UC-NRLF SB 255 £05 Gimm TO THE CHOICE OF CLASSICAL BOOKS ■;u -., mayor SUPPLEMENT C 1879- 1896) REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. "Received JTZ^L. ^Accession No. 4. / 7 6' I/.*/- ■ Class No. '. 4 ■' : -J Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/d^tails/classicalchoiceOOmayorich MACMILLAN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. SCHOLIA ARISTOPHANICA. Being such Comments adscript to the Text of Aristophanes as have been preserved in the Codex Ravennas. Ar- ranged, Emended, and Translated by William G. Rutherford, Headmaster of Westminster. In three volumes. Vols. I. and II. 8vo. £2, 1 os. net. A SHORT MANUAL OF COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY FOR CLASSICAL STUDENTS. By P. Giles, M. A., Fellow and Lecturer of Emmanuel College, and Reader in Comparative Philology in the University of Cambridge. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. LATIN POETRY. Lectures delivered in 1893 on tne Percy Turnbull Memorial Foundation in the John Hopkins University. By R. Y. Tyrrell, Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Dublin. Crown 8vo. 7s. net. CLASSICAL LIBRARY-NEW VOLUMES. HERODOTUS. The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Books. With Introduction, Notes, Appendices, Indices, and Maps, by Reginald Walter Macan, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of University College, Oxford, and University Reader in Ancient History. In two volumes. Vol. I. Introduction, Text with Notes. Vol. II. Appendices, Index, Maps. 8vo. 1 6s. each volume. 'It is a work of real research, and at the same time states all the newest speculations derived from the explorations not only of the text of the author, but of the actual sites which he describes.'— Athena>7im. THE ELDER PLINY'S CHAPTERS ON THE HISTORY OF ART. Translated by K. Jex- Blake, Classical Lecturer at Girton College, Cambridge. With Commentary and Historical Introduction by E. Sellers, Former Student of Girton College, Cambridge, and of the British School at Athens; and additional Notes contributed by Dr. Heinrich Ludwig Urlichs. 8vo. [Immediately. THE PARNASSUS LIBRARY OF GREEK AND LATIN TEXTS. With Short Introductions but no Notes. Fcap. 8vo. SOPHOCLES. Edited by R. J. Tyrrell, M.A., Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Dublin. [Immediately. VIRGIL. Edited by T. E. Page, M.A. 6s. net. [Ready. HOMER'S ILIAD. Edited by Walter Leaf, Litt. D. 6s. net. [Ready. CATULLUS. Edited by Professor Arthur Palmer, Litt. D., LL.D.,D.C.L. 3s.6d.net. [Ready. HORACE. Edited by T. E. Page, M.A. 5s. net. [Ready. 'Very elegant and, at the same time, inexpensive and handy little volumes. . . . They are not editions deluxe, but it is a real pleasure to handle them. . . . The beautiful new "Macmillan Greek" type soon becomes familiar to the eye.' — Speaker. Q. HORATI FLACCI OPERA. With Notes, by Thomas Ethelbert Page, M.A., Arthur Palmer, Litt. D., and A. S. Wilkins, Litt. D., LL.D. Abridged for use in Schools. Crown 8vo. 8s. 6d. HANDBOOK TO LATIN AUTHORS. By George Middleton, M.A., Lecturer in Latin, Aberdeen University, and Thomas R. Mills, M.A., Classical Lecturer, Owens College, Manchester, late Lecturer in Greek, Aberdeen University. Crown 8vo. [Immediately. AN INTRODUCTION TO LATIN TEXTUAL EMENDATION, based on the Text of Plautus. By W. M. Lindsay, Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. Globe 8vo. [Immediately. MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd., LONDON. SUPPLEMENT TO CLASSICAL GUIDE BY THE SAME AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF CLASSICAL BOOKS (Down to the date of issue) Second Edition. 1879. xxii+76 pp., cloth, 4s. 6d. Reduced to 2s. 6d. GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF CLASSICAL BOOKS NEW SUPPLEMENT (i 879- i 896) BY JOSEPH B. MAYOR M.A. CAMB., LITT.D. DUBLIN HON. FELLOW OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE LONDON Published by DAVID NUTT in the Strand 1896 7 i 6~ v V- Edinburgh : T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty CONTENTS A PREFACE A. SELECT LIST OF EDITIONS PAGE ix 1-45 B. HELPS TO THE STUDY OF ANCIENT AUTHORS— 46-96 Language — Comparative Philology Historical Development of the Greek and Latin Languages and the Cognate Dialects Greek Language — Grammar . Lexicography . Latin Language — Grammar . Lexicography . Greek and Latin Exercises — Composition - Translation into English Epigraphy and Palaeography— Greek Epigraphy — Introductory .... Collections of Greek Inscriptions Roman Epigraphy — Introductory .... Collections of Roman Inscriptions 46 47 48 50 51 53 54 55 55 56 57 58 VI GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS B. HELPS— continued. Paleography— Introductory Greek Palaeography — Handbooks Facsimiles . Latin Palaeography — Handbooks Facsimiles . Geography and Topography Exploration and Excavation Archeology . Fine Arts Sculpture . Metal-work Gems Coins Painting . Vases Architecture Music Antiquities— Dictionaries General Handbooks Public Life War . Religious Rites Theatre . PAGE 59 CONTENTS Vll B. HELPS— continued. Antiquities- page Games 77 Ships 78 Trade and Industries 78 Private Life . . 78 History— General 79 The East 79 Greece 80 Chronology 82 Rome 82 Chronology 84 Biography 85 History of Literature — Greece 86 Rome . 87 Mythology and Religion— Greek and Roman 88 Greek 89 Roman 90 History op Philosophy 91 Law 93 Science 94 C. SERIAL LISTS 97 Special Series — Ancient Commentators on Aristotle ... 97 Inscriptions 98 I wan von Miiller's Handbooks . . . .100 Vlll GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS C. SERIAL LISTS— continued. Classical Texts— Without Notes — PAGE Teubner 101 Weidmann . 105 B. Tauchnitz 106 Perthes .107 Freytag . . 108 Didot's Bibliotheca with Latin Translations . . Ill With Notes- Germ. Teubner 112 Weidmann 115 Perthes 116 Lat. Bibliotheca Grseca 118 Patristic Series — Vienna Corpus of Latin Fathers . . .119 Abbe Migne's Patrologia 120 Classical Periodicals .... 126 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. P. 9, Cicero. De Natura Deorum. Eng. tr. by F. Brooks. 3s. 6d. Methuen. 1896. P. 82, Mommsen. Eng. tr. by Dickson, new and much enlarged edition from the 8th German edition. 5 vols, at 7s. 6d. each. Bentley. 1894. PREFACE Thanks to the kind help of some of my old collaborators for the Classical Review, I am enabled here to present to the reader what I hope will be found a much improved edition of the Supplement to my Classical Guide, the last edition of which appeared in 1885 and is now out of print. The first portion, containing the list of authors, is almost entirely confined to books published since 1878, books of an earlier date being included in the original Guide (third edition, 1885), copies of which may still be procured from the publishers. It is in the second portion, entitled Helps to the Study of the Classical Authors, that I am most indebted to my friendly helpers, and at their suggestion I have in this portion disregarded the limitation of dates, giving under each head a more or less complete list of the books which were thought most likely to be useful. Here and there the list may perhaps have swollen under {he foster- ing care of experts beyond the modest limits which might have contented an amateur; and in some cases I have stretched a point in order to introduce a favourite author or to bring in the name of an English editor, the latter, as a rule, receiving scant justice in the German bibliographical lists, to which most of us look for guidance in this depart- ment. In general, however, I have adhered to my original b X GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS design of supplying only such information as was likely to be required by a college lecturer or a sixth-form master either for his own use or for the use of his class. In revising a list like the present, one's attention is naturally drawn to the comparative rate of progress in the different departments of classical study. As far as I am able to judge, the greatest advances have been made in Archaeology, Epigraphy, Palaeography, and Comparative Philology. As regards Palaeography, the change which has taken place in the last twenty years, partly owing to the influence of Westcott and Hort's Greek Testament, amounts to a revolution. Lectures on the subject are now delivered in the Universities ; students are sent out to explore foreign libraries, and report upon the MSS. con- tained in them ; photographic facsimiles are multiplied ; various readings are given even in the ordinary school editions ; while a full account of the MSS. concerned, and some personal acquaintance with the more important among them, are expected in an edition which makes any pretence to completeness. Even more rapid has been the change in Comparative Philology. The list of books which now appears under this head agrees in no single item with my former lists, the authoritative books of a few years ago being now set aside by the experts as erroneous or misleading. This fact affords a striking confirmation of the view put forward by Mr. T. C. Snow in the Classical Review (vol. i. p. 65), that Comparative Philology has not yet reached the stage in which it can be wisely used for purposes of general education. If however it should be judged expedient for the present to exclude Comparative Philology in its wide sense from PREFACE xi the ordinary course of classical education, it does not therefore follow that we must drop the scientific study of language. It is even possible that the latter might be carried on to greater advantage than at present, if, confining our attention to the historical development of the two classical languages, we set ourselves to trace the etymological, syntactical, and lexicographical changes from the earliest period to the latest, through Byzantine Greek, and Patristic and Mediaeval Latin, down to the rise of Modern Greek and French and Italian. A beginning might be made at school with such a book as Brachet's Historical Grammar; while at the University the range of the examination would be marked out by setting certain representative books to be prepared by the student. Such a modification of our course would, I believe, have many advantages. To begin with, it would lay a sound foundation for the scientific study of three living languages, thus giving a needed encouragement to the Honour Schools which have been lately started in them. In contrast to the present study of Comparative Philology, which in its earlier stages presents itself to the learner as a mere exercise of memory, seeking to reproduce the in- genious speculations of an authority whose dicta are taken on trust — in contrast to this ipse-dixitism, as Bentham would have called it, — the historical study of language stands out as a type of an inductive science, where each step is plain matter of fact, and the inferences drawn are such as can be tested without difficulty by the learner himself. And what study at once more sobering and more inspiring could be proposed to an undergraduate, who perhaps comes up to the University a little blast with Xll GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS the old classical drill, than thus to follow the life of a language, watching its rise, its culmination, and its decline, down to its ultimate metamorphosis into a new language and literature 1 Having thus ventured on one suggestion as to our present course of classical education, I am tempted to go further and mention some other modifications which seem to me desirable. It will be generally allowed that the aim of our education should be to equip each of our scholars with such a knowledge of the language as to enable him to read with ease any ordinary Greek or Latin book, to give him a taste for the best literature, a thorough fami- liarity with a few of the great masterpieces, and a general acquaintance with the history, art, and civilisation of the ancient world. To achieve this, without neglecting the ever more imperious claims of ' modern ' subjects, demands the utmost economy of time. The struggle to reach the- goal makes it necessary to lay aside all impedimenta which can by any possibility be dispensed with. Some such impedimenta have been already dropped, or are rapidly disappearing. Verse composition is becoming exceptional even in the Sixth Forms of the great Public Schools. Is- it treason to suggest that it might be well if the same fate befell prose composition 9 Why should we attach so- much importance to the latter in scholarship and other examinations 1 The intrinsic value of a prose exercise is even less than that of a verse exercise. The latter may often exhibit considerable ingenuity and elegance, and serve pleasantly to while away an idle hour; but who- ever read through a prose exercise except under com- pulsion 1 There are a fair number of boys who find PREFACE Xlll amusement in verse-writing, but there are probably few- men who do not look back on the hours spent on their proses as among the dreariest hours of their school life. I do not of course deny that, given an exceptional teacher and an exceptional pupil, Latin Composition, whether in prose or verse, is capable of being made a valuable instrument of education; not only as compelling a boy to make himself thoroughly master of the English which he has to turn into Latin, so as to appreciate the rhetorical force as well as the logical structure of the sentence ; but also as training him to recognise correctness and beauty of style as a distinct object to aim at, and supplying a graduated scale of exercises, through which he may be initiated into the pleasant pains of literary composition. But how rare is such an experience as this ! In most cases the pupil is left with the dimmest possible con- ception of what constitutes excellence in style. Even if the teacher is himself a fair composer, it does not always follow that he is able to explain to others the secret of his success. Too often the mint and anise and cummin take the place of the weightier matters of the law : the observance of some pet fancy of the master's, the readiness to reproduce some small trick of expression, some pretty Ovidian affectation, are too easily accepted as the hall- mark of a good Latin style. The proper place for com- position, it seems to me, is in the lower part of the school, where boys have to be taught prosody by verses and the simpler rules of grammar by prose exercises. In the higher forms I would have such exercises either kept for impositions to punish blunders in scanning or con- struction, or, if included in the curriculum, they should XIV GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS be included only as alternatives to other work in the case of boys who showed a decided taste for them. In examinations at the University, excepting perhaps those for University scholarships, I think there should be no separate composition papers, but that an opportunity of showing their skill in composition might be afforded to candidates who desired it, by the addition to the transla- tion-papers of short pieces of English to be turned into Greek or Latin prose or verse. 1 It may be objected, 'Are we then to give up the attempt to instil into the minds of schoolboys some idea of the principles of literary composition 1 ' On the con- trary, I wish that a rhetorical training, training in the arts of writing and speaking, were more distinctly aimed at in our school course than it is at present. Such training might begin (1) by paying more attention to the practice of learning by heart carefully selected passages — Greek, Latin, and English — marked by some special excel- lence, the understanding and appreciation of which the master should seek by every means in his power to instil into the minds of his pupils ; (2) by insisting more and more, as a boy rises in the school, on the quality of his 1 Clough's words on this point (vol. i. p. 406) are worthy of attention : ' I had been pretty well sated of distinctions and competitions at school. ... What I wanted (on going np to Oxford) was to sit down to happy unimpeded prosecution of some new subject or subjects. . . . Surely there were other accomplishments to be mastered besides the composition of Iambics and Ciceronian prose. . . . An infinite lassitude and im- patience, which I saw reflected in the faces of others, quickly began to infect me. Quousque Latin prose ? Though we should gain by it prizes and honours academical beyond all academical example, it would not the less certainly be a mere shame and waste of strength to make the effort. I did go on for duty's sake, and for discipline and docility, sadly doing Latin prose ; but, except in docility, profiting but little.' PREFACE XV English rendering of the Greek or Latin original, so that every lesson should be an exercise in English composition no less than in grammatical construction ; (3) by teaching the boys to analyse the speeches of Demosthenes and Cicero, to weigh the force of their arguments and see the reason for their arrangement; (4) by not merely setting English themes, but systematically teaching the art of theme-writing in the Sixth Form, talking over the subject first of all in class, calling out the latent ideas of the boys by questioning, suggesting the natural divisions, carefully criticising the finished essay ; and, as a further stage, by pointing out varieties of style, and encouraging that prac- tice of different styles which Stevenson found so useful in his own self-training ; (5) by making use of the debating society to a certain extent as a part of the school course. I cannot but think that, if it were found possible, as a result of such training, to impart to each pupil the faculty of expressing himself simply, clearly, forcibly, and rapidly, both in speech and writing, even the most practical of parents and of school-boys might feel that this was an end worth striving for, that in the England of to-day, no less than in the Athens of Aristotle, it was both a dis- advantage and a disgrace firj Adya> Svvacrdou fio-qdeiv eavro) Kal rfj dXrj deta. Some will perhaps wonder at my attaching so much importance to learning by heart. 'Is not this,' they may ask, 'a relic of the pre-scientific method, which trains the memory at the expense of the finer qualities of the mind ? ' Nor can I deny that such was to a great extent the effect of the old 'learning of lines/ when this was done without selection, without preparation . or explanation, and when XVi GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS the week's order of merit in a class of seventy boys was decided mainly, as I can still remember, by the degree of accuracy shown in the repetition of lines learnt only to be forgotten as soon as said. The unfair advantage given by such a system to a parrot-like memory was undoubtedly most discouraging to boys possessed of slower but more solid qualities. The learning by heart here advocated differs entirely from this, because its foundation is laid in the understanding and the admiration of the pupil, and its result should be to store up in the mind of each boy who has passed through the school some thousands of lines of the noblest poetry, to be to him a life-long possession and enjoyment. Nor does it need any straining of the memory to effect this. The daily task may consist of a very few lines of new matter. The great point is that what is once gained should never be lost, that it should be forthcoming at a moment's notice in whatever part of the school. Among impedimenta I am also disposed to reckon critical and grammatical papers, where the object is to test a boy's knowledge of exceptional forms or uses or of the various attempted explanations of the more notorious loci desperati. Puzzles of this sort, being naturally limited in amount and also liable to the fluctuations of scholastic fashion, lend themselves easily to cram and form a most unsatisfactory test of the real mastery of a language. In saying this, I am very far from deprecating the serious study of grammar. I would have such a book as Koby's Grammar or Goodwin's Moods and Tenses regularly read in the higher forms, the examples being translated and the explanations discussed with the master in school ; nor do PREFACE XV11 I see any objection to examining in the work so done, provided that the object is not to place the candidates in a scholarship examination, but simply to test the attention and the memory of the pupil, and his power of understand- ing grammatical principles. Again, I cannot help thinking that there is a tendency among classical teachers in the present day to lay too much stress on minutiae of spelling and pronunciation. It is all very well for professed philologers to spend their lives in ascertaining the exact truth with regard to even the minutest points which may serve to illustrate the action of the human mind in the building up of language. But it can never be too strongly insisted upon that the end of classical education, and its sole justification, is not to turn out philologers, but to train men. To dwell on these externals is the mere ritualism of scholarship. Doubtless it is much to be desired that the scholars of different countries should <5ome to an understanding as to the pronunciation which should be used in our schools, because this would facilitate the use of Latin as a medium of communication among them. It is probable too that such authorised pronunciation would approach to what was generally believed to be the pro- nunciation of classical times ; but whether it did so or not, whether it actually phonographed the speech of Augustus or were as far removed from it as our speech now is from that of Shakespeare, would make not the slightest difference as to the real value and use of classical education. If I have not yet exhausted the patience of my readers, I should like to suggest one or two other ways of facili- tating the attainment of the main ends of classical education as previously defined. Every teacher must feel XV111 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS it both disappointing and humiliating, that in so many- cases the prolonged study of Latin and Greek seems to leave so very little trace behind. How small a proportion of the boys who have passed through a Public School continue to read the Classics with pleasure afterwards ! In ten years' time how many are unable to make out the meaning of a simple sentence in either language ! I believe this partly arises from the fact that boys are so little accustomed to translate at sight, at any rate in the lower forms of schools. It seems to me that this should be done in form from the very commencement. A boy's work out of school, in the lower forms, should not be the preparation of a future lesson — except in the way of learning off by heart what has been already fully explained, — but the recording of his recollections of the last lesson. I cannot but think that the schoolboy's proverbial dislike of books arises in great measure from the unfair burden which has been laid upon him in the early stages of Latin, when he was expected to find his way unassisted through a long sentence of Caesar. Independent work may come very well after he has been well drilled in unseen translation by the master in form ; but even to the end of his school course I would retain the practice of the latter as a most important part of classical training. A boy is thus taught how to tackle without flurry or confusion any passage that is set before him, having a confident expectation that he will be able to make out its meaning by following the method in which he has been practised by his masters. It is much to be desired that in the University Local Examinations, College Matriculations, and the like, unseen translation should be substituted in place of set books, PREFACE XIX which constantly interfere injuriously with the school course, and are liable to be slavishly got up by learning off translations. If thought necessary, the use of dictionaries might be allowed in Junior Examinations. Much has been done of late years to make classical study more attractive and interesting by improved school- books, and by the pains which the masters take to prepare their class for any new subject by means of careful intro- ductory lectures. Liddell and Scott's Lexicon, Sidgwick's and Page's editions, are very different from the Schrevelius and the scanty Latin notes which were all the schoolboy had to help him some fifty or sixty years ago. Even at Eugby, I remember, in the days of Arnold and of Tait, learning off the rules and examples in the Latin Grammar without any idea of their meaning, and being set to construe my first Greek Play without a word to explain how such a portent had come into existence. Such a state of things is, I hope, now impossible in any school : it may however not be out of place that I should repeat here the words I used in the Preface to the first edition of my Guide, where I had occasion to speak of the beneficial use of translations : *' A Greek Play often fails to be appreciated because the suc- cessive readings in it come at such intervals that there is an absence of continuous interest, and the separate passages are never viewed together as forming one complete work of art. In the same way Homer, Thucydides, Tacitus, not to mention the longer treatises of Plato and Aristotle, are known to the majority, even of those who have shown themselves promising scholars at school or college, only by the reading of a few isolated books.' It would be a great help to the appreciation and enjoyment of a play, say of XX GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Aeschylus or Aristophanes, if a verse translation of the whole were read to the class by the master, either as a pre- liminary or a sequel to going through it in Greek. Homer and Virgil, portions of Herodotus and select Lives of Plutarch, should be familiar to every boy in the school by means of translations, read as holiday tasks or otherwise, before they were confronted with the originals in form. Those who had made a beginning, say of Thucydides or of Plato's Republic, in their school work, should be encouraged to supplement this for themselves by finishing the book in Jowett's translations. Above all, the Modern Division should receive some tincture of classical training through translations of the poets and orators and philosophers of Greece and Eome. I think people far too much underrate the influence of translations. When we consider that (to give an outside estimate) not more than one-hundredth part of the influence of the Bible comes to Western Christendom straight from the original, ninety -nine hundredths at the least passing through the channel either of the Vulgate or of some modern translation, I think we need not despair of the Modern Side in our schools as beyond the reach of culture, even of Greek culture, because of their ignorance of the Greek language. Nor should it be forgotten that the most splendid verses ever written in praise of Homer were called forth, not by the remembrance of the original Greek, but by the rude translation of Chapman. But while it should certainly be the object of the teacher to keep alive in his pupils the sense of the unity which connects together the parts of a great poem or other work of art, there may be a danger, on the other hand, of attach- PREFACE XXI ing a superstitious importance to a mere factitious unity, such as exists between the different Odes which are joined together in one book of Horace. The time at the disposal of the classical teacher in the present day is too short to allow of its being wasted on second-rate literature. When the pupil is sufficiently advanced to profit by it, he should learn nothing but what is of first-rate excellence in its own line. As Maurice has well said l : ' Only the best books, only those which carry a kind of authority with them, should be set before boys. When they have been drilled by them into habits of deference and humility, then they . . . will have acquired the true discerning spirit, that spirit of which the judging spirit is the counterfeit ; the one perceiv- ing the real quality of the food which is offered, the other setting up its own partial and immature tastes and aversions, as the standard of what is good and evil.' Applying this test to the study of Horace, we feel at once that a large proportion of his writings does carry this authority with it. The patriotic odes generally, and especially such a line as Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, are of a kind to stir the blood of an English schoolboy at any age ; and as he rises in the school he begins to appreciate the mitis sapientia of the Epistles ; but his admirable cant-word * rot ' shows the good-humoured contempt of a healthy instinct for nine- tenths of the love-poetry, not of Horace only, but of the Roman poets in general ; not to speak of his disgust for the occasional outbreaks of Zolaesque brutality. Why should we mete out to the ancients severer measure than we do to the moderns ? There is no rule that compels us to read every word of Wordsworth or Byron, or even of Shake- 1 Quoted in Hort's Life, vol. i. p. 101. XX11 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS speare. Surely it is an impiety to obtrude on the eyes of the young either the stupidities or the frailties of the mighty dead. For my part, I should wish that all Latin poets, except Yirgil, should be studied by school-boys, and still more by school-girls, only in selections agreed to by the masters of the Public Schools. There is one point in which I think that Classical Education has sometimes suffered from a mistaken con- scientiousness on the part of teachers in these latter days. Their anxiety to improve to the utmost every moment of school life has, if I am not mistaken, led to an injurious curtailment of the precious hours of leisure which were granted to their more advanced pupils by the older head- masters. The object of all school training being to prepare a boy to use aright the freedom of manhood, there should surely be a gradual emancipation in action, thought, and study, as he shows himself worthy of it. By the time he has completed his seventeenth year, a Sixth Form boy of ordinary sense and intelligence should be capable of more than simply imbibing from others and doing what he is told to do : he should be encouraged, within certain limits, to follow his own tastes and carry out his own studies under the general supervision of the master. With this end in view he might be excused a portion of the regular school work, he might be left to prepare some of the fixed subjects of the yearly examination by himself out of school, as well as to make his choice of extra subjects to be got up at his own pleasure ; and beyond all this he ought to have a certain margin of time secured to him, free from school games, school business, and all magisterial interference, to be used or wasted as he liked best. PREFACE XX111 One more suggestion and I have done. The study of ancient Art, and of Roman and Greek Antiquities gene- rally, has been greatly facilitated of late years by the multiplication of excellent illustrations, by lectures and museums, and by the establishment of the British School at Athens. It is to be hoped that a residence in the last may before long be regarded as a natural part of higher classical training. There is something, however, to which I look forward with even more eagerness, and that is the throwing open of the British Museum for the purpose of systematic lecturing, which must follow when once London has obtained a genuine teaching University of its own, in place of the simulacrum which now obstructs the way. Teachers who read these remarks will, I hope, pardon the garrulity of an old teacher, whose opinions have been formed in the course of a tolerably long experience as schoolmaster and college lecturer. I have thought it well to print them here, because the work to which I propose to devote the years that remain to me is unconnected with theories of education, and I am not likely to have another opportunity of stating what to me seem to be truths need- ful and seasonable for the present time, though it is likely enough that to some of my readers what is true in them may seem not new, what is new not true. To turn now to other matters : — The sources which have been chiefly used in drawing up the lists which follow are — a MS. list of the best books in Classics and Comparative Philology drawn up some years ago by Mr. W. M. Lindsay for his own use, which he was kind enough to lend to me ; the volumes of the Classical Review, especially the bibliographical lists ; the quarterly Bibliotheca Philologica XXIV GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Classica, published by Calvary, Berlin ; S. Reinach's Manuel de Philologie Classique, oVapres le Triennium Philologicum de W. Freund, 2 vols., Paris, 1880-84; E. Hiibner's Biblio- graphie der Klassischen Alterthumswissenschaft, ed. 2, 1889 ; W. S. Sonnenschein's Best Boohs, ed. 2, 1891, and Guide to- Contemporary Literature, 1895 ; and the lists of various publishers, both English and Foreign. Preuss's edition of Engelmann's Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum, published in 1880-81, and the other bibliographical works mentioned in the Preface to my original Guide, were of no use for the period covered by this Supplement. I need not dwell on the tedious and ungrateful labour of drawing up such a list as follows, the difficulty of determining what to omit and what to include, and whether an asterisk should be given or withheld. If it were not that I had received many testimonies to the usefulness of the former editions, and felt myself under a certain obligation to bring the book up to date, and to make it — I will not say, perfect, for there can be no perfection about a rough-and-ready handbook of the kind, but — a little less imperfect than it was before, I should certainly never have had the courage to set to work with a new Supplement, or the patience to go through with it. One great encouragement I have had, and that is the ready help which has been extended to me by the scholars, some of them not personally known to me, to whom the sheets were sent either for general or partial revision. To all my hearty thanks are due, but especially to Pro- fessors Max Bonnet of Montpellier and J. H. "Wright of Harvard; to Sir E. Maunde Thompson, and Messrs. Kenyon, Cecil Smith, Walters, and Wroth of the British PREFACE XXV Museum ; to the Provost of Oriel, the Master of Christ's, the Editor of the Classical Review, Dr. H. J. Eoby, Dr. J. E. Sandys, Professor E. C. Clark, Professor Burnet, Messrs. A. M. Cook, W. Warde Fowler, P. Giles, W. M. Lindsay, E. Macan, E. S. Eoberts, and not least to Mr. Alfred Nutt and Mr. Etherington of the firm of D. Nutt, the Publishers. SELECT LIST OF EDITIONS AESCHINES. (See ORATORES ATTICI.) Text. *Blass, 2111-40, .... 1896 In Ctesiphontem. (See also DEMOSTH. De Corona.) With Explanatory Notes — Eng. Gwatkin and Shuckburgh, 5 s. Macmillan, . 1890 Richardson (after Weidner), $1*50, U.S.A., . 1890 Index. *Preuss, 6m '40, .... 1896 AESCHYLUS. Text, ed. crit. * Wecklein. 2 vols, (or each play- separately), 20m., . . . 1885-1893 1884 1880 Weil, im*5o, Kirchhoff, 3s. 6d., ..... With Explanatory Notes — Oresteia, Germ. * Wecklein, 6111., Agamemnon, *A. Sidgwick, 3s. Oxford, *Verrall, 12s. (with prose transl.). Macmillan, . (This editor's work is always interesting and ingenious, not always convincing.) Kennedy (with verse transl.), ed. 2, 6s. Camb. Margoliouth (emendations). 3s. Macmillan, Choephoroe, ed. crit. Paley 6s. Camb. (with the Scholia), .... *A. Sidgwick, 2s. 6d. Oxford, *Verrall (with transl.), 12s. Macmillan, . Eumenides. *A. Sidgwick, 3s. Oxford, Persae, Prickard, 2s. Macmillan, . Germ. *Teuffel and Wecklein, im'20, Fr. *Weil, 1 fr., . Prometheus, Glazebrook, 2s. 6d. Longmans, *F. D. Allen (after Wecklein), $1-50, U.S.A., Germ. * Wecklein, ed. 3, im*8o, Fr. *Weil, 1 fr., . Septem c. Thebas (with prose transl.), *Verrall, 7s. 6d. Macmillan, .... *Verrall and Bayfield, 2s. 6d. Macmillan, Flagg, $rio, U.S.A., A 1888 1887 1889 1882 1884 1883 1892 1893 1887 1889 1886 1884 1887 1891 1893 1884 1887 1888 1885 2 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS AESCHYLUS— Continued. Supplices (with crit. nn. comm. and tr.), * Tucker, I os. 6d. Macmillan, .... 1889 Translation, Eng. V., L. Campbell, 7s. 6d., Paul, . . 1890 Sxoanwick, 5 s. Bell, . . . . 1881 Morshead, Orestea, 7s., 1881. Supplices, 3s. 6d., Paul. 1883 Eng. pr., L. Campbell (Orestea), 5s. Methuen, . . 1893 F. W. Newman. Comments on the text of Aeschylus and Euripides, 7s. 6d. Paul, .... 1891 Richter. Zur Dramaturgic des iEschylus, 6111-50, . . 1892 Papageorgios. Critical Notes on the Scholia, nn., . . 1888 Blaydes. Adversaria in Aesch., 8m., . . . 1896 ""Facsimile of Laurentian ms. ed. Rostagno, £4, . . 1896 ANDOCIDES. (See ORATORES ATTICI.) Text with app. crit., Lipsius, im*20. . . 1890 Blass, ed. 2, inV20, . . , . 1881 With Explanatory Notes — De Mysteriis, Hickie, 28. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1885 and De Reditu. *Mar chant, 5s. Kiv., . 1889 ANTHOLOGIA GRAECA PALATINA. Text. * Stadtmuller, vol. i., 6m., . . . 1894 Select epigrams with notes. *Mackail, 16s. Longman, ..... 1890 Harberton. Parker, . . . 1895 Meleager, with Eng. v. tr., W. Headlam, 7s. 6d. Macm., 1890 (See Poetae Graeci.) Ouvre. Meleagre de Gadara, .... 1894 Paidi Wolters. DeepigrammatumGraecorum Anthologiis, . 1882 ANTHOLOGIA LATINA. (Poesis Latinae Supplementum.) Text. Part 1. (carmina in codicibus scripta). Biese, 8m* 50, ..... 1894 Part 11. (carmina epigraphica). Bucheler, 4m., (in progress), ..... 1895 (See Poetae Latini.) ANTIPHON. (See ORATORES ATTICI.) Text. Blass, ed. 2, 2m* 10, . . . 1881 Cucuel. Essai sur la langue et le style de l'orateur A., sfr., 1887 I. I. Hartmann. Studia Antiphontea, 2m., . ' . 1882 VanCleef. Index, $1-50. U.S.A., . . . 1895 ANTONINUS, M. AURELIUS. Text. Stick, mr8o. . . . . 1882 With transl. and notes, Book iv. *Crossley, 6s. Macmillan, ..... 1882 Translation, G. Long, 6s. Bell, .... 1890 Rendall (in the press). Jer. Collier and Zimmern, is. Scott, . . 1887 Fr. with notes. Pierron, 3 fr., . . . 1878 *Renan. Marc- Aurele, 6 fr. , .... 1882 *P. B. Watson. M. Aurelius Antoninus. U.S.A., . . 1884 AESCHYLUS— ARISTOPHANES APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Text. Merkel, im., 1883 Translation, Eng. pr., Coleridge, 5s. Bell, . . 1890 Fr. with nn., H. de la Ville de Mirmont, 1892. Ed. mi., 1893 C.J.Goodwin. Apoll. , his figures, syntax, and vocabulary. U.S.A., 1891 H. de la Ville de Mirmont. Apoll. et Virgile, La Mythologie, 10 fr., 1894 APULEIUS. Cupid and Psyche. Text. Jahn-Michaelis, 2m., . . . 1883 Weyman, with Germ, nn., 2m., . . . 1891 Translation (Cupid and Psyche). Eng. V. B. Bridges. Bell, .... 1885 (Golden Ass), Acllington ed., Whibley, 12s. 6d. Nutt, ..... 1892 See Pater, ■ Marius the Epicurean.' 2 vols., 12s., . . 1888 Weyman. Studien zu Ap. u. seinen Nachahmern, . . 1893 ARATUS. Phaenomena, with Lat. nn. *Maass, 5m., . . 1893 Diosemeia, tr. with nn., Poste 3s. 6d. Macinillan, . 1880 ARISTOPHANES. Text, ed. crit. *Blaydes. 2 vols., 16m., . . 1886 Fragmenta. Blaydes. 9m., . . . 1885 With Explanatory Notes — Acharnenses, Lat. *Blaydes, 10m., . . . 1887 *Merry, 3s. Oxford, .... 1889 Aves, Lat. *Blaydes, 10m., .... 1882 *Merry, 3s. 6d. Oxford, .... 1889 Green, 3s. 6d., new ed. Camb., . . . 1887 Germ. *Kock, ed. 2, 21^40, Ecclesiazusae, Lat. *Blaydes, 4m., . . . 1886 Von Velsen, 2m '40, . . 1883 Equites, Lat. *Blaydes, 9m., .... 1892 * Merry 1 3s. Oxford, .... 1887 Neil. Camb. (In the Press.). Germ. *Kock, ed. 3, im/80, Lysistrata, Lat. * Blaydes, 6m., . . . 1880 Nubes, Lat. * Blaydes, iom., .... 1890 Germ. *Teuffei-Kaehler, ed. 2, 2m*7o, . . 1887 Germ. *Kock, ed. 3, im*8o, Humphreys, $1*50. U.S.A., . . . 1885 * Merry, 3s. Oxford, .... 1890 Pax, Lat. * Blaydes, 6m., .... 1883 Plutus. Quinn, 3s. 6d. Bell, . . . 1896 Lat. *Blaydes, 9m., .... 1886 Von Velsen, 2111., . . . 1881 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS ARISTOPHANES— Continued. Ranae. Green, 3s. 6d. Camb., * Merry, 3s. Oxford, Lat. *Blaydes, 10m., Von Velsen, 3111, Germ. *Kock, ed. 3, inv8o, Thesmophoriazusae, Lat. *Blaydes, 5 m., Von Velsen, ed.2, 3m.. Vespae, Lat. *Blaydes, 9111., . *Von Leeinven, 51m, . *Merry, 3s. 6d. Oxford, . ^Graves, C. E., 3s. 6d. Camb. Starkie. Macmillan. (In the Press.) Selections. *A. Sidgwick (scenes from A., Nubes, Plutus, Eanae, Equites), is. 6d. each. Longmans, *Scholia of the Ravenna Codex (with tr.), Rutherford, in 3 vols, Vols. 1. 11., £2, 10s. Macm., . A. Martin, 5 fr., .... Zacher. (Germ.) Studies on the Scholia, 6m. Trubner, Translation, Eng. V., Kennedy (Aves for performance), Tyrrell. (Acharn.), 2s. 6d. Longmans, *Frere, (Acharn., Eq., Aves). Routledge, new ed. Couat. Aristophane et l'ancienne comedie attique, fr. 3*50, Deschanel. Etudes sur A. , 3 fr. , . Dunbar. Concordance, 21s. Oxford, A. T. Murray. On Parody and Paratragoedia in A., im'so ARISTOTELES. (For Greek Commentators see Serial List) De Anima, Text, Biehl, im'20, With tr. and nn., Wallace, 18s. Camb., 'A0t)vcucov iroXtT€ta,^ facsimile. Kenyon, 42s., Text. Kaibel and Wilamowitz-Mbllendorff, ed. 2 inr8o, ..... Van Herwerden and van Leeuwen, 6m., Blass, ed. 2, nn'50, With Explanatory Notes — ed. pr. Kenyon, 7s. 6d., 1891 ; ed. 3, 10s. 6d., * Sandys, 15s. Macmillan. (Very full notes, a complete index, and an exhaustive account of the literature to the end of 1892.) Germ. Kaibel. Stil und Text der iroA.'AO., 8m., Germ. *Wilamowitz-Mbllendorff. Aristoteles und Athen, 2 vols. 20m. (Historical Discussions), . Eng. tr. Kenyon, 4s. 6d., Bell. 1891. Poste, ed. 2, 3s. 6d. Macm Fr. tr. Haussoullier, 5 fr., Th. Eeinach, fr. 1*50, Ethica Nic. Text, *Byivater (with various readings and index), 3s. 6d. Oxford, 1893. Contributions to Criticism, 2s. 6d. Oxford, . Susemihl, im'8o, . 1892 1887 1889 1881 1880 1883 1893 1893 1893 1894 1896 1882 1889 1883 1882 1894 1889 1892 1883 1891 1884 1882 1891 1891 1891 1895 1892 1893 1893 1893 1892 1891 1891 1892 1880 ARISTOPHANES— ARISTOTELES 5 ARISTOTELES — Continued. With Explanatory Notes — *Grant, ed. 4. 2 vols. 32s. Longmans, . . 1884 *J. A. Stewart. 2 vols. 32s. Oxford, . . 1892 Books I. -IV. 6-9, X. * Moore, 10s. Longmans, . 1890 Hawkins, ed. 2, 9s., . . 1891 Eng. tr. *Welldon, 78. 6d. Macmillan, . . . 1893 *Peters,6s. Paul, .... 1893 Hatch. Moral Philosophy of Aristotle, with nn. and analysis, pub. 1 8s., ...... 1879 Cook-Wilson. Aristotelian Studies (on Ethics vn.), 5s. Oxford, Stewart. English mss. of the Nicomachean Ethics, 3s. 6d. Oxford. Ethica Eudemia. Text, Susemihl, 1 m -50, . . 1884 De Generatione Animalium, with Fr. tr. and nn., B. St. Hilaire. 2 vols., 20 fr., . . . 1887 Iatrica. Diels, 5 m., . . . . 1893 Magna Moralia. Text, Susemihl, im*20, . . 1883 Metaphysica. Text, Christ, 2m'4o, . . . 1886 *Germ. tr. Bonitz and Wellmann, 6m., . . 1890 Oeconomica. Text, Susemihl (with conjectures on other works of Aristotle), 1111*50, . . 1887 De Partibus Animalium. Tr. with notes, Ogle, 12s. 6d. Paul, 1882 Physica, Bk. vn. App. crit. and introduction, Shute, 2 s. Poetica. ^Butcher, (A.'s Theory of Poetry), crit. text, tr. and essays, 10s. Macmillan, 1895. Ed. mi., 3s., ..... 1895 *Susemihl. With Germ. nn. and transl., 4111., . 1882 *Vahlen. Crit. text, ed. 3, 5111, . . . 1885 *Beitrage (crit. and expl. nn.), 6m. Wharton. Text and Trans., ed. 2. Parker, 2s. 6d., 1885 *Bernays. Ueher die Aristot. Theorie des Drama, 5111., . 1880 *Butclier. Some aspects of Greek Genius, 7s. Macmillan, . 1891 Fr. tr. and nn., Pamajon and Egger, 1 fr., . . . 1878 Germ. tr. and nn., Brandscheid, 4m., . . . 1882 Prickard on A.'s Art of Poetry, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1891 Politica. Text, Susemihl, ed. 3, 2m'4o, . . 1894 *Newman. Text with nn. and essays. 2 vols. (Books 1. 11.), 28s. Oxford, .... 1887 *B. D. Hides and Susemihl, with intr. and commen- tary (Books i.-v.), 1 8s. Macmillan, . . 1894 Eng. tr. with nn. V. C. Welldon, 10s. 6d., rev. ed. Macmillan, 1888 *Jowett. 2vols.,2is. Oxford, . . 1885 Problemata. Fr. tr. and nn., B. St. Hilaire. 2 vols. 1891 b GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS ARISTOTELES — Continu ed. Rhetorica. Eng. tr. with analysis and nn., Welldon, 78. 6d. Macmillan, .... 1886 Crit. text, Boemer, 2nr io, . . . 1885 Pseudo-Aristotelia. Text, Apelt., 3111., . . 1888 (See Cook- Wilson's notice in CI. Bev., vols. vi. and vn.) Fragmenta. Text, Rose, 4111*50, . . . 1886 Margolioulh. Analecta Orientalia ad Poeticam, 10s. 6d. Nutt, 18S7 Benara. L'Esthetique d'Aristote, 5 fr., . . . 1889 Wallace. *Outlines of the Philosophy of Aristotle. 4s. 6d. Cambridge, . . . . . .1887 Chaignet. Sur la Psych ologie d'Aristote, 8 fr., . . 1883 Omont. Facsimile of the Paris ms. of the Poetica, 17 fr., . 1891 Shute. History of the Aristotelian Writings, 7s. 6d. Oxford, 1888 Kappes. Lexikon (of technical terms), 1111*50, . . 1894 ARRIANUS. (See EPICTETUS.) Scripta Minora. Text, Hercher and Eberhard, im*8o, 1885 Expeditio Alexandri, Bk. V. With Eng. nn., Moberly, 28. Longmans. Selections. Bond and Walpole (elementary), is. 6d. Macmillan, ... .1888 *Eng. Trausl. with comm. (Anabasis and Indica). Chinnock, 58. Bell, ..... 1893 ATTIC ORATORS. (See ORATORES ATTICI.) AULUS GELLIUS. (See GELLIUS.) AUSONIUS. Text, Beiper, 6nv6o, . . . 1886 Schenkl (in Monumenta Germaniae Historica), . 1883 Mosella. With Fr. tr. and nn., De la Ville de Mirmont, io fr., .... 1889 Text and Germ, nn., Hosius, im'4o, . . 1894 AVIANUS. Text and nn. *R Ellis, 8s. 6d. Oxford, . 1887 BABRIUS. Text with Dissertations, Notes, and Lexicon, * Rutherford 12s. 6d. Macmillan, . . . 1883 Fr. M. Croiset, ..... 1892 Desrousseaux, fr. 1*50, .... 1891 With Fr. notes and lexicon, Feuillet, . . 1891 CAESAR. Ed. Crit. E. Hoffmann. 2 vols. 4111-50, . . 1890 Bell. Gall. Ed. Crit. Holder, 15m., . . 1882 ARISTOTELES — CALPURNIUS CAESAR — Continued. With Explanatory Notes — Bell. Gall. *Meusel, vol I., text, app. crit. 3111. Vol. 11. Germ, nn., im'25, .... 1894 *Kraner-Dittenberger (ed. 15), 2nr2 5, . . 1890 Walther, 41x1-40, . . . 1888 *Bheinhard and Herzog, 2m 70 (with maps and illustrations), ..... 1892 *Doberentz-Dinter, 2m -40, . . . 1892 *Peskett, in 6 parts, 9s. 6d. Camb. * Allen and Greenough, $1-50. U.S.A., . . 1886 Kelsey (with cuts), $1*25. U.S.A., . . 1886 Bond and Walpole, 4s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1887 Fr. *Benoist et Dosson, fr. 2*50, . . . . 1892 Book 1. — Walpole, is. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1891 Bell, 28. 6d., W. and N:,. . . 1887 Books i.-ii. — Haddon and Harrison, with plans. Arnold, 1894 Bk. vii. *Compton, 4s. Bell, . . . 1889 Atlas. Meyer and Koch, im'2o, .... 1889 *Bilder- Atlas. Oehler, 2111-85, .... 1890 A. van Kampen. xv. tabulae, mr6o. Bell. Civ. Text, Dinter, 6opf., . . . 1888 With Explanatory Notes — Perrin. U.S.A., ..... 1884 Germ., *Kraner and Hoffmann (ed. 10), 2111*25, . 1890 Book 1.— *Peskett, is. 6d. Camb., . . 1890 Book in. — Peskett (In the press). Bell. Afr. (Pollio) Text with Germ, nn., *Wolfflin, 6m-8o, ...... 1889 Bell. Alex. Text with Germ, nn., * Schneider, 90 pf., 1888 *Stoffel. Hist, de Jules Cesar, Guerre Civile. 2 vols. (Con- tinuation of Napoleon in. on C), . . . 1888 La Guerre de C. et d'Arioviste, 30 fr., . . 1890 Judson. Caesar's Army, 5s. 6d. U.S.A. Lexicon. *Meusel. 2 vols., complete. 45m., . . 1893 Merguet, 55m., .... 1886 Menge and Preuss, 18m., . . . 1890 To Pseudo-Caesar. Preuss, 8m., . . 1884 Landgraf. Untersuehungen. (On the authorship of the Bell. Afr. and Alex.), 3m., . .... 1889 Schmalz. Ueb. d. Sprachgebrauch d. Asinius Pollio. ed. 2, 1111-40, 1890 W. W. Fowler. Julius Caesar, 5s. Unwin, . . 1892 (See List of Subjects under Biography). CALPURNIUS (and NEMESIANUS). Text, SchenU, 6m, . 1885 Keene, with nn., 6s. Bell, .... 1887 Eng. v. tr. Scott, 3s. 6d. Bell, . . .1890 (Included in Poetae Latini, Baehrens, vol 3.) GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS CATO De Agricultura. Keil, crit. text, 3111., 1882 ; Com- mentary, 6m., ..... 1894 CATULLUS. Text. *Postgate, 3s. Bell, 1889, (also in Corpus Poetarum), ..... 1894 *A. Palmer. (Parnassus Libr.), 3s. 6d. Macm., . 1896 B. Schmidt, ed. crit., 4m., . . . 1888 With critical nn. and illustrations, *8. G. Owen, 16s., 1893 *Schwabe, 1111*50, . . . . . 1886 *Haupt-Vahlen (with TIBULLUS and PROPER- TIUS.) 2111*50, 1885 With Explanatory Notes — Merrill, $1-50. U.S.A., .... 1893 *B. Ellis, ed. 2, 18s. Oxford, . . 1889 With Fr. tr. and nn. *Benoist, Bostand and E. Thomas, 20 fr., . . . . . 1890 Germ. *Biese, 4111., ..... 1884 *Baehrens. Vol. 1. (text), ed. 2, Schulze, 4111., 1893 ; Vol. 11. comment. i2m*4o, . . . 1885 Selections. Text. B. Ellis, 3s. 6d. Oxford, . 1881 With nn. (expurg.). Simpson, 3s. 6d. Macm., . 1886 See Schuhe, Rom. Elegiker, ed. 3, 2 m "40, . 1890 NettlesMP,. (Lectures and Essays), . . . 1885 Couat. Etudes sur C, 5 fr., .... 1875 Sellar. Roman Poets of the Republic, ed. 3, 10s. Oxford, . 1889 Introduction. (Anc. Class.), Davies, 2s. 6d. Blackwood, Lafaye. C. et ses modeles, 5 ft*., . . . 1894 Giri. De locis corruptis in C. carminibus, vol. i., 10 fr., . 1894 CEBES. Text. Praechter, 60 pf., . . . .1893 With Eng. nn. Jerram, 2s. 6d. Oxford, . 1878 CICERO. Text. *C. F. W. Muller, Friedrich, Wesenberg, 11 vols, (sold separately), 22m'35, Epp. ad Fam. et ad Q. Fratrem. *C. F. W. Muller, 4m., 1896 With Explanatory Notes — Epistolae. *Tyrrell and Purser, vols. i. (ed. 2), 12s., ii. and iii., 12s. each., vol. iv. 15s. Longmans, * 1879-1894 Ad Familiares. Crit. text.* Mendelssohn, 12m., . 1893 Ad Atticum. Lat. nn. Boot, ed. 2, 17111. Amsterdam, 1886 Selections. *Tyrrell, 4s. 6d. Macmillan, . 1891 ^Montague. U.S.A., .... 1890 Germ. nn. Hofmann-Lehmann, ed. 6, 2U170, 1892 Luthmer. Text im*20, Notes 30 pf., . 1893 Aly, im'6o, ..... 1892 Supflt-Bockel, ed. 10, 3111-40, . . . 1893 CATO DE AGRICULTURA— CICERO CICERO — Continued Ad Atticum iv. Brown, is. 6d. Sonnenschein, Ad Fam. viii. (Caelius), Fr. nn. Antoine, 4 fr., Ad Q. Fratr. i. 1. Antoine, 3 fr., . Life and Letters. * Jeans, ed. 2, 8s. 6d. Macmillan, Germ. *0. E. Schmidt. Cicero's correspondence from b.c. 51 to B.C. 44 with the text of Epp. ad Att. xii., xiii., 12m., Lehmann. De Ciceronis Epp. ad Att., 6m. , Fr. Nisard. Notes sur les Lettres de Ciceron, fr. 4*50, Opera Philosophica et Rhetorica. Academica. *Reid, 15s. Macmillan, Trans. *Reid, 5s. 6d. Macmillan, De Amicitia (Laelius). *Reid, ed. 2, 3s. 6d. Camb., . Shuckburgh. (Elementary), is. 6d. Macmillan, St. George Stock, 2s. Oxford, . Kelsey. (With Cato Major), after Reid, $i'20. U.S.A., .... Stickney. (With Cato Maj.), $1. U.S.A., Brutus. *Kellogg, $1.50. U.S.A., Piderit-Friedrich. Germ. 2m*25, J. Martha. Fr., 6fr., . Stangl. Text, 80 pf., De Finibus. Reid, 2 vols. Camb. (In the Press. (Trans. *Beid, 8s. Camb. 1883), De Legibus. Pearman. Camb., . De Natura Deorum. *J. B. Mayor, 3 vols. Camb. (I. ed. 2, ios. 6d., 1891 ; IL, 12s. 6d., 1883 ; III. ios., 1885), .... Stickney (after Schbmann), ys. Arnold, Germ. *Goethe., 2m '40, Apparat. Crit. *Schwenke (in Class. Rev., vol. v.), De Officiis. *Rolden, ed. 7, 9s. Camb. (also in parts).. Stickney, $1. U.S.A., Germ. Detweiler, 21x1*25, C. F. W. Muller, 2m' 50, Orator. * Sandys, 16s. Camb., Text. Heerdegen, 3m*20, . Stangl, 60 pf., De Oratore. * Wilkins, ed. 2, 3 vols. Oxford. (I. ed. 3, 7s. 6d., 1895 ; IL, 5s., 1890 ; III., 6s., 1892.), Piderit-Hamecker, 4m '50, Remig-Stbbyle, im^o, . Stangl, 1111*25, .... Lib. I. Owen (after Sorof), $1. U.S.A., (Trans., Book 1. *R N. P. Moor, 3s. 6d. Methuen, 1894 1894 1888 1887 1893 1892 1882 1880 1880 1884 1885 1893 1894 1887 1889 1892 1892 1886 1881 1881 1887 1891 ?890 1885 1890 1882 1885 1884 1885 1890 1887 1893 1895 1893) 10 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS CICERO — Continued. Paradoxa. Anz, 60 pf., .... 1890 Schneider, im., . . . -. . 1891 Rhetorica. Text. *Friedrich, 2 vols., 31x1*45, . 1884-91 Ad Herennium. *Marx, 14m. (See CORNIFICIUS.), 1894 De Senectute (Cato Major). Howson, 28. Eiv., . 1887 *Beid, 3s. 6d. Camb., .... 1880 Shuckburgh. (Elementary), is. 6d. Macmillan, 1886 Bockwood, $1*25. U.S.A., . . . 1895 Germ. Meissner, ed. 2, 60 pf., . . . 1885 Somnium Scipionis. Anz, 30 pf., . . . 1890 Pearman, 2s. Camb., .... 1883 Tusculanae Disp. Germ. Heine, 2 vol. 211170, rev. ed., . . . . . . 1892-95 Tischer-Sorof, im^o, . . . . 1887 Selections (Philosophical), Germ. nn. Weissenfels, 1891 2m., (Rhetorical), Germ. n. Weissenfels, im*8o, *Hirzel. Untersuchungen z. C.'s philosophisch. Schriften, vol. i. (Nat. Deor.), 5 s.; vol. ii. (Fin., Off.), 18s., 1882; vol. iii. (Acad. Tusc), 12s., .... 1883 *Merguet. Lexicon to C.'s Philosophical writings, 3 vols., 136m., ...... 1888-95 *Causeret. Sur la langue de la Rhetorique dans C, 4 fr., . 1886 Thiele. Hermagoras (Hist, of Rhetoric), 6m., . . 1893 Orationes. Crit, Text. *C. F. W. Midler, 3 vols each 2nrio, .... Pro Archia. *Beid, 2s. Camb. Fr. *E. Thomas, nn., fr. 2*50, . Germ. *Halm-Laubmann, im*20, Strenge, 60 pf., . Pro Caelio. ed. crit. Vollgraf, 2m., In Catilinam. Upcott, is. 6d. Oxford, . *Wilkins., rev. ed., 28. 6d. Macmillan, Germ. Hachtmann, im., *Halm-Laubmann, im'20, Pro Cluentio. *Fausset, 4s. Longmans, . Peterson. Macmillan. (In the Press.) (Trans, with nn., ^Peterson, 5s. Macmillan, Pro Flacco. *Du Mesnil. Germ, nn., 3nr6o, Pro Lege Manilia. (De Imp. Cn. Pomp.) Hunter Smith, is. 6d. Sonnenschein, . *Wilkins, 2s. 6d. Macmillan, . Germ. Thilmen, im*40, . JDeuerling, ed. 2, 80 pf., Pro Ligario. Germ. Strenge, 60 pf., (See Pro Marcello and Pro Milone.) 1880-1886 1885 1890 1891 1888 1887 1887 1894 1887 1891 1887 1895) 1883 1892 1889 1890 1884 1888 CICERO 11 CICERO — Continued. Pro Marcello, Ligario, Deiotaro. Fausset, 28. 6d Oxford, .... Germ. Bichter-Fberhard, ed. 3, Pro Milone. *Beid t 2s. 6d. Camb., Fausset, is. 6d. Sonnenschein, Poynton, 28. 6d. Oxford, *Colson, 28. 6d. Macmillan, "M.. (7. Clarke (with App. crit.), 8s. 6d. Oxford, Germ. Bouterwek, im'20, *Bichter and Fberhard (ed. 4, by Nohl), im., (Ligario et Deiotaro.) *Halm-Laubmann, im.20, Pro Murena. Freese, 2s. 6d. Macmillan, Germ. Strenge, 75 pf., . Koch and Landgraf, 90 pf., (and Sulla.) *Halm-Laubmann, im*40, Fr. Antoine, Philippicae, L, II., VII. Germ. Strenge, II. *Peskett, 3s. 6d. Camb., . Fr. Gautrelle, 1 fr., I., II., Germ. *Halm-Laubmann, im*2o, Pro Plancio. * Hoi den, ed. 3, 4s. 6d. Camb., Germ. Kbpke-Landgraf, im/20, Pro Rabirio. *Heitland, 7s. 6d. Camb., Pro Rege Deiotaro. Germ. Strenge, 60 pf. (See Pro Marcello and Pro Milone.), . Pro Roscio Amerino. Dorikin (after Halm), 4s. 6d Macmillan, St. George Stock, 3s, 6d. Oxford, Germ. *Landgraf, (crit. and expl. nn.), 6m. ed. mi. im., . Pro Sestio. *H olden, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, Germ. *Halm-Laubmann, im*5o, *Siipfle-Bbckel (ed. 10), 3m'40, Boutenvek, 1111*50, Pro Sulla. *Beid, 3s. 6d. Cambridge, Germ. Richter and Landgraf, 75 pf., (and Murena.) *Halm-Laubmann, im"40, In Verrem. Divin. Books iv., v. Fr. *E. Thomas, ed. 2, 8 fr., Ed. mi. Books iv. and v. each fr. 1 '50, Div. Bks. iv. v. Germ. *Halm-Laubmann, 2m*2 5, Divin. Book 1., King, is. 6d. Oxford, . *Heitland and Coivie, is. 6d. Cambridge, Bk. iv. Germ. *Hachtmann, im'30, 1889; Book v., im*20, ..... 1893 1886 1894 1892 1892 1893 1895 1892 1885 1892 1894 1885 1893 1891 1893 1887 1881 1887 1891 1887 1882 1890 1884 1890 1882 1889 1889 1887 1893 1883 1891 1885 1893 1894 1887 1888 1887 1885 1889 12 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS CICERO — Continued. Bk. v. Laming, 3s. 6d. Kivington, . . 1893 Select Speeches. A lien and Greenough, $1*25. U.S.A., 1886 G. F. W. Midler, text (21 speeches). 2 vols., inr 50, 1889 King, 2s. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1880 Lexicon to the Speeches. *Merguet. 4 vols. £9, qs., . 1877-1884 A. C. Clarke. Collations from a Harleian ms. of the Speeches. Oxford, .... *Gasquy. C. Jurisconsulte, 5 fr., Eng. tr. Blakiston (Milo, Murena, Catil., Phil, ii.), 5s. Methuen, ..... ■*Asconius. Commentary, ed. Kiessling and SeMll, 4m., . 1892 1886 1896 1875 Selections. Johnston. U.S.A., . . . 1892 Kelsey, $1-25. U.S.A., . . 1892 Germ. * J or dan, in chronological order, ed. 4, 2m. . 1892 Munk tr. Fausset. Student's Cicero, 3s. 6d. Sonnenschein, . 1889 Aly. (Germ.) Life and Writings, 3nr6o, . . . 1891 *Strachan-Davidson. Cicero and the Fall of the Republic, 5s. Putnam, . . . . . .1894 CLAUDIANUS. *Birt, 30m, T. Koch, 3m'6o, CLEANTHES. See ZENO. 1892 1893 COMICORUM GRAECORUM FRAGMENTA. *Kock. 3 vols. 48m., .... Kaibel (preparing). Selections. Paley (with Eng. tr.), ed. 2., 23, 6d. Son- nenschein, ..... Blaydes, Emendations, 5m., . CORNELIUS. See NEPOS. CORNIFICIUS Ars Rhetorica. Graeven, 4111., 1891. (See CIC. Ad Herennium. ) CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. (See GAIUS, and List of Subjects under Law.) Text, vol. 1. *Krueger and Mommsen (Institu- tions et Digesta), 10111., Vol. 11. *Krueger (Codex), 6m., 1892 ; vol. ill, *Schoell (Novellae). 5m., Institutiones, with nn. and tr. Moyle, ed. 2. 2 vols, 15s., T. G. Sandars,rev. ed., 18s. Longmans, 1880-8 1892 1890 1889 1884 1890 1883 CICERO— DEMOSTHENES 13 CORPUS JURIS CIVILI&— Continued. Digest, Select Titles from, Holland and Shad- ivell, 14s., ..... *Boby. Introduction to the Digest, with full com- mentary on the Title De Usufructu, 18s Cambridge, ..... Monro. Digest xix. 2, with tr. and nn., 5s. Camb, Digest xlvii. 2, with tr. and nn., 5s. Camb, CORPUS POETARUM LATINORUM. *Postgate, Part 1. (Ennius, Lucretius, Catullus, Horace, Virgil, Tibullus), 9s. Bell, . . 1893 Part 11. (Propertius and Ovid), 9s., . 1895 CTESIAS. Fragmenta. Gilmore, 8s. 6d. Macmillan, . 1888 OURTIUS. With Fr. nn. Dosson, fr. 2*25, . . . 1882 With Germ. nn. Vogel. Books iii.-v., ed. 3, 2m* 10. Books vi.-x., 2m*25, . . . 1887 Selections (Elementary), F. C. Smith, is. 6d. Macmillan, ..... 1894 *Dosson. Etude sur C, 9 fr., .... 1887 DEMOCRITUS. Ethica. Natorp, Text u. Untersuchungen, 5m., . 1893 DEMOSTHENES. Ed. crit. *Blass, jm'20, (vol. 1., 1885 ; vol. 11., 1888 ; vol. in., 1889). Ed. mi., Blass, 4m* 50. Codex 2. Facsimile. 2 vols. Omont, 600 fr., . 1892-93 With Explanatory Notes — Androtion and Timocrates. *W. Wayte, new ed., 7s. 6d. Cambridge, . . . 1890 De Corona. Lat. Lipsius, im'6o, . . . 1887 (Germ.) *Blass, 2111-20, . . . 1890 *Fox, (compared throughout with c. Ctes.), 6m., . . .1880 Wotke, nn., . . . 1891 Sophokles, 3111., . . . 1890 (Eng.) Drake-Shuckburgh, 4s. 6d. Macmillan, . 1889 Leptines. ^Sandys, 9s. Cambridge, . . 1890 J. B. King, 2s. 6d. Macmillan, . . . 1881 Megalopolis. (Germ.) *Fox, 4111-50, . . 1890 Midias. Fennell, 5s. Cambridge, . . . 1892 14 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS DEMOSTHENES — Continued. Philippics. (I.) *Gwaikin, 2s. 6d. Macmillan, Ev. Abbott, ed. mi 28. 6d. Oxford, . Tarbell (i.-iii.) $i. U.S.A., . Rehdantz and Blass, im*8o, (and Olynthiacs), *Ev. Abbott and Mathe- son, vol. L, 3s., 1887 ; vol. 11., 4s. 6d. Oxford, Sandys. Phil. 1., 01. i.-iii. (In the press.) Germ. Br aiming, 111V50, . Symmories, Megalopolitans and Rhodians. Flagg. $rio. U.S.A., Private Orations. *Paley and Sandys, ed. 3, vol. 1. (c. Phorm., Lacr., Pant., Bceot., Dionys.) 6s. ; vol. 11. (p. Phorm., Steph., Nicost., Conon. Call.), 7s 6d. (3rd ed. preparing.) Cambridge Plaidoyers Politiques. *Weil, vol. 1., (Lept. Mid F. Leg. Corona,), ed. 2, 8 fir., 1883 ; vol. 11 (Androt. Aristocr. Timocr. Aristog.), Les Harangues. *Weil (Phil. 01., etc.), ed. 2, 8 fr, *Westermann-Rosenberg. 3 vols. 1. (Philippics, etc.), 2m # 25, 1890 ; II. (Crown and Leptines). 2m*4o 1885 ; in. (Aristocrates, Conon, Eubu lides), im*8o, .... *A Schaefer. Demosthenes u. s. Zeit, ed. 2, 3 vols., 30m., *Preuss. Index, 10m., . *Rehdaniz. Indices, mr8o . *Blass. Die attische Beredsamkeit, vol. 3, pt. 1, Demosthenes, 16m., ed. 2, 1893 ; pt. 2, D.'s Genossen, 9m. Butcher. Introduction to study of Demosthenes, is. 6d. Mac' millan, . . . ... Eng. tr. Macmahon, $2*50. U.S.A., Fr. Transl. Dareste, 4 vols., 18 fr., Bougot, Rivalite d'Esehine et de Demosthene. fr. 3*50, Bredif. L'Eloquence politique en Grece, ed. 2, fr. 3*50, J. Girard. Etudes sur l'eloquence attique, ed. 2, fr. 3*50, 1883 1895 1880 1886 1890 1891 1880 1886 1886 1881 1890 1885-1887 1892 1886 1881 1884 1875-79 1891 18S6 1884 DINARCHUS. Text, Blast (with fragments of DEMADES), im., . 1888 DION CHRYSOSTOM. Ed. crit. Arnim, 2 vols., 24m., . 1893-96 ENNIUS. (See Merry under Fragmenta.) L. Muller in Postgate's CORPUS POETARUM, . 1894 (and Naevius.) Text with Lat. notes. L. Muller. Petersb., '..... 1885 L. Muller, Q. Ennius, Einleitung in das Studium der Lat. Poesie, 8s., ..... 1883 DEMOSTHENES — EURIPIDES 15 EPICTETUS. Ed. Crit. H. Schenkl, iom., 1894 Translation Eng. , G. Long, 2 vols., ios. 6d. Bell,. Higginson. 2 vols., $3. U.S.A., Encheiridion (with selections from other writings), Rolleston, is. 6d. Routledge. Bonhoffer, Die Ethik des Ep., iom., Epiktet u. die Stoa, iom., 1891 1890 1894 1890 EPICURE A. (Remains of Ep. with Lat. nn.) *Usener, 16m., 1887 EURIPIDES. Text. Nauck, ed. 3, 2 vols., 3m. Prinz (of Alcestis, im*20, Hecuba, im*6o, Medea, im*6o). Fragmenta. Nauck, 211170. With Explanatory Notes — Fr. *Weil, ed. 2, Seven Tragedies (Hipp., Med., Hec., Iph. A. and T., Elect., Orest.),i2 fr., . 1890 Alcestis. Jerram, 2s. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1884 *M. L. Earle, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1894 Hadley. (In the press.) Bayfield (elem.), is. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1890 Fr. *Weil 9 fr. 2-50, .... 1891 Germ. Bauer- Wecklein, im., . . . 1888 Bacchae. *Sandys, ed. 3, 12s. 6d. Cambridge, . 1892 *Tyrrell, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . . . 1892 Beckivith (after Wecklein), $1*50, U.S.A., . 1886 Cruikshank, 3s. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1893 Germ. Brunn, ed. 3, im'jo, . . . 1891 * Wecklein, im*5o, .... 1879 Cyclops. W. E. Long, 2s. 6d. Oxford, . . 1891 Electra. *Kcene, ios. 6d. Bell, . . . 1893 Fr. *Weil, 1 fr., . . . . . 1893 Hecuba. Bond and Walpole (elem.), is. 6d. Mac- millan, . . . . . . 1882 *Hadley, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, . . . 1894 Russell, 28. 6d. Oxford, . . . . 1889 Helena. Jerram, 3s. Oxford, . . . 1882 *Herwerden (crit. text, Lat. nn.), 4m'5o, . 1895 Hercules Furens. Gray and Hutchinson, 2s. Cam- bridge, . . . . . .1888 (Herakles.) *Wilamowitz-M Ollendorff, with Germ. comm. 2 vols., ed. 2, 16m., . . . 1895 16 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS EURIPIDES — Continued. Heraclidae. Jerram, 3s. Oxford, . . . 1888 Beck and G. E. Headlam, (new ed.), 3s. 6d. Camb., 1895 Germ. Bauer-Wecklein, im., . . . 1886 Hippolytus. *Hadley, 28. Cambridge, . . 1889 *Mahqfy and Bury, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1889 Germ. Barthold, 2m* 10, .... 1880 *Wecklein, im*$o, .... 1885 tr. and nn., *Wilamowitz-Mollendorff, 8m., 1891 Ion. Bayfield, 2 s. 6d. Macmillan, . . ' . 1889 *Verrall, With tr. and nn., 7s. 6d. Camb., . 1890 Jerram. 3s. Oxford, .... 1896 Thompson and Burnet, 3s. 6d. Clive. . . 1891 Iphigenia Aul. G. E. 8. Headlam, 2s. 6d. Cam- bridge, 1889 ^England, 7s. 6d. Macmillan, . . . 1891 Iphigenia Taur. ^England, 3s. Macmillan, . . 1883 Jerram, 3s. Oxford, .... 1885 Flagg,$rso. U.S.A., . 1889 Germ. MeUer, im'2o, . . . . 1891 Medea. Bayfield, is. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1892 *GlazebrooJc, 2s. 6d. Kiv., . . . 1886 Heberden, ed. 2, 2s. Oxford, . . . 1891 *Verrall, 7s. 6d., 1881 ; ^smaller ed., 28. 6d. Macm., 1883 Germ. *Wecklein, ed. 3, im*8o, . . . 1892 Mekler, im*20, .... 1891 Orestes. *Wedd, 4s. 6d. Cambridge, . . 1896 Phoenissae. Wecklein, 1111*50, Supplices. Ed. crit. *Wilamowitz-M'6llendorff (in Analecta Euripidea), 6m., .... 18*75 Paley, is. 6d. Bell, . . . .1888 Troades. * Tyrrell, ed. 3, 4s. Dublin, . . 1889 Selections (Elementary). A. Sidgivick. (Alcestis 1884, Bacchae 1885. Cyclops 1886, Electra 1884, Hecuba 1885, Ion 1884, Iphig. T. 1885, Medea 1885), is. 6d. each. Longmans, . Scholia. Schwartz, 2 vols., 18s., .... 1887-91 Eng. v. tr. Way, vol. i. (Alcestis, Hecuba, Medea, Hippolytus, Ion, Supplices), 6s. Macmillan, . . . 1894 Introduction. Mahaffy, is. 6d. Macmillan, Donne. (Anc. Class.), 2s. 6d. Blackwood, . Decharme. Euripide et l'esprit de son theatre, . . 1893 Barthold. Kritisch-exegetisch Untersuchungen zu Medea u. Hippolytus, 2in - 5o, . . . 1887 See F. W. Newman under Aeschylus. *Verrall. Eur. the Rationalist, 7s. 6d. Camb., . . 1895 Vogel. Scenen euripideischer Tragodien in Vasengemalden, . 1886 FLACCUS. See VALERIUS. EURIPIDES — HERODOTUS 17 FRAGMENTA. (See POETAE.) Poetarum Latinorum (text). Baehrens, 4ni'20, . 1886 Selections of Early Lat. Poetry (withnn.). *Merry, 6s. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1891 Historicorum Romanorum. Peter, 4s. 6d., . . 1883 GAIUS. Institutiones. Kruger and Studemund, ed. 3, 3m., . 1891 With Trans, and Comment. Poste, ed. 3, 1 8s. Oxford, ...... 1890 GELLIUS. Hertz, Ed. crit. 2 vols., 25m., 1883-85, Supple- ment, im'4o, ..... 1894 Ed. mi., 4m*2o, 1887. With Germ. tr. 7m., 1886 Nail, Stories from, with nn. (elementary), is. 6d. Macmillan, . . . . .1888 Westcott. Fifty stories from (elem.), $'30, U.S.A., 1893 HERACLITUS. Tr. Patrick, U.S.A., . . . . . 1889 PJleiderer. Die Philosophie d. Heraklitus im Lichte d. Mysterienidee, 8m., . .... 1886 HERODOTUS. Text. Dietsch, ed. 2, by Kallenberg, 2 vols., 2m'7o, 1884 *Stein, 211170, .... 1884 *Herwerden, 4 vols., . . . 1885 Ed. crit. ^Bolder, 2 vols., 6m., . . . 1886 Ed. crit. *Stein, 24m., . . . 1869-72 With Explanatory Notes — Bks. I.-III. Sayce, with nn. and Dissertations, 1 6s. Macmillan, .... 1883 I. Germ. *Stein, ed. 5, 2m'4o, . . . 1883 II. Germ. *A. Wiedemann, 12m., . . 1890 (Fall commentary on subject-matter). * Stein, ed. 4, 2m* 10, . Sitzler, im^o, . . . . 1888 III. Macaulay, 28. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1890 Germ. *Stein, ed. 4, im'5o, . . . 1893 IV. * 'Stein, ed. 3, im*5o, . IV. -VI. *Macan, 2 vols., 32s. Macmillan, . 1895 (Excellent Introduction and Appendices). V. *Shuckburgh, 3s. Camb., . . . 1894 V.-VI. *Ev. Abbott, 10s. 6d. Oxford, . . 1893 Germ. * Stein, ed. 4, 2m* 10, B 18 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS HERODOTUS — Continued. VI. Shuchburgh, 4s. Camb. Strachan, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, VI., VII. Merriam, J 1*50. U.S.A., VII. Mrs. Butler, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, Germ. * 'Stein, ed. 5, 2m* 10, Sitzler, ed. 2, im/30, VIII. Shuchburgh, 4s. Camb., . Germ. Sitzler, im*3o, . VIII., IX. Germ. *Stein, ed. 5, 21x1-25 IX. Shuchburgh, 4s. Camb., Ev. Abbott, 3s. Oxford, Selections (Ionian Revolt). E. B. Stone, 2s. Eton, A. H. Coohe. (Expedition of Xerxes), is. 6d, Merry, 28. 6d. Oxford, . Germ. Harder, im'8o, Fr. Tournier and Desrousseaux, 2 fr., Translation. M acaulay, 2 vols., 1 8s. Macmillan, Hauvette. Herod. Historien des Guerres Mediques, Gomperz. Herodoteische Studien, 2s. 6d., . HERO(N)DAS. Ed. pr. *Kenyon, 7s. 6d., 1891. Facsimile of Papyrus, 15 s. Rutherford, 28., TF. Headlam. Camb. (In the Press.), Lat. nn. and tr. *Bucheler, ed. 2, 2m '40, *Crusius. Text ed. 2, 3m*2o, Germ. iMeister. Text and nn., 10m., Ital. Piccolomini. Text with tr., *Mekler. Germ. tr. and nn., mr6o, Dalmeyda. Fr. tr. and intr. ed. 2, 3 fr. , Ristelhuber. Pr. tr. and intr. ed. 2, 3 fr., . *Crusius. Untersuchungen, 6m., 1891 1891 1885 1891 1889 1892 1894 1887 1893 1893 1887 1887 1888 1891 1890 1894 1883 1892 1891 1892 1894 1893 1894 1894 1894 1892 HESIODUS. Fich, 4m. (An attempt to restore the original text.), Bzach, 3m., SittL with Gr. nn., 10m., . Index Hesiodeus. Paulsen, 3m '50, Introduction (Anc. Class.). Davies, 2s. 6d Blackwood, HOMERUS. Text. *Monro, 10s. 6d. Oxford, . A, Piatt Iliad, 4s. 6d., 1894; Odyssey, 4s. 6d. Camb., [An attempt to restore the Prae- Alexandrian text.] 1887 1889 1891 1896 1892 HERODOTUS — HOMERUS HOMERUS — Co n tinued. Iliad. Ed. Crit. Van Leeuwen and da Costa, 2 vols., 6m., ...... 1887-9 *Fick, (in der urspriingl. Sprachform), 20m., . 1886 La Roche, 2 vols., 20m., . . . .1876 Cauer, 2 vols., ed. 111a., 6m'5o, . . . 1891 Nauck, 4m*25, ..... 1877 *Leaf. (Parnassus Libr.), 6s. Macmillan, . 1895 Odyssey, Ed. Crit. *Ludwich, 2 vols., 1 6m. ; ed. mi., 2 vols., im*5o, ..... 1891 *Fick, (in der urspriingl. Sprachform), 10m., . 1883 Cauer, 2 vols., 2nr6o, .... 1887 Van Leeuwen and Da Costa, 6m., . . 1893 Nauck, 4111*25, ..... 1879 La Roche, 2 vols., 13m., .... 1868 With Explanatory Notes — Iliad. *Leaf, 2 vols., 28s. Macmillan, . . 1886-8 *Leaf and Bayfield (School ed.), vol. i., Bks. i.-xii., 6s. Macmillan, .... 1895 *Monro, 2 vols., 12s., ed. 4. Oxford, . . 1894 Germ. * Ameis-Henze, 2 vols., 9m. 30 ; Anhang, i2m*8o, La Roche, in 6 parts, 2m*6o, Odyssey. Hay man, 3 vols., 58s. (sold separately), Nutt, ..... *Merry, 2 vols., 10s. Oxford, Larger ed. Vol. 1., bks. 1-12, ed. 2, 1 Fr. Pierron, ed. 2, 16 fr., Germ. *Ameis-Henze, 4 parts, 5m. 40 ; Anhang 3 5nr 10, .... Stier, complete in 8 parts, iim^o, Iliad. Bk. I. * Monro, with grammatical in trod, and nn. ed. 2, 28. Oxford, . I., II. *Sidgwick, 2s. 6d. each, I. -III. ^Seymour (after Ameis-Henze), $1*35 U.S.A., I.-VI. Keep, $1-40. U.S.A., I.-VI. Seymour (elem.), $r6o. U.S.A., III. Tatham (elem.), is. 6d. Oxford, IV.-VI. *Seymour, $1*40. U.S.A., VI. G. M. Edwards, 2s. Camb., . VI. Leaf and Bayfield, is. 6d. (elem.). Macm., ..... IX. Pratt and Leaf, 2s. Macmillan, XVI.-XXIV. Tyler, $1-50. U.S.A., XXI., XXII. Sidgwick, is. 6d. each, 1885-1891 1879-1891 1882 1887-8 1888 1889-91 1890 1885 1887 1889 1896 1889 1892 1890 1892 1893 1894 1886 1892-94 20 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS HOMERUS — Continued, XXIL, XXIII. G. M. Edwards, 2 vols., each 2s. Camb., ...... 1894 XXIV. Bayfield and Leaf, is. 6d. (elem.). Macmillan, . . . . . . 1894 G. M. Edwards, 2S. Camb., . . . 1895 L, IX., XL, XVI.-XXIV. (Story of Achilles). * Pratt and Leaf, 6s. Macmillan, . . 1880 Odyssey. I.-IV. *Perrin (after Ameis-Henze), $1*50. U.S.A., 1889 ; V.-VIIL, $1-50. U.S.A., . 1894 I. Merry, is. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1887 VI., VII. Merry, is. 6d. Oxford, . . 1892 VI. -VIII., XL, XIII. Merriam, $1-50. U.S.A., 1880 IX. G. M. Edwards, 2s. 6d. Camb., . . 1887 X. G. M. Edwards, 2S. 6d. Camb., . . 1888 XXI. G. M. Edwards, 28. Camb., . . 1890 XXI.-XXIV. Hamilton, 28. 6d. Macmillan, . 1883 Germ. La Boche. Commentary, 2m*8o, 4 parts, 1891-92 Selections. E. D. Stone (Wanderings of Ulysses), 28. Methuen, . . . . 1894 Hymni, Text with facsimile. A. Goodwin, 21s. Oxford, ...... 1893 Crit. text. Abel, im'8o, .... 1886 Germ. nn. *Gemoll, 6m '8o, . . . 1886 Batrachomachia. *Ludwich, 20m., . ,. . 1896 General. *Jebb. Introduction to Homer, ed. 4, 3s. 6d., . . 1892 Leaf. Companion to the Iliad, 7s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1892 Agnes Gierke. Familiar studies in Homer, 7s. 6d. Longmans, 1892 Gladstone. Landmarks of Homeric Study. 2s. 6d. Macmillan. 1894 Juventus Mundi, 10s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1869 Homeric Synchronism, 6s. 6d., Macmillan, . 1876 G. C. Warr. The Greek Epic ; 3s. S.P.C.K., . . 1895 Homeric Question. *Nutzhorne. Die Entstehungsweise d. homerischen Gedichte (with pref. by Madvig), .... 1869 Volkmann. Gesch. u. Kritik d. wolfschen Prolegomena, . 1874 *Kirchhoff. Die homerische Odyssee, . . . 1879 *Wilamowitz-Mdllendorff. Homerische Untersuchungen, . 1884 Seeck. Die Quellen der Odyssee, 9m., . . . 1887 *Niese. Die Entwickelung d. horn. Poesie, . . 1882 G. Wilkins. Growth of the Homeric Poems, 6s. (Mainly from Niese). Longmans, .... 1885 Rammer. Ein aesthetisches Kommentar z. Homer's Ilias, . 1889 Geddes. The Problem of the Homeric Poems. Macmillan, . 1878 Cauer. Grundfragen d. Homer-Kritik, 6m., . . 1895 Erhardt. Die Entstehung d. hom. Gedichte, 12m., . . 1893 A. Lang. Homer and the Epic, 9s. Longmans, . . 1893 Comparetti. Der Kalewala (Discussion of the origin of the great national epics), 8m., .... 1892 Packard. Origin of Homeric Poems (after Bonitz). tJ.S.A., . 1879 HOMERUS— HORATIUS 21 HOMERUS— Continued, Textual Criticism. *Lehrs. De Aristarchi Studiis Homericis, ed. 2, Cobet. Miscellanea Critica, . *Ludwich. Aristarch's Homerische Text-Kritik, 2 vols., 28m., Neumann. Eustathios als kritische Quelle f. d. Ilias text, 5m., La Roche. Homerische Untersuclmngen, vol. i., 6m., 1869; vol. ii., 5111., . Hollander. Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung d. home- rischen Hymnen, . Scholia Townleyana in Iliadem. Maass, 2 vols., £1, 16s. (See Leafs notice inC B. in., 155.) Oxford, Scholia Graeca in Iliadem. Dindorf, 4 vols., £2, 10s., Scholia Graeca in Odysseam. Dindorf, 2 vols., 15s. 6d., Les Scholies Genevoises de l'lliade. Nichole, 2 vols., 25 fr., . 1865 1876 1885 1893 1893 1888 1875 1855 1891 Language. *Monro. Grammar of Homeric Dialect, ed. 2, 14s. Oxford, Van Leeuwen. Enchiridion Dictionis Epicae, vol. i., 6m., 1892 vol. ii., 8111-25, .... *Seymour. Introduction to Language and Verse of Homer, $1 U.S.A., .... Schulze. Quaestiones Epicae, 12m., *Gehring. Index Homericus, 16m., Appendix (Ind. Hymnorum), 6m., . Goebel. Lexilogus, 2 vols., 33s., . Autenrieth. Worterbuch, ed. 6, 3m., 1890 ; Eng. tr. by Keep. Macmillan, 1885 ; rev. ed. by Flagg, *Ebeling. Lex. Homericum, 2 vols., 60m., Dunbar. Concordance to the Odyssey and Hymns, 21s. Oxford, Prendergast. Cone, to the Iliad. Longmans, 1891 1894 1892 1891 1895 1880 1891 1874-1885 1880 1874 Archaeology. *Helbig. Das homerische Epos, ed. 2, *Reichel. Ueber horn. Waffen, 5s. , Dorpfeld. Tro.ja, 5s., *Buchholz. Die Homerische Realien, 3 vols., 35m. . *Engelmann- Anderson. Pictorial Atlas to Homer, 10s. 6d, Grevel, ..... Translations. Translation, Eng. v. Iliad. Cayley, 7s. 6d. Longmans, Cordery, 5s. Paul, W. C. Green. (Books i.-xii.), 6s. Longmans, Way, ios. 6d. Macmillan, Odyssey. William Morris, 2 vols. , 24s. Reeves, I.-XII. Ducane, ios. 6d. Blackwood, Avia. Paul, .... Eng. pr. Iliad. *Lang, Leaf, and Myers, 12s. 6d. Macmillan, Odyssey. * Butcher and Lang, ios. 6d., ed. 2. Macmillan, HORATIUS. Text, crit. app. ^Keller and Holder, 2 vols., 1864- 1876 ; ed. mi., 4m., 1879 ; Epilegomena, 3 vols., 24m., ..... *Goiv. In Postgattfs Corp. Poet., . Keller and Haussner, ed. 2, im'2 5, *Page. (Parnassus Libr.), 5s. Macmillan, 1887 1894 1894 1871-1885 1892 1884 1894 1887 1880 1883 1879 1880 1892 1896 22 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS 1892 1896 1896 1888 1892 1884 1886-1890 1880-83 , 1892 1894 1887 1890 1882 1890 1888 1883 1881 1892 HORATIUS — Continued. Odes. Hertz, 2111-40, With Explanatory Notes — * Wickham, 2 vols., ed. 3, 24s. Oxford, . *Page, Wilkins, and Palmer, 8s. 6d. Macmillan Cornish (Eton Horace). Murray, 6s., Lat. * Or elli-Hirschf elder, vol. i., 18m., 1888 *Orelli-Mewes, vol. ii., 20m., * Or elli-Hirschf elder, ed. mi., 2 vols., 9m., Germ. *Kiessling, 8m'25, 3 parts, Schutz, 811170, .... Odes and Epodes. Hague, (with v. tr.), 73. 6d. U.S.A, *C. L. Smith, $r6o. U.S.A., Wickham, ed. mi., 6s. Oxford, . Germ. *Riessling, ed. 2, . L. Muller, 3m., Rosenberg, ed. 2, . Frigell. Upsala, . Odes. *Page, 5s. (also each book separately). Macm. Wickham, 5s. 6d. Oxford, Bk. I. Wickham, 2s. Oxford, Bks. I. and III. *Gow, 2s. each. II. and IV is. 6d. each. Camb., .... 1896 Epodes. Page, 28. Macm., . . . 1895 *Gow, is. 6d. Camb., .... 1896 Satires. * Palmer, 5s. Macmillan, . . . 1883 Epistles. * Wilkins, 5s. Macmillan,. . . 1885 I. Shuckburgh, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, . . 1885 II. and A. P., Cox, 28. Longmans, . . 1880 Satires and Epistles. Greenough, $1*35. U.S.A., . 1888 Kirkland (after Kiessling), $T20. U.S.A., . . 1893 Germ. *L. Mueller, 2 vols., 16m., . 1891-3 With tr. nn. and dissertations. A. S. 25. U.S.A., .... 1892 (And Select Epodes.) Balton, is. 6d. Macmillan, 1884 Selections. A. J. Church (Historical and Political Odes), 28. 6d. Blackie, . . . 1894 From the Odes. Wickham, 2s. Oxford, . 1886 Beere, 3s. Dublin, .... 1882 From Satires and Epistles. Baker, is. 6d. Macm., 1880 Translation Eng. v. T. Martin, 2 vols., 21s. Blackwood, . 1S81 Odes by various translators, is. 6d. Bell, 1889 (Chandos Classics), 2s. Warne, . 1889 Gladstone, 6s. Murray, . . 1894 De Vere, 7 s. 6d. Bell, . . 1893 Scholia. Holder, vol. i. (Porphyrion), 20m., . . 1894 Ars Poetica. Cook, $1 HORATIUS — JUSTINIANUS 23 HORATIUS — Continued. Detto. Horaz und seine Zeit, ed. 2, 3m.,- . L. Milller. Biographie des H., 2m - 4o, I. I. Hartmann. De Horatio poeta, 5m., Poiret. Horace. . /tude psychologique et litteraire, fr. 3*50, Waltz. Des Variations de la Langue et de la Metrique d. H., ; Verrall. Studies in the Odes, 7s. 6d., Gemoll. Realien bei Horaz, 4 parts, nm., Campaux. Histoire du texte d'Horace, fr. 3*50, "History of the writings of Horace. (Germ.), vol. i., M. Hertz (Analecta 1876-82) ; vol. ii., Manitius (Analekten), 2nr8o, G. Friedrich. Philologische Untersuchungen z. Horaz, 6m, (Notes on the composition and interpretation of certain Odes. *Sellar. Horace and the Elegiac Poets, 14s. Oxford, *Nettleship. Lectures and Essays. 7s. 6d. Oxford, Boissier. Nouvelles Promenades Archeologiques, fr. 3*50, ith HYPERIDES. Text. Blass, 2 in' 10, Against Athenogenes and Philippides. Kenyon, w: nn. and trans., 5s. Bell, INSCRIPTIONS. See Epigraphy in List of Subjects. JOSEPHUS. Text crit. Niese, 7 vols., 93m., . Ed. mi., 6 vols, at 3m. Naber, 6 vols, at 3m., .... Translation. A. JR. Shilleto, 2 vols., 7s. Bell, . ISAEUS. (See ATTIC ORATORS.) Text. Buermann, 201*40, Bidgeway, (preparing). W. Boeder., Beitrage z. Erklarung u. Kritik, 2m -50, L. Moy. Etude sur les Plaidoyers d'Isee, 6 fr., ISOCRATES. Text. Benseler and Blass, 2 vols., 211170, Panegyrikos. Keil, im., . A Martin (with an account of the Vatican ms), fr. : With Explanatory Notes — Selections. ^Schneider, ed. 3, 2 vols., 3m., . Evagoras. Clarke, 2s. 6d. Sonnenschein, . Translation. Freese, vol. i., 5s. Bell, Keil. Analecta Isocratia, 4111., .... Buermann. Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung d. Isok., 2m., Brand. De Isocratis Panathenaico, inr2o, ISYLLUS. *Text and Comm. Wilamoivitz-M Ollendorff, 2m' 50., JULIANUS. (Anti-Christian writings). Neumann, 6m. JUSTINIANUS. (See Corpus Juris.) 1892 1880 1891 1890. , 1881 1884 1892-94 1891 1893 1894 1892 1885 1886 1894 1893 1887-95 1895 1889 1883 1880 1876 1890 •50. 1888 1890 1894 1885 1886 1887 1886 1880 24 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS JUVENALIS. Text (with PERSIUS and SULPICIA). *Bucheler, ed. 3, 3m., ..... 1893 With Explanatory Notes — *John E. B. Mayor, (omitting Satires II.,VL, IX.), vol. i., ed. 4, 10s. 6d., 1886 ; vol. ii., ed. 2, 1 os. 6d. Macmillan, .... 1878 E. G. Hardy (expurgated), ed. 2, 5s. Macmillan, 1891 T. B. Lindsay, $1-25. U.SA., . . . 1890 Pearson and Strong, ed. 2, 9s. Oxford, . . 1892 Lewis (with trans.), 2 vols., 12s. Triibner, . 1882 Germ. Weidner, ed. 2, 4111-40, . . . 1889 *Friedlander, 2 vols., 14m., . 1895 Sat. VII. Fr. Hild, 3 fr., . . . 1890 Translation. Leeper, ed. 2, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1891 Beer. Spicilegium Juvenalianum, 2111 # 8o, . . 1885 Guerin. Etude sur Juv. , fr. 7 -50, Diirr. Das Leben Juvenals, mi'so, . . . 1888 KTESIAS. (See CTESIAS.) LIVIUS ANDRONICUS and NAEVIUS. Fragments. L. Muller, 2m., . . . 1885 LIVIUS. Text with app. crit. *Madvig and Ussing 4 vols., 25m., . . . . . 1866-83 Zingerle, in 6 parts, 7111*20, 1883 foil. Luchs. Books XXI.-XXV., 3m., 1888 ; Books XXVI.-XXX., 3m., .... 1889 With Explanatory Notes — *Weissenborn (new ed. by H. J. Muller), 10 vols., 37nr65 (sold separately). Weidmann, . . 1875-94 Book I. Stephenson (elem.), is. 6d. Macmillan, 1883 Purser, 3s. 6d. Simpkin, . . 1881 Germ. M. Muller, im'5o, I., II. Greenough, $1*25. U.S.A., . . 1891 I, XXL, XXII. Westcott, $1-25. U.S.A., . 1890 II. Belcher, 2s. 6d. Longmans, . . . 1891 M. Muller, 1111*50, II., III. Stephenson, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . 1882 III.-X. Germ. *Luterbacher, each book im'20, . 1891 IV. Stephenson, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, . . 1890 V. Whibley, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, . . 1890 I.-V. Prendeville and Freese, each book is. 6d. Bell, . . . . . .1892 Germ. O. Haupt. Commentar f. d. Sclmlgebrauch, each 80 pf., ..... 1891 JUVENALIS— LUCANUS 25 LIVIUS— Continued. V.-VII. Cheer and Matheson, 5 s. Oxford, VI. Stephenson j 2s. 6d. Cambridge, Weymouth and Hamilton, 2s. 6d. Bell, VI., VII. Germ. C. Haupt, each 80 pf., . VIII. -X. Germ. C. Haupt, 1111*20, IX. Stephenson, 28. 6d. Cambridge XXI. Dowdall, 3s. 6d. Bell, Dimsdale, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, Tatham, 2s. 6d. Oxford, . Germ. *Luterbacher, ed. 4, . 0. Haupt, 2m, XXL, XXII. Greenough and Pec&, $1.50. U.S.A., Fr. Havant, 1 fr., . iord (after Wolfflin), $1. U.S.A. XXI. -XXIII. Tatooro, 5s. Oxford, Germ. *Fugner, 3m* 50, * Wolfflin, each book, 1111*20, XXI. -XXV. Fr. Riemann and Benoist, fr. 4*50, XXII. Dowdall, 3s. 6d. Bell, . Dimsdale, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, Tatham, 2s. 6d. Oxford, Germ. (7. Haupt, Commentar, 80 pf.. *Luterbacher, ed. 3, XXIII., XXIV. Macaulay, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, XXIII.-XXV. Fr. #am^, fr. 150, XXIV.-XXV. H. J. Muller, 201*20 (sold separately). XXVI. -XXX. Fr. Riemann and Homolle, fr. 2*75, XXVII. Stephenson, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, XXIX., XXX. Germ. *Luterbacher, each im'20, Selections. Last Two Kings of Macedon. Rawlins, 2s. 6. Macmillan, .... (elem.) Nicol and Smith, is. 6d. Sonnenschein, Zingerle. Zur vierten Dekade des L., 70 pf., *Filgner. Lexicon Livianum. Parts 1-6 (A to Annuus), each 2111*40, (in progress). Frigell. Prolegomena in Libros XXII.-III., im "50, . Translation, XXI. -XXV. Church and Brodribb, 7s. 6d. Macm., Introduction to Study of L. Capes, is. 6d. Macmillan, Riemann. Etudes sur la langue de Tite Live, ed. 2, 9 fr., Havant. Emendationes et adnotationes ad T. Livium, 8 fr., . LONGINUS. De Sublimitate. Crit. text, John and Wahlen, 2m*4o, Translation, Havell and A. Lang, 4s. 6d. Macm., LUCANUS. Text. *Hosius, 3m*6o, .... Ed. Crit. Francken. Vol. 1. 188V 1892 1895 1893 1895 1891 1885 1889 1889 1894 1892 1893 1881 1890 1889 1888 1891 1885 1888 1889 1888 1893 1894 1885 1889 1891 1893 1886 1891 1893 1885 1883 1889 1887 1880 1887 1890 1892 1896 26 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS LUCANUS — Continued. With Explanatory Notes — *Haskins and Heitland, 14s. Bell, Bk. I. Heitland and Haskins, 1 s. 6d. Fr. P. Lejay, fr. 3*60, . Bk. VII. Postgate (in the press). Camb., LUCIANUS. Crit. text. Peregrinus. Dial. Mort. Somnium. Selections, 1887 1885 1894 1886-9a 1892 1887 1888 1891 1887 1882 Sommerbrodt, 3 parts, 15 m., Levi, im*8o, .... Fr. Tournier and Desrousseaux, fr. 1 '50, Desrousseaux, 1 fr., Inge and Macnaghten, 3s. 6d. Riv., . Mackie (Menippus and Timon), 3s. 6d. Cambridge, .... _Bcmd and Walpole (elem.), is. 6d. Macm, Williams, $1*40, U.S.A., Germ. Sommerbrodt, 3 parts, 5111*50, . Translation. Six Dialogues. *Irwin, 3s. 6d. Methuen, Introduction (Anc. Class. ). Collins, 2s 6d. Blackwood, Fr. M. Croiset. La vie et les oeuvres de L., fr. 7*50, LUCILIUS. See Merry under Fragmenta. LUCRETIUS. Text. Brieger, im'8o, .... 1894 J. S. Beid (Parnassus Libr.). Macm. (Preparing). With Explanatory Notes — *Munro, ed. 4, 2 vols., 18s. Trans. 6s. Bell, . 1891-93 Bk. I. Fr. Benoist, 90 c, . . . 1892 I.-III. Lee, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1882 I. -VI. (notes onL, II., IV.) Kelsey, $175. U.S.A., 1884 V. *Duff, 2s. Cambridge, . . . 1888 Fr. Benoist and Lantoine, 4 fr.; ed. mi. 90 c, 1884 Selections. Dymes, 2s. 6d. Rivington, . . 1889 Germ. Weissenfels. Lucrez u. Epikur, 5m., . . 1889 Woltjer. Lucretii poemata cum fontibus comparata, 6m., . . . • • 1877 Introduction (Anc. Class.), MallocJc, 2s. 6d. Blackwood, Masson. The Atomic Theory of L., 9s. Bell, . . 1884 LYCURGUS. In Leocratem, text, Thalheim, 60 pf., . . 1880 With Germ. nn. Nikolai, 75 pf., . . . 1885 Eehdantz, 2m*25, .... 1876 Durrbacli. L'Orateur L. Etude hist, et litt., 4 fr., . 1889 LUCANUS — NEPOS 27 LYSIAS. Text. Weidner, im*25, .... 1888 Cobet, ed. 2, 3111., .... 1882 Selections with Notes — Germ. Bauchenstein-Fiihr, ed.10, 2 vols., 211170, . 1886-89 W. Kocks, 3m., . . . 1887 Frohberger, ed. mi. (by Gebauer and Thalheim), 301*30, . . . 1892 Ed. ma. (by Gebauer). Pt. 1., 4111*50, . 1880 *Shuckburgh, 5s. Macmillan, . . 1882 Stephens, ed. 2. U.S.A., . . 1878 Bristol, $1. U.S.A., . . . 1892 ^Morgan, $1.40. U.S.A., . . 1895 Epitaphios. Snell, 2s. Oxford, . . . 1887 Germ. Erdmann, 80 pf., . . . 1881 Holmes Index Lysiacus, 8m., .... 1895 Devries. Ethopoia (Types of character in L.). U.S.A., . 1893 Desrousseaux and Egger. Dionys d'Halicarn. Jugement sur L. (text, transl. and nn.), 4 fr., . . . 1890 MANILIUS. B. Ellis, Noctes Manilianae, 6s. Oxford, . 1891 MARTIALIS. Text. Gilbert, 2111*40, .... 1886 With Explanatory Notes — *Germ. Crit. text, Friedldnder, 2 vols., 18 m., . 1886 Selections. Stephenson, 6s. 6d. Macmillan, . 1888 Sellar and Bamsay, 3s. 6d. Edinburgh, 1884 Westcott (120 epigrams), $-30. U.S.A., 1894 MELEAGER. See ANTHOLOGIA GRAECA. NAEVIUS. See Ennius and Livius Andron. NEMESIANUS. See Calpurnius. NEPOS (CORNELIUS). Text. Halm-Fleckeisen, ed. 10, 111V20, . . 1889 With nn. 0. Broivning and Inge, 3s. Oxford, . 1888 Bolfe,$vio. U.S.A.,. . . 1894 Germ. Weidner- Schmidt, inr25, • • 1890 Erbe. (With maps and illustrations.) ed. 2, 2m7o, .... 1892 Selections (elem.). Farnell, is. 6d. Macmillan, . 1887 (Hannibal, Cato, Atticus). Shuckburgh, is. 6d. Camb., 1896 Weissenborn. N. in seiner Bedeutung fiir den Unterricht, . 1892 28 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS NIGIDIUS FIGULUS. Fragmenta, text and Lat. nn., Swoboda, 6 m., . 1889 NONIUS. Ed. crit. L. Mutter, 32m, . . . 1888 *Onions. Bks. I.-IIL, 10s. 6d. Oxford, . 1895 ORACULA SIBYLLINA. Crit. Text. Bzach, 12 m.,. . . . 1890 Germ. Bzach, Kritische Studien zu d. Sib. Or., 6m-8o, ...... 1890 Metrische Studien, im*6o, . . . 1892 ORATORES ATTICI. Jebb. Selections from Antiphon, Andocides, Lysias, Isocrates, Isaeus, 5s., ed. 2. Macmillan, *Blass. Die attische Beredsamkeit. 3 vols. I. Gorgias zu Lysias, 14 m., ..... II. Isokrates u. Isaeos. 14 m., III. 1. Demosthenes, i6m., III. 2. Demosthenes' Genossen u. Gegner, 9 m., *Jebb. Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeus, ed. 2, 25s. Macmillan, ..... 1888 1887 1892 1893 1880 1893 OVIDIUS. Text. Merkel, 3 vols., 2111*90 (1st vol. ed. Ehwald), .... 1884-1889 Ars Amatoria, Amores, J. H. Williams, 3s. 6d. Bell, 1884 Fasti. Text. Guthling, 75 pf., . . . 1886 With Notes. Hallam, 5s. Macmillan, Germ. Peter, ed. 3, 2 vols., 3in*6o, Heroides. Sedlmayer, Text, 80 pf., 1886. Kritischer Commentar, 2111., Shuckburgh, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . Ibis, Lat. nn. *B. Ellis, 10s. 6d. Oxford, Metamorphoses. Text, *Zingerle, im'2 5, . I. Dowdall, is. 6d. Cambridge, . VIII. Kerne, 2s. Macmillan, XIII., XIV. ^Simmons, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, XIII. Keene, 2s. 6d. Bell, Germ. Haupt, Korn and Midler, 2 vols., 4111*65, 1881-85 Magnus, 2 parts, im*8o each, I.-V. Lange (Methodische Lehrer-Com mentar), Selections. Allen and Greenough, $1*50. U.S.A. Fr. Lejay, fr. 2*25, . Tristia. Crit. text, *S. G. Owen, 16s. Oxford, 1881 1889 1881 1879 1882 1884 1892 1896 1887 1884 1885 1892 1890 1889 NIGIDIUS FIGULUS— PHAEDRUS 29 OVIDIUS — Continued. Ex Ponto, etc., *Giithling, im'4o, . . . 1886 I. *S. G. Owen, ed. 2, 3s. 6d. Oxford, . . 1891 Keene, 3s. Bell, .... 1887 Shuckburgh, is. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1895 III. *S. G. Owen, 2s. Oxford, . . . 1889 Selections. B. W. Taylor, 3s. 6d. Kivington, . 1882 Kelsey, $1-25. U.S.A., . . 1890 Introduction (Anc. Class.), Church, 2s. 6d. Blackwood, Engelmann. Bilder- Atlas z. O.'s Metamorphosen, 2nr6o, . 1890 Anderson. On the Sources of the Heroides, 201*50, . . 1896 Peters. Schulworterbuch z. Ovid, 201-50, . . . 1894 PAUSANIAS. Text, with app. crit. and Germ. Commentary. *Hitzig and Blumner, vol. i., 18m., . . 1896 Frazer, trail si. and nn. (in press), 5 vols. Macm. John. Descriptio Arcis Athenarum, ed. Michaelis, 5m., ...... 1880 Heberdey. (Germ.) Travels of Pausanias in Greece, 10m., ...... 1894 Kalkmann. P. cler Perieget (On the Sources of Paus.), 8m., ..... 1886 Gurlitt. Ueber P. (Defends P. from Kalkmann's charge of inaccuracy), 9m., . . . 1890 Translation, A. B. Shilleto, 2 vols., 10s. Bell, . 1886 Mrs. V err all (Attica). With good illustrations, included in Miss Harrison's 'Anc. Athens,' 1 6s. Macmillan, .... 1890 Immerwahr. Lakonika, 3m., . . . 1889 PATERCULUS. See VELLEIUS. PERSIUS. (JUVENALIS, SULPICIA.) Text and scholia. *Jahn-Bucheler, 3m., ed. 3, . 1893 *With tr. and commentary. Conington and mttleship, 8s. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1893 PETRONIUS. (Including the satires of VARRO and SENECA.) Text. *Bucheler, ed. 3, 3m., . . . 1895 With Germ. tr. and nn. Cena Trimalchionis. *Friedlander, 5m., .... 1890 E. Thomas. L'Envers de la Societe romaine d'apres P., 3 fr., . 1892 A. Collignon. Etude sur P. La critique litteraire, limitation et la parodie dans le Satiricon, . . . 1893 PHAEDRUS. Text. Biese, 45 pf., .... 1885 Fr. *Bobert. Text with facsimile of Cod. Pith- ceanus, 10 fr., . . . . . 1894 30 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS PHAEDRUS — Continued. Fr. Havet, with crit. and explanatory nn., Germ. Siebelis-Polle, 75 pf., . . . 1889 R. Ellis. Inaugural Lecture, is. Oxford, . . 1894 I. I. Hartmann. De Phaedri Fabulis Gommentatio, 2111*50, . 1890 *Hervieux. Les Fabulistes Latins, vols. 1.-111., each fr. 12-50, 1884-96 PHILO. Text. *Cohn and Wendland, vol. i., 9m., . 1896 *Bernays. De Incorruptibilitate Mundi. Text with Germ. tr. and nn., 4m., . . . 1876 Ueber d. Schrift liber d. Unzerstorbarkeit des Weltalls, 4m., . . . . 1883 Cumont. De Eternitate Mundi, 4m., . . 1891 * Wendland. (Germ.) Newly discovered Frag- ments, 5 m., ..... 1891 J. R. Harris. Fragmenta, . . . 1886 * Colin. De Mundi Opificio, . . .1889 *Conybeare. De Vita Contemplativa (with full nn. and Index, and Lat. and Armenian trans.), 1895 Teschendorf. Philonea, .... 1868 *Ryle. Philo and Holy Scripture, 1 os. Macmillan, 1895 PHILOSOPHORUM GRAECORUM FRAGMENTA. With Lat. trans., nn. and prolegomena. Mullach, 3 vols., 37s. 6d., . . . 1860-81 *Diels. Doxographi Graeci (Placita Philoso- phorum), 24m., ..... 1879 PHRYNICHUS. Text, with Intr. and Comm. ^Rutherford, 18s., . 1881 Brenous. De Phrynicho Atticista, fr. 2*50, . . 1895 PINDARUS. * W. Christ. Text, with Proleg. and Comm., 14m., 1896 *Fennell. Text with nn., vol. i. (Olymp. and Pyth.), ed. 2, 9s. Cambridge, . . . 1893 Vol. ii. (Mem. and Isthm.), 9s., . . 1883 Olymp. and Pyth. *Gildersleeve, ed. 2, 7s. 6d. Macm., 1890 Nem. *Bury, 12s. Macmillan, . . . 1890 Isthm. *Bury, 10s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1892 Selections. ^Seymour, $1.40. U.S.A., . . 1882 Boehmer, Sicilian Odes with Germ. tr. and notes, 5m., 1891 A. Croiset. La poesie de P., 7 fr., . . . 1886 Rumpel. Lexicon Pindaricum, 12 m., . . . 1883 Ital. Fraccaroli, tr. with introd., .... 1894 Introduction (Anc. Class.). Morice, 2s. 6d., Scholia. Ed. Abel. Vols. ii. and iii., 30m. (vol. i. not yet pub- lished), . . . . . . 1890 PHAEDRUS — PLATO 31 PLATO. Text. Ed. crit. Hermann-Wohlrab, 6 vols., iom*5o, ...... 1877-89 Schanz, vol. i. (Euthyphro, Apol., Crito, Phaedo), 6m. ; Vol. ii. (Cratylus, Theaet.), 6m.; Vol. iii. (Sophist), 2m. ; Vol. v. (Symp., Phaedrus), 4m.; Vol. vi. (Ale. I. and II., Hipparch., Arnat., Theag., Charm., Lach., Lys.), 5m. ; Vol. vii. (Euthyd., Prot.), 4m"5o ; Vol. viii. (Gorg., Meno), 5m. ; Vol. ix. (Hipp. Ma. and Mi., Ion, Menex., Clit.), 3m. ; Vol. xii. (Leges, 1-6), 6m., . 1875-93 Apologia. *Adam, 3s. 6d. Cambridge, . . 1889 St. George Stock, 28. Oxford, . . . 1887 Germ. Schanz, 3m., .... 1894 Fr. Cucuel, ..... 1891 Crito. *Adam, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, . . 1893 St. George Stock, 2s. Oxford, . . . 1891 Keene, 2s. 6d. Macm., .... (and latter part of Phaedo). Germ. Schanz, 40 pf., .... 1888 Schmelzer, im'20, .... 1883 Apol. and Crito. L. Dyer, $1.50. U.S.A., . . 1885 Lat. *Stallbaum and Wohlrab, 2in'40, . . 1877 Germ. Cron, ed. 9, im., . . . . 1888 Petersen, im*5o, .... 1896 Charmides and Lysis. Germ. Schmelzer, im., . 1884 Cratylus. Germ. Schablin, Ueber den Platonischen Dialog. Crat., . 1891 Lat. Cucuel (On the purpose of the Cr.), fr. 3.50, . 1886 Euthydemus. Wells, 4s. Bell, . . . 1881 Germ. Cron., ..... 1892 (and Laches). Lat. Badham, 4s. Williams and Norgate, . . . . 1865 Euthyphro. * Adam, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, . . 1890 Wells, 3s. Bell, . . . ... 1884 Germ. Schanz, 75 pf., . . . . 1887 Bertram, 60 pf., . . . 1889 Wohlrab, 40 pf., .... 1888 Christ, 40 pf., .... 1890 (and Menexenus). G. E. Graves, is. 6d. Macm., 1881 Gorgias. *Lodge (after Deuschle-Cron), $1.5. U.S.A., 1891 ^Thompson, W. H., new ed., 6s. Bell, . . 1894 Germ. Deuschle-Cron, ed. 4, im/80. Anhang 90 pf., Schmelzer, im*8o, .... 1883 ScMrlitz, Beitrage zu Erklarung d. Gorgias u. Theaetetus, . 1888 Hippias Maj. G. Smith, 3s. 6d. Percival, . 1894 32 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS PLATO — Continued. Ion and Hipp. Ma. G. Smith, 3s. 6d. Riv., Laches. Tatham, 2s. 6d. Macmillan, Germ. Cron, ed. 5, 75 pf., Bertram, 60 pf., (and Ion). Germ. Schmeher, 90 pf., Meno. St. George Stock, ed. 2, 3s. Oxford, E. S. Thompson. Macmillan. (In the Press.) (and Euthyphro, Theages, Erastae, Hipparchus). *Stallbaum-Fritzsche, 6m., Parmenides. Maguire, 7s. 6d., *Waddell, with Intr. and facsimiles, 31s. 6d. Maclehose, .... Phaedo. * Archer Hind, ed. 2, 8s. 6d. Macmillan, Geddes, ed. 2, 8s. 6d. Macmillan, Germ. Wohlrab, ed. 2, im*5o, Schmeher, im'20, . Baumann (philosophisch erklart), 4m., Fr. Couvreur, fr. i'5o, Phaedrus. Germ. Schmeher, 1111., . Protagoras. *Adam, 4s. 6d. Cambridge, . Turner, 6s. Percival, Towle (after Sauppe), $ 1.30. U.S.A., Sihler, $75. U.S.A., *Wayte, ed. 7, 4s. 6d. Bell, Germ Bertram, im., Deuschle-Cron, im'5o, Republic. *Jowett and X. Campbell, 3 vols., 42s. Oxford Trans, with Introduction, *Joivett, ed. 3, 12s. 6d. Germ. Schmeher, 2 vols., 4m '8o, . I. Hardy, 3s. Longmans, Germ. Wohlrab, 60 pf., I.-II. *ra 5 , 5s. Bell, . I.-V. Warren, 6s. Macmillan, . X. Turner, 4s. 6d. Rivington, . Sophista. Germ. Schanz, 2m., Symposium. Lat. Badham, 4s. Williams and N, Germ. Schmeher, im., Hug, r ed. 2, 3m., . Fr. _Hm£. Etudes sur le Banquet de P., Theaetetus. ^Campbell, ed. 2, 10s. 6d. Oxford, With trans. Kennedy, 7s. 6d. Cambridge, Lat. *Stallbaum- Wohlrab, 3m'6o, Germ. H. Schmidt. Crit. and exeg. nn. 2 vols., 7m*20, ..... Timaeus. With trans. Archer Hind, 16s. Macm., 1895 1888 1892 1889 1884 1891 1885 1882 1894 1894 1885 1887 1883 1889 1893 1882 1893 1891 1889 .1881 1890 1885 1884 1895 1888 1884 1882 1893 1894 1888 1889 1866 1882 1884 1889 1883 1881 1891 1877-80 1888 PLATO— PLAUTUS 33 PLATO — Continued. Selections. *Purves, 5s. Oxford, . . . 1883 *Sidgivick, 3s. 6d. Rivington, . . 1888 Translation. *Joivett, ed. 3, 5 vols. , 84s. Oxford, . . 1892 F. J. Church. (Euthyphr., Apol., Crit., Phaedo), 2s. 6d. Macm., . . . 1SS6 *Pater. Plato and Platonisra, 8s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1893 Adam. Plato's Nuptial Number, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, . 1891 Ritter. Untersuchungen (Genuineness and order of the Dialogues), 2111-50, ...... 1888 Horn. Plato-studien, 6m., .... 1893 Wohlrab. Die Platon-handschriften, 2m. 40, . . 1887 Vortrage iiber P.'s Lehrer u. Lehren, . . 1879 Huit. La Vieetl'CEuvredeP., .... 1893 Benard. Platon, sa pliilosophie, .... 1892 *Bonitz. Studien, ed. 3, 7111., .... 18S6 PJleiderer. Zur Losung d. Platonischen Frage, . . 1888 Joel. Zur Erkentniss d. geistigen Entwicklung Platon's, 2m., 1887 Sybel. Platon's Technik (illustrated from the Euthydemus and Symposium), ..... 1889 A. B. Cook. Metaphysical Basis of P.'s Ethics, 6s., Bell, . 1895 Ev. Abbott. A subject index to P., 2s. 6d. Oxford, . 1894 Bosanquet. Companion to P.'s Eepublic, 6s., Rivington, . 1895 Immisch. Philologische Studien z. P. Pt. I., Axiochus, 3111., 1896 PLAUTUS. Ed. Crifc. *Ritschl, ed. 2, . Amphitruo. (Goetz and Loewe), 3nr6o, . 1882 Asinaria. (Goetz and Loewe), 3iir6o, . . 1881 Aulularia. (Goetz), 2111-40, . . . 1882 Bacchides. (Goetz), 4m., . . . 1886 Captivi. (Schoell), 4111., .... 1887 Casina. (Schoell), 5nr6o, . . . 1890 Cistellaria et Fragmenta. (Schoell and Goetz), 5ni*6o, Curculio. (Goetz), 2111*40, . . . 1879 Epidicus. (Goetz), 3m., . . . .1878 Menaechmi. (Schoell), 5m*6o, . . . 1889 Mercator. (Goetz), 3m '6o, . . . 1883 Mil. Glor. (Goetz), 6m., . . . 1890 Mostellaria. (Schoell), 6m., . . . 1893 Persa. (Schoell), 5nr6o, . . . 1892 Poenulus. (Goetz and Loeive), 5111., . . 1884 Pseudolus. (Goetz), 5m*6o, . . . 1887 Rudens. (Schoell), 5nr6o, . . . 1887 Stichus. (Goetz), 3m '6o, . . . 1883 Trinummus. (Schoell), 5nr6o, . . . 1884 Truculentus. (Schoell), 4m*8o, . . . 1881 Text. With App. Crit. *Leo, Vol. I. (eleven comedies), 18111., .... 1895 (With brief critical notes) * Goetz and Schoell, in 7 pts. at about im^o each, Supplement, 45 pf., . . . . 1892-95 With Lat. nn. *Ussing, 5 vols., 80111., . 1875-1886 C 34 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Macmillan, PLAUTUS — Continued. Amphitruo. ^Palmer 5s. Macmillan, Fr. L. Havet, 6 Jr., Asinaria. Gray, 3s. 6d. Cambridge, Aulularia. Adapted by Card. Newman. Eiv., Captivi. ^Sonnenschein (with Bentley's emendations on the whole of Plautus), 6s., 1880 ; ed. mi 3s. 6d. Soimenschein, . * Lindsay, 28. 6d. Oxford, Hallidie, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, Freese (abridged for schools), is. 6d. Methuen, Germ. *Brix, ed. 4, im., . Casina and Cistellaria. *Ussing, 6m., Epidicus. Gray, 3s. Cambridge, . Menaechmi. H.N. Fowler (after Br ix),$i. U.S.A. Germ. *Brix-Niemeyer, im., Miles Gloriosus. ^Tyrrell, 3s. 6d, Lat. Bibbech, 2m' 80, Germ. *Brix, ed. 2, *Lorenz, ed. 2, 2m* 50, Mostellaria. E. P. Morris. U.S.A., ^Sonnenschein, 5s. Bell, Germ. *Lorenz, ed. 2, 2m*5o, Pseudolus. E. P. Morris, $T2o Germ. *Lorenz, 3m, Rudens. *Sonnenschein, 8s. 6d. Stichus. Fennell, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, Trimimmus. Freeman and Sloman, 3s. Oxford, Germ. *Brix and Niemeyer, im*20, Translation Eng. v. Sug den (Amph., Asin., Aul., Bacch., Capt.), 6s. Sonnenschein, .... *Langen. Plautinische Stadien,i3m., Beitrage z. Kritik u. Erklarung des P., 6m., Stoitsch. Studien z. plautinischen Prosodie, Sonnenschein. Bentley's Plautine Emendations, 2s. 6d. Oxf. Ritschl. Prolegomena de rationibus criticis, etc., 4m., *Leo. Plaut. Forsehungen, 13m., Weise. Lexicon PI., reprint 4m., *Studemund. Apographon of the Ambrosian Palimpsest of PI 70m., ..... Studia in Priscos Scriptores Latinos, 2 vols., 22m. PLINIUS (the elder). Ed. crit. *Detlefsen, 6 vols., 14111.80, 1866-82 Jan and Mayhoff, ed. 2, vols. I. -IV, um. (In progress.), ..... 1892 Bks. XXXIII.-XXXVII. Text, tr., and comm. Sellers, Jex-Bldke, and Urlichs. Macmillan. (In the Press.) U.S.A., Oxford, 1890 1895 1894 1888 1889 1887 1891 1894 1884 1887 1893 1889 1892 1889 1881 1882 1886 1880 1884 1883 1891 1876 1891 1893 1883 1888 1893 1886 1880 1892 1883 1880 1895 1886 1889 1873-91 PLAUTUS — POETAE GRAECI 35 PLINIUS (the younger). Bks. L, II. Cowan, 3s. Macm., 1889 Bk. III. *John K B. Mayor and G. H. Bendall, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, .... 1880 Bk. X. *R G. Hardy, 10s. 6d. Macm., . . 1889 Select Letters. Prichard and Bernard, 3s. Oxford, 1887 Heathy, 3s. Kivington, .... 1889 Holbrooke, $1. U.S.A., . . . . 1883 Collignon, fr. i' 50, .... 1886 PLUTARCHUS. VITAE with notes. Agis and Cleomenes. Blass, 90 pf., . Aristides and Cato. Blass, 90 pf., Cicero. Graux, 1 fr., Demosthenes. *Holden, 4s. 6d. Cambridge, Fr. Graux, 1 fr., . Galba and Otho. *E. G. Hardy, 6s. Macmillan, Gracchi. *Holden, 6s. Cambridge, . Underbill, 4s. Oxford, Germ. Blass, 90 pf., Nicias. *Holden, 5s. Cambridge, . Pericles. *Holden, 4s. 6d. Macmillan, Fr. Alf. Jacob, fr. 1*50, . Philopcemen and Flamininus. Siefert-Blass, 90 pf., Sulla. *Holden, 6s. Cambridge, Themistocles. *Holden, Ed. 3, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, Germ. Bauer, 2111., Themistocles and Pericles. Blass, ed. 2, im*5o, Timoleon. *Holden, 6s. Cambridge, Timoleon and Pyrrhus. Siefert-Blass, im*5o, 8111*40, Translation. Stewart and Long, 4 vols., 14s., Clough, 3 vols., 30s., MORALIA. Text. Bernardakis, 6 vols., Pythian Dialogues. Text. Baton, 5m., De Aud. Poetis. Fr. nn. Aubert, 75 c, De Educatione. Fr. nn. Bailly, 60 c, Translation. King and A. R. Shilleto, 2 vols., 10s. Bell, Holland (Roman Questions), ed. Jevons, 10s. 6d, Nutt, .... Larsen. Stud. Crit. in Plutarchi Moralia, 3m., 1882 1893 1881 1890 1888 1892 1887 1894 1893 1887 1892 1884 1889 1881 1883 1888-95 1893 1888 1892 1889 POETAE GRAECI. (See ANTHOLOGIA and FRAGMENTA.) Lyrici. Bergh and Hiller, ed. 4, 3 vols., 30m., 1878-1882 Selected and translated by F. Brooks. Nutt, 1896 36 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS POETAE GRAECI— Continued. Minores. Pomtow, 2 vols., 5m., . . . 1885 With nn. *Farnell, 16s. Longmans, . . 1891 (Anthol. Lyr.) Bergk-Hiller, 3m., . . 1890 Biese, im*35, . . . 1892 Tyler, $V2o. U.S.A., . . 1879 With Germ. nn. Buchhoh, 2 vols., 3111*60, . 1886 Appendix Epigrammatum, Cougny (in Didot's series), 15 fr., . . . . 1890 Tragici (Fragmenta). Nauclc, ed. 2, 26m. Index, 12m., 1892 Gr. Papageorgios. Crit. and exeg. nn. on, im*6o, 1880 Blaydes. Adversaria, 8m., . . . 1895 E. D. Stone. (Selections from Gr. Trag.), 3s. 6d. Eivington, . . . . . 1890 Goldwin Smith. (Specimens of Gr. Trag. trans- lated), 10s. Macmillan,. . . . 1893 Epici (Fragmenta). Kinlcel, vol. i., 3111., (Burlesque Epic.) Brandt, 3s., . . . 1888 Selections (Golden Treasury). Wright and Ev. Abbott, 10s. 6d. Oxford, . " . . 1890 (Elegiac). Kynaston, is. 6d., . POETAE LATINI. (See CORPUS POETARUM, ANTHOLOGIA, FRAGMENTA.) Minores. Baehrens, 5 vols., 16m., . . . 1879-83 Schulze. Rom. Elegiker, 2ni*4o, . . . 1890 Goldwin Smith. Bayleaves (translations from Lat. poets) 5 s. Macmillan, .... 1893 POLYBIUS. Crit. text. Biittner-Wobst, 4 vols., 13111*50, . 1882-95 Hultsch, 4 vols. (ed. 2 of I. and II.), 16111-50 1870-1892 Selections with notes. ^Strachan-Davidson, 21s. Oxford, ...... 1888 Capes. (Achaean League), 5s. Macmillan, . 1888 Translation. *Shuclcdurgh, 2 vols. 24s. Macmillan, . . 1S89 Germ. Scala. Die Studien des Polybios, 5m., . . 1890 Hultsch. On P. 's use of the Tenses, 1 im. . . 1891-93 PROPERTIUS. (See CORPUS POETARUM, also CATULLUS and TIBULLUS.) Ed. Crit. *Postgate, 3s. 6d. Bell, 1894, Text. L. Mueller, 60 pf., . . .1880 Baehrens, 5m'6o, ..... 1880 With Explanatory Notes — Book IV. *Palmer, 3s. 6d. Bell, . . 1880 Selections. *Postgate, 5s. Macmillan, . . 1885 *Plessis. Etudes critiques sur P., fr. 7-50, . . . 1884 *Sellar. Horace and the Elegiac Poets, 14s. Oxford, . 1892 POETAE GRAECI — SENECA 37 PUBLILIUS SYRUS. Text and nn. 0. Friedrich, 5 m., . . 1880 Bickf or d- Smith. 5s. Cambridge, . . 1895 QUINTILIANUS. Instit. Orat. Text. Meister, 211170, . . 1886-87 With Explanatory Notes — I. Fr. nn. Fierville, 10 fir., . . . 1890 X. *Feterso7i, 12s. 6d. Oxford, 1891 ; text alone, 3s. Oxford, ..... 1892 Fr. *Hild, fr. 3-50, .... 1885 Dosson, fr. 1*50, .... "1884 X., XII. Frieze, ed. 2. U.S.A., . . . 1890 Declamationes. Bitter, 4nr8o, . . . 1884 SALLUSTIUS. Text. Eussner, 45 pf., . . . 1888 With appendix Jordan, ed. 3, . . . 1887 With Notes— Jugurtha. Germ. *Schmalz, ed. 2, im'20, . . 1886 Fr. Lallier, 4 fr., . . . . . 1885 Catilina. *A.M.Cooh, 2s. 6d. Macmillan, . 1884 Turner, 2s. Kivington, .... 1887 Germ. Opitz, 60 pf., . . . . 1894 Fr. A. Antoine, 6 fr., .... 1888 and Jugurtha. Long and Frazer, 5s. Bell, . 1884 Capes, 4s. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1884 Germ. Jacobs- Wirz, 2m '2 5, . . 1894 Fragmenta. *Maurenbrecher (app. crit. comm. ind.\ 8m., . . . . . 1893 Constans. De Serraone Sallustiano, fr. 7*50, . . 1880 Translation. Pollard, 6s. Macmillan, . . . 1S82 SAPPHO. Text and trans. H. J. Wharton, ed. 3, 7s. 6d., . 1894 SCRIPTORES REI RUSTICAE. (See CATO and VARRO.) SENECA (The Younger). Tragoediae. Text. Leo, 2 vols, 4m*8o, . . 1879 Philosophical Works. Text. (12 Dialogues). Koch and Vahlen, 8m., .... 1879 *Gertz (ad Cod. Ambrosianum), um^o, . . 1886 De Beneficiis and De Clementia, 3111., Apocolocyntosis. (See PETRONIUS.) Select Epistles. Germ. Hess, vol. i., inr8o, . . 1890 Translation (Minor Dialogues). A. Stewart, 5s. Bell, . 1889 (On Benefits). A. Stewart, 3 s. 6d. Bell, . 1S87 Hilgenfeld, Lat. (On the date and Order of the Epistles), 2m., 1890 Rossbach. De Senecae librorum recensione, . . 1888 G. Miiller. De Senecse Qusest. Nat., Gercke. Seneca-Studien, 9111., . . . 1895 38 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS SENECA (The Elder). Text. H. J. Midler, 14m., . . . 1888 SILIUS ITALICUS. Punica. L. Bauer, 2 vols, 4m*8o, . . 1890-92 L. Bauer. Handschrift. u. kritisch exegetische Erorterungen z. d. Pimica, ..... 1893 SOPHOCLES. Text. Dindorf-M elder, 1111*50, . . . 1885 Facsimile of Laurentian ms., ed. by Jebb and E. M. Thompson, £6, . . . . 1885 With Explanatory Notes — *L. Campbell, 2 vols., 24s. Oxford, . . 1879-81 Paley, 2 vols. Bell, . . . .1880 Campbell and Ev. Abbott, 2 vols., 10s. 6d., (and each play separately). Oxford, . . 1886 Lat. *Wunder- Wecklein, each play about 1111*50, Germ. *Schneidewin-Nauck, each play about im*5o, Ajax. fjebb (ed. crit., with nn. and prose tr.), 12s. 6d. Cambridge, . . . . .1896 Paley, is. 6d. Bell, .... 1888 Germ. Wolff -Bellermann, im*2o, . . 1887 " Antigone. *Jebb (with pr. tr.), ed. 2, 12s. 6d. Canib., 1891 Humphreys, $ 1.50. U.S.A., . . . 1891 Paley, is. 6d. Bell, .... 1881 D'Ooge, $1.50. U.S.A., .... 1887 Germ. Wolff -Bellermann, ed. 5, 1111*50, . . 1887 Wecklein, ed. 3, im*20, . . . 1890 Gr. Semitelos, 14s., . . . . 1886 Electra. *Jebb (with tr.), 12s. 6d. Cambridge, . 1894 Lat. John, ed. Michaelis, with critical notes, Scholia, and illustrations, 4m., . . 1882 Germ. Commentary, Pluss, 3111., . . . 1891 Wolff- Bellermann, im*5o, (Edipus Col. *Jebb (with tr.), 12s. 6d. Cambridge, 1890 Paley, is. 6d. Bell, . . . .1881 L. Campbell and Ev. Abbott, 2s. Oxford, . 1895 Germ. Bellermann, im*5o, (Edipus Rex. *Jebb (with tr.), ed. 3, 123. 6d. Cam- bridge, 1893 ; ed. mi., 4s. 6d. . . 1885 Kennedy (with v. tr.), ed. 2, 8s. Bell, 1885 ; ed. mi., 5s., ...... 1885 Germ. Wolff -Bellermann, im/25, . Philoctetes. ^Jebb (with tr.), 12s. 6d. Cambridge, 1890 Graves, $1. U.S.A., . . . 1894 Germ. Wecklein, ed. 2, 1111*20, . . . 1889 SENECA — TACITUS 39 SOPHOCLES —Continued. Trachiniae. *Jebb, 12s. 6d. Cambridge, . . 1892 ed. crit. Schubert, ...... Translation, Eng. V. Whitelaw, 8s. 6cl. Longmans, . 1883 L. Campbell, 7s. 6d. Paul, . . 1883 Sir G. Young, 12s. 6d. Bell, (Ed. R. Morshead, 3s. 6d,, Eng. Pr. L. Campbell, Ajax and Electra. Morshead, 2s. 6d. Methuen, . . . 1895 (Ed. R. Kennedy (with criticism of the Play), .... 1884 Schiitz. Sophokleische Studien, 6m., . . . 1890 Scholia (e codice Laurentiano). Papageorgius, with crit. nn., 4nr8o, ...... 1889 STATIUS. Achilleis. Kohlmann, y$ pf., . . . 1879 Thebais. Kohlmann, 4m* 80, . . . 1884 STOBAEUS. Anthologium. Ed. crit., Wachsmuth and Hense, vols. 1-3, 38m., . 1884-94 STRABO ^Selections with notes. Tour, 12s. Oxford, . 1893 Dubois. Examen de la Geographie de S., 12 fr., . . 1891 SUETONIUS. Peck (elementary). U.S.A., . . . 1889 (Augustus). *Shuckburgh, 10s. Cambridge, . 1896 Ruhnken. Scholia in Suet, (reprint), 7m., . . 1888 SULPICIA. (See PERSIUS). SYRUS. (See PUBLILIUS). TACITUS. Text. J. Midler, 2 vols, 3m., Crit. Text with Lat. nn. Ore/li, 2 vols., 1st ed. Baiter, 16m., 1859 ; 2nd ed. Meiser and others. 30m., . . . . . 1877-95 Annals. Text. Furneaux, 6s. Oxford, . . 1892 With Notes. Holbrooke, 16s. Macmillan, . 1884 * Furneaux, 2 vols., 38s. Oxford, . . 1884-91 Germ. Nipperdey - Andresen, 2 vols. I. 3111., II. 2m7o, ..... 1892 Braeger, ed. 5, 2 vols., each 2m'25, . . 1887 I.-IV. Furneaux, 5s. Bk. I., separately, 2s., I. -VI. Allen, $1-50. U.S.A., . . . 1890 XIV. Worihington, 2s. Longmans, . . 1889 40 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS TACITUS — Continued. Histories. *Spooner, 16s. Macmillan, Godley, 2 vols., ios. Macmillan, Bk. I., G. A. Davies. (In the Press.) Fr. *Gautrelle, . Bks. I. and II., Goelzer, fr. i*8o, . Germ. * Wolff, 2 vols., 4m*5o, *Heraeus, vol. i. (bks. I. -III.), ed. 4, 1885 ; vol. n (bks. IV.-V.), ed. 3, (each vol. 2m.), Agricola. & F. Davis, 2s. Methuen, Germ. Draeger, ed. 5, 6o pf., Germania. *Fumeaux, 6s. 6d. Oxford, B. F. Davis, 2s. Methuen, Germ. Schweizer-Sidler, ed. 5, 2m., Agric. and Germ. Stephenson, 3s. Cambridge, A. G. Hopkins (after Draeger and Schweizer-Sidler), $1.. U.S.A., .... Allen, $1. U.S.A., Dialogus. Text. Baehrens, 2m., Notes with app. crit. ^Peterson, ios. 6d. Oxford *Gudeman, $3. U.S.A., . Bennett, 80 cents. U.S.A., Germ. E. Wolff, im'20, 1890 ; Translation, Andresen, ed. 3, 90 pf., Fr. Goelzer, 4 fr., . Introduction. Church and Brodribb, is. 6d. Macmillan. Transl. Quill. Histories, vol. 1., 7s. 6d. Murray, . Lexicon. *Gerber and Greef, pts. 1-12 (A-Reliquus), each 3in*6o. *Draeger. Ueber Syntax u. Styl des T., ed. 3, 2m. 80, CUmen. De breviloquentia T., 3m., *Ph. Fabia. Les Sources de T. dcins les Histoires et les Annales, 12 fr., TERENTIUS. Text. *Dziatzko, im*20. . Adelphi. *Ashmore, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . Sloman, 3s. Oxford, Wagner, is. 6d. Bell, Fr. *Ph. Fabia, fr. 1-50, . Germ. Spengel, im*5o, . . v *Dziatzlco, im'5o, Andria. Freeman and Sloman, 3s. Oxford, Wagner, is. 6d. Bell, Cornish (Scenes from Andria), is. 6d Macmillan, Germ. Spengel , ed. 2, mr8o, (And Heautontimorumenos) . West, $1*50. U.S.A., Eunuchus. *Ph. Fabia, .... 1891 1887-90 1880 1889 1886-88 1884 1892 1891 1894 1894 1889 1894 1891 1880 1881 1893 1894 1894 1891 1891 1890 1892 1877-95 1882 1S81 1893 1884 1893 1886 1882 1892 1879 1881 1885 1882 1883 1888 1888 1895 TACITUS — THUCYDIDES 41 TERENTIUS— Cont inued. Heautontimorumenos. Wagner, is. 6d. Bell, Gray, 3s. Cambridge, Hecyra. Fr. P. Thomas, fr. 3*50, Phormio. Sloman, 3s. Oxford, Bond and Walpole, 28. 6d. Macmillan Wagner, is. 6d. Bell, . *Elmer,9i. U.S.A., . Germ. *Dziatzko, ed. 2, im/20, Selections. Card. Newman (for acting), 4 parts, 1 each. Kivington, .... Ph. Fabia. Les Prologues de T., 6 fr., Engelbrecht. Stuclia Terentiana, 3m., Hartmann. De Terentio et Donato, 6m., . THEOCRITUS. Ed. Crit. *Ziegler, ed. 3, . Text with nn., Snow (Kynaston), ed. 5, 4s. 6d Oxford, .... German ** Fritzs che and Hiller, 211170, (BION and MOSCHUS). Eng. Pr. tr. A Lang, 2s. 6d. Macmillan, Eng. v. tr. Mallard, 6s. 6d. Longmans, Hiller. Beitriige zur Textgeschichte d. griechischen Buko liker, 3m -20, .... Rumpel. Lexicon Theocriteum, 8m., THEOGNIS. Text. Sitzler, 4111., THUCYDIDES. Text and notes. Lat. *Poppo — Stahl, 8 parts, 22m*8o, . . . . . Germ. * Classen — Steup, 8 parts, i6m'8o, . I. Geare, 28. 6d. Longmans, *Forbes, 8s. 6d. Oxford, Morris (after Classen), $1-65. U.S.A., Germ. F. Muller, 2111*40, . I.-II. Fr. A. Croiset, 7 fr., . II. *Shilleto, 5s. 6d. Bell, *Marchant, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, III. Spratt, 5s. Cambridge, C. F. Smith (after Classen), $175, U.S.A., IV. Critical text. Butherford, 7s. 6d. Macmillan, (Simplifies the text by bold excisions). (With notes). Barton and Chevasse, 5s. Longmans, *C. F. Graves, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, V. Fowler (after Classen), $T2o. U.S.A., *C. E. Graves, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, VI. Dougan, 6s. Bell, .... Mar chant. Macmillan. (In the Press.) Germ. F. Midler, im*8o, 1882 1895 1887 1887 1879 1886 1895 1885 1883 1888 1883 1896 1879 1892 1881 1889 1894 18S8 1879 1880 1875-89 1882-1892 1887 1895 1888 1893 1886 1880 1891 1896 1894 1889 1884 1884 1888 1891 1883 1887 42 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS THUCYDIDES — Continued. VL-VIIL (Text). *Hude, 5111., . . . 1890 VI, VII. Lamberton, $1*50. U.S.A., . . 1885 VII*Marchant, 3s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1892 C. F. Smith (after Classen), $1*20. U.S.A., 1886 *H olden, 5 s. Cambridge, . . . 1891 Stout and Flaistowe, 4s. 6d. Clive, . 1892 Germ. F. Midler, inr8o, . . . 1889 VIII.*Tucker, 3s. 6d., (textual and grammatical notes). Macmillan, . . . 1892 *Goodhart, 9s. Macmillan, . . . 1893 Germ., F. Miiller, im/80, . . . 1889 Selections. Colson. (Rise of the Athenian Empire), is. 6d. Macmillan, .... 1884 Sutthery and A. S. Graves (Fall of Plataea and Plague at Athens), is. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1894 C. E. Graves. Capture of Sphacterin, is. 6d., Sing. (Siege of Plataea), is. 6d. Eiv., . 1893 E. H. Moore, 3s. 6d. Riv., . . 1885 Fr. Alf. Croiset, 2 fr., . Index Essen, 12m., ..... 1887 Herbst. Erkliirungen u. Widerherstellungen, vol 1. (Bks. 1-4), 2 nr8o, 1892. Vol. 11. (Bks. 5-8), 3nv6o, . . 1893 Stahl. Quaestiones Graimnaticae, ed. 2, im*6o, . . 1886 Steup. Studien, 2 parts, 6m., .... 1886 Translation. *Jowett. 2 vols., 32s. Oxford, . . 1881 Miiller-Striibing. Thukydideische Forschmigen, 7111., . 1881 A. Bauer. Thukydides u. Miiller-Striibing. Kirchhoff. Th. u. sein Urkundenmaterial, 3m '60, . . 1895 TIBULLUS. (See CORPUS POETARUM and CATULLUS). Text, Killer, 60 pf., .... 1885 (And PROPERTIUS) Selections. Ramsay, 6s. Oxford, . . . . . 1887 Germ. Fabricius. Die Elegie d. T. und einiger Zeitgenossen erklart, 3111., . . . 1881 *Sellar. Horace and the Elegiac Poets, 14s. Oxford, . 1892 Belling. Kritische Prolegomena zu T., 3111., . . 1893 VALERIUS FLACCUS. Summers. Study of the Argonautica, 2s. 6d. Bell,. . 1894 VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Text. Kempf, 4m., .... 1888 Selections. C. S. Smith, $'25. U.S.A., . 1895 VARRO. De Re Rustica. Keil. Grit, text, 6m., 1884; ed. mi., 1111-50, 1889 ; crit. comm., 8m., . . . .1891 Saturae Menippeae. (See PETRONIUS.) THUCYDIDES — VERGILIUS 43 VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. Lib. II. Bockwood, $i. U.S.A., VERGILIUS. Crit. Text. *Bibbeck, ed. 2, 4 vols., 24111.60, Text for Schools. Bibbech, ed. 2, im'5o, Text. Kloucek, 3m # 2o, .... Thilo, im"5o, Nettleship in CORPUS POETARUM. *Page (Parnassus Libr.), 6s. Macmillan, Papillon and Haigh (Minor Poems by B. Ellis), 5 s. Oxford, . . . With Explanatory Notes — *Conington and Nettleship, 3 vols., 42s., Bell, new ed. by Haverjield preparing. Frieze. U.S.A., . *A. Sidgwick, 2 vols., 8s. Cambridge, 1890 (also in separate books.) Greenough, $175. U.S.A. (or in two vols.), Papillon and Haigh, 2 vols., 12s. Oxford, 1890-91 (also in parts). Fr. Benoist, 3 vols., fr. 22*50, Aeneid. I.-VI. *Page, 6s. (and separate books) Macmillan, .... I.-VI. *Greenough-Kittredge, $1*50. U.S, I. Jerram, is. 6d. Oxford, Storr, is. 6d. Rivington, IT., III. Hoivson, 2s. Macmillan, III. P. Sandford, is. 6d. Dublin, V. Storr, is. 6d. Rivington, Germ. Brosin and Heilkamp, 8m'3o, Georgics. Jerram, 2 vols., 5s. Oxford, Bk. I, Page (elem.), is. 6d. Macmillan Bucolics. Jerram, 2s. 6d. Oxford, . Page (elem.), is. 6d. Macmillan, Fr. Waltz, with facsimiles of mss., Culex. With Lat. nn. Leo, 3m., . Translation, pr. Conington, 6s. Longmans, Mackail, Bucolics and Georgics. 5s. Riv. 1889 ; Aeneid, 7s. 6d. Macmillan, v. Bowen (Bucolics and Aen. i.-vi ). ed. 2, 12s. Murray, S. Palmer (Bucolics), Ehoades (Aen. 1-6), 5s. Longmans, (Georgics). 2s. 6d. Paul. Thomhill (Aeneid), 7s. 6d. Longmans, Servius' Commentary. Thilo and Hagen. 3 vols., 60m., Greenough. Vocabulary, $i-io. U.S.A., . Peters. Schurwbrterbuch z. V.'s ; Aeneis, 21^50, 1893 1895 1895 1886 1886 1895 1895 1881-84 1887 1895 1884-90 1894 .., 1895 1887 1888 1891 1893 1888 1890 1891-2 1887 1893 1891 1888 1889 1883 1893 1886 1878-94 1890 1896 44 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS VERGILIUS— Continued, Flilss. V. und die epische Kunst, . . . 1884 Sonntag. V. als bukolischer Dichter, 5m., . . 1891 Boissier. Nouvelles Promenades Archeologiques (Hor. and Virg.) *Henry. Aeneidea, 4 vols. Dublin, . . . 1873-92 H. Georgii. Die antike Aeneis-kritik aus den Scholien, . 1891 *Hild. LaLegende d'Enee avant V. 3 fr., . . . 1883 *Nettleshix>. Introduction to the Study of V., is. 6d. Macmillan. Ancient Lives of, V. Oxford, 2s., . 1879 *Sellar. Poets of the Augustan Age (Virgil), ed. 2, 9s. Oxford, 1883 Tunison. Virgil in the Middle Ages. U.S.A., . . 1889 *Comparetti. Virgilio nel medio evo. New ed., 1S96. Eng. tr. by Benecke, 7s. 6d. Sonnenschein, . . . 1895 XENOCRATES. Fragmenta. Text with comment. Heinze, 5m*6o, . 1892 XENOPHON. With Explanatory Notes — Agesilaus. Hailstone, 28. 6d. Cambridge, . 1879 B.W. Taylor, 2s. 6d. Rivington, . 1880 Germ. Gidhling, im'5o, . . . 1888 Anabasis. Pretor, 2 vols., 7s. 6d. Cambridge, (or in separate parts), . . . * . . 1888 Vollbrecht (Germ.), 2 vols., ed. 8, 3m., I.-IV. W. W. Goodwin and White, rev. ed., $1-65. U.S.A., 1894 Kelsey and Zenos, $r6o. U.S.A., . . 1889 Germ. Sorof, im*20, . . . 1893 I.-III. Germ. Behdantz-Carnuth, im*8o, . 1888 I. Marshall, 28. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1885 Walpole, (elem.), is. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1882 II. Jerram, 2s. Oxford, .... Walpole (elem.), is. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1888 III. Marshall, 28. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1888 Cyropaedia. Text. Cobet-Mauve, 2111*15, • • 1893 With notes, *Holden, I., II., 6s. ; III.— V., 5s. ; VI.— VIII., 5s. Cambridge, . . . 1887-90 I. Bigg, 2s. Oxford, .... 1888 Wilhins, 28., ..... 1887 IV., V. Bigg, 2s. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1886 VII., VIII. Alfred Goodivin, 28. 6d. Macmillan, 1880 Hellenica. Ed. Crit. Keller, 10111., ed. mi., im., . 1890 With Explanatory Notes— Book I., Bowdall, 2s. Bell, . . . 1890 Book II., Bowdall, is. 6d., . . . 1889 P. Sandford, 28., .... 1888 I., II. Underhill, 3s. Oxford, . . . 1888 Blake, $i'2o. U.S.A., . . . 1894 I.— IV. Manatt after Buchsenschiitz, 81*45. U.S.A., 1888 V.— VII. Bennett, $1-45. U.S.A., . . 1892 VERGILIUS — ZENO AND CLEANTHES 45 XENOPHON— CpntmumL Hiero. Shindler, 28. 6d. Sonnenschein, . . 1883 *Holden, 28. 6d. Macmillan, . . . 1883 Memorabilia. Text. Gilbert, im., . . . 1888 Gluer, 5s. Macmillan, .... 1880 Marshall, 4s. 6d. Oxford, . . .1890 Winans, $V2o. U.S.A., . . . 1880 Germ. Weissenbom, 2111*40, . . . 1887 Oeconomicus. *Holden, ed. 5, 5s. Macmillan, . 1895 Thompson and Hayes, 4s. 6d. Clive, . . 1895 Fr. Humbert, 2 fr., .... 1886 *Graux and A. Jacob, fr. 1*50, . . . 1886 Symposium. Winans, $'50. U.S.A., . . 1881 Scripta Minora. Selections, Keene, is. 6d. Macm., 1894 Translation. *Dakyns (4 vols.), vol. i. (Anab., Hell. I., II.), 10s. 6d. ; vol. ii. (Hell. III.-VII., Ages., Politics, and Revenues), 10s. 6d. ; vol. iii. (Memorabilia, Apol., (Econ. etc.), 10s. 6d. Macmillan, . . . . 1890-94 Art of Horsemanship (with notes). Morgan, 7 s. 6d. U.S.A., .... 1890 I. I. Hartmann. AnalectaXenophontea, 10m., 1887; Analecta Nova, 10m., . . . . . 1889 Joel. Der echte u. d. Xenophontische Socrates, vol i., 14m., . 1892 E. Richter. Xenophon-Studien, 2111*40, . . . 1892 Strecker and Kiepert. Beitr. z. geogr. Erkliirung d. Anabasis (with good map), ..... 1870 Thiemann. Worterbuch zu X.'s Hellenica, 2m., . . 1883 Kricger. Worterbuch z. X's Anab., ed. 4, 2111, . . 1872 White and Morgan. Diet, to the Anab. (with cuts), 81 '25. U.S.A., 1892 Joost. Sprachgebrauch Xenophons, ZENO and CLEANTHES. Fragmenta. A. C. Pearson, 10s. Cambridge, 1891 HELPS TO THE STUDY OF ANCIENT AUTHORS List of Subjects. LANGUAGE. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY. *Giles. Manual of Comp. Phil, for Classical Students, ios. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1895 *V. Henry. Precis de Grammaire Comparee du Grec et du Latin. Ed. 5. fr. 7*50, . . 1890 Eng. tr., 7s. 6d. Sonnenschein, . 1890 *Brugmann and Stoh. Gr. u. Lat. Grammatik, ed. 2. (In Iwan v. M tiller's Handbook, vol. ii.), 1890 *Brugmann. Comp. Grammar, vol. i. (Phonology), tr. by Wright, 1 8s. ; vols. ii. to iv. (Morphology), tr. by Conway and Bouse, 48s. 6d. Index, 9m., Nutt, ...... 1888-95 King and Cookson. Sounds and Inflections in Greek and Latin, 1 8s. Oxford, . . 1888 Introduction to Comp. Grammar, 5s. 6d. Oxford, ..... 1890 Darbishire. Relliquiae Philologicae, ed. Conway, with Memoir by Sandys, 7s. 6d. Cambridge, . 1895 Conway. Verner's Law, 5s. Triibner, . . 1887 Fennell. Indo-Germanic Sonants and Consonants, 5s. Nutt^ ..... 1895 Paid. Principles of the Science of Language, tr. by Strong, ed. 2, ios. 6d. Sonnenschein, . 1890 ^Strong, Logeman and Wheeler. Hist, of Lan- guage, ios. 6d. Longmans, . .1891 *Delbruck. Vergleichende Syntax d. idg. Sprachen. Pt. i., 20m., ..... 1892 1 Most of the subjects included under this head are touched on in Dr. Gow's very useful Companion to School Classics, ed. 3, 6s. Macmillan, 1893. 46 COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY 47 COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY— Continued, Wharton. Etyma Latina, 7s. 6d. Kivington, Etyma Graeca, 7s. 6d. Kivington, *Fick and Bezzenberger. Etyniologisches Worter buch d. indogerm. Sprachen, ed. 4, vol. i., 14m. vol. ii., 8m*6o, . . , . Breed and Bailly. Diet. Etymologique Latine, Ed. 2, fr. 7-50, .... Bechtel. Die Hauptprobleme d. indog. Lautlehre seit Schleicher, 9m., *Prellwitz. Etymologisches Worterbuch der griechischen Sprache, 8m., Mon. Williams. Sanskrit-Eng. Diet., £4, 14s. 6d, Oxford, ...... *H. Grassman. Worterbuch z. Rig- Veda, 30m., *Wackernagel. Altindische Grammatik. Pt. i, (Lautlehre), .... * Whitney. Sanskrit Grammar, 12s., ed. Triibner. .... 1890 1882 1891-94 1886 1892 1892 1888 1873 1896 1889 Historical Development of the Greek and Latin Languages, and th Cognate Dialects. Kretschmer. Einleitung in die Geschichte d. griechischen Sprache, 10m., . . . 1896 *H. W. Smyth. Sounds and Inflexions of the Greek Dialects. (Ionic), 24s. Oxford, . 1895 * Monro. Homeric Grammar, 14s. Oxford, . 1891 *Ahrens-Meister. De Graecae Linguae Dialectis, vol. i. (iEolian, Boeotian, Thessalian), 6m., 1882. Vol. ii. (Elean, Arcadian, Cypriot), 7m., 1889 Meister. Zur Gr. Dialektologie, . . . 1883 ^Hoffmann. Die griechischen Dialekte in ihrem historischen Zusammenhange, 2 vols., 22m., . 1891-3 E. Boisacq. Les Dialectes Doriens, . . 1891 *D. Pezzi. Lingua greca antica. Turin, . 1888 (Excellent summary on the Greek Dialects.) A. Thumb. Handbuch d. neugriechischen Volks- sprache, 6m., ..... 1896 Hatzidakis. Einleitung in d. neugriechische Grammatik, 10m., .... 1892 Jannaris. Historical Greek Gr. from the earliest period down to the present day. Macmillan. (In the Press. ) Constantinides. Neohellenica. Dialogues illus- trating the history of the Gr. Lang., 6s. Macmillan. ..... 1892 48 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY— Co ntinued. Mrs. Gardner, Mod. Gr. Gr,, 4s. 6d., . . 1892 Le Grand. Diet, du Grec moderne, 12 fr., . 1882 Fsichari. Etudes de Philologie neogrecque, fr.22'5o, . . . . . 1893 * Lindsay. Historical account of Latin Sounds, Stems, and Flexions, 21s. Oxford, . . 1894 Conway. Italic Dialects. Camb. (In the Press.) Bucheler. Lexicon Italicum, . . . 1881 F. D. Allen. Remnants of Early Latin, $1, U.S.A., 1880 E. Schneider. Dialecti Latinae Priscae et Faliscae exempla seleeta, 3111 "60, . . . 1886 ^Wordsworth. Fragments and Specimens of Early- Latin, 1 8s. Oxford, .... 1874 Bebling. Charakteristik d. roinischen Umgangs- sprache, ...... 1883 *8ckuchhardt. Der Vocalismus d. Vulgarlateins. 3 vols., 27m., ..... 1866-68 Bbnsch. Itala u. Vulgata, 8m., . . . 1869 F. T. Cooper. Word- formation in Roman Sermo Plebeius, U.S.A., .... 1895 Ludivig. De Petronii Sermone Plebeio, im., . 1870 f Bonnet. Le Latin de Gregoire de Tours, 5 fr., . 1890 *Meyer-Lubhe. Gramm. d. romanischen Sprachen, vols, i., il, 35m., .... 1890-94 Fr. tr. by Babiet, 44 fr., . . . 1890-95 *Diez. Grammatik d. romanischen Sprachen, ed. Scheler, 18m., ..... 1887 E. Littre. Histoire de la Langue FranQaise, 2 vols., ...... 1863 *A. Darmesteter. Cours de Gramm. Hist, de la Langue Francaise, 3 vols., ed. 2, . . 1895 F. Brunot. Gramm. hist, de la L. Fr., . . 1887 Bracket. Grammaire historique de la Langue Franchise. "^Translated and enlarged by P. Toynbee, 7s. 6d. Oxford, . . . 1896 (Compare under heads Grammar and Epigraphy.) GREEK LANGUAGE. GRAMMAR. Eng. Jelf after Kiihner, 2 vols., 30s. Parker, . . 1866 * Goodwin. 6s. Macmillan, . . . 1894 ^Syntax of Moods and Tenses, ed. 2, 1 8s. Macm., . . . 1892 GREEK LANGUAGE 49 Hadley. Ed. Allen, 6s. Macm., . . 1884 Thompson, Gr. Syntax, 7s. 6d. Riv., Gedcles. Gr. Gr., new ed. Oliver & Boyd, . 1888 *Madvig. Syntax, Eng. tr. Rivington, 8s. 6d., 1853 Rutherford, First Gr. Gr., 3s. 6d., Macmillan, . 1890 Sonnenschein. (Accidence), 28., . . . 1892 (Syntax), 2s. 6d.,. . . 1894 *Veitch. Irregular Verbs, ed. 4, 10s. 6d. Oxford, 1888 Germ. *Kuhner. ed. Blass, vols. i. and ii. (Accidence), 12m. each, ..... 1890-92 *Kruger. 2 vols, with full index, 13m., . . 1875 G. Meyer. (Accidence), ed. 2, 901*50, (special reference to inscriptions), . . . . 1886 *Meisterhans. Gramm. der Attischen Inschriften, ed. 2, . . . . . . 1888 Kretschmer. Gr. d. Vasen-inschriften, 5m., . 1894 W. Schmidt. Der Atticismus (Later Atticism), 4 vols., 33ni'20, ..... 1887-96 Schanz. Beitrage zur historischen Syntax der Griechischen Sprache, 4 vols., 43m., . . 1884-96 Delbruck. Syntaktische Forschungen, vols, i.-v., , 28m-Qo, ...... 1871-88 Hubner. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen lib. d. gr. Syntax, 3m. (useful for bibliography), . . 1883 Fr. Biemann et Gucuel, Regies Fondamentales de la Syntaxe, fr.2*5o, ed. 3, . . 1892 (See Phrynichus in List of Authors.) New Testament Greek. * Winer. Gr. des neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms ed. Schmiedel, vol. i. (Accidence), 2m*6o, . 1894 *Eng. tr. by Moulton, 15s., , . 1877 A. Buttmann. Tr. by Thayer, 14s. Trubner. . 1876 Blass. (Preparing). Accentuation. * Chandler. Practical Introduction, ed. 2, 10s. 6d. Oxford, ...... 1882 Elements, 2s. 6d. Oxford. Particles. Devarins, ed. Klotz, De Gr. Linguae particulis, 2 vols., 24m., . . . 1842 Paley. Gr. Particles and their Combinations, 2s. 6d. Bell, . . . . 1881 Prepositions. *Lutz. Die Prapositionen bei den Attischen Rednern, 3m., . . . 1889 *Tycho Mommsen. Beitrage zu d. Lehre von den gr. Praep., 18m., .... 1879-95 D 50 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS GREEK LANGUAGE— Continued. Synonyms. J. H. Schmidt. Synonymik d. gr. Sprache, 4 vols., 52m., ...... 1876-86 Metaphors. Blumner. Zur Geschichte d. Metapher im Griechi- schen, vol. 1., 8m., .... 1891 Thomas. Zur historischen Entwicklung der Meta- pher. ,. . . . . .1891 Pronunciation. *Blass. Eng. tr., 6s. Cambridge, . . 1890 E. V. Arnold and Conway. Kestored Pron. of Gr. and Lat., is. Cambridge, . . . 1895 Prosody. *Rossbach and Westphal. Theorie d. Musischen Kiinste bei den Hellenen, 3 vols. (vol. iii. on Greek Metre), 36m., . . . 1887-1889 Riemann and Dufour. Traite de Bhythmique et de Metrique grecques, .... 1893 Masqueray. Theorie des Formes Lyriques de Ja Tragedie Grecque, 10 fr., . . . 1895 L. Muller. Gr. and Lat. Versification, tr. Platner, 75 c. U.S.A., ..... 1892 Havet and Duvau. Cours elementaire de Metrique gr. et lat., 4 fr., ed. 3, . . . . 1892 Schmidt. Tr. by White, Rhythmic and Metric of the Classic Languages, 10s. 6d. Macmillan, 1878 Christ. Metrik d. Gr. und Romer, ed. 2, 14m., . 1879 Gleditsch. Do. (in Iwan M tiller's Handbook), ed. 2, . . . . . . 1890 LEXICOGRAPHY. Gveek-'Eng*LiddeU and Scott, ed. 7, 36s. Oxford, . 1883 Intermediate Gr. Lex. Oxford, . 1889 E. A. Sophocles. (Roman and Byzantine period), ed. 2, by Thayer, 42s., . . 1888 Thayer-Grimm. Lex. to G. T., 36s., . 1886 Cremer, tr. by TJrwick. Biblico-theological Lex. to G. T., 38s., . . . 1886 *Hatch and Bedpath. Concordance to lxx., vols. i. to vi. (in progress). Oxford, 1893-96 Greek-French. A. Bailly,. . . . . 1895 GREEK LANGUAGE— LATIN LANGUAGE 51 LEXICOGRAPHY— Continued. Greek-Lat. *Stephanus. Thesaurus Gr. Linguae, ed. Ease, 8 vols., J25. Paris, . . 1831-65 Du Gauge. Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae graecitatis, 2 vols., 1688, reprint in 10 parts, at 9111*60 each, . . . 1891 Greek-Germ. Rost and Palm.. 4 vols., 28m. . . 1841-57 *Fick. Personennamen, ed. Bechtel. 12m., 1894 Pape. (of Proper Names) ed. Beuseler. 18m., ..... 1888 Etymologisches Worterbuch (ar- ranged by terminations), 8m., . 1836 Gr.-Mod.Gr. Koumanoudes. 2vvaya>yr) Ae^etoi/ a6r)- cravpiiiTcov iv rols ' EXX-qviKols Ae^t/cois*. Athens, . . . . .1883 Eng.-Gr. Arnold and Brown. (After Fradersdorff), 21s. 1867 Jaunaris (Modern Gr.), . . . 1895 Lexicon Rhetoricum. Ernesti. Of Greek technical terms, . . 1795 (For special lexicons see List of Authors.) LATIN LANGUAGE. GRAMMAR. Madvig, Zumpt. *Roby. Eng. tr., 12s., . Eng. tr., 14s. Longmans, Vol. i. (Etymology), 8s. 6d. Macniillan Vol. ii. (Syntax), 10s. 6d. Macniillan, School Lat. Gr., 5s. Macniillan, Boby and Willcins. Elementary Lat. Gr., 2s. 6d Macniillan, Short Historical Grammar, 5s. 6cl ^Lindsay. Oxford, .... Kennedy. Public School Grammar, ed. 4, Longmans, Rawlins and Inge. Eton Lat. Gf., ed Murray, .... *Gildersleeve. Ed. 3, by Lodge, $1*50. Sonnenschein. Vol. i., Accidence, is. 6d, Syntax, is. 6cl., . Allen and Greenough, ed. Kittredge. U.S.A., .... G. E. Bennett. 80c. Appendix, 80c, *Riemann (Fr.). Syntaxe, ed. 3, by P. Lejay, 5 fr. *Kuhner. (Germ.) Ausfiihrliche Grammatik, 2 vols., 25m., . 7s. 6d 2, 6s U.S.A., vol. ii, $1.20, 1857 1861 1887 1882 1880 1892 1896 1876 1890 1894 1889 1888 1895 1894 1878-79 52 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS LATIN GRAMMAR— Continued. *Schweizer-Sidler and Surber. Vol. i. (Accidence), 4m., ...... 1888 *Neue. Formenlehre, ed. Wagner. Vols. i. to iii., pts. 1-9, 72m*5o, 1888-95 (in progress). Beisig-Haase. Vorlesungen iiber lat. Sprach- wissenschaft, ed. Schmalz, Landgraf, and others, 3 vols., 30m., ..... 1888-90 Hey. Semasiologische Studien, 3m'2o, . . 1891 *Draeger. Historische Syntax. 2 vols., ed. 2, 26m., ...... 1878 Holtze. Syntax is Priscorum Scriptorum Latino- rum. 2 vols, each 7m., . . . 1862 Schmalz. Lat. Syntax (included in vol. ii. of Muller's Handbuch), ed. 2, 1890 Stolz. Hist. Gram. d. lat. Sprache. vol. L, pt. 1., 7m., part ii., 7m., .... 1894-95 Hubner. Grundriss z. Vorlesungen lib. d. lat. Gramm., 3m. (useful for bibliography), . . 1881 Horton Smith. Theory of Conditional Sen- tence (includes Greek), 21s. Macmillan, . 1894 *W. G. Bale. Cum-constructions, $1 '20, . 1887-89 Prosody. Bamsay. Manual, 5s. Griffin, . . . 1870 L. Milller. De Ke Metrica, 14m., ed. 2, . . 1894 Kei Metricse Summarium, 2m., . 1878 Klotz. Grundziige d. altromischen Metrik, 12m., 1890 Biemann and Schiller. Metres Lyriques d' Horace, fr. 1*50. (See under Greek Prosody.) Pronunciation. E. V. Arnold and Conway, is. Cambridge, . 1895 E. T. Peck. 50c, U.S.A., . . . 1890 *Seelman. Die Aussprache des Lateins, 8m., . 1885 Orthography. Brambach. Die Neugestaltung d. lat. Ortho- graphic, 7m., . . . 1868 Hiilfsbiicnlein f. lat. Kechtschreibung, im., .... 1876 Eng. far., McCabe, |i, U.S.A., . 1877 Fr. tr. with additions, F. Antoine, fr. 1*50. L. Milller. Orthographic et Prosodise Latinse Summarium, im., . . . . 1878 LATIN LANGUAGE— LEXICOGRAPHY 53 Synonyms. Doderlein. Lateinische Synonyme u. Etymologie. 6 vols., 30m., . . . 1826-39 Handbook, Eng. tr., by Arnold, 4s., 1852 J". H. Schmidt. Handbuch der Lat. und Gr. Synonymik, 12m., .... 1889 LEXICOGRAPHY. Lat. -Eng. Lewis and Short. 25 s. Oxford, . . 1879 Lewis. School. Lat. Die, 18s. Oxford, . 1889 Lewis. Elementary Lat. Die, 7s. 6d. Oxford, 1891 White and Riddle. 2 vols., 4to. Longmans, 1869 Facciolati (Forcellini), tr. by Bailey. 2 vols., 4to, ...... 1828 Key. £1. 7s. 6d. Cambridge, . . 1889 Nettleship. Contributions to Lat. Lexico- graphy, 2 is. Oxford, . . . 1889 Lat. -Lat. * Forcellini, ed. De Vit. 6 vols., reduced to £4. 4s., . . . . . 1858-79 De Vit. Onomasticon. Vols, i.-iii. . Saalfeld. Thesaurus Italo-Graecus (list of Greek words naturalised in the Latin language), 20m., .... 1884 *Du Cange. Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis. ed. Henschel and Favre. 10 vols., ..... 1883-87 Loewe and Goetz. Corpus Glossariorum. vols, ii.-v., ..... 1888-94 Krebs. Antibarbarus. ed. Schmah. 2 vols., 20m., . 1887-88 Lat.-Ger. ^Georges. 2 vols., 20m., . . . 1879-80 Lex. d. lateinischen Wortformen, inn., .... 1890 Weise. Griechische Worter im Latein, 18m., 1882 *Wblfflin. Archiv f. lat. Lexicographie (in progress), ..... 1884-96 Lat.-Ital. Buggiero. Dizionario Epigraphico (in pro- gress). Eng. -Lat. W.Smith. 21s., .... 1870 Gradus. (Thesaurus Poeticus Linguae Latinae.) C. D. Yonge. 12s. Longmans, . . . 1856 Ainger and Wintle. 9s. Murray, . . 1890 Quicherat (Fr.). 12th ed., . . . 1875 G. A. Koch (Germ.). 2 vols., 8m., . 1867 54 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS LEXICOGRAPHY— Continued. Lexicon Rhetoricum. Ernesti (of Lat. technical terms), . . . 1797 (For special lexicons see under separate authors and under Law.) GREEK AND LATIN EXERCISES. Composition. (For books published before 1879 see the old edition.) Theory. *A. Sidgiviclc. Lectures on Greek Prose, 4s. 6d. Kivington, . . . 1887 Allinson. Gr. Pr. Composition, $1, U.S.A., . 1890 Berger. Lat. Stilistik, . . . .1886 Max Bonnet and Gache (after Berger). Stylistique Latine. fr. 3*50, ed. 2, ... 1890 Meissner. Lat. Phrase-book, tr. by Auclen, 4s. 6d. Macmillan, . . . . . 1895 Pascal. Phraseologie Latine (after Meissner), fr. 3*50. Exercises. (Gr. Prose.) *A. Sidgiviclc. First Greek Writer, 3s. 6d. Kivington. Introduction to Greek Prose, 5s. ed. 4. Kivington, . . 1883 Jerram. Graece Reddenda, is. 6d. Longmans. (Gr. Verse.) *Kynaston. Greek Iambics, 5s. Macmillan. *Sidgwick and Morice. Intr. to Gr. verse (with Key). Kivington, .... 1883 E. D. Stone. Ionides, ed. 2, is. Eton, . . 1883 Iambic Exercises, 6s. Eton. (Lat. Pr.) *E. A. Abbott. Via Latina (a first Lat. Book), 2s. 6d. Seeley, .... 1880 *A. M. Cook . Shorter Latin Course. Macni., 1891 *Postgate. Sermo Latinus. *Netileship. Passages for Latin Prose, 3s. Bell, 1887 (Lat. Verse.) Ainger. Clivus, 2 parts, each 2s. 6d. Kiv. Morice, 3s. 6d. Percival, . . . 1893 * Nixon and Smith. Parallel Verse Extracts for transl. into Eng. and Lat. Macmillan, 5s. 6d., . . . . .1893 Lupton. Lyric Verse, 3s. Macmillan, . 1888 Elegiac Verse, ed. 3, 2s.6d. Macm., 1893 EPIGRAPHY AND PALAEOGRAPHY 55 GREEK AND LATIN EXERCISES— Co ntinued. Models of Composition. (Verse.) *T. S. Evans. Gr. and Lat., 7s. 6d. Camb., . 1893 *Sabrinae Corolla, new ed. 10s. Bell, . . 1890 Dublin Translations into G-r. and Lat. verse, 6s., 1890 (Prose.) Lat. Pr. versions, ed., Ramsay, 5s. Oxford. Translation into English. Collins. Greek Unseen Papers, 3s. Bell, . 1882 Latin Unseen Papers, 3s. Bell, . 1882 Jerram. Anglice Reddenda, 2s. 6d. Oxford. *Strachan and Wilkins. (From Latin), 2s. 6d. ; (from Gr.), 2s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1892 "* Nixon. Prose Extracts for trans, into Eng. and Lat., ed. 2, 4s. 6d. Macmillan, . . 1889 Morice. Unseen Passages, 2s. 6d. Rivington, . 1887 J. W. Wliite. Passages for trans, at sight, Pt. iv., 80c, U.S.A., ..... 1890 EPIGRAPHY AND PALAEOGRAPHY. The Alphabet. *Kirchhoff. Studien z. Geschichte des Gr. Alpha- bets, ed. 4, 6m., . . . . .1887 Isaac Taylor. The Alphabet, 2 vols., 36s., . 1883 Greek Epigraphy. (See under Exploration.) Introductory ^Roberts. Introduction to Greek Epigraphy (vol. 1., Archaic), 18s. t Cambridge, . . . 1887 Reinach. Traite d'Epigraphie Grecque (Includes trans, of Newton's Essays on the subject), fr. 17, 1885 *Rohl. Imagines Inscriptionum Graecarum Antiquissiiuarum (selection for lec- tures), ed. 2, 4to, 6m., . . 1894 *Hicks. Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions, 10s. 6d. Oxford. .... 1882 Larfeld. Gr. Epigraphik (in Midler's Handbuch, vol. i.) . . . . . . 1892 Meisterhans. Gramm. d. Attischen Inschriften, ed. 2, 1888 Collections of Greek Inscriptions. (See Inscriptions in Serial List.) 56 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS GREEK EPIGRAPHY— Continued, General. ^Ancient Greek Inscriptions in Brit. Mus. Part I., Attika, 20s., 1874; Part II., 20s., 1883; Part III., 30s., 1890 ; and Part IV., 10s., . . 1893 ^Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. ed. Boeckh, etc. 4 vols., fol., £io y 1828-56. Indices by Bohl, . 1877 ^Corpus Inscript. Gr. Graeciae Septentrionalis, vol. i., Dittenberger (Megaris, Oropus, Bceotia), 85m., 1892 ^Corpus Inscr. Atticarum. ed. Kirchhqff, etc. 4 vols., £14, 1873-95 Droysen. Sylloge Inscriptionum Atticarum. Berlin, ...... 1878 *Bohl. Inscr. Graecae Antiquissimae praeter Atticas in Attica repertas, fol., 16m., . 1882 Schedae epigraphicae, 4to, 201*50, . 1876 *Kaibel. Inscr. Graecae Italiae et Siciliae, etc., 2 vols., 90m., ..... 1890 * Dittenberger. Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, 2 vols., 16m., ..... 1883 Loewy. Inschriften griechischer Bildhauer, 24m., . 1885 Kretschmer. Die Vaseninschriften, 5m., . . 1894 Viereck. Sermo Graecus (Greek Inscriptions coloured by Latin idioms). Gottingen, . 1888 Dialectic. *Cauer. Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum (illus- trative of the Dialects), ed. 2, 8m., . . 1883 *Collitz and Bechtel. Sammlung d. Griech. Dialektinschriften, vols, i.-iv. (in progress), . 1883-95 Local. Greek Islands. Hiller von Odrtringen. Inscr. Gr. Insularum Maris Aegaei, 1895 (in progress). Cos. *Paton and Hides. Inscriptions of Cos, 28s. Oxford. . . . . . . 1891 Crete (Gortyn). Baunack. Die Inschrift von Gortyn, 4111., . 1885 Bucheler and Zitelmann. Das Kecht von Gortyn, 4m., ..... 1885 Comparetti. Le leggi di Gortina (being vol. iii. of the "Monumentiantichi"). Milan, . 1893 (See Dareste below, under Legal Inscriptions). J.J. Evans. Cretan Pictographs, 1 8s. Quaritch, 1895 EPIGRAPHY 57 GREEK EPIGRAPHY— Continued. Cyprus. M. Schmidt. Die Inschr. von Idalion u. das Kyprische Syllabar, 6m., . 1874 Sammlung Kyprischer Inschriften in Epichorischer Schrift (with plates), 24m., . . . 1876 Deecke. Der Ursprung d. Kyprischen Sylben- schrift, ...... 1877 Boeotia. Larfeld. Sylloge Inscr. Boeoticarum, 10m., . 1883 Keil. Sylloge Inscr. Boeoticarum, 10m., 1847 ; Appendix, 3m., ... . . . 1864 (See Dittenberger above.) Delphi. Foucart and Wescher. Inscr. recueillies aDelphes, fr. 10-50, ..... 1863 Lucia. Savelsberg. Beitrage z. Entzifferung d. Lykischen Sprachdenkmaler, 10m., . . . 1874-78 Schmidt and Pertsch. Neue Lykische Studien, 12m., ...... 1869 N. Coast of Euxine. B. Lalyscher. Inscr. Ant. orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini, Gr. et Lat., i. ii. St. Petersburg, 1885-90 Metrical Inscriptions. E. Hoffmann. Sylloge Epigrammatum, 6m., . 1893 Preger. (Quoted by ancient authors), 8m., . 1891 *Kaibel. Epigrammata Graeca ex lapidibus col- lectable, ..... 1878 Appendix Nova Epigrammatum ex libris et mar- moribus, fr. 1 5 (in vol. iii. of Didot's Anthol. Graeca), ...... 1890 Legal Inscriptions. Dareste, Haussoullier, and Reinach. Recueil des Inscr. juridiques grecques, 3 parts (Law of Gortyn in Part III.), each fr. 7*50, . . 1891-4 Grenfell and Mahaffy. Revenue laws of Ptolemy Philadelphus, 31s. 6d. Oxford, . . 1896 Roman Epigraphy. Introductory. * Egbert, In trod, to Study of Latin Inscriptions. $3*5o. U.S.A., 1896 58 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS ROMAN EPIGRAPHY— Continued. *Cagnat. Cours d'Epigraphie Romaine, ed. 2, 12 fr., . . . . . . 1890 Hiibner. Exempla Scripturae epigraphicae latinae (from Caesar to Justinian), 46m., . . 1885 Ueber mechanische Copieen von Inschriften, im, ..... 1887 *Mommsen. Monumentum Ancyranum, 12m., ed. 2, . . . . . 1883 *Eushforth. Lat. Hist. Inscriptions (The Early Empire), 10s. Oxford. .... Ruggiero. Dizionario Epigraphico (in progress). Collections of Roman Inscriptions. (See Inscriptions in Serial List.) General. ^Corpus Inscr. Latinarum. 14 vols., fol, 1863 foil. (in progress), . Orelli and Henzen. Inscr. Lat. ampl. Collectio. 3 vols., ...... 1828-56 *jET. Dessau. Inscr. Lat. Selectae, vol. L, . . 1892 Wilmanns. Exempla Inscriptionum Latinarum, with copious Indices. 2 vols., 20m., . . 1873 *Garrucci. Sylloge Inscr. Latinarum, with Intr. and Indices (to the end of the Republic), 2 vols., 1877 (See Anthologia Latina in List of Authors.) Archaic. *Priscae Latinitatis Monumenta Epigraphica. ed. Eitschl (96 plates), fol. £4. 10s., : . '. 1862 Henzen. Acta Fratrum Arvalium, 12m., . , 1874 (See under Legal Inscriptions.) Local and Dialectic. Fabretti. Osservazioni paleografiche e gram- matical^ 1874; Germ, tr., 5m., . * 1877 Fabretti. Corpus Inscript. Italicarum Antiquioris Aevi, 4to (with numerous plates), £6 10s., . 1867-80 Lattes. Iscrizioni paleolatine, . . . 1892 Zvetaieff. Inscr. Italiae Mediae (with plates), 30m., . . . . • • 1884 Inscr. Italiae Inferiors, 8m., . . 1886 Sylloge Inscr. Oscarum, . > . 1878 Breal. Les Tables Eugubines (Umbrian), with plates, 25 fr., . . . .1875 Bilcheler. Umbrica, 7m., .... 1883 EPIGRAPH Y — PALAEOGRAPHY ROMAN EPIGRAPHY— Continued. ^Schneider. Dialectorum Italicarum Exempla, vol. i. (Old Latin and Faliscan), . . 1883 * Conway. Edition of Kemains of Oscan Paelig- nian Umbrian, etc., with comment., grammar, diet. Cambridge (in the press). Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum, ed. Pauli. Part I., lorn, (in progress), . . . 1893 Legal. (See under Law below.) *Bruns. Fontes Juris Antiqui, ed. 6 by Mommsen and Gradenwitz, ' 1893 Mommsen and Blumner. Edictum Diocletiani (Maximal-tarif), 14m., 1893 PALAEOGRAPHY. Introductory — *E. M. Thompson. Manual of Gr. and Lat. Pal., 5s. (with full bibliography, pp. 327-333), . 1893 Wattenbach. Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter, ed. 2, urn., . . . . 1875 Ph. Berger. Hist, de PEcriture dans PAntiquite, 10 fr., 1891 H. Gerand. Essai sur les Livres dans PAntiquite, 1840 *Birt. Das Antike Buchwesen, 12111., . . 1882 *Blass. Palaeographie (in Muller's Handbuch), ed. 2., 1892 J. H. Middleton. Illuminated mss., 21s. Cam- bridge, ...... Greek Palaeography. Handbooks — *Gardthansen. Griechische Palaeographie, 18m., 1879 Cucuel. Elements de Pal. grecque (after Gardt- hausen), fr. 3*50, . . . . 1891 Lehmann. Die Tachygraphischen Abkiirzungen d. gr. Handschriften, 6m., . . . 1880 Gitlbauer. Die drei Systeme der gr. Tachygraphie, 3111-60, . . . . . .1894 T. W. Allen. Notes on Abbreviations in Greek mss., 5s. Oxford, .... 1889 ^Wattenbach. Anleitung z. gr. Pal., ed. 3, 3111*60, 1895 (Useful for Bibliography.) Scrip turae Graecae Specimina, fol., 16m., • • 1883 60 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS GREEK PALAEOGRAPHY— Continued Facsimiles of MSS. Aeschylus. Laurentian ms., edited by E. Bos- tagno, £4, ..... 1896 Sophocles. Laurentian ms. publ. by Hellenic Soc, £6, ..... 1885 Demosthenes, Codex 2. ed. Omont, 2 vols., 600 ft*., 1892-93 Hyperides. c. Dem. ed. Harris, . . . 1848 Pro Lye. et Euxen., ed. Babington, . 1853 Funeral Oration, ed. Babington, . 1858 c. Athenogenem, ed. Bevillout, . 1893 Anthologia Palatina (in Bibl. Nationale), ed. Zangemeister, ..... 1876 Aristotle. y h.Brjvaii 1877. 3m. 2opf. 100 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Vol. IV. 1. u. 2. „ 1878. 6m. 3. u. 4. ,, 1881. iom. Vol. V. l.u. 2. „ 1884. 7111. 2opf. 3. u. 4. ,, 1884. 13m. Vol. VI. 1885. 8m. Vol. VIII. l.u. 2. „ 1888. 8m. 3. „ 1S90. 5m. 4. ,, 1892. 5m. Vol. VIII. 1- „ 1891. 7m. 2. ,, 1892. 6m. C. Iwan v. Mutter's Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Vol. I. Introductory, edition 2, 15m. a. Urlichs. Grundlegung u. Geschichte d. Philologie. b. Blass. Hermeneutik u. Kritik. c. ,, Palaographie, Buchwesen u. Handschriftkunde. d. Larfeld. Griechische Epigraphik. e. Hiibner. Romische Epigraphik. /. Unger. Chronologie. g. Nissen. Metrologie. h. Indices. Vol. II. Greek and Latin Language, edition 2, 15m. 50. a. Brugmann. Griechische Grammatik. b. Stolz and Schmalz. Lat. Grammatik. c. Autenrieth and Herdeger. Gr. u. Lat. Lexikographie. d. Volkmann. Rhetorik. e. Gleditsch. Metrik. /. Indices. Vol. III. Geography and Political History (new edition preparing), i6m.5o. a. Hommel. Introductory. Geogr. u. Geschichte des Orients bis zu den Perserkriegen. b. Lolling and Oberhummer. Geogr. u. Topographie von Hellas. Pohlmann. Grundziige d. politischen Gesch. von Griechenland. c. Jung. Geogr. u. Topogr. von I tali en (and the Provinces). Niese. Grundziige d. romischen Geschichte. Bichter. Topogr. von Rom. Vol, IV. Antiquities. Parti, a. Busolt. DiegriechischenStaats-undRechtsaltertiimer, edition 2, 6111.50. b. Iwan v. Milller. Die gr. Privataltertumer. A. Bauer. Kriegsaltertiimer, edition 2, 8m. 50. Part 2. Schiller. Die rom. Staats-, Rechts- und Kriegsalter- tiimer. Voigt. Die rom. Privataltertumer u. Kulturgeschichte, edition 2, 8m. Vol. V. Philosophy, Science, Religion, Theatre. Part 1. Windelband. Gesch. d. alten Philosophic Giintlier. Gesch. d. Mathematik u. Naturwissen- schaften, edition 2, 5m. 50. Part 2. Gruppe. Gr. .My thologie u. Religionsgeschichte. Part 3. Stengel and Ohtnichen. Gr. Kultusaltertunier u. antikes Buhnenwesen, 6m. 50. Part 4. Wissowa. Rom. Religion u. Sakralaltertiimer. Vol. VI. Archseology. Sittl. Archiiologie d. Kunst (including Numismatik), i6m.5o. (To be followed by an Atlas containing 450 illustrations.) Vol. VII. Greek Literature. Christ. Gr. Litteraturgeschichte, edition 2, 131^50. Vol. VIII. Roman Literature. a. Schanz. Die rom. Litteratur in der Zeit d. Republik, 3m. 50. b. Vom Ende d. Rep. bis auf Hadrian, 8m. c. Von Hadrian bis Constantin, 8m. 50. Vol. IX. Later Literature. Part 1. Krumbacher. Byzantinische Litteraturgeschichte, 8:01.50. Part 2. Traube. Gesch. d. rom. Litt. im Mittelalter. (Preparing.) SERIAL LIST 101 CLASSICAL TEXTS. A. Without Notes. I. Teubner's Greek and Latin Classics with Indices. Aelianus, eel. Hercher, 2 vols., gs. Varia historia, ed. Herscher, is. Aeneae Poliorceticus, rec. Hug, is. 6d. Aeschines, ed. Franke, is. Aeschylus, ed. Weil, is. 6d. Scholia in Pers., ed. Dahrihardt, 3s. gd. Alexander Lycophron, Brinkmanu, is. Ammianus Marcellinus, ed Gardthausen, 2 vols., 7s. 6d. Anacreon, ed. Rose, is. A- Andocides, ed. Blass, is. 3d. Anna Comnena, ed. Reifferscheid, 2 vols., 7s. 6d. Anthimus, ed. Rose, is. V> Antiphon, ed. Blass, 2s. 3d. Anthologia Graeca, ed. Stadtmiiller, I., 6s. Latinal., ed. Riese, 8s. 6d. II., ed. Buecheler, fasc. 1, 4s. Lyrica, ed. Hiller, 3s. Antoninus, ed. Stich, 2s. Apollodorus, ed. Bekker, is. Apollonius Perg., ed. Heiberg, 2 vols, (each 4s. 6d.), 9s. * Apollonius Rhodius, ed. Merkel, 'S. Appianus, ed. Mendelssohn, 2 vols, (each 4s. 6d.), 9s. Archimedes, ed. Heiberg, 3 vols., each 6s. Aristophanes, ed. Bergk, 2 vols., each is. 6d. Aristoteles, de Anima, rec. Guil. Biehl, is. 3d. de Coelo et de Generatione et Corruptione, rec. C. Prantl, is. 3d. de Coloribus, de Audibilibus, Physiognomonica, rec. C. Prantl, 8d. de partibus animalimn, rec. B Langkavel, 2s. Ethica Eudemia, rec. F. Susemihl, 2s. — Ethica Nicomachea, rec. F. Susemihl, 2s. Magna Moralia, rec. F. Susemihl, is. 3d. Metaphysica, rec. W. Christ, 2s. 6d. Oeconomiea, ed. F. Susemihl, is. 6d. Physica. rec. C. Prantl, is. 6d. de Plantis, ed. 0. Apelt, 3s. -""Poetica, rec. W. Christ, 8d. Politica, rec. F. Susemihl, 2s. 6d. Rhetorica, rec. Ad. Roemer, 2s. 3d. Fragmenta, coll. V. Rose, 4s. 6d. IIoAiTeta 'AO-qvcLLuv, ed. Fr. Blass, is. 6d. X Arrianus de exped. Alex., ed. Abicht, is. 3d. Scripta Minora, ed. Eberhard, 2s. * Athenaeus, ed. Kaibel, 3 vols. (vols. I., II., each 5s. ; III., 7s. 6d.), 17s. • Augustinus, de Civitate Dei, ed. Dombart, 2 vols., 6s. Aulularia, ed. Peiper, is. 6d. Ausonius, ed. Peiper, 6s. 9d. Autolycus, ed. Hultsch, 3s. 9d. Avienus, ed. Breysig, is. > Babrius, ed. Schneideivin, 8d. Benedicti regula, ed. WoeJfflin, is. 9d. Boetius de institutione arithmetica et de musica, ed. G. Friedleiyi, 5s. 3d. de Consolatione, ed. Peiper, 3s. Comm. in Aristot., tt. ep/xrji/etas, ed. Meiser, 2 vols., 9s. K Bucolici graeci, ed. Ahrens, 8d. Caesar, ed Dinter, 3 vols., 3s. ; ed. mill., is. 6d. 102 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Callinici Vita S. Hypatii, 3s. Cassius Felix, ed. Rose, 3s. X Catonis de Agri Cult. lib. ed. Keil, is. Catullus, ed. Midler, 6d. Tibullus, Propertius, ed. Milller, 3s. Cebetis tabula, rec. Praechter, gd. Celsus, ed. Daremberg, 3s. Censorinus de die Natali, ed. Hidtsch, is. 3d. Chronica min., ed. Frick, vol. I., 7s. Cicero, ed. Milller, 10 vols , 20s. 6d. Orationes Selectae xxi., rec. Milller, is. 6d. xix., Eberhard—Hirschfdder, 2s. Epistolae Selectae, ed. Dietsch, 2 vols., 2s. 6d. Epistolae, rec. Wescnberg, 2 vols., each 3s. Claudianus, Carmina, ed. Koch, 3s. 9d. Cleomedes, ed. Ziegler, 3s. Commodianus, ed. Ludwig, 2 vols., 3s. Cornelius Nepos, ed. Fleckeisen, 6d. Corpusculum poesis epic, ludib., edd. Brandt— Wachsmuth, 2 vols, 6s. Curtius Rufus, ed. Vogel, is. 3d. Damasus, ed. Ihm, 2s. 6d. Dares Phrygius, ed. Meister, is. 3d. N Demosthenes, edd. Dindorf—Blass, 3 vols., 4s. 6d. Dictys Cretensis, ed. Meister, is. 6d. * Dinarchus, ed. Blass, is. Dio Cassius, ed. Melber(5 vols.), vols. L, II., 8s. 3d. x Dio Chrysost., ed. Dindorf, 2 vols., 5s. 6d. * Diodorus, ed. Vogel (5 vols.), vols I. -III., us. 3d. p> Dionysius Halic, ed. Jacoby (4 vols.), vols. I. -III., 9s. 9CI. Diophantus, ed. Tannery, 2 vols., 10s. Dracontius, ed. de Duhn, is. 3d. Eclogae poet, lat., ed. Brandt, is. poet, graec. , ed. Stadtmiiller, 2s. 9d. I Epicorum Graec. fragm., ed. Kinkel, I., 3s. Epictetus, ed. Schenkl, 10s. Euclidis Elementa, ed. Heiberg, 5 vols, 24s. gd. Optica, ed. Heiberg, 5s. Eudociae violarium, ed. Flach, 7s. 6d. Euripides, ed. Naiick, 3 vols., 6s. X Eusebius, ed. Dindorf, 4 vols., 15s. Eutropius, ed. Ruehl, 6d. >* Fabulae Aesopicae, ed. Halm, is. Fabulae Romanae, ed. Eberhard, vol. I., 4s. Firmicus Mat., ed. Sittl, pars I., 2s. 6d. Florilegium Graecum, 10 fasciculi, each 6d. (Elementary.) Florus, ed. Halm, is. Frontini stratagem., ed. Gundermann, is. 6d. Gaius, ed. Huschke. Ed. v., 3s. Galeni Scripta min., edd. Marquardt, Midler, Helmreich, 3 vols., 7s. 6d. * Gellius, ed. Hertz, 2 vols., 2nd edition, 4s. 6d. Geoponica, ed. Beckh, 10s. Georgius Cyprius, ed. Gelzer, 3s. Heliodorus, ed. Bekker, 2s. 6d. Hermippus dial., edd. Kroll — Viereck, 2s. Herodianus, ed. Bekker, is. 3d. Herodotus, edd. Dietsch— Kallenberg, 2 vols., 2nd edition, 3s. >Herondae mim., ed. Crusius, 2nd edition, 3s. 3d. Hesiodus, ed. Flach, 6d. Hesychius Milesius, ed. Flach, gel. Hieroclis Synecdemus, ed. Burckhardt, is. 3d. Hieronymi de vir. ill. lib., ed. Herding, 2s. 6d. Hipparchus Bith., ed. Manitivs, 4s. Histor. Apoll. reg. Tyr., ed. Riese, 2nd edition, is. 6d. Historici Graeci min., ed. Dindorf, 2 vols., 8s. 6d. Historicorum Rom. rell., ed. Peter, 4s. 6d. SERIAL LIST 103 • Homeri Ilias, edition v., cur. C. Hentze, 2 vols., each gd. Odyssea, edition v., cur. C. Hentze, 2 vols., each gd. Hymni Epigr., Batrachomyomachia, rec. A. Baumeister, gd. Iliadis carmina xvi. Scholarum in usum, ed. A. Kochly, 3s. Horatius, ed. Mutter, edition n., is. f Hyginus Gromaticus, ed. Gemoll, gd. - Hyperides, ed. Blass, edition in., 2s. 3d. Iamblicus, Protrepticus, ed. Piatelli, 2s. de Mathematica, ed. Festa, 2s. de Nicom. arithm., ed. Pistelli, 2s. 6d. Incerti auctoris lib. de Constantino Magno, ed. Heydenreich, 8d. t Isaeus, ed. Scheibe, is. 3d. f Isocrates, edd. Benseler — Blass, edition 11., 2 vols., 3s. Josephus, Fl., ed. Naber (6 vols.), vols., I.-V., 17s. 3d. Juliani imp. op., ed. Hertlein, 2 vols., 7s. Jurisprudentiae antejustinianae reliquiae, ed. Huschke, edition v., 7s. Indices, ed. Fabricius, 2s. Supplementum, ed. P. E. Huschke, is. Justiniani institut., ed. Huschke, is. novellae, ed. Zachariae, 2 vols., and append., 128. 6d. Juvenalis, ed. Hermann, 6d. Juvenci Hist, evangelica, rec. C. Marold, 2s. Livius, rec. W. Weissenborn, 6 vols., 6s. v Lucani de bello civ. libb., ed. Hosius, 3s. gd. Lucianus, ed. Jacobitz, 3 vols., 6s. 6d. Lucretius, ed. Bernays, is. 6d. Lycophron, ed. Kinkel, 2s. x Lycurgus, ed. Scheibe, 8d. Lydus (Laurentius), ed. Wachsmuth, 3s. - Lysias, ed. Scheibe, 2nd edition, is. 3d. - Macrobius, ed. Eyssenhardt, 2nd edition, 6s. Manethon, ed. Koechly, is. 6d. Marcellus, ed. Helmreich, 3s. gd. - Martialis, ed. Gilbert, 2s. 6d. Martianus Capella, ed. Eyssenhardt, 4s. 6d. Maximus et Amnion, ed. Ludwich, 2s. Minucius Felix, ed. Baehrens, is. 6d. Musici Scriptores graeci, ed. Jan, gs. Mythogr., Gr. I., Apollop., ed. Wagner, 3s. gd. Nicephori opusc. hist., ed. de Boor, 3s. 6d. Nicomachus, ed. Hoche, 2s. Nonnus, ed. Koechly, 2 vols., gs. Paraphrasis, ed. Scheindler, 4s. 6d. Onosandros, ed. Koechly is. 3d. Orosius, ed. Zangemeister, 3s. - Ovidius, edd. Merkel — Ewald, 3 vols., 3s. Panegyrici latini XII., ed. Baehrens, 3s. gd. Pausanias, ed. Schubort, 2 vols., 3s. gd. Pelagonii ars veterinaria, ed. Ihm, 2s 6d. Persius, ed. Hermann, 6d. Phaedrus, ed. Mutter, 6d. Philodemus, de Musica, ed. Kemke, is. 6d. volumina Rhetorica, ed. Sudhaus, 4s. Philostrati Opera, ed. Kayser, 2 vols., 8s. 6d. Imagines edd. Benndorf—Schenkl 3s. Pindarus, ed. Christ, is. - Plato, edd. Hermann — Wohlrab, 6 vols., 10s. 6d. - Plautus, edd. Goetz—Schoell. Fart I., is. 6d. ; II., is. 3d. ; III., is.; IV. to VII., each is. 6d. ed. Fleckeisen, vols. I., II., 3s. Plini epistolae, ed. Keil, is. 3d. lib. dub. serm. rell., ed. Bech, is. 6d. nat. hist., edd. Jan—Mayhoff, 6 vols. ; vol. I., 2S. ; II., 3s. ; III., 4s. ; IV., 2s. Plinius et Gargilius Mart., ed Rose, 3s. Plotinus, ed. Volkmann, 2 vols., gs. 104 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Plutarchi vitae, ed. Sintenis, 5 vols., 8s. 6d. Moralia, ed. Bernardakis, 6 vols., 24s. Poetae lat. min., ed. Baehrens, 6 vols., 20s. Poetarum Rom. fragm., ed. Baehrens, 4s. 3d. Polemon, ed. Hinck, is. Polyaenus, edd. Wdlffiin — Melber, 2nd edition, 7s. 6d. Polybius, edd. Biittner — Dindorf, 4 vols., 13s. 6d. Poniponius Mela, rec. Frlck, is. 3d. Porphyrion, ed. Meyer, 4s. 6d. Priscianus, Theodoras, ed. Rose, 5s. Proclus, Diadochus in Eucl. Comm., ed. Friedlein, 7s. Propertius, ed. Mutter, 8d. — Quintiliani inst., ed. Bonnell, 2 vols., 2s. 6d. lib. x., ed. Halm, 6d. Declamationes, ed. Bitter, 5s. Quintus Smyrn., ed. Zimmermann, 3s. 9c!. Rerum nat. script. Graeci, ed. Keller I., 3s. Rhetores graeci, ed. Spengel, 3 vols., 12s. Rutilius Namatianus, ed. Mutter, od. Sallustius, ed. Eussner, 6d. Scribonii Largi conp., ed. Helmreich, 2s. Scriptores hist. Augustae, ed. Peter, 2 vols., 2nd edition, 7s. 6d. Erotici Graeci, ed. Hercher, 2 vols., 7s. 6d. Metrici Graeci, ed. Westphal, vols. I., 3s. Metrologici, ed., Hultsch, 2 vols., 5s. 3d. Physiogn., rec. Foerster, 2 vols., 14s. Senecae (philos.) Opera omnia, ed. Haase, 3 vols., 8s. — trag. edd. Peiper—Richter, 4s. 6d. Scripta Rhetor., ed. Kiessling, 4s. 6d. Sidonius Apollinaris, ed. Mohr, 4s. Sili Italici Punica, ed. Bauer, 2 vols., 5s. Simeo Sethus, ed. Langkavel, 2s. — Sophocles, edd. Dindorf— Mekler, 6th edition, is. 6d. X Scholia in Sophoclis trag. vetera. ed. Papageorglus, 5s. Soranus, ed. Rose, 5s. -• Statius, edd. Baehrens — Kohlmann, 2 vols., 7s. 6d. Stobaei floril., ed. Meineke, 4 vols, (out of print), eclogae, ed. Meineke, 2 vols., 6s. v- Strabo, ed. Meineke, 3 vols., 6s. ^ Suetonius, ed. Roth, is. 6d. Syrianus, ed. Robe, 2 vols. , 3s. 3d. _ Tacitus, ed. Halm, 2 vols., 4th edition. I., Annales, is. 3d. ; II. Historiae, Libr. minores, is. 3d. Germania, Agricola et dialogus, ed. Halm, 6d. Terentius, ed. Fleckeisen, is. 3d. Scholia Terentiann, ed. Schlee, 2s. Testam. nov. gr., ed. Buttmann, 5th edition, 2s. 3d. Themistius, ed. Spengel, 2 vols., 6s. Theodoras Prodomus, ed. Herscher, 6d. Theon Smyrnaeus, ed. Hitter, 3s. Theophrastus, ed. Wivimer, 3 vols., 7s. Theophylacti historiae, ed. de Boor, 6s. Thucydides, ed. Boehme, 2 vols., 2s. 6d. Tibullus, ed. Mutter, 6d. Ulpianus, ed. Huschke, 5th edition, od. Valerius Flaccus, ed. Baehrens, is. 6d. Julius, ed. Kuebler, 3s. Maximus, ed. Kempf, 4s. 6d. Varronis rer. rustic, libb., ed. Keil, is. 6d. Vegetius, ed. Lang, 2nd edition, 4s. Velleius Paterculus, ed. Halm, is. Vergilius, ed. Ribbeck, 2nd edition, is. 6d. Bucolica et Georgica, 6d. Aeneis, is. Virgilius granmi., ed. Huemer, 2s. 6d. SERIAL LIST 105 Xenophontis Anabasis, rec. Hug., gd. — Cyropaedia, rec. Hug, is. — Historia Graeca, ed. Keller, is. Memorabilia Socratis, rec. Gilbert, 6d. — Scripta minora, rec. Diudorf, is. Zonaras, ed. Dindorf, 6 vols. 19s. 6d. 2. Weidmann's Texts. Aeneae commentarius Poliorceticus, recensuit R. Hercher, nn. 2opf. .. Aeschinis orationes, recensuit A. Weidner, 9opf. 5 Aeschyli tragoediae, edidit Ad. Kirchhoff, im. sopf. •f Apollodori bibliotheca, ex recognitione R. Hercheri, ira. sopf. Aristotelis noAtreta 'AO-qvaCwv iterum ediderunt G. Kalbel et U. de Wilamowitz- Moellendorff, mi. 8opf. Arriani Anabasis Alexandri, edidit C. Sintenis, im. 2opf. Babrii fabulae, ex recensione Alfr. Eberhardi, 75pf. Ciceronis orationes selectae xviii., ex recognitione C. Halmii, vol. I. Orationes pro 8. Roscio, in Q. Caeeilium, in Verrem iv. et v., de imperio Cn. Pompei in Catilinam continens, editio 11. curavit G. Laubmann, 75pf. Vol. II. Orationes pro L. Murena, pro P. Sulla, pro Arcliia, pro P. Sestio, pro Milone, pro Ligario, pro rege Deiotaro, in M. Antonium 1. 11. con- tinens, editio altera curavit G. Laulmiann, im Druck. Cornelius Nepos a C. Nipperdeio, recognitus, 3opf. > Curti Rufi liistori arum Alexandri Magui Macedonia libri qui supersunt, E. Hedicke recensuit, im. 2opf. Dinarchi orationes III., edidit Tli. Thalheim, 75pf. ^Euripidis fabulae, recognovit Ad. Kirchhoff. Vol I., Alcestis, Andromacha, Bacchae, Hecuba, Helena, Electra, im. sopf. Vol. II. Heraclidae, Hercules furens, Supplices, Hippolytus, Iphigenia Aulidensis, Iphigenia Taurica, im. sopf. Vol. III. Ion, Cyclops, Medea, Orestes, Troades, Phoenissae, Anonymi Rhesus, im. 8opf. Eutropi breviarium ab urbe condita, edidit G. Hartel, sopf. Eutropi breviarium ab urbe condita, recensuit H. Droysen, 45pf. x.Herodoti historiae, edidit H. Stein. Vol I. u. II. a im. sopf. Hesiodi quae feruntur carminum reliquiae, edidit G. F. Schoemann, 9opf. Homeri Odyssea, edidit A. Nauck. Pars I. u. II., a 75pf. Ilias, edidit A. Nauck. Pars I u. II., a 7spf. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina relegit et apparatu critico selecto instruxit, M. Hertz, 2111. 4opf. Livi, T., ab urbe condita libri, recognovit H. J. Mueller. Pars I. Libros I. et II. continens, 6opf. Pars II. Libros III. et IV. continens, 6opf. Pars III. Libros V. et VI. continens, 6opf. Pars IV. Libros XXI. et XXII. continensf 6opf. Pars V. Libros XXIII. et XXIV. continens, 6opf. Pars VI. Libros XXV. et XXVI. continens, 6opf. > 'Luciani opera, edidit J. Sommerbrodt. Vol. I. pars I., 3111. Vol. I. pars II., 6m. Vol. II. pars I., 6m. ■ ' Lycurgi oratio in Leocratem, edidit Th. Thalheim, 6opf. Ovidius, P. Naso, recensuit Otto Korn. Tomus II. Metamorphoseon libri XV., gopf. Phaedri fabulae, Fr. Eyssenhardt recognovit, 3opf. Pindari carmina, edidit Tycho Mommsen, 9opf. Plauti comoediae, F. Leo recensuit, Vol. I. Amphitruo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, 9 Platonis Opera. A. ed. Schanz. Eutbyphro, Apologia, Crito, Phaedo, 8d. Cratylus, Theaetetus, gd. Symposion, Phaedrus, 6d. Alcibiadesl. et II., Hipparclms, Amatores, Theages, 6d. SERIAL LIST 107 Charmides, Laches, Lysis, 6d. Euthydemus, Protagoras, 6d. Gorgias, Meno, 8d. Hippias maior, Hippias minor, Io, Menexeims, Clitopho, 6d. Leges et Epinomis, pars L, sex priores libros legum complectens, 9d. Plutarchi Vitae inter se comparatae, edidit hum. Bekker, 5 vols. A. ios ; B. 21s. ; C. 7 s. 6d. Tibulli, Albii, elegiae, ed. E. Hiller. A. 8d. Salusti Crispi, G., operum reliquiae, edidit F. D. Gerlach. A. is. ; B. 2s. 6d. C. 8d. Sophoclis tragoediae, edidit Theodorus Bergk. A. 2s. ; B. 4s. 6d. ; C. is. 6d. Taciti, Cornelii, opera, edidit Fr. Home, 2 vols. A. 3s. ; B. 7s. 6d. ; C. 2s. 6d. Terenti Afri, P. comoediae, rec. C. Dziatzko. A. is. 3d. Thucydidis historia, Stahl, 2 vols. A. 3s. ; B. 6s. Vergiiii Maronis, P. opera, edidit Herm. Paldamus. A. is. 6d. ; B. 4s. 6d. ; C. is. 3d. carmina, ed. G. Thilo. A. is. 6d. Xenophontis opera, edidit Gust. Sauppe, 5 vols. A. 4s. 6d. ; B. ios. ; C. 4s. 4. Perthes, Bibliotheca Gothana. Caesaris commentarii de bello Gallico, Rudolf Menge, 3 vols, each 4opf. commentarii de bello civili, Rudolf Menge, 8opf. Cicero, Pro Archia poeta, J. Strenge, 2opf. In L. Sergium Catilinam orationes, ed. C. Hachtmann, 4opf. Pro rege Deiotaro oratio, ed. J. Strenge, 2opf. Oratio de imperio Cn. Pompei, rec. A. Deuerling, 3opf. Pro Q. Ligario oratio, rec. /. Strenge, 2opf. Pro T. Annio Milone oratio, rec. jR. Bouterwek, 3opf. Pro L. Murena oratio, ed. J. Strenge, 3opf. I., II., et VII. in M. Antonium oratio, ed. J. Strenge, 4opf. Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino oratio, rec. G. Landgraf, 4opf. Pro P. Sestio oratio, ed. R. Bouterwek, 4opf. In Q. Caecilium divinatio, rec. C. Hachtmann, 2opf. In 0. Verrem accusationis liber IV. : de signis, rec. C. Hachtmann, 4opf. Liber V. : de suppliciis, rec. C. Hachtmann, 3opf. Cato maior sive de senectute, ed. H. Anz, 3opf. Laelius sive de amicitia, rec. A. Strelitz, 3opf. De officiis libri tres, ed. P. Dettweiler, 7spf. Paradoxa ad M. Brutum, ed. H. Anz, 2opf. Somnium Scipionis, ed. H. Anz, 2opf. Tusculanarum disputationum libri quinque, rec. L. IV. Hasper, Part 1., Lib. I. -I I., 4opf. Part 11., Lib. III.-V., 6opf. De oratore liber primus, ed. R. Stoelzle, 4opf. Epistulae selectae, ed. P. Dettweiler, 75pf. Cornelii Nepotis Vitae, ed. W. Martens, 6opf. Demosthenis orationes selectae, ed. A. Deuerling, Part I., 4opf. Part II., ed. /. Soergel, 4opf. Euripidis Iphigenia Taurica, ed. S. Mekler, 4opf. Medea, ed. S. Mekler, 4opf. Herodotus, ed. J. Sitzler : — Liber VI., 4opf. VII., 6opf. VIII., 4 opf. IX., 4 opf. Homeri Uias, ed. Th. Stier :— Fasc. 1, libri I.-IIL, 4opf. Fasc. 2, libri IV.-VI., 4opf. Fasc. 3, libri VII. -IX., 4 opf. Fasc. 4, libri X.-XIL. 4 opf. Fasc. 5, libri XIII.-XV., 4 opf. Fasc. 6, libri XVI.-XVIII , 4 oi»f. Fasc. 7, libri XIX.-XXL, 4 opf. Fasc. 8, libri XXII.-XXIV., 4 opf 108 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Odyssea, rec. F. Week : — Fasc. 1, carm. I. -III., 3opf. Fasc. 2, cann. IV. -VI., ^opf. Fasc. 3, carm. VII.-IX.,*4opf. Fasc. 4, carm. 10-12, 4opf. Fasc. 5, carm. 13-15, 4opf. Fasc. 6, carm. 16-18, 4opf. Fasc. 7, carm. 19-21, 4opf. Fasc. 8, carm. 22-24, 4opf. Horatii Carmina. E. Rosenberg, goipf. Satirae. K. 0. Breithaupt, 6opf. Epistulae. H. S. Anton, 6opf. Livius. Lib. I. M. Heynacher, 4opf. II. Th. Klett, 4opf. VIII. E. Ziegeler, 4opf. IX. E. Ziegeler, 4opf. XXI. Fr. Luterbacher, 4opf. XXII. Fr. Luterbacher, 4opf. XXI. -XXIII. A. Frigell, at 4 opf. each. Lysias. Orationes selectae. G. Kocks, two parts, each 4opf. Ovidius Metamorphoseon libri XV. II. Magnus, 3 vols., each 6cpf. Plato. Apologia Socratis et Crito. II. Bertram, 4opf. Protagoras. H. Bertram, 4opf. Euthyphron. H. Bertram, 2opf. Laches. H. Bertram, 2opf. Plutarchi Brutus. It. Paukstadt, 4opf. Themistocles. R. Paulcstadt, 4opf. Sallusti Bellum Catilinae. J. H. Schmalz, sopf. de bello Iugurthino. /. H. Schmalz, 4opf. Senecae Epistulae selectae. G. Hefs, 6opf. Sophoclis Oedipus Rex. G. H. Mutter, 4opf. Antigona. G. Kern, 4opf. Electra. G. H. Miiller, 4 opf. Philoctetes. G. II. Miiller, 4opf. Aiax. R. Pachler, 4oi>f. Taciti Annales, rec. W. Pfitzner, four parts, each 6opf. de origine, situ, moribus ac populis Germanorum liber. G. Egelhaaf, 3opf. de vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae liber. C. Knaut, 3opf. Dialogus de oratoribus. Ed. Wolff, 3opf. Thucydides. J. Sitzler, Lib. I., 6opf. II., 6opf. VI., 4 opf. VII., 4 opf. Vergili Maronis Aeneis. 0. Brozin, Lib. I. -II., 4opf. 1II.-IV., 4 opf. V.-VL, 4 opf. VI I.-IX., 6opf. X.-XII.,6opf. Xenophontis Anabasis. R. Hanzen, Lib. I. -II., 4opf. III.-V., 4 opf. Hellenica. R. Grosser, Lib. I. -II., 4opf. III.-IV., 4 opf. V.-VII., 9 opf. Commentarii. E. Welssenborn, Lib. I.-II., 4opf. III. IV., 4 opf. 5. Freytag's School Series. (a) Latin Authors. Note. — Books with an asterisk prefixed contain explanatory notes. Caesaris commentarii de bello civili, ed. G. Th. Paul, editio maior, im. sopf. editio minor, 6opf. ,, ,, Gallico, 7. Prammer, 5 Aufl., mi. SERIAL LIST Ciceronis Cato major de senectute, Th. Schiche, 2 Aufl., 4opf. Laelius de amicitia, Th. Schiche, 2 Aufl., 4opf. Tusculanarum disputationum libri quinque, ed. Th. Schiche, nn. 2opf. De officiis libri tres, ed. Th. Schiche, 8opf. Orationes selectae, ed. H. Nohl : — Vol. I. Pro Roscio Amerino, 3opf. II. In Caecilium divinatio. In Verrem accusationis lib. IV. V., 8opf. III. De imperio Cn. Pompei oratio. In L. Catilinarn orat. IV., 5 opf. IV. Pro Murena, pro Sulla, pro Arcliia orationes, editio maior, Sopf. editio minor, sopf. V. Pro T. Annio Milone, pro Q. Ligario, pro rege Deiotaro, sopf. VI. Philippicarum libri I., II., III., editio maior, 8opf. editio minor, sopf. Orator ad Brutum, ed. Th. Stangl, 6opf. Brutus de Claris oratoribus, ed. Th. Stangl, 8opf. De oratore libri tres, rec. Th. Stangl, im. 25. Ciceros Ausgewahlte Briefe, H. Luthmer, gopf. Rede fiir den Dichter Archias, von H. Nohl, 2 Aufl., 4opf. Reden gegen L. Catilina und seine Genossen, H. Nohl, 2 Aufl., 40 pf. Rede fiir T. Annius Milo, H. Nohl, 2 Aufl., 7opf. Rede fiir den Oberbefehl des Pompeius, H. Nohl, 2 Aufl., 6opf. Reden fiir Q. Ligarius und Konig Deiotarus, H. Nohl, 2 Aufl., 6opf. Philippische Reden, I., II., III., VII., H. Nohl, 6opf. Cornelii Nepotis vitae, ed. G. Andresen, 6opf. ed. A. Weidner, 3 Aufl., im. Curti Rufi historiae Alexandri Magni, ed. M. Schmidt, im. Elegiker, Romische (selections), A. Biese, 7spf. Eutropi breviarium ab urbe conditp, ed. C. Wagener, im. 2opf. Festi breviarium, ed. C. Wagener, sopf. Horati Flacci carmina, ed. M. Petschenig, mi. 2spf. carmina selecta, ed. M. Petschenig, nn. opera, ed. Keller et Haeussner, 2 Aufl., ira, 2spf. -Horaz, Satiren und Episteln. Mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von L. Mueller. I. Teil, Satiren, 8m. II. ,, Episteln, 8m. Livi ab urbe condita libri, ed. A. Zingerle, Pars 1., Lib. I.-V., editio maior, nn. 2opf. editio minor, nn. Pars n., Lib. VI. -X., editio maior, nn. 2opf. editio minor, nn. in., Lib. XXL-XXV., nn. 2opf. iv., Lib. XXVI. -XXX., nn. 20 pf. v., Lib. XXXI.-XXXV., editio maior, nn. 2 opf. editio minor, nn. vi., Fasc. 1, Lib. XXXVI.-XXXVIIL, editio maior, im. 2 opf. editio minor, nn. vi., Fasc. 2, Lib. XXXIX. XL., editio maior, im. 2opf. editio minor, im. Livi ab urbe condita libri I., II. XXL, et XXII. Adiunctae sunt partes selectae exlibris III., IV., VI., A. Zingerle, 3 Aufl., nn. sopf. Livi ab urbe condita libri XXL, XXII., XXIIL, XXIV., XXX., ed. A. Zingerle, von P. Albrecht, im. sopf. Livi ab urbe condita lib. XXVI., A. Stitz, nn. Ovidi Nasonis carmina, Vol. II., Metamorphoses, ed. A. Zingerle, im. 2spf. III., Fasti, Tristia, Ibis, Epistulae ex Ponto, Halieutica, Fragmenta, ed. 0. Gilthling, 2m. Fasti, ed. 0. Gilthling, 7spf. Heroides, ed. H. St. Sedlmayer, 8opf. Tristium libri, Ibis, Epistulae ex Ponto, Halieutica, rec. 0. Gilth- ling, im. 4opf. Ovids ausgewahlte Gedichte, H. St. Sedlmayer, 4 Aufl. , im. 2opf. Phaedri fabulae Aesopiae (selections), /. M. Stowasser, sopf. 110 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Quintiliani institutionis oratoriae libri duodecim, ed. F. Meister : — Vol. I., Lib. I.-VL, im. aopf. II., Lib. VII-XIL, im. 5 opf. institutionis oratoriae liber X., F. Meister, ed. mi., 2spf. Sallusti Crispi bellum Catilinae, A. Scheindler, ed. ma., im. 35pf. bellum Iugurthinum, A. Scheindler, ed. ma., 7opf., ed. mi., sopf. bellum Catilinae, bellum Iugurthinum und Reden und Briefe aus den Historien, A. Scheindler, 2 Aufl. , im. L. Annaei Senecae oratorum et rhetorum sententiae divisiones colores, ed. H. J. Miiller, 14m. Taciti opera quae supersunt, J. Miiller :— Vol. I. Libros ab excessu Div. Augusti continens, mi. 5opf. II. Historias et opera minora continens, im. sopf. de origine, situ, moribus ac populis Germanorum liber, J. Miiller, 3 Aufl., 3opf. Vergili Maronis opera, W. Kloucek. Bucolica et Georgica, editio maior, mi. 2opf. editio minor, 7opf. carmina selecta, E. Eichler, im. 3opf. Aeneis, W. Kloucek, 2 Aufl., geh. 2m. Aeneis nebst ausgew. Stlicken der Bucolica und Georgica, W. Kloucek, 3 Aufl., im. 8opf. {b) Greek Authors. Demosthenes, Ausgewahlte Reden, K. Wotke, 3 Aufl., im. Euripidis Hippolytus, Th. Barthold, sopf. Medea, Th. Barthold, sopf.' Herodoti belli Persici historia (lib. V., VI., VII., VIII., IX.), A. Holder, mi. 8opf. (and each book separately), historiae, rec. A. Holder, Vol. I., 2m. II., 4111. Auswahl aus Herodot, Fr. Harder, mi. sopf. Hesiodi quae feruntur omnia, A. Bzach, 3m. Homeri hymni, epigrammata, Batrachomyomachia, E. Abel, im. 8opf. Iliadis carmina, A. Bzach, Lib. I.-XIL, im. XIII.-XXIV., im. Ilias, ed. P. Cauer, Carm. 1-12, editio maior, 3m. editio minor, im. sopf. 13-24, editio maior, 3m. sopf. editio minor, im. sopf. Odyssea, ed. P. Cauer, Carm. 1-12, editio maior, im. 13-24, im. (Ausgabe in 1 Band), ed. P. Cauer, 2m. Schol. in usum ed. J. La Boche, I. Odyssea, 1-12, im. II. Odyssey, 13-24, im. Odysseae epitome, ed. Pauly-Wotke, Lib. I.-XIL, 7opf. XIII.-XXIV., 7 opf. Homers Ilias in verkiirzter Ausgabe, A. Th. Christ, 2m. 2spf. Odyssee in verkiirzter Ausgabe, A. Th. Christ, 2 Aufl., im. 7opf. Isokrates' Panegyrikos, B. Keil, 7spf. Lyriker, Griechische (selections), A. Biese, I., text, 7spf. *IL, Einleitung und Erliiuterungen, 6opf. Lysiae oration es selectae, ed. A. Weidner, im. 2spf. Oracula Sibyllina, A. Bzach, 12m. Orphica, E. Abel, 5m. Platonis Apologia et Crito, J. Krai, 4opf. Laches, J. Krdl, 4opf. rrr - Protagoras, /. Krdl, 4opf. Platons Apologia, Krito and end of the Phaedo, A. Th. Christ, 2 Aufl., sopf. Euthyphron, A. Th. Christ, 4opf. Gorgias, A. Th. Christ, im. Phaidon, A. Th. Christ, 7opf. Sophoclis Oedipus Coloneus, Fr. Schubert, 4opf. Trachiniae, Fr. Schubert, 4opf. SERIAL LIST 111 Sophokles' Aias, Fr. Schubert, 3 Aufl., sopf. Antigone, Fr. Schubert, 3 Aufl., sopf. Elektra, Fr. Schubert, 2 Aufl., 6opf. Konig Oidipus, Fr. Schubert, 2 Aufl., 6opf. Philoktetes, Fr. Schubert, sopf. Thucydides, Ausgewiihlte Abschnitte, Chr. Harder, mi. 2opf. Xenophon's Anabasis, A. Weidner, 2 Aufl., ira. sopf. Memorabilien, A. Weidner, 2 Aufl., 8opf. Auswahl aus den Schriften Xenophons, R. v. Lindner, im. sopf. Auswahl aus Xenophons Hellenika, C. Biinger, 8opf. (c) Schiilerkommentare. *Baran, zu Demosthenes' acht Staatsreden, 2 Aufl., ira. *Biinger, zu Btingers Auswahl aus Xenephons Hellenika, 4opf. *Harder, zu Harders Auswahl aus Herodot, 7opf. *Harder, zur Auswahl aus Thucydides, 3opf. *La Roche, zu Homers Odyssee, I. -VI., im. VII. -XII., 7 opf. XIII. -XVIII., 5 opf. XIX.-XXIV.,6opf. *Lufhmer, zu Luthmers ausgewahlten Briefen Ciceros, kart., 3opf. fMullcr, zu Sallusti Crispi bellum Catilinae, bellum Jugurthinum und Reden und Briefe aus den Historien, im. *Schmidt, zu den Lebensbeschreibungen des Cornelius Nepos, gopf. zu Caesars Denkwilrdigkeiten uber den gallischen Krieg, im. 2opf. zur Auswahl aus den Schriften Xenophons von R. von Lindner, 6opf. zu T. Livi ab urbe cond. 1, I., II., XXL, XXII., im. zspf. *Schwertassek, zu Sedlmayers ausgewahlten Gedichten des P. Ovidius Naso, 7spf. 6. Didot's Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum. With Latin Versions, all the recently recovered Fragments, and copious Indices. Koyal 8vo. Aelianus, Philo Byzantius, Porphyrius, ed. Hercher, 12s. 6d. Aeschylus et Sophocles, cum Fragm. ed. Ahrens et G. Dindorf, 17s. Aesopus, Babrius, Fabulae Aesop., ed. Duebner, preparing. Anthologia, edd. Boissonade, Jacobs et Duebner, 2 vols., 25s. Appianus, 12s 6d. Aristophanes, ed. G. Dindorf. Menander et Philemon, ed. Duebner, 12s. 6d. Scholia, 12s. 6d. Aristoteles, edd. Duebner, Bussemaker et Heitz, 5 vols., 67s. Arrianus et Fragmenta Scriptorum Hist. Alex., edd. Duebner etC. Muller, 12s 6d. Athenaeus, ed. G. Dindorff, in the press. Bucolici et Didactici Graeci. See Theocritus. Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ex. rec. Meineke, ed. Bothe, 12s. 6d. Demosthenes cum Fragmentis, ed. Voemel, 17s. Diodorus Siculus cum Fragmentis, edd. L. Dindorf et C. Muller, 2 vols., 25s. Diogenes Laertius, ed. Cobet. Jamblichus et Vitae Philosophorum, edd. Wester- mann et Boissonade, 12s. 6d. Dionysius Halicarn. Historica, Ritschl and Kiessling. Rhetorica, Sauppe, pre- paring. Epigrammatum Graecorum Anthologia Palatina, ed. Duebner, 2 vols., 25s. Appendix Epigrammatum. Epistolographi, edd. Westermann et Hercher, 17s. Erotici graeci : Achilles Tatius, Longus, Xenophon, Charito, Heliodorus, Par- thenius, Jamblichus, Ant. Diogenes, Eumathes, Apollonius Tyr., Nicetas Eugenianus, etc., edd. Boissonade, Lebas, et Hirschig, 12s. 6d. Euripides, ed. Fix, 12s. 6d. Fragmenta Euripidis et omnium Trag. Graec. Christianorumque, edd. Wagner et Duebner, 12s. 6d. 112 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Geographi Graeci Minores, Vols. I. II., 25s. Atlas of 29 coloured maps to the same, 12s. 6d. Vol. III. preparing. Herodotus, ex. rec. G. Dindorfii. Ctesias, Castor et Eratosthenes, ed. Th. Miiller, 12s. 6d. Hesiodus, Apollon. Rhod., Coluthus, Quintus Smyrn., Tzetzes, Musaeus, Frag- menta Tryphiod. Antimachi, Choerili, Panyasis, Asii et Pisandri, edd. Lehrs et Duebner, 12s. 6d. Historicorum Graecorum Fragmenta. Collectio amplissiina, ed. C. Miiller, 5 vols., 76s.. Homerus, rec. Dindorf. Ace. Fragmenta Cycli epici, 10s. 6d. Inscriptionum Graecarum Corpus, in preparation. S. Joannis Chrysost. Opera selecta, ed. Duebner, 12s. 6d. Josephus (Flav.), ed. G. Dindorf, 2 vols., 25s. Julianus Imp., ed. Duebner, preparing. Longinus, ed. Egger, preparing. Lucianus, ed. Dindorf, 17s. Lyrici Graeci, ed. Nauck, preparing. Oratores Attici, edd. Ahrens, Baiter et C. Miiller, 2 vols., 25s. Paroimiographi, ed. Leutsch, preparing. Pausanias, ed. L. Dindorf, 12s. 6d. Philosophorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ed. Mullach, 3 vols., 37s. 6d. Philostratus, ed. Westermann. Eunapius, ed. Boissonadc. Himerius, ed. Duebner, T2S. 6d. Plato, edd. Schneider et B. HirscMg, 2 vols., 25s. Indices, Duebner et Hunziger, 8s. Plotinus, edd. Creuzer et Moser, Porphyrii Instt. Procli Inst, theol. Prisciani Quaestt., ed. Duebner, 12s. 6d. Plutarchi Vitae, ed. Duebner, 2 vols., 25s. Moralia, ed. Duebner, 2 vols., 25s. Fragm. et Pseudo-Plutarchea, with Indices, 8s. 6d. Polybius, cum Fragmentis, ed. Duebner, 17s. Procopius, ed. Dubeux, preparing. Ptolemaeus, ed. C. Miiller, Vol. I. pt. i., 12s. 6d. Sibyllina Oracula, ed. Alexandre, preparing. Stobaeus, ed. G. Dindorf, preparing. Strabo, edd. Duebner et C. Miiller, 2 parts, with 15 coloured maps, 30s. the maps separately, 12s. 6d. Testamentum Vetus (LXX), ed. Jaeger, 2 vols., 25s. Novum, edd. Jaeger et Tischendorf, 10s. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, Nicander, Oppianus, Marcellus Sidetes, Philes, Aratus, Manetho, Maximus, 12s. 6d. Scholia Theocriti, Nicandri et Oppiani, edd. Duebner et BussemaJcer, 12s. 6d. Theophrasti Opera omnia, ed. Wimmer, 12s. 6d. Characteres, Antoninus, Epictetus, Arrianus, Simplicius, Cebes, Maximus Tyrius, ed. Duebner, 12s. 6d. Thucydides, cum Scholiis, ed. Haase, 12s. 6d. Tragici Graeci, Scholia, preparing. Xenophon, ex rec. G. Dindorfii, 12s. 6d. B. TEXTS WITH NOTES. 1. Teubner's Series of Greek and Latin Classics with Explanatory- German Notes. 8vo, sewed. Aeschylus, Agamemnon, von R. Enger und W. Gilbert, 2nd edition, 2s. 6d. Perser, von W. S. Teuffel und N. Wecklein, 3rd edition, is. 3d. Prometheus, von N. Wecklein, 2s. ; von N. Schmidt, is. 3d. Anthologie a. d. griech. Lyrikern, von Buchholz, 2 vols, each 2s. aus den Elegikern der Romer, von C. Jacoby, 2 vols, each is. 6d. Aristophanes, die Wolken, von W. S. Teuffel und 0. Kaehler, 3s. Aristoteles, der Staat der Athener, Histor. Hauptteil, von K. Hude, od. SERIAL LIST 113 Arrian, Anabasis, von K. Abicht, 2 vols. I. 2s. ; II. 2s. 6d. Caesar, de bello gallico, von A. Doberenz und G. B. Dinter, 9th edition, 2s. 6d. de bello civili, von Doberenz und Dinter, 5th edition, 2s. 6d. Chrestomathia, Ciceroniana, von G. F. Liiders, 2nd edition, 3s. Cicero, de officiis, von C. F. W. Miiller, 2s. 6d. Laelius, von C. Meissner, 8d. Cato maior, von C. Meissner, 3rd Edition, 8d. de legibus, von Ad. du Mesnil, 4s. Somnium Scipionis, von 0. Meissner, 3rd edition, 6d. Tusculanae disputationes, von 0. Heine, I. 4th edition, is. 3d. ; II. 3rd edition, is. 6d. Rede ftir Plancius, von E. Kbpke, 3rd edition, is. 3d. fiir Sestius, von H. A. Koch und A. Eberhard, 2d edition, is. fiir Roscius, von F. Richter und A. Fleckeisen, 3rd edition, is. fiir Milo, von F. Richter und A. Eberhard, 4th edition, is. Divinatio in Caecilium, von F. Richter und A. Eberhard, 6d. Rede gegen Verres IV., von F. Richter und A. Eberhard, 3rd edition, is. 6d. V., von F. Richter und A. Eberhard, 2nd edition, is. 3d. fiir Sulla, von F. Richter und Landgraf, 2nd edition, 9d. Reden gegen Catilina, von F. Richter und A. Eberhard, 5th edition, is. fiir Marcellus, fiir Ligarius und Deiotarus, von F. Richter und A. Eberhard, 3rd edition, is. Rede fiir Murena, von H. A. Koch und Landgraf, 2nd edition, is. iiber das Imperium des Pompejus, von F. Richter und A. Eberhard, 4th Edition, 8d. Philippische Reden I. II., von H. A. Koch und A. Eberliard, is. Philippische Rede, I., IV. und XIV. von Gast, 8d. Rede fiir Archias 3rd edition, von F. Richter und A. Eberhard, 4th edition, von Nohl, 6d. de oratore, von K. W. Piderit und Hamecker, 6th edition, 3 parts, I. 2s. ; II. and III., each is. 6d. Orator, von K. W. Piderit, 2nd edition, 2s. Brutus, von K. W. Piderit und W. Friedrich, 3rd edition, 2s. 6d. Parti tiones oratoriae, von K. W. Piderit, is. ausgewahlte Briefe, von J. Frey, 5th edition, 2s. 6d. de flnibus bonorum et malorum, von H. Holstein, 3s. de natura deorum, von Goethe, 2s. 6d. Cornelius Nepos, see Nepos. Curtius Rufus, von Th. Vogel, 3rd edition, 2 vols, each 2s. 3d. Demosthenes, Reden, von C. Rehdantz und F. Blass, I. is. 3d. ; II. (1) is. 6d. ; II. (2) as. die Rede voin Kranze, von F. Blass, 2s. 3d. Euripides, Phoenissae, von N. Wecklein, 2s. Medea, von N. Wecklein, 3rd edition, 2s. Iphigenia Taur. ; Bacchen ; Hippolytus, von N. Wecklein, each is. 6d. Herodot, von K. Abicht, Book I. 2s. ; Book II. is. 6d. ; Book III. is. 6d. ; Book IV. is. 6d. ; Books V. VI. 2s. ; Book VII. 2s. ; Books VIII. IX. 2s. Homer, Odyssee, von K. F. Ameis und G. Hentze, 4 parts, each is. 6d. Anhang : Part I. is. 6d. ; Parts II. III. IV., each is. 3d. Ilias, von K. F. Ameis und C. Hentze. Vol. I. Parts I. II. each is. ; Parts III. IV. each is. 3d. Vol. II. Parts I.— III. each is. 3d. ; Part IV. is. 6d. Anhang : Parts I. II. each is. 6d. ; Parts III. VIII. each 2s. ; Parts IV. V. each is. 3d. ; Parts VI. VII. each is. 6d. Ilias, von La Roche, 6 parts, each is. 6d. Horaz, Oden und Epoden, von C. W. Nauck, 14th edition, 2s. 6d. Satiren und Episteln, von G. T. A. Kriiger, 13th edition. I. Teil: Satiren. II. Teil : Episteln, each is. 6d. Sermonen, von A. Th. H. Fritzsche, 2 vols, I. 2s. 6d. ; II. 2s. Isocrates, Ad Demonicum, Euagoras, Areopagiticus, von 0. Schneider, 3rd edition, is. 3d. Panegyricus und Philippus, von 0. Schneider, 3rd edition, 2s. Juvenalis, von Weidner, 2nd edition, 4s. 6d. Livius, libri I. II., von M. Miiller, each is. 6d. Ill — X., von F. Luterbacher, each is. 3d. H 114 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS XXI. XXII. XXIII., von E. Wolfflin und F. Luterbacher, each is. 3d. liber XXIV., von H. J. Miiller, is. XXV., von H. J. Miiller, is. 3d. libri XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII., von Franz Friedersdorff, each is. 3d. XXIX. XXX., von F. Luterbacher, each is. 3d. Lucian, Traum, Timon, Prometheos, Charon, von C. Jacobitz, is. 3d. Totengesprache, Gottergesprache, der Halm, von C. Jacobitz, is. 3d. Demonax, der Fischer, Anacharsis, von C. Jacobitz, is. 3d. Lykurg, Rede gegen Leokrates, von C. Rehdantz, 2s. 6d. Lysias, ausgewahlte Reden, von Frohberger, large edition, 2nd edition, von Gebauer, I. 4s. 6d. ; II. III. each is. 6d. Nepos (Cornelius), von /. Siebelis und Jancovius, 11th edition, is. 3d. von, E. Ortmann, 5th edition, is. Ovid, Metamorphosen, von /. Siebelis und Fr. Polle, 2 vols, each is. 6d. Fastorum libri VI., von H. Peter, 2 parts, I. 3s. ; II. is. Phaedrus, von J. Siebelis und F. A. Eckstein, 6th edition, 9d. Plato, Verteidigungsrede des Sokrates und Kriton, von Ch. Cron, 9th edition, is. Gorgias, von J. Deuschle, 4th edition, 2s. 3d. Anhang, is. Laches, von Ch. Cron, 5th edition, 90!. Euthyphron, von Wohlrab, 3rd edition, 6d. Protagoras, von J. Deuschle und Cron, 4th edition, is. 6d. Symposion, von A. Hug, 2nd edition, 3s. Phaedon, von M. Wohlrab, 2nd edition, is. 6d. Der Staat. Buch I. , von M. Wohlrab, od. Plautus, von E. J. Brix, Trinummus, 4th edition, is. 3d. Captivi, 4th edition, is. Menaechnii, 4th edition, is. Miles Gloriosus, 2nd edition, is. 6d. Plutarch, Philopoemen und Flamininus, von F. Blass, 2nd edition, is. Timoleon und Pyrrhos, von 0. Siefert und F. Blass, 2nd edition, is. 6d. Themistokles und Perikles, von F. Blass, 2nd edition, is. 6d. Aristides und Cato, von F. Blass, is. Agis und Kleoraenes, von F. Blass, is. Tiberius und Gajus Gracchus, von F. Blass, is. Quintilianus, liber X. von G. T. A. Kriiger, 3rd edition, is. Sallustius, Catilina, von R. Dietsch. Out of print. Sophokles, Aias, von G. Wolff und L. Bellermann, 4th edition, is. 6d. Elektra, von G. Wolff xrnd L. Bellermann, 4th edition, is. 6d. Antigone, von G. Wolff und L. Bellermann, 5th edition, is. 6d. Konig Oidipus, von G. Wolff und L. Bellermann, 4th edition, is. 3d. Oidipus auf Kolonos, von L. Bellermann, is. 6d. Supplementum lectionis graecae, von C. A. J. Hoffmann, is. 6d. Tacitus, Historien, von K. Heraeus. Books I., II., 4th edition, 2s. Books III. to V., 3rd edition, 2s. Annalen, von A. Draeger (1) Books I.— VI., 5th edition ; (2) Books IX.— XVI., 3rd edition, each 2s. 6d. Agricola, von A. Draeger, 5th edition, 8d. Dialogus de oratoribus, von G. Andresen, 3rd edition, iss. Terentius, Phormio, von C. Dziatzko, 2nd edition, is. 6d. Adelphoe, von C. Dziatzko, is. 6d. Testamentum Novum graece, von Fr. Zelle und Wohlfahrt. I. Matthew, 2S. ; IV. Gospel of St. John, is. 6d. ; V. Acts, is. Theokrit, von A. Th. H. Fritzsche, und E. Hitter, 3rd edition, 3s. Thukydides, von G. Bohme, 4 parts, 5th and 4th editions, each is. 6d. Vergil, Aeneis, von K. Kappes, 4 parts, each is. 3d. Bucolica und Georgica, von K. Kappes, is. 6d. Xenophon, Anabasis, von F. Vollbrecht, 2 parts, each is. 6d. Kyropadie, von L. Breitenbach, 2 parts, each is. 6d. Griechische Geschichte, von B. Biichsenschiitz, 2 parts, 6th and 4th editions, each is. 6d. Memorabilien, von R. Kiihner, 5th edition, is. 6d. Agesilaos, von 0. Guthling is. 6d. SERIAL LIST 115 2. Weidmanii's Greek and Latin Classics. With Explanatory German Notes. Aeschines, C. Ctes. Weidner, 2s. 6d. Aeschylus, Agamemnon, F. W. Schiieidewin und Hense, 3s. Perser, Schiller und Conradt, 2s. Aristophanes, Kock : — Wolken, 4th edition, 3s. Frosche, 3rd edition, 2s. 6d. Ritter, 3rd edition, 2s. 6d. | Vogel, 2nd edition, 3s. Arrian's Anabasis, Sintcnis, 2 vols., 2s. 6d. each. Bellum Alexandrinum, Schneider, is. 4d. Caesar de Bello Gallico, Kraner und Dittenberger, 15th edition, 3s. Civili, Kraner und Hofmann, 10th edition, 3s. Cicero's Ausgewiihlte Briefe, Fr. Hofmann, Andresen und Lehmann, Vol. I., 3S. Vol. II., 28. 6d. Reden, K. Halm und G. Laubmann : — fur Sex. Roscius, u. d. Imperium Pompeii, 11th edition, is. 6d. gegen Caecilius, und gegen Verres IV., V., 9th edition, 3s. f'iir Sestius, 6th edition, is. 6d. gegen Catilina, fur Sulla, und Archias, 13th edition, is. 6d, fiir Milo, Ligarius, und Deiotarus, 9th edition, is. 6d. fiir Murena, 5th edition, is. 6d. Philippica, I., II., 7th edition, is. 6d. Brutus, 0. Jahn und Eberhard, 4th edition, 2s. 6d. Orator, 0. Jahn, 3rd edition, in preparation. Cato major, J. Sommerbrodt, lltli edition, is. Laelius, C. W. Nauck, 9th edition, is. Tusculanae, G. Tischer und G. Sorof, 2 vols., 8th edition, each 2s. 6d. de Natura Deorum, G. W. Schomann, 4th edition, 3s. De Officiis, 0. Heine, 6th edition, 3s. de Finibus, D. Bockel. Buch I., II., is. 6d. de Oratore, Sorof. I. (2nd edition), II., III., each 2s. 6d. Cornelius Nepos, K. Nipperdey und B. Lupus, 9th edition, is. 6d. ; . . . ed. ma., 3s. Demosthenes' Reden, Westermann und Rosenberg: — Philippicae, etc., 9th edition, 2s. 6d. vom Kranze, und gegen Leptines, 6th edition, 3s. gegen Aristokrates, Konon, Eubulides, 3rd edition, 2s. 6d. Elegiker, Romische, Schulze, 3rd edition, 3s. Euripides, Schone, Kbchly, Barthold, v. Arnimvind Bruhn: — Bakchen, 3d edition, 2s. Medea, 2nd edition, 2s. Iphigenia in Taurien, 4th edition, 3s. | Hippolytus, 2s. 6d. Herodotos, Stein,, 5 vols. Buch V.-VI. 4th edition, 2s. 6d. VII. 5th edition, 2s. 6d. VIII. or IX. 5th edition, 3s. Buch I. 5th edition, 3s. II. 4th edition, 2s. 6d. III. 4th edition, 2s. IV. 3rd edition, 2s. Homer's Odyssee, Faesi, Hinrichs und Rentier, 4 vols. (vols. I., II., 8th edition; vols. Ill , IV., 7th edition), each 2s. 6d. Iliades, Faesi und Franke, 4 vols., (vol. I., 7th edition; II-IV., 6th edition), each 2s. 6d. Horatius, Schiitz : — I. Oden und Epoden, 3rd edition, 3s. 6d. II. Satiren, 3s. 6d. III. Episteln, 3s. 6d. von Kiessling : — I. Oden und Epoden, 2nd edition, 3s. 6d. II. Satiren, 3s. III. Briefe, 3s. 6d. Isocrates, Rauchenstein und Reinhardt, 5th edition, 2s. Livius, Weissenbovn und Miiller : — IX.-X. 5th edition, 2s. 6d. XXI. 8th edition, 28. XXII. 8th edition, 2s. XXIII. 7th edition, is. 6d. XXIV. -XXV. 4th edition, 2s. 6d. I. 8th edition, 3s. II. 8th edition, 2s. III. 5th edition, 2s. IV.-V. 5th edition, 3s. VI. -VIII. 5th edition, 3s. 116 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS 4th edition, is. 6d. 3rd edition, 3s. 3rd edition, 2s. 6d. | 3rd edition, 2s. 3rd edition, 2s. 6d. | XXVI. XXVII.-XXVIII. XXIX.-XXX. XXXI.-XXXII. XXXIII.-XXXIV. Lucian, Sommerbrodt : — I., 3rd edition, 2s. II., 2nd edition, is. 6d. Lycurgus, c. Leocratem, Nicolai, 2nd edition, is. Lysias, Rauchenstein und Fuhr : — I., 10th edition, 2s. II., 9th edition, is. 6d. Ovid, Metamorphosen, Haupt, Korn und Milller : — Vol. I., 7th edition, 3s. II., 2nd edition, 3s. Phaedrus, Raschig und Richter, 3rd edition, is. Plato, Protagoras, Sauppe, 4th edition. Ausgew. Dialoge, C. Schmelzer :— Phaedrus, is. 4d. Gorgias, 2s. 6d. Phaedo, is. 6d. Apologie, Krito, is. 6d. Symposion, is. 4d. Pliniana Chrestomathia, Ulrichs, 3s. 6d. Plautus, Lorenz: — Mostellaria, 2nd edition, 3s. Miles Gloriosus, 2nd edition, 3s. 6d. j Plutarch's Biographien, Sintenis, Hercher und Fuhr :— Aristides und Cato major, 3rd edition, is. 6d. Agis und Kleomenes, Tiberius und Gains Gracchus, 4th edition, 2s. 6d. Themistokles und Perikles, 4th edition, is. 6d. Demosthenes und Cicero, Biichsenschutz, is. 6d. Quintiliani liber X., Bonnell und Meister, 5th edition, is. Sallust, Jacobs und Wirz, 10th edition, 2s. 6d. Sophokles, Schneidewin und Nauck :- XXXV -XXXVIII. 2nd edition, 38. 6d. XXXIX.-XL. 2nd edition, 3 s. XLI.-XLII. 2nd edition, 2 s. 6d. XLIII.-XLIV. 2nd edition, 2s. 6d. XLV. u. Fragmente, 2nd edition, 2s. 6d. III., 2nd edition, 3s. Menon, Euthyphron, is. 6d. der Staat, I., 2s. 6d. II., 3 s. 6d. Charmides, Lysis, is. 4d. Laches, Ion, is. 4d. Pseudolus, 3s. 6d. Aias, 9th edition, Oidipus Tyrannos, 9th edition, 2s. Oidipus auf Kolonos, 8th edition, 2s. Antigone, 9th edition, is. 6d. Tacitus, Annales, Nipperdey und Andresen, I., 8th edition, 3s. 6d. 3s. 6d. Historien, Wolff, 2 vols., each 3s. Germania, Zernial, 2s. Terentius, Spengel : — I. Andria, 2nd edition, 2s. 6d. Thukydides, Classen und Steup :— Buch I. 4th edition, in preparation. II. 4th edition, 3s. III. 3rd edition, 3s. 6d. IV. 2nd edition, 3s. Vergil, Ladewig, Schaper und Deuticlce :- I. Bucolica und Georgica, 7th edition, 2s. 6d. II. Aeneis, Buch I. -VI., 11th edition, 3s. III. „ ,, VII.-XIL, 8th edition, 3 s. Xenophon, Anabasis, Rehdantz und Carnuth, I., 4th edition, 2s. 6d. ; edition, 2s. 6d. Cyropadie, Hertlein und Nitsche, I., 4th edition, 2s. 6d. ; 3rd edition, 3s. Hellenika, Breitenbach, Buch I. und II., 2nd edition, 3s. ; III. und IV., 3 s.; V.-VIL, 3 s. Memorabilien, Breitenbach und Miicke, 6th edition, 3s. Elektra, 9th edition, 2s. Trachinierinnen, 6th edition, 2s. Philoktetes, 9th edition, 2s. II., 5th edition, II. Adelphoe, 2s. V. 2nd edition, 2s. 6d. VI. 3rd edition, in preparation. VII. 2nd edition, 2s. 6d. VIII. 2nd edition, 3s. II., 5th 3. Perthes Bibliotheca Gothana. With Explanatory German Notes. Caesar, Bell. Gall. R. Menge, 3 vols., each im. 3opf. Anhang. Geographischer Abriss, 6opf. Bell. Civ., R. Menge, 2m. 4opf. SERIAL LIST 117 Cicero, fur Sex. Roscius aus Ameria, G. Landgraf. 2 Aufl., ira. gegen L. Sergius Catiliua, K. Hachtmann. 4 Aufl., im. liber das Imperium des Cn. Pompeius, A. Deuerling. 3 Aufl., 8opf. fiir P. Sestius, R. Bouterwek, mi. sopf. fiir T. Annius Milo, R. Bouterwek, mi. 2opf. fiir den Dichter Archias, J. Strenge, 6opf. fiir Q. Ligarius, J. Strenge, 6opf. fiir den Konig Deiotarus, J. Strenge, 6opf. fiir L. Murena, J. Strenge, 75pf. 1, 2 mid 7 Philippische Rede, J. Strenge, mi. 2opf. gegen Q. Caecilius, K. Hachtmann, 45pf. gegen C. Verres. Buch IV., K. Hachtmann, mi. 3opf. Bucli V., K. Hachtmann, mi. 2opf. De Oratore, I., G. Stolzle, nn. sopf. Laelius de amicitia, A. Strelitz, nn. Cato maior de senectute, H. Anz, oopf. Somnium Scipionis, H. Anz, 3opf. Paradoxa ad M. Brutum, H. Anz, 6opf. Tusculanae Disp. L. W. Hasper, 2 vols., each im. 2opf. De ofliciis, P. Dettweiler, 2m. 25pf. Epistulae selectae, P. Dettweiler, 2in. 2spf. Cornelius Nepos, W. Martens. 3 Aufl., im. 2opf. Demosthenes' ausgewahlte Reden, J. Sorgel. vol. 1. Die drei Olynthischen Reden und die erste Rede gegen Philippos. 4 Aufl., A. Deuerling, im. 2opf. Vol 2. Rede uber den Frieden. Zweite Rede gegen Philippos. Rede liber die Angelegenheiten im Chersones. Dritte Rede gegen Philippos. 2 Aufl., im. 8opf. Euripides' Iphigenie in Taurien, S. Mekler, im. 2opf. Medea, S. Mekler, im. Herodotos, J. Sitzler. VI. Bucn. im. 8opf. VII. Buch. 2 Aufl. 2 m. VIII. Buch. im. 3 opf. IX. Buch. im. 3opf. Homers Ilias, G. Stier, 8 vols., each mi. sopf. Anhang : Worterbuch der Eigennamen. Odyssee, F. Week, 8 vols., each mi. or mi. 2opf. Horaz' Oden und Epoden, E. Rosenberg. 2 Aufl., am. 25pf. Satiren, K. 0. Breithaupt, mi. 8opf. Episteln, H. Anton, am. iopf. Livius— lib. I., M. Heynacher. 2 Aufl., im. II., Th. Klett, im. VIII., E. Ziegeler, mi. IX., E. Ziegeler, im. iopf. XXI., F. Luterbacher. 3 Aufl., im. 2opf. XXII., F. Luterbacher. 3 Aufl., mi. 2 opf. XXIII., G. Egelhaaf, mi. 2opf. Lysias* ausgewahlte Reden, W. Kocks, 2 vols., each mi. sopf. Ovid, Metamorphosen, H. Magnus, 2 Aufl., 3 vols., each mi. 8opf. Anhang : Ovids Leben ; allgemeine Bemerkungen liber den Sprachgebrauch der romischen Dichter ; niythologisch-geographisches Register, 6opf. Platons Apologia und Kriton, H. Bertram. 2 Aufl., im. Protagoras, H. Bertram, km. Euthyphron, H. Bertram, 6opf. Laches, H. Bertram, 6opf. Plutarch, R. Paukstadt. Brutus, im. 3opf. Themistocles, mi. 2opf. Sallustius, Bellum Catilinae, J. H. Schmalz. 4 Aufl., mi. De bello Iugurthino, J. H. Schmalz. 3 Aufl., mi. 2opf. Senecae epistulae selectae, G. Hess, mi. 8opf. Sophokles' Konig Oidipus, G. Kern. 2 Aufl., mi. Antigone, G. Kern. 3 Aufl., mi. Oidipus auf Kolonos, F. Sartorius, 8opf. Elektra, G. H. Miiller, mi. 2opf. Philoktetes, G. H. Midler, im. Aiax, R. Paehler, im. sopf. V^^ OF TW 118 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS Tacitus' Annalen, W. Pfitzner. Vol. I. 2 Aufl., im. 2opf. Vol. II., Buch III. -VI. 2 Aufl., mi. sopf. Vol. III., Buch XI.-XIIL. mi. 2 opf. IV., XIV.-XVL, mi. 5 opf. Germania, G. Egelhaaf. 2. Aufl. , 6opf. Agricola, K. Knout, 8opf. Dialogus de oratoribus, Ed. Wolf, im. 2opf. Thucydides, J. Sitzler, Buch L, 2111. iopf. II., im. 8opf. VI., nu. 2opf. VII., im. 8opf. Vergil's Aeneis, Buch I. u. II., 0. Brosin. 4 Aufl. von L. Heitkamp, mi. 3opf. III. u. IV., 0. Brosin. 3 Aufl. von L. Heitkamp, im. 3opf. V. u VI., 0. Brosin. 3 Aufl. von L. Heitkamp, im. 8opf. VI I. -IX., 0. Brosin. 2 Aufl., 2m. iopf. X.-XII., 0. Brosin u. L. Heitkamp, mi. 8opf. Anhang : Einleitung und allgemeinere Bemerkungen. 3 Aufl., 3opf. Xenophons Anabasis, R. Hansen, Buch I. u. II. 3 Aufl., 1111. 2opf. III.-V. 2 Aufl., 1111. 2opf. VI. u. VII., nn. sopf. Hellenika, R. Grosser, Buch I. u. II., 1111. 2opf. III. u. IV., nn. 2opf. V.-VIL, 2111. iopf. Memorabilien, E. Weissenoorn, Buch I. u. II., nn. 2opf. III. n. VI., im. 2opf. Anthologie aus den romischen Elegikern. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Ovids, K. Peters. 1 Heft, im. sopf. 2 Heft, nn. sopf. 4. Bibliotheca Graeca. With Critical and Exegetical Latin Notes. 8vo. Aeschinis oratio in Ctesiphontem, rec. explicavit A. Weidner 3s. 9d. Aeschyli Agamemno, ed. R. H. Klausen, Ed. II. cur. R. Enger, 4s. Demosthenis Philippica I. et Olynthiacae I. — III. Explic. //. Sauppe, Ed. II., is. Euripidis tragoediae, edd. I. E. Pflugk et R. Klotz : Ipliigenia quae est Anlide, is. 3d. Iphigenia Taurica, is. 3d. Medea, Ed. III., is. 6d. Orestes, is. 3d. Phoenissae, Ed. II. cur. N. Week- lein, 2S. 6d. Alcestis, Ed. II, is. 3d. Andromacha, Ed. II., is. 3d. Hecuba. Ed. III. cur. N. Wecklein, is. 3d. Helena, Ed. II., is. 3d. Heraclidae, Ed. II., is. 3d. Hercules furens, Ed. II. cur. Weck- lein, 2S. Hesiodi carmina, illustr. C. Goettling, Ed. III. cur. I. Flach, 7s. Homeri Ilias, rec, varietat. lect. adi. F. Spitzner, 4 parts, ts. Pindari carmina cum deperditorum fragm., comment, illustr. L. Dissen, Ed. II. cur. F. G. Schneidcwin, vol. I. (text), out of print. Vol. II., Sec. I., II. (Comment, in Olymp. et Pyth.), 3 s. Platonis opera omnia, recensuit, prolegomenis et commentariis instruxit G. Stall- baum, 10 vols. (21 parts). Apologia Socratis et Crito. Ed. V. I Pliaedo, Ed. V. cur. M. Wdhlrab, 3s. cur. M. Woklrab, 2s. 6d. I Phaedrus, Ed II., 2s. 6d. Cratylus. Out of print. I Philebus, 3s. Euthydenms. Out of print. Gorgias, Ed. III., 2s. 6d. Laches, Charmides, Alcibiades, Ed. II. 3 s. Leges, 3 vols., us. Menexenus, Lysis, Hippias, Io, Ed. II., 3s. Symposium. Out of print. Meno, Euthyphro, Theages, Erastae j Theaetetus, cur. ill. Wohlrab, 4s. et Hipparchus, Ed. II., cur. A. R. Timaeus et Critias. Out of print. Fritzsche, 6s. Politia s. republica, vol. I., out of print ; vol. II. (lib. VI.— X.) 3 s. 6d. Politicus et incerti auctoris Minos, 3s. Protagoras, Ed. IV. cur. J. S. Kro- schel, 2s. 6d. Sophista. Out of print. SERIAL LIST 119 Sophoclis tragoediae, rec. E. Wunderiis, cur. N. Wecklein. Oedipus rex., Ed. V., is. 6d. Philoctetes, Ed. IV., is. 3d. Tracliiniae, Ed. III., is. 6d. Ajax, Ed. III., is. 3d. Antigone, Ed. V., is. 6d. Electra, Ed. IV., 2s. Oedipus Col., Ed. V., 2s. Thucydidis de bello Peloponnesiaco libri VIII., expl. E. F. Poppo, Editionem alteram cur. J. M. Stalil. Lib. I. Ed. III., 4 s. 6d. Lib. V. Ed. II., 2s. 6d. „ II. Ed. III., 3 s. „ VI. Ed. II., 2s. 6d. „ III. Ed. II., 2S. 6d. „ VII. Ed. II., 3 s. „ IV. Ed. II., 3 s. „ VIII. Ed. II., 38. Xenophontis Anabasis (Expeditio Cyri), illustr. R. Kiihner. Sect. I. (Lib. I. to IV. out of print; Sect. II. (Lib. V. to VII.), 2 s. Oeconomicus, rec. et explan. L. Breitenbach, is. 6d. Hellenica, ed. L. Breitenbach, 2 parts, 7s. I. (Lib. I. II.), 2s. ; II. (Lib. III. to VII.), 5 s. Agesilaus, ed. L. Breitenbach, is. 3d. Hiero, ed. L. Breitenbacli, is. PATRISTIC AUTHORS. A. Vienna Corpus of Latin Fathers. (Far superior in accuracy to the texts in the Abbe Migne's series. ) Corpus Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum. Editum consilio Academiae Litt. Caes. Vindobon. 8vo. 1866-95. 1. Sulpicius Severus, ed. Halm, 3s. 6d. 2. Minucius Felix et Jul. Firmicus Maternus, ed. Halm, 2s. 3. Cyprianus, ed. Ha.rtel, 3 vols., 15s. 4. Arnobius, adversus nationes, ed. lieifferscheid, 6s. 5. Orosius, adversus paganos, ed. Zangemeister, 16s. 6. Ennodius, ed. Hartel, 15s. 7. Victor Vit., hist, persecut. Africanae prov., ed. Petschenig, 4s. 8. Salvianus, ed. Pauly, 7s. 9. Eugypius, ed. Knoell, 2 vols., £1, 4s. 6d. 10. Sedulius, ed. Hiiemer, 9s. 11. Claud. Mamertus, ed. Engelbreclit, 6s. 12. Augustinus. (III. 1.) Speculum et liber dediuinis scripturis, ed. Weihrich, 15s. 13 and 17. Cassianus, ed. Petschenig, £1, 15s. 6d. 14. Luciferi opuscula, ed. Hartel, 9s. 15. Commodianus, ed. B. Dombart, 5s. (Vols. I. to XV. taken together, £5, 5s.) 16. Poetae christianae minores — I. Paulinus Petricordi., rec. Petschenig. Orientius, rec. R. Ellis. Paulinus Pellaeus, rec. Brandes. CI. Mar. Victor et Probae Cento, rec. Schenld, 16s. 6d. 18. Priscillianus, rec. Schepps, 8s. 6d. 19. Lactantius (I). Diuinae institutiones et epitome diu. inst., rec. Brandt, £1, 5s. 20. Tertullianus, rec. Reifferscheid et Wissowa. I. 15s. 6d. 21. Faustus Reiensis et Ruricius, ed. Engelbreclit, 16s. 22. Hilarius Pict. super Psalmos, rec. Zingerle, £1, 4s. 23. Cypriani Galli Heptateuchus, ed. R. Peiper, 10s. 24. Juvenci Evangeliorum libri IV., rec. J. Hnemer, 7s. 6d. 25. Augustinus (VI. 1, 2). De utilitate credendi, de duabus animabus, etc. £1, 8s. 26. Optatus, rec. C. Ziivsa, 10s. 27. Lactantius (II. 1), ed. S. Brandt, 6s. 6d. 28. Augustinus (III. 2). De Genesi ad litteram, etc., ed. J. Zycha, 17s. 120 GUIDE TO THE CLASSICS 29.-30. Paulus Nolanus, rec. G. de Hartel, £i, ios. 6d. 31. Encherius Lugd., rec. C. Wotke. I. 6s. 32. and 33. In the press. 34. Augustinus (I). Epistolae, ed. Goldbacher, 4s. B. The Abbe* Migne's Library of Greek and Latin Fathers. The price of each volume in the Greek series is 20s. ; in the Latin series, 10s. Volumes containing only a portion of the writings of the Author are not sold separately. (1) Patrologia Graeco-Latina, sive Bibliotheca omnium SS. Patrum, Doctorum, Scriptorumque Ecclesiasticorum qui ab Aevo Apos- tolico ad Finem Seculi XV. floruerunt. 161 Vols. (Index Auctorum, by D. Scholarios, pp. 611. Athens, 1879.) S. Anastasius Sinaita, Anastasii alii quattuor, Antioclms Laurse S. Sabse Mon. (89) S. Andreas Cappad., Arethas, Joseppus, Nicephorus Philos., Joannes Geometra, Cosmas Vestitor, Leo Patricius, Athanasius Corinth, etc. (106) S. Andreas Cret., Joannes Malalas, Theodorus Abucara. (97) S. Athanasius, 4 vols. (25-28) S. Basilius Csesar, 4 vols. (29-32) Basilius Seleuc, Eudocia, iEneas Gazeeus, Zacharias Mityl., Gennadius CP., Antipater Bostrensis, Theotimus Tomit., Gelasius Cyzicenus, Andreas Samosat. et alii. (85) Bessarionis Card, opera, necnon virorum doctorum qui grsecas litteras in Italia instaurarunt litteraria selecta qusedam. (161) Chronicon Paschale, Georgius Pisida. (92) S. Clemens I., S. Barnabas, S. Hennas et alise sevi apostolici reliquiae. 2 vols. (1,2) Clemens Alexandrinus cum N. le Nourry commentariis. 2 vols. (8, 9) Climacus, see S. Joannes Scholast. Constantinus Porphyrogenita. S. Nicon in Creta, Theodosius Diaconus. 2 vols. (112, 113) S. Cyrillus Alex., Theodotus Ancyranus, Paulus Emesenus, Joannes Antioch, Acacius Berrhceensis, Menmo Ephes., Acacius Melit., Rabbulus Edess., Amphilochius Sidenus. 10 vols. (68-77) S. Cyrillus Hierosol., Petrus II., Timotheus Alexandr., Apollinarius Laodic, Diodorus Tars. (33) Didymus Alex., Amphilochius, Nectarius CP. (39) S. Dionysius Areopagita. 2 vols. (3, 4) S. Epipbanius, Nonnus. 3 vols. (41-43) Eusebius Alex., Eusebius Emesenus, Leontius Byzant., Evagrius, S. Eulogius Alex., S. Eutychius CP., Theodorus Scythopolit, Theodosius Alex., S. Gregen- tius Taphar, Epiphanius CP., S. Isaacus Ninivit., Timotheus CP., Timotheus Hierosol., Joannes Maxentius, Theodorus Lector, Procopius Tyr., S. Barsanu- phius, Agapetus CP., Eustathius Monachus, Justinianus Imp., Evagrius Schol., S. 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Martinus Turon., Tichonius, Hilarius Diac, Novatus, Aurelius Symmachus, Maximus Grammaticus, Mamertinus, Publius Victor. (18) Urbanus II. Ace. sa^culi XI. auctores incertre Eetatis et anonymi ad specula IX. etX. (151) Usuardi Martyrologium, S. Adonis opera, Carolus Calvus, Hincmar Laudun., Isaac Lingon., Odo Bellovac, Adrevaldus, Hericus. (2 vols. (123, 124) Victor III., S. Anselmus Lucensis, Willelmus I. Anglorum Rex, Gesta Pontificum Cameracensium et alii. (149) Walafridus Strabus. 2 vols. (113,114) Willelmus Malmesbnr., Innocentius II., Ccelestinus II., Lucius II., Anacletus Antipapa, etc. (179) SS. Zeno et Optatus. (11) Indices generales et speciales. 4 vols. (218-221). CLASSICAL PERIODICALS. The names of the editors are given in square brackets : the numbers in round brackets denote hoiv many pxirts appear in the year. American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Papers. Annales de l'Academie d'Archeologie de Belgique. Avec gravures dans le texte, planches et cartes. 8vo. Antwerp. (4.) 12s. 6d. Anzeiger (Archaologischer). See Jahrb. d. d. Arch. Instituts. Anzeiger (Philologischer). See Philologus. Archiv f. Gesch. d. Philosophic [L. Stein, H. Biels, etc.] 2 Divisions. (4.) 12s. each. Berlin. Archiv fur lateinische Lexikographie und Grammatik. [E. Wolff lin.] 8vo. Leip- zig. (4.) 12s. Beitriige z. Kunde d. Indogermanischen Sprachen. [Bezzenberger und Prellwitz.] Gottingen. (4.) 10s. Bibliotheca philologica classica. See Jahresbericht. Bibliotheca philologica. [Blau.] 8vo. Gottingen. (4.) 6s. Bibliotheque de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, Sciences philologiques et historiques. Bibliotheque des Ecoles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome (both these published irregularly). SERIAL LIST 127 Blatter fur das Bayrische Gymnasialschulwesen. 8vo. Miinchen. (10.) 6s. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, publie par les soins de l'Ecole franeaise d'Athenes. 8vo. Athens. (8.) £i. Bullettino della Conmiissione Archeologiea Comunale di Roma. 8vo. Rome. With plates. (4.) £i. Centralblatt (Litterarisclies) fiir Deutschland. [F. Zarncke.] 4to. Leipzig. (52.) £i. i2S. Classical Review. (10.) 12s. ; 13s. 6d. post free. London. Comptes-rendus de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. 8vo. Paris. (4.) 8s. AeXriov Trjs 'Io-ropi/d]? 'Efli'oAoy. etc. 8vo. Athens. (4.) £1. AeArtoi/ Tr\s 'Apx- 'Eratptas. (A register of the discoveries made in Greece, pub- lished irregularly.) • 'E(/)rjp.epls 'Apx