GIFT OF Professor L M Price GIFT OF CTSS.OV L , ^ \ * - Nor caange of fortune, nor your cruel hat< Shall cure my pa. lion, or its warmth ; Faife as you are, how dare you trr.fb ane To winds a id waves as treacherous as \ou Think : !: will the gods you fcrve, if go;* For crimes like your s their pun! If injur d innocence their care be made, Tiio 1 ib ^ ivc, their certain \ i What if your bark, by adveri, Should on fome barb rous coaft, like mine, i Think that you fee yotir friends and you pi By favage people, greedy of your blooi Who then will fi.atch you from your fell d You ll fi:ul no YARICO to ihield } on iherr- How would you \viili you never had beti, Or fold for trilling f^in an : 2IO YARICOTOINKLI. But you, r .1* :ny c, its and pray rs, ... iy \vro:i^3, and mock, my failing tears ; Not one return for ail the mighty debt, But cruel rage, and perfecutin<f hate j This, this is ali your nature can bellow, Aid thus \ ou pay the gratitude YOU owe. Time and my griefs this body ihall decay, My moving frame ihall be but lifelefs cFay ; Then peaceful in thefllent grave I ll reft, Still this \varm blood, and calm this glowing bread But the remembrance of my wrongs Ihall live, Your treachery whole ages ihall furvive ; Men yet unborn will my hard lot relate, And ciufe your cruelty, and weep my fcte : And if in diilant years feme haplefs maid, Shall be by faithlefs, barb /ous man betrayed ; Coudem./d in iharpcil mifery to rove, Uablefs d with hope, yet curs d with fatal love j die to whom life ar,d liberty he owes, FJ om w ; ioie indulgence ev ry blclling flows ; Tnen ihall be d,*v.w.i the jutl comr-arifon, " So truiled YARKO and \vas u .done." Think of that morn when on the beech I flood, And faw the bark at anchor on t;:e flc . Straight to your cave \vith ^agcr lul^c 1 ran, " Uphold, I crv\l, a ventl on the main I YARICO TO INKLE. " Uiii.uov.-.i to peace kcurivy caa give. No mo.e you seeded ; pieafure in your eyes Fl | like a ihootiag light in ev iuug mits. ~r arms around my neck were tin. a jucui: traafports on my iips you lr: 7i:e mighty joy, too great to l^ G;o\v d o.i your caeeks, aad firu^^icd in your bread. i, vou cry d, yc friendly incurs, adieu !" .nibraces to the ihoi e we Ikw. iv cave, my id retreat, ny happineis, ray uiitty s ieat, " Farewell ! and ye, ye cruel men, auicu ! " Adieu to all, my YARICO, but you ! " You, my preferver, (hall be ever near, Heign hi my foal, and ev ry ble II 15 ihire. * But why do I pur fue th* ungrateful tale ? Why urge a fuit that never \vill prevail r Why tell, whe.i nearer to the Ihore we drew, The waving colours you beheld aad knew. " See, fee, my love, what heav a relent.. " Behold my friends, my countrymen aad i riends 1" Then loud you cry d, and \vavM your hand in air, Ai.J ilra igut we fow tiie hail aingbo: 1 ilrokes we cut the yielding lide, And joyful climb the lofty veuVi s lid-.-. leitv, and reicietj lear ; YARICO TO INKLE. From death, the greateft of all ills \ve dre.. 1 o U- in propit ous moment freed ; Be happintfs that can addition know, YOLU friends embraces made it Co to you. And now the (hip, n if;,rh its crackling fails,, Vv iio.e bend i n catch the rifing gales : -. .iftar.t clpwdi appear., the lelVning ihore, Till the iaiiit profped can be (een no more. "" - . mv countrymen, adieu! A lalll.o i .n-cwell here I take of you." Th-.u v/liHc i cry d, as confc ous of my fate, U .nfiial Iu4ii(-i3 on my i pirit.-: fat ; My Llood ian co : c!, my bofom heav d with fi^hs, iorrow trickled from my eyes : v ith ucli i ... iorrow car I yon look ? d the fame) i O: - ! - my love, this change, thio ir.ourn- as you fp.-j 1 e, . .r ! oh ! teil nu- u !r/ vo ;:re from your e\e ! ; : ills yw.i fi " Or liiai , : ." leccit, YARICOTOINKL*. T -- - rt --lyfelf, I thought the v\ o: id fo too, Nor ialichood fcar d, for no d. tit J - lew. e I \vrt, mv nri -fs wei L: decreed I mint for ever weep. w the driving winds, the fleeting (hip IJrifFs the ".vh tr 1 \vav.~, a :d I 1 ims a!o;;g the- deep ; \V ie i on the deck a fudden (hont h J.card, r lrbnl es w^lroint- coail at Ufl a;.pca t /. il Jailors f!:ip from place to place, A id anpcar d o.i ev rv iacc : Andmediti Then \vas the fcheme of my undoiii^ laii, Then \vas the curs d determination rradr. Oh ! fiy \vliat mov d you to the cruel . . Did it irom hate, or thirft of gain proceed ? Urge nothing for if love s m Is there from gratitude requit d no more ? That .* the grand tie that ilionb The furt ft charm to iix a nobL -. ^ the hurni ^ Have ihaJjw J v. ith a brov/ner d is envy, ?"""< * Nor I from a race of fov i My lovo, : .ii trai . VARICO TO VARICO ^las ! iHiheeckd uil tiie M, I ykij, u up t !o eieT g ho\v to bear mv v.o: ! me, oh ! pvc me t ::. ;:iencc to move r ;,im lac!; to love *i ! make him it J the horrors I endure, 1 kin !ly 11 v rjy niiieries to cure 4 So fhal) my life be fpcut in eiulicfs praife g honors to your names I ll raile. And now I ilooil upon the long d-ior ihorr, And warmly hop d the hours of for row o er. You fmilM, and as yen fondly prefAl niy hand, " Welcome, you cry d, my \arico, to land! " Thou kindeft, dcarcil, tcnd :t{t, lovely ma " Now my promisM gratitude be paid." Oh ! bow unmanly is the flatl rinjr lye, \Vliich c ltr.t; ! nt to c;i!;ance o;ir inHery ! For tint which a^Hwatrs our troubles moft, Is to know : ! know it loft. Such foothing \\oi-.!s ro-ia-aPu the bla< !; dtccit, c over, IM- te end was won ; No r/orc i. . .;ood v. tars, Uut c . iu i\i \ 13;, lit a Y ARICO TO INKLE. Take her, you cry d, my right 1 here refi-n, Your Ihve by purchafe, as ihe was mint-." on ended j and the wretch to whom you fpoke, Hid ill-nature fettLd in his lo.,:.) tnd llernly feiz d upon my hand, inl rudely haulM me und^r hh comr.i "ch cruelty, what favage ever knew, v/ hearing could believe you meant it true ? Too true I found it, when with barl/ro-s And hate unknown before, you ihook me o.r ; hen plunnr d m e o er in ev ry human ill, Mot to be fpoke, and what I o iiy feel. Can you for-et, or did you ne er regard, The iad dillrtfs v/..ich in mv foul appearM? How chill* d with horror I could icarcc fu:\ * and blafted ItiiFeaM yet alive ? ,v !i:ig at your feet in v/iid deipair, 1 beat ir.y hit*. din;; !>i trail, and tore my : Then what Hid rci:^, and love, and fear, not f " .ncfi pronnited, a,,d my pasi^s ^ " Dir laven; ,-, a ;d liiis fatal doom reverie, > .icee::durM there is no ?v eater ci fje \vhy with vengea:ice yon purfue " Her who \va5 life :i:;d mv, yo * Releiit ef; ca.i you Jlar.d to all I fay, , d, unrr-ovM Oh! give c " Or kindly, withfomc well diilcmM^d \o.v " iJr.t oh ! I Lead my anguifli in your look ? " I can no longer, for my heart js broke ! " \\t let my heaving breaft and Itreaming eyes " S|>tak for me what my fauii ring tongue denies . " Recall the former image to your vk\v e Of her who loves who was bclov d by you ! " Who now oVrburtheiiM with a mother s carcg, " The te.idcr pledge of our endearment bears ! I fctl tlic i.if:uit Itrugjling in my womb, * A", co ilc ous oT .!> w rctchedntfs to con.c : " On ! t guiitleis babe ! let nature move Your hta, t to pity, though tis dtaf to love 1" I could r.o marc ; your cruel looks congea. d l \1t iiovviug blood, and ev ry vital cimt d j 1> j I\-A fumheav dj my dying eyes clj> u, a;:d leiife forfook me withniv cries : li - ever go.,e iii. i v, c>:^ hud 1 been freed 1 i..c. \v!x.i my fenfes o d, ci .rs d houfcof hm icail my Lcru: hitlti* v. ro;:;;i in vain Ididdeplo r ;>o! , the ioiirctol" ail, 1 law no more. . I aci i i fo i*c\ - eie d it.cls ! ord co y a.iguiih, nor r||refs liU to kern a ^liiiim i iug hoye alive, L fid comibrt wretches can contrive :. YARICorTO INKLF, thpain, .- pity, but ^f d 5: .c \voes, And all tht wroi . cui loip if to juftice, and love s fofter Oil ! vet redeem me in regard to fame .! ,e llviii^ ilory of my woe ilid will ihiiii you, and the blaftiuj. r.oot the monfter as you pals alo: wretch, whole brtail t< " Fe ; iated, for companion killM !" , as you taught me, if there is to come -Inni-rt .Jon be o" -rcy fnall your heart incline To : ..Ids. to;r,. ,\iange for peace In-. 11, lhall bid s j od> in mercv will t. Or ii .t content r hope to own, vcu o;i a " .:in for cafe to bt;.s ..efs you ll re , ons IU; i : ; <&, and av Forgivv, t y::i itili lovM author of] ricis are heavy, ar.J I mull compi; Oh ! kill me, or for.:c milder ill pro-. Ere fate quiu fevers, or the lens <Kvi<le! That tl",il:ra^s mc- And nature llilversat the < A thouu v,-o;iK But oh ! my trc;vi!.i r.. . haiiu \vill not <- Then let your fancy iir.r.&e my cii:: Andyet> o3i ! vet, while; THE END. 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