledge of God," , Stith, 163. 196 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1619. al object, was intended -also for the foundation of a seminary of learning for the English. Tobacco. King James, by proclamation, prohibited the sale of tobacco in gross or retail, either in England or Ireland, until the custom should be paid, and the royal seal affixed. Twenty thousand pounds of to- bacco were, exported this year from Virginia to Eng-* land, the whole crop of the preceding year. J A great mortality prevailed among the people of Virginia, not less than three hundred of whom died. * Voyage of Thomas Dermer, employed by Sir Ferdinando to'NJEng- Gorges on a fishing voyage to New England, load- land ' ed a ship of two hundred tons with fish and furs at Monahigan, and dispatched it for England. 3 Proceeding in a small bark for Virginia, he sailed Passes between the main land and Long Island ; and was through JU - r -11-1 -i Wand the first person, who ascertained this to be an isU and. 4 Retrospect The sera of the English Puritans has been notio ed - s Passing by the first half century of their his- tory, v/e will resume it at that period, where it be- comes essential to our subject. The Puritan or Re- formed church in the north of England had, in the year 1606, on account of its dispersed state, become divided into two distinct churches, to one of which belonged Mr. John Robinson, afterward its minis- i Chalmers, i. 47. The reason, assigned for the Icing's proclamation, is that " divers conceal and utter tobacco without paying any impost." Ibid. a Belknap Biog. ii. 65. 3 Smith [Vitg. 239,] says, every sailor had 16 10 for his seven month's work ; and Harris [Voy. i. 851.], that every sailor had, beside his charges, 17 clear money in his pocket." 4 Smith Virg. 127,229. Prince, 63. Purchas, v. 1777, 1778. Der- nier (whose account of this passage is in Purchas, ibid.) says, " Wee found u most dangerous catwract amongst small rockie ilands, occasioned by two unequall tydes, the one ebbing and flowing two honres before the other." This was doubtless what is now well known by the name of Hell Gate.* 1 Dermer sailed again to N. England the next year (1620), and, arriving at Capawick [Martha's Vineyard], ke was suddenly assaulted by Epenow and other Indians, and received fourteen wounds. Returning to Virginia, he soon after died. Harris Voy. i. 852. Purchas, v. 1830, 1831, 1839. * From the Dutch: "quern nostri infernl or, Tutgo ket 11 tile-gat ^ Laet, 7. ,5 See A. D, 1550. AMERICAN ANNALS. 197 ier, and Mr. William Brewster, afterward its ruling 1619. elder. 1 This church, in common with other dis- senting churches throughout England, being ex- tremely harassed for its nonconformity, sought at length an asylum in Holland, where religious toler- ation was sanctioned by the laws. Mr. Robinson and as many of his congregation, as found it in their power, left England in the years 1607 and 1608, and settled in Amsterdam ; whence in 1609 they removed to Leyden. 3 After residing several years in that city, various causes influenced them to en- tertain serious thoughts of a removal to America. These causes were, the unhealthiness of the low country where they lived ; the hard labours, to ' which they were subjected ; the dissipated manners of the Hollanders, especially their lax observance of the Lord's day ; the apprehension of war at the conclusion of the truce between Spain and Holland, which was then near its close ; the fear, lest their young men would enter into the military and naval service ; the tendency of their little community to become absorbed and lost in a foreign nation ; the natural and pious desire of perpetuating a church, which they believed to be constituted after the sim- ple and pure model of the primitive church of Christ ; and a commendable zeal to propagate the gospel in the regions of the New World. 5 In 1617, ha- ving concluded to go to Virginia, and settle in a distinct body under the general government of that colony, they sent Mr. Robert Cushman and Mr. John Carver to England, to treat with the Virginia company, and to ascertain, whether the king would grant them liberty of conscience in that I Prince, 19, 20. z Prince, 33, 34, *6, 37, from governor Bradford's MS. History ; by which " it seems as if they fagan to remove to Leyden at the end of 1608." Ibid. 3 For illustrations and proofs on this subject, and on the character and principles of Mr. RobinsoH ani his Society, se^ Note V at the end o( the volume. 19$ AMERICAN ANNALS. 1619. distant country.' Though these agents found the Virginia company very desirous of the projected set- tlement in their American territory, and willing to grant them a patent with as ample privileges, as they had power to convey ; yet they could prevail v/ith the king no farther, than to engage, that he would connive at them, and not molest them, pro- vided they should conduct peaceably. Toleration in religious liberty, by his public authority., under his seal, was denied. The agents returned to Ley- den the year following (1618), to the great discour- agement of the congregation. 2 February. Resolved however to make another trial, they scntfrom se nt two other agents to England in February of Holland this year (i 6 19), to agree with the Virginia company ; f J d ng " but, dissensions then arising in that body, the busi- ness was necessai^y procrastinated. After long at- Patent tendance, the agents obtained a patent, granted and obtained, con f irm ecl under the seal of the Virginia company ; but, though procured with much charge and labour, it was never used, because it was taken out in the name of a gentleman, 3 who, though at that time de- signing to accompany the Ley den congregation, was providentially prevented. This patent however ber ing carried to Leyden for the consideration of the people, with several proposals from En dish mer* ?repara- *, r i c i r -i i tions fcr chants and friends for their transportation, they removing were re q U ested to prepare immediately for the voy* to Anieri- 1620, It was agreed by the English Congregation at Leyden, that some of their number should go to A- merica, to make preparation for the rest. Mr. Rob- inson, their minister, was prevailed on to stay with 1 Hubbard MS. New Eng.sS. 2 Prince, 56, 57. Hazard Coll. i. 361. 3 Mr. John Wincob, " a religious gentleman, belonging to the counteis c*f Lincoln." Prince, 65. 4 Piince, 65. Hazard Coll. i. 8789. AMERICAN ANNALS. the greater part at Ley den ; Mr. Brews ter, their el- 1620. der, was to accompany the first adventurers ; but these, and their brethren remaining in Holland, were to continue to be one church, and to re- ceive each other to Christian communion, without a formal dismission, or testimonial. Several of the congregation sold their estates, and made a common bank, which, together with money received from other adventurers, enabled them to purchase the Speedwell, a ship of sixty tons, and to hire in Eng- land the Mayflower, a ship of one hundred and eighty tons, for the intended enterprise. Preparation being thus made, the adventurers English having left Ley den for England in July, sailed on the fifth of August from Southampton for America ; den. but, on account of the leakinesr of the small ship, they were twice obliged to return* Dismissing this ship, as unfit for the service, they sailed from Ply- mouth on the sixth of September in the Mayfl6wer. gept. 6. After a boisterous passage, they at break of day on Saii / r ", the ninth of November discovered the land of Cape A Cod. Perceiving that they had been carried to the northward of the place of their destination, they stood to the southward, intending to find some place near Hudson's river, for settlement. Falling how- ever among shoals, 1 they were induced from this incident, together with the consideration of the ad- vanced season of the year, and the weakness of their condition, to relinquish that part of their original design. The master of the ship, availing himself of the fears of the passengers, and of their extreme so- licitude to be set on shore, gladly shifted his course to the northward ; for he Had been clandestinely promised a reward in Holland, if he would not carry the English to Hudson's river. * Steering again i The same, which Gosnold called Point Care and Tucker's Terror ; hut which the French and Dutch call Malebar. Prince, 73. See A. D. 1602. a Some historians represent this bribery of Jones, the master of the ship, as what was suspected merely ; but Morton [N.'Eng. Memorial, 13.] says, " Qf AMMlCAN ANisfALS, 1620. therefore for the cape, the ship was clear of the danger before night ; and the next day, a storm com * n OI1 ' t ^ le y Cropped anchor in Cape Cod har- Cod. bour, where they were secure from winds and shoals. Finding the harbour to be in the forty second de- gree of north latitude, and therefore beyond the ter- ritory of the South Virginia company, they perceiv- ed that their charter, received from that company, had become useless* Symptoms of faction at the same time appearing among the servants on board, who imagined, that, when on shore, they should be under no government , it was judged expedient^ that, before disembarkation, they should combine themselves into a body politic, to be governed by the majority. After solemn prayer and thanksgiv- ing, a written instrument, drawn for that purpose, was accordingly subscribed oil board the ship, on NOV. it. t h e eleventh day of November. This solemn con-* Sign a con- J . , ~ r , . , tract for tract was signed by forty one or their number ; and civil go- they, with their families, amounted to One hundred vefiunent. t , i\ /r T i ^ and one persons. Mr. John Carver was now unan- imously chosen their governor for one year. Thus did these intelligent colonjsts find means to erect themselves into a republic, even though they had commenced their enterprise under the sanction of a royal charter ; " a case, that is rare in history, and can be effected only by that perseverance, which the true spirit of liberty inspires." 3 Various Government being thus established, sixteen men, well armed, with a few others, were sent on shore the same day, to fetch wood, and make discoveries ; but they returned at night, without having found a- ny person, or habitation. The company, having rested on the Lord's day, disembarked on Monday, this plot, betwixt the Dutch and Mr. Jones, I have had late and certain intelligence." 1 This contract, with the names of its subscribers, is in Morton's Me- morial, 16, 17 ; Purchas, v. 1843 5 Prince, 84, $J ; and Hazard Coll i. 119* 3 Univ, Hist, xxxix, 275, occurren- AMERICAN ANNALS. the thirteenth of November ; and soon after pro- 1620, ceeded to make farther discovery of the country. On Wednesday the fifteenth, Miles Standish and sixteen armed men, in searching for a convenient place for settlement, saw five or six Indians, whom they folloXved several miles, until night ; but, not overtaking them, were constrained to lodge in the woods. The next day they discovered heaps of earth, one of which they dug open ; but, finding within implements of war^ they concluded these were Indian graves ; and therefore, replacing what they had taken out, they left them inviolate. In different heaps of sand they also found baskets of corn, a large quantity of which they carried away in a great kettle, found at the ruins of an Indian house. 1 This providential discovery gave them seed for a future harvest, and preserved the infant colony from famine. Before the close of November Mrs. Susanna First Euro- White was delivered of a son, who was called Pere- P* j"^ grine ; and this was the first child of European ex- England. ' traction, born in New England* On the sixth of December the shallop was sent Theadven ,. out with several of the principal men, Carver, Brad- turers seek ford, Winslow, Standish and others, . and eight or ten seamen , to sail around the bay, in search of a place for settlement. The next day this company was divided ; and, while some travelled qn shore, others coasted in the shallop. Early in the morn- ing of the eighth, those on the shore were surprised i This " had been some ship's kettle, and brought out of Europe." Purchas, v. 1844. In a second excursion a few days after, they discovered irea'r the same place more corn, which, in addition to what they had taken away before, made about ten bushels ; the whole of which was afterward paid for, to the entire satisfaction of the natives. This place they called Cornhill ; a name, which the inhabitants of Truro (in whose township it lies) have lately consented to revive. Coll. Hist. Soc. viii. 214. ^ But for the first excursion, this very interesting discovery of the corn would proba- bly not have been made ; for, in the second instance, " the ground," say s Mourt's Relation, " was now covered with snow, and so hard frosen, that we were faine with our cnrtlaxes and short swords, to hew and carve the ground a foote deepe, and then wrevt it up with leavers." Purchas, v. Bh 2.02 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1620. by a flight of arrows from a party of Indians ; but 5 on the discharge of the English muskets, the Indians instantly disappeared. 1 The shallop, after immi- nent hazard from the loss of its rudder and mast in a storm, and from shoals, which it narrowly escaped, reached a small island on the night of the eighth ; and here the company the next day, which was the last day of the week, reposed themselves, with pious gratitude for their preservation. On this island* they the next day kept the Christian sabbath. The Dec. ir. day following they sounded the harbour, and found ^"atPiy- 4 * ^ t ^ or shipping 9 went on shore, 3 and explored mouth. the adjacent land, where they saw various cornfields and brooks ; and, judging the situation to be con- venient for a settlement, they returned with the wel- come intelligence to the ship. for tw?* ^ n t ^ ie frft eentn they weighed anchor, and pro- port, ceeded with the ship for this newly discovered port, where they arrived on the following day. On the eighteenth and nineteenth they went on shore for discovery, but returned at night to the ship. On the morning of the twentieth, after imploring divine guidance, they went, on shore again, to fix on some place for immediate settlement. After viewing the country, they concluded to settle on a high ground, facing the bay, where the land was cleared, and the water was excellent. Dec. 23. Q n Saturday the twenty third, as many of the Company 11-1 i KO on company, as could with convenience, went on shore, .store. an( i f e ]] ec i anc l carried timber to the spot, designated for the erection of a building for common use. On i These were the Nauset Indians. Purchas, v. 1849. Coll. Hist. Soc. viii. 161, 367. z It was afterward called Clark's Island, because Mr. Clark, the mas- ter's mate, first stepped ashore thereon" [Morton, 24.] ; and it still retains that name. It is " by the mouth of Plymouth harbour," and in full view of the town. Morton (ibid.) says, it lay between the Gurnet's Nose and Sagaquab ; but the Hon. JOHN DAVIS, esquire, informs me, that what is now rilled Saquish (which he supposes to be Sagaquab) lies between Clark"* Island and the Gurnet's Nose. 3 See f. 207, note I. AMERICAN ANNALS. 203 .Lord's day the twenty fourth, the people on shore 1620. \vere alarmed by the cry of Indians, and expected an assault ; but they continued unmolested. On Monday the twenty fifth they began to build the Dec 25 first house. A platform for their ordnance demand- Build the ing the earliest attention, they on the twenty eighth firsc house * began one on a hill, which commanded an extensive prospect of the plain beneath, of the expanding bay, and of the distant ocean. * In the afternoon they divided their whole company into nineteen families ; measured out the ground ; and assigned to every person by lot half a pole in breadth, and three poles jn length, for houses and gardens. Though most of the company were on board the ship on the Lord's day, December thirty first j yet some of them kept JEraof ^ sabbath for the first time in their new house, Here settlement- therefore is fixed the aera of their settlement, which, in grateful remembrance of the Christian friends, whom they found at the last town they left in their native country, they called Plymouth. This was , which is the foundation pf the first English town, built in Ci New England. After the departure of the adventurers from the NOW pa- coast of England, a new patent, dated the third day ^"" t h Pl of November, was granted by king James to the company duke of Lenox, the marquisses of Buckingham and Hamilton, the earls of Arundel and Warwick, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, with thirty four associates, and their successors, styling them, " The Council estab- I This fortification was made on the summit of the. hill, on which Ply- mouth burying ground now lies ; and the reliques of it are still visible. 1 Purchas, v. 1842 1849. Coll. Hist. Soc. v.Hi. 203- 222. Morton, I 25. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xvii. Prince, 7 595. Smith V%. 230 2.33. Josselyn Voy. 248. I. Mather N. Eng-. 5. A flection or Journal of a Plantation settled at Plymouth iu New England, and Proceed- ings thereof," quoted by historians as " Mourt's Relation," and E. Wins- low's " Good News from New England," are reprinted, with explanatory Notes by the Editor, in the VHIth. volume of the Collections- of the Mas- sachusetts Historical Society. Those Notes and the valuable papers in that volume by the same hand, with the obscure signature of r. s. will be read with attention, when it is known, that they were composed by the present Recocding Secretary of the Historical Society, the Reverend JAMES JUAN, 204 AMERICAN ANNALS. 3620. lished at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling, ordering, and governing of NEW- ENGLAND, in America." By this patent that part of the American territory, which lies between the fortieth and the forty eighth degree of north latitude in breadth, and " in length by all the breadth afore- said throughout the main land from sea to sea," was given to them in absolute property ; the same authority and privileges, which had previously been given to the treasurer and company of Virginia, were now conferred on them ; and they were equally em- powered to exclude all from trading within the boundaries of their jurisdiction, and from fishing in the neighbouring seas. This patent was the only civil basis of all the subsequent patents and planta- tions, which divided this country. ' Virginia. While the foundation of a new settlement was laid in the north, the Virginian colony was making rapid progress in the south. Eleven ships, which had sailed the preceding year from England, arrived at Virginia, with twelve hundred and sixteen persons for settlement. 2 Nearly one thousand colonists were settled there, previous to this accession. 3 One of the methods, adopted for the increase of their number, if not the most delicate, was perhaps the most politic. The enterprising colonists being generally destitute of families, Sir Edwin Sandys, the treasurer, proposed to the Virginia company to send over a freight of young women, to become wives for the planters. The proposal was applaud- ed ; and ninety girls, " young and uncorrupt/* were sent over in the ships, that arrived this year ; and, the year following, sixty more, handsome, and \vell recommended to the company for their virtuous i Mather Magnal. i. 4. Prince, 95. Chalmers, i, 81. This patent is In Hazard ColL i. 103 118. y, Smith Virg. 126. Of these immigrants 650 were destined for ti^ public use, and 611 for private plantations. Ibid. 3 Harris Voy. i. 840, AMERICAN ANNALS. sa$ education and demeanor. The price of a 'wife, at 1629, the first, was one hundred pounds of tobacco ; bur, as the number became scarce, the price was increas- ed to one hundred and fifty pounds, the value of which, in money, was three shillings per pound. This debt for wives, it was ordered, should have the precedency of all other debts, and be first recovera- ble. 1 Beside the transportation of reputable people, the king commanded the treasurer and council of the Virginia company, to send to Virginia a hun- dred dissolute persons, to be delivered to them by the knight marshal , and they were accordingly sent over as servants. * The early custom of trans- porting vicious and profligate people to that colony, as a place of punishment and disgrace, though de- signed for its benefit, yet became ultimately preju- dicial to its growth and prosperity. 3 The Virginia company, disliking the almost ex- clusive application of their colony to the culture of tobacco, encouraged various projects for raising ar- ticles of more immediate necessity and benefit, and particularly the culture of silk. 4 In conformity to this new policy, one hundred and fifty persons in the colony were sent to set up three iron works ; direc- tions were given for making cordage ; it was recom- mended to the people to make pitch, tar, and pot- ashes ; and men, with materials,' were sent over, for the purpose of erecting several saw mills.* .4 special commission was issued in April by king James, for the inspection of tobacco 6 ; and a proch- i Stith, 166, 176, 197. Belknap, n. 68. Chalmers, i. 4$. Z Smith [Hist. Virg. 127.] says, that 50 servants were, this year, sent for public service ; 50, whose labours were to bring up 30 of the LjldJ't children ; and that others were sent to private planters. 3 Stith, 1 68. 4 Stith, 183. Belknap Biog. ii. 70. 5 Stith, 177. 6 Rymer's Fcedera, xvii. 190. Hazard Coll. i. 89 91, where it is in- serted entire. Its title is, " Commissio Specialis coacernens le Garbling Herbse Nicotians." 5e$ AMERICAN ANNALS, 1620. matlon in June for restraining the disorderly trading in this obnoxious article. 1 This year is remarkable in Virginian history, for the introduction of freedom into colonial commerce. The monopoly of the treasurer and company, which had depressed the settlement, was relinquished, and the trade laid open to all without restriction. * Negroes -^- Dutch ship, putting into Virginia, sold twenty imported negroes to the colony ; and these were the first ne- ginL Vu g roes imported into Virginia. 3 There were at this time but five ministers in Vir- ginia ; and eleven boroughs, erected into eleven par- ishes. 4 Holland The West India Company of Holland was now eom 1 "^ established by a charter from the States General, in- vesting it with an exclusive trade to the western coast of Africa, and to the eastern shores of Ameri- ca, from Newfoundland to the Straits of Magellan. * The island Margarita was invaded by the Dutch, who 'demolished its castle ; and after this period it was chiefly abandoned by the Spaniards. 5 U : ana About a year after the death of Sir Walter Ra- kgh, king James granted Roger North a commis- sion to inhabit and settle a colony near the river of Amazons in Guiana ; so great however was the in- fluence of Gondemar, the Spanish ambassador, that the king in May issued a proclamation to recall him ; and another, for regulating the trade with that coun- try. 7 i Rymer's Feed. xvii. 233. Hazard Coll. i. 93 96, where ft is inserted entire. a Chalmers, i. 49. 3 Smith Virg. 126, where the Dutch ship is called a man of war. Stith, 282. Univ. Hist. xli. 528. Chalmers, i. 49. 4 Stith, 173. 5 Chalmers, i. 569. Hazard Coll. i. J2I 131, where the Charter J* inserted entire. 6 Univ. Hist. xli. 527. 7 Oldys.Life Ral. 423. Rymer's Fcedera, xvii. 215. See p. 192, AMERICAN ANNALS. ',,'---- ' .- . *. *%**. l62I. The Plymouth colonists on the ninth of January proceeded to the erection of their projected town ; which they built in two rows of houses for greater security. ' ' On the fourteenth their Common House, that had been built in December, took fire from a spark, that fell on its thatched roof, and was entire- ly consumed. * On the seventeenth of February they met for settling military orders, and having chosen Miles Standish for their captain, conferred on him the power pertaining to that office. 3 On the sixteenth of March an Indian came boldly March r& alone, into the street of Plymouth, and surprised r Fu j st ..... , ... J ___ , _ r ,. , Indian visit* the inhabitants by calling out, " Welcome, English- men ! Welcome, Englishmen !" He was their first visitant ; his name was Samoset, a sagamore of the country, lying at the distance of about five days* journey. Having conversed with the English fish- ermen, who had come to this coast, and learnt of them to speak broken English, he informed the Plymouth people, that the place, where they were seated, was called by the Indians Patuxet ; that all the inhabitants died of an extraordinary plague, a- bout four years since ; and that there was neither man, woman, nor child, remaining. 4 No natives 1 The same street, which leads from the old church in Plymouth to the water side. It has been proposed by several respectable gentlemen of Plym- outh to call it Leyden Street. Coll. Hist. Soc. viii. 223. It was on the eleventh of December 1620 [See p. 202.] that the venerable fathers of New England first stepped on that ROCK, which is sacredly preserved in memory of their arrival. A ponderous fragment of it has been removed into the main street of Plymouth. The twenty second day of December, new (style, corresponding to the eleventh, old style, has been long observed at Plymouth, and several years at Boston, as the Anniyersary of the Landing of the Fathers. 2 Purchas, v. 1848. In 1801, in digging a cellar, sundry tools and a plate of iron were discovered, seven feet below the surface of the ground on the place, where it is supposed that this common house stood. Coll. Hist. Soc. viii. 223, and verbal information at Plymouth. 3 Purchas, v. 1849. Coll. Hist. Soc. viii. 225. 4 " As indeed," adds Mourt's ReLtion, " we haveJfound none, so a? tkere is none to hinder our possession 3 or to lay claim unto it." Purchas, V. 1849. The early historians agree in the fact, but differ in ivgr.rd t AMERICAN ANNALS* 1621. therefore were dispossessed of this territory, to make room for the English, excepting by the providence of God previously to their arrival. Samoset, treated with hospitality by these stran- gers, was disposed to preserve an intercourse with them ; and, on his third visit., was accompanied by Squanto, one of the natives, who Had been carried off by Hunt in 1614, and afterward lived in Eng- land. They informed the English, that Masassoit, the greatest king of the neighbouring Indians, was Masassoit near, with his brother arid a number of his people ; un Indian ,.,. , , t r king- makes and within an hour he appeared on the top or a h first up- hill * O ver against the English town, with a train of bearance. sixty men. , , ,. Mutual distrust prevented for some time any ad- vances from either side. Squanto at length, being Sent to Masassoit, brought back word, that the English should send one of their number to parley with him. Mr. Edward Winslow was accordingly- sent. Two knives, and a copper chain, with ajew- el in it, were sent to Masassoit at the same time ; find to his brother a knife, arid a jewel, " with a pot tae time of the plague. Some of them say, it \vas three or lour years before the first arrival of the English at Plymouth ; some, that it was two or three ; while others place it in 1619, the year preceding the arrival. See Morton, 25 ; Coll. Hist. Soc. iv, 108 ; Prince, 46; Neal N.Eng. i. 87. Johnson [Wonderwork* Prov. 16.] says, it was " the summer after the Mazing starre," which was seen about three hours above the horizon " for the space of 30 sleeps," or days, and which led the Indians to " expect strange things to follow." This was probably the remarkable comet of 1618, mentioned by Alste'J [Thesaurus Chron. 314; 493.] : " Eod. anno (1618) et seq. fulget horribilis cometa mense Novembri, Decembri et Jan- uario." If Johnson be correct, and if this were the blazing star, to which he refers, the plague must have been in 1619. Intelligence of its desolating effect had reached England before the charter of Nov. 3, 1620 ; for in that - instrument king James mentions this desolation as a special reason for grant- ing the charter : " Also for that We have been further given certainly t knowe, that within these late yeares there hath by God's visitation raign- ed a wonderfull Plague, together with many horrible slaughters, and mur- thers, committed amoungst the Savages and bruitish people there, heerto- fore inhabiting, in a manner to the utter destruction, devastacion, and de- populacion of that whole territorye, so that there is not left for many league* together in a manner, any that doe claime or challenge any kind of inter- fests therein." Charter, Hazard Coll. i. 105. i Watson's hill, on the south side of Town brook, Coll. Hist, Soc. viii. 219* AMERICAN ANNALS. 209 of strong water," a quantity of biscuit, and some 1621. butter, all which articles were gladly accepted. Mr. Winslow, the messenger, in a speech to Masas- soit, signified, that king James saluted him with words of love and peace, and that the English gov- ernor desired to see him, and to truck with him, and to confirm a peace with him, as his next neighbour. The Indian king heard his speech with attention, and approbation. After partaking of the provision, which made part of the English present, and im- parting the rest to his company, he looked on Mr. Winslow's sword and armour, with an intimation of his desire to buy it ; but found him unwilling to part with it. At the close of the interview, Masas- soit, leaving Mr. Winslow in the custody of his brotherj Went over the brook, which separated him from the English, with a train of twenty men, whose bows and arrows were left behind. He was met at the brook by captain Standish and Mr. Williamson, with six musketeers, who conducted him to a house then in building, where were placed a green rug, and three or four cushions. The governor now ad- vanced, attended with a drum and trumpet, and a few musketeers. After mutual salutations, the governor called for refreshments, of which the In- dian king partook himself, and imparted to his fol- lowers. A league of friendship was then agreed with Ma- on J ; and it was inviolably observed above fifty sassoit - years. a On the following day the English concluded their military orders, with some laws, adapted to their present state. They also confirmed Mr. Carver as i_ i i- i i t- i Gov. Car- then* governor the succeeding year ; but he died ver dies. soon after, to the great regret of the colony. He I Purchas, v. 1850 ; Morton, 26, 27 ; Prince, 101, 10* ; Hazard Coll. 146 ; Coll. Hist. Soc. viii ; in each of which places the articles of this League are preserved. a Until king Philip's war, A. D. 1675. Prince, 102. Coll. HJst. Soc. viii. az5,.az6. Cc 2io % AMERICAN ANNALS. 1621. was a man of singular piety, humility and conde- scension ; and possessed a considerable estate, the greatest part of which he expended in promoting the interests of the infant colony, over which he presided. 1 Soon after his death, Mr. William w. Brad- Bradford was chosen governor, and Mr. Isaac Aller- iord chos- ton hj s assistant ; and, by renewed erections, they n govern- i n- i J or. were continued in office several years. A great mortality, that commenced among the people soon after their arrival at Plymouth, swept off half of their number within the first three months, leaving scarcely fifty persons remaining. 3 First mar- ^ le ^ rst man "i a g e i n tne colony was solemnized riage at on the twelfth of May, between Mr. Edward Wins- Plymouth. j OW9 and Mrs> Susanna White. 4 Duel The first duel in New England was fought on the eighteenth of June, on a challenge at single combat with sword and dagger, between two servants j both of whom were wounded. For this outrage they were sentenced by the whole company to the igno- minious punishment of having the head and feet tied together, and of lying thus twenty four hours, with- out meat or drink. After suffering however in that painful posture one hour, at their master's interces* l Morton,- 33. The broad sword of governor Carver is preserved in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 1 Morton, 34. Prince, 104, 105, 3 Morton, 24, 25. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. 45. Tradition gives an af- fecting picture of the infant colony, during this critical and distressing pe- riod. The dead were buried on the bank, at a little distance from the rock where the fathers landed ; and, lest the Indians should take advantage of the weak and wretched state of the English, the graves were levelled, and sown, for the purpose of concealment. This information I received at Plym- outh from deacon Ephraim Spoorier, a respectable inhabitant of that town, who accompanied me to the spot where those first interments were made. Human bones have been washed out of the bank by high tides, within the memory of the present generation. Deacon Spooner, now upwards of sev- enty years of age, had his information from Mr. Thomas Faunce, who was a ruling elder in the first church in Plymouth, and was well acquainted with several of the first settlers. Elder Faunce knew the rock, on which they first landed 5 and, hearing that it was covered in the erection of a wharf, was so affected, that he wept. His tears perhaps saved it from oblivion- He died 27 Feb. 1746, JEtut. xcix. 4 Prince, 105. AMERICAN ANNALS. 21,1 sion, and their own humble request, with the prom- ise of amendment, they were released by the gov- ernor. x Governor Bradford, by advice of the company, J ^ ] ^ Ins _ sent Edward Winslow and Stephen Hopkins, with i ow ands, Squanto for their guide, to Masassoit, to explord Hopkins ~ 7 -, t , T visit Ma- the country ; to confirm the league ; to learn the sassoit . situation and strength of their new friend ; to carry some presents ; to apologize for some supposed in- juries ; to regulate the intercourse between the Eng- lish and the Indians ; and to procure seed corn for the next planting season. They lodged the first night at Namasket.* In some places, they found the country almost depopulated by the plague, which had desolated the neighbourhood of Patuxet. They passed through fine old corn fields, and pasture grounds, that were destitute of cattle and of inhab- itants. Skulls and bones appeared in many place? where the Indians had dwelt. - On their arrival at Pokanoket, 3 the place of Masassoit's residence, for- ty miles from Plymouth, they were kindly welcomed by that Indian sovereign, who renewed his assurances ' of continuing the peace and friendship. 4 I Prince, 105. a A town under Masassoit. It was that part of Middlenerough, which the English afteward first planted. Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 148. 3 Pokanoket was a general name for the northern shore of Narraganset Bay, between Providence and Taunton rivers, comprehending the present townships of Bristol, Warren, and Harrington, in the State of Rhode Island, and Swanzey in Massachusetts. The principal seats of Masassoit were at Sowams and Kikemuit. The former is a neck of land formed by the con- fluence of Barrington and Palmer's rivers ; the latter is Mount Hope. Bel- knap Biog. ii. 221. Callender Cent. Disc. 30. 4 Purchas, v. 1851, 1852. Coll. Hist. Soc. via. 232237. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. 53. Morton, 34, 35. Prince, 105 107. Belknap 13iog, ii. 220,221. The manner of reception and treatment of the envoys at the court of Masassoit is worthy of notice. When the king had taken them idto his house, and seated them, he heard their meffage, an^ received their presents.- He then put on a horseman's red coat, and a chain about his iieck, these- having been among the presents, and " was not a little proud to behold himself, and his men also to see their king so bravely attired." Hav- ing given a friendly answer to the message, his men gathered around him ; and, turning himself to them, he addressed them in a speech : " Am not I, Masassoit) commander of the country around you } is not such a town 212 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1621. After the league with Masassoit, Corbitant, one cn^Sa- ot ~ k* s P ett 7 sac ^ ems ' becoming discontented, medi- dishtoNa- tated to join the Narragansets, who were inimical to- t h e English ; and he was now at Namasket, at- tempting to alienate the subjects of Masassoit from their king. Squanto and Hobomack, two faithful friends of the English, going at this time to Na- masket, to make observation, were threatened with death by Corbitant, who seized and detained Squan- to, but Hobomack made his escape. To counteract the hostile machinations of Corbitant, and to libe- rate Squanto, the governor, with the advice of the Aug. 14- company, sent Miles Standish and fourteen men, with Hobomack for their guide, to Namasket. On their arrival, the Indians of Corbitant's faction fled. The design of the English expedition was explained to the natives of the place, with menaces of revenge, in case of insurrection against Masassoit, or of vio- lence to any of his subjects. x This resolute enterprise struck such terror into the neighbouring Indians, that their chiefs came in, Sept. 13. -and solicited the friendship of the English. On the ^^ s s ^ n thirteenth of September nine Sachem? voluntarily chems. came to Plymouth, and subscribed an instrument of submission to king James. z It was peculiarly hap- mine, and the people ofit ? Will you not bring your skins to the English ?" After this manner he named at least thirty places, to every one of which they gave an answer of consent and applause. At the close of his speech he lighted tobacco for the envoys, and proceeded to discourse about England, and the English king, wondering that he would live without a wife. He talked also of the Frenchmen, bidding the English not to suffer them to come to Narraganset, for it was king James' country, and he was king James* man. ft now grew late, " but victuals he offered none ; for indeed he had not any," having but just returned home. The envoys therefore, finding* no prospect of refreshment, but from sleep, desired to go to rest ; yet they Were disappointed even of repose. " Hee laid us," says the narrator, " on the bod with himselfe and his wife, they at the one end and wee at the other, it being onely plankes laid a foot from the ground, and a thinne mr.t upon them. Two more of his chiefe men for want ofroome pressed by :;.: upon us ; so that wee were worse wearie of our lodging then of our ] "urney." Purchas, v. 1 85 z. i ?/Torton, 35. Prince, no. a Prince, 111 ; Belknap Biog. ii. 223 ; Hazard Coll. i. 147 ; where are AMERICAN ANNALS. 213 py for the colony, that it had secured the friendship 1621, of Masassoit ; for his influence was very extensive. He was reverenced and regarded by all the natives from the bay of Narraganset to that of Massachu- setts. The submission of the nine sachems is as- cribed to their mutual connection with this sovereign, as its primary cause, Other princes under him made also a similar submission, among whom are mentioned those of Pamet, Nauset, Cummaquid, and Namasket, with several others about the bays of Patuxet and Massachusetts.? The colonists judging it expedient to send to the The Ba Massachusetts, to discover the Bay, see the country, O f Massa-, make peace, and trade with the natives ; the gov- chusetts ; r , - i -i r explored^ ernor chose ten men, who, accompanied by Squanto and two other Indians, sailed in the shallop, upon that enterprise, on the eighteenth of September. Arriving the next day at the bottom of the bay, they landed under a cliff, * and w r ere kindly received sept. 19. by Obbatinua, the sachem, who had subscribed the submission at Plymouth a few days before. He re- newed his submission, on receiving their promise of assistance against the Tarratines, and the squaw sachem of Massachusetts, who were his enemies. Having explored the bay, and collected some beav- er, they returned to Plymouth. 3 On the eleventh of November Robert Cushman NOV. ir. arrived at Plymouth in a ship from England, with Arrival ,. r J i i " --11 new set- thirty five persons, destined to remain m the colony, tiers with By this arrival the Plymouth colonists received a a chart *- charter, procured for them by the adventurers in London, who had been originally concerned with them in the enterprise ; and they now acknowledged their names, among which appear those of Caunbitant [supposed Corbitant] ; Obbatinua, a sachem of Massachusetts Bay ; and Chikkatabak, sachem of Neponset. i Belknap Biog. ii. 223. Prince, 112. 5 Supposed to be Copp's Hill in Boston. Belknap Biog. ii. 224. 3 Morton, 36. Prince, 112, 113. Belknap Biog* ii. 224. 214 > AMERICAN ANNALS. 1621. the extraordinary blessing of heaven, in directing . their course into this part of the country, where they had happily obtained permission to possess and enjoy the territory under the authority of the presi- dent and council for the affairs of New England. 1 The ship, with a freight of beaver skins, clapboards, and other articles, collectively estimated at nearly five hundred pounds, sailed on the thirteenth of De- .; ;cu cember ; but, drawing near the English coast, was en its re- seized by the French, carried to France, and robbed i"each. Ue f a ^ tnat was valuable. The people at length ob- tained a release for themselves and their ship, and in February arrived at London.* On the departure of this ship from Plymouth, the governor and his assistant disposed the people, who had come over for residence, into several families ; and restricted the settlers to half allowance of pro- visions, which were estimated to be scarcely suffi- cient, at that reduced rate, for six months. 3 Sir Francis Wyat, appointed governor of Virgin- Virginian . . - ? r . r .,% i T constitu- ia, arrived there with nine sail of ships, and nearly tion for a seven hundred people. 4 He now brought an ordi- couacil of i r i -11 state and nance and constitution or the treasurer, council, and general as- company in England, for settling the government of that colony in a governor, a council of state, as his assistants, and a general assembly. This ordinance " is no less remarkable for the wisdom of its pro- visions, than for being the principal step in the pro- gress of freedom." It ordained, that two burgesses should be chosen for the assembly, by every town, hundred, or particular plantation. All matters were to be decided by the majority of voices in the assem- bly, reserving to the governor a negative on -the whole ; but no law or ordinance, though approved by the three branches of the legislature, was to be of force, until ratified by the general court of the I Prince, 114, 115, from Mourt's Relation. 1 Prince, 1 15. 3 Ibid, and Smith Virg. 334. 4 Purchas, v. 1783, They sailed from England in July. Chalmers, 56. AMERICAN ANNALS. company in England, and returned under its seal ; 1621* no order of the general court, on the other hand, was to bind the colony, until assented to by the as- sembly. * Thus, at the expiration of fourteen years from the settlement of the colony s its constitution became fixed ; and the colonists are from this time to be considered, not merely as servants of a com- mercial company, but as freemen and citizens* 3 With the Virginian constitution Wyat brought a instruction* body of instructions to the governor for the time tothego ~, ,.' ,, . , r ,. . vernor a-na being, and the council or state, recommending pn- council, manly to them, " to take into their special regard the service of Almighty God, and the observance of his divine laws ; and that the people should be train- ed up in true religion and virtue ;" commanding them, in the next place, to keep the people in due obedience to the king ; to provide for the equal ad^ ministration of justice according to the forms and constitution of England ; to prevent all corruption, tending to the perversion or delay of justice ; to pro* tect the natives from injury and oppression ; and to cultivate peace and friendship with them, as far as it should be consistent with the honour of the nation, and safety of the people. 3 William Newce obtained a patent of land in Vir- William ginia, for settlement, and was constituted marshal of j^j^j O r Virginia, to take into his charge as well the fortifica- Virginia. tions, arms, and forces of the colony, as to cause the people to be duly trained up in military discipline. To the office were annexed fifteen hundred acres of land, and fifty tenants. 4 It was determined to build a school in Virginia, at Charles city, which was judged to be a place the i This ordinance, dated July 14, i6ji, is inserted entire in Stitli Virg, Appendix, No. xv ; and Hazard Coll. i. 131 133. See also Stith, 196 ; Chalmers, i. 54, 55 ; Jefferson Virg. Query xxiii. 1 Robertson, book ix. 87. 3 Smith Virg. 139, 140. Stith, 194. 4 Stith, 189. Newce died soon after his arrival. Ibid, 2 ID AMERICAN ANNALS. 1621; most convenient to all parts of the colony ; and it E. India was nara ed The East India School. The company school. allotted, for the maintenance of the master and ush- er, a thousand acres of land, with five servants and an overseer. * This school was to be collegiate, and to have dependence on the college at Henrico ; into which, as soon as the college should be suffi- ciently endowed, and capable of receiving students, pupils were to be admitted, and advanced according to their deserts and proficiency in learning. z Glebe The Virginia company having ordered a hun- dred acres of land in each of the boroughs to be laid off for a glebe, and two hundred pounds sterling to be raised, as a standing and certain revenue, out of the profits of each parish, to make a living ; this stipend was thus settled : That the minister shall receive yearly fifteen hundred pounds of tobacco^ and sixteen barrels of corn ; which were collectively estimated at two hundred pounds sterling. 3 There were at this time five ministers only in the colony. 4 The English parliament resolved, " that all fo- tary acts re ign tobacco shall be barred ; but that of Virginia, tobacco."* or anv f th e king's dominions, shall not be held foreign." A bill, for the restraint of the inordi- nate use of tobacco, was soon after brought in, which, after various amendments, passed in May. Its requisitions are very remarkable. No tobacco was to be imported, after the first of October 1621, but from Virginia and the Somer Isles ; and, after that day, none was to be planted in England. There was to be paid to the king, for custom, six pence a pound, in consideration of the loss, which he might sustain in his revenue. None was to be sold by the merchant for more than eight shillings, and i An account in Purchas [v. 1723.] says, that seven persons were sent <; for the planting the thousand acres." 3 Stith, 204 ; who says (ibid.), that carpenters were sent over to erect the house for this school, early the next year. 3 Ibid. 173. 4 Chalmers, i. 50. * AMERICAN ANNALS, 217 by the Retailer none for more than ten shillings, the 1621. pound ; but they, who should sell tobacco by the pipe, might make the most they could, ' This is the first instance, which occurs, of the modern poli- cy of promoting the importation of the colonies, in preference to the productions of foreign nations. * The measures of 'king James embarrassed not the in effects company only, but the plantation. Individuals, who ofthem ' had suffered extremely from the irregularity of his conduct, and from these exclusive regulations, ap- plied to parliament for redress. During the debate on the subject, two planters of Virginia complained of the irregularities of the farmers of the revenue. A committee was appointed, " to examine this busin ness, and to consider in what manner to relieve them, with power to send for the patentees, and to see the patents ;" yet no relief was obtained^ Tlie treas- i Chalmers, i. 51. The parliamentary debate oh this subject is inserted, H)id. 70 74. A specimen of it will give an idea of the whole. " Mr. Gary : To banish tobacco generally, and to help Virginia by some other means. Sir Edward Sackvyle : Fit for us to study a way for us to enrich out own state. Amor incipit a sefyso. We make treaties for our own good, and not for their's with whom we treat [ Referring to Spaing Sir J. Perrt :- Not to banieh all tobacco, in respect of Virginia and the Somer isles. To give them some time ; else overthroweth the plantation* Mr. Solicitor : ^Loveth England better than Virginia. A great hurt to *J1 the state of Our kingdom. To contribute rather to Virginia otherwise! Mr. Ferrar : Not fit to banish all ; yet now 4000 English live there, who have no means as yel to live on. Sir George Moore : To divide the question \ 1st. Whether to banish foreign ; adly. For our own dominions. Sir Guy Palmes : -That toba'cco hindreth all the kingdom in health and otherwise. To banish all. Sir H. Poole -.-^Against all in general: To pull it up by the root* To help Virginia otherwise. Sir J. Horsey ; Thought not to speak of this vile weed. When he first a parliament-man, this vile weed not known. Thousands have died of thii vile weed. Abhorreth it the more, because the king disliketh it. Prohib- ited to be used in ale houses. No good ground for Virginia. To banish all.'* Ft Was in vain that parliament discouraged the use of this vile weed. In vain king James assured his subjects, that the smoking of it was a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dan* gerous to the lungs. Opposition made proselytes ; and the united influence of fashion and habit extended the practk* through the kingdom. Sw Chalmers, i. in. $ Chalmers, u 5 1, 04 AMERICAN ANNAL& 162 i. urer and company of Virginia addressed another p* tition to king James ; but, obtaining nothing, they sought a more effectual remedy of their evils. They procured warehouses, and appointed factors, at Middleburgh and Flushing, and compounded with the magistrates of those towns at the rate of a pen- ny a pound on the import, and the same on the ex- port, of their only merchandize. King James soon felt 'the ill effects of his own mistaken policy. No Virginian products were exported to England this year ; all were sent to Holland. The defalcation of the revenue, which was the immediate effect, occa- sioned an order in October, that no tobacco, or other productions of the colonies, should thenceforth be carried into foreign parts, until they were first land- ed in England, and the custom paid. This order however was either disregarded or eluded ; for to- bacco was still sent from Virginia, and even from the Somer Isles, to Holland. x Sir Ferdinando Gorges, intrusted with the princi- pal direction of the affairs of the Plymouth compa- ny, reflecting on the prodigious extent of the region to be planted, and on the little progress of coloniza- tion, conceived the design of persuading the Scotch nation to form a settlement within the limits of New England. Easily procuring the consent of the com- pany, and the approbation of Sir William Alexan- der of Metistry, a person of considerable influence, Sept. io. he prosecuted that enterprise ; and king James gave Alexander a patent of the whole territory *of Aca- to sir die, by the name of Nova Scotia. * It was erected - nto a p a i a tinate, to be holden as a fief of the crown I Chalmers, i. 51, 52. Robertson, book ix. 87, 88. a It was bounded on the north, east, and south, by the river St. Law- rence and the ocean ; and on the west by the river St. Croix. See the charter, in the JLatin original, in Hazard Coll. i. 134 145. Chalmers, i. 91, 92. It was given under the great seal of SCOTLAND ; yet, as Chalme remarks, " it would probably have embarrassed the wisest civilian of thar kingdom to discover by what right the kifl of Scotland conveyed that ex- " AMERICAN ANNALS. 2I of Scotland ; and the proprietary was invested with 1621. the accustomed regal power, belonging to a count palatine. An unsuccessful attempt was soon after made to effect a settlement of the territory ; and the French continued their occupancy. x The States General of Holland, historians affirm, N. Nether* made a grant of the country of New Netherlands to^*^ the West India company ; * but the English deny, w. India that they had power to grant what had been given COUJ P an ^ to the Plymouth company, the year before, by the Jdng of England. 3 Sir George Calvert, a Roman Catholic, having Part of i i r -i i r TI i i r :? Newfound- obtained from the king or England a grant or part land grant ^ of Newfoundland^ that he might enjoy in this retreat, ed to lord * that freedom of conscience, which was denied him in 13< his own country, sent Edward Wynne with a small colony to that island, to make preparation for his* 1 Chalmers, 91. Belknap Biog. ii. 55. Purchas, v. 1871, 1873. Sir William the next year sent a ship with a colony " of purpose to plant ;" but the season was so late, that they were obliged to stay through the win- ter at Newfoundland. Another ship with provisions was sent the next year (1623) ; yet, " by reason of some unexpected occasions," they resolved not to plant then, but merely to discover and take possession. Sailing from Newfoundland, they coasted along the shore of Nova Scotia, and on Port; Joli river found a fit place for a plantation. Returning to Newfoundland in July, they left their ship there, land took passage for England, with the intention of resuming the enterprise of planting a colony the next year. Purchas, ibid. Laet, 6a. Both these writers stop here, in their Accounts of Nova Scotia, excepting Laet's mention of the change of the old names erf places by the Scotch patentee : 'f Quid post ilia in illis partibus gestum sit, mihi non constat ; risi quod nomina harum provinciarum a Wilh/elmj* Alexandro mutata invent, in tabula Geographica nuper in Anglia excusa . . . Cadia Nova Calidonia, septent. pars Nova Alexandria ncminatur . . ." &c. 2 Smith New Yqrk, 3. . 3 Chalmers, i. 570. Chalmers (ibid, j 69.) says, that this charter of New Netherlands, given by the States general, though often mentioned by writ- ers, snd relied on by governors, has neither been given by them to. the world ; nor have they informed us where it may be found. Laet asserts, the fact, bwt without adducing any authority. Having mentioned the ad- ministration of H. Christiaens, and a subsequent one of J. Elkens, under the auspices o* the States general, he adds, that the Hollanders thus held North River several years, until it bega.n to be settled by the West India company under a new and most ample patent from those States : " atque |ta nostri ab anno clciocxiv ad aliquot succedentes tenuerunt : Donee a ocietate Indira Occidentalis, novo et amplissimo eorundam praepotentunt Pominorum diplomate ipsis concesso, porro ab ipsis hoc flumen adiri et c~ ^oniis deductis amplius habitari cxpit." Nov. Orb. 73. See A. D. 1614, , AMERICAN ANNALS, reception. The proprietor, now created lord Balti- more, was so delighted with the account, which he received, of the flourishing state of the colony, that he afterward removed to it with his family 5 built a house, and a strong fort, at Ferryland ; and resided on the island many years. x 1622^ ^ e NaiTaganset Indians, conscious of their pow-t r > * aspired at an extension of empire on the ruins of their neighbours, who had been wasted by mortal diseases. The English, they foresaw, might be an obstacle to their ambition ; for Ma&assoit, their own most potent rival, had already taken shelter under their wings. No sooner therefore did Canonicus, the chief sachem of the Narragansets, understand that the people of Plymouth were distressed by the burden of additional settlers, without proportionate means for their support, than he bade defiance to. their power. Regardless of the peace, recently con- cluded, his tribe first offered them repeated menaces j and he next sent to them, as a signal of challenge, a bundle of arrows, tied together with a snake skin. * The governor, having taken advice, sent an answer, That if they chose war, rather than peace, they might begin when they would ; that the English, had done them no wrong ; nor did they fear them, nor should they find them unprovidec^ By a differ- I. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 250. Chalmers [i. aoi.] says, that Calvert estab- lished the settlement at Ferryland the next year [1622], and governed it by his deputy ; and that he visited it in person in the beginning of the reign of Charles I. The original English appellation of the territory, ceded t his authority, received his information from " ancient Indians ;" and says, " all do agree they were a great people, and oftentimes waged war with the Pawkunnawkutts and Massachusetts, as well as with the Pe- juots." Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 148. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. 56. There is a remarkabk coincidence, in the form of this challenge, with that of the challenge given by the Scythian prince to Darius. Five arrows made a part of the present, sent by hi* her* aW to tke Persian king. See Rollin Anc. Hist, book vi. sect. .4*. AMERICAN ANNALS, messenger, and in more direct acceptance of the 1622, challenge, the snake skin was sent back, charged with powder and bullets. The Indians however re- fused to receive it. They were even afraid to let it Continue in their houses ; and it was at length brought back to Plymouth. x Although policy die- fated this resolute measure, on the part of the Eng- lish ; yet prudence required them to use the means pf farther security. They accordingly impaled the February-: town a and fortified it, and erected in four bulwarks Plymouth or jetties three gates, which were guarded every ^dfortk day, and locked every night. In the succeeding fed, summer, they built a strong and handsome fort, with a flat roof and battlement, on which cannon were mounted, a.nd a watch kept $ it was also used as a place of public worship. 3 Thomas Weston, a merchant of good reputation in London, haying procured for himself a patent for a tract of land in Massachusetts Bay, sent two ships \vith fifty or sixty men, at his own charge, to settle a plantation. 4 Many of these adventurers being sick on their arrival at Plymouth, most of the company remained there during the greater part of the sum- mer, and were treated with hospitality and kindness by the inhabitants. Some of their number, in the mean time, finding a place in the Bay of Massachu- setts, named Wessagusset, which they judged conve- I Hubbard MS. N. Eng. 58. Prince, n 6. Morton, 37 ; but he places this article at the close of i6ai. a " Taking in the top of the hill under which our town is seated." Gov. Bradford, in Prince, 116. 3 Prince, 116, lai. Intelligence of the massacre in Virginia reached Plymouth in May, and was the immediate incitement to the erection of this fort. Hubbard MS. N. JEng. 58, Mather Magnal. book i. 10. 4 Prince, 119- Weston was one of the merchant adventurers, who, in 1619, sent proposals to Leyden for transporting the English Congregation to America. He appears to have been active in promoting the Plymouth settlement from that time until this year. Why he now withdrew his pat- ronage we are not informed ; but by a letter from him, received at this time, addressed to governor Carver, " we find," says governor Bradford, * he has quite deserted us, and is going to settle a Plantation of his own. See Prince, 65,79, **4j nB. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1622. nient for settlement, the whole company removed t$ it, and began a plantation. * 27. What had been dreaded merely at Plymouth, was ex P er i ence d in all its horrors in her sister colony* By a preconcerted conspiracy, the Indians in the neighbourhood of Virginia, on the twenty seventh of March, fell on the English, three hundred and forty seven of whom, unresisting and defenceless, were cru- elly massacred. The massacre was conducted with indiscriminate barbarity. No regard was shown to dignity ; no gratitude, for benefits. Six of the coun- cil were slain, one of whom, Mr. George Thorpe, a very respectable and pious man, who had the princi- pal management of the lands and affairs of the col- lege, had been a distinguished friend and bene- factor of the Indians. 1 An exterminating war be- tween the English and the Indians immediately sue- ceeded this massacre. The people, concerned in the Care and culture of the college lands, experiencing a great slaughter, those lands were now abandoned 5 and no public institution was again attempted for the benefit of the natives of Virginia, until benefactions were made by the Honourable Robert Boyle. * To the horrors of massacre were soon superadded the miseries of famine. Of eighty plantations, which, were advancing fast toward completion, eight only remained ; and of the numerous people, who had i Morton, 44. Mather Magnal. i. II. Prince, I2O, xai. See A. D. 1624. 1 Smith Virg. 144 149, where are the names of the persons, who were massacred. Purchas, v. 1788 1790. Beverly, 61, 62. Keith, 138. Stith, ail. Netnattanow, a famous Indian warrior, believed by the natives to be invulnerable, was killed by the English in i6ai \ and Keith [137.] says, it was in revenge of his death, that Opechancanough plotted this massacre* Chalmers [58.] says, " it ought to be observed, that the emigrants, notwith- standing the humane instructions of their sovereign and the prudent orders of the company, had never been solicitous to cultivate the good will of the aborigines ; and had neither asked permission when their country was oc- cupied, nor had given a price for invaluable property, which was taken without authority." 3 Stith, 217, 295. Mr. Boyle's donation was annexed to the professor- ships of William and Mary college, as a sixth professorship, for the instruc- tion of the Indians and their conversion to Christianity, Jefferson Virg, Query xv. AMERICAN ANNALS. been transported ,to Virginia at a great expense, eighteen hundred only survived these disasters. z Much as the colony lost of its inhabitants and pos- sessions by the recent calamities, its losses were con- siderably counterbalanced by supplies from the par- ent country. From May 1621 to May 1622, twen- ty ships transported thirteen hundred persons, and eighty cattle, from England to Virginia.* King James made the colonists a present of arms out of the tower, and lent them twenty barrels of powder j lord St. John, of Basing, gave them sixty coats of mail ; the city of London, and many private persons, made them generous contributions. 3 Such had now become the extent of tne settle- ments, and the number of the inhabitants, in the Virginian colony, that it was found very inconveni- ent, to bring all causes to James Town. Inferior courts were therefore appointed in convenient places, to relieve the governor and council from the heavy burden of business, and to render justice less expen-* sive, and more accessible, to the people. This is the origin of county courts in Virginia. 4 i Purchas, v. 1792. Chalmers, i. 59. In the vear 1620 there were a bout aai6 inhabitants in Virginia. [See p. 204 of this volume.} In i6if governor Wyat brought over nearly 700, which addition makes 2916. De- duct from this number 347 for the loss in the massacre, and the remainder- is 2519. If, as Purchas leads us to believe, there were but 1800 left after the massacre and famine, upwards of 700 are still unaccounted for. Th& natural deaths in the colony since 1620 may partly account for this deficien- cy ; but some accessions to it have probably been omitted, which might coun- terbalance that loss. It is indeed expressly said [Purchas, v. 1785.], that " in the yeeres 1619, 1620, and 162 1, there hath been^ provided and sent for Virginia two and fortie saile of ships, three thousand five hundred andseven~ tie men and women for plantation, with requisite provisions." I am inclined, therefore, to ascribe this extraordinary reduction in part to an emigration from the colony, seldom noticed by historians. It is affirmed, that several English families, to shun the massacre in Virginia, fled to the Carolinian coasts, and settled at a place, called Mallica, near the river May. It is also affirmed, that they converted the inhabitants of the neighbouring Apalaches. Atla Oeographus Americ. v. 688. Univ. Hist. xl. 430. Brit. Emp. iii. aio. This last history says, they were driven on the coasts of Carolina i which eeerns to imply, that they made their escape by water. a Purchas, v. 1783. 3 Smith Virg. 147. Stith, 233. Univ. Hist. xli. 4 Beverly, fo ftftfy 397, gf& gmj. iii, f ?, AMERICAN ANXAL& 1622. The tobacco, exported from Virginia to England, obacco. on an avera g e f or t} le l as t seven years, was one hun- dred forty two thousand and eighty five pounds a yean * Previous to the massacre, a successful exper- iment of wine had been made in that colony : and a ine. . r . ' T i i specimen or it was now sent to England. z >rmudas. The English had riow ten forts at Bermudas $ three thousand people $ and fifty pieces of ordnance. 3 ishery. Thirty five ships sailed this year from the west of England, and two from London, to fish on the New England coasts ; and made profitable voyages. 4 The Plymouth company having complained to king James of the encroachments and injuries of in- terlopers on their American commerce and posses- sions, and applied to him for relief ; the king issued a proclamation, commanding, that none should fre- quent the coasts of New England, but the adventur- ers and planters or traffick with the Indians other- wise, than by the licence of the council of Plymouth, or according to the orders of the privy council* uth, the government set apart a solemn day of hu- <^L d* t miliation and prayer 5 and soon after, in grateful / ; V / and pious acknowledgment of the blessing of copious showers, and supplies of provisions, a day of public thanksgiving. ' The first patent of Plymouth had been taken out in the name of John Pierce, in trust for the company of adventurers ; but when he saw the promising state of their settlement, and the favour, which their success had obtained for them with the council for New England, he, without their knowledge, but in their name, procured another patent, of larger ex- tent, intending to keep it for his own benefit, and hold the adventurers as his tenants, to sue and be sued at his courts. In pursuance of this design, he, in the autumn of the last year, and beginning of this, made repeated attempts to send a ship to New Eng-. land ; but it was forced back by storms. In the last attempt, the mariners, about the middle of Feb- ruary, were obliged, in a terrible storm, to cut away their main mast, and return to Portsmouth. Pierce was then on board, with one hundred and nine souls. After these successive losses, he was prevailed on by P j erce ' spa _ the company of adventurers, to assign to them, for ten five hundred pounds, the patent, which had cost him but fifty. The goods, with the charge of passen- gers in this ship, cost the company six hundred and forty pounds. Another ship was hired, to trans- port the passengers and goods ; and it arrived at Plymouth in July, Soon after arrived a new vessel, of forty four tons, which the company had built, to remain in the country ; both brought supplies for the plantation, and about sixty passengers. l Magnal. book i. n . Morton. 47. Prince, 128 133. I. Mather N. Eng. 14 16. Belknap Biog. ii. 314 327. I Purchas, v. 1866. Prince, 137,138. a Morton, 50 53. Mather Magnal. book i. 12. Prince, 136 139, Neal N. Eng.i. 113, 115. Belknap Biog. ii, 434, 235. 22$ AMERICAN ANNALS. 1623. John Mason., Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and others* ^ le ' he having obtained patents of the New England coun- gun "at Pas- cil for several poi tiops of territory, sent over, in thq ver d>:U " ll: s P r * n ^ *h* B veiir > > av *d Tomson, Edward and ^ilJiajQ Kiltpn, and a few other persons, to begin a settlement. Tomson and some of his company be- gan one accordingly, twenty five leagues north east from Plymouth, near Smith's Isles, at a place called PascatoquacL The place, first seized, was called Little Harbour, on the west side of Pascataqua river, and near its mouth ; where was built the first house, called Mason Hall. * The Hiltons, proceeding higher up the river, set- tled at Cocheco, afterward called Dover. * Scatter- ed settlements were also begun this year by different adventurers, at Monahigan, and at other places. 3 F.west Francis* West arrived at Plymouth in June, witty arrives, as a commission to be admiral of New England, with admiral of . i i i r i H.ngiand. power to restrain such ships, as came either to fish or trade on the coast without licence from the New England council ; but, finding the fishermen too stubborn and strong for him, he sailed for Virginia. The owners of the fishing vessels, complaining to the parliament of this attempted restraint, procured an, order, that fishing should be free. 4 September. Robert Gorges, son of Ferdinando, sent by the frrivesfas Plymouth council as general governor of New Eng- generai land, arrived at Massachusetts Bay with several pas- pf N^Ea" - sengers and families ; and purposed to begin a plan- land.' i Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxxi. The chimney and some part of the stone wall of this house were standing when Hubbard wrote his history, fly. Tomson, from dislike either of the place, or of his employers, removed \vithin a year after into Massachusetts, where he possessed himself of a fer- tile island, and a valuable neck of land,-]- which was afterward confirmed to him, or his heirs, by the Massachusetts court, on the surrender of all his other interest in New England. Ibid. chap, xviii. He visited Plymouth, an 1623. Purchas,v. 1867. f Squahtum tied. BelLBiog.ii. 334. a Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxxi. Priuce, 134. But few buildings svere erected about Pascataqua river until after the year 1631. In tbalyear^ there were but three houses there. Hubbard, ut supra. 3 Prince, 134. Morton, 5*. Prince, 137, AMERICAN ANNALS. 129 tation at Wessagusset ; but he returned home, with- 1 623. jput scarcely saluting the country within his govern? ment. Gorges brought with him William Morrell, an episcopal minister, who had a commission from, the ecclesiastical courts in England to exercise a kind of superintendence over the churches, which were, or might be, established in New England ; but he found no opportunity to execute his commis- sion. z This was the first essay for the establish- ment of a general government in New England $ but, like every succeeding attempt, it was totally unsuccessful, 2 Notwithstanding the late disasters in Virginia, State O g there were now in that colony above two thousand five hundred persons, sent over at the expense of thirty thousand pounds of the public stock, beside the charges of particular societies and planters. 5 The cattle were increased .to above a thousand head. The debt of the company was wholly discharged. During the four last years, great sums were expend- ed, and much care was bestowed, by the officers and company, for promoting useful arts and manufac- tures ; particularly iron works, wine, silk, sawing mills, and saltpans. Numerous Indians, of various tribes, contiguous to the Virginian colony, were ki! 7 led this year by the English ; among the slain, were I Gorges soon returned to England. Morrell staid behind, and resided at Plymouth about a year, making inquiries and observations respecting the country ; the result of which he wrought into an elegant and descrip- tive Latin poem, which, with his o>vn English translation, is published in vol. i. p. 125- 139 of the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. % Morton, 54 57. 'Prince, 141, 14*. Belknap Biog, i. 367 369, The grant of the council for the affairs of New England to "Robert Gorges is in Hazard Coll. i. 152, 155. 3 Smith [Virg. 236.] says, .since he left the colony the Virginia company had been " humble suiters to his majesty, to get vagabonds and condemned men to goe thither ; nay, so the business hath been abused, that so mucK scorned was the name of Virginia, some did chuse to be hanged ere they would goe thither, and were." Not long after the massacre however, he remarks, " there is more honest men, now suiters to goe, than ever hatfc leene constrained knaves." *3 S AMERICAN ANNALS. 1623. some of their kings, and several of their greatest warriors. x literary Qne of the earliest literary productions of the production. E n gij s h co l O nists in America, of which we have any notice, is a translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, made this year by George Sandys, treasurer of the Virginia company. z $s T ew Ne- The Dutch at New Netherlands, in defence of theriands. their colony, built several forts ; one, on the east side of Delaware Bay, which they named Fort Nassau ; one, a hundred and fifty miles up Hudson's river, which they named Fort Orange j and a third, on Connecticut river, which they named the Hirsse of Good Hope. At the mouth of the Hudson, they built a town, which they called New Amsterdam. 3 st. Chris- Ralph Merifield, having, in connection with cap- 'knte^b ta * u Warner, obtained letters from king James to the Eng- plant and possess the island of St. Christopher, ar- lish ; rived there in January with fifteen Englishmen, and commenced a plantation at one end of the island,. - where he built a fort and a house. 4 The French I Stith, 303. 2, Stith, 304. This historian calls it " a very laudable performance for, the times." Sandys, in his dedication of it to king Charles, informs him, that " it was limned by that imperfect light, which was snatched from the hours of night and repose ; and that it is doubly a stranger, being sprung from an ancient Roman stock, and bred up in the New World, of the rude-? ness of which it could not but participate ; especially as it was produced a- mong wars and tumults, instead of under the kindly and peaceful influence* of the muses.'' Ibid. About this time Dr. William Vaughan, educated at Oxford, wrote at Newfoundland his Poem, entitled The Golden Fleece, which was printed in quarto in 1626. Vaughan was the author of several publications in verse and prose. In 1615 he purchased a grant of the pa- tentees of Newfoundland for part of the island, and resided there several years. Brit. Emp. A. i. 7 9. Ancient Right Eng. Nation to American Fishery, 20. 3 Smith N. York, 2. Brit. Emp. A. i. 237. Smith N. Jersey, 20. Governor Bradford says, that the Dutch had traded in those southern parts several years before he and the other English adventurers came to Ply- mouth, but that they began no plantation there until after this time. See Prince, 165 ; and p. 182 of this volume. 4 Churchill Voy. ii. chap. xxv. These English adventurers planted various seeds, and raised a crop of tobacco ; but a hurricane "drove away"' this crop in September. Until that time they lived on cassada bread, po- tatoes, plantanes, pine apples, turtles, guanas, and fish. Ibid. Univ. Hist, xli. 267. Many historians place this settlement in 1625. AMERICAN ANNALS. 31 plarfted themselves at the same time on the other andFrenck * end of the island ; * and this was their first settle- ment in the West Indies, a 1624. The fame of the plantation at Plymouth being Settlement spread in the west of England, Mr. White, a cele- ^ lu . dpe brated minister of Dorchester, excited some mer- chants and other gentlemen, to attempt another set- tlement in New England. They accordingly, on a common stock, sent over several persons^ who began a plantation at Cape Ann, and held this place of the Plymouth settlers, for whom they set up here a fishing stage- 2 The Plymouth colonists, who had hitherto ap- Five assist-* pointed but one assistant to the governor, on the en^Piy- motion of governor Bradford, added four others ; mouth co- but, instead of acceding to a motion, which he tnade lony * at the same time, for the change of their governor, they reelected him ; and gave this officer a double voice. 4 On making request to the governor, that Land ^ they might have some land for permanent use, in* en to stt* stead of the accustomed assignment by annual lot, tler3i he gave every person an acre for himself and his family, as near, as it was convenient, to the town. 5 Plymouth at this time contained thirty two dwelling houses, and about one hundred and eighty persons. The inhabitants had erected a salt work ; and this year they freighted a ship of a hundred and eighty tons. In the last three years, notwithstanding the I Churchill Voy. ii. chap. xxv. % Europ. Settlements, ii. 6. It is a remarkable circumstance, that the English and the French took possession of this island the same day. Ibid. The Spaniards soon drove both these colonies out of the island. The Eng- lish returned, and possessed themselves of the largest and most fertile quar- ter ; the French returned, and left a small colony in another part. But the most adventurous of the French went in quest of new places, ant', after va- rious fortune, made settlements in Martinico and Guadaloupe. Ibid. ^ 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xviii. Prince, 144, 151. 4 Hubbard MS. N. Efi. chap. xvi. Prince, 145. Chalmers, i. 87* 5 Piiuce, 147. AMERICAN ANNAL& great want of necessaries, not one of the first plant- ers died. * Edward Winslow, having been sent to England the last year, as an agent for the colony, ori his return home, brought the first breed of neat cat- tle to Plymouth. \ The few inhabitants of Wessagusset receiving art JllOUth. , , . t r -TTT 1 accession to their number from Weymouth m Eng- land, the town is supposed to have hence been called Weymouth. 3 About fifty English ships came in the spring of this year, to fish on the coasts of New England. 4 Spirit of The calamities, which had befallen the Virginian the vir- colony, and the dissensions, which had agitated the *embiy. as ~ company, having been represented to the king and his privy council as subjects of complaint ; a com- mission was issued under the great seal to Sir Wil- liam Jones and six others^ or any four of them, to inquire into all matters respecting Virginia, from the beginning of its settlement. The king also appoint- ed commissioners, to go to Virginia, and inquire in- to the state of the colony * After their departure a writ of quo warranto was issued by the court of king's bench against the company. 5 Early this year the commissioners arrived in Virginia, and a general assembly was called^ not at their request 5 for they kept all their designs as secret, as possible^ The colony however had received information of the whole proceedings in England^ and had already in its possession copies of several papers, which had been exhibited against it. The assembly, meeting on the fourteenth of February, drew up answers to the charges, in a spirited and masterly style ; and appointed an agent to go to England, to solicit its cause. The laws, enacted by this assembly, are the oldest to be found in the colony records. One of I Prince, 151. 2, Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xvi. Prince, 146. 3 Prince, 150* 151. 4 Ibid. I44 5 November 10, 1623. AMERICAN ANNALS. 233 them is equivalent to a bill of rights ; for it defines 1624* the power of the governor, the council, and the as- sembly ; and declares the privileges of the p'eople, in regard to taxes, burdens, and personal services. x The quo warranto being brought to trial in the charter of court of king's bench, judgment was given against Virginia the Virginia company ; and the charter was vacated. vacated " The company, which was now dissolved, had con- sisted of gentlemen of noble, and disinterested views, who expended more than one hundred thousand pounds of their own fortunes in this first attempt to plant an English colony in America ; and more than nine thousand persons were sent out from the mother country, to people this new settlement. 1 The an- nual exportation of commodities from Virginia to England did not exceed twenty thousand pounds in value ; and, at this dissolution of the company, scarce- ly two thousand persons survived. 3 So fluctuating was their system of government, that in the course of eighteen years, ten different persons presided as governors over the province. 4 The colonial historians have deeply deplored the dissolution of the Virginian charter, as if the fate of 1 Stith, 318 320. 2 Stith, 305,319 322,330. Univ. Hist. xli. 530. Belknap Biog. ii. 91, 93, 97, Chalmers [i. 69.] says, the transportation of the Virginian set- tlers was " at the enormous expence of i jo,ooo,. 3 Smith [V'ir.g. continued, chap, xxi.] says r " After 20 years spent in com- plement, and trying new conclusions, were remaining scarce 1500, some say rather 2000." Chalmers says, " but about 1800 ;" and takes in New England, to make up the number of 2000 colonists. " If to this number we add about 200, who had nestled on the coast of North Virginia, the a- mount of the English colonists, settled on the American continent at the accession of Charles I, will be 2000." The prices of provisions in Virgin- ia, at this period, were enormous. They are thus stated in Purchas [v. 1806.] : a hogshead of meal, io sterling ; a gallon of alligant, 16 shil- lings ; a hen and chickens, 3j ; i pound of butter, 3 shillings ; i pint of milk, 6 pence, ready money ; a day's work (carpenter's), beside meat and lodging, i o or 12 shillings. The colonists however, under all their disad- vantages, appear to have possessed a public and generous spirit ; for they about this time made a contribution " for the building of a house of enter- tainment for new commers at James Citie, amounting to the value of fif- teen e hundred pounds." Purchas, ibid. 1785. 4 Robertson, book is. xoi. ff 234 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1624. the colony had depended on it. " Never theless," says Chalmers, " the length of its infancy, the mise- ries of its youth, the disasters of its riper years, may all be attributed to the monstrous government under which it suffered." * Aug. 26. King James now issued a new commission for the government of Virginia, continuing Sir Francis Wy- at governor, with eleven assistants or counsellors. The governor and council were appointed during the king's pleasure. No assembly was mentioned, or allowed. * Sept. 29. Though the commons of England w r ere submissive Prodama- to the dictates of the crown, yet they showed their peing"to- re g ar d to the interest of the Virginian complainants, bacco. as well as to the interest of the nation, by petition- ing the king, that no tobacco should be imported, but of the growth of the colonies ; and his majesty condescended to issue a new proclamation concerning tobacco, by which he restrained the culture of it to Virginia and the Somer Islands. 3 N. Nether- The returns from New Netherlands this year lands. were four thousand beavers, and seven hundred ot- ters, estimated at twenty seven thousand one hun- dred and fifty guilders, 4 Charles i demise f tte crown having annulled all for- makes vir-mer appointments for Virginia, Charles the First, gmia de- ^ n succeeded to the throne of England, reduc- pendent.on . o . p - t-iu: crown, ed that colony under the immediate direction or the l Political Annals, i. 63. 1 Rymer's Fcedera, xvii. 618. Belknap Biog. ii. 97, 9#. 3 Belknap Biog, ii. 95. The proclamation is entire in Rymer's Feeders, xvii. 621, and in Hazard Coll. i. 193 198. The king, steady in his aver- sion to this noxious weed, loses no opportunity of testifying his royal disap- probation of its use. On this occasion, he proclaimed, that he considered England and Wales " as utterly unfyt in respect of the clymate to cherish the same for any medicinall use, which is the only good to he approved in yt." Ibid. Another proclamation to the same purpost was issued March 1625. It is in Rymer's Foedera, xvii, 66 S, 4 Haaard Coll. i-39/. AMERICAN ANNALS. *35 crown ; appointing a governor and council, and or- 1625. dering all patents and processes to issue in his own name. His proclamation " for settling the planta* tion of Virginia" is dated the thirteenth of May. * The commission to the new governor and council was accompanied with arbitrary instructions. " The commerce of the Virginians," says Chalmers, " was restrained, at the same time that their persons were enslaved."* Captain Wollaston, and a few persons of some settlement eminence, with thirty servants, came from England to Massachusetts Bay, and on the southern side of the bay, at the head of a creek, began a plantation, which they called Mount Wollaston. 3 Among- these settlers was Thomas Morton, who was after- ward the cause of much trouble to the sober inhab- itants of the country, 4 1 This Proclamation, is entire in Hazard Coll. ii. 203^205, and in Chalmers,!. 126 128. It shows how high the king set the royal pre- rogative at the commencement of his reign, and prepares us to expect the miseries, which ensued. ** Our full resolution is, that there may he one u- niforme course of government in and through our whole monarchic, that the government of the colony of Virginia shall ymmediately depend upon ourselfe, and not be commytted to anie company or corporation ; to whom itt maie he proper to trust matters of trade and commerce, but cannot b fitt or safe to communicate the ordering of state affaires, be they of never *oe mean consequence." This resolution of tbe king excited serious alarrn among the Puritans at Leyden, one of whom wrote to governor Bradford of Plymouth, that some hence conceive " he will have both the same civil . . . b . f th8. the vicinity or Dorchester in England, a patent for I Princs, ibid. " The thing was fully concluded, and the bargain fairly" engrossed in parchment, under their hands and seals." Gov. Bradford Let- ter Book Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 48. 2 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 422. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 161 165 ; where is an account of this project for the settlement of Canada. Charlevoix (ibid.) thinks nothing could have been better imagined ; and that France wouli have been the most powerful colony in America, had the execution been answerable to the design. The full number of the Associates was 107. 3 Smith N. Jersey, a 2. Smith says, it is uncertain whether they bought the land of those natives, who could properly convey it. The river Dela- ware they called New Swedeland stream. Ibid. See A, D. 1629. AMERICAN ANNALS. 243 all that part of New England, lying between three 1628, piles to the northward of Merriraack river and three miles to the southward of Charles river, and in Jength within the described breadth from the Atlan- tic ocean to the South Sea. The reverend Mr. White of Dorchester being engaged at that juncture Jn projecting an asylum for silenced Nonconformist ministers, the grantees, by his means, became ac- quainted with several religious persons 1 in London and its vicinity, who at first associated with them!, T h / ir r i -. t i i inghts and afterward bought rights in their patent." pmc ha?ed They next projected a settlement for the express b y others; purpose of providing for Nonconformists a safe re- treat, where they might *enjoy religious liberty in platters of worship and discipline. The company soon after chose Matthew Cradock governor, and Thomas Goffe, deputy governor, with eighteen as* sistants ; 3 and sent over a few people under the gov- who send ^rnrnent of John Endicot, to carry on the plantation w ! *hTfew at Naumkeak, and prepare for settling a colony. 4 people to Endicot, on his arrival at Naumkeak, laid the foun- N dation of Salem, the first permanent town in Massa- chusetts, Several servants were soon sent over from England, on the joint stock of the company ; but upon their arrival at Naumkeak, an uncultivat- ed desert, many of them, for want of wholesome i John Winthrop, Isaac Johnson, Matthew Cradock, Thomas GofT, and Sir Richard Saltonstall. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xviii. They are said to be persons " of like quality," as the first purchasers of the patent. Ibid. a Hubbard (ibid.) says, they bought of them all their right and interest, in New England ; but Prince [171.] from the Massachusetts colony charter and record;; concluded, that three only of the six original grantees wholly sold their rights ; and that the other three retained theirs in equal partner- ship with the new associates. 3 Beside those gentlemen, there were 20 or 30, who subscribed 1035, to be a common stock to carry on the plantation. The ne;;t year 745 inore were lent on the same account by several gentlemen. They gener* ally ventured but 25 a piece ; some, 50 ; a few, 75 ; and the gov- ernor, 100. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxii. 4 Johnson, says, that Endicoc, who came with them " to govern," waf a fit instrument to begin this wilderness work; of courage bold, undaunt- ed, yet sociable, and of a cheerful spirit, loving, or austere, as occasion serv- <4" Wonderwork, Prox'ideuce, xy. 244 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1628. diet and convenient lodgings, died of the scurvy and other distempers. 1 Six or seven persons, with the consent of gover- * Endic , ot V travelled from Naumkeak through the woods about twelve miles westward, and came to a neck of land, between Mystic and Charles rivers, called Mishawum. It was full of Indians, called Aberginians ; and, with the unconstrained consent of their chief, they settled there. * The Plymouth colonists obtained a patent for beck. JCennebeck . ^nci up this river, in a place conve- nient for trade, erected a house, and furnished it with corn, and other commodities. While the trade of their infant colony was thus commencing toward the east, if was becoming gradually extended toward The Dutch the west. A Dutch bark from Manhattan arriving kh at the trading house at Manomet, ' with sugar > linen, stuffs, and various other commodities ; a boat was sen t f rO rn Plymouth for Razier, who conduct- ed this commercial enterprise ; and he, with most of his company, was entertained af Plymouth several days. On his return to the bark, some of the people of Plymouth accompanied him, and bought various goods. After this commencement of trade, the Dutch often sent goods to the same place ; and a trafiick was continued severalyears. The Ply- mouth colonists sold much tobacco for linens, stuffs., and other articles ; and derived great advantage from this commerce, until the Virginians found out the Dutch colony. 3 i Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xviii. Prince, 171 178. Mather Mag- nal.i. 16. Chalmers, i. 136. The Reverehd Mr. Bentley [Hist. Salem Coil> Hist. Soc. yi. 230.] says, " The natives had forsaken this spot [Naumkeak] before the English had reached it. On the soil they found no natives, of whom we have any record. No natives ever claimed it, and the possessioii was uninterrupted." 1 Prince, 174,175. This chief was called by the English John Sagamore. He was the oldest son of the old Aberginian chief, who was then dead. The few Englishmen, who now settled at Mishawum, found but one English house there, " thatched and palisadoed, poesessed by Thomas Walford, al tmith." Ibid. 3 Prince, 171 173. The Dutch, on $he -visit recited above, aqrpainfr- AMERICAN ANNALS. 245 John Endicot, arriving at Naumkeak, as an agent, 1628. jo carry on the plantation there, and manaee all the Endicot r>" - c- i ml/r ' i i 1 VISltS affairs of the Massachusetts patentees, visited the Mount people at Merry Mount : caused their May pole to be cut down ; rebuked them for their profaneness ^ and admonished them to reform. Morton, their principal, was incorrigible. Hearing what gain the French and the fishermen made by selling guns, pow- der,' and shot to the natives, he began the same trade in his neighbourhood, and taught the natives the use of fire arms. The English, meeting them natives the m the woods, armed in this manner, were greatly in^ * flre timidated. The chief persons, hi the scattered plan- tations at Pascataqua, Naumkeak, Winisimet, Wes- sagusset, Nantasket, and other places, met, and a- greed to solicit the people of Plymouth, who were stronger than all the other New England colonists combined, to unite with them in tiie suppression of the alarming evil. The Plymouth colonists, after re- peatedly sending friendly messages to Morton, ad- vising him to forbear his injurious courses, and re- ceiving insolent replies, prevailed with' the governor of their colony to send Standish, with some aid, to apprehend him. " This gallant officer successfully performed the enterprise. Dispersing the worst of the company, he brought Morton to Plymouth, . , -f c ^ ^ whence he was soon after sent to England. Sir Thomas Warner, and a number of English- NV;$ set- men, attempted the settlement of Berbuda ; but, tkd - finding it a rocky and barren island, they left it, and settled at Nevis, to the number of about one hun- dred, many of whom were old planters of St. Chris- chrfstL, * topher's. 3 At the island of St. Christopher there P her > ing the people of Plymouth with the trade of wampum, they were induc- ed to purchase that article of the Indians, to the value of ahout 5'o. For the two first years it was unsaleable ; nut it became afterward a very im- portant article of trade, especially with the inland Indians, who- did noc ^iiake it. i Hubbard MS. N. Eng chap, xviii. Prince, 175 lyj. Josselyn, aji, $ Anderson, ii. 333. Smith Yirg. contin. chap, xxvii. Univ. Hist.xli. 288, AMERICAN ANNALS. were, this year, about thirty sail of English, French, and Dutch ships. The natives, having done much mischief among the French, were entirely expelle4 from the island. ' 1629, March 4^ On the petition of the .Massachusetts company^ Patent of . , r ' 3 11,1 t . . . ,, , , . - seconded by the solicitation of lord Dorchester, king Charles, ky charter, confirmed the patent of Mas- sachusetts colony. By this patent, the company was incorporated by the name of " The Governor, and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 53 to have perpetual succession ; empower- ed to elect forever^ out of the freemen of said com* pany, a governor, deputy governor, and eighteen as* sistants, to be newly chosen on the last Wednesday in easter term yearly, by the greater part of the company ; and to make laws, not repugnant to the, laws of England. Matthew Cradock was constitute ed the first governor ; and Thomas Goffe, the deputy governor. Sir Richard Saltonstall seventeen other persons were constituted assistants. a April 30. A court of the Massachusetts company was soon govern- a f ter holden at London, and settled a form of gov- ment set- ernment for the new colony. It ordained, that thir- Masodm- teen persons, such as should be reputed the most $ettscoiony. wise, honest, expert, and discreet, resident on the colonial plantation, should, from time to time, have the sole management of the government and affairs of the colony ; and they, to the best of their judg- ment, were to * 6 endeavour to so settle the same, 3 * as might " make most to the glory of God, the fru> therance and advancement of this hopeful plantation^ I Smith Virg. continued, chap. xxy. a Mather Magnal. book i. 16. Uiiiv. Hist, xxxix. 277. Chalmers, i. 136. Prince, 180. This first Charter of Massachusetts was first printed in Hutahinson's Collection of Papers, i 23 ; it is also in Hazard Coll. i. 239 255. Some of these authors place it in, x6a ; but, if the year be computed from January, it WAS in 1629. AMERICAN ANNALS. 247 the Comfort, encouragement, and future benefit'* of 1629. the company, and of others, concerned in the com- mencement or prosecution of the work* The per* sons, thus appointed, were to be entitled " The Governor and Council of London's Plantation in Massachusetts Bay, in New England." 1 The same court elected John Endicot to be gov- officer* ernor of the colony ; and Francis Higginson with chos m six others to be the council. These seven counsel- lors were impowered to choose three others ; and such of the former planters, as were willing to Iiv6 within the limits of the plantation, were empowered to choose two more, to make the council to consist of twelve ; one of whom was by the governor and council, or the major part of them, to be chosen dep- uty to the governor for the time being. These per* sons were to continue in office for a year, or until the court of the company in London should appoint others ; and the governor, or in his absence the deputy governor, might call courts at discretion. At a court of the company, holden at London in May, it was agreed, that every adventurer, who had advanced fifty pounds, should have two hundred acres of land allowed him ; and that fifty acres a piece should be allowed them, who went over at their own charge. Several persons, of considerable importance in the English nation, were now enlisted among the adventurers, who, for the unmolested en- joyment of their religion, were resolved to remove into Massachusetts. Foreseeing however, and dread- ing, the inconvenience of being governed by laws, made for them without their own consent, they judg- ed it more rational, that the colony should be ruled by men, residing in the plantation, than by those, dwelling at the distance of three thousand miles, and over whom they should have no controul. At the same time therefore, that they proposed to trans- I This act for settling the government is in Hazard Coll. i. 168 iji. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1629. port themselves, their families, and estates to thi$ country, they insisted, that the charter should be transmitted with them, and that the corporate pow- ers, conferred J)y it,. should be executed in future in 26. New England. , An .agreement was accordingly icam. ent ma de at Cambridge in England between Sir Richard bridge in Saltonstall, Thomas Dudley,; Isaac Johnson, John ing^aiMfc Winthrop, and a few others, that on those conditions they would be ready the ensuing March, with their persons and families, to embark for New England, for the purpose of settling in the country. z The governor and company, entirely disposed to promote the measure, called a general court ; at which the deputy governor stated, that several gentlemen, in- tending to go to New England, were desirous to know, whether the chief government with the pa- tent would be settled in Old or New England. This question caused a serious debate. The court was AUK. 29.' adjourned to the next day, when it decreed, that Govern- jj government and the patent of the plantation meat of r r * T . _*_. the colony should be transferred from London to Massachu- transfen-ed tts j^y; An order was drawn up' for that pur-' rx> Englan J. . . J , .- r i i 111 pose ; in pursuance or which a court was hblden for a new election of officers, who would be, willing to remove with their families ;., and John Winthrop was chosen governor ; John Humfrey, deputy gov- ernor ; and Sir Richard Saltonstall, Isaac Johnson, Thomas Dudley and others, were chosen assistants. a > ^ The infant colony at Naumkeak had, in the mean Progress o; . . . J . t^e, been making progress. In the lord treasur- I " We wi v l ?c- really Endeavour the execution of this worke,' a's by God's assistance we will be reaxly in our persons, and with such, of our severall familyes as are to go with us to embarke for the said plantation by the first of March ^next to passe the seas (under God's protection) tb| inhabite and continue in New England. Provided always that before the last of September next the whole government together with the patent for the said plantation be first legally transferred," Mo. Hutchinson Coll. 25, 26, where is " The true coppie of the agreement at Cambridge, August z6 t 16*9." a Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxii. Prince, 194 195. Chalmers, i- AMERICAN ANNALS. 249 fcr's warrant for the colonists to go to New Eng- 1629* land, dated the sixteenth of , April, liberty was given to sixty women and maids, twenty six chil- dren, three hundred men with victuals,, arms, ap- parel, tools, one hundred and forty head of cattle, some horses, sheep and goats ; which were trans- ported in six ships in the slimmer of this year* Three of the ships sailed from the isle of Wight in May, carrying about two hundred persons, with an. abundance of all things, necessary tc form a settlement ; and in June arrived at Naumkeak. This aboriginal name was exchanged by these set- tlers for one,, expressive of the peaceful asylum^ -which they found in the American wilderness. . They called the place Salem. It contained, at the time of their arrival, but six houses, beside that of governor Endicot ; and there were in the whole colony but one hundred planters. x r I Chalmers, i. 142, 143 ; who says, there were then at Salerri eight miserable hovels. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 278. Prince, 183 188. In Haz- ard's Coll. [i. 277 285.] there is a letter from the company to " Captain Jo. Endycott, and the .Councell in New England," dated London 28 JVlay,and Gravesend3 June, 1629, giving notice of the establishment of En- flicot as " present governor," and subjoining instructions for the manage- ment of the colony. The governor and council were desired to " appoint a carefull and dilligent Overseer to eath familie," to see that the servants, sent over for the company, were employed in their proper business. Blank books were sent, to be distributed among the overseers, who were " to keep a perfect Register of the dayly woirke done by each person in each, familie," a copy of which was to be sent once every half year to England. The instructions say, for the better governing and ordering of our people, especiallie such as shall be negligent and remiss in the performance of their dutyes, or otherwise exorbitant, our desire is, that a house of correccon be erected and set upp, both for the punishment bf such offenders, and to deterr others by their example from such irregular courses." Caution was given against the culture of that vile weed, which was considered as the source of great evil to society : " And as in our former, soe now againe wee espetial- ly desire you to take care that noe tobacco bee planted by any of the new Planters under your government ; unless it bee some small quantitie for meere necessitie, and for phisick for preservacon of their healths, and that the same bee taken privately by auntient men and none other/' An injunc- tion was given, " to bee very circumspect in the infancieof the plantacon, to settle some good orders," to promote industry, " that noe idle drone be permitted to live amongst us ; which if you take care now at the first to es- ublish, wil be an undoubted meanes, through God's assistance, to prevent - world of dhorder?, and many grevious sihns and winner?.'* O 250 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1629. One hun- dred per- sons re- move to Mishaw-. urn; and found Charles- town. Aug. 6. Church gathered and minis- ters, ordain- ed- *t Sulera. Dissatisfied with the situation at Salem, Thomas Graves, with some of the company's servants under his care, and others, to the number of one hundred in all, removed to Mishawum, where they laid the foundation of a town, to which, with the consent of governor Endicct, they gave the name of Charles- town. Mr. Graves laid out the town in two acre lots, one of which he assigned to each inhabitant ; and afterward he built a great house for the accom- modation of those, who were soon to come over to New England. * Two hundred settled at Salem, and, by general consent of the old planters, were combined with them into one body politic, under the same governor. * It being early resolved to settle in a church state, thir- ty persons, who commenced the church, judged it needful to enter solemnly into covenant, to walk to- gether according to the Word of God. Inviting the church of Plymouth to the solemnity, that they might have its approbation and concurrence, if not direction and assistance, they solemnly declared their assent to a confession of faith, drawn up by one of their ministers, and entered into a religious cove- nant. 3 They then ordained their ministers, 4 and a ruling elder, by the imposition of the hands of some cf the brethren, appointed by the church ; and gov- ernor Bradford and others, messengers from the church of Plymouth, gave them the right hand of fellowship. " They aimed," says Hubbard, " to settle a Reformed Church, according to their appre- i Coll. Hist. Soc.i. 123, 124. Chalmers, i. 143. Prince, 1 88. i i r T_ i Quebec is The terms of this capitulation were very favourable ^ ken fronx to the French colony ; and they were so punctually the French and honourably fulfilled by the English, that the greater part of the French chose to. remain with their captors, instead of going, as had been stipulated, to France. 4 Thus was -the capita-} of New France sub- dued by the arms of England, just one hundred and thirty years be/ore its final conquest by the celebra^ ted Wolfe.* Although the subjects of different nations now traded with the natives in the bay of Delaware ; no settlements appear to have yet betn formed on either * Hubbard MS. N. Eng, chap. xxi. Mather; Magnal. 17, 19. Chalmers, i. I4> Josselyn Voy. 25 x-. Coll. Hist. Soc. iv. 219. 2 The English writers commonly write the name Kirk. I follow Cham-- plain and Charlevoix, one of whom gives the name, as signed at the capitu- lation ; the other informs us that it is a French name, Keetk having been a native of France, and a Protestant refugee in England : " David KERTK,. Fran9ois, narif de Dieppe, mais Calviniste et refugie en Angleterre." Nouv. France, i. 165. 3 Champlain Voy. sec. part. 1.57 160 ; 214 223 ; where are the Let- ters of correspondence between the Kettles and C.hamplaia, and the Articles, of capitulation. The spirited answer qf Champlain at thejint summons to surrender in 1628, and Kertk's ignorance of the real state of the French garrison, are the only apparent qauses of the failure of the English in their first attempt on Quebec.. Charlevoix [Nouv. France, i. 166.] says, the French in Quebec were tltn. reduced to seven ounces of bread each, a day ; and that they had bur. five pounds of powder in the magazine. Some tinie before the surrender, their provisions were entirely exhausted : " trois uio ... ap_res que les viyres eurent manque abi>olument." Ibid, 4 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 423. Brit. Emp. Introd. i. 47. j; Ch;ihnerg, i. 93. CJ52 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1629. margin of it, by the Dutch or Swedes. 1 The Hoi- Colony landers, resolved to establish a colony at Manhattan, Mankat- appointed Van T wilier governor, 'who arrived at *"* Fort Amsterdam in June, and began to grant lands the subsequent year ; at which time commenced the first permanent settlement of the Dutch. z " New at- The project for settling Guiana was now revived. *etti?GuV Four ships with nearly two hundred persons arrived ana. there from England ; and preparations were made for another embarkation. ! One hundred English and Irish people went from Holland to the same country, conducted by the old planters, Roger North, who was a principal person in effecting this settlement, seated his colony about a hundred leagues in the main land. 3 W.india In the Somer Isles there were, at this time, be- I*iand2. tween two and three thousand inhabitants. Charles Saltonstall, son of Sir Samuel Saltonstall, sailed from England to Barbadoes, ] with nearly two hun- dred people, accompanied by Sir William Tufton, governor for Barbadoes, and carrying what was ne- cessary for a plantation. : There -were now on that island, and going to it, about fifteen or sixteen hun- dred people ; and in all the Caribbee islands, inclu- sive of those actually preparing to settle in them, there were nearly three thousand. 4 About this I Chalmers, i. 227, See p. 143 of this volume. a Smith N. York, 3. Chalmers, i. 570; who supposes, that settlement " now probably acquired the name of New Netherlands -, though this people, like the French and English, were never able to assign to them any specific boundaries." We have already, for convenience, used the name of New Netherlands, and styled the Dutch people there a colony [See p. 180 182, 230.] ; but neither term appears to be strictly applicable, until this period. 3 Smith, in Churchill Voy. ii. chap. xxiv. A party of men, sent out for discovery, found many towns well inhabited ; most of the people entirely flaked ; but they saw ."-not any such giant women as the river's name [Amazons] importeth." ' Ibid. Oldys does not expressly notice this settle- ment of 1629 ; but says, that "some other little attempts were made there" several years after 1620 ; and subjoins : "But how all this spacious and fruitful country has been since shamefully deserted, by the English especial-, ly ; the quiet possession there by the Spaniards, to this tlayj is sufficient wit* Hess." Life Ralegh, 223. A Smith, ut supra, chap, xxii, xsv, sxvi, AMERICAN ANNALS. time, the English are said to have begun to plant on the island of Providence, the chief of the Bahama islands. 1 1630, By the agency of the earl of Warwick and Sir Jan. 1 Ferdinando Gorges, Plymouth colony obtained from the council for New England its last patent. ' This mouth patent, dated the thirteenth of January, conveyed a considerable territory around the original settlement. The limits of that part of the grant are thus defined : iy authority t-ver them?' On this passage Dr. Belknap has remarked in the u?.argin of Chalmers, with his pen : " That boJy granted them a Charter in 1 622, and another in 1629, by virtue of which they had legal authority to govern themselves." i Prince [199.] says, they were ready in February, but sta;d; at Southamp- ton and its vicinity until May, to take 260 kine, with other live cattle &c. Chalmers [i. iji.] says, there were 17 vessels. It appears from Prince jp. 199, note 79, and p. 241, 245.], that there were 17 employed from Feb-* raary to August. There is a list of them in Prince, ii. 10. a Among those, who were distinguished in civil life, beside Winthrop and Dudley, were Sir Richard Saltonstall, Ludlow, Rossiter, NeweJ, T. Sharp, Pynchon, S. Bradstreet, Johnson, Coddington ; the eminent ministers, were, John Wilson, George PhiU'pSj John Maverick, and John Warhaiu. Prince, 212. AMERICAN ANNALS. 255 river, until it became narrow and shallow, they land- 1630. ed their goods at a well watered place ' > whence, a Dorchester few days after, they removed to Matapan ; and here settled. began to build a town. z On the arrival of the principal ships of the fleet at Charlestown, the governor and several of the pa- tentees, having viewed the bottom of the Bay of Massachusetts, and pitched down on the north side of Charles river, took lodgings in the great house, built there the preceding year ; and the rest of the company erected cottages, booths, and tents, about the town hill* Their place of assembling for divine service was under a tree. The whole fleet having safely arrived, a day of thanksgiving was kept in all giving. the plantations. 3 The first court of assistants was holden at Charles- Aug. 23. town on the twenty third of August, on board the Arabella. The first question proposed was, How ants, the ministers should be maintained. The court or- dered, that houses be built, and salaries raised, for them, at the public charge. 4 It also ordered, that Morton, of Mount Wollaston,* be presently sent for j i Afterward called Watertown. Prince, 208. They landed their goods with much labour, " the bank being steep." At night they had notice of 300 Indians " hard by ;" but the old planter (who had accompanied the adventurers from Charlestown) going, and requesting them not to comt" near the English, they complied with his request. The whole number of the English did not exceed ten. The next morning some of the natives ap- peared at a distance ; and one of them at length holding out a bass, a man was sent with a biscuit, which the Indian received in exchange for it. Af- ter this introduction, the natives were very friendly, and furnished the English with fish ; " giving a bass for a biscuit." Ibid. i Prince, 207, ac8. Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 98. They had order" to com to this place," because there was a neck fit to keep their cattle on." Ibid. 3 Winthrop Journ. 19. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxiv. Prince, an. 4 Sir R. Saltonstall undertook to see this provision made at his planta- tion for Mr. Phillips; and the governor, at the other plantation for Mr. Wilson. Mr. Phillips was to have 30 a year ; Mr. Wilson, until his wife should come over, 20. Matapan and Salem were excepted, in the order- of the court. Prince, 247. 5 Morton was sent to England, with a messenger and letters of informa- tion against him to the New England council, in 1628 [See p. 245.] ; but the council did not even rebuke him, and he returned tu Massachusetts the next year. Prmce, 177. AMERICAN ANNAL& .Aug. 17. Church founded. 1630. settled the price of the labour of mechanics ; ancf chose Mr. Bradstreet secretary. ' An early attention was paid to the great object of the enterprise. A day of solemn prayer and fasting was kept on the twenty seventh of August, when the governor, deputy governor, and others, entered into church covenant ; Mr. Wilson 1 was chosen pastor ; a ruling elder and two deacons were also chosen ; and thus was laid the foundation of the churches of Ch'arlestowri and Boston. 3 It was the general intention of the company to settle at Charlestowii ; where the governor ordered his house to be framed ; but, the prevalence of a mortal sickness, .ascribed to the badness of the wa- ter, 4 induced several of the people to explore the neighbouring country, for more eligible situations. Some of them travelled up into the main land, until they came to the place, recently visited by Mr. War- ham and others ; and here Sir Richard Saltonstall, Mr. Phillips, and some others, settled a plantation. On the south side of the mouth of the river Charles, on a peninsula, called by the natives Shaw- mut, but by the English, Trimountain,* there lived at that time, in a solitary cottage, Mr. Blackston, 6 t. Winthrop Journ. 20. Prince, 246, .347. The order, relating to the price of labour, was, that carpenters, joiners, bricklayers, sawyers, and thatcher?, take no more than t\vo shillings a day, on penalty often shillings co giver and taker. Ibid. , , .-..,;' 2 The Rev. John Wilson had formerly 1-eeri a minister of Sudbury in the county of Suffolk in England ; and is characterised as a man of distin- guished piety and zeal. Mather Magnal. i. 22. " We used imposition of hands," says gov. Winthrop [Journal, 20.], " but with this protestation by all, that it was only as a sign of election and confirmation, not of any intent -fiat Mr. Wilson should renounce his ministry he received in England.'* 3 Winthrop Journ. 20. Mather Magnal. i. 22. Prince [243.]^ places this article 30 July ; but he had not then seen governor Winthrop's Journal. 4 The neck of land, on which Charlestown is built, abounds with good water ; but the settlers had only found a brackish spring, by the water side, to which they had no access, excepting when the tide was down. Prince, 244. 5 Mr. Prince [249.] supposed the name Trimountain was given, on the arvount of three contiguous hills, in this peninsula, appearing from Charles- t'owa in a range. Wood [N. E. Prosp,] writes the aboriginal name, Misbaumut* o He ; ,s said to have been the first Englishman, who slept on the penin-*- Water- . town set- tled. AMERICAN ANNALS. 25? an Episcopal minister ; who, going to Charlestown 1630. at this juncture, informed the governor of an excel- lent spring of water at Shawmut, and invited him over to his side of the river. Johnson and the prin- cipal gentlemen of the company, induced by this in- vitation, crossed the river ; and, finding the place as eligible, as they had been led to expect, they began Boston a settlement there by the erection of small setded - cottages. At the second court of assistants, holderi at Charlestown, it was ordered, that no person should sistants. plant in any place, within the limits of the patent, without leave from the governor and assistants, or the major part of them ; that a warrant should pre- sently be sent to Agawam, to command those, who were planted there, to come immediately away ; and that Trimountain be called Boston ; Matapan, Dor- chester ; and the town on Charles river, Watertown* The governor with most of the assistants, about this time, removed their families to Boston ; having it in contemplation to look for a convenient place for the erection -of a fortified town. 2 Mr. Pynchon with some others chose a place for settlement between Dorchester and Boston, andcal- se led it Roxbury. 3 The first general court of the Massachusetts col- Oct. 19. ony was holden at Boston. At this court many of F T st gene : i r i i r I i ra * court * the first planters attended, and were made free of the Massachu- colony. 4 This was the first general court, which ^ tts at sula. He dwelt in that part of West Boston, now called Barton's Point. Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 241. I Prince, 241 244. Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 341, 242. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng, chap. xxv. Wonderwork. Providence, 39. Prince, 249. Dudley says, it was the previous intention of the settlers to give that name to the place, which they should " first resolve on" [Lett. to countess of Lincoln, 14.] ; and Hubbard, that it was in respect to Mr. Cotton, an eminent minister in a town of that name in Lincolnshire ; who, it is probable, was soon expected from England. See A. D. 1633. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxv. Dudley's Lett, to countess of Lin- coln, 14. Fleet's Register (1792) puts its incorporation a8 Sept. 1630. 4 Wonderwork. Providence, p. 39 ; where it is said, the number of free- men this year was no. See their principal names in Prince, ii. 4. Pp 258 AMERICAN AtfNALS- 1630. the freemen attended in person. It was now enact- ed, that the freemen should in future have power to choose assistants, when they were to be chosen j and the assistants were empowered to choose out of their own number the governor and deputy govern- or, who, with the assistants, were empowered to make laws, and appoint officers for the execution of them. This measi-ire was now fally assented to by the general vote of the people ; ' but when the gen- eral cour! convened, early the next year, it rescind- ed this rule, and ordained, that the governor, depu- ty governor, and assistants, should be chosen by the freemen alone. * Custom of In consideration' of the in Conveniences , that had drinkmjr :lr j gell ' m Ensrhuid from the custom of drinking healths .-11 abolished, healths, governor Wrnthrop restrained the practice at his own table, and discountenanced it among the people ; ; whence it became gradually abolished. 3 The infant colony sustained a great loss, in the death of Isaac Johnson ; who was the first magistrate that died in Massachusetts,* He was distinguished for piety, wisdom, and public spirit ; was one of the five undertakers 4 of the plantation ; and a principal founder of the town of Boston. He was buried in his own lot ; and the first burying place in Bostoa was laid out around his grave. s I Prince, ii. 3. Chalmers, i. 153. 1 Chalmers, ibid. 3 Winthrop Journal, 20. 4 The other 4 were, gov. Winthrop, dep. gov. Dudley, Sir R. SaltonstaM, and John Revell, enquire. Prince, ii. a, 14. 5 Prince, ii. I, ^. He died 30 September. The lot, that he had chosen, was the great square, lying between Cornhill on the southeast ; Tremont street on the northivest ; Queen street [now Court street] on the northeast ; und School street on the southwest [Prince, ii. a.] ; a description, which pre- cisely marks the present burying place near the Stone Chapel. His wife, lady Arabella, coming from " a family of a noble earldom into a wilderness of wants," was inadequate to the trials of so great a transition. She was ta- ken sick soon after her arrival at Salem, where she first landed, and there died. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxiv. The ship, in which gov. Win- throp came over, was named for her. Of the people, who came in the ships with gov. Winthrop, 200 at least died from April to December. Ibid, p. 6. About 100 persons, totally discouraged, returned in the same ships t England. Chalmers, i. 152. AMERICAN ANNALS, 259 John Billington, indicted for murder, was found 1630. guilty " both by grand and petty jury,' ' and exe T ^^p" cuted. This was the first execution in Plymouth mo ^ C oi colony. 1 cn y- - Some cf the scattered planters in the Bay of Mas- Patents in sachusetts having purchased lands of the natives a ? bout Pascataqua ; and John Mason having obtained from the council of Plymouth a new patent for a tract of land in the same region ; * the west country adventurers were not less attentive to their interest. They now obtained from the council a patent for Edward Hilton, for all that part of the river Pascat- aqua, known by the name of Hilton's Point, with the south side of the river up to the falls of Squam* cot, and three miles in breadth into the main land. 3 Sir William Alexander sold al ; l his right in Nova Nova Sco~. Scotia, excepting Port Royal, to St. Etienne, lord tia sold to r T rr< T* ITT i i La Tour, or La Tour, a trench Huguenot ; on condition, that the inhabitants of the territory should continue sub- jects of the Scottish crown, The French still re- tained possession. 4 The Dutch continuing their pretensions to the Swedes land lately settled by the Swedes, one of the Swedes built a fort within the capes of Delaware, at a place called HoarkihV Sjr Robert Heath, attorney genera* of Charles I, Grant of obtained a grant of the region, which stretches Caro ana ' southward of the Virginian coast from the thirty- sixth degree of north latitude, comprehending the 1 Hubbard MS. N. Enp. chap, xyii. Prince, ii. 2, 3. He " was one of the profanest among us. He came from London, and I know not by what friends shuffled into our company." Ibid. 2 This tract was called NEW HAMPSHIRE. Belknap N. Hamp. i. 14. The grant is in Hazard, L 289' 293. Those transactions were in 1629. 3 Belknap N. Hamp. ii. 10 15. The patent sets forth, that .Hilton and his associates had at their own proper charges transported servants, built house*, and planted corn at Hilton's Point, now Dover, and intended the farther increase -of the plantation. Ibid. See p. 228 of this volume. 4 Chalmers, i. 93. Conduite des Franc. 103. Brit. Emp. i. 170. This j;rant of Sir W. Alexander is in Hazard Coll. i. 307309. j Smith N. Jersey, 22< The place has since been called Le\yis Town. Il\ 260 AMERICAN ANNALS. Louisiana territory on the Mississipi, 1 by the name of Carolana. * * Nov.^4. Charles I issued a proclamation, forbidding the tion. " disorderly trading with the savages in New England, especially the furnishing of them with weapons and habiliments of war. 3 1631. 19, Robert, earl of Warwick, having the last year receive d a grant from the council of Plymouth 4 of Connect!- all that part of New England, which extends from cut. Narraganset river one hundred and twenty miles on a strait line near the shore toward the southeast, as the coast lies toward Virginia, and within that breadth from the Atlantic ocean to the South sea, now made it over to William, viscount Say and Seal, Robert, lord Brook, and their associ- ates. This is the original patent for Connecticut. 5 Feb. 29. The president and council for New England made a g rant to Robert Aldworth and Giles Elbridge of a hundred acres of land for every person, whom they should transport to the Province of Maine within seven years, who should continue there three years ; and an absolute grant of twelve thousand acres of I Univ. Hist. xl. 274. a Chalmers, i. 515517. He seems however to have made no settle- ment ; and at a future day [See A. D. 1663.] his patent was declared to have become void, becau;^. the conditions, on which it had been granted, were never fulfilled. Ibid. The authors of the Universal History [xl. 274 ^78.] say, that Sir Robert Heath conveyed his right to the earl of Arun- del ; that this earl was at the expense of planting several parts of the coun- try, but that the civil wars, breaking out, put a stop to the design ; that, " by different conveyances, the property of the whole country devolved at length on Dr. Cox, who, at great expense, discovered part of it, and, in a memorial to king William, incontestibly proved his claim to it ; and that his son, Daniel Cox Esq. who resided fourteen years in the country, contin- ued his father's claim, and published a very full account of it. 3 Chalmers, i. 1 68. This Proclamation is in Hazard Coll. i. 311, 312. 4 It had been confirmed to him by a patent from Charles I. Trumbull 1.13. 5 Trumbull, i. 12, 13. A copy of this Patent is in Hazard Coll. i. 318 \ and in Trumbull Connect, i. Appendix, No. I. The other patentees were Robert, lord Rich, Charles Fiennes, Esq. Sir Nathaniel Rich, Sir Richard Saltonstall, Richard Knightly, John Pym, John Hampden, John Hum? phreys, and Herbert Pelham, Esquires. AMERICAN ANNALS. a6i Jand, " as their proper inheritance forever, 55 to be 1631. laid out near the river, commonly called Pemaquid. ' King Charles gave a special commission to the Virginia. earl of Dorset and others, " for the better planta- tion of Virginia." l The same king granted a licence, under the sign May. manual, to William Clayborne, " to traffick in those ^cky- parts of America, for which there was already no borne to patent granted for sole trade." Clayborne, and his trade * associates, with the intention of monopolizing the trade of Chesepeak, planted a small colony on the Isle of Kent, situated in the centre of the province, T * Ie of soon after granted to lord Baltimore. That province M Tryi"nd afterward found cause to regret, that a people had planted.* nestled within its limits, who paid unwilling obedi- ence to its laws. 3 Neither the soil, nor the climate, of the inhospita- Lord Bak ble island of Newfoundland answering the expecta- tions of lord Baltimore ; that worthy nobleman, hav- ing heard much of the fertility and other advantages of Virginia, now visited that colony. Observing, that, though the Virginians had established trading houses in some of the islands toward the source of the bay of Chesepeak, they had formed no settle- ments to the northward of the river Potowmac, he determined to procure a grant of territory in that happier climate. Charles I readily complied with his solicitations ; but before the patent could be fi- nally adjusted, and pass the seals, this eminent statesman died. 4 The Massachusetts colonists early determined to A fortified build a fortified town. The governor, with the as- sistants and other principal persons, having already agreed on a place for this purpose, on the north- i Hazard Coll. i. 315 317, where is an abstract of this grant, called " The Pemaquid Grant." It appears that " the people or servants" of Aid- worth and Elbridge had been settled on this river three years. Ibid. 1 This Commission is in Hazard Coll. i. 312 314. 3 Chalmers, i. 207. 4 lbid.i. aoi. He died 15 April 163?. 36a AMERICAN ANNALS. 1631. \vestside of Charles river, about three miles from Charlestown ; r they, in the spring of this year, com- menced the execution of the design. The governor set up, the frame of a house on the spot where he first pitched his tent, in the selected place. The deputy governor completed his house, and removed his family. The town was taken under the patron- iTdttw-~ a S e f t^e government, and was called Newtown. town. It soon appearing however, that Boston would be the principal place of commerce ; and Chicketawbut, 3 sagamore of the neighbouring Indians, 2 now mak- ing voluntary professions of friendship ; governor Winthrop, in tl;e autumn, removed the frame of his house }nto Boston ; and the scheme of a fortified town \vas gradually relinquished. 3 churches The ecclesiastical concerns of the Massachusetts gathered, colpny were sacredly regarded ; and now the third church, was gathered at Dorchester ; the fourth, at Roxbury > tke .fifth, a.t Lynn j and the sixth, at Watertown. 4 May 1 8. At the first court of election in. Massachusetts, tionl'of*" " &** tk e body of the commons might be preserved freemen, of g-Qo.d and honest men," it was ordered, that, from, that, time, no persons be admitted to the freedom of the body politic, but such as were members of some of the churches within its limits. s At this election, one hundred and sixteen took the oath of freemen. 6 T They first agreed (6 December 1630) "to build a town fortified upon the Neck" between Roxbury and Boston ; but that place was soon after giv- en up, I. Because men would be forced to keep two families. 2. There was no running water ; and if there were any springs, they would not suffice the town. 3. Most of the people had built already, and would not be able to build again. After many consultations, the place, described iu the text, having been agreed OH by all to be " a fit place for a beautiful town," was determinately fixed. On this spot a town was laid out in squares, the streets intersecting each other at right angles. All the streets were named ; and a square, reserved for a Market Place, remains open, and retains it name, to" this day. See the authorities at note 3. 3 At Neponset. He died of the small pox in 1633. Winthrop Journ.j6. 3 Winthrop Journ. 21. Prince, ii. 6, 7. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 6 8; viii. 41- 4 Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 15. Mather Magnal. i. 7,3. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxvi. Wonderwork. Prov. 39. 6 Prince, ii. 19, Johnson says, " about 83," and Hubbard, 107 ; bu; tax. AMERICAN ANNALS. 253 Thomas Williams having undertaken to set up a ferry between Winisimet and Charlestown, the gen- eral court established the rate of the ferry between those two places, and between Winisimet and Bos- ton. x An order of the court of assistants at Bos- J ul 5< , . i , , Public ton, for levying thirty pounds on the several planta- tions, for clearing a creek, and opening a passage from Charles river to the new town, shows that this town was yet destined for the benefit of the colony at large ; and marks the progress of the several towns Oct lg in the colony. a The court of assistants ordered, Com made that corn should pass for payment of all debts at jj^^ the usual rate, at which it was sold, unless money or beaver were expressly named; 3 The small pox, breaking out among the natives Small pox. at Saugus, swept away the aboriginal inhabitants of whole towns. 4 The Swedes built a fort oh the west of the Dela^ Swedes set- ware, and called it Christeen. Peter Lmdstrom,' tleatDeia - their engineer, having at this place laid out a small town, they here made their first settlement. s follow Prince, who had reviewed those authors, and would not have varied from both, without special cause. Whichever was the true number, there were,.,to use the language of Hubbard, " enough for a, foundation." 1 Prince, ii. 29. The court enacted, that he . should have 3d. a person from Winisimet to Charlestown, and 4d. from Winisimet to Boston. Ibid. 2 Ibid. 30, 31. The order was, that therj be levied from. Winisimet - o. ijs. Boston - - 5. Wessagusset - 2. Dorchester - 4. 10. Saugus [Lynn] i. Roxbury - 3. Nantasket - 10. Salem - - 3. *7atertown - 5. Charlestown - 4. id. *l'he passage from Charles river is still open. 3 Prince, ii. 35. Chalmers, i. 154. In 1630, corn was 10 shillings a strike ;" and beaver, 6 shillings A pound. " We made laws," says Dudley, " to restrain selling corn to the Indians ; and to leave the price of beaver at liberty, which was presently sold for zos. and 203. a pound." Prince, ii. i. A milch cow, in 163 1, was valued from 25 to 30 sterl. Hutchinson, i. 27. 4 I. Mather N. Eng. 23. When Dr. I. Mather wrote, there were living some old planters, who, on that occasion, helped to bury whole families of the natives at once. In one of the wigwams they found an infant sucking at the breast of its dead mother ; every Indian of the place being dead. Ibid. Many, when seized with the disease, were deserted by their relations, and " died helpless," unless relieved by the English, who visited their wigwams, and contributed all in their power to their assistance. Wonderwork. Providence, 51, 5 Smith N. Jersey, a a. 204- AMERICAN ANNALS. 1631. After a long relaxation of the spirit of enterprise,' Yo^e of Lucas Fox made a voyage to the northern parts of America, in search of a northwest passage to India. Toward this enterprise Charles I furnished one ship, completely fitted, and victualled for eighteen months ; and, when Fox was presented to him, gave him a map, containing all the discoveries, made by his pre- decessors, with instructions, and a letter to the Ja- panese emperor, if he should reach Japan. Near discoveries the main land on the west side of Hudson's Bay, about Hud- Fox discovered an island, which he named Sir Thorn- Bay ' as Roe's Welcome ; and afterward discovered and named Brook Cobham Island (now called Marble Island), Dun Fox Island, and a cluster of islands, which he called Briggs's Mathematics. He also discovered king Charles's Promontory, Cape Ma- ria, Trinity Islands, Cook's Isle, lord Weston's Portland, and the land, stretching to the southeast of this last promontory, which he called Fox's Far- thest. On his return, he gave names to every point of land on that coast, and to every inlet, and adja- cent island. 1 of Thomas James, sent near the same time on the same voyage of discovery, visited Hudson's Bay ; came to a promontory, which he named Henrietta Maria ; and ran his ship aground on an island, which he afterward called Charleston Island ; where he re- mained with his crew during the winter. His dis- coveries were beyond those of Hudson, Baffin, and other navigators. * I Foster Voy. 3 5 9 367. ^ Forster Voy. 367 375. Harris Voy. 1.634. Univ. Hist. xli. 102. For their shelter, they made huts of pieces of wood, which they placed in an inclined posture around a tree, arid covered with boughs of trees and with their sails ; but they all became frozen in their limbs. After suffering extreme hardships, they returned, in 1631,10 England, Ibid, AMERICAN ANNALS. 1632. Charles I, by the treaty of St. Germain, resigned the right, which he had claimed to New France, A- cadie, and Canada, as the property of England, to Lewis XIII, king of France. Chalmers says, the f r signal event of the capture of Quebec was unknown, when peace was reestablished in April, 1629 ; and assigns this as the reason why king Charles, at that treaty, absolutely restored to France, those territo- ries generally and without limits ; and particularly Port Royal, Quebec, and Cape Breton. 1 From the restitution of these territories to France, may be dated the commencement of a long train of ills to the colonies and to England. To this transaction, in the judgment of the able historian, last quot- ed, may be fairly traced back the colonial disputes of later times, and the American revolution. z Soon after this restitution, the French king grant- ed to De Razilly the lands around the bay and riv- er of St. Croix. 3 The patent, designed for George Calvert, lord June 20. Baltimore, was, on his decease, filled up to his son M^-Lnd. Cecilius Calvert, lord Baltimore. When king Charles signed the patent, he gave to the new prov- ince the name of Maryland, in honour of his queen Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry the great, king of France. Lord Baltimore held it of the crown of England, paying yearly forever two Indian arrows. 4 The king of England, " informed of great dis- J an - I0 - traction and disorder in the plantations in New Eng- t he privy land," referred the subject to the consideration of council m favour of 1 Chalmers, i. 93. Brit. America, book xiv. 246. Hazard Coll. i. 319. N< En 2 land - 2 Chalmers, i. na. 3 Ibid. i. 186. This grant was made in 1633. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 178. Hutchinson [Massachus. i. 128.] says, it gave "12 leagues on the sea, and ao leagues into the land ;" but he mistakes in saying, that the grant was made to La Tor,if Chalmers and the French historians are correct. 4 Univ. Hist. xl. 466. It was originally included in the patent of the South Virginia company, and considered as a part of Virginia ; but, on the dissolution of that company, the king made dais grant to lord Baltimore. Ib. AMERICAN ANNALS. Feb. 3. fortifying 1632. his privy council. The council, after examinatioftV passed a resolution, that the appearances were so fair, and hopes so great, that the country would prove .beneficial to the kingdom, and profitable to the settlers, as that the adventurers " had cause to go on cheerfully with their undertakings ;" with an assurance that, if things were conducted according to the design of the patent, his majesty would not only maintain the liberties and privileges heretofore granted, but supply any thing farther, which might tend to the good government, prosperity, and com- fort of his people in those plantations. * The court of assistants in Massachusetts ordered, that sixty pounds be levied out of the several plan- Newtown ; tations, toward making a palisade about Newtown.* The first considerable accession of inhabitants to that town was made this year by a company, which had recently arrived from England, and had begun to settle at Mount Wollaston ; but which removed to Newtown, in August, by order of court. * The choice of magistrates in the colony of Mas* es. sachusetts was, for the first time, made by the free- i Hutchinson Massachus. I. 31, 32, and Coll. 52 54 ; Hazard Coll. i. 324, ^35 ; Morton, 96 ; where is th;j order of council. The information of the king- \vas derived from a Petition of Sir Christopher Gardiner, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, capt. Mason, and others, exhibited against the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts. " The conclusion," says governor Bradford, " was, a- gainst all men's expectation, an order for our incouragement, and much blame and disgrace upon the adversaries." Ibid. Gardiner was a high papist, who came to New England ; but for some miscarriages left the country. Ibid. 3 Prince, ii, 56,57. The proportion was as follows : 1. Watcrtown - 8 7. Salem - 4. ics. 2. The New-town 3 8. Boston - 8 3. Charlestown 7 9- Roxbury 4. Meadford - - 3 JO- Dorchester 5. Saugusand 7 , Ji. Wessagusset 6. Marble Harbour 5 ' 12. Winisimet The reason for renewing the design of a fortified town is not assigned. It was probably on account of new dangers. Hutchinson [Massachus. 27'.] says : " They were frequently alarmed this year by the Indians." The for- tification was doubtless made. A fosse, dug around the New Town [Cam- bridge], is, in some places, visible to this day. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 9. 3 Winthrop Journ. 43. " These were Mr. Hooker's company.'* settled. Freemen 7 7 5 I. IO. AMERICAN ANNALS. men, whose number was now increased by the ad- 1632 dition of about fifty three. l A fortification on the Corn hill, in Boston, was begun ; and the people from Charlestown, Roxbu- t ion in ry, and Dorchester, worked on it in rotation. z Boston. Conant's island, in Boston harbour, was demised to governor Winthrop, and was hence denominated Governor's Garden ; but it is now called Govern* or's Island. 3 The first church at Boston was begun to be built August. by the congregation of Boston and Charlestown. 4 ^ r u s j ch The .greater part of the members of the church hav- built at ing early removed from Charlestown to Boston, and Boston * the entire number of members being now one him- Qct dred and fifty one, they amicably divided themselves TWO into two distinct churches. The church in Boston retained Mr. Wilson for its pastor ; the church in Charlestown invited Mr, Thomas James to its pas- toral care,* The court of assistants ordered, that there be a October. house of correction, and a house for the beadle, built at Boston with speed. It also ordered, that no person should take any tobacco fublic/y ; and I Wonderworking Providence, p. 53. a Winrhrop Journ. 36. Prince [ii, 61.] supposes this to be what is now called Fort Hill. Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 243. 3 Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 299. It has continued in governor Winthrop's fam- ily to the present time ; and is now in the possession of the Honourable! James Winthrop, esquire, of Cambridge. 4 Winthrop Journ- 42. It had mud walls and a thatched roof ; and stood on the south side of State Street, a little below the place, where the old State house now stands. Coll. Hist, Soc. iv. 189. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxv. Prince, 250. The number of mem- bers, whp asked a dismission from the churc}> at Boston, in order to form a new church at Charlestpwn, was 33. They were dismissed 14 October ; and embodied into a distinct congregational church 2 Novem- ber, at which time Mr. James, who had recently arrived from England, was ordained their pastor.. Mr. Wilson, w.hp had been previously ordained their teacher (not faster, as was stated p. 267 from Mr. Prince), was cho?en and ordained pastor at Boston 22 November- Win- throp Journ. 46. Prince, ii. 6973. If the first church at Boston be con- sidered as translated, in its organized state, from Charlestown to Shaw- nmt, it was the second church, gathered hi Massachusetts ; if, as a neiv and distinct church from the time of its division, it was the seventh. The order of the first churches, as stated in Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 15, was given in relL- 2ce on Johnsxm (Wonderwork Picv.j ; but it is not re- strained. AMERICAN ANNALS. Use of to- that every one should pay a penny for every time of ta kj n Qr tobacco in any place. ' T i i r i t i * i i In this early period or colonial history, the duties and the expenses of office were more formidable, Penalty for than its honours were alluring. The general court "wko^ ^ Pty mout h P ass ed an act, that whoever should re- ces? UC l fuse the office of governor should pay twenty pounds sterling, unless he were chosen two years successive- ly ; and that whoever should refuse the office of counsellor or magistrate should pay ten pounds. z Montser- sir Thomas Warner, governor of St. Christo- pher's, sent a small colony of English people to in- habit Montserrat. 3 Tobago. Some Zealanders, trading about this time to the Leeward Islands, were so well pleased with Toba- go, that, on their return home, the company of mer- chants, to which they belonged, undertook to settle that island, and gave it the name of New Walche- ren ; but this settlement was soon broken up by the Spaniards. 4 l6 33- The grant The grant to lord Baltimore gave umbrage to the of Mary- p] an ters o f Virginia. They therefore presented a land gives r . . _. J f offence to petition to Charles I, remonstrating against " some Virginia. g ran ts of a great portion of lands of that colony, so near their habitations, as will be a general disheart- ening to them, if they shall be divided into several governments.'* The privy council, having heard I Prince, ii. 68. ^ Prince, ii. 75. Such an example cannot perhaps be found in the an- nals of any other nation. The law alone proves, that no demagogues then aspired at the chief magistracy. An historical fact confirms the remark. Edward Winslow was the next year (1633) chosen governor, " Mr. Brad- ford having been governor about ten years, and now by importunity got off"." Winthrop Jcrurn. 47. 3 Univ. Hist. xli. 318. 4 Univ. Hist. xli. 321. The number of settlers soon increased to about coo, and began to erect a fort ; but the Caribbean Indians applied for assis- tance to the Spaniards, who sent a force, which demolished the rising fort, od exterminated the colony. Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 269 what was alledged on each side, thought fit to leave 1633* lord Baltimore to his patent, and the complainants to the course of law ; but gave orders for 'such an intercourse and conduct, as should prevent a war with the natives, and farther disagreement among themselves. 1 William Cleyborne continued to claim Kent Island, and refused submission to the jurisdic- tion of Maryland, because the government of Vir- ginia, knowing no reason why the rights of that place should be surrendered, gave countenance to his opposition. This transaction offers the first ex- ample, in colonial history, of the dismemberment of an ancient colony, by the formation of a new prov- ince with separate and equal rights. a The jealousy of Virginia was directed toward its' religious, as well as territorial, concerns ; for its le- gislature now enacted severe laws, to suppress relig- ious sectaries, which began to appear in the colony. This measure induced some people, who had already gone to Virginia, to flee into other colonies ; and prevented others from coming for settlement. ? The French, in taking possession of Acadie pur- suant to the treaty of *St. Germain, had dispossessed the Plymouth colonists of their trading house at Pe- nobscot. 4 Additional calamities were now expect- KErSand ed. Intelligence was brought to the governor of alarmed br Massachusetts, that the French had bought the th Scotch plantation near Cape Sable ; that the fort there with all the ammunition was delivered up to them ; that the cardinal of -France had sent over some companies already ; and that preparation was made to send more the next year, with a number of I The order of council is entire in Hazard Coll. i. 337. a Chalmers, i. 209. 3 Brit. Emp. iii. 180. 4 Chalmers, i. 154. Winthrop Journal, 37. If the account in p. 244 t>e correct, this trading house was on Kennebeck river, unless^nother house had been erected since. But I adhere to my authorities. THe French plunder- ed the Plymouth trading house in 1632, " carrying thence 300 weight of bearer and other goods," Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1633. priests and Jesuits. Alarmed at this intelligence, the governor called the assistants, and principal men in the colony, 1 to Boston, to advise proper measures, It was agreed to finish, with all expedition, the fort, begun at Boston ; to erect another at Nantasket ; and to hasten the planting of Agawam, a lest an en- emy should prevent them by taking possession of the place. John Winthrop, a son of the governor, repaired, by order of the government, to Agawam, with twelve men, and began a plantation. The a- larm however was groundless. The French, aiming at trade merely, did not molest the English planta^ tions ; yet their spoliation of the Plymouth trading house gave just occasion for suspicion and vigilance. 3 ( r \\\ legislature of Massachusetts passed an act, prohibiting the purchase of lands from the Indians, without licence from the government. 4 While it thus cautiously guarded against the danger of sav- age hostilities, it equally guarded against the evils of idleness, luxury, and extortion ; for it required con- stables to present unprofitable fowlers, a,nd tobacco takers, to the next magistrate ; 3 and ordered, that artificers, such as carpenters and masons, should not receive more than two shillings a day ; and labour- ers not more than eighteen pence, and proportiona- bly ; and that merchants should not advance more than four pence in the shilling above what their goods cost in England. 6 Three ministers of celebrity, John Cotton, Thorn- t as Hooker, ?,ncl Samuel Stone, together with John ministers Haynes, afterward governor of Connecticut, and ers< two hundred emigrants from England, arrived at I " The ministers and captains and some other chief men." Winthrop. 2, " Being the best place in the land for tillage and cattle." Ibid. 3 Winthrop Journ. 47, 48. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxvii. 4 Belknan Biog. ii. 417. 5 Wynne, i. 74. 6 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxvi. " Those good orders," regulating the prices of labopr, and the profits of trade, " were not," says Hubbard, " of long continuance, but did expire vrith the first golden age in this Nev, World." Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 27! Boston. Mr. Hooker and Mr. Stone proceeded to 1633. Newtown, where the one was ordained pastor, and Oct Ix the other, teacher. Mr. Cotton remained in Bos- ton, and was an assistant in the ministry to the first church in that town. His example and counsels were patriarchal. It was he, who principally delin- eated the ecclesiastical polity of the New England churches, which, from this time^ were styled Con- gregationaL * The fame of the removal of these eminent men invited over great numbers of Puri- tans, who could find no rest under archbishop Laud's merciless administration^ * Wahquimacut, a sachem on the river Connect!* Colonists cut, having solicited the governors of the New Eng- invited b r land colonies to send men to make settlements on w *e3rS the river j 3 the Plymouth colonists had already made Connect!- discoveries on that noble stream^ and found a place, cut nver * where they judged a trading house might be advan- tageously erected. 4 Governor Winslow and Air. Bradford now visited Boston, and proposed to gov- ernor Winthrop and his council to join with Plym- I Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxviii. Hutchinson, i. 419?. See Note VI at the end of the volume. Mr. Cotton had an early and intimate con- nection with the Massachusetts colonists. At the embarkation for N. Eng- land in 1630, he preached a sermon to gov. Winthrop and his company, from a Sam.vii. 10. entitled " God's Promise to the Plantations." On bis arrival at Massachusetts, he had very great influence in the affairs of church and of state. Hubbard says, " whatever he delivered in the pulpit was soon put into an order of court if of a civil, or set up as a practice in tht church if of an ecclesiastical, concernment." 1 Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 13. Neal says, that for several years hardly a ves- sel came into these parts 5 but was crowded with passengers- for New Eng- land. Ibid. 3 The Pequots were conquering the river Indians, and driving their sa- chems from that part of the country. Wahquimacut, in 1631, made a journey to Plymouth and Boston, hoping that, if he could persuade the English to settle there, they would be his protectors. Gov. Winthrop treated him with generosity, but paid no attention to his proposal. Gov. ' Winslow seems to have gone soon after to Connecticut, and discovered the river and the adjacent parts, " when the Dutch had neither trading house, nor any pretence to a foot of land there." But whether the Dutch, or the English of Plymouth, were the first discoverers of the river, is uncertain. Trumbull, i. 15, 16. 4 Near the mouth of Little river in Wiadsor. Ibid, and Coll. Hist Soc. v. 167. 272 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1633. outh in a trade to Connecticut for hemp and beaver, and in the erection of a house for the purposes of commerce. This proposal being declined, the peo- ple of Plymouth determined to undertake the enter- prise at their own risk. f The materials for a house, October, entirely prepared, were put on board a vessel, and ^nTfrom 7 committed to a chosen company, which sailed for Plymouth, Connecticut. The Dutch of New Netherlands, hearing of the design, had just taken a station on that river, at the place where Hartford now stands ; made a light fort ; and planted two pieces of can- non. 2 On the approach of the Plymouth adven- turers, the Dutch forbade them to proceed up the river, ordered them to strike their colours, and threatened to fire on them. But the commander of the enterprise, disregarding the prohibition and the menaces, went resolutely forward, and, landing on the west side of the river, set up his house about a m ^ e above that of the Dutch, and soon after fortifi- in Connect- ed it with palisadoes. This was the first house e- 1CU * rected in Connecticut. 3 Trade and The river and country of Connecticut now began discoveries -, . J r , . to attract much attention from the colonists. Sev- i It being reported, that the Dutch were about to build on Connecticut river, Winslow and Bradford represented it as necessary to prevent them from taking possession of that fine country ; but Winthrop objected to the making of a plantation there, because there were three or four thousand warlike Indians on the river ; because the bar at the mouth was such, that small pinnaces only could enter it at high water ; and because, seven months in the year, no vessels could go in, on account of the ice and the violence of the stream. Winthrop Journ. 51. a We have said (p. 230), on the authority of Smith, that the Dutch built a fort on Connecticut river in 1623 ; but Dr. Trumbull [Hist. Connec. i. 3i.] says, Smith represents it " as built ten years before it was." 3 Prince, ii. 93 96. Trumbull, i. 15 ai. The place of this settle- ment was called by the natives Natawanute. The sachems, who were the original owners of the soil, having been driven from this part of the coun- try by the Pequots ; William Holmes, who conducted the enterprise from Plymouth, took them with him to their home, and restored them to their rights. Of these sachems the Plymouth people purchased the land, where they erected their house. The conquering Indians were offended at the restoration of the original proprietors of the country ; and the proximity of two such neighbours, as the irritated Dutch, and the ferocious Pequots, rendered it difficult and hazardous for the English to retain their new purchase. IbH AMERICAN ANNALS. 273 fetal -vessels went into this river, in the course of the 1633, year, to trade. John Oldham of Dorchester, Samu- el Hall, and two other persons, travelled westward into the country, as far as this river, on which they discovered many eligible situations for settlement. x The jealousy of the parent country, or rather of Feb - its arbitrary monarch and his court, was, at this th r e coua- early period, directed against the infant colony of i to stop Massachusetts. An order was issued by the privy ** council, to stay several ships in the river Thames, ready to sail, freighted with passengers and provis- ions : but it appears not to have been effectually executed ; for, during the year, great numbers emi- grated, to New England. By the same order of council,, the letters patent for the plantation in New England were required to be brought to the council board. * A specimen of rye was brought to the court Massachusetts, as the first fruits of English grain. A ship of sixty tons was built at Medford j 4 and a water mill, at Roxbury. 5 At the close of this year, and in the following Small pox winter, the small pox broke out again among the natives of Massachusetts, and made great devasta- tions among this unhappy race, destined, by various means, to ultimate extermination. 6 The colony of Plymouth added tv/o assistants to f h the former number, making seven in the whole ; and i Hiibbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxvii. Trumbull, i. fco. sistants. z Chalmers, 156. This order is in Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxvi ; Hutchirson, i. 3V33 ; and Hazard Goll. i. 341. 3. Hutchiason, i. 14. " This poor people," says Johnson, greatly re- joiced to see the land would bear it." 4 Midford was be^un to be settled very early ; but we have scarcely a- ny account of its first settlement. Deputy governor Dudley, speaking of the first transactions of the colonists, -\\ ho arrived in 1630, says, " some of us" planted " upon Mistick, which we named Meadford." Lett, to count- ess of Lincoln, 14. It was so considerable, as to be taxed with the other towns in 1634. See p. 206. j Winthrop Journal, 56. 6 Ibid. 56. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxix. Morton, roo. Hub- iard says, this part of the country, which had been most populated with fodians, was almost " unpeopled" by this disease. Rr 274 AMERICAN ANNALS, this number was never exceeded in its subsequent elections. s 1634. Lord Baltimore laid the foundation of his prov- ince on the broad basis of security to property, and more. o f freedom in religion ; granting, in absolute fee, fif- ty acres of land to every emigrant ; and establish- ing Christianity agreeably to the old common law, of which it is a part, without allowing preeminence to any particular sect.* George Calvert, brother of the governor, arrived early this year at Point Comfort, near the mouth of the Potowmac, with the first colony, consisting of about two hundred Roman Catholics from England. 3 Proceeding to March 3. Potowmac river, he passed by the Indian town of nyTrrives" J ^ at name, an d went to Piscataway, where, by pre- at Potow- sents to the head men, he conciliated their friend- ^Jmen h t e shi P to such a Degree, taat ^J offered to cede one of Mary- , part of their town to the settlers, and to live in the other until they could gather their harvest ; after which they were to resign the whole to the English. Calvert, thus amicably obtaining possession of the whole town, gave it the name of St. Mary's ; and applied himself, with great assiduity, to the cultiva- tion of his new colony ; the settlement of which is said to have cost lord Baltimore above forty thou- sand pounds sterling. 4 The settlements in Massachusetts were now ex- tended more than thirty miles from the capital *; and the number of freemen was greatly multiplied. So remote were some townships from the seat of gov- ernment, and so great the inconvenience of assem- 1 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xvi. 2 Chalmers, i. 407. 3 Chalmers, ibid. Belknap Biog. ii. 376. Humphreys Hist. Account, a8. They sailed from England in November 1633 ; and were chiefly gentlemen of good families. Ibid. 4 Univ. Hist. xl. 468. Chalmers, i. 807. Europ. Settlements, ii, aa& 5 Hutchinson, 1.437. AMERICAN ANNALS. 275 bling all the freemen for the business of legislation ; 1634, that the constitution was altered, by general consent of the towns. At a general court for elections at Newtown, twenty four of the principal inhabitants of the colony appeared as the representatives of the body of freemen. Before they proceeded to the First re P re " / . , i i t_ seutatives choice of magistrates, they asserted their right to a j n Mass*. greater share in the government/ than they had chusetts. hitherto been allowed, and passed several resolu- tions, 1 defining the powers of the general court, and ordaining trial by jury. After the election of ma- gistrates, they farther determined, that there should be four general courts every year ; * that the whole body of freemen should be present at the court of election only ; and that the freemen of every town might choose deputies, to act in their names at the House of other general courts, which deputies should have the tf^estab- full power of all the freemen. 3 The legislative bo- Ushed. dy thus became settled j and, with but inconsidera- ble alterations, remained in this form during the con- 1 They resolved, that none but the General Court has power to chuse and admit freemen ; to make and establish laws ; to elect and appoint offi- cers, as governor, deputy governor, assistants, treasurer, secretary, captain, lieutenants, ensigns, " or any of like moment," or to remove such upon misdemeanour, also to prescribe their duties and powers ; to raise money and taxes ; and to dispose of lands, " viz. to give and confirm proprieties." It was farther ordered, that the constable of every plantation shall, upon precept received from the secretary, give timely notice to the freemen of the plantation where he dwells, to send so many of their said members, as the precept shall direct, to attend upon public service. It was also " agreed, that no trial shall pass upon any for life, or banishment, but by a Jury so summoned, or by the General Court." Hazard Coll. i. 320, 321. The representatives, at the same time, imposed a fine on the court of assistants for violating an order of the general court [Hutchinson, i. 36.] ; but it was " remitted again before the court broke up." Winthrop Journ. 65. 2 The courts were soon reduced to two in a year. Hutchinson, i. 37. 3 " It shall be lawful for the freemen of every plantation to choose two or three of each town before every general court, to confer of, and prepare cuch publick business as by them shall be thought fit to consider of at the next general court ; and such persons as shall be hereafter so deputed by the freemen, shall have the full power and voices of all the said freemen derived to them for the making and establishing of lawes, granting of land* &c. and to deal in all other affairs of the commonwealth wherein the free- men have to do, the matter of election of magistrates and other officers on- ly excepted, wherein every freeman is to give hi own vote." Coll. i. Zi. 276 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1634. tinuance of the charter. 1 This was the second house of representatives in the American colonies. * This innovation exciting an inquiry into the nature of the liberty and privileges of the people, which threatened disturbance to the colony ; the ministers, and the most prudent citizens, were consulted, res- pecting a body of laws, adapted to the state of the colony, and a uniform order of discipline in the churches. 3 Massachu- Tn e colony of Massachusetts took early care to setts ..urns 01 T-V i /-* to prevent prevent the encroachments or the Dutch. Some the Dutch persons, dispatched in the bark Blessing, 4 after mak- from set- . r T r -r i tHng Con- m g farther discovery or Long Island, proceeded to necticut; the Dutch plantation at Hudson's river, where they were kindly entertained by the Dutch governor Vau Twilly, to whom they showed their commission, purporting, that the king of England had granted the river and country of Connecticut to his own sub- jects ; and requesting him to forbear to build in that and the quarter. The Dutch governor wrote a courteous Dutch aim _ to prevent and respectful letter to the governor or Massachu- - setts, signifying, that the lords the States had grant- ed the same territory to the West India company ;, and requesting, that the colony of Massachusetts would forbear to challenge it, until the matter should be decided between the king and the states. 5 It was resolved however, by a number of people in this colony, to plant Connecticut ; and persons were deputed from the towns, to view the country. The account, which they brought back, of the advan- tages of the place, and of the fertility of the soil,, determined those, who had concerted the measure^ to begin several plantations there immediately. 6 i Hazard Coll. i. 320, 321. Hutchinson, i. 35 37. 2. The first was in Virginia. 'See p. 195 of this volume. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxvi. 4 Built at Mistic in 1631, and called the Blessing of the Bay, < Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxvii. 6 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xli. hut in vain. AMERICAN ANNALS. 2/7 Storms, in the mean time, were gathering, which 1634. threatened to desolate tjie country. A special com- ^fj* mission was given to the archbishop of Canterbury tyranny of and eleven other persons, for governing the Ameri- govern- 1 V 1 i i_ i can colonies. * An order was also sent by -me king's commissioners to the lord warden of the cinque ports, and other haven towns, to stop the promiscuous and disorderly departure out of the realm to America. * The Indians in Connecticut began hostilities a- and gainst the English. Captains Stone and Norton of Massachusetts, going in a small bark into Connec- ticut river, to trade, apd .casting anchor about two leagues from the entrance, were visited by several Indians. Stone, having occasion to visit the Dutch trading house nearly twenty leagues up the river, procured some of these Indians to go to it, as pi- lates, with two of his men. These guides, putting ashore their skiff before their arrival at the place of stone,Nor- destination, murdered the two Englishmen, while ^"thit, asleep. About twelve Indians, of the same tribe, murdered remaining with the bark, taking the opportunity ^^J 11 " when some of the English were on shore, and the Connect!-- captain asleep in his cabin, murdered all on board, and then plundered and sunk the bark. The Pequots, if they did not actually perpetrate the murder, partook of the spoil. 3 The council of Massachusetts, on this occasion, sent messengers to I This commission, in the original Latin, is inserted in Hazard Coll. i. 344 347 ; and, in English, in Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxvi. a This order is in Hazard Coll. i. 347. There also is inserted," A CON- CLUSION of the Lords Commissioners for thq government of NEW ENG- LAND," in these words ; " Sir Ferdinando Gorges is made Governor of the whole country. They have divided the country in twelve Provinces. And they disposed it intp the hands of twelve men- put of which twelve ?nen there is a governor continually to be chosen." 3 Some say, that the Pequots did this mischief. Dr. J. Mather [N.Eng. 34, 2J.] says, that though they were not native Pequots, yet they had fre- quent intercourse with them ; and that they tendered them some of the spoliated goods, which were accepted by the chief sachem of the Pequots. He adds, that some of the goods were tendered to the chief sachem c , who aho received them. See TrumbuD, i, 60, 61. 27 $ AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 634. treat with them, but obtained no satisfaction. The Pequots however sent messengers afterward with gifts to Massachusetts colony ; and the governor and coun- cil, after a conference of several days, concluded with them a treaty of peace and friendship. * Roger wu- Roger Williams, minister of Salem, holding te- l ian ^V% nets 5 which were considered heretical and seditious, banished * , . 1t r , from Mas- " tending equally to sap the foundation of the es- *achusetts. tablishment in church and state," * and being found irreclaimable, was banished the jurisdiction. 3 ipswich Some people of Salem went to Agawam river, settled. anc j began a town, which was called Ipswich; 9 where a church was now gathered. s Arrival of Mr. Humfrey, who had been chosen deputy Mr. Hum- g OVernor at fa formation of the colony in England, came to Massachusetts with his noble consort, the lady Susan, sister of the earl of Lincoln, bringing a valuable present to the ministers in the colony. 6 Fort built The governor and council, with several ministers and Otiiers 9 met at Castle island, in Boston harbour, and agreed on the erection of two platforms and one small fortification to secure the town. 7 These works were accordingly erected at the public expense. s progress In the infant capital we now perceive the first ef- oi Boston. ons towar( j a police, and the earliest dawnings of i Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxiii ; Ind, War, 14 16. Josselyn [N. Eng. Rar. 107.] says, the country during this time was " really placed in a posture of war." Trumbull, i. 60, 61. a Chalmers, i. 156. 3 Hutchinson, i. 37,38. Callender R. Island, 18. Hubbard in chap, xxx of his MS. Hist. N. Eng. gives a minute account of the " disturbance* both civil and ecclesiastical in the Massachusetts, by Mr. R. Williams ia the year 1634." 4 Winthrop Journ. 68. It was thus named at the court 4 August, " in acknowledgment of the great honour and kindness done to our people which took shipping" at the place of that name in England. Ib. 5 Wonderwork. Providence, 66. Coll. Hist. Soc. vi. 233. 6 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. xx vii. The present consisted of 16 heifers, valued at ^o each, sent by Mr. Richard Andrews, a private friend to the plantation. One was assigned to each of the ministers, and the remainder to the poor. Ibid. Winthrop Journ. 67. 7 Winthrop Journ. 6 f. Gov. Winthrop says, " to secure the city;" but this metropolis has never yst been incorporated by that name. 8 Wonderwork. Prov. 194 ; " at the expence of the country in general." AMERICAN ANNALS. 279 commerce. Select men were first chosen, this year, in Boston, for the general management of town af- fairs. A market was erected. A house of enter- tainment was set up. The first merchant's shop was opened. * l6 35- The colony of Massachusetts, apprized of the op- Jan. 19. pressive measure of a general government for New ^mini^ England, prepared to counteract it. The ministers, tersin Mas- considered at that time as the fathers of the com- ^ u u t * tts mon wealth, were consulted by the civil magistrates, general At the request of the governor and assistants, all the g vcrnor ' - ministers in the colony, excepting one, met at Bos- . ton, to consider two cases ; one of which was, What ought to be done, if a general governor should be sent out of England. They unanimously agreed, that if such a governor were sent, the colony ought not to accept him, but to defend its lawful posses- sipns, if able ; " otherwise, to avoid or protract."* The deputies of this colony apprehending great May- danger to the commonwealth from the discretionary power of the magistrates, in many cases, for want of positive laws ; it was agreed, that some men al laws ' should be appointed " to frame a body of grounds of laws, in resemblance of a Magna Charta, which, being allowed by some of the ministers and the gen- eral court,should be received for fundamental laws." 3 When the English parliament began to inquire j une 7. into the grievances of the nation, the patent, by charter of which the council of Plymouth was established, was complained of as a monopoly ; and when those griev- ances were presented to the throne, the patent of New England was the first. The council itself was in disrepute with the high church party for having r Winthrop Journ. 6 j, 77. It is conjectured, that by the market nothing more is meant, than a market place , to which the market men might resort. Coll. Hist. Soc, iii. 154. ^ Winthrop Journ. 78, 3 IbM, 2. 2Sd AMERICAN ANNALS. 1635. encouraged the settlement of the Plymouth and Mas* sachusetts colonists, who fled from episcopal perse- cutions. Discouraged by the operation of these prejudices, that council resigned its charter to the king. ' " The plantations, intrusted to the care of great corporate bodies, grew up stinted and unprom- ising, and seemed to wither away without hope of ultimate completion. The annihilation of these com- panies infused a principle of a new life. Restraint was no sooner removed, and men were left free to manage their own affairs in the way most agreeable to themselves, than the colonists engaged in every laudable pursuit, and acquired an extent of popula- tion, of commerce, of Wealth, and of power, unex- ampled in the annals of the world/* z uo war- On the surrender of that charter, a quo ivarranlo was immediately brought by Sir John Banks, the at- - torriey general against the governor, deputy govern- or^ and assistants of the corporation of Massachu- setts, fourteen of whom appearing, and disclaiming the charter, judgment was given for the king, that the liberties and franchises of that corporation should be seized into the king's hands. 3 The arbitrary measures of the king and his ministry might have been ruinous to the infant colonies, but for the con- trouling power of heaven. A great ship, built to bring over a general governor to New England, and to command on the coast, fell asunder in the launch- ing ; and the design was again frustrated. 4 The colonists of Massachusetts, on account of the from the increase of cattle, experiencing inconveniences from the nearness of their settlements to each other, be- towns. i Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xv. Belknap N. Hamp. i. 24. The council took previous care " to secure some portion of the expiring interest to such of themselves as were disposed to accept it." Ibid. " The Act of surrender" is in Hazard Coll. 1.393 ; and the" Reasons" for it, ib. 390 391. a Chalmers, i. 96. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxvi. 4 Ibid. chap, xxvii, xxxi. The quo warranto is in Hutchinson Coll. IOI 104 ; Hazard Coll. 423 425, AMERICAN ANNALS. 281 gan to emigrate from the first settled towns. Some 1635. of the principal inhabitants of Ipswich, obtaining leave of the general court to remove to Ouascacun- quen, began a town at that place, and called it New- Newbury bury. Mr. Parker, a learned minister, who had settled, 'been an assistant of Mr. Ward in the ministry at Ipswich, accompanied them. 1 Liberty of removal was also granted to Watertown and Roxbury, on condition of their continuance under the government of Massachusetts. 2 Musquetequid was purchased of the natives, by some of the Massachusetts colo- nists, who settled the place, and called it Concord. 3 Concord. The reverend Peter Hobart and his associates, from Hingham, in the county of Norfolk in England, be- gan to settle a town, to which they gave the name Hingham. of Hingham. 4 Sudbury was also now settled. 5 A Sudbury. church was gathered at Scituate, in Plymouth colo- ny, composed of members regularly dismissed from Scituate * the church in Plymouth. 6 Settlements were now begun to be made on Con- necticut river. Some of the people of Dorchester had made preparations for a settlement at a place on the west side of the river, called by the Indians Mat- 1 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxviii. Mr. Parker and the people, with whom he now removed, came from Wiltshire in England. Ibid, a, Winthrop Journ. 8s. 3 Wonderwork. Providence, 79, 81. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxvii, tt was called Concord, " on account of the peaceable manner, in which it \vas obtained." Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 240. The tract was six miles square. 4 Hingham Records, copied by President Stiles. The house lots of the settlers were drawn 18 September 1635. The Rev. Peter Hobart was there on that day, " and drew a lot with the twenty nine." Ibid. He arrived in N. England 8 June with his family. Hob art's MS. Journal. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxii. 6 The Rev. John Lothrop's MS. Records of the churches of Scituate and Barnstable, copied by President Stiles,v/ho foundthe MS. in i 769 in the hands of the Rev. Elijah Lothrop of Gilead in Connecticut, and remarked : " I account it the more valuable, as these churches of Scituate and Barnstable have no records till many years after their gathering." The settlement of Scituate commenced in 163^, The Rev. John LotLrop arrived there 27 September ; the dismission of the members from Plymouth, " in case they joyned in a body att Situate," was 23 November, 1634. The church was -formed by covenant 8 January, and Mr. Lothrop war.d Lnd. Wars, 27 ; MS. N. chap, xxxiv. Trmbull, i. 65 a Calender R. Island, 70. Roger Williams, who was Calender's au- thority for this article, says, they- were so populous, " dint a traveller would meet with a dozen Indian towns in 3O miles," Ibid. 3 Trumlmll, i. ^9. 4 Several were killed at Saybrook And elsewhere. Ibid. 66 ?ja. sive wa; 29^ AMERICAN ANNALS, 1637. given to their enemies ; determined, that an offensive? war "should be carried on against them, by the three towns of Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield ; and voted, that ninety men should be immediately rais- ed ; forty two from Hartford ; thirty from Wind- sor ; and eighteen from Wethersfield. The other New England colonies, roused by the apprehension of danger, as well as incited by the request of Con- necticut, agreed to send all their forces against the common enemy. ' May 10. On the tenth of May the troops from Connecti- cut, consisting of ninety Englishmen and about sev- enty Moheagan and river Indians, fell down the riv- er, in a pink, a pinnace, and a shallop, for the fort at Saybrook. The Indians were commanded by Uncas, sachem of the Moheagans ; the entire army, by John Mason,' who had been bred a soldier in Eu- rope. Mr. Stone of Hartford went as chaplain.* : At Saybrook, a council, called to settle a plan of the proceed to expedition, agreed to proceed first to Narraganset ; Nan-agan- to Senc j ]u )ac j <: ^ went y men to strengthen the infant settlements on Connecticut river \ and to take, in their stead, captain Underhill, with nineteen men from the garrison at Saybrook fort. In pursuance of this plan, Mason proceeded with his troops to Narraganset Bay, where he engaged a large body of Narraganset Indians, as auxiliaries. May 24. The army, consisting of seventy seven English- English men, sixty Moheagan and river Indians, and about di'ats^om- two hundred Narragansets, marched on the twenty mence fourth of May to Nihantick, a frontier to the Pe- their grand march. t The late governor Tnimbull of Connecticut, who was thoroughly ac- quainted with American history, remarked, that the Pequots were jealous of the new settlements of the English, and plptted their ruin ; that they, murdered several persons, and committed many outrageous acts, which gave rise to a just and necessary kvar. MS. account of the state and origin of Connecticut, in Mass. Historical Society. i Mr. Wilson of Boston was chosen to attend the Massachusetts troops, as chaplain. One of the *arly Jaws of N. England was : " Some minister is to be sent forth to go along with the army, for their instruction and ery- co'ijragement." Abstract of the Laws of N. Eng. chap. x. art. 4. AMERICAN ANNALS. 293 37* *|uots, and the seat of one of the Narraganset sa- 163 chems. The next morning a considerable number of Miantonimoh's men, and of the Nihahticks, join- ed the English, \vlio renewed their march, with pearly five hundred Indians. After inarching twelve miles to a ford in Pawcatuck river, Mason halted, and refreshed his troops, fainting through heat and scanty provisions. Here many of the Narragansets, astonished to find it his intention, to attack the Pe- -.quots in their forts, withdrew, and returned home. * Under the guidance of Wequash, a revolted Pequot, the army proceeded in its march toward Mistic river, where was one of the Pequot forts, and, when eveiir ing approached, pitched their camp by two large rocks. z Two hours before day, the troops were roused to the eventful action, the issue of which was in fearful suspense. After a march of about two miles, they came to the foot of the hill, on the sum- mit of \vhich stood the hostile fort. The day was nearly dawning, and no time might be lost. Mason, throwing the troops into two divisions, pressed for- ward with one to the eastern, and Underbill with the other, to the western entrance. When Mason drew nigh the fort, a dog barked, and an Indian in- stantly called out, Owanux ! Owanux ! [English- men ! Englishmen !] The troops pressed on, and, having poured a full discharge of their muskets through the palisadoes upon the astonished enemy, entered the fort, sword in hand. 3 A severe conflict May 26. ensued. Many of the Indians were slain. Some of Atta< * on the English were killed, others wounded ; and the ^ 1C issue of battle \vas yet dubious, At this critical I The Pcquots had two forts, one at Mistic river ; and another, several miles farther distant from the English army, which was the fort of Sassa- cus, their chief sachem. The very name of this chief filled the Indians with terror. " Sassacus," said the Narragar-sets, " is all ore God ; no man can kill him." Hubbard Jnd. Wars, 39. Trumbull, i. 31. Coll. Hist. Soc. ix. 84. ^ " Between or near" them. These rocks are in Groton, a town near New London, and are called Porter's rocks . Trumbull, i. 76. 3 The entrance was " only barred with two great forked bcughs, cr branches, of trees." Mason's History. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1637. moment, Mason cried out to bis men, " We mu&t burn them." Entering a wigwam at the same in- stant, he seized a fire brand, and put it into the mats, with which the wigwams were covered ; and the ni! 1 '* combustible habitations were soon wrapped in flames. The English, retiring without the fort, formed a cir- cle around it ; and Uncas with his Indians formed another circle in their rear. The devouring fire, and the English weapons, made rapid and awful devasta- tion. In little more than the space of one hour, seventy wigwams were burnt ; and, either by the sword or the flames, five or six hundred Indians per- ished. 1 Of the English, two men were killed, and sixteen wounded. Soon after the action, about three hundred In- dians advanced from the remaining fort ; but Mason, with a chosen band, ntet them with such warmth, as checked their onset ; and encouraged him to order the army to march for Pequot harbour. 2 When this movement began, the Indians advanced to the hill, qn which the fort had stood. The sight of its ruins threw them into a transport of rage. They stamped the ground, tore their hair, and, regardless of danger, descended the hill with precipitancy to- ward the English, whom they pursued nearly six miles, with desperate but impotent revenge. The English reached their vessels in safety ; and, in about eturn of three weeks from the time of their embarkation at the troops. Hartford, they arrived at their habitations, where they were received with every expression of exquisite joy, and pious gratitude. 1 Mason says, t or 7 hundred ; Dr. Trn'mbull supposes, about 600. 2 Their vessels hud been ordered to sail from Narraganset bay, the night before, for Pequot harbour. When the action at the fort was ended, there was no appearance of them in the Sound. About an hour after, while the officers were consulting, in deep perplexity, what course to take, the ves- sels, " as though guided by the. hand of Providence" to their relief, appear- ed fully in view ; and, under a fair v/ind, were steering; directly into the harbour. Trumbuii, i. 795 AMERICAN ANNALS; The body of the Tequots, returning from the 1637. pursuit of the English army, repaired to Sassacus at The Pt - O J * ... quots a- the royal fortress ; where, on consultation, it \vas baudcn concluded, that they could not remain longer in the thei country with safety. Destroying therefore their try ' wigwams and fort, they fled into various parts of the country. Sassacus and seventy or eighty of the chief counsellors and warriors took their route to- ward Hudson's river. The governor and council of Massachusetts, on J une receiving intelligence of this success of the Connec- ticut troops, judged it needful to send forward but one hundred and twenty men. * These troops, un- der the command of captain Stoughton, arriving at Pequot harbour in June, and receiving assistance from, the Narraganset Indians, surrounded a large body of Pequots in a swamp, and took eighty cap- tive. The men, thirty in number, were killed, but the women and children were saved. Forty men, raised by Connecticut, and put under the command of the heroic Mason, made a junction with Stough- ton' s company at Pequot. While the vessels sailed Fu along the shore, these allied troops pursued the fu- pursued. gitive Indians by land, to Ouinnipiack, and found some scattering Pequots on their march. Receiving I Massachuetss colony had determined to send zoo men ; and had pre- viously sent forward captain Patrick with 40 men, to form a seasonable junction with the Connecticut troops ; but, though these troops, while at Narraganset, had intelligence of Patrick's inarch, it was judged inexpedient to wait for his arrival. Trumbull, i. 71, 74. The court of Plymouth u- greed to send 50 men at the charge of the colony, with as much speed as possible, and provided a bark to carry their provisions, and to attend them on all occasions ; but when they were ready to march from Massachusetts, u they had word sent them to stay, for the enemy was as good as vanquish- ed, and there would be no need." Morton, 108. The number, raised by each town in Massachusetts, gives us some idea of the proportion which the several towns bore to each other [Hutchinson, i. 76.] ; Boston - - 26 Newbury - 8 Charlestown - iz Ipswich - 17 Roxbury - 10 Salem - - 18 Dorchester - 13 Saugus [Lynn] 16 Weymouth - 5 Watertown - 14 Hingham, - 6 Newtown - 19 Mcdford - 3 Marblehead - 3 gtives 2-96 AMERICAN ANNALS* 1637. information at Quinhfpiack, that the enemy were at a considerable distance westward, in a great swamp, they marched in that direction, with all possible dis- patch, about twenty miles, andcanle to the swamp, 1 where were eighty or a hundred warriors, and near- July 13. ly two hundred other Indians. Some of the Eng- ^ reat lish, rushing eagerlv forward, were badly wounded ; Swamp 6 6 .-. > . / fight and others, smking into the mire, were rescued by a, few of their brave companions, who sprang forward to their relief with drawn swords.' Some Indians were slain ; others, finding the whole swamp surrounded, desired a parley j and, on the offer of life, about two hundred old men, women, and chil- dren, among whom was the sachem of the place, gradually came out, and submitted to the English. The Pequot warriors, indignantly spurning submis- sion, renewed the action, which, as far as it was prac- : ticable, was kept up through the night. A thick fog, the next morning, favouring the escape of the enemy ; many of them, among whom were sixty or seventy warriors* broke through the surrounding troops. About twenty were killed, and one hun- dred and eighty captivated* The captives were di- vided between Connecticut and Massachusetts, which distributed them among the Moheagans and Narra^ gansets.* Sassacus, the chief sachem, fled with a- bout twenty of his best men to the Mohawks, who,- at the request of the Narragansets, cut off his head) I Near where Fairfield or Stratford nov.- stands. Hubbard. a It was judged, that, during the summer ? 700 Pequots were destroyed^ among whom were 13 sachems. About 200, beside women and children, survived the Swamp Fight. Of this number the English gave 80 to Mian- tonimoh, and 20 to Ninnigret, two sachems of Narraganset ; and the other 100 to Uncas, sachem of the Moheagans ; to be received and treated a their men. This division was made at Hartford in September 1638 ; at which time, among other articles, it was covenanted, 'I 'hat the Pequots should never again inhabit their native country, nor be called Pequots, but Narragansets and Moheagans. Trumbull, i. 85 87. A number of the male children were sent to Bermudas. Hubbard Ind. Wars, 54. Hutchin- son, i. 80. Gov. Winthrop [Journ. 134.] says, " We had now slain and tak- en in all about 700. We sent 15 of the boys and two women to Bermuda, by Mr. Pierce, but he missing it, carried them to Providence Isle." AMERICAN ANNALS, &nd his country now became a province of the Eng- 1637 lish.' A proclamation was issued in April by the king of Endand, to restrain the disorderly transportation i* i -i 1 1 T of his subjects to the American colonies. It com- manded, that no licence be given them, without a certificate, that they had taken the oaths of supre- macy and allegiance, and conformed to the discipline of the church of England. 2 To give effect to this ordinance; arbitrary measure, an ordinance was passed, which enacted, that none should entertain any stranger, who should arrive in the colonies with an intention to reside ; or allow the use of any habitation, with- out liberty from the standing council. 3 On com- plaint of several disorders in New England, the king in July appointed Sir Ferdinando Gorges general governor ; but the measure was never carried into effect. 4 Ann Hutchinson, a woman of familistic princi- Ann Hut- pies in Boston, holding lectures for the propagation of her peculiar tenets, attracted a numerous audito- ry, and gained many adherents. The whole colony became divided into two parties, which stiled each other Antinomians and Legalists. Such was the warmth of the controversy, that a synod was judged i Winthrop Journ. A. D. 1637. Morton, 107114. Hubbard Ind. Wars, 36 54. I. Mather Troubles with the Indians, 25, 26, 47, 48, 50. Trumbull, i, 66 87. Hntchinson, i. 76 80. However just the occasion of this war, humanity demands a tear on the extinction of a valiant tribe, which preferred death to what it might naturally anticipate from the pro- gress of the English settlements dependence, or extirpation. " Indulge, my native land ! indulge the tear, That steals, impassiori'd, o'er a nation's doom ; To me each twig, from Adam's sto'ck, is near, And sorrows fall upon an Indian's tomb." Dwight's Greenfield Hill, Part IV, entitled, " The Destruction of the Pequods." 2- Hazard Coll. i. 421, where the proclamation is entire. Chalmers, i. 161. 3 Chalmers, i. 165 ; " enacted with a signal folly." Ib. 4 Chalmers, i. 162. Belknap Biog. i. 385. This failure is thus acconnt- sd for. The troubles in England and Scotland checked the business for the present ; and, soon after, archbishop Laud and some other lords of counciJj Who had been zealous for the measure, lost their authority. Ibid, IT a 298 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1637. First synod in Ameri- Familists disarmed. Banish- ment of Gorton. Dedham. Concord. expedient, to settle it. A synod was accordingly convened at Newtown, composed of all the teaching elders in the country, and messengers of the several churches. 1 After a session of three weeks, the syn- od condemned eighty two erroneous opinions, which had become disseminated in New England. This was the first synod, holden in America. * The gov- ernment of Massachusetts, apprehending a breach of peace from the Familists, caused fifty eight per- sons in Boston to be disarmed, and several in the towns of Salem, Newbury, Roxbury, Ipswich, and Charlestown. 3 It also passed a law, that none should be received, to inhabit within the jurisdic- tion, but such, as should be allowed by some of the magistrates. 4 Samuel Gorton, of the familistic sect, giving great disturbance in New England, was banished from the colonies of Plymouth, Rhode Island, and Massa- chusetts. 5 The town of Dedham began to be built ; and here a church was soon gathered. 6 Mr, Jones was or- dained pastor, and Mr. Bulkley teacher, of the church in Concord. 7 i The magistrates were also present, and were not hearers only, " but speakers also, as they thought fit." a Huhbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xl. Winthrop Journ. 137 140. Hutch- jr.son, i. 6669. ^'^ Hist. Soc. vii. 16, 17. The church of Boston soon after, " with one consent," agreed to pass the sentence of excommunication on Mrs. Hutchinson, " for many evils in her conversation, as well as for corrupt opinions." Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxix. Mr. Hutchinson, her husband, being one of the purchasers of Aquetneck, sold his estate in Massachusetts, and removed with his family to that island. On his death (about 1642), Mrs. Hutchinson, being dissatisfied with the people or place, removed to the Durch country beyond New Haven ; and, the year after, she and all her family, consisting of 16 persons, were killed by the Indians, with the exception of one daughter, whom they carried into captivity. Hutchinson, i, 72. 3 Wonderwork. Prov. 1 21. Hubbard MS, N. Eng. chap, xxxviii. 4 Minot Mass. i. 29. 5 Josselyn Voy. 259. Josselyn calls him " a blasphemous atheist ;" and Hubbard styles him " a prodigious minter of exorbitant novelties, even the very dregs of familism." MS. N. Eng. xlvii, where there is a distuict account of the troubles, qcosioned by Gorton and his adherents to Massachusetts. 6 Wonder work.Trov. 125. Winthrop [Journ. 163.] says, it was gath- ered 9 Nov. 1638. 7 Hubbard MS. N. ling. chap, xxxvii. AMERICAN ANNALS. 299 Ten years had now elapsed since the commence- 1637. ment of the settlement of Massachusetts. During Retrospect , . . , r . . r Q of Massa- tlus period, ninety four ministers came from Lng- thusetts. land ; of this number twenty seven had returned ; thirty six had died ; and thirty one were yet living in the country. The number of ships, which, dur- ing this period, transported passengers to New Eng- land, was estimated to be two hundred and ninety eight ; and the number of men, women, and chil- dren, twenty one thousand two hundred. * M. de Enambuc, the father of the French colony Martinko at St. Christopher's, brought from that island to settled. Martinico a hundred soldiers, all of them well pro- vided for forming a colony. Landing at Basse Ter- re, he built a fort, called St. Peter, and made the first settlement on the island. * John Davenport, a celebrated minister of Cole- Arrival of man street in London, accompanied by Theophilus ^ a |~ Eaton and Edward Hopkins, merchants of London, others; with several other respectable persons from that city and its vicinity, arrived this summer at Boston. The unmolested enjoyment of civil and religious lib- erty was the object of their emigration. Not find- ing in Massachusetts sufficient room for themselves and the numerous friends, whom they expected to follow them, and being informed of a large bay to the southwest of Connecticut river, commodious for trade, they applied to their friends in Connecticut to purchase for them, of the native proprietors, all the lands, lying between the rivers Connecticut and Hud- i Josselyn Voy. 258, and N. Eng. Rar. 108. This article, though it has been quoted by respectable authority, and may be substantially true, is nei- ther stated with precision, nor with confidence. The language of Josselyn is, " in the ten first years chiefly ;" and (in reference to the number of em- igrants) " as near as can be guessed" Some writer, whose name I have lost, affirms, that " by an exact computation, 4000 planters had now come out of England ; in all the four grand settlements." See Hutchinson, i. 93. a Univ. Hist. xli. 228. He died soon after ; and his colleague, Sir Thom- as Warner, did not long survive him. At the time of his death, St. Chris- topher's is said to have contained twelve or thirteen thousand English in- habitants. Ibid. 271. Several historians, I now find, place this article iii AMERICAN ANNALS, March 30. Settlers sail for Quinnipi- ack. son ; and this purchase they, in part, effected. 1m the autumn, Mr. Eaton and some others of the com-, pany made a journey to Connecticut, to explore the lands and harbours on the sea coast ; and pitched who pre- U p On Quinnipiack for the place of their settlement. " QuL- Here they erected a hut, and remained through the w jnter. 1638. The way being prepared, Davenport, Eaton, and the rest of their company, sailed from Boston for Quinnipiack : and, in about a fortnight, arrived at the desired port. On the eighteenth of April they kept their first sabbath in the place, under a large spreading oak ; where Mr. Davenport preached to them. Soon after, they entered into what they termed a plantation covenant. * Determined to make an extensive settlement, these enterprising co- lonists paid early attention to the making of such purchases and treaties, as would give it stability. In November, they entered into an agreement with Monauguin, sachem of that part of the country, and his counsellors, for the lands of Quinnipiack. Monauguin, in consideration of being protected by the English from the hostile Indians, yielded up all his right and title to all the land of Quinnipiack, of which he was the sole sachem, to Theophilus Ea- ton, John Davenport and others, their heirs and as- signs forever ; and they, in return, covenanted, that they would protect him and his Indians ; that they should always have a sufficient quantity of land to plant, on the east side of the harbour ; and, by way of free and grateful retribution, they gave him, his council and company, twelve coats of English cloth, twelve akhymy spoons, twelve hatchets, twelve hoes, two dozen of knives, twelve porringers, and four i By this covenant they solemnly engaged, that in the gathering and or- dering of a church, and in all public offices, relating to c,ivil order, they would be guided by the rules of Scripture. Trumbujll, i. 91. Nov. 24. First pur- chase at Quinnipir ack. AMERICAN ANNALS, 301 cases of French knives and scissors. In December, 1638. they made another purchase of a large tract, lying principally north of the other, extending eight miles east of the river Quinnipiack, and five miles west of it toward Hudson's river. * Near the bay of Quin- nipiack they laid out their town in squares, on the plan of a spacious city ; and called it New Haven. New Ha ^ This town was the foundation of a flourishing colony v< of the same name, of which it became also the capi- tal. 8 Kieft, the Dutch governor of New Netherlands, protested against this plantation ; but his protest was disregarded, because unsupported. 3 The religious differences in Massachusetts were, Purchase in the mean time, giving rise to a distinct colony, in another direction. John Clark and some others, Rhode finding the decisions of the synod supported by the Island * general court, went to Providence, in search of a place, where they might have peace, and liberty of conscience. By the advice and aid of Roger Wil- liams, they purchased Aquetneck 4 of the Indian sa- chems ; and the natives of that island soon after a- greed, on receiving ten coats and twenty hoes, to remove before the next winter. The adventur- ers, to the number of eighteen, incorporated them- selves into a body politic, and chose William Coddington to be their judge, or chief magis- I This tract was purchased of Montowese, son of the great sachem at Mattabeseck ; and was I o miles in length, north and south, and 13 miles in breadth. It included all the lands within the ancient limits of the old towns of New Haven, Branford, and Wallingford ; and almost the whole within the limits of those towns, and of the more modern towns of East Haven, Woodbridge, Cheshire, Hamden and North Haven. For this tract the English gave 13 coats, and allowed the natives ground to plant, and li- berty to hunt within the lands. Trumbull, i. 93, 94, from N. Haven Records. a Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xlii. Winthrop Journ. 131,151. Ma- ther Magnal. book i. 35. Trumbull, i. 89 94. Hutchinson, i. 83. Chalmers, i. 290. 3 Chalmers, i. 571. Smith N. York, 3. 4 Other islands in Narraganset bay were sold at this time. Aquetneck was the largest of them. Canonicus, chief sachem of Narraganset and Ni- antick, and Miantonimoh, sold them to William Coddington and his asso- ciates, in consideration of fifty fathom of white beads. Hubbard MS. N, Eng. chap. xlii. Hutchinson, i. 77,. Chalmers, i. 271. -202 AMERICAN ANNALS. j 1638. trate. ' Small as the number of associates was ; the fertility of the soil, and the pleasantness of the cli- mate, soon attracted many people to their settle- ment ; and the island, in a few years, became so populous, as to send out colonists to the adjacent shores. The island was afterward named the Isle of Rhodes 5 and, by an easy declension, Rhode Island. * Deed of Canonicus and Miantonimoh gave Roger Wil- Provi- r , r -n -j dence. hams, a deed or 1 rovidence. * A ril A quo warranto having been brought by the at- The patent torney general against the governor, deputy gover- chusettT" nor > a ass ' stants f ^ le corporation of Massachu- . setts, 4 and judgment being given, that the liberties and franchises should be seized into the king's hand ; the council made an order, requiring the patent of Massachusetts to be sent back, by the next ship, to England. 5 Judgment not having been entered a- gainst the charter, there was a delay of compliance with the order of council. . Meanwhile, the general court of Massachusetts addressed a petition on this subject to the lords commissioners for foreign planta- tions, vindicating the cause of the colony with firm- ness, and supplicating relief with tenderness. 6 Arbitrary measures were still pursued in England, in reference to the American colonies. An order was given by the privy council in May to the lord I Callender, 30 32, where are the names of the 18 associates. Their association, according to Callender, preceded the completion of the purchase. They united in a body politic 7 March, the sachems signed the deed 24 M:ircli, 16^8. Ibid. Toward the close of the year, they chose three per- sons, as assistants to their chief magistrate. Ib. 42. a Chalmers, i. ay I. 3 Dated 24 March. Backus N. Eng. i. 89. Brit. Emp. ii. 130. 4 Hazard Coll. i. 423, where it is inserted. Hubbard [MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxvi.] says, that the business-of demanding the patent of Massachu- setts had been on hand ever since the year 1634 ; but it had been overlook- ed, by the interposition possibly of matters of greater moment, until this year. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxvi. Chalmers, i. 161. Hutchinson Col. 105. 6 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxvi ; Hazard Cell. i. 435, 436 ; where the Petition, is entire. AMERICAN ANNALS. 33 treasurer to take speedy and effectual course for the 1638, stay of eight ships, then in the Thames, prepared to sail for New England. By this order, Oliver Cromwell, Sir Arthur Hazlerig, John Hambden, and other patriots, were prevented from coming to America. ' How limited the foresight of man ; how inscrutable the counsels of God ! By this arbitrary measure, Charles, " far from suspecting, that the future revolutions in his kingdoms were to be ex- cited and directed by .persons in such a humble sphere of life, forcibly detained the men destined to overturn his throne, and to terminate his days by a violent death." 3 Scarcely had the venerable founders of New Eng- ^^f land felled the trees of the forest, when they be- founded, gan to provide means to insure the stability of their colony. Learning and Religion they wisely judged to be the firmest pillars of the church and common- wealth. The legislature of Massachusetts, having previously founded a public school or college, had the last year (1637) ordered, that it be at Newtown ; and appointed a committee 3 to carry the order in- to eifect. The liberality of an individual now essen- tially contributed to the completion of this wise and pious design. John Harvard, a worthy minister, dy- ing this year at Charlestown, left a legacy of seven hundred seventy nine pounds, seventeen shillings, and two pence, to the public school at Newtown. In honour of that generous benefactor, this collegi- ate school was soon after, by an order of court, nam- ed Harvard College ; and Newtown, in compli- ment to the college, and in memory of the place i Hazard Coll. i. 4Z4, where is a copy of the Proclamation. Mather Magnal. book i. 23. Chalmers, i. 160, 161. Belknap Biog. ii. 229. Neal N. ling. i. 168. 1 Robertson, book x. 163. 3 Governor Winthrop, deputy governor Dudley, treasurer Bellingham ; Mr. Kumfrey, Mr. Harlackenden, and Mr. Stoughton, counsellors; Mr. Cotton, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Davenport, Mr. Wells, Mr. Shephard, and Mr. Peters, ministers. MS. Records of Massachusetts. 304 AMERICAN 1638. where many of the first settlers of New England r-> ceived their education, was called Cambridge. ' Origin of Several gentlemen in Boston and its vicinity, hav- ' m & f rm ed themselves into a military company, pe- tioned to be incorporated. The council, adverting to the examples of the pretorian bands among the Romans, and the templars in Europe, was cautious of erecting a standing authority of military men, who might ultimately controul the civil power. The patriotic associates however were allowed to be a company, but subordinate to the authority of the country^ a This is the origin of the company, distin- guished in the military annals of Massachusetts by the merited name of The Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company. Exeter John Wheelwright, who had been banished from founded, Massachusetts, went, accompanied by a number of people from Braintree, to New Hampshire, where he laid the foundation of the town and church of Disorder at Exeter. 3 The inhabitants of Pascataqua attempted, about this time, to gather themselves into a church state 5 but, through dissensions, they appear not to I MS. Records of Massachusetts. Winthrop Journ. 155. Hubbard MS, N. Eng. chap, xxxii. There were several benefactors to this college, be- side Mr. Harvard ; and " the other colonies sent some small help to the undertaking." Mather Magnal. book iv. 126. The primary object of this institution was, to furnish a succession of learned and able ministers, Ibid. By Massachusetts Records it appears, that the court gave it the name of HARVARD in 1639 ; but the name of Newtown Was altered by the court in May 1638. a Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxiii. 3 Hutchinson, i. 106. Pres. Stiles MSS. The next year (1639) 35 P e1 ' sons, settlers of Exeter, entered into a combination, and erected a civil gov- ernment. The reason, which they assign for the measure, is : " Consider- ing v/ith ourselves the hly will of God and our own necessity that we should not live without wholsom Lawes and Civil Government among us of which we are altogether destitute." The Constitution, with the names of the 35 signers, is in Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxi, and Hazard Coll, 5. 463. Their rulers were Isaac Grosse, Nicholas Needham, and Thomas Wilson ; each of whom continued in office one year, having two assistants. The laws were made in a popular assembly, and formally consented to by the rulers. This combination subsisted three years. Belknap N. Hamp, 5 37. It was a few miles only beyond the north eastern boundary of Massa- chusetts, amid the forest, which then skirted the shore of the gr? ' Pascataqua, that Exeter was planted. Chalmers,!. 47.*. AMERICAN ANNALS. 305 have succeeded In the design. ' Josselyn, whom we $638; have quoted as an original authority, made his first voyage to New England this year** Boston at this Boston* time was " rather a village, than a town ;" con- sisting of no more than twenty or thirty houses. 3 There was a great earthquake in New England j une i. on the first day of June. The earth shook with such violence, that, in some places, the people could not stand, without difficulty, in the streets ; and land - most moveable articles in their houses were thrown down. This phenomenon formed a memorable e- poch in the annals of New England; 4 About one hundred and thirty freemen were ad- Accession ded to Massachusetts ; and there arrived this sum- mer twenty ships, with at least three hundred per- sons. * The first New England built ship arrived in the Thames. 6 Uncas, sachem of the Moheagaris, having given Friendship umbrage by entertaining some of the hostile Pequots^ of Uncae * went to Boston in June, with a present to the gov- ernor of Massachusetts j promised submission to 1 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxxi. Hubbard says, " they fell into fac- tions, and strange confusions." 2 Josselyn Voy. 20. It is a curious fact, that Josselyn brought " from Francis Quarlesthe poet," the translation of several Psalms " into English metre," and delivered them to Mr. Cotton, minister of Boston, " for his approbation." Ibid. 3 Ibid. 173. There were two licensed inns then in Boston. " An officer visits them," says Josselyn, whenever a stranger goes into them ; and " if he calls for more drink than the officer thinks in his judgment he can so- berly bear away," he countermands it, and " appoints the proportion be- yond which he cannot get one drop." Ibid. 4 Winthrop Journ. 155. It occurred between the hours of three and four P. M. The weather was clear and warm, and the wind westerly. " It came with a noise like a continued thunder, or the rattling of coaches in London, but was presently gone." It was felt at Massachusetts, Connecti- cut, Narraganset, Pascataqua, and the circumjacent parts. It shook the ships, which rode in Boston harbour, and all the islands. " The noise and the shaking continued about four minutes. The earth was unquiet 20 days after by times." Ibid. Josselyn N. Eng. Rar. 109. Hutchinson, i. 90, Trumbull, i. 92. Professor Winthrop Lect. on Earth which had taken possession or the little unoccupied island of Tortuga, and put every man, woman, and child to death. They even hanged such, as came in and surrendered themselves, on the promise of mercy, after the first attack. 3 M. Poincy attempted to make a settlement at Attempt t* Grenada j but was driven off by the Caribbeans. 3 1639. The inhabitants of the three towns on Connecti- Jan. 14. cut river, Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, g finding themselves without the limits of the Massa- don of chusetts patent, conceived the plan of forming them- Connecti- , r ' r . ,. . cut. selves, by voluntary compact, into a distinct com- monwealth. All the free planters convened at Hart- ford on the fourteenth of January ; and, after ma- ture deliberation, adopted a constitution of govern- ment. This constitution has been thought, by the judicious, to be one of the most free and happy con- stitutions of civil government, that has ever been formed. The formation of it, at so early a period, " when the light of liberty was wholly darkened in most parts of the earth, and the rights of men were so little understood in others," does great honour to the intelligent colonists, who framed it. It has continued, with little alteration, to the present time ; and the happy consequences of it, which, for more than a century and a half, the people of Connecticut have experienced, exceed description. 4 I Univ. Hist. xli. 215. 1 Edwards W. Indies, i. 139. Univ. Hist. [xli. 516.], instead of an " Eng- lish colony," says, " the freebooters of all nations, who had settled on the island of Tortuga." 3 Univ. Hist. xli. 225. 4 Trumbull, i. 95 98, where is a sketch of this constitution ; in Haz- 308 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1639, Agreeably to the constitution, the freemen con? Aprh. vened at Hartford in April, and elected their officers. First gene- r , . T i_ TT i rai election for the ensuing year. John Haynes was chosen at Hart- governor ; and Roger Ludlow, deputy governor. r The general assembly proceeded gradually to enact a system of laws. The first statute in the code of Connecticut is a declaration or bill, of rights. 2 . June 4. Tte planters of Quinnipiack had continued more Thepiant- than a year without any other constitution, than Quinnipi- their plantation covenant. Having received a res- ack forma pectable accession to" their number, by the arrival of the reverend Henry Whitfield, William Leet, esquire, and others, 3 they were now prepared for a more sys- tematic combination. All the free planters in the settlement convened on the fourth of June, and pro- ceeded to lay the foundations of their civil and relig- ious polity. 4 Among other resolutions, they re- solved, that they would all be governed by the rules of scripture. Having bound themselves to settle civil government according to the divine word, they determined, that church members only should be free burgesses ; and that they only should choose ard Coll. i. 437 441, it is entire. Though dated 14 January 1638, its true date, according to the present reckoning, is in the year 1639. The constitu- tion decreed, that there shall be yearly two General Assembles, or Courts \ that at the first, called the Court of Election, shall be yearly chosen so mar ny magistrates and other public officers, as shall be found requisite, one of which to be chosen governor for the year ensuing, and ro other magistrate to be chosen for more than one year, provided there be six chosen beside the governor, who being chosen and sworn according to an oath recorded for that purpose, shall have power to administer justice according to the law here established, and for want thereof according to the rule of the Word of God. That choice was to be made by all the freemen who had taken the oath of fidelity, and did " cohabit within this jurisdiction." No person might be chosen governor more than once in two years. The town* were to send their deputies to the two courts, and these were empowered to make laws, and to do any other public business, " v/hich concerned the good of the commonwealth." See also Trumbull, i. Appendix No. III. 1 Roger Ludlow, George Wyllys, Edward Hopkins, Thomas Welle*, John Webster, and William Phelps, were chosen magistrates ; and the first of the six was chosen deputy governor. 2 Trumbull, i. 98, where are the nam-s of the first deputies. 3 They were a part of Mr. Davenport and Eaton's company ; and wert principally from Kent and Surry, in the vicinity of London. Ibid. 99. 4 This convent ion was holden in a large bain of Mr. Newman's. Ib. AMERICAN ANNALS, 30,9 magistrates, and have power to transact all the civil 1639, affairs of the plantation. They also resolved, that twelve men 1 should be chosen, who should be en> powered to choose seven, to begin the church. Af- ter a proper term of trial, seven men were chosen for the seven pillars. The court, consisting of those seven persons only, convened on the twenty fifth of October ; ancl, after a solemn address to thq Supreme Being, proceeded to form the body of free- men, and to elect civil officers. Theophilus Eatoa was chosen governor j and to him, at the close of the election, Mr. Davenport gave a charge in open court. The freemen now decreed, that there should be a general court annually in the plantation. 1 The reverend Peter Pruddep, with a company MUford. from Wethersfield, purchased Wopowage of the settle r 7- r ,....., 7 -, Govern- forty persons, combined in civil government, accord- me nt form- ing to their own model. a Some of the Providence . ed . at Prov * people began a plantation at Patuxet, comprehended * in their grant. 3 The settlers on the north side of Pascataqua river and at Pas^ already experiencing serious inconveniences, and ap- cata( i ua - prehensive of greater, for the want of civil govern- ment, formed a government of their own, indepen- dent of the proprietary lords. 4 The oldest record of New Hampshire is dated this year. s The first general court in the province of Maine Maine. was holden at Saco. 6 The general court of Massachusetts gave liberty Various for two new plantations ; one of which was called M a s s f chu . Haverhill $ the other, Andover. 7 It also granted setts legis- the income of the ferry between Boston and Charles- lature * town as a perpetual revenue to Harvard college. 8 It made provision for a public registry. 9 It prohibit- ed the use of tobacco. * The magistrates with the ministers of Massachu- President setts chose the reverend Henry Dunster, to be presi- coikge dent of Harvard college, * J chosen. i Winthrop Journ. 204. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxiii. Mather Magnal. book iii. 95. Neal N. Eng.i. 308. a Callender, 43. Douglass, ii. 78. 3 Callender, 35. Adams N. Eng, 63. 4 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxi, where is a copy of the compact. 5 Chalmers, i. 498. 6 Sullivan, 308. 7 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxii. The names were given " with re- ference to some of the planters, who belonged to those towns in England." Ib, 8 Massachusetts Laws. Douglass, i. 543. Adams N. Eng. 73. 9 Hucchinson, i. 455. IO Chalmers, i. II Mather Magnal. iv. 127. ceases. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1640. After a long recess, the parliament assembled ; an( * P crsecilt i 01 i was stopped. On the change of af- England fairs in England, emigration ceased. Several of the most considerable colonists, and many of the minis- ters in New England, now returned to their native country. * May 25. The inhabitants of Strawberry Bank TPorts- Parsonage , -, , J ^ at Ports- moutnj, navmg voluntarily given several sums of mouth. money for building and founding a parsonage house .and a chapel, now granted fifty acres of land to be annexed to them as a glebe. 3 bought pf Nathaniel Turner, in behalf of the town of New thenatives; Haven, purchased of Ponus, sagamore of Toquamske, and of Wascussue,a sagamore of Shippau,allthe lands belonging to them, called Rippowance, excepting a small parcel, reserved by them for planting. A part or the whole of this tract was soon after purchased of New Haven by some of the inhabitants of Weth- d *ersfield, who settled upon it the town of Stamford. 3 1 Chalmers,!. 165, 166. Hutchinson, i. 93. Neal [N. Eng. i. 218.] says, the New England colonies the next twenty years decreased, instead of re- ceiving any accession. The greatness of this change was distressfully felt by New England. The price oi a milch cow, which had been from 25 to 30, fell this year to 5 or 6. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxii. There v/ere judged to be 12000 neat cattle, and about 3000 sheep in the colony. Hutchinson, ut supra. For the number of colonists, that had come to New England, see p. 299. That estimate seems to belong to this year. 2 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xxxi. From the language here used, we should naturally conclude this foundation to have been exclusively Episcopal ; but the following account is given of it. " In the first beginnings of their government, they had no laws to render votes of town meetings valid, with respect to property ; nor any forms of conveyance, but such as were taken from the laws of England. Therefore, the inhabitants thought it necessary to confirm their vote of a parsonage by a legal deedj and no other forms existed, but such as were peculiarly accommodated to the church of Eng- land." Mr. Richard Gibson was chosen for their first parson ;" and he exercised the ministerial function according to the ritual of the English church ; but he appears to have soon left the country. No person was or- dained for the ministry at Portsmouth till almost 50 years from the time of its first settlement. Of all the temporary preachers during this period, Gibson was the only one, who followed the English ritual. " The build- ing, which in 1640 was called a chapel, appears ever after to have been called a meeting house." MS. Account of Religious Societies in Ports- mouth (penes me), by Rev. TiMOTUY AI.DEN jun. This account, the re- sult of diligent and accurate investigation, will be printed in the next vo- lume* of the COLLECTIONS of Mass. Hist. Society. * yd. X. 3 MS. Memoir of Pvev. Noah Welles of Stamford, in President Stiles AMERICAN ANNALS. 1641. The general court of Massachusetts established Laws of O TV JT ^^ ,t one hundred laws, called The Body of Liberties. * It is in the laws of an infant people, an historian has justly remarked, that we trace their principles, and discover their policy. A sketch of the most remarkable laws in the first New England code is therefore subjoined. It was enacted, that there ne- ver should be any bond slavery, villanage or cap- tivity among the inhabitants of the province, except- ing lawful captives, taken in just wars ; or such as should willingly sell themselves, or be sold to them : * That if any strangers, or people of other nations, professing the Christian religion, should fly to them from tyranny or oppression of their persecutors, or Itinerary. Turner gave the natives for the New Haven purchase iz coats, 12 hoes, 12 hatchets, 12 glasses, 12 knives, a kettles, and 4 fathom of white wampum. The Wethersfield purchasers gave New Haven for the town- ship of Stamford 33 ; and obliged themselves to join with the people of New Haven in the form of government, lately agreed on there. Twenty men agreed to settle by the last of November 1641 ; and before the end of 1641, there were 30 or 40 families settled at Stamford. Ibid. I Winthrop Journ. 237. They had been composed by the Rev. Na- thaniel Ward, who was some time a minister at Ipswich ; and had former- ly been a student and practitioner at law. Having already been revised and altered by the court, and sent into evdry town for consideration, they were now revised again, amended, and presented, " and so established for three years, by that experience to have them fully amended, and establish- ed to be perpetual." Ibid. Hubbard [N. Eng. chap, xxxii.] says, the peo- ple had prevailed to have the subject committed to two divines, each of whom formed a model ; that these models were presented to the genera! court in 1639 i tnat tne court committed them to the governor, deputy governor, and some others, to be considered ; and that the body of laws was this year (1641) established. As governor Winthrop says expressly, that the body of liberties was composed by Mr. Ward, I presume the other divine, to whom the subject was committed, was Mr. Cotton ; and that " An Ab- stract of the Laws of New England, printed in London in 1641," and re- printed in Coll. Hist. Soc. v. 173-: 187, was his model. It was found in manuscript in Mr. Cotton's study after his death. Mr. Aspinwall, who published it hi 1655, ascribes it to " that godly, grave, and judicious di- vine, Mr. John Cotton ;" says, that it was " commended to the general court" of Massachusetts ; that " being by him done, and with all sweetness and amiableness of spirit tendered, but not accepted, he surceased to press it any further at that season." Address to the Reader, ibid. 187 192. 1 " And such," says the law, " shall have the liberties and Christian usage, which the Law of God, established in Israel conceding such persons, doth n>9rally require," Massachu- setts. 3*8 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1641. from famine, wars, " or the like necessary and com- pulsory cause," they should receive entertainment and succour : * That there should be no monopo- lies, but of such new inventions, as were profitable to the country, and those for a short time only : That all deeds of conveyance, whether absolute or conditional, should be recorded, that neither credit- ors might be defrauded, nor courts troubled with vexatious suits and endless contentions about sales and mortgages : That no injunction should be laid on any church, church officer, or member, in point of doctrine, worship, or discipline, whether for sub- stance or circumstance, " besides the Institution of the Lord." 3 Exigencies The exigencies of the Massachusetts colonists, a- ofthat rising from the scarcity of all foreign commodities and the unsaleableness of their own, incited them to provide fish, clapboards, planks, and other articles ; to sow hemp and flax ; and to look to the West In- dies for a trade for cotton. 3 The general court, in the mean time, made orders about payment of debts, setting corn at the usual price, and making it paya- ble for all debts, which should arise after a time prefixed. It also sent some select persons into Eng- land, " to congratulate the happy success there ; M to give creditors satisfactory reasons, why such punc- tual payment was not made now, as had been made in former years ; to be ready to use any opportuni- ty, that might providentially be offered, for the ben- I " According to that power and prudence God shall give us." 1 Massachusetts Laws. In the defect of a law in any case, the decision was to be " by the Word of God." Ibid. 3 Hubbard [MS. N. Eng. chap, xxxii.] says, the general court, in 1640, iade several orders for the manufacture of woolen and linen cloth, " which in a little time stopped this gap in part ;" and that, soon after, a traffick was begun to the W. Indies, and Wine islands, by which, among other goods, much cotton wool was brought into the country from the W. Indies ; and that the inhabitants, by learning to spin it, and by breeding sheep, and sowing hemp and flax, soon found out a way to supply themselves with m.any necessaries of cloth. AMERICAN ANNALS. 319 efit of New England ; and to give advice, if requir- 1641. ,ed, for settling a form of church discipline. T It hence appears to have been no part of the ob- ject of their mission, to solicit parliamentary aid or patronage ; although the colony had been advised to this measure. The reason, assigned for not fol- lowing that advice, is very remarkable. It was the apprehension of subjection to the authority of parli- ament. * A very cold winter closed this year. The har- Cold win- bour of Boston, where ships ordinarily anchored, ter * was so deeply frozen over, as to be passable for horses, carts and oxen, five weeks. 3 The lords and gentlemen, holding a patent for the Cover and lands south of Pascataqua, finding no means to gov- m ^ as- signed to 1 Winthrop Journ. 223, 224. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xlv. Chal- Mass, juris^ liners, i. 172. The persons, sent to England on thisj occasion, were Hugh diction. Peters, minister of Salem ; Thomas Welde, minister of Roxbury ; and Wil- liam Hibbins, of Boston. They sailed from Boston 3 August. Ibid. Mr. Bentley [Coll Hist. Soc. vi. 253.] says, that Mr. Peters was much engaged in trade, and knew all its embarrassments ; and that, as he had often done the business of the colony with success, he was thought a proper person to return to England, and to represent the sense of the colony upon the laws f excise and trade. The historian of Salem ascribes the rapid improve- ments in that town to the influence of Mr. Peters, during the five years of his ministry. " The arts were introduced. A watermill was erected ; a glass house ; salt works ; the planting of hemp was encouraged, and a reg- ular market was established. An almanack was introduced to direct their affairs. Commerce had unexampled glory. He formed the plan of the fishery, of the coasting voyages, of the foreign voyages ; and among many other vessels, one of 300 tons was undertaken under his influence." Id. ibid. Neither Welde nor Pe'ters ever returned to N. England. The first was e- jected in the reign of Charles II ; the other came to a tragical end. Hut- chinson, i. 98. i Winthrop Journal, 218. " Upon the great liberty which the king had left the parliament to, in England, some of our friends there wrote to us ad- vice to send over some to solicit for us in the parliament, giving us hope that we might obtain much &c. but consulting about it, we declined the motion for this consideration, that if we should put ourselves under the protection of the parliament, we must then be subject to all such laws as they should make, or at least such as they might impose upon us ; in which course though they should intend our good, yet it might prove very preju- dicial to us." Ibid. On this passage governor Trumbull, nearly 140 years afterward, remarked : " Here observe, that as at this time, so it hath been ever since, that the colonies, so far from acknowledging the parliament to have a right to make laws binding on them in all cases whatsoever, they have ever denied it in any case." Lett* to J. D. Vander Capellan in Coll, Hist. Soc. vi. 156. 3 Wonderwork. Prov. 170. 320 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1641. ern the people there, nor to restrain them from spoil- ing their timber, agreed to assign all their interest of jurisdiction to Massachusetts, reserving the land to themselves. The inhabitants at Dover and Straw- berry bank were accordingly declared to belong to the Massachusetts jurisdiction. x March i. William Bradford, governor of Plymouth, surren- Plymonth , . -, r r -, ..,/. , patent dered to the freemen of that jurisdiction the patent transferred. o f the colony, which had been taken in his name.* Richard Smith purchased of the sachems a tract fcouse at f l an d in the Narraganset country, remote from the Narragan- English settlements ; erected a house of trade ; and gave free entertainment to all travellers. 3 The Dutch The Dutch governor at Manhattan pressed the H^tfoS. 10 English with his claim to all the territory of Hart- ford. The governor and council of Connecticut re- turned an answer to the Dutch, without determin- ing the question of yielding more land to their trad- ing house, which had now but thirty acres. Dis- satisfied with this answer, the Dutch sent soldiers to be billetted at their trading house ; but the Indians, at this juncture, killing some of their men at fort Au- rania, they were constrained to keep their soldiers at home, in their own defence. 4 N.E.colo- The Caribbee islands about this time attracting nistsat- the attention of the people of New England, many settle^ persons sold their estates, to transplant themselves the island and their families to the island of Providence ; but ^ ien * n P es of settling a plantation there were soon frustrated by the Spaniards. 5 i Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xlv. 1 Hazard Coll. i. 468, where is the instrument of surrender. Mather Magnal. book ii. 5. The " Purchasers or Old Coiners" made a reservation of three tracts in the patent for themselves. See Hazard $.466, 467, where the names of those first purchasers are preserved. 3 Coll. Hist. Soc. v. ai6. The land, which Smith bought, was" among the thickest of the Indians ;" his house was " on the great road of the coun- try." Ibid. 4 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xlix. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xlvi. The English had been in posses- sion of the isle of Providence, and had partly planted it, ever since 1629; AMERICAN ANNALS* 321 The French began the preceding year (1640) to Surinam, plant at a place on the continent of South America, y a J5f nc<1 called Surinam, in nine degrees of north latitude, French, from the mouth of the river Oronoque., southward to the river Maroni ; but that country being loWj marshy and unhealthful, they abandoned it this year. The English, the same year, at the expense i s settled by of lord Willoughby, first settled there. ' the English; 1642. The house of commons passed a memorable re- Resolve of solve in favour of New England, exempting its im- commons ports and exports from custom, subsidy, or taxation. z in favour The ministers of New England received letters of Nt Eng * from several pious people in Virginia, earnestly so- Ministers liciting a supply of faithful ministers. At a lecture invited to in Boston three ministers were agreed oh for the so- Vir mia - licited mission \ and they went with letters of re- commendation from the governor of Massachusetts to the governor and council of Virginia ; but their residence in that colony was short \ and the pious design was unhappily frustrated. 3 The assembly of divines at Westminster being called by the parliament, to consider and advise a- attend the out they were now (1641) attacked by the Spaniards with a great force, assembly and obliged to surrender the island to them. The Spaniards however, hav- of divines ing nothing in view, in driving out the English, but to keep up their pre- at West- tensions to all the Bahama islands, did not settle on the captured island ; minster* and the English again took possession of it. Anderson, ii. 391. I Anderson,ii. 389, 392. a Chalmers, i. 174. Hutchinson, 1.114, where the order is inserted. The introduction of it is remarkable : " Whereas the plantations in New England have, by the blessing of the Almighty, had good and prosperous Success, 'without any public charge to this state" &c. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xxvii, xxviii, xlvii. The three ministerSj sent to Virginia, were Mr. Thompson of Braintree, Mr. Knolles of Water- town, and Mr. James of New Haven. They went in 1643, and returned the next summer ; for the government of Virginia had made an order, that all such persons, as would not conform to the discipline of the church of England, should depart the country by a certain day. Ibid. Mather Mag- nal. book iii. 119. ** Though the state did silence the ministers because they would not conform to the order of England, yet the people resorted to them in private houses to hear them," Winthrop Journ. 272, 23 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1-642. bout the settling of church government ; several lords of the upper house, and about thirty members of thehouse of commons, with some ministers in Eng- land, who were for the independency of churches, sent letters to Mr. Cotton of Boston, Mr. Hooker of Hartford, and Mr. Davenport of New Haven, to ask their assistance in that synod ; but they declined the invitation. 1 The first commencement at Harvard College was mence- holden at Cambridge on the ninth of October ; Harv-frd w ^ cn ' nme candidates took the degree of bachelor of College. ar t s . Most of the members of the general court were present ; and, for the encouragement of the students, dined at the " ordinary commons." z r.Mayhew Thomas Mayhew of Watertown, having recently ^ties^ obtained of lord Stirling's agent a grant of Martha's vineyard. Vineyard, with the adjacent islands, removed his family to the Vineyard, and began a settlement at Edgarton, of which he was the ruler, and his son- the minister. He appears to have been the first Englishman, who settled on that island* 3 journey to Darby Field, an Irishman, living nearPascataqua, the white went in June, accompanied by two Indians, to the mtuins. white Hi]ls in New Hampshire, nearly a hundred miles west of Saco. About a month after, he went again to those mountains, with five or six persons ; and, by a report of strange stones, excited great ex- 1 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xlvii. Winthrop Journ. 254, 255. Hut- chi'nson, i. nj, 116 ; where is a copy of the invitation, with the names of the signers. 2 Winthrop Journ. 264, 265. The bachelors, now graduated, " were young, men of good hope, and performed their parts so as gave good proof of their proficiency in the tongues and arts." Ibid. The Theses of this first class of graduates are published entire in Hutchineon- Mass. Appendix, No. VI. 3 Neal N. Eng. I. 435. Hutchinson, i. 161. Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 155. Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket were not included in either of the four New England governments. The earl of Stirling laid claim to all the is- lands, between Cape Cod and Hudson's river. Together with the convey- ance of territory to Mayhew, he granted, according to the opinion and us- age of his day, the same powers of government, which the Massachusetts people" enjoyed by their charter. Hence it was, that Mayhew was gcvernor of the islands. Hutchinson, ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 323 p,ectation of precious metallic substances ; but they 1 642. were never found. x The general court of Massachusetts made an or- Order der for the preparation of houses for saltpetre, with the intention of manufacturing gunpowder $ but it was not carried into effect for several years. * A village was granted at Ipswich river ; which Topsfieid, afterward was called Topsfield. 3 Richard Blinman, who had been a minister in Gloucester Wales, went with a few people from Green's Har- < settled * hour, near Plymouth, where he had been seated a short time, and settled at Cape Ann, which, at a general court this year, was established to be a plantation, and called Gloucester. 4 Gorton, the familist exile, and eleven other per- Warwick sons purchased of Miantonimoh, the Narraganset setde(L sachem, a tract of land at Mishawomet, where he built a. town, which was afterward called Warwick. 5 A village having been begun the last year within the township of Charlestown, a church was now gathered there, and the settlement was called Wo- burn. 6 I Winthrop Journ. 447, 248, 265. Belknap [N. Hamp. j. 19 -21.] has placed this article in 1632 ;but gov. Wintlirop is doubtless correct, ^ Wonderwork. Pro v. 181. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xlv. 4 Winthrop Journ. 244. Wonderwork. Prov. 169. 5 Callender, 36. It was built about 14 miles northward ef Smith's trad- Ing house. Coll. Hist. Soc. v. 217. The purchasers paid for the land 144 fathoms of wampum. Hutchinson, 1. 118. Gorton and his friends 19 Au- gust 1644 procured a solemn submission of the Narraganset sachems f> king Charles ; and Gorton, Greene, and Holden went to England, and ob- tained an order, to be suffered peaceably to possess their purchase. Their tract being incorporated in the province of Providence Plantations, they re- turned, and carried on their improvements ; and then, in honour of the earl of Warwick, who had given them friendly patronage, they named the place Warwick. Callender, 36, 37. 6 Winthrop Journ. 368. Mr. Carter was ordained pastor of the church. Jbid. Wonderwork. Prov. 175. In the first settlement of New England, Johnson observes, when the people judged their number competent to maintain a minister, " they then surely seated themselves, and not before ; it being as unnatural for a right New England man to live without an able ministry, as for a smith to work his iron without fire." Ibid. 324 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1642. About twelve hundred and thirty two freemen Progress were added this year to Massachusetts colony. * ian?' Eng " There had now been settled in New England sev- enty seven ministers, who were driven from the pa^ rent country, beside sixteen students, who afterward became ministers ; z fifty towns and villages had been planted ; thirty or forty churches, and a great- er number of ministers' houses had been erected ; a castle, several prisons, and forts. Ships had been built from a hundred to four hundred tons ; and five of them were already at sea, 3 The Eng- Emigrant colonists from Connecticut had already hsh on L. i r T T i i T island im- overspread the eastern end or Long Island, Jin- pededby couraged by a title, given by earl Stirling in 1639, the Dutch, v j i /^ v> i they now advanced westward to Oyster Bay ; but were driven back by Kieft, the Dutch governor at New Netherlands, because they appeared with- in sight of his residence. The inhabitants of Con- Fort Hope necticut instantly seized the garrison of Fort Hope on the river Connecticut, in the vicinity of Hart- ford, and obliged the Dutch to recede within ten miles of the Hudson. 4 Colonists The people of New Haven, intending to make a ve-fset up. plantation at Delaware, sent agents, who duly pur- a trading chased of the natives several tracts of land, on both f Delaware bay or river, to which neither the Dutch, nor the Swedes had any just title ; s and e- rected a trading house. It did not however remain long unmolested. Kieft, the Dutch governor at 1 Wonderwork. Pro v. 172. 2 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 289. 3 N. Eng. First Fruits, in Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 247, 248. 4 Chalmers, i. 571. See p. 272, 276, of this volume. 5 Hazard Coll. ii. 164. The occasion of the success of the New Haven agents is remarkable. A Pequot sachem, in the time of the Pequot war, had fled from his country, and settled on Delaware river. He, at this junc- ture, gave an honourable testimony in behalf of the English people, by whom his nation had been exterminated. He told the Delaware sachem, that, although they had killed his countrymen, and driven him out ; yet they were honest men, and had just cause to do what they did ; for the Pe- quots, he acknowledged, had done them wrong, and refused, when demand- ed, to give them reasonable satisfaction. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, jdvi- AMERICAN ANNALS. 3*5 New Netherlands, without any legal protest or 1642. warning, sent armed men to the Delaware, who burned the trading house, and seized the goods. x Emigrants from Maryland having taken posses- colonists sion of the Dutch Schuylkill,* the governor of New of Mary. Netherlands, hearing of what he deemed an intru- j^t^ sion, sent Alpendam from Manhattan with two sloops, of the and easily dispossessed these English colonists, un- Schuylkillj prepared for resistance. The weakness of Mary- t utaredi3 , land, yet in its infancy, and the distractions of the possessed, parent country, involved in civil war, prevented ex- pressions of provincial and of national resentment. * Intrigues of Cleyborne, in Maryland, infused jeal- i n dj an war ousy into the natives. The rapid increase of the in Mary- English, threatening their own annihilation as a " ' people, gave them much uneasiness- Individuals procured their lands, without the authority of gov- ernment, for considerations totally inadequate, with which therefore, in review, they were greatly dissat- isfied. These combined causes, in the beginning of this year, brought on an Indian war, which, with its accustomed evils, continued several years, 3 The Iroquois had already entered into a consider- ko^oi* able commerce with the Dutch at New Netherlands, trade with to whom they disposed of their peltry, and who, in theDutch - return, furnished them with fire arms. 4 Maisonneuve, a gentleman of Champaigne, who, Montreal the preceding year, Brought over several French families to Montreal, now entered with them into possession of their new habitation and chapel of this island, with many religious solemnities. 5 l Hazard Coll. ii. 164, 213. * Hiding Creel. % Chalmers, i. 632. 3 Chalmers, i. 216. See p. 261, 269, of this volume. In 1644 there was a sudden massacre of 300 English people in Virginia. All the Indians for 600 miles had confederated to exterminate all strangers from the country. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xlvii. 4 Wynne,i. 308. See p. 175 of this volume. 5 Wynne, i. 307. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 227, 228. In 1640, the French king had vested the property of the island in 35 associates, of whom Maisonneuve was one ; and 15 Oct. 1641 he was declared governor of the island. Ibid, 326 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1643. May 19, Thi s i s the memorable rera of the first union of . the New England colonies. This confederacy had been in agitation several years. As early as the year 1638, articles of union between the four colo- nies of Massachusetts, Plymouth^ Connecticut and New Haven, for amity, offence and defence, mutual advice and assistance on all necessary occasions, were drawn up, and referred to a future time for conside- ration. Difficulties however occurred, which retard- ed the execution of the design until the present year ; when commissioners, appointed by those colonies^ completed and signed the articles of union at Bos- ton, on the nineteenth of May. 1 The reasons, as- s *S ne d f r this lim ' on were, the dispersed state of the colonies ; the' vicinity of the Dutch, Swiss, and French, who were inclined to encroachments ; the hostile disposition of the neighbouring Indians ; the appearance of a general combination of these savage tribes, to extirpate the English colonies ; the com- mencement of civil contests in the parent country ; the impossibility of obtaining aid from England in any emergence : and, in fine, the alliance, already formed between these colonies by the sacred ties of religion. The commissioners declared, that, as in nation and religion, so in other respects they be and continue one > and henceforth be called by the I The articles were now signed by all the commissioners, excepting those of Plymouth, " who, for want of commission from their general court, deferred their subscription till the :iext meeting ;" and then (Sept. 7.) they also subscribed them. Winthrop Journ. 282. Hutchinson,* i. 125. In Plymouth colony, beside the town cf Plymouth, there were now settled Duxborough, Scituate, Taunton, Rehoboth, Sandwich, Barnstable, and Yarmouth. Hutchinson, i. 207. It ought to have been mentioned before^ that DUXBOROUGH was incorporated in 1637 ; and that many years before, there were several families settled in the place [Coll. Hist. Soc. ii. 3.] ; and that TAUNTON and SANDWICH began to be settled in 1637. Winthrop Journ. 147. Tecticut was the Indian name of the place where Taunton. is settled. A plantation was begun there " by a gentlewoman an ancient maid one Mrs. Poole^; she went thither, and endured much hardship, and lost much cuttle." Sandwich was begun " by many families which ris moved from S;igus otherwise Linn.." Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. ttame of THE UNITED COLONIES OF NEW ENG- 1643. LAND. 1 The members of this league were deemed by all their neighbours as one body, with regard to their public transactions, though the peculiar affairs of each continued to be managed by its own courts and magistrates. Rhode Island, petitioning to be admitted a member of it, was absolutely refused, R. island unless, by submitting to the jurisdiction of Plymouth^ it should cease to be a separate colony. It prefer- t he tfni red however the flattering benefits of independence to all the advantages of dependent union. 2 On the completion of the colonial confederacy, several Indian sachems came in, and submitted to the English government ; among whom were Miari- tonimoh the Narraganset and Uncas the Moheagari chief. 3 The union rendered the colonies formida- ble to the Dutch, as well as Indians, and respecta- ble in the view of the French ; maintained general harmony among themselves, and secured the peace and rights of the country ; preserved the colonies during the civil wars and unsettled state of England ; was the grand instrument of their defence in Phil- lip's war ; and was essentially serviceable in civil- izing and Christianizing the Indians. 4 The pro- portion of men, assigned to the colonies by this al- liance, was a hundred to Massachusetts, and forty five to each of the other three colonies, Plymouth, Hartford, and New Haven. s Massachusetts was divided this year into four counties, or shires ; Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, and Norfolk. 6 1 Trumbull, i. 126. Morton, 130. Hutchimon, i. 124, 126. The ar- ticles of this Union are entire in Winthrop Journ. 276 282 ; Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, li ; Brit. Etnp. i. 2,81 287 ; Neal N. Eng. i. 223. This union subsisted more than 40 years, until the abrogation of the charters of the N. England colonies by king James II. 2 Chalmers, i. 178, 3 Wonderwork. Prov. 183. 4 Trumbuli, i. 127. .S British Emp. i. 84. 6 Hutchinson, i. 117, AME&ICA& ANNALS. 1643. Several persons, arriving at Boston, attempted to? fcresbyte- establish presbyterian government, under the au- rians. thority of the assembly of divines at Westminster, which met this year ; but they were baffled by the general court. 1 Manner of The Massachusetts general court ordered, that, balloting i n the yearly choice of assistants, the freemen should use Indian corn and beans ; the Indian corn, to manifest elections ; the beans, the contrary ; with a penalty of ten pounds for putting in more than one Indian corn or bean, for the choice or refusal of any public officer. * The same court ordered, that Wampampeag should pass current in the pay- ment f debts to *he amoiint f f rt y shillings ; the tender. white, at eight a penny, the black at four, except- ing in payment of country rates. 3 pioughPa- Mr. Rigbee, a wealthy gentleman in England, a tent at Sa- counsellor at law, and a member of the long parlia- ment, having purchased the Plough Patent, at Sa- gadahock, called Ligonia, sent over Mr. Cleaves with a commission to govern the people there, as his deputy. A legal controversy respecting the right to this territory ensued. Rigbee, or his agent, aad assignees, at length relinquished their title to any part of it. 4 township The township of Wells, in the province of Maine, of Weils. W as granted by Thomas Gorges, deputy governor, as agent to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, lord proprietor of that province, and was confirmed by a court, holden at Saco the following year. s On complaints against Gorton and his adherents^ for injuries done to the natives, and other crimes, they were sent for 1 , to appear at the general court at Boston. On their refusal to acknowledge the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, Gorton and several of I Chalmers, i. 165. Massachusetts Laws. Jiutchinson, 1. 117^ 4, Massachusetts Lava. 3 Ibid. 4 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xliv. 5 Coll. Hist. Soc, iii. I3& AMERICAN ANNALS. 329 his adherents were taken, carried to Boston, and im- 1643. prisoned ; and the next year were banished from the Gorton, jurisdiction, and from the lands, purchased of the In- dians, on pain of death* It was strongly suspected, that Miantonimoh had, Suspicions" the last year, contrived to draw all the Indians throughout the country into a general conspiracy a- gainst the English* . On being sent., for however, by the Massachusetts government, he readily ap- peared, and declared his innocence with respect to a conspiracy ; and the English were satisfied* * This year Miantonimoh made war on Un.cas, the war be- Pequot sachern, who had been uniformly friendly to ^ ee n n . Mi * the English, and was still their ally. With a thou- mohand sand Narragansets, Miantonimoh gave. Uncas bat- Uncas * tie ; but Uncas, with less than half that number of Moheagans, obtained the victory, and took Mian- tonimoh prisoner. By the advice of the commis- Miantoni- sioners of the United Colonies, he soon after cut off^ h kll ~ his head* 3 The English parliament passed an ordinance, ap- E. of War- pointing the earl of Warwick governor in chief, and W ^g n ^ de lord high admiral of the American colonies, with a'aha'admi- council of five peers, and twelve commoners. It em- ral . of . th ^ , , . t . . . , , . . . colonies.' powered him, in conjunction with his associates, to examine the state of their affairs ; to send for pa- pers and persons ; to remove governors and officers, and appoint others in their places ; and to assign ,0- ver to these such part of the powers, that were now granted) as he should think proper. 4 I Winthrop Journ. 309, 310. Callender 36. Hutchinson, 1.119-" i as. Adams N. Eng. 66. Hubbard [MS. N. Eng. chap, xlvii.] says, Gorton en- couraged the Narragansets to rise in rebellion against the United Colonies ; but 1 do not find this charge alleged, at the trial. See a letter, written by him in his own defence, in Hutchinson, i. Appendix No. xx. See p> 323 of this volume. i Hubbard Ind. Wars, 44. 3 Winthrop Journ. 305, 306. I. Mather Ind. .Troubles, 56.. 'Hubbard Ind. Wars, 44, 45 ; MS. N. Eng. chap. 1. Callender, 72. Coll. Hist. Soc. ix. 77, 84. Hubbard (ut supra) describes Miantonimoh as " a very good- }y personage, of tail stature, subtil and cunning in his contrivements, as well as haughty in his designs." 4 Chalmers, i. 176. This ordinance is entire in Hazard Coll.i. 533 535* Z z AMERICAN ANNALS. 1643* ^kc English people of New Haven, In all their Complaints attempts to settle a plantation at Delaware, found twragtfnrt the Swedes open enemies, and the Dutch secret un- the Dutch derminers of their interest. This year Mr. Lamber- ks * ton, in the name of the settlers, complained to the commissioners for the United Colonies of many gross injuries, which they sustained from both ; of the Dutch, for burning down their trading house on the river j and of the Swedes, for complicated a- buses. Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts, pre- sident of the commissioners for die United Colonies, wrote in September to William Kieft, the Dutch governor of New Netherlands, and to John Prince, the Swedish governor at Delaware, on the subject of these injuries ; and soon after received answers, " but without any satisfaction/* 1 The commis- sioners however authorized Mr. Lamberton to treat with the Swedish governor, and gave him a new commission to proceed with the trade and planta- tion at Delaware ; and harmony was restored. z Governors The government of Harvard College had been of Harvard committed by the general court to all the magistrates potitfd. ap ~ an< ^ ^ e raiders of the three nearest churches, with . the president ; but the court now enacted, that all the magistrates and the teaching elders [ministers 3 of the six nearest towns, 3 and the president for the time being, should be governors of the college for- ever. 4 Lancaster Some of the inhabitants of Watertown began a led ' plantation at Nashaway, which was called Lancaster. s r Hazard Coll.ii. 320. a Hubbuvd MS. N. Eng. chap. xlis. 3 Cambridge, Watertown, Charlestown, Boston, Roxbury and Dorchester, 4 Winthrop Journ. 319. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. a I. They met the first time, by virtue of this act, 27 December 1643, " considered of the officer* of the college, and chose a treasurer." Ibid. 5 Winthrop Journ. 321, AMERICAN ANNALS. 331 1 644. Roger Williams, having been sent to England, Patent for as agent for Rhode Island and Providence, by the interest of Sir Henry Vane obtained of the earl of Warwick a patent for the incorporation of the towns of Providence, Newport, and Portsmouth, with the power of governing themselves ; but agreeably to the laws of England. * An interesting change took place In the govern- ment of Massachusetts. The deputies in the gen- eral court moved, that the two houses might set a- divided part, the magistrates by themselves, and the depu- to two ties by themselves ; and that what the one should agree upon should be sent to the other, and, if both should agree, then the act to pass. The motion, after considerable controversy, and some delay, took effect ; and, from this time, votes were sent, in a parliamentary way, from one house to the other. * The castle on Castle Island having fallen into de- Castle on cay, 3 the six neighbouring towns undertook to re- Castle is- build it, at their own charges ; but, when completed, ^ dre -P air the other towns in the colony contributed somewhat toward the expense. A captain was now ordained, and put in possession of the castle, with a yearly stipend for himself and his soldiers, whom he was to keep in constant readiness on the island. 4 There were now twenty six training bands in Military state of I Callender, 43, 44. Chalmers, 1. 271, 272. Hutchinson, i. 39. Ad- Massacnu " ams N. Eng. 66, 67. The patent is in Hazard Coll. i. 538 -540. It is 8e "*' there dated 14 March 1643 but that was according to the old method -of dating. Williams went to England in 1643, i Winthrop Journ. 328. Mass. Laws. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xlvi. Hutchinson, i. 143. Chalmers, i. 166. 3 The reason of this early decay was, that " the country afforded no lime, but what was burnt .of osyter shells." Coll. Hist. -Soc. iii. 298. Hub- bard [MS. N. Eng. chap, xlix.]- says, that the towns, which rebuilt the cas- tle, were alarmed by the menaces of the Dutch, .and apprehended, that, without some fortification at the entrance into Boston harbour, they lay *' exposed to the invasion of a mean and contemptible enemy ;" that the assistance from other towns was in 1645 ; and that afterward the genera! court completed the establishment. 4 Wonderwork. Prov. 194. 332 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1 644. Massachusetts ; and .the soldiers, composing them, were ordered to "be exercised and drilled,' ' eight days in a year. l Their officers were chosen by a major vote of the militia. * A horse troop was also enlisted. * It was ordained, that there be one gen- eral officer, in time of war, under the name of ma* jor general. 4 Thomas Dudley, esquire, was appoint- ed to this office, at the general election in May ^ and was the first major general in Massachusetts. * The reverend Mr, Wilson of Boston, among other donors, gave a thousand pounds for the procure- ment of artillery. 6 Oct. 8. A treaty of peace was made at Boston between Treaty be- governor Endicot and the assistants, on the one Massachu, part, and M. Marie, the deputy of M. D' Aulney, setts gov- the French governor of Acadie, on the other ; with ernment &. . T i > . V "i i the French, a proviso, that it be ratified by the commissioners for the United Colonies at their next meeting. 7 Lav/ a- The Anabaptists beginning to grow troublesome painst An, i n Massachusetts, the legislature of that colony pas- sed a law against them, with the penalty of banish- ment for adherence to their principles, and contempt of civil and ecclesiastical authority. 8 Nantasket Nantasket, having now nearly twenty houses, named anc l a minister, was by the general court named ^ u ^- 9 Eastham was built by the people of-Plym- outh. ' The reverend Samuel Newman with part of his church removed from Wey mouth, and settled i Wonderwork, Proy. 191. a Pemberton's MSS. 3 Ibid. 4 Jealousy of the military power is discernible in Johnson's account of this transaction. He represents the government, as " labouring to avoid high titles," yet as ordaining this office, and conferring this title, from a conviction of the necessity of order and subordination. See p. 304. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xlv. 6 Wonderwork. Prov. 194. 7 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, liii ; and Hazard Coll. 1.536, 53 7, where this Treaty is inserted. See also Hazard Coll. ii. 53, 54. Winthrop Journ. 360. The commissioners Gratify it in September 1645. 8 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xlv. Hazard Coll. i. 538, where the law is inserted. 9 Winthrop Journ. 339. 10 Morton, 131. AMERICAN ANNALS. 333 Rehoboth. 1 The towns of Reading 2 and Wen- Reading & ham, in Massachusetts, were founded. 3 Martha's Vineyard, by an act of the commission- Martha's ers for the United Colonies, was annexed to Massa- chusetts. 4 William Brewster, ruling elder of the church in Death of Plymouth, died in the eighty fourth year of his age. ! w - Brews - St. Lucia lying uninhabited, Parquet, a French- si Lucia man, sent to that island forty men under Rou- se ied. sellan, well provided with stores and ammunition. Rousellan, marrying a Caribbee woman, was left unmolested ; and the Indians traded with his colony. 6 1645. The commissioners for the United Colonies 7 sent Amyrz ^ messengers to the sachems of Narraganset and Mo- ed against heagan, requiring their appearance at Boston, and, ' in the mean time, a suspension of the wars between the two nations. The Narragansets treated the mes- sengers kindly at the first, but soon, changing their 1 Pres. Stiles Lit. Diary. Here he completed his Concordance, using pine knots for his study light. Ib. He spent a year and a half at Dorches- ter ; 5 years at Weymouth ; and 19 years at Rehoboth ; where he died in 1663, jEtat. LXIII. Mather. Magnal. book iii. 113 116. It is bis work, which passes under the name of The Cambridge Concordance." ColL Hist. Soc. ix. 191. One edition Lad been printed in England. 2 Wonderwork. Prov. 188. Hubbard [MS. N. Eng. chap, xlvii.] says, a church was gathered there the next year. 3 Wonderwork. Prov. 189. Wenham was built between Salem and Ipswich ; and a church was now gathered there. 4 Pemberton MSS. 5 Coll. Hist. Soc. iv. 108, 113. Morton, 126 (there wrongly placed in 1643). Belknap Biog. 252* 266. He was educated at the University of Cambridge in England ; and was a man of considerable abilities and learn- ing, and of eminent piety. Though well qualified for the pastoral office, yet his diffidence would not allow him to undertake it. In the destitute state however of the Plymouth church, his public services were of the highest utility. In his discourses he was discriminating, yet pathetic ; in the government of the church, resolute, yet conciliatory. 6 Univ. Hist. xli. 217. 7 The meeting of the Commissioners 'was called 28 June, before their ordinary time of meeting, " partly," says Morton [133.], " in regard of some differences between the French and the Government of the Massachu- setts, about their aiding of Monsieur Latore, and partly about the Indians, who had broken their former agreements about the peace, concluded the year befoie." 334 AMERICAN ANNALS* 1645. tone, declared their determination to have no peace, without the head of Uncas. Roger Williams of Providence giving notice to the commissioners, that the Narragansets would suddenly break out against the English, they drew up a declaration, containing those facts, which they considered sufficient to justi- fy them in making war against the Narragansets. r In prosecution of such a war, they determined im- AugBst 30. mediately to raise three hundred men.* The news Treaty of o f tne preparation of this army intimidated the Nar- ragansets, who now submitted to peace, on terms proposed to them by the commissioners. These terms were, That, as their breach of covenant had been the cause of all the expense in preparing for war, and it was but reasonable that they should re- imburse it, they should pay, at different periods, two thousand fathoms of wampum ; restore to Un- cas all the captives and canoes, which they had ta- ken from him, and make satisfaction for destroying his corn ; submit all matters of controversy between them and Uncas, to the commissioners, at their next meeting ; keep perpetual peace with the English and all their allies and subjects ; and give hostages for the performance of the treaty. This treaty was signed on the thirtieth of August ; and Indian hos- tages were left. The small English army, already prepared to march, was now disbanded ; and the fourth day of September, which had been appointed for a fast, was ordered to be observed as a day of thanksgiving. 3 I It is entitled, " A Dechracon of former passages and proceedings be- twixt the English and the Narrohiggansets, with their confederates, where- in the grounds and justice of the ensuing warr are opened and cleared.'* This Declaration was published by order of the Commissioners at Boston, on the 19th. of August, 1645. A copy of it is preserved in Hazard Coll. ii. 45 jo, and in Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. 1. In this Declaration it is affirmed, that the English Colonies, " both in their Treaties and converse with the barbarous natives of this wilderness, have had an awful respect to tlivine rules." i Massachusetts was to furnish 190 ; Plymouth, 40 ; Connecticut, 40 ; New Haven, 30. Hutchinson, i. 139. 3 Hutchinson, i. 1,38142. Trambull, :. 152156. The parties in AMERICAN ANNALS. 335 The genera] court of Massachusetts laid an im- 1645, post on wines and strong liquors, for the support Im P st - of government, the maintenance of fortifications, and the protection of the harbours. 1 Most English manufacturers having already be- iron work gun to flourish in New England, liberty was grant- at Lynfi ed this year, by the legislature of Massachusetts, to make iron. An iron work was accordingly set up at Lynn, with good patronage, and for a consider- able time was carried on with spirit ; but at length, through some fault, it failed. * A remarkable instance of justice occurred in Mas- sachusetts this year, in the execution of the law, a- gainst buying and selling slaves. A negro, who chaser had been " fraudulently and injuriously taken and brought from Guinea,'* and sold to Mr. Williams of Pascataqua, was demanded by the general court, that he might be sent home to his native country. 3 Manchester, in Massachusetts, was incorporated. A ship, built at Cambridge, sailing for the Cana- ries, carrying fourteen pieces of ordnance and about thirty men, was attacked by an Irish man of war twen * with seventy men and twenty pieces. A severe ac- N.England tion ensued, which continued a whole day j but a man of d * war. this Treaty were, the Commissioners of the United Colonies of New Eng- land, and Pessecus Mexanno, the eldest of the sons of Canonicus, and other Sagamores of the Narraganset and Niantic Indians. Hazard Coll. ii. 40 43, where the Articles of this Treaty are inserted entire. The commissioners, " considering that the colonies of Connecticut and New Haven have expended more than their proportions in the late expedi- tion, and that they have been out of purse a good value a considerable tyme before the other colonies were at any charge about the same," ordered, that those two colonies should have the 500 fathoms of wampum, due on the first payment, deducting the first hundred fathoms ordered to be given to Uncas. Hazard Coll. ii. 44. I Massachusetts Laws. Ten shillings were to be paid for every butt of Spanish wine, landed in the colony. Hubbard MS. N. ng. chap. lv. a Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xlv. " Instead of drawing out bars of Iron for the country's use," says thi* historian, there was hammered out- nothing but contention and lawsuits." 3 Beiknap N. Hump. i. 75. The court uras " resolved to send him fcacfc without delay." Ibid. 4 Coll Hist. Soc. vi, 231. 4 te AMERICAN ANNALS. 1645- shot at length raking the steerage of the man of war, the New England ship escaped. * provi- There were in Providence and its vicinity, about this time, one hundred and one men, fit to bear arms. l Towns in In the colony of Connecticut there were eight nlVor" taxable towns ; Hartford, Windsor, Wethersfield, Connecti- Stratford, Fairfield, 3 Saybrook, Southampton on Ne'wHa- Long Island], and Farmington. 4 In the colony of ven. New Haven there were six ; New Haven, Milford, Guilford, Southold [on Long Island], Stamford,, and Branford. 5 Acadie Charles de la Tour, for the sum of two thousand mortgaged. an j eighty four pounds, mortgaged fort La Tour, and all his lands and possessions in Acadie, to ser- geant major Edward Gibbons. 6 Virginia The legislature of Virginia prohibited dealing by currency. b arter . anc j established the Spanish piece of eight at six shillings, as the standard of currency for that colony. 7 I Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ivi. 1 Pres. .Stiles Literary Diary. 3 FAIRFIELD was settled soon after the Pequot war. Mr. Ludlow, who went with the troops in pursuit of the Pequots to Sasco (the great swamp where the battle was fought), was so pleased with that fine tract of coun* try, that he soon projected a settlement there ; and in 1639 he with a number of others began a plantation at Unquowa, which was called by the settlers Fairfield. At first there were but 8 or 10 families, which proba- bly removed from Windsor with Mr. Ludlow ; very soon after, another company from Watertown joined them ; and a third company, from Con- cord. Trumbull, i. 104, 105. The settlers from Concord brought with them a minister, Mr. Jones ; who came from England an cldmun, and died a few years afterward. Pres. Stiles Itinerary. 4 FARMINGTON received its name this year (1645). It was part of a tract, purchased by governor in behalf of Hartford in 1640. The Indian name of that entire tract was Tunxis ; which included the towns of Parmington and Southington, and extended westward to the Mohawk - country. Trumbull, i. 1 15. 5 Trumbull, i. 157. BRANFORD was settled about 1640, by a number of people from Wethersfield. The Indian name of the place wasTotcket -, which was sold to the Wethersfield people by New Haven, for what it c riginally cost that tov/n. The Rev. Abraham Pierson, v/ith a part of his church and congregation from Long Island, united with the people or Wethersfield in the settlement of Branford. Ibid. .144. 6 Hazard Coll. i. 541 544. where fhe^e i.; . cnny of f >.e trcrfgagr, 7 Jefferson Virg. 247. AMERICAN ANNALS. 337 A conspiracy of William Cleyborne and Richard Rebellion Ingle, aided by the turbulent spirit of the times, rais- 'td a rebellion in Maryland. Calvert > the governor, unsupported by any real power, was constrained tQ #ee into Virginia. Cleyborne and Ingle instantly seized the administration, which they exercised with the accustomed violence of the rebellious. * The fort of the Swedes at Delaware was burnt ^ Swedish with all its buildings ; and all their powder and fort burjlt < goods were blown up. * The Dutch governor at Santa Cruz about this SantaCruz, time surprised the English governor on that island, and murdered him. A war ensued on the island, and the Dutch were defeated. * r , 1646. The general court of Massachusetts passed the Ac tofthe first act to encourage the carrying of the gospel to the Indians ; and recommended it to the ministers to consult on the best means of effecting the de- carrying sign.* . By their advice, it is probable, the first In- dian mission was undertaken ; for on the twenty eighth of October the reverend John Eliot com- menced those pioiis and indefatigable labours among the natives, which ultimately procured for him the title of The Indian Apostle. His first visit was to the Indians at Nonantuin, whom he had apprized bf his intention > i Chalmers; i. 317. This rebellion was suppressed an Augas: 1646, a Hubbard MS. N. Eng> chap, xlviii. 3 Univ. Hist. xli. 261. 4 Hutchinson, i. 161* 5 Hutchinson, i. 161 163. Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 168 ; v. 156, 257 ; vii; 34. They were situated on the south side of Charles river, about 4 or 5 miles from his house at Roxbury. On his approach to their village, ac- companied by three other persons, Waban, a wise and grave Indian, at- tended by five or six others, met him, and welcomed him and his compan- ions into a large wigwam, where a considerable number of his country- men assembled, to hear the new doctrine. After a short prayer in Eng- lish, Mr. Eliot delivered a sermon, of an hour's length, in the Indian lan~ guage ; and was well understood by his new and attentive auditory. Ma~ ny of th5 hearers listened to his discourse with teats. Waban r^eived r*~ A a a ' 333 AMERICAN ANNALS, 2646. Bf a. motion of the general court of Massachu second sy- Se tts 9 a synod, called for the purpose of settling a uniform scheme of ecclesiastical discipline, met at setts. Cambridge. * In an agreement, made in 1644, between George Fenwick and agents of the colony of Connecticut, it was stipulated, that a certain duty on corn, bis- cuit, beaver, and cattle, which should be exported from the river's mouth, should be paid to Fenwick for the space of ten years. This agreement was confirmed, the succeeding year, by the general court, impost on which, at the same time, passed an act, imposing a exports d u ty of two pence per bushel on all grain ; six pence from Con- * , r , . * ., r i i it necticut on every hundred weight or biscuit ; and a small river. j^y on a jj beaver, exported from the mouth of the river during the same period. The object of this duty was the maintenance of the fort at Saybrook. At a meeting of the commissioners for the United Colonies this year (1646), the commissioners from Connecticut made complaint, that Mr. Pynchon and Springfield the inhabitants of Springfield refused to pay the refuses, i m p O st. a The board of commissioners judged the fort at Saybrook to be of great importance to the towns on the river ; but, the subject of an impost having not been laid before the general court of Massachusetts, and the commissioners of that colo- ny having had no instructions respecting it, it was deferred to the next meeting. At that meeting lifious impressions, which were never afterward lost, and which happily qualified and disposed him to aid the pious dssign of converting his coun- trymen to the Christian faith. Ibid. i Coll. Hisr.Soc. vii. 45. See A. D. 1648. 3, SPRINGFIELD, according to several respectable authorities, was set- tled by William Pynchon and others from Roxbury in 1636. Hutchinson, i. 98, 99. Chalmers, i. 287. Trumbull, i. 57. For about two years it was united in government with the towns in Connecticut. Trumbull, ibid. Johnson [Wonderwork. Prov. 199-] erroneously places the settlement of this town about 1645. ^ n a MS. account of ministers by Pres. Stiles, I find, that George Moxon settled at Springfield in 1637 ; that a church wa? gathered in 1645, when he was chosen pastor ; and that he returned to England in 1652. This is a traditionary account received from Rev. Ste- phen Williams D. D. and Rev. Mr. Breck, ministers of Springfield. Thr church and town Records were burnt in the Indian wars. AMERICAN ANNALS. 339 (1647), the commissioners, on a full hearing, de- 1646. termined, that it was of weighty consideration to all the plantations on the river, that the mouth of it should be secured, and a safe passage for goods, up and down the river, maintained, though at some ex- pense ; and that, as Springfield enjoyed the benefit, the inhabitants of that town should pay the impost of two pence a bushel for corn, and a penny on the q^ s d r t e j pound for beaver, or twenty shillings on every hogs- pay it. head. 1 A few persons of some influence in Massachu- P esi s n to .... . . , . ' . introduce setts, opposed to its civil and ecclesiastical mstitu- p res byteri tions, and imagining that the parliament of England angovern- II - T i i i r r 1 i ment sup- WOUld establish the presbytenan form or church go- presg od. vernment only, presented a, petition to the general court, to establish that form in this colony. The court, being slow to censure them, they associated with themselves a few more persons, and framed a bill of complaint, containing gross charges against the government of the colony, with the intention of presenting it to parliament ; but the magistrates de tected and suppressed the design. z Edward Wins- low, already chosen an agent for the colony, to an- swer the complaint of Gorton and other Familists, was now instructed to make defence against these new adversaries, who had actually taken measures to render the colony obnoxious in England. 3 Wins- low, by his prudent management, aided by the esti- mation in which he was holden by many members of parliament and the principal persons in power, successfully vindicated the colony. 4 I Trumbull, i. 168 170. Previous to this decision of the commission^ ers, Massachusetts had unfairly prejudged her own cause. For the resolu^ tions of the general court of this colony respecting the impost, and gov- ernor Hopkins' reply in behalf of Connecticut, see fiazard ColLii. 8l, 82, where they are inserted entire. See also Trumbull, vt supra. i Wonderwork. Prov. 302. The suppression, was effected by a small fine la ; d on them." Ibid. 3 Ibid. This appears, by a petition to the earl of Warwick and the 01 ther commissioners for Foreign Plantations, found among the papers of these malcontents. The substance of it is in Hutchinson, i. 148, 149. 4 Morton, 134. The Petition and Remonstrance of the governor antf 340 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1646 i-aws in setts against Quakers. Removals from New to Old Eng- land excite concern. Freemen choos-i commis- sioners. Meanwhile new troubles arose. The Quakers making their appearance in Massachusetts, the legis-. lature of that colony passed laws against their toler- ation. No master of a vessel was, from this time, allowed to bring any one of this sect into its juris- diction, on penalty of a hundred pounds. * The inclination of ministers and others to return to the parent country exciting serious concern in New England ; the commissioners for the United Colonies proposed, that measures be taken to detain in the country such scholars, as should receive con-, tributions toward their education at Cambridge.* The freemen of Massachusetts, viewing the com- missioners for the United Colonies as general offi- cers, now chose their own commissioners for them-; selves. 3 yet strongly inculcated the toleration of those^ who had bepn once drive into exile. Hubbard MS. N. Eni r* f platform. ed it, together with the Westminster Confession of Faith, to the general court, and to the churches. The churches of New England in general complied with the recommendation ; and the Cambridge plat- form, with the ecclesiastical laws, formed the relig- ious constitution of the New England colonies. 3 Marblehead, hitherto a part of Salem, had the Marble- consent of the town for separate town privileges. 4 head * The town of Maiden was built on the north side Maiden, of Mystic river, by several persons from Charles- town, who gathered themselves into a church. 5 The inhabitants of Boston being now too numer- I Hutchinson, i. 437. Josselyn Voy. 263, 265. a Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ivi. Hutchinson, i. 150. 3 Mather Magnal. book v. 3 38, where the Platform is inserted entire. Trumbull, i. 302. Neal N. Eng. ii. 33. Adams N. Eng. 89, 90. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 25. The ministers and churches of Connecticut and New Haven were present at the synod, and united in the form of discipline, which it recommended. By this platform the churches of New England in general walked for more than 30 years. This, in connexion with the ecclesiastical laws, was the religious constitution of Connecticut about 60 years, until the compilation of the Saybrook Platform. Trumbull, i. 30$ 305. 4 Coll. Hist. Soc. vi. 233. 5 Wonderwork. Prov. an. Bbb AMERICAN ANNALS. ous to meet in one assembly, the people in the nortb Church ea st part of the town formed a distinct church ; r north^nd" anc *> the next year, erected an edifice for public of Boston, worship. z New Lon- Several persons having begun a plantation at Pe- don settled - quot harbour, 3 the reverend Richard Blinman had removed from Gloucester to this new settlement ; which, after his arrival, received considerable acces- sion. The inhabitants now consisting of more than forty families, the general court granted them, for their encouragement, three years' exemption from colonial taxation. John Winthrop, esquire, was an* thorized to superintend the affairs of the planta- tion ; 4 which was afterward called New London. 5 A congregational church in Virginia, founded by the ministers sent from New England in 1642, was now increased to the number of one hundred and eighteen persons ; but its magnitude afforded it no security. Sir William Berkeley, governor of the colony, had already banished Mr. Durand, its elder ; 1 Johnson [Wonderwork. Prav. aiz.] says, this vras the 3Oth church ia Massachusetts. 2 Wonderwork. Prov. 211. That part of the town was separated from the rest " by a narrow stream," which, Johnson says, was " cut through a neck of fend by industry." Ibid. It is the stream, which passes under Mill bridge. See Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 257. 3 In 1646. The Indian name of the land, on which the first settlements \vere begun, was Nameaug, alias* Towawog. Trumbull, i. 173. 4 Ibid. Mr. Blinman continued at New London until 1658, when he removed to New Haven. Returning afterward to England, he was settled at Bristol, where he died. He wrote in defence of Infant Baptism. Pres. Stiles MSS. 5 In 1654, the whole tract, now comprised in New London arid Gro- ton, was called Pequot ; and retained this name about four years ; but in 165? (March 24.) the assembly of Connecticut passed an act for its altera- tion. " This court, considering that there hath yet no place, in any of the colonies, been named in memory of the city of London, there being a new- plantation, settled upon- that fair river Moheagan, in the Pequot country, being an excellent harbour, and a fit and convenient place for future trade, it being also the only place which the English in these parts have possessed by conquest, and that upon a very just war, upon that great and warlike people, the Pequots, that therefore they might thereby leave to posterity the memory of that renowned city of London, from whence we had our transportation, have thought fit, in honour to that famous city, to call the said plantation NEW LONDON." The name of the river was also changed;, ynd called the Thames. Trumbull, i, 1 73, 174. AMERICAN ANNALS. 347 and Mr. Harrison, its pastor, now enjoined to depart iVom the country, came to New England. x Of the Susquehannah Indians, not -more than one Susquehan- hundred and ten were now left. These, with the nah ^ dian > Oneidas and Wicomeses/ amounted to two .hun- dred and fifty,- 3 The island of St. Bartholomew -was first planted, St/Bartho1 - rhis year, by fifty Frenchmen, under M. Poincy, ^7 set " governor of St. Christopher's, and at his own ex- pense. 4 Canonicus, the great sachem of Narragansets, Death of died at a very advanced age ; leaving the hereditary Canomcus < quarrel with the English entailed on his successors* * 1649. Charles the First of England was beheaded at Jan. 3$. Whitehall, at the age of fifty one years. 6 Beaded. On the publication of the accounts of the hopeful progress of the Indians in New England in the knowl- edge of the gospel, the attention of the English na- tion was excited to the subject. By the solicitation Society for of Edward Winslow, then hi England as agent for -j^f^ the United Colonies, an act of parliament was pas-peiincor- sed, by which the Society for propagating the Gos- P orated - pel in New England was incorporated. 7 i Hubbard MS. N. Eng. Mr. Harrison, after residing a year or two in New England, went to England ; and, having taken the degree of Doctor in Divinity, settled at last in Ireland. Ibid. % Their " forced auxiliaries." Smith N. Jersey, 31. 3 Ibid. 4 Encyclop. Methodique, Art. BARTUELE.MI. Univ. Hist. xli. 259. At- las Geog. Amer. v. 536. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng-. chap. 1. 6 Hume Hist. Eng. chap. x. Henault Hist. 'France, ii.-iiB. The house of lords was suppressed ; the oaths of allegiance and supremacy were abol- ished ; and the whole power fell into the hands of the people. Oliver Cromwell was declared captain general of the troops of the state ; and af- terward rose to the supreme power, with the title of Protector. Henault, ib. 7 Gookin, in Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 212. This Society was to consist of 16 persons, namely, a president, treasurer, and 14 assistants; who were author- ized to purchase real estate not exceeding aooo per annum, and to pos- sess goods and money without restriction. The Commissioners for the {United Colonies of N. England, or such persons as they should appoint, were to have power to receive and dispose of the monies, received by the Society, "in such manner as should best and principally conduce te 348 AMERICAN ANNALS. & Potow- mac. 1649. O n *he decease of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, his es- pfMaine tate * n ^ -^ rov ^ nce ^ Maine fell to his eldest son John ; who, through discouragement or incapacity, took no care of it. Most of the commissioners, ap- pointed to govern this province, having deserted it, the remaining inhabitants were now obliged to com- bine for their own security. r July 23. A proposal was made to the commissioners for TboTptn- the United Colonies, from New Haven general ting Deia- court, What course might be taken for the speedy ware - planting of Delaware. After a deliberate attention to the subject, the conclusion of the commissioners was, not to patronise the projected plantation. z Grant of During the extreme distress of the royal party in England, this year, the immense territory, lying be- tween the rivers Rappahannock and Potowmac, was granted to lord Hopton, Berkeley, Culpepper, and other cavaliers, who probably wished to make Virginia an asylum. 3 Massacre A body of one thousand Iroquois, in March, sud- rons. e ^ l " denlv attacked the Huron village of St. Ignatius, containing four hundred persons, all of whom, ex- cepting three, they massacred. 4 Death of John Winthrop, governor of Massachusetts, died, gov. Win- throp, and t h e preaching and propagating of the Gospel among the Natives, and for maintenance of schools, and nurseries of learning, tor the education of the children of the natives. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixxv. Bibliotheca Americ. 93. Hazard Coll. i. 635. Morton, 143. Hoornbeek [de Con- versione Indorum, a6i.] says, the English parliament began to take meas- ures for the promotion of this pious design so early" as 17 March 1647, I Belknap Biog. i. 389, 390. 3. Hazard Coll. ii. 127. It was in consideration of" the present state of the colonies, generally destitute of sufficient hands to carry on their neces- sary occupations," that the commissioners judged it expedient to take no part in this enterprise. They declared however, that, if any persons from any of the colonies should go to Delaware, and, without leave of the New Haven merchants, should seat themselves on any part of their land, or, in any respect, be injurious to them in their title and interest there, they would neither protect nor own them in such procedure. They, in fine, left the New Haven merchants to their just liberty, to dispose of the land, which they had purchased in those parts, or to improve or plant it, " as they should see cause." Ibid. 3 Chalmers, i. 330. See A. D. 1669 and 1673. 4 Univ. Hist. xxxk. 448. AMERICAN ANNALS. 349 aged sixty three years ; ' and Thomas Shepard, min- 1649. ister of Cambridge, aged forty four years. 3 T.shepard. Governor Endicot of Massachusetts and deputy r>edara- eovernor Dudley, with the assistants, signed a de- ; iona p! nst cr J ' i i long hair. claration against men s wearing Jong nair, as un- scriptural. 3 The complete establishment of the American Ecclesiastic church in all the Spanish settlements in South A- merica, at this period, comprised one patriarch, six archbishops, thirty two bishops, three hundred and forty six prebends, two abbots, five royal chaplains, and eight hundred and forty convents. 4 The Jesuits, about this time, remonstrating at the Jesuits in court of Madrid against the immorality of the Span- s - Amenca - iards, ascribing to this cause the failure of success in their missions ; their remonstrance was listened to with attention. The sphere of their labours was marked out ; an uncontrouled liberty was granted to them ; and orders were given to the governors of the adjacent provinces, not to interfere, nor to suffer any Spaniard to enter within this pale, with- out licence from the fathers. s 1 Mather Magnal. book ii. 8. Morton, 142. Belknap Biog. ii. 337. The talents and virtues, the wealth and influence, of this eminent man, sig- nally qualified him for the chief magistracy in an infant plantation, of which he was the father, as well as governor ; and the same rare assemblage of qualifications would have enabled him to shine in a larger sphere, and more elevated situation. 2 Mather Magnal. book iii. 57 68. Morton, 142. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 42 47. Mr. Shepard was an eminently pious man, an impressive preach- er, and a very distinguished divine. As a writer on experimental religion, he was one of the most judicious, discriminating, and useful, that has ever appeared in New England. 3 Hutchinson, i. 152. " Forasmuch as the wearing of long hair, after the manner of Ruffians and barbarous Indians, has begun to invade New England &c." 4 Robertson, iii. 409. 5 Europ. Settlements, i. 279, 380. The Jesuits agreed conditionally tQ pay a capitation tax, in proportion to their flock ; and to send a certain number of .their subjects to the king's works. Terms being thus settled, they gathered about 50 wandering families, which they united into a lit- tle township ; and within a century their subjects amounted to 300,000 families, and could raise 60,000 armed men. Ibid. 350 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1650. Sept. 19. Stuyvesant, the Dutch governor of New Nether- Boundaries lands, arriving at Hartford, demanded of the com- ^Jeen the missioners for the United Colonies a full surrender Dutch and o f the lands on Connecticut river. After a corres- pondence and an altercation of several days, the controversy was referred to arbitrators, who con- cluded on articles of agreement at Hartford. 1 First char- T ne college at Cambridge was made a body cor- ter of Har- porate, by an act of the general court of Massachu- i^t. Co1 " setts ' anc * rece * ve d a charter, under the seal of the colony, by the name of " The President and Fel- lows of Harvard college." 2 Fire at * n ^ e depth of winter, there broke out in Charles- Charles- town a terrible fire, which, blown from one building town. to ano ther by a violent wind, consumed the fairest houses in the town. 3 churches There were now about forty churches in New in N.Eng- England, and seven thousand seven hundred and fifty communicants. 4 i Gov. Trumbull's MS. State and Origin of Connecticut. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. c-hap. xlii. Hutchinson, i. 85, 159, 514. Hazard Coli.ii. 170 173 ; 218 220, 252, 549 551. Trumbull, i. 197 199. The com- missioners chose Mr. Bradstreet of Massachusetts, and Mr. Prince of Plym- outh ; the Dutch governor chose Thomas Willet and George Baxter. In regard to limits, it was agreed : That on Long Island a strait and direct Hne, run from the westermost part of Oyster Bay to the sea, shall be the bounds ; the easterly part to belong to the English, and the westermost to the Dutch : and that the bounds on the main land begin at the west side of Greenwich bay, about four miles from Stamford, and run a northerly line 2O miles, and, beyond that distance, as it shall be agreed by the two governments of the Dutch and New Haven, provided the said line come not within 10 miles of Hudson's river. It was also agreed, that the Dutch should not build any house within six miles of the said line ; the inhabit- ants of Greenwich to remain (till farther consideration) under the govern- ment of the Dutch. Another article of agreement was, that the Dutch should hold all the lands in Hartford, of which they were actually possess- ed ; and all the residue, on both sides of Connecticut river, was to remain to the English there. These limits were to be strictly and inviolably observ- ed until a full and final determination in Europe, by the mutual consent of England and Holland. Ibid. The articles of agreement are in the three last cited places of Hutchinson, Hazard, and Trumbull. a Hutchinson, i. 171. Neal N. Eng. i. 297. The college was governed under this charter until 1685, when the colony charter was vacated. Hut- chinson, ibid. 3 Wonderwork. Prov. 321. 4 Stiles Christian Union, nc'>. AMERICAN ANNALS, 35* On the island of Martha's Vineyard there were a- 1650. bout forty families of Indians, who professed the ^ iv f 8 , of Christian religion, and attended the religious in- vineyard structions of Mr. Mayhew. The whole island had, are chri*. in a manner, embraced Christianity, and adopted tl the English customs and manners, in their husband- ry and other concerns. x The south part of the town of Barns table in Mas- Bamstabie. sachusetts was, about this time, amicably purchased of Wianno.and several other sachems.* Charles II transmitted from Breda a new commis- June, sion to Sir William Berkeley, as governor of Vir- s ( ?^ i9 " ginia, declaring his intention of ruling and ordering Charles n the colony according to the laws and statutes of g^ r e | ov< " England, which were to be, established there. Thus, Virginia, while that prince was not permitted to rule over England, he exercised the royal jurisdiction over Virginia. 3 The authority of the crown continuing to be ac- Oct. 3. knowledged in Virginia, and in several of the West India islands, the parliament issued an ordinance, mem. for prohibiting trade with Barbadoes, Virginia, Ber- muda, and Antego. 4 The constitution of Maryland was established. Constitu- A law was passed for settling the provincial assem- tu ; nofMi * 11 T 11 i i ii^-i ryland set bly. It enacted, that those members, called by spe- tied cial writ, should form the Upper House ; that those, chosen by the hundreds, should compose the Low- er House ; and that all bills, which should be pas- sed by the two houses, and assented to by the gov- ernor, should be deemed the laws of the province, I Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixxv. 1 Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 15. 3 Chalmers, i. iaa. Robertson, book Ix. no. For the prevention of the rebellion of subjects, or the invasion of enemies, the commission em- powered the governor and council " to build castles and fortifications, at the expense of the planters." 4 Chalmers, i. i az, 123. In consequence of this ordinance, Massachu- setts, the next year, passed an act against trade with those places, until their " compliance with the Commonwealth of England," or farther ordec of the General Court. Hazard Coll. i, 553. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1650. and have the same effect, as if the freemen wereper- Cobn di- sonally present. The colony was now divided into videdinto three counties, which contained eight hundreds. SahTtar 8 ' Laws were enacted for peopling Maryland. An laws. order was made for the relief of the poor. Punish- ments were provided for various crimes. The fees of office were regulated. The interests of agricul- ture and commerce were encouraged. Public pros- perity and private happiness were thus promoted by salutary laws, which were as prudently executed, as wisely planned. * Barbadoes. Barbadoes, though settled but little more than twenty years, already contained more than fifty thou- sand whites, and a much greater number of blacks and Indian slaves. a DU Par- The king of France granted the old French West Martlnllo India company his licence to sell Martinico, St. Lu- & other cia, Grenada, and the Grenadines, to Du Parquet, governor of Martinico ; who purchased those islands for fifty thousand livres. 3 Resolved on an invasion of Grenada, Du Parquet collected upwards of two hundred hardy Frenchmen for the enterprise. On meeting unexpectedly with a kind reception from the natives, he affected a regard to moderation, and opened a treaty with the chief of the Charaibes for the purchase of the territory. Having made the natives a few trifling presents, 4 he considered the I Chalmers, i. 220,221. The constitution of Maryland continued above z 2O years, until the revolutionary war. At the time of its adoption the most common and useful arts must have made but small progress in the col- ony ; for the preceding year (1649) an order was passed, " providing for tbe smith." Ibid. a Europ. Settlements, ii. 86. Univ. Hist. xli. 134, 137. It could muster 10,000 foot, and 1000 horse. Ibid. About this year, the planters in Bar- badoes obtained the true secret of making sugars ; by suffering the canes to ripen 15 months, instead of 12, and by boiling and curing them to a white consistence. After this discovery, the value of the lands on the island in- creased to such a degree, that land, which could have been previously pur- chased for 200, cost afterward 7000. Ibid. 3 Univ. Hist. xli. 226. 4 " Some knives and hatchets, and a large quantity of glass beads, beside two bottles of brandy for the chief himself !" Du Tertre, a French histc- AMERICAN ANNALS. 353 purchase as complete ; established a colony in Gre- settles nada ; built a Fort for its protection ; and left the Grenada - government of the island to a kinsman, named Le Compte. A war soon after ensued, and the natives Natives ex- * j t terminated* xvere exterminated. The Caribbee isle of Anguilla was now first set- Anguiiu tied by some English people. 2 settled - The Spaniards of the garrison on the isle of St. st. Mar- Martin, unable to maintain themselves, dismantled tin ' 8 * the fort, and destroyed all their houses and cisterns* The French and Dutch soon after, by accommoda- tion, divided the island between them. 3 1651, The parliament of England passed the famous Navigation Act of Navigation. It had been observed with con- Act * cern, that the English merchants for several years past had usually freighted the Hollanders* shipping for bringing home their own merchandise, because their freight was at a lower rate than that of the English ships. For the -same reason the Dutch ships were made use of even for importing American products from the English colpnies into England* The English ships meanwhile lay rotting in the har- bours ; and the English mariners, for want of em- nan of the expedition, quoted by Edwards, Hist. W. Indies, i. 346. The French afterward " considered the refusal of the poor savages to confirm the agreement, as contumacy and rebellion." I Edwards W. Indies, i. 345 348. Father Du Tertre says : " Forty f the Charaibes were massacred on the spot. About 40 others, who had escaped the sword, ran toward a precipice, from whence they cast them- selves headlong into .the sea, and miserably perished. A beautiful young jirl of I a or 13 years of age, who was taken alive, became the object of dispute between two of our officers, each of them claiming her as his law- i'ul prize ; a third coming up, put an end to the contest, by shooting the girl through the head. The place from which" these barbarians threw them* elves into the sea, has been called ever since le Morne des Sautcurs [Leap- ers Hill]." The French, after massacring the natives, proceeded to massa* ere each other ; and Du Parquet, having injured his fortune in plantiug the island, anJ supporting his authority, sold his property in the island, in 1657, to the count de Carillac for 30,000 crowns. Ibid. Univ. Hist. xli. aa6 3 Univ. Hist. xli. 230. Anderson, ii. 414 ; " whose posterity still hold it." 3 Ifaiv. Hist. xli. 263. Anderson, ii, 4x2. C C Q 354 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1651. ployment, went info the service of the Hollanders-. These considerations, principally, induced the par- liament to enact, " That no merchandise, either of Asia, Africa, or America, including also the English plantations there, should be imported into England in any but English built ships, and belonging either to English or English plantation subjects, navigat- ed also by an EBglish commander, and three fourths -of the sailors to be Englishmen ; excepting such merchandise, as should be imported directly from the original place of their growth or manufacture in Europe solely : and that no fish should thence- forward be imported into England or Ireland, nor exported thence to foreign parts, nor even from one of their own home ports, but what should be caught by their own fishers only." * WaMen The church at Maiden having called a minister to fined for the pastoral office, without if not against the con- k^settS"" sen * anc ^ approbation of neighbouring churches and ment of a allowance of the magistrates ; the general court, im- posed a fine on all, who were concerned in the trans- action ; * and soon after passed an order, that no minister should be called to office, without the ap- probation of some of the magistrates, as well as of the neighbouring churches. 5 Sum tuary ^ sumptuary law was passed this year by the le- law. gislature of Massachusetts. 4 i Anderson, ii. 415, 416. Dr. Robertson [book ix. in.] assigns a dif- ferent reason for this act : " Not satisfied with taking measures to subject the colonies, the commonwealth turned its attention towards the most ef- fectual mode of retaining them in dependence on the parent state, and- of securing to it tile benefit of their increasing commerce." 1 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ix. The procedure of Maiden was " con- trary to the approved practice of the country." The court, according to Hubbard (ib.), u passed an handsome fine or mulct." The. people of Mai- den acknowledged their miscarriage. Ibid. 3 Ibid. It was now left to the power of every county court throughout the jurisdiction, to make sufficient provision for the maintenance of the ministry in the respective towns of the colony ; and to rectify any defect, " on romplaint of any such, for want of means whereby comfortably to subsist." Ibid. 4 Massachusetts Laws. The law itself, and the language in which it is ter ' AMERICAN ANNALS. 35$ The general court of Massachusetts having, at 1651 die motion of the reverend John Eliot, granted the *^& tand at Natick to the natives ; a number of them Nat i c k. combined for the purpose of government. x A forge iron manufacture was set up at Ray.n- 2iam in Massachusetts, a town recently settled. * The town of Salem voted, to build a fort .on the Frt a * Winter -expressed, are curious. The court, lamenting the ine'fficacy of 'former " Declarations and Orders against excess of apparel both of men and wo- >men," proceed to observe.: " We cannot but to our grief take notice, that intolerable excess and bravery hath crept in upon us, .and especially among ^people of mean condition, to the dishonour of -God, the scandal of our pro- fession, the consumption of estates, and altogether unsuitable to our pover- ty." They M acknowledge it to be a matter of much difficulty, in re- gard of the blindness of men's minds, andtthe stubbornness of -their wills, to et down exact rules to confine all sorts of persons ;" yet " cannot but ac- count it their duty, to commend unto ail the sober and moderate use of those blessings" &c. The court proceed to order, that no person, whose visible *state shall not exceed the true and indifferent sum of 100 shall wear any ;gold or silver lace, or gold and silver buttons, or any bone lace above two shillings per yard, or silk hoods or scarves, on the penalty of 'io shillings for every such offence. The law authorizes and requires the select men of every town to take notice of the apparel of any of the inhabitants, and to assess such persons, as " they shall judge to exceed their .rankes and abili- ties, in thfrostliness or fashion of their apparel in any respect, especially in the wearing of ribbands and great boots," at^aoo estates, according to the proportion, which such men use to pay to whom such apparel is suitable and allowed. An exception however is made in favour of public- officers and 4heir families, and of those; " whose education, and employment;have been above the ordinary degree, or whose estates have been considerable, though now decayed." We smile at the simplicity of our forefathers ; /but the mother country had set an example year 1652, on the other. This date was never altered, though more Soin was stamped annually for 30 years. Hutchinson Coll. 480. a Keith, 148. Robertson, book ix. 112. 3 Hazard Coll. i. 626. In 1654 it was settled in the hands of the Pro- tector. Ibid. For the reasons oi this procedure, with evidences, that " the province of Maryland had more need of reducing than any plantation in America," see ibid. 621 630. 4 Chalmers, 1,274. Douglass, ii. 8r. 5 Mather Magnal. book iii. 1431. Hutchinson, i. 179. He is de- scribed by Hubbard [MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixi.], as a man " of excellent learn- ing, profound judgment, eminent gravity, Christiaa c-andou, and sweet temper of spirit,'* AMERICAN ANNALS, 359 l6 53- The commissioners of the United Colonies, ap- P prehensive of hostilities with the Dutch, concluded provisionally, that five hundred men should be the the Dutd* number raised out of the four jurisdictions. x On this occasion, Plymouth colony appointed a council of war, and agreed on several military orders. In May, the council of war issued warrants, in the name of the state of England, for pressing sixty men, the number required of that colony, on condition of the need of them, to be taken out of the several towns xvithin the jurisdiction of Plymouth ; and Miles Stan- dish was appointed their captain. * The commissioners of the colonies, finding it ne- cessary to make war with Ninnigret 3 the Niantick sachem, concluded on that measure ; and voted, that two hundred and fifty foot soldiers, officers and commanders included, be immediately raised by the several colonies. 4 I Hazard Coll.ii. 231. Massachusetts was to send (commanders included) - - Plymouth - - - - ' - Connecticut - - ... New Haven - - . ' . MM JOO a All the commissioners, excepting those of Massachusetts, were of the o* pinion, that there had been a horrid and execrable plot, concerted by the Dutch governor and the Indians, for the destruction of the English colo- nies." Trumbull, i. 209. a Hazard Coll. 1.580, 581. The towns in Plymouth jurisdiction were to raise men in the following proportions : Plymouth ----- 7 Yarmouth ...... 6 Duxborough - - - - 6 Barnstable ----- . 6 Scituate 9 Marshfield ------ 6 Sandwich ----- 6 Rehbboth ------ 6 Taunton ----- 5 Eastham ------ 3 3 It appeared, that he had spent the winter at Manhattan, with Stuyve- mt, on the business of the conspiracy.' Trumbull, i. 209. 4 Hazard Coll. ii. 293, 295. The 250 men were to be raised by the col-*- nies in a due proportion, as was agreed on at the first meeting of the com* jnissioners at Boston this year. Massachusetts was to raise and send ... - 166 Plymouth - - - -- - . .30 Connecticut -.- .. .- . 3$ New Haven - - . . - . . . 360 AMERICAN ANNALS. i 653. To clear the title of Massachusetts to the province North line o f Maine, skilful mathematicians were ordered to chusetts. a " run tne north line of the Massachusetts patent ac- cording to the late interpretation of its bounds ; and it was run, agreeably to that order, in October. ' Fire in The first fire in Boston, recorded by the early Boston, historians, was in this year. * Montreal. The incursions of the Iroquois having obliged M. de Maisonneuve, governor of Montreal, to repair to France for fresh recruits ; he returned with one hundred men. Margaret Bourgeois, a respectable lady, who afterward instituted the order of the Daughters of the Congregation, now came with him to Montreal. * Death of Thomas Dudley, formerly governor of Massachu. T.Dudley. settSj an( j a principal founder of that colony, died, aged seventy seven years. 4 Massachusetts, not satisfied with the reasons for the war, declined raising her quota. The general court of that colony resolved, that no determina- tion of the commissioners, though they should all agree, should bind the general court to join in an offensive war, which should appear to such court to be unjust. This declaration gave great uneasiness to the sister cot- onies, and nearly effected a dissolution of their union. Trumbull, i, 315, 316. See Hazard Coll. ii. a88 295 ; Hutchinson,i. 179 i8a. I Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Iviii. Hazard Coll. i. 591. a Coll. Hist. Soc. Hi. 269. josselyn [Voy. 267, N. Eng. &ir. in.] calls it " the great fire ;" but no particulars of it can be found. 3 Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 312, 313. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 454. Char* levoix estimates M. Bourgeois as a greater acquisition to the colony, than all the soldiers. " Mais la plus heureuse acquisition, qu'il fit dans ce voy- age, fut celle d' une vertueuse Fille &c. . . qui a depuis rendu son nom cher et respectable a toute la colonie par ses eminentes vertus &c." 4 Morton, 150. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixi. Hutchinson, i. i8;{. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 1 1. On Mr. Hooker's removal to Hartford, Mr. Dud- ley removed from Newtown to Ipswich ; and afterward to Roxbury, where he died. He was a man of sound judgment, of inflexible integrity, of pub- lic spirit, and of strict and exemplary piety. His intolerance toward relig- ious sectaries derives some apology from the age, in which he lived ; an age, not thoroughly acquainted with the true principles of civil and relig- ious liberty. With strong passions, he was still placable and generous* One fact is at once illustrative of these traits of his character, and of the patriarchal kind of government, exercised in Massachusetts, during the in- fancy of that colony. Governor Winthrop having led deputy governor Dudley to expect, that he would settle with him at Nawtown [See p. z6s- of this volume.] ; his removal to Boston gave Dudley great dissatisfaction. " The ministers," being appealed to on this occasion, " for an end oi the ordered, that the governor should f,rcv":r* th?:n.<; r:.. -u^c H^ AMERICAN ANNALS, 361 1654. The colony of Connecticut receiving an order April 6. from the parliament, requiring, that the Dutch Dutch , . ti 111 i house and should be treated, mall respects, as the declared en- emies of England ; the general court of that colony passed an act, sequestring the Dutch house, lands and property of all kinds, at Hartford, for the ben- efit of the commonwealth. x Although the colony of New Haven could not New Ha- effectually engage the confederate colonies in a war obtains against the Dutch \ yet some of the principal per- help from sons of the colony, going this year to England, pre- En land * vailed so far with those in power there, as to obtain a commission for certain ships and soldiers, to seize the Dutch plantation at New Netherlands, for the use of the English. A fleet sailed from England for that purpose -, but the voyage was long, and news of a peace, concluded between the States of Holland and the powers in England, reached America before the arrival of the fleet. The commander in chief, hence induced to turn his forces, with those raised in Massachusetts, into another direction, attacked the French forts about St. John's river, and reduced them, and the adjacent places, z under the power of the English. 3 The peace with the Dutch, with Newtown, and contribute some to his maintenance for a time ; or if he could not by the spring effect that, then to give the deputy towards his charges in building there 20." The governor promised compliance ; but, on making payment of that sum, Dudley returned it to him, with strong professions of personal estimation. Winthrop Journ. 43. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. II. I Trumbull, i. 125. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. A point of land, which form- ed a part of their possessions, is still called Dutch Point. Ibid. a Penobscot &c. The English " met with no great resistance." Hut* chinson, i. 183. All the country from Penobscot to Port Royal was con- quered at this time. Sullivan, 158. Port Royal capitulated in August. Chalmers, i. 187. The French pretended, that they had purchased the English right at the price of 5000 ; a price, which, if there was such atf agreement, was never paid. The conquered country was confirmed to Eng- land the following year. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 256. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. lix. Intelligence of the peace, signed 5 April, was received 23 June. Hazard Coll. i. 589. A short time before this intelligence arrived, Massachusetts had consented to the raising of *62 AMERICAN ANNALS. 3 1654. " the hopeful establishment of government in Eng* Thanks- land," occasioned a, public thanksgiving in Massa- giving. c husetts. ' September. Massachusetts not joining her confederates in a swriew'of war against Ninnigret, that sachem prosecuted his u. Colonies war with the Long Island Indians, who had put themselves under the protection of the English. 2 The commissioners in September sent a messenger to him, demanding his appearance at Hartford, \vhere they were convened, and the payment of tri- bute long due, for the Pequots under him ; but he refused to appear, and sent them a spirited, inde- Betermine pendent answer. Determining therefore on a war with him, they ordered two hundred and seventy infantry, and forty horsemen, to be raised. 3 Orders were given, that twenty horse from Massachusetts, twenty four men from Connecticut, and sixteen from New Haven, should be immediately dispatched into the Nehantick country. The commissioners nomin- ated three men to the chief command, leaving the appointment to Massachusetts ; but the general court of that colony, disregarding the nomination, appointed major Simon Willard. The commission- troops for an expedition against the Dutch ; hut It was not until Cromwell, JLord Protector, had signified to them his pleasure that it should be done. The general court, having received a letter from his highness " declare (9 June), that though they understand that this colony is not in such a ca- pacity as may be apprehended to send forth such numbers of men, as might vigorously assist in that undertaking, yet do freely consent and give liberty to his Highness's commissioners major Robert Sedgwick and captain John I^everet to raise within our jurisdiction the number of 500 volunteers fur- nished with all necessary accommodations to assist them in their enterprize against the Dutch ; provided the persons be free from legal engagements." Hazard, 1.587. By "legal engagements," Hutchinson [i. 183.] suppos- es, must be intended " apprenticeship and other servitude, as well as pro- cesses from courts" &c. For " Proceedings of the council of war at Ply- mouth," on the same subject, see Hazard Coll. i. 587 590. 1 Hutchinson, i. 183. The thanksgiving was 30 September. 2 Trumbull, i. 220. He had hired as auxiliaries, the Mohawks, Pocom- tocks, and Wampanoags. It was supposed, that his design was, to destroy the Long Island Indians, and the Moheagans ; but a collection of such a, number of Indians from various quarters would have endangered the gene- ral peace of the country. lb. 3 Massachusetts was to raise the 40 horsemen, and 153 footmen ; Cou~ flecticut, 45 j and New Haven, 31. Trumbtill, i. 231. AMERICAN ANNALS. 363 ers gave him a commission, to command the troops, 1654. with instructions to proceed with such of them, as should be found at the place of rendezvous, by the thirteenth of October, directly to Ninnigret's quar- ters, and demand of him the Pequots, who had been put under him, and the tribute, that was still due ; also a cessation of hostilities with the Long Island- ers. If Ninnigret should not comply with these de- mands, the instructions were, to subdue him. Wil- lard marched with his men into the Narraganset country ; and, finding that Ninnigret with his men s anset * had fled into a swamp, fourteen or fifteen miles dis- tant from the army, returned home, without attempt- ing to injure the enemy. About one hundred Pe- quots, who had been left with the Narragansets ev- er since the Pequot war, voluntarily came off, with the army, and put themselves under the protection and government of the English. * New Haven colony, from its first settlement, at- College tended to the interests ofi learning, as well as to ^^^ those of religion and civil polity. Beside establish- Haven, ing a ministry in each town by law, to be supported by the inhabitants, it established schools in each town, for common education ; and a colony gram- mar school, to prepare youth for college. This year the reverend Mr. Davenport brought forward the institution of a college, to which the town of New Haven made a donation of lands. * I Hutchinson, i. 185- 187. Trumbull. I. 229 232. Trumbull (ibid.) says, Ninnigret had left his country, crn, and wigwams, without defencej and they might have been laid waste, without loss or danger. The com- piissioners were entirely dissatisfied with the conduct of the commander of the expedition ; but historians ascribe the defeat of their design to the se- cret intrigue of Massachusetts. Hutchinson, the historian of that colony (ut supra), says, " this was the second time of their preventing a general war, contrary to the minds of six of the commissioners of the other colonies." a Pres. Stiles Hist. Judges of king Charles I. p. 40. On a donation to this college of perhaps 400 or 500 sterling by governor Hopkins, who died at London in 1656, the general assembly erected the colony school into a college for teaching "the three learned languages, Latin, Greek and Hebrew ;" and for " the education of youth in good literature, to fit them for public service in church and commonwealth ;" and settled 40 a year 364 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1654. The whole number of ratable persons in the col- progiessof onv O f ( ;, , ; necticut, this year, was seven hundred cut, C anc seventy five ; and the grand list was seventy nine thousand and seventy three pounds. ' May 3. Thomas Prince having been appointed by the ioTS- general court of Plymouth colony, the preceding 'V- year, to settle a government at Kennebeek ; he now issued a warrant, directed to the marshal of New Plymouth, requiring the inhabitants on the river Kennebeek to make their personal appearance at Merry Meeting on the twenty third of May. The people generally assembled ; and sixteen took the oath of fidelity to the State of England and to the present government of Plymouth ; and fifteen laws were established for their government. a Lands John Eliot, minister of Roxbury, having previ the n'athfeT ous ty received encouragement from the general court of Massachusetts to proceed in preaching the gospel to the native?, now obtained several parcels of land for those Indians, who should give any just hope of their embracing the Christian religion. 3 out of the colony treasury on the preceptor or rector, beside the salary from 3S. j w Haven school, with ^ios> for a library. Mr. Davenport had the ca of the colo y school several years ; but in 1660 the reverend Mr. Peck \\ s established in it, according to the act of assembly, and taught the learned languages and the sciences. The convulsions of the times however i: 1664, and the want of adequate support, caused this college to terminate in d public grammar school ; which is still preserved, and holds the Hop- kins' funds, and the other endowments of college estate, to this day. Yale: Coiloge was not built on this foundation. Ibid. The general court of Connecticut in 1^3 ordered, that 3,0 be paid to the support of a fellow* ship in Harvard college. Trumbull, i. 222. 1 Trumbull, i. 232. The number and list of each town are subjoined s Tov.-ns. Persons. Estates. Hartford ------ 177 ------ Windsor ------ 165 - - - - - Wethersfield 113 - - - - - Fairfield ------- 94...--. Saybrook - -- --- 53 .-.-- Stratford -- - -< -- 7:* ------ Farmington ------ 46 ------ 3VIiddletown .-. --31 ------ Norwalk ------- 24 ------ 775 79P73 * Hazard Coll. i. 58*3 586, from Plymouth Records. 3 Hubbard MS, N. Eng. chap, lyiii. Hubbard (ib.) mentions lands at AMERICAN ANNALS. 365 Colonel Wood, living at the falls of James river in Virginia, sent suitable persons on an enterprise of discovery. Having passed the Alleghany mountains, they entered the country of the Ohio, and, in ten years, discovered several branches of that river, and pf the Missisippi. ' The Iroquois about this time so effectually exter- minated the Eries, that, without the great lake, on 5^ t: the borders of which they were situated, and which still bears their name, we should have no evidence pf their existence. a p eath John Haynes, governor of Connecticut, died, $ of g or. Haynes. l6 55 ' Toward the close of the preceding year Cromwell English had fitted out a fleet of thirty sail, under vice admi- ral Penn, with land forces commanded by general Venables, for the conquest of Hispaniola. Arriving at that island on the thirteenth of April, they were repulsed by the Spaniards, with great loss. On the is repulsed, second of May they landed on Jamaica, and laid siege to St. Jago, which at length capitulated. The Reduction whole island was soon reduced ; 4 and has ever since f J remained in the hands of the English. Hasanameset, " a place in the woods beyond Medfield and Mendon," and at Puncapoag, beyond Dorchester, beside Natick. I Brit. Emp. iii. 195. Adair, 308. a Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 322. This historian calls them" la nation wn, to " consider the condition and capacity of every family, and assess in" accordingly, " at one or more spinners." , Hutchinson, i. 188. The second instance in N. England. See p. 345. j, lubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. ki. Hutchinson, i. 190. Of this disease * d Nathaniel Rogers, a very respectable minister of Ipswich, a descend- a ^ the celebrated John Rogers, who suffered martyrdom in queen Ma- $, tra ?n. Ibid. Mather Magnal. book iii. 104 109. JfvTerson Virg. Query xxi. See p. 336 of this volume. Jr v called the Three Lower Counties. Smith N. York, 6. tw 'h N. York, ibid. Chalmers, i. 633. The Dutch W. India feeling the blow, struck by the Swedes, had applied for aid to Amsterdam ; and, with this alliance, sent an armament from l ^ r , under the command of Stuyvesant, the governor. Ibjd, Stuy- Hubp- AMERICAN ANNALS* 367 The Onondagas sent deputies to Quebec, accom- French panied by a large number of their nation, to solicit missionaries of the French. Missionaries were ac- cordingly sent to that tribe of natives ; and several of the heads of it became their proselytes. ' Edward Winslow, distinguished in the annals of Ma ? 8 - Plymouth colony, died on board the English fleet in the West Indies, in the sixty first year of his age. z 1656. The Quakers, at their first appearance in New England, were considered equally hostile to civil or- quakera der and to Christian truth. The legislature of Massachusetts therefore passed sentence of banish* ment on twelve of that sect, the whole number then in the colony. 3 vesant arrived at the Delaware 9 September, and soon after anchored bei fore Fort Casimir, and landed his troops. This fort, commanded by Suen Scutz, surrendered 16 September, on articles of capitulation. .The whole strength of the place consisted of 4 cannon (14 pounders), 5 swivels, and some small arms ; all of which were delivered to the conquered* Fort Christiana, commanded by Risingh, surrendered to Stuyvesant 25 Septem- ber. About 30 Swedes took the oath of fidelity to the States General ; the rest, with a few exceptions, went to Sweden. Smith N. York, 6. I Univ. Hist, xxxix. 457, 458. Charlevoix Nouv. France,!. 320% a Morton, 153. Hutchinson, i. 187. Cromwell appointed three com- missioners to superintend and direct the operations of Penn and Venablea in their expedition to the W. Indies, of whom Winslow, then in England, was chief. His reputation was so great, and he found so much employ- ment, that he had never returned home after his departure as agent in 1646. The commanders disagreed in their tempers and views ; and the commia- woners could not controul them. Winslow participated the chagrin of the defeat ; but not the pleasure of the subsequent victory. In the passage between Hispaniola and Jamaica, 'the heat of the climate threw him into a fever, which, aggravated by his dejection, terminated his life. Belknap Biog. ii, 281 309. His actions form his best eulogium. In New Eng- land, his name will never be forgotten. His portrait, an excellent piece of painting, is in possession of Dr. Josiah Winslow, who inherits the old family estate, called Careswell farm, at Marshfield. The eye is black and expressive, and the whole countenance very interesting. The portrait is taken with whiskers. Josiah Winslow, sou of Edward (also governor o Plymouth colony), is drawn without them. " Beards were left off early in New England, and about the same time they were in Old. Leveret is the first governor, who is painted without a beard. He laid it aside ia Cromwell's court." Hutchinson, i. 153. 3 Hutchinson, i. 197. Ne"al N. Eng. i. 311. Hazard 1.630 632, where the act is entire. An act was passed, laying a penalty of 100 on the mas- ter of any vessel, who should bring a known quaker into any part of the 368 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1656. Oliver Cromwell, protector, made proposals tc* Proposal to the colony of Massachusetts for the removal of some SaSi/*" f i ts inhabitants to Jamaica ; but the general court very respectfully declined compliance. * Biiierica. A township was granted at Shashin, which was called Biiierica 5 and another, above Concord, cal- Groton. fed Groton. * Ruler of General Daniel Gookin of Cambridge was the Indians fj rs t English magistrate, chosen to be ruler of the sen * praying Indians in Massachusetts. 3 Acadie Cromwell granted, under the great seal of Eng- it Adeline Janc *> to ^ harles Saint Etienne, William Crown, and and others. Thomas Temple forever, the territory denominated Acadie, and part of the country commonly called Nova Scotia, extending along the coast to Pentago- et and to the river St. George. It was erected into a province, independent of New England and of his other dominions, and the three grantees were ap- pointed its hereditary governors, 4 colony ; and requiring him to give security to carry him back again, the quaker to be immediately sent to the house of correction, receive twenty stripes, and be kept to hard labour until transportation. A penalty was e- nacted of 5 for importing, and the same for dispersing or concealing qua- kers' books ; and for defending the doctrines of their books 40 shillings for the first offence ; 4 for the second ; and for the nexty commitment to the house of correction, " till there be convenient passage for them to be sent out of the land." Another severe law was passed the next year (1657) a- gainst bringing quakers into the jurisdiction, or harbouring them in it. Sec Hutchinsoiij i. 198. This law is entire in Hazard Coll. ii. 554. See A. D, 1646, p. 340 of this volume,where the quakers are noticed ; but that arti- cle seems to have been inserted ten years too soon. If that be an error, it is copied from, the printed laws, and from Hazard's Collections, both of which give that date. Chalmers [i. 190.] says, " thejirst quakers who ap- peared in Ntw England, arrived from Barbadoes in July, 1656." I The Letter of the general court to Cromwell is in Hutchinson, i. ItyZj and Hazard Coll. i. 638. a Hubbard MS. N. ng. chap. Iviii. 3 Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 177. 4 Chalmers, i. 187. Hazard Coll. i. 616 619, from Memoires de 1* Atnericme. " Thus, for the first time, was introduced that confusion with?- regard to Acadie and Nova Scotia, which so perplexed statesmen in after- times, by considering those as two different countries, that were in truth the same ; the former containing the latter and more, and Acadie advanc- ing westward till it met with the settlements of New England. For it ought always to be remembered, that the southern boundary of Acadie, as established by the. grant of Henry IV, in 1603, was the 4Oth degree of north latitude ; that the southwestern limits of Nova Scotia, as appoiutt(f AMERICAN ANNALS. 369 New Amsterdam, afterward called New York, New York was laid out in several small streets. x Iaid out - An insurrection was raised in Maryland by Josias i ns urrec- Fendal, a man of restless intrigue, which greatly tion in Ma- distressed the province, and added to the burden of ry and ' its impositions. a Miles Standish, the hero of New England, died Death of at Duxborough, at an advanced age. l Standish. l6 57- The governor and council of Plymouth, about Indian plot, this time, hearing that Alexander, son and successor of Masassoit, was conspiring with the Narragansets against the English, sent for him to the court. Ma- jor Wirislow, with eight or ten men, surprising him, and requiring his attendance, he was persuaded by one of his own chief counsellors to go to the gover- nor's house ; but his indignation at the surprisal threw him into a fever. On his promise to come back to Plymouth, if he should recover, and, in the mean time, to send his son as a hostage, he had Death of leave to return \ but he died before he reached home. 4 The Indians at Ponkipog having sold all their Lands giv- land, the town of Dorchester, at the request of the en * the reverend John Eliot of Roxbury, empowered four persons to lay out a plantation at Ponkipog, not ex- by the patent of James I in 1621, was the river St. Croix. And thus was the stream of St. George now affixed as the outmost extent of both towards the south-west." Ibid. 188. , i Smith New York, 22. a Chalmers, i. 224. 3 Morton, 155. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixii. Belknap Biog. ii. 335. Coll. Hist. Soc. ii. 4. Hubbard (ut supra) says, he was allied to the noble house of Standish in Lancashire, and inherited some of the virtues of that honourable family, as well as the name. In the military annals of Ply- mouth he stands preeminently distinguished. Dr. Belknap [Biog. ii. 335.] says, after the encounter at Mount Wollaston in 1628, we have no particu- lar account of him. We find however, that, so late as 1653, ne was placed at the head of the troops, provisionally raised by Plymouth colony ; and that h was chosen one of the assistants of that colony, as long as he lived. His sword is preserved in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical So* .-iety. 4 Hubbard Ind. War, 49, 50. 370 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1657. Licence to supply the natives with arms, A ship lost. Petaquam- scut pur- Canonkut. Disputes concerning- baptism. Boston 2 Death of W. Brad-' ford, ceeding six thousand acres of land, and gave that tract for the exclusive use and benefit of the Indians. x Massachusetts legislature granted a licence to cer- ^{ n persons, to supply the eastern Indians with arms , A r r r . J . . and ammunition for hunting, on paying an acknowl- edgment to the public treasury. * A ship, with many worthy passengers was lost in a voyage from Boston to England. 3 Several gentlemen on Rhode Island and other as- sociates made the Petaquamscut purchase of the chief sachems of the Narraganset country. The island of Canonicut was also purchased of the In- dians by William Coddington, Benedict Arnold* and others. 4 The question of enlarging the subjects of baptism having been much agitated, the magistrates of Con- nect j cut h ac ^ t h e } as t year, sent several of their num- ber to Massachusetts for consultation. The magis- trates of both those jurisdictions united in calling together several of the ablest ministers of each col- ony, and recommended to their consideration several inquiries on the disputed subject. Twenty six min- isters met at Boston in June ; and the result of their ai s P uta ti n was presented to the magistrates of each jurisdiction, and afterward printed. 5 William Bradford, governor of Plymouth, 6 The- 1 Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 100 ; ii. 9, Ponkipog (now Stoughtcn) was then within the limits of Dorchester. 2 Belknap N. Hamp. i. 160. 3 Morton, 163. Among the passengers lost was Mr. Thomas Mayhew jun. who had been the principal instrument in the conversion of the na- tives on Martha's Vineyard. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixii. | 4 Callender, 39. Brit. Emp. ii. 135, 148. Coll. Hist. Soc. v. 17. The smaller islands had been purchased before. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xli, Ixiii. The title of it was " Aafspu- tation concerning church members and their children, in answer to XXI Questions." 6 Morton, 156. Hutchinson, i. 206. Gov. Bradford, at the time of hia death, was in the LXIXth year of his age. Piety, wisdom, and integrity, were prominent traits of his character. Though he had not a learned edu- cation, he read and wrote much. He very assiduously studied the Hebrew language ; the French and Dutch languages were familiar to him ; and he had considerable knowledge of the Latin' and Greek. From the time of his first election in j6ai, he was annually choien governor, as long as lie % AMERICAN ANNALS. 371 ophilus Eaton, governor of New Haven, x and Ed- T. Eaton, ward Hopkins, formerly governor of Connecticut, ^ E ' HoI> died this year. 3 1658. A considerable settlement was made this year t>e- Southerton, tween Mistic and Pawcatuck rivers, by several fami- ed&onmg- lies from Massachusetts. 3 ' The settlers, finding that ton, settled. lived, excepting three years. See Belknap Bk>g. ii. 217 251. Hubbard [MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixii.] says, " he was the very prop and glory of Plym- outh colony during all the whole series of changes that passed over it.' i Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xlii. Gov. Eaton died 7 January, JEtat. .LXVII. For several years he had formerly been an agent for the king of England, at the court of Denmark. He was one of the original patentees of Massachusetts, and soon after his arrival was chosen one of the magis- trates of the colony. On the settlement of New Haven he was chosen gov- ernor of that colony ; and was annually reelected until his death. In pri- vate life he was very amiable ; his public character was distinguished for integrity and dignity, wisdom and piety. Trumbull, i. 240. 1 Trumbull, i. 241, 242. He was governor several years, and highly esteemed, as a wise and upright magistrate, and as a man of exemplary pie- ty and extensive charity. Having occasion to go to England, he was there chosen first \varden of the English fleet ; then commissioner of the admiral- ty and navy ; and finally a member of parliament. These unexpected pre- ferments induced him to send to N. England for his family, and to spend the remainder of his days in his native country, where he died, ./Etat. LVIII. He gave 500 out of his estate in England to trustees in N. Eng* land, " for the upholding and promoting the kingdom of the Lord Jesus -Christ, in those parts of the earth ;" which donation was considered as made to Harvard college, and the grammar school in Cambridge, and, by virtue of a decree in chancery, was paid in 1710. The money has been laid out in real estate in a township in Massachusetts, named, in honour of the donor, Hopkinton. The legislature of Massachusetts has made such addition to the fund, that six bachelors may now reside at Harvard College, and seven boys be instructed at the grammar school. Mr. Hopkins' whole estate in New England, estimated at about 1000 sterling [Hutchinson, i. ioi,says, " at least 2000."], was appropriated to the support of the gram- mar schools in New Haven and Hartford. Ibid. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 22. 3 This tract, part of Pequot, originally belonged to New JLondon. The first man, who settled on it, was William Cheeseborough from Rehoboth, in 1649. The general court of Connecticut, claiming the land, summoned him before them ; and, after stating their claims, and taking bonds for his good conduct, allowed his continuance, promising at the same time, that if he would procure a sufficient number of planters, they would give them all proper encouragement in making a permanent settlement ; and about 10 or 12 families began to plant there this year. Massachusetts claimed this country by virtue of the assistance it afforded Connecticut in the conquest of the Pequots. After the determination of the dispute by the commis- sioners, the planters petitioned the general court of Massachusetts, and obtained a grant of 8 miles from the mouth of Mistic river toward Wek- apang, and 8 miles northward into the country, and named the plantation Southerton. It continued under the government of Massachusetts until af- ter Connecticut obtained a royal charter. Trumbull, i. 242244. Gov. Trumbull MS. State and Origin of Connecticut. 37- AMERICAN ANNALS. 1658. there was a controversy between Connecticut and Massachusetts about a title and jurisdiction, entered into a voluntary contract to govern themselves, un- til it should be determined to which colony they should submit. The commissioners for the United Colonies,observing that thePequot country would ac- commodate two plantations, determined, that Mis- tic river be the boundary between them ; and that those people, already settled by commission from either of the two governments, be not molested. 1 order a- The general court of Massachusetts ordered, that bout pub- no person should publicly and constantly preach to he preach- r i i i i ingf any company or people, whether m a church state or not, or be ordained to the office of a teaching el- der, where any two organic churches, council of state, or general court, should declare dissatisfaction at such public service, either in reference to doctrine or practice, the offence being, declared to such peo- ple, church, or person, until the offence be orderly femoved ; and that, in case of the ordination of any teaching elder, timely notice be given to three or four of the neighbouring organic churches, for their approbation. a Differences concerning baptism, in this and the Settle- o . r % i ments at two preceding years, terminated in the removal or Northamp- one p art o f ^ churches and towns of Hartford, ton and ___ f r i i TTT- i i t 1 Hadiey. Wethcrsiield, and Windsor, to plantations higher on Connecticut river ; one of which was called Had- ley ; the other Northampton. 3 Lands at Orders were given to William Beckman, lieute- Cape Hen- nant governor at Newcastle under the command of bought b ^ director general of New Netherlands, to purchase the Dutch, of the natives the lands around Cape Henlopen, in i Tnimbull, i. 342 244. Gov. Trumbull MS. State and Origin of Connecticut. Backus N. Eng. i. 343. a Hazard Coll. 1.490. The Ecclesiastical Constitution of Massachusetts, composed of laws, made at different times by the legislature of that colo- ny, is inserted ibid. 4^8 493. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xli. The separation was " orderly an* peaceably." Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 373 order to raise a fortification, and extend the settle- ment. ' The affairs of Maryland continuing in a distract- Disorderly ed state, the government of that province was sur- Maryhnd. rendered by the commissioners to Feudal,* who had been appointed governor by the proprietary ; but his intrigues, instead of allowing the restora- tion of the public quiet, rather aggravated those mischiefs, which had long wasted the province." 3 There was a great earthquake in New England. 4 Earth- Ralph Partridge, minister of Duxborough died. s ^adTof R. Oliver Cromwell, protector, died on the third Partridge. of September ; and was succeeded by his son Cromwdl - Richard. 6 1659. The Virginians seized the occasion of the death January, of the protector's governor, to throw off the govern- ^orcsT ment of the protectorate. They applied to Sir Wil- Berkeley liam Berkeley, living privately on his estate, to re- t ^ e ^*{ sume the government of the colony ; but he did not Virginia; consent to the proposal until they solemnly promis- ed to adventure their, lives and fortunes with him for their king. Berkeley was restored in January ; and the colonists proclaimed Charles II king of Eng- ~ land, Scotland, Ireland and Virginia, before his res- Charles IL toration to the crown of England. 7 At the meeting of the assembly of Maryland, the , u PP er . , , IT . r -n i i house m burgesses, by the direction or connivance of Fendal, the assem- governor of the colony, dissolved the upper house, bl y f Ma- j j y . -, 8 rjr J ryland dis- and assumed every power in the state. 8 oi ve d. 1 Smith N. York, 7. Chalmers, i. 633. For want of goods, the pur- chase was not made until the next year. Smith, ib. 2 An insurgent. See A. D. 1656. 3 Chalmers, i. 224. 4 Morton, 164. Josselyn Voy. 269. 5 Magnal. book iii. 99. Morton, 164. 6 Life Cromwell, 405. 7 Chalmers, i. 125. The firmness, which the Virginians expressed in the royal cause, drew from the king a particular mark of his favour ; for some part of his habit, at the time of his coronation, it is said, was compo- sed of Virginian silk, sent to him from the colony. Univ. Hist. xli. 532. 8 Chalmers, i. 224, 225. The form' of the procedure was singular. No sooner was the assembly convened, than the burgesses sent the following paper to the upper house : " To the honourable the governor and council, " That this assembly of burgesses, judging themselves to be a lawful as- 374 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1659. The general court of Massachusetts, in addition Grant to t o the income of Charlestown ferry, formerly grant- ed t Harvard College, ordered, that there should be annually levied a hundred pounds, by addition to the country rate, for the maintenance of the presi- dent and fellows of the college. 1 Quakers William Robinson, Marmaduke Stephenson, and executed. ]y[ ar y Dyer, quakers, were brought to trial before the general court of Massachusetts, and sentenced to die. The two first were executed. z Lands pur- John Wmthrop, Humphrey Atherton, and asso- NaTraVan- ciates, purchased of the Narraganset sachems two set. tracts of land, joining to Narraganset bay, and set- tled them with inhabitants. 3 Moheagan Uncas and Wawequay, sachems of Moheagan, tedto g cra- g rant ed all their lands to major John Mason, agent necticut. for Connecticut, who, the next year, surrendered the lands to that colony. 4 " sembly, without dependence upon any other power in the province now " in being, is the highest court of judicature : and if any objection can ba " made, we desire to hear it." A conference ensued ; and the upper house, refusing to betray at once its trust and its own just authority, was dissolv- ed by the burgesses. Ibid. 236. I Mass. Laws. It was to continue " during the pleasure of the country.** y, Hutchinson, i. 200. Hazard Coll. ii. 565. They received this sen- tence " for their rebellion, sedition, and presumptuous obtruding themselves after banishment upon pain of death." Mary Dyer was reprieved, on con- dition of her departure from the jurisdiction in forty eight hours, and, if she returned, to suffer the sentence. She was carried however to the gal- lows, and stood with a rope about her neck until the others were executed. This infatuated woman returned, and was executed in 1660. A Declara- tion .of the general court, in justification of these proceedings, was soon af- ter printed. It is entire in Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixiv ; and Hazard Coll. ii. 567 572. An extract is in Mather Magnal. book vii. 23. See A. D. 1661. 3 Coll. Hist, Soc. v. 217, 2i8, 240. " One lying to the southward of Mr. Smith's trading house [See p. 320.], and the other to the northward of it." Ibid. The next year (1660) the Narraganset sachems, " for valuable consideration, mortgaged to major Atherton and partners the remaining- part of the whole Narraganset country, containing the Cowhesset and Ni- antick countries." Ibid. Atherton had about 20 associates. The consider- ation, here mentioned, was a sum of money for the Indian sachems, to re- deem their lands, that they had mortgaged. A longer time was allowed for payment ; but the sachems, failing also in this new engagement, sur- rendered their lands, in 1662, to those associates, " and gave them quiet and peaceable possession and seizin, by turf and twig." Ibid. Backus N. Eng. i. 343- 4 Gov, Trumbull MS. State and Origin of Connecticut. Coll, Hist. Soc. AMERICAN ANNALS. 375 Thomas Macy removed his family from*Salisbu- 1659. ry, in Massachusetts, to the west end of Nantucket, and began a settlement at Madakit harbour. There were, at that time, nearly three thousand Indians on the island. z Francis de Laval, who had been abbot of Mon- First bish- tigny, now appointed bishop of Canada, came over, F^ce? bringing, for the first time, monks of other orders beside Jesuits. z Sir Christopher Minis took the Spanish town of Campea- Campeachy. 5 Henry Dunster, president of Harvard College, Dea * h f died. 4 Peter Bulkley, minister of Concord, died, Sunster* in the seventy seventh year of his age. 5 a " d p - ix. 85. Trumbull, i. 424. The planters of Connecticut made repeated purchases of their lands. " The colony not only bought the Moheagan country of Uncas, but afterwards all the particular towns were purchased again, either of him or his successors, when the settlements in them com- menced." Ibid* 114. i Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 156 160. The natives were willing to sell their lands ; and the English gradually purchased them, until they obtained the whole, excepting some small rights, which are still retained by the aborig- inal proprietors. Peter Folger was the most distinguished man among the first English settlers of the island. His daughter was the mother of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, who, it is thought, " inherited a part of his noble pub- lick spirit from his grandfather, Peter Folger." Ibid. a Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 339. Univ. Hist. xxxk. 466. 3 Univ. Hist, xxxix. 141. Harris Voy. ii. 903. 4 Morton, 170. Mr. Dunster is considered as the first president o Harvard College ; and the commencement of his presidency was in 1640. [See p. 315, and Harv. Catalogue.] But the first master of the college was Nathaniel Eaton, " who was chosen professor or master" of that seminary in 1637 ; " for not only the tuition of the scholars, but the care and man- agement of all donations for erecting edifices &c. were committed to him." Pres. Stiles MSS. He was a distinguished scholar ; but was removed front his office for his severities, and went to Virginia. See Winthrop Journ. 184 187. Gov. Winthrop (ibid.) says, Eaton " had been some time in- itiated among the Jesuits." Mr. Dunster was well esteemed for his learn- ing, piety, and spirit of government ; but, imbibing at length the princi- ples of antipcedobaptism, he excited uneasiness among the overseers of the college, and was hence induced to resign the presidency 24 October, 1654. Mather Magnal. book iv* 128. He was a great master of the oriental lan- guages ; and when a new version of the psalms had been made by some of the New England divines, and printed in 1640, that version, requiring " a little more art," was committed to him ; and, with some assistance, he re- vised and refined it, and brought it into that state, in which the churches of New England used it for many subsequent years. Coll. Hist, Soc. vii. 19, 20. 5 Neal N. Eng. i, 331. [See A. D, 1637, p. 298.] He was descended 376' AMERICAN ANNALS. l66o. King Charles the Second was restored to the Brit- Charles ii. ' 1S ^ throne on the twenty ninth of May ; and made his entrance into London on the eighth of June. f Navigation The parliament passed an act for the general en- firmed" couragement and increase of shipping and naviga- tion, by which the provisions, made in the celebrat- ed Navigation Act of 1651, were continued, with ad- ditional improvements. 2 It enacted, that no sugar, tobacco, ginger, indigo, cotton, fustic, dying woods, of the growth of the English territories in America, Asia, or Africa, shall be transported thence to any other country, than those belonging to the crown of England, under the penalty of forfeiture. The most submissive colonists considered the act as griev- ous, and contrived various methods to evade it. 3 English The only English colonies on the American con- Amerka!" tinent, after the emigrations of half a century, were Virginia, New England, and Maryland ; which are supposed to have contained, at this time, no more than eighty thousand inhabitants. 4 Number of At the commencement of the civil wars in Eng- l anc ^ ^ ie popula^ 011 f Virginia had increased to a- bout twenty thousand souls. The cavaliers resort- ing to that colony, during the distresses of those times, Virginia contained, at this epoch of the Res- from an honourable family in Bedfordshire, and educated at one of the English universities ; and was distinguished for his knowledge in theology, for general literature, and for piety. He was a nioderator (Mr. Hooker was the other) of the synod in 1637. P. Stiles MSS. and Election Sermon, 109. Mather Magnal. book iii. 96 98. I Blair's Chronology. Henault, ii. 140. a Anderson, ii. 453. [See A. D. 1651.] The second article of the act is, * None but natural born subjects, or naturalized, shall henceforth exercise the occupation of a merchant or factor in those places" [Asia, Africa, or America], " under forfeiture of goods and chattels." This is judged to have been a good improvement on the former act ; " it having been before common to have Dutch merchants to be factors and agents in our colo- nies." Ibid. 3 Chalmers, i. 341, 24 z. While the parliament restrained the colonial trade to England, it conferred the privilege of the sole production of tobac- co on the plantations. Ibid. 243. 4 Chalmers, I 239. AMERICAN ANNALS. 377 toration, about thirty thousand persons. 1 The 1660. province of Maryland, notwithstanding its various distractions and revolutions, continued to increase in population, in industry, and in wealth ; and con- tained about twelve thousand persons. * The generals Whalley and Goffe, two of thej u i y . Judges of king Charles I, arrived at Boston. Hav- whailey & J . , f T 1 1 , r ii' t j Goffe ar- ing left London before the king was proclaimed, rive at Bo8 . they did not conceal their persons or characters. toD - They immediately visited governor Endicot, who gave them a courteous reception ; but, choosing a situation less public than Boston, they went, on the day of their arrival, to Cambridge. 3 A tract of land, six miles square, having been Maribo- granted to some of the inhabitants of Sudbury ; it rou s h in ~, 11 , r-mr n t corporated. was now incorporated by the name of Marlborough. 4 Several of the inhabitants of Ipswich, on petition Brookfield to the general court of Massachusetts, obtained a * e led grant of land, near Quabaug pond, six miles square ; which was soon after settled, and named Brook- field.* 1 Chalmers, i. 115. 2 Chalmers, i. 226. 3 Hutchinson, i. 215, 2t6. Chalmors, i. 249. President Stiles Hist, of Three of the Judges of king Charles I. 23 26. The act of indemnity was brought over the last of November. It appeared however, that Whalley and Goffe were not excepted, with those, to whom pardon wa* offered ; and some of the principal persons in the government were alarm- ed. The governor summoned a court of assistants 22 February 1661, to consult about securing them ; but the court did not agree to it. Finding it unsafe to remain longer where they were, they left Cambridge 26 Feb- ruary, and arrived at New Haven 7 March. A few days after their remo- val, a hue and cry was brought by the way of Barbadoes ; and the governor and assistants issued a warrant 8 March to secure them. To avoid all sus- picion of their sincerity, they sent Thomas Kellond and Thomas Kirk, zealous royalists, to go through the colonies, as far as Manhattan, in search cf them ; but deputy governor Leet favouring their concealment, and Mr. Davenport, minister of New Haven, and a few other confidential persons, actually aiding it, they effectually eluded discovery. Ibid. 4 Coll. Hist. Soc. iv. 46. Its Indian name was Okommakamesit ; and it appears to have begun to be settled by the English about the year 1654. Ib. 5 Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 258. The court required these conditions : " Pro- vided they have 20 families there resident within three years, and that they fcive as able minister *ettled there within the said term, ucb as the cwrt F f f 378 AMERICAN ANNALS. Woolwich. Woolwich, in the Province of Maine, was settled. * Norwich The township of Norwich, in Connecticut, hav* settled } n g 1^^ purchased of the natives ; the reverend lames Fitch, with the principal part of his church and congregation, removed from Saybrook, and planted that town.* The town of Huntingdon, on Long Island, was received as a member of the Connecticut jurisdiction. 3 Towns of There were, at this time, in New England ten Indian towns, of such as were called Praying In- dians, 4 The first Indian church in New England was now embodied at Natkk. s About this time a few adventurers emigrated from Massachusetts, and settled around Cape Fear. 6 1661. Charles II, in his instructions to Sir William governor of Berkeley, governor of Virginia, required Him to call Virginia, an assembly, as soon as might be, and to assure it of the royal intention to grant a general pardon and oblivion of all persons, those only exccpted,- wha were attainted by act of parliament ; provided thaf body should repeal all acts, made during the rebel- lion, derogatory from the obedience, which the col- onies owed to the king and government of England ; shall approve ; and that they make due provision in some way or other for the future, either by setting apart of lands, or what else shall be thought mete for the continuance of the ministry among them." The Indian pro- prietor, Shattoockquis, gave a deed of the land to the English 10 Novem-- ber r6.6j. Ibid. See a copy of it r ibid. I Sullivan, 169. Mills were now erected there. Ibid. 1 Trumbull, i. 245, 246. The township is about nine miles square. In June 1659 tfacas' and his two sons, by a formal deed, made it over to Thorn-' as Leffingwell and 34 other proprietors ; who, at this time, gave Ulricas and his sons about 70, as a farther compensation, in addition to a former ben- efit, on account of which Uncas had given Leffingwell a deed of a great part, if not of the whole town. Ibid. 3 Trumbull, i. 246. 4 Hutchinson, i. 166. 5 Coll. Hist. Soc.i. 181. 6 Chalmers, i. 515. These emigrants, from the unpropitious soil and climate, and the want of a good fishery, for some years experienced the miseries of want. On their solicitation of aid from their countrymen, the general. court ordered a universal contribution for their relief. Ibid. 516. AMERICAN ANNALS. 379 to transmit an account of all tobacco shipped from 1661. that colony, that every one might be punished, who should transgress the act of navigation ; and to transmit his opinion of the practicability of establish- ing an iron work. * The laws of England, which seem to have been Virginia observed by consent of the settlers of Virginia, were i^^ f the now expressly adopted by an act of the assembly of England. that colony ; excepting so far, as a difference of condition rendered them inapplicable. a The Society " for the propagation of the Gospel Society for among the heathen natives of New England, and t p in g P tg" the parts adjacent," was incorporated by king gospel in- CharlesII. 3 corporate*. The king appointed the great officers of state a Ma Y- committee " touching the settlement of New Eng- land." 4 land. Complaints being made to the king against Mas- Complaint* ^achusetts, he commanded the governor and coun- to the kin & i i -n i i i against cil " to send persons to England, to answer these Massachu- various accusations." Charles II had not yet been settl - proclaimed by them. The governor, on receiving intel- ^ Jigence of the transactions, that were taking place in England to the prejudice of the colony, judged it in- expedient to delay that solemnity any longer. Cal- ling the court together, a form of proclamation was agreed to ; and Charles was acknowledged to be proclaims their sovereign lord and king, and proclaimed " to in that col- be lawful king of Great Britain, France and Ireland, ony ' and all other territories thereto belonging." * i Chalmers, i. 245. The iron work " is proposed," says the king, to be undertaken by ourself." i Jefferson Virg. Query XIV. 3 Humphrey's Hist. Account, 6. See A. D. 1649. 4 Chalmers, i. 244. 5 Ibid. 253, 254. Hutchinson, i. 216 218. The court published an rder the same day, " forbidding all disorderly behaviour on the occasion ; declaring, that no perso might expect indulgence for the breach of any law ; and " in a particular manner, that no man should presume to drink his majesty's health," which, the order says, " he hath in aa especial man- ner forbid." This last prohibition, whatever was it* origin, was very pru- 5 go AMERICAN ANNALS. 1661. An address to the king was also agreed to, and Address to ordered to be sent to England. 1 kmg. rj-^g g enera j cour t o f Massachusetts, received a letter from the king, signifying his pleasure, that there should be no farther prosecution of the qua- kers, who were condemned to suffer death or other Penal laws cor p ora l punishment, or who were imprisoned, and against obnoxious to such condemnation ; but that they be wpraded forthwith sent over to England for trial. The court accordingly ordered, that the laws in force against the quakers, so far as they respected corporal pun- ishment or death, be suspended. a dential. Had what was forbidden been injofned, it might have proved toe severe a test of the loyalty ef the colonists ; especially, if what Chalmers says were strictly true, that king Charles and New England " mutually- hated, contemned, and feared each other, during his reign } because the one suspected its principles of attachment, the other dreaded an invasion of privileges." Ibid. 244. Hutchinson, i. 216 219. Chalmers, 1.254. I Hutchinson, i. 219. It is inserted in Hazard, ii. 593 595. a Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. hiv. Neal N. Eng. i. 334, 335. On this occasion, 28 quakers were released from prison, anrl conducted out of the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. The letter from the king and the acts of the court are in Hazard, ii. 595, 596. The letter was superscribed to governor Endicot, and to all the other governors of New England. To vindicate the errors of our ancestors were to make them our own. It is allowed, that they were culpable ; but we do not concede, that, in the present in- stance, they stood alone, or that they merited all the censure, bestowed on. them. Laws, similar to those of Massachusetts, were passed elsewhere a- gainst the quakers, and particularly in Virginia. " If no execution took place here [Virginia], as it did in New England, it was not owing to the moderation of the church, or spirit of the legislature." Jefferson Virg. Query XVII. The prevalent opinion among all sects of Christians, at that day, that toleration is sinful, ought to be remembered ; nor may it be forgotten, that ihejirst quakers in New England, beside speaking and writ- ing what was deemed blasphemous, reviled magistrates and ministers ; and disturbed religious assemblies ; and that the tendency of their tenets and practices was to the subversion of the commonwealth, in that period of its infancy. See Hubbard MS. N. Eng. Hazard Coll. i. 630 ; ii. 596 ; and the early historians of N. England. In reviewing the conduct of our re- vered ancestors, it is but just to make allowance for the times in which they lived, and the occasions of their measures. It is readily conceded however, that severe treatment of sectaries generally serves to increase their real, and their numbers ; and that it is therefore as repugnant to sound policy, as to the benevolent spirit of Christianity. The great and learned Grotius, in reference to the treatment of the sectaries in Holland, says, with equal candour and discrimination : " Nee illos plane damnaveris, qui pra- va et moribus noxia docentes exilio, aut honorum facultatumque ademtione mulctaverunt. Sed contra eventus fuit. Quin ipsa invitant pericula" &c. Annales, 16, 17, It is hardly needful to subjoin, that, whatever are tfe? AMERICAN ANNALS. 381 The Indian translation of the New Testament, by Indian tes- the reverend John Eliot, was finished this year, and tament - printed. x The tract of land at Kennebeck river, owned by ^ and at Plymouth colony, was now sold for fourteen hun- 80 id. ne dred pounds sterling. * The charter of Connecticut was granted by king April 23, Charles II, with the most ample privileges, under $^ the great seal of England. It ordained, among other ut granted. provisions, that there should be annually two gen- eral assemblies, one holden on the second Thursday in May, and the other, on the second Thursday in October ; and that the assembly should consist of the governor, deputy governor, and twelve assist- ants, with two deputies from every town or city. John Winthrop was appointed governor, and John Mar on, deputy governor, until a new election should be made. The governor and company were author- ized to have a common seal, to appoint judicatories, make freemen, constitute officers, establish laws, impose fines, assemble the inhabitants in marshal ar- ray for common defence, and to exercise martial law in all necessary cases. It was ordained by the char- ter, that all the king's subjects, in the colony, should enjoy all the -privileges of free and natural subjects within the realm of England ; and that the patent should always have the most favourable construc- tion for the benefit of the governor and company. * religious theories of the Quakers or Friends at this day, their deportment in society excites respect, and conciliates esteem. I Coll. Hist. Soc. 1.176. It was dedicated to Charles II. i Sullivan, 117. It was sold to Antipas Boies, Edward Tyng, Thomas Brattle, and John Winslow. Ibid. See A. D. 1628. 3 Trumbull, i. 259, 260. Chalmers, i. 293, 294. Stokes Brit. Colosius, ^3 67. Brit. Emp. ii. 169171. See the entire Charter, prefixed to the Acts and Laws of Connecticut. The general court of Connecticut, in 1661, prepared a Petition to the king for a charter ; and John Winthrop, then governor cf the colony, went te England to procure it. An extraordinary 382 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 1662. The charter included the colony of New Haven ; b . ut that colonv did not accept it, nor agree to be IN n ited under one government with Connecticut. x the charter. ^ synod of all the ministers in Massachusetts, Se tember. with messen g ers from the churches, was holden at Synod at ' Boston, by appointment of the general court, to de Boston, liberate and decide on certain subjects of ecclesiasti- cal controversy. 2 The result of its deliberations was delivered to the general court ; which ordered it to be printed, and recommended its observance to all the churches in its jurisdiction. 3 Licensers The general court of Massachusetts appointed of the press. tWQ li censers o f t h e preSS. 4 Hampshire ^ e ^^ towns hips, settled on Connecticut riv- county er, in the colony of Massachusetts, were made a formed, county, by the name of Hampshire. 3 ring, that Mr. Winthrop now presented to Charles II, which the king's fa- ther Charles I had presented to Mr. Winthrop's grandfather, is thought to have been influential in procuring the royal favour. Ibid. Governor Win- throp did not arrive with the charter until after the general election in May ; and the freemen made no alteration in their officers until 9 October ; on which day Mr. Winthrop was chosen governor, and Mr. Mason, depu- ty governor ; magistrates, or assistants, were also chosen ; and the charter was publicly read to the freemen. Trumbull, ibid. Mather [MagnaL book i. 24.] says, it was " as amply priviledged a charter, as was ever en* joyed perhaps by any people under the cope of heaven." The Petition for it is in Hazard Coll. ii. 586588, and Trumbull, i. Append. No. VIL It cost the colony about 1300 sterling. Trumbull, i. 362. i Chalmers, i. 296. Trumbull, i. 260 277, where the objections to the union, with the arguments for it, and the negotiations to effect it, are recited at large. See A. D. 1665. a Mather MagnaL boek v. 63, 64. Hutchinson, i. 223. Trumbull, i, -315. Two questions were referred to its decision : 1. Who are the sub* jects of baptism ? a. Whether, according to the Word of God, there ought to be a consociation of churches ? In answer to the first, the synod declar- ed, " That church members, who were admitted in minority, understand- " ing the doctrine of faith, and publicly professing their assent thereunto, " not scandalous in life, and solemnly owning the covenant before the church, " wherein they give up themselves and children to the Lord, and subject " themselves to the government of Christ in his church, their children are " to be bapti2ed." This answer " was substantially the same with that given by the council in 1657." The synod also gave their opinion in fa- vour of the consociation of churches. See " The Answer of the Elders and. other Messengers of the Churches," with Remarks, in Mather MagnaL book v. 64 84. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixvi. 4 Hutchinson, i. 257. Daniel Gookin Esq. and Rev. Mr. MitcheL 5 Ibid.aa6. AMERICAN ANNALS. 383 The town of Dorchester voted, that Unquety 1662. f Milton] should be a township, if it have the con- ^ r ^ sent of the general court. * Metacom, sachem of Pokanoket, afterward cele- August 6. brated under the English name and title of king ^P Q k f et Philip, made his appearance at the court of Plym- re new3a- outh, and solicited the continuance of the amity and mit y wi j friendship, which had subsisted between the govern- ym< or of Plymouth and his father and brother ; and promised for himself and his successors to remain subjects of the king of England. * The authority of lord Baltimore, the proprietary Govem- of Maryland, being reestablished at the Restoration, J^l d he appointed Charles Calvert, his- eldest son, go- reverts ta vernor of the colony ; who now assumed the ad- l .* 3 ' la ~ ministration. 3 The assembly of Maryland besought the proprietary " to take order for setting up a Law for * mint," and a law was passed for that purpose. 4 mmtt The prosperity of this province was considerably checked by the incursions of the Janadoa Indians ; Indian in- but, by the aid of the Susqnehannahs, they were cursi repelled, probably annihilated. 5 The ancient constitution of Virginia being restor- March. ed, the grand assembly of that colony was convened I Coll. Hist. Soc. i, 100. It was incorporated this year. a ""S" 11 2. Neal N. Eng. i. 3 5 a. Morton, 171, 17 a. The court expressed its willingness to continue the friendship ; and promised to afford the ludians *' such friendly assistance by advice and otherwise, as they justly may ;" end to " require" their " English at all times to carry friendly towards them." Ibid. I. Mather [Troubles with the Indians, 70.] says, it was at this time, that Metacom desired an English name, and that the court nam- d him Philip. 3 Chalmers, i. 360. Univ. Hist. xl. 469. Europ. Settlements, ii. 229. 4 Chalmers, i. 248. " The great hindrance to the colony in trade, for the want of money," is assigned as the reason for the measure. It was e- nacted, that the money coined shall be of as good silver as English ster- ling ; that every shilling, and so in proportion for other pieces, shall weigh above nine pence in such silver ; and that the proprietary shall accept of it in payment of his rents and other debts. This coin being afterward cir- culated, the present law was confirmed among the perpetual laws of Ma- ryland in 1676. This is the only law for coining money, which occurs in colonial history, previous to the American revolution, excepting the ordi- nance of Masachusetts in 1652. Chalmers, i. 248. 5 Chalmers, i. 249. Their " name seems now extinct or forgotten." 384 AMERICAN ANNAtS* 1 662. in March, agreeably to the governor's instructions. The church of England was now, with the approba-* tion of the people, regularly established by the as- sembly ; churches were ordered to be built ; glebes were laid out, and vestries appointed j ministers, who had received their ordination from some bish- op in England, were to be inducted by the govern- or ; and all others were prohibited from preaching, on pain of suspension, or banishment. T The same assembly enacted a law " against the divulgers of false news."* eape Hen- The Dutch retired from the country around Cape iopen. Henlopen ; and Calvert, governor of Maryland im- mediately occupied it. 3 By an act of uniformity in religion, which took effect on the twenty fourth of August, about two . thousand dissenting ministers were ejected from their Act of Urn- , /-. . * r i i formity benefices, without any provision for themselves, or passed in their families. Soon after, they were banished five England. m il es distant from every corporation in England. Several ultimately died in prison, for exercising their ministry in private, contrary to law ; but a consider- able number of them found an asylum in New Eng- land- 4 l Chalmers, i. 245. The Dutch left it, on the remonstrance of Calvert. a Ibid. 246. The assembly " considered how much of the late misery had arisen from the falsehood of rumour," and was hence influenced to make the law. Ibid. " Happy had it been for that colony," adds Chal- mers, " had a rule so promotive of internal quiet been carefully attended t and enforced." Various other beneficial regulations were now established, which long served as the code of provincial jurisprudence. No other no-* tice was taken of the late " usurpation," than a declaration of the assembly, ' that, in order to avoid like inconveniences, it had reviewed the whole bo- dy of laws, expunging all the unnecessary acts, ahd chiefly such as might keep in memory the late forced deviation of the people from his majesty** obedience, and bringing into one volume those that are in force." The Virginians were now happy in the governor ot their choice, and in the form of government, that had formerly given them great satisfaction ; and, in the language of Chalmers, " as they neither felt the pressures of griev- ance, nor experienced the fever of distrust, they continued, for some time, in that desirable but unimportant state of tranquillity, which adds nothing 1 to the stock of historic knowledge." Ibid. 247. 3 Chalmers, i. 654. 4 Ncal N. Eng.i. 556. Pierce Vindicat. Dissenter*, 231, *3*- The AMERICAN ANNALS. 385 1663. The immense territory, lying southward of Vir- Grant of ginia, although granted to Sir Robert Heath by JJjjjj^* Charles I, 1 remained unsettled. Edward earl of clarendon Clarendon and several associates, apprized of the ex- and others, ceilent soil of that country, formed a project for planting a colony there. On application for a char- ter, 1 Charles II granted them all the lands, lying between the thirty first and thirty sixth degrees of north latitude ; s and constituted them absolute lords and proprietors of that tract of country, re- serving to himself and his successors the sovereign dominion. He empowered them to enact and pub- lish any laws, which they should judge necessary, with the assent, advice, and approbation of the free- men of the colony ; to erect courts of judicature, and appoint civil judges, magistrates, and officers ; to erect forts, castles, cities, and towns ; to make war, and, in cases of necessity, to exercise martial law ; to build harbours, make ports, and enjoy cus- toms and subsidies, imposed, with the consent of the freemen, on goods loaded and unloaded. One of the provisions of the charter is peculiarly worthy learned and pious John Owen, D. D. who, under the Protectorship, had been dean of Christ church, and vice chancellor of the university of Ox- ford, . was invited to the pastoral charge of the first church in Boston, and shipped his effects for N. England ; but he was forbidden to leave the kingdom, by express orders from Charles II. tbid. Hutchinson, i. aa6. It does not satisfactorily appear, that he was invited to the presidency of Har- vard college. I See A.D. 1630, p. 259, a 60, text and note. , a " Excited by a laudable and pious zeal for the propagation of the gos- pel," they" beg a certain country in the part* of America, not yet cultiva- ted and planted, and only inhabited by some barbarous people, who have no knowledge of God." Charter. The applicants, beside Clarendon, were George duke of Albemarle, William lord Craven, John lord Berkeley, An- tony lord Ashley, Sir George Carteret, Sir William Berkeley, and Sir John Colleton. Ibid. 3 Including the territories of what afterward constituted North Caroli- na, South Carolina, and Georgia. Ramsay S. Carolina, i. 1, 12. By a sec- end and more ample charter, dated 24 March 1667, the boundaries were rhade to extend from the a9th degree of north latitude to 36 deg. 30 min, and from these points on the sea coast westward in parallel lines to the Pa* cific Or ran. Hewet, i. 45. Brit. Emp, iii, m -235, AMERICAN ANNALS, 1663 charter given to R. Island. of notice. 1 The king granted the proprietors au- thority to allow the inhabitants of the province such indulgencies and dispensations, in religious affairs, as they, in their discretion, should think proper and reasonable ; and no person, to whom such liberty should be granted, was to be molested, punished, or called in question, for any differences in speculative opinions with respect to religion, provided he dis- turbed not the civil order and peace of the community. The province, thus erected, was called Carolina. z The privy council, considering the present condi- tion of Carolina, decided, that all former grants were now void, because they had never been execut- ed. Animated by this decision, the proprietors held their first meeting in May, to agree on meas- . ures for the transporting of colonists, and for the payment of various expenses ; and they now pub- lished proposals to all who would plant in Carolina. 3 Charles II conferred a charter on Rhode Island anc j_ Providence plantations. 4 By this charter the J r fhe reason 1 , assigned in the charter for such a dispensing power, is, " it might happen, that several of the inhabitants conld not in their private opinions conform to the exercise of religion according to the liturgy and ceremonies of the church of England." 2, Hewet, i. 45, 46. Chalmers, i. 517. Drayton S. Carolina, 5. Some writers place this article in 1662. 3 Chalmers, i. 517. The proposals were made at the desire of " the New England people, settled around Cape Fear." See A. D. 1660. These proposals offered, among other privileges, that the emigrants may present to the proprietaries 13 persons, in order that they may appoint a governor and a council; of six for three years ; that an assembly, composed of the governor, the council, and delegates of the freemen, should be called, as won as the circumstances of the colony would allow, with power to make laws, which should be neither contrary to the laws of England, nor of any validity after the publication of the dissent of the proprietaries ; that every one should enjoy the most perfect freedom in religion ; that, during five years, every freeman should be allowed too acres of land, and 50 for every servant, paying one half penny only aa acre ; and that the same freedom from customs, which had been allowed by the royal charter, should be al- lowed to every one. 4 Hazard Coll. ii. 612 623, where the charter is entire. Chalmers, i. 274. Stokes Brit. Colonies, 60 62. Coll. Hist. Soc. v. 218. There were, at that time, but 18 representatives in the colony ; 6 from New- port, 4 from Providence, 4 from Portsmouth, and 4 frem Warwick. Doug- lass, i. 87. They were chosen half yearly by the several towns. Callen- dcr, 46. AMERICAN ANNALS. 387 supreme or legislative power was vested in an as- 1663* sembly, the constituent members of which were to consist of the governor, and assistants, and such of the freemen as should be chosen by the towns ; but the governor, or deputy governor, and six assistants, were to be always present. 1 The legislature of Rhode Island passed an act, that all men professing Christianity, and of competent estates, civil conver- sation, and obedient to the civil magistrate, though of different judgment in religious affairs, Roman Catholics only excepted, should be admitted free- men, and have liberty to choose and be chosen offi- cers in the colony, both civil and military, z A small plantation, that had been several years Plantation established within the boundaries of the Carolina patent, on the north eastern banks of the river Chowan, was now named, in compliment to the ti- de of general Monk, Albemarle. 3 A ship arrived from Holland at Delaware river, DH ao with new planters, ammunition, and implements of Delaware. husbandry. 4 A terrible eathquake was felt in the northern J an -* 6 - parts of America. s i Chalmers, i. 274. a Brit. Empire, ii. 148. 3 Chalmers, 518, 519. This plantation had been made by settlers from Nansamond, which was settled so early as 1609. Ib, See that year. 4 Smith N. York, 9. 5 Morton, 173, there placed, according to the old computation, in 1662. Josselyn Voy. 58. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 363 369. It was felt throughout New England and New Netherlands ; but Canada was the chief seat of its concussions. It began there about half an hour after five in the evening. While the heavens were serene, there was suddenly heard a roar, like that of fire. The buildings were instantly shaken with amaz- ing violence. " The doors opened and shut of themselves, with a fearful clattering. The bells rang, without being touched. The walls split asun- der. The floors separated, and fell down. The fields put on the appear- ance of precipices ; and the mountains seemed to be moving out of their places." The first shock continued nearly half an hour. Several violent shocks succeeded this, the same evening, and the next day ; nor did the earthquakes cease until the following July. The effects of the first, in Jan- jaary, were remarkable. " Many fountains and small rivers were dried up. In others, the water became sulphureous ; and in some, the channel in whidi AMERICAN ANNALS. Death of John Norton, minister of Boston, * Samuel Stone 9 ministers. m } n i s ter of Hartford, 1 and Samuel Newman, minis- ter of Rehoboth, died. 3 1664. March u. King Charles II granted a patent to his brother, SiTduke t^ 6 duke of York and Albany, for various and ex- of York, tensive tracts of land in America. 4 A part of this they ran before, was 30 altered that it could not be distinguished. Many trees were torn up, and thrown to a considerable distance ; and some moun- tains appeared to be much broken and moved. Half way between Tadous- sac and Quebec, two mountains were shaken down : and the earth thus thrown down, formed a point of land, which extended half a quarter of a league into the river St. Lawrence. The island Aux Coudres became larg- er than it was before ; and the channel in the river became much altered." Memoirs Americ. Atad. Arts and Sciences, i. 2,63 265. This is a credi- ble account ; because derived from original sources. But, that this earth- quake in Canada overwhelmed a chain of mountains of fr-ee stone more than 300 miles long, and changed that immense tract into a plain, though af- firmed, must not be believed. See Clavigero Hist. Mexico, ii. Ml. i Morton, 177. Mather Magnal. book iii. 32 41. Mr. Norton was sn eminent scholar and divine. He was teacher of the church at Ipswich ; but, after the death of Mr. Cotton, he was solicited to return to Boston, and officiated as his successor until his own death. He was much respect- ed for his talents and piety ; and had " an eminent acumen in polemical di- vinity." In the year 1644 William Apollonius having, at the direction of the divines in Zealand, sent over to New England a number of questions, i-el'Jting to the way of church government there, the ministers of New Eng- land unanimously requested Mr. Norton to draw up an answer ; which he finished in 1645. ^ r - Cotton Mather supposes, this was the first Latin book, that ever was written in the country. Mr. Norton assisted in model- ling the Cambridge Platform in 1647. He also wrote an answer to a let- ter of the famous Dureus, who laboured for a pacification among the re- formed churches. On the restoration of Charles II, he and Simon Brad- street, esquire, were sent to England by Massachusetts colony, with an ad- dress to the king ; but, returning with a less successful embassy, than their constituents had expected, their reception was at least cold and suspicious ; and the severe reflections of some of the colonists are thought to have preyed on his spirits, and accelerated his death. Mather Magnal. book iii. 32 41. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixxiv. Hutchir.son, i. 220 223. a Trumbull, i. 326. Mather Magnal. book iii. 116 118. Morton, 179. Coll. Hist. See. vii. 41. Mr. Stone was educated at Emar.uel college in Cambridge. He was eminently pious and exemplary. His sermons were replete with sentiment, concisely and closely applied. He was an a- cute disputant. He was celebrated for his wit ; and his company was much sought by men of learning. 3 Morton, 176. Mather Magnal. book iii. 113 n 6. He was an ani- mated preacher, an indefatigable student, and a pious man. Ibid. See A. D. 1644, p. 333. 4 Smith N. York, 10. The boundaries cf the patent are described ibit!. and Trumbull, i. 27 7. AMERICAN ANNALS. 389 tract was conveyed soon after by the duke to John 1664. Lord Berkeley, baron of Stratum, and Sir George Carteret, of Saltrum in Devon, members of the king's council, by the name of Nova Csesarea, or New Jersey. x The same king issued a commission, empowering colonel Richard Nicolls, Sir Robert Carr, George Cartwright, and Samuel Maverick, esquires, " to hear and determine complaints and appeals, in all causes, as well military, as criminal and civil," within New England ; and to proceed in all things for settling the peace and security of the country. * The commissioners, arriving at Boston, laid before the council their commission and instructions, requir- ing assistance for the reduction of New Netherlands. The council advised, that the entire subject be sub- mitted to the general court, which was soon to meet. 3 Nicolls, who had been fitted out from England with four frigates and three hundred soldiers, 4 for gainst N. the conquest of the Dutch, proceeded directly to Manhattan, without waiting for auxiliaries. No sooner had the frigates entered the harbour, than Stuyvesant, the governor, sent a letter to the Eng- lish commanders, to desire the reason of their ap- proach, and of their continuance in the harbour I Smith N. York, 10, n. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 348, 362. This name wa given in compliment to Sir George Carteret, whose family came from the Isle of Jersey. Thus the New Netherlands became divided into New Jer- sey and New York. Ibid. a Hubbard MS. N. Eng. Ixv. This commission is in Hutchicson, i. Ap- pend. No. XV, and Hazard Coll. ii. 638, 639. 3 Chalmers, i. 3?6, 387. Morton, 185. The general court, resolving " to bear true allegiance to his majesty and to adhere to a patent, so dearly obtained, and so long enjoyed by undoubted right,' 'Raised 200 men for the king's service ; though they did not join the expedition, because it had been crowned with success before they embodied. Chalmers, ibid, and 573. 4 The authors of the Universal History [xxxix. 348.] say, that Sir Rob- ert Carr was sent with a strong squadron, and 3000 land troops, with or- ders to dispossess the Dutch of the country, given by king Charles to his brother, and to put the duke of York in possession of it. What separate instructions may have been given to Carr, we know not ; but he sailed from England with Nicolls, and acted subordinatery to him. In regard to the number of troops, I have followed Smith and Chalmers, both of whom say, there were 300, 390 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1664. without giving notice to the Dutch. Nicolls an- swered the letter, the next day, by a summons, Stuyvesant, determined on a defence, refused to sur- render. Letters and messages were reciprocally ex- changed. The English commissioners meanwhile published a proclamation* encouraging the inhabit- ants to submit ; sent officers to beat up for volun teers on Long Island ; and issued a warrant to Hugh Hide, who commanded the squadron, to prosecute the reduction of the fort. These preparations, with the refusal of Nicolls to treat about any thing but a surrender, induced the Dutch governor to agree to a treaty for that purpose ; and on the twenty sev- ent k August articles of capitulation were signed, by which the fort and town of New Amsterdam Amster- were surrendered to the English. The Dutch were dam; . r , which is to continue free denizens ; to possess their estates now named undiminishcd ; to enjoy their ancient customs with 'regard to inheritances, to their modes of worship, and church discipline ; and they were allowed a freedom of trade to Holland. x In honour of the duke of York, New Amsterdam now took the name of New York. * Sept. 24- On the twenty fourth of September the Dutch rort Ur- . , *_ . * , ange taken garrison at roTt Orange capitulated to the English j by theEng- anc j j n honour of the duke, was called Albany. 3 hsh, and , i Smith N. York, 1 2 23. Chalmers, i. 573, 574. .The last privilege Nicolls had no power to confer ; because a king of England could net dis- pense with the laws, by permitting a commerce, which they had prohibit- ed. Chalmers, ibid, and p. 596. There were XXIII Articles in the Ca- pitulation. See them entire in Smith N. York, 19 21, and Smith N. Jer- sey, 43 47. The English deputies, who signed the treaty, were Sir Rob ert Carr, George Carteret, John Winthrop, governor cf Connecticut, Sam- uel Wyllys, one of the assistants of that colony, and Thomas Clarke and John Pynchon, commissioners from the general court of Massachusetts, who, Smith says, " but a little before brought an aid from that province.'* Gov. Winthrop and several of the principal men in Connecticut had previ- ously joined the English. Trumbull, i. 279. 1 Smith N. York, n, 22. The town was laid out eight years before. See A. D. 1656. 3 Ibid. Smith N. Jersey, 60. While Carteret, who had been commis- sioned to subdue Fort Orange, was at that place, he had an interview with the Indians of the Five Nations, and entered into a league of friendship f AMERICAN ANNALS. 391 On the first of October, articles of capitulation 1664. were made between Sir Robert Carr and the Dutch and Swedes on Delaware bay and river ;* which clued. completed the subjection of New Netherlands to the English crown. * Three inhabitants of Jamaica on Long Island pur- Elizabeth- chased of certain Indian chiefs a tract of land, on a SeT Se part of which a town was built this year, and cal- led Elizabethtown. 3 The reverend John Eliot completed the transla- Indian bk tion of the bible into the Indian language, which e * was now printed at Cambridge. 4 The line between the colonies of Massachusetts Line be- and Plymouth was amicably settled, by a committee ^STand from each colony. 5 Plymouth A very large comet was seen by the people of comet. New England. 6 Count de Cerillac sold the island Grenada to the French West India company for a hundred thousand livres. 7 with them ; " which," adds Smith nearly a century afterward (1756), " re- markably continues to this day." Hist. N. York, az. Golden Five Nat. 34. i Chalmers, i. 634. Jefferson Virg. 275. Encyc. Brit. Art. DELAWARE. z Smith N. York, 23. The history of New Netherlands, Chalmers [5 7 2-] observes, " contains nothing, but their settlement, their constant tur- moils, their extinction ; and it ought to teach a lesson to nations and to men, how they admit others to invade tkeir rights, because continued pos- session at length forms a title, specious if not just." 3 Smith N. Jersey, 62. The name of the town is said to have been giv- en for Elizabeth, the wife of Sir George Carteret. The entire tract was called The Elizabeth Town Grant. Beside Elizabethtown, the towns of Newark, Middletown and Shrewsbury, were soon built ; and these, with the adjacent country, were in a few years well inhabited by many settlers from Scotland ; some, from England ; some of the Dutch, who remained in the country ; and some, from the neighbouring colonies. Ibid. 4 Josselyn N. Eng. Ran nz. Douglass, i. 133. It was republished (1685) with the corrections of Mr. Cotton, minister of Plymouth. Ibid. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 14. The title of it is : " Mamusse Wunneetupanatam- we UP-BIBLUM GOD Naneeswe NUKKONE TESTAMENT Kah Wonfc WUSKO TESTAMENT." 5 Hutchinson. i. 229. Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 100. 6 Josselyn Voy. 50, 272. Hutchinson, i. 226. It was visible from XJf November to 4 February. I. Mather [Discourse on Comets, 113.] says, * this famous comet was conspicuous to the whole world." 7 Univ. Hist. xli. 226. Of 500 French planters, who were settled on the island when Cerillac bought it in 1657, no more than 150 now lived - 392 New French W. India com- pany. Martinico. St. Lucia. May. Union of N. Haven and Con- necticut. Code of laws for N.York. AMERICAN ANNALS. Colbert, prime minister of France, erected on the ruins of the old Canada and West India company a new exclusive West India company, for forty years. c Lewis XIV redeemed Martinico from the proprieta- ries, and granted it to this new company. a The English took the isle of St. Lucia from the French. 3 1665. At the general election, New Haven and Connec- ticut became united in one colony. 4 A proportion- al number of the council was of the former colony of New Haven. All the towns sent their deputies ; and the assembly appeared entirely harmonious. At this session counties were first made, and county courts were first instituted by that name. * At the time of the union, New Haven arid Connecticut con- sisted of nineteen towns. 6 The court of assizes 7 in New York collected in- to one code the ancient customs, with such addition- al improvements, as the great change of things re- quired, regarding the laws of England as the su- preme rule. These ordinances, transmitted to Eng- there. [See p. 353, note i.] Ten years afterward (1674) the charter of the French W. Indies being abolished, the island became vested in the crown of France. Ibid. Edwards W. Indies, i. 349. I Encyc. Methodique, Commerce, Art. COMPAIGNIE. Anderson, ii. 481, Its limits were, " j . That part of the continent of South America lying be- tween the rivers of Amazons and Oronooko, with the adjacent islands, a. In North America, all Canada, down to and behind Virginia and Florida. 3. All the coast of Africa from Cape Verde, southward, to the Cape of Good Hope." The old company had subsisted about 40 years. See An- derson, ii. 311. Before this new company was formed, France paid tribute for her luxuries to the Dutch. Voltaire, viii. 195. a Univ. Hist. xli. 230, 244- See A. D. 1650, p. 352. 3 Anderson, ii. 478. It was taken by 5 ships of war, carrying about Xjoo men, who were joined by 600 Carribbeans in 17 canoes. The Eng- lish colony, two years after, reduced by epidemical diseases to 89 persons, abandoned It, and burned their fort. Ibid. Univ. Hist. xli. 218. 4 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. xli. Hazard Coll. ii. 510. 5 Trumbull, i. 289,477. The superior court was instituted at the next session in October. Ibid. 6 Trumbull, i. 290. The grand list was 153, 620 : 16 : 5. 7 Erected by Nicoils, composed of the governor, the council, the justices of the peace ; and invested with every power inuhe colony, legislative e* ecutive, and judicial. Chalmers, i. 575. AMERICAN ANNALS. 393 land, were confirmed by the duke of York, the fol- 1665. lowing year. * It was ordained by the government, that no purchase from the Indians, without the gov- ernor's licence, executed in his presence, should be valid. a The inhabitants of New York were incorporated on the twelfth of June, under the care of a mayor, five aldermen, and a sheriff. Until this time the c it y of N. city was ruled by a scoutj burgomasters, and sche- York - pens. 3 Nicolls, governor of New York and New Jersey, Carteret reluctantly resigned the government of New Jersey to Carteret, its appointed governor, who took pos- session of Elizabethtown, the capital, now consisting of four families, just settled in the wilderness* 4 The commissioners, returning to Massachusetts, Commis- from the reduction of the Dutch colony, began in j^ 1 ^ April to execute their important trust ; but, meet- England, ing with opposition from the jealous and spirited Colonists, they left the country, with menaces of vin dictive punishment. 5 i Chalmers, 1.577; a Smith N. York, a 7. 3 Smith N. York, 27. Thomas Willet, esquire, an Englishman, who u- dually lived and finally died at Swanzey at the head of Narragahset bay, Was the first mayor, after the conquest. He was a merchant, and had fac- tories, or Indian trading houses, from Kennebeck to Delaware, particularly at New Amsterdam and Fort Orange. Pres. Stiles MS. Memorandum in Smith's Hist. N. York. Nicolls found the town composed of a few misera- ble houses, occupied by men, who were extremely poor, and the whole in * a mean condition ;"' but he foretold its greatness, if it were encouraged with the immunities, which he then recommended. He informed the duke of York, by a letter, dated in November, 1665, " such is the mean condi- tion of this town [New York], that not one soldier to this day has lain in sheets, or upon any other bed than canvas and straw." Chalmers, i. 575, 597. Some of the houses however were handsomely built of brick and stone, and in part covered with red and black tiles, and " the land being high, it presented an agreeable prospect from the sea." Brit. Emp.ii. 308* 4 Chalmers, i. 615. 5 Chalmers, i. 388, 389. A conference between the commissioners and the general court soon degenerated into altercation. The commissioners at length asked that body ; " Do you acknowledge the royal commission to be of full force to all the purposes contained in it ?" To this decisive and embarrassing question the general court excused itself from giving a direct answer, and chose rather to " plead his majesty's charter." The commis- Hhh 394 1665 setts. June rj. chafer of Carolina, Governor appointed, AMERICAN ANNALS. The militia of Massachusetts consisted at this t * me f f ur thousand foot, and four hundred horse. The colony maintained a fort at the entrance of Boston harbour, with five or six guns ; two batter- ies in the harbour, and one at Char lest own. The number of its ships and vessels was about eighty., from twenty to forty tons ; about forty, from forty to a hundred tons y and about twelve ships, above a hundred tons. * The second charter of Carolina was granted by Charles II to the same proprietors. It recited and confirmed the former charter, with enlargements. Carolina was declared independent of any other province, but subject immediately to the crown of England ; and the inhabitants were never to be com- pelled to answer m other dominions of the crown ? excepting within the realm. z Several gentlemen of Barbadoes, dissatisfied with ^ le ^ r condition on that island, having proposed to remove to> the county of Clarendon, 3 recently laid out by the proprietaries of Carolina ; John Yeamans, a respectable planter of Barbadoes, was now appoint- ed commander in chief of that county. He was or- dered to grant lands to every one, according to the conditions agreed on with the adventurers, reserving one half penny sterling for every acre, payable in sicners however attempting to hear a complaint against the governor and company, the genera} court, with characteristic vigour, published, by sound of trumpet, its disapprobation of this proceeding, and prohibited every one from abetting a conduct, so inconsistent with their duty to God, and their allegiance to the king ; and, in May, the commissioners departed, threaten* ing their opponents " with the punishment, which so many concerned in the late rebellion had met with in England." Ibid. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixv. I Hutchinson, i. 244. 1 Chalmers, i. 521, 522. Drayton S. CaroL 6. Jefferson Virg. 276, According to the limits, fixtl in this charter, St. Augustine, as well as the whole of the present State of Georgia, fell within the English dominions : but the Spaniards alleged, that this grant was an invasion of their rights, and never admitted the limits of this charter, in any subsequent treaty. The English therefore had recourse to the claim, founded on prior dis.. ov- er y. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 129. See A. D. 1663. 3 Stretching from Cape Fear to the rJTer St. Matheo. Chalmers. AMERICAN ANNALS. 395 March, 1 670. King Charles, in aid of the laudable j 665. exertions of his courtiers, gave them twelve pieces of ordnance, which were now sent to Charles river, with a considerable quantity of warlike stores. x In the autumn Yeamans conducted from Barbadoes a body of emigrants, who landed on the southern bank i of Cape Fear. He cultivated the good will of the f m Bar - natives, and insured a seven years peace. The plant- ' J ers, in opening the forest, to make room for the op- erations of tillage, " necessarily prepared timber for the uses of the cooper and builder ; which they transmitted to the island whence they had emigrated, as the first object of a feeble commerce, that kindled the spark of industry, which soon gave animation to the whole/' 2 The English inhabitants of Maryland now a- Maryland, mounted to sixteen thousand. 5 The government of Rhode Island passed an order Order of R. to outlaw quakers, and to seize their estates, because ernmtmT" they would not bear arms ; but the people in gener- against al rose up against it, and would not suffer it to be carried into effect. 4 Misquamkut was purchased of the Indians ; and Westerly a number of baptists of the church in Newport re- settled * moved to this new plantation, which was afterward called Westerly. s i Chalmers, i. 520, 521. Yeamans was directed K to make every thing easy to the people of New England, from which the greatest emigrations are expected, as the southern colonies are already drained." Ibid. a Chalmers, i. 533. The next year, an account of this new " New Plan- tation, begun by the English at Cape Feare," was published at London. Bibliotheca Americana, 98. 3 Univ. Hist. xl. 469. Brit. Emp. iii. 4. Governor Calvert, though a Koman catholic, yet had caused the passing of an act, by which all profes- sing Christians, of every denomination, had liberty to settle in the province. That act, with Calvert's mild and impartial administration, accounts for this considerable increase of inhabitants. Ibid. 4 Coll. Hist. Soc, v. 219. 5 Callender, 39, 65. The^ afterward " .generally embraced the seventh day sabbath." Ibid. Their plantation was constituted a township by the name of Westerly, in 1669. Ibid. It formerly belonged to Stonin^ton [Trumbull, i. 360.] ; but it is now in the State of Rhode Island. 39 6 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1665. A baptist church was gathered in Boston. 1 The rst prosecution of anabaptists, that occurs in the records of Massachusetts, was in this year. 5 praying There were in Massachusetts six towns of Indians, Indians, professing the Christian religion. 3 French M. de Courcellcs, appointed governor of New forces sent France, transported the regiment of Carignan Sal- l * ieres to Canada. 4 To prevent the irruptions of the Five Nations by the way of Lake Champlain, Cour- celles built three forts between that lake and the mouth of the river Richlieu. ; Death of John Endicot, governor of Massachusetts, died i- in the seventy seventh year of his age. 6 tot. 1 Hutchinson, i. 227. 2 Ibid. Ant'pcedobaptism had appeared in the colony about A. D. 1640 (ib.) ; and a law had been made against it, with the penalty of banishment. $ee p. 332 of this volume. 3 Hutchinson, i. 242. 4 Charlevaix Nouv. France, i. 381. Josselyn [Voy. 274, N. Eng. Ran 113.] says, " 1000 foot." A great number of families, many mechanics, and hired servants, with horses (the first ever seen in Canada), cattle and sheep, were transported at the same time. This was a more considerable colony, than that, which it carneto supply. The 100 associates [See p. 242 of this volume] soon grew weary of the expense of maintaining their coio* ny ; and from the year 1644 abandoned the fur trade to the inhabitant?, re- serving to themselves, for their right of lordship, an animal homage of 1000 beavers. Reduced at length to the number of 45 associates, they m-ade a total resignation of their rights, in 1662, to the French king, who soon after included New France in the grant, which he made of the French colonies in America in favour of the West India company. Charlevoix, ib. 379' 38o. 5 Charlevoix,!. 381. Smith N. York, 44. Jefferys Hist. Canada. The first was placed on the spot, where that of Richlieu had formerly stood ; and has since been called, as also the river, by the name of Sorel, from a captain of the regiment of Carignan, who had the charge of building it. The second fort, built at the foot of a water fall on the river, was called Fort St. Lewis ; but M. de Chambly having afterward bought the land on which it was situated, the whole canton, together with the stone fort, since built on the ruins of the old fort, bears the name of Chambly. The- third, built three leagues higher than the second, was called St. Theresa. Ib. 6 Morton, 188. Coll. Hist. Soc. vi, 261. This is the same person, who came to Salem in 1628. He continued at Salem until he was requested to- remove to Boston, " for the more convenient administration of justice," as governor of that jurisdiction. The historian of Salem characterises him as " a sincere Puritan." Ibid. AMERICAN ANNALS. 397 1666. The Mohawks, by incursions on the French in French ex- Canada, not merely prevented their commerce with P editiona - i T i. i r> i i i eainst the the western Indians, but often endangered their col- Mohawks. ony. It was to repel or subdue this ferocious ene- my, that a regiment had been lately sent over from France. M. de Tracy, viceroy of America, and M. Courcelles, the Canadian governor, with twenty eight companies of foot, and all the militia of the colony, marched from Quebec above seven hundred Sept. 14. miles into the Mohawk country, with the intention of destroying its inhabitants ; but, on their approach, the Mohawks retired into the woods with their wo- men and children ; and the French did nothing more, than burn several villages, and murder some sachems, who chose to die, rather than to desert their hab- itations. x The natives at Sandwich had made such proficien- Indians at cy in the knowledge and observance of the gospel., Sandwach - that the governor of Plymouth colony and several principal men took measures toward forming them into a church state. * The first act, which occurs, of any colonial assem- Act ofnat- bly, for the naturalization of aliens, was passed this uralization< year in Maryland. 3 The assembly of Carolina transmitted a petition Petition of to the proprietaries, praying, that the people of Al- Carohna - bemarle might hold their possessions on the same 1 Charlevoix, Nouv. France, i. 385, 386. Colden, 33. Smith N. York, 43. Gookin (author of Hist. Collect, of the Indians), who conversed with fome Frenchmen, " that were soldiers in this exploit," says, that the march of the French was in the dead of winter, when the rivers and lakes were covered with a firm ice, upon which they travelled the most direct way ; that they were obliged to dig into tht snow on the edges of the rivers and lakes, to make their lodgings in the night ; and to carry their provisions, arms, and snow shoes, at their back. Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 161. M. de Tra- cy, though upwards of 7 o years old, chose to command the expedition in person. Charlevoix. 2 Morton, 192. 3 Chalmers, i. 315. The general court of Massachusetts had, as early as 1662, granted to a few French protestant refugees " liberty to inhabit" in their colony. Ibid. 398 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1666. terms, as those on which the Virginians held their*s The proprietaries acceded to the request ; and com- manded the governor to grant the lands in future ou the terms prescribed by themselves. x The bucaniers of America, about this time, begaa their depredations. They consisted of various dar- * ^venturers , w h originally combined for the spoliation of the Spaniards in the West Indies, Lewis Scot sacked the city of Canipeachy ; and, af- tter exacting an excessive ransom, left it nearly in ruins, 2 John Davis, with eighty men ? surprised Nicaragua ; plundered the wealthiest houses and churches ; and carried off money and jewels, to the Yalue of fifty thousand pieces of eight. Not long after, he was chosen commodore ; and with seven or eight vessels went to Florida, where he landed his men, and pillaged the city of St. Augustine. s Henry Henry Morgan, a Welshman, having gone from ?^^ Wales to Barbadoes, and commenced pirate, was pirates. BOW made vice admiral by Mansvelt, an old pirate at Jamaica. Sailing together, with fifteen ships and five hundred men, chiefly Walloons and French, on a spoliating enterprise, they took possession of the Takes St. island of St. Catharine, 4 and left a hundred men for - Its defence ; but it was soon after recovered by the Spaniards. Morgan afterward took the castle at Panama, and obliged the city to pay for its ransom one hundred thousand pieces of eight. * Maracaybo, a rich town, the capital of the prov- ince of Venezuela in South America, was pillaged by the French bucaniers ; who carried off the im- ages, pictures, and bells of the great church, and I Chalmers, 1.520, "Z Hist. Bucaniers, i. 49. Harris Voy. 21. He was the first pint?] who attempted to land in the Spanish dominions. Ibid. 3 Hist. Bucan. i. 49, 50. Harris Voy. 8zJ . Davis was born at Jamai- ca. The castle of Augustine had a garrison of 200 men ; yet Davh diduci k?se a single man. Ibid. 4 Near Costa Rica in 12 deg. 30 min. north lat. 5 Hist. Bucan. i. 79 8j, 98. Harris Voy. 824826. AMERICAN ANNALS. 39$ For the ransom and liberty of the inhabitants exact- ed twenty thousand pieces of eight, and five hua- dred cows* ' 1667. The proprietaries of Carolina were induced,, foy Bahama Intelligence they received respecting the Bahama M- fad* ands, to apply to the king for a grant of them ; aiad^^^ behave them a patent for all those islands, lying *&***& <* * i -, J * 6 C^roliBi. between the twenty second and twenty seventh de- grees of north latitude. * A treaty of peace was concluded at Breda be- ***** <* tween England and Holland. By this treaty New 8 * 8 ^ Netherlands were confirmed to the English ; aaid Surinam was confirmed to the Dutch. 3 A treaty was also concluded, at the same place, between Eng- land and France. By this treaty, France yielded to England all her part of the island of St. Christo- pher, together with the islands of Antigua and Mont- serrat ; and England yielded Acadie to France. 4 A general treaty of commerce was concluded be- Timy tween England and Spain, comprehending the inter- ests of both kingdoms, in Europe and America. * i Encyc. Methodique, Geog. Art. MARACAYBO. The pirates are tdher? called Flibustiers. They again pillaged it in 1678. Ib. Hist. Bucan, i. 65, z Hewet, i. 48. The proprietaries had fitted out a ship, and sent cap- tain William Sayle to bring them some account of the Carolinian coast, Sayle was driven by a storm among the Bahama islands, of which (partic- ularly the island of Providence) he acquired come knowledge. Hs ajfeer- ward explored the coast and the mouths of the rivers in Carolina ; aiwS,. re- turning to England, gave intelligence of the Bahamas. Ibid. Andaraes^ ii. 490. The island, on which Sayle was driven, was St. Salvador ; amdlae is the first Englishman, mentioned in history, who landed on it. Ibus made no settlement on this or any other of the Bahama islands. Hist. xli. 331. 3 Encyc. Brit. Art. DELAWARE. Chalmers, i. 578. Brit. Emp. ii. 400. Surinam had recently been taken by the Dutch ; and the utipcss was the basis of the treaty. Anderson, ii. 493. The English plaiftars at Surinam now principally retired to Jamaica. Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 65, Tfcetr number, at the time of this evacuation, amounted to above 1500, beside their families. Univ. Hist. xli. 359. 4 Anderson, ii. 492. Acadie was restored generally, without spsdfka- tion of limits, and particularly Pentagoet, St. John, Port Royal, La Have, and Cape Sable, lying within it. Chalmers, i. 393. This article of tfes Ireaty was not concluded until February, 1668. Ibid. 5 Univ. Hist, xli. 358. Anderson, ii. 494. I 406 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 667. Peace was established between the French in Cafi* Peace b^ ac j a and the Five Nations, which continued several tween the . rri_ T\ -n i French & years. 1 he sieur rerot, a French missionary, trav- Indians. e lled above twelve hundred miles westward from French Quebec, making proselytes of the Indians to the missionary. French interest. a GOV. NIC- Governor Nicolls of New York retired from hi^ oils retires, government. It is recorded to his honour, that he exercised his extraordinary powers with moderation and integrity. 3 New at- Several persons of distinction in England fitted N m west ra ut captain Gillam, on a renewed attempt for a passage, north west passage through Hudson's Bay to Chi- na. Gillain passed through Hudson straits to Baf- fin's Bay, as far as seventy five degrees north lati- tude ; and next sailed south to fifty one degrees some minutes, where, on the river, which he named after Charles prince Rupert, he built Charles Fort, and laid the fort built, foundation of a fur trade with the natives. 4 Towns Liberty was granted by the legislature of Massa- bmlt * chusetts for erecting a township thirty or forty miles Mendon. wes t o f Roxbury ; and it was called Mendon. 5 The Brookfield. Ufa liberty was given to Brookfield ; 6 and to West- Lymt. field. 7 The town of Lyme, in Connecticut, was incorporated. 8 i Smith N. York, 43. They now cultivated a mutual trade. 2, Ibid. 44. Golden Five Nations, 35. 3 Chalmers, i. 578. He was succeeded by governor Lovelace ; the most memorable act of whose administration was the purchase of Stater- island from the natives. Ibid. 599. 4 Anderson, ii. 492. Univ. Hist. xli. 87. This was the first fort that the English ever had in Hudson's Bay. Ib. We have no account of uu attempt for this discovery, since the voyages of Fox and James, until this year. See A. D. 1631,- p. 264 of this volume. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixvii. It was settled by people from Roxbury. Ibid. 6 Ibid. Liberty had been granted to Brookfield In 1660 [See tha.t year.] ; but the grantees having forfeited the first grant, and six or seven families being row settled there, it was now renewed ; and the regulation of the settlement fell into the power of the general court. Ibid. 7 Ibid. Then a village 7 miles west of Springfield. 8 Trumbull, I. 332. . About the your 1664, toct'erner.ts commences here, or. ;: trp.ct of land originally belonging 1 to Sa :> id. AMERICAN ANNALS. 40* John Wilson, minister of Boston, died, at the age Death of - r T. Wilson. of seventy nine years. * 1668. As soon as the royal commissioners had returned to England, the general court of Massachusetts ap- pointed four commissioners " to settle all aiFairs for govern- the government of the people" in the. Province of JS e . f Maine. In execution of their commission, they en- tered the province, accompanied by a troop of horse, and easily reestablished the colonial authority on the ruins of a feeble proprietary government. * , To promote a reformation of manners, the gener- Attempts* al court of Massachusetts sent a printed letter to ev- reforma - 1 . tion 01 ery minister in the colony, requesting a particular manners, attention to that pious design* 3 A township of land, eight miles square, was Grant of granted by the legislature of Massachusetts to Dan- Worcester. iel Gookin and others, by the name of Worcester. 4 The first settlements on the. Bass river side, near Beverlyin* Salem, were incorporated by the name of Beverly. s corporate,!; r Morton, 104. He was the first minister of Boston, and was in the ministry in the first church in that town 37 years ; 3 years, before Mr. Cot- ton ; ao years, with him ; 10 years, with Mr. Norton ; and 4 years, after him. Ibid. He is represented by his contemporaries, as 0116 of the most humble, pious, and benevolent men of the age, in which he lived. Se Hutchinson. i. 158 ; Mather MagnaLbook iii. 41-^-51. His portrait is in the Historical Society. i Chalmers, i. 484. ttutchinson, i. 26026 8. The province appears to have been in a confused state ; and some of the principal persons applied to the general court of Massachusetts to reassume the jurisdiction over them. The commissioners, appointed by the court, were major general Leveret, Mr. Edward Tyng, captain Richard Waidron, and captain Rob- ert Pike. Ibid. . 3 Neal N. Eng. i. 370. Tne effect appears to have been salutary. The pious zeal of the government, though highly commendable in its principle, was n6t always exercised according to knowledge. . A licefice having been ob- tained this year (i66) for printing Thomas a Kempis de Irnitatione Chris- ti, the general court was alarmed ; recommended to the licensers a more full revisal ; and ordered the press, in the mean time, to stop ; giving for a reason, " that, being written by a popish minister, it contained some things less safe to be infused among the people." Hutchinson, i. 258. Chal- mers, i. 392. 4 Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 115. The Indian war, which commenced soon af- ter, prevented the settlement of the town until A. D. 1685. Ibid. 5 Coil. Hist. Soc, vi. 233. They had a church built as early as 1657. Ibv. 402T AMERICAN ANNAL& i668v- Haddarn, in Connecticut, was incorporated. 3 ffrg governor and council of New York gave di- rections for a better settlement of the government Customs at on Delaware. z Governor Lovelace of New York g ave order for customs at the Hoarkills. 3 g Lord Willoughby, governor of Barbadoes, sent subdue s- forces to St. Vincent and Dominica, and obliged the Vincent & natives of those islands to submit to the English ' Dominica. government. 4 towrfbu Bridgetown, in Barb adoes, was destroyed by fire. 5 Death S-" ' Jonathan 1 Mitchel, minister of Cambridge, died y ministers. a t the age of forty three years. 6 Henry Flint, min- ister of Braintree, 7 Samuel Shepard, minister of Rowley, and John Eliot* minister of New town Vil- lage* died this year. 8 1 Trambull, i. 33 & There were 28 original proprietors. They began their settlements on the west side of the river ; and these were now incor- porated. The extent o the town was 6 miles east and west of the river. IK 2 Jefferson Virg. Query XXIII, from Smith N. Jersey. 3 Ibid. 4 Univ. Hist, xli, i6o/. 5 Salmon Chronol. Hist. i. tp 3. 6 Mather Magna}. bok iv. 158 185. Morton, 200-^204. Hutchin- son, i. 260. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 47 51. Mr. Mitchel possessed a capac- ious mind, and extraordinary talents ; and is always mentioned by the New England writers, as one of the most learned men and best preachers in his day. He was also distinguished for the sweetness of his- temper, for his meekness, humility, and piety. He was about 18 years in the ministry at Cambridge ; and 4 ' was most intense and faithful" in performing its sacred duties. 7 Mather Klagnal. book Hi. :r23. Morton (200.) says, he was a man of known piety, gravity, and integrity, and of other accomplishments ; and Hubbard [MS. N.-Eng. chap. Ixix.j, that he was an eminent minister. 8 Tv'Ibrton, 200, 204. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixix. The two last named ministers, though of early standing in the ministry, are represented as very worthy and useful men. Mr. Eliot (who died at the age of about 35 years) was tne sen of the celebrated minister of Roxbury ; and he fol- lowed the example oi his father, in endeavouring to Christianize the In- dians. Ib. Gcoki.n [Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 17 1-] says, he was a very excellent preacher in the English tongue; that, beside preaching to his English churchy fee, for several years, preached the gospel to the Indians, once a fortnighr constantly at Pakeaiit, and sometimes at Natick, and otker places ;. and that the most judicious Christian Indians (as he had often heard them sy) esteemed him as a most excellent preacher in their language. AMERICAN ANNALS, 1669. The first assembly was constituted and convened First *n Albemarle county in Carolina. * One of the laws * of this assembly indicates the state of religion and marie, morals. It was entitled " an act concerning mar- Actcoa- riage ;".and it declared, that, as people might wish "ming . y r . \ . , marriage. to marry, and there being yet no ministers, m order that none might be hindered from so necessary a work for the preservation of mankind, any two per- sons, carry ing before the governor and council a few *)f their neighbours., .and declaring their mutual as- sent, shall be deemed husband and wile, z The inhabitants of Boston being now so mimer- Thc dla ous, that the two houses of worship could not con- ^urchin tain them, and some of the brethren of the first Boston church being dissatisfied with Mr. Davenport on ac- s atheredo count of his leaving New Haven for a settlement there ; 3 a third church was gathered in May, of \vhich Mr. Thomas Thacher was ordained the first pastor ; and an edifice was built on die maia street, for its use. 4 The friendly Indians m New England, having ^^f^? raised an army of six or seven hundred men, march- Indians a- ,ed into the country of the Mohawks, to take revenge s ainst the r i f AC i r r Mohawks, ior their injuries. 5 After besieging one of their 1 Chalmers, i. 525. A constitution had been given to thtft colony in 1667. The governor was to act altogether by the advice of a council of twelve ; the one half of which he was empowered to appoint, the other six were to be chosen by the assembly. The assembly was composed of the goverEor, of the council, and of iz delegates chosen annually by the freeholders. Ib. 524. 2 Chalmers, 1.525. " During almost 20 years we can trace nothing of clergymen in the history or laws of Carolina." Ibid, 3 On the death of Mr. Wilson, he was invited to the pastoral care of the first church in Boston, and accepted the invitation. Hutchinson, i. 270. 4 Neal N. Eng. i. 584. Hutchinson, i, 260, 270 274. Coll. Hist. Soc, iii. 258 ; iy. 21 1. The church was built of cedar. Ib. 5 There had been a war between these nations about six years. This enterprise of the Indians was contrived without the knowledge, and under- taken contrary to the advice, of their English friends. " Mr. Eliot and myself, in particular (sayo Mr. Gookin), dissuaded them, and jgave them several reasons against it, but they would not hear us ; but the praying In- dians were so cautioned by our advice, that not above five of them went ^ and all of them were killed, bt one.*' CoJJ, Hist. Soc. i, 166. 404 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1669. Acadie de- livered up to the French. May 2t. Hudson's Bay com- pany. forts several days, their provisions becoming with nearly ajl their ammunition, and some of their number being taken sick, they abandoned the siege, and retreated toward home ; but they were pursue4 and intercepted by the Mohawks ; and, though they fought with great valour, their commander 1 and a? bout fifty of their chief men were slain. This was the last and most fatal battle, fought between the Mohawks and the New England Indians. * Sir Thomas Temple having but partially executed the king's order for the surrender of Acadie to the French, agreeably to the treaty of Breda, a defini- tive order ha4 been transmitted to him, to deliver up that territory, according to the letter of the agree- ment ; and it was now effectually obeyed. 3 Charles II gave to prince Rupert, and several lords, knights, and merchants, associated with him, a charter, under the title of " The Governor and Company of Adventurers trading from England tq Hudson's Bay." 4 I Josiah, alias Chickatawbut, the principal sachem of Massachusetts. Gookin says, he was a wise and stout man of middle age, but a very vicious person. He was a descendant of Chicketawbut formerly mentioned [See p. 262.]. For a time he seemed attentive to the Christian religion ; " far he was bred up by his uncle, Kuchamakin, who was the first sachem and his people to whom Mr. Eliot preached." Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 166 169. Presi- dent Adams showed me a deed of Braintree, given by Indian Josiah to th,e Inhabitants of that town between the years 1660 and 1670. a Cqll. Hist. Soc, i, 166, 167. It does not appear, what other tribes, be- side the Massachusetts, were concerned in this expedition. Gookin say?, Josiah was " the ch,iefest general ; but there were divers other sagamores .and stout men that assisted." The inarch of the Indian army was about 'j, oo miles. The Mohawks laid an ambush for the retreating enemy, in a defile, with thick swamps on each side, and fought to the greatest advan 7 tige. The reason of the loss of such a number oftbiefj was, that almost all the stoutest leaders and sagamores pursued the Mohawks into the thick- ets. Ibid. 3 Chalmers, i. 393. Brit. Emp. i. 173, 174, He at first refused to give up the forts of Pentagoet, St. John, Port Royal, La Have, and Cape Sable, alledging that they did not belong to Acadie. Ibid. 4 Univ. Hist. xli. 87. Brit. Emp. i. 4 22, where the charter is entire. See A. D. 1668. The charter ceded to them the whole trade of the waters within the entrance of Hudson's Straits, and of the adjacent territories. The entire sum, which constitutes the original funds of the company, a- mounts to 10,500 sterling. The general opinion is, that the proprietors of this stock, who are at present riot 90 iu number, gain about 2000 per cent. No trade in the world is so profitable, as this. Forsttir Voy. 378 380. AMERICAN ANNALS. 405 Richard Mather, minister of Dorchester, died, Death of $t tfre age of seventy three years. ' * Mather - 1670. The proprietaries of Carolina having procured two A colony ships for the transportation of adventurers to their projected settlement ; William Sayle, appointed the first governor, embarked wirh a colony of settlers, with provisions, arms, and utensils for building and cultivation. On his arrival at Port Royal he began to carry his instructions into execution. J He issued writs to the freeholders for the election of the com- plement of the grand council, and of twenty dele- gates, the two bodies composing the parliament, wjiich was invested with legislative power. As an encouragement to settle at Port Royal, one hundred and fifty acres of land were given to every emigrant, at an easy quit rent 5 clothes and provisions were dis- 1 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. bux. Hutchir.con, i. 259. He was orr jdained by Dr. Morton, bishop of Chester, in 1618 ; and silenced by Dr. Neale, archbishop of York, in 1634. Pres. Stiles Lit. Diary He came to New England in 1635, and arrived on the coast 15 August, when he, with all the passengers, very narrowly escaped shipwreck by the tremendous storm, which occurred that day. [See p. 283 of this volume.] After the removal of Mr. Warham, with the first church of Dorchester, to Windsor, a new church was gathered, and Mr. Mather was installed the pastor. He was an exemplary man, a good scholar, and a solid, practical preacher. He wrote several treatises, which were well received ; and he was gen- erally consulted in difficulties relating to church government. He wrote the Discourse about church government, and the Aniwer to the XXX11 questions, in behalf of the ministers of Kew England, both pub- lished in 1639 ; and the Platform of Church Discipline, in 1648, was chief- ly taken from his model. Attending a council at Boston 16 April, he was seized with the strangury, and died on the aid of that month. Mather Magual. book iii. 122. 130. Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 99 ; ix. 170 IJ2. 2 Gov. Sayle's commission is dated 26 July 1669. He was constituted governor of that part of the coast, lying souihwestward of Cape Caxteret. The expense of the equipment was 12.000 sterling. Sayle was accom- panied by Joseph West, who was entrusted with the commercial affairs of the proprietaries. These noblemen were, for some time, the only merchants for the supply of the wants of the colonises, rather than the acquirement of profit. They employed vessels, to carry on a circuitous traffic, for the purr pose of procuring colonists, cattle, and provisions, from Virginia, Bermu- das, and Barbadoes, and of carrying off the inconsiderable products of the land. " Before the year 1679 they had expended / 18,000 on a project, which had then only yielded then, v;xx;ior and puverty." ChalmerSj }, 520. Drayton S. Carol, xci. 4op AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 670, tributed, from the store of the proprietaries, to those, who could not provide for themselves ; and, to se- cure the good will of the neighbouring tribes, con- siderable presents were made to the Indian princes. r rtestruc- j bloody war between the Westoes and the Ser- lion of the T -^v * natives fa- annas, two Indian nations in Carolina, was carried Ye En 1C ^ n W **k SU k ^ UT y* aS tO P rOVe f ata l t0 both. ThlS i-sh setde- event providentially opened the way to the introduc- went. tion and establishment of the English colony. z Treaty cf The treaty of Madrid was made between Eng- Madrid, land and Spain, for ascertaining the American terri- tories of both kingdoms. By this treaty it was a- greed, that each should retain what it then posses- sed ; and that the subjects of neither should enter the fortified places of the other, for purposes of trade. 3 In consequence of this treaty, the pirates, or bucaniers, who, for several years, had greatly an- noyed Spanish America, were cut off from all future protection from England 5 and all commissions to them were annulled. 4 Mode of e- The election of governor, magistrates., and civil kction m _. . 9 o Connecti- officers, in Connecticut, hitherto consummated by m altered, fa e foody of the people, convened on the day of gen- eral election at Hartford, was now allowed by the legislature to be completed by proxy ; and a law was made, for regulating the freemen's meetings, and the mode of election. s I Chalmers, i. 530. Dray ton S. Carol, joi. 3 Hewet, i. 64. The Westoes are said so have been a numerous and powerful tribe. Ib. The Catawba nation mustered, at that time, 1500 fighting men. Drayton S. Carol. 94. Governor Drayton (ib. 92.) " haz- ards an opinion," that the number of the natives in Carolina, at the sanie time, was " perhaps not less than 30 or 40 thousand souls." 3 Chalmers, i. n. It was called the American Treaty. Univ. Hist. xlf. 358. From this time until A. D. 1702, a considerable trade was earned on by the English from Jamaica with the Spaniards ; by which the Eng" li;,h, for goods, negroes, and flour, received, by computation, from 250 to 300,000 a year. Polit. Tracts in Harv. Coll. Library. 4 Anderson, ii. 504. 5 Ti umbull, i. 333. The original choice of public officers was made then, as it is still, by the freemen of the colony in their respective towns, Ib. ee Laws, p, 151. AMERICAN ANNALS. 46? A considerable number of the inhabitants of New 1 670, Haven removed to Wailingford, about this time, and Waiiing- 1 ,, , , . -, ford set- began the settlement of that town, which was attbd. first called New Haven Village, 1 Massacoe was made a distinct town, by the name of Symsbury. 2 symstnuy. )eerfield, in Massachusetts, began to be built. 3 Deerfieid. A mortal disease broke out among the Indians in Disease a- the north of Canada, and swept off whole tribes, c"f d -^ particularly the tribe of the Attikamegues, who have Indians. never since been heard of, under that name. Ta- doussac, the chief mart of the Indian fur trade with the French, began to be deserted, as also Trois Ri- vieres, where the small pox carried off fifteen hun- dred Indians at once. 4 John Davenport, minister at Boston, 5 John Al- r> ? a * !l rf ministers* I Trumbull Century Sermon, aa. Dr. Trumbull [Hist, Connect, i. 333.] says, it was incorporated that year by the name of Wallingford; that it was purchased by governor Eaton, Mr. Davenport, and other planters of New Haven, in 1638 ; that its settlement was projected in 1669 ; and that a committee was appointed by the town of New Haven, with powers to man- age the whole affair of the settlement. 2, Trumbull, i. 332. The settlement of the town was made about this time. The lands lay on Tunxis river. In 1644, the general court of Con- necticut gave leave to governors Hopkins and Haynes to dispose of them to such of the inhabitants of Windsor, as they should judge expedient ; and in 1647 resolved, that those lands should be purchased by the country. A purchase was made of the Indians, and settlements began under the town of Windsor, of which, at first, this plantation was considered an appendix. Ib. 3 Williams Vermont, 21 o. 4 Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 428. Univ. Hist. xl. 5. 5 Mather Magnal. book iii. 51- 57. Trumbull, i. 490 '492. Mr. Davenport died of an apoplexy, jfEtat. JLXXI1I. He was the first minister of New Haven, whence he removed to Boston in 1677. He possessed an energetic mind, and is characterized as a hard student, an universal schol- ar, a laborious, prudent, exemplary minister, and a man of eminent piety. Hubbard [MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixix.] says, that Mr. Davenport was " a per- son beyond exception and compare for all ministerial abilities ; and upon that account highly esteemed and accepted in both Englands." He was profound in counsel, and intrepid in action. When the pursuers of king Charles' judges were coming to New Haven, he preached publicly from, this text (Isai. xvi. 3, 4.) : Take counsel, execute judgment, make thy sJjadaiu as the night in the midst of the noon day, hide the outcasts, ieivray not him that ivander* etb. Let min: outcasts drvdl 'with the?, Moab^ be tbou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler. " It was Davenport's intrepidity, that saved the judges." Pres. Stiles Hist. Judges of Charles I, 32, 69. See p. 377 pf this There is a portrait of Mr, Davenport at Yule Coll ego. AMERICAN ANN ? ALS. lin, minister of Dedham, * and John Warham, min- ister of Windsor, died, this year. l 1671. A settle- Governor Sayle, dissatisfied with the situation at ^ ort Ry a ^ removed to the northward, and took possession of a neck of land, between Ashley and ley & Coo- C 00 p er rivers. Deputies, authorized to assist the per rivers. r i i i governor, soon after arrived, bringing with them twenty three articles of instruction, called Tempora- ry Agrarian Laws, intended for the equitable divis- ion of lands among the people ; and the plan of a magnificent town', to be laid out on the neck of land between the above named rivers, and to be called, in honour of the king, Charlestown. 3 Governor I Mather Magnal. book iii. 132. 133. Mr. Allen took the pastoral care of the church of Dedham the same year in which it was gathered (1638). He was a judicious and able divine, and was distinguished in polemical divinity. He died in the LXXVth year of his age. Ib. a Mather Magnal. book iii. iai. Trumbull, i. 492. Mr. Warham was distinguished for his piety ; but was subject to melancholy. He is suppos- ed to have been the first minister in New England, who used notes in preaching ; " yet he was applauded by his hearers, as one of the most ani- mated and energetic preachers of his day." He was one of the principal pillars of the churches of Connecticut. Ibid. 3 Hewet, i. 49 52. Ramsay S. Carol, i. 3-. The proprietaries in the mean time, dissatisfied with every system previously created for their prov- ince, signed in July a body of Fundamental Constitutions, which had been compiled by the celebrated John Locke ; assigning as a reason, " that we may establish a government agreeable to the monarchy, of which Carolina is' a part, that we may avoid making too numerous a democracy." By this' edict a palatine was to be chosen from among the proprietaries for life, who was empowered to act as president of the palatine court, composed o/ the whole : A body of hereditary nobility was created, and denominated land- graves and caciques, because they were to be in name unlike those of .England. The provincial legislature, dignified with the name pf parlia- ment, was io be biennial, and to consist of the proprietaries, or of the dep-. uty of each ; of the nobility ; of the representatives of the , freeholders of every district ; and, like the ancient Scottish parliament, all were to meet in one apartment, and every member to enjoy an equal vote ; no business however was to be proposed until it had been debated in the grand council, to be composed of the governor, the nobility, and deputies of proprietors. The church of England alone was to be allowed a maintenance by parlia- ment ; but every congregation might tax its own members for the support of its own ministers ; and to every one was allowed perfect freedom in re- ligion. *' Yet," says Chalmers, " the most degrading sldvery was introduc- ed by investing in every freeman the property of his negro." This gov- ernment v;;v intcnde.1 to h* thi- miniatur'- of the cM Saxon cop?titutionr AMERICAN ANNALS. 409 Sayle falling a victim to the climate, 1 the command 1671. of Sir John Yeamans, who had hitherto discreetly ruled the plantation around Cape Fear, was now ex- tended over that, which lay southwestward of Cape Carteret. The shores, the streams, and the coun- try, having now been accurately surveyed, the plant- ers, from Clarendon on the north, as well as from Port Royal on the south, resorted to the banks of Ashley river, as furnishing the most eligible situa- tion for settlement ; 3 and here was now laid the old foundation of Old Charles Town. 3 The province charle9 ^ T i r 11 j TO i 1 town. was now divided into rout counties, called i5erkeley, Colleton, Craven, and Carteret counties ; and the people, who had hitherto lived under a kind of mil- itary government, began to form a legislature for es- tablishing civil regulations. 4 These Fundamental Constitutions, consisting of 120 articles, though declar- ed to be the sacred and unalterable rule of government in Carolina forev- er, were instantly discovered to be wholly inapplicable to the circumstances of an inconsiderable colony, and, in a variety of cases, to be altogether im- practicable, and were therefore immediately changed. Mr. Locke was not long after, in reward of his services, created a landgrave ; but, were it not for the writings, by which his name is immortalized, he, like the other Carolinian nobles, had been consigned to oblivion. Chalmers, i. 526 529, Univ. Hist. xL 423. Biblioth. Americ. [99.] mentions Fundamental Con- stitutions of Carolina, printed at London, in quarto, in 1669. I His death is ascribed to " the damps of the climate." Chalmers, i. 530. " For the convenience of pasture and tillage." 3 Chalmers, i. 530. This town was built " on the first high land ;" and it was for some years the capital of the southern settlements. Ib. [See A. D. 1680.] " Its site is now known [1802.] as part of a plantation, cal- led Old Town, belonging to Mr. Elias Lynch Hqrry. Several grants of land in its vicinity '' bound on Old Charlestown, or Old Town Creek." No traces of a town however are now to be seen there, excepting a small hollow, run- ning directly across the point of land on which the town stood, said by tra- dition to be a wide ditch, made for the purpose of defence against the In- dians. Little of it can now be seen ; but it can be traced quite across the point of land where Old Charlestown stood. Drayton S. Carol. 200. In an- swer to some inquiries concerning the history and antiquities of Carolina, Dr. Ramsay wrote to me : " We have no early records of our first settlers. The records in our public offices about the year 1680, or even 1700, are scarcely legible. A durable ink, to stand ou"r climate, is a desideratum." 4 Hewet, i. 60. Ten members were elected as representatives for Col- leton county, and ten, for Berkeley. A committee, appointed to frame some public regulations, proposed these three ; the first, to prevent persons from leaving the colony ; the second, to prohibit all men from disposing 6f arms and ammunition to Indians ; and the third, for the regular building of Charlestown. Ibid, Kkk AMERICAN ANNALS 1671, The first act in Virginia for the naturalization of aliens was P assed this year. All the freemen in* that colony, supposed to be nearly eight thousand^ were bound to train every month. 1 There were five forts in the colony ; 2 but not more than thirty- serviceable great guns. The Indian neighbours were absolutely subjected 1 ,' The colony contained about' forty thousand persons, men, women, and children ;. of whom two thousand were black slaves, and six ., thousand, Christian servants. 3 The assembly of- Maryland passed acts for " en- Maryland. coura gi n g t h e importation of negroes and slaves ;'* for making void and punishing fraudulent practices, tending to defraud real purchasers and creditors; for quieting possessions - 7 - for the advancement of foreign coins ; and for the encouragement of ther sowing and making of hemp and flax. 4 Philip, chief sachem "of Pokanoket, pretending/ some trifling injuries done to him in his planting* tites. i " Horse we have none ; because they wotrld be' too chargeable to the poor people." Gov. Berkeley. 1 " But," says Berkeley, " we have neither ski!! nor ability to make or maintain them ; for there is not, nor, as far as my enquiries can reach, ever was, one engineer in the country." 3 Chalmers, i. 315, 325. 327. It was judged, there arrived annually at* Virginia about 1500 servants, of which most were English, few Scotch., and fewer Irish ; and not above two or three ships of negroes in seven ears. Nearly 80 sHips 'came o\it of England and Ireland every year for iobacco ; a few New England ^k'i , was ready to break out into an open war with 1671, the inhabitants of Plymouth ; but, on a formal in- quiry into the controversy, he acknowledged, that .his meditated hostilities were without provocation, ^jj, 10 ' and, together with his council, subscribed an instru- submission, .rnent of submission. x Articles of agreement were made between . the J ul x 2 4- /court of Plymouth colony and Awasuncks, the A^SlcS ..-squaw sachem of Saconnet. a and Piym- The Indians of Dartmouth and its vicinity, to, the ^'4. number of between forty and fifty, entered into an Dartmouth engagement of fidelity to the English. 5 Indians * The number of men from sixteen to sixty years of Population 4 onaec * age, in Connecticut, was two thousand and fifty. The town of Derby, in that colony, was settled. 5 Derby set- A grand congress of the French and of many of ^ resg the Canadian Indians was holden at St. Mary's of French Pall ; and the Indians professed submission to the & Indians - Jcirig of France. 6 i Hubbard Ind. Wars, 51, ja. Kutchjaocn, i. 479. I. Mather, 7 T, Philip appears to have been on very good terms with the . English, the ,.*iext year, and to have- maintained a princely credit among them. I have before me the copy of a letter, which he then sent, by aa Indian, *' To the honoured capt. Hopestill Foster att Dorchester/' in which, after reminding him of a promise, that he had made him of 6 in goods, he adds : " My request is, that you would send 5 yards of white or iight coloured serge to make me a, Coat, and a good Holland Shirt ready made, and a pair of good Indian Breeches, all which 1 have present need ef ; therefore I pray Sir fail not to send them by my Indian, and -with then. the several prices of them, and silk and buttons and 7 yards of Gallown for trimming." The letter is dated ""Mount Hope the ijth of May 1672 ;" and closed with "the subscription cf king Philip. His majesty : p. P.'" for this latter, and some other rare historical morsels,-! -am indebted to my literary and worthy friend, the reverend TIIADDEUS M. HARRIS, who oblig- icgly seat me hib " Memoranda relating to the Geography, History, and -Antiquities of America." He obtained the letter from a copy -on file iu -ihe town of Dorchester, attested by Noah Clap, town derk. a Coll. Hist. Soc. v. 193. Ker people had- given umbrage. 3 Ibid. 194. They signed a written agreement. Dartmouth is in Ply- mouth colony. 4 Chalmers, i. 209. 5 Trumbull, i. 336,337. The India* name of the place was Pauga^set, Attempts had been made to settle it, during 18 or 20 years. Governor X^oodyear and several other gentlemen in Mew Haven purchased a consid- erable tract there, in 1653 5 an ^ " sonie fey/ settlements" were made there j?oon after. In 1657 and 1659 a purchase was made of the lands of the , -chief sagamores, Wetanamow and Raskenute. The planters applied for >own privileges in 1671 ; but their number was so small, that they wer<^ ^iut allowed to be incorporated until 1675. Ibid. .6 ,Charlevou, i, 488, 489. Univ. Hist. si. S, 9. 412 AMERICAN ANNALS* 1672. The commerce of the American colonies had al- ready been regulated and restrained, by the parlia- thecoio- ment of England. The parliament, now considering the colonies as proper objects of taxation, enacted : That if any vessel, which by law may trade in the plantations, shall take on board any enumerated commodities, and a bond, with sufficient security, shall not have been given to unlade them in England, there shall be rendered to his majesty, for sugars, tobacco, ginger, cocoa nut, indigo, logwood, fustic, cotton, wool, the several duties mentioned in the law, to be paid in such places in the plantations, and to such officers, as shall be appointed to collect them. For the better collection of those taxes ? it was enacted : That the whole business shall be man- aged, and the impost shall be levied, by officers, who shall be appointed by commissioners of the customs in England, under the authority of the lords of the treasury. The duties of tonnage and poundage had been imposed, and extended to every dominion of the crown, at the Restoration ; but this was the first act, which imposed customs on the colonies alone, to be regularly collected by colonial revenue officers. ' Spaniards The Spanish garrison at Augustine receiving in- ' telligence of a civil dissension in Carolina, a party " advanced from that fortress, under arms, as far as the island of St. Helena, to dislodge or destroy the settlers ; but fifty volunteers, under the command of colonel Godfrey, marching against them, they evac- uated the island, and retreated to Augustine. a Sept. 5. The union between the three colonies of IVlassa- NEn"iand chusetts, Plymouth, and Connecticut, was renewed renewed. 1 Chalmers, i. 317? 318- The commissioners of the customs did accord- ingly appoint collectors for Virginia, who were v/sli received " ia that Icy* al dominion." Ibid. 350. 2 Hewet, i. 63. AMERICAN ANNALS. 413 at Plymouth, by commissioners duly authorized, who 1672. subscribed new articles of confederation. x An insurrection was made in New Jersey, to e- Insu ' e( > , ~ n-i J tion in N. vade the payment of quit rents. 1 he insurgents ex- j ers ey. pelled Carteret, and appointed another governor. a The first code of Connecticut laws was printed ; Connect, and the assembly enacted, that every family should have a law book. 3 >: ^'-;.' A mission was attempted, about this time, from Indi an Massachusetts to the Massawomek^. Six or seven missioc ' Indians, one of whom was a teacher, accompanied by other persons, who could speak both the Eng- lish and Indian languages, were employed in this pi- ous design ; but, after proceeding to Connecticut river, they returned home, discouraged. 4 The general court of Massachusetts passed a new New char* act, for confirming the charter of Harvard College, ter f ' . P o 3 yard and for encouraging donations to that seminary. s i e ge. I Hazard Coll. II. 521 526, where the Articles are inserted entire. The names of the commissioners, who subscribed them, were John Win* thorpe, James Richards, Thomas Prince, Josias Winslow, Thomas Dan- forth, mid William Hawthorn. The proportion of men for any general service was settled, for 15 years to come, as follows : Massachusetts, 100 ; Plymouth, 30 ; Connecticut, 60. Ibid. Kutchinson, i. 283, A particular reason for the renewal of the' confederation, with some alterations, was 3 that New Haven and Connecticut had now become one colony. 3. Chalmers, i. 616. 3 Trumbull, i. 226, 338. It was printed at Cambridge ; and consisted: of between 70 and 80 pages, in small folio. The colony had previously kept its laws in manuscript, and had promulgated them by sending copies to be publicly read in the respective towns. The compiler of this code was Roger Ludlow, esquire. Jbid. 4 Coll Hist. Soc. i. 157, 158. This mission took its rise from Indian in- telligence of such a people, " great and numerous," 3 or 400 miles south- \7esterly from Boston, who spake, or at least understood, the language of the New England Indians. The missionaries were provided with Indian* bibles, primers, catechisms, and other books, translated into the Indian Ian? guage ; and with necessaries, to the expense of 30 01 40. Gookin, ib. 5 Neai N. Eng. i. 391. The first college edifice being small and decay- ed, a collection was made this year for erecting a new building. It amount^ ed to 1895. 2. 9. In Boston were collected 800, of which 100 was given by Sir Thomas Temple, " as true a gentleman," says C. Mather, f as ever sat foot on the American strand." Hatchinson, i. 284. The town of Portsmouth, " which was now become the richest" in New Hamp- shire, made a subscription of 60 per annum for seven years. Dover gave 32 ; and Exeter, 10. Belknap N. Hamp. i. 117. These donations in, N. Hampshire were made earlier (i66p), but fo* the same pttrpose, Jbid,\ See A D, 5677, AMERICAN ANNALS. 1672. From the gathering of the first church in Mas-sa* Progress of chusetts at Salem, in 1629, to this time,forty church- ld *es \vere gathered, and one hundred and twenty towns built, in New England. J May s8. War having been recently declared in England a- War a- o . . . 1-1 gnst the gainst the Dutch, it was proclaimed at Boston in Dutch. j*. shore- Manisses [Block Island] was made a township by the name of New Shoreham. 3 Newcastle r ^^ town f New Castle, on the Delaware, was incorpo- incorporated by the government of New York. It was to be subject to the direction of a bailiff, who was constituted president of the corporation, and six assistants. 4 Indian? The Scahcook Indians, about this time, left their country, lying eastward of Massachusetts, and set- tled above Albany, on the branch of Hudson's riv- er, that runs toward Canada. * Fort at L. M. de Courcclles, governor of Canada, built a .Ontario. f ort on the north side of the east entrance of Lake Ontario. 6 of Richard Bellingham, governor of Massachusetts, s ~ died, aged upward of eighty years. 7 Charles I Josselya N. Eng. Rar. 105. 2, Hutchinson, i. 283. This was the first instance of a public declara*- tion of war in that colony. In the preceding Dutch wars with England, until forces came to reduce Manhattan, correspondence and commerce ^oa- tinued between the English and Dutch colonies. Ibid. 3 Callender, 39. After conjecturing the origin of the name of Block Island (See p. 289.), I discovered it, in Laet (71.) : " Extima insularum est ^5OO, one with another. 500 persons, worth 3^3000 each. No house in N. England has above 20 rooms. Not 20 in Boston hath 10 rooms each. The worst cottages in N. England are lofted. No beggars. Not three persons put to death for theft annually. There are no musicians by trade. A dancing school was set up ; but put down,. A fencing school is allowed. All cordage, sail doth and nets, come from, England. No cloth made there worth 45. a yard. No linen above 2s. 6d- No allum, nor copperas, nor salt, made by their sun." Chalmers, ib. 3 Trumbull, i. 340. One quarter were mounted as dragoons. 4 Coll. Hist. Sec. ii. 30. The Indian name of the place was Squaw- keague. The English town-was laid out on both sides of the river, 6 mile-; in breadth, and 12 in length. The planters built small huts, and covered them with thatch ; made a place for public worship ; and built a stockade and fort. The township. was granted " to Messrs. Finchion, Peirsons, and their associates, in 1672." Ibid. 5 Charlevoix >ouv. France, i. 444. Smith N. York, 44. Chalmers, 1.587.. 6 Minot Mass.i. 181. AMERICAN ANNALS. 417 three days journey of the gulf of Mexico, they returned toward Canada. * Thomas Prince, governor of Plymouth colony, Death of 'died, at the age of seventy three years.* l6 74 : . ... All the freemen of Carolina, meeting by sum- - Free?nea O f nions at Charlestown, elected representatives, to Carolina make laws for the government of the colony. There resenTa- ep " were now a colonial governor, an upper and a lower lives. house of assembly ; and these three branches took the name of parliament, agreeably to the constitu- tions. This was the first parliament, that passed First parii- acts, which were ratified by the proprietaries, and ament on preserved in the records of the colony. 3 The pro- prietaries transmitted to Carolina vines and other useful plants, and men skilled in the management of them. 4 A treaty of peace between England and the States &&. ^ General of Holland was signed at Westminster. Treaty be- The sixth article of this treaty restored New Neth- d2?* erlands to the English, 5 and the English territories Holland In Guiana to the Dutch. 6 On this pacification, the ^^1^ duke of York, to remove all doubt and controversy lands to 1 CharleVoix Nouf. France, i. 454 457. Univ. Hist. xl. 12. Thej^^" 2 *' French received information of this river from the natives. Charlevoix (ib,) says, Marquette and Joliet went toward the . 1542. 2 Morton [Supplement], 206. He Was an upright and ver^ useful ^magistrate ; a piohs and exemplary rhan. He was a distinguished patrbri of learning, and procured revenues for the support of grammar schools in Plymouth colony. Mather Magnal. book ii. 6. 3 Hewet, i. 74, 75, Sir John Yeamans, reduced to a feeble and sickly condition by the warm climate and his indefatigable labours for the suc- cess of the settlement, returned to Barbadoes, where he died. Ib. Joseph West, who is justly celebrated for his courage, wisdom, and moderation, succeeded him in the government. Ibid. Chalmers, i. 540. 4 Chalmers, i. 5 3 1. 5 Smith N. York, 31. Univ. Hist, xxxix. 349. 6 Bancroft Guiana, id F.ncyc. Methodioufe, Geog. Art. SCRIVAM, LU AMERICAN ANNALS, 1674. respecting his property in America, took out a new E. . Andros patent - of N. ward Andros to be governor of New York and all York, hj s territories in these parts, The Dutch, in Octo- ber, resigned their authority to Andros, who imme- diately recerved the submission of the inhabitants, as far westward as Delaware. r B.Gookin . Daniel Gookin, of Cambridge, completed his Collect. of TT i /^ 11 r i T i- -vS- -r^ Historical Collections or the Inaians, m New Lng- land ; which furnish an authentic account of their, numbers, customs y manners, religion, government,, 1' condition^* Quebec v/as made a bishopric. 3 John Oxenbr idge, minister of Boston, died. 4 / y xen ~ Bancroft says, " in exchange ;" but it was on the, principle of utl poisldetis ; ondge. or t j ie treat y provided, (< that whatsoever may have been taken, during the war, shall be restored to the former possessor. Chalmers, i. 579. 1 Smith N- York, 32. Smith N". Jersey, no. Chalmers, i. 579. Trum- bull, i. 341. Univ. Hisf. xxxix. 362. Brit. Emp. ii. 210, 400, 401. 2 Coll. Hist. Soc. i. T42. This work war, dedicated to king Charles II., and seems to have been prepared for publication ; but it was not published until the year 1792, when it was printed in the Collections of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society [i. 141- H7-1- From this respectable authori- ty we learn the numbers of the principal Indian nations in N. England, in "-674. There were then within the jurisdiction of Massachusetts : Men. - i. The Pequ-cds (formerly 4000 -.-varr-ors) then containing 300 a. The Narraganstts (formerly 5000 do.) ... - about 2000 ;$, The Pawkunnawkuts (formerly about 3000) nearly extinct 4. The Massachusetts (formerly 3000) - ------ 300 5. The Pawtuckets (formerly abcut 3000) - ----- 250 There were, at that time, 7 old towns- of Praying Indians : Families. Soul'?. I. N;>.tick - - - - - - 29 145 . Pakemit, or Punkepaog, (Stoughtcn) - I z about 60 5. Hassanamesit (Grafton) - - 12 60 , 4. OkommakajTiesit (Marlborough) - - 10 50 5. Wamesit (Tewksbury) - - - 15 75 6. Nashobah (Littleton) IO 50 7. Magunka^uog (Hoplunton) - * 1 1 55 99 495 I See ' next ficFe-} 3 Charlevoix Nouv. France,-}. Heiiault, ii. ^74. 4 Mathtr A'lagnal. book iii. 2I. Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 300; vi. 5 (TiUrodA ?Te was educated at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge in England- Tn the persecution of Nonconformists, A.D. 1662, he went to Surinam ; thence he went to Uarbadoes ; thence, in 1669,10 New England, where he- succeeded Mr. Davenport, as pastor of the first church in Boston. Maj>~ nal. ibid. Ho was one- of " the most popular ministers" in N, Engh- Chalmers, i. 435- AMERICAN ANNALS. .41 9 .16,75, Andres, governor ,of New York, made efforts to Andros d- ..acquire the .country, lying westward of Connecticut ne a c ^ c s ut n ' river ; but he was effectually frustrated -by the spir- territory. ited conduct. of the colony of Connecticut. 1 The public, revenue, arising from the customs -G.DL s r tate . of the productions of Virginia, amounted to one hun- dred thousand pounds. a year. That colony now contained fifty .thousand inhabitants* * 7"here were ajso seven other towns of Praying Indians, within the jurisdic- tion of Massachusetts, "vyhid.i were c*dld the New fraying towns in tLe Hipnuick country. Souls, Manchage [Oxford] contained 60 Chabanakongkomun (Dudley) 4$ Maanexit [N. K part of Woodstock] - IOO Quantisset [o. E, part oi Woodstock] - lop Wabquissit [S. W. corner of Wooxistockj - ijo jPakachoqg [ part of Worcester] - I GO Wueuntug' [Ux&ridge] supposed ,.- jo 605 In all 14 towns and about iico souls. " yielding -obedieace to the gospel." In Plymouth colony, there were 497 praying Indians, of whom 14-2, read Indian, 72 wrote,. 9 read English. There were supposed to be upward of loo more young Indian children, who .had commenced Learning, not in- cluded in this estimate. Martha's Vineyard contained at .least 300 fami- lies, and they w.ere generally -praying Indians ; and the island of Nantuck- et, about 300 families, many of whom also were praying Indians. I Chalmers, i, 581. That country had been conferred on the duke of York, though it had been possessed by the Connecticut colonists from the year 1637, and confirmed to them by a royal charter in 166*. Ib. On the intelligence, that Andros was about to invade the colony, and to demand a surrender of its most important posts to the government of the duke of York, detachments of the militia of Connecticut were sent to New JLondoa and Saybrook. Andros arrived at Saybrook in July with an armed force, find demanded a surrender of the fortress and town ; but captain Bull, of Hartford, arriving at this juncture with a party of militia, raised the king's colours, and made an instant show of readiness for resistance, which stop- ped their hostile procedure. The assembly ojf the colony, then in session, immediately drew up a protest, and seiit it, by an express, to Saybrock, with instructions to captain Bull, to propose to major Andros a reference cf the affair in dispute to commissioners. Androt,, with his suit, was permitted to land. The proposal of reference to commissioners was rejected. Andrew .commanded, in his majesty's name, that the duke's patent, and his own .commission, should be read. Bull, in his majesty's name, commanded him to forbear reading. When his clerk attempted to persist in reading, Euli repeat- ^d his prohibition with energy, and with effect. He then read the assem- bly's protest. Andros, despairing of success, abandoned hir, design, and rex turned to New York, Trumbuli, i. 346, 4 Chalmers, i, 330, 420 AMERICAN ANNALS. of king Philip's 1675. The first English ship, that arrived at West Jer~ w. jersey. seYj arr i ve d ttts year. x p.ofMaine. "j^ militia in the Province of Maine now amount- ed to seven hundred. * ticuwiiT" r ^ wo insurrections, raised in Virginia, this year, Virginia, without grounds,, and without concert, were easily suppressed. 3 '^^ memorable war between Philip, king of the Wampanoags, and the New England colonists, now. commenced. Sausaman, a friendly Indian, having given notice to the English of a plot, that he had discovered among Philip's Indians against the Eng- lish, was soon after murdered. Three Indians, one of whom was a counsellor and particular friend of Philip, were convicted of the murder, at Plymouth court, and executed. 4 Philip, apprehensive of per- sonal danger, used no farther means to exculpate himself either from the charge of conspiracy, or of having concern in the death of Sausaman ; but had recourse to arms. Finding his strength daily in- creasing, by the accession of neighbouring Indians, he prepared for war. The Indians, having sent their wives and children to the Narragansets for se- curity, began to alarm the English at Swanzey. Af- ter oifering them insolent menaces, they proceeded to kill their cattle, and rifle their houses. Provoked by these abuses, an Englishman discharged his gun at an Indian, and gave him a mortal wound. TRQ Indians instantly fell on the English, and killed all , . & 9 , . . m their power. Eight or nine were slam in Swan- zey and its vicinity, on the twenty fourth of June ; June 24. First hos- I Smith N. Jersey, 79. No other arrived for nearly two years. 1 Chalmers,' i. 507. The town of Kittery contained - - - iSo York ...... 80 Black Point - - - - 100 'Wells and Cape Porpus - - 80 Casco Bay - - - - 80 - - - go Black Point Casco Bay Saco and Winter Harbour - 100 Sagadahock 3 Chalmers, i. 329. " By the prudent vigour of the governor." 4 This court was in June. Philip and several of his Indians had been. previously examined ; and, though they would own nothing, yet they. could not free themselves from just suspicion." Hubbard. AMERICAN ANNALS. 421 and on that day the alarm of war was given in 1675. Plymouth colony. A company of foot, under cap- tain Daniel Henchman, another company of horse, under captain Thomas Prentice, with one hundred and ten volunteers, marching from Boston, joined the Plymouth forces at S wanzey, on the twenty eighth. Twelve men of the cavalry, toward the evening of the same day, passing over a bridge, that led into Philip's lands, for the purpose of discovery, were fired on by the Indians from the bushes ; one was killed, and another, whose horse was shot down under him, was wounded. The next morning, the shout of war was heard at half a mile's distance ; and nine or ten Indians showed themselves on the English side of the bridge. Their challenge was instantly accepted. All the horse, with the entire body of volunteers under captain Mosely, chased They 39< them precipitately over the bridge, and pursued them charge the a mile and a quarter beyond it. When the advanc- r ed soldiers were just retreating to the main guard, they discharged their guns on the Indians, who were running into a swamp, and killed five or six of them, ^ho&zn. This resolute charge of the English made great im- don Mount pression on the enemy ; and Philip, with all his Hope ' forces, left Mount Hope that very night, abandon- ing the country to the English. * Captain Hutchinson arriving as commissioner July from Massachusetts government, with orders to treat with the Narragansets ; it was resolved, the next gansets, morning, to march all the forces into theNarragan- set country, and to make the treaty, sword in hand. A treaty was accordingly concluded on the fifteenth pf July/' I Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. 1 ; Ind. Wars, 78 87. Hutchinson, i. 286, 287. Church, ii 13. Cullender, 73. a Hubbard Ind. Wars, 6j 67 ; Hutchinson, i. 289291 ; where the Articles are inserted. The date is " Petaquamscot, July 15, 1675." The commissioners for Massachusetts were major Thomas Savage, captain Ed- ward Hutchinson, and Mr. Joseph Dudley j those for Connecticut (who ,422 -AMERICAN -ANNALS. .1675. During this, negotiation for peace, captain : Fuller A party and lieutenant Church * were dispatched with .fifty fflocassel men to Pocasset/ to conclude -a peace with the In- dians, .if .pacific and friendly ; or to fight then), if hostile. They found the enemy' on Pocasset Neck ; but, such were their numbers, that, after some skir- mishing, in which the English expended their ammu* nition, they .were taken off by water to Rhode IsU and. Church, hastening to the Massachusetts for- ces, borrowed three files of men of captain Hench- man, .with, his lieutenant, and returned to Pocasset, where he had another skirmish with the enemy, in which fourteen or fifteen Indians were shin. This loss struck such. a terror into Philip, that he betook himself to the swamps about Pocasset, where he lay secreted until the arrival of the other English forces from Narraganset. These forces arrived on the July i. eighteenth of July, and ; resolutely charged the ene^ dwrgethe m y m *^ G * r recesses > but tne Indians, taking advan^ Indians in tage .of the thick under wood, and firing at them, W g rst ntere( j ? killed five on the spot, and woui>d- ed four ; and, deserting their wigwams, retired deep- er, into the -swamp, 3 The English followed them, in .vain, until night approached, when the command^ er. ordered -.a retreat. Most of the Massachusetts companies were now drawn oiF, and captain Hench- man only, with a hundred foot, together with the had been seasonably sent forward) were major Wait Winthrop, and Mr, Richard Smith. There were four Indians, who subscribed the treaty, as counsellors and attornies to Canonicus, Nimgret, Mattatoag, old queen Quaiapen, Quananshit, and Pornham, " the six present sachems of the v/hole jS T arraganset country." Ibid. The Narragansets were still very powerful.*" This tribe had promised Philip to rise, in the spring of 1676, with 4000 men ; but this number, it is supposed, was meant to contain all the Indians within the bounds of Rhode island, who, being under the authority of the great Narraganset sachem, were often called by this general name., Catr lender, 75. Hubbard Incl. Wars, 126. Hutchinson,i. 458. * SM f. 418. I Benjamin Church, afterward colonel, a hero of great fame. a Now Tiverton c. 18 miles from Taunton. Hubbard. 3 This swamp on Pocasset Neck is 7 miles long. The Indians had new* iy made wigwams here (about roo in all) of green bark, which they r.o\v left i but the materials would not udaiit th^n to burn. Id, AMERICAN ANNALS. Plymouth forces, was left to watch tlie motions of 1675; the enemy* It being impossible^ for the English to fight in the swamp, >but to the greatest disadvantage, they resolved to starve out the enemy : but Philip, ^l 11 ? ,, , , . .%? makes his aware or the design, contrived means to escape, with escape. the greatest part of his company. 1 Fleeing into the country of the Nipmucks,* this ferocious and : Vindictive prince, kindled the flame of war in the \vestern plantations of Massachusetts. 3 The Nipmuck- Indians had already committed hos- - tilities against the English. On the fourteenth of J uI 7 **- ,. July they had killed four or five people at Mendo'n evS in Massachusetts. 4 The governor and council, inP eo P Ieilt " hopes of reclaiming the Nipmucks, sent captain Hut- chinson with twenty horsemen to Quabaog [Brook- field], near which place there was to be a great ren- dezvous of those Indians, xvho had promised to hold a treaty with the inhabitants of Brookfield. Hut- chinson, with some of the principal people of that town, went to the place appointed t but, not finding the Indians, they proceeded four or five miles to- ward their chief town, until they were ambuscaded by two or three hundred Indians, who shot down eight of the company, and mortally wounded eight " ear , f . rrn 11 11 - ^ G Brookfield, more.* ihe rest escaped through a by patn to Qua- baog. The Indians, closely pursuing them, violent- ly assaulted the town, killed several persons, and set 1 The swamp being not far from an arm of the sea, extending up to Taunton, the Indians, either taking advantage of a low tide, waded over, or wafted themselves over on small rafts of timber, very early, before break cf day, i August. About 100 v/omen and children, left behind, soon after resigned themselves to the mercy of the English. Hubbard. I. Mather. 2 About Worcester, Oxford, Grafton, Dudley, &c. Cburcb. 3 Hubbard Ind. Wars, 72, 73. Neal N. Eng. ii, 8. Church, ai 23. 4 Mather Ind. War, 5. Hutchinson, i. 291. " Blood was never shed in Massachusetts, in a way of hostility, before this day." Mather, ib. 5 Captain Hutchinson was one of the wounded. He was carried to Quabaog, -and afterward to Marlborough, where he died 19 August. Hut- chinson. The ambuscade was laid at a place called Meminimisset, " a nar- row passage between a steep hill and a this,!: s\v-.imp, rxt the her.d of Wick*- ig nond." Co!!. HI st. Soc, i. 259. , 424 AMERICAN ANNALS, 1675. fire to every house, excepting one, into which all Brookfieid t h e inhabitants had gathered for security. x This house they soon surrounded ; and, after repeated at- tempts to set fire to it, they filled a cart with hemp, flax, and other combustible matter, which they kin- Aug. 4. died, and thrust toward it with long poles. At its inhabit- t hj s critical moment, major Willard happily ar- ants re- '.'/ i lieved. rived with forty eight dragoons, and dispersed them. a Indian hos- ^he I ncuans on Connecticut river, near Hadley, Hatfield, and Deerfield, and those at Penicook and other places on Merrimack river, began their hostil- the Merri- ities about this time ; and before the end of August mack. fa e whole colony of Massachusetts was in the ut- most terror. The Hadley Indians, by fleeing from their dwellings, betraying their conspiracy with the hostile Indians, 3 were pursued by captains Lothrop and Beers, and overtaken about ten miles above Hat- skirmish field, at a place called Sugarloaf Hill, where a skir- lotfHffl" m * sn xvas fought, in which nine or ten of the Eng- lish were slain, and about twenty six Indians. The Indians^ who escaped, joining with Philip and his Sept.t. company j were so. emboldened, that, about seven Deerfield days after,- they fell upon Deerfield, killed one man, and laid most of the town in ashes., On the same Hadley as- ^ a 7? Hadley was alarmed by the Indians in the time sauited by o f public worship, and the people thrown into the utmost confusion j but the enemy were repulsed by the valour and good conduct of an aged, venerable man ' w ^? suddenly appearing in the midst of the affrighted inhabitants, put himself at their head ;. led them to the onset ; and, after the dispersion of the enemy, instantly disappeared. This deliverer of Had- I There were about 20 dwelling houses, and 76 souls in the town. a Mather Ind. War, 6, 7. Hubbard Ind. Wars, J n 114. Hutchin- son, i. 291 293. The next day (Aug. 5.) Philip, with about 40 men, be- side a much greater number of women and children, joined the Nipmuck Indians in a swamp, ten or twelve miles from Brookfieid ; about 30 of them were armed with guns, the rest had bows and arrows. Ibid. 3 Philip and the Nipmuck Indians were harboured, at that time, in the adjacent woods. Kubbard. AMERICAN ANNALS. 425 ley, then imagined to be an angel, was general 1675. GofFe, one of the judges of Charles I, who was, at that time, concealed in the town. ' Early in October, the Springfield Indians, who ^f ^j had been uniformly friendly to the English, having Indians/ C perfidiously concerted with the enemy to burn the town of Springfield, received in the night into their fort, about a mile from the town, above three hun- dred of Philip's Indians. The plot however being disclosed by .a friendly Indian at Windsor, dispatches \vere immediately sent to major Treat, then at Westfield with the Connecticut troops, who arrived Oct at Springfield so opportunely as to save a consider- Springfield able part of the town from the flames ; but thirty gj^ two houses were already consumed. 2 On the nine- 19. teenth of October, seven or eight hundred Indians furiously assailed the town of Hadley, on all sides ; but they were repulsed by the Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts forces. 3 The commissioners of the three United Colonies having declared the war with the Indians to be just ^ T " e " . f o ill i 1111 -ill U.Colomes and necessary, had already concluded, that it should make the be jointly prosecuted by all those colonies. 4 Find- waracom - J J l mon cause. I Stiles Hist. Judges, 109. Hutchinson, i. 219, See p. 377 of this vol- ume. From N. Haven the judges Whalley and Goffe went to West Rock (a mountain about 300 feet high, and about two miles and a half from the town) ; and were some time concealed in a cave " on the very top of the rock, about half or three quarters of a mile from the southern extremity.'* Stiles, ib. 72, 76. They afterward lived in concealment at Milford, at Der- by, and atBranford; and, in 1664, removed from Milford to Hadley, where they were soon after joined by colonel Dixwell, another of the king's judges. Dixwell took the name of Davids, and some years after removed to New Haven, where he married, and left several children. His grave stone may still be seen in the old burying ground in New Haven, with this inscription : " J. D. Esq. deceased March i8th, in the Sad year of his age 1688." 3, Hubbard Tnd. Wars, 129131. " The sad tidings of Springfiald ca- lamity" reached Boston 7 October, at the close of a day of Humiliation, ap- pointed by the Council. Mather Ind. War, 16. Trumbull, i. 351. 3 Hubbard Ind. Wars, 138. Hutchinson, i. 296. 4 Hazard Coll. ii. 534. The commissioners for Plymouth colony pre- sented to the body of commissioners a Narrative, " showing the manner of M m ra 4-26- AMERICAN'" ANNALS. 1675. ing that the Narragansets, in violation of their en- gagements, were accessory to the hostilities of the enemy, they now determined, that one thousand soldiers should be raised, to march into the Narra- ganset country, to obtain satisfaction of those In- dians, or to treat them as enemies. Josiah Winslow, governor of Plymouth, was appointed commander in chief; The Massachusetts forces marched from Boston on the eighth of December, and were soon joined by those of Plymouth^ The troops from Dec. iS 1 . Connecticut joined them on the eighteenth, at Pet- coioniai tyquamscot. 1 At break of day the next morning, meet at Pe- they commenced their march, through a deep snow,, tyquam- toward the enemy, who were about fifteen miles dis- tant ia a swamp, at the edge of which they arrived at one in the afternoon*- The Indians, apprized of an armament intended against them, had fortified' themselves as strongly, as possible, within the swamp. The English, without waiting to draw up in order of battle, marched forward in quest of the enemy's camp. Some Indians, appearing at the edge of the swamp, were no sooner fired on by the Englijji, than they returned the fire; and fled. The whole army now entered the swamp, and followed the Indians to 19. their fortress. It stood on a rising ground in the Attack the m idst--ofthe-swamp i and was composed of palisades, fort of the , * r Narragau- which were encompassed by a. -Hedge, nearly a rod* sets. beginning of the present war with- the Indians of Mount Hope -and Poca?- set ;" which was the basis of that determination. It is inserted ib. 532 . 5 34. The meeting of the commissioners, at which the war was declared to he just and necessary, was 9 Sept. 1675. They the* concluded to raise im- mediately 1000 soldiers out of the colonies, in such proportions, as the arti- cles of Confederation established : Massachusetts, 527 ; Plymouth, 158 ; Connecticut, 315. Ibid. 535. -At 'an adjourned meeting a November, they declared the Narragansets to be " deeply accessory in the present bloody vui.trages" of the natives that were at open war, and determined, that icco wre soldiers be raised, for the Narraganset expedition, " in like proper^ tionsin each colony, as the former were." Ib. 531. I The Connecticut troops consisted of 300 English men, and 150 ]YTo- Iieagan and Pecjuod Indians ; and were divided into 5 companies. Thr. was commanded by major Treat. Trumbull, 1-354. AMERICAN ANNALS. 42? thick. It had but one practicable entrance, which was over a log or tree, four or five feet from the ground ; and that aperture was guarded by a block house. Falling providentially on this very part of the fort, the English captains entered it, at the head of their companies. The two first, Johnson and Davenport, with many of their .men, were shot dead at the entrance. Four -other captains, Gardner, Gallop, Siely, and Marshal, were also killed. When the troops had effected an entrance, .they attacked the Indians, who fought desperately, and beat the English out of the fort. After a hard fought battle of three hours, the English became masters of the Fort . taken i r i m drove off from one of the inhabitants of War- Warwick, wick fifteen horses, fifty neat cattle, and two hun- dred sheep. On the tenth of February, several him-* Lancaster dreds of the Indians fell upon Lancaster ; plundered burnt. and burned the greatest part of the town ; and kil-. led or captivated forty persons. Two or three hun- dred of the Narraganset and other Indians, not long Medfieid. a ^ ter ' surprised Medfieid, and burned nearly one 25. half of the town. r On the twenty fifth of Februa- weymouth. r y 9 t k e i nc ji an s assaulted the town of Weymouth, and burned seven or eight houses and barns. On tlle thirteenth of March, they. burned the whole town of Groton 3 to the ground, excepting four gar^ 17. risoned houses ; and, on the seventeenth, they en- t j re jy burned Warwick, with the exception of one house. On the twenty sixth of March, they laid rough. " most of the town of Marlborough in ashes. 3 On the same day, captain Pierce of Scituate, who had b een sen - out ^7 tne governor and council of Ply- mouth colony with about fifty English, and twenty friendly Indians of Cape Cod, was cut off by the r~~", a8 - enemy with most of his party, Two days after- Rahoboth J . r .. ' -i J . J . burnt. ward, the Indians fell upon Kenoboth, and burned forty dwelling houses, and about thirty barns ; and,, - 2-9. j-he j a y after, about thirty houses in Providence. Providence. A t / r T .. Although there were several parties or Indians scattered over the country, yet the main body of them lurked in the woods between Brookfield, April. Marlborough, and Connecticut river. Early in Ai cheims- pril they did some mischief at Chelmsford, 4 Ando- i Although there were z or 300 soldiers there, the Indians did that mis- chief, and killed about 1 8 persons, men, women, and children. I. Mather. 2, It contained about 40 dwelling houses. Its inhabitants now deserted it. 3 The inhabitants were hence constrained to desert the town. What few houses were left were burnt by the Indians 1 9 April. I. Mather. 4 Hubbard ascribes this mischief to the Indians of Wamesit, a place near Chelmsford, bordering on the Mcnimack j but he does them the justice AMERICAN ANNALS. 429 ver, and in the vicinity of those places. ' Having, 1676. on the seventeenth of the same month, burned the few deserted houses at Marlborough, they, the next April lg> day, violently attacked Sudbury ; burned several sudbury houses and barns ; and killed ten or twelve of the attacked ' English, who had come from Concord to the assist- ance of their neighbours. Captain Wadsworth, sent at this juncture from Boston with about fifty men, to relieve Maiiborough, after having marched twenty five miles, learning that the enemy had gone through the woods toward Sudbury, turned imme- diately back, in pursuit of them. When the troops were within a mile of the town, they espied, at no great distance, a party of Indians, apparently about one hundred 5 who, by retreating, as if through fear, drew the English above a mile into the woods ; when a large body of the enemy, supposed to be a- bout five hundred, suddenly surrounded them, and Ca t precluded the possibility of their escape. The gal- Wadswortb lant leader and his brave soldiers fought with des- and his per ate valour ; but they fell a prey to the numbers, the artifice, and bravery of their enemy. The few^ who were taken alive, were destined to tortures, un- known to their companions, who had the happier lot to die in the field of battle. * to say, that they " had been provoked by the rash, unadvised, cruel acts of some of the English," toward the close of the preceding year. CHELMSFORD appears to have been incorporated about A. D. 1655 ; but it was not men* tioned that year, because not noticed in the early histories. I Hubbard says, that on the ijth of April 15 houses were burnt on the north side of the river, near Chelmsford. a Some historians say, that captain Wadsworth's company was entirely cut off ; others, that a few escaped. Some represent his company, as con- sisting of 50 ; some, as consisting of 70 men. All agree, that 50 at least were killed. Captain Broclebank and some others " fell into his company as he marched along ;" and this accession may account for the difference in the narratives. President Wadsworth (of Harvard College), a son of cap- tain Wadsworth, who fell on this occasion, caused, a decent monument to be afterward erected over the grave of these heroes, from which I copied the following Inscription : " Captain Samuel Wadsworth of Milton, his Lieut. Sharp of Brooklin, :< Capt. Broclebank of Rowley, with about Twenty Six* other Souldiers, * This, it is fjppg;sd % ivas the number of bodies found, 43 AMERICAN ANNALS. 16760 sdtuate. 8. ter. Plymouth. Middle-' borough. iff. Fall Fight, About the same time, the Indians burned nine- teen houses and barns at Scituate ; but they were bravely encountered and repulsed by the inhabit- ants. On the eighth of May, they burned and des~ trO y e j seventeen houses and barns at Bridgewater. 1 On the eleventh, they assaulted the town of Plym*. out ^ and burned eleven houses and five barns ; and, two days after, they burned seven houses and two i ' i t i WBS m that town, and tae remaining houses m Namasket. z Several large bodies of Indians having assembled at Connecticut river, in the vicinity of Deerfteld, the inhabitants of Hadley, Hatfield, and Northampton, on receiving the intelligence, combined for their ex- tirpation. On the eighteenth of May one hundred and s j xt y. soldiers, destined for that enterprise, marched silently twenty miles in the dead of night, and, a little before break of day, surprised the ene- my, whom they found asleep, and without guards., at their principal quarters. The first notice, that they gave of their approach, was by a discharge of their guns into the wigwams. Some of the Indians, in their consternation., ran directly into the river^ *' fighting for the defence of their country, were slain by the Indian enemy *' April j 8th. 1676, and lye buried in this place." The monument stands to the west of Sudbury Causeway, about one mile southward of the church in Old Sudbury, and about one quarter of a mile from the great road, that leads from Boston to Worcester. I The inhabitants courageously sallied forth from their garrisons, to fight the enemy ; and a storm of thunder, lightening, and rain, at that juncture, providentially coatributed to save the town from entire confla- gration. It is remarkable, that Bridgewater, though, by its local situation, peculiarly exposed, never lost one of its inhabitants in this war. Mather Magnal. book vii. 52. 1 now find, that the settlement of BKIDGEWATICK. was begun in the year 1651, by a very religious people ; " though, by rea- son of the snvallness of their number and ability, aad the scarcity of candi- dates, they had not an ordained minister till the year 1663." Their first was the reverend James Keith, who died 23 July 1719, " having been 56 years a faithful minister of the gospel." Preface to a Sermon, preached at Bridgewater by Rev. Mr. Keith in 1717, zd edit, printed 1768. Z Soon after the war broke out (about July 1675) the Indians killed several English people at Taunton ; burned about half the town of Swan* Key ; and principally burned the towns of Namasket [Middkboroughl and,, Mather Ind. W^r, 4. AMERICAN ANNAL&.- -43.* were drowned. Others betook themselves to 1676 their bark canoes ; and, having in their hurry for- gotten their paddles, were hurried down the falls, and dashed against the rocks. Many of them, en- deavouring to secrete themselves under the banks of the river, were discovered and slain. In this action, distinguished by the name of the Fall Fight, the en- emy lost three hundred men, women, and children. 1 The Indians, recovering from their surprise, and falling on the rear of the English on their return, killed captain Turner, commander of the expedition, and thirty eight of his men. z On the thirtieth of May, a: great body of Indians, - supposed to be six or seven hundred, appeared be- fore Hatfield. Having burned twelve houses and barns, without the fortification, they attacked the houses in the centre of the town, that were surround- ed with palisadoes ; but twenty five resolute young men of Hadley, adventuring over the river, and boldly charging the enemy, they instantly fled from the town, with the loss of twenty five of their men. Though Massachusetts was the chief theatre of Connecti- the war , Connecticut, her sister colpny, was active c . L r i TT i tl in the suppression of the common enemy. Volun- war. teer companies had been formed, early in the year, principally from New London, Norwich, and Ston- ington j which associated with them a number of Moheagans, Pequots, and Narragansets. These companies ranged the Narraganset country, and greatly harassed the hostile Indians. In one of these excursions, in March, captain Denison, of Stoning- i See a particular account of this Fight, by the reverend Mr. Taylor of Deerfieid, in the Appendix to his edition of Williams' Redeemed Captive, 141 143. Of the 300 there were 170 fighting men. Mather Ind. War, 31. But one of the English was killed in the engagement. Hubbard Ind. Wars, 225, note. z The English, going out on horseback, had alighted about a quarter of a. mile from the Indian rendezvous, and tied their horses to the trees. The /ndiiiiis fell on the guards, left with the horses, and killed some of them. These are included in the 38. c . ut i . sac tlve in AMERICAN ANNALS. 1676. ton, rendered signal service to the cause, by the cap* ture of Nanunttenoo, the head sachem of all the Narragansets. ' Between the spring and the succeed- ing autumn, the volunteer captains, with their flying parties, made ten or twelve expeditions, in which they killed and captivated two hundred and thirty of the enemy ; took fifty muskets ; and brought in one hundred and sixty bushels of their corn. They drove all the Narraganset Indians, excepting those of Ninnigret, a out of their country. Assembly The assembly of Connecticut, at their session in Ma 7> voted three hundred and fifty men, who were to be a standing army, to defend the country, and harass the enemy. Major John Talcot was ap- pointed to the chief command. Early in June, ma-* jor Talcot marched from Norwich with about two hundred and fifty soldiers, and two hundred Mo- heagan and Pequot Indians, into the Wabaquasset country ; 3 but found the country entirely deserted, as well as the fort and wigwams at Wabaquasset. On the fifth of June, the army marched to Ghana- gongum, in the Nipmuck country, where they killed nineteen Indians, and took thirty three captives ; and thence marched by Quabaog to Northampton* June ia. Q n the twe lfth O f June, four days after their arrival Attack on __ , , i i i T T at Northampton, about seven hundred Indians made * I He had ventured down from the northern wilderness toward Seaconck, near the seat of Philip, to procure seed corn, to plant the towns, which the English had deserted on Connecticut river. This sachem was a son of Miantonimoh, and inherited the pride of his father. He would not accept his life, when offered on the condition, that he should make peace with the English. When he was informed, that it was determined to put him to death, he said, " I like it well ; I shall die before my heart is soft, or I shall have spoken any thing unworthy of myself." The Moheagan sachem, his counsellors, and the principal Pequots, shot him at Stonington. Trumbull, i. 363. I This sachem had formerly given the colonies much trouble ; but, in this war, he refused to join the other Narraganset sachems. The Narra- ganset Indians, who joined the Connecticut volunteers, were bis men. It is very remarkable, that, in all these expeditions, the English had not one man killed or wounded. Trumbull, i. 360, 362, 3 See p. 419. It is, to this day, called at Woodstock, as it is fare writ" ten after Dr. Trumbull, Wab-a-qna$-set, AMERICAN ANNALS. 433 a furious attack upon Hadley ; but major Talcot 16760 with these gallant soldiers, soon appeared for the relief of the garrison, and drove off the enemy. On the third of July, the same troops, on their march toward NarraganVet, surprised the main body of the enemy by the side of a large cedar swamp, and attacked them so suddenly, that a considerable number of them was killed and taken on the spot. Others escaped to the swamp, which was immedi- ately surrounded by the English ; who, after an ac- tion of two or three hours, killed and took one hun- dred and seventy one. Soon aftr, they killed and captured sixty seven, near Providence, and War- Wick. About the fifth of July, the army returned to Connecticut j and in their return took sixty more of the enemy. * The enemy, thus pursued, and hunted from one Ind ' :ans j><> lurking place to another ; straitened for provisions ; courage!" and debilitated by hunger and disease ; became di- vided, scattered, and disheartened ; and, in July and August, began to come in to the English, and to Surrender themselves to the mercy of their conquer- ors. Philip, who had fled to the Mohawks, having provoked, instead of conciliating, that warlike na- tion, had been obliged to abandon their country ; a and he was now, with a large body of Indians, lurk- ing about Mount Hope; The Massachusetts and Plymouth soldiers were vigilant and intrepid, in pur- suit of him ; and, on the second of August, captain Aug. 2. Church, with about thirty English soldiers and |^j?Jdife twenty confederate Indians, surprised him in his loses many quarters ; killed about one hundred and thirty of ofhism . en - i Trumbiill, i. 363 365. From about the beginning of April to the >th of July, the Connecticut volunteers, and the troops under major Tal- tot, killed and captured about 420 of the enemy. Ibid. % It was commonly reported, that, with the design of drawing the Mo- hawks into the war, Philip had killed some of that nation in the wcodsj. and imputed their death to the English ; but that one of the Indians, who was left for dead, revived, and informed his countrymen of the truth. H^*- chiitson, Nnn 43* AMERICAN ANNALS. 16 76. his men, and took his wife and son prisoners. Phil- ip himself but just escaped with his life. About ten days after, Church being then on Rhode Island with a handful of volunteers, an In- dian, deserter brought him information, that Philip was in Mount Hope neck ^ and offered to guide him to the place and help to kill him. l Church, who never allowed himself to lose a moment's time, instantly set out, in pursuit of him, with a small company of English and Indians. Chi his arrival at the swamp, he made a disposition of his men at proper distances aud stations, so as to form an am- buscade, putting an Englishman and an Indian to- gether behind such coverts, as were found 5 and hi& company soon commenced a fire on the enemy's shelter, which was discovered- on the margin of the swamp. It was open, in the Indian manner, on the side next to the swamp, to favour a sudden flight. Philip, at the instant of the fire frdm the English,, seizing his gun, fled toward the thickets, but ran in a direction toward an English soldier and an Indian, who were at the station, assigned them by captain Church. When he was within fair shot, the Eng- ug. i, lishman snapped his gun, but it missed fire. He iiLX IS then bade the Indian fire j> and he instantly shot him through the heart. z 1 He said, Philip killed his brother jirst before he came away, for giv~ ing some advice, that displeased him ; and that he had fled, for fear of the same fate. He wanted to kill Philip, in revenge of his brother's death. 2 The death of Philip, in retrospect, makes different impressions from what were made at the time of the event. It was then considered as the extinction of a virulent and implacable enemy ;-it is now viewed as the fall of a great warrior, a penetrating statesman, and a mighty prince. It then excited universal joy and congratulation, as a prelude to the close of a mer- ciless war ; it now awakens sober reflections on the instability of empire, the peculiar destiny of the aboriginal racei and the inscrutable decrees of Heaven. The patriotism of the man was then overlooked in the cruelty of the savage ; aud little allowance was made for the natural jealousy of the sovereign, on account of the barbarities of the warrior. Philip, ii: the progress of the English settlements, foresaw the loss of his territory, and the extinction of his tribe ; and made one mighty effort to prevent these calamities. Our pity for his misfortunes would be still heightened, if \\.-. could entirely rely on the tradition (mentioned by. Callender, 73.), That AMERICAN ANNALS, 435 The death of Philip was the signal of complete vie- 1676. iory. The Indians, in all the neighbouring coun- try, now generally submitted to the English ; or fled, and incorporated themselves with distant and strange nations. In this short hut tremendous war, Effects of about six hundred of the inhabitants of New Eng- the war * land, composing its principal strength, were either killed in battle, or murdered by the enemy .; twelve or thirteen towns were entirely destroyed ; and a- bout six hundred buildings, chiefly dwelling houses, were burnt. In addition to these calamities, the .colonies contracted an enormous debt ; while, by the loss of their substance, through the ravages of the enemy, their resources were essentially dimin- ished. 1 < Philip and ; his chief : old men wer.e at first averse to the war ; that Philip wept with grief, at the news of the first English who were killed ; and that he was pressed into his measures by the irresistible importunity of his young warriors. The assurance, pn the other hand, of the equity of our an- xestors, in giving the natives an equivalent for their lands, is highly con- soling. The upright and pious governor Win slow, in a letter dated at Marshfield I May 1676, observes : " I think I can clearly say, that before these present troubles broke out, the English did not possess one foot of land in this colony, but what was fairly obtained by honest purchase of the Indian proprietors. We first made a law, that none should purchase or re- ceive of gift any land of the Indians, without the knowledge and allowance of our Court. And lest yet they should be streightened, we ordered that Mount Hope, Pocasset, and several other necks of the best land in the col- ony, because most suitable and convenient for them, should never be bought out of their hands." See Hubbard's Narrative (where this impor- tant letter is inserted entire.) and Hazard Coll ii. 531 534. I Hubbard's Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England. Increase Mather's Brief History of the War with the Indians in New England. Church's History ot King Philip's War. Mather Magnal. book vii. 45 > 55. Calender's Historical Discourse, 73 81. Neal's History of New England. Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, i. 285 30 S. Trum- buii's History of Connecticut, i. 342 369. Adams' History of New Eng- land, 118 12,7. Morse and Parish's Compendious History of New Eng- land, 249 264. A sketch of the Indian war in another part of New Eng- land is subjoined. Within twenty days after Philip kindled the war at the southward, the flame broke out in the most northeasterly part of the coun- try, at the distance of aoo miles ; and, in the years 1675 and 1676, most of the plantations in the Province of Maine, with those on the river Pascata- qua, partook in the general calamity. After the death of Philip, the Mus- sacuusetts forces, which were then at liberty to turn their arms into that quarter, surprised about 400 of the Eastern Indians at Cochecho (Sept. 6, 1676) and took them prisoners. One half of them being found accessory. to the Luc rebellion., 7 or 8, who were knovvu to have killed any Englishmen, AMERICAN ANNALS. 1676. The New England colonies, in this impoverished Complaints an d calamitous state, were destined to a new scene in England r i i i -i ' against the or trouble, which closed at length very mauspicious- M.Enghnd ly to their liberties. Complaints having been brought colonies. J . ./ ' i against them, the preceding year, by the merchants and manufacturers of England, for their disregard to the acts of navigation ; * the governors of these colonies were now commanded, by royal authority, to enforce a strict obedience to the laws of trade. Commissions were transmitted, empowering prop- er persons to administer an oath, framed to secure a strict observance of those laws. To add weight to these measures, it was 'determined, " that no Medi- terranean passes should be granted to New England, to protect its vessels against the Turks, till it is seen what dependence it will acknowledge on his majesty, pr whether his custom house officers are received as in other colonies." 2 Bacon's re- T^ e maleContcnts in Virginia, taking advantage beiiion in of a war with the Susquehaftnah Indians, excited the people to insurrection. Nathaniel Bacon, a bold, seditious, and eloquent young man, who had been concerned in, a recent insurrection, now offer- were condemned and hanged ; the rest were sold in foreign parts, for slaves. These were called strange Indians, who had fled from the south- ward, and taken refuge among the Penacooks. This stroke humbled the Indians in the east, although the war with them continued until the spring of 1678. See the above cited authorities, and Belknap N. Hamp. i. 133 163. A treaty of peace (though of little effect) was made 6 November 1676 between the governor and council of Massachusetts and Mogg, a Pe- uobscot Indian, in behalf of the sachems of Penobscot. This was the first treaty, made with any of the Tanateens, or eastern Indians. Belknap, ib. Hutchinson, i. 347. Hubbard lad. Wars, 377 380, where the Treaty is inserted. i The complaints stated, " that the inhabitants of New England not on- ly traded to most parts of Europe, but encouraged foreigners to go and traffic with them ; that they supplied the other plantations with those for- eign productions, which ought only to be sent to England ; that, having thus made New England the great staple of the colonies, the navigation oi' the kingdom was greatly prejudiced, the national revenues were impaired, the people were extremely impoverished ; that such abuses, at the same time that they will entirely destroy the trade of England, will leave no, tort of dependence from that country to this," Chalmers, i. 400. 2, Chaliners, i. 400402. AMERICAN ANNALS, 437 ing himself as the leader of the insurgents, was cho- 1676* sen their general ; and soon after entered James- town with six hundred armed followers. Having besieged the grand assembly, then convened in the capital, he compelled it to grant whatever he de- manded. On finding himself denounced, after his departure, as a rebel, by a proclamation of governor Berkeley, he returned indignantly to Jamestown. The aged governor, unsupported, and almost aban- doned, fled precipitately to Accomack, on the east- ern shore of the colony ; and, collecting those, who were well affected toward his government, began to oppose the insurgents. Several skirmishes were fought, with various success. A party of the insur- Jamestown gents burned Jamestown. Those districts of the burnt> colony, which adhered to the old administration, were laid waste. The estates of the loyalists were confiscated. Women, whose fathers or husbands obeyed what they deemed the legal government, were carried forcibly along with the soldiers. The governor, in retaliation, seized the estates of many of the insurgents, and executed several of their lead- ers by martial law. In the midst of these calam- ities Bacon, the author of them, sickened and died ; and the flames of war expired. This rebellion cost the colony one hundred thousand pounds. * On in- formation of this rebellion, Charles II dispatched Sir John Berry with a small fleet, which transported the first troops, ever sept to Virginia. * The whole custom of tobacco from Virginia, col- Custom of lected in England this year, was one hundred and tobacco - thirty five thousand pounds sterling. 3 I Chalmers, i. 332 335. Beverly, 105. 1 Chalmers, i. 336. These were the first troops sent to any of the colo- nies for the suppression -of a revolt. It was determined, in November 1681, to disband them, " unless the assembly will pay them;" and they were soon after paid off. Ibid. 35 2. Beverly [116.] says, these troops were one regiment of infantry. The whole value of warlike stores, sent $o Virginia by Sir J. Berry, amounted to 11,178. 35. 7d. sterling. Chal- mers, i. 350. See Univ. Hist. xli. 538. Chalmers, i. 354, Maryland \vas probably included; Ib, 43 $ AMERICAN ANNALS. 1676. Maryland now contained about sixteen thousand inhabitants ; of whom the Roman Catholics were to tne number of Protestants in the proportion of one to a hundred. Cecilius Calvert, the father of the ! t province, died, in the -forty fourth year of his gov* eminent, "covered with age and reputation." 1 Charles Calvert, now succeeding his father, immedi- ately called an assembly ; which, among other acts, passed a law " against the importation of convicted persons into the province." * Division of The country of New Jersey v/as formed into East N. jersey and West Jersey. 5 Carteret, who had returned to w'jersey. ^ at province the preceding year, began now to clear out vessels from East Jersey ; but he was steadily opposed by Andros, governor of New York. 4 Nov z?t A fire in Boston burned down about forty five Fire in dwelling houses, the north church, and several ware Bo * on ' houses.* Death : of j^ winthrop, governor of Connecticut, died, gov. Win- . , r * r . . throp. in the seventy first year or his age. 6 I Chalmers, i. 363. That province had been previously divided into ten counties. No parishes were yet laid out, nor churches erected, nor public maintenance granted for the support of a ministry ; and there were in the whole colony three clergymen only of the church of England. Ib. I Ibid. 364. 3 Ibid. 617. East Jersey was released in July by the assignees of lord Berkeley to Carteret ; and he, in return, conveyed to them West Jersey. The government of the last was retained by the duke of York as a depen- dency of New York ; the government of the first was resigned to Carter- et : " And here commenced a confusion of jurisdiction, and an uncertainty of property, which long distracted the people, and at length ended in the annihilation of the rule of the proprietors." Ib. See the instrument of the release of N. Jersey in Smith Hist. N. Jersey, 80- 83 ; and " The Conces- sions and Agreements cf the proprietors, freeholders and inhabitants of the province of West New Jersey," ib. 521 539. 4 Ibid. 618. Andros saw that Carteret's clearance " tended equally to ru* in the commerce and to lessen the customs of New York." Ibid. 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixxiv ; Ind. W^rs, 194. Hutchinson, i, 349. The church was rebuilt the next year. Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 269. 6 Mather Magnal. book ii. 30 33. He was the eldest son of the first governor of Massachusetts. He was educated at the university of Dublin, and afterward travelled into France, Holland, Germany, Italy, and Turkey. With these advantages, he became a very accomplished gentleman, as well as a great scholar. He wiis a puritan of distinguished piety. To Connec- ticut he rendered most important -services, aadhe was very highly respect- AMERICAN ANNALS. 439 1677. The controversy between the colony of Massa- Controver- ehusetts and the heirs of John Mason and of Ferdi- g^fof nando Gorges was now settled in England. * It was Maine de- determined, that the boundaries of Massachusetts Clded * could not be construed to extend farther north- ward, along the river Merrimack, than three Eng- lish miles beyond it. Maine, both as to soil and government, was adjudged to the heirs of Gorges. Before the complaints were fully adjusted, and while Maine kino; Charles was in treaty with Gorges 3 to acquire !; ught 1 bf , 6- Massachu- his interest, an agent, employed by Massachusetts setts. for the same end, purchased of that proprietor the whole territory ; and assigned it over to the gover- nor and company. 3 The second ship arrived from London at West ^*' jf" f Jersey, bringing two hundred and thirty passengers, passengers most of whom were quakers, some of good estates at w - J er - in England. They landed about Rackoon Creek, S cd and esteemed by that colony. He was one of the greatest chymists and physicians of his age ; a member of the Royal Society ; and one of the most distinguished characters in New England. Having gone to Boston, to at- tend the court of the commissioners of the United Colonies, he was taken sick, and died there on the 5th of April, and was interred in the same tomb with his father. Ib. Trumbull, i. 362. i Edward Randolph, a kinsman of Mason, had been sent to New Eng land the preceding year, with a letter to Massachusetts, requiring that col- ony to send over agents within six months, fully empowered to answer the complaints, which Mason and the heirs of Gorges had made, of its usurp- ing jurisdiction over the territories claimed by them ; and the colony sent William Stoughton and Peter Bulkley. On their arrival, an hearing was ordered before the lords chief justices of the king's bench and common pleas ; and their judgment was confirmed by the king in council. See the authorities in note 3. a Ferdinando Gorges, grandson of Sir erdinando. Belknap. 3 Chalmers, i. 397. Hu-bbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixx. Hutchinson, I, 311 318. Belknap N. Hamp. i. 164 169 ; Amer. Biog. i. 391, 392. John Usher was the agent, employed by Massachusetts to make the pur- chase ; and he gave to Mr. Gorges, for his interest in the Province of Maine, 1250 sterling. Thi& territory has ever since been a part of Mas- sachusetts. It is now formed into two counties, York and Cumberland ; but the District of Maine, as established by the laws of the United States, comprehends several other counties, and extends from Pascataqua to St. Croix ; a territory sufficiently large, when duly populated, to form a di** tinct state, Ibid. 440 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1677. on Delaware, where the Swedes had some few hab- itations ; but ndt sufficient for their reception. Com- missioners, who came over in this ship, proceeded farther up the river, to a place, called Chygoe's Isl- and, where they treated with the Indians, and began the regulation of their settlements. At that place Burlington the town of Burlington was now laid out by mutual settled. r , - . agreement or the proprietors ; and it was soon set- tled by a considerable number of reputable families from Yorkshire, and other parts of England. * GOV. Sir William Berkeley was recalled from the gov- Berkeiey ernment of Virginia, after an administration of forty years ; and was succeeded by colonel Jeifereys. z First col- Miller, a person of some consideration, arrived in lector of Carolina in July, as chief magistrate and collector of the royal customs. 3 He found the colony at Albe- marle to consist of a few inconsiderable plantations, dispersed over the northeastern. bank of Albemarle river, and divided into four districts. In attempting to reform some abuses he rendered himself obnox- insurrec- ious ; and an insurrection broke out at Albemarle in ,coiony. that December. The insurgents, conducted chiefly by Culpeper, imprisoned the president and seven pro- prietary deputies ; seized the royal revenue ; estab- lished courts of justice ; appointed officers ; called a parliament ; and, for two years, exercised all the au- thority of an independent state. 4 I Smith N. Jersey, 93, 102. Proud, i. 142 149. Another ship arriv- ed from London in November, with about 60 or 70 passengers, some of whom settled at Salem and others at Burlington. Another also arrived in the autumn, with 114 passengers. Ibid. % Chalmers,!. 336, 337. The, assembly some time after declared, " that he had been an excellent and well deserving governor," and recom- mended to the king the payment to lady Berkeley of 300, " as not only a' right, but as due from that colony to his services and merits." Ib. 3 Miller collected, from July to December (1677), 327,068 Ibs. weight of tobacco, and 1341. 8s. id. sterling, being the parliamentary duty of one penny a pound on tobacco exported to other colonies. The annual > parliamentary revenue, arising in that little colony, amounted to 3 sterling. Chalmers, i. 558. 4 Chalmers, i. 532 535. Culpeper had, in 1671, been appointed sur- 7eyor general of Carolina, and had raised commotions on Ashley river, AMERICAN ANNALS. 441 Commissioners were sent, about this time, from 1677. Massachusetts and Connecticut to the Mohawks, to secure their friendship. 1 Mutual promises were made at Albany between the Five Nations and colo- s nel Coursey, an agent in behalf of Virginia and Ma- a nd of'the ryland. z The whole force of the Five Nations was Kve Na- then estimated at two thousand one hundred and fif- tl( ty fighting men. 3 The general court of Massachusetts passed a new New law 1 r i i i J against at- Jaw tor apprehending and punishing, by line and cor^- tending rection, every person, found at a quakers* meeting. 4 The contributions for rebuilding Harvard Col- ni lege had been so liberal, that a fair and stately brick edifice was erected this year ; and so far finished, built, that the public exercises of the commencement were performed there. 5 East Greenwich, in Rhode Island, was incorporated. 6 The royal revenue, now seized, amounting to 3000, was appropriated for supporting the revolt. The colonists at Albemarle were far from being numerous ; for the tit&ables, consisting of all the working hands, from 16 to 60 years of age, one third of which was composed of Indians, Negroes, and IVomcn, amounted to 1400 only; and, exclusive of the cattle and Indian corn, 800,000 pounds cf tobacco were the annual productions of their la- bour. " These formed the basis of an inconsiderable commerce, which was almost entirely carried on by the people of New England, who supplied their little wants, who sent their commodities all over Europe, who, in a great measure, governed the colony, and directed the pursuits of the plant- er to their own advantage." Some men of New England are charged with cooperating with the conductors of the insurrection, that they " might get the trade of this country into their own hands." Ib. See papers, ib. 560 562, illustrative of the origin and progress of an insurrection, Httle no- ticed by historians, and which, until Chalmers published his Annals, had *' remained in perfect obscurity." i Hub-bard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixxiii. Hutchinson, i. 348. This treaty Hutchinson supposed to be the first between the Mohawks and Massa- chusetts. a Golden, 37. 3 Chalmers, i. 609. Fighting men. The Maquas [Mohawks] were estimated at 300 Oneidas ._.--. . 2OO Onondagos ---.-.- 350 Cayugas ....... 300 Senekas - lOoo 2150 4 Hutchinson, i. 320. " This law lost the colony many friends." 5 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixx. See A. D. 1672. 6 Cullender, 3 9. Petequamscut and the adjacent parts Were in corporal* ed in 1674, by the name of KINGSTON. Ibid, O oo 442 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1678. Magazines The assembly of Virginia caused magazines to be built at the heads of ^ e four g reat rivers in tliat co1 " oiiy \ and filled them with arms, ammunition, and guards, to awe the Indians, and prevent their depre- dations. * The province of New York contained, at this F me > about twenty four towns, villages, or parishes, in six precincts, ridings, or courts of sessions. All the militia of the province were about two thousand. Its annual exports, beside pease, beef, pork, tobac- co, and peltry, were about sixty thousand bushels of wheat. Its annual imports were to the value of city of about ^y thousand pounds.* There were now in w. York, the city of New York three hundred and forty three houses. 3 Major Andros, governor of New York, Raving 1 Keith, 162. During the administration of lord Culpeper, who suc- ceeded governor Jeffereys, those magazines were removed ; and a small par- ty of light horse, called Rangers, was appointed to scour the woods. Ib. 166. 2 Chalmers, i. 601. " There is one standing company of soldiers," says Andros, " with gunners and other officers, for the forts of Albany and New York. Fortresses are, James Fort, situated upon a point of New York- town, between Hudson's river arid the Sound : It is a square, with stone walls, four bastions almost regular, and in it 4-6 guns r mounted. Albany is n small long stockadoed fort with 4 bastions in it, with ia guns, which is sufficient against Indians. There are no privateers about our coasts. Our merchants are' not many ; but, with inhabitants and planters, about aooo able to bear arms, old inhabitants of the place or of England ; except in and near New York, of Dutch extraction, and some of all nations : But few servants, who are much wanted, and but very few slaves. A merchant, worth 1000, or 500 is accounted a good substantial merchant ; and a planter, worth half that in moveables, is accounted rich. All the estates may be valued at 150,000. There may have lately traded to the colony, in a year, from 10 to 15 ships or vessels, upon an average, of roo tons each,' English, New England, and of our own, built. There are religions of all fr.orts ; one church of England; several Presbyterians, and Independents, Quakers and Anabaptists, of several sects ; some Jews ; but the Presbyteri-0 nns and Independents are the most numerous and substantial. There are about ao churches or meeting places, of which above half are vacant. Few ministers till very lately." Answers of Sir Edmond Andros, dated in A- pril 1678, to the Inquiries of the committee cf colonies. See the Answers- entire in Chalmers, i. 6co 604. 1 Ibid. 597- It was found, that, instead of the common proportion of inhabitants, there were 10 for each house ; but, thus computed, there wer-e th'va in the city no more than 3450 souls. Ib. 598. AMERICAN ANNALS. 443 the preceding year sent a sloop with some forces to 1678. the Province of Maine, and built a fort at Pemaquid ; Eoitbmk the eastern Indians, who, until that time, had been hostile from the commencement of Philip's war, dis- covered pacific dispositions. All the succeeding au- tumn and winter, they remained quiet, and lived in harmony with the new garrison. In these auspic- ^P rl1 12 ious circumstances, a treaty was made at Casco, be- c ^2 * tween the chiefs of those Indians and authorized commissioners ; and an end put to a distressing war. * Massachusetts received but small accessions ofMassachu- planters from Europe for several preceding years,. sc The colony, at this time, imported no negroes. z M. de la Sale rebuilt fort Fronienac with stone. Fort Fron- He also, this year, launched a bark of ten tons into Lake Ontario ; and, the year following, another of I Belknap N. Harup. L 15-8. .Andres sent his forces in August, 1677, *' to take possession of the land, which .had been granted to the duke of York." In the preceding July after the Province had sustained various sufferings from the Indians, an affecting occurrence had heightened -the terror and perplexity of the inhabitants. The government having ordered aoo Indians of Natick, with 40 English soldiers, under captain -Benjamin Swett of Hampton, to the assistance of the eastern settlements, they an- chored off Black Point ; and, being joined by some of the inhabitants, inarched to seek the enemy, who showed themselves on a plain in three parties. By a feigned retreat, the Indians drew them two miles from the tort, and then, turning suddenly and violently upon them, threw them into confusion. Swett, with a few of the more resolute, fought bravely on the retreat, until he came near the fort, when he was killed ; 60 more were left dead or wounded ; the rest got into the fort. The victorious savages then surprised and captured about ao fishing vessels, which put into the eastern harbours by night. Ibid. 157. Mr. Bentley mentions [Coll. Hist. Soc. vi. 263.], that, " in 1677, 13 Salem ketches were taken by the Indians, and some of them returned, with 19 wounded men." These ketches were probably a part of the 20 vessels, mentioned by Dr. Belknap. a Chalmers, i. 436, 437 ; where are extracts from Answers of the agents Stoughton and Bulkley to the Inquiries of the committee of colonies, de- livered in April that year j some of which are subjoined. " Cases of ad- miralty are decided by the court of assistants. Foreign merchants we know of none. The number of English merchants is very small ; and of the ci- ther inhabitants, who are chiefly planters, we know of no calculation that hath been made. New planters have rarely come over for many years past ; much less Irish or Scotch, or any foreigners : Nor are any blacks im- ported. A considerable number of small vessels are built in the country under a hundred tons burden ; bu.t those that aje larger belong . ic. England, or to other colonies," 444 AMERICAN ANNALS. sixty tons into Lake Erie ; about which time he in- closed with palisadoes a little spot at Niagara. * The town of Salem contained eighty five houses 3 and three hundred polls. 3 Canonicut Island, in Rhode Island colony, was d - incorporated by the name of James Town. 3 w'cLf Wi . iiiam Coddington, governor of Rhode Island, and passed an ordinance, to punish high treason with death, and to require all persons to take the oath of allegiance. The king's arms, at the same time, were put up in the court house. The colony however neglected to conform to the acts of trade, and to send new agents, as required, to England, evaded. For the first neglect, the court alledged to her a- gents, " that the acts of navigation were an invasion of the rights and privileges of the subjects of his ma- i Hutchinson, 1.324. It was the usage of our pious ancestors in New England to observe special days of fasting and of thanksgiving, beside an an- nual observance of those two solemnities. a Hutchinson, i. 324. The general court appointed this synod at it* session in May, 1679, an< ^ referred to its consideration two questions : " t. What are the reasons, that have provoked the Lord to bring his judg- ments upon New England. 1. What is to be done, that so those evils may be removed ?" The synod convened at Boston 10 September 1679. Mr. John Sherman, and Mr.Urian Oakes were its moderators. After a day of prayer and fasting, the synod spent several days in discoursing on the two great questions. The Result, pointing out the sins of the time, and recommending a reformation, was presented to the General Court ; which, by an act of 15 October 1679, " commended it unto the serious considera- tion of all the churches and people in the jurisdiction." See Mather Mag- nal. book v. 85 96. Dr. C. Mather says, " the admonitibns of the Synod were not without very desirable effects." Governor Hutchinson [i. 324.] does " not censure the authority of the colony for their great anxiety on this occasion, or for using every proper measure to obtain the smiles of heaven, as well as the favour of their earthly sovereign ;" though, he thinks, ** we have no evidence of any extraordinary degeneracy." An English his- torian of more recent date, and of high respectability, but of less candour, sees, or thinks he sees, in these questions, " pious arts," and the " baneful in- fluence of fanaticism." We know very well what was the character of Charles, and what were the manners of his court, at that very time ; but is it inconceivable, that the principal men in a colonial*- government, at the distance of 3000 miles from that court, could be religious ? It will be re- corded, to the everlasting honour of New England, that her rulers, when gf her own election, have generally been aklt men. fearing God, 446 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1679. jesty in that colony, they being not represented in the parliament ;" for the second, it apologized, by saying, " that the country was poor ; that proper persons were afraid of the seas, as the Turkish pi- rates had lately taken their vessels ; and that his majesty was still employed in the most important affairs." ' E. Ran. Although a commission for the appointment of a coi P ector S of customhouse officer for New England had been rustoms in granted the last year, it was then judged expedient ^.England. ^ tQ SUS p en j t ] le departure of such an officer for the present." Edward Randolph, who had at that time been recommended to the lord treasurer, as the most suitable person for collector of Boston, now came over in that capacity ; but " he was considered as an enemy, and opposed with the steady zeal of men, who deemed their chartered privileges invaded." * Fire in -^ trr ible fire broke out near the dock in Bos- Boston, ton about midnight on the eighth of August, and continued until near noon the next day. Above eighty dwelling houses, seventy ware houses, with several vessels and their lading, were consumed. The entire loss was computed to be two hundred thousand pounds. 3 Protestants Charles II ordered two small vessels to be pro- *ttp vided at his own expense, to transport to Carolina several foreign protestants, who proposed to raise wine, oil, silk, and other productions of the south, 4 I Chalmers, i. 407, 410. z Ibid. 320, 406, 409. 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixxrv, who says, it was justly suspected to have been kindled by design. Hutchinson, i. 349. Coll, Hist. Soc. iii, 269. The houses and ware houses near tfce town dock, which were rebuilt after this great fire, were either constructed with brick, or plastered on thy outside with a strong cement, intermixed with gravel and glass, and slated on the top. Several of these plastered houses are yet remaining in Ann Street, in their original form. Coll. Hist. Soc. iv. 189, 190. 4 Chalmers, i. 541. Many foreigners of various nations emigrated to Carolina, from this time to the Revolution of William and Mary. Ib. Hew- <* [* 73> 74-1 savs > tnat > a ^ ter tne conquest of N. Netherlands in 1664, tht colony, then in its earliest infancy, received a great addition to its strength from the Dutch, who formed a town on the southwest side of Ashley river, Dvhich they afterward abandoned. AMERICAN ANNALS. 44? 1680. ISfew Hampshire became separated from Massa- N. Hamp- chusetts. A commission for the separate govern- ment of that colony had passed the great seal the preceding year } and it was now brought to Ports- setts * mouth by Edward Randolph. By the form of gov- ernment, described in this commission, the people had a representation in a body chosen by them- selves ; and the king was represented by a president and council of his own appointment, he retaining the prerogative of disannulling the acts of the whole, at March 16. his pleasure. The first assembly met at Portsmouth First as- on the sixteenth of March. ' semb1 ^ Plymouth colony petitioned for a new charter, Plymouth with the same privileges, that had been granted to anew^hlr- other colonies, but without success ; for king Charles ter. xvas then meditating extensive plans of reformation for New England. a Connecticut contained, at this time, twenty six State f . 11 i'ii Connect** small towns, m which there were twenty one cut . churches ; and in every one, excepting two newly planted, there was a settled minister. The value of its annual exports was judged to be nine thousand pounds. It owned twenty four small vessels. There i Belknap N. Hamp. i. 170 177. The number of qualified voters in all the towns was 209 ; viz. In Portsmouth - - - 71 Hampton - - - - 57 Dover - - - - 61 Exeter ----- ao Portsmouth sent to the assembly 3 members ; Dover, 3 ; Hampton, 3 ; and Exeter, 1. John Cutts was the first president. He was" a principal mer- chant, of great probity and esteem at Portsmouth ; but then aged and in- firm." Ib. See also Hutchinson, i. 319. The public expense of the prov- ince of New Hampshire during that year, exclusively of the ministers' sal- aries and the town rates, including the charges of the assembly and coun- cil, the stipends of the marshal and jailers, and the bounty for the killing of wolves, amounted to 131. 135. 4d. The province rate on estates, real and personal, of one penny in the pound of the value, was laid on the only four towns, as follows : Portsmouth - 29. 17. 3 Hampton - - 13.17.3. Dover - ao. - - Exeter - - - n. 9. 4. Ckaltxers, 1. 5 II. a Chalmers, i. 98. The agent died ; and the papers were lost. The Address of the general court to Charles II is inserted ib. 108. 448 AMERICAN ANNALS. - State of "Rhode Island. 1680. were In the colony twenty merchants, some of whom traded to Boston ; and some, to the West Indies and to other colonies. There were few servants, and not more than thirty slaves. The militia amounted to two thousand five hundred and seven. 1 The militia of Rhode Island colony consisted prin- cipally of ten companies of foot. There were " nine towns or divisions" in the Colony. The principal place of trade was Newport, where the buildings were generally of wood, and small. The principal exports were horses and provisions. The imports were chiefly the productions of Barbadoes.* i Chalmers, i. 307 310, where are Answers of the assembly to the In-* quiries of the lords of the committee of colonies, which disclose a variety of curious particulars of the State of Connecticut at the end of 44 years. The date is 15 July, 1680. Some other articles are subjoined, " We have, for the present, only one troop, which consists of about 60 horse ; but we are upon raising three more. . Our forces are train bands : In each county there is a major, who commands its militia, under the general. In Hartford county there are 835 New Haven - - - 623 New London - - - - 509 Fairfield - - - - 540 The whole militia, 3567. The number of our planters is included in our trainbands ; which consist of all from 16 to 60 years of age. We have one small fort at the mouth of Connecticut river. As for our Indian neighbours ^ tve compute them to be about 500 fighting men. We are strangers to the }*rehch, and know nothing of their strength or commerce. There are but few servants, and fewer slaves ; not above 30 in the colony. There come sometimes three or four blacks from Bnrbadoes, which are sold for .22- t--;;ch. Mhe increase [of inhabitants] is as follows : The numbers of msn, in, the year 1671, were 2050 ; in 1676, were 2303 ; in 1677, were 2362 ; in 1678, were 2490 ; in 1679, were 2507. Our buildings are generally of wood ; some are of stone and brick ; and some of them are of good strength, and comely, for a wilderness. The commodities of the country are pro- visions, lumber and horses. The property of the whole corporation doth not amount to 110,788 sterling. There are no duties on goods, exported. or imported, except on wines and liquors ; which, though inconsiderable, ;*re appropriated to maintain free-schools. The people are strict congrega- uonaiists ; a few more large congregationalists ; and some, moderate pres- !>yterians. There are about 4 or 5 seven day men, and about as many qua- Iicrs. Great care is taken of the instruction of the people in the Christian religion, by ministers catechizing and preaching twice every sabhath, and sometimes- on lecture-days ; and also by masters of families instructing their children and servants, which the law commands them to do. Every town maintains its own poor : But there is seldom any want, because labour is dear ; being from as. to 2s. 6d. a day for a labourer ; because provisions are cheap ; wheat is 4s. a bushel Winchester, pease 3s. Indian corn 2s. 6d. pork 3d. a pound, betf 2d.i-2 a pound, butter 6d. and so other matters in pro- portion. Beggars and vagabonds are not suffered ; but, when discovered, they are bound out to service ; vagabonds, who pass tip and down, are, punished by law." i Chalmers, i. 283 284, where are Answers of the governor and coun- AMERICAN ANNALS. 449 The assembly of Virginia, " with a view to the 7680. more speedy peopling of the colony, and to give all T i possible encouragement to persons of different na tiotis to transport themselves, their families, and mel ' j t i t rs stock, to settle there," empowered the governor, by an instrument under the great seal, to declare any alien, on taking the oath of allegiance, to be com- pletely naturalized. ' An act of " free and general pardon and oblivion/' in reference to the late rebel- lion, with the exception of the principal authors and promoters of it, was also passed by that assembly. 2 The half armed trainbands in Virginia amounted to Militia eight thousand five hundred and sixty eight. 3 cil of Rhode Island to the same inquiries, as those mentioned in the last note. A few more articles are here subjoined. " The French, seated at Canada, and upon the bay of Fundy, are a considerable number ; as we judge, about 2000 : But as for the Indians that were inhabitants of this col- ony, they are generally cut off by the late war. We have several men, who deal in buying and selling, though they cannot be properly called mer- chants ; and, for planters, we conceive there are above 500, and about 500 men besides. We have no shipping belonging to the colony, but only a few sloops. As for goods, exported or imported, there are very few ; and there is no custom imposed. We have lately had few or no new-comers, either of English, Scotch, Irish, or foreigners ; only a few blacks imported. There may be, of whites and blacks, about 200 born in a year. We have 50 marriages a year. The burials for the last 7 years, according to com- putation, amount to 455. Those people who go under the name of Bap- tists and Quakers are the most that congregate together ; but there are others of divers persuasions and principles, all which, together with them. enjoy their liberty according to his majesty's gracious charter. We leave every man to walk as God shall persuade their hearts, and do actively or passively yield obedience to the civil magistrate. As for beggars and vag- abonds, we have none among us." 1 Chalmers, 1.316. This condition however Was annexed ; " that no- thing shall be construed to give power to foreigners to execute any matter, which, by acts made in England concerning his majesty's plantations, they are disabled to do." Ibid. This was an act of the first assembly after the arrival of lord Culpeper as governor of Virginia. 2 Ibid. 341. The same act, reciting, that, during the licentiousness o late times, ill disposed persons had taken upon them to asperse the govern- ment, without which the inhabitants could not have been so easily led a- way, imposed severe penalties on those, who should maliciously excite the people to a dislike of the governor, or who should, by words or writing, defame the administration of the colony. Similar laws against " the prop- agation of false news" occur among the more early acts of assembly of all the colonies. Thau shalt not raise a false report, was a precept of Moses, act- ing under a divine commission, A law of Alfred, the admirable founder of the jurisprudence of England, declared, " whosoever spreads a false re- port among the vulgar shall have his tongue cut out." Ibid. 353, 3 Ibid. 357. " From actual returns, 7268 foot ; 1300 horse," AMERICAN ANNALS. 1680. * f The Oyster point/* delightfully formed by the cori ^ uence *' the rivers Ashley and Cooper, being of found a more eligible place for settlement, than that ' on t ^ le kanks f l ^ e Ashley, chosen by the first set- tlers of Carolina, the proprietaries encouraged the inclination of the inhabitants to remove to it. The preceding year a removal had commenced ; but it was in this year that the foundation of the new town was laid ; and during the year thirty houses were built. It received the name of the old settlement, Charlestown ; and was immediately declared the port for the various purposes of traffic, and the cap- ital for the general administration of government. * ith Though the proprietaries had given early instruc- the natives, tkms to cultivate the good will of the natives, and more recent orders to prohibit all trade with them for seven years ; yet a war commenced in the begin- ning of this year with the Westoes, a powerful tribe on the southern boundary of Carolina, and endan- gered the ruin of " that hopeful settlement." A peace however was concluded the next year ; and, to prevent the return of similar mischiefs, commission- ers were appointed by the proprietaries, to decide all complaints between the contending parties. 2 w Terev ^^ proprietors of West Jersey having importun- restored to ed the duke of York to be restored to the rights, M - rights, w hi c h they derived from his grant of 1 664 ; their pretensions were at length referred to Sir William Jones, in compliance with whose judgment the duke confirmed West Jersey to the proprietors. Thus that province, after being ruled for some time as a conquered country, was reinstated in its former priv- ileges. 3 The customs at the Hoarkills, which had I Chalmers, i. 541. See A. D. 1671, p. 409. a Chalmers, i. 542. " The cause of hostilities may be found Jn injuries v.-hich had been for some years mutually given and received." Ib. 3 Ibid. 618, 619. The various taxes, imposed by the governor and coun- cil of New York on that province in 1678, were at the same time extend- ed to Jersey. Cart r -ivt endeavoured in vain to establish there a free port ; AMERICAN ANNALS. 451 been complained of as a hardship from the begin- 1680, niiig, were taken off this year. * About this time, a watermill was built near Rankokas creek, and an- other at Trenton. z A number of families removed from Windsor in East wind- . , * , , , sor settled Connecticut to the east side of the river, and began the settlement of East Windsor. 3 M. de la Sale, having undertaken a farther discov- FortCre- ery of the Missisippi, had, the preceding year, built v< a tort on the river Illinois, and called it Crevecoeur. 4 He now sent out M. Dacan with father -Hennepin, to trace the Missisippi, if possible, from its conflu- ence with the Illinois, up to its source. These two voyagers left fort Crevecoeur on the twenty eighth of i' ebruary, and ascended the Missisippi to the for- ty sixth degree of north latitude ; where they were stopped by a fall in the river, to which father Hen- nepin gave the name of the Fall of St. Anthony. s A great comet surprised and terrified the people comet of New England, 6 for the governor of New York seized and condemned the vessels trading ilutaer ; " and, however unjust, this measure was decisive, because it was supported by superior power." Ibid. I Smith N. Jersey, 117 124. See the arguments against this impost, ib. a Smith N. Jersey, 114, The inhabitants of W. Jersey had hitherto ei- ther pounded their corn, or ground it with handrhills. 3 Coll. Hist. Soc. v. 169. Fifteen years they passed the river in boats, to attend public worship on the west side. Ib. 4 " Heart breaker," on account of troubles he met with there. 5 Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 460 ; ib. Pastes hron. 35. Harris Vo^. ii. 900. Du Pratz Louisiane, i. 5. 6 Mather on Comets, 123. t Hutchinson, i. 348. It was seen in N.Eng- land from 1 8 November to 10 February. It was also seen in Europe ; and Henault [ii. 192.] says, that it was the largest comet, which had ever been seen ; and .that this phenomenon struck a great terror into the minds of the people in France ; " but," he justly remarks, " we are too much astonished at uncommon events, and. not enough at those, which happen every day." It was by observations on this comet, that the great Sir Isaac Newton ascer- tained the parabolic form of the trajectory of comets ; and demonstrated their regular revolutions round the sun. This admirable discovery, while it made a new epoch in astronomy, contributed to the removal of those ter- rors, which the appearance of a comet had always excited. This phenom- enon, in ail ages, and among ail nations, had been previously viewed as a presage of some direful event. It has since been considered as a constituent part of an august system, which, whether examined by vulgar or by philo- 45- AMERICAN ANNALS, Death of Josiah Winslow, governor of Plymouth, died, In Jj^T ow> the fifty second year of his age. * Urian Oakes, &'. conant, president of Harvard College, died, in the fiftieth wS heel " } rear ^ k* s a e * Z Rg er Conant, who had the ear- ly care of the settlement of Cape Ann, died. 3 About tins time also died John Wheelwright, the founder of the town of Exeter. 4 1681. state of Virginia contained, at this time, about fourteen Virginia, thousand " tithables, or working hands." The house of burgesses consisted of forty one persons. s sophic eyes, ought to lead man to " wonder and adore." The learned pro* i'esaoi Winthrop [On Comets, Lect. II. p. 44.] says, " No comet has threat- ened the earth with a nearer approach than that of 1680 ; which, had it eome down to the sun a month later, would have passed as near the earth as thre-iroon is." They, who are curious to know what opinions learned men of an. -Lint times entertained concerning comets, are referred to Aris- tot!>, MJs.'jgjA. cap. v, vi, vii ; Seneca, Natur. Quaest. lib. vii ; and Travels of Anacharsis, i.. 93, 196. 1 cannot forbear to subjoin the following re- mark of Seneca [ut supra, p. 759.] on this subject ; because it has been r,o exactly verified, since th-j discovery of Newton : rt Veniet tempus, quo ista qune nunc latent, in lucem dies extrahat, et longioris a^-i diligentia. Ad inquisition em, tantorum atas una, non suiiiut, ut tota coeio vacet. Venice tempus, quo posteri nostri tarn aperta nos nescisse mireritur." I Morton [Supplement], 207 " He was a worthy and well accom- plished gentleman, deservedly beloved by the people, being a true friend to their liberties, generous, affable and sincere ; qualities incident to the fam- ily." , Ibid, fie was the son of governor Edward Winslow ; and the first governor, born in New England. His discretion as a civil magistrate, and his bravery as a military commander, procured him much respect in both offices. Mather Magnal. book ii. 7. ^ Mather Magnal. Book iv. 186 188. Coll. Hist. Soc. vii. 5 r 54, He was educated at Harvard College. Soon after he graduated, he went to England, where he was settled in the ministry at Tichfield. Such was his celebrity for ministerial qualifications, learning and piety, that, on the decease of Mr. Mitchel, the church arid society at Cambridge ?ent a mes- senger to England to invite him to their pastoral charge ; and he commenc- ed his ministry at Cambridge 8 November 1671. On the deatn of president Hoar, he was invited to the presidency of Harvard College, and entered on that office in 1675. He was a man of extensive erudition, and of distin- guished usefulness. Dr. I. Mather says, " he was one of the greatest lights, that ever shone in this part of the world," 3 Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap, xviii. See A. D. IOZ5, p. 236. 4 Ibid. chap, xliii. The sentence of banishment of Mr. Wheelwright having been taken off by the general court, he was settled as minister at Hampton ; but afterward went to England. On the change of times there, he returned to New England, and was settled in the ministry at Salisbury, where he continued until his death. See A. D. 1638, p. 304. jf Chalmers, i. 355, 356, from the state of Virginia, as delivered to the AMERICAN ANNALS. 453 The legislature of Maryland, in this and the sub- 1681. sequent year, made an attempt to introduce manu- Maryland, factures into that colony ; but without much sue* cess. ' Feudal, who had formerly raised an insur* rection in Maryland, and had been pardoned, was now tried for seditious practices, and found guilty. He was fined forty thousand pounds of tobacco ; imprisoned until payment ; and banished the prov- ince. * Edward Randolph came over, the second time, to Randolph Massachusetts, as collector for Boston, and made a I L eturnsto r , T . Boston. vigorous, but unsuccessful, attempt to execute his office. 3 Mason arrived at New Hampshire, and was ad- Mason mitted to a seat in the council. Asserting, soon af- comes to N. i . . , , . . i r Hampshire. ter, his right to the province, assuming the title or lord proprietor, and proceeding to act according to committee of colonies in December, 1681, by lord Culpeper, Other par- ticulars are here subjoined. There were 20 counties, each of which sent two members to the house of burgesses ; Jamestown sent one. The charges of government were maintained, i. By private levies, raised in each parish, for the minister, church, courts of justice, burgesses' wages &c. 2. By pub- lic levies, raised by act of assembly. 3. By the 2s. a hogshead, with is. 3d. a ton, paid for fort duties, which amount to 3000 a year. " The" eccle- siastical " livings are 76 or 77; but the poorness of the country and the low price of tobacco have made them of so much less value, scarcely the half. As to the military power : There is not oue fort in the whole coun- try, that is defensible against an European enemy. There may be ijOOO fighting men in the country ; and yet they used to count 300 an army roy- al. In relation to the Indians : We are at peace with all, at least in war with none. But that which bids fair to be the speedy and certain undoing of this colony, is the low or rather no price of the only product of our lands, an4 our only commodity, tobacco : For the market is overstocked, tnd every crop overstocks it more. Our thriving is our undoing ; and our buying of blacks hath extremely contributed thereto, by making more to- bacco : We are too many for that, and too few for any thing else." Ib. I Chalmers, i. 366, 367. It made laws for promoting tillage, and rais- ing provisions for exportation ; for restraining the export of leather and hides ; for the support of tanners and shoemakers ; and for encouraging the making of linen and woolen cloth. a Chalmers, i. 237. See A. D. 1656, and 1659. 3 Chalmers, i. 410. ?lutchinson, ii. 73. By a letter to the governor, Randolph demanded the final resolution of the general court, whether it would admit his commission to be in force, or not ; that he might know how to govern himself. The court remained silent ; " thus," says Chal- mers, " showing equally its contempt for the man, and the embarrassment of its situation.'* Chalmers, ib. 411. 454 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 68 1. these pretensions, his conduct was deemed " an usurpation of his majesty's authority here establish- ed/' and a warrant was issued for apprehending him ; but he fled to England. * Entries at During the year ending with April 1681, there Ports- were entered at Portsmouth forty nine vessels, from momh. ten to one h unc i r ed anc j. fifty tons burden. * The amount of the provincial customs, levied at that port during the same year, arising from taxes on wines \mount of anc ^ B tions, which were supposed to contain half as many inhabitants as the towns. 2 Ibid. 159. 3 Ibid. 150. 4 Hewet, i. 88. Cardross soon returned to Britain. Ib. 5 Chalmers, i. 544. See A. D. 1686. 6 Ibid. Berkeley filled the space around the capital, as far as Stpno creek on the north, and the Sewee on the south ; Craven occupied the dis- trict to the northward of it, toward Cape Fear, formerly denominated Clar- endon ; and Colleton contained Port Royal and the lands in its vicinity, to the distance of 30 miles. The first of these counties was the only one, so populated, as to have a county court for the determination of its local af- fairs ; and the 20 members, which composed the lower house of parliament, were chosen at Charlestown. Ibid. , 7 Univ. Hist. xl. 425. Chalmers, i. 544. 460 AMERICAN ANNALS. land represented to the general court the case of the colony as desperate. * state of N. Edward Cranfield, arriving at New Hampshire as :e ' lieutenant governor and commander in chief, found that the province contained four townships, with four thousand inhabitants, and mustered four hun- dred and fifty militia. * His administration was ex- tremely arbitrary and oppressive. 3 M. de la Sale descended the Missisippi to the sea ; takes P os- and, in the name of Louis XIV king of France, talc- session of ' m g possession of all the country watered by that Louisiana. . ,,., r i i T great river, named it, in honour or the king, Lou- isiana. 4 1683. Firstassem- The first assembly of Pennsylvania was holden at biyofPenn- Philadelphia on the twelfth day of March. On the request of the assembly and of the freemen for a new charter, it was given them by the proprietary on the second of April, and accepted by the provin- cial council and assembly on the same day. 5 I Chalmers, i. 411, 413. The agents desired the general court to deter- mine, since many cities in England, and some of the plantations, had sub- jmitted, whether it were better to resign itself to the king's pleasure, or to suffer a writ to issue. After considerable debate and consideration, it was concluded by the court, and by the inhabitants generally, that it were " bet- ter to die by the hands of others, than by their own." The ministers ad- vised the people to this conclusion ; and Hutchinson [i. 337.] says, " the clergy turned the scale for the last time." Massachusetts had at length sent Joseph Dudley and John Richards as agents, in the room of those, who returned in 1679. They sailed 31 May, 1682. Hubbard MS. N. Eng. chap. Ixx. The instructions to these agents were given with great caution, and restriction. 2- Chalmers, i. 494. 3 Belknap N. Hamp. i. chap. viii. Adams N. Eng. 137. 4 Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 464 ; Pastes Chrou. 36. Du Pratz, i. 3. Univ. Hist. xl. 19, 20, 271. Wynne, i. 393. Some of these authors place this discovery in 1683 ; I have followed Charlevoix. The chevalier de Tonti, who had been left at Fort Crevecceur [See p. 451.]* was obliged by the Illinois to abandon that fortress ; but the persevering Sale placed anoth- er garrison there in 1681 ; and built a second fort, which he called St. Lew- is* Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 464. See p. 417, note i. 5 Proud, i. 239, 240. This second charter entitled, " The Frame of the Government of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto an~ nexed, in America," is in Proud, ii. Append. No. III. By this charter the provincial council was to consist of 18 persons, three from each county ; AMERICAN ANNALS. 461 Among the settlers of Pennsylvania some, who 1683. came from Germany, of the denomination of qua- kers, settled seven miles distant from Philadelphia, and called their settlement Germantown. * A set- tlement was also made in that province by a large North number of the ancient Britons, and called North Wales. 3 The inhabitants of New York now first partici- pated in the legislative power. Thomas Dongan, arriving as governor of that province, issued orders N. York, to the sheriffs, to summon the freeholders, for choos- ing representatives to meet him in assembly on the seventeenth of October. 3 Articles of high crimes and misdemeanor were Quo war. presented to the committee of plantations, by Ran- ra a ^ t ^ as- dolph, against the corporation of Masssachusetts in sachusetts. June ; and an order of council was passed on the twenty sixth of July, for issuing a quo warranto a- gainst the charter of Massachusetts, with a declara- tion from the king, that if the colony, before prose- cution, would make full submission and entire re- signation to his pleasure, he would regulate their and the assembly was to be composed of 36, six from each county, " men of most note for their virtue, wisdom and ability." The amendments, in- troduced into this second charter, had previously been agreed on. Ib. 239. 1 Pfoud, i. 219, 220, 230. They consisted of about 20 families, from the Palatinate. 2 Ibid. Several of these settlers were of the original or early stock of the society of Friends in Wales. They had early purchased of the proprie- tary, in England, 40,000 acres of land. In the three first years, there ar- rived at Pennsylvania, from London, Bristol, Ireland, Wales, Cheshire, Lan- cashire, Holland, Germany, &c. about 50 sail of ships, with passengers or settlers. Ibid. 3 Smith N. York, 44. The council, the court of assizes, and the corpo- ration of New York, had concurred in soliciting the duke of York to per- mit the people to have a share in the government ; and the duke informed the deputy governor of the province, that he intended to establish the same form of government, as the other plantations enjoyed, " particularly in the choosing of an assembly." Dongan, " a man of integrity, moderation, and genteel manners, though a professed papist," was appointed governor in 1682, and instructed to call an assembly. It was to consist of a council composed of 10 members, and of a house of representatives, chosen by the freeholders, composed of 18 members. The laws of this legislature were to be of no force, without the ratification of the proprietary. Chalui. i. 584. 462 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1683. charter for his service and their good, and with no farther alterations, than should be necessary for the support of his government there. Randolph, the evil genius of Massachusetts, arrived wirh the quo ivarranto in October. ' The day after his arrival, a Fire in great fire happened in the richest part of the town Bosto - of Boston. printing Lord Effingham, appointed governor of Virginia, press not wa s expressly ordered " to allow no person to use a virjinfa! 11 pting press on any occasion whatsoever." 3 To remedy the distress, felt by the want of a corn- Acts Of 11- r ^ Carolina, mon measure, of commerce, the parliament of Caro- lina " raised the value of foreign coins." It also suspended all prosecution for foreign debts. 4 The French erected a fort between the lakes Erie and Huron. 5 1684. The high court of chancery in England, on the a'lu- eighteenth of June, gave judgment for the king a- settsde- gainst the governor and company of Massachusetts ; Fts'IhartL. tne i r charter was declared to be forfeited ; and their liberties were seized into the king's hands. 6 Colo- nel Kirk, of opprobrious memory, was now appoint- ed governor of the colonies of Massachusetts, New I Hutchinson, i. 338. Eibliotheca Americ. 104. Chalmers, 1.414, 462. a Hutchinson, ib. It consumed a great number of dwelling houses, ware houses, and vessels. Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 269. 3 Chalmers, i. 345 ; " agreeably to the prayers of Sir W. Berkeley." See A. D. 1671. 4 Chalmers, i. 545. Thejirst of these acts gave rise to the currency of Carolina, which afterward became extremely depreciated. The second^ though at first confirmed by the proprietaries, was afterward dissented from, " because it was contrary to the king's honour, since it was in effect to stop the course of justice ; because the parliament had no power to enact a law, so contrary to those of England." They also issued orders, " that all officers should be displaced, who had promoted it." Ibid. 5 Minot, i. 181. " During the peace, from 1667 to 1683, the French, with a spirit of enterprise and perseverance, which do them honour, form- ed a settlement at Detroit, established a fort still farther westward at Mis- silimakinack, and extended their commerce among the numerous tribes that hunt on the banks of the Missisippi. They were, however, steadily opposed by the Five nations." Chalmers, i. 589. 6 Hutchinson, i. 340 ; ii. 5. Chalmers, i. 415. AMERICAN ANNALS. 463 Hampshire, Maine, and Plymouth ; but, before his 1684, commission and instructions could be finally settled, the demiseof king Charles annulled his appointment. * The Ffve Nations, since the peace of 1671, had turned their arms to the southward, and conquered the country from the Missisippi to the borders of the plantations, as far as Carolina. Virginia and Maryland, often involved in the calamities of their Indian allies, whom they were unable to protect, ex- cept by treaties, found it expedient to settle a peace with the ferocious conquerors. A treaty was ac- Aug< z> cordingly holden at a grand convention in Albany ; Peacemade and, on the second of August, a peace concluded by ^^ Jj lord Effingham and governor Dongan in behalf of tions. all the settlements. a Penn, the proprietary of Pennsylvania, went to p enn goes England, leaving his province under the administra- to England, tion of five comissioners, chosen from the provincial council. 3 Philadelphia already contained nearly threehundred houses, and two thousand inhabitants. 4 In every town in East Jersey, there was a house E. jersey, for public worship, where religious service was per- formed every week. s The line of partition was run between New York Line be- and Connecticut. 6 JJ-J* All the land in the towns of Dorchester and Mil- Connect. ton, in Massachusetts, with the exception of six New grant thousand acres previously reserved for the Indians, e f r D a n r ^ hes " Milton, i Chalmers, i. 417. a Colden,44. Chalmers, i. 587. Smith N. York, 46. 3 Chalmers, i. 650. Thomas Lloyd was at the head of them, as president. 4 Belknap Biog. ii. 424. Twenty other settlements were begun, includ- ing those of the Dutch and Swedes. Ibid. Proud, i. 288. j Smith N. Jersey, 186. The people " being mostly New England men, do mostly incline to their way. They have no public laws in the country for maintaining public teachers, but the towns that have them, make way within themselves to maintain them." Kewark appears to have been the only town in the province, which had a settled preacher, who " followed no other employment." Ibid. Letter from John Barclay and others to the proprietors. 6 Trumbull, i. 385. It was confirmed by the governors of those cola- Mies 24 February, 1685., 464 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1684. was granted and conveyed in a confirmatory deed from Charles Josiah, an Indian sachem, grandson of Chickatawbut. * Expedition M. de la Barre, with a large army from Canada, Barre de ** mac ^ e an unsuccessful expedition into the country of the Five Nations. z i Coll. Hist. Soc. i. 195. For this deed he received a valuable sum of money from William Stoughton, esquire. The same land had been previ- ously conveyed by Josiah the father, and Chickatawbut the grandfather, of this sachem. Ibid. See A. 0.1657. a Charlevoix, i. 489 493. The army was composed of 700 Canadians, 130 soldiers, and 200 Indians, principally the Iroquois from the Fall of St. Anthony and the Hurons of Lorette. Ib. After a delay of six weeks at Fort Frontenac, during which time a great sickness broke out in the French army, De la Barre found it necessary to conclude the campaign with H treaty. Crossing the lake for that purpose, he was met, at a place design- ated, by the Oneidas, Onondagos, and Cayugas ; the Mohawks and Sene- kas refused to attend the treaty. Seated in a chair of state, the Indians and French officers forming a circle around him, he addressed himself to Ga- rangula, an Onondago chief, in a haughty speech, which was concluded with a menace of burning the castles of the Five Nations, and destroying the In- dians, unless the satisfaction, which he demanded, were given. Garangu- la, seated at some distance before his men, with his pipe in his mouth, and the great calumet of peace before him, did nothing but look at the end of his pipe, during this harangue. When it was finished, he walked five or six times round the circle, and then, standing upright, thus answered the French general, who was still seated in his elbow chair : " Onnuntio, I " honour you, and all the warriors, who are with me, honour you. Your " interpreter has finished your speech ; I now begin mine. My words " make haste to reach your ears ; hearken to them. Onnuntio, in setting " out from Quebec, you must have imagined, that the scorching beams of " the sun had burnt down the forests, which render our country inaccessi- " ble to the French ; or that the inundations of the lakes had shut us up in " our castles. But now you are undeceived ; for I and my warriors have " come to assure you, that the Senekas, Cayugas, Onondagos, Oneidas, and " Mohav/ks, are yet alive." After ascribing the pacific overtures of the general to the impotence of the French, and repelling the charges brought against his countrymen, he added ; " We are born free ; we have no de- " pendence either on the Onnuntio or the Corlar."* This speech, which furnishes an interesting specimen of the spirit and eloquence of the aborig- inals, has this admirable conclusion : " My voice is the voice of all the Five " Nations. Hear what they say ; open your ears to what they speak. The " Senekas, Cayugas, Onondagos, Oneidas, and Mohawks say, that when " they buried the hatchet at Cataracuoy, in the presence of your predeces- " sor, in the very centre of the fort, and planted the tree of peace in the " same place, it was then agreed, that the fort should be used as a place of " rendezvous for merchants, aud r.ot as a refuge for soldiers. Hear, On- " nuntio, you ought to take care, that so great a number oi soldiers, as ap- t: pear thsre, do not choke the tree of peace, planted in so small a fort, and " hinder it from shading both your country and ours with its branches. I " do assure you, that oyr warriors shall dance to the calumet of peace un- * Titles gi'^-x. by the Indians to the govfrnan of Canada and A". AMERICAN ANNALS.. 465 l68 5 . Charles II died on the sixteenth of February. He Death of was succeeded by his brother James II, who was ^^i/ 1 ' proclaimed at Boston on the twentieth of April. f proclaimed Connecticut, with the other Colonies, congratulated atBoston - him on his accession to the throne, and begged the protection of her chartered privileges ; but in July ^^ a quo ivarranto was issued against the governor and ranto a- company of that colony. 2 A similar writ was issued ain ftCon- ^S { -rn * T * * *% . 4 i 1 necticut & in October against Rhode Island. 3 Randolph was R. i s i an d. now appointed, by the lord treasurer Rochester, dep- First post> uty post master of New England. 4 King James, on master in the eighth of October, issued a commission, in which ^'^j^*' Joseph Dudley, a native of Massachusetts, was ap- appointed pointed president of New England. 5 president. The colony of Plymouth was divided into three Plymouth counties ; Plymouth, Barnstable, and Bristol. 6 In c ?]"y di - J vided mta " der its leaves, and that we will never dig up the ax to cut it down, until " the Oanuntio or the Corlar shall either jointly or separately endeavour " to invade the country, which the great Spirit has given to our ancestors. " This belt confirms my words ; and this other, the authority, which the " Five Nations have given me." Enraged at this bold reply, De la Barre retired to his tent, and prudently suspended his menaces. Two days after, at the conclusion of the peace, the Indian chief and his retinue returned to their country, and the French army embarked in their canoes for Montreal. Baron la Hontan in Harris Voy. ii, 916. Golden, 59. Smith N. York, 46 50. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 491 493. I Sewall MS. Diary. Hutchinson, i. 340. Chalmers [i. 417.] says, " with sorrowful and affected pomp." a Chalmers, i. 297. Trumbuil, i. 386. The Articles of high misde- meanor, which were exhibited against the governor and company, are in Chalmers, i. 301 304. They are signed by Edward Randolph. 3 Callender, 47. Adams N. Eng. 141. 4 Chalmers, i. 463. This appears to be the first instance of such an ap- pointment in the English colonies. Ibid. 5 Hutchinson, 1.341345; 350 353. Belknap N. Hamp.i. 230 232. Trumbuil, i. 388. Coll. Hist. Soc. v. 244. Chalmers, i. 418. The royal grasp did not at first take in all the New England colonies. The ju- risdiction of the president and council extended over Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and the Narraganset or king's province. The royal commission was received on the ijth of May, 1686, and published on the ajth of that month ; at which time Dudley's administration commenced. It was short, and " not very grievous." The house of delegates was indeed laid aside ; but the ancient ordinances of the general court were declared to be in force ; and the laws and customs of the colony were continued. Ib. 6 Morton [Supplement], 307. Rrr 466 AMERICAN ANtfALS. that colony there were, at this time, one thousand four hundred and thirty nine praying Indians. 1 * ^ e commerce of Charlestown, the capital of Ca- rolina, began to attract notice in England, and the town. fi rs t collector was established for that port. * charts ^ le assembly of Carolina passed an act for clear- town sTc. i n g the l ts and streets of Charlestown, and for set- regulated, tling and regulating a nightly watch in the town. 3 The town of Branford, in Connecticut, after a resettki - on g P er iod of desertion, became resettled, and rein- vested with town privileges. 4 Population The inhabitants of Canada amounted to seventeen of Canada, thousand ; three thousand of whom were supposed to be capable of bearing arms. 5 1686. The Spaniards at St. Augustine, suspecting that Port Royal ^ e English colonists inflamed the natives against broken up them, invaded the southernmost frontiers of Caroli- Spaniards na > an< ^ k"^ waste tne feeble settlements of Port Royal. 6 A writ of quowarranto was issued, about this time against the patent of Carolina. 7 I Hutchinson, i. 349. At Pawmet, Billingsgate 7 / Monamet - - - - - iro and Eastham or Nauset } "* Saltwater Pond - - - 90 Manamoyet - - - - 115 Namasket and Titicut - - 70 iSackatucket and Nobscusset 121 Namatakeeset - - 40 Matake'esee ----- 70 Moxisset ----- 85 Scarnton or Scanton - - 51 Cooxit ------120 Marshpee ----- 141 Seconet ------ 90 Suckanesset - - - ' - - 72 1439 Beside boys and girls under 12 years old, who were supposed to be more than three times that number. Ib. 1 Chalmers,!. 548. Drayton, S. Carol. 160. 3 Drayton S, Carol. 201. * The " first known act" for that purpose. 4 Trumbull, i. 189, 290. Mr. Pierson, minister of Branford, and almost his whole church and congregation, were so dissatisfied with the union of New Haven and Connecticut in 1665, that they soon removed into New- ark, in New Jersey. People from various parts of the colony gradually moved into the deserted town. 5 Chalm. i. 609. "An accurate account taken by order of the governor." 6 Chalmers, i. 557, 548. The Carolinians prepared to attack St. Augus- tine ; but were restrained by the remonstrance of the proprietaries, and relinquished the project. Hewet [i. 89.] says, no attempts were afterward fnade for many years toward establishing a colony in that quarter. 7 Chalmers, i. 549. " The proprietaries, prudently bending before A AMERICAN ANNALS. 467 The attorney general of England was ordered to 1686. prosecute writs of quo warranto against East and Quo war- West Jersey with effect. x Several persons in East r gah st a E.& Jersey having received abuses, and been put in great w. jersey. fear by quarrels and challenges, a law was made for their suppression.* King James, determining to establish the same state of thp arbitrary rule in New York, as he designed for New England, deprived that colony of its immunities. York, Dongan, whose commission was now renewed, was instructed, among other articles, " to allow no print- ing press." Deprived, at the same time, of the as- sembly, New York was reduced to the condition of a conquered province. There were now in that province four thousand foot, three hundred horse, and one company of dragoons. The shipping, belong- ing to the city of New York, had increased to nine or ten three mast vessels, of about eighty or ninety tons j two or three hundred ketches or barks, of about forty tons j and about twenty sloops, of twenty five tons. 3 The city was now first regular- ly incorporated by a charter. 4 Albany, on the Hudson, was incorporated this yean* storm, which it seemed vain to resist, eluded the force of a blast, that had laid the charters and governments of New England in ruins." They offered a treaty of surrender. See ibid. 564 566. Carolina had as yet no commodity fit for the markets of Europe, but a few skins, and a little cedar ; both of which did not amount yearly to 2000. Ib. i Chalmers, i. 62 J. The proprietaries now represented to king James, that they had paid for this province 12,000, and that they had already sent to it several hundreds of people from Scotland. a .Smith N. Jersey, 195. The law declared, that none, by word or message, shall make a challenge upon pain of tis. months imprisonment, without bailor mainprize,and aio fine ; that whoever accepts or con- ceals, the challenge shall also forfeit 10 ; that no person shall wear any pocket pistols, skeins, stilladers, daggers or dirks, or other unusual weapons, upon pain of 5 forfeiture for the first offence, and for the second to be committed ; and, on conviction, imprisoned for 6 months and to pay a fine of 10. No person might go armed with sword, pistol, or dagger, on pe- nalty of J. Ibid. 3 Chalmers, i. 588, 6oi. 4 Smith N. York, 195. New York was put under the government of a mayor and aldermen in 1665 ; which Smith denominated an incorpora- tion. See that year. ^ Ibid. 198. 468 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1686. Sir Edmund Andros arrived at Boston on the Dec. 20. twentieth of December, with a commission from ar " k m g James for the government of New England. Boston. He was instructed to appoint no one of the council, or any to other offices, but those of the best estates and characters, and to displace none without suffic- ient cause ; to continue the former laws of the coun-- try, so far as they were not inconsistent with his commission or instructions, until other regulations were established by the governor and cor.ncil ; to al- low no printing press ; to give universal toleration in religion, but encouragement to the church of Eng- land ; to execute the laws of trade, and prevent frauds in the customs. To support a government, that could not be submitted to from choice, a small military establishment, consisting of two companies of soldiers, was formed, and military stores were transported. z Assumes Before the expiration of the month, Andros, agree- thegovern- ^jy to ^j s orc } ers dissolved the government oi ment ofR. , J , _ . , . . P ., r . island. Rhode Island ; broke its seal ; admitted five or its inhabitants into his legislative council j and assumed the administration. 3 Grant of Many of the inhabitants of Roxbury, in Massa- Woodstock. , j r i T, r chusetts, received from the government the grant or a tract of land, in the southern part of the colony, for a settlement, which was named Woodstock. 4 Samuel Lee, a dissenting minister of London, of comes to . o NJEngiand. great learning and reputation, came to NewLngland, 5 1 Sewall's MS. DiaryJ Chalmers [i. 419.] says, he was appointed cap- tain general and vice admiral of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Plymouth, Pemaquid, and Narraganset, during pleasure. " He was receiv- ed with a satisfaction in proportion only as he was less dreaded than Kirk." Ib.42i. Hume [Hist.Eng.] calls Kirk ". a barbarian." See an account of him ib. 2 Chalmers, i. 420, 421. Judge Sewall, who lived in Boston, and was there when Andros arrived, writes in his Diary : ' Dec. 24. About 60 red- coats are brought to town, landed at Mr. Pool's wharf, where drew up, and so marched to Mr. Gibbs's house at Fort Hill." 3 Ibid. 279. When Andros demanded the Charter of Clarke,the late governor of R. Island, he promised to deliver it " at a fitter season." Ib.42i. 4 Hutchinson, ii. 204. Bounded south by Woodward and Saffery's line, jj Sewall MS. Diary. He was settled in the ministry at Bristol, not long AMERICAN ANNALS. 469 The first episcopal society was formed in Boston ; 1686. and the service of the Common Prayer book intro- Rrst epis- * copal socie- QliCed. tymBoston. L small brick church was built in School street, church in Boston, by some French protestants ; who, on the ^^for revocation of the edict of Nantz, sought an asylum French in New England. a protestanu. after his arrival; but he did not continue there " much above three years." Soon after the Revolution, he embarked for England ; but the ship, in which he took passage, was taken by a French privateer, and carried into Sc. Alaioesj in France. His family being sent thence into England, without his knowledge, and he, by the king's order, detained ; he fell into a fever, aud died In u fe\v days, JiLtdi. LXIV. He well understood the learned languages ; spoke l^atin fluently and elegantly ; was well versed in all the libual arts and sciences ; "was a great master in physic and alchymy j and 9 stranger to any part of polite or useful learning." Calamy's Con- tinuation of Account of Ejected Ministers, i. 53 56. Among the MSS. preserved in the British Museum, there is one of Samuel Lee, entitled, " Answer to many Queries relative to America, chiefly to the Natural Pro- ductions and Diseases. 1690." Biblioth. Americ. 30. I Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 259. The service was introduced before the arrival of Andros. Randolph was active in promoting it. Judge Sewall writes in his Diary : " August 5 [1686]. William Harrison the boddice maker is buried, which is the first that I know of buried with the Common Prayer Book in Boston. He was formeily Mr. Randolph's landlord." " August 21. Mr. Randolph and Mr. Buliivant were here. Mr. Randolph men- tioned a contribution toward building them a church, and seemed to goe away displeased because I spake not up to it." Andros, on the day of his* arrival., applied for the use of one of the churches in Boston. Judge Sewall (ib.) having mentioned, :hat the governor and counsellors took the oaths at the Town house (remarking, that the " governour stood with his hit on when oaths given to counsellors"), writes : " It seems [he] speaks to the ministers in the Library about accommodation as to a meeting house, that might so contrive the time, as one house might serve two assemblies.'* " Dec. 21. There is a meeting at Mr. Aden's of the Ministers and four of each Congregation, to consider what answer to give the Governour ; and it was agreed, that could not with a good conscience consent that our meet- ing houses should be made use of for the Cemmon Prayer worship." ' March 22, 1686-7. This day his Excellency views the three meeting houses. 23. The Governour sends Mr. Randolph for the keys of our meet- ing house [Old South], that may say prayers there. Mr. Eliot, Frary, Oli- ver, Savage, Davis, and myself wait on his excellency, show that the land and house is ours, and tkat we can't consent to part with it to such use ; exhibit an extract of Mrs. Norton's deed, and how 'twas built by particular persons, as Hull, Oliver, 100 apiece &c." "Friday, March 25, 1687. The Governour has service in the South meetinghouse. Goodm. Needham, tho' had resolved to the contrary, was prevailed upon to ring the bell and open the door at the Goyernour's command, one Smith and Hill, joiner and shoemaker, being very busy about it." 2 Ibid. 264. There was a contribution in New England for their relief, la Salem 26 were contributed in September. " The greater part went to the southern states, particularly to South Carolina." Ibid. vi. 365. 470 QUO war- dered a-~ gainst Ma ryland. Andros as- govern- * mentof - , Ureter res- pectin Jersey. AMERICAN ANNALS. 1687. The attorney general received orders from king J ames > i n April, to issue a writ of quo warranto a- gainst the charter of the proprietor of Maryland j g u t no j u jg ment was ever obtained. * Sir Edmund Andros went, in October, with his Slute an d more than sixty regular troops, to Hart- ford, where the assembly of Connecticut was then sitting ; 'demanded the charter ; and declared the government to be dissolved. The assembly, ex- tremely reluctant and slow to surrender, or to pro- duce, the charter, kept the subject in debate and sus- pense until evening ; when the charter was brought and laid on the table, where the assembly was con- vened. The lights were now instantly extinguished. There was no appearance however of disorder. The candles were relighted ; but the patent was gone. Sir Edmund assumed the government ; and the re- cords of the colony were closed. * An order was transmitted from England to the c 1 . governor or New York, to permit vessels to pass, without interruption, to East Jersey, on paying the same customs as at New York. 3 i Chalmers,!. 371. 1 Chalmers, i. 298. Trumbull, i. 390, 391. Captain Wadsworth of Hartford silently carried off the charter, and secreted it in a large hollow tree, which, to this day, is regarded with veneration, as the preserver of the constitution of the colony. Trumbull, ibid. The venerable oak stood in front of the house of the honourable Samuel Wyllys, esquire, then one of the magistrates of the colony. It still remains within the enclosure of the old family mansion ; and is in little clanger of injury, except from time, while under the auspicious care of the Wyllys family. In reply to an in- quiry concerning this tree, a daughter of the present Secretary Wyllys of Connecticut wrote to me, from Hartford : " That venerable Tree, which concealed the Charter of our rights, stands at the foot of Wyllys Hill. The first inhabitant of that name found it standing in the height of its glory. Age seems to have curtailed its branches, yet it is not exceeded in the height of its colouring or richness of its foliage. The trunk measures a I feet in circumference, and near 7 in diameter. The cavity, which was the asylum of our Charter, was near the roots, and large enough to admit a child. Within the space of eight years, that cavity has closed, as if it had fulfilled the divine purpose for which it had been reared." 3 Ibid. 6 J2. The Jerseys were, not long after, annexed to N. England. AMERICAN ANNALS. 471 There were in Massachusetts, at this time, beside 1687. the principal church at Natick, four Indian assem- ! " dian u i- r v i T T-I i i churches blies or religious worshippers, in .Plymouth colo- and assem- ny, beside the principal church at Marshpee, there blies in J r i i- i_ *-: j i Mass, and were five assemblies m that vicinity, and a large con- pi ym0 uth, gregation at Saconet. Between Saconet and Cape Cod there were six societies, with an Indian teacher to each ; one church at Nantucket \ and three at Martha's Vineyard. 1 James II detached Sir Robert Holmes, with a small Expedition fleet, and an extraordinary commission, for suppres- 8 ng U pi!rates sing pirates in the West Indies. The governor and Dwindles, council of Carolina received orders to show an ex- ample of submission to his powers, and to afford ev- ery assistance to his armament. 3 M. de la Sale, the discoverer of Louisiana, return- Death of ing from an enterprise for the discovery of the mouth La Sale * of the Missisippi, was shot, in a mutiny, by one of his own men. 3 i Mather Magnal. book iii. 194, 195. " There are 6 churches of bap- dzed Indians, and 18 assemblies of catachumens, professing the name of Christ. Of the Indians there are 24, who are preachers of the Word of God ; and beside these there are four English ministers, who preach the gospel in the Indian tongue." Ibid. Lett, of I. Mather to Professor Leus- den of Utrecht. a Chalmers, i. 546, 547. " This sensible project proved successful ; till new causes not long after gave rise to piratical adventures, which required *U the continued energy of William and Mary to suppress." Ib. Univ. Hist. xli. 361, 362. Hume says of James II, that " his application to naval affairs was successful, his encouragement of trade judicious, his jealousy of nation- al honour laudable." Hist. Eng. James II, chap. ii. Renault says, the pub- lic are indebted to this prince, when only duke of York, for the contrivance of signals on board a fleet, by the means of flags and streamers. Hist. France, ii. 200. 3 Univ. Hist, xl. 260. After his discovery in 1682, he went to France, and obtained leave of the king to discover the mouth of the Missisippi, and to make a settlement there. He sailed in 1684 from Rochelle, with 4 ves- sels, 100 soldiers, and a number of people for settlement. Arriving at a large bay, he took it to be the right branch of the Missisippi, and called it St. Louis. This was the bay of St. Bernard, at the distance of 100 leagues westward of the Missisippi. Here he built a fort, and put ico men in it. He made war on the natives ; and travelled along the coast, to find the true mouth of the great river, which at length he imagined he had discovered ; and built a second fort. Returning to his first fort, and finding that hi* frigate, and most of the men, goods, and provisions were lost ; he took a few meu with him, and travelled through the country, to find out the Hlv* 47* AMERICAN ANNALS. 1687. The French court aimed a blow, which threaten- French e d to destroy all the British interest in North Amer- * ica. ' M. de Denonville, succeeding M. de la. Barre, took the field with fifteen hundred French and five hundred Indians. The Senekas had absolutely re- fused to meet M. de la Barre at the late treaty, and were known to be most firmly attached to the Eng- lish ; it was therefore determined to extirpate or humble them, and to make them examples of French resentment to all the other Indians.. M. Denon- v ^ e commenced his march from Gataracui fort on marches a- the twenty third of June. When the army had reac hed the foot of a hill, about a quarter of a league from the chief village of the Senekas, the Indians, who lay in ambush, 1 suddenly raised the war shout, with a discharge of fire arms. This surprise threw the French into confusion, of which the Senekas, took instant advantage, and fell on them with greut fury ; but the French Indians rallied at length, and repulsed them. In this action, a hundred French- men, ten French Indians, and about eighty Senekas were killed. The next day Denonville marched for- ward, with the intention of burning the village ; but found it in ashes. The Senekas had burned it, and fled. 3 Nothing was left to employ the valour nois, purposing by that river to return to Canada. On this journey he was killed. The rest of the party proceeded by the way of the Illinois to Que- bec. The Clamcoets, an Indian tribe, which had been ill treated by some of the new settlers, no sooner heard of Sale's death, than they surprised the inhabitants of St. Louis, and murdered them all, with the exception of four or five persons, whom they carried to their village. Univ. Hist. xl. 250 369. Hennepin in Harris Voy.ii. 911 915. Du Pratz, i. 6. Encyclop. Methodique, Commerce, Art. COMPAGNIE DU MISSISSIPI, ou DE LA Lou- ISIANE. Atlas Geog. America, v. 681. I " The war was undertaken, chiefly to put a stop to the English trade, which now began to extend itself far into the continent, and would in its consequence ruin theirs." Colden, 78. a The scouts had advanced before the army as far as the corn cf the vil- lages without seeing a single Indian ; though they parsed within pistol shot of 500 Senekas, who lay on their bellies, and let them pass and repass, with- out disturbing them. Ib. 3 Two old men only were found in the castle, who were cut into pieces and boiled, to make soup for the French allies. Ib. AMERICAN ANNALS. 473 of the soldiers, but the corn in the fields, which they effectually destroyed. Before Denonville returned to Canada, he built a fort of four bastions at Niaga- ra, and left in it a hundred men, with provisions ; but it was soon after abandoned. * !688. The inhabitants of several towns in the county of oppositio Essex, in Massachusetts, refused to lay the assess- to ments, without which the taxes, imposed by the t grand legislative council, under the administration of Andros, could not be collected. " The feeble but magnanimous efforts of expiring freedom" were con- sidered as seditious ; and punishments were inflicted, proportioned to the aggravations of the supposed crime. * So great already were the oppressions of the colony, that some of the principal colonists sent the reverend Increase Mather to England, as an a- gent, to represent their grievances to the king. 3 It being determined to superadd New York and N. York & the Jersies to the jurisdiction of the four colonies of ^j^o* New England ; a new. commission was passed in thejurisdic- March appointing Andros captain general and vice admiral over the whole. Francis Nicholson was soon after named his lieutenant, with the accustom- ed authority. The constitution, established on this occasion, was a legislative and executive governor and council, who were appointed by the king, with- out the consent of the people. 4 i Colden, 77 79. Univ. Hist. xl. 37 39. Charlevoix Notiv. France, 1.516518. a Chalmers, i. 422. The select men of Ipswich voted, That inasmuch as it is against the privilege of English subjects to have money raised, with- out their own consent in an assembly or parliament, therefore they will pe- tition the king, for liberty of an assembly, before they make any rates." Sir Edmund caused them to be imprisoned and fined, some 20, some 30, and some 50, as the judges, by him instructed, should see fit to determine. Mr. Appleton, who had been an assistant, and Mr. Wise the minister o Ipswich, were imprisoned. Hutchinson, i. 365. 3 Hutchinson, i. 366. Randolph, having failed in one action of defama- tion against Mr. Mather, was bringing forward a new action against him, To avoid the service of the writ, he kept concealed ; and some of hU church carried him aboard ship in the night, in disguise, Ib. 4 Chalm? r? 3 i. 425. $ & s 474 AMERICAN ANNALS. Expedition The eastern Indians having renewed hostilities,, * -Lfnst^e Andros marched against them at the head of eight eastern in- hundred men. On his approach, 4:hey retired into their fastnesses ; but, by establishing garrisons, by detaching numerous parties, to attack their settle- ments and destroy their scanty provisions, he reduc- ed them to the greatest distress, and secured the country from their incursions. * The first episcopal church in Massachusetts was first epis- . r r ^ . copal chh. erected in Boston, m 1 remont street, and called built in King's Chapel. 3 Massachus. r ,S -^ r , t * -.T -n ine trench, settled, m New France, now amount- Population e d to eleven thousand two hundred and forty nine ?fN.France. * persons, 4 1689. King James having abdicated the throne, William, Feb. 16. . r s-\ -I-R/T 11 t r r wniiam & prince ot Orange, and Mary, the daughter or James, Mary pro- \ ve re proclaimed on the sixteenth of February. 5 A report of the landing of the prince of Orange in England had reached America ; but before the news of the entire revolution arrived, a most daring one was effected in New England. The colonists had borne the impositions of the new administration about three years. Their patience was now exhaust- ed. A rumour, that a massacre was intended in I The lands from Penobscot to Nova Scotia had been ceded to the French By the treaty of Breda. The baron de St. Castine had for many- years resided on those lan'ds, and carried on- a large trade with the Indians, with whom he was intimately connected, having several of their women, beside a daughter of the sachem Mad oka wan do, for his wives. In 1686, a ship, belonging to Pascataqua, landed some wines at Penobscot, supposing it to be within the French territory. The agents of the duke of York at Pemaquid went and seized the wines ; but, by the influence of the French ambassador in England, an order was obtained for the restoration of them. On this occasion, a new line was run, which took Castine's plantation into the duke's territory. In the spring of 1688, Andros went in the Rose frig- ute, and plundered Castine's house and fort. This base action provoked Castine to excite the Indians to a new war ; they, on their part, not wanting pretences for its renewal. See Belknap N. Hamp. i. 242, 243 ; Hutchin- son, i. 370. 1 Chalm. i. 429. Belknap [Ni Hamp. i. 244.] says, Andros had 700 men. 3 Coll. Hist. Soc. iii: 259. 4 Univ. Hist. xl. 47. 5 Blair's Chronol. James abdicated, and weut to France 23 Dec. i68. AMERICAN ANNALS. 475 Boston by the governor's guards, was sufficient to 1689. kindle their resentment into rage. ' On the morn- ing of the eighteenth of April the town was in arms, and the people poured in from the country to the assistance of the capital. The governor, and such ^ s ^' e of the council as had been most active, with other and im- obnoxious persons, to the collective number of about p 011 ^ fifty, were seized and confined ; and the old magis- trates were reinstated. 2 The new council, inviting others to join with Council -o them, took the title of " A council for the safety Silfety< of the people and conservation of the peace $" and chose Mr. Bradstreet their president. On the sec- ond of May, the council recommended, that an as- sembly by a delegation from the several towns in the colony should meet on the ninth of that month. Sixty six persons met, and, having confirmed the new government, it was agreed, that on the twenty second day of the same month there should be a meet- ing of the representatives of all the towns in the colony. On that day, the representatives of fifty four towns met at Boston ; and, after various de- bates, it was determined " to resume the govern- Boston ment according to charter rights.'- 3 On the twen- ty fourth, the governor and magistrates, chosen in 1686, signed a paper, declaring their acceptance of i This rumour might have been the more easily credited, on account of the military orders, given out on the reception of a copy of the Prince of Orange's Declaration. " A proclamation was issued, charging all officers and people to be in readiness to hinder the landing of any forces, which the Prince of Orange might send into those parts of the world." 1 Captain George, of the Rose frigate, was first seized and imprisoned ; and, some hours after, Sir Edmund Andros was taken in his fort. No less than 1500 men surrounded the fort on Fort Hill, which surrendered. The next day, the governor was confined in the fort under strong guards. On that day also, the castle, on Castle Island, was summoned, and surrendered.. Chalmers, i. 469, 470. Captain George was obliged to give leave to go on board his ship, and bring the sails on shore. The troops, which collected around Fort Hill, pointed the guns of the South battery toward the fort on the summit, and thus brought the governor's garrison to submission. 3 Each town gave instructions to its delegates, whether to resume the chaster or not ; and 40 of the 54 " were for reassumption." Hutchinson, 47 6 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1689. the care and government of the people according to the rules of the charter, until by direction from Eng- land there be an orderly settlement of government. & ^ n t ^ ie twent T nmt ^5 king William and queen Mary - were proclaimed, with great ceremony, in Boston. claimed in Addresses were sent to the king. Application was made for express authority to exercise government according to the old charter, until a new one could be settled. This privilege was obtained. * R. island The freemen of Rhode Island, on hearing of the resumes its imprisonment of Andros, met at Newport, on the Sent" first of May, voted to resume their charter ; and replaced all the general officers, who had been dis- placed three years before. * Effects of Information of the accession of William and Ma- lutlo^Tn" r y to the throne was received with joy at New York, N.York, and the lieutenant governor and council waited with anxiety for orders to proclaim them ; but while the principal officers and magistrates were assembled to consult for the public safety, Jacob Leisler, with forty nine men, seized the garrison at New York, and held it for the prince of Orange. William and Mary were proclaimed there in June ; and the prov- ince was now ruled by a committee of safety, at the head of which was Leisler. 3 Virginia & The inhabitants of Virginia and Maryland at once Maryland. p roc ] a i mec j William and Mary king and queen of England* 4 Indians re- Q n ^ e twenty seventh of June, the Senekas, Ca- - _ , J , ,~ . , 11- 7 u g as ?, Onondagos, and Oneidas, renewed their cov- enant with the English. 5 i Hutchinson, i. 372 390. Chalmers, i. 449 431. Belknap N,. Hamp. i. 235, 236. There are no public records, from the dissolution of the old charter government in 1686 until the restoration of it in 1689. Hutchinson, i. 354. a Callender, 49. 3 Smith N. York, 59. Chalmers,!. 591, 592. 4 Chalmers,!. 431. 5 Colden, 99. This renewal of covenant was previous to the arrival of *ount Frontenac, who came over a October this year, as governor of Can- ada, at the age of 68 years. M. Denonville was recalled. Ib. 96. new cove- AMERICAN ANNALS. 477 Twelve hundred Indians of the Five Nations, in- "Descent of vading the island of Montreal on the twenty sixth of July, burned all the plantations, and made a ter- treai. rible massacre of men, women, and children. The whole French colony was thrown into consternation $ and Valrenes, the commander at Catarocuay, by or- der of Denonville, abandoned the fortress at that place. x A conference was holden at Albany, in Septem- conference ber, between several commissioners from the colo- between . nies of Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Connecticut, ^ FrVe and the Five Nations. * Nations. 1690. Count Frontenac detached from Canada three French and parties of French and Indians, who were to take three different routes into the English territories. One party, consisting of a hundred and fifty French February 8. Indian traders and as many Indians, surprised "and destroyed Schencctady. 3 Another party, consisting dy. of fifty two men, of whom twenty five were Indians, surprised Salmon Falls, near Pascataqua, and killed surprise about thirty of the bravest of the inhabitants j the Salmon rest, to the number of fifty four, principally women and children, surrendered at discretion. The Sieur I Smith N. York, 56. Charlevoix Nouv. France, i. 549. Univ. Hist. xl. 49 51. Smith says, 1000 French were slain in this invasion, and a6 carried into captivity and burnt alive. Charlevoix 1 account of the barbari- ties of the Indians, in the massacre at Montreal, is ..too horrid to translate : " Us ouvrirent le sein des femmes enceintes, pour en arracher le fruit, qu* elles portoient, ils mirent des enfans tout vivans a la broche, et contraigni- jrent les meres de les tourner pour les faire rotir." Z Smith N. York, 63. Golden, 100 104. The commissioners endeav- oured to engage the Five Nations against the eastern Indians, who were then at war with N. England ; but, though they would not enter into that war, they ratified their iriendship with the English colonies. " We prom- ise," said they, " to preserve the chain inviolably, and wish that the sun may always shine in peace over all our heads, that are comprehended in this chain." 3 The assault was made about n or iz o'clock on Saturday night, and 60 men, women, and children were massacred, " being divided and secure," Sewajl MS. Diary, See Golden* 1 1 31 ij. 47 8 AMERICAN ANNALS. 1 690. Hcrtcl, who commanded this expedition, met, on his May 17. wa y homeward, a third party, which had marched Destroythe r r\ \- i i fortatCas- fr m Quebec ; and, joining his company to it, at- tacked and destroyed the fort at Casco. T The Indians having taken the fort at Pemaquid,* taken by* an ^ ^e ^ rencn privateers from Acadie still infesting the coasts of New England ; the general court of Massachusetts determined to make an attempt on Port Royal. A fleet of eight small vessels, with seven or eight hundred men under the command of Sir William Phips, sailed on that expedition on the twenty eighth of April. The fort at Port Royal, being in no capacity to sustain a siege, surrendered, with little or no resistance ; and Sir William took possession of the whole sea coast, from Port Royal to the New England settlements. 3 Expedition The P e pl e f New England, ascribing their of sir w. troubles to Canada, formed a bold and hazardous Phips a- d es irrn to reduce it to subjection to the crown of Eng- gainst Ca- p j t > & r.ada. land. An armament was equipped for that service, and the command of it given to Sir William Phips. The fleet, retarded by unavoidable accidents, did not arrive before Quebec until the fifth of October. Phips, the next morning, sent a summons on shore, but received an insolent answer from count Fronte- nac. The next day, he attempted to land his troops, 1 Belknap N. Eng. i. 257 259. Casco fort contained above 100 per- sons. It was taken " whilst the forces were gone to Port Royal." Hut- chinson,i. 397. a The Indians besieged that fort 22 August, 1689. It was so situated, as to be overlooked from a rock, that was near it ; from which the Indians galled the garrison to such a degree, that the next day it capitulated on terms, " which were kept with Indian faith, some of the men being butch- ered, and the others carried captive." Hutchinson, i. 396. 3 Ibid. 396, 397. The fleet returned 30 May. The author of Histoire et Commerce des Colonies Angloises (65, 66.) says, that Sir William de- stroyed the French fort at the river St. John ; that he cleared the country of all the French, who refused to take the oath of fidelity to the king of England ; and that he placed a governor there, to command those, who consented to remain. Brit. Emp. [i. 176.] says, that about a third part ef the whole number remained ; and that most of these were protesti-.tits, AMERICAN ANNALS. 479 but was prevented by the violence of the wind. On 1690. the eighth, all the effective men, amounting to be- tween twelve and thirteen hundred, landed at the Isle of Orleans, four miles below the town, and were fired on, from the woods, by French and Indians. Having remained on shore until the eleventh, and then learning by a deserter the strength of the place, they embarked with precipitation. A tempest soon after dispersed the fleet ; which made the best of its way back to Boston. 1 Success had been so confidently expected, that First paper adequate provision was not made at home for the "^u/dxe payment of the troops. There was danger of amu- colonies. tiny. In this extremity, the government of Massa- chusetts issued bills of credit, as a substitute for money ; and these were the first, that were ever is- sued in the American colonies. * Kin? William sent a large body of French refu* ]? rench re ~ -TT- 111 11 -i fagees. gees to Virginia ; and lands were allotted to them I Hutchinson.i. 399 401. Smith N. York, 68, 69. Colden, 126 131^ Sir William arrived at Boston on tne i9th of November. Some vessels of the fleet were blown off to the West Indies ; one Was lost on Anticosta ; and two or three were wrecked, or never heard of. About aoo men were lost by the enemy and by sickness ; " not above 30 by the enemy." A small vessel had been sent to England express, early in April, to solicit as- sistance for the reduction of Canada ; but the English government had too much on its hands, to pay any attention to the proposal. Massachusetts however determined to proceed ; and Connecticut and New York engaged to furnish a body of men. From these two colonies 2000 were expected to march by Lake Champlain, and attack Montreal, at the same time when the forces by sea should be before Quebec. The fleet, which sailed 9 Au- gust from Nantasket, contained between 30 and 40 vessels, the largest of 44 guns and 200 men. The whole number of men was about aooo. Great dependence was placed on the expected division of the French force ; but the army, designed against Montreal, had unhappily retreated ; and the news of its retreat had reached Montreal before the fleet arrived at Que- bec. This occurrence must have dispirited the English forces, and propor- tionally have animated the French. Count Frontenac was now able to employ the whole strength of Canada against the little invading army. Some writers ascribe the return of the New York and Connecticut troops to a culpable cause. Charlevoix, with whose account Smith seems best satisfied, says, our army was disappointed in the intended diversion, by the small pox, which seized the camp, killed 300 men, and terrified or Indiatv allies. 4 Hutchinson, i. 401. Belknap N. Hamp. i. 263. 4 So AMERICAN ANNALS. 1690. on the banks of James river. Others of them, pur* chasing lands of the proprietors of Carolina, trans- ported themselves and their families to that colony, and settled on the river Santee. ' s. sothei's Seth Sothel, countenanced by a powerful faction^ usurpation, and presuming on his powers as proprietary, arrived suddenly at Charlestown, the capital of Carolina, and seized the reins of government. z ThewhalefisheryatNantucketcommencedthisyear. 3 st.christo* Tfhe island of St. Christopher's was reconquered kenlfrtte fr m tae French, by the English under colonel Cod- Enghsh. rington ; and the male white inhabitants, amount- ing to about eighteen hundred, were sent, with their women and children, to Hispaniola and Martinico. 4 New Prov- The island of New Providence had now become idence. so populous, that the proprietaries sent Cadwallader Jones to be its governor. s 1691* H. siough- Colonel Henry Sloughter arrived at New York, with a. commission to be governor of that province. The first assembly, after the Revolution, was holden on the ninth of April. 6 The province was now, by an act of assembly, divided into ten counties* 7 1 Hewet, 1 08. Others, who were merchants and mechanics, took up their residence in Charlestown, and followed their different occupations. These new settlers were a great acquisition to Carolina. It is highly to the honour of England, that, even in the reign of king James, large collec- tions had been made for the French refugees ; and that, after king William'a accession to the throne, the parliament voted 15,000 sterling to be dis- tributed among persons of cpaality, and all such as, through age or infirmity, were unable to support themselves or families. 2 Chalmers, i. 552. Hewet, i. 102 '104. His popularity and power were of short duration. The assembly compelled him to abjure the gov- ernment and country forever. The proprietaries dissented from the laws, pissed under his government ; and, in 1692, appointed a new governor. 3 Coll. Hist. Soc. iii. 157. 4 Univ. Hist. xl. 278. 5 Ibid. xli. 332. 6 Smith N. York, 71 73. All laws, made in the province antecedent to this period, were disregarded both by the legislature and the courts of law. In the Collection of the Acts of the province, made in 1752, the com- pilers were directed to begin at this Assembly. Ibid. Leisler, having- refused to deliver up the fort to the governor, was afterward condemned to death for high treason. Ibid. 7 Ibid. 1 86. The division is there said to be into 12 counties ; yet 10 only are described ; and there were no more than 10, so late as A. D. See Smith, ib. 206, r * er AMERICAN ANNALS. 481 Major Peter Schuyler, with a party of Mohawks, 1691. passed over lake Champlain, and made a bold ir- Expedition ruption into the French settlements at the north end sdruyien of the lake. * The general assembly of Virginia solicited and charter of obtained a charter from the crown, for the establish- ment of a college, projected in that colony. Thei eg e king and queen gave, at the same time, nearly two thousand pounds toward the charge of building ; and endowed the seminary wifiti twenty thousand acres of the best land, together^ with the perpetual revenue, arising from the duty of one penny per pound on all tobacco, transported from Virginia and Maryland to the other English plantations. In grateful acknowledgment of the royal patronage and benefaction, the college was called William and Mary. * I Smith N. York, 78. TTniv. Hist, [xxxix. 350.] says, Schuyler had 300 English and 300 Indians. Golden [129.] says, that, in his several attacks, the French lost a captains, 6 lieutenants, and 300 men. a Keith, 169, Beverly, 13 8,. 13 9. Coll. Hist. Soc.v. 165. ND OF THE FIRST VOLUME. THIS VOLUME brings down the Annals to the Revolution of William and Mary. A very respectable historian remarks, that the legal and con- stitutional history of the American colonies, in their early periods, affords but little instruction. Cecinit pralia. His subject was war. Chalmers supposes, that the political annals of the colonies from their settlement to that Revolution may be thought by some the most curious and instructive ; because, during that eventful period, the colonies were planted ; their con- stitutions, after various changes, were established ; the groundwork of their future jurisprudence was laid ; and they were sensibly affected by every change, which the innovations of those days introduced into the pareat ' country. Ttt NOTES. NOTE I. (p. 17, 1 8.) HISTORIAN s assign different dates to this voyage. In the Voyages of Ramusius, Sebas- tian Cabot is represented as placing it in 1496 ; and respectable historians have hence taken that for the true year. On a critical examination of the account in Ramusius, tnere does not appear sufficient ground for their conclusion. Ramusius derived his ac- count from Butrigarius, the pope's legate in Spain, who derived his information from S. Cabot. In Cabot's account, which was merely verbal, the time of the voyage was incidentally mentioned, and without precision : " The king commanded two caravels to be furnished with all things appertaining to the voyage ; which was, as far re as I remember, in the year 1496, in the beginning ofsommer." Nor ought this uncertainty ' of Cabot himself to appear strange, when it is considered, that he was then an old man, as we learn from the same conversation with the legate ; " After this I made many other voyages, which I nowe pretermit ; and waxeing old I give myself to rest from such travels." Instead therefore of trusting to so vague an account, I have cho- sen to rely on " an extract taken out of the map of Sebastian Cabot concerning his dis- covery of the West Indies, which," Hakluyt says, " is to be scene in her majesty's pri- vie gallerie at Westminster, and in many other 'ancient merchants houses." The ex- tract (which is preserved in Hakluyt, iii. 6.) begins thus : ," Anno "Domini 1497 Io- annes Cabotus Venetus, & Sebastianus illius filius" &c. The extent, as well as the time, of this celebrated voyage has been involved in obscurity. By some writers the Cabots are represented as having sailed to 56 deg. north latitude ; by others, to 58 ; by others, to 60. Ramusius, in his 3d volume, says, it v/as " written" to him by Sebastian Cabot, that he sailed to " the latitude of 67 degrees and an halfe, under the north pole." Hakluyt, iii. 7 9. This account is probably the true one. Some authors say, that the Cabots sailed no farther to the south, than to 38 deg. or 36 deg. north lat. P. Martyr says, Cabot went nearly as far south, as the latitude of the straits of Hercules, or Gibraltar. Dr. Belknap [Amer. Biog. i. 154.] accordingly considered 36 deg. as the extent of the voyage ; and Dr. Forster [Voy. 267.], on the authority of that passage in P. Martyr, says, " Sebastian Cabot must have been about as far as Chesa- peak Bay in Virginia." But the entire passage, in the original (p. 232.), seems to im- ply, that Cabot proceeded still to the west, probably southwesterly, as the coast lies, after he had reached the 36 of latitude. P. Martyr, having mentioned the obstruc- tion which Cabot found from the ice, in his voyage to the north, adds : " Quare coac- tus fuit, uti ait, vela vertere, et occidentem sequi : tetendit que tantum ad meridiem, littore sese incurvante, ut Herculei freti latitudinis fere gradum asquarit : ad ocddentem- gue profectus tantum est, ut Cubam insulam a lievo, longitudlne graduutn pciie parem, habuerit" Obscure as this passage is, it satisfies me, that Cabot sailed to Cape Florida, which lies in 25 deg. 20 min. north lat. The English founded their original claim to the prin- cipal part of North America on the discovery made of it in this voyage ; but some writers consider the claim as of no validity, because the Cabots made no settlement. See Hazard Coll. i. 603 ; Dniv. Hist. xli. 86. See also p. 9, 10, of this volume. The question of right is left to jurists and statesmen ; but it must be granted, that, accord- ing to the prevalent notions of former times, this was a most important voyage : " For the time once was here, to the world be it known, " When all a man sail'd by, or saw, was his own." Freneau. NOTE II. (p. 66.) The Mexicans lived in Aztlan, a country situated to the north of California, until about A. D.I 1 60 ; when they commenced their migration toward the country of . Anahuac. After a temporary residence in several intermediate places, they at length arrived at that situation on the lake, where they were to found their city. As soon as they had taken possession of it, they erected a temple for their god Huitzlopochtli, around which they now began to build huts of reeds and rushes. Such was the begin- ( 483 ) ning of the great city of Mexico.* See Clavigero, i. 1 1 2 1 23. For a distinct view of the situation of the city with its causeways, see the map prefixed to the ad volume of Clavigero ; or the maps in other Mexican histories. * A. D. 1325. NOTE III. (p. 95.) Although the sera of the Puritans commenced in the reign of Edward VI ; yet that pious young prince very soon after began an ecclesiastical reformation. Had he lived to perfect it according to his intentions, the Puritans would probably have been satis- fied. But he died in 1553, at the early age of XVI ; and was succeeded by queen Mary, a bigotted papist, under whose administration John Rogers, of pious memory K was burnt at Smithfteld ; and bishop Hooper, with other pious reformers, suffered martyrdom. On the accession of queen Elizabeth, the reformation, which had been begun by Edward, was, in some degree, restored ; but jhat illustrious queen, addicted to show, and jealous of prerogative, soon made the Puritans feel the weight of her royal power. Bishops and other clergymen were deprived, for refusing the oath to the queen's supremacy. At length (31 Jan. 1563) the Convocation of the English clergy met, and finished the XXXIX Articles. Of the lower house, 43 present were for throwing out the ceremonies, but 35 were for keeping them ; and these, with the help of proxies, carried their measure by one vote. The bishops now began to urge the clergy to subscribe to the Liturgy and ceremonies, as well as to the Articles. Cov- erdale, Fox, Humfrey and others, refused to subscribe ; and this was the epoch of NONCONFORMITY. What hard treatment the Puritan Reformers received under the succeeding administrations of James I, and of his successors, until the Revolution of William and Mary, is well kuown. As authorities, that confirm this Note, and give full information on the subject, the reader is referred to Burnet's History of the Re- formation of the Church of England, Peirre's Vindication of the Dissenters, Prince'* Chronology, and especially Neal's History of the Puritans. NOTE IV. (p. 99.) Some historians efctirely overlook this temporary settlement of the French in the English Carolina ; others confound it with the settlement at St. Matheo, a few leagues north of St. Augustine. Not one of them has ascertained the place of it, with preci- sion. Chalmers says, Ribault built Fort Charles on the river Edisto. The authors of the Universal History say, it was built on the river St. Croix, which indeed, Charle- voix says, was the Spanish name of Edisto river. Charlevoix says, Ribault's Fort stood near the place where Charlestown, the capital of South Carolina, now stands. Mezer- ay says, it was built " at the end of the Streight at St. Helen's." I wrote, some time since, to Dr. Ramsay, the well known historian, and made inquiry of him respecting this article. The Doctor obligingly wrote to me in reply : " I have taken some-paint ce to inform myself of the place where Ribaud commenced his settlement of French " Protestants ; but without any satisfactory result. Edisto river, in its nearest part, is, " about 36 miles from Charleston ; but there is no evidence of any French settlement " ever having been made in its vicinity. There is no river in South Carolina, known ' by the name of the Shallow or Base river. Mr. Drayton, our late governor, has. ' been consulted on the points, relative to which you wish for information, who assur- ' ed me, that, while writing his View of South Carolina, he minutely enquired into * the very subjects, which have perplexed you, and found them so involved in dark- * ness and contradiction, that he did not see his way clear to assert any thing on the v subject, more than you will find in the jth page of his work." It would not become me to be positive on a subject, that is attended with such ac- knowledged difficulties, and that has baffled such intelligent inquiries. I am satisfied however, that neither the latitude of the place where the fort was built, nor its dis- tance from the river of May,f will allow us to fix it so far north, as the river Edisto, It appears clearly to have been on an island up Port Royal river, in about the latitude of 32 deg. It seems probable, that it was the island of St. Helena, or some island in, its vicinity. Mezeray's account seems to fix it there. Charlevoix, in his Map of the Coasts of Florida, has placed it in that quarter, though, I apprehend, too far north, at an island toward the mouth of Edisto. It is asserted on the face of the map : Dana cette Isle Ribault batit petit Fort, et le nomma Claries Fort." There is one additional f Sixty French leagues. Cbarhvoix. confirmation of the probable truth of my conjecture, concerning the place of that fort, When Ribault had " sailed about 15 leagues" from Port Royal river, he found anoth- er, which " had not past halfe a fathome water in the mouth thereof." This he called Base or Shallow river. Gov. Drayton (p. 34.) says, " Edisto is shallow and incapable of being navigated far up its stream by boats of heavy burden ;" and, though he de- scribes the numerous rivers of Carolina, this is the only one, which he calls shallow. Hence I conjecture, that the Edisto of the English is tie Base or Shallow river of the French. If so, Fort Charles must have been about 15 leagues from it ; and that is about the dis- tance of St. Helena from the Edisto. NOTE V. (p. 197.) It is not so difficult to find proofs, in support of the text, as it is to select them. They may be seen in Morton, 3 5 ^ Hubbard's MS. N. Eng. ; Mather Magnal. book i. 6 ; Pr-ince Chron. 48, 49 ; Hazard's Collections, i. 349 373 ; Hutchinson, i. 3 ; Bel- knap Biog. i. 151 178, Art. ROBINSON. The motives, ascribed by some English writers for the emigration of the Puritans from Ley den, it is easily conceived, might have been readily admitted, without critical inquiry, by the advocates for the English hierarchy, near two centuries ago ; but it was hardly to be expected, that writers, of our own age, should copy the injurious representations of those early times into the pages of sober history. The historian who tells us, that the Puritans removed from Leyden into the American wilderness, because they were " obscure and unpetsecuted," must not expect to be believed. We endeavoured to assign, in the text, the true causes of that removal ; and have nothing to subjoin, but an expression of regret, that the misrepresentations of foreign writers, on this and the succeeding article, have been recently transcribed into the work of a very respectable historian of our own country. The character and principles of Mr. Robinson and his Society seem not yet to be fully known. The reverend JOHN ROBINSON was a man of learning, of piety, and of Catholicism. At first indeed he favoured the rigid separation from the church of England ; but, after his removal to Holland, "he was convinced of his mistake, and be- came, ever after, more moderate in his .sentiments respecting separation." Baylie, who was zealously opposed both to the Brownists and Independents, allows, that " Mr. Ro- " binson was a man of excellent parts, and the most learned, polished and modest spirit, " as ever separated from the church of England ; that he ruined the rigid separation ; " and that he was a principal overthrower of the Brownists." See Prince,86 94 ; Coll. Hist. Soc. iv. 133 140 ; Belknap Biog. Art. ROBINSON ; Mosheim,v. 381. chap, xxi. Against the concessions of enemies however, and the demonstrations of friend?, the Puritans of JLeyden and of New England are, to this day, represented as Brownists ; that is, the followers of R.obert Brown, a sectary, whose principles were, in many respects, very exceptionable, in the view of all sober Christians ; and who at length abandoned them himself, and conformed to the church of England. Mr. Ro- binson, who ought to be allowed to say what were his own principles, has explicitly declared them, in " A just and necessary Apologie of certain Christians no lesse con- tumeltously than commonly called Brownists or Barrowists." This Apology profess- es " before God and men, that such is our accord in the case of religion with the Dutch " Reformed Churches as that we are ready to subscribe to all and everie article of " faith in the same church, as they are layd in the Harmony of Confessions of Faith, " published in their name ;" with the exception of " one only particle ;" relating to the Apocrypha. On examining the Dutch [Belgic] Confession of" Faith in the Harmonia Confessionum, I find it to be the same in Latin, which, translated into English, now con- stitutes a part of " The Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States of America." It essentially agrees, in its doctrines, with the Church of England. NOTE VI. (p. ayi.) For the principles and usages of the Congregational clr.irchcs, see Cotton's Power of the Keys, Hooker's Survey of the sura of Church Discipline, Norton's Answer to the Enquiries of Apolloniin, Cambridge Platform, Mather's Magnalia, book v, Ratio Ol-.dplinae Fratrum Nov-Angl. Hutchinson, i. chap, iv, and S:iVs' CJ .rr.ti'-m Union. r * i