#& > x, o nsn ORDER OF PRAYERS AND RESPONSIVE READINGS FOR JEWISH WORSHIP. Second revised and corrected Edition. ARRANGED BY . ; -. ISAAC S. MQSE3,' 5 - Rabbi of Congregation "Emanu-fcl", jni\Caul&&,' \Yist ". ;" . MILWAUKEE, WIS. 1887. At . Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1884, by ISAAC S. MOSES, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress al Washington, D. C. Is O ;: . - ' . ' i PREFACE. After a trial of over two years, the English Ritual published by the undersigned in 1884 has been found ina dequate to the wants of our congregation. The majority of those who regularly attend divine service are accustomed to to the Hebrew as the language of prayer, while those for whom the English Ritual was intended, do not take that interest in our public worship as to justify the substitution of the English for the Hebrew. To return to the old Hebrew Prayer-book with its un-English translation would land us where we started from a few years ago ; it will not remedy the evil. To satisfy the demands of both, the old and the young generation, the undersigned has recast his former publication, adding all the principal prayers in the Hebrew language contained in the older Prayer-book, yet making the English rendition on the opposite page an independent Ritual, thus enabling the worshipper to follow the service intelligently whether using the Hebrew or the English part. Some changes have been made in regard to the Psalms to be read at Sabbath eve and Sabbath morning service; they have been placed before each service. The Minister, however, may now and then select some other Psalm from the ap- pended Collection which has been left unaltered from the previous edition. No modern prayer can compare in depth of feeling and simplicity of expression with the Psalms of the Hebrew bards. In them breathes the living spirit of prayer. There is hardly a state of feeling that finds not expression in one or the other of these ancient songs. The opening Psalm before each service may be repeated by the Choir for which abundant compositions are extant. In addition to this Collection c Psalms every pew ought to be provided with one or two Hymn-books, the minister announcing every hymn to b sung This would avoid the frequently ridiculous 11 4423GG PREFACE. scandalous use of hymns and anthems not calculated for Jewish worship. Excellent Hymn-books have been published by Dr. M. JASTROW, Dr. M. LANDSBERG, and lately by Dr. G. GOTTHEIL which is a rich collection of gems of poetry. The responses should invariably be sung in Hebrew, as the ear of the Jewish worshipper loves to hear those quaint Hebrew melodies. In this present edition as well as in the first publication I have availed myself of the labors of my predecessors. I do not claim to have composed a new prayer-book; the merit of this book is its lack of originality. I have simply compiled, arranged and rendered into English the ancient forms o, our prayers, making free use of the English portion of existing prayer-books, especially that of the late Dr. EINHORN, of Dr. JASTROW'S and Dr. LANDSBERG'S Ritual, which I hereby acknowledge with thanks. The Hymns on pages 63 and /2 are from Temple Emanu-El Prayer-book; the one on page 8 1 is by Rev. J. V. BLAKE and the Shofar-Hymn on page 106 from Dr. M. JASTROW'S Prayer-book. For the Service of Day of Atonement a second volume is in preparation. May this Ritual help to kindle in the hearts of worship- pers the spirit of true devotion. Milwaukee, Wis., July 1886. ISAAC S. MOSES. CONTENTS. ORDER OF PRAYER. Evening Service for Sabbath and Holidays Morning Service for Sabbath and Holidays. 22 Service for New Year's Eve 61 Morning Service for New Year's Day jg Service in the House of Mourners 113 ,| RESPONSIVE READINGS. I. Joy in Worship i ^ II. Acceptable Worship 6 ' III. The Glory of God 8 IV. The Goodness of God 12 V. Time and Eternity 16 VI. The Universal Presence of God 19 VII. Seeking God 22 Vlir. Thanksgiving 27 IX. Prayer 34 X. In the Day of Trouble 3 6 XI. Repentence and Forgiveness 43- XII. Trust 45 XIII. Consolation 53 XIV. The Justice of God 55 XV. Beatitudes 59 XVI. National 6l XVII. Praise , 6 7 Children's Prayers 72 EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. Organ Prelude. MINISTER : jtgr njDQK. JGK rppn How beautiful are thy tents, Jacob, thy tabernacles, O Israel 1 With faith in thy loving kindness, God, we enter thy house; with profound reverence we will worship thee in thy holy temple. We love thy dwelling-place, Lord, the abode sanctified by thy holiness. We will bow down before thee, and offer up our supplication unto thee, God our Creator. Accept our prayers at this hour in the fulness of thy grace. Hear us, O God, our stronghold and support. CHOIR t (Either of the following sentences.) Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; Stand in awe before him all the earth, Give unto the Lord glory and praise; Worship the Lord in holy attire. Serve the Lord with gladness ; Come before his presence with songs RESPONSIVE READING. Select one or more Psalms from the following pays; for the Three Festivals, appropriate Psalms from the appended Col- lection, then begin Borechu on page II. 4*" .'EVENING. SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. ing^irito the Lord ; let us raise a voice of joy to the rock of our salvation ! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, and sing joyfully to him with psalms ! For the Lord is a great God ; yea a great King over all the world. In his hands are the depths of the earth; his also are the heights of the mountains. The sea is his, and he made it ; the dry land also his hands have formed. O come, let us worship and bow down, let us bow down be- fore the Lord, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture and the flock of his hand. O that ye would now hear his voice! Psalm 96. O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth ! Sing to the Lord ; praise his name, show forth his salvation from day to day ! Proclaim his glory among the nations, his wonders among all people! For the Lord is great, and highly exalted, and beside him there is no God. For all the gods of the nations are idols ; but the Lord made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before him, glory and beauty are in his holy abode, Give to the Lord, ye families of the people, give to the Lord glory and praise ! Give to the Lord the glory due to his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts ! O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness ! stand in awe before him, all the earth ! Say among the nations, the Lord is king; he will judge the nations in righteousness. EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. 5 Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice; let the tea roar, and the fullness thereof; Let the fields be joyful, with all that is therein ; let all the trees of the forest rejoice; Before the Lord! for he cometh, he cometh to judge the earth! he will judge the world with justice, and the nations with faithfulness. Psalm 97. pKH ^n "1*70 The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice ! let the multitude of isles be glad ! Clouds and darkness are round about him; justice and equity are the foundation of his throne. Before him goeth a fire, which burneth up his enemies around. His lightnings illumine the world; the earth beholdeth and trembleth. The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. The heavens declare his righteousness, and all nations behold his glory. Zion hath heard, and is glad, and the daughters of Judah exult on account of thy judgments, O Lord ! For thou, O Lord! art most high above all the earth; thou art far exalted above all powers ! Ye that love the Lord, hate evil! He preserveth the lives of his servents, and delivereth them from the hand of the wicked. Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. Rejoice, O ye righteous, in the Lord, and praise his holy name: Psalm 98. " Sing to the Lord a new song; for he hath clone marvellous things. His own right hand and his holy arm have gotten him the victory! The Lord hath made known his salvation ; his righteousness hath he manifested in the sight of the nations. 6 EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. He hath remembered his mercy and truth toward the house of Israel, and all the ends of the earth have seen the sal- vation of our God. Sing unto tho Lord, all the earth ! break forth into joy, and exult, and sing ! Sing to the Lord with the harp, with the harp, and the voice of song ! With clarions and the sound of trumpets, make a joyful noise before the Lord the King! Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Let the rivers clap their hands, and the mountains rejoice to- gether ; Before the Lord! for he cometh to judge the earth! he will judge the world, with righteousness and the nations with equity. Psalm 99. tfQy lUT *f?0 The Lord reigneth, let the nations tremble ! he dwelleth be- tween the cherubim, let the earth quake ! Great is the Lord upon Zion ; he is exalted over all the nations. Let men praise thy great and awe-inspiring name! it is holy. Let them declare the glory of the King who loveth justice! Thou hast established equity; thou dost execute justice in Jacob ! Exalt ye the Lord, our God, and bow yourselves down at his footstool ! he is holy. Moses and Aaron, with his priests, and Samuel, who called upon his name, they called upon the Lord, and he answered them. He spake to them in the cloudy pillar; they kept his com- mandments, and the ordinances which he gave them. Thou, O Lord, our God, didst answer them ; thou wast to them a forgiving God, though thou didst punish their transgressions ! Exalt the Lord, our God, and worship at his holy mountain! for the Lord, our God, is holy. EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. 100. min 1 ? Raise a voice of joy unto the Lord, all ye lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with songs ! Know ye that the Lord is God! it is he that made us, and we are his, his people, and the flock of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise ; be thankful to him, and bless his name ! j?or the Lord is good ; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations, Psalm 29. Q^N i& < Give unto the Lord, O ye sons of the mighty! give unto the Lord glory and praise ! Give unto the Lord the glory due to his name ; worship the Lord in holy attire ! The voice of the Lord is heard above the waters ; the God of glory thundereth, the Lord above the great waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful ; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty ; The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon ; Yea, he maketh them to leap like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a young buffalo. The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire. The voice of the Lord maketh the wilderness tremble ,' Yea, the Lord maketh the wilderness of Kadesh tremble. The voice of the Lord causes the wild deer to start, and layeth bare the forests; while, in his temple, every one de- clareth his glory. The Lord dwelleth above the floods; yea, the Lord is king for ever. The Lord will give strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace. EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. 92. rotrn ov 1 ? -w TOD A Psalm for the Sabbath-day. It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to thy name, O Most High! To show forth thy loving kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. For thou, O Lord, hast made me glad by thy doings ; in the works of thy hands I greatly rejoice ! How great are thy works, O Lord ! how deep thy purposes ! But the unwise man knoweth not this, the thoughtless can not perceive it : When the wicked spring up like grass, and evil-doers flourish ; to be destroyed for ever! But thou, O Lord, art for ever exalted ! For, lo ! thy enemies, O Lord ! thy enemies perish, and dis- persed are all who do iniquity ! The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree ; they shall grow up like the cedars of Lebanon ; Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they bring forth fruit ; they are green, and full of sap ; To show that the Lord, my Rock, is upright, and there is no unrighteousness in him. Psalm 93. C> nO T*7D " The Lord reigneth ; he is clothed with majesty ; the Lord is clothed with majesty, and girded with strength : Therefore the earth standeth firm, and cannot be moved. Thy throne was established of old ; thou art from everlasting! The floods, O Lord! lift up their voice; the floods lift up their roaring ! Mightier than the voice of many waters, are the mighty waves of the sea ; But mightiest of all is the Lord in his lofty habitation. Thy promises are most sure ; holiness becometh thy house, O Lord-! for ever! t3 ri rat? 1 ? rvny n^n : ro&'n DI^ w TIOJO r^n 1 ? jp'ty rppp 1 ? isr^ ,nirr^ nin; ^09^ ^5 mp? nirr; nan *? :ninj o^iy 1 ? ora rrn^ J njp : ^w n^g^n D*jnp jj 0^3 nitrj 7 my :irri5: rfjs ( rnrv 1 : ri*i 1135 nir?7 trip-niin? ni !?"^!. nin: .c*jnn niMn^ D^n- 1 ?;! rrinj 4 . lot : 0*0x71? 103 }1^5 P^? ^o 9 nin: *?w n|i? ^rr nin: "rip :trx ' ^ro'nftpj WIT nin: ^9 n^n: 33 .1$ ^iti? nin;' :-TQ3 :Di^'3 iojrn ^n: nin: . fn: lojft riy nint JD 10 EVENING SERVICE TOR SABDATH AND HOLIDAYS. MINISTER: ftuwJiu es Adonoy hammevoroch. Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due ! CHOIR AND CONGREGATION: jRoruch Adonoy hawnevoroch I'olom voed. Praised be the Lord, who is praised through all eternity. Praise be to thee, O Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who by his word calls in the evening and in his wisdom opens the gates of the morning. He changes the times and the seasons by his understanding, and by his will he sets the stars in their heavenly watches. He alternates the light and the darkness; he leads out the day and brings in the night, the Lord of hosts is his name. May lie rule over us forevermore. Praise be to thee, O God, who bringest in the evening. With unchanging love thou hast guided thy people Israel ; thou hast revealed to us thy law which will become a blessing to all mankind. Therefore we will ever think of thy word and rejoice in thy truth. It is our light and our life; we will cling to it day and night, and will proclaim thy name and thy unity before all the nations of the earth. Do thou, O God, never withold from us thy love and thy protection. Praise be to thee, O God, our Guardian and Keeper. CHOIR: Amen. MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : Sli'ma Yuroe/, Adonoy Eiohenu, Adonoy Echod. HEAR, O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD is ONE. Boruck Shcm kcvod mal'chuso I'olom voed. Praised be the name of his glorious kingdom for evermore. Thou shalt love the Eternal thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee to-day, shall be in thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And they shall be as a sign on thy hand and as an ornament roe^ n'my n^sn u nnx nrns no?p3 . 0*952: 11011 . Ton o>pi T TI ~: . _ rnin *7i ora .iro^w irn on*? "^D rri.T . : V: ^ 05 n^on 12 EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. on thy brow. And thou shalt write them upon the door- posts of thy house and on thy gates. (DEUTER., CHAPT. 6, v. 49.) CHOIR: Unchangeable and immutable is this word with us: God is everlasting; his word is true unto all generations; his commandments stand for ever. He alone is our God and flone besides him. MINISTER: Truly thou art our God, and we are thy people, whom thou hast delivered from the hand of mighty oppressors. Wonders without number thou hast wrought for us, and hast miraculously protected us during these many centuries. As thy arm saved us from the yoke of Egyptian slavery, so thou wast with us in all times of need and danger, when hatred and fanaticism threatened to destroy the remnant of Israel. Therefore we render thanks to thee, and praise thy name with the ancient song of our fathers: MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : - Mi chomocho boelim Adonoy; mi komocho, neddor bakhxlesh, noro sehillos, one feleh. Who is like thee among the mighty, O God, who is like .hee glorified in Holiness, awe-inspiring, wonder-working! MINISTER : As thou hast revealed thy kingdom to our fathers, so manifest thy glorious help unto us, their children, who worship thee as their God and King, proclaiming: Adonoy yimldch Volom voed. God will reign for ever and ever! Continue to be with us, O God, and guard us from evil. Let our lying down and our rising up be in peace. O guide us with thy good counsel; protect us from grief and need, from sorrow and anxiety, from sickness and danger; for in thee, O God, we put cur trust, our gracious and merciful father. Let our going out and coming in be in peace, hence- forth and forevermore. Blessed art thou, O God, Redeemer ? .wty qgji O i5Tis ! rwn . pj o * on ID iinj , TW WJ noa o ; Nt nj . n^D ^ D prn TO ;t ipm Dimi : ^jn? 15^131 s "U? ^^t toJL^pi^ ?. np tj 14 EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. Praise be to thee, O Eternal, our God, God of our fathers, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Almighty and Supreme Being, Creator of heaven and earth! Shield of our ancestors, whose life-giving word sustains all things, O God of Holiness, who hast planted within us eternal life. (ON SABBATH.) Praise and thanks to thee, O merciful Father, for the precious gift of the Sabbath which thou hast ordained for us. Thou hast sanctified the seventh day and destined it to bring joy and comfort to man after the cares and struggles of the week ; to offer to him the palm of peace as the heavenly reward for all his labors. Whatever we have and are is a gift from thy bountiful hand. Grant, O our Father, that all our work and undertaking may be good and pure in thy sight. May our inward strength be renewed through (ON HOLIDAYS.) We give thanks unto thee, O Eternal our God, for the unspeakeable love and mercy with which thou hast chosen our fathers from among all nations and hast ap- pointed them to be the bearers of thy truth, to spread the knowledge of thy holy name and to consecrate their lives to thy service. In the abundance of thy grace thou hast given HIS Sabbaths for rest, festive days for joy and the return of seasons for gladness; even this (Sabbath-day and this) Day of the Feast of PASSOVER the anniver- sary of our re- deinption from bondage WEEKS the anniver- sary of the revelation on Mount Sinai. TABERNACLES the time of thanksgiving for thy boun- tiful blessing. CONCLUSION the time of rejoicing over thy bountiful blessing. a holy convocation, a memorial of our departure from Egypt. O Eternal our God, God of our fathers, grant that our memorial, the memorial of our fathers, and of all thy people Israel, may come before thee for grace, favor and mercy, life .and peace, on this Day of the Feast of Passover, | Weeks, | Tabernacles, | Conclusion. em 18 O . s^' tt ? ,ink t^ipn . ! onn[i fp; n-rrr nivpn urnin jng |pt /rrtn r . ^nnpt? jgr : . rrjrr ' l6 EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. (ON SABBATH.) the blessing of the Sabbath, that we may become worthy to receive the light of thy wisdom, thy perfect holiness and unchanging love. Sanctify us, O God, through thy command- ments, sustain us with thine infinite goodness, and gladden us by thy sure help. Purify our hearts to serve thee in. love and truth; may we enjoy thy holy Sabbath with gladness of heart and peace of mind. Praise be to thee, O Lord, who hast hallowed the Sabbath-day. (ON HOLIDAYS.) Remember us, O Lord, for our good, bless us with happiness, and help us in the trials of life. Cause thy mercy to descend upon us and bring us salvation, according to the promise of of thy holy word; for to thee we look for aid, O our Heavenly father, who rulest all mankind in mercy and love. Our God and Father, sanctify us through thy command- ments and enlighten us by thy law. Sustain us from thine infinite goodness and gladden us by thy sure help. Purify our hearts to serve thee in truth and let us enjoy thy holy (Sabbaths and) festivals in love and gladness. Praise be to thee, O God, who sanctifiest Israel and the Festivals. (ON SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS.) In silent devotion. O God, keep my tongue from evil, and my lips from uttering deceit, and grant that I may be meek and kind to those who bear ill-will against me. Implant humility in my heart and strengthen me with faith. Be rny support when grief oppresses me and my comfort in affliction. Let thy truth illumine my path and guide me ; for thou art my God and my aid ; in thee I trust every day. t MINISTER, THEN CHOIR: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O God, my Strength and my Redeemer. As thou preservest peace in the heavenly spheres, so preserve it to us and to all who invoke thy holy name. Amen. 17 uw njn .wntog vfa u ' ^ T ^! wn , ^'7p T m^ pri ?! , nf^ :rotrrr ^p_p ^ nriK rjn^ ''fa jn | nispn jrr | W^rtjh 13 wnj5 .njto^ to wrt^ Din D'prn nj^ ta )5'? ? i .Drr to om 1 8 EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. ADORATION. Almighty God ! Creator of heaven and earth ! It behooves us to render praise and thanksgiving unto thee. who hast delivered us from the darkness of false belief and sent to us the light of thy truth. Thou art our God, there is no other. We, therefore, bow the head and bend the knee before thee, Creator and Ruler of the world, and bless thy holy name ! MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : Vaanachnu, kor'im, umishtdchavim, umodlm, llfne Melech mal'che hammelochim, Hakkodosh boruch hu. Thou art, in truth, our Father, our God, our Saviour, and there is none besides thee, as is written in thy law : Thou shalt know this day and reflect in thy heart that the Lord is God in heaven above as on earth below ; and there is none else. We fervently pray, O Lord our God, that we may speed- ily behold the glory of thy mighty power, banishing all impurities from the earth, de troying idolatry and wickedness, and establishing thy truth among mankind; that all the inhabitants of the earth may invoke thy name, acknowledge thy unity, and understand that to thee alone every knee must bend and every tongue swear fealty. May all thy children, O God, soon be united in a common bond of brotherhood, may the time be hastened when no religious differences will separate them, but when they will all adore thee as the universal father, worship thee in the spirit of true religion, and unite in proclaiming the unity of thy holy name. Thus, O God, do thou reign over them for ever and ever, for the kingdom is thine, and unto thee appertain power, glory and majesty from everlasting to everlasting. As it is written : The Lord will reign for ever and ever ; the Lord will be king over all the earth ; on that day shall God be acknowledged One and his name One. MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION: Veho-yoh Adonoy lemelech al kol hoards, bayom hahu yUt'yeh Aclonoy echod. it-shemo echcd. D"VI rw 1 ? rvmy ~* w 1 ? rf nn^ ,?. 07^3 ^na trnp T rr .0^95 ^g rftg ^. on^r D:DP D^rf^n wn; ^ ^5^"^ tpn? rnnq ni^n*? , irn 5 ?^ ^ r^jy jg a CD^^.^m .prr jo D^ ^3r6 rnnp onj?. T: T Ninn or? 20 EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. ADDRESS TO THE MOURNERS. Brothers and sisters, who are mourning for dear lives departed, remember your beloved ones and honor their names in the midst of the congregation of Israel. May the memory of the righteous inspire you to noble deeds and works in their honor. Rise, and praise with me the name of the most High, according to the anscient custom of our fathers. MOURNERS' KADDISH. May thy great and ineffable name, O Lord of life and death, be exalted and sanctified throughout the world, which thou hast created according to thy will. May thy kingdom be established in our midst, in our lifetime and in our days, and in the days of the whole house of Israel. Amen. THE CONGREGATION I May his great and ineffable name be blessed and glorified for ever and ever. Praised and hallowed be thy name who hast created man in thy image and planted within him eternal life. In thy hand is the soul of every living being and the spirit of all flesh. Blessed art thou, whose hymns, praises and benedic- tions are repeated throughout the world. Amen. THE CONGREGATION : Praised be he and his glorious name. Unto Israel, unto all the righteous and unto all who departed this life according to the will of God, may there be granted abundance of peace, and a blissful portion in the life to come, grace and mercy by the Lord of heaven and earth. May the fullness of peace from heaven, with life and health be granted unto us and unto all Israel. Amen. May he who establisheth peace in his heavenly spheres grant happiness and peace unto us, unto all Israel and to all mankind. Amen. CLOSING SONG. BENEDICTION. ror? nru? man I? ^ , , N -n 109 wj fEr -n K?^ prf? NH; romp? MORNING SERVICE FOK SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. Organ Prelude. MINISTER : N : I 'TP? Pf'P CDippi jrr pyi? 'fprrNt How beautiful are thy tents, O Jacob, thy tabernacles, O Israel ! With faith in thy loving kindness, O God, we enter thy house; with profound reverence we will worship thee in thy holy temple. We love thy dwelling-place, O Lord, the abode sanctified by thy holiness. We will bow down before thee, and offer up our supplication unto thee, O God our Creator. Accept our prayers at this hour in the fulness of thy grace. Hear us, O God, our stronghold and support. CHOIR : (Either of the following sentences.) Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; Stand in awe before him all the earth. Give unto the Lord glory and praise; Worship the Lord in holy attire. Serve the Lord with gladness ; Come before his presence with songs. RESPONSIVE READING. Select one or more Psalms from the following pa^es; for the Three Festivals, appropriate Psalms from the appended Col- lection, then begin Borechu on page 29. MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. 23 Psaim ioo. rmrft TOO Raise a voice of joy unto the Lord, all ye lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with songs ! Know ye that the Lord is God; it is he that made us, and we are his, his people, and the flock of his pasture. ' Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise ; be thankful to him, and bless his name ! For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. Psalm 19. SK TQ3 DnfiDO D'Dtrn The heavens declare the glory of God ; the firmament showeth forth the work of his hands. Day uttereth instruction unto day, and night showeth know- ledge unto night. They have no speech nor language, and their voice is not heard : Yet their sound goeth forth to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In them hath he set tabernacle for the sun, which like a bride- groom he cometh forth from his chamber, and rejoiceth, like a hero, to run his course. He goeth forth from the extremity of heaven, and maketh his circuit to the end of it ; and nothing is hid from his heat. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul ; the precepts of the Lord are sure, making wise simple ; The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart ; the com- mandments of the Lord are pure, enlightening the eyes; The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever; the judg- ments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More precious are they than gold; yea, than much fine gold; sweeter than honey and the honeycomb. By them also is thy servant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward. Who knoweth his own offences? O, cleanse thou me from secret faults ! 24 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. Keep back also thy servant from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me ! Then shall I be upright, and free from gross transgression. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 34. n j M j-,^ itD"DK I will bless the Lord at all times ; his praise shall continu- ally be in my mouth. In the Lord doth my soul boast ; let the afflicted hear, and rejoice ! magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name to- gether ! 1 sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Look up to him, and ye shall have light; your faces shall never be ashamed. This afflicted man cried, and the Lord heard, and saved him from all his troubles. The angels of the Lord encamp around those who fear him, and deliver them. O taste, and see how good is the Lord! happy the man who trusteth him ! O fear the Lord, ye his servants ! for to those who fear him there shall be no want. Young lions may want, and suffer hunger ; but they who fear the Lord want no good thing. Come, ye children, hearken to me ! I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Who is he that loveth life, and desireth many days, in which he may see good ? Guard well thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile ! Depart from evil, and do good ; seek peace, and pursue it! The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open, to their cry. MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. 2 $ But the face of the Lord is against evil-doers, to cut off thci remembrance from the earth. The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivered them from all their troubles. The Lord is near to them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as are of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord de- hvereth him from them all. He guardeth all his bones; not one of them shall be broken. Calamity destroyeth the wicked, and they who hate righteous- ness suffer for it. The Lord redeemeth the life of his servants, and none that put their trust in him will suffer of it. Psalm 33. 3 D^HV IDT Rejoice, O ye righteous, in the Lord! for praise becometh the upright. Praise the Lord with the harp; sing to him with the musical instruments ! Sing to him a new song; play skilfully amid the sound of trumpets! For the word of the Lord is right, and all his acts are faithful. He loveth justice and equity; the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea, as a heap; he layeth up. the deep in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord ; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him ! For he spake, and it was done ; he commanded, and it stood fast. The Lord bringeth the devices of the nations to nothing ; he frustrateth the designs of kingdoms. The purposes of the Lord stand for ever; the designs of his heart, to all generations. 4 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. Happy the nation whose God is the Lord ; the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance. The Lord looketh down from heaven; he beholdeth all the children of men ; From his dwelling-place he beholdeth all the inhabitants of the earth. He that formed the hearts of all, and observeth all their works. A king is not saved by the number of his forces, nor a hero by the greatness of his strength. The horse is a vain thing for safety, nor can he deliver his master by his great strength. Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that trust in his goodness. To save them from the power of death, and keep them alive in famine. The hope of our souls is in the Lord; he is our help and our shield. Yea, in him doth our heart rejoice; in his holy name we have confidence. May thy goodness be upon us, O Lord ! according as we trust in thee ! 145. rrf?N I will extol thee, my Gad, the King! I will praise thy name for ever and ever ! Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised ; yea, his great- ness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty deeds. I will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty, and of thy wonderful works. Men shall speak of the might of thy wonderful deeds, and I will declare thy greatness ; They shall pour forth the praise of thy great goodness, and sing of thy righteousness. The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion, slow to anger and rich in mercy, MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. 27 The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works praise thee, O Lord ! and thy holy ones bless thee! They speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power ; To make known to the sons of men his mighty deeds, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations. The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all that are bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their food in due season ; Thou openest thy hand, and satisfies! the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and merciful in all his works. The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He fulfilleth the desire of them that fear him; he heareth their cry, and saveth them. The Lord preserveth all that love him ; but he will destroy the wicked. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord ; and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever! Hallelujah! 28 EVENING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. MINISTER : Borechu es Adonoy hammevoroch. Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due! Boruch Adonoy hammevoroch Volom voed. Praised be the Lord through all eternity I We praise thee, O Lord, our God, Ruler of the Universe, Creator of light and darkness, Source of all wisdom, Fountain of truth and peace. We praise thee, we thank thee, we mag- nify thee. In thy mercy thou causest light to radiate over the earth and all its inhabitants, and renewest daily in kindness the wonders of thy creation. Yea, how mani- fold are thy works, O Eternal, in wisdom thou hast made them all, the earth is full of thy treasures. O Lord of life, have compassion on us, be our defense, our shield, our protection. Praised be to thee, O God, Author of peace and light. With infinite love, O Lord our God, thou hast guided our fathers, who trusted in thee, and hast taught them thy laws of life. O be gracious unto us ; incline our hearts to thee, O merciful Father! May we love thy precepts, and be enabled to learn and to teach, to observe and to practice them in the spirit of love. Enlighten our minds in thy holy law, that we may learn to love and revere thy Name and so order our lives that we may never be put to shame for our deeds. In thy holy Name we put our trust; we rejoice and delight in thy help. For with thee alone is salvation. Thou hast appointed us, the children of Israel, to proclaim this truth, to acknowledge thee and thy unity before all nations of the earth. Praise be to thee, O Lord, who hast sanctified thy people Israel in love. CHOIR: Amen. MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION: Sh'-ma Yisroel, Adonoy Elohanu, Adonoy echod. HEAR, O ISRAEL, GOD OUR LORD, GOD is ONE. Boruch Shem kevod maCchuso Volom voed. Praised be the name of his glorious Kingdom for evermore. wrw n^an 3^ 091190 8Q*i^K:!3 rriw TO} D nib^b ^ip' om tj .nnnp Si^ ni :itti . nnj npr? .^?78^ ^358 ^ ^ ira^pU9fO] or^Dn .jorpn ipt 1023 inian nnx gfig . nnq nb^ vvo^a 1133 o# 30 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. Thou shalt Jove the Eternal thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee to-day, shall be in thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest. And they shall be as a sign on your hand and as an ornament on your brow. And thou shalt write them upon the door posis of thy house and on thy gates. (DEUTER., CHAPT. e, V.4 9.) Unchangeable and immutable is this word with us : God is everlasting; his word is true unto all generations; his commandments stand for ever. He alone is our God and none besides him. Thou hast been the protector of our fathers in time of distress, thou hast saved us from the hand of oppression; for thou art our Guide, Protector, and Redeemer, the Rock of our salvation, our Helper and Deliverer. Thou art the first and the last, and besides thee there is no power to help or redeem. Thou hast saved Israel from Egyptian bondage and to this day thou art our help and our refuge. Therefore we exalt thee, and praise thy name with the ancient song of our fathers: MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : Mi chomocho bo'elim Adonoy ; mi komicho, neddor bakkodesh, noro sehillos, ose feleh. Who is like thee among the mighty, O God, who is like thee glorified through holiness, awe-inspiring, wonder-working! The redeemed of the Lord sang a new song. They saw thy glorious help and worshipped thee as their God and King proclaiming : Adonoy yimloch Uolom vo'ed. The Lord will reign for ever and ever. O Rock of Israel, send redemption to those that are in bondage ; for thou art the redeemer of the oppressed, as it is written : Our Redeemer is the Lord of Host, the Holy One of Israel is his name. Praise be to thee, O Lord, Redeemer of Israel. CHOIR: Amen. ro^ 1 ? nnw rten 31 p-?); Dn3n3i : ^ pa wb vm po ? nNi ptrin xin nnw onyso .jp^'ioi ^ ^9 wjTi"D3*ili iratr' n^r ^ .unn? onaje. trips -nNj nioa ^ ;* D^JG ni^^? n : npio o^onj nin o 1 ?? irr ojy? ^P! ;t ^ Pp. 8 1 P ^ 32 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. Praise be to thee, O Eternal our God, God of our fathers, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Almighty and Supreme Ruler of the world, who renderest just reward unto all. Thou rememberest the pious deeds of the fathers, and bringest redemption and love to their descendants ; thou art our Father, our Protector, and Helper. Praise be to thee, O God, Shield of Abraham. *) Thou art mighty, O Lord, thy help is ever near. Thou sustainest in kindness the living; thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick, loosest the bonds of captives, and keepest thy faith to those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Almighty ! Author of life and death, who givest salvation, and rememberest thy creatures unto life eternal ! Praise be to thee, O God, who hast planted within us eternal life. CHOIR: Amen. Thou art holy, and thy name is holy, and thy worshippers daily praise thy holiness. SANCTIFICATION. (The Congregation will rise.) Let us sanctify the Name of the Holy One of Israel, as it is sanctified throughout the universe, and in the solemn words of our prophets we exclaim : Kodosh, Kodosh, Kodosh Adonoy Tsevoos, meld chol hod.-etz k'vodo. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory. CHOIR AND CONGREGATION: Kodosh. *) ON IST DAY OF PASSOVER. Thou, God, makest the wind blow and the dew descend : *) ON ATZERETH. Thou, O God, makest the wind blow and the rain descend. O let it descend To every one's blessing and the hurt of none I CHOIR: Amen. To every one's joy and the woe of none ! CHOIR: Amen. To every one's life and the death of none! CHOIR: Amen. mw n^n rr^rrp ; nnx rjn| opj , nr n PD ngm s ^n njpi .0*310 0^00 ,' O 11139 33 oipp nnioi rrnrr xh ncn rrnrr 34 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. Yea, his glory fills the universe, everywhere is his throne of honor, and all creation sounds his praise continually, saying : Boruch k'vod Adonoy mimmekomo. Praised be the Glory of God which fills the universe ! May the glory of God appear to us; and in his mercy be gracious to those who twice daily, yea evening and morn- ing, proclaim the unity of his Name in love and devotion : Sti'ina Yisroel, Adonoy Elohenu, Adonoy Echod. HEAR, O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD is ONE. The Lord is One; He is our Father, our King, our Saviour; He will grant our prayers and manifest himself before all mankind as the God of Israel. CHOIR : Ani Adonoy Elohechem. I am the Lord your God. The Lord is almighty, how excellent is his name through- out the world. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth, on that day shall the Lord be acknowledged one and his name one, as is written in Holy Scriptures : Yimloch Adonoy I'olom, Mohayich Zion I'dor, vodor Hallelujah. The Lord shall reign for evermore, even thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation. Hallelujah ! For ever will we declare thy greatness and proclaim thy holiness, neither shall thy praise ever depart from our lips. Praise be to thee, Almighty and Holy God. Arnen. (The Congregation will be seated.) (ON SABBATH.) Accept our thanks, O Lord our God, for thy loving kindness to us in giving us this sacred day of rest. After six days of toil we hail this messenger of peace, that brings strength to the weary, courage to the despondent, freedom to the enslaved ! May we wisely improve the precious oppor- tunities which time offers, and never forget that thou blessest the fruit of our labor and providest us with all that we need ; that man is sent into the world to live not by bread fc'Ti roth rvw rbu\ , owpa mn "JEW? <&:9#S tpri nin; irn 1 ?^ rrin: n^ ;* n:n! wnn 01-^3 . p^rr ^D ^ T^p 1 ? ; n;m op D;? wso w??8 . nn ,n a ^. nn ^5 . nnw npr .Jijnp T iriiN o^p; rnpn infipi 12 : ^rnin? sins p) NIPT 36 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. (ON SABBATH.) alone, but by thy word and by obedience to thy law. Bestow upon us a pure heart and a spirit quickened by thy holy word, that we may be steadfast in the duties and patient in the trials of life. Swiftly our years vanish, and soon there is an end to all our work and work-days on earth. Grant that when all the cares and anxieties of this life are passed away, we may look back with contentment upon our earthly career and enter upon the inheritance of the everlasting Sabbath-day, to enjoy eternal felicity in thy presence. (ON HOLIDAYS.) We give thanks unto thee, O Eternal our God, for the unspeakeable love and mercy with which thou hast chosen our fathers from among all nations and hast ap- pointed them to be the bearers of thy truth, to spread the knowledge of thy holy name and to consecrate their lives to thy service. In the abundance of thy grace thou hast given us Sabbaths for rest, festive days for joy and the return of seasons for gladness; even this (Sabbath-day and this) Day of the Feast of PASSOVER the anniver- sary of our re- demption from bondage. WEEKS the anniver- sary of the revelation on Mount Sinai. TABERNACLES the time of thanksgiving for thy boun- tiful blessing. CONCLUSION the time of rejoicing over thy bountiful blessing. a holy convocation, a memorial of our departure from Egypt. O Eternal our God, God of our fathers, grant that our memorial, the memorial of our fathers, and of all thy people Israel, may come before thee for grace, favor and mercy, life and peace, on this Day of the Feast of Passover, | Weeks, | Tabernacles, | Conclusion. Remember us, O Lord, for our good, bless us with happiness, and help us in the trials of life. Cause thy mercy to descend upon us and bring us salvation, according to the promise of of thy holy word; for to thee we look for aid, O our Heavenly father, who rulest all mankind in mercy and love. rrri . arrrn jrf? .^s* nispn i3 Din nivarr ^n tr'"nn c orrr :nn Dirnip:rr ^ n^yrj uniN Mnx , D*DJSI *7|o ^ng njrjx DHjrjo oinij?? nn^ nDns , i^nnri jof , njn nivan :n rin jna fo? '. njn niyg^'n jn WP , nn - i - : nyo 33 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. (ON SABBATH.) Our God, God of our fathers, may our day of rest be acceptable to thee. O sanctify us with thy commandments, give us light by thy law, and grant us thy salvation. Purify us that we may serve thee in love and truth and enjoy thy holy Sabbath with gladness of heart and peace of mind. Praise be to thee, O Lord, who hast hallowed the Sabbath. (ON HOLIDAYS.) .Air God and Father, sanctify us through thy command- ments and enlighten us by thy law. Sustain us from thine infinite goodness and gladden us by thy sure help. Purify our hearts to serve thee in truth and let us enjoy thy holy (Sabbaths and) festivals in love and gladness. Praise be to thee, O God, who sanctifiest Israel and the Festivals. CHOIR: Amen. ON 'HANUKKAH. We thank thee for the mar- velous deliverance of our fathers and the glorious victory won by thy help in the days of Matta- thias, the priest, and his sons, when the tyranny of the Syrians endeavored to make thy people, Israel, forsake thy law and re- nounce thy truth. Then in the fulness of thy mercy thou aidest them in their distress, foughtest their fight, and gavest victory to the feeble over the strong, to the few over the many, to the right- eous over the wicked, to those who obeyed thy word over those who assailed truth and virtue with a high hand. And thus thy name became exalted and glorified over the world. And Israel, thy people, was saved and delivered and restored to freedom and independence. And thy children re-entered thy temple, cleansed its halls, puri- fied the sanctuary and illum- inated it, and insti.uted these ON PURIM. We give thanks to thee, O Guar- dian of Israel, for the aid bestowed by thee on our people in the days of Mordecai, about this time of the year, when the malignity of Hainan threatened with destruction all the Israelites of the Great Persian em- pire men, women and children. Royal messengers had already spread throughout all its provinces, carrying the decree to exterminate all the children of thy people. The day had been fixed on which the cruel counselor was to still his re- venge in a deluge of blood, when thy almighty hand broke through the bloody schemes of the enemy and thrust him into the snare which he had laid for the guiltless. And in the same way, O our loving Father, thy help has never been wanting to Israel whenever men arose against him and sought his destruction. Hasten the day, O God, when all hatred, malice and prejudice will have vanished from the earth, and all men be united bv the bond of a days of dedication as days of I common brotherhood and faith in thanksgiving and praise to thee. ' thee our kind Guardian and Keeper. Amen. | Amen. em ravf? mrrcr rftsn p-pn , D1'5 01^71 D'tft owrfri npj ' 13 n Din D>pr_i in inrn ' : nnN* oirni p:n n ? rroi ' f 3 wrrgfcn 310? IJ;; ' * n a . i - n b n ^jn fpngn ^jq op:n T g 'in rinirf? '^ 40 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. Look with kindness, O God, upon Israel, thy people: may their fervent prayers, and their worship, be always accept- able to thee. Praise be to thee, O God, whom alone we adore and worship. From age to age we render thanks unto thee and recount thy praise, for our lives committed into thy hand, for our souls entrusted to thy care, for thy marvelous works, thy wonders which are manifested every day, and for thy boundless good- ness in which thou enfoldest us at all times, evening, morn- ing and noon. We bless thee, All-Good, whose mercies never cease, whose grace is infinite ; our hopes are in thee forever. Our God, God of our fathers! Bless us with the ancient priestly benediction : Yevorcchecho Adonoy v'yishmerecho. May the Lord bless thee and guard thee. CHOIR: Amen. Fo'er Adonoy ponov e'.echi vichunecko. May the Lord let his countenance shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. CHOIR: Amen. Yisso Adonoy ponov flecho v'yosaim locho sholom. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. CHOIR: Amen. Grant peace, happiness and blessing, grace and mercy to us, and to -Isiael thy people, and to all thy children. Bless us all, O our Father, with the light of thy countenance ; as in the light of thy countenance thou hast given us the law of life, the love of virtue and justice, mercy and peace, so may it please thee to bless us with thy peace at all times and in all seasons. Praise be to thee, O Giver of peace. (The Congregation in silent devotion.) Our Heavenly Father, let thy blessing of peace rest upon us and give us strength. Help us to follow the voice of con- sci-.nce and to cheerfully obey thy laws. May we love the Pttr|N3 . ?^ nri Ton T: T - HJPJN wj^'t po w^n irn ornpni . w 1 ? ^ -t^pn . 1:3*70 ^ptr' DDn/vi rj^ 0^3 : nnirf rrw T H ~i^-i T: } M ; , D'orpi nprn f(i . n^3i rao D \2 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. truth and speak the truth. May we be kind to one another, tender-hearted and forgiving, holding no anger nor malice, nor speaking ill of any one. May the thought of thee keep us from evil. Inspire us with humility, with faith and trust in thee. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O God, my Strength and my Redeemer. \:HOIR : Amen. ORDER OF READING THE LAW. CHOIR: S'u Sheorim roshechem. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be lifted up, ye everlasting doors, for the King of glory shall come. Who is the King of glory ? The Lord of hosts he is the King of glory. Selah ! Or: Va'fhi bin'soa he 6 on. Arise, O Lord, let thy enemies be scattered and they \*ho hate thy law flee before thee. For from Zion cometh forth the Law and the word of God from Jerusalem. (ON HOLIDAYS.) Adonoy, Adonoy, El rachum v'channnn, erech appa-yim, v'rav chesed v'eme>i, notser chesed lo-alofim, nose own, vofesha, v'chaltooh. The Eternal, the Eternal, is a merciful and gracious God, long-suffering and full of love and truth; keeping kindness unto thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin. (Taking the Law out of the Ark.) This Law is Israeli consecrated banner, inscribed with the .glorious truth : Hear, O Israel, God our Lord, God is One ! CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : SIC ma Ylsrod, Adonoy Elohenu, Adonoy echod. MINISTER : O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his Name together. CHOIR : L'cho Adonoy hagg'dulloh. Thine, O Lord, are greatness, power, and glory, victory, and majesty; thine is all that is in heaven and on earth ; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and tliQti art exalted, Supreme above all. mrw rftan 43 : oi^rr niriy ^ rm m T . minn Nin . nixD . Tton rr Ni : rf? rnln : nNgnj j^'gi pjj NW D' ^P T v T "'inn 1 nvrn : nrr istp nagi^i 44 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. (Before the Reading of the Law.) Praise be to thee, O Eternal, our God, Ruler of the universe, who hast called us unto thy service and hast given us thy law. Praise be to thee, O God, giver of the Law. Amen. READING FROM THE PENTATEUCH. (After the Reading of the Law.) Praise be to thee, O Eternal, our God, Ruler of the universe, who hast given us a law of truth and implanted eternal life within us. Praise be to thee, O God, giver of the Law. Am en. CHOIR : God's law is perfect, inspiring the soul ; God's testimony is true, making wise the simple; God's commandments are clear, cheering the heart ; God's teachings are pure, giving light to the eye. READING FROM THE PROPHETS. (HERE MAY BE INTRODUCED ANY PRAYER FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS.) (Placing back the Law into the Ark.) MINISTER: Praise ye the Name of the Lord, for his Name alone is exalted ! CHOIR: Hodo al erelz v'shomoyim. His glory is above heaven and earth. He will exalt the honor of his people, the children of Israel, his faithful wor- shippers. Hallelujah ! (Minister before the Ark.) Return, O Lord, to the many thousands of Israel, thou and the ark of thy strength. A good instruction have given to you, forsake ye not my law. It is a tree of life to those who lay hold of it, and its supporters are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace. CHOIR : Hashivenu Adonoy. SERMON. HYMN. nnrrt? n*?sn 45 jnu ;; nnx tjna *innin-n^ ^ jruj D^J^T^D : rninn t nnx rjn *minn nc:3 : 113*7 rnjjin rftru? lajft p|?. DTI : D^D^I p^x nin wo 3to irln 46 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. HALLEL. (ON HOLIDAYS, SEMI-HOLIDAYS AND NEW MOON.) Psalm 113. Praise, ye servants of the Lord ! praise the name of the Lord ! Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth, even for ever ! From the rising of the sun to its going down, may the name of the Lord be praised! The Lord is high above all nations ; his glory is above the heavens. Who is like unto the Lord, our God, that dwelleth on high, that looketh down upon the heavens and the earth? He raiseth the poor from the dust, the needy from his low- liness. To set him among princes, the princes of his people. Psalm 114. When Israel wenth forth from Egypt, the house of Jacob from a strange people ; Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion. The sea beheld, and fled ; the Jordan turned back ; the mountains skipped like rams, and the hills like lambs. What aileth thee, O sea! that thou fleest ? thou Jordan, that turnest back ? ye mountains, that ye skip like rams, and ye hills like lambs ? Tremble, O earth ! at the presence of the Lord, at the pre- sence of the God of Jacob ! Who turned the rock into a standing lake, and the flint into a fountain of water ! Psalm 115. The Lord hath been mindful of us ; he will bless us ; he will bless the house of Israel. He will bless them that fear the Lord, both small and great. Blessed are ye of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. The heaven is the Lord's heaven ; but the earth he hath given to the sons of men. n mtr 1 ? mrw rf?sn 47 -no V. q rinj;p on : T nnoi ri nn qjn : onnr? np.^n o^.nri : ^inx? Dn fTvrr o^n ^3 D^n fro pNni ^ D'o^' Dto^n : p.$i n; 4$ MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. The dead praise not the Lord, no one who goeth down into the silent grave. Uut we will praise the Lord, from this time forth even for ever! Hallelujah! Psalm 117. Praise the Lord, all ye nations ! praise him, all ye people ! For great toward us hath been his kindness, and the faith- fulness of the Lord endureth for ever. Hallelujah ! Psalm Il8. MINISTER, THEN CHOIR: lib In Ladonoy ki id', ki Volom chasdo. give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his kindness endureth for ever 1 ) '' nor no Yisroel, ki Volom chasdo. Let Israel now say, his kindness endureth for eVer. Yvmar no bes Aharon, ki Volom chasdo. Let the House of Aaron now say, his kindness endureth for ever. Yomar no Ylr'th Adonoy, ki Volom chasdo. Let all who fear the Lord now say, his kindness endureth for ever. I called upon the Lord in distress ; the Lord heard me and delivered me. The Lord is with me, I will not fear : what can man do to me? It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man; It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. All the nations beset me around, but in the 1 name of the Lord 1 triumphed over them. They did assail me with violence to bring me down ! but the Lord was my support. The Lord is my strength and my song ; for to him 1 owe my salvation. 49 ? ". T . T IT TI N|~n-ry D? nnj tN^f?^ ;! 05^31 rn ttpn : iipn D^ir? *3 : lipn D^U' 1 ? >? n ! n; nnpn ' r 50 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. The voice of joy and salvation is in the habitations of the righteous. 4 The right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly ; the right hand of the Lord is exalted." I shall not die, but live, and declare the deeds of the Lord. The Lord hath chastened and corrected me, but he hath not given me over to death. Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may go in, and praise the Lord ! This is the gate of the Lord, through which the righteous enter. I praise thee that thou hast afflicted me, it has been my sal- vation. The stone which the builders rejected hath become the chief corner-stone. This is the Lord's doing ; it is marvellous in our eyes! This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it ! MINISTER, THEN CHOIR I Onnu Adonoy hoshioh no. Hear, O Lord, and bless us ! Onnu Adonoy hatselichoh no. Hear, O Lord, and send us prosperity! Blessei be he that cometh in the name of the Lord ! we bless you from the house of the Lord. The Eternal is God, he hath shone upon us ! Thou art my God, and I will praise thee; thou art my God, and I will exalt thee ! O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good ; for his kindness endureth for ever ! MINISTER, THEN CHOIR : Hodu Ladonoy ki tov, ki Volorn chasdo. trvi nat? 1 ? nnrw rban 51 noon ".pot r^n rrcty^po.' opnv ^rjrcj njwn rr ; D^pnv ^? n^rrnj :n; rrpN DD NOK p-jK ? I? 5 ? : njfi^ 1 ? ^nipi WJ. '? ^yiN : 11 n nxr nt *;' ^30 D?^?I? ;; o^g Kan nnx K : naro D 1 ? ^ aito-'a nin 52 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. ADORATION. Almighty God ! Creator of heaven and earth ! It behooves us to render praise and thanksgiving unto thee, who hast delivered us from the darkness of false belief and sent to us the light of thy truth. Thou art our God, there is no other. We, therefore, bow the head and bend the knee before thee, Creator and Ruler of the world, and bless thy holy name ! MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION: Vacmachnu, kor'im, umishtdchavim, vmodim, lifne Melech mal'che hammelochim, Hakkodosh boruch hu. Thou art, in truth, our Father, our God, our Saviour, ana there is none besides thee, as is written in thy law : Thou shait know this day and reflect in thy heart that the Lord is God in heaven above as on earth below ; and there is none else. We fervently pray, O Lord our God, that we may speed- ily behold the glory of thy mighty power, banishing all impurities from the earth, destroying idolatry and wickedness, and establishing thy truth among mankind; that all the inhabitants of the earth may invoke thy name, acknowledge thy unity, and understand that to thee alone every knee must bend and every tongue swear fealty. May all thy children, O God, soon be united in a common bond of brotherhood, may the time be hastened when no religious differences will separate them, but when they will all adore thee as the universal father, worship thee in the spirit of true religion, and unite in proclaiming the unity of thy holy name. Thus, O God, do thou reign over them for ever and ever, for the kingdom is thine, and unto thee appertain power, glory and majesty from everlasting to everlasting. As it is written : The Lord will reign for ever and ever ; the Lord will be king over all the earth ; on that day shall God be .acknowledged One and his name One. MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION: l\ho-yoh Adonoy lenielech al kol hoards , bayom liahu yih'yeh Adonoy eckod, u-shemo echcd. mtr 1 ? nnmr rfrp. nrfr ^ rining Din *n njrn .inning Din|5 .in nnnp 19 a 1 ?? 9j?i ; rnn 54 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. ADDRESS TO THE MOURNERS. Brothers and sisters, who are mourning for dear lives departed, remember your beloved ones and honor their names in the midst of the congregation of Israel. May the memory of the righteous inspire you to noble deeds and works in their honor. Rise, and praise with me the name of the most High, according to the anscient custom of our fathers. MOURNERS' KADDISH. May thy great and ineffable name, O Lord of life and death, be exalted and sanctified throughout the world, which thou hast created according to thy will. May thy kingdom be established in our midst, in our lifetime and in our days, and in the days of the whole house of Israel. Amen. THE CONGREGATION I May his great and ineffable name be blessed and glorified for ever and ever. Praised and hall wed be thy name who hast created man in thy image and planted within him eternal life. In thy hand is the soul of every living being and the spirit of all flesh. Blessed art thou, whose hymns, praises and benedic- tions are repealed throughout the world. Amen. THE CONGREGATION : Praised be he and his glorious name. "Unto Israel, unto all the righteous and unto all who departed this life according to the will of God, may there be granted abundance of peace, and a blissful portion in the life to come, grace and mercy by the Lord of heaven and earth. Amen. THE CONGREGATION : May the fullness of peace from heaven, with life and health be granted unto us and unto all Israel. Amen. May he who establisheth peace in his heavenly spheres grant happiness and peace unto us, unto all Israel and to all mankind. Amen. "vi rat? 1 ? mm? rfrsn 55 nnyrp N ID ie voinp? DI nnnsr j rrwom ryn i 1 ? 1 ) T : ~ : T : TT s irw DUO 5 ! $ p; T - v: T T " ! "" MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. HYMNS. SOVEREIGN LORD. ADON OLOM. (From Temple Emanu-El Hj r mn-book.) Sovereign Lord, whose sceptre reigr.eJ Ere yet time its course began ; - .' Since creation was ordained, It is guided by his plan. When all things fade and decline, He abides in majesty; As he was in power divine, Is and will he ever be. No beginning and no end His is rule and victory ; My redeemer, rock and friend, My salvation's guaranty. When my lips the Lord extol, I feel safe in ev'ry sphere, . Safe in body and in soul : God with me I have no fear. 'NONE IS LIKE GOD. EN KEI.OHENU. Who is like thee, O universal Lord ! Who dare thy praise and glory share ? Who is in heav'n, most high, like thee adored? Who can on earth with thee compare ? Thou art the one true God alone, And firmly founded is thy throne. Thy tender love embraces all mankind, As children all by thee are blest ; Repentant sinners with thee mercy find, Thy hand upholdeth the opprest ; All worlds attest thy power sublime, Thy glory shines in every clime. 58 MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. THE SABBATH. Holy Sabbath-rest ! Pious lips hail thy advent ; With thee God his love hath sent, Mind and heart of man to guard, And to lead him heavenward. Holy Sabbath-joy ! O ! our yearning soul inspire : Warm us with thy heavenly fire, That in sacred hymns of praise We to God our hearts upraise. Father Everlasting ! From thy holy throne of grace To thy children turn thy face ; Bless this day preferred by thee Emblem of eternity. ISRAEL'S MISSION. Sing to the Sovereign of the skies, To his great name alone, Let winged words of praise arise To the Almighty's throne. For he has given his law of light A radiant star to be, To guide our erring steps aright, For all eternity. Praise be to thee, who didst command, Thy first-born Israel, In every clime, in every land, Thy living truths to tell. O may they ever be our guide, And bear us safely o'er Life's dark and swiftly flowing tide, Until it flows no more. MORNING SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND HOLIDAYS. 59 THANKSGIVING. Loud let the swelling anthems rise, Let ail the nations sing, To him who rules above the skies, Unto the Lord, our King ! The sun, at his command, Renewed the barren ground Rich harvest decks the land, And plenty smiles around. Praise ye the Lord, proclaim his might, Who made our fathers free, Who gave to us a heavenly light, The sun of liberty. A prosperous people hails Its bright and genial ray, And golden peace prevails Wide o'er the land to-day. Then let your hymns of thanks ascend, To the Almighty's throne, To whom in gratitude we bend, Who reigns supreme alone. Of his great mercies tell, Whom earth and heaven adore, Let hallelujahs swell His praise for-evcriuore ! ORDER OF SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE. Organ Prelude. MINISTER I riVJNl :^?>>srrtop'c m f'V5* i n; r. How beautiful are thy tents, O Jacob, thy tabernacles, O Israel 1 With faith in thy loving kindness, O God, we enter thy house; with profound reverence we will worship thee in thy holy temple. We love thy dwelling-place, O Lord, the abode sanctified by thy holiness. We will bow down before thee, and offer up our supplication unto thee, O God our Creator. Accept our prayers at this hour in the fulness of thy grace. Hear us, O God, our stronghold and support. CHOIR : (Either of the following sentences.) Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; Stand in awe before him all the earth. Give unto the Lord glory and praise; Worship the Lord in holy attire. Serve the Lord with gladness ; Come before his presence with songs. RESPONSIVE READING. Select one or more Psalms from the following pages; for the Three Festivals, appropriate Psalms from the appended Col- lection, then begin Borechu on page 65. 62 SERVICE l^OR NEW YEAR*F EVE. 121. onnn ?x v I lift up my eyes unto the hills : \v hence cometh my help ? My help cometh from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to stumble; thy guardian doth not slumber. Behold, the guardian of Israel doth neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy guardian ; the Lord is thy shade at thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will preserve thee from all evil ; he will preserve thy life. The Lord will preserve thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth and for ever. Psalm 91. JVty -IHDD DK'V He who dwelleth under the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I say to the Lord, thou art my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust. Surely he will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the wasting pestilence ; He will cover thee with his pinions, and under his wings shalt thou find refuge; his faithfulness shall be thy shield and buckier. Thou shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow that flieth by day; Nor of the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor of the plague that destroyed! at noonday. A thousand may fall by thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but thee it shall not touch. Thou shalt only behold with thy eyes, and see the recom- pense of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord thy refuge, and the Most High thy habitation, No evil shall befall thee, nor any plague come near thy dwell- ing. SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE. 63. For he will give his angels charge over thee, to guard thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder ; the youn& lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under foot. "Because he loveth me, I will deliver him; I will set him on, high, because he knoweth my name. When he calleth upon me, I will answer him ; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and bring him to- honor. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation."" HYMN. Lo, our Father's tender care Slumber's not, nor sleepeth, Gracious gifts his lavish hand Daily on us heapeth. Through fierce storms, through perils lower Is not God our sheltering tower V Tremble not ! At his word the storm is still, Perils vanish at his will And his love ordains our lot. Lo, our Guardian slumbers not. Ix>, our Father's gracious love Slumbers not, nor sleepeth. Trust with all thy heart in him, Who thy portion keepeth ; Who till now protection granted All thy fortune wisely planted. Fear thou not ! God, who life and being grants Kindly, too, supplies your wants. Let but duty guide our lot. Lo, our Guardian slumbers not. $4 SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE. MINISTER: Borechu es Adonoy hammevoroch. Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due ! CHOIR AND CONGREGATION: Boruch Adonoy hammevoroch Volom voecZ. Praised be the Lord, who is praised through all eternity. Praise be to thee, O Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who by his word calls in the evening and in his wisdom opens the gates of the morning. He changes the times and the sea- sons by his understanding, and by his will he sets the stars in their heavenly watches. He alternates the light and the dark- ness; he leads out the day and brings in the night, the Lord of hosts is his name. May he rule over us forevermore. Praise be to thee, O God, who bringest in the evening. With unchanging love thou hast guided thy people Israel ; thou hast revealed to us thy law which will become a blessing to all mankind. Therefore we will ever think of thy word and rejoice in thy truth. It is our light and our life; we will cling to it day and night, and will proclaim thy name and thy unity before all the nations of the earth. Do thou, O God, never withold from us thy love and thy protection. Praise be to thee, O God, our Guardian and Keeper. CHOIR: Amen. MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : Sh'ma Yisrod, Adonoy Elohanu, Adonoy Echod. HEAR, O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD is ONE. Boruch Shem kevod mal'chuso Volom voed. Praised be the name of his glorious kingdom for evermore. Thou shalt love the Eternal thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee to day, shall be in thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And they shall be as a sign on thy hand and as an ornament rotpn tTNi 1 ? rvny rton $5 r?8 rim -pa n;ro roiaroi -anys? runs noara ! o*w * T. T T * T . 091 .o^otn n . oi pi D1> nojsyi niK ^.90 ^n . _ : nnin . on* tog 66 SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE. on thy brow. And thou shalt write them upon the door- posts of thy house and on thy gates. (DEUTEE., CHAPT. c, v. 49.) CHOIR: Unchangeable and immutable is this word with us: God is everlasting; his word is true unto all generations; his commandments stand for ever. He alone is our God and none besides him. MINISTER: Truly thou art our God, and we are thy people, whom thou hast delivered from the hand of mighty oppressors. Wonders without number thou hast wrought for us, and hast miraculously protected us during these many centuries. As thy arm saved us from the yoke of Egyptian slavery, so thou wast with us in all times of need and danger, when hatred and fanaticism threatened to destroy the remnant of Israel. Therefore we render thanks to thee, and praise thy name with the ancient song of our fathers: MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION: Ml chomocho boelim Adonoy; mi komocho, neddor bakkodesh, noro sehillos, oxe feleh. Who is like thee among the mighty, O God, who is like thee glorified in Holiness, awe-inspiring, wonder-working! MINISTER : As thou hast revealed thy kingdom to our fathers, so manifest thy glorious help unto us, their children, who worship thee as their God and King, proclaiming: Adonoy yim J 6ch I'olom voed. ^ God will reign for ever and ever! Continue to be with us, O God, and guard us from evil. Let our lying down and our rising up be in peace. O guide us with thy good counsel ; protect us from . grief and need, from sorrow and anxiety, from sickness and danger; for in thee, O God, we put cur trust, our gracious and merciful father. Let our going out and coming in be in peace, hence- forth and forevermore. Blessed art thou, O God, Redeemer and Keeper of Israel. CHOIR : Amen. men two 1 ? xvyy rton' TO .vnoj D.nyp3 o^p vnoj v^ n^o .Drtx. prtp ini^Di .10^? n|i nnpfc>5 m^ ndos o o rfenn . nj . n^'D D; 9 prrr T : -T T: T - T 3 iijpni ^91' njp w ^onpn 1 ! ^nja prn ^p x Dirni. p^rr 9 ^3 Tiy njn.nnyo 01^1 D?r ^N " I^ np33.nfliB>' tr'-tra i^p 8 SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE. Praise be to thee, O Eternal our God, God of our lathers, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Almighty and Supreme Ruler of the world, who renderest just reward imto all. Thou remember est the pious deeds of the fathers, ^nd bringest redemption and love to their descendants. Remember us unto life, O Sovereign who ordainest life, and inscribe us in the book of life, for thy sake, O God of life; for thou art our Father, our Protector, and Helper. Praise be to thee, O God, Shield of Abraham. Thou art mighty, O Lord, thy help is ever near. Thou -sustainest in kindness the living ; thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick, loosest the bonds of captives, and keepest thy faith to those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Merciful Father! Author of life and death, who givest :salvation, and rememberest thy creatures unto life eternal! Praise be to thee, O God, who hast planted within us eternal life. CHOIR: Amen. We give thanks unto thee, O Eternal, our God, for the unspeakable love and mercy with which thou hast chosen -our fathers to recognize thee before all the nations of the Dearth ; thou hast guided us, and called us to thy service. In thy grace thou hast given us, O Lord our God, (this day of the Sabbath and) this Day of Memorial, that we may remem- ber that thou guidest our destinies and that before thy throne of judgment every son of man is accountable for his acts. Our God, God of our fathers, grant that our memorial and the memorial of our fathers, and the memorial of Israel, thy people, may ascend and come before thee for grace, favor and mercy, life and peace, on this Day of Memorial. Remember us, O Lord, for our good; bless us with ^happiness, and help us in the trials of life. Cause thy mercy to descend upon us, and bring us salvation, according to the promise of thy holy word ; for *mto thee we look for aid, O our Heavenly Father, who in Joving mercy rulest all mankind. v*rb ivmy rton fen ni :onn3K po ^ nnN rjro poi jp^'ioi iiy rj D":n ^s 1 ??? iWlrf? ai .^8 o'riy 1 ? 1124 91: ^910 .0*9! o^orji? fen rrnip .iprir . DniDjj npn ^01 .ni7O ^3 ^ rrovo 1 ! ''Tnpi rrop 3 o^rf? inir ipir D^pqnrr DK ^IM p : fen nrrp ;: nnw ^m ov n^rri IIHIN mnN .o^n fep ^ing nn ov .ron rii3tn a^nw nj^ DI^ n v - T - r3 ^ fe p"pn 703 "W 1 ? rf nrb / atftta . wn . 0*101 0:0^3 "TO? 1 ?! o*jri3 $ 10 nj >? ,nr?no on? rnnzj ni^ 1 ? wrf?$ ^ ^ rgjy j? ty_ jo o^fea ^3rf? ?1J? n-rin? mro? .-11353 ^^ ^ ' h \ rrnj *>ffl ^ W :nr iofi nn^ ;; rrw wno 76 SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE. ADDRESS TO THE MOURNERS. Brothers and sisters, who are mourning for dear lives departed, remember your beloved ones and honor their names in the midst of the congregation of Israel. May the memory of the righteous inspire you to noble deeds and works in their honor. Rise, and praise with me the name of the most High, according to the anscient custom of our fathers. MOURNERS' KADDISH. May thy great and ineffable name, O Lord of life and death, be exalted and sanctified throughout the world, which thou hast created according to thy will. May thy kingdom be established in our midst, in our lifetime and in our days, and in the days of the whole house of Israel. Amen. THE CONGREGATION '. May his great and ineffable name be blessed and glorified for ever and ever. Praised and hallowed be thy name who hast created man in thy image and planted within him eternal life. In thy hand is the soul of every living being and the spirit of all flesh. Blessed art thou, whose hymns, praises and benedic- tions are repeated throughout the world. Amen. THE CONGREGATION I Praised be he and his glorious name. Unto Israel, unto all the righteous and unto all who departed this life according to the will of God, may there be granted abundance of peace, and a blissful portion in the life to come, grace and mercy by the Lord of heaven and earth. Amen. THE CONGREGATION '. May the fullness of peace from heaven, with life and health be granted unto us and unto all Israel. Amen. May he who established! peace in his heavenly spheres grant happiness and peace unto us, unto all Israel and to all mankind. Amen. mrb rvny rftan 77 nnijrp tfjrn ND? rva n> vonp? 78 SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE. RESOLVE. BY PENINA MOSES. (From Dr. G. GOTTHEIL'S Hymn-book) Into the tomb of ages past Another year hath now been cast ; Shall time unheeded take its flight, Nor leave one ray of higher light, That on man's pilgrimage may shine And lead his soul to spheres divine ? With firm resolve your bosoms nerve, The God of right alone to serve ; Speech, thought, and act to regulate, By what his perfect laws dictate ; Nor from his holy precepts stray By worldly idols lured away. Peace to the house of Israel ! May joy within it ever dwell ! May sorrow on the opening year, Forgetting its accustomed tear, With smiles again fond kindred meet, With hopes revived the festal greet ! MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. Organ Prelude. MINISTER :h sfjptraj t%wi r\% How beautiful are thy tents, O Jacob, thy tabernacles, O Israel ! With faith in thy loving kindness, O God, we enter thy house; with profound reverence we will worship thee in thy holy temple. We love thy dwelling-place, O Lord, the abode sanctified by thy holiness. We will bow down before thee, and offer up our supplication unto thee, O God our Creator. Accept our prayers at this hour in the fulness of thy grace. Hear us, O God, our stronghold and support. CHOIR : (Either of the following sentences.. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; Stand in awe before him all the earth. Give unto the Lord glory and praise; Worship the Lord in holy attire. Serve the Lord with gladness ; Come before his presence with songs. RESPONSIVE READING. Select one or more Psalms from the following pages; for the Three Festivals, appropriate Psalms from the appended Col- lection, then begin Borechu on page 8j. MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. 90. nw?> r H.ORD! thou hast been our refuge in all generations ! Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God ! But man thou turnest again to dust, and sayst, "Return, ye children of men!" Poi a thousand years are, in thy sight, as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou earnest him away as with a flood ; he is a dream ; in the morning he springeth up like grass, Which flourisheth and shooteth up in the morning, and in the evening is cut down, and withered. -For we are consumed by thy anger, and by thy wrath are we destroyed. If thou settest our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the the light of thy countenance: Then in thine anger all our days vanish away ; we spend our years like a thought. The days of our life are threescore years and ten. and by reason of strength may be fourscore years : Yet is the pride of them weariness and sorrow ; for it van- isheth swiftly, and we fly away. Yet who attendeth to the power of thy anger? who with due reverence regardeth thy indignation ? Teach us so to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom ! Desist, O Lord ! How long ? have compassion upon thy servants ! Satisfy us speedily with thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days ! Make us glad according to the time in which thou hast afflicted us; according to the years in which we have seen adversity ! thy deeds be known to thy servants, and thy glory to their children ! MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. gl Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish for us the work of our hands ; yea, the work of our hands, establish thou itl HYMN. Tho' faint, yet pursuing, we go on our way, The Lord is our leader, his word is our stay ; Tho' suffering and sorrow and trial be near, The Lord la our refuge, and whom can we fear ? He raiseth the fallen, he cheereth the faint, The weak and oppress'd, he will hear their complaint; The way may be weary and thorny the road, But how can we falter ? our help is in God. Tho' clouds may surround us, our God is our light; Tho' storms rage around us, our God is our might; So, faint, yet pursuing, still onward we go, The Lord i our leader, no fear can we know. &2 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. MINISTER: Borcchu fs Adoiioy hcimmevoroch, Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due Boruch Adonoy hammevoroch I'olom voed. Praised be the Lord through all eternity ! We praise thee, O Lord, our God, Ruler of the Universe, Creator of light and darkness, Source of all wisdom, Fountain of truth and peace. We praise thee, we thank thee, we mag- nify thee. In thy mercy thou causest light to radiate over the earth and all its inhabitants, and renewest daily in kindness the wonders of thy creation. Yea, how mani- fold are thy works, O Eternal, in wisdom thou hast made them all, the earth is full of thy treasures. O Lord ol life, have compassion on us, be our defense, our shield, our protection. Praised be to thee, O God, Author of peace and light. With infinite love, O Lord our God, thou hast guided our fathers, who trusted in thee, and hast taught them thy laws of life. O be gracious unto us; incline our hearts to thee, O merciful Father! May we love thy precepts, and be enabled to learn and to teach, to observe and to practice them in the spirit of love. Enlighten our minds in thy holy law, that we may learn to love and revere thy Name and so order our lives that we may never be put to shame for our deeds. In thy holy Name we put our trust; we rejoice and delight in thy help. For with thee alone is salvation. Thou hast appointed us, the children of Israel, to proclaim this truth, to acknowledge thee and thy unity before all nations of the earth. Praise be to thee, O Lord, who hast sanctified thy people Israel in love. CHOIR: Amen. MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : Sk'ma Yisroel, Adonoy EloJiamt, Adonoy echod. HEAR, O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD is ONE. Boruch Shem kevod maCchuso Volom voed. Praised be the name of his glorious Kingdom for evermore. roerr vx^ nnw rton jn fii$.iOtt ! i ennp tti&si * D'prps rr^j; on DPH rrn mnn n^-u n*?on . ^rf? ^ uronN na-i n T" T ; T *. v ** v: T: T : : T - T .^3 inpD^' wnttjf ^nj?3 . wg^o WON . ^ Nrr w3 iwn^i ^np J3 ^D^irr ' nin 84 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. Thou s^alt love the Eternal thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee to-day, shall be in thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest. And they shall be as a sign on your hand and as an ornament on your brow. And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thy house and on thy gates. (DEUTER., CHAPT. 6, v. 4 9.) Unchangeable and immutable is this word with us : God is everlasting; his word is true unto all generations; his commandments stand for ever. He alone is our God and none besides him. Thou hast been the protector of our fathers in time of distress, thou hast saved us from the hand of oppression; for thou art our Guide, Protector, and Redeemer, the Rock of our salvation, our Helper and Deliverer. Thou art the first and the last, and besides thee there is no power to help or redeem. Thou hast saved Israel from Egyptian bondage and to this day thou art our help and our refuge. Therefore we exalt thee, and praise thy name with the ancient song of our fathers : MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : Mi chomocho bo'elim Adonoy ; mi komocho, neddor bakkodesh, noro sehillos, ose feleh. Who is like thee among the mighty, O God, who is like thee glorified through holiness, awe-inspiring, wonder-working! The redeemed of the Lord sang a new song. They saw thy glorious help and worshipped thee as their God and King proclaiming : Adonoy yimloch I'olom vo'ed. The Lord will reign for ever and ever. O Rock of Israel, send redemption to those that are in bondage ; for thou art the redeemer of the oppressed, as it is written : Our Redeemer is the Lord of Host, the Holy One of Israel is his name. Praise be to thee, O Lord, Redeemer of Israel. CHOIR: Amen. ruerr vx-b mw rftsn 85 Dn?n?i : ^7 rfib 1 ? vm op wn nnj r? ons ' nxr ^ .urn? 88 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. May the glory of God appear to us; and in his mercy be gracious to those who twice daily, yea evening and morn- ing, proclaim the unity of his Name in love and devotion : Sh'ma Ylsrod, Adonoy Etohenu, Adonoy Echod. HEAR, O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD is ONE. The Lord is One; He is our Father, our King, our Saviour; He will grant our prayers and manifest himself before all mankind as the God of Israel. CHOIR : Ani Adonoy Elohechem. I am the Lord your God. The Lord is almighty, how excellent is his name through- out the world. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth, on that day shall the Lord be acknowledged One and his name One, as is written in Holy Scriptures : Yimlozh Adonoy I'olom, Elohayich Zion I'dor, vodor Halldujah. The Lord shall reign for evermore, even thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation. Hallelujah ! For ever will we declare thy greatness and proclaim thy holiness, neither shall thy praise ever depart from our lips. Praise be to thee, Almighty and Holy God. Arnen. (The Congregation will be seated.) We give thanks unto thee, O Eternal, our God, for the unspeakable love and mercy with which thou hast chosen our fathers to recognize thee before all the nations of the earth; thou hast guided us, and called us to thy service. In thy grace thou hast given us, O Lord our God, (this day of the Sabbath and) this Day of Memorial, that we may remem- ber that thou guidest our destinies and that before thy throne of judgment every son of man is accountable for his acts. Our God, God of our fathers, grant that our memorial and the memorial of our fathers, and the memorial of Israel, thy people, may ascend and come before thee for grace, favor and mercy, life and peace, on this Day of Memorial. ruarr eW? rrw D ; -to:? r /D'prn? 15! ran rrjc ninj wrt 1 ?^ rrinj ^Nn^j ij? ffrqfj njtf^ n^p DI . njn jmrn (D ^ ^ n ^ DI* jn 1 ? ^e 1 ? ^w. rv? ^ D1 '? D1 1 ?? 1 ? D^cfr tt w-Tw .naio 1 ? to -90 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. Remember us, O Lord, for our good; bless us with happiness, and help us in the trials of life. Cause thy mercy to descend upon us, and bring us salvation, according to the promise of thy holy word ; for unto thee we look for aid, O our Heavenly Father, who in loving mercy rulcst all mankind. Our God, God of our fathers, reign thou over the whole world in thy glory, and be exalted in thy majesty ; let truth and justice triumphantly shine forth upon all mankind, that every creature may know that thou hast created it, and every being understand that thou hast formed it, and all in whom there is the breath of life exclaim : The Eternal, the God v of Israel reigneth, and his supreme power ruleth over all ! Grant, therefore, O Lord our God, that all thy works may reverence thee, and the fear of thee fill all created beings; that all may bow before thee in awe and humility, and unite with one accord to do thy will with an upright heart ; for we know and acknowledge, O Lord our God, that thou art the Supreme Ruler of the universe, that thy power, thy might, -and thy awe-inspiring name are manifested in all thy works. Grant also that thy people Israel may everywhere be given the honor due their sacred mission; that the doctrines of universal freedom and righteousness may everywhere be realized. Then shall the righteous be glad and rejoice. For truth shall triumph over error and falsehood; inquity shall be silenced in shame, all manner of wickedness vanish like smoke, and tyranny and oppression be removed from the face of the earth. To thee alone shall all thy creatures then pay homage, verifying the words of holy writ: The Lord shall reign for ever and for ever, even thy God, O Zion, from .generation to generation. Hallelujah! Thou art holy and thy name is awe-inspiring, for there is no God besides thee ; and thus we read : The Lord of Hosts is exalted in judgment, and God, the Holy-One is sanctified through righteousness. ruerr wtrt? rrw n*?jn 91 rn Din D'pqi 1 ! njn^'j -n-pi .D'?n"? in ujw'ini ' ' KBWnj ?pj?9nP l 7 l? 9 "73 -n 'jft . nn^t n^s oto itr^i . D^n^n to ^ 10 . o * I T TT V D'l'pqi ifl 1 ?^.'- D'"!^ ino^: 1 ] IXT D'p^V 1331 n 1 ?? rijTpf SDI ,? j^ap giTSl PW >: l ^^ n l ?rn . tostfoa niwy V. na^l .ain? ' .JiO-Tirg up.'PD 101 92 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. Omniscient Father and Judge, thou rememberest all events and seest all things, both of the past and of the future. Nothing is forgotten before the throne of thy glory, nothing is concealed from thy all-seeing eye. No creature escapes thee; thou knowest the thoughts of man from afar; before thee are revealed the innermost emotions of the human heart. Ere the mountains were born, and the foundations laid of the earth and the world, thou didst determine the destinies of all men and ordain the lives of all the numberless myriads of thy creatures. As from the beginning of time thou hast established the immutable laws by which the heavenly hosts roll in their orbits, even so thou hast revealed the laws of truth and virtue to man who, in obedience or disobedience, works out his own fate according to thy just decrees. For every action of man is unfailingly recorded before thee ; all his doings and medi- tations, his schemes and designs are noticed by thee ; thou wcighest the most secret motives, the faintest impulses of his soul. Generations come and go; they all pass before thee as the flock before the shepherd's eye, and thou allotest to each individual man thy decree : CHOIR: Mi Yichyeh umi yomus. Whether life or death, length of days or a premature end, nature's fury, creeping disease and ravaging pestilence; a quiet, tranquil existence, or one tossed on the waves of trouble ; ease and prosperity, or trials and vicissitudes, riches and affluence, or poverty and want, love and honor, or misery and degredation. From thy aweful throne of justice thou guidest the destinies of nations, even as of every individual man. War and peace, victory or defeat, want or abundance, thou dis- pensest all in thy supreme wisdom. Happy the man who forgets not thee; happy the dust-born who clings to thee; for they who seek thee will never stumble; they who trust in thee will never be put to shame, in the hour when thou summonest thy creatures before thy judgment seat and searchest all their doings. ? mm? rbsn : ,-ij 0333 : p-orn 01*1 *oir. o n ppj porn nnpj jR| .^jtt? NDD rr 1 ?? Dfl ^jjearr-^i-nK npir nn ipsn 1 ? jm pn N^JH >? . nin o 0* pn ? . tr ^': ^D . ^r 'D3 . mr ^p . nfl483 ^p 1 ) . ^jnj ^p ^!?fVP t !7?!*9 !| : on; w . ^9^'! 'P 94 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY.- Our God, God of our fathers, Remember us in thy love, grant us thy salvation and visit us with thy blessing and peace. Help us to become worthy of the covenant of mercy which thou didst make with Abraham, our ancestor, assuring him on Mount Moriah that through his children all the families of the earth shall be blessed. May thy kindness which has led us in the past, be with us evermore, O Heavenly Father. Grant us life and health, and guard us against the numberless perils which constantly beset our life. Satisfy us from thy rich and bountiful hand, by giving us food, raiment and shelter, and bless the fruit of our labor, that we may never need the gift of man. Grant joy to dwell in our hearts, happiness in our homes, and peace in our surroundings. Eless our country, that it may remain for ever the rock of freedom and the refuge of the down-trodden. Let peace and prosperity reign within her borders, righteousness and justice within her gates. Bless Israel, thy people, strengthen it in its sacred mission to proclaim thy truth and thy salvation to all the children of man. Let thy promises of grace be ful filled in us, as thou hast assured us through thy servant Moses: I will remember unto them the covenant with their ancestors whom I brought forth from the land of Egypt, to be their God ; I am the Eternal your God. Blessed art thou, O Omniscient Ruler and Judge, before whose throne of Majesty there is no oblivion, who remein- berest and fulfillest thy covenant. Sanctify us, O God, through thy commandments, and give us light through thy law. Satisfy us with thy goodness and gladden us by thy help. Purify our hearts that we may serve thee in truth, for thou, O God, art Truth, and thy word is true and endureth for ever. Blessed be thou, O Lord, Sovereign of the universe, who sanctifiest (the Sabbath), Israel, and the Day of Memorial. CHOIR: Amen. ruerr unrb mm? n^n 95 $ 13 nu^gg fe^ip$ .run 1 ? nion 133 ir nn? or? ni* n nnx n -iir ^ -96 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. Look with kindness, O God, upon Israel, thy people: may their fervent prayers, and their worship, be always accept- able to thee. Praise be to thee, O God, whom alone we adore and worship. From age to age we render thanks unto thee and recount thy praise, for our lives committed into thy hand, for our souls entrusted to thy care, for thy marvelous works, thy wonders which are manifested every day, and for thy boundless good- uess in which thou enfoldest us at all times, evening, morn- ing and noon. We bless thee, All-Good, whose mercies never cease, whose grace is infinite ; our hopes are in thee forever. Our God, God of our fathers ! Bless us with the ancient priestly benediction : Yevorcchecho Adonoy v'yishmerecho. May the Lord bless thee and guard thee. CHOIR: Amen. Yoer Adonoy ponov elecho vichunecko. May the Lord let his countenance shine upon thee and 'be gracious unto thee. CHOIR: Amen. Yisso Adonoy ponov elecho v'yosaim locho sholom. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. CHOIR : Amen. Grant peace, happiness and blessing, grace and mercy to us, and to Israel thy people, and to all thy children. Bless us all, O our Father, with the light of thy countenance ; as in the light of thy countenance thou hast given us the law of life, the love of virtue and justice, mercy and peace, so may it please thee to bless us with thy peace at all times and in all seasons. Praise be to thee, O Giver of peace. (The Congregation in silent devotion.) Our Heavenly Father, let thy blessing of peace rest upon us and give us strength. Help us to follow the voice of con- science and to cheerfully obey thy laws. May we love the ruerr .?$ JJD uvw " run * i F "" * * V* T * Ton pinf? ^ ' x wj^ po u?n irn *? .r . nnip?n P o^iyo ^"JDPJ ion rf Ton . ug^o ^pir Dpn^n ^nao* 0^3 *?! 98 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. truth and speak the truth. May we be kind to one another, tender-hearted and forgiving, holding no anger nor malice, nor speaking ill of any one. May the thought of thee keep us from evil. Inspire us with humility, with faith and trust in thee. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O God, my Strength and my Redeemer. As thou preservest peace in the heavenly spheres, so preserve it to us and to all who invoke thy holy name. Amen. CHOIR : Amen. (MINISTER ; CONGREGATION REPEATING EACH SENTENCE.) Our Heavenly Father, we have sinned before thee. Our Heavenly Father, we pay homage to none but thee. Our Heavenly Father, grant us thy favor for the sake of thy name. Our Heavenly Father, grant us a year of happiness. Our Heavenly Father, keep far from us sickness, war and famine. Our Heavenly Father, grant perfect health to the feeble and the sick. Our Heavenly Father, have pity on us and our innocent children. Our Heavenly Father, inscribe us in the book of a happy life. Our Heavenly Father, inscribe us in the book of redemption and salvation. Our Heavenly Father, inscribe us in the book of pardon and forgiveness. Our Heavenly Father, inscribe us in the book of ample sus- tainance. Our Heavenly Father, accept favorably our prayers and sup- plications. Our Heavenly Father, dismiss us not empty from thy presence. Our Heavenly Father, graciously answer us ; though we de- serve not thy love, yet deal thou kindly with us and save us. Amen. CHOIR: Amen. rotrrr mrb mne> rton 'zprni -ipm jrr *rm?i roto D^ on? nprjw rf?tr' alto '3 n^T'ini npm 01 D?ni D^rni .nr\3i np^yi .np : on rriy ;> nnw -jn^ .jpf?^?i D p ? ^sj? nirr. tigfTC ir?K r 100 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. ORDER OF READING THE LAW. CHOIR: S'u Sheorim rothechem. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be lifted up, ye everlasting doors, for the King of glory shall come. Who is the King of glory ? The Lord of hosts he is the King of glory. Selah ! Or: Vay'hi bin'soa hodron. Arise, O Lord, let thy enemies be scattered and they who hate thy law flee before thee. For from Zion cometh forth the Law and the word of God from Jerusalem. MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : Adonoy, Adonoy, El radium v'channun, erech appa-yim, v'rav chesed v'emes, noiser chesed lo-alofim, nos6 ovon, vo/esha, v'chattooh. The Eternal, the Eternal, is a merciful and gracious God, long-suffering and full of love and truth; keeping kindness unto thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin. (Taking the Law out of the Ark.) This Law is Israel's consecrated banner, inscribed with the glorious truth : Hear, O Israel, God our Lord, God is One ! CHOIR AND CONGREGATION I Sh'ma Yisroel, Adonoy Elohenu, Adonoy echod. MINISTER : O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his Name together. CHOIR : L'cho Adonoy hagg'duttoh. Thine, O Lord, are greatness, power, and glory, victory, -and majesty; thine is all that is in heaven and on earth ; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted, Supreme above all. (Before the Reading of the Law.) Praise be to thee, O Eternal, our God, Ruler of the universe, who hast called us unto thy service and hast given us thy law.' Praise be to thee, O God, giver of the Law. Amen. ruerr pan*? nnrte* i,,i TTD . "Q"P rnin ninj : HNDPT) y^'gi pjj NW D'9 ^P! *;D u ng^o D n rninn nirr n^ istp noginji , riN ni -. rTria|rn : minn ' : , D^iyn rj'jg irn^ ^ nn ^na : rninn 102 MORNING S-ER-VICE FOR NEW YEARS' DAY. - READING FROM THE PENTATEUCH. (After the Reading of the L-i\v.) Praise be to thee, O Eternal, our God, Ruler of the universe, who hast given us a law of truth and implanted eternal life within us. Praise be to thee, O God, giver of the Law. Amen. CHOIR: God's law is perfect, inspiring the soul ; God's testimony is true, making wise the simple ; God's commandments are clear, cheering the heart ; God's teachings are pure, giving light to the eye. READING FROM THE PROPHETS. (HERB MAY BE INTRODUCED ANY PRAYER FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS.) (Placing back the Law into the Ark.) MINISTER I Praise ye the Name of the Lord, for his Name alone is exalted ! CHOIR: Hodo al erelz v'shomoyim. His glory is above heaven and earth. He will exalt the honor of his people, the children of Israel, his faithful wor- shippers. Hallelujah i (Minister before the Ark.) Return, O Lord, to the^many thousands of Israel, thou and the ark of thy strength. A good instruction I have given you, forsake ye not my law. It is a tree of life to those who lay hold of it, and its supporters are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace. CHOIR : Hashivenu Adonoy. HYMN. SERMON. mrw nnx #JJ , tfpyn ^ U7f?$ nnN ^ jni: ;t nnN tpj . i^in? ^ ojiy tW np^ rmnn noar vrpq ^. noip : ni?". ^BT^^hr. ^p : iair jzp ^K ^nnin a? 1 ? ^nn: DID n$> ^ : i jjv 'TTPDl 104 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. ORDER OF SOUNDING THE SHOFAR. CHOIR: Sing joyfully to the Lord, our strength ! rejoice unto the God of Jacob ! Raise a song, and strike the timbrel, the sweet- sounding harp, and the psaltery! Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, also, on our festal day ! For this is a statute for Israel, a law of the God of Jacob. MINISTER: O Lord and Father, thou hast revealed thyself unto thy people, thy glory shone forth unto our ancestors, bringing to them the light of thy truth and love. From Sinai's height thou didst cause Israel to hear the heavenly voice of thy majesty. The earth trembled, the universe stood in awe, and all creatures were hushed into silence when thou descendest to teach thy children the eternal laws of truth, freedom and morality. Reveal thyself also unto us, O Heavenly Father. May the Shofar's solemn sounds remind us that thou alone art the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, our King, Lawgiver, and Judge; that to thee alone is due worship, honor, and adoration. Cause, O Lord, our God, the bugle-blast of free- dom to be heard over all the earth; may all who still sigh under the burden of oppression hear the trumpet-sound of deliverance ; and may the banner of Israel, thy people, be exalted whereever thou hast sent us to proclaim and to sanctify thy name. Praise be to thee, O Eternal, who acceptest in mercy the adoration of thy people Israel. CHOIR : BadMlzolzerb* i-etcol Shofor horiu lifne hamelech Adonoy! With clarions and the sound of trumpets sing praises unto the Lord, the King. (THE SHOFAR is SOUNDED.) M1XISTKH, THEN CHOIR.' Happy the people that know the trumpet's sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. CHOIR: AMEN, HALLELUJAH. Or: Ps. 150. rntpr INC? :ipj nX? ynr? ury D'riX? irrirr ' n :^ D^ 07^ -113? tjn 1171 n *?ip nn ' rp-a . npii ng^'o prm ?? p.? jnggi n^n ^oicr :nrpn 06 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. ADORATION. Almighty God ! Creator of heaven and earth ! It behooves *is to render praise and thanksgiving unto thee, who hast -delivered us from the darkness of false belief and sent to us the light of thy truth. Thou art our God, there is no other. We, therefore, bow the head and bend the knee before thee, Creator and Ruler of the world, and bless thy holy name ! MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : Vaanachnu, kor'im, umishtdchavim, vmodim, lifne Melech mal'che hammelochim, Hakkodosh bonich hu. Thou art, in truth, our Father, our God, our Saviour, and there is none besides thee, as is written in thy law: Thou shalt Jknow this day and reflect in thy heart that the Lord is God in heaven above as on earth below; and there is none else. We fervently pray, O Lord our God, that we may speed- ily behold the glory of thy mighty power, banishing all impurities from the earth, destroying idolatry and wickedness, and establishing thy truth among mankind; that all the inhabitants of the earth may invoke thy name, acknowledge thy unity, and understand that to thee alone every knee must bend and every tongue swear fealty. May all thy children, O God, soon be united in a common bond of brotherhood, may the time be hastened when no religious differences will separate them, but when they will all adore thee as the universal father, worship thee in the spirit of true religion, and unite in proclaiming the unity of thy holy name. Thus, O God, do thou reign over them for ever and *ever, for the kingdom is thine, and unto thee appertain power, glory and majesty from everlasting to everlasting. As it is written : The Lord vrill reign for ever and ever ; the Lord will be king over all the earth ; on that day shall God be -acknowledged One and his name One. MINISTER, THEN CHOIR AND CONGREGATION : Veho-yoh Adonoy lemelech al kol hoorets, bayom hahu yittyeh Adonoy echod, u-shemo echod. ruc-n mrf? rnw rfrsn .rw*o "ra 1 ' 1 " nn 5 ? . x irn xin . D'orw? ^333 ITJ? rootjn T]ra n njn;i : inning ^H 3 rnnp no^an ^3 .njji oiy? rnnp " Tjn) n*rr wnn 108 MORNING SERVICE FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. ADDRESS TO THE MOURNERS. Brothers and sisters, who are mourning for dear lives departed, remember your beloved ones and honor their names in the midst of the congregation of Israel. May the memory of the righteous inspire you to noble deeds and works in their honor. Rise, and praise with me the name of the most High, according to the anscient custom of our fathers. MOURNERS' KADDISH. May thy great and ineffable name, O Lord of life and death, be exalted and sanctified throughout the world, which thou hast created according to thy will. May thy kingdom be established in our midst, in our lifetime and in our days, and in the days of the whole house of Israel. Amen. THE CONGREGATION : May his great and ineffable name be blessed and glorified for ever and ever. Praised and hallowed be thy name who hast created man in thy image and planted within him eternal life. In thy hand is the soul of every living being and the spirit of all flesh. Blessed art thou, whose hymns, praises and benedic- tions are repeated throughout the world. Amen. THE CONGREGATION I Praised be he and his glorious name. Unto Israel, unto all the righteous and unto all who departed this life according to the will of God, may there be granted abundance of peace, and a blissful portion in the life to come, grace and mercy by the Lord of heaven and earth. May the fullness of peace from heaven, with life and health be granted unto us and unto all Israel. Amen. May he who established! peace in his heavenly spheres grant happiness and peace unto us, unto all Israel and to all mankind. Amen. CLOSING SONG. BENEDICTION. rwrrr e>*o? mrre> rf?an m ^n -| ^rr?i py 01*51 pD^n? .nno ani I? ^?i .wn rjn? ' prf? NH! .Krfjgn nr^jn? nn N^JT orni jnpm ^n^ NO%^ ^-N^m ^ . wntf! N;O^ 109 D'tn Nw-fo K|ri .vonp? of?f n no g? . ^o *)#K ojiy p-ig : *nu ^79* ^3*? .7.1*7: Nirn . nih wn? rrn Ni Drf? 1*? :n^oni : ryr? 1*71 .n^n ^ 03 D n^n TIT .an?} i^x w D? ponp jino^oi in^ji rv .-iw ^D 1 ? b*?iy p"ix lirr : - T : : v . T T : T x njs? D^gi N .tiy n^'o N T .*? "pn tr'^ riB* T? trn ^n *?s . o^iy nn ppj f p. 1 ? fiatf ~iy_ ^. ORDER OF PRAYERS IN THE HOUSE OF MOURNING. (On the evening after the funeral it is customary to hold service in the house of mourning. The minister, or officiating reader, will select appropriate pieces from the following pages, or from the Collection of Psalms, then begin Borechu on page 117. If divine service is to be held in the morning, read Borechu on page 29 and 31 ; then continue from page 121, adding the Kedusha (Sanctification).' INTRODUCTORY SENTENCES. In whatever place I will cause my name to be mentioned I will come to thee and bless thee. The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him, that call upon him in truth. Offer unto God the sacrifices of righteousness; call upon him in the day of trouble, and he will deliver thee. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Thus saith the Lord, the High and Holy One: I dwell in the high and holy place, yet with him also that is of a con- trite and humble spirit ; to revive the spirit of the humble and to quicken the heart of the contrite. Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord, who shall stan.l in his holy place ? He that has clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceit- fully. He shall receive the blessing of the Lord, and right- eousness from the God of his salvation. 114 DOMESTIC SERVICE. RESPONSIVE READING. Psalm 103. Bless the Lord, O my soul 1 and all that is within me, bless his holy name ! Bless the Lord, O my soul ! and forget not all his benefits ! Who forgiveth all thine iniquities ; who healeth all thy dis- eases ; Who redeemeth thy life from the grave ; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies ; Who satisfieth thy old age with good, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. The Lord executeth justice and equity for all the oppressed. He made known his ways to Moses, his doings to the children of Israel. The Lord is merciful and kind, slow to anger and rich in mercy. He doth not always chide, nor doth he keep his anrrer for ever. He hath not dealt with us according to our sins, nor requited us according to our iniquities. As high as are the heavens above the earth, so great is his mercy to them that fear him. As far as the East is from the West, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Even as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourished!. The wind passeth over it, and it is gone ; and its place shall know it no more. DOMESTIC SERVICE. . But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting to them that fear him, and his righteousness to children's children, To such as keep his covenant, and remember his command- ments to do them. The Lord hath established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom ruleth over all. Bless the Lord, ye his angels, ye mighty ones who do his commands, hearkening to the voice of his word! Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye, his ministers, who do his pleasure ! Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of his dominion I Bless the Lord, O my soul! Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd : I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures ; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He reviveth my soul; he leadeth me in paths of safety, for his name's sake. When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil, for thou art with me ; thy stay and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Jl DOMESTIC SERVICE. MINISTER: Borechu es Adonoy hammevoroch. Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due I CONGREGATION: Borsch Adonoy hammevoroch I'olom vovd. Praised be the Lord, who is praised through all eternity. Praise be to thee, O Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who by his word calls in the evening and in his wisdom opens die gates of the morning. He changes the times and the seasons by his understanding, and by his will he sets the stars in their heavenly watches. He alternates the light and the darkness; he leads out the day and brings in the night, the JLord of hosts is his name. May he rule over us forevermore. Praise be to thee, O God, who bringest in the evening. With unchanging love thou hast guided thy people Israel ; thou hast revealed to us thy law which will become -a blessing to all mankind. Therefore we will ever think of thy word and rejoice in thy truth. It is our light and our life; we will cling to it day and night, and will proclaim thy name and thy unity before all the nations of the earth. Do thou, O God, never withold from us thy love and thy protection. Praise be to thee, O God, our Guardian and Keeper. CONGREGATION : Amen. MINISTER AND CONGREGATION I Sh'ma Yivroe/, Adonoy Elohtnu, Adonoy Echod. HEAR, O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD is ONE. Boruch Shem kevod maVchuso I'olom voed. Praised be the name of his glorious kingdom for evermore. Thou shalt love the Eternal thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee to-day, shall be in thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. nony rhzn nrq? n6j ^Dn p w?g ring r|ro *D^OTn n oi o* 01* 1013 iJi Ton DJJJI TT 5 , lot : oo^. an^ rnin ^ n^. arjy\ .^p^io ^.:n orro ^^o? ? vrn : . nno nirro- on?n?i' : ^y. pa rifiptf? vrn Il8 DOMESTIC SERVICE. And they shall be as a sign on thy hand and as an ornament on thy brow. And thou shall write them upon the door- posts of thy house and on thy gates. DFA-TER, CHAIT. 6, v. 49.) Unchangeable and immutable is this word with us: God is everlasting ; his word is true unto all generations ; his commandments stand for ever. He alone is our God and none besides him. Truly thou art our God, and we are thy people, whom thou hast delivered from the hand of mighty oppressors. Wonders without number thou hast wrought for us, and hast miraculously protected us during these many centuries. As thy arm saved us from the yoke of Egyptian slavery, so thou wast with us in all times of need and danger, when hatred and fanaticism threatened to destroy the remnant ol Israel. Therefore we render thanks to thee, and praise thy name with the ancient song of our fathers : Who is like thee among the mighty, O God, who is like thee glorified in Holiness, awe-inspiring, wonder-working! MINISTER AND CONGREGATION: Mi chomocho bo'elim Adonoy ; mi komocho, neddor bakkodesh, noro sehillos, ose feleh. MINISTER: As then hast revealed thy kingdom to our fathers, so manifest thy glorious help unto us, their children, who worship thee as their God and King, proclaiming: The Lord will reign for ever and ever ! Adonoy yimlbch I'olom vo'ed. Continue to be with us, O God, and guard us from evil. Let our lying down and our rising up be in peace. O guide us with thy good counsel ; protect us from grief and need, from sorrow and anxiety, from sickness and danger; for in thee, O God, we put our trust, our gracious and merciful father. Let our going out and coming in be in peace, hence- forth and forevermore. Blessed art thou, O God, Redeemer and Keeper of Israel. CONGREGATION : Amen. rvny rton n * ran >? .^^ qjp : TO) ^ TO unterr .isrt^ ^^ w'pj Disrrr nspo pi? onp? D^p , on no . . D; ptn TO frwi Dp^;_-n^ ; rrtir'g j^^^^ ^^n 1 ? 10 WTO&Tl 1 iN w^onprn. WHJQKfTI '9 .i^npn 7S ^ Dimi p^n ^e ^ ; ? . : 1^7 ^: toy. nW ?. nw 120 DOMESTIC SERVICE. Praise be to thee, O Eternal our God, God of our fathers, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Almighty and Supreme Ruler of the world, who renderest just reward unto all. Thou rememberest the pious deeds of the fathers, and bringest redemption and love to their descendants ; thou art our Father, our Protector, and Helper. Praise be to thee, O God, Shield of Abraham. Thou art mighty, O Lord, thy help is ever near. Thou sustainest in kindness the living; thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick, loosest the bonds of captives, and keepest thy faith to those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Almighty ! Author of life and death, who givest salvation, and rememberest thy creatures unto life eternal ! Praise be to thee, O God, who hast planted within us eternal life. Thou art holy, and thy name is holy, and thy worshippers daily praise thy holiness. (Praise be to thee, Almighty and Holy God.) SANCTIFICATION. (The Congregation will rise.) Let us sanctify the Name of the Holy One of Israel, as it is sanctified throughout the universe, and in the solemn words of our prophets we exclaim : Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory. MINISTER AND CONGREGATION: Kodosh, Kodosh } Kodosh Adonoy Tsevoos, mdo chol hooretz k'vodo. All creation sounds his praise continually, saying : Praised be the glory of God which fills the universe ! MINISTER AND CONGREGATION I Boruch k'vod Adonoy mimmekomo. The Lord shall reign for evermore, even thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation. Hallelujah I MINISTER AND CONGREGATION I Titriloch Adonoy I'olom, Elohayich Zion I'dor, vodor Hallelujah. For ever will we declare thy greatness and proclaim thy holiness, neither shall thy praise ever depart from our lips. Praise be to thee, Almighty and Holy God. Arnen. (The Congregation will be seated.) 121 DJTON 'r??$ . wnajj vfrtq wrfpg rww TJTO intern. Tteun V-un ^rr ^pj^ *rfo pny: 'ri^g npr? -gin. *?3n rupi .0^310 D^DQ ^ou .p^ ^N npn 'pi : ?3n .T.np ;* nn ^ .nmp ^ Tl ma? pKn ;: nin? tjns ? :np^ tjna onsjf? 1 /n :trnp T n bNn ;: nnN* 'qra .nnje 522 DOMESTIC SERVICE. In thy endless mercy, O Lord, thou hast crowned the -son of earth with honor and glory, and distinguished him from all other beings by an intelligent, immortal spirit. May this light within us never be dimmed through folly and sin, but shine in clear and radiant luster, a pure reflexion of its divine origin. Praise be to thee, O God, who hast graciously given us the light of reason. Forgive us, O Father, our failings ; pardon, O Lord, our transgressions ; thou desirest not the destruction of the sinner; but that he shall return from his way and live ; for thou art a gracious and merciful God. Praise be to thee, O God; thine is mercy and forgiveness. Have compassion, O Lord, on all those who suffer ; defend the cause of the guiltless; send healing and comfort to the sick and the sorrow-striken, for thou alone art our Gcd and Helper; thou alone dispensest life and health. Praise be to thee, O God, who art the Redeemer of the distressed. Bless this year with abundance; shower rain and dew upon the soil and satiate all living beings with thy goodness. Praise be to thee, O God, who blessest the years, and by whose goodness we live. Grant, O God, that the trumpet sounds of freedom be heard throughout all the countries of the earth, and all thy children enjoy the blessings of true liberty. Remove all pre- judice and injustice from thy people Israel, that his mourning may cease everywhere; let the reign of wickedness vanish like smoke and all nations of the earth recognize thee alone as their King. Praise be to thee, O Ruler of the universe who lovest right and justice. Remember, O God, in love the just and virtuous of ail nations; let all who sincerely trust in thy name rejoice in thy goodness; and may we all enjoy the happiness of thy blessing, that we may never need the gift of man, and never have to blush. Praise be to thee, O God, Shield of the -righteous. .nya tri:$ 1^291 *w_l onrf? pin nrte nn p.in ;; niw rps ,^rn fyj run ^r nnx 7391 . nruN.1 jw; ^99 nprn n^ t]VQ , nnK prr? ^ ? .^ ^ ^w jn ^ nn^ rina , nnK roriT, pw xzr\ *?x T: T- I T TT IT-:-; 'TV:V . nx'rn ' 9*7 nira 1 ? IDOI *?e fni .nDiD*? nn neiten oWs ^n^' ?pDi' , ^tsb ^ nnrf? *? ' nn "in: _ v v - T: T J 124 DOMESTIC SERVICE. MINISTER AND MOURNERS! We know, that we are but pilgrims upon this earth, that thou hast appointed us to walk in thy ways, to do good and work salvation here below, and at thy summons, to return unto thee into the invisible realm of the spiritual life, where thou hast treasured up salvation and eternal beautitude for those, who live in accordance with thy will. From thee we derive comfort and strength, when thou piungest our hearts into deep mourning and sorrow by severing a dearly beloved link from our closely knitted family-chain. And though we walk in the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for thou remainest the staff and stay of our immortal soul unto all eternity. THE CONGREGATION: Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God, in all thy dispen- sations; honor and glory to thy holy name, for ever and ever. Amen. MINISTER AND MOURNERS I O sublime Judge over life and death, thy inscrutable will has called from hence the soul of At thy command it has abandoned this place, leaving behind it many mourning hearts whose love is stronger than death. May it be thy will, O Lord of all spirits, to grant the soul of our departed blissful peace in thy sanctuary; may it be overshadowed by the tree of eternal life and satiated with thy goodness which thou keepest in store for the pious. Mayest thou send help to those whom thou hast striken ; show thy mercy to the mourning survivors, O God, who healest the wounded and takest care of the abandoned. Grant them salvation, comfort and aid, soothe their pain with the balm of thy word, and announce peace to those who are nigh and those who are departed. CONGREGATION : Amen. rfran 125 a 1 ?? Q'TPqn "?jq n^pnvrr ^ . nn nn t]n| .utyoz ^ ^ vftx &\ . tiy^Rfi onn ^x. pp). . n^ovn rnrjp ?jnjritr^ nny ? ^O j pp. i ? .9^ n^ proi D^prp rf Din ^ . to jnnNDirni TT 126 DOMESTIC SERVICE. Look with kindness, O God, upon Israel, thy people: may their fervent prayers, and their worship, be always accept- able to thee. Praise be to thee, O God, whom alone we adore and worship. From age to age we render thanks unto thee and recount thy praise, for our lives committed into thy hand, for our souls entrusted to thy care, for thy marvelous works, thy wonders which are manifested every day, and for thy boundless good- ness in which thou enfoldest us at all times, evening, morn- ing and noon. We bless thee, All-Good, whose mercies never cease, whose grace is infinite; our hopes are in thee forever. Our God, God of our fathers! Bless us with the ancient priestly benediction : Yevorcchecho Adonoy v'yishmei'echo. May the Lord bless thee and guard thee. Yo?r AJonoy ponou elecho vickunecko. May the Lord let his countenance shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. Ylsso Adonoy ponou elecho v^yosaim locho sliolom. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. Grant peace, happiness and blessing, grace and mercy to us, and to Isiael thy people, and to all thy children. Bless us all, O our Father, with the light of thy countenance ; as in the light of thy countenance thou hast given us the law of life, the love of virtue and justice, mercy and peace, so may it please thee to bless us with thy peace at all times and in all seasons. Praise be to thee, O Giver of peace. (The Congregation in silent devotion.) O God, keep my tongue from evil, and my lips from uttering deceit, and grant that I may be meek and kind to those who bear ill-will against me. Implant humility in my heart and strengthen me with faith. Be rny support when grief oppresses me and my comfort in affliction. Let thy truth illumine my path and guide me ; for thou art my Gcd and my aid ; in thee I trust every day. Amen. rox Ton pirt? VH?I ^p ^T? ^j3^ ^iNgf n irrf?8 Nin ngxtf . 1: OHIO '? Drntjni. , pqi aitsn . onnv njn ^D 'Jon ifr nnx "[115 .n^p ^n^ *i)nyw' ^x ^33 vrn f'nrrx ^p rnio^ii rrnm qii ipm jn . nj^i nai o^n mm . irn^ l'. l nn: ^ Dl^i o^rn D^prni nongi ^If 1 ^P!7 "7531 nj?. "753 . ^jnt^t ^t?^_ n ^5*? ^j^ DID\ : Di^'n rffiy ". rrnx nnj . np 128 DOMESTIC SERVICE. ADORATION. Almighty God ! Creator of heaven and earth ! It behooves us to render praise and thanksgiving unto thee, who hast delivered us from the darkness of false belief and sent to us the light of thy truth. Thou art our God, there is no other. We, therefore, bow the head and bend the knee before thee, Creator and Ruler of the world, and bless thy holy name ! MINISTER AND CONGREGATION: Vaanachnu, kor'im, wnishtdchavim, umddim, lifne Melech mal'che Lnmmelochim, Hakkodosh boruch hu. Thou art, in truth, our Father, our God, our Saviour, and there is none besides thee, as is written in thy law: Thou shalt know this day and reflect in thy heart that the Lord is God in heaven above as on earth below ; and there is none else. We fervently pray, O Lord our God, that we may speed- ily behold the glory of thy mighty power, banishing all impurities from the earth, destroying idolatry and wickedness, and establishing thy truth among mankind; that all the inhabitants of the earth may invoke thy name, acknowledge thy unity, and understand that to thee alone every knee must bend and every tongue swear fealty. May all thy children, O God, soon be united in a common bond of brotherhood, may the time be hastened when no religious differences will separate them, but when they will all adore thee as the universal father, worship thee in the spirit of true religion, and unite in proclaiming the unity of thy holy name. Thus, O God t do thou reign over them for ever and ever, for the kingdom is thine, and unto thee appertain power, glory and majesty from everlasting to everlasting. As it is written: The Lord will reign for ever and ever; the Lord will be king over all the earth ; on that day shall God be acknowledged One and his name One. MINISTER AND CONGREGATION : Vehoyoh Adonoy lemeledt. cU kol hoords, bayom hahu yih'yeh Adonoy echod, u-shemo echod. 129 rw>o? w 1 ? rfrH nrft ^r tfotsft i^ apioi' . pK npin. D: pt? np .-riy f\x w* n^ *;}? ^ DHIDI onn'Di o^jris n Diy? rnnp .112 jjO DOMESTIC SERVICE. ADDRESS TO THE MOURNERS. Brothers and sisters, who are mourning for dear lives departed, remember your beloved ones and honor their names in the midst of the congregation of Israel. May the memory of the righteous inspire you to noble deeds and works in their honor. Rise, and praise with me the name of the most High, according to the anscient custom of our fathers. MOURNERS' KADDISH. May thy great and ineffable name, O Lord of life and death, be exalted and sanctified throughout the world, which thou hast created according to thy will. May thy kingdom be established in our midst, in our lifetime and in our days, and in the days of the whole house of Israel. Amen. THE CONGREGATION I May his great and ineffable name be blessed and glorified for ever and ever. Praised and hallowed be thy name who hast created man in thy image and planted within him eternal life. In thy hand is the soul of every living being and the spirit oi all flesh. Blessed art thou, whose hymns, praises and benedic- tions are repeated throughout the world. Amen. THE CONGREGATION I Praised be he and his glorious name. Unto Israel, unto all the righteous and unto all who departed this life according to the will of God, may there be granted abundance of peace, and a blissful portion in the life to come, grace and mercy by the Lord of heaven and earth. Amen. THE CONGREGATION I May the fullness of peace from heaven, with life and health be granted unto us and unto all Israel. Amen. May he who establisheth peace in his heavenly spheres grant happiness and peace unto us, unto all Israel and to all mankind. Amen. 131 * nnyrp N% ??"^ N ? * K ?^ '' rr? ^i \*nyi pawyi pr>t:n? 19 K? *Nin tjn 19 -rp-p ^omt Kiorn .n*n N^y w rf? ^D-Kp TIT:' * -:-: T: : T : Tl^T"~j TT IT: voii DI RESPONSIVE READINGS. I. Joy in Worship. PSALM XCII. (Tob 1'hodoth 1'Adonai.) A Psalm for the Sabbath-day. M. It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to thy name, O Most High! (7. To show forth thy loving kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. For thou, Lord, hast made me glad by thy doings; in the works of thy hands I greatly rejoice ! How great are thy works, O Lord ! how deep thy pur- poses ! But the unwise man knoweth not this, the thoughtless can not perceive it : When the wicked spring up like grass, and evil-doers flourish; to be destroyed for ever! Thou, O Lord, art for ever exalted ! For, lo! thy enemies, O Lord! thy enemies perish, and dispersed are all who do iniquity ! The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree; they shall grow up like the cedars of Lebanon ; Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they bring forth fruit ; they are green, and full of sap ; To show that the Lord, my rock, is upright, and there is no unrighteousness in him. 1 RESPONSIVE READINGS. PSALM XCIII. M. The Lord reigneth; he is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with majesty, and girded with strength; C. Therefore the earth standeth firm, and cannot be moved. Thy throne was established of old ; thou art from ever- lasting ! The floods, O Lord ! lift up their voice ; the floods lift up their roaring ! Mightier than the voice of many waters, are the mighty waves of the sea ; But mightiest of all is the Lord in his lofty habitation. Thy promises are most sure; holiness becometh thy house, O Lord ! for ever ! PSALM XCV. CAbrerJ M. O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us raise a voice of joy to the rock of our salvation ! C. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, and sing joyfully to him with psalms ! For the Lord is a great God ; yea, a great King over all the world. In his hands are the depths of the earth ; his also are the heights of the mountains. The sea is his, and he made it; the dry land also his hands have formed. O come, let us worship and bow down, let us bow down before the Lord, our Maker ! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture and the flock of his hand. O that ye would now hear his voice ! PSALM XCVI. M. O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth ! C. Sing to the Lord ; praise his name, show forth his salva- tion from day to day ! Proclaim his glory among the nations, his wonders among all people I RESPONSIVE READINGS. 3 For the Lord is great, and highly exalted, and beside him there is no God. For all the gods of the nations are idols ; but the Lord made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before him ; glory and beauty are in his holy abode. Give to the Lord, ye families of the people, give to the Lord glory and praise! Give to the Lord the glory due to his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts ! O worship the Lord in holy attire ! tremble before him, all the earth I Say among the nations, the Lord is king; the world shall stand firm ; it shall not be moved ; he will judge the nations in righteousness. Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof; Let the fields be joyful, with all that is therein ; let all the trees of the forest rejoice ; Before the Lord ! for he cometh, he cometh to judge the earth ! he will judge the world with justice, and the nations with faithfulness. PSALM XCVII. M. The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice! let the multitude of isles be glad ! C. Clouds and darkness are round about him; justice and equity are the foundation of his throne. Before him goeth a fire, which burneth up his enemies around. His lightnings illumine the world; the earth beholdeth and trembleth. The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. The heavens declare his righteousness, and all nations be : hold his glory. Confounded be they who worship graven images, who glory in idols! to him, all ye mighty ones, bow down ! |, RESPONSIVE READINGS. Zion hath heard, and is glad, and the daughters of Judah exult on account of thy judgments, O Lord! For thou, O Lord! art most high above all the earth; thou art far exalted above all powers ! Ye that love the Lord, hate evil 1 he preserveth the lives of his servants, and delivereth them from the hand of the wicked. Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. Rejoice, O ye righteous, in the Lord, and praise his holy name 1 PSALM XCVIII. M. Sing to the Lord a new song ; for he hath done marvel- lous things; C. His own right hand and his holy arm have gotten him the victory 1 The Lord hath made known his salvation ; his righteous- ness hath he manifested in the sight of the nations. He hath remembered his mercy and truth toward the house of Israel, and all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Sing unto the Lord, all the earth ! break forth into joy, and exult, and sing ! Sing to the Lord with the harp, with the harp, and the voice of song ! With clarions, and the sound of trumpets, make a joyful noise before the Lord the King ! Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein ; Let the rivers clap their hands, and the mountains rejoice together, Before the Lord! forhecometh to judge the earth! he will judge the world, with righteousness and the nations with equity. PSALM XCIX. J The Lord reigneth, let the nations tremble ! he dwelleth between the cherubim, let the earth quake ! C. Great is the Lord upon Zion; he is exalted over all the nations. RESPONSIVE READINGS. 5 Let men praise thy great and awe-inspiring name ! it is holy. Let them declare the glory of the King who loveth justice t thou hast established equity ; thou dost execute jus- tice in Jacob ! Exalt ye the Lord, our God, and bow yourselves down at his footstool! he is holy. Moses and Aaron, with his priests, and Samuel, who called upon his name, they called upon the Lord, and he answered them. He spake to them in the cloudy pillar; they kept his commandments, and the ordinances which he gave them. Thou, O Lord, our God ! didst answer them ; thou wast to them a forgiving God, though thou didst punish their transgressions ! Exalt the Lord, our God, and worship at his holy moun- tain ! for the Lord, our God, is holy. PSALM C. M. Raise a voice of joy unto the Lord, all ye lands ! (7. Serve the Eternal with gladness; come before his presence with rejoicing ! Know ye that the Eternal is God ! it is he that made us, and we are his, his people, and the flock of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise ; be thankful to him, and bless his name ! For the Lord is good ; his mercy is everlasting ; and his. truth endureth to all generations. PSALM CXXII. M. I was glad when they said to me, let us go up to the house of the Lord ! C. Our feet are standing within thy gates, O Jerusalem ! Jerusalem, the rebuilt city 1 the city that is joined to- gether ! Thither the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, according: to the law of Israel, to praise the name of the Lord, fj RESPONSIVE READINGS. There stand the thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem ! may they prosper who love thee ! Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy pal- acesl For my brethren and companions' sake will I say, Peace be within thee ! For the sake of the house of the Lord, our God, will I seek thy goodl II. Acceptable Worship. PSALM XV. JW. Lord, who shall abide at thy tabernacle ? who shall dwell upon thy holy hill ? <7. He that walketh uprightly, and doeth righteousness, and speaketh the truth from his heart ; He that slandereth not with his tongue, that doeth no injury to his friend, and uttereth no reproach against his neighbor ; In whose eyes a vile person is contemned , but who hon- ereth them that fear the LORD ; who sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not ; He that lendeth not his money upon usury, and taketh not a bribe against the innocent: he that doeth these things shall never be moved. PSALM LXXXIV. Jlf. How lovely are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts ! <7. My soul longeth, yea, fainteth, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry aloud for the living God. Even the sparrow findeth an abode, and the swallow a nest, for their young, by thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my king and my God 1 Happy they who dwell in thy house, they will continually praise thee ! RESPONSIVE READINGS. 7 Happy the man whose glory is in thee, in whose heart are thy ways! Passing through the valley of tears, they make it a foun- tain ; and the early rain covereth it with blessings. They go on from strength to strength ; every one of them appeareth before God in Zion. Hear my prayer, O Lord, God of hosts ! give ear, O God of Jacob ! Look down, O God ! our shield, and behold the face of thy anointed ! For a day spent in thy courts is better than a thousand without : I would rather stand on the threshold of the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the Lord God is a sun and a shield; the Lord giveth grace and glory; No good thing doth he withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts ! happy the man who trusteth in thee ! PSALM XXXIII. M. Rejoice, O ye righteous, in the Lord ! for praise becometh the upright. C. Praise the Lord with the harp ; sing to him with musical instruments ! Sing to him a new song ; play skilfully amid the sound of trumpets I For the word of the Lord is right, and all his acts are faithful. He loveth justice and equity; the earth is full of the good- ness of the Lord. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea, as a heap ; he layeth up the deep in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord ; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him ! 8 RESPONSIVE READINGS. For he spake, and it was done ; he commanded, and it stood fast. The Lord bringeth the devices of the nations to nothing ; he frustrateth the designs of kingdoms. The purposes of the Lord stand for ever ; the designs of his heart, to all generations. Happy the nation whose God is the Lord; the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance. The Lord looketh down from heaven; he beholdeth all the children of men ; From his dwelling-place he beholdeth all the inhabitants of the earth, He that formed the hearts of all, and observeth all their works. A king is not saved by the number of his forces, nor a hero by the greatness of his strength. The horse is a vain thing for safety, nor can he deliver his master by his great strength. Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that trust in his goodness ; To save them from the power of death, and keep them alive in famine. The hope of our souls is in the Lord ; he is our help and our shield. Yea, in him doth our heart rejoice ; in his holy name we have confidence. May thy goodness be upon us, O Lord ! according as we trust in thee 1 III. The Glory of God. PSALM XXIX. (Habu 1'Adonai bene Elim.) M. Give unto the Lord, O ye sons of the mighty ! give unto the Lord glory and praise ! C Give unto the Lord the glory due to his name; worship the Lord in holy attire 1 RESPONSIVE READINGS. g The voice of the LORD is heard above the waters : the God of glory thundereth, the Lord above the great waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty ; The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars ; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon ; Yea, he maketh them to leap like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a young buffalo. The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire. The voice of the Lord maketh the wilderness tremble ; yea, the Lord maketh the wilderness of Kadesh tremble. The voice of the Lord causes the wild deer to start, and layeth bare the forests ; while, in his temple, every one declareth his glory. The Lord dwelleth above the floods; yea, the Lord is king for ever. The Lord will give strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace. PSALM XXIV. M. The earth is the Lord's, and all that is therein ; the world and they who inhabit it. C. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? and who shall stand in his holy place ? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart ; who hath not inclined his soul to falsehood, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, and favor from the God of his salvation. This is the race of those that seek him ; those that seek thy face, O God of Jacob. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ! lift yourselves up, ye everlasting doors, that the king of glory may come! "Who is the king of glory?" The Lord, strong and mighty ; the Lord, mighty in battle. I0 RESPONSIVE READINGS. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ! lift yourselves up, ye ever- lasting doors, that the king of glory may enter in! " Who is this King of glory ? " The Lord, God of hosts, he is the king of glory. PSALM XIX. M. The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament showeth forth the work of his hands. C. Day uttereth instruction unto day, and night showeth knowledge unto night. They have no speech nor language, and their voice is not heard ; Yet their sound goelh forth to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the woild. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which like a bridegroom he cometh forth from his chamber, and rejoiceth, like a hero, to run his course. He goeth forth from the extremity of heaven, and maketh his circuit to the end of it ; and nothing is hid from his heat. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul ; the precepts of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart ; the commandments of the Lord are pure, enlighten- ing the eyes ; The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever; the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous alto- gether. More precious are they than gold ; yea, than much fine gold ; sweeter than honey and the honeycomb. By them also is thy servant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward. Who knoweth his own offences ? O, cleanse thou me from secret faults ! Keep back also thy servant from presumptuous sins ; let them not have dominion over me ! Then shall I be upright, and free from gross trans- gression. RESPONSIVE READINGS. H May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. PSALM VIII. M. O Eternal, our God ! how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! thou hast set thy glory above the heavens. C. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast thou found- ed thy might, to put thy adversaries to shame, and to silence the enemy and avenger. When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy hands, the moon and the stars which thou hast established: What is man, that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou carest for him ? Yet thou hast made him little lower than God; thcu hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou hast given him dominion over the works of thy hands ; thou hast put all things under his feet, All sheep and cattle, yea, and the beasts of the forest ; The birds of the air, and the fishes of the sea, and what- ever passeth through the paths of the deep. O Eternal, our God, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! PSALM LXXXIX. M. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever; I will make known thy faithfulness to all generations ! C. For I know that thy mercy endureth for ever ; thou hast established thy truth like the heavens. The heavens shall praise thy wonders, O Lord! and the assembly of the holy ones thy truth ! Who in the heavens can be compared to the Lord? who- is like the Eternal among the mighty ? A God greatly feared in the assembly of the holy ones, and held in reverence above all who are around him? O Lord, God of hosts! who is mighty like thee, O Lord? and thy faithfulness is round about thee. Thou rulest the raging of the sea ; when the waves there* of rise, thou stillest them I f2 RESPONSIVE READINGS. The heavens are thine ; thine also is the earth ; the world and all that is therein, thou didst found them. The North and the South were created by thee; Thine is a mighty arm ; strong is thy hand, and high thy right hand. Justice and equity are the foundation of thy throne; mercy and truth go before thy face. Happy the people that know the trumpet's sound ! they walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance ; In thy name they daily rejoice, and in thy righteousness they glory ! For thou art the glory of their strength ; yea, through thy favor we are exalted. IV. The Goodness of God. PSALM XXXIV. M. I will bless the Lord at all times ; his praise shall continu- ally be in my mouth. C. In the Lord doth my soul boast; let the afflicted hear, and rejoice ! magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together ! 1 sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Look up to him, and ye shall have light; your faces shall never be ashamed. This afflicted man cried, and the Lord heard, and saved him from all his troubles. The angels of the Lord encamp around those who fear him, and deliver them. O taste, and see how good is the Lord ! happy the man who trusteth in him ! O fear the Lord, ye his servants ! for to those who fear him there shall be no want. Young lions may want, and suffer hunger ; but they who fear the Lord want no good thing. RESPONSIVE READINGS. ,* Come, ye children, hearken to me ! I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Who is he that loveth life, and desireth many days, in which he may see good ? Guard well thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile ! Depart from evil, and do good ; seek peace, and pursue it ! The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry. But the face of the Lord is against evil-doers, to cut off their remembrance from the earth. The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them from all their troubles. The Lord is near to them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as are of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous : but the Lord delivereth him from them all. He guardeth all his bones; not one of them shall be broken. Calamity destroyeth the wicked, and they who hate right- eousness suffer for it. The Lord redeemeth the life of his servants, and none that put their trust in him will suffer of it. PSALM XXXV. [Abrev.] M. Thy goodness, O Lord ! reacheth to the heavens, and thy faithfulness to the clouds ; C. Thy righteousness is like the high mountains ; thy judg- ments are like the great deep; thou, O Lord, pre- servest man and beast! How precious is thy loving-kindness, O God ! Yea, the sons of men seek refuge under the shadow of thy wings. They are satisfied with the abundance of thy house, and thou causest them to drink of the full stream of thy pleasures. For with thee is the fountain of life; through thy light we see light. H RESPONSIVE READINGS. O continue thy loving-kindness to them that know thee, and thy favor to the upright in heart! PSALM CXI. M. Praise ye the Lord ! I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the righteous, and in the congregation. G The works of the Lord are great ; sought out by all who have pleasure in them. His deeds are honorable and glorious, and his righteous- ness endureth for ever. He hath established a memorial of his wonders ; the Lord is gracious and full of compassion. He giveth food to them that fear him; he is ever mindful of his covenant. He showed his people the greatness of his works, when he gave them the inheritance of nations. The deeds of his hands are truth and justice ; all his com- mandments are sure ; They stand firm for ever and ever, being founded on truth and justice. He sent redemption to his people; he established his covenant for ever; holy, and awe-inspiring is his name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom ; a good understanding have all they who keep his command- ments; his praise endureth for ever. PSALM CVI. [Abrev.J M. Praise ye the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good ; for his mercy pndureth for ever ! C. Who can utter the mighty deeds of the Lord ? who can show forth all his praise ? Happy are they who have regard to justice, who practise righteousness at all times ! Remember me, O Lord ! with the favor promised to thy people ; O visit me with thy salvation ! That I may see the prosperity of the nation, that I may rejoice in the joy of thy people, that I may glory with thine inheritance 1 RESPONSIVE READINGS. j* PSALM CIII. M. Bless the Lord, O my soul ! and all that is within me, bless his holy name ! (7. Bless the Lord, O my soul ! and forget not all his benefits ! Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases ; Who redeemeth thy life from the grave ; who crown eth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies ; Who satisfieth thy old age with good, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. The Lord executeth justice and equity for all the oppressed. He made known his ways to Moses, his doings to the children of Israel. The Lord is merciful and kind, slow to anger and rich in mercy. He doth not always chide, nor doth he keep his anger for ever. He hath not dealt with us according to our sins, nor re- quited us according to our iniquities, As high as are the heavens above the earth, so great is his mercy to them that fear him. As far as the East is from theWcst, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Even as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust- As for man, his days are as grass ; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. The wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and its place shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting to them that fear him, and his righteousness to child- ren's children, To such as keep his covenant, and remember his com- mandments to do them. The Lord hath established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdorr ruleth over all. RESPONSIVE READINGS. Bless the Lord, ye his angels, ye mighty ones who do his commands, hearkening to the voice of his word ! Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts ; ye, his ministers, who do his pleasure ! Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of his dominion! Bless the Lord, O my soul 1 V. Time and Eternity. PSALM XC. M. LORD ! thou hast been our refuge, in all generations ! C. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God ! But man thou turnest again to dust, and sayst, "Return, ye children of men ! " For a thousand years are, in thy sight, as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest him away as with a flood ; he is a dream ; in the morning he springeth up like grass, Which flounsheth and shooteth up in the morning, and in the evening is cut down, and withered. For we are consumed by thy anger, and by thy wrath are we destroyed. If thou settest our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance : Then in thine anger all our days vanish away; we spend our years like a thought. The days of our life are threescore years and ten, and by reason of strength may be fourscore years : Yet is the pride of them weariness and sorrow; for it van- isheth swiftly, and we fly away. Yet who attendeth to the power of thy anger ? who with due reverence regardeth thy indignation ? Teach us so to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom 1 RESPONSIVE READINGS. j 7 Desist, O Lord ! How long ? have compaesion upon thy servants ! Satisfy us speedily with thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days ! Make us glad according to the time in which thou hast afflicted us ; according to the years in which we have seen adversity ! Let thy deeds be known to thy servants, and thy glory to their children ! Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish for us the work of our hands; yea, the work of our hands, establish thou it ! PSALM XXXIX. [Abrev.J M. Lord, make me to know my end, and the number of my days, that I may know how frail I am ! C. Behold, thou hast made my days as a hand-breadth, and my life is as nothing before thee ; yea, every man in his firmest state is altogether vanity. Surely every man walketh in a vain show; surely he dis- quieteth himself in vain ; he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them. What, then, O Lord ! is my hope ? my hope is in thee! Deliver me from all my transgiessions; let me not be the reproach of scoffers ! Yet I am dumb ; I open not my mouth ; for thou hast done it! But remove from me thy infliction ; for I am perishing by the blow of thy hand. When thou with rebukes dost chasten man for iniquity, thou causest his glory to waste away like a moth ! surely every man is vanity. Hear my prayer, O Lord! give ear to my cry; be not silent at my tears ! for I am but a stranger with thee, a sojourner, as all my fathers were. O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go away, and be no more 1 l8 RESPONSIVE READINGS. PSALM XCI. M. He who dwelleth under the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. C. I say to the Lord, thou art my refuge and my fortress ; my God, in whom I trust. Surely he will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the wasting pestilence; He will cover thee with his pinions, and under his wings shall thou find refuge; his faithfulness shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow that flieth by day ; Nor of the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor of the plague that destroyeth at noonday. A thousand may fall by thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but thee it shall not touch. Thou shalt only behold with thy eyes, and see the re- compense of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord thy refuge, and the Most High thy habitation, No evil shall befall thee, nor any plague come near thy dwelling. For he will give his angels charge over thee, to guard thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder; the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under foot. 'Because he loveth me, I will deliver him ; I will set him on high, because he knoweth my name. When he calleth upon me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and bring him to honor. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my sal- vation. " RESPONSIVE READINGS. , 9 VI. The Universal Presence of God. PSALM CXXXIX. [Abrev: M. O Lord ! thou hast searched me and known me ! C. Thou knowest my sitting-down and my rising-up ; thou understandest my thoughts from afar ! Thou seest my path and my lying-down, and art ac- quainted with all my ways ! For before the word is upon my tongue, behold, O Lord! thou knowest it altogether ! Thou besettest me behind and before, and layest thy hand upon me ! Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain to it ! Whither shall I go from thy spirit, and whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend into heaven, thou art there ! if I make my bed in the underworld, behold, thou art there ! If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the re- motest parts of the sea, Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me ! If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me"; even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee, but the night shineth as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to thee ! I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are thy works, and this my soul knoweth full well ! My frame was not hidden from thee, when yet unborn, when I was curiously shaped in the depths of the earth. Thy eyes did see my substance, while yet unformed, and in thy book was every thing written ; my days were appointed before one of them existed. 20 RESPONSIVE READINGS. How precious to me are thy thoughts, O God ! how great is the sum of them ! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand ; when I awake, I am still with thee ! Search me, O God ! and know my heart ; try me, and know my thoughts ; And see if the way of trouble be within me, and lead me in the way everlasting ! PSALM CIV. AT. Bless the Lord, O my soul ! O Lord, my God ! thou art very great! thou art clothed with glory and majesty ! C. He covereth himself with light as with a garment; he spreadeth out the heavens like a curtain ; He layeth the beams of his palaces in the waters; he maketh the clouds his chariot ; he rideth upon the wings of the wind. He maketh the' winds his messengers, the flaming light- nings his ministers. He established the earth on its foundations; it shall not be moved for ever. Thou didst cover it with the deep as with a garment ; the waters stood above the mountains ! They give drink to all the beasts of the forest; in them the wild animals quench their thirst. At thy rebuke they fled ; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. The mountains rose, the valleys sank, in the place which thou didst appoint for them. Thou hast established a bound which the waters may not pass, that they may not return, and cover the earth. He sendeth forth the springs in brooks ; they run among the mountains ; About them the birds of heaven have their habitation ; they sing among the branches. He watereth the hills from his clouds; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works ! He causeth grass to spring up for cattle, and herbage for the service of man, to bring forth food out of the earth, RESPONSIVE READINGS. 2 * And wine that gladdeneth the heart of man, and bread that strengtheneth man's heart. The trees of the Lord are full of sap, the cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted ; There the birds build their nests; in the cypresses the stork hath her abode. The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats, and the rocks. for the conies. He appointed the moon to mark seasons; the sun knoweth when to go down. Thou makest darkness, and it is night, when all the beasts of the forest go forth. The young lions roar for prey, and seek their food from God. When the sun ariseth, they withdraw themselves, and lie- down in their dens. Man goeth forth, to his work, and to his labor, until the evening. Lord ! how manifold are thy works ! in wisdom hast thou made them all ! the earth is full of thy riches !: Lo ! this great and wide sea ! in it are moving creatures without number, animals, small and great. There go the ships; there is the leviathan, which thou hast made to play therein. All these wait on thee, to give them their food in due- season. Thou givest it to them, they gather it ; thou openest thy hand, they are satisfied with good. Thou hidest thy face, they are confounded; thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to the dust. Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created, and thou renewest the face of the earth. The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever ; the Lord rejoiceth in his works; He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth ; he toucheth the hills, and they smoke. 1 will sing to the Lord as long as I live, I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. 32 RESPONSIVE READINGS. May my meditation be acceptable to him ! I will rejoice in the Lord. May sinners cease from the earth, and the wicked be nc more! Bless the Lord, O my soul ! praise ye the Lord ! VII. Seeking God. PSALM LXIII. [Abrev.] M. O God, thou art my God ! earnestly do I seek thee ! my soul thirsteth, my flesh longeth for thee, in a dry, thirsty land, where there is no water ! C. Thus I look toward thee in thy sanctuary, to behold thy power and thy glory ! For thy loving-kindness is better than life; therefore my lips shall praise thee ! Thus will I bless thee, while I live; in thy name will I lift up my hands! My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and with joyful lips my mouth shall praise thee, "When I think of thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night-watches. For thou art my help, and in the shadow of thy wings I rejoice. My soul cleaveth to thee ; thy right hand holdeth me up. PSALM V. [Abrev.] M. Give ear to my words, O Lord ; have regard to my prayer ! <7. Listen to the voice of my supplication, my King and my God ! for to thee do I address my prayer. In the morning shalt thou hear my voice, O Lord! in the morning will I address my prayer to thee, and look for help. For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness ; the unrighteous man dwelleth not with thee. The haughty shall not stand in thy sight ; thou hatest all that do iniquity. RESPONSIVE READINGS. 2l Thou destroyest them that speak falsehood ; the man of blood and deceit the Lord abhorreth. But I, through thy great goodness, will come to thy house; in the fear of thee will I worship at thy holy temple. Lead me, O Lord! in thy righteousness, make thy path straight before my face ! Let all, that put their trust in thee, rejoice; let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them; let them, that love thy name, be joyful in thee ! For thou, O Lord ! dost bless the righteous ; with favor dost thou encompass him, as with a shield. PSALM XVI. Preserve me, O God ! for to thee do I look for help. I have said to the Lord, thou art my Lord ; I have no happiness beyond thee ! The holy that are in the land, and the excellent, in them is all ray delight. They who hasten after false gods shall have multiplied sorrows; their drink-ofterings of blood I will not offer, nor will I take their names upon my lips. The Lord is my portion and my cup ; thou wilt maintain my lot ! My portion hath fallen to me in pleasant places ; yea, I have a goodly inheritance. I will bless the Lord, who careth for me ; yea, in the night my heart admonisheth me. I set the Lord before me at all times ; since he is at my right hand, I shall not fall. Therefore my heart is glad, and my spirit rejoiceth ; yea, my flesh dwelleth in security. For thou wilt not give me up to the underworld ; nor wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see the corruption. Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is ful- ness of joy; at thy right hand are pleasures for ever- more. 24 PSALM XXV. .!/! To thee, O Lord ! do I lift up my soul. C. O my God ! I trust in thee ; let me not be put to shame ! let not my enemies triumph over me ! Yea, none that hope in thee shall be put to shame : they shall be put to shame who wickedly forsake thee. Cause me to know thy ways, O Lord ! teach me thy paths ! Lead me in thy truth, and teach me ! For thou art the God from whom cometh my help; in thee do I trust at all times ! Remember thy loving-kindness, O Lord ! and thy tender mercy, which thou hast exercised of old ! Remember not the faults and transgressions of my youth : according to thy mercy remember thou me, for thy goodness' sake, O Lord ! Good and righteous is the Lord; therefore showeth he to sinners the way. The humble he guideth in his statutes, and the contrite he teacheth his way. All the doings of the Lord are mercy and truth, to those who keep his covenant and his precepts. For thy name's sake, O Lord, pardon my iniquity; for it is great ! Who is the man that feareth the Lord ? him doth he show the way which he should choose. He shall himself dwell in prosperity, and his offspring shall inherit the land. The friendship of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he will teach them his covenant. My eyes are ever directed to the Lord, for he will pluck my feet from the net. Look upon me, and have pity on me ; for I am desolate and afflicted ! Lighten the sorrows of my heart, and deliver me from my troubles ! Look upon my affliction and distress, and forgive all my sins! RESPONSIVE READINGS. 2 $ Guard thou my life, and deliver me ! let me not be put to shame, for I have trusted in thee! Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for on thee do 1 rest my hope ! Redeem Israel, O God ! from all his troubles ! PSALM XLIII. As the hart panteth for the water- brooks, so panteth my soul for thee, O God ! My soul thirsteth for God, the living God : when shall I come, and appear before God ? My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me continually, "Where is thy God ?" When I think of it, I pour out my soul in grief; how I once walked with the multitude, walked slowly with them to the house of God, amid sounds of joy and praise with the festive multitude ! Why art thou cast down, O my soul ? and why art thou disquieted within me ? hope thou in God ; for I shall yet praise him, him, my deliverer and my God ! Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterfalls; all thy waves and billows have gone over me ! Once the Lord commanded his kindness by day, and by night his praise was with me, thanksgiving to the God of my life. Now I say to God, my rock, why hast thou forgotten me ? why go I mourning on account of the oppression of the enemy ? Like the crushing of my bones are the reproaches of the enemy, while they say to me continually, "Where is thy God ?" Why art thou cast down, O my soul ? and why art thou disquieted within me ? hope thou in God ; for I shall yet praise him, him, my deliverer and my God ! Judge me, O God ! and defend my cause against a merci- less nation ! deliver me from unjust and deceitful men ! Thou art the God of my refuge : why dost thou cast me off ! why go I mourning on account of the oppression of the enemy ? 26 RESPONSIVE READINGS. send forth thy light and thy truth ; let them guide me ; let them lead me to thy holy mountain, and to thy dwelling-place! Then will I go to the altar of God, to the God of my joy and exultation ; yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O Lord, my God ! Why art thou cast down, O my soul ? and why art thou disquieted within me ? hope thou in God ; for I shall yet praise him, him, my deliverer and my God! PSALM CI. M. I will sing of mercy and justice; to thee, O Lord ! will I sing I C. I wi 11 have regard to the way of uprightness : when thou shalt come to me, I will walk within my house with an upright heart. 1 will set no wicked thing before my eyes ; I hate the work of evil-doers ; it shall not cleave to me. The perverse in heart shall be far from me ; I will not know a wicked person. Whoso slandereth his neighbor in secret, him will I remove; him that hath a haughty look and a proud heart I will not endure. My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me ; he that walketh in the way of uprightness shall be with me. He who practiseth deceit shall not dwell in my house; he who telleth lies shall not remain in my sight. PSALM CXIX. [Abrev.J Af. Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes, and I shall keep it unto the end. C. Give me understanding and I shall keep thy law, yea, I shall keep it with my whole heart. Make me to go in the path of thy commandments, for therein is my desire. Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken thou me in thy way. Thy hands have made me and fashioned me, give me understanding that I may learn thy commandments RESPONSIVE READINGS. 2 7. Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live* for thy law is my delight. Order my footsteps in thy word, and let not any sin have dominion over me. Lord! thy word endureth forever, being established like the heavens : Thy truth remaineth from generation to generation. Thou> has laid the foundation of the earth, and it abideth.. Oh, how I love thy law, it is my meditation all the day. How sweet are thy words unto my taste, yea, sweeter than, honey unto my mouth. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. The going forth of thy word giveth light, it giveth under- standing to the simple. Thy testimonies are wonderful, therefore doth my soul keep them. Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth. Let my prayer come before thee, O Lord! give me under- standing according to thy word. My lips shall speak thy praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes. 1 have longed for thy salvation, O Lord, and in thy law is my delight. The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting; Oh, grant me understanding and I shall live. Thy testimonies are my heritage forever ; quicken me, O Lord 1 according to thy loving kindness. VIII. Than ksgiving. PSALM CV. C Abrev -]' M. O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people ! C. Sing unto him ; sing psalms unto him ; tell ye all of his. wondrous works! 3 8 RESPONSIVE READINGS. Glory ye in his holy name ; let the hearts of them that seek the Lord rejoice ! Seek the Lord, and his majesty; seek his face continually ! Remember the wonders he hath wrought, his miracles and the judgments of his mouth, Ye offspring of Abraham his servant, ye children of Jacob his chosen ! The Eternal, he is our God, his judgments are over all the earth, He remembereth his covenant for ever, and the promise to a thousand generations ; The covenant which he made with Abraham, and the oath which he gave to Isaac ; Which he confirmed to Jacob for a decree, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant. To thee," said he, " will I give the land of Canaan for the lot of your inheritance." When they were yet few in number, very few, and stran- gers in the land ; When they went from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people, He suffered no man to oppress them; yea, he rebuked kings for their sakes. "Touch not," said he, "mine anointed, and do my proph- ets no harm." PSALM LXVI. [Abrev.] M. Shout joyfully unto God, all ye lands ! <7. Sing ye the honor of his name; make his praise glorious ! Say unto God, How wonderful are thy doings ! through the greatness of thy power thy enemies are suppli- ants to thee! Let all the earth worship thee ; let it sing praise to thee, let it sing praise to thy name ! Come, behold the works of God ! how wonderful his do- ings among the sons of men ! He turned the sea into dry land , they went through the deep on foot ; then we rejoiced in him. RESPONSIVE READINGS. 2 $ By his power he ruleth forever; his eyes are fixed upon the nations ; let not the rebellious exalt themselves ! bless our God, ye nations, and make the voice of his praise to be heard ! It is he who preserveth our lives, and suffereth not our feet to stumble. Thou hast, indeed, proved us, O God ! thou hast tried us as silver is tried. Thou broughtest us into a snare, and didst lay a heavy burden upon our backs ; Thou didst cause men to ride upon our heads, and we have gone through fire and water: but thou hast brought us to a place of abundance. 1 will go into thy house with offerings ; I will pay thee my vows, The vows which my lips uttered, which my mouth prom- ised in my trouble. Come and hear, all ye who fear God, and I will i elate what he hath done for me! I called upon him with my mouth, and praise is now upon my tongue. If I had meditated wickedness in my heart, the Lord would not have heard me : But surely God hath heard me; he hath had regard to the voice of my supplication. Blessed be God, who did not reject my prayer, nor with- hold his mercy from me! PSALM LXV. tAbrev.] M. To thee belongeth trust, to thee praise, O God in Zion! and to thee shall the vow be performed ! C. O thou that nearest prayer ! to thee shall all flesh come and worship ! Happy is he whom thou choosest, and bringest near thee to dwell in thy courts ! May we be satisfied with the blessings of thy house, thy holy temple! RESPONSIVE READINGS. By wonderful deeds dost thou answer us in thy goodness, O God, our salvation ! Who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of the most distant seas ! Thou makest fast the mountains by thy power, being girded with strength ! Thou stillest the roar of the sea, the roar of its waves, and the tumult of the nations . They who dwell in the ends of the earth are awed by thy signs ; Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice ! Thou visitest the earth and waterest it ; thou enrichest it exceedingly ; the river of God is full of water. Thou suppliest the earth with corn, when thou hast thus prepared it. Thou waterest its furrows, and breakest down its ridges ; thou makest it soft with showers, and blessest its in- crease. Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; thy footsteps drop fruitfulness ; They drop it upon the pastures of the plains, and the hills are girded with gladness. The pastures axe clothed with flocks, and the valleys are covered with corn; they shout, yea, they sing for joy. PSALM LXXV. Jlf. We give thanks to thee, O God ! we give thanks to thee, and near is thy name; men shall declare thy won- drous deeds! C. "When I see my time, then will I judge with equity. The earth trembleth, and all her inhabitants; but I up- hold her pillars." I say to the proud, Behave not proudly ! to the wicked. Lift not up your horn ! Lift not up your horn on high, and speak not with a stiff neck ! RESPONSIVE READINGS. ^ For promotion cometh ne'ther from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South ; But it is God that judgeth ; he putteth down one, and exalteth another. For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup ; the wine is foaming and full of spices, and of it he poureth out ; Even to the dregs shall all the wicked of the earth drink it! Therefore I will extol him for ever; I will sing praise to the God of Jacob. "I will bring down all the power of the wicked; but the righteous shall lift up their heads." PSALM CXXXVIII. M. I will praise thee with my whole heart; before the mighty ones will I sing praise to thee ; C. I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy goodness and thy truth ; for thy prom- ise thou hast magnified above all thy name! In the day when I called, thou didst hear me ; thou didst strengthen me, and encourage my soul. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord ! when they hear the promises of thy mouth ! Yea, they shall sing of the ways of the Lord; for great is the glory of the Lord. The Lord is high, yet he looketh upon the humble, and the proud doth he know from afar. Though I walk through the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me ; Thou wilt stretch forth thy hand against the wrath of my enemies; thou wilt save me by thy right hand ! The Lord will perform all things for me ; thy goodness, O Lord! endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thy hands ! PSALM CVII. [Abrev.J M. O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever ! C. Let the redeemed of the Lord say it, whom he hath re- deemed from the hands of the enemy ; 32 REf>PONSIVE READINGS. Whom he had gathered from the lands, from the East, the West, the North and the South. They were wandering in the wilderness, in a desert, they found no way to a city *o dwell in. They were hungry and thirsty, and their souls fainted within them. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he deliv- ered them out of their distress. He led them in a straight way, till they came to a city where they might dwell. O let them praise the Lord for his goodness, for his won- derful works to the children of men ! For he satisfieth the thirsty, and the hungry he filleth with good. They dwelt in darkness and the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron ; Because they disobeyed the commands of God, and con- temned the will of the Most High ; Their hearts he brought down by hardship ; they fell down and there was none to help. But they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses ; He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands asunder. O let them praise the Lord for his goodness, for his won- derful works to the children of men ! For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron asunder. Let them offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with joy ! Whoso is wise, let him observe this, and have regard to to the loving-kindness of the Lord 1 PSALM CXXXVI. [ A1 > rev -l M. O give thanks to the Lord ! for he is kind; for his good- ness endureth for ever ! C. O give thanks to the God of heaven ; for his goodness endureth for ever! RESPONSIVE READINGS. 33 O give thanks to the Lord of lords; for his goodness endureth for ever ! To him that alone doeth great wonders ; for his goodness endureth for ever ! To him that made the heavens with wisdom ; for his good- ness endureth for ever ! To him that spread out the earth upon the waters; for his goodness endureth for ever ! To him that made the great lights; for his goodness endureth for ever ! The sun to rule the day ; for his goodness endureth for ever! The moon and stars to rule the night ; for his goodness endureth for ever ! To him that smote the Egyptians; for his goodness endureth for ever ! And brought Israel from the midst of them ; for his good- ness endureth for ever! With a strong hand and an outstreched arm; for his good- ness endureth for ever! To him who led his people through the wilderness, for his goodness endureth for ever! Who remembered us in our low estate; for his goodness endureth for ever ! And redeemed us from our enemies; for his goodness endureth for ever ! Who giveth food unto all ; for his goodness endureth for ever! O give thanks to the God of heaven ; for his goodness endureth for ever 1 - 4 RESPONSIVE READINGS. IX. Prayer. PSALM IV. Af. Hear me, when I call, O God of my righteousness ! thou hast helped me, when I was in trouble, have pity upon me, hear my prayer ! C. How long, O men ! will ye dishonor my dignity ? How long will ye love vanity, and seek disappointment? Know ye that the Lord hath exalted one that is devoted to him ; the Lord will hear, when I call upon him. Stand in awe, and sin no more; commune with your hearts upon your beds, and desist ! Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord! There are many who say, who will show us any good ? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us! Thou puttest gladness into my heart, greater than theirs, when their corn and wine are abundant. I will lay me down in peace, and sleep ; for thou alone, O Lord ! makest me dwell in safety. PSALM XVII. [Abrev.] M. Hear the righteous cause, O Lord! attend to my cry; give ear to my prayer from lips without deceit ! C. May my sentence come forth from thy presence ; may thy eyes behold uprightness ! Pro vest thou my heart, visitest thou me in the night, triest thou me like gold, thou shalt find nothing! My thoughts do not vary from rny lips, as to the deeds of men, through the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer. Support my steps in thy paths, that my feet may not slip ! I call upon thee, O God ! for thou wilt hear me ; incline thy ear to me, and listen to my prayer ! Show forth thy loving-kindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand, those that seek refuge in thee from their adversaries ! RESPONSIVE READINGS. , s Guard me as the apple of the eye; hide me under the shadow of thy wings. And I through righteousness shall see thy face, I shall be satisfied with the light of thy countenance. PSALM LXI. [Abrev.] M. Hear my cry, O God ! attend to my prayer! C. From the extremity of the land I cry unto thee in deep sorrow of heart ; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou art my refuge, my strong tower against the enemy. I shall dwell in thy tabernacle for ever; I will seek refuge under the covert of thy wings. For thou, O God ! wilt hear my vows, and give me the inheritance of those who fear thy name. PSALM LXVII. M. O God ! be merciful to us, and bless us, and cause thy face to shine upon us ! C. That thy doings may be known on earth, and thy saving power to all the nations. Let the nations praise thee, O God ! yea, let all the na- tions praise thee ! Let all the nations be glad, and shout for joy! for justly dost thou judge the people, and govern the nations on the earth. Let all the nations praise thee, O God! yea, let all the nations praise thee ! For the earth has yielded her increase, and God, our Lord hath blessed us. May God continue to bless us, and may all the, ends of the earth fear him ! 3<> RESPONSIVE READINGS. X. In the Day of Trouble. PSALM XX. M. May the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; may the name of the God of Jacob defend thee ! C. May he send thee help from his sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion ! May he have regard to all thy offerings, and accept thy sacrifice ! May he grant thee thy heart's desire, and fulfill all thy purposes ! We will rejoice in thy protection, and in the name of our God will we set up our banners, when the Lord hath fulfilled all thy petitions. Now I know that the Lord helpeth his anointed; that he heareth him from his holy heaven, and aideth him with the saving strength of his right hand. Some glory in chariots, and some in horses, but we in the name of the Lord our God. They stumble and fall, but we stand and are erect. The Lord save us ! may he hear us when we call ! PSALM VI. [ Abrev -J M. O Lord! rebuke me not in thy anger ; chasten me not in thy hot displeasure ! C. Have pity upon me, O Lord ! for I am weak ; heal me, O Lord ! for my bones tremble ! My soul, also, is sore troubled ; and thou, O Lord ! how long ? Return, O Lord ! and deliver me ; O, save me according to thy mercy 1 For in death no praise is given to thee; in the under- world who can give thee thanks ? I am weary with my groaning ; all the night I make my bed to swim, and drench my couch with my tears. My eye is wasted with grief; it hath become old because of all my enemies. RESPONSIVE READINGS. 3* Depart from me, all ye that do iniquity ; for the Lord heareth the voice of my weeping. The Lord heareth my supplication; the Lord accepteth my prayer. PSALM XXII. [Abiev.J M. My God, my God ! why hast thou forsaken me ? Why so far from my aid, and from the words of my cry? C. O my God ! I cry during the day, but thou hearest not ; in the night also, but I have no rest. And yet thou art holy, dwelling amid the praises of Israel T Our fathers trusted in thee ; they trusted, and thou didst save them. They called upon thee, and were delivered ; they trusted in thee, and were not put to shame. But I am a worm, and not a man; the reproach of men> and the scorn of the people. All who see me scoff at me; they open wide their lips, they shake the head. " He trusted in the Lord, let him help him ; let him deliver him, since he delighted in him ! " Surely thou art he that didst bring me into the world ^ thou didst make me lie secure upon my mother's breast 1 Upon thee have I cast myself from my birth ; thou hast been my God from my earliest breath! Oh, be not far from me, for trouble is near ; for there ia none to help ! My strength is dried up like an earthen vessel, and my- tongue cleaveth to my jaws ; Thou hast brought me to the dust of death ! But be not thou far from me, O Lordl O my strength I make haste to my aid! I will proclaim thy name to my brethren ; in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Praise him, ye worshippers of the Lord ! extol him, all yfr race of Jacob, and fear him, all ye race of Israel! For he hath not despised nor abhorred the misery of the- afflicted. 3 RESPONSIVE READINGS. Nor hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation; I will pay my vows before them that fear him ! The afflicted shall eat, and be satisfied ; they that seek the Lord shall praise him ; your hearts shall be glad for ever and ever ! All the ends of the earth shall remember, and turn to the Lord; all the families of the nations shall worship before thee ! PSALM LXXXVIII. M. O Lord, God of my salvation ! to thee do I cry by day, and by night is my prayer before thee ! {7. Let my supplication come before thee ; incline thy ear to my cry 1 For my soul is full of misery, and my life draweth near to the underworld. I am counted with those who are going down to the pit ; I am like one who hath no strength. I am left to myself as among the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom thou no more rememberest, and who are cut off from thy [protecting] hand. Thou hast placed me in a deep pit, in a dark and deep abyss. Thy wrath presseth hard upon me, and thou afflictest me with all thy waves! Thou hast put my acquaintances far from me, yea, thou hast made me their abhorrence : I am shut up, and cannot go forth. My eyes languish by reason of my affliction. I call upon thee daily, O Lord ! to thee do I stretch out my hands ! Dost thou show wonders to the dead ? shall the dead arise, and praise thee ? Shall thy goodness be declared in the grave, or thy faith- fulness in the place of corruption ? Shall thy wonders be known in the dark, and thy justice in the land of forgetfulness ? RESPONSIVE READINGS. 39 To thee do I cry, O Lord ! In the morning doth my cry come before thee. Why, O Lord ! dost thou cast me off ? why hidest thou thy face from me ? I have been afflicted and languishing from my youth; I suffer thy terrors, and am distracted. Thy fierce wrath overwhelmeth me; thy terrors utterly destroy me. They surround me daily like water , they compass me about together. Lover and friend hast thou put far from me; My acquaint- ances are withdrawn from my sight. PSALM LXXVII. M. I call upon God; I cry aloud for help ; I call upon God, that he would hear me ! C, In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord ; in the night is my hand stretched fcrth continually ; my soul re- fuseth to be comforted. I remember God, and am disquieted ; I think of him, and my spirit is overwhelmed. Thou keepest my eyelids from closing ; I am distressed, so that I cannot speak ! I think of the days of old, the years of ancient times. I call to remembrance my songs in the night; I meditate in my heart, and my spirit inquireth : Will the Lord be angry for ever ? will he be favorable no more? Is his mercy utterly withdrawn for ever ? doth his promise fail from generation to generation? Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Hath he in anger shut up his compassion ? Then I say, "This is my affliction, a change in the right hand of the Most High." I remember the deeds of the Lord, I think of thy wonders of old. I meditate on all thy works, and talk of thy doings. Thy ways, O God ! r re holy ! who is so great as our God ? 40 RESPONSIVE READINGS. Thou art a God who doest wonders ; thou hast manifested thy power among the nations. With thy strong arm thou didst redeem thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. The waters saw thee, O God ! the waters saw thee, and feared, and the deep trembled. The clouds poured out water, the skies sent forth thunder, and thy arrows flew. Thy thunder roared in the whirlwind ; the lightning illu- mined the world ; the earth trembled and shook. Thy way was through the sea, and thy path through great waters ; and thy footsteps could not be found. Thou didst lead thy people like a flock; by the hands of Moses and Aaron. PSALM LV. [Abrev.) M. Give ear to my prayer, O God ! hide not thyself from my supplication ! 0. Attend unto me, and hear me ! I wander about mourning and wailing. My heart trembleth in my bosom, and the terrors of death have fallen upon me. Fear and trembling have seized me, and horror hath over- whelmed me. Then I say, O that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest. Behold, I would wander far away, and take up my abode in a wilderness. I would hasten away to a shelter from the rushing wind and tempest. As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord will save me. At evening, at morn, and at noon I mourn and sigh, and he will hear my voice. He will deliver me in peace from my conflict; for many have risen up against me. God will hear me, he that hath been judge of old. "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain thee; he will never suffer the righteous to fall!" RESPONSIVE READINGS. 41 PSALM LXXXVI. M. Incline thy ear, O Lord ! and hear me, for I am poor and distressed ! C. Preserve my life, for I am devoted to thee ! save, O thou my God ! thy servant who trusteth in thee ! Have pity upon me, O Lord ! for to thee do I cry daily ! Revive the soul of thy servant, for to thee, O Lord ! do I lift up my soul ! For thou, O Lord, art good, and ready to forgive ; yea, rich in mercy to all that call upon thee ! Give ear, O Lord ! to my prayer, and attend to the voice of my supplication ! In the day of my trouble I call upon thee, for thou dost answer me ! Among the mighty there is none like thee, O Lord ! and there are no works like thy works ! All the nations which thou hast made must come and wor- ship before thee, O Lord ! and glorify thy name ! For great art thou, and wondrous are thy works ; thou alone art God ! Teach me, O Lord ! thy way, that I may walk in thy truthj unite all my heart to fear thy name ! I will praise thee, O Lord, my God ! with my whole heart; I will give glory to thy name for ever ! For thy kindness to me hath been great ; thou hast deliv- ered me from the depths of the underworld ! O God! the proud have risen against me; bands of cruel men seek my life, and set not thee before their eyes. But thou, O Lord! art a God full of compassion and kind- ness, long-suffering, rich in mercy and truth ! Look upon me, and have compassion upon me ! give thy strength to thy servant, and save the son of thy hand- maid! Show me a token for good, that my enemies may see it and be confounded; because thou, O Lordl helpest and comfortest me I 42 RESPONSIVE READINGS. PSALM CXLII. M. I cry unto the Lord with my voice ; with my voice to the Lord do I make my supplication. 0. I pour out my complaint before him ; I declare before him my distress. When my spirit is overwhelmed within me, thou knowest my path ! In the way which I walk, they have hid a snare for me. I look on my right hand, and behold, but no man knoweth me ; refuge faileth me, no one careth for me. I cry unto thee, o Lord 1 I say, thou art my refuge, my portion in the land of the living. Attend to my cry, for I am brought very low ; deliver me from my persecutors, for they prevail against me ! Bring me out of prison, that I may praise thy name ! the righteous shall gather around me, when thou shalt show me thy favor. PSALM CXLIII. [Abrev.J M. Hear my prayer, O Lord ! give ear to my supplications! in thy faithfulness, and in thy righteousness, answer me \ 0. Enter not into judgment with thy servant ; for before thee no man living is righteous. My spirit is overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is desolate. I remember the days of old ; I meditate on all thy works ; I muse on the deeds of thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee; my soul thirsteth for thee, like a parched land. Hear me speedily, O Lord! my spirit faileth; hide not thy face from me, lest I become like those who go down to the pit ! Cause me to see thy loving- kindness speedily ; for in thee do I trust ! Make known to me the way which I should take; for to thee do I lift up my soul ! Deliver me, O Lord 1 from mine enemies; for in thee do I seek refuge ! RESPONSIVE READINGS. Teach me to do thy will ; for thou art my God ! let thy good spirit lead me in a plain path ! Revive me, O Lord ! for thy name's sake ! in thy righteous- ness, bring me out of my distress I XI. Repentance and Forgiveness. PSALM CXXX. M. Out of the depths do I cry to thee, O Lord! C. O Lord! listen to my voice, let thy ears be attentive ta my supplication ! If thou, O Lord, shouldst treasure up transgressions, O Lord, who could stand ? But with thee is forgiveness, that thou mayst be feared. I trust in the Lord; my soul doth trust, and in his prom- ise do I confide. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they who watch for the morning ; Yea, more than they who watch for the morning ! Israel ! trust in the Lord ! for with the Lord is mercy,, and with him is plenteous redemption. He will redeem Israel from all his iniquities. PSALM XXXII. M. Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is. pardoned ! C. Happy the man to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity,. and in whose spirit there is no guile ! While I kept silence, my bones were wasted, by reason of my groaning all the day long. For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me ; my moisture dried up, as in summer's drought. At length I acknowledged to thee my sin, and did not hide my iniquity. 1 said, "I will confess my transgression to the Lord"; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin 1 44 RESPONSIVE READINGS. Therefore shall every pious man pray to thee, while thou mayst be found ; surely the floods of great waters shall not come near him. Thou art my hiding-pla.ce ; thou preservest me from trouble ; thou compassest me about with songs of de- liverance. <4 I will instruct thee, and show thee the way thou shouldst go; I will give thee counsel, and keep my eye upon thee. Be ye not like the horse and the mule, which have no understanding. Whose mouths must be pressed with the bridle and curb, because they will not come near thee ! " The wicked hath many sorrows ; but he that trusteth in the Lord is encompassed with mercies. Rejoice in the Lord, and be glad, ye righteous, shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart 1 PSALM LI. [Abrev.] M. Be gracious unto me, God ! according to thy loving kindness ; according to the greatness of thy mercy, blot out my transgressions ! <7. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin ! For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and in thy sight have I done evil ; So that thou art just in thy sentence, and righteous in thy judgment. Behold ! thou desirest truth in the heart ; so teach me wisdom in my inmost soul ! Make me to hear joy and gladness, so that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice ! Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquitiesl Create within me a clean heart, O God ! renew within me a steadfast spirit ! Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy spirit from me ! RESPONSIVE READINGS. 45 Restore to me the joy of thy protection, and strenghten me with a willing spirit ! Then will I teach thy ways to transgressors, and sinners shall be converted to thee. Deliver me from the guilt of blood, O God, the God of my salvation ! that my tongue may sing aloud of thy goodness ! O Lord 1 open thou my lips, that my mouth may show forth thy praise ! For thou desirest not sacrifice, else would I give it ; thou delightest not in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice which God loveth is a broken spirit ; a broken and contrite heart, O God ! thou wilt not despise 1 XII. Trust. PSALM XI. [Abrev.] M. In the Lord do I put my trust. Why say ye to me, "Flee, like a bird, to your mountain ? C. For, lo! the wicked bend their bow; they make ready their arrows on the string, to shoot in secret at the upright in heart. If the pillars be broken down, what can the righteous do ?' The Lord is in his holy palace ; the Lord's throne is in heaven ; His eyes behold, his eyelids prove the children of men. The Lord trieth the righteous ; but the wicked, and the lover of violence, his soul hateth. For the Lord is righteous ; he loveth righteousness ; the upright shall see his countenance. PSALM XXIII. 3f. The Lord is my shepherd : I shall not want. G. He maketh me lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He reviveth my soul ; he leadeth me in paths of safety, for his name's sake. 46 RESPONSIVE READINGS. When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil ; for thou art with me ; thy stay and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou prepares! a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. PSALM XXVII. [Abrev.J M. The Lord is my light and my salvation ; whom shall I fear? C. The Lord is the shield of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came upon me to devour me, even my persecutors and enemies, they stumbled and fell. Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear ; though war should rise against me, yet will I be confident. One thing have I desired of the Lord ; that do I yet seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, To behold the grace of the Lord, and to gaze upon his temple. For in the day of trouble he will hide me in his pavilion ; ye, in the secret place of his tabernacle will he shelter me ; he will set me upon a rock. Hear my voice, O Lord! when I cry unto thee; have pity upon me, and answer me ! When I think of thy precept, " Seek ye my face !" thy face, Lord, do I seek. O hide not thou thy face from me ; cast not thy servant away in displeasure ! Thou hast been my help, do not leave me ; do not forsake me, O God, my helper ! For though my father and my mother may forsake me but the Lord will take me up. RESPONSIVE READINGS. .* Teach me thy way, O Lord ! and lead me in the right path ! Give us not up to the will of our adversaries I for false wit- nesses have risen up against us, and such as breathe out injustice. I trust that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Hope thou in the Lord! be of good courage; let thy heart be strong; hope thou in the Lordl PSALM XXXI. [Abrer.J M. In thee, O Lord! do I trust; let me never be put to shame; according to thy goodness deliver me ! C. Bow down thy ear to me; help me speedely ! be to me a strong rock, a high fortress, for my deliverance. For thou art my rock and my high fortress; be also my guide, and lead me, for thy name's sake! Draw me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me, for thou art my strength ! Into thy hand I commit my life ; thou wilt deliver me, O Lord, thou God of truth ! I hate those who regard lying vanities, and put my trust in the Lord. I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy, that thou hast looked upon my trouble, and hast had regard to my distress ; That thou hast not given me up to the hands of my ene- mies, but hast set my feet in a wide place. Have mercy upon me, O Lord! for I am in trouble! my face is consumed with grief; yea, my spirit and my body. For my life is wasted with sorrow, and my years with sighing ; My strength faileth by reason of my affliction, and my bones are consumed on account of all my troubles. But I trust in thee, O Eternal! I say, "Thou art my Godl" My destiny is in thy hand ; deliver me from the power of my enemies and persecutors! Let thy face shine upon thy servant, and save me through thy mercy ! 4 g RESPONSIVE READINGS. Let me not be put to shame, O Lord ! for I have called upon thee ; Let the wicked be put to shame ; let them be silenced in the grave ! Let lying lips be put to silence, which speak proud things against the righteous, with haughtiness and contempt! how great is thy goodness, which thou treasurest up for them that fear thee ; Which thou showest to them that trust in thee, before the sons of men ! Thou hidest them in the secret place of thy presence from the machinations of men ; Thou shelterest them in thy pavilion from the violence of tongues. Praised be the Lord; for he hath shown me his wonderful kindness, as in a fortified city ! 1 said in my distress, " I am cut off before thy eyes" ; But thou didst hear the voice of my supplication, when I cried unto thee. O love the Lord, all ye his servants; for the Lord preser- veth the faithful, and requiteth the proud in full measure ! Be of good courage ; let your hearts be strong, all ye who trust in the Lord ! PSALM XL. [Abrev.] M. I trusted steadfastly in the Lord, and he listened, and heard my cry. C. He drew me out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay; he set my feet upon a rock, and made my steps firm. He hath put into my mouth a new song, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see, and fear, and put their trust in the Lord. Happy the man who maketh the Lord his trust, and resorteth not to men of pride and falsehood ! Many, O Lord, my God ! are the wonderful works which thou hast done ; RESPONSIVE READINGS. 49, Many have been thy gracious purposes towards us ; none can be compared to thee ! Would I declare and rehearse them, they are more than can be numbered. In sacrifice and oblation thou hast no pleasure ; my ears thou hast opened ; burnt- offering and sin-offering thou requirest not. Therefore I said, "Lo, I come; in the scroll of the book it is prescribed to me ; my God ! to do thy will is my delight, and thy law dwelleth in my heart !" 1 have proclaimed thy righteousnes in the great assembly, lo, I have not restrained my lips, O Lord! thou knowest t I hide not thy justice in my heart; I declare thy faithful- ness and thy salvation ; I conceal not thy mercy and truth from the great assembly. Withdraw not from me thy tender mercies, O Lord ! may thy loving-kindness and thy truth continually pre- serve me ! Let all who seek thee be glad and rejoice in thee ! let those who love thy protection ever say, " Great is the Eternal!" I am poor and afflicted, yet the Lord thinketh of me; thou art my help and my deliverer; my God! make no delay ! PSALM XLVI. M. God is our refuge and strength ; an ever present help in trouble. C. Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be changed ; though the mountains tremble in the heart of the sea; Though its waters roar and be troubled, and the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. A river with its streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy dwelling-place of the Most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her, and that full early. The nations raged; kingdoms were moved; he uttered his voice, the earth melted. 5 RESPONSIVE READINGS. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Come, behold the doings of the Lord; what desolations he hath made in the earth ! He causeth wars to cease to the end of the earth; he hath broken the bow, and snapped the spear asunder, and burned the chariots in fire. " Desist, and know that I am God ; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted throughout the earth ! " The Lord of hosts is with us ; the God of Jacob is our refuge. PSALM LXII. [Abrev.] M. Truly my soul resteth on God alone; from him cometh my deliverance! <7. He alone is my rock and my salvation ; he is my safeguard, I shall not fall! From God cometh my help and my glory : my strong rock, my refuge, is God. Trust in him at all times, ye people! pour out your hearts before him ! God is our refuge ! Truly men of low degree are vanity, and men of high de- gree are a lie; Placed in the balance, they are all lighter than naught. Trust not in extortion ; place no vain hopes in greed ; if riches increase, set not your heart upon them ! Once hath God promised, twice have I heard it, that power belongeth unto God. To thee also, O Lord! belongeth mercy; for thou dost render to every man according to his work I PSALM LXXI. [Abrev.] M. In thee, O Lord! do I put my trust! .let me never be put to shame ! C. In thy goodness deliver and rescue me; incline thy ear to me, and save me ! Be thou the rock of my abode, where I may continually resort ! RESPONSIVE READINGS. 5! Thou hast granted me deliverance; for thou art my rock and my fortress! Save me, O my God! from the hand of the wicked, from the hand of the unjust and the cruel ! For thou art my hope, O Eternal our God! thou hast been my trust from my youth ! Upon thee have I leaned from my birth ; from my earliest breath thou hast been my support; my song hath been continually of thee ! I am a wonder to many, but thou art my strong refuge. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise; yea, all the day long, with thy glory. Cast me not off in my old age ; forsake me not, when my strength faileth ! God ! be not far from me ! come speedily to my aid, O my God ! But I will hope continually ; I shall yet praise thee more and more. My mouth shall speak of thy goodness, of thy sure pro- tection all the day long; for thy mercies are more than I can number. 1 will celebrate thy mighty deeds, O Lord ! I will make mention of thy goodness, of thine only ! O God ! thou hast taught me from my youth, and thus far have I declared thy wondrous deeds; And now, when I am old and gray-headed, O God, for- sake me not, Until I make known thy arm to the next generation, thy mighty power to all that are to come ! For thy goodness, O God! reacheth to the heavens; won. derful things doest thou ! O God ! who is like unto thee? Thou hast suffered us to see great and grievous troubles ; thou wilt again give us life, and wilt bring us back from the depths of the earth! Thou wilt increase my greatness; thou wilt again com- fort me ! 2 RESPONSIVE READINGS. Then will I praise thee with psaltery; even thy faithful- ness, O my God ! To thee will I sing with the harp, O Holy One of Israel! My lips shall rejoice, when I sing to thee , and my soul, which thou hast redeemed from death ; My tongue also shall continually speak of thy righteous- ness : For all who seek my hurt are brought to shame and con- founded. PSALM CXXI. M. I lift up my eyes to the hills : whence cometh my help ? C. My help cometh from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to stumble ; thy guardian doth not slumber. Behold, the guardian of Israel doth neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy guardian ; the Lord is thy shade at thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will preserve thee from all evil; he will preserve thy life. The Lord will preserve thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth for ever. PSALM CXXV. M. They who trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, which standeth for ever. C. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people, henceforth even for ever ! For the sceptre of the wicked shall not remain upon the portion of the righteous, lest the righteous put forth their hands to iniquity. Do good, O Lord ! to the good, to them that are upright in heart! But such as turn aside to their crooked ways, may the Lord destroy them with the evil-doers 1 Peace be to Israel 1 RESPONSIVE READINGS. 53 XIII. Consolation. PSALM XXX. M. I will extol thee, O Lord ! for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not suffered my enemies to rejoice over me. 0. O Lord, my God! I called upon thee, and thou hast healed me ! Lord ! thou hast raised me up from destruction; thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the gravel Sing unto the Lord, O ye his servants! and praise his holy name! For his anger endureth but a moment, but his favor through life ; Though in the evening sorrow be a guest, yet joy cometh in the morning. 1 said in my prosperity, " I shall never be moved ! " Thou, O Lord! by thy favor, hast made my mountain strong; thou didst hide thy face, and I was troubled! I cried unto thee, O Lord! to the Lord I made supplication : What will my death profit thee, that I should go down to. the grave ? Can dust praise thee ? can it declare thy faithfulness ? Hear, O Lord! and have pity upon me! be thou, O Lord,. my helper ! " Thou didst turn my mourning into joy ; thou didst loose my sackcloth, and gird me with gladness. Therefore I will sing praise to thee, and not be silent ; O Lord my God ! I will give thanks to thee for ever ! PSALM LVIL M. Have pity upon me, O God ! have pity upon me, for in thee doth my soul seek refuge ! C. Yea, in the shadow of thy wings do I take shelter, until these calamities be overpast ! I call upon God the Most High, upon God, who perform- eth all things for me ; RESPONSIVE READINGS. He will send from heaven, and save me ; he will put to shame him that panteth for my life ; God will send forth his mercy and his truth. My life was in the midst of lions; I dwelt among them that breathe out fire ; Among men whose teeth are spears and arrows, and whose tongue is a sharp sword. Exalt thyself, O God ! above the heavens, and thy glory above all the earth ! They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down ; They have digged a pit before me, but into it they have themselves fallen. My heart is strengthened, O God ! my heart is strength- enedl I will sing and give thanks. Awake, my soul! awake, psaltery and harpl I will wake with the early dawn. I will praise thee, O Lord ! among the nations ; I will sing to thee among the kingdoms ! For thy mercy reacheth to the heavens, and thy truth to the clouds I Exalt thyself, O God I above the heavens, and thy glory 'above all the earth! PSALM CXXVI. M. When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. <7. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then said they among the nations, " The Lord hath done great things for them ! " Yea, the Lord hath done great things for us, for which we are glad. They who sow in tears shall reap in joy. Yea, he goeth forth weeping, bearing his seed ; he shall surely come back rejoicing, bringing in his harvest. RESPONSIVE READINGS. 55 XIV. The Justice of God. PSALM LXXXII. M. God standeth in his assembly, he judge th in the midst of the mighty ones. C. " How long will ye judge unjustly, and favor the cause of the wicked? Defend the poor and the fatherless; do justice to the wretched and the needy ! Deliver the poor and the destitute; save them from the hand of the wicked ! They are without knowledge and without understanding ; they walk in darkness ; Therefore all the foundations of the land are shaken. I have said, Ye are sons of God, and all of you children of the Most High; But ye shall die like men, and fall like the rest of the princes." Arise, O God I judge the earth 1 for all the nations are thy possession. PSALM XXXVII. t Abrev -l M. Be not thou angry on account of the wicked, nor be envious of those who do iniquity. C. For soon shall they be cut down like grass, and wither like a green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good ; abide in the land, and delight in faithfulness. Place thy delight in the Lord, and he will give thee thy heart's desires. Commit thy way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will give thee success ! He will cause thy justice to shine forth like the light, and thy righteousness like the noonday's brightness. Hope thou patiently on the Lord, and in him place thy trust ! Be not angry on account of the prosperous, on account of him that deviseth deceit 1 56 RESPONSIVE READINGS. Cease from anger ; give not way to wrath j be not pro- voked, so as to do evil ! For evil-doers shall be rooted out ; but they who trust in the Lord, they shall inherit the land. Yet a little while, and the wicked shall be no more ; thou mayst look for his place, and he will not be found. But the meek shall inherit the land, and delight in the fulness of prosperity. Better is the little of the righteous man than the great abundance of the wicked ; The Lord careth for the life of the upright, and their inheritance shall endure for ever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time, and in the days of famine they shall have enough. The wicked borroweth, and repayeth not; but the right- eous is merciful and bountiful. The steps of a good man are directed by the Lord ; who delighteth himself in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord holdeth him by the hand. I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his offspring begging bread. He is ever merciful and lendeth, and his offspring shall be blessed. Depart from evil, and do good ; so thou shalt dwell in the land for ever. The mouth of the righteous uttereth wisdom, and his tongue speaketh what is right. The law of his God is in his heart; his footsteps shall not slip. Trust in the Lord, and keep his way, and he will exalt thee to the possession of the land I have seen a wicked man in great power, and spreading himself like a green cedar; But he passed away, and, lo! he was no more; yea, I sought him, but he was not found. Mark the righteous man, and behold the upright, that posterity is to the man of peace! RESPONSIVE READINGS. 57 But transgressors will all be destroyed; the posterity of the wicked shall be rooted out. The salvation of the just is from the Lord, he is their strength in the time of trouble. The Lord will help and deliver them; he will deliver them from their enemies, and save them, because they trust in him. PSALM XII. M. Help, O Lord; for the goodly man ceaseth; the faithful are failing among men. C. They speak falsehood one to another; with flattering lips, with a double heart do they speak. May the Lord punish all the flattering lips, and the tongue which speaketh proud things! Who say, "With our tongues will we prevail; our lips are our reliance; who is lord over us?" The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest of men are exalted. For the oppression of the poor and the sighing of the wretched, Now will I stand up, saith the Lord; I will set in safety him whom they puff at. The words of the Lord are pure; like silver purified in a furnace on the earth, seven times refined. Thou, O Lord! wilt watch over them; thou wilt preserve them from this generation for ever. PSALM LXXIII. Jlf. Truly, God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. Q. Yet my feet almost gave way; my steps had well nigh slipped : For I was envious of the proud, when I saw the prosper- ity of the wicked. For they have no pains even to their death; their bodies are in full health. They have not the woes of other men, neither are they smitten like other men. 58 RESPONSIVE READINGS. Therefore pride encircleth their neck as a collar; violence covereth them as a garment. From their bosom issueth their iniquity; the designs of their hearts burst forth. They mock, and speak of malicious oppression; their words are haughty : They stretch forth their mouth to the heavens, and their tongue goeth through the earth ; Therefore his people walk in their ways, and they drink from full fountains. And then say, " How doth God know? how can there be knowledge with the Most High?" Behold these are the ungodly! yet they are ever prosper- ous; they heap up riches. Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain; in vain have I washed my hands in innocence. For every day have I been smitten; every morn have I been chastened. If I should resolve to speak like them, surely I should be treacherous to the family of thy children. So, when I studied to know this, it was painful to my eyes; Until I went into the sanctuary of God, and considered what was their end. Behold! thou hast set them on slippery places; thou cast- est them down into unseen pits. How are they brought to desolation in a moment, and utterly consumed with sudden destruction! As a dream when one awaketh, thou, O Lord! when thou risest, wilt make their vain show a derision. When my heart was vexed and I was pierced in my reins: Then was I stupid and without understanding; I was like one of the brutes before thee. Yet I am ever under thy care; by my right hand thou dost hold me up. Thou wilt guide me with thy counsel, and at last receive me in glory. RESPONSIVE READINGS. 5^ Whom have I in heaven but thee, and whom on earth da I love in comparison with thee? Though my flesh and my heart fail, God is the strength of my soul, and my portion for ever. For, lo ! they who are far from thee perish ; thou destroy- est all who estrange themselves from thee. But it is good for me to draw near to God ; I put my trust in the Lord, my God, that I may declare all thy works. XV. Beatitudes. PSALM 'I. M. Happy the man who walketh not in the counsel of the unrighteous, C. Nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of scoffers ; But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who- meditateth on his precepts day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaves also do not wither: all that he doeth shall prosper. Not so the unrighteous; they are like chaff, which the wind driveth away. Therefore the wicked shall not stand in judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the just. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leadeth to ruin. PSALM XLI. M. Happy is he who hath regard to the poor! the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. C. The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive; he shall be happy on the earth; Thou wilt not give him up to the will of his enemiesl <>0 RESPONSIVE READINGS. The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of disease ; all his bed thou wilt change in his sickness. I said, O Lord ! be merciful to me 1 heal me, for I have sinned against thee ! PSALM CXII. [Abrev.] M. Praise ye the Lord! happy the man who feareth the Lord, who taketh delight in his commandments! <7. His posterity shall be mighty on the earth; the race of the righteous shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house; his righteousness shall endure for ever. To the righteous shall arise light out of darkness; he is gracious and full of compassion and righteousness. Happy the man who hath pity and lendeth ! he shall sus- tain his cause in judgement; Yea, he shall never be moved : the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He is not afraid of evil tidings ; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. His heart is firm; he hath no fear, till he see his wishes fulfilled. He hath scattered blessings; he hath given to the poor; his righteousness shall endure for ever; His horn shall be exalted with honor. PSALM CXXXI. M. O Lord! my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty; I employ not myself on great things, or things too wonderful for me! C. Yea, I have stilled and quieted my soul as a weaned child upon his mother; my soul within me is like a weaned child. O Israel ! trust in the Lord, henceforth even for ever 1 PSALM CXXXIII. M. Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! rev -J M. Sing joyfully to God, our strength! snout with gladness to- the God of Jacob! C. Raise a song, and strike the timbrel, the sweet-sounding harp, and the psaltery ! Blow the trumpet at the new moon , at the full moon, also, on our festal day ! For this is a statute for Israel, a law of the God of Jacob; He appointed it as a memorial in Joseph, when he went out of the land of Egypt, where he heard a language he knew not. " I relieved thy shoulders from their burden; thy hands. were removed from the hod. 36 RESPONSIVE READINGS. Thou didst call in trouble, and I delivered thee; in the secret place of thunder I answered thee; I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. Hear, O my people! and I will admonish thee! O Israel! that thou wouldst hearken to me ! Let there be no strange god within thee, nor worship thou any foreign god ! I, the Eternal, am thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open wide thy mouth, and I will satiate thee ! " PSALM LXXXV. [Abrev.] jfef. O Lord ! thou hast been favorable to thy land ; thou hast brought back the captives of Jacob; <7. Thou didst forgive the iniquity of thy people, and cover all their sins ! Thou didst take away all thy displeasure, and abate the fierceness of thy wrath. Show us thy compassion, O Lord! and grant us thy salvation ! I will hear what God the Lord will speak, truly he will speak peace to his people, and to his servants; only let them not turn again to folly ! Yea, his salvation is near to those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth shall meet together, righteousness and peace shall kiss each other; Truth shall spring out of the earth; righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yea, the Lord will give prosperity, and our land shall yield her increase. Righteousness shall go before him, and set us in the way of his steps. PSALM CXXIX. [Abrev.] M. Much have they afflicted me from my youth, may Israel now say: C. Much have they afflicted me from my youth, yet have they not prevailed against me. RESPONSIVE READINGS. g*. The ploughers ploughed up my back; they made long their furrows; But the Lord was righteous; he cut asunder the cords of the wicked. PSALM CXXIV. M. Had not the Lord been on our side, now may Israel say, C. Had not the Lord been on our side, when men rose up against us, Then had they swallowed us up alive, when their wrath burned against us ; Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul ; The proud waters had gone over our soul. Blessed be the Lord, who hath not given us a prey to their teeth ! We have escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowler ; the snare is broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. XVII. Praise. PSALM CXLV. M. I will extol thee, my God, the King! I will praise thy name for ever and ever! G. Every day will I bless thee, and praise thy name for ever and ever! Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; yea, his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty deeds. I will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty, and of thy wonderful works. Men shall speak of the might of thy wonderful deeds, and I will declare thy greatness; They shall pour forth the praise of thy great goodness, and sing of thy righteousness. 68 RESPONSIVE READINGS. The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion, slow to anger, and rich in mercy. The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works praise thee, O Lord! and thy holy ones bless thee! They speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power ; To make known to the sons of men his mighty deeds, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy domin- ion endureth throughout all generations. The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all that are bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their food in due season; Thou openest thy hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and merciful in all his works. The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He fulfilleth the desire of them that fear him; he heareth their cry, and saveth them. The Lord preserveth all that love hm; but all the wicked he will destroy. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord ; and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever! PSALM CXLVI. HALLELUJAH. M. Praise ye the Lord! praise the Lord, my soul! C. I will praise the Lord, as long as I live ; I wDl sing praises to my God, while I have my being. Put not your trust in princes, in the son of man, in whom is no help ! His breath goeth forth; he returneth to the dust; in that very day his plans perish. RESPONSIVE READINGS. 69 Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help; whose hope is in the Lord, his God ; Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is therein; who keepeth truth forever; Who executeth judgment for the oppressed ; who giveth food to the hungry. The Lord setteth free the prisoners; the Lord openeth the eyes of the blind; The Lord raiseth up them that are bowed down; the Lord loveth the righteous. The Lord preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the father- less and the widow; but the .way of the wicked he perverteth. The Lord shall reign forever; thy God, O Zion! to alt generations! praise ye the Lord! PSALM CXLVII. M. Praise ye the Lord ! for it is good to sing praise to our God ; for it is pleasant, and praise is becoming. C. The Lord buildeth up Jerusalem; he gathereth together the dispersed of Israel. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He counteth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; his wisdom is infinite. The Lord lifteth up the lowly; he casteth the wicked down to the ground. Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praises upon the harp to our God! Who covereth the heavens with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who causeth grass to grow upon the mountains. He giveth to the cattle their food, and to the young ravens, when they cry. He delighteth not in the strength of the horse, he ^*^- ? w&M*** *&*m