GIFT OF SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19-1919 BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS iALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN CITIES OF f ER 200,000 POPULATION IN THE UNITED STATES AND IN SELECTED CITIES AND TOWNS IN MASSACHUSETTS NOVEMBER, 101 CITY OF BOSTON PRINTING DEPARTMENT 1919 IN SCHOOL COMMITTEE, November 10, 1919. Ordered, That the statistics recently gathered relating to the salaries of teachers in the larger cities of the United States and in certain selected cities and towns in Massa- chusetts, be printed as a school document, and that the edition thereof consist of three thousand (3,000) copies. Attest: THORNTON D. APOLLONIO, Secretary. 13,000-1 1-13-'19.] TABLE OP CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION 7 PART I. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN CITIES OF UNITED STATES OF 200,000 POPULATION OR OVER 11 I. KINDERGARTEN. . Table 1. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 12 Table 2. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 . . . 13 Table 3. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 14 Table 4. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 16 Table 5. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 17 II. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. (a) Assistant. Table 6. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 18 Table 7. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 . . . 20 Table 8. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 22 Table 9. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 25 Table 10. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 26 (6) Rank Next to Principal. Table 11. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries - of September, 1919 28 Table 12. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 29 Table 13. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 . . . 30 Table 14. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September. 1919, over September, 1917 .... 31 Table 15. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 . . . 32 (c) Principal. Table 16. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 33 Table 17. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 36 Table 18. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 . . .38 Table 19. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 40 Table 20. Increases in Maximum Salaries, " September, 1919, over September, 1917 41 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. PAGE III. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS. (a) Assistant. Table 21. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 42 Table 22. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 44 Table 23. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 . . . 46 Table 24. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 48 Table 25. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 . 49 (6) Rank Next to Principal. Table 26. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 ....... 51 Table 27. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 . . . 52 Table 28. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 53 Table 29. Increases in Minimum Salaries. September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 54 Table 30. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 55 (c) Principal. Table 31. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 56 Table 32. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 57 Table 33. Maximum Salaries, September. 1919 ... 58 Table 34. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 59 Table 35. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 60 PART II. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN CITIES AND TOWNS OF MASSACHUSETTS OF 30,600 POPULATION OR OVER . 61 I. KINDERGARTEN. Table 36. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 .... 62 Table 37. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 63 Table 38. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 64 Table 39. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 . . . . 65 Table 40. Increases in JVIaximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 . . . , 66 II. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. (a) Assistant. Table 41. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 67 Table 42. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 69 Table 43. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 70 Table 44. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 71 Table 45. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 72 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 5 PAGB II. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS: (6) Rank Next to Principal. Table 46. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 73 Table 47. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 74 Table 48. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 75 Table 49. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 . . . 76 Table 50. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 77 (c) Principal. Table 51. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 78 Table 52. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 79 Table 53. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 80 Table 54. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 82 Table 55. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 83 III. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS. (a) Assistant. Table 56. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 84 Table 57. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 85 Table 58. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 86 Table 59. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 . . . . 87 Table 60. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 . . . . 88 (6) Rank Next to Principal. Table 61. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 89 Table 62. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 90 Table 63. Maximum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 91 Table 64. Increases in Minimum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 92 Table 65. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 .... 93 (c) Principal. Table 66. Minimum, Annual Increase, Maximum Salaries of September, 1919 94 Table 67. Minimum Salaries, September, 1919 ... 95 Table 68. Maximum Salaries, September. 1919 ... 95 Table 69. Increases in Maximum Salaries, September, 1919, over September, 1917 96 415814 INTRODUCTION. On September 24, 1919, the Superintendent of Schools, Frank V. Thompson, addressed a communication to superintendents of certain cities of the United States asking (a) that each superintendent verify certain information on salaries as they existed in 1917; such information was sent him in tabulated form; (6) that he furnish corresponding information for his city of September, 1919; (c) that he indicate what salary changes were contemplated to take effect on, or after January, 1920; (d) that he indicate how many increases had been put into effect since 1917, what state legisla- tion had been passed affecting salaries, and the tax rate for all municipal and school purposes. On October 2, 1919, a similar communication was sent to superintendents in Massachusetts. Requests were sent to superintendents in the following cities in the United States of 200,000 population or over. The cross (X) following the name of the city indicates that the city furnished the information which is pre- sented in Part I of this report: Cities in United States of 200,000 Population or Over. New York . X Chicago . X Philadelphia . X St. Louis .... X Boston (included to make list complete). Cleveland .... X Baltimore. Pittsburgh . . X Detroit . X Buffalo . X San Francisco ... X Milwaukee ... X Cincinnati X Newark New Orleans Los Angeles Minneapolis Jersey City Kansas City, Mo. Seattle. Indianapolis Providence Louisville . Rochester . St. Paul . Denver Portland, Ore. . X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. The following is the list of cities and towns in Massa- chusetts of 30,000 population to which requests for information were sent. This information is presented in Part II of this report. Cities and Towns in Massachusetts of 30.000 Population or Over. Boston (included to make list complete). Worcester .... X Fall River . X New Bedford . . X Cambridge X Lowell' .... X Springfield ... X Lynn ... .X Lawrence ... X Somerville . . . X Brockton X Holyoke. Haverhill . . X Maiden. Chelsea . . X Newton . . . . X Quincy. Fitchburg . . . X Pittsfield . . X Everett . . X Salem . X Taunton. Brookline X Medford . . X Waltham. EXPLANATION OF TERMS. In the elementary school four ranks of teachers only, kindergartner, assistant, rank next to principal, and principal, were considered; and in the high school three ranks, assistant, rank next to principal, and principal. The assistant is always the regular teacher, without executive or administrative duties. The rank next to principal includes the teacher who. in addition to his teaching, has some executive or admin- istrative duties. He or she is variously called submaster, master 's assistant, assistant principal, head assistant, supervising assistant, vice principal, and in high school may be head of a department. The principal includes the person wjio is directly in charge of the administrative and executive work of the school. He or she may or may not do some teaching. EXPLANATION OF TABLES. The salaries of each of the foregoing ranks of teachers are tabulated in five different tables. (1) A basic SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 9 table giving the minimum, annual increase and maxi- mum. (2) A table showing the minimum salaries only. (3) A table showing the maximum salaries only. (4) A table showing the increases in the minimum of the 'salary of September, 1919, over the salary of September, 1917. (5) A table showing the increase in the maximum of the salary of September, 1919, over September, 1917. In those tables giving minimum, annual increase, and maximum salaries when the annual increase is not regular, the amount of increase is given together with the number of years in which such increase is given. Where it is not possible to determine the number of years, the lowest and highest increase is given. In tables where the salary of men and women are both indicated the word "same" is used to indicate equal pay for both sexes. Where the schedule gave no information concerning sex the same salary for women is indicated as for men. The words "no data" are used to indicate that nothing is said in regard to the salary in question. If the returns gave no data for the rank such city is left out of the table. Tables 11 to 15, 26 to 30, 46 to 50, and 61 to 65 deal with the rank next to principal. These tables are some- what unsatisfactory, because, first, the name of this rank varies greatly in different cities; and, second, such a rank does not exist in some cities. In Tables 7, 8, 42, and 43 the words in parentheses "seven years," "four years/' etc., indicate the number of years necessary to reach the maximum salary. In all summaries showing minimum salaries the highest minimum is determined by taking the largest amount paid as an initial salary. The lowest minimum is the lowest amount paid as an initial salary. The "average" is found by adding all the salaries given in the table and dividing by the total number of salaries recorded. In all summaries showing the highest maximum, the largest maximum paid in any city is taken. 10 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. EXPLANATION OF COMPARISONS OF BOSTON. At the close of all tables of minimum or maximum salaries, and all tables showing increases, a statement shows the relative position of Boston in relation to the cities from which returns were received. Such rankings are made as far as possible with conditions which are similar to those that exist in Boston. In tables of kindergarten teachers the comparison of Boston is always made on the basis of the one session or half day schedule. In Tables 2, 3, 37, and 38, kinder- garten teachers, Boston's rank for first assistant is determined by comparison with the higher paid kinder- gartner when two grades are given. When only one salary is given it is considered as applying to both grades. Whenever Boston's rank is indicated as " third or fourth" it means that some other city pays the same salary as is being paid in Boston. PROPOSED INCREASES TO TAKE EFFECT AFTER JANUARY, 1920. * Only five cities (Buffalo, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, New York, and Portland, Ore.) indicated that changes in the salary schedule have already been made to take effect in January, 1920. These changes are indicated in footnotes attached to Tables 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, and 36. PART I. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN CITIES OP UNITED STATES OF 200,000 POPULATION OR OVEE. 12 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. I. Kindergarten Teachers. TABLE 1. Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries oj September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to Size of Cities. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New York * $900 f 3 yrs.] \ $100 3 yrs \ $1 600 Philadelphia: Class A.. 875 ( 60 6 yrs. j 20 1 000 Class B 1,025 20 1,125 St. Louis: Second assistant (half day) 675 50 775 Second assistant (whole day) 950 100 1,150 First assistant (half day) 950 100 1 150 First assistant (whole day) 1 350 50 1,500 Boston: Assistant (one session) 576 96 960 First assistant (one session) Pittsburgh: Assistant 1,032 750 96 50 1,224 875 Teacher 875 50 1,200 Detroit 920 100 1,220 Buffalo* 600 100 1,200 San Francisco 960 $240 1 yr. } 24 1 yr. 60 3 yrs \ 1,476 Milwaukee * 780 48 1 yr. 1 24 1 yr. J 60 1,200 Cincinnati No data 100 750 Newark 900 50-100 1,450 * Returns show salaries of January 1, 1920, as follows: Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New York . . . January 1 1920 $935 $105 $1,787 January 1, 1921 970 105 1,974 January 1, 1922 1,005 105 2,160 Buffalo . January 1, 1920 800 100 1,600 Milwaukee 1 1920 900 60-120 1,500 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 13 Kindergarten Teachers Continued. TABLE 1 Concluded. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. X Los Angeles: $860 $50 $1 110 Director (teacher). . .... 1,110 15-25 1 225 Jersey City . . . . 900 48 1,500 Kansas City, Mo.: Half day . * 693 75 1 013 Whole day . . . . 925 75 1,400 Providence: 550 50 700 Two sessions 650 50 970 Louisville . ... 700 150 1,050 Rochester 800 100 1,600 St. Paul 600 75-50 850 Denver 1,000 100 1,500 TABLE 2. Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Kinder- garten Teacher in Each City. Denver San Francisco Detroit Jersey City Newark New York . Philadelphia: Class A Class B Los Angeles : Assistant Director (teacher) Rochester . Milwaukee . Pittsburgh : Assistant Teacher Louisville $1,000 960 920 900 900 900 875 1,025 860 1,110 800 780 750 875 700 14 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Kindergarten Teachers Continued. TABLE 2 Concluded. Kansas City, Mo. : Half day $693 Whole day . 925 St. Louis: Second assistant (half day) 675 Second assistant (whole day) 950 First assistant (half day) 950 First assistant (whole day) 1,350 Buffalo. . 600 St. Paul , . 600 Providence : One session . . 550 Two sessions 650 Highest minimum: Assistant .... $1,000 Denver. Director (teacher) . . 1,110 Los Angeles. Average minimum . . . 852 Lowest minimum . . . 550 Providence (one ses- sion) . Boston's minimum: Assistant (one session) . . 560 First assistant (one session). 1,032 Boston's rank for assistant, 17th out of 18 cities. Boston's rank for first assistant, 2d out of 18 cities. TABLE 3. Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Kinder- garten Teacher in Each City. New York . ... $1,600 Rochester 1,600 Denver 1,500 Jersey City 1,500 San Francisco 1,476 Newark 1,450 Detroit 1,220 Buffalo 1,200 Milwaukee 1,200 Los Angeles: Assistant 1,110 Director (teacher) 1,225 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 15 Kindergarten Teachers Continued. TABLE 3 Concluded. Kansas City, Mo. : Half day $1,013 Whole day 1,400 Louisville . ^ . 1,050 Philadelphia : Class A 1,000 Class B 1,125 Pittsburgh : Assistant 875 Teacher 1,200 St. Paul . .850 St. Louis: Second assistant (half day) 775 Second assistant (whole day) 1,150 First assistant (half day) 1,150 First assistant (whole day) 1,500 Cincinnati 750 Providence : One session ........ 700 Two sessions 970 Highest maximum . . . $1,600 New York. Rochester. Average maximum . . . 1,177 Lowest maximum .... 700 Providence (one ses- sion.) Boston's maximum : Assistant (one session) . . 960 First assistant (one session), 1,224 Boston's rank for assistant, 14th out of 19 cities. Boston's rank for first assistant, 8th out of 19 cities. 16 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Kindergarten Teachers Continued. TABLE 4. Minimum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Kindergarten Teacher in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. Jersey City $600 Rochester 500 Denver . . , 720 Philadelphia: Class A 600 Class B 720 Pittsburgh: Assistant 500 Teacher 600 St. Louis: Half day 450 Whole day 700 Buffalo 400 Detroit 720 Louisville 500 Newark ' 700 Milwaukee 600 New York 720 Providence 450 St. Paul . . 500 S900 cSOO 1,000 875 1,025 750 875 675 950 600 920 700 900 780 900 550 600 $300 300 280 275 305 250 275 225 250 200 200 200 200 180 180 100 100 50 60 39 Hi 12 50 tr. 50 36 50 28 10 29 30 25 22 20 Increase in minimum : Highest . . $300 Average 225 Lowest . 100 Boston's ... 96 Boston's rank, 15th out of 15 cities. Jersey City. Rochester. Providence. St. Paul. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 17 Kindergarten Teachers Concluded. TABLE 5. Maximum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amountof Increase of the Lowest Paid Kindergarten Teacher in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. Rochester $950 Buffalo 900 Denver 1,200 Jersey City 1,200 Philadelphia: Class A 700 Class B 800 Pittsburgh: Assistant 600 Teacher 900 Newark 1,200 St. Louis: Half day 900 Whole day 1,200 Louisville 850 Milwaukee 1,020 Providence 800 New York 1,500 Detroit . . 1,200 $1,600 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,125 875 1,200 1,450 1,150 1,500 1,050 1,200 970 1,600 1,220 $650 300 300 300 300 325 275 300 250 250 300 200 180 170 100 20 33 25 25 43 4] 46 33 21 28 25 24 18 21 7 2 Increase in maximum : Highest $650 Average 264 Lowest 20 Boston's . ... 192 Boston's rank, 10th out of 14 cities. Rochester. Detroit. 18 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. II. Elementary School Teachers. TABLE 6. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes all Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administra- tive Duties.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to Size of Cities. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New York: * Grades I-VI S900 3 yrs. $100 3 yrs $1 600 Grades VI I- VIII 1 040 60 6 yrs. 80 1 920 Chicago: Lower group: Primary grade 775 50 1,075 800 50 1,100 Grade VIII ... 1,200 1,200 Upper group: 1,125 50-120 1,475 Grammar grade 1,150 50-120 1,500 Grade VIII 1,250 50-120 1,600 Philadelphia: Women: Primary: Class A 875 30 1,063 Class B 1,125 50 1,320 Grammar: Class A 1,000 30 1,188 Class B 1,250 50 1,440 Men: Class A 1,125 50 1,380 Class B 1,464 70 1,800 St. Louis: 950 100 1,400 First assistant 1,350 50 1,500 696 96 1,368 Cleveland: Grades I-VI 900 50 1,500 Grades VII-VIII 1,000 75 1,800 * See footnote on page 20. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 19 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 6 Continued, (a) Assistant Continued. x- Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. Pittsburgh: Grades I-VII $750 $50 $1,320 Grade VIII 875 50 1 440 Detroit: Non-college graduates 920 100 1,520 College graduates 1,000 100 1,600 Buffalo: * Grades I-VII 600 100 1,200 Grade VIII 650 100 1,250 San Francisco: Grade I 960 48-84 1 536 Grades II-IV 960 24-60 1,476 Grades V-VI 960 48-60 1,512 Grades VII-VIII 960 48-84 1,536 Milwaukee: * Grades I-IV 780 60 1,200 Grades V-VI 840 60 1 260 Grade VII 840 60 1,320 Grade VIII . ... 840 60 1,380 Cincinnati: Non-college graduates 850 No data 1,600 900 No data 1 600 Newark : Grades I-VI ... 900 50-100 1,500 Grades VII-VIII 1,100 100 1,800 618 No data 903 1,100 50 1,500 Jersey City .... ... 900 48 1,500 Kansas City, Mo 925 700 75 No data 1,350 1 250 Providence: Grades I-VI ... 650 No data 970 Grade VII 925 No data 1,000 Grade VIII 1,025 No data 1 105 * See footnote on page 20. t Indianapolis . . September 1920 $800 $100 $1 600 20 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 6 Concluded, (a) Assistant Continued. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. Louisville $700 $150 $1,050 Rochester: Grades I-VI. ... 800 100 1,600 Grades VII-VIII 1,000 100 1,800 St Paul 600 75 1 000 Denver . ... . 1,000 100 1,500 Portland, Ore.* 800 100 1,300 * Returns show salaries of January 1, 1920, as follows: Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New York: Grades I-VI January 1, 1920 $935 $105 $1 787 Grades VII-VIII.... January January . . .January 1, 1921 1, 1922 1, 1920 970 1,005 1,143 105 105 1,974 2,160 2,180 January 1, 1921 1,246 2,440 Buffalo: Grades I-VII... January January 1, 1922 1, 1920 1,350 800 150 100 2,700 1,600 Grade VIII 850 100 1 650 Milwaukee January 1, 1920 900 60-120 1,500 Portland, Ore . . . . . .January 1, 1920 1,200 100 1,700 TABLE 7. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Assistant in Each City. Los Angeles (nine years) . Denver (five years) . San Francisco .... St. Louis: Second assistant (six years) First assistant (four years) Kansas City, Mo. (eight years) $1,100 1,000 960 950 1,350 925 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 21 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 7 Continued, (a) Assistant Continued. x Detroit : Non-college graduate $920 College graduate 1,000 Newark: Grades I-VI 900 Grades VII-VIII 1,100 New York: Grades I-VI 900 Grades VII-VIII 1,040 Cleveland : Grades I-VI 900 Grades VII-VIII 1,000 Jersey City (thirteen years) 900 Philadelphia : Women : Primary: Class A (six years) 875 Class B (five years) 1,125 Grammar : Class A (six years) 1,000 Class B (five years) 1,250 Men: Class A (six years) . . . . . 1,125 Class B (five years) 1,464 Cincinnati : Non-college graduate 850 College graduate 900 Portland, Ore. . . .... 800 Rochester: Grades I-VI 800 Grades VII-VIII 1,000 Milwaukee : Grades I-IV (seven years) 780 Grades V-VI (seven years) * 840 Grade VII (eight years) * 840 Grade VIII (nine years) * 840 Chicago : Lower Group: Primary grade (seven years) .... 775 Grammar grade (seven years) . . . 800 Grade VIII (one year) 1,200 Upper Group: Primary grade (five years) . . . . 1,125 Grammar grade (five years) . . . . 1,150 Grade VIII (five years) 1,250 * The maximum salary for these ranks differs. 22 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 7 Concluded. (a) Assistant Continued. Pittsburgh : Grades I-VII $750 Grade VIII 875 Indianapolis 700 Louisville 700 Providence : Grades I-VI 650 Grade VII 925 Grade VIII 1,025 New Orleans 618 Buffalo: Grades I-VII (six years) ....'.. 600 Grade VIII (six years) 650 St. Paul 600 Highest minimum .... $1,100 Los Angeles. Average minimum . . . 932 Lowest minimum . . 600 Buffalo. (Grades I-VII.) St. Paul. Boston's minimum . . . 696 Boston's rank, 20th out of 24 cities. TABLE 8. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Assistant in Each City. New York: Grades I-VI $1,600 Grades VII-VIII 1,920 Rochester : Grades I-VI ........ 1,600 Grades VII-VIII 1,800 Cincinnati: Non-college graduate * 1,600 College graduate * 1,600 San Francisco: Grade I 1,536 Grades II-IV 1,476 Grades V-VI 1,512 Grades VII-VIII 1,536 *The minimum salary for these ranks differs. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 23 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 8 Continued. (a) Assistant Continued. Detroit : Non-college graduate $1,520 College graduate 1,600 Newark : Grades I-VI 1,500 Grades VII-VIII 1,800 Cleveland : Grades I-VI 1,500 Grades VII-VIII ,800 Denver (five years) ,500 Jersey City (thirteen years) ,500 Los Angeles (nine years) . ,500 St. Louis: Second assistant (six years) ,400 First assistant (four years) ,500 Kansas City, Mo. (eight years) ,350 Pittsburgh : Grades I-VII . . ... . . . 1,320 Grade VIII 1,440 Portland, Ore 1,300 Indianapolis 1,250 Milwaukee : Grades I-IV (seven years) 1,200 Grades V-VI (seven years) 1,260 Grade VII (eight years) 1,320 Grade VIII- (nine years) 1,380 Buffalo: Grades I-VII (six years) 1,200 t Grade VIII (six years) 1,250 Chicago : Lower Group : Primary grade (seven years) .... 1,075 Grammar grade (seven years) . . . 1,100 Grade VIII (one year) 1,200 Upper Group : Primary grade (five years) .- . . . 1,475 Grammar grade (five years) .... 1,500 Grade VIII (five years) 1,600 Philadelphia : Women : Primary: Class A (six years) 1,063 Class B (five years) 1,320 Grammar : Class A (six years) 1,188 Class B (five years) .... 1,440 24 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 8 Concluded. (a) Assistant Continued. Philadelphia : Men: Class A (six years) . . . . . $1,380 Class B (five years) 1,800 Louisville 1,050 St. Paul 1,000 Providence : Grades I- VI 970 Grade VII 1,000 Grade VIII 1,105 New Orleans 903 Highest maximum : Grades I-VI Grades VII-VIII Average maximum Lowest maximum: Grades I-VIII Boston's maximum Boston's rank: . $1,600 New York. Rochester. Cincinnati. . 1,920 New York. . 1,395 903 New Orleans. . 1,368 Grades I-VI, 12th out of 24 cities. Grades VII-VIII, 16th out of 24 cities. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 25 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 9. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Assistant in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. Cleveland $550. Jersey City 600 Rochester 500 Denver 720 Philadelphia Women: Primary: Class A 600 Class B 800 Grammar : Class A 700 Class B 900 Men: Class A 800 Class B 1,120 Cincinnati Pittsburgh : Grades I- VII 500 Grade VIII St. Louis 700 Detroit . 720 Louisville 500 Portland, Ore 600 Milwaukee: Grades I-IV 600 Grades V-VI 600 Grades VII-VIII 600 New York: Grades I-VI 720 Grades VII-VIII... 760 $900 900 800 1,000 875 1,125 1,000 1,250 1,125 1,464 850 750 875 950 920 700 800 780 840 840 900 1,040 $350 300 300 280 275 325 300 350 325 344 250 250 275 250 200 200 200 180 240 240 180 280 39 46 41 43 39 41 31 42 50 46 36 28 40 33 30 40 40 25 37 26 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 9 Concluded, (a) Assistant Continued. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. New Orleans $500 $618 $118 24 Buffalo 500 600 100 20 Providence 550 650 100 18 St Paul j> 500 600 100 20 Chicago 700 775 75 11 Newark 900 900 Increase in minimum : Highest .... $350 Cleveland. Average . . . 237 Lowest (where any increase was given) . 75 Chicago. Boston's . -. 96 Boston's rank, 18th out of 19 cities giving increase. One city, Newark, has given no increase since 1917; minimum already $900 in 1917. TABLE 10. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Maximum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Assistant in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. Rochester $1,000 $1 600 $600 60 Cincinnati Detroit 1,200 1 2uO 1,600 1 520 400 320 33 27 Pittsburgh: Grades I-VII 1 000 1 320 320 32 Grade VIII 1,100 1,440 340 31 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 27 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 10 Concluded. (a) Assistant Continued. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. Philadelphia: Women: Primary : Class A Class B $750 1,000 $1,063 1,320 $313 320 42 32 Grammar: Class A 850 1,188 338 40 Class B Men: Class A 1,100 1,050 1,440 1,380 340 330 31 31 Class B 1,400 1,800 400 29 Buffalo . 900 1,200 300 33 Cleveland 1,200 1,500 300 25 Denver ] 200 1,500 300 25 Jersey City 1,200 1,500 300 25 Newark. 1,200 1,500 300 25 St. Louis Louisville 1,200 850 1,500 1,050 300 200 25 24 Providence 800 970 170 21 Milwaukee New York 1,080 1,500 1,200 1,600 120 100 11 7 Chicago: Grades I-IV 1 380 1,475 95 7 Grades V-VII . . 1,380 1,500 120 8 Grades VIII New Orleans 1,380 850 1.600 903 220 53 16 6 Portland Ore 1,300 1,300 St. Paul 1,000 1,000 Increase in maximum : Highest .... $600 Rochester. Average .... 276 Lowest (where any increase was given) . 53 New Orleans. Boston's . . 192 Boston's rank, 14th out of 18 cities giving increase. Two cities, Portland, Ore., and St. Paul, have given no increase since 1917. 28 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 11. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submaster, Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant, Supervising Assistant. All do some teaching.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to Size of Cities. Sex. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New Yorkt Men $2,100 $150 $2,400 Chicago: Lower group Upper group St. Louis Women. . . . Men Men Women Women Same 1,350 1,400 Same 1 500 Same [ 502yrs.] 60 1 yr. I 1202yrs.J Same 50 Same 1,350 1,750 Same 1 650 Boston Men. .... 1,500 120 2,580 Cleveland Women .... Men 1,404 1,000 96 50 1,692 1,600 Pittsburgh* Women. . . . Men Same 1,440 Same 100 Same 1,840 Buffalo f .... ... Women .... Men . . 1,440 900 100 100 1,840 1,500 San Francisco * . Women. . . . Men . . Same 1,740 Same 120 Same 1,860 Milwaukee'!'. . Women Men 1,740 840 120 60 1,860 1,320 Cincinnati Women. . . . Men Same 1 000 Same 100 Same 1,800 Newark Women. . . . Men Same 1,500 Same 100 Same 2,000 Jersey City. . Women .... Women . Same 1,356 Same 60 Same 1,836 Indianapolis*! Providence Men Women. . . . Men No data No data 1 200 No data No data No data 1,450 1,450 1 490 Rochester Women. . . . 1,100 No data No data No data 1,190 1 650 * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Returns show salaries of January 1, 1920, as follows: Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New York Buffalo January 1 1920 January 1 1921 January 1 1922 January 1 1920 $2,334 2.567 2,800 1 1UO $100 100 100 100 $2,600 2,800 3,000 1,950 Milwaukee January 1 1920 900 120 1,620 J Indianapolis September, 1920 No data No data $1,800 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 29 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 12. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submaster, Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant, Supervising Assistant. All do some teaching.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Men of this Rank in Each City. Men. Women. New York $2,100 Same San Francisco* .... .... 1,740 $1,740 Newark 1,500 Same Pittsburgh* 1,440 1,440 Chicago: Lower group 1,350 Same Upper group. 1,400 Same 1,200 1,100 1,000 Same Cleveland . 1,000 Same Buffalo . . . . 900 Same Milwaukee * 840 Same 1,500 1,356 Men. Women. $2,100 New York. $2,100 New York. 1,315 1,325 Lowest minimum. . 840 Milwaukee. 840 Milwaukee. Boston's minimum 1,500 1,404 3d or 4th out of 11 6th out of 13 cities. cities. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. 30 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 13. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submaster, Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant, Supervising Assistant. All do some teaching.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Men of this Rank in Each City. Men. Women. New York $2,400 Same Newark 2,000 Same San Francisco* . 1,860 $1 860 Pittsburgh* 1,840 1,840 Cincinnati 1.800 Same Cleveland . . . .... 1,600 Same Buffalo 1,500 Same Providence 1,490 1,190 Indianapolis* ... 1 450 1,450 Chicago: Lower group 1,350 Same Upper group 1,750 Same Milwaukee . . . . . 1,320 Same Jersey City 1,836 Rochester 1,650 St. Louis 1,650 Men. Women. $2,400 New York. $2,400 New York. Average maximum 1,697 1,680 Lowest maximum 1,320 Milwaukee. 1,190 Providence. 2,580 1,692 Boston's rank . 1st out of 12 cities. 8th out of 15 cities. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 31 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 14. (b) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submaster, Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant, Supervising Assistant.) All do some teaching. Minimum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Man of this Rank in Each City. SEPTEMBER. 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Pittsburgh * . . $1,100 1,400 2,100 $1,100 1,400 2,100 $1,440 1,500 2,100 $1,440 1,500 2,100 $340 100 $340 100 31 7 31 7 Newark New York * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. Men. Women. Increase in minimum: Highest $340 Pittsburgh. $340 Pittsburgh Average Lowest (where any increase was given) , Boston's 220 100 Newark. o 220 100 Newark. 96 Boston's rank 3d out of 8 cities giving increase. Two cities, Boston and New York, have given no increase in the minimum to men of this rank between September, 1917, and September, 1919. One city, New York, has given no increase in the minimum to women of this rank. 32 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 15. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submaster, Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant, Supervising Assistant.) All do some teaching. Maximum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Man of this Rank in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Buffalo $950 1,100 1,500 $950 1,100 1,500 1,350 No data 1,600 1,800 1,630 1,260 2,400 1,476 $1,500 1,450 1,840 1,490 1,800 2,000 1,750 1,320 2,400 $1,500 1,450 1,840 1,650 1,190 1,800 2,000 1,750 1,320 2,400 1,836 1,650 $550 350 340 290 200 200 120 60 $550 350 340 300 58 32 23 ' 58 32 23 22 13 11 7 5 24 57 Indianapolis 3 ''. . . Pittsburgh* St Louis Providence. . 1,200 1,600 1,800 1,630 1,260 2,400 24 13 11 7 5 Cincinnati 200 200 120 60 360 600 Newark Chicago. . Milwaukee New York Jersey City. 1,050 : No information in salary schedule concerning sex. Men. Women. Increase in maximum: Highest $550 Buffalo. $600 Rochester. Average 264 308 Lowest (where any increase was given) , Boston's 60 Milwaukee. 240 60 Milwaukee. 192 Boston's rank. 5th out of 9 cities 9th out of 11 cities giving increase. giving increase. One city, New York, has given no increase in the maximum of this rank between September, 1917, and September, 1919. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 33 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 16. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries oj September, 1919, Arranged According to Size of Cities. New York * Sex. Men Chicago: Women Men. Men Philadelphia: * Teaching principal: 1-4 divisions: Class A Women Men Class B Men 5-9 divisions: Class A Men Class B . Men Supervising principal: 10-21 divisions Men.., 2233 divisions Men. 34 or more divisions Men Teaching principal: 1-4 divisions: Class A.. Women Class B Women. . . 5-9 divisions: Class A Women. . . Class B Women. . . . Supervising principal: 1021 divisions Women. . 22-33 divisions Women. . . . 34 or more divisions Women. . . . St. Louis: Class E (1-5 rooms) . . Men. Class D (69 rooms) Men Class C (10-13 rooms) Men. . , Class B (14-17 rooms) . Men. Class A (18 or more rooms) Men Boston ... Women Men Cleveland Women Men Pittsburgh: * 9 or less rooms 1015 rooms Women Men... Men.., 16 or more rooms ... . . ... Men Women. . . 1015 rooms Women 16 or more rooms Women Detroit: 13 or less rooms Men.. 1417 rooms Men... 1821 rooms Men 2227 rooms Men 28 or more rooms Men Women Minimum. $2,540 Same 2,000 3,100 Same 1,125 1,310 1,310 1,560 1,925 2,640 3,080 1,125 1,310 1,310 1,560 1,925 2,640 3,080 1,550 1,650 1,850 2,400 2,650 Same 2,820 Same No data No data 1,320 1,955 2,420 1,320 1,955 2,420 No data No data No data No data No data No data Annual Increase. $240 Same 150 150 Same 50 30 50 100 100 100 30 50 30 50 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 150 Same 120 Same No data No data 100 100 100 100 100 100 No data No data No data No data No data No data Maximum. $3,500 Same 2,900 3,750 Same 1,260 1,560 1,500 1,800 2,310 3,080 3,520 1,260 1,560 1,500 1,800 2,310 3,080 3,520 1,650 1,950 2,500 3,050 3,625 Same 3,540 Same 2,400 Same 1,840 2,310 2,970 1,840 2,310 2,970 2,000 2,400 2,800 3,200 3,600 Same 1 See footnote on page 35. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. 34 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 16 Continued. (c) Principal Continued. Sex. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. Buffalo ' Men $1,800 $100 f $2 300 Men t 2,800 Men t 3,000 San Francisco: * Grammar: Class III Women Men Same No data Same Same 2 400 Class II Men... No data No data 2,580 Class I Men No data No data 2,700 Primary : 149 or less pupils Women No data No data 1,620 150-400 pupils. .... Women. . . No data No data 1,800 401-550 pupils Women No data No data 2,040 551-700 pupils Women. . . No data No data 2,220 701 or more pupils. . . . Women. . No data No data 2,400 Grammar: Class III Women. . . No data No data 2,400 Class II Women. . No data No data 2,580 Class I Women No data No data 2,700 Men 1,260 60 2,700 Women Men Same 1,200 Same 100 Same 3,300 Newark : 14 or less classes Women Men Same 1,900 Same 100 Same 2,700 1 5 or more classes 14 or less classes Men Women.. . 2,300 1,700 100 100 3,500 2,300 Women. 2,000 100 3,000 No data - No data No data Los Angeles: * Men... 1,600 20 1,680 Men 1,680 60 1,920 Men 1,980 60 2,280 Men 2,400 60 2,700 Women.. . 1,600 20 1,680 610 rooms Women. . . . 1,680 60 1,920 Women.. . 1,980 60 2,280 Women.. 2,400 60 2,700 Jersey City: Men. 2,400 200 3,700 Women 1,900 100 2,700 Kansas City, Mo:* Class C Men. 1,900 100 2,300 Class B . Men... 2,200 100 2,600 Class A Men 2,600 100 3,000 Class C Women. . 1,900 100 2,300 Class B Women . 2,200 100 2 600 Class A Women 2,600 100 3,000 Indianapolis: * - Men No data No data % 1,800 Women No data No data $1,800 Providence : * Men 1,200 100 1,595 Men 1,500 100 1,885 10 or less rooms of grammar grade Men 1,900 100 2,270 1 See footnote on page 35. 2 See footnote on page 35. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Varies with the number of teachers. 1 For each additional room up to 15 rooms add $75. Maximum for 15 rooms, $2,250. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 35 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 16 Concluded. (c) Principal Continued. Sex. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum Providence: 11 or more rooms of grammar grade pupils . . . Men $2,200 $100 $2,580 1 school Women 1,200 100 1 595 Women 1 500 100 1 885 10 or less rooms of grammar grade Women 1,900 100 2 270 11 or more rooms of grammar grade pupils Women.. 2,200 100 2 580 Louisville Men. 1,100 No data 1,700 Rochester Women Men Same No data Same No data Same 3,500 St. Paul Denver Men Women Men. No data No data 1,600 No data No data No data 1,800 Same 2,800 Portland, Ore. 1 . . Women Men Same 1,600 Same 200 Same 2,400 1 Returns show salaries of January 1, 1920, as follows: Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New York Januarv 1 , 1920 $2,693 $3,667 January 1, 1921 2,846 3,834 Buffalo Milwaukee Portland, Ore January 1, January 1 , January 1, January 1 , 1922 1920 1920 1920 3,000 2,000 1,620 2,000 .$250 No data 120 200 4,000 3,400 3,420 2,800 2 Indianapolis .... September, 1920 $1,800 No data $2,400 36 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 17. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Male Principal in Each City. Men. New York $2,540 Same Jersey City: Primary $1,900 Grammar 2,400 Chicago: Lower group 2,000 Same Upper group 3,100 Same Kansas City, Mo.:* Class C 1,900 1,900 Class B 2,200 2,200 Class A 2,600 2,600 Newark : 14 or less classes 1,900 1,700 15 or more classes 2,300 2,000 Buffalo 1,800 Same Denver 1,600 Same Portland, Ore 1,600 Los Angeles:* 2-5 rooms 1,600 1,600 6-10 rooms 1,680 1,680 11-17 rooms 1,980 1,980 18 or more rooms 2,400 2,400 St. Louis: Class E (1-5 rooms) I 1,550 Same Class D (6-9 rooms) 1,650 I Same Class C (10-13 rooms) 1,850 Same Class B (14-17 rooms) 2,400 Same Class A (18 or more rooms) 2,650 Same Women. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 37 Etementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 17 Concluded. (c) Principal Continued. Pittsburgh:* 9 or less rooms $1,320 $1,320 10-15 rooms 1,955 1,955 16 or more rooms 2,420 2,420 Milwaukee 1,260 Same Cincinnati 1,200 Same Providence:* 1 school 1,200 1,200 3 schools 1,500 1,500 10 or less rooms of grammar grade pupils 1,900 1,900 11 or more rooms of grammar grade pupils 2,200 2,200 Philadelphia:* Teaching principal: 1-4 divisions: Class A 1,125 1,125 Class B 1,310 1,310 5-9 divisions: Class A 1,310 1,310 Class B 1,560 1,560 Supervising principal: 10-21 divisions 1,925 1,925 22-33 divisions 2,640 2,640 34 or more divisions 3,080 3,080 Louisville 1,100 Sam * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. Men. Women. Highest minimum $2,540 New York. $2,540 New York. Average minimum 1,913 1,895 Lowest minimum 1,100 Louisville. 1,100 Louisville. Boston's minimum 2,820 2,820 Boston's rank 1st out of 17 cities. 1st out of 16 cities. Men. Women. 38 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. * TABLE 18. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to . the Salary of the Lowest Paid Male Principal in Each City. Men. Women Jersey City: Primary $2,700 Grammar $3,700 New York 3,500 Same Rochester 3,500 Cincinnati 3,300 Same Chicago: Lower group 2,900 Same Upper group .' 3,750 Same Denver 2,800 Same Milwaukee 2,700 Same Newark : 14 or less rooms 2,700 2,300 15 or more rooms 3,500 3,000 San Francisco: Primary : 149 or less pupils 1,620 150-400 pupils 1,800 401-550 pupils 2,040 551-700 pupils 2,220 701 or more pupils 2,400 Grammar: Class III 2,400 2,400 Class II 2,580 2,580 Class I , 2,700 2,700 Cleveland 2,400 Same Portland, Ore 2,400 * 2,300 Same Buffalo -I * 2,800 Same * 3,000 Same Varies with the number of teachers. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TKACHERS. 39 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 18 Continued. (c) Principal Continued. Men. Women. Kansas City, Mo.* Class C $2,300 | $2,300 Class B 2,600 j 2,000 Class A 3,000 3,000 Detroit: 13 or less rooms 2,000 Same 14-17 rooms 2,400 Same 18-21 rooms 2,800 Same 22-27 rooms 3,200 Same 28 or more rooms 3,600 Same Pittsburgh:* 9 or less rooms 1,840 1,840 10-15 rooms 2,310 2,310 16 or more rooms 2,Q70 2,970 Indianapolis: * 7 rooms f 1,800 f 1,800 St. Paul 1,800 Same Louisville 1,700 Same Los Angeles : * 2-5 rooms 1,680 1,680 6-10 rooms 1,920 1,920 11-17 rooms 2,280 2,280 18 or more rooms 2,700 2,700 St. Louis: Class E (1-5 rooms) 1,650 Same Class D (6-9 rooms) 1,950 Same Class C (10-13 rooms) 2,500 Same Class B (14-1 7 rooms) 3,050 Same Class A (18 or more rooms) 3,625 Same Providence: * 1 school 1,595 1,595 3 schools 1,885 1,885 10 or less rooms of grammar grade pupils 2,270 2,270 11 or more rooms of grammar grade pupils 2,580 2,580 * No information in the salary schedule concerning sex. t For each additional room up to 15 rooms add $75, maximum, $2,400. 40 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 18 Concluded, (c) Principal Continued. Men. Women. Philadelphia: * Teaching Principal: 1-4 divisions: Class A $1 260 $1 260 Class B . . X 5-9 divisions: Class A 1,560 1 500 1,560 1 500 Class B ],8oO 1 800 Supervising Principal : 1021 divisions 2,310 2 310 22-33 divisions 3 080 3 080 3 1 or more divisions . 3,520 3 520 No information in the salary schedule concerning sex. Highest maximum. . . . Average Lowest maximum Boston's maximum . . . Boston's rank Men. $3,7.50 Chicago (upper group). 2,538 1,260 Philadelphia (1-4 divi- sions, Class A) . 3,540 5th out of 23 cities. Women. $3,750 Chicago (upper group) . 2,441 1,260 Philadelphia (1-4 divi- sions, Class A) . 3,540 4tn out of 21 cities. TABLE 19. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Male Principal in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. St Louis $1 250 $1 550 $300 24 New York ... 2,300 2 540 240 10 Louisville 900 1,100 200 22 Increase in minimum : . Highest . Average . Lowest Boston's . $300 247 200 240 St. Louis. Louisville. Boston's rank, 2d or 3d out of 4 cities. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 41 Elementary School Teachers Concluded. TABLE 20. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Maximum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September. 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Male Principal in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. Rochester $2,400 $3,500 $1,100 46 Detroit 2,700 3,600 900 33 Denver 2,200 2,800 600 27 Buffalo 2,500 3,000 500 20 Jersey City. ... .... 3,200 3,700 500 16 St. Louis 3,150 3,625 475 15 Philadelphia 3,100 3,520 420 14 Cleveland 2,000 2,400 400 20 Pittsburgh: 9 or less rooms % 1,500 1,840 340 23 1015 rooms 2,000 2,310 310 16 2600 2 970 370 14 Cincinnati 3 000 3 300 300 10 Chicago 3,500 3,750 250 7 Newark 3,300 3,500 200 6 Louisville 1,550 1,700 150 10 Indianapolis 2,100 2,250 150 7 Providence 2,500 2 580 80 3 New York 3,500 3.500 o Milwaukee 2,700 2.700 Portland, Ore 2,400 2,400 St Paul 1 800 1 800 o o New Orleans 1,500 No data Increase in maximum : Highest $1,100 Rochester. Average 414 Lowest (where any increase was given) .... 80 Providence. Boston's 120 Boston's rank, 15th out of 16 cities giving increase: Four cities, New York, Milwaukee, Portland, Ore., and St. Paul, have given no increase since September, 1917. 42 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. III. High School Teachers. TABLE 21. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities 'of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to Size of Cities. Sex. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum New York Men $900 No data $2,650 Women. . . . Same No data Same Chicago: Limited certificate: Lower group Men 1 200 58 1,545 Upper group f Men 1,660 115 2,575 Upper group } Unlimited certificate: Men 1,603 58 2,000 Lower group Men 1,200 115 1,890 Upper group Men ?,005 115 3,000 Women .... Same Same Same Philadelphia: Class A Men... 1,125 75 1,440 Class B Men 1 560" 100 1,955 Class C Men 2,070 100 2,420 Class D (college graduate) Men 2,640 100 3080 Class A . . Women .... 1,000 50 1,200 Class B Women .... 1,320 50 1,560 Class C Women .... 1,680 50 1 840 Class D (college graduate) Women .... 1,897 .50 2,127 St. Louis: Third assistant Men... 1,300 100 1,700 Second assistant . . Men.. . 1,600 100 2,150 First assistant Men 2,050 100 2 500 Head assistant Men 2,400 100 2,800 Women. . . . Same Same Same Boston Men 1,476 144 2,772 Women. . . . 1,068 96 1,932 Cleveland Men 1,200 100 2,400 Women .... Same Same Same Pittsburgh * Non-college graduate Men... 1,320 No data ' 2,185 College graduate Men 1,320 No data 2,640 Non-college graduate Women. . . . 1,320 No data 2,185 College graduate Women .... 1,320 No data 2,640 Detroit: Third assistant Men 1,100 /1004yrs.\ \2004yrsJ 2,200 Second assistant Men No data No data 2,600 First assistant Men No data No data 2,800 Women .... Same Same Same Buffalo 1 Men 1,000 100 1,500 Women Same Same Same San Francisco * Men 1,380 60 1,800 Women .... 1,380 60 1,800 Milwaukee ! Men 960 90 2,250 Women. . . . Same Same Same 1 See footnote on page 43. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Salary of teachers of physical education, music, art, or manual training. j Salary of teachers of modern languages, commercial subjects, or household arts. Assistants appointed previous to September, 1919, range from $1,680-$2,040. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 43 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 21 Concluded. (a) Assistant Continued. Sex. Minimum . Annual Increase. Maximum. Cincinnati: Instructor Men . . . $1,100 $100 $1,400 Teacher Newark New Orleans . . .... Men Women. . . . Men Women .... Men 1,500 Same 1,500 1,000 1,193 100 Same 100 100 No data 2,500 Same 2,800 2,300 1,710 Los Angeles * . . Women .... Men.. . 713 1,400 No data 80 1,235 2 000 Jersey City Women. . . . Men 1,400 1,500 80 100 2,000 3 000 Kansas City, Mo. : * Group IV Women .... Men 1,200 1,200 100 100 3,000 t 1 700 Group III Group II Men Men 1,700 2,000 100 100 t 2,000 t 2 200 Group I Men 2,300 100 t 2,500 Group IV . Women . 1,200 100 t 1,700 Group III Women 1,700 100 t 2000 Group II Women .... 2,000 100 t 2,200 Group I Women 2,300 100 t 2 500 Indianapolis: * 2 Men .. . 950 No data 1,975 Providence : Third assistant Women .... Men 950 900 No data No data 1,975 1 595 Second assistant First assistant Men Men . 1,600 1,900 No data No data 1,885 2,270 Third assistant Women 800 No data 1 380 Second assistant Women . . . 1,400 No data 1,595 First assistant Women 1,600 No data 1 885 Louisville . ... .... Men . 1,200 No data 2 050 St. Paul Women .... Men 925 850 No data 100 1,500 1 600 Denver. . . Women .... Men Same 1,200 Same 100 Same 2400 Portland, Ore.* '. Women. . . . Men Women .... Same 1,200 1,200 Same 100 100 Same 1,600 1,600 1 Returns show salaries of January 1, 1920, as follows: Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New York January 1, January 1, January 1, 1920 1921 1922 $1,050 1,200 1,350 $150 150 150 $2,817 2,983 3,150 Buffalo Milwaukee January 1, January 1 1920 1920 1,200 1 110 100 120 2,000 >; 820 Indianapolis September, 1920 $1,000 $100 $2,200 * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Maximum not to become effective until after year 1919-20. 44 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 22. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Male Assistant in Each City. Men. Women. Jersey City $1,600 $1,200 Newark 1,500 1,000 Loi Angeles* 1,400 1,400 San Francisco* 1 1,380 t 1,380 Pittsburgh: * Non-college graduate 1,320 1,320 College graduate 1,320 1,320 St. Louis: Third assistant 1,300 Same Second assistant 1,600 Same First assistant 2,050 Same Head assistant 2,400 Same Chicago: Limited certificate: Lower group 1,200 Same Upper groupj 1,660 Same Upper group 1,603 Same Unlimited certificate: Lower group 1,200 Same Upper group 2,005 Same Cleveland 1,200 Same Denver 1,200 Same I Kansas City, Mo.:* Group IV 1,200 j 1,200 Group III 1,700 1,700 Group II 2,000 2,000 Group 1 2,300 2,300 Louisville. . . 1,200 925 * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Assistants appointed previous to September, 1919, range from $1,680-$2,040. j Salary of teachers of physical education, music, art, or manual training. Salary of teachers of modern languages, commercial subjects, or household arts. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 45 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 22 Concluded. (a) Assista?it Continued. Men. Women. Portland, Ore * $1,200 $1,200 New Orleans . . 1,193 713 Philadelphia: Class A . . . 1,125 1,000 Class B 1,560 1,320 Class C 2,070 1,680 Class D (college graduate) 2,640 1,897 Detroit: Third assistant 1,100 Same Second assistant No data No data No data No data Cincinnati: Instructor . . ....... 1,100 Same Teacher 1,500 Same Buffalo 1,000 Same 960 Same Indianapolis * 950 950 Providence: Third assistant 900 800 Second assistant 1,600 1,400 First assistant 1,900 1,600 New York . . 900 Same St. Paul 850 Same * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. Men. Women. Highest minimum $1,500 Jersey City. $1,400 Los Angeles. Average minimum Newark. 1,456 1,362 850 St. Paul. 713 New Orleans. Boston's minimum .... . 1,476 1,068 Boston's rank. 3d out of 23 cities. 13th out of 23 cities. 46 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 23. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Male Assistant in Each City. Men. Women. $3 000 $3 000 Newark . . 2,800 2,300 New York 2,650 Same Cleveland 2 400 Denver . . . .... 2,400 Same Milwaukee 2,250 Same Detroit: Third assistant . 2,200 Same Second assistant 2,600 2800 Same Same Pittsburgh:* Non-college graduate .... 2,185 2,185 2 640 2,640 2,050 1,500 Los Angeles * . . . . 2,000 2,000 1 975 1,975 San Francisco * t 1,800 t 1,800 New Orleans Kansas City, Mo.:* Group IV 1,710 1,700 1,235 1 1,700 Group III 2,000 1 2,000 2,200 1 2,200 2,500 1 2,500 St. Louis: 1,700 Same Second assistant . ... 2,150 Same First assistant 2,500 Same 2,800 Same St Paul 1,600 Same ' Maximum not to become effective until after year. 1919-20. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Assistants appointed previous to September, 1919, range from $1,680 to $2,040. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 47 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 23 Concluded. (a) Assistant Continued. Portland, Ore.* $1,600 $1,600 Providence: Third assistant 1,595 1,380 Second assistant 1,885 1,595 First assistant 2,270 1,885 Chicago: Limited certificate: Lower group 1,545 Same Upper groupf 2,575 Same Upper group J 2,000 Same Unlimited certificate: Lower group 1,890 Same Upper group 3,000 Same Buffalo 1,500 Same Philadelphia: Class A 1,440 1,200 Class B 1,955 1,560 Class C 2,420 1,840 Class D (college graduate) 3,080 2,127 Cincinnati: Instructor 1,400 Same Teacher ... 2,500 Same Men. Women. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Salary of teachers of physical education, music, art, or manual training. t Salary of teachers of modern languages, commercial subjects, or household arts. Men. Women. Highest maximum. . . . Average Lowest maximum . . . . Boston's maximum . . . Boston's rank $3,080 Philadelphia (Class D) . 2,177 1,400 Cincinnati (instructor). 2,772 7th out of 23 cities. $3,000 Jersey City. Chicago (unlimited cer- tificate, upper . group) . 2,065 1 ,200 Philadelphia (Class A) . 1,932. 16th out of 23 cities. 48 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 24. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Male Assistant in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women . Men. Women Buffalo $600 $600 $1,000 $1,000 $400 $400 67 67 Philadelphia: Class A 800 700 1 125 1 nnn 325 300 41 4.3 Class B 1,200 1,000 1,560 1,320 360 320 30 32 Class C 1,700 1 300 2,070 1 680 370 380 22 29 Class D 2 300 1 550 2 640 1 897 340 347 15 22 St. Louis 1,000 1,000 1,300 1,300 300 300 30 30 Detroit 820 820 1,100 1,100 280 280 34 34 Denver 1,000 1 000 1,200 1 200 200 200 20 20 Portland, Ore * 1 000 1 000 1 200 1 200 200 200 20 20 Louisville. : 1,050 650 1,200 925 150 275 14 42 Milwaukee 840 840 960 960 120 120 14 14 Chicago 1 100 1 100 1 200 1 200 100 100 9 9 Cleveland. 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,200 100 100 9 9 Cincinnati 1,000 1 000 1 100 1 100 100 100 10 10 New York 900 900 900 900 Newark 1,000 1,500 1,000 St. Paul 850 850 850 850 Jersey City 900 1,200 300 33 New Orleans . 700 713 13 2 Providence 700 800 100 14 * No information in the salary schedule concerning sex. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 49 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 24 Concluded. (a) Assistant. Continued. Men. Women. Increase in minimum : Highest $400 Buffalo. $400 Buffalo. Average 239 226 Lowest (where any increase was given) 100 Chicago. Cincinnati. Cleveland. 13 New Orleans. Boston's 96 14th out of 15 cities giving increase. Three cities, Boston, New York, and St. Paul, have given no increase in minimum to men since 1917. Three cities, Newark, New York, and St. Paul, have given no increase in minimum to women since 1917. TABLE 25. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Maximum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Male Assistant in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Jersey City $1,900 $1,900 $3,000 $3,000 $1,100 $1,100 58 58 Milwaukee 1 620 1 620 2 250 2 250 630 630 39 39 St. Louis. . 2400 2 400 2 800 2 800 400 400 17 17 Pittsburgh: * Non-college graduate 1,800 1,800 2,185 2,185 385 385 21 21 College graduate 2,300 2,300 2,640 2,640 340 340 15 15 Philadelphia: Class A 1,100 900 1 440 1 200 340 300 31 33 Class B 1,600 1,200 1,955 1,560 355 360 22 30 Class C 2,100 1,500 2,420 1,840 320 340 15 23 Class D 9 700 1,750. 3,080 2,127 380 377 14 22 * No information in the salary schedule concerning sex. 50 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 25 Concluded. (a) Assistant Continued. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women Men. Women. Men, Women. Men. Women. Detroit $1,900 1,200 $1,900 1,200 $2,200 1,500 $2,200 1,500 $300 300 $300 300 16 25 16 25 Buffalo . Cleveland 2,200 2,200 2,400 2,400 200 200 9 9 Cincinnati Denver 2,300 2,200 1,850 2,860 2,650 2,300 2,200 1,400 2,860 2,200 2,650 2,500 2,400 2,050 3,000 2,650 2,500 2,400 1,500 3,000 2,300 2,650 200 200 200 140 200 200 100 140 100 9 9 11 5 9 9 7 5 5 Louisville Chicago Newark * . . New York Portland, Ore.* St. Paul 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,150 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,235 85 7 New Orleans Providence 1,800 1,885 85 5 * No information in the salary schedule concerning sex. Increase in maximum: Highest i $1,100 Jersey City. Average j 362 Lowest (where any increase was given),! 140 Chicago. Boston's. Boston's rank'. 144 12th out of 13 cities giving increase. Women. $1,100 Jersey City. 313 85 New Orleans. Providence. 168 llth out of 16 cities giving increase. Three cities, New York, Portland, Ore., and St. Paul, have given no increase in maximum since September, 1917. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 51 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 26. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to Size of Cities . Sex. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New York f ............ Men $1,680 $210 $3 150 Women .... Men Same No data Same No data Same 3 300 Philadelphia Women .... Men No data 3 300 No data 100 Same 3 730 St. Louis ... Women .... Men. .. 2,185 2,650 50 No data 2,310 3,625 Boston Women .... Men Same 2,340 No data 144 Same 3,348 Cleveland Women. . . . Men 1,428 No data 96 No data 2,100 2 800 Detroit Women .... Men No data No data No data No data Same 3 500 Buffalo f Women. . . . Men No data 2 200 No data 100 Same 2 700 San Francisco * Women. . . . Men. Same No data Same No data Same 2,400 Milwaukee f Women .... Men No data 1,800 No data 90 2,400 2,340 Cincinnati Women .... Men Same No data Same 100 Same 3 000 Newark Women .... Men No data 2,100 Same 100-200 Same 3,400 New Orleans Women. . . . Men 1,600 1,193 100-200 No data 2,800 1,710 Los Angeles * Women .... Men No schedule 2,100 60 2,460 Women. . . . 2,100 60 2,460 * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. tReturns show salaries of January 1, 1920, as follows: Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. 1 1920 $2 003 $3 317 January 1, 1921 2 320 3 484 January 1, 1922 2,650 $200 3,650 Buffalo January 1, 1920 2,400 100 3,200 Milwaukee January 1, 1920 No data Xo data 3,000 September 1920 No data $3 000 I 52 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 26 Concluded. (6) Rank Next to Principal Continued. Sex. Minimum. . Annual Increase. Maximum. Jersey City * Men $3 100 $100 $3 700 Women. . . . 3,100 100 3,700 Indianapolis * J Men Women .... No data No data No data No data 2,500 2,500 Providence Portland, Ore.* Men Women. . . . Men 2,500 No schedule No data 80 No data 2,580 1,800 Women .... No data No data 1,800 * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. J See foot note on page 51. TABLE 27. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Men of this Rank in Each City. Men. Women. Philadelphia $3 300 $2 185 Jersey City * 3 100 3 100 St. Louis 2,650 Same Providence 2 500 Buffalo Los Angeles * 2,200 2,100 Same 2 100 Newark 2 100 1 600 Milwaukee New York 1,800 1 680 Same New Orleans 1 193 '* No information in salary schedule concerning sex. Men. Women. Highest minimum $3,300 Philadelphia. 2 262 $3,100 Jersey City. 2 164 1,193 New Orleans 1,600 Newark 2 340 1 428 Boston's rank 5th out of 11 cities. 9th out of 9 cities. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 53 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 28. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Men of this Rank in Each City. Men. Women. Philadelphia $3,730 $2,310 Jersey City * 3,700 3,700 St. Louis 3,625 Same Detroit 3,500 Same Newark 3,400 2,800 Chicago 3,300 Same New York 3,150 Same Cincinnati 3,000 Same Indianapolis * 3,000 3,000 Cleveland 2,800 Same Buffalo 2,700 Same Providence 2,580 Los Angeles * 2,460 2,460 San Francisco * 2,400 2,400 Milwaukee 2,340 Same Portland, Ore.* 1,800 1,800 New Orleans 1,710 * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. Men. Women. Highest maximum $3,730 Philadelphia. $3,700 Jersey City. Average maximum 2,894 2,859 Lowest maximum 1,710 New Orleans. l,80u Portland, Ore. Boston's maximum 3,348 2,100 Boston's rank 6th out of 18 cities 15th out of 16 cities. SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 29. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Minimum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Man of this Rank in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Philadelphia $2,900 2,250 1,680 $1,800 2,250 1,680 $3,300 2,650 1,680 $2,185 2,650 1,680 $400 400 $385 400 14 18 21 18 St Louis New York Men. Women. Increase in minimum : Highest $400 Philadelphia. $400 St. Louis. Average St. Louis. 400 393 Lowest (where any increase was given), Boston's Boston's rank 400 Philadelphia. St. Louis. 144 3d out of 3 cities giv- 385 Philadelphia. 96 3d out of 3 cities giv- ing increase. ing increase. One city, New York, has given no increase to either men or women since September, 1917. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 55 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 30. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Maximum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Man of this Rank in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT. INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Detroit $2,500 $2,500 $3,500 $3,500 $1,000 $1,000 40 40 Buffalo 2,000 2,000 2,700 2,700 700 700 35 35 Jersey City* 3,000 3,000 3,700 3,700 700 700 23 23 Cincinnati 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 500 500 20 20 Indianapolis * 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 500 500 25 25 St Louis 3,150 3,150 3,625 3,625 475 475 15 15 Philadelphia 3,300 2,000 3,730 2,310 430 310 13 16 Cleveland 2,400 2,400 2,800 2,800 400 400 17 17 P 'H 2 200 2,580 380 17 Chicago 3,160 3,160 3,300 3,300 140 140 4 4 Newark 3,300 3,400 100 3 2 250 2,250 2,340 2,340 90 90 4 4 New York 3,150 3,150 3,150 3,150 Portland, Ore.* 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. Men. Women. Increase in maxim urn: Highest Average $1,000 Detroit. 451 1,000 Detroit. 482 Lowest (where any increase was given) . Boston's Boston's rank 90 Milwaukee. 144 10th out of 13 cities giv- ing increase. 90 Milwaukee. 120 10th out of 11 cities giv- ing increase. Two cities, New York and Portland, Ore., have given no increase to either men or women since September, 1917. 56 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 31. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to Size of Cities. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. New York* $5,000 $5,000 Chicago 3,450 $115 4 620 Philadelphia: 24 or less teachers 3,960 3,960 25-49 teachers 4 510 4 510 50 or more teachers St. Louis 5,060 3,600 No data 5,060 4,300 Boston 3 348 144 4 212 Cleveland Pittsburgh: Less than 4-vear course 2 310 100 4,000 2 860 4-year course Detroit 2,860 100 3,410 5,000 Buffalo * 3 000 125 3 500 San Francisco . 3,540 Milwaukee * 3,120 120 3,600 2 600 100 4 200 New ark New Orleans 3,600 No data 4,800 2,755 3 900 * Returns show salaries of January 1, 1920, as follows: Minimum., Annual Increase. Maximum. New York January January January 1, 1920 1, 1921 1, 1922 $5,000 5,000 5,000 "$250' $5,167 5,333 5,500 Buffalo January 1, 1920 3,500 100 4,500 Milwaukee .... January 1, 1920 3,200 No data 4,200 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 57 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 31 Concluded. (c) Principal Continued. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. $6000 Providence . . . $2,700 No data 3,610 Louisville 2,150 No data 3,500 4 400 Denver . ... 4,500 Portland, Ore 2,500 No data 3,500 TABLE 32. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Principal in Each City. New York .... Philadelphia : 24 or less teachers 25-49 teachers . 50 or more teachers . St. Louis .... Chicago .... Milwaukee .... Buffalo Providence .... Cincinnati .... Pittsburgh : Less than 4-year course 4-year course Louisville . $5,000 3,960 4,510 5,060 3,600 3,450 3,120 3,000 2,700 2,600 2,310 2,860 2,150 Highest minimum . . . $5,000 New York. Average minimum . . . 3,409 Lowest minimum . . . 2,150 Louisville. Boston's minimum . . . 3,348 Boston's rank, 5th out of 11 cities. 58 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 33. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Executive Officer of the School District.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Principal in Each City. Jersey City . . $6,000 Detroit 5,000 New York . 5,000 Newark 4,800 Chicago 4,620 Denver * 4,500 Rochester . .* 4,400 St. Louis . 4,300 Cincinnati . 4,200 Cleveland 4,000 Philadelphia: 24 or less teachers 3,960 25-49 teachers 4,510 50 or more teachers ........ 5,060 Los Angeles . . 3,900 Providence 3,610 Milwaukee 3,600 San Francisco . 3,540 Buffalo 3,500 Louisville 3,500 Portland, Ore 3,500 Pittsburgh : Less than 4-year course 2,860 4-year course 3,410 New Orleans 2,755 Highest maximum . . . $6,000 Jersey City. Average maximum . . . 4,110 Lowest maximum . . . 2,755 New Orleans. Boston's maximum . . 4,212 Boston's rank, 10th out of 21 cities. * Men and women. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 59 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 34. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Principal in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Annual Increase. Per Cent Increase. Philadelphia: 24 or less teachers 25-49 teachers $3,500 4,000 $3,960 4,510 $460 510 13 13 50 or more teachers 4,500 5,060 560 12 Pittsburgh: Less than 4-year course . . . 2,000 2,310 310 16 4-year course 2,500 2,860 360 14 Louisville 2,000 2,150 150 8 St. Louis 3,500 3,600 100 3 New York 5,000 5,000 Increase in minimum : Highest $460 Average 386 Lowest (where any increase was given) . . . . 100 Boston's . ' . . . . 144 Boston's rank, 3d out of 4 cities giving increase. One city, New York, has given no increase since September, 1917. Philadelphia (24 or less teachers). St. Louis. 60 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Concluded. TABLE 35. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Executive Officer of the School District.) Maximum Salaries in Cities of 200,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Principal in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Annual Increase. Per Cent Increase. Jersey City $5,000 $6,000 $1,000 20 Portland Ore 2,500 3 500 1 000 40 Denver . 3,600 4,500 900 25 3 500 4,400 900 26 Kansas City 3,300 4,015 715 22 Cincinnati 3,500 4,200 700 20 3 000 3 610 610 20 Buffalo 3,000 3,500 500 17 Cleveland Detroit 3,500 4,500 4,000 5,000 500 500 14 11 Philadelphia: 24 or less teachers 25-49 teachers 50 or more teachers 3,500 4,000 4,500 3,960 4,510 5,060 "460 510 560 13 13 12 Pittsburgh: Less than 4-year course 2,500 2,860 360 14 4-year course 3,000 3,410 410 14 Louisville Chicago 3,250 4,400 3,500 4,620 250 220 8 5 Newark 4,600 4,800 200 4 New Orleans St Louis 2,612 4,200 2,755 4 300 143 100 5 2 Milwaukee New York 3,600 5,000 3,600 5,000 Increase in maximum : Highest . $1,000 Jersey City. Portland, Ore. Average 527 Lowest (where any increase was given) . . . . 100 Boston's ..... 144 Boston's rank, 16th out of 18 cities giving increase. Two cities, Milwaukee and New York, have given no increase since September, 1917. St. Louis. PART II. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN CITIES AND TOWNS OP MASSACHUSETTS OF 30,000 POPULATION OR OVER. 62 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. I. Kindergarten Teachers. TABLE 36. Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Population. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. Boston: Assistant (one session) $576 $96 $960 First assistant (one session) 1 032 96 1,224 Worcester 675 75 1,200 Fall River: 820 40 980 Regular 900 40 1,100 New Bedford 863 58 1,150 Cambridge: Assistant 504 60 924 576 60 1,056 Lowell: 600 No data 780 No data No data 840 Springfield: Assistant 1,025 No data 1,200 Director (teacher): one session: 1 assistant (10 months) 2 assistants (10 months) No data No data No data No data 1,250 1,300 3 assistants (10 months) . . . No data No data 1,350 two sessions: No data No data 1,350* 2 assistants (10 months) No data No date 1,400 3 assistants (10 months) No data No data 1,450 650 No data 1,000 No data No data 950 Haverhill 700 75-50 1,000 Newton: Assistant No data 100 950 No data 100 1,100 650 60-75 1,250 Pittsfield 560 40 880 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 63 Kindergarten Teachers Continued. TABLE 36 Concluded. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. Salem: Assistant . . . $600 $50 $700 Principal 800 50 900 Brookline : Assistant . . ... No data No data 1,188 Kindergartner No data No data 1,265 TABLE 37. Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Kindergarten Teacher in Each City. Springfield : Assistant . $1,025 Director (teacher) No data New Bedford 863 Fall River: Assistant 820 Regular 900 Haverhill 700 Worcester 675 Fitchburg 650 Lynn 650 Lowell : Assistant 600 Principal . . . No data Salem : Assistant . . . . 600 Principal 800 Pittsfield . 560 Cambridge : Assistant 504 Head teacher 576 $1,025 709 Highest minimum: Assistant Average minimum Lowest minimum: Assistant Boston's minimum: Assistant . . . First assistant . Boston's rank: Assistant, 10th out of 12 cities. First assistant, 1st out of 10 cities. Springfield. 504 Cambridge. 576 1,032 64 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Kindergarten Teachers Continued. TABLE 38. Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Kindergarten Teacher in Each City. Fitchburg . . $1,250 Springfield : Assistant . 1,200 Director (teacher) : One session: 1 assistant (10 months) . . . 1,250 2 assistants (10 months) . . . 1,300 3 assistants (10 months) . . . 1,350 Two sessions: 1 assistant (10 months) . . . 1,350 2 assistants (10 months) . . . 1,400 3 assistants (10 months) . . . 1,450 Worcester 1,200 Brookline : Assistant . ' 1,188 Kindergartner . . . . . . . . 1,265 New Bedford . . 1,150 Haverhill . . .... 1,000 Lynn 1,000 Fall River: Assistant 980 Regular . 1,100 Newton : Assistant 950 Kindergartner . 1,100 Somerville ...... 950 Cambridge : Assistant 924 Head teacher 1,056 Pittsfield ... 880 Lowell : Assistant 780 Principal . 840 Salem : Assistant 700 Principal . 900 Highest maximum: Assistant .... $1,250 Fitchburg. Head teacher . . . . 1,350 Springfield. (Director, one session. 3 assistants.) Average maximum .... 1,097 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 65 Kindergarten Teachers Continued. TABLE 38 Concluded. Lowest maximum : Assistant $700 Salem. Head teacher .... 840 Lowell. Boston's maximum : Assistant 960 First assistant .... 1,224 Boston's rank: Assistant, 9th out of 15 cities. First assistant, 4th out of 15 cities. TABLE 39. Minimum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Kindergarten Teacher in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. i Increase. Per Cent Increase. Springfield : Assistant $575 $1 025 $450 78 Lynn 300 650 350 117 Fall River: Assistant 520 820 300 58 Regular 000 900 300 .50 New Bedford GOO 863 263 44 Haverhill 500 700 200 40 Salem: Assistant 400 600 200 50 Principal 600 800 200 33 Lowell: 500 600 100 20 Pittsfield 520 560 40 8 Cambridge: Assistant 504 504 0. Head teacher 576 576 Increase in minimum : Highest $450 Springfield. Average 240 Lowest (where any increase was given) .... 40 Pittsfield. Boston's . . . . . 96 Boston's rank, 8th out of 9 cities giving increase. One city, Cambridge, has given no increase since September, 1917. 66 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Kindergarten Teachers Continued. TABLE 40. Maximum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Kindergarten Teacher in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. Springfield: Assistant $750 $1 200 $450 60 Director (teacher) : One session: 1 assistant (10 months) 800 1,250 450 56 2 assistants (10 months) 850 1,300 450 53 3 assistants (10 months) 900 1,350 450 50 Two sessions: 1 assistant (10 months) 900 1,350 450 50 2 assistants (10 months) 950 1,400 450 47 3 assistants (10 months) 1,000 1,450 450 45 Newton : Assistant Kindergartner . 000 950 950 1 100 350 150 58 16 Fall River: Assistant 4 Regular 680 800 980 1 100 300 300 44 38 New Bedford 850 1,150 300 35 Brookline: Assistant 900 1 188 288 32 Kindergartner Worcester 1,000 950 1,265 1 200 265 250 27 26 Haverhill 800 1,000 200 25 Salem: Assistant . . 500 700 200 40 Principal Somerville. . . * 700 750 900 950 200 200 29 27 Lowell: Assistant Principal 650 700 780 840 130 140 20 20 Lynn 900 1,000 100 11 I SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 67 Kindergarten Teachers Concluded. TABLE 40 Concluded. September, 1910. September, 1919. Increase. Per- Cent Increase. Pittsfield $800 $880 $80 10 Cambridge: 864 924 60 7 Head teacher 996 1,056 60 6 Increase in maximum : Highest Average Lowest $450 269 60 Boston's . . 192 Boston's rank, 10th out of 14 cities. Springfield. (Assist- ant and Director.) Cambridge. (Assistant and Head Teacher.) II. Elementary School Teachers. TABLE 41. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes all Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Population. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. $696 $96 $1 368 Worcester : Grade I . 675 75 1 275 Grades II-VI 675 75 1,200 Grade VII. 675 75 1,250 Grade VIII 675 75 1 300 Fall River 900 40 1,100 New Bedford: Grades I-VII 863 58 1 150 Grade VIII 863 58 1 236 Cambridge: Grades I VII 588 60 1 080 Grade VIII 768 60 1 140 68 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 41 Concluded, (a) Assistant Continued. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. Lowell $600 $80 $1 080 Springfield: Grades I-VII l.lSO 30-60 1 400 Grade VIII 1,220 30-60 1,450 .Grades VII- VIII (college graduate) 1 220 30-60 1 650 Lynn: Grades I-VI 650 No data 1,000 Grades VII-VIII 650 No data 1 100 Lawrence 750 50 1,200 Somerville 700 50-100 1,050 750 50 900 Haverhill . 700 75-50 1 000 Chelsea : Grades I-VI 700 .30 1 000 Grades VII-VIII 750 50 1,000 Newton. . . . No data 100 1,300 650 60-75 1 250 Pittsfield 560 40 880 Everett 650 No data 950 . Salem 850 50 1 000 Brookline: Grades I-VII No data No data 1,392 Grade VIII No data No data 1,518 Medford. . 550 100 1,000 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 69 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 42. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 80,000 . Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Assistant in Each City. Springfield : Grades I-VII $1,180 Grade VIII 1,220 Grades VII-VIII (college graduate) . . . 1,220 Fall River 900 New Bedford * 863 Salem . 850 Brockton ... 750 Lawrence 750 Chelsea : Grades I-VI 700 Grades VII-VIII 750 Haverhill 700 Somerville 700 Worcester * 675 Everett 650 Fitchburg 650 Lynn . ' * 650 Lowell 600 Cambridge : Grades I-VII 588 Grade VIII 768 Pittsfield 560 Medford 550 Highest minimum : Grades I-VII . . . $1,180 Springfield. Grade VIII . . . 1,220 Springfield. Average minimum . . . 775 Lowest minimum: Grades I-VIII .... 550 Medford. Boston's minimum .... Boston's rank, 10th out of 18 cities. * Minimum salary the same for all grades. Maximum differs. 70 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 43. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Assistant in Each City. Springfield: Grades I-VII $1,400 Grade VIII . . . 1,450 Grades VII and VIII (college graduate) . 1,650 Brookline: Grades I-VII 1,392 Grade VIII 1,518 Newton 1,300 Fitchburg (thirteen years) . 1,250 Lawrence 1,200 Worcester : Grades II-VI 1,200 Grade VII 1,250 Grade I 1,275 Grade VIII . 1,300 New Bedford: Grades I-VII 1,150 Grade VIII . . . 1,236 Fall River 1,100 Cambridge : Grades I-VII 1,080 Grade VIII 1,140 Lowell . . 1,080 Somerville . 1,050 Chelsea * 1,000 Haverhill 1,000 Lynn: Grades I-VI 1,000 Grades VII-VIII ....... 1,100 Medford 1,000 Salem 1,000 Everett ^ . 950 Brockton 900 Pittsfield 880 Highest maximum: Grades I-VII . . . $1,400 Springfield. Grades VII-VIII (college graduate) . . . 1,650 Springfield. Average maximum . . . 1,173 Lowest maximum : Grades I 7 VIII ... 880 Pittsfield. Boston's maximum . . 1,368 Boston's rank, 3d out of 20 cities. * Maximum salaries the same for all grades. Minimum salaries differ. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 71 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 44. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Assistant in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. Springfield: Grades I-VII $730 $1,180 $450 62 Grade VIII 770 1,220 450 58 300 *650 350 117 Fall River . . . 600 900 300 50 New Bedford 600 *863 263 44 Brockton 550 750 200 36 Chelsea: Grades I-VI 500 700 200 40 Grades VII-VIII . 500 750 250 50 Haverhill 500 700 200 40 Lawrence . . . 550 750 200 36 Salem. . 650 850 200 31 Medf ord 400 550 150 38 Lowell 500 600 100 20 Everett 600 650 50 8 Pittsfield 520 560 40 g Cambridge: Grades I-VII . . 588 588 Grade VIII 768 768 Increase in minimum : Highest, Grades I-VIII . $450 Springfield. Average 227 Lowest (where any increase was given), Grades I-VIII 40 Pittsfield. Boston's ..... 96 Boston's rank, 12th out of 14 cities. One city, Cambridge, has given no increase since September, 1917. Minimum salary same for all grades. Maximum differs. 72 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 45. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular Grade Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Maximum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of ihe Lowest Paid Assistant in Each City. September, 1917. Springfield : Grades I-VII $950 Grade VIII 1,000 Brookline: Grades I-VII 1.000 Grade VIII 1,100 Lawrence ! 850 Fall River 800 New Bedford: Grades I-VII .' | 850 Grade VIII 925 Medford: Grades I- VI 750 Grades VII-VIII 800 Worcester: Grades II- VI 950 Grade VII | 950 Grade 1 950 Grade VIII 1,050 Chelsea: Grades I- VI SOO Grades VII-VIII 850 Everett 750 Haverhill 800 Salem 800 Somerville 850 Lowell 900 Newton 1,150 Lynn : Grades I-VI 900 Grades VII-VIII 950 Pittsfield . . 800 September, 1919. Increase. $1,400 1.450 1,392 1,518 1,200 I.IOO" 1,150 1,236 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,250 1,275 1,300 1,000 1,000 950 1,000 1,000 1,050 1,080 1,300 1,000 1,100 Per Cent Increase. $450 j 450 ! 392 j 418 ; 350 300 300 311 250 200 250 300 325 250 200 150 200 200 200 200 180 150 100 150 80 47 45 39 38 41 38 35 34 33 25 29 32 34 24 25 18 27 25 25 24 20 13 11 16 10 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 73 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 45 Concluded, (a) Assistant Continued. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. Cambridge : Grades I-VII $1,008 $1,050 $72 7 Grade VIII 1 068 1 140 72 7 Brockton ... ... 850 900 50 6 Increase in maximum : Highest, Grades I-VIII . $450 Springfield. Average 234 Lowest, Grades I-VIII . 50 Brockton. Boston's ... .192 Boston's rank, 13th out of 19 cities. TABLE 46. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submaster, Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant, Supervising Assistant.) All Do Some Teaching. Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries oj September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 80,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Population. Sex. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. Boston . Men $1,500 $120 $2,580 Worcester* Women. . . . Men 1,404 No data 96 No data 1,692 t 1,300 Fall River Women Women No data 1,160 No data t 1,300 1,160 New Bedford Women 1,250 58 1,610 Cambridge ... Men . . . 1,200 120 1,872 Springfield Women .... Women 840 1,080 60 50 1,220 1,180 Lynn Women .... 650 No data 1,100 Lawrence Women 1,250 1,250 Somerville Women No data No data 1,125 Brockton Women . 750 50 950 Chelsea Men No data No data 1,400 Newton Women .... Men 1,000 No data No data 100 Same 1,450 Everett Women .... No data 1,000 100 No data Same 1,050 * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Plus $7.50 for each room. 74 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 47. (b) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submaster, Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant, Supervising Assistant.) All Do Some Teaching. Minimum Salaries of September. 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Women of this Rank in Each City. Men. Women. Lawrence $1,250 New Bedford 1,250 Fall River 1,160 Springfield , 1,080 Chelsea No data 1,000 Everett 1,000 Cambridge 81,200 840 Brockton .* 750 Lynn 050 Highest minimum . Average minimum Lowest minimum . Boston's minimum Boston's rank, 1st out of 10 cities. . $1,250 Lawrence. New Bedford . 998 650 Lynn. 1,404 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 75 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 48. (b) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submaster, 'Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant, Supervising Assistant.) All Do Some Teaching. Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Women of this Rank in Each City. Men. Women. New Bedford $1,610 Newton . ... $1,450 Same Chelsea 1,400 Same Worcester * t 1 300 t 1 300 Lawrence 1,250 Cambridge Springfield 1,872 1,220 1,180 Fall River 1,160 Sonaerville ... . 1,125 Lynn Everett 1,100 1,050 Brockton 950 Men. Women. Highest maximum . . $1,872 Cambridge. $1,610 New Bedford. Average , 1,506 1,233 Lowest maximum t 1 300 Worcester 950 Brockton. Boston's maximum 2 580 1,692 Boston's rank ... 1st out of 5 cities. 1st out of 13 cities. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Plus $7.50 for each room. 76 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 49. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submanter, Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant Supervising Assistant.) All Do Some Teaching. Minimum Salaries in Cities and Towns of Massachusetts of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Position Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Woman of this Rank in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. New Bedford $950 860 550 800 1,080 $1,250 1,160 750 1,000 1,250 1,000 840 $300 300 200 200 170 150 32 35 36 25 16 18 Fall River Brockton Everett Lawrence Chelsea. . 850 840 No data $1,200 Cambridge $1,200 Increase in minimum : Highest . . $300 Average 220 Lowest (where any increase was given) .. 150 Boston's . . . . .192 Boston's rank, 5th out of 7 cities giving increase. One city, Cambridge, has given no increase in the minimum since September, 1917. New Bedford. Fall River. Chelsea. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 77 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 50. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Submaster, Master's Assistant, Assistant Principal, Head Assistant, Super- vising Assistant.) All Do Some Teaching. Maximum Salaries in Cities and Towns of Massachusetts of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase oj the Lowest Paid Woman of this Rank in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. New Bedford $1,250 860 1,200 850 1,250 925 1,080 1,000 1,140 900 $1,610 1,160 $360 300 200 200 200 200 170 100 80 50 29 35 17 24 16 22 16 10 7 6 Fall River Chelsea. . $1,200 $1,400 1,400 1,050 1,450 1,125 1,250 1,100 $200 17 16 Everett ... Newton 1,250 1,450 200 Somerville Lawrence Lynn .... Cambridge 1,800 1,872 1,220 950 72, 4 Brockton Men. Women. Highest increase in maximum $200 Chelsea. $360 New Bedford. Average increase in maximum Lowest increase in maximum Newton. 157 72 Cambridge. 186 50 Brockton. Boston's increase in maximum 240 288 Boston's rank 1st out of 4 cities. 3d out of 11 citiea. 78 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 51. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Population. Sex. Minimum . Annual Increase. Maximum. Boston Men $2,820 Same t 1,250 t 1,250 1,260 1,860 Same 1,140 1,600 Same 768 960 Same 1,320 No data No data 1,500 No data 1,400 1,480 $120 Same 100 100 120 120 Same 120 115 Same 60 60 Same 100 No data No data No data No data 100 $3,540 Same I 1,450 % 1,450 1,620 2,460 Same 1,500 2,760 Same 1,224 1,500 Same 2,420 1,130 No data 2,200 1,850 2,500 1,480 2,300 Sana: 2,300 900 1,800 1,400 2,500 .1,500 3,000 2 No data 3,000 2 No data T 1,250 2,000 1880 2,200 2,100 2,200 1,100 1,200 3,025 1,328 2,000 2 Worcester: * 2 rooms Women. . . . Men. Women. . . . Men . . . Fall River: Grammar: 1 1 or less rooms 12 or more rooms Men Women. . . . Women. . . . Men. . Primary New Bedford . ... Cambridge : 8 or less rooms Women. . . . Men.. Men Lowell Women. . . . Men Springfield Women. . . . Lynn . Men Women. . . . Men Somerville Brockton , . . Women. . . . Men Women .... Men .... No data Same No data No data No data No data 2,100 1,200 No data No data No data No data No data No data No data 1,800 1,100 2,000 No data No data No data No data Not fixed Not fixed 100 Same 100 No data No data No data No data 100 No data No data No data No data No data No data No data No data No data 100 No data No data No data No data " 100 100 Haverhill Women. . . . Men . . Chelsea Newton: * Supervising . Women. . . . Men || Women. . . . Men... Men Women Women. . . . Women. . . . Men Non-supervising Pittsfield Women. . . . Men Women. . . . Men Everett Salem Women. . . . Women. . . . Men Women. . . . Men Women. . . . Brookline Medford * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t For each additional room up to 7 add $75; for each additional room from 7 10 10 add $5U; for each additional room from 11 to 20 add $75. Minimum for 20 rooma, $2,500. J For each additional room up to 20 add $75. Maximum for 20 rooms, $2,800. Plus $15 per room. || Junior High school. If Plus $50 for each room. 1 Plus $40 for each room. 2 Depends on number of rooms. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 79 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 52. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Male Principal in Each City. Men. Women. Chelsea t $2 100 $1 200 Salem 2,000 Everett 1,800 1,100 New Bedford 1,600 Same Lynn 1,500 1,400 1 480 1,320 Fall River: Primary . . . . 1,140 Grammar: 1 260 1,860 Same Worcester * % 1,250 J 1 250 Cambridge : 8 or less rooms 768 Same 960 Same Men. Women. $2 100 Chelsea $1 600 New Bedford 1,485 1,262 Lowest minimum. 768 Cambridge. (8 or 768 Cambridge. (8 or less rooms.) 2,820 less rooms.) 2,820 Boston's rank 1st out of 11 cities. 1st out of 8 cities. * No information in salary schedule concerning sex. t Junior High School. j For each additional room up to 7 add $75; for each additional room from 7 to 10 add $50; for each additional room from 11 to 20 add $75. Minimum for 20 rooms, $2,500. 80 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 53. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns oj 80,000 Population or Over, Arranged / ccording to the Salary of the Lowest Paid Male Principal in Each City. Men. Women. Brookline: Grammar $3,025 Primary $1,328 Newton 3,000 New Bedford 2,760 Same Chelsea 1 2,500 1,500 Lawrence 2,500 1,480 Lowell 2,420 2 rooms 1,105 3 or more rooms 1,130 Brockton 2,300 J 900 Somerville 2,300 Same Everett 2,200 2,100 Lynn 2,200 1,850 Salem 2,200 9 or -less rooms 1,100 10 or more rooms 1,200 Medford 2,000 Pittsfield 2,000 U 880 Haverhill 1,800 1,400 Fall River: Grammar: 11 or less rooms J ,620 Same 12 or more rooms 2,460 Same Primary... 1,500 * No explanation in the salary schedule concerning sex. t Junior High School. j Plus $15 per room. Varies with the number of rooms. || Plus $40 per room. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 81 Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 53 Concluded. (c) Principal Continued. Men. Women. Worcester:* 2 rooms t $1,450 t $1,450 Cambridge: 8 or less rooms 1,224 Same 9 or more rooms 1,500 Same 1 1,250 * No explanation in the salary schedule concerning sex. t For each additional room up to 20 add $75. Maximum for 20 rooms, $2,800. j Plus $50 per room. Men. Women. Highest maximum $3,025 Bfookline. $2,760 New Bedford. Average 2,182 1,526 Lowest maximum 1,224 Cambridge. * 880 Pittsfield. Boston's maximum (8 or less rooms.) 3,540 3,540 Boston's rank 1st out of 18 cities 1st out of 17 cities. * Plus $40 per room. 82 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. Elementary School Teachers Continued. TABLE 54. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum Salaries in Cities and Towns of Massachusetts of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Male Principal in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. New Bedford $1,250 $1,250 $1,600 $1,600 $350 $350 28 28 Fall River: Primary 840 1,140 300 36 Grammar: 11 or less rooms 900 960 1,260 1,260 300 300 31 31 12 01 more rooms 1,560 1,560 1,860 1,860 300 300 19 19 Chelsea 1 900 900 2 100 1 200 200 300 1 1 33 Everett 1,600 1,000 1,800 1,100 200 100 13 10 Salem 1,900 2,000 100 5 Cambridge: 8 or less rooms . . . 768 768 768 768 o o o o 960 960 960 960 o o o o Lawrence 1 400 1 000 1 400 1 480 o 480 o 48 Lynn 1,500 1,500 Men. Women. Increase in minimum: Highest $350 New Bedford $480 Lawrence Average 242 304 Lowest (where any increase 100 Salem 100 Everett Boston's 240 240 Boston's rank 3d out of 6 cities giving 5th out of 6 cities giving increase. increase. Three cities, Cambridge, Lawrence, Lynn have given no increase to men since September, 1917. One city, Cambridge, has given no increase to women since September, 1917. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 83 Elementary School Teachers Concluded. TABLE 55. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Maximum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Male Principal in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Brookline: $1,050 $1,328 2,760 1,500 1,500 $278 21 23 14 26 23 25 25 23 14 14 5 27 6 22 5 9 14 Grammar $2,500 2,250 2,200 $3,025 2,760 2,500 $525 510 300 New Bedford 2,250 1,200 1,200 1,320 2,160 1,300 2,000 1,100 1,750 510 300 300 300 300 180 100 300 100 Chelsea Fall River: Grammar: 1 1 or less rooms 1,320 2,160 2,200 2,000 1,600 2,000 1,800 1,620 2,460 2,500 2,200 1,800 2,200 2,000 2,000 3,000 2,300 1,620 2,460 1,480 2,100 1,400 1,850 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 150 100 100 100 96 180 23 14 14 10 13 10 11 11 5 5 5 5 9 14 12 or more rooms . . Lawrence Everett Haverhill Lvnn Medford Pittsfield 1,800 2,850 2,200 Brockton Salem 2,100 2,200 1,128 1,320 900 2,200 1,128 1,320 2,200 2,300 1,224 1,500 1,100 2,300 1,224 1,500 200 100 96 180 Somerville Cambridge: 8 or less rooms 9 or more rooms Men. Women. Increase in maximum: Highest Average $525 Brookline. 233 $510 New Bedford. 232 96 Cambridge 96 Cambridge (8 or less rooms.) 120 (8 or less rooms.) 120 Boston's rank. . 13th out of 16 cities 9th out of 12 cities 84 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. UK High School Teachers. TABLE 56. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries oj September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Population. Sex. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. Boston Men $1 476 $144 $2 772 Worcester Women. . . . Men 1,068 1 350 96 125 1,932 2 600 Fall River Women .... Men 1,000 1 300 100 80 2,000 1 980 New Bedford Women .... Men 1,140 1,610 40-80 115 1,500 2 185 Cambridge . . . . Women .... Men 1,150 1,200 115 120 1,610 1 900 Lowell Women. . . . Men Women .... Men 840 1,080 780 1 700 60 130 100 No data 1,344 1,870 1,380 2 300 Lynn Women. . . . Men 1,150 1,200 No data No data 1,800 1 900 Lawrence Women. . . . Men 750 1,000 No data 100 1,300 2 300 Brockton Women. . . . Men 1,000 No data 100 100 1,795 1 750 Haverhill Women. . . . Men No data No data 50 No data 1,150 1 600 Chelsea Women .... Men No data 1,400 No data No data 1,250 1 800 Newton. . . . Women. . . . Men 800 No data No data 100 1,200 2 200 Fitchburg Women. . . . Men No data 1,750 100 No data 1,600 2 050 Pittsfield Everett Women. . . . Men Women. . . . Men 800 1,000 760 1,600 100 No data No data No data 1,450 1,600 1,040 2,200 Salem Women .... Men 950 1,100 No data 50 1,350 1,300 Brookline Women .... Men 900 No data 50 No data 1,100 No data Medford Women. . . . Men No data No data No data 100 2,012 1,800 Women. . . . No data 100 1,200 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 85 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 57. (a) ASSISTANT. ("Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Male Assistants in Each City. .Men. Women. Fitchburg $1,750 $800 Springfield 1,700 1,150 New Bedford 1,610 1,150 Everett 1 600 950 Chelsea 1,400 800 Worcester 1,350 1,000 Fall River 1,300 1,140 Cambridge 1 200 840 Lynn 1 200 750 Salem 1,100 900 Lowell 1,080 780 Lawrence 1,000 1,000 Pittafield . . 1 000 760 Men. Women. Highest minimum $1,750 Fitchburg. $1,150 New Bedford. Average minimum 1,330 Springfield. 925 Lowest minimum 1 000 Lawrence 750 Lynn Pitts fie Id. 1 476 1 068 Boston's rank 5th out of 14 cities 4th out of 14 cities 86 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 58. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Male Assistants in Each City. Men. Women. Worcester $2,600 $2,000 Lawrence 2,300 1,795 Springfield 2,300 1,800 Everett 2,200 1,350 Newton 2,200 1,600 New Bedford 2,185 1,610 Fitchburg 2,050 1,450 Fall River 1,980 1,500 Cambridge 1,900 1,344 Lynn 1,900 1,300 Lowell 1,870 1,380 Chelsea 1,800 1,200 Medford 1,800 1,200 Brockton 1,750 1,150 Haverhill 1,600 1,250 Pittsfield 1,600 1,040 Salem 1,300 1,100 Brookline 2,012 Men. Women. Highest maximum $2,600 Worcester. $2,012 Brookline. Average maximum 1,961 1,449 Lowest maximum 1,300 Salem. 1,040 Pittsfield. Boston's maximum 2,772 1,932 Boston's rank. . . 1st out of 18 cities. 3d out of 19 cities. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 87 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 59. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Minimum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Assistant in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBEH, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women Men. Women. New Bedford $1,050 $850 $1,610 $1,150 $560 $300 53 35 Chelsea 1,000 700 1,400 800 400 100 40 14 Everett 1,200 800 1,600 950 400 150 33 19 700 700 1,000 1,000 300 300 43 43 Fall River 1,080 840 1,300 1,140 220 300 20 36 Pittsfield 800 640 1,000 760 200 120 25 19 Salem 900 700 1,100 900 200 200 22 29 Lowell 900 650 1,080 780 180 130 20 20 Lynn 1,200 650 1,200 750 100 15 Cambridge 1,200 840 1,200 840 Men. Women. Increase in minimum: Highest $560 New Bedford. $300 Fall River. Lawrence. New Bedford. Average 308 189 Lowest (where any increase was given). 180 Lowell. 100 Chelsea. Lynn. Boston's 96 10th out of 10 cities giving increase. Two cities, Lynn, Cambridge, have given no increase in minimum to men since September, 1917. One city, Cambridge, has given no increase in minimum to women since September, 1917. 88 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 60. (a) ASSISTANT. (Includes All Regular High School Teachers Without Executive or Administrative Duties.) Maximum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 80,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Male Assistant in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. New Bedford $1,750 2,200 1,250 1,680 2,000 2,000 1,600 2,000 1,100 1,700 1,650 1,800 1,500 1,850 1,800 $1,250 1,650 1,000 1,200 1,500 1,050 1,000 1,500 900 1,200 1,100 1,260 1,000 1,250 1,000 1,750 $2,185 2,600 1,600 1,980 2,300 2,200 1,800 2,200 1,300 1,870 1,750 1,900 1,600 1,900 1,800 $1,610 2,000 1,250 1,500 1,795 1,350 1,200 1,600 1,100 1,380 1,150 1,344 1,040 1,300 1,200 2,012 $435 400 350 300 300 200 200 200 200 170 100 100 100 50 $360 350 250 300 295 300 200 100 200 180 50 84 40 50 200 262 25 18 28 18 15 10 13 10 18 10 6 6 7 3 29 21 25 25 20 29 20 7 22 15 5 7 4 4 20 15 Worcester Haverhill Fall River Lawrence Everett Medford Newton Salem Lowell Brockton Cambridge Pittsfield Lynn Chelsea Brookline. . Men. Women. Increase in maximum : Highest $435 New Bedford. $360 New Bedford. Average 222 201 Lowest (where any increase was given). Boston's 50 Lynn. 144 40 Pittsfield. 168 Boston's rank llth out of 15 cities giving 12th out of 17 cities. increase. One city, Chelsea, has given no increase in the maximum to men since September, 1917. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 89 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 61. (b) RANK NEXT TO PKINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Minimum, Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Population. Sex. Minimum Annual Increase. Maximum. Boston . . Men . . . $2,340 $144 $3,348 Worcester . ... Women .... Men 1,428 2,575 96 125 2,100 2 950 Fall River Men . . . 2,500 No data 2,700 New Bedford Men 2,185 No data 2,760 Men 2 040 120 2 380 Lowell Men No data No data 2 600 Springfield Men . 2,400 No data 3,100 Women .... Men 1,800 No data No data No data 2,800 2 000 Lawrence .... Men 2 520 No data 2 520 Somerville . . Men No data No data 2 450 Brockton. ... . Men No data 100 2 000 Haverhill Women. . . . Men No data No data 100 No data 1,300 2,150 Chelsea Men No data No data 1,800 Newton Men 2,200 No data 3 000 Fitchburg Women Men 1,600 2,050 No data No data 2,500 2,350 Pittsfield Women. . . . Men 1,200 No data No data No data 1,500 1,900 Everett Men 2,000 No data . 2,300 Salem. . . . Men 2 100 100 2 300 Medf ord . . . Men No data 100 2 200 Women .... No data 100 1,700 90 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 62. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Men of this Rank in Each City. Men. Women. Worcester $2,575 Lawrence. . . 2,520 Fall River 2,500 Springfield 2,400 $1,800 Newton . . 2,200 1,600 New Bedford . 2,185 Salem 2 100 Fitchburg 2,050 1,200 Cambridge 2,040 Everett 2000 Men. Women. Highest minimum $2,575 Worcester. $1,800 Springfield. Average minimum. . 2,257 1,533 Lowest minimum 2,000 Everett. 1,200 Fitchburg. Boston's minimum 2,340 1,428 Boston's rank. . 5th out of 11 cities. 3d out of 4 cities. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 91 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 63. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According io the Lowest Salary Paid to Men of this Rank in Each City. Men. Women. Springfield $3,100 $2,800 Newton 3,000 2,500 Worcester 2,950 New Bedford 2,760 Fall River 2,700 Lowell 2,600 Lawrence 2,520 Somerville 2,450 Cambridge 2,380 Fitchburg 2,350 1,500 Everett 2,300 Salem 2,300 Medford 2,200 1,700 Haverhill 2,150 Brockton 2,000 1,300 Lynn 2,000 Pittsfield 1,900 Chelsea 1,800 Men. Women. Highest maximum $3,100 Springfield. $2,800 Springfield. Average maximum 2,414 1,960 Lowest maximum 1,800 Chelsea. 1,300 Brockton. Boston's maximum 3,348 2,100 Boston's rank. . , 1st out of 19 cities. 3d out of 6 cities. 92 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 64. - (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Minimum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 80,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Man of this Rank in Each City. September, 1917. September, 1919. Increase. Per Cent Increase. New Bedford $1,750 $2,185 $435 25 Lawrence 2 200 2 520 320 15 Salem ... 1,900 2,100 200 11 Everett 2,100 2,000 * 100 *5 Cambridge 2 040 2 040 o o Increase in minimum : Highest $435 New Bedford. Average 318 Lowest (where any increase was given) . . . 200 Salem. Boston's 144 Boston's rank, 4th out of 4 cities giving increase. One city, Cambridge, has given no increase in the minimum since September, 1917. * Decrease. SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 93 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 65. (6) RANK NEXT TO PRINCIPAL. (Includes Assistant Principals and Masters, Heads of Department.) Maximum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 80,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Man of this Rank in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. New Bedford. $2,050 2,500 2,200 1,900 1,900 $2,760 2,950 2,520 2,200 2,150 $710 450 320 300 250 200 200 200 100 100 35 18 15 16 13 8 8 10 4 4 13 4 Worcester Medford . $1,500 $1,700 $200 Haverhill Fall River 2,500 2,400 2,700 Lowell 2,600 Salem . 2,100 2,300 2,380 2,450 2,000 1,800 2,300 Cambridge 2,280 2,350 2,000 1,800 2,300 Brockton . 1,250 1,300 50 Chelsea Everett Men. Women. Increase in maximum: Highest . $710 New Bedford. $200 Medford. Average . 283 125 Lowest (where any increase was given) 100 Cambridge. Somerville. 50 Brockton. Boston's 144 120 Boston's rank 9th out of 11 cities. 2d out of 3 cities. Three cities, Brockton, Chelsea, Everett, have given no increase in maximum since September, 1917, to men. 94 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 66. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum) Annual Increase and Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Population. Sex. Minimum. Annual Increase. Maximum. Boston Men $3 348 $144 $4 212 Worcester 3,250 250 3 750 Fall River: Two schools No data No data 3 000 One school No data No data 3 900 New Bedford No data No data 4,025 Cambridge 3,060 180 3,700 Lowell 3 300 Lynn 2 700 No data 3,000 Lawrence 3,500 Somerville 3,700 Brockton. . No data 100 3,000 Haverhill 3,000 Chelsea 2 800 Pittsfield. .. 3,000 Everett 3,000 Salem 3,100 Medford 3,200 SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. 95 High School Teachers Continued. TABLE 67. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Minimum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Principals in Each City. Worcester $3,250 Cambridge . . 3,060 Lynn . 2,700 Highest minimum .... $3,250 Worcester. Average minimum . . . 3,003 Lowest minimum .... 2,700 Lynn. Boston's minimum . . . 3,348 Boston's rank, 1st out of 4 cities. TABLE 68. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Maximum Salaries of September, 1919, in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 80,000 Population or Over, Arranged According to the Lowest Salary Paid to Principals in Each City. New Bedford $4,025 Cambridge 3,700 Somerville 3,700 Lawrence . 3,500 Lowell 3,300 Medford 3,200 Salem 3,100 Brockton 3,000 Everett 3,000 Fall River: Two schools 3,000 One school 3,900 Haverhill 3,000 Lynn 3,000 Pittsfield 3,000 Chelsea 2,800 Highest maximum . . . $4,025 New Bedford. Average maximum . . . 3,282 Lowest maximum .... 2,800 Chelsea. Boston's maximum . . . 4,212 Boston's rank, 1st out of 15 cities. 96 SCHOOL DOCUMENT NO. 19. High School Teachers Concluded. TABLE 69. (c) PRINCIPAL. (Includes the Chief Administrative and Executive Officer of the School District.) Maximum Salaries in Massachusetts Cities and Towns of 30,000 Population or Over of September, 1919, as Compared with September, 1917, Arranged According to the Amount of Increase of the Lowest Paid Principal in Each City. SEPTEMBER, 1917. SEPTEMBER, 1919. INCREASE. PER CENT INCREASE. Men. Men. Men. Men. New Bedford $3,050 $4,025 $975 32 3 200 3 750 550 17 Lawrence 3,000 3,500 500 17 Medford 2,800 3,200 400 14 Sotnerville. . 3,350 3,700 350 10 Haverhill 2,700 3,000 300 11 Lowell 3,000 3,300 300 10 Chelsea 2,600 2,800 200 8 Everett 2,800 3,000 200 7 3,600 3,700 100 3 Salem 3,000 3,100 100 3 Brockton 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Increase in maximum : Highest . . . $975 Average 361 Lowest (where any increase was given) .... 100 New Bedford. Cambridge. Salem. Boston's 144 Boston's rank, 10th out of 12 cities giving increase. Two cities, Brockton and Lynn, have given no increase in maximum to principals since September, 1917. GayfordBros Makers Syracuse, N Y r PAT. J4K. 21, 1908 415814 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY