MARRIAGES BIRTHS DEATHS MEMORANDUM THOMAS JEFFERSON SIMPSON, M. D. AGE 50 YEARS. SIMPSON'S BOOK OF Facts, Truths and Reason Prophecies in the Fine Stones of the Earth. How the Earth was made. What Causes Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Man's First Existence on the Earth. What Constitutes the Universalum, or the Orbit of the Universal (Solar System). The 20 Eternal Things that Never Were Created and Never Will be Destroyed. All Human Worship a Fake and a Failure. The Bible the Work and Origination of Men as its Poor and Worthless Con- struction Indicates. All Human Worship Wrong, Misleading and Deceitful. Pure Theology must Harmonize with Geology, and the Formation of the Heavens, Earth, and all the Eternal Things that has an Existence in the Eternal Unlimited Ethereal Space and Infinitude. There is Not Now nor Never Was a Man God. There is but one God and that God is Intelligence. BY THOMAS JEFFERSON SIMPSON, M. D. ST. LOUIS. NIXON-JONES PRINTING CO. IOCS. LlEBERMAN'S BOOK STORE MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO Copyright 1908 By THOMAS JEFFERSON SIMPSON AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS JEFFERSON SIMPSON, M. D. My great-grandfather started from England to Virginia with his young wife, and my grand- father was born on the ocean, and his father and mother both died on the ocean and were buried in the ocean. The ladies of the ship saved the child, and when they landed in Virginia they gave the child (my grandfather) to a man whose name was Miller, who raised him and gave him the name of Miller. He joined Washington's army at 14 years of age, as a substitute for his foster-father, and re-enlisted and served until the war ended in victory. His foster-father had no other heirs and left him thirty thousand dollars, which he lost by going security for a horse- and negro-trader, who lost all his money gambling, and Grandfather Miller turned over thirty kegs of silver with one thousand dollars in each keg, and paid the debt; went to southern Kentucky, took up land there, and made him- self a home there; and enlisted again under Andrew Jackson, and participated in the Battle of New Orleans, and his daughter, Mariah Miller, (3) 2049704 4 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. was my mother. My grandfather, John Simp- son, came from near Edinburgh, Scotland, and landed in Virginia, five years after the close of the Revolutionary War; and he, too, went to Kentucky, and on Licking River married a Miss Hashaw, then settled in southern Kentucky, and while returning from the Battle of New Orleans he made the acquaintance of Miller, and took land and settled near him, and it was his son, Andrew Simpson, that married Mariah Miller and these two became my father and mother long after they moved to Missouri, I being the seventh child and sixth son. I was born on the Simpson farm in section fifteen, township forty-three of range sixteen, in Moniteau County, Missouri. When I was five years old I went to school just one day, and I learned the whole of the alphabet in the forenoon, and it pleased the teacher so well he let me sleep under a shade- tree all the afternoon. When I was fifteen years old I learned the multiplication table complete in five hours, and answered every ques- tion correctly; and the teacher told it at the exhibition as a thing never heard of before, and said that I could learn more and do it faster than any one he had ever seen, and that he had AUTOBIOGRAPHY. been constantly teaching school for the past seven years; that I entered the school in the six-year-old class, and that I had literally, in less than three months, crawled up and got on top of the school. Then after a time I entered the Dillamatter School at where Clarksburg now stands. With over one hundred and twenty- five attendance, many of whom were young men and women, I was put in the eleven- and twelve- year-old class, and in less than six months I had again crawled up and got on top of the school; and the teacher was called away on urgent busi- ness. He left me in charge of the school, and I gave perfect satisfaction to the school and the teacher. It was during this school term that South Carolina seceded and Fort Sumter was fired on. Lincoln took his seat and old Bu- chanan slunked away in disgrace, after turning over all the arms and munitions of war to the rebels. I had the promise of the appointment to West Point by both Senator Green and Congressman Woodson, but Green and Wood- son both went with the rebels and I stood for the Union, and captured the first rebel soldier, with his double-barreled shotgun loaded with thirty-six buckshot, and I fired the first gun in 6 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. the war in Moniteau County, Missouri. I was offered a captain's commission to enter the Union army, but my brother sympathized with the rebel Confederacy, and threatened if I went in the Union army he would go into the Con- federate army, and our mother would be left alone and our home not cared for and unpro- tected, and my education needed further atten- tion, and for these reasons I did not enter the Union army. I began studying geology and mineralogy when I was twelve years old, and before I was fourteen years old I had dug four shafts in the earth to find coal, and struck coal in every one of them. At fifteen I had found and opened one of the greatest mines in the State; that after continuous operation for forty years, it is not half exhausted. In fishing and hunting I was considered an expert. One goose hunt footed up twenty-four dead geese and twenty-four live geese in three hours. Eight turkeys in four hours. Eight quail flying at one shot. Two-bushel sack full of prairie chickens in five hours. Toled up and killed by poisoning enough crows, hawks and owls to fill a wagon bed in one day. When I was twelve years old I fenced the stock yard with hornet AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 7 nests by going after night, plugging up the holes, then sawing off the limbs or bushes they were on and carrying and placing them around the stock yard, and when I had six so located I went around and removed the plugs. There was no other fence needed, but I just had fun galore seeing the stock leave the stock yard double-quick, day or night, rain or shine, not a straw could be taken. From the 20th of August until the 19th of December, 1867, when I was on a river boat on its way from Fort Benton to St. Louis, with about four hundred passengers aboard, and hanging on sand bars nearly every day, on one five days, on another eleven days, and still on others, until the boat was out of anything to eat; we were on half rations for ten days, then on quarter rations for five days, then fourteen days the table was never set nor food tasted, except rosebuds and some elm bark. Old Red Cloud on one side of the river and old Sitting Bull on the other side. Two men, Blackmore and Anderson, ventured half a mile from the boat. Anderson was killed. Blackmore es- caped. I was one that went out, drove Indians back and helped bury Anderson, who had 8 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. $1,700.00 in gold dust in the boat safe, which I suppose was pocketed by the man with the key. One family was near freezing to death. I went and laid the matter before the commander of United States Fort, and got blankets and sol- dier's clothes for them. I saw bacon sell for ten dollars a pound. I saw salt sold for its weight in gold. That was the time when money lost its value. Early in the morning a gang of prairie chickens passed over the boat and halted on a hill half a mile away from the boat. When I saw a whole company of soldiers start after them, I went the other way, hoping I might find a rabbit. I was nearing a grove of big cottonwood trees when the soldiers flushed the chickens and they lighted in the very tops of these big trees. I made quick two shots of over 150 yards with my Colt revolver and killed a chicken at each shot, when they flew once more and were gone. I heard a soldier holler out: "See that man kill the two chickens a half a mile with a pistol." I returned to the boat the lion of the occasion. I was met with a great acclaim as I went up the gang plank. I was offered eighty dollars each for the chickens. Then came the greatest trial of my life. I had AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 9 not tasted food for fourteen days, but there were two families of small children on that boat and they were nearly dead. I just went and gave each family a chicken, and walked away to gnaw elm bark and rosebuds, if I could find any. The next day Captain Smith of the boat bought two barrels of flour and one barrel of sugar of a trapper for enormous price. I got to my part, as a first-class passenger, eleven small biscuits, one teacup of sugar and a glass of water, and ate it all without stopping, as, if I kept any, it would be likely stolen. That was the best din- ner I have so far ever eaten in my life. But my conscience was clear I had saved the children. Clagett's family, delegate to Congress from Montana, and the other was Phillip Stephen's family, of Moniteau County, Missouri. In the last part of my fourteenth and first part of my fifteenth year, I helped to cut and saw the large red oak tree, and with my own hands split, shaved and edged the shingles, took the old roof off and put new roof on quite a large house for those days, and performed the work so well that it did good service without a leak for thirty-four years. I also made an addition to the house 12x28 feet, and dressed the rough, 10 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. hard-seasoned oak with the jack and four planes, and made the doors of fine walnut. I was my own apprentice. I never had to learn a trade; the tools and job was all that was necessary. I could always make my own drafts for buildings, bridges or other structures, either in stone, brick, wood or metals, and could follow the draft and do the work, let it be fine or coarse. In my fifteenth and sixteenth years I was going to school, mining, running farms and trading in stock, and from that time until I was twenty- one I mostly put in absorbing book education, and all my life since I have made the study of geology, mineralogy, the science of the earth, the heavens, the eternal things and the eternal, unlimited infinitude as a special study, combined with human worship of all the human race de- ducted from facts, and actual truths existing, or obtained hypothetically or otherwise. I have read and studied the Bible from Genesis to Reve- lations, and studied it not with insane fear and trembling, but with a full and determined reso- lution to measure and weigh the exact meaning, as well as all the underlying objects to be ac- complished by the wording and meaning as measured and weighed by the greatest gift of AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 11 intelligence (God) to man, Human Reason, and by so doing deduced the true facts and truths therein to be found. Every fact, every truth, every error and every fraction of either fact, truth or error, was measured and weighed in the balance of Human Reason, and where found unsound, unreasonable, untruthful, false or er- roneous, were at once canceled, as no such can or could emanate from God, and only have ex- istence as a negative to give meaning to the real things. The Intelligence (God) of the earth, the heavens, the eternal unlimited ethereal space and infinitude is not made up of that kind of stuff and silly twaddle. Every debt or obligation I ever contracted or was security for was paid in full. Seven times during my life I have been in an ace of death, and every time by accident, and it has always seemed to me that the great ruling power of the Eternal and Unlimited Intelligence, that controls all infinitude, caused the danger to move aside, that I yet live for some noble pur- pose. The rehearsal of these accidents and miraculous escapes would be interesting, did space permit, but mere facts must suffice. I never used coffee, as it does not support life. 12 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. I never used tobacco in any form, and have all my life considered its use a filthy nuisance. Alcoholic liquors have all my life been kept in my home and used as medicine, and in the same way by my parents, and there never was one of the family drunk, disorderly, or was ever ar- rested for an offense. My moral character and honest intent will stand investigation in any of the many localities in which I have lived. My object in writing this book is to get the people to learn the facts, to see and understand the truth, and to avoid false worship based on falsehoods and misrepresentations in order to mislead the ignorant people in order to get money and wealth for the support of priests and preachers. WHAT THE PRESS SAYS. Dr. T. J. Simpson, of Neosho, who makes the cure of consumption a success, spent a few days in Sedalia. Dr. Simpson is probably the best posted man in Missouri on mineralogy and ge- ology, and seems to have the faculty of finding more curiosities or freaks of nature in stones or stone formations than fall to the lot of our greatest scientific men. While here he showed AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 13 us three flint stones that probably no substance in the world is harder, except diamond. In one is shown a perfect human eye. Then another stone showing a perfect onion, as if it were cut right through the middle, which for rarity and beauty exceeds anything ever found on this earth. No diamond, opal, ruby or other pre- cious stones will compare with this matchless curiosity. Then another stone the wonder of the world it shows a golden surface of the earth with an azure blue sky, with the strata turned up into a mountain peak, with a volcano in active eruption, belching forth a great column of black smoke from the top of which the wind is blowing it away off in one direction and away up above are to be seen black rocks as well as two pieces of gold. He said he had others which he has not yet developed. He said at one time he had the finest cabinet in the state, that he furnished specimens to the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, D. C., on one of which the carving cost $214. Dr. Simpson is a Mis- sourian, born in Moniteau County, where he makes his finds and discoveries. Sedalia Sen- tinel. The subject of the above sketch, Dr. T. J. 14 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. Simpson, is well known in Moniteau County and Missouri. At the age of fourteen years he dug several shafts into the earth remarkable for one of that age and discovered and opened one of the greatest mines in the state, better known as the Simpson coal, zinc and lead mine, which is still being successfully operated. At the age of fifteen he was mining, running farms and trading in stock. In school he was among the foremost scholars of that day and time, and we are informed, he was the first man in Moni- teau County to declare himself for the perpetuity of the Union in the great rebellion of 1861 and '65. He got the first five men together to resist the Confederacy ; captured the first war prisoner and his big gun loaded with thirty-six buckshot; and he also fired the first gun in the war in Moni- teau County, Mo. Prof. Simpson has large real estate holdings and many other interests to look after, as well as healing the sick and infirm. Still he takes great pleasure in looking up curious and inter- esting stone formations, and bringing to light wonderful lines of intelligence in support of the highest order of attainments in science. It was he that projected and brought before the Cham- AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 15 ber of Commerce of Kansas City the great north and south railroad, to extend from Fort Churchill to the Gulf of Mexico by way of St. Joseph and Kansas City, which resulted in giving Kansas City the Kansas City Southern Railroad, one of the best railroads entering the city, and is yet destined to extend to Fort Churchill on Hudson's Bay, the finest navigable waters known, and give those cities and the central West the greatest free advertisement they have ever had, by stating in his communication that he could plow and plant (except at river crossings) from Winnipeg to the Gulf of Mexico in the richest and most productive soil on this earth, which was published free of cost, both in this country and Europe, and the people learned for the first time that there was a paradise on the earth where the people and climate was unsurpassed, and a rich productive soil, where they could plow and plant for fifteen hundred miles without a halt, except to eat, drink and be merry. It is a well known fact that 150 miles from Kansas City in all directions is the best patch of land for climate, soil, water, productive resources and progressive people on this earth. Clarks- burg Review. 16 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. In connection with the above will say that Thomas Jefferson Simpson is well known in Missouri as a pusher in his efforts to develop the resources of Missouri. The first fish and game laws were written by him and put before the legislature and became laws just as written. It was through him that the charter was taken out for the Fort Scott, Jefferson City & St. Louis Railway Company, which resulted in a railroad from Jefferson City seventeen miles southwesterly, to which was afterward added a tie road to the Osage river. It was started to the great southwest but went nowhere. He also projected a railroad to Chicago by way of Quincy, Paris, Centralia, Columbia, California, Lebanon, Little Rock to the gulf, with a branch from some point about twelve miles from Cali- fornia to Versailles, thence southwest to Car- thage, and to be continued to the city of Mexico. He had the road secured to the Missouri river, on condition that the people of Moniteau county would put $150,000 in the grade from the river to California, which failed for the want of enterprise in the people of California and the county generally. The people at Chicago and in north Missouri fully realized that if the rail- AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 17 road should get to California it would continue to the gulf and would be over 200 miles shorter than by the Mo. Kan. & Tex. route, and would also be the shortest route to the great southwest and Mexico. Simpson at the time was largely in debt, and was very much in need of money, but he expended several hundred dollars in working up the enterprise but it proved a fail- ure because the people could not see and realize the future of such an enterprise, which would have put California far ahead of Sedalia and in all probability with 50,000 population and prob- ably with the state capital just southwest of the fine flourishing city. While Dr. Simpson has passed through great financial troubles and strife, even with fists and gun, he has turned all into victory, and, being a bachelor, his needs are not large, but when he needs money it is at his command, and California would feel honored to have him as a citizen should he choose to locate within her borders. California Demo- crat. PREFACE. The object of the contents of this book is to convey to the mind of the reader a fair idea of the most important things, matters, subjects, religious beliefs, worships and laws, that have an existence on the earth, in the heavens, or in the eternal unlimited infinitude, properly criticized, explained and weighed in the balance of Human Reason, and deducing therefrom the proper rules of human life while here on earth. Chap- ter 1. I here present to the mind of the reader the one thing in which the whole human race has the most vital interest, that which causes more trouble and sorrow and more pleasure and happiness than anything else that this world is heir to, and that is the baby, which I have put in verse and song, "I Wish I Was a Baby." Chapter 2. I here present to the mind of the reader the fine stones of the earth and what makes them valuable. Their fine polish, the grandeur of their reflections, their prophetic profiles, pictures, and the beautiful colors they contain, makes them pleasing to the eye, valu- able in the arts, and as ornaments in buildings (19) 20 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. and homes; and the great fossil kingdom is of immense advantage in obtaining an insight as to the structure and formation of the earth, as well as all other planets that swing apace in their orbits throughout all infinitude. Chapter 3. I here present to the mind of the reader how the earth was made. It is now a well known fact that the earth was formed in strata, and it is also a fact that the lower stratum was formed first, and each and every stratum formed on, one after the other, by a gradual ad- hesive process, and that the material entering into each and every stratum of the different kinds of stone was of a very infinitesimal quality, a mere aeriform dust, and the only way that the material could ever have got into that condition was by heat sufficient to reduce the material to aeriform fluid, and thence again formed into the stone strata, so that the un- forming and reforming is continuous in all matter formations throughout all infinitude. Chapter 4. I here present to the mind of the reader what causes earthquakes and volcanos, and like causes produce like effects in all planet formations throughout all infinitude. Chapter 5. I here present to the mind of the reader PREFACE. 21 man's first existence on the earth was on the great continents around the poles, probably, over 50,000 years ago, and their progression toward enlightenment and scientific attain- ments has been very slow, as we can fully realize when we see at this date the amount of ignor- ance, bigotry and superstition of the great ma- jority of the people that claim to be enlightened still existing. Chapter 6. I here present to the mind of the reader what constitutes the Universalum, or orbit of the universe (solar system) , by which I wish to convey to the human mind the manner of movements of the planets and all heavenly bodies of matters in the eternal ethereal space and infinitude, and to more fully explain the unforming and the re- forming of -the earth and other planets, and the ruling and controlling powers of Intelligence (God) when acting on and through all the other eternal things that have a coexistence with In- telligence (God), and to illustrate the supreme plan of eternity and infinitude. Chapter 7. I here present to the mind of the reader twenty eternal things that never were created and never will be destroyed nor cease to exist. Each hav- ing its own sphere of action to vie with and act 22 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. in concert with all the eternal things in all the eternal unlimited ethereal space and infinitude. All ruled over and controlled by the eternal un- limited Intelligence (God). Chapter 8. I here present to the mind of the reader, What enters into the live, intelligent human being, and what is the result of dissolution? Chapter 9. I here present to the mind of the reader how the human beings and other animals come on the earth, and how they pass away and are replaced, and further than that no man can know. Chapter 10. I here present to the mind of the reader the two great barnacles of the human race, dividing the earnings of the ignorant people. Chapter 11. I here present to the mind of the reader Myth- ology, the bulwarks and heavy artillery of all the churches, loaded with grape, canister and doubled and twisted chain-shot of hell and damnation. Chapter 12. I here present to the mind of the reader the great number of halluci- nations, exaggerations, unmitigated lies, per- fidy and falsehoods based on mythological im- aginations. Chapter 13. I here present to the mind of the reader some criticisms on the fabu- lous lies in the Bible which, when the search- light of Human Reason and consistency is PREFACE. 23 turned on these great extravagant, overdrawn fabulous statements found in the Bible, they cannot but be cast aside as the writings of de- signing priestcraft to overawe the ignorant people, and by such unworthy methods obtain money and wealth from them without labor or exposure. The priests and preachers howl, beg and threaten damnation after death, and the fools, through fear, turn their hard-earned money into the priests' or preachers' pockets. Chapter 14. I here present to the mind of the reader, The rod of Moses turned to a serpent; the waters of the sea and river divided; the Lord cast down great stones from Heaven and the ground clave asunder. Chapter 15. I here present to the mind of the reader the necessity of destroying the filthy, unsightly, expensive and entirely unnecessary use of tobacco. It has the effect to impoverish the land wherever it is grown. It brings poverty and want to the users and their families. It depletes education, intelligence, stupifies the mind, increases ignor- ance, prostitution, tramps and hobos. The money that is paid for tobacco, literally squan- dered and thrown away, would more than fur- nish all the footwear used in the nation. A 24 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. thing not at all needed, an unsightly, filthy nuisance, and its cultivation and use should be prohibited by law enforced with a vengeance. Chapter 16. I here present to the mind of the reader, as I believe the best method and most feasible plan to put fully under control the use of alcoholic liquors, and I seek the cancellation and eradication of all Sunday laws, as Sunday was and is based on Mythology, purely an in- vention of priestcraft for selfish reasons. Sun- day is an abridgement of human conscience. Right now there is more business done on Sun- day than any other day in the week, and there is no valid reason for its being holy, a great hob- goblin and superlative breeder of hypocrisy, based on ignorance and superstition, and its sacred keeping foisted on mankind was and is for pelf, and pelf only, for the support of priest and preachercraft, to blow off their ancient, musty, motheaten, galore to get the money of the ignorant people. Chapters 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21. I here present to the mind of the reader some facts in regard to Noah's flood. The ancient, bellicose, extortions unmitigated, hook- nosed Jew liar that wrote the story of Noah's flood was probably the teacher of the liar that PREFACE. 25 wrote all the rest of Genesis. Chapters 22, 23, 24 and 25. I here present to the mind of the reader the shortcomings, indecent inconsistency and irreconcilability of all the church worship on the earth. Chapters 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34. I here present to the mind of the reader that we are very fortunate that we did not get these last books of the Bible, and that we would be a hundred times more blessed if we never had got any of the books of the old He- brew Bible. It will be noticed in Chapter 27 and 28 that it is very uncertain as to what the teachings of Christ were, and is now, and in Chapter 29 that the old Hebrew Bible is likely far from what it was when written, and still it is about the most worthless piece of property that any person can have about the home. In the first place, it is so vulgar, obscene and in- decent that it destroys chastity by increasing prostitution. Chapter 29. I here present to the mind of the reader King James' translation, and other facts. Chapter 30. I here present to the mind of the reader that the Laws of Moses did not come from the hand of a mythical god, and it is there shown why the Bible should be barred from all respectable homes. Chapter 26 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. 31. I here present to the mind of the reader that Christ was first called the Son of God by the devils right from hell. Chapter 32. I here present to the mind of the reader fixed rules of life, which should be practiced by all, as nothing but good can result by so doing. Chapter 33. I here present to the mind of the reader that Confucius was a great and worthy man. How worship first started by the worship of the sun, then the fire, where they get the idea of burnt offerings. Chapter 34. I here present to the mind of the reader, How the priests, preachers, church members, bigots and dupes and hench- men claim that every good thing comes from their mythical god, and stoops to all kinds of trickery and pollute history and their own myth- ical scriptures as well. Chapter 35. I here present to the mind of the reader how our great men are absorbing more intelligence (God) within them, and the benefits of the wonderful things they accomplish radiate to the people of the whole world. Chapter 36. I here pre- sent to the mind of the reader a general con- spectus, recapitulation, rehearsal and explana- tory references in support of the foregoing pages. The God idea of human origin. Personal Gods PREFACE. 27 always correspond to the character of their worshipers. Chapter 37. I here present to the mind of the reader the character of the Chris- tian's God. He created a world with a full knowledge of its destiny, and then terrifically cursed it because it failed to meet his expecta- tions. Chapter 38. I here present to the mind of the reader that God swears in his wrath and is jealous of strange gods and graven images. Chapter 39. I here present to the mind of the reader that right here in the central part of the United States of North America, the most en- lightened nation on this earth, near the center of Missouri, six miles southeast of the city of Tipton, what took place in the name of Christian mythical God. Chapter 40. I here present to the mind of the reader that the Hebrew God is guilty of outrage, injustice and vanity. This God was an all-powerful God, but with many mean and detestable ways. He hardened Phar- aoh's heart so that he would not let the people go, and then sent upon him and his people a long list of horrible plagues to compel him to do the thing he hardened his heart to prevent him from doing, just playing a game of hide and seek with Pharaoh and his people. Chapter 41. 28 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. I here present to the mind of the reader that Paul, the inspired promulgator of divine truths, tells us that the Christian's heavenly father actually sends his earthly children strong delu- sions to believe a lie, that they might all be damned. It would look like he feared his little seven by nine heaven would be overstocked and he desired to work off the surplus on his left bower, the one he done all the talking to (Satan) . See first chapter of Job. Chapter 42. I here present to the mind of the reader that the great Jehovah God violates his oath and breaks his promise. This same Jehovah at divers times swears to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that he would lead their posterity to the land of Canaan, but he made his breach of promise and would not keep his oath. See Num., chap. 14, v. 34. Chapter 43. I here present to the mind of the reader the personal appearance of God. The psalmist, in describing his wonderful makeup, tells us " that out of his mouth proceeded fire, and out of his nostrils proceeded smoke, and he rode upon a cherub and did fly." II Sam., chap. 22, 9-11. Oh, but that was a lovely God. Nothing but Satan would be suited for a riding companion. Chapter 44. I here present to the mind of the PREFACE. 29 reader, The chief end of man is to glorify God, so says the Christian. All such silly twaddle comes from the want of a knowledge of what constitutes the embodiment of Intelligence (God). God is perfection, and when anything is perfect, it cannot be added to, as nothing can be made more than perfect. Chapter 45. I here present to the mind of the reader, The God of all Eternity and throughout all infinitude is always with you in proportion as you adapt yourself to receive God by allowing yourself to be possessed of an untrammeled conscience and wisdom to absorb the superlative gift to man, Human Reason, which is the open door where Intelligence (God) can enter. Just and perfect reasoning absorbs Intelligence, which in turn in- creases the force and power of reason to a still greater acquirement to the extent of man's ex- istence, absorbing more Intelligence (God) with- in. Those that seek will find. Intelligence never leads a human being wrong, but the want of Intelligence that makes the way of the trans- gressor hard, and brings to them an earthly hell, all they will ever know. Chapter 46. I here present to the mind of the reader that the age when the Bible and mythical man, God, ruled 30 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. supreme, every person by priestcraft stood the assessments of the church, and when they re- fused, charges were brought against them for witchcraft, heresy or even heraclenite (that the earth was not created) and they were murdered by church minions or burnt at the stake to deter others, and in that way forced them to pay whatever the church demanded. There was no such thing as freedom. All were Christian church slaves. No wonder the priests did not marry. They had more than enough to satisfy the lust of old David or Solomon. But things are more private these days. The confessionals, the nunneries, and a slice off a cut loaf is " not missed." Chapter 47. I here present to the mind of the reader that perpetual vigilance is imperatively necessary to maintain in this country free thought, free speech, free, untram- meled manner of worship, human reason and an infidel constitution; all of which are necessary for the universal welfare of the whole people. Chapter 48. I here present to the mind of the reader that honesty, uprightness and moral character, when proven, should stand against many charges brought against the accused at the bar of justice. I again refer to Sunday, PREFACE. 31 which was and is now an invention of priest and preachercraft to increase their revenue. Is a humbug, a great damage to commerce and trade, and the well-being of the human race, and all laws in favor of its sacredness or holy protend are an abridgement of human conscience, and should be canceled and unrespected by all en- lightened people. Chapter 49. I here present to the mind of the reader that blind, dogmatic, undoubting faith, not honesty, morality, up- rightness, is what constitutes the Jewish, Chris- tian, and all other modes of worship. Faith in error, lies, fabulous untruths and great extor- tions, fables, once the faith in them is established it is just as strong as if the whole were truths. Faith, not supported by facts as measured by human reason and intelligence, is a myth in all the worships of the world. Faith to believe a lie is as strong as to believe a truth, where ig- norance reigns instead of intelligence. Chapter 50. I here present to the mind of the reader some idea of Moses and Joshua. While labor- ing under delusions which they believed were facts, they did the most detestable thing in the way of butchery, murder, robbery, ghastly and bloodthirsty deeds that the records of the world 32 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. have ever shown, and I hope the reader will in- vestigate the acts of these men and the big un- believable lies that show in their records. Chapter 51. I here present to the mind of the reader some assertions and contradictions found in scriptures. Chapter 52. I here present to the mind of the reader extracts from the pen of Pope, from the pen of Thomas Jefferson, and it was Jefferson, Paine, Franklin and Washing- ton that left God out of the Constitution. CHAPTER I. I WISH I WAS A BABY SONG THOMAS JEFFERSON SIMPSON. M. D I WISH I WAS A BABY. ^^ _ ! T.J.SIMPSON. it g g | e J^^^^ eJ <^' ' ' * 1 y >. .. * f t . =p=4 ? r Iv ^ ' 'T i f i T ! {L/yi T 1 j f- r * 'J r ? ' * ' " ' ' 4. I wish I was a ba . by poss . ess. ing ma. gic pow-er, So tha 1. I wish I was a ba . by one. dar.ling lit. tie, So the 2. I wish I was a ba . by to have the greatest dow. er. So the 3. I wish 1 was a ba . by the fin . est chub of the hoof So the g^E *C ^** L f f -T-= EfE= i " ' 1 4=^= y y . tS^Lr^=yL3a_Lj r r f i j i i - girls would hug and kiss me as they did in child . hood hour. ffiPFPpp J - - i fr* girls would hug and kiss me. as they did in girls would hug and kiss me. a* they did in girls would hog and kiss me. as they did in jnr -f g t a i h ^r" 1 * * >.' ..._-_! child . hood hour, child . hood hour, child . hood hour. w r r r r p i *x j f J l - * IN -& f F : CHORUS /S-P I*. U 44 J| f, 'f- W ^ 4! ^' ^< f tJ K lal 4 lo. -i To .la la La. 1 I Tol . a . lal a . la . -lo. Tol . 1 $' f 9 : 9 J J> f S> : L^ f i y F= f=f= i-fr-j'' 'H t j r = v *" j r. ...j r -^ =t ^ ' J -f _j P ^ P MCMVin to T.J. pHr=f r?\ lal . la lal . a lo. tt tal I* . lo M r' e r J JH " f r J r M J =*= i f f 'L^' L Jr f. T J =* ^J ^ ! 1 rt_- J. 6. I wish I was a baby, a baby of a mower, So the girls would hug and kiss me as they did in childhood hour. Chorus. 6. I wish I was a biiby,a baby in the tower, 60 the girls would hug and kiss me as they did in childhood hoar. Chorus. "7. I wish I was a baby,to cry but never cower, So the girls would hug and kiss me as they did in childhood hour. Chorus. 8. I wish I was a baby, a baby of aplower, Co the girls would hug and kiss me as the; did in childhood hoar. Chorus. 0. (wish I was a baby, traveling in life's great tours, So thegirls would hug and kiss me as theydid in childhood hour. Chorus. 10. IwishI was a baby, let the plows rust or scour, So the girls would hug and kiss me as theydid in childhood hour. Chorus. 11. I wish I was a baby, the weather clear or lower, So the girls Mould hug and kiss me as theydid inchildhooJ hour. Chorus. 12. I wish I was a baby, a baby rain or shower, So thegirls would hug and kiss me as they did in childhood hour. Chorus. 15. I wish I was a baby, a baby of the bower, So the girls would hug and kiss me as they did in childhood hour. Chorus. 14. IwishI was a bnby,a baby let medevower So the girls would hug and kiss me as they did in childhooJ hour. Chorus. 16. I wish I was a baby, let mamma scrub and scour. So the girls would hug and kiss me as theydid in childhood hour. Chorus. 16. I wish I was a baby, let pap and mam fight and jower. So the girls would hug and kiss me as theydid in childhood hour Chorus. 17. I wish I was a baby.everso sweet or sour, Bo the girls would hug and kiss me as they did in childhood hour. ChoiuB. 18. I wish 1 v.ia a meet the great world pcwei-s. So the Kir's would las *^ ;i " HO as t>'-;- Jiii in childhood boor. Chorus. Fine Stones of the Earth and What Makes them Valuable. CHAPTER 2. FINE STONES OF THE EARTH AND WHAT MAKES THEM VALUABLE. Dr. T. J. Simpson, of Clarksburg, Missouri, who has gained notoriety in both the State and Nation for his knowledge of Geology and Miner- alogy. For his writings on the formation of the Heavens and the Earth. For his faculty of finding more curiosities or freaks of nature in stones or stone formations than fall to the lot of our greatest scientific men. For finding, de- veloping and demonstrating that the finest agates on this earth are to be found in Missouri, and can be found in Moniteau County, says: I am the first man to publish the theory that when the earth was formed there were outlined profiles and pictures made in the stones showing what would appear on the earth when it was finished. The Diamond, Tourmaline, Opal, Topaz, Sap- phire, Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, Turquoise, Moonstone, Bloodstone, Tiger's Eye and Garnet (39) 40 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. have no profiles or pictures, and their value is in their hardness, their fine polish, their many beautiful colors, and for the beauty and bril- liancy of their reflections. In the agate are shown the stratified formations of the earth, also running water with waving moss, such as can be seen in running streams, as well as many other pictures and profiles of things that are and can be seen on the earth and in the heavens. In the pellucid quartz are to be seen needles, and veins of silver and gold. Looking through transparent calcspar are to be seen the changing lines and double vision, illustrating the moving shadows of the sun. In the onyx are to be seen the beautiful landscape scenes, lakes, islands, seas, oceans, great storms and flying clouds. In the Diamond, Tourmaline, Opal, Ruby and other precious stones we realize the beauty and bril- liancy of reflected light in all its shades and colors. In the Tourmaline are to be seen mag- netic and phosphorescent qualities, adding great value as a jewel. On coal taken from deep down in the earth where light has never shone, can be found rainbow and peacock feather pic- tures, the same as the colors given off by the sun rays in all their beauty and splendor. In FINE STONES OF THE EARTH. 41 the sandstone one thousand feet below the sur- face, we see bird tracks, and live frogs are found in the solid stone. In crystalized stones we see fishes and feathers. Fossil snakes are seen in solid stone. Stones are seen full of worm-holes with the worms, as it were, crawling through the stones. In the bed-rock, fourteen feet below the surface in Honduras, and under forty feet of solid stone in Nevada, are seen human tracks. In solid stone are seen tracks of cattle and deer. In the stone deep down in the earth is found cloth (Fenestra Culum) stretched across open- ings, showing both warp and filling. In stones on the earth, and stones that fall from the heavens, there is coal-tar, from which coal oil is made. Diamond is pure carbon and is the most valuable substance on the earth, which indicates that the carbon, stored in coal and wood, is the most valuable substance the earth contains, as without carbon no artificial heat or vegetation could be produced. In an serolitic stone is found a crinordal head, showing the inside ribs and five foramans through which the five nerves passed to the sensorium, showing that the five senses existed in the very earliest forms of animal life of this 42 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. and other worlds. In an serolitic stone is found the butt end of an ear of Indian corn, two inches in diameter, grains well formed, natural size, twenty rows on the cob. The pith or the inside of the cob has been cut away to a smooth sur- face, then with a carver's chisel has been en- graved what appears to have been an alphabet of some people that have occupied some disin- tegrated planet, that probably was blown into such small fractions that the gravitation attrac- tion ceased and is now called "Nebula." Agates and other precious stones, being of aerolitic origin, are found in many parts of the earth, as well as stones formed on the earth, such as Onyx, Marbles, Calcspars and Calcar- eous formations, showing many beautiful colors in their constructions, as well as their crystaliza- tions. Many of these fine stones of solid or variegated colors are valuable for paperweights, center-tables, or mantel ornaments, but it is only stones that have some peculiar quality of reflection, or stand forth so as to represent some- thing valuable on the earth, or that has a profile or picture of something that has been, or can be, or will be seen on the earth, are what makes them valuable, and the agates found in Missouri FINE STONES OF THE EARTH. 43 seem to possess more beautiful designs and pic- tures than any other locality. I have, as I be- lieve, the most wonderful agates ever found on this earth, designed and fashioned by a higher order of intelligence than mankind possesses. I have an agate, showing a forge with the blaze flying in all directions by the force of the air pressure, same as when iron and steel are being shaped. I have an agate showing the top of a great building, with archways and high glass domes on the corners. I have an agate showing the emblem of the order of the Mystic Shrine, the superlative Independent order of the higher degrees of the Masonic Fraternity, showing the eagle or tiger's claws holding the beautiful strati- fied earth in their grasp, showing the central nucleus as was described in my writings six months before the stone was found. This stone is about one and one-half inches wide, one- eighth of an inch thick, cut, polished and trimmed with gold as a pendant. I also have the twin stone cut from the same stone, but thinner, one and one-quarter inches wide, equally attractive, and trimmed the same as a pendant. Just one for the o^der in America and one for Europe. These twin stones are of such rarity that the 44 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. human race may never be able to duplicate them. I have an agate stone showing a planet, some- thing like the rising sun, with stratifications beautifully outlined and encompassed round by the most miraculous encircling of white and red lines with the right and left sides being the exact counterpart of the other, which nothing but divine skill could accomplish in construction. Still this miraculous wonderment that this stone was placed on earth to prove that Christ was one of the many messiahs, men possessed of such great moral character and Intelligence (God) within them, to cause the people to wor- ship them as God, or as mediators between them and what they conceived to be God. As the eternal and unlimited caloric, an at- tribute of eternal and unlimited intelligence, is the cause of all life on the earth by the effect of heat of the sun's rays, so it is by the effect of the sun's rays striking the face of this stone and reflected onto a shaded wall produces a luminous picture of the crucifixion of Christ, showing the cross and the luminous body on the cross. The great bewilderment and astounding re- sult, that this little stone not much larger than FINE STONES OF THE EARTH. 45 a silver dollar, should possess the impress and power within its formation when brought in contact with the sun's rays to show to mankind that the very stones of the earth are made to proclaim the truth of the crucifixion of Christ, one of the meanest and most ignoble crimes of the hundreds of thousands perpetrated or insti- gated by Judaism or Jewish priestcraft on the human race; so mean and detestable that it forced an impress on the very stones of the earth. The cross, as reflected at a distance of twenty feet, is about five feet by two and one- half feet, the upright and cross-beam being about two and one-half inches in diameter, or as a whole, about 200 times the size of the stone from which the reflection is made. To the Christian world this is the greatest wonder since Christ was laid in the manger. The cross has been the emblem and beacon light of the Chris- tians for over 1,900 years, and refers directly to Christ and his moral precepts and teachings while here on earth. This cross, this phantom, this preternatural apparition has been photo- graphed, and the stone is polished and trimmed with gold as a pendant. Some of the good followers of Christ ejacu- 46 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. late that it is strange that this stone should be found and developed and in the possession of a man who does not believe in the divinity of Christ. I would remind the gentlemen that Christ came to the world through a nation of his enemies, and that they are still his enemies after nineteen hundred years; that they are afflicted with a disease that is strictly hereditary, known as religious bigotry, and that they would cru- cify him again had they another opportunity , as they once did. Priestcraft murdered all that interfered with their income. I have an agate showing standing vegetable plants, the white roots with two red stocks, which show three joints and the tassels, three purple stocks showing joints. Two stocks al- most white, nine golden leaffolds, some of which are slightly touched with red, many white leaffolds or flat casements that fit around sup- porting the stocks, and with all there is a vine on a dead stretch, pulling the outside leaffolds almost double, and with sufficient force to show a decided effect on 17 leaffolds and stocks. Many of the stocks are more or less pellucid. This stone is about two inches long and one and one-half inches wide, and one-eighth of an inch FINE STONES OF THE EARTH. 47 thick, polished and trimmed with gold as a pendant. The rarity and wonderment of this stone makes its great value conceded and may never be duplicated. I have an agate that shows a beautiful onion cut right through the middle, having first been slightly squeezed with a side pressure so as to open the folds, which for rarity and beauty ex- ceeds anything ever found on this earth. No Diamond, Opal, Ruby, Tourmaline, or other precious stones will compare with this match- less curiosity, showing up in many brilliant colors. I have the twin stone, a slice cut from the same stone, the profile being a little smaller, but equally beautiful and attractive. These twin stones are about two inches long and one inch wide in the middle, their shape being an elliptic, one-eighth of an inch thick, polished and trimmed with gold as pendants. These twin stones are of such rarity that if twenty men should put in full time for twenty years searching for such stones, they would, in all probability, fail to duplicate them. I have an agate, the amazing astonishment of the multi- plicity of things, showing an azure, bluish-gray sky, a golden surface with the strata of the 48 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. earth turned up by an active volcano into a mountain peak, from which is thrown a great column of black smoke, from the top of which the wind is blowing it away off in one direction, and away up above are to be seen black rocks, as well as several pieces that appear to be gold. This stone is cut, polished and trimmed with gold as a pendant, being about one inch long and wide, and one-eighth of an inch thick, cut as a heart; the amazing peculiar outlined pic- ture it contains makes it very attractive, and of great value as a pendant. I have an agate showing a perfect human eye, cut so as to show the middle of the eye on one side, and the front of the eye on the other side. This stone is about one and one-eighth of an inch wide and one- eighth of an inch thick, cut octagonal, the colors being brown, pellucid and white. This is the greatest agate of them all. What would this world be without an eye? "That all-seeing eye to look, as it were, from the eternal and unlimited intelligence to govern the earth, the seasons, and the affairs of mankind." How the Earth was made. CHAPTER 3. HOW THE EARTH WAS MADE. How was the earth made? Five eternaV things must exist before the earth could be made: First, there must be space. Second, there must be duration. Third, there must be matter. Fourth, there must be caloric (heat). Fifth, there must be intelligence. These five eternal things existed, and never were created, before anything ever was made. Space to operate in, duration for the operation, matter for the construction, caloric to make construction possible, and intelligence to con- trol and direct the whole performance from be- ginning to end. A careful examination of the earth and its attributes shows that from the earliest period of its existence, serolitic boulders, rocks and metals have been falling on the earth, with the same kind of fossils in them, such as fossil snakes, univalves, crinoidal heads, crin- oidal stems, and many other fossils of the subcarb- oniferous period, as were formed on the earth, (51) 52 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. illustrating the earliest forms of animal and vege- table life, and as these aerolites were parts of disintegrating planets, destroyed by explosions or other cause, and are now called Nebula, from which it is inferred that all planets are composed of the same material as that composing the earth, and that animal life was developed on them in the same way, and resulted by pro- gression into living, breathing animals, and to human beings of the highest perfection, all hav- ing a brain and a sensorium capable of absorb- ing intelligence necessary for their use and ex- istence. These Nebula, having no gravitation attraction, have occupied ethereal space for millions of years, until the earth, in its orbit around the sun, and with the Universe in its orbit around the great Universalum, its attrac- tion absorbed the nebula, which in the form of ssrolitic stones, gravels, sands, clays and soils, fell in great showers on the earth, the most heavy coming first, and the clays and soils be- ing lighter, coming last, as they are found on the Earth disarranged by the down-flowing of water and abrasions. It is unfortunate that these Nebulas exist in the unlimited ethereal space, and that this waste HOW THE EARTH WAS MADE. 53 material, such as the rocks and gravel, have been piled on the Earth from a few inches to hundreds of feet in depth. But as the Earth was formed by the eternal, unchangeable, un- limited intelligence: what now exists will re- main until the next great change (which will come). As the Earth was formed by gradual process of adhesive accumulation of eternal, un- limited matter that existed before the process of formation began, as matter can be formed, but cannot now be nor never was created. By nature's fixed laws, all matter continues to change, so that the Earth will disintegrate by reversal of attraction or other cause, and pass into Nebula, or by the eternal, fixed law of orbital motion come in contact with Caloric, the origin of all motion, all life on Earth, and throughout the unlimited, ethereal space, the greatest of all things on the Earth, and in the eternal, unlimited heavens, except Intelligence, concentrated and embodied in some great sun star, Arcturus, Procyon, Alpha Tauri or Alyone, the great star of the Pleiades, where the heat given off being so great that all animal and vege- table life ceases to exist for a radius of 200,000,- 000 miles, and as the Earth passed near the great 54 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. Caloric body, it not only became lava, but was, by the great intensity of heat, gasified into aeriform fluid, so expanded and lucid as to ap- pear to our vision as having no existence at the point of greatest heat, and from that point is where the formation of the Earth began. First, the waste refuse matter formed into a central nucleus of lava, combined with the Incandescent Caloric to such an extent that all the gases, form- ing water and air, and all the matter entering into the strata of the Earth's after-construc- tion, were in the firmament extending to the limit of orbital attraction all around the nucleus of lava, of about 7,700 miles, equatorial diame- ter, and while in this liquid state, the revolution of the Earth caused the shortening of the polar diameter about twenty-six miles, around which, as this great caloric nucleus body cooled, the Earth's stratifications by gravitation attraction, aided by the down-pouring of water, governed by intelligent, gradual adhesive process, was rebuilt as the present stratified formation of the Earth shows have been made. The outside, stratified, solid crust of the Earth covering the inner liquid lava being about 113 miles in thick- ness, with over fifty vent-holes, known as vol- HOW THE EARTH WAS MADE. 55 canoes, to relieve the pressure of the outside, stratified portion of the Earth, and were it not for these vent-holes the earth would be blown into smithereens, and being so disintegrated and gravitation attraction ceasing, the matter now composing the Earth would become Nebula and waste material in ethereal space, which is permeated with Nebulas, Earth matter, broken stones and metals, ready at any time to be ab- sorbed by the attraction of other planets in their orbital course in the universe of universalum. When the Earth expanded into aBriform fluid, emerged from its baptism of fire, a new-born world started whirling on its course of millions of years, held in place by the eternal, unlimited law of intelligence, drawing on its resources by its own attraction, adding stratum after stratum, absorbing aerolitic waste and nebula matter in the sub-carboniferous, carboniferous and Per- mian formations until all the strata were about completed as we now see the Earth. This serolitic waste and nebula matter increased the weight and size of the Earth, which were added to the regular strata each time it received its caloric baptism of fire, which increased its centrifugal force, orbital radiation and distance 56 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. from the sun as shown in the universe. Lovrer the temperature beyond a certain degree and all vegetable and animal life disappears. Raise the temperature beyond a certain degree and the result is just the same. The eternal, unlimited caloric that exists throughout unlimited space, acted on by intelligence, forms and unforms all matter or material things. The eternal cold is the negative of Caloric, the lowest degree of heat. As heat decreases, cold increases. Where heat ceases to exist there is perfect cold, and where Caloric attains to aeriform fluid it can be added to in quantity, but its in- tensity remains the same. When heat is given off from the great Caloric body to all parts of the universe by the sun, it is not destroyed. It is still in the universe of ethereal space. There is enough heat comes to the Earth every summer to set it on fire and make it a barren waste, were it not for the cold in the vaulted atmosphere around the Earth mixing with the surface air, as directed by the intelligent construction of the Earth's attributes. It is a fact from the above and the concensus of all the evidence obtainable in regard to the formation of the Earth, that it was made out of HOW THE EAETH WAS MADE. 57 eternal and unlimited matter; and that the main, moving cause and origination was eternal, unlimited Caloric (heat), producing the attrac- tion and cohesion, as well as the animal and vegetable life. (No heat, no life). The Earth was formed hot and it is still hot, and there never has been a time since it was made, millions of years ago, that it was colder than it is now. The Earth began cooling at the poles, and the cold is now and has been for millions of years, slowly moving toward the equator. The great Glacial Epochs are one of the world's greatest humbugs. Of course there are glaciers near the poles, and some ice and snow slipping down a high mountain once in a great while; beyond that it is making mountains out of mole hills. The drift, boulders, rocks, clays and soils, that are scattered broadcast over and near the sur- face of the Earth, come to the Earth from ether- eal space, and are near where they struck the Earth. A small portion may have found their present location by the floating ice fields. The moraines, erosions and abrasions are easily ac- counted for with strata not sufficiently hardened, and the crust of the Earth raising, falling, bend- ing, warping and folding, and with half the 58 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. water of the oceans in the firmament pouring down on the Earth, causing great floods to eat away the soft and unhardened crust and cutting great canyons in a thousand years that would now take a million years to accomplish. As the universe is moving north toward the star Polaris. The first torrid climate was at and around the poles and moved gradually to the equator. The first tropical climate was at and around the poles and has moved gradually to the equator. The first temperate climate was at and around the poles and is moving gradually toward the equator. The first frigid climate was at and around the poles and is moving gradually toward the equator, and when it ar- rives at the equator, animal and vegetable life will have disappeared. The ocean waters will be evaporated and transferred into thousands of feet of ice on the lands. The rivers will cease to flow, the internal Caloric will be absorbed in ethereal space. The sun's rays will fail on the white ice, snow, and the crystalized salts of the lakes, seas and ocean bottoms, and after millions of years of whirling through ethereal space with the universe, it will come in contact with the great Caloric body. The ice will be melted, the HOW THE EAKTH WAS MADE. 59 oceans will reappear, the waters will be evapor- ated. The Earth will go through its baptism of fire and be converted into aeriform fluid ; then rebuilt and go whirling on its course of millions of years, with its new mantle, new universe, and new heaven, and by intelligence acting on origination and Caloric, the animal and vege- table life will reappear, and the people will be disputing over their corner lots, earn bread by the sweat of their brow in order to pay the priest, the taxes, and fight each other in religious and political wars. Religious wars have existed from the time the first Church worship was established on the earth, for the reason that church worship is and always has been a scheme to procure money from the more ignorant and unsuspecting people and church dupes, and the church want of revenue. Rule or ruin for those that did not contribute to the support of priest or church rulers. Political wars are of a much later date, and is a contention as to who shall run the civil governments. What Causes Earthquakes and Volcanoes? CHAPTER 4. WHAT CAUSES EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES? The earth, after its transformation by incan- descent heat, and was transformed into a great caloric body of about 7,700 miles equatorial diameter, and all the water, gases and other elements entering into the after construction of the solid, stratified crust of the earth of about 113 miles in thickness, were in the firmament, and as soon as the great caloric body cooled to such an extent that the congealing water and other elements composing each and every strata as they are now found to exist, come to the earth by the infinitesimal earth matter falling into the water which covered the earth all the time the strata were being formed. Non- air-breath- ing animals were originated and lived under water in the sub-carboniferous period, as their fossils demonstrate, and up to that time, the greater part of the water that came to the earth had been consumed by being absorbed into the (63) 64 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. cement stone formation of the strata, and the remaining water was not of great depth, and the rotary motion of the earth on its axis caused the water to recede from the poles toward the equator, exposing the great continents around the poles and the climate being tropical with plenty of rainfall, and a moist rich soil, and all the carbon of the earth being in the atmosphere, and the eternal origination caused vegetation to come forth in immense quantities, and as all the central portion of the earth was a torrid climate, causing the prevailing wind currents to draw toward the equator, and the vegetable matter in great drifts fifty to one hundred feet in thickness and from fifty to five hundred miles in width and length, floated away to all parts of the earth, and were left where they sank, and for a great age this process went on absorbing carbon from the atmosphere into this vegetable matter which, under the pressure of the after strata above, coal was formed into the great coal fields of the earth, and so depleted the atmosphere of carbon as to make it possible for the eternal origination to bring into exist- ence lung-breathing animals, and by progression to the human being of the greatest perfection, WHAT CAUSES EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES? 65 but likely did not make much headway until the strata above coal up to the post tertiary period, and the great showers of aerolitic boul- ders, rocks, gravel, clays and soils had come to the earth from ethereal space, which were the finishing touches of completion. The sub-carboniferous and conglomerate for- mations are full of round, smooth-polished flint boulders, and in the strata to and on the surface, mixed with other broken stones, clays and soils ; and no doubt received their smooth polish while a part of some disintegrated planet before they ever came to the earth. But the above process of forming the earth was in progress for thous- ands of years. The first or lower strata were hot or mixed with water that was hot, and likely is still hot, and as all stone strata is of cement formation, and the particles were drawn together by cohesive attraction which caused the body to decrease in size. The upper strata were made when the water was cold, and the cohesive at- traction was accomplished in a short time that is to say, the upper strata of some forty or fifty miles were fully condensed, and to that extent, hardened before the lower strata had hardly made a start in condensation, but they 66 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. did condense, and the shrinkage not only brought great pressure on the lava core of the earth, but lessened the diameter and size of the earth by the strata becoming thinner and shorter in their length, which caused them to shrink away from the upper or outer strata, and as the upper strata had to go down, and at the same time their length was too great, then came the raising, lowering, warping and folding of the upper strata to shorten their length, so that a goodly portion could rest on the strata below, and this was the cause of the undulating surface of the earth, which has, to some extent, been changed by abrasions of down-flow of water and water- courses. One part of the upper strata settled down to a lodgement on the strata below, and three, five, ten, twenty, or even one hundred miles away, another part would settle to a resting place, leaving a great cavern from three to one hun- dred miles in extent, and from a few hundred feet to a mile in height, and the whole upper strata of the earth is just permeated with these great caverns. Many of these great caverns have no water in them, and are filled with gas and petroleum oil, pressed from the great coal-fields WHAT CAUSES EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES? 67 by the weight of the overlaying strata, the pressure of the oil and gas being sufficient to force the water out. When two thousand feet thick of the ceiling, and fifty miles long and wide by a diagonal slip breaks down, and falls three thousand feet and jars the surface of the earth for five hundred miles around, then we say we had a big earthquake, and when two hundred feet thick of the ceiling, ten miles long and wide, breaks loose and falls one thousand feet, we say we had a little earthquake. In the earthquake of New Madrid in 1811, the cavern broke through from the surface. When there is an eruption from an extinct crater of a moun- tain peak, it is an eruption of a volcano, not an earthquake, even if it does shake the surround- ing region. It is unsafe to build skyscraper buildings, as the location of the great caverns are not known, but more safe on or near the mountains where there are no extinct craters, than on the ordi- nary level country. The great cave in South Missouri, Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, and Kent's Cavern in India are samples of such caverns on a small scale. The actual united thickness of the stratified portion of earth from 68 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. the surface down to the molten lava, is not, and probably never will be, known, as a calculation of the temperature from the surface down by arithmetical ratio would probably fail, as it is likely that a great portion of the lower strata has nearly an even temperature, by the heat from below and cold from above. How deep down in the earth these caverns exist cannot be known, but evidently they are more numerous from five to thirty miles of the surface. In summing up the work of great ages, we realize the complete earth, and intelligence acting on origination developed animal life, which first appeared on the great continents around the poles, and there was where the great animals, feasting on vegetation, and on each other as vegetation decreased by the change of climate and the encroachment of the water which finally covered the whole earth, and the climate being frigid, these great animals perished where their bones and bodies are found frozen in ice and earth matter near the poles, and their bones are also found a great distance from the poles, where they have been carried by the floating icefields. Now we have the earth covered with water, a glittering spheroid, as it swings on its WHAT CAUSES EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES? 69 orbit in eternal ethereal space. Then by the great weight of the water, and the stratifications, and their contractions on the great caloric core of the earth which brought it under such great pressure, that it exploded and bursted the earth from pole to pole, and raised South America, North America, Greenland, and many islands of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and leaving many active volcanoes which relieved the pres- sure for another great age. While these conti- nents and islands were raised up, the lands now the bottom of the ocean, were lowered in nearly the same proportion. Of the volcanoes then made, many became choked and died away to extinction, while the pressure increased during another long period of time, and resulted in bursting the earth from pole to pole again, rais- ing Africa, Europe, Asia, and many islands of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and adding greatly to the number of volcanoes, there now being from fifty to sixty in active eruption, and many more extinct volcanoes that the core of the earth, can put in active eruption when the pressure so requires. Many of the mountain ranges thrown up in the great eruptions of the earth, the strata were 70 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. not broken through to the lava, but many of the great internal caverns were broken down, preventing earthquakes in their immediate vi- cinity, making buildings more safe from earth- quakes than the undisturbed undulating coun- try. After the two great eruptions the heat given off warmed the water and air, and the climates beginning at and around the poles, and moving gradually to the equator, and the vegetable and animal life reappeared, resulting in the human being to use, control, and govern, to satisfy and make fruitful the adroitness of eternal, unlimited intelligence. We do not know why the earth was, and is peopled, or why all other animals exist on the earth, nor we do not, nor can not, know why the human race occupies the earth, nor the exact process by which they were originated, and for what grand purpose in the grand plan of eternity and all Infinitude they are here to fill; but we do know that we exist and cease to exist, as the material in a human being is matter and all matter must change. Man's First Existence on the Earth Was on the Great Continents Around the Poles. CHAPTER 5. MAN'S FIRST EXISTENCE ON THE EARTH WAS ON THE GREAT CONTINENTS AROUND THE POLES. The great mammoths, with the flesh still on, and their skeletons, as well as the skeletons of other large animals, are found frozen in the ice and earth matter, probably over 50,000 years ago, or just after the post tertiary period, on the great continents, around the poles, which first had a tropical climate, and a moist, rich soil, assisted by the carbon in the atmosphere, caus- ing vegetation to come forth in immense quantities, making it possible for these gigantic animals to flourish there, and when these con- tinents were gradually covered with ocean water, and the climate becoming frigid, these great animals perished, and the icebergs carried them or their bones, together with millions of tons of rocks, gravel and earth matter, and where they grounded, melted and were left where they fell, (73) 74 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. covered by the earth matter. One great mam- moth, having been left near Osceola, on the Osage River in Missouri, and its skeleton was un- covered and reclaimed by Dr. Koch, conveyed to Jefferson City by five heavy wagons and shipped to the London museum, for which he received about fifty thousand dollars. St. Petersburg, Russia, now has a skeleton of a great mammoth found frozen in the ice of Northeastern Siberia. The outline skeletons of the great animals found on the east slopes of the Rocky Mountains shows them to have been ten times larger than the mammoth, which likely found their present location by the floating ice fields. The femur bone that was in Barnum's museum in New York City in 1862, fourteen inches in diameter, with a marrow cavity large enough to roll a ten- inch cannon ball in and out of it, indicating the whole bone to have been over sixteen feet long, with joint ends thirty inches in diameter. Just think of the size of the animal of which this bone was a part of his framework. A mammoth alongside of him would look like a goat alongside of a mammoth. Such a bone would indicate an animal 80 feet high, 150 feet long from eye to tail not counting snout, tusk or tail with hide MAN'S FIRST EXISTENCE. 75 from one to two feet thick, and a capacity to swallow a mammoth as easy as a duck could a June bug. Armour's packing force scattered over his carcass would look like a drove of little red ants scattered over the carcass of a 3,000 pound steer. It would take the longest railway train pulled by the biggest Mogul engine to move the contents of such an animal, and then stall on the first grade. Should he be on the right-of-way of a railway, and the train should interfere, he could with one paw, box it off the track with the ease that a grizzly bear could a small dog. If it were possible for him to be running around these days, and he should take a walk up the business street of New York City, and change his mind and turn around, with horn under archway, and with a flip of his tail, the sky- scrapers would tumble like a boy's cob house, and it is also likely that the people there were on the same grand scale, and that it were they who were cast away on some great ice float, and peopled the sunken continent of Atalanta. When the Western Hemisphere was raised above the ocean, Atalanta went down, the remnant of these great people, which still exist in Patagonia, from which these giants are traced 76 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. by their human tracks in the solid stone of the Andes, Honduras, and under forty feet of quarry stone in Nevada, twenty-two inches long and six inches wide, and probably originated on the great continent around the South Pole, near the close of the post tertiary period. The skeleton of a woman sixteen feet high, found in Southern Kentucky, whch it took two gallons of rye to fill the inside of her skull. The human skeleton found in a phosphate bed in South Carolina, whose height was over seventeen feet, and was six feet across the shoulders, with head twenty- two inches in diameter, was likely one of the last of the Atlantas, from which the ocean takes its name. Also, the large human tracks in the solid stone in Western North Carolina, and human bones blasted out of the solid bedrock twelve feet below the ocean, from the bottom of the Saint John's River by United States Govern- ment while improving the river, and all remem- ber the great Goliah and giants of bible history in Eastern Europe, which likely came from the north of Asia; all tending to confirm the con- tention that these great people that once in- habited the earth, came about the same time as the other great animals, and that all animate MAN'S FIRST EXISTENCE. 77 and inanimate life first came to the earth on the great continents around the poles, originated by the direct impulse of God, and likely were of much greater perfection than now, especially the people with their black skins, filthy habits, and dwarfed bodies. The expeditions to the North, so far, have been foolish child's play. If the United States and Great Britain would appropriate $20,000,000 each year for fivo years to establish stations within easy reach of each other, and supply them along the coast of Greenland and thence north until the North Pole would be discovered re- ported on, and all placed on the map of the world. It might be that the North Pole would be a big round mountain several thousand feet above the sea, and all solid gold, with a big hole one hundred miles across, blowing carbon gas, with four hundred pounds pressure to the square inch, with the pole right in the middle, and all on fire to warm up and maintain an open polar sea, and a big gang of old Californians sitting around waiting to take a load out in the summer. The idea of sending one old tub of a ship about half supplied, up north, and take one year to get there, and when there, bob around for three 78 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. weeks, then load up with some aerolitic boulders that had fallen on the ice, and bring them to the United States to show the people, when they are to be found all over the United States, and a carload would sell for five dollars, to fill some mud hole. I was just thinking that I would like to be carried back about fifty thousand years, and meet those big men on a hunt, carrying guns twenty feet long, loaded for big game, with five pound balls; where would the Roosevelt cat hunters come in? Then I w^as in Dreamland. I was in the widest, finest and greatest road through an immense forest mingled with flowers large enough to sleep in over night. Then I saw a house. The doors about eight feet wide and twenty feet high. Then, I realized that I had really went fifty thousand years in the past, and was in a city of high houses and big doors. Then the big people gathered around me, and they understood all I said and gave me some grapes as big as the largest apples, and the men were large enough to carry two like me around in a hand-bag. They asked me who I was, and where I was from. I found that I could not talk of the past, but only MAN'S FIRST EXISTENCE. 79 of the present, and what I had learned. I told them that we little white people originated on the Ganges River in India, and had increased to hundreds of millions, made many inventions, carried commerce, education, enlightenment and civilization to all parts of the central portion of the great earth, that the little black people originated in hollow trees in Australia, and now number three-fourths of the little people on my part of the earth, and that they were the little white people's burden, and that the world would be a great deal better off without them; that their existence was a great mistake of the originating machinery, and it was a great mis- fortune, and now that we have found the best part of the earth and the greatest type of all the human race, that we would move over and live with them, and leave the little black people on the poor rocky soil, destroy the traveling stations burn the bridges, and never allow the black race to find the heaven of bliss. There we would rest under the great vines and fruit trees, and sleep sound, with nothing to disturb our slumbers; where no reptiles, poison insects, blue-tail flies or mosquitos are ever seen; cows that give a barrel of milk at a milking, bee hives as big as 80 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. a government courthouse, stingless bees as big as turkey gobblers, bringing a quart of honey each trip from flowers three yards across. Truly, the land of milk and honey, and with the fountain of youth to quench our thirst, keep us clean, young and beautiful during life's limit of 200 years. The ugly, the deformed, the imbecile, the im- perfect, the dwarf and criminals are given ex- tract of poppy, and sleep in peace which are so many barnacles cut off to purify the race, lessen crime, increase physical strength, longevity, beauty of form, and happiness of the living; then the harps of a thousand strings 50 feet high, and violins as big as street cars, dispensing music in harmony with 5,000 singers that could be heard forty miles, the dance would go merrily on. Just think of the rustling of 200 yards of silk that each lady would wear, and the silk hats of the gentlemen that would hold four bushels of corn. These big men would want our pretty girls for Dolly Varden wives, and our little men could never get too much wife. She could spank him round when needed and carry him around in her hand satchel when he was too tired. O, wouldn't that be delightful! MAN'S FIRST EXISTENCE. 81 The people live temperate lives, they never pray, being honest, charitable, just and truth- ful; they have nothing to fear from a just, loving Divinity. When the time comes for them to die, they bid all good-bye, take their portion and sleep in peace, laid in the ground, no monuments allowed. They marry at matur- ity, ladies at fifty, gentlemen at sixty years, by application to the marriage commissioners, who have them examined by a board of five professors on human temperaments, as to their adaptability and effect that such a union might have on the intelligence, physical strength, perfection of form, and beauty of the human race, and if found satisfactory, the commissioners grant the permit, and the judge of matrimony performs the ceremony, pronouncing them man and wife, and gives them advice on good morals now that they are married for all time, and never divorced in life nor death, as no man or woman can be married but once. The number of children being limited to three by the marriage unions, and if the fourth child is born, they are heavily fined, and if the fifth child is born, the wife takes her portion and sleeps in peace. 82 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. The laws are made by twenty out of forty patriarchs under a fixed constitution 40,000 years old, who holds office during life, which is fixed at 300 years, and when one dies another one is added from the substitute twenty, the oldest coming first each time and the people elect another one to take his place. All executive officers serve one year only and without pay. Their duties being limited as all violations of the law mean death. In the list of small offenses the pardoning board can grant a pardon twice, but the third offense, no matter how trivial, means death. It is impossible to tell all that I saw and heard in this short article. When aroused from my slumber it appeared to me that I had been living with the great people, studying their laws and their ways for a whole year, when I had only slept two hours. If I could have slept longer I might have found out how long they had occupied the country and from where they came. What Constitutes the Universalum, or Orbit of the Universe (Solar System). CHAPTER 6. WHAT CONSTITUTES THE UNIVERSALUM, OR ORBIT OF THE UNIVERSE (SOLAR SYSTEM). The Universe is such amount of ethereal space as is occupied by the Planets, Asteroids and Satellites as they revolve around the sun. The Universalum is such amount of ethereal space as is enclosed by the ellipse or orbit of the Universe or Universes, as they revolve around some great magnetic center, whose force holds them to their orbits, and there may be many universes in the Universalum at great or less distance from the great magnetic center, as per their composition to receive or reject the magnetic force governing them. The ellipse, or boundary of the Universalum, is of such extent that the universe, moving at the rate of 500,000,000 miles a year, it would require about 200,000 years to make one trip or one Univer- salum year, and the great sun star Arcturus, probably 50,000 times larger than our sun, is (85) 86 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. near the south end of the ellipse, and the star Polaris, near the north end of the ellipse, and as our changing climates are now moving to and toward the equator, indicating that the universe is now about half way in its onward sweep towards the Polaris end of the ellipse, and will sweep past that perfect cold region in about 50,000 years, where most of the Planets, Asteroids and Satellites of the solar system are enveloped in that deep unwakable sleep of absolute zero, and as it sweeps south for about 35,000 years, the rays of our sun aided by the rays of the great sun star Arcturus, caused the equatorial frigid climate to be converted into the temperate climate, and temperate climate into the tropical climate, and the tropical climate into the torrid climate, and all move to the poles; vegetable and animal life reappear and exist on the earth for about 50,000 years, and disappear when the universe is about 15,000 years to its nearest proximity to the great sun star Arcturus, about 100,000,000 miles due south of it, where the heat is incandescent Caloric and where cold is never known, and will be converted into aeriform fluid and fully charged with incan- descent Caloric to last until it returns from its WHAT CONSTITUTES THE UNIVERSALUM. 87 great whirl around the Polaris end of the ellipse, while the universe in its onward sweep towards the Polaris end of the ellipse for about 35,000 years; the earth will be reformed and be the happy abode of animal and vegetable life for about 50,000 years; and the climates beginning at and around the poles, first the torrid climate, then the tropical climate, then the temperate climate, then the frigid climate, and all move to the equator. At which time the universe will be about 15,000 years of its nearest proxim- ity to the star Polaris, and when the frigid climate holds the equator in its grasp, the uni- verse is then due north of the star Polaris, about 100,000,000 miles, sweeping again south for about 35,000 years where the universe will dress in new spring suit, and smile on another celestial spring, summer and fall of 50,000 years. Let it be observed that vegetable and animal life cease to exist and reappear twice on the earth, and many other planets in every univer- salum year, once after heat and once after cold, and that the earth and other planets are un- formed and reformed once in each universalum year. The foundation of all language, all laws of the 88 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. heavens and the earth, are based on opposition, or the positive and negative principle. Where there is a positive, there must be a negative. Where there is heat, there must be cold. All the most intelligent thinkers of ancient and modern times are firm in the belief that there is a hot place and a cold place on the orbit of the universe. Heat forms everything constructed out of matter. Heat unforms and reforms everything that is made, as without heat no change can take place in matter or material things having a body substance. The above outlined description of the orbit of the universe and extent of universalum, and the manner of operation, are purely my own ideas, and their is no contention that the time and distance given are correct, as there are not enough astronomical facts known, to give anything definite as to time and distance of the orbit of the universe, or the extent of the universalum, and probably never will be known. The Great Caloric Body that works over and transforms Satellites, Asteroids, Planets and Universes, may be the great sun star Vega, Arcturus, Procyon or some other great luminary, it matters not, so the results materialize. With the surface of the earth at WHAT CONSTITUTES THE UNIVERSALUM. 89 the equator going east over 1,000 miles an hour, and the earth at the same time sweeping its orbit about 63,000 miles an hour, and the universe with our world, all the Planets, Asteroids and Satellites, sweeping an indefinite but great and unknown distance in the great speed of its orbit, outlining the boundary of the great Universalum, with 10,000 Universalums extending in all direc- tions, each enlarging 10,000 fold on the one left behind; ad infinitum, until a thousand milky ways have been pulled down and cast to the rear, still there is a hot place, and a cold place, dura- tion, motion, power, force, magnetism, gravita- tion, contraction, expansion, attraction, repul- sion, electricity, vegetable and animal life, light, darkness, ethereal space filled with earth matter, broken stones, Nebulas, Satellites, Asteroids, Planets, Suns, Universes, Universalums, thou- sands of brilliant stars and milky ways still in sight, with the greatest of them all, Intelligence (God), to govern and control all throughout infinitude. (Plenty of space for human souls, but where?) The Eternal Things that Never were Created and Never will be Destroyed nor Cease to Exist. CHAPTER 7. THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED AND NEVER WILL BE DESTROYED NOR CEASE TO EXIST. 1st. Eternal, Unlimited, Unchangeable Ether- eal Space. 2nd. Eternal, Unlimited, Unchangeable Dura- tion. 3rd. Eternal, Unlimited, Undestroyable Mat- ter. 4th. Eternal, Unlimited, Caloric and Negative Cold. 5th. Eternal, Unlimited Light and Negative Darkness. 6th. Eternal, Unlimited Attraction and Repul- sion. 7th. Eternal, Unlimited Power, Motion and Force. 8th. Eternal, Unlimited, Unchangeable Natur- al Law. 9th. Eternal, Unlimited Orbital Motion of Planets and Comets. (93) 94 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. 10th. Eternal, Unlimited Power that controls Orbital Motion. llth. Eternal, Unlimited Electricity and its At- tractions. 12th. Eternal, Unlimited Cohesive Attraction, Contraction and Expansion. 13th. Eternal, Unlimited Gravitation Attrac- tion. 14th. Eternal, Unlimited Structural Affinity in Formations. 15th. Eternal, Unlimited Origination and Dis- semination. 16th. Eternal, Unlimited Animate and Inani- mate Life. 17th. Eternal, Unlimited Terrestrial and Polar Magnetism. 18th. Eternal, Unlimited Diversity in Forma- tions. 19th. Eternal, Unlimited Change of Matter in Formations. 20th. Eternal, Unlimited, Unchangeable Intel- ligence. THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED. 95 There can be no limit to ethereal space. If we were carried through ethereal space one million miles per second for one hundred, million years, we could see from the place where we stopped, as many stars and planets as we can now see. The duration, the caloric, the cold, the light, the darkness, the attraction, the repulsion, the power, the force, the orbital motion of planets and comets, the natural law, the electricity, the cohesive attraction, the contraction, the expan- sion, the gravitation attraction, the attraction of structural affinity in formations, the origina- tion, the dissemination, the animate and inami- nate life, the terrestrial and polar magnetism, the diversity in formation, the unlimited change in matter, are all eternal things to be and re- main in ethereal space and duration as the at- tributes of, and controlled by the eternal, un- limited, unchangeable intelligence, the Emanuel, the Deity, the God, in all things. The greatest of all things that has an existence in the eternal, unlimited ethereal space. Intelligence, life, ca- loric, and matter enters into the construction of all mankind, the just and the unjust. Intel- ligence, life, caloric, and matter enters into the construction of every living animate thing, from 96 FACTS. TRUTHS AND REASON. the smallest insect to the greatest mammoths and whales, and in death and dissemination their bodies, being matter, return to the earth, and the intelligence, life and caloric, being eternal things, having no body substance, still exist in infinitude, each in its own ideality. No part of the eternal things is ever lost or destroyed. The same intelligence, life, caloric and matter that has existed in all past eternity is still in existence and in use at the present time, and for all future time. A school house is a place where, by precept, the mind is made competent to absorb intelli- gence that has existed throughout eternity. What is it that causes the breast and lungs to expand the first time, and the oxygenated air to rush into the lungs, giving the first breath and perfecting life it is the expansion and contrac- tion of eternity acted on by intelligence. Light, one of the attributes of caloric, is of such im- portance that the whole plan of the heavens would be a failure without it, and darkness is of equal importance, as all animate and inanimate life is conceived in darkness. Caloric, acted on by intelligence, forms and unforms all material things. Intelligence can- THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED. 97 not do anything only in harmony with the na- tural law. Intelligence cannot do an impos- sibility. There is no forgiveness in natural law. If violated, the penalty is certain. Love, ama- tiveness, benevolence, kindness, charity, virtue, forgiveness, justice, truth and righteousness are the higher attributes of life. All mankind are prone to do good, right and justice, but commit sins, crimes, violate natural law, and do evil deeds by premeditation and persuasive influ- ences. Intelligence can originate and bring into existence and disseminate animal and vegetable formations, constructed out of matter that exists, and cause life to enter therein, but cannot create the matter or the life. Intelligence, act- ing on caloric, orbital motion, power and force, can disintegrate, unform and re-form worlds, planets, comets and all heavenly bodies con- structed out of matter, but cannot create orbital motion, power, force or matter. After the most careful, exhaustive and profound investigation of the formation, structure and adaptability of the earth and its attributes, all human reason shows that it was made by a very high order of intelligence. In all the eternal, unlimited, un- changeable ethereal space, matter solid, liquid, 98 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. gaseous or aeriform is the only thing that con- tains a material body substance. There is no substance in the unoccupied ethereal space. There is no substance in duration. There is no substance in caloric. There is no substance in cold. There is no substance in light. There is no substance in darkness. There is no substance in attraction. There is no sub- stance in repulsion. There is no substance in power. There is no substance in motion. There is no substance in force. There is no substance in the natural law. There is no substance in orbital motion of planets and comets. There is no substance in the power that controls orbital motion. There is no substance in electricity or its attractions. There is no substance in cohesive attraction, contraction or expansion. There is no substance in gravitation attraction. There is no substance in structural affinity or any other affinity. There is no substance in origination. There is no sub- stance in dissemination. There is no substance in animate or inanimate life. There is no sub- stance in terrestrial and polar magnetism or its attractions. There is no substance in diversity in formation. There is no substance in the THE ETERNAL THINGS TEAT NEVER WERE CREATED. 99 change in matter in formations. There is no substance in intelligence, which has for its attri- butes everything in the eternal unlimited un- changeable ethereal space. The highest, the greatest, the superlative, the supreme essence, the Emanuel, the Deity, the God that controls and rules the heavens and earth. There always has been great differences of opinion as to what is meant by the words "God" or "Deity." Put 100 men in a room and bring out one at a time and ask each to write down what he con- siders constitutes "God." And when 100 have so written what they consider constitutes "God," you will find you have 100 Gods all different in their make-up and character. I say there is but one God, and that God is Intelligence. CHAPTER 8. A human being is composed of four eternal things intelligence, life, caloric and matter, and when intelligence, life and caloric separates from the body, the body is matter. The application of personality or gender to intelligence (God) is simply a great stretch of the imagination, and the theory set up by the clergy, that the earth was made especially to develop human spirit bodies with a personal identity, which at death passed from the earth in countless numbers to an eternal celestial abode of endless happiness or endless punishment, is an apologue myth. The object of such credulity is for the purpose of obtaining wealth and support during life from the ignorance of the human race. The argu- ments are always the same by all of the hundreds of church denominations. Pay the priest, sup- port the church, and your eternal happiness is assured. But if you do not pay the clergy and support the church, then an eternal hell of dam- nation awaits you. There is not now, or ever (100) THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED. 101 was, a spiritual body. Such expressions as the spirit of man, the spirit of God, God's spirit, spirit of the Lord, good spirit, evil spirit, Christ's spirit, spirit that walketh, angel of the Lord, spiritual being, etc., are all mythical expressions, do not and should not convey any meaning, as there is no God except Intelligence, and Intelli- gence has no real body or spiritual body. In- telligence can pass through the greatest intensity of caloric, greatest light, greatest darkness, around the world, through cold steel, under the ocean, to the bottom of the sea and without limit in ethereal space. There is but one thing that has any body substance, and that is matter. Matter constitutes the body of all the planets and their attendant satellites, and the body of all the great caloric suns that store and radiate the caloric (heat) to all parts of the Eternal Un- limited Ethereal Space and Infinitude. Matter is the body of all animals and vegetation on the Earth, or that may be on any of the other planets, all or most of which are likely in- habited. CHAPTER 9. The sectarian fanatical denominational ex- pounder will stand and turn his eyes the reverse of gravitation, and offer up his prayers to his imaginary God up in Heaven above him. Now suppose he stood in the same position for twelve hours, his eyes would be looking in exactly the opposite direction from when he commenced to pray. The religious fanatic believes that there is some place away from the earth in ethereal space, a Heavenly abode where the spirit of the just go to after death. At the same time there is no such thing as spirit or God other than In- telligence, and ten miles from the earth the cold is about 1000 degrees below zero, and further out still colder. The word spirit as applied to eternal life is a myth, and has no meaning. There is nothing eternal in a human being ex- cept Intelligence, life, caloric, and matter, and neither Intelligence, life, or caloric has a body of any kind of substance, or any personal identity. The words Father, Son and Holy (102) THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED. 103 Ghost is another myth not in the Bible, and has no meaning. Then that trinity business is all mythology, and will not stand the force of reason and criticism. There is no personality in Intelligence (God) nor three personal identities doubled up in one Godhead. The so-called scriptures has never brought peace and good will to the human race, but war, turmoil and strife since their introduction, and the people that inhabit the earth would be a hundredfold more blessed if the scriptures had been sunk in the deep ocean thousands of years ago and for- gotten. There is something over thirteen hun- dred million people on the earth. Now suppose they all believed in some kind of an imaginary personal God, and all of them of responsible age, say eight hundred million would the same day, all round the earth, stand and pray to their imaginary God. They would all pray to a different God, as no two human beings ever has, nor never will, make their imaginations the same. The eternal diversity makes it impossi- ble for any two things on this earth or in the eternal, unlimited heavens to be the same, and never can be exactly alike. Here we have that immense throng with their head the reverse 104 FACTS, TRUTHS AND 11EASON. way of gravitation, making their supplications for their wrong doings, asking forgiveness, praising and glorifying their imaginary God with great babble and roar, as they ride the earth from west to east over one thousand miles an hour, and being hurled through ethereal space on the line of the earth's orbital motions over sixty-three thousand miles an hour. Forty bil- lion human beings come on the earth and leave in one thousand years, and when Intelligence, life, and caloric separate from their bodies, their bodies being matter, returns to the earth, and Intelligence, life, and caloric being eternal, re- mains in eternity. Therefore, the intelligence in human beings is the Emanuel the God of eternity, and the life in the human being is eternal life, and never ceases to exist. When Intelligence, life, and caloric sep- arate from the human or animal body, we call such segregation death, but there is no destruc- tion, for no part of the eternal things can be de- stroyed. The body is matter, and the Intelli- gence, life, and caloric still exist in eternity. The theory set up by bigoted sectarianism, Ju- daism and priest-craft, that Intelligence, life, and caloric, when they leave the human body, THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED. 105 still have a personal identity in a spiritual body, and become eternal and exist somewhere in ethereal space in a state of endless happiness or endless damnation, is mythology by which the priest and the clergy live sumptuously from the sweat of the brow of ignorance by such hypoc- risy. No human being ever has, or ever will be able to fathom the eternal things or the extent of the supreme plan of eternity. Origination and dissemination, when acted upon by intelligence, cause the human race and other animals with their bodies constructed out of matter, combined with Intelligence, life, and caloric, to inhabit the earth, but their existence is limited, as all matter continues to change, and by death and disintegration they pass away, and others of their kind take their place, but the object and purpose of such habitation is a secret and hidden attribute of eternity, which no man has ever known, or ever will know. No clergyman or priest does know of any reward or punishment for the human race after death. Eternity, and all the attributes of eternity, are all silent on that subject, and when they preach of the glories, joys and happiness of their imagi- nary heaven, and the tortures of damnation in 106 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. their imaginary hell, just count all such ignorant twaddle as mythology, the larger part of their stock in trade in their business. Excepting in a few moral precepts the Jewish and Christian religions are no better than Buddhism, Moham- medanism or Brahmanical religions. True re- ligion is the same in all the human race. The attributes of true religion are Love, Truth, Jus- tice, Honesty, Charity, Forgiveness, Kindness, Virtue, Morality, Chastity, Uprightness, Sympa- thy, Benevolence and Goodness, which, if pos- sessed by any human being, that human being has religion of the superlative degree, in any race or country. Every human being should strive to absorb and possess true religion, and strive to be good, and make others good and happy while here on earth. Should also declare their independence and become free men and women, and make a study of their best interest, and for the best interest of all others, dispensing charity and enforcing good morals. CHAPTER 10. The two great barnacles of the human race are the gamblers and the priests or preachers. The business of both are on the same hypothesis, that ignorance owes them a living and support during life. Both dress sumptuously, both despise labor, both hate each other because what the gamblers get the priests or preachers think they should have had. The gamblers entice, beguile, lay get-rich-quick schemes of promised great wealth in money and the good things of this world; for all which the ignorant piles their hard earned money into his lap of fortune, never to be returned. The preachers or priests belabors and expound their scriptural mythology that every human being is full of sin and iniquity, and that all sinners not redeemed through and by the church, after death, go to an eternal hell of damnation, but if they will join the church, pay the priest or preacher, and support the church, that after death they will go to an eternal heaven of glory (107) 108 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. and happiness, and that the money so paid is treasure laid up in heaven to their credit. For all of which the ignorant piles their hard earned money into the priests or preacher's lap of fortune never to return in this world or any world to come. For a thousand years prior to 1850, it was a dead scramble with about evenly divided either way as to who would get the money of the ignorant, the gamblers or the priests and preachers. But since 1850, the laws of the United States, and other nations governing corporations, freight rates and trade have so favored the gamblers that they have got the greater part of money and wealth of the world, and are soon to get the rest unless there is some great change made from the present status of affairs, for the benefit of the human race. The clergy, the priests and the preachers are in- vesting their salary in get-rich-quick schemes. Gambling in lotteries and board of trade gambl- ing dens, showing that they believe that a dollar in hand here on the earth is better than a thou- sand beyond the grave in an imaginary heaven. Over half the people (and the most intelligent as well) in the United States do not believe in the Jewish or Christian religions, and half of them THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED. 109 that join such churches do so to stand in with the church people to get their money, trade, and votes at the election, on the basis of catch them going and catch them coming, as the church is just the best place on earth to set a trap for fools. When the people first came on the earth, some of the most crafty soon discovered that all mankind feared death, and took out perpetual letters patent on that fear. The people not only desired to live here on the earth, but they also desired to live after death. This has been the bulwarks of all church worship, and is the bulk of priest and preachercraft's stock-in-trade in their business, by building up a great heaven and a great hell beyond the grave, and by making it possible for the priest or preacher to send the mythical souls to an eternal heaven or to an eternal hell of damnation. Money paid the priest or preacher takes the mythical soul to heaven, but if you pay no money the way to hell is sure. CHAPTER 11. Then comes mythology expounding eternal life after death, and as there were good people and bad people, and the good people did not want to have the bad people go where they would go, then comes more mythology with a great eternal, imaginary heaven of glory, joy and happiness, for the good people, and a great imaginary hell of damnation for the bad people. Then in order to sort out the good people from the bad people, comes more mythology proclaiming universal sin, that all were bad and none fit for heaven, only those who would repent of their evil deeds, join the church, pay the priests, and support the church, could ever enter into and dwell in the eternal heaven; and all that were not redeemed through the church would go after death to an eternal hell of damnation. By such accepted mythology, priest-craft ruled supreme on earth, but there must be a ruler for heaven and ruler for hell. Then comes more mythology with an imaginary God in the (110) THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED. Ill form of a man, as supreme ruler of the heaven and the earth, with shining luster of glory, justice, goodness, forgiveness, and happiness; and with an imaginary devil, also in the form of a man, as supreme ruler of the eternal hell, whose every thought and evil intent was to torture with unrelenting punishment of dam- nation the unredeemed after death. Here we have a vision shown up before us of an eternal trust in the profits of the earnings of the ignorant of the human race. Priest-craft, ex- pounding on the sublimity of their imaginary God, and the glories and happiness of their imaginary heaven, that the redeemed go to and possess forever and forever in eternity; having repented, joined the church, paid the priests, and supported the church. But if they reject the offer that their imaginary God will say to them after death : " Depart, ye cursed, to the hell of damnation prepared for those that reject the church." The orator belabors the congregation with his oily tongue, and even sheds tears of sympathy for the unrelenting and unregenerate until the boys and girls, and older people with more age than intelligence, tremble with fear, as they are told and made believe, that all are 112 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON full of sin and iniquity, and that they only can escape eternal punishment by repentance through the church. He tells all to come, though their sins be mountain high, ye heavy laden with the most vile sins and blackest crimes of villany, by the grace of God's redemption all will be wiped away, and that they will dwell with God in the glorious heaven of peace and happiness. So while the brothers and sisters sing doxology, comes to God's redemption before it is everlastingly too late, and there is a grand rush, and a great many connect themselves with the church, and their hard earned money with the preacher's pocket, which is the object to be accomplished by the whole scheme of mythical dead beat from start to finish. So it is now and has been in all time past. If the priest or preacher is not paid he ceases all interest in trying to help the Lord save souls. A God that needs help and is a needy God is worse than no God. The priest and preacher say they are working for the Lord. CHAPTER 12. The great number of hallucinations, exaggera- tions, unmitigated lies, perfidy and falsehoods based on mythological imaginations (that no intelligent human being would ever believe) that are scattered throughout the scriptures fully illustrates the ignorance of the untutored and unlearned people that existed where and when the scriptures were written, and for the howling clergy, priests and preachers to still be trying to stuff an enlightened people with such ignorant mythical twaddle is a disgrace to the human race, and that is the reason the most intelligent people of the world do not attend the churches. Lies and falsehoods are lies and falsehoods no matter where they are found. The so-called scriptures, loaded with mythical ex- aggeration, misrepresentations, lies and false- hoods, are unbelievable and unworthy of belief or acceptance as truth by the enlightened nations of the earth; but their great age lend enchantment to still make them attractive to the (113) 8 114 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. superstitious and uninformed people of the hu- man race, but more so when forced on them by government protection and influence, by Sunday laws, and otherwise depriving the people of the liberty of human conscience. Then that Saint John's mythical bird cage city, 1,500 miles square on the foundation, and the same in height, with outside walls about 200 feet thick, and the whole on only 12 foundations, with the gates 300 miles apart, and I suppose the elevators being run by gravitation attraction, reversed at will by the operator, sending them up 1,500 miles and down again with perfect safety, and all could have a change of climate at any time, as the top story would be about 1500 degrees below zero. Talk about fixing the ground for a world's fair site, as when the people got word it was coming, there would be some rustling around to get the foundation ready, moving mountains, and leveling up 1,500 miles square. The newly embodied righteous dead are all to walk on the inside of the city, but the rail- ways would have business carrying the ten hundred thousand billions of the righteous dead and just a few living saints. In ancient times THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED. 115 there were plenty of saints, but they are al- mighty scarce these days. Then walking would be good with the streets so nicely paved, and the gates only 300 miles apart. The distance from the center of the city to the gates would be only 750 miles, but a walking angel could make that easy enough before breakfast. Then again, while the 1500 mile square cube city was being lowered to the earth by a myth- ical cable hooked fast to ethereal space, and the surface of the earth at the same time moving from west to east 1000 miles an hour, there might be some difficulty in landing it just square and plumb on the foundation; say somewhere about the central part of North America, and if the gravitation attraction and the rotary motion of the earth were the same as now, the whole thing mythical God, angels, saints and all, would be landed in the North Atlantic ocean, connecting America with Europe and Asia, and raising the ocean water, inundating all low countries and coast towns and cities of the earth. When we know that an aerolite stone of a ton weight, by gravitation attraction is drawn to the earth with sufficient force to penetrate the solid 116 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. earth from 20 to 40 feet, we can get some idea of the force that Saint John's mythical city would strike the earth, and where it would go 'to, with the surface of the earth at the same time going east 1,000 miles an hour. Saint John, the poor old imbecile, did not know that the earth was round, that it turned over every 24 hours, that there was any gravitation attrac- tion, that 10 miles from the earth the cold was about 1,000 degrees below zero, or that no hu- man being could live ten miles from the earth, not even a mythical god ; and if he was roaming around in any part of the United States, he would be in the insane asylum in less than a week. And still the preachers quote extensively from Saint John's Revelations. The United States should not protect mission- aries on any part of the earth not under the jurisdiction of the United States. They have no business there, and no legal right there, and they cause national complications much to our disadvantage, and do harm instead of good to the people where they go. The money spent in that way should go to the poor and destitute at home, who need every dollar that charity can furnish. The liberal minded people should build THE ETERNAL THINGS THAT NEVER WERE CREATED. 117 for themselves nice lecture halls, where they could meet in intellectual intercourse, and in that way acquire knowledge of the heavens, earth, eternal things, and eradicate mythology and mythological influences from mankind. A priest or preacher could be called in and deliver one of his soul-saving sermons. Then would come a first-class critic to overhaul and cut out all the faulty and mythical twaddle, and false and erroneous things set forth in the sermon. And in that way the true facts, truths and reason that come before the attendants could be ascertained, and in that way the people would become more wise, and bigotry, and church dogmas would disappear. Criticisms on the Fabulous Lies in the Bible. CHAPTER 13. CRITICISMS ON THE FABULOUS LIES IN THE BIBLE. In the beginning, (lie) . There never was any beginning. God created the Heavens and the Earth, (lie). God never created any of the eternal things. If so, who created God. The eternal things such as Intelligence (God) ethereal space, duration, matter, caloric, and all other eternal things have a co-existence and co-extent throughout all past and future eternity. The whole of Genesis is a mythological fable, fabrication, fiction and falsehood, intended to deceive, control and rule the ignorant people in favor of the Levites and priestcraft. The whole of the bible from start to finish was, and is based on mythology and false foundation. First an imaginary God, in the form of man, who had sons, and by inference, a he God, a she God, sons and daughters. No masculine gender can exist without a feminine gender. There can be (121) 122 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. no sons without there are daughters. No posi- tive without a negative. This great, powerful, almighty, masculine God, possessed of all past and future knowledge throughout the past and future eternity being embraced in his make-up; when pleased was all love, justice, kindness, tenderness, forbearance and forgiveness; but if some of his poor, ignorant people disobeyed by error or lack of knowledge, His wrath knew no bounds. He created a great heaven, and he created a great hell. He created a good people whose future existence would forever dwell in his great, eternal heaven ; and he created a bad people whose future existence would forever dwell in his great eternal hell; and he created a great devil to rule over his great hell, and nick- named him Satan, and when the sons of God made a feast Satan was there in council with God in regard to their mixed business. He created man, and did such poor work it grieved Him at his heart, and he repented and got old Noah to help him out of a bad job, and took a new start. The spirit of God moved, so he also had a spirit to succeed him in some su- perlative God Heaven, being the same as man a stepping-stone to a future imaginary mythical CEITICISMS ON THE FABULOUS LIES IN THE BIBLE. 123 existence, and at the same time there is no such thing as spirit in Intelligence (God) or man. All such writings are pure, simple bombast. The idea that Intelligence (God) that fills all past and future eternity would or could make mis- takes, and be grieving and repenting is too silly to be considered by the Hottentots in the jungles of Africa. Mistakes are made for the want of Intelli- gence. Who ever heard of an inexhaustible In- telligence that fills all eternity getting tired, and this mythical want of rest was a scheme of sham and deceit to foist a Sunday on the hu- man race for the benefit of the Levites and priestcraft to filch tithes and money from the ignorant people, backed by Sunday laws pre- venting them from working and attending to their own business as they might have needi- ness and desire to do, and by social and political ostracism, force them under the sway and pay to the preachers and priestcraft, against their will and better judgment; and if any man ex- presses his doubts in regard to the scriptural mythology, or the mythological tenets and dog- mas taught in all the churches on all parts of the earth, he is pounced upon by the clergy, priests 124 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. and preachers in defense of their dogmatic my- thology. Not that he commits any sin, harm, injury or damage to the human race, for what he does is a great benefit to all mankind. But it is because his opinions so expressed causes the people to think for themselves, and steer clear of such barnacles, and prevents them from filching money, a living and support during life, from the ignorant and unsuspecting, misguided people. There never was a human being that walked on unfrozen water; there never was a human being in a whale's stomach three days and then returned alive. The whale's stomach would have completely digested and disposed of him within the tune. There never was a human being who went up to heaven, as there is no such place up there. Up means straight away from the center of the earth in all direc- tions. There never was a human being, dead or alive, that left this earth, nor never will be. The body is part of the earth, and Intelligence, life, and caloric being eternal, remains in eternity. The words Deity, God, Lord, Almighty, Je- hovah and such expressions as God sees, God saw, CRITICISMS ON THE FABULOUS LIES IN THE BIBLE. 125 God looks, God smiles, God glorified, God helped, God moved, God walked, God talked, etc., are allegorical expressions allowable in language, not real, as God does not need to see, hear, feel, taste or smell, as God is everywhere, in everything, in ethereal space or infinitude. God is Intelligence, and acts from an infinite source, and not from a finite source. The eternal orig- ination originates all animal and vegetable formations on the earth the impulse or moving cause being Intelligence. God never interfered in a battle, never healed the afflicted, never tempered the breeze to the shorn lamb, never made it warm on a cold day, never brought the dead back to life, never interfered in any polit- ical or other contest, never demanded any praise, homage, glorification, adoration or wor- ship; never pardoned a sin or a wrong act, never walked, never talked, never was seen, never will be seen, never asked thanks, never received thanks, never made a present, never made a gift to any human being, never made suffering greater or less, never went up to any heaven, never made any heaven, never made any hell, never interfered with natural law or 126 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. its penalties nor any of the other eternal things, never heard prayers, never granted a pardon. No defacement of matter or violation of natural law can be restored or forgiven. A piece of stone broken from a cliff, or a hack made on a tree, can never be restored as it was. All the eternal things have unchangeable fixed rules, and when any change is made in or on any of the eternal things, it remains changed. It is erroneous to tell people that they can commit crimes and do evil deeds, and that through the power of the priest or church, that they can get forgiveness. There is no forgiveness for crimes and wrong doings, and any assertions to the contrary are a swindle and cheat to get money out of crimes, thefts, and murders anything that brings money to church before or after death. CHAPTER 14. The rod of Moses turned to a serpent; the waters of the sea and the river divided; the Lord cast down great stones from heaven; the ground clave asunder and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up; the sun stood still for about one whole day. The scriptures, from Genesis to Revelations, are full of such mythological, fabulous lies and falsehoods, that no sane human being could, or would ever be- lieve, which were easy to get into bible history by the Levites and priestcraft, there being not more than one in 50,000 of the people that could read or write, and those who could read never got to see or read the history, the same being locked up and safely in the possession of priestcraft, to be added to or taken from as to them seemed most to their advantage; to filch money and the fat of the land from the ignorant people. Of course, these events, so falsely stated, never took place, but these lies were worked into bible history by priestcraft, probably a thousand years later, to make the ignorant peo- (127) 128 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. pie fear God and priestcraft, so they would do their bidding to accomplish their desires by such great, fabulous lies from 1,000 to 5,000 years old the older the better, as age lends en- chantment, and is the oil that greases the wheels of the mythological wagon. For thous- ands of years priestcraft did not allow the peo- ple to have, read or construe the scriptures for themselves, and men that expressed their opin- ions were imprisoned and tortured by priest- craft, the record of which will forever remain a stench in the nostrils of the intelligent of man- kind. Hundreds of thousands of good men were slaughtered in the battles of the Reforma- tion to overcome the villainy and dictum of priestcraft. The feminine gender of the human race are persuasive beings, and the amplitude of the well-fed priestcraft provides them with animal magnetism by which they can bring undue influence over their female members of tender age, resulting in nunneries, which are a disgrace to civilization, and should be prohibited by law. No human being with, or without their con- sent, should be deprived of their liberty without due process of law, and sentence by the court. CRITICISMS ON THE FABULOUS LIES IN THE BIBLE. 129 Human beings are not consulted as to how and when they commence their existence on the earth, and they are not told when they will cease to exist. They have as much right, and as great a claim to a past existence, as they have to a future existence, there being no beginning or ending in the past, or in the future all are blended in one eternity, and all eternal things entering into their construction, always existed. Finite beings can only claim a limited existence anywhere, and by death and disintegration they, as a whole, cease to exist in any part of the future; but intelligence, life, caloric and matter being eternal things still exist separately in eternity, which has no limit in the past or in the future. Caloric, when acted upon by intelligence, can unform and reform anything composed of intel- ligence, life, caloric, and matter (when the action is in harmony with natural law and all the other eternal things), which includes vegetable, ani- mal and insect formations. All formations composed of the eternal things must include intelligence, caloric and matter. Except there is intelligence, heat and matter, there can be no for- mation whatever. There can be no formation of 130 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. a human body, except a material body, either on this earth or in any mythological heaven. There is but one way that a human being can get in existence, and that is by the expansion and con- traction of the infant's breast, giving the first breath, perfecting life in a human being. There is no way by which a human being can be born a second time. Intelligence (God), and all the eternal things (the attributes of intelligence) cannot act when separated from matter. The material must exist or no formation can take place. All the eternal things cannot act when separated from matter. Matter is the base and foundation of the all eternal things throughout infinitude. If matter could, or should cease to exist, all the other eternal things would become inactive and cease to exist also. Intelligence, the highest, the greatest, the supreme essence, the Emanuel, the Deity, the God, that controls and rules over endless eternity, comes forth with great pomp and show and meets old scar-faced matter, with chaos scattered all over infinitude, who looks up at Great Intelligence, grins, and says, what would you be, Dear, if I was not here? What exists in eternity after the death of a human being, is Intelligence, life, caloric CRITICISM ON THE FABULOUS LIES IN THE BIBLE. 131 and matter, each having a separate existence in infinitude, the same as before they entered the human body, and all personal identity disap- pears, both of mind and body, and all that pomp and show of fine coffins, great monuments and sepulchres are, for the want of Intelligence, connected with unrestrained sympathy, a pure waste of accumulated wealth, bringing want and poverty to many good people. The best way to dispose of a corpse is to roll it in a sheet to obscure nudity, and lay it in the clean earth three or four feet below the surface of the ground, so as not to interfere with cultivation, which should be done without any remorse of conscience. All human beings are as much in the great past one hour after death as if they had died a million years before, and there is no valid reason we should be any more interested in them than in human fossil skeletons found imbedded in the solid stone. It is only the trend of our education and unnecessary sym- pathy. CHAPTER 15. ABATE FILTHY NUISANCES. Every child should be taught to use their right and left eyes, arms, hands, legs, and feet alike and with equal skill, but ambidexter- ness should not apply to reading or writing, which should be uniformly from left to right. The habitual, unsightly and filthy use of to- bacco should be so regulated by law that its use would be extirpated and exterminated. First: No person should be allowed to raise or produce it for their own use, or to give it away, or allow it to be filched or stolen, if in their power to prevent. The seller, the buyer, the manufact- urer, and the wholesale and retail dealers, should all pay a high license, and there should also be high import duty collected, which should all go to the school fund of the counties where collected, and no school teacher should ever be employed who uses tobacco, and the school children or students should be lectured, at least four times during the school term, against its (132) ABATE FILTHY NUISANCES. 133 use and other filthy habits, that they might thoughtlessly acquire, which would during life be a filthy nuisance and an unnecessary waste of wealth and labor. Then, after the tobacco business had been so depleted by such a law, then give notice that on and after a fixed date, that no tobacco should be grown, sold, used or imported within the boundaries of the United States of America or its possessions. Its cultiva- tion absorbs the nitre and other valuable quali- ties from the soil, which would be of great use in the production of food and other cereal and fibre crops which are highly necessary to the support and well-being of the human race, and all the human race are deeply interested in keeping the soil in a productive condition. Anything that depletes the soil is injurious to the State and Nation. CHAPTER 16. CONTROL ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS. Alcoholic liquors, wines and other palatable drinks, should be sold every place where wanted by well-regulated, high license, without prefer- ence between communities, and the boards of health should see to it that no adulterated goods are allowed to be sold, and if sold, then heavy fines and penalties. All license money so re- ceived should go to the school fund of the county, and not to the special locality where the business is done. Alcohol is the greatest medicinal remedy known. Its use, as well as that of other liquors is all right when properly used, and the people should see that they are rightly used. If persons get drunk, arrest and fine them so much that they will recollect it, and the law should be that if a man has been arrested for drunkenness and fined three times, then he should be barred from voting, holding any office of trust or receiving marriage licenses. If same have no money to pay his fines make him (134) CONTROL ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS. 135 work it out, and if same still gets drunk reform him in state's prison for five years. Alcoholic and fermented liquors have been used as far back as history goes, and always will be used. They that make brutes of themselves should be treated like brutes. If men are so weak-minded that they cannot control their ap- petites, get drunk, go home and abuse their families, the world does not need such breed- ers. Drunkards beget drunkards. Better give them the extract of poppy and let them sleep it out. There is such place as eternal hell, better get them on the road there as soon as possible. The air will smell better as soon as they are gone. (Hell is the grave) . No person should be allowed to give away (or treat) any other person with liquor, if so, then a fine of ten dollars and costs, and vendors of liquors should not be allowed to sell liquor to any person under 18 years old except they have an order from their parents, if so, the same fine and cost. The manufacture of alcohol or alcoholic liquors should be untaxed and free from internal reve- nue in any part of the United States the same as any other manufactured article of commerce, and a printed guarantee of purity should accom- 136 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASOX. pany each sale of one quart or over one quart. I think the above is far better than a demi- john under the bed in every home for the boys and girls to tipple, and all get to be drunkards. By the use of tobacco, and the excessive use of alcoholic liquors, the results are ignorance, therefore all the revenue from the licensing of such traffic should go to the schools to increase Intelligence. All Sunday laws should be struck from all the laws of the earth, but no person should be allowed to interfere or disturb moral and orderly assemblies on Sunday or any other day. True religion and a high standard of virtue and morals should be enforced by human laws, and not by mythical reward or punish- ment beyond the grave. Hoping that ultimately all the human race will be able to understand and realize that there is no man God roaming over the earth, or in the eternal unlimited heav- ens. There is but one God (Intelligence), and that God does not require any church worship, or any help of the weak-minded priest or preachers. CHAPTER 17. NOAH'S FLOOD. Of all the lies that has ever been told or writ- ten, none exceeds that great extortious and fab- ulous lie of Noah's Flood. Mount Ararat is about as high above the sea level as Mount Ori- zaba or Mount St. Elias in North America. The water was on the face of the whole earth. Gen., Chap. 8; v. 9; that is to say, it covered Ararat and all the mountains of the earth, bob and sinker, from the lowest plain to over the top of the Himalayas of over 29,000 feet above the level of the sea, increasing the diameter of the earth about 12 miles, with the greater portion of the land about 20,000 feet below the top of Noah's Flood. The rain was restrained and the waters returned from off of the earth. Gen., Chap. 8; v. 2, 3. Now we all know that water seeks its own level; then where could the water have went to? Once the water was on the earth it would stay on the earth. The sun rays will not evaporate water when the land cannot be struck (137) 138 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. by them. When I said further back in this book that half the water was in the firmament at the time the Great Canyons were being cut, the good church bigot said it was ludicrous. Now he would have the people believe that at the time of Noah's Flood that there was 50,000 times more water in the firmament than I had stated. If such a body of water, from 15,000 to 20,000 feet in depth above the greater part of the land and covering all at some depth, should encompass the earth, it would become a glittering spheroid revolving in its orbit around the sun without a spear of vegetation or a sin- gle inhabitant. There never was such a body of water in the atmosphere of the earth, and never will be, and no such event could or ever did take place. The great lie of Noah's flood is entirely too big a lie to look decent. It looks like at the time all the liars were in a great contest, and the man that wrote the lie of Noah's flood was the greatest liar of all, and won the prize. CHAPTER 18. The fall of water in order to cover the face of the whole earth in 40 days, would have had to exceed 700 feet in depth per day from start to finish. Counting cubits at 20 inches, the size of Noah *s Ark was about 500 feet long, 84 feet wide and 50 feet high (3 stories), not half the size of the passenger ships that are making trips in less than six days from New York to Liver- pool. If the animals, fowls, and creeping things had been packed as close as sardines, the Ark would not have had room for a third of them, to say nothing about room for storage of food supplies and comforts for old Noah's family for 150 days. Up to the time the Ark rubbed its bottom and rested on the very top of Mount Ararat, Gen., Chap. 8; v. 3, 4, the water at the time, it is reasonable to estimate, was about 15 feet deep on the very top of Ararat, as 15 feet would be about what the Ark would sink in the water under the pressure. It was about 70 days from the time the Ark rubbed its bottom (139) 140 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. and settled on the top of Ararat until the tops of the mountains were seen, as there had to be a shrinkage of 15 to 20 feet of water over the entire earth. It was slow, if it ever was shrank at all, or was ever there at all (and sure it never was there at all). Gen., Chap. 8; v. 4, 5. It would be impossible with a Hebrew God, or any other God, to do what Noah claims was clone, as it would take more than a hundred times the amount of water that is on the earth, or in firmament above the earth to have made good Noah's lying assertions. It also would belittle the Hebrew God's intelligence in his mistakes made in creative capacity, by wiping away all of his fore-knowledge, and reduce him to a finite God, for no infinite God can make mistakes. CHAPTER 19. Noah must have had great skill in naviga- tion to be tossed around day and night when no sun, moon, or stars were ever seen for 40 days, and yet when no trace of Ararat could be seen, then to land his old craft right on top of Ararat and rest it there over 70 days before the mountain top he was on, or other mountain tops could be seen. It seems he sent out the crafty old raven, and he likely found enough floating mice and toads to more than appease his hunger, and he likely roosted on top of the Ark every night and left early in the morning, and old Noah didn't see him at all, if there was any raven or old Noah at all, or any flood at all, and sure there was none of it at all (all lies and wind was all) . While the cold wind was slashing the water around the top of Ararat and old Noah's headquarters, he was sending the dove to find the state of the water. The dove saw no land the first trip. The dove saw signs of land the second trip. The third trip found (141) 142 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. land, and did not return to old Noah at all, if there was any dove at all, or old Noah at all, and sure there was none at all. The top of Mount Ararat is 17,323 feet above sea level, and how old Noah with all the animals, fowls, and creeping things, got down off of that bleak, desolate, cold region to the lower and produc- tive country, where vegetable and animal life could be sustained, is one of the mysteries that only another liar like the one that wrote the whole of Genesis could explain, as 3,000 feet of the top of Mount Ararat is covered with ice and snow, with the cold about 60 degrees below zero. And without was fully as cold before old Noah was born, or got in great favor with the Hebrew mythical God, and became his earthly agent to help him out of some of his bad blunders and mistakes which had caused his great wrath, and old Noah had an eye to business, as he got this Almighty God to promise that him and his seed possess and inhabit the whole earth. CHAPTER 20. At this age of enlightenment and scientific attainments, all and every one (not a natural born fool) , does know that as soon as the moun- tain peak of Ararat would have been laid bare with the top a few hundred feet above the water, and 17,323 feet above the present sea level, that the cold wind many degrees below zero, would have just whistled through old Noah's whiskers, and frozen stiff the life out of all the animals, fowls and creeping things around or about the Ark, not one would have escaped. It will be noticed that the old villain- ous, jealous, wrathful and lying God of mis- takes was not smiling around old Noah's door jamb when the Ark was on the top of Ararat, but it was after old Noah got down that he was establishing his covenant with him, and giving old Noah his song and dance about his rainbow sign (Gen., Chap. 9, v. 13), that every boy can make with a paddle in a frogpond when the sun is shining; and the same principle existed a mil- (143) 144 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. lion years before that old lying blatherskiting God was around practicing his legerdemain. When we realize that after over 1200 years of Christian enlightenment that the people turned their children into the Christian maw of igno- rance, bigotry and superstition in the crusades to perish from sickness and hunger, and what escaped death were sold into slavery to the Turks. History says nine hundred thousand were offered as a sacrifice to ignorance, based on the fabulous lies in the Bible. Still we have educated men all over this country that are so completely under the magic wand of priest and preachercraft that they will stand up and say "we believe every word of the Bible, no odds how unreasonable it might be, on the ground that it was done by the force and will of God, and that God can do any thing, that nothing is impossible with their mythical God," which is a barefaced and unmitigated lie. Any man but a natural born fool would know it without being told or shown. There is no such thing as Lord, Deity or God other than Intelligence, and it matters not how much intelligence there might be, it cannot do anything only in har- mony with natural law, and all the other eternal 145 things. Intelligence cannot create any thing, that is, form something out of nothing; could not do an impossibility; could not make space, duration, matter, or any of the eternal things, or a twenty-year-old man in one minute. Every thing that is done or made, are formed by fixed rules that cannot be changed. Thus you may do things, and thus you shall not do things, and the same rule applies to Intelligence (God) as well as man. There is twenty eternal things, and every one has its own sphere of action which can not be interfered with, but all action must be in harmony with all the other eternal things. None of the eternal things can be destroyed, or their use and power con- cealed, they being from eternity to full extent of infinitude and all action in them, and on them, must be in accord with sphere of their action, force and power. 10 CHAPTER 21. The matter in the structure of a human being is eight hundred parts, out of one thousand parts pure water, and the two hundred part left is very nearly all bone (limestone), small amount of iron, some carbon and other gases. There is about four billion people that come on the earth and die in every one thousand years, and the bones will average about fifty pounds each, equaling in weight two billion pounds of bones in a thousand years, and when we con- sider all the short lifed and long lifed animals, fowls, birds, and the fishes in the water, it gives a grand total of bone or bone-lime, that is ex- tracted from the earth in one thousand years, as about six billion pounds, which is reabsorbed by the earth into the limestones of the earth, and is again reabsorbed into the animal king- dom; with never any part of the lime lost or destroyed, as earth matter is an eternal thing, and no part of the eternal things can ever be lost or destroyed. The same in all past eternity, (146) STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN BEING. 147 now and forever. The same principle or law of all the eternal things are on the same eternal plan; no part can, or ever will be lost or de- stroyed. The same in the past eternity, now, and in all future eternity, forever and forever. If any of the eternal things should be lost or destroyed, such would bring chaos and confusion in the whole great plan of the heavens em- braced in the eternal unlimited ethereal space and infinitude. Intelligence, when acting on any or all of the eternal things, such action must be in accordance with their existence and sphere of action and power, and not otherwise. Har- mony must prevail. CHAPTER 22. THE SHORTCOMINGS, INDECENT, INCON- SISTENCY AND IRRECONCILABILITY OF ALL CHURCH WORSHIP ON THE EARTH. The mythical, invoking, incantations and hal- lucinations of Christianity, Judaism, and all the other churches of the world are so foolish, ab- surd, irrational and indecent that they are thousands of years behind this age of an educated and intelligent people. It is more enlightened to worship the rising sun, the fire, or the Chi- nese chalk God, than to see and hear many things that are practiced in and by the churches such as the baptising in the filthy creeks, stirring up the goose manure and polluted slime, and the mourners bench with the preachers fumbling the girls, is a disgrace to human Intel- ligence, and the obscure and secret confessional of priestcraft, is an abomination before God and the human race. All human beings are equal before God alike no preference is shown, and (148) THE SHOKTCOMINGS OF ALL CHURCH WORSHIP. 149 when any man or set of men set up their monte bank of mythical dead beat to sell their influ- ence with God, and in that way procure a par- don for sins committed, just count all such hypocrites, barnacles and mythical dead beats, procuring money for what they never did, never will, and never can do. All glorification, adora- tion, beseeching and asking pardon for sins committed, are all just lost wind. The Eman- uel, the God, is in every human being, therefore, communicate with yourself, do right, and set to rights your guilty conscience and be better men and women by absorbing more God within you, to guide you in the path of rectitude. The more Intelligence (God) you have within you, the less liable you are to sin, commit crimes and do evil deeds. This whole world is well loaded up with ancient galore and toadyism setting forth about some- thing that was done or happened in some great mythical fabulous lies, that never was done, nor never could have taken place, all of which are commemorated as sacred events, such as Sun- day, Passover, Lord's Supper, Baptism, and many other fabulous things that the meek, lowly and ignorant people [accept as facts, all 150 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. of which has been worked into bible history by designing priestcraft for the purpose of filching money and the good things of the earth for their luxurious support without exposure at labor. O, when will the ignorant people become wise, and take these hypocrites and dead beats by surprise, when they can no longer sell their aged enchantments and fabulous lies, and by all in- telligent people be despised. That is to say, when these great extancions and fabulous re- presentations are made by the priests and preachers to the people, they should be meas- ured and weighed in the balance of human reason, and deduct therefrom all facts, truths and reason in them, and if found void of facts, truths and reason, cast them aside as worthless trash. Anything that will not stand criticism is worthless. CHAPTER 23. Why should we go away back for thousands of years when the masses of the people were a mass of ignorance, and get their old mythical, fabulous, moth-eaten, rotten religions, when we now have more intelligence in one day than they ever had in a thousand years. There are now a million men in the United States that have more intelligence, and a thousand times more morality, honor and justice in them than Solo- mon ever had, and throw in all the prophets besides. The intelligence in the people of this age act- ing on origination can bring into existence a re- ligion a thousand fold more superior than has come to us from all past effort in that line. All the religions of the world up to the present time, are as full of faults and shortcomings as a sieve is full of holes. We now have hundreds of different kinds of churches that are based on the scriptures be- cause they were so poorly, meanly and unintelli- (151) 152 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. gently constructed when written, that no agree- ment can be had between the most intelligent people as to their meaning. When we see the great many church buildings, each representing separate religious creeds, all based on the differ- ent constructions and meaning of the so-called scriptures, which show that they were improp- erly and ignorantly constructed when written, that the scriptures were not designed and com- posed by the great Intelligence (God) but by men better known as ignoble, bigoted ignoram- uses; and the so-called prophets of the Lord in filthy garb doing up the towns of mud huts, leaning on poles called staffs, haranguing the people, and if they were roaming around now, the police would tell them to move on, and fail- ing to do so, they would find themselves in the jail charged with disturbing the peace and dig- nity of the city, and the judge would send them to the state institution for the weak minded. The people are carrying a great burden of ex- pense by the building and maintaining of the great number of church buildings, and the pay of the priests and preachers to unload their in- vocations, hallucinations and explaining a long list of mythical fables and fabulous lies found in THE SHORTCOMINGS OF ALL CHURCH WORSHIP. 153 the Bible, in such a way that they will all be accepted as solid truths by the congregation, but have no effect on the seats, mostly empty. The great mass of the intelligent people of the world that have the push, energy and inventive skill that bring order out of chaos and strife, never give any attention to the eternal things or the supreme plan of eternity or infinitude. They leave all that to the priests and preachers to tell them about the great mythical heaven and hell, and how to get to that great mythical heaven by paying the priest or preacher, and supporting the church, but failing to do that, their mythical souls will at death pass into that great, eternal, mythical hell, and the priest and preacher smiles as he sees them piling their hard-earned money into the contribution box, taking it for granted that what the priest or preacher told them is the true status of life, and the priest or preacher says to himself, as he pulls the door after him, "I have fed my sheep and they turned in their fleece too." CHAPTER 24. The priest says to himself: "I will soon get a red cap, and be high-cockalorum and boss of all nunneries the game rooster of all Christendom." The preacher smiles, rubbing his hands together, as he sits up to his table of the most luxurious viands and says to his wife: "We divines travel at half-fare, and the way the money is coming in we will be able, on my vacation, to take a trip to Europe, and I will send in some grand reports of the Holy Land. These reports will not bother me at all, as when we are in London there are men who make a business of writing great reports on the Holy Land for a few dol- lars, and we will send in big reports on the scenes in the Holy Land while we are taking in the great sights in London and Paris (see) , and when we return we will have a grand time, as it will take half a dozen big sermons (which I will bring with me, bought of sermon writers in London), and I will give them a grand eye- opener, and we will have another grand time, (154) THE SHORTCOMINGS OF ALL CHURCH WORSHIP. 155 and money will come in big rolls. My congre- gation will believe every word I say. They are believers, and will believe anything, as you know that it is by firm belief and undoubting faith that they get to the great and glorious mythical heaven, besides it is written that un- belief is the curse of the world, and you know that will make them all strong in faith and un- doubting in belief." None are so blind as those that will not see, with the fear of an eternal hell of damnation deeply embedded in their memory. Surely the blind leadeth the blind, and main road leads from their money purse to the priests' and preachers' pockets. And why not when they are church dupes and slaves owned by church dogmas, not having courage enough to contend or accept freedom. CHAPTER 25. Admitting that there are many priests and preachers (that is, of the very common run) that, by delusion, are acting in good faith, and are firm in the belief that they are saving many of what they believe to be human souls from an eternal hell, but it is a sure deduction from all the facts under consideration, the money is the force that pulls the mythological wagon of all the churches. All human beings on this earth have their ex- istence by the direct impulse of Intelligence (God), and if there is a soul or spiritual body in every human being, it comes from the same source and what Intelligence (God) has done. Intelligence (God) is amply able to take care of all the works of the eternal, unlimited intelli- gence throughout all infinitude. The force and power of the eternal Intelligence (God) , with all the other eternal things as attributes, does not need the assistance of these weak-minded priests and preachers who, by their pretended (156) LOST BOOKS IN THE BIBLE. 157 celibacy, work their way into the sociality of marriageable and conjugal relations of families, causing much illegitimacy and a great many divorces. There is nothing more dangerous to the chastity and welfare of the family than the amplitude of a well fish and chicken-fed priest or preacher. There is not a church on earth that can stand if the orations or sermons of then* priests or preachers are allowed to be fol- lowed by a competent critic, showing the same to be unreasonable, untruthful and unworthy of belief or credence. There may be some of the partly civilized, unlearned and unintelligent people that yet have fears of an eternal hell of damnation, but all the educated, thinking and intelligent people no longer have any fear of any kind of a hell, for the best of reasons the consensus of all the evidence on earth, or in the eternal, unlimited heavens show that there is no such place, and the time is near when the boys and girls moan- ing and trembling with fear, will no longer be held with red hot tongs over a great lake of hellfire and brimstone in order to increase church membership and the money in the priests' or preachers' pockets. CHAPTER 26. LOST BOOKS IN THE BIBLE. Below I give one of the most complete lists of the lost "books referred to in the Scriptures" that has ever been published : Book of the Wars of the Lord, Numbers, xxi., 14. Book of Jasher, Joshua, x., 13; also, II Sam- uel, i., 18. Book of Iddo the Seer, II. Chronicles, ix., 25; also II. Chronicles xii., 15. Book of Nathan the Prophet, II. Chronicles, ix., 29. Prophecies of Ahijah, II. Chronicles, ix., 20. Acts of Rehoboam in Book of Shemaiah, II. Chronicles, xii., 15. Book of Jehu, II. Chronicles, xx., 34. Book of the Kings of Israel, II. Chronicles, xx., 34. Book of the Thousand and Five Songs of Solomon, I. Kings, iv., 32. (158) LOST BOOKS IN THE BIBLE. 159 Book of the Covenant, Exodus, xxiv., 7. Book of Remembrance, Malachi, iii., 14. Book of Gad, the Seer, I. Chronicles, xxix., 29. Book of the Acts of Solomon, I. Kings, xi., 41. Book of the Lord, Isaiah, xxxiv., 16. Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah, I. Chronicles, ix., 1; II. Chronicles, xvi., 11; xxviii., 26; xxxv., 27; xxxvi., 8. Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel, I. Kings, xiv., 19; I. Kings, xvi., 5. Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah, I. Kings, xv., 7. The Chronicles of King David, I. Chronicles, xxvii., 24. Isaiah's "Acts of Uzziah," II. Chronicles, xxvi., 22. Acts of Hezekiah in the Vision of Isaiah the Prophet, II. Chronicles, xxxii, 32. Sayings of the Seers, II. Chronicles, xxxii., 19. Story of the Prophet Iddo, II. Chronicles, viii., 22. Some commentators maintain that the four- teenth verse of the single chapter of Jude alludes to a "Book of Enoch;" also, that the thirty- second verse of the fourth chapter of I. Kings, refers to works on natural history that were written by Solomon. CHAPTER 27. Considering the wars, 'bloodshed, turmoil, trouble, strife and heartfelt sorrow that the old filthy Jewish Bible has brought to the human race, it makes me shudder to contemplate what would be the result if we should have been un- fortunate enough to have been cursed with all the books. Job's troubles compared would be as a sand in the sea. We should feel thankful that we never got the lost books, and we would be a thousand times more blessed if we had never gotten any of the books of the old Jewish Bible. Now as to Jesus Christ, his miraculous conception and birth was a deception, which no sane, intelligent person believes, and there is no proof worthy of belief or credence, just fabulous lying assertions, pure unadulterated bosh, and if the assertions were true, why did Matthew call him the son of Man, and it was the Devils who called him the son of God. Which was mistaken, Matthew or the Devils? All such talk about the Virgin Mary conceived by the Holy Ghost is ignorant filthy twaddle. (160) CHAPTER 28. There is nothing to show that Christ was educated or ever wrote any language, scribbled in the dust just once. What he knew about the scriptures he probably got from his father Joseph, or in the synagogue, or by converse, and his disciples were uneducated and of the very commonest class of men at that date, and it is a general consensus from all that infor- mation that the twelve apostles never wrote the twelve books as stated; they were likely written by scribes from hearsay of the fabulous reports then current in that part of the country. For many years the belief and faith in Christ was very limited, and these twelve books with many other books and manuscripts were in the possession of the Christian priest for 325 years, and there was great discord among the priests or ministers as to what was the teachings of Jesus Christ, and Constantine called all the Christian priests or ministers to the great coun- cil of Nice, and when they had all assembled (161) 11 * 162 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. they numbered only about 2,300, while Lima, Peru, has 8,000 priests for 140,000 people, so it is plain to be seen that the people of eastern Europe and adjacent territory in Asia and Africa had but little use for the fabulous and miraculous Christ, and when all the books and manuscripts were laid before the council there was tumultuous strife and bitter contentions as to what were really the teachings of Christ. There were two propositions before the coun- cil. One was, that all the books and manu- scripts in any form should be preserved. The second proposition was that the twelve books of the apostles be retained as the teachings of Christ, and all the rest be destroyed. When the vote was taken there was about two-thirds of the council for preserving all, and about one- third to preserve only the twelve books of the apostles and destroy the rest; at this juncture of the proceedings Constantine lined up the minority delegates and cleared the house of the great majority, and himself and the minor- ity delegates declared the twelve books of the apostles canonical and had all the other manu- scripts and books destroyed. These twelve scriptures at the tune of the council had been LOST BOOKS IN THE BIBLE. 163 in possession of priestcraft for over 300 years, and the common people knew nothing about them, only what the priests told them. They had been translated and interpreted and worked over, so as to make each book to a great extent harmonize so that when these twelve manu- scripts were before the Nicene council they received the approval of Constantine, which was really the council, as the majority were ruled out and had no say in the matter, and all of their manuscripts and books were de- stroyed, and that put a quietus on all conten- tions and disputes as to what was the teaching or doctrines of Christ, and at this date it is not known what the teachings and doctrines of Christ was, or is now. The old Jewish Bible was translated and interpreted from the an- cient Hebrew into the modern Hebrew, and from the modern Hebrew to the Greek and Latin, and no doubt thousands of mistakes were made by error, or most likely intentional by designing priestcraft as an object lesson. CHAPTER 29. When King James' translation was made into the English language, there was, some say 12,000 and others say 24,000 mistakes were made and we know that we at this day can hardly have a deed recorded without mis- takes. The consensus of all history show that all worship of all religions were based on great fabulous myths, lies and legerdemain, and the larger and more erroneous the presentations, the better they took with the then uneducated and ignorant people, and the priests and preach- ers, beginning thousands of years in the past and clear on up until now have built up a great oligarchy made out of the past poor, filthy, unreasonable, unbelievable, ignorant trash and' hobgoblins brought down to this enlightened age, from the ancient, ignorant and barbarian races, and then go around with a lantern at midday trying to find out why the (164) LOST BOOKS IN THE BIBLE. 165 dear people do not attend the churches, and rub their hands down over a well-fed stomach and say: "We are always ready to feed the sheep," but the sheep do not want such ancient musty feed ; they have learned of better pasture. The people are now better educated and too in- telligent to listen or entertain the howling, ignorant fanatical pretentions contrary to reason and intelligence. When a man goes on the platform to talk to the people, he must stick to facts, truths and reason. People will not accept fabulous lies and falsehoods as facts. There was a time when the people could be made believe such things because they were in the Bible, but that does not count these days. The people want the facts and truths supported and weighed in the balance of human reason. CHAPTER 30. The most of the laws of the Hebrews that was heralded to the people as written by the great Jew God's own hand and turned over to Moses were in existence in the Sanskrit, the first, greatest and most ancient language of mankind, as shown in the Shastra of the Hin- doos of India, more than a thousand years before Moses was born. Solomon's wise saying that "there is nothing new under the sun," no doubt was a common phrase in use many cen- turies before the sainted old David had Uriah murdered in order to get his wife, and before Amnan, son of David forced his sister Tamar, and Absalom went from the tent on top of his father's house without shame in unto his father's ten concubines and made fornication with each and all of them in the sight of all Israel, and that almighty Hebrew God, with both eyes shut, didn't see at all! That much-lauded and greatly glorified Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," that has (166) LOST BOOKS IN THE BIBLE. 167 been the beacon star to light up the pathway of the Christian for over nineteen hundred years, shows up in history seven hundred years before Jesus Christ was born in a stable and laid in the manger. Brahma, Vishnu and Seva in the Hindoo Shastra, is a prelude to Father, Son and Holy Ghost, which is not found in the Bible but borrowed, purely an invention of designing priestcraft, both having a similar meaning, and both being big, high-sounding words, and both, first and last, pure mytho- logical wind, intended to mislead the ignorant masses and credulous church dupes, but at this age when all statements must be weighed in the balance of human reason, church dupes are becoming less plentiful every year, and will be- come more so in the future. Anything that is not reasonable is subject to examination, and criticized and weighed in the balance of human reason, and if found wanting, cast aside. CHAPTER 31. Jesus Christ was called the son of Man by Matthew, chapter 8, verse 20; the devils called Jesus Christ the son of God, chapter 8, verse 29, so the name "son of God" came from the devils directly from hell the grave, as denned by Web- ster's Dictionary, that hell is the grave. But the whole is a lie and a myth as the devils were not in the man, nor ever went into the swine. The swine herders had stolen the hogs, sold them to passing water craft, and availed them- selves of the opportunity of accounting for the missing swine by laying it all on the great and glorious Jesus Christ, followed by a gang of ignorant dupes, bummers, toughs and hoboes. The owner of the swine was simply hoodwinked out of his hogs. The Catholic priests are edu- cated and learned men, and they know that the Bible will not stand the searchlight of reason and criticism, and for that reason they keep the scriptures in Greek and Latin, so that the members of the church cannot read or form (168) LOST BOOKS IN THE BIBLE. 169 any opinion in regard to them, only what the priests tell them. That is to say, they call up their ignorant sheep and feed them plenty of rotten filthy twaddle about the Hebrew God and the glorious Jesus Christ who plainly said "Let the dead bury the dead," Matthew 8: 22, showing that neither himself or the Church he would establish had any interest in the dead further than what the Church could get out of the friends and relatives, which at this age brings a large revenue for funeral orations, and the Christian Catholic Church gets large donations after death for canceling or setting aside sins committed during life. It would be extremely hard to invent a more enticing trap for fools than this loathsome and detestable proposition; a superlative double searchlight cheat and swindle perpetrated on their followers and not in accord with the scriptures and con- trary to human reason. What is human wor- ship? Answer: Pure, unadulterated decep- tion, where much is expected and nothing re- ceived. What is the cause of Human Worship? Answer: A desire to live an eternal life after death. This desire is so strong by and from the force of education and training, that they 170 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. prefer to go to any kind of hell rather than not exist at all after death; but once their minds are liberated from that baleful influence and fully realize that there is no existence after death, it would give them liberty of both mind and body, and the trend of their minds would be for good laws well enforced, purity of purpose with charitable chasted and loving kindness for all the human race, and not be impressed by a belief that they could commit all kinds of evil deeds and crimes, and receive pardon while living, and even by priestcraft after they are dead. Such bad morals taught to the young people leads them to believe that no matter what mean and detestable crime they may do, that God, through the influence of priestcraft, will forgive them, and make their celestial garments as white as snow. CHAPTER 32. FIXED RULES OF LIFE. Observe your full duty between yourself and your fellowman, same as between father and child, husband and wife. Have rectitude, gov- erned by pure unselfish reason. Be virtuous, kind, true and sincere in your ways toward all, having charity for all, but more so to the de- serving ones. Have purity of purpose and honest desire in dispensing impartial justice to all. Use practical and just ways of life, and give all praise to this world, striving always to make it better. Practice industry, sobriety, gravity, decorum and truthfulness as a good citizen. Take nothing but that which is yours of right and justice. Expect nothing more of all others than you would be willing to grant yourself. Accept as a fact that you have no knowledge of why you have life and existence here on this earth, and cannot have any know- ledge of life and existence after death. Fully recognize that your body can never leave the (171) 172 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. earth, for the reason that it is part of the earth, that intelligence, life, and caloric separates from the body, but that you do not know from whence they came or whither they go, recognizing as a fact, that they were absorbed from Eternity, and after segregation called death, still exist in eternity separately, and independently, the same as before they entered into the structure of an intelligent, live, warm, human being, whose body was matter. That your existence on this earth is transitory, wherein you have no know- ledge of your beginning or ending, and are only filling some small place in eternity, not now known or ever will be known, for the reason that the finite can not comprehend the infinite, nor see or understand or contemplate the force and power of the eternal things as the supreme plan of the eternal unlimited ethereal space and infinitude. CHAPTER 33. CONFUCIANISM. Confucius lived about 550 years before Christ. There was really more Intelligence (God) within him and his moral precepts and teachings than in any of the past modes of worship. When the people first began their existence on the earth it was at the northern and southern ex- tremes of the earth. The climate was first tropical and their needs were supplied by both vegetable and animal life, and there was no need for any more. There was at that time no Eastern or Western Hemispheres, and all the equatorial or the central portion of the earth was at that time torrid climate and all covered with water, but the climate where the people lived changed to a temperate climate; had winter and summer seasons, and when the sun would to them appear to recede and go away, and all vegetable and animal life would suffer, but when the sun returned it appeared to re- deem everything; vegetation came forth and (173) 174 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. all animal life increased, and all nature was again lovely. So they began to look to the sun as their god, and began reverencing and wor- shiping the sun, as when it came near heat came to them a*nd repelled the cold and brought happiness. They soon realized that fire was also heat, and began worshiping fire by building fire-altars out of wood, and when burning worshipped the fire as God, and made burnt offerings of animals and of human beings as well, and the Hebrews improved and modern- ized the way and manner by getting firstlings of all the finest flesh animals and have them nicely roasted, of which none was allowed to be eaten except by the priests and flunkey attendants of the tabernacle. The reason for that was to not let the common people find out how sumptuously they were living, all at the ex- pense of the people, and for the further reason that priestcraft did not want the people to see or find out the workings of the tabernacle. Even was not allowed to see old Moses' negro wife. CHAPTER 34. The whole world is well supplied with priests, preachers, clergy, exhorters, church henchmen, swads, bumpkins and an immense number of goody-goody people that are always ready to proclaim and acclaim that every good thing that has come or ever will come for the benefit, comfort, ease, and well-being of the human race all come from their mythical imaginary Hebrew Man God. After the great English Nation had been compelled to acknowledge the indepen- dence of the United States, and Washington dead, then comes the big lie by a man that would not have been trusted by merchants for a peck of potatoes, that he had seen Washington praying in the woods, and that God had answer- ed his prayers. "Now in these days came the man Je'sus," but it could not stay that way and was altered by priestcraft to read "Now in these days came the man Jesus "if he could be called a man." (see Josephus.) The church, priests, prelates, dignitaries, bigots and hench- (175) 176 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. men have been for thousands of years polluting, changing and altering the Bible and Bible his- tory, and all other history, in all and everything on the earth to support this mythological He- brew Man God, and their erroneous religions and pretensions. Alexander "the Great, Leonidas, Caesar, Na- poleon, Voltaire, Lafayette, Wellington, Wash- ington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Jackson, Hamilton, Franklin, Paine, Jones, and thousands of others of the greatest men that ever walked on this earth were free thinking and unbelievers in the Hebrew Mythical God. It is from the acts and great deeds of these men that we of this age are allowed to think, write, talk and reason together, and feel the great benefits of free thought, free speech, and free, untrammeled liberty, backed by a National Infidel Constitution, under which the nation has prospered as no other nation has since man's existence on the earth began, and that constitu- tion will remain an Infidel Constitution while the mountains stand and the rivers flow to the sea. This book is intended to be read, weighed in the balance and measured by God's greatest gift to man, Human Reason. CHAPTER 35. At this age when the eternal unlimited intel- ligence that fills all infinitude is being rapidly absorbed into the minds of our greatest and best developed men of brains and push, in inventions, arts and scientific attainments, until we can sit in our office and talk with people all over the state and nation, and send messages all over the world either on the surface or under the great oceans, or through fluid air to our ships at sea, and soon we may expect to be able to look across the ocean and see what is going on in London, Paris and other large cities in Europe, or sit in chair in New York and see our friends get aboard the ship at San Francisco and hear them say goodby, or at the same place see the Methodist shouter open his mouth, blare his eyes and hear his hallelujah; but it is a sure deduction, look as you can, will or may, you will not be able to see any person or hear any person that has passed through death and the grave, for the reason that they do not now nor (177) 178 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. ever have returned alive or otherwise; such a thing never has been done, nor ever will be done. All such statements made in the scriptures that human beings did return to life again after death, even a mythical God, are untruthful and are the invention of priestcraft in support of their mythical Man God, to establish a false, detestable religious faith worship, to get much money and support from the ignorant people. For the past fifty years, spirits returning to this earth has had a great rage, and the laying on of hands, and so called Christian Science have all proved to be a pure unadulterated humbug supported by ignorance and superstition. There is no such thing as a spirit of a human being or any other animal on the earth nor never was, nor never will be. CHAPTER 36. A GENERAL CONSPECTUS, RECAPITU- LATION, REHEARSAL, AND EX- PLANATORY REFERENCES IN SUPPORT OF THE FORE- GOING PAGES. THE GOD IDEA OF HUMAN ORIGIN. Personal gods always correspond to the char- acter of their worshipers. The ancient Scan- dinavians lived by conquest and they wor- shiped two grim Gods of war and plunder Thor and Odin. The Hindoos are non-com- bative and their gods are tutelary and corres- pondingly harmless. The ancient Greeks were of versatile character and worshipped Mars God of War. They were given to revelry and mirth, and offered oblations to Bacchus God of Revelry, and Comus God of Mirth. They were fond of maritime pursuits and sacrificed to Neptune God of the Sea. They were ad- dicted to amatory pleasures and adored Venus (179) 180 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. Goddess of Beauty, and Cupid God of Love. The primitive Jews were warlike and blood- thirsty, and their Jehovah was correspondingly remorseless, cruel and vindictive. John Knox, founder of Old School Presbyterianism, had large combativeness and destructiveness, with small benevolence, and believed in a God of infinite malice and hate the Draco of the universe, the author of sin and its un- sparing avenger. Theodore Parker was the opposite of Knox, having small destructive- ness and combativeness and large benevo- lence, and he advocated the existence of a God infinite in love and benevolence. Thus we find that the Gods of individuals as well as nations always correspond in character to the people as individuals doing them homage. This proves the gods to be of human origin. The things made always harmonize with the qualification of the maker, and personal gods are no exception to this rule. (The Christian's God borrowed.) The early Christians were blinded by. credal dogmas, and the age not being propitious for the manufacture of new gods, they adopted the God of Abraham, and in their blindness do homage at the shrine of this deific monster. THE GOD IDEA OF HUMAN ORIGIN. 181 Their adherence to the Hebrew brutal idea of a god grows out of their reverence for and belief in the Bible and the acceptance of its perni- cious teachings during childhood and youth, before the mind had been sufficiently developed to discriminate between right and wrong, or truth and error. The people now being edu- cated and intelligent, will not recognize the Hebrew God longer, but will say " Step behind me, Satan, we have been humbugged enough." There is no points of greatness represented in the Hebrew God. All is schemes, deceit and big lies and overdrawn things that had happened or were manufactured by designing priestcraft, all of which was not at all understood by the ignorant uneducated people. CHAPTER 37. CHARACTER OF THE CHRISTIAN'S GOD. He created a world with a full knowledge of its destiny, and then terrifically cursed it because it failed to meet his expectations. (Gen. 3: 14.) Later, when contemplating the failure of his mundane enterprise he indulged in the following pretentions lamentation: "I will destroy man whom I have created, both man and beast, and the creeping things and the fowls of the air, for " it repenteth me that I have made them. ' ' (Gen. 6: 5.) What an admission from a God who had infinite wisdom to devise his plans and in- finite power to execute them. If this God was omniscient, he knew how wicked man would prove and how he would repent of his creation; and the question is, why he did not repent in the beginning and leave man undisturbed be- neath the quiet shades of annihilation. Why call him into existence by creative fiat and allow the devil to load him down with original sin, and then force him to play his grewsome (182) CHARACTER OF THE CHRISTIAN'S GOD. 183 part in the awful tragedies enacted on the stage of human life. Repentance on the part of an actor for an action performed proves a mistake has been made, but just how omni- science and omnipotence could become eligible to mistakes is certainly one of the profound mysteries of godliness. Certainly a Hebrew God could not make mistakes. The Intelli- gence (God) of the earth, heavens, eternal un- limited ethereal space and infinitude never makes mistakes. No intelligent human being at this day and time can be made believe that the Intelligence (God) would or can make mis- takes. The God of the Bible was no God at all, a myth, bolstered up by big lies. CHAPTER 38. SWEARS IN HIS WRATH AND IS JEALOUS. This God. so reverenced by the Christians, possessed a distressingly bad temper, and when provoked would furiously "swear in his wrath." (Psalms 95: 11.) He so dishonored his omni- potence as to grow fiercely jealous of "strange Gods" and "graven images" (Deut. 32: 16; Exod. 20:5.) ORDERS AND ACCEPTS HUMAN SACRIFICES. The Christian's God was likewise guilty of the horrible offense of ordering and accepting human sacrifice (Gen. 22: 1; Judges 11: 30, 39; II. Sam. 21: 6, 9.) Modern clergy paint with lurid colors the appalling chapter of human sacrifices on heathen altars; but would do well to consider the human victims whose blood has stained with crimson the altars of their own favorite God before further falsely traducing and maligning the gods of the heathen. (184) SWEAES IN HIS WRATH AND IS JEALOUS. 185 RESULTS OF THESE EXAMPLES. "The Christian Community of the Universal Brotherhood" that is based on Christ's command to love all, for which North America is now cursed with a large colony of Russian Douk- hobors in Western Canada, doing worship and penance by marching many miles in great crowds, naked as when born, both men and women, through the deep snow when the cold is below zero, and still these fanatical lunatics are a credit to many of the incantations, hal- lucinations and fabulous things done and prac- ticed by the Jewish and Christian denominations. What better can be said of the old Jews with their ignorant, filthy and detestable circum- cision, falling on their faces in the dirt and wallowing in sackcloth and ashes to appease the wrath of an imaginary mythical God. The Intelligence (God) of all eternity and infinitude is not possessed of wrath or anger. Such talk about a God getting full of wrath and anger is too silly to be considered only by fools. CHAPTER 39. WHERE PEOPLE SHOULD BE WISE. Right here in the central part of the United States of North America, the most enlightened nation on this earth, near the center of Mis- souri, six miles south-east of the city of Tipton, a man named Mulkey was very sick with fever, and for fear that he would die without being baptized, the hog scalding trough was brought in, filled sufficiently with water and Mulkey was lifted from his bed and lowered under the water as preacher mumbled over the baptismal ceremony, and the water ran in his mouth and nose, strangling him to death, as the preacher said: " Bless us, Lord, we have saved him, as we got him baptized before he was dead." They just took the poor sick man out of his bed and murdered him, and then have the effront- ery to ask their Mythical Lord to bless them for what they had done, and the very next day at his funeral took up a collection to raise money to send missionaries to preach to the heathen, (186) MYTHICAL LORD TO BLESS IGNORANCE. 187 ninety-five per cent of the same going into the preacher's pocket and five per cent to the hea- then, which all should have gone to the poor widow woman and her starving children just around the corner. What have we got to do with the heathen, the less we have of them the better off for the world and people that live on it. Anna Peterson, a devout Christian of Mound City, Kansas, in imitation of those Bible examples, put her fourteen months old baby in the stove and offered it up as a burnt offering to the Christian's God, who, as she had learned from the Bible, was fond of the " sweet smelling savor emanating from burning sacrifice." And a consistent Bible believer and pious church member of Pocasset, Massachusetts, sacrificed his little three year old girl to Christian Moloch in the most brutal manner. Guiteau was prompted to murder Garfield from the perni- cious source of the teachings of Theism and the Bible. Did space permit, we could refer to hundreds of like cases, but the above must suffice. If the deluded victims of Christian superstition have to have a Bible let them adopt one whose precepts and examples does not sanction tyranny, slavery, persecution and cruelty. CHAPTER 40. IS GUILTY OF OUTRAGE, INJUSTICE AND VANITY. The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart so that he would not let the people go, and then sent upon him and his people a long list of horrible plagues to compel him to do the very thing he hardened his heart to prevent him from doing. Hardened his heart and then fearfully scourged him for being hard-hearted, and all for the purpose of getting for his infinite Godship a great name throughout the earth. (Ex. 9; 12, 16.) Jehovah is represented as "a god of battle whose sword is filled with blood" (Isa. 63: 3, 4.) Could a fiend infernal ever utter a threat more cruel and vindictive than this! With such a god is it to be wondered at that Christians crimsoned the Dark Ages with innocent blood, and that it now takes three millions of armed men to keep the peace in Christian Europe at an expense of billions of dollars annually, which enormous sum is wrung from the oppressed and (188) GOD IS PARTIAL. 189 enslaved toilers by an army of remorseless tax gatherers. Verily, man cannot be better than the God he worships. This deific caricature on the entire theistic family was guilty of the meanest phase of partiality, as he is represented loving one child and hating another before either of them were born. (Rom. 9: 11.) Sunday School teachers, from ignorance or knavery, inform their classes that the word "hate" in this in- stance does not mean hate, but " love less " ; that is, God loved Esau less than he did Jacob. Let us see. The prophet Malachi, in referring to this subject, uses the following language to explain to us just what love less, in this instance means: "was not Esau Jacob's bro- ther, saith the Lord, and yet I loved Jacob and hated Esau, and laid his mountains and heri- tage waste to the dragons of the wilderness." " Love less " with a vengeance, that. " Whereas Edom saith, we are impoverished, but we will return and build up our desolate places. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, they shall build up, but I will tear down; they shall be called a people against whom the indignation of the Lord endureth forever." (Mai. 1: 2, 4.) and all 190 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. of this calamity befell the Edomites because 200 years before a vindictive and malicious God loved one child and hated another before either of them was born. What a travesty on justice and heavenly paternity. But this is not the worst reflection on their "Heavenly Father" who has abiding care over "falling sparrows" but seems most cruelly disposed toward his creatures who are unfortunate enough to belong to the genus homo. This pre- tended hate of Esau was to have some nation to rob and plunder. Sure, it was a very flimsy excuse, but the old Jews, when they had no excuse, they made one, as lying, stealing and murdering was their trade. The record of the old Jewish nation is the most detestable for cruelty and unjustified murder and bloodshed that is found in history. Then we hear the people prating about the morals of Moses and Joshua. CHAPTER 41. Paul, the inspired promulgator of divine truths, informs us that the Christian's " Heaven- ly Father" whose "tender mercies are over all his works" actually sends his children "strong delusions to believe a lie, that they might be all damned." (II. Thess. 2: 10, 11.) How con- siderate this Heavenly Father is for the welfare of his children. The reason for this fatherly delusion and its mythical damnation is "be- cause they believe not the truth." Who is to blame for the prevalence of Atheism in the face of these revolting statements made to us in the name of divine Truth? (GUILTY OF FALSEHOOD AND DECEPTION.) The prophet Michai bears testimony as to the immaculate character of the Christian's "Heavenly King" in the following significant manner: "I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the host of heaven standing by him, and the Lord said, Who will persuade Ahab that he go up to Ramoth Gilead and fall? And one (191) 192 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. said in this manner, and another said in that manner. And there came forth a spirit and stood before the Lord and said, I will per- suade him. And the Lord said unto him Wherewith?; And he said, I will go forth and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets, and he, the Lord, said, "Thou shalt persuade him and prevail also. Go forth and do so. (I. Kings, 22: 19.) Here, through the clairvoyant vision of the prophet, we get a glimpse of the Christian home in glory, and lo, what a scene ! Their mythical Heavenly Father and a lot of lying spirits putting up a job on King Ahab, and sending out a lying emissary who by the grossest deception lured the old king to his destruction. What a sad commen- tary on intelligence and honesty of that age, when the masses accept such offensive bosh as inspired truth. This God, so abjectly feared and devoutly worshipped by the Christians, seduced not only the prophets of Shab, but at times grossly deceived his own favorite seers. Ezekiel declares that "if a prophet be deceived when he has spoken a thing, I, the Lord God, have deceived that prophet;" and poor old Jeremiah, in his humiliation, cried out: "Oh THESE WAS LYING SPIRITS. 193 Lord, thou hast deceived me and I was deceived and am held in derision daily." " Ah Lord God, thou hast surely greatly deceived this people, saying, ye shall have peace, when the sword reacheth to the soul." (Ezek. 14: 9; Jer. 20: 7 and 4: 10.) "Be ye perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." This God had lying spirits to deceive the prophets, but de- ceived them himself, and had them lie for him, whenever more lying was necessary in his mythi- cal schemes of deception to keep the masses under control of priestcraft, and in that way make the ignorant people fear and obey the priest or Levites. The God of the Bible was only a myth for the use of the Levites and priest to tell the people about. 13 CHAPTER 42. VIOLATES HIS OATH AND BREAKS HIS PROMISE. Jehovah at divers times swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob " that he would lead their pos- terity to the land of Canaan, which should be to them an everlasting inheritance" but at a more advanced period of Jewish history and while suffering from one of his periodical spells of anger, he addressed himself to Moses thusly: "Say unto them, as truly as I live, saith the Lord, ye shall not enter into the land concern- ing which I swore to make you dwell therein. And your children shall wander in the wilder- ness forty years, until your carcasses are wasted and ye shall know my breach of promise." (Num. 14: 27, 34.) He violates his oath, breaks his promise, and then boasts of it like a pirate. But perhaps the most cold-blooded cruel and perfidious thing ever attributed to the Christian's God, was his fiendish treatment of his servant Job. Satan, the arch-fiend of hate (194) GOD AND SATAN AGREES. 195 and malice, the wrecker of worlds, the enemy of all good, and the fell destroyer of man's peace and happiness pays one of his familiar visits to the Celestial Metropolis and enjoys a social conference with the Christian's august Ruler of the Heavens and the Earth. During the conversation between his godship and his devilship, the former referred feelingly to Job, and eulogised him as a perfect and upright man that " eschewed evil and sinned not." The devil dissented from the Lord's opinion, and disputed Job's fidelity, and God, to convince his infernal guest that he was mistaken, gave the devil power to prove Job's integrity in the appalling and cruel manner, and Satan, in- vested with divine authority, at once visited on this hapless victim of divine perfidy the most fearful calamities, calling down fire from Heaven and consumed his vast flocks of sheep; sent the Bedouin Arabs from the desert and drove off his herds of camels; originated a cyclone and demolished the house in which Job's children were holding a feast, killing them all. Thus did Satan, by divine sanction, reduce Job in a single day from affluence to the most abject poverty, and bereft him of all his children. 196 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. Could infernal malice do more? It seems that the measure of cruelty against Job was not com- plete, and Satan visited his Celestial Highness to obtain further authority to torture his victim. To destroy Job's property and bereave him of his children did not satisfy the malice of Satan, and he craved permission of the " Blessed Lord" to torture Job's body. What was the "Heavenly Father's" answer to this infamous demand ; it was of a nature that should schedule his name for perpetual infamy among the gods. Listen to it, ye Christian devotees of a god- defaming and man-degrading theology, and hide your faces in shame. The " Lord of Glory " answers Satan's cruel demand with these words : "Although thou movedst me against him to destroy him without a cause." (Job 2:3.) What power Satan must have had to move the infinite God to destroy his greatest and upright and sinless servant without a cause; Christians, please analyze this answer well, and if you do not renounce allegiance to a book containing such loathsome ideas of God and justice, it proves that Jewish theism has dwarfed all your nobler impulses and left no trace of justice, sympathy or even decency, behind. But Satan GOD PITIED THE JUST. 197 carried his point all the same, and smote his helpless victim with boils, from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet; and so sore were his afflictions and keen his agony that he cried out "Oh, that I had never been born!" Oh, to what depths of degradation does super- stition sink man, that he is capable of accepting as truth such hideous caricatures on justice and decency. Here is the God of the Jews just going through all this most detestable villianous crime of punishing Job, a just man, to convince the Devil of his great power, and make the masses of the people tremble with fear at the very mention of his name. Of course the whole of the story of Job is a big lie, but it comes very handy after it was 500 to 1,000 years old to tell the people about the powers of Satan and God's loving kindness for a just man. CHAPTER 43. GOD'S PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND DWELLING PLACE. He or they who formulated the idea of the Jewish God secured a perfect correspondence between his character and personal appearance. The psalmist, in describing his corporosity, tells us: "That out of his mouth proceeded fire, and out of his nostrils proceeded smoke, and he rode upon a cherub and did fly." (II. Sam. 22: 9, 11.) Stop for a moment and contem- plate this picture. The infinite Ruler of the Heavens and the Earth sitting astride a celestial hypogriffe and riding through the vast empy- rean with great lurid flames of fire emanating from his cavernous mouth, and vast volumes of smoke rolling out from the labrynthian depths of his wide extended nostrils. Who can contemplate this scene and not be filled with unbounded admiration and love. Is in strict keeping with his appearance and character. " He made darkness his secret place, (198) CHRISTIAN'S FEARFUL SPELL. 199 clouds and darkness are around about him." (Psalms 18:11 and 97: 2.) This fact must be extremely consoling to those who expect to spend an eternity in his commodious presence. Oh, Christian, what fearful spell has been thrown on you that you bow in reverence before this cruel and remorseless God, and call him by the sacred name of Father. In a spirit of candor I admonish you not to stultify your reason longer. Make a bold break for liberty, and strike off the shackles riveted on you by a mind-degrading theology. Play no longer the role of a slave to ecclesiastical master, but step out into the dignity of true manhood and womanhood and dare to think for yourselves and be free. Personal and infinity contradictory. No personal God can be infinite because Per- sonality has limits, and the Infinite has not. It is not logical to say one Infinite God. Theo- logians prate about monotheism the one god idea in contradistinction of polytheism the idea of many gods. The Infinite can no more be unified or reduced to one than a circumference can be found in space, which is without a center and is boundless. It would be as easy to col- lect and confine in the hollow of the human hand 200 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. the entire waters of the combined oceans of our globe, as to personalize or unify the infinite. Then why outrage reason and contradict geom- etry, in trying to define the indefinable and comprehend the incomprehensible. The abso- lute is, and ever will be beyond the grasp of the finite, for the reason that the part can never equal the whole. The thing comprehending must be equal to or greater than the thing comprehended, hence to comprehend the in- finite, we must be equal to or greater than the infinite, and to do this lies forever beyond the range of remotest possibility. Then why spec- ulate further on Theology. Would it not be better to banish the whole subject from the human mind and turn our attention from the- ology to Anthropology, or the study of Man? and live for the betterment of all the human race and realize that Intelligence is God, and that is all the God the human race will ever know, the Emanuel within you and all the human race is the God for you to look to, and keep your house bright. CHAPTER 44. "CHIEF END OF MAN" AND RESPON- SIBILITY TO GOD. "Is to glorify God" so says the Christian. How absurd and yet how universally accepted by the unthinking orthodox masses. Common sense should teach them the utter futility of trying to add to or improve perfection. If God is perfect, then are all his attributes perfect, therefore not susceptible of increase or improve- ment; hence all the time man has devoted to the help of the gods has been worse than wasted wasted on the gods to the neglect and injury of Man. If, instead of trying to glorify God, man had devoted his time and effort in glori- fying himself, today he would stand imperial in his wisdom and power, instead of the poor, ignorant, groveling thing that he is, wearing the yoke of his political and religious taskmaster. One of the most pernicious features of the- ism is the idea of Man's responsibility to God. This idea has enabled the priest and clergy to (201) 202 FACTS, TKUTHS AND REASON. enslave the masses through fear, and wrest from them rich benefices by thus playing on the fears of their communicants. Church of- ficials manage to revel in ease and luxury while their deluded dupes languish in penury and want. The origination and intelligent forces that cause man's existence on the earth are responsible for his actions. The Maker is responsible for the merit or demerit of the thing made, and not man responsible to the Maker. The theologians may indulge in their silly twaddle about "Free Will" but the fact that man is a creature of inherited predisposition and post natal circumstances, remains unchanged all the same. When man is pre-natally awak- ened to a state of intelligent consciousness, and is consulted as to whether he will be or not be, and is allowed to indicate the quality of his parentage, the character of his inherited pre- disposition and his post-natal circumstances, then, and then only, will he become responsible for his actions; but just so long as he is arbi- trarily and blindly thrust into the world with- out any voice as to the character of his parent- age and pre-natal conditions and post-natal circumstances, just so long will he be devoid of MAN SHOULD BE FREE. 203 that phase of responsibility, about which priests and preachers so loudly prate. When man intelligently outgrows the idea of a personal god with all the connected absurdities, then will he have taken the first step toward individual natal liberty. At present it is a pitiful parasite dependent on his theological counselors for guidance and direction, where for centuries he has been victimized by their erroneous teach- ings. Man, once emancipated from his super- stitious thralldom, will experience a marvelous change for the better a change from error to truth, from ignorance to intelligence, from driveling slavery to an imperial freedom, from servile fears and doubt to hope and unwaver- ing confidence, and from the caprice of a myth- ical God to the certainty and infallibility of Intelligence (God) . The transition from theism to a full understanding that there is no Man God; that there is an almighty and powerful God, and that God is Intelligence and is in every human being and throughout the un- limited ethereal space and infinitude. CHAPTER 45. THE FACTS. The God of all Eternity and throughout all Infinitude is always with you in proportion as you adapt yourself to receive God, by allowing yourself to be possessed of an untrammeled conscience, and wisdom to absorb the greatest gift to man, human reason, which is the open door through which Intelligence (God) enters into the existence of every human being. The more reasoning force, the more Intelligence (God) every human being will possess. The age of theism will always be contemplated with deep feelings of loathing and disgust, and will always be designated in history as the darkest period of human existence. This assertion may sound harsh and unwarranted to orthodox ears, but I will give below a few corroborative facts chosen from a list of many thousand of the same character. In 391 the Christians burned the Serapian Library at Alexandria, Egypt, containing (204) MORE LIBRARY DESTRUCTION. 205 700,000 volumes the cream of the world's literature. A few years later, by order of Arch- bishop Cyril, they brutally murdered Hypatia, the maiden philosopher of Greece, who was then lecturing to assembled thousands in the audi- torium of the Temple of Serapis. These and many other acts of murder and vandalism, resulted in the suppression of the Greek Schools of Philosophy and turned the European World into dark night of Christian barbarism, that hung over the race like a deathly nightmare for twelve hundred years. The historian has brand- ed this era of Christian domination as the " Dark Ages." Remember, that during this period, from the fourth to the seventeenth century, Christianity had complete control of the Eu- ropean nations in government, law, literature and religion, and human rights were unknown while ignorance, injustice, outrage, oppression and wrong enveloped the race like some black pall of death. To use the confession of John Wesley when referring to this period : " As the once most unhappy age set in All wickedness and every deadly sin, Truth, modesty and love fled away And force and thirst for gold claimed universal sway." (Wes. Ser. Vol. 2, page 64 ) 206 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. In 1096 the Christians inaugurated the cru- sades under the banner of the Cross, lasting near two centuries, and resulting in the wanton destruction of countless treasure and over 5,000,000 of lives. It was during this period that the crusaders sacked and burned the city of Cordova, with its magnificent library of 28,000 volumes, and Tripoli, of Algiers, with its library of 300,000 volumes. For centuries during this period of Christian domination the Church in Europe was kept busy in ferreting out, condemning and burning witches and here- tics. The Bible, which our God-in-the-consti- tution folks want constituted the supreme law of the land, gave two explicit laws as to the dis- position to be made of heretics and witches. Kill any one, even your bosom friend and near- est relatives if they dare advocate a religion or more properly Atheism, that differs from the approved religion of your fathers and do not "suffer a witch to live." (Deut. 13: 6, 13.) All that did not pay the priest were charged as being heretics or witches, and were burned alive to deter others so they dare not fail to pay the Priest. CHAPTER 46. During this age the Bible ruled the Church and the Church ruled the State, and the people mourned. All literature not biblical was pro- scribed under penalty of death. Dr. Draper tells us that "Men in terror burned their li- braries to save themselves and families from destruction." (I. D. O. E. page 23.) Chambers' Encyclopedia estimates the number burned for witchcraft alone at 9,000,000. Dr. Dick, an ecclesiastical writer, states that 100,000 of Ger- many's best men and women were burned alive at the stake during the fourteenth century for the crime of witchcraft a crime unknown to science. John Wesley tells us in his sermon that the religious contentions and persecutions were so fierce and unsparing during this age of Christian brotherly love that 40,000,000 were slaughtered within the short space of forty years. Was ever record of death and cruelty so awful and appalling as this! Darwin says that during the prevalence of this Christian (207) 208 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASOX. holocaust and carnival of death, the scholars of Europe were depleted by means of dungeons, racks, gibbets and stakes at the rate of a thous- and a year for three centuries, 300,000 teachers and philosophers destroyed. Did it ever occur to you that the drunkenness and licentious- ness of this age were due to the same cause, the adoption of Bible precepts and examples as standards by the orthodox masses. From the commencement of the Christian Era until near the close of the eighteenth century, the Christian world in its cruelty and bigotry gave to human rights and individual liberty not a shadow of recognition. But in 1776, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Dr. Franklin and other grand old infidel patriots drew up a declaration of independence, and later adopted a constitution out of which God and Christ were expunged by a majority vote, and under this Godless and Christless constitution men and women have enjoyed a greater measure of individual liberty than ever before. What a contrast this infi- del government presents to the tyranny, op- pression and cruelty characterizing the Christian governments of Europe for 1200 years, when the Bible was accepted as the true charter of gov- PLEASE CONSIDER RESULTS. 209 ernment and the correct standard of morality. With no infidel to protest against or modify its noxious influence, and yet in the face of these facts we have men so blinded and deluded by the teachings of the Church that they are in favor of fostering God and Christ in the con- stitution and striking a death-blow to our lib- erties. No wonder that ignorance, supersti- tion and violence cover the earth as with a mantle. Truthfully did John Wesley when referring to this fateful age of Christian domi- nation, cry out: "Oh, Earth, Earth, Earth! How dost thou groan under the villainies of thy Christians!" (Wes. Ser. page 66, paragraph 33.) Well did Talmadge say, referring to the same era when the teachings of the Bible were practically obeyed, that "right along beside consecrated altars there were tides of drunk- enness and licentiousness such as the world had never seen or heard of. And the people went from the house of God into the most appalling iniquity." (Tal. Ser. August 4, 1887.) Just so, Mr. Talmadge; causes and effect are ever true to each other. The loathsome conditions you speak of were the legitimate results of destroy- ing and murdering philosophers and literary 14 210 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. teachers and adopting the standard morals of the Bible, as exemplified by its low and obscene teaching and examples. Could you expect any- thing better from a people that accepted " Right- eous Lot," "Good Old Jacob," "Solomon and David," as their examples of morality as vile a lot of old drunken debauchees as ever dis- graced the earth with their pestilent, loathsome presence. Why should people of education and refinement, who have the welfare of the people at stake, allow such a loathe, vulgar and obscene book in their house, whose teachings are of the very worst moral character, and its presence not at all necessary in this world at present or hereafter, in this life, or after death. CHAPTER 47. Perpetual vigilance imperatively necessary. It is a mistake to conclude that the days of bigotry and persecution are over, while the Bible, the charter of tyranny, slavery and op- pression is still accepted as the standard of human action by orthodox masses. Remove the restraining influence exerted by an infidel constitution, the liberal press and the progres- sive tendency of the age, and we would soon ex- perience a re-enactment of the horrors of the Dark Ages. The church bigots, both Prot- estant and Catholic, show their true character as often as circumstances enable them to do so. In Henry county, Tennessee, they arrested two honest, industrious and sober men for the crime of working on their secluded farms during a single Sunday. They were dragged from their homes and helpless families by the officers of the law and confined in the filthy cells of the (211) 212 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. county jail at night, and worked with felons on the chain gang during the day. Was Russian tyranny ever more offensive than this, and similar outrages perpetrated by the heartless minions of church superstition in our own boasted Land of Freedom? The industry, hon- esty and sobriety of these victims of orthodox bigotry counted nothing in their favor. There is no valid reason why any human being should be punished for not considering the day of Sunday holy. The word holy is a myth and has no meaning separate and apart from church bigots. It is not for the State and Nation to say what is holy. Every person is responsible for their own actions before or after death, not the State or Nation. CHAPTER 48. Honesty, uprightness and morality have no legitimate place in a religion that the Jewish God and the horrible doctrine of original sin and the Vicarious Atonement. The destroying and covering up of all the truthful evidence against the Scriptures has been the chief aim and intent of priestcraft from the time of their lying genesis and mythical Adam. At the three cities of Cordova, Tripoli and Alexandria the Crusaders burned one million and twenty- eight thousand volumes of the past world's his- tory, probably covering ten thousand years back and before their much vaunted genesis, and some fourteen thousand years before Jesus Christ ever saw the manger. Every scrap of history that had any tendency to disprove the old Jewish Bible or the New Testament found the fiery furnace or the bottom of the sea. The great pile of engravings and manuscripts de- stroyed at the Nicene council, A. D. 325, would in all probability have made a book as large as (213) 214 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. Josephus, which would have contained the truth- ful history of the coming of Jesus Christ, and the fabulous things he did and said by legerdemain and embellished by his loud-mouthed ignorant disciples. But priestcraft was not yet sat- isfied with what they had destroyed, but had the finding overhauled again at Constantinople, A. D. 381, where they got still more thrown out and destroyed. Have you no interest in the welfare of the coming generations? Dare you remain indifferent or inactive longer? If you do, bow your necks and receive the merited brand of traitors to your race and the age in which you live. Ponder these facts well, and remember that eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty. Martin Luther was without doubt, the greatest Catholic priest, and had the greatest force of reason of any man associated with his church, but it was too hard for him to break away from his life training, to keep down hu- man reason and Intelligent Thought, was the very foundation of the Jewish and Christian Church, and Ignorance and Superstition were the bulwarks supporting the wealth and power of the church; see what he said: "Reason, the greatest harlot, the Devil's bride, the worst BIASED BY TRAINING 215 seducer of Mankind. " "Oh Man! Speculate not with thy devilish queries touching God's words and works." Martin Luther. Now com- pare this with the greatest thinker and human reasoner that ever existed on the earth, Thomas Jefferson. A man that feared no future, and expected no reward. A free man. "Fix Rea- son on her seat firmly and call to her tribunal every opinion; question boldly even the exis- tence of a God, because if there be one, He must more approve the homage of Reason than blind fear."- -Thomas Jefferson, in letter to Peter Can* (see memoirs of Thomas Jefferson.) Such men were scarce in Jefferson's time, but they are not scarce these days. Half the people in the United States now have opinions on the same line of thought as Jefferson, Franklin and Paine, and within 50 years more, the great majority of the educated and intelligent people will step boldly out under the shade of the Liberty Tree, which is firmly rooted infidel Constitution, and be free men and women. CHAPTER 49. Blind, dogmatic, undoubting faith, not mo- rality, is the chief requirement of the Christian system. Moody, in his meetings, asks prayers for "the conversion of moral men." Whittle, in his revival sermons, speaks of the sin of mor- ality without faith, and the Rev. John Higginson said, "That which is contrary to the Gospel has no rights, and hence should have no liberty." The Christian bigots of New York and other cities tax the laboring masses to build, furnish and support libraries and museums, and then close these public institutions on Sunday, the only day in the week that the poor man and his family have leisure to attend them; and they have tried to perpetrate a similar outrage by closing the gates of the World's Fair, to the injury and detriment of the laboring classes. Reader, do you propose to witness these start- ling infringements of human rights without pro- test? Are you so blind that you cannot see the dark shadows of church superstition now surely settling down upon us? Do you propose to sit supinely down and allow bigoted and tyrannical ecclesiasticism to wrest from you the liberties our patriot fathers purchased for you with their best blood? (216) CHAPTER 50. MOSES AND JOSHUA. Moses was a murderer (Ex. 2: 12) when he fled to the Government of Midian and married one of the seven daughters of a priest, who gave him a home and protection for forty years, (Ex. 2: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.) and afterward visited him and instructed him how to govern his people; but I notice that when another Hebrew brought a Miclianish woman in sight of Moses, he and the woman were at once mur- dered in the most cruel manner, while Moses and Aaron smiled, and their mythical God was so well pleased that he stopped the plague. (Num. 25: 6, 7, 8.) It will be noticed that a Midianish woman was good enough to be the wife of Moses, and good enough for Moses to live with and raise his family with, and he was always treated well for forty years, but true to Hebrew instinct to return evil for good, so Moses gave orders to destroy Midian by mur- (217) 218 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. dering and slaying all the males and all females that had known man, and that too often they were prisoners in their power, but true to He- brew lust the virgins were given to the army for prostitution. The number slain was 120,000. The number of virgins reserved to appease the lust of the army was 51,500. Now these are some of the acts and doings of that most detest- able imbecile Moses, who, in his conquest of highway robbery, murder, plunder and rapine in the name of his mythical God that never had any existence, and then added to his long list of dissembling crimes and villainies by marrying a negro woman, who, without doubt, was more than his equal from every moral point of view. He was a natural born murderer and thief, and all laws he was supposed to hand down from his mythical God he stole from the Midianites and the ancient Chaldean code of laws. When the Hebrews went to Egypt there were only seventy persons all told, (Deut. 10: 21, 22). and when they left Egypt 430 years later, they were about 600,000 men, or about 2,700,000 people. (Ex. 12: 37, 40.) The secret of that was, before they were taken over by Egypt, they were a lazy, do-nothing, dishonest set, MOSES INSTRUCTS THEM HOW TO LIE. 219 always poverty stricken, crying for water and something to eat. The Egyptians made them work, but they could not make them honest, and with plenty to eat and exercise, they increased like rats, and when they were ready to go, Moses gave them his first lesson in training thieves, to take every valuable thing that they could get hold of (Ex. 12 : 35.) Moses argued with his mythical God, who repented. (Ex. 32: 11, 12, 13, 14.) Aaron knew all the time that what Moses taught was humbuggery, and he was in the scheme for the money and spoils in the business, for as when Moses failed to return on time he made the golden calf for the people to worship. (Ex. 32: 24.) Moses' legerdemain where he smote the dry rock and the water came out for the people and their beasts also, (Num. 20: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.) no such event ever took place; just the same as hundreds of other big fabulous lies worked into Bible history by priestcraft to overawe the ignorant people by church hoodwinking decep- tions. The bigger the lies the better they take with the church members all over the world. Human reason or criticism has no legitimate rights inside of church walls. If there ever 220 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. were devils incarnate on this earth, Moses and Joshua was the superlative loving pair. They claimed the right to murder, slaughter and de- stroy many nations of innocent people because a mythical God that never had any existence had given them the country. Their trade was to manufacture big lies, slaughter, murder inno- cent people and carry off their property. The North American Indians never were more cruel and remorseless in their deeds, and still we see and hear priests and preachers in the church loudly singing their praise. If I believed in the Jewish and Christian's hell of damnation, I would be certain that old Moses and Joshua were right in the very middle of it, and then they would fail to get justice even there. Then to go to a revival meeting and hear the people sing " There we will see the good old Moses, there we'll see the good old Moses, there we'll see the good old Moses, safe in the Promised Land." CHAPTER 51. POSITIVE ASSERTIONS IN THE SCRIPTURES. "Adam and Eve heard the voice of the Lord walking in the Garden in the cool of the day." (Gen. 3: 8.) Jacob says: "For I have seen God face to face." (Gen. 32: 30.) Moses and seventy-three other men of Israel saw the Lord of Israel, and what he stood on under his feet, and as it were, the body of heaven in his clear- ness, and they also saw God. (Ex. 24: 9, 10, 11.) " And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh to a friend." (Ex. 33: 11.) The Lord shows his back parts to Moses. (Ex. 33: 22, 23.); which are positively contradicted in the scriptures. "And he (God) said, thou canst not see my face, for there shall no man see me and live." (Ex. 33: 20.) "And I will take away my hand and thou shalt see my back parts; but my face shall not be seen." (Ex. 33: 23.) "No man has seen God at any time." (John 1: 18.) The apostle Paul says: "The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who only hath immortality, dwelling in light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath, (221) 222 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. nor can see." (I. Tim. 6:15, 16.) Who can believe the scriptures when it is full of asser- tions and contradictions? "The Creator fainteth not, neither is weary." (Isaiah 40: 28.) " He rested and was refreshed." (Ex. 31 :17.)" I am weary of repenting." (Jer. 15: 6.) "The eyes of the Lord are in every place." (Rev. 15: 3.) "But the Lord came down to see the city." (Gen. 15: 5.) "God is not man that he should repent." (Num. 23: 19.) "Israel's God re- pented of the evil." (Jonah 3: 10.) "His anger endureth but for a moment." (Paul 30: 5.) "For ye have kindled a fire in my anger that will burn forever." (Jas. 17: 4.) "God cannot be tempted wth evil, neither tempted he any man." (Jas. 1 : 13.) " God did tempt Abraham". (Gen. 22: 1.) "Impossible for God to lie." (Heb. 6: 18.) "The Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these prophets." (Kings 22 :23.) " The Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy." (James 5: 11.) "I will not have pity nor spare nor have mercy, but destroy them." (Jer. 13: 14.) "God made darkness his secret place." (Pr. 97: 2.) "God, dwelling in light, which no man can approach." (Apostle Paul in I. Tim. 6: 15, 16.) Only fools accept the man God of the scriptures as the God of the Eternal Infinitude. All Human Reason shows that there is but one God, and that God is the eternal unlimited, unchangeable Intelligence. CHAPTER 52. In this day and time of scientific attainments all the church worships of the world are fast becoming obsolete, and in the near future they will become more so. The Sunday, within the next fifty years will be antedated and a thing of the past. A man is a bigot and a fool that neglects his harvest or any other kind of crop on account of Sunday. It is no crime to disbelieve in the sanctity of the Sabbath day, as every person is individually responsible for their own acts, and not the State and Nation. " Know then, thyself; presume not God to scan; The proper study of mankind is man." Pope. "The hocus-pocus phantasm of a God like another Cerberus with one body and three heads had its origin and growth in the blood of thous- ands of martyrs."- Thomas Jefferson. "Hu- man Reason is the greatest, the superlative attribute of Human Intelligence, God's greatest gift to Man, and he that would hinder, impede obstruct or entrammel Human Reason is an enemy of the human race."- Thomas Jefferson Simpson. I dedicate and send this book, greeting to all the Human Race, and, I hope, for the betterment of all Mankind. THOMAS JEFFERSON SIMPSON, Clarksburg, Missouri. (223) APPENDIX No. 1. SIMPSON'S SANITARIUM. Clarksburg is located in the most healthy part of Missouri or the great west, being on the high table land between the Missouri and Osage rivers, and some 250 feet above these rivers, where there is a healthful breeze of pure vital oxygenated air, free from sulphurous and other poisonous and contaminating gases such as are given off from the locations of large cities. Surrounded by large smelting works for glass, iron and other metals, factories, machine shops, rolling mills, discharging sewage, waste and filth from street sweeping and cleanings, de- caying vegetables and from flesh in the city and near-by graveyards, offal from stock yards, slaughter houses and stock car cleanings, and many other sources of filth, and were it not for the fact that the carbonaceous and other nox- ious gases are heavier than the air and settle down on or near the surface of the ground where great quantities are drawn through the fire by chimney flues and smokestacks and de- stroyed and in that way purify the air to some extent, otherwise the health would be appalling, indicating that it is more healthy to sleep one (224) SIMPSON'S SANITARIUM. 225 or two stories above the surface, but in turn the chimney flues and smokestacks throw out a great quantity of soot contaminating and mixing with the air and finding its way into lungs, ger- minating diseases of the lungs, trachea and bronchi, resulting in consumption and pre- mature death. Consumption can be cured, says Dr. T. J. Simpson on consumption, written five years ago. Every cold, every cough may mean con- sumption, if neglected. If the cold or cough does not abate in four to six weeks by the treat- ment of the family physician, then a physician better posted on the treatment and cure of consumption should be engaged. A physician that can only palliate the disease is of no benefit except that the consumptive may be with family and friends a few days longer by such treatment, but death must be the result. Bronchitis, lar- yngitis, tonsilitis, tubercular meningitis, miliary tuberculosis, caseous phthisis (which is cat- arrhal pneumonia), tubercular phthisis. Fibroid phthisis, stenosis of trachea and bronchi, are all consumption in its incipiency, developing into phthisis pulmonalis. All the aforesaid diseases are so many roads or steps in the stairway that leads down to tu- bercular consumption and death. All are con- sumption; all can be palliated, a great many can be cured. Hereditary consumption, corn- is 226 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. plicated with scrofula, heart disease or other chronic ailments, or in tubercular consumption that have progressed until the lungs have be- come hepatic, these must die. In all stages of consumption, bacilli exist in the sputa and in the expired air, establishing the fact that the disease is contagious. Fur- niture should be dusted and the rooms swept while the rooms are well ventilated, and with a heavy veil over nose and mouth. The sputa should be on paper and burned, and the excre- ment buried, and no other person should be allowed to occupy the same bed or room with a consumptive person. If these rules were strict- ly followed, deaths by consumption would be greatly decreased. Never use patent nostrums; they only benefit the seller and not the user. There is not now, nor ever will be, any one mixture or prescription of drugs that will cure consumption, as the disease is always changing and the treatment has to be changed from time to time to meet the changes of the disease. The great drawbacks in the treatment of consumption are: First, they do not call a physician soon enough; and second, when they do call a physi- cian, they do not call a physician, like myself, who makes the treatment of consumption a specialty and a success. The great cause of consumption, diabetes, SIMPSON'S SANITARIUM. 227 rheumatism, heart disease and other chronic afflictions, is by imperfect physical structure of the human organization, as the result of il- logical mating in the marriage unions, contrary to the laws of human temperaments. If all marriage unions were made in accordance with the laws of human temperaments, the result would be greater perfection in the physical struc- ture of the human body, less disease, less doctor bills, greater happiness and longer life by an hundred fold. If the human race were so bred, there would not be so many people as now, but the most perfect would probably live and enjoy felicitously a happy life from 150 to 200 years, and they would have access and use of their accumulated experience and wisdom in inven- tions, arts and sciences, developing the com- forts of life to that degree not now competent for the human mind to conceive. Criminals are bred and born criminals, rather to be pitied than punished. I have not after five years changed my mind in regard to the mating and breeding of the human race, more especially the Caucasian, or white race, contrary to the laws of human tem- peraments. When we can see right before our eyes the improvements that have been made in the birds of the air, the domestic fowls, the dogs, the hogs, the horses, the cattle, as well as the vegetable kingdom and the fruits, then turn 228 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. our eyes on the great white race of mankind, the highest, the greatest, the superlative animal that inhabits the earth, and see that there is no more Intelligence used or pains taken by the people in their mating and breeding than the common cur-dog just as they happen to meet or get acquainted. I know, of my own experience, two marriages where in mating the men and women were well formed physically, and healthy. In Number One, the mating was properly done in accord- ance with the laws of Human Temperaments; they had born to them sixteen children, four- teen boys and two girls, and the father told me when his youngest child was nine years old, that separate and apart from his midwife bill that for doctor or medicine he had never paid as much as ten dollars in all his married life; that they had whooping cough, measles, mumps and other local troubles, but that all the chil- dren were alive and healthy. Number Two had ten children born to them, all of which were weaklings and eight of which died with consumption before they were twenty years old, and the father and mother both caught the disease from the children and they too died of consumption before they were forty years old. While the above two marriages as stated were facts, they are no doubt to some extent exceptions, but the tendency is strongly SIMPSON'S SANITARIUM. 229 indicated that improper mating does produce consumption and other diseases and lowers the physical structure as well as the intellect of the human race. There should be a man at every county seat in the United States that is well versed in the laws of Human Temperaments, where boys and girls, men and women, could go, and for a small fee he would write a good description of their future mate that would be the best adapted to them to become the father or mother of their children, and the effect on the people in three or four generations would be astounding. Under such a system, when the young man or young lady, single man or lady went forth to seek their future wife or husband they would select such a one as in their opinion filled the descrip- tion best for their well-being and future happi- ness, and such as would be an improvememt of the race and nation. It would not be neces- sary for every boy or girl to be a professor of the Laws of Human Temperaments and their beneficial or baleful effects. It is evident to all posted men and women that great benefits would redound to the people and the nation. It would lessen disease, sickness, sorrow and afflictions of the people and at the same time add to the beauty, symmetry of form, physical strength, intellectual force of origination and inventive skill to the very pinnacle of human 230 FACTS, TRUTHS AND REASON. attainments for the benefit, well-doing and happiness of the human race. Then the people would have the full measure of intelligence (God), within them, and would have attained to all the heaven they are entitled to on this earth or future eternity. To some it might seem more desirable to seek a mythical Heaven beyond the grave, but for me, I prefer my Heaven here on earth, from which I never expect to go. I prefer to live in and on real things, and not in and on mythical expectations somewhere in the eternal unlimited infinitude. I do not use any prayers in my treatment of the diseased and afflicted. All of that kind of mythical medicine is entirely too thin to enter into any of my prescriptions. Prayer is a tenacious humbug, never has cured anyone, and never will. My medical skill in the treat- ment of disease is as a specialist. I do not do a general practice, and only do minor surgery. My treatment of consumption and many other diseases is my own discovery and not known to the medical profession, and by which I have had good success. Many of the diseases I treat by lotions applied externally, aided by instructions. Many diseases can be cured by dieting aided by instructions. Some diseases can be cured en- tirely by instructions. While I make a specialty of Throat, Lung, Asthma, Catarrhs, Facial Neuralgia, Sick Headache, Migraine, Tiedoreaux, SIMPSON'S SANITAEIUM. 231 Common or Granulated Sore Eyes, Sties, Felons, Pimples, Boils, Moles, Warts, Falling Hair, Baldness, Dyspepsia, Diarhoea, Gout, Skin Diseases, Rheumatics, Corpulency, Bowel, Stomach and Liver and Kidney Complaints, Vari- cocele, Hydrocele, Varicose Veins, Sebaceous, Fatty, or Granulated Tumors, cured without cutting or shedding a drop of blood, I do not pretend that I can cure every patient. If I did, the undertaker would be out of business. I do not treat Piles, Scrofula, Venereal or Syphilitic Diseases. I do not treat Female Diseases or act as an Accoucheur. The charges will be reasonable both for treatment and per- sonal accommodations. Your correspondence is solicited. My reputation as a gentleman, for honesty, uprightness, square dealing, and moral character will stand investigation. T. J. SIMPSON, M. D., Clarksburg, Missouri. DC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 037 663 2