EXLIBRC UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA JOHN HENRY NASH LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ROBERT GORDON SPRQUL, PRESIDENT. MR.ANDMRS.MILTON S.RAV CECILY, VIRGINIA AND ROSALYN RAY AND THE RAY OIL BURNERGOMPANY K I D D: A MORAL OPUSCULE The Verse [sic] by Illustrations [sick~\ Richard J. by George Walsh Illian NEW YORK: William Edwin Rudge 1922 OothisisKidd! Observe the lid. Recall the evil things he did. COPYRIGHT 192.2 BY GEORGE J. ILLIAN He scuttled ships on trading trips. He toted knives on both his hips. He cursed [a crank]. He spat. He drank. He made the virtuous walk the plank, And took their gold to fill his hold, [At least, so I was always told]. So we began to make this book- The artist being Georgie Illian Depicting that historic crook In vicious green and dire vermilion. And George [who once was on a boat] Drew rakish hulls and chests of treasure, And scoundrels out to cut your throat, And sink your bark to suit their pleasure. And then, in all the public prints, [Of every hue from red to yellow] I came upon the broadest hints That Kidd was just an honest fellow Who lived a life of piety, Devoid of sin and pirate folly, . Aspiring by sobriety To win his shall we call her Molly? Honored through all his native village, An honest sailor, poor but haughty, The last one to indulge in pillage, Nautical, but never naughty. How then, you ask, has Kidd attained This reputation as a pirate? The fact is readily explained. When friends of his got really irate And cried "These pirates, if we let 'em, Will steal the ocean drop by drop," Kidd volunteered to go and get 'em, And so became a pirate cop. He chased them far, he chased them long, Till of their craft the seas were rid; But History got the story wrong And wrote him down as "Pirate Kidd. O lost romance! O faded glory! Tarnished our hero and diminished! Why did they have to spoil the story Just as we had the pictures finished? But then the printer, Billy Roidge, Exclaimed "I've bought the paper now, I'm not the one to bear a grudge, I'll print the pictures anyhow." A picture-book without the text Is like a maid without a tongue, And so I sought [a little vexed] To find a message for the young- A tail to wag the artist's dog, A moral to adorn the tale; I hit upon this epilogue For every young, ambitious male: MORAL To win a Bradstreet reputation 'Tis not enough that you be pure, Avoid the very implication Of knowing any evil-doer. Seek not his mischief to undo, Nor separate him from his pelf, Or fame may mix him up with you, And you with him. Don't Kidd yourself. THE END COLO S^i PHONY wl NO f ! TE Executed\JJung up] at the Printing House of BittoRudge, Mount Vernon, New York, during the Summer of 1^22. The Press Gang assisting at the execution comprised the fo [towing notorious persons : Richard $> Wafsfi, B. P. D. (Doctor of Bad Verse) George Ifh'an, D.U.D. ( Doctor of Underdone Design) Tred W. Goudy, T.D. ( Typothetic Designer) Bertha M. Goudy, C.E>. (Compositrice Extraordinaire) Bruce Rogers, L.O.M. (Lay-out Man) Tranfi S. Goerfie, L.U.M. (Lock-up Man) Paul ' $. Peters, R.I. P. (Reader of Incoherent Proof) Thomas C. Hughes, M. P. (Master of the Press) Edith Diehf, B.B. (Book Bindress) Tranfi Branca, P. S. (Packer & shipper) NIC ETNUNC (Especially Hie)