F 761 Tr UC-NRLF II INI HIM II II $B M 1 ^ TT3 ALL ABOUT COK)E&DO THOMAS TONGE The Author of This Book TESTIMONIALS Mr. Tonge received the following letters from eminent author- ities after they had read the manuscript of the book : From President Victor A. Alderson, Colorado School of Mines, Golden : "Your book contains the maximum amount of authentic information on Colorado, concisely and interestingly presented and is, therefore, the very best advertising medium that Colorado people can send to their friends in other States. The enterprising people of Colorado should be congratulated upon having such a useful and timely book at their dis- posal when they are engaged in developing the resources of the State." From President Charles A. Lory, State Agricultural Col- lege, Fort Collins : "I have just read the MS of your book, giving special attention to your statements on Colorado Agriculture. "I congratulate you on the clearness, accuracy and forcefulness of your statements. These can be accepted by your readers without hesita- tion as true to facts. "Your book should be in every School Library in Colorado for use as a Text and Reference Book on Colorado resources. It will prove a* safe and helpful guide for the home-seeker, the tourist, the investor and the health-seeker." From Mr. Chalmers Hadley, Librarian, Public Library of the City of Denver: "Please enter the Denver Public Library for twelve copies of your new book on Colorado's resources. J know of no other publication that can approach it in scope and authority. It provides information and pro- tection to prospective investors and should prove a revelation to all who are uninformed regarding the possibilities of this State." From Mr. George T. Wells (Denver National Bank), repre- sentative of the State Bankers' Association in the "Greater Colo- rado" movement of the Denver Chamber of Commerce : "Having read the MS of your new book, I have no hesitation in saying that every business and professional man in Colorado ought to have a copy on his desk as a Reference Book. Any one desiring informa- tion about Colorado, or contemplating coming here, should have a copy of it. It is absolutely fair, authoritative and concise, thoroughly covering the field." All About Colorado for Home-Seekers, Tourists, Investors, Health-Seekers Written and Compiled by THOMAS TONGE From Latest Official Reports "A good land; a land of sunshine; a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills; a land of wheat, and barley, and alfalfa, and sugar beets, and fruit; a land of herds and flocks; a land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack anything in it; a land whose bowels are coal and oil; and out of whose hills thou mayest dig money." — Deuteronomy VIII, 7-9. (Adapted.) Copyiighi, 10,13, Thomas Ton^t Published by Thomas Tonge, 408 Boston Building, Denver Press of The Smith-Brooks Printing Co., Denver f'l PREFACE The object of this hook is to furnish reliable and authentic information for: (1) Home-seekers (farmers, etc.) now residing in other States and countries, that they may, with great future satis faction to themselves, make their homes in Colorado. < 2 1 Tourists from other States and countries, that they may, to their own great enjoyment, spend their vacations among the exceptional scenic attractions of Colorado. (3) Investors, resident in other States and countries, that they may realize and take advantage of the many opportunities in Colorado for the intelligent, conservative and profitable invest- ment of capital. (4) Health-seekers from other States and countries, that they may benefit by the famous health-giving climate of Colorado. It has been the aim of the writer to avoid exaggeration. The plain, simple facts as to Colorado, as demonstrated by official statistics and the testimony of eminent and conservative authori- ties, are the greatest and most effective advertisement that Colo- rado can have, whereas statements which have to be mentally discounted by the intelligent and conservative reader have a tendency to cast doubt on the actual pre-eminence of Colorado in manv lines. 265853 Colorado State Capitol— Built of Colorado Granite Colorado for Home-Seekers Colorado Needs and Presents Ample Opportunities for More People — if of the Right Kind; that is, Assets — Not Liabilities COLORADO AND SWITZERLAND COMPARED Area — • Colorado has 103,658 square miles; Switzerland has 15,981 square miles; that is, less than one-seventh the area of Colorado. Population — Colorado (U. S. Census 1910) has a population of 799,024, or 7.7 persons per square mile. Switzerland has a population of 3,741,971, or about 234 per sons per square mile. Colorado has more varied and greater natural resources than Switzerland, on which to amply maintain a population of 234 persons per square mile. If Colorado had 234 persons per square mile, the population of Colorado would be over 24,000,000. Location of Population — In Colorado, nearly one-third of the population is in Denver, fully one-third live in smaller cities and towns, leaving only about one-third in the rural districts. The mountainous districts outside the mining towns are very sparsely populated. In Switzerland, the population is mainly rural, only six cities having a population exceeding 50,000. The Alpine region is sparsely populated and the valley districts correspondingly densely populated. Productiveness — Colorado (103,658 square miles) is practically wholly "pro- ductive;" i. e., in the valleys and on the plains — agriculture, horticulture and pasture, coal, oil, clay, etc. ; in the mountains — metalliferous mining, quarrying, forests and pasture. In the mountain valleys of Colorado there is at least twice as much tillable land as the entire area of Switzerland. I Between the altitudes of 3,500 and 6,000 feet Colorado has \;;1m\ am! plaint laud equal to about three times the entire area *of Switzerland; and with a better climate for farming, etc. Of the area of Switzerland (15,981 square miles) 11,443 square miles (including 3,032 square miles of forests) are classed as "productive," and 4,53.8 square miles — i. e., nearly one-fourth of the whole country — as "unproductive," consisting of rocks, moraine, glaciers, etc. WONDERFUL AGRICULTURAL PROGRESS 1000-1910 The 1910 U. S. Census Report states : Of the approximate land area of Colorado (66,341,120 acres) 13,532,113 acres were in farms, as compared with 9,474,588 acres in 1900 — an increase of 42.8 per cent ! ! ! The improved land in Colorado farms was 4,302,101 acres, as compared with 2,273,968 acres in 1900 — an increase of 89.2 per cent!!! The number of Colorado farms was 46,170, as compared with 24,700 in 1900— an increase of 86.9 per cent!!! The average acreage per farm was 293.1 acres, as compared with 383.6 acres in 1900— a decrease of 23.6 per cent!!! NOTE. — Ranges or ranches using the public domain for grazing purposes, but not owning or leasing the land, were counted as farms in 1910 and 1900. The counting of these ranges as farms affects all totals, averages and percentages in which the number of farms is a factor. In 1910 there were 157 such ranges included as farms. The value of all Colorado farm property was |491,471,806, as compared with $161,045,101 in 1900 — an increase of 205.2 per cent; the detailed increases being: land, 301.6 per cent; build ings, 185.6 per cent; implements and machinery, 169.5 per cent; domestic animals, poultry and bees, 40.5 per cent. The average value of all property per Colorado farm was #10,645, as compared with $6,520 in 1900— an increase of 63.3 per cent ! ! ! The average value of Colorado land per acre was $26.81, as compared with $9.54 in 1900 — an increase of 181 per cent ! ! ! In 1910, 73.6 per cent of Colorado farms were free from mortgage ! ! ! The 46,170 Colorado farms in 1910 were classified as follows : Under 3 acres, 569; 3 to 9 acres, 2,222; 10 to 19 acres, 2,279; 20 to 49 acres, 3,882; 50 to 99 acres, 4,384; 100 to 174 acres, 16,355; 175 to 259 acres, 3,004; 260 to 499 acres, 9,472; 500 to 999 acres, 2,426; 1,000 acres and over, 1,577. Of the 46,170 Colorado farmers in 1910, 80.6 per cent were native white, 18.2 per cent were foreign-born white, and 1.2 per cent were negro and other non- white. In 1910, 81.8 per cent of Colorado farms were operated by owners and managers, as compared with 77.4 per cent in 1900. 8 In 1910, 18.2 per oent of Colorado farms wnr operated bv tenants, as compared with 22.6 per cent in 1900. AGRICULTURE WITH IRRIGATION Colorado, with an average annual precipitation of rain and snow of only about 15 inches and considerably over 300 sunny days per annum, was long regarded as too dry for agriculture, except in the alluvial lands close to the streams, and irrigation was therefore introduced for the utilization of the naturally rich soil at higher levels than the "bottom" alluvial lands. Wonderful I >evelopm ent — The 1910 U. S. Census Report gives the following particulars as to irrigation in Colorado: The irrigated area of Colorado in 1!)0 ( .) was the largest re- ported for any of the States in the semi-arid region. ! * • i Headgate of an Irrigating Ditch Of The 46,170 farms in Colorado on 15th April. 1910, 25,857 were irrigated in 1 ( .M)!>. as compared with 17,013 in 1900 — an in- crease of 46.8 per cent!!! In 1909, 2,792,032 acres were irrigated, as compared with 1,611,271 in 1900— an increase of 73.3 per cent!!! Of the 2,792,032 acres irrigated, 2,758,283 were irrigated from streams. 16,091 acres from reservoirs, 8,320 acres from springs, 8,282 acres from wells, and 1,056 acres from lakes. Number of independent irrigation enterprises 9,065 Ditches, total length — miles 22,570 Main ditches — number 8,40.") Length — miles 17,564 Capacity — cubic feet per second 148,483 Lateral ditches — number 5,612 Length — miles 5,006 Reservoirs — number 1,084 Capacity — acre-feet 2,646,593 Pumped wells — number [ . . 121 Capacity — gallons per minute 53,564 Pumping plants — number 206 Engine capacity — horse-power 7,969 Pump capacity — gallons per minute 296,937 There have been marked increases in some of the above items since 1910. The cost of the irrigation enterprises existing in 1910 was 156,636,443, as compared with $11,758,703, the cost of those existing in 1900 — an increase of 381.7 per cent!!! The estimated final cost of the irrigation enterprises existing in 1910 was $76,443,239, some of which has since been expended. w* I \ / WSg£V\ T L\. - V ■^^^ M||||| • „ - * * ' w "~*\ - fey- ■ / » Jtt' ££. — $'■ + * I §3t V """i- p&l i . < ~ i, i . -**. ■ Irrigating- 320 Acres from One Well. Pump Driven by 40-H. P. Westinghouse Motor The average cost of operation and maintenance per acre in 1910 was 75 cents, as compared with 34 cents in 1900 — an increase of 120.6 per cent. The Irrigated Portions of Colorado — The 1910 U. S. Census Keport contains the following in- formation as to various counties : Per Cent of Total Land Area Irrigated — 15 per cent and over — Boulder, Conejos, Rio Grande, Weld. 10 to 15 per cent — Jackson, Jefferson, Larimer, Morgan. 5 to 10 per cent — Adams, Bent, Costilla, Custer, Delta, Logan, Otero, Prowers, Saguache, Sedgwick. 1 to 5 per cent — Arapahoe, Archuleta, Chaffee, Douglas, Eagle, El Paso, Fremont, Garfield, Grand, Gunnison, Huerfano, 10 Lake, La Plata, Mesa, Mineral, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Park, Pitkin, Pueblo, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel, Summit, Teller. Less than 1 per cent — Baca, Cheyenne, Dolores, Elbert, Hinsdale, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Las Animas, Lincoln, Washington, Yuma. No irrigation — Clear Creek, Phillips, San Juan. Per Cent of Number of Farms Irrigated — 90 per cent and over — Boulder, Chaffee, Conejos, Costilla, Delta, Dolores, Fremont, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Jefferson, Mesa, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Grande, Saguache, Summit. Wheat Field (Irrigated). Altitude, 6,200 Feet Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway 75 to 90 per cent— Bent, Eagle, Garfield, Huerfano, Lake, Larimer, La Plata, Mineral, Otero, Park. 50 to 75 per cent — Adams, Arapahoe, Archuleta, Custer, Montezuma, Morgan, Prowers, Pueblo, Routt, Weld. 25 to 50 per cent — Douglas, Las Animas, Sedgwick. 5 to 25 per cent — El Paso, Logan, Teller. Less than 5 per cent — Baca, Cheyenne, Elbert, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Washington, Yuma. No irrigation — Clear Creek, Phillips, San Juan. 11 ADVANTAGES OF IRRIGATION Some of the advantages of irrigation are as follows: (1) Security against drought. (2) Ability to apply water when needed and in amount de- sired, said amount being important with certain crops and on particular soils. (3) In many instances occasionally, and in some sections constantly, irrigating water is a great fertilizer. (4) Insufficient rainfall remedied by irrigation is an immense advantage to farmers in harvesting grain and hay. For instance, the water needed on corn, roots, etc., can be applied by irrigation, wliereas, if it was supplied by rain, much loss would result to the other crops then being harvested. (5) The average increased returns resulting from applied irrigation, as compared with agriculture dependent on rainfall, far more than justify the initial and operating costs of irrigation. ITEMS OX IRRIGATION A "water right," so far as the owners of an irrigating canal are concerned, is the right to divert water for irrigating purposes from a public stream. Such right is regulated and defined by statute. A " water right," such as. is purchased by a farmer, is the right possessed, in connection with a specific tract of land, for the sup- ply of water from a particular canal. Such right is regulated by the contract between the purchaser and the owners of the irri- gation canal. Irrigation water, when flowing, as in a canal, is measured by the 'Inch" and the "cubic foot per second." When standing, as in a storage reservoir, it is measured by the *'acre-foot." A Colorado statutory "inch" of irrigating water is the quan- tity of water which will flow through an inch square orifice, under a five-inch head; that is, when the water above the wooden gate containing the orifice stands five inches higher than the center of such orifice. A Colorado statutory "cubic foot per second" of irrigating water is equal to 38.4 statutory "inches'' of water and to 7.5 gallons passing per second. An "acre-foot." applied to measurement of water in reser- voirs, is the quantity of water which will cover one acre to a depth of one foot, or 43.500 feet. One "cubic foot per second," flowing constantly for 24 hours, equals approximately two "acre feet." In the early days of irrigation in Colorado an "inch" of water was considered sufficient for an acre; in some cases less. Now, under more careful use, half an inch is considered sufficient. At the present time a "cubic foot per second" is considered 12 sufficient for 80 acres, more <>r less, depending on the character of the soil, the kind of crop and the extent to which the land has previously been annually cultivated. The market price of an 80-acre "water right" ranges from $25 to $50 per acre. The State Engineer and his assistants and subordinates con trol the distribution of the waters of the streams among the irri- gating canals and The individual irrigators, and the system is simple. The Office of State Engineer was created in 1879, the same Act of the Legislature dividing the State into Water Districts, based on drainage lines. The water is distributed in accordance with Court Decrees as to appropriations and the statutes gov- erning the practice, which absolutely safeguard the rights of the water consumer. Irrigating 160 Acres of Potatoes from IS-Foot Well. Pump Driven by 15-H. P. Motor Courtesy of Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. An "acre-foot," in addition to natural rainfall, ordinarily is sufficient to mature a crop on one acre. A Colorado statute provides that all irrigating canals must he ready to deliver water to their consumers on 15th April of each year and up to 15th November of each year. This is really a longer period than the irrigation is usually practiced. The irrigating season commences from the latter part of May to June 10th. Grain irrigation terminates about June 30th. Three successive irrigations, to a combined or aggregate depth of 4 inches above the surface, are sufficient for grain crops and moisten the ground to a depth of 12 inches by actual test. 13 Potato irrigation commences about the last week in July and continues during August. Potatoes once irrigated are kept moist by subsequent irrigations at intervals until crop matures. Irrigation is not required after the first or second week in September, the latest crop to be irrigated being alfalfa, in order to mature the last (third) cutting. IRRIGATION DISTRICTS Most of the large irrigating systems in Colorado were origin- ally constructed by Irrigation Companies, organized for the pur- pose, looking for their income to the water rents and "royalties" to be paid by the farmers using the water. 20-H. P. Plant Pumping from Ditch Through 2,200 Feet of 14-Ineh Iron Pipe Courtesy of Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. In course of time more or less friction developed between the water users and the Companies, finally resulting in The Irriga- tion District Act, passed by the Colorado Legislature in 1901, amended in 1905. Wherever the Act has been adopted, the water users, as a municipal corporation, own and operate the local irrigation system. There are now quite a number of such Irrigation Districts in Colorado. • (See "Irrigation Bonds.") IRRIGATION BY ELECTRICALLY OPERATED PUMPS In Northern Colorado, within the range of electric power com- panies, pumping irrigation water by means of electrically operated pumps is on the steady increase and is especially important in the case of land higher than any local "gravity flow" irrigation system. 14 The following particulars of five cases, differing in circum- stances (taken from among thirty), illustrate the system: Gallons Cost of Operation Acres Source of Lift per Cost of Per Per Irrigated Supply Feet Minute Installation Season Acre 80 Well ... 42 265 $ 714 $300 $3.75 170 Ditch ,..57 1,100 $1,670 $175 $1.00 120 Ditch ...22 730 $ 845 $ 80 $0.67 320 Ditch ,..29 5,625 $3,050 $300 $0.94 120 Reservoir . . .. 14 1,200 $ 510 $ 75 $0.63 AGRICULTURE WITHOUT IRRIGATION Agriculture without irrigation in Colorado is sometimes mis- leadingly termed "Dry Farming," which is a misnomer, as the annual precipitation of rain and snow in the non-irrigable dis- tricts is sufficient for successful farming when special methods are adopted. In practically all those agricultural Counties of Colorado which have extensive irrigation systems, there are considerable areas of land, consisting of good soil, higher than the level of the local irrigating systems, and therefore non-irrigable so far as such systems are concerned. Vast Non- Irrigable Area — Eastern Colorado alone, however, is here taken as illustrat- ing the point dealt with. Eliminating the Counties of Boulder, Douglas, Jefferson and Larimer as containing more or less of the mountains and foot hills, there are twenty Counties on the plains of Eastern Colorado, lying between the foot-hills of the Rocky Mountains and the Kan- sas State line. In some cases almost the whole, and in other cases very large- portions, of such counties are non-irrigable from any stream. Such Counties are: Adams, Arapahoe, Baca, Cheyenne, El- bert, El Paso, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Las Animas, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Otero, Phillips, Prowers, Pueblo, Sedgwick, Washington, Weld and Yuma. Irrespective of the extensive irrigated areas in a number of such Counties (about to be materially increased in the vicinity of Denver), it is conservatively estimated that the twenty coun- ties contain over 20,000 square miles, or over 12,000,000 acres, mostly fertile land, non-irrigable from any stream, therefore de pendent on natural precipitation, supplemented in numerous cases by pumping from spring wells or underground waters. Only a minimum of this vast area is at present cultivated. With effective, successful cultivation, it is capable, in the not dis- tant future, of well maintaining a population (including small local towns) of at least 20 persons per square mile, or 400,000 people ; with corresponding further increase as cultivation becomes more intensive. 15 Much of this land is covered by patents issued by the U. S. Government, originally either to railroads or "entrymen." Other land is still part of the public domain and subject to "entry,'' but most of the best land has already been taken up. Mistakes of the Past — Between 1886 and 1889 a large number of people flocked into Eastern Colorado, settling on the non-irrigable lands, on the theory that that section was in a supposed "rain belt;" i. e., having suf ficient annual precipitation to admit of the raising of ordinary farm crops by usual farm methods. Many of such people were utterly unsuited to farming, even under ordinary conditions, and apparently did not realize the abnormal conditions by which they were confronted. They were mainly people of small financial means, attracted by the cheapness with which land could be ob- tained by "homesteading," etc. The result was inevitable. A few comparatively "wet" years were followed by a succession of "dry" seasons; the crops shriv- eled and died; farms and homes were abandoned by their owners after losing practically all they had in the world ; and the country largely relapsed into grazing land. The remembrance of the "rain belt" fiasco of the late "eighties" did much to prejudice many persons on the feasibility of success- fully and profitably cultivating the pon-irrigable lands of th" plains of Eastern Colorado. A number of the best settlers in the late "eighties" did not leave, but, adapting themselves to local conditions, have success fully farmed for periods of over 20 years, and successful farming, using live stock as a basis, is being done by an increasing number of people. Renewed interest, a few years ago, brought into Eastern Colo rado, among others, many improvident "set Hers" (some of them "failures" in other States) without capital or equipment, some of them without energy, ignorant of soil or climatic conditions, with minimum knowledge of how to prepare the soil or what kind of crops to raise. On the other hand, among the settlers of a few years ago there are many successful farmers, making money on the cheap lands, without irrigation, and obtaining profitable results, even in the seasons of light rainfall. The Water Available — There being, in those portions of Eastern Colorado remote from the Arkansas and Platte Valleys, no permanent streams of any size from which to obtain irrigation water, the amount of precipitation and other water obtainable are all-important. Precipitation — The average 4 annual precipitation, in inches, for periods of live years or more, seven-tenths of which occurs in six months, April to September inclusive, as compiled from the local observa- tions of the U. S. Weather Bureau, at various non-irrigable points in Eastern Colorado are as follows : Baca County— Blaine, 15.88; Springfield, 18.75; Vilas, 14.09. Cheyenne County — Cheyenne Wells, 15.96. Elbert County— Hamps, 14.32. El Paso County — Colorado Springs, 14.34; Husted, 15.98. Kit Carson County — Burlington, 18.67; Seibert, 15.31; Wallett, 18.11. Las Animas County — Clear View, 22.90; Hoehne, 13.60; Trinidad, 17.17. Lincoln County — Hugo, 15.14. Logan County— Crook, 16.41; Le Roy, 15.72. Phillips County — Holyoke, 16.81. Washington County — Akron, 19.6; Cope, 18.74. Yuma County— Fox, 16.65; Wray, 17.68; Yuma, 17.50. Water from Wells — The following items as to the depth, in feet, to ground water at various points (non-irrigable from streams) in Eastern Colo- rado are taken from the Biennial Report (1905-1906) of the Colo- rado State Engineer: Baca County — Monon, 15-20; Vilas, 50-65. Cheyenne County — Arroyo, 14; Wild Horse, 11. Kiowa County — Arlington, 17; Chivington, 33; Sheridan Lake, 84. Kit Carson County— Burlington, 185; Flagler, 5-20; Seibert, 15-25. Lincoln County — Arriba, 65; Bovina, 115; Hugo, 45. Washington County— Akron, 20-120; Cope, 18; Otis, 220. Weld County— Ault, 34; Dover, 40; Nunn, 28. Yuma— Wray, 80. Many wells have been sunk throughout Eastern Colorado since 1906, with gratifying results. Irrigation from Wells — Doctor El wood Mead, in the Year Book (1905) of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, states that where an ample supply of underground water can be reached at the above depths, the farmer can afford to pump water for irrigation. Records of Government Experiment Stations show that wells, equipped with wind-mills, irrigate from one acre to seven acres each, at a cost of from 75 cents to $6 per acre, admitting of orchards, gardens, shade trees and wind-brakes; also crops worth from $12 to $500 per acre, including alfalfa, garden vegetables, fruit, sugar beets, corn, etc. In ten years there was not a single crop failure where the wind-mill provided moisture. In connection with some wind-mills, large storage tanks or comparatively small surface reservoirs are used. Doctor Mead also states that it is believed there are few localities in arid Eastern Colorado where enough water cannot be had for the irrigation of from one to ten acres on each sec- tion, and that it is remarkable how much can be done with a little water, where rightly used. (2) 17 Doctor Mead gives particulars of one pump in Eastern Colorado, operated by gasoline engine, which irrigates 50 acres — 45 acres in farm crops and the remaining five acres in orchard. Irrigation from Wells by Gasoline Engines — One Denver firm during 1912 installed eight pumping plants between Limon, Lincoln Count}', and Kit Carson, Cheyenne County, tapping the water-bearing gravel at depths of from four feet to 24 feet below the surface, the water-bearing gravel rang- ing from 12 to 20 feet thick. The method is to sink a set or "battery" of wells into the water-bearing gravel, from three to ten in number, according to circumstances, in a direct lateral line about 50 feet apart, each about 14 inches in diameter, cased with special perforated metal casing; the wells connected with each other by one hori- zontal suction line. Pumping- Irrigation Water from Wells by Gasoline Engine in Eastern Colorado The center well is equipped with a pump, operated by gaso- line engine, pumping the water simultaneously from all the con- nected wells. Experience has shown that as much water is obtain- able this way from a 14-inch perforated casing well as from a large open well of from 10 feet to 14 feet in diameter. The pumping plants of this character already installed in Eastern Colorado are each furnishing continuously from 500 to 1,000 gallons of water per minute, and are operated by gasoline engines of from eight to 12 H.P. driving centrifugal pumps. It is estimated that 500 gallons of water per minute is capable of irrigating eighty acres. Conservation of Water in the Soil — It has been demonstrated that by deep plowing and thorough preparation of the soil, successful agriculture can be continuously conducted, year in and year out, in Eastern Colorado. 18 Mr. E. R. Parsons, of Parker, Douglas County, Colo., who has been successfully farming at that place, without irrigation, for twenty-five years, and for fifteen years successfully growing orchard fruit, also without irrigation, states as his experience that every year of intensive cultivation increases the moisture in the ground to an ultimate depth of 14 feet below the surface, sufficient to carry orchard trees, etc., through succeeding dry years. He further says that he has never lost a single tree, or any crop, by drought; that in the so-called dry years his locality usually gets a precipitation of about ten inches, or 1,130 tons of Plum Orchard— Grown Without Irrigation— by E. R. Parsons, Parker, Colo. water per acre ; that the aim and object of farming without irri- gation is not so much to produce good crops in good years (any- body can do that) as to raise a profitable amount of products in dry years; that he knows of no year since the spring of 1880 that this was not done by men who had the requisite knowledge of how to do it. The Spalding Deep Tilling Machine — This machine (Spalding Deep Tilling Machine Company, Western office, Ideal Building, Denver) marks the beginning of a new era in Colorado farming, both in irrigated and non-irrigable districts, particularly the latter. Its merits are aptly sum- marized by Mr. Joseph H. Eaton, Weld County, a practical agriculturist of many years' Colorado experience, as follows : In farming without irrigation, deep plowing is the only method by which the precipitation can be successfully caught, stored and conserved in the soil for the use of the growing crops. Until recently no implement could be obtained by which satis factory work could be done, especially in new ground. 19 The Spalding Deep Tilling Machine has now been perfected, by which it is possible to plow and thoroughly mix the soil to the depth of even 16 or 18 inches. Hundreds of them are now in successful operation. Mr. Eaton now has eleven of them; in 1912 plowed 700 acres with them, and says that the machine is an unqualified success, repre- senting the greatest advance in tilling implements since the invention of the steel plow-share. The Spalding Deep Tilling Machine By the use of this machine the prairie sod can be at once plowed to a depth of from 12 to 14 inches and transformed into a thoroughly tilled seed bed from 14 to 18 inches deep, enabling the farmer in one day to convert a piece of raw prairie sod into a seed bed ready for any crop. Mr. J. C. Pickett, a farmer at Seibert, Kit Carson County, with a Spalding machine plowed 25 acres in the fall of 1911, 12 to 20 16 inches deep, using four good horses. The land was very hard, the sod having previously only been broken about three inches deep, for two years. Result of such deep plowing : 50 bushels of corn per acre in 1912; adjoining land, shallow plowed, only yield- ing from 25 to 30 bushels. Mr. J. N. Gibbs, Jr., a farmer near Trinidad, Las Animas County, obtained a Spalding Deep Tilling Machine in May, 1910 ; plowed non-irrigable prairie sod land of nominal market value, one tract about eight inches deep, the other, 12 inches deep, 35 acres in all, sowing same to Mexican beans. In 1911 the land plowed 12 inches deep yielded 1,500 pounds of beans per acre; that plowed eight inches deep yielded less than half as much. In May, 1912, he double-disked the 35 acres, sowing same to The Spalding Deep Tilling Machine — Furrow Side barley, threshing out 60 bushels per acre — the best yield for the County. Mr. Gibbs now has five Spalding Deep Tilling Machines and a traction engine, and is about to cultivate more than 1,000 acres of non-irrigable land now covered with thick prairie sod and, in the absence of such a machine, of little market value. Other instances could be quoted illustrating the new era in Colorado farming made possible by this machine. Wherever it was used in 1912 the ground is now (March, 1913) moist to a depth of several feet below the surface. "Scratchiculture" — Heretofore the accepted method of reducing a tract of prairie sod to cultivation has been, first, to turn the tough sod over by shallow plowing to a depth of a few inches; then, either wait a 21 year for the sod to "rot," or, after industriously disking the over- turned sod, raise the first year a small crop of one of the so-called "sod" crops; then the next year plow a little deeper, and so on, until after a period of several years a seed bed six or eight inches deep would be obtained. This savors more of "scratchiculture" than "agriculture," but many of the farmers had not the financial means to do better. Under the above system, ordinary farm crops are a failure in a majority of years in Eastern Colorado. Drought-Resisting Cereals and Forage Plants — The following drought-resisting cereal and forage plants yield on Colorado non-irrigable land, as follows : Barley Raised Without Irrigation. Altitude, 8, Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway Feet Durum Wheat (a spring wheat, originating from the semi- arid steppe regions of Russia) : Has been grown in Colorado ever since 1902, yielding from 10 to 48 bushels per acre. Turkey Red Wheat (a winter wheat, originating from the semi-arid regions of Southeastern Russia) : Average yield, 15 bushels. Rye (Russian variety) : Frequently used as forage; as grain, yields from a few bushels up to 25 bushels per acre. Barley : Special varieties successfully grown. Corn : The 1910 U. S. Census Report states that more than one-half of the total corn acreage of Colorado is in the non- 22 irrigable Counties of Yuma, Kit Carson, Phillips, Washington and Elbert, the average yield for that year being 15 bushels per acre. Green corn is also used for forage and ensilage. Spring Emmer or Speltz (of Russian origin) : From 10 to 30 bushels per acre; used as feed grain for live stock. Oats: Special varieties grown for forage, as frequently as for grain. Sorghum : Common forage crop, yielding from half a ton to several tons per acre. Kaffir Corn (originating in semi-arid South Africa) : Valu- able for forage and grain. Milo Maize (also originating in semi-arid South Africa) : Valuable for forage and grain. Proso (originating in semi-arid regions of Europe) : Drought- resisting millet, grown for forage and grain. Millet : German variety, grown for forage and grain. Brome Grass (originating in Europe) : Drought-resisting; yields up to one ton per acre. Alfalfa : Drought-resisting varieties. Colorado Native Grasses: Variety of them, including blue stem (Western wheat grass) and gramma grasses. The New Bupfum Cereals — By special breeding for a number of years, Professor Buffun; (Wyoming Plant & Seed Breeding Company, with Denver office) has evolved new varieties of grain, specially adapted for non- irrigable land, provided such land is deeply plowed and thor- oughly cultivated to conserve the natural precipitation. Two of such varieties have already been successfully introduced, viz. : Buffum's Improved Winter Emmer. In 1912 Colorado farmers grew, on non-irrigated land, yields of from 40 bushels per acre by Nash Bros., Pueblo County, to 104 bushels per acre by Mr. James E. Kane near Trinidad, Las Animas County, and 107 bushels per acre by Mr. R. E. Showalter near Loveland, Larimer County. Buffum's No. 17 Wheat, produced by breeding the beard off Turkey Red Wheat. It w r as only introduced in Colorado in 1912, to mature in 1913. Prior to its introduction into Colorado, it produced on the Buffum Seed Breeding Farm in arid Northern Wyoming, by the acre, 35 bushels without irrigation and 62 bushels w T ith irrigation. Live-Stock Farming — The success of farming, without irrigation, in Eastern Colo- rado has been and will continue to be : diversified farming, with live stock as a basis; stock-raising, dairying (particularly the latter), hog-raising and poultry — a combination of "the plow. 23 the cow and the sow;" feeding the farm products and selling on the hoof, or feeding to dairy stock and poultry, selling milk, eggs, etc. This is already illustrated by two Counties in Eastern Colo rado, each with less than one per cent of its total area and less than five per cent of the number of its farms irrigated. According to the statistics in the 1912 Annual Report of the Colorado Auditor of State, (1) Kit Carson County ranks fourth, among all the Counties of Colorado, in the number of milch cows; (2) Yuma County ranks first, among all the Counties of Colorado, in the number of swine. Among the enterprising, industrious farmers in the non- irrigable districts, silos are being increasingly used for the stor- A Dairy Herd in Northern Colorado ing of live-stock food for the winter, consisting of the cereals (corn, etc., cut green) and forage plants, chopped up by machin ery. Summary — It is evident from the foregoing that a man will do well not to undertake farming without irrigation, unless he has sufficient capital to purchase his land, provide house, fences, barn, well, wind-mill or other pumping plant, obtain necessary live stock (if he does not bring it with him), and to carry him well over until he has cultivated a sufficient area and begins to get definite returns. If he does not recognize the above requirements, he takes the responsibility himself and is not able to find any justification in this book, which does not aim to "boost/' but to present facts. 24 Some good men have started farming in Eastern Colorado not fully equipped, and have had a "hard time" for a few years, coming out all right eventually. COLORADO EXCELS OTHER STATES Colorado (including both irrigated and non-irrigated land) excels other States in the average yields per acre and average prices of farm crops (except corn), but does not equal, in yields per acre, some European countries where intensive farming and continuous liberal fertilizing are practiced. As stated elsewhere in this book, the other States which have contributed most to the population of Colorado are: Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska and New York. These States fairly represent farming conditions in various parts of the country, and are therefore selected for comparison with Coin rado. The 1911 Year Book of the U. S. Department of Agriculture shows that the average yields per acre and average prices oi the seven ordinary farm crops, over a ten-year period, in Colo- rado, several European countries (yields per acre only), and such seven other States were as follows: BARLEY 1902-1911: Germany, 35.8 bushels; United Kingdom, 35.1, Austria, 25.5; France, 23.8; Hungary, 23.6. State Bushels per Acre Colorado 33.8 Missouri 21.9 Illinois 27.8 Iowa 25.6 Kansas 19.8 Ohio 27.3 Nebraska 24.0 New York 24.6 United States 25.7 According to the Crop Report of the U. S. Department of Agriculture for 1912, the average Colorado yield of barley was 39 bushels per acre. Professor Alvin Keyser, Chief Agronomist, Colorado State Agricultural College, says that on the College Farm 85 bushel s of barley per acre, for the entire field, have been harvested. CORN The Year Book does not give the average yields per acre of corn in European countries, but the average yields and prices for various American States, for the decade 1900-1909, as follows: 25 Price per Bushel 59 cents 55 • 50 ' 41 < 41 < 53 ♦ 37 « 60 ' 47 < State Bushels per Acre Colorado 21.2 Missouri 28.6 Illinois 34.5 Iowa 32.3 Kansas 22.4 Ohio 35.6 Nebraska 27.4 New York 31.0 United States 25.8 Price per Bushel 59 cents 45 " 43 " 39 " 42 M 48 " 38 " 66 " 47 " HAY The Year Book does not give the average yields per acre of hay in European countries, but the average yields and prices for various American States, for the decade 1900-1909, as follows : State Tons per Acre Price per Ton Colorado 2.35 $ 8.67 Missouri 1.28 8.15 Illinois 1.35 9.53 Iowa 1.55 6.47 Kansas : 1.41 5.63 Ohio 1.38 10.06 Nebraska 1.55 , 5.09 New York 1.22 12.10 United States 1.44 • 9.59 According to the 1910 U. S. Census Report, alfalfa (lucerne) contributes nearly two-fifths of the acreage and over one-half of the quantity and value of the Colorado hay crop. Oats Raised Without Irrigation. Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway Altitude, 8,479 Feet 26 MfrriflTtrtn -grr BP^^^^^^V^-f^- zspb mm, 188 ^^ £■ ■■•• P^v *5l^»V-^^^^^Ri . i— i— Sixty-Five Acre Potato Field. Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway Altitude, 6, 200 Feet OATS 1902-1911: Germany, 51.5 bushels; United Kingdom, 44.7; Austria, 31.2; Hungary. 31 : France, 30. 1900-1909 : State Bushels per Acre Price per Bushel Colorado 35.3 46 cents Missouri 23.4 35 Illinois 31.2 34 " Iowa 29.5 30 * Kansas 24.4 35 Ohio 33.2 36 " Nebraska 26.4 30 New York 31.3 43 United States 29.5 35 " According to the Crop Report of the U. S. Department of Agriculture for 1912, the average Colorado yield of oats was 42.8 bushels per acre. Professor Alvin Keyser says that, on good soils, with adequate preparation, proper rotation of crops and efficient irrigation, oats in the Fort Collins district yield 107 bushels per acre, whole fields running 85 bushels per acre. Oats in Middle Park, at 8,000 feet altitude, range from G5 to 75 bushels per acre. Whole fields in the San Luis Valley yield GO bushels per acre. 27 POTATOES 1900-1910: Germany, 200.8 bushels; United Kingdom, 200.7; Austria, 154.6; France, 123.3; Hungary, 117.3. 1900-1909 : State Bushels per Acre Colorado 130 Missouri 81 Illinois 85 Iowa 82 Kansas 76 Ohio 84 Nebraska 83 New York 88 United States 91.4 Price per Bushel 60 cents 62 64 53 73 59 55 59 57 A Colorado Potato Cellar Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway Professor Keyser, before quoted, says that on the best lands of the Greeley district, potatoes have yielded as high as from 300 to 400 sacks per acre, weighing from 100 to 115 pounds per sack; that he has seen 125 sacks per acre produced at 8,000 feet altitude in Middle Park, and that yields of 200 sacks per acre are not unusual in the Montrose and Carbondale districts. RYE 1902-1911: United Kingdom, 28.2 bushels; Germany, 26.5 Austria, 20.1; Hungary, 18.3; France, 16.8. 28 1900-1909 : State Bushels per Acre Price per Bushel Colorado 18.3 62 cents Missouri 14.8 64 " Illinois 15.1 61 " Iowa 18.0 53 " Kansas 14.2 57 " Ohio 17.1 64 ^ Nebraska 16.8 49 New York 16.1 68 " United States 16.0 62 " According to the Crop Report of the U. S. Department of Agriculture for 1912, the average Colorado yield of rye was 20 bushels per acre. Professor Keyser says that 60 bushels of rye per acre have been obtained on Colorado irrigated lands. WHEAT 1902-1911: United Kingdom, 33 bushels; Germany, 29.8; France, 20.3; Austria, 19.4; Hungary, 18.4. 1900-1909 : State Bushels per Acre Price per Bushel Colorado 25.1 75 cents Missouri 13.4 78 " Illinois 15.5 81 " Iowa 14.6 72 " Kansas 14.0 71 " Ohio 14.9 86 " Nebraska 17.5 67 " New York 17.4 90 " United States 14.1 77 " According to the Crop Report of the U. S. Department of Agriculture for 1912, the average Colorado yield of spring wheat was 24 bushels per acre, and of winter wheat 24.5 bushels per acre. Professor Keyser, before quoted, says that on good soils, with adequate preparation, proper rotation of crops and efficient irri- gation, it is not an unusual occurrence in the Fort Collins district to have spring wheat yield 50 bushels per acre. SUGAR BEETS Wonderful Development Since 1899 — In Colorado, sugar beets are regarded as the most safe and profitable crop of any, one year with another. A farmer can raise beets, sell the sugar in them to the fac- tory, get back and feed the factory pulp and syrup to his live stock, also the nutritive beet tops, and return to his land, in the manure, the fertility taken from the soil by the crop. The cultivation of sugar beets was introduced into Colorado in 1899, when the first factory was built. There are now 17 beet- 29 Preparing Ground for Sowing Sugar Beet sugar factories in the State, representing an investment of about #22,000,000. In 1912 there were over 140,000 acres of beets harvested in Colorado and 1,700,000 tons paid for by the factories; average yield per acre, 12 tons; average factory price, nearly |6 (depend- ing on sugar contents) ; the growers receiving about $9,500,000. Great Benefit to Agriculture — The evolution of the beet-sugar industry in Colorado has been of great benefit to the State generally and to agriculture in par- ticular, resulting in : (1) Much greater attention being paid to scientific rotation of crops, the growth of sugar beets resulting in marked percent- sugar Beet Loading Station 30 age of increase of yield per acre of alternating cereal and other crops. (2) More intensive cultivation and tendency to smaller farms. (3) Impetus to stock-feeding (cattle, sheep and hogs), utiliz- ing, along with other foods, beet tops and residuum factory beet pulp and syrup. (4) Increase of diversified farming. (5) Increased demand for labor in the beet fields and fac- tories, attracting people from the cities "back to the land." Leases for Beet-Growing Common — Leases are common from Colorado farmers, for one season, of portions of their farms for the growth of sugar beets; the farmers furnishing the land and irrigation water; the lessees furnishing the seed, horses, implements and labor, paying as rent from 20 to Sowing Sugar Beet Seed 25 per cent of the gross value of the crop, as evidenced by the checks paid by the factory for the beets. The growers, in the winter or early spring, individually con- tract, in writing, with the factories to grow a certain acreage of beets for the factories during the following season, at specified prices per ton, depending on sugar contents. The tracts devoted to sugar beets range in size from a few acres to hundreds of acres each, the average being about 20 acres. Profitable for Labor — In 1912 there was paid to laborers in the Colorado beet fields about $4,000,000. The busy times are the thinning, hoeing, pulling and topping seasons, the labor being generally done by contract. The wages paid in the beet fields for ordinary common labor, doing hand work, range from $1.50 to $2.50 per day, if reckoned 31 Sugar Factory Beet Pulp Dump that way ; but the field workers generally contract to do the neces- sary hand work — i. e., the thinning and hoeing, second and third hoeings, pulling and topping — for $20 per acre, father, mother and children working on the family contract. The workers pro- vide their own food. Men, women and children (over 12 years of age) average six acres per worker, which at $20 per acre means an average of $120 per worker per season. During the rush (lasting intermittently not over five weeks altogether) of the season the industrious work from 12 to 14 hours per day. In the intervals they get other work from the Fattening Cattle on Sugar Factory Beet Pulp 32 farmer, thereby earning sufficient to cover their expenses for the entire season, the contract work representing clear money. In the early years of the industry the laborers were housed in tents furnished rent-free by the farmers growing beets. As time went on, many of the farmers built wooden houses for them, also rent-free, while the more thrifty and industrious of the early comers of the field workers acquired small tracts of land and erected their own houses. To-day, in some districts the majority of the most successful beet-growers are those who started years ago as field hands. Most Profitable Field Crop in Colorado — The average cost of production of an acre of beets is about $45. First Prize Fat Ewes, Fattened on Factory Beet Pulp The average yield in 1912 — 12 tons — at an average price of $5.60 per ton, is $67.20, showing $23.20 net per acre. Yields of 20 tons per acre and upwards are common. Residuum for Stock-Feeding — The residuum beet pulp and residuum syrup from the fac- tories are mostly fed to live stock within a short distance from each factory, large numbers of cattle and sheep being assembled in fattening yards for the purpose of utilizing the material, in addition to alfalfa, etc. The pulp and syrup are also shipped by railroad to stock- feeders and dairymen up to 30 miles distant, and fetched from the factory in wagons, by local farmers. (3) 33 The factory price of the pulp is 50 cents per ton during oper- ating period, and 75 cents per ton during inter-campaign; aver- age, 65 cents for the year at the factory. The residuum syrup sells for $7 per ton f. o. b. factory, and is shipped in tank cars. The farmers within easy driving distance from the factory buy it in barrels. It is used in different ways as stock feed, either sprinkled over the beet pulp, or mixed with chopped straw and hay, one part of syrup to three parts of chop. Colorado has demonstrated that a farming community, which intelligently grows beets and utilizes the pulp resulting from them in the feeding of cattle, is able to grow as large crops, in addition to the beets, as were produced before adding the sugar- beet industry, and to maintain many more cattle than was possi- ble before beet farming was inaugurated. OTHER FIELD CROPS Canadian Peas — Canadian field peas have been increasingly grown in Colorado for some years past, especially in the San Luis Valley. In rota- An Onion Field tion of crops, they are a great fertilizer. They do best at high, cool elevations, with minimum evaporation; say, from 7,000 feet upwards (as in the San Luis Valley), where alfalfa, begins to be somewhat unreliable. They are a growing factor in the fat- tening of sheep and swine. NOTE.— See "Sheep" and "Swine." Cantaloupes — Rocky Ford (Otero County) has for years been famous for the extent and high quality of its cantaloupe field crop, which is shipped by the train load to the great cities of the Middle and 34 Eastern States, as far Easl as New York. Other Colorado points, such as Palisade (Mesa County) on the Western Slope, now also grow cantaloupes as a field crop. Flax— Flax is increasingly grown (for seed, not yet for fibre) as profitable crop, more particularly on the non-irrigable lands of Eastern Colorado. Roots — MangoM-wurzels, rutabagas (Swede tin-nips), etc., do equally as well as sugar beets, and are increasingly grown as feed for live stock. Vegetables, Etc. — The entire range of vegetables, etc. — such as asparagus, beans, cabbage, carrots, celery, onions, peas, tomatoes, etc. — are increasingly grown as field crops. Colorado cabbage, celery, onions, etc., on account of their high quality, are increasingly shipped to other States; while asparagus, beans, peas, tomatoes, etc., constitute the raw material for numerous Colorado canning establishments, which, besides largely supplying the Colorado market, ship extensively to other States. Planting and Irrigating Cabbage 35 Live Stock HORSES There was an increase in the number and value per head of horses in Colorado in 1912, as shown by the following figures issued by the U. S. Department of Agriculture: Date Number Value per Head Gross Value Jan. 1, 1913 324,000 $87 $28,188,000 Jan. 1, 1912 321,000 80 25,680,000 According to the statistics of the State Auditor's Report for 1912, the five leading horse Counties are : Weld, Yuma, Lari- mer, Kit Carson, Washington. Horse-raising in Colorado admits of great and profitable development. Originally the local stock was of the Indian pony type, indigenous to the plains. For years past thoroughbred Belgian Draft, Norman-Percheron, Oldenburg Coach and French Coach breeding stock have been extensively introduced into Colo- rado, with corresponding results. There is now a bigger demand for good draft horses than local supply. Locally raised horses have better bone and wind than those raised at lower altitudes. Colorado can well follow the practice in States to the East, where individual farmers sell two or three teams a year of their own raising and breaking. At present, a team weighing 1,200 pounds each fetches in the Colorado market from f 300 to f 500. Colorado farmers are now going more into horse-raising than previously, and the number of horses handled at the Denver Union Stock Yards has doubled in the last few years. MULES There was an increase in the value per head of mules in Colorado in 1912, as shown by the following figures issued by the U. S. Department of Agriculture: Date Number Value per Head Gross Value Jan. 1, 1913 17,000 $104 $1,768,000 Jan. 1, 1912 17,000 100 1,700,000 According to the statistics of the State Auditor's Report for 1912, the five leading mule Counties are Weld, Yuma, Las Animas, Prowers, Otero. So far, mule-breeding has not been extensively practiced in Colorado, though there is a good opening for same. 36 Most of the mules now in Colorado are work animals shipped in from other States. Draft mules, standing 16 hands and over, weighing from 1,200 pounds to 1,300 pounds each, fetch from $400 to $600 per team in Colorado. For freight-hauling in the mountains, mules, especially Colorado-bred mules, are better than horses, being surer-footed, tougher and hardier. ASSES The Year Book of the U. S. Department of Agriculture does not take cognizance of the number of asses in the various States. The State Auditor's Report for 1912 credits Colorado as hav- ing 572 asses, the five leading ass Counties being: La Plata, San Miguel, Park, San Juan, Clear Creek. The use of asses (locally termed "burros") as pack animals in the mining Counties has de- clined with the advent of aerial wire trams and the substitution of wagon roads for former trails. Aerial Wire Tram Courtesy of A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co. RANGE CATTLE There was no increase in the number, but an increase in the value per head of range cattle (i. e., other than dairy cattle) in 1912, as shown by the following figures issued by the U. S. De- partment of Agriculture: Date Number Jan. 1, 1913 921,000 Jan. 1, 1912 921,000 Value per Head $34.10 27.60 Gross Value $31,406,000 25,420,000 According to the statistics of the State Auditor's Report for 1912, the five leading range cattle Counties are: Moffat, Rio Blanco, Routt, Jackson, Yuma. The open-range cattle industry, as it existed in the eighties in Colorado, is practically a thing of the past, except as it lingers in the less populated Counties, and, even there, winter feeding 37 with hay, etc., is now practiced, in order to be able to market the animals in good condition in the early spring months. In the more populous grazing Counties the cattle industry is now conducted in smaller herds and of much higher grade stock than formerly, and on fenced lands. The favorite breeds are Shorthorns, Herefords, Polled Angus, Galloways, etc. Colorado is increasingly self-supplied with beef of high qual- ity, resulting from the feeding of cereals (barley, speltz, etc.), roots (mangold-wurzel, sugar beets, beet-sugar pulp) and forage, such as alfalfa. At the Denver Stock Show (practically a "feeder" show) in January, 1913, the champion carload of Shorthorn calves, less than one year old, fetched $12.25 per 100 pounds, and ordinary two-year-old Colorado cattle sold from #7.10 up to flO per 100 pounds. 2 YEAR OLD 1 ' J HEREFORD STEERS ^^^ 1 ALFALFA FED ^«;^ 1 GRAND CHAMPIONS B- JL ■ I AVERAGE WEIGHT 1600 POUNDS H BVHI A Bunch of Steers Colorado, by means of increased live-stock farming, as con- trasted with grazing on the remaining open ranges decreasing in area, can produce double and treble the present number of beef cattle. In view of the increasing shortage of beef cattle throughout the United States, the favorable conditions in Colorado will prob- ably result in a marked expansion of live-stock farming. There is good profit in individual farmers purchasing com- paratively small lots of weaned calves or yearling steers, feeding them for a time on alfalfa and straw, grazing during the sum- mer, and subsequently feeding them on grains, roots, etc., raised on their own farms, and marketing as beef. 38 Some small farmers on non-irrigated land are raising forage — such as Kaffir corn, milo maize, etc. — as food for their live stock. MILCH COWS There was an increase in the number and value per head of milch cows in Colorado in 1912, as shown by the following figures issued by the U. S. Department of Agriculture: Date Number Value per Head Gross Value Jan. 1, 1913 172,000 $53.80 $9,254,000 Jan. 1, 1912 167,000 47.00 7,849,000 NOTE.— Switzerland has 1,500,000 cattle, practically all dairy cat- tle, and 350,000 goats, also used for dairy purposes. According to the statistics of the State Auditor's Report for 1912, the five leading dairy cattle Counties are: Weld, El Paso, Douglas, Kit Carson, Arapahoe. Reduce Importations of Dairy Products — The Colorado State Dairy Commissioner, in his Annual Re- port for 1912, says that Colorado otfers greater advantages than any other Western State for profitable dairying. The vast idle, grazing areas present exceptional opportunities for dairy herds, and several thousand more cows could be introduced with profit to the owners. Tn this way the importation of dairy products into the State would be lessened. At the present time from $6,500,000 to $7,000,000 worth of dairy products annually are shipped into Colorado. Here is an opening for less fortunate dairymen in the crowded States East of Colorado. NOTE. — Irrespective of supplying its own population of nearly 4,000,000 people, Switzerland annually exports dairy products (cheese, condensed milk and milk chocolate) to the amount of nearly $25,000,000. Colorado Ideal for Dairy Farming — The Colorado State Dairy Commissioner further says that almost every County in Colorado is well adapted for dairy farm- ing. There should be better cows and more of them. They should be tested and the poorer ones weeded out, thereby raising the standard, not only of the herds, but of the products. One serious drawback to successful dairying in Colorado is the lack of effi- cient help, notwithstanding the fact that farm hands are paid higher wages than in almost any other State in the Union. Producers are getting higher prices for their milk now than ever before, mainly because the grade is better. In 1912 they were paid 48 cents for their butter fat, as against 44 cents in 1911. Increasing Use of Silos — Silos are coming into more general use .with dairymen. Where it is not possible to have a concrete silo, the ground or trench silo is a valuable aid to the dairy farmer in the prepara- i I A Concrete Silo Courtesy of The U. S. Portland Cement Co. tion of winter food. In non-irrigable sections, corn and other forage plants are used for ensilage. In the irrigated districts, the larger growth of corn makes it an especially valuable crop for ensilage. Dairies and Creameries — Of the more than 7,000 dairies (large and small) in Colorado, the majority are confined to the more populous Counties. The one- and two-cow dairies are mostly in the sparsely peopled Coun- ties, where many goats are being utilized for family use. In 1912 there were 125 creameries at various points, as against 85 in 1911. There are two condensed-milk factories operating continu- ously, with increasing production. Six small cheese factories are in operation, the quality of their output being above the average; but the great bulk of the cheese consumed in Colorado is as yet imported from other States. 40 SHEEP There was an increase in the number and value per head of sheep in Colorado in 1912, as shown by the following figures is- sued by the U. S. Department of Agriculture : Number Value per Head Gross Value Date Jan. 1, 1913 1,737,000 Jan. 1, 1912 1,579,000 $3.10 3.00 $6,253,000 4,737,000 As to wool, the Year Book for 1911 quotes from the esti- mates of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers for 1911, as follows: "Colorado, 1,300,000 sheep sheared; average weight of fleece, seven pounds; shrinkage, 68 per cent; wool washed and unwashed, including pulled wool, 9,100,000 pounds; wool scoured, including pulled wool, 2,912,000 pounds." According to the statistics of the State Auditor's Report for 1912, the five leading sheep Counties are: Las Animas, Prowers, Dent, Conejos. Saguache. 1 ^ Alfalfa-Field Pea Fed Sheep Originally the sheep in Colorado were Mexican in breed ; hardy, adapted to local conditions, but inferior for mutton and wool purposes. In the "eighties" there was a movement resulting in the ex- tensive introduction of breeding stock for wool, mostly Meriuos. This was followed by the extensive introduction of the mutton breeds — Shropshires and Rambouillets. To-day there is practically an unlimited local demand for mutton as compared with formerly. Sheep-feeding in Colorado for the butcher has witnessed corresponding development. North- ern Colorado alone annually feeds over 300,000 sheep and lambs. Lambs born in May and June are put into the feeding pens in September, October and November, fed on the small cereals, roots 41 (including factory sugar-beet pulp and syrup), alfalfa, etc., and marketed in January, February and March, fetching the highest price in the markets of Chicago and other Eastern centers; viz., up to nine cents per pound, live weight. In the Arkansas Valley several hundred thousand sheep and lambs are annually fattened on hay, alfalfa and small grain. In the San Luis Valley several hundred thousand lambs and sheep are fattened annually for market, mainly on Canadian peas, on which they are turned out to graze. There is good profit in individual farmers purchasing com- paratively small lots of sheep or lambs, and fattening same for market on the produce of their own farms. GOATS The Year Book aforesaid does not give statistics as to the number of goats in the various States. According to the statistics of the State Auditor's Report for 1912, there are 24,383 goats in Colorado, the five leading goat Counties being: Las Animas, Archuleta, Mesa, La Plata, Cos- tilla. They are mostly common goats, usually owned by Mexicans {Hid kept for their milk, though at some points Angora goats are being introduced. NOTE. — As before mentioned, Switzerland has 350,000 goats, used for dairy purposes. SWINE There was a decrease in the number and an increase in the value per head of swine in Colorado in 1912, as shown by the following figures issued by the U. S. Department of Agriculture: Date . Number Value per Head Gross Value Jan. 1, 1913 205,000 $11 $2,255,000 Jan. 1, 1912 211,000 8 1,688,000 According to the statistics of the State Auditor's Report for 1912, the five leading hog Counties are: Yuma, Adams, Otero, Prowers, Rio Grande. During 1912 there were 221,718 hogs handled at the Denver Union Stock Yards, over 50 per cent of which came from Kansas and Nebraska. The hog industry in Colorado is in its infancy and presents practically an unlimited field for development. The packing- houses of Denver and Pueblo do not begin to supply the Colorado demand for packing-house products, and can ship extensively to other States, particularly to the North, South and West of Colo- rado. 42 Colorado's Advantage fob the Hog [ndustby — Professor 11. M. Cottrell (until recently Professor of Animal Industry at the Colorado Stale Agricultural College and now Agri- cultural Commissioner of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway) says that hogs can be raised more economically and profitably in Colorado than in the corn belts of Iowa, Illinois and other States, and that Colorado has four special supplies of hog feed. viz. : (1) Alfalfa in the irrigated districts. Hogs can be pastured on it, supplemented by one pound of grain per head per day. De- ducting the gain resulting from the grain, alfalfa produces, on the average, about TOO pounds of pork per acre. i 2 i Barley in the irrigated and non-irrigated districts, and also in the mountains. This is the main basis of the enormous and growing hog product of Denmark, with its vast annual hog product exports to Great Britain. On Colorado irrigated barley lands, from 600 pounds to 800 pounds of pork to the acre can be raised; on non-irrigated barley lands, from 200 pounds to 400 pounds of pork per acre; on barley lands at higher elevations, say along the line of the Moffat Road, from 500 to TOO pounds per acre. The corn belts of Iowa, Illinois, etc., do not average over 400 pounds of pork to the acre. (3) Canadian Field Peas. At high elevations in Colorado — say. of 7,000 to 9,000 feet — where alfalfa is not generally success ful, Canadian field peas, as in the Pan Luis Valley, are the surest crop. With present method of growing Canadian peas, about 400 pounds of pork to the acre is raised. With better methods and selected seed. 600 pounds of pork per acre can be raised. In the Alfalfa-Pea-Fed Hogs. Average Weight, 500 Pounds 43 Hog Raising in Colorado Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway San Luis Valley the cost of labor, seed and water, up to the time the hogs are turned out to graze, is said not exceed $1.50 per acre. The average yield is 25 bushels of peas to the acre, irrespective of the vines. Those who take special pains and use selected seed get 50 bushels to the acre, with corresponding increase of pork yield. With 400 pounds of pork per acre, the cost of production is about 38 cents per 100 pounds of pork, live weight. The price of the pea land has been from |30 to f 50 per acre. Corn land in Iowa and Illinois, used for hog-raising, sells at |150 per acre. (4) Fallen and undersized fruit in the orchard districts, par ticularly on the Western Slope. The hog business, auxiliary to orchards, is valuable, maintaining fertility of soil and utilizing otherwise waste products, supplemented, of course, with grain. The orchard districts can profitably produce large quantities of hogs. In addition to the above, in the dairy districts there are vast quantities of buttermilk and skim milk obtainable at minimum prices. The favorite breeds are Berkshires, Jersey Reds, Poland Chinas, Tamworths, etc. A serum, manufactured in Colorado, now in local general use as an antidote to or preventive of hog cholera, reduces the mor tality to a minimum, removing the one serious objection to the hog industry. 44 I DONER OMOII SPCI /ARD CO -UVE STOCK EXCHAMGr US IB «■ SB 35j ~ - IB MB ]i y« K j SI Ii ii I Denver Union Stock Yard Building and Exchange DENVER UNION STOCK YARDS Each succeeding year demonstrates that Denver is the great Western live-stock market. The Denver Union Stock Yards, established in 1886, have ever since had an annually increasing business, in 1912 handling 378,- 408 cattle, 37.409 calves, 221,718 hogs, 776,760 sheep, 14,918 horses and mules ; aggregating 18,400 cars. The raisers of live stock in Colorado and the adjoining States market their young and lean stock in Denver, while the live-stock men of Colorado who make a specialty of feeding for the market, market their fat stock in Denver. The Denver Union Stock Yards have about 100 acres in open pens or under cover. Adjoining the Yards are a number of slaughtering and pack- ing establishments. POULTRY The last U. S. Census Report contains the following items on Colorado poultry (April 15th, 1910), 34,491 farms reporting: Total number of fowls : 1910, 1,721,445 ; 1900, 1,017,120. Number of chickens : 1910, 1,644,471 ; 1900, 968,761. Number of turkeys : 1910, 26,430 ; 1900, 30,781. Number of ducks : 1910, 12,250 ; 1900, 15,002. Number of geese : 1910, 4,455 ; 1900, 2,576. Similar information is given as to guinea fowls, pigeons, pea fowls and pheasants. As a result of enterprising, public-spirited Poultry Associa- tions and their Annual Shows, increasing attention is being given to the poultry industry, and the numbers kept have increased since the last Census Report. 45 The fact remains that the State is annually importing from other State $4,000,000 worth of poultry products, leaving a large and profitable field for the development, by the right kind of par- ties, of the industry in Colorado. BEES The last U. S. Census Report contains the following items on the Colorado bee industry, the number of farms reporting being 3,563, or about seven farms in every 100 : Colonies of bees: 1910, 71,434; 1900, 59,750; increase, 19.5 per cent. 4 eta %<"( >'&?*'■ -gssj"*^"~ ff*p»^- - * " «-■ ' —^r-"w- A Colorado Apiary Value of bees: 1910, $308,608; 1900, $195,096; increase, 58.2 per cent. Average value of bees per farm reporting : 1910, $86.61 ; 1900, $43.18; increase, 100 per cent. Colorado is a large producer of honey, much of which is shipped to other States. There is an active and efficient Colorado State Bee-Keepers' Association, and the State provides efficient Bee Inspection. FARM LABOR COST The Crop Report, March, 1913, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture states that in Colorado the average cost of farm labor, per month, with board, is $28.90, as compared with an average of $20.81 for the United States and an average for the Western States of $32.96. The Report shows that the crops of the West can afford and do pay higher farm wages than any other section of the United States, and so offer a better opportunity for sturdy young immigrants to get a start in the world. 46 ■■■■■ The Sweet Brothers' Farm (Altitude, 6,200 Feet) Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway A COLORADO EXAMPLE OF SCIENTIFIC PABMING It is gratifying to show what is being done by brains and money — particularly brains — in Colorado farming; viz.: A farm that nets considerably over #50 per acre per annum (after charg- ing interest on capital! ; the average crop yields, by entire fields, being: wheat, 56 bushels per acre, weighing 62 pounds per bushel (standard. 60 pounds) ; oats. 107 bushels per acre, weighing 46 pounds -per bushel (standard, 32 pounds) ; barley, 85 bushels per acre, weighing 60 pounds per bushel ; potatoes, 500 bushels per acre; as against the following averages: Germany. 200; United Kingdom, 200; Colorado, 130; United States, 91. In 1906 the Sweet Brothers acquired, at low cost, 2,500 acres of land, mostly sagebrush, near Carbondale, Garfield County, Colorado. Of this, over 1,000 acres have been for several years under irrigation and cultivation. They built an irrigation system and numerous up-to-date buildings. It is now the model farm of Colorado for productiveness and profit per acre, five contributing causes being: (1) deep, thorough tillage; (2) proper rotation of crops; (3) humus or organic matter added to the soil; (4) carefully selected good seed; (5) business management. The six-year rotation of crops (after thorough preparation of soil) is as follows: 47 First year: Drilling grain (say, heavy Scotch oats weigh- ing from 44 to 50 pounds per bushel) N. and S., 3 inches deep, 80 pounds per acre; immediately afterwards drilling, E. and W., one inch deep, 12 pounds of alfalfa seed and 5 pounds of timothy seed per acre. The mixed crop is cut about August 1st; then irrigating the alfalfa, the subsequent growth being left to protect the crowns through the winter. Second Year: Three cuttings of alfalfa, aggregating. 4 tons per acre. Third Year: Three cuttings of alfalfa, aggregating 4 tons per acre. Fourth Year: Two cuttings of alfalfa; plowing the third growth under, 4% inches deep, containing more organic matter for the soil than 20 tons of farm manure. Fifth Year: Plowed 10 inches deep, thoroughly prepared and planted with potatoes. Sixth Year: Potatoes. Seventh Year: The same as the first year. In this way, each year one-half of the farm is in alfalfa, one-third in potatoes and one-sixth in mixed grain, alfalfa and. timothy. Live stock is kept, averaging in number 60 horses, 750 fat- tening cattle and nearly 300 hogs. All "roughage" produced on the farm is fed to the live stock, and every pound of farm manure put into the land. The potatoes from this farm, on account of high quality, are sold to leading hotels and the railroad dining-car services in a number of States, and also at high prices for seed. The wheat, oats, etc., also on account of high quality, from this farm, find ready sale at high prices, especially for seed. What is being done on this farm can be done on other and smaller Colorado farms by using the same methods. More Farmers and Better Farming Methods Needed — While Colorado, as before shown, excels other American States in the yield per acre of the seven ordinary farm crops (except corn), better forming methods (such as those on the Sweet farm hereinbefore stated) should enable the deep, prac- tically virgin soils of Colorado to yield as well as the soils of Europe, farmed for centuries and kept fertile by thorough culti- vation, rotation of crops and frequent fertilizing. Action by the Denver Chamber of Commerce — The Denver Chamber of Commerce, recognizing that the best way to build up Denver is to "Build Colorado First," has inaugurated and is conducting a "Greater Colorado" movement (of which Mr. E. J. Yetter, President of the Chamber, is Presi- dent), among the objects of which are: (1) to attract more farm- ers to Colorado, and (2) to promote better farming methods by 48 those already here, including (a) greater productiveness; (b) maximum utilization of all products and corresponding avoid- ance of waste; (c) increased storage, canning, etc., facilities; (d) better marketing methods in the interest of both producer and Consumer. County Agricultural Experts — Some of the Counties are already employing Agricultural Bxperts (in co-operation with the Office of Farm Management, I". s. Department of Agriculture and the State Agricultural Col- lege) to instruct the farmers of such Counties in the latest, practical farming methods. Other Counties are about to do so. Action by the State Bankers' Association — The Colorado State Bankers' Association has appointed Mr. George T. Wells, of the Denver National Bank, representative of I he Association in the ''Greater Colorado'' movement of the Den- ver Chamber of Commerce, on account of his personal familiar ity with Colorado agricultural conditions. The Bankers throughout the State will use their local influ- ence in the employment by Counties of Agricultural Experts, encouraging farmers to the extent of extending credit commen- surate with the degree of efficiency manifested by the farmer. FERTILIZERS The 1010 U. S. ( Vnsus Report shows that only one out of every 100 Colorado farmers reported that he purchased fertilizers. The total amount reported as paid for fertilizers showed an increase of 103.1 per cent since 1899. the average per farm reporting be- ing 1109.13. The Report does not specifically define the "fertilizer" re- ferred to, whether manufactured commercial fertilizer or other- wise. The use of ordinary farm-yard manure, where obtainable, is general; also the plowing under of clover, field peas, etc.; but the use of "fertilizer" is open to material increase. (4) 49 Horticulture According to the 1910 U. S. Census, there were 2,947,920 trees and vines of bearing age in the orchards of Colorado, and 3,151,784 trees and vines not then of bearing age, meaning the doubling of the fruit crop so soon as they reach full bearing. The annual value of the Colorado fruit crop varies, with the seasons (depending on yields and prices), usually aggregating from |5,000,000 to $7,000,000: Conditions in 1912 demonstrated the need for better market- ing methods and local facilities for preserving or otherwise util- izing fruit. Fruit Packing House in Western Colorado Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway All the farming Counties grow more or less fruit, but the leading fruit-growing counties are : Boulder, Delta, Denver, Fre- mont, Garfield, Larimer, Mesa, Montezuma, Montrose, Morgan, Otero, Prowers, Pueblo, Weld. The following particulars from four of the Counties — Boul- der and Fremont in Eastern Colorado, and Delta and Montrose in Western Colorado — are instructive. The Annual Report of the Colorado State Board of Horticul- ture for 1911 (that for 1912 not yet being published) contains the following information as to acreage, yields, prices, etc., in 1911, in such four Counties: 50 Apple Orchard— Grown Without Irrigation— by E. R. Parsons, Parker, Colo. Houlder County — Fruit-bearing orchards, 1,500 acres; not yet bearing, 700 acres; 250 cars of fruit produced, of which 220 were apples. Average price of apples per box, fancies, f.o.b. cars, $1; choice, 85 cents. Average yield of apples, 350 boxes per acre. Cherries, five cars, $2.10 per crate. Plums, $1 per crate. Small fruits, HUIOO crates; strawberries, $2.50 per crate; raspberries, $2.10; blackberries, $2.40. View from Westminster Hill, Near Denver Delta County Fruit-bearing orchards, 14,000 acres; not yet bearing, 20,000 acres; 2,800 cars of fruit produced; viz., apples, 1,320; peaches, 1,450; cherries, 10; other fruits (not small fruits), 15; small fruits, five. 51 Fremont County — Fruit-bearing orchards, 3,500 acres; not yet bearing, 5,000 acres; 1,300 cars of fruit produced, of which 1,100 were apples. Average price of apples per box (50 pounds), fancy, Ben Davis, 85 cents; other better varieties, $1.20; choice, 60 to 85 cents. Average yield of apples, 450 boxes per acre. Average price of peaches per box, $1. Cherries, 50 cars produced; average price per crate, $1.90. Average price of pears per box, $1.50. Plums per crate, 60 cents. Small fruits, 50,000 crates produced; aver- age prices per crate, strawberries, $2.65; raspberries, $1.50; blackberries, $1.75. Montrose County — Fruit-bearing orchards, 3,665 acres; not yet bearing, 2,690 acres; 600 cars of fruit produced, of which 555 were apples. Average price of apples, from $1.25 to $1.60 per box fancy and 90 cents for choice. Average yield of apples, 480 boxes per acre. Peaches, 32 cars, fetching from 70 cents to 80 cents per crate. Cherries, six cents per pound; pears, $1.60 per box. Per crate, plums, 75 cents; strawberries, $2.40; raspberries, $4; blackber- ries, $4. f Typical Orchard in Western Colorado Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway 52 Manufactures The natural and inevitable tendency is for factories to follow population Westward, especially in the cases where the raw ma terials exist in the West and. by means of cheap fuel, can be 1 1 •<> nomieally manufactured for the supply of the ever-growing West- ern market. The extent of the manufacturing industries in Colorado is not usually realized, and general statements on the subject are often received with doubt. Particulars for 1912 are not obtainable bv Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. Steel Works at Pueblo Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway anything less than an Official Census, and the last U. S. Census on the subject was in 1909. Since 1909 there has been an increase proportionate to that from 1904 to 1909. Wonderful Growth in Five Years — The 1910 U. S. Census Bulletin gives the following particu- lars as to the progress of Colorado manufacturing industries in the period 1904-1909 : Number of establishments : 1904, 1.606 ; 1909, 2,034. ' Persons engaged therein : 1904, 25,888 ; 1909, 34,115. Proprietors and firm members: 1904, 1,398; 1909, 1,722. Salaried employes : 19Q4, 2,677 ; 1909, 4,326. Wage-earners (average number) : 1904, 21,813; 1909, 28.067. Primary horse-power: 1904, 124,907; 1909, 154,615. Capital : 1904, $107,664,000 ; 1909, $162,668,000. Salaries : 1904, $3,549,000 ; 1909, $5,648,000. Wages : 1904, $15,100,000 ; 1909, $19,912,000. Cost of materials : 1904, $63,114,000 ; 1909, $80,491,000. Value of products: 1904, $100,144,000; 1909, $130,044,000. Value added by manufacturing: 1904, $37,030,000; 1909, $49,553,000. Of the 2,034 manufacturing establishments in Colorado in 1909, 766 were in Denver, 94 in Pueblo, 59 in Colorado Springs and 30 in Trinidad. J -j*< E and W Ends— Plant of Western Chemical Mfg. Co., Denver Three Leading Industries — Three of the leading Colorado manufacturing industries are? (1) The steel plant at Pueblo of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, which (irrespective of its coal and iron mines,coke ovens, lime quarries, etc.) employs an average of 4,000 men in its steel plant alone. During 1912 the plant turned out over 485.000 tons of finished steel products, of the value of over $15,000,000, 90 per cent of which products were sold outside Colorado in the States between the Missouri River and the Pacific. Including its coal 55 mines, etc., the Company pays f 10,000,000 in wages annually, and 40 per cent of the coal mined by the Company is used (mostly in * the form of coke) in its steel plant. (2) The American Smelting & Refining Company (besides large plants in other States) owns and operates large smelting plants in Denver, Durango, Leadville and Pueblo, treating gold, silver, lead and copper-bearing ores; also coal mines and coke ovens, producing the coke used in the smelters. In such con- cerns the Company has about 4,000 employes (including office force) , representing with their families about 20,000 persons. An auxiliary Company — the United States Zinc Company — with plant at Pueblo, furnishes a Colorado market for all zinciferous ores carrying a minimum of about 30 per cent zinc, extracting such zinc and turning the gold, silver, lead and copper-bearing portions of such zinciferous ores over for treatment at the other smelters. Coors' Brewery, Golden (3) The beet-sugar factories, 17 in number, at different Colo- rado points, during the factory season (of about 130 davs) treat ing the 1912 crop, .paid f 2,325,000 to factory labor alone.^ Among the other prominent industries are: breweries, can- ning factories, cement factories, creameries and cheese factories, flouring and grist mills, foundries and machine shops, railroad shops, slaughtering and packing plants, etc., etc. Shipments to Foreign Countries — Colorado specialties, in mining, etc., machinery, have for years past been exported to practically every mining district in the world. 56 For instance, within the past few years the Colorado Iron Works Company. Denver, lias supplied special smelting furnaces to Belgium, Chili, the Dutch Bast Indies. England, Germany. Greece, Holland. Japan. Mexico. Tasmania, etc The Denver Rock Drill & Machinery Company, with factory in Denver, has branch selling establishments in Johannesburg, South Africa; Melbourne, Australia; and St. Petersburg, Russia. During 1912. either from Denver or from one of the above branches, drills, etc.. were sold to many foreign countries. During the past few* years, also, Proske Drill Sharpeners, manufactured in Denver, have been shipped to more than 20 foreign countries. Openings for New Factories — The railroads are increasingly recognizing Denver and other Colorado points as manufacturing and distributing centers. Beet Sugar Factory at Steiln Ordinary Colorado-manufactured goods are now increasingly marketed in fifteen other States and in the Republic of Mexico. Every year sees marked increase in the importance of Colo- rado factories. Colorado presents good openings, amongst other things, for canning ajid cheese factories, glass factories, shoe factories, white- ware pottery, woolen mill, knitting factory, stocking factory, tan- nery, etc. Parties of practical experience in the above lines and with sufficient capital, wishing further information, would do well to communicate with the Colorado Manufacturers' Association, Chamber of Commerce Building, Denver. NOTE. — Switzerland, like Colorado, has no canals or navigable rivers and is remote from the sea coast, yet has built up important man- ufacturing industries — textile, watch-making, etc. — employing hundreds of thousands of persons. 57 Mineral Industries The aggregate value of the annual output of the mineral industries of Colorado — cement, clay, coal, lime, gypsum, metal- liferous minerals, petroleum, stone, etc. — approximates $100,- 000,000. CEMENT The manufacture of high-grade Portland cement in Colorado, following the ever-increasing demand, is proportionately on the Plant of U. S. Portland Cement Co. at Concrete, Colo. increase, and there are two large factories in Fremont County; viz., those of the Colorado Portland Cement Company and the United States Portland Cement Company. Plant of Denver Sewer Pipe & Clay Co., Denver 58 CLAY At various points in Colorado, more particularly along the Eastern base of the Rocky Mountains (at Golden, for instance), are found deposits of clay which, for etxent, diversity and qual- ity, are unsurpassed in America. They are used for the manufacture of ordinary building brick, pressed and ornamental brick in many shades and colors, paving brick, fire brick, assayers' supplies, Roman building tile, roofing tile, flooring tile, pottery, sewer pipe, stone ware, etc. Some of these products are shipped extensively by the car- load to other and even distant States, and fire-clay goods (as- sayers' supplies, etc.) to foreign countries. COAL NOTE. — In Switzerland "little or no coal is mined." Colorado possesses inexhaustible coal reserves. A conserva- tive estimate shows the actual coal fields to cover more than 18,000 square miles. They lie on both sides of the Rocky Moun- tains. As a result, fuel in Colorado is comparatively cheap. The Northeastern field, in Boulder and adjoining Counties, carries an excellent, ordinary and cheap fuel in its non-coking lignitic coal. The chief towns of this field are Lafayette, Louis- ville, etc. The El Paso field is also of this character. The Southeastern field, extending from Canon City to Trini- dad, carries a bituminous coal, one-half the area being coking, the remainder domestic. The chief towns of this field are Chand- ler, Coal Creek, Rockvale, etc., in Fremont County; Pictou, Rouse, Walsenburg, etc., in Huerfano County; Berwind, Coke- dale, Hastings, Primero, etc., in Las Animas County. The Southwestern field, around Durango, is of much the same character, producing both domestic, bituminous and coking coal. The Northwestern or Grand River field bears a variety of coal — bituminous, coking, some anthracite — the bulk of it being domestic, non-coking coal. The chief towns of this field are: Crested Butte, in Gunnison County; Cardiff, Newcastle, etc., in Garfield County. The Yampa field, in Moffat and Routt Counties in North western Colorado, is 1,200 square miles in area, carrying bitu- minous and semi-anthracite coal. This field is as yet only opened on its Eastern edge, at the towns of Oak Creek, etc., but will be traversed through its center by the proposed extension Westward from Steamboat Springs of the Denver, Northwestern and Pacific Railway — commonly known as the "Moffat" Road. Colorado Coal Production in 1912 — The annual coal output of Colorado in 1873 was only 69,977 tons. In 1912 it was over 11,000,000 tons, worth at the mines about $16,500,000. 59 Pinon Coal Mine, Huerfano County, Showing Head Frame and Coal Washer Courtesy of Rocky Mountain Fuel Co. The Annual Keport for 1912 of the State Inspector of Coal Mines shows the ten leading coal-producing Counties and their respective tonnages (in round figures) were: (1) Las Animas, 4,770,000; (2') Huerfano, 1,889,000; (3) Boulder, 1,053,000; (4) Fremont, 733,000; (5) Gunnison, 559,000; (6) Weld, 489,000; (7) Routt, 441,000; (8) El Paso, 341,000; (9) Garfield, 178,000; (10) La Plata, 121,000. A large percentage of the coal produced is shipped to other States. Coal Miners' Earnings — Taking seven mines in the Southeastern field, the average earnings of the men working 20 davs or more during January, 1913, were $3.93 per day. A large majority of the men, who worked 25 days or more, earned considerably more than $100 for the month. Of six men, for the year 1912, four, working the entire year, each earned over $1,800, or an average, of about $152 per month; the fifth man worked nine months, earning $1,359.13, an average of $151.01 per month; and the sixth man worked three months, earning $474.42, an average of $158.14 per month. METALLIFEROUS MINING NOTE. — In Switzerland "few metallic deposits are found which exist cannot be worked." those Metalliferous mining has ever been, and will continue to be, one of the leading industries of Colorado. The gold in Cherry ('reek and other streams brought the first appreciable immigra- tion of white men to Colorado in 1859. 60 Past Production — Official statistics of the Colorado State Bureau of Mines show that Colorado produced from 1869 to December :'»lst. L912, at the current market prices for the metals over one billion one hun- dred and eighty-seven million five hundred and forty-three thou- sand ($1,187,543,000) dollars, of which the following are the lead- in »• items: Gold .$525,226,307 Silver 433,486,844 Lead 151,373,353 Zinc (since 1901) 47,308,420 Copper 29,755,733 Other items being tungsten, uranium, vanadium, etc. Chamberlain & Dillingham Ore Sampler, and Ore Wagons, Idaho Springs F i tv re Prodi i ct ion — The past production was mostly from- high-grade and me- dium-grade ores, as there were formerly no known methods of profitably extracting the values from low-grade ores. All that is now changed. Modern metallurgy is now profitably treating ores ranging less than f 10 per ton, at many points in the State. For every ton of ore averaging $100 that was ever mined in Colo- rado, there are probably 500 tons of ore averaging $10 per ton that can now be profitably mined, treated and marketed. Irrespective of new discoveries of high- and medium-grade ores constantly being made at different places, the low-grade ores of Colorado, now amenable to profitable treatment, indicate that the future metalliferous mineral production of the State will equal its wonderful past production. 61 Modern Concentrating Mill (Exterior and Interior), in Gilpin County, of Prontenac Cons. Mines Co., Ltd. Production in 1912 — The 1912 Annual Report of the Colorado State Bureau of Mines states the production for 1912 to have been : Gold $18,691,577.26 Silver 5,023,960.75 Lead 3,280,702.62 Copper 1,445,416.44 Zinc 8,591,623.73 $37,033,280.80 Tungsten (Boulder County) 525,000.00 Vanadium (San Miguel County) 666,500.00 Uranium and vanadium < .Montrose County) 245,812.50 Total $38,470,593.30 Colorado School of Mines Experimental Ore-Dressing and Metallurgical Plant, Golden The following statistics are taken from the Report for 1912 of the Colorado State Bureau of Mines : Counties Producing Over- f 1,000,000 Each — (1) Lake (Leadville), 111.269,691; (2) Teller (Cripple Creek), $11,055,174; (3) San Miguel (Telluride), $3,852,062; (4) San Juan (Silverton), $1,733,721; (5) Ouray, $1,666,263; (6) Summit, $1,433,150; (7) Gilpin, $1,379,404; (8) Clear Creek, $1,- 202,472. 63 Five Leading Gold-Producing Counties — (1) Teller (Cripple Creek), $11,012,084; (2^ San Miguel (Telluride), $2,400,050; (3) Lake (Leadville), $1,132,507; .4) Ouray, $1,096,097; (5) Gilpin, $874,395. Five Leading Silver-Producing Counties — (1) Lake (Leadville), $1,812,572; (2) San Miguel (Tellu- ride), $717,038; (3) Mineral (Creede), $435,655; (4) Ouray, $344,- 429; (5) Pitkin (Aspen), $321,838. Five Leading Lead-Producing Counties — (1) Lake (Leadville), $1,105,979; (2) San Juau (Silverton), $398,124; (3) Pitkin (Aspen), $375,154; (4) San Miguel (Tellu- ride), $339,270; (5) Clear Creek, $216,701. Five Leading Copper-Producing Counties — (1) Lake (Leadville), $461,271; (2) Gilpin, $232,276; (3) San Juan (Silverton), $215,211; (4) San Miguel (Telluride), $143,841; (5) Dolores (Rico), $110,769. Reiling- Gold Dredge, Summit County Five Leading Zinc-Producing Counties — (1) Lake (Leadville), $6,757,360; (2) Summit, $749,869 ; (3) Fagle, $362,905; San Miguel (Telluride), $251,860; (5) Clear Creek, $106,333. Evolution of Mining and Ore Treatment — The history of mining and ore treatment in Colorado, more particularly in recent years, is a remarkable instance of evolution in all lines. Colorado, as compared with formerly, now possesses great jHlvantages in all the important factors of successful and profit- able mining, briefly stated as follows : 64 (1) Railroads running to practically every mining district, with general reduction of railroad freight rates of from 25 to 50 per cent, as compared with formerly. (2) Improved wagon roads connecting mines with railroads. (3) Improvements in smelting methods, resulting in reduced charges, higher saving of values, and rendering profitable ore too low grade to be formerly available. (4) Improvements in stamp-amalgamation and concentra- tion, attended by the same results as the improved smelting meth- ods. (5) The introduction and remarkable evolution of the cya- nide process of ore treatment. (6) The evolution since 1901 in the separation of the zinc contents in mixed ores. (7) The utilization of the mountain streams in some cases, and of cheap fuel in others, for the generation and transmission Plant of Empire Zinc Co. at Canon City of electricity, and its utilization for power and lighting purposes at mines and mills, at great saving in cost as compared with steam power. (8) The utilization of compressed air and electric power for the operation of machine drills, and the great improvement in the drills themselves. (9) The utilization of the diamond drill for prospecting pur poses. (10) The improvements in hoisting plants, mine pumps, etc. (11) Proximity to Denver, the great mining machinery center. (12) Local high-class talent, covering the entire field of geology, mineralogy, metallurgy, mining, mechanical, hydraulic and electrical engineering, etc. All the above progress and improvements have reduced cost of production and rendered profitable ore too low-grade to be formerly available. (5) 65 PETROLEUM The 1912 Report of the Colorado Bureau of Mines states that on December 31st, 1912, there were 56 producing wells around Florence, Fremont County, and 20 producing wells near Boulder, Boulder County; the output for 1912 aggregating over 200,000 barrels', and the value of the refined products for 1912 being over 1375,000. STONE For extent, diversity and quality of stone, the quarries of Colorado are unsurpassed. The white, pink and gray lava stones of Douglas County have been extensively used for building purposes. The white, gray, brown and red sandstones of many shades, found in Boulder, Eagle, El Paso, Gunnison, Larimer, Las Ani mas, Pueblo and other Counties, some of them especially suitable for paving and others for building, have an extensive local con- sumption and have been shipped by the train load to other States. In Clear Creek, Chaffee, Fremont, Gunnison, Jefferson, Lari- mer and other Counties, Colorado has granite (blue, gray, pink, purple, mottled, etc.) sufficient to build a dozen cities, and they are in increasing request for public buildings and monumental work, both in Colorado and in the States in the valleys of the Mis- sissippi and Missouri. New U. S. Federal and Post Office Building, Denver Built of Colorado-Yule White Marble MARBLE In Gunnison County the Colorado-Yule Marble Company has vast deposits of very superior white marble, from which the fol- 66 lowing have been built (the figures given being the amounts of the marble contracts, not the whole cost of the buildings) : New U. S. Post Office, Denver, f 533,000; Court House, Cleveland, O., $500,- 000; Municipal Building, New York City, $300,000; Court House, Youngstown, O., $300,000; Colorado State Museum, Denver, $118,- 000; County Court House. Omaha. Neb., $111,000. Other smaller contracts have been executed for buildings in Arkansas, Arizona, California, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Minnesota, Okla- homa, Texas, etc. Education Colorado has a very efficient system of public schools, the 1912 Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction showing: High Schools, 64; School Buildings, 2,678; School Rooms, 5,622; valuation of school buildings, $14,281,916; School Libraries, 1,059; books, 306,228. Teachers: Graded schools (male, 601; female, 3,079), 3,683; average monthly salary: males, $102.45; female, $69.01; Rural Schools (male, 298; female, 1,744), 2,042; average monthly salary: males, $61.53; females, $56.19. Pupils — enrollment: High Schools, 16,377; Graded Schools, 112,582; Rural Schools, 48,469; (male, 89,932; female, 87,496;) total, 177,428; average daily attendance, 120,326. State Educational Institutions — The State University, Boulder; the Coloradu School of Mines, Golden; the State Agricultural College, Fort Collins; the State Normal School, Greeley; the State School for the Deaf and the Blind, Colorado Springs. Electricity Quite a number of the cities and towns of Colorado have elec- tric lighting and electric street-car systems, and an era of electric interurban street-car lines has been entered upon. A Report by the U. S. Geological Survey states that the streams of Colorado represent a minimum capacity of 828,400 H.P., and that there is no reason why at least 1,000,000 continu- ous H.P. should not be developed. 67 As compared with this, the present actual water power devel- oped in Colorado amounts to not over 70,000 H.P., represented by 53 hydro-electric plants. In addition, there are nine plants using fuel to generate elec- tricity, with an aggregate of 64,000 H.P. In Colorado there are 4,000 industrial concerns- (including coal and metal mines) using electric power. Coal mines use 13,500 H.P., and metal mines 28,000 H.P. Colorado Railroads There are already over 5,000 miles of railroads within the boundaries of Colorado. The 1912 Report of the Colorado Tax Commission states that the mileage of the principal railroads (including main lines, branches and side tracks, but irrespective of the mileage operated over other lines) in Colorado, on December 31st, 1911, was as fol- lows : Denver & Rio Grande Ry. (Standard, 1,391.19; Narrow, 659.60) . . .2,050.79 Colorado & Southern Ry. (Standard, 626.73; Narrow, 445.15) 1,071.88 Union Pacific Ry. (Standard) 805.09 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. (Standard) 785.68 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. (Standard) 664.10 Colorado Midland Ry. (Standard) 337.93 Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Ry. (Standard) 255.00 Rio Grande Southern Ry. (Narrow) 205.99 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. (Standard) 187.45 Missouri Pacific Ry. (Standard) 184.90 Among the shorter Colorado railroads are : Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek District Ry.; Denver, Boulder & Western Ry. ; Denver, Laramie & Northwestern Ry.; Florence & Cripple Creek Ry.; Great Western Ry. ; Midland Terminal Ry.; Silverton Ry. ; Uintah Ry. ; etc. Population The growth of population in Colorado, as shown by U. S. Cen- sus Reports, has been as follows : I860 34,277 1890 412,198 1870 39,864 1900 539,700 1880 ; .194,327 1910 799,024 68 Character of Population — According to the U. S. Census Report for 1910, the total Colo- rado population was divided as follows : Native-born 656,564 Japanese 2,300 Foreign-born 126,851 Indians 1,482 Whites 773,415 Chinese 373 Negroes 11,453 Hindoo 1 A greater percentage of the population of Colorado (viz., 82.2 per cent) was American-born and a less percentage (viz., 15.9 per cent) foreign-born than was the case in many of the Eastern States. So, also, Colorado had a less percentage of negroes* (viz., 1.4 per cent) than other States, irrespective of the Southern States, and a less percentage of Orientals than any of the Pacific States. As to Indians, Colorado has fewer than the State of New York. Nationality of Population — Of the 1910 population, 475,136, or 59.5 per cent, were native whites of native parentage, and 181,428, or 22.7 per cent, were native whites of foreign or mixed parentage. Of the American-born population, 233,516, or 34.9 per cent, were born in Colorado and 65.1 per cent outside the State, the fol- lowing ten States taking the lead : Missouri 50,729 Nebraska 24,643 Illinois 49,964 New York 22,802 Iowa 44,276 Pennsylvania 23,596 Kansas 37,356 Indiana 21,219 Ohio 30,573 Wisconsin 12,085 FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION Of the 1910 foreign-born population the following countries were the leading contributors : Great Britain — Canada (other than French) . 8,744 England 12,926 Ireland 8,710 Scotland 4,269 Denmark 2,755 Wales 1,989 Mexico 2,543 Greece 2,270 19,184 Norway 1,787 Germany 17,071 Switzerland 1,767 Italy 14,375 Hungary 1,632 Russia 13,616 France 1,373 Austria 13,042 Finland 1,239 Sweden 12,445 And the rest from other countries. 69 Denver— "The Portal of the West" Denver stands unrivalled in either hemisphere for its com- bination of advantages, as: ilia place <>t' residence; (2) a favor- able point for investment; (3) a place of unusually rapid bin solid growth; i4i an increasing manufacturing center; (5) a cosmopolitan, energetic and enterprising community; (6) its past history, present position and future prospects undoubtedly des- tine it to he ore of the leading great <-iti« j s of the United States. Welcome Arch— Opposite Union Depot A City of Rapid Growth — Population: IsTii. 4.7.31: L880, 35,628; 1890, 106,713; 1900, 133,859; 1910, 213,381. With the development and settling up of its tributary country, now progressing rapidly, Denver will soon have a population of 500,000. Hon. William Orton, long President of the Western Union Telegraph Company and a member of the Governing Committee of the New York Stock Exchange, visited Denver years ago on official hnsiness and inspected every point in Colorado then 71 accessible by railroad car, travelling only by day. On his return to New York he delivered an address, in which he gave it as his opinion that "The four great cities of this continent are to be New York, Chicago, Denver and San Francisco." Benefits as Geographical Center — The country tributary to Denver (and within which Denver lias no possible rival for 600 miles in any direction) extends far beyond the State of Colorado and practically embraces the whole of the territory West of the Missouri River, with an area con- siderably greater than the whole of the German Empire. Tn this vast region every new mine worked, every fresh acre cultivated, every new orchard planted, every new quarry opened, all increases in live stock and every manufacturing enterprise started, react beneficially on and send new life-blood to the heart — Denver. A Railroad Center — In ancient times all roads led to Rome. In Western America all railroads lead to Denver. Colorado has over 5,000 miles of Cheesman Dam and Lake. Altitude, nearly 7,000 Feet. Principal Source of Water Supply of Denver Courtesy of Denver Union Water Co. railroad, all radiating from Denver. A number of interstate trunk lines run regular daily trains into Denver. Such trunk lines and their connections aggregate over 30,000 miles of rail- road radiating from Denver to the Atlantic and Pacific ports, the Great Lakes and the Gulf. A Manufacturing Center — The 1910 U. S. Census Report states that in 1909 there were 766 manufacturing establishments in Denver, with 15,037 persons engaged therein, since which time there has been proportionate increase. Denver-manufactured goods are increasingly shipped 73 Gas & Electric Building, Denver, at Night Courtesy of Denver Gas & Electric Co. 74 throughout the United States and to foreign countries, and Den- ver is bound, with the increase of population in its tributary country, to increase in importance as a manufacturing center. Sixteenth Street, Denver, Looking West from Stout Street Courtesy of Denver City Tramway Co. A Financial and Commercial Center — Denver is by far the leading banking center between the Missouri. River and the Pacific Ocean (Denver Bank Clearings in 1912, $191,088,951) and the Western headquarters of all the 75 great insurance, mortgage, investment, irrigation companies, etc., . doing business in Colorado and surrounding States, and of the great majority of the mining companies operating in Colorado. Denver also does a large wholesale or "jobbing" business ($42,000,000 in 1912) with the tributary country, and has a com- paratively large number of exceptionally fine retail stores. An Educational Center — Denver is noted for the excellence of its public school system, public school buildings, and library system and buildings. The local private educational establishments comprise: Denver Uni versity (Methodist) ; Loretto Heights Academy and St. Mary's Academy (both Catholic) for girls; Sacred Heart College (Jesuit) for boys; Westminster University (Presbyterian) ; Wolfe Hall (Episcopalian) for young ladies; Woman's College (Baptist) ; etc., etc. A Social Center — Denver is deservedly celebrated for its social life, clubs and places of amusement. Clubs : Country Club, Denver Club, Denver Athletic Club, Progress Club, Woman's Club, University Club, etc., etc. Theaters: Broadway, Tabor, Orpheum, etc., etc. A Tourist Center — Denver as a geographical and railroad center is also a Tourist center, and has many local scenic attractions. (See "List of Railroad Trips" elsewhere in this book.) Up-to-Date Public Utilities — Denver has up-to-date public utility enterprises, viz., (1) abundant supply of pure water from the mountains; (2) very ample electric street car system; (3) equally ample electric lighting and fuel gas systems; (4) up-to-date telephone system connected with all parts of Colorado and adjoining States. A Denver Mercantile House 76 Cities and Towns of Colorado (Statistics of Population from U. S. Census Reports.) IN THE SOUTH PLATTE VALLEY This valley comprises the Counties of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, Logan, Morgan, Sedgwick and Weld. It has a larger relative area of irrigated and culti- vated land than any other section of the State. It is capable of Pearl Street, Boulder, Colo. Courtesy of Colorado & Southern Railway well maintaining many times its present population and presents exceptional opportunities for home-seekers. The following are the places having over 5,000 population : Boulder (County seat of Boulder County) : Population 1890, 3,330; 1900, 6,150; 1910, 9,539; altitude 5,335 feet; 30 miles N.W. of Denver on U. P. and C. & S. railways ; connected with Denver by electric trolley line. Beautiful residential city, surrounded by farming, fruit-growing and mining (coal, metalliferous and oil) country. The Colorado State University is located here. Denver. (See notice elsewhere in this book.) Fort Collins (County seat of Larimer County) : Pop. 1890, 2,011; 1900, 3,053; 1910, 8,210; alt. 4,984 feet; 74 miles N. of 77 Street Scene, Fort Collins, Colo. Courtesy of Colorado & Southern Railway Denver on C. & S. Ry. The State Agricultural College is located here, also beet-sugar factory, etc. Growing agricultural center. Greeley (County seat of Weld County): Pop. 1890, 2,395; 1900, 3,02'3 ; 1910, 8,179 ; alt. 4,652 feet ; 52 miles N. of Denver on U. P. and C. & S. railways. The State Normal School is located here. Has beet-sugar factory, etc. Growing agricultural center. Other places are : Place County 1910 Arvada Jefferson 840 Ault Weld 569 Aurora Adams-Arapahoe 679 Berthoud Larimer 758 Brighton Adams 850 1900 202 305 366 1890 228 306 Street Scene, Greeley, Colo. Courtesy of Colorado & Southern Railway 78 Brush Morgan 997 Castle Rock Douglas 365 Eaton Weld 1,157 Edgewater Jefferson 712 Englewood Arapahoe 2,983 Evans Weld 600 Port Lupton Wehi 614 Fort Morgan Morgan 2,800 Golden Jefferson 2,477 Johnstown Weld 198 Julesburg Sedgwick 962 Kersey Weld 304 Lafayette Boulder 1,892 Littleton Arapahoe 1,373 Longmont Boulder 4,526 Louisville Boulder 1,706 Loveland Larimer 3,651 Lyons Boulder 632 Platteville Weld 430 Sterling Logan 3,044 Wellington Larimer 459 Windsor Weld 935 381 112 304 315 384 400 306 214 113 634 488 2,152 2,383 371 202 970 "410 738 2,201 1,543 966 596 1,091 698 547 574 263 213 998 305 173 The Famous Skyline Drive, Canon City, Colo. Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway IX THE ARKANSAS VALLEY This valley comprises the Counties of Baca, Bent, Chaffee, Crowley, Custer, El Paso, Fremont, Otero, Prowers and Pueblo. It is second only in importance to the South Platte Valley in 79 Pikes Peak Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo. Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway the area of irrigated and cultivated land. It, also, is capable of well maintaining many times its present population and pre- sents exceptional opportunities for home-seekers. The following are the places having over 5,000 population : Canon City (County seat of Fremont County) : Pop. 1890, 2,825; 1900, 3,775; 1910, 5,162; alt. 5,332 feet; 160 miles from Denver on the A. T. & S. F. and D. & R. G. railways; mineral springs, fruit-growing, manufacturing, scenic attractions, etc. Colorado Springs (County seat of El Paso Countv) : Pop. 1880, 4,226; 1890, 11,140; 1900, 21,085; 1910, 29,078; alt. 5,878 feet; 74 miles from Denver on A. T. & S. F., C. R. I. & P., C. & S., C. S. & C. C, Colo. Mid. and D. & R. G. railways. Noted for its climatic and scenic attractions. Charming residential city and leading tourist resort in the State. The Colorado College, one of the leading educational institutions of the West, is located here. Pueblo (County seat of Pueblo County) : Pop. 1880, 3,217; 1890, 24,558; 1900, 28,157; 1910, 44,395; alt. 4,668 feet; 119 miles from Denver on A. T. & S. F., C. & S., D. & R. G. and Mo. Pac. railways. Second city in the State. Manufacturing and smelting center; surrounding country — farming, fruit-growing, etc. 80 Street Scene in Pueblo, Colo. Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway Other places are: Place County 1910 Buena Vista Chaffee 1,041 Coal Creek Fremont 676 Colorado City El Paso 4,333 Florence Fremont 2,712 Fountain El Paso 431 Fowler Otero 925 Granada Prowers 359 Holly Prowers 724 La Junta Otero 4,154 Lamar Prowers 2,977 Las Animas Bent 2,088 Manitou El Paso 1,357 Manzanola Otero 428 Ordway Crowley 705 Rockvale Fremont 1,413 Salida Chaffee 4,425 South Canon Fremont 1,321 Sugar City Otero 808 Swink Otero 310 Williamsburg Fremont 556 1900 1890 1,006 698 2,914 1,788 3,728 204 163 364 2,513 1,439 987 566 1,192 611 1,303 1,439 138 870 3,722 2,586 958 689 337 (6) 81 IN THE GRAND VALLEY The valleys of the Grand River and its tributaries comprise the Counties of Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Mesa, Montrose, Ouray and Pitkin. There is a large irrigated area, and fruit growing is a leading industry, with considerable farming, live stock, etc. These valleys present exceptional opportunities for home-seekers. The only town having a population of 5,000 is — Street Scene in Grand Junction, Colo. Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway Grand Junction (County seat of Mesa County) : Pop. 1890, 2,030; 1900, 3,503; 1910, 7,754; alt. 4,573 feet; 424 miles W. of Denver on Colo. Mid. and D. & R. G. railways; leading fruit- growing center; has beet-sugar factory, etc. Other places are: Place County 1910 1900 1890 Delta Delta 2,388 819 470 Fruita Mesa 881 126 Glenwood Springs Garfield 2,019 1,350 920 Gunnison Gunnison 1,026 1,200 1,105 Hotchkiss Delta 600 261 Marble Gunnison 782 101 Montrose Montrose 3,254 1,217 1,330 Newcastle ' Garfield 493 431 311 Olathe Montrose 458 Palisade Mesa 900 Paonia Delta 1,007 Ridgway Ouray 376 245 Rifle Garfield 698 273 82 IN THE SAN LUIS VALLEY The San Luis Valley comprises the Counties of Alamosa (just created), Conejos, Costilla, Rio Grande and Saguache, and has an average altitude of 7,500 feet. The valley, equal in size to the State of Connecticut, contains over 3,000,000 acres of practically level land, with extensive irrigation systems. It is capable of well maintaining a very much greater population than it now has. The following are the leading places: Place County 1910 Alamosa Alamosa 3,013 Antonito Conejos 681 Del Norte Rio Grande 840 La Jara Conejos 448 Manassa Conejos 788 Monte Vista Rio Grande 2,544 Saguache Saguache 620 Sanford Conejos 564 1900 1890 1,141 973 347 315 705 736 208 739 642 556 780 389 660 IN SOUTHEKN COLORADO This is an extensive territory, including the valleys of the Las Animas and San Juan in the S. W. and the strip along the Southern side of the State, not containing any important stream. These Counties — Archuleta, Huerfano, Montezuma, La Plata and Las Animas — present good opportunities for home-seekers. The only town having a population of 5,000 is — Trinidad (County seat of Las Animas County) : Pop. 1890, 5,523; 1900, 5,345; 1910, 10,204; alt. 5,983 feet; 210 miles S. of Denver on A. T. & S. F., C. & S. and D. & R. G. railways; impor- tant railroad point and business center of coal and coke districts of the Southern central portion of the State. Main Street, Trinidad, Colo. Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway 83 1910 1900 858 698 565 125 958 320 108 4,686 3,317 293 282 576 691 254 567 383 669 367 2,423 1,033 1910 1900 1890 647 351 559 368 183 146 270 341 659 451 649 343 534 1,000 271 125 333 139 241 Other places are: . Place County Aguilar Las Animas Cortez Montezuma ! Delagua Las Animas Dolores Montezuma Durango La Plata 4,686 Edith Archuleta Gray Creek Las Animas La Veta Huerfano 691 Mancos Montezuma 567 Pagosa Springs Archuleta Walsenburg Huerfano 2,423 1,033 928 ON THE PLAINS OF EASTERN COLORADO This vast area presents opportunities for a large number of settlers, if of the right kind. The principal places are : Place County Akron Washington Burlington Kit Carson Cheyenne Wells Cheyenne Haxtun Phillips Holyoke Phillips Hugo Lincoln Limon Lincoln Wray Yuma Yuma Yuma IN NORTHWESTERN COLORADO This district includes Grand, Moffat, Rio Blanco and Routt Counties, and presents exceptional opportunities for many thou- sands of home-seekers, if of the right kind. The proposed exten- sion of the Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Railway from its present Western terminus at Steamboat Springs, through to Salt Lake City, and the boring of a railroad tunnel through the main range, 50 miles West of Denver, to avoid the present railroad climb over the summit at Corona (alt. 11,660 feet), will give a very great impetus to the peopling of N. W. Colorado. The prin- cipal places are: Place County 1910 1900 1890 Craig Moffat 392 Hayden Moffat 314 Kremmling Grand 141 Meeker Rio Blanco 807 507 260 Oak Creek Routt 220 Steamboat Springs Routt 1,227 Sulphur Springs Grand 182 Yampa Routt 332 THE NORTH PLATTE VALLEY This contains a single County — Jackson — the Countv seat of which is Walden ; pop. 1890, 64 ; 1900, 141 ; 1910, 162. MOUNTAIN TOWNS The only two mountain towns having a population of 5,000 are: 84 Cripple Creek (County seat of Teller County) : Pop. 1910, 6,206; alt. 9,591 feet; 125 miles from Denver via shortest railway route. The Cripple Creek district, only a few square miles in extent, lias produced over $250,000,000 since 1891, almost entirely gold. Harrison Avenue, Leadville, Colo. Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway Leadville (County seat of Lake County) : Pop. 1910, 7,508; alt. 10,190 feet; 275 miles from Denver on Colo. Mid., C. & S. and D. & R. G. railways. The Leadville district, not many square miles in extent, has produced over $300,000,000 since 1860, in gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc. Other places are: Town County Alt. (Feet) Pop. 1910 Alma Park 10,238 301 Asp-en Pitkin 7,943 1,834 Breckenridge Summit 9,534 834 Central City Gilpin 8,516 1,782 Creede Mineral 8,840 741 Georgetown Clear Creek 8,507 950 Idaho Springs Clear Creek 7,556 2,154 Lake City . Ouray Red Cliff .. Rico Silver Cliff Hinsdale 8,675 .Ouray 7,710 .Eagle 8,598 Dolores 8,725 .Custer 8,000 405 l,b44 383 368 250 460 Silver Plume Clear Creek 9,189 Silverton San Juan 9,288 2,153 Telluride San Miguel 6,744 1,756 Victor Teller 9,728 3,162 86 Commercial Organizations of Colorado Akron, Chamber of Commerce; Alamosa, Business Men's Association, San Luis Valley Commercial Association; Antonito, Chamber of Commerce ; Aspen, Commercial Club ; Ault, Com- mercial Club. Berthoud, Chamber of Commerce ; Boulder, Commercial Asso- ciation; Breckenridge, Chamber of Commerce: Brighton, Com- mercial Club; Brush, Commercial Club, Chamber of Commerce; Buena Vista, Board of Trade ; Burlington, Chamber of Commerce. Canon City, Business Men's Association; Central City, Gilpin County Chamber of Commerce; Colorado City, Business Men's Association, Chamber of Commerce; Colorado Springs, Chamber of Commerce; Cortez, Business Men's Association; Craig, Com- mercial Association; Cripple Creek, Chamber of Commerce. Denver, Chamber of Commerce, Colorado Manufacturers' Association, Real Estate Exchange, etc. Del Norte, Commercial Club; Delta, Delta County Business Men's Association; Durango, Board of Trade. Eaton, Commercial Club ; Elizabeth, Elbert County Chamber of Commerce. Florence, Chamber of Commerce; Fort Collins, Chamber of Commerce ; Fort Lupton, Commercial Club ; Fort Morgan, Cham- ber of Commerce ; Fruita, Chamber of Commerce. Georgetown, Commercial Club; Glenwood Springs, Board of Trade; Grand Junction, Chamber of Commerce, Mesa County Commercial Association; Greeley, Commercial Club; Gunnison, Chamber of Commerce. Haxtun, Commercial Club; Holyoke, Commercial Club. Idaho Springs, Commercial Club. Julesburg, Commercial Club. Lafayette, Commercial Club; La Junta, Industrial Associa- tion; Lamar, Commercial Association; Limon, Chamber of Com- 86 merce ; Leadville, Commercial Club ; Longmont, Commercial Asso- ciation ; Louisville, Commercial Association ; Loveland, Chamber of Commerce. Monte Vista, Commercial Association ; Montrose, Chamber of Commerce. Ordway, Chamber of Commerce; Ouray, Commercial Club. Palisade, Commercial Association; Paonia, Commercial Asso- ciation; Pueblo, Arkansas Valley Commercial Association, Com- merce Club. Rifle, Chamber of Commerce ; Rocky Ford, Chamber of Com- merce. Salida, Commercial Club; Silverton, Chamber of Commerce; Steamboat Springs, Commercial Club ; Sterling, Commercial Asso- ciation; Sugar City, Chamber of Commerce. Trinidad, Chamber of Commerce. Victor, Chamber of Commerce. Walsenburg, Commercial Club; Wellington, Commercial Club ; Windsor, Chamber of Commerce ; Wray, Chamber of Com- merce. Yampa, Chamber of Commerce. Three Elevations, Auto Roads, Crj'stal Park 87 Colorado for Tourists Americans Should See America First — Switzerland, "The Playground of Europe," is visited annually by fully 100,000 tourists, many of them Americans who have never been to Colorado. "Americans should See America First." As the special attractions of Colorado become better known and realized, Colorado will increasingly become "The Playground of America." Colorado equals Switzerland in scenic attractions, and sur- passes it in the number and height of mountain peaks, climatic advantages, and the number, wide range and curative properties of mineral springs. Cheesman Memorial Pavilion, Denver Built of Colorado-Yule White Marble Mountain Scenery — Number of Peaks — Colorado possesses more than 120 peaks of over 13,500 feet altitude, of which no fewer than 35 peaks range from 14,000 feet upwards. This is about ten times as many as there are in the whole of Europe. While the Alps in Switzerland have several isolated peaks over 15,000 feet altitude, the mean elevation of the highest Alpine chain is only from 8,000 to 9,000 feet. Mountain Peaks Visible From Denver — On account of the clearness of the atmosphere, the following 19 mountain peaks, over 10,000 feet altitude, are plainly visible, 88 with the naked eye, from the Cheesman Memorial Pavilion (as shown by Chart prepared by Professor Bethel and James Grafton Rogers for the Colorado Mountain Club) commencing in the N.W. and continuing for 130 miles along the W. to the S. : Mountain Peak Distance (Miles) Altitude (Feet) Lookout Mountain 62 10,633 Signal Mountain 64 10,700 Hague Peak 67 13,832 Mount Fairchild 66 13,800 Twin Sisters 51 11,423 Estes Cone 52 10,705 Long's Peak 51 14,255 Mt. Audubon 46 13,173 Arapahoe Peak 44 13,520 James Peak 41 13,283 Engelmann Peak 43 13,500 Silver Plume Peak 43 13,500 Squaw Mountain 30 11,733 Mt. Evans 39 14,260 Rosalie Peak 37 13.575 Meridian Hill 34 11,000 Bison Peak 43 12,246 Buffalo Peak 38 11,627 Pike's Peak 63 14,107 "Among the Summits" At Over 13,000 Feet Altitude Heights of Inhabited Points — In Colorado several populous mining towns are higher than the highest inhabited point in Europe, such as Leadville (10,190 feet), Cripple Creek (9,591 feet), Silverton (0,288 feet), Telluride (8,756 feet), Central City (8,516 feet), Georgetown (8,507 feet) ; while some gold and silver mines are worked at 13,000 feet alti- tude. The highest village in Europe is Avors Platz in Switzerland, only 7,500 feet; the highest inhabited point in Europe is the Hospice of St. Bernard in Switzerland, only 8,200 feet. 89 Leadville and Mt. Massive. Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway Altitude, 14, 424 Feet Heights of Railroads and Wagon Roads — In Colorado, the Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Railway ("Moffat Road") crosses the Continental Divide at Corona (11,660 feet) ; and the Denver & Rio Grande Railway, at Fremont Pass (11,330 feet). Summit Argentine Pass. Altitude, 13, 90 Feet There are wagon roads over numerous passes in Colorado ranging from 12,000 feet upwards, the highest being Mosquito Pass (13,700 feet). The highest wagon road in Europe is the Stelvio Road, Switzerland, which is only 9,170 feet, while the highest points of the Swiss railroads are only about 4,000 feet altitude. ^■1 I 1 1 J ^foWjBEfc^ -V^^k. ti 1 ■ ; fe ■■ ^ WSKBBB^z^ JB* . '55£^^Taa*£l-; _ ,. Jfl^? ^^afciiu -'"Ji3fc* -'■'" <^srfr ^ ~-i*5^- •*% ^^^^^^B^^Vi "■''^''j^^B'^^Bkj'^tf. ■-. ~.\. , *'j 9 ~W. ►<5mlSP * , •^'T *~* j£r~- ^I^^> ROYAL GORGE, COLORADO LfiCoat wonderful chasm in the world r throug-h which a railroad passes . On main line Denver & Rio Grande Railroad five hours ride from Denver - < The Royal Gorge Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway In Switzerland, the cog-railroad from Vitznau to the summit of the Rigi Kulm (altitude 5,900 feet) has a length of four and a half miles, in which the ascent is 4,072 feet. In Colorado, the cog- railroad from Manitou to the summit of Pike's Peak (altitude 14,109 feet) has a length of eight and three-quarters miles, in 91 which the ascent is 8,100 feet, or an average of 846 feet per mile, the maximum grade being 1,320 feet. Colorado Canons Unsurpassed — One class of Switzerland's finest scenery is along the Via Mala, the Schyn Pass and Urnerloch. In Colorado, the Canon of the Arkansas with the Royal Gorge, the Black Canon of the Gunnison, the Canon of the Rio de las Animas, all reached by the Denver & Rio Grande Railway; the Gore Canon, on the Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Railway ("Moffat Road"), and other Colo- rado Canons, are all much longer, quite as grand and more varied in character than, any in Switzerland. The walls of the above- mentioned Colorado Canons are over 2,000 feet in perpendicular height. Timberline (Altitude, 11,000 Feet) On Cog Railroad to Summit of Pike's Peak Altitude, 14,107 Feet Climate — In Colorado the altitudes above sea level range from 3,500 feet to over 14,000 feet, and perpetual snow can hardly be said to exist even above 14,000 feet. Switzerland has many varieties of climate, the height above sea level ranging from 646 feet to over 15,000 feet, the limit of perpetual snow ranging from 9,020 feet to 9,250 feet. Shown by Forest Trees — In Colorado, timber grows up to 11,000 feet. In Switzer- land, at Davos Platz (only 5,200 feet — the same altitude as Denver), there is a growth of pine trees and dwarf willows; trees and plants of less hardy character, requiring careful winter protection. 92 Shown by Cereals — Professor Olin, late Agronomist, Colorado State Agricul- tural College, gives the following instances of cereals maturing at high altitudes in Colorado: barley, 10,200 feet; corn, 6,500 feet, 20 bushels per acrep oats, 7,800 feet, over 90 bushels per acre; wheat, 8,000 feet, 20 bushels per acre. Shown by Root Crops — Professor Bennett, late Potato Specialist, Colorado State Agricultural College, states that the record potato yield — viz.. 847 1 /2 bushels per measured acre — was grown at Del Norte (7,868 feet). The great sugar-beet growing districts of Colorado range nearly 5,000 feet altitude. Shown by Fruit — Professor Paddock, Pomologist, Colorado State Agricultural College, says that apples, pears, plums, and cherries mature, in commercial quantity, in favorable situations, up to 7,950 feet altitude, and bush fruits up to 8,050 feet. The leading Colorado fruit-growing districts range from 4,500 feet to 6,000 feet alti tude. At Davos Glaris (only 4,900 feet), Switzerland, cherry trees blossom, but cannot ripen fruit, while potatoes and rye mature with difficulty. MINERAL SPRINGS The mineral springs of Colorado, as shown by a scientific com- parison of the analyses, are wider in range and superior in cur- ative properties than those of Switzerland, while many of them equal and others surpass some of the most famous of the mineral springs found in France, Germany and Austria, such as are used, under the highest medical advice, by the autocrats and pluto- crats of Europe. For combination of scenic attractions, climatic advantages and curative mineral waters, Boulder, Buena Vista, Canon City. Glen wood Springs, Hot Sulphur Springs, Idaho Springs, Manitou, Ouray, Pagosa Springs, Poncha Springs, Salida, Steamboat Springs, etc., in Colorado, are superior to Alveneu, Davos, Leuk, Pfaffers, Ragatz, St. Moritz, or any other Swiss health resort. HOTELS All the cities, towns, health and pleasure resorts of Colo- rado are supplied with good hotels, giving full value in services rendered for rates charged. NOTE. — The hotel proprietors of Colorado have not yet followed the enterprising example of the hotel proprietors of Switzerland, who publish, for the information of tourists, a handy little book, in English, containing the name and picture of each Swiss hotel, number of rooms, rates, etc., specially advertising, soliciting and catering for American tourist business. 93 a GO fc -5 «*! 3 ® 5§ S S EG si 72 GOOD ROADS NOTE. — Switzerland is famous for its well-made and well-kept car- riage roads, some of them (traversing the mountain passes) having been built at great expense. According to the March, 1913, Bulletin of the Denver Chamber of Commerce, Colorado has, approximately, 30,000 miles of highway, of which 15,000 miles are passable for automobiles, of which 4,000 miles are in good condition. Before 1915, 10,000 miles of road are to be improved by means of $850,000 now in the State Treasury for the purpose, supplemented by appropria- tions from Counties. AUTO TOURISTS Each year sees an increase in the number of auto tourists who come to Colorado, in their own autos, from the Eastern, Middle and Southern States, drawn by the climatic and scenic attractions of Colorado. All auto tourists contemplating such a trip should write for any special information, as to roads, routes and other auto matters, to The .Denver Motor Club, 819 Majestic Building. Fishing in Platte Canon SUGGESTED RAILROAD TRIPS FOR TOURISTS The following are some of the tours which can be made, with absolute comfort and at moderate cost, by railroad, from Denver talt 5,196 feet) : Over the Colorado & Southern Railway — To Golden; thence up the Canon of Clear Creek, through Idaho Springs (alt. 7,542 feet), with its mines, mills, mineral springs and bath-houses; thence to Georgetown (alt. 8,476 feet) ; over the famous "Loop" to Silver Plume (alt. 9,176 feet), 54 miles from Denver, near the foot of Gray's Peak (alt. 14,341 feet) ; returning over the same route. 95 "Bound the Horn;" i. e., to Greeley, Fort Collins, Loveland, Longmont, Boulder, and thence to Denver. This is the oldest and most productive farming section of Colorado, with numerous orchards between Fort Collins and Boulder. Arapahoe Peaks— Altitude, 13, 500 Feet Courtesy of Colorado & Southern Railway Up the romantic Platte Canon to Kenosha Summit (alt. 10,030 feet), returning by the same route. Platte Canon is famous for its summer resorts and homes. To Boulder (alt. 5,335 feet) ; thence by the Denver, Boulder & Western Kailway to Eldora (alt. 8,730 feet), 63 miles from Denver, or to Ward (alt. 9,450 feet), 56 miles from Denver; returning by the same route, and getting back to Denver the same da v. St. Peter's Dome (Altitude, Over 9,000 Feet) On Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek Railway 96 To Colorado Springs (alt. 5,878 feet); thence In the scenic Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek Short Line, via Bull Hill (alt. 10,202 feet) to Cripple Creek (alt. 9,505 feet), 125 miles from Denver. ( >ver the Colorado Midland Railway — To Colorado Springs (alt. 5,878 feet) ; up Ute Pass, via Divide (alt. 0,198 feet) ; thence by the Midland Terminal Railway to Cripple Creek (alt. 9,505 feet) ; from Divide through South Park to Leadville (alt. 10,190 feet), crossing the Continental Divide at Ivanhoe (alt. 10,927 feet), and so on to Aspen (alt. 7.943 feet) or Grand Junction (alt. 4,573 feet), 377 miles from 1 !c nver. Twin Lakes. Altitude, 9,015 Feet Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway Over the Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Railway — Through the foot-hills and up South Boulder Creek to Boulder Park (alt 8.889 feet), and on to Corona (alt. 11,660 feet), on the summit of the Continental Divide, only 66 miles from Denver; returning over the same route, and getting back to Denver the same evening. The journey may be continued from Corona to Hot Sulphur Springs (alt. 7.665 feet) in Middle Park, 109 miles from Denver: on through the famous Gore Canon, 130 miles from Denver; thence past the wonderful volcanic formations at Crater and Volcano (162 and 166 miles from Denver) ; thence through the beautiful Egeria Park, and on to Steamboat Springs (alt. 6,680 feet), 214 miles from Denver. (7) 97 Gore Canon Courtesy of Denver. Northwestern & Pacific Railway 98 A Vista of Mt. Sopris. Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway Altitude, 12,823 Feet The trip from Denver to Steamboat Springs is the most scenic one-day daylight railroad ride in Colorado. Over the Denver & Rio Grande Railway — To Colorado Springs and Manitou, the "Chamounix of Colo- rado," at the base of Pike's Peak (14,107 feet) ; to Pueblo, the "Pittsburg of the West;" to Florence, the petroleum center (from Grand Lake. Altitude, S.153 Feet Courtesy of Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Railway 09 which point the tourist can take the Florence & Cripple ('reek Railway for Cripple Creek) ; from Florence to Canon City, em- •bowered in orchards; through the famous "Royal Gorge," to Salida and Buena Vista; thence to Leadville; to Glen wood Springs, "The Kissengen of America," with palatial hotel and bath-houses; thence to Grand Junction, celebrated for orchards and vineyards. Ute Pass, Near Colorado Springs Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway Or, branching off at Glenwood Springs, up the beautiful valley of the Roaring Fork, to the interesting mining town of Aspen. Or, branching off at Salida, taking the narrow-gauge over Marshall Pass (alt. 10,852 feet) ; through the "Black Canon of the Gunnison," to fruit-growing Montrose, Delta and Grand Junction. Or, branching off at Montrose and at Ridgway, through the "Golden San Juan," a combination of magnificent mountain 100 Buena Vista and Mt. Princeton. Altitude, 14,196 Feet Courtesy of Colorado Midland Railway The Famous Mears Toll Road Between Ouray and Ironton Courtesy of Denver & Rio Grande Railway 101 scenery (parfieulaily along the Clears' Toll Road from Ouray to Ironton) and interesting mining towns, including Ouray, Tellu- ride, Rico, Silverton and Durango; returning via the great agri- cultural San Luis Valley. Over the Atchison, Tof-eka & Santa Fe Railway — To Colorado Springs and Pueblo; thence down the fertile valley of the Arkansas, with its numerous grow- ing agricultural towns. Other Railways — The Union Pacific Ry. (dating from 1870) runs from Denver via Greeley to Cheyenne (Wyo.), the Julesburg Division branching off at La Salle and running down the val- ley of the South Platte to the State Line, en route for Omaha. The K. P. Division runs S.E. from Denver over the Eastern plains of Colorado to the State Line, en route for Kansas City. The C. B. & Q. Ry. (known as the Burlington) runs N.E. from Den- ver to Brush, thence over the East- ern plains of Colorado to the State Line, en route for the Missouri River; also has a branch running NAY. from Denver to Longmont and Lyons; also a branch running from Cheyenne (Wyo.) via Sterling (Colo.) over the Eastern plains of Colorado, en route for the Missouri River. The C. R. I. & P. Ry. (known as the Rock Island) runs from Denver and Colorado Springs over the East- ern plains of Colorado, en route for the Missouri River. The Missouri Pacific Ry. (con- necting with the D. & R. G. Ry.) runs from Denver, via Pueblo, over the Eastern plains of Colorado, en . ^ route for the Missouri River. Lizard Head. Altitude, 13,156 Feet Courtesy of Rio Grande Southern Railway 102 Colorado for Investors It has been said that — (1) An investment is an operation based on sight or knowl- edge. (2) A speculation is an operation based on faith. (3) A gamble is an operation based on chance. FARM LANDS The 1910 U. S. Census Report states that the average value of Colorado farm land per acre, in that year, was $26.81, as com- pared with |9.54 in 1900 — an increase of 181 per cent ! ! ! The U. S. Census Report for 1920 will, in all probability, show an even greater rate of increase during the decade 1910- 1920. Carefully selected Colorado farm land at present prices is therefore an attractive speculative investment. The 1910 U. S. Census Report states the average value of farm land per acre, in the various Counties of Colorado, as follows: $125 and over per acre: Denver, Mesa. $100 to $125 per acre : Delta. $75 to $100 per acre: No County. $50 to $75 per acre: Boulder, Garfield, Jefferson, Montrose, Otero, Rio Grande. $25 to $50 per acre : Adams, Arapahoe, Bent, Chaffee, Cone- jos. Eagle, Fremont, La Plata, Larimer, Montezuma, Morgan, Pitkin. Prowers, Sedgwick. Weld. $10 to $25 per acre: Archuleta. Cheyenne, Costilla, Custer, Douglas, El Paso, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Huerfano, Jack- son, Lake, Lincoln, Logan, Mineral, Ouray, Phillips. Pueblo, Rio Blanco, San Miguel, Routt, Summit. Washington, Yuma. Less than $10 per acre: Baca, $3.46; Clear Creek, $9.51; Gilpin, $8.07; Las Animas, $9.32; Kiowa. $8.57; Kit Carson, $9.57; Park, $9.68. The above average values are presumably exclusive of build- ings, etc., and the average is doubtless reduced by reason of the large as yet uncultivated area classified as farm land. To that extent, while furnishing a general basis, the above figures are more or less misleading. For instance, the average values in 103 Mesa and Delta Counties are influenced by the high values of •fruit-bearing orchards. So, also, in Weld, the foremost farming County in the State, the average is lowered by the great area of as yet uncultivated land. Such average values in all the Counties are certainly very much below the market prices of improved farm land, including buildings, water rights, etc. On the other hand, the prices asked in some cases are higher than the real intrinsic value, simply because the owners do not need or wish to sell except at practically a bonus price. There never was a better time for the purchase of farms and orchards in Colorado. There are everywhere cases — such as old age, death in the family, or other similar good and sufficient reason — which bring desirable properties on the market. A shrewd buyer, with cash, by going on "a still hunt" (with the assistance of an experienced, reliable real-estate agent) and looking at 20 farms or orchards before he purchases one, can invariably make a wise and advantageous purchase. CITY AND TOWN EEAL ESTATE For similar reasons to those before mentioned, there never was a better time for the purchase of real estate in Colorado cities and towns with marked certain future growth. For in- stance, as in the case of farms and orchards, a shrewd capitalist, by going on "a still hunt" in Denver (with the aforesaid profes- sional assistance), looking at 20 pieces of Denver property, whether improved or unimproved, before he purchases, can in- variably make very wise and advantageous investments, certain to enhance in market value very materially over the prices at which they can now be obtained. BUSINESS OPENINGS Home-seekers desiring to open a store or other business in Colorado, by reading the "List of Cities and Towns" (elsewhere in this book) can learn their size and rate of growth. Personal visits to several places, selected as likely, will show which seems the best for the purpose in view. MOKTGAGES ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTY The 1910 U. S. Census Report states that 73.6 per cent of the farms of Colorado were then free from mortgage. Mortgages on Colorado irrigated farms, conservatively ap- praised, on a mere alfalfa-producing basis — say, justifying a loan of $40 per acre — are safe investments. They are made for periods of from three to five years, bearing 7 per cent interest, usually payable semi-annually, sometimes annually. Mortgages, based on moderate appraisement, on carefully selected city or town real estate, depending on the size and probable future of such city or town, are also safe investments, 104 commanding rates of interest of from 4.5 per cent on business property to 6 per cent on residence property, payable semi-an- nually. Rates of 7 per cent and over on city property indicate more or less risk. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS Colorado, like other States, has its proportionate local supply of these and of the same general character, which therefore do not call for comment here. IRRIGATION BONDS As Irrigation Bonds have attracted considerable public at- tention in the past few years and are not yet clearly understood by many, the following explanation is given : The Colorado Legislature in 1901 enacted The Irrigation District Act, by which — "Whenever a majority of the resident freeholders owning lands in any district, desire to provide for the irrigation of the same, they may propose the organization of an irrigation district under the provisions of this Act." So organized, the district is virtually a municipality anal- ogous to a school district. Such a district is administered by a Board of three directors, chosen by the qualified electors. Under their direction, bonds may be voted for the purpose of — "acquiring all lands, water rights, franchises and other property neces- sary for the construction, use, repair and improvement of its laterals, reservoirs and water works." "The district is also authorized to purchase irrigation works already constructed, and to enlarge and complete the same for the needs of the district, and may pay for the same in its bonds. But no contract involv- ing a consideration exceeding $10,000 shall be binding unless ratified and authorized by the voters of the district." The Statute, in other particulars, thoroughly safeguards all parties in interest. The bonds mature in ten to twenty years, payable in series, obviating the necessity of a sinking fund. They draw six (6%) per cent interest, and are payable to the County Treasurer, ex officio, the District Treasurer, or at such other place as may be named. They are an underlying lien, prior to all mortgages, etc. All levies of taxes are made by the Board of County Commission- ers, and are collected in the same manner as all other taxes. The lands are assessed at a uniform rate per acre. About twenty-five million ($25,000,000) dollars of these bonds have so far been issued in Colorado. In every instance where the projects have been completed there has been no default in the payment of interest. If a failure has occurred, it is ascribable to an underestimate of cost, or an inability to market the required 105 amount of bonds. More than SO per cent of the bonds voted have been issued by districts whose systems are completed, and pay- ments of interest and principal as they mature have been promptly met. If ordinary business precaution be observed, no loss whatever should occur. The securities are inherently sound, for they are based upon the most solid of all forms of property — improved farms. MINING There is much prejudice on this subject, based on lack of real knowledge and on bitter experience from past mistakes. Legitimate metalliferous mining is as much a leading local industry in Colorado as cotton-spinning is in New England and woolen-manufacturing in Pennsylvania, and, by experienced cap- ital, is entered upon on the same business principles. Legitimate mining (i. e., looking solely for profits from the ore and not from the money in other people's pockets) is a busi- ness enterprise, and not a gambling venture. The Portland and Independence Mines, Cripple Creek District These Two Mines Have Produced About Sixty Million ($60,000,000) Dollars Since 1891 Where entered upon with the same care and judgment that are recognized as necessary for success in any other business, mining, on the average, is more profitable than any other pro- ductive industry. It goes without saying that by far the greater portion of Colorado's immense past production of the metalliferous min- erals — over one billion one hundred and eighty-seven million five hundred and forty-three thousand ($1,187,543,000) dollars — was mined, treated and marketed at a profit to the owners of the mines. As a matter of fact, from that vast output many citizens of Colorado and other States made individual fortunes, ranging from |100,000 up into the millions. 106 It is not "mining/' however, to ''speculate'' in listed or un- listed stocks, or to take a mere "flyer" in the stock of a "get-rich- quick" mining company, organized by more or less irresponsible, unscrupulous promoters, inexperienced in mining, who look !<> promotion profits rather than to the profits from the ore mined. Mere "stock-selling companies'' have done untold injury to the legitimate mining industry of Colorado and all other mining States. The greatest and richest mines in Colorado to-day only a comparatively few years ago, at most, were undeveloped, or but partially developed, properties. The rich mines of the future are to-day merely awaiting development by a combination of intelli- gence, experience, capita] and honesty. "The Beginning of a Mine" Legitimate, conservative mining in Colorado (i. e., "burning candles and powder," in contrast to the use of the printing-press and typewriter) will probably furnish as many individual for- tunes in the future as in the past. One great need of Colorado to-day is increased interest, on the .part of capital, in the development (along conservative and intelligent lines, under the supervision of experienced Mining Engineers) of the metalliferous mining industry of the State. On such lines there is no better opening anywhere for the safe and profitable investment of capital. 107 Colorado for Health-Seekers The special value of the climate of Colorado is in the com- bination of high altitude, maximum sunshine and dryness. There are literally many thousands of Colorado citizens, long resident in the State, who came originally for reasons of health, and who know that their being still alive and practically well is owing to the beneficial effects of the climate of Colorado. The air at high altitudes, as compared with air at sea level, has diminished density, lower temperature and less humidity. It contains an excess of ozone, and is comparatively free from organic and other impurities. High altitudes involve the breathing of an increased quantity of air to obtain the necessary amount of oxygen. This results in permanent chest expansion of from one to six inches, the de- veloping and aerating effect of which is most beneficial in chest diseases. Recent careful investigations in Colorado, by eminent scien- tists from Oxford University, England, show that high altitude diminishes blood pressure; that in Colorado at 14,000 feet the blood pressure is lower than at 6,000 feet, and at 6,000 feet it is lower than at sea level; which diminished blood pressure is par- ticularly beneficial in kidney diseases. Malaria is practically absent, and cholera and yellow fever are unknown in Colorado. The maximum continuous sunshine for which Colorado is noted (6$ per cent of the possible, as against: Boston, 54 per cent, and Chicago, 53 per cent), combined with the dry air, acts as a tonic and has an all-round beneficial effect. Dryness is especially beneficial in all chest affections, being antagonistic to the growth and multiplication of germs. The average relative humidity is a little below 50 per cent in Denver (Boston, 72 per cent; Chicago, 77 per cent) and is lowest in the summer months, thus precluding the sultry, oppressive days so common in the East. The altitude and dryness minimize the heat in Colorado to the extent of 22° ; in other words, from the recorded temperature it is necessary to subtract 22° to find the real heat felt by people. The Colorado summer, therefore, corresponds, as to the feelings of those who pass through it, to that of Manitoba, the Thousand Islands, the Adirondacks, etc. The altitude and dry- ness equally minimize the cold of winter. 108 Davos Platz, Switzerland, is regarded by the medical fra- ternity of Europe as the best high-altitude- health resort in Europe. The opinions of the following eminent. European ex- perts express concisely the highly beneficial character of the climate of Colorado: The late Dr. Carl Ruedi, of Davos Platz, after a prolonged visit to Colorado, said : "Colorado has natural advantages and climatic conditions which equal or surpass the best European health resorts." Dr. Charteris, Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica. Glasgow University, Scotland, said : "My autumn holiday has enabled me to visit Colorado and I am convinced that, in its pure, dry air, many patients who linger at home only to die, might there get better and work and do well." Dr. C. T. Williams, Senior Surgeon of the Brompton Hos- pital for Consumption and Chest Diseases, ex-President of the Royal Meteorological Society and ex-President of the Medical Society of London, said : "The climate of Colorado is dry and sunny, with bracing, ener- gizing qualities, permitting outdoor exercises every day, all the year round, the favorable results of which are seen in large numbers of former invalids whom it has rescued from the life of invalidism, and con- verted into healthy, active workers." Mount Ypsilon from the Horseshoe Ranch, Estes Park 109 INDEX Page Colorado for Home-Seekers 7-87 Colorado for Tourists 87-102 Colorado for Investors 103-107 Colorado for Health-Seekers 108-109 Agriculture — Wonderful Progress 1000-1910 8 Agriculture by Irrigation — Irrigated Sections, Percent- ages of Land Area and Farms Irrigated, Advan- tages, Irrigation Items, Irrigation Districts, Irriga- tion by Electrically Operated Pumps 9- 15 Agriculture without Irrigation — Vast Non-Irrigable Area, Mistakes of the Past, Water Available, Water from Wells, Irrigation from Wells, By Gasoline Engines, Conservation of Water in Soil, Deep Tilling Machine, "Scratchiculture," Drought Resisting Plants, New Buffum Cereals, Live Stock Farming, Summary.... 15- 24 Americans Should See America First 88 Auto Tourists 95 Business Openings 101 Cement 58 Cities and Towns 77- 85 Clay 58-59 Climate— For Tourists 92- 93 Climate— For Health-Seekers 108-109 Coal Mining — Wonderful Growth, 1912 Production, Coal Miners' Earnings 59- 60 Colorado and Switzerland Compared — Area, Population, Location of Population, Productiveness 7 Scenery, Climate, Mineral Springs 87-92 Colorado Example of Scientific Farming 47-48 Colorado Excels Other States in Farm Crops 25 Commercial Organizations 86- 87 County Agricultural Experts 49 Crops— Barley, Corn, Hay, Oats, Potatoes, Rye. Wheat. . 25- 29 111 Page Crops (Other) — Canadian Peas, Cantaloupes, Flax, Roots, Vegetables 34-35 Dairying 39- 40 Denver 70- 7G Denver Chamber of Commerce 48 Denver Union Stock Yards. . . .' 45 Education 67 Electricity 67 Electricity — Pumping Irrigation Water 14-15 Farm Labor Cost 46 Fertilizers 49 Good Roads : 95 Horticulture 50- 52 Hotels 93 Investments — Farm Lands, Urban Real Estate, Mort- gages on Farms, etc., Municipal and Corporation Bonds, Irrigation Bonds, Mining, Businesses 103-107 Irrigation 9- 15 Live Stock — Horses, Mules, Asses, Range Cattle, Milch Cows, Sheep, Goats, Swine, Poultry, Bees 36-46 Manufactures— Wonderful Growth 1904-1909, Three Lead- ing Industries, Shipments to Foreign Countries, Openings for New Factories 53- 57 Marble 66 Mining (Metalliferous) — Immense Past Production, Fu- ture Production, 1912 Production, Leading Producing Counties, Evolution of Mining and Ore Treatment . . 60- 65 More Farmers Needed 48 Petroleum 66 Population — Character, Nationality, Foreign Born 68-69 Railroads 68 State Bankers' Association 49 Stone 66 Sugar Beets — Wonderful Development Since 1899, etc. . . 29- 34 Tourists— Railroad Trips for 95-102 112 THIS B OOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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