EDUC LIBRA THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Education GIFT OF Mrs. T. M. Dunn N ON THE CONNECTION THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, BY MARY SOMERVILLE. From tUa Seventh Loinioo Edition. TWO NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 82 CLIFF STREET. 1846. Education Add fii GIFT u PJIEFACE. THE progress of modern science, especially within the last few years, has been remarkable for a tendency to simplify the laws of nature, and to unite detached branches by general principles. In some cases identity has been proved where^ there appeared to be nothing in common, as in the electric and magnetic influences ; in others, as that of light and heat, such analogies have been pointed out as to justify the expectation that they will ultimately be referred to the same agent, and, in all there exists such a bond of union, that pro- ficiency cannot be attained in any one without a knowledge of others. Although well aware that a far more extensive illustration of these views might have been given, the Author hopes that enough has been done to show the Connection of the Physical Sciences. In order to keep pace with the progress of discovery in various branches of the Physical Sciences, this book has been carefully revised. 076 CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION . . .'," ' . ~ ' /. "7- " , . . Pag 1 SECTION I. Attraction of a Sphere Form of Celestial'Bodies Terrestrial Gravitation retains the Moon in her Orbit The Heavenly Bodies move in Conic Sections Gravitation proportional to Mass Gravitation of the Particles of Matter Figure of the Planets How it affects the Motions of their ' Satellites Rotation and Translation impressed by the same Impulse- Motion of the Sun and Solar System 4 SECTION II. Elliptical Motion Mean and True Motion Equinoctial Ecliptic Equi- noxes Mean and True Longitude Equation of Center Inclination of the Orbits of Planets Celestial Latitude Nodes Elements of an Orbit Undisturbed or Elliptical Orbits Great Inclination of the Orbits of the new Planets Universal Gravitation the Cause of Perturbations in the Motions of the Heavenly Bodies Problem of the Three Bodies Stability of Solar System depends upon the Primitive Momentum of the Bodies 8 SECTION in. Perturbations, Periodic and Circular Disturbing Action equivalent to three Partial Forces Tangential Force the Cause of the Periodic Ine- qualities in Longitude, and Secular Inequalities in the Form and Position of the Orbit in its own Plane Radial Force the Cause of Variations in the Planet's Distance from the Sun It combines with the Tangential Force to produce the Secular Variations in the Form and Position of the Orbit in its own Plane Perpendicular Force the Cause of Periodic Per- turbations in Latitude, and Secular Variations in the Position of the Orbit with regard to the Plane of the Ecliptic Mean Motion and Major Axis Invariable Stability of System Effects of a Resisting Medium Invariable Plane of the Solar System and of the Universe Great Ine- quality of Jupiter and Saturn 12 SECTION IV. Theory of Jupiter's Satellites Effects of the Figure of Jupker upon his Satellites Position of their Orbits Singular Laws among the Motions of the first three Satellites Eclipses of the Satellites Velocity of Light Aberration Ethereal Medium Satellites of Saturn and Uranns 26 VI CONTENTS. 9 SECTION V. Lunar Theory Periodic Perturbations of the Moon Equation of Center Evection Variation Annual Equation Direct and Indirect Action of Planets The Moon's Action on the Earth disturbs her own Motion- Eccentricity and Inclination of Lunar Orbit Invariable Acceleration Secular Variation in Nodes and Perigee Motion of Nodes and Perigee inseparably connected with the Acceleration Nutation of Lunar Orbit Form and Internal Structure of the Earth determined from it Lunar, Solar, and Planetary Eclipses Occultations and Lunar Distances Mean Distance of the Sun from the Earth obtained from Lunar Theory Abso- lute Distances of the Planets, how found .... Page 33 SECTION VI. Form of the Earth and Planets Figure of a Homogeneous Spheroid in Rotation Figure of a Spheroid of Variable Density Figure of the Earth, supposing it to be an Ellipsoid of Revolution Mensuration of a Degree of the Meridian Compression and Size of the Earth from Degrees of Meridian Figure of Earth from the Pendulum . 43 SECTION VII. Parallax Lunar Parallax found from direct Observation Solar Parallax deduced from the Transit of Venus Distance of the Sun from the Earth Annual Parallax Distance of the Fixed Stars . . 51 SECTION VIII. Masses of Planets that have no Satellites determined from their Perturba- tions Masses of the others obtained from the Motions of their Satellites Masses of the Sun, the Earth, of Jupiter, and of the Jovial System Mass of the Moon Real Diameters of Planets, how obtained Size of Sun Densities of the Heavenly Bodies Formation of Astronomical Tables Requisite Data and Means of obtaining them . . . 54 SECTION IX. Rotation of the Sun and Planets Saturn's Rings Periods of the Rotation of the Moon and other Satellites equal to the Periods of their Revolu- tions Form of Lunar Spheroid Libration, Aspect, and Constitution of the Moon Rotation of Jupiter's Satellites GO SECTION X. Rotation of the Earth invariable Decrease in the Earth's Mean Tempera- ture Earth originally in a State of Fusion Length of Day constant Decrease of Temperature ascribed by Sir John Herschel to the Variation in the Eccentricity of the Terrestrial Orbit Difference in the Tempera- ture of the Two Hemispheres, erroneously ascribed to the Excess in the Length of Spring and Summer in the Southern Hemisphere ; attributed by Mr. Lyell to the Operation of existing Causes Three Principal Axes of Rotation Position of the Axis of Rotation on the Surface of the Earth invariable Ocean not sufficient to restore the Equilibrium of the Earth if deranged Its Density and Mean Depth Internal Structure of the Earth m CONTENTS. VJi SECTION XI. - Precession and Nutation Their Effects on the Apparent Places of the Fixed Stars Page 74 SECTION XII. Mean and Apparent Sidereal Time Mean and Apparent Solar Time Equation of Time English and French Subdivisions of Time Leap Year Christian Era Equinoctial Time Remarkable Eras depending upon the Position of the Solar Perigee Inequality of the Lengths of the Seasons in the two Hemispheres Application of Astronomy to Chro- nology English and French Standards of Weights and Measures 77 SECTION XIII. Tides Forces that produce them Three kinds of Oscillations in the Ocean The Semidiurnal Tides Equinoctial Tides Effects of the Declina- tion of the Sun and Moon Theory insufficient without Observation Direction of the Tidal Wave Height of Tides Mass of Moon obtained from her Action on the Tides Interference of Undulations Impossi- bility of a Universal Inundation Currents . . . . . 85 SECTION XIV. Repulsive Force Interstices or Pores Elasticity Mossotti's Theory Gravitation brought under the same law with Molecular Attraction and Repulsion Gases reduced to Liquids by Pressure Intensity of the Co- hesive Force Effects of Gravitation Effects of Cohesion Minuteness of the ultimate Atoms of Matter Limited Height of the Atmosphere Theory of Definite Proportions and Relative Weight of Atoms Dr. Far- aday's Discoveries with regard to Affinity Composition of Water by a Plate of Platina Crystalization Cleavage Isomorphism Matter con- sists of Atoms of Definite Form Capillary Attraction . 96 SECTION XV. Analysis of the Atmosphere Its Pressure Law of Decrease in Density Law of Decrease in Temperature Measurement of Heights by the Barometer Extent of the Atmosphere Barometrical Variations Oscil- lations Trade Winds Monsoons Rotation of Winds Laws of Hur- ricanes Water-Spouts Ill SECTION XVI. Sound Propagation of Sound illustrated by a Field of Standing Corn Nature of Waves Propagation of Sound through the Atmosphere Intensity Noises A Musical Sound Quality Pitch Extent ^of Human Hearing Velocity of Sound in Air, Water, and Solids Causes of the Obstruction of Sound Law of its Intensity Reflection of Sound Echoes Thunder Refraction of Sound Interference of Sounds 122 SECTION XVII. Vibration of Musical Strings Harmonic Sounds Nodes Vibration of Air in Wind Instruments Vibration of Solids Vibrating Plates Bells- Harmony Sounding- Boards Forced Vibrations Resonance Speaking Machines . 134 VI11 CONTENTS. SECTION XVIII. Refraction Astronomical Refraction and its Laws Formation of Tables of Refraction Terrestrial Refraction Its Quantity Instances of Extraor- dinary Refraction Reflection Instances of Extraordinary Reflection Loss of Light by the Absorbing" Power of the Atmosphere Apparent Magnitude of Sun and Moon in the Horizon . . . Page 147 SECTION XIX. Constitution of Light according to Sir Isaac Newton Absorption of Light Colors of Bodies Constitution of Light according to Sir David Brew- ster New Colors in the Solar Spectrum Fraunhofer's Dark Lines Dispersion of Light The Achromatic Telescope Homogeneous Light Accidental and Complementary Colors M. Plateau's Experiments and Theory of Accidental Colors 153 SECTION XX. Interference of Light Undulatory Theory of Light Propagation of Light Newton's Rings Measurement of the Length of the Waves of Light, and of the Frequency of the Vibrations of Ether for each Color New- ton's Scale of Colors Diffraction of Light Sir John HerschePs Theory of the Absorption of Light Refraction and Reflection of Light 161 SECTION XXI. Polarization of Light Denned Polarization by Refraction Properties of the Tourmaline Double Refraction All doubly Refracted Light is Polarized Properties of Iceland Spar Tourmaline absorbs one of the two Refracted Rays Undulations of Natural Light Undulations ot Polarized Light The Optic Axes of Crystals M. Fresnel's Discoveries on the Rays passing along the Optic Axis Polarization by Reflection 172 SECTION XXII. Phenomena exhibited by the passage of Polarized Light through Mica and Sulphate of Lime The Colored Images produced by Polarized Light passing through Crystals having one and two Optic Axes Circular Polarization Elliptical Polarization Discoveries of MM. Biot, Fresnel, and Professor Airy Colored Images produced by the Interference of Polarized Rays 180 SECTION XXIII. Objections to the Undulatory Theory, from a Difference in the Action of Sound and Light under the same circumstances, removed The Disper- sion of Light according to the Undulatory Theory . . . 190 SECTION XXIV. Chemical or Photographic Rays of the Solar Spectrum Messrs. Scheele, Ritter, a-nd Wollaston's Discoveries Mr. Wedgewood and Sir Humphry Davy's Photographic Pictures The Calotype The Daguerreotype The Chromatype The Cyanotype Sir John Herschel's Discoveries in the Photographic or Chemical Spectrum Mons. E. Becquerel's Discovery of Inactive Lines in the Chemical Spectrum . . . 193 CONTENTS. ix SECTION XXV. Heat Calorific Rays of the Solar Spectrum Experiments of MM. De Laroche and Melloui on the Transmission of Heat The Point of greatest Heat in the Solar Spectrum varies with the Substance of the Prism Polarization of Heat Circular Polarization of Heat Transmission of the Chemical Rays Absorption of Heat Radiation of Heat Dew Hoar Frost Rain Hail Combustion Dilatation of Bodies by Heat Propa- gation of Heat Latent Heat Heat presumed to consist of the Undula- tions of an Elastic Medium Parathermic Rays Moser's Discoveries Page. 906 SECTION XXVI. Atmosphere of the Planets and the Moon Constitution of the Sun Esti- mation of the Sun's Light His Influence on the different Planets Temperature of Space Internal Heat of the Earth Zone of Constant Temperature Heat increases with the Depth Heat in Mines and Wells Thermal .Springs Central Heat Volcanic Action The Heat above the Zone of Constant Temperature entirely from the Sun The Quantity of Heat annually received from the Sun Isogeothermal Lines Distribution of Heat on the Earth Climate Line of Perpetual Con- gelation Causes affecting Climate Isothermal Lines Excessive Cli- mates The same Quantity of Heat annually received and radiated by the Earth 238 SECTION XXVII. Influence of Temperature on Vegetation Vegetation varies with the Lati- tude and Height above the Sea Geographical Distribution of Land Plants Distribution of Marine Plants Corallines, Shell-fish, Reptiles, Insects, Birds, and Quadrupeds Varieties of Mankind, yet Identity of Species 202 SECTION XXVIIL Of ordinary Electricit iry Electricity, generally called Electricity of Tension Methods of exciting Bodies Transference Electrics and Non- Electrics Law of its Intensity Distribution Tension Electric Heat and Light Atmos- pheric Electricity Its Cause Electric Clouds Back Stroke Violent Effects of Lightning Its Velocity Phosphorescence Phosphorescent Action of Solar Spectrum Aurora 271 SECTION XXIX. Voltaic Electricity The Voltaic Battery Intensity Quantity Compari- son of the Electricity of Tension with Electricity in Motion Luminous Effects Decomposition of Water Formation of Crystals by Voltaic Electricity Electrical Fish 290 SECTION XXX. Terrestrial Magnetism Magnetic Poles Lines of equal and no Variation ' The Dip The Magnetic Equator Magnetic Intensity Secular, peri- odic, and transitory Variations in the Magnetic Phenomena Origin of the Mariner's Compass Natural Magnets Artificial Magnets Polarity Induction Intensity Hypothesis of two Magnetic Fluids Distribu- tion of the Magnetic Fluid Analogy between Magnetism and Elec- tricity .300 X CONTENTS. SECTION XXXI. Discovery of Electro-MagnetismDeflection of the Magnetic Needle by a Current of Electricity Direction of the Force Rotatory Motion by Elec- tricity Rotation of a Wire and a Magnet Rotation of a Magnet about its Axis Of Mercury and Water Electro-Magnetic Cylinder or Helix Suspension of a Needle in a Helix Electro-Magnetic Induction Tem- porary Magnets The Galvanometer . . . . . Page 314 SECTION XXXII. Electro-DynamicsReciprocal Action of Electric Currents Identity of Electro-Dynamic Cylinders and Magnets Differences between the Ac- tion of Voltaic Electricity and Electricity of Tension Effects of a Voltaic Current Ampere's Theory . 319 SECTION XXXIII. Magneto-Electricity Volta-Electric Induction Magneto-Electric Induc- tion Identity in the Action of Electricity and Magnetism Description of a Magneto-Electric Apparatus and its Effects Identity of Magnetism and Electricity . 322 SECTION XXXIV. Electricity produced by Rotation Direction of the Currents Electricity from the Rotation of a Magnet M. Arago's Experiment explained Rotation of a Plate of Iron between the Poles of a Magnet Relation of Substances to Magnets of three kinds Thermo-Electricity . 325 SECTION XXXV. The Action of Terrestrial Magnetism upon Electric Currents Induction of Electric Currents by Terrestrial Magnetism The Earth Magnetic by Induction Mr. Barlow's Experiment of an Artificial Sphere The Heat of the Sun the Probable Cause of Electric Currents in the Crust of the Earth ; and of the Variations in Terrestrial Magnetism Electricity of Metallic Veins Terrestrial Magnetism possibly owing to Rotation Magnetic Properties of the Celestial Bodies Identity of the Five Kinds of Electricity Connection between Light, Heat, and Electricity or Mag- netism 329 SECTION XXXVI. Ethereal Medium Comets Do not disturb the Solar System Their Orbits and Disturbances M. Faye's Comet, probably the same- with Lexel's Periods of other three known Halley's Acceleration in the Mean Motions of Encke's and Biela's Comets The Shock of a Comet Disturbing Action of the Earth and Planets on Encke's and Biela's Comets Velocity of Comets The Great Comet of 1843 Physical Con- stitutionShine by borrowed Light Estimation of their Number . 337 SECTION XXXVII. The Fixed Stars Their Numbers Estimation of their Distances and Magnitudes from their Light Stars that have vanished New Stars Double Stars Binary and Multiple Systems Their Orbits and Periods Orbitual and Parallactic Motions Colors Proper Motions General CONTENTS. XI Motions of all the Stars Clusters Nebula Their Number and Forms Double and Stellar Nebulae Nebulous Stars Planetary Nebulse Constitution of the Nebula?, and Forces which maintain them Distribu- tion Meteorites Shooting Stars Page 361 SECTION XXXVIII. Diffusion of Matter through Space Gravitation Its Velocity Simplicity of its Laws Gravitation independent of the Magnitude and Distances of the Bodies Not impeded by the Intervention of any Substance Its Intensity invariable General Laws Recapitulation and Conclusion 386 NOTES . 391 INDEX 445 CONNECTION OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES. INTRODUCTION. SCIENCE, regarded as the pursuit of truth, must ever afford occupation of consummate interest, and subject of elevated meditation. The contemplation of the works of creation elevates the mind to the admiration of what- ever is great and noble ; accomplishing the object of all study, which, in the eloquent language of Sir James Mackintosh, "is to inspire the love of truth, of wisdom, of beauty especially of goodness, the highest beauty and of that supreme and eternal Mind, which con- tains all truth and wisdom, all beauty and goodness. By the love or delightful contemplation and pursuit of these transcendent aims, for their own sake only, the mind of man is raised from low and perishable objects, and prepared for those high destinies which are ap- pointed for all those who are capable of them." Astronomy affords the most extensive example of the connection of the physical sciences. In it are combined the sciences of number and quantity, of rest and mo- tion. In it we perceive the operation of a force which is mixed up with everything that exists in the heavens or on earth; which pervades every atom, rules the motions of animate and inanimate beings, and is as sen- sible in the descent of a rain-drop as in the falls of Niagara; in the weight of the air, as in the periods of the moon. Gravitation not only binds satellites to their planet, and planets to the sun, but it connects sun with sun throughout the wide extent of creation, and is the cause of the disturbances, as well as of the order of nature : since every tremor it excites in any one planet is immediately transmitted to the farthest limits of the system, in oscillations, which correspond in their periods with the cause producing them, like sympathetic notes in music, or vibrations from the deep tones of an organ. The heavens afford the most sublime subject of study which can be derived from science. The magnitude 1 A 2 INTRODUCTION. and splendor of the objects, the inconceivable rapidity with which they move, and the enormous distances between them, impress the mind with some notion of the energy that maintains them in their motions, with a durability to which we can see no limit. Equally con- spicuous is the goodness of the great First Cause, in having endowed man with faculties, by which he can not only appreciate the magnificence of His works, but trace, with precision, the operation of His laws, use the globe he inhabits as a base wherewith to measure the magnitude and distance of the sun and planets, and make the diameter (Note 1) of the earth's orbit the first step of a scale by which he may ascend to the starry firmament. Such pursuits, while they ennoble the mind, at the same time inculcate humility, by show- ing that there is a barrier which no energy, mental or physical, can ever enable us to pass : that, however profoundly we may penetrate the depths of space, there still remain innumerable systems, compared with which, those apparently so vast must dwindle into in- significance, or even become invisible ; and that not only man, but the globe he inhabits nay, the whole system of which it forms so small a part might be annihilated, and its extinction be unperceived in the immensity of creation. A complete acquaintance with physical astronomy can be attained by those only who are well versed in the higher branches of mathematical and mechanical science (N. 2), and they alone can appreciate the ex- treme beauty of the results, and of the means by which these results are obtained. It is nevertheless true, that a sufficient skill in analysis (N. 3) to follow the general outline to see the mutual dependence of the different parts of the system, and to comprehend by what means the most extraordinary conclusions have been arrived at, is within the reach of many who shrink from the task, appalled by difficulties, not more formidable than those incident to the study of the elements of every branch of knowledge. There is a wide distinction be- tween the degree of mathematical acquirement neces- sary for making discoveries, and that which is requisite for understanding what others have done. INTRODUCTION. 3 Our knowledge of external objects is founded upon experience, which furnishes facts ; the comparison of these facts establishes relations, from which the belief that like causes will produce like effects, leads to gen- eral laws. Thus, experience teaches that bodies fall at the surface of the earth with an accelerated velocity, and with a force proportional to their masses. By com- parison, Newton proved that the force which occasions the fall of bodies at the earth's surface is identical with that which retains the moon in her orbit; and he con- cluded, that as the moon is kept in her orbit by the attraction of the earth, so the planets retained in their orbits by the attraction of the sun. By such steps he was led to the discovery of one of those powers, with which the Creator has ordained, that matter should reciprocally act upon matter. Physical astronomy is the science which compares and identifies the laws of motion observed on earth, with the motions that take place in the heavens ; and which traces, by an uninterrupted chain of deduction from the great principle that governs the universe, the revolutions and rotations of the planets, and the oscilla- tions (N. 4) of the fluids at their surfaces; and which estimates the changes the system has hitherto under- gone, or may hereafter experience changes which require millions of years for their accomplishment. The accumulated efforts of astronomers, from the earliest dawn of civilization, have been necessary to establish the mechanical theoiy of astronomy. The courses of the planets have been observed for ages, with a degree of perseverance that is astonishing, if we con- sider the imperfection and even the want of instruments. The real motions of the earth have been separated from the apparent motions of the planets ; the laws of the planetary revolutions have been discovered ; and the discovery of these laws has led to the knowledge of the gravitation (N. 5) of matter. On the other hand, descending from the principle of gravitation, every mo- tion in the solar system has been so completely explained, that the laws of any astronomical phenomena that may hereafter occur, are already determined. ATTRACTION OP A SPHERE. SKCT. I. SECTION I. Attraction of a Sphere Form of Celestial Bodies Terrestrial Gravitation retains the Moon in her Orbit The Heavenly Bodies move in Conic Sections Gravitation proportional to Mass Gravitation of the Particles of Matter Figure of the Planets How it affects the Motions of their Satellites Rotation and Translation impressed by the same Impulse Motion of the Sun and Solar System. IT has been proved by Newton, that a particle of mat- ter (N. G) placed without the surface of a hollow sphere (N. 7), is attracted by it in the same manner as if the mass of the hollow sphere, or the whole matter it con- tains, were collected into one dense particle in its center. The same is therefore true of a solid sphere, which may be supposed to consist of an infinite number of concentric hollow spheres (N. 8). This, however, is not the case with a spheroid (N. 9) ; but the celestial bodies are so nearly spherical, and at such remote distances from one another, that they attract and are attracted as if each were condensed into a single particle situate in its center of gravity (N. 10) a circumstance which greatly facili- tates the investigation of their motions. Newton has shown that the force which retains the moon in her orbit, is the same with that which causes heavy substances to fall at the surface of the earth. If the earth were a sphere, and at rest, a body would be equally attracted, that is, it would have the same weight at every point of its surface, because the surface of a sphere is everywhere equally distant from its center. But as our planet is flattened at the poles (N. 11), and bulges at the equator, the weight of the same body gradually decreases from the poles, where it is greatest, to the equator, where it is least. There is, however, a certain mean (N. 12) latitude (N. 13), or pait of the earth intermediate between the pole and the equator, where the attraction of the earth on bodies at its surface is the same as if it were a sphere ; and experience shows that bodies there fall through 16-0697 feet in a second. The mean distance (N. 14) of the moon from the earth is about sixty times the mean radius (N. 15) of the earth. When the number 16-0697 is diminished in the ratio SECT. I. UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 5 (N. 16) of 1 to 3600, which is the square of the moon's distance (N. 17) from the earth's center, estimated in terrestrial radii, it is found to be exactly the space the noon would fall through in the first second of her de- scent to the earth, were she not prevented by the cen- trifugal force (N. 18) arising from the velocity with which she moves in her orbit. The moon is thus re- tained in her orbit by a force having the same origin, and regulated by the same law, with that which causes a stone to fall at the earth's surface. The earth may therefore be regarded as the center of a force which extends to the moon ; and, as experience shows that the action and reaction of matter are equal and contrary (N. 19), the moon must attract the earth with an equal and contrary force. Newton also ascertained that a body projected (N. 20) in space (N. 21), will move in a conic section (N. 22), if attracted by a force proceeding from a fixed point, with an intensity inversely as the square of the distance (N. 23) ; but that any deviation from that Iftw will cause it to move in a curve of a different nature. Kepler found, by direct observation, that the planets descripe ellipses (N. 24), or oval paths, round the sun. Later observations show that comets also move in conic sections. It consequently follows, that the sun attracts all the planets and comets inversely as the square of their distance? from his cen- ter ; the sun, therefore, is the center of a force extend- ing indefinitely in space, and including all the bodies of the system in its action. Kepler also deduced from observation, that the squares of the periodic times (N. 25) of the planets, or the times of their revolutions round the sun, are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from his center (N. 26). Hence the intensity of gravitation of all the bodies toward the sun is the same at equal distances. Consequently, gravitation is proportional to the masses (N. 27); for, if the planets and comets were at equal distances from the sun, and left to the effects of gravity, they would arrive at his surface at the same time (N. 28). The satellites also gravitate to their primaries (N. 29) according to the same law that their primaries do to the sun. Thus, by the law of action and reaction, Afl 6 FORM OF PLANETS. SBCT. I. each body is itself the center of an attractive force ex- tending indefinitely in space, causing all the mutual dis- turbances which render the celestial motions so compli- cated, and their investigation so difficult. The gravitation of matter directed to a center, and attracting directly as the mass, and inversely as the square of the distance, does not belong to it when con- sidered in mass only ; particle acts on particle according to the same law when at sensible distances from each other. If the sun acted on the center of the earth, with- out attracting each of its particles, the tides would be very much greater than they now are, and would also, in other respects, be very different. The gravitation of the earth to the sun results from the gravitation of all its particles, which, in their turn, attract the sun in the ra- tio of their respective masses. There is a reciprocal action, likewise, between the earth and every particle at its surface. The earth and a feather mutually attract each other in the proportion of the mass of the earth to the mass of the feather. Were this not the case, and were any portion of the earth, however small, to attract another portion, and not be itself attracted, the center of gravity of the earth would be moved in space by this action, which is impossible. The forms of the planets result from the reciprocal attraction of their component particles. A detached fluid mass, if at rest, would assume the form of a sphere, from the reciprocal attraction of its particles. But if the mass revolve about an axis, it becomes flattened at the poles, and bulges at the equator (N. 11), in consequence of the centrifugal force arising from the velocity of rota- tion (N. 30) ; for the centrifugal force diminishes the gravity of the particles at the equator, and equilibrium can only exist where these two forces are balanced by an increase of gravity. Therefore, as the attractive force is the same on all particles at equal distances from the center of a sphere, the equatorial particles would recede from the center, till their increase in number balance the centrifugal force by their attraction. Consequently, the sphere would become an oblate, or flattened sphe- roid ; and a fluid partially or entirely covering a solid, as the ocean and atmosphere cover the earth, must assume SECT. I. ROTATION AND TRANSLATION. 7 that form in order to remain in equilibrio. The surface of the sea is therefore spheroidal, and the surface of the earth only deviates from that figure where it rises above or sinks below the level of the sea. But the deviation is so small, that it is unimportant when compared with the magnitude of the earth ; for the mighty chain of the Andes, and the yet more lofty Himalaya, bear about the same proportion to the earth that a grain of sand does to a globe three feet in diameter. Such is the form of the earth and planets. The compression (N. 31) or flatten- ing at their poles is, however, so small, that even Jupiter, whose rotation is the most rapid, and therefore the most elliptical of the planets, may, from his great distance, be regarded as spherical. Although the planets attract each other as if they were spheres, on account of their distances, yet the satellites (N. 32) are near enough to be sensibly affected in their motions by the forms of their primaries. The moon, for example, is so near the earth, that the reciprocal attraction between each of her particles, and each of the particles in the prominent mass at the terrestrial equator, occasions considerable disturbances in the motions of both bodies ; for the ac- tion of the moon on the matter at the earth's equator, produces a nutation (N. 33) in the axis (N. 34) of rotation, and the reaction of that matter on the moon is the cause of a corresponding nutation in the lunar orbit (N. 35). If a sphere at rest in space receive an impulse passing through its center of gravity, all its parts will move with an equal velocity in a straight line ; but if the impulse does not pass though the center of gravity, its particles, having unequal velocities, will have a rotatory or revolv- ing motion, at the same time that it is translated (N. 36) in space. These motions are independent of one an- other ; so that a contrary impulse, passing through its center of gravity, will impede its progress, without in- terfering with its rotation. As the sun rotates about an axis, it seems probable, if an impulse in a contrary direc- tion has not been given to his center of gravity, that he moves in space, accompanied by all those bodies which compose the solar system a circumstance which would in no way interfere with their relative motions ; for, in consequence of the principle, that force is proportional 8 ELLIPTICAL MOTION. SECT. II. to velocity (N. 37), the reciprocal Attractions of a system remain the same, whether its center of gravity be at rest, or moving uniformly in space. It is computed that, had the earth received its motion from a single impulse, that impulse must have passed through a point about twenty-five miles from its center. Since the motions of rotation and translation of the planets are independent of each other, though probably communicated by the same impulse, they form separate subjects of investigation. SECTION II. Elliptical Motion Mean and True Motion Equinoctial Ecliptic Equi- noxes Mean and True Longitude Equation of Center Inclination of the Orbits of Planets Celestial Latitude Nodes Elements of an Orbit Undisturbed or Elliptical Orbits Great Inclination of the Orbits of the new Planets Universal Gravitation the Cause of Perturbations in the Motions of the Heavenly Bodies Problem of the Three Bodies Stability of Solar System depends upon the Primitive Momentum of the Bodies. A PLANET moves in its elliptical orbit with a velocity varying every instant, in consequence of two forces, one tending to the center of the sun, and the other in the direction of a tangent (N. 38) to its orbit, arising from the primitive impulse, given at the time when it was launched into space. Should the force in the tangent cease, the planet would fall to the sun by its gravity. Were the sun not to attract it, the planet would fly off in the tangent. Thus, when the planet is at the point of its orbit farthest from the sun, his action overcomes the planet's velocity, and brings it toward him with such an accelerated motion, that at last it overcomes the sun's attraction ; and shooting past him, gradually de- creases in velocity, until it arrives at the most distant point, where the sun's attraction again prevails (N. 39). In this motion the radii vector es (N. 40), or imaginary lines joining the centers of the sun and the planets, pass over equal areas or spaces in equal times (N. 41). The mean distance of a planet from the sun is equal to half the major axis (N. 42) of its orbit : if, therefore, the planet described a circle (N. 43) round the sun at SCT. IL ELLIPTICAL MOTION. 9 its mean distance, the motion would be uniform, and the periodic time unaltered, because the planet would arrive at the extremities of the major axis at the same instant, and would have the same velocity, whether it moved in the circular or elliptical orbit, since the curves coincide in these points. But, in every other part, the elliptical or true motion (N. 44) would either be faster or slower than the circular or mean motion (N. 45). As it is necessary to have some fixed point in the heavens from whence to estimate these motions, the vernal equi- nox (N. 46) at a given epoch has been chosen. The equinoctial, which is a great circle traced in the starry heavens by the imaginary extension of the plane of the terrestrial equator, is intersected by the ecliptic, or ap- parent path of the sun, in two. points diametrically oppo- site to one another, called the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. The vernal equinox is the point through which the sun passes, in going from the southern to the northern hemisphere ; and the autumnal, that in which he crosses from the northern to the southern. The mean or circular motion of a body, estimated from the vernal equinox, is its mean longitude ; and its elliptical, or true motion, reckoned from that point, is its true lon- gitude (N. 47) : both being estimated from west to east, the direction in which the bodies move. The difference between the two is called the equation of the center (N. 48) ; which consequently vanishes at the apsides (N. 49), or extremities of the major axis, and is at its maximum ninety degrees (N. 50) distant from these points, or in quadratures (N. 51), where it measures the eccentricity (N. 52) of the orbit ; so that the place of a planet in its elliptical orbit is obtained, by adding or subtracting the equation of the center to or from its mean longitude. The orbits of the planets have a very small obliquity or inclination (N. 53) to the plane of the ecliptic in which the earth moves ; and on that account, astronomers refer their motions to this plane at a given epoch as a known and fixed position. The angular distance of a planet from the plane of the ecliptic is its latitude (N. 54) ; which is south or north, according as the planet is south or north of that plane. When the planet 10 in the plane 10 ORBITS OF THE PLANETS. SECT. II. of the ecliptic, its latitude is zero : it is then said to be in its nodes (N. 55). The ascending node is that point in the ecliptic, through which the planet passes, in going from the southern to the northern hemisphere. The descending node is a corresponding point in the plane of the ecliptic diametrically opposite to the other, through which the planet descends in going from the northern to the southern hemisphere. The longitude and lati- tude of a planet cannot be obtained by direct observa- tion, but are deduced from observations made at the surface of the earth, by a very simple computation. These two quantities, however, will not give the place of a planet in space. Its distance from the sun (N. 56) must also be known ; and, for the complete determina- tion of its elliptical motion, the nature and position of its orbit must be ascertained by observation. This depends upon seven quantities, called the elements of the ortyt (N. 57). These are, the length of the major axis, and the eccentricity, which determine the form of the orbit: the longitude of the planet when at its least distance from the sun, called the longitude of the perihelion ; the inclination of the orbit to the plane of the ecliptic, and the longitude of its ascending node ; these give the po- sition of the orbit in space ; but the periodic time, and the longitude of the planet at a given instant, called the longitude of the epoch, are necessary for finding the place of the body in its orbit at all times. A perfect knowledge of these seven elements is requisite, for as- certaining all the circumstances of undisturbed elliptical motion. By such means it is found, that the paths of the planets, when their mutual disturbances are omitted, are ellipses nearly approaching to circles, whose planes, slightly inclined to the ecliptic, cut it in straight lines, passing through the center of the sun (N. 58). The orbits of the recently discovered planets deviate more from the ecliptic than those of the ancient planets ; that of Pallas, for instance, has an inclination of 34 37' 50-2" to it ; on which account it is more difficult to determine their motions. Were the planets attracted by the sun only, they would always move in ellipses, invariable in form and position ; and because his action is proportional to his S*CT. II. PROBLEM OF THE THREE BODIES. 11 mass, which is much larger than that of all the planets put together, the elliptical is the nearest approximation to their true motions. The true motions of the planets are extremely complicated, in consequence of their mutual attraction; so that they do not move in any known or symmetrical curve, but in paths now ap- proaching to, now receding from, the elliptical form ; and their radii vectores do not describe areas or spaces exactly proportional to the time, so that the areas be- come a test of disturbing forces. To determine the motion of each body, when dis- turbed by all the rest, is beyond the power of analysis. It is therefore necessary to estimate the disturbing ac- tion of one planet at a time, whence the celebrated problem of the three bodies, originally applied to the moon, the earth, and the sun ; namely, the masses being given of three bodies projected from three given points, with velocities given both in quantity and direc- tion ; and, supposing the bodies to gravitate to one an- other with forces that are directly as their masses, and Diversely as the squares of the distances, to find the lines described by these bodies, and their positions at any given instant : or, in other words, to determine the path of a celestial body when attracted by a second body, and disturbed in its motion round the second body by a third a problem equally applicable to planets, satellites, and comets. By this problem the motions of translation of the celestial bodies are determined. It is an extremely difficult one, and would be infinitely more so, if the dis- turbing action were not very small when compared with the central force ; that is, if the action of the planets on one another were not veiy small when compared with that of the sun. As the disturbing influence of each body may be found separately, it is assumed that the action of the whole system, in disturbing any one planet, is equal to the sum of all the particular disturbances it experiences, on the general mechanical principle, that the sum of any number of small oscillations is nearly equal to their simultaneous and joint effect. On account of the reciprocal action of matter, the stability of the system depends upon the intensity of the 12 STABILITY OF SYSTEM. SECT. III. primitive momentum (N. 59) of the planets, and the ratio of their masses to that of the sun ; for the nature of the conic sections in which the celestial bodies move, depends upon the velocity with which they were first propelled in space. Had that velocity been such as to make the planets move in orbits of unstable equilibrium (N. 60), their mutual attractions might have changed them into parabolas, or even hyperbolas (N. 22) ; so that the earth and planets might, ages ago, have been sweeping far from our sun through the abyss of space. But as the orbits differ very little from circles, the mo- mentum of the planet, when projected, must have been exactly sufficient to insure the permanency and stability of the system. Besides, the mass of the sun is vastly greater than that of any planet ; and as their inequali- ties bear the same ratio to their elliptical motions, that their masses do to that of the sun, their mutual- disturb- ances only increase or diminish the eccentricities of their orbits, by very minute quantities ; consequently the mag- nitude of the sun's mass is the principal cause of the stability of the system. There is not in the physical world a more splendid example of the adaptation of means to the accomplishment of an end, than is exhib- ited in the nice adjustment of these forces, at once the cause of the variety and of the order of Nature. SECTION III. Perturbations, Periodic and Circular Disturbing Action equivalent to three Partial Forces Tangential Force the Cause of the Periodic Ine qualities in Longitude, and Secular Inequalities in the Form and Position of the Orbit in its own Plane Radial Force the Cause of Variations in the Planet's Distance from the Sun It combines with the Tangential Force to produce the Secular Variations in the Form and Position of the Orbit in its own Plane Perpendicular Force the Cause of Periodic Per- turbations in Latitude, and Secular Variations in the Position of the Orbit with regard to the Plane of the Ecliptic Mean Motion and Major Axis Invariable Stability of System Effects of a Resisting Medium Invariable Plane of the Solar System and of the Universe Great Ine- quality of Jupiter and Saturn. THE planets are subject to disturbances of two kinds, both resulting from the constant operation of their recip- rocal attraction : one kind, depending upon their posi- SECT. III. PERTURBATIONS. 13 tions with regard to each other, begins from zero, in- creases to a maximum, decreases, and becomes zero again, when the planets return to the same relative positions. In consequence of these, the disturbed planet is sometimes drawn away from the sun, sometimes brought nearer to him : sometimes it is accelerated in its motion, and sometimes retarded. At one time it is drawn above the plane of its orbit, at another time below it, according to the position of the disturbing body. All such changes, being accomplished in short periods, some in a few months, others in years, or in hundreds of years, are denominated periodic inequalities. The in- equalities of the other kind, though occasioned likewise by the disturbing energy of the planets, are entirely in- dependent of their relative positions. They depend upon the relative positions of the orbits alone, whose forms and places in space are altered by very minute quantities, in immense periods of time, and are, there- fore, called secular inequalities. The periodical perturbations are compensated, when the bodies return to the same relative positions with regard to one another and to the sun : the secular ine- qualities are compensated, when the orbits return to the same positions relatively to one another, and to the plane of the ecliptic. Planetary motion, including both these kinds of dis- turbance, may be represented by a body revolving in an ellipse, and making small and transient deviations, now on one side of its path, and now on the other, while the ellipse itself is slowly, but perpetually, changing both in form and position. The periodic inequalities are merely transient devi- ations of a planet from its path, the most remarkable of which only lasts about 918 years; but, in consequence of the secular disturbances, the apsides, or extremities of the major axes of all the orbits, have a direct but variable motion in space, excepting those of the orbit of Venus, which are retrograde (N. 61), and the lines of the nodes move with a variable velocity in a contrary direction. Besides these, the inclination and eccen- tricity of every orbit are in a state of perpetual- but slow change. These effects result from the disturbing action B 14 D1STUKBING FORCES. SJBCT. III. of all the planets on each. But as it is only necessary to estimate the disturbing influence of one body at a time, what follows may convey some idea of the manner in which one planet disturbs the elliptical motion of another. Suppose two planets moving in ellipses round the sun ; if one of them attracted the other and the sun with equal intensity, and in parallel directions (N. 62), it would have no effect in disturbing the elliptical motion. The inequality of this attraction is the sole cause of perturbation, and the difference between the disturbing planet's action on the sun and on the disturbed planet constitutes the disturbing force, which consequently varies in intensity and direction with every change in the relative positions of the three bodies. Although both the sun and planet are under the influence of the disturbing force, the motion of the disturbed planet is referred to the center of the sun as a fixed point, for convenience. The whole force (N. 63) which disturbs a planet is equivalent to three partial forces. One of these acts on the disturbed planet, in the direction of a tangent to its orbit, and is called the tangential force : it occasions secular inequalities in the form and position of the orbit in its own plane, and is the sole cause of the periodical perturbations in the planet's longitude. An- other acts upon the same body in the direction of its radius vector, that is, in the line joining the centers of the sun and planet, and is called the radial force : it produces periodical changes in the distance of the planet from the sun, and affects the form and position of the orbit in its own plane. The third, which may be called the perpendicular force, acts at right angles to the plane of the orbit, occasions the periodic inequalities in the planet's latitude, and affects the position of the orbit with regard to the plane of the ecliptic. It has been observed, that the radius vector of a planet moving in a perfectly elliptical orbit, passes over equal spaces or areas in equal times; a circumstance which is independent of the law of the force, and would be the same whether it varied /inversely as the square of the distance, or not, provided only that it be directed to the center of the sun. Hence the tangential force. SICT. III. MOTION OF THE APSIDES. 15 not being directed to the center, occasioas an unequable description of areas, or, what is the same thing, it dis- turbs the motion of the planet in longitude. The tan- gential force sometimes accelerates the planet's motion, sometimes retards it, and occasionally has no effect at all. Were the orbits of both planets circular, a complete compensation would take place at each revolution of the two planets, because the arcs in which the accelerations and retardations take place, would be symmetrical on each side of the disturbing force. For it is clear, that if the motion be accelerated through a certain space, and then retarded through as much, the motion at the end of the time will be the same as if no change had taken place. But, as the orbits of the planets are ellipses, this symmetry does not hold ; for, as the planet moves un- equably in its orbit, it is in some positions more directly, and for a longer time, under the influence of the dis- turbing force than in others. And although multitudes of variations do compensate each other in short periods, there are others, depending on peculiar relations among the periodic times of- the planets, which do not compen- sate each other till after one, or even till after many revolutions of both bodies. A periodical inequality of this kind in the motions of Jupiter and Saturn, has a period of no less than 918 years. The radial force, or that part of the disturbing force which acts in the direction of the line joining the centers of the sun and disturbed planet, has no effect on the areas, but is the cause of periodical changes of small extent in the distance of the planet from the sun. It has already been shown, that the force producing per- fectly elliptical motion varies inversely as the square of the distance, and that a force following any other law would cause the body to move in a curve of a very dif- ferent kind. Now, the radial disturbing force varies directly as the distance ; and, as it sometimes combines with and increases the intensity of the sun's attraction for the disturbed body, and at other times opposes and consequently diminishes it, in both cases it causes the sun's attraction to deviate from the exact law of gravity, and the whole action of this compound central force on the disturbed body is either greater or less than what is 16 MOTION OF THE APSIDES. SKCT. 111. requisite for perfectly elliptical motion. When greater, the curvature of the disturbed planet's path on leaving its perihelion (N. 64), or point nearest the sun, is greater than it would be in the ellipse, which brings the planet to its aphelion (N. 65), or point farthest from the sun, before it has passed through 180, as it would do if undisturbed. So that in this case the apsides, or ex- tremities of the major axis, advance in space. When the central force is less than the law of gravity requires, the curvature of the planet's path is less than the cur- vature of the ellipse. So that the planet, on leaving its perihelion, would pass through more than 180 before arriving at its aphelion, which causes the apsides to re- cede in space (N. 66). Cases both of advance and re- cess occur during a revolution of the two planets ; but those in which the apsides advance, preponderate. This, however, is not the full amount of the motion of the apsides ; part arises also from the tangential force (N. 63), which alternately accelerates and retards the velocity of the disturbed planet. An increase in the planet's tangential velocity diminishes the curvature of its orbit, and is equivalent to a decrease of central force. On the contrary, a decrease of the tangential velocity, which increases the curvature of the orbit, is equivalent to an increase of central force. These fluctuations, owing to the tangential force, occasion an alternate re- cess and advance of the apsides, after the manner already explained (N. 66). An uncompensated portion of the direct motion arising from this cause, conspires with that already impressed by the radial force, and in some cases even nearly doubles the direct motion of these points. The motion of the apsides may be repre- sented, by supposing a planet to move in an ellipse, while the ellipse itself is slowly revolving about the sun in the same plane (N. 67). This motion of the major axis, which is direct in all the orbits except that of the planet Venus, is irregular, and so slow, that it requires more than 109,830 years for the major axis of the earth's orbit to accomplish a sidereal revolution (N. 68), that is, to return to the same stars; and 20,984 years to complete its tropical revolution (N. 69), or to return to the same equinox. The difference between these SBCT. III. VARIATION LN THE ECCENTRICITY. 17 two periods arises from a retrograde motion in the equinoctial point, which meets the advancing axis be- fore it has completed its revolution with regard to the stars. The major axis of Jupiter's orbit requires no less than 200,610 years to perform its sidereal revolution, and 22,743 years to accomplish its tropical revolution from the disturbing action of Saturn alone. A variation in the eccentricity of the disturbed planet's orbit, is an immediate consequence of the deviation from elliptical curvature, caused by the action of the dis- turbing force. When the path of the body, in pro- ceeding from its perihelion to its aphelion, is more curved than it ought to be from the effect of the disturbing forces, it falls within the elliptical orbit, the eccentricity is di- minished, and the orbit becomes more nearly circular ; when that curvature is less than it ought to be, the path of the planet falls without its elliptical orbit (N. 66), and the eccentricity is increased : during these changes, the length of the major axis is not altered, the orbit only bulges out, or becomes more flat (N. 70). Thus the variation in the eccentricity arises from the same cause that occasions the motion of the apsides (N. 67). There is an inseparable connection between these two ele- ments ; they vary simultaneously, and have the same period ; so that while the major axis revolves in an im- mense period of time, the eccentricity increases and decreases by very small quantities, and at length returns to its original magnitude at each revolution of the ap- sides. The terrestrial eccentricity is decreasing at the rate of about 40 miles annually ; and, if it were to de- crease equably, it would be 39,861 years before the earth's orbit became a circle. The mutual action of Jupiter and Saturn occasions variations in the eccentri- city of both orbits, the greatest eccentricity of Jupiter's orbit corresponding to the least of Saturn's. The period in which these vicissitudes are accomplished is 70,414 years, estimating the action of these two planets alone : but if the action of all the planets were estimated, the cycle would extend to millions of years. That part of the disturbing force is now to be con- sidered which acts perpendicularly to the plane of the orbit, causing periodic perturbations in latitude, secular 2 B2 18 VARIATION IN THE INCLINATION. SECT. III. variations in the inclination of the oibit, and a retrograde motion to its nodes on the true plane of the ecliptic (N. 71). This force tends to pull the disturbed body above, or push (N. 72) it below, the plane of its orb.t, according to the relative pos.tions of the two planets with regard to the sun, considered to be fixed. By this action, it sometimes makes the plane of the orbit of the disturbed body tend to coincide with the plane of the ecliptic, and sometimes increases its inclination to that plane. In consequence of which, its nodes alternately recede or advance on the ecliptic (N. 73). When the disturbing planet is in the line of the disturbed planet's nodes (N. 74), it neither affects these points, the latitude, nor the inclination, because both planets are then in the same plane. When it is at right angles to the line of the nodes, and the orbit symmetrical on each side of the disturbing force, the average motion of these points, after a revolution of the disturbed body, is retrograde, and comparatively rapid ; but when the disturbing planet is so situated that the orbit of the disturbed planet is not symmetrical on each side of the disturbing force, which is most frequently the case, every possible variety of action takes place. Consequently, the nodes are per- petually advancing or receding with unequal velocity ; but, as a compensation is not effected, their motion is, on the whole, retrograde. With regard to the variations in the inclination, it is clear, that, when the orbit is symmetrical on each side of the disturbing force, all its variations are compensated after a revolution of the disturbed body, and are merely periodical perturbations in the planet's latitude ; and no secular change is induced in the inclination of the orbit. When, on the contrary, that orbit is not symmetrical on each side of the disturbing force, although many of the variations in latitude are transient or periodical, still, after a complete revolution of the disturbed body, a portion remains uncompensated, which forms a secular change in the inclination of the orbit to the plane of the ecliptic. It is true, part of this secular change in the inclination is compensated by the revolution of the dis- turbing body, whose motion has not hitherto been taken into the account, so that perturbation compensates per- SKCT. III. MEAN MOTION AND MAJOR AXIS. 19 turbation ; but still, a comparatively permanent change is effected in the inclination, which is not compensated till the nodes have accomplished a complete revolution. The changes in the inclination are extremely minute (N. 75), compared with the motion of the nodes, and there is the same kind of inseparable connection between their secular changes that there is between the variation of the eccentricity and the motion of the major axis. The nodes and inclinations vary simultaneously, their periods are the same, and very great. The nodes of Jupiter's orbit, from the action of Saturn alone, require 36,261 years to accomplish even a tropical revolution. In what precedes, the influence of only one disturbing body has been considered ; but when the action and re- action of the whole system is taken into account, every planet is acted upon, and does itself act, in this manner, on all the others ; and the joint effect keeps the incli- nations and eccentricities in a state of perpetual variation. It makes the major axis of all the orbits continually re- volve, and causes, on an average, a retrograde motion of the nodes of each orbit upon every other. The ecliptic (N. 71) itself is in motion from the mutual action of the earth and planets, so that the whole is a compound phe- nomenon of great complexity, extending through un- known ages. At the present time the inclinations of all the orbits are decreasing, but so slowly, that the incli- nation of Jupiter's orbit is only about six minutes less than it was in the age of Ptolemy. But, in the midst of all these vicissitudes, the length of the major axis and the mean motions of the planets remain permanently independent of secular changes. They are so connected by Kepler's law, of the squares of the periodic times being proportional to the cubes of the mean distances of the planets from the sun, that one cannot vary without affecting the other. And it is proved, that any variations which do take place are transient, and depend only on the relative positions of the bodies. It is true that, according to theory, the radial disturb- ing force should permanently alter the dimensions of all the orbits, and the periodic times of all the planets, to a certain degree. For example, the masses of all the 20 STABILITY OF THE SYSTEM. SBCT. HI. planets revolving within the orbit of any one, such as Mars, by adding to the interior mass, increase the at- tracting force of the sun, which, therefore, must con- tract the dimensions of the orbit of that planet, and di- minish its periodic time ; while the planets exterior to Mars' orbit must have the contrary effect. But the mass of the whole of the planets and satellites taken to- gether is so small, when compared with that of the sun, that these effects are quite insensible, and could only have been discovered by theory. And, as it is certain that the length of the major axes and the mean motions are not permanently changed by any other power what- ever, it may be concluded that they are invariable. With the exception of these two elements, it appears that all the bodies are in motion, and every orbit in a state of perpetual change. Minute as these changes are, they might be supposed to accumulate in the course of ages, sufficiently to derange the whole order of na- ture, to alter the relative positions of the planets, to put an end to the vicissitudes of the seasons, and to bring about collisions which would involve our whole system, now so harmonious, in chaotic confusion. It is natural to inquire, what proof exists that nature will be pre- served from such a catastrophe ? Nothing can be known from observation, since the existence of the human race has occupied comparatively but a point in duration, while these vicissitudes embrace myriads of ages. The proof is simple and conclusive. All the variations of the solar system, secular as well as periodic, are ex- pressed analytically by the sines and cosines of circular arcs (N. 76), which increase with the time ; and, as a sine or cosine can never exceed the radius, but must oscillate between zero and unity, however much the time may increase, it follows that, when the variations have accumulated to a maximum, by slow changes, in however long a time, they decrease, by the same slow degrees, till they arrive at their smallest value, again to begin a new course ; thus forever oscillating about a mean value. This circumstance, however, would be insufficient, were it not for the small eccentricities of the planetary orbits, their minute inclinations to the plane of the ecliptic, and the revolutions of all the bodies, SKCT. HI. STABILITY OF THE SYSTEM. 21 as well planets as satellites, in the same direction. These secure the perpetual stability of the solar system (N. 77). The equilibrium, however, would be de- ranged, if the planets moved in a resisting medium (N. 78) sufficiently dense to diminish their tangential velocity, for then both the eccentricities and the major axes of the orbits would vary with the time, so that the stability of the system would be ultimately destroyed. The existence of an ethereal fluid is now proved ; and although it is so extremely rare that hitherto its effects on the motions of the planets have been altogether in- sensible, there can be no doubt that, in the immensity of time, it will modify the forms of the planetary orbits, and may at last even cause the destruction of our sys- tem, which in itself contains no principle of decay, unless a rotatory motion from west to east has been given to this fluid by the bodies of the solar system, which have all been revolving about the sun in that direction for un- known ages. This rotation, which seems to be highly probable, may even have been coeval with its creation. Such a vortex would have no effect on bodies moving with it, but it would influence the motions of those re- volving in a contraiy direction. It is possible that the disturbances experienced by comets which have already revealed the existence of this fluid, may also, in time, disclose its rotatory motion. The form and position of the planetary orbits, and the motion of the bodies in the same direction, together with the periodicity of the terms in which the inequalities are expressed, assure us that the variations of the sys- tem are confined within very narrow limits, and that, although we do not know the extent of the limits, nor the period of that grand cycle which probably embraces millions of years, yet they never will exceed what is requisite for the stability and harmony of the whole, for the preservation of which every circumstance is so beau- tifully and wonderfully adapted. The plane of the ecliptic itself, though assumed to be fixed at a given epoch for the convenience of astronomi- cal computation, is subject to a minute secular variation of 45"-7, occasioned by the reciprocal action of the plan- ets. But, as this is also periodical, and cannot exceed 22 INVARIABLE PLANE. SECT. III. 2 42', the terrestrial equator, which is inclined to it at an angle of 23 27' 34"- 69, will never coincide with the plane of the ecliptic : so there never can be perpetual spring (N. 79). The rotation of the earth is uniform ; therefore day and night, summer and winter, will con- tinue their vicissitudes while the system endures, or is undisturbed by foreign causes. " Yonder starry sphere Of planets and of fix'd, in all her wheels Resembles nearest mazes intricate, Eccentric, intervolved, yet regular, Then most, when most irregular they seem." The stability of our system was established by La Grange: "a discovery," says Professor Playfair, "that must render the name forever memorable in science, and revered by those who delight in the contemplation of whatever is excellent and sublime." After Newton's discovery of the mechanical laws of the elliptical orbits of the planets, La Grange's discovery of their periodical inequalities is, without doubt, the noblest truth in physi- cal astronomy ; and in respect of the doctrine of final causes, it may be regarded as the greatest of all. Notwithstanding the permanency of our system, the secular variations in the planetary orbits would have been extremely embarrassing to astronomers when it became necessary to compare observations separated by long periods. The difficulty was in part obviated, and the principle for accomplishing it established, by La Place, and has since been extended by M. Poinsot. It appears that there exists an invariable plane (N. 80), passing through the center of gravity of the system, about which the whole oscillates within very narrow limits, and that this plane will always remain parallel to itself, whatever changes time may induce in the orbits of the planets, in the plane of the elliptic, or even in the law of gravitation; provided only that our system remains unconnected with any other. The position of the plane is determined by this property that, if each particle in the system be multiplied by the area de- scribed upon this plan in a given time, by the projection of its radius vector about the common center of gravity of the whole, the sum of all these products will be a SECT. III. INVARIABLE PLANE. 23 maximum (N. 81). La Place found that the plane in question is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of nearly 1 34' 15", and that, in passing through the sun, and about midway between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, it may be regarded as the equator of the solar system, dividing it into two parts, balance one another in all their motions. This plane of greatest inertia, by no means peculiar to the solar system, but existing in every system of bodies submitted to their mutual attractions only, always maintains a fixed position, whence the oscillations of the system may be estimated through unlimited time. Future astronomers will know, from its immutability or variation,, whether the sun and his attendants are connected or not the other systems of the universe. Should there be no link between them, it in.-iy be interred, from the rotation of the sun, that the center of gravity (N. 82) of the system situate within his mass describes a straight line in this invariable plane or great equator of the solar system, which, unaffected by the changes of time, will maintain its stability through endless ages. But, if the fixed stars, comets, or any unknown and unseen bodies, affect our sun and planets, the nodes of th s plane w.ll slowly recede on the plane of that immense orbit which the sun may describe about some most distant center, in a period which it transcends the powers of man to determine. There is every rea- son to believe that this is the case ; for it is more than probable that, remote as the fixed stars are, they in some degree influence our system, and that even the invariabiLty of this plane is relative, only appearing fixed to creatures incapable of estimating its minute and slow changes during the small extent of time and space grant- ed to the human race. " The development of such changes," as M. Poinsot justly observes, " is similar to an enormous curve, of which we see so small an arc, that we imagine it to be a straight line." If we raise our views to the whole extent of the universe, and con- sider the stars, together the sun, to be wandering bodies, revolving about the common center of creation, we may then recognize in the equatorial plane passing through the center of gravity of the universe the only instance of absolute and eternal repose. 24 INEQUALITY OF JUPITER AND SATURN. SECT. III. All the periodic and secular inequalities deduced from the law of gravitation are so perfectly confirmed by observation, that analysis has become one of the most certain means of discovering the planetary irregularities, either when they are too small, or too long in their periods, to be detected by other methods. Jupiter and Saturn, however, exhibit inequalities which for a long time seemed discordant with that law. All observations, from those of the Chinese and Arabs down to the pres- ent day, prove that for ages the mean motions of Jupiter and Saturn have been affected by a great inequality of a very long period, forming an apparent anomaly in the theory of the planets. It was long known by observa- tion that five times the mean motion of Saturn is nearly equal to twice that of Jupiter : a relation which the sagacity of La Place perceived to be the cause of a periodic irregularity in the mean motion of each of these planets, which completes its period in nearly 918 years, the one being retarded while the other is accelerated ; but both the magnitude and period of these quantities vary in consequence of the secular variations in the elements of the orbits. Suppose the two planets to be on the same side of the sun, and all three in the same straight line, they are then said to be in conjunction (N. 83). Now, if they begin to move at the same time, one making exactly five revolutions in its orbit, while the other only accomplishes two, it is clear that Saturn, the slow-moving body, will only have got through a part of its orbit during the time that Jupiter has made one whole revolution and part of another, before they be again in conjunction. It is found that during this time their mutual action is such as to produce a great many perturbations which compensate each other, but that there still remains a portion outstanding, owing to the length of time during which the forces act in the same manner ; and if the conjunction always happened in the same point of the orbit, this uncompensated inequality in the mean motion would go on increasing till the peri- odic times and forms of the orbits were completely and permanently changed : a case that would actually take place if Jupiter accomplished exactly five revolutions in the time Saturn performed two. These revolutions SICT. Ill ACTION OP PLANETS ON SATELLITES. 25 are, however, not exactly commensurable ; the points in which the conjunctions take place are in advance each time as much as 8*37 ; so that the conjunctions do not happen exactly in the same points of the orbits till after a period of 850 years; and, in consequence of this small advance, the planets are brought into such relative posi- tions that the inequality which seemed to threaten the stability of the system is completely compensated, and the bodies, having returned to the same relative positions with regard to one another and the sun, begin a new course. The secular variations in the elements of the orbit increase the period of the inequality to 918 years (N. 84). As any perturbation which affects the mean motion affects also the major axis, the disturbing forces tend to diminish the major axis of Jupiter's orbit and increase that of Saturn's during one half of the period, and the contrary during the other half. This inequality is strictly periodical, since it depends upon the configura- tion (N. 85) of the two planets ; and theory is confirmed by observation, which shows that, in the course of twenty centuries, Jupiter's mean motion has been accelerated by about 3 23', and Saturn's retarded by 5 13'. Sev- eral instances of perturbations of this kind occur in the solar system. One, in the mean motions of the Earth and Venus, only amounting to a few seconds, has been recently worked out with immense labor by Professor Airy. It accomplishes its changes in 240 years, and arises from the circumstance of thirteen times the peri- odic time of Venus being nearly equal to eight times that of the Earth. Small as it is, it is sensible in the motions of the Earth. It might be imagined that the reciprocal action of such planets as have satellites would be different from the influence of those that have none. But the distances of the satellites from their primaries are incomparably less than the distances of the planets from the sun, and from one another; so that the system of a planet and its satellites moves nearly as if all these bodies were united in their common center of gravity. The action of the sun, however, in some degree disturbs the motion of the satellites about their primary. C 26 THEORY OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. SECT. IV. SECTION IV. Theory of Jupiter's Satellites Effects of the Figure of Jupiter upon his Satellites Position of theif Orbits Singular Laws among- the Motions of the first three Satellites Eclipses of the Satellites Velocity of Light Aberration Ethereal Medium Satellites of Saturn and Uranus. THE changes which take place in the planetary sys- tem are exhibited on a smaller scale by Jupiter and his satellites ; and, as the period requisite for the develop- ment of the inequalities of these moons only extends to a few centuries, it may be regarded as an epitome of that grand cycle which will not be accomplished by the planets in myriads of ages. The revolutions of the satellites about Jupiter are precisely similar to those of the planets about the sun : it is true they are disturbed by the sun, but his distance is so great, that their motions are nearly the same as if they were not under his influence. The satellites, like the planets, were probably projected in elliptical orbits : but, as the masses of the satellites are nearly 100,000 times less than that of Jupiter ; and as the compression of Jupiter's sphe- roid is so great, in consequence of his rapid rotation, that his equatorial diameter exceeds his polar diameter by no less than 6000 miles ; the immense quantity of prominent matter at his equator must soon have given the circular form observed in the orbits of the first and second satellites, which its superior attraction will al- ways maintain. The third and fourth satellites, being farther removed from its influence, revolve in orbits with a very small eccentricity. And although the first two sensibly move in circles, their orbits acquire a small ellipticity, from the disturbances they experience (N. 86). It has been stated, that the attraction of a sphere on an exterior body is the same as if its mass were united in one particle in its center of gravity, and therefore inversely as the square of the distance. In a spheroid, however, there is an additional force arising from the bulging mass at its equator, which, not following the exact law of gravity, acts as a disturbing force. One SECT. IV. EFFECTS OF JUPITER'S COMPRESSION. 27 effect of this disturbing force in the spheroid of Jupiter is, to occasion a direct "motion in the greater axes of the orbits of all his satellites, which is more rapid the nearer the satellite is to the planet, and very much greater than that part of their motion which arises from the disturbing action of the sun. The same cause occasions the orbits of the satellites to remain nearly in tho plane of Jupiter's equator (N. 87), on account of which the satellites are always seen nearly in the same line (N. 88) ; and the powerful action of that quantity of prominent matter is the reason why the motions of the nodes of these small bodies are so much more rapid than those of the planet. The nodes of the fourth satellite accomplish a tropical revolution in 531 years ; while those of Jupiter's orbit require no less than 36,261 years ; a proof of the reciprocal attraction be- tween each particle of Jupiter's equator and of the satellites. In fact, if the satellites moved exactly in the plane of Jupiter's equator, they would not be pulled out of that plane, because his attraction would be equal on both sides of it. But, as their orbits have a small inclination to the plane of the planet's equator, there is a want of symmetry, and the action of the protuberant matter tends to make the nodes regress by pulling the satellites above or below the planes of their orbits ; an action which is so great on the interior satellites, that the motions of their nodes are nearly the same as if no other disturbing force existed. The orbits of the satellites do not retain a permanent inclination, either to the plane of Jupiter's equator, or to that of his orbit, but to certain planes passing between the two, and through their intersection. These have a greater inclination to his equator the farther the satel- lite is removed, owing to the influence of Jupiter's compression ; and they have a slow motion correspond- ing to secular variations in the planes of Jupiter's orbit and equator. The satellites are not only subject to periodic and secular inequalities from their mutual attraction, similar to those which affect the motions and orbits of the planets, but also to others peculiar to themselves. Of the periodic inequalities arising from their mutual at- 28 PERTURBATIONS OF THE SATELLITES. SECT. IV. traction, the most remarkable take place in the angular motions (N. 89) of the three nearest to Jupiter, the second of which receives from the first a perturbation similar to that which it produces in the third ; and it experiences from the third a perturbation similar to that which it communicates to the first. In the eclipses these two inequalities are combined into one, whose period is 437-659 da >' s . The variations peculiar to the satellites arise from the secular inequalities occasioned by the action of the planets in the form and position of Jupiter's orbit, and from the displacement of his equator. It is obvious that whatever alters the relative positions of the sun, Jupiter, and his satellites, must occasion a change in the directions and intensities of the forces, which will affect the motions and orbits of the satellites. For this reason the secular variations in the eccen- tricity of Jupiter's orbit occasion secular inequalities in the mean motions of the satellites, and in the motions of the nodes and apsides of their orbits. The displace- ment of the orbit of Jupiter, and the variation in the position of his equator, also aflfect these small bodies (N. 90). The plane of Jupiter's equator is inclined to the plane of his orbit at an angle of 3 5' 30", so that the action of the sun and of the satellites themselves produces a nutation and precession (N. 91) in his equa- tor, precisely similar to that which takes place in the rotation of the earth, from the action of the sun and moon. Hence the protuberant matter at Jupiter's equa- tor is continually changing its position with regard to the satellites, and produces corresponding mutations in their motions. And, as the cause must be proportional to the effect, these inequalities afford the means, not only of ascertaining the compression of Jupiter's sphe- roid, but they prove that his mass is not homogeneous. Although the apparent diameters of the satellites are too small to be measured, yet their perturbations give the values of their masses with considerable accuracy a striking proof of the power of analysis. A singular law obtains among the mean motions and mean longitudes of the first three satellites. It appears from observation that the mean motion of the first satellite, plus twice that of the third, is equal to three SKCT, IV. ECLIPSES OP THE SATELLITES. 29 times that of the second ; and that the mean longitude of the first satellite, minus three times that of the second, plus twice that of the third, is always equal to two right angles. It is proved by theory, that if these relations had only been approximate when the satellites were first launched into space, their mutual attractions would have established and maintained them, notwith- standing the secular inequalities to which they are liable. They extend to the synodic motions (N. 92) of the satellites ; consequently they affect then* eclipses, and have a very great influence on their whole theory. The satellites move so nearly in the plane of Jupiter's equator, which has a very small inclination to his orbit, that the first three are eclipsed at each revolution by the shadow of the planet, which is much larger than the shadow of the moon : the fourth satellite is not eclipsed so frequently as the others. The eclipses take place close to the disc of Jupiter when he is near opposition (N. 93); but at times his shadow is so pro- jected with regard to the earth, that the third and fourth satellites vanish and reappear on the same side of the disc (N. 94). These eclipses are in all respects similar to those of the moon : but, occasionally, the satellites eclipse Jupiter, sometimes passing like obscure spots across his surface, resembling annular eclipses of the sun, and sometimes like a bright spot traversing one of his dark belts. Before opposition, the shadow of the satelb'te, like a round black spot, precedes its passage over the disc of the planet ; and after opposition, the shadow follows the satellite. In consequence of the relations already mentioned in the mean motions and mean longitudes of the first three satellites, they never can be all eclipsed at the same time. For when the second and third are in one direc- tion, the first is in the opposite direction ; consequently, when the first is eclipsed, the other two must be be- tween the sun and Jupiter. The instant of the begin- ning or end of an eclipse of a satellite marks the same instant of absolute time to all the inhabitants of the earth; therefore, the time of these eclipses observed by a traveler, when compared with the time of the eclipse computed for Greenwich, or any other fixed c2 30 ABERRATION. SECT. IV. meridian (N. 95), gives the difference of the meridians in time, and, consequently, the longitude of the place of observation. The eclipses of Jupiter's satellites have been the means of a discovery which, though not so immediately applicable to the wants of man, unfolds one of the properties of light that medium without whose cheering influence all the beauties of the creation would have been to us a blank. It is observed, that those eclipses of the first satellite, which happen when Jupiter is near conjunction (N. 96), are later by 16 m 26"6 than those which take place when the planet is in opposition. As Jupiter is nearer to us when in opposi- tion by the whole breadth of the earth's orbit than when in conjunction, this circumstance is attributed to the time employed by the rays of light in crossing the earth's orbit, a distance of about 191X000,000 of miles ; whence it is estimated that light travels at the rate of 190,000 miles in one second. Such is its velocity, that the earth, moving at the rate of nineteen miles in a second, would take two months to pass through a dis- tance which a ray of light would dart over in eight minutes. The subsequent discovery of the aberration of light confirmed this astonishing result. Objects appear to be situated in the direction of the rays which proceed from them. Were light propagated instantaneously, every object, whether at rest or in mo- tion, would appear in the direction of these rays ; but as light takes some time to travel, we see Jupiter in conjunction, by means of rays that left him 16 m 26 8> 6 be- fore ; but, during that time, we have changed our posi- tion, in consequence of the motion of the earth in its orbit : we therefore refer Jupiter to a place in which he is not. His true position is in the diagonal (N. 97) of the parallelogram, whose sides are in the ratio of the velocity of light to the velocity of the earth in its orbit, which is as 190,000 to 19, or 10,000 to 1. In conse- quence of the aberration of light, the heavenly bodies seem to be in places in which they are not. In fact, if the earth were at rest, rays from a star would pass along the axis of a telescope directed to it; but if the earth were to begin to move in its orbit, with its usual velocity, these rays would strike against the side of the tube ; it SKCT. IV. VELOCITY OF LIGHT. 31 would, therefore, be necessary to incline the telescope a little, in order to see the star. The angle contained between the axis of the telescope and a line drawn to the true place of the star, is its aberration, which varies in quantity and direction in different parts of the earth's orbit ; but as it is only 20"-36, it is insensible in ordinary cases (N. 98). The velocity of light deduced from the observed aber- ration of the fixed stars perfectly corresponds with that given by the eclipses of the first satellite. The same result, obtained from sources so different, leaves not a doubt of its truth. Many such beautiful coincidences, derived from circumstances apparently the most un- promising and dissimilar, occur in physical astronomy, and prove connections which we might otherwise be un- able to trace. The identity of the velocity of light, at the distance of Jupiter, and on the earth's surface, shows that its velocity is uniform ; and if light consists in the vibrations of an elastic fluid or ether filling space, a hy- pothesis which accords best with observed phenomena, the uniformity of its velocity shows that the density of the fluid throughout the whole extent of the solar system must be proportional to its elasticity (N. 99). Among the fortunate conjectures which have been con- firmed by subsequent experience, that of Bacon is not the least remarkable. " It produces in me," says the restorer of true philosophy, " a doubt whether the face of the serene and starry heavens be seen at the instant it really exists, or not till some time later : and whether there be not, with respect to the heavenly bodies, a true time and an apparent time, no less than a true place and an apparent place, as astronomers say, on account of parallax. For it seems incredible that the species or rays of the celestial bodies can pass through the im- mense interval between them and us in an instant, or that they do not even require some considerable portion of time." Great discoveries generally lead to a variety of con- clusions : the aberration of light affords a direct proof of the motion of the earth in its orbit ; and its rotation is proved by the theory of falling bodies, since the centri- fugal force it induces retards the oscillations of the pen- 32 SATELLITES OF JUPITER AND URANUS. SKCT. IV. dulum (N. 100) in going from the pole to the equator. Thus a high degree of scientific knowledge has been requisite to dispel the errors of the senses. The little that is known of the theories of the satel- lites of Saturn and Uranus, is, in all respects, similar to that of Jupiter. Saturn is accompanied by seven satel- lites, the most distant of which is about the size of the planet Mars. Its orbit has a sensible inclination to the plane of the ring ; but the great compression of Saturn occasions the other satellites to move nearly in the plane of his equator. So many circumstances must concur to render the two interior satellites visible, that they have very rarely been seen. They move exactly at the edge of the ring, and their orbits never deviate from its plane. In 1789, Sir William Herschel saw them, like beads, threading the slender line of light which the ring is re- duced to, when seen edgewise from the earth. And for a short time he perceived them advancing off it at each end, when turning round in their orbits. The eclipses of the exterior satellites only take place when the ring is in this position. Of the situation of the equa- tor of Uranus we know nothing, nor of his compression ; but the orbits of his satellites are nearly perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic ; and, by analogy, they ought to be in the plane of his equator. Uranus is so remote that he has more the appearance of a planetary nebula than a planet, which renders it extremely difficult to distinguish the satellites at all ; and quite hopeless with- out such a telescope as is rarely to be met with even in observatories. Sir William Herschel discovered six, and determined the motions of two of them ; but from that time the position of the planet has been such as to render farther observations impossible. The subject has recently occupied the attention of his son, who has found evidence of the general correctness of his father's views, and has been enabled to determine the elements of the motions of these minute objects with more accu- racy. The first satellite performs its revolution about Uranus in 8 d 16 h 56 ra 28 s -6 ; and the second satellite ac- complishes its period in 13 d ll h 7 m 12 B 6. The orbits of both seem to have an inclination of about 101 -2 to the plane of the ecliptic ; and their motions offer the singu- SECT. V LUNAR THEORY 33 Jar phenomenon of being retrograde, or from east to west ; while all the planets and the other satellites re- volve in the contrary direction. Sir John Herschel could not perceive the smallest indication of a ring. SECTION V. Lunar Theory Periodic Perturbations of the Moon Equation of Center- Evection Variation Annual Equation Direct and Indirect Action of Planets The Moon's Action on the Earth disturbs her own Motion- Eccentricity and Inclination of Lunar Orbit Invariable Acceleration Secular Variation in Nodes and Perigee Motion of Nodes and Perigee inseparably connected with the Acceleration Nutation of Lunar Orbit Form and Internal Structure of the Earth determined from it Lunar, Solar, and Planetary Eclipses Occultations and Lunar Distances Mean Distance of the Sun from the Earth obtained from Lunar Theory Abso- lute Distances of the Planets, how Found. OUR constant companion, the moon, next claims our attention. Several circumstances concur to render her motions the most interesting, and at the same time the most difficult to investigate, of all the bodies of our sys- tem. In the solar system, planet troubles planet ; but in the lunar theory, the sun is the great disturbing cause ; his vast distance being compensated by his enormous magnitude, so that the motions of the moon are more irregular than those of the planets ; and, on account of the great ellipticity of her orbit, and the size of the sun, the approximations to her motions are tedious and diffi- cult, beyond what those unaccustomed to such investiga- tions could imagine. The average distance of the moon from the center of the earth is only 237,360 miles, so that her motion among the stars is perceptible in a few hours. She completes a circuit of the heavens in 27 d 7 h 43 m 4 8 -7, moving in an orbit whose eccentricity is about 12,985 miles. The moon is about four hundred times nearer to the earth than the sun. The proximity of the moon to the earth keeps them together. For so great is the attraction of the sun, that if the moon were farther from the earth, she would leave it altogether, and would revolve as an independent planet about the sun. The disturbing action (N. 101) of the sun on the moon is equivalent to three forces. The first, acting in the direction of the line joining the moon and earth, in- 3 34 DISTURBING ACTION OF THE SUN. SECT. V. ereases or diminishes her gravity to the earth. The second, acting in the direction of a tangent to her orbit, disturbs her motion in longitude ; and the .third, acting perpendicularly to the plane of her orbit, disturbs her motion in latitude that is, it brings her nearer or re- moves her farther from the plane of the ecliptic than she would otherwise be. The periodic perturbations' in the moon arising from these forces, are perfectly sim- ilar to the periodic perturbations of the planets. But they are much greater and more numerous ; because the sun is so large, that many inequalities which are quite insensible in the motions of the planets, are of great magnitude in those of the moon. Among the in- numerable periodic inequalities to which the moon's motion in longitude is liable, the most remarkable are, the Equation of the Center, which is the difference be- tween the moon's mean and true longitude, the Evec- tion, the Variation, and the Annual Equation. The disturbing force which acts in the line joining the moon and earth produces the Evection : it diminishes the ec- centricity of the lunar orbit in conjunction and opposi- tion, thereby making it more circular, and augments it in quadrature, which consequently renders it more ellip- tical. The period of this inequality is less than thirty- two days. Were the increase and diminution always the same, the Evection would only depend upon the distance of the moon from the sun ; but its absolute value also varies with her distance from the perigee (N. 102) of her orbit. Ancient astronomers, who ob- served the moon solely with a view to the prediction of eclipses, which can only happen in conjunction and oppo- sition, where the eccentricity is diminished by the Evec- tion, assigned too small a value to the ellipticity of her orbit (N. 193). The Evection was discovered by Ptole- my from observation, about A.D. 140. The variation produced by the tangential disturbing force, which is at its maximum when the moon is 45 distant from the sun, vanishes when that distance amounts to a quadrant, and also when the moon is in conjunction and opposi- tion ; consequently, that inequality never could have been discovered from the eclipses : its period is half a lunar month (N. 104). The Annual Equation depends SBCT. V. DISTURBING ACTION OF THE PLANETS. 35 upon the sun's distance from the earth : it arises from the moon's motion being accelerated when that of the earth is retarded, and vice versa for when the earth is in its perihelion, the lunar orbit is enlarged by the ac- tion of the sun ; therefore, the moon requires more time to perform her revolution. But, as the earth ap- proaches its aphelion, the moon's orbit contracts, and less time is necessaiy to accomplish her motion its period, consequently, depends upon the time of the year. In the eclipses, the annual equation combines with the equation of the center of the terrestrial orbit, so that ancient astronomers imagined the earth's orbit to have a greater eccentricity than modern astronomers assign to it. The planets disturb the motion of the moon both directly and indirectly : their action on the earth alters its relative position with regard to the sun and moon, and occasions inequalities in the moon's motion, which are more considerable than those arising from their direct action ; for the same reason the moon, by disturb- ing the earth, indirectly disturbs her own motion. Nei- ther the eccentricity of the lunar orbit, nor its mean inclination to the plane of the ecliptic, have experienced any changes from secular inequalities; for, although the mean action of the sun on the moon depends upon the inclination of the lunar orbit to the ecliptic, and the position of the ecliptic is subject to a secular inequality, yet analysis shows that it does not occasion a secular variation in the inclination of the lunar orbit, because the action of the sun constantly brings the moon's orbit to the same inclination to the ecliptic. The mean mo- tion, the nodes, and the perigee, however, are subject to very remarkable variations. From the eclipse observed by the Chaldeans at Baby- lon, on the 19th of March, seven hundred and twenty- one years before the Christian era, the place of the moon is known from that of the sun at the instant of opposition (N. 83), whence her mean longitude may be found. But the comparison of this mean longitude with another mean longitude, computed back for the instant of the eclipse from modern observations, shows that the moon performs her revolution round the earth more 36 ACCELERATION. SECT. V. rapidly and in a shorter time now than she did formerly, and that the acceleration in her mean motion has been increasing from age to age as the square of the time (N. 105). All ancient and intermediate eclipses confirm this result. As the mean motions of the planets have no secular inequalities, this seemed to be an unaccount- able anomaly. It was at one time attributed to the re- sistance of an ethereal medium pervading space, and at another to the successive transmission of the gravitating force. But as La Place proved that neither of these causes, even if they exist, have any influence on the motions of the lunar perigee (N. 102) or nodes, they could not affect the mean motion ; a variation in the mean motion from such causes being inseparably con- nected with the variations in the motions of the perigee and nodes. That great mathematician, in studying the theory of Jupiter's satellites, perceived that the secular variation in the elements of Jupiter's orbit, from the action of the planets, occasions corresponding changes in the motions of the satellites, which led him to sus- pect that the acceleration in the mean motion of the moon might be connected with the secular variation in the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit. Analysis has shown that he assigned the true cause of the acceleration. It is proved that the greater the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit, the greater is the disturbing action of the sun on the moon. Now as the eccentricity has been decreasing for ages, the effect of the sun in dis- turbing the moon has been diminishing during that time. Consequently the attraction of the earth has had a more and more powerful effect on the moon, and has been continually diminishing the size of the lunar orbit. So that the moon's velocity has been gradually augmenting for many centuries to balance the increase of the earth's attraction. This secular increase in the moon's velocity is called the Acceleration, a name peculiarly appropriate at present, and which will continue to be so for a vast number of ages ; because, as long as the earth's eccen- tricity diminishes, the moon's mean motion will be ac- celerated ; but when the eccentricity has passed its minimum, and begins to increase, the mean motion will be retarded from age to age. The secular acceleration SECT. V. MOTION OF NODES AND PERIGEE. 37 is now about ll"-9, but its effect on the moon's place increases as the square of the time. It is remarkable that the action of the planets, thus reflected by the sun to the moon, is much more sensible than their direct action either on the earth or moon. The secular dimi- nution in the eccentricity, which has not altered the equation of the center of the sun by eight minutes since the earliest recorded eclipses, has produced a variation of about 1 48' in the moon's longitude, and of 7 12' in her mean anomaly (N. 106). The action of the sun occasions a rapid but variable motion in the nodes and perigee of the lunar orbit. Though the nodes recede during the greater part of the moon's revolution, and advance during the smaller, they perform then* sidereal revolution in 6793 d 9 h 23 ra 9"-3 ; and the perigee accomplishes a revolution in 3232 J 13 h 48 m 29 s - 6, or a little more thart nine years, notwith- standing its motion is sometimes retrograde and some- times direct : but such is the difference between the disturbing energy of the sun and that of all the planets put together, that it requires no less than 109,830 years for the greater axis of the terrestrial orbit to do the same, moving at the rate of IT'-S annually. The form of the earth has no sensible effect either on the lunar nodes or apsides. It is evident that the same secular variation which changes the sun's distance from the earth, and occasions the acceleration in the moon's mean motion, must affect the nodes and perigee. It conse- quently appears, from theory as well as observation, that both these elements are subject to a secular inequality, arising from the variation in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, which connects them with the Acceleration, so that both are retarded when the mean motion is an- ticipated. The secular variations in these three ele- ments are in the ratio of the numbers 3, 0-735, and 1 ; whence the three motions of the moon, with regard to the sun, to her perigee, and to her nodes, are continu- ally accelerated, and their secular equations are as the numbers 1, 4-702, and 0-612. A comparison of ancient eclipses observed by the Arabs, Greeks, and Chaldeans, imperfect as they are, with modern observations, con- firms these results of analysis. Future ages will de- D 38 NUTATION OF LUNAR ORBIT. SECT. V. velop these great inequalities, which at some most distant period will amount to many circumferences (N. 107). They are, indeed, periodic; but who shall tell their period ? Millions of years must elapse before that great cycle is accomplished. . The moon is so near, that the excess of matter at the earth's equator occasions periodic variations in her lon- gitude, and also that remarkable inequality in her lati- tude, already mentioned as a nutation in the lunar orbit, which diminishes its inclination to the ecliptic when the moon's ascending node coincides with the equinox of spring, and augments it when that node coincides with the equinox of autumn. As the cause must be propor- tional to the effect, a comparison of these inequalities, computed from theory, with the same given by obser- vation, shows that the compression of the terrestrial spheroid, or the ratio of the difference between the polar and the equatorial diameters, to the diameter of the equator, is ^37.7^ It is proved analytically, that if a fluid mass of homogeneous matter, whose particles attract each other inversely as the squares of the dis- tance, were to revolve about an axis as the earth does, it would assume the form of a spheroid whose compres- sion is -^1^. Since that is not the case, the earth can- not be Homogeneous, but must decrease in density from its center to its circumference. Thus the moon's eclipses show the earth to be round ; and her inequali- ties not only determine the form, but even the internal structure of our planet ; results of analysis which could not have been anticipated. Similar inequalities in the motions of Jupiter's satellites prove that his mass is not homogeneous, and that his compression is T ^. ? . His equatorial diameter exceeds his polar diameter by about 6000 miles. The phases (N. 108) of the moon, which vary from a slender silvery crescent soon after conjunction to a complete circular disc of light in opposition, decrease by the same degrees till the moon is again enveloped in the morning beams of the sun. These changes regulate the returns of the eclipses. Those .of the sun can only happen in conjunction, when the moon, coming between the earth and the sun, intercepts his light. Those of SECT. V. LUNAR ECLIPSES. 39 the moon are occasioned by the earth intervening be- tween the sun and moon when in opposition. As the earth is opaque and nearly spherical, it throws a conical shadow on the side of the moon opposite to the sun, the axis of which passes through the centers of the sun and earth (N. 109). The length of the shadow terminates at the point where the apparent diameters (N. 110) of the sun and earth would be the same. When the moon is in opposition, and at her mean distance, the diameter of the sun would be seen from her center under an angle of 1918"-1. That of the earth would appear under an angle of 6908"-3. So that the length of the shadow is at least three times and a half greater than the distance of the moon from the earth, and the breadth of the shadow, where it is traversed by the moon, is about eight-thirds of the lunar diameter. Hence the moon would be eclipsed every time she is in oppo- sition, were it not for the inclination of her orbit to the plane of the ecliptic, in consequence of which the moon when in opposition is either above or below the cone of the earth's shadow, except when in or near her nodes. Her position with regard to them occasions all the vari- eties in the lunar eclipses. Every point of the moon's surface successively loses the light of different parts of the sun's disc before being eclipsed. Her brightness therefore gradually diminishes before she plunges into the earth's shadow. The breadth of the space occupied by the penumbra (N. Ill) is equal to the apparent di- ameter of the sun, as seen from the center of the moon. The mean duration of a revolution of the sun, with re- gard to the node of the lunar orbit, is to the duration of a synodic revolution (N. 112) of the moon as 223 to 19. So that, after a period of 223 lunar months, the sun and moon would return to the same relative position with regard to the node of the moon's orbit, and therefore the eclipses would recur in the same order, were not the periods altered by irregularities in the motions of the sun and moon. In lunar eclipses, our atmosphere bends the sun's rays which pass through it all round into the cone of the earth's shadow. And as the hori- zontal refraction (N. 113) or bending of the rays sur- passes half the sum of the semidiameters of the sun 40 LUNAR AND SOLAR ECLIPSES. SECT. V. and moon, divided by their mutual distance, the center of the lunar disc, supposed to be in the axis of the shadow, would receive the rays from the same point of the sun, round all sides of the earth, so that it would be more illuminated than in full moon, if the greater por- tion of the light were not stopped or absorbed by the atmosphere. Instances are recorded where this feeble light has been entirely absorbed, so that the moon has altogether disappeared in her eclipses. The sun is eclipsed when the moon intercepts his rays (N. 114). The moon, though incomparably smaller than the sun, is so much nearer the earth, that her apparent diameter differs but little from his, but both are liable to such variations, that they alternately sur- pass one another. Were the eye of a spectator in the same straight line with the centers of the sun and moon, he would see the sun eclipsed. If the apparent diame- ter of the moon surpassed that of the sun, the eclipse would be total. If it were less, the observer would see a ring of light round the disc of the moon, and the eclipse would be annular, as it was on the 17th of May, 1836. If the center of the moon should not be in the straight line joining the centers of the sun and the eye of the observer, the moon might only eclipse a part of the sun. The variation, therefore, in the distances of the sun and moon from the center of the earth, and of the moon from her node at the instant of conjunction, occasions great varieties in the solar eclipses. Besides, the height of the moon above the horizon changes her apparent diameter, and may augment or diminish the apparent distances of the centers of the sun and moon, so that an eclipse of the sun may occur to the inhabi- tants of one country, and not to those of another. In this respect the solar eclipses differ from the lunar, which are the same for every part of the earth where the moon is above the horizon. In solar eclipses, the light reflected by the atmosphere diminishes the obscu- rity they produce. Even in total eclipses the higher part of the atmosphere is enlightened by a part of the sun's disc, and reflects its rays to the earth. The whole disc of the new moon is frequently visible from atmos- pheric reflection. S.CT. V ECLIPSES OF PLANETS. 41 A phenomenon altogether unprecedented occurred during the total eclipse of the sun which happened on the 8th of July, 1842. The moon was like a black patch on the sky surrounded by a faint whitish light about the eighth of the moon's diameter in breadth, in which three red flames appeared in form like the teeth of a saw ; from what cause they originated, or what they were, is totally unknown. Planets sometimes eclipse one another. On the 17th of May, 1737, Mercury was eclipsed by Venus near their inferior conjunction ; Mars passed over Jupiter on the 9th of January, 1591 ; and on the 30th of October, 1825, the moon eclipsed Saturn. These phenomena, however, happen very seldom, because all the planets, or even a part of them, are very rarely seen in con- junction at once ; that is, in the same part of the heav- ens at the same time. More than 2500 years before our era, the five great planets were in conjunction. On the 15th of September, 1186, a similar assemblage took place between the constellations of Virgo and Libra; and in 1801, the moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus were united in the heart of the Lion. These conjunc- tions are so rare, that Lalande has computed that more than seventeen millions of millions of years separate the epochs of the contemporaneous conjunctions of the six great planets. The motions of the moon have now become of more importance to the navigator and geographer than those of any other heavenly body, from the precision with which terrestrial longitude is deter mined "by occultations of stars, and by lunar distances. In consequence of the retrograde motion of the nodes of the lunar orbit, at the rate of 3' 10"-64 daily, these points make a tour of the heavens in a little more than eighteen years and a half. This causes the moon to move round the earth in a kind of spiral, so that her disc at different times passes over every point in a zone of the heavens extending rather more than 5 9' on each side of the ecliptic. It is there- fore evident, that at one time or other she must eclipse every star and planet she meets with in this space. Therefore the occultation of a star by the moon is a phe- nomenon of frequent occurrence. The moon seems to 42 DISTANCES, HOW FOUND. SECT. V. pass over the star, which almost instantaneously vanishes at one side of her disc, and after a short time as suddenly reappears on the other. A lunar distance is the ob- served distance of the moon from the sun, or from a particular star or planet, at any instant. The lunar the- ory is brought to such perfection, that the times of these phenomena, observed under any meridian when com- pared with those computed for Greenwich in the Nauti- cal Almanac, give the longitude of the observer within a few miles (N. 95). From the lunar theory, the mean distance of the sun from the earth, and thence the whole dimensions of the solar system, are known. For the forces which retain the earth and moon in their orbits are respectively pro- portional to the radii vectores of the earth and moon, each being divided by the square of its periodic time. And as the lunar theory gives the ratio of the forces, the ratio of the distances of the sun and moon from the earth is obtained. Hence it appears that the sun's mean distance from the earth is 396, or nearly 400 times greater than that of the moon. The method of finding the absolute distances of the celestial bodies in miles, is in fact the same with that employed in meas- uring the distances of terrestrial objects. From the extremities of a known base (N. 115), the angles which the visual rays from the object form with it, are meas- ured ; their sum subtracted from two right angles gives the angle opposite the base ; therefore, by trigonometry, all the angles and sides of the triangle may be computed consequently the distance of the object is found. The angle under which the base of the triangle is seen from the object is the parallax of that object. It evidently in- creases and decreases with the distance. Therefore the base must be very great indeed to be visible from the celestial bodies. The globe itself, whose dimensions are obtained by actual admeasurement, furnishes a standard of measures, with which we compare the distances, masses, densities, and volumes of the sun and planets. SECT. VI. THEORETICAL FORM OF THE EARTH. 43 SECTION VI. Form of the Earth and Planets Figure of a Homogeneous Spheroid in Rotation Figure of a Spheroid of Variable Density Figure of the Earth, supposing it to be an Ellipsoid of Revolution Mensuration of a Degree of the Meridian Compression and Size of the Earth from Degrees of Meridian Figure of Earth from the Pendulum. THE theoretical investigation of the figure of the earth and planets is so complicated, that neither the geometry of Newton, nor the refined analysis of La Place, has attained more than an approximation. It is only within a few years that a complete and finite solution of that difficult problem has been accomplished by our distin- guished countryman Mr. Ivory. The investigation has been conducted by successive steps, beginning with a simple case, and then proceeding to the more difficult. But in all, the forces which occasion the revolutions of the earth and planets are omitted, because, by acting equally upon all the particles, they do not disturb their mutual relations. A fluid mass of uniform density, whose particles mutually gravitate to each other, will assume the form of a sphere when at rest. But if the sphere begins to revolve, every particle will describe a circle (N. 116), having its center in the axis of revolution. The planes of all these circles will be parallel to one another and perpendicular to the axis, and the particles will have a tendency to fly from that axis in consequence of the centrifugal force arising from the velocity of rota- tion. The force of gravity is everywhere perpendicular to the surface (N. 117), and tends to the interior of the fluid mass ; whereas the centrifugal force acts perpen- dicularly to the axis of rotation, and is directed to the exterior. And as its intensity diminishes with the dis- tance from the axis of rotation, it decreases from the equator to the poles, where it ceases. Now it is clear that these two forces are in direct opposition to each other in the equator alone, and that gravity is there di- minished by the whole eflect of the centrifugal force, whereas, in every other part of the fluid, the centrifugal force is resolved into two parts, one of which, being per- pendicular to the surface, diminishes the force of grav- 44 ROTATION OF A FLUID MASS. SECT. VI. ity ; but the other, being at a tangent to the surface, urges the particles toward the equator, where they ac- cumulate till their numbers compensate the diminution of gravity, which makes the mass bulge at the equator, and become flattened at the poles. It appears, then, that the influence of the centrifugal force is most powerful at the equator, not only because it is actually greater there than elsewhere, but because its whole effect is employed in diminishing gravity, whereas, in every other point of the fluid mass, it is only a part that is so employed. For both these reasons, it gradually decreases toward the poles, where it ceases. On the contraiy, gravity is least at the equator, because the particles are farther from the center of the mass, and increases toward the poles, where it is greatest. It is evident, therefore, that, as the centrifugal force is much less than the force of grav- ity gravitation, which is the difference between the two, is least at the equator, and continually increases toward the poles, where it is a maximum. On these principles Sir Isaac Newton proved that a homogeneous fluid (N. 118) mass in rotation assumes the form of an ellipsoid of revolution (N. 119), whose compression is -5 . Such, however, cannot be the form of the earth, because the strata increase in density toward the center. The lunar inequalities also prove the earth to be so con- structed ; it was requisite, therefore, to consider the fluid mass to be of variable density. Including this condition, it has been found that the mass, when in rotation, would still assume the form of an ellipsoid of revolution ; that the particles of equal density would arrange themselves in concentric elliptical strata (N. 120), the most dense being in the center; but. that the compression or flat- tening would be less than in the case of the homogene- ous fluid. The compression is still less when the mass is considered to be, as it actually is, a solid nucleus, de- creasing regularly in density from the center to the sur- face, and partially covered by the ocean, because the solid parts, by their cohesion, nearly destroy that part of the centrifugal force which gives the particles a ten- dency to accumulate at the equator, though not alto- gether ; otherwise the sea, by the superior mobility of its particles, would flow toward the equator and leave SCT. VI. FORM OF THE EARTH. 45 the poles dry. Beside, it is well known, that the con- tinents at the equator are more elevated than they are in higher latitudes. It is also necessary for the equili- brium of the ocean, that its density should be less than the mean density of the earth, otherwise the continents would be perpetually liable to inundations from storms, and other causes. On the whole, it appears from the- ory, that a horizontal line passing round the earth through both poles, must be nearly an ellipse, having its major axis in the plane of the equator, and its minor axis coincident with the axis of the earth's rotation (N. 121). It is easy to show, in a spheroid whose strata are elliptical, that the increase in the length of the radii (N. 122), the decrease of gravitation, and the increase in the length of the arcs of the meridian, cor- responding to angles of one degree, from the poles to the equator, are all proportional to the square of the co- sine of the latitude (N. 123). These quantities are so connected with the ellipticity of the spheroid that the total increase in the length of the radii is equal to the compression or flattening, and the total diminution in the length of the arcs is equal to the compression, multi- plied by three times the length of an arc of one degree at the equator. Hence, by measuring the meridian curvature of the earth, the compression, and conse- quently its figure, become known. This, indeed, is as- suming the earth to be an ellipsoid of revolution, but the actual measurement of the globe will show how far it corresponds with that solid in figure and constitution. The courses of the great rivers, which are in general navigable to a considerable extent, prove that the curva- ture of the land differs but little from that of the ocean ; and as the heights of the mountains and continents are inconsiderable when compared with the magnitude of the earth, its figure is understood to be determined by a surface at every point perpendicular to the direction of gravitation, or of the plumb-line, and is the same which the sea would have, if it were continued all round the earth beneath the continents. Such is the figure that has been measured in the following manner : A terrestrial meridian is a line passing through both poles, all the points of which have their noon contem- 46 ARCS OF THE MERIDIAN. SECT. VI. poraneously. Were the lengths and curvatures of dif- ferent meridians known, the figure of the earth might be determined. But the length of one degree is suffi- cient to give the figure of the earth, if it be measured on different meridians, and in a variety of latitudes. For if the earth were a sphere, all degrees would be of the same length ; but if not, the lengths of the degrees would be greater, exactly in proportion as the curvature is less. A comparison of the length of a degree in dif- ferent parts of the earth's surface, will therefore deter- mine its size and form. An arc of the meridian may be measured by observ- ing the latitude of its extreme points (N. 124), and then measuring the distance between them in feet or fath- oms. The distance thus determined on the surface of the earth, divided by the degrees and parts of a degree contained in the difference of the latitudes, will give the exact length of one degree, the difference of the lati- tudes being the angle contained between the verticals at the extremities of the arc. This would be easily ac- complished were the distance unobstructed, and on a level with the sea. But, on account of the innumerable obstacles on the surface of the earth, it is necessary to connect the extreme points of the arc by a series of tri- angles (N. 125), the sides and angles of which are either measured or computed, so that the length of the arc is ascertained with much laborious calculation. In conse- quence of the irregularities of the surface, each triangle is in a different plane. They must therefore be reduced by computation to what they would have been had they been measured on the surface of the sea. And as the earth may in this case be esteemed spherical, they re- quire a correction to reduce them to spherical triangles. The gentlemen who conducted the trigonometrical sur- vey, in measuring 500 feet of a base in Ireland twice over, found that the difference in the two measurements did not amount to the 800th part of an inch. Such is the accuracy with which these operations are conduct- ed, and which they require. Arcs of the meridian have been measured in a variety of latitudes north and south, as well as arcs perpendicu- lar to the meridian. From these measurements it ap- SECT. VI. FORM OF EARTH FROM PENDULUM. 47 pears that the length of the degrees increases from the equator to the poles, nearly in proportion to the square of the sine of the latitude (N. 126). Consequently, the convexity of the earth diminishes from the equator to the poles. Were the earth an ellipsoid of revolution, the merid- ians would be ellipses whose lesser axes would coincide with the axis of rotation, and all the degrees measured between the pole and the equator would give the same compression when combined two and two. That, how- ever, is far from being the case. Scarcely any of the measurements give exactly the same results, chiefly on account of local attractions, which cause the plumb line to deviate from the vertical. The vicinity of mountains has that effect. But one of the most remarkable, though not unprecedented, anomalies takes place in the plains of the north of Italy, where the action of some dense sub- terraneous matter causes the plumb-line to deviate seven or eight times more than it did from the attraction of Chimborazo, in the experiments of Bouguer, while measuring a degree of the meridian at the equator. In consequence of this local attraction, the degrees of the meridian in that part of Italy seem to increase toward the equator through a small space, instead of decreasing, as if the earth was drawn out at the poles, instead of being flattened. Many other discrepancies occur, but from the mean of the five principal measurements of arcs in Peru, India, France, England, and Lapland, Mr. Ivory has deduced that the figure which most nearly follows this law is an ellipsoid of revolution whose equatorial radius is 3962-824 miles, and the polar radius 3949-585 miles. The differ- ence, or 13-239 miles, divided by the equatorial radius, is -i-g. nearly. This fraction is called the compression of the earth, and does not differ much from that given by the lunar inequalities. If we assume the earth to be a sphere, the length of a degree of the meridian is 69J^ British miles. Therefore 360 degrees, or the whole circumference of the globe, is 24,856 miles, and the diameter, which is something less than a third of the circumference, is about 7916, or 8000 miles nearly. Eratosthenes, who died 194 years before the Christian 48 FORM OP THE EARTH. SECT. VI. era, was .the first to give an approximate value ->f the earth's circumference, by the measurement of an arc between Alexandria and Syene. There is another method of finding the figure of the earth, totally different from the preceding, solely depend- ing upon the increase of gravitation from the equator to the poles. The force of gravitation at any place is measured by the descent of a heavy body during the first second of its fall. And the intensity of the centrifugal force is measured by the deflection of any point from the tangent in a second. For, since the centrifugal force bal- ances the attraction of the earth, it is an exact measure of the gravitating force. Were the attraction to cease, a body on the surface of the earth would fly off in the tangent by the centrifugal force, instead of bending round in the circle of rotation. Therefore, the deflection of the cir- cle from the tangent in a second measures the intensity of the earth's attraction, and is equal to the versed sine of the arc described during that time, a quantity easily determined from the known velocity of the earth's rota- tion. Whence it has been found, that at the equator the centrifugal force is equal to the 289th part of gravity. Now, it is proved by analysis that whatever the consti- tution of the earth and planets may be, if the intensity of gravitation at the equator be taken equal to unity, the sum of the compression of^the ellipsoid, and the whole increase of gravitation from the equator to the pole, is equal to five halves of the ratio of the centrifugal force to gravitation at the equator. This quantity with regard to the earth is 4 of -^ ? , or tiT-^- Consequently, the compression of the earth is equal to y-fj.-o diminished by the whole increase of gravitation. So that its form will be known, if the whole increase of gravitation from the equator to the pole can be determined by experiment. This has been accomplished by a method founded upon the following considerations : If the earth were a homo- geneous sphere without rotation, its attraction on bodies at its surface would be everywhere the same. If it be elliptical and of variable density, the force of gravity, theoretically, ought to increase from the equator to the pole, as unity plus a constant quantity multiplied into the square of the sine of the latitude (N. 126). But for a SKCT. VI. OSCILLATIONS OF PENDULUM. . 49 spheroid in rotation, the centrifugal force varies, by the i\vs of mechanics, as the square of the sine of the lati- tude, from the equator, where it is greatest, to the pole, where it vanishes. And as it tends to make bodies fly off the surface, it diminishes the force of gravity by a small quantity. Hence, by gravitation, which is the dif- ference of these two forces, the fall of bodies ought to be accelerated from the equator to the poles proportion- ably to the square of the sine of the latitude ; and the weight of the same body ought to increase in that ratio. This is directly proved by the oscillations of the pendu- lum (N. 127), which, in fact, is a falling body; for if the faH of bodies be accelerated, the oscillations will be more rapid : in order, therefore, that they may always be per- formed in the same time, the length of the pendulum must be altered. By numerous and careful experi- ments, it is proved that a pendulum which oscillates 86,400 times in a mean day at the equator, will do the same at every point of the earth's surface, if its length be increased progressively to the pole, as the square of the sine of the latitude. From the mean of these it appears that the whole decrease of gravitation from the poles to the equator is 0-005.1449, which, subtracted from -j-f^.o' shows that the compression of the terrestrial spheroid is about _|^ _ 7 . This value has been deduced by the late Mr. Bally, president of the Astronomical Society, who has devoted much attention to this subject ; at the same time, it may be observed that no two sets of pendulum experiments give the same result, probably from local attractions. Therefore, the question cannot be con- sidered as definitively settled, though the differences are very small. The compression obtained by this method does not differ much from that given by the lunar inequalities, nor from the arcs in the direction of the meridian, and those perpendicular to it. The near coincidence of these three values, deduced by methods so entirely independent of each other, shows that the mutual tendencies of the centers of the celestial bodies to one another and the attraction of the earth for bodies at its surface result from the reciprocal attraction of all their particles. Another proof may be added. The 4 K 50 COMPRESSION OF THE EARTH. SECT. VI nutation of the earth's axis and the precession of the equinoxes (N. 143) are occasioned by the action of the sun and moon on the protuberant matter at the earth's equator. And although these inequalities do not give the absolute value of the terrestrial compression, they show that the fraction expressing it is comprised be- tween the limits T ^- and ^| . It might be e'xpected that the same compression should result from each, if the different methods of ob- servation could be made without error. This, however, is not the case ; for, after allowance has been made for every cause of error, such discrepancies are found, both in the degrees of the meridian and in the length of the pendulum, as show that the figure of the earth is very complicated. But they are so small, when compared with the general results, that they may be disregarded. The compression deduced from the mean of the whole appears not to differ much from * T ; that given by the lunar theory has the advantage of being independent of the irregularities of the earth's surface and of local at- tractions. The regularity with which the observed variation in the length of the pendulum follows the law of the square of the sine of the latitude, proves the strata to be elliptical, and symmetrically disposed round the center of gravity of the earth, which affords a strong presumption in favor of its original fluidity. It is re- markable how little influence the sea has on the varia- tion of the lengths of the arcs of the meridian, or on gravitation ; neither does it much affect the lunar ine- qualities, from its density being only about a fifth of the mean density of the earth. For, if the earth were to become a fluid, after being stripped of the ocean, it would assume the form of an ellipsoid of revolution whose compression is ^| ? . 7 , which differs very little from that determined by observation, and proves, not only that the density of the ocean is inconsiderable, but that its mean depth is very small. There may be pro- found cavities in the bottom of the sea, but its mean depth probably does not much exceed the mean height of the continents and islands above its level. On this account, immense tracts of land may be deserted or overwhelmed by the ocean, as appears really to have SCT. VII. PARALLAX. 51 been the case, without any great change in the form of the terrestrial spheroid. The variation in the length of the pendulum was first remarked by Richter in 1672, while observing transits of the fixed stars across the meridian at Cayenne, about five degrees north of the equator. He found that his clock lost at the rate of 2 m 28 s daily, which induced him TO determine the length of a pendulum beating seconds in that latitude ; and repeating the experiments on his return to Europe, he found the seconds' pendulum at Paris to be more than the twelfth of an inch longer than that at Cayenne. The form and size of the earth being determined, a standard of measure is furnished with which the di- mensions of the solar system may be compared. SECTION VII. Parallax Lunar Parallax found from direct Observation Solar Parallax deduced from the Transit of Venus Distance of the Sun from the Earth Annual Parallax Distance of the Fixed Stars. THE parallax of a celestial body is the angle under which the radius of the earth would be seen, if viewed from the center of that body ; it affords the means of ascertaining the distances of the sun, moon, and planets (N. 128). When the moon is in the horizon at the instant of rising or setting, suppose lines to be drawn from her center to the spectator and to the center of the earth ; these would form a right-angled triangle with the terrestrial radius, which is of a known length ; and as the parallax or angle at the moon can be measured, ah" the angles and one side are given ; whence the distance of the moon from the center of the earth may be computed. The parallax of an object may be found, if two observers under the same meridian, but at a very great distance from one another, observe its zenith distances on the same day at the time of its passage over the meridian. By such contemporaneous obser- vations at the Cape of Good Hope and at Berlin, the mean horizontal parallax of the moon was found to be 3459", whence the mean distance of the moon is about sixty times the mean terrestrial radius, or 237,360 miles 52 TRANSIT OF VENUS. SECT. VII nearly. Since the parallax is equal to the radius of the earth divided by the distance of the moon, it varies with the distance of the moon from the earth under the same parallel of latitude, and proves the ellipticity of the lunar orbit. When the moon is at her mean distance, it varies with the terrestrial radii, thus showing that the earth is not a sphere (N. 129). Although the method described is sufficiently accurate for finding the parallax of an object as near as the moon, it will not answer for the sun, which is so remote that the smallest error in observation would lead to a false result. But that difficulty is obviated by the transits of Venus. When that planet is in her nodes (N. 130), or within 1| of them, that is, in, or nearly in, the plane of the ecliptic, she is occasionally seen to pass over the sun like a black spot. If we could imagine that the sun and Venus had no parallax, the line described by the planet on his disc, and the duration of the transit, would be the same to all the inhabitants of the earth. But as the semi-diameter of the earth has a sensible magnitude when viewed from the center of the sun. the line de- scribed by the planet in its passage over his disc appears to be nearer to his center, or farther from it, according to the position of the observer ; so that the duration of the transit varies with the different points of the earth's surface at which it is observed (N. 131). This differ- ence of time, being entirely the effect of parallax, fur- nishes the means of computing it from the known motions of the earth and Venus, by the same method as for the eclipses of the sun. In fact, the ratio of the distances of Venus and the sun from the earth at the time of the transit are known from the theory of their elliptical motion. Consequently the ratio of the paral- laxes of these two bodies being inversely as their dis- tances, is given ; and as the transit gives the difference of the parallaxes, that of the sun is obtained. In 1769. the parallax of the sun was determined by observations of a transit of Venus made at Wardhus in Lapland, and at Otaheite in the South Sea. The latter observation was the object of Cook's first voyage. The transit lasted about six hours at Otaheite, and the difference in dura- tion at these two stations was eight minutes ; whence SKCT. VII. SOLAR PARALLAX. 53 the sun's horizontal parallax was found to be 8"-72. But by other considerations it has been reduced by Professor Encke to 8"-5776 ; from which the mean distance of the sun appears to be about ninety-five mil- lions of miles. This is confirmed by an inequality in the motion of the moon, which depends upon the parallax of the sun, and which, when compared with observation, gives 8"- 6 for the sun's parallax. The parallax of Venus is determined by her transits ; that of Mars by direct observation, and it is found to be nearly double that of the sun, when the planet is in opposition. The distance of these two planets from the earth is therefore known in terrestrial radii, conse- quently their mean distances from the sun may be computed ; and as the ratios of the distances of the planets from the sun are known by Kepler's law, of the squares of the periodic times of any two planets being as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun, their absolute distances in miles are easily found (N. 132). This law is very remarkable, in thus uniting all the bodies of the system, and extending to the satellites as well as the planets. Far as the earth seems to be from the sun, Uranus is no less than nineteen times farther. Situate on the verge of the system, the sun must appear to it not much larger than Venus does to us. The earth cannot even be visible as a telescopic object to a body so re- mote. Yet man, the inhabitant of the earth, soars beyond the vast dimensions of the system to which his planet belongs, and assumes the diameter of its orbit as the base of a triangle whose apex extends to the stars. Sublime as the idea is, this assumption proves in- effectual, except in a very few cases ; for the apparent places of the fixed stars are not sensibly changed by the earth's annual revolution. With the aid derived from the refinements of modern astronomy, and of the most perfect instruments, a sensible parallax has been de- tected only in a veiy few of these remote suns, a Cen- tauri has a parallax of one second of space, therefore it is the nearest known star, and yet it is more than two hundred thousand times farther from us f han the sun K2 54 MASSES OF THE PLANETS. SECT. VHI. is. At such a distance not only the terrestrial orbit shrinks to a point, but the whole solar system, seen in the focus of the most powerful telescope, might be eclipsed by the thickness of a spider's thread. Light, flying at the rate of 190,000 miles in a second, would take more than three years to travel over that space. One of the nearest stars may therefore have been kindled or extinguished more than three years, before we could have been aware of so mighty an event. But this distance must be small, when compared with that of the most remote of the bodies which are visible in the heavens. The fixed stars are undoubtedly luminous like the sun ; it is therefore probable that they are not nearer to one another than the sun is to the nearest of them. In the milky way and the other stariy nebulae, some of the stars that seem to us to be close to others, may be far behind them in the boundless depths of space; nay, may be rationally supposed to be situate many thousand times farther off. Light would there- fore require thousands of years to come to the earth from those myriads of suns of which our own is but "the remote companion." SECTION VIII. Masses of Planets that have no Satellites determined from their Perturba- tions Masses of the others obtained from the Motions of their Satellites Masses of the Sun, the Earth, of Jupiter, and of the Jovial System- Mass of the Moon Real Diameters of Planets, how obtained Size of Sun Densities of the Heavenly Bodies Formation of Astronomical Tables Requisite Data and Means of obtaining- them. THE masses of such planets as have no satellites, are known by comparing the inequalities they produce in the motions of the earth and of each other, determined theoretically, with the same inequalities given by ob- servation ; for the disturbing cause must necessarily be proportional to the effect it produces. The masses of the satellites themselves may also be compared with that of the sun by their perturbations. Thus, it is found, from the comparison of a vast number of observa- tions, with La Place's theory of Jupiter's satellites, VIII. MASS OP THE MOON. 55 that the mass of the sun is no less than 65,000,000 times greater than the least of these moons. But as the quantities of matter in any two primary planets are directly as the cubes of the mean distances at which their satellites revolve, and inversely as the squares of their periodic times (N. 133), the mass of the sun and of any planets which have satellites may be compared with the mass of the earth. In this manner it is com- puted that the mass of the sun is 354,936 times that of the earth ; whence the great perturbations of the moon, and the rapid motion of the perigee and nodes of her orbit (N. 134). Even Jupiter, the largest of the planets, has recently been found by Professor Airy to be 1048-7 times less than the sun; and, indeed, the mass of the whole Jovial System is not more than the 1046-77th part of that of the sun. So that the mass of the satellites bears a very small proportion to that of their primary. The mass of the moon is determined from several sources from her action on the terres- trial equator, which occasions the nutation in the axis of rotation; from her horizontal parallax; from an in- equality she produces in the sun's longitude ; and from her action on the tides. The three first quantities, computed from theory and compared with their ob- served values, give her mass respectively equal to the T _ t ? |.-, and, -^.o- part of that of the earth, which do not differ much from each other. Dr. Brinkley, Bishop of Cloyne, has found it to be ^ from the constant of lunar nutation; but from the moon's action in raising the tides, her mass appears to be about the Jj part of that of the earth a value that cannot differ much from the truth. The apparent diameters of the sun, moon, and planets are determined by measurement ; therefore, their real diameters may be compared with that of the earth ; for the real diameter of a planet is to the real diameter of the earth, or 7916 miles, as the apparent diameter of the planet to the apparent diameter of the earth as seen from the planet, that is, to twice the parallax of the planet. According to Professor Bessel, the mean ap- parent diameter of the sun is 1922", and with the solar parallax 8"-5776, it will be found thatHhe diameter of 56 DENSITIES OF CELESTIAL BODIES. SECT. VIII. the sun is about 886,877 miles. Therefore, if the cen- ter of the sUn were to coincide with the center of the earth, his volume would not only include the orbit of the moon, but would extend nearly as far again ; for the moon's mean distance from the earth is about sixty times the earth's mean radius, or 237,360 miles : so that twice the distance of the moon is 474,720 miles, which differs but little from the solar radius ; his equatorial radius is probably not much less than the major axis of the lunar orbit. The diameter of the moon is only 2160 miles ; and Jupiter's diameter of 87,000 miles is very much less than that of the sun ; the diameter of Pallas does not much exceed 79 miles, so that an inhabitant of that planet, in one of our steam carriages, might go round his world in a few hours. The densities of bodies are proportional to their masses, divided by their volumes. Hence, if the sun and planets be assumed to be spheres, their volumes will be as the cubes of their diameters. Now, the ap- parent diameters of the sun and earth, at their mean distance, are 1922" and 17 //< 1552, and the mass of the earth is the 354,936th part of that of the sun taken as the unit. It follows, therefore, that the earth is nearly four times as dense as the sun. But the sun is so large, that his attractive force would cause bodies to fall through about 334-65 feet in a second. Consequently, if he were habitable by human beings, they would be unable to move, since their weight would be thirty times as great as it is here. A man of moderate size would weigh about two tons at the surface of the sun ; where- as at the surface of the four new planets he would be so light, that it would be impossible to stand steady, since he would only weigh a few pounds. The mean density of the earth has been recently determined with a de- gree of accuracy that leaves nothing farther to be de- sired. Since a comparison of the action of two planets upon a third gives the ratio of the masses of these two planets, it is clear that if we can compare the effect of the whole earth with the effect of any part of it, a com- parison may be instituted between the mass of the whole earth and the mass of that part of it. Now a leaden ball was weighed against the earth by comparing SECT. VIII. ASTRONOMICAL TABLES. 57 the effects of each upon a pendulum ; the nearness of the smaller mass making it produce a sensible effect as compared with that of the larger : for by the laws of attraction the whole earth must be considered as col- lected in its center. By this method it has been found that the mean density -of the earth is 5-675 times greater than that of water at the temperature of 62 of Fahren- heit's thermometer. The late Mr. Baily, whose accu- racy as an experimental philosopher is acknowledged, was unremittingly occupied nearly four years in accom- plishing this very important object. All the planets and satellites appear to be of less density fhan the earth. The motion of Jupiter's satellites show that his density increases toward his center. Were his mass homogene- ous, his equatorial and polar axis would be in the ratio of 41 to 36, whereas they are observed to be only as 41 to 38. The singular irregularities in the form of Sat- urn, and the great compression of Mars, prove the in- ternal structure of these two planets to be very far from uniform. Before entering on the theory of rotation, it may not be foreign to the subject to give some idea of the meth- ods of computing the places of the planets, and of form- ing astronomical tables. Astronomy is now divided into the three distinct departments of theory, observation, and computation. Since the problem of the three bod- ies can only be solved by approximation, the analytical astronomer determines the position of a planet in space by a series of corrections. Its place in its circular orbit is first found, then the addition or subtraction of the equation of the center (N. 48) to or from its mean place, gives its position in the ellipse. This again is corrected by the application of the principal periodic inequalities. But as these are determined for some particular position of the three bodies, they require to be corrected to suit other relative positions. This process is continued till the corrections become less than the errors of observa- tion, when it is obviously unnecessary to carry the ap- proximation further. The true latitude and distance of the planet from the sun are obtained by methods similar to those employed for the longitude. As the earth revolves equably about its axis in 24 58 ASTRONOMICAL TABLES. SECT. VIII. hours, at the rate of 15 in an hour, time becomes a measure of angular motion and the principal element in astronomy, where the object is to determine the exact state of the heavens, and the successive changes it under- goes in all ages, past, present, and to come. Now the longitude, latitude, and distance of a planet from the sun, are given in terms of the time, by general analytical formulae. These formulae will consequently give the exact place of the body in the heavens, for any time as- sumed at pleasure, provided they can be reduced to numbers. But before the calculator begins his task, the observer must furnish the necessaiy data, which are, obviously, the forms of the orbits, and their positions with regard Jo the plane of the ecliptic (N. 57). It is therefore necessary to determine by observation for each planet, the length of the major axis of its orbit, the ec- centricity, the inclination of the orbit to the plane of the ecliptic, the longitudes of its perihelion and ascending node at a given time, the periodic time of the planet, and its longitude at any instant arbitrarily assumed, as an origin from whence all its subsequent and antecedent longitudes are estimated. Each of these quantities is determined from that position of the planet on which it has most influence. For example, the sum of the great- est and least distances of the planet from the sun is equal to the major axis of the orbit, and their difference is equal to twice the eccentricity. The longitude of the planet, when at its least distance from the sun, is the same with the longitude of the perihelion ; the greatest latitude of the planet is equal to the inclination of the orbit ; the longitude of the planet, when in the plane of the ecliptic in passing toward the north, is the longitude of the ascending node, and the periodic time is the in- terval between two consecutive passages of the planet through the same node, a small correction being made for the precession of the node, during the revolution of the planet (N. 135). Notwithstanding the excellence of instruments and the accuracy of modern observers, una- voidable errors of observation can only be compensated by finding the value of each element from the mean of a thousand, or even many thousands of observations. For as it is probable that the errors are not all in one Scr. VHI. CORRECTION OF ELEMENTS. 59 direction, but that some are in excess and others in de- fect, they will compensate each other when combined. However, the values of the elements determined sep- arately, can only be regarded as approximate, because they are so connected, that the estimation of any one independently, will induce errors in the others. The eccentricity depends upon the longitude of the perihe- lion, the mean motion depends upon the major axis, the longitude of the node upon the inclination of the orbit, and vice versa. Consequently, the place of a planet com- puted with the approximate data will differ from its ob- served place. Then the difficulty is to ascertain what elements are most in fault, since the difference in ques- tion is the error of all ; that is obviated by finding the errors of some thousands of observations, and combining them, so as to correct the elements simultaneously, and to make the sum of the squares of the errors a minimum with regard to each element (N. 136). The method of accomplishing this depends upon the Theory of Proba- bilities ; a subject fertile in most important results in the various departments of science and of civil life, and quite indispensable in the determination of astronomical data. A series of observations continued for some years will give approximate values of the secular and periodic ine- qualities, which must be corrected from time to time, till theory and observation agree. And these again will give values of the masses of the bodies forming the solar system, which are important data in computing their motions. The periodic inequalities derived from a great number of observations are employed for the determina- tion of the values of the masses till such time as the secular inequalities shall be perfectly known, which will then give them with all the necessary precision. When all these quantities are determined in numbers, the lon- gitude, latitude, and distance of the planet from the sun are computed for stated intervals, and formed into tables, arranged according to the time estimated from a given epoch, so that the place of the body may be deter- mined from them by inspection alone, at any instant, for perhaps a thousand years before and after that epoch. By this tedious process, tables have been computed for eleven planets, besides the moon and the satellites of 60 ASTRONOMICAL TABLES. SKCT. IX Jupiter. In the present state of astronomy, the masses and elements of the orbits are pretty well known^ so that the tables only require to be corrected from time to time, as observations become more accurate. Those containing the motions of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, have already been twice constructed within the last thirty years. The tables of Jupiter and Saturn agree almost perfectly with modern observation ; those of Uranus, however, are already defective, probably because the discovery of that planet in 1781, is too recent to admit of much precision in the determination of its motions, or that possibly it may be subject to disturbances from some unseen planet revolving about the sun beyond the present boundaries of our system. If, after a lapse of years, the tables formed from a combination of numer- ous observations should be still inadequate to represent the motions of Uranus, the discrepancies may reveal the existence, nay even the mass and orbit of a body placed forever beyond the sphere of vision. The tables of Mars, Venus, Mercury, and even those of the sun, have been greatly improved, and still occupy the attention of Professor Airy and other distinguished astronomers. We are chiefly indebted to the German astronomers for tables of the four new planets, which are astonishingly perfect, considering that these bodies have not been discovered more than forty years, and a much longer time is requisite to develop their inequal- ities. SECTION IX. Rotation of the Sun and Planets Saturn's Rings Periods of the Rotation of the Moon and other Satellites equal to the Periods of their Revolu- tions Form of Lunar Spheroid Libratjon, Aspect, and Constitution of the Moon Rotation of Jupiter's Satellites. THE oblate form of several ot the planets indicates rotatory motion. This has been confirmed in most cases by tracing spots on their surface, by which their poles and times of rotation have been determined. The rotation of Mercury is unknown, on account of his prox- imity to the sun ; that of the new planets has not yet SECT. IX. ROTATION OF SUN AND PLANETS. 61 been ascertained. The sun revolves in twenty-five days and ten hours about an axis which is directed toward a point half-way between the pole-star and Lyra, the plane of rotation being inclined by 7 30', or a little more than seven degrees, to the plane of the ecliptic ; it may there- fore be concluded that the sun's mass is a spheroid, flattened at the poles. From the rotation of the sun, there is every reason to believe that he has a progres- sive motion in space, although the direction to which he tends is unknown ; but, in consequence of the reaction of the planets, he describes a small irregular orbit about the center of gravity of the system, never deviating from his position by more than twice his own diameter, or a little more than seven times the distance of the moon from the earth. The sun and all his attendants rotate from west to east, on axes that remain nearly parallel to themselves (N. 137) in every point of their orbit, and with angular velocities that are sensibly uniform (N. 138). Although the uniformity in the direction of their rotation is a circumstance hitherto unaccounted for in the economy of nature, yet, from the design and adapta- tion of eveiy other part to the perfection of the whole, a coincidence so remarkable cannot be accidental ; and as the revolutions of the planets and satellites are also from west to east, it is evident that both must have arisen from the primitive cause which determined the planetary motions. Indeed, La Place has computed the probability to be as four millions to one that all the motions of the planets, both of rotation and revolution, were at once imparted by an original common cause, but of which we know neither the nature nor the epoch. The larger planets rotate in shorter periods than the smaller planets and the earth. Their compression is, consequently, greater, and the action of the sun and of their satellites occasions a nutation in their axes and a precession of their equinoxes (N. 144) similar to that which obtains in the terrestrial spheroid, from the at- traction of the sun and moon on the prominent matter at the equator. Jupiter revolves in less than ten hours about an axis at right angles to certain dark belts, or bands, which always cross his equator. This rapid rota- F 62 SATURN AND HIS RINGS. SECT. IX. tion occasions a very great compression in his form. His equatorial axis exceeds his polar axis by 6000 miles, whereas the difference in the axes of the earth is only about twenty-six and a half. It is an evident conse- quence of Kepler's law of the squares of the periodic times of the planets being as the cubes of the major axes of their orbits, that the heavenly bodies move slower the farther they are from the sun. In compa- ring the periods of the revolutions of Jupiter and Saturn with the times of their rotation, it appears that a year of Jupiter contains nearly ten thousand of his days, and that of Saturn about thirty thousand Saturnian days. The appearance of Saturn is unparalleled in the sys- tem of the world. He is a spheroid nearly 1000 times larger than the earth, surrounded by a ring even brighter than himself, which always remains suspended in the plane of his equator ; and, viewed with a very good telescope, it is found to consist of two concentric rings, divided by a dark band. The mean distance of the interior part of this double ring from the surface of the planet is about 22,240 miles ; it is no less than 33,360 miles broad, but, by the estimation of Sir John Herschel, its thickness does not much exceed 300 miles, so that it appears like a plane. By the laws of mechanics, it is impossible that^this body can retain its position by the adhesion of its v particles alone. It must necessarily revolve with a velocity that will generate a centrifugal force sufficient to balance the attraction of Saturn! Ob- servation confirms the truth of these principles, showing that the rings rotate from west to east about the planet in ten hours and a half, which is nearly the time a satel- lite would take to revolve about Saturn at the same dis- tance. Their plane is inclined to the ecliptic, at an angle of 28 10' 44"-5 ; in consequence of this obliquity of position, they always appear elliptical to us, but with an eccentricity so variable as even to be occasionally like a straight line drawn across the planet. In the begin- ning of October, 1832, the plane of the rings passed through the center of the earth ; in that position they are only visible with very superior instruments, and appear like a fine line across the disc of Saturn. About the middle of December, in the same year, the rings S.CT. IX. ROTATION OF THE MOON. 63 became visible with ordinary instruments, on account of their plane passing through the sun. In the end of April, 1833, the rings vanished a second time, and re- appeared in June of that year. Similar phenomena will occur in 1847, and generally as often as Saturn has the same longitude with either node of his rings. Each side of these rings has alternately fifteen years of sun- shine and fifteen years of darkness. A dark line has been seen in the outer ring, supposed to indicate a sub- division. It is a singular result of theory that the rings could not maintain their stability of rotation if they were everywhere of uniform thickness ; for the smallest dis- turbance would destroy the equilibrium, which would become more and more deranged, till at last they would be precipitated on the surface of the planet. The rings of Saturn must, therefore, be irregular solids of unequal breadth in different parts of the circumference, so that their centers of gravity do not coincide with the centers of their figures. Professor Strave has also discovered that the center of the ring is not concentric with the center of Saturn. The interval between the outer edge of the globe of the planet and the outer edge of the ring on one side is 11"'272, and on the other side the inter- val is 11"-390, consequently there is an eccentricity of the globe in the ring of 0"-215. If the rings obeyed different forces they would not remain in the same plane ; ' but the powerful attraction of Saturn always maintains them and his satellites in the plane of his equator. The rings, by their mutual action, and that of the sun and satellites, must oscillate about the center of Saturn, and produce phenomena of light and shadow whose periods extend to many years. According to M. Bessel the mass of Saturn's ring is equal to the yfy part of that of the planet. The periods of rotation of the moon and the other satellites are equal to the times of their revolutions ; consequently these bodies always turn the same face to their primaries. However, as the mean motion of the moon is subject to a secular inequality which will ulti- mately amount to many circumferences (N. 107), if the rotation of the moon were perfectly uniform and not 64 ITERATIONS OF THE MOON SECT. IX. affected by the same inequalities, it would cease exactly to counterbalance the motion of revolution ; and the moon, in the course of ages, would successively and gradually discover every point of her surface to the earth. But theory proves that this never can happen ; for the rotation of the moon, though it does not partake of the periodic inequalities of her revolution, is affected by the same secular variations, so that her motions of rotation and revolution round the earth will always balance each other and remain equal. This circum- stance arises from the form of the lunar spheroid, which has three principal axes of different lengths at right angles to each other. The moon is flattened at her poles from her centri- fugal force ; therefore her polar axis is the least. The other two are in the plane of her equator ; but that directed toward the earth is the greatest (N. 139). The attraction of the earth, as if it had drawn out that part of the moon's equator, constantly brings the greatest axis, and, consequently, the same hemisphere, toward us, which makes her rotation participate in the secular variations of her mean motion of revolution. Even if the angular velocities of rotation and revolution had not been nicely balanced in the beginning of the moon's motion, the attraction of the earth would have recalled the greatest axis to the direction of the line joining the centers of the moon and earth, so that it would have vibrated on each side of that line in the same manner as a pendulum oscillates on each side of the vertical from the influence of gravitation. No such libration is per- ceptible ; and, as the smallest disturbance would make it evident, it is clear that, if the moon has ever been touched by a comet, the mass of the latter must have been extremely small. If it had been only the hundred thousandth part of that of the earth, it would have ren- dered the libration sensible. According to analysis, a similar libration exists in the motions of Jupiter's satel- lites, which still remains insensible to observation, and yet the comet of 1770 passed twice through the midst of them. The moon, it is true, is liable to librations depending upon the position of the. spectator. At her rising, part SBCT. IX. ROTATION OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES. 65 9 of the western edge of her disc is visible, which is in- visible at her setting, and the contrary takes place with regard to her eastern edge. There are also librations arising from the relative positions of the earth and moon in their respective orbits ; but as they are only optical appearances, one hemisphere will be eternally concealed from the earth. For the same reason, the earth, which must be so splendid an object to one lunar hemisphere, will be forever veiled from the other. On account of these circumstances, the remoter hemi- sphere of the moon has its day a fortnight long, and a night of the same duration, not even enlightened by a moon, while the favored side is illuminated by the re- flection of the earth during its long night. A planet exhibiting a surface thirteen times larger than that of the moon, with all the varieties of clouds, land, and water coming successively into view, must be a splen- did object to a lunar traveler in a journey to his an- tipodes. The great height of the lunar mountains prob- ably has a considerable influence on the phenomena of her motion, the more so as her compression is small, and her mass considerable. In the curve passing through the poles, and that diameter of the moon which always points to the earth, nature has furnished a per- manent meridian, to which the different spots on her surface hare been referred, and their positions are de- termined with as much accuracy as those of many of the most remarkable places on the surface of our globe. The distance and minuteness of Jupiter's satellites render it extremely difficult to ascertain their rotation. It was, however, accomplished by Sir William Herschel from their relative brightness. He observed that they alternately exceeded each other in brilliancy, and, by comparing the maxima and minima of then' illumination with their positions relatively to the sun and to their primary, he found that like the moon the time of their rotation is equal to the period of their revolution about Jupiter. Miraldi was led to the same conclusion with regard to the fourth satellite, from the motion of a spot on its surface. 5 F3 66 ROTATION OF THE EARTH. SECT. X. SECTION X. Rotation of the Earth invariable Decrease in the Earth's Mean Tempera- tureEarth originally in a State of Fusion Length of Day constant- Decrease of Temperature ascribed by Sir John Herschel to the Variation in the Eccentricity of the Terrestrial Orbit Difference in the Tempera- ture of the Two Hemispheres, erroneously ascribed to the Excess in the Length of Spring and Summer in the Southern Hemisphere ; attributed by Mr. Lyell to the Operation of existing Causes Three Principal Axes of Rotation Position of the Axis of Rotation on the Surface of the Earth invariable Ocean not sufficient to restore the Equilibrium of the Earth if deranged Its Density and Mean Depth Internal Structure of the Earth. THE rotation of the earth, which determines the length of the day, may be regarded as one of the most import- ant elements in the system of the world. It serves as a measure of time, and forms the standard of com- parison for the revolutions of the celestial bodies, which by their proportional increase or decrease would soon disclose any changes it might sustain. Theory and observation concur in proving that -among the innumer- able vicissitudes which prevail throughout creation, the period of the earth's diurnal rotation is immutable. The water of rivers, falling from a higher to a lower level, carries with it the velocity due to its revolution with the earth at a greater distance from the center ; it will therefore accelerate, although to an almost infinites- imal extent, the earth's daily rotation. The sum of all these increments of velocity arising from the descent of all the rivers on the earth's surface would in time be- come perceptible, did not nature by the process of evap- oration raise the waters back to their sources ; and thus, by again removing matter to a greater distance from the center, destroy the velocity generated by its pre- vious approach ; so that the descent of rivers does not affect the earth's rotation. Enormous masses projected by volcanos from the equator to the poles, and the con- trary, would indeed affect it, but there is no evidence of such convulsions. The disturbing action of the moon and planets, which has so powerful an effect on the revolution of the earth, in no way influences its rota- tion. The constant friction of the trade-winds on the SECT. X. INVARIABILITY OF ROTATION. (ft mountains and continents between the tropics does not impede its velocity, which theory even proves to be the same as if the sea together with the earth formed one solid mass. But although these circumstances be in- sufficient, a variation in the mean temperature would certainly occasion a corresponding change in the velocity of rotation. In the science of dynamics it is a principle in a system of bodies or of particles revolving about a fixed center, that the momentum or sum of the pro- ducts of the mass of each into its angular velocity and distance from the center is a constant quantity, if the system be not deranged by a foreign cause. Now since the number of particles in the system is the same what- ever its temperature may be, when their distances from the center are diminished then- angular velocity must be increased, in order that the preceding quantity may still remain constant. It follows then that as the primi- tive momentum of rotation with which the earth was projected into space must necessarily remain die same, the smallest decrease in heat by contracting the terres- trial spheroid would accelerate its rotation, and conse- quently diminish the length of the day. Notwithstand- ing the constant accession of heat from the sun's rays, geologists have been induced to believe from the fossil remains, that the mean temperature of the globe is de- creasing. The high temperature of mines, hot springs, and above all the internal fires which have produced and do still occasion such devastation on our planet, indicate an augmentation of heat toward its center. The increase of density corresponding to the depth and the form of the spheroid being what theory assigns to a fluid mass in rotation, concurs to induce the idea that the tempera- ture of the earth was originally so high as to reduce all the substances of which it is composed to a state of fusion or of vapor, and that in the course of ages it has cooled down to its present state ; that it is still becoming colder, and that it will continue to do so till the whole mass arrives at the temperature of the medium in which it is placed, or rather at a state of equilibrium between this temperature, the cooling power of its own radiation, and the heating effect of the sun's rays. . 68 DECREASE OF TEMPERATURE. SJCCT. X. Previous to the formation of ice at the poles, the ancient lands of northern latitudes might no doubt have been capable of producing those tropical plants pre- served in the coal-measures, if indeed such plants could flourish without the intense light of a tropical sun. But even if the decreasing temperature of the earth be sufficient to produce the observed effects, it must be extremely slow in its operation ; for in consequence of the rotation of the earth being a measure of the periods of the celestial motions, it has been proved that if the length of the day had decreased by the three-thou- sandth part of a second since the observations of Hippar- chus two thousand years ago, it would have diminished the secular equation of the moon by 4"'4. It is there- fore beyond a doubt that the mean temperature of the earth cannot have sensibly varied during that time. If then the appearances exhibited by the strata are really owing to a decrease of internal temperature, it either shows the immense periods requisite to produce geo- logical changes, to which two thousand years are as nothing, or that the mean temperature of the earth had arrived at a state of equilibrium before these observa- tions. However strong the indications of the primitive fluidity of the earth, as there is no direct proof of it, the hypothesis can only be regarded as very probable. But one of the most profound philosophers and elegant writers of modern times has found in the secular varia- tion of the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit an evident cause of decreasing temperature. That accomplished author, in pointing out the mutual dependencies of phe- nomena, says, " It is evident that the mean temperature of the whole surface of the globe, in so far as it is main- tained by the action of the sun at a higher degree than it would have were the sun extinguished, must depend on the mean quantity of the sun's rays which it re- ceives, or which comes to the same thing on the total quantity received in a given invariable time ; and the length of the year being unchangeable in all the fluctuations of the planetary system, it follows that the total amount of solar radiation will determine, cceteris paribus, the general climate of the earth. Now, it is SECT. X. DECREASE OF TEMPERATURE. 69 not difficult to show that this amount is inversely pro- portional to the minor axis of the ellipse described by the earth about the sun (N. 140), regarded as slowly variable ; and that, therefore, the major axis remaining, as we know it to be constant, and the orbit being actu- ally in a state of approach to a circle, and consequently the minor axis being on the increase, the mean annual amount of solar radiation received by the whole earth must be actually on the decrease. We have therefore an evident real cause to account for the phenomenon." The limits of the variation in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit are unknown. But if its ellipticity has ever been as great as that of the orbit of Mercury or Pallas, the mean temperature of the earth must Jaave been sensibly higher than it is at present. Whether it was great enough to render our northern climates fit for the production of tropical plants, and for the resi- dence of the elephant and other animals now inhabitants of the torrid zone, it is impossible to say. Of the decrease in temperature of the northern hemisphere there is abundant evidence in the fossil plants discovered in very high latitudes, which could only have existed in a tropical climate, and which must have grown near the spot where they are found, from the delicacy of their structure and the perfect state of their preservation. This change of temperature has been erroneously ascribed to an excess in the duration of spring and summer in the northern hemisphere, in consequence of the eccentricity of the solar ellipse. The length of the seasons varies with the position of the perihelion (N. 64) of the earth's orbit for two reasons. On account of the eccentricity, small as it is, any line passing through the center of the sun divides the terrestrial ellipse into two unequal parts, and by the laws of elliptical motion the earth moves through these two portions with unequal velocities. The perihelion always lies in the smaller portion, and there the earth's motion is the most rapid. In the present position of the perihelion, spring and summer north of the equator exceed by about eight days the duration of the same seasons south of it. And 10,492 years ago the southern hemisphere enjoyed the advantage we now possess 70 CAUSES AFFECTING THE TEMPERATURE. SECT. X. from the secular variation of the perihelion. Yet Sir John Herschel has shown that by this alteration neither hemisphere acquires any excess of light or heat above the other ; for although the earth is nearer to the sun while moving through that part of its orbit in which the perihelion lies than in the other part, and consequently receives a greater quantity of light and heat, yet as it moves faster it is exposed to the heat for a shorter time. In the other part of the orbit, on the contrary, the earth being farther from the sun receives fewer of his rays, but because its motion is slower it is exposed to them for a longer time. And as in both cases the quantity of heat and the angular velocity vary exactly in the same proportion, a perfect compensation takes place (N. 141). So that the eccentricity of the earth's orbit has little or no effect on the temperature corresponding to the difference of the seasons. Mr. Lyell, in his excellent work on Geology, refers the increased cold of the northern hemisphere to the operation of existing causes, with more probability than most theories that have been advanced in solution of this difficult subject. The loftiest mountains would be represented by a grain of sand on a globe six feet in diameter, and the depth of the ocean by a scratcl^ on its surface. Consequently the gradual elevation of a continent or chain of mountains above the surface of the ocean, or their depression below it, is no very great event compared with the magnitude of the earth, and the energy of its subterranean fires, if the same periods of time be admitted in the progress of geological as in astronomical phenomena, which the successive and va- rious races of extinct beings show to have been immense. Climate is always more intense in the interior of con- tinents than in islands or sea-coasts. An increase of land within the tropics would therefore augment the general heat, and an increase in the temperate and frigid zones would render the cold more severe. Now it appears that most of the European, North Asiatic, and North American continents and islands were raised from the deep after the coal-measures were formed in which the fossil tropical plants are found ; and a variety of geological facts indicate the existence of an ancient Sxrr. X. AXIS OP ROTATION INVARIABLE. 71 and extensive archipelago throughout the greater part of the northern hemisphere. Mr. Lyell is therefore of opinion that the climate of these islands must have been sufficiently mild in consequence of the surrounding ocean to clothe them with tropical plants, and render them a fit abode for the huge animals whose fossil remains are so often found. That the arborescent ferns and the palms of these regions, carried by streams to the bottom of the ocean, were imbedded in the strata which were by degrees heaved up by the subterranean fires during a long succession of ages, till the greater part of the northern hemisphere became dry land as it now is, and that the consequence has been a continual decrease of temperature. It is evident from the marine shells found on the tops of the highest mountains and in almost every part of the globe, that immense continents have been elevated above the ocean, which must have ingulfed others. Such a catastrophe would be occasioned by a variation in the position of the axis of rotation on the surface of the earth ; for the seas tending to a new equator would leave some portions of the globe and overwhelm others. Now, it is found by the laws of mechanics that in every body, be its form or density what it may, there are at least three axes at right angles to each other, round any one of which, if the solid begins to rotate, it will continue to revolve forever, provided it be not disturbed by a foreign cause, but that the rotation about any other axis will only be for an instant, and consequently the poles or extremities of the instantaneous axis of rotation would perpetually change their position on the surface of the body. In an ellipsoid of revolution the polar diameter and every diameter in the plane of the equator are the only permanent axes of rotation (N. 142). Hence if the ellipsoid were to begin to revolve about any diameter between the pole and the equator, the motion would be so unstable that the axis of rota- tion and the position of the poles would change every instant. Therefore as the earth does not differ much from this figure, if it did not turn round one of its prin- cipal axes, the position of the poles would change daily ; the equator, which is 90 distant, would undergo cor- 72 AXIS OF ROTATION INVARIABLE. Sfccr. X. responding variations ; and the geographical latitudes of all places being estimated from the equator, assumed to be fixed, would be perpetually changing. A displace- ment in the position of the poles of only two hundred miles would be sufficient to produce these effects, and would immediately be detected. But as the latitudes are found to be invariable, it may be concluded that the terrestrial spheroid must have revolved about the same axis for ages. The earth and planets differ so little from ellipsoids of revolution, that in all probability any libration from one axis to another produced by the primitive impulse which put them in motion, must have ceased soon after their creation from the friction of the fluids at their surface. Theory also proves that neither nutation, precession, nor any of the disturbing forces that affect the system, have the smallest influence on the axis of rotation, which maintains a permanent position on the surface, if the earth be not disturbed in its rotation by a foreign cause, as the collision of a comet, which might have happened in the immensity of time. But had that been the case, its effects would still have been perceptible in .the varia- tions of the geographical latitudes. If we suppose that such an event had taken place, and that the disturbance had been very great, equilibrium could then only have been restored with regard to a new axis of rotation by the rushing of the seas to the new equator, which they must have continued to do till the surface was every- where perpendicular to the direction of gravity. But it is probable that such an accumulation of the waters would not be sufficient to restore equilibrium if the de- rangement had been great, for the mean density of the sea is only about a fifth part of the mean density of the earth, and the mean depth of the Pacific Ocean is sup- posed not to be more than four or five miles, whereas the equatorial diameter of the earth exceeds the polar diameter by about 26i miles. Consequently the influ- ence of the sea on the direction of gravity is veiy small. And as it thus appears that a great change in the posi- tion of the axis is incompatible with the law of equilib- rium, the geological phenomena in question must be ascribed to an internal cause. Indeed it is now demon- Scr. X. INTERNAL DENSITY OF THE EARTH. 73 strated that the strata containing marine diluvia which are in lofty situations, must have been formed at the bottom of the ocean and afterward upheaved by the action of subterraneous fires. Besides, it is clear from the mensuration of the arcs of the meridian and the length of the seconds' pendulum, as well as from the lunar theory, that the internal strata and also the exter- nal outline of the globe are elliptical, their centers being coincident and their axes identical with that of the sur- face a state of things which, according to the distin- guished author lately quoted, is incompatible with a subsequent accommodation of the surface to a new and different state of rotation from that which determined the original distribution of the component matter. Thus amid the mighty revolutions which have swept innumer- able races of organized beings from the earth, which have elevated plains and buried mountains in the ocean, the rotation of the earth and the position of the axis on its surface have undergone but slight variations. The strata of the terrestrial spheroid are not only concentric and elliptical, but the lunar inequalities show that they increase in density from the surface of the earth to its center. This would certainly have happened if the earth had originally been fluid, for the denser parts must have subsided toward the center as it approached a state of equilibrium. But the enormous pressure of the superincumbent mass is a sufficient cause for the phenomenon. Professor Leslie observes that air com- pressed into the fiftieth part of its volume has its elas- ticity fifty times augmented. If it continues to contract at that rate, it would, from its own incumbent weight, acquire the density of water at the depth of thirty-four miles. But water itself would have its density doubled at the depth of ninety-three miles, and would even at- tain the density of quicksilver at a depth of 362 miles. Descending therefore toward the center through nearly 4000 miles, the condensation of ordinary substances would surpass the utmost powers of conception. Dr. Young says that steel would be compressed into one- fourth and stone into one-eighth of its bjilk at the earth's center. However, we are yet ignorant of the laws of compression of solid bodies beyond a Certain limit ; from G 74 PRECESSION. SECT. XI. the experiments of Mr. Perkins they appear to be ca- pable of a greater degree of compression than has gen- erally been imagined. But a density so extreme is not borne out by astro- nomical observation. It might seem to follow, there- fore, that our planet must have a widely cavernous structure, and that we tread on a crust or shell whose thickness bears a very small proportion to the diameter of its sphere. Possibly, too, this great condensation at the central regions may be counterbalanced by the in- creased elasticity due to a very elevated temperature. SECTION XI. Precession and Nutation Their Effects on the Apparent Places of the Fixed Stars. IT has been shown that the axis of rotation is invari- able on the surface of the earth ; and observation as well as theory prove that were it not for the action of the sun and moon on the matter at the equator, it would remain exactly parallel to itself in every point of its orbit. The attraction of an external body not only draws a spheroid toward it, but as the force varies inversely as the square of the distance, it gives it a motion about its center of gravity, unless when the attracting body is sit- uated in the prolongation of one of the axes of the sphe- roid. The plane of the equator is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of 23 27' 34"-69 ; and the inclination of the lunar orbit to the same is 5 8' 4 1"' 9. Consequently, from the oblate figure of the earth, the sun and moon acting obliquely and unequally on the dif- ferent parts of the terrestrial spheroid, urge the plane of the equator from its direction and force it to move from east to west, so that the equinoctial points have a slow retrograde motion on the plane of the ecliptic, of 50"-41 annually. The direct tendency of this action is to make the planes of the equator and ecliptic coincide, but it is balanced by the tendency of the earth to return to stable rotation about the polar diameter, which is one of its principal axes of rotation. Therefore the inclina- SCT. XI. PRECESSION. 75 tion of the two planes remains constant, as a top spin- ning preserves the same inclination to the plane of the horizon. Were the earth spherical, this effect would not be produced, and the equinoxes would always cor- respond with the same points of the ecliptic, at least as far as this kind of motion is concerned. But another and totally different cause which operates on this motion has already been mentioned. The action of the planets on one another and on the sun occasions a very slow va- riation in the position of the plane of the ecliptic, which uffects its inclination to the plane of the equator, and gives the equinoctial points a slow but direct motion on the ecliptic of 0"-31 annually, which is entirely inde- pendent of the figure of the earth, and would be the same if it were a sphere. Thus the sun and moon, by moving the plane of the equator, cause the equinoctial points to retrograde on the ecliptic ; and the planets by moving the plane of the ecliptic give them a direct mo- tion, though much less than the former. Consequently the difference of the two is the mean precession, which is proved both by theory and observation to be about 50"-1 annually (N. 143). As the longitudes of all the fixed stars are increased by this quantity, the effects of precession are soon de- tected. It was accordingly discovered by Hipparchus in the year 128 before Christ, from a comparison of his own observations with those of Timocharis 155 years before. In the time of Hipparchus, the entrance of the sun into the constellation Aries was the beginning of spring, but since that time the equinoctial points have receded 30, so that the constellations called the signs of the zodiac are now at a considerable distance from those divisions of the ecliptic which bear their names. Moving at the rate of 50"- 1 annually, the equinoctial points will accomplish a revolution in 25,868 years. But as the precession varies in different centuries the extent of this period will be slightly modified. Since the motion of the sun is direct, and that of the equinoc- tial points retrograde, he takes a shorter time to return to the equator than to arrive at the same stars ; so that the tropical year of 365 d 5 h 48 m 49 8 '7 must be increased by the time he takes to move through an arc of 50"- 1, 76 LENGTH OF THE YEAR. SECT. XI. in order to have the length of the sidereal year. The time required is 20 m 19 s - 6, so that the sidereal year con- tains 365 d 6 h 9 m 9 8 -6 mean solar days. The mean annual precession is subject to a secular variation ; for although the change in the plane of the ecliptic in which the orbit of the sun lies be independent of the form of the earth, yet by bringing the sun, moon, and earth into different relative positions from age to age, it alters the direct action of the .two first on the prominent matter at the equator : on this account the motion of the equinox is greater, by 0"-455 now than it was in the time of Hipparchus. Consequently the ac- tual length of the tropical year is about 4 S> 21 shorter than it was at that time. The utmost change that it can experience from this cause amounts to 43 seconds. Such is the secular motion of the equinoxes. But it is sometimes increased and sometimes diminished by periodic variations, whose periods depend upon the relative positions of the sun and moon with regard to the earth, and which are occasioned by the direct ac- tion of these bodies on the equator. Dr. Bradley discov- ered that by this action the moon causes the pole of the equator to describe a small ellipse in the heavens, the axes of which are 18"-5 and 13"-674, the longer being directed toward the pole of the ecliptic. The period of this inequality is about 19 years, the time employed by the nodes of the lunar orbit to accomplish a revolu- tion. The sun causes a small variation in the descrip- tion of this ellipse ; it runs through its period in half a year. Since the whole earth obeys these motions they affect the position of its axis of rotation with regard to the starry heavens, though not with regard to the sur- face of the earth; for in consequence of precession alone the pole of the equator moves in a circle round the pole of the ecliptic in 25,868 years, and by nutation alone it describes a small ellipse in the heavens every 19 years, on each side of which it deviates every half year from the action of the sun. The real curve traced in the starry heavens by the imaginary prolongation of the earth's axis is compounded of these three motions (N. 144). This nutatiou in the earth's axis affects both tho precession and obliquity with small periodic varia- SECT. XH. EFFECTS OF NUTATION. 77 tions. But in consequence of the secular variation in the position of the terrestrial orbit, which is chiefly owing to the disturbing energy of Jupiter on the earth, the obliquity of the ecliptic is annually diminished, ac- cording to M. Bessel, by 0"-457. This variation in the course of ages may amount to 10 or 11 degrees ; but the obliquity of the ecliptic to 4he equator can never vary more than 2 42' or 3, since the equator will follow in some measure the motion of the ecliptic. It is evident that the places of all the celestial bodies are affected by precession and nutation. Their longi- tudes estimated from the equinox are augmented by precession ; but as it effects all the bodies equally, it makes no change in their relative positions. Both the celestial latitudes and longitudes are altered to a small degree by nutation ; hence all observations must be corrected for these inequalities. In consequence of this real motion in the earth's axis the pole star, forming part of the constellation of the Little Bear, which was formerly 12 from the celestial pole, is now within 1 24' of it, and will continue to approach it till it is within , after which it will retreat from the pole for ages; and 12,934 years hence the star a Lyrae will come within 5 of the celestial pole, and become the polar star of the northern hemisphere. SECTION XII. Mfean and Apparent Sidereal Time Mean and Apparent Solar Time Equation of Time English and French Subdivisions of Time Leap Year Christian Era Equinoctial Time Remarkable Eras depending upon the Position of the Solar Perigee Inequality of the Lengths of the Seasons in the two Hemispheres Application of Astronomy to Chro- nology English and French Standards of Weights and Measures. ASTRONOMY has been of immediate and essential use in affording invariable standards for measuring duration, distance, magnitude, and velocity. The mean sidereal day measured by the time elapsed between two consec- utive transits of any star at the same meridian, and the mean sidereal year, which is the time included between two consecutive returns of the sun to the same star, are immutable units with which all great periods of 02 78 SOLAR TIME. SECT. XII. time are compared ; the oscillations of the isochronous pendulum measure its smaller portions. By these in- variable standards alone we can judge of the slow changes that other elements of the system may have undergone. Apparent sidereal time, which is measured by the transit of the equinoctial point at the meridian of any place, is a variable quantity, from the effects of precession and nutation. Clocks showing apparent sidereal time are employed for observation, and are so regulated that they indicate O h O m s at the instant the equinoctial point passes the meridian of the observatory. And as time is a measure of angular motion, the clock gives the distances of the heavenly bodies from the equinox by observing the instant at which each passes the meridian, and converting the interval into arcs at the rate of 15 to an hour. The returns of the sun to the meridian and to the same equinox or solstice, have been universally adopted as the measure of our civil days and years. The solar or astronomical day is the time that elapses between two consecutive noons or midnights. It is consequently longer than the sidereal day, on account of the proper motion of the sun during a revolution of the celestial sphere. But as the sun moves with greater rapidity at the winter than at the summer solstice, the astronomi- cal day is more nearly equal to the sidereal day in sum- mer than in winter. The obliquity of the ecliptic also affects its duration ; for near the equinoxes the arc of the equator is less than the corresponding arc of the ecliptic, and in the solstices it is greater (N. 145). The astronomical day is therefore diminished in the first case, and increased in the second. If the sun moved uniformly in the equator at the rate of 59' 8"- 33 every day, the solar days would be all equal. The time there- fore which is reckoned by the arrival of an imaginary sun at the meridian, or of one which is supposed to move uniformly in the equator, is denominated mean solar time, such as is given by clocks and watches in common life. When it is reckoned by the arrival of the real sun at the meridian it is apparent time, such as is given by dials. The difference between the time shown by a clock and a dial is the equation of time given in SICT. XII. DIVISIONS OF TIME. 79 the Nautical Almanac, sometimes amounting to as much as sixteen minutes. The apparent and mean time coin- cide four times in the year ; when the sun's daily mo- tion in right ascension is equal to 59' &" 33 in a mean solar day, which happens about the 16th of April, the 16th of June, the 1st of September, and the 25th of December. The astronomical day begins at noon, but in common reckoning the day begins at midnight. In England it is divided into twenty-four hours, which are counted by twelve and twelve ; but in France astronomers, adopting the decimal division, divide the day into ten hours, the hour into one hundred minutes, and the minute into a hundred seconds, because of the facility in computation, and in conformity with then* decimal system of weights and measures. This subdivision is not now used in common life, nor has it been adopted in any other country ; and although some scientific writers in France still employ that division of time, the custom is begin- ning to wear out. At one period during the French revolution, the clock in the gardens of the Tuileries was regulated to show decimal time. The mean length of the day, though accurately determined, is not sufficient for the purposes either of astronomy or civil life. The tropical or civil year of 365 d 5 U 48 m 49 8 -7, which is the time elapsed between the consecutive returns of theun to the mean equinoxes or solstices, including all the changes of the seasons, is a natural cycle peculiarly suited for a measure of duration. It is estimated from the winter solstice, the middle of the long annual night under the north pole. But although the length of the civil year is pointed out by nature as a measure of long periods, the incommensurability that exists between the length of the day and the revolution of the sun, renders it difficult to adjust the estimation of both in whole num- bers. If the revolution of the sun were accomplished in 365 days, all the years would be of precisely the same number of days, and would begin and end with the sun at the same point of the ecliptic. But as the sun's revo- lution includes the fraction of a day, a civil year and a revolution of the sun have not the same duration. Since the fraction is nearly the fourth of a day, in four years 80 LENGTH OF THE CIVIL YEAR. SECT. XII. it is nearly equal to a revolution of the sun, so that the addition of a supernumerary day every fourth year nearly compensates the difference. But in process of time further correction will be necessary, because the fraction is less than the fourth of a day. In fact, if a bissextile be suppressed at the end of three out of four centuries, the year so determined will only exceed the true year by an extremely small fraction of a day ; and if in addition to this a bissextile be suppressed every 4000 years, the length of the year will be nearly equal to that given by observation. Were the fraction neg- lected, the beginning of the year would precede that of the tropical year, so that it would retrograde through the different seasons in a period of about 1507 years. The Egyptian year began with the heliacal rising of Sirius, and contained only 365 days, by which they lost one year in every 1461 years, their Sothaic period, or that cycle in which the heliacal rising of Sirius passes through the whole year and takes place again on the same day. The commencement of that cycle is placed by ancient chronologists in the year 1322 before the Christian era. The division of the year into months is very old and almost universal. But the period of seven days, by far the most permanent division of time, and the most ancient monument of astronomical knowledge, was used by the Brahmins in India with the same denominations em- ployed by us, and was alike found in the calendars of the Jews, Egyptians, Arabs, and Assyrians. It has survived the fall of empires, and has existed among all successive generations, a proof of their common origin. The day of the new moon immediately following the winter solstice in the 707th year of Rome, was made the 1st of January of the first year of Julius Caesar. The 25th of December of his forty-fifth year is considered as the date of Christ's nativity ; and the forty-sixth year of the Julian Calendar is assumed to be the first of our era. The preceding year is called the first year before Christ by chronologists, but by astronomers it is called the year 0. The astronomical year begins on the 31st of December at noon ; and the date of an observation expresses the days and hours which have actually elapsed since that time. SCT. XII. ASTRONOMICAL ERAS. 81 . Since solar and sidereal time are estimated from the passage of the sun and the equinoctial point across the meridian of each place, the hours are different at differ- ent places : while it is one o'clock at one place it is two at another, three at another, &c. ; for it* is obvious that it is noon at one part of the globe, at the same moment that it is midnight at another diametrically opposite to it; consequently an event which happens at one and the same instant of absolute time is recorded at different places, as having happened at different times. There- fore, when observations made at different places are to be compared, they must be reduced by computation to what they would have been had they been made under the same meridian. To obviate this, it was proposed by Sir John Herschel to employ mean equinoctial time, which is the same for all the world, and independent alike of local circumstances and inequalities in the sun's motion. It is the time elapsed from the instant the mean sun enters the mean vernal equinox, and is reckoned in mean solar days and parts of a day. Some remarkable astronomical eras are determined by the position of the major axis of the solar ellipse, which depends upon the direct motion of the perigee (N. 102) and the precession of the equinoxes conjointly, the annual motion of the one being ]1"*8, and that of the other 50"-1. Hence the axis, moving at the rate of 61"-9 annually, accomplishes a tropical revolution in 209-84 years. It coincided with the line of the equinoxes 4000 or 4089 years before the Christian era, much about the time chronologists assign for the creation of man. In 6483 the major axis will again coincide with the line of the equinoxes ; but then the solar perigee will coincide with the equinox of autumn ; whereas at the creation of man it coincided with the vernal equinox. In the year 1246 the major axis was perpendicular to the line of the equinoxes ; then the solar perigee coincided with the solstice of summer, and the apogee with the solstice of winter. According to La Place, who computed these periods from different data, the last coincidence hap- pened in the year 1250 of our era, which induced him to propose that year as a universal epoch, the vernal equi- nox of the year 1250 to be the first day of the first year. 6 82 ANCIENT CHRONOLOGY. SECT. XII These eras can only be regarded as approximate, since ancient observations are too inaccurate, and modern ob- servations too recent, to afford data for their precise determination. The variation in the position of the solar ellipse occa- sions corresponding changes in the length of the seasons. In its present position spring is shorter than summer, and autumn longer than winter ; and while the solar perigee continues as it now is between the solstice of winter and the equinox of spring, the period including spring and summer will be longer than that including autumn and winter. In this century the difference is between seven and eight days. The intervals will be equal toward the year 6483, when the perigee will coin- cide with the equinox of spring ; but when it passes that point, the spring and summer taken together will be shorter than the period including the autumn and winter (N. 147). These changes will be accomplished in a tropical revolution of the major axis of the earth's orbit, which includes an interval of 20,984 years. Were the orbit circular, the seasons would be equal ; their differ- ence arises from the eccentricity of the orbit, small as it is ; but the changes are so trifling as to be imperceptible in the short span of human life. No circumstance in the whole science of astronomy excites a deeper interest than its application to chronol- ogy. "Whole nations," says La Place, "have been swept from the earth, with their languages, arts, and sciences, leaving but confused masses of ruins to mark the place where mighty cities stood ; their history with the exception of a few doubtful traditions has perished ; but the perfection of their astronomical observations marks their high antiquity, fixes the periods of their ex- istence, and proves that even at that early time they must have made considerable progress in science." The ancient state of the heavens may now be computed with great accuracy ; and by comparing the results of calcu- lation with ancient observations, the exact period at which they were made may be verified if true, or if false their error may be detected. If the date be accu- rate and the observation good, it will verify the accuracy of modern tables, and will show to how many centuries SECT. XII. ANCIRNT ASTRONOMY. 83 they may be extended without the fear of error. A few examples will show the importance of the subject. At the solstices the sun is at his greatest distance from the equator, consequently his declination at these times is equal to the obliquity of the ecliptic (N. 148), which was formerly determined from the meridian length of the shadow of the stile of a dial on the day of a solstice. The lengths of the meridian shadow at the summer and winter solstices are recorded to have been observed at the city of Layang, in China, 1100 years before the Christian era. From these the distances of the sun from the zenith (N. 149) of the city of Layang are known. Half the sum of these zenith distances de- termines the latitude, and half their difference gives the obliquity of the ecliptic at the period of the observation ; and as the law of the variation of the obliquiryis known, both the time and place of the observations have been verified by computations from modern tables. Thus the Chinese had made some advances in the science of astronomy at that early period. Their whole chronol- ogy is founded on the observations of eclipses, which prove the existence of that empire for more than 4700 years. The epoch of the lunar tables of the Indians, supposed by Bailly to be 3000 years before the Chris- tian era, was proved by La Place, from the acceleration of the moon, not to be more ancient than the time of Ptolemy, who lived in the second century after it. The great inequality of Jupiter and Saturn, whose cycle em- braces 918 years, is peculiarly fitted for marking the civilization of a people. The Indians had determined the mean motions of these two planets in that part of their periods, when the apparent mean motion of Saturn was at the slowest, and that of Jupiter the most rapid. The periods in which that happened were 3102 years before the Christian era, and the year 1491 after it. The returns of comets to their perihelia may possibly mark the present state of astronomy to future ages. The places of the fixed stars are affected by the pre- cession of the equinoxes ; and as the law of that varia- tion is known, their positions at any time may be com- puted. Now Eudoxus, a contemporary of Plato, men- tions a star situate in the pole of the equator, and it ap- 84 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. SECT. XII. pears from computation that K Draconis was not very far from that place about 3000 years ago ; but as- it is only about 2150 years since Eudoxus lived, he must have described an anterior state of the heavens, sup- posed to be the same that was mentioned by Chiron about the time of the siege of Troy. Thus every cir- cumstance concurs in showing that astronomy was cul- tivated in the highest ages of antiquity. It is possible that a knowledge of astronomy may lead to the interpretation of hieroglyphical characters. As- tronomical signs are often found on the ancient Egyptian monuments, probably employed by the priests to record dates. The author had occasion to witness an instance of this most interesting application of astronomy, in as- certaining the date of a papyrus, sent from Egypt by Mr. Salt, in the hieroglyphical researches of the late Dr. Thomas Young, whose profound and varied acquire- ments do honor to his country, and to the age in which he lived. The manuscript was found in a mummy case ; it proved to be a horoscope of the age of Ptolemy, and its date was determined from the configuration of the heavens at the time of its construction. The form of the earth furnishes a standard of weights and measures for the ordinary purposes of life, as well as for the determination of the masses and distances of the heavenly bodies. The length of the pendulum vibrating seconds of mean solar time in the latitude of London, forms the standard of the British measure of extension. Its approximate length oscillating in vacuo at the temperature of 62 of Fahrenheit, and reduced to the level of the sea (N. 150), was determined by Captain Kater to be 39-1393 inches. The weight of a cubic inch of water at the temperature of 62 of Fahrenheit, barometer 30 inches, was also determined in parts of the imperial troy pound, whence a standard both of weight and capacity was deduced. The French have adopted the metre equal to 3-2808992 English feet for their unit of linear measure, which is the ten-mil- lionth part of that quadrant of the meridian (N. 151), passing through Formentera and Greenwich, the middle of which is nearly in the forty-fifth degree of latitude. Should the national standards of the two countries be Scr X1H. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 85 lost in the vicissitude of human affairs, both may be recovered ; since they are derived from natural standards presumed to be invariable. The length of the pendu- lum would be found again with more facility than the metre. But as no measure is mathematically exact, an error in the original standard may at length become sensible in measuring a great extent, whereas the error that must necessarily arise in measuring the quadrant of the meridian is rendered totally insensible by subdi- vision in taking its ten-millionth part. The French have adopted the decimal division, not only in time but also in their degrees, weights, and measures, on account of the very great facility it affords in computation. It has not been adopted by any other people, though nothing is more desirable than that all nations should concur in using the same standards, not only on account of convenience, but as affording a more definite idea of quantity. It is singular that the decimal division of the day, of degrees, weights, and measures, was employed in China 4000 years ago ; and that at the time Ibn Tunis made his observations at Cairo about the year 1000 of the Christian era, the Arabs were in the habit of em- ploying the vibrations of the pendulum in their astro- nomical observations as a measure of time. SECTION XIII. Tides Forces that produce them Three kinds of Oscillations in the Ocean The Semidiurnal Tides Equinoctial Tides Effects of the Declina- tion of the Sun and Moon Theory insufficient without Observation Direction of the Tidal Wave Height of Tides Mass of Moon obtained from her Action on the Tides Interference of Undulations Impossi- bility of a Universal Inundation Currents. ONE of the most immediate and remarkable effects of a gravitating force external to the earth, is the alternate rise and fall of the surface of the sea twice in the course of a lunar day, or 24 h 50 m 28 s of mean solar time. As it depends upon the action ofthe sun and moon, it is classed among astronomical problems, of which it is by far the most difficult and its explanation the least satisfactory. The form of the surface of the ocean in equilibrio when revolving with the earth round its axis, is an ellipsoid H 86 THEORY OF THE TIDES. SKCT. XIH. flattened at the poles ; but the action of the sun and moon, especially of the moon, disturbs the equilibrium of the ocean. If the moon attracted the center of gravity of the earth and all its particles with equal and parallel forces, the whole system of the earth and the waters that cover it would yield to these forces with a common motion, and the equilibrium of the seas would remain undisturbed. The difference of the forces and the ine- quality of their directions alone disturb the equilibrium. It is proved by daily experience as well as by strict mathematical reasoning, that if a number of waves or oscillations be excited in a fluid by different forces, each pursues its course and has its effect independently of the rest. Now in the tides there are three kinds of oscillations depending on different causes, and producing their effects independently of each other, which may therefore be estimated separately. The oscillations of the first kind, which are very small, are independent of the rotation of the earth ; and as they depend upon the motion of the disturbing body in its orbit, they are of long periods. The second kind of oscillations depends upon the rotation of the earth, therefore their period is nearly a day. The oscillations of the third kind vary with an angle equal to twice the angular rotation of the earth, and consequently happen twice in twenty-four hours (N. 152). The first afford no particular interest, and are extremely small ; but the difference of two consecutive tides depends upon the second. At the time of the solstices, this difference, which ought to be very great according to Newton's theory, is hardly sensible on our shores. La Place has shown that the discrepancy arises from the depth of the sea ; and that if the depth were uniform, there would be no difference in the consecutive tides but that which is occasioned by local circumstances. It follows there- fore that as this difference is extremely small, the sea considered in a large extent must be nearly of uniform depth ; that is to say, there is a certain mean depth from which the deviation is not great. The mean depth of the Pacific Ocean is supposed to be about four or five miles, that of the Atlantic only three or four, which, however, is mere conjecture. From the formula 3 , which SBCT. XIII. THEORY OF THE TIDES. 87 determine the difference of the consecutive tides, it is proved that the precession of the equinoxes, and the nutation of the earth's axis, are the same as if the sea formed one solid mass with the earth. Oscillations of the third kind are the semidiurnal tides so remarkable on our coasts. They are occasioned by the combined action of the sun and moon ; but as the effect of each is independent of the other, they may be considered separately. The particles of water under the moon are more at- tracted than the center of gravity of the earth, in the inverse ratio of the square of the distances. Hence they have a tendency to leave the earth, but are retained by their gravitation, which is diminished by this tendency. On the contrary, the moon attracts the center of the earth, more powerfully than she attracts the particles of water in the hemisphere opposite to her ; so that the earth has a tendency to leave the waters, but is retained by gravitation, which is again diminished by this tendency. Thus the waters immediately under the moon are drawn from the earth, at the same time that the earth is drawn from those which are diametrically opposite to her, in both instances producing an elevation of the ocean of nearly the same height above the surface of equilibrium; for the diminution of the gravitation of the particles in each position is almost the same, on account of the dis- tance of the moon being great in comparison of the ra- dius of'the earth. Were the earth entirely covered by the sea, the waters thus attracted by the moon would assume the form of an oblong spheroid whose greater axis would point toward the moon ; since the columns of water under the moon, and in the direction diametrically opposite to her, are rendered lighter in consequence of the diminution of their gravitation ; and in order to pre- serve the equilibrium, the axes 90 distant would be shortened. The elevation, on account of the smaller space to which it is confined, is twice as great as the depression ; because the contents of the spheroid always remain the same. If the waters were capable of assum- ing the form of equilibrium instantaneously, that is the form of the spheroid, its summit would always point to the.inoon notwithstanding the earth's rotation. But on 88 THE SEMIDIURNAL TIDES. SECT. XIII. account of their resistance, the rapid motion produced in them by rotation prevents them from assuming at every instant the form which the equilibrium of the forces acting upon them requires. Hence on account of the inertia of the waters, if the tides be considered relatively to the whole earth and open seas, there is a meridian about 30 eastward of the moon, where it is always high water both in the hemisphere where the moon is and in that which is opposite. On the west side of this circle the tide is flowing, on the east it is ebbing, and on every part of the meridian at 90 distant it is low water. This great wave, which follows all the motions of the moon as far as the rotation of the earth will permit, is modified by the action of the sun, the effects of whose attraction are in every respect like those produced by the J moon, though greatly less in de- gree. Consequently a similar wave, but much smaller, raised by the sun tends to follow his motions, which at times combines with the lunar wave, and at others op- poses it, according to the relative positions of the two luminaries ; but as the lunar wave is only modified a little by the solar, the tides must necessarily happen twice in a day, since the rotation of the earth brings the same point twice under the meridian of the moon in that time, once under the superior and once under the inferior meridian. In the semidiurnal tides there are two phenomena particularly to be distinguished, one occurring twice in a month, and the other twice in a year. The first phenomenon is that the tides are much in- creased in the syzygies, or at the time of new and full moon (N. 153). In both cases the sun and moon are in the same meridian : for when the moon is new they are in conjunction ; and when she is full they are in opposi- tion. In each of these positions, their action is com- bined to produce the highest or spring tides under that meridian, and the lowest in those points that are 90 distant. It is observed that the higher the sea rises in full tide, the lower it is in the ebb. The neap tides take place when the moon is in quadrature ; they neither rise so high nor sink so low as the spring tides. The spring tides are much increased when the moon is in perigee, SCT. Xffl. SPRING AND NEAP TIDES. 89 because she is then nearest to the earth. It is evident that the strong tides must happen twice in a month, since in that time the moon is once new and once full. The second phenomenon in the tides is the augmen- tation occurring at the time of the equinoxes when the sun's declination (N. 154) is zero, which happens twice every year. The greatest tides take place when a new or full moon happens near the equinoxes, while the moon is in perigee. The inclination of the moon's orbit to the ecliptic is 5 8' 47"-9; hence in the equinoxes the action of the moon would be increased if her node were to coincide with her perigee ; for it is clear that the ac- tion of the sun and moon on the ocean is most direct and intense when they are in the plane of the equator, and in the same meridian, and when the moon in con- junction or opposition is at her least distance from the earth. The spring tides which happen under all these favorable circumstances must be the greatest possible. The equinoctial gales often raise them to a great height. Besides these remarkable variations, there are others arising from the declination or angular distance of the sun and moon from the plane of the equator, which have a great influence on the ebb and flow of the waters. The sun and moon are continually making the circuit of the heavens at different distances from the plane of the equator, on account of the obliquity of the ecliptic and the inclination of the lunar orbit. The moon takes about twenty-nine days and a half to vary through all her de- clinations, which sometimes extend 28| degrees on each side of the equator, while the sun requires nearly 365| days to accomplish his motion from tropic to tropic through about 23^ degrees ; so that their combined mo- tion causes great irregularities, and at times their at- tractive forces counteract each other's effects to a certain extent ; but on an average the mean monthly range of the moon's declination is nearly the same as the annual range of the declination of the sun : consequently the highest tides take place within the tropics, and the low- est toward the poles. The declination of the moon likewise causes the two tides of the same day to rise to unequal heights ; this diurnal inequality of course van- ishes when the moon is in the equator. H2 90 THEORY OP THE TIDES. SECT. XIII. Both the height and time of high water are thus per- petually changing ; therefore, in solving the problem, it is required to determine the heights to which the tides rise, the times at which they happen, and the daily vari- ations. Theory and observation show that each partial tide increases as the cube of the apparent diameter, or of the parallax of the body which produces it, and that it diminishes as the square of the cosine of the declination of that body (N. 154) ; for the greater the apparent di- ameter, the nearer the body, and the more intense its action on the sea; but the greater the decimation, the less the action, because it is less direct. The periodic motions of the waters of the ocean, on the hypothesis of an ellipsoid of revolution entirely cov- ered by the sea, are very far from according with obser- vation. This arises from the very great irregularities in the surface of the earth, which is but partially covered by the sea ; from the variety in the depths of the ocean, the manner in which it is spread out on the earth, the position and inclination of the shores, the currents, and the resistance the waters meet with causes impossible to estimate, but which modify the oscillations of the great mass of the ocean. However, amid all these irregularities, the ebb and flow of the sea maintain a ratio to the forces producing them sufficient to indicate their nature and to verify the law of the attraction of the sun and moon on the sea. La Place observes that the investigation of such relations between cause and effect is no less useful in natural philosophy than the direct solution of problems either to prove the existence of the causes or to trace the laws of their effects. Like the theory of probabilities, it is a happy supplement to the ignorance and weakness of the human mind. Thus the problem of the tides does not admit of a general solution. It is, indeed, necessary to analyze the general phenomena which ought to result from the attraction of the sun and moon ; but these must be corrected in each particular case by local observations modified by the extent and depth of the sea, and the peculiar circum- stances of the place. Since the disturbing action of the sun and moon can only become sensible in a very great extent of water, Scr. XIII. HEIGHT OF THE TIDES. 91 the Pacific Ocean must be one of the principal sources of our tides ; but, in consequence of the rotation of the earth and the inertia of the ocean, high water does not happen till some time after the moon's southing (N. 155). The tide raised in that world of waters is transmitted to the Atlantic, from which sea it moves in a northerly direction along the coasts of Africa and Europe, arriving later and later at each place. This great wave, how- ever, is modified by the tide raised in the Atlantic, which sometimes combines with that from the Pacific in raising the sea, and sometimes is in opposition to it, so that the tides only rise in proportion to their differ- ence. This vast combined wave, reflected by the shores of the Atlantic, extending nearly from pole to pole, still coming northward, pours through the Irish and British Channels into the North Sea ; so that the tides in our ports are modified by those of another hemisphere. Thus the theory of the t&ies in each port, both as to their height and the times at which they take place, is really a matter of experiment, and can only be perfectly deter- mined by the mean of a very great number of observa- tions, including several revolutions of the moon's nodes. The height to which the tides rise is much greater in narrow channels than in the open sea, on account of the obstructions they meet with. The sea is so pent up in the British Channel that the tides sometimes rise as much as fifty feet at St. Malo on the coast of France ; whereas on the shores of some of the South Sea islands near the center of the Pacific they do not exceed one or two feet. The winds have great influence on the height of the tides, according as they conspire with or oppose them ; but the actual effect of the wind in ex- citing the waves of the ocean extends very little below the surface. Even in the most violent storms, the water is probably calm at the depth of ninety or a hundred feet. The tidal wave of the ocean does not reach the Mediterranean nor the Baltic, partly from their position and partly from the narrowness of the Straits of Gib- raltar and of the Categat, but it is very perceptible in the Red Sea and in Hudson's Bay. In high latitudes, where the ocean is less directly under the influence of the luminaries, the rise and fall of the sea w inconsider- 92 ACTION OP SUN AND MOON. SECT. XIII. able, so that in all probability there is no tide at the poles, or only a small annual and monthly tide. The ebb and flow of the sea are perceptible in rivers to a very great distance from their estuaries. In the Straits of Pauxis, in the river of the Amazons, more than five hundred miles from the sea, the tides are evident. It requires so many days for the tide to ascend this mighty stream, that the returning tides meet a succession of those which are coming up ; so that every possible vari- ety occurs at some part or other of its shores, both as to magnitude and time. It requires a very wide expanse of water to accumulate the impulse of the sun and moon, so as to render their influence sensible ; on that account the tides in the Mediterranean and Black Sea are scarcely perceptible. These perpetual commotions in the waters are occa- sioned by forces that bear a very small proportion to terrestrial gravitation : the sun's action in raising the ocean is only the ^^ r VrroT f gravitation at the earth's surface, and the action of the moon is little more than twice as much ; these forces being in the ratio of 1 to 2-35333, when the sun and moon are at their mean dis- tances from the earth. From this ratio the mass of the moon is found to be only the ^ part of that of the earth. Had the action of the sun on the ocean been exactly equal to that of the moon, there would have been no neap tides, and the spring tides would have been of twice the height which the action of either the sun or moon would have produced separately ; a phenomenon depending upon the interference of the waves or undu- lations. A stone plunged into a pool of still water occasions a series of waves to advance along the surface, though the water itself is not carried forward, but only rises into heights and sinks into hollows, each portion of the sur- face being elevated and depressed in its turn. Another stone of the same size thrown into the water near the first, will occasion a similar set of undulations. Then if an equal and similar wave from each stone arrive at the same spot at the same time, so that the elevation of the one exactly coincides with the elevation of the other, their united effect will produce a wave twice the size of XIIL INTERFERENCE OF WAVES. . 93 either. But if one wave precede the other by exactly half an undulation, the elevation of the one will coincide with the hollow of the other, and the hollow of the one with the elevation of the other ; and the waves will so entirely obliterate one another, that the surface of the water will remain smooth and level. Hence if the length of each wave be represented by 1, they will destroy one another at intervals of , , 4, &c., and will combine their effects at the intervals 1, 2, 3, &c. It will be found according to this principle, when still water is disturbed by the fall of two equal stones, that there are certain lines on its surface of a hyperbolic form, where the water is smooth in consequence of the waves oblitera- ting each other ; and that the elevation of the water in the adjacent parts corresponds to both the waves united (N. 156). Now in the spring and neap tides arising from the combination of the simple soli-lunar waves, the spring tide is the joint result of the combination when they coincide in time and place ; and the neap tide hap- pens when they succeed each other by half an interval, so as to leave only the effect of their difference sensible. It is therefore evident that if the solar and lunar tides were of the same height, there would be no difference, consequently no neap tides, and the spring tides would be twice as high as either separately. In the port of Batsha in Tonquin, where the tides arrive by two chan- nels of lengths corresponding to half an interval, there is neither high nor low water, on account of the inter- ference of the waves. The initial state of the ocean has no influence on the tides; for whatever its primitive conditions may have been, they must soon have vanished by the friction and mobility of the fluid. One of the most remarkable cir- cumstances in the theory of the tides is the assurance, that in consequence of the density of the sea being only one-fifth of the mean density of the earth, and the earth itself increasing in density toward the center, the sta- bility of the equilibrium of the ocean never can be sub- verted by any physical cause. A general inundation arising from the mere instability of the ocean is there- fore impossible. A variety of circumstances however tend to produce partial variations in the equilibrium of 94 CURRENTS IN THE OCEAN. SECT. XIII. the seas, which is restored by means of currents. Winds and the periodical melting of the ice at the poles occa- sion temporary water-courses ; but by far the most im- portant causes are the centrifugal force induced by the velocity of the earth's rotation, and variations in the density of the sea. The centrifugal force may be resolved into two forces one perpendicular, and another tangent to the earth's surface (N. 157). The tangential force, though small, is sufficient to make the fluid particles within the polar circles tend toward the equator, and the tendency is much increased by the immense evaporation in the equatorial regions from the heat of the sun, which dis- turbs the equilibrium of the ocean. To this may also be added the superior density of the waters near the poles, partly from their low temperature and partly from their gravitation being less diminished by the ac- tion of the sun and moon than that of the seas of lower latitudes. In consequence of the combination of all these circumstances, two great currents perpetually set from each pole toward the equator. But as they come from latitudes where the rotatory motion of the surface of the earth is very much less than it is between the tropics, on account of their inertia, they do not im- mediately acquire the velocity with which the solid part of the earth's surface is revolving at the equatorial re- gions ; from whence it follows that within twenty-five or thirty degrees on each side of the line, the ocean appears to have a general motion from east to west, which is much increased by the action of the trade winds. This mighty mass of rushing waters at about the tenth degree of south latitude is turned toward the north-west by the coast of America, runs through the Gulf of Mexico, and passing the Straits of Florida at the rate of five miles an hour, forms the well-known current of the Gulf-stream, which sweeps along the whole coast of America and runs northward as far as the bank of Newfoundland, then bending to the east it flows past the Azores and Canary islands, till it joins the great westerly current of the tropics about latitude 21 north. According to M. de Humboldt this great circuit of 3800 leagues, which the waters of the Atlantic SECT. XIII. CURRENTS IN THE OCEAN. 95 are perpetually describing between the parallels of eleven and forty- three degrees of latitude, may be accomplished by any one particle in two years and ten months. In the center of this ^current is situated the wide field of floating sea-weed called the grassy sea. Besides this there are branches of the Gulf-stream, which convey the fruits, seeds, and a portion of the warmth of the tropical climates to our northern shores. The general westward motion of the South Sea, togeth- er with the south polar current, produce various water- courses in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, according as the one or the other prevails. The western set of the Pacific causes currents to pass on each side of Australia, while the polar stream rushes along the bay of Bengal : the westerly current again becomes most powerful to- ward Ceylon and the Maldives, whence it stretches by the extremity of the Indian peninsula past Madagascar, to the most southern point of the continent of Africa, where it mingles with the general motion of the seas. Icebergs are sometimes drifted as far as the Azores from the north pole, and from the south pole they have come even to the Cape of Good Hope. But the ice which encircles the south pole extends to lower latitudes by 10 than that which surrounds the north. In conse- quence of the polar current Sir Edward Parry was obliged to give up his attempt to reach the north pole in the year 1827, because the fields of ice were drifting to the south faster than his party could travel over them to the north. As distinct currents of air traverse the atmosphere in horizontal strata, so in all probability under currents in the ocean flow in opposite directions from those on the surface ; and there is every reason to believe that the cold waters, deep below the surface of the sea in the equinoctial regions, are brought by submarine currents from the poles, though it is not easy to prove their ex- istence. 96 MOLECULAR FORCES. SBCT. XIV. SECTION XIV. Repulsive Force Interstices or Pores Elasticity Mossotti's Theory Gravitation brought under the same law with Molecular Attraction and Repulsion Gases reduced to Liquids by Pressure Intensity of the Co- hesive Force Effects of Gravitation Effects of Cohesion Minuteness of the ultimate Atoms of Matter Limited Height of the Atmosphere Theory of Definite Proportions and Relative Weight of Atoms Dr. Far- aday's Discoveries with regard to Affinity Composition of Water by a Plate of Platina Crystallization Cleavage Isomorphism Matter con- sists of Atoms of Definite Form Capillary Attraction. THE oscillations of the atmosphere and its action upon rays of light coming from the heavenly bodies, connect the science of astronomy with the equilibrium and movements of fluids, and the laws of molecular attraction. Hitherto that force has been under consid- eration which acts upon masses of matter at sensible distances ; but now the effects of such forces are to be considered as act at inappreciable distances upon the ultimate atoms of material bodies. All substances consist of an assemblage of material particles, which are far too small to be visible by any means human ingenuity has yet been able to devise, and which are much beyond the limits of our percep- tions. Since every known substance may be reduced in bulk by pressure, it follows that the particles of mat- ter are not in actual contact, but are separated by inter- stices, owing to the repulsive principle that maintains them at extremely minute distances from one another. It is evident that the smaller the interstitial spaces the greater the density. These spaces appear in some cases to be filled with air, as may be infer- red from certain semi-opaque minerals and other sub- stances becoming transparent when plunged into water ; sometimes they may possibly contain some unknown and highly elastic fluid, such as Sir David Brews ter has discovered in the minute cavities of various minerals, which occasionally causes these substances to explode with violence when under the hands of the lapidary, but in general they seem to our senses to be void ; yet as it is inconceivable that the particles of matter should vet upon one another without some means of commu- SECT. XIV. MOLECULAR FORCES. 97 nication, tnere is eveiy reason to presume that the in- terstices of material substances contain a portion of that subtle ethereal and elastic fluid with which the regions of space are replete. Substances compressed by a sufficient force, are said to be more or less elastic according to the facility with which they regain their bulk or volume when the pressure is removed ; a property which depends upon the repulsive force of their particles, and the effort re- quired to compress the substance is a measure of the intensity of that repulsive force which varies with the nature of the substance. By the laws of gravitation the particles of matter attract one another when separated by sensible dis- tances; and as they repel each other when they are inappreciably near, it recently occurred to Professor Mossotti of Pisa, that there might be some intermedi- ate distance at which the particles might neither attract nor repel one another, but remain balanced in that stable equilibrium which they are found to maintain in every material substance solid and fluid. It has long been a hypothesis among philosophers that electricity is the agent which binds the particles of matter together. We are totally ignorant of the nature of electricity, but it is generally supposed to be an ethe- real fluid in the highest state of elasticity surrounding every particle of matter ; and as the earth and the at- mosphere are replete with it in a latent state, there is every reason to believe that it is unbounded, filling the regions of space. The celebrated Franklin was the first who explained the phenomena of electricity in repose, by supposing the molecules of bodies to be surrounded by an atmos- phere of the electric fluid ; and that while the electric atoms repel one another, they are attracted by the ma- terial molecules of the body. These forces of attraction and repulsion were afterward proved by Coulomb to vary inversely as the squares of the distance. The hypothesis of Franklin waa reduced to a mathematical theory by JEpinus, and the most refined analysis has been employed by the Baron Poisson in explanation of electric phenomena. Still these philosophers were un- 98 MOSSOnTS THEORY. SECT. XIV. able to reconcile the attraction of the molecules of mat- ter inversely as the squares of the distance as proved by Newton, with their mutual repulsion according to the same law. But Professor Mossotti has recently shown, by a very able analysis, that there are strong grounds for believing that not only the molecular forces which unite the particles of material bodies depend on the electric fluid, but that even gravitation itself, which binds world to world and sun to sun, can no longer be regarded as an ultimate principle, but the residual por- tion of a far more powerful force generated by that en- ergetic agent which pervades creation. It is true that this connection between the molecular forces and gravitation depends upon a hypothesis ; but in the greater number of physical investigations, some hypothesis is requisite in the first instance to aid the imperfection of our senses. Yet, when the phenomena of nature accord with the assumption, we are justified in believing it to be a general law. As the particles of material bodies are not in actual contact, Professor Mossotti supposes that each is en- compassed by an atmosphere of the ethereal fluid; that the atoms of the fluid repel one another ; that the molecules of matter repel one another, but with less intensity ; and that there is a mutual attraction be- tween the particles of matter and the atoms of the fluid. Forces which we know to exist, and which he assumes to vary inversely as squares of: the distance. The fol- lowing important results have been obtained by the pro- fessor from the adjustment of these three forces : When the material molecules of a body are inappre- ciably near to one another, they mutually repel each other with a force which diminishes rapidly as the infinitely small distance between the material molecules augments, and at last vanishes. When the molecules are still farther apart, the force becomes attractive. At that particular point where the change takes place, the forces of repulsion and attraction balance each other, so that the molecules of a body are neither disposed to approach nor recede, but remain in equilibrio. If we try to press them nearer, the repulsive force resists the attempt ; and if we endeavor to break the body so as to SCT XIV. MOSSOTTPS THEORY. 99 tear the particles asunder, the attractive force predom- inates and keeps them together. This is what consti- tutes the cohesive force, or force of aggregation, by which the molecules of all substances are united. The limits of the distance at which the negative action be- comes positive vary according to the temperature and nature of the molecules, and determine whether the body which they form be solid, liquid, or aeriform. Beyond this neutral point, the attractive force in creases as the distance between the molecules augments, till it attains a ,maximum ; when the particles are more apart it diminishes ; and as soon as they are separated by finite or sensible distances, it varies directly as their mass and inversely as the squares of the distance, which is precisely the law of universal gravitation. Thus on the hypothesis that the mutual repulsion between the electric atoms is a little more powerful than the mutual repulsion between the particles of mat- ter, the ether and: the matter attract each other with unequal intensities, which leave an excess .of attractive force constituting gravitation. As the gravitating force is in operation wherever there is matter, the ethereal electric fluid must encompass all the bodies in the uni- verse ; and as it is utterly incomprehensible that the celestial bodies should exert a reciprocal attraction through a void, this important investigation of Professor Mossotti furnishes additional presumption in favor of a universal ether, already all but proved by the motion of comets and the theory of light. In ae'riform fluids the particles of matter are more remote from each other than in liquids and solids ; but the pressure may be so great as to reduce an ae'riform fluid to a liquid, and a liquid to a solid. Dr. Faraday has reduced some of the gases to a liquid state by very great compression; but although atmospheric air is capable of a diminution of volume to which we do not know the limit, it has hitherto always retained its gaseous properties, and resumes its primitive volume the instant the pressure is removed. If the particles approach sufficiently near to produce equilibrium between the attractive and repulsive forces, but not near enough to admit of any influence from 100 CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. S CT. XIV. their form, perfect mobility will exist among them re- sulting from the similarity of their attractions, and they will offer great resistance when compressed ; properties which characterize liquids in which the repulsive prin- ciple is greater than in the gases. When the distance between the particles is still less, solids are formed. But the nature of their structure will vary, because at such small distances the power of the mutual attraction of the particles will depend upon their form, and will be modified by the sides they present to one another during their aggregation. Besides these three condi- tions of matter, there are an infinite variety of others corresponding to the various limits at which the two contending forces are balanced, which may be observed in the fusion of metals, and other substances passing from hardness to toughness, viscidity, and through all the other stages to perfect fluidity and even to vapor. The effort required to break a substance is a measure of the intensity of the cohesive force exerted by its particles, which is as variable as the intensity of the repulsive principle. In stone, iron, steel, and all brittle and hard bodies, the cohesion of the particles is powerful but of small extent. In elastic substances, on the con- trary, its action is weak but more extensive. Since all bodies expand by heat, the cohesive force is weakened by an increase of temperature. Every particle of matter, whether it forms a con- stituent part of a solid, liquid, or aeriform fluid, is subject to the law of gravitation. The weight of the atmosphere, of gases and vapor, shows that they consist of gravitating particles. In liquids the cohesive force is not sufficiently powerful to resist the action of gravi- tation. Therefore although their component particles -still maintain their connection, the liquid is scattered by their weight, unless when it is confined in a vessel or has already descended to the lowest point possible, and assumed a level surface from the mobility of its particles and the influence of the gravitating force, as in the ocean, or a lake. Solids would also fall to pieces by the weight of their particles, if the force of cohesion were not powerful enough to resist the efforts of gravi- tation. SECT. XIV. COHESION. 101 The phenomena arising from the force of cohesion are innumerable. The spherical form of rain drops ; the difficulty of detaching a plate of glass from the sur- face of water ; the force with which two plane surfaces adhere when pressed together; the drops that cling to the window-glass in'a shower of rain are all effects of cohesion entirely independent of atmospheric pressure, and are included in the same analytical formula (N. 158) which expresses all the circumstances accurately, although the laws according to which the forces of cohesion and repulsion vary are unknown. It is more than probable that the spherical form of the sun and planets is due to the force of cohesion, as they have every appearance of having been at one period in a state of fusion. A very remarkable instance of cohesion has occasion- ally been observed hi piate-glass manufactories. After the large plates of glass of which the mirrors are to be made have received their last polish, they are carefully wiped and laid on their edges with their surfaces resting on one another. In the course of time the cohesion has sometimes been so powerful, that they could not be separated without breaking. - Instances have occurred where two or three have been so perfectly united, that they have been cut and their edges polished as if they had been fused together, and so great was the force required to make their surfaces slide that one tore off a portion of the surface of the other. The size of the ultimate particles of matter must be small in the extreme. Organized beings possessing life and all its functions, have been discovered so small that a million of them would occupy less space than a grain of sand. The malleability of gold, the perfume of musk, the odor of flowers, and many other instances might be given of the excessive minuteness of the atoms of matter ; yet from a variety of circumstances it may be inferred that matter is not infinitely divisible. Dr. Wollaston has shown that in all probability the atmospheres of the sun and planets as well as of the earth consist of ultimate atoms no longer divisible ; and if so, that our atmosphere only extends to that point where the terrestrial attraction is balanced by the elas- 102 DEFINITE PROPORTIONS. SECT. XIV. ticity of the air. The definite proportions of chemical compounds afford one of the best proofs that divisibility of matter has a limit. The cohesive force which has been the subject of the preceding considerations, only unites particles of the same kind of matter ; whereas affinity, which is the cause of chemical compounds, is the mutual attraction between particles of different kinds of matter, and is merely a result of the electrical state of the particles, chemical affinity and electricity being only forms of the same powers. It is a permanent and universal law in all unorganized bodies hitherto analyzed, that the composition of sub- stances is definite and invariable, the same compound always consisting of the same elements united together in the same proportions. Two substances may indeed be mixed ; but they will not combine to form a third substance different from both, unless their component particles unite in definite proportions, that is to say, one part by weight of one of the substances will unite with one part by weight of the other, or with two parts, or three, or four, &c., so as to form a new substance ; but in any other proportions they will only be mechanically mixed. For example, one part by weight of hydrogen gas will combine with eight parts by weight of oxygen gas and form water ; or it will unite with sixteen parts by weight of oxygen, and form a substance called deutoxide of hydrogen ; but added to any other weight of oxygen, it will produce one or both of these com- pounds mingled with the portion of oxygen or hydrogen in excess. The law of definite proportion established by Dr. Dalton, on the principle that eveiy compound body consists of a combination of the atoms of its con- stituent parts, is of universal application, and is in fact one of the most important discoveries in physical science, furnishing information previously unhoped for with re- gard to the most secret and minute operations of nature, in disclosing the relative weights of the ultimate atoms of matter. Thus an atom of oxygen uniting with an atom of hydrogen forms the compound water ; but as every drop of water, however small, consists of eight parts by weight of oxygen and one part by weight of hydrogen, it follows that an atom of oxygen is eight Scr. XIV. CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 103 times heavier than an atom of hydrogen. In the same manner sulphuretted hydrogen gas consists of sixteen parts by weight of sulphur and one of hydrogen ; there- fore, an atom of sulphur is sixteen times heavier than an atom of hydrogen. Also carbonic oxide is consti- tuted of six parts by weight of carbon, and eight of oxygen ; and as an atom of oxygen has eight times the weight of an atom of hydrogen, it follows that an atom of carbon is six times heavier than one of hydrogen. Since the same definite proportion holds in the compo- sition of all substances that have been examined, it may be concluded that there are great differences in the weights of the ultimate particles of matter. M. Gay Lussac discovered that gases unite together by their bulk or volumes, in such simple and definite proportions as one to one, one to two, one to three, &c. For example, one volume or measure of oxygen unites wkh two volumes or measures of hydrogen in the formation of water. Affinity modified by the electrical condition of the particles of matter, has hitherto been believed to be the cause of chemical combinations. However, Dr. Fara- day has proved by experiments, on bodies both in solu- tion and fusion, that chemical affinity is merely a result of the electrical state of the particles of matter. Now it must be observed that the composition of bodies as well as their decomposition, may be accomplished by means of electricity ; and Dr. Faraday has found that this chemical composition and decomposition, by a. given current of electricity, is always accomplished according to the laws of definite proportions ; and that the quan- tity of electricity requisite for the decomposition of a substance is exactly the quantity necessary for its com- position. Thus the quantity of electricity which can. decompose a grain weight of water is exactly equal to the quantity of electricity which unites the elements of that grain of water together, and is equivalent to the quantity of atmospheric electricity which is active in a very powerful thunder-storm. These laws are univer- sal, and are of that high and general order that charac- terize all great discoveries, and perfectly agree with Professor Mossotti's theory. 104 EFFECTS OF COHESION. SECT. XIV. Dr. Faraday has given a singular instance of cohesive force inducing chemical combination, by the following experiment, which seems to be nearly allied to the dis- covery made by M. Dcebereiner, in 1823, of the spon- taneous combustion of spongy platina (N. 159) exposed to a stream of hydrogen gas mixed with common air. A plate of platina with extremely clean surfaces, when plunged into oxygen and hydrogen gas mixed in the pro- portions which are found in the constitution of water, causes the gases to combine and water to be formed, the platina to become red-hot, and at last an explosion to take place ; the only conditions necessary for this curious experiment being excessive purity in the gases and in the surface of the plate. A sufficiently pure metallic surface can only be obtained by immersing the platina in very strong hot sulphuric acid and then wash- ing it in distilled water, or by making it the positive pole of a pile in dilute sulphuric acid. It appears that the force of cohesion as well as the force of affinity ex- erted by particles of matter, extends to all the particles within a very minute distance. Hence the platina while drawing the particles of the two gases toward its sur- face by its great cohesive attraction, brings them so near to one another that they come within the sphere of their mutual affinity, and a chemical combination takes place. Dr. Faraday attributes the effect in part also to a dim- inution in the elasticity of the gaseous particles on their sides adjacent to the platina, and to their perfect mix- ture or association, as well as to the positive action of the metal in condensing them against its surface by its attractive force. The particles when chemically united run off the surface of the metal in the form of water by their gravitation, or pass away as aqueous vapor and make way for others. The particles of matter are so small that nothing is known of their form, further than the dissimilarity of their different sides in certain cases, which appears from then* reciprocal attractions during crystalization being more or less powerful, according to the sides they pre- sent to one another. Crystalization is an effect of mole- cular attraction regulated by certain laws, according to which atoms of the same kind of matter unite in regu- SECT. XIV. CRYSTALIZATION. 105 lar forms a fact easily proved by dissolving a piece of alum in pure water. The mutual attraction of the par- ticles is destroyed by the water ; but if it be evaporated they unite and form in uniting eight-sided figures called octahedrons (N. 160). These, however, are not all the same. Some have their angles cut off, others their edges, and some both, while the remainder take the regular form. It is quite clear that the same circum- stances which cause the aggregation of a few particles would, if continued, cause the addition of more ; and the process would go on as long as any particles remain free round the primitive nucleus, which would increase in size, but would remain unchanged in form, the figure of the particles being such as to maintain the regularity and smoothness of the surfaces of the solid and their mutual inclinations. A broken crystal will by degrees resume its regular figure when put back again into the solution of alum, which shows that the internal and ex- ternal particles are similar and have a similar attraction for the particles held in solution. The original condi- tions of aggregation which make the molecules of the same substance unite in different forms must be very numerous, since of carbonate of lime alone there are many hundred varieties ; and certain it is from the mo- tion of polarized light through rock crystal, that a very different arrangement of particles is requisite to produce an extremely small change in external form. A variety of substances in crystalizing combine chemically with a certain portion of water which in a dry state forms an essential part of their crystals ; and according to the experiments of MM. Haidinger and Mitscherlich seems in some cases to give the peculiar determination to their constituent molecules. These gentlemen have observed that the same substance crystalizing at different tem- peratures unites with different quantities of water and assumes a corresponding variety of forms. Seleniate of zinc, for example, unites with three different portions of water and assumes three different forms, according as its temperature in the act of crystalizing is hot, luke- warm, or cold. Sulphate of soda, also, which crystal- izes at 90 of Fahrenheit without water of crystaliza- tion, combines with water at the ordinary temperature 106 CRYSTALIZATION. SBCT. XIV. and takes a different form. Heat appears to have a great influence on the phenomena of crystalization, not only when the particles of matter are free, but even when firmly united, for it dissolves their union and gives them another determination. Professor Mitscherlich found that prismatic crystals of sulphate of nickel (N. 161 ) exposed to a summer's sun in a close vessel, had their internal structure so completely altered without any ex- terior change, that when broken open they were com- posed internally of octahedrons with square bases. The original aggregation of the internal particles had been dissolved, and a disposition given to arrange themselves in a crystaline form. 'Crystals of sulphate of magnesia and of sulphate of zinc, gradually heated in alcohol till it boils, lose their transparency by degrees, and when opened are found to consist of innumerable minute crys- tals totally different in form from the whole crystals ; and prismatic crystals of zinc (N. 162) are changed in a few seconds into octahedrons by the heat of the sun: other instances might be given of the influence of even moderate degrees of temperature on molecular attrac- tion in the interior of substances. It must be observed that these experiments give entirely new views with regard to the constitution of solid bodies. We are led from the mobility of fluids to expect great changes in the relative positions of their molecules, which must be in perpetual motion even in the stillest water or calmest air ; but we were not prepared to find motion to such an extent in the interior of solids. That their particles are brought nearer by cold and pressure, or removed farther from one another by heat, might be expected ; but it could not have been anticipated that their relative positions could be so entirely changed as to alter their mode of aggregation. It follows from the low temper- ature at which these changes are effected, that there is probably no portion of inorganic matter that is not in a state of relative motion. Professor Mitscherlich's discoveries with regard to the forms of crystalized substances, as connected with their chemical charcter, have thrown additional light on the constitution of material bodies. There is a certain set of crystaline forms which are not susceptible of 8CT. XIV. ISOMORPHISM. 107 variation, as the die or cube (N. 163), which may be small or large, but is invariably a solid bounded by six square surfaces or planes. Such also is the tetrahedron (N. 164) or four-sided solid contained by four equal- sided triangles. Several other solids belong to this class, which is called the Tessular system of crystalization. There are other crystals which, though bounded by the same number of sides, and having the same form, are yet susceptible of variation ; for instance, the eight- sided figure with a square base called an octahedron (N. 165), which is sometimes flat and low and some- times acute and high. It was formerly believed that identity of form in all crystals not belonging to the Tessular system indicated identity of chemical compo- sition. Professor Mitscherlich however has shown, that substances differing to a certain degree in chemical composition have the property of assuming the same crystaline form. For example, the neutral phosphate of soda and the arseniate of soda crystalize in the very same form, contain the same quantities of acid, alkali, and water of crystalization ; yet they differ so far, that one contains arsenic and the other an equivalent quan- tity of phosphorus. Substances having such properties are said to be isomorphous, that is, equal in form. Of these there are many groups, each group having the same form, and similarity though not identity of chemi- cal composition. For instance, one of the isomorphous groups is that consisting of certain chemical substances called the protoxides of iron, copper, zinc, nickel, and manganese, all of which are identical in form and contain the same quantity of oxygen, but differ in the respective metals they contain, which are however nearly in the same proportion in each. All these circumstances tend to prove that substances having the same crystaline form must consist of ultimate atoms, having the same figure and arranged in the very same order ; so that the form of crystals is dependent on their atomic constitution. All crystalized bodies have joints called cleavages, at which they split more easily than in other directions ; on this property the whole art of cutting diamonds de- pends. Each substance splits in a manner and informs peculiar to itself. For example, all the hundreds of 108 CLEAVAGE. SECT. XIV. forms of carbonate of lime split into six-sided figures, called rhombohedrons (N. 166), whose alternate angles measure 105*55 and 75-05, however far the division may be carried ; therefore the ultimate particle of car- bonate of lime is presumed to have that form. However this may be, it is certain that all the various crystals of that mineral may be formed by building up six-sided solids of the form described, in the same manner as chil- dren build houses with miniature bricks. It may be imagined that a wide difference may exist between the particles of an unformed mass,, and a crystal of the same substance between the common shapeless limestone and the pure and limpid crystal of Iceland spar, yet chemical analysis detects none ; their ultimate atoms are identical, and crystalization shows that the difference arises only from the mode of aggregation. Besides, all substances either crystalize naturally, or may be made to do so by art. Liquids crystalize in freezing, vapors by sublimation (N. 167) ; and hard bodies, when fused, crys- talize in cooling. Hence it may be inferred that all sub- stances are composed of atoms, on whose magnitude, density, and form their nature and qualities depend ; and as these qualities are unchangeable, the ultimate particles of matter must be incapable of wear the same now as when created. The oscillations of the atmosphere and the changes in its temperature, are measured by variations in the heights of the barometer and thermometer. But the actual length pf the liquid columns depends not only upon the force of gravitation, but upon the cohesive force, or reciprocal attraction between the molecules of the liquid and those of the tube containing it. This peculiar action of the cohesive force is called capillary attraction or ca- pillarity. If a glass tube of extremely fine bore, such as a small thermometer tube, be plunged into a cup of wa- ter or spirit of wine, the liquid will immediately rise in the tube above the level of that in the cup ; and the sur- face of the little column thus suspended will be a hollow hemisphere, whose diameter is the interior diameter of the tube. If the same tube be plunged into a cupful of mercury the liquid will also rise in the tube, but it will never attain the level of that in the cup, and its surfnce SECT. XIV. CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. 109 will be a hemisphere whose diameter is also the diame- ter of the tube (N. 168). The elevation or depression of the same liquid in different tubes of the same matter, is in the inverse ratio of their internal diameters (N. 169), and altogether independent of their thickness ; whence it follows that the molecular action is insensible at sen- sible distances, and that it is only the thinnest possi- ble film of the interior surface of the tubes that exerts a sensible action on the liquid. So much indeed is this the case, that when tubes of the same bore are com- pletely wetted with water throughout their whole ex- tent, mercury will rise to the same height in all of them, whatever be their thickness or density, because the mi- nute coating of moisture is sufficient to remove the in- ternal column of mercury beyond the sphere of attraction of the tube, and to supply the place of a tube by its own capillary attraction. The forces which produce the capillary phenomena are the reciprocal attraction of the tube and the liquid, and of the liquid particles on one another ; and in order that the capillary column may be in equilibrio, the weight of that part of it which rises above or sinks below the level of the liquid in the cup must balance these forces. The estimation of the action of the liquid is a difficult part of this problem. La Place, Dr. Young, and other mathematicians, have considered the liquid within the tube to be of uniform density ; but M. Poisson, in one of those masterly productions in which he elucidates the most abstruse subjects, has proved that the phenomena of capillary attraction depend upon a rapid decrease in the density of the liquid column throughout an extremely small space at its surface. Every indefinitely thin layer of a liquid is compressed by the liquid above it, and sup- ported by that below. Its degree of condensation de- pends upon the magnitude of the compression force ; and as this force decreases rapidly toward the surface where it vanishes, the density of the liquid decreases also. M. Poisson has shown that when this force is omitted, the capillary surface becomes plane, and that the liquid in the tube will neither rise above nor sink below the level of that in the cup. In estimating the forces, it is also necessary to include the variation in the K. 110 CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. SHCT. XIV. density of the capillary surface round the edges from the attraction of the tube. The direction of the resulting force determines the curvature of the surface of the capillary column. In order that a liquid may be in equilibrio, the force re- sulting from all the forces acting upon it must be per- pendicular to the surface. Now it appears that as glass is more dense than water or alcohol, the resulting force will be inclined toward the interior side of the tube ; therefore the surface of the liquid must be more ele- vated at the sides of the tube than in the center in order to be perpendicular to it, so that it will be concave as in the thermometer. But, as glass is less dense than mer- cury, the resulting force will be inclined from the interior side of the tube (N. 170), so that the surface of the ca- pillary column must be more depressed at the sides of the tube than in the center, in order to be perpendicular to the resulting force, and is consequently convex, as may be perceived in the mercury of the barometer when rising. The absorption of moisture by sponges, sugar, salt, &c., are familiar examples of capillary attraction. Indeed the pores of sugar are so minute, that there seems to be no limit to the ascent of the liquid. Wine is drawn up in a curve on the interior surface of a glass ; tea rises above its level on the side of a cup ; but if the glass or cup be too full, the edges attract the liquid downward, and give it a rounded form. A column of liquid will rise above or sink below its level between two plane parallel surfaces when near to one another, ac- cording to the relative densities of the plates and the liquid (N. 171) ; and the phenomena will be exactly the same as in a cylindrical tube whose diameter is double the distance of the plates from each other. If the two surfaces be very near to one another, and touch each other at one of their upright edges, the liquid will rise highest at the edges that are in contact, and will grad- ually diminish in height as the surfaces become more separated. The whole outline of the liquid column will have the form of a hyperbola. Indeed so universal is the action of capillarity, that solids and liquids cannot touch one another without producing a change in the form of the surface of the liquid. SBCT. XV. CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. Ill The attractions and repulsions arising from capillarity present many curious phenomena. If two plates of glass or metal, both of which are either dry or wet, be partly immersed in a liquid parallel to one another, the liquid will be raised or depressed close to their surfaces, but will maintain its level through the rest of the space that separates them. At such a distance they neither attract nor repel one another ; but the instant they are brought so near as to make the level part of the liquid disappear, and the two curved parts of it meet, the two plates will rush toward each other and remain pressed together (N. 172). If one of the surfaces be wet and the other dry, they will repel one another when so near as to have a curved surface of liquid between them ; but if forced to approach a little nearer the repulsion will be overcome, and they will attract each other as if they were both wet or both dry. Two balls of pith or wood floating in water, or two balls of tin floating in mercury, attract one another as soon as they are so near that the surface of the liquid is curved between them. Two ships in the ocean may be brought into collision by this principle. But two balls, one of which is wet and the other dry, repel one another as soon as the liquid which separates them is curved at its surface. A bit of tea leaf is attracted by the edge of the cup if wet and re- pelled when dry, provided it be not too far from the edge and the cup moderately full ; if too full, the con- trary takes place. It is probable that the rise of the sap in vegetables is in some degree owing to capillarity. SECTION XV. Analysis of the Atmosphere Its Pressure Law of Decrease in Density- Law of Decrease in Temperature Measurement of Heights by the Barometer Extent of the Atmosphere Barometrical Variations Oscil- lations Trade Winds Monsoons Rotation of Winds Laws of Hur- ricanes Water-Spouts. THE atmosphere is not homogeneous. It appears from analysis that of 100 parts 79 are azotic gas, and 21 oxygen, the great source of combustion and animal heat. Besides these there are three or four parts of carh 112 DENSITY OF THE ATMOSPHERE. SECT. XV. acid gas in 1000 parts of atmospheric air. These pro- portions are found to be the same at all heights hitherto attained by man. The air is an elastic fluid resisting pressure in every direction, and is subject to the law of gravitation. As the space in the top of the tube of a barometer is a vacuum, the column of mercury sus- pended by the pressure of the atmosphere on the sur- face of the cistern is a measure of its weight. Conse- quently every variation in the density occasions a cor- responding rise or fall in the barometrical column. The pressure of the atmosphere is about fifteen pounds on every square inch; so that the surface of the whole globe sustains a weight of 11,449,000,000 hundreds of millions of pounds. Shell-fish which have the power of producing a vacuum, adhere to the rocks by a pressure of fifteen pounds upon every square inch of contact. Since the atmosphere is both elastic and heavy, its density necessarily diminishes in ascending above the surface of the earth ; for each stratum of air is com- pressed only by the weight above it. Therefore the upper strata are less dense, because they are less com- pressed than those below them. Whence it is easy to show, supposing the temperature to be constant, that if the heights above the earth be taken in increasing arithmetical progression that is, if they increase by equal quantities, as by a foot or a mile, the densities of the strata of air, or the heights of the barometer which are proportionate to them, will decrease in geometrical progression. For example, at the level of the sea, if the mean height of the barometer be 29-922 inches, at the height of 18,000 feet it will be 14-961 inches, or one half as great; at the height of 36,000 feet, it will be one fourth as great; at 54,000 feet, it will be one eighth, and so on, which affords a method of measuring the heights of mountains with considerable accuracy, and would be very simple, if the decrease in the density of the air were exactly according to the preceding law. But it is modified by several circumstances, and chiefly by changes of temperature, because heat dilates the air and cold contracts it, varying ] F of the whole bulk when at 32, for every degree of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer. Experience shows that the heat of the air 8cr. XV. BAROMETRICAL MEASUREMENTS. 113 decreases as the height above the surface of the earth increases. And it appears from recent investigations that the mean temperature of space is 58 below the zero point of Fahrenheit, which would probably be the temperature of the surface of the earth also were it not for the non-conducting power of the air, whence it is enabled to retain the heat of the sun's rays, which the earth imbibes and radiates in all directions. The decrease in heat is very irregular ; each authority gives a different estimate : probably because the decrease varies with the latitude as well as the height, and some- thing is due also to local circumstances. But from the mean of five different statements, it seems to be about one degree for every 334 feet, which is the cause of the severe cold and eternal snows on the summits of the Alpine chains. Of the various methods of computing heights from barometrical measurements, that of Mr. Ivory has the advantage of combining accuracy with the greatest simplicity. Indeed the accuracy with which the heights of mountains can be obtained by this method is very remarkable. Captain Smyth, R.N., and Sir John Herschel measured the height of Etna by the barometer without any communication ^and hi different years; Captain Smyth made it 10,874 feet, and Sir John Herschel 10,873 ; the difference being only one foot. In consequence of the diminished pressure of the atmos- phere, water boils at a lower temperature on the moun- tain tops than in the valleys, which induced Fahrenheit to propose this mode of observation as a method of as- certaining then* heights. It is very simple, as Professor Forbes has ascertained that the temperature of the boil- ing point varies in an arithmetical proportion with the height, or 549-5 feet for every degree of Fahrenheit, so that the calculation of height becomes one of arithmetic only without the use of any table. The atmosphere when in equilibrio is an ellipsoid flattened at the poles from its rotation with the earth. In that state its strata are of uniform density at equal heights above the level of the sea, and it is sensible of finite extent when it consists of particles infinitely divisi- ble or not. On the latter hypothesis it must really be finite, and even if its particles be infinitely divisible it is 8 IL2 114 EXTENT OF THE ATMOSPHERE. SECT. XV. known by experience to be of extreme tenuity at very small heights. The barometer rises in proportion to the super-incumbent pressure. At the level of the sea in the latitude of 45 and at the temperature of melting ice, the mean height of the barometer being 29-922 inches, the density of the air is to the density of a simi- lar volume of mercury as 1 to 10477-9. Consequently the height of the atmosphere supposed to be of uniform density would be about 4-95 miles. But as the density decreases upward in geometrical progression it is consid- erably higher, probably about fifty miles ; at that height it must be of extreme tenuity, for the decrease in density is so rapid that three fourths of all the air contained in the atmosphere is within four miles of the earth ; and, as its superficial extent is 200 millions of square miles, its relative thickness is less than that of a sheet of paper when compared with its breadth. The air even on mountain tops is sufficiently rare to diminish the intensity of sound, to affect respiration, and to occasion a loss of muscular strength. The blood burst from the lips and ears of M. de Humboldt^as he ascended the Andes; and he experienced the same difficulty in kindling and maintaining a fire at great heights which Marco Polo the Venetian felt on the mountains of Central Asia. M. Gay-Lussac and M. Biot ascended in a balloon to the height of 4-36 miles, which is the greatest elevation that man has attained, and they suffered greatly from the rarity of the air. It is true that at the height of thirty- seven miles, the atmosphere is still dense enough to reflect the rays of the sun when 18 below the horizon ; but the tails of comets show that extremely attenuated matter is capable of reflecting light. And although, at the height of fifty miles, the bursting of the meteor of 1783 was heard on earth like the report of a cannon, it only proves the immensity of the explosion of a mass half a mile in diameter, which could produce a sound capable of penetrating air three thousand times more rare than that we breathe. But even these heights are extremely small when compared with the radius of the earth. The mean pressure of the atmosphere is not the same all over the globe. It is less at the equator than at the SKCT. XV. ACTION OP THE SUN AND MOON. 115 tropics or in the higher latitudes, in consequence of the ascent of the heated air from the surface of the earth ; it is less also on the shores of the Baltic sea than it is in France, probably from some permanent eddy in the air arising from the conformation of the surrounding land ; and to similar local causes those barometric depres- sions may be attributed which have been observed by M. Erman, near the Sea of Ochotzk in Eastern Siberia, and by Captain Foster near Cape Horn. There are various periodic oscillations in the atmos- phere which, rising and falling like waves in the sea, occasion corresponding changes in the height of the barometer, but they differ as much from the trade winds, monsoons, and other currents, as the tides of the sea do from the Gulf-stream and other oceanic rivers. The sun and moon disturb the equilibrium of the atmosphere by their attraction, and produce annual undulations which have their maximum altitudes at the equinoxes and their minima at the solstices. There are also lunar tides which ebb and flow twice in the course of a lunation. The diurnal tides, which accomplish their rise and fall in six hours, are greatly modified by the heat of the sun. Between the tropics the barometer attains its maximum height about nine hi the morning, then sinks till three or four in the afternoon; it again rises and attains a second maximum about nine in the evening, and then it begins to fall and reaches a second minimum at three in the morning, again to pursue the same course. According to M. Bouvard, the amount of the oscillations at the equator is proportional to the temperature, and in other parallels it varies as the temperature and the square o'f the cosine of the latitude conjointly, conse- quently it decreases from the equator to the poles, but it is somewhat greater in the day than in the night. Besides these small undulations, there are vast waves perpetually moving over the continents and oceans in separate and independent systems, being confined to local yet very extensive districts, probably occasioned by long-continued rains or dry weather over large tracts of country. By numerous barometrical observations made simultaneously in both hemispheres, the courses of sev- eral have been traced, some of which occupy twenty -four 116 THE TRADE;- WINDS. SBCT. xv. and others thirty-six hours to accomplish their rise and fall. One especially of these vast barometric waves, many hundreds of miles in breadth, has been traced over the greater part of Europe, and not its breadth only, but also the direction of its front and its velocity have been clearly ascertained. Although like ah 1 other waves these are but moving forms, yet winds arise dependent on them like tide streams in the ocean. Mr. Birt has deter- mined the periods of other waves of still greater extent and duration, two of which require seventeen days to rise and fall, and another took thirteen days to complete its undulation. Since each oscillation has its perfect effect independently of the others, each one is marked by a change in the barometer, and this is beautifully illustrated by curves constructed from a series of obser- vations. The general form of the curve shows the course of the principal wave, while small undulations in its outline mark the maxima and minima of the minor oscillations. The trade-winds, which are the principal currents in the atmosphere, are only a particular case of those very general laws which regulate the motion of the winds depending on the rarefaction of the air combined with the rotation of the earth on its axis. The heat of the sun occasions these ae'rial currents by rarefying the air at the equator, which causes the cooler and more dense part of the atmosphere to rush along the surface of the earth from the poles toward the equator, while that which is heated is carried along the higher strata to the poles, forming two counter-currents in the direction of the meridian. But the rotatory ve- locity of the air corresponding to its geographical posi- tion decreases toward the poles. In approaching the equator it must therefore revolve more slowly than the corresponding parts of the earth, and the bodies on the surface of the earth must strike against it with the ex- cess of their velocity, and by its reaction they will meet with a resistance contrary to their motion of rotation. So that the wind will appear to a person supposing him- self to be at rest, to blow in a direction nearly though not altogether contrary to the earth's rotation ; because these currents will still retain a part of their northerly SicT. XV. THE TRADE-WINDS. 117 and southerly impetus, which, combining with their de- ficiency of rotatory velocity, will make them appear to blow from the north-east on one side of the equator and from the south-east on the other, which is the general direction of the trade-winds. But they are modified both hi intensity and direction by the seasons, by the neighborhood of continents, and by the nature of the soil, so that the phenomena are not the same in both hemispheres. These winds, however, are not felt at all under the line, because the easterly tendency of the two great polar currents is gradually diminished as they approach the equator by the friction of the earth, which slowly imparts a portion of its rotatory velocity to them as they pass along, and when they meet in the equator they destroy one another's impetus. The equator does not exactly coincide with the line which separates the trad^-winds north and south of it. That line of separa- tion depends upon the total difference of heat in the two hemispheres, arising from the distribution of land and water, and other causes. The polar currents from defect of rotatory velocity tend, by their friction near the equator, to r diminish the velocity of the earth's rotation ; while, on the contrary, the equatorial or upper currents carry their excess of rotatory velocity north and south. And as they occa- sionally come to the surface in their passage to the poles, they act on the earth by their friction as a strong south- west wind in the northern hemisphere, and as a north- west wind in the southern. In this manner the equili- brium of rotation is maintained. Sir John Herschel ascribes to this cause the western and south-western gales so prevalent in our latitudes, and also the west winds which are so constant in the North Atlantic. There are many proofs of the existence of the coun- ter-currents above the trade-winds. On the Peak of Teneriffe the prevailing winds are from the west. The ashes of the volcano of St. Vincent's, in the year 1812, were carried to windward as far as Barbadoes by the upper current. The captain of a Bristol ship declared that on that occasion dust from St. Vincent's fell to the depth of five inches on the deck at the distance of 500 miles to the eastward. Light clouds have frequently 118 THE MONSOONS. SKCT. XV. been seen moving rapidly from west to east, at a very great height above the trade-winds, which were sweep- ing along the surface of the ocean in a contrary direc- tion. Rains, clouds, and nearly all the other atmos- pheric phenomena occur below the height of 18,000 feet, and generally much nearer to the surface of the earth. They are owing to currents of air running upon each other in horizontal strata, and differing in their electric state, in temperature and moisture, as well as in velocity and direction. The monsoons are steady currents six months in du- ration, owing to diminished atmospheric pressure at each tropic alternately from the heat of the sun, thereby pro- ducing a regular alternation of north and south winds, which combining their motion with that of the earth on its axis become a north-east wind in the northern hem- isphere and a south-west in the southern ; the former blows from April to October and the latter from October to April. The change from one to the other is at- tended by violent rains, with storms of thunder and lightning. From some peculiar conformation of the land and water, these winds are confined to the Arabian Gulf, the Indian Ocean, and the China Sea. When north and south winds blow alternately, the wind at any place will veer in one uniform direction through every point of the compass, provided the one begins before the other has ceased. In the northern hemisphere a north wind sets out with a smaller degree of rotatory motion than the places have at which it suc- cessively arrives, consequently it passes through all the points of the compass from N. to N. E. and E. A cur- rent from the south, on the contrary, sets out with a greater rotatoiy velocity than the places have at which it successively arrives, so by the rotation of the earth it is deflected from S. to S. W. and W. Now if the vane at any place should have veered from the N. through N. E. to E. r and a south wind should spring up, it would combine its motion with the former and cause the vane to turn successively from the E. to S. E. and S. But by the earth's rotation this south wind will veer to the S. W. and W., and if a north wind should now arise, it would combine its motion with that of the west and SBCT. XV. HURRICANES. 119 cause it to veer to the N. W. and N. Thus two alter- nations of north and south wind will cause the vane at any place to go completely round the compass, from N. to E., S., W., and N. again. At the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, the wind accomplishes five circuits in that direction in the course of a year. When circumstances combine to produce alternate north and south winds in the southern hemisphere, the gyration is in the contrary direction. Although the general tendency of the wind may be rotatoiy, and is so in many instances, at least for part of the year, yet it is so often counteracted by local circumstances, that the winds are in general very irregular ; every disturbance in atmospheric equilibrium from heat or any other cause producing a corresponding wind. The most prevalent winds in Europe are the N. E. and S. W. ; the former arises from the north polar current, and the latter from causes already men- tioned. The law of the wind's rotation was noticed by Dr. Dalton, but has been developed by Professor Dove, of Berlin. Hurricanes are those storms of wind in which the portion of the atmosphere that forms them revolves in a horizontal circuit round a vertical or somewhat inclined axis of rotation, while the axis itself, and consequently the whole storm, is carried forward along the surface of the globe, so that the direction in which the storm is advancing is quite different from the direction in which the rotatory current may be blowing at any point. In the West Indies, where hurricanes are frequent and destructive, they generally originate in the tropical regions near the inner boundary of the trade-winds, and are probably owing to a portion of the superior current of wind penetrating through the lower. By far the greater number of Atlantic hurricanes have begun eastward of the lesser Antilles or Caribbean Islands. In every case the axis of the storm moves in an elliptical or parabolic curve, having its vertex hi or near the tropic of Cancer, which marks the external limit of the trade-winds north of the equator. As the motion before it reaches the tropic is in a straight line from S. E. to N. W., and after it has passed it from S. W. to N. E., the bend of the curve is turned toward Florida 120 HURRICANES. SECT. XV. and the Carolinas. In the southern hemisphere the body of the storms moves in exactly the opposite direc- tion. The hurricanes which originate south of the equator, and whose initial path is from N. E. to S. W., bend round at the tropic of Capricorn, and then bend from N. W. to S. E. The extent and velocity of these storms are great ; for instance, the hurricane that took place on the 12th of August, 1830, was traced from the eastward of the Caribbee Islands to the bank of Newfoundland, a distance of more than 3000 miles, which it passed over in six days. Although the hurricane of the 1st of September, 1821, was not so extensive, its velocity was greater, as it moved at the rate of 30 miles an hour : small storms are generally more rapid than those of greater dimen- sions. The action of these storms seems to be at first con- fined to the stratum of air nearest the earth, and then they seldom appear to be more than a mile high, though sometimes they are raised higher ; or even divided by a mountain into two separate storms, each of which continues its new path and gyrations with in- creased violence. This occurred in the gale of the 25th of December, 1821, in the Mediterranean, when the Spanish mountains and the Maritime Alps became new centers of motion. By the friction of the earth the axis of the storm bends a little forward, so that the whirling motion begins in the higher regions of the atmosphere before it is felt on the earth. This causes a continual intermixture ot the lower and warmer strata of air with those that are higher and colder, producing torrents of rain and violent electric explosions. The rotation is different in direction in different hemi- spheres, though always alike in the same. In the northern hemisphere the gyration is contrary to the movement of the hands of a watch, that is to say, the wind revolves from east round through the north to the west, south and east again ; while in the southern hemi- sphere, the rotation about the axis of the storm is in the contrary direction. The breadth of the whirlwind is greatly augmented 8cr. XV. HURRICANES. 121 when the path of the storm changes on crossing the tropic. The vortex of a storm has covered an extent of the surface of the globe 500 miles in diameter. The revolving motion accounts for the sudden and violent changes observed during hurricanes. In conse- quence of the rotation of the air, the wind blows in op- posite directions on each side of the axis of the storm, and the violence of the blast increases from the circum- ference toward the center of gyration, but hi the center itself the ah- is in repose : hence, when the body of the storm passes over a place, the wind begins to blow mod- erately, and increases to a hurricane as the center of the whirlwind approaches ; then, in a moment, a dead and awful calm succeeds, suddenly followed by a re- newal of the storm in all its violence, but now blowing in a direction diametrically opposite to its former course. This happened at the Island of St. Thomas, on the 2d of August, 1837, where the hurricane increased in vio- lence till half-past seven in the morning, when perfect stillness took place for forty minutes, after which the storm recommenced in a contrary direction. The sudden fell of the mercury in the barometer in the regions habitually visited by hurricanes is a certain indication of a coming tempest. In consequence of the centrifugal force of these rotatory storms the air be- comes rarefied, and as the atmosphere is disturbed to some distance beyond the actual circle of gyration or limits of the storm, the barometer often sinks some hours before its arrival, from the original cause of the rotatory disturbance. It continues sinking under the first half of the hurricane, and again rises during the passage of the latter half, though it does not attain its greatest height till the storm is over. The diminution of atmospheric pressure i greater and extends over a wider area in the temperate zones than in the torrid, on account of the sudden expansion of the circle of rota- tion when the gale crosses the tropic. As the fall of the barometer gives warning of the ap- proach of a hurricane, so the laws of the storm's mo- tion afford to the seaman the knowledge to guide him in avoiding it. In the northern temperate zone, if the gale begins from the S. E. and veers by S. to W., the ship L 136 THEORY OF SOUND. SECT. XVI should steer to the S. E. ; but if the gale begins from the N. E., and changes through N. to N. W., the ves- sel should go to the N. W. In the northern part of the torrid zone, if the storm begin from the N. E. and veer through E. to S. E., the ship should steer to the N. E. ; but if it begin from the N. W. and veer by W. to S. W., the ship should steer to the S. W., because she is in the south-western side of the storm. Since the laws of storms are reversed in the southern hemisphere, the rules for steering vessels are necessarily reversed also. A heavy swell is peculiarly characteristic of these storms. In the open sea the swell often extends many leagues beyond the range of the gale which produced it. Waterspouts are occasioned by small whirlwinds, which always have their origin at a great distance from that part of the sea from which the spout begins to rise, where it is generally calm. The whirl of the air be- gins in the clouds, and extending downward to the sea, causes the water to ascend in a spiral by the impulse of the centrifugal force. When waterspouts have a pro- gressive motion, the vortex of air in the cloud above must move with the same velocity, otherwise the spouts break, which frequently happens. SECTION XVI. Sound Propagation of Sound illustrated by a Field of Standing Corn Nature of Waves Propagation of Sound through the Atmosphere Intensity Noises A Musical Sound Quality Pitch Extent of Human Hearing Velocity of Sound in Air, Water, and Solids Causes of the Obstruction of Sound Law of its Intensity Reflection of Sound Echoes Thunder Refraction of Sound Interference of Sounds. ONE of the most important uses of the atmosphere is the conveyance of sound. Without the air deathlike silence would prevail through nature, for in common with all substances it has a tendency to impart vibrations to bodies in contact with it. Therefore undulations re- ceived by the air, whether it be from a sudden impulse such as an explosion or the vibrations of a musical chord, are propagated in every direction, and produce the sen- sation of sound upon the auditory nerves. A bell rung under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump is inaudi- SCT. XVI. UNDULATIONS OF OOBN. 123 ble, which shows that the atmosphere is really the me- dium of sound. In the small undulations of deep water in a calm, the vibrations of the liquid particles are made m the vertical plane, that is up and down, or at right angles to the direction of the transmission of the waves. But the vibrations of the particles of ah* which produce sound differ from these, being performed in the same direction in which the waves of sound travel. The propagation of sound has been illustrated by a field of corn agitated by the wind. However irregular the motion of the corn may seem on a superficial view, it will be found, if the velocity of the wind be constant, that the waves are all* precisely similar and equal, and that all are separated by equal intervals and move in equal times. A sudden blast depresses each ear equally and suc- cessively in the direction of the wind, but in conse- quence of the elasticity of the stalks and the force of the impulse, each ear not only rises again as soon as the pressure is removed, but bends back nearly as much in the contrary direction, and then continues to oscillate backward and forward in equal times, like a pendulum to a less and less extent, till the resistance of the air puts a stop to the motion. These vibrations are the same for every individual ear of corn. Yet as their oscillations do not all commence at the same time, but successively, the ears will have a variety of positions at any one instant. Some of the advancing ears will meet others in their returning vibrations, and as the times of oscillation are equal for all, they will be crowded to- gether at regular intervals. Between these there will occur equal spaces, where the ears will be few, in con- sequence of being bent in opposite directions ; and at other equal intervals they will be in their natural upright positions. So that over the whole field there will be a regular series of condensations and rarefactions among the ears of corn, separated by equal intervals where they will be in their natural state of density. In con- sequence of these changes the field will be marked by an alternation of bright and dark bands. Thus the successive waves which fly over the corn with the speed of the wind, are totally distinct from, and entirely 134 UNDULATIONS OF THE AIR. SECT. XVI. independent of the extent of the oscillations of each in- dividual ear, though both take place in the same direc- tion. The length of a wave is equal to the space be- tween two ears precisely in the same state of motion, or which are moving similarly, and the time of the vi- bration of each ear is equal to that which elapses be- tween the arrival of two successive waves at the same point. The only difference between the undulations of a corn-field and those of the air which produce sound is, that each ear of corn is set in motion by an external cause and is uninfluenced by the motion of the rest ; whereas in air, which is a compressible and elastic fluid, when one particle begins to oscillate, it communicates its vibrations to the surrounding particles, which trans- mit them to those adjacent, and so on continually. Hence from the successive vibrations of the particles of air the same regular condensations and rarefactions take place as in the field of corn, producing waves through- out the whole mass of air, though each molecule, like each individual ear of corn, never moves far from its state of rest. The small waves of a liquid and the un- dulations of the air like waves in the corn, are evidently not real masses moving in the direction in which they are advancing, but merely outlines, motions, or forms passing along, and comprehending all the particles of an undulating fluid which are at once in a vibratory state. It is thus that an impulse given to any one point of the atmosphere is successively propagated in all directions, in a wave diverging as from the center of a sphere to greater and greater distances, but with decreasing in- tensity, in consequence of the increasing number of par- ticles of inert matter which the force has to move ; like the waves formed in still water by a falling stone, which are propagated circularly all around the center of' dis- turbance (N. 156). The intensity of sound depends upon the violence and extent of the initial vibrations of air ; but whatever they may be, each undulation when once formed can only be transmitted straight forward, and never returns back again unless when reflected by an opposing ob- stacle. The vibrations of the aSrial molecules are al- ways extremely small, whereas the waves of sound . XVI. EXTENT OP HEARING. 125 vary from a few inches to several feet. The various musical instruments, the human voice and that of ani- mals, the singing of birds, the hum of insects, the roar of the cataract, the whistling of the wind, and the other nameless peculiarities of sound, show at once an infinite variety in the modes of ae'rial vibration, and the aston- ishing acuteness and delicacy of the ear, thus capable of appreciating the minutest differences in- the laws of molecular oscillation. All mere noises are occasioned by irregular impulses communicated to the ear, and if they be short, sudden, and repeated beyond a certain degree of quickness, the ear loses the intervals of silence and the sound appears continuous. Still such sounds will be mere noise: in order to produce a musical sound, the impulses, and consequently the undulations of the air must be all ex- nctly similar in duration and intensity, and must recur after exactly equal intervals of time. If a blow be given to the nearest of a series of broad, flat, and equidistant palisades set edgewise in a line direct from the ear, each palisade will repeat or echo the sound ; and these echoes returning to the ear at successive equal intervals of time will produce a musical note. The quality of a musical note depends upon the abruptness, and its in- tensity upon the violence and extent of the original im- pulse. In the theory of harmony the only property of sound taken into consideration is the pitch, which varies with the rapidity of the vibrations. The grave or low tones are produced by very slow vibrations, which in- crease in frequency as the note becomes more acute. Very deep tones are not heard by all alike, and Dr. Wol- laston, who made a variety of experiments on the sense of hearing, found that many people though not at all deaf are quite insensible to the cry of the bat or the cricket, while to others it is painfully shrill. From his experiments he concluded that human hearing is limited to about nine octaves, extending from the lowest note of the organ to the highest known cry of insects ; and he observes with his usual originality that, " as there is nothing in the nature of the atmosphere to prevent the existence of vibrations incomparably more frequent than any of which we are conscious, we may imagine that 1,2 126 EXPERIMENTS OP M. SAVART. SKCT. XVI. animals like the Grylli, whose powers appear to com- mence nearly where ours terminate, may have the fac- ulty of hearing still sharper sounds which we do not know to exist, and that there may be other insects hear- ing nothing in common with us, but endowed with a power of exciting, and a sense which perceives vibrations of the same nature indeed as those which constitute our ordinary sounds, but so remote that the animals who perceive them may be said to possess another sense, agreeing with our own solely in the medium by which it is excited. M. Savart, so well known for the number and beauty of his researches in acoustics, has proved that a high note of a given intensity being heard by some ears and not by others, must not be attributed to its pitch, but to its feebleness. His experiments, and those more re- cently made by Professor Wheatstone, show, that if the pulses could be rendered sufficiently powerful, it would be difficult to fix a limit to human hearing at either end of the scale. M. Savart had a wheel made about nine inches in diameter with 360 teeth set at equal distances round its rim, so that while in motion each tooth suc- cessively hit on a piece of card. The tone increased in pitch with the rapidity of the rotation, and was very pure when the number of strokes did not exceed three or four thousand in a second, but beyond that it became feeble and indistinct. With a wheel of a larger size a much higher tone could be obtained, because the teeth being wider apart the blows were more intense and more separated from one another. With 720 teeth on a wheel thirty-two inches in diameter, the sound pro- duced by 12,000 strokes in a second was audible, which corresponds to 24,000 vibrations of a musical chord. So that the human ear can appreciate a sound which only lasts the 24,000th part of a second. This note was dis- tinctly heard by M. Savart and by several people who were present, which convinced him that with another apparatus still more acute sounds might be rendered audible. For the deep tones M. Savart employed a bar of iron, two feet eight inches long, about two inches broad, and half an inch in thickness, which revolved about its center SECT. XVI. VELOCITY OF SOUND. 127 as if its arms were the spokes of a wheel. When such a machine rotates it impresses a motion on the air simi- lar to its own, and when a thin board or card is brought close to its extremities, the current of air is moment- arily interrupted at the instant each arm of 'the bar passes before the card ; it is compressed above the card and dilated below ; but the instant the spoke has passed, a rush of ah* to restore equilibrium makes a kind of ex- plosion, and when these succeed each other rapidly, a musical note is produced of a pitch proportional to the velocity of the revolution. When M. Savart turned this bar slowly a succession of single beats was heard ; as the velocity became greater the sound was only a rattle ; but as soon as it was sufficient to give eight beats in a second, a very deep musical note was distinctly audible, corresponding to sixteen single vibrations in a second, which is the lowest that has hitherto been produced. When the velocity of the bar was much increased the intensity of the sound was hardly bearable. The spokes of a revolving wheel produce the sensation of sound, on the very same principle that a burning stick whirled round gives the impression of a luminous circle. The vibrations excited in the organ of hearing by one beat have not ceased before another impulse is given. In- deed it is indispensable that the impressions made upon the auditory nerves should encroach upon each other in order to produce a full and continued note. On the whole, M. Savart has come to the conclusion, that the most acute sounds would be heard with as much ease as those of a lower pitch, if the duration of the sensation produced by each pulse could be diminished proportion- ally to the augmentation of the number of pulses in a given time : and on the contrary, if the duration of the sensation produced by each pulse could be increased in proportion to their number in a given time, that the deepest tones would be as audible as any of the others. The velocity of sound is uniform and independent of the nature, extent, and intensity of the primitive dis- turbance. Consequently sounds of every quality and pitch travel with equal speed. The smallest difference in their velocity is incompatible either with harmony or melody, for notes of different pitches and intensities 128 VELOCITY OP SOUND SECT. XVI sounded together at a little distance, would arrive at the ear in different times. A rapid succession of notes would in this case produce confusion and discord. But as the rapidity with which sound is transmitted depends upon the elasticity of the medium through which it has to pass, whatever tends to increase the elasticity of the air must also accelerate the motion of sound. On that account its velocity is greater in warm than in cold weather, supposing the pressure of the atmosphere con- stant. In dry air at the freezing temperature, sound travels at the rate of 1090 feet in a second, and for any higher temperature one foot must be added for every degree of the thermometer above 32 ; hence at 62 of Fahrenheit its speed in a second is 1120 feet, or 765 miles an hour, which is about three-fourths of the diur- nal velocity of the earth's equator. Since all the phe- nomena of the transmission of sound are simple conse- quences of the physical properties of the air, they have been predicted and computed rigorously by the laws of mechanics. It was found, however, that the velocity of sound determined by observation, exceeded what it ought to have been theoretically by 173 feet, or about one-sixth of the whole amount. La Place suggested that this dis- crepancy might arise from the increased elasticity of the air in consequence of a development of latent heat (N. 173) during the undulations of sound, and calculation confirmed the accuracy of his views. The ae'rial mole- cules being suddenly compressed give out their latent heat ; and as air is too bad a conductor to carry it rap- idly off, it occasions a momentary and local rise of tem- perature which, increasing the elasticity of the air without at the same time increasing its inertia, causes the movement to be propagated more rapidly. Analysis gives the true velocity of sound in terms of the elevation of temperature that a mass of air is capable of commu- nicating to itself, by the disengagement of its own latent heat when suddenly compressed in a given ratio. This change of temperature however could not be obtained directly by any experiments which had been made at that epoch ; but by inverting the problem and assuming the velocity of sound as given by experiment, it was computed that the temperature of a mass of air is raised SICT. XVI. TRANSMISSION OF SOUND. 129 nine-tenths of a degree when the compression is equal to j-} T of its volume. Probably all liquids are elastic, though considerable force is required to compress them. Water suffers a condensation of nearly 0-0000496 for every atmosphere of pressure, and is consequently capable of conveying sound even more rapidly than air, the velocity in the for- mer being 4708 feet in a second. A person under water hears sounds made in air feebly, but those produced in water very distinctly. According to the experiments of M. Colladon, the sound of a bell was conveyed under water through the Lake of Geneva to the distance of about nine miles. He also perceived that the progress of sound through water is greatly impeded by the inter- position of any object, such as a projecting wall ; conse- quently sound under water resembles light hi having a distinct shadow. It has much less in air, being trans- mitted all round buildings or other obstacles, so as te be heard in every direction, though often with a consid- erable diminution of intensity, as when a carriage turns the corner of a street. The velocity of sound in passing through solids is in proportion to their hardness, and is much greater than in air or water. A sound which takes some time in trav- eling through the air passes almost instantaneously along a wire six hundred feet long; consequently it is heard twice first as communicated by the wire and after- ward through the medium of the air. The facility with which the vibrations of sound are transmitted along the grain of a log of wood is well known. Indeed they pass through iron, glass, and some kinds of wood, at the rate of 18,530 feet in a second. The velocity of sound is obstructed by a variety of circumstances, such as fall- ing snow, fog, rain, or any other cause which disturbs the homogeneity of the medium through which it has to pass. M. de Humboldt says that it is on account of the greater homogeneity of the atmosphere during the night that sounds are then better heard than during the day, when its density is perpetually changing from par- tial variations of temperature. His attention was called to this subject on the plain surrounding the Mission of the Apures by the rushing noise of the great cataracts 9 130 TRANSMISSION OF SOUND. SECT. XVI. of the Oronoco, which seemed to be three times as loud by night as by day. This he illustrated by experiment. A tall glass half full of champaigne cannot be made to ring as long as the effervescence lasts. In order to pro- duce a musical note the glass together with the liquid it contains must vibrate in unison as a system, which it cannot do in consequence of the fixed air rising through the wine and disturbing its homogeneity, because the vibrations of the gas being much slower than those of the liquid the velocity of the sound is perpetually inter- rupted. For the same reason the transmission of sound as well as light is impeded in passing through an atmos- phere of variable density. Sir John Herschel, in his admirable Treatise on Sound, thus explains the phe- nomenon : "It is obvious," he says, "that sound as well as light must be obstructed, stifled, and dissipated from its original direction by the mixture of air of differ- ent temperatures, and consequently elasticities; and thus the same cause which produces that extreme transparency of the air at night, which astronomers alone fully appreciate, renders it also more favorable to sound. There is no doubt, however, that the universal and dead silence, generally prevalent at night, renders our auditory nerves sensible to impressions which would otherwise escape notice. The analogy between sound and light is perfect in this as in so many other respects. In the general light of day the stars disappear. In the continual hum of voices, which is always going on by day, and which reach us from all quarters and never leave the ear time to attain complete tranquillity, those feeble sounds which catch our attention at night make no impression. The ear, like the eye, requires long and perfect repose to attain its utmost sensibility." Many instances maybe brought in proof of the strength and clearness with which sound passes over the surface of water or ice. Lieutenant Foster was able to carry on a conversation across Fort Bowen harbor, when fro- zen, a distance of a mile and a half. The intensity of sound depends upon the extent of the excursions of the fluid molecules, on the energy of the transient condensations and dilatations, and on the greater or less number of particles which experience SMCT. XVI. INTENSITY OF SOUND. ]31 these effects. We estimate that intensity by the im- petus of these fluid molecules on our organs, which is consequently as the square of the velocity, and not by their inertia, which is as the simple velocity. Were the latter the case there would be no sound, because the inertia of the receding waves of air would destroy .the equal and opposite inertia of those advancing ; whence it may be concluded that the intensity of sound dimin- ishes inversely as the square of the distance from its origin. In a tube, however, the force of sound does not decay as in open air, unless perhaps by friction against the sides. M. Biot found from a number of highly interesting experiments made on the pipes of the aqueducts in Paris, that a continual conversation could be carried on in the lowest possible whisper, through a cylindrical tube about 3120 feet long, the time of transmission through that space being 2-79 seconds. In most cases sound diverges in all directions so as to oc- cupy at any one time a spherical surface ; but Dr. Young has shown that there are exceptions, as for example when a flat surface vibrates only in one direction. The sound is then most intense when the ear is at right an- gles to the surface, whereas it is scarcely audible in a direction precisely perpendicular to its edge. In this case it is impossible that the whole of the surrounding air can be affected in the same manner, since the particles behind the sounding surface must be moving toward it, whenever the particles Before it are retreating. Hence in one half of the surrounding sphere of air its motions are retrogade, while in the other half they are direct ; consequently at the edges where these two portions meet, the motions of the air will neither be retrograde nor direct, and therefore it must be at rest. It appears from theory as well as daily experience, that sound is capable of reflection from surfaces (N. 174) according to the same laws as light. Indeed any one who has obs'erved the reflection of the waves from a wall on the side of a river after the passage of a steam- boat, will have a perfect idea of the reflection of sound and of light. As every substance in nature is more or less elastic, it may be agitated according to its own law by the impulse of a mass of undulating air ; and recip- 132 ECHOES. SECT. XVI. rocally the surface by its reaction will communicate its undulations back again into the air. Such reflections produce echoes, and as a series of them may take place between two or more obstacles, each will cause an echo of the original sound, growing fainter and fainter till it dies away ; because sound, like light, is weakened by reflection. Should the reflecting surface be concave toward a person, the sound will converge toward him with increased intensity, which will be greater still if the surface be spherical and concentric with him. Un- dulations of sound diverging from one focus of an ellip- tical shell (N. 175) converge in the other after reflec- tion. Consequently a sound from the one will be heard in the other as if it were close to the ear. The rolling noise of thunder has been attributed to reverberation between different clouds, which may possibly be the case to a certain extent. Sir John Herschel is of opin- ion, that an intensely prolonged peal is probably owing to a combination of sounds because the velocity of elec- tricity being incomparably greater than that of sound, the thunder may be regarded as originating in every point of a flash of lightning at the same instant. The sound from the nearest point will arrive first, and if the flash run in a direct line from a person, the noise will come later and later from the remote points of its path in a continued roar. Should the direction of the flash be inclined, the succession of sounds will be more rapid and intense, and if the lightning describe a circular curve round a person, the sound will arrive from every point at the same instant with a stunning crash. In like manner the subterranean noises heard during earth- quakes like distant thunder, may arise from the conse- cutive arrival at the ear of undulations propagated at the same instant from nearer and more remote points ; or if they originate in the same point, the sound may come by different routes through strata of different den- sities. Sounds under water are heard very distinctly in the air immediately above ; but the intensity decays with great rapidity as the observer goes farther off, and is altogether inaudible at the distance of two or three hundred yards. So that waves of sound, like those of - * SKCT. XVI. INTERFERENCE OF SOUNDS. 133 light, in passing from a dense to a rare medium, are not only refracted, but suffer total reflection at veiy oblique incidences (N. 184). The laws of interference extend also to sound. It is clear that two equal and similar musical strings will be in unison, if they communicate the same number of vibrations to the air in the same time. But if two such stiings be so nearly in unison, that one performs a hun- dred vibrations in a second, and the other a hundred and one in the same period during the first few vibra- tions, the two resulting sounds will combine to form one of double the intensity of either, because the aerial waves will sensibly coincide in time and place ; but one will gradually gain on the other till at the fiftieth vibration it will be half an oscillation in advance. Then the waves of air which produce the sound being sensibly equal, but the receding part of the one coinciding with the advan- cing part of the other, they will destroy one another and occasion an instant of silence. The sound will be re- newed immediately after, and will gradually increase till the hundredth vibration, when the two waves will combine to produce a sound double the intensity of either. These intervals of silence and greatest intensity, called beats, will recur every second ; but if the notes differ much from one another the alternations will resemble a rattle ; and if the strings be in perfect unison there will be no beats, since there will be no interference. Thus by interference is meant the coexistence of two undula- tions in which the lengths of the waves are the same. And as the magnitude of an undulation may be dimin- ished by the addition of another transmitted in the same direction, it follows that one undulation may be abso- lutely destroyed by another when waves of the same length are transmitted in the same direction, provided that the maxima of the undulations are equal, and that one follows the other by half the length of a wave. A tuning-fork affords a good example of interference. When that instrument vibrates, its two branches alter- nately recede from and approach one another ; ach communicates its vibrations to the ah*, and a musical note is the consequence. If the fork be held upright, about a foot from the ear, and turned round its axis while M 134 VIBRATION OF MUSICAL STRINGS. SECT. XVII. vibrating, at every quarter revolution the sound will scarcely be heard, while at the intermediate points it will be strong and clear. This phenomenon arises from the interference of the undulations of air coming from the two branches of the fork. When the two branches coincide, or when they are at equal distances from the ear, the waves of air combine to reinforce each other ; but at the quadrants, where the two branches are at unequal distances from the ear, the lengths of the waves differ by half an undulation, and consequently destroy one another. SECTION XVII. Vibration of Musical String's Harmonic Sounds Nodes Vibration of Air in Wind Instruments Vibration of Solids Vibrating Plates Bells- Harmony Sounding Boards Forced Vibrations Resonance Speaking Machines. WHEN the particles of elastic bodies are suddenly disturbed by an impulse, they return to their natural position by a series of isochronous vibrations, whose rapidity, force, and permanency depend upon the elas- ticity, the form, and the mode of aggregation which unites the particles of the body. These oscillations are communicated to the air, and on account of its elasticity they excite alternate condensations and dilatations in the strata of the fluid nearest to the vibrating body : from thence they are propagated to a distance. A string or wire stretched between two pins, when drawn aside and suddenly let go, will vibrate till its own rigidity and the resistance of the air reduce it to rest. These oscil- lations may be rotatory in every plane, or confined to one plane, according as the motion is communicated. In the piano-forte, where the strings are struck by a hammer at one extremity, the vibrations probably consist of a bulge running to and fro from end to end. Different modes of vibration may be obtained from the same so- norous body. Suppose a vibrating string to give the lowest C of the piano-forte, which is the fundamental note of the string ; if it be lightly touched exactly in the middle so as to retain that point at rest, each half will SKCT. XVII. VIBRATION OP MUSICAL STRINGS. 135 then vibrate twice as fast as the whole, but in opposite directious ; the ventral or bulging segments will be alter- nately above and below the natural position of the string, and the resulting note will be the octave above C. When a point at a third of the length of the string is kept at rest, the vibrations will be three times as fast as those of the whole string, and will give the twelfth above C. When the point of rest is one fourth of the whole, the oscillations will be four times as fast as those of the fun- damental note, and will give the double octave ; and so on. These acute sounds are called the harmonics of the fundamental note. It is clear from what has been stated, that the string thus vibrating could not give these harmonics spontaneously unless it divided itself at its aliquot parts into two, three, four, or more segments in opposite states of vibration separated by points actually at rest. In proof of this, pieces of paper placed on the string at the half, third, fouith, or other aliquot points according to the corresponding harmonic sound, will re- main on it during its vibration, but will instantly fly off from any of the intermediate points. The po.ints of rest called the nodal points of the string, are a mere consequence of the law of interferences. For if a rope fastened at one end be moved to and fro at the other extremity so as to transmit a succession of equal waves along it, they will be successively reflected when they arrive at the other end of the rope by the fixed point, and in returning they will occasionally interfere with the advancing waves ; and as these opposite undulations will at certain points destroy one another, the point of the rope in which this happens will remain at rest. Thus a series of nodes and ventral segments will be produced, whose number will depend upon the tension and the frequency of the alternate motions communi- cated to the movable end. So when a string fixed at both ends is put in motion by a sudden blow at any^oint of it, the primitive impulse divides itself into two pulses running opposite ways, which are each totally reflected at the extremities, and running back again along the whole length are again reflected at the other ends. And thus they will continue to run backward and forward, crossing one another at each traverse, and occasionally 136 HARMONIC SOUNDS. SECT. XVII. interfering, so as to produce nodes ; so that the motion of a string fastened at both ends consists of a wave or pulse, continually doubled back on itself by reflection at the fixed extremities. Harmonics generally coexist with the fundamental sound in the same vibrating body. If one of the lowest strings of the piano-forte be struck, an attentive ear will not only hear the fundamental note, but will detect all the others sounding along with it, though "with less and less intensity as their pitch becomes higher. Ac- cording to the law of coexisting undulations, the whole string and each of its aliquot parts are in different and independent states of vibration at the same time ; and as all the resulting notes are heard simultaneously, not only the air but the ear also vibrates in unison with each at the same instant (N. 176). Harmony consists in an agreeable combination of sounds. When two chords perform their vibrations in the same time, ttjey are in unison. But when their vibrations are so related as to have a common period after a few oscillations they produce concord. Thus when the vibrations of two strings bear a very simple relation to each other, as where one of them makes two, three, four, &c. vibrations in the time the other makes one ; or if it accomplishes three, four, &c. vibra- tions while the other makes two, the result is a concord which is the more perfect the shorter the common period. In discords, on the contrary, the beats are distinctly audible, which produces a disagreeable and harsh effect, because the vibrations do not bear a simple relation to one another, as where one of two strings makes eight vibrations while the other accomplishes fifteen. The pleasure afforded by harmony is attributed by Dr. Young to the love of order, and to a predilection for a regular repetition of sensations natural to the human mind, which is gratified by the perfect regularity and rapid recurrence of the vibrations. The love of poetry and dancing he conceives to aris,e in some degree from the rhythm of the one and the regularity of the motions in the other. A blast of air passing over the open end of a tube, as over the reeds in Pan's pipes ; over a hole in one side, SECT. XVII. VIBRATION OF A COLUMN OF AIR. 137 as in the flute ; or through the aperture called a reed with a flexible tongue, as in the clarinet, puts the inter- nal column of air into longitudinal vibrations by the alternate condensations and rarefactions of its particles. At the same time the column spontaneously divides itself into nodes between which the air also vibrates longitudinally, but with a rapidity inversely proportional to the length of the divisions, giving the fundamental note or one of its harmonics. The nodes are produced on the principle of interferences by the reflection of the longitudinal undulations of the air at the ends of the pipe, as in the musical string, only that in one case the undulations are longitudinal, and in the other transverse. A pipe either open or shut at both ends when sounded vibrates entire, or divides itself spontaneously into two, three, four, &c. segments separated by nodes. The whole column gives the fundamental note by waves or vibrations of the same length with the pipe. The first harmonic is produced by waves half as lon as the tube, the second harmonic by waves a third as long, and so on. Th^ harmonic segments in an open and shut pipe are the same in number, but differently placed. In a shut pipe the two ends are nodes, but in an open pipe there is half a segment at each extremity, because the air at these points is neither rarefied nor condensed, being in contact with that which is external. If one of the ends of the open pipe be closed, its funda- mental note will be an octave lower, the air will now divide itself into three, five, seven, &c. segments ; and the wave producing its fundamental note will be twice as long as the pipe, so that it will be doubled back (X. 177). All these notes may be produced separately, by varying the intensity of the blast. Blowing steadily and gently, the fundamental note will sound ; when the force of the blast is increased, the note will all at once start up an octave ; when the intensity of the wind is augmented, the twelfth will be heard, and by continuing to increase the force of the blast the other harmonics may be obtained, but no force of wind will produce a note intermediate between these. The harmonics of a flute may be obtained in this manner, from the lowest C or D upward, without altering the fingering, merely M 2 138 VIBRATION OF SPRINGS AND RODS. SECT. XVII. by increasing the intensity of the blast, and altering the form of the lips. Pipes of the same dimensions, whether of lead, glass, or wood, give the same tone as to pitch under the same circumstances, which shows that the air alone produces the sound. Metal springs fastened at one end, when forcibly bent, endeavor to return to rest by a series of vibrations, which give very pleasing tones, as in musical boxes. Various musical instruments have recently been con- structed, consisting of metallic springs thrown into vibra- tion by a current of air. Among the most perfect of these are Mr. Wheatstone's Symphonion, Concertina, and JE>o- lian Organ, instruments of different effects and capabilities, but all possessing considerable execution and expression. The Syren is an ingenious instrument, devised by M. Cagniard de la Tour, for ascertaining the number of pulsations in a second corresponding to each pitch : the notes are produced by jets of air passing through small apertures arranged at regular distances in a circle on the side of a box, before which a disc Devolves pierced with the same number of holes. During a revolution of the disc the currents are alternately intercepted and allowed to pass as many times as there are apertures ir it, and a sound is produced whose pitch depends on the velocity of rotation. A glass or metallic rod, when struck at one end, or rubbed in the direction of its length with a wet finger, vibrates longitudinally like a column of air, by the alter- nate condensation and expansion of its constituent par- ticles, producing a clear and beautiful musical note of a high pitch, on account of the rapidity with which these substances transmit sound. Rods, surfaces, and, in genera], all, undulating bodies, resolve themselves into nodes. But in surfaces, the parts which remain at rest during their vibrations are lines, which are curved or plane according to the substance, its form, and the mode of vibration. If a little fine dry sand be strewed over the surface of a plate of glass or metal, and if undula- tions be excited by drawing the bow of a violin across its edge, it will emit a musical sound, and the sand will immediately arrange itself in the nodal lines, where alone it will accumulate and remain at rest, because the Seer. XVII. VIBRATION OF PLATES. 139 segments of the surface on each side will be in different states of vibration, the one being elevated while the other is depressed ; and as these two motions meet in the nodal lines, they neutralize one another. These lines vary in form and position with the part where the bow is drawn across, and the point by which the plate is held. The motion of the sand shows in what direc- tion the vibrations take place. If they be perpendicular to the surface, the sand will be violently tossed up and down, till it finds the points of rest. If they be tan- gential, the sand will only creep along the surface to the nodal lines. Sometimes the undulations are oblique, or compounded of both the preceding. If a bow be drawn across one of the angles of a square plate of glass or metal held firmly by the center, the sand will ar- range itself in two straight lines parallel to the sides of the plate, and crossing in the center so as to divide it into four equal squares, whose motions will be contrary to each other. Two of the diagonal squares will make their excursions on one side of the plate, while the other two make their vibrations on the other side of it. This mode of vibration produces the lowest tone of the plate (N. 178). If the plate be still held by the center, and the bow applied to the middle of one of the sides, the vibrations will be more rapid, and the tone will be a fifth higher than in the preceding case ; now the sand will arrange itself from corner to corner, and will divide the plate into four equal triangles, each pair of which will make their excursions on opposite sides of the plate. The nodal lines and pitch vary not only with the point where the bow is applied, but with the point by which the plate is held, which being at rest, neces- sarily determines the direction of one of the quiescent lines. The forms assumed by the sand in square plates are very numerous, corresponding to all the va- rious modes of vibration. The lines in circular plates are even more remarkable for their symmetry, and upon them the forms assumed by the sand may be classed in three systems. The first is the diametrical system, in which the figures consist of diameters divid- ing the circumference of the plate into equal parts, ench of which is in a different state of vibration from 140 VIBRATION OF PLATES. SECT. XVII. those adjacent. Two diameters, for example, crossing at right angles, divide the circumference into four equal parts ; three diameters divide it into six equal parts ; four divide it into eight, and so on. In a metallic plate, these divisions may amount to thirty-six or forty. The next is the concentric system, where the sand arranges itself in circles, having the same center with the plate ; and the third is the compound system, where the figures assumed by the sand are compounded of the other two, producing veiy complicated and beautiful forms. Ga- lileo seems to have been the first to notice the points of rest and motion in the sounding-board of a musical instrument ; but to Chladni is due the whole discovery of the symmetrical forms of the nodal lines in vibrating plates (N. 179). Professor Wheatstone has shown in a paper read before the Royal Society, in 1833, that all Chladni' s figures, and indeed all the nodal figures of vibrating surfaces, result from very simple modes of vibration, oscillating isochronously, and superposed upon each other ; the resulting figure varying with the com- ponent modes of vibration, the number of the super- positions, and the angles at which they are superposed. For example, if a square plate be vibrating so as to make the sand arrange itself in straight lines parallel to one side of the plate, and if, in addition to this, such vibra- tions be excited as would have caused the sand to form in lines perpendicular to the first had the plate been at rest, the combined vibrations will make the sand form in lines from corner to corner (N. 180). M. Savait's experiments on the vibrations of flat glass rulers are highly interesting. Let a lamina of glass 27 in -56 long, 0-59 of an inch broad, 0-06 of an inch in thickness, be held by the edges in the middle, with its flat surface horizontal. If this surface be strewed with sand, and set in longitudinal vibration by rubbing its under surface with a wet cloth, the sand on the upper surface will arrange itself in lines parallel to the ends of the lamina, always in one or other of two systems (N. 181). Although the same one of the two systems will always be produced by the same plate of glass, yet among different plates of the preceding dimensions, even though cut from the same sheet side by side* one will SJCCT. XVII. VIBRATION OP LAMINJE. 14J invariably exhibit one system, and the other the other, without any visible reason for the difference. Now if the positions of these quiescent lines be marked on the upper surface, and if the plate be turned so that the lower surface becomes the upper one, the sand being strewed, and vibrations excited 33 before, the nodal lines will still be parallel to the ends of the lamina, but their positions will be intermediate between those of the upper surface (N. 182). Thus it appears that all the motions of one half of the thickness of the lamina, or ruler, are exactly contrary to those of the corresponding points of the other half. If the thickness of the lamina be increased, the other dimensions remaining the same, the sound will not vary, but the number of nodal lines will be less. When the breadth of the lamina exceeds the 0-6 of an inch, the nodal lines-become curved and are different on the two surfaces. A great variety of forms are produced by increasing the breadth and changing the form of the surface ; but in all, it appears that the motions in one half of the thickness are opposed to those in the other half. M. Savart also found, by placing small paper rings round a cylindrical tube or rod, so as to rest upon it at one point only, that when the tube or rod is continually turned on its axis in the same direction, the rings slide along during the vibrations, till they come to a quiescent point, where they rest. By tracing these nodal lines he discovered that they twist in a spiral or corkscrew round rods and cylinders, making one or more turns according to the length ; but at certain points, varying in number according to the mode of vibration of the rod, the screw stops, and recommences on the other side, though it is turned in a contraiy direction ; that is, on one side it is a right-handed screw, on the other a left (N. 183). The nodal lines in the interior surface of the tubes are per- fectly similar to those in the exterior, but they occupy intermediate positions. If a small ivory ball be put within the tube, it will follow these nodal lines when the tube is made to revolve on its axis. AH solids which ring when struck, such as bells, drinking glasses, gongs, &c., have their shape momen- tarily and forcibly changed by the blow, and from their 142 SYMPATHETIC VIBRATION. SECT. XVII elasticity, or tendency to resume their natural form, a series of undulations takes place, owing to the alternate condensations and rarefactions _of the particles of solid matter. These have also their harmonic tones, and consequently nodes. Indeed generally, when a rigid system of any form whatever vibrates either transverse- ly or longitudinally, it divides itself into a certain number of parts, which perform their vibrations without disturb- ing one another. These parts are at eveiy instant in alternate states of undulation ; and as the points or lines where they join partake of both they remain at rest, because the opposing motions destroy one another. The air, notwithstanding its rarity, is capable of trans- mitting its undulations when in contact with a body sus- ceptible of admitting and exciting them. It is thus that sympathetic undulations are excited by a body vibrating near insulated tended strings, capable of following its undulations, either by vibrating entire, or by separating themselves into their harmonic divisions. If two chords equally stretched, of which one is twice or three times longer than the other, be placed side by side, and if the shorter be sounded, its vibrations will be communicated by the air to the other, which will be thrown into such a state of vibration that it will be spontaneously divided into segments equal in length to the shorter string. When a tuning-fork receives a blow and is made to rest upon a piano-forte during its vibration, every string which, either by its natural length or by its spontaneous subdivisions, is capable of executing corresponding vibra- tions, responds in a sympathetic note. Some one or other of the notes of an organ are generally in unison with one of the panes or with the whole sash of a win- dow, which consequently resounds when these notes are sounded. A peal of thunder has frequently the same effect. The sound of very large organ-pipes is generally inaudible till the air be set in motion by the undulations of some of the superior accords, and then its sound becomes extremely energetic. Recurring vi- brations occasionally influence each other's periods. For example, two adjacent organ-pipes nearly in unison, may force themselves into concord ; and two clocks whose rates differed considerably when separate, have been S*cr. XVII. VIBRATION OF PAPER AND VELLUM. 143 known to beat together when fixed to the same wall, and one clock has forced the pendulum of another into motion, when merely standing on the same stone pave- ment. These forced, oscillations, which correspond in their periods with those of the exciting cause, are to be traced in every department of physical science. Several instances of them have already occurred in this work. Such are the tides, which follow the sun and moon in all their motions and,periods. The nutation of the earth's axis also, which corresponds with the period, and repre- sents the motion of the nodes of the moon, is again reflected back to the moon, and may be traced in the nutation of the 1 lunar orbit. And lastly, the acceleration of the moon's mean motion represents the action of the planets on the earth reflected by the sun to the moon. In consequence of the facility with which the air communicates undulations, all the phenomena of vibrat- ing plates may be exhibited by sand strewed on paper or parchment, stretched over a harmonica glass or large bell-shaped tumbler. In order to give due tension to the paper or vellum, it must be wetted, stretched over the glass, gummed round the edges, allowed to dry, and varnished over to prevent changes in its tension from the humidity of the atmosphere. If a circular disc of glass be held concentrically over this apparatus, with its plane parallel to the surface of the paper, and set in vibration by drawing a bow across its edge, so as to make sand on its surface take any of Chladni's figures, the sand on the paper will assume the very same form, in consequence of the vibrations of the disc being communicated to the paper by the air. When the disc is removed slowly in a horizontal direction, the forms on the paper will cor- respond with those on the disc, till the distance is too great for the air to convey the vibrations. If the disc while vibrating be gradually more and more inclined to the horizon, the figures on the paper will vary by de- grees; and when the vibrating disc is perpendicular to the horizon, the sand on the paper will form into straight lines parallel to the surface oT the disc, by creeping along it instead of dancing up and down. If the disc be made to turn round its vertical diameter while vibrating, the nodal lines on the paper will revolve, and exactly follow the 144 NODAL LINES IN AtR. SECT. XVII. motion of the disc. It appears from this experiment, that the motions of the aerial molecules in every part of a spherical wave, propagated from a vibrating body as a center, are parallel to each other, and not divergent like the radii of a circle. When a slow air is played on a flute near this apparatus, each note calls up a particular form in the sand, which the next note effaces to estab- lish its own. The motion of the sand will even detect Bounds that are inaudible. By the vibrations of sand on a drum-head the besieged have discovered the direction in which a counter-mine was working. M. Savart, who made these beautiful experiments, employed this appa- ratus to discover nodal lines in masses of air. He found that the air of a room, when thrown into undulations by the continued sound of an organ-pipe, or by any other means, divides itself into masses separated by nodal curves of double curvature, such as spirals, on each side of which the air is in opposite states of vibration. He even traced these quiescent lines going out at an open window, and for a considerable distance in the open air. The sand is violently agitated where the undulations of the air are greatest, and remains at rest in the nodal lines. M. Savart observed, that when he moved his head away from a quiescent line toward the right the sound appeared to come from the right, and when he moved it toward the left the sound seemed to come from the left, because the molecules of air are in different states of motion on each side of the quiescent line. A musical string gives a very feeble sound when vi- brating alone, on account of the small quantity of air set in motion. But when attached to a sounding-board, as in the harp and piano-forte, it communicates its undula- tions to that surface, and from thence to every part of the instrument ; so that the whole system vibrates iso- chronously, and by exposing an extensive undulating sur- face, which transmits its undulations to a great mass of air, the sound is much reinforced. The intensity is greatest when the vibrations of the string or sounding body are perpendicular to the sounding-board, and least when they are in the same plane with it. The sound- ing-board of the piano-forte is better disposed than that of any other stringed instrument, because the hammers SECT. XVII. RESONANCE. 145 strike the strings so as to make them vibrate at right angles to it. In the guitar, on the contrary, they are struck obliquely, which renders the tone feeble, unless when the sides, which also act as a sounding-board, are deep. It is evident that the sounding-board and the whole instrument are agitated at once by all the super- posed vibrations excited by the simultaneous or consecu- tive notes that are sounded, each having its perfect effect independently of the rest.. A sounding-board not only reciprocates the different degrees of pitch, but all the nameless qualities of tone. This has been beautifully illustrated by Professor Wheatstone in a series of exper- iments on the transmission through solid conductors of musical performances, from the harp, piano, violin, clar- inet, &c. He found that all the varieties of pitch, qual- ity, and intensity, are perfectly transmitted with their relative gradations, and may be communicated through conducting wires or rods of very considerable length, to a properly disposed sounding-board in a distant apart- ment. The sounds of an entire orchestra may be trans- mitted and reciprocated by connecting one end of a metallic rod with a sounding-board near tbe orchestra, so placed as to resound to all the instruments, and the other end with the sounding-board of a harp, piano, or guitar, in a remote apartment. Professor Wheatstone observes, "The effect of this experiment is very pleas- ing; the sounds, indeed, have so little intensity as scarcely to be heard at a distance from the reciprocating instru- ment ; but on placing the ear close to it, a diminutive band is heard, in which all the instruments preserve their distinctive qualities, and the pianos and fortes, the crescendos and diminuendos, their relative contrasts. Compared with an ordinary band heard at a distance through the air, the effect is as a landscape seen in min- iature beauty through a concave lens, compared with the same scene viewed by ordinary vision through a murky atmosphere." Every one is aware of the reinforcement of sound by the resonance of cavities. When singing or speaking near the aperture of a wide-mouthed vessel, the inten- sity of some one note in unison with the air in the cav- ity, is often augmented to a great degree. A.ny vessel 10 N 146 RESONANCE. SECT. XVII. will resound if a body vibrating the natural note of the cavity be placed opposite to its orifice, and be large enough to cover it ; or at least to set a large portion of the adjacent air in motion. For the sound will be alter- nately reflected by the bottom of the cavity and the un- dulating body at its mouth. The first impulse of the undulating substance will be reflected by the bottom of the cavity, and then by the undulating body, in time to combine with the second new impulse. This reinforced sound will also be twice reflected in time to conspire with the third new impulse ; and as the same process will be repeated on every new impulse, each will com- bine with all its echoes to reinforce the sound pro- digiously. Professor Wheatstone, to whose ingenuity we are indebted for so much new and valuable informa- tion on the theory of sound, has given some veiy striking instances of resonance. If one of the branches of a vi- brating tuning-fork be brought near the embouchure of a, flute, the lateral apertures of which are stopped so as to render it capable of producing the same sound as the fork, the feeble and scarcely audible sound of the fork will be augmented by the rich resonance of the column of air within the flute, and the tone will be full and clear. The sound will be found greatly to decrease by closing or opening another aperture ; for the alteration in the length of the column of air renders it no longer fit per- fectly to reciprocate the sound of the fork. This exper- iment may be made on a concert flute with a C tuning- fork. But Professor Wheatstone observes, that in this case it is generally necessary to finger the flute for B, because when blown into with the mouth the under-lip partly covers the embouchure, which renders the sound about a semitone flatter than it would be were the em- bouchure entirely uncovered. He has also shown, by the following experiment, that any one among several simultaneous sounds may be rendered separately audible. If two bottles be selected, and tuned by filling them with such a quantity of water as will render them unisonant with two tuning-forks which differ in pitch, on bringing both of the vibrating tuning-forks to the mouth of each bottle alternately, in each case that sound only will be heard which is reciprocated by 'the unisonant bottle. SICT. XVIII. A SPEAKING MACHINE. 147 Several attempts have been made to imitate the artic- ulation of the letters of the alphabet. About the year 1779, MM. Kratzenstein of St. Petersburgh, and Kem- pelen of Vienna, constructed instruments which articu- lated many letters, words, and even sentences. Mr. Willis of Cambridge has recently adapted cylindrical tubes to a reed, whose length can be varied at pleasure by sliding joints. Upon drawing out a tube while a col- umn of air from the bellows of ah organ is passing through it, the vowels are pronounced in the order, 2, 6, a, o, u. On extending the tube they are repeated after a certain interval, in the inverted order, u, o y a, c, i. Af- ter another interval they are flgain obtained in the direct order, and so on. When the pitch of the reed is very high, it is impossible to sound some of the vowels, which is in perfect correspondence with the human voice, fe- male singers being unable to pronounce u and o in their high notes. From the singular discoveries of M. Savart on the nature of the human voice, and the investiga- tions of Mr. Willis on the mechanism of the larynx, it may be presumed that ultimately the utterance- or pronunciation of mod ern*langu ages will be conveyed, not only to the eye but also to the ear of posterity. Had the ancients possessed the means of transmitting such definite sounds, the civilized world would ^till have responded in sympathetic notes at the distance of many ages. SECTION XVIII. Refraction Astronomical Refraction and its Laws Formation of Tables of Refraction Terrestrial Refraction Its Quantity Instances of Extraor- dinary Refraction Reflection Instances of Extraordinary Reflection Loss of Light by the Absorbing Power of the Atmosphere Apparent Magnitude of Sun and Moon in the Horizon. NOT only everything we hear but all we see is through the medium of the atmosphere. Without some knowl- edge of its action upon light, it would be impossible to ascertain the position of the heavenly bodies, or even to determine the exact place of very distant objects upon the surface of the earth ; for in consequence of the re- 148 ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. SECT. XVIII. Tractive power of the air, no distant object is seen in its true position. All the celestial bodies appear to be more elevated than they really are ; because the rays of light, instead of moving through the atmosphere in straight lines, are continually inflected toward the earth. Light passing obliquely out of a rare into a denser medium, as from vacuum into air, or from air into water, is bent or re- fracted from its course toward a perpendicular to that point of the denser surface where the light enters it (N. 184). In the same medium, the sine of the angle contained between the incident ray and the perpendic- ular is in a constant ratio to the sine of the angle con- tained by the refracted ray and the same perpendicu- lar ; but this ratio varies with the refracting medium. The denser the medium the more the ray is bent. The barometer shows that the density of the atmos- phere decreases as the height above the earth increases. Direct experiments prove that the refractive power of the air increases with its density. It follows therefore that if the temperature be uniform, the refractive power of the air is greatest at the earth's surface and dimin- ishes upward. A ray of light from a celestial object falling obliquely on this variable atmosphere, instead of being refracted at once from its course, is gradually more and more bent during its passage through it so as to move in a vertical curved line, in the same manner as if the atmosphere consisted of an infinite number of strata of different den- sities. The object is seen in the direction of a tangent to that part of the curve which meets the eye, conse- quently the apparent altitude (N. 185) of the heavenly bodies is always greater than their true altitude. Owing to this circumstance, the stars are seen above the hori- zon after they are set, and the day is lengthened from a part of the sun being visible, though he really is behind the rotundity of the earth. It would be easy to de- termine the direction of a ray of light through the at- mosphere if the law of the density were known ; but as this law is perpetually varying with the temperature, the case is very complicated. When rays pass perpen- dicularly from one medium into another, they are not SECT. XVIII. ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. 149 bent ; and experience shows, that in the same surface, though the sines of the angles of incidence and refrac- tion retain the same ratio, the refraction increases with the obliquity of incidence (N. 184). Hence it appears that the refraction is greatest at the horizon, and at the zenith there is none. But it is proved that at all heights above ten degrees, refraction varies nearly as the tangent of the angular distance of the object from the zenith, and wholly depends upon the heights of the barometer and thermometer. For the quantity of refraction at the same distance from the zenith varies nearly as the height of the barometer, the temperature being constant; and the effect of the variation of temperature is to diminish the quantity of refraction by about its 480th part for every degree in the rise of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Not much reliance can be placed on celestial observa- tions, within less than ten or twelve degrees of the horizon, on account of irregular variations in the density of the air near the surface of the earth, which are sometimes the cause of very singular phenomena. The humidity of the ah' produces no sensible effect on its refractive power. Bodies, whether luminous or not, are only visible by the rays which proceed from them. As the rays must pass through strata of different densities in coming to us, it follows that with the exception of stars in the zenith, no object either in or beyond our atmosphere is seen in its true place. But the deviation is so smalHp ordinary cases that it causes no inconvenience, though in astro- nomical and trigonometrical observations diie allowance must be made for the effects of refraction. Dr. Brad- ley's tables of refraction were formed by observing the zenith distances of the sun at his greatest declinations, and the zenith distances of the pole-star above and below the pole. The sum of these four quantities is equal to 180, diminished by the sum of the four refractions, whence the sum of the four, refractions was obtained ; and from the law of the variation of refraction determined by theory, he assigned the quantity due to each altitude (N. 186). The mean horizontal refraction is about 35' 6", and at the height of forty-five degrees it is 58"-36. The effect of refraction upon the same star above and 150 TERRESTRIAL REFRACTION. SECT. XVIII. below the pole was noticed by Alhazen, a Saracen astronomer of Spain, in' the ninth century, but its exis- tence, was known to Ptolemy in the second, though he was ignorant of its quantity. The refraction of a terrestrial object is estimated dif- ferently from that of a celestial body. It is measured by the angle contained between the tangent to the curvilineal path of the ray where it meets the eye, and the straight line joining the eye and the object (N. 187). Near the earth's surface the path of the ray may be supposed to be circular ; and the angle at the center of the earth corresponding to this path is called the hori- zontal angle. The quantity of terrestrial refraction is obtained by measuring contemporaneously the elevation of the top of a mountain above a point in the plain at its base, and the depression of that point below the top of the mountain. The distance between these two sta- tions is the chord of the horizontal angle ; and it is easy to prove that double the refraction is equal to the horizontal angle, increased by the difference between the apparent elevation and 4he apparent depression. Whence it appears that in the mean state of the atmos- phere, the refraction is about the fourteenth part of the horizontal angle. Some very singular appearances occur from the acci- dental expansion or condensation of the strata of the atmosphere contiguous to the surface of the earth, by which distant objects, instead of being elevated, are de- pressed. Sometimes being at once both elevated and depressed they appear double, one of the images being direct, and the other inverted.. In consequence of the upper edges of the sun and moon being less refracted than the lower, they often appear to be oval when near the horizon. The looming also or elevation of coasts, mountains, and ships, when viewed across the sea, arises from unusual refraction. A friend of the au- thor, while standing on the plains of Hindostan, saw the whole upper chain of the Himalaya mountains start into view, from a sudden change in the density of the air, occasioned by a heavy shower after a very long course of dry and hot weather. Single and double im- ages of objects at sea, arising from sudden changes of Scr. XVm. PHENOMENA FROM REFLECTION. 151 temperature which are not so soon communicated to the water on account of its density as to the air, occur more rarely and are of shorter duration than similar appear- ances on land. In 1818, Captain Scoresby, whose ob- servations on the phenomena of the polar seas are so valuable, recognized his father's ship by its inverted image in -the air, although the vessel itself was below the horizon. He afterward found that she was seven- teen miles beyond the horizon, and thirty miles distant. Two images are sometimes seen suspended in the air over a ship, one direct and the other inverted, with their topmasts or their hulls meeting, according as the in- verted image is above or below the direct image (N. 188^. Dr. Wollaston has proved that these appearances are owing to the refraction of the rays through media of different densities, by the veiy simple experiment of looking along a red-hot poker at a distant object. Two images are seen, one direct and another inverted, in consequence of the change induced by the heat in the density of the adjacent air. He produced the same effect by a saline or saccharine solution with water and spirit of wine floating upon it (N. 189). Many of the phenomena that have been ascribed to extraordinary refraction seem to be occasioned J>y a partial or total reflection of the rays of light at the sur- faces of strata of different densities (N. 184). It is well known that when light falls obliquely uponjhe external surface of a transparent medium, as on a plate i glass or stratum of air, one portion is reflected and the other transmitted. But when light falls very obliquely upon the internal surface, the whole is reflected and not a ray is transmitted. In all cases the an^es made by the incident and reflected rays with a perpendicular to the surface being equal, as the brightness of the re- flected image depends on the quantity of light, those arising from total reflection must be by far the most vivid. The delusive appearance of water, so well known to African travelers and to the Arab of the des- ert as the Lake of the Gazelles, is ascribed to the re- flection which takes place between strata of air of dif- ferent densities, owing to radiation of heat from the arid sandy plains. The 'mirage described by Captain 152 EXTRAORDINARY REFLECTION. SECT. XVIII. Mundy in his Journal of a Tour in India probably arises from this cause. A deep precipitous valley be- low us, at the bottom of which I had seen one or two miserable villages in the morning, bore in the evening a complete resemblance to a beautiful lake ; the vapor which played the part of water ascending nearly half way up the sides of the vale, and on its bright surface trees and rocks being distinctly reflected. I had not been long contemplating this phenomenon, before a sudden storm came on and dropped a curtain of clouds over the scene." An occurrence which happened on the 18th of No- vember, 1804, was probably produced by reflection. Dr. Buchan, while watching the rising sun from the cliff about a mile to the east of Brighton, at the instant the solar disc emerged from the surface of the ocean, saw the cliff on which he was standing, a windmill, his own figure and that of a friend, depicted immediately opposite to him on the sea. This appearance lasted about ten minutes, till the sun had risen nearly his own diameter above the surface of the waves. The whole then seemed to be elevated into the air and successively vanished. The rays of the sun fell upon the cliff at an incidence of 73 from the perpendicular, and the sea was covered with a dense fog many yards in height which gradually receded before the rising sun. When extraordinary refraction takes place laterally, the strata of variable density are perpendicular to the horizon, and if combined with vertical refraction, the objects are magnified as when seen through a telescope. From this cause,, on 'the 2(>'th of July, 1798, the cliffs of France, fifty' "miles oi'f, were seen as distinctly from Hastings as if they had been close at hand ; and even Dieppe was said to have been visible in the afternoon. The stratum of air in the horizon is so much thicker and more dense than the stratum in the vertical, that the sun's light is diminished 1300 times in passing through it, which enables us to look at him when setting without being dazzled. The loss of light and conse- quently of heat by the absorbing power of the atmos- phere, increases with the obliquity of incidence. Of ten thousand rays falling on its surface, 8123 arrive at a SECT. XIX. ATMOSPHERIC ABSORPTION. 153 given point of the earth if they fall perpendicularly ; 7024 arrive, if the angle of direction be fifty degrees ; 2831, if it be seven degrees ; and only five rays will arrive through a horizontal stratum. Since so great a quantity of light is lost in passing through the atmos- phere, many celestial objects may be altogether invisible from the plain, which may be seen from elevated situ- ations. Diminished splendor, and the false estimate we make of distance from the number of intervening objects, lead us to suppose the sun and moon to be much larger when in the horizon than at any other al- titude, though their apparent diameters are then some- what less. Instead of the sudden transitions of light and darkness, the reflective power of the air adorns na- ture with the rosy and golden hues of the Aurora and twilight. Even when the sun is eighteen degrees be- low the horizon, a sufficient portion of light remains to show, that at the height of thirty miles it is still dense enough to reflect light. The atmosphere scatters the sun's rays, and gives all the beautiful tints and cheerful- ness of day. It transmits the blue light in greatest abundance ; the higher we ascend, the sky assumes a deeper hue ; but in the expanse of space, the sun and stars must appear like brilliant specks in profound blackness. SECTION XIX. Constitution of Light according to Sir Isaac Ne^ Colors of Bodies Constitution of Light accord ster New Colors in the Solar Spectrum Frau Dispersion of Light The Achromatic Telescope Accidental and Complementary Colors M. Plateau's Theory of Accidental Colors. IT is impossible thus to trace the path of a sunbeam through our atmosphere without feeling a desire to know its nature, by what power it traverses the immen- sity of space, and the various modifications it undergoes at the surfaces and in the interior of terrestrial sub- stances. Sir Isaac Newton proved the compound nature of white light as emitted from the sun, by passing a sun- beam through a glass prism (N. 190), which separating 154 CONSTITUTION OF LIGHT. SECT. XIX. the rays by refraction, formed a spectrum or oblong image of the sun, consisting of seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet ; of which the red is the least refrangible and the violet the most. But when he reunited these seven rays by means of a lens, the compound beam became pure white as before. He insulated each colored ray ; and finding that it was no longer capable of decomposition by refraction, concluded that white light consists of seven kinds of homogeneous light, and that to the same color the same refrangibility ever belongs, and to the same refrangibility the same color. Since the discoveiy of absorbent media, how- ever, it appears that this is not the constitution of the solar spectrum. We know of no substance that is either perfectly opaque or perfectly transparent. Even gold may be beaten so thin as to be pervious to light. On the con- trary, the clearest crystal, the purest air or water, stops or absorbs its rays when transmitted, and gradually ex- tinguishes them as they penetrate to greater depths. On this account objects cannot be seen at the bottom of very deep water, and many more stars are visible to the naked eye from the tops of mountains than from the valleys. The quantity of light that is incident on any transparent substance is always greater than the sum of the reflected and refracted rays. A small quantity is irregularhy-efleeted in all directions by the imperfec- tions of the polish by which we are enabled to see the surface ; but a much greater portion is absorbed by the body. Bodies that reflect all the rays appear white, those that absorb them all seem black ; but most sub- stances, after decomposing the white light which falls upon them, reflect some colors and absorb the rest. A violet reflects the violet rays alone, and absorbs the others. Scarlet cloth absorbs almost all the colors ex- cept red. Yellow cloth reflects the yellow rays most abundantly, and blue cloth those that are blue. Con- sequently color is not a property of matter, but arises from the action of matter upon light. Thus a white riband reflects all the rays, but when dyed red the par- ticles of the silk acquire the property of reflecting the red rays most abundantly and of absorbing the others. S*CT. XIX. ABSORPTION OF LIGHT. 155 Upon this property of unequal absorption, the colors of transparent media depend. For they also receive their color from their power of stopping or absorbing some of the colors of white light and transmitting others. As for example, black and red inks, though equally homo- geneous, absorb different kinds of rays ; and when ex- posed to the sun, they become heated in different de- grees ; while pure water seems to transmit all rays equally, and is not sensibly heated by the passing light of the sun. The rich dark light transmitted by a smalt- blue finger-glass is not a homogeneous color like the blue or indigo of the spectrum, but is a mixture of all the colors of white light which the glass has not ab- sorbed. The colors absorbed are such as mixed with the blue tint would form white light. When the spec- trum of seven colors is viewed through a thin plate of this glass they are all visible ; and when the plate is very thick, every color is absorbed between the extreme red and the extreme violet, the interval being perfectly black : but if the spectrum be viewed through a certain thickness of the glass intermediate between the two, it will be found that the middle of the red space, the whole of the orange, a great part of the green, a considerable part of the blue, a little of the indigo, and a very little of the violet, vanish, being absorbed by the blue glass : and that the yellow rays -occupy a larger space, cover- ing part of that formerly occupied by the orange on one side, and by the green on the other. So that the blue glass absorbs the red light, which when mixed with the yellow constitutes orange ; and also absorbs the blue light, which when mixed with the yellow forms the part of the green space next to the yellow. Hence by absorption, green light is decomposed into yellow and blue, and orange light into yellow and red. Conse- quently the orange and green rays, though incapable of decomposition by refraction, can be resolved by absorp- tion, and actually consist of two different colors possess- ing the same' degree of refrangibility. Difference of color, therefore, is not a test of difference of refrangi- bility, and the conclusion deduced by Newton is no longer admissible as a general truth. By this analysis of the spectrum, not only with blue glass, but with a 156 THE SOLAR SPECTRUM. SECT. XIX. variety of colored media, Sir David Brewster, so justly celebrated for his optical discoveries, has proved that the solar spectrum consists of three primary colors, red, yellow, and blue, each of which exists throughout its whole extent, but with different degrees of intensity in different parts ; and that the superposition of these three produces all the seven hues according as each primary color is an excess or defect. Since a certain portion of red, yellow, and blue rays constitute white light, the color of any point of the spectrum may be considered as consisting of the predominating color at that point mixed with white light. Consequently, by absorbing the excess of any color at any point of the spectrum above what is necessary to form white light, such white light will appear at that point as never mortal eye looked upon before this experiment, since it possesses the remarkable property of remaining the same after any number of refractions, and of being capable of de- composition by absorption alone. In addition to the seven colors of the Newtonian spec- trum, Sir John Herschel has discovered a set of very dark red rays beyond the red extremity of the spec- trum, which can only be seen when the eye is defended from the glare of the other colors by a dark blue cobalt glass. He has also found that beyond the extreme violet there are visible rays of a lavender gray color, which may be seen by throwing the spectrum on a sheet of paper moistened by the carbonate of soda. The illuminating power of the different rays of the spec- trum varies with the color. The most intense light is in the mean yellow ray. When the prism is very perfect and the sunbeam small, so that the spectrum may be received on a sheet of white paper in its utmost state of purity, it presents the appearance of a riband shaded with all the prismatic colors, having its breadth irregularly striped or subdi- vided by an indefinite number of dark, and sometimes black, lines. The greater number of these rayless lines are so extremely narrow that it is impossible to see them in ordinary circumstances. The best method is to receive the spectrum on the object glass of a tele- scope, so as to magnify them sufficiently to render them SECT. XIX. FRAUNHOFER'S LINES. 157 visible. This experiment may also be made, but in an imperfect manner, by viewing a narrow slit between two nearly closed window-shutters through a very excellent glass prism held close to the eye, with its refracting angle parallel to the line of light. The rayless lines in the red portion of the spectrum become most visible as the sun approaches the horizon, while those in the blu extremity are most obvious in the middle of the day. AVhen the spectrum is formed by the sun's rays, either direct or indirect as from the sky, clouds, rainbow, moon, or planets the black bands are always found to be in the same parts of the spectrum, and under all circum- stances to maintain the same relative positions, breadths, and intensities. Similar dark lines are also seen in the light of the stars, in the electric light, and, in the flame of combustible substances, though differently arranged, each star and each flame having a system of dark lines peculiar to itself, which remains the same under every circumstance. Dr. Wollaston and M. Fraunhofer of Munich discovered these lines deficient of rays inde- pendently of each other. M. Fraunhofer found that their number extends to nearly six hundred. There are bright lines in the solar spectrum which also maintain a fixed position. Among the dark lines, M. Fraunhofer selected seven of the most remarkable, and determined their distances so accurately, that they now form stand- ard and invariable points of reference for measuring the refractive powers of different media on the rays of light, which renders this department of optics as exact as any of the physical sciences. These lines are designated by the letters of the alphabet, beginning with B, which is in the red near the end of the spectrum ; c is farther advanced in the red ; D is in the orange ; E, in the green ; F, in the blue; G, in the indigo; and H, in the violet. By means of these fixed points, M. Fraunhofer has ascertained from prismatic observation the refrangi- bility of seven of the principal rays in each often differ- ent substances solid and liquid. The refraction increased in all from the red ta the violet end of the spectrum ; but so irregularly for each ray and in each medium, that no law (ioukl be discovered. The rays that are wanting in the solar spectrum which occasion the dark lines, O 158 DISPERSION OF LIGHT. SECT. XIX. were supposed to be absorbed by the atmosphere of the sun. If they were absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, the very same rays would be wanting in the spectra from the light of the fixed stars, which is not the case ; for it has already been stated that the position of the dark lines is not the same in spectra from starlight and from the light of the sun. The solar rays reflected from the moon and .planets would most likely be mod- ified also by their atmospheres, but they are not : for the dark lines have precisely the same positions in the spectra, from the direct and reflected light of the sun. But the annular eclipse which happened on the 15th of May, 1836, afforded Professor Forbes the means of proving that the dark lines in question cannot be attrib- uted to the absorption of the solar atmosphere ; they were neither broader nor more numerous in the spec- trum formed during that phenomenon than at any other time, though the rays came only from the circumference of the sun's disc, and consequently had to traverse a greater depth of his atmosphere. We are therefore still ignorant of the cause of these rayless bands. A sunbeam received on a screen, after passing through a small round hole in a window-shutter, appears like a round white spot ; but when a prism is interposed, the beam no longer occupies the same space. It is separa- ted into, the prismatic colors, and spread over a line of considerable length, while its breadth remains the same with that of the white spot. The act of spreading or separation is called the dispersion of the colored rays. Dispersion always takes place in the plane of refraction, and is greater as the angle of incidence is greater. It varies inversely as the length of a wave of light, and directly as its velocity : hence toward the blue end of the spectrum, where the undulations of the rays are least, the dispersion is greatest. Substances have veiy different dispersive powers ; that is to say the spectra formed by two equal prisms of different substances under precisely the same circumstances, are of different lengths. Thus, if a prism of flint glass and one of crown glass of equal refracting angles be presented to two rays of white light at equal angles, it will be found, that the space over which the colored rays are dispersed by the SJCT. XIX. THE ACHROMATIC TELESCOPE. 159 flint glass is much greater than the space occupied by that produced by the crown glass ; and as the quantity of dispersion depends upon the refracting angle of the prism, the angles of the two prisms may be made such, that when the prisms are placed close together with tbjeir edges turned opposite ways, they will exactly oppose each other's action, and will refract the colored rays equally but in contrary directions, so that an exact com- pensation will be effected, and the light will be refracted without color (N. 191). The achromatic telescope is constructed on this principle. It consists of a tube with an object glass or lens at one end to bring the rays to a focus and form an image of the distant object, and a magnifying glass at the other end to view the knage thus formed. Now it is found that the object-glass, instead of making the rays converge to one point, dis- perses them, and gives a confused and colored image : but by constructing it of two lenses in contact, one of flint and the other of crown glass of certain forms and proportions, the dispersion is counteracted, and a per- fectly well defined and colorless image of the object is formed (N. 192). It was thought to be impossible to produce refraction without color, till Mr. Hall, a gentle- man of "Worcestershire, constructed a telescope on this principle in the year 1733 ; and twenty-five years after- ward, the achromatic telescope was brought to perfec- tion by Mr. Dollond, a celebrated optician in London. A perfectly homogeneous color is very rarely to be found, but the tints of all substances are most brilliant when viewed in light of their own color. The red of a wafer is much more vivid in red than in white light ; whereas if placed in homogeneous yellow light, it can no longer appear red, because there is not a ray of red in the yellow light. Were it not that the wafer, like all other bodies, whether colored or not, reflects white light at its outer surface, it would appear absolutely black when placed in yellow light. After looking steadily for a short time at a colored object, such as a red wafer, on turning the eyes to a white substance, a green image of the wafer appears, which is called the accidental color of red. All tints have their accidental colors : thus the accidental color 160 ACCIDENTAL COLORS. SECT. XIX. of orange is blue ; that of yellow is indigo ; of green, reddish-white ; of blue, orange-red ; of violet, yellow ; and of white, black ; and vice versa. When the direct and accidental colors are of the same intensity, the acci- dental is then called the complementary color, because any two colors are said to be complementary to one an- other which produce white when combined. From recent experiments by M. Plateau of Brussels, it appears that two complementary colors from direct impression, which would produce white when combined, produce black, or extinguish one another by their union, when accidental ; and also that the combination of all the tints of the solar spectrum produces white light if they be from a direct impression on the eye, whereas black- ness results from a union of the same tints if they be accidental ; and in every case where the real colors pro- duce white by their combination, the accidental colors of the same tints produce black. When the image of an object is impressed on the retina only for a few mo- ments, the picture left is exactly of the same color with the object, but in an extremely short time the picture is succeeded by the accidental image. M. Plateau at- tributes this phenomenon to a reaction of the retina after being excited by direct vision, so that the accidental im- pression is of an opposite nature to the corresponding direct impression. He conceives, that when the eye is excited by being fixed for a time on a colored object, and then withdrawn from the excitement, that it endeavors to return to its state of repose, but in so doing that it passes this point and spontaneously assumes an opposite condition, like a spring, which, bent in one direction, in returning to its state of rest bends as much the contrary way. The accidental image thus results from a partic- ular modification of the organ of sight, in virtue of which it spontaneously gives us a new sensation after it has been excited by direct vision. If the prevailing impres- sion be a very strong white light, its accidental image is not black, but, a variety of colors in succession. Accord- ing to M. Plateau, the retina offers a resistance to the action of light, which increases with the duration of this action ; whence, after looking intently at an object for a long time, it appears to decrease in brilliancy. The im- SECT. XX. INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 161 agination has a powerful influence on our optical impres- sions, and has been known to revive the images of highly luminous objects months, and even years, afterward. SECTION XX. Interference of Light Undulatory Theory of Light Propagation of Light ings M equency ton's Scale of Colors Diffraction of Light Sir John Herschel's Theory gt ropagaon of ight Newton'* Rings Measurement of the Length of the Waves of Light, Ether for each Color New- and of the Frequency of the Vibrations of ton's Scale of Colors Diffraction of Light of the Absorption of Light Refraction and Reflection of Light. NEWTON and most of his immediate successors imag- ined light to be a material substance, emitted by all self- luminous bodies in extremely minute particles, moving in straight lines with prodigious velocity, which, by im- pinging upon the optic nerves, produce the sensation of light. Many of the observed phenomena have been ex- plained by this theory ; it is, howev,er, totally inadequate to account for the following circumstances. When two equal rays of red light, proceeding from two luminous points, fall upon a sheet of "white paper in a dark room, they produce a red spot on it, which will be twice as bright as either ray would produce singly, provided the difference in the lengths of the two'beams, from the luminous points to the red spot on the paper, bo exactly the 0-0000258th part of an inch. The same effect wiU take place if the difference in the lengths be twice, three times, four times, &c. that quantity. But if the difference in the lengths of the two rays be equal to one-half of the 0-0000258th part of an inch, or to its H, 2|, 3|, &c. part, the one light will entirely extinguish the other, and will produce absolute darkness on the paper where the united beams fall. If the difference in the lengths of their paths be equal to the 1|, 2|, 3|, &c. of the 0-0000258th part of an inch, the red spot arising from the combined beams will be of the same intensity which one alone would produce. If violet light be employed, the difference in the lengths of the two beams must be equal to the 0'0000157th part of'an inch in order to produce the same phenomena ; and for the other colors, the difference must be intermediate be^ 162 INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT. SECT. XX- tween the 0-0000258th and the 0-0000157th part of an inch. Similar phenomena may be seen by viewing the flame of a candle through two very fine slits in a card extremely near to one another (N. 193) ; or by admitting the sun's light into a dark room through a pin-hole about the fortieth of an inch in diameter, receiving the image on a sheet of white paper, and holding a slender wire in the light. Its shadow will be found to consist of a bright white bar or stripe in the middle, with a series of alter- nate black and brightly colored stripes on each side. The rays which bend round the wire in two streams are of equal lengths in the middle stripe; it is consequently doubly bright from their combined effect ; but the rays which fall on the paper on each side of the bright stripe, being of such unequal lengths as to destroy one another, form black lines. On each side of these black lines the rays are again of such lengths as to combine to form bright stripes, and so on alternately till the light is too faint to be visible. When any homogeneous light is used, such as red, the alternations are only black and red ; but on ac- count of the heterogeneous nature of white light, the black lines alternate with vivid stripes or fringes of pris- matic colors, arising from the superposition of systems of alternate black lines and lines of each homogeneous color. That the alternation of black lines and colored fringes actually does arise from the mixture of the two streams of light which flow round the wire, is proved by their vanishing the instant one of the streams is inter- rupted. It may therefore be concluded, as often as these stripes of light and darkness occur, that they are owing to the rays combining at certain intervals to pro- duce a joint effect, and at others to extinguish one another. Now it is contrary to all our ideas of matter to suppose that two particles of it should annihilate one another under any circumstances whatever ; while on the contrary, two opposing motions may, and it is im- possible not to be struck with the perfect similarity be- tween the interferences of small undulations of air or of water and the preceding phenomena. The analogy is indeed so perfect, that philosophers of the highest au- thority concur in the supposition that the celestial regions are filled with an extremely rare, imponderable, and SCT. XX. THE ETHEREAL MEDIUM. 163 highly elastic medium or ether, whose particles are ca- pable of receiving the vibrations communicated to them by self-luminous bodies, and of transmitting them to the optic nerves, so as to produce the sensation of light. The acceleration in the mean motion of Encke's comet, as well as of the comet discovered by M. Biela, renders the existence of such a medium almost certain. It is clear that in this hypothesis, the alternate stripes of light and darkness are entirely the effect of the interfe- rence of the undulations ; for by actual measurement, the length of a wave of the mean red rays of the solar spectrum is equal to the 0-0000258th part of an inch ; consequently, when the elevation of the waves combine, they produce double the intensity of light that each would do singly ; and when half a wave combines with a whole, that is, when the hollow of one wave is filled up by the elevation of another, darkness is the result. At intermediate points betwsen these extremes, the in- tensity of the light corresponds to intermediate differ- ences in the lengths of the rays. The theory of interferences is a particular case of the general mechanical law of the superposition of small motions ; whence it appears that the disturbance of a particle of an elastic medium, produced by two coexis- tent undulations, is the sum of the disturbances which each undulation would produce separately; conse- quently, the particle will move in the diagonal of a par- allelogram, whose sides are the two undulations. If, therefore, the two undulations agree hi direction, or nearly so, the resulting motion will be very nearly equal to their sum, and in the same direction : if they nearly oppose one another, the resulting motion will be nearly equal to their difference ; and if the undulations be equal and opposite, the resultant will be zero, and the particle will remain at rest. The preceding experiments, and the inferences de- duced from them, which have led to the establishment of the doctrine of the undulations of light, are the most splendid memorials of our illustrious countryman Dr. Thomas Young, though Buy gens was the first to origi- nate the idea. It is supposed that the particles of luminous bodies 164 PROPAGATION OF LIGHT. SECT. XX. are in a state of perpetual agitation, and that they pos- sess the property of exciting regular vibrations in the ethereal medium, corresponding to the vibrations of their own molecules ; and that, on account of its elastic nature, one particle of the ether when set in motion communi- cates its vibrations to those adjacent, which in succession transmit them to those farther off ; so that the primi- tive impulse is transferred from particle to particle y and the undulating motion darts through ether like a wave in water. Although the progressive motion of light is known by experience to be uniform and in a straight line, the vibrations of the particles are always at right angles to the direction of the ray. The propagation of light is like the spreading of waves in water ; but if one ray alone be considered, its motion may be conceived by supposing a rope of indefinite length stretched horizon- tally, one end of which is held in the hand. If it be agitated to and fro at regular intervals, with a motion perpendicular to its length, a series of similar and equal tremors or wavps will be propagated along it ; and if the regular impulses be given in a variety of planes, as up and down, from right to left, and also in oblique direc- tions, the successive undulations will take place in every possible plane. An analogous motion in the ether, when communicated to the optic nerves, would produce the sensation of common light. It is evident that the waves which flow from end to end of the cord in a ser- pentine form, are altogether different from the perpen- dicular vibratory motion of each particle of the rope, which never deviates far from a state of rest. So in ether, each particle vibrates perpendicularly to the di- rection of the ray ; but these vibrations are totally dif- ferent from, and independent of, the undulations which are transmitted through it, in the same manner as the vibrations of each particular ear of corn are independent of the waves that rush from end to end of a harvest field when agitated by the wind. The intensity of light depends upon the amplitude or extent of the vibrations of the particles of ether ; while its color depends upon their frequency. The time of the vibration of a particle of ether is by theory, as the length of a wave directly, and inversely as its velocity. SECT. xx. NEWTON'S RINGS: 165 Now, as the velocity of light is known to be 190,000 miles in a second, if the length of the waves of the dif- ferent colored rays could be measured, the number of vibrations in a second corresponding to each could be computed ; that has been accomplished as follows : All transparent substances of a certain thickness, with parallel surfaces, reflect and transmit white light ; but if they be extremely thin, both the reflected and trans- mitted light is colored. The vivid hues on soap-bubbles, the iridescent colors produced by heat on polished steel and copper, the fringes of color betweefa the laminae of Iceland spar and sulphate of lime, all consist of a suc- cession of hues disposed in the same order, totally inde- pendent of the color of the substance, and determined solely by its greater or less thickness, a circumstance which affords the means of ascertaining the length of the waves of each colored ray, and the frequency of the vibrations of the particles producing them. If a plate of glass be laid upon a lens of almost imperceptible curva- ture, before an open window; when they are pressed to- gether a black spot will be seen in the point of contact, surrounded by seven rings of vivid colors, all differing from one another (N. 194). In the first ring, estimated from the black spot, the colors succeed each other in the following order : black, very faint blue, brilliant white, yellow, orange, and red. They are quite different in the other rings, and in the seventh the only colors are pale bluish-green and very pale pink. That these rings are formed between the two surfaces in apparent con- tact may be proved by laying a prism on the lens, in- stead of the plate of glass, and viewing the rings through the inclined side of it that is next to the eye, which ar- rangement prevents the light reflected from the upper surface mixing with that from the surfaces in contact, so that the intervals between the rings appear perfectly black, one of the strongest circumstances in favor of the undulatory theory ; for although the phenomena of the rings can be explained by either hypothesis, there is this material difference, that according to the undu- latory theory, the intervals between the rings ought to be absolutely black, which is confirmed by experiment ; whereas by the doctrine of emanation they ought to be 1C6 NEWTON'S RINGS. SECT. XX. half illuminated, which is not found to be the case. M. Fresnel, whose opinion is of the first authority, thought this test conclusive. It may therefore be concluded that the rings arise entirely from the interference of the rays : the light reflected from each of the surfaces in apparent contact reaches the eye by paths of different lengths, and produces colored and dark rings alternately, according as the reflected waves coincide or destroy one another. The breadths of the rings are unequal ; they decrease in width, and the colors become more crowded, as they recede from the center. Colored rings are also produced by transmitting light through the same ap- paratus ; but the colors are less vivid, and are comple- mentary to those reflected, consequently the central spot is white. The size of the rings increases with the obliquity of the incident light ; the same color requiring a greater thickness or space between the glasses to produce it than when the light falls perpendicularly upon them. Now if the apparatus be placed in homogeneous instead of white light, the rings will all be of the same color with that of the light employed. That is to say, if the light be red, the rings will be red divided by black intervals. The size of the rings varies with the color of the light. They are largest in red, and decrease in magnitude with the succeeding prismatic colors, being smallest in violet light. Since one of the glasses is plane and the other spheri- cal, it is evident that from the point of contact, the space between them gradually increases in thickness all round, so that a certain thickness of air corresponds to each color, which in the undulatory system measures the length of the wave producing it (N. 195). By actual measure- ment, Sir Isaac Newton found that the squares of the di- ameters of the brightest part of each ring are as the odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, &c. ; and that the squares of. the diam- eters of the darkest parts are as the even numbers, 0, 2, 4, 6, &c. Consequently the intervals between the glasses at these points are in the same proportion. If, then, the thickness of the air corresponding to any one color could be found, its thickness for all the others would be known. Now as Sir Isaac Newton knew the radius of SECT. XX. LENGTH OF THE UNDULATIONS. 167 curvature of the lens, and the actual breadth of the rings in parts of an inch, it was easy to compute that the thickness of air at the darkest part of the first ring is the 80 oa part of an inch, whence all the others have been deduced. As these intervals determine the length of the waves on the undulatory hypothesis, it appears that the length of a wave of the extreme red of the solar spectrum is equal to the 00000266th part of an inch ; that the length of a wave of the extreme violet is equal to the 0*00001 67th part of an inch; and as the time of a vibration of a particle of ether producing any particular color is directly as the length of a wave of that color, and inversely as the velocity of light, it follows that the molecules of ether producing the extreme red of the solar spectrum perform 458 millions of millions of vibrations in a second ; and that those producing the extreme violet accomplish 727 millions of millions of vibrations in the same time. The lengths of the waves of the intermediate colors, and the number of then* vibrations, being intermediate between these two, white light, which consists of all the colors, is consequently a mixture of waves of all lengths between the limits of the extreme red and violet. The determination of these minute portions of time and space, both of which have a real existence, being the actual results of measure- ment, do as much honor to the genius of Newton as that of the law of gravitation. The phenomenon of the colored rings takes place in vacuo as well as in ah- ; which proves that it is the dis- tance between the lenses alone, and not the air, which produces the colors. However, if water or oil be put between them, the rings contract, but no other change ensues ; and Newton found that the thickness of differ- ent media at which a given tint is seen, is in the inverse ratio of their refractive indices, so that the thickness of laminae which could not otherwise be measured, may be known by their color ; and as the position of the colors in the rings is invariable, they form a fixed standard of comparison well known as Newton's scale of colors ; each tint being estimated according to the ring to which it belongs from the central spot inclusively. Not only the periodical colors which have been described, but the 166- DIFFRACTION OF LIGHT. SECT. XX. colors seen in thick plates of transparent substances, the variable hues of feathers, of insects' wings, mother of pearl, and of striated substances, all depend Upon the same principle. To these may be added the colored fringes, surrounding the shadows of all bodies held in an ex- tremely small beam of light, and the colored rings sur- rounding the small beam itself when received on a screen. When a very slender sunbeam passing through a small pin-hole into a dark room is received on a white screen, or plate of ground glass, at the distance of a little more than six feet, the spot of light on the screen is larger than the pin-hole ; and instead of being bounded by shadow, it is surrounded by a series of colored rings separated by obscure intervals. The rings are more distinct in proportion to the smallness of the beam (N. 196). When the light is white, there are seven rings, which dilate or contract with the distance of the screen from the hole. As the distance of the screen dimin- ishes, the white central spot contracts to a point and vanishes ; and on approaching still nearer, the rings gradually close in upon it, so that the center assumes successively the most intense and vivid hues. When the light is homogeneous, red, for example, the rings are alternately red and black, and more numerous : and their breadth varies with the color, being broadest in red light and narrowest in violet. The tints of the colored fringes from white light, and their obliteration after the seventh ring, arise from the superposition of the differ- ent sets of fringes of all the colored rays. The shadows of objects are also bordered by colored fringes when held in this slender beam of light. If the edge of a knife or a hair, for example, be held in it, the rays, in- stead of proceeding in straight lines past its edge, are bent when quite close to it, and proceed from thence to the screen in curved lines called hyperbolas ; so that the shadow of the object is enlarged ; and instead of being at once bounded by light, is surrounded or edged with colored fringes alternating with black bands, which are more distinct the smaller the pin-hole (N. 197). The fringes are altogether independent of the form or density of the object, being the same when it is round or pointed, 8cr. XX. ABSORPTION OF LIGHT. 169 when of glass or platina. When the rays which form the fringes arrive at the screen, they are of different lengths, in consequence of the curved path they follow after passing the edge of the object. The waves are therefore in different phases or states of vibration, and either conspire to form colored fringes or destroy one another in the obscure intervals. The colored fringes bordering the shadows of objects were first described by Grirnaldi in 1665; but besides these he noticed that there are others within the shadows of slender bodies exposed to a small sunbeam, a phenomenon which has already been mentioned to have afforded Dr. Young the means of proving beyond all controversy, that colored rings are produced by the interference of light. It may be concluded, that material substances derive their colors from two different causes : some from the law of interference, such as iridescent metals, peacocks' feathers, &c.; others from the unequal absorption of the rays of white light, such as vermilion, ultramarine, blue, or green cloth, flowers, and the greater number of colored bodies. The latter phenomena have been con- sidered extremely difficult to reconcile with the undula- tory theory of light, and much discussion has arisen as to what becomes of the absorbed rays. But that em- barrassing question has been ably answered by Sir John Herschel in a most profound paper, On the Absorption of Light by colored Media, and cannot be better given than in his own words. It must however be premised, that as all transparent bodies are traversed by light, they are presumed to be permeable to the ether. He says, " Now, as regards only the general feet of the ob- struction and ultimate extinction of light in its passage through gross media, if we compare the corpuscular and undulatory theories, we shall find that the former ap- peals to our ignorance, the latter to our knowledge, for its explanation of the absorptive phenomena. In at- tempting to explain the extinction of light on the corpus- cular doctrine, we have to account for the light so extin- guished as a material body, which we must not suppose annihilated. It may however be transformed; and among the imponderable agents, heat, electricity, &c., it may be that we are to search for the light which has 170 ABSORPTION 01' LIGHT SECT. XX. become thus comparatively stagnant. The heating power of the solar rays gives a primd facie plausibility to the idea of the transformation of light into heat by absorption. But when we come to examine the matter more nearly, we find it encumbered on all sides with difficulties. How is it, for instance, that the most lu- minous rays are not the most calorific ; but that on the contrary, the calorific energy accompanies, in its great- est intensity, rays which possess comparatively feeble illuminating powers ? These and other questions of a similar nature may perhaps admit of answer in a more advanced state of our knowledge ; but at present there is none obvious. It is not without reason, therefore, that the question ' What becomes of light ?' which ap- pears to have been agitated among the photologists of the last century, has been regarded as one of consider- able importance as well as obscurity by the corpuscular philosophers. On the other hand, the answer to this question, afforded by the undulatory theory of light, is simple and distinct. The question, ' What becomes of light ?' merges in the more general one, ' What becomes of motion ? ' And the answer, on dynamical principles, is, that it continues forever. No motion is, strictly speaking, annihilated ; but it may be divided, and the divided parts made to oppose and, in effect, destroy one another. A body struck, however perfectly elastic, vibrates for a time, and then appears to sink into its original repose. But this apparent rest (even abstract- ing from the inquiry that part of the motion which may be conveyed away by the ambient air) is nothing else than a state of subdivided and mutually destroying mo- tion, in which every molecule continues to be agitated by an indefinite multitude of internally reflected waves, propagated through it in every possible direction, from eveiy point in its surface on which they successively impinge. The superposition of such waves will, it is easily seen, at length operate their mutual destruction, which will be the more complete the more irregular the figure of the body, and the greater the number of inter- nal reflections." Thus Sir John Herschel, by referring the absorption of, light to the subdivision and mutual destruction of the vibrations of ether in the interior of SCT. XX. TRANSMISSION OP LIGHT 171 bodies, brings another class of phenomena under the laws of the undulatory theory. The ethereal medium pervading space is supposed to penetrate all material substances, occupying the inter- stices between their molecules; but in the interior of refracting media it exists in a state of less elasticity compared with ks density in vacuo ; and the more refractive the medium, the less the elasticity of the ether within it. Hence the waves of light are trans- mitted with less velocity in such media as glass and water than in the' external ether. As soon as a ray of light reaches the surface of a diaphanous reflecting sub- stance, for example a plate of glass, it communicates its undulations to the ether next in contact with the surface, which thus becomes a new center of motion, and two hemispherical waves are propagated from each point of this surface ; one of which proceeds forward into the interior of the glass, with E less velocity than the inci- dent waves ; and the other is transmitted back into the air, with a velocity equal to that with which -it' came (N. 198). Thus when refracted, the light moves with a different velocity without and within the glass ; when reflected, the ray comes and goes with the same ve- locity. The particles of ether without the glass, which communicate their motions to the particles of the dense and less elastic ether within it, are analogous to small elastic balls striking large ones ; for some of the motion will be communicated to the large balls, and the small ones will be reflected. The first would cause the refracted wave ; and the last the reflected. Conversely, when the light passes from glass to air, the action is similar to large balls striking small ones. The small balls receive a motion which would cause the refracted ray, and the part of the motion retained by the large ones would occasion the reflected wave ; so that when light passes through a plate of glass or of any other medium differing in density from the air, there is a reflection at both surfaces ; but this difference exists between the two reflections, that one is caused by a vibration in the same direction with that of the incident ray, and the other by a vibration in the opposite direction. A single wave of air or ether would not produce the 172 ACTION OF LIGHT ON THE RETINA. SECT. XXI. sensation of sound or light. In order to excite vision, the vibrations of the molecules of ether must be regular, periodical, and very often repeated; and as the ear continues to be agitated for a short time after the im- pulse by which alone a sound becomes continuous, so also the fibres of the retina, according to M. d'Arcet, continue to vibrate for about the eighth part of a second, after the exciting cause has ceased. Every one must have observed, when a strong impression is made by a bright light, that an object remains visible for a short time after shutting the eyes, which is supposed to be in consequence of the continued vibrations of the fibres of the retina. Occasionally the retina becomes insen- sible to feebly illuminated objects when continuously presented. If the eye be turned aside for a moment, the object becomes again visible. It is probably on this account that the owl makes so peculiar a motion with its head when looking at objects in the twilight. It is quite possible that many vibrations may be excited in the ethereal medium incapable of producing undulations in the fibres of the human retina, which yet have a powerful effect on those of other animals or of insects. Such may receive luminous impressions of which wo are totally unconscious, and at the same time they may be insensible to the light and colors which affect our eyes ; their perceptions beginning where ours end. SECTION XXL Polarization of Light Defined Polarization by Refraction Properties of the Tourmaline Double Refraction All doubly Refracted Light is Polarized Properties of Iceland Spar Tourmaline absorbs one of the two Refracted Rays Undulations of Natural Light Undulations of Polarized Light The Optic Axes of Crystals M. Fresnel's Discoveries on the Rays passing along the Optic Axis Polarization by Reflection. IN giving a sketch of the constitution of light, it is impossible to omit the extraordinary property of its po- larization, "the phenomena of which," Sir John Her- schel says, "are so singular and various, that to one who has only studied the common branches of physical optics it is liko entering into a new world, so splendid SECT. XXI. POLARIZATION BY BEFB ACTION. 173 as to render it one of the most delightful branches of experimental inquiry, and so fertile in the views it lays open of the constitution of natural bodies, and the minuter mechanism of the universe, as to place it in the very first rank of the physico-mathematical sciences, which it maintains by the rigorous application of geome- trical reasoning its nature admits and requires. Light is said to be polarized, which, by being once reflected or refracted, is rendered incapable of being again reflected or refracted at certain angles. In gene- ral, when a ray of light is reflected from a pane of plate- glass, or any other substance, it may be reflected a second time from another surface, and it will also pass freely through transparent bodies. But if a ray of light be reflected from a pane of plate-glass at an angle of 57, it is rendered totally incapable of reflection at the surface of another pane of glass in certain definite po- sitions, but it will be completely reflected by the second pane in other positions. It likewise loses the property of penetrating transparent bodies in particular positions, while it is freely transmitted by them in others. Light so modified as to be incapable of reflection and trans- mission in certain directions, is said to be polarized. This name was originally adopted from an imaginary analogy in the arrangement of the particles of light on the corpuscular doctrine to the poles of a magnet, and is still retained in the undulatory theory. Light may be polarized by reflection from any polished surface, and the same property is also imparted by re- fraction. It is proposed to explain these methods of polarizing light, to give a short account of its most re- markable properties, and to endeavor to describe a few of the splendid phenomena it exhibits. If a brown tourmaline, which is a mineral generaDy crystalized in the form of a long prism, be cut longitu- dinally, that is, parallel to the axis of the prism, into plates about the thirtieth of an inch in thickness, and the surfaces polished, luminous objects may be seen through them, as through plates of colored glass. The axis of each plate is in its longitudinal section parallel to the axis of the prism whence it was cut (N. 199). If pne of these plates be held perpendicularly between 174 POLARIZATION BY REFRACTION. SECT. XXI. the eye and a candle, and turned slowly round in its own plane, no change will take place in the image of the candle. But if the plate be held in a fixed position, with its axis or longitudinal section vertical, when a second plate of tourmaline is interposed between it and the eye, parallel to the first, and turned slowly round in its own plane, a remarkable change will be found to have taken place in the nature of the light. For the image of the candle will vanish and appear alternately at every quarter revolution of the plate, varying through all degrees of brightness down to total, or almost total evanescence, and then increasing again by the same de- grees as it had before decreased. These changes de- pend upon the relative positions of the plates. When the longitudinal sections of the two plates are parallel, the brightness of the image is at its maximum ; and when the axes of the sections cross at right angles, the image of the candle vanishes. Thus the light, in pass- ing through the first plate of tourmaline, has acquired a property totally different from the direct light of the candle. The direct light would have penetrated the second plate equally well in all directions, whereas the refracted ray will only pass through it in particular po- sitions, and is altogether incapable of penetrating it in others. The refracted ray is polarized in its passage through the first tourmaline, and experience shows that it never loses that property, unless when acted upon by a new substance. Thus, one of the properties of po- larized light is the incapability of passing through a plate of tourmaline perpendicular to it, in certain positions, and its ready transmission in other positions at right angles to the former. Many other substances have the property of polar- izing light. If a ray of light falls upon a transparent medium, which has the same temperature, density, and structure throughout every part, as fluids, gases, glass, &c., and a few regularly crystalized minerals, it is re- fracted into a single pencil of light by the laws of ordi- nary refraction, according to which the ray, passing through the refracting surface from the object to the eye, never quits a plane perpendicular to that surface. Almost all other bodies, such as the greater number of Scr. XXI. DOUBLE REFRACTION. 175 crystaKzed minerals, animal and vegetable substances, gums, resins, jellies, and all solid bodies having unequal tensions, whether from unequal temperature or pres- sure, possess the property of doubling the image or ap- pearance of an object seen through them in certain directions. Because a ray of natural light falling upon them is refracted into two pencils, which move with dif- ferent velocities, and are more or less separated, accord- ing to the nature of the body and the direction of the incident ray. Whenever a ray of natural light is thus divided into two pencils in its passage through a sub- stance, both of the transmitted rays are polarized. Ice- land spar, a carbonate of lime, which by its natural cleavage may be split into the form of a rhombohedron, possesses the property of double refraction in an emi- nent degree, as may be seen by pasting a piece of paper with a large pin-hole in it, on the side of the spar far- thest from the eye. The hole will appear double when held to the light (N. 200). One of these pencils is re- fracted according to the same law as in glass or water, never quitting the plane perpendicular to the refracting surface, and is therefore called the ordinary ray. But the other does quit the plane, being refracted according to a different and much more complicated law, and on that account is called the extraordinary ray. For the same reason one image is called the ordinary, and the other the extraordinary image. When the spar is turned round in the same plane, the extraordinary image of the hole revolves about the ordinary image which remains fixed, both being equally bright. But if the spar be kept in one position and viewed through a plate of tourma- line, it will be found that as the tourmaline revolves, the images vary in their relative brightness one increases in intensity till it arrives at a maximum, at the same time that the other diminishes till it vanishes, and so on alternately at each quarter revolution, proving both rays to be polarized. For in one position the tourmaline transmits the ordinary ray, and reflects the extraordi- nary; and after revolving 90, the extraordinary ray is transmitted, and the ordinary ray is reflected. Thus another property of polarized light is, that it cannot be divided into two equal pencils by double refraction, in 176 DOUBLE REFRACTION. SECT. XXI. positions of the doubly refracting bodies in which a ray of common light would be so divided. Were tourmaline like other doubly refracting bodies, each of the transmitted rays would be double ; but that mineral when of a certain thickness, after separating the light into two polarized pencils, absorbs that which un- dergoes ordinary refraction, and consequently shows only one image of an object. On this account, tourma- line is peculiarly fitted for analyzing polarized light, which shows nothing remarkable till viewed through it or something equivalent. The pencils of light, on leaving a double refracting substance* are parallel ; and it is clear from the prece- ding experiments, that they are polarized in planes at right angles to each other (N. 201). But that will be better understood by considering the change produced in common light by the action of the polarizing body. It has been shown that the undulations of ether, which produce the sensation of common light, are performed in every possible plane, at right angles to the direction in which the ray is moving. But the case is veiy dif- ferent after the ray has passed through a doubly refract- ing substance, like Iceland spar. The light then pro- ceeds in two parallel pencils, whose undulations are still indeed transverse to the direction of the rays, but they are accomplished in planes at right angles to one an- other, analogous to two parallel stretched cords, one of which performs its undulations only in a horizontal plane, and the other in a vertical or upright plane (N. 201). Thus the polarizing action of Iceland spar and of all doubly refracting substances is, to separate a ray of common light, whose waves or undulations are in every plane, into two parallel rays, whose waves or un- dulations lie in planes at right angles to each other. The ray of common light may be assimilated to a round rod, whereas the two polarized rays are like two parallel long flat rulers, one of which is laid horizontally on its broad surface, and the other horizontally on its edge. The alternate transmission and obstruction of one of these flattened beams by the tourmaline is similar to the facility with which a card may be passed between the bars of a grating or wires of a cage, if presented edge- S*cr. XXI. THE OPTIC AXES OP CRYSTALS. 177 ways, and the impossibility of its passing in a transverse direction. Although it generally happens that a ray of light, in passing through Iceland spar, is separated into two po- larized rays, yet there is one direction along which it is refracted in one ray only, and that according to the or- dinary law. This direction is called the optic axis (N. 202). Many crystals and other substances have two optic axes, inclined to each other, along which a ray of light is transmitted in one pencil by the law of ordinary refraction. The extraordinary ray is some- times refracted toward the optic axis, as in quartz, zir- con, ice, &c., which are therefore said to be positive crystals ; but when it is bent from the optic axis, as in Iceland spar, tourmaline, emerald, beryl, &c., the crys- tals are negative, which is the most numerous class. The ordinary ray moves with uniform velocity within a doubly refracting substance, but the velocity of the ex- traordinary ray varies with the position of the ray rela- tively to the optic axis, being a maximum when its mo- tion within the crystal is at right angles to the optic axis, and a minimum when parallel to it. Between these ex- tremes its velocity varies according to a determinate law. It has been inferred from the action of Iceland spar on light, that in all doubly refracting substances, one only of two rays is turned aside from the plane of ordinary refraction, while the other follows the ordinary law ; and the great difficulty of observing the phenomena tended to confirm that opinion. M. Fresnel, however, proved by a most profound mathematical inquiry, a priori, that the extraordinary ray must be wanting in glass and other uncrystalized substances, and that it must necessarily exist in carbonate of lime, quartz, and other bodies hav- ing one optic axis, but that in a numerous class of sub- stances which possess two optic axes, both rays must undergo extraordinary refraction, and consequently that both must deviate from their original plane, and these results have been perfectly confirmed by subsequent experiments. This theory of refraction, which for gen- eralization is perhaps only inferior to the law of gravita- tion, has enrolled the name of Fresnel among those which pass not away, and makes his early loss a subject 12 ^g 178 POLARIZATION NY PLATES OF GLASS. SECT, XXI. of deep regret to all who take an interest in the higher paths of scientific research. When a beam of common light is partly reflected at, and partly transmitted through, a transparent surface, the reflected and refracted pencils contain equal quanti- ties of polarized light, and their planes of polarization are at right angles to one another : hence a pile of panes of glass will give a polarized beam by refraction. For if a ray of common light pass through them, part of it will be polarized by the first plate, the second plate will polarize a part of what passes through it, and the rest will do the same in succession, till the whole beam is polarized, except what is lost by reflection at the dif- ferent surfaces, or by absorption. This beam is polar- ized in a plane at right angles to the plane of reflection, that is, at right angles to the plane passing through the incident and reflected ray (N. 203). By far the most convenient way of polarizing light is by reflection. A plane of plate-glass laid upon a piece of black cloth, on a table at an open window, will appear of a uniform brightness from the reflection of the sky or clouds. But if it be viewed through a plate of tour- maline, having its axis vertical, instead of being illumi- nated as before, it will be obscured by a large cloudy spot, having its center quite dark, which will readily be found by elevating or depressing the eye, and will only be visible when the angle of incidence is 57, that is, when the line from the eye to the center of the black spot makes an angle of 33 with the surface of the re- flector (N. 204). When the tourmaline is turned round in its own plane, the dark cloud will diminish, and en- tirely vanish when the axis of the tourmaline is horizon- tal, and then every part of the surface of the glass will be equally illuminated. As the tourmaline revolves, the cloudy spot will appear and vanish alternately at every quarter revolution. Thus, when a ray of light is inci- dent on a pane of plate-glass at an angle of 57, the re- flected ray is rendered incapable of penetrating a plate of tourmaline, whose axis is in the plane of incidence. Consequently it has acquired the same character as if it had been polarized by transmission through a plate of tourmaline, with its axis at right angles to the plane S*tT. XXI. POLARIZATION BY REFLECTION. 179 of reflection. It is found by experience that this polar- ized ray is incapable of a second reflection at certain angles and in certain positions of the incident plane. For if another pane of plate-glass having one surface blackened, be so placed as to make an angle of 33 with the reflected ray, the image of the first pane will be re- flected in its surface, and will be alternately illuminated and obscured at every quarter revolution of the black- ened pane, according as the plane of reflection is parallel or perpendicular to the plane of polarization. Since this happens by whatever means the light has been polarized, it evinces another general property of polar- ized light, which is, that it is incapable of reflection in a plane at right angles to the plane of polarization. All reflecting surfaces are capable of polarizing light, but the angle of incidence at which it is completely polarized is different in each substance (N. 205). It appears that the angle for plate-glass is 57 ; in crown- glass it is 56 55', and no ray will be completely polar- ized by water, unless the angle of incidence be 53 11'. The angles at which different substances polarize light are determined by a very simple and elegant law, dis- covered by Sir David Brewster, " That the tangent of the polarizing angle for any medium is equal to the sine of the angle of incidence divided by the sine of the angle of refraction of that medium." Whence also the re- fractive power even of an opaque body is known when its polarizing angle has been determined. Metallic substances, and such as are of high refractive powers, like the diamond, polarize imperfectly. If a ray polarized by refraction or by reflection from any substance not metallic, be viewed through a piece of Iceland spar, each image will alternately vanish and reappear at every quarter revolution of the spar, whether it revolves from right to left, or from left to right ; which shows that the properties of the polarized ray are sym- metrical on each side of the plane of polarization. Although there be only one angle in each substance at which light is completely polarized by one reflection, yet it may be polarized at any angle of incidence by a sufficient number of reflections. For if a ray falls upon the upper surface of a pile of plates of glass at an angle 180 COLORED IMAGES. SfccT. XXII. greater or less than a polarizing angle, a part only of the reflected ray will be polarized, but a part of what is transmitted will be polarized by reflection at the sur- face of the second plate, part at the third, and so on till the whole is poralized. This is the best apparatus ; but one plate of glass having its inferior surface blackened, or even a polished table, will answer the purpose. ''" ' SECTION XXII. Phenomena exhibited by the passage of Polarized Light through Mica and Sulphate of Lime The Colored Images produced by Polarized Light passing through Crystals having one and two Optic Axes Circular Polarization Elliptical Polarization Discoveries of MM. Biot, Fresnel, and Professor Airy Colored Images produced by the Interference of Polarized Rays. SUCH is the nature of polarized light and of the laws it follows. But it is hardly possible to convey an idea of the splendor of the phenomena it exhibits under circum- stances which an attempt will now be made to describe. If light polarized by reflection from a pane of glass be viewed through a plate of tourmaline, with its longitudi- nal section vertical, an obscure cloud, with its center totally dark, will be seen on the glass. Now let a plate of mica, uniformly about the thirtieth of an inch in thick- ness, be interposed between the tourmaline and the glass ; the dark spot will instantly vanish, and instead of it, a succession of the most gorgeous colors will appear, varying with every inclination of the mica, from the richest reds, to the most vivid greens, blues, and purples (N. 206). That they may be seen in perfection, the mica must revolve at right angles to its own plane. When the mica is turned round in a plane perpendicu- lar to the polarized ray, it will be found that there are two lines in it where the colors entirely vanish. These are the optic axes of the mica, which is a doubly refract- ing substance, with two optic axes, along which light is refracted in one pencil. No colors are visible in the mica, whatever its position may be with regard to the polarized light, without the aid of the tourmaline, which separates the transmitted ray into two pencils of colored light complementary to SKCT. XXII. COLORED IMAGES. 181 one another, that is, which taken together would make white light. One of these it absorbs, and transmits the other; it is therefore called the analyzing plate. The truth of this will appear more readily, if a film of sul- phate of lime between the twentieth and sixtieth of an inch thick be used instead of the mica. When the film is of uniform thickness, only one color will be seen when it is placed between the analyzing plate and the reflect- ing glass ; as, for example, red. But when the tourma- line revolves, the red will vanish by degrees till the film is colorless ; then it will assume a green hue, which will increase and arrive at its maximum when the tour- maline has turned through ninety degrees ; after that the green will vanish and the red will reappear, alter- nating at each quadrant. Thus the tourmaline separ- ates the light which has passed through the film into a red and a green pencil ; in one position it absorbs the green and lets the red pass, and in another it absorbs the red and transmits the green. This is proved by analyzing the ray with Iceland spar instead of tourmaline ; for since the spar does not absorb the light, two images of the sulphate of lime will be seen, one red and the other green, and these exchange colors every quarter revolution of the spar, the red becoming green, and the green red^ and where the images overlap, the color is white, proving the red and green to be complementary to each other. The tint depends on the thickness of the film. Films of sulphate of lime, the 0-00124 and 0-01818 of an inch respectively, give white light in what- ever position they may be held, provided they be per- pendicular to the polarized ray ; but films of interme- diate thickness will give all colors. Consequently, a wedge of sulphate of lime, varying in thickness between the 0-00124 and the 0-01818 of an inch, will appear to be striped with all colors when polarized light is trans- mitted through it. A change in the inclination of the film, whether of mica or sulphate of lime, is evidently equivalent to a variation in thickness. When a plate of mica, held as close to the eyes as possible at such an inclination as to transmit the polar- ized ray along one of its optic axes, is viewed through the tourmaline with, its axis vertical, a most splendid appear- Q 182 COLORED IMAGES. SECT. XXII. ance is presented. The cloudy spot in the direction of the optic axis is seen surrounded by a set of vividly colored rings of an oval form, divided into two unequal parts by a black curved band passing through the cloudy spot about which the rings are formed. The other optic axis of the mica exhibits a similar image (N. 207). When the two optic axes of a crystal make a small angle with one another, as in nitre, the two sets of rings touch externally ; and if the plate of nitre be turned round in its own plane, the black transverse bands undergo a variety of changes, till at last the whole richly colored image assumes the form of the figure 8, traversed by a black cross (N. 208). Substances with one optic axis have but one set of colored circular rings, with a broad black cross passing through its center, dividing the rings into four equal parts. When the analyzing plate re- volves, this figure recurs at eveiy quarter revolution ; but in the intermediate positions it assumes the com- plementary colors, the black cross becoming white. It is in vain to attempt to describe the beautiful phe- nomena exhibited by innumerable bodies, which undergo periodic changes in form and color when the analyzing plate revolves, but not one of them shows a trace of color without the aid of tourmaline or something equiv- alent to analyze the light, and as it were to call these beautiful phantoms into existence. Tourmaline has the disadvantage of being itself a colored substance ; but that inconvenience may be obviated by employing a re- flecting surface as an analyzing plate. When polarized light is reflected by a plate of glass at the polarizing angle, it will be separated into two colored pencils; and when the analyzing plate is turned round in its own plane, it will alternately reflect each ray at every quar- ter revolution, so that all the phenomena that have been described will be seen by reflection on its surface. Colored rings are produced by analyzing polarized light transmitted through glass melted and suddenly or unequally cooled ; also through thin plates of glass bent with the hand, jelly indurated or compressed, &c. &c. In short, all the phenomena of colored rings may be produced, either permanently or transiently, in a variety of substances, by heat and cold, rapid cooling, SICT. xxn. cmcuLAR POLARIZATION. 183 compression, dilatation, and induration ; and so little apparatus is necessary for performing the experiments, that, as Sir John Herschel says, a piece of window- glass or a polished table to polarize the light, a sheet of clear ice to produce the rings, and a broken fragment of plate -glass placed near the eye to analyze the light, are alone requisite to produce one of the most splendid of optical exhibitions. It has been observed, that when a ray of light, polarized by reflection from any surface not metallic, is analyzed by a doubly refracting substance, it exhibits properties wfiich are symmetrical both to the right and left of the plane of reflection, and the ray is then said to be polarized according to that plane. This symmetry is not destroyed when the ray, before being analyzed, traverses the optic axis of a crystal having but one optic axis, as evidently appears from the circular forms of the colored rings already described. Regularly crys- talized quartz, however, forms an exception. ID it, even though the rays should pass through the optic axis itself, where there is no double refraction, the primitive symmetry of the ray is destroyed, and the plane of primitive polarization deviates either to the right or left of the observer, by an angle proportional to the thickness of the plate of quartz. This angular motion, or true rotation of the plane of polarization, which is called circular polarization, is clearly proved by the phenomena. The colored rings produced by all crystals having but one optic axis are circular, and traversed by a black cross concentric with the rings ; so that the light entirely vanishes throughout the space inclosed by the interior ring, because there is neither double refraction nor polarization along the optic axis. But in the system of rings produced by a plate of quartz, whose surfaces are perpendicular to the axis of the crystal, the part within the interior ring, instead of being void of light, is occupied by a uniform tint of red, green, or blue, according to the thickness of the plate (N. 209). Suppose the plate of quartz to be ^ of an inch thick, which will give the red tint to th'e space within the interior ring; when the analyzing plate is turned in its own plane through an angle of 17|, the 184 CIRCULAR POLARIZATION. SECT. XXII. red hue vanishes. If a plate of rock crystal ^ of an inch thick be used, the analyzing plate must revolve through 35 before the red tint vanishes, and so on ; every additional 25th of an inch in thickness requiring an additional rotation of 17^ ; whence it is manifest that the plane of polarization revolves in the direction of a spiral within the rock crystal. It is remarkable that in some crystals of quartz, the plane of polarization revolves from right to left, and in others from left to right, although the crystals themselves differ apparently only by a very slight, almost imperceptible variety in form. In these phenomena, the rotation to the right is accomplished according to the same laws, and with the same energy, as that to the left. But if two plates of quartz be interposed which possess different affections, the second plate undoes, either wholly or partly, the rotatory motion which the first had produced, according as the plates are of equal or unequal thickness. When the plates are of unequal thickness, the deviation is in the direction of the strongest, and exactly the same with that which a third plate would produce equal in thickness to the difference of the two. M. Biot has discovered the same properties in a variety of liquids. Oil of turpentine, and an essential oil of laurel, cause the plane of polarization to turn to the left, whereas the syrup of sugar-cane, and a solu- tion of natural camphor by alcohol, turn it to the right. A compensation is effected by the superposition or mixture of two liquids which possess these opposite properties, provided no chemical action takes place. A remarkable difference was also observed by M. Biot between the action of the particles of the same sub- stances when in a liquid or solid state. The syrup of grapes, for example, turns the plane of polarization to the left as long as it remains liquid ; but as soon as it acquires the solid form of sugar, it causes the plane of polarization to revolve toward the right, a property which it retains even when again dissolved. Instances occur also in which these circumstances are reversed. A ray of light passing through a liquid possessing the power of circular polarization is not affected by mixing other fluids with the liquid such as water, ether, alco- SECT. XXII. CIRCULAR POLARIZATION. 185 hol, &c which do not possess circular polarization themselves, the angle of deviation remaining exactly the same as before the mixture. Whence M. Biot infers that the action exercised by the liquids in question does not depend upon their mass, but that it is a mole- cular action exercised by the ultimate particles of mat- ter, which depends solely upon the individual constitu- tion, and is entirely independent of the positions and mutual distances of the particles with regard to each other. These important discoveries show, that circular polarization surpasses the power of chemical analysis hi giving certain and direct evidence of the similarity or difference existing in the molecular constitution of bodies, as well as of the permanency of that constitution, or of the fluctuations to which it may be liable. For example, no chemical difference has been discovered between syrup from the sugar-cane and syrup from grapes. Yet the first causes the plane of polarization to revolve to the right, and the other to the left ; therefore some es- sential difference must exist in the nature of then- ulti- mate molecules. The same difference is to be traced between the juices of such plants as give sugar similar to that from the cane, and those which give sugar like that obtained from grapes. This eminent philosopher is now engaged in a series of experiments on the pro- gressive changes in the sap of vegetables at different distances from their roots, and on the products that are formed at the various epochs of vegetation, from their action on polarized light. It is a fact established by M. Biot, that in circular polarization, the laws of rotation followed by the differ- ent simple rays of light are dissimilar in different sub- stances. Whence he infers that the deviation of the simple rays from one another ought not to result from a special property of the luminous principle only, but that the proper action of the molecules must also concur in modifying the deviations of the simple rays differently in different substances. One of the many brilliant discoveries of M. Fresne is the production of circular and elliptical polarization by the internal reflection of light from plate glass. He has shown that if light polarized by any of the usual methods 186 ELLIPTICAL POLARIZATION. SECT. XXII. be twice reflected within a glass rhomb (N. 1 G6) of a given form, the vibrations of the ether that are perpendicular to the plane of incidence will be retarded a quarter of a vibration, which causes the vibrating particles to describe circles, and the succession of such vibrating particles throughout the extent of a wave to form altogether a circular helix, or curve like a corkscrew. However, that only happens when the plane of polarization is inclined at an angle of 45 to the plane of incidence. When these two planes form an angle either greater or less, the succession of vibrating particles forms an elliptical helix, which curve may be represented by twisting a thread in a spiral about an oval rod. These curves will turn to the right or left, according to the position of the incident plane. The motion of the ethereal medium in elliptical and circular polarization may be represented by the analogy of a stretched cord ; for if the extremity of such a cord be agitated at equal and regular intervals by a vibratory motion entirely confined to one plane, the cord will be thrown into an undulating curve lying wholly in that plane. If to this motion there be superadded another similar and equal, but perpendicular to the first, the cord will assume the form of an elliptical helix ; its ex- tremity will describe an ellipse, and every molecule throughout its length will successively do the same. But if the second system of vibrations commence exactly a quarter of an undulation later than the first, the cord will take the form of a circular helix or cork-screw ; the extremity will move uniformly in a circle, and every molecule throughout the cord will do the same in suc- cession. It appears, therefore, that both circular and elliptical polarization may be produced, by the compo- sition of the motions of two rays in which the particles cf ether vibrate in places at right angles to one another. Professor Airy, in a very profound and able paper published in the Cambridge Transactions, has proved that all the different kinds of polarized light are obtained from rock crystal. When polarized light is transmitted through the axis of a crystal of quartz, in the emergent ray the particles of ether move in a circular helix; and when it is transmitted obliquely so as to form an angle SECT. XXII. ELLIPTICAL POLARIZATION. 187 with the axis of the prism, the particles of ether move in an elliptical helix, the ellipticity increasing with the obliquity of the incident ray ; so that, when the incident ray falls perpendicularly to the axis, the particles of ether move in a straight line. Thus quartz exhibits every variety of elliptical polarization, even including the extreme cases where the eccentricity is zero, or equal to the greater axis of the ellipse (N. 210). In many crystals the two rays are so little separated, that it is only from the nature of the transmitted light that they are known to have the property of double refrac- tion. M. Fresnel discovered by experiments on the properties of light passing through the axis of quartz, that it consists of two superposed rays, moving with different velocities ; and Professor Airy has shown, that in these two rays, the molecules of ether vibrate in similar ellipses at right angles to each other, but in dif- ferent directions ; that their ellipticity varies with the angle which the incident ray makes with the axis ; and that, by the composition of their motions, they produce all the phenomena of polarized light observed in quartz. It appears from what has been said, that the mole- cules of ether always perform their vibrations at right angles to the direction of the ray, but very differently in the various kinds of light. In natural light the vibrations are rectilinear, and in every plane. In ordinary polar- ized light they are rectilinear, but confined to one plane ; in circular polarization the vibrations are circular ; and in elliptical polarization the molecules vibrate in ellipses. These vibrations are communicated from molecule to molecule, in straight lines when they are rectilinear, in a circular helix when they are circular, and in an oval or elliptical helix when elliptical. Some fluids possess the property of circular polar- ization, as oil of turpentine ; and elliptical polarization, or something similar, seems to be produced by reflection from metallic surfaces. The colored images from polarized light arise from the interference of the rays (N. 211). MM. Fresnel and Arago found that two rays of polarized light inter- fere and produce colored fringes if they be polarized in the same plane, but that they do not interfere when 188 FORMATION OF IMAGES. SECT. XXII. polarized in different planes. In all intermediate posi- tions, fringes of intermediate brightness are produced. The analogy of a stretched cord will show how this happens. Suppose the cord to be moved backward and forward horizontally at equal intervals ; it will be thrown into an undulating curve lying all in one plane. If to this motion there be superadded another similar and equal, commencing exactly half an undulation later than the first, it is evident that the direct motion every mole- cule will assume, in consequence of the first system of waves, will at every instant be exactly neutralized by the retrograde motion it would take in virtue of the second ; and the cord itself will be quiescent in conse- quence of the interference. But if the second system of waves be in a plane perpendicular to the first, the effect would only be to twist the rope, so that no inter- ference would take place. Rays polarized at right an- gles to each other may subsequently be brought into the same plane without acquiring the property of producing colored fringes ; but if they belong to a pencil the whole of which was originally polarized in the same plane, they will interfere. The manner in which the colored images are formed may be conceived, by considering that when polarized light passes through the optic axis of a doubly refracting substance, as mica, for example, it is divided into two pencils by the analyzing tourmaline ; and as one ray is absorbed there can be no interference. But when polarized light passes through the mica in any other direction, it is separated into two white rays, and these are again divided into four pencils by the tourmaline, which absorbs two of them ; and the other two, being transmitted in the same plane with different velocities, interfere and produce the colored phenomena. If the analysis be made with Iceland spar, the single ray pass- ing through the optic axis of the mica will be refracted into two rays polarized in different planes, and no in- terference will happen. But when two rays are trans- mitted by the mica, they will be separated into four by the spar, two of which will interfere to form one image, and the other two, by their interference, will produce the complementary colors of the other image, when the SKCT. XXII. DISCOVERY OF POLARIZATION. 189 spar has revolved through 90 ; because, in such posi- tions of the spar as produce the colored images, only two rays are visible at a time, the other two being re- flected. When the analysis is accomplished by reflec- tion, if two rays are transmitted by the mica, they are polarized in planes at right angles to each other. And if the plane of reflection of either of these rays be at right angles to the plane of polarization, only one of them will be reflected, and therefore no interference can take place ; but in all other positions of the analy- zing plate both rays will be reflected in the same plane, and consequently will produce colored rings by their interference. It is evident that a great deal of the light we see must be polarized, since most bodies which have the power of reflecting or refracting light also have the power of polarizing it. The blue light of the sky is completely polarized at an angle of 74 from the sun in a plane passing through his center. A constellation of talent almost unrivaled at any period in the history of science, has contributed to the theory of polarization, though the original discovery of that property of light was accidental, and arose from an occurrence which like thousands of others would have passed unnoticed, had it not happened to one of those rare minds capable of drawing the most important in- ferences from circumstances apparently trifling. In 1808, while M. Malus was accidently viewing with a doubly-refracting prism a brilliant sunset reflected from the windows of the Luxembourg palace in Paris, on turning the prism slowly round, he was surprised to see a very great difference in the intensity of the two images, die most refracted alternately changing from brightness to obscurity at each quadrant of revolution. A phenomenon so unlocked for induced him to investi- gate its cause, whence sprung one of the most elegant and refined branches of physical optics. 190 OBJECTIONS REMOVED. SEC*. XXIII. SECTION XXIII. Objections to the Undulatory Theory, from a Difference iu the Action of Sound and Light under the same circumstances, removed The Disper- sion of Light according to the Undulatory Theory. THE numerous phenomena of periodical colors arising from the interference of light, which do not admit of satisfactory explanation on any other principle than the undulatory theory, are the strongest arguments in favor of that hypothesis ; and even cases which at one time seemed unfavorable to that doctrine have proved upon investigation to proceed from it alone. Such is the er- roneous objection which has been made, in consequence of a difference in the mode of action of light and sound, under the same circumstances, in one particular in- stance. When a ray of light from a luminous point, and a diverging sound, are both transmitted through a very small hole into a dark room, the light goes straight forward and illuminates a small spot on the opposite wall, leaving the rest in darkness ; whereas the sound on en- tering diverges in all directions, and is heard in every part of the room. These phenomena, however, instead of being at variance with the undulatory theoiy, are direct consequences of it, arising from the very great difference between the magnitude of the undulations of sound and those of light. The undulations of light are incomparably less than the minute aperture, while those of sound are much greater. Therefore when light di- verging from a luminous point enters the hole, the rays round its edges are oblique, and consequently of different lengths, while those in the center are direct, and nearly or altogether of the same lengths. So that the small undulations between the center and the edges are in different phases, that is, in different states of undula- tion. Therefore the greater number of them interfere, and by destroying one another produce darkness all around the edges of the aperture ; whereas the central rays having the same phases, combine, and produce a spot of bright light on a wall or screen directly opposite the hole. The waves of air producing sound, on the SECT. XX1JI. OBJECTIONS REMOVED. 191 contrary, being very large compared with the hole, da not sensibly diverge hi passing through it. and are there- fore all so nearly of the same length, and consequently in the same phase, or state of undulation, that none of them interfere sufficiently to destroy one another. Hence all the particles of air in the room are set into a state of vibration, so that the intensity of the sound is very nearly everywhere the same. Strong as the pre- ceding cases may be, the following experiment made by M. Arago about twenty years ago seems to be decisive in favor of the undulatory doctrine. Suppose a plano- convex lens of very great radius to be placed upon a plate of very highly polished metal. When a ray of polarized light falls upon this apparatus at a very great angle of incidence, Newton's rings are seen at the point of contact. But as the polarizing angle of glass differs from that of metal, when the light falls on the lens at the polarizing angle of glass, the black spot and the sys- tem of rings vanish. For although light in abundance continues to be reflected from the surface of the metal, not a ray is reflected from the surface of the glass that is in contact with it, consequently no interference can take place ; which proves, beyond a doubt, that New- ton's rings result from the interference of the light re- flected from both the surfaces apparently in contact (N. 194). Notwithstanding the successful adaptation of the un- dulatory system to phenomena, the dispersion of light for a long time offered a formidable objection to that , theory, which has only been removed during the present year by Professor Powell of Oxford. A sunbeam falling on a prism, instead of being re- fracted to a single point of white light, is separated into its component colors, which are dispersed or scattered unequally over a considerable space, of which the portion occupied by the red rays is the least, and that over which the violet rays are dispersed is the greatest. Thus the rays of the colored spectrum whose waves are of differ- ent lengths, have different degrees of refrangibility, and consequently move with different velocities, either in the medium which conveys the light from the sun, or in the refracting medium, or in both ; whereas rays of all colors 192 OBJECTIONS REMOVED. SECT. XXIII. come from the sun to the earth with the same velocity. If, indeed, the velocities of the various rays were differ- ent in space, the aberration of the fixed stars, which is inversely as the velocity, would be different for different colors, and every star would appear as a spectrum whose length would be parallel to the direction of the earth's motion, which is not found to agree with observation. Besides, there is no such difference in the velocities of the long and short waves of air in the analogous case of sound, since notes of the lowest and highest pitch are heard in the order in which they are struck. In fact, when the sunbeam passes from air into the prism its velocity is diminished ; and as its refraction and conse- quently its dispersion depend solely upon the diminished velocity of the transmission of its waves, they ought to be the same for waves of all lengths, unless a connection exists between the length of a wave, and the velocity with which it is propagated. Now this connection be- tween the length of a wave of any color and its velocity or refrangibility in a given medium, has been deduced by Professor Powell from M. Cauchy's investigations of the properties of light on a peculiar modification of the undulatory hypothesis. Hence the refrangibility of the various colored rays computed from this relation for any given medium, when compared with their refrangibility in the same medium determined by actual observation, will show whether the dispersion of light comes under the laws of that theory. But in order to accomplish this, it is clear that the length of the waves should be found independently of refraction, and a very beautiful discoveiy of M. Fraunhofer furnishes the means of doing so. That philosopher obtained a perfectly pure and com- plete colored spectrum with all its dark and bright lines by the interference of light alone, from a sunbeam pass- ing through a series of fine parallel wires covering the object glass of a telescope. In this spectrum, formed independently of prismatic refraction, the positions of the colored rays depend only on the lengths of their waves, and M. Fraunhofer found that the intervals be- tween them are precisely proportional to the differences of these lengths. He measured the lengths of the waves SICT. XXIV. OBJECTIONS REMOVED. 193 of the different colors at seven fixed points, determined by seven of the principal dark and bright lines. Profes- sor Powell, availing himself of these measures, has made the requisite computations, and has found that the coin- cidence of theory with observation is perfect for ten substances whose refrangibility had been previously de- termined by the direct measurements of M. Fraunhofer, and for ten others whose refrangibility has more recently been ascertained by M. Rudberg, Thus, in the case of seven rays in each of twenty different substances solid and fluid, the dispersion of light takes place according to the laws of the undulatory theoiy; and as there can hardly be a doubt that dispersion hi all other bodies will be found to follow the same law, the undulatory theory of light may now be regarded as completely established. It is however an express condition of the connection be- tween the velocity of light and the length of its undula- tions, that the intervals between the vibrating molecules of the ethereal fluid should bear a sensible relation to the length of an undulation. The coincidence of the computed with the observed refractions shows that this condition is fulfilled within the refracting media ; but the aberration of the fixed stars leads to the inference that it does not hold in the ethereal regions, where the velocities of the rays of all colors are the same. SECTION XXIV. Chemical or Photographic Rays of the Solar Spectrum Messrs. Scheele, Ritter, and Wollaston's Discoveries Mr. Wedgewood and Sir Humphry Davy's Photographic Pictures The Calotype The Daguerreotype The Chromatype The Cyanotype Sir John Herschel's Discoveries in the Photographic or Chemical Spectrum Mons. E. Becquerel's Discovery of Inactive Lines in the Chemical Spectrum. THE solar spectrum has assumed a totally new char- acter from recent analysis, especially the chemical por- tion, which exercises an energetic action on matter, pro- ducing the most wonderful and mysterious changes on the organized and unorganized creation. All bodies are probably affected by light, but it acts with greatest energy on such as are of weak chemical affinity, imparting properties to them which they did 13 R 194 THE CALOTYPE. SECT. XXIV. not possess before. Metallic salts, especially those of silver, whose molecules are held together by an unstable equilibrium, are of all bodies the most susceptible of its influence ; the effects however vary with the substances employed and with the different rays of the solar spec- trum, the chemical properties of which are by no means alike. As early as 1772 M. Scheele showed that the pure white color of chloride of silver was rapidly dark- ened by the blue rays of the solar spectrum, while the red rays had no effect upon it; and in 1801 M. Hitter discovered that invisible rays beyond the violet extremity have the property of blackening argentine salts, that this property diminishes toward the less refrangible part of the spectrum, and that the red rays have an opposite quality, that of restoring the blackened saltaflfLsilver to its original purity, from which he inferredB3gthe most refrangible extremity of the spectrum ha^pn oxygen- izing power, and the other that of deoxygenating. Dr. Wollaston found that gum guaiacum acquires a green color in the violet and blue rays, and resumes its original fin the red. No attempt had been made to trace ural objects by means of light reflected from them Mr. Wedgewood, together with Sir Humphry Davy, took up the subject: they produced profiles and tracings of objects on surfaces prepared with nitrate and chloride of silver, but they did not succeed in rendering their pictures permanent. This difficulty was overcome in 1814 by M. Niepce, who produced a permanent picture of surrounding objects, by placing in the focus of a camera obscura, a metallic plate covered with a film of asphalt dissolved in oil of lavender. MA Fox Talbot, without any knowledge of M. Niepce's experiments, had been engaged in the same pursuit, and -must be regarded as an independent inventor of photography, one of the most beautiful arts of modern times : he was the first who succeeded in using paper chemically prepared for receiving impressions from nat- ural objects ; and he also discovered a method of fixing permanently the impressions that is, of rendering the paper insensible to any further action of light. In the calotypo, one of Mr. Talbot's most recent applications of the art, this photographic surface is prepared by wash- SCT. XXIV. M. DAGUERRE 195 ing smooth writing-ffoper, first with a solution of nitrate of silver, then with bromide of potassium, and again with nitrate of silver, drying it at a fire after each washing ; the paper is thus rendered so sensitive to light that even the passage of a thin cloud is perceptible on it, conse- quently it must be prepared by candle-light. Portraits, buildings, insects, leaves of plants, in short every object is accurately delineated in a few seconds, and in the focus of a camera obscura the most minute objects are so exactly depicted that the microscope reveals new beauties. Since the effect of the chemical agency of light is to destroy the affinity between the salt and the silver, Mr. Talbot found that in order to render these impressions permanent^pn paper, it was only necessary to wash it with saJBB water, or with a solution of iodide of po- tassiunaf^Wr these liquids the liquid hyposulphites have been* advantageously substituted, which are the most efficacious in dissolving and removing the unchanged salt, leaving the reduced silver on the paper. The cal- otype picture is negative, that is, the lights and shadows are the reverse of what they are in nature, and {& right-hand side in nature is the left in the picture ; but if it be placed with its face pressed against photographic paper, between a board and a plate of glass, and exposed to the sun a short time, a positive and direct picture as it is in nature is formed ; engravings may be exactly copied by this simple process, and a direct picture may be produced at once by using photographic paper already made brown by exposure to light. While Mr. Fox Talbot was engaged in these very elegant discoveries in England, M. Daguerre had brought to perfection and made public that admirable process by which he has compelled Nature permanently to en- grave her own works ; and thus the talents of France and England have been combined in bringing to perfec- tion this useful art. Copper, plated with silver, is suc- cessfully employed by M. Daguerre for copying nature by the agency of light. The surface of the plate is converted into an iodide of silver, by placing it horizon- tally with its face downward in a covered box, in the bottom of which there is a, small quantity of iodine 196 THE CHROMATYPE. Scr. XXiV. which evaporates spontaneously. In three or four minutes the surface acquires a yellow tint, and then, screening it carefully from light, it must be placed in the focus of a camera obscura, where an invisible image of external objects will be impressed on it in a few minutes. When taken out the plate must be exposed in another box to the action of mercurial vapor, which attaches itself to those parts of the plate which had been exposed to light, but does not adhere to such parts as had been in shadow ; and as the quantity of mercury over the other parts is in exact proportion to the de- gree of illumination, the shading of the picture is per- fect. The image is fixed, first by removing the iodine from the plate, by plunging it into hyposulphite of soda, and then washing it in distilled water ; by this process the yellow color is destroyed, and in order to render the mercury permanent, the plate must be exposed a few minutes to nitric vapor, then placed in nitric acid containing copper or silver in solution at a temperature of 61| of Fahrenheit for a short time, and lastly polished with chalk. This final part of the process is due to Dr. Berre, of Vienna. Nothing can be more beautiful than the shading of these chiar-oscuro pictures when objects are at rest, but the least motion destroys the effect ; the method therefore is more applicable to buildings than landscape. Color alone is wanting ; but the researches of Sir John Herschel give reason to believe that even this will ulti- mately be attained. The most perfect impressions of seaweeds, leaves of plants, feathers, &c., may be formed by bringing the object into close contact with a- sheet of photographic paper, between a board and plate of glass ; then ex- posing the whole to the sun for a short time, and after- ward fixing it by the process described. The colors of the pictures vary with the preparation of the paper, by which almost any tint may be produced. In the chromatype, a peculiar photograph discovered by Mr. Hunt, chromate of copper is used, on which a dark brown negative image is first formed, but by the continued action of light it is changed to a positive yellow picture on a white ground ; the farther effect SCT. XXIV. DISTRIBUTION OP CHEMICAL ENERGY. ] 97 of light is checked by washing the picture in pure water. In cyanotypes, a class of photographs discovered by Sir John Herschel, in which cyanogen in its combina- tions with iron forms the ground, the pictures are Prussian blue and white. In the chrysotype of the same eminent philosopher, the image is first received on paper prepared with the ammonia-citrate of iron, and afterward washed with a neutral solution of gold. It is fixed by water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and lastly by hydriodate of potash, from which a white and purple photograph results. It is vain to attempt to de- scribe the various beautiful effects which Sir John Herschel obtained from chemical compounds, and from the juices of plants : the juice of the red poppy gives a positive bluish purple image, that of the ten-week stock a fine rose color on a pale straw-colored ground. Pictures may be made by exposure to sunshine, on all compound substances having a weak chemical affinity, but the image is often invisible, as in the Daguerreotype, till brought out by washing in some chemical prepara- tion. Water is frequently sufficient ; indeed Sir John Herschel brought out dormant photographs by breathing on them, and some substances are insensible to the ac- tion of light till moistened, as for example gum guaia- cum. Argentine papers, however, are little subject to the influence of moisture. The power of the solar rays is augmented in certain cases by placing a plate of glass in close contact over the sensitive surface. Chemical action always accompanies the sun's light, but the analysis of the solar spectrum has partly dis- closed the wonderful nature of the emanation. In the research, properties most important and unexpected have been discovered by Sir John Herschel, who im- prints the stamp of genius on all he touches his elo- quent papers can alone convey an adequate idea of then? value in opening a field of inquiry vast and untrodden. The following brief and imperfect account of his exper- iments is all that can be attempted here : A certain degree of chemical energy is distributed through every part of the solar spectrum, and also to a considerable extent through the dark spaces at each ex- 198 INTENSITY OF CHEMICAL ACTION. SECT. XXIV. tremity. This distribution does not depend on the re- frangibility of the rays alone, but also on the nature of the rays themselves, and on the physical properties of the analyzing medium on which the rays are received, whose changes indicate and measure their action. The length of the photographic image of the same solar spec- trum varies with the physical qualities of the surface on which it is impressed. When the solar spectrum is received on paper prepared with bromide of silver, the chemical spectrum, as indicated merely by the length of the darkened part, includes within its limits the whole luminous spectrum, extending in one direction far be- yond the extreme violet and lavender rays, and in the other down to the extremest red : with tartrate of sil- ver the darkening occupies not only all the space under the most refrangible rays, but reaches much beyond the extreme red. On paper prepared with formobenzoate of silver the chemical spectrum is cut off at the orange rays, with phosphate of silver in the yellow, and with chloride of gold it terminates with the green, with car- bonate of mercury it ends in the blue, and on paper prepared with the per cyanide of gold, ammonia, and nitrate of silver, the darkening lies entirely beyond the visible spectrum at its most refrangible extremity, and is only half its length, whereas in some cases chemical action occupies a space more than twice the length of the luminous image. The point of maximum energy of chemical action varies as much for different preparations as the scale of action. In the greater number of cases the point of deepest blackening lies about the lower edge of the in- digo rays, though in no two cases is it exactly the same, and in many substances it is widely different. On paper prepared with the juice of the ten-week stock (Mathiola annua), there are two maxima, one in the mean yellow and a weaker in the violet ; and on a preparation of tar- trate of silver, Sir John Herschel found three, one in the least refrangible blue, one in the indigo, and a third beyond the visible violet. The decrease in photographic energy is seldom perfectly alike on both sides of the maximum. Thus at the most refrangible end of the solar spectrum the greatest chemical power is exerted SBCT. XXIV. THE SOLAR SPECTRUM. 199 in most instances where there fa least light and heat, and even in the space where both sensibly cease. Not only the intensity but the kind of action is differ- ent in the different points of the solar spectrum, as evidently appears from the various colors that are fre- quently impressed on the same analyzing surface, each ray having a tendency to impart its own color. Sir John Herschel obtained a colored image of the solar spectrum on paper prepared according to Mr. Talbot's principle, from a sunbeam refracted by a glass prism and then highly condensed by a lens. The photographic image was rapidly formed and very intense, and when with- drawn from the spectrum and viewed in common day- light it was found to be colored with sombre but une- quivocal tints imitating the prismatic colors, which varied gradually from red through green and blue^to a purplish black. After washing the surface in water, the tints became more decided by being kept a few days in the dark a phenomenon, Sir John observes, of constant occurrence, whatever be the preparation of the paper, provided colors are produced at all. He also obtained a colored image on nitrate of silver, the part under the blue rays becoming a blue brown, while that under the violet had a pinkish shade, and sometimes green ap- peared at the point corresponding to the least refrangible blue. Mr. Hunt found on a paper prepared with fluoride of silver that a yellow line was impressed on the space occupied by the yellow rays, a green band on the space under the green rays, an intense blue throughout the space on which the blue and indigo rays fell, and under the violet rays a ruddy brown appeared ; these colors remained clear and distinct after being kept two months. Notwithstanding the great variety in the scale of action of the solar spectrum, the darkening or deoxy- dizing principle that prevails in the more refrangible part rarely surpasses or even attains the mean yellow ray which is the point of maximum illumination ; it is generally cut off abruptly at that point which seems to form a limit between the opposing powers which prevail at the two ends of the spectrum. The bleaching or ox- ydizing effect of the red rays on blacke'ned muriate of silver discovered by M. Ritter of Jena, and the resfora- 200 CHEMICAL SPECTRUM. SECT. XXIV. tion by the same rays of discolored gum guaiacum to its original tint by Dr. YVollaston, have already been men- tioned as giving the first indications of that difference in the mode of action of the chemical rays at the two ends of the visible spectrum, now placed beyond a doubt. The action exerted by the less refrangible rays be- yond and at the red extremity of the solar spectrum, in most instances, so far from blackening metallic salts, protects them from the action of the diffused daylight; but if the prepared surface has already been blackened by exposure to the sun, they possess the remarkable property of bleaching it in some cases, and under other circumstances of changing the black surface into a fiery red. Sir John Herschel, to whom we owe most of our knowledge of the properties of the chemical spectrum, prepared a sheet of paper by washing it with muriate of ammonia, and then with two coats of nitrate of silver ; on this surface he obtained an impression of the solar spectrum exhibiting a range of colors very nearly cor- responding with its natural hues. But a very remarka- ble phenomenon occurred at the end of least refrangi- bility ; the red rays exerted a protecting influence which preserved the paper from the change which it would otherwise have undergone from the deoxydizing influence of the dispersed light which always surrounds the solar spectrum, and this maintained its whiteness. Sir John met with another instance on paper prepared with bromide of silver, on which the whole of the space occupied by the visible spectrum was darkened down to the very extremity of the red rays, but an oxydizing action commenced beyond the extreme red, which main- tained the whiteness of the paper to a considerable dis- tance beyond the last traceable limit of the visible rays, thus evincing decidedly the existence of some chemical power over a considerable space beyond the least re- frangible end of the spectrum. Mr. Hunt also found that on the Daguerreotype plate a powerful protecting influence is exercised by the extreme red rays. In these cases the red and those dark rays beyond them exert an action -of an opposite nature to that of the violet and lavender ravs. Sicr.XXIV. BLEACHING POWER OF SOLAR SPECTRUM. 201 The least refrangible part of the solar spectrum pos- sesses also, under certain circumstances, a bleaching property, by which the metallic salts are restored to their original whiteness after being blackened by ex- posure to common daylight, or to the most refrangible rays of the solar spectrum. Paper prepared with iodide of silver, when washed over with ferrocyanite of potash, blackens Vapidly when exposed to the solar spectrum. It begins in the violet rays and extends over all the space occupied by the dark chemical rays, and over the whole visible spectrum down to the extreme red rays. This image is colored, the red rays giving a reddish tint and the blue a bluish. In a short time a bleaching process begins under the red rays, and extends upward to the green, but the space occupied by the extreme red is maintained perfectly dark. Mr. Hunt found that a similar bleaching power is exerted by the red rays on paper prepared with protocyanide of potassium and gold with a wash of nitrate of silver. The application of a moderately strong hydriodate of potash to darkened photographic paper renders it pecu- liarly susceptible of "being whitened by further exposure to light. If paper prepared with bromide of silver be washed with ferrocyanate of potash while under the influence of the solar spectrum, it is immediately dark- ened throughout the part exposed to the visible rays down to the end of the red, some slight interference being perceptible about the region of the orange and yellow. After this a bleaching action begins over the part occupied by the red rays, which extends to the green. By longer exposure an oval spot begins again to darken about the center of the bleached space ; but if the paper receive another wash of the hydriodate of potash, the bleaching action extends up from the green, over the region occupied by the most refrangible rays and considerably beyond them, thus inducing a negative action in the most refrangible part of the spectrum. In certain circumstances the red rays, instead of re- storing darkened photographic paper to its original whiteness, produce a deep red color. When Sir John Herschel received the spectrum on paper somewhat discolored by exposure to direct sunshine, instead of 202 PHOTOGRAPHY. SECT. XXIV. whiteness, a red border was formed extending from the space occupied by the orange, and nearly covering that on which the red fell. When, instead of exposing the paper in the first instance to direct sunshine, it was blackened by the violet rays of a prismatic spectrum, or by a sunbeam that had undergone the absorptive action of a solution of ammonia-sulphate of copper, the red rays of the condensed spectrum produced on it, not whiteness, but a full and fiery red which occupied the whole space on which any of the visible red rays had fallen, and this red remained unchanged, however long the paper remained exposed to the least refrangible rays. Sunlight transmitted through red glass produces the same effect as the red rays of the spectrum in the fore- going experiment. Sir John Herschel placed an en- graving over a paper blackened by exposure to sunshine, covering the whole with a dark red-brown glass previ- ously ascertained to absorb every ray beyond the orange : in this way a photographic copy was obtained in which the shades were black, as in the original engraving, but the lights, instead of being white, were of the red color of venous blood, and no other color could be obtained by exposure to light, however long. Sir John ascertained that every part of the spectrum impressed by the more refrangible rays is equally reddened, or nearly so, by the subsequent action of the less refrangible ; thus the red rays have the very remarkable property of assimilating to their own color the blackness already impressed on photographic paper. That there is a deoxy dating property in the more re- frangible rays, and an oxydating action in the less re- frangible part of the spectrum, is manifest from the blackening of one and the bleaching effect of the other ; but the peculiar action of the red rays in the experi- ments mentioned, shows that some other principle exists different from contrariety of action. These opposite qualities are balanced or neutralized in the region of the mean yellow ray. But although this is the general character of the photographic spectrum, under certain circumstances even the red rays have a deoxydating power, while the blue and scarlet exert a contrary influ- ence ; but these are rare exceptions. - S.CT. XXIV. REFRANGIBILITY. 203 The photographic action of the two portions of the solar spectrum being so different, Sir John Herschel tried the effect of their united action by superposing the less refrangible part of the spectrum over the more re- frangible portion by means of two prisms, and he thus discovered that two rays of different refrangibility, and therefore of different lengths of undulation, acting simul- taneously, produce an effect which neither acting sepa- rately can do. Some circumstances that occurred during the analysis of the chemical spectrum seem to indicate an absorptive action in the sun's atmosphere. The spectral image impressed on paper prepared with nitrate of silver and Rochelle salt, commenced at or very little below the mean yellow ray, of a delicate lead color, and when tha action was arrested such was the character of the whole photographic spectrum. But when the light of the solar spectrum was allowed to continue its action, there was observed to come on suddenly a new and much more intense impression of darkness, confined in length to the blue and violet rays ; and what is most remarka- ble, confined also in breadth to the middle of the sun's image, so far at least as to leave a border of the lead- colored spectrum traceable, not only round the clear and well-defined convexity of the dark interior spectrum at the least refrangible end, but also laterally along both its edges : and this border was the more easily traced and less liable to be mistaken from its striking contrast of color with the interior spectrum, the former being lead gray, the latter an extremely rich deep velvety brown. The less refrangible end of this interior brown spectrum presented a sharply terminated and regularly elliptical contour, the more refrangible a less decided one. " It may seem too hazardous," Sir John continues, " $o look for the cause of this very singular phenomenon in a real difference between the chemical agencies of those rays which issue from the central portion of the sun's disc, and those which, emanating from its borders, have undergone the absorptive action of a much greater depth of its atmosphere ; and yet I confess myself some- what at a loss what other cause to assign for it. It must suffice, however, to have thrown out the hint, re- 204 PHOTOGRAPHIC PHENOMENA. SKCT. XXIV. marking only, that I have other, and I am disposed to think decisive, evidence of the existence of an absorptive solar atmosphere extending beyond the luminous one." Several circumstances concur in showing that there are influences also concerned in the transmission of the pho- tographic action which have not yet been explained, as for example the influence which the time of the day exercises on the rapidity with which photographic im- pressions are made, the sun being much less effective two hours after passing the meridian than two hours before. There is also reason to Nsuspect that the effect in some way depends on the latitude, since a much longer time is required to obtain an image under the bright skies of the tropics than in England, and it is even probable that there is a difference in the sun's light in high and low latitudes, because an image of the solar spectrum obtained on a Daguerreotype plate in Virginia by Dr.- Draper, differed from a spectral image obtained by Mr. Hunt on a similar plate in England. The inactive spaces discovered in the photographic spec- trum by M. E. Becquerel similar to those in the lumi- nous spectrum, and coinciding with them, is also a phe- nomenon of which no explanation has yet been given. Although chemical action extends over the whole lumi- nous spectrum and much beyond it in gradations of more or less intensity, it is found by careful investiga- tion to be by no means continuous ; numerous inactive lines cross it coinciding with those in the luminous image as far as it extends : besides, a very great number exist in the portions that are obscure, and which overlap the visible part. There are three extra-spectral lines be- yond the red, and some strongly marked groups on the obscure part beyond the violet ; but the whole number of those inactive lines, especially in the dark spaces, is so great that it is impossible to count them. Notwithstanding this coincidence in the inactive lines of the two spectra, photographic energy is independent of both light and heat, since it exerts the most powerful influence in those rays where they are least, and also in spaces where neither sensibly exist ; but the trans- mission of the sun's light through colored media makes that independence quite evident. Heat and light pass SKUT. XXIV. PHOTOGRAPHIC PHENOMENA. ',205 abundantly through yellow glass, or a solution of chro- mate of potash ; but the greater part of the chemical rays are excluded, and chlorine gas diluted with common air, though highly pervious to the luminous and calorific principles, has the same effect. Sir John Herschel found that a slight degree of yellow London fog had a similar effect with that of pale yellow media : he also remarked that a weak solution of azolitmine in potash, which admits a great quantity of green light, excludes chemical action ; and some years ago, the author, while making experiments on the transmission of chemical rays, observed that green glass, colored byoxyde of cop- per, about- the 20th of an inck thick, excludes the pho- tographic rays, and as M. Melloni has shown that sub- stance to be impervious to the most refrangible calorific rays, it has the property of excluding the whole of the most refrangible part of the solar spectrum, visible and invisible. Green mica, if not too thin, has also the same effect, whereas amethyst, deep blue and violet-colored glasses, though they transmit a very little light, allow the chemical rays to pass freely. Thus light and pho- tographic energy may be regarded as distinct and inde- pendent properties of the solar beam. It is not known whether photographic energy be ab- sorbed by material substances or not, neither is it known whether it be concerned in crystalization, and in pro- ducing those changes in the internal structure of cfystals when exposed to the sun, already mentioned ; but the power is universal wherever the solar beam falls, though the effect only becomes evident in cases of unstable mo- lecular equilibrium. The composition and decomposi- tion of those solids, liquids, and ae'riform fluids hitherto attributed to light, are chiefly owing to this energy ; and as similar chemical changes may be produced by cur- rents of electricity, an occult connection between these two imponderable influences is shadowed out, 8 206 HEAT SECT. XXV. SECTION XXV. Heat Calorific Rays of the Solar Spectrum Experiments of MM. De Laroche and Melloni on the Transmission of Heat The Point of greatest Heat in the Solar Spectrum varies with the Substance of the Prism Polarization of Heat Circular Polarization of Heat Transmission of the Chemical Rays Absorption of Heat Radiation of Heat Dew Hoar Frost Rain Hail Combustion Dilatation of Bodies by Heat Propa- gation of Heat Latent Heat Heat presumed to consist of the Undula- tions of an Elastic Medium Parathermic Rays Moser's Discoveries. IT is not by vision alone that a knowledge of the sun's rays is acquired, touch proves that they have the power of raising the temperature of substances exposed to their action. Sir William Herschel discovered that rays of caloric which produce the sensation of heat, exist in the solar spectrum independently of those of light ; when he used a prism of flint-glass, he found the warm rays most abundant in the dark space a little beyond the red extremity of the spectrum that from thence they decrease toward the violet, beyond which they are in- sensible. It may therefore be concluded, that the ca- lorific rays vary in refrangibility, and that those beyond the extreme red are less refrangible than any rays of light. Since Sir William Herschel's time it has been discovered that the calorific spectrum exceeds the lumi- nous one in length in the ratio of 42 to 25, but the most singular phenomenon of the calorific spectrum is its want of continuity. Sir John Herschel blackened the under side of a sheet of very thin white paper by the smoke of a lamp, and having exposed the white side to the solar spectrum, he drew a brush dipped in spirit of whie over it, by which the paper assumed a black hue when sufficiently saturated. The heat in the spectrum evaporated tha spirit first on those parts of the paper where it fell with greatest intensity, thereby restoring their white color, and thus he discovered that the ca- loric is not distributed uniformly, but in spots of greater or less intensity a circumstance probably owing to the absorbing action of the atmospheres of the sun and earth. " The effect of the former," says Sir John, u is beyond our control, unless we could carry our experi- ments to such a point of delicacy as to operate separately SKCT. XXV. SOLAR SPECTRUM. 207 on rays emanating from the center and borders of the sun's disc ; that of the earth's, though it cannot be elim- inated any more than in the case of the sun's, may yet be varied to a considerable extent by experiments made at great elevations and under a vertical sun, and com- pared with others where the sun is more oblique, the situation lower, and the atmospheric pressure of a tem- porarily high amount. Should it be found that this cause is in reality concerned in the production of the spots, we should see reason to believe that a large por- tion of solar heat never reaches the earth's surface, and that what is incident on the summits of lofty mountains differs not only in quantity, but also in quality, from what the plains receive." Thus the solar spectrum is proved to consist of five superposed spectra, only three of which are visible the red, yellow, and blue; each of the five varies in refrangibility and intensity throughout the whole ex- tent, the visible part being overlapped at one extremity by the chemical, and at the other by the calorific rays ; but the two latter exceed the visible part so much, that the linear dimensions of the three, the luminous, calo- rific, and photographic, are in the proportion of the numbers 25, 42, 10, and 55-10, so that the whole solar spectrum is more than twice as long as its visible part. That the heat-producing rays exist independently of light, is a matter of constant experience in the abundant emission of them from boiling water. Yet there is every reason to believe that both the calorific and chemical rays are modifications of the same agent which produces the sensation of light. Rays of heat dart in diverging straight lines from flame, and from each point in the surfaces of hot bodies, in the same manner as diverging rays of light proceed from every point of the surfaces of such as are luminous. Accord- ing to the experiments of Sir John Leslie, radiation proceeds not only from the surfaces of substances, but also from the particles at a minute depth below it. He found that the emission is most abundant in a direction perpendicular to the radiating surface, and that it is more rapid from a rough than from a polished surface : radiation, however, can only take place in air and in 208 RADIATION. SECT. XXV. vacuo ; it is altogether imperceptible when the hot body is inclosed in a solid or liquid. Heated substances, when exposed to the open air, continue to radiate caloric till they become nearly of the temperature of the surrounding medium. The radiation is very rapid at first, but diminishes according to a known law with the temperature of the heated body. It appears, also, that the radiating power of a surface is inversely as its reflecting power ; and bodies that are most impermea- ble to heat radiate least. Rays of heat, whether they proceed from the sun, from flame, or other terrestrial sources, luminous or non-luminous, are instantaneously transmitted through solid and liquid substances, there being no appreciable difference in the time they take to pass through layers of any nature or thickness whatever. They pass also with the same facility whether the media be agitated or at rest; and in these respects the analogy between light and heat is perfect. Radiant heat passes through the gases with the same facility as light ; but a remark- able difference obtains in the transmission of light and heat through most solid and liquid substances, the same body being often perfectly permeable to the luminous and altogether impermeable to the calorific rays. For example, thin and perfectly transparent plates of alum and citric acid sensibly transmit all the rays of light from an argand lamp, but stop eight or nine tenths of the concomitant heat ; while a large piece of brown rock crystal gives a free passage to the radiant heat, but intercepts almost all the light. M. Melloni has established the general law in uncrystalized substances such as glass and liquids, that the property of instanta- neously transmitting heat is in proportion to their re- fractive powers. The law, however, is entirely at fault in bodies of a crystaline texture. Carbonate of lead, for instance, which is colorless, and possesses a very high refractive power with regard to light, transmits less radiant heat than Iceland spar or rock-crystal, which are very inferior to it in the order of refran- gibility ; while rock-salt, which has the same transpa- rency and refractive power with alum and citric acid, transmits six or eight times as much caloric. This SICT. XXV. TRANSMISSION OP HEAT. 209 remarkable difference in the transmissive power of sub- stances having the same- appearance, is attributed by M. Melloni to their crystaline form, and hot to the chemical composition of their molecules, as the following experi- ments prove. A block of common salt cut into plates, entirely excludes calorific radiation ; yet when dissolved in water, it increases the transmissive power of that liquid : moreover, the transmissive power of water is increased in nearly the same degree, whether salt or alum be dissolved in k ; yet these two substances transmit very different quantities of heat in their solid state. Notwithstanding the influence of ciy stall zation on the transmissive power of bodies, no relation has been traced between that power and the crystaline form. The transmission of radiant heat is analogous to that of light through colored media. When common white light, consisting of blue, yellow, and red rays, passes through a red liquid, almost all the blue and yellow rays, and a few of the red, are intercepted by the first layer of the fluid ; fewer are intercepted by the second, less by the third, and so on : till at last the losses ' very small and invariable, and those rays transmitted which give the red color to t 1 a similar manner, when plates of the sair any substance, such as glass, are exposet lamp, a considerable portion of the rad rested by the first plate, a less port^- still less by the third, and so on, ' ' heat decreasing till at last the loss^ quantity. The traowmssion solid mass follows t ' @g f fie considerable on first ish in proportion as become constant at a certain difference between the transm> through a solid mass, or through the cut into plates of equal thickness, arises . quantity of heat that is reflected at the surface plates. It is evident, therefore, that the heat ually lost is not intercepted at the surface, but ab in the interior of the substance, and that heat has passed through one stratum of air experiences 14 s2 210 RADIANT HEAT. SECT. XXV. absorption in each of the succeeding strata, and may therefore be propagated to a greater distance before it is extinguished. The experiments of M. de Laroche show, that glass, however thin, totally intercepts the obscure rays of caloric when they flow from a body whose temperature is lower than that of boiling water ; that as the temperature increases, the calorific rays are transmitted more and more abundantly ; and when the body becomes highly luminous, that they penetrate the glass with perfect ease. The extreme brilliancy of the sun is probably the reason why his heat, when brought to a focus by a lens, is more intense than any that has been produced artificially. It is owing to the same cause that glass screens, which entirely exclude the heat of a common fire, are permeable by the solar caloric. The results obtained by M. de Laroche have been confirmed by the recent experiments of M. Melloni on caloric radiated from sources of different temperatures, whence it appears that the calorific rays pass less abun- *iy not only through glass, but through rock-crystal, spar, and other diaphanous bodies, both solid according as the temperature of their origin and that they are altogether intercepted )erature is about that of boiling water. as proved that the heat emanating from i a bright flame consists of rays which other as much as the red, yellow, and ,h constitute white light. This ex- v f the loss of heat as it penetrates H solid mass, or in passing for, of the different kinds of all are successively .re of the substance till those homogeneous rays ve the greatest facility in passing aeuiar substance ; exactly as in a red and yellow rays are extinguished, and are transmitted. Melloni employed four sources of caloric, two of were luminous and two obscure ; namely, an oil- without u glass, incandescent platina, copper to 696, and a copper vessel filled with water at SCT.XXV. MELLONI'S EXPERIMENTS. 211 the temperature of 178^ of Fahrenheit. Rock-salt transmitted heat in the proportion of 92 rays out of 100 from each of these sources; but all other sub- stances pervious to radiant heat, whether solid or liquid, transmitted more caloric from sources of high temperature than from such as are low. For instance, limpid and colorless fluate of lime transmitted in the pro- portion of 78 rays out of 100 from the lamp, 69 from the platiua, 42 from the copper, and 33 from the hot water; while transparent rock-crystal transmitted 38 rays in 100 from the lamp. 28 from the platina, 6 from the copper, and 9 from the hot water. Pure ice transmitted only in the proportion of 6 rays in tbte 100 from the lamp, and entirely excluded those from the other three sources. Out of 39 different substances, 34 were pervious to the calorific rays from hot water, 14 excluded those from the hot copper, and 4 did not transmit those from the platina. Thus it appears that heat proceeding from these sources is of different kinds : this difference in ture of the calorific rays is also proved by another, periment, which will be more easily understood from the analogy of light. Red light emanating from red glass, will pass in abundance through another piece of red glass, but it will be absorbed by green glass : green rays will more readily pass through a green medium than through one of any other color. This holds with regard to all colors; so in heat. Rays of caloric of the same intensity, which have passed through different substances, are transmitted in different quantities by the same piece of alum, and are sometimes stopped alto- gether ; showing that rays which emanate from different substances possess different qualities. It appears that a bright flame furnishes rays of heat of all kinds, in the same manner as it gives light of all colors ; and as col- ored media transmit some colored rays and absorb the rest, so bodies transmit some ray of caloric and ex- clude the others. Rock-salt alone resembles colorless transparent media in transmitting all kinds of caloric, even the heat of the hand, just as they transmit white light, consisting of rays of all colors. The property of transmitting the calorific rays di- ese tour th im- :h..-r ex- 210 MELLONI'S EXPERIMENTS. SCT. XXV. rainishes to a certain degree with the thickness of the body they have to traverse, but not so much as might be expected. A piece of veiy transparent alum trans- mitted three or four times less radiant heat from the flame of a lamp than a piece of nearly opaque quartz about a hundred times as thick. However, the influ- ence of thickness upon the phenomena of transmission increases with the decrease of temperature in the origin of the rays, and becomes very great when that temperature is low. This is a circumstance intimately connected with the law established by M. de Laroche ; for M. Melloni observed that the difference between the quantities of caloric transmitted by the same plate of glass, exposed successively to several sources of heat, diminished with the thinness of the plate, and vanished altogether at a certain limit; and that a film of mica transmitted the same quantity of caloric, whether it was exposed to incandescent platina or to a mass of iron heated to 360. Colored glasses transmit rays of light of certain degrees of refrangibility, and absorb those of other degrees. For example, red glass absorbs the more refrangible rays, and transmits the red, which are the least refrangible. On the contrary, violet glass absorbs the least refrangible, and transmits the violet, which are the most refrangible. Now M. Melloni has found, that although the coloring matter of glass diminishes its power of transmitting heat, yet red, orange, yellow, blue, violet, and white glass transmit calorific rays of all degrees of refrangibility. Whereas green glass possesses the peculiar property of transmitting the least refrangi- ble calorific rays, and stopping those that are most re- frangible. It has therefore the same elective action for heat that colored glass has for light, and its action on heat is analogous to that of red glass on light. Alum and sulphate of lime are exactly opposed to green glass in their action on heat, by transmitting the most re- frangible rays with the greatest facility. The heat which has already passed through green or opaque black glass will not pass through alum, while that which has been transmitted through , glasses of other colors traverses it readily. SKCT. XXV. MELLONl'S EXPERIMENTS. 213 By reversing the experiment, and exposing different substances to caloric that had already passed through alum, M. Melloni found that the heat emerging from alum is almost totally intercepted by opaque substances, and is abundantly transmitted by all such as are trans- parent and colorless, and that it suffers no appreciable loss when the thickness of the plate is varied within certain limits. The properties of the heat therefore which issues from alum, nearly approach to those of light and solar heat. Radiant heat in traversing various media is not only rendered more or less capable of being transmitted a second time, but, according to the experiments of Pro- fessor Powell, it becomes more or less susceptible of being absorbed in different quantities by black or v white surfaces. M. Melloni has proved. that solar heat contains rays which are affected by different substances in the same way as if the heat proceeded from a terrestrial source ; whence he concludes that the difference observed be- tween the transmission of terrestrial and solar heat arises from the circumstances of solar heat containing all kinds of caloric, while in other sources some of the kinds are wanting. Radiant heat, from sources of any temperature what- ever, is subject to the same laws of reflection and re- fraction as rays of light. The index of refraction from a prism of rock-salt determined experimentally, is nearly the same for light and heat. Liquids, the various kinds of glass, and probably all substances, whether solid or liquid, that do not crystal- ize regularly, are more pervious to the calorific rays according as they possess a greater refractive power. For example, the chloride of sulphur, which has a high refractive power, transmits more of the calorific rays than the oils, which have a less refractive power : oils trans- mit more radiant heat than the acids ; the acids more than aqueous solutions ; and the latter more than pure water, which of all the series has the least refractive power, and is the least pervious to heat. M. Melloni observed also, that each ray of the solar spectrum follows the same law of action with that of terrestrial rays hav- 214 MAXIMUM OF HEAT IN SPECTRUM. SECT. XXV. ing their origin in sources of different temperatures ; so that the very refrangible rays may be compared to the heat emanating from a focus of high temperature, and the least refrangible to the heat which comes from a source of low temperature. Thus if the calorific rays emerging from a prism be made to pass through a layer of water contained between two plates of glass, it will be found that these rays suffer a loss in passing through the liquid, as much greater as their refrangibility is less. The rays of heat that are mixed with the blue or violet light pass in great abundance, while those in the obscure part which follows the red light are almost totally inter- cepted. The first, therefore, act like the heat of a lamp, and the last like that of boiling water. These circumstances explain the phenomena observed by several philosophers will regard to the point of greatest heat in the solar spectrum, which varies with the substance of the prism. Sir William Herschel, who employed a prism of flint glass, found that point to be a little beyond the red extremity of the spectrum : bat according to M. Seebeck, it is found to be upon the yellow, upon the orange, on the red, or at the dark limit of the red, according as the prism consists of water, sulphuric acid, crown or flint glass. If it be recollected that in the spectrum from crown glass, the maximum heat is in the red part, and that the solar rays, in traversing a mass of water, suffer losses inversely as their refrangibility, it will be easy to understand the reason of the phenomenon in question. The solar heat which comes to the anterior face of the prism of water consists of rays of all degrees of refrangibility. Now, the rays possessing the same index of refraction with the red light suffer a greater loss in passing through the prism than the rays possessing the refrangibility of the orange light, and the latter lose less in their passage than the heat of the yellow. Thus the losses, being inversely proportional to the degree of refrangibility of each ray, cause the point of maximum heat to tend from the red toward the violet, and therefore it rests upon the yellow part. The prism of sulphuric acid acting similarly, but with less energy than that of water, throws the point of greatest heat on the orange ; for the same reason, tho SECT. XXV POLARIZATION OF CALORIC. 215 crown and flint glass prisms transfer that point respec- tively to the red and to its limit. M. Melloni, observing that the maximum point of heat is transferred farther and farther toward the red end of the spectrum, ac- cording as the substance of the prism is more and more permeable to heat, inferred that a prism of rock-salt, which possesses a greater power of transmitting the calorific rays than any known body, ought to throw the point of greatest heat to a considerable distance beyond the visible part of the spectrum, an anticipation which experiment fully confirmed, by placing it as much be- yond the dark limits of the red rays as the red part is distant from the bluish green band of the spectrum. In all these experiments, M. Melloni employed a thermo-multiplier, an instrument that measures the intensity of the transmitted heat with an accuracy far beyond what any thermometer ever attained. It is a very elegant application of M. Seebeck's discovery oi thermo-electricity; but the description of this instrument is reserved for a future occasion, because the principle on which it is constructed has not yet been explained. In the beginning of the present century, not long after M. Malus had discovered the polarization of light, he and M. Berard proved that the heat which accompanies the sun's light is capable of being polarized ; but their attempts totally failed with heat derived from terrestrial, and especially from non-luminous sources. M. Berard, indeed, imagined that he had succeeded ; but when his experiments were repeated by Mr. Lloyd and Professor Powell, no satisfactory result could be obtained. M- Melloni lately resumed the subject, and endeavored to effect the polarization of heat by tourmaline, as in the case of light. It was already shown that two slices of tourmaline cut parallel to the axis of the crystal, trans- mit a great portion of the incident light when looked through with their axes parallel, and almost entirely ex- clude it when they are perpendicular to one another. Should radiant heat be capable of polarization, the quan- tity transmitted by the slices of tourmaline in their for- mer position ought greatly to exceed that which passes through them in the latter, yet M. Melloni found that the quantity of heat was the same in both cases : whence 216 POLARIZATION OF CALORIC. SECT. XXV. he inferred that heat from a terrestrial source is inca- pable of being polarized. Professor Forbes of Edin- burgh, who has recently prosecuted this subject with great acuteness and success, came to the same conclu- sion in the first instance ; but it occurred to him, that as the pieces of tourmaline became heated by being very near the lamp, the secondary radiation from them ren- dered the very small difference in the heat that was transmitted in the two positions of the tourmalines im- perceptible. The same conclusion had been come at by M. Melloni ; nevertheless Mr. Forbes succeeded in proving by numerous observations, that heat from vari- ous sources was polarized by the tourmaline ; but that the effect with non-luminous heat was very minute and difficult to perceive, on account of the secondary radia- tion. Though light is almost entirely excluded in one position of the tourmalines, and transmitted in the other, a vast quantity of radiant heat passes through them in all positions. Eighty-four per cent, of the heat from an argand lamp passed through the tourmalines in the case where light was altogether stopped. It is only the dif- ference in the quantity of transmitted heat that gives evidence of its polarization. The second slice of tour- maline, when perpendicular to the first, stops all the light, but transmits a great proportion of heat ; alum, on the contrary, stops almost all the heat and transmits the light ; whence it may be concluded that heat, though intimately partaking the nature of light, and accompany- ing it under certain circumstances, as in reflection and refraction, is capable of almost complete separation from it under others. The separation has since been per- fectly effected by M. Melloni, by passing a beam of light through a combination of water and green glass, colored by the oxide of copper. Even when the transmitted light was concentrated by lenses, so as to render it almost as brilliant as the direct light of the sun, it showed no sensible heat. Professor Forbes next employed two bundles of lam- inae of mica, placed at the polarizing angle, and so cut that the plane of incidence of the heat corresponded with one of the optic axes of this mineral. The heat transmitted through this apparatus was polarized when, SECT. XXV. POLARIZATION OF CALORIC. 217 from a source whose temperature was even as low as 200, heat was also polarized by reflection ; but the ex- periments, though perfectly successful, are more diffi- cult to conduct. It appears from the various experiments of M. Mel- loni and Professor Forbes, that all the calorific rays ema- nating from the sun and terrestrial sources are equally capable of being polarized by reflection and by refrac- tion, whether double or simple, and that they are also capable of circular polarization by all the methods em- ployed in the circular polarization of light. Plates of quartz cut at right angles to the axis of the prism, pos- sess the property of turning the calorific rays in any direction, while other plates of the same substance from a differently modified prism cause the rays to rotate in the contrary direction ; and two plates combined, when of different affection, and of equal thickness, counteract each other's effects, as in the case of light. Tourmaline separates the caloric into two parts, one of which it ab- sorbs, while it transmits the other ; in short, the trans- mission of radiant heat is precisely similar to that of light. Since heat is polarized in the same manner as light, it may be expected that polarized heat transmitted through doubly refracting substances should be separated into two pencils, polarized in planes at right angles to each other ; and that when received on an analyzing plate they should interfere and produce invisible phenomena, perfectly analogous to those described in Section XXII. with regard to light (N. 212). It was shown in the same section, that if light polar- ized by reflection from a pane of glass be viewed through a plate of tourmaline, with its longitudinal section verti- cal, an obscure cloud, with its center wholly dark, is seen on the glass. When, however, a plate of mica uniformly about the thirteenth of an Inch in thickness is interposed between the tourmaline and the glass, the dark spot vanishes, and a succession of very splendid colors is seen; and as the mica is turned round in a plane perpendicular to the polarized ray, the light is stopped when the plane containing the optic axis of the mica is parallel or perpendicular to the plane of polar- ization. Now instead of light, if heat from a non-lumi~ 218 POLARIZATION OF CALORIC. SECT. XXV. nous source be polarized in the manner described, it ought td be transmitted and stopped by the interposed mica under the same circumstances under which polar- ized light would be transmitted or stopped. Prolessor Forbes has found that this is really the case, whether he employed heat from luminous or non-luminous sources : and he had evidence also of circular and elliptical polar- ization of heat. It therefore follows that if heat were visible, under similar circumstances we should see fig- ures perfectly similar to those given in Note 207, and those following; and as these figures are formed by the interference of undulations of light, it may be inferred that heat, like light, is propagated by undulations of the ethereal medium, which interfere under certain condi- tions, and produce figures analogous to those of light. It appears also from Mr. Forbes's experiments, that the undulations of heat are probably longer than the undu- lations of light. Since the power of penetrating glass increases in pro- portion as the radiating caloric approaches the slate of light, it seemed to indicate that the same principle takes the form of light or heat according to the modification it receives, and that the hot rays are only invisible light; and light, luminous caloric. It was natural to infer, that in the gradual approach of invisible caloric to the condi- tion and properties of luminous caloric, the invisible rays must at first be analogous to the least calorific part of the spectrum, which is at the violet extremity an analogy which appeared to be greater, by all flame being at first violet or blue, and only becoming white when it has attained its greatest intensity. Thus, as diaphanous bodies transmit light with the same facility whether proceeding from the sun or from a glowworm, and as no substance had hitherto been found which in- stantaneously transmits radiant caloric coming from a source of low temperature, it was concluded that no such substance exists, and the great difference between the transmission of light and radiant heat was thus re- ferred to the nature of the agent of heat, and not to the action of matter upon the calorific rays. M. Melloni, however, has discovered in rock-salt a substance which transmits radiant heat with the same facility whether it SBCT. XXV. NATURE OF CALORIC. 219 originates in the brightest flame or lukewarm water, and which consequently possesses the same permeability with regard to heat that all diaphanous bodies have for light. It follows, therefore, that the impermeability of glass and other substances for radiant heat arises from their action upon the calorific rays, and not from the principle of caloric. But although this discovery changes the received ideas drawn from M. de Laroche's experi- ments, it establishes a new and unlooked-for analogy between these two great agents of nature. True it is that the separation of the luminous and calorific rays shows that they must owe their immediate origin to two different causes, at the same time it is quite possible that these two causes themselves may be only different effects of one single cause. The probability of light and heat being modifications of the same principle is not diminished by the calorific rays being unseen, for the condition of visibility or invisibility may only depend upon the construction of our eyes, and not upon the nature of the agent which produces these sensations in us. The sense of seeing may be confined within certain limits. The chemical rays beyond the violet end of the spectrum may be too rapid, or not sufficiently excursive in their vibrations to be visible to the human eye ; and the calorific rays beyond the other end of the spectrum may not be sufficiently rapid, or too extensive, in their undulations, to affect our optic nerves, though both may be visible to certain animals or insects. We are alto- gether ignorant of the perceptions which direct the car- rier-pigeon to his home, or of those in the antennae of insects which warn them of the approach of danger; nor can we understand the telescopic vision which di- rects the vulture to his prey before he himself is visible even as a speck in the heavens (N. 213). So likewise beings may exist on earth, in the air, or in the waters, which hear sounds our ears are incapable of hearing, and which see rays of light and heat of which we are unconscious. Our perceptions and faculties are limited to a very small portion of that immense chain of exist- ence which extends from the Creator to evanescence. The identity of action under similar circumstances is one of the strongest arguments in favor of the common 220 ABSORPTION OF CALORIC. SECT. XXV. nature of the chemical, visible, and calorific rays. They are all capable of reflection from polished surfaces, of refraction through diaphanous substances, of polarization by reflection and by doubly refracting crystals : none of these rays add sensibly to the weight of matter; their velocity is prodigious ; they may be concentrated and dispersed by convex and concave mirrors ; they pass with equal facility through rock-salt, and are capable of radiation ; the chemical rays are subject to the same law of interference with those of light ; and although the interference of the calorific rays has not yet been proved directly, the indirect evidence places it beyond a doubt. As the action of matter in so many cases is the same on the whole assemblage of rays, visible and invisible, which constitute a solar beam, it is more than probable that the obscure as well as the luminous part is propagated by the undulations of an imponderable ether, and consequently comes under the same laws of analysis. When radiant heat falls upon a surface, part of it is reflected and part of it is absorbed ; consequently the best reflectors possess the least absorbing powers. The temperature of very transparent fluids is not raised by the passage of the sun's rays, because they do not absorb any of them : and as his heat is very intense, transparent solids arrest a very small portion of it. The absorption of the sun's rays is the cause both of the color and temperature of solid bodies. A black substance absorbs all the rays of light and reflects none; and since it absorbs at the same time all the calorific rays, it becomes sooner warm, and rises to a higher temperature than bodies of any other color. Blue bodies come next to black in their power of absorption. Of all the colors of the solar spectrum, the blue pos- sesses least of the heating power ; and since substances of a blue tint absorb all the other colors of the spectrum, they absorb by far the greatest part of the calorific rays, and reflect the blue where they are least abundant. Next in order come the green, yellow, red, and last of all, white bodies, which reflect nearly all the rays both of light and heat. However, there are certain limpid and colorless media, which in some cases intercept calorific radiations and become heated, while in other SECT. XXV. ABSORPTION OF CALORIC DEW. 221 cases they transmit them and undergo no change of temperature. All substances may be considered to radiate caloric, whatever their temperature may be, though with dif- ferent intensities, according to their nature, the state of their surfaces, and the temperature of the medium into which they are brought. But eveiy surface absorbs as well as radiates caloric ; and the power of absorption is always equal to that of radiation ; for under the same circumstances, matter which becomes soon warm also cools rapidly. There is a constant tendency to an equal diffusion of caloric, since every body in nature is giving and receiving it at the same instant : each will be of uniform temperature when the quantities of caloric given and received during the same time are equal, that is, when a perfect compensation takes place be- tween each and all the rest. Our sensations only measure comparative degrees of heat: when a body, such as ice, appears to be cold, it imparts fewer calorific rays than it receives ^ and when a substance seems to be warm, for example, a fire, it gives more caloric than it takes. The phenomena of dew and hoar-frost are owing to this inequality of exchange ; the caloric radiated during the night by substances on the surface of the earth into a clear expanse of sky is lost, and no return is made from the blue vault, so that their tem- perature sinks below that of the air, whence they abstract a part of that caloric which holds the atmos- pheric humidity in solution, and a deposition of dew takes place. If the radiation be great, the dew is frozen and becomes hoar-frost, which is the ice of dew. Cloudy weather is unfavorable to the formation of dew, by preventing the free radiation of caloric ; and actual contact is requisite for its deposition, since it .is never suspended in the air like fog. Plants derive a great part of their nourishment from this source ; and as each possesses a power of radiation peculiar to itself, they are capable of procuring a sufficient supply for their wants. The action of the chemical rays imparts to all substances more or less the power of condensing vapor on tlwse parts on which they fall, and must therefore have a considerable influence on the deposition of dew. T2 222 RAIN COMBUSTION. SECT. XXV. Ram is formed by the mixing of two masses of air of different temperatures; the colder part, by abstracting from the other the heat which holds it in solution, occa- sions the particles to approach each other and form drops of water, v which, becoming too heavy to be sus- tained by the atmosphere, sink to_ the earth by gravita- tion in, the form of rain. The contact of two strata of air of different temperatures, moving rapidly in opposite directions, occasions an abundant precipitation of rain. When the masses of air differ very much in tempera- ture, and meet suddenly, hail is formed. This happens frequently in hot plains near a ridge of mountains, as in the south of France ; but no explanation has hitherto been given of the cause of the severe hail-storms which occasionally take place on extensive plains within the tropics. An accumulation of caloric invariably produces light : with the ^exception of the gases, all bodies which can endure the requisite degree of heat without decompo- sition begin to emit light at the same temperature ; but when the quantity of caloric is so great as to render the affinity of their component particles less than their affinity for the oxygen of the atmosphere, a chemical combination takes place with the oxygen, light and heat are evolved, and fire is produced. Combustion so essential for our comfort, and even existence takes place very easily from the small affinity between the component parts of atmospheric air, the oxygen being nearly in a free state ; but as the cohesive force of the particles of different substances is very variable, differ- ent degrees of heat are requisite to produce their com- bustion. The tendency of heat to a state of equal diffusion or equilibrium, either by radiation or contact, makes it necessary that the chemical combination which occasions combustion should take place instantaneously ; for if the heat were developed progressively, it would be dissipated by degrees, and would never accumulate sufficiently to produce a temperature high enough for the evolution of flame. It is a general law that all bodies expand by heat and contract by cold. The expansive force of tfaloric has a constant tendency to overcome the attraction of cohesion, SICT. XXV. EXPANSION. 223 and to separate the constituent particles of solids and fluids ; by this separation the attraction of aggregation is more and more weakened, till at last it is entirely over- come, or even changed into repulsion. By the continual addition of caloric, solids may be made to pass into liquids, and from liquids to the aeriform state, the dilatation in- creasing with the temperature ; and every substance ex- pands according to a law of its own. Gases expand more than liquids, and liquids more than solids. The expan- sion of air is more than eight times that of water, and the increase in the bulk of water is at least forty-five times greater than that of iron. Metals dilate uniformly from the freezing to the boiling points of the thermometer ; the uniform expansion of the gases extends between still wider limits ; but as liquidity is a state of transition from the solid to the ae'riform condition, the equable dilatation of liquids has not so extensive a range. This change of bulk, corresponding to the variation of heat, is one of the most important of its effects, since it furnishes the means of mejisuring relative temperature by the thermometer and pyrometer. The rate of expansion of solids varies at their transition to liquidity, and that of liquidity is no longer equable near their change to an aeriform state. There are exceptions however to the general laws of expansion ; some liquids have a maximum density corres- ponding to a certain temperature, and dilate whether that temperature be increased or diminished. For example water expands whether it be heated above or cooled below 40. Tha solidification of some liquids, and es- pecially their crystalization, is always accompanied by an increase of bulk. Water dilates rapidly when converted into ice, and with a force sufficient to split the hardest substances. The formation of ice is therefore a pow- erful agent in the disintegration and decomposition of rocks, operating as one of the most efficient causes of local changes in the structure of the crust of the earth ; of which we have experience in the tremendous eboule- tnents of mountains in Switzerland. The dilatation of substances by heat, and their con- traction by cold, occasion such irregularities in the rate of clocks and watches as would render them unfit for astronomical or nautical purposes, were it not for a very 224 COMPENSATION PENDULUM. SECT. XXV. beautiful application of the laws of unequal expansion. The oscillations of a pendulum are the same as if its whole mass were united in one dense particle, in a cer- tain point of its length, called the center of oscillation. If the distance of this point from the point by which the pendulum is suspended were invariable, the rate of the clock would be invariable also. The difficulty is to neu- tralize the effects of temperature, which is perpetually increasing or diminishing its length. Among many con- trivances, Graham's compensation pendulum is the most simple. He employed a glass tube containing mercury. When the tube expands from the effects of heat, the mercury expands much more ; so that its surface rises a little more than the end of the pendulum is depressed, and the center of oscillation remains stationary. Har- rison invented a pendulum which consists of seven bars of steel and of brass, joined in the shape of a gridiron, in such a manner that if by change of temperature the bars of brass raise the weight at the end of the pendu- lum, the bars of steel depress it as much. In general, only five bars are used ; three being of steel and two a mixture of silver and zinc. The effects of temperature are neutralized in chronometers upon the same princi- ple ; and to such perfection are they brought, that the loss or gain of one second in twenty-four hours for two days running would render one unfit for use. Accuracy in surveying depends upon the compensation rods em- ployed in measuring bases. Thus, the laws of the une- qual expansion of matter judiciously applied have an immediate influence upon our estimation of time : of the motions of bodies in the heavens, and of their fall upon the earth ; on our determination of the figure of the globe, and on our system of weights and measures ; on our commerce abroad, and the mensuration of our lands at home. The expansion of the crystaline substances takes place under very different circumstances from the dilatation of such as are not crystalized. The latter become both longer and thicker by an acession of heat, whereas M. Mitscherlich has found that the former expand differ- ently in different directions ; and in a particular instance, extension in one direction is accompanied by contraction SECT. XXV. PROPAGATION OF HEAT. 225 in another. The internal structure of crystalized mat- ter must be very peculiar, thus to modify the expansive power of heat, and so materially to influence the trans- mission of caloric and the visible rays of the spectrum. Heat is propagated with more or less rapidity through all bodies ; air is the worst conductor, and consequently mitigates the severity of cold climates by preserving the heat imparted to the earth by the sun. On the con- trary, dense bodies, especially metals, possess the power of conduction in the greatest degree, but the transmis- sion requires time. If a bar of iron twenty inches long be heated at one extremity, the caloric takes four min- utes in passing to the other. The particle of the metal that is first heated communicates its caloric to the sec- ond, and the second to the third ; so that the temperature of the intermediate molecule at any instant is increased by the excess of the temperature of the first above its own, and diminished by the excess of its own tempera- ture above that of the third. That however will not be the temperature indicated by the thermometer, be- cause as soon as the particle is more heated than the surrounding atmosphere, it loses its caloric by radiation, in proportion to the excess of its actual temperature above that of the air. The velocity of the discharge is directly proportional to the temperature, and inversely as the length of the bar. As there are perpetual varia- tions in the temperature of all terrestrial substances and of the atmosphere, from the rotation of the earth, and its revolution round the sun, from combustion, friction, fermentation, electricity, and an infinity of other causes, the tendency to restore the equability of temperature by the transmission of caloric must maintain all the particles of matter in a state of perpetual oscillation, which will be more or less rapid according to the con- ducting powers of the substances. From the motion of the heavenly bodies about then* axes, and also round the sun, exposing them to perpetual changes of temperature, it may be inferred that similar causes will produce like effects in them too. The revolutions of the double stars show that they are not at rest ; and though we are to- tally ignorant of the changes that may be going on in the nebulae and millions of other remote bodies, it is hardly 15 226 PROPAGATION OF HEAT. SECT. XXV. possible that they should be in absolute repose ; so that, as far as our knowledge extends, motion seems to be a law of matter. Heat applied to the surface of a fluid is propagated downward very slowly, the warmer and consequently lighter strata always remaining at the top. This is the reason why the water at the bottom of lakes fed from alpine chains is so cold ; for the heat of the sun is trans- fused but a little way below the surface. "When heat is applied below a liquid, the particles continually rise as they become specifically lighteir in consequence of the caloric, and diffuse it through the mass, their place being perpetually supplied by those that are more dense. The power of conducting heat varies materially in dif- ferent liquids. Mercury conducts twice as fast as an equal bulk of water, which is the reason why it appears to be so cold. A hot body diffuses its caloric in the ah* by a double process. The air in contact with it being heated and becoming lighter, ascends and scatters its caloric, while at the same time another portion is dis- charged in straight lines by the radiating powers of the surface. Hence a substance cools more rapidly in air than in vacuo, because in the latter case the process is carried on by radiation alone. It is probable that the earth, having originally been of very high temperature, has become cooler by radiation only. The ethereal medium must be too rare to carry off much caloric. Besides the degree of heat indicated by the thermom- eter, caloric pervades bodies in an imperceptible or latent state ; and their capacity for heat is so various, that veiy different quantities of caloric are required to raise differ- ent substances to the same sensible temperature ; it is therefore evident that much of the caloric is absorbed, or becomes latent and insensible to the thermometer. The portion of caloric requisite to raise a body to a given temperature is its specific heat ; but latent heat is that portion of caloric which is employed in changing the state of bodies from solid to liquid, and from liquid to vapor. When a solid is converted into a liquid, a greater quan- tity of caloric enters into it than can be detected by the thermometer ; this accession of caloric does not make the body warmer, though it converts it into a liquid, and SKCT. XXV. LATENT HEAT. 227 is the principal cause of its fluidity. Ice remains at the temperature of 32 of Fahrenheit till it has combined with or absorbed 140 of caloric, and then it_melts, but without raising the temperature of the water above 32 ; so that water is a compound of ice and caloric. On the contrary, when a liquid is converted into a solid, a quantity of caloric leaves it without any diminution of temperature. Water at the temperature of 32 must part with 140 of caloric before it freezes. The slow- ness with which water freezes, or ice thaws, is a con- sequence of the time required to give out or absorb 140 of latent heat. A considerable degree of cold is often felt during a thaw, because the ice, in its transition from a solid to a liquid state, absorbs sensible heat from the atmos- phere and other bodies, and by rendering it latent main- tains them at the temperature of 32 while melting. Ac- cording to the same principle, vapor is a combination of caloric with a liquid. By the continued application of heat, liquids are converted into vapor or steam, which is invisible and elastic like common air. Under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere, that is, when the barometer stands at 30 inches, water acquires a constant accession of heat till its temperature rises to 212 of Fahrenheit ; after that it ceases to show any increase in heat, but when it has absorbed an additional 1000 of caloric it is converted into steam. Consequently, about 1000 of latent heat exists in steam without raising its temperature, and steam at 212 must part with the same quantity of latent caloric when condensed into water. Water boils at different temperatures under different degrees of pressure. It boils at a lower temperature on the top of a mountain than in the plain below, because the weight of the atmosphere is less at the higher station. There is no limit to the temperature to which water might be raised ; it might even be made red-hot, could a vessel be found strong enough to resist the pressure. The expansive force of steam is in pro- portion to the temperature at which the water boils ; it may therefore be increased to a degree that is only lim- ited by our inability to restrain it, and is the greatest power that has been made subservient to the wants of man. 228 STEAM. SECT. XXV. It is found that the absolute quantity of heat consumed in the process of converting water into steam is the same at whatever temperature water may boil, but that the latent heat of steam is always greater exactly in the same proportion as its sensible heat is less. Steam raised at 212 under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere, and steam raised at 180 under half that pressure, con- tain the same quantity of heat, with this difference, that the one has more latent heat and less sensible heat than the other. It is evident that the same quantity of heat is requisite for converting a given weight of water into steam, at whatever temperature or under whatever pressure the water may be boiled ; and therefore in the steam engine, equal weights of steam at a high pressure and a low pressure are produced by the same quantity of fuel ; and whatever the pressure of the steam may be, the consumption of fuel is proportional to the quan- tity of water converted into vapor. Steam at a high pressure expands as soon as it comes into the air, by which some of its sensible heat becomes latent ; and as it naturally has less sensible heat than steam raised under low pressure, its actual temperature is reduced so much that the hand may be plunged into it without injury the instant it issues from the orifice of a boiler. The elasticity or tension of steam, like that of common air, varies inversely as its volume ; that is, when the space it occupies is doubled, its elastic force is reduced one-half. The expansion of steam is indefinite ; the smallest quantity of water when reduced to the form of vapor, will occupy many millions of cubic feet ; a wonder- ful illustration of the minuteness of the ultimate parti- cles of matter ! The latent heat absorbed in the forma- tion of steam is given out again by its condensation. Steam is formed throughout the whole mass of a boiling liquid, whereas evaporation takes place only at the free surfaces of liquids, and that under the ordinary temperature and pressure of the atmosphere. There is a constant evaporation from the land and water all over the earth. The rapidity of its formation does not altogether depend upon the dryness of the air ; according to Dr. Dalton's experiments, it depends also on the dif- ference between the tension of the vapor which is form- S*CT. XXV. APPLICATION OF HEAT. 229 ing and that which is already in the atmosphere. In calm weather, vapor accumulates in the stratum of air immediately above the evaporating surface, and retards the formation of more ; whereas a strong wind accele- rates the process, by carrying off the vapor as soon as it rises, and making way for a succeeding portion of dry air. The latent heat of ah* and all elastic fluids may be forced out by sudden compression, like squeezing water out of sponge. The quantity of heat brought into action in this way is very well illustrated hi the experiment of igniting a piece of timber by the sudden compression of air by a piston thrust into a cylinder closed at one end : the development of heat on a stupendous scale is exhib- ited in lightning, probably produced in part by the violent compression of the atmosphere during the passage of the electric fluid. Prodigious quantities of heat are constantly becoming latent, or are disengaged by the changes of condition to which substances are liable in passing from the solid to the liquid, and from the liquid to the gaseous form, or the contrary, occasioning endless vicissitudes of temperature over the globe. There are many other sources of heat, such as com- bustion, friction, and percussion, all of which are only means of calling a power into evidence which already exists. The application of heat to the various branches of the mechanical and chemical arts has, within a few years, effected a greater change in the condition of man than had been accomplished in any equal period of his exist- ence. Armed by the expansion and condensation of fluids with a power equal to that of the lightning itself, conquering time and space, he flies over plains, and trav- els on paths cut by human industry even through moun- tains, with a velocity and smoothness more like planetary than terrestrial motion ; he crosses the deep hi opposi- tion to wind and tide ; by releasing the strain on the cable, he rides at anchor fearless of the storm ; he makes the elements of air and water the carriers of warmth, not only to banish winter from his home, but to adorn it even during the snow-storm with the blossoms of spring; and, like a magician, he raises, from the gloomy and U 230 SIMILARITY OF LIGHT, HEAT, ETC. SECT. XXV. deep abyss of the mine, the spirit of light to dispel the midnight darkness. It has been observed that heat, like light and sound, probably consists in the undulations of an elastic medium. All the principal phenomena of heat may actually be illustrated by a comparison with those of sound. The excitation of heat and sound are not only similar but often identical, as in friction and percussion ; they are both communicated by contact and radiation ; and Dr. Young observes, that the effect of radiant heat in raising the temperature of a body upon which it falls, resembles the sympathetic agitation of a string when the sound of another string which is in unison with it is transmitted through the air. Light, heat, sound, and the waves of fluids, are all subject to the same laws of reflection, and indeed their undulatory theories are perfectly similar. If, therefore, we may judge from analogy, the undula- tions of some of the heat-producing rays must be less frequent than those of the extreme red of the solar spec- trum ; but the analogy is now perfect, since the inter- ference of heat is no longer a matter of doubt : hence the interference of two hot rays must produce cold ; darkness results from the interference of two undula- tions of light ; silence ensues from the interference of two undulations of sound ; and still water, or no tide, is the consequence of the interference of two tides. The propagation of sound, however, requires a much denser medium than that either of light or heat ; its intensity diminishes as the rarity of the air increases ; so that, at a very small height above the surface of the earth, the noise of the tempest ceases, and the thunder is heard no more in those boundless regions where the heavenly bodies accomplish their periods in eternal and sublime silence. A consciousness of the fallacy of our senses is one of the most important consequences of the study of nature. This study teaches us that no object is seen by us in its true place, owing to aberration ; that the colors of sub- stances are solely the effects of the action of matter upon light ; and that light itself, as well as heat and sound, are not real beings, but mere modes of action communicated to our perceptions by the nerves. The human frame Sccr. XXV. HERSCHEI/S EXPERIMENTS. 231 may therefore be regarded as an elastic system, the dif- ferent parts of which are capable of receiving the tremors of elastic media, and of vibrating in unison with any num- ber of superposed undulations, all of which have their perfect and independent effect. Here our knowledge ends ; the mysterious influence of matter on mind will in all probability be forever hid from man. A series of experiments by Sir John Herschel has disclosed a new set of obscure rays hi the solar spec- trum, which seem to bear the same relation to those of heat that the photographic or chemical rays bear to the luminous. They are situate in that part of the spec- trum which is occupied by the less refrangible visible colors, and have been named by their discoverer Parather- mic rays. It must be held in remembrance that the region of greatest heat in the solar spectrum lies in the dark space beyond the visible red. Now Sir John Her- schel found that in experiments with a solution of gum guaiacum in soda, which gives the paper a green color, the green, yellow, orange, and red rays of the spectrum invariably discharged the color, while no effect was pro- duced by the extra-spectral rays of caloric, which ought to have had the greatest effect, had heat been the cause of the phenomenon. When an aqueous solution of chlorine was poured over a slip of paper prepared with gum guaiacum dissolved in soda, a color varying from a deep somewhat greenish hue to a fine celestial blue was given to it ; and when the solar spectrum was thrown on the paper while moist, the color was discharged from all the space under the less refrangible luminous rays, at the same time that the more distant thermic rays beyond the spectrum evaporated the moisture from the space on which they fell : so that the heat spots became apparent. But the spots disappeared as the paper dried, leaving the surface unchanged ; while the photo- graphic impression within the visible spectrum increased in intensity, the non-luminous thermic rays, though evidently active as to heat, were yet incapable of effect- ing that peculiar chemical change which other rays of much less heating power were all the time producing. Sir John having ascertained that an artificial heat from 180 to 280 of Fahrenheit changed the green tint of 232 EXPERIMENTS ON LIGHT AND HEAT. SECT. XXV. gum guaiacum to its original yellow hue when moist, but that it had no such effect when dry, he therefore tried whether heat from a hot iron applied to the back of the paper used in the last-mentioned experiment while under the influence of the solar spectrum might not assist the action of the calorific rays ; but instead of doing so, it greatly accelerated the discoloration over the spaces occupied by the less refrangible rays, but had no effect on the extra-spectral region of maximum heat. Obscure terrestrial heat therefore is capable of assisting and being assisted in effecting this peculiar change by those rays of the spectrum, whether luminous or ther- mic, which occupy its red, yellow, and green regions, while on the other hand it receives no such assistance from the purely thermic rays beyond the spectrum acting under similar circumstances and in an equal state of condensation. The conclusions drawn from these experiments are confirmed by that which follows : a photographic picture formed on paper prepared with a mixture of the solu- tions of ammonia-citrate of iron and ferro-sesquicyanite of potash in equal parts, then thrown into water and afterward dried, will be blue and negative, that is to say, the lights and shadows will be the reverse of what they are in nature. If in this state the paper be washed with a solution of proto-nitrate of mercury, the picture will be discharged : but if it be well washed and dried and a hot smoothing iron passed over it, the picture in- stantly reappears, not blue, but brown: if kept some weeks in this state in perfect darkness between the leaves of a portfolio, it fades and almost entirely vanishes, but a fresh application of heat restores it to its full origi- nal intensity. This curious change is not the effect of light, at least not of light alone. A certain temperature must be attained, and that suffices in total darkness : yet on exposing to a very concentrated spectrum a slip of the paper used in the last experiment, after the uniform blue color has been discharged and a white ground left, this whiteness is changed to brown over the whole re- gion of the red and orange rays, but not beyond the luminous spectrum. Sir John thence concludes 1st. That it is the heat SKCT. XXV. CONCLUSIONS TO BE DRAWN. 233 of these rays, not their light, which operates the change ; 2dly. That this heat possesses a peculiar chemical quality which is not possessed by the purely calorific rays outside of the visible spectrum, though far more intense ; and, 3dly. That the heat radiated from obscurely hot iron, abounds especially in rays analogous to those of the region of the spectrum above indicated. Another instance of these singular transformations may be noticed. The pictures formed on cyanotype paper, rendered more sensitive by the addition of cor- rosive sublimate, are blue on a white ground and posi- tive, that is, the lights and shadows are the same as in nature, but by the application of heat, the color is changed from blue to brown, from positive to negative ; even by keeping in darkness the blue color is restored, as well as the positive character. Sir John attributes this as in the former instance to certain rays, which re- garded as rays of heat or light, or of some influence sui generis accompanying the red and orange rays of the spectrum, are also copiously emitted by bodies heated short of redness. He thinks it probable that these in- visible parathermic rays are the rays which radiate from molecule to molecule in the interior of bodies, that they determine the discharge of vegetable colors at the boiling temperature, and also the innumerable atomic transformations of organic bodies which take place at the temperature below redness, that they are distinct from' those of pure heat, and that they are sufficiently identified by these characters to become legitimate ob- jects of scientific discussion. The calorific and parathermic rays appear to be so intimately connected with the discoveries of Messrs. Draper and Moser that the subject of solar radiation would be imperfect were they omitted. The dis- covery of Daguerre shows that the action of light on the iodide of silver renders it capable of condensing the vapor of mercury which adheres to the parts affected by it. Professor Moser of KOnigsberg has proved that the same effect is produced by the simple contact of bodies, and even by their very near juxta-position, and that in total darkness as well as in light. This dis- covery he announced in the following words : " If a u2 234 DISCOVERIES OF PROFESSOR MOSER. SECT. XXV. surface has been touched in any particular parts by any body, it acquires the property of precipitating all va- pors, and these adhere to it or combine chemically with it on those spots differently to what they do on the un- touched parts." If we write on a plate of glass or any smooth surface whatever with blotting paper, a brush, or anything else, and then clean it, the characters al- ways reappear if the plate or surface be breathed upon, and the same effect may be produced even on the sur- face of mercury ; nor is absolute contact necessary. If a screen cut in a pattern be held over a polished me- tallic surface at a small distance, and the whole breathed on : after the vapor has evaporated so that no trace is left on the surface, the pattern comes out when it is breathed on again. Professor Moser proved that bodies exert a very de- cided influence upon each other, by placing coins, cut stones, pieces of horn, and other substances, a short time on a warm metallic plate ; when the substance was removed no impression appeared on the plate till it was breathed upon or exposed to the vapor of mercury, and then these vapors adhered only to the parts where the substance had been placed, making distinct images, which in some cases were permanent after the vapor was removed. Similar impressions were obtained on glass and other substances even when the bodies were not in contact, and the results were the same whether the experiments were performed in light or in darkness. Mr. Hunt has shown that many of these phenomena depend on difference of temperature, and that in order to obtain good impressions dissimilar metals must be used. For example, gold, silver, bronze, and copper coins were placed on a plate of copper too hot to be touched, and allowed to remain till the plate cooled ; all the coins had made an impression, the distinctness and intensity of which was in the order of the metals named. When the plate was exposed to the vapor of mercury the result was the same, but when the vapor was wiped off, the gold and silver coins only had left permanent images on the copper. These impressions are often minutely perfect whether the coins are in actual contact with the plate or of an inch above it. SECT. XXV. LATENT CALORIC. 235 The mass of the metal has a material influence on the result ; a large copper coin makes a better impression on a copper plate than a small silver coin. When coins of different metals are placed on the same -plate they interfere with each other. When, instead of being heated, the copper plate was cooled by a freezing mixture, and bad conductors of heat laid upon it, as wood, paper, glass, &c., the result was similar, showing that the phenomena could be pro- duced by any disturbance of the caloric latent in the substances. There can be no doubt that these phenomena are universal, since all substances are more or less sensitive to light, which must produce innumerable changes in the nature of terrestrial things, especially in the vege- table tribe, by the power it gives of condensing vapor and consequently the deposition of dew. Red and orange-colored media, smoked glass, and all bodies that transmit or absorb the calorific rays freely, leave strong impressions on a plate ef copper whether they be in contact or | of an inch above the plate. The strongest proof that heat is concerned in some at least of these phenomena is evident. For instance, a solar spectrum concentrated by a lens was thrown on a pol- ished plate of copper and kept on the same spot by a heliostat for one, two, or three hours ; when exposed to mercurial vapor a film of the vapor covered the plate where the diffused light which always accompanies the solar spectrum had fallen ; on the obscure space occu- pied by the maximum heating power of Sir William Herschel, and also the great heat spot in the thermic spectrum of Sir John Herschel, the condensation of the mercury was so thick that it stood out a distinct white spot on the plate, while over the whole space that had been under the visible spectrum the quantity of vapor was much less than that which covered the other parts, affording distinct evidence of a negative effect hi the luminous spectrum, and of the power of the calorific rays, which is not always confined to the surface of the metal, since in many instances the impressions are formed to a considerable depth below it, and consequently are permanent. 236 THE ART OP THERMOGRAPHY. SECT. XXV. Mr. Hunt observing that a black substance leaves a stronger impression on a metallic surface than a white, applied the property to the art of thermography, by which he copies prints, wood-cuts, writing, and printing, on copper amalgamated on one surface and highly pol- ished, merely by placing the object to be copied smoothly on the metal and pressing it into close contact by a plate of glass : after some hours the plate is sub- j ected to the vapor of mercury and afterward t6 that of iodine, when a black and accurate impression of the object comes out on a gray ground. Effects similar to those attributed to heat may also be produced by elec- tricity : Mr. Karsten, by placing a glass plate upon one of metal, and on the glass plate a medal subjected to discharges of electricity, found a perfect image of the medal impressed on the glass, which could be brought into evidence by either mercury or iodine ; and when several plates of glass were interposed between the medal and the metallic plate, each plate of glass re- ceived an image on its upper surface after the passage of electrical discharges. These discharges have the remarkable power of restoring impressions that have been long obliterated from plates by polishing ; a proof that the disturbances upon which these phenomena depend are not confined to the surface of the metals, but that a very decided molecular change has taken place to a considerable depth. Mr. Hunt's experiments prove that the electro-negative metals make the most decided images upon electro-negative plates, and vice versa. M. Matteucci has shown that a discharge of electricity does not visibly affect a polished silver plate, but that it produces an alteration which renders it capa- ble of condensing vapor. M. Fizean ascribes a numerous class of these phe- nomena to the action of a slight layer of organic or fatty matter on the surfaces, which, being volatile, is trans- ferred to any body near, in a greater or less quantity ac- cording to the distance ; that is, according as the sur- face projects or sinks into hollows. When the different parts of a surface are unequally soiled by extraneous bodies, even in the minutest quantity, the condensation of mercurial vapor is effected in a manner visibly dif- SECT. XXV. VARIOUS PHENOMENA EXPLAINED. 237 ferent on its different parts, and therefore images are formed. Although this explains various phenomena, it does not apply to those already described, as Mr. Hunt had taken the precaution to divest the substances he used of every trace of organic matter. It is difficult to see to what cause Mr. Hunt's experi- ments on the reciprocal action of bodies in total darkness can be attributed, unless perhaps to a constant radiation of some peculiar principle from their surfaces, which really seems to exist. The impression of an engraving was made by laying it face downwards on a silver plate iodized, and placing an amalgamated copper plate upon it : it was left hi darkness fifteen hours, when an impression of the en- graving had been made on the amalgamated plate, through the paper. As the same may be obtained on plates of iron, zinc, or lead, it is evident that this result is not the effect of chemical rays. An iodized silver plate was placed in darkness with a coil of string laid on it, and with a polished silver plate suspended one eighth of an inch above it ; after four hours they were exposed to the vapors of mercury, which became uniformly deposited on the iodized plate, but on the silver one there Was a sharp image of the string, so that this image was formed in the dark, and even without contact. Coins or other objects leave their impressions in the same manner with perfect sharpness and accuracy, when brought out by vapor without contact, in darkness, and on simple metals. Heat, electricity, and the evaporation of unctuous matter, may account for some of these phenomena, but Qthers clearly point at some unknown influence exerted between the surfaces of solid bodies, and affecting their molecular structure so as to determine the precipitation of vapors, an influence which in all probability will ulti- mately be found to be either the parathermic rays of Sir John Herschel, or ultimately connected with them. 238 ATMOSPHERE OF THE MOON. JECT. XXVL SECTION XXVI. Atmosphere of the Planets and the Moon Constitution of the Sun Esti- mation of the Sun's tight His Influence on the different Planets Temperature of Space Internal Heat of the Earth Zone of Constant Temperature Heat increases with the Depth Heat in Mines and Wells Thermal Springs Central Heat Volcanic Action The Heat above the Zone of Constant Temperature entirely from the Sun The Quantity of Heat annually received from the Sun Isogeothermal Lines Distribution of Heat on the Earth Climate Line of Perpetual Con- gelation Causes affecting Climate Isothermal Lines Excessive Cli- mates The same Quantity of Heat annually received and radiated by the Earth. THE ocean of light and heat perpetually flowing from the sun, must affect the bodies of the system very differ- ently, on account of the varieties in their atmospheres, some of which appear to be very extensive and dense. According to the observations of Schroeter, the atmos- phere of Ceres is more than 668 miles high, and that of Pallas has an elevation of 465 miles. These must re- fract the light and prevent the radiation of heat like our own. But it is remarkable that not a trace of atmosphere can be perceived in Vesta. The action of the sun's rays must be very different on such bodies from what it is on the earth, and the heat imparted to them quickly lost by radiation ; yet it is impossible to estimate their temperature, since the cold may be counteracted by their central heat, if, as there is reason to presume, they have originally been in a state of fusion, possibly of vapor. The attraction of the earth has probably de- prived the moon of hers ; for the refractive power of the air at the surface of the earth is at least a thousand times as great as refraction at the surface of the moon. The lunar atmosphere, therefore, must be of a greater degree of rarity than can be produced by our best air- pumps ; consequently no terrestrial animal could exist in it. This was confirmed by M. Arago's observations during the last great solar eclipse, when no trace of a lunar atmosphere was to be seen. The sun has a very dense atmosphere, which is probably the cause of the peculiar phenomena in his photographic image already mentioned. What his body may be, it is impossible to conjecture ; but he seems to SECT. XXVI. CONSTITUTION OF THE SUN. 239 be surrounded by a mottled ocean of flame, through which his dark nucleus appears like black spots often of enormous size. These spots are almost always com- prised within a zone of the sun's surface, whose breadth, measured on a solar meridian, does not extend beyond 30$ on each side of his equator, though they have been seen at the distance of 39i. From their extensive and rapid changes, there is every reason to suppose that the exte- rior and incandescent part of the sun is gaseous. The solar rays, probably arising from chemical processes that continually take place at his surface, or from electricity, are transmitted through space in all directions ; but not- withstanding the sun's magnitude, and the inconceivable heat that must exist at his surface, as the intensity both of his light and heat diminishes as the square of the dis- tance increases, his kindly influence can hardly be felt at the boundaries of our system, or at all events it must be but feeble. The direct light of the sun has been estimated to be equal to that of 5563 wax candles of moderate size, sup- posed to be placed at the distance of one foot from the object. That of the moon is probably only equal to the light of one candle at the distance of twelve feet. Con- sequently the light of the sun is more than three hundred thousand times greater than that of the moon. Hence the light of the moon imparts no heat. Professor Forbes is convinced by recent experiments that the direct light of the moon is incapable of raising a thermometer one three-hundred-thousandth part of a centigrade degree, at least in this climate. The intensity of the sun's light diminishes from the center to the circumference of the solar disc. In Uranus, the sun must be seen like a small but bril- liant star, not above the hundred and fiftieth part so bright as he appears to us ; but that is 2000 times brighter than our moon ; so that he is really a sun to Uranus, and may impart some degree of warmth. But if we consider that water would not remain fluid in any part of Mars, even at his equator, and that in the temperate zones of the same planet even alcohol and quicksilver would freeze, we may form some idea of the cold that must reign in Uranus. 240 TEMPERATURE OF SPACE. SECT. XXVI. The climate of Venus more nearly resembles that of the earth, though, excepting perhaps at her poles, much too hot for animal and vegetable life as they exist here ; but in Mercury, the mean heat arising only from the intensity of the sun's rays must be above that of boiling quicksilver, and water would boil even at his poles. Thus the planets, though kindred with the earth in mo- tion and structure, are totally unfit for the habitation of such a being as man, unless, indeed, their temperature should be modified by circumstances of which we are not aware, and which may increase or diminish the sensible heat so as to render them habitable. It is found by experience, that heat is developed in opaque and translucent substances by their absorption of solar light, but that the sun's rays do not sensibly alter the temperature of perfectly transparent bodies through which they pass. As the temperature of the pellucid planetary space can be but little affected by the passage of the sun's light and heat, neither can it be sensibly raised by die heat now radiated from the earth ; conse- quently its temperature must be invariable, at least throughout the extent of the solar system. The at- mosphere, on the contrary, gradually increasing in den- sity toward the surface of the earth, becomes less pel- lucid, and therefore gradually increases in temperature, both from the direct action of the sun, and from the ra- diation of the earth. Lambert had proved that the ca- pacity of the atmosphere for heat varies according to the same law with its capacity for absorbing a ray of light passing through it from the zenith, whence M. Svanberg found that the temperature of space is 58 below the zero point of Fahrenheit's thermometer. From other researches, founded upon the rate and quantity of at- mospheric refraction, he obtained a result which only differs from the preceding by half a degree. M. Fourier has arrived at nearly the same conclusion from the law of the radiation of the heat of the terrestrial spheroid, on the hypothesis of its having nearly attained its limit of temperature in cooling down from its supposed prim- itive state of fusion. The difference in the result of these three methods, totally independent of one another, only amounts to the fraction of a degree. SKOT. XXVI. INTERNAL HEAT OF THE EARTH. 241 The cold endured by Sir Edward Parry one day in Melville Island was 55 below zero ; and that suffered by Captain Back on the 17th of January, 1834, in 62 46^' of north latitude, was no less than 70 below the same point. However, M. Poisson attributes this to ac- cidental circumstances, and by a recent computation, he makes the temperature of space to be 8 above the zero of Fahrenheit. This he considers greatly to exceed the temperature of the exterior strata of the atmosphere, which he conceives to be deprived of their elasticity by intense cold, and he thus accounts for the decrease of temperature at great elevations, and for the limited ex- tent of the atmosphere. Doubtless, the radiation of all the bodies in the uni- verse maintains the ethereal medium at a higher tem- perature than it would otherwise have, and must event- ually increase it, but by a quantity so evanescent that it is hardly possible to conceive a time when a change will become perceptible. The temperature of space being so low, it becomes a matter of no small interest to ascertain whether the earth may not be ultimately reduced by radiation to the tem- perature of the surrounding medium ; what the sources of heat are ; and whether they be sufficient to compen- sate the loss, and to maintain the earth in a state fit for the support of animal and vegetable life in time to come. All observations that have been made under the surface of the ground concur in proving that there is a stratum at the depth of from 40 to 100 feet throughout the whole earth, where the temperature is invariable at all times and seasons, and which differs but little from the mean annual temperature of the country above. According to M. Boussingault, indeed, that stratum at the equator is at the depth of little more than a foot in places sheltered from the direct rays of the sun ; but in our climates it is at a much greater depth. In the course of more than half a century, the temperature of the earth at the depth of 90 feet in the caves of the Observatory at Paris has never been above or below 53 of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer, which is only 2 above the mean annual tem- perature at Paris. This zone, unaffected by the sun's rays from above, or by the internal heat from below, 16 X 242 HEAT IN MINES AND WELLS. SECT. XXVI. serves as an origin whence the effects of the external heat are estimated on one side, and the internal temper- ature of the globe on the other. As early as the year 1740, M. Gensanne discovered in the lead mines of Geromagny, three leagues from Befort, that the heat of the ground increases with the depth below the zone of constant temperature. A vast number of observations have been made since that time in the mines of Europe and America, by MM. Saussure, Daubuisson, Humboldt, Cordier, Fox, Reich, and others, which agree, without an exception, in proving that the temperature of the earth becomes higher in descending toward its center. The greatest depth that has been attained is in the silver mine of Guamaxato in Mexico, where M. de Humboldt found a temperature of 98 at the depth of 285 fathoms ; the mean annual temperature of the country being only 61. Next to that is the Dal- coath copper mine in Cornwall, where Mr. Fox's ther- mometer stood at 68 in a hole in the rock at the depth of 230 fathoms, and at 82 in water at the depth of 240 fathoms, the mean annual temperature at the surface being about 50. But it is needless to multiply exam- ples, all of which concur in showing that there is a very great difference between the temperature in the interior of the earth and at its surface. Mr. Fox's observations on the temperature of springs which rise at profound depths in mines, afford the strongest testimony. He found considerable streams flowing into some of the Cornish mines at the temperature of 80 or 90, which is about 30 or 40 above that of the surface; and also ascertained that nearly 2,000,000 gallons of water are daily pumped from the bottom of the Poldice mine, which is 176 fathoms deep, at 90 or 100. As this is higher than the warmth of the human body, Mr. Fox justly observes that it amounts to a proof that the in- creased temperature cannot proceed from the persons of the workmen employed in the mines. Neither can the warmth of mines be attributed to the condensation of the currents of air which ventilate them. Mr. Fox, whose opinion is of high authority in these matters, states that even in the deepest mines, the condensation of the air would not raise the temperature more than . XXVI. HEAT IN MINES AND WELLS. 243 5 or 6, and that if the heat could be attributed to this cause, the seasons would sensibly affect the temperature of mines, which it appears they do not where the deptk is great. Besides, the Cornish mines are generally ventilated by numerous shafts opening into the galleries from the surface or from a higher level. The air circu- lates freely in these, descending in some shafts and as- cending in others. In all cases, Mr. Fox found that the upward currents are of a higher temperature than the descending currents ; so much so, that in winter the moisture is often frozen in the latter to a considerable depth ; the circulation of air, therefore, tends to cool the mine instead of increasing the heat. Mr. Fox has also removed the objections arising from the compara- tively low temperature of the water in the shafts of abandoned mines, by showing that observations in them, from a variety of circumstances which he enumerates, are too discordant to furnish any conclusion as to the actual heat of the earth. The high temperature of mines might be attributed to the effects of the fires, candles, and gunpowder used by the miners, did not a similar increase obtain in deep wells, and in borings to great depths in search of water, where no such causes of disturbance occur. In a well dug with a view to discover salt in the canton of Berne, and long deserted, M. de Saussure had the most complete evidence of in- creasing heat. The same has been confirmed by the temperature of many wells, both in France and England, especially by the Artesian wells, so named from a pecu- liar method of raising water first resorted to in Artois, and since become very general. An Artesian well con- sists of a shaft of a few inches in diameter, bored into the earth till a spring is found. To prevent the water being earned off by the adjacent strata, a tube is let down which exactly fills the bore from top to bottom, in which the water rises pure to the surface. It is clear the water could not rise unless it had previously de- scended from high ground through the interior of the earth to the bottom of the well. It partakes of the temperature of the strata through which it passes, and in every instance has been warmer in proportion to the depth of the well ; but it is evident that the law of in- 244 THERMAL SPRINGS. SKCT. XXVI. crease cannot be obtained in this manner. Perhaps the most satisfactory experiments on record are those made by MM. August de la Rive and F. Marcet during the year 1833, in a boring for water about a league from Geneva, at a place 318 feet above the level of the lake. The depth of the bore was 727 feet, and the diameter only between four and five inches. No spring was ever found ; but the shaft filled with mud, from the moisture of the ground mixing with the earth displaced in boring, which was peculiarly favorable for the experiments, as the temperature at each depth may be considered to be that of the particular stratum. In this case, where none of the ordinary causes of disturbance could exist, and where every precaution was employed by scientific and experienced observers, the temperature was found to increase regularly and uniformly with the depth at the rate of about 1 of Fahrenheit for every 52 feet. Pro- fessor Reich of Freyberg has found that the mean of a great number of observations both in mines and wells is 1 of Fahrenheit for every 55 feet of depth, and from M. Arago's observations in an Artesian well now boring in Paris, the increase is 1 of Fahrenheit for every 45 feet. Though there can be no doubt as to the increase of temperature in penetrating the crust of the earth, there is still much uncertainty as to the law of increase, which varies with the nature of the soil and other local circumstances ; but on an average, it has been estimated at the rate of 1 for eveiy 50 or 60 feet, which corre- sponds with the observations of MM. Marcet and de la Rive. In consequence of the rapid increase of internal heat, thermal springs, or such as are independent of volcanic action, rising from a great depth, must neces- sarily be very rare and of a high temperature, and it is actually found that none are so low as 68 of Fahren- heit : that of Chaudes Aigues in Auvergne is about 136. In many places warm water from Artesian wells will probably come into use for domestic purposes, and it is even now employed in manufactories at Wurtem- berg, in Alsace, and near Stutgardt. It is hardly to be expected that at present any infor- mation with regard to the actual internal temperature of the earth should be obtained from that of the ocean, SECT. XXVI. CENTRAL HEAT OP THE EARTH. 245 on account of the mobility of fluids, by which the colder masses sink downward, while those that are warmer rise to the surface. Nevertheless it may be stated, that the temperature of the sea decreases with the depth between the tropics ; while on the contrary, all our northern navigators found that the temperature increases with the depth in the polar seas. The change takes place about the 70th parallel of latitude. Some ages hence, however, it may be known whether the earth has arrived at a permanent state as to heat, by comparing secular observations of the temperature of the ocean if made at a great distance from the land. Should the earth's temperature increase at the rate of 1 for every fifty feet, it is clear that at the depth of 200 miles the hardest substances must be in a state of fusion, and our globe must in that case either be encom- passed by a stratum of melted lava at that depth, or it must be a ball of liquid fire 7600 miles in diameter, in- closed in a thin coating of solid matter ; for 200 miles are nothing when compared with the size of the earth. No doubt the form of the earth, as determined by the pendulum and arcs of the meridian, as well as by the motions of the moon, indicates original fluidity and subse- quent consolidation and reduction of temperature by ra- diation ; but whether the law of increasing temperature is uniform at still greater depths than those already attained by man, it is impossible to say. At all events, internal fluidity is not inconsistent with the present state of the earth's surface, since earthy matter is as bad a conductor of caloric as lava, which often retains its heat at a very little depth for years after its surface is cool. Whatever the radiation of the earth might have been in former times, certain it is that it goes on very slowly in our days ; for M. Fourier has computed that the central heat is decreasing from radiation by only about the j^^th part of a second in a century. If so, there can be no doubt that it will ultimately be dis- sipated ; but as far as regards animal and vegetable life, it is of very little consequence whether the center of our planet be liquid fire or ice, since its condition in either case could have no sensible effect on the climate at its surface. The internal fire does not even impart heat x2 246 VOLCANIC ACTION. SECT. XXVI. enough to melt the snow at the poles, though so much nearer to the center than any other part of the globe. The immense extent of active volcanic fire is one of the causes of heat which must not be overlooked. The range of the Andes from Chili to the north of Mexico, probably from Cape Horn to California, or even to New Madrid in the United States, is one vast district of igneous action, including the Caribbean Sea and the West Indian Islands on one hand ; and stretching quite across the Pacific Ocean, through the Polynesian Archi- pelago, the New Hebrides, the Georgian and Friendly Islands, on the other. Another chain begins with the Aleutian Islands, extends to Kamtschatka, and from thence passes through the Kurile, Japanese, and Phil- ippine Islands, to the Moluccas, whence it spreads with terrific violence through the Indian Archipelago, even to the Bay of Bengal. Volcanic action may again be followed from the entrance of the Persian Gulf to Mad- agascar, Bourbon, the Canaries, and Azores. Thence a continuous igneous region extends through about 1000 geographical miles to the Caspian Sea, including the Mediterranean, and extending north and south between the 35th and 40th parallels of latitude ; and in central Asia a volcanic region occupies 2500 square geographical miles. The volcanic fires are developed in Iceland in tremendous force ; and the antarctic land recently dis- covered by Sir James Ross is an igneous formation of the boldest structure, from whence a volcano in high activity rises 12,000 feet above the perpetual ice of these polar deserts, and within 19 of the south pole. Throughout this vast portion of the world the subterra- neous fire is often intensely active, producing such vio- lent earthquakes and eruptions that their effects, accu- mulated during millions of years, may account for many of the great geological changes of igneous origin that have already taken place in the earth, and may occasion others not less remarkable, should time that essential element in the vicissitudes of the globe be granted, and their energy last. Mr. Lyell, who has shown the power of existing causes with great ingenuity, estimates that on an average twenty eruptions take place annually in different parts of tho SECT. XX VI. VOLCANIC ERUPTTONS. 247 world ; and many must occur or have happened, even on the most extensive and awful scale, among people equally incapable of estimating their effects and of recording them. We should never have known the extent of the fearful eruption which took place in the island of Sum- bawa, in 1815, but for the accident of Sir Stamford Raf- fles having been governor of Java at the time. It began on the 5th of April, and did not entirely cease till July. The ground was shaken through an area of 1000 miles in circumference ; the tremors were felt in Java, the Moluccas, a great part of Celebes, Sumatra, and Borneo. The detonations were heard in Sumatra, at the distance of 970 geographical miles in a straight line ; and at Ter- nate, 720 miles in the opposite direction. The most dreadful whirlwinds carried men and cattle into the ah* ; and with the exception of 26 persons, the whole popu- lation of the island perished to the amount of 12,000. Ashes were carried 300 miles to Java, in such quantities that the. darkness during the day was more profound than ever had been witnessed in the most obscure night. The face of the country was changed by the streams of lava, and by the upheaving and sinking of the soil. The town of Tomboro was submerged, and water stood to the depth of 18 feet in places which had been dry land. Ships grounded where they had previously anchored, and others could hardly penetrate the mass of cinders which floated on the surface of the sea for several miles to the depth of two feet. A catastrophe similar to this, though of less magnitude, took place in the island of Bali in 1808, which was not heard of in Europe till years afterward. The eruption of Coseguina in the Bay of Fonseca, which began on the 19th of January, 1835, and lasted many days, was even more dreadful and extensive in its effects than that of Sumbawa. The ashes during this eruption were carried by the upper current of the atmosphere as far north as Chiassa, which is upward of 400 leagues to the windward of that volcano. Many volcanos supposed to be extinct have all at once burst out with inconceivable violence. Witness Vesuvius, on historical record ; and the volcano in the island of St. Vincent in our own days, whose crater was lined with large trees, and which had not been active in the mem- 248 EARTHQUAKES. SECT. XXVI. ory of man. Vast tracts are of volcanic origin where volcanos have ceased to exist for ages. Whence it may be inferred that in some places the subterraneous fires are in the highest state of activity, in some they are inert, and in others they appear to be extinct. Yet there are few countries that are not subject to earthquakes of greater or less intensity ; the tremors are propagated like a sonorous undulation to such distances that it is impossible to say in what point they originate. In some recent instances their power must have been tremendous. In South America, so lately as 1822, an area of 100,000 square miles, which is equal in extent to the half of France, was raised several feet above its present level ; a most able account of which is given in the ' Transac- tions of the Geological Society,' by an esteemed friend of the author, Mrs. Graham, now Mrs. Calcott, who was present during the whole time of that formidable earthquake, which recurred at short intervals for more than two months, and who possesses talents to appre- ciate, and had opportunities of observing, its effects under the most favorable circumstances at Valparaiso, and for miles along the coast where it was most intense. A considerable elevation of the land has again taken place along the coast of Chili, in consequence of the violent earthquake which happened on the 20th of Feb- ruary, 1835. In 1819, a ridge of land stretching for 50 miles across the delta of the Indus, 16 feet broad, was raised 10 feet above the plain; yet the account of this marvelous event was recently brought to Europe by Mr. Burnes. The reader is referred to Mr. L yell's very excellent work on geology, already mentioned, for most interesting details of the phenomena and extensive effects of volcanos and earthquakes, too numerous to find a place here. It may however be mentioned, that innumerable earthquakes are from time to time shaking the solid crust of the globe, and carrying destruction to distant regions, progressively though slowly accomplish- ing the great work of change. These terrible engines of ruin, fitful and uncertain as they may seem, must, like all durable phenomena, have a law, which may in time be discovered by long-continued and accurate ob- servations. SKCT. XXVI. VOLCANIC THEORIES. 249 The shell of volcanic fire that girds the globe at a small depth below our feet has been attributed to differ- ent causes. By some it is supposed to originate in an ocean of incandescent matter, still existing in the cen- tral abyss of the earth. Some conceive it to be super- ficial, and due to chemical action, in strata at no very great depth when compared with the size of the globe. The more so, as matter on a most extensive scale is passing from old into new combinations, which, if rapidly effected, are capable of producing the most intense heat. According to others, electricity, which is so universally diffused in all its forms throughout the earth, if not the immediate cause of the volcanic phenomena, at least determines the chemical affinities that produce them. It is clear that a subject so involved in mystery must give rise to much speculation, in which every hypothe- sis is attended with difficulties that observation alone can remove. But the views of Mr. Babbage and Sir John Herschel on the general cause of volcanic action, and the changes in the equilibrium of the internal heat of the globe, ac- cord more with the laws of mechanics and radiant caloric than any that have been proposed. The theory of these distinguished philosophers, formed independently of each other, is equally consistent with observed phenomena, whether the earth be a solid crust encompassing a nu- cleus of liquid lava, or that there is merely a vast reser- voir or stratum of melted matter at a moderate depth below the superficial crust. The author is indebted to the kindness of Mr. Lyell for the perusal of a most interesting letter from Sir John Herschel, in which he states his views on the subject. Supposing that the globe is merely a solid crust, rest- ing upon fluid or semi-fluid matter, whether extending to the center or not, the transfer of pressure from one part of its surface to another by the degradation of ex- isting continents, and the formation of new ones, would be sufficient to subvert the equilibrium of heat in the interior, and occasion volcanic eruptions. For, since the internal heat of the earth is transmitted outwards by radiation, an accession of new matter on any part of the surface, like an addition of clothing, by keeping it in, 250 VOLCANIC THEORIES. SECT. XXVI. would raise the temperature of the strata below, and in the course of ages would even reduce those at a great depth to a state of fusion. Some of the substances might be converted into gases ; and should the accumulation of new matter take place at the bottom of the sea, as is generally the case, this lava would be mixed with water in a state of ignition in consequence of the enormous pressure of the ocean, and of the newly superimposed matter which would prevent it from expanding into steam. Now Mr. Lyell has shown with his usual talent, that the quantity of matter carried down by rivers from the surface of the continents is comparatively trifling, and that the great transfer to the bottom of the ocean is produced at the coast line by the action of the sea ; hence, says Sir John Herschel, " the greatest accumula- tion of local pressure is in the central area of the deep sea, while the greatest local relief takes place along the abraded coast lines. Here then should occur the chief volcanic vents." As the crust of the earth is much weaker on the coasts than elsewhere, it is more easily ruptured, and, as Mr. Babbage observes, immense rents might be produced there by its contraction in cooling down after being deprived of a portion of its original thickness. The pressure on the bottom of the ocean would force a column of lava mixed with ignited water and gas to rise through an opening thus formed, and, says Sir John Herschel, " when the column attains such a height that the ignited water can become steam, the joint specific gravity of the column is suddenly dimin- ished, and up comes a jet of mixed steam and lava, till so much has escaped that the matter deposited at the bottom of the ocean takes a fresh bearing, when the evacuation ceases and the crack becomes sealed up." This theory perfectly accords with the phenomena of nature, since there are very few active volcanos at a dis- tance from the sea, and the exceptions that do occur are generally near lakes, or they are connected with volcanos on the maritime coasts. Many break out even in the bottom of the ocean, probably owing to some of the supports of the superficial crust giving way, so that the eteam and lava are forced up through the fissures. Finally, Mr. Babbage observes that " in consequence SKCT. XXVI. SUPERFICIAL HEAT. 251 of changes continually going on, by the destruction of forests, the filling up of seas, the wearing down of ele- vated lands, the heat radiated from the earth's surface varies considerably at different periods. In consequence of this variation, and also in consequence of the covering up of the bottom of the sea by the detritus of the land, the surfaces of equal temperature within the earth are continually changing their form, and exposing thick beds near the exterior to alterations of temperature. The expansion and contraction of these strata may form rents and veins, produce earthquakes, determine vol- canic eruptions, elevate continents, and possibly raise mountain chains." The numerous vents for the internal heat formed by volcanos, hot springs, and the emission of steam so frequent in volcanic regions, no doubt maintain the tran- quillity of the interior fluid mass, which seems to be perfectly inert unless when put in motion by unequal pressure. But to whatever cause tha increasing heat of the earth and the subterranean fires may ultimately be referred, it is certain that, except in some local in- stances, they have no sensible effect on the temperature of its surface. It may therefore be concluded that the heat of the earth above the zone of uniform temperature is entirely owing to the sun. The powe*of the solar rays depends much upon the manner in which they fall, as we readily perceive from the different climates on our globe. The earth is about three millions of miles nearer to the sun in winter than in summer, but the rays strike the northern hemi- sphere more obliquely hi winter than in the other half of the year. The observations of the north polar navigators, and those of Sir John Herscbel at the Cape of Good Hope, show that the direct heating influence of the solar rays is greatest at the equator, and that it diminishes gradu- ally as the latitude increases. At the equator the maximum is 48|, while in Europe it has never ex- ceeded 29i. M. Pouillet has estimated with singular ingenuity, from a series of observations made by himself, that the 252 ISOGEOTHERMAL LINES. SECT. XXVI. whole quantity of heat which the earth receives annu- ally from the sun is such as would be sufficient to melt a stratum of ice covering the whole globe 46 feet deep. Part of this heat is radiated back into space ; but by far the greater part descends into the earth during the summer, toward the zone of uniform temperature, whence it returns to the surface in the course of the winter, and tempers the cold of the ground and the at- mosphere in its passage to the ethereal regions, where it is lost, or rather where it combines with the radiation from the other bodies of the universe in maintaining the temperature of space. The sun's power being greatest between the tropics, the caloric sinks deeper there than elsewhere, and the depth gradually dimin- ishes toward the poles ; but the heat is also transmitted laterally from the warmer to the colder strata north and south of the equator, and aids in tempering the severity of the polar regions. The mean heat of the earth above the stratum of constant temperature is determined from that of springs ; and if the spring be on elevated ground, the temperature is reduced by computation to what it would be at the level of the sea, assuming that the heat of the soil varies according to the' same law as the heat of the atmosphere, which is about 1 of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer for every 333-7 feet. From a comparison of the temperature of numerous springs witk that of the air, Sir David Brewster concludes that there is a par- ticular line passing nearly through Berlin, at which the temperature of springs and that of the atmosphere coincide ; that in approaching the arctic circle the tem- perature of springs is always higher than that of the air, while proceeding toward the equator it is lower. Since the warmth of the superficial strata of the earth decreases from the equator to the poles, there are many places in both hemispheres where the ground has the same mean temperature. If lines were drawn through all those points in the upper strata of the globe which have the same mean annual temperature, they would be nearly parallel to the equator between the tropics, and would become more and more irregular and sinuous toward the poles. These are called isogeothermal lines. SCT. XXVI. CLIMATE. 253 A variety of local circumstances disturb their parallelism even between the tropics. The temperature of the ground at the equator is Jower on the coasts and islands than hi the interior of continents ; the warmest part is in the ulterior of Africa, but it is obviously affected by the nature of the soil, es- pecially if it be volcanic. Much has been done within a few years to ascertain the manner in which heat is distributed over the sur- face of our planet, and the variations of climate, which in a general view mean every change of the atmos- phere, such as of temperature, humidity, variations ot barometric pressure, purity of ah*, the serenity of the heavens, the effects of winds, and electric tension. Temperature depends upon the property which all bodies possess more or less, of perpetually absorbing and emitting or radiating heat. When the interchange is equal, the temperature of a body remains the same ; but when the radiation exceeds the absorption, it be- comes colder, and vice versa. In order to determine the distribution of heat over the surface of the earth, it is necessary to find a standard by which the tempera- ture in different latitudes may be compared. For that purpose it is requisite to ascertain by experiment the mean temperature of the day, of the month, and of the year, at as many places as possible throughout the earth. The annual average temperature may be found by adding the mean temperatures of all the months hi the year, and dividing the sum by twelve. The average of ten or fifteen years will give it with tolerable accu- racy ; for although the temperature in any place may be subject to very great variations, yet it never deviates more than a few degrees from its mean state, which consequently offers a good standard of comparison. If climate depended solely upon the heat of the sun, all places having the same latitude would have the same mean annual temperature. The motion of the sun in the ecliptic indeed occasions perpetual variations in the length of the day, and in the direction of the rays with regard to the earth; yet, as the cause is periodic, the mean annual temperature from the sun's motion alone must be constant in each parallel of latitude. For it is Y 254 HEAT DECREASES WITH HEIGHT. SECT. XXVI. evident that the accumulation of heat in the long days of summer, which is but little diminished by radiation during the short nights, is balanced by the small quan- tity of heat received during the short days in winter, and its radiation in the long frosty and clear nights. In fact, if the globe were everywhere on a level with the surface of the sea, and of uniform substance, so as to absorb and radiate heat equally, the mean heat of the sun would be regularly distributed over its surface in zones of equal annual temperature parallel to the equa- tor, from which it would decrease to each pole as the square of the cosine of the latitude ; and its quantity would only depend upon the altitude of the sun and atmospheric currents. The distribution of heat, how- ever, in the same parallel, is very irregular in all lati- tudes except between the tropics, where the isothermal lines, or the lines passing through places of equal mean annual temperature, are more nearly parallel to the equator. The causes of disturbance are very numerous : but such as have the greatest influence, according to M. de Humboldt, to whom we are indebted for the greater part of what is known on the subject, are the elevation of the continents, the distribution of land and water over the surface of the globe exposing different absorb- ing and radiating powers ; the variations in the surface of the land, as forests, sandy deserts, verdant' plains, rocks, &c. ; mountain-chains covered with masses of snow, which diminish the temperature ; the reverbera- tion of the sun's rays in the valleys, which increases it; and the interchange of currents, both of air and water, which mitigates the rigor of climates ; the warm cur- rents from the equator softening the severity of the polar frosts, and the cold currents from the poles tem- pering the intense heat of the equatorial regions. To these may be added cultivation, though its influence extends over but a small portion of the globe, only a fourth part of the land being inhabited. Temperature decreases with the height above the level of the sea, as well as with the latitude. The air in the higher regions of the atmosphere is much cooler than that below, because the warm air expands as it rises, by which its capacity for heat is increased, a great SCT. XXVI. LINE OF PERPETUAL SNOW. 255 proportion becomes latent, and less of it sensible. A portion of air at the surface of the earth whose temper- ature is 70 of Fahrenheit, if carried to the height of two miles and a half, would expand so much that its tem- perature would be reduced 50 ; and in the ethereal regions the temperature is 90 below the point of con- gelation. The height at which snow lies perpetually decreases from the equator to the poles, and is higher in summer than in winter ; but it varies from many circumstances. Snow rarely falls when the cold is intense and the at- mosphere dry. Extensive forests produce moisture by their evaporation ; and high table-lands, on the contrary, dry and warm the ah*. In the Cordilleras of the Andes, plains of only twenty-five square leagues raise the tem- perature as much as 3 or 4 above what is found at the same altitude on the rapid declivity of a mountain, con- sequently the line of perpetual snow varies according as one or other of these causes prevails. Aspect in gen- eral has also a great influence ; yet, according to M. Jacquemont, the line of perpetual snow is much higher on the northern than on the southern side of the Hima- laya mountains. On the whole, it appears that the mean height between the tropics at which the snow lies per- petually is about 15,207 feet above the level of the sea ; whereas snow does not cover the ground continually at the level of the ocean till near the north pole. In the southern hemisphere, however, the cold is greater than in the northern. In Sandwich Land, between the 54th and 58th degrees of latitude, perpetual snow and ice ex- tend to the sea-beach ; and in the island of St. George's, in the 53rd degree of south latitude, which corresponds with the latitude of the central counties of England, per- petual snow descends even to the level of the ocean. It has been shown that this excess of cold in the southern hemisphere cannot be attributed to the winter being longer than ours by 7| days. It is probably owing to the ice being more extensive at the south than the north pole, and to the open sea surrounding it, which permits the icebergs to descend to a lower latitude by 10 than they do in the northern hemisphere, on account of the numerous obstructions opposed to them by the islands 256 EFFECTS OF THE OCEAN. SKCT. XXVI. and continents about the north pole. Icebergs seldom float farther to the south than the Azores ; whereas those that come from the south pole descend as far as the Cape of Good Hope, and occasion a continual ab- sorption of heat in melting. The influence of mountain-chains does not wholly depend upon the line of perpetual congelation. They attract and condense the vapors floating in the air, and send them down in torrents of rain. They radiate heat into the atmosphere at a lower elevation, and increase the temperature of the valleys by the reflection of the sun's rays, and by the shelter they afford against pre- vailing winds. But on the contrary, one of the most general and powerful causes of cold arising from the vi- cinity of mountains, is the freezing currents of wind which rush from their lofty peaks along the rapid decliv- ities, chilling the surrounding valleys : such is the cut- ting north wind called the bise in Switzerland. Next to elevation, the difference in the radiating and absorbing powers of the sea and land has the greatest influence in disturbing the regular distribution of heat. The extent of the dry land is not above the fourth part of that of the ocean ; so that the general temperature of the atmosphere, regarded as the result of the partial temperatures of the whole surface of the globe, is most powerfully modified by the sea. Besides, the ocean acts more uniformly on the atmosphere than the diver- sified surface of the solid mass does, both by the equality of its curvature and its homogeneity. In opaque sub- stances the accumulation of heat is confined to the stratum nearest the surface. The seas become less heated At their surface than the land, because the solar rays, before being extinguished, penetrate the trans- parent liquid to a greater depth and in greater numbers than in the opaque masses. On the other hand, water has a considerable radiating power, which, together with evaporation, would reduce the surface of the ocean to a very low temperature, if the cold particles did not sink to the bottom on account of their superior density. The seas preserve a considerable portion of the heat they receive in summer, and from their saltness do not freeze so soon as fresh water. So that in consequence SKCT. XXVI. TEMPERATURE OF THE LAND. 257 of all these circumstances, the ocean is not subject to such variations of heat as the land ; and by imparting its temperature to the winds, it diminishes the rigor of climate on the coasts and in the islands, which are never subject to such extremes of heat and cold as are experienced in the interior of continents, though they are liable to fogs and rain from the evaporation of the adjacent seas. On each side of the equator to the 48th degree of latitude, the surface of the ocean is in gene- ral warmer than the air above it. The mean of the difference of the temperature at noon and midnight is about l-37, the greatest deviation never exceeding from 0-36 to 2'16, which is much cooler than the air over the land. On land the. temperature depends upon the nature of the soil and its products, its habitual moisture or dry- ness. From the eastern extremity of the Sahara desert quite across Africa, the soil is almost entirely barren sand ; and the Sahara desert itself, without in- cluding Dafour or Dongola, extends over an area of 194,000 square leagues, equal to twice the area of the Mediterranean Sea, and raises the temperature of the air by radiation from 90 to 100, which must have a most extensive influence. On the contrary, vegetation cools the air by evaporation and the apparent radiation of cold from the leaves of plants, because they absorb more caloric than they give out. The graminiferous plains of South America cover an extent ten times greater than France, occupying no less than about 50,000 square leagues, which is more than the whole chain of the Andes, and all the scattered mountain- groups of Brazil. The'se, together with the plains of North America and the steppes of Europe and Asia, must have an extensive cooling effect on the atmosphere if it be considered that in calm and serene nights they cause the thermometer to descend 12 or 14, and that in the meadows and heaths in England the absorption of heat by the grass is sufficient to cause the tempera- ture to sink to the point of congelation during the night for ten months in the year. Forests cool the air also by shading the ground from the rays of the sun, and by evaporation from the boughs. Hales found that the 17 Y 2 258 CONFIGURATION OF LAND AND WATER. SECT. XXVI. leaves of a single plant of helianthus three feet high ex- posed nearly forty feet of surface ; and if it be con- sidered that the woody regions of the river Amazons, and the higher part of the Oroonoko, occupy an area of 260,000 square leagues, some idea may be formed of the torrents of vapor which rise from the leaves of the forests all over the globe. However, the frigorific effects of their evaporation are counteracted in some measure by the perfect calm which reigns in the tropi- cal wildernesses. The innumerable rivers, lakes, pools, and marshes interspersed through the continents absorb caloric, and cool the air by evaporation ; but on account of the chilled and dense particles sinking to the bottom, deep water diminishes the cold of winter, so long as ice is not formed. In consequence of the difference in the radiatmg and absorbing powers of the sea and land, their configuration greatly modifies the distribution of heat over the surface of the globe. Under the equator only one- sixth part of the circumference is land ; and the superficial extent of land in the northern and southern hemispheres is in the proportion of three to one. The effect of this unequal division is greater in the temperate than in the torrid zones, for the area of land iu the northern temperate zone is to that in the southern as thirteen to one, where- as the proportion of land between the equator and each tropic is as five to four. It is a curious fact noticed by Mr. Gardner, that only one twenty-seventh part of the land of the globe has land diametrically opposite to it. This disproportionate arrangement of the solid part of the globe has a powerful influence on the temperature of the southern hemisphere. But besides these greater modifications, the peninsulas, promontories, and capes, running out into the ocean, together with bays and in- ternal seas, all affect temperature. To these may be added the position of continental masses with regard to the cardinal points. All these diversities of land and water influence temperature by the agency of the winds. On this account the temperature is lower on the eastern coasts both of the New and Old World than on the western ; for considering Europe as an island, the gen- eral temperature is mild in proportion as the aspect is SECT. XXVI. ISOTHERMAL LINES. 259 open to the western ocean, the superficial temperature of which, as far north as the 45th and 50th degrees of latitude, does not fall below 48 or 51 of Fahrenheit, even in the middle of winter. On the contrary, the cold of Russia arises from its exposure to the northern and eastern winds. But the European part of that em- pire has a less rigorous climate than the Asiatic, because it does not extend to so high a latitude. The interposition of the atmosphere modifies all the effects of the sun's heat. The earth communicates its temperature so slowly that M. Arago has occasionally found as much as from 14 to 18 of difference between the heat of the soil and that of the air two or three inches above it. The circumstances which have been enumerated, and many more, concur in disturbing the regular distribution of heat over the globe, and occasion numberless local ir- regularities. Nevertheless the mean annual temperature becomes gradually lower from the equator to the poles. But the diminution of mean heat is most rapid between the 40th and 45th degrees of latitude both in Europe and America, which accords perfectly with theory; whence it appears that the variation in the square of the cosine of the latitude (N. 123), which expresses the law of the change of temperature, is a maximum to- ward the 45th degree of latitude. The mean annual temperature under the line in America is about 81^ of Fahrenheit : in Africa it is said to be nearly 83. "The difference probably arises from the winds of Siberia and Canada, whose chilly influence is sensibly felt in Asia and America, even within 18 of the equator. The isothermal lines are nearly parallel to the equator, till about the 22d degree of latitude on each side of it, where they begin to lose their parallelism, and continue to do so more and more as the latitude augments. With regard to the northern hemisphere, the isother- mal line of 59 of Fahrenheit passes between Rome and Florence in latitude 43 ; and near Raleigh in North Carolina, latitude 36 : that of 50 of equal annual tem- perature runs through the Netherlands, latitude 51; and near Boston in the United States, latitude 42 : that of 41 passes near Stockholm, latitude 59| ; and 260 ISOTHERMAL LINES. SECT. XXVI. St. George's Bay, Newfoundland, latitude 48 : and lastly, the line of 32, the freezing point of water, passes between Ulea in Lapland, latitude 66, and Table Bay, on the coast of Labrador, latitude 54. Thus it appears that the isothermal lines, which are nearly parallel to the equator for about 22, afterward deviate more and more. From the observations of Sir Charles Giesecke in Greenland, of Captain Scoresby in the Arctic Seas, and also from those of Sir Edward Parry and Sir John Franklin, it is found that the iso- thermal lines of Europe and America entirely separate in the high latitudes, and surround two poles of max- imum cold, one in America and the other in the north of Asia, neither of which coincides with the pole of the earth's rotation. These poles are both situate in about the 80th parallel of north latitude. The transatlantic pole is in the 100th degree of west longitude, about 5 to the north of Sir Graham Moore's Bay, in the Polar Seas ; and the Asiatic pole is in the 95th degree of east longitude, a little to the north of the Bay of Tai- mura, near the North-east Cape. According to the estimation of Sir David Brewster, from the observations of M. de Humboldt and Captains Parry and Scoresby, the mean annual temperature of the Asiatic pole is nearly 1 of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and that of the transatlantic pole about 3^ below zero, whereas he sup- poses the mean annual temperature of the pole of rota- tion to be 4 or 5. It is believed that two correspond- ing poles of maximum cold exist in the southern hemis- phere, though observations are wanting to trace the course of the southern isothermal lines with the same accuracy as the northern. The isothermal lines, or such as pass through places where the mean annual temperature of the air is the same, do not always coincide with the isogeothermal lines, which are those passing through places where the mean temperature of the ground is the same. Sir David Brewster, in discussing this subject, finds that the isogeothermal lines are always parallel to the iso- thermal lines ; consequently the same general formula will serve to determine both, since the difference is a constant quantity obtained by observation, and depend- SECT. XXVI. EXCESSIVE CLIMATES. 261 ing upon the distance of the place from the neutral iso- thermal line. These results are confirmed by the ob- servations of M. Kupffer of Kasan during his excursions to the north, which show that the European and the American portions of the isogeothermal line of 32 of Fahrenheit actually separate, and go round the two poles of maximum cold. This traveler remarked, also, that the temperature both of the air and of the soil de- creases most rapidly toward the 45th degree of latitude. It is evident that places may have the same mean an- nual temperature, and yet differ materially in climate. In one, the winters may be mild, and the summers cool ; whereas another may experience the extremes of heat and cold. Lines passing through places having the same mean summer or winter temperature, are neither parallel to the isothermal, the geothermal lines, nor to one another, and they differ still more from the parallels of latitude. In Europe, the latitude of two places which have the same annual heat never differs more than 8 or 9 ; whereas the difference in the latitude of those having the same mean winter temperature is sometimes as much as 18 or 19. At Kasan in the interior of Rus- sia, in latitude 55-48, nearly the same with that of Edinburgh, the mean annual temperature is about 37-6 ; at Edinburgh it is 47-84. At Kasan, the mean sum- mer temperature is 64-84, and that of winter 2-12; whereas at Edinburgh the mean summer temperature is 58-28, and that of winter 38-66. Whence it ap- pears that the difference of winter temperature is much greater than that of summer. At Quebec, the sum- mers are as warm as those in Paris, and grapes some- times ripen in the open air : whereas the winters are as severe as in Petersburgh ; the snow lies five feet deep for several months, wheel carriages cannot be used, the ice is too hard for skating, traveling is performed in sledges, and frequently on the ice of the river St. Law- rence. The cold at Melville Island on the 15th of Jan- uary, 1820, according to Sir Edward Parry, was 55 below the zero of Fahrenheit's thermometer, only 3 above the temperature of the ethereal regions, yet the summer heat in these high latitudes is insupportable. Observations tend to prove that all the climates of the 2G.2 INFLUENCE OF HEAT ON VEGETATION. SKCT. XXVII. earth are stable, and that their vicissitudes are only periods or oscillations of more or less extent, which van- ish in the mean annual temperature of a sufficient num- ber of years. This constancy of the mean annual temper- ature of the different places on the surface of the globe shows that the same quantity of heat, which is annually received by the earth, is annually radiated into space. Nevertheless a variety of causes may disturb the climate of a place; cultivation may make it warmer; but it is at the expense of some other place, which becomes colder in the same proportion. There may be a suc- cession of cold summers and mild winters, but in some other country the contrary takes place to effect the compensation ; wind, rain, snow, fog, and the other me- teoric phenomena, are the ministers employed to accom- plish the changes. The distribution of heat may vary with a variety of circumstances ; but the absolute quan- tity lost and gained by the whole earth in the course of a year is invariably the same. SECTION XXVII. Influence of Temperature on Vegetation Vegetation varies with the Lati tude and Height above the Sea Geographical Distribution of Land Plants Distribution of Marine Plants Corallines, Shell-fish, Reptiles, Insects, Birds, and Quadrupeds Varieties of Mankind, yet Identity of Species. THE gradual decrease of temperature in the air and in the earth, from the equator to the poles, is clearly indi- cated by its influence on vegetation. In the valleys of the torrid zone, where the mean annual temperature is very high, and where there is abundance of light and moisture, nature adorns the soil with all the luxuriance of perpetual summer. The palm, the bombax ceiba, and a variety of magnificent trees, tower to the height of 150 or 200 feet above the banana, the bamboo, the arborescent fern, and numberless other tropical produc- tions, so interlaced by creeping and parasitical plants as often to present an impenetrable barrier. But the richness of vegetation gradually diminishes with the tem- perature the splendor of the tropical forest is succeeded SECT. XXVII. LIGHT REQUISITE FOR PLANTS. 263 by the regions of the olive and vine ; these again yield to the verdant meadows of more temperate climes ; then follow the birch and the pine, which probably owe their existence in very high latitudes more to the warmth of the soil than to that of the air. But even these enduring plants become dwarfish stunted shrubs, till a verdant carpet of mosses and lichens, enameled with flowers, exhibits the last sign of vegetable life during the short but fervent summers at the polar regions. Such is the effect of cold and diminished light on the vegetable king- dom, that the number of species growing under the line, and in the northern latitudes of 45 and 68, are in the proportion of the numbers 12, 4, and 1. Notwith- standing the remarkable difference between a tropical and polar Flora, light and moisture seem to be almost the only requisites for vegetation, since neither heat, cold, nor even comparative darkness, absolutely destroy the fertility of nature. In salt plains and sandy deserts alone, hopeless barrenness prevails. JPlants grow on the borders of hot springs they form the oasis wherever moisture exists, among the burning sands of Africa they are found in caverns almost void of light, though generally blanched and feeble. The ocean teems with vegetation. The snow itself not only produces a red alga, discovered by Saussure in the frozen declivities of the Alps, found in abundance by the author crossing the Col de Bonhomme from Savoy to Piedmont, and by the polar navigators in the Arctic regions, but it affords shelter to the productions of those inhospitable climes against the piercing winds that sweep over fields of ever- lasting ice. Those interesting mariners narrate, that ander this cold defence plants spring up, dissolve the snow a few inches round, and the part above being again quickly frozen into a transparent sheet of ice, ad- mits the sun's rays, which warm and cherish the plants in this natural hot-house, till the returning summer ren- ders such protection unnecessary. The chemical action of light is, however, absolutely requisite for the growth of plants which derive their principal nourishment from the atmosphere. They con- sume carbonic acid gas, vapor, nitrogen, and the ammo- nia it contains ; but it is the chemical agency of light 264 DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. SECT. XXVII. that enables them to absorb, decompose, and consolidate these substances into wood, leaves, flowers, and fruit. The atmosphere would soon be deprived of these ele- ments of vegetable life, were they not perpetually sup- plied by the animal creation ; while in return, plants decompose the moisture they imbibe, and having assim- ilated the carbonic acid gas, they exhale oxygen for the maintenance of the animated creation, and thus preserve a just equilibrium. Hence it is the powerful and com- bined influences of the whole solar beams that give such brilliancy to the tropical forests, while with their de- creasing energy in the higher latitudes, vegetation be- comes less and less vigorous. By far the greater part of the hundred and ten thou- sand known species of plants are indigenous in Equinoctial America. Europe contains about half the number ; Asia with its islands, somewhat less than Europe; New Holland with the islands in the Pacific, still less ; and in Africa there are fewer vegetable productions than in any part of the globe of equal extent. Very few social plants, such as grasses and heaths, that cover large tracts of land, are to be found between the tropics, ex- cept on the sea-coasts and elevated plains : some excep- tions to this, however, are to be met with in the jungles of the Deccan, Khandish, &c. In the equatorial regions, where the heat is always great, the distribution of plants depends upon the mean annual temperature ; whereas in temperate zones the distribution is regulated in some dogree by the summer heat. Some plants require a gentle warmth of long continuance, others flourish most where the extremes of heat and cold are greater. The range of wheat is very great : it may be cultivated as far north as the 60th degree of latitude, but in the ton-id zone it will seldom form an ear below an elevation of 4500 feet above the level of the sea, from exuberance of vegetation ; nor will it ripen above the height of 10,800 feet, though much depends upon local circumstances. Colonel Sykes states that in the Deccan wheat thrives 1800 feet above the level of the sea. The best wines are produced between the 30th and 45th degrees of north latitude. With regard to the vegetable kingdom, elevation is equivalent to latitude, as far as temperature SICT. XXVII. DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. 265 is concerned. In ascending the mountains of the torrid zone, the richness of the tropical vegetation diminishes with the height ; a succession of plants similar to, though not identical with, those found in latitudes of corre- sponding mean temperature takes place ; the lofty for- ests by degrees lose their splendor, stunted shrubs suc- ceed, till at last the progress of the lichen is checked by eternal snow. On the volcano of TenerifFe there are five successive zones, each producing a distinct race of plants. The first is the region of vines, the next that of laurels ; these are followed by the districts of pines, of mountain broom, and of grass ; the whole covering the declivity of the peak through an extent of 11,200 feet of perpendicular height. Near the equator, the oak flourishes at the height of 9200 feet above the level of the sea, and on the lofty range of the Himalaya, the primula, the convallaria, and the veronica blossom, but not the primrose, the lily of the valley, or the veronica which adorn our meadows : for although the herbarium collected by Mr. Moorcroft, on his route from Neetee to Daba and Garlope in Chi- nese Tartary, at elevations as high or even higher than Mont Blanc, abounds in Alpine and European genera, the species are universally different, with the single exception of the rhodiola rosea, which is identical with the species that blooms in Scotland. It is not in this instance alone that similarity of climate obtains without identity of productions ; throughout the whole globe, a certain analogy both of structure and appearance is fre- quently discovered between plants under corresponding circumstances, which are yet specifically different. It is even said that a distance of 25 of latitude occasions a total change, not only of vegetable productions, but of organized beings. Certain it is, that each separate re- gion both of land and water, from the frozen shores of the polar circles to the burning regions of the torrid zone, possesses a Flora of species peculiarly its own. The whole globe has been divided by botanical geogra- phers into twenty-seven botanical districts differing al- most entirely in their specific vegetable productions ; the limits of which are most decided when they are sepa- rated by a wide expanse of ocean, mountain-chains, Z 266 DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. SECT. XXVII. sandy deserts, salt plains, or internal seas. A consider- able number of plants are common to the northern re- gions of Asia, Europe, and America, where the continents almost unite ; but in approaching the south, the Floras of these three great divisions of the globe differ more and more even in the same parallels of latitude, which shows that temperature alone is not the cause of the al- most complete diversity of species that everywhere pre- vails. The Floras of China, Siberia, Tartary, of the European district including Central Europe, and the coast of the Mediterranean, and the Oriental region, comprising the countries round the Black and Caspian Seas, all differ in specific character. Only twenty -four species were found by MM. Bonpland and Humboldtin Equinoctial America identical with those of the old world: and Mr. Brown not only found that a peculiar vegetation exists in New Holland, between the 33d and 35th parallels of south latitude, but that, at the eastern and western extremities of these parallels, not one spe- cies is common to both, and that certain genera also are almost entirely confined to these spots. The number of species common to Australia and Europe are only 166 out of,4100, and probably some of these have been con- veyed thither by the colonists. This proportion exceeds what is observed in Southern Africa, and from what has been already stated, the proportion of European species in Equinoctial America is still less. Islands partake of the vegetation of the nearest con- tinents, but when very remote from land their Floras are altogether peculiar. The Aleutian Islands, extend- ing between Asia and America, partake of the vegeta- tion of the northern parts of both these continents, and may have served as a channel of communication. In Madeira and Teneriffe, the plants of Portugal, Spain, the Azores, and of the north coast of Africa are found ; and the Canaries contain a great number of plants be- longing to the African coast. But each of these islands possesses a Flora that exists nowhere else ; and St. Helena, standing alone in the midst of the Atlantic Ocean, out of sixty-one indigenous species, produces only two or three recognized as belonging to any other part of the world. SECT. XXVII. DISTRIBUTION OF MARINE PLANTS. 267 Tt appears from the investigations of M. de Humboldt, that between the tropics the monocotyledonous plants, such as grasses and palms which have only one seed- lobe, are to the dicotyledonous tribe, which have two seed-lobes like most of the European species, in the proportion of one to four ; in the temperate zones they are as one to six; and in the Arctic regions, where mosses and lichens which form the lowest order of the vegetable creation abound, the proportion is as one to two. The annual monocotyledooous and dicotyledonous plants in the temperate zones amount to one-sixth of the whole, omitting the Cryptogamia (N. 214) ; in the torrid zone they scarcely form one-twentieth, and in Lapland one-thirtieth part. In approaching the equa- tor, the ligneous exceed the number of herbaceous plants, in America there are a hundred and twenty different species of forest trees, whereas in the same latitudes in Europe only thirty-four are to be found. Similar laws appear to regulate the distribution of marine plants. M. Lamouroux has discovered that the groups of algae, or marine plants, affect particular tem- peratures or zones of latitude, though some few genera prevail throughout the ocean. The polar Atlantic basin, to the 40th degree of north latitude, presents a well-de- fined vegetation. The West Indian seas, including the Gulf of Mexico, the eastern coast of South America, the Indian Ocean and its gulfs, the shores of New Holland, and the neighboring islands, have each their distinct species. The Mediterranean possesses a vegetation peculiar to itself, extending to the Black Sea ; and the species of marine plants on the coast of Sj^ia and in the port of Alexandria differ almost entirely from those of Suez and the Red Sea, notwithstanding the proxim- ity of their geographical situation. It is observed that shallow seas have a different set of plants from such as are deeper and colder; and, like terrestrial vegetation, the algae are most numerous toward the equator, where the quantity must be prodigious, if we may judge from the gulf-weed, which certainly has its origin in the tropical seas, and is drifted, though not by the gulf- stream, to higher latitudes, where it accumulates in such quantities, that the early Portuguese navigators, Colum- 268 DISTRIBUTION OF MARINE PLANTS. SECT. XXVII. bus and Lerius, compared the sea to extensively inun- dated meadows, in which it actually impeded their ships and alarmed their sailors. M. de Humboldt, in his Personal Narrative, mentions that the most extensive bank of sea-weed is in the northern Atlantic, a little west of the meridian of Fayal, one of the Azores, be- tween the 25th and 36th degrees of latitude. Vessels returning to Europe from Monte Video, or from the Cape of Good Hope, cross this bank nearly at an equal distance from the Antilles and Canary Islands. The other bank occupies a smaller space, between the 22d and 26th degrees of north latitude, about eighty leagues west of the meridian of the Bahama Islands, and is gen- erally traversed by vessels on their passage from the Caicos to the Bermuda Islands. These masses consist chiefly of one or two species of Sargassum, the most ex- tensive genus of the order Fucoideae. Some of the sea- weeds grow to the enormous length of several hundred feet, and all are highly colored, though many of them must grow in the deep caverns of the ocean, in total or almost total darkness ; light how- ever may not be the only principle on which the color of vegetables depends, since M. de Humboldt met with green plants growing in complete darkness at the bottom of one of the mines at Freyberg. It appears that in the dark and tranquil caves of the ocean, on the shores alternately covered and deserted by the restless waves, on the lofty mountain and extended plain, in the chilly regions of the north and in the genial warmth of the south, specific diversity is a general law of the vegqjplble kingdom, which cannot be accounted for by diversity of climate : and yet the similarity, though not identity, of species is such, under the same isother- mal lines, that if the number of species belonging to one of the great families of plants be known in any part of the globe, the whole number of the phanerogamous or more perfect plants, and also the number of species com- posing the other vegetable families, may be estimated with considerable accuracy. Various opinions have been formed on the original or primitive distribution of plants over the surface of the globe ; but since botanical geography became a regular SKCT. XXVH. DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 269 science, the phenomena observed have led to the con- clusion that vegetable creation must have taken place in a number of distinctly different centers, each of which was the original seat of a certain number of peculiar species, which at first grew there and nowhere else. Heaths are exclusively confined to the Old World, and no indigenous rose-tree has ever been discovered in the New; the whole southern hemisphere being destitute of that beautiful and fragrant plant. But this is still more confirmed by multitudes of particular plants hav- ing an entirely local and insulated existence, growing spontaneously in some particular spot and in no other place ; for example, the cedar of Lebanon, which grows indigenously on that mountain, and in no other part of the world. On the other hand, as there can be no doubt but that many races of plants have been extinguished, Sir John Herschel thinks it possible that these solitary instances may be the last surviving remnants of the same groups universally disseminated, but in course of extinction ; or that perhaps two processes may be going on at the same time ; " some groups may be spreading from their foci, others retreating to their last strong- holds." The same laws obtain in the distribution of the ani- mal creation. The zoophyte (N. 215), occupying the lowest place in animated nature, is widely scattered through the seas of the torrid zone, each species being confined to the district best fitted to its existence. Shell-fish decrease in size and beauty with their dis- tance from the equator ; and as far as is known, each sea has its own kind, and every basin of thelpean is in- habited by its peculiar tribe of fish. Indeed MM. Peron and Le Sueur assert, that among the many thousands of marine animals which they had examined, there is not a single animal of the southern regions which is not distinguishable by essential characters from the analo- gous species in the northern seas. Reptiles are not exempt from the general law. The saurian (N. 216) tribes of the four quarters of the globe differ in species ; and although warm countries abound in venomous snakes, they are specifically different, and decrease both in numbers and in the virulence of their poison with de- 270 MANKIND IDENTICAL IN SPECIES. SECT. XXVII. crease of temperature. The dispersion of insects ne- cessarily follows that of the vegetables which supply them with food ; and in general it is observed, that each kind of plant is peopled by its peculiar inhabitants. Each species of bird has its particular haunt, notwith- standing the locomotive powers of the winged tribes. The emu is confined to Australia, the condor never leaves the Andes, nor the great eagle the Alps ; and although some birds are common to every country, they are few in number. Quadrupeds are distributed in the same manner wherever man has not interfered. Such as are indigenous in one continent are not the same with their congeners in another ; and with the exception of some kinds of bats, no warm-blooded animal is indigenous v in the Polynesian Archipelago, nor in any of the islands on the borders of the central part of the Pacific. In reviewing the infinite variety of organized beings that people the surface of the globe, nothing is more re- markable than the distinctions which characterize the different tribes of mankind, from the ebony skin of the torrid zone to the fair and ruddy complexion of Scandi- navia a difference which existed in the earliest recorded times, since the African is represented in the Sacred Writings to have been as black as he is at the present day, and the most ancient Egyptian paintings confirm that truth ; yet it appears from a comparison of the principal circumstances relating to the animal economy or physical character of the various tribes of mankind, that the different races are identical in species. Many attempts have been made to trace the various tribes back to ^pommon origin, by collating the numerous languages^vhich are or have been spoken. Some classes of these have few or no words in common, yet exhibit a remarkable analogy in the laws of their gram- matical construction. The languages spoken by the native American nations afford examples of these ; in- deed the refinement in the grammatical construction of the tongues of the American savages leads to the belief, that they must originally have been spoken by a much more civilized class of mankind. Some tongues have little or no resemblance in structure, though they cor- respond extensively in their vocabularies, as the Syrian SKCT. XXV1U. INFLUENCE OF ELECTRICITY. 271 dialects. In all of these cases it may be inferred, that the nations speaking the languages in question are de- scended from the same stock ; but the probability of a common origin is much greater in the Indo-European nations, whose, languages, such as the Sanscrit, Greek, Latin, German, &c., have an affinity both in structure and correspondence of vocables. In many tongues* not the smallest resemblance can be traced ; length of time, however, may have obliterated origiAd -identity. The conclusion drawn from the whole investigation is, that although the distribution of organized beings does not follow the direction of the isothermal lines, temperature has a very great influence on their physical development. The heat of the air is so intimately connected with its electrical condition, that electricity must also affect the distribution of plants and animals over the face of the earth, the more so as it seems to have a great share in the functions of animal and vegetable life. It is the sole cause of many atmospheric and terrestrial phenomena, and performs an important part in the economy of nature. SECTION XXVIII. Of ordinary Electricity, generally called Electricity of Tension Methods of exciting Bodies Transference Electrics and Non-ElectricsLaw of its Intensity Distribution Tension Electric Heat and Light Atmos- pheric Electricity Its Cause Electric Clouds Back Stroke Violent Effects of Lightning Its Velocity Phosphorescence Phosphorescent Action of Solar Spectrum Aurora. ELECTRICITY is one of those imponderable agents pervading the earth and all substances, witl^lt affecting their volume or temperature, or even givin^my visible sign of its existence when in a latent state ; but when elicited developing forces capable of producing the most sudden, violent, and destructive effects in some cases, while in others their action, though less energetic, is of indefinite and uninterrupted continuance. These modi- fications of the electric force, incidentally depending upon the manner in which it is excited, present phe- nomena of great diversity, but yet so connected as to justify the conclusion that they originate in a common principle. 272 ELECTRICS. Electricity may be called into activity by mechanical power, by chemical action, by heat, and by magnetic influence. We are totally ignorant why it is roused from its neutral state by such means, or of the manner of its existence in bodies, whether it be a-material agent, vibrations of ether, or merely a property of matter. Various circumstances render it more than probable that, like light and heat, it is a modification or vibration of that subtile etlftreaT medium which in a highly elas- tic state pervades all space, and which is capable of moving with various degrees of facility through the pores even of the densest substances. As experience shows that bodies in one electric state attract, and in another repel each other, the hypothesis of two fluids has been adopted by many philosophers ; but probably the mutual attraction and repulsion of bodies arise from the redun- dancy and defect of their electricities, though all the electrical phenomena can be explained on either hy- pothesis. Bodies having a redundancy of the electric fluid are said to be positively electric, and those in defect negatively. As each kind of electricity has its peculiar properties, the science may be divided into four branch- es, of which the following notice is intended to convey some idea. Substances in a neutral state neither attract nor repel. There is a numerous class called electrics, in which the electric equilibrium is destroyed by fric- tion ; then the positive and negative electricities are called into action or separated ; the positive is im- pelled in one direction, and the negative in another ; or more jflfcrectly, the electricity is impelled in one di- rection, at^ie expense of the other where there is a de- ficiency of it. .Electricities of the same kind repel, whereas those of different kinds attract each other. The attractive power is exactly equal to the repulsive power at equal distances, and when not opposed, they coalesce .with great rapidity and violence; producing the electric flash, explosion, and shock : then equili- brium is restored, and the electricity remains latent till again called forth by a new exciting cause. One kind of electricity cannot be evolved without the evolution of an equal quantity of the opposite kind. Thus when u SECT. XXVIII. NON-ELECTRICS. 273 glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk, as much positive electricity is elicited in the glass as there is negative in the silk ; or in other words there is a redundancy in the glass and a proportional deficiency in the silk. The kind of electricity depends more upon the mechanical condition than on the nature of the surface : for when two plates of glass, one polished and the other rough, are rubbed against each other, the polished surface ac- quires positive and the rough negative electricity ; that is, the one gains and the other loses. The manner in which friction is performed also alters the kind of elec- tricity. Equal lengths of black and white riband ap- plied longitudinally to one another, and drawn between the finger and thumb, so as to rub their surfaces to- gether, become electric. When separated, the white riband is found to have acquired positive electricity, and the black has lost it, or become negative : but if the whole length of the black riband be drawn across the breadth of the white, the black will be positively and the white negatively electric when separate. Elec- tricity may be transferred from one body to another in the same manner as heat is communicated, and like it too, the body loses by the transmission. Although' no substance is altogether impervious to the electric fluid, nor is there any that does not oppose some resistance to its passage, yet it moves with much more facility through a certain class of substances called conductors, such as metals, water, the human body, &c., than through atmospheric air, glass, silk, &c., which are therefore called non-conductors. The conducing power is affected both by temperature and moisture.^ Bodies surrounded with non-conductors are said to be insulated, because, when charged, the electricity cannot escape. When that is not the case, the electricity is conveyed to the earth, which is formed of conducting matter; consequently it is impossible to accumulate electricity in a conducting substance that is not insu- lated. There are a great many substances called non- electrics, in which electricity is not sensibly developed by friction, unless they be insulated, probably because it is carried off by their conducting power as soon as elicited. Metals, for example, which are said to be 18 274 ELECTRICAL FORCES. SECT. XXVIII. non-electrics, can be excited, but being conductors, they cannot retain this state if in communication with the earth. It is probable that no bodies exist which are either perfect non-electrics or perfect non-conductors. But it is evident that electrics must be non-conductors to a certain degree, otherwise they could not retain their electric state. It has been supposed that an insulated body remains at rest, because the tension of the electricity, or its pres- sure on the air which restrains it, is equal on all sides ; but when a body in a similar state, and charged with the same kind of electricity, approaches it, that the mu- tual repulsion of the particles of the electric fluid di- minishes the pressure of the fluid on the air on the adjacent sides of the two bodies, and increases it on their remote ends ; consequently that equilibrium will be destroyed, and the bodies, yielding to the action of the preponderating force, will recede from or repel each other. When, on the contrary, they are charged with opposite electricities, it is alleged that the pressure upon the air on the adjacent sides will be increased by the mutual attraction of the particles of the electric fluid, and that on the further sides diminished ; con- sequently, that the force will urge the bodies toward one another, the motion in both cases corresponding to the forces producing it. An attempt has thus been made to attribute electrical attractions and repulsions to the mechanical pressure of the atmosphere. It is more than doubtful, however, whether these phenomena can be referijgpl to that cause ; but certain it is, that what- ever theTiature of these forces may be, they are not impeded in their action by the intervention of any sub- stance whatever, provided it be not itself in an electric state. A body charged with electricity, although perfectly insulated, so that all escape of electricity is precluded, tends to produce an electric state of the opposite kind in all bodies in its vicinity. Positive electricity tends to produce negative electricity in a body near to it, and vice versa, the effect being greater as the distance di- minishes. This power which electricity possesses, of causing an opposite electrical state in its vicinity, is called Scr. XXVllf. ELECTRICAL FORCES. 275 induction. When a body in either electric state is pre- sented to a neutral one, its tendency, in consequence of the- law of induction, is to disturb the electrical condi- tion of the neutral body. The electrified body induces electricity contrary to its own in the adjacent part of the neutral one, and therefore an electrical state similar to its own in the remote part. Hence the neutrality of the second body is destroyed by the action of the first, and the adjacent parts of the two, having now opposite electricities, will attract each other. The attraction be- tween electrified and unelectrified substances is, there- fore, merely a consequence of their altered state, re- sulting directly from the law of induction, and not an original law. The effects of induction depend upon the facility with which the equilibrium of the neutral state of a body can be overcome a facility which is propor- tional to the conducting power of the body. Conse- quently the attraction exerted by an electrified substance upon another substance previously neutral, will be much more energetic if the latter be a conductor than if it be a non-conductor. The law of electrical attraction and repulsion has been determined by suspending a needle of gum-lac horizontally by a silk fibre, the needle carrying at one end a piece of electrified gold-leaf. A globe in the same, or in the opposite electrical state, when presented to the gold leaf, will repel or attract it, and will therefore cause the needle to vibrate more or less rapidly accord- ing to the distance of the globe. A comparison of the number of oscillations performed in a given lime at dif- ferent distances, will determine the law of the variation of the electrical intensity, in the same manner that the force of gravitation is measured by the oscillations of the pendulum. Coulomb invented an instrument which balances the forces in question by the force of the tor- sion of a thread, which consequently measures their intensity ; and Mr. Snow Harris has recently construct- ed an instrument with which he has measured the intensity of the electrical force in terms of the weight requisite to balance it. By these methods it has been found that the intensity of the electrical attraction and repulsion varies inversely as the squares of the distances. 276 ELECTRICAL INDUCTION. SECT. XXV11I. However, the law of the repulsive force is liable to great disturbance from inductive action, which Mr. Snow Har- ris has found to exist not only between a charged and neutral body, but also between bodies similarly charged, and that in the latter case the inductive process may be- indefinitely modified by the various circumstances of the quantity and intensity of the electricity, and the distance between the charged bodies. Since electricity can only be in equilibrio from the mutual repulsion of its par- ticles, which according to these experiments varies in- versely as the square of the distances, its distribution in different bodies depends upon the laws of mechanics, and therefore becomes a subject of analysis and calcula- tion. Although the distribution of the electric fluid has employed the eminent analytical talents of M. Poisson and Mr. Ivory, and though many of their computed phenomena have been confirmed by observation, yet recent experiments show that the subject is still involved in much difficulty. Electricity is entirely confined to the surface of bodies ; or if it does penetrate their sub- stance, the depth is inappreciable ; so that the quantity bodies are capable of receiving does not follow the pro- portion of their bulk, but depends principally upon the form and extent of surface over which it is spread : thus the exterior may be positively or negatively electric, while the interior is in a state of perfect neutrality. It appears from the experiments of Mr. Snow Harris, that a given quantity of electricity divided between two perfectly equal and similar bodies, exerts upon external bodies only one-fourth of the attractive force apparent when disposed upon one of them ; and if it be distrib- uted among three equal and similar bodies, the force is one-ninth of that apparent when it is disposed on one of them. Hence if the quantity of electricity be the same, the force varies inversely as the square of the surface over which it is disposed ; and if the surface be the same, the force varies directly as the square of the quantity of the electric fluid. These laws however do not hold when the form of the surface is changed. A given quantity of electricity disposed on a given surface has the greatest intensity when the surface has a circular form, and the least intensity when the surface is expanded Scr. XXVIII. ELECTRICAL INTENSITY. 277 into an indefinite right line. The decrease of intensity seems to arise from some peculiar arrangement of the electricity depending on the extension of the surface, and has been considered by Volta to consist in the re- moval of the electrical particles farther without the sphere of each other's influence. It i's quite independ- ent of the extent of the edge, the area being the same ; for Mr. Snow Hams found that the electrical intensity of a charged sphere is the same with that of a plane circular area of the same superficial extent, and that of a charged cylinder the same as if it were cut open and expanded into a plane surface. The same able electrician has shown that the attract- ive force between an electrified and a neutral uninsulated body is the same, whatever be the forms of their unop- posed parts. Thus two hemispheres attract each other with precisely the same force as if they were spheres ; and as the force is as the number of attracting points in operation directly, and as the squares of the respective distances inversely, it follows that the attraction between a mere ring and a circular area is no greater than that between two similar rings, and the force between a sphere and an opposed spherical segment of the same curvature is no greater than that of two similar segments, each equal to the given segment. Electricity may be accumulated to a great extent in insulated bodies : and so long as it is quiescent, it occa- sions no sensible change in their properties, though it is spread over their surfaces in indefinitely thin layers. When restrained by the non-conducting power of the atmosphere, the tension or pressure exerted by the elec- tric fluid against the air which opposes its escape, is in the ratio compounded of the repulsive force of its own particles at the surface of the stratum of the fluid, and of the thickness of that stratum. But as one of these elements is always proportional to the other, the total pressure on eveiy point must be proportional to the squares of the thickness. 'If this pressure be less than the coercive force of the ah*, the electricity is retained ; but the instant it exceeds that force in any one point, the electricity escapes, which it will do when the air is attenuated, or becomes saturated with moisture. ' Tt ap- A A 278 ELECTRICAL INTENSITY. SECT. XXVIII. pears that the resistance of the air to the passage of the electric fluid is proportional to the square of its density, but that the action of electricity on distant bodies by in- duction is quite independent of atmospheric pressure, and is the same in vacuo as in air. The power of retaining electricity depends also upon the shape of the body. It is most easily retained by a sphere, next to that by a spheroid, but it readily escapes from a point; and a pointed object receives it with most facility. It appears from analysis, that electricity, when in equilibrio, spreads itself in a thin stratum over the surface of a sphere, in consequence of the repulsion of its particles, which force is directed from the center to the surface. In an oblong spheroid, the intensity or thickness of the stratum of electricity at the extremities of the two axes is exactly in the proportion of the axes themselves ; hence, when the ellipsoid is much elon- gated, the electricity becomes very feeble at the equator, and powerful at the poles. A still greater difference in the intensities takes place in bodies of cylindrical or prismatic form, and the more so in proportion as their length exceeds their breadth ; therefore the electrical intensity is very powerful at a point where nearly the whole electricity in the body is concentrated. Not- withstanding these analytical results, it is doubted whether the disposition of electrified bodies to discharge their electricity from points or edges may not arise from the superior attractive force generated by induction in external bodies, rather than from an original concentra- tion of the electric fluid in these parts. A perfect conductor is not mechanically affected by the passage of electricity, if it be of sufficient size to carry off the whole ; but it is shivered to pieces in an instant if it be too small to carry off the charge : this also happens to a bad conductor. In that case the physical change is generally a separation of the particles, though it may occasionally be attributed to chemical action, or expansion from the heat evolved during the passage of the fluid ; but all these effects are in propor- tion to the obstacles opposed to the freedom of its course. The heat produced by the electric shock is intense, fusing metals, and even volatilizing substances, Ill ,: to SECT. XXVIII. ELECTRICAL LIGHT. 279 though it is only accompanied by light when the fluid is obstructed in its passage. Electrical light, when analyzed by the prism, pre- sents very different appearances to the solar light. Frauenhofer found that instead of the fixed dark lines of the solar spectrum, the spectrum of an electric spark was crossed by very numerous bright lines ; and Pro- fessor Wheatstone has observed that the number and position of the lines differ with the metal from which the spark is taken. According to M. Biot, electrical light arises from the condensation of the air during the rapid motion of the electricity r and varies both in in- tensity and color with the density of the atmosphere. When the air is dense, it is white and brilliant; whereas in rarefied air it is diffuse and of a reddish color. The experiments of Sir Humphiy Davy, however, seem to be at variance with this opinion. He passed the elec- tric spark through a vacuum over mercury, which, from green, became successively sea-green, blue, and purple, on admitting different quantities of air. When the vacuum was made over a fusible alloy of tin and bismuth, the spark was yellowish and extremely pale. Sir Humphry thence concluded, that electrical light principally depends upon some properties belonging to the ponderable matter through which it passes, and that space is capable of exhibiting luminous appearances, though it does not contain an appreciable quantity of this matter. He thought it not improbable that the superficial particles of bodies which form vapor, when detached by the repulsive power of heat, might be equally separated by the electric forces, and produce luminous appearances in vacuo, by the destruction of their opposite electric states. Professor Wheatstone has been led to conclude that electrical light results from the volatilization and ignition of the ponderable matter of the conductor itself. Pressure is a source of electricity which M. Becquerel has found to be common to all bodies ; but it is necessary to insulate them to prevent its escape. J When two sub- stances of any kind whatever are insulated and pressed together, they assume different electric states, but they only show contrary electricities when one of them is a 280 SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY. SECT. XXVIII. good conductor. When both are good conductors, they must be separated with extreme rapidity, to prevent the return to equilibrium. /When the separation is very sudden, the tension of the two electricities may be great enough to produce light. ; M. Becquerel attributes the light produced by the collision of icebergs to this cause. Iceland spar is made electric by the smallest pressure between the finger and thumb, and retains it for a long time. All these circumstances are modified by the temperature of the substances, the state of their surfaces, and that of the atmosphere. Several crys- taline substances become electric when heated, es- pecially tourmaline, one end of which acquires positive and the other negative electricity, while the interme- diate partis neutral. If a tourmaline be broken through the middle, each fragment is found to possess positive electricity at one encH and negative at the other, like the entire crystal. Electricity is evolved by bodies passing from a liquid to a solid state ; also by chemical action during the production and condensation of vapor, which is consequently a great source of atmospheric electricity. The steam issuing from the valve of an insulated locomotive steam engine produces seven times the quantity of electricity that an electrifying machine would do with a plate three feet in diameter, and worked at the rate of 70 revolutions in a minute.) In short, it may be stated generally, that when any <4use whatever, such as friction, pressure, heat, fracture, chemical action, &c., tends to destroy molecular attrac- tion, there is a development of electricity. If, however, the molecules be not immediately separated, there will be an instantaneous restoration of equilibrium. The earth possesses a powerful electrical tension, and the atmosphere, when clear, is almost always positively electric. Its electricity is stronger in winter than in summer, during the day than in the night. The inten- sity increases for two or three hours from the time of sunrise, comes to a maximum between seven and eight, then decreases toward the middle of the day, arrives at its minimum between one and two, and again augments as the sun declines, till about the time of sunset, after which it diminishes, and continues feeble during the SKCT. XXVni. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY. 281 night,/ Atmospheric electricity arises partly from an evolution of the electric fluid during the evaporation that is so abundant at the surface of the earth, though not under all circumstances. M. Pouillet has recently come to the conclusion, that simple evaporation never produces electricity, unless accompanied by chemical action, but that electricity is always disengaged when the water holds a salt or some other substance in solu- tion, f He found when water contains lime, chalk, or any solid alkali, that the vapor arising from it is nega- tively electric ; and when the body held in solution is either gas, acid, or some of the salts, that the vapor given out is positively electric. / The ocean must there- fore afford a great supply of"positive electricity to the atmosphere ; but as M. Becquerel has shown that elec- tricity of one kind or other is developed, whenever the molecules of bodies are deranged from their natural positions of equilibrium by any cause whatever, the chemical changes on the surface of the globe must occa- sion many variations in the electrical state of the atmos- phere. Clouds probably owe their existence, or at least their form, to electricity, for according to some authors they consist of hollow vesicles of vapor coated with it. As the electricity is either entirely positive or negative, the vesicles repel each other, which prevents them from uniting and falling down in rain. The friction of the surfaces of two gjrata of air moving in different direc- tions, probably developes electricity; and if the strata be of different temperatures, a portion of the vapor they always contain will be deposited ; the electricity evolved will be 'taken up by the vapor, and cause it to assume the vesicular state constituting a cloud. A vast deal of electricity may be accumulated in this manner, which may be either positive or negative. When two clouds, charged with opposite kinds, approach within a certain distance, the thickness of the coating of electricity in- creases on the two sides of the clouds that are nearest to one another; and when the accumulation becomes so great as to overcome the coercive pressure of the atmosphere, a discharge takes place, which occasions a flash of lightning. The actual quantity of electricity in AA2 282 ELECTRIC CLOUDS. . SECT. XXVIII. any one part of a cloud is extremely small. The inten- sity of the flash arises from the very great extent of surface occupied by the electricity; so that clouds may be compared to enormous Leyden jars thinly coated with the electric fluid, which only acquires its intensity by its instantaneous condensation. The rapid and irreg- ular motions of thunder clouds are, in all probability, more owing to strong electrical attractions and repul- sions among themselves than to currents of air, though both are no doubt concerned in these hostile move- ments. Since the air is a non-conductor, it does not convey the electricity from the clouds to the earth, but it ac- quires from them an opposite electricity, and when the tension is very great the force of the electricity becomes irresistible, and an interchange takes place between the clouds and the earth ; but so rapid is the motion of light- ning, that it is difficult to ascertain when it goes from the clouds to the earth, or shoots upward from the earth to the clouds, though there can be no doubt that it does both. In a storm which occurred at Manchester, in the month of June, 1835, the electric fluid was observed to issue from various points of a road, attended by explo- sions as if pistols had been fired out of the ground. A man appears to have been killed by one of these explo- sions taking place under his right foot. M. Gay-Lussac has ascertained that a flash of lightning sometimes darts more than three miles at once in a straight line. A person may be killed by lightning, although the explosion takes place at the distance of twenty miles, by what is called the back stroke. Suppose that the two extremities of a cloud highly charged with electri- city hang down toward the earth : they will repel the electricity from the earth's surface, if it be of the same kind with their own, and will attract the other kind ; and if a discharge should suddenly take place at one end of the cloud, the equilibrium will instantly be re- stored by a flash at that point of the earth which is un- der the other. Though the back stroke is often suffi- ciently powerful to destroy life, it is never so terrible in its effects as the direct shock, which is frequently of inconceivable intensity- Instances have occurred in SECT. XXVIII. LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. 283 which large masses of iron and stone, and even many feet of a stone wall, have been conveyed to a con- siderable distance by a stroke of lightning. Rocks and the tops of mountains often bear the marks of fusion from its action; and occasionally vitreous tubes, de- scending many feet into banks of sand, mark the path of the electric fluid. Some years ago, Dr. Fiedler ex- hibited several of these fulgorites in London, of con- siderable length, which had been dug out of the sandy plains of Silesia and Eastern Prussia. One found at Paderborn was forty feet long. Their ramifications generally terminate in pools or springs of water below the sand, which are supposed to determine the course of the electric fluid. No doubt the soil and substrata must influence its direction, since it is found by experi- ence that places which have been struck by lightning are often struck again. A school-house in Lammer- muir, East Lothian, has been struck three different times. The atmosphere, at all times positively electric, be- comes intensely so on the approach of rain, snow, wind, hail, or sleet ; but it afterward varies, and the transi- tions are very rapid on the approach of a thunder-storm. An isolated conductor then gives out such quantities of sparks that it is dangerous to approach it, as was fatally experienced by Professor Richman, at Petersburg, who was struck dead by a globe of fire from the extremity of a conductor, while making experiments on atmos- pheric electricity. There is no instance on record of an electric cloud of high tension being dispelled by a con- ducting rod silently withdrawing the electric fluid ; yet it may mitigate the stroke, or render it harmless if it should come. Copper conductors afford the best pro- tection against lightning, especially if they expose a broad surface, since the electric fluid is conveyed along the exterior of bodies. Conductors do not attract the electric fluid from the clouds ; their object is to carry it off in case of a stroke, and therefore they ought to project very little, if at all, above the building. When the air is highly rarefied by heat, its coercive power is diminished so that the electric fluid escapes from the clouds, and never can be accumulated beyond 284 VELOCITY OF ELECTRICITY. SECT. XXVIII. a certain limit; whence those lambent diffuse flashes of lightning without thunder so frequent in warm summer evenings." The velocity of electricity is so great, that the most rapid motion which can be produced by art appears to be actual rest when compared with it. A wheel re- , volving with celerity sufficient to render its spokes invis- \ ible, when illuminated by a flash of lightning, is seen for : an instant with all its spokes distinct, as if it were in a state of absolute repose ; because, however rapid the \ rotation may be, the light has come and already ceased before the wheel has had time to turn through a sensible space. This beautiful experiment is due to Professor Wheatstone, as well as the following variation of it, which is not less striking : Since a sunbeam consists of a mixture of blue, yellow, and red light, if a circular piece of pasteboard be divided into three sectors, one of which is painted blue, another yellow, and a third red, it will appear to be white when revolving quickly, be- cause of the rapidity with which the impressions of the colors succeed each other on the retina. But the in- stant it is illuminated by an electric spark, it seems to stand still, and each color is as distinct as if it were at rest. This transcendent speed of the electric fluid has been ingeniously measured by Professor Wheatstone ; and although his experiments are not far enough ad- vanced to enable him to state its absolute celerity, he has ascertained that it much surpasses the velocity of light. In the horizontal diameter of a small disc fixed on the wall of a darkened room are disposed six small brass balls, well insulated from each other. An insulated copper wire half a mile long is disjoined in its middle, and also near its two extremities ; the six ends thus ob- tained are connected with the six balls on the disc. When an electric discharge is sent through the wire by connecting its two extremities, one with the positive, and the other with the negative coating of a Leyden jar, three sparks are seen on the disc, apparently at the same instant. At the distance of about ten feet, a small revolving mirror is placed so as to reflect these three sparks during its revolution. From the extreme velocity of the electricity, it is clear, that if the three sparks bo SECT. XXVIII. VELOCITY OF ELECTRICITY. 285 simultaneous, they will be reflected, and will vanish be- fore the mirror has sensibly changed its position, how- ever rapid its rotation may be, and they will be seen in a straight line. But if the three sparks be not simultane- ously transmitted to the disc if one, for example, be later than the other two- the mirror will have time to revolve through an indefinitely small arc in the interval between the reflection of the two sparks and that of the single one. However, the only indication of this small motion of the mirror will be, that the single spark will not be reflected in the same straight line with the other two, but a little above or below it, for the reflection of all three will still be, apparently simultaneous, the time in- tervening being much too short to be appreciated. Since the number of revolutions which the revolving mirror makes in a second are known, and the angular deviation of the reflection of the single spark from the reflection of the other two can be measured, the time elapsed between their consecutive reflections can be as- certained. And as the length of that part of the wire through which the electricity has passed is given, its ve- locity may be found. Since the number of pulses in a second requisite to produce a musical note of any pitch is known, the num- ber of revolutions accomplished by the mirror in a given time may be determined from the musical note produced by a tooth or peg in its axis of rotation striking against a card, or from the notes of a siren attached to the axis. It was thus that Professor Wheatstone found the mir- ror which he employed in his experiments to make 800 revolutions in a second; and as the angular velocity of the reflected image in a revolving mirror is double that of the mirror itself, an angular deviation of one degree in the appearance of the two sparks would indicate an interval of the 576,000th of a second ; the deviation of half 'a degree would, therefore, indicate more than the millionth of a second. The use of sound as a measure of velocity is a happy illustration of the connection of the physical sciences. When the atmosphere is highly charged with elec- tricity, it not unfrequentiy happens that electric light in the form of a star is seen on the topmast and yard-arms 286 PHOSPHORESCENCE. SECT. XXVm. of ships. In 1831 the French officers at Algiers were surprised to see brushes of light on the heads of their comrades, and at the points of their fingers, when they held up their hands. This phenomenon was well known to the ancients, who reckoned it a lucky omen. Many substances in decaying emit light, which is at- tributed to electricity, such as fish and rotten wood. Oyster shells, and a variety of minerals, become phos- phorescent at certain temperatures, when exposed to electric shocks or friction : indeed most of the causes which disturb molecular equilibrium give rise to phos- phoric phenomena. The minerals possessing this prop- erty are generally colored or imperfectly transparent ; and though the color of this light varies in different sub- stances, it has no fixed relation to the color of the min- eral. An intense heat entirely destroys this property, and the phosphorescent light developed by heat has no connection with light produced by friction, for Sir David Brewster observed that bodies deprived of the faculty of emitting the one are still capable of giving out the other. Among the bodies which generally become phosphores- cent when exposed to heat, there are some specimens which do not possess this property, wherefore phospho- rescence cannot be regarded as an essential character of the minerals possessing it. Sulphuret of calcium, known as Canton's phosphorus, and the sulphuret of barium, or Bologna stone, possess the phosphorescent property in an eminent degree, and M. Edmond Becquerel has shown that on these substances a very remarkable phosphores- cent effect is produced by the action of the different rays of the solar spectrum. In former times Beccaria stated that the violet ray was the most energetic, and the red ray the least so, in exciting phosphoric light. M. Becquerel has shown that two luminous bands separated by a dark one are excited by the solar spectrum on pa- per covered with a solution of gum-arabic and strewed with powdered sulphuret of calcium. One of the lu- minous bands occupies the space under the least refran- gible violet rays, and the other that beyond the lavender rays, so that the dark band lies on the part under the extreme violet and lavender rays. When the action of the spectral light is continued, the whole surface beyond SJBCT. XXVIII. PHOSPHORESCENCE. 287 the least refrangible violet shines, the luminous bands already mentioned brightest, but all the space from the least refrangible violet to the extreme red remains dark. If the surface prepared with either the sulphuret of cal- cium or the Bologna stone be exposed to the sun's light for a short time it becomes luminous all over, but when in this state a solar spectrum is thrown upon it, the whole remains luminous except the part from the least refrangible violet to the extreme red, on which space the light is extinguished ; and when the temperature of this surface is raised by a lamp, the bright parts become more luminous and the dark parts remain dark. Glass stained by the protoxide of copper, which transmits only the red and orange rays together with the chemical rays that accompany them, has ^he same effect with the less refrangible part of the spectrum ; hence there can be no doubt that the most refrangible and obscure rays of the spectrum excite phosphorescence, while all the less re- frangible rays of light and heat extinguish it. It appears from the experiments of MM. Biot and Becquerel that electrical disturbance produces these phosphorescent effects. There is thus a mysterious connection between the most refrangible rays and electricity, which the ex- periments of iVI. E. Becquerel confirm, showing that electricity is developed during chemical action by the violet rays, that it is very feebly developed by the blue and indigo, but that none is excited by the less refrangi- ble part of the spectrum. Paper prepared with the sulphuret of barium when under the solar spectrum shows only one space of max- imum luminous intensity, and the destroying rays are the same as in sulphuret of calcium. Thus the obscure rays beyond the extreme violet possess the property of producing light, while the lumi- nous rays have the power of extinguishing it. The phosphoric spectrum has inactive lines which coincide with those in the luminous and chemical spec- tra at least as far as it extends, but in order to be seen, the spectrum must be received for a few seconds upon the prepared surface through, an aperture in a dark room, then the aperture must be closed, and the tem- perature of the surface raised two or three hundred 288 PHOSPHORESCENCE. SECT. XXVIII. degrees ; the phosphorescent parts then shine brilliantly, and the dark lines appear black. Since the parts of similar refrangibility in the differ- ent spectra are traversed by the same dark lines, rays of the same refrangibility are probably absorbed at the same time by the different media through which they pass. Multitudes of fish are endowed with the power of emitting light at pleasure, no doubt to enable them to pursue their prey at depths where the sunbeams can- not penetrate. Flashes of light are frequently seen to dart along a shoal of herrings or pilchards ; and the Medusa tribes are noted for their phosphorescent brill- iancy, many of which are extremely small, and so nu- merous as to make the wake of a vessel look like a stream of silver. Nevertheless, the luminous appearance which is frequently observed in the sea during the summer months cannot always be attributed to marine animalcule, as the following narrative will show : Captain Bonnycastle, coming up the Gulf of St. Law- rence on the 7th of September, 1826, was roused by the mate of the vessel in great alarm from an unusual appearance. It was a starlight night, when suddenly the sky became overcast in the direction of the high land of Cornwallis country, and an instantaneous and intensely vivid light, resembling the aurora, shot out of the hitherto gloomy and dark sea on the lee bow, which was so brilliant that it lighted everything distinctly, even to the mast-head. The light spread over the whole sea between the two shores, and the waves, which be- fore had been tranquil, now began to be agitated. Cap- tain Bonnycastle describes the scene as that of a blazing sheet of awful and most brilliant light. A long and vivid line of light, superior in brightness to ,the parts of the sea not immediately near the vessel, showed the base of the high, frowning, and dark land abreast : the sky became lowering and more intensely obscure. Long, tortuous lines of light showed immense numbers of very large fish darting about as if in consternation. The spritsail-yard and mizen-boom were lighted by the glare, as if gas-lights had been r burning directly below them ; and until just before dayoreak, at four o'clock, the most minute objects were distinctly visible. Day broke very SECT. XXVIII. AURORA BOREALIS. 289 slowly, and the sun rose of a fiery and threatening as- pect. Rain followed. Captain Bonnycastle caused a bucket of this fiery water to be drawn up ; it was one mass of light when stirred by the hand, and not in sparks as usual, but in actual coruscations. A portion of the water preserved its luminosity for seven nights. On the third night, .the scintillations of the sea reappeared ; this evening the sun went down very singularly, exhibit- ing in its descent a double sun ; and when only a few degrees high, its spherical figure changed into that of a long cylinder, which reached the horizon. In the night the sea became nearly as luminous as before, but on the fifth night the appearance entirely ceased. Cap- tain Bonnycastle does not think it proceeded from ani- malculae, but imagines it might be some compound of phosphorus, suddenly evolved and disposed over the sur- face of the sea ; perhaps from the exuviae or secretions of fish connected with the oceanic salts, muriate of soda, a-,nd sulphate of magnesia. The aurora borealis is decidedly an electrical phenom- enon, which takes place in the highest regions of the atmosphere, since it is visible at the same time from places very far distant from each other. It is somehow connected with the magnetic poles of the earth, and oc- casions vibrations in the magnetic needle. M. Arago has frequently remarked that the needle was powerfully agitated at Paris, by an aurora that was below the hori- zon, and consequently invisible, but whose existence was known from the observations of the polar navigators. , The aurora has never been seen so far north as the pole of the earth's rotation, nor does it extend to low latitudes. It generally appears in the form of a luminous arch, stretching more or less from east to west, but never from north to south, the most elevated point being always in the magnetic meridian of the place of the observer ; and across the arch the coruscations are rapid, vivid, and of various colors, but whether there be any sound is still a disputed point. A similar phenomenon occurs in the high latitudes of the southern hemisphere. Dr. Faraday- conjectures that the electric equilibrium of the earth is restored by the aurora conveying the electricity from the poles to the equator. 19 BB 290 VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. SECT. XXIX. SECTION XXIX. Voltaic Electricity The Voltaic Battery Intensity Quantity Compari- son of the Electricity of Tension with Electricity in Motion Luminous Effects Decomposition of Water Formation of. Crystals by Voltaic Electricity Electrical Fish. VOLTAIC electricity is of that peculiar kind which is elicited by the force of chemical action. It is connected with one of the most brilliant periods of British science, from the splendid discoveries to which it led Sir Hum- phry Davy ; and it has acquired additional interest since the discovery of the reciprocal action of Voltaic and magnetic currents, which has proved that magnetism is only an effect of electricity, and that it has no existence as a distinct or separate principle. Consequently Voltaic electricity, as immediately connected with the theory of the earth and planets, forms a part of the physical ac- count of their nature. In 1790, while Galvani, Professor of Anatomy in Bo- logna, was making experiments on electricity, he was surprised to see convulsive motions in the limbs of a dead frog accidentally lying near the machine during an electrical discharge. Though a similar action had been noticed long before his time, he was so much struck with this singular phenomenon, that he examined all the cir- cumstances carefully, and at length found that convulsions take place when the nerve and muscle of a frog are con- nected by a metallic conductor. This excited the atten- tion of all Europe ; and it was not long before Professor Volta of Pavia showed that the mere contact of different bodies is sufficient to disturb electrical equilibrium, and that a current of electricity flows in one direction through a circuit of three conducting substances. From this he was led, by acute reasoning and experiment, to the con- struction of the Voltaic pile, which, in its early form, consisted of alternate discs of zinc and copper, separated by pieces of wet cloth, the extremities being connected by wires. This simple apparatus, perhaps the most wonderful instrument that has been invented by the in- genuity of man, by divesting electricity of its sudden and SECT. XXIX. THE VOLTAIC BATTERY. 291 uncontrollable violence, and giving in a continued stream a greater quantity at a diminished intensity, has exhibited that fluid under a new and manageable form, possessing powers the most astonishing and unexpected. As the Voltaic batteiy has become one of the most important engines of physical research, some account of its present condition may not be out of place.) The disturbance of electric equilibrium, and a devel- opment of electricity, invariably accompany the chem- ical action of the fluid on metallic substances, and are most plentiful when that action occasions oxidation. Metals vary in the quantity of electricity afforded by their combination with oxygen. But the greatest abundance is developed by the oxidation of zinc by weak sulphuric acid. [And in conformity with the law that one kind of electricity cannot be evolved without an equal quantity of the other being brought into activity, it is found that the acid is positively, and the zinc nega- tively electric. It has not yet been ascertained why equilibrium is not restored by the contact of these two substances, which are both conductors, and in opposite electrical states. However, the electrical and chemical changes are so connected, that unless equilibrium be restored, the action of the acid will go on languidly, or stop as soon as a certain quantity of electricity is accu- mulated in it. Equilibrium nevertheless will be restored, and the action of the acid will be continuous, if a plate of copper be placed in contact with the zinc, both being immersed in the fluid ; for the copper, not being acted upon by the acid, will serve as a conductor to convey the positive electricity from the acid to the zinc, and will at every instant restore the equilibrium, and then the oxidation of the zinc will go on rapidly. (Thus three substances are concerned in forming a voltaic circuit, but it is indispensable that one of them should be a fluid, j The electricity so obtained will be very feeble in overcoming resistances offered by imperfect conductors interposed in the circuit, or by very long wires, but it may be augmented by increasing the num- ber of plates. In the common Voltaic battery, the electricity which the fluid has acquired from the first plate of zinc, exposed to its action, is taken up by the 292 THE VOLTAIC BATTERY. SECT. XXIX. copper plate belonging to the second pair, and transferred to the second zinc plate, with which it is connected. The second plate of zinc possessing equal powers, and acting in conformity with the first, having thus acquired a larger portion of electricity than its natural share, communicates a larger quantity to the fluid in the second cell. This increased quantity is again transferred to the next pair of plates ; and thus every succeeding al- ternation is productive of a further increase in the quantity of the electricity developed. This action, however, would stop unless a vent were given to the accumulated electricity, by establishing a communication between the positive and negative poles of the battery, by means of wires attached to the extreme plate at each end. When the wires are brought into contact, the Voltaic circuit is completed, the electricities meet and neutralize each other, producing the shock and other electrical phenomena ; and then the electric current continues to flow uninterruptedly in the circuit, as long as the chemical action lasts. The stream of positive electricity flows from the zinc to the copper. The construction and power of the Voltaic battery has been much improved of late years, but the most valuable recent improvement is the constant battery of Professor Daniell. In all batteries of the ordinary construction, the power, however energetic at first, rapidly diminishes, and ultimately becomes very feeble. Professor Daniell found that this diminution of power is occasioned by the adhesion of the evolved hydrogen to the surface of the copper, and to the precipitation of the sulphate formed by the action of the acid on the zinc. He prevents the latter by interposing between the copper and the zinc, in the cell containing the liquid, a membrane which, without impeding the electric current, prevents the transfer of the salt; and the former, by placing between the copper and the membrane solution of sulphate of copper, which being reduced by the hydrogen prevents the adhesion of this gas to the metallic surface. Each element of the battery consists of a hollow cylinder of copper, in the axis of which is placed a cylindrical rod of zinc ; between the zinc and the copper a membranous bag is placed, which divides the cell into two portions, SKCT. XXIX. THE VOLTAIC BATTERY. 293 the inner of which is filled with dilute acid, and the one nearer the copper is supplied with crystals of the sul- phate of that metal. The battery consists of several of these elementary cells connected together by metallic wires, the zinc rod of one with the copper cylinder of that next to it. The zinc rods are amalgamated, so that local action, which in ordinaiy cases is so destructive of the zinc, does not take place, and no chemical action is manifested unless the circuit be completed. The rods are easily detached, and others substituted for them when worn out. This battery, which possesses con- siderable power, and is constant in its effects for a very long period of time, is greatly superior to all former ar- rangements, either as an instrument of research, or for exhibiting the ordinaiy phenomena of Voltaic electricity. A battery charged with water alone, instead of acid, is very constant in its action, but the quantity of elec- tricity it developes is comparatively very small. Mr. Cross of Broomfield in Somersetshire, has kept a bat- tery of this kind in full force during twelve months. M. Becquerel had invented an instrument for comparing the intensities of the different kinds of electricity by means of weights,! but as it is impossible to make the comparison with Voltaic electricity produced by the or- dinary batteries, on account of the perpetual variation to which the intensity of the current is liable, he has constructed a battery which affords a continued stream of electricity of uniform power, but it is also of very feeble force. The current is produced by the chemical combination of an acid with an alkali. Metallic contact is not necessary for the production of Voltaic electricity, which is entirely due to chemical action. The intensity of the Voltaic electricity is in proportion to the intensity of the affinities concerned in its production, and the quantity produced is in propor- tion to the quantity of matter which has been chem- ically active during its evolution. Dr. Faraday considers this definite production to be one of the strongest proofs that the electricity is of chemical origin. Galvanic or Voltaic, like common electricity, may either be considered to consist of two fluids passing in opposite directions through the circuit, or, if the hypoth- B B2 294 VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. SECT. XXIX. esis of one fluid be adopted, the zinc end of the bat- tery may be supposed to have an excess of electricity, and the copper end a deficiency. Hence, in the latter case, the zinc is the positive end of the battery, and the copper the negative. Voltaic electricity is distinguished by two marked characters. Its intensity increases with the number of plates its quantity with the extent of their surfaces. The most intense concentration of force is displayed by a numerous series of large plates, light and heat are copiously evolved, and chemical decomposition is accom- plished with extraordinary energy ; whereas the elec- tricity from one pair of plates, whatever their size may be, is so feeble that it gives no sign either of attraction or repulsion ; and, even with a battery consisting of a very great number of plates, it is difficult to render the mutual attraction of its two wires sensible, though of opposite electricities. The action of Voltaic electricity differs in some re- spects materially from that of the ordinary kind. When a quantity of common electricity is accumulated, the restoration of equilibrium is attended by an instantaneous violent explosion, accompanied by the development of light, heat, and sound. The concentrated power of the fluid forces its way through every obstacle, disrupting and destroying the cohesion of the particles of the bodies through which it passes, and occasionally increasing its destructive effects by the conversion of fluids into steam from the intensity of the momentary heat, as when trees are torn to pieces by a stroke of lightning. Even the vivid light which marks the path of the electric fluid is probably owing in part to the sudden compression of the air and other particles of matter during the rapidity of its passage, or to the violent and abrupt reunion of the two fluids. But the instant equilibrium is restored by this energetic action the whole is a-t an end. On the contrary, when an accumulation takes place in a Voltaic battery, equilibrium is restored the moment the circuit is completed. But so far is the electric stream from being exhausted, that it continues to flow silently and invisibly in an uninterrupted current supplied by a per- petual reproduction. And although its action on bodies SCT. XXIX. VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. 295 is neither so sudden nor so intense as that of common electricity, yet it acquires such power from constant accumulation and continued action, that it ultimately surpasses the energy of the other. The two kinds of electricity differ in no circumstance more than in the development of heat. Instead of a momentary evolu- tion, which seems to arise from a forcible compression of the particles of matter during the passage of the com- mon electric fluid, the circulation of the Voltaic electricity is accompanied by a continued development of heat, lasting as long as the circuit is complete, without pro- ducing either light or sound ; and this appears to be its immediate direct effect, independent of mechanical ac- tion. Its intensity from a very powerful battery is greater than that of any heat that can be obtained by artificial means, so that it fuses substances which resist the action of the most powerful furnaces. The temper- ature of every part of a Voltaic battery itself is raised during its activity. When the battery is powerful, the luminous effects of Voltaic electricity are very brilliant. But considerable intensity is requisite to enable the electricity to force its way through the air on bringing the wires "together from the opposite poles. Its transit is accompanied by light ; and in consequence of the continuous supply of the fluid, sparks occur every time the contact of the wires is either broken or renewed. The most splendid artificial light known is produced by fixing pencils of charcoal at the extremities of the wires, and bringing them into contact. This light is the more remarkable, as it appears to be independent of combustion, since the charcoal suffers no change, and likewise because it is equally vivid in such gases as do not contain oxygen. Though nearly as bright as solar light, it differs materi- ally from it when analyzed with a prism. Professor Wheatstone has found that the appearance of the spec- trum of the Voltaic spark depends upon the metal from whence the spark is taken. The spectrum of that from mercury consists of seven definite rays, separated from each other by dark intervals ; these visible rays are two orange lines close together, a bright green line, two bluish green lines near each other, a very bright purple 296 VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. SECT. XXIX. line, and lastly a violet line. The spark taken from zinc, cadmium, tin, bismuth, and lead in the melted state, gives similar results ; but the number, position, and color of the lines vary so much in each case, and the appearances are so different, that the metals may be easily distinguished from each other by this mode of investigation. It appears, moreover, that the light does not arise from the combustion of the metal ; for the Voltaic spark taken from mercury successively in the vacuum of an air-pump, in the Torricellian vacuum, and in carbonic acid gas, is precisely the same as when the experiment is performed in the air or in oxygen gas. Notwithstanding the difference between electric and solar light, M. Arago is inclined to attribute the intense light and heat of the sun to electrical action. Voltaic electricity is a powerful agent in chemical analysis. When transmitted through conducting fluids it separates them into their constituent parts, which it conveys in an invisisible state through a considerable space or quantity of liquid to the poles, where they come into evidence. Numerous instances might be given, but the decomposition of water is perhaps the most simple and elegant. Suppose a glass tube filled with water and corked at both ends ; if one of the wires of an active Voltaic battery be made to pass through one cork and the other through the other cork, into the water, so that the extremities of the two wires shall be opposite and about a quarter of an inch asunder, chemi- cal action will immediately take place, and gas will con- tinue to rise from the extremities of both wires till the water has vanished. If an electric spark j^e then sent through the tube, the water will reappear. By arrang- ing the experiment so as to have the gas^iven out by each wire separately, it is found that water consists of two volumes of hydrogen and one of oxygen. The hy- drogen is given out at the positive wire of the battery, and the oxygen at the negative. The oxides are also decomposed ; the oxygen appears at the positive pole, and the metal at the negative. The decomposition of the alkalies and earths by Sir Humphry Davy formed a remarkable era in the history of Science. Soda, potass, lime, magnesia, and other substances heretofore SCT. XXIX. FORMATION OF CRYSTALS. 297 considered to be simple bodies incapable of decomposi- tion, were resolved by electric agency into their constit- uent parts, and proved to be metallic oxides, by that illustrious philosopher. / All chemical changes produced by the electric fluid arfcs accomplished on the same prin- ciple ; and it appears that in general, combustible sub- stances, metals, and alkalies go to the negative wire, while acids and oxygen are evolved at the positive. The transfer of these substances to the poles is not the least wonderful effect of the Voltaic battery. Though the poles be at a considerable distance from one another, nay, even in separate vessels, if a communication be only established by a quantity of wet thread, as the de- composition proceeds the component parts pass through the thread in an invisible state, and arrange themselves at their respective poles. According to Dr. Faraday, electro-chemical decomposition is simply a case of the preponderance of one set of chemical affinities more powerful in their nature over another set which are less powerful. The great efficacy of Voltaic electricity in chemical decomposition arises from the continuance of its action ; and its agency appears to be most exerted on fluids and substances which, by conveying the elec- tricity partially and imperfectly, impede its progress. But it is now proved to be as efficacious in the compo- sition as in the decomposition or analysis of bodies. It had been observed that when metallic solutions are subjected to galvanic action, a deposition of metal, some- times in the form of minute crystals, takes place on the negative wire. By extending this principle, and em- ploying a very feeble Voltaic action, M. Becquerel has succeeded in forming crystals of a great proportion of the mineral substances, precisely similar to those pro- duced by nature. The electric state of metallic veins makes it possible that many natural crystals may have taken their form from the action -of electricity bringing their ultimate particles, when in solution, within the narrow sphere of molecular attraction already mentioned as the great agent in the formation of solids. Both light and motion favor crystalization. Crystals which form in different liquids are generally more abundant on the side of the iar exposed to the light : and it is well known 298 ELCETROGILDING. SECT. XXIX. that still water, cooled below 32, starts into crystals of ice the instant it is agitated. Light and motion are intimately connected with electricity, which may there- fore have some influence on the laws of aggregation; this is the more likely, as a feeble action is alone neces- \ sary, provided it be continued for a sufficient time. Crystals formed rapidly are generally imperfect and soft, and M. Becquerel found that even years of constant Voltaic action were necessary for the crystalization of some of the hard substances. If this law be general, how many ages may be required for the formation of a diamond ? The deposition of metal from a metallic solution by galvanic electricity has been most successfully applied to the art of plating and gilding, as well as to the more delicate process of copying medals and copper plates. Indeed, not metals only, but any object of art or nature may be coated with precipitated metal, provided it be first covered with the thinnest film of plumbago, which renders a non-conductor sufficiently conducting to re- ceive the metal. Common electricity, on account of its high tension, passes through water and other liquids, as soon as it is formed, whatever the length of its course may be. Vol- taic electricity, on the contrary, is weakened by the dis- tance it has to traverse. Pure water is a very bad con- ductor ; but ice absolutely stops a current of Voltaic electricity altogether, whatever be the power of the bat- tery, although common electricity has sufficient power to overcome its resistance. Dr. Faraday has discovered that this property is not peculiar to water ; that, with a few exceptions, bodies which do not conduct electricity when solid, acquire that property, and are immediately decomposed, when they become fluid ; and in general, that decomposition takes place as soon as the solution acquires the capacity of conduction, which has led him to suspect that the power of conduction may be only a consequence of decomposition. Heat increases the conducting power of some sub- stances for Voltaic electricity, and of the gases for both kinds. Dr. Faraday has given a new proof of the con- nection between heat and electricity, by showing that Sscrr. XXIX. ELECTRICAL FISH. 299 in general, when a solid which is not a metal becomes fluid, it almost entirely loses its power of conducting heat, while it acquires a capacity for conducting elec- tricity in a high degree. The galvanic fluid affects all the senses. Nothing can be more disagreeable than the shock, which may even be fatal if the battery be very powerful. A bright flash of light is perceived with the eyes shut, when one of the wires touches the face and the other the hand. By touching the ear with one wire and holding the other, strange noises are heard, and an acid taste is perceived when the positive wire is applied to the tip of the tongue and the negative wire touches some other part of it. By reversing the poles the taste becomes alkaline. It renders the pale light of the glow-worm more intense. Dead animals are roused by it, as if they started again into life, and it may ultimately prove to be the cause of muscular action in the living. Several fish possess the faculty of producing electrical effects. The most remarkable are the gymnotus elec- tricus, found in South America ; and the torpedo, a species of ray, frequent in the Mediterranean. The electrical action of the torpedo depends upon an appa- ratus apparently analogous to the Voltaic pile, which the animal has the power of charging at will, consisting of membranous columns filled throughout with laminae, sep- arated from one another by a fluid. The absolute quan- tity of electricity brought into circulation by the torpedo is so great, that it affects the decomposition of water, has power sufficient to make magnets^ gives very severe shocks and the electric spark. It is identical in kind with that of the galvanic battery, the electricity of the under surface of the fish being the same with the neg- ative pole, and that in the upper surface the same with the positive pole. Its manner of action is, however, somewhat different ; for although the evolution of the electricity is continued for a sensible time, it is inter- rupted, being communicated by a succession of dis- charges. 300 TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. SECT. XXX. SECTION XXX. Terrestrial Magnetism Magnetic Poles Lines of equal and no Variation The Dip The Magnetic Equator Magnetic Intensity Secular, peri- odic, and transitory Variations in the Magnetic Phenomena Origin of the Mariner's Compass Natural Magnets Artificial Magnets Polarity Induction Intensity Hypothesis of two Magnetic Fluids Distribu- tion of the Magnetic Fluid Analogy between Magnetism and Electricity. IN order to explain the other methods of exciting electricity, and the recent discoveries in that science, it is necessary to be acquainted with the general theory of magnetism, and also with the magnetism of the earth, the director of the mariner's compass his guide through the ocean. The distribution of terrestrial magnetism is very com- plicated, and the observations simultaneously made at the various magnetic establishments recently formed in both hemispheres have changed many of the opinions formerly received with regard to that science. Its influence, arising from unknown causes in the in- terior of the earth, extends over every part of its surface, but seems to be independent of the form and of the peculiarities of the exterior of our planet (a). Its action on the magnetic needle determines the magnetic poles of the earth, which do not coincide with the poles of rotation. Mr. Hansteen of Copenhagen computed, from obser- vations in various parts of the world, that there are two magnetic poles in each hemisphere, while M. Gauss has concluded there is only one in each (A). The position of one of these poles was determined by our gallant countrymen when endeavoring to accomplish the north-west passage round America. It is situate in 70 5' 17" north latitude, and 96 46' 45" west longitude. Another northern magnetic pole is known by observa- tion to be in Siberia, somewhat to the north of 60 north latitude and in 102 east longitude, so that the two poles are 198 46' 45" asunder. In his recent voyage to the Antarctic regions Sir James Ross ascertained that one of the southern magnetic poles is in 70 south latitude. SECT. XXX. THE DIP. 301 and about 162 east longitude. The position of the other south magnetic pole, if it exists, is unknown. In consequence of the attraction and repulsion of these poles, a needle suspended so as to move freely in a horizontal direction, whether it be magnetic or not, only remains in equilibrio when in the magnetic meridian, that is, when it is .in a place which passes through a north and a south magnetic pole. In some places the magnetic meridian coincides with the terrestrial me- ridian, and m these a magnetic needle freely suspended, as in T;he mariner's 'compass, points to the true north ; but if it be carried successively to different places on the earth's surface its direction will deviate, sometimes to the east, and sometimes to the west of the true north. Imaginary lines drawn on the globe through all the places where the needle points due north and south are called lines of no variation. Imaginary lines drawn through all those places whore the needle deviates from the geographical meridian by an equal quantity, are lines of equal variation. A magnetic needle suspended so as to be movable only in a vertical plane dips, or becomes more and more inclined to the horizon the nearer it is brought to a magnetic pole, and there it becomes vertical. Lines of equal dip are such as may be imagined to pass through all those points on the globe where the dipping needle makes the same angle with the horizon. In some places the dipping needle becomes horizontal, and there the influences of the north and south poles are balanced, and an imaginary line passing through all such places is the magnetic equator. In going north from the magnetic equator one end of the dipping needle dips more and more till it becomes perpendicular at the north magnetic pole, while in proceeding south from the magnetic equator the other end of the dipping needle dips, and at last becomes perpendicular at the south magnetic pole. The magnetic equator does not coincide with the terrestrial equator : it appears to be an irregular curve passing round the earth, inclined to the earth's equator at an angle of about 12, and crossing it in several points, the position of which seems stiU to be uncertain. According to some accounts, three Cc 302 INTENSITY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. SECT. XXX. points have been ascertained in which that curve cuts the equator; yet Captain Duperry, who crossed it re- peatedly, affirms, from his own observations combined with those of M. Jules de Bosville and of Colonel Sabine, that it crosses the terrestrial equator in two points only, and those diametrically opposite one to the other, and not far from the meridian of Paris. One of these nodes he places in the Atlantic, the other in the Pacific ocean. He finds that the magnetic equator deviates but little from the terrestrial equator in that part of the Pacific where there are only a few scattered islands (6), that as the islands become more frequent the deviation increases, and arrives at a maximum both to the north and south in traversing the African and American continents ; and that the symmetry of the northern and southern segments of this curve is much greater than was imagined. The intensity of the magnetic force is different in dif- ferent parts of the earth. If a magnetic needle, freely suspended so as to move horizontally, and at rest in a magnetic meridian, be drawn any number of degrees from that position, it will make a certain number of os- cillations before it resumes its state of rest. The inten- sity of the magnetic force is determined from these os- cillations, in the same manner that the intensity of the gravitating and electrical forces is known from the vibra- tions of the pendulum and the balance of torsion (c) : and in all these cases it is proportional to the squares of the number of oscillations performed in a given time, consequently a comparison of the number of vibrations accomplished by the same needle during the same time in different parts of the earth's surface will determine the variations in the magnetic action. By this method it was discovered that the intensity of the magnetic force increases from the equator toward the poles ; but the foci of the greatest total intensity of the magnetic force seem neither to coincide with the magnetic nor rotatory poles of the earth (d). One of these foci, according to Colonel Sabine's magnetic chart, is situate about the 47 south latitude and 140 east longitude, while another of less energy is in 60 south latitude and 235 east longi- tude. The point of least total magnetic intensity on the SICT. XXX. DISTURBANCES. 303 whole globe is by the same chart about the 25 south latitude and 12 west longitude. In the northern hem- isphere the foci of maximum intensity are in lat. 54 32' N., long. 261 27' E., and lat. 71 20' N., long. 119 57' E., according to M. Gauss's calculations. The magnetic intensity appears to be doubled in the ascent from the equator to Baffin's bay. Such are the principal phenomena of terrestrial mag- netism, but it is subject to secular, periodical, and tran- sient disturbances still imperfectly known. In the north- ern hemisphere, the poles, the lines of equal and no variation, the equator, and in short the whole system is gradually moving toward the east, so that the relations observed in Europe two centuries ago have now reached the limits between Europe and Asia, while other parts of the system have moved gradually over to us from the west. In the southern hemisphere the secular motion of the poles and of the whole system is in a contrary direction. The cause of these secular disturbances is altogether unknown. The horizontal needle or compass at any one place is also subject to periodic and transient perturbations. Great disturbances occur on the same day, or nearly on the same day, in different years, from causes unknown. There are also disturbances which, according to the observations of M. Kreil, in Milan, depend on the decli- nation of the moon and her distance from the earth ; others of shorter duration seem to be intimately con- nected with the motion of the sun in regard to the mag- netic meridian of the place of observation. In conse- quence of the latter, the needle in the same place is subject to diurnal variations: in our latitudes the end that points to the north moves slowly westward during the forenoon, and returns to its mean position about ten hi the evening; it then deviates to the eastward and again returns to its mean position about ten in the morning. M. Kupffer of Casan ascertained that there is a noctur- nal as well as a diurnal variation, depending in his opinion upon a variation in the magnetic equator. Magnetic storms, or sudden and great but transient disturbances, take place occasionally in the compass, which are per- 304 CHANGES OF MAGNETIC INTENSITY. SECT. XXX. ceived simultaneously over widely extended regions; while others of less magnitude and duration occur more frequently, and are, equally witty the greater, not amena- ble to any known laws. The dip is subject to a secular variation, and according to Colonel Sabine has been decreasing in northern lati- tudes for the last fifty years at the rate of three minutes annually, and is probably owing to the secular motion of the magnetic equator. There are disturbances also in the dip of a periodic nature, and others very transient, which M. Kreil attributes to weak shocks of earth- quakes, having observed that the greatest vertical dis- turbances have almost always coincided with consider- able earthquakes even when they occurred in remote regions. The magnetic intensity is subject to various changes. M. Hansteen has found that it has been decreasing an- nually at Christiana, London, and Paris at the rate of its 235th, 725th, and 1020th parts respectively, which he attributes to the motion of the Siberian magnetic pole. The moon increases the onagnetic intensity in our hemisphere : but her influence differs with her dif- ference of position in the heavens. The times of vibra- tion of the needle are less when the moon has south declination than when she has north, and they are less when she is in perigee than in apogee. It is still doubtful whether magnetic intensity varies with the height above the earth or not. The diurnal variation in the horizontal intensity ob- served by M. Hansteen at Christiana is probably owing to the sun's influence : indeed the whole of the magnetic disturbances have been ascribed to that cause ; and he has even found a general resemblance between the iso- thermal lines and the lines of equal dip on the surface of the earth : yet in the present state of our knowledge the magnetic phenomena can only be regarded as the effects of a combination of causes whose separate action is still unknown. The inventor of the mariner's compass, like most of the early benefactors of mankind, is unknown. It is even doubted which nation first made use of magnetic polarity to determine positions on the surface of the globe. SKCT. XXX. THE MARINER'S COMPASS. 305 But it is said that a rude form of the compass was in- vented in Upper Asia, and conveyed thence by the Tartars to China, where the Jesuit missionaries found traces of this instrument having been employed as a guide to land travelers in very remote antiquity. From that the compass spread over the East, and was imported into Europe by the Crusaders, and its construction im- proved by an artist of Amalfi, on the coast of Calabria. It seems that the Chinese only employed twenty-four cardinal divisions, which the Germans increased to thirty-two, and gave the points the names which they still bear. The variation of the compass was 'unknown until Co- lumbus, during his first voyage, observed that the needle declined from t^ie meridian as he advanced across the Atlantic. The dip of the. magnetic needle was first no- ticed by Robert Norman, in the year 1576. Very delicate experiments have shown that all bodies are more or less susceptible of magnetism. Many of the gems give signs of it ; cobalt and nickel always pos- sess the properties of attraction and repulsion. But the magnetic agency is most powerfully developed in iron, and in that particular ore of iron called the loadstone, which consists of the protoxide and the peroxide of iron, together with small portions of silica and alumina. A metal is often susceptible of magnetism if it only contains the 130,000th part of its weight of iron, a quantity too small to be detected by any chemical test. The bodies in question are naturally magnetic, but that property may be imparted by a variety of methods, as by friction with magnetic bodies, or juxtaposition to them ; but none is more simple than percussion. A bar of hard steel, held in the direction of the dip, will be- come a magnet on receiving a few smart blows with a hammer on its upper extremity ; and M. Hansteen has ascertained that every substance has magnetic poles when held in that position, whatever the materials may be of which it is composed. One of the most distinguishing marks of magnetism is polarity, or the property a magnet possesses, when freely suspended, of spontaneously pointing nearly north and south, and always returning to that position wiien dis- 20 c c 2 306 POLARITY AND INDUCTION. SECT. XXX. turbed. Another property of a magnet is the attraction of uninagnetized iron. Both poles of a magnet attract iron, which in return attracts either pole of the magnet with an equal and contrary force. The magnetic in- tensity is most powerful at the poles, as may easily be seen by dipping the magnet into iron filings, which will adhere abundantly to each pole, while scarcely any attach themselves to the intermediate parts. The action of the magnet on unmagnetized iron is confined to attraction, whereas the reciprocal agency of magnets is characterized by a repulsive as well as an attractive force, for a north pole repels.a north pole, and a south repels a south pole. But a north and a south pole mutually attract one another, which proves that there are two distinct kinds of magnetic forces, directly op- posite in their effects, though similar in their mode of action. Induction is the power which a magnet possesses of exciting temporary or permanent magnetism in such bodies in its vicinity as are capable of receiving it. By this property the mere approach of a magnet renders iron or steel magnetic, the more powerfully the less the distance. When the north pole of a magnet is brought near to, and in the line with, an unmagnetized iron bar, the bar acquires all the properties of a perfect magnet; the end next the north pole of the magnet becomes a south pole, while the remote end becomes a north pole. Exactly the reverse takes place when the south pole is presented to the bar ; so that each pole of a magnet induces the opposite polarity in the adjacent end of the bar, and the same polarity in the remote extremity ; consequently the nearest extremity of the bar is at- tracted, and the farther repelled ; but as the action is greater on the adjacent than on the distant part, the resulting force is that of attraction. By induction, the iron bar not only acquires polarity, but the power of inducing magnetism in a third body ; and although all these properties vanish from the iron as soon as the magnet is removed, a lasting increase of intensity is generally imparted to the magnet itself by the reaction of the temporary magnetism of the iron. -Iron acquires magnetism more rapidly than steel, yet it loses it us Scr. XXX. EDUCTION OF MAGNETISM. 307 quickly on the removal of the magnet, whereas the steel is impressed with a lasting polarity. A certain time is requisite for the induction of mag- netism, and it may be accelerated by anything that excites a vibratory motion in the particles of the steel, such as the smart stroke of the hammer, or heat suc- ceeded by sudden cold. A steel bar may be converted into a magnet by the transmission of an electric discharge through it; and as its efficacy is the same in whatever direction the electricity passes, the magnetism arises from its mechanical operation exciting a vibration among the particles of steel. It has been observed that the particles of iron easily resume their neutral state after induction, but that those of steel resist the restoration of magnetic equilibrium, or a return to the neutral state ; it is therefore evident, that any cause which removes or diminishes the resistance of the particles will tend to destroy the magnetism of the steel ; consequently, the same mechanical means which develop magnetism will also destroy it. On that account a steel bar may lose its magnetism by any mechanical concussion, such as by falling on a hard substance, a blow with a hammer, and heating to redness, which reduces the steel to a state of softness. The circumstances which determine whether it shall gain or lose, are its position with respect to the magnetic equator, and the higher or lower intensity of its previous magnetic state. Polarity of one kind only cannot exist in any portion of iron or steel ; in whatever manner the intensities of the two kinds of polarity may be diffused through a mag- net, they exactly balance or compensate one another. The northern polarity is confined to one-half of a mag- net, and the southern to the other, and they are gener- ally concentrated in or near the extremities of the bar. When a magnet is broken across its middle, each frag- ment is at once converted into a perfect magnet ; the part which originally had a north pole acquires a south pole at the fractured end ; the part that originally had a south pole gets a north pole ; and as far as mechanical division can be carried, it is found that each fragment, however small, is a perfect magnet. A comparison of the number of vibrations accomplished 308 LAW OF MAGNETIC INTENSITY. SECT. XXX. by the same needle, during the same time, at different distances from a magnet, gives the law of magnetic in- tensity, which follows the inverse ratio of the squares of the distances, a law that is not affected by the inter- vention of any substance whatever between the magnet and the needle, provided that substance be not itself susceptible of magnetism. Induction and the reciprocal action of magnets are therefore subject to the laws of mechanics ; but the composition and resolution of the forces are complicated, in consequence of four forces being constantly in activity, two in each magnet. Mr. Were Fox, who has paid much attention to this branch of the science, has lately discovered that the law of the magnetic force changes from the inverse squares of the distances, to the simple inverse ratio, when the distance between two magnets is as small as from the fourth to the eighth of an inch, or even as much as half an inch when the magnets are large. He found, that in the case of repulsion, the change takes place at a still greater distance, especially when the two magnets differ materially in intensity. There can hardly be a doubt but that all the phenom- ena of magnetism, like those of electricity, may be ex- plained on the hypothesis of one ethereal fluid, which is condensed or redundant in the positive pole, and deficient in the negative ; a theory that accords best with the sim- plicity and general nature of the laws of creation ; never- theless, Baron Poisson has adopted the hypothesis of two extremely rare fluids pervading all the particles of iron, and incapable of leaving them. Whether the par- ticles of these fluids are coincident with the molecules of the iron, or that they only fill the interstices between them, is unknown and immaterial. But it is certain that the sum of all the magnetic molecules, added to the sum of all the spaces between them, whether occupied by matter or not, must be equal to the whole volume of the magnetic body. When the two fluids in question are combined they are inert, so that the substances contain- ing them show no signs of magnetism ; but when sepa- rate they are active, the molecules of each of the fluids attracting those of the opposite kind, and repelling those of the same kind. The decomposition of the united SECT. XXX. BARON POISSON'S HYPOTHESIS. 309 fluids is accomplished by the inductive influence of either of the separate fluids ; that is to say, a ferruginous body acquires polarity by the approach of either the south or north pole of the magnet. The magnetic fluids pervade each molecule of the mass of bodies, and in all proba- bility the electric fluid does the same, though it appears to be confined to the surface ; if so, a compensation must take place among the internal forces. The electric fluid has a perpetual tendency to escape, and does es- cape, when not prevented by the coercive power of the surrounding air and other non-conducting bodies. Such a tendency does not exist in the magnetic fluids, which never quit the substance that contains them under any circumstances whatever ; nor is any sensible quantity of either kind of polarity ever transferred from one part to another of the same piece of steel. It appears that the two magnetic fluids, when decomposed by the influence of magnetizing forces, only undergo a displacement to an insensible degree within the body. The action of all the particles so displaced upon a particle of the magnetic fluid in any particular situation, compose a resultant force, the intensity and direction of which it is the prov- ince of the analyst to determine. In this manner M. Poisson has proved that the result of the action of all the magnetic elements of a magnetized body, is a force equivalent to the action of a very thin stratum covering the whole surface of a body, and consisting of the two fluids the austral and the boreal, occupying different parts of it ; in other words, the attractions and repul- sions externally exerted by a magnet, are exactly the same as if they proceeded from a very thin stratum of each fluid occupying the surface only, both fluids being in equal quantities, and so distributed that their total action upon all the points in the interior of the body is equal to nothing. Since the resulting force is the differ- ence of the two polarities, its intensity must be greatly inferior to that of either. In addition to the forces already mentioned, there must be some coercive force analogous to friction, which arrests the particles of both fluids, so as first to oppose their separation, and then to prevent their reunion. In soft iron the coercive force is either wanting or ex- 310 ANALOGY OF MAGNETISM SECT. XXX. tremely feeble, since the iron is easily rendered mag- netic by induction, and as easily loses its magnetism ; whereas in steel the coercive force is extremely ener- getic, because it prevents the steel from acquiring the magnetic properties rapidly, and entirely hinders it from losing them when acquired. The feebleness of the coercive force in iron, and its energy in steel, with regard to the magnetic fluids, is perfectly analogous to the facility of transmission afforded to the electric fluid by non-electrics, and the resistance it experiences in electrics. At every step the analogy between magnet- ism and electricity becomes more striking. The agency of attraction and repulsion is common to both; the pos- itive and negative electricities are similar to the northern and southern polarities, and are governed by the same laws, namely, that between like powers there is repul- sion, and between unlike powers there is attraction. Each of these four forces is capable of acting most ener- getically when alone ; but as the electric equilibrium is restored by the union of the two electric states, and magnetic neutrality by the combination of the two polar- ities, they respectively neutralize each other when joined. All these forces vary inversely as the squares of the distances, and consequently come under the same mechanical laws. A like analogy extends to magnetic and electrical induction. Iron and steel are in a state of equilibrium when the two'magnetic polarities conceived to reside in them are equally diffused throughout the whole mass, so that they are altogether neutral. But this equilibrium is immediately disturbed on the approach of the pole of a magnet, which by induction transfers one kind of polarity to one end of the iron or steel bar, and the opposite kind to the other effects exactly simi- lar to electrical induction. There is even a correspond- ence between the fracture of a magnet and that of an electric conductor ; for if an oblong conductor be elec- trified by induction, its two extremities will have opposite electricities ; and if in that state it be divided across the middle, the two portions, when removed to a distance from one another, will each retain the electricity that has been induced upon it. The analogy, however, does not extend to transference. A body may transfer a re- SECT. XXX. AND ELECTRICITY. 311 dundant quantity of positive electricity to another, or deprive another of its electricity, the one gaining at the expense of the other ; but there is no instance of a body possessing only one kind of polarity. With this excep- tion, there is such perfect correspondence between the theories of magnetic attractions and repulsions and elec- tric forces in conducting bodies, that they not only are the same in principle, but are determined by the same formulae. Experiment concurs with theory in proving the identity of these two unseen influences. Hence if the electrical phenomena be due to a modification of the ethereal medium, the magnetic phenomena must be owing to an analogous cause, and therefore, notwithstand- ing the high authority of M. Poisson, they must also be attributed to the redundancy and defect of only one fluid. With reference to the subject of this chapter I have received the following information from Colonel Sabine, one of the best authorities in this branch of science. The passage marked (A) confounds under the com- mon term of " magnetic pole," two things which are alike distinct in conception and different in reality. These are, 1st the localities on the globe where the needle is vertical, or the horizontal force ; and 2d the localities where the magnetic forces acting on the surface of the globe have a maximum intensity, around which the isodynamic lines on the surface arrange them- selves in curves, and in departing from which in every direction (on the surface) the intensity of the force is found to decrease. The progress of terrestrial magnetism has been greatly impeded by mistakes arising from the different under- standings which different people have of what is meant by the term magnetic pole. It is the more important to have clear ideas and a correct knowledge of facts in this matter, because the facts of science are not such as in any respect to justify a confusion of terms ; not one of the localities where the intensity of the force is a maximum coincides with a position where the dip is 90 ; nor does a dip of 90 anywhere coincide with a position where the force is a maximum. There is in each hemisphere one locality where the 312 TWO MAGNETIC POLES. SECT. XXX. dip is 90, and two localities where the force forms a center of greatest intensity around which the isodynamic lines arrange themselves. The localities of dip 90 are rather spaces than points : they are the major axes of small ovals on the surface of the sphere ; consequently they are linear rather than circular spaces. The spot where Captain Ross observed the needle so nearly ver- tical in 1831 marks the approximate position of that lo- cality at that epoch. This position is, as Mrs. Som- erville states, about 70 north, and 97 west. The isodynamic centers in the same hemisphere are situ- ated, one in America, the other in Siberia. The ob- servations made anterior to 1837, which are collected and arranged in Colonel Sabine's report to the British Association of that year, gave, when treated by M. Gauss according to the formation of the "Allgemeine Theorie," the American maximum in 55 north and 97 west, and the Siberian in 71 north and 116 east. The more recent observations of Messrs. Lefroy and I>ocke, who have traveled in America expressly for the more accurate determination of what appears so important a datum in terrestrial physics, and whose results are at this moment being arranged on a chart on which Colonel Sabine is about to trace the lines of highest intensity in America, show that the center of those curves is yet farther to the southward by some degrees (consequently still more removed from the position where the dip is 90) than was supposed in 1837. The two maxima of force are not of equal strength : the Siberian is somewhat the weaker of the two. The positions of both undergo secular change, and both in the same direction, viz. to the eastward. The secular change of the weaker or Siberian maximum is far more considerable than that of the other. The secular changes of the isoclinal and isogonic curves correspond with those of the two systems of forces indicated by distinct maxima having unequal movements of transla- tion. The higher isoclinal curves are oval, having their major axes in the line of direction joining the two points of maximum intensity. The general arrangement in the south hemisphere is strictly analogous : but the two centers of force are at this epoch separated by a less in- SICT. XXX. THE MAGNETIC ATLAS. 313 terval of longitude than in the north hemisphere. Their respective longitudes, derived from the observations of the antarctic expedition which Colonel Sabine has re- duced and published in the Phil. Trans., are approxi- mately 130 and 220 east. The latitudes are not de- rivable from the observations with equal approximation ; but they do not appear to differ much from the corres- ponding latitudes in the north ; i. e. the stronger about 50 or 55 south, and the weaker about 70 south. Here also the weaker maximum has a very considerable sec- ular movement, amounting, as Colonel Sabine has given reason to believe in the Phil. Trans, of last year, to nearly 50 of longitude in 250 years : the secular change in the southern hemisphere being to the westward, while that in the northern is to the eastward. The dip of 90 is far removed from either of these localities ; its approximate position may be called about 73 south and 147 east; but the isoclinal curve of 89 will doubtless be more correctly given when the Pagoda returns from the completion of the survey, and when the whole of the observations in the southern hemis- phere are combined and treated according to the formulae of the * Allgemeine Theorie." The object of the geographical branch of the magnetic observations of the last few years has been to obtain determinations, with the improved instruments of the present time, in every accessible part of the globe, with a view of combining the results into magnetic charts of the three elements drawn directly from the observations, and corresponding to the present epoch. The Magnetic Atlas will then be recomputed by the methods described in Gauss' " Allgemeine Theorie." The observation part is nearly accomplished. (a) This is by no means established ; the distribution of land and water appears to have considerable influence on the form of the magnetic equator, as Mrs. Somer- ville states at (6). (c) In the balance of torsion, the intensity of electrical forces is not measured by oscillations, but by the torsiojj necessary to destroy the deviation produced* (d) Refer to note (4). Dn 314 ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. SECT. XXXI. SECTION XXXI. Discovery of Electro-Magnetism Deflection of the Magnetic Needle by a Current of Electricity Direction of the Force Rotatory Motion by Elec- tricity Rotation of a Wire and a Magnet Rotation of a Magnet about its Axis Of Mercury and Water Electro- Magnetic Cylinder or Helix Suspension of a Needle in a Helix Electro-Magnetic Induction Tem- porary Magnets The Galvanometer. THE disturbing effects of the aurora borealis and light- .ning on the mariner's compass had been long known. In the year 1819, M. Oersted, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Copenhagen, discovered that a current of Voltaic electricity exerts a powerful influence on a mag- netized needle. This observation has given rise to the theory of electro-magnetism the most interesting sci- ence of modern times, whether it be considered as lead- ing us a step farther in generalization, by identifying two agencies hitherto referred to different causes, or as developing a new force, unparalleled in the system of the world, which, overcoming the retardation from fric- tion, and the obstacle of a resisting medium, maintains a perpetual motion, often vainly attempted, but appa- rently impossible to be accomplished by means of any other force or combination of forces than the one in question. When the two poles of a Voltaic battery are connect- ed by a metallic wire, so as to complete a circuit, the electricity flows without ceasing. If a straight portion of that wire be placed parallel to, and horizontally above, a magnetized needle at rest in the magnetic meridian, but freely poised like the mariner's compass, the action of the electric current flowing through the wire will instantly cause the needle to change its position. Its extremity will deviate from the north toward the east or west, according to the direction in which the current is flowing ; and on reversing the direction of the current, the motion of the needle will be reversed also. The numerous experiments that have been made on the magnetic and electric fluids, as well as those on the vari- ous relative motions of a magnetic needle under the influence of galvanic electricity, arising from all possible Scr. XXXf. DEFLECTION OP THE NEEDLE. 315 positions of the conducting wire, and every direction of the Voltaic current, together with all the other phe- nomena of electro-magnetism, are explained by Dr. Roget in some excellent articles on these subjects in the Library of Useful Knowledge. All the experiments tend to prove that the force emanating from the electric current, which produces such effects on the magnetic needle, acts at right angles to the current, and is therefore unlike any force hith- erto known. The action of all the forces in nature is directed in straight lines, as far as we know ; for the curves described by the heavenly bodies result from the composition of two forces ; whereas that which is ex- erted by an electrical current upon either pole of a magnetic has no tendency to cause the pole to approach or recede, but to rotate about it. If the stream of elec- tricity be supposed to pass through the center of a circle whose plane is perpendicular to the current, the di- rection of the force exerted by the electricity will always be in the tangent to the circle, or at right angles to its radius (N. 217). Consequently the tangential force of the electricity has a tendency to make the pole of a magnet move in a circle round the wire of the battery. Mr. Barlow has proved that the action of each particle of the electric fluid in the wire, on each particle of the magnetic fluid in the needle, varies inversely as the squares of the distances. Rotatory motion was suggested by Dr. Wollaston. Dr. Faraday was the first who actually succeeded in making the pole of a magnet rotate about a vertical conducting wire. In order to limit the action of the electricity to one pole, about two-thirds of a small mag- net were immersed in mercury, the lower end being fastened by a thread to the bottom of the vessel con- taining the mercury. When the magnet was thus floating almost vertically with its north pole above the surface, a current of positive electricity was made to descend per- pendicularly through a wire touching the mercury, and immediately the magnet began to rotate from left to right about the wire. The force being uniform, the rotation was accelerated till the tangential force was balanced by the resistance of the mercury, when it be- 316 ROTATION BY ELECTRICITY. SECT. XXXI. came constant. Under the same circumstances the south pole of the magnet rotates from right to left. It is evident from this experiment, that the wire may also be made to perform a rotation round the magnet, since the action of the current of electricity on the pole of the magnet must necessarily be accompanied by a corres- ponding reaction of the pole of the magnet on the elec- tricity in the wire. This experiment has been accom- plished by a vast number of contrivances, and even a small battery, consisting of two plates, has performed the rotation. Dr. Faraday produced both motions at the same time in a vessel containing mercury ; the wire and the magnet revolved in one direction about a com- mon center of motion, each following the other. The next step was to make a magnet, and also a cyl- inder, revolve about their own axes, which they do with great rapidity. Mercury has been made to rotate by means of Voltaic electricity, and Professor Ritchie has exhibited in the Royal Institution the singular spectacle of the rotation of water by the same means, while the vessel containing it remained stationary. The water was in a hollow double cylinder of glass, and on being made the conductor of electricity, was observed to re- volve in a regular vortex, changing its direction as the poles of the battery were alternately reversed. Pro- fessor Ritchie found that all the diiferent conductors hitherto tried by him, such as water, charcoal, &c., give the same electro-magnetic results when transmitting the same quantity of electricity, and that they deflect the magnetic needle in an equal degree, when their res- pective axes of conduction are at the same distance from it. But one of the most extraordinary effects of the new force is exhibited by coiling a copper wire, so as to form a helix or corkscrew, and connecting the extremi- ties of the wires with the poles of a galvanic battery. If a magnetized steel bar or needle be placed within the screw, so as to rest upon the lower part, the instant a current of electricity is sent through the wire of the helix, the steel bar starts up by the influence of this in- visible power, and remains suspended in the air in op- position to the force of gravitation (N. 218). The effect of the electro-magnetic power exerted by each turn of XXXI. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 317 the wire is to urge the north pole of the magnet in one direction, and the south pole in the other. The force thus exerted is multiplied in degree and increased in ex- tent by each repetition of the turns of the wire, and in consequence of these opposing forces the bar remains suspended. This helix has all the properties of a mag- net while the electrical current is flowing through it, and may be substituted for one in almost every experi- ment. It acts as if it had a north pole at one extremity and a south pole at the other, and is attracted and re- pelled by the poles of a magnet exactly as if it were one itself. All these results depend upon the course of the electricity ; that is, on the direction of the turns of the screw, according as it is from right to left, or from left to right, being contrary in the two cases. The action of Voltaic electricity on a magnet is not only precisely the same with the action of two magnets on one another, but its influence in producing temporary magnetism in iron and steel is also the same with mag- netic induction. The term induction, when appb'ed to electric currents, expresses the power which these currents possess of inducing any particular state upon matter in their immediate neighborhood, otherwise neu- tral or indifferent. For example, the connecting wire of a galvanic battery holds iron filings suspended like an artificial magnet, as long as the current continues to flow through it ; and the most powerful temporary mag- nets that have ever been made are obtained by bending a thick cylinder of soft iron into the form of a horse- shoe, and surrounding it with a coil of thick copper wire covered with silk, to prevent communication between its parts. When this wire forms part of a galvanic cir- cuit, the iron becomes so highly magnetic, that a tem- porary magnet of this kind, made by Professor Henry, of the Albany Academy, in the United States, sustained nearly a ton weight. The iron loses its magnetic power the instant the electricity ceases to circulate, and ac- quires it again as instantaneously when the circuit is re- newed. Temporary magnets have been made by Pro- fessor Moll of Utrecht, upon the same principle, capable of supporting 200 pounds' weight, by means of a battery of one plate less than half an inch square, consisting of DD2 318 ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION. SKCT. XXXI. two metals soldered together. It is truly wonderful that an agent, evolved by so small an instrument, and diffused through a large mass of iron, should communi- cate a force which seems so disproportionate. Steel needles are rendered permanently magnetic by electrical induction ; the effect is produced in a moment, and as readily by juxtaposition as by contact ; the nature of the poles depends upon the direction of the current, and the intensity is proportional to the quantity of elec- tricity. It appears that the principle and characteristic phe- nomena of the electro-magnetic science are, the evolu- tion of a tangential and rotatory force exerted between a conducting body and a magnet ; and the transverse induction of magnetism by the conducting body in such .substances as are susceptible of it. The action of an electric current causes a deviation of the compass from the plane of the magnetic meridian. In proportion as the needle recedes from the meridian, the intensity of the force of terrestrial magnetism in- creases, while at the same time the electro-magnetic force diminishes ; the number of degrees at which the needle stops, showing where the equilibrium between these two forces takes place, will indicate the intensity of the galvanic current. The galvanometer, constructed upon this principle, is employed to measure the inten- sity of galvanic currents collected and conveyed to it by wires. This instrument is rendered much more sensi- ble by neutralizing the effects of the earth's magnetism on the needle, which is accomplished by placing a sec- ond magnetized needle so as to counteract the action of the earth on the first a precaution requisite in all del- icate magnetica} experiments. 'Electro-magnetic induction has been elegantly and usefully employed by Professor Wheatstone as a mov- ing power in a telegraph, by which intelligence is con- veyed in a time quite inappreciable, since the electricity would make the circuit of the globe in the tenth of a second. Scr. XXXII. ELECTRO-DYNAMICS. 319 SECTION XXXII. Electro- Dynamics Reciprocal Action of Electric Currents Identity of Electro-Dynamic Cylinders and Magnets Differences between the Ac- tion of Voltaic Electricity and Electricity of Tension Effects of a Voltaic Current Ampere's Theory. THE science of electro-magnetism, which must ren- der the name of M. Oersted ever memorable, relates to the reciprocal action of electrical and magnetic currents : M. Ampere, by discovering the mutual action of elec- trical currents on one another, has added a new branch to the subject, to which he has given the name of elec- tro-dynamics. When electric currents are passing through two con- ducting wires, so suspended or supported as to be capa- ble of moving both toward ?.nd from one another, they show mutual attraction or repulsion, according as the currents are flowing in the same or in contrary direc- tions ; the phenomena varying with the relative inclina- tions and positions of the streams of electricity. The mutual action of such currents, whether they flow in the same or in contrary directions, whether they be parallel, perpendicular, diverging, converging, circular, or heliacal, all produce different kinds of motion in a conducting wire, both rectilineal and circular, and also the rotation of a wire helix, such as that described, now called aii electro-dynamic cylinder, on account of some improve- ments in its construction (N. 219). And as the hypoth- esis of a force varying inversely as the squares of the distances accords perfectly with all the observed phe- nomena, these motions come under the same laws of dynamics and analysis as any other branch of physics. Electro-dynamic cylinders act on each other precisely as if they were magnets during the time the electricity is flowing through them. All the experiments that can be performed with the cylinder might be accomplished with a magnet. That end of the cylinder in which the current of positive electricity is moving hi a direction similar to the motion of the hands of a watch, acts as the south pole of a magnet, and the other end, in which the 320 ACTION OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. SECT. XXXH. current is flowing in a contrary direction, exhibits north- ern polarity. The phenomena mark a very decided difference be- tween the action of electricity in motion or at rest, that is, between Voltaic and common electricity ; the laws they follow are in many respects of an entirely different- nature, though the electricities themselves are identical. Since Voltaic electricity flows perpetually, it cannot be accumulated, and consequently has no tension, or ten- dency to escape from the wires which conduct it. Nor do these wires either attract or repel light bodies -in their vicinity, whereas ordinary electricity can be accu- mulated in insulated bodies to a great degree, and in that state of rest the tendency to escape is proportional to the quantity accumulated and the resistance it meets with. In ordinary electricity, the law of action is that dissimilar electricities attract, and similar electricities repel one another. , In Voltaic electricity, on the con- ^trary, similar currents, or such as are moving in the same direction, attract one another, while a mutual re- pulsion is exerted between dissimilar currents, or such as flow in opposite directions. Common electricity escapes when the pressure of the atmosphere is re- moved, but the electro-dynamical effects are the same whether the conductors be in air or in vacuo. The effects produced by a current of electricity de- pend upon the celerity of its motion through a conduct- ing wire. Yet we are ignorant whether the motion be uniform or varied, but the method of transmission has a marked influence on the results ; for when it flows with- out intermission, it occasions a deviation in the magnetic needle, but it has no effect whatever when its motion is discontinuous or interrupted, like the current produced by the common electrical machine when a communica- tion is made between the positive and negative con- ductors. M. Ampere has established a theoiy of electro-mag- netism suggested by the analogy between electro-dy- namic cylinders and magnets, founded upon the recip- rocal attraction of electric currents, to which all the phe- nomena of magnetism and electro-magnetism may be reduced, by assuming that the magnetic properties BKCT. XXXII. ACTION OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. 321 which bodies possess derive these properties from cur- rents of electricity circulating about every part in one uniform direction. Although every particle of a magnet possesses like properties with the whole, yet the general effect is the same as if the magnetic properties were confined to the surface. Consequently the internal elec- tro-currents must compensate one another, and there- fore the magnetism of a body is supposed to arise from a superficial current of electricity constantly circulating in a direction perpendicular to the axes of the magnet; so that the reciprocal action of magnets, and all the phe- nomena of electro-magnetism, are reduced to the action and reaction of superficial currents of electricity acting at right angles to then* direction. Notwithstanding the experiments made by M. Ampere to elucidate the sub- ject, there is still an uncertainty in the theory of the induction of magnetism by an electric current in a body near it. It does not appear whether electric currents which did not previously exist are actually produced by induction, or if its effects be only to- give one uniform direction to the infinite number of electric currents pre- \ viously existing in the particles of the body, and thus rendering them capable of exhibiting magnetic phenom- ena, in the same manner as polarization reduces those undulations of light to one plane which had previously been performed in every plane. Possibly both may be combined in producing the effect ; for the action of an electric current may not only give a common direction to those already existing, but may also increase their intensity. However that may be, by assuming that the attraction and repulsion of the elementary portions of electric currents vary inversely as the squares of the distances, the action being at right angles to the direc- tion of the current, it is found that the attraction and repulsion of a current of indefinite length on the ele- mentary portion of a parallel current at any distance from it, is in the simple ratio of the shortest distance between them. Consequently the reciprocal action of electric currents is reduced to the composition and res- olution of forces, so that the phenomena of electro-mag- netism are brought under the laws of dynamics by the theory of M. Ampere. 21 322 MAGflETO-ELECTrmCITY. SECT. XXXlli. SECTION XXXIII. Magneto-Electricity Volta-Electric Induction Magneto-Electric Induc- tion Identity in the Action of Electricity and Magnetism Description of a Magneto-Electric Apparatus and its Effects Identity of Magnetism and Electricity. FROM the law of action and reaction being equal and contrary, it might be expected that, as electricity pow- erfully affects magnets, so, conversely, magnetism ought to produce electrical phenomena. By proving this veiy important fact from the following series of interesting and ingenious experiments, Dr. Faraday has added another branch to the science, which he has named magneto-electricity. A great quantity of copper wire was coiled in the form of a helix round one half of a ring of soft iron, and connected with a galvanic battery ; while a similar helix connected with a galvanometer was wound round the other half of the ring, but not touching the first helix. As soon as contact was made with the battery, the needle of the galvanometer was deflected. But the action was transitory ; for when the contact was continued, the needle returned to its usual position, and was not affected by the continual flow of the electri- city through the wire connected with the battery. As soon however as the contact was broken, the needle of the galvanometer was again deflected, but in the con- trary direction. Similar effects were produced by an apparatus consisting of two helices of copper wire coiled round a block of wood, instead of iron, from which Dr. Faraday infers that the electric current passing from the battery through one wire, induces a similar current through the other wire, but only at the instant of con- tact, and that a momentary current is induced in a con- trary direction when .the passage of the electricity is suddenly interrupted. These brief currents or waves of electricity were found to be capable of magnetizing needles, of passing through a small extent of fluid, and when charcoal points were interposed in the current of the induced helix, a minute spark was perceived as often S*cr. XXXlil. VOLTA-ELECTllHJ INDUCTION. 3^3 as the contacts were made or broken, but neither chem- ical action nor any other electric effects were obtained. A deviation of the needle of the galvanometer took place when common magnets were employed instead of the Voltaic current; so that the magnetic and electric fluids are identical in their effects in this experiment. Again, when a helix formed of 220 feet of copper wire, into which a cylinder of soft iron was introduced, was placed between the north and south poles of two bar magnets, and connected with the galvanometer by means of wires from each extremity, as often as the magnets were brought into contact with the iron cylinder, it be- came magnetic by induction, and produced a deflection in the needle of the galvanometer. On continuing the contact, the needle resumed its natural position, and when the contact was broken, deflection took place in the opposite direction ; when the magnetic contacts were reversed, the deflection was reversed also. With strong magnets, so powerful was the action, that the needle of the galvanometer whirled round several times successively ; and similar effects were produced by the mere approximation or removal of the heb'x to the poles of the magnets. Thus it was proved that magnets pro- duce the veiy same effects on the galvanometer that electricity does. Though at that time no chemical de- composition was effected by these momentary currents which emanate from the magnets, they agitated the limbs of a frog ; and Dr. Faraday justly observes, that "an agent which is conducted along metallic wires in the manner described, which, while so passing, pos- sesses the peculiar magnetic actions and force of a cur- rent of electricity, which can agitate and convulse the limbs of a frog, and which finally can produce a spark by its discharge through charcoal, can only be electri- city." Hence it appears that electrical currents are evolved by magnets, which produce the same phenomena with the electrical currents from the Voltaic battery : they however differ materially in this respect that time is required for the exercise of the magnetico-elec- trie induction, whereas Volta-electric induction is in- stantaneous. After Dr. Faraday had proved the identity of the 324 MAGNETO-ELECTRIC APPARATUS. SECT. XXXII. magnetic and electric fluids by producing the spark, heating metallic wires, and accomplishing chemical decompositions, it was easy to increase these effects by more powerful magnets and other arrangements. The apparatus now in use is in effect a battery where the agent is the magnetic instead of the Voltaic fluid, or in other words, electricity, and is thus constructed. A very powerful horseshoe magnet, formed of twelve steel plates in close approximation, is placed in a hori- zontal position. An armature, consisting of a bar of the purest soft iron, has each of its ends bent at right angles, so that the faces of those ends may be brought directly opposite and close to the poles of the magnet when required. Ten copper wires covered with silk, in order to insulate them are wound round one half of the bar of soft iron, as a compound helix: ten other wires, also insulated, are wound round the other half of the bar. The extremities of the first set of wires are in metallic connection with a circular disc, which dips into a cup of mercury, while the ends of the other ten wires in the opposite direction are soldered to a projecting screw-piece, which carries a slip of copper with two opposite points. The steel magnet is stationary ; but when the armature, together with its appendages, is made to rotate vertically, the edge of the disc always remains immersed in the mercury, while the points of the copper slip alternately dip in it and rise above it. By the ordinary laws of induction, the armature becomes a temporary magnet while its bent ends are opposite the poles of the steel magnet, and ceases to be magnetic when they are at right angles to them. It imparts its temporaiy magnetism to the helices which concentrate it ; and while one set conveys a current to the disc, the other set conducts the opposite current to the copper slip. As the edge of the revolving disc is always immersed in the mercury, one set of wires is constantly maintained in contact with it, and the circuit is only completed when a point of the copper slip dips in the mercury also ; but the circuit is broken the moment that point rises above it. Thus, by the rotation of the armature, the circuit is alternately broken and renewed ; and as it is only at these moments that electric action is mani- SECT. XXXIV. ELECTRICITY FROM ROTATION. 325 Tested, a brilliant spark takes place every time the cop- per point leaves the surface of the mercury. Platina wire is ignited, shocks smarts enough to be disagreeable are given, and water is decomposed with astonishing rapidity by the same means; which proves beyond a doubt the identity of the magnetic and electric agencies, and places Dr. Faraday, whose experiments established the principle, in the first rank of experimental philoso- phers. SECTION XXXIV. Electricity produced by Rotation Direction of the Currents Electricity from the Rotation of a Magnet M. Arago's Experiment explained Rotation of a Plate of Iron between the Poles of a Magnet Relation of Substances to Magnets of three kinds Thermo- Electricity. M. ARAGO discovered an entirely new source of mag- netism in rotatory motion. If a circular plate of copper be made to revolve immediately above or below a mag- netic needle or magnet, suspended in such a manner that the magnet may rotate in a plane parallel to that of the copper plate, the magnet tends to follow the circum- volution of the plate ; or if the magnet revolves, the plate tends to follow its motion : so powerful is the effect, that magnets and plates of many pounds weight have been carried round. This is quite independent of the motion of the air, since it is the same when a pane of glass is interposed between the magnet and the cop- per. When the magnet and the plate are at rest, not the smallest effect, attractive, repulsive, or of any kind, can be perceived between them. In describing this phenomenon, M. Arago states that it takes place not only with metals, but with all substances, solids, liquids, and even gases, although the intensity depends upon the kind of substance in motion. Experiments made by Dr. Faraday explain this singular action. A plate of copper, twelve inches in diameter and one-fifth of an inch thick, was placed between the poles of a powerful horseshoe magnet, and connected at certain points with a galvanometer by copper wires. When the plate was at rest no effect was produced ; but as soon as the plate EE 326 DIRECTION OF THE CURRENTS SECT. XXXIV. was made to revolve rapidly, the galvanometer needle was deflected sometimes as much as 90, and, by a uni- form rotation, the deflection was constantly maintained at 45. When the motion of the copper plate was je- versed, the needle was deflected in the contrary direc- tion, and thus a permanent current of electricity was evolved by an ordinary magnet. The intensity of the electricity collected by the wires, and conveyed by them to the galvanometer, varied with the position of the plate relatively to the poles of the magnet. The motion of the electricity in the copper plate may be conceived by considering, that merely by moving a single wire like the spoke of a wheel before a magnetic pole, a current of electricity tends to flow through it from one end to the other. Hence, if a wheel be con- structed of a great many such spokes, and revolved near the pole of a magnet in the manner of the copper disc, each radius or spoke will tend to have a current produced in it as it passes the pole. Now, as the circular plate is nothing more than an infinite number of radii or spokes in contact, the currents will flow in the direction of the radii if a channel be open for their return, and in a continuous plate that channel is afforded by the lateral portions on each side of the particular radius close to the magnetic pole. This hypothesis is confirmed by observation, for the currents of positive electricity set from the center to the circumference, and the negative from the circumference to the center, and vice versa, according to the position of the magnetic poles and the direction of rotation. So that a collecting wire at the center of the copper plate conveys positive electricity to the galvanometer in one case, and negative in another ; that collected by a conducting wire in con- tact with the circumference of the plate is always the opposite of the electricity conveyed from the center. It is evident that when the plate and magnet are both at rest, no effect takes place, since the electric currents which cause the deflection of the galvanometer cease altogether. The same phenomena may be produced by electro-magnets. The effects are similar when the magnet rotates and the plate remains at rest. When the magnet revolves uniformly, about its own axis, elec- SECT. XXXIV. DIRECTION OF THE CURRENTS. 327 tricity of the same kind is collected at its poles, and the opposite electricity at its equator. The phenomena which take place in M. Arago's experiments may be explained on this principle. When both the copper plate and the magnet are revolving, the action of the induced electric current tends continually to diminish then* relative motion, and to bring the mov- ing bodies into a state of relative rest : so that if one be made to revolve by an extraneous force, the other will tend to revolve about it in the same direction, and with the same velocity. When a plate of iron, or of any substance capable of being made either a temporary or permanent magnet, revolves between the poles of a magnet, it is found that dissimilar poles on opposite sides of the plate neutralize each other's effects, so that no electricity is evolved; while similar poles on each side of the revolving plate increase the quantity of electricity, and a single pole end-on is sufficient. But when copper, and substances not sensible to ordinary magnetic impressions, revolve, similar poles on opposite sides of the plate neutralize each other; dissimilar poles on each side exalt the action : and a single pole at the edge of the revolving plate, or end-on, does nothing. This forms a test for distinguishing the ordinary magnetic force from that produced by rotation. If unlike poles, that is, a north and south pole, produce more effect than one pole, the force will be due to electric currents ; if similar poles produce more effect than one, then the power is not electric. These investigations show that there are really very few bodies magnetic in the manner of iron. Dr. Faraday therefore arranges substances in three classes, with regard to their relation to magnets : those affected by the magnet when at rest, like iron, steel, and nickel, which possess ordinary magnetic properties ; those affected when in motion, in which electric cur- rents are evolved by the inductive force of the magnet, such as copper ; and, lastly, those which are perfectly indifferent to the magnet, whether at rest or in motion. It has already been observed, that three bodies are requisite to form a galvanic circuit, one of which must be fluid. But in 1822, Professor Seebeck, of Berlin, 328 THERMO-ELECTRICITY. SECT. XXXIV- discovered that electric currents may be produced by the partial application of heat to a circuit formed of two solid conductors. For example, when a semicircle of bismuth, joined to a semicircle of antimony, so as to form a ring, is heated at one of the junctions by a lamp, a current of electricity flows through the circuit from the antimony to the bismuth, and such thermo-electric cur- rents produce all the electro-magnetic effects. A com- pass needle placed either within or without the circuit, and at a small distance from, it, is deflected from its na- tural position, in a direction corresponding to the way in which the electricity is flowing. If such a ring be sus- pended so as to move easily in any direction, it will obey the action of a magnet brought near it, and may even be made to revolve. According to the researches of M. Seebeck, the same substance, unequally heated, exhibits electrical currents ; and M. Nobili observed, that in all metals, except zinc, iron, and antimony, the electricity flows from the hot part toward that which is cold. That philosopher attributes terrestrial magnetism to a differ- ence in the action of heat on the various substances of which the crust of the earth is composed ; and in con- firmation of his views he has produced electrical currents by the contact of two pieces of moist clay, of which one was hotter than the other. M. Becquerel constructed a thermo-electric battery of one kind of metal, by which he has determined the re- lation between the heat employed and the intensity of the resulting electricity. He found that in most metals the intensity of the current increases with the heat to a certain limit, but that this law extends much farther in metals that are difficult to fuse, and which do not rust. The experiments of Professor Gumming show that the mutual action of a magnet and a thermo-electric current is subject to the same laws as those of magnets and gal- vanic currents, consequently all the phenomena of repul- sion, attraction, and rotation maybe exhibited by a thermo- electric current. M. Botto, of Turin, has decomposed water and some solutions by thermo-electricity ; and very recently the Cav. Antinori of Florence has suc- ceeded in obtaining a brilliant spark with the aid of an electro-dynamic coil. SECT. XXXV. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. 329 The principle of thermo-electricity has been employed by MM. Nobili and Melloni for measuring extremely minute quantities of heat in their experiments on the instantaneous transmission of radiant caloric. The thermo-rnultiplier, which they constructed for that pur- pose, consists of a series of alternate bars, or rather fine wires of bismuth and antimony, placed side by side, and the extremities alternately soldered together. When heat is applied to one end of this apparatus, the other remaining at its natural temperature, currents of elec- tricity flow through each pair of bars, which are conveyed by wires to a delicate galvanometer, the needle of which points out the intensity of the electricity conveyed, and consequently that of the heat employed. This instru- ment is so delicate that the comparative warmth of dif- ferent insects has been ascertained by means of it. SECTION XXXV. The Action of Terrestrial Magnetism upon Electric Currents Induction of Electric Currents by Terrestrial Magnetism The Earth Magnetic by Induction Mr. Barlow's Experiment of an Artificial Sphere The Heat of the Sun the Probable Cause of Electric Currents in the Crust of the Earth ; and of the Variations in Terrestrial Magnetism Electricity of Metallic Veins Terrestrial Magnetism possibly owing to Rotation Magnetic Properties of the Celestial Bodies Identity of the Five Kinds of Electricity Connection between Light, Heat, and Electricity or Mag- netism. IN all the experiments hitherto described, artificial magnets alone were used ; but it is obvious that the magnetism of the terrestrial spheroid, which has so powerful an influence on the mariner's compass, must also affect electrical currents. It consequently appears that a piece of copper wire bent into a rectangle, and free to revolve on a vertical axis, arranges itself with its plane at right angles to the magnetic meridian, as soon as a stream of electricity is sent through it. Under the same circumstances a similar rectangle, suspended on a horizontal axis at right angles to the magnetic meridian, assumes the same inclination with the dipping needle ; so that terrestrial magnetism has the same influence on electrical currents as an artificial magnet. But the magnetic action of the earth also induces electric cur- E E2 330 EARTH MAGNETIC BY INDUCTION. SECT. XXXV. rents. When a hollow helix of copper wire, whose extremities are connected with the galvanometer, is placed in the magnetic dip, and suddenly inverted sev- eral times, accommodating the motion to the oscillations of the needle, the latter is soon made to vibrate through an arc of 80 or 90. Hence it is evident, that what- ever may be the cause of terrestrial magnetism, it pro- duces currents of electricity by its direct inductive power upon a metal not capable of exhibiting any of the ordi- nary magnetic properties. The action on the galvanom- eter is much greater when a cylinder of soft iron is inserted into the helix, and the same results follow the simple introduction of the iron cylinder into, or removal out of, the helix. These effects arise from the iron being made a temporary magnet by the inductive action of terrestrial magnetism ; for a piece of iron, such as a poker, becomes a magnet for the time, when placed in the line of the magnetic dip. M. Biot has formed a theory of terrestrial magnetism upon the observations of M. de Humboldt as data. As- suming that the action of two opposite magnetic poles of the earth upon any point is inversely as the squares of the distances, he obtains a general expression for the direction of the magnetic needle, depending upon the distance between the north and south magnetic poles ; so that if one of these quantities varies, the correspond- 1 ing variation of the other will be known. By making the distance between the poles vary, and comparing the resulting direction of the needle with the observations of M. de Humboldt, he found that the nearer the poles are supposed to approach to one another, the more the computed and observed results agree ; and when the poles were assumed to coincide, or nearly so, the differ- ence between theory and observation is the least possi- ble. It is evident, therefore, that the earth does not act as if it were a permanently magnetic body, the dis- tinguishing characteristic of which is, to have two poles at a distance from one another. Mr. Barlow has inves- tigated this subject with much skill and success. He first proved that the magnetic power of an iron sphere resides in its surface ; he then inquired what the super- ficial action of an iron sphere in a state of transient mag- SECT. XXXV. THE EARTH NOT A REAL MAGNET. 331 netic induction, on a magnetized needle, would be, if insulated from the influence of terrestrial magnetism. The results obtained, corroborated by the profound analysis of M. Poisson, on the hypothesis of the two poles being indefinitely near the center of the sphere, are identical with those obtained by M. Biot for the earth from M. de Humboldt's observations. Whence it follows, that the laws of terrestrial magnetism deduced from the formulae of M. Biot, are inconsistent with those which belong to a permanent magnet, but that they are perfectly concordant with those belonging to a body in a state of transient magnetic induction. The earth, there- fore, is to be considered as only transiently magnetic by induction, and not a real magnet. Mr. Barlow has ren- dered this extremely probable by forming a wooden globe, with grooves admitting of a copper wire being coiled round it parallel to the equator from pole to pole. When a current of electricity was sent through the wire, a magnetic needle suspended above the globe, and neutralized from the influence of the earth's magnetism, exhibited all the phenomena of the dipping and varia- tion needles, according to its positions with regard to the wooden globe. As there can be no doubt that the same phenomena would be exhibited by currents of thermo, instead of Voltaic electricity, if the grooves of the wooden globe were filled by rings constituted of two metals, or of one metal unequally heated, it seems highly probable that the heat of the sun may be a great agent in developing electric currents in or near the surface of earth, by its action upon the substances of which the globe is composed, and by changes in its intensity, may occasion the diurnal variation of the compass, and the other vicissitudes in terrestrial magnetism evinced by the disturbance in the direction of the magnetic lines, in the same manner as it influences the parallelism of the isothermal lines. That such currents do exist in metal- liferous veins appears from the experiments of Mr. Fox in the Cornish mines. Even since the last edition of this book was published, Mr. Fox has obtained additional proof of the activity of electro-magnetism under the earth's surface. He has shown that not only the nature of the metalliferous deposits must have been determined 332 EARTH MAGNETIC BY ROTATION. SECT. XXXV. by their relative electrical conditions, but that the direc- tion of the metallic veins must have been influenced by the direction of the magnetic meridians ; and in fact almost all the metallic deposits in the world tend from east to west, or from northeast to southwest. Though it is impossible to say in the present state of our knowl- edge, how far the sun may be concerned in the phe- nomena of terrestrial magnetism, it is probable that the secular and periodic disturbances in the magnetic force are occasioned by a variety of other combining circum- stances. Among these M. Biot mentions the vicinity of mountain chains to the place of observation, and still more the action of extensive volcanic fires, which change the chemical state of the terrestrial surface, they them- selves varying from age to age, some becoming extinct, while others burst into activity. Should the ethereal medium which fills space be the same with the electric fluid, as M. Mossotti. supposes, may not the heat of the sun rarefy it at the earth's equator, and thus by the in- equality of its distribution, and its superior density at the poles, occasion some of the magnetic phenomena of the globe ? and may not the sun's motion in decimation cause temporary variations of density in the fluid, and produce periodic changes in the magnetic equator and intensity ? Were this the case, all the planets would be magnets like the earth, being precisely in similar cir- cumstances. It is moreover probable, that terrestrial magnetism may be owing, in a certain extent, to the earth's rota- tion. Dr. Faraday has proved that all the phenomena of revolving plates may be produced by the inductive action of the earth's magnetism alone. If a copper plate be connected with a galvanometer by two copper wires, one from the center and another from the circumference, in order to collect and convey the electricity, it is found that when the plate revolves in a plane passing through the line of the dip, the galvanometer is not affected. But as soon as the plate is inclined to that plane, elec- tricity begins to be developed by its rotation ; it becomes more powerful as the inclination increases, and arrives at a maximum when the plate revolves at right angles to the line of the dip. When the revolution is in the samo Strr. XXXV. EARTH MAGNETIC BY ROTATION. 333 direction with that of the hands of a watch, the current of electricity flows from its center to the circumference ; and when the rotation is in the opposite direction, the current sets the contrary way. The greatest deviation of the galvanometer amounted to 50 or 60, when the direction of the rotation was accommodated to the oscil- lations of the needle. Thus a copper plate, revolving in a plane at right angles to the line of the dip, forms a new electrical mnchine, differing from the common plate- glass machine, by the material of which it is composed being the most perfect conductor, whereas glass is the most perfect non-conductor ; besides, insulation, which is essential in the glass machine, is fatal in the copper one. The quantity of electricity evolved by the metal does not appear to be inferior to that developed by the glass, though very different in intensity. From the experiments of Dr. Faraday, and^lso from theory, it is possible that the rotation of the earth may produce electric currents in its own mass. In that case, they would flow superficially in the meridians, and if collectors could be applied at the equator, and poles, as in the revolving plate, negative electricity would be col- lected at the equator, and positive at the poles ; that is to say, there would be a deficiency at the equator and a redundancy at the poles ; but without something equiv- alent to conductors to complete the circuit, these cur- rents could not exist. Since the motion, not only of metals but even of fluids, when under the influence of powerful magnets, evolves electricity, it is probable that the gulf-stream may exert a sensible influence upon the forms of the lines of mag- netic variation, in consequence of electric currents mov- ing across it, by the electro-magnetic induction of the earth. Even a ship, passing over the surface of the water in northern or southern latitudes, ought to have electric currents running directly across the line of her motion. Dr. Faraday observes, that such is the facility with which electricity is evolved by the earth's magnet- ism, that scarce any piece of metal can be moved in contact with others without a development of it, and consequently, among the arrangements of steam-engines and metallic machinery, curious electro-magnetic coin- 334 MAGNETISM OF SUN AND PLANETS. SECT. XXXV. binations probably exist, which have never yet been no- ticed. According to the observations of MM. Biot and Gay- Lussac, during their aerostatic expedition, the magnetic action is not confined to the surface of the earth, but extends into space. The moon has become highly magnetic by induction, in consequence of her proximity to the earth, and because her greatest diameter always points toward it. Her influence on terrestrial magnetism is now ascertained : the magnetism of the hemisphere that is turned toward the earth attracts the pole of our needles that is turned toward the south, and increases the magnetism of our hemisphere ; and as the magnetic, like the gravitating force, extends through space, the induction of the sun, moon, and planets must occasion perpetual variations in the intensity of terrestrial mag- netism, by the continual changes in their relative posi- tions. Jn the brief sketch that has been given of the five kinds of electricity, those points of resemblance have been pointed out which are characteristic of one indi- vidual power. But as many anomalies have been lately removed, and the identity of the different kinds placed beyond a doubt by Dr. Faraday, it may be satisfactory to take a summary view of the various coincidences in their modes of action on which their identity has been so ably and completely established by that great electrician. The points of comparison are attraction and repulsion at sensible distances, discharge from points through air, the heating power, magnetic influence, chemical decom- position, action on the human frame, and lastly, the spark. Ordinary electricity is readily discharged from points through air, but Dr. Faraday found that no sensible ef- fect takes place from a Voltaic battery consisting of 140 double plates, either through air or in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, the tests of the discharge being the electrometer and chemical action, a circumstance owing to the small degree of tension, for an enormous quantity of electricity is required to make these effects sensible, and for that reason they cannot be expected from the other kinds, which are much inferior in de- gree. Common electricity passes easily through rare- SstT. XXXV. IDENTITY OF THE ELECTRICITIES. 335 fied and hot air, and also through flame. Dr. Faraday effected chemical decomposition and a deflection of the galvanometer by the transmission of Voltaic electricity through heated air, and observes that these experiments are only cases of the discharge which takes place through air between the charcoal terminations of the poles of a powerful battery when they are gradually separated after contact for the air is then heated. Sir Humphry Davy mentions that, with the original Voltaic apparatus at the Royal Institution, the discharge passed through four inches of air ; that, in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, the electricity would strike through nearly half an inch of space, and the combined effects of rare- faction and heat upon the included air were such as to enable it to conduct the electricity through a space of six or seven inches. A Leyden jar may be ^instantaneously charged with Voltaic, and also with magneto-electricity another proof of their tension. Such effects cannot be obtained frojn the other kinds, on account of their weak- ness only. The heating powers of ordinary and Voltaic electri- city have long been known, but the world is indebted to Dr. Faraday for the wonderful discovery of the heating power of the magnetic fluid : there is no indication of heat either from the animal or thermo electricities. All kinds of electricity have strong magnetic powers, those of the Voltaic fluid are highly exalted, and the existence of the magneto and thermo electricities was discovered by their magnetic influence alone. The needle has been deflected by all in the same manner, and magnets have been made by all according to the same laws. Ordinary electricity was long supposed incapable of de- flecting the needle ; M. Colladon and Dr. Faraday how- ever have proved that, in this respect also, ordinary elec- tricity agrees with Voltaic, but that time must be allowed for its action. It deflected the needle, whether the cur- rent was sent through rarefied ah-, water, or wire. Numerous chemical decompositions have been effected by ordinary and Voltaic electricity, according to the same laws and modes of arrangement. Dr. Davy de- composed water by the ejfictricity of the torpedo, Dr. Faraday accomplished its decompositToii, ancTTJrTRitchie 336 IDENTITY OF THE ELECTRICITIES. SECT. XXXV. its composition, by means of magnetic, action ; and M. Botto of Turin has shownHhe chemical effects of the thftfirua-pJer'.t-.rrcjty in the decomposition of water, and some other substances. The* elecjj^e and ggkMwic shock, the flash in the eyes, and~thesensation on the tongue, are well known. All these effects are produced by magneto-electricity, even to a painful degree. The torpetfcTand gyifmOTTTT^lectricus give severe shocks, and the limbs of a frog have been convulsed by thermo-elec- tricity. The last point of comparison is the spark, which is common to the ordinary Voltaic and magnetic fluids ; and Professor Linari, of Siena, has very lately obtained both the direct and induced sparks from the torpedo, proving that in this respect aniraal_eltricity does not differ from the others. Indeed, the conclusion drawn by Dr. Faraday is that the five kinds of electri- city are identical, and that the differences of intensity and quantity are quite sufficient to account for what were supposed to be their distinctive qualities. He has given still greater assurance of their identity by showing that the magnetic force and the chemical action of elec- tricity are in direct proportion to the absolute quantity of the fluid which passes through the galvanometer, whatever its intensity may be. In light, heat, and electricity, or magnetism, nature has exhibited principles which do not occasion any ap- preciable change in the weight of bodies, although their presence is manifested by the most remarkable mechan- ical and chemical action. These agencies are so con- nected, that there is reason to believe they will ulti- mately be referred to some one power of a higher order, in conformity with the general economy of the system of the world, where the most varied and complicated effects are produced by a small number of universal laws. These principles penetrate matter in all direc- tions ; their velocity is prodigious, and their intensity varies inversely as the squares of the distances. The development of electric currents, as well by magnetic as electric induction, the similarity in their mode of ac- tion in a great variety of circumstances, but above all, the production of the spark from a magnet, the ignition of metallic wires, and chemical decomposition, show that SKCT. XXXVI. COMETS. 337 magnetism can no longer be regarded as a separate in- dependent principle. Although the evolution of light and heat during the passage of the electric fluid may be from the compression of the air, yet the development of electricity by heat, the influence of heat on magnetic bodies, and that of light on the vibration of the compass, show an occult connection between all these agents, which probably will one day be revealed. In the mean time it opens a noble field of experimental research to philosophers of the present, perhaps of future ages. SECTION XXXVI. Ethereal Medium Comets Do not disturb the Solar System Their Orbits and Disturbances M. Faye's Comet, probably the same with Level's Periods of other three known Halley's Acceleration in the Mean Motions of Encke's and Biela's Comets The Shock of a Comet- Disturbing Action of the Earth and Planets on Encke's and Biela's Comets Velocity of Comets The Great Comet of 1843 Physical Con- stitution Shine by borrowed Light Estimation of their Number. IN considering the constitution of the earth and the fluids which surround it, various subjects have presented themselves to our notice, of which some, for aught we know, are confined to the planet we inhabit ; some are common to it and to the other bodies of our system. But an all-pervading ether probably fills the whole visi- ble creation, and conveys, in the form of light, tremors which may have been excited in the deepest recesses of the universe thousands of years before we were called into being. The existence of such a medium, though at first hypothetical, is nearly proved by the undulatory theory of light, and rendered all but certain within a few years by the motion of comets, and by its action upon the vapors of which they are chiefly composed. It has often been imagined, that, in addition to the ef- fects of heat and electricity, the tails of comets have infused new substances into our atmosphere. Possibly the earth may attract some of that nebulous matter, since the vapors raised by the sun's heat, when the comets are in perihelio, and which form their tails, are scattered through space in their passage to their aphe- lion ; but it has hitherto produced no effect, nor have 22 FF 338 EARTH NOT AFFECTED BY COMETS. SECT.XXXVI. the seasons ever been influenced by these bodies. The light of the comet of the year 1811, which was so bril- liant, did not impart any heat even when condensed on the bulb of a thermometer, of a structure so delicate that it would have made the hundredth part of a degree evident. In all probability, the tails of comets may have passed over the earth without its inhabitants being con- scious of their presence ; and there is reason to believe that the tail of the great comet of J1843 did so. The passage of comets has never sensibly disturbed the stability of the solar system ; their nucleus, being in general only a mass of vapor, is so rare, and their transit so rapid, that the time has not been long enough to ad- mit of a sufficient accumulation of impetus to produce a perceptible action. Indeed M. Dusejour has proved, that under the most favorable circumstances, a comet cannot remain longer than two hours and a half at a less distance from the earth than 10,500 leagues. The comet of 1770 passed within about six times the distance of the moon from the earth, without even affecting our tides. According to La Place, the action of the earth on the comet of 1770 augmented the period of its revolu- tion by more than two days ; and if comets had any per- ceptible disturbing energy, the reaction of the comet ought to have increased the length of our year. Had the mass of that comet been equal to the mass of the earth, its disturbing action would have increased the length of the sidereal year by 2 1 ' 53 ; but as Delainbre's computations from the Greenwich observations of the sun show that the length of the year has not been in- creased by the fraction of a second, its mass could not have been equal to the ^ l (T ^th part of that of the earth. This accounts for the same comet having twice swept through the system of Jupiter's satellites without de- ranging the motion of these moons. M. Dusejour has computed that a comet, equal in mass to the earth, pass- ing at the distance of 12,150 leagues from our planet, would increase the length of the year to 367 lt 16 h 5' n , and the obliquity of the ecliptic as much as 2. So the principal action of comets would be to alter the calendar, even if they were dense enough to affect the earth. Comets traverse all parts of the heavens ; their paths SCT. XXXVI. ORBITS OF COMETS. 339 have every possible inclination to the plane of the eclip- tic, and, unlike the planets, the motion of more than half of those that have appeared has been retrograde, that is, from east to west. They are only visible when near their perihelia; then their velocity is such, that its square is twice as great as that of a body moving in a circle at the same distance : they consequently remain but a very short time within the planetary orbits. And as all the conic sections of the same focal distance sen- sibly coincide, through a small arc, on each side of the extremity of their axis, it is difficult to ascertain in which of these curves the comets move, from observations made, as they necessarily must be, at their perihelia (N. 220). Probably they all move in extremely eccen- tric ellipses; although in most cases the parabolic curve coincides most nearly with their observed motions. Some few seem to describe hyperbolas; such, being once visible to us, would vanish forever, to wander through boundless space, to the remote systems of the universe. If a planet be supposed to revolve in a circular orbit, the radius of which is equal to the perihelion distance of a comet moving in a parabola, the areas described by these two bodies in the same time will be as unity to the square root of two, which forms such a connection be- tween the motion of comets and planets, that by Kep- ler's law, the ratio of the areas described during the same time by the comet and the earth may be found. So that the place of a comet may be computed at any time in its parabolic orbit, estimated from the instant of its passage at the perihelion. It is a problem of very great difficulty to determine all the other elements of parabolic motion namely, the comet's perihelion dis- tance, or shortest distance from the sun, estimated in parts of the mean distance of the earth from the sun; the longitude of the perihelion ; the inclination of the orbit on the plane of the ecliptic ; and the longitude of the ascending node. Three observed longitudes and latitudes of a comet are sufficient for computing the ap- proximate values of these quantities; but an accurate estimation of them can only be obtained by successive corrections, from a number of observations, distant from one another. When the motion of a comet is retrograde, 340 PARABOLIC ELEMENTS. SECT. XXXVI. tho place of the ascending node is exactly opposite to what it is when the motion is direct. Hence the place of the ascending node, together with the direction of the comet's motion, show whether the inclination of the orbit is on the north or south side of the plane of the ecliptic. If the motion be direct, the inclination is on the north side ; if retrograde, it is on the south side. The identity of the elements is the only proof of the return of a comet to our system. Should the elements of a new comet be the same, or nearly the same, with those of any one previously known, the probability of the identity of the two bodies is very great, since the similarity extends to no less than four elements, every one of which is capable of an infinity of variations. But even if the orbit be determined with all the accuracy the case admits of, it may be difficult, or even impossible, to recognize a comet on its return, because its orbit would be very much changed if it passed near any of the large planets of this or of any other system, in con- sequence of their disturbing energy, which would be very great on bodies of so rare a nature. By far the most curious and interesting instance of the disturbing action of the great bodies of our system is found in the comet of 1770. The elements of its or- bit, determined by Messier, did not agree with those of any comet that had hitherto been computed, yet Lexel ascertained that it described an ellipse about the sun, whose major axis was. only equal to three times the length of the diameter of the terrestrial orbit, and con- sequently that it must return to the sun at intervals of five years and a half. This result was confirmed by numerous observations, as the comet was visible through an arc of 170 ; yet this comet had never been observed before the year 1770, nor has it ever again been seen till 1843, though very brilliant. The disturbing action of the larger planets affords a solution of this anomaly, as Lexel ascertained that in 1767 the comet must have passed Jupiter at a distance less than the fifty-eighth part of its distance from the sun, and that in 1779 it would be 500 times nearer Jupiter than the sun ; conse- quently the action of the sun on the comet would not be the fiftieth part of what it would experience from Jupi- SECT. XXXVI. LEXEL'S COMET. 341 ter, so that Jupiter became the primum mobile. As- suming the orbit to be such as Lexel had determined in 1770, La Place found that the action of Jupiter, previ- ous to the year 1770, had so completely changed the form of it, that the comet which had been invisible to us before 1770, was then brought into view, and that the action of the same planet producing a contrary effect, has subsequently to that year removed it from our sight, since it was computed to be revolving in an orbit whose perihelion was beyond the orbit of Ceres. However, the action of Jupiter during the summer of 1840 must have been so great, from his proximity to that singular body, that he seems to have brought it back to its former path, as he had done in 1767, for the elements of the orbit of a comet which was discovered in November, 1843, by M. Faye, agree so nearly with those of the orbit of Lexel's comet as to leave scarcely a doubt of their identity. From the smallness of the eccentricity, the orbit resembles those of the planets, but this comet is liable to greater perturbations than any other body in the system, because it comes very near the orbit of Mars when in perihelion, and very near that of Jupiter when in aphelion ; besides, it passes within a compara- tively small distance of the orbits of the minor planets, and as it will continue to cross the orbit of Jupiter at each revolution till the two bodies meet, its periodic time, now about seven years, will again be changed, but in the mean time it ought to return to its perihelion in the year 1851. This comet might have been seen from the earth in 1776, had its light not been eclipsed by that of the sun. It is quite possible that comets frequenting our system may be turned away, or others brought to the sun, by the attraction of planets revolving beyond the orbit of Uranus, or by bodies still farther removed from the solar influence. Other three comets, liable to less disturbance, return to the sun at stated intervals. Halley computed the elements of the orbit of a comet that appeared in the year 1682, which agreed so nearly with those of the comets of 1607 and 1531, that he concluded it to be the same body returning to the sun at intervals of about seventy-five years. He consequently predicted its re- FF2 342 HALLEY'S COMET. SECT. XXXVI. appearance in the year 1758, or in the beginning of 1759. Science was not sufficiently advanced in the time of Halley^ to enable him to determine the perturbations this comet might experience ; but Clairaut computed, that in consequence of the attraction of Jupiter and Saturn, its periodic time would be so much shorter than during its revolution between 1607 and 1682, that it would pass its perihelion on the 18th of April, 1759. The comet did arrive at that point of its orbit on the 12th of March, which was thirty-seven days before the time assigned. Clairaut subsequently reduced the error to twenty-three days ; and La Place has since shown that it would only have been thirteen days if the mass of Saturn had been as well known as it is now. It appears from this, that the path of the comet was not quite known at that period ; and although many observations were then made, they were far from attaining the accuracy of those of the present day. Besides, since the year 1759 the orbit of the comet has been altered by the attraction of Jupiter in one direction, and that of the earth, Saturn, and Uranus, in the other; yet, notwithstanding these sources of uncertainty, and our ignorance of all the pos- sible causes of derangement from unknown bodies on the confines of our system, or in the regions beyond it, the comet has appeared exactly at the time, and not far from the place, assigned to it by astronomers ; and its actual arrival at its perihelion a little before noon on the 16th of November, 1835, only differed from the com- puted time by a veiy few days. The fulfilment of this astronomical prediction is truly wonderful if it be considered that the comet is seen only for a few weeks, during its passage through our system, and that it wanders from the sun for seventy-five years to twice the distance of Uranus. This enormous orbit is four times longer than it is broad ; its length is about 3420 millions of miles, or about thirty-six times the mean distance of the earth from the sun. At its perihelion the comet comes within nearly fifty-seven millions of miles of the sun, and at its aphelion it is sixty times more distant. On account of this extensive range it must experience 3600 times more light and heat, when nearest to the sun than in the most remote point of its Scr. XXXVI. HALLEY'S COMET. 343 orbit. In the one position the sun will seem to be four times larger than he appears to us, and at the other he will not be apparently larger than a star (N. 221). On the first appearance of Halley's comet, early in August, 1835, it seemed to be merely a globular mass of dim vapor, without a tail. A concentration of light, a little on one side of the center, increased as the comet approached the sun and earth, and latterly looked so like the disc of a small planet, that it might have been mistaken for a solid nucleus. M. Struve, however, saw a central occultation of a star of the ninth magnitude by the comet, at Dorpat, on the 29th of September. The star remained constantly visible, without any considera- ble diminution of light ; and instead of being eclipsed, the nucleus of the comet disappeared at the moment of conjunction from the brilliancy of the star. The tail increased as the comet approached its perihelion, and shortly before it was lost in the sun's rays, it was between thirty and forty degrees in length. According to the observations of M. Valz, of Nismes, the nebulosity increased in magnitude as it approached the sun ; but no other comet on record has exhibited such sudden and unaccountable changes of aspect. The nucleus, clear and well defined, like the disc of a planet, was observed on one occasion to become obscure and en- larged hi the course of a few hours. But by far the most remarkable circumstance was the sudden appear- ance of certain luminous brushes or sectors, diverging from the center of the nucleus through the nebulosity. M. Struve describes the nucleus of the comet, in the beginning of October, as elliptical, and like a burning coal, out of which there issued, in a direction nearly op- posite to the tail, a divergent flame, varying in intensity, form, and direction, appearing occasionally even double, and suggesting the idea of luminous gas bursting from the nucleus. On one occasion M. Arago saw three of these divergent flames on the side opposite the tail, rising through the nebulosity, which they greatly exceeded in brilliancy : after the comet had passed its perihelion, it acquired another of these luminous fans, which was ob- served by Sir John Herschel at the Cape of Good Hope. Hevelius describes an appearance precisely similar. 344 HALLEY'S COMET. SECT. XXXVI. which he had witnessed in this comet at its approach to the sun in the year 1682, and something of the kind seems to have been noticed in the comet of 1744. Pos- sibly the second tail of the comet of 1724, which was directed toward the sun, may have been of this nature. The influence of the ethereal medium on the motions of Halley's comet, will be known after another revolu- tion, and future astronomers will learn, by the accuracy of its returns, whether it has met with any unknown cause of disturbance in its distant journey. Undiscovered planets, beyond the visible boundary of our system, may change its path and the period of its revolution, and thus may indirectly reveal to us their existence, and even their physical nature and orbit. The secrets of the yet more distant heavens may be disclosed to future genera- tions by comets which penetrate still farther into space, such as that of 1763, which, if any faith may be placed in the computation, goes nearly forty-three times farther from the sun than Halley's does, and shows that the sun's attraction is powerful enough, at the enormous distance of 15,500 millions of miles, to recall the comet to its perihelion. The periods of some comets are said to be of many thousand years, and even the average time of the revolution of comets generally is about a thousand years ; which proves that the sun's gravitating force ex- tends very far. La Place estimates that the solar at- traction is felt throughout a sphere whose radius is a hundred millions of times greater than the distance of the earth from the sun. Authentic records of Halley's comet do not extend be- yond the year 1456, yet it may be traced, with some degree of probability, even to a period preceding the Christian em. But as the evidence only rests upon coincidences of its periodic time, which may vary as much as eighteen months from the disturbing action of the planets, its identity with comets of such remote times must be regarded as extremely doubtful. This is the first comet whose periodicity has been established. It is also the first whose elements have been determined from observations made in Europe ; for although the comets which appeared in the years 240, 539, 565, and 837, are the most ancient of those whose SECT. XXXVI. ENCKE'S COMET. 345 orbits have been traced, their elements were computed from Chinese observations. Besides Halley's and Lexel's comets, two others are now proved to form part of our system ; that is to say, they return to the sun at intervals, one of three years, and the other of 6J years nearly. The first, generally called Encke's comet, or the comet of the short period, was first seen by MM. Messier and Mechain, in 1786, again by Miss Herschel hi 1805, and its returns, in the years 1805 and 1819, were observed by other astrono- mers, under the impression that all four were different bodies. However, Professor Encke not only proved their identity, but determined the circumstances of the comet's motion. Its reappearance in the years 1825, 1828, and 1832, accorded with the orbit assigned by M. Encke, who thus established the length of its period to be 1204 days, nearly. This comet is very small, of feeble light, and invisible to the naked eye, except under very favorable circumstances, and in particular positions. It has no tail, it revolves in an ellipse of great eccentricity inclined at an angle of 13 22' to the plane of the ecliptic, and is subject to considerable per- turbations from the attraction of the planets, which occasion variations in its periodic time. Among the many perturbations to which the planets are liable, their mean motions, and therefore the major axes of their orbits, experience no change ; while on the con- trary, the mean motion of the moon is accelerated from age to age a circumstance at first attributed to the re- sistance of an ethereal medium pervading space, but subsequently proved to arise from the secular diminution of the eccentricity of the terrestrial orbit. Although the resistance of such a medium has not hitherto been perceived in the motions of such dense bodies as the planets and satellites, its effects on the revolutions of the two small periodic comets hardly leave a doubt of its existence. From the numerous observations that have been made on each return of the comet of the short period, the elements have been computed with great accuracy on the hypothesis of its moving in vacua. Its perturbations occasioned by the disturbing action of the planets have been determined ; and after everything 346 ENCKE'S COMET. SECT. XXXVL that could influence its motion had been duly considered, M. Encke found that an acceleration of about two days in each revolution has taken place in its mean motion, precisely similar to that which would be occasioned by the resistance of an ethereal medium. And as it cannot be attributed to a cause like that which produces the acceleration of the moon, it must be concluded that the celestial bodies do not perform their evolutions in an absolute void, and that although the medium be too rare to have a sensible effect on the masses of the planets and satellites, it nevertheless has a considerable influ- ence on so rare a body as a comet. Contradictory as it may seem, that the motion of a body should be accele- rated by the resistance of an ethereal medium, the truth becomes evident if it be considered that both planets and comets are retained in their orbits by two forces which exactly balance one another ; namely, the centrifugal force producing the velocity in the tangent, and the attraction of the gravitating force directed to the center of the sun. If one of these forces be dimin- ished by any cause, the other will be proportionally increased. Now, the necessaiy effect of a resisting medium is to diminish the tangential velocity, so that the balance is destroyed, gravity preponderates, the body descends toward the sun till equilibrium is again restored between the two forces; and as it then de- scribes a smaller orbit it moves with increased velocity. Thus, the resistance of an ethereal medium actually accelerates the motion of a body ; but as the resisting force is confined to the plane of the orbit, it has no in- fluence whatever on the inclination of the orbit, or on the place of the nodes. In computing its effect, M. Encke assumed the increase to be inversely as the squares of the distances, and that its resistance acts as a tangential force proportional to the squares of the comet's actual velocity in each point of its orbit. The other comet belonging to our system, which returns to its perihelion after a period of 6| years, has been ac- celerated in its motion by a whole day during its last revolution, which puts the existence of ether nearly beyond a doubt, and forms a strong presumption in cor- roboration of the undulatory theory of light. Since this SECT. XXXVI. BIELA*S OR GAMBARTS COMET. 347 comet, which revolves nearly between the orbits of fhe earth and Jupiter, is only accelerated one day at each revolution, while Encke's, revolving nearly between the orbits of Mercury and Pallas, is accelerated two, the ethereal medium must increase in density toward the sun. The comet in question was discovered by M. Biela at Johannisberg on the 27th of February, 1826, and ten days afterward it was seen by M. Gambart at Marseilles, who computed its parabolic elements, and found that they agreed with those of the comets which had appeared in the years 1789 and 1795, whence he concluded them to be the same body moving in an ellipse, and accomplishing its revolution in 2460 days. The perturbations of this comet were computed by M. Damoiseau, who predicted that it would cross the plane of the ecliptic on the 29th of October, 1832, a little before midnight, at a point nearly 18,484 miles within the earth's orbit; and as M. Olbers of Bremen, in 1805, had determined the radius of the comet's head to be about 21,136 miles, it was evident that its nebulosity would envelop a portion of the earth's orbit, a circum- stance which caused some alarm in France, from the notion that if any disturbing cause had delayed the arrival of the comet for one month, the earth must have passed through its head. M. Arago dispelled these fears by his excellent treatise on comets in the An- nuaire of 1832, where he proves, that as the earth would never be nearer the comet than 18,000,000 British leagues, there could be no danger of collision. The earth is in more danger from these two small comets than from any other. Encke's crosses the ter- restrial orbit sixty times in a century, and may ulti- mately come into collision: but both are so extremely rare, that little injury is to be apprehended. The earth would fall to the sun in 64i days, if it were struck by a comet with sufficient impetus to de- stroy its centrifugal force. What the earth's primitive velocity may have been, it is impossible to say. There- fore a comet may have given it a shock without changing the axis of rotation, but only destroying part of its tan- gential velocity, so as to diminish the size of the orbit a thing by no means impossible, though highly improbable. 348 THE SHOCK OP A COMET. SECT. XXXVI. At all events, there is no proof of this having occurred; and it is manifest that the axis of the earth's rotation has not been changed, because, as the ether offers no sensible resistance to so dense a body as the earth, the libration would to this day be evident in the variation it must have occasioned in the terrestrial latitudes. Sup- posing the nucleus of a comet to have a diameter only equal to the fourth part of that of the earth, and that its perihelion is nearer to the sun than we are ourselves, its orbit being otherwise unknown, M. Arago has computed that the probability of the earth receiving a shock from it is only one in 281 millions, and that the chance of our coming in contact with its nebulosity is about ten or twelve times greater. Only comets with retrogade mo- tions can come into direct collision with the earth, and if the momentum were great the event might be fatal; but in general the substance of comets is so rare, that it is likely they would not do much harm if they were to impinge ; and even then the mischief would probably be local, and the equilibrium soon restored, provided the nucleus were gaseous, or very small. It is, however, more probable that the earth would only be deflected a little from its course by the approach of a comet, with- out being touched by it. The comets that have come nearest to the earth were that of the year 837, which remained four days within less than 1,240,000 leagues from our orbit; that of 1770, which approached within about six times the distance of the moon. The cele- brated comet of 1680 also came very near to us ; and the comet whose period is 61 years was ten times nearer the earth in 1805 than in 1832, when it caused so much alarm. Encke's and Biela's comets are at present far removed from the influence of Jupiter, but they will not always remain so, because the aphelia and nodes of the orbits of these two comets being the points which approach nearest to the orbit of Jupiter, at each meeting of the planet and comets which shall take place there, the major axi-s of Encke's comet will be increased, and that of Biela's diminished, till in the course of time, when the proximity has increased sufficiently, the orbits will be completely changed, as that of Lexel's was in 1770, SKCT. XXXVI. ENCKE'S AND BIELA'S COMETS. 349 Every twenty-third year, or after seven revolutions of Encke's cornet, its greatest proximity to Jupiter takes place, and at that lime his attraction increases the pe- riod of its revolution by nine days a circumstance which took place in the end of the years 1820 and 1843. But from the position of the bodies there is a diminution of three days in the six following revolutions, which reduces the increase to six days in seven revolutions. Thus before the year 1819, the periodic time of Encke's comei; was 1204 days, and it was 1219 days in accom- plishing its last revolution, which terminated in 1845. By this progressive increase the orbit of the comet will reach that of Jupiter in seven or eight centuries, and then by the very near approach of the two bodies it wiH be completely changed. At present the earth and Mercury have the most powerful influence on the motions of Encke's and Biela's comets ; and have had for so long a time that, according to the computation of Mr. Airy, the present orbit of the latter was formed by the attraction of the earth, and that of Encke's by the action of Mercury. With re- gard to the latter comet, that event must have taken place in February, 1776. Tn 1786 Encke's comet had both a tail and a nucleus, now it has neither ; a singular instance of the possibility of their disappearance. Comets in or near their perihelion move with pro- digious velocity. That of 1680 appears to have gone half round the sun in ten hours and a half, moving at the rate of 880,000 miles an hour. If its enormous centrifugal force had ceased when passing its perihe- lion, it would have fallen to the sun in about three minutes, as it was then less than 147,000 miles from his surface. So near the sun, it would be exposed to a heat 27,500 times greater than that received by the earth ; and as the sun's heat is supposed to be in proportion to the intensity of his light, it is probable that a degree of heat so intense would be sufficient to convert into vapor every terrestrial substance with which we are acquainted. At the perihelion distance the sun's diameter would be seen from the comet under an angle of 73, so that the sun, viewed from the comet, would nearly cover the whole extent of the heavens from the horizon to tho GG 350 FALL OF COMETS TO THE SUN. SECT. XXXVI. zenith. As this comet is presumed to have a period of 575 years, the major axis of its orbit must be so great, that at the aphelion the sun's diameter would only sub- tend an angle of about fourteen seconds, which is not so great by half as the diameter of Mars appears to us when in opposition. The sun would consequently im- part no heat, so that the comet would then be exposed to the temperature of the ethereal regions, which is 58 below the zero point of Fahrenheit. A body of such tenuity as the comet, moving with such velocity, must have met with great resistance from the dense atmos- phere of the sun, while passing so near his surface at its perihelion. The centrifugal force must consequently have been diminished, and the sun's attraction propor- tionally augmented, so that it must have come nearer to the sun in 1680 than in its preceding revolution, and would subsequently describe a smaller orbit. As this diminution of its orbit will be repeated at each revolu- tion, the comet will infallibly end by falling on the sur- face of the sun, unless its course be changed by the dis- turbing influence of some large body in the unknown expanse of creation. Our ignorance of the actual den- sity of the sun's atmosphere, of the density of the comet, and of the period of its revolution, renders it impossible to form any idea of the number of centuries which must elapse before this event takes place. The same cause may affect the motions of the planets, and ultimately be the means of destroying the solar sys- tem. But, as Sir John Herschel observes, they could hardly all revolve in the same direction round the sun for so many ages without impressing a corresponding motion on the ethereal fluid, which may preserve them from the accumulated effects of its resistance. Should this material fluid revolve about the sun like a vortex, it will accelerate the revolutions of such comets as have direct motions, and retard those that have retrograde motions. The comet which appeared unexpectedly in the be- ginning of the year ]843, was on-e of the most splendid that ever visited the solar system. It was in the con- stellation of Antinous in the end of January, at a dis- tance of 115 millions of miles from the earth, and it SCT. XXXVI. COMET OF 1843. 351 passed through its perihelion on the 27th of February, when it was lost in the sun's rays ; but it began to be visible about the 3d of March, at which time it was near the star Iota Cetae, and its tail extended toward the Hare. The brightness of the comet and the length of its tail continued to increase till the latter stretched far beyond the constellation of the Hare toward a point above Sirius. Stars were distinctly seen through it, and when near perihelion the comet was so bright that it was seen in clear sunshine in the United States like a white cloud. The motion was retrograde, and on leaving the solar system it retreated so rapidly at once from the sun and earth that it was soon lost sight of for want of light. On the 1st of April it was between the sun and the earth, and only 40 millions of miles from the latter ; and as its tail was at least 60 millions of miles long, and 20 millions of miles broad, we probably passed through it without being aware of it. There is some discrepancy in the different computations of the elements of the orbit, but in the greater number of cases the perihelion distance was found to be less than the semidiameter of the sun, so that the comet must have grazed his surface, if it did not actually impinge obliquely on him. The perihelion distance of this comet differs little from that of the great comet of 1668, which came so near the sun. The motion of both was retrograde, and a certain resemblance in the two orbits makes it proba- ble that they are the same body performing a revolution in 175 years. Though already so well acquainted with the motions of comets, we know nothing of then* physical constitu- tion. A vast number, especially of telescopic comets, are only like clouds or masses of vapor, often without tails. Such were the comets which appeared in the years 1795, 1797, and 1798. But the head commonly consists of a concentrated mass of light, like a planet, surrounded by a very transparent atmosphere, and the whole, viewed with a telescope, is so diaphanous, that the smallest star may be seen even through the densest part of the nucleus ; in general their solid parts, if they have any, are so minute, that they have no sensible 352 MASSES OF COMETS. SECT. XXXVI. diameter, like that of the comet of 1811, which ap- peared to Sir William Herschel like a luminous point in the middle of the nebulous matter. The nuclei, which seemed to be formed of the denser strata of that nebulous matter in successive coatings, are sometimes of great magnitude. Those comets which came to the sun in the years 1799 and 1807, had nuclei whose di- ameters measured 180 and 275 leagues respectively, and the second comet of 1811 had a nucleus of 1350 leagues in diameter. It must however be stated, that as comets are gene- rally at prodigious distances from the earth, the solid parts of the nuclei appear like mere points of light, so minute that it impossible to measure them with any kind of accuracy, so that the best astronomers often differ in the estimation of their size, by one-half of the whole diameter. The transit of a comet across the sun would afford the best information with regard to the nature of the nuclei. It was computed that such an event was to take place in the year 1827 ; unfortunately the sun was hid by clouds from the British astronomers, but it was examined at Viviers and at Marseilles at the time the comet must have been projected on its disc, but no spot or cloud was to be seen, so that it must have had no solid part whatever. The nuclei of many comets which seemed solid and brilliant to the naked eye have been resolved into mere vapor by telescopes of high powers ; in Halley's comet there was no solid part at all. The nebulosity immediately round the nucleus is so diaphanous that it gives little light ; but at a small dis- tance the nebulous matter becomes suddenly brilliant, so as to look like a bright ring round the body. Sometimes there are two or three of these luminous concentric rings separated by dark intervals, but they are generally incomplete on the part next the tail. These annular appearances are an optical effect, arising from a succession of envelops of the nebulous matter with intervals between them, of which the first is sometimes in contact with the nucleus and sometimes not. The thickness of these bright diaphanous coatings in the comets of 1799 and 1807 were about 7000 and SECT. XXXVI. ENVELOPS OF COMETS. 353 10,000 leagues respectively ; and in the first comet of 1611, the luminous ring was 8000 leagues thick, and the distance between its interior surface and the center of the head was 10,000 leagues. The latter comet was by much the most brilliant that has been seen in mod- ern times ; it was first discovered in this country by Mr. James Vietch of Inchbonny, and was observed in all its changes by Sir William Herschel and M. Olbers. To the naked eye, the head had the appearance of an ill- defined round mass of light, which was resolved hi to several distinct parts when viewed with a telescope. A very brilliant interior circular mass of nebulous mat- ter was surrounded by a black space having a parabolic form, veiy distinct from the dark blue of the sky. This dark space was of a very appreciable breadth. Exterior to the black interval there was a luminous parabolic contour of considerable thickness, which was prolonged on each side in two diverging branches, which formed the bifid tail of the comet. Sir William Herschel found that the brilliant interior circular mass lost the distinct- ness of its outline as he increased the magnifying power of the telescope, and presented the appearance of a more and more diffuse mass of greenish or bluish-green light, whose intensity decreased gradually, not from the center, but from an eccentric brilliant speck, supposed to be the trtfly solid part of the comet. The luminous envelop was of a decided yellow, which contrasted strongly with the greenish tint of the interior nebulous mass. Stars were nearly veiled by the luminous en- velop, while, on the contrary, Sir William Herschel saw three extremely small stars shining clearly in the black space, which was singularly transparent. As the en- velop* were formed in succession as the comet ap- proached the sun, Sir William Herschel conceived them to be vapors raised by his heat at the surface of the nucleus, and suspended round it like a vault or dome by the elastic force of an extensive and highly transparent atmosphere. In coming to the sun, the coatings began to form when the comet was as distant as the orbit of Jupiter, and in its return they very soon entirely van- ished ; but a new one was formed after it had retreated as far as the orbit of Mars, which lasted for a few days. 23 GG2 354 TAILS OF COMETS. SECT. XXXVI. Indeed, comets in general are subject to sudden and violent convulsions in their interior, even when far from the sun, which produce changes that are visible at enor- mous distances, and baffle all attempts at explanation, probably arising from electricity, or even causes with which we are unacquainted. The envelops surrounding the nucleus of the comet on the side next to the sun, diverge on the opposite side, where they are prolonged into the form of a hollow cone, which is the tail. Two repulsive forces seem to be concerned in producing this effect ; one from the" comet and another from the sun, the latter being the most powerful. The envelops are nearer the center of the comet on the side next to the sun, where these forces are opposed to one an- other; but on the other side the forces conspire to form the tail, conveying the nebulous particles to enor- mous distances. " The lateral edges of the tail reflect more light than the central part, because the line of vision passes through a greater depth of nebulous matter, which produces the effect of two streams somewhat like the aurora. Stars shine with undiminished lustre through the central part of the tail, because their rays traverse it perpendicularly to its thickness ; but though distinctly seen through its edges, their light is weakened by its oblique transmis- sion. The tail of the great comet of 1811 was of won- derful tenuity ; stars which would have been entirely concealed by the slightest fog, were seen through 64,000 leagues of nebulous matter without the smallest refrac- tion. Possibly some part of the changes in the appear- ance of the tails arises from rotation. Several comets have been observed to rotate about an axis passing through the center of the tail. That of 1825 performed its rotation in 20 hours, and the rapid changes in the luminous sectors which issued from the nucleus of Hal- ley's comet, in all probability were owing to rotatory motion. The two streams of light which form the edges of the tail, in most cases unite at a greater or less distance from the nucleus, and are generally situate in the plane of the orbit. The tails follow comets in their descent toward the sun, but precede them in their return, with S*cr. XXXVI. TAILS OF COMETS. 365 a small degree of curvature ; their apparent extent and form vary according to the positions of the orbits with regard to the ecliptic. In some cases, the tail has been at right angles to the line joining the sun and comet. The curvature is in part owing to the resistance of the ether and partly to the velocity of the comet being greater than that of the particles at the extremity of its tail, which lag behind. The tails are generally of enor- mous lengths ; the comet of 1811 had one no less than a hundred millions of miles in length, and those which appeared in the years 1618, 1680, and 1769, had tails which extended respectively over 104, 90, and 97 de- grees of space. Consequently, when, the heads of these comets were set, a portion of the extremity of their tails was still in the zenith. Sometimes the tail is divided into several branches, like the comet of 1744, which had six, separated by dark intervals, each of them about 4 broad, and from 30 to 44 long. They were probably formed by three hollow cones of the nebulous matter proceeding from the different envelops, and inclosing one another with intervals between ; the lateral edges of these cones would give the appearance of six streams of light. The tails do not attain their full magnitude till the comet has left the sun. When comets first appear, they resemble round films of vapor with little or no tail. As they approach the sun, they increase in brilliancy, and their tail in length, till they are lost in his rays ; and it is not till they emerge from the sun's more vivid light that they assume their full splendor. They then grad- ually decrease, their tails diminish, and they disappear nearly or altogether before they are beyond the sphere of telescopic vision. Many comets have no tails, as for example Encke's comet, and that discovered by M. Biela, both of which are small and insignificant objects. The comets which appeared in the years 1585, 1763, and 1682, were also without tails, though the latter is re- corded to have been as bright as Jupiter. The matter of the tail must be extremely buoyant to precede a body moving with such velocity ; indeed the rapidity of its ascent cannot be accounted for. It has been attributed to that power in the sun which produces those vibrations of ether which constitute light : but as this theory will 356 TAILS OF COMETS. SECT. XXXVI. not account for the comet of 1824, which is said to have had two tails, one directed toward the sun, and a very short one diametrically opposite to it, pur ignorance on this subject must be confessed. In this case the repel- ling power of the comet seems to have been greater than that of the sun. Whatever that unknown power may be, there are instances in which its effects are enormous, for immediately after the great comet of 1680 had passed its perihelion, its tail was 100,000,000 miles in length, and was projected from the comet's head in the short space of two days. A body of such extreme tenuity as a comet is most likely incapable of an attraction power- ful enough to recall matter sent to such an enormous distance ; it is therefore in all probability scattered in space, which may account for the rapid decrease ob- served in the tails of comets every time they return to their perihelia. Should the great comet of 1843 prove to be the same with that of 1668, its tail must have di- minished considerably. It. is remarkable that although the tails of comets in- crease in length as they approach their perihelia, there is reason to believe that the real diameter of the head contracts on coming near the sun, and expands rapidly on leaving him. Hevelius first observed this phenome- non, which Encke's comet has exhibited in a very ex- traordinary degree. On the 28th of October, 1828, this comet was about three times as far from the sun as it was on the 24th of December, yet at the first date its apparent diameter was twenty-five times greater than at the second, the decrease being progressive. M. Valz attributes the circumstance to a real condensation of vol- ume from the pressure of the ethereal medium, which increases most rapidly in density toward the surface of the sun, and forms an extensive atmosphere around him. It did not occur to M. Valz, however, that the ethereal fluid would penetrate the nebulous matter instead of compressing it. Sir John Herschel, on the contrary, conjectures that it may be owing to the alternate con- version of evaporable materials in the upper regions of the transparent atmosphere of comets into the states of visible cloud and invisible gas by the effects of heat and cold ; or that some of the external nebulous envelops SKCT. XXXVI. LIGHT OF COMETS. 357 may come into view when the comet arrives at a darker part of the sky, which were overpowered by the supe- rior light of the sun while in his vicinity. The first of these hypotheses he considers to be perfectly confirmed by his observations on Halley's comet, made at the Cape of Good Hope, after its return from the sun. He thinks that in all probability the whole comet, except the dens- est part of its nucleus, vanished and was reduced to a transparent and invisible state during its passage at its perihelion, for when it first came into view after leaving the sun it had no tail, and its aspect was completely changed. A parabolic envelop soon began to appear, and increased so much and so rapidly that its augmenta- tion was visible to the eye. This increase continued till it became so large and so faint, that at last it vanished entirely, leaving only the nucleus and a tail, which it had again acquired, but which also vanished, so that at last the nucleus alone remained. Not only the tails, but the nebulous part of comets diminishes every time they re- turn to their perihelia ; after frequent returns they ought to lose it altogether, and present the appearance of a fixed nucleus : this ought to happen sooner to comets of short periods. M. de la Place supposes that the comet of 1682 must be approaching rapidly to that state. Should the substances be altogether, or even to a great degree, evaporated, the comet would disappear forever. Possi- bly comets may have vanished from our view sooner than they would otherwise have done from this cause. If comets shine by borrowed light, they ought, in certain positions, to exhibit phases like the moon ; but no such appearance has been detected except in one instance, when they are said to have been observed by Hevelius and La Hire in the year 1682. In general, the light of comets is dull that of the comet of 1811 was only equal to the tenth part of the light of the full moon yet some have been brilliant enough to be visible in full daylight, especially the comet of 1744, which was seen without a telescope at one o'clock in the afternoon, while the sun was shining. Hence it may be inferred that, although some comets maybe altogether diaphanous, others seem to possess a solid mass resembling a planet. But whether they shine by their own or by reflected 358 LIGHT OF COMETS SECT. XXXVT. light has never been satisfactorily made out till now. Even if the light of a comet were polarized, it Would not afford a decisive test, since a body is capable of re- flecting light though it shines by its own. M. Arago, however, has with great ingenuity discovered a method of ascertaining this point, independent both of phases and polarization. Since the rays of light diverge from a luminous point, they will be scattered over a greater space as the dis- tance increases, so that the intensity of the light on a screen two feet from the object, is four times less than at the distance of one foot ; three feet from the object it is nine times less, and so on, decreasing in intensity as the squares of the distances increase. As a self- luminous surface consists of an infinite number of lumi- nous points, it is clear that the greater the extent of sur- face, the more intense will be the light; whence it may be concluded that the illuminating power of such a sur- face is proportional to its extent, and decreases inversely as the squares of the distances. Notwithstanding this, a self-luminous surface, plane or curved, viewed through a hole in a plate of metal, is of the same brilliancy at all possible distances as long as it subtends a sensible angle, because, as the distance increases, a greater portion comes into view, and as the augmentation of surface is as the square of the diameter of the part seen through the hole, it increases as the squares of the distances. Hence, though the number of rays from any one point of the surface which pass through the hole, decreases inversely as the squares of the distances, yet, as the extent of surface which comes into view increases also in that ratio, the brightness of the object is the same to the eye as long as it has a sensible diameter. For ex- ample Uranus is about nineteen times farther from the sun than we are, so that the sun, seen from that planet, must appear like a star with a diameter of a hundred seconds, and must have the same brilliancy to the inhab- itants that he would have to us if viewed through a small circular hole having a diameter of a hundred sec- onds. For it is obvious that light comes from every point of the sun's surface to Uranus, whereas a very small portion of his disc is visible through the hole : so SECT. XXXVI. NUMBER OF COMETS. 359 that extent of surface exactly compensates distance. Since, then, the visibility of a self-luminous object does not depend upon the angle it subtends as long as it is of sensible magnitude, if a comet shines by its own light, it should retain its brilliancy as long as its diameter is of a sensible magnitude ; and even after it has lost an ap- parent diameter, it ought to be visible, like the fixed stars, and should only vanish in consequence of extreme remoteness. That, however, is far from being the case comets gradually become dim as their distance in- creases, and vanish merely from loss of light, while they still retain a sensible diameter, which is proved by observations made the evening before they disappear. It may therefore be concluded, that comets shine by reflecting the sun's light. The most brilliant comets have hitherto ceased to be visible when about five times as far from the sun as we are. Most of the comets that have been visible from the earth have their peri- helia within the orbit of Mars, because they are invisible when as distant as the orbit of Saturn : on that account there is not one on record whose perihelion is situate beyond the orbit of Jupiter. Indeed, the comet of 1756, after its last appearance, remained five whole years within the ellipse described by Saturn without being once seen. More than a hundred and forty comets have appeared within the earth's orbit during the last century that have not again been seen. If a thousand years be allowed as the average period of each, it may be computed, by the theory of probabilities, that the whole number which range within the earth's orbit must be 1400 ; but Uranus being about nineteen times more distant, there may be no less than 11,200,000 comets that come within the known extent of our sys- tem. M. Arago makes a different estimate : he con- siders that, as thirty comets are known to have their perihelion distance within the orbit of Mercury, if it be assumed that comets are uniformly distributed in space, the number having their perihelion within the orbit of Uranus must be to thirty as the cube of the radius of the orbit of Uranus to the cube of the radius of the orbit of Mercury, which makes the number of comets amount to 3,529,470. But that number may * e doubled, 360 ORBITS OF COMETS. SECT. XXXVI. if it be considered that, in consequence of daylight, fogs, and great southern declination, one comet out of two must be hid from us. According to M. Arago, more than seven millions of comets frequent the planetary orbits. The different degrees of velocity with which the planets and comets were originally propelled in space is the sole cause of the diversity in the form of their orbits, which depends only upon the mutual relation between the projectile force and the sun's attraction. When the two forces are exactly equal to one another, circular motion is produced ; when the ratio of the pro- jectile to the central force is exactly that of 1 to the square root of 2, the motion is parabolic ; any ratio be- tween these two will cause a body to move in an ellipse, and any ratio greater than that of 1 to the square root of 2 will produce hyperbolic motion (N. 222). The celestial bodies might move in any one of these four curves by the law of gravitation ; but as one par- ticular velocity is necessary to produce either circular or parabolic motion, such motions can hardly be supposed to exist in the solar system, where the bodies are liable to such mutual disturbances as would infallibly change the ratio of the forces, and cause them to move in ellipses in the first case, and hyperbolas in the other. On the contrary, since every ratio between equality and that of 1 to the square root of 2 will produce elliptical motion, it is found in the solar system in all its varieties, from that which is nearly circular, to such as borders on the para- bolic from excessive eUipticity. On this depends the stability of the system ; the mutual disturbances only cause the orbits to become more or less eccentric with- out changing their nature. For the same reason the bodies of the solar system might have moved in an infinite variety of hyperbolas, since any ratio of the forces, greater than that which causes parabolic motion, will make a body move in one of these curves. Hyperbolic motion is however very rare ; only two comets appear to move in orbits of that nature, those of 1771 and 1824 ; probably all such com- ets have already come to their perihelia, and conse- quently will never return. SKCT. XXXVH. FIXED STARS. 361 The ratio of the forces which fixed the nature of the celestial orbits is thus easily explained ; but the circum- stances which determined these ratios, which caused some bodies to move nearly in circles and others to wander toward the limits of the solar attraction, and which made all the heavenly bodies to rotate and re- volve in the same direction, must have had their origin in the primeval state of things ; but as it pleases the Supreme Intelligence to employ gravitation alone in the maintenance of this fair system, it may be presumed to have presided at its creation. SECTION XXXVII. The Fixed Stars Their Numbers Estimation of their Distances and Magnitudes from their Light Stars that have vanished New Stars- Double Stars Binary and Multiple Systems Their Orbits and Periods Orbitual and Parallactic Motions Colors Proper Motions General Motions of all the Stars Clusters Nebulae Their Number and Forms Double and Stellar Nebulae Nebulous Stars Planetary Nebulae Constitution of the Nebula?, and Forces which maintain them Distribu- tion Meteorites Shooting Stars. GREAT as the number of comets appears to be, it is absolutely nothing when compared with the multitude of the fixed stars. About 2000 only are visible to the naked eye ; but when we view the heavens with a telescope, their number seems to be limited only by the imperfection of the instrument. In one hour Sir Wil- liam Herschel estimated that 50,000 stars passed through the field of his telescope, in a zone of the heavens 2 in breadth. This, however, was stated as an instance of extraordinary crowding ; but, on an average, the whole expanse of the heavens must exhibit about a hundred millions of fixed stars within the reach of telescopic vision. The stars are classed according to their apparent brightness, and the places of the most remarkable of those visible to the naked eye are ascertained with great precision, and formed into a catalogue, not only for the determination of geographical positions by their occultations, but to serve as points of reference for marking the places of comets and other celestial phe- HH 362 DISTANCE OF THE STARS. SECT. XXXVII. nomena. The whole number of stars registered amounts to about 150,000 or 200,000. The distance of the fixed stars is too great to admit of their exhibiting a sensible disc ; but in all probability they are spherical, and must certainly be so if gravitation pervades all space, which it may be presumed to do, since Sir John Herschel has shown that it extends to the binary systems of stars. With a fine telescope the stars appear like a point of light ; their occultations by the moon are therefore instantaneous. Their twinkling arises from sudden changes in the refractive powers of the air, which would not be sensible if they had discs like the planets. Thus we can learn nothing of the relative distances of the stars from us, and from one another, by their apparent diameters. The annual parallax of all but a very few being insensible, shows we must be more than two hundred millions of millions of miles at least from them. Many of them, however, must be vastly more remote ; for of two stars that appear close together, one may be far beyond the other in the depth of space. The light of Sirius, according to the observations of Sir John Herschel, is 324 times greater than that of a star of the sixth magnitude ; if we suppose the two to be really of the same size, their distances from us must be in the ratio of 57-3 to 1, because light diminishes as the square of the distance of the luminous body increases. Nothing is known of the absolute magnitude of the fixed stars, but the quantity of light emitted by many of them shows that they must be much larger than the sun. Dr. Wollaston determined the approximate ratio* which the light of a wax candle bears to that of the sun, moon, and stars, by comparing their respective images reflected from small glass globes filled with mercury, whence a comparison was established between the quantities of light emitted by the celestial bodies them- selves. By this method he found that the light of the sun is about twenty millions of millions of times greater than that of Sirius, the brightest and one of the nearest of the fixed stars. Since the parallax of Sirius is about half a second, its distance from the earth must be 592,200 tim es the distance of the sun from the earth ; and therefore Sirius, placed where the sun is, would appear Sxcr. XXXVII. DISAPPEARANCE OP STARS 363 to us to be 3-7 times as large as the sun, and would give 13-8 times more light. Many of the fixed stars must be infinitely larger than Sirius. Many stars have vanished from the heavens; the star 42 Virginfs seems to be of this number, having been missed by Sir John Herschel on the 9th of May, 1828, and not again found, though he frequently had occasion to observe that part of the heavens. Sometimes stars have all at once appeared, shone with a bright light, and vanished. Several instances of these temporary stars are on record ; a remarkable instance occurred in the year 125, which is said to have induced Hipparchus to form the first catalogue of stars. Another star ap- peared suddenly near a Aquilae in the year 389, which vanished, after remaining for three weeks as bright as Venus. On the 10th of October, 1604, a brilliant star burst forth in the constellation of Serpentarius, which continued visible for a year; and a more recent case occurred in the year 1670, when a new star was discov- ered in the head of the Swan, which, after becoming invisible, reappeared, and having undergone many varia- tions in light, vanished after two years, and has never since been seen. In 1572 a star was discovered in Cas- siopeia, which rapidly increased in brightness till it even surpassed that of Jupiter ; it then gradually diminished in splendor, and having exhibited all the variety of tints that indicate the changes of combustion, vanished sixteen months after its discovery, without altering its position. It is impossible to imagine anything more tremendous than a conflagration that could be visible at such a dis- tance. It is however suspected that this star may be periodical, and identical with the stars which appeared in the years 945 and 1264. There are probably many stars which alternately vanish and reappear among the innumerable multitudes that spangle the heavens ; the periods of several have already been pretty well ascer- tained. Of these the most remarkable is the star Omi- cron, in the constellation Cetus. It appears about twelve times in eleven years, and is of variable brightness, some- times appearing like a star of the second magnitude ; but it does not always attain the same lustre, nor does it increase or diminish by the same degrees. Accord- 364 VARIABLE STARS. SECT. XXXVII. ing to Hevelius, it did not appear at all for four years. y Hydrae also vanishes and reappears every 494 days : and a very singular instance of periodicity is given by Sir John Herschel, in the star Algol or /3 Persei, which is described as retaining the size of a star of the second magnitude for two days and fourteen hours ; it then suddenly begins to diminish in splendor, and in about three hours and a half is reduced to the size of a star of the fourth magnitude ; it then begins again to increase, and in three hours and a half more regains its usual brightness, going through all these vicissitudes in two days, twenty hours, and forty-eight minutes, a Cassi- opeia? is also periodical, accomplishing its changes in 225 days : the period of the star 34 Cygni is 18 years ; and Sir John Herschel has discovered very singular varia- tions in the star y of the constellation Argo. It is sur- rounded by a wonderful nebula, and from a star of little more than the second magnitude it suddenly increased between the years 1837 and 1838 to be a first-rate star of the first magnitude. At the latter period it was equal to Arcturus, and its brilliancy was then so great as to obliterate some of the details of the surrounding nebula. Afterward it decreased to the first magnitude, and then began to increase again. Sir John has also discovered that a Orionis may now be classed among the variable and periodic stars, a circumstance the more remarkable, as it is one of the conspicuous stars of our hemisphere, and yet its changes had never been remarked. The inferences Sir John draws from the phenomena of vari- able stars are too interesting not to be given in his own words. " A periodic change existing to so great an ex- tent in so large and brilliant a star as a Orionis, cannot fail to awaken attention to the subject, and to revive the consideration of those speculations respecting the possi- bility of a change in the lustre of our sun itself which were put forth by my father. If there really be a com- munity of nature between the sun and fixed stars, every proof that we obtain of the extensive prevalence of such periodical changes in those remote bodies adds to the probability of finding something of the kind nearer home. If our sun were ever intrinsically much brighter than at present, the mean temperature of the surface of our . XXXViL DOUBLE STABS. 365 globe would of course be proportionally greater. I speak now not of periodical but secular changes. But the ar- gument is complicated with the consideration of the possibly imperfect transparency of the celestial spaces, and with the cause of that imperfect transparency which may be due to material non-luminous particles diffused irregularly in patches analogous to nebulae, but of greater extent to cosmical clouds in short of whose existence we have, I think, some indication in the singular and apparently capricious phenomena of temporary stars, and perhaps in the recent extraordinary sudden increase and hardly less sudden diminution of rj Argus." Mr. Goodricke has conjectured that the periodical changes in the stars may be occasioned by the revolution of some opaque body coming between us and the star, and ob- structing part of its light. Sir John Herschel is struck with the high degree of activity evinced by these changes in regions where, " but for such evidences, we might conclude all to be lifeless." He observes that our own sun requires nine times the period of Algol to perform a revolution on its own axis ; while on the other hand, the periodic time of an opaque revolving body sufficiently large to produce a similar temporary obscuration of the sun, seen from a fixed star, would be less than fourteen hours. Many thousands of stars that seem to be only brilliant points, when carefully examined are found to be in reality systems of two or more suns, sometimes revolving about a common center. These binary and multiple stars are extremely remote, requiring the most power- ful telescopes to show them separately. The first cat- alogue of double stars, in which their places and relative positions are determined, was accomplished by the tal- ents and industry of Sir William Herschel, to whom Astronomy is indebted for so many brilliant discoveries, and with whom the idea of their combination in binary and multiple systems originated an idea completely established by his own observations, and recently con- firmed by those of his son and other astronomers. The motions of revolution of many of these stars round a common center have been ascertained, and their periods determined with considerable accuracy. Some have, 366 BINARY SYSTEMS. SECT. XXXVII. since their first discovery, already accomplished nearly a whole revolution ; and one, rj Coronae, is actually con- siderably advanced in its second period. These inte- resting systems thus present a species of sidereal chro- nometer, by which the chronology of the heavens will be marked out to future ages by epochs of their own, liable to no fluctuations from such planetary disturbances as take place in our system. In observing the relative position of the stars of a bi- nary system, the distance between them, and also the angle of position, that is, the angle which the meridian or a parallel to the equator makes with the line joining the two stars, are measured. The different values of the angle of position show whether the revolving star moves from east to west, or the contrary ; whether the motion be uniform or variable, and at what points it is greatest or least. The measures of the distances show whether the two stars approach or recede from one another. From these the form and nature of the orbit are determined. Were observations perfectly accurate, four values of the angle of position and of the corre- sponding distances at given epochs would be sufficient to assign the form and position of the curve described by the revolving star: this, however, scarcely ever happens. The accuracy of each result depends upon taking the mean of a great number of the best observa- tions, and eliminating error by mutual comparison. The distances between the stars are so minute that they can- not be measured with the same accuracy as the angles of position ; therefore, to determine the orbit of a star independently of the distance, it is necessary to assume as the most probable hypothesis, that the stars are sub- ject to the law of gravitation, and consequently that one of the two stars revolves in an ellipse about the other, supposed to be at rest, though not necessarily in the fo- cus. A curve is thus constructed graphically by means of the angles of position and the corresponding times of observation. The angular velocities of the tars are obtained by drawing tangents to this curve at stated in- tervals, whence the apparent distances, or radii vectores, of the revolving star become known for each angle of position ; because, by the laws of elliptical motion, they S*cr. XXXVH. BINARY SYSTEMS. 367 are equal to the square roots of the apparent angular velocities. Now that the angles of position estimated from a given line, and the corresponding distances of the two stars, are known, another curve may be drawn, which will represent on paper the actual orbit of the star projected on the visible surface of the heavens ; so that the elliptical elements of the true orbit and its posi- tion in space may be determined by a combined system of measurements and computation. But as this orbit has been obtained on the hypothesis that gravitation prevails in these distant regions, which could not be known d priori, it must be compared with as many observations as can be obtained, to ascertain how far the computed ellipse agrees with the curve actually described by the star. By this process Sir John Herschel has discovered that several of these systems of stars are subject to the same laws of motion with our system of planets : he has determined the elements of their elliptical orbits, and computed the periods of their revolution. One of the stars of y Virginis revolves about the other hi 629 years ; the periodic time of a Corona? is 287 years ; that of Castor is 253 years; that of t Bootes is 1600 ; that of 70 Ophiuchi is ascertained by Professor Encke to be 80 years ; Professor Bessel has ascertained the period of 61 Cygni to be 540 years ; and M. Savary, who has the merit of having first determined the elliptical elements of the orbit of a binary star from observation, has shown that the revolution of f Ursae is completed in 58 years. y Virginis consists of two stars of nearly the same mag- nitude. They were so far apart in the beginning and middle of the last century, that they were mentioned by Bradley and marked in Mayer's catalogue as two distinct stars. Now, they are so near to one another, that even with good telescopes they look like a single star some- what elongated. A series of observations, since the beginning of the present century, has enabled Sir John Herschel to determine the form and position of the el- liptical orbit of the revolving star with extraordinary truth. According to his computation, it must have ar- rived at its perihelion on the 18th of August of the year 3 834. The actual proximity of the two stars must then 368 ORBITS OF DOUBLE STARS. SECT. XXXVII. have been extreme, and the apparent angular velocity so great that it might have described an angle of 68 in a single year. Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope, by Sir John Herschel, as well as those of Captain Smyth, R. N., at home, correspond in proving an aug- mentation of velocity as the star was approaching its shortest distance from its primary. By the laws of el- liptical motion, the angular velocity of the revolving star must now gradually diminish, till it comes to its aphelion some 314 years hence. The satellite star of a Coronae attained its perihelion in 1835, and that of Castor will do the same some time in 1855. It sometimes happens that the edge of the orbit of a revolving star is presented to the earth, as in TT Serpen- tarii. Then the star seems to move in a straight line, and to oscillate on each side of its primary. Five ob- servations are requisite in this case for the determina- tion of its orbit, provided they be accurate. At the time Sir William Herschel observed the system in question, the two stars were distinctly separate : at present, one is so completely projected on the other, that M. Struve, with his great telescope, cannot perceive the smallest separation. On the contrary, the two stars of C Orionis, which appeared to be one in the time of Sir William Herschel, are now separated. Were this lib ration owing to parallax, it would be annual, from the revolution of the earth ; but as years elapse before it amounts to a sensi- ble quantity, it can only arise from a real orbitual motion seen obliquely. Among the triple stars, two of the stars of Cancri revolve about the third. There are also quadru- ple stars, and there are even assemblages of five and six stars, as 6 and or of Orion. It is remarked that, in gen- eral, the ellipses in which the revolving stars of binary systems move, are much more elongated than the orbits of the planets. Sir John Herschel, Sir James South, and Professor Struve of Dorpat, have increased Sir William Herschel's original catalogue of double stars to more than 6000, of which thirty or forty are known to form revolving or binary systems : and Mr. Dunlop has formed a catalogue of 253 double stars in the southern hemisphere. To this Sir John Herschel has added many ; but he has found that the southern hemisphere Stcr. XXXVII. PROPER MOTIONS OF THE STARS. 369 is poorer than the northern in close double stars above the tenth magnitude. He observes, that if Mr. Dunlop's measures can be depended upon, 6 Eridani is perhaps the most remarkable of all the binary systems in the heavens. The revolution of the satellite star being at the rate of 10-67 per annum, it consequently must accomplish a revolution in a little more than thirty years. The motion of Mercury is more rapid than that of any- other planet, being at the rate of 107,000 miles an hour ; the perihelion velocity of the comet of 1680 was no less than 880,000 miles an hour ; but if the two stars of 6 Eridani or Ursae be as remote from one another as the nearest fixed star is from the sun, the velocity of the revolving stars must exceed the powers of imagination. The discovery of the elliptical motion of the double stars excites the highest interest, since it shows that gravita- tion is not peculiar to our system of planets, but that systems of suns in the far distant regions of the uni- verse are also obedient to its laws. Besides revolutions about one another, some of the binary systems are carried forward in space by a motion common to both stars, toward some unknown point in the firmament. The two stars of 61 Cygni, which are nearly equal, and have remained at the distance of about 15" from each other for fifty years, have changed their place in the heavens during that period, by 4' 23", with a motion which for ages must appear rectilinear : be- cause, even if the path be curved, so small a portion of it must appear a straight line to us. The single stars also have proper motions, yet so minute that the trans- lation of p Cassiopeiae, of 3"'74 annually, is the greatest yet observed : but the enormous distances of the stars make motions appear small to us which are in reality very great. Sir William Herschel conceived that, among many irregularities, the motions of the stars have a general tendency toward a point diametrically oppo- site to that occupied by the star Herculis, which he attributed to a motion of the solar system in the contrary direction. Should this really be the case, the stars, from the effects of perspective alone, would seem to diverge in the direction to which we are tending, and would apparently converge in the space we leave, and 24 370 PROPER MOTIONS OF THE STARS. SECT. XXXVII. there would be a regularity in these apparent motions which would in time be detected ; but if the solar sys- tem and the whole of the stars visible to us be carried forward in space by a motion common to all, like ships drifting in a current, it would be impossible for us, moving with the rest, to ascertain its direction. There can be no doubt of the progressive motion of the sun and stars, but sidereal astronomy is not far enough advanced to determine what relations these bear to one another ; it will however be known in the course of time from the orbits of the revolving stars of the binaiy systems. For if the solar system be in motion, some of the stellar orbits which, by the effects of perspective, appear to us to be straight lines, will, after a time, open and become elliptical by our change of place ; while others which now appear to be open will close, or open wider ; stars also which now occultate, or hide one another in certain points of their orbits, will, in time, cease to do so. The directions and magnitude of these changes will no doubt show the motion of our system, to what point it is tend- ing, and the velocity with which it moves. Among the multitudes of small stars, whether double or insulated, a few are found near enough to exhibit distinct parallactic motions, arising from the revolution of the earth in its orbit. Of two stars apparently in close approximation, one may be far behind the other in space. These may seem near to one another when viewed from the earth in one part of its orbit, but may separate widely when seen from the earth in another position, just as two terrestrial objects appear to be one when viewed in the same straight line, but separate as the observer changes his position. In this case the stars would not have real, but only apparent motion. One of them would seem to oscillate annually to and fro in a straight line on each side of the other a motion which could not be mistaken for that of a binary system, where one star describes an ellipse about the other, or, if the edge of the orbit be turned toward the earth, where the oscillations require years for their accom- plishment. This method of finding the distances of the fixed stars was proposed by Galileo, and attempted by Dr. Long SKCT. XXXVII. DISTANCE OF BINARY SYSTEMS. 371 without success. Sir William Herschel afterward ap- plied it to some of the binary groups ; and though he did not find the thing he sought for, it led to the dis- covery of the orbitual motions of the double stars. Though the absolute distance of most of the stars is still a desideratum, a limit has been found under which, probably, none of them come. It was natural to sup- pose that in general the large stars are nearer to the earth than the small ones ; but there is now reason to believe that some stars, though by no means brilliant, are nearer to us than others which shine with greater splendor. This is inferred from the comparative ve- locity of their motions. All the stars have a general motion of translation, which tends ultimately to mix the stars of the different constellations, but none that we know of moves so rapidly as 61 Cygni; and on that account it is reckoned to be nearer to us than any other, for an object seems to move more quickly the nearer we are to it. This circumstance induced MM. Arago and Mathieu to endeavor to determine its an- nual parallax, that is, to ascertain what magnitude the di- ameter of the earth's orbit would have as seen from the star, and from that to compute its distance from the earth (N. 223). This has been accomplished with more accuracy by M. Bessel, who has found by observation, that the diameter of the earth's orbit of 190 millions of miles would be seen from the star under an angle of only one-third of a second, whence 61 Cygni must be 592,200 times farther from the earth than the sun is, a distance which light, flying at the rate of 190,000 miles in a second, would not pass over in less than nine years and three months. The apparent motion of five seconds annually which this star has, seems to us to be extremely small, but at that distance an angle of one second corresponds to twenty- four millions of millions of miles ; consequently the an- nual motion of 61 Cygni is one hundred and twenty millions of millions of miles, and yet, as M. Arago ob- serves, we call it a fixed star ! From the observations of Professor Henderson it ap- pears that Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, has a parallax of less than the third of a second ; conse- 372 DISTANCE OF BINARY SYSTEMS. SECT. XXXVIL quently it is at a greater distance than 61 Cygni : that of a Centauri amounts to a second of space, so that it is nearer the earth than any star that is known : whereas Mr. Airy has found that the parallax of a Lyra? is al- together inappreciable ; and as this is generally the case with the fixed stars, we may conclude that their dis- tances are beyond the hope of mensuration. All the ordinary methods fail when the distances are so enormous. An angle even of two or three seconds, viewed in the focus of our largest telescopes, does not equal the thickness of a spider's thread, which makes it impossible to measure such minute quantities with any degree of accuracy. In some cases, however, the bi- nary systems of stars furnish a method of estimating an angle of even the tenth of a second, which is thirty times more accurate than by any other means. From them the actual distances of some of the more remote stars will ultimately be known. Suppose that one star revolves about another in an orbit which is so obliquely seen from the earth as to look like an ellipse in a horizontal position, then it is clear that one half of the orbit will be nearer to us than the other half. Now, in consequence of the time which light takes to travel, we always see the satellite star in a place which it has already left. Hence when that star sets out from the point of its orbit which is nearest to us, its light will take more and more time to come to us in proportion as the star moves round to the most distant point in its orbit. On that account the star will appear to us to take more time in moving through that half of its orbit than it really does. Exactly the con- trary takes place in the other half: for the light will take less and less time to arrive at the earth in propor- tion as the star approaches nearer to us, and therefore it will seem to move through this half of its orbit in less time than it really does. This circumstance furnishes the means of finding the absolute breadth of the orbit in miles, and from that the true distance of the star from the earth. For, since the greatest and least distances of the satellite star from the earth differ by the breadth of its orbit, the time which the star takes to move from the nearest to the remotest point of its orbit is greater than SKCT. XXXVII. DISTANCE OF BINARY SYSTEMS. 373 it ought to be, by the whole time its light takes to cross the orbit, and the period of moving through the other half is exactly as much less. Hence the difference be- tween the observed times of these two semi-revolutions of the star is equal lo twice the time thai its light em- ploys to cross its orbit; and as we know the velocity of light, the diameter of the orbit may be found in miles, and from that its whole dimensions. For the position of the orbit with regard to us is known by observation, as well as the place, inclination, and apparent magnitude of its major axis, or, which is the same thing, the angle under which it is seen from the earth. Since, then, three things are known in this great triangle, namely, the base or major axis of the orbit in miles, the angle opposite to it at the earth, and the angle it makes with the visual ray ; the distance of the satellite star from the earth may be found by the most simple of calculations. The merit of having first proposed this veiy ingenious method of finding the distances of the stars is due to M. Savary ; but unfortunately it is not of general application, as it depends upon the position of the orbit, and even then a long time must elapse before observation can fur- nish data, since the shortest period of any revolving star that we know of is thirty years : still the distances of a vast number of stars may be ultimately made out in this way ; and as one important discovery almost always leads to another, their masses may thus be weighed against that of the earth or sun. The only data employed for finding the mass of the earth, as compared with that of the sun, are the angular motion of our globe round the sun in a second of time, and the distance of the earth from the sun in miles (N. 224). Now by the observations of the binary systems, we know the angular velocity of the small star round the great one ; and when we know the distance between the two stars in miles, it will be easy to compute how many miles the small star would fall through by the at- traction of the great one in a second of time. A compar- ison of this space with the space which the earth would descend through in a second toward the sun, will give the ratio of the mass of the great star to that of the sun or earth. Ii 374 COLORS OF THE STARS. SECT. XXXVII. If it be considered that all the double stars appear sin- gle to the naked eye, and with ordinary instruments, and that it requires the highest powers of the very best telescopes to separate the greater number of them, the extreme beauty of the ingenuity and refraction necessary to draw such profound results from their motions may be in some degree appreciated. The double stars are of various hues, but they most frequently exhibit the contrasted colors. The large star is generally yellow, orange, or red ; and the small star blue, purple, or green. Sometimes a white star is com- bined with a blue or purple, and more rarely a red and white are united. In many cases, these appearances are due to the influence of contrast on our judgment of colors. For example, in observing a double star, where the large one is a full ruby red, or almost blood color, and the small one a fine green, the latter loses its color when the former is hid by the cross wires of the tele- scope. But there are avast number of instances where the colors are too strongly marked to be merely imagi- nary. Sir John Herschel observes in one of his papers in the Philosophical Transactions, as a very remarkable fact, that, although red stars are common enough, no example of a solitary blue, green, or purple one has yet been produced. The stars are scattered very irregularly over the fir- mament. In some places they are crowded together, in others thinly dispersed. A few groups more closely condensed form veiy beautiful objects even to the naked eye, of which the Pleiades and the constellation Coma Berenices are the most striking examples ; but the greater number of these clusters of stars appear to un- assisted vision like thin white clouds or vapor : such is the milky way, which, as Sir William Herschel has proved, derives its brightness from the diffused light of the myriads of stars that form it. Most of these stars appear to be extremely small, on account of their enor- mous distances ; and they are so numerous, that, ac- cording to his estimation, no fewer than 50,000 passed through the field of his telescope in the course of one hour in a zone 2 broad. This singular portion of the heavens, constituting part of our firmament, consists of Sscr. XXXVII. CLUSTERS OF STARS. 375 an extensive mass of stars, whose thickness is small com- pared with its length and breadth ; the earth is placed near the point where it diverges into two branches, and it appears to be much more splendid in the Southern hemisphere than in the Northern. Sir John Herschel says, " The general aspect of the Southern circumpolar regions (including in that expression 60 or 70 of South polar distance) is in a high degree rich and magnificent, owing to the superior brilliancy and large development of the milky way, which, from the constellation of Orion to that of Antinous, is a blaze of light, strangely in- terrupted, however, with vacant and entirely starless patches, especially in Scorpio, near Alpha Centauri and the Cross, while to the north it fades away pale and dim, and is in comparison hardly traceable. I think it is impossible to view this splendid zone, with the astonish- ingly rich and evenly distributed fringe of stars of the 3rd and 4th magnitude, which forms a broad skirt to its southern border like a vast curtain, without an impres- sion amounting almost to conviction, that the milky way is not a mere stratum, but annular, or at least that our system is placed within one of the poorer or almost vacant parts of its general mass, and that eccentrically, so as to be much nearer to the region about the Cross, than to that diametrically opposite to it." The cluster, of which our sun is a member, and which includes the milky way, and all the stars that adorn our sky, must be of enormous extent, since the sun is more than two hun- dred thousand times farther from the nearest of them than he is from the earth ; and the other stars, though apparently so close together, are probably separated from one another by distances equally great. In the intervals between the stars of our own system and far in the depths of space, many clusters of stars may be seen like white clouds or round comets without tails, either by unassisted vision or with ordinary telescopes ; but, seen with pow- erful instruments, Sir John Herschel describes them as conveying the idea of a globular space insulated in the heavens and filled full of stars, constituting a family or society apart from the rest, subject only to its own in- ternal laws. To attempt to count the stars in one of these globular clusters, he says, would be a vain task, 376 NEBULAE. SECT, xxxvu. that they are not to be reckoned by hundreds : on a rough computation, it appears that many clusters of this description must contain ten or twenty thousand stars compacted and wedged together in a round space, whose area is not more than a tentiypart of that covered by the moon ; so that its center, where the stars are seen projected on each other, is one blaze of light (N. 225). If each of these stars be a sun, and if they be separated by intervals equal to that which separates our sun from the nearest fixed star, the distance which renders the whole cluster barely visible to the naked eye must be so great, that the existence of this splendid as- semblage can only be known to us by light which must have left it at least a thousand years ago. Occasionally clusters are so irregular and so undefined in their outline as merely to suggest the idea of a richer part of the heavens. These contain fewer stars than the globular clusters, and sometimes a red star forms a conspicuous object among them. Sir William Herschel regarded them as the rudiments of globular clusters in a less ad- vanced state of condensation, but tending to that form by their mutual attraction. Multitudes of nebulous spots are to be seen on the clear vault of heaven, which have every appearance of being clusters like those described, but are too distant to be resolved into stars by the most excellent telescopes. Vast numbers also appear to be matter in the highest possible degree of rarefaction, giving no indication what- ever of a stellar nature. These are in every state of condensation, from a vague film hardly to be discerned with telescopes of the highest powers, to such as seem to have actually arrived at a solid nucleus. This nebu- lous matter exists in vast abundance in space. No fewer than 2000 nebulae and clusters of stars were ob- served by Sir William Herschel, whose places have been computed from his observations, reduced to a com- mon epoch, and arranged into a catalogue in order of right ascension by his sister, Miss Caroline Herschel, a lady eminent for astronomical knowledge and discovery. Six or seven hundred nebulae have already been ascer- tained in the southern hemisphere ; of these the Ma- gellanic clouds are the most remarkable. The nature SKCT. XXXVH. NEBULA. 377 and use of this nebulous matter, scattered over the heavens in such a variety of forms, is involved in the greatest obscurity. That it is a self-luminous, phos- phorescent, material substance, in a highly dilated or gaseous state, but gradually subsiding by the mutual gravitation, of its particles into stars and sidereal systems, is the hypothesis most generally received. And indeed this is the hypothesis of La Place with regard to the origin of the solar system, which he conceived to be formed by the successive condensations of a nebula, whose primeval rotation is still maintained in the rota- tion and revolution of the sun and all the bodies of the solar system in the same direction. Even at this day there is presumptive evidence in the structure and in- ternal heat of the earth, of its having been at one period in a gaseous state from intensely high temperature. But the only way that any real knowledge on this mys- terious subject can be obtained is by the determination of the form, place, and present state of each individual nebula ; and a comparison of these with future observa- tions will show generations to come the changes that may now be going on in these supposed rudiments of future systems. With this view, Sir John Herschel began in the year 1825 the arduous and pious task of revising his illustrious father's observations, Avhich he finished a short time before he sailed for the Cape of Good Hope, in order to disclose the mysteries of the southern hemisphere ; indeed, our firmament seems to be exhausted till farther improvements in the telescope shall enable astronomers to penetrate deeper into space. In a truly splendid paper read before the Royal Society on the 21st of November, 1833, he gives the places of 2500 nebulae and clusters of stars. Of these 500 are neWj the rest he mentions with peculiar pleasure as having been most accurately determined by his father. This work is the more extraordinary, as from bad weather, fogs, twilight, and moonlight, these shadowy appearances are not visible, on an average, in England, above thirty nights in the year. The nebulae have great variety of forms. Vast multi- tudes are so faint as to be with difficulty discerned at all till they have been for some time in the field of the u2 378 FORMS OF THE NEBULAE. SECT. XXXVII. telescope, or are just about to quit it. Occasionally they are so vague that the eye is conscious of some- thing, without being able to define what it is : but the unchangeableness of its position proves that it is a real object. Many present a large ill-defined surface, in which it is difficult to say where the center of the greatest brightness is. Some cling to stars like wisps of cloud ; others exhibit the wonderful appearance of an enormous flat ring seen very obliquely, with a lenticular vacancy in the center (N. 226). A very remarkable in- stance of an annular nebula is to be seen exactly half- way between /9 and y Lyrae. It is elliptical in the ratio of 4 to 5, and is sharply defined, the internal opening oc- cupying about half the diameter. This opening is not entirely dark, but filled up with a faint hazy light, aptly compared by Sir John Herschel to fine gauze stretched over a hoop (N. 227). There is a very remarkable nebula in Orion, in which there is some reason to believe that a new star has recently appeared. Two nebulae are described as most amazing objects : One like a dumb-bell or hour-glass of bright matter, surrounded by a thin hazy atmosphere, so as to give the whole an oval form, or the appearance of an oblate spheroid. This phenomenon bears no resemblance to any known object (N. 228). The other consists of a bright round nucleus, surrounded at a distance by a nebulous ring split through half its circumference, and having the split portions sep- arated at an angle of 45 each to the plane of the other. This nebula bears a strong similitude to the milky way, and suggested to Sir John Herschel the idea of a " brother system bearing a real physical resemblance and strong analogy of structure to our own" (N. 229). It appears that double nebulae are not unfrequent, ex- hibiting all the varieties of distance, position, and relative brightness with their counterparts the double stars. The rarity of single nebulae as large, faint, and as little con- densed in the center as these, makes it very improbable that two such bodies should be accidentally so near as to touch, and often in part to overlap each other, as these do. It is much more likely that they constitute systems ; and if so, it will form an interesting subject of future in- quiry to discover whether they possess orbitual motion. Sscr. XXXVII. STELLAR AND PLANETARY NEBULAE. 379 Stellar nebulae form another class. These have a round or oval shape, increasing in density toward the center. Sometimes the matter is so rapidly condensed as to give the whole the appearance of a star with a blur, or like a candle shining through horn. In some in- stances the central matter is so highly and suddenly condensed, so vivid and sharply defined, that the nebula might be taken for a bright star surrounded by a thin atmosphere. Such are nebulous stars. The zodiacal light, or lenticular-shaped atmosphere of the sun, which may be seen extending beyond the orbits of Mercury and Venus soon after sunset in the months of April and May, is supposed to be a condensation of the ethereal medium by his attractive force, and seems to place our sun among the class of stellar nebulas. The stellar neb- ulae and nebulous stars assume all degrees of ellipticity. Not unfrequently they are long and narrow, like a spindle-shaped ray, with a bright nucleus in the center (N. 230). The last class mentioned by Sir John Her- schel are the planetary nebulae. These bodies have exactly the appearance of planets, with sensibly round or oval discs, sometimes sharply terminated, at other times hazy and ill-defined. Their surface, which is blue or bluish white, is equable or slightly mottled, and their light occasionally rivals that of the planets in vivid- ness. They are generally attended by minute stars, which give the idea of accompanying satellites. These nebulae are of enormous dimensions. One of them near v Aquarii has a sensible diameter of about 20", and another presents a diameter of 12". Sir John Her- schel has computed that, if these objects be as far from us as the stars, their real magnitude, on the lowest esti- mation, must be such as would fill the orbit of Uranus. He concludes that, if they be solid bodies of a solar nature, their intrinsic splendor must be greatly inferior to that of the sun, because a circular portion of the sun's disc, subtending an angle of 20", would give a light equal to that of a hundred full moons; while on the contrary, the objects in question are hardly, if at all, visible to the naked eye. From the uniformity of the discs of the planetary nebulae, and their want of apparent condensation, he presumes that they may 380 DISTRIBUTION OF THE NEBULA. SECT. XXXVII be hollow shells, only emitting light from their sur- faces. The existence of every degree of ellipticity in the nebulae from long lenticular rays to the exact circular form and of every shade of central condensation from the slightest increase of density to apparently a solid nucleus may be accounted for by supposing the general constitutions of these nebulae to be that of oblate sphe- roidal masses of every degree of flatness, from the sphere to the disc, and of every variety in their density and ellipticity toward the center. It would be errone- ous, however, to imagine that the forms of these sys- tems are maintained by forces identical with those already described, which determine the form of a fluid mass in rotation ; because, if the nebulae be only clus- ters of separate stars, as in the greater number of cases there is every reason to believe them to be, no pressure can be propagated through them. Consequently, since no general rotation of such a system as one mass can be supposed, it may be conceived to be a quiescent form, comprising within its limits an indefinite multitude of stars, each of which may be moving in an orbit about the common center of the whole, in virtue of a law of internal gravitation resulting from the compound gravi- tation of all its parts. Sir John Herschel has proved that the existence of such a system is not inconsistent with the law of gravitation under certain conditions. The distribution of the nebulae over the heavens is even more irregular than that of the stars. In some places they are so crowded together as scarcely to allow one to pass through the field of the telescope before another appears, while in other parts hours elapse with- out a single nebula occurring. They are in general only to be seen with the very best telescopes, and are most abundant in a zone whose general direction is not far from the hour circles O h and 12 h , and which crosses the milky way nearly at right angles. Where that zone crosses the constellations Virgo, Coma Berenices, and the Great Bear, they are to be found in multitudes. Such is a brief account of the discoveries contained in Sir John Herschel's paper, which, for sublimity of views and patient investigation, has not been surpassed. Sscr. XXXV11. METEORITES. 381 To him and to Sir William Herschel we owe almost all that is known of sidereal astronomy : and in the inimi- table works of that highly gifted father and son, the reader will find this subject treated of in a style alto- gether worthy of it, and of them. Sir John Herschel has discovered some new and wonderful objects in the southern hemisphere. Among others a beautiful planetary nebula, having a perfectly sharp, well defined disc of uniform brightness, exactly like a small planet with a satellite near its edge. Another is mentioned as being very extraordinary from its blue tint : but by far the most singular is a close double star centrally involve.d in a nebulous atmosphere. So numerous are the objects which meet our view in the heavens, that we cannot imagine a part of space where some light would not strike the eye ; innumera- ble stars, thousands of double and multiple systems, clus- ters in one blaze with their tens of thousands of stars, and the nebulae amazing us by the strangeness of their forms and the incomprehensibility of their nature, till at last, from the limit of our senses, even these thin and airy phantoms vanish in the distance. If such remote bodies shone by reflected light, we should be unconscious of their existence. Each star must then be a sun, and may be presumed to have its system of planets, satellites, and comets, like our own ; and, for aught we know, myriads of bodies may be wandering in space unseen by us, of whose nature we can form no idea, and still less of the part they perform in the economy of the universe. Even in our own system, or at its farthest limits, minute bodies may be revolving like the new planets, which are so small that their masses have hith- erto been inappreciable, and there may be many still smaller. Nor is this an unwarranted presumption ; many such do come within the sphere of the earth's attraction, are ignited by the velocity with which they pass through the atmosphere, and are precipitated with great violence on the earth. The fall of meteoric stones is much more frequent than is generally believed. Hardly a year passes without some instances occurring ; and if it be considered that only a small part of the earth is inhabited, it may be presumed that numbers fall in 380 DISTRIBUTION OF THE NEBULAE. SECT. XXXVJI be hollow shells, only emitting light from their sur- faces. The existence of every degree of ellipticity in the nebulae from long lenticular rays to the exact circular form and of every shade of central condensation from the slightest increase of density to apparently a solid nucleus may be accounted for by supposing the general constitutions of these nebulae to be that of oblate sphe- roidal masses of every degree of flatness, from the sphere to the disc, and of every variety in their density and ellipticity toward the center. It would be errone- ous, however, to imagine that the forms of these sys- tems are maintained by forces identical with those already described, which determine the form of a fluid mass in rotation ; because, if the nebula? be only clus- ters of separate stars, as in the greater number of cases there is every reason to believe them to be, no pressure can be propagated through them. Consequently, since no general rotation of such a system as one mass can be supposed, it may be conceived to be a quiescent form, comprising within its limits an indefinite multitude of stars, each of which may be moving in an orbit about the common center of the whole, in virtue of a law of internal gravitation resulting from the compound gravi- tation of all its parts. Sir John Herschel has proved that the existence of such a system is not inconsistent with the law of gravitation under certain conditions. The distribution of the nebulae over the heavens is even more irregular than that of the stars. In some places they are so crowded together as scarcely to allow one to pass through the field of the telescope before another appears, while in other parts hours elapse with- out a single nebula occurring. They are in general only to be seen with the very best telescopes, and are most abundant in a zone whose general direction is not far from the hour circles O h and 12 h , and which crosses the milky way nearly at right angles. Where that zone crosses the constellations Virgo, Coma Berenices, and the Great Bear, they are to be found in multitudes. Such is a brief account of the discoveries contained in Sir John Herschel's paper, which, for sublimity of views and patient investigation, has not been surpassed. SKCT. XXXV11. METEORITES. 381 To him and to Sir William Herschel we owe almost all that is known of sidereal astronomy : and in the inimi- table works of that highly gifted father and son, the reader will find this subject treated of in a style alto- gether worthy of it, and of them. Sir John Herschel has discovered some new and wonderful objects in the southern hemisphere. Among others a beautiful planetary nebula, having a perfectly sharp, well defined disc of uniform brightness, exactly like a small planet with a satellite near its edge. Another is mentioned as being very extraordinary from its blue tint : but by far the most singular is a close double star centrally involved in a nebulous atmosphere. So numerous are the objects which meet our view in the heavens, that we cannot imagine a part of space where some light would not strike the eye ; innumera- ble stars, thousands of double and multiple systems, cms- . ters in one blaze with then* tens of thousands of stars, and the nebulae amazing us by the strangeness of their forms and the incomprehensibility of their nature, till at last, from the limit of our senses, even these thin and airy phantoms vanish in the distance. If such remote bodies shone by reflected light, we should be unconscious of their existence. Each star must then be a sun, and may be presumed to have its system of planets, satellites, and comets, like our own ; and, for aught we know, myriads of bodies may be wandering in space unseen by us, of whose nature we can form no idea, and still less of the part they perform in the economy of the universe. Even in our own system, or at its farthest limits, minute bodies may be revolving like the new planets, which are so smaU that their masses have hith- erto been inappreciable, and there may be many still smaller. Nor is this an unwarranted presumption; many such do come within the sphere of the earth's attraction, are ignited by the velocity with which they pass through the atmosphere, and are precipitated with great violence on the earth. The fall of meteoric stones is much more frequent than is generally believed. Hardly a year passes without some instances occurring ; and if it be considered that only a small part of the earth is inhabited, it may be presumed that numbers fall in 3B4 SHOOTING STARS. SKCT. XXXVII. By far the most extraordinary part of the whole phe- nomenon is that this radiant point was observed to re- main stationaiy near the star y Leonis for more than two hours and a half, which proved the source of the meteoric shower to be altogether independent of the earth's rotation, and its parallax showed it to be far above the atmosphere. As a body could not be actually at rest in that posi- tion, the group or nebula must either have been moving round the earth or the sun. Had it been moving about the earth, the course of the meteors would have been tangential to its surface, whereas they fell almost per- pendicularly, so that the earth in its annual revolution must have met with the group. The bodies or the parts of the nebula that were nearest must have been attracted toward the earth by its gravity, and as they were estimated to move at the rate of fourteen miles in a second, they must have taken fire on entering our atmosphere, and been consumed in their passage through it. As all the circumstances of the phenomenon were similar on the same day and during the same hours in 1832, and as extraordinary flights of shooting stars were seen at many places both in Europe and America on the 13th of November, 1834, 1835, and 1836, tending also from a fixed point in the constellation Leo, it has been conjectured, with much apparent probability, that this nebula or group of bodies performs its revolution round the sun in a period of about 182 days, in an ellip- tical orbit, whose major axis is 119 millions of miles ; and that its aphelion distance, where it comes in contact with the earth's atmosphere, is about 95 millions of miles, or nearly the same with the mean distance of the earth from the sun. This body must have met with disturbances after 1799, which prevented it from encountering the earth for 32 years, and it may again deviate from its path from the same cause. As early as the year 1833, Professor Olmsted, of Yale College in the United States of America, had con- jectured that the phenomenon of shooting stars origi- nated in the zodiacal light, and his subsequent observa- tions, continued for three successive years, have tended SECT. XXXVIf. SHOOTING STARS, 385 to confirm him in this opinion. He agrees with La Place in thinking that the zodiacal light is a nebulous body, revolving in the plane of the solar equator. In fact, this light stretches beyond the earth's orbit, making an angle of about 74 with the plane of the ecliptic, and according to observation, it is sometimes seen in the dawn, and sometimes in the twilight, like an inferior planet. It was seen by Professor Olmsted for several weeks previous to the 13th of November, in the morn- ing dawn, with an elongation (N. 231) of from 60 to 90 west of the sun. It then by degrees withdrew from the morning sky, and appeared in the evenings imme- diately after twilight, rising like a pyramid through the constellations Capricornus and Aquarius, to an elonga- tion of more than 90 eastward of the sun. A change like this taking place annually about the 13th of Novem- ber, has led the Professor to believe that it is to the zodiacal light we are indebted for those splendid exhibi- tions of falling stars which take place at that season. The orbit already described is that which he formerly assigned to this nebulous or cometary body, but he is now of opinion that it has a period of something less than a year, which would not only account for the shoot- ing stare of the 13th of November, but would also ac- count for those that happen at all seasons, and for some very great showers of them that have taken place on two occasions near the end of April. In the position assigned to this orbit by Professor Olmsted, showers of shooting stars may happen in November and April. Since the last edition of this book a very able memoir has been published by M. Biot, in which that great philosopher shows that in his opinion also, meteoric showers are owing to the zodiacal light coming into pe- riodic contact with the atmosphere of the earth. Which of these conjectures may be nearest the truth time alone can show ; but certain it is that the recurrence of this phenomenon at the same season for seven successive years proves that it can arise from no accidental cause. 25 KE 3B<5 GRAVITATING FORCE. SECT. XXXVIII. SECTION XXXVIII. Diffusion of Matter through Space Gravitation Its Velocity-c Simplicity of its Laws Gravitation independent of the Magnitude and Distan-es of the Bodies Not impeded by the Intervention of any Substance Its Intensity invariable General Laws Recapitulation and Conclusion. THE known quantity of matter bears a very small pro- portion to the immensity of space. Large as the bodies are, the distances which separate them are immeasura- bly greater ; but as design is manifest in every part of creation, it is probable that if the various systems in the universe had been nearer to one another, their mutual disturbances would have been inconsistent with the har- mony and stability of the whole. It is clear that space is not pervaded by atmospheric air, since its resistance would, long ere this, have destroyed the velocity of the planets ; neither can we affirm it to be a void, since it seems to be replete with ether, and traversed in all di- rections by light, heat, gravitation, and possibly by influ- ences whereof we can form no idea. Whatever the laws may be that obtain in the more distant regions of creation, we are assured that one alone regulates the motions, not only of our own system, but also of the binary systems of the fixed stars ; and as general laws form the ultimate object of philosophical re- search, we cannot conclude these remarks without con- sidering the nature of gravitation that extraordinary power, whose effects we have been endeavoring to trace through some of their mazes. It was at one time im- agined that the acceleration in the moon's mean motion was occasioned by the , successive transmission of the gravitating force. It has been proved, that in order to produce this effect, its velocity must be about fifty mill- ions of times greater than that of light, which flies at the rate of 200,000 miles in a second. Its action, even at the distance of the sun, may therefore be regarded as instantaneous ; yet so remote are the nearest of the fixed stars, that it may be doubted whether the sun has any sensible influence on them. The curves in which the celestial bodies move bv th#. Scr. XXXV1U. GENERAL LAWS. 387 force of gravitation are only lines of the second order. The attraction of spheroids, according to any other law of force than that of gravitation, would be raucji more complicated ; and as it is easy to prove that matter might have been moved according to an infinite variety of laws, it may be concluded that gravitation must have been se- lected by Divine Wisdom out of an infinity of others, as being the most simple, and that which gives the great- est stability to the celestial motions. It is a singular result of the simplicity of the laws of nature, which admit only of the observation and com- parison of ratios, that the gravitation and theory of the motions of the celestial bodies are independent of their absolute magnitudes and distances. Consequently, if all the bodies of the solar system, their mutual distances, and their velocities, were to diminish proportionally, they would describe curves in all respects similar to those in which they now move ; and the system might be suc : cessively reduced to the smallest sensible dimensions, and still exhibit the same appearances. We learn by experience that a very different law of attraction pre- vails when the particles of matter are placed within in- appreciable distances from each other, as in chemical and capillary attraction, the attraction of cohesion, and molecular repulsion, yet it has been shown that in all probability not only these, but even gravitation itself, is only a particular case of the still more general principle of electric action. The action of the gravitating force is not impeded by the intervention even of the densest substances. If the attraction of the sun for the center of the earth, and of the hemisphere diametrically opposite to him, were di- minished by a difficulty in penetrating the interposed matter, the tides would be more obviously affected. Its attraction is the same also, whatever the substances of the celestial bodies may be ; for if the action of the sun upon the earth differed by a millionth part from his ac- tion upon the moon, the difference would occasion, a periodical variation in the moon's parallax, whose maxi- mum would be the T j of a second, and also a variation in her longitude amounting to several seconds, a supposi- tion proved to be impossible, by the agreement of theory 388 GRAVITATING FORCE. SECT. XXXVIII. with observation. Thus all matter is pervious to gravi- tation, and is equally attracted by it. Gravitation is a feeble force, vastly inferior to electric action, chemical affinity, and cohesion ; yet as far as human knowledge extends, the intensity of gravitation has never varied within the limits of the solar system ; nor does even analogy lead us to expect that it should : on the contrary, there is every reason to be assured that the great laws of the universe are immutable, like their Author. Not only the sun and planets, but the mi- nutest particles, in all the varieties of their attractions and repulsions, nay, even the imponderable matter of the electric, galvanic, or magnetic fluid,- are all obedient to permanent laws, though we may not be able in every case to resolve their phenomena into general principles. Nor can we suppose the structure of the globe alone to be exempt from the universal fiat, though ages may pass before the changes it has undergone, or that are now in progress, can be referred to existing causes with the same certainty with which the motions of the planets, and all their periodic and secular variations, are refera- ble to the law of gravitation. The traces of extreme antiquity perpetually occurring to the geologist give that information, as to the origin of things, in vain looked for in the other parts of the universe. They date the be- ginning of time with regard to our system ; since there is ground to believe that the formation of the earth was contemporaneous with that of the rest of the planets ; but they show that creation is the work of Him with whom " a thousand years are as one day, and one day as a thousand years." In the work now brought to a conclusion, it has been necessary to select from the whole circle of the sciences a few of the most obvious of those proximate links which connect them together, and to pass over innumerable cases both of evident and occult alliance. Any one branch traced through its ramifications would alone have occupied a volume ; it is hoped, nevertheless, that the view here given will suffice to show the extent to which a consideration of the reciprocal influence of even a few of these subjects may ultimately lead. It thus appears thnt the theory of dynamics, founded upon terrestrial Scr. XXXVIII. CONCLUSIUX. 389 pheuomenH, is indispensable for acquiring a knowledge of the revolutions of the celestial bodies and their recip- rocal influences. The motions of the satellites are af- fected by the forms of their primaries, and the figures of -the planets themselves depend upon their rotations. The symmetry of their internal structure proves the stability of these rotatory motions, and the immutability of the length of the day, which furnishes an invariable standard of time ; and the actual size of the terrestrial spheroid affords the means of ascertaining the dimensions of the solar system, and provides an invariable founda- tion for a system of weights and measures. The mutual attraction of the celestial bodies disturbs the fluids at their surfaces, whence the theory of the tides and of the oscillations of the atmosphere. The density and elas- ticity of the air, varying with every alternation of tern-' perature, lead to the consideration of barometrical changes, the measurement of heights, and capillary at- traction ; and the doctrine of sound, including the theory of music, is to be referred to the small undulations of the aerial medium. A knowledge of the action of mat- ter upon light is requisite for tracing the curved path of its rays through the atmosphere, by which the true places of distant objects are determined whether in the heavens or on the earth. By this we learn the nature and properties of the sunbeam, the mode of its propaga- tion through the ethereal fluid, or in the interior of ma- terial bodies, and the origin of color. By the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, the velocity of light is ascertained ; and that velocity, in the aberration of the fixed stars, fur- nishes the only direct proof of the real motion of the earth. The effects of the invisible rays of light are im- mediately connected with chemical action ; and heat, forming a part of the solar ray so essential to animated and inanimated existence, whether considered as invisi- ble light or as a distinct quality, is too important an agent in the economy of creation, not to hold a principal place in the connection of physical sciences. Whence follows its distribution in the interior and over the surface of the globe, its power on the geological convulsions of our planet, its influence on the atmosphere and on climate, and its effects on vegetable and animal life, evinced in K K 2 390 CONCLUSION. SKCT. XXXV1U. the localities of organized beings on the earth, in the waters, and in the air. The connection of heat with electrical phenomena, and the electricity of the atmos- phere, together with all its energetic effects, its identity with magnetism and the phenomena of terrestrial po- larity, can only be understood from the theories of these invisible agents, and are, probably, identical with, or at least the principal causes of, chemical affinities. Innu- merable instances might be given in illustration of the immediate connection of the physical sciences, most of which are united still more closely by the common bond of analysis, which is daily extending its empire, and will ultimately embrace almost every subject in nature in its formulae. These formulae, emblematic of Omniscience, condense into a few symbols the immutable laws of the universe. This mighty instrument of human power itself originates in the primitive constitution of the human mind, and rests upon a few fundamental axioms, which have eter- nally existed in Him who implanted them in the breast of man when He created him after His own image. NOTE S. NOTE 1^ page 2. Diameter. A straight line passing through the cen- ter, and terminated both ways by the sides or surface of a figure, such as of a circle or sphere. In fig. 1, q (J, N S, are diameters. NOTE 2, p. 2. Mathematical and mechanical sciences. Mathematics leach the laws of number and quantity ; mechanics treat of the equi- librium and motion of bodies. NOTE 3, p. 2. .Analysis is a series of reasoning conducted by signs or symbols of the quantities whose relations form the subject of inquiry. NOTE 4, p. 3. Oscillations are movements to and fro, like the swing- ing of the pendulum of a clock, or waves in water. The tides are oscil- lations of the sea. NOTE 5, p. 3. Gravitation. Gravity is the reciprocal attraction of matter on matter ; gravitation is the difference between gravity and the centrifugal force induced by the velocity of rotation or revolution. Sen- sible gravity, or weight, is a particular instance of gravitation. It is the force which causes substances to fall to the surface of the earth, and which retains the celestial bodies in their orbits. Its intensity increases as the squares of the distance decrease. NOTE 6, p. 4. Particles of matter are the indefinitely small or ultimate atoms into which matte r is believed to be divisible. Their form is un- known ; but though too small to be visible, they must have magnitude.. NOTE 7, p. 4. J hollow sphere. A hollow ball^ like a bomb-shell. A sphere is a ball or solid body, such, that all lines drawn from its center to- its surface are equal. They are palled radii, and every line passing through the center and terminated both ways by the surface is a diameter, which is consequently equal to twice the radius. In fig. 3, Q q or N S is a diameter, and C Q, C N are radii. A great circle of the sphere has the same center with the sphere as the circles QEqd and Q. N q 3. The circle A B is a lesser circle of the sphere. NOTE 8, p. 4. Concentric hollow spheres. Shells, or hollow spheres, having the same center, like the coats of an onion. NOTE 9, p. 4. Spheroid. A solid body, which sometimes has the shape Fir from, the NOTES. 401 plane of the ecliptic, N m n, than it would otherwise do. The action of the disturbing forces is admirably explained in a work on gravitation by Professor Airy, of Cambridge. NOTE 64, pp. 16, 69. Perihelion. Fig. 10, P, the point of an orbit nearest the sun. NOTE 65, p. 16. Aphelion. Fig. 10, A, the point of an orbit farthest from the sun. NOTE 66, pp. 16, ib., 17. In fig. 15 the central force is greater than the exact law of gravity ; therefore the curvature Ppa is greater than Pp A the real ellipse ; hence the planet p comes lo the point a, called the aphe- lion, sooner than if It moved in the orbit Pp A, which makes the line PSA advance to a. In fig. 16, on the contrary, the curvature P p a is Fig. 15. Fig. 16. less than in the true ellipse, so that the planet p must move through more than the arc Pp A, or 180, before it comes to the aphelion a, which causes the greater axis P S A to recede to a. NOTE 67, pp. 16, 17. Motion of apsides. Let PSA, fig. 17, be the position of the elliptical orbit of a planet at any time ; then, by the action of the disturbing forces, it successively takes the position P' S A', P" S A", &c., till by this direct motion it has accomplished a revolution, and then it begins again ; so that the motion is perpetual. NOTE 68, p. J6. Sidereal revolution. The consecutive return of an object to the same star. NOTE 69, p. 16. Tropical revolution. object to the same tropic or equinox. NOTE 70, p. 17. The orbit only bulges, &-c. In fig- 18 the effect or the varia- tion in the eccentricity is shown, where Pp A is the elliptical Orbit at any given instant: after a time it will take the form P p' A, in consequence of the decrease in the eccentricity CS ; then the form? Pp" A.Pp'" A,"&c., conse- cutively from the same cause, and as * the mHjor axis P A always retains the name length, the orbit approaches more nd more- nearly to the circular form. But after this has pone on for some thousands of years, the orbit contracts aeain, and become* more and more elliptical. 26 L L2 --..U-" K The consecutive return of an Fig. 18. 402 NOTES. NOTE 71, pp. 18, 19. The ecliptic is the apparent path of the sun in the heavens. See Note 46. NOTE 72, p. 18. This force tends to pull, <$-c. The force in question acting in the direction pm, fig. 13, pulls the planet p toward the plane N m M, or pushes it farther above it, giving the planet a tendency to move in an orbit above or below its undisturbed orbit N^n, which alters the angle p N m, and makes the node N and tbe line of nodes N n change their positions. NOTE 73, p. 18. Motion of the nodes. Let S, fig. 19, be the sun ; S N n the plane of the ecliptic; P the disturbing body; and p a planet moving in its orbit p n, of which p n is so small a part that it is represented as a straight line. The plane Snp of this orbit cuts the plane of the ecliptic in the straight line S M. Suppose the disturbing force begins to act on p so as to draw the planet into the arc pp' ; then, instead of moving in the orbit p n, it will tend to move in the orbit pp'n', whose plane cuts the ecliptic in the straight line S n. If the disturbing force acts again upon the body when at p', so as to draw it into the arcy p", the planet will now tend to move in the orbit p' p" n", whose plane cuts the ecliptic in the straight line S n". The action of the disturbing force on the planet when at p'', will bring the node to n'", and so on. In this man- ner the node goes backward through the successive points, n,n',n",n"\ &c., and the line of nodes S n has a perpetual retrograde motion about S, the center of the sun. The disturbing force has been represented as acting at intervals for the sake, of illustration : in nature it is continuous, so that the motion of the node is continuous also ; though it is sometimes rapid and sometimes slow, now retrograde and now direct; but on the whole, the motion is slowly retrograde. NOTE 74, p. 18. When the disturbing planet is anywhere in the line SN, fig. 19, or in its prolongation, it is in the same plane with the dis- turbed planet; and however much it may affect its motions in that plane, it can have no tendency to draw it out of it. But when the disturbing planet is in P, at right angles to the line S N, and not in the plane of the orbit, it has a powerful effect on the motion of the nodes : between these two positions there is great variety of action. NOTE 75, p. 19. The changes in the inclination are extremely minute when compared with the motion of the node, ns evidently appears front fig. 19, where the angles npn', n' p' n", &c. are much smaller than the corresponding angles n S n', S n", &c. NOTE 76, p. 20. Sines and cosines. Figure 4 is a circle ; n.p K the sine, and Cp is the cosine of an arc mn. Suppose the radius Cm to begin to revolve at m, in the direction mna; then at the point m the sign is zero, and the cosine is equal to the radius Cm. As the line C m i\OTES. 403 revolves and takes the successive positions Cn, Co, C'6, &.C., the sines* n p, aq, br, &LC. of the arcs 7/171, ma, mh, &c. increase, while the corres ponding cosines ( ' /<. C q, C r, &c. decrease, and when the revolving radius takes the position (.'erant matter at Jupiter's equator, change the position of the plane J E without affecting J O. Both of these cause jerturbations in the motions of the satellites. NOTE 91, p. 26. Precession, with regard to Jupiter, is a retrograde notion of the point where the lines JO, J E, intersect fig. 22, 406 NOTES. NOTE 92, p. 29. Synodic motion of a satellite. Its motion during the interval between two of its consecutive eclipses. NOTE 93, p. 29. Opposition. A body is said \n be in opposition when its longitude differs from that of the sun by 18(P. If S, fig. 24, be the Fig. 24. sun, and E the earth, then Jupiter is in opposition when at O, and in conjunction when at C. In these positions the three bodies are in the same straight line. NOTE 94, p. 29. Eclipses of the satellites. Let S, fig. 25, be the sun, J Jupiter, and a B b his shadow. Let the earth be moving in its orbit, in the direction EARTH, and the third satellite in the direction abmn. When the earth is at E, the satellite, in moving through the arc a b, will vanish at a, and reappear at b, on the same side of Jupiter. If the earth be in R, Jupiter will be in opposition; and then the satellite, in moving through the arc a b, will vanish close to the disc of the planet, and will re- appear on the other side of it. But if the satellite be moving through the arc m n, it will appear to pass over the disc and eclipse the planet. NOTE 95, pp. 30, 42. Meridian. A terrestrial meridian is a line passing round the earth and through both poles. In every part of it noon hap- pens at the same instant. In figures 1 and 3, the lines N Q S and N G S are meridians, C being the center of the earth, and N S its axis of rotation. The meridian passing through the Observatory at Greenwich is assumed , by the British as a fixed origin from / whence terrestrial longitudes are mea- i1 ,' eured. And as each point on the sur- face of the earth passes through 300, or a complete circle in twenty-four NOTES. 407 Aours, at the rate of 15 degrees in an hour, time becomes a representative of angular motion. Hence if the eclipse of a satellite happens at any place at eight o'clock in the evening, and the Nautical Almanac shows that the same phenomenon will take place at Greenwich at nine, the place of observation will be in the 15 of west longitude. NOTE 96, p. 30. Conjunction. Let S be the sun, fig. 24, E the earth, and J OJ' C' the orbit of Jupiter. Then the eclipses which happen when Jupiter is in O are seen 16m 26 sooner than those which take place when the planet is inC. Jupiter is in conjunction when at C and in opposition when in O. NOTE 97, p. 30. In the diagonal, Src. Were the line A S, fig. 26, 100,000 times longerthan^ A B, Jupiter's true place Fig. 26. would be in the direction A S', the diagonal of the , figure A B S' S, which is, of course, out of propor- tion. NOTE 98, p. 31. Aberration of light. The ce- lestial bodies are so distant, that the rays of light coming from them may be reckoned parallel. Therefore, let S A, S' B, fig. 26, be two rays of light coming from the sun, or a planet, to the earth moving in its orbit in the direction A B. If a tele- scope be held in the direction A S, the ray S A, instead of going down the tube, will impinge on its side, and be lost in consequence of the telescope being carried with the earth in the direction A B. But if the tube be held in the position A E, so that A B is to A S as the velocity of the earth to the velocity of light, the ray will pass through S' E A. The star appears to be in the direction A S, when it really is in the direction A S', hence the angle S A S' is the angle of aberration.. NOTE 99, p. 31. Density proportional to elasticity. The more a fluid, such as atmospheric air, is reduced in dimensions by pressure, the more it resists the pressure. NOTE 100, p. 32. Oseillation of pendulum retarded. If a clock be carried from the pole to the equator, its rate will be gradually diminished, that is, it will go slower and slower, because the centrifugal force which increases from the pole to the-equator, diminishes the force of gravity. NOTE 101, p. 33. Disturbing action. The disturbing force acts here in the very same manner as in note 63 ; only that the disturbing body d, fig. 14, is the sun, S the earth, and p the moon. NOTE 102. pp. 34, 36, 81. Perigee. A Greek word signifying round the earth. The perigee of the lunar orbit is the point P, fig. 6, where the moon i nearest to the earth. It corresponds to the perihelion of a planet. Sometimes the word is used to denote the point where the sun is nearest to the earth. NOTE 103, p. 34. Eveetion. The evection is produced by the action of the radial force in the direction S p, fig. 14, which sometimes increases and sometimes diminishes the earth's attraction to the moon. It produces a corresponding temporary change in the eccentricity, which varies with the position of the major axis of the lunar orbit in respect of the line S d, joining the centers of the earth and sun. NOTE 104, p. 34. Variation. The lunar perturbation called the varia- tion is the alternate acceleration and retardation of the moon in longitude, from the action of the tangentlnl force. She is accelerated in going from quadratures in Q and D, fig. 14, to the points C and O, called syzygies, BJid i retarded in going from the syzygies C and O to Q and D again. 408 NOTES. NOTE 105, p. 36. Square of time. If the times increase at tlie rate of 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., years or hundreds of years, the squares of the times will be 1, 4, 9, 16, &c., years or hundreds of years. NOTE 106, p. 37. Mean anomaly. The mean anomaly of a planet is its angular distance from the perihelion, supposing it to move in a circle. The true anomaly is its angular distance from the perihelion in its ellip- tical orbit. For example, in fig. 10, the mean anomaly is PC m, and the true anomaly is P S p. NOTE 107, pp. 38, 63. Many circumferences. There are 360 degrees, or 1,296,000 seconds, in a circumference ; and as the acceleration of the moon only increases at the rate of eleven seconds in a century, if. must be a prodigious number of ages before it accumulates to many circum- ferences. NOTE 108, p. 38. Phases of the moon. The periodical changes in the enlightened part of her disc from a crescent to a circle, depending upon her position with regard to the sun and earlh. NOTE 109, p. 39. Lunar eclipse. Let S, fig. 27, be the sun, E the earth, and m the moon. The space a A b is a section of. the shadow, Fig. 27. - d which has the form of a cone or sugar-loaf, and the spaces A a c, A b d, are the penumbra. The axis of the cone passes through A, and through E and S, the centers of the sun and earth, and n m n' is the path of the moon through the shadow. NOTE 110 r p. 39. Apparent diameter. The diameter of a celestial body as seen from the earth. NOTE 111, p. 39. Penumbra. The shadow, or imperfect darkness, which precedes and follows an eclipse. NOTE 112, p. 39.- -Synodic revolution of the moon. The time between two consecutive now or full moons. NOTE 113, p. 39. Horizontal refraction. The light, in coming from a celesiial object, is ben. into a curve as soon as it enters our atmosphere, and that bending is greatest when the object is in the horizon. NOTE 114, p. 40. Solar eclipse. Let S, fig. 28, be the sun, m the moon, and E the earth. Then a E b is the moon's shadow, which sometimes Fig. 28. NOTES. 409 eclipses a small portion of the earth's surface at e, and sometimes falls short of it. To a person at e, in the center of the shadow, the eclipse may be total or annular; to a person not in the center of the shadow, a part of the sun will be eclipsed ; and to one at the edge of the shadow there will be no eclipse at all. The spaces P b E, P' a E are the pen- umbra. Fisr. 29. NOTE 115, p. 42. From the extremities, t'i.i.(KM),OOU miles to the square of 4000 miles. And thus, by a simple question in the rule of three, the space which the sun would fall through in a second by the attraction of the earth may be found in parts of a mile. The space the earth would fall through in a second by the attrac- tioa of the sun must now be found in miles also. Suppose m x, fig. 4, to be the arc which the earth describes round the sun in C in a second of time, by the joint action of the sun and the centrifugal force. By the centrifugal force alone the earth would move from m to T in a second, and by the sun's attraction alone it would fall through T n in the same time. Hence the length of T n in miles is the space the earth would fall through in a second by the sun's attraction. Now as the earth's orbit is very nearly a circle, if 360 degrees be divided by the number of seconds in a sidereal year of 365$ days, it will give mn, the arc which the earth moves through in a second, and then the tables will give the length of the line TC in numbers corresponding to that angle; but as the radius C it is assumed to be unity in the tables, if 1 be subtracted from the number representing CT, the length of Tre wHl be obtained ; and when multiplied by 95,000,000 to reduce it to miles, the space which the earth falls through by the sun's attraction will be obtained in miles. By this simple process it is found that if the sun were placed in one scale of a balance, it would require 354,936 earths to form a counterpoise. XOTE 135, p. 58. The sum of the greatest and least distances, S P, S A, fis. 1-2, is equal to PA, the major axis; and their difference is equal to twice the eccentricity CS. The longitude T S P of the planet, when in the point P, at its least distance from the sun, is the longitude of the peri- helion. The greatest height of the planet above the plane of the ecliptic E N e n is equal to the inclination of the orbit P N A n to that plane. The longitude of the -planet, when in the plane of the ecliptic, can only be the longitude of one of the points N or n ; and when one of these points is known, the other is given, being 180 distant from it. Lastly, the time included between two consecutive passages of the planet through the same node N or n is its periodic time, allowance being made for the recess of the node in the interval. NOTE 136, p. 59. Suppose that it were required to find the position of a point in space, as of a planet, and that one observation places it in n, fig. 34. another observation places it in n', Fig. 34. another hi n", and so on ; all the points n, ;t', n", n'", &c. being very near to one another. The true place of the planet P will not differ much from any of these positions. It is evident, from this view of the subject, that P n, P ', P n", &c. are the errors of observation. The true posi- tion of the planet P is found by this prop- erty, that the squares of the numbers representing the lines P n, P n', &.C., when, v ., added together, are the least possible. Each line P n, P n', &c. being the whole error in the place of the planet, is made up of the errors of all the elements; and when compared with the errors obtained from theory, it affords the means of finding each. The principle of least squares is of very general application ; its demonstration cannot find a place here ; but the reader is referred to Biot's Astronomy, vol. ii. p. 203. NOTE 137, p. 61. An axis that, Sre. Fig. 20 represents the earth M :i a 414 NOTES. revolving in its orbit about the sun S, the axis of rotation Pp being every- where parallel to itself. NOTE 138, p. 61. Angular velocities that are sensibly uniform. The earth and planets revolve about their axes with an equable motion, which is never either faster or slower. For example, the length of the day is never more nor less than twenty-four hours. NOTE 139, p. 64. If fig. 1 be the moon, her polar diameter NS is the shortest; and of those in the plane of the equator, Q,Ey, that which points to the earth is greater than all the others. NOTE 140, p. 69. Inversely proportional, &,-c. That is, the total amount of solar radiation becomes less as the minor axis C C', fig. 20, of the earth's orbit becomes greater. NOTE 141, p. 70. Fig. 35 represents the position of the apparent orbit of the sun as it is at present, the earth being in E. The sun is nearer to the earth in moving through =^=P T, than in moving through T A:=, but its motion through =^P T is more rapid than its motion through T A ^= ; and as the swiftness of the mo- tion and the quantity of heat received vary in the same proportion, a compensa- tion takes place. NOTE 142, p. 71. In an ellipsoid of revolution, fig. 1, the polar diameter NS and every diameter in the equator qlS>Q,e are permanent axes of rotation, but the rotation would be unstable about any other. Were the earth to begin to rotate about C a, the angular distance from a to the equa- tor at q would no longer be ninety degrees, which would be immediately detected^ by the change it would occasion in the latitudes. NOTE 143, pp. 50, 75. Let q T Q,, and E T e, fig. 1 1, be the planes of the equator and ecliptic. The angle e If Q,, which separates them, called the obliquity of the ecliptic, varies in consequence of the action of the sun and moon upon the protuberant matter at the earth's equator. That action brings the point Q toward e, and tends to make the plane q T a coincide with the ecliptic E T e, which causes the equinoctial points, T and =:, to move slowly backward on the plane e T E at the rate of 50"'4l annually. This part of the motion, which depends upon the form of the earth, is called luni-solar precession. Another part, totally independent of the form of the earth, arises from the mutual action of the earth, planets, and sun, which, altering the position of the plane of the ecliptic e T E, causes the equinoctial points T and := to advance at the rate of 0"-31 annually ; but as this motion is much less than the former, the equinoctial points recede on the plane of the ecliptic at the rate of 50"'l annually. This motion is called the precession of the equinoxes. NOTE 144, pp. 61, 76. Let q T Q,, e T E, fig. 36, be the planes of the equinoctial or celestial equator and ecliptic, and p, P, their poles. Then suppose p, the pole of the equator, to revolve with a tremulous or wavy motion in the little ellipse pcdb in about 19 years, both motions being very small, while the point a is carried round in the circle a A B in 25,868 years. The tremulous motion may represent the half-yearly variation, the motion in the ellipse gives an idearfif the nutation discovered by Brad- ley, and the motion in the circle a A B arises from the precession of the equinoxes. The greater axis pd of the small ellipse is 18" -5, its minor axis be is 13"-74. These motions are so small, that they have very liltle effect on the parallelism of the axis of the earth's rotation during its revo- lution round the sun, as represented in -fig. 20. As the stars are fixed, this NOTES. 415 real motion in the pole of the earth must cause an apparent change in their places. NOT* 145, p. 78. Let N be the pole, fig. 11, cE the ecliptic, and Q,q the equator. Then N n m S being a meridian, and at right angles to the equator, the arc T m is less than the arc T n. NOTE 146, p. 80. Heliacal rising of Sirius. When the star appears in the morning, in the horizon, a little before the rising of the sun. NOTK 147, p. 82. Let P T A ^ fig. 35, be the apparent orbit or path of the sun, the earth being in E. Its major axis, A P, is at present situate as in the figure, where the solar perigee P is between the solstice of winter and the equinox of spring. So that the time of the sun's passage through the arc T A == is greater than the time he takes to go through the arc =2= P T . The major axis A P coincided with ^= T, the line of the equinoxes, 4000 years before the Christian era ; at that time P was in the point T. In 6468 of the Christian era, the perigee P will coincide with ==. In 1234 A. D. the major axis was perpendicular to T ^, and then P was in the winter solstice. NOTE 148, p. 83. jit the solstices, $-c. Since the declination of a celes- tial object is its angular distance from the equinoctial, the declination of the sun at the solstice is equal to the arc Q e, fig. 11, which measures the obliquity of the ecliptic, or angular distance of the plane T e== from the plane T Q:h. NOTE 149, p. 83. Zenith distance is the angular distance of a celestial object from the point immediately over the head of an observer. NOTE 150, p. 84. Reduced to the lerel of the sea. The force of gravita- tion decreases as the square of the height above the surface of the earth increases, so that a pendulum vibrates slower on high ground ; and in order to have a standard independent of local circumstances, it is neces- sary to reduce it to the length that would exactly make 86,400 vibrations in a mean solar day at the level of the sea. NOTE 151, p. 84. A quadrant of the meridian is a fourth part of a meridian, or an arc of a meridian containing 90, as N Q, fig. 11. NOTE 152, p. 86. The angular velocity of the earth's rotation is at the 416 NOTES. rate of 180 in twelve hours, which is the time included between the passages .of the moon at the upper and under meridian. NOTE 153, p. 99. If S be the earth, fig. 14, d the sun, and C Q, O D the orbit of the moon, then C and O are the syzygies. When the moon is new she is at C, and when full she is at O ; and as both sun and moon are then on the same meridian, it occasions the spring-tides, it being high water at places under C and O, while it is low water at those under a and D. The neap-tides happen when the moon is in quadrature at Q, or D, for then she is distant from the sun by the angle dSQ,, or tfSD, each of which is 90. NOTE 154, pp. 89, 90. Declination. If the earth be in C, fig. 11, and if q T Q, be the equinoctial, and N m S a meridian, then in C n is the de- clination of a body at n. Therefore the cosine of that angle is the cosine of the declination. NOTE 155, p. 91. Moon s southing. The time when the moon is on the meridian of any place, which happens about forty-eight minutes later every day. NOTE 156, pp. 93, 124. Fig. 37 shows the propagation of waves from Fig. 37. 1 C- C' two points C and C', where stones are supposed to have fallen. Those points in which the waves cross each other, are the places where they counteract each other's effects, so that the water is smooth there, while it is agitated in the intermediate spaces. NOTE 157, p. 94. The centrifugal force may, 8,-c. The centrifugal force acts in a direction at right angles to N S, the axis of rotation, fig. 30. Its effects are equivalent to two forces, one of which is in the direction bm perpendicular to the surface Q,m?t of the earth, and diminishes the force of gravity at m. The other acts in the direction of the tangent mT, which makes the fluid particles tend toward the equator. NOTE 158, p. 101. Analytical formula or expression. A combination of symbols or signs expressing or representing a series of calculation, and including every particular case that can arise from a general law. NOTE 159, p. 104. Platina. The heaviest of metals; its color is be- ; of silv* tween that ver and lead. NOTE 160, p. 105. Fig. 38 is a perfect octahedron. Sometimes ! ts an- gles, A,X, a, a, &c., are truncated, or cut off. Sometimes a slice is cut NOTES. 417 off its edges A a, X a, a a, &c. Occasionally both these modifications take place. Fig. 38. NOTE 161, p. 106. Prismatic crystals of sulphate of nickel are some- what like fig. 62, only that they are thin, like a hair. NOTE 162, p. 106. Zinc, a metal either found as an ore or mixed with other metals. It is used in making brass. C NOTE 163, p. 107. A cube is a solid contained by six plane square surfaces, as fig. 39. Fig. 40. NOTE 164, p. 107. A tetrahedron is a solid contained by four triangular surfaces, as fig. 40 : of this solid there are many varieties. NOTE 165, p. 107. There are many varieties of the octahedron. In that mentioned in the text, the base a a a a, fig. 38, is a square, but the base may be a rhomb ; this solid may also be elongated in the direction of its axis A X, or it may be depressed. NOTE 166, pp. 108, 186. A rhombohedron is a solid contained by six plane surfaces, as in fig. 63, the opposite planes being equal and similar rhombs parallel to one another; but all the planes are not necessarily equal or similar, nor are its angles right angles. In carbonate of lime the angle C A B is 105-55, and the angle B or C is 75-05. NOTE 167, p. 108. Sublimation. Bodies raised into vapor which W again condensed into a solid state. NOTE 168, p. 109. The surface of a column of water, or spirit of wine, in a capillary tube, ie hollow ; and that of a column of quicksilver is convex, or round- ed, as in fig. 41. 27 418 NOTES. NOTK 169, p. 109. Inverse ratio, &c. The elevation of the liquid is greater in proportion as the internal diameter of the tube is less. NOTE 170, p. 110. In fig. 41, the line cd shows the direction of the resulting force in the two cases. NOTE 171, p. 110. When two plates of glass are brought near to one another in water, the liquid rises between them ; and if the plates touch each other at one of their upright edges, the outline of the water will be- come a hyperbola. NOTE 172, p. 111. Let A A', fig. 42, be two plates, both of which are f et, and B B', two that are dry. When partly immersed in a liquid, its wet, Fig. 42. surface will be curved close to them, but will be of its usual level for the rest of the distance. At such a distance, they will neither attract nor repel one another. But as soon as they are brought near enough to have the whole of the liquid surface between them curved, as in a a', b b', they will rush together. If one be wet and another dry, as C C', they will repel one another at a certain distance ; but as soon as they are brought very near, they will rush together, as in the former cases. NOTE 173, p. 128. Latent heat. There is a certain quantity of heat in all bodies, which cannot be detected by the thermometer, but which may become sensible by compression. NOTE 174, p. 131. Reflected waves. A series of waves of light, sound, Fif. 43. NOTES. 419 or water, diverge in all directions from their origin I, fig. 43, as from a center. When they meet with an obstacle 8 S, they strike ngainst it, and are reflected or turned back by it in the same form, as if they had proceeded from the center C, at an equal distance on the other side of the surface SS. NOTE 175, p. 132. Elliptical shell. If fig. 6 be a section of an ellip- tical shell, then all sounds coming from the focus S to different points on the surface, as TO, are reflected back to F, because the angle T m 8 is equal to imF. In a spherical hollow shell, a sound diverging from the center is reflected back to the center again. NOTE 176, p. 136. Fig. 44 represents musical strings in vibration ; the Fig. 44. straight lines are the strings when at rest. The first figure of the four would give the fundamental note, as, for example, the low C. The second and third figures would give the first and second harmonics ; that is, the octave and the 12th above C, nnn being the points of rest; the fourth figure shows the real motion when compounded of all three. NOTE 177, p. 137. Fig. 45 represents sections of an open and of a shut pipe, and of a pipe open at one end. When sounded, the air sponta- sly divides itself into segments. . It remains at rest in the divisions or nodes nn'.&c., but vibrates between them in the direction of the arrow-heads. The undulations of the whole column of air give the fundamental note, while the vibrations of the 'divisions give the har- monics. NOTE 178, p. 139. Fig. 1, plate 1, shows the vibrating surface when the sand divides it into squares, and fig. 2 represents the same when the nodal lines divide it into triangles. The portions marked a a are in different states of vibration from those marked b b. 420 NOTES. NOTE 179, p. 140. Plates 1 and 2 contain a few of Chladnl's figures. The white lines are the forms assumed by the sand, from different modes of vibration, corresponding to musical notes of different degrees of pitch. Plate 3 contains six of Chladni's circular figures. NOTE 180, p. 140. Mr. Wheatstone's principle is, that when vibra- tions producing the forms of figs. 1 and 2, plate 3, are united in the same surface, they make the sand assume the form of fig. 3. In the same manner, the vibrations which would separately cause the sand to take the forms of figs. 4 and 5, would make it assume the form of fig. 6 when united. The figure 9 results from the modes of vibration of 7 and 8 combined. The parts marked a a are in different states of vibration from those marked b b. Figs. 1, 2, and 3, plate 4, represent forms which the sand takes in consequence of simple modes of vibration ; 4 and 5 are those arising from two combined modes of vibration ; and the last six figures arise from four superimposed simple modes of vibration. These complicated figures are determined by computation independent of experi- ment. NOTE 181, p. 140. The long cross-lines of fig. 46 show the two sys- tems of nodal lines given by M. Savart's laminae. ]Fig. 46. LLLU1 ilLLJ NOTE 182, p. 141. The short lines on fig. 46 show the positions of the nodal lines on the other sides of the same laminae. NOTE 183, p. 141. Fig. 47 gives the nodal lines on a cylinder, with the paper rings that mark the quiescent points. Fiff. 47. NOTE 184, pp. 133, 148, 149. Reflection and refraction. Let P C p, Fig. 48. fig. 48, be perpendicular to a sur- face of glass or water A B. When a ray of light, passing through the air, falls on this surface in any di- rection I C, part of it is reflected in the direction C S, and the oth er part is bent at C, and passes through the glass or water in the direction CR. 1C is called the incident ray, and ICP the angle of incidence ; C S is the reflected ray, and P C S the angle of reflec- tion : C R is the refracted ray, and p C R the angle of refraction. The plane passing through S C and 1 C is the plane of reflection, and the plane passing through 1C and C R is the plane of refraction. In or dinary cases, C I, C S, C B, are all NOTES. 421 in the same plane. We see the surface by means of the reflected light, which would otherwise be invisible. Whatever the reflecting surface may be, and however obliquely the light may fall upon it. the angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence. Thus 1C, 1' C, being rays in- cident on the surface at C, they will be reflected into CS, C S', so that the angle 8 C P will be equal to the angle I C P, and S' Cf equal to I' C P. That is by no means the case with the refracted rays. The incident rays I C, I' C, are bent at C, toward the perpendicular, in the direction CR, CR' ; and the law of refraction is such, that the sine of the angle of incidence has a constant ratio to the sine of the angle of refraction ; that is to say, the number expressing the length of I m. the sine of I C P, divided by the number expressing the length of R n, the sine of RC/>, is the same for all the rays of light that can fall upon the surface of any one substance, and is called its Index of refraction. Though the index of re- fraction be the same for any one substance, it is not the same for all sub- stances. For water it is 1-336 ; for crown-glass it is 1-535 ; for flint-glass, 1-6; for diamond, 2-487; and for chromate of lead it is 3, which sub- stance has a higher refractive power than any other known. Light fall- ing perpendicularly on a surface, passes through it without being refract- ed. If the light be now supposed to pass from a dense into a rare medium, as from glass or water into air, then RC, R' C, become the incident rays ; and in this case the refracted rays, C I, C I' are bent from the perpendic- ular instead of toward it. When the incidence is very oblique, as rC, the light never passes into the air at all, but it is totally reflected in the direction C r'. so that the angle p C r is equal to p C r' : that frequently happens at the second surface of glass. When a ray 1C falls from air upon a piece of glass A B, it is in general refracted at each surface. At C it is bent toward the perpendicular, and at R from it, and the 'ray emerges parallel to 1C ; but when the ray is very oblique to the second surface, it is totally reflected. An object seen by total reflection is nearly as vivid as when seen by direct vision, because no part of the light is re- fracted. NOT 185, p. 148. Atmospheric rtfraction. Let a ft, a *, Ac., flg. 49, be strata, or extremely thin layers, of the atmosphere, which increase in den- rity toward win, the surface of the earth. A ray coming from a star meeting the surface of the atmosphere at 8, would be refracted at the surface of each layer, and would consequently move in the curved line Bvv v A ; and as an object is seen in the direction of the ray that meets the eye, the star, which really is in the direction AS, would seem to a NN 422 NOTES. person at A to be in s. So that refraction, which always acts in a verti- cal direction, raises objects above their true place. For that reason, a body at S', below the horizon H AO, would be raised, and would be seen in s'. The sun is frequently visible by refraction after he is set, or before he is risen. There is no refraction in the zenith at Z. It increases all the way to the horizon, where it is greatest, the variation being propor- tional to the tangent of the angles ZAS, ZAS', the distances of the bodies S S' from the zenith. The more obliquely the rays fall the greater the refraction. NOTE 186, p. 149. Bradley' s method of ascertaining the amount of re- fraction. Let Z, fig. 50, be the zenith or point immediately above an Fiff. 50. observer at A ; let H O be his horizon, and P the pole of the equinoctial A a. Hence P A a is a right angle. A star as near to the pole as * would appear to revolve about it, in consequence of the rotation of the earth. At noon, for example, it would be at s above the pole, and at midnight it would be in s' below it. The sum of the true zenith distances Z A s, Z A s', is equal to twice the angle ZAP. Again, S and S' being the sun at his greatest distances from the equinoctial A Q, when in the solstices, the sum of his true zenith distances, Z A S, Z A S', is equal to twice the angle Z A Q. Consequently, the four true zenith distances, when added together, are equal to twice the right angle Q, A P; that is, they are equal to 180. But the observed or apparent zenith distances are less than the true, on account of refraction ; therefore the sum of the four apparent zenith distances is less than 180 by the whole amount of the four refractions. NOTE 187, p. 150. Terrestrial refraction. Let C, fig. 51, be the center of the earth, A an observer at its surface, A H his horizon, and B some distant point, as the top of a hill. Let the arc B A be the path of a ray coining from B to A ; E B, E A, tangents to its extremities; and A G, B F, perpendicular to C B. However high the hill B may be, it is nothing when compared with C A, the radius of the earth ; conse- quently, A B differs so little from A D that the angles A E B and ACB are supplementary to one another; that is, the two taken together are equal to 180. A C B is called the horizontal angle. Now BAH is the real height of B, and E A H its apparent height'; hence refraction raises the object B, by the angle E A B, above its real place. Again, the real depression of A, when viewed from B. is F B A, whereas its apparent depression is F B E, so E B A is due to refraction. The angle F B A is equal to the sum of the angles BAH and ACB; that is, the true elevation is equal to the true depression nnd the hori/ontM Fig. 51. 423 angle. But the true elevation is equal to the apparent elevation dimin- ished by the refraction; and the true depression is equal to the ap- parent depression increased by refraction. Hence twice the refraction is equal to the horizontal angle augmented by the difference between the apparent elevation and the apparent depression. NOTE 188, p. 151. Fig. 52 represents the phenomenon in question. SP is the real ship, with its inverted and direct images seen in the air. Were there no refraction, the rays would come from the ship S P to the eye E in the direction of the straight lines ; but, on account of the variable density of the inferior strata of the atmosphere, the rays are bent in the curved lines PcE, PdE, SmE, SnE. Since an object is seen in the direction of the tangent to that point of the ray which meets the eye, the point P of the real ship is seen at p and p\ and the point S seems to be in s and s' ; and as all the other points are transferred in the same manner, direct and inverted images of the ship are formed hi the air above it. 424 NOTES. Fig. 53. NOTE 189, p. 151. Fig. 53 represents the / ; section of a poker, with the refraction pro- ; / duced by the hot air surrounding it. NOTE 190, p. 153. The solar spectrum. A ray from the sun at S, fig. 54, admitted into a dark room through a small round hole H in a vvindow- TOxkte shutter, proceeds in a straight line to a screen D, on which it forms a bright circular spot of white light of nearly the same diameter with the hole H. But when the refracting angle B A C of a glass prism is inter- posed, so that the sunbeam falls on A C the first surface of the prism, and emerges from the second surface A B at equal angles, it causes the rays to deviate from the straight path S D, and bends them to the screen M N, where they form a colored image VR of the sun, of the same breadth with the diameter of the hole H, but much longer. The space V R con- sists of seven colors, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. The violet and red, being the most and less refrangible rays, are at the extremities, and the green occupy the middle part at G. The angle D g G is called the mean deviation, and the spreading of the colored rays over the angle V g R the dispersion. The deviation and dispersion vary with the refracting angle B A C of the prism, and with the substance of which it is made. NOTE 191, p. 159. Under the same circumstances, and where the re- fracting angles of the two prisms are equal, the angles D^G and \ g R, fig. 54, are greater for flint-glass than for crown-glass. But as they vary with the angle of the prism, it is only necessary to augment the refracting angle of the crown-glass prism by a certain quantity, to produce nearly the same deviation and dispersion with the flint-glass prism. Hence, NOTES. 425 when the two prisms are placed with their refracting angles in opposite directions, as in fig. 54, they nearly neutralize each other's effects, and refract a beam of light without resolving it into its elementary colored rays. Sir David Brewster has come to the conclusion, that there may be refraction without color by means of two prisms, or two lenses, when properly adjusted, even though they be made of the same kind of glass. KOTS 192, p. 159. The object glass of the achromatic telescope consists of a convex lens A B, fig. 55, of crown-glass, placed on the outside toward the object, and of a concavo- convex lens C D of flint-glass placed toward the eye. The focal length of a lens is the distance of its center from the point in which the rays converge, as F, fig. 60. If, then, the lenses A B and CD be so constructed that their focal lengths are in the same proportion as their dispersive powers, they will refract rays of light without color. NOTE 193, p. 162. When a sunbeam, after having passed through a Fig. 56. JVjr.57. colored glass V V, fig. 56, enters a dark room by two small slit* OCX in a card, or piece of tin, they produce alternate bright and black bands on 426 NOTES. Fig. 58. a screen S S' at a little distance. When either one or other of the slits O or O' is stopped, the dark bands vanish, and the screen is illuminated by a uniform light, proving that the dark bands are produced by the in- terference of the two sets of rays. Again, let H m, fig. 57, be a beam of white light passing through a hold at H, made with a fine needle in a piece of lead or a card, and received on a screen S S'. When a hair, or a small slip of card hh' about the 30th of an inch in breadth, is held in the beam, the rays bend round on each side of it, and, arriving at the screen in different states of vibration, interfere and form a series of co- lored fringes on each side of a central white band m. When a piece of card is interposed at C, so as to intercept the light which passes on one side of the hair, the colored fringes vanish. When homogeneous light >s used, the fringes are broadest in red, and become narrower for each color of the spectrum progressively to the violet, which gives the nar- rowest and most crowded fringes. These very elegant experiments are due to Df. Thomas Young. NOTE 194, pp. 165, 191. Fig. 58 shows Newton's rings, of which there are seven, formed by screwing two lenses of glass together. Provided the incident light be white, they always succeed each other in the following order: 1st ring, or first order of colors : Black, very faint blue, brilliant white, yellow, orange, red. 2d ring: Dark purple, or rather violet, blue, a very imperfect yellow green, vivid yellow, crimson red. 3d ring : Purple, blue, rich grass green, fine yellow, pink, crimson. 4th ring : Dull bluish green, pale yellowish pink, red. 5th ring: Pale bluish green, white, pink. 6th ring : Pale blue-green, pale pink. 7th ring : Very pale bluish green, very pale pink. After the seventh order, the colors become too faint to be distinguished. The rings decrease in breadth, and the colors become more crowded to- gether, as they recede from the center. When the light is homogeneous, the rings are broadest in the red, and decrease in breadth with every successive color of the spectrum to the violet. NOTE 195, p. 166. The absolute thickness of the film of air between the glasses is found as follows : Let A F B C, fig. 59, be the section of a lens lying on a plane surface or plate of glass PP', seen edgewise, and let E C be the diameter of the sphere of which the lens is a segment. If A B be the diameter of any one of Newton's rings, and B D parallel to C E, then B D or CF is the thickness of the air producing it. E C is a known quanti- ty, and when AB the diameter is measured with compasses, B D or F C can be computed. Newton found that the length of B D corresponding to the darkest part of the first ring, is the 98,000th part of an inch when the rays fall perpendicularly on the lens, and from this he deduced the thickness corresponding to each color in the system of rings. By passing each color of the solar spectrum in succes- sion over the lenses, Newton also determined the thickness of the film NOTES. 427 of air corresponding to each color, from the breadth of the rings, which are always of the same color with the homogeneous light. NOTE 196, p. 168. The focal length or distance of a lens is the distance from its center to the point F, fig. 60, in which the refracted rays meet. Let L L' be a lens of very short focal distance fixed in the window-shutter of a dark room. A sunbeam S L L', passing through the lens, will be brought to a focus in F, whence it will diverge in lines PC, FD,and will form a circular image of light on the opposite wall. Suppose a sheet of lead, having a small pin-hole pierced through it, to be placed in this beam ; when the pin-hole is viewed from behind with a lens at E, it is surrounded with a series of colored rings, which vary in appear- ance with the relative positions of the pin-hole and eye with regard to the point F. When the hole is the 30th of an inch in diameter and at the distance of 6A feet from F, when viewed at the distance of 24 inches, there are seven rings of the following colors : 1st order: White, pale yellow, yellow, orange, dull red. 2d order : Violet, blue, whitish, greenish yellow, fine yellow, orange red. 3d order: Purple, indigo, blue, greenish blue, brilliant green, yellow green, red. 4th order : Good green, bluish white, red. 5th order: Dull green, faint bluish white, faint red. 6ih order : Very faint green, very faint red. 7th order : A trace of green and red. NOTI 197. p. 168. Let LL', fig. 61, be the section of a lens placed in a window-shutter, through which a very small beam of light S L L' passes into a dark room, and comes to a focus in F. If the edge of a knife KN be held in the beam, the rays bend away from it in hyperbolic curves K r, K r', &c. in- stead of coming directly to the screen in the straight line K E", which is the boundary of the shadow. As these bending rays at the screen indif- ferent states of undulation, they inter- fere, and form a series of colored fringes, rrj. &.c. along the edge of the shadow K E S X of the knife. The fringes vary in breadth with the relative distances of the knife edge and screen from F. 428 NOTES. NOTE 198, p. 171. Fig. 43 represents the phenomeaa in question, where S S is the surface, and I the center of incident waves. The reflected waves are the dark lines returning toward I, which are the same as if they had originated in C on the other side of the surface. NOTE 199, p. 173. Fig. 62 represents a prismatic crystal of tourma- line, whose axis is A X. The slices that are used for polarizing light are cut parallel to AX. Fig. 62. Fig. 63. A NOTE 200, p. 175,-Double refraction. If a pencil of light, Rr, fig. 63, fa-Us upon a rhombohedron of Iceland spar, A B X C, it is separated into two equal pencils of light at r, which are refracted in the directions rO, r E : when these arrive at O a-nd E they are again refracted, and pass into the air in the directions Oo, Eo, parallel to one another and to the incident ray Rr. The ray rO is refracted according to the ordinary law, which is, that the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction bear a constant ratio to one another (see Note 184), and the rays Rr, rO, Oo are all in the same plane. The pencil rE, on the contrary, is bent aside out of that plane, and its refraction does not follow the constant ratio of the sines; rE is therefore called the extraordinary ray, and rO the ordinary ray. In consequence of this bisection of the light, a spot of ink at O is seen double at O and E, when viewed from r ; and when the crystal is turned round, the image E revolves about O, which remains stationary. NOTE 201, p. 176. Both of the parallel rays Oo and Eo, fig. 63, are polarized on leaving the doubly refracting crystal, and in both the parti- cles of light make their vibrations at right angles to the lines Oo Eo. In the one, however, these vibrations lie, for example, in the plane of the horizon, while the vibrations of the other lie in the vertical plane per- pendicular to the horizon. NOTE 202, p. 177. If light be made to fall in various directions on the natural faces of a crystal of Iceland spar, or on faces cut and polished artificially, one direction, A X, fig. 63, will be found, along which the light passes without being separated into two pencils. A X is the optic axis. In some substances there are two optic axes forming an angle with each other. The optic axis is not a fixed line, it only has a fixed direc- tion ; for if a crystal of Iceland spar be divided into smaller crystals, each will have its optic axis ; but if all these pieces be put together again, their optic axes will be parallel to A X. Every line, therefore, within the crystal parallel to AX is an optic axis; but as these lines have all the same direction, the crystal is still said to have but one optic axis. NOTE 203. p. 178. If 1C, fig. 48, be the incident and CS the reflected NOTES. 429 rays, then the particles of polarized light make their vibrations at right angles to the plane of the paper. NOTE 904, p. 178. Let A B. fig. 48, be the surface of the reflector, 1C the incident, and CS the reflected rays; then, when the angle SCB is 57, and consequently the angle PCS equal to 33, the black spot will be seen at C by an eye at S. NOTE 205, p. 179. Let A B, fig. 48, be a reflecting surface. I C the inci- dent, and CS the reflected rays; then, if the surface be plate-glass, the angle SCB must be 57, in order that C S may be polarized. If the sur- face be crown-glass or water, the angle SCB must be 56 55' for the first, and 53 11' for the second, in order to give a polarized ray. NOTE 206, p. 180. A polarizing apparatus is represented in fig. 64, where R r is a ray of light falling on a piece of glass r at an angle of 57, Fig. 64. the reflected ray r a is then polarized, and may be viewed through a piece of tourmaline in 5, or it may be received on another plate of glass, B, whose surface is at right angles to the surface of r. The ray r s is again reflected in a, and comes to the eye in the direction s . The plate of mica, M I, or of any substance that is to be examined, is placed between the points r and s. NOTE 207, p. 182. In order to see these figures, the polarized ray r*, fig. 64, must pass through the optic axis of the crystal, which must be held as near as possible to s on one side, and the eye placed as near as possible to s on the other. Fig. 65 shows the image formed by a crystal of Iceland spar which has one optic axis. The colors in the rings are exactly the same with those of Newton's rings given in Note 194, and the cross is black. If the spar be turned round its axis, the rings suffer no change; but if the tourmaline through which it is viewed, or the plate of glass B, be turned round, this figure will be seen at the angles 0, 90, 180, and 270 of its revolution. But in the intermediate points, that is, at the angles 43, 135, 225, and 315, another system will appear, such as is represented in fig. 66, where all the colors of the Fig. 66. 430 JSOTilS. The rings are complementary to those of fig. 65, and the cross is white, two systems of rings, if superposed, would produce white light. NOTE 908, p. 182. Saltpetre, or nitre, crystalizes in six-sided prisms having two optic axes inclined to one another at an angle of 5. . A slice Fig. 67. of this suhstance about the 6th or 8th of an inch thick, cut perpendicu- larly to the axis of the prism, and placed very near to s, fig. 64, so that the polarized ray rs may pass through it, exhibits the system of rings represented in fig. 67, where the points C and C mark the position of the optic axes. When the plate B, fig. 64, is turned round, the image Fig. 69. Fig.lQ. NOTE:?. 431 changes successively to those given in figs. 68, 69, and 70. The colors of the rings are the same with those of thin plates, but they vary with the thickness of the nitre. Their breadth enlarges or diminishes also with the color, when homogeneous light is used. NOTE 209, p. 183. Fig. 71 represents the ap- Fig. 71. pearance produced by placing a slice of rock crystal in the polarized ray rs, fig. 64. The uniform color in the interior of the image de- pends upon the thickness of the slice ; but whatever that color may be, it will alternately attain a maximum brightness and vanish with the revolution of the glass B. it may be ob- served, that the two kinds of quartz, or rock crystal, mentioned in the text, are combined in the amethyst, which consists of alternate layers of right-handed and left-handed quartz, whose planes are parallel to the axis of the crystal. NOTE 210, p. 187. Suppose the major axis A P of an ellipse, fig. 18, to be invariable, but the eccentricity C S continually to diminish, the' ellipse would bulge more and more ; and when C S vanished, it would become a circle whose diameter is A P. Again, if the eccentricity were continually to increase, the ellipse would be more and more flattened till CS was equal to CP, when it would become a straight line A P. The circle aud straight line are therefore the limits of the ellipse. NOTE 211, p. 187. The colored rings are produced by the interference of two polarized rays : .n different states of undulation, on the principle explained for common light. NOTE 212, p. 217. If heat from a non-luminous source be polarized fey reflection or refraction at r, fig. 64, the polarized ray r s will be stopped or transmitted by a plate of mica M I under the same circumstances that it would stop or transmit the light ; and if heat were visible, images anal- ogous to those of figs. 65, 67, &c.~would be seen at the point s. NOTE 213, p. 219. The Rev. John Buchanan, of Charleston, South Carolina, has recently shown, by ingenious experiments, that the vulture is directed to his prey by the sense of sight alone. NOTE 214, p. 267. The class Cryptogamia contains the ferns, mosses, funguses, and sea-weeds : in all of which the parts of the flowers are either little known or too minute to be evident. NOTE 215, p. 269. Zoophites are the animals which form madrepores, corals, sponges, &c. NOTE 216, p. 269. The Saurian tribes are creatures of the lizard or crocodile kind. Some of those found in a fossil state are of enormous size. P NOTE 217, p. 315. When a stream f|, Fig. 72. of positive electricity descends from P to n, fig. 72, in a vertical wire at right angles to the plane of the horizontal ; * circle A B, the negative electricity as- cends from n to P, and the force ex- erted by the current makes the north pole of a magnet revolve about the * wire in the direction of the arrow- heads in the circumference, and it makes the south pole revolve in the opposite direction. When the current of positive electricity flows upward from n to P, these effects are reversed. 432 NOTES. fig- 73. w NOTE 218, p. 316. Fig. 73 represents a helix or coil of copper wire, termi- nated by two cups con- taining a little quicksilver. When the positive wire of a Voltaic battery is im- mersed in the cup p, and the negative wire in the cup n, the circuit is com- pleted. The quicksilver insures the connection between the battery and the helix, by conveying the electricity from the one to the other. While the electricity flows through the helix, the magnet S N remains suspended within it, but falls down the moment it ceases. The magnet always turns its south pole S toward P the positive wire of the battery, and its north pole toward the negative wire. NOTE 219, p. 319. A copper wire coiled in the form represented in fig. 73, is an electro-dynamic cylinder. When its extremities P and n are connected with the positive and negative poles of a Voltaic battery, it be- comes a perfect magnet during the time that a current of electricity is flowing through it, P and n being its north and south poles. There are a variety of forms of this apparatus. NOTE 220, p. 339. In fig. 74 the hyperbola H P Y, the parabola p P R, and the ellipse A E P L, have the same focal distance S P, and coincide through a small space on each side of the perihelion P ; and aa a comet is only visible when near P, it ks difficult to ascertain which of the three curves it move* in. 4 H NOTE 221, p. 343. In fig. 75, E A represents the orbit of Halley's comet, ET the orbit of the earth, and S the sun. The proportions are very nearly exact. NOTE 222, p. 360. Fig. 74 represents the curves in question. It is evident that for the snme focal distance S P, there can be but one circle and one parabola p PR, but that there may be an infinity of ellipses be NOTES. 433 tureen the circle and the parabola, and an infinity of hyperbolas II P Y exterior to the parabola p P R. NOTE 223, p. 371 .Let A B, fig. 26, be the diameter of the earth's orbit, and suppose a star to be seen in the direction A S' from the earth when at A. Six months afterward, the earth having moved through half of its orbit, would arrive at B, and then the star would appear in the direc- tion B S', if the diameter A B, as seen from S', had any sensible magni- tude. But A B, which is 190,000,000 of miles, does not appear to be greater than the thickness of a spider's thread, as seen from 61 Cygni, sup- posed to be the nearest of the fixed stars. NOTE 224, p. 373. The mass is found in the manner explained in Note 133 ; but the method of computing the distance of the star may be made more clear by what follows. Though the orbit of the satellite star is really and apparently elliptical, let it be represented by CD O, fig. 14, for the sake of illustration, the earth being in d. It is clear that, when the star moves through C D O, its light will take longer in coming to the earth from O than from C, by the whole time it employs in passing^hrough O C, the breadth of its orbit. When that time is known by observation, reduced to seconds, and multiplied by 190,000, which is the number of miles light darts through in a second, the prod A will be the breadth of the orbit hi miles. From this the dimensions of the ellipse will be ob- tained by the aid of observation, the length and position of any diameter, as Sp, may be found ; and as nil the angles of the triangle d Sp can be determined by observation, the distance of the star from the earth may be computed. NOTE 225, p. 376. One of the globular clusters mentioned in the text is represented in fig. 1, plate 5. The stars are gradually condensed to- ward the center, where they run together into a blaze somewhat like a snowball. The more condensed part is projected on a ground of irregu- larly-scattered stars, which fills the whole field of the telescope. There are few stars in the neighborhood of this cluster. NOTE 226, p. 378. Fig. 2, plate 5, represents one of those enormous rings in its oblique position. It has a dark space in the center, with a small star at each extremity. NOTE 227, p. 378. Fig. 3, plate 5, may convey some idea of the ring in the constellation of the Lyre mentioned hi the text. NOTE 228, p. 378. This most wonderful object has the appearance of fig. 4, plate 5. The southern head is denser than the northern. The light of this object is perfectly milky. There are one or two stars in it. NOTE 229, p. 378. Fig. 5, plate 5, represents this brother system. NOTE 230, p. 379. Fig. 6, plate 5, represents one of the spindle-shaped nebulae. NOTE 231, p. 385. Elongation. The apparent angular distance of an object from the center of the sun. 28 Oo PLATE I. PLATE II. -, NEBULAE. Page 378. PL 5. INDEX. A. ABERRATION of light, 30. Note 98, Absorption of solar light by the at- mosphere, 15-2. of light by colored media, 155. not inconsistent with the undu- latory theory, 171. Acceleration in the mean motion of the moon, 36. of Encke's comet, 346. of Biela's comet, 347. Accidental colors, 159. Achromatic telescope, 159. Note 192. Action and reaction, 5. Note 19. of light on the retina, 172. Adhesion of glass plates, 101. Affinity, chemical, 103. Air, atmospheric, analysis of, 111. Airy, Professor, his determination of the inequality of the earth and Venus, 25. His experiments on the motion of polarized light through quartz, 186. Algae, or sea-weeds, their distribu- tion, 267. Algol, a variable star, 364. Alhazen, the Saracen, observed the effects of refraction, 150. Altitude, the height of a celestial body above the horizon, 148. Ampere, M., his theory of electro- dynamics, 319. Analogy between a stretched cord and the interference of light, 188. between the different rays of the solar spectrum, 220. between light, heat, and sound, 230. Analysis 2. Note 3. Analytical formulae, 101. Note 158. Analyzing plate, a piece of glass, or a slice of a crystal used for exam- ining the properties of polarized light, 180. Ancient chronology, 82. Angle of position of a double star, 366. Angular motion of the earth, 86. Note 152. velocity, 61, 86. Notes 89, 138, 152. P Angular motions of the first three of Jupiter's satellites, 28. Note 89. Animal electricity, 299. Animals, distribution of, 269. Annual equation, 34. Anomaly, mean, 37. Note 106. Aphelion, 16. Note 65. Apsides, 9, 16. Notes 49, 66. , motion of, 15. Note 67. Arabian science, 24, 37, 85. Arago, M., his experiments on pola- rized light, 187, 191. His observa- tions on the temperature of the earth and the air above it, 259. His discovery of electricity from rota- tion, 325. Hia Treatise on Comets, 347. On the probability of the earth being struck by a comet, ib. He proves that comets shine by re- flected light, 359. His estimate of the number of comets, 360. Arc of the meridian, 46. Notes 124, 125. Arcs a measure of time, 20. Note 76. Areas proportional to the time, 8. Note 41. Armature, a piece of soft iron con- necting the poles of a horse-shoe magnet, 324. Artesian wells, 243. Assyrians made use of the week of seven days, 80. Astronomical tables, 57. , data for, 57. eras, 81. Note 147. Astronomy, physical, 3. - of the Chinese and Indians, 83. Atmosphere, analysis, and pressure of, 112. , the law of its density, 112. -, the effect of heat on, 113. -, the extent of, 113. -, oscillations of, 115. of the moon and planets, 238. of the sun, 238. of comets, 351. Atomic weights, 102. Attraction of a sphere and spheroid, of the earth and moon, 4. of the celestial bodies, 5. , universal, 5. P 446 INDEX. Attraction, capillary, 109. , electrical, 275. , magnetic, 306. of electric currents, 319. Aurora, 289. Axis, lunar, 64. , major of planetary orbits inva- riable, 19, 71. , connection of, with mean mo- tion, 19. Axis of rotation, 7, 61. Notes 34, 137. , principal, 71. Note 142. parallel to itself, 61, 74. of the prism, 173. Note 199. of a telescope, 31. of a cone, 5. Note 22. , optic, 183. Note 202. of the earth's shadow, 39. Babbage, Mr., his theory of volcanic action, 249. Bacon, 31. Back, Capt., cold suffered by, 241. Bailly, M., on the lunar tables of the Indians, 83. Baily, Mr. Francis, on the form of the earth, 49. Barlow, Mr., on terrestrial magne- tism, 330. Barometer, 112. Barometrical measurements, 113. Base, trigonometrical, 46. Note 125. Batsha, tides at, 93. Battery, Voltaic, 291. Becquerel, M., his experiments and opinions of electrical phenomena, 279. His theory of atmospheric electricity, 281. His formation of crystals, 297. His thermo-electric battery, 328. Bessel, Professor, his notice of the secular variation of the ecliptie,77. Biela, M., discovers a comet, 347. Binary systems of stars, 365. Bissextile, or leap-year, 80. Biot, M., his ascent in a balloon, 114. His experiments on sound, 131. On circular polarization, 184. His theory of electrical light, 279. Of terrestrial magnetism, 330. On the disturbances of terrestrial mag- netism, 332. His observations on the magnetic force during his aerostatic expedition, 334. Birds, their dispersion, 270. Bonnycastle, Capt., his account of a luminous appearance in the sa, 288. Bonpland, M., his botanical obser- vations, 266. Botto, Professor, his experiments on thermo-electricity, 328, 336. Bouguer, M., his mensuration of a degree of the meridian at the equa- tor, 47. Bradley, Dr., his discovery of nuta- tion, 76. His tables of refraction, 149. He mentions the two stars of y Virginis, 367. Brahmins employed the week of seven days, 80. Brewster, Sir David, his discovery of fluids in the cavities of mine- rals, 96. His analysis of solar light, 156. His law of the polar- izing angle, 179. His investiga- tion of the temperature of springs, 252. His es ti mate of the tern pera- ture of the poles of maximum cold, and of the poles of rotation, 260. On the parallelism of the isothermal and geothermal lines, ib. His ob- servations on phosphorescence, 286. Brinkley, Bishop, his value of the mass of the moon, 55. Brown, Mr., his botany of Australia, 266. Buchan, Dr., his account of a mi- rage, 152. Burnes, Mr., his account of a volca- nic elevation, 248. C. Caesar, Julius, his Calendar, 80. Cagniard de la Tour, M., his inven- tion of the Syren, 138. Callcott, Mrs., her account of the earthquake at Valparaiso, 248. Caloric the cause of heat, 206. -, the radiation of, 207, 220. Calorific rays of the solar spectrum, 206. - independent of light, 206 et seq. - , transmission of the, 208 et seq. - , reflection and absorption of the, 213, 220. , refraction of, 213. , polarization of, 215. Calotype, 194. Capillary attraction, 108. - of tubes, 108. Notes 168, 169, 170. INDEX. 447 Capillary attraction of plates, 111 et seq. Notes 171, 172. Center of gravity, 4. Note 10. of the solar system, its motion, 7,23. Note 82. of the universe, 23. Centrifugal force, 5, 94. Notes 18, Chaldeans, their observations of eclipses, 35, 37. Chemical rays of the solar spec- trum, 207. , transmission of, 207. Chemical affinity, 103. Chinese science, 83, 85. Chladni, his experiments on vibra- ting plates, 140. Note 179. Christian era, 80. Chromatype, 196. Clairaut, his computation of the dis- turbances of Halley's comet, 342. Cleavage, 107. Climate, 253. , stability of, 262. of the planets, 238. Climates, excessive, 261. Coal measures, their early forma- tion, 70. Cobalt, a metal, its polarity, 305. Cohesion, 96 et seq. Cohesive force, the intensity of, 104. Cold at Melville Island, 241. Colladon, M., his experiments on sound under water, 129. Collision of a comet, 72, 347. Colored media, their action on light, ]55, 169. fringes, 162, 168 et geq. Colors, prismatic, 154 et seq. , accidental, 159. , complementary, 160. of the stars, 374. Columbus discovers the variation of the compass, 305. His account of the Gulf-weed, 267. Coma Berenices, the constellation, nebula* in it, 374. Comet, Halley's, 341. , Lexel's, 340. , Encke's, 345. , acceleration of a, 345. , Biela or Gambart's, 347. , shock of a, 348. of the year 1680, 348. Comets, 337. , orbits of, 339, 350. , fall of, to the sun, 350 , masses of, 352. , tails of, 354. Comets, nebulosity of, 352, 356. , light of, aV7. , number of, 360. Compass. See Mariner's Compress-ion, 4. Note 11. of a spheroid, 6. of the terrestrial spheroid, 38, 48,49. Note 31. of Jupiter, 7, 61. of a fluid mass in rotation, 38. Concentric hollow sphere, its attrac tion, 4. Note 8. elliptical strata, 44. Note 120. Cone, 5. Note 22. Configuration or relative position of Jupiter and Saturn, 24. Note 85. , of Jupiter's satellites, 27. Note 88. of land and water, 258. Conic sections, 5. Note 22. Conjunction, 24. Note 83. , contemporaneous, of planets, 41. Connection between the variations of the eccentricity and apsides, Connection between the variations of the nodes and inclination, 19. Note 75. Convexity of the earth, 50. Coordinates of a planet, 10. Note 56. Cosine and sine of an arc, 20. Note 76. of latitude, 45. Note 123. Cook, Capt., the object of his first voyage, 52. Cordier, M., on the heat of the earth, 242. Coulomb, his balance of torsion, 27*. Gumming, Professor, his experi merits on thermo-electricity and magnetic currents, 328. Cryptogamia, 267. Note 214. Crystalization, 105. , the water of, 106. , effects of heat on, 106. Cube, 107. Note 163. Cubes of mean distances, 5. Noly 26. Currents in the ocean, 94. of electricity, 287 et aeq., 314 et aeq. Curves of the second order, or conic sections, 5. Note 22. of double curvature are lines curved in two directions, like a cork-screw or helix, 183. 448 Cyanotype, 197. Cylinder or tube, vibration of, 147. , electro-dynamic, 319. Note 219. Daguerreotype, 195 Dalton, Dr., his laws of definite pro- portion, 102. His experiments on evaporation, 228. Damoiseau, M., his computation of the perturbations of Biela's comet, 347. Daubuisson, M., on the temperature of mines, 242. Davy, Sir Humphry, his opinion of electric light, 279. His decompo- sition of the earths and alkalies, 296. His experiments" on the trans- mission of the electric fluid, 335. Davy, Dr., his experiments on ani- mal electricity, 335. Day, the length of, invariable, 72. , astronomical and sidereal, 81. Note 145. Declination, 83, 89. Note 154. , cosine of, 90. Note 154. Definite proportion, 102. of electricity, 103. Degrees, minutes, and seconds of arcs, 9. Note 50. of the meridian, mensuration of, 46. Delambre, M., his computations show that the length of the year has not been increased by the action of comets, 338. De la Rive, M., determines the tem- perature of an Artesian well, 244. De Laroche, M., his experiments on the transmission of caloric, 210. Density of bodies, 56. of the sun and planets, 56. of the ocean, 45, 48. of the earth, 73. Depth of the ocean, 50, 72, 86. Deviation of light. Note 191. Dew, the formation of, 221. Diameter, 2. Note 1. of the sun and earth, 55. of the moon, Jupiter, and Pal- las, 26, 51, 55. , apparent, of the sun and plan- ets, 38, 55. Note 110. Dicotyledonous plants, 267. Diffraction of light, 168, 175. Notes 193, 196, 197. Dip, magnetic, 301. Disc, the apparent surface of a heav- enly body, 29. Dispersion of light, 158. Note 90. - on the undulatory theory, 191. Displacement of Jupiter's orbit and equator, 28. Note 90. Distance of the sun and planets, 53. Note 132. - of the moon, 4, 33. Note 17. - , perihelion, 10. Note 57. - of the fixed stars, 54, 362. - may ie found from the multi- ple systems, 370. - , lunar, 37. - , inverse square of the, 5. Note 23. - , zenith, 83. Note 149. Disturbing force, 14. Note 63. - of the sun, 34, 78. Note 101. - of the planets on the moon, 35. - of the moon on the earth, 74. - of the moon on herself, 35. Division of time, 78. - , decimal, 79. Doabereiner, M., his experiments on the combustion of platina, 104. Dollond, Mr., his achromatic tele- scope, 159. Double refraction, 175. Note 200. - stars, 365. Dunlop, Mr., his catalogue of double stars, 368. Duperrey, Captain, his determina tion of the magnetic equator, 302. Dusejour, M., proves that a comet cannot remain long near the earth, 338. Dynamics, the science of force and motion, 308. Earth, form of the, 5, 43. - , from arcs, 45. - , from pendulum, 47. - , from lunar theory, 39. - , from precession and nutation, 50. - , from the mean of all, 49. - , mean diameter, circumference, polar and equatorial radius of the, - , density of the, 56, 73. - , internal structure of the, 73. - , central heat, and temperature of the, 67 et seq., 241 et seq. - , magnetism of the, 300. - , magnetic by induction, 330. - , rotation of the. See Rotation, INDEX. 449 Earthquakes, 248. , noise of, 132. Echoes, 13-2. Eclipses of the sun, 40. Note 1 14. of the moon, 39. Xote 109. of Jupiter's satellites, 29. Notes 93, 94. of the planets, 41. Ecliptic, 8. , plane of, 10. , secular variation of, 19, 75, 77. , Egyptians, their year and week,' 80. j Elastic bodies, vibrations of, 135 et seq. See Vibration. Elasticity of the atmosphere, 112 et \ of matter, 96. Electric induction, 276. intensity, 277 et seq. tension, 278. clouds, 281. currents, 291, 314, 319 et seq. and magnetic currents, 319 et seq. machines, 333. Electricity, common, 271. , effects of, 282, 86. , sources of, 271, 280. , atmospheric. 281. , velocity of, 284. , Voltaic, 290 et seq. , animal, 299. , thermal, 328. by rotation, 325. producing rotation, 316. of metallic veins, 332. , magneto, 322. , identical with magnetism, 325. ; , identity of all the kinds, 336. j Electrics and non-electrics, 271 et ] seq. Electro-magnetism, 314. magnetic induction, 317, 318. magnets, 317. dynamic cylinders, 319. Xote 219. dynamics, 319. Elements of the planetary orbits, 9. Note 57. , how founded from observa- tion, 58. Note 135. Elements of parabolic orbits, 339. of stellar orbits, 364. Ellipse, a conic section, 5. Note 24. , the limits of, 187. Note 210. Ellipsoid, oblate and prolate, 4. Note 9. of revolution, 44. Note 119. , terrestrial. 49. 29 Elliptical or true motion, 8. Note 39. Encke, Professor, his determination of the orbit and motion of the comet named after him, 346. Of its acceleration, 346. And of the orbit of the star 70 Ophiuchi, 367. Epoch, the, 10. , longitude of the, 10. Equation of the centre, 9, 34. Note 48. of time, 78. Equator, 4. Note 11. Equilibrium, stable and unstable, 12. Note 60. Equinoctial, 9. Note 46. Equinoxes, 9. Note 46. Era, the Christian, 80. Eratosthenes 'measures a degree of the meridian between Syene and Alexandria, 48. Ether, its nature, 171. Ethereal medium, 21, 97, 171. , temperature of, 239. , resistance of, 337. , vibrations of, 171, 193, 194. , elasticity of, 31. Note 99. . Eudoxiis describes the state of the heavens about the time of the Trojan war, 84. Evection, a lunar inequality, 34. Note 103. Eccentricity, 9. Note 52. , secular variation of the, 17. of the orbits of Jupiter's satel- lites, 27. of lunar orbit constant, 36. of the terrestrial orbit diminish- ing, 19. of the terrestrial orbit, its varia- tion the cause of the acceleration in the moon's mean motion, 37. Expansion of substances by heat, 222. Extraordinary refraction, 150. ray and image, 173. F. Fall of heavy bodies, 6, 49. at the surface of the sun and planets, 56. Fall of meteorites, 381. Faraday, Dr., reduces the gases to a liquid state. 99. His causes of affinity, 103. His experiments on spontaneous combustion, ib. His theory of the aurora, 289. His views nf electro-chemical decom- 450 INDEX. position, 297. His experiments on the transmission of electricity, 299. He produces rotatory motion by the electric force, 315. His experiments on magneto-electri- city, 322. He proves the identity of the electric and magnetic fluids, 324. His explanation of electrici- ty evolved by rotation, 325. His classification of magnetic sub- stances, 327. His experiments on the induction of terrestrial mag- netism, 332. He supposes rota- tion a cause of electric currents in the earth, 333. On the evolu- tion of electric currents, and iden- tity of the different kinds of elec- tricity, 336. Faye's comet, 341. Fiedler, Dr., his fulgorites, 283. Figure of the earth. See Earth. Fluids, the undulations of, 93. Note 156. , compression of, 99. , capillary attraction of, 111. Focal distance, 5. Note 22. length of a lens. Note 196. Foei of an ellipse, 5. Note 22, Forbes, Professor, his experiments on heat, polarization of, 216. On the heat of moonlight, 239. His experiments during the annular eclipse of the sun, 158. Force, the unknown cause of mo- tion, 4 ct passim. proportional to velocity, 8. Note , gravitating, 6. See Gravita- tion. , centrifugal, 5, 43. Notes 18, 117. , molecular, 96. , electric, 274. of lightning, 282. Forces which fix the nature of the conic sections in which the plan- ets and cornets move; 360. Note 222. Foster, Capt., remarks on the clear- ness with which sound is trans- mitted over ice, 130. Fourier, M., his estimate of the tem- perature of space, 240. On the decrease of central heat, 245. Fox, Mr., on the temperature of mines, 242. On the law of mag- netic intensity, 308. On currents of electricity in metallic veins, 331. Franklin, Sir John, his observations on the temperature of the Arctic regions', 260. Fraunhofer, Professor, his dark lines in the solar spectrum, 157. His solar spectrum, 193. Fresnel, M., proves the extfaordina ry ray to be wanting in some sub- stances, 177. His experiments on circular and elliptical polari/a tion, 186; and on light passing through the axis of quartz, 187. On the interference of light, 188. Fringes of color about circular aper tures, 168. Note 196. Fulgorites, 283. Fundamental note in music, 335. G. Galileo first observed the nodal points of vibrating bodies, 140. Galvani, Professor, his discoverv 290. Galvanometer, 318. Gambart, M., his computation of the elements of a comet, 347. Gardner, Mr., on the configuration of land and water, 258. Gay-Lussac, M., his law of the com- bination of gases, 103. His esti- mation of the length of a flash of lightning, 282. Gensannc, M., his observations on the heat of mines, 242. Giesecke, Sir Charles, on isothermal lines, 260. Glass impermeable to heat, 210 et scq. prism, 153. Note 190. , crown and flint, properties of, J58. , polarizing angle of, 179. Note 205. , vibrations of, 141. Goodricke, M., his opinion of varia- ble stars, 365. Graham, his compensation pendu- lum, 224. Gravitation, 3, 44. Note 5. , terrestrial. 4. -decreases from the poles to the equator, 44. , the intensity of, 4. Note 13. of the planets and satellites, 5. Note 28. , universal, 6 et scg. , the nature of, 386. proportional to the mass, 5. Notes 27, 28: INDEX. 451 Gravitation, a consequence of elec trie action, 97 et seq. Gravity, the direction of, 43. Great inequality of Jupiter and Sat- urn, 24, 83. Great comet of 1843, 350. Grimaldi, his discovery of colored fringes on the borders of shadows, 169. Grylli, grasshoppers, crickets, lo- custs, &c., 125, 126. Gymnotus elect ricus, 299. H. Haidinger. M., his experiments on crystalization, 105. Hall, the first to construct an achro- matic telescope, 159. Bailey's comet, 341. Hanstein, Professor, discovers all substances to be magnetic in a certain position, 305. Harmonic divisions of a musical string, 134. divisions of a column of air, 137. Harmony, 136. Harris, Mr. Snow, his experiments oa electricity, 276 et seq. Harrison, Mr., his compensation pen- dulum, 224. Hearing, the extent of, 126. , experiments of Dr. Wollaston on, 125. , experiments of M. Savart on, 126. Heat, theory of, 206. , transmission of, 208. of various kinds, 210. , solar, trcnsmission of, 213. , maximum point of, in solar spectrum, 214. , polarization of, 215. , analogy between light and, 218. , radiant, 220. , expansion by, 222. , propagation of, 225. , latent, 227. , application of, 229. , supposed to consist of undu- lations of the ethereal medium, 230. , solar, 231 et seq. , quantity of solar, 252. , quantity of solar lost and gain- ed by the earth, invariable, 261. , central, of earth, 241 et seq. Heat, superficial, of earth, 252. , distribution of, 253. , influence of, on vegetation, 262. Height of atmosphere, 114. of tides, 91. of mountains, 7. Heliacal rising, 80. Note 146. Helix, circular and elliptical, 186. Henry, Professor, his temporary magnet, 317. Herschel, Sir William, his discov- ery of the satellites of Saturn and Uranus, 32 ; of the rotation of Ju- piter's satellites, 65 ; of the calo- rific rays of the solar spectrum, 199. His observations on the point of maximum heat in the solar spectrum, .214. His account of the nucleus of the comet of 1811, 352. Number of fixed stars he saw in one hour, 361. His cata- logue of double stars, and discov- ery of the. binary systems, 365. His observations of TT Serpentarii, and of g Orionis, 368. On the motion of the solar system, 370. His observations on the Milky Way, 374. On clusters of stars, 375. On the nebulae, 376. His si- dereal astronomy, 381. Herschel, Sir John, his estimation of the thickness of Jupiter's ring, 62. He ascribes the decrease of the earth's temperature to the se- cular variation of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, 70. On the decrease of heat in the northern hemisphere, ib. Proposes the use of equinoctial time, 81. His re- marks on the clearness of sound during the night, 130. On thun- der, 132. His discovery of two new prismatic colors, 156. His argument in favor of the undula- tory theory of light, 169. On the phenomena of polarization of light, 172. On polarizing appa- ratus, 183. His discoveries in the photographic spectrum, 197. On the discontinuity of calorific spec- trum, 206. His discovery of the parathermic rays, 231. His theory of volcanic action, 249. Supposes the ether may be in motion, 350. On the contraction of the heads of comets, 356. On the gravita- tion of the binary systems, 362. His estimation of the distances of 452 the fixed stars, ib. He misses a star, 363. His account of the star Algol, 364. Determines the ellip- tical motions of binary systems, 367. Determines the orbit of y Virginis, ib. Adds to the cata- logue of double stars, 368. On the color of the stars, 374. On clusters of stars, ib. On the ne- bula;, 376 et seq. Herschel, Miss Caroline, her obser- vations of Encke's comet, 345. Her catalogue of nebulae, 376. Hevelius first noticed the contrac- tion of comets in approaching the eun, 356. Thought he saw the phasesof a comet, 357. Mentions a variable star, 364. His obser- vations of Halley's comet, 343. Hipparchus discovers precession, 75. His catalogue of stars, 363. Homogeneous light, 154. spheroid, its rotation, 44. Horizontal refraction, 39. Note 113. - parallax of the moon, 51. Horoscope, 84. Hit m bold t, Baron, his observations on the Gulf-stream, 04. Effects .of the rarity of the air on, 114. His observations on the transmis- sion of sound, 189. On the tem- perature of mines, 242. On the distribution of heat, 254. His bo- tanical observations, 266. On the distribution of plants, 267. On the Gulf-weed, 268. His observa- tions on terrestrial magnetism, 330. Hurricanes, laws of, 119. Huygens, his undulatory theory of light, 163. Hyperbola, 12. Note 22. I. Ibn Junis, his observations, 85. Ice, its double refraction, 177. useful for polarizing light, 183. impermeable by Voltaic elec- tricity, 298. Icebergs drifted from the poles, 95. collision of, a cause of light, 280. Iceland spar, a carbonate of lime, its form, 175. Note 166. , a doubly refracting substance, 176. Note 200. useful as an analyzing plate, 181 Iceland spar a negative crystal, 177. Image from a crystal with one op- tic axis, 183. Note 207. from a crystal with two optic axes, 182. Note 208. Impetus, a force proportional to the mass and the square of the ve- locity of the striking body con- jointly, 131. Imponderable agents, 336. Inactive lines in photographic spec- trum, 204. Inclination of planetary orbits, 9. Note 53. variation of, 18. Note 72. Indians, the lunar tables of, 83. Inequalities. See Perturbations. Insects, the distribution of, 270. Intensity of light, 164. of sound, 124, 130. of gravitation, 4. Interference of waves, 92. Note 147. of tides at Batsha in Tonquin, 93. of sound, 133. of light, 161, 187. Notes 193, 211. Internal heat of the earth, 67, 242 et seq. structure of the earth, 74. structure of Jupiter, 28, 57. structure of Saturn and Mars, 57. Invariable plane of the solar system, 22. Note 80. , position of, 22. Note 81. of the universe, 23. i Inverse square of distance, 5. Note I 23. cube of distance, 55. Note ] 33. Iron, its magnetic properties, 305, 327. Isogeothermal lines, 260. Isomorphism, 106. Isothermal lines, 259. Ivory, Mr., his determination of the form of the terrestrial spheroid, 43, 47. His formuhe for baro- metrical measurements, 113. On the distribution of the electric flu- id, 276. Jews used the week of seven days, 80. Jovial System, the mass of, 55. Julian Calendar, 80. Jupiter, the compression of, 62. 453 Jupiter, magnitude of, 56. , mass of, 55. , rotation of, 61. , precession and nutation of, 28. , in conjunction and opposition, 30. Note 96. and Saturn, their theory, 24. Note 84. Jupiter's satellites, theory of, 26. , masses of, 26, 54. , orbits* of, 26, 27. Notes 86, 87. , law in the mean motions and mean longitudes of, 28. , svnodic motions of, 29. Note 92. , eclipses of, 29. Notes 93, 94. , configuration of, 27. Note 88. , effect of Jupiter's form on, 26. , secular variations of, 27 et seg. , periodic variations of, 28. , effects of the displacement of Jupiter's equator and orbit on, 28. Note 90. , rotation of, 65. , libration of, 64. Kaler. Capt., determines the length of the seconds pendulum at Lon- don, 84. Kempelen and Kratzenstein, their speaking machine, 147. Kepler discovers the form of the planetary orbits, 5. Note 26. His laws, ib. Kupffer, M., his observations on the isothermal lines, and the poles of maximum cold, 261. Discovers a nocturnal variation in the com- lss, 303. La Grange, M., proves the stability of the Solar System, 22. Lalande, M., his computation of the contemporaneous conjunctions of the planets, 41. Laminae, vibrations of, 140. Notes 181, lr-J. Lamouroui, M., on the distribution of sea-weeds, 267. Languages, collation of, 270. , vocal articulation of, imitated by machines, 147. La Place, the Marquis, his determi- nation of the invariable plane, 22 ; and of the great inequality of Ju piter and Saturn, 24. Proves that the lunar perigee and nodes are not affected by the resistance of ether, 36. He discovers the cause of the lunar acceleration, ib. His theory of spheroids, 43. He ascribes the motions of the planets to a common original cause, 61 . Proposes the year 1250 as a universal epoch, 81. Quota- tion from, 82. Proves the Indian tables to be as recent as Ptolemy, 83. Proves that the discrepancy between Newton's theory of the tides, and observation, depends upon the depth of the sea, 86. On the utility of investigations of cause and effect, 90. On capilla- ry attraction, 109. On the oscil- lations of the atmosphere, 115. On the comet of 1770, 338. On Halley's comet, 342. On the ex- tent of solar attraction, 344. On the comet of 1682, 357. On the origin of the Solar System, 377. Latent heat, 226. Latitude, terrestrial, 4. Note 11. , celestial, 9. Note 54. , square of the sine of the, 47. Note 126. Length of a wave, 124. of the seasons variable, 69. of the day invariable, 66. of the civil year, 79. of the Egyptian year, 80. of a degree of the meridian, 46. of the pendulum at London, 84. of the tails of comets, 355. Lens, 159. The glasses of a tele- scope and of spectacles are lenses. Leslie, Sir John, his theory of the internal structure of the globe, 73. On radiant heat, 207. Level of the sea, 84. Note 150. Lexel, M., his comet, 340. Libration of the moon, 64. of Jupiter's satellites, 64. Light, 148. , velocity of, 31. , reflection and refraction of, 148, 170. Notes 184, 198. , analysis of, 154. Note 190. , absorption of, 154. , intensity of, 164. , dispersion and deviation of, 158, 191. , propagation of, 164, 171. 454 Light, interference of, 161, 187. , diffraction of. 168. Notes 193, 196, 197. of sun and moon, 239. of comets, 357. of fixed stars, 362. action of, on retina, 172. electric, 279. l>olarizalion of, 173. emanating theory of, 161. undulatory theory of, 162 etseq. objections to the undulatory theory of, removed, 190. , length and frequency of the undulations of, 161. Lightning and its effects, 282. , its velocity, 284. Lines of the second order, or conic sections, 5. Note 22. of no variation, 301. of perpetual snow, 256. , isothermal, 259. , isogeothermal, 252. Longitude, terrestrial, 6, 30, 41. Notes 11, 95. , celestial, 9. Note 47. of perihelion, 10. of nodes, 10. of epoch, 10. Lunar theory, 33. inequalities, 34. eclipses, 39. distance, 42. spheroid, 64. Lunar orbit, 33. , eccentricity and inclination of, constant, 35. , nutation of, 39. Lyell, Mr., on the temperature of the northern hemisphere, 70. His es- timate of the number of volcanic eruptions, 246. M. Mackintosh, Sir James, a quotation from his "General View of the Pro- gress of Ethical Philosophy," 1; Magnets, 305. ' , temporary, 317 et seq. Magnetic meridian, 301. polarity of the earth, 301. dip and equator, 301. poles, 300. intensity of the earth, 302. induction, 306. force, 308. fluid, 308. and electric forces, 310. Magnetism in general, 305. of different substances, 305. and electricity identical, 3-23. of the sun and planets, 334. , terrestrial, 300, 330. Magneto-electricity, 322. Major axis of an ellipse. Note 23. of an orbit, 8. Note 42. , secular motion of, 17. of planetary orbits invariable in length, 19. Malus, M., his discovery of the po- larization of light, 189. Mankind identical in species, 270. Marcet, M., on the tempuralure of an Artesian well, 244. Marco Polo finds a difficulty of kin- dling fire at great heighls, 114. Marine plants, their distribution, 267. Mariner's compass, 304. , variation of, 301. Mars eclipsed Jupiter, 41 , parallax of, 53. , compression of, 57. , climate of, 239. Mass, 6. Note 27. of the sun and planets, 55. of Jupiter's satellites, 55. of the moon, 55. of Jupiter and the Jovial sys- tem, 55. of comets, 352. Mathematical and Mechanical Sci- ences, 2. Note 2. Matter, proportion of, in any two planets, 55. Note 133. , the ultimate particles of, 96 et seq. , the attraction of, 4. Note 5. , its diffusion in space, 381. Maximum squares, 59. Note 136. point of heat in solar spectrum, 214. Mayer, M., his catalogue of stars, 367. Mean time, 78. distance, 8. Note 41. motion, 9. Notes 43, 45. longitude, 9. Note 47. motions and major axes, their constancy, 19. motions of Jupiter and Saturn, law of, 24. motions of Venus and the earth, 25. motions of Jupiler's satellites, law of, 27. Measures, standard? of, 84. KNDEX. 455 Melloni. M.. his experiments on the transmission of caloric, 208 et seq. On the point of maximum heat on the solar spectrum, 215. Mercurv, the planet, rotation of, 60. -, cl'imate of, 240. Meridian, 46. , mensuration of, 46. Note 124. , form of, 47. , quadrant of, 83. Messier, M., on Lexers comet, 340. Was the first who observed Encke's comet, 345. Metals, dilatation of, 223. Meteorites, 381. Meteors and shooting stars, 382. Metre, a French measure, 84. Mica, its action on light, 180, 181. Milky Way, 54, 374. Mines, temperature of, 242. Minor axis of an ellipse, 5. Note 24. Mirage, 151, 152. Miraldf, M., discovers the rotation of Jupiter's fourth satellite, 65. Mifcscherlich, Professor, on crystali- zation, and the effect of heat on crystaline bodies, 105, 106. His theory of isomorphism, 107. On the expansion of crystaline bodies, 2--*- Molecular attraction, 9fi. Molecule?, or ultimate particles, 101. Moll, Professor, his temporary mag- nets, 317. Momentum of the planets, 12. Note 59. Monocotyledonous plants, 267. Monsoons, 118. Moon, theory of the, 33. , periodic and secular perturba- j tion of, 34 et gtq. , action of planets on, 35. disturbs her o.vvn motion, 35. , acceleration of, 3ii. , periods of her secular inequal- 1 ities. 37. , mean anomaly of,37. Note 106. > , form of, 64. , mass of, 55. , rotation of, 63. , libration of, 64, 65. , constitution of, 65. , light of, 239. , atmosphere of, -23,-\ , phases of, 38. , eclipses of, 39. , orbit of, 33. , nutation of, 38. and earth's reciprocal altrac tion. 5. Moon's southing. 91. Note 155. Moorcroft, Mr., his botanical obser- vations, 265. Moser's discoveries, 233. Mossotti, Professor, his theory, 97 et seq. Motion, mean, 9. Notes 43, 45. , true, 9. Note 44. of solar system, 6. of translation and rotation, 6, 7. of solar perigee, 81. of lunar perigee and nodes, 37. of ether, 350. Mundy, Captain, his observations on mirage, 152. Musical sounds, 125. instruments, 137 et seq. strines, vibrations of, 134 et seq. Note 176. Nature, laws of, 386. Nebula:, 376. , forms of, 377, 378, , stellar and planetary, 379. , constitution of, 380. , distribution of, 380. Nebulosity of comets, 352, 357. Nebulous stars, 379. Needle, the magnetic, 300. , the dipping, 301. Newton, Sir Isaac, on the attraction of spheroids, 4. His discovery of gravitation, ib. Of the laws of elliptical motion, 4, 22. On the figure of a fluid mass in rotation, 4\\. His theory of the tides, 8C. His analysis of lisht, 153, ]54. His theory of light, 161. His rings, 165. * Mensuration of his rings, 166. His scale of colors, 167. Nickel, sulphate of, its properties, 106. Note 161. XK! il points of vibrating strings and columns of air, 134 et seq. lines in air, 144. lines on cylinders, 141. lines on surfaces, 138. Nodes, ascending and descending, 10. Note 55. , motion of, 18. Note 73. connected with the inclination, 19. Norman, Robert, discovers the mag- netic dip, 305. Nutation of earth's axis, 76. Note 144. of lunar oibit, 7, Note 35, 456 Nutation, reciprocal, of earth and lunar orbit, 7. Note 33. , effects of, 73. O. Oblate spheroid, 4. Note 9. Obliquity of the ecliptic, 9, 21. Note 46. , its variation and limits, 23. Occupation of planets and stars, 41. ! Ocean, tides of, 85. , effects of, on gravitation, 50. , density of, 50. , mean depth of, 86. , stability of, 93. , currents in, 95. Octahedrons, 105. Notes 160, 165. Oersted, Professor, his discovery of electro-magnetism, 319. Olbers, M., his observations of Bie- la's cornet, 347 ; and of the comet of 1811, 353. Olmsted, Professor, on the shooting stars of the 13th of November, 385. Opposition, 29. Note 96. Optic axis of a crystal, 177. Note 202. Orbit of a plane), 8. of comets, 339. of binary systems, 365 et seq. of celestial bodies, 360. , elements of an, 10, 57. Ordinary refraction, 148. Note 184. ray, 175. Oscillations, 3. Note 4. of the ocean, 86. of the pendulum, 49. Note 127. of the atmosphere, 115. P. Pacific Ocean, the origin of the tides, 91. Pallas, its size, 56. Parabola, 5. Note 22. Parabolic elements, 339. Parallactic motion, 370. Parallax, 51. Notes 128, 129. , horizontal, 51. of the sun, Mars, and Venus, 52, 53. of the moon, 51. , annual, 53, 371. Parallel directions, 14. Note 62. of latitude, 47. Note 11. Parathermic rays of solar spectrum, 231 Parry, Sir Edward, his journey on the ice, 95. On the cold at Mel- ville Island, 241. On the tem- perature of the Arctic seas, 260. Particles of matter, 4, 96. Note 6. subject to gravitation, 4, 100. , size of, 101. , relative weights of, 102. , form of, 104. Pendulum, 32, 49. Note 100. , its variation discovered, 50. Penumbra, 39. Note 111. Perigee, lunar, 34. Note 102. , variation of, 37. , variation of solar. 82. Note 147. Perihelion, 10. Note 57. , secular variation of, 16. Note 64. Periodic inequalities of the planets, 13. of Jupiter's satellites, 27. of the moon, 34. times, 5, 9. , proportional to cubes of mean distances, 5. Note 20. Periodicity of the planetarv pertur- bations, 20. Periods of rotation of the celestial bodies, 61 ct seq. Perkins, Mr., his experiments on the compressibility of matter, 74. Peron and Lesueur, MM., on the dis- tribution of marine animals, 269. Perturbations of the planets, peri- odic and secular, 12, 13. expressed in sines and cosines of circular arcs, 20. Note 7(5. of Jupiter and Saturn, 24. of Venus and the earth, 25. of Jupiter's satellites, 27. of the moon, 33, 34. of comets, 338. Phases of the moon, 38. Phosphorescence, 28(5. Phosphorescent action of solar spec- trum, 286. Photographic rays of solar spectrum, 194 ct seq. pictures, 197. Plane of ecliptic, 9. , its secular variation, 21. Planetary motions. 8, 13. Planets move in conic sections, o. , their forms, 4, , atmospheres of, 238. , constitution of, 240. Plants, their distribution, 262 ct seq Plateau, M., on complementary col ors, 160. INDEX: I. 37 Platina, spontaneous combustion of, 104. Poinsot, M., on the invariable plane, 23. Poisson, Baron, his researches on capillary attraction, 109. On the distribution of the electric fluid, 276. On the law of the magnetic force, 308, 309. Polar star, 77. Polarization of light, 172 by refraction, 173. by reflection, 178. Xote 205. , circular, 183 et seq. Note 209. R. Radial force, 7. Radiation, 221 et seq. of the earth. -251. of the sea, 256. , solar, 68, 261. Note 140. Radii vectores, 8. Note 40. Radius, 4. Note 15. , terrestrial, polar, and equato- rial, 47. , solar, 56. vector, 14. Raffles, Sir Stamford, his account of the volcanic irruption at riaou- ba\va, 247. Rain, 2-22. Ratio, 4, 5. Note 16. Rays of Light, 148. in quartz, 183, 187. , interference of, 168. Note 211. Polarizing angles, 179. Note 205. apparatus. Note 206. Poles of rotation, 4. Note 11. elliptical, 187. , discovery of, 189. of heat, 2"l5. , circular, of heat, 217. Polarized light, 173. , undulations of, 176, 188. Note of heat, 208 201. i , chemical, 193 et seq. , phenomena of, 180 et seq. , extraordinary and ordinary, Notes -207, 208. ! 177. i Reflection of light. Notes 184, 198. , extraordinary and total. Note i 184. of sound, 131. Notes 174, 175. of celestial equator, orequinoc- of waves, 131. Note 174. rial, and of ecliptic, 9, 76. Note Refraction of light, 148, 149, 171. 46. i Notes 184, 198. of maximum cold, 260. , atmospheric, 148. Note 185. , magnetic. 300. i in eclipses, 39. Pouillet, M., his estimation of the i , terrestrial, 150. Note 187. quantity of heat annually received . extraordinary, 150. Notes 188, from the sun, 251, 252! On the i 189. production of atmospheric elec- ' Repulsive force, 96. tricity, 281. Resisting medium, and its effects, Powell, Professor, on the dispersion 21, 162, 163, 346. Note 78. of light, 191. His experiments on i Resonance, 144. heat, 213. i Retrograde motion, 13. Note 61. Precession and nutation, 74. Notes Revolution, sidereal, of planets, 16. 143,144. Notefi. , effects of, 75, 77. , tropical, 16. Note 69. Principal axis of rotation, 71. , synodic, 39. Note 112. Prism, its use. 153. 154. and rotation of the celestial Prismatic colors. 154. bodies in the same direction, 61. Probabilities, theory of, its utility, 59. Rhombohedron, 175. Note 200. Problem of the three bodies, 11. Richman, Professor, killed by light- nine, 383. Richter, his observations on the pen- dulum at Cayenne, 51. Rings, Saturn's, 62. Quadrant of the meridian, 84. Note , colored, round, small aper- 151. tures, 168. Quadratures, 9. Note 51. . Newton's, 165. Note 194. Quadrupeds, their distribution, 270. \ Ritchie, Professor, causes water to Quart/, or rock crystal, its proper -I rotate, 316. On the composition ties, 177, 183, 187. I of water by magnetic action. 335. Projected, 5. Note 20. Q. 458 Ross, Capt. James, his determination of the magnetic pole, 300. Rotation of the sun and planets, 7, (iO, 61. of a fluid mass, 6, 43. oft lie earth, 58, (56. , invariability of the earth's-, 73. of the moon, 03. of Jupiter's satellites, 05. of Saturn's rings, 62. of winds, 118, 119. of water by electricity, 316. of magnets, 315. S. Sabine, Colonel, on the magnetic equator, 302. Salt and sugar, their capillary at- traction, 110. , rock, highly permeable to heat, 209, 211. Satellites, 7. Note 32. of Jupiter, their theory, 26. of Saturn and Uranus, 32. Saturn and his rings, 62. Saussure, M., on the temperature of mines, 242, 243. Savart, M., his experiments on the sense of hearing, 126. On the vibration of elastic bodies, 141 et scg. Savary, M., the first who determined the orbit of a binary star, 367. Schroeter, M., on the atmosphere of Ceres, 238. Scoresby, Capt., on extraordinary refraction, 151. On the tempera- ture of the Arctic regions, 260. Seasons, variation of, 82. Secular variations, 13. of apsides, 16. Notes 66, 67. of eccentricity, 19. Note 70. of the eccentricity of the ter- restrial orbit, 17. of nodes, 18 et seq. Note 73. of inclination, 20. Notes 72, 75. in the obliquity of the ecliptic, 21. Notes 79, 143, 148. of Jupiter, 19. of Jupiter's satellites, 27. of the moon, 35. Seebeck, Professor, on the maximum point of heat in the solar spec- trum, 215. Shell-fish, the weight thev sustain, 112. Shooting stars, 382. Sidereal day, 77. revolution, 16. astronomy, 361. I Sine of an arc or angle, 20. Note 76. ; Sinus, distance and light of, 362. Smyth, Capt., measures the height j of Etna, 113. His observations of Y Virgiuis, 368. Snow, line of, perpetual, 251. Solar System, its motion in space, 5, | 23, 370. ! Solar spectrum, 154, 156, 192 214. I Solar heat, quantity of, 2.52. I , distribution of, 253. 1 Solstices, 81. Note 148. 1 Sothaic period, 80. Sound, theory of, 122, 123. , undulations producing, 124 Note 156. | , intensity of, 125, 131. i , velocity of, 129. i , transmission of, 123 et seq. ! , reflection of, 131, 132. , refraction and interference of, ' 133. Sounds, musical, 134. , harmonic, 136. Space, 5. Note 21. , temperature of, 241. Speaking-machine, 147. Sphere, attraction of, 4. i Spheroid, 4. Note 9. | , attraction of a, 4. Note 12. i Spring, 22. tides, 89. i Square of distance, 5. Note 23. I of moon's distance, 5. of sine and cosine of latitude, 45. Note 123. ! number and its root. Note 132. ! Stability of system, 21. I Stars, fixed, 361. , parallax of, 53. I , distance of, 53, 370. , distances of, known from the binary systems, 370. , number of, 361. , size of, 362. that have vanished, and new stars, 363. , variable, 36-1. , their proper motions, 369,370. , double, 365. , parallactic motions of, 370. , binary systems of, and their orbits, 367 et seq. , color of, 374. - , clusters of, 374. Steam, 227 ct seq. 459 Striive, Professor, on the rings of Saturn, 63. On Halley's comet, 343. On the double stars, 3(58. Sun, the center of gravitation, 5, 6. , motion of, 8, 370. , magnitude of, 35. , eclipses of, 40. , parallax and distance of, 58. , mass of, 55. , rolatitm of, 61. , constitution of, 238, 239. , light and atmosphere of, 239. , spots on, 239. . heal of, 251, 252. Surfaces vibrating. 137. Svanberg, M., on the temperature of space, 240. Sykes, Col., on the height at which wheat grows, 264. Synodic revolution, 39. Note 112. Syren, 138. Syrup, physical properties of, 184. System, Solar, its stability, 21. , its motion, 6, 370. of Jupiter and his satellites, 27. of binary stars, 367. Syzygies, 88. Note 153. T. Tangent, 8 Note 38. Tangential force, 15. Temperature, internal, of the earth, 67, 242. , stratum of mean, 241. of mines, 242. of wells, 243. of ocean, -J4.J. , superficial, of earth, 249. , eflfects of, on vegetation, 262. of space, 241. of the sun, moon, and planets, <*38etseq.. Terrestrial latitude and longitude, 4. Note IT. meridian, 45. refraction, 150. imgnetism, 300, 333. Tessuiar system, 107. Tetrahedron, 107. Note 164. Theory of Jupiter's satellites, 26. of the moon, 33. of the tides?, 85. , atomic, 101. of sound, 122. of light, 148 et seq. of heat, 206. of electricity, 271 et sr.q. Thermal springs, 252. ! Thermo electricity, 328. ; Thermo multiplier, 329. Thunder, 132. Tides, theory of, 86. , semi-diurnal, 87, , semi-annual, 89. , effects of declination on, 90. Note 154. 1 , neap and spring, 89. ; .height of, 89, 91. , propagation of, 90. ! , forces producing, 92. i at Batsha, 93. ! Time, mean and apparent solar, 78. , mean and apparent sidereal, , , equinoctial, 81. , equation of, 78. | , square of, 36. Note 105. , divisions of, 79. Timocharis, his observations, 75. Torpedo, its electric properties, 299. Tourmaline, its properties, 173, 176, 17*. Note 199. Trade winds, 116. .. ".* Transit of Venus, 52. Note 131. I Transmission of light, 171. . ' of undulations, 123. of sound. 129. of heat, 208. Translation, 7. Note 3(5. Triangulation, 46. Note 125. Tropical revolution, 16. Note 69 j Tuning-fork, experiment with, 133. U. Undulations of water, 92, 93. Note 156. i of air, illustrated by those of a ! field of corn, 123. . of air, 124. of ether, illustrated by those of a cord, 164, 186, 187. , small, 115. Undulatory theory of light, 161 et seq. , his distance from the sun, 53. , hia satellites, 32. Universe, 23, 381. V. Va'.z, M., on Halley's comet, 343. On the nuclei of comets, 358. Vapor, -2-iS. Variation, a lunar inequality, 34. i Note 104. | of the compass, 300 ct seq. IMDKX. Varieties of mankind, 270. Vegetation, 262. Velocity of light, 31. of electricity, 284. , comparative, 369. of the gravitating force, 386. Venus, her action on the earth, 25. , her nodes, 13, 52. , transit of, 52. , climate of, 240. Vibrations of musical strings, 134. of columns of air in pipes, 137. of elastic solids, 138 et seq. sympathetic, 1, 142. of polarized light, 176. Note 201. Volcanic action, 246. , theories of, 249. Volta, Professor, his construction of the Voltaic pile, 290. Volta-electric induction, 323. Voltaic battery, 292. electricity, discovery of, 290. properties of, 294. luminous effects of, 295. chemical effects of, 296. transference of, 297. composition by, 297. effects of, on the senses, 299. Volume, 56. W. Water, decomposition and compo- sition of, 296, 328, 336. of crystiilization, 105. a conductor of sound, 129. , rotation of, 316. Week, the antiquity of, 80. Weigh! of the atmosphere, 112. decreases from the poles to the equator, 44, 49. Weight at the surfaces of the sun and planets, 56. Weights and measures, 84. Wheatstone, Professor, his musical instruments, 138. His experiments on vibrating surfaces, 140. On the transmission of sound, 145. On re- sonance, 146. On the velocity of the electric fluid, 284. On the spectrum of theVoltaic spark, 295. Willis, Mr., his speaking-reed, 147. Wollaston, Dr., on the extent of the atmosphere, 101. On the ex- tent of hearing, 125. On refrac- tion, 151. Discovers the chemical rays and dark lines of the solar spectrum, 157, 194. On rotatory motion by the electro-magnetic force, 315. On the light of the celestial bodies, 362. Y. Year, civil or tropical, and sidereal years, 77 et seq. Young, Dr. Thomas, on the compres- sion of substances, 73. His hiero- glyphic researches, 84. On capil- lary attraction, 109. On the love of harmony, 136. Establishes the undulatory theory of light, 163. On the interference of light, 169. On radiant heat, 230. Z. 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The history of the naval adventures and victories of Paul Jones forms one of the most romantic chapters in the record of great deeds, and can not fail to attract general and ardent attention, since it relates to the very beginning of the American navy. Commercial Advertiser. The various biographies of Paul Jones now extant have been carefully searched by Mr. Mackenzie; as also the log books of Jones's various cruiz- es and papers in possession of his heirs, with a view to procure a full an<* authentic collection of facts and incidents for the present work. Thus in dustriously compiled and stored, and that by au able hand, this edition must necessarily, as it does, possess considerable merit. Philadelphia Chronicle Paul Jones will always be regarded as one of the most daring and gallant heroes who ever made the ocean the theater of their exploits. Such a name can never be forgotten by Americans, nor can the services which he rendered to the cause of American liberty, in its infant struggles, ever pass into oblivion. No better biographer for such a character could have been found than Captain Mackenzie. Familiar with all the details of seaman- ship, possessing the same bold patriotism which made the career of his hero so illustrious, and being an accomplished and vigorous writer, he has given us a most admirable biography. Courier and Enquirer. This is a capital American biography, of an American naval hero, scarcely less renowned and no less gallant and gifted with an heroic spirit than Nel- son, the great British admiral. There is scarcely a more stirring life in the whole compass of literature than that of Jones ; and the important part he played in giving force and almost life itself to the American navy, then in its earliest infancy, renders his history peculiarly interesting and attract ive. No man certainly ever performed more gallant exploits, and few have rendered more important service to the cause of freedom than he. Many of his actions for bravery, skill, and the performance of almost incredible deeds, by apparently the most inadequate njeans, are scarcely rivalled by any thing in the records of naval history. His life should be familiar to American readers; and in the elegant, forcible, and graphic style of Com- mander Mackenzie it can not fail to be universally read. True Sun. We are elad to see the life of this celebrated man by one competent to write it. His adventures border so much on the marvelous that one is glad to be sure of reading only what is authentic, and that written in a style and language becoming the subject. There is a good moral lesson conveyed in this life of Paul Jones. Christian Advocate and Journal. The name and achievements of Paul Jones are indissolubly connected with American history; and his renowned deeds, which made him the ter- ror of the coast of Britain, are among the most romantic in the annals ot naval warfare, and impart to this work the highest interest. This is the most complete and authentic biography of Commodore Jones ever published, as all accessible materials have been collected, and are used by Commander Mackenzie with the ability and tact which he possesses as an 'accomplished scholar and an officer, accomplishments which peculiarly qualify him to write naval biography. A fine portrait of this true naval hero will be found in the first volume. Baltimore American. We have read it with some care, and compared it with other biographies, and think it greatly superior to any yet published. It contains a full nar- rative of all the important events in Jones's eventful career, and yet is less voluminous than previous works. Highland Courier. 6 HARPER'S NEW MISCELLANY VIII. The Ascent of Mount Ararat, (ACHIEVED FOR THE FIRST TIME). BY DR. FRIEDRICH PARROT. TRANSLATED BY W. D. COOLEY. 12mo, Map arid Wood-cuts, Muslin, extra gilt, 50 cents. This is a most interesting book, both in its description of the country and inhabitants of Central Asia, and in its connection with the remarkable event of our world the Flood. Mount Ararat, which was ascended by M. Par- rot, must ever possess to the Biblical reader most intense interest, as the resting place of the ark after the universal deluge. Pittsburgh Chronicle. A work destined, from the intrinsic interest of the subject, and the full- ness of detail which is spread before the reader, to a very wide circulation. The idea of ascending Mount Ararat seems to have risen with the traveler to a passion ; previous travelers had never accomplished it ; the natives of the region looked upon it as impossible ; their superstition regarded the inaccessible summit as the mysterious resting place of the ark to this day. How Dr. Parrot approached the region, what adventures he met with by the way, what manners and customs he witnessed, how he twice essayed to reach the sacred peak and turned back, and how on a third attempt he accomplished the feat through difficulties the recital of which has led sci- entific men still to doubt if the ascent were really performed may all be read in this compact volume, illustrated by maps and engravings, with every aid to the reader's comprehension. News. Hardly a subject could have been selected more stirring in its character than " A Journey to Ararat." Held in equal veneration by Jew, Christian, and Mohammedan, and regarded with superstitious feelings even by the pa- gan, that mountain has always enjoyed a degree of celebrity denied to any other. Sinai, and Horeb, and Tabor may have excited holier musings; but Ararat " the mysterious" Ararat, which human foot had not trod after the restorer of our race, and which, in the popular opinion, no human foot would be permitted to tread till the consummation of all things Ararat the holy, which winged cherubim protected against the sacrilegious approach of mor- tals, and which patriarchs only were permitted to revisit, appeared in many respects an object of curiosity as unique as it was exciting. London Athe~ ncEum. It is a highly entertaining work, embodying much historical, geographi- cal, and scientific information, and conveying a knowledge of the character, habits, and manners of the people among whom the author traveled. The ascent of Mount Ararat is so very difficult that many persons have doubted whether the feat was accomplished by Dr. Parrot, but his acknowledged integrity ought to place his claims in this respect above suspicion. The lovers of bold adventure will find in this volume much to gratify their pe- culiar taste, and the general reader can hardly fail to be pleased with it. New York Tribune. This volume has claims upon the public, as a scientific and truly valuable work, which have been possessed by few others. It is, in fact, the con- densed narrative of an exploring expedition sent out by the Russian gov- ernment into the region about Mount Ararat, a region which possesses more interest for scientific men, perhaps, than any other in the world which has been so little explored. New York Courier. It reads more like the travels of Von Humboldt than any book we have lately read. The writer is a man of science and observation, and the book v/e recommend to the public. Lowell Courier. OF POPULAR STERLING LITERATURE. 7 IX. Remarkable Criminal Trials. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF FEUERBACH. BY LADY DUFF GORDON. 12mo, Muslin, extra gilt, 50 cents. A bock of thrilling interest ; one that can not fail to be read with avid- ity. New York Courier. This work abounds with singular cases of criminal jurisprudence in Ba- varia, of the most astounding and thrilling interest, the details of which are of remarkable character, and differ essentially from those hitherto familiar to the public in England or this country. They are fully equal, in their absorbing interest, to any thing iu the famous " Causes Celebres" of France ; and, perhaps, for their unique and striking features, are unexcelled by any delineations of crime elsewhere on record. True Sun. Public attention was first drawn to this work by an able and interesting article in the Edinburgh Review. They are all narratives of marvelous in- terest more strange and wonderful, many of them, than any work of fic- tion, and giving to the reader a clear view of the nature and peculiarities of the criminal jurisprudence of Germany. N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. Its illustration of the many curious customs of German criminal jurispru- dence will be sufficiently startling to the English reader ; but, apart from this, the extraordinary subtle discrimination thrown into the narrative of each particular crime gives to the volume, as a mere story book, the intel- lectual interest, the passion, and all the rich and various coloring of a phil- osophical romance. The translation is excellent, and a judicious compres- sion of the original has added much to the effect. London Examiner. The narratives abound with thrilling interest, setting forth the constant recurrence of crime, detection, and punishment, in which the attention of the reader is roused by the novelty of the scene, and rewarded by the light thrown upon the darkest portion of human nature. 2iew Bedford Mercury. This work has been so highly extolled by the Edinburgh Foreign Quar- terly and other reviews, that not much need be said of its character and claims to public notice. It presents some of the most remarkable stories of horrible crimes and their exposure we have ever met, and gives a very clear and vivid conception of the peculiarities of German criminal jurisprudence. It is a book which will be universally read, as one of the most thrilling and absorbing interest. The translator has given in the preface a very good account of the criminal law of Germany, and has selected only those por- tions of the original work which will have the greatest value and interest. Mirror. This book is of an entirely different character from works of a similar title that have hitherto appeared. It contains an account of fourteen trials for murder in Germany, and the object of it is to show the peculiar mode of trial instituted by the Bavarian code. Evening Gazette. The records of crime are not usually a profitable kind of reading. The contagion of the example is generally greater than the warning of the fate of the criminal ; and many a villain has been made by the very means taken to keep him from crime. But as much depends on the manner of the nar- rative, and as it is possible to extract some of the gravest lessons of virtue and wisdom from the misdeeds of others, it gives us pleasure to state that the present work is unexceptionable in this respect, while the cases posses* extraordinary interest, and are replete with instruction. They afford much insight of human motives, and teach impressive lessons of the retributive justice of Providence, and the misery and evil of sin. Biblical Repository. HARPERS NEW MISCELLANY. X., XI. Journal of Researches INTO THE NATURAL HISTORY AND GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTRIES VISITED DURING THE VOYAGE OF H. M. S. BEAGLE ROUND THE WORLD. BY CHARLES DARWIN, M.A., F.R.S. 2 vols. 12mo, Muslin, extra gilt, $1 00. This is another most valuable contribution to the cause of popular educa- tion, issued in Harper's New Miscellany; a series that bids fair to surpass even their Family Library in the sterling excellence and popularity of the works which it renders accessible to all classes of the community. The work contains, in a condensed and popularized form, the results of the Brit- ish Exploring- Expedition, which Mr. Darwin accompanied at the special instance of the lords of the Admiralty. The voyage consumed several years, and was performed at a very heavy expense on the part of the Brit- ish government. Yet here we have its most important results, divested of all scientific technicalities, and presented in a form at once attractive and accurate. The work is entitled to secure a very wide circulation. It con- tains an immense amount of information concerning the natural history of the whole world, and is superior, in point of interest, and value, to any simi- lar work ever published. Neiv Yerk True Sun. A work very neatly issued, and has the interest of a leading subject well developed, the unfailing secret of producing a book of character. In the present state of the world, when new countries are opening every day to the great conqueror, Commerce, such publications are of unusual import- ance. Perhaps no information, just now, can be of more consequence to us than that which puts us in possession of the movements of English discov- ery. News. This is a most valuable and a most interesting work ; one which com- bines true scientific worth with the graces of style suited to render it pop- ular, better than almost any similar work which has recently come under our notice. The voyage of the Beagle was, in truth, a scientific exploring expedition ; and Mr. Darwin accompanied it at the special request of the lords of the Admiralty. Its results have been published in several very elaborate, extensive, and costly volumes in England ; but as these were en- tirely beyond the reach of the great mass of the reading public, Mr. Dar- win prepared these volumes, in which all the important results of the ex- pedition are fully, clearly, and distinctly presented, interwoven with a most entertaining narrative of personal incident and adventure. N. Y. Courier. This is a work of remarkable interest and value. The author, in circum- navigating the world, under commission of the British government, for sci- entific and exploring purposes, visited nearly every country on the globe, and preserved in this brief, simple, but beautiful narrative all the singular facts of a scientific, social, or geographical nature which are of general in- terest. The amount of information condensed in these volumes is incred- ible ; and the skill with which the useful and interesting is selected from that which is unimportant or well known is admirable. We admire the style, the straightforward sincerity of the writer, the apparent candor, and the erudite research which he uniformly exhibits. Without one quarter of the bulk or pretension of our famous exploring expedition, the present work is hardly inferior to it in value and interest. This series is gaining n fine character, of which we hope the publishers will be jealous, New York Evangelist, o 2 o u_ Q SIGN it tuO rE 35747