THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ' V ', RHYMES WITH, AND WITHOUT REASON BY MARSHALL LORIMER IF YOU BUT READ EACH THROBBING PAGE WITH THAT INTENT THE AUTHOR PENNED, YOU WILL A CERTAIN GRIEF ASSUAGE AND GAIN A COMFORT IN THE END. TRADE PRINTING COMPANY LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 1919 Copyrighted 1919 by Marshall Lorlmer Los Angeles, California AUTHOR'S RESTRICTED, AND PERSONAL EDITION. / CONTENTS PEACE 13 FAIR PLAY 14 THE SPIRIT OF "76" 15 THE TRANSPORT LINE 16 HIS MASK 17 MY IDEAL 18 OUR GOLD STARS 19 THE "ROOKIE'S" SAY SO 20 YE MELTING DAYS 22 A MATURITY COMPLAINT 23 "PUTTING ONE OVER" 24 THE LITTLE THINGS OF LIFE 25 ENCOURAGEMENT 27 AFTER THE WAR 28 PUT YOURSELF IN HIS SHOES 29 YE MEN OF SINEWS 30 TRYING IT OUT 32 THE UNFORSEEN ENEMY 33 THE ROAD TO DIVORCE 35 ROBBED OF HIS BIRTHRIGHT 36 FROM THE BORDERLAND 38 MY DREAM GIRL 39 A WESTERN MEMORY 40 THE REMEDY 42 THE AUTHOR'S BROTHER 44 OFFER CALL 45 THE CALL OF THE BLOOD 46 "BATTING 400" 48 THRU A MIST 49 A CHRISTMAS POEM 50 AN ACTOR'S PRAYER... .. 51 CONTENTS-Continued "GETTING NEXT" 52 QUESTIONS 53 SKIRMISHING 54 THE STORY OF "PURPLE COW" 55 THE LESSON 56 WRITING T 0"UNCLE SAM" 57 A PROPHECY 59 THE "BON VIVANT" 60 'TIS KIND TO REMEMBER 62 THE MIRACLE 63 A PASSIONATE HOUR 64 EXIT THE SPORT 65 RAVCOVSKY WAS INTERRUPTED 67 TRY IT OUT 70 PLAYING THE GAME 71 ODD VERSES 72 READING THE FUTURE 73 APOLOGIES TO KIPLING..... 74 THE DREGS OF LIFE 75 "THE STRAW LADY" 76 WITHERED FAME 77 THE PASSING 78 A LOVE SONG (TO F. C.) 80 THE RESCUE 81 POSTERITY'S LOSS 82 TOO LATE 83 IN MEMORIUM 85 A VOICE FROM THE GUTTER 86 THRU FAILURE TO GOD 88 ITS WORTH WHILE 89 THE DESERTER'S STORY 90 LAUNCHED INTO LIFE 93 TWO BIRTHDAYS 94 DEEDS 96 THE ONLOOKER 97 MEMORY'S VISION... .. 98 CONTENTS- Continued SOME BLESSINGS BUT 99 LIFE SHOPPING 101 THE TROUBADOR'S BALLAD 102 OUR NATIONAL OATH 103 LIVE LET LIVE 105 TO SOME ONE 106 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY 107 THE SONG OF THE HILLS 110 FULFILLMENT Ill FANCY, THE GARDEN OF HOPE 112 THE SHIELD'S REVERSE 113 LOST PARADISE 114 CUPID'S IRONY 115 INCONSTANCY 116 DON JUAN'S REFORM 117 THE INVALID 118 DESOLATION 119 UNSPOKEN 120 YOU WON FAME 121 LANGUAGE OF THE EYES 122 WHAT WAS 123 THE LOVE FLOWER (TO F. C.) 124 PUPPY LOVE 125 THE ROAD TO POLLY'S HEART : 126 THE SECRET 127 I'M JUST A VALENTINE 128 I'LL RETURN ..-, 129 THE EMPIRE CITY 130 THE CITY'S CRY 131 VACATION 132 THE TRIMMERS 134 CONVINCING HERSELF 136 WRITING HOME 137 A BAD BARGAIN 138 POSTPONED 139 THE EASY ROAD.... ...141 CONTENTS-Continued THE WAGER 142 STAR DUST 143 WHAT WOULD YOU DO? 144 THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL ...145 THE REASON 146 MY ANSWER 147 "PASS OUT CHECKS" 148 MOTHER 149 A "CONTRETEMPS" 150 LIFE'S TRUEST NOTE 153 FAME RENEWED 154 LONE SIGNALLER 155 THE "NE'ER DO WELL" 156 CRITICISM 158 THE REWARD 159 SUFFRAGISM 160 THE VIOLINCELLO 161 A HINT 162 LOVE'S ORDEAL 163 A WOMAN'S HEART 164 "MA BELLE" 165 HER LEADING MAN 166 SO FLEW THE "FLU" 168 POET'S LOVE 169 GOD'S DESIGN ....171 THE AMBASSADOR 172 "BLAZING THE TRAIL" 174 THE SEASONS OF LIFE 176 ANALYSIS 177 THE "STICKER".... ...179 FOREWARNED Thoughtful Reader: "RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON" was never intended to revolutionize the exist ing standard of versification. Nor was it intended to make its author famous over night. But being ambitious for his Progeny, he felt that they should be fed and clothed properly. His only desire is that you will take them into your homes, and give them a little of the warmth that Foundlings merit. Should you have occasion to censure them, won't you do it as gently as pos sible? as the Author could not find it in his heart to destroy them, that he cher ished. He is humble enough to know that it is not necessary for you to associate his volume on the same library table with KIPLING, SERVICE, or even LORD BY RON'S works! But if you deem it worthy of re-perusal the Author's aim will have been accom plished. Yours cordially, MARSHALL LORIMER. January 15th, 1919. POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 13 "PEACE" PEACE ! has returned to us, tenderly proudly, Her mission accomplished among the WAR LORDS. Her "OLIVE BRANCH" circled in triumph, and Justice. Her future resplendant unguarded by SWORDS. The strain of the PRICE, is lifted forever. With LIFE ! as the most precious thing in her sight. Majestic in mien, SHE faced the War Coun cil. Demanding the "World right" or "finish the fight." The "Self-right" of Nations to govern them selves ! SHE, uttered this Dictum, of LIBERTY'S aim, Propounding humanity's aims as a basis To "Equity" competition, and Fame. Autocracy's head was lowered and humbled. As "FREEDOM" arose with her radiant voice, And uttered the Words, that ran thru the Nations. "PEACE IS YOUR RULER NOW; MY CHILDREN REJOICE!" 14 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON FAIR PLAY The Boys, who were ready, and training in Camps, Are one, and all worthy American stamps, But unlike the kind which we every day lick They eagerly waited to do their "Bit" quick. They went thru the rigors of Army routine, Dispensing the glory those others have seen, They hiked in the sweltering sun just the same Like comrades afar, who got into the game. They fought their sham battles as if they were real; With firmness, and ardor that true Soldier's feel. Their wishes' if spoken, all pointed to France As thoroughbreds, under restraint for the chance. We do not detract from the fame of "Our Boys!" Who soon will return to our welcoming noise ! We feel as you do, that we can't do enough To show admiration of good Yankee stuff ! But shall we neglect all "Our Boys" Over here, Who have given their best when Peace shall appear? Or shall we proclaim that Our Soldier Boys share In some of the Glory, of Those ' ' Over There ' ' ? POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 15 "THE SPIRIT OF '76' ' FORWARD ! says our President. This, shall our watchword, be. We obey the precedent Which gave us Liberty. Our Forbears, died in "76"! As well as "61"! Like them, we'll cross the "River Styx" Like them, we will have won. Today we use the "Arm of Force" Tomorrow gain the right To praise the spirit of the source That prompted us to fight. 16 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "THE TRANSPORT LINE" Each night as I stood at the old "Lovers' Post," With the "Girl of My Dreams" in my arms, I told her the things that she cared to hear most While my eyes feasted over her charms. I ravished her lips, and her eyes, and her hair, As I pleaded the hope in my breast. She failed to respond to my knawing despair, With her lips to my own sweetly pressed. Yet, somehow, she spoke with a voiceless con cern, Of the things that lay deep in her heart. Which showed me that she might in after days learn For herself, Cupid's tortuous chart. With me as the captain to pilot our ship Thru a sea overcharged with delay, She will rise to the flame that burns on my lip, Thrilling there in its spark will repay. POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 17 HIS MASK I cannot tell you all I feel To do so, would explain The reason why my senses steal Always to you, in vain! I cannot hope to understand Myself, these latter days, I know each time I touch your hand, My Eyes, my heart betrays. That call confronts, and urges me To press you to my breast. And tell you, Oh so tenderly Of Love, so long repressed ! I fear to hope, and dread to ask The smallest kind of boon, For fear you penetrate the mask, That may be dropped too soon? Should such a thing E're come to pass, As we stand Face, to Face. My happiness would far surpass An Angel, high in grace. So Dear, I '11 act the make-believe ; Of Some one cold, and stern! In time I may myself deceive In thinking, You . . could . . . learn. 18 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON MY IDEAL! I am looking for a sweetheart, Can you tell me one to suit? She must have such winning graces, That time will not refute ; I do not seek mere beauty, For this, time, can erase, I seek that deathless passion Which age can new retrace. I am looking for a sweetheart, With the light of virtue clear, Who can look into my eyes without The tremor of a fear ; Whose warm arms will be a shelter, When sorrow leaves its Ruth, Whose buoyancy of spirit can Rejuvenate lost youth. I am looking for a sweetheart, Who can claim what I admire, In me, she'd find a counterpart Who'd live in her desire; Who would in stress of circumstance Stand as a bulwark strong, Shielding her against mischance ! And live the Old Sweet Song. POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 19 OUR GOLD STARS Sons of a peaceful hearth! Sons of our dear home land. You answered all Your country's call Far where the maddened Earth Spewed Death on Ev'ry hand. Laying aside your youth Without the least remorse You shouldered arms Thru War's alarms Until Fair Freedom's Truth Was made firm by your force. Some of you lie "out there" Beneath a midnight sky Each wooden cross Will mark a loss In which our hearts will share Until we too shall die. Somewhere above ye wait To know how true we are ! We shall not fail Your gloried trail But envy your high state Each son, your golden star. 20 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE "ROOKIE'S" SAY SO We waited, how we waited for the chance, To drive the "Huns" from "Nap's" immor tal France, Yep, we fought 'em off their feet, And we made 'em face defeat 'Till they skipped in wild retreat At our advance. We heard so much about their deadly gas? And how they was the highest fightin ' class ? But we proved it all the "bunk" For they all of 'em was ' ' punk ! ' ' 'Tho their trail was like the Skunk That wouldn't pass. We gave 'em all a touch of what 's to come ! We killed a lot, and even captured some ! And, we all of us, felt bad When they yelled out "Kamarad!" For we wanted to keep mad With German Scum! We're "fed up" with the sight of "No-Man's Land" With shell-Holes, like the freckles on my hand, With Ten Million miles of wire, And with Skies always on fire, POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 21 'Till you sure begin to tire At this same brand. At last there comes a whisper in our trench, To hold ourselves, to cover up the French, We all hustle into line, For these Poilus boys are fine, When we both of us combine Well "its a cinch!" The 75 's are roaring in the rear ! Now, "OVER BOYS" we make it with a cheer. We stumble get up and run With our Bayonets in each Gun, 'Till we stick it in a "Hun" When they appear. We penetrate their first line with a Yell! And dig, and stab, around the "BocheV hell, We're not after prisoners, We're exterminating Curs, To no orders we refers 'Till its done well. The U. S. A. won't see us coming back, 'Till Butcher "Bill" and "Hindy" get the sack, For we're over here to stay, With our Allies, in this fray, For that's just our General's way, We mean "BLACK JACK." 22 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON YE MELTING DAYS I cannot stand this heat somehow It makes me very weak. The Water trickles down my brow, I always seem to leak ! Its quite unnecessary now To take a Daily Bath ; Instead of Feet, I need a Prow To float upon my path ! If this keeps up I surely vow Not once, nor twice but thrice To seek the North Pole, and allow Myself, to turn to ICE. POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 23 A MATURITY COMPLAINT Dear "Uncle Sam" why hesitate What are you waiting for? If you don 't hurry, we '11 be late To help you win this War ! Why take the Youngsters all the time? Give them a chance to live; Take Men like us who 've seen our prime- We can afford to give ! We're steady, ev'ry one of us: And know what's to be done, We won't get nervous in a Fuss With any Mother's Son! So send us out to end this Scrap ! We'll know just what to do We '11 wipe the German 's from the Map ! And bring back "BILL" to you. 24 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "PUTTING ONE OVER" "Broke? Why, yes, you've guessed it; But how you did just puzzles me My clothes are good and don 't they fit ? And I still have some jewelry You smile and well, I see the joke, For anyone might think it funny To see a man who is dead broke Got up to look like ready money : But what's a man to do, I say? Must he be kicked into perdition Because his clothes begin to fray ; Is that the sign he 's lost ambition ? Just take my case, I've worked and lost Most everything I tried to gain ; And smiled my best and payed the cost And pulled the failure from my brain, Oh, yes I've had the blues, but damn the blues ! And all the devils that they bring A coward is the one to lose The road on life's adventuring. You've sized me up. I am an actor, Who loves his art in all its phases No ridicule could be a factor To down the hope ambition raises. Some day, perhaps, "I will succeed, And will with gratefulness look back Upon the sordid path of need. When what I could have" was my lack Good-bye No, I don't think 'twill rain. What 's that, you can 't pay your own check ? Say, shake, old man, we 're in again, And someone gets it in the neck." POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 25 THE LITTLE THINGS IN LIFE The stage was set, And on my knee A little flea Disported carelessly, And then in sport My back it sought, I'll swear deliberately. What could I do? (The stage was set) The players on, And about me, Filled with glee The audience rocked, While vengefully I sought the flea, Which at my antics mocked. The play was done, And of the plot I know not, Except I felt Each swelling welt Upon its fearsome track ! And prayed and sighed The flea would ride On someone else's back. My wish was granted, For at my side 26 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A lady tried To get at what she wanted. It seemed that she Had caught the flea Which had just bitten me! She squirmed and wriggled, And I just giggled; At least, not outwardly. Somehow she knew; My face askew Was all suffused with laughter, She said to me, "Take back your flea. I cannot wait till after;" ****** So later on With bated breath The deed was done A flea met death ! ffi POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 27 ENCOURAGEMENT There's a gleam of something better For the man who faces doom; There 's a warmth of welcome begging Even in an attic room; There's a kindly smile just waiting To shine out from some stern gloom, And a wealth of happiness untold For someone to consume ; There 's a hope in every second That no sorrow can reduce, With its country full of sunshine, That happiness turns loose ; There 's a wish that 's always longing To be put to some good use, For the road is marked with sign posts For those going to the deuce. So meet the flings that Fate will bring With utter unconcern, And smile, and whistle, laugh, and sing. Till better days return. Just feel yourself the conqueror ! Don't quit, lie down, or whine, But say : ' ' I 've been a blunderer Who failed to see sunshine." 28 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON AFTER THE WAR There's a happy time arriving, When the clang of War, shall cease, With our soldier boys returning To a deep, and lasting peace. They'll come as Hero's ev'ry one With souvenirs galore, Of Trophies of past battles won, In this the World's last war! Autocracy shall be no more, But a lasting brotherhood, With ev'ry Nation striving for The Universal good. The Sword shall be a memory, Uncouth, the Cannons roar, Each home will know real liberty, With "Welcome" on the door. Those days will mark the utter doom Of grasping profiteers. When normal Industries resume The balance of War- Years! The men who gave their ' ' Bit ' ' of Brawn Will be Masters, each of them! In our conception of that Dawn The hoped-Millenium ! POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 29 PUT YOURSELF IN HIS SHOES It's easy and simple for one who has all To lay down examples, and preach. And tell the poor devil who's lost nerve and gall, To go after things out of reach. It's easy, for instance, to hand out advice To someone whose last Coin has fled, When tact, or practical help, would suffice, To guaranty things you have said. It 's easy to mention what you might have done If you had the other man 's place ! But kindly remember that not everyone Can conquer, or keep up your pace ! It's easy to help if you follow this "tip" By putting yourself in his shoes ! You'll not sermonize after taking one trip You won't have the heart to refuse. 30 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON YE MEN OF SINEWS! Mine, is the Song of the sinews ! Of men with the "Guts" and the brawn, With their hands hard calloused from use, Who grumbling rise with the dawn. Who earnestly face the days work, With grimness, and something of scorn, For Loafers, and Idlers who shirk The toil, for which every man's born. Mine, is the cry of the Furnace ! That pleads for its Maw to be filled, By full-sweated men, "VULCAN'S" children! Obeying the voice of the skilled. Their 's, is the vision of clearness, They're feeding the power to wield The strenght of our Son's, With new Ships, and Guns On Sea, and red-scarred battle-field. Mine, is the urge of the plodder! Who tickles the earth with his plow, Doubling the growth of our fodder, With the Nation back of him now. His thoughts are of countless starved-Ones, Who wait for the fruit of his toil, POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 31 He feels that heroic Belgiums Will "GOD BLESS" each Son of the soil. We voice the keen admiration Our Toilers, have wrung from our breast, Supreme in high, or low station Each backing "our Boys" with HIS best. They gave what they could As earnest men should, Proud of their strength, and elation, Not one would refuse To give his Sinews To serve a unified Nation. When History's probe is begun Of which did the best in this War, Each Mother will say to her son, ' ' My own Boy ! you couldn 't do more ! ' ' No praise can equal this tribute When her Dear loved voice will enthuse ; T'will thrillingly render you mute God Bless you, Ye Men of Sinews. ffi 32 POEMS WITH AND WITHOUT REASON TRYING IT OUT Is it possible that you Havn't had as yet the "FLU" During this old Epidemic? Didn't you Sniffle, Cough, or Sneeze, And feel weak around the knee's Cursing everything Germanic? Didn't you feel quite out of place With a gauze mask on your face, Like an ordinary Bandit? And the order not to kiss! Did you heed it or do this? You couldn't misunderstand it! - Did you heed it thoroughly, Inwardly, and outwardly As you suffered tender passion ? Did you merely try it out Found it dull without a doubt Then resumed your former fashion? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON S3 THE UNFORSEEN ENEMY I remember as a child, How I wanted to be wild. And to travel far afield Where great wealth lay all concealed. And where Savages galore Every day would start a War. Well, I wanted to be there, And of fighting, have my share, Take a Scalp, or two of course Every Hour without remorse. So with this great thing in view Planned, just what I wanted to. So in time, Myself, and Chum, Waited for the day to come, And it came, and forth we went To explore this Continent. He was Four, and I was Five, (Strange to say we're both alive!) For the Savages we met Still continue living yet? They nipped every plan we had, Which believe me, made us MAD One commanded us to stop Curse his hide! It was a "Cop." He disarmed us there, and then, Just as he would do to men ? 34 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON We admit it came quite hard Tho the "Cop" won our regard, After quite a little while He returned them, with a smile, Saying "Kids, yerve got the grit" Then he bought us both Ice-Cream, Which just fitted in our scheme. Now my Chum, and I admit That it wasn't wrong to quit. ffi RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 35 THE ROAD TO DIVORCE A Husband, to his Wifie, said "I trust you Darling Mine" "The world may say your Love has fled," "I'll find it out in time?" "But tho they sneer I'll seek instead" The Maiden Love I won "And seek to resurrect the dead Romance we first had spun." His Wifie puffed her Cigaret, And sipping her Cocktail! Replied "You fool! your eyes are wet" ' ' Your platitudes, are stale ! This is no Age of vain regret ; ' ' Or sentimental creed " "You're old! or you would not expect "Your Wife to go to seed." The Husband gasped, and looked askance At his bewildering Spouse, And muttered "This is just my chance To flee this shameful house" At 4 G. M. he had returned Most gloriously drunk, And told his Wife "I've been interned "My moral self is sunk" (Next Day) "EXTRA!" BIG DIVORCE SUIT STARTED 36 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON ROBBED OF HIS BIRTHRIGHT This is the plea of a Soldier man, who is off'- ring his all in all. Who claims to be an American, as far as he can recall, Before he enlisted he fought for his rights, in his home community, This was his privilege, signed by his Ances tors on the scroll of liberty. But things are sadly awry he thinks, as he fights in "No Man's Land" To give to the World a Democracy it shortly will understand. He wonders why he is fighting for this prin ciple "Over there" When he is denied the actual thing tho he be Freedom's heir! He carries the pride of his Country's Soul, sacred within his heart, Yet SHE fails him now when he is afar ! tend 'ring him no part! Her favorite Sons, whose ascendency glowed on his growing youth, May take high Office, or go to discard, sham ing Liberty's truth! The lack of his voice is unto the tomb, as well as millions of others, RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 37 Who feel as he feels, as earnest as he, all Fair "Columbia's Brothers" While political bargainers, sensing the void remain at home and gloat, At the Soldier-Men, and Freemen all! who are too far away now to vote. One fact still remains, t'is a paramount fact, the War one day will cease, Some Millions of Freemen will have returned in the days that follow Peace ! He was fighting your Battles, and taking the Sign of Killer upon his brow? It is in the realm of reason some day, He'll inquire the "Whyfore, and HOW?" ffi 38 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON FROM THE BORDERLAND I sought for my ideal, the perfect man ! And wandered abroad to discover him. One glimpse of him, then my fancy outran His physical being of Face, and limb. Many moons I wandered, many faces scanned : But fruitless it was, and in weariness I sought a retreat, where the sea and the sand, Could echo the note of my dreariness. Despairing at last, I kissed the sea's crest, And there in its bosom I dreamed a dream That he, whom I'd sought, pressed me to his breast, And gave me his heart for my past esteem. Sub-conscious I knew this hero of tan, Was one with my ideal the Perfect Man. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 39 MY DREAM GIRL The call of the heart is with me my Dear, Unquenehed is the thirst in my blood, And mating is on and Spring is quite near, And Lovers appear as they should, Your Eyes are sparkling with something divine, Presaging the ease of my Soul, Flashing a message that may make you mine, Returning the love that you stole. At times, I have called you my "Midnight Girl" So often you came in my sleep ! Tend 'ring delights, only dreams can unfurl! Restraining the bliss that you keep Your future Dear Heart is woven to mine, Altho you seem not to be stirred ? But patience, and Love, will justify time That brings me a SIGN or a WORD. 40 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A WESTERN MEMORY In the meadow, near the homestead, where the mountain stream ran through, Where the golden rod, and columbine, in wild profusion grew, Where the vista of the prairies as they stretched and met the skies, Where the glance a moment rested ere the "rookies" caught the eyes. There the earth lay wrapt in silence till the night her robe assumed, When coyotes, and the dingoes, all their buried prey exhumed, There I grew in happy childhood 'midst the bronchos, and the steers, There I mastered feats of daring, overcoming boyish fears, There I learnt the sweetest lesson ever taught by girlish lips, Who came into my existence from a train of "prairie ships," How we used to wander o'er the plains two children hand in hand, How we used to gloat in stories of the red man, and his land, Detecting in each speck we saw while on our rambling walks, A band of shrieking savages with upraised tomahawks ! RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 41 How she clung to me in terror till the foe appeared in sight, While my boyish heart grew stronger in her weakness, for the fight; But at last the foe, as thunderstruck would neigh, and show their heels, While two romantic "make-believes" would join their merry peals. There the "punchers" found us often after searching high and low, And in triumph bore us homewards to its snug and genial glow. 'Twas there we outgrew childhood depend ing on each other's whims, Ah! those golden, happy days of youth too oft my eye bedims, For the heart she won from wildness, from amidst the western plains Can still feel the old, old sorrow, whilst her image there remains. For Elsie, my sweet comrade, left her play mate all forlorn, 'ercome with grief we parted ere her spirit fled that morn ; My happy youth lay buried: for it found a grave with hers, Up in the lonely shelter, where she lies among the firs. 42 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE REMEDY (Written one day after the sinking of the Transport Ship "TUSCANIAN", Febru ary 6th; loss 210 lives.) America awakens to the stern relentless blight, Which travels 'neath the surface like a shadow in the night. Which expells her mordant fury at Ships with human freight, Disclosing to the World at large, the Kaiser's fear and hate. For Cowards are a breed who show when cor nered in a hole, These signs of desperation that have gone be yond control. Who do not choose the weapons, that will give a breathing space, To think out Hell's devices, that will treach ery replace. The "HUNS" and all they represent are Poltroons at their best, (Children and Women, sacred things, which linger in each breast) Are altogether lacking with these savages at War, In their role of World Dictators, which they are fighting for! RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 43 Their savage inhumanity in Gas, and Liquid Fire! Are but the weapons madmen use to bolster her Empire, Her spies are scattered in our midst, with Bombs, and Dynamite, To emphasize her creed ''that we will rule the World by might!" When Rats infest our Cellars, do we pause or hesitate To justify the means we take so we exter minate ? So let us use the Scapel, if we must, to cure disease, So give the World a cleanly World ; washed in Democracies! 44 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE AUTHOR'S BROTHER ("TEDDY" of the Canadian Forces) Well, here I am just turned Eighteen! Three years spent ' ' Over here ! ' ' And what a little Hell its been ; Each day seemed like a year. I fought at Ypres, Somme, and Marne. And tried to do my "Bit" So why extend the blasted yarn? Like others I've been hit! I've been a month without a bath. But sometime in "God's Grace," I'll chase the "Cootie's" and my wrath, From off my whiskered face ! My socks have stuck like hardened glue, Upon my blister 'd feet. I've had the Measals, Grip, and "FLU," Besides but why repeat? I've slept in Mud, and driving rain, And froze in "Sentry Go," But I would do it all again With pleasure, "Don't cher know." I didn't miss my schooling much I 've learn 't a great deal more ! About the things, school-books don't touch- Facts gotten in this war. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 45 OFFER ALL! Do you wish to be an "Outer" With a brand upon your brow Known as nothing but a "Spouter" Than a fighting Soldier now? Do you wish to have your neighbor, Look the other way, with scorn As he goes to fight, or labor, A'rnt you 'shamed that that you were born? Is it worth your while to settle Selfishly in lazy ease While your Brotherhood's true mettle is now tested Over-Sea's? There is one way to redemption! To redeem your Craven-Soul. Offer all ! without exemption, Join "OLD GLORY'S" honor roll. 46 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE CALL OF THE BLOOD A Woman is a prey to every man, He works his will upon her if he can, His, is an instinct that just burns within, More oft he would do right, than really sin. It is that close proximity of sex, Which enters in his blood, and wrecks His good resolves. From then his fashioned will, Conforms to but a Hunter for a Thrill. Men strive to cover with a smooth veneer, Their passions which would otherwise ap pear. Unconsciously they strive to do their best To conquer their true cravings in the breast. But Young, or Old, and soon, or late they feel The sweet temptation of the Sex appeal. Conventions, Ethics, Ritual, and all Are soon forgotten in their primal fall. The aftermath, and consequence becomes The future scourge, that intellect benumbs. Their conscience then becomes their nemesis. Pursuing them for each adventured kiss. r Tis then, when he, the man, can introspect Beholding each disgrace he can expect, RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 47 That he to former passions will revert, And wishing it, will all his pow'r exert. So why blame him the wanton bliss he takes? He but obeys the call of blood that makes Another Semblance of Diviner rule, He would be wise, but passions make him Fool. Sfi 48 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "BATTING 400" "Much too much, is much too much" And half-way measures worse! Either one of these can touch A great despair, or curse. To do a thing, just do it well, And never stop half-way, But do it so your neighbors tell 'You made your work, your play!' Confront your conscience with a song, And let excuses die. We guarantee it won't be long Before Ill-Fortunes-fly. By taking with a smile rebuff! You beat it from the start, Discouragement, is just the stuff That makes it soon depart. The great mistake, is nursing it ! Until it is too late No real Man ever tries to quit, When hopes evaporate. Its holding on, and plodding en, That makes us realize That no reward is ever won With Brain, of coward size. We must advance our own career, In every way we can, But do it so we make it clear We got there like a MAN. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 49 THRU A MIST Go to the room of mem'ries! There in its snug confines, Live me again its stories, Read but, between the lines. Tell me of my ambitions! Leading always to you ; Show me again my visions That never once came true! Point the premature grayness On my young weary head. Look for the old-time gayness, E 're my last hope had fled ! Search and you will discover A thin dim trail of a Ghost, That had once been your lover, Who wanted you most. 50 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A CHRISTMAS POEM ("The Mendicant") Two thousand Christians turn away From that old pleading voice, A little help that would allay A heart that might rejoice. Her crippled limbs, and garments torn, And tattered hair of gray, Should merit something more than scorn From hypocrites of clay. Perhaps had they beheld a friend In window high above, They might have changed their mental trend, And shown some Christian love. Perhaps these same on Xmas morn Have preached the "Golden Rule," Among themselves, for those forlorne And then the next day cool. Behold, this world is but a street, Searched by a living eye, That sees each goodly thought retreat, That might have mounted high. Some day as she as mendicants We will death's call obey, And tremble 'neath that God-like glance, Before 'tis turned away. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 61 AN ACTOR'S PRAYER Remove this grim uncertainty That sticks to me persistently, And let me know if future months Will be as moneyless at once ! It seems the world 's hard luck is wrapped Into a bundle, and is strapped Securely on my back. I fear So little have I had this year. Your Holy Word states that you give Each soul a certain span to live, And with it all resources found Upon this fruitful earth around. If this be so (I doubt it not) I Ve searched for wealth in every spot, Not greedy like, but just enough To live myself and stand a touch. But honestly, it seems the earth With wire fences is begirth. And what is not is mortgaged so There's not a free square foot below. Among the boys I travel with We think three squares a day a myth. So, lacking what we all once felt, Each a^tor tightens up his belt. So having prayed, I now desist, Depending on you to subsist. And if I get more than my share, 111 willingly have some to spare. AMEN! 52 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "GETTING NEXT" (A Truism in Slang) It 's funny, when I think of it, How often I have made a hit With some "Swell Dame," And felt "lit up" and all aglow, Just ' ' Aces high ' ' when ' ' spilling dough ' ' To liven up the game. But after "cashing in" "my bit," Somehow the loving didn't go The game was not the same. "Yours truly" kept his flame. What followed don't you know? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 63 QUESTIONS Do you find life all askew As I do? Can you gauge that gnawing ache As you flit around and take Pleasures due? Isn't something lacking, dear, Just a fear, That the emptiness around Might be filled if he, were found And was near? Shall our content be divorced, Perhaps lost? Going through life's darkened days, When by slaying pride 's false ways Reap the cost? Life has little here below, So why throw Away happiness you'll miss When by holding on to this. Feel it grow! 54 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON SKIRMISHING She's an interesting woman, As she trips along the street, With a look that's truly human, Almost good enough to eat ! She observed him scrutinizing Well, let's say her dainty feet, And a critic, recognizing, Cast a smile on him so sweet. He, of course, enraptured greatly, For it nattered his conceit, Cooly reached her side sedately As a conqueror complete. Then she put a question bluntly, Which he begged her to repeat, Then he murmured "Why, it's Sun- day," And he fled in full retreat. L 'Envoi. Now, the obvious deduction Is to be shy and discreet; Never seek an introduction To a lady on the street. KHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT KEASON 55 THE STORY OF THE PURPLE COW With apologies to Burgess Johnson (?) A man I knew expressed his view About some cows of purple hue ; Astonished I drank in his words, For he had seen them roam in herds. I nearly had a fit when he, This statement made so earnestly, For all my friends had never seen A cow beyond a reddish green. What could I do, what could I say, Except in fancy flit away To where those mangy purple cows On violet grass did play and brouse ? If legends hold their potent spell, In twenty thousand years from now, Let those who hear, in turn retell The story of the purple cow. 56 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "THE LESSON" An old vintage of wine, And a girl, and youth, And her future is mine, by lies mixed with truth. Be she stubborn or coy, Speak soothing and low, 'Tis she feels the same joy, You would have her know But should she resist, As most maidens do; Do your best to enlist, Her sympathy too. This done, you may kiss her, (Once over the line) You have her surrender Just finish your wine. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 67 WRITING TO "UNCLE SAM" I am goin' "Uncle Samuel" To the maddened, fightin ' front. Playing myself, in the gamble That will keep me in the hunt. After Kaiser Bill, the Villin' Who is sacraficin' Lives, So I'll guess you'll find me willin' While Democracy survives. Send me "Over There" directly, For my feet refuse to cool, And I'll show them "HUNS" exactly That I ain't nobody's fool, But a cool resourceful Yankee, With a little "Bone-to-pick" So its up to you to frankly Get "Yours Truly" over quick. With a little help, and practice, I'll do all the active stuff, For between ourselves the fact is I'm sure hank 'ring to get rough. With the Onery Cuss from Berlin. Who has fairly "Got my Goat" That's why I'm trying to get in In fact that's why I wrote. Now its up to you to hustle, For I guess ten million more 58 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON American's with muscle Want to get into this War. We 're a bunch of willin ' Tartar 's ! Who'll stay, "by Gum" or win So its up to you to start us On the first Lap to Berlin. ffi RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A PROPHECY Now they tell us that Berliners Have not seen the Stars, and Stripes! Well, we claim that as beginners They will see a million types Of the Flag we call "OLD GLORY" In a very little while, That will be another story That will make our Children smile. Now, we have a faint suspicion, Like our Comrades, far, and near That we'll see more than a Vision On German Soil, within a Year' For our Soldier Boys are trying Like grim Devils, to get in, From the way the "Huns" are flying They will follow to Berlin. Now to us it stands to reason, That the Populace will gasp, And it will not be high treason, If these questions they will ask "What is that Flag, above Potsdam?" "That Mam ends Autocracy" "It represents our "UNCLE SAM" "And gives GOD'S LIBERTY." 60 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE "BON VIVANT" The world is full of ne'er do wells, The kind who wait on chance, Who preach that something may turn up To help them to advance, With eyes of pictured Day-Dreams And hope forever bright, With castles built if realized, And then to wake its night. Their airs are always jaunty, Their clothes are neat or spruce, Their manners most exceptional And genteel, you deduce ; You meet them with a hand-clasp, And show perhaps delight, Until they try to borrow ' ' five ! ' ' Just then you say good-night. You'll meet them in your business hour, As wasters of your time ; You'll hear them plan your sure success, And show you how to climb, They'll even condescend perhaps, To prove their ideas right, And smoke your best cigars meanwhile, Until they say good-night. You watch them go with thankful heart, Yet envy them, the while, RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 61 And wonder why you have to slave AVhile they, surpass in style ? You grumble, and show discontent, Until your food's in sight You dine and find your day-time friend, Your servitor that night. 62 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 'TIS KIND TO REMEMBER The future seems all dark, sweetheart, With you gone from my side I wake at night with sudden start, And know my dreams have lied. I miss your sweet tempestuous ways, Your scarlet smiling lips, Your twinkling eyes, where Devils raise The Hell when mankind slips. I see again your twisting glide As your form comes to mine, And feel my passions overtried Conflict in Lovers' clime. You smile and raise your lips to kiss, We steal each glance before, Then draw our suffocating bliss For strength, to gather more. 'Tis then that mem'ry mocks my joy, I live my dreams again, And feel myself Fate 's latest toy, Who played his soul in vain. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 63 "THE MIRACLE" (To "Straw Lady") My life was empty, all things came amiss. And clouds by day developed into night. Nor blazoned hope, though there, was seen aright. What could be wrong? Where was the song of bliss? Then through it all, a faint thin penciled light, Sent thrilling rays where all had been so dark. And dormant love awakened to the spark, Ignited through the magic of my sight. You came! "Dear girl of gold" unheralded, And saw my plight in one swift maiden glance. Then pityingly all conventions shed, Led me to heaven by the merest chance. Now with its portals opened by a kiss Will future time re-emphasize us this? 64 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A PASSIONATE HOUR To have lived in your presence for one short hour, And to feel as I did, your warm kisses, These gave me the strength no time could o'er pow'r For they furnished my future with blisses. But joy so 'tis said, is soon followed by pain, So you gentle tryant, refused me The sweets from your lips as I sought them again, Saying "Boy! you have simply amused me." RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 65 EXIT THE SPORT The real final showdown has come, boys, I'm ready to face the unknown! I have harvested sorrows and joys, And am taking the journey alone. The friends whom I had, have all vanished ; They scattered as quick as the tin. They were not around when I famished; I guess it's 'bout time to cash in. Of course, like a fool who has squandered The best part of him in night-life, I've known many hearts that I plundered But, thank God, no other man 's wife ! I've tasted the pleasure that's stolen, Much sweeter at each new rebuff, Till the rose leaves fell but the polen, Accomplished, I cried 'twas enough. I've drank and caroused with the members Of Life's seamy side, as the high. Yet I doubt if one now remembers The Sport, who let no one go "shy." But, hell, what's the use in repining? The best lights must always burn out. My long suit I guess was not whining, It doesn 't seem right for a ' ' scout. ' ' Yet somehow I think I'd feel better If these were the things that oppressed! 66 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON The man, that I was, till I met Her! Is locked pretty tight in my breast. It's a custom to make mere surmises, We 're all apt to mock, laugh or grin. Each heart guards a picture it prizes I guess it 's 'bout time to cash in ! RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 67 AND THEN "MR. RAVCOVSKY" WAS INTERRUPTED Ve are not millionaries, Toe ve teals mit trapery vares, And ve hope sum tay, to crapple mit the millions ; It ish frum schmall peginnings, And toes honish peeznish sinnings, Tat ter vorld vill sum tay calls ours , vealthy shiltrens. Mine broader, ant mineself , Ve schticts not on the shelf, But fills our shop, mit goots for Ladies' uses; And ter shentlemen has veil, Mit our goots ve also sell Toe rivals states, ve are stocked mit supter- rooches. Vel! vat ish peezneez if Ve ton't makes prices schtiff? Vich proofs ve sells much petter goots, than Levy's, Tay unterselts mit trash, Vich like is callet hash, Vat beoples puy, ant knose not vat tay re ceives ! Ten dares Isaacstein pesites Vat in his carritch rites 68 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT SEASON He tolt me how it vash he makes his monish ! He sate dat I vood pe Shust has rich sum tay has he Tat I vood mineself make mineself astonish ! Tat I can veil peleef, Me ! he voot not deceef , For he knose mine hetpeice, ish above mine shoulter ; Tat ish vy I schmilit so, Ven toes Levy's vish to know How much I vill pe vorth, ven I comes olter ? Peleef me Mr. Cohen! Ven ve frum Europ goin, Our gabital vas but our peezneez inkschtints, And now! pesites our Chulery In gonvidents, not foolery Ve holts ter mortgatch on much lants, and piltinx ! And ven goalectors cumps, To askit for schmall sumps, For synagawks, and sharities, and vidows; Ve gif twice oafer vat Tay frum der Levy's got, But shoot tay never gif s ve acts not dittoes ! Pecause ve knose dat ve Ven gifing sharitie Vill at-fer-tize our names, in all de papers; Vich ish a leetal price, Ven Beoples sace ' ' how nice ! RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 69 Ravcovsky ish Der leeting Chewish trapers ? ' ' I sate how vonce alrety- (Vats date you sate Mish Betty? (A Shentlemen hash cum frum Mr. Simons') Von min-it Mr. Cohen! I vill not long be goin' It ish a breasant for mine vife off tiamonts ! EXIT ifi 70 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON TRY IT OUT Funny, ain't it, when you grin, To see the other fellow do the same? Yer kind of feel him comin' in, To help you carry on the game. It surely gets your nanny when You shuffle thru a grouchy bunch, And see what ought to be real men Each wearing out a hard luck hunch ! The kind that figure at the top, Are always rubbin' in the grin. It's wound up so 'twon't ever stop, It just keeps ropin' in the Tin. Get next; it's up to you to win. It ain 't no fun to always lose ; Make up your mind right now to grin; You've had the dope now go and choose. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 71 PLAYING THE GAME You cast aside a heart, To gain a bliss. You spurned a life's devotion For a kiss. You revelled in the thought Of your desire, Until your own emotion Killed the fire. The ' ' lure ' ' was lacking soon, Delightful sin. Keturned to you and rendered Discipline. Chastened you sought my arms, Fraily you came. My first "Love I re tendered With my name. 72 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON ODD VERSES I wanted a "Boche" and I got one, Right there at the end of my gun. I was pulling the trigger When this 'Hun' of a ' Slicker' Yelled : ' ' Why shoot a ' Son of a Gun ? ' I herewith take my pen in hand, To greet you, Gen'ral Pershing. I like you in the chief command, And like the way you're thrashing The brutal "Huns" With Gas and Guns. 'Tis the only argument Your "Uncle Samuel" sent That the Germans understand. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 73 READING THE FUTURE Yours are the Eyes that promise all The happiness I need. With Pow'r to make me rise, or fall, According how I read? The Soul I see within them Dear, Fulfills the ecstasy. I found, when you in dreams appear To pique expectancy! And yet at times, I see the glance Of due appraisal too. A Winter to my heart-romance Which idolizes you. But this may come from ignorance, Of what they may portend? Or your constructive innocence To merely be a friend ! But what they mean, or what they speak, Tho' this be eloquent 'Twill not deter me when I seek Your spark of sentiment. My faith, and Love, will bring reward, Tho' you try artifice And Hope, will lead me to your hoard Of shy discovered bliss. 74 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON APOLOGIES TO KIPLING A man there was, who felt a glow, Even as you and I, As the winsome face of a girl, passed by; With a sweetness strange, which could but grow Into the dream of his long ago, E'en tho' the grave be nigh. So he cast about in his troubled brain, Even as you and I, But fruitless it was, and with hopeless sigh, Did recognize that the old, old pain Had warped him so that naught could re gain, No matter how he try So the man went on his way, nor gave, Even as we might do, A further thought to the eyes of blue ; ' ' For what is the use, that I should crave When all my best, lies in the grave, And youth none can renew?" RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 75 THE DREGS OF LIFE Betwixt the pages of a letter old, A crested withered flower lies, The oft thumbed sheets, the ancient perfumes hold, 'Twas once a rose bedewed with tears and sighs, That joined her fragrant breast. Full many moons have rolled since troth was vowed, The springy strides of youth have passed, Keplaced by palsied frame, that years have bow'd, A figure lone who sees the sad contrast, 'Twixt fears and this unrest. The treasured loved one whom this rose adorned, Awaits him in another sphere, And though the tyrant death, his union scorned, Defiantly he woo'd her on the bier, A broken heart confessed. Though form be shrivelled as yon withered flower, His heart within burns ever bright : And when it comes, that, which is Heaven's dower, To heart aweary of this mortal night, Will he spurn Heaven 's best ? 76 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "THE STRAW LADY" It was Winter when I left you, It was Spring when I returned, With the mellowness of Summer, When I your form discerned. How you beautified the landscape With such eyes, the bluest known, And no mortal was more welcome Than you who came alone. Were the birds through you enchanted? Did the flowers know your tread? Why did the sun's expiring beams Suffuse your Golden head? Was the homestead newly garnished ? Was the brooklet laughing loud? Why did the flowers in bright array Uplight with beauty proud ? Was it because we met again With a deeper Love for each? Your lips are trembling with the tale, Oh ! Come my love and teach. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 77 WITHERED FAME! There is a field of wind-tossed flowers Somewhere Where SHE, awaits in virginal hours, Somewhere ! In my mind, she's the goal of my future aim, And the toil, and the troubles, that lead me to Fame Are nothing if she will not gather the same Into her care. There's a field all covered with snow Somewhere ! Where the maid of my dreams is buried so low, Somewhere ! There my tears will fall on the ground that she trod, There my lips shall press, yea that cruel sod, Till I meet her again in the Kingdom of God, Somewhere ! 78 KHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE PASSING My soul was in the eyes, which looked Upon expiring day, The vanished Sun, had been rebuked For going on his way, The Doctors whispered as I lay Upon my bed of pain, I wonder what they had to say? Would I see dawn again? My rosy Nurse, pulls down the shade, (The light seems going fast) Yet somehow I am not afraid (This time 'twill be the last) Your face Dear Heart, pervades my Soul. Inspiring courage there, What makes each Visitor, condole? They sob as if they care ! Sweetheart, how strange their bearing seems, Do I deserve their tears ? Or have I seen these in my dreams, Imagining their fears? They could not know that You, and Me, Had vowed that though apart, We'd Live, and Love, 'till finally Our Hearts, beat Heart to Heart. Then why these fears about my Death ? Why is the Boom so still? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 79 Those Doctors hang above my breath (I'll bet I owe some Bill?) Your latest Photo, is too real ! GREAT GOD ! You seem to weep ; There must be some mistake I'll feel Much better after Sle-e-p? L 'envoi AT DAWN His hands still held a Photograph, The Dawn was breaking high, His mouth seemed twisted for a laugh; But Death had been too sly. Sfi 80 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A LOVE SONG (To F. C.) The roses are blooming, the clematis too, come, to the arbour with me ; And there sip the air as it fragrant blows thru, For Summer is fleeting and man's years are few; Come ! come ! to your sweet destiny ? A story, I'd pour in your pink longing ears; Can'st guess what its purport can be? The love of a heart for the on-coming years, To shatter misgivings, to dissipate fears, And strength and devotion to thee? That unspoken signal, the blush on your cheek, . Is answer enough on your part; Your words may be lacking, but look! I will seek The visible treasures from whence you would speak, And draw the sweet "yes" from your heart. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 81 THE RESCUE I saw her on the sea shore, When the tide was coming in, Seeming most supremely happy (That is judging by her grin.) For her task was building castles (Not the hackneyed ones of air) With the flotsam and the jetsam Which the waves, too, often spare ! 'Twas a work of weird proportions, Which her chubby fingers built, With deep dungeons, and high towers, And grim sentries, at the tilt. Reck'd the builder of her danger As the waves rushed to her feet? Judging by her rapt expression Her's had been the dryest seat. Till a more presumptuous billow Knock 'd her castle in her lap, Turn'd her topsy-turvy likewise, Tho' without the least mishap! Ere she had a chance to wonder At the billow, "Oh so rude!" She was crowing most delicious Into ears which understood. How she hugged and kissed me fondly (Tho' the last were rather wild) But I liked them and repaid them, For the sprite was my own child. 82 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON POSTERITY'S LOSS Immortal verse is ofttimes written Within the mystic hours of night; And strange- to say they come unbidden, Chef-d 'oeuvres of poetic flight. But Morpheus in a mood unwilling, Denies the fruit the brain evolved. The coinage of the poet's milling, By day is currency desolved. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 83 "TOO LATE" It is night there ; it is day here. And the Homesteads wrapped in gloom Yet not wholly see ! A flame clear : Brightens up a topmost room ! There the rafters meet the sloping roof. There weird shadows come and go. There the boy weighed down beneath re proof Was wont to pour his woe. Nightly is the lamp relighted By fingers thin, and old For the boy mayhap benighted Shall this loving flame behold? Nightly is he thus invited By the longing mother there Who would see her boy united To the tenor of her prayer. It is night here ! It is day there ! And the sun has paled the flame Mark ! The woman with the gray hair Bow'd but not with mortal shame? See ! The fingers cold and rigid meet As if just clasped in pray'r! A prayer mayhap incomplete. . . . For death!. has met her there. 84 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON Years and years of soul devotion. Did the naming signal bear. All the gamut of emotion Had in turn been in its flare. Had received her aching Longing Halloed Consecrated Light ! In which her soul upward songing Drew her outcast from the night. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 85 IN MEMORIUM "PEG" Enwreathed with all the virtues of her sex, She lieth cold and still Yet time and memory now bedecks Her fame with truer skill. This tongue had oft her virtues sang, Whilst she, yet stood beside, And all about her praises rang As one who grief defied. And now, she lieth cold and still, Gone ere she lived her span, Obeying her Creator's will Left me at least a man. 86 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A VOICE FROM THE GUTTER "Gee, but Christians are a bunch of Kidders, Especially 'round Christmas day. Dey hand out de gab, and dey considers Dey done de right ting, in der way. Dey even makes a point to get us kids, Tickled to death with Christmas toys, And dey slings a dinner dat really gives Us Kids, the great high sign of joys." "Ah, Gawd, it don't seem fair dat dese high ginks Has dese What we gets once a year. Gee, wiz, they's always filled wid Eats and Drinks, Dey don 't know emptiness down here ! I often tinks wen I aint got a bed On winter nights, and I 'm all cold ; If dere Gawd, yep, and my Gawd, wished me dead Because I didn't have their gold?" "I aint de only kid in dis old town Dat aint got fadders, and mudders too. And say, we help each other wen we 're down Praps taint much, but it sees us troo. We ain't no Christians for dat's but a word Ginks, use in Bizness nowadays ! We ain't got eddication 'tain't occurred, We goes de limit, dere we stays." RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 87 ' ' Dey won 't do nuttin ' for us ? Shut yer jaw ! I tinks I hear the gang yell out. I guess I '11 stop and as dey says withdraw. Because you'se got me dope, no doubt. So trow de glad hand out each Christmas day. You'll find de bunch dere wid bells on. Praps some one dere, wid coin to spare will pay For udder dinners wen dis one's done." tfi 88 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THROUGH FAILURE TO GOD Where are the dreams of our yesterday? Where the fruition of promised years? Tell me the climax, be it what it may, Is aught accomplished that my muse cau re pay? Speak, tho' my heart sears. Thus questioned the spirit "of him" did re- piy, The dreams that you held were written in air, The noblest in you, alas, did soon die, And what is accomplished? Is told by your sigh, And brow lined with care. E'er answer had ceased, his "best" conquered him, He knelt and he offered this fruit at God's feet, Nor offered insulting in sheer moments whim, But forceful and earnest and unborrowed vim, "Gave thanks for defeat." RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 89 ITS WORTH WHILE Nothing's gained by frowning; Life is always crowning Them who smile. You confer a present When you're acting pleasant It's worth while. Never think you're beaten Just keep on repeatin' "I must smile." Fortune so arranges That you get the changes Up to style. You have seen the weather When you wished it better la it so? Then the sun came shining 'Till your hope was climbing In it's glow. Don't give up, keep striving; Others are deriving From your smile. All it's joyful sunlight Will return to delight You awhile. 90 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE DESERTER'S STORY Whar yo manners, little nigger? Wat yo standin' grinnin' at? Is it kase I ain't de figure Ob a landed pluearat ? R admit my present costume Would discrepit any tramp Somethin' like a homeless mushroom R hab throbed in cold and damp. Days, and days r had bin walkin' Cross de Californy sands, Wid no mate to shay ma talkin' Sept the skies an lonely lands. An dese tatters, that war blue once Fo'r left the " golden gates" Am as grey an dat fo' some months As mar welcome back to "States." Yer 'r foght fo' Uncle Sam, Boy. Many weeks in febered swamps An ' hab bin mar captains enboy Tacking ulticums to camps. It war when r bruff conditions To a Philapino chief RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 91 Dat r habed de first subspicions Dat r oberstabed mar leaf. She war sweetest of all wenches, Dat mar nigger eyes did seen! Lodin rifles in de trenches, For de fightin' Philapine. Uncle Sam, an army rations, R f ogot day eber was ! R war just plum full of passions (Dat is wat coon lub, soon does.) Day, bar day, r tole her zactly How mar lub fo her jist growed Wich she didn't think unlackly Leastwise so her actions showed. Tho fo sure r had fogot ter Say, we spoke most wid r hans, Tho' at times we hadn't gotta (Lub fines ways all understands.) Den at last r dream war broken; An the next act war night-mare ! An agen when r war woken R war in mar regments care. All de boys frum Ike, to Jacob, Kinder looked d odder way Meanin ziff r'd sholy wake-up War the night am always day. R were not kept long aguessin; First r knowed, day hab'd me dar 92 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON Not Afor r axed a bressin Ob the Lord, dat rules mar star. Thar day war about a table, Genral, on de middle stool. Put me powful mind ob Babel Just lack chillerns abter school. Then de genral, axed me sharply "Why r habed turned traitor; so R tole him the truff perzactly Jest as r hab let yo know. Apter whis'prin many seconds Day 'greed not to hab me shot! Wich was berry kine r reckons (Kase a libe coon's worth a lot.) Sum days apter r were lebin All r lubed most in d worl, Foe mar heart, was sorely greebin' Fo mar Philopino gurl. Wat yo sayin ', little nigger ? Wish to tack me to yo mam? Sho yo jokin didn't yer snigger? Wat 's that ! Cum from Alabam ? Am yo Mammy's name Elizer? Well r nebber ! How youse growed ! I'se yo uncle! dis '11 s 'prise her! Tho fo sho r might hab knowed ; Tho-f o-sho-r-might-hab knowed ! RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 93 LAUNCHED INTO LIFE The clouds had gathered quickly in a sky of Southern gloom, When you, and I, my love, strolled by the sea ; The sands were firm beneath our feet, the gulls in couples flew, And youth was in our hearts, and wild, and free. A barque upon the waters, drew our eyes along its crests, So valiantly she ploughed her way along, That something which lay hidden Sprang to life within our breasts, And echoed with the surf, its haunting song. "We marked her gallant bearing, as the seas swept o'er her deck, If you remember we were ill at ease? And marvelled why the typhoon, failed to make of her a wreck, And heard the sailors' cheers across the breeze ; We watched her slowly fading with a "God's speed on our lips," (Our hands together met as if by chance) Then launched in life an argosy of love which did eclipse Its rival, for the fair lands of romance. 94 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON TWO BIRTHDAYS 'Twas only a penny horn, on which to play, A birthday present yet she feels as gay As any daring truant stole from school : A ricketty old table, bears her weight, She's perched as any Goddess in her state, Yet more secure, which does not prove the rule. Her poor surroundings cannot stem the joy She gathers from her inexpensive toy, Which issues blatant noises from her throat, Her satisfaction is a sight to see, Perhaps it rises from a melody, Of her one gift; on which she seems to dote. The other pampered child, has more than this, No squalor taints this dainty chiffoned miss, Yet tearful discontent o'er spreads her face, Her birthday gifts are stacked up by the score, While toys, of great import, bestrew the floor, In fact for any more, there is no place. The gift she longs for most, she won't con fess, Is written in each act, in deed impress. A sheer abandonment of heyday sport, Her riches seem to cast a gulf between, RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 95 The free wild happiness that might have been, Had she been nurtured with an humbler sort. These verses merely tend to show that all That's valued most, is not for beck and call. For one has everything, the other naught: On one a speck of dust you'd rarely find, But on the other, dirt of every kind. Then who shall say that happiness is bought ? One holds a tryant's sway in palace grand, While everything is her's that thoughts com mand, With willing slaves to hearken to her cry. The other, is the secret guest of those Strange folk, who wake the earth with each day's close Bestowing on her gifts, which none can buy. 96 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON DEEDS One, never minds the slipping of mere pen nies, thru the fingers ; They are the sort of coin of which, no memory takes count, Unlike, the nobler metals, they seem not, true pleasure bringers, Because they lack the properties, which make the pulses mount. Were we to count each little thought, where good was meant for someone, Each pleasant smile, and hand clasp, which were given in the day, And ere sleep closed our eyelids, weigh the fervent "thank-you's" hundrum 'Tis likely truer pleasure would our humbler coin repay. The little acts are noble, when 'tis seen 'twas heart that prompted, 'Tis the sunshine in the action, that's wel comed e'er the coin, But greater gifts are valueless, from nature's crabbed and stunted, Who did not wish the God-Speed, from the heart, with gift to join. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 97 THE ONLOOKER When heart is young, and muscles strong, And limbs uphold your sturdy grace, And sauciness, and flippant song, Prevent the wrinkles in your face. Ah envy'd youth, we watch your pranks. And tho' we feel at times the sting, We yet acknowledge with our thanks, The ecstasy that makes you sing. We hope that when our own youth bloomed, We gave the pleasure, which you give, And pray that no "old Fogies" fumed, Because like you, we tried to live. Then sing away let laughter free Enlighten all your bright young years, For laughter cannot always be, Your cup of life for future tears. 98 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON MEMORY'S VISION (To "Peg.") I love to sit in the gloaming, With you, in my thoughts, in a dream, The aftermath of my roaming, In the glow of a friend's esteem. Again to return to my romance And cull from its distant delight, My shy hesitating advance That made you so sweet to my sight. 'Tis then that I see you my Darling; With your irrepressible charms! Re-voicing the thought that was calling My eager young Man-hood to arms! But then, like a magical vision, The scenes disappear from my view Depicting Alas, my condition A Soul; that is still calling you. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 99 SOME BLESSINGS BUT !.. Come, glance your eye along this line "Peace on this Earth, good will to Man" The everlasting Christmas sign, Since this old Christian farce began, 'Tis framed and hung around the world, And petted as a mouthy phrase In pulpit oratory, hurled In fact a yearly standard craze. The autocrat all sung will deign To visit in his car that day, An Exemployee racked with pain, And tender him some held out pay ; Then tingling with his charity He seeks the warmth before his hearth And beams upon his family The essence of "Good will on Earth." The snow may fall, the wind may blow, But all is peace and mirth within, While there' without, a starved scarecrow Goes on his way with bitter grin; He knows the text he's read it well, It haunts him as he fights the gale, That takes him to the mouth of Hell ! And makes another morning tale. The churches fill with fashion's throngs, And equipages line the streets, 100 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON And congregations move their tongues, As ministers each prayer repeats, "Oh Lord, give us our daily bread" The kneeling Congregation Pray While for its lack a spirit's fled, Upon this festive human day. The pinched, and starved and worn out frame, Of mothers, nursing babes at breast, The cast-off "magdalene's" of shame, Beholding, suicide at best, The skulking thief thru lack of aid, Who steals perhaps to save someone, The city's urchins undismayed, Who face man's lot, ere childhood's done. So hang aloft your scriptured texts, And give, and take, as custom says, And hide your worldly wise defects Behind the sanctity of praise; For be it known each new Yule-Tide Will lessen much of this your mirth, For He, who in His anguish cried Those words Left mockery on earth. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 101 LIFE SHOPPING On the shopping side of Broadway, Where the Girls, walk up, and down, I love to catch the flitter Of a pretty smile, or frown. I like to mingle in the crush. And sniff a rare perfume Somehow it seems much better Than the confines of my room. It seems there must be others too Like me who do not shop? For they wander in, and out the crowd, And very rarely stop ! It sets me thinking now, and then, That things are out of gear. That gives such happiness to some, While others lack the cheer. Why should we hesitate, or lack Those human qualities? When with a smile, or little tact We show those tendencies Which makes the World go round with joy, And lifts the fallen hope Of some poor, devil who becomes A Weakling without scope ? 102 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE TROUBADOR'S BALLAD My love, is a maiden tall, Graceful and fair. Her song, is "Philomel's" call, Thrilling the air. My love, is a wild fragrant flower, Who drunkens the Eve. With such glorious youth to endower, The one to receive. And the breeze as it passes, whispers Go not, 'neath her glance. They're lit with strange fires at vespers. That lover's entrance. And once in her magic vision, No efforts avail. Her beauty is sure to imprison, For man is but frail. She promised to ope to my sight Her love, long denied. The omens are fraught with delight ; The Day, has just died. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 103 OUR NATIONAL OATH I'll do "my bit" And try and fit Into the scheme of things, By off 'ring 'Self, If not this Pelf, To feel the joy it brings. Shall I stand by While others try To serve "OLD GLORY" now In this WORLD WAR, Now at our door, With "Slacker" on my brow? Suppose we're old? Let's give what Gold We can to heal a wound, And by it give So one, may live To crown our Battle Ground ! Let's till the Soil Thru this turmoil, And lessen Europe 's plight ; With Brawn, and kind Be of one mind Prepared to win this fight. 104 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A "Wartime poise Won't help our boys As driving rivets will ! With Ships, and Guns, To shatter "Huns!" These are the things that thrill! Let Nation's see That Liberty- Is not an empty boast! But forceful, when Backed up by Men, All doing their utmost. MEN, shall be freed! Is now our creed, Against oppressive might. Do what we can, As Man, to Man. Establishing that right. Let's serve with DEED. Our COUNTRY'S need. Until SHE, says "WELL DONE!'' Let's not Hurray 'Till we repay The Kaiser, and we've won. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 105 LIVE LET LIVE Will you let me blossom wildly, 'Neath the genial orb of day : Resting on my Mother's bosom Proud and gay? Why should I be plucked haphazard, Torn from all I love the best : For a moment's approbation From her breast ? Removed from haunts of infancy To be placed in Lady's bower: Soothing her aesthetic senses For an hour? I, as you, have earthly mission : Mine, to sooth the jaded eye, In a natural short existence Ere I die. Will you see me in my sweetness Proud with beauty trod upon? Won 't you let me for my brief life Feel the Sun? 106 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON TO SOME ONE I look into your pleasing face, In which I see a spark, "W> ich tells me earth is but a place, Whereon you've set your mark. For angels are the sprites I see, In every changing look The creatures of my phantasy, The ideals of a book. Thus Dear, would I, if fate were kind Bask in your every mood, Would seek the beauties of your mind, And from yourself, steal good. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 107 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY (To "Coffee Dan's") The night before St. Patrick's Day, (When I'd been well, a trifle gay) A restaurant got in my way So I went in. A 'stumbling down its yawning stairs, At first, forsooth, I put on airs The sort that Eva Tanquay wears ( !) Also a grin. I heard a thousand dishes rattle ; I heard ten-score gay voices prattle; I watched them o'er their "ham-and" battle Then sat down. Of joy no sign was lacking there ; Enough there was and some to spare; The like I've ne'er seen anywhere In this old town! The while I dined, without a pause The laughter grew. I sought the cause And asked, to find out where I was, My waiter man. Behind a smile but poorly hidden He answered: "Say, bo, nothin' diddin'! You never heard say, kwitcher kiddin ' ! Of "COFFEE DAN?" 108 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON Enlightened thus, I gazed around Amazed that, somehow, now I found A friendliness in every sound About the place ; I understood this brotherhood And sisterhood in genial mood Now part of it, I saw the good In every face. Celebrity, and ne'er-do-well, Kubbed elbows there, beneath the spell Conviviality doth dispel In such a throng While genius bright, and scribe obscure, And high and low, and rich and poor, Surrendered to the joyous lure Of jest and song. Each seemed to feel an evening spent To gain a surfeit of content Each seemed to feel an evening spent Exchanging wit And swapping ideas with "the boys" Would hold far more than passing joys Would broaden views and deepen poise A little bit. Three hours slipped by ! I rose to go I'd learned the lesson; now I know Why o'er those tables high and low As one should meet. I clasped the right hand of Mine Host, And knew 'twas "COFFEE DAN'S" that most RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 109 Deserved old San Francisco's toast: "Let's go and eat!" Then here's a health to "Coffee Dan," And 'J.J." too, and all their clan! Now bottoms up ! Let all who scan This dissertation Seek out forthwith this same retreat (You'll find it on O'Farrell street) And when you've found it "go and eat" To satiation ! 110 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE SONG OF THE HILLS Oh! give me the hills, with a soul-giving breath, The heather that rustles below, Away from the murkid, the City's pent Death, That skulks in the Noon, and the glow. Oh ! give me the flowers, all coyfully blushing, At Him, who lies there, in their midst : With the songs of the warblers, all artlessly gushing, With the fragrance from Earth, on his lips. Oh ! give me the leisure, to dwell there forever, To bury the dull cares of Life : To feel that my fingers can pluck whatsoever Of beauties so temptingly rife. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 111 FULFILLMENT I mourn each minute that is wasted now, I seek to have you treading Cupid's path, And wish my love your whole life to endow, So that our present bring no aftermath. I'd love you as I would a little child, And still regard you as the girl you are, And foster you thru all my passions wild, Or linger on your brightness set afar. It matters not if you be far or near, The longing in our hearts will always meet; In each, our understanding will enrear Such scenes, that will make our hopes seem more sweet. 112 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON FANCY, THE GARDEN OF HOPE Come, wander with me in a rose scented clime, And give but a tithe of your much wasted time : The beauties of nature are there manifold, Those breathing it's essence will never grow old. The body may waste in the cycle of years, Unhastened by travail, or worries, or fears, But the heart, ah! the heart, will retain it's true youth, And minist'ring angels will guard it from ruth. Then wander with me, leave the sordid behind, And garner the heart with the fruits of the mind. This garden of joy caters most to the soul, The carnal, though there, is a grain of the whole : Delight follows delight, in this ecstatic glade, All peopled from visions 'neath each pleasing shade. And ever it is, yea an Eden most fair, Exceeding one's dreams, be they drastic or rare, For hope, is the garden my muse would de pict, Where mortals may pluck with no fear to restrict : Then wander with me, leave the sordid be hind, And garner the heart with the fruits of the mind. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 113 THE SHIELD'S REVERSE The wounded bird whose song is hushed; The wilted drooping of a flower: A goodly inspiration crushed: A sunny temper turned to dour: All these are links to black despair, All dead because beyond repair. A kindly thought, it wots not where, A tender look, a friendly lift : A little act of grace to spare, For human flotsam cast adrift. These are the things that judge us when We leave these tribunals of men. 114 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON LOST PARADISE I had pined and sighed for a flower, A flow'r to press to my breast. So that it would live and endower My heart which had borne long unrest. I waited, and waited, and waited, And wondered if after it all My longings would ever be mated To ONE, who would answer my call. The gray in my head quickly gathered, My nights were as toneless as lead, The hope inspiration had fathered Had left me in despair instead. 'Till one night in feverish dreaming I saw in a Desert a flow'r, I plucked it, and kissed you in seeming! You lay on my heart for an hour. The day came apace, but not joyless, I reached for your soul thru the void, Your Own, understood Cupid's Wireless, Our natures became overjoyed. We met and we slaked where we thirsted! But Fate's stern decree now Alas! Has' sundered our bliss how I nursed it, I had it, and now see it Pass ! RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 115 CUPID'S IRONY (To G. W.) I have a rare Carnation, which Has blood red stripes against its white. It holds a treasure more than rich, It is a storehouse of delight. I watched "MY FATE" for one full hour, Bestow her lips, with reckless care In fragrant kisses on that Flow'r When my Soul, thirsted for a share. She must have read my wild desire, For presently her Finger tips, Pressed in my hand the Flow'r of fire, Whose Heart, retained her naming lips. 'Twas all, and now I strive to strain Her careless, given wasted bliss. That in this fragrant tomb remain, To feel them there nor gain a Kiss? 116 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON INCONSTANCY You will enveigle and ensnare my heart, And make me live a few choice hours of bliss, Then leave me all alone a thing apart With empty days to follow for each kiss. How long can youth retain its thrilling quest When such as you, with motives false, con strue Your fancy, for the real thing in your breast, And steal the best, I have to offer you? Some puny years, and then age will o'er come The masterful resource of Lover's prime, And vacant nights and haunting day will sum The recompense I face for future time. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 117 DON JUAN'S REFORM With bold insistancy he pleaded, With magic fire in his voice, Till weak she yielded, This sweet surrender, he unheeded; His object gained could not rejoice At power he wielded. She ! swift to read his thoughts, and meaning, Before her lips had paid him toll Swiftly retreated! He ! startled from his conscious preening, Eesue'd with all his ardourous soul, Because defeated. And now when she, sweet temptress proffers Her girlish lips to meet his own, Quite shy, he falters But man-like, takes the sweets she offers, Returning his as incense thrown Upon love's altars. 118 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE INVALID I saw you lying there exquisite delicate. About you Flowers lazy as your languor, You welcomed me and tho' we had but met, You bared your Soul in unassuming candour. The fragrant linen that you lay between "Was not more snowy than your peeping breast, Somehow it seemed FATE painted me a scene So vivid that 'twould tantalize my rest. Your satin whiteness, and your hectic cheek, Almost like Marion Marble did appear. But these were aides, when once I heard you speak, As Music your voice sounded to my Ear. I seemed to lose the thought that you were ill, For how could one so sweet, and frail as you Be so, unless the weakness of your will Desired the very thing you hid from view ? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 119 DESOLATION The season is o'er, The children no more Dig holes in the sand, or disport : The waves out of tune, Bewail 'neath the moon, The spirits, who erst paid them court. No more is the sound Of revelry found From end to the end of the beach. Excepting the sweep Of the incoming deep, That my thoughts in full unison reach. 120 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON UNSPOKEN (To D. K.) It isn't the things that we do That lasts until memory's end, Its the light which you cannot subdue, The hidden desire of a friend. It isn't the things you have said, I bury in Life's treasure-Chest, 'Tis the wish that flickered, and fled From Eyes, with a secret confessed. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 121 YOU WON F-A-M-E I saw your latent talent bud, I watched you from afar, Beheld you breast "Dame Fortune's" flood, And rise to be a Star. I heard your praise on every side, And Grinned within my soul, They knew not that your part belied, The acting of your Role. You cared not how I spent those nights, As you went blazing on Aspiring to "Electric lights" That finally you won. You gained the goal ! but lost the pow 'r To thrill this heart of mine, You threw away Life's golden Dow'r For plaudits for a time. 122 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON LANGUAGE OF THE EYES If your eyes would respond to mine, Each time you pass me by, 'Twould lightsome make the irksome time That hangs so how I try. Each message there would thrill your soul, For love, is what they speak, With scenes of joy beyond control To beautify your cheek. Then come, sweet student whilst I teach The language of my eyes, 'Twill place a bliss within your reach, On which but Cupid spies. KHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 123 WHAT WAS How wondrous is a maiden's smile, How lovely her embrace ? How tender her unpracticed guile To hide that in her face? What man can still his thrilling soul When her face bends to his ? Suffused with blushes past control, To him what Heaven is ? Ah me ! in this I envy those Who have yet waste their bliss! Once also I had plucked a rose ! Now dreams return me this. 124 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE LOVE FLOWER (To F. C.) Love is a flaming, scarlet flow'r, Which lifts its head to each day 's sun, But stormy skies bewanes its pow'r, So that its beauty is undone. Most rare, when one of stronger stem, Invites the rays, resists the storms, Stands dauntless in each weather 'd realm, Attaining strength that patience forms. So love can ne'er in pow'r wane, That laughs to scorn the sombre grey ; It lives thro' ecstasy of pain, And steals the sunshine from the day. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 125 PUPPY LOVE When youth and hot blood fill'd your veins, When blackest clouds looked bright, When body recked not of its pains, And muscles burst for fight, 'Twas then! that love appeared in sight That youth, forgot his youth, And found his passioned heart ignite His soul in naming truth. His sports of boyhood flung aside, The old joys cast away; He lived his new life with a pride No time could then delay, He had not felt as yet the sting That comes the lover's way; His song, was not as yet on wing, He knew not of that day. Then came the crash, his castles fell, She left him with a smile And scorn and merriment as well, Her answer to his guile, She told him, he was but a boy, And should be in knee pants, And further said in accents coy, "I'll be one of your aunts." 126 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT RKASON THE ROAD TO POLLY'S HEART My sister Poll has a new young man Who comes a courting her: Each time he comes he bows, and smiles, And 'dresses me as "Sir." But the other one, she had before, Took liberties enough, He'd pat my head, and give me "sweets," Such nasty, sticky stuff! He used to place me on his knee, And call me "Mamma's Boy" And told me I resembled "Poll," As if that was a joy? Tis for that, I like the "new one," He knows my worth, I'm sure, He speaks to me as man-to-man ! With ways I can endure. And before he went away last night, He loaned me half a "Dol" Now isn't that enough to prove, He ought to have our "Poll?" So I told her if she wanted him, I'd willingly she would: She got hysterical at that, Could she have understood ? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 127 THE SECRET 'Tis a cultivated habit, When you're writing Poetry, When you get a thought, just grab it Keep it as your company. And drink with it, and think with it, Until It says " Yours Truly." When you have it well subjected To your way of thinking it, Get it lined up, and connected To a lot of Rhymes, and Wit. The balance comes just natural, In time you'll find a Quorum, Who will exclaim "How wonderful" That's all you've done a Poem. 128 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "I'M JUST A VALENTINE" (To Jeannette) I'm just a simple Valentine! I come when, e're I can, And try to brighten with sunshine The heart, of maid and man. I give what joy I can employ All seasons of the year, And make them vouch, I kill their grouch ! Whenever I am near. I represent the greatest Game, Since Adam won his suit, The Formula is just the same That Lovers institute. Perhaps the rules may vary, but The moth will chase the flame, And offer everything he's got To make her take his name. For I 'm the little Valentine Who travels to that heart of thine And makes it young again The Post cards at the stationer Will prove I'm love's commissioner No one seeks me in vain. Now change your frown, lets see you smile And squeeze your lady's hand awhile She'll snuggle to your side, That's lesson number one your on, The rest will follow when that's done. Now arn 't you glad you tried ? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 129 "I'LL RETURN" Good bye, California! I am going to the North, Where the frozen earth is waiting To have her ^old brought forth. There in its icy fastness, I'll toil both night, and day, To pan the earth, For all she 's worth, Until I make her pay. Good bye, California ! I '11 be gone a year, or two, But When I'm tired of slaving, I'll sure come back to you. Then in your fields of Poppy, With God's sunshine above, I won't be slack In paying back My debt to you in Love. 130 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE EMPIRE CITY Great City of despair, and bliss. When far away I think of you, And every hour that I miss Somehow reveals a clearer. view Of all your rottenness, and throbbs, Of Millionaires, of overnight ! Of hungry wastrels, lacking jobs, All scrambling in the upward fight. If pity is within your ken, 'Tis hidden deeply out of sight, Your checker-board is played with men, Who strove by day to pass by night. Your Parks, and Tenements attest Your attitude of "WE SHOULD CAKE" Your Christian charity professed, Is greatly tinged with "Lassez faire." With hectic fever in your veins, You festered in your poisoned self, You sweated hearts to suit your gains, You deified the God of Pelf. You tainted Souls, and Flesh for lust, You wallowed in unholy fires, Your blatant creed "IN GOD WE TRUST" But falsified vour crude desires. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 131 THE CITY'S CRY Across the cold bleak Park at dark The shivering wretches go ; No home is their 's nobody cares What brought them to their woe. The icy wind may dogg their steps, And pierce each ragged rent, Yet who will stop to probe the depths, Or give a brief content ? What ere their haste it is but waste Of strength to move on faster; When warmth is brief and Death the thief ! That night may prove their master; Their aimless, faltering limbs may give Their bodies crave for food, Yet cynics say "Why should they live? On Earth what is their good?" Why don't they work Why do they shirk The duties of existence ? This easy slips from rich men's lips Who never worked ! for instance ! ! Their very critic's are the first (These parvenues of pleasure) To make the wrecks. their lips have cursed, So, pouring out Hell's measure. Yet we concede there is a Breed Of wastrels in this City Who can but blame, their own ill fame, If they receive no pity Yet, even such, are souls from God "Ours" come from that same mould, Then, will we have that "Eye" record, "We left them in the cold?" 132 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON VACATION It is raining like the Devil, and the lake has gained an inch, And the frogs which are not croaking, are all "croaked," that is a cinch! The trees are weeping bueketfuls, as the tears descend their limbs, While the Congregation in the Church are howling Neptune's hymns; The minister is scorching hot, for he alone seems dry, And the sparrows on the steeple for that reason hovers nigh, The grass has got a "souse on" while the roads have got the mud, While one optimistic fishing "guy," believes there'll be a flood; The flowers act like Debutantes they droop in wilted rows, As if they had been out all night in soiled, disordered clothes. The vines are madly clinging to our very leaky porch As their only place of refuge from the cloud burst 's last debauch ; Our pup seems full of ginger and the old dog's full of fleas, But sanguine for the future lies the cat upon my knees. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 133 In fact all nature seems a tank, with empha sis on tank! Which enters every knot-hole-crack and makes mere speech a blank! We dare not read our newspaper for fear our eyes might tire But seek out Life-Belts-Rafts and such, to start a little fire, Then find our stove has vanished like most everything gone out! Except some floating cabbages that turned to sauer kraut. At last the flood retires with grace, and takes the garden too, And we begin all over as it were start Life anew 134 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "THE TRIMMERS" Say, Lizzie, spot the "Sucker" Wid the "Cabbage" in his Coat. He tinks he's some "swell looker," Let's try an get his "Goat?" You play the Country Orphan. Who wants ter see the sights, Leave me do all the "coughin' ' Den see how quick he "bites?" Get busy on the "showers," Dis gets dem on the "jump," Den I will use me powers Perhaps I'll turn a "trump" "Biz," is on the " f are-you-well, " An so is me inside. "Eaten Joints," dey ain't in HELL! An hunger has no pride. Why wat's the matter, LIZZIE? Yer weepin' on the square, Just wen we should get busy Yer turn me down fer fair. Hey, Mister, Wat's yer hurry? (Say, Liz, he's goin' ter stop!) Now pipe me trim me Quarry, Suppose he is a "Cop?" Gee whiz, He ain't no "Piker!" RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 135 He's smilin' in me Face, (Dat makes him look just-like-yer) He's wat I calls an "ACE." (I'm done, you've won me Hero,) I get it on the "blink." Me hopes are down ter zero "YOURS TRULY," hits a drink. Good bye LIZ, I will leave yer To start another hunt, But don't leave him deceive yer Because he "wears a Front." I'm off ter grab another. (Stop Spoonin' in the Street) GREAT GAWD! the Guy's yer BROTHER? Good Night . . I'm off me "Beat." 136 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON CONVINCING HERSELF "I cannot see why I should be Your Darling Amouretta? When with my own 'Affinity,' I certainly do much better. Your Bank account is rather Nil, And tho you are much younger, This will not pay the Grocery Bill Or keep 'Sweet Me,' from hunger." ' ' You know of course I like to dress, And keep right to the minute. If you had money, I confess I'd eagerly begin it. But what's the use in mincing things (Altho we like each other) But no degree of wishing brings Results that ends the bother. ' ' So why go on let 's say Good Bye ? Or else I'm sure to falter, You realize I've got to try To be firm as 'Gibralta?' ' Farewell Sweetheart ! Yes just one kiss. 'Twill help us to remember An incident, we both will miss 1 OH DARLING ! I surrender ! RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 137 "WRITING HOME" "The tricks of wicked men I met," Wrote Angelica Brown. " 'Twas something terrible, you bet, The moment I reached Town. They seemed to spot me right away As coming from Squeedunk. And did their level best to pay For Drinks to get me drunk." "One flashing Sport, with Diamond Studs. said 'Kiddo you for me' Instead of wine, he ordered 'Suds' I quit his company. And then a Mine Promoter said 'Where goest thou sweet Maid? Join me, we'll paint this old Town Red' I didn't like his trade!" "At last, I met a 'wiser One,' I guessed this from his 'Boll' He introduced me to his son, Who needed much control. I married him to keep him in? This fact he couldn't learn. But I should worry I've got 'Tin' Good bye, I'll not return." 138 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A BAD BARGAIN Strangely I sought you, Lovingly brought you, Into my Palace of dreams. Placed you, enshrined you, Then couldn't find you Help-Mate to waken my themes. I didn't need you, As a new Bijou. Tend 'ring delight to my blood ! Now if I grieve you, Yes or deceive you Why have you misunderstood? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 139 POSTPONED Were you ever meloncholy, With a fit of Blue's that fully Made you feel the World was rotten To its core? When you didn't feel quite certain "Whether you would drop the curtain," Knowing you would be forgotten From Life's shore ? Have you watched the Dawn's horizon, As you held a deadly Poison, With the knowledge you were using It to go? Yet somehow a feeling stronger Made you wait a little longer Or a thought perhaps amusing' Held you so ? 'Till at last the Sun came peeping From the East and started steeping All the World with warmth and gladness In sunshine. Then you felt another Being With your other Self, agreeing That a former deadly madness You'd decline. Sprucing up, a habit Daily, You outdo yourself, and gaily 140 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON Saunter to the Business section, All agrin, There, with energetic ardor, You will keep on striving harder 'Till you soar above dejection, And you WIN. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 141 THE EASY ROAD The easiest thing in all this world When all is said and done, Is to feel yourself slip backward From a point your courage won. It has no paths that backward stretch, The road is short and straight, It glitters mostly all the way, But at the end waits Fate. The start once made, bends strongest wills To gratify desires, To temporize with follied vice, And strange illicit fires. 142 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE WAGER "Of course I'll play a game of Whist, With one proviso. I am kissed, If we should win?" His words were for the Lady fair, Who was to be his partner there. "So Let's begin." The cards were dealt, and Heart, was Trump. Which made the little Lady jump Across from Him ; He, hadn't one of that red suit, His Heart was low, his Tongue was mute, She, played with vim. She led the Ace of Hearts, and He, Regained his heart, immediately With every Trick. Six leads in that Trump suit w r as led, He made the odd one, then He said "HEARTS, win out quick!" " I 've won the Wager now by right But will not claim the sweet delight Your Lips, molest. I thought you could not play the Game ? ' ' SHE, blushed and murmured, "Its the same I, played my BEST." RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 143 STAR DUST I've known many girls who have charmed me awhile But none whom I've known can profess To have the far-reaching infectuous smile Of ''dream girls" sweet wireless caress It puts me in mind of the lull after storm When the day, is refreshed by the sun. When the chill gives way to a latitude warm, That makes your blood tingle and run. Then should you be lucky as my present case ; To chatter while holding her hand ! And watch the rose painting each blush on her face In language sweethearts understand! Then you have perception to know what I feel Each time I perceive her afar ? I follow unerring the human appeal. . . . As star dust, will follow the star. 144 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON WHAT WOULD YOU DO? What would you do if Fate were kind And gave you what you desired In gold, and fame, and a mind inspired To better the thing that you find ? What would you do if adversity came And stripped you of all you possessed Taking from you the ultimate quest Of living to glory your name ? What would you do if your last hope had fled And thrown you a wreck on Life's shore Would you remain or struggle some more Creating a new light instead? What would you do as you struggled above The shackles of grim circumstance Your all had been lost yet by merest chance Your heart gained a kingdom of love ? What would you do with material fame With riches, and glory, and such ; Would you discard them for one kindly touch Of lips joined to yours all aflame? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 145 THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL Some day our men of capital Will meet their Waterloo. At that time it will be "Say Pal Let me divide with you." The ancient formula will change "What can I do you for" When intellect shall find its range Thru knowledge of this war. Labor's voice will be upheld By present profiteers Its potency is now corralled To profit coming years. 146 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE REASON Every now and then of course, Like the best of men I am guided by a force That makes me seize a pen. With no thought to perpetrate A sentimental thought Such things I try to execrate Too oft they come to naught. But somehow much against my will This pen will trace a word That makes me but a victim still From memories that stirred ! And tho I do my best to quit What I am thinking of As sure as fate my pen writes it Another ode to Love. So why blame my Poetic muse? (I sympathize with you) The check I seek is my excuse Get you my point of view? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 147 MY ANSWER You ask me if I miss you ? When the sky is dark o'er head, When the sun shines not anew, And the warmth of spring has fled. You ask me if I miss you ? When the birds refuse to sing 1 The olden sweetness that I knew, That hearts attuned will bring. You ask me if I miss you? As I sit alone and think, And dash from weary eyes the dew, Which came from sorrow's brink. You ask me if I miss you? Yet you glance to skies above ! Beholding its untroubled blue, As blemishless as love. You ask me if I miss you? Will a babe refuse the breast? If so I do not need you My longing is confessed. 148 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "PASS OUT CHECKS" This Effusion is Dedicated to "Col." Jack Doyle. Just a few are missing, Jack! Who are never coming back ! Yes they passed out, with the "FLU" And, you '11 miss your friends, won 't you ? Some, were Yearly Ticket Holders, Thorough Sports, good "Scouts" and Sol diers. Every Tuesday night they sought Action in the Fistic Sport, In your cosy, snug Arena, Where the Game could not be cleaner. Now somehow with poetic view, I see them calling back to you, From where they are in Spirit-Land, In language you will understand. "SAY, COLONEL! THROW 'EM OUT! "GIVE US AN EXTRA BOUT! "WHERE DID CHER PICK 'EM UP? "GEE WHIZZ, HERE COMES THE COP!" And so, Friend Jack from where you sit, If you feel things! You must admit 'Tis "Doc" or "Ben" or "Dick" or "Ike" All slinging tips, you're bound to like. And though Each one went out with "FLU" They're back again to see anew, From where they are ! (without Admission) The Game go on in good condition. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 149 MOTHER (To the C - Family.) You did not fail us as wee bairns, We rushed to you with each complaint. You spread that tender love that yearns In Mothers' Eyes which Artists paint. We leaned on ev'ry word you said, As we sprang from the fledging form So thru your guidance we were led Secure, and safely thru each storm. Our griefs, and joys you made your own, As we bloomed to maturity, To you we bared our hearts alone, Immune in our security. You did not hesitate to give Your efforts, Life, and tenderness So that your brood of Loved-ones live Without you, in this wilderness. 150 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A CONTRETEMPS A winesome little Modiste and a sprucy city clerk, Determined to get married, but to keep the matter dark, So tney took a day's vacation from their re spective labors, And met, and squandered recklessly much money on odd capers. They decided with a zeal beyond the bounds of married state, To enjoy a last vacation e'er they went to seal their fate, So with hearts attuned to highest pitch, they started on their way, (The writer here must state the fact, that both seemed rather gay.) Towards dusk, they changed their plans, so they sauntered in a park, Here a fascinating Siren gave her eyes a little lark. Their glances met, his color rose, she coyly veiled her own, "While he quite flabergasted, tried the whole thing to disown. (The writer here must interrupt it slipped his mind before, RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 151 That the Modiste had been left by will, a mile of barren shore, He would not have the reader place upon this too much weight But for purposes of history, these facts, he must relate.) Now it seems our dainty heroine, full con scious of her worth, Had seen this coquettry of eyes, with feelings far from mirth, When Presto ! like a lightning flash, so quick it came alas ! She saw her lover as he was the gold had turned to brass. She would have left him there and then contempt enwreathed her face, (The writer here must emphasize, they'd reached a lonely place) No vulgar eyes were there to note the rift within the lute ('Tis sad to contemplate the useless plead ings of a suit?) He prayed her by that love she 'd had for him ( an hour before ) To overlook his darkened past, which he did so deplore ! He knelt upon the verdant sward before his Idol's feet, (And used such burning phrases that his lips turned dry from heat. Not all his fairy eloquence could move that stony breast, 152 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON She told him in some chosen words his suit was misaddressed, That perhaps some day he'd find a wife upon a lower level, (Which made him feel somehow that she had sent him to the Devil. She flung his ring before him (it was much too large for her) With a grace the stage might copy, the writer does aver!) And with superb indifference which tilted her pert nose, She left her stricken lover there a cynic, fledged morose ! The writer could, were he disposed, continue this adventure But like a wise man does refrain before he merits censure, He winds up with a moral, to prove he isn't careless Control your features on the Day you wed a pretty heiress! RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 153 LIFE'S TRUEST NOTE The World looked on and marvelled as he sang This singer rare, whose notes they newly hear: And breathless on its golden timbre hang Enraptured from the spell, their visions rear ; Its piercing volume wakened many a pang That long had slumbered in their beds of drear, For they perceive the source from whence it sprang, And through this knowledge, shed their cold veneer. How else should happy heart, but wake to song! Which bears the impress of the victor strong Whose many notes are gladdened from .love 's store ? Dispensing joy to that vast gala throng Who heard their own heart's story from his tongue Which lightened many hearts, but burdened more. 154 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON FAME RENEWED An artist to his poet friend Said, "Let me draw a sketch of thee, Thy strain may linger to the end, Sweet songs to cheer posterity If I your attributes attend." The poet loath to baulk such aim, Yet shy, assumed a tragic pose : Said "As you say come draw this frame! And let it through your pencil grow, A shrine whereon to build you fame." Years speeded by, to dust both are, The poet's song had ceased to cheer, 'Till Lo ! a whisper spread afar That once an artist did enrear His genius to each soaring star. The whisper grew anon was found "The" sketch all mildewed, hid away. Great critics came and gazed spellbound: 'Till now their resting place looks gay, "With Floral Tributes all around. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 155 THE LONE SIGNALLER A painful feeling as of smold'ring fires, An empty void that cries aloud its need, A throbbing brain which sees in its desires, A signal waved without the mate to read. Beholding yet despairing to be freed, His loneliness a stigma to his sires, Impotent his Man's longings vainly plead, For that sweet soul to urge where he aspires. Why is it some have all, and others none ? Is not his love as pure, as sweet, as true? Do not his eyes beam Hope, where others rue? Why has he failed, when lesser men have won? Do others gain, because they dare, and do? Then why not He Has he not asked, and done? 156 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "THE NE'ER DO WELL" Heigh, Ho ! for the life of the ' ' young shoot ' ' is merry, A life full of changes, a strenuous life, Pursuing the pleasures that olden days bury, Contemning the weakness of worry, and strife. On fair English shire, or the wild rolling prairie, A spendthrift at home, but a rancher afar : The first to face danger, his good pluck will carry Him dashing thru all, for his hopes above par. At home in the clime of the torrid, or frozen, On high mountain peak, or the valley beneath, Out scaling, or hunting, the proper man chosen, To lead the bold van, over chasm, or heath. The most debonnaire of the balls graceful dancers The most deadly shot to compete for the "prix," A dashing ' ' Vaquero ' ', the bravest of lancers, The last man of all whom the enemy see. With pelf in his pocket, enough but to cover The pleasures of moment that come to his view; RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 157 The firmest of friends, and a true hearted lover, A gentleman always, to give him his due. Then long life to these, who in full dress, or flannels, Discard them for garb, of lone lands, or home mart, For these are the Knights who give spice to our annals, Without them our era from romance would part. 158 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON CRITICISM Two flaunting garden roses bloomed In glorious beauty rare ; Each morn, the gard'ner watered groomed Them, with excessive care; A little wayside flower close by, With envy sighed each day, And inwardly would wonder why No gard 'ner came her way ! 'Till lo! one morn, a nesting pair In leaves just overhead, Peeped from their home to take the air, And to each other said: "How sweet that flow'r shines down there! Amidst the waving grass, It thrives without the pampered care Those roses have 'neath glass." They flew away but left behind A flow'r of fragrant heart, Who felt anon above her kind, For hers, had ceased to smart ; 'Tis meet, that beauty win a glance, 'Tis their 's by nature's right: But he who seeks, will some day chance Upon a Flower 'd delight. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 159 THE REWARD When I told that story new, In a trembling voice to you, And I saw your blushes mount upon your cheek. Then you shyly turned your head, When love's message to you sped, While I waited anxiously for you to speak. How the ages seemed to roll, As I tried to calm my soul, Waiting for your final word, to make us one ; Then I noticed with a start, That your eyes, betrayed your heart, Giving me the kind of heaven rarely won. Now we're old and silver 'd each, Yet the old tale, we still teach. To the beaming faces, at our fireside. And in each fond youthful glance, We'll relive our own romance, Down the vale of years with cupid as our guide. 160 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON SUFFRAGISM On every side one see 's the sneers Enwreath the scoffing lips of men, When ere the weaker sex appears, Insisting on their rights again. They will but view the surface thing They say, ' ' Oh how ridiculous ! To see those who should purr, and cling, Appear with traits conspicuous." Beyond this even, they insist Our purpose is to "wear their shoes/' Need one rehearse their hackney 'd list? It would e'en common sense confuse. If they but taxed their reason they Might -feel that ours is a just cause ; Nay, further, even might display Their anger at one sided laws. Why should not woman have the right If they, like men, support the state? For have they not as well their fight For bread? Then why them underrate? Then where 's the wonder if they strive To reach the plane, that suits them best? Is it a fault if they contrive By brains, and pluck to win Life's crest? Come, Gentlemen ! give voice and heart To help a cause, that needs your note, Deflect a time from home and mart Supporting us to get a vote. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 161 THE VIOLINCELLO A pensive maiden sat each night With her loved violincello, Giving Musical delight? To one she termed her fellow. He, unaware of heart he'd won, Would lounge, and pose, and smoke-up, And wished the music would have done, While she, with tears would choke-up. Each night before his hotel dinner, He scowled, and grunted frequent. And said ' ' each meal but made him thinner, : And looked at the delinquent. She seemed to feel his every mood, And to show him, that she saw them: Would play her 'cello extra good With master strains, to win him. At last one night, she sought in vain The pampered face she knew, And gripped her heart as if in pain For dreaming love was true. Somewhere in this great country free There roams a stupid fellow Who won a girl who artlessly Played love upon her 'cello. 162 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A HINT Oh Paddy Dear, If what I hear About the town is true, Rude men are kissing all the girls, Who have twin eyes of blue. Now Paddy Dear, I have a fear You'll lose your steady girl, For kissing takes Away my aches, And sets my brain awhirl. Oh Paddy Dear, Bend down your ear, While I will whisper in it, I can't resist, When being kissed To hold each kiss a minute. Then Paddy Dear, You can take cheer With me remove this blot, Just take your fill, At least, until You find my lips too hot. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 163 LOVE'S ORDEAL The tryant of my soul but yesterday, Imposed a task, the like I'd never had, My heart recoiled, e're she had had her say, I knew my efforts could but make her sad. Therefore I paused, e're I accepted it And prayed her not to tax my strength too far, (Her inexorable purpose had in it) (To me a danger that exceeded war.) I told her deeds of daring I would do ; Would face the greatest dangers at her beck, But what she asked I felt unequal to, E're I succeeded I should fall a wreck. I begged her to rethink one night upon it Before condemning me to write a sonnet. 164 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON A WOMAN'S HEART I knew a Lady, who Dealt lightly in the trade of Souls. Whose inner point of view, Was not in keeping, with the Doles Of passions due, That's showered on the fallen heads Of such she knew. Her Charity instead Towards these Women grew, When knowing all the while She, might have helped the Dead. With more success less guile, She strewed her blessings in their way Which they received with hidden sneers, Their hardened Souls could not repay Her efforts, with unbidden tears. She knew, for she had risen from Her own dispair, and being strong Gave aid to natures stricken dumb, Engendered thru the midnight song. Need more be said? Have these lines failed its purpose, when With message sped, It reaches yea, the best of men, Who knew her efforts with the Years. With all her inner suffering Were all for Him, if he but hears The key note of this offering? RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 165 "MA BELLE" Shallow, heartless, fickle, wise. Yet beaming sunshine from her eyes, Which hold adventure in their depts, Inviting men to make missteps So she may hold the upper hand, Until her victims understand, That though they dallied for her heart, She ne'er could share its smallest part. Much wiser in her knowledge then She beautified for other men. And they with ardour, soon would learn The sweetness of her smile, and burn. So pass your useless life away Until he comes, MA BELLE, some day. A man whom you will least expect Who'll win your love, and deep respect. Who'll make your life, a desert bare. You'll be repaid He will not care. 166 RHYMES WITH AND WTHOUT REASON HER LEADING MAN I like to be around when Ma Cooks funny things and bakes. She says she's puzzled at such times When I has bellyaches! I sit about while first she cooks And everything I taste. She never looks from her cook book While I eats all the waste. I'm five but still I like my Ma. She's stunning, I declare. The neighbors says she is a Star! To my face they don't dare. At times I get aguessin' tho, So seldom do we meet. But when I'm grown I'll surely know (Gee, ain't this smell just sweet?) My dainty Mama stoops and takes The things from out the stove, And lays out pies, and steaming cakes. (My, how can children rove?) I burn my fingers, as they cool I jump about with rage, 'Till our real cook, says "I'm a fool, And Impish for my age." RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 167 Now, I ain't mean, or want to be, Yet I don't like the cook. I told her confidentially, No sass from her I 'd brook ! Ma heard it all, and laughed, and gasped. And then my feast began. She let me eat 'till I collapsed, I couldn't hardly stan'. She bent, and picked me up, at length, As only Mama's can And said "when I grew up to strength, I'd be her LEADING MAN." ffi 168 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON SO FLEW THE "FLU" A Germ of German origin. Was sent out from Berlin, To suffocate its way to Spain. And German-ate again. It lingered there, a month or so, And stayed with friend, and foe. Yet left a Billion germs behind, To tantalize the mind. They left grim havoc in their wake, Before they did forsake Those shores, and scurried o'er the sea's Like unseen mysteries. They landed in the U. S. A. The Devil was to pay, They scattered o'er our Continent Not paying fares, or rent. 'Twas "Flu" (let's hope to pass the censor) Is Spanish Influenza. Some day, "Our Uncle" hopes to answer This latest "GERMAN KULTUR." RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 169 POET'S LOVE We oftimes have wondered when poets have written Details of a nature that seemed far from truth ; If they had believed what they wrote, or were smitten With dream-ladened visions, from calf- haunted youth. We oftimes have wondered ( 'tis sad to admit it) Why poets were let loose to skip in the world ? To look the sad spectres of love unrequited To vengefully turn out their Sonnets up- curled ! We oftimes have wondered and who can so blame us? When reading the ravings of love- newly stirred Why such vapid sentiment should make them famous, Which might not contain just one sensible word ? And yet we have read them ! and always will read them, Because our own love was as ice to their flame, 170 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON (Like captives who worship the fair name of freedom) (Tho' it may be lacking still worship the same!) Then poets we wish ye good luck with no malice ! Just write us your cantos of love day by day, We all would have drank from the sweet- poisoned Chalice But somehow or other 'twas passed the wrong way! RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 171 GOD'S DESIGN How glorious is the truest type of man ! Whose visage bears the noble stamp of life : Who seeks the purest ideals of his elan, Who fights and gains the laurels of the strife. Virtue and right the weapons at his side, With tolerance of strength for ribald jeers: Yet leonine, when scoffers do deride The non-existence of the God he fears. The true man seeks not honor, pomp, nor pelf, For life to him spells betterment of race : His earthly span, the frieze, on which to trace Each good deed, that shall beautify itself, With victory of life stamped on his face God manifest, because he conquered self. 172 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE AMBASSADOR A year ago I met her first ! 'Twas on her birthday night, And previously I had rehearsed Deportment, for her sight. On entering, my keen delight Was blighted in one swoop, Her haughty bearing gave me fright, I knew myself her dupe. Her jet black eyes, my person swept In comprehensive gaze, Methought within them mischief crept Behind their frosty glaze ; Yet in her calm, her frozen calm: And maidenly reserve, Somehow I thrilled in wild alarm, I lost my manly nerve. I offered her the presents, that My foresight, had foreseen, And placed them in position, at The feet of her, my queen. Her frigid glance turned sunny warm, Her hand, Oh, how I kissed it! Her soft insinuating form, In mine, a moment rested. Her first cold welcome I forgot, (The present held me captive) RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 173 Her haughty conduct mattered not. (Her moods are all attractive.) I overlooked her first disdain, Her chilling silence, too, Her sweet surrender must explain My rapid change of view. But since that time, her love is mine, I need no more to court her; Her eyes outshine the warmest clime, She looks for what "I've brought her." She woos me now she climbs my knee. And thinks it fun, rather, And asks me in her childish glee "What 'as oo bruf me Far'ver?" ffi 174 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON "BLAZING THE TRAIL" The state of single blessedness is one To conjure with in early years, With no restrictions on One's appetite, Where naught but happiness appears, If grief, or sorrow follow in Youth's wake, He throws them off with nonchalance, He will not view Life's troubles at their worth, But coins them into acts that make romance. He cannot see, nor grasp a true mistake. For kindly Fate, now wears a mask, His mind is centered on each new delight He craves not any other task ! He follows blindly 'till the goal is won. And childlike, tiring of a toy, Begins to scan the radius of the Earth, For prospects of another joy. He travels on along the road of Youth, Without a thought of what's behind, He gathers every Raindrop, with the Sun, Without a purpose in his mind. If gentle Maidens interrupt his path He steals their charms, offhandedly, Believing they belong to him by right ! Fulfilling 'nature 's destiny. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 175 Oh, Careless boy ! if you but knew the wrath That follows your excess of bliss! We feel, no act of yours would be undone To Paliate your sense of this. You blazed your trail, as others of your kind, Garnering from each Flower you pressed The essence of the power that gave you birth, You gained the "Make-believe" at best! L 'ENVOI For this, and your own youth, we envy you, For though we chide, this phase we would re new! ffi 176 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON THE SEASONS OF LIFE Beneath the azure of a Spring-time day, The youthful couple went their blissful way, With new discovered pleasures in their steps; To them life was a play with untold depths, They take their gladness which seemed their 's by right, Unthinking pleasure much, e'en proves a blight. Beneath the canopy of summer sky, The lovers drink the cup of ecstacy, The nectar of new love enfills their hearts. Untouched as yet by life 's envenomed smarts. Supreme in each, they mark not cankered care That like some fell bird, hovers, o 'er them there. Beneath the shine of gold, that autumn sows, The parents wend them to the plot, where grows The floral sweetness of their constant care ; 'Tis all that's left of their sole pledge and heir, Each day as Phoebus wakes the earth around, The stricken pair, by their loved dust are found. Beneath the leaden pall of winter's blast, Ere yet the dawn has nightly shadows passed. The aged man, with one last effort speaks; His eyes once more light up his withered cheeks, "True pleasure is when long expentancy Nears its fruition in eternity." RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON ANALYSIS Have I in a foolish moment Thrown my happiness away Did I self inflict this torment Have I this great price to pay? Must I as the days are quickening Shuddering from the lengthening nights, Feel forever this heart sickening In the thought of past delights ? Oh ! to have again my treasure, Just to nurse it in my soul, And to feel once more the pleasure Of our bliss in uncontrol? How could she have loved yet strickened All my hopes of joy like this Did she think she had me weakened In my manhood for a kiss? God she must have seen my longing, Must have caught each loving glance, Noting none, her girlhood wronging Feeling my love, was not chance, Yet like some old brazened Coquette Playing idly with my love, Carelessly pulled out from pocket Say a stained and crumpled glove. Just as idly has she thrown me In some corner of her room, 178 RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON I had pleased her once completely Now the part I can't resume. No, I cannot think you human, When you spurn the gift of God, You are neither man nor woman But a senseless piece of clod. RHYMES WITH AND WITHOUT REASON 179 THE "STICKER" Dedicated to Anita M. Baldwin, founder . of the ' ' Red Star, ' ' whose love for animals is proverbial. A Dog will gladly trot along Sedately by your side, He doesn't criticize your clothes His Master is his pride. If you have but a crust of bread, He'll forage for a bone, And wag his tail as joyfully To show he's yours alone. He'll show his teeth in grin, or snarl And prove with every act That frendliness means all to you And loyalty a fact. He will not shun you when you're broki-, He'll sleep on stone or rug. 80 Reader GOD BLESS EVERY DOG ! Give yours a pat and hug. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 928 065 2 PS 3523