^ LIBRARV OF THE University of California. Class ^ ii^- Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/chartersofborougOOcambricli THE CHARTERS OF THE BOROUGH OF CAMBRIDGE SonDon: C. J. CLAY and SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. ©laBgoiu: 50, WELLINGTON STREET. ILnpjig: F. A. BROCKHAUS. i^tfa lorft: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. iSombas: E. SEYMOUR HALE. OF THE jjsilVERSlTY OF <^^^'^ -j-f ij^ - c: — ^- ^ ^S^' .ojr- ^ gv- c-P ^ /| -L ^ . J J 4 ^^^ ^ 1^:14^ M ,^ ^ . , . _ „.,. (2l-.wv-t Letters Patent of Philip and Mary. 205 IV. Letters Patent of Philip and Mary. ^Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, King and Queen of i557 England, Spain, France, the two Sicilies, Jerusalem, and Ireland, "^""^ ^ Defenders of the Faith, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Burgundy, Milan and Brabant, Counts of Hapsburg, Flanders, and Tyrol, to all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. Whereas a certain yearly rent of eight pounds, fifteen shillings and twopence, yearly issuing and to be paid from certain shops and booths in Sturbridge in our county of Cambridge in the tenure of the mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of our town of Cambridge, for the support and maintenance of certain obits, anniversaries and of a certain annual alms to be made to the poor within the aforesaid town yearly, by reason of a certain act of a parliament held at Westminster in the second year of the reign of our dearest brother Edward the Sixth late King of England, and by reason of a certain presentment had and made according to the tenour of the said act, fell into the hands of our said late brother and is also now in our hands, and whereas our said dearest brother, from the time of the said parliament yearly during his life, paid and gave, and we likewise from the beginning of our reign till now yearly paid and gave to the aforesaid mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of our town aforesaid a certain other yearly rent of six pounds, ten shillings and sixpence, parcel of the aforesaid annual rent of eight pounds, fifteen shillings and twopence, with the intention that the said mayor, bailiffs and burgesses yearly and from time to time should levy and distribute and cause to be levied and distributed the aforesaid annual rent of six pounds, ten shillings and sixpence given and paid by us to them as is aforesaid for the poor and needy dwelling and staying within our aforesaid town of Cam- bridge, at the times and places accustomed, according to the pious and praiseworthy wills of the donors and in manner and form as the said mayor, bailiffs and burgesses ever before were used and wont to make it : Know ye therefore that we, both for the causes and considerations aforesaid, and by the prompting of the piety which we feel towards the pious rites and ceremonies of the church according to the catholic faith and towards the wills of donors henceforth to be carried out and observed yearly for ever within our aforesaid town of Cambridge, and also because the aforesaid shops 1 See Cooper, Annals, ii. 132. 2o6 Charters of the Borough of Cambridge, predicte shope et lez bowthes in Sturbridge predicta sunt et tempore sessionis parliamenti predict! fuerunt terre custumarie et non de nobis aut de aliquo manerio nostro tente ac proinde supradictus annualis redditiis octo librarum quindecim solidorum et duorum denariorurn de eisdem shopis et lez bowthes exeundus ac ut prefertur annuatim soluendus iuxta puram simplicem legittimam intencionem predicti actus parliamenti ac ratione et vigore eiusdem aliquo legittimo modo in manus predicti precharissimi fratris nostri devenire non debuisset et in manibus nostris iam existit aut existere potest quam pro fidelitate, industria ac acceptabili servicio nobis per predictos maiorem, ballivos et burgenses antehac habitis factis et impensis ac imposterum habendis fiendis et impendendis de gracia nostra speciali ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris dedimus et concessimus ac per presentes damns et concedimus prefatis maiori, ballivis et bur- gensibus predicte ville nostre Cantabrigie, supradictum annualem redditum octo librarum, quindecim solidorum et duorum denariorum de predictis shopis et lez bowthes in Sturbridge annuatim exeundum et soluendum adeo plene libere et integre ac in tam amplis modo et forma prout iidem maior, ballivi et burgenses predicti postremo reci- tatum annualem redditum vnquam habuerunt, usi vel gavisi fuerunt, aut habere, vti vel gaudere debuerunt, aut potuerunt, si idem annualis redditus nunquam in manus predicti precharissimi fratris nostri aut nostras devenisset, et adeo plene, libere et integre ac in tam amplis modo et forma prout idem annualis redditus ad manus dicti pre- charissimi fratris nostri ratione vel pretextu predicti actus parliamenti vel aliter quocumque modo devenit seu devenire debuit devenerunt seu devenire debuerunt ac in manibus nostris iam existit vel extite- runt seu existere debet vel debuerunt : Habendum, tenendum, gaudendum et retinendum predictum annualem redditum octo librarum quindecim solidorum et duorum denariorum per nos per presentes preconcessum eisdem maiori, ballivis et burgensibus et eorum successoribus imperpetuum ad opus, usus et intenciones supradictas annuatim imperpetuum ut prefertur [ut] observarent perimplendo : Mandantes enim et per presentes firmiter iniungentes, precipientes tam Thesaurario et Baronibus Scaccarii nostri quam omnibus et singulis receptoribus, auditoribus et aliis officiariis et ministris nostris heredum et successorum nostre prefate Regine quibuscumque et eorum cuilibet quod ipsi et eorum quilibet [per] solam demonstracionem harum litterarum nostrarum patentium aut Letters Patent of Philip and Mary, TiQf and booths in Sturbridge aforesaid are and at the time of the session of the parhament aforesaid were customary lands and not held of us or of any manor of ours, and therefore the aforesaid annual rent of eight pounds, fifteen shillings and twopence issuing from the said shops and booths and to be paid yearly as is aforesaid, according to the pure, simple, lawful intention of the aforesaid act of parliament, and by reason and by force of the same, could not come into the hands of our aforesaid dearest brother and is not and cannot be in our hands now in any lawful manner, and further for the fealty, zeal and acceptable service hitherto had, done and rendered to us by the aforesaid mayor, bailiffs and burgesses and henceforth to be had, done and rendered, of our special grace and from our certain knowledge and mere motion we have given and granted and by these presents we give and grant to the aforesaid mayor, bailiffs and bur- gesses of our aforesaid town of Cambridge the aforesaid annual rent of eight pounds, fifteen shillings and twopence, issuing and to be paid from the aforesaid shops and booths in Sturbridge yearly, as fully, freely and wholly and in as ample a manner and form as the said mayor, bailiffs and burgesses ever had the last-named yearly rent or were wont to- use or enjoy or ought to or could have, use or enjoy the same, if the said yearly rent had never fallen into the hands of our aforesaid dearest brother or our own, and as fully, freely and wholly and in as ample a manner and form as the said yearly rent came or ought to come to the hands of our said dearest brother by reason or pretext of the aforesaid act of par- liament or otherwise in any way, and now is or ought to be in our hands: To have, hold, enjoy and keep the aforesaid yearly rent of eight pounds, fifteen shillings and twopence by these presents above granted by us to the said mayor, bailiffs and burgesses and their successors for ever, that as is aforesaid they may see to the fulfilling of the use, purpose and intents above named yearly for ever: Ordering and by these presents firmly enjoining and command- ing both the Treasurer and the Barons of our Exchequer, and all and singular the receivers, auditors and other officers and ministers of us and of the heirs of our aforesaid Queen, whomsoever and to each of them, that they and each of them make and cause to be made on a single exhibition of these our letters patent or of the enrolment of the same, without asking, seeking or prosecuting any other writ or warrant from us or the heirs or successors of our 2o8 Charters of the Borough of Cambridge, super irrotulamentum earundem, absque alio breui seu warrento a nobis vel heredibus aut successoribus nostre prefate Regine quoquo modo impetrando obtinendo seu prosequendo, plenam, integram, debitamque allocacionem, defalcacionem, deduccionem et exonera- cionem manifestam prefatis maiori, ballivis et burgensibus et eorum successoribus de omni predicto annuali redditu octo librarum quin- decim solidorum et duorum denariorum per nos per presentes preconcesso facient et fieri causabunt : Et hec littere nostre patentes aut irrotulamentum earumdem erunt annuatim et de tempore in tempus tam dictis Thesaurario et Baronibus Scaccarii nostri quam omnibus et singulis predictis receptoribus, auditoribus et aliis offici- ariis et ministris nostris heredum et successorum nostre prefate Regine quibuscumque et eorum cuilibet sufficiens warrantia et exone- racio in hac parte : Ac ulterius damus pro consideracione predicta ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris, [et] per presentes concedimus prefatis maiori, ballivis et burgensibus totum ilium predictum reddi- tum octo librarum quindecim solidorum et duorum denariorum et proficua eiusdem a festo Sancti Michaelis archangeli ultimo preterito hucusque proveniencia sine crescencia : Habendum eisdem maiori, ballivis et burgensibus ex dono nostro absque compoto seu aliquo alio proinde nobis et heredibus vel successoribus nostre prefate Regine quoquomodo reddendo, solvendo vel faciendo : Ac eciam volumus pro consideracione predicta ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris per presentes concedimus prefatis maiori, ballivis et burgensibus quod habeant et habebunt has litteras nostras patentes sub magno sigillo nostro Anglie debito modo factas et sigillatas absque fine seu feodo magno vel parvo nobis in hanaperio nostro seu alibi ad usus nostros quoquo modo reddendo, solvendo vel faciendo : Eo quod expressa mentio de vero valore annuo aut de certitudine premissorum sive eorum alicuius aut de aliis donis sive concessionibus per nos vel per aliquem progenitorum nostre prefate Regine prefatis maiori et ballivis et burgensibus ante hec tempora factis in presentibus minime facta existit aut aliquo statuto, actu, ordinacione, provisione sive restric- cione inde incontrarium facto, edito, ordinato, seu proviso, aut aHqua aha re, causa vel materia quacumque in aHquo non obstante : In cuius rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Testibus nobis ipsis apud Westmonasterium vicesimo tercio die Junii annis regnorum nostrorum tercio et quarto. per breve de privato sigillo &c. Naylour. Letters Patent of Philip and Mary. 209 aforesaid Queen in any way, full, entire and due allowance, ex- emption, deduction and open exoneration to the aforesaid mayor, bailiffs and burgesses and their successors, of all the aforesaid annual rent of eight pounds, fifteen shillings and twopence granted above by us by these presents : And these our letters patent or the enrolment of the same shall be yearly and from time to time a sufficient warrant and excuse in this behalf both to the said Treasurer and Barons of our Exchequer and to all and singular the aforesaid receivers, auditors and other officers and ministers whomsoever of us and of the heirs and successors of our aforesaid Queen and to each of them : And further we give for the considera- tion aforesaid and from our certain knowledge and mere motion and by these presents we grant to the aforesaid mayor, bailiffs and burgesses all that aforesaid rent of eight pounds, fifteen shilHngs and twopence and the profits of the same from the feast of St Michael the Archangel last past arising or accruing till now: To have to the said mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of our gift without rendering, paying or making any account or anything else therefor to us and the heirs or successors of our aforesaid Queen in any way : And also we will for the aforesaid reason and from our certain knowledge and mere motion by these presents we grant to the aforesaid mayor, bailiffs and burgesses that they may and shall have these our letters patent under our great seal of England, made and sealed in due manner without fine or fee, large or small, to be rendered, paid or made to us into our hanaper or elsewhere for our use in any way : Any omission in these presents of an express mention of the true annual value or of any other value or certitude of the premises, or of any of them, or of other gifts or grants made by us or by any of the ancestors or prede- cessors of our aforesaid Queen before these times to the before- named mayor, and bailiffs and burgesses, or any statute, act, ordi- nance, provision or restriction, made, issued, ordained or provided to the contrary hereof or any other fact, cause or matter in any wise notwithstanding: In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourselves at Westminster, the twenty-third day of June in the third and fourth years of our reigns. By writ of privy seal &c. Naylour. Of THE "^"VERSITY PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. M' H I /r/ 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. I^nn^'hi'JK^''^ "^lA"^ ^^^ date stamped below or on the date - whjch renew^ Rene^als^X: ^^ee^B-tt--iitu5a-I^^ FEB 2 c 16% CK JAN 2 3 7? mw-^=-Ma SAN DIEGO INTERJJBRARnOAFt BSCIRWirSI JDi 1 1 fi£CClR.APR2 '82 LD21A-50m-2,'71 (P200lBlO)476— A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley irsr^i Z 6 '-J*^^ LD 21-100m-7,'40 (6936s) ■yy . ^-.y.v-