'pr * t^ c*^^ X f^rS^--^ . V,,..T— ff^' 1^ V^^^^,Ar 1^1 ^^^^m^»m )(L^4^^^ (L«^4^^>J) (L^^^^^^^d^^^^^c ARCHER TAYLOR '(T^^^^^crvs^^TjC'^^p^^cPv^^^^ d -^^ V mi :!jMS^ /lUi! flj^UVk ,!<^1"^ iv-..^^. ^ fy i;:^c n -* ^ 4 i CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE COLLEGE OF ST. MARGARET AND ST. BERNARD, COMMONLY CALLED QUEEN'S COLLEGE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, t» METHODICALLY ARRANGED BY THOMAS HARTWELL HORNE. VOL. I. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY OF QUEENS COLLEGE, BY S. AXD K. BEXTLEY, DORSET-STREET, LOXDON. M.DCCC.XX.VII. ' SCHOOL TO THE REVEREND HENRY GODFREY, D. D. PRESIDENT, AND TO THE FELLOWS OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, THIS CATALOGUE, COMPILED AT THEIR REQUEST, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY THEIR OBEDIENT SERVANT, THOMAS HARTWELL HORNE. 414 Digitized by the Internet ArchivQ^ in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflibraOOqueerich PREFACE. N the year 1446, Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI, (anxious to emulate her royal consort who had founded King's College in 1441,) commenced the foundation of the Col- lege OF Saint Margaret AND Saint Bernard, gene- rally denominated QUEEN'S COLLEGE in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. The land, on which it w^s pro- posed to erect this College, was in the same year given to King Henry VI, by Andrew Dokett, Principal of b 2 viii PREFACE. Saint Bernard's Hostle* and Rector of Saint Botolph's, Cambridge, who was subsequently nominated the first President of the Society. The edifice was dedicated to Saint Margaret and Saint Bernard ; and the first stone was laid on the 15th of September, 1448, by Sir John Wenlock. At the time of founding the College (1446), six per- sons were nominated for the purpose of framing its Statutes, viz. John Somerset, Chancellor of the Exche- quer ; John Langton, Chancellor of the University, and Master of Pembroke Hall ; Richard Cawedray, Peter Hirford, Gilbert Worthy ngton, and Thomas Bolyn, Master of Gonville Hall : to whom were added, in the following year, John Sperhauk, and Hugh Damlet, Master of Pembroke Hall ; and lastly, in 144^, William Boothe, Bishop of Lichfield; and WiUiam Millington, Master of Clare HaU. It is, however, un- certain, whether any Statutes were actually framed and given to the College during the reign. of King Henry VI : for the liberal designs of the Foundress appear to have been frustrated by the disastrous events of that period. Through the influence of the first President, Andrew DoKETT, in the Court of the new Sovereign, what the * Saint Bernard's Hostle was bequeathed to Queen's College, by An- drew DoKETT, in 1484, and continued under the superintendence of the succeeding Presidents, till it was sold to the Society of Corpus Christi in 1535. It stood on the site afterwards occupied by the Dolphin Inn, which was pulled down in 1825 for the erection of the new fabric of Corpus Christi. Its site was near the present great gateway. PREFACE. ix original Foundress had begun, was prosecuted and au- spiciously completed, partly by the donations which he procured from several of the most distinguished adhe- rents of the House of York, and particularly by the very munificent benefactions of Elizabeth, Queen-Consort of Edward IV, who became the second or Co-Foundress of the College in 1465. After procuring for her College many distinguished privileges, in 1475 she gave it a Code of Statutes, by which it was governed until the year 1529, when a new set was compiled and sanctioned by Royal Authority, and also by a Bull of Pope Cle- ment VII. A Protestant Revision of the Statutes took place in the year 1549, during the reign of Edward VI. In the year 1553, on the accession of Queen Mary, the old Popish Statutes of 1529 were restored. They again re- ceived a Protestant form, with several deviations from the Statutes of Edward VI, in the year 1559, under the care of the following Visitors or Commissioners of Queen Elizabeth, viz. Sir William Cecil, Chancellor of the University ; Sir Antony Cooke ; Dr. Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury elect ; Dr. Walter Haddon, Master of the Requests ; Dr. William BiU, High Almoner of the Queen ; Dr. William Mey, President of Queen's College, and Dean of Saint Paul's ; Thomas Wendy, M.D. Physician to the Queen; Dr. Thomas Home ; and Dr. James Pilkington, afterwards Bishop of Durham. This Code of Statutes, by which the Col- lege is at present governed, was signed by five of the X PREFACE. Commissioners; the fac-similes* of whose hand-writing it may gratify the reader to see annexed. * These Fac-Similes, as well as the Arms and Crest in the Title-Page, and the Ornamental Letters in different parts of the Catalogue, are taken Irom the accurate and elegantly executed copy of the Statutes of Queen's College, edited in a quarto volume, from the original MS. by the Rev. George Cornelius Gorham, B. D., one of the Senior Fellows of the College, by whom the Drawings were made. 'J he Initial Letter in page vii,^ repre- sents the Arms and Crest of Queen's College; that in page 1, the oriel window in the College-Hall; and that in page 512, the eastern front of tl;e College. The stalls and figures of Monks, in page 469, are traced Irom the private Psalter of King Henry VL, (preserved among the Cotton MSS. in the British Museum) in whose reign and by whose cliarter the College was founded. The Volume just cited is intituled, " Statuta CoUegii Reginalis apud Cantabrigienses, Anno M. D. L. IX., a " Regiis Commissariis reformata : quibus accedunt Interpretationes Sta- " tutorum a Praeside et Sociis sancitae. Cantabrigiae, Typis Academicis, " Sumptibus Collegii Reginalis, excudit Joannes Smith. M. DCCC. XX. II." 'J'o the preface of these Statutes, as well as to the notes annexed to the " Form for the Commemoration of Benefactors, to be used in the College " of Saint Margaret and Saint Bernard, commonly called Queen's Col- *' lege, Cambridge," (printed in quarto, in the year 1823, under the edi- torial care of Mr. Gorham,) and also to the information obligingly com- municated by him, the Compiler of the Catalogue now offered to the Society, is indebted for the present Historical Notices. P R E F A C E. xi The LIBRARY of Queen's College is coeval with the erection of the College itself. In the year 1448, when the buildings were commenced, Marmaduke LuMLEY, Bishop of Lincoln and Chancellor of the University, gave a manuscript of the Holy Scriptures in three volumes, (the loss of which the College has had to deplore for ages,) besides many other books. In the course of the three following centuries, and the former part of the present century, numerous other bene- factors have enriched the Library, by donations or bequests of books, or by endowments for its augmenta- tion by purchase. Among these, the following may justly claim to be noticed for the value or the extent of their contributions, viz. : 1577. Sir Thomas Smith, LL. D. bequeathed all his Latin and Greek books, and also his great globe made by himself. 1589. William Chaderton, D.D. President of Queen's College and Bishop of Lincoln, gave the very fine copy of the Antwerp Polyglott, now in the Library, and frequently called Montanus's Bible, in eight volumes folio. 1613. Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon, Student of Queen's College, gave one hundred and twa volumes. 1613. Roger Manners, Earl of Rutland, Student of Queen's College, gave about sixty volumes. 1614. Humphrey TiNDAL, D.D., President of Queen's College and Dean of Ely, left fifty-eight vo- lumes in folio. xii PREFACE. 1625. Edward Davenant, Fellow, gave forty-two volumes. 1626. John Davenant, D. D., President of Queen's Col- lege and Bishop of Salisbury, gave a benefaction, with which one hundred and thirty volumes were purchased: and in 1637 he gave an an- nuity for increasing the Library. 1646. Henry Palmer, B. D., who occupied the Presi- dency of Queen's College during the Civil War, gave thirty volumes. 1652. John Smith, M. A., Fellow of Queen's College, and one of its most learned and distinguished mem- bers, bequeathed about six hundred volumes. 1662. Edward Martyn, D. D., President of Queen's Col- lege and Dean of Ely, gave about thirty volumes. 1665? Thompson, Clerk, Student of Queen's Col- lege, gave thirteen Persian and Turkish manu- scripts. 1674. Thomas Clarke, M. A.,Fellowof Queen's College, and Rector of Manningford Abbots, Wiltshire, gave an estate for the increase of the Library, and for a Librarian, who is to be one of his Scholars. 1717. Henry James, D. D., left all his books and fifty pounds. 1777. David Hughes, B. D., Fellow and Vice-President of Queen's College, bequeathed more than two thousand volumes, including a very valuable collection of tracts. 1 820. Isaac Milner, D. D., President of Queen's College, PREFACE. Xlll Dean of Carlisle, and Lucasian Professor in the University of Cambridge, bequeathed upwards of three thousand volumes. This collection is particularly rich in works on the History of the Reformation, and in modern Mathematical Treatises. A detailed specification of the Donations made by these individuals may be seen in a MS. on vellum, in the Library, intituled : " iSomtna tavum qui Mhliotfftcnm l)mc jjuig UonartiiS locupletarunt, m per tngratam obltbujiwni tntcrcitJea itnant mcnwriam tanti btncficu i^u6at ^tsimlti" The same MS. contains an account of contributions by the following persons : — 1562. Thomas Yale, LL. D., Fellow. 1583. Lawrence Pordage, Student. 1585. Lawrence Holenden, Clerk. 1592. Miles Sole, Student. 1595. Florimund Pereaux, Lecturer in Hebrew in Queen's College. 1605. John Pakenham. Robert Tounson, D. D., Fellow. 1606. Thomas Church, Tutor of Henry, Earl of Hun- tingdon. Nicholas Wood, Student. Sir John Tyndall, Knt. Hon. Spencer Compton, Student. 1615. John More, M. A., Student. 1621. William BuUard, Student. 1622. Henry Lukin, Student. xiv PREFACE. 1622. Thomas Hall, M. A., FeUow. Isaac Wincall, Esq. 1625. Giles Bury, Fellow. James Betton, D. D., Fellow. Anne, widow of Richard Larfeeld, Student. Thomas Paramore, Esq. Student. John Turner, B. D., Vice-President. William Buckby, D. D., Fellow. 1631. John Furtho, M. D. Henry Featherstone, Student. 1632. Edward Bigiand, B. D., Fellow. George Porter, Fellows John Caburne, Student. 1636. Thomas Cantrell, Fellow. 1637. Thomas Walley, D. D., Vice-Master of Trinity College. William Beale, D. D., Master of St. John's College. — — John St. George, Fellow Commoner. 1638. Thomas D'Engayne, B. D., Fellow. Michael Stanhope, Esq. 1639. John Pleiis, B. D., Fellow. 1640. Richard Neville, Fellow Commoner. 1647. John Wallis, Fellow, Savilian Professor at Oxford. Anthony Rudd, Fellow Commoner. 1649. Nathaniel Ingelo, Fellow. 1650. Samuel Sillesby, B. D., Vice-President. 1651. William Ames, Fellow. 1652. William Whitaker, M. A., Fellow. 1653. Samuel Reyner, M. A., Fellow. John Jackson, M. A., Fellow. PREFACE. XV 1655. Thomas Hunt, M. A., Fellow. 1658. WiUiam Forth, D. C. L. George Griffith, M. A., Fellow. John Nitingal, M. D., Fellow. Jeremiah Bonnel. 1659. Simon Patrick, B. D., Fellow, Bishop of Ely. 1664. Edmund Bohun, Fellow Commoner. James Cade, Fellow, Edward Kemp, Fellow. Robert Gell, D. D. Oliver Gell, B. D., Vice-President. 1671. Richard King, Fellow. Sir John Bankes, Bart. 1673. Peregrine Newbery, B. D., Fellow. 1674. Francis Bramston. Matthew Andrews, M. A., Fellow. William Atwood, Esq. Student. 1675. Caleb Bankes, Fellow Commoner. Samuel Crowbrow, D. D., Fellow. Robert Sayer, B. D., Fellow. 1676. Robert Kirkby, Student. 1680. Edward Leigh, Fellow Commoner. 1685. Hon. Robert and James Bruce, Students. 1688. John Harwood, LL. D., Fellow Commoner. ^ 1690. Robert Powell, M. A., Fellow. 1699. Samuel Shaw, Student. 1713. Nathaniel Shute, B. D., Fellow. 1717. Henry James, D. D. 1719. Cornelius Crownfield, University Printer. William Smith, B. D., Fellow. ivi PREFACE. 1721. Henry Wood, B. D., Fellow. 1722. Joseph Wasse, B. D., Fellow. Richard Foley, M. A., Fellow. 1725. William H. Thomlinson, M. A., Fellow. 1726. Charles Ashton, D. D., Master of Jesus College. 1727> Nicholas Penny, Vice-President. 1729. Foley Clopton, M. D. Fellow. 1730. John Sayer, B. D. Fellow. 1732. Ralph Perkins, LL. D., Fellow. 1734. Richard Newcome, M. A., Fellow. 1736. George Sayer, Student. 1737. John Welles, M. A., Fellow. 1738. Samuel Clagett, Fellow. 1741. Russel Plumptre, Student. Thomas Wilkinson, Student. 1743. Thomas Walker, LL. D., Fellow. Charles Sturges, B. D., Fellow. 1746. Robert Parker, D. D., Fellow. 1747. Richard Parrot, M. A., Fellow. 1748. Richard Shawe, B. D., Fellow. 1757. Henry Rand, B. D., Fellow. 1759. Henry Shutz, Fellow. 1764. Heniy Lyte, M. A., Fellow. 1765. William Gordon, M. A., Fellow. , Peter Newcome, M. A., Fellow. 1766. William Geekie, D. D., Fellow, Wilkinson Blanshard, M. D. Lewis Petit, M. D. 1768. John Michell, D. D., Fellow. 1769. Richard Keble, B. D., Fellow. PREFACE. xvii 1775. Robert More, M. A. Bye Fellow. Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Student. 1776. Henry Taylor, M. A., Fellow. John Fernyhough, M. A., Fellow. Henry Morris, Fellow. Thomas Thwaites, Fellow. William Post, M. A., Fellow. Henry Russel, M. A., Fellow. 1778. Charles Plumptre, D. D., Fellow. 1779. Russel Plumptre, M. D., Student. Richard Hudson, M. A. 1780. James Marsh, M. A., Fellow. Reginald Pynder, M. A. Fellow. William Cant, M. A., Fellow. 1784. Thomas Ward, M. A., Fellow. 1785. John HatseU, M. A., Student. 1788. Laurence Bourne, M. A., Fellow. Joseph Plumptre, M. A. Fellow. From these various sources the Library has gradually increased, so that it now consists of nearly thirty thou- sand volumes, among which there are not fewer than seven hundred volumes of tracts, upon every subject, theological, moral, or political, which has been agitated for nearly four centuries. Among these, the Class of Religion, from its importance, naturally claims the pre-eminence ; and, next in order, may be mentioned the departments of Mathematics and of History ; though it will be seen, that the remaining classes are by no means defective in the number and variety of the arti- cles which they contain. xviii PREFACE. Although various Catalogues, and Inventories of par- ticular Collections, presented to the Library, have been made from time to time ; yet, these having become imperfect or decayed in the lapse of years, it was at length found necessary to compile a new Catalogue : par- ticularly as it was ascertained, that no accurate account was extant of the many hundred volumes of rare and curious tracts, with which the Library is enriched. This task having been confided by the President and Fellows to the Editor of the two volumes now offered to their acceptance, it becomes necessary that he should state the principles by which he has been guided in his laborious undertaking. In preparing this Catalogue, a methodical classification has been preferably adopted. Such an arrangement pos- sesses many advantages over a merely alphabetical list of books. The latter indeed, with whatever accuracy it may be compiled, is, in effect, only a dictionary: it may be consulted by any individual, who knows to what book he has occasion to refer ; but it is of little service to him, who is desirous of reading on any parti- cular topic. A Classed Catalogue, on the contrary, ena- bles all who search, to find with ease the books which they may wish to consult on a specific subject ; and, at the same time, affords an opportunity of discovering what may be deficient in a Library, and therefore neces- sary for completing any part of the collection. The method of arrangement, which has been adopted, may be seen from the Synoptical Table of Contents, prefixed to the Catalogue : it is a modification of the PREFACE. xix system, developed in the " Outlines for the Classifica- tion of a Library submitted to the consideration of the Trustees of the British Museum,"* in 1825, by the Edi- tor of this Catalogue, which system has been adapted to the actual contents of the Library of Queen's College. On the proper places to be assigned to many works, there may perhaps be some difference of opinion : but the co- pious Alphabetical Indexes, both of Subjects, Printed Books, and Manuscripts, which are subjoined to the Catalogue, will enable the reader to find any parti- cular work or treatise with facility. As it is of importance that the titles of the Books should be given both clearly and correctly, where these are short, they have been printed in fuU : but, where they are very long, they have been abridged, so as to present a comprehensive idea of the nature and contents of a Book. Further, these titles have been given in the language in which they were originally written, except in the case of a few Greek and Oriental Treatises ; trans- lations are placed under the original work, together with commentators thereon, and in chronological order where there are more than one version or more than one edi- tion of a version, as well as more than one commentator on a classic or other antient Author. The MODE OF REFERENCE is, to the several Presses in the Library, which are designated by the letters of the alphabet, to the Numbers of the shelves, and of the Books on each shelf, as is explained in a subsequent * A copy of these " Outlines" is in the Public Library of the Univer- sity, to which it was presented by the Trustees of the British Museum. XX . PREFACE. paragraph. The only exception to this method is the re- ference to the extensive and valuable collection of Tracts, presented to the Library by the Rev. David Hughes, abeady mentioned, the volumes of which are numbered consecutively from 1 to 358, as well as the articles in each volume. Thus, the following article in page 269, Tenison (Edward) A Protestation made the 14th day of February, 1717-18, in behalf of the King's Supremacy, and the Protestant Doctrines asserted and maintained in the Lord Bishop of Bangor's Sermon. 8vo. London, 1717. [P. 234. (15.)] refers to the Press lettered P. the two hundred and thirty- fourth volume of that series of Tracts, and the fifteenth article or Tract in that volume. As it has frequently happened that entire treatises are found in the collected works of authors, which either were never extant in a separate form, or which were originally published in a detached form, but of which detached pieces copies are not extant in the Library ; in these cases such treatises have been entered under their respective classes, with references to the volumes of the authors' collected works, where they may be found : and also to the press, shelf and number of the Book on each shelf. Thus, in page 4, Warburton (William, Bishop of Gloucester) Directions for the Study of Theology. 4to. Works, Vol. IV. [D. 3. 15.] Another Copy. Svo. Works, Vol. X. [Ff. 4. 28.] These " Directions" of Bishop Warburton were not published, until they appeared in the fourth volume of his Works, as coUected and edited by Bishop Hurd in PREFACE. xjf^ quarto, which will be found in press D. on the twenty- third shelf, being the fifteenth Book on that shelf. Another copy of the same " Directions" will be found in the tenth volume of the octavo edition of Bishop War- burton's Works, in press Ff, on the fourth shelf, being the twenty-eighth book on that shelf. So, in p. 164, HoADLY (Benjamin, Bishop of Winchester) A Plain Account of the Nature and End of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, folio, Works, Yollll. [Q. 1. 7.] This piece of Bishop Hoadly's gave rise to several con- troversial treatises, the best of which will be found in the page referred to, with some of the vindications which they occasioned : no detached copy of the *' Plain Ac- count" being in the library, the introduction of the article with reference to the volume of the Bishop's Works, renders the Catalogue complete. , In like manner, where any particular treatise might be sought under two heads, it has been inserted under such heads. In the case of anonymous books or editions (that is, those to which no editor's name appears), and of pseudo- nymous books, or those which have fictitious names of authors or editors attached to them, the nafties of the real or concealed authors or editors have been given in brackets ; in some few instances from contemporaneous manuscript memoranda in the books themselves, but principally from minute research among the best biblio- graphical sources, to which the editor could obtain access, as in the following instances : — Page 9. — Novum Testamentum, Graece, post priores -Steph. Cur- xxii PREFACE. cellaei et D.D. Oxoniensium labores. Cum Prolegomenis G. D. T. M. D. [i. e. Gerardi De Trajecto Mosa, Doctore'], et Notis in fine adjectis. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1711. [R. 7. 58.] Page 84. — An Enquiry into the meaning of Demoniacks in the New Testament. By T. P. A. P. O. A. B. I. T. C. O. S. [The 'Precentor And Vrehendary Of Alton Borealis In The Church Of 'Salisbury, — that is, Arthur Ashley Sykes, D.D.] 8vo. Lon- don, 1737. [A. 17. 44.] Pa«>-e 103. — A Defence of Pluralities, or holding two Benefices with Cure of Souls; as now practised in the Church of England. [By Henry Wharton.] 8vo. London, 1703. [M. 19. 41.] Pluralities Indefensible : a Treatise humbly offered to the Consi- deration of the Parliament of Great Britain. By a Presbyter of the Church of England. [Richard Newton.] 8vo. Lon- don, 1743. [I. 7. 33.] Although there are many rare early printed books, and some Editiones Principes, or first Editions of Classic Authors, which would have afforded ample materials for bibliographical annotation, the Editor has found it necessary to abstain from any illustrations of this kind^ in consequence of the extent to which it would have enlarged the Catalogue. Those books, therefore, which have been printed before the year 1 500, have their dates in t)Iat1& IttXtXi to indicate their typographical rarity. The only instances, in which the editor has allowed him- self to enter into any bibliographical remarks, have been, in the notices of Oriental Manuscripts, communi- cated by the Rev. Samuel Li:E, M. A., Professor of Ara- bic in the University of Cambridge ; and of the Greek, Latin, and English Manuscripts communicated by the Rev. G. C. Gorham, B. D. ; and also in the Analyses of the splendid publications, executed under the direction PREFACE. X3dii of the Commissioners on the Public Records of the Realm, in pp. 486—494. The full account given of these works, (the Editor trusts) no one will regret, who duly estimates their value and importance for the elucidation of the national and constitutional history of England. In the course of preparing the manuscript of the Cata- logue for press, great numbers of Controversial Tracts were discovered. These have been disposed in the fol- lowing manner, viz : first, the original or parent article in Roman Type, like the rest of the Catalogue ; se- condly, the answer or answers to it in Italic Type ; THIRDLY, the replication or replications to such answers, — whether by the original author or by any other writer in his behalf, — in Roman Type ; and lastly, the Re- joinders to such Replications, if any, in Italic. The advantage, resulting from this mode of arrangement, will be perceived at once by referring to the publications relative to the Arian, Socinian, and Bangorian Contro- versies, and also to the Treatises in Defence of Divine Revelation, in reply to the particulta* attacks of some modern sceptics ; where it will be seen, that the rise, progress, and termination of a controversy has been exhibited at one view. The Editor has paid every attention in his power, to ensure correctness of dates and orthographical accuracy : and he indulges the hope, that there will be found a much smaller number of mistakes than could be ex- pected in a work of such extent, composed in so many different languages, and containing such a multitude of Proper Names, Dates, and Figures. London, March 1, 1827. T. H. H. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. CLASS THE FIRST. INTRODUCTION. Page. 1. Treatises on Toleration, on the Right of Private Judge- ment, and on the Power of the Magistrate, in Matters of Religion - - - - - - 1 2. Directions, &c. for the Study of Theology - - 3 Section I. Natural Religion. Treatises on Natural Theology and on the Existence of a God 4 Section II. Revealed Religion. I. Holy Scriptures. 1. Entire Texls and Versions of the Bible - - - 6 i. Hebrew Bibles and Detached Books thereof - - ibid. ii. The New Testament, in Greek, and Detached Books thereof 8 iii. Polyglott Bibles and Testaments - - - - 1 1 iv. Antient Versions of the Old and New Testament, and of Detached Books thereof - - ■ - - 12 xxviii SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1. Holy Scriptures, continued. Page. V. Modern Versions of the Old and New Testament - - 14 (1.) Modern Versions in the Languages spoken in the British Isles _.-___ ibid. (2.) Versions in the Languages spoken on the Continent of Europe - - - - - -16 (3.) Versions in the Languages spoken in Asia - - 17 (4.) Versions in the Languages of North America and of Africa _ - - _ - -ibid. (5.) Modern Versions in the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Lan- guages - - - - - -18 [Modern English Versions of the Entire Bible, or of Detached Books thereof, accompanied with Commentaries or Notes, will be found in Title II. Sect. 3. § iii. of this Class, pp. 39-76, infra.] 2. Harmonies of the Old and New Testament - - 19 i. Harmonies of the Old Testament - - - - ibid. ii. Harmonies of the New Testament, and of Parts thereof - ibid. iii. Works reconciling alleged or seeming Contradictions in the Sacred Writings - - - - - 21 3. Apocryphal Books and Writings - - _ ibid. 4. Histories and Abstracts of the Bible _ - _ ibid. II. Sacred Philology ; or, the Criticism and Interpretation of the Scriptures. 1. Introductions to the Holy Scriptures. — Critical Essays and Treatises on the Sacred Text, its Style and Idiom, and on Translations of the Bible - - - - 22 2. Lexicons and Grammars to the Original Languages of the Scriptures - - - - _ - 31 i. Hebrew and Chaldee Grammars and Lexicons - - ibid. (1.) Grammars and other Elementary Tracts for the Hebrew and Chaldee Languages - - - - ibid. (2.) Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicons - - - 34 ii. Greek Grammar, Lexicons, and Glossaries to the New Tes- tament - - - - - - - S5 3. Commentators, Interpreters, and Paraphrasts on the Scrip- tures - . _ _ _ - -36 i. Treatises on the Interpretation of Scripture - - ibid, ii. Jewish Commentators on the Hebrew Scriptures - - 37 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxix IL Sacred Philology, continued. Page, iii. Christian Commentators on the Scriptures * - - 89 (1.) Christian Commentators on the Entire Bible • - - ibid. (2.) Christian Commentators on the Old Testament, and on Detached Books thereof - - - - 42 [i.] Commentators on the Whole — or on the Greater Part — of the Old Testament - _ - ibid. [ii.] Commentators on Detached Books of the Old Testa- ment - - - - - - 43 (3.) Commentators on the Apocryphal Books attached to the Old Testament - - - - - 59 (4.) Commentators on the New Testament, and on Detached Books thereof - - - - - 60 [i.] Commentators on the New Testament, or the Greater Part thereof - - - - _ ibid. [ii.] Commentators on Detached Books of the New Tes- tament - - - - - - 63 (5.) Critical Observations and Disquisitions on Biblical Sub- jects - - - - - - 77 Tracts on the Daemoniacs mentioned in the New Testament - - - - - 84 4. Concordances and Dictionaries, Common Place Books, In- dexes and Analyses, of the Bible - - - 85 i. Concordances to the Bible . , _ _ ibid. ii. Dictionaries of the Bible - - - - - 86 iii. Common Place Books and Indexes to the Bible - - ibid. iv. Analyses of the Bible ----- ibid. 5. Treatises on Biblical Antiquities, and on other Historical Circumstances of the Bible - - _ - 87 i. Treatises on Biblical Antiquities - - - - ibid. ii. Connexions of Sacred and Profane History - - 89 iii. Treatises on the Chronology of the Bible - - - 90 , iv. Geography and Natural History of the Bible - - 91 III. Ecclesiastical Polity, Rites and Ceremonies of the Christian Church. 1. Councils - - _ _ -. -92 i. Treatises on the Authority, &:c. of Councils - - ibid, ii. History of Councils - - . _ - ibid. XXX SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IIL Ecclesiastical Polity, continued. Page. iii. Acts and Decrees of Councils^ General and Particular, before the Reformation, and Treatises on the Interpretation thereof -- - -.--93 iv. Acts and Decrees of Councils and Synods of the Reformed or Protestant Churches - - - - - 95 (1.) Of the Church of England - - - -ibid. (2.) Of the Reformed Churches on the Continent - -ibid. 2. Discipline and Government of the Church - -ibid. 8. Liturgies, Rites and Ceremonies - - - -ibid. i. General Treatises on Liturgies, on Public Worship, and on the Rites and Ceremonies of the Christian Church - ibid, ii. Liturgy and Rites of the Greek Church - - - 105 iii. Liturgies and Rites of the Church of Rome - - ibid. iv. Liturgies and Rites of the Reformed or Protestant Churches - - - - - - 106 (1.) Liturgy and Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland, and Treatises thereon - - - ibid. [i.] Editions of the Book of Common Prayer - - 107 [ii.] Expositions and other Treatises on the Book of Common Prayer - - - - 108 [iii.] Tracts on the Alteration or Revision of the Book of Common Prayer - - - * 109 [iv.] Forms of Prayer of the Church of England on vari- ous Public Occasions - - - - 111 (2.) Liturgies and Rites of Dissenters from the Church of England - - - - - -ibid. Unitarian Liturgies - - - - 112 (3.) Liturgies and Rites of the Episcopal Church in Scotland, ' and of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America - - - - -113 (4.) Directory and Rites of the Presbyterian Kirk of Scotland ibid. (5.) Liturgies and Rites of the Protestant Churches on the Continent ------ jbid. V. Collections of Prayers and Manuals of Private Devotion, in- cluding Treatises on Prayer - - - - 114 (1.) Treatises on Prayer _ - - - -ibid. (2.) Collections of Prayers and Manuals of Private Devotion ibid- vi. Metrical Versions of the Psalms of David — Collections and Selections of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship or Private Devotion - -- - -115 SYNOPTICAL TABL5 OF CONTENTS. xxxi IV. Theologians, Antient and Modern. Page. 1. Antient Theologians, or the Fathers of the Christian Church, who lived and wrote before the close of the sixth Century -_-___ 117 i. Treatises on the Fathers, and Introductions to the Study of their Writings - - - - - -117. ii. Collections, Extracts and Fragments of the Works of the Fathers - - - - - - 118 iii. The Works of the Fathers, chronologically arranged - 119 2. Modem Theologians - - - - - 128 i. Scholastic Theologians, or the Writings of the Schoolmen and of their Commentators ----- ibid. ii. Works of Divines of the Greek Church - - - 132 iii. Works of Divines of the Latin or Romish Church - ibid. iv. Works of Divines of the Reformed or Protestant Churches 134 (1.) Works of British Protestant Divines - - -ibid. (2.) Works of Foreign Protestant Divines - - - 138 V. Systematic Divinity. 1. Doctrinal or Dogmatic Divinity - - - . 139 i. Courses, Systems, General and Elementary Treatises of Divinity .,_.-. ibid. ii. Treatises on particular Subjects in Doctrinal or Dogmatic Divinity - - - - - -145 (1.) Treatises on the Fundamental Articles of Theology - ibid. (2.) Of God and his Attributes - - - - 146 (3.) On the Person and Offices of Jesus Christ - - ibid. (4.) On the Person and Offices of the Holy Spirit - - 148 (5.) On the Trinity - - - - - 14S (6.) On Death - - - - - ribid. (7.) On the .Intermediate State - - - - 150 (8.) On the Resurrection of the Body, Immortality of the Soul, and a Future State - - - - ibid. (9.) On Heaven and Hell - - - - - 151 (10.) On Angels - - - .. - - 152 11.) Treatises on the Five Points, agitated between Calvin- ists and Arminians - _ _ - ibid. (12.) On Original Sin, and the Origin of Evil - - ibid. (13.) On Election, Predestination, and the Extent of Redemp- tion, &c. - - - - - -154 xxxii SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. V. Systematic Divinity, continued. ii. Treatises on particular Subjects, continued. Page. (14;.) On Faith and Justification - - . - 156 (15.) On the Sabbath - - - - - 158 (16.) On the Sacraments in General - - - 159 (17.) On the Sacrament of Baptism in particular - - 160 [i.] On the Mode and Subjects of Baptism - ■• 160 [ii.] On Lay-Baptism and Re-baptizing - - 161 [iii.] On the Nature and Efficacy of Baptism - .162 (18.) On the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, its Nature and Efficacy, and on the Requisite Preparation for worthily Communicating - - - - 163 iii. Miscellaneous Treatises on Doctrinal or Dogmatic Divinity 167 2. Catechetic Divinity _ _ _ . - 168 i. Creeds — Histories and Explanations of them - - ibid. (1.) The Apostles' Creed - - - - -169 (2.) The Nicene and Athanasian Creeds - - - 170 ii. Catechisms of National Churches - - - -ibid. (1.) Catechism and Catechetical Tracts of the Romish Church ibid. ' . (2.) Catechisms of the Reformed or Protestant Churches 171 [i,] Catechism of the United Church of England and Ireland, and Expositions thereof. — Treatises, &c. on Confirmation - _ _ -ibid. 1. Catechism of the Anglican Church, and Ex- positions thereof _ .. . ibid. 2. Treatises, &c. on Confirmation - - 173 [ii.] Catechisms of Protestant Dissenters from the An- glican Church - - - - - 1 74 (3.) Catechism of the Lutheran Church - - _ ibid. (4.) Catechisms of the Socinians - - - - ibid, iii. Miscellaneous Catechetical Tracts _ _ _ ibid. 3. Confessions of Faith of Diiferent Churches, and Treatises thereon - _ - - . _ I77 i. The Thirty-Nine Articles, or the Confession of Faith of the United Church of England and Ireland - - - ibid. (1.) Collections of the Thirty-Nine Articles - -ibid. (2.) Treatises and Expositions, &c. of the Thirty-Nine Articles - - - - - - ibid. ii. Confessions of Faith of Protestant Dissenters from the United Church of England and Ireland - - - - 179 (1.) Confession of Faith of the Westminster Assembly of Divines -.---_ ibid, (2.) Confession of Faith of the Society of Friends or Quakers ibid. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxxiii V. Systematic Divinity, continued. Page, iii. Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland - - 180 iv. Confessions of Faith of Foreign Reformed Churches - ibid. V. Confession of Faith of the Unitarians in Poland - - 181 vi. Collections and Harmonies of Confessions of Faith -ibid. VL Moral and Casuistical Divinity. 181 VII. Polemical Divinity. 1. General Treatises on Polemical Divinity - - 184 2. Treatises on the Truth of the Christian Religion, and in Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion, against Jews, Mohammedans, Atheists, and Deists - - -ibid. i. Treatises on the Truth of the Christian Religion, generally ibid. ii. Treatises, in proof of Christianity, against the Jews - 192 iii. Defences of Christianity against the Mohammedans - 193 iv. Defences of Natural and Revealed Religion against Atheists and Deists -_-_-- ibid. (1.) Confutations of Atheism, and Defences of Natural Re- ligion -.-.-_ ibid. (2.) Treatises on the Necessity of a Divine Revelation and on the Inspiration of the Scriptures - - 195 (3.) Treatises in Defence of Divine Revelation, in reply to the particular Attacks of Chubb, Dodwell, Collins, Hume, Middleton, Morgan, Tindal, Toland, and Woolston - - - - - - 196 (4.) Miscellaneous Treatises against and in defence of Divine Revelation _ . . . _ 204 8. Treatises on the Controversy between Protestants and Ro- manists -_._-- 209 i. General Treatises by Writers of the Church of Rome - ibid, ii. General Treatises against Popery by Protestant Writers - 211 iii. Conferences between Protestants and Romanists - - 2.17 iv. Discourses, written on occasion of the Conversion of Persons to the Romish Church, and also of the Renunciation of Popery by several Persons, together with their respective Motives ______ 220 (1.) Discourses, occasioned by Conversions to Popery - ibid. (2.) Discourses, occasioned by Renunciations of Popery - 221 xxxiv SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. VII. Polemical Divinity, continued. Page. V. Attacks of Romanists on the Reformation and Orders of the Church of England, with Vindications of that Church from the Charge of Schism, and of symbohzing with the Church of Rome --_-__ gg^ (1.) Discourses, written by Romanists, and reflecting upon the Reformation and Orders of the Church of Eng- land, with Reph'es thereto - - _ _ 222 (2.) Vindications of the Church of England from the Ro- manists' Charge of Schism and Heresy - - 224 (3.) Vindications of the Church of England from the Charge of Symbolizing with the Church of Rome - - 225 (4.) The Royal Papers [^viz. Two of King Charles II. and one of the Duke of York], and the Discourses occa- sioned by them ----- ibid. ^5.) Popish Discourses, written by way of Advice to the Pro- testant Pulpits, with Replies to them by Divines of the Church of England - - _ . gge (6.) Discourses, written during the Representing Controversy in the Reign of King James II. - - -ibid. (7.) Discourses, occasioned by the Expounding Controversy during the Reign of King James II. - -228 vi. Treatises on Particular Points of Controversy between Pro- testants and Romanists - - - _ . 229 (1.) Discourses on the pretended Unity, Authority, and In- fallibility of the Romish Church - _ - ibid. (2.) Discourses on the Notes of the Church - - 232 (3.) Discourses on Saint Peter, and on the pretended Supre- macy of the Pope in all causes, both civil and ecclesi- astical, cS:c. - - - - - 233 (4.) Discourses on the Rule of Faith . _ . 235 (5.) Discourses written on the Scripture-Proofs - - 236 , (6.) Discourses on Tradition - _ - » 237 (7.) Discourses on the Celibacy of the Clergy - -ibid- (8.) Discourses on the Latin Service, or Prayer in an Un- known Tongue - - - . _ 238 (&.) Discourses on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist - ibid. (10.) Discourses on Communion in one kind - - 240 (11.) Discourses on Transubstantiation - - -ibid. (12.) Discourses occasioned by the assertion of the Romanists, that Transubstantiation is as evident as a Trinity - 242 (13.) Discourses on Auricular Confession, Penance, Extreme Unction, Indulgences, and Purgatory - - ibid. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxxv VII. Polemical Divinity, continued. Page. (14.) Discourses on Good Works _ - - - 243 (15.) Discourses on the Invocation and Intercession of Saints ibid. (16.) Discourses on the Idolatry and Image- Worship of the Romish Church ----- 245 vii. Miscellaneous Treatises by Protestant Writers, in contro- versy with the Romanists, chronologically arranged - 246 4. Treatises occasioned by the Arian Controversy - - 248 i. Treatises occasioned by the publication of the Rev. Dr. Sa- muel Clarke's " Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity" - ibid. ii. Treatises occasioned by the Publications of Mr. Whiston - 252 iii. The Arian Controversy among the Dissenters from the Church of England - - - - - 254 iv. Tracts occasioned by the Publication of an " Essay on Spirit" 257 5. Treatises occasioned by the Socinian Controversy -ibid. 6. Treatises occasioned by Controversies between Members of the Church of England and Dissenters from that Church 9,65 i. The Bangorian Controversy - - - _ ibid, (1.) Preliminary Tracts, which gave rise to this Controversy ibid. (2.) Tracts published by the Rev. Dr. Snape, or in conse- quence of his Attack upon Bishop Hoadly - - 266 (3.) Tracts occasioned by the Publications of the Rev. Wm. Law against the Bishop of Bangor - - 267 (4.) Tracts occasioned by the Proceedings of the Lower House of Convocation, relative to Bishop Hoadly's Preservative and Sermon - - - ^269 (5.) Tracts published by the Rev. Dr. Sherlock, or in conse- quence of his Attack upon Bishop Hoadly - - 270 (6.) Tracts occasioned by the Publication of the Rev. Dr. Francis Hare, against the Bishop of Bangor - 271 (7.) Miscellaneous Tracts on the Bangorian Controversy - ibid, ii. Tracts occasioned by the Controversy respecting Subscrip- tion to the Tliirty-Nihe Articles of the Anglican Church 272 (1.) Various Tracts on Subscription, previously to the Publi- cation of " The Confessional" - - -ibid. (2.) Tracts on the Controversy, occasioned by the Publica- tion of " The Confessional" - - _ 273 (3.) Tracts occasioned by the Association of certain Clergy- men of the Church of England, and others, in 1771- 72, for obtaining of the British Parliament Relief from Subscription to the Thirty-Nine Articles - 275 xxxvi SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. VII. Polemical Divinity, continued. ii. Controversy on Subscription, continued. (4.) Tracts occasioned by the Application of certain Protes- tant Dissenting Ministers to the British Parliament, in 1772, for Relief from Assent to certain Articles of Religion, required by the Act of Toleration - - 278 iii. Controversial Treatises on Dissent from the Church of Eng- land 280 7. Miscellaneous Treatises on Heresies _ * - 289 VIII. Pastoral Theology. 1. Treatises on the Pastoral Care _ - - - 290 2. Treatises on the Composition of a Sermon, and on the Art of Preaching _----- 292 3. Episcopal and Archidiaconal Visitation-Charges and Letters 294 i. Episcopal Charges and Letters - - - - ibid, ii. Archidiaconal Charges - - - - -298 IX. Hortatory Theology ; or Homilies, Lectures and Sermons. 1. Homilies _------ 299 i. Homilies on Entire Books of Scripture . - - ibid, ii. Other Homilies - - - - - - 300 2. Lectures in Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion, and of the Pecuhar Doctrines of the New Testament - 301 i. The Boyle Lectures - - - - -ibid. ii. Lady Moyer's Lectures ----- 305 * iii. The Warburtonian Lectures - - - - 306 iv. The Bampton Lectures - t - - - 307 V. The Hulsean Lectures - *• - - -311 vi. The Donnellan Lectures ----- ibid. vii. Sermons on the Excellency, &c. of ,the Liturgy of the Church of England at Mr. Hutchins's Lecture - - SI 2 viii. The Fairchild Lectures ----- ibid. 3. Collections of Sermons in English, by British Divines - ibid. 4. Collections of Sermons, by Foreign Divines, with Transla- tions thereof - - - - - - 326 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxxvii IX. Hortatory Theology, continued. Page. 5. Sermons preached at the Consecration of Bishops, and at the Ordinations of Clergymen _ _ _ _ 327 i. Sermons preached at t!ie Consecration of Bishops - -ibid. ii. Sermons at the Ordination of Clergymen of the Church of England - - - -^ - - 329 iii. Sermons and Confessions of Faith, delivered at the Ordina- tion of Dissenting Ministers _ - - - 330 iv. Charges delivered at the Ordination of Dissenting Ministers 331 6. Sermons preached at Visitations of the Clergy of the Church of England J — before the Clergy of the Church of Eng- land assembled in Convocation, — ^before the General As- sembly and Synods of the Kirk of Scotland, — and before Associations of Dissenting Ministers - - . - 332 i. Sermons preached at Visitations of the Clergy of the Church of England - - - - - - ibid. ii. Sermons preached before the Clergy of the Church of Eng- land, assembled in Convocation - - - - 336 iii. Sermons preached before the General Assembly, and also be- fore Presbyterian Synods, of the Kirk of Scotland - ibid, iv. Sermons preached before Associations of Dissenting Ministers 337 7. Introductory and Farewell Sermons - - - ibid. 8. Sermons preached at the Consecration or Opening of Churches, Chapels, and Organs, and on the commence- ment of Lectures _ - - - - 338 9. Funeral Sermons and Orations - - - - 339 i. On Deceased British Sovereigns and Members of the Royal Family - - - - - - - ibid. ii. Funeral Sermons on Private Individuals - - _ 340 10. Sermons on National and other Political or Public Anni- versaries - - - - - . - 347 i. On the Accession of Sovereigns to the British Throne, and on their Coronations - - - . _ ibjjj, ii. Sermons preached before the Kings and Queens of England, on various occasions - - - - - 350 iii. Sermons preached before the Judges at Assizes . - -355 d xxxviii SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX. Hortatory Theology, continued. Page, iv. Sermons on various occasions before Corporations, and Cor- porate Societies ---_-- 358 (1.) Sermons preached before the Lord Mayor, &c. of the City of London - _ . _ . ibid. (2.) Sermons preached before other Corporations and Corpo- rate Societies - - _ _ _ QQQ (3.) Sermons preached before the Trustees incorporated for establishing the New Colony of Georgia - 361 V. Sermons on National and other Fast Days - . - ibid. (1.) Sermons on the 30th of January - - -ibid. (2.) Sermons preached on Fast Days, during Wars, chrono- logically arranged - - - - - 367 Fast Day Sermons during the Rebellion of 1745 - 369 (3.) Miscellaneous Fast Day Sermons - _ _ 370 (4.) On Earthquakes. — Fast Day Sermons on occasion of the Earthquake at Lisbon - - - - 371 vi. Thanksgiving Sermons - . - _ - 372 (1.) Sermons preached on the 29th of May, the Anniversary of the Restoration of King Charles IL - - ibid. (2.) Sermons preached on the 5th of November - - 373 (3.) Miscellaneous Thanksgiving Sermons, for Victories, Peace, &c. &c. - - - - - 376 [i.] On the Delivery of the Irish Protestants from the Massacre begun by the Papists, Oct. 23d, 1641. ibid. [ii.] Thanksgiving Sermons in the Reign of Charles IL ibid. [iii.] Thanksgiving Sermons in the Reign of James II. ibid. [iv.] Thanksgiving Sermons in the Reign of William III. 377 [v.] Thanksgiving Sermons in the Reign of Queen Anne ----- -ibid. For the Victory at Blenheim - - ibid. For Successes in France, Flanders, &c. - 378,379 [vi.] Thanksgiving Sermons during the Reign of George L - - - - - - 379 [vii.] Thanksgiving Sermons during the Reign of George II. - - - - - - 380 On the Termination of the Rebellion of 1745-6 by the defeat of the Rebels at the Battle of CuUoden - - - _ jbid. Upon other occasions - - - ibid. [viii.] Thanksgiving Sermons during the Reign of George IIL - - - - - -381 vii. Miscellaneous Political Sermons - - . - - ibid. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxxix IX. Hortatory Theology, continued. Page. 11. Sermons, on various Occasions, preached before the Uni- versities of Cambridge and of Oxford - - - 382 i. Sermons before the University of Cambridge or particu- lar Colleges thereof _ _ _ - - ibid. ii. Sermons before the University of Oxford or particular Colleges thereof - * - - - - 386 12. Conciones Academical et ad Clerum _ - - 389 13. Sermons preached at the Anniversaries of Royal and other Charitable Foundations - - - - 392 i. Spital Sermons, preached before the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Governors of the several Royal Hospitals - - ibid. ii. Sermons preached at the Anniversaries of Endowed Public Schools - - - - - - - 393 (L) Saint Paul's School - - - _ _ ibid. (2.) The Charter-House School - - - - ibid. (3.) Merchant-Taylors' School - - - _ ibid. (4.) Bishop Stortford School - _ _ -ibid. (5.) Eton School - - - - - -ibid. (G.) Exeter Free School - - . - - - 394 (7.) Felstead Free-School ----- ibid. (8.) Hertford Free-School _ - - - ibid. (9.) Tiverton Free-School - - . . ibid. iii. Sermons preached at the Anniversary Festivals of the Sons of the Clergy, and at the Meetings of Choirs - - ibid. (1.) Sermons at the Anniversary Festivals of the Sons of the Clergy - _ _ - _ ibid. (2.) Sermons at the Meetings of Choirs, &c. - - 395 iv. Sermons preached at the Anniversaries of Charity Schools ibid. (1.) Sermons preached before the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, at the Annual Meetings of the Children belonging to the Charity Schools in the City of London ------ ibid. (2.) Sermons in behalf of Charity Schools, in different parts of England - - - - . 397 (3.) Sermons preached before the Society for promoting Protestant Schools in Ireland _ _ . 393 V. Sermons preached in behalf of Hospitals and Infirmaries - 399 vi. Miscellaneous Charity Sermons - - - _ 400 (1 .) Sermons preached in aid of the Charitable Collections for the persecuted French Protestants - - - ibid. d2 xl SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX. Hortatory Theology, continued. vi. Miscellaneous Charity Sermons, continued. Page. (2.) Sermons preached on March 1, before the Society of Antient Britons _ - _ - - 401 (3.) Sermons preached before Benevolent County Associa- tions, &c. ---.-- ibid. 14. Sermons preached before or in behalf of Religious and Missionary Societies ----- 402 i. Sermons preached before the Religious Societies in London ibid, ii. Sermons preached before the Societies in London for Refor- mation of Manners . _ - - - ibid, iii. Sermons preached before Missionary and Bible Societies 403 (L) Sermons preached before the Incorporated Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts - - ibid. (2.) Sermons preached before other Missionary Societies, and for the Bible Society, &c. . - - - 406 15. Sermons preached on Recantations of Popery, &c. -ibid. 16. Miscellaneous Sermons - - - - - 407 X. Mystical and Ascetic Divinity. - 420 XI. Miscellaneous Treatises in Divinity. 1. Miscellaneous English Treatises - - - - 423 2. Miscellaneous Latin Treatises - • - - - 434 Section III. Historical Divinity; or the History of Religions. I. Religious Customs, &c. of the Modern Jews.— Talmudical Writings - - - - 437 IL History of the Christian Religion. 1. General History of the Christian Church, Antient and Modern 439 i. General Ecclesiastical Historians - - - - ibid. ii. Miscellaneous Collections, &c. relative to the General His- tory of the Christian. Church '^ - - - 446 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xli IL History of the Christian Religion, continued. Page. 2. General History of the Reformation, and of the State of the Protestant Churches _ _ _ - - 447 [For the Ecclesiastical History of Particular Countries, see Class V. History, infra ] 3. History of Popes and Cardinals _ - - - 449 4. Martyrologies and Lives of Saints - _ _ 451 5. History of Religious Orders - - - 459 i. History and Statutes of Military Religious Orders, instituted for the Defence of the Romish Church - - - ibid. ii. History and Statutes of other Religious Orders - - 453 (1.) The Benedictines - - - - -ibid. (2.) The Dominicans . _ _ _ -ibid. (3.) The Jesuits ----- -ibid. (4.) The Praemonstratenses - - . - - 454 6. History of Heresies - r - - -ibid. 7. History of the Inquisition _ _ - - 455 8. History and Singular Practices of the Society of Free- Masons ------ -ibid. 9. History and Proceedings of Societies for Reformation of Manners, of Missionary and Bible Societies, and of other Societies for diffusing Moral and Religious Instruction ibid. i. General History of Missions - , - . - ibid. ii. The Societies for Reformation of Manners - - _ 456 iii. The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge - -ibid. iv. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ._.--. 457 V. The Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East - ibid. vi. Tracts relative to Missions in the East Indies - - 458 vii. Prayer Book and Homily Society - - - - 459 viii. The London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews ------ -ibid. ix. Missions of the Church of the United Brethren - -ibid. X. Wesleyan Missionary Society _ - - - 460 • xi. The Baptist Missionary Society _ - - - ibid. xlii SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IL History of the Christian Religion, continued. Page, xii. History and Proceedings of Societies for the Education of the Poor - 460 xiii. History and Proceedings of the British and Foreign Bible Society . . . _ . -ibid, (1.) History and Proceedings of the Parent Society -ibid. (2.) Reports and Proceedings of Auxih'ary Bible Societies - 461 (3.) Tracts relative to the Object and Measures of the Bri- tish and Foreign Bible Society - - _ - 463 xiv. Naval and Mihtary Bible Society - - - - ibid. HI. Pagan and Mohammedan Religions. 1. Pagan Religions ------ 463 i. The Pagan Religion in General _ - - - ibid, ii. Greek and Roman Mythology - - - - 464 iii. Egyptian and Persian Mythology - - * ibid. 2. Mohammedan Religion - - - , - - 465 CLASS THE SECOND. I. Public Universal Law. 1. General Treatises on Laws ... - 469 2. Law of Nature and Nations.— Rights of War and Peace 470 3. Political Law - - - - - - 471 II. Antient, Civil, and Feudal Law. 1. Laws of the Greeks, and of other antient Nations besides the Romans - - - - - - ibid. 2. Roman Law - - - - " ~ * *2 i. Introductions to the Study of the Roman Law. — Dictionaries and Lexicons - - - _ - - ibid. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xliii IL Antient, Civil, and Feudal Law, continued. Pago, ii. Roman Law anterior to the time of Justinian, and Com- mentators thereon _ > _ _ - 473 iii. The Institutes, Pandects, and other Compilations of Laws, publislied by the Emperor Justinian _ _ - 473 (1.) Institutes, and Commentators thereon - -ibid. (2.) The Pandects and Codex, and Commentators thereon 474 iv. Law of the Roman Empire after the time of Justinian - 475 V. Abridgments of the Roman Law^ and Treatises on the Civil Law, generally ------ ibid. 3. Feudal Law .----. 477 IIL Canon Law. - - -ibid. [For the Canons of the Primitive Christian Church, which some Jurists consider as the Basis of the Canon Law, see the Collections of the Acts, Canons, &c. of Councils, pp. 93,94.] IV. British Law. Integduction. Treatises on the Study, &c. of the Laws of England - 479 1. Public and Constitutional Law of England - - ibid. ' i. Constitution of England - - - ' - - ibid. ii. Succession and Title to the Crown - - - 480 iii. Of the King, His Prerogative and Supremacy; — Power of Dispensing with Penal Statutes, &c. _ _ - ibid. iv. Of the Powers, Privileges, and Constitution of the two Houses of Parliament - - . _ _ 433 2. Municipal or Common Law of England - - - 484 i. History of English Law ----- ibid. ii. Antient Laws of England anterior to Magna Charta, and Treatises thereon - - - _ _ ibid. 3. Statute Law and other Records of the Realm - - 485 i. Collections of Statutes and Abridgments thereof - -ibid, ii. Records of the Kingdom of England - - - 486 4. General Treatises, Institutes, and Commentaries on the Laws of England, Dictionaries of Enghsh Law, and Judges' Charges - - - _ . 495 5. Reports of Proceedings in the different Courts of Law - 496 xliv SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IV. British Law, continued. Page. 6. Ecclesiastical Law of England - - - - 498 i. Collections of Ecclesiastical Laws - - - ibid, ii. Treatises on Ecclesiastical Law in General, and on the Prac- tice of the Ecclesiastical Courts - - - - 499 iii. Value of Benefices. — Tithes, appropriate and impropriate - 501 iv. Treatises on the Laws relative to Marriage, principally occa- sioned by the Marriage Act, 26 Geo. II. chap. 33. - 503 V. Law of Wills and Testaments, of Executors and Adminis- trators. — Copies of Wills _ _ -- - 504 7. Penal and Test Laws - - - - - ibid. 8. Justiciary, Parochial, and Criminal Law - - _ 505 i. Law of Justices of the Peace, and of Constables. — Parochial Law - - - - - - - ibid. ii. Treatises on the Pleas of the Crown. — Criminal Law. — Trials for various Offences _____ 506 9. Miscellanies of Enghsh Law, comprising Treatises on the Law of Property Real and Personal, &c. &ec. - - 509 Tracts on the Law of Literary Property - - 510 10. Laws of Wales, Scotland, and Ireland - - - ibid. V. Foreign Law. 1. Law of France - - - - . - - 511 2. Law of Germany, the Netherlands, and Sicily - - 512 CLASS THE THIRD. INTRODUCTION. 1. General Treatises on Human Knowledge, and on the Study of Philosophy - - - ■ - - -513 2. Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries of Philosophy, Arts and Sciences - - - - - 514 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xlv Section I. Intellectual Philosophy. I. History of Philosophy, and the Collective Works of Philosophers. Page. 1. The History of Philosophy - - - - 515 ' 2. General Treatises on Philosophy, or on' several Branches thereof --_-___ 516 3. Collective Works of Philosophers, Antient and Modern - 517 i. Works of Antient Philosophers, with their Commentators and Interpreters _ _ _ _ -ibid. (1.) Greek Philosophers - - - - -ibid. (2.)- Roman Philosophers ----- 519 ii. Works of Modern Philosophers - - - _ 520 II. Metaphysics. 1. Antient Metaphysicians, and their Commentators - - 521 2. Modern Metaphysical Writers - - - ibid. i. General Treatises and Systems of Metaphysics - - ibid. ii. Treatises on Man, and on the Nature, Faculties, and Sensa- tions of the Soul - - - - - 522 (L) On the Nature and Faculties of the Soul, generally - ibid. (2.) On the Natural Mortality or Immortality of the Soul. — The Dodwellian Controversy on this Subject - 525 (3.) Phrenology ------ 527 (4.) On the Freedom of the Will, Philosophical Liberty, and Necessity ------ ibid. iii. Occult Philosophy - - - - -529 (L) Treatises on the Cabala and on Magic - - ibid. (2.) Demonology, Sorcery, Witchcraft, and Apparitions - 530 (3.) Divination by Dreams, Palmistry, &c. - - 531 (4.) Physiognomy - - - - , - 532 III. Logic. 1. Antient Writers, and their Commentators . - - ibid. 2. Modern Authors and Systems of Logic - - -ibid. xM SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Section II. Moral and Political Philosophy. I. Ethics, or Moral Philosophy. Page. 1. Antient Moral Philosophers and their Commentators - 534 2. Modern Moral Philosophers - - - - 537 i. General Treatises and Systems of Morals - - - ibid. ii. Treatises and Essays on Education - - - 530 iii. Miscellaneous Ethical Treatises on the Passions, Virtues, Vices, Gaming, &c. &c. .. _ _ _ 542 II. Political Philosophy. 1. Politics 548 i. Antient Writers, and their Commentators _ - - ibid. ii. Modern Writers. Treatises on Government, on the Rights and Duties of Sove- reigns, and on Submission to the Civil Magistrate - ibid. 2. Political Economy ------ 552 i. General Treatises and Systems of Political Economy. — Po- pulation. — Pauperism ----- ibid. ii. Money, Finance, Paper Credit, and the National Debt - 554 (1.) Money and Coining ----- ibid. (2.) Report of the Bullion Committee — ^Tracts thereon, and on Paper Credit - - - - / - ibid. (3.) The National Debt - - - - -555 iii. Trade, Commerce, and Manufactures - _ _ ibid. (1.) General Treatises - - 4 - -ibid. (2.) Tracts on Usury — Interest-Tables - _ - 557 (S.) East India Company - - - - - 558 (4.) The Slave Trade _____ ibid. iv. Miscellaneous Tracts on Political Economy - - 560 Section III. Natural Philosophy. I. Physics, or Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 1. Antient Writers, and their Commentators - - 561 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xlvii 1. Physics, continued. Page. 2. Modern Writers - . - ... 562 i. Memoirs, Transactions, and Journals of Philosophical So- cieties ------ -ibid. ii. Systems, Courses of Lectures, and other General Treatises on Natural Philosophy ----- 564 iii. Meteorology - - - -- -573 iv. Electricity - - - - - -574 V. Magnetism and Galvanism _ _ _ _ 575 vi. Natural Magic - - - - - - ibid. II. Chemical Philosophy. 1. Chemistry - - - - - -ibid. i. Dictionaries of Chemistry. — Chemical Lectures - - 576 Syllabuses of Courses of Lectures on Chemistry - ibid. ii. Systems and Elementary Treatises on Chemistry - - ibid. iii. Miscellaneous Treatises on different Branches of Chemistry. — Chemical Journals - - _ _ _ 578 2. Alchemy - - - - - - - 581 III. Natural History. * 1. Antient Writers, and their Commentators - - - 581 2. Modern Writers ------ 582 i. Systems, Dictionaries, and Treatises, on Natural History -ibid. ii. Geology, or the Natural History of the Earth - . 583 iii. Natural History of Waters. — Mineral Waters - -584 iv. The Mineral Kingdom - - - - _ 535 (1.) Systems of Mineralogy - - - -ibid. (2.) On Metals, and the Working of Mines - - ibid. (3.) Natural History of Fossils - - - - sqq V. The Vegetable Kingdom, or Botany - - - ibid. (1.) General Histories of Plants, Systems, and Elementary Treatises, of Botany _ _ _ _ jbid. (2.) Herbals, Floras, Catalogues of Plants, Treatises on Par- ticular Plants - - - - - 587 xlviii SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. III. Natural History, continued. Page, vi. The Animal Kingdom, or Zoology _ _ - 588 (1.) Anatomy of Animals ; or Comparative Anatomy. — Gene- ral Histories of Animals _ - - - ibid. (2.) Natural History of Birds, or Ornithology - - 589 (3.) Natural History of Fishes, or Ichthyology - - ibid. (4.) Natural History of Insects, or Insectology - -590 (5.) Natural History of Zoophytes. — Conchology, or Natural . History of Shells - - - - -ibid. vii. Prodigies and Museums of Natural History - •• ibid. IV. Medicine. 1. History of Medicine _ _ _ - - 591 2. The Collected Works of Antient and Modern Medical Writers - - -' - - - - 592 i. Collected Works of Antient Writers, and Commentators thereon - - - - - - ibid. ii. Collected Works of Modern Medical Writers • - - 594 8. Physiology, or Biology - _ .. - - 595 4. Hygieine, or Art of Preserving Health _ - - 597 5. Dietetics, or Treatises on Diet and Regimen - - 598 6. Pathology and Therapeutics ; or the Knowledge and Art of Healing Diseases - - _ _ - 599 i. Dictionaries, and General Treatises on Medicine - - ibid, ii. Treatises on Particular Diseases - . - - 602 (1 .) Diseases incident to various Professions - - ibid. (2.) Disorders, &c. incident to Women and Children. — Nur- sing of Children - - - - -ibid. (3.) Apoplexy and other Affections of the Head - - 603 (4.) Asthma, Cold, and Sore Throat _ _ _ ibid. (5.) Epidemic and Contagious Disorders. — Fevers - - jbid. (6.) The Plague .-.--- 604 (7.) Chronic Diseases. — The Gout _ _ . 605 (8.) Cutaneous Maladies. — Erysipelas, Small-pox, Cow-pox, and Scurvy - - _ . _ . 606 ^9.) Cancer, Consumption, Convulsions, Palsy - - 607 (10.) Diseases of the Viscera and of the Urinary Passages - ibid. (11.) Nervous Disorders . - . - _ 608 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. xlix IV. Medicine, continued. ii. Treatises on Particular Diseases, continued. Page. (12.) The Stone and Gravel - - - - 608 (13.) Dropsy, Drowning, Hydrophobia, Insanity - - ibid. 7. Medical Transactions. — Miscellaneous Medical Treatises 609 8. Veterinary Medicine - - - - -612 V. Anatomy. 1. General Treatises and Systems of Anatomy - - 612 2. Treatises on the Anatomy of Particular Parts of the Hu- man Body - - - - - - 614 i. Treatises on the Anatomy of the Brain - - -ibid. ii. Anatomy of the Arteries of the Eye, Ear, and Teeth - 615 iii. Osteology, Neurology, and Myology ; or the Anatomy of the Bones, Nerves, Muscles, and Glands - - ibid. iv. Miscellaneous Anatomical Treatises - - - 616 yi. Surgery. 1. Collected Works of Surgical Writers. — Systems of Surgery and General Treatises thereon . - - - - ibid. 2. Treatises on Wounds, and on other Surgical Operations 617 VII. Materia Medica and Pharmacy. 1. Materia Medica - - - - - -618 i. Systems and General Treatises of the Materia Medica - ibid. ii. Treatises on the Virtues and Uses of particular Articles of the Materia Medica - - - - -619 2. Pharmacy 620 i. Pharmacopoeias and Treatises on the Compounding of Medi- cines ------- ibid. (1.) Pharmacopoeias of the Koyal Colleges of Physicians at London and Edinburgh - - - - (520 (2>) Foreign Pharmacopoeias - - - - 6^1 (S.) Dispensatories and Treatises of Private Individuals on the Preparation of Medicines - - - ibid. ii. Empiricism, or Treatises on Quack-Medicines - - 62J2 1 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Section IV. Mathematical Philosophy. I. History of the Mathematics, Collective Works of Mathe- maticians, and General Treatises on the Mathematics. 1. History of the Mathematics - - _ 2. Works of Mathematicians, Antient and Modern -ibid. i. Works of Antient Mathematicians, and their Commentators ibid. ii. Works of Modern Mathematicians, who have treated on seve- ral Branches of the Mathematics - _ _ 626 3. Courses and Dictionaries of the Mathematics, and other General Treatises thereon - - - - 627 II. Pure Mathematics. 1. Arithmetic - - - - - - - 629 2. Algebra. — Fluxions . _ _ l _ 630 i. Algebra, Elementary and Infinitesimal - - -ibid, ii. Fluxions ______ 634 8. Geometry, Theoretical and Practical - • - 635 i. Elementary and Transcendental Geometry - - ibid, ii. Practical Geometry — Land Surveying - - - 638 4. Trigonometry _ . _ - - -ibid. 6. Logarithms and Mathematical Tables - - - 639 6. Treatises on the Construction and Uses of Mathematical Instruments -.,.--. 640 7. Mathematics applied to the Art of Conjecturing, and Cal- culation of Probabilities. — Life Annuities, &c. - - 641 ni. Mixed Mathematics. 1. Mechanics - - - - - - 642 i. General Treatises and Essays on Mechanics. — Descriptions of Machines -_-_-- ibid. ii. Hydrodynamics, Hydrostatics, and Pneumatics - - 644 .2. Astronomy - - - - - . . - -ibid. i. History of Astronomy - _ - . . ibid. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. li IIL Mixed Mathematics, continued. Page, ii. Works of Antient Astronomers, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Arabic ------- 645 iii. Works of Modern Astronomical Writers - - - ibid. (1.) General and Elementary Treatises on Astronomy -ibid. (2.) Systems of the World.— Celestial Mechanics - -648 (3.) Treatises on the Sun, on the Planets and their Satellites, on the Stars, on Comets, and on the Precession of the Equinoxes _ . _ _ . 649 (4.) Astronomical Observations and Tables. — Celestial At- lasses - - - - - -651 (5.) Treatises on the Construction and Uses of Astronomical Instruments ----- 652 (6.) Ephemerides and Almanacks - _ - 653 (7.) Dialling. — Watches and Clocks " '. ' ^54 (8.) Astrology and Astrological Predictions - - 655 3. Optics, Catoptrics, and Dioptrics. i. Optics ------- 656 ii. Catoptrics — Dioptrics - - - - - 657 iii. Treatises on the Construction and Uses of Optical Instru- ments - - - - - - - 658 4. Perspective - - - - - - ibid. 5. Music -.----- 659 6. Navigation. — Treatises on Navigation, in Theory and Prac- tice. — Construction of Ships - - - - 660 7. The Military Science - - - - - 661 i. Treatises on Military Science and the Making of Arms - ibid, ii. Accounts of Military Operations - - - - 663 8. Miscellaneous Mathematical Treatises - - _ ibid. lii SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. CLASS THE FOURTH. arte anljf JCraties* Page. History of Arts - - _ _ - QQ5 Section I. Tjie Liberal Arts. L Mnemonics, or the Art of Memory, Natural and Arti- ficial ------ 665 n. Arts of Writing and Printing - - -666 Treatises on Stenography, or Short-hand Writing - ibid . in. Arts of Design, Painting, and Engraving - - ibid. IV. Architecture - - - . . 667 Section II. The Economical Arts, Trades, AND Manufactures. I. Rural and Domestic Economy. 1. Antient Writers - - _ - _ _ _ ggg 2. Modern Writers - - - - - -ibid. i. Agriculture and Husbandry . - _ _ JbiJ. ii. Horticulture .----- 669 II. Manufactures - . .^ - . -. . 670 Section III. Recreative Arts. - ibid. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. liii CLASS THE FIFTH. Section I. Historical Prolegomena. Introduction. m • Page. Treatises on the Manner of Studying History - - - 671 I. Geography. 1. Antient Geography - - _ _ . 672 2. Modern Geography - - - . _ 673 i. Treatises and Systems of Universal Geography - - ibid, ii. Geographical Dictionaries, and Gazetteers - - - 674 iii. Treatises on the Use of the Globes - - - - 675 iv. Atlasses and Maps - - - - _ ibid. II. Voyages and Travels. Introduction. — Treatises on Travelling. — Instructions for Travellers - - - - - - 675 1. Collections of Voyages and Travels. — Travels in Various Parts of the World - - - - - 676 2. Voyages round the World, to the South Seas, and in quest of a North West Passage _ - _ _ ibid. *!r>^ 3. Voyages and Travels in Europe - - - 678 i. Travels through several Parts of Europe - - - ibid. ii. Travels in the Northern Parts of Europe, Holland, Ger- many, Hungary, Transylvania, and Dalmatia - - ibid, iii. Travels in France, Spain, and Italy _ - _ 679 4. Voyages and Travels in the Levant, in Greece, Asia Minor, Palestine, and Arabia - - - _ 680 5. Voyages and Travels in Asiatic Turkey, Persia, the East Indies, Tartary, China, and Japan - - - 681 liv SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IL Voyages and Travels, continued. Page, 6. Voyages and Travels in various Parts of Africa - - 683 7. Voyages and Travels in America - - - - 684 i. North America - - - - _ _ ibid. ii. South America, and the West Indies - _ - 685 in. Chronology. 1. Technical Chronology . _ , _ . 685 i. Systems and Treatises on Chronology, in general - - ibid. ii. Treatises on the Chronology of Particular Nations and Periods - - - - - - -686 iii. Treatises on the Calendar and the Reformation thereof - 688 2. Historical Chronology - . - . - 689 IV. Antiquities. — Numismatics. 1. Antiquities _.-__- 689 i. Dictionaries and General Treatises on Antiquities - - ibid. ii. Antient Money, Weights, and Measures - - -691 iii. Manners and Customs of the Antient Greeks, Civil, Religious, and Military -.__-- ibid. IV. Manners and Customs of the Antient Romans, Civil, Reli- gious, and Military ----- 692 V. Inscriptions, Marbles, Ruins, Gems, &c. - - - 694 2. Numismatics - - - - - - 696 i. Introductions to the Science of Medals, and General Trea- tises thereon -__--_ ibid. ii. Collections of Medals, and Dissertations upon Medals, An- tient and Modern . _ - _ _ 697 Section II. Universal History, Antient AND Modern. - - 698 Section III. Particular History, — Antient. 1. History of the Origin of Nations. — History of several An- tient Nations - - - - - - 700 S. History of the Jews - - - - - 701 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Iv IIL Particular History, Antient, continued. Page. 3. History of the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Per- sians, &c. -_.-_- 702 4. The History of Greece ----- 704 i. Antient Writers -----._ ibid, ii. Modern Writers of Grecian History _ - _ 706 5. The History of Rome - - - . - 707 i. Antient Writers of Roman History - - - _ ibid, ii. Modern Writers of Roman History - - - 712 6. Byzantine History ; or the History of the Lower Empire 714 Section IV. Particular History, — Modern. I. General History of Modern Europe, with the Particular History of certain Periods. - 7 1 7 n. History of Great Britain and Ireland. L History of England i. Topography of England - - - "- -718 (1.) General Topography and Antiquities of England. — Sta- tistical Surveys, Tours, Itineraries, and Natural History -.._._ -ibid. (2.) Monastic and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England - 721 (3.) Miscellaneous Antiquities . _ _ _ 7^3 (4.) Topography of the several Counties in England, in Alphabetical Order . - - - 724-748 Under Cambridgeshire are comprized the following particulars : 1. History, Antiquities, Privileges, Discipline, &c. of the University of Cambridge - - _ 734 i. History, Antiquities, and Privileges of the Uni- versity - - _ . .ibid, ii. On the Discipline and Course of Studies prose- cuted at the University - - - 727 iii. University Congratulations upon Public Occa- sions. — Condolences on the Decease of Royal and other Distinguished Personages Prize Orations, &c. - - - , - . 728 e 2 Ivi SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IL History of Great Britain and Ireland, continued. 1. History of University of CambridctE, continued. Page. iv. Greek and Latin Prize Verses - - - 730 V. English Prize Poems - - - - 731 2. Works relative to particular Colleges - - 732 3. Publications relative to the Town of Cambridge - 734 4. Publications relative to the County of Cambridge 735 Under Oxfordshire are comprized the following particulars : University of Oxford - - - - 742 1. History and Privileges of the University - -ibid. 2. On the Discipline and Course of Studies prose- cuted at the University _ - _ 743 3. Publications relating to particular Colleges - 744 4. University Congratulations on Public Occasions. — Condolences on the Decease of Royal Person- ages. — Prize Poems, and Orations - - 745 ii. Civil History of England — Narrative _ . . 743 (1.) General History of England. — Chronicles, Antient and Modern. — General Historians _ _ .. ibid. (2.) History of England during particular Reigns, and Me- moirs relative thereto, from the Conquest to the present time ----- 752-791 (3.) Accounts of Military and Naval Expeditions, undertaken by the British Forces - - - - 791 iii. Civil History of England — Documentary - - - 792 (1.) Treaties, State Letters, and Negociations - -ibid. (2.) Parliamentary Proceedings and Reports - - 795 iv. Ecclesiastical History of England - - - - 797 (1.) General Ecclesiastical Histories - - -ibid. (2.) Ecclesiastical History of England during particular Pe- riods, and Memoirs, &c. relative thereto - 799 (3.) Convocations of the Clergy of the Church of England. — Their Rights, Powers, History and Proceedings - 812 i. Right of the Convocation to meet, and its Power of Acting ----- -ibid. ii . Of the Praemunientes Clause in the Bishops' Parlia- mentary Writ - - - -813 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ivii II. History of Great Britain and Ireland, continued. iv. Ecclesiastical History of England, continued. Page, iii. Of the Differences, between the Upper and Lower Houses of Convocation, conct^rning the Rights of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Method of Proceeding in the Convocation - - 814 iv. Historical Pieces, concerning the Acts of Convoca- tion - - - - - - 815 (4.) History of the different Denominations of Dissenters from the Protestant Reformed Church of England - 817 i. General History of Protestant Dissenters - - ibid. a. History of the Baptists - - - - 819 iii. History of the Independents _ . - 820 iv. History of, and Publications relating to, the Society of Friends or Quakers _ - - - 820 v. History and Principles of the Muggletonians, Mys- tics, and Pretended Prophets - - • 824 vi. History of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum, otherwise called Moravians - - -ibid. vii. History of the Methodists - - - - 825 1 . Tracts relating to the History of the Methodists, in General ----- ibid. 2. History and Principles of the Calvinistic Me- thodists - - - - - 826 3. History and Principles of the Wesleyan Me- thodists - - - - - 827 via. History of the Unitarians _ - - 828 ix. New Jerusalem Church or Swedenborgians - 829 X. History of the Roman Catholics, including Publica- tions relating to their Claims - . - 829 2. History of Scotland. i. Topography and Antiquities of Scotland - - - 832 ii. Civil History of Scotland — Narrative and Documentary - 833 iii. Ecclesiastical History of Scotland - - " " ^^^ (1.) History of the Presbyterian Kirk of Scotland - -ibid. (2.) History of the Episcopal Church of Scotland - - 839 3. History of Wales. i. Topography and Antiquities of Wales - - - ibid, ii. Civil History of Wales - - - - - "bid. Iviii SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. II. History of Great Britain and Ireland, continued. Page. 4. History of Ireland. i. Topography and Antiquities of Ireland - - - 841 ii. Civil History of Ireland - - - - -ibid. III. History of other European Kingdoms and States, geographically disposed from the North to the ' South of Europe. 1 . History of the Northern Nations, generally - - 844 2. History of Sweden, Denmark, and Russia - - ibid. 3. History of Germany, Hungary, and Poland - - 845 i. Civil History - - - - -ibid. (1.) History of the Germanic Empire - - -ibid. (2.) History of the other German States, of Hungary, and Poland - - - - - - 847 ir. Ecclesiastical History of Germany and the North of Europe 848 4. History of Holland, and of the Netherlands - - 850 i. Civil History ----- -ibid. ii. Ecclesiastical History - - - - - 851 5. History of France _ _ - . . 852 i. Civil History _ _ - _ - -ibid, ii. Ecclesiastical History - - - - ' - 856 6. History of Spain and Portugal - - - - 858 7. History of Switzerland and Italy - - - - 859 i. Civil History - - - - - - ibid. ii. Ecclesiastical History - - - - - 861 (1) Ecclesiastical History of Switzerland - - -ibid. (2.) Ecclesiastical History of Italy - - - - 862 [For the History of Popes and Cardinals, see pp. 449 — 451.] 8. History of the Ottoman or Turkish Empire, and of Mo- dern Greece - - _ - _ -ibid, i. Civil History - - - - . -ibid, ii. History of the Modern Greek Church - - - 863 IV. History of Asia. 1. History of the Arabs and Saracens - - _ 863 % History of Persia, Tartary, the East Indies, and China - 864 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. lix V. History of Africa. Page. History of Egypt, Abyssinia, and Ethiopia - - - 866 VI. History of America. 1. General History of America , _ _ _ 866 2. History of North America - - - - 867 i. Civil History of North America - _ - - ibid, ii. Ecclesiastical History of North America - - - 868 3. History of the West Indies _ _ _ . 869 4. History of South America _ _ _ _ ibid. Section V. Biographical and Monumental History. 1. Biographical History. 1. Biographical Dictionaries, and Collections of Lives, Antient and Modern - _ • _ _ _ _ 870 2. Antient Biography . _ _ _ _ 871 3. Modern Biography - - - _ _ 873 i. British Biography - , . . L _ j^id. (L) Collections of British Biography - - -ibid. (2.) British Civil Biography - - - - 874 (3.) British Ecclesiastical Biography - . - 8S0 ii. Modern Foreign Biography - _ _ - 886 II. Monumental or Heraldical and Genealogical History. 1. Treatises on Nobility, and on Chivalry, Heraldry and Or- ders of Knighthood - - - _ - 889 2. Peerage. — Genealogical History - - . . 890 Section VI. Historical Extracts and Mis- cellanies. 1. Antient Writers - - - _ _ _ 891 2. Modern Writers - - - - - - 892 Ix SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. CLASS THE SIXTH. Hitnaturc* Section I. History of Literature, and Bibliography. Page. I. History of Literature, Languages, and Writing - 893 II. Bibliography. 1. Introductions to Bibliography. — History of Printing - 894 2. General Bibliography - - - _ -ibid. 3. Periodical Bibliography - - - - -897 i. Foreign Literary Journals - - - - -ibid, ii. British Literary Journals - - - - - 898 4. Treatises on Libraries and their Arrangement.— Cata- logues of Libraries _ _ - - _ 900 Section II. Polite Literature. Introductions to the Study of Polite Literature. — General Treatises, and Courses of Lectures, on Polite Literature 902 I. Grammar. 1. Treatises on Grammar, in General - - - 903 2. Comparative Treatises on Languages. — Polyglott Dic- tionaries of Languages - - - - - 904 8. Grammars and Dictionaries of Various Languages - 905 i. Grammars and Dictionaries of Oriental Languages - -ibid. (1.) Grammars and Dictionaries of the Arabic Language -ibid. (2.) Dictionaries of the Armenian Language - - - ibid. (3.) Grammars and Lexicon of the Egyptian Language - 906 (4.) Grammars and Dictionary of the Persian Language -ibid. (5.) Grammars and Dictionaries of the Syriac Language - ibid. ii. Grammars and Lexicons of the Greek Language - - ibid. (1.) Greek Grammars - - - . - 907 (2.) Greek Lexicons - - - - -910 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. M I. Granimar, continued. Page, iii. Grammars and Dictionaries of the Latin Language - - 912 (1.) General Treatises on the Latin Language - - ibid. i. Antient Writers - - - - -ibid. ii. Modern Writers - - - - -ibid. (2.) Latin Grammars _ - - - . 913 (8.) Latin Dictionaries - - - - -915 iv. Dictionaries of the Northern, Teutonic, and Anglo-Saxon Languages - - - - - -916 V. Grammars and Dictionaries of the English Language - 917 (1.) Grammars of the English Language - - -ibid. (2.) Dictionaries of the English Language - -ibid. vi. Grammars and Dictionaries of the Welsh and Gaelic Lan- guages - - - - - - -918 vii. Grammars and Dictionaries of the French Language - 919 (1.) Grammars of the French Language - - -ibid. (2.) Dictionaries of the French Language - - - 920 viii. Grammars and Dictionaries of the Italian, Spanish, and Swedish Languages _ _ - - _ ibid. IL Philology and Criticism. 1. Works of Antient Critics ----- 921 2. Works of Modern Critics - . . . egg in. Rhetoric and Oratory. 1. Works of Antient Rhetoricians - - - - 926 i. Greek Rhetoricians - . _ _ - ibid, ii. Latin Rhetoricians - - ... - 927 2. Works of Antient Orators. i. Greek Orators ------ 928 ii. Latin Orators - - - > - - 929 3. Modern Treatises on Rhetoric and Oratory - - 930 IV. Poetry. General Treatises on the Art of Poetry . , - 93g 1. Metrical Poetry. i. Works of the Greek Poets - - - ' - 933 (1.) Collections of, and Extracts from, the Works of the Antient Greek Poets _ - - - ibid. (2.) Works of the Greek Poets, chronologically arranged -ibid. Ixii SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IV. Poetry, continued. Page, ii. Works of the Roman Poets - . - - 937 (1.) Collections of, and Extracts from, the Works of the Antient Roman Poets - - _ -ibid. (2.) Works of the Roman Poets, chronologically arranged - ibid, iii. Works of Modern Latin Poets - - . - 945 iv. Works of English Poets ----- 947 (1 •) History of English Poetry. — Collections of, and Extracts from, the Works of English Poets - - > ibid, (2.) Works of English Poets, alphabetically arranged - 948 (3.) Anonymous and Pseudonymous Poems - - 955 V. French, Spanish, and other Modern Poets, and Translations of their Works ------ 957 2. Dramatic Poets. i. Antient Greek Dramatic Poets - - - - 953 ii. Antient Latin Dramatic Poets - - - - 960 iii. Modern Latin Dramatic Poets - - - > 962 iv. English Dramatic Poets - - - . . 963 (1.) History of the English Drama, and Treatises on the Stage _ - - - _ -ibid. (2.) Collections of the Works of English Dramatic Authors ibid. (3.) Detached English Tragedies - - - - 964 (4.) Detached English Comedies - - - - 965 (5.) Detached Tragi-Comedies, Historical Plays, Operas, Farces, and Oratorios _ _ _ - 966 V. Dramas in the French, Italian, and Portuguese Languages, and Translations thereof - - - - 967 S. Poems in Prose, and other Works of Imagination not in Metre - - - - - - 967 i. Greek Romances - - - - .- -968 ii. Modern Romances, Tales, and Imaginary Voyages and Ad- ventures _ - _ - - -ibid. V. Literary Miscellanies. 1. Polygraphy ; or the Works of Authors, who have written on various Subjects and in various Styles - - 970 i. Antient Greek and Latin Polygraphic Authors - - ibid. ii. Modern Latin Polygraphic Authors _ - _ 972 iii. English Polygraphic Authors - - - - 973 iv. French and Italian Polygraphic Authors, and Translations thereof >--..., 977 SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ixiii V. Literary Miscellanies, continued. Page. 2. Satires and Dialogues on Miscellaneous Subjects - - 977 3. Fables, Adages, Proverbs, and Apophthegms - - 978 i. Antient Fabulists and Translations thereof - - ibid, ii. Modern Adages, Proverbs, Apophthegms, and Fables - 979 4. Facetiae, Hieroglyphics, Emblems. — Publications in Ana - 980 5. Epistolary Writers _ - _ _ . 931 i. Treatises on Epistolary Writing - - - -ibid, ii. Antient Epistolary Writers - - n - 982 (1.) Greek Epistolary Writers _ . _ . ibid. (2.) Latin Epistolary Writers - - _ -ibid. iii. Modern Latin Epistolary Writers . - _ 934 iv. English Epistolary Writers - - - - 986 V. French and Italian Epistolary Writers, and Translations of their Letters .___-- 937 6. Literary and Miscellaneous Tracts, Extracts, and Essays ibid. i. Miscellaneous Extracts from Classic Authors - - ibid. ii. Enghsh Miscellaneous Essays and Tracts - - 988 British Essayists, &c. - - - - - 991 iii. Foreign Miscellaneous Writers - ... - 992 (1.) In the Latin Language, with Translations - -ibid. (2.) In the French and Spanish Languages, with Transla- tions .._---- 993 MANUSCRIPTS. - - - -997 I. Oriental Manuscripts - - - ibid. 1. Persic Manuscripts - - _ . -ibid. 2. Turkish Manuscripts _ . _ . 998 II. Greek, Latin, and English Manuscripts - 999 INDEXES. I. Of Subjects - - - - 1009 II. Of Manuscripts - _ . 1022 III. Of Books - , - . 1024 EXPLANATIONS. f Denotes Books formerly in the Library, the titles of which have been recovered from preceding manuscript inventories and catalogues. They are inserted under their respective heads, it being the intention of the President and Fellows to replace them, as opportunity shall present itself. * Denotes Books not yet introduced into the Library ; but which it is intended to procure, from time to time, in order to render the several Classes more complete. The References to the situation of the Books, are made to the Presses (which are designated by the Letters of the Alphabet), to the Numbers of the Shelves, and to the Numbers of the Books on each shelf. The Rev. David Hughes's Collection of Tracts being numbered from 1 to 358, ^ the References to them are made to the Number of the Volume, and of the Articles in each Volume. The Tracts in the Press A. Shelf 1 7, No. 44, are also referred to by the Number of the Tracts in that volume* The obelisk J in pp. 812 — 817. denotes those publications, which, in the con- troversy that arose, in 1697, respecting the Archbishops' right to continue or prorogue the Convocations of the English Clergy, were written in defence of the Antient Rights of the Archbishops. Analyses of the great Collections of Greek and Roman Antiquities, published by Graevius and Gronovius, (Vol. XL pp. 691, 692) have been omitted, partly in consequence of the length to which they would have extended the Catalogue ; and also because they will be found in the Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution, which is already in the Li- brary of Queen's College. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE COLLEGE OF SAINT MARGARET AND SAINT BERNARD, COMMONLY CALLED QUEEN'S COLLEGE. Class I. Introduction. 1. Treatises on Toleration, on the Right of Private Judgement, and on the Power of the Magistrate, in Matters of Peligion. DISCOURSE of Toleration in Answer to a Discourse of the Religion of England. 4to. London, 1668. [M. 15.27.] A Discourse of Ecclesiastical Politie : wherein the Authority of the Civil Ma- gistrate over the Consciences of Sub- jects in Matters of External Religion is asserted ; the Mischiefs and Incon- veniences of Toleration are represent- ed ; and all pretences pleaded in behalf of Liberty of Conscience are fully an- swered. 8\o. London, 1670. [M. 7. 11.] A Persuasive to Peace and Unity among Christians, notwithstanding their different apprehensions in lesser things ; to which is annexed a B 2 RELIGION. Serious and Friendly Address to the Nonconformists. 1 2mo. London, 1680-76. [M. 18. 9.] Clarendon (Edward, Earl of) Religion and Policy, and the Countenance and Assistance each should give to the other. With a Survey of the Power and Jurisdiction of the Pope in the Dominions of Sovereign Princes. 2 vols, royal 8vo. Oxford, 1811. [Ff. 5. 22,23.] Davenant (John, Bishop of Salisbury) An Exhortation to Brotherly Communion betwixt the Protestant Churches. 12mo. London, 1641. [F. 16. 12.] FoRBESii (Joannis) Irenicum, Amatoribus Veritatis et Pacis in Ecclesia Scoticana. 4to. Aberdoniae, 1629. [D. 14. 13.] Grotii (Hugonis) De Imperio Summarum Potestatum circa Sacra, Com- mentarius Posthumus. 8vo. Parisiis, 1647. [K. 18. 37.] Editioalia. 8vo. Hagae Comitis, 1661. [E. 16. 38.] Ferini Simplicii [Claudii Salmasii] ad Justtim Pacium Epistola ; she Judicium de Libra Posthiimo Hugojus Grotii. 8vo. Hagiopoli, 1646. [L 18. 14.] Indulgence and Toleration considered : in a Letter to a Person of Ho- nour. 4to. London, 1667. [M. 15. 20.] L'EsTRANGE (Sir Roger) Toleration Discussed. 4to, London, 1663. [M. 15. 20.] Irenicum Magnum ; the Gospel Terms of Communion stated. 8vo. Lon- don, 1700. [M. 18. 4.] Kidder (Richard, Bishop of Bath and Wells) Private Judgement in Mat- ters of Religion Defended. 4to. London, 1686. [P. 26. (17.)] A Letter concerning Toleration. QBy John Locke.] 4to. London, 1689. [M. 16, SO.] A Second Letter to the Author of Three Letters for Toleration. 'Uo. Ox- ford, 1704. [M. 14. 15.] Morgan (Thomas) A Collection of Tracts relating to the Right of Pri- vate Judgment, the Sufficiency of Scripture, and the Terms of Church Communion. 8vo. London, 1726. QA. 18. 66.] Marsh (Herbert) A Letter to the Conductor of the Critical Review on the subject of Religious Toleration. 8vo. Cambridge, 1810. [Hh. 3. 41.] SouTH(Robert) Toleration Considered. 8vo. London, 171 6. [P. 73.(10.)] A Treatise, partly Theological and partly Political ; containing some Discourses, to prove that the Liberty of Philosophizing (that is, mak- ing use of Natural Reason) may be allowed without any prejudice to Piety, or to the Peace of any Commonwealth. Translated from the Latin [of Benedict Spinosa]. 8vo. London, 1689. [T). 6. 27.] Squire (Francis) Thoughts on the Supremacy of the Civil Magistrate. 8vo. London, 1737. [P. 81. (8.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) The Innocency of Error asserted and vindicated. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 106. (13.)] Taylor (Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor) QeoXoyia EKXeKviKri; A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying. 4to. London, 1647. ^ [Ff. 7.19.] Another Copy. 4to. London 1647. [Ff. 6. 90.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1647. [N. 9. 52r\ STUDY OF THEOLOGY. 8 The Creed of Saint Paul, as laid down in the Fourth Chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians, verses 4, 5, 6. 8vo. London, 1758. [P. 326. (6.)] Voi-TAiRE (M. de) A Treatise on Religious Toleration, translated from the French. Svo. London, 1764. [P. 257. (2.)] Vossii (Gerardi Johannis) Dissertatio Epistolica de Jure MagistratCis in Rebus Ecclesiasticis. 4to. Amstelodami, 1669. []M. 20. 5.J Warburton (William, Bishop of Gloucester) The Alliance between Church and State. 4to. IForks, Vol. IV. [D. 23. 15.] Another Copy. Svo. IForks, Vol. VIL [Ff 4. 25.] Three Discourses: 1. A Defence of Private Judgment; 2. Against the ■ Authority of the Magistrate over Conscience; 3. Some Considerations concerning the Reuniting of Protestants. Translated from the Latin and French of Dr. Samuel Werenfels. By Phileleutherus Cantabri- giensis [Thomas Herne]. 8vo. London, 1718. [A. 18. 108.] Whiston (William) An Humble and Serious Address to the Princes and States of Europe for the Admission, or at least open Toleration, of the Christian Religion in their Dominions. 8vo. London, 1716. [M. 20. 11.] White (Jeremiah) A Persuasive to Moderation, and Forbearance in Love, among the divided forms of Christians. 8vo. London, 1708. [R. 9. 65.1 2. Directions, SfC. for the Study of Theology. "Walchii (Jo. Georgii) Bibliotheca Theologica Selecta, Litterariis Adnotationibus instf ucta. 4 vols. Svo. Jense, 1757-65. *Orme (William) Bibliotheca Biblica: a Select List of Books on Sacred Literature ; with Notices, Biographical, Critical, and Bibliographical. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1824. *Nodier (Ch.) Bibliotheque Sacree Grecque-Latine ; comprenant le Tableau Chronologique, Biographique, et Bibliographique, des Au- teurs Inspires et des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques, depuis Moise jusqu'k saint Thomas-d'-Acquin : Ouvrage redige d'apres Mauro Boni et Gamba. Svo. Paris, 1826. Bennet (Tho.) Directions for studying, 1. A General System or Body of Divinity, and 2. The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion. Svo. London, 1715. [Ff 6. 60.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1727. [R. 11. 30.] Bennet (Thomas) Directions for studying a General System of Divinity. Svo. London, 1714. [B. 6. 26.] Boyee (Hon. Robert) The Excellency of Theology compared with Na- tural Theology. Svo. London, 1674. [K. 20. 7.] Bray (Thomas) Bibliotheca Parochialis : or a Scheme of such Theological and other Heads, as seem requisite to be perused, or occasionally con- sulted, by the Reverend Clergy. Together with the Books which may be profitably read on each of those points. Vol. I. [r/ZZ ihnt xias published.] Svo. London, 1707. [I. 7. 12.] B 2 4 RELIGION. Offley (William) Directions for the Choice of Books in the Study of Divinity. 8vo. Oxford, 1699. [P. 40. (20.)] Owen (Henry) Directions for Young Students in Divinity. 8vo. London, 1766. [P. 306. (8.)] Penton (Stephani) Apparatus ad Theologiam, in usum Academiarum. 8vo. Londoni, 1688. [F. 18. 29.] — Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Londoni, 1688. [[N. 9. 41.] Pfaffh (Christ. Matt.) Introductio in Historiara Theologiae Literariam, notis amplissimis illustrata. 3 tomis in 2 vols. 4to. Tubingse, 1724. [A. 6. 23,24.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Tubingae, 1720. [F. 27. 5.] Phillips (Thomas) A Letter to a Student at a Foreign University, on the Study of Divinity. 8vo. London, 1756. [P. 260. (6.)] PossEViNi (Antonii) Bibliotheca Selecta de Ratione Studiorum, ad Disci- plinas et Salutem omnium gentium procurandam. folio, 2 tomis in 1 vol. Colonise, 1607. [K. 4. 13.] Enchiridion Theologicum ; or, a Manual for the Use of Students in Divinity ^edited by John Randolph, D.D.] 5 vols. 12rao. Oxford, 1792. [C. 22. 6-10.] Warburton (William, Bishop of Gloucester,) Directions for the Study of Theology. 4to. Works, Vol. IV. [D. 23. 15.] Another Copy; 8vo. fVorks, Vol. X. [Ff. 4. 28.] Waterland (Daniel) Advice to a Young Student. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 740. [P. 128. (9.)] Whiston (William) Advice for the Study of Divinity. 8vo. In his Ser- mons and Essays. [P. 107. (1.)] WoTTON (William) Thoughts concerning a Proper Method of Studying Divinity. 8vo. London, 1734. [P. 58. (4.)] Section I. Natural Religion. Treatises on Natural Religion, and the Existence of a God, SfC, An Introduction to the Religious Study of Nature. 8vo. London, 1 749. [R. 18. 25.] Barr ( ) A Summary of Natural Religion. 8vo. London, 1736. [P. 96. (4.)] Charnock (Stephen) Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God. folio, London, 1682. [K. 23. 5.] Clarke (Samuel) A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, more particularly in Answer to Mr. Hobbs, Spinoza, and their fol- . lowers. 8vo. London, 1705. [D. 7. 16.] Colliber (Samuel) An Impartial Enquiry into the Nature and Existence of God. 8 vo. London, 1735. QE. 26. 14.] NATURAL RELIGION. 5 Derham (William) Astro-Theology ; or, a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God from a Survey of the Heavens. 8vo. London, 1715. [A. 17. 60.] Physico-Theology ; or, a Demonstration of the Being and At- tributes of God from his Works of Creation. 8vo. London, 1723. [A. 17. 61.] Physico-Theology. 8vo. London, 1713. [D. 7. 39.] Edwards (John) A Demonstration of the Existence and Providence of God. Svo. London, 1696. [R. 10. 83.] Glover (Phillips) The Argument h. priori, concerning the Existence and Perfections of God, and its Importance to Virtue and True Religion, stated and considered. 8vo. London, 1737. [P. 202. (1.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1737. [P. 271. (7.)] Heath (Benjamin) An Essay towards a Demonstrative Proof of the Divine Existence, Unity, and Attributes. Svo. London, 1740. [P. 218. (3.)] Hume (David) Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. {Two Copies.) Svo. London, 1779. [Gg. 7. 48,49.] Hume (David) Dialogues sur la Religion Naturelle. 12 mo. Edimbourg, 1780. [Dd. 4. 105.] Jack (Richard) Mathematical Principles of Theology ; or, the Existence of a God geometrically demonstrated. Svo. London, 1747. [D. 27. 6.] Jackson (Thomas) A Treatise of the Divine Essence and Attributes. 4to. London, 1628. [D. 19. 33.] Knight (Henry) The Being and Attributes of God demonstrated ; in a Method entirely new, yet easy to be understood by even the unlearned. Svo. London, 1747. [F. 23. 2.] LowMAN (Moses) Argument to prove the Unity and Perfections of God, h priori. Svo. London, 1735. [P. 202. (2.)] Paley (William, Archdeacon of Carlisle) Natural Theology ; or. Evi- dences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, collected from the Appearances of Nature. Svo. London, 1803. [C. 24. 27.] Natural Theology. (Two Copies.) Svo. London, 1 SG2-9. [Hh. 4. 2, 3.] Parkeri (Samuelis) Tentamina Physico-Theologica de Deo. 4to. Lon- dini, 1665. [F. 6. 13.] Ray (John) The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of Creation. Svo. London, 1692. [L. 7. 49.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1722. [A. 17. 48.] Three Physiological Discourses. Svo. London, 1721. [[A. 17. 59.2 tAnother Copy. Svo. London, 1713. Sabunde (Raymundi de) Theologia Naturalis; sive Liber Creaturarum, specialiter de Homine etNaturaejus. Svo. Francofurti, 1635. [K. 17. 6.] Some Reflections on Prescience, in which the Nature of the Divinity is enquired into. Svo. London, 1731. [P. 224. (16.)] WiLKiNS (John, Bishop of Chester) The Principles and Duties of Natural Religion. 8vo. London, 1722. [P. 6. 9.] 6 RELIGION. WoLL ASTON (William) The Religion of Nature Delineated. Seventh edition, with a Life of the Author, and an English Translation of the Notes. 8vo. London, 1750. [A. 18. 83.] • The Religion of Nature Delineated. 4to. London, 1724. [N. 8. 24.] ■ The Religion of Nature Dehneated. 4to. London, 1738. [P. 15. (14.)] BoTT (Thomas) The Principal and Peculiar Notion, advanced in " The Reli- gion of Nature Delineated," considered and refilled. Svo. London, 1725. [P. 202. (8.)] Clarke {John) Examination (fa Book, entitled " The Reli- ) [N. 9. 30. gion of Nat are Delineated." ( two Copies.) 8vo. London, 1 725. j P. 1 1 3. (1 .)] WoTTON (William) The Omnipresence of God, an Argument of his Divi- nity. 8vo. London, 1720. [P. 77. 3.] *,,* Besides the Treatises of Drs. Clarke and Derham, above given, there are several others demonstrating the Existence of the Deity, in the great collection of the Boylean Lectures. See Section IL Title IX. § 2. infra. Section II. Revealed Religion. I. Holy Scriptures. 1. Entire Texts and Versions of the Bible. i. Hebrew Bibles, and Detached Books thereof. BiBLiA Hebraica, cum utr^ue Masor4, et Targum, necnon Commentariis Rabbinorum. 4 vols, folio, apud Dan. Bomberg, Venetiis, 1518. [K. 10. 1-4.] BiBLiA Hebraica, cum utr^que Masora, et Targum, necnon Commenta- riis Rabbinorum. 4 tomis in 2 vols, folio, apud Dan. Bomberg, Venetiis, 1525, 1526. [K. 10. 17,18.^ BiBLiA Hebraica, cum utraque Masora et Targum, item cum Commentariis Rabbinorum, studio Joannis Buxtorfii, patris. Adjecta est ejusdem Tiberias, sive Commentarius Masorethicus Triplex, Historicus, Didac- ticus, Criticus. 4 vols, folio, Basileee, 1618, 19, ?0. [K. 10. 5-8.] Biblia Hebraica. 3 vols. 4to. Parisiis, 1540. [F. 14. 6-8.] Biblia Hebraica. 4 vols. 16mo. apud ChristophorumPlantinum,Antverpia2. (1566.) [M. 16. 50-53.] Biblia Hebraica, cum Versione Latina Interlineari Xantis Pagnini. Recen- suit Benedictus Arias Montanus. Apud Christ. Plantinum, Antverpiae. 1571. [Aa. 1. 30.] Biblia Hebraica. Svo. apud Christ. Plantinum, Antverpiae, 1590, [M. 16. 54.] HOLY SCRIPTURES. t Biblia Sacra, Hebraice et Latinfe, cum notis Francisci Vatabli. 2 tomis, folio. Ex Officina Commeliniana, 1599. [A. 12. 3,4.] Biblia Hebraica. Cura et Studio Eliae Hutteri. 2 tomis, folio. Colonise, 1603. [K. 13. 10,11.] Biblia Hebraica. 6 tomis, 18mo. Genevae. (1618.) [E. 17. 35-40.] Biblia Hebraica. Cura et Studio Manassis Ben Israel. 8vo. Amstelo- dami, 1630. [M. 16. 33.] Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis. 4to. [K. 14. 8.] Biblia Hebraica, secundum ultimam editionem Josephi Athia? a Johanne Leusden recognitam, recensita, atque ad Masoram et correctiores Bom- bergi, Stephani, Plantini, aliorumque Editiones, exquisite adornata, variisque notis illustrata ab Everardo Van deu Hooght. 2 vols. 8vo. Amstel. et Ultraject. 1705. [F. 15. 4,5.] Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, cum Variis Lectionibus. Edidit Benja- minus Kennicott, S.T.P. 2 vols, folio. Oxonii, 1776-80. [A. 12. 1,2.] *Variae Lectiones Veteris Testamenti, ex immensa MSS. Editorumque Codicum congerie exhausta, et ad Samaritanum Textum, ad vetustissi- mas Versiones, ad accuratiores Sacrse Criticse Pontes examinatse a Job. Bern. De Rossi. 5 tomis, 4to. Parmae, 1784-87-99. Liber Jobi in versiculos metrice divisus, cum Versions Latina Alberti Schultens, Notisque ex ejus Commentario excerptis. Edidit atque adnotationes suas adjecit Ricardus Grey. 4to. Londini, 1741. [D. 22. 26.] Grey (Richard) An Answer to Mr. Warburtoiis Remarks, so far as they concern the Preface to a late edition of the Book of Job. Zvo. London, 1744. [P. 126. (3.)] Psalmi Davidis, Proverbia Salomonis, Job, Canticum, Ruth, Lamen- tationes leremiae, Ecclesiastes et Esther. Hebraice cum Interlineari Versione Xantis Pagnini. Svo. Antverpiae, 1608. [K. 9. 22.] Psakni Davidis Hebraice. Cum interlineari versione Xantis Pagnini. Cura Benedict! Ariae Montani. 8vo. apud Raphelengiura, 1615. [D. 14. 47.] Psalterium, Hebraice. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1622. [Aa. 3. 93.] Psalmi Davidis, Proverbia Salomonis, Ecclesiastes, et Canticum Cantico- rum, Hebraice, cum Interlineari Versione Santis Pagnini, et Benedicti Ariae Montani et aliorum coUato studio, ad Hebraicam Dictionem dili- gentissime expensi. 8vo. Parisiis, 1632. [B. 7. 36.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Parisiis, 1632. [G. 8. 42.] tPsalmorum Libri, Hebraic^; cum Antonii Hulsii Annotationibus. 12 mo. Lug. Bat. 1650. The Hebrew Text of the Psalms, without the Points or Vowels. By William Robertson. 12mo. London, 1656. [G. 16. 19.] Liber Psalmorum, Hebraice ; cum punctis vocalibus et accentualibus, ut et cum notis Keri et Kethib, et Literis majusculis et minusculis secun- dum ipsas Notas Masorethicas. Item Liber Lamentationum Jeremiae. Studio Guil. Robertson. 12mo. Cantabrigiae, 1685. [E. 8. 3.] Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Cantabrigiae, 1685. QAa. 3. 94.] 8 ■ RELIGION. Liber Psalmorum, Hebraice et Latine, in versiculos metrice divisus, et cum aliis critices subsidiis, turn praecipu^ metrices ope, rnultis in locis integritaii suai restitutus, cum Dissertatione de antique Hebraeorum Poesi, aliisque queesitis ad Psalmorum librum pertinentibus. Ad finem operis adjecta sunt Poeseos llebraicae Specimina, ex iis quae ediderunt Franc. Gomarus, Marcus Meibomius, et Job. Clericus. Cura et studio Francisci Hare. 2 tomis, 8vo. Londini, 1736. [F. 21. 9,10.] ii. The New Testament, in Greek, and Detached Books thereof. Novum Testamentum, Graec^ et Latine, cum Annotationibus Desiderii Erasmi, Roterodami. folio, Basileae, 1522. \_C 2. 10.] This is the third edition, published by Erasmus, and is thejirst in which the disputed clause in 1 John v. 7, was printed. Novum Testamentum, Graece et Latine. folio, apud ^asmi Opera, Tom. VI. [E. 4. 16.] Novum Testamentum, Grasce et Latine. folio, apud Erasmi Opera, Tom. VL [L. 10. 11.] Annotationes Edvardi Lei in Annotationes Novi Testamenti Desiderii Erasmi. [G. 20. 28.] Apologia Erasmi Roterodami, refellens quorundam seditiosas clamores apud populum, qui velut impium insectahajitur quod verterit ■' In principio erat Sermo.' 4to. Basilece, 1520. [G. 20. 28.] Epistolce Aliquot Eriiditorum, ex quibus perspicuum est quanta sit Edwardi Lei virulentia. 4to. Basilece, 1520. [G. 20. 28.] TH2 KAINHI AIA0HKH2 AOANTA. Novum Jesu Christi D. N. Testamentum, Graece. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. Lutetiae, ex OfRcina Roberti Stephani. Regiis Typis. folio, 1550. QH. 9. 20.] THI KAINHI AIA0HKH2 AHANTA. Novum Jesu Christi D. N. Testamentum, Graece; ut ex Bibliothecd Regia anno M.D.L. per Robertum Stephanum excusum fuit. folio, Typis Wechelianis, Franco- furti, 1601. [G. 4. 6.] Novum Testamentum Grtece, cum Vulgata Interpretatione Latind. 8vo. ExOflScJija Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1613. [F. 16. 27.] Novum Testamentum, Greece. 8vo. Cantabrigias, excudebat Johannes Buck, 1632. [D. 15. 29.] Novum Testamentum, Graece. Edente Richardo Whitakero. inter- foliat. in 2 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1633. [R. 14. 2,3.] 'H KAINH AIA0HKH. Novum Testamentum, Graec^. folio, Typis Regiis, Parisiis, 1642. [C. 11. 14.] Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum duplici Versione Latina, et Annota- tionibus Theodori Bez^. folio, Cantabrigiae, 1642. [R. 2. 28.] Novum Testamentum, Graece et Latine. Cum brevibus Notis Theodori Bezae. 8vo. [G. 7. 31.] Novum Testamentum, Graece. 8vo. Goudae, 1647. [[G. 6. 1.] TH2 KAINH2 AIAOHKHD AOANTA. Novum Testamentum, cum Liturgia Anglicana, Graece. 12mo. Cantabrigiae, 1665. {_R. 21. 60.] HOLY SCRIPTURES. » Novum Testamentum Grgece. Accesserimt Parallela Scripturae Loca, necnon Variantes Lectiones ex plus centum MSS. codicibus et antiquis versionibus collectae- (Cura Joannis Fell, Episcopi Oxoniensis.) 12mo. Oxonii, e Theatre Sheldoniano, 1675. ^M. 6. 51.] — Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Oxonii, fe Theatre Sheldoniano, 1675. [li. 1. 9.] 'H KAINH AIA0HKH. Novum Testamentum Greece. Una cum Scholiis Graecis e Graecis Scriptoribus tam Ecclesiasticis quam exteris maxima ex parte desumptis. Opera ac Studio Joannis Gregorii. folio, Oxonii, 1703. [E. 11. 5.] "H KAINH AIA0HKH. Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum Lectioni- bus Variantibus MSS. Versionum, Editionura, SS. Patrum, et Scrip- torum Ecclesiasticorum, et in easdem Notis. Accedunt loca Scripturae parallela, aliaque i^rjytiTiKa, et Appendix ad Variantes Lectiones, cmn Prolegomenis. Studio et Lahore Joannis Millii. folio, Oxonii, e Thea- tre Sheldoniano, 1707. [B. 3. 19.] Novum Testamentum Graecum cum Lectionibus Variantibus MSS. Ex- emplarium, Versionum, Editionum, SS. Patrum et Scriptorum Eccle- siasticorum, et in easdem Notis, Studio et Lahore Joannis Millii, S. T. P. Collectionem Millianam recensuit, meliori ordine disposuit, novisque accessionibus locupletavit, Ludolphus Kusterus. folio, Ro- terodami, 1710. [E. 13. 17.] Testamentum Novum, Gra;c^, juxta exemplar Joannis Millii impressum. 12mo. Londini, 1760. [Ff. 8. 113.] Exemplar aliud. interfoliat. in 4 tomis, 4to. Londini, 1760. [Bb. 2. 12-15.] Novum Testamentum, Grsece. 4to. Typis Joannis Baskerville, Oxonii, 1763. [Bh. 3. 10.] Novum Testamentum, Graec^. 12mo. Londini, 1775. QDd. 4. 78.] Exemplaria alia duo. 12mo. Londini, 1775. [Ff. 8. 62,94.] Novum Testamentum, Graec^, post priores Steph. Curcellaei et D. D. Oxoniensium labores. Cum Prolegomenis G. D. T. M. D. \j. e. Ge- rardi De Trajecto Mosce, Doctore], et Notis in fine adjectis. 8vo. Am- stelodami, 1711. [U. 7. 58.] Exemplaria alia duo. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1711. {^li. 1. 10,11.] The New Testament in Greek and English, containing the Original Text, corrected from the authority of the most authentic Manuscripts ; and a New Version formed agreeably to the Illustrations of the most learned Commentators and Critics. With Notes and various Readings. (By Macey, M. D.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1729. [A. 18. 67,68.] TwELLS (Leonard) A Critical Examination of the late New Text and New Vemion of the New Testament : wherein the Editor's corrupt Text, false Version, and fallacious Notes are detected and censured. The Three Parts in otte volume. 8vo. London, 1731-2. [N. 7. 6.] Testamentum Novum Graecum, Textu per omnia Milliano, cum divisione pericoparum et interpunctura Jo. A.Bengelii. 8vo. interfoliat. in 4to. Oxford, 1742. [Bb. 2. 6.] Novum Testamentum cum Versione Latina Benedict! Arise Montani. Cura Johannis Leusdenii. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1741. [G. 7. 32.] 10 RELIGION. Novum Testamentum Graecum Editionis Receptae cum Lectionibus Va- riantibus Codicum MSS., Editionum aliarum, Versionum, et Patrum, necnon Commentario pleniore ex Scriptoribus Veteribus Hebraicis, Graecis et Latinis, Historiam et Vim Verborum illustrante. Opera et Studio Joannis Jacobi Wetstenii. 2 tomis, folio, Amstelaedami, 1751, 1752. [G. 9. 1,2.] Novum Testamentum Graecum, ad Fidem Grascorum MSS. expressum. Accessere in altero volumine Emendationes Conjecturales virorum doctorum undecunque collectte. Cura, typis, et sumptibus G[ulielmi] B[owyer]. 12mo. 2tomis, Londini, 1763. [A. 19. 29.] 'H KAINH AIA0HKH. The New Testament, collated with the most ap- proved Manuscripts ; with Select Notes in English, critical and expla- natory ; and References to those Authors who have best illustrated the Sacred Writings. By Edward Harwood, D. D. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1776. [F. 26. 32.] Novum Testamentum Graecum, e Codice MS. Alexandrino, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, descriptum a Carolo Godo- fredo WoiDE. folio, Londini, 1786. [O. 2. 35.] *Appendix ad Edilionem Novi Testamenti Graeci, e Codice Alexandrino a C. G. Woide descripti ; in qua continentur fragmenta Novi Testa- menti juxta Interpretationem Dialecti Superioris iEgypti, quae The- baidica vel Sahidica appellatur, e Codicibus Oxoniensibus maxima ex parte desumpta ; cum Dissertatione de Versione Bibliorum ^gyptiaca ; quibus subjicitur Codicis Vatican! coUatio. Edidit Henricus Ford, S. T. P. folio, Oxonii, e Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1799. Codex Theodori Bezae Cantabrigiensis, Evangelia et Acta Apostolorum complectens, Quadratis Literis Grajco-Latinus. Edidit, Codicis Plisto- riam praefixit, Notasque adjecit, Thomas Kipling, S. T. P. 2 tomis, folio, Cantabrigiae, e Prelo Academico impensis Academiae, 1793. [C. 11.21,22.] *Ed WARDS {Thomas) Remarks on Dr. Kipling's Preface to Beza, Part I. 8vo. London, 1793. Dickens (C.) An Occasional Sermon on reading a Letter from T. Edicards, D.D. to Dr. Kipling. 4to. St. Ives, 1793. [Gg. 1.14.] Testamentum Novum, Graeci. Textum ad Fidem Codicum, Versionum, et Patrum recensuit, et Lectionis Varietatem adjecit Jo. Jac. Griesbach. 2 tomis, 8vo. Raise Saxonum et Londini, 1796-1806. [Bb. 3. 13,14.] Exemplar aliud. 2 tomis, 8vo. Halae Saxonum et Londini, 1796- 1806. [L 22. 14,15.] Ejusdem Editionis Volumen secundum, chart, max. Ilalae Saxo- num et Londini, 1806. [Bb. 3. 40.] Laurence (Richard) Remarks upon the Systematical Classification of Ma- nuscripts, adopted by Griesbach in his Edition of the Greek Testament. 8vo. Oxford, 1814. [Gg. 7. 15.] Evangelium secundum Matthaeum, ex Codice Rescripto in Bibliotheca CoUegii SSae. Trinitatis, juxta Dublin, descriptum Opera et Studio Joannis Barrett, S. T. P. Cui adjungitur Appendix, Collationem Co- dicis Montfortiani complectens. 4to. Dublinii, 1801. [Aa, 2. S^."] HOLY SCRIPTURES. 11 Novum Testamentum, Grascum, juxta Exemplar Wetstenii, Glasguae, et J. J. Griesbachii, Halae impressum. Accedunt Prolegomena in Evan- gel ia, in Acta, et Epistolas Apostolorum. Accurante Gulielmo Whit- field Dakins, Editio Stereotypa. 8vo. chart, max. Londini, 1808. [Bb. 3. 41.] *Noviim Testamentum. Textum Grsecum Griesbachii et Knappii denuo recognovit, Delectu Varietatum Lectionis confirmatarum, Adnotatione ciim Critica turn Exegetica, et Indicibus Historico et Geographico, Vocum Graecarum infrequentiorum et Subsidiorum Criticorum Exege- ticorumque, instruxit Joannes Severinus Vater. Svo.Halis Saxonum, 1824. iii. Polyglott Bibles and Testaments. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, studio, oper4, et impensis Cardinalis Francisci XiMENEs de Cisneros. folio, torn. I. — IV. Compluti, 1514, 1515. [A. 12. 5-8.] Biblia Sacra, Hebraice, Chaldaice, Greece et Latine, Philippi II. Regis Cathol. Pietate et Studio ad Sacrosanctje Ecclesiae Usum. Cura Bene- dicti Arise Montani. Christophorus Plantinus excudebat. 7 tomis, folio. Antverpia;, 1569-72. [K. 10. 10-16.J Biblia Hebraica, Samaritana, Chaldaica, Grseca, Syriaca, Latina, Arabica, Studio Guidonis Michaelis Le Jay. Excudebat Antonius Vitre. 10 tomis, folio. Lutetiaj Parisiorum, 1628-1645. [C. 3. 9-18.] Biblia Sacra Polyglotta: complectentia Textus Originales, Hebraicum cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum, Versionumque antiquarum, Samaritanae, Graecse LXX Interpretum, Chaldaicae, Arabicae, vEthiopica^, Persicae, Vulgatae Latinae, quicquid comparari poterat ; cum Textuum et Versionum Orientalium Translationibus Latinis, et cum Apparatu, Appendicibus, Tabulis, Variis Lectionibus, Annotationibus, Indicibus, &c. Edidit Brianus Waltonus. 6 tomis, folio. Londini, 1657. [C. 11. 8-13.] Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samarita- num, .^thiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim, et Persicum separatim. Cui accessit brevis Grammaticae omnium praecedentium Linguarum Delineatio. Auctore Edmundo Castello. 2 tomis, folio, Londini, 1669. [C. 11. 5,Q.'] Ejusdem Operis, exemplar aliud. 2 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Londini, 1669. [C. 11. 7.] Sacra Biblia, Hebraice, Greece, et Latine, cum annotationibus Francisci Vatabli. 2 tomis, folio, Ex officinaCommeliniana, 1599. [A. 12. 3,4.] Psalterium Harmonicum, Ebraice, Graece, Latine, et Germanice, pro Verbi Dei et Linguarum studiosis editum. Studio et Lahore Elias HuTTEBi. 8vo. Noribergae, 1602. [I. 7. 34.] Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, Graece,Syriace, Ebraice, Latine, Germanic^, Bohemice, Italic^, Hispanice, Gallice, Danicc, Po- lonic^. Studio et Lahore Eliae Hutteri. 2 toraisj folio, Noribergae, 1599. [K. 13, 14,15.] 12 RELIGION. Novum Testamentum Harmonicutn, Ebraic^, Grsece, Latinfe, et Germa- nice. Studio et Lahore Eliae Hutteri. 4to. Amstelodami, 1615. [C. 2. 18.] Novum Testamentum Greece, Latine, et Syriace (in Hebrseis typis cum ejusdem Syriacse interpretationis versione Latina). Opera et studio Immanuelis Tremellii : cujus etiam Grammatica Chaldaica et Syra adjecta est. 2 tomis, folio. Apud Henricum Stephanum, 1669. [K. 13. 8,9.] iv. Antient Versions of the Old and New Testament^ and of Detached Books thereof. Greek. Divinae Scripturag, nempe Veteris ac Novi Testamenti, Omnia, folio, Francofurti, 1597. [I. 11. 5.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Francofurti, 1597. [Aa. 1. 31.]] Vetus Testamentum secundum LXX. et ex auctoritate Sixti V. Pont. Max. editum. CumScholiis Romanae Editionis in singula capita distri- butis. Graece et Latine. * * * Accessit Novum Testamentum Graec^ Latineque ad fidem probatorum Codd. et Versionis Vulgatae. Cura et studio Joannis Morini. 3 tomis, folio, Lutetige Parisiorum, 1628. [N. 3. 15-17.] Taylor (Francisci) et Booth (^Arnoldi) Examen Froefationis Morini in Biblia Grceca, de TextHs Hebraici corruptiont et Grceci auctoritate. ISmo. Lug. Bat. 1636. [M. 16. 44.] Vetus Testamentum Grgecum, ex Versione LXX Interpretum, juxta exem- plar Vaticanum, Romae editum. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1665. [Ff. 8. 22.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1665. [L. 8. 20.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1665. [R. 21. 59.] Vetus Testamentum Graecum, ex Versione LXX Interpretum, ex antiquis- simo MS. Codice Alexandrino accurate descripturn, et ope aliorum exemplarium ac priscorum scriptorum emendatum atque suppletum. Edidit Joannes Ernestus Grabe. 4 tomis in 2 vols, folio, Oxonii, 1707,1720. [A. 4. 19,20.] Vetus Testamentum, ex Versione Septuaginta Interpretum juxta Exem- plar Vaticanum Romae editum, accuratissime denuo recognitum : una cum Scholiis ejusdem editionis, Variis Manuscriptorum Codicum Vete- rumque Exemplarium Lectionibus, necnon fragmentis Versionum Aquilae, Symmachi, et Theodotionis. Edidit Lambertus Bos. 2 tomis, 4to. Franequerae, 1709. [E. 14.2,3.] Hexaplorum Origenis quae supersunt. Ex manuscriptis et ex libris cditis eruit, et notis illustravit Bernardus de Montfaucon. 2 tomis, fo^ lio, Parisiis, 1713. [E. 12. 16,17.] Psalteriumjuxta Exemplar AlexandrinumGraeco-Latinum, studio Thomse Gale. 8vo. Oxonii, 1678. [F. 17. 18.] *Vetus Testamentum Graecum, cum Variis Lectionibus, cura Roberti Holmes, S.T. P. et Jacobi Parsons, S.T.B. 5 tomis, folio, Oxonii, ^ Typograpbeo Clarendoniano, 1798-1826. HOLY SCRIPTURES. 13 *Vetus Testamentum Graecum, ^- Codice MS. Alexandrine, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, typis ad similitudinemipsius Codicis Scripturae fideliter descriptus, cura et labore Henrici Herveii Babeb, A.m. 4 tomis, folio, Londini, 1816-26. Latin. Biblia Sacra Latina, Vulgatae Editionis ; cum Prologo Hieronymi de Di- vinae Scripturae LJbris. folio, Neapoli. m.cicc.lj:j:bi. [C. 4. 11.^ Biblia Sacra Latina. 4to. Venetiis. m.cccc.lj:j:j:ii>. [H. 6. 10.] Biblia Latina. 2 tomis, 8vo. Lutetiae, Ex officina Roberti Stephani, 1545. [I. 14. 19,20.] Biblia Sacra Vulgata Latina a mendis repurgata, Johannis Benedicti in- dustria. folio, Parisiis, 1549. [N. 2. 30.] Biblia Vulgata Latina. 8vo. apud Robertum Stephanum, (Genevae,) 1555. [Ff. 7. 130.] Biblia Latina, ad vetustissima exemplaria castigata. folio, Antverpiae, 1561. [M. 4. 2.] Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editonis Sixti V. Pont. Max. jussu recognita atque edita. 8vo. Antverpiae, 1599. [Ilh. 9. 55.] Biblia Sacra Veteris et Novi Testamenti juxta Vulgatam Editionem. Svo. Apud Petrum Sanctandreanum, (Lugduni,) 1614. [F. 27. 4.] Biblia Sacra juxta Editionem Vulgatam. Svo. Lugduni, 1632. [D. 7. 43.]-> Biblia Sacra, juxta Editionem Vulgatam. Svo. Antverpiae, 1645. [R. 10. 1.] Psalmi, juxta Hebraicam veritatem, Latine redditi ab Hieronymo Strido- nensi. Inter Hieronymi Opera, Tom. VIL folio, Antverpia;, 1578. [M. 11. 17.] fPsalterium, Latine. 24mo. Arabic. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments in the Arabic Language. [Edited by the Rev. J. D. Carlyle.] royal 4to. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1811. [S. 4. 21.] Pentateuchus Mosis, Arabice. 4to. Ex Typographia Erpeniana. Lugduni Batavorum, 1622. [K. 7. 1.] Liber Psalmorum, ex Arabico idioraate in Latinum translatus a Victorio SciALAc et Gabriele SioNiTA. Arabice et Latine. 4to. Romae, 1614. [K. 14. 21.] Novum Testamentum, Arabice. 4to. [K. 6. 2S.'\ Syriac. Psalmi Davidis, Syriacfe. Cura et cum Versione Latina Thomas Erpenij. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1625. [K. 14. 15.] Novum Testamentum, Syriac^ (Hebraicis Literis). 24mo. Antverpiae, 1575. [H. 17. 47.] Testamentum Syriacum Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, cum versione Latina, cura et studio Johannis Leusden et Caroli Schaaf. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1709. [E. 14. 27.] t4 RELIGION. Novum Testamentum, Syriace, denuo recognitum et ad fidem Codicum manuscriptorum emendatum. 4to. Londini, 1816. [Gg. 1.48.] — Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1816. [S, 4. 18.] Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis, edita charactere Syro et Ebraeo, cum ver- sione Latina, et notis. Opera et studio Ludovici De Dieu. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1627. [K. 9. 20.] Persic. Quatuor Evangeliorum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Persica Versio, per Abrahamum Whelocum, folio, Londini, 1657. [K. 11. 18.] Ethiopic. Psalterium Davidis, ^thiopice. 4to. Londini, 1815. [S. 4. 19.] Gothic. Sacrorum Evangeliorum Versio Gothica ex Codice Argenteo emendata atque suppleta, cum Interpretatione Latina et Annotationibus Eriei Benzelii Archiepiscopi Upsalensis. Edidit, Observationes suas adiecit, et Grammaticam Gothicani praemisit Edwardus Lye. 4to. Oxonii, 1750. [G. 9. 5.] *Ulphilae Partium Ineditarum, in Ambrosianis Palimpsestis ab Angelo Maio repertarum, Specimen, conjunctis curis ejusdem Maii et Caroli Octavii Castillionaei editum. 4to. Mediolani, 1819. Anglo-Saxon. The Gospels of the Fower Euangelistes translated in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin into the vulgare toung of tlie Saxons, newly collected out of Auncient Monumentes of the sayd Saxons. ByJohnFoxE. In Saxon and English. 4to. London, 1571. [D. 19, 2.] V. Modern Versions of the Old and New Testament. (1) Versions in the Languages spoken in the British Isles. English. The Byble; that is to say, all the Holy Scripture, in which are contayned the Olde and New Testament truly and purely translated into English. [By Richard Taverner.] foho, Imprynted at London, by Jhon Daye and William Seres, m.U.jrlijr. [B. 1. 20.] The whole Byble ; that is, the holye Scripture of the Olde and Newe Testament faithfullye translated into Englyshe by Myles Coverdale. 4to. London, m.lJ.Uit. [C. 19. 37.] > The Byble in Englyshe : [a Reprint of Archbishop Cranmer's Great Bible, 1540.] folio, London, m.tJ.ljrti. [B. 2. 18.] The Holy Bible, containing the Olde and New Testament, folio, Ira- printed at London by C. Barker, m.tJ.lvVVtfi* [N. 1. 28.] The Holy Bible, containing the Olde and New Testament, authorized and appointed to be read in Churches, folio, Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, m.tf. !);;:;;& it t. [E. 11. 23.^ HOLY SCRIPTURES. 15 The Holy Bible. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, printer to the King's Most Excellent Majestie. [^The first edition of the pre- sent authorized Version.'] folio, London, 1611. [R. 1. 1.] The Holy Bible. Printed by Robert Barker, folio, London, 1613. [E. 11. 27.] The New Testament. Printed by Robert Barker. 8vo. London, 1614. [M. 22. 11.] The Holy Bible, folio, Cambridge, 1629. [R. 2. 31.] +The Holy Bible. 8vo. London, 1636. The Holy Bible, interleaved in 2 vols, folio. Printed by T. and J. Buck, Cambridge, 1659. [M. 3. 1,2.] The Holy Bible, containing the Bookes of the Old and New Testament ; illustrated with Chorographical Sculptures by J. Ogilby. folio, Printed by John Field, Cambridge, 1660. [N. 3. 26.] The Holy Bible. 4to, Cambridge, 1677. [K. 11. 33.] The Holy Bible. 4to, interleaved, in 4 vols, with a few MS. Notes, Cam- bridge, 1683. [N. 6. 17-20.] The Holy Bible. 4to. London, 1703. [C. 10. 3.] The Holy Bible. 4 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1718. [G. 27. 26-29.] The Holy Bible. 4to. London, 1773. [Aa. 2. 41.] The Holy Bible, interleaved in 5 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1789. [Aa. 2. 42-46.] The Holy Bible. 2 vols. 8vo. (Job — Malachi, and the New Testament,) Cambridge. [Ff. 4. 36,37.] The Holy Bible. Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan. 8vo. London, 1817. [S. 4. 12.] The Psalter, or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. 12mo. Oxford, 1812. [Ff. 8. 63.^ The New Testament, with References under the Text in words at length, so that the Parallel Texts may be seen at one View. By Francis Fox, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1722. [R. 12. 5,6.] The New Testament. 8vo. Cambridge, 1760. [Ff. 7. 42.] The New Testament. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808. [Ff. 7. 48.] The New Testament, engraved in Short-hand. 64mo. [H. 17. 58.] (Roman Catholic English Version.) The Holy Bible, faithfully translated into English out of the Authentical Latin ; diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greek, and other edi- tions in divers languages. By the English College of Doway. 2 vols. 4to. [comprising the Old Testament.] Doway, 1609-10. [C. 1.16,17.] ♦Translation of the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from the Latin Vulgate. Published by authority, and diligently compared with the Original Greek. [The Rhemish Translation of the New Testament.] London, 1823. 8vo. Welsh. Y Bibl Cyssegr-Lan sef yr hen Destament a'r Newydd. [The Holy Bi- ble, containing the Old and New Testament.] 8vo. Llundain, 1630. [E. 18. 26.] Another Copy. 8vo. Llundain, 1804. [S. 4. 13.] 16 RELIGION. Newydd Testament ein Harglwydd a'n Hiachawdnr lesu Crist. [The New Testament in Welsh.] Caer-Grawnt, (London,) 12mo. 1806. [Aa. 3. 91.] Irish. An Biobla Naomlitha ; ann a bhfuilid an Tsean Tiomnadh ; ar na tliar- ruing go firinneach as a Neabhora Ughdarach. (The Bible in Irish.) 8vo. London, 1817. [S. 4. 14.] Gaelic. The Holy Bible in Gaelic. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1807. [S. 5. 17.] The New Testament in Gaelic. 12mo. London, 1816. [S. 5. 12.] (2) Versions in the Languages spoken on the Continent or Europe, (alphabetically arranged.) The Holy Bible in Bohemian. 8vo. Berlin, 1813. [S. 5. 1.] The New Testament in Danish. 12mo. London, 1814. [_S. 5. IS.] The New Testament in Dorpatian. 12mo. Mittau, 1816. [S. 5. 10.] The Holy Bible in Dutch. 8vo. London, 1817. [S. 5. 6.] The Prophetical Books, in High Dutch. 4to. Herborn, 1604. [K. 9. 1.] The New Testament in Finnish. 12mo. Turusa, 1815. [S. 4. 15.] La Sainte Bible (The Holy Bible in French). 12mo. Sedan, 1633. [M. 16.42.] La Bible Sainte ; traduit par les Pasteurs de Geneve ; avec las Pseaumes de David mis en Rime Francoise par Clement Marot et Theodore de Besze. 8vo. Geneve, 1605. [M. 18. 45.] La Sainte Bible. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1710. [G. 27. 12.] La Sainte Bible. 12mo. London, 1817. [S. 5. 18.] Le Nouveau Testament. 8vo. a la Haye, 1735. [R. 10. 55.] The New Testament, in French and English. 8vo. London, 181 7. [S. 5. 3.] The Holy Bible in High German. 4to. Delf, 1596. [K. 9. 4.] The New Testament in Modern Greek. 12mo. London, 1814. [S. 5. 7.] The Holy Bible in the Hungarian Language. 8vo. Oppenheim, 1612. ^ [K. 9. 19.] Psalmi da David, nuovamente dalla Hebraica Verita tradotti in Lingua Toscana. [The Psalms in Italian, translated by Antonio Bruccioli.] 12mo. Venetia, 1531. [G, 8. 50.] The New Testament in Lettish or Lettonian. 12mo. Jelgawa, 1816. [S. 5. 8.] The Holy Bible in Polish. 8vo. Berlin, 1810. [S. 5. 4.] 'ITie New Testament in PoRTUGUEZE. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1712. [C. 19.11.] The New Testament in Portugueze. 12mo. London, 1817. [S. 5. 19.] The New Testament in Revahan. 12mo. Petersburgh, 1816. [S. 5. 9.] The New Testament in Sclavonian (or antient Russian.) 8vo. Peters- burgh, 18.. [S. 5. 5.] The Holy Bible in Spanish. 4to. 1569. [B. 4. 34.] HOLY SCRIPTURES. - 17 The New Testament in Spanish. 12mo. 1596. [G. 8. 8.] The New Testament in Spanish. 12mo. London, 1817. [S. 5. 2.] The Holy Bible in Swedish. 8vo. Stockholm, 1814. [S, 5. 11.] (3) Versions in the Languages spoken in Asia. Versions, executed by the Brethr&ii of the Mission at Serampore. Fac-Similes of Specimens of the Sacred Scriptures in the Eastern Lan- guages, translated by the Brethren of the Serampore Mission. 8vo. London, 1816. [Gg. 7. 7.] The New Testament in Chinese. 12mo. Serampore, n. d. [S. 5. 30.] The Pentateuch and Historical Books of the Old Testament, in Hindoo- stanee. 2 vols. 8vo. Serampore, n. d. [S. 5. 23,29.] The New Testament in Hindoostanee. 8vo. Serampore, n. d. [S. 5. 24-] The Pentateuch in the Mahratta Dialect. 8vo. Serampore, n.d. [S. 5. 22.] The Pentateuch and Historical Books of the Old Testament, in Orissa. 2 vols. 8vo. Serampore, n. d. [S. 5. 20,25.] The New Testament in the Shik or Sikh Dialect. 8vo. Serampore, n. d. [S. 5. 21.] Other Asiatic Versions. The New Testament in Armenian. 8vo. Petersburgh, 1814. [S. 5. 27.] Evangelium St. Matthaei in Linguam Calmucco-Mongolicam transla- tum ab Isaaco Jacobo Schmidt. 4to. Petropoli, 1815. [S. 4. 20.] The New Testament in the Malay Lang-.iage. 8vo. London, 1818. [S.5. 26.] The New Testament in the Malay Language. 8vo. London, 1818. [S. 6. 17.] The New Testament in the Georgian Language. 4to. Peterbburgh, 18. . [S. 4. 17.] The New Testament in the Tartar Language. 8vo. Petersburgh, 18. . [S. 5. 28.] (4) Versions in the Languages of North America, and of Africa. The Four Gospels, translated into the Language of the Esquimeaux, on the Coast of Labrador, by the Missionaries of the United Brethren. 12mo. London, 1813. [8,5.15.] The Gospel according to St. John, in Mohawk and English. 12mo. Lon- don, n.d. [S. 5. 41.] The Gospel according to St. John in the Mohawk Dialect. 12mo. Lon- don, 1805. [Aa. 3. 90.] Another Copy, to which is prefixed an Address by the Translator, Teyo- ninhokarawen [Capt. Norton, a Mohawk Chieftain], recommending the Gospel of John to the Six Nations, in Mohawk and English. 12mo. London, 1805. [Ff. 8. 115.] The Gospel according to St. Matthew in Bullom and English. 12mo. London, 1816. [S. 5. 16.] C 18 RELIGION. (5) Modern Versions in the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Languages. The New Testament in Hebrew : Corrected from the Version published by Dr. Hutter at Nuremberg 1599, and republished by Dr. Robert- son at London 1611, by the Rev. Richard Caddick. 12mo. Vols. I. and n. comprising the Four Gospels. London, 1798. [li. 1. 7,8.] The New Testament in Hebrew. 8vo. London, 1817. [S. 4. 16.] 0PHNO0PIAMBOI. Sive Liber Job, Grseco carmine redditus, per Jacobum Duport. l^mo. Cantabrigiae, 1653. [L 8. 20.] Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Cantabrigiae, 1653. j^K. 15. 25.] Estherae Historia, Poetic^ Paraphrasi idque Graeco Carmine, cui Versio Latina opponitur, exornata. Authore Josua Barnes. 8vo. Londini, 1679. [L 15. 43.] Psalmorum aliquot Davidis Metaphrasis Graeca Joannis Serrani, et Pre- cationes ejusdem Graeco-Latinae. Edidit Franciscus Okely. 12mo. Londini, 1770. [Ff. 7. 32.] Cato Divinus : sive Proverbia Solomonis Latino Carmine reddita a Gu- lielmo UoGMo. 8vo. Londini, 1699. [D. 14. 50.] Solomonis Cantici Canticorum Paraphrasis Poetica, auctore Gulielrao Hogaeo. 8vo. Londini, 1699. [M. 19. 20.] Biblia Testamenti Veteris et Novi, e sacra Hebraeorum Lingua Graeco- rumque fontibus, religiosissime translata in sermonem Latinum. 8vo, Tiguri, 1544. [L 15. 29.] Biblia. Interprete Sebastiano Castalione, una cum ejusdem Annota- tionibus. folio, Basilese, 1551. [H. 9. 22.] Biblia Sacra, ex Sebastiani Castellionis interpretatione, ej usque postre- ma recognitione. 4 tomis, 12mo. Londini, 1726. [R. 7. 39-42.] Biblia Sacra Latine. Interprete Xante Pagnino. folio, Coloniae, 156^. [K. II. 7.] Biblia Sacra, sive Libri Canonici priscae Judaeorum Ecclesiae a Deo tra- diti, Latini ex Hebraeo facti, brevibusque scholiis illustrati ab Imma- nuele Tremellio et Francisco Junio. Accesserunt Libri Apocryphi, Latine redditi, et notis quibusdam aucti a Francisco Junio, nee non Novi Testamenti Libri, ex sermone Syro ab eodem Tremellio et ex Graeco a Theodoro Beza, in Latinum versi, notisque itidem illustrati. Secunda Curd Francisci Junii. folio, Londini, 1593. [K. 11. 8.] Biblia Sacra. — Vetus Testaraentum, ab Im. Tremellio et Fr. Junio ex Hebraeo Latine redditum. Item Testamentum Novum a Theodoro Beza e Graeco in Latinum versum. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1633. [H. 8. 34.] Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1633. [S. 3. 1.] Biblia Sacra Latine ; ex interpretatione Imman. Tremellii, Fr. Junii, et Theod. Bezae. 12mo. Londini, 1661. [M. 8. 20.] Biblia Sacra Latine; ex interpretatione Imman. Tremellii, Fr. Junii, et Theod. Bezse. 12mo. Londini, 1680. [F. 27. 1.] Biblik Sacra Glossata ; a Lucaet Andrea Osiandro. folio, Francofurti, 1611. [K. 12. 8.] HOLY SCRIPTURES. 19 PsalteriuHi, reliquaque Sacrarum Literarum Carmina, et Precationes, cum Argumentis Sebastiani Castalionis. 12mo. Antverpiae, 1555. [L. 18. 21.] BucHANANi (Georgii) Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis Poetica. 12mo. Herbornse, 1619. [K. 16. 24.] A yindication of Buchanan's Paraphrase of the Book of Psalms. By Thomits Ruddiman. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1745. [R. 10. 71.] JoNSTONi (Arturi) Psalmi Davidici, interpretatione, argumentis, notis- que illustrati. Svo. Londini, 1741. [A. 17. 47.] Exemplar aliud. Svo. Londmi, 1741. [Q. 2. 20.] Novum Testamentum, ex Desiderii Erasmi Roterodamensis versione., 12mo. Basilea% 1570. [E. 17. 28.] Novum Testamentum, ex Theodori Bezae interpretatione. 8vo. Genevae, 1616. [H. 8. 8.] Novum Testamentum, ex Theodori Bezae interpretatione. Svo. Amste- lodami, 1633. [R. 14. 40.] 2. Harmonies of the Old and New Testament, i. Harmonies of the Old Testament. LiGHTFOOT (John) The Harmony, Chronicle, and Order of the Old Tes- tament. 4to. London, 1647. [D. 19. 13.] Lightfoot (John) The Harmony, Chronicle, and Order of the Old Tes- tament, folio, London, 1655. [B. 4. 20.] *TowNSEND (George) The Old Testament arranged in Historical and Chronological Order, in such manner, that the Books, Chapters, Psalms, Prophecies, &c. may be read as one connected History. With Notes. Second Edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1826. ii. Harmonies of the New Testament, and of Parts thereof *TowNSEND (George) The New Testament arranged in Historical and Chronological Order, in such manner that the Gospels, the Epistles, and the Acts, may be read as one connected History. With copious Notes on many of the Principal Subjects in Theology. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1825. OsiANDRi (Andreae) Harmoniae Evangelicae Libri quatuor, Grsece et Latine. folio, Basileee, 1537. [M. 20. 13.] Worth (Georgii) Vita vel Evangelium Jesu Christi, ex quatuor evan- geliis ita conscriptum, ut Lector nihil vel in ordine vel in rebus ipsis desiderare possit: et Epitome Actorum Apostolicorum, Epistolarum Pauli, Jacobi, Petri, Johannis, et Apocalypseos. folio. Franco furti, 1594. [M. 3. 17.] Harmonia ex tribus Evangelistis, Matthaco, Marco, et Luca composita, Commentariis Johannis Calvin i exposita, et ejusdem h\ Johannis Evangelium Commentarius. folio, Genevse, 1595. [L. 12. 11.] C2 80 RELIGION. Barradii (Sebastiani) Commentaria in Concordiam et Historiam Evari- gelicam. 2 tomis, folio, Antverpiae, 1617. [JL. 2. 2,3.'] Harmonia Evangelica, a Martino Chemnitio inchoata, per Polycarpum Lyserum continuata, et a Johanne Gerhardo perfecta, cum Commenta- rio. folio, Francofurti, 1622. [D. 13. 14,15.] Harmonia Chemnitio-Lyseriana, a Johanne Gerhardo continuata, et justo Commentario illustrata. 3 tomis, 4to. Jenae, 1626. f J. 1 9. 1 8-20.] Garthwait (Henry) M0N0TEI2AP0N. The Evangelical Harmo- nie, reducing the foure Evangelists into one context. 4to. Cam- bridge, 1633. [B. 7. 16.] Garthwait (Henry) MONOTE22APON. 4to. Cambridge, 1633. [D. 19. 12.] Ludolphi de Saxonia Vita D. N. Jesu Christi, e sacris quatuor Evan- gehorum sanctorumque Patrum fontibus derivata. folio, Lugduni, 1642. [L. 4. 10.] LiGHTFOOT (John) The Harmony of the Foure Evangelists. Parts I. II. HI, 4to. London, 1644-47-50. [D. 19. 13.] Althofferi (CliristopLori) Harmonia Evangelistarum emeduUata ; hoc est, Observationes Sacrae in quatuor Evangelistas. 4to. Jenaj, 1653. [G. 19. 5.] Clerici (Johannis) Harmonia Evangelica : cui subjuncta est Historia Jesu Christi, ex quatuor Evangelistis concinnata. 4to. Lugduni, [i. e. Altorfii,] 1700. [R. 8. 20.] Whiston (William) A Short View of the Chronology of the Old Testa- ment, and of the Harmony of the Four Evangelists. 4to. Cambridge, 1702. [R. 8. 30.] Wright (John) A Short View of Mr. Whiston s Harmony of the New Testament. 4to. London, 1704. QP. 42. (2.)] PiLKiKGTON (Matthew) The Evangelical History and Harmony, folio London, 1747. [R. 2. SS.] Macknight (James) A Harmony of the Four Gospels, in which the Natural Order of each is preserved, with a Commentary and Notes. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1.763. [C. 23. 11,12.] Observations on Dr. Macknight's Harmony, so far as relates to the History of our Saviour's Resurrection. 4to. London, 1764. [P. 6. 2.] fPftiESTLEY (Joseph) A Harmony of the Evangehsts in Greek : to which are prefixed Critical Dissertations in English. 4to. London, 1778. Newcome (William, Bishop of Ossory) An Harmony of the Gospels, in which the Original Text is disposed after Le Clerc's general man- ner; with select various readings and notes, folio, London, 1778. [O. 2. 34.] RiCHEL (Dionysii) Divi Pauli Monopanton : id est, Unum ex Omnibus D. Pauli Epistolis, per locos communes seu certarum materiarum titulos. ISmo. Parisiis, 1631. [K. 16. 31.] •Roberts (Pcier) A Harmony of the Epistles of the Holy Apostles : to which is added, a Summary of the Entire. 4to. Cambridge, 1 800. HOLY SCRIPTURES. 21 iii. Works I'econciling alleged or see7mng Contradictions in the Sacred Writings. Broughtoni (Hugonis) Concentus SS. Scripturae. 4to. Hanoviae, 1602. [S. 1. 4.] Althameri (Andrese) Conciliationes Locorum Scripturae, quae specie tenus inter se pugnare videntur. 12mo. Norimberga?, 1636. [G. 19. 29.] The Reconciler of the Bible : wherein above Two Thousand seeming Contradictions throughout the Old and New Testament are fully and plainly reconciled, by J. T. 12mo. London, 1656. [F. 17. 15.] 3. Apocryphal Books and Writings. *Libri Veteris Testamenti Apocryphi. Textum Graecum recognovit, et Variarum Lectionum Delectum adjecit, Jo. Christ. Gul. Augusti. Lipsiae, 1804. 8vo. The Apocrypha. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1763. [li. 3.42.] An Essay vpon the Books commonly called " Apocrypha" By a Lover of Truth. Svo. LrWwt, 1740. [P. 97. (7.)] ^, Another Copy. Svo. London, 1740. [P. 306. (10.)] Lee (Francis) A Dissertation -upon the Second Book o/ Esdras. Svo. London^ 1722. [F. 23. 5.] Tobias Hebraic^, ut is adhuc hodie apud Judaeos invenitur. Omnia ex Hebraeo in Latinum translata per Paulum Fagium. 4to. Isnae, 1532. [K. 14. 17.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Isnae, 1532. [K. 14. 38.] Fabricii (Joannis Alberti) Codex Pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti. 8vo. 3 tomis, Hamburgi, 1713-23-33. [D. 15. 39,40,40*.] Fabricii (Joannis Alberti) Codex Pseudepigraphus Novi Testamenti. Svo. 4 tomis, Hamburgi. 1703-23. [F. 7. 55-58.] ' DalljEI (Joannis) De Pseudepigraphis Apostolicis, seu Libris octo Apos- tolicarum Constitutionum, Tractatus. 12mo. Harderovici, 1653. [R. 20. 52.] 4. Histories and Abstracts of the Bible. Bbrthokii (Petri) Moralitate? Bibliorum. 2 tomis, Svo. Duaci, 1609. [K. 17. 21,22.] Clapham (Henoch) A Briefe of the Bible's History. Drawne first into English Poesie, and then illustrated by apt Annotations : wherto" is added a Synopsis of the Bible's Doctrine. 24mo. London, 1639. [D. 18. 48.] CoMESTORis (Petri) HistoriaScholastica. 4to.Lugduni, 1543. [G. 19. 11.] De Vita et Morte Mosis Libri tres. Hebraice edidit, Latina Interpreta- tione et Notis illustravit Gilbertus Gaulmyn. Svo. Parisiis, 1629. [L 15. 44.] t Benson (George) The Life of Christ. 4to. London, 1764. Harwood (Edward) The Life and Character of Jesus Christ Delineated. Svo. London, 1772. [P. 288. (1.)] An Historical Account of the Life and Death of our Lord and Sa- viour Jesus Christ. 4to. Oxfprd, 1685. [M. 14. 3.] %% RELIGION. Law (Edmund, Bishop of Carlisle) Reflections on the Life and Cha- racter of Christ. 8vo. Cambridge, n. rf. [[Hh. 3. 26.] NoLLET (Michel) A Compendium of the Bible, by way of Question and Answer, in French and English. 8vo. London, 1752. QR. 7. 26.] PuLsicTi (Camilli) Consonantise Veteris cum Novo Testamento sua- vissimae, quoad Christi Domini ej usque Sanctissimae Matris Mariae Virginis Vitam universam, Sacrorum Doctorum authoritatibus cor- roboratae. 4to. Venetiis, 1628. [G. 20. 16.] Reading (William) The History of Jesus Christ, with suitable Medita- tions and Prayers. 8vo. London, 1726. [R. 19. 8.] The History of the Old and New Testament, translated from the Sieur de RoYAUMONT by several hands, and supervised by Dr. Horneck. 4to. London, 1699. [H. 6. 21.] Trimmer (Sarah) An Abridgment of Scripture History. 12mo. Lon- don, 1804. [li. 1. 14.] Watts (Isaac) A View of the Whole Scripture History. 8vo. London, 1732. [F. 22. 19.] II. Sacred Philology ; or, the Criticism and Inter- pretation of the Scriptures. 1. Introductions to the Holy Scriptures. — Critical Essays and Treatises on the Sacred Text, its Style and Jdiom, and on Translations of the Bible. *Le Long (Jacobi) Bibliotheca Sacra : seu Syllabus omnium fere Sacrae Scripturse Editionum et Versionum ; emendata et continuata ab An- drea Gottlob Masch. 4 tomis, 4to. Halae, 1778-90. Bbngllii (Jo. Alberti) Apparatus Criticus ad Novum Testamentum, Criseos Sacrae Compendium, Limam, Supplementum et Fructum exhi- bens. Curante Philippo Davide Burkio. 4to. Tubingae, 1763. [Aa. 2. 40.] Bengelii (J. A.) Apparatus Criticus ad Novum Testamentum. 4to. Tu- bingae, 1734. [R. 17. 24.] Bentley (Richard) Proposals for a New Edition of the Greek Testament and Latin Version. 4to. London, 1721. [N. 8. 31.] MiDDLETON (Coiii/ers) Remarks, paragraph by paragraph, Upon the Pro- posals published by Richard Bentley for a New Edition of the Greek Tes- tament and Latin Version. 4to. London, 1721. [N. 8. 31.] 1 Another Copy. 4to. London, 1721. [P. 15. (11.)] Another Copy. 4to. In Middleton's Works, Vol.H. [G. 9. 13.] Middleton {Conyers) Farther Remarks upon Dr. Bentley s Proposals, con- taining a full Answer to the Editor's Defence of his said Proposals, as well as to all his Objections there made against my former remarks. 4to. Lon- (/ort, 1721. [N. 8. 31.] Epistolce Duce ad celeberrimum doctissimumqiie tirum F ■ V profes- sortm Amstelodamensem scriptce. Quorum in altera agitur de Editione Novi Testament i a Clarissimo Bentleio suscepta^ omnesque ejus ad hue in SACRED PHILOLOGY. 23 lucem emissx conjecturce de sacro Textu examinantur. In altera vero multae de corruptis (uti videntur) epistolarum Novi Testamenti locis con- jecturce jam primum edita proponuntur. [Juctore Z. Pearce, posted Episcopo Roffensi.'] 4to. Londini, 1721. [N. 8. 31.] Berriman (John) A Critical Dissertation upon 1 Tim. iii. 16. Wherein Rules are laid down to distinguish in various Readings which is ge- nuine ; and an Account given of above one hundred Greek Manu- scripts of St. Paul's Epistles. 8vo. London, 1741. [D. 27. 15.] Blackwali, (Anthony) The Sacred Classics Illustrated and Defended ; or an Essay humbly offered towards proving the Purity, Propriety, and True Eloquence of the Writers of the New Testament, &c. 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1737. [G. 21. 27,28.] BooTTii (Arnoldi) Animadversiones Sacrae ad Textum Hebraicum Ve- teris Testamenti : in quibus loci multi difficiles, hactenus non satis inteUecti vulgo, multaque phrases obscuriores ac vocabula parum adhuc percepta, explicantur ; veraeque Expositiones cum aliorum Interpreta- raentis, praecipue Graeci, Syri, Chaldaei, Hieronymi, ac Rabbinorum, conferuntur. 4to. Londini, 1644. [G. 19. 4.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1644. [B. 7. 38.] *BoYs (Thomas) Tactica Sacra : An Attempt to exhibit to the Eye, by Tabular Arrangements, a General Rule of Composition prevailing in the Holy Scriptures. 4to. London, 1824. Brett (Thomas) A Letter, shewing why our English Bibles differ so much from the Septuagint, though both are translated from the Hebrew Original. 8 vo. London, 1743. [R. 19. 7.] Another Copy. 8vo. In Vol. III. of Bishop Watson's Collection of Tracts. [L 25. 22.] Cappelli (Ludovici) Critica Sacra ; sive de Variis quae in Sacris Veteris Testamenti Libris occurrunt Lectionibus. folio, Lut. Paris. 1650. [K. 12. 4.] Booth (Arnoldi) De Textus Hebraici Ceteris Testamenti Certitudine et Authentia, contra Ludovici Capelli Criticam, Epistola ad Revcrendissimnm Jacobum Usserium, Archiepiscopum Armachanum. 4to. Parisiis, 1650. [M. 14. 36.'] Cappelli (Ludovici) De Critic^ nuper a se edita Epistola Apologetica, in qua Arnoldi Bootii temeraria Criticae Censura refellitur. 4to. Salmurii, 1651. [N. 8. 44.] BuxTORFii (Johannis,fliiJ Anticritica : sen Vindiciae Veritatis Hehraica: adversus Ludovici Cappelli Criticarn Sacram, ejusque Defensionem. 4to. Basilece, 1653. [K, 14. 24.] Cappelli (Ludovici) Diatriba de Veris et Antiquis Ebrseorum Literis, op- posita Job. Buxtorfii de eodem Argumento Dissertationi. ISmo. Amstelodami, 1645. [M. 16. 46.] Carpzovii (Jo. Gottlob.) Commentatio Critica ad Libros Novi Testa- menti. 4to. Lipsiae, 1730. [R. 8. 22.] fCASTALioNis (Sebastiani) Defensio suarum Translationum, et maxime Novi Foederis. 8vo. Basileae. An Account of the Translation of the Bible into the Lithuanian Tongue, into which Language the Scriptures were as yet never translated : with a copy of the Testimonial givpn to the Translator [^Samuel Boguslaus 24 RELIGION. CHYr,iNski],andof the Approbation of his undertaking, by several Reve- rend Doctors of Divinity, with Professors of the same and other per- sons of note, in the University of Oxford, Nov. 15, 1659. 4to. Oxford, 1659. [M. 20. 18.] CoLLYER (David) The Sacred Interpreter; or Practical Introduction to- wards a Beneficial Reading and Understanding of the Holy Bible. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1746. [G. 25. 13,14.] An Index to Mr. Collyer's Sacred Interpreter. 8vo. [P. 131.(18.)] CosiN (John, Bishop of Durham) A Scholastical History of the Canon of the Holy Scripture, or the Certain and Indubitate Books thereof, as they are received in the Church of England. 4to. London, 1672. [E. 20. 1.] Cruwys (H. S.) Enquiries into the Archetype of the Septuagint Version. 8vo. London, 1774. [P. 308. 12.] A Dissertation concerning the Canonical Authority of the Gospel ac- cording to St. Matthew, and the Reasons upon which it hath been an- tiently rejected. Svo. London, 1732. [R. 10. 32.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 55. (10.)] DupiN (L. E.) Dissertation Preliminaire : ou Prolegomenes sur la Bible. 4to. Paris, 1701. [N. 6. 6.] Edwards (Tho.) Duse Dissertationes: In priore quarum probatur,Varian- tes Lectiones, et Menda, quae in Sacram Scripturam irrepserunt, non labefactare ejus auctoritatem in rebus quaj ad Fidem et Mores perti- nent : In posteriore vero, Praedestinationem Paulinam ad Gentilium Vocationem totam spectare. 8vo. 1768, Cantabrigiae. [P. 256. (2.)] Essay for a New Translation of the Bible. By H. R. 8vo. London, 1727. [A. 18. 63.] Flacii (Matthiie) Clavis Scripturae Sacrae. 2 tomis, folio. Basilese, 1580-81. [Ff. 2. 6,7.^ A Full Inquiry' into the Original Authority of the Text in 1 John v. 7. containing an Account of Dr. Mill's Evidences from Antiquity, for and against its being genuine. Svo. London, 1715. [M. 20. 9.] Geddes (Alexander) Prospectus of a New Translation of the Bible. 4to. Glasgow, 1786. [C. 21. 11.] Gell (Robert) An Essay toward the Amendment of the last English Translation of the Bible, or a Proof by many instances that the last may be improved, folio, London, 1659. [I. 1. 13.] Glassii (Salomonis) Philologia Sacra. 2 vols. 4to. Francofurti, 1659. [L. 20. 23,24.] Gbabii (Joannis Ernesti) Epistola de libri Judicum Versione LXX. 4to. 'Oxonise, 1705. [P. 12. (3.)] Dissertatio de Vitiis Interpretum LXX. ante Origenem. 4to. Oxoniae, 1705. [P. 12. (4.)] Gray (Robert) A Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha : or an Account of their several Books, their Contents and Authors, and of the Times in which they were written. Svo. London, 1797. [Ff. 6. 36.'] *Gray (Robert) The Connexion between the Sacred Writings and the Literature of Jewish and Heathen Authors, particularly ^hat of the SACRED PHILOLOGY. M Classical Ages, illustrated ; principally with a view to Evidence in Confirmation of the Truth of Revealed Religion. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. Gregorie (John) A Discourse of the LXX Interpreters, Ihe Place and Manner of their Interpretation. 4to. J« his Works. [R. 8. 27.] Gkilljianni (Godefridi) Allegorise simul et Tropologiae in locos utrius- que Testamenti selectiores, coUectse et in ordinem digestte. 8vo. Paris. 1574. [G. 19. 16.] Index Librorum MSS. Grsecorum, et Versionum Antiquarum Novi Foe- deris, quos viri Eruditissimi J. Millius et J. Kustenis cum tertia editione Stephanjca contulerunt. Studio et Opera Josephi Hallett. Svo. Londini, 1728. [P. 234. (4.)] Hare (Francis, Bishop of Chichester) The Difficulties and Discourage- ments, which attend the Study of the Scriptures in the way of Private Judgment, represented. Svo. London, 1716. [M. 19. 10.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 13.'] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [N. 6. 44] Harwood (Edward) A New Introduction to the Study and Knowledge of the New Testament. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1767. [G. 25. 8,9.] Hayne (Thomas) A General View of the Holy Scriptures ; or, the Times, Places, and Persons of the Holy Scriptures, folio, London, 1640. [B. 4. 26.] Honii (Humfredi) Contra Historiam Aristeae de LXX Interpretibiis Dissertatio. Svo. Oxon. 1685. [R. 11. 22.] Hodii (Humfredi) De Bibliorum Textibus Originalibus, Versionibua Greecis et Latina Vulgata, Libri IV. Prasmittitur Aristea? Historia Graece et Latine. folio, Oxonii, 1705. [I. 1. 28.] HoRNE (Thomas HartwelO An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Illustrated with Maps and Fac- similes of Biblical Manuscripts. Second Edition, with the Supple- ment. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1822. [M. 21. 3-6.] HoTTiNGERi (Joh. Henrici) Thesaurus Philologicus ; seu Clavis Scripturae, 4to. Tiguri, 1649. [K. 9. 11.] Hottingeri (Joh. Henrici) Dissertatio Historica de Heptaplis Parisiensi- bus. 4to. Tiguri, 1649. [K. 9. 24.] James (Thomae) Bellum Papale, sive Concordia Discors Sexti Quinti et Clementis Octavi, circa Hieronymianam Editionem. 12mo. Lon- dini, 1678. [M. 8. 23.] Johnson (Anthony) An Historical Account of the several English Trans- lations of the Bible, and the Opposition thev met with from the Church of Rome. Svo. London, 1730. [P. 58. (5.)] Another Copy. Svo. In Bishop IVatson's Theological Tracts, Vol. III. [I. 25. 22.] Jones (Jeremiah) A New and Full Method of settling the Canonical Authority of the New Testament. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1726, [E. 26. 1-2.] Kennicott (Benjamin) Dissertations on the State of the printed He- brew Text of the Old Testament ; with an Account of all the Hebrew MSS. now known, and a particular Catalogue of 110 MSS. in Oxford, 36 RELIGION. Cambridge, and the British Museum. 8vo. 2 vols. Oxford, 1753- 1759. [G. 9. 28,29.] Another Copy. Svo. 2 vols. Oxford, 1753-1759. | ^/^I'^l.] RvTHERFORD (Thomus) Letter to Dr. Kennicott, on the Samaritan Pen- tateuch. Svo. London, 1761. [P. 207. (4.)] Dr. Kennicott's Answer to Dr. Rutherford. 8vo. London, 1762. [P. 207. (5.)] Dr. Rutherford's Second Letter to Dr. Kennicott. Svo. London, 1762. [P. 207. (6.)] A new and faithful Translation of Letters from Mr. L'Abbe * * * [the sieur DvMAY^ to the Rev. Dr. Kennicott. Svo. London, 1772. [P. 308. (9.)] A Letter to a Friend, occasioned by a French Pamphlet, published against Dr. Kennicott and his Collation of Hebrew MSS. Svo. London, 1772. [P. 308. (10.)] Sheldon ( G.J Remarks upon the Critical Parts of a Pamphlet, intitkd 'Letters to Dr. Kennicott.' Svo. London, 1775. [P. 308. (11.)] Kennicott (Benjamin) The Ten Annual Accounts of the Collation of Hebrew MSS. of the Old Testament begun in 1760 and compleated in 1769. Svo. Oxford, 1770. [F. 25. 5.] State of the Collation of the Hebrew MSS. of the Old Testa- ment, at the End of the Years 1761 and 1768. Svo. Oxford. [P. 241. (7.)] Kidder (Richard, Bp. of Bath and Wells) Critical Remarks on Castellio's Version. Svo. London, 1725. [N. 9. 28.] Kidder (Richard) Reflections on a French Testament, printed at Bordeaux A.D. 1686, pretended to be translated out of Latin into French. 4to. London, 1690. [M. 15. 13.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1690. [N. 8. 24.] KiRSTENii (Petri) Vit;H Evangelistarum Quatuor, ex antiquissimo MSS*. Arabico Caesario erutae. folio, Breslae, 1606. [K. 11. 9.] Apparatus Biblicus, or an Introduction to the Holy Scriptures. From the French of Pere Lamy. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1728. [E. 26. 15,16.] Lardner (Nathaniel) A History of the Apostles and Evangelists, Writers of the New Testament. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1760. [G. 22. 21-23.] Another Copy. In Dr. Lardner s Works, 4to. Vol. IIL [Bb. 2.31.] Another Copy. In Bp. Watsons Theological Tracts, Svo. Vol. XL [L 25. 21.] Le Cene (Charles) Projet d'une Nouvelle Version Fran9aise dc la Bible. 12mo. A la Haye, 1705. [M. 17. 8.] Leo (Christopher) An Examination of Mr. Bellamy's Specimen of his Emendation of the Bible. Svo. Cambridge, 1817. [Gg. 6. 18.] Letters concerning the Genuine Reading of the Greek Text of 1 Tim. iii. 16. Svo. York, 1758. [P. 207. (7.)] Lewis (John) A Complete History of the several Translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English, both in MS. and in Print, and of the most remarkable Editions of them since the invention of Printing. 8vo. London, 1739. [D. 21. %5.'] — ■■ — — Another Copy. 4th Edition. Svo. London, 1818. [Gg. 3. 49.] SACRED PHILOLOGY. 91^ A Saxon Treatise concerning the Old and New Testament, written about the time of King Edgar (700 yeares agoe) by ^Ifricus Abbas : now first published with the English of our times, by William Lisle. 4to. Lon- don, 1623. [C. 1. 37.] Llewelyn (Thomas) An Historical Account of the British or Welsh Versions or Editions of the Bible, with an Appendix. 8vo. London, 1768. [P. 250. (2.)] Lookup (John) The Erroneous Translations in the Vulgar Versions of the Scriptures considered. 8vo. London, 1739. [P. 308. (8.)] LowTH (Roberti, Episcopi Londinensis) De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum Praelectiones, Oxonii habitse. Subjicitur Metricae Harianae Confutatio et Oratio Crewiana. 4to. Oxonii, 1753. [K. 24. 6.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Oxonii, 1775. [B. 3. 9.] Edwards (ThomoB) Epistola ad Robertum Lo-wthium, S.T.I*, de Sacra He- brcEorumPoeni Prcelectiones,SfC. 8vo. Cantahrigice, 1765. [P. 256. (3.)] Lqwth (Robert) A larger Confutation of Bishop Hare's System of He- brew Metre, in a Letter to Dr. Edwards, in Answer to his Latin Epistle. 8vo. London, 1766. [P. 356. 4.] *Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews, translated from ttie Latin of the Rt. Rev. Robert Lowth, D. D. Bishop of London, by G. Gregory. To which are added the Principal Notes of Professor Michaehs, and Notes by the Translator and others. Second Edition. 2 vols. Svo, London, 1816. *Sacred Literature : comprising a Review of the Principles of Compo- sition laid down by the late Robert Lowth, D. D. Bishop of London, in his Praelections and Isaiah, and an Application of the Principles so reviewed to the Illustration of the New Testament. By John Jebb, M. A. [now D. D. and Bp. of Limerick.] 8vo. London, 1820. LuKiN (H.) An Introduction to the Holy Scripture; containing the several Tropes, Figures, Proprieties of Speech used therein ; with other Observations necessary for the right understanding thereof. 8vo. Lon- don, 1669. [K. 16. 13.] Massey (Edmundi) De Sacrd Vernacula Lingua Epistola. 4to. Lon- dini, 1733. [P. 15. (6.)] Mich AE LIS (John David) Introductory Lectures to the Sacred Books of the New Testament. 4to. London, 1761. [R. 17. 25.] Michaelis (John David) Introduction to the New Testament : translated from the German, with Notes, bv Herbert Marsh [Bishop of Peter- borough.] 6 vols. Svo. Cambridge, 1792-1801. [Hh. 5. 16-21.] Remarks on * Michaelis's Introduction to the New Testament, Voh. III. IP', trandated by the Rev. Herbert Marsh and augmented with Notes,' By way of Caution to Students in Divinity. [By John Randolph, D, D.] Svo. London, 1802. [Gg. 7. 13.] Marsh (Herbert) Letters to the Anonymous Author of Remarks on Mi- chaelis and his Commentator. Svo. London, 1802. [Gg. 7. 13.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1802. [Hh. 2. 27.] Marsh (Herbert) Illustration of the Hypothesis proposed in the Disser- tation on the Origin and Composition of our three first Canonical Gos- pels. Svo. Cambridge, 1803. [Hh. 2, 27.] 388 RELIGION. Supplement to Remarks on Mickaelis's Introduction to the New Testament, SfC. In Answer to Mr. Marsh's Illustrations of his Hypothesis. \_Bv John Randolph, D. D.] 8vo. London, 1804. [Hh. 2. 27.] Marsh (Herbert) A Defence of the Illustration of the Hypothesis, pro- posed in the Dissertation on the Origin of the Gospels, being an Answer to the Supplement of the Anonymous Author of the Remarks on Michael is and his Commentator. 8vo. Cambridge, 1804. [Gg. 7. IS.] Another Copy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1804. [Hh. 2. 27.] A View of Dr. Marsh's Theorem for ascertaining the Identity of MSS. and vf his Hijpothesis respecting the Origin of the four Gospels. 8vo. London, 1813. [Gg. 7. 11.] Marsh (Herbert) History of the Translations of the Scriptures from the earliest to the present Age throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and Ame- rica. 8vo. London, 1812. [Hh. 2. 27.] MiDDLETON (Conyers) Reflections bn the Variations or Inconsistencies among the four Evangelists in their different accounts of the same Facts. 4to. PForks, Vol. II. [G. 9. 13.] Some Short Remarks on a Story told by the Antients concerning St. John the Evangelist and Cerinthus the Heretic. 4to. Works, Vol. II. [G. 9. 13.] MiDDLETON (T. F. Bishop of Calcutta) The Doctrine of the Greek Arti- cle applied to the Criticism and illustration of the New Testament. 8vo. London, 1808. [Bb. 3. 25.'] MoEiNi (Joannis) Exercitationes Biblicae, de Hebrsei Grsecique Textiis Sinceritate, germana LXXH. Interpretum translatione dignoscenda, illius cum Vulgata conciliatione, et juxta Judttos divina integritate ; totiusque Rabbinicae antiquitatis, et operis Masorethici aera, explicatione et censura. Pars prior. 4to. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1633. [K. 14. 14.] Morini (Joannis) Diatribe Elenctica de Sinceritate Hebrai Graecique Text6s dignoscenda. Accedunt Appendix, in qua nonnulla Divinitatis et Incarnationis Jesu Christi D. N. illustrissima Testimonia in Hebraeo textu, corrupta Talmudis Rabbinorumque auctoritate, restituuntur : et Animadversiones in Censuram Exercitationura ad Samaritanorum Pentateuchum. 8vo. Parisiis, 1639. [M. 16. 6.] Morini (Joannis) Exercitationes Ecclesiasticas in utrumque Samarita- norum Pentateuchum. 4to. Parisiis, 1631. [K. 14. 30.] Morini (Stephani) Exercitationes de Lingua Primagva ejusque Appen- dicibus. 4to. Ultrajecti, 1694. [L. 19. 39.] Muis (Simeonis de) Assertio Veritatis Hebraiae adversus Exercitationes Ecclesiasticas in utrumque Samaritanortim Pentateuchum Joannis Morini. 12mo. Parisiis, 1631. [I. 15. 52.] Hottingeri (Johannis Henrici) Exercitationes Anti- Moriniance, de Pentaleu- cho Samaritano ejusque identica Avdevria ; oppositce Canonicce ejusdem avdeyna a Johanne Marino temere assertce. 4to. Tiguri, 1644. [K. 14. 45.] Newton (Sir Isaac) Two Letters to Mr. Le Clerc : the former containing a Dissertation upon the reading of the Greek text I John v. 7. The latter upon that of Timothy L iii. 16. London, 1754. [P. 176. (1.)] OsTERVALD (John) The Necessity and Usefulness of reading the Holy Scriptures, and the Dispositions with which they ought to be read. 12mo. London, 1750. [P. 356.'] SACRED PHILOLOGY. 29 Owen (Henry) Observations on the Four Gospels : tending chiefly to ascertain the times of their publication, and illustrate the manner and form of their Composition. 8vo. London, 1764. [P. 251. (2.)] Owen (Henry) An Inquiry into the present state of the Septuagint Ver- sion of the Old Testament. 8vo. London, 1769. [P. 251. (3.)] Pailadii (Petri) Isagoge ad Lihros Propheticos et Apostolicos. 12mo. Witebergse, 1587. [E. 16. 9.] Percy (Thomas Bp. of Dromore) A Key to the New Testament: giving an account of the several Books, their Contents, their Authors, and the Times, Places, and Occasions, on which they were respectively written. 8vo. London, 1773. [F. 22. 18.] Pfeifferi (Augusti) Critica Sacra; sive De Sacri Codicis Partitione, Editionibus variis, Linguis Originalibus, &c. &c. 8vo. Dresdas, 1688. [A. 19. 14.] Pflug (Julii) Elenchus Theologorum in tota Sacra Biblia. 4to. Colonise, 1558. [K. 20. 16.] PossEviNi (Antonii) Apparatus Sacc-r ad Scriptores Veteris et Novi Testa- menti ; Eorum Interprctes, Synodos, et Patres Latinos ac Graecos ; horum Versiones ; Theologos Scholasticos, qui contra Hasreticos egerunt ; Chronographos et Historiographos Ecclesiasticos ; Eos qui casus Conscientise explicarunt ; Alios, qui Canonicum Jus sunt inter- pretati ; Poetas Sacros, Libros pios quocunque idiomate conscriptos. Accedunt CatalogiMS. Codicum Graecorum et Latinorum in antiquis et celebrioribus Bibliothecis asservatorum. 2 tomis, folio, Colonise, 1608. [K. 4. 14,15.] Pratt (Josiah) Prospectus, with Specimens, of a New Polyglott Bible in quarto. 4to. Oxford, 1797. [Dd. 3. 69.] Pratt (Josiah) Prospectus of a Polyglott Bible in octavo, with an Appen- dix. 8vo. London, 1799. [Hh. 3. 43.] Pritii (Jo. Georgii) Introductio in Lectionem Novi Testamenti ; iii qua, quae ad Rem Criticam, Historiam, Chronologiam, et Geographiani pertinent, breviter et perspicue exponuntur. 12mo. Lipsiae, 1704. [R. 21.58.] Richardson (John) The Canon of the New Testament Vindicated : in answer to the Objections of J[ohn]. T[oland]. in his Amyntor. 8vo. London, 1701. [N. 9. 34.] RivETi (Andreae) Critici Sacri Libris IV. 8vo. Genevae, 1626. [R. 14. 57.] Riveti (Andreas) Isagoge seu Introductio Generalis ad Scripturam Sa- cram Veteris et Novi Testamenti. Inter Op. Theolog. Tom. II. folio. [L. 11. 10.] Roberts (Francis) Clavis Bibliorum : ' The Key of the Bible, unlocking the Richest Treasury of the Holy Scriptures. 8vo. London, 1648. [G. 18. 36.] Search the Scriptures. A Treatise shewing that all Christians ought to read the Holy Books; with directions to them herein. 18mo. London, 1685. [K. 16. 9.] Sharp (Granville) Remarks on the Uses of the Definitive Article in the Greek Text of the New Testament. 12mo. Durham, \7dS. [Hh. 4. 35.] 30 RELIGION. Six Letters to Granville Sharp, Esq. respecting his remarks on the Uses of the Dejinitive Article in the Greek Text of the New Testament, [fiy Christopher Wordsworth, D.D.^ 8vo. London, 1802. [Bb. 3. 26.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1802. [Bb. 3. 27.] Simon (Richard) Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament. 4to. Rotterdam, 1675. [E, 14. 13.] Simon (Richard) A Critical History of the Old Testament. Translated from the French. 4to. London, 1682. [R. 16. 32.] Reponse de Pierre Ambrvn, ministre du Saint Evangile, a I'Histoire Cri- tique du Vieux Testament, composee par le Pkre Simon. 4to. Rotterdam, 1685. [E. 14. 16.] Simon (Richard) Histoire Critique du Texte du Nouveau Testament. 2 vols. 4to. Rotterdam, 1689. [E. 14. 14,15.] Simon (Richard) A Critical History of the Text of the New Testament, translated from the French. 4to. London, 1689. [C. 20. 8.] Simon (Richard) Critical Inquiries into the various editions of the Bible : togetiier with animadversions on a small Treatise of Dr. Isaac Vos- sius concerning the Oracles of the Sybils. Translated from the Latin. 4to. London, 1684. [R. 16. 29.] Simon (Richard) Nouvelles Observations sur les Textes et les Versions du Nouveau Testament. 4to. Rotterdam, 1695. [E. 14. 17.] Bibliotheca Sancta, a F. Sixto Senensi, Ordinis Praedicatorum, ex praeci- puis Catholicae Ecclesiae authoribus collecta, et in Octo Libros digesta. Edita atque scholiis illustrata a Johanne Hayo, Scoto. folio, Parisiis, 1610. [K. 4. 10.] Spearman (R.) Letters concerning the Septuagint Translation and the Heathen Mythology. 8vo. London, 1759. [R. 19. 51.] Tena (Ludovici de) Isagoge in totam Scripturam. folio, Bareinonae, 1620. [D. 11. 15.] Travis (Geo.) Letters to Edward Gibbon, Esq. in defence of the Au- thenticity of the seventh verse of the fifth Chapter of the first Epistle of St. John. 8vo. 2d. Edit. London, 1785. [Bb. 3. 21.] Another Copy. 8vo. 3d. Edit. London, 1794. [Bb. 3. 22.] PoRSON ( Richard J Letters to Mr. Archdeacon Travis in Answer to his De- fence of the Three Heavenly Witnesses, 1 John v. 7. ^\o. London, 1790. [Bb. 3. ^3.] Marsh (Herbert) Letters to Mr. Archdeacon Travis, in Vindication of one of his Notes to Michaelis's Introduction. With an Appendix, containing a Review of Mr. Travis's Collation of the Greek MSS. which he examined in Paris, Sfc. Sfc. 8vo. Leipzig, 1795. [Bb. 3. 24.] TwELLs (Leonard) A Vindication of the Gospel of St. Matthew. 8vo. London, 1732. [R. 11. 11.] UssERii (Jacobi Armachani Archiepiscopi) De Graeca Septuaginta Inter- pretum Versione Syntagma, cum Libri Estherse Editione OrigenicA et vetere Graec^ altera, ex Arundelliana Bibliotheca nunc primum in lucem producta. 4to. Londini, 1655. [G. 19. 7.] Vall-e (Laurentii) De CoUatione Novi Testamenti Libri Duo. l2mo. Amstelodami, 1630. [I. 18. 29.] HEBREW AND CHALDEE GRAMMARS. SI *A Vindication of the Genuineness of the Two first Chapters of Mat- thew and Luke. By a Layman. 8vo. London, 1823. Ward (Thomas) Errata of the Protestant Bible ; or the Truth of the English Translations examined. 4to. Dublin, 1807. [Ff. 2. 14.] Ryan C Edward) An Analysis of Ward's Errata of the Protestant Bible. Svo. Dublin, 1808. [Gg. 3. 57.] *Grier (Richard) An Ansicer to Ward's Errata of the Protestant Bible. 4to. Dublin, 1812. Wetstenii "(Jo. Jacobi) Prolegomena ad Novi Testament! Editionem accuratissimara. 4to. Amstelaedami, 1730. [P. 2. (3.)] Whittaker (J. W.) An Historical and Critical Enquiry into the Inter- pretation of the Hebrew Scriptures, with some Remarks on Mr. Bel- lamy's New Translation. Svo. Cambridge, 1819. [Ff. 6. 52.] A Free Inquiry into the Authenticity of the first and second Chapters of St. Matthew's Gospel. [By Dr. Williams.] 8vo. London, 1771. [P. 306. (1.)] The Authenticity of the \st a7id 2nd Chapters of St. Matthew's Gospel vin- dicated, in Answer to a Treatise itititled " A Free Inquiry into the Au- thenticity," &c. Svo. London, 1771. [P. 306. (2.)] Free Thoughts upon " A Free Inquiry into the Authenticity," Sj-c. addressed to the Anonymous Author, with a Prefatory Defence of the Purity and Integrity of the New Testament Canon. Svo, London, 1771. [P. 306. (3.)] WiTTicHii (Christophori) Consideratio Theologica de Stylo Scripturae. ISmo. Lug. Bat. 1656. [H. 17. 27.] Ye axes (Thomas) A Collation of an Indian Copy of the Hebrew Penta- teuch ; with Preliminary Remarks, containing an exact Description of the Manuscript, and a notice of some others (Hebrew and Syriac) col- lected by Claudius Buchanan, D.D. in the year 1806, and now depo- sited in the Public Library, Cambridge, &c. 4to. Cambridge, 1812. [Bb. 2. 16.] Young E (Hercules) Critical Dissertations on the New Testament in defence of our Public Version against the objections of modern Com- mentators. Svo. London, 1759. [P. 306. (9.)] 2. Grammars and Lexicons to the Original Lan- guages of the Scriptures. i. Hebrew and Chaldee Grammars and Lexicons. (1) Grammars and other Elementary Tracts for the Hebrew and Chaldee Languages. KiMCHi (Rabbi) Sepher Michlal ; sive Grammatica Hebraea. Hebraice. Svo. Venetiis, 1544. [M. 16. 15.] Levi (David) Lingua Sacra, comprising a Hebrew Grammar and a Hebrew-English Dictionary, with points. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1803. [Hh. 6. 19-23.] Lingua Sacra, in three parts. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1785-7. [E. 6. 19-21.] 32 RELIGION. Hebraicje Grammatices Rudimenta in Usum Scholae Westmonaste- riensis. 8vo. Londini, 1717. [P. 131. (17.)] A Short, Plain, and Comprehensive Hebrew Grammar, 8vo. London, 1785. [li. 4. 19.] AvENARii (Job.) Grammatices Ebraicae Tres Partes. 12mo. Vitebergae, 1586. [F. 16. 8.] Bellarmini (Roberti, S. R. E. Cardinalis) Institutiones Linguse He- braicae, ex optimo quoque auctore coUectae. Inter Operum, Tom. VII. folio, Colonise, 1617. [H. 11. 12.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Coloniae, 1598. [K. 15. 15.] Bennet (Thomae) Grammatica Hebraea. 8vo. Londini, 1731. [R. 20. 50.] Burgess (Thomas, Bishop of St. David's) Motives to the Study of He- brew. 12mo. London, 1814. [Aa. 3. 86.] Burgess (Thomas) Hebrew Elements : or a Practical Introduction to the Reading of the Hebrew Scriptures. 12mo. London, 1813. [Aa. 3, 87.] Burgess (Thomas) Selecta Loca ex Prophetis ad Messiam pertinentia, Heb. et Greece. 12mo. Dunelmise, 1808. [Aa. 3. 88.] Burgess (Thomas) The Hebrew Reader. 12mo. London, 1808. [Hh. 7. 37.] Burgess (Thomas) Syllabarium Hebraicum ; or a Second Step to the Read- ing of Hebrew without Points. 12mo. London, 1808. [Hh. 7. 37.'} Burgess (Thomas) Hebrew Etymology : consisting of Select Passages of Scripture, in which the original meanings of many names of Persons and Places are interpreted by Scripture. 12mo. London, 1813. [Aa. 3. 88.] BuxTORFii (Johannis) Thesaurus Grammaticus Linguae Sanctse Hebraeae. 8vo. Basilese, 1609. [K. 19. 36.} Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Basileae, 1629. [F. 16. 33.] Epitome Hebraicae Grammaticoe. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1652. [Ff. 8. 96.] Buxtorfii (Johannis) De Abbreviaturis Hebraicis Liber : cui accesse- runt Operis Talmudici brevis recensio, item Bibliotheca Rabbinica nova ordine alphabethico disposita. 8vo. Basileae, 1613. [M. 16. 7.] Exemplar aliud. 8 vo. Basileae, 1640. [E. 16. 14.] Buxtorfii (Johannis) Institutio Epistolaris Hebraica ; sive De conscribendis epistolis Hebraicis Liber ; cum Epistolarum Hebraicarum centuria. Ac- cessit Appendix variarum Epistolarum R. Majemonis et aliorum Rab- binorum, quas recensuit Johannes Buxtorfius, fihus. 8vo. Basilea^, 1610. [H. 8. 6.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Basileje, 1629. [M. 16. 17.] Buxtorfii (Johannis, filii) Florilegium Hebraicum ; continens elegantes Sententias, Proverbia, Apophthegmata, Similitudines, ex optimis quibusque, maxime vero priscis, Hebraeorum Scriptorihus, collectura, et secundum Locos communes ordine alphabetico dispositum. 8vo. Basilese, 1648. [M. 16. 4.] Bythneri (Victorini) Lingua Eruditorum, sive Methodica Institutio Linguae Sancta?. Cui addita est Introductio ad Linguam Chaldaeam Veteris Testamenti. 12mo. Londini, 1664. [G. 16. 18.] ' . ' Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Londini, 1635. [F. 16. 46.] HEBREW AND CHALDEE GRAMMARS. 33 Calignii (A. R.) Institutiones Hebraicae. 4to. Parisiis, 1545. [M. 16. 5.] Clenardi (Nicolai) Tabula in Grammaticen Hebraicam. 8vo. Parisiis, 1564. [K. 16. 2.] CuRTii (Sebastiani) Radices Linguae Sanctae Hebraeae, Biblicis moralibus sententiis, adagiis, aliisque elegantioribus e sacro codice depromptis loquendi formulis, eo compendio expressse, ut non solum primitiva, sed et pleraque vocabula derivata cum genuinis significationibus exiguo temporis spatio addisci queant. 4to. Geismariae, 1649. [K. 14. 33.] Drusii (Johannis) Opuscula, quae ad Grammaticam Hebraicam et Chal- daicam spectant. 4to. Franekerae, 1609. [L. 19. 29.] JoANNis Carapensis Grammatica Hebraea, ex variis Libellis Eliae, gram- maticorum omnium doctissimi, congesta. 8vo. Parisiis, 1643. [M. 16. 13.] JouDiNii (Antonii) Hebraicae Radices, seu Primigeniae Hebraismi Voces, centenis versuum decadibus comprehensas. 8vo. Lugduni, 1624. [I. 15. 49.] JuNii (Francisci) Grammatica Hebraeae Linguje. 4to. Francofurti, 1580. [C. 1. 38.] *Lee (Samuel) A Series of Lectures on the Hebrew Language, so ar- ranged as to form a complete and easy System of Hebrew Grammar. Svo. London, 1826. Martinii (Petri) Grammatica Hebraea. 12mo. Rupellae, 1 591. [G. 8. 18.] Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Rupellae, 1597. [C. 16. G.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Arastelodami, 1621. [F. 7. ^S."] Martinii (Petri) Grammaticae Hfebroeae TayvoXoyia. 12mo. Rupellae, 1590. [G. 8. 18.] Merceui (Johannis) Tabulae in Grammaticen Linguae Chaldaeae. 8vo. Witebergae, 1579. [M. 16. 21.] MuNSTERi (Sebastiani) Institutio Hebraea. Accedit Jonas Propheta in quatuor orbis principalioribus Unguis, Graeca, Tiatina, Hebraea atque Chaldaica, pulchre sibi correspondentibus columnellis. 12mo. Basileae, 1524. [G. 16.27.] Ottonis (Julii Conradi) Grammatica Hebrjea, methodice tractata pro more Rabbinorura. Cum Abbreviaturis Rabbinorum secundum or- dinem Alphabeti. 8vo. Noribergge, 1605. [M. 16. 25.] Reuchlini (Joannis) De Accentibus et Orthographia Linguae Hebraicae. 4to. Hagenose, 1518. [K. 14. 13.] Robertson (Gulielmi) Manipulus Linguae Sanctae. 8vo. Cantabrigife, 1683. [D. 6. 30.] ScHiNDLERi (Valentini) Institutiones Hebraicae. 8vo. Witebergae, 1581. [M. 16.8.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Wittebergae, 1612. [D. 15. 52.] ScHULTENs (Alberti) Institutiones ad Fundamenta Linguae Hebraeae. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1756. [Bb. 2. 7.] Am Inquiry into the Use of the Hebrew Connective Particle, when pre- fixed to Verbs. 8vo. York, 1809. [Gg. 7. 15.] — -— Another Copy. Svo. York, 1809. [Hh. 2. 38.] Remabks on Hebrew Tenses. Svo. York, 1810. [Hh. 7. 28.] D 34 RELIGION. (2) Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicons. KiMCHi (Rabbi David) Dictionarium Hebraicum. folio. [K. 11. 15.] ELiiE Levitaj (Rabbi) Thisbites: opusculum Hebraicum, in quo 712 vocum, qxicB sunt partim Hebraicae, Chaldaicae, Arabicse, Grsecae et Latinae, quseque in Dictionariis non facile inveniuntur, et a Rabbinis tamen Hebraeorum in scriptis suis passim inveniuntur, Origo, Etymon, et varus Usus docte ostenditur et explicatur per Paulum Fagium. He- braice et Latine. 4to. Isnae, 1541. [K. 14. 20.] Alabastri (Guilielmi) Spiraculum Tubarum ; sive Fons Spiritualium Ex- positionum ex aequivocis Pentaglotti Significationibus, Hebraic^ et La- tine, folio, Londini. [K. 12. 13.] BuxTORFii (Joannis) Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talraudicum et Rabbinicum. folio, Basileae, 1680. [Aa. 1. 34.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Basileae, 1639. [G. 3. 1.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Basileae, 1639. [K. 13. 16.] Buxtorfii (Joannis) Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum cum Indice La- tino. 12mo. Basileae, 1631. [Ff. 8. 23.] Exemplar aliud. [li. 6. 31.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Londini, 1646. [D. 15. 57.1 Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Basileae, 1658. [G. 16. 16.] BuxToani (Joannis, filii) Lexicon Chaldaicum et Syriacum, quo omnes voces, quae in Veteris Testamenti Targumim seu Paraphrasibus Chal- daicis Onkelosi, Jonathanis et Aliorum, item in Novi Testamenti Syriaca translatione reperiuntur, accurate et methodice dispositae et fideliter explicatae, copiose absolut^que describuntur. 4to. Basileae, 1622. [K. 14. 23.] Bythneri (Victorini) Clavis Linguae Sanctae Universa, Voces Pentateuchi sententiis Biblicis comprehendens, earumque Analysin critice exhi- bens. 8vo. Cantabrigian, 1648. [F. 18. 33.] ' Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1648. [D. 15. 55.] FoRSTERi (Joannis) Dictionarium Hebraicum. folio, Basileae, 1557. [H. 9. 21.] *Gesenius (Wilhelm) A Hebi-ew Lexicon to the Books of the Old Tes- tament, including the Geographical Names and Chaldaic Words in Daniel, Ezra, &c. Translated from the German by Christopher Leo. 2 vols, royal 4to. Cambridge, at the University Press, 1825-26. *GiBBS (J. W.) A Hebrew and English Lexicon to the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee, from the German Works of Professor W. Gesenius. 8vo. London, 1826. HuLsii (Antonii) Nomenclator Biblicus Hebrseo-Latinus. 12mo. Bredae, 1650. [F. 17. 21.] Leigh (Edwardi) Critica Sacra; sive Observationes Philologicic et Theological in omnes Radices Veteris Testamenti ; et in omnes Voces Novi Testamenti. folio, Amstelodami, 1679. [Ff. 2. 30.] Critica Sacra, folio, Londini, 1650. [Hh. 1. 14.] Meisner (Joannis Henrici) Nova Veteris Testamenti Clavis. Addita est Significatio Verborum Hebraicorum b Versione Alexandrina, cujus Dis- LEXICONS TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 35 crepantiae simul a Textu Hebraico saepe dijudicantur. Vol. I. II. continentia Libros Pentateuchi usque ad 2 Lib. Regum. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1800. [Bb. 3. 11,12.] MuNSTERi (v^ebastiani) Dictionarium Hebraicum ex Rabbinis, prseser- tim ex Radicibus Davidis Kimchi, auctum et locupletatum. folio, 1564. [I. 8. 29.] Pagnini (Sancti) Thesaurus Lingua; Sanctae, Hebraice et Latine. folio, Lugduni, 1575. [K, 10. 19.] Exemplar aliud. folio. [C. 4. 15.] Pagnini (Sancti) Thesauri Hebraicae Linguae Epitome; cui accessit Graramatices Libellus ex optimis quibusque Grammaticis collectus. folio, Antverpiae, 1572. [K. 10. 9.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Antverpia;, 1588. [G. 16. 21.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1588. [I. 15. 50.] Exemplar aliud. Fr. Raphelengius auxit et emendavit. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1600. [M. 16. 3.] Parkhurst (John) An Hebrew and English Lexicon without Points. To which are prefixed, a Hebrew and Chaldee Grammar, without Points. 2d Edit. 4to. London, 1778. [Bb. 3. 45.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1778. [C. 21. 16.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1778. [Ff. 2. 27.] Another Copy. 3d Edit. 4to. London, 1792. [Ff. 2. 26.] Lexicon (auctoris anonymi, vulgo Passionei dictum) Hebraico-Chal- daico-Latino-Biblicum. 2 vols, folio, Avenione, 1765. [Aa. 1. 36,37..^ Plantavitii (Joannis) Planta Vitas ; seu Thesaurus Synonymicus He- braico-Chaldaico-Rabbinicus. Hebraice et Latine. folio, Lodovae, 1644. [K. 13. 5.] Robertson (Gulielmi) Thesaurus Linguae Sanctae ; sive Concordan- tiale Lexicon Hebraeo-Latino-Biblicum. 4to, Londini, 1680. [K. 14. 1.] TossANii (Petri) Dictionum Hebraicarum Syllabus. 18mo. Basileae, 1615. [D. 17. 34.] ii. Greek Grammars, LeMcoiis^ and Glossaries to the New Testament. •Winer (G. B.) A Greek Grammar of the New Testament ; translated from the German by Moses Stuart and Edward Robinson. With Notes by the Translators. 8vo. Andover [Massachussetts] 1824. 8vo. Lexicon GRiECUM et Institutiones Linguae Graecae ad Sacri Apparatus Instructionem. folio, Antverpiae, 1572. [K. 10. 9.] Alberti (Joannis) Glossarium Graecum in Sacros Novi Foederis Libros. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1735. [A. 17. 75.] CHEiTOMiEi (Mart. Petr.) Grseco-Barbara Novi Testamenti, qua; Orienti Originem debent. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1649. [M. 16. 49.] Dawson (Joannis) Lexicon Novi Testamenti. 8vo. Cantabrigice, 1706. [R. 13. 26.] Leigh (Edward) Critica Sacra : or Philologicall and Theologicall Obser- vations upon all the Greek Words of the New Testament. 4to. Lon- don, 1646. [R. 8. 16.] D 2 36 RELIGION. Parkhurst (John) A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testa- ment ; to which is prefixed a Plain and Easy Greek Grammar, royal 8vo. 3d Edit. London, 1798. [Bb. 3. 44.] • Another Copy (2d and best edition.) 4to. London, 1794. [Ff. 2. 28.] Another Copy, royal Bvo. Edinburgh, 1813. [Hh. 1. 30.] Pasgris (Georgii) Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum Domini Jesu Christi Testamentum. 12mo. Herbornae, 1619. [S. 3. 18.] • ■ Exemplar aliud ; auctum vocibus, quae occurrunt in Versioni- bus Antiquis Graecis Veteris Testamenti, a Christiano Schotano. 18mo. Amstelodami, 1654. [K. 16. 16.] ScHLEusNERi (Johannis Friederici) Novum Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum. 2 tomis in 4 vols. 8vo. Lipsise, 1801. [Hh. 4. 16-19.] Editio Quarta. Recensuerunt Jacobus Smith, Joannes Strauchon, et Adamus Dickinson. 2 tomis, in 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgi, 1814. [Bb. 3, 15-18.] *Schleusneri (Jo. Friderici) Lexicon in LXX. et rehquos Graecos Inter- pretes, ac Scriptores Apocryphos Veteris Testamenti. 3 vols. 8vo. Glascuee, 1822. "Wahl (Abrahami Christ.) Clavis Philologica Novi Testamenti. 2 vols. Svo.^Lipsiae, 1822. *RoBiNsoN (Edward) A Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testa- ment, from the ' Clavis Philologica' of Christ. Abr. Wahl. royal 8vo. Andover [^Massachussetts;] 1825. 3. Commentators^ Interpreters, and Paraphrasts on the Scriptures. Crowmi (Gulielmi) Elenchus Scriptorum in Sacram Scripturam, tam Graecorum quam Latinorum. 8vo. Londini, 1672. [[A. 19. 74.]] tExemplar aliud. 8vo. Londini, 1672. *RosENMULLERi (J. G.) Historia Interpretationis Librorum Sacrorum in Ecclesia Christiana. 5 tomis, 12rao. Hildburghusaj et I^ipsia;, 1795 —1814. i. Treatises on the Interpretation of Scripture. IsiDORi Pelusiota; de Interpretatione Divinae Scriptura; Epistola;, Graece et Latine. Cura Jacobi Billii et Cunradi Rittershusii. folio, Ex OfR- . cina Commeliniana, 1606. IK. 3. 12.;] Exemplar aliud. folio, Parisiis, 1638. [N. 3. 19.] Abichtii (Jo. Georg.) Ars distincte Legend! et Interpretandi Scriptu- ram Sacram Veteris Testamenti. 8vo. Lipsia;, 1710. [A. 19. 125.] Flacii (Matthiai) Clavis Scripture : seu de Sermone Sacrarum Litera- rum. folio, Basileae, 1607. QL 13. 7.11 Lavington (George, Bishop of Exeter) The Nature and Use of a Type. 8vo. London, 1724. {T. 70. (2.)J JEWISH COMMENTATORS. 37 Pfeifferi (Augusti) Thesaurus Hermeneuticus, sive De legitima Scripturae Sacrse Interpretatione Tractatio luculenta. Cum notis et praefatione Sam. Benedict! Carpzovii. 8vo. Lipsiai, 1726. QA. 19. 13.] Rajibachii (Johamiis Jacobi) Institutiones Hermeneuticse Sacrae, variis observationibus copiosissimisque exemplis biblicis illustratai. 8vo. Jenae, 1725. QR. 14. 26.;] Thoughts on such Phrases of Scripture, as ascribe Affections and Pas- sions to the Deity. 12mo. London, 1750. [;A. 19. 37.3 TuKRETiNi (Joannis Alphonsi) De Sacr* Scripturae Interpretandae Me- thodo Tractatus Bipartitus. 12mo. Traiecti Thuriorum, 1728. C;G. 21. 13.] *Vanmildert (William, Bishop of LlandafF) An Inquiry into the Ge- neral Principles of Scripture Interpretation, in eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1814. 8vo. Oxford, 1815. Whitby (Danielis) Dissertatio de SS. Scripturarum Interpretatione secundum Patrum Commentarios. 8vo. Londini, 1714. QB. 6. 4.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Londini, 1714. [R. 12. 65.] Wilson (Thomas) Theologicall Rules to guide us in the Understanding of the Scriptures. 8vo. London, 1615. [D. 18. 49.] ii. Jewish Commentators on the Hebrew Scriptures and on Detached Books thereof. Philonis Jud^i Opera Exegetica in Libros Mosis, De Mundi Opificio, historicos, et legales. Cura Davidis Hoeschelii. Gr. Lat. folio, Co- lonic, 1613. [M. 13. 2.] Biblia Hebraica, cum triplici Targum in Pentateuchum, Onkeli, Jona- than, et Jerosolymitano, et Commentario R. Salomonis Jarchi in om- nes viginti quatuorSacrse Scripturae libros. 2 tomis, 4to. [I. 15. 36,37.] Taegum Hierosolymitanum in quinque Libros Legis, e Lingua Chaldaica in Latinam conversum. Opera Francisci Tayler. 4to. Londini, 1649. [K. 9. 24.] Pentateuchus Hebraicus et Chaldaicus, cum Commentario Raschi et R. Isaac Aboab in Biur R. Mosis ben Nachmann, et V. Megilloth, cum Targum et commentario Raschi. foho, Venetiis, 1548. [K. 12. 7.] Rabbath: sive Fasciculus Myrrhae, i. e. Commentarius Antiquus in Penta- teuchum et Quinque Megilloth, sive CanticumCanticorum, Ruth, Eccle- siasten, Lamentationes Jeremiae et Estheram. Hebraice. folio, Cra- covise, 1599. [K. 12. 17.] Oblatio perfusa Oleo : Expositio super Pentateuchum, a Rabbi Abraham Menahem, Ben Jacob, Hebraice. 4to. [K. 9. 17.] Rabbi TobijE Levitt Liber Bonae Gratiae ; sive Commentarius in Penta- teuchum, Hebraice. folio, sine loco et anno. [K. 12. 22.] Pentateuchus, Hebraice: cum Commentariis R. Mosis Nachmanidis. folio. [K.11.16.] Maimonidis (Rabbi Mosis) More Nebochim, seu Doctor Perplexorum, ad dubia et obscuriora Scripturae loca rectiiis intelligenda veluti clavem continens. Latine conversus a Johanne Buxtorfio, filio. 4to. Basi- leae, 1629. [K. 14. 28.] 38 RELIGION. Maimonidis (Rabbi Mosis) More Nebochim, cum Expositione Rabbi MosisBen Jehudae, Hebraice. 4to. Venetiis, 1596. [K. 9. 8.] Simecnis Ben Joachim Commentarius in Libros Exodi, Levitici et Numerorum. Hebraic^. 2 vols. 4to. Mantuae, 1560. [K. 14. 5,4.] The Pentateuch in Hebrew with the English Translation on the opposite page, with Notes by Lion Soesmans, corrected and translated by David Levi. 5 vols. 8vo. London. [A. 15. 78-80.] The V. Megilloth, or Books of the Song of Solomon, the Biook of Rutl), the Lamentations of Jeremiah, the Book of Ecclesiastes, and the Book of Esther. In Hebrew and English, with notes. 8vo. London. [A. 15. 81.] Psalterium Hebraicum, cum Co/nmentario R. David Kimchi, Hebraice. folio, Isnai, 1542. [K. 11. 12.] Prophetae Priores et Posteriores, cum Commentario R. David Kimchi, Hebraice. 4to. Paris, 1539. [F. 14. 8.] Prophetae Priores et Posteriores, cum Commentario R. Ishak Abarbanel. Hebraice. folio, Amstelodami, 1642. [K. 11. 14] Isaaci AnRABANiELiset R. Mosis Alschechi Commentarius in Esaiae Pro- phetiam : cum additamento eorum quae R. Simeon e veterum dictis collegit. Subjuncta refutatione et texius nova versione ac paraphrasi ; ut plena de Christi satisfactione doctrina exhibeatur. Authore Con- stantino L'Empereur. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1631. [M. 16. 16.] Daniel, cum Commentario R. Mosis Alschech. 4to. [K. 9. 27.] Paraphrasis Josephi JaciiiadjE in Danielem, cum versione et annotatio- nibus Constantini L'Empereur, 4to. Amstelodami, 1633. [K. 14. 43.] Targum, seu Paraphrasis Caldaica, quae etiam Syriaca dicitur, Jonathani Caldsei antiquissimi, in Hoseaj, Joelis, et Amosi Prophetias : atque etiam in Ruthze Historiam et Lamentationes Jeremiad Prophetae, incerto Authore Caldeo. Latinitate donata, a Johanne Quinquarboreo. 4to. Parisiis, 1556. [K. 14. 19.] Hoseas Propheta, Ebraice, et Chaldaice, cum dnplici Versione Latina et Commentariis Ebraicis trium doctissimorum Judaeorum, Masor4 item parva, ej usque et Commentariorum Latina quoque interpretatione. Accedunt annotationes Gulielmi Coddaei. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1621. [K. 14. 25.] Hosea cum Targum, id est Chaldaica Paraphrasi Jonathan, et Commen- tariis R. Selomo Jarchi, R. Abraham Aben Ezra, et R. D. Kimchi, Hebraice. 4to. [Apud Robertum Stephanum,] 1556. [K. 14. 2.] R. Salomonis Ben Melech Perfectio Pulchritudinis ; Seu Commentarius in Loca Selecta Vocesque et Res Difficiliores S. Scripturae ; cum Spicilegio Rerum praeteritarum et intermissarum, authore R. Jacob Abendana. folio, Amstelajdami, A. M. 5421. [K. 1220.] Menasseh Ben Israel Conciliator, sive de Convenientia Locorum Sacrae Scripturae, quie pugnare inter se videntur. 4to. Amstelodami, 1633. [K. 14. 42.] Bechirath Ilappcruschim ; hoc est, Examinis Commentationum Rabbini- carum in Mosen Sectio prima. Auctore Wilhelmo Schickardo. 4tOi Tubingas, 1624. [L 14. 38.] COMMENTATORS ON THE BIBLE. 39 iii. Christian Commentatoj^s. (1) Chkistian Commentators on the Entire Bible. Origenis in Sacras Scripturas Comraentaria, quacunque Graec^ reperiri potuerunt. Edidit, partim Ladne vertit, et universa notis et observa- tionibus illustravit Petrus Daniel Huetius. folio, 2 partibus in 1 vol. Rothomayi, 1668. [M. 13. 23.] Origenis Commentaria. folio. Inter Opera Latino. [M. 12. 7,8.] Origenis Philocalia ; de Obscuris S. Scripturse Locis, a SS. Patribus Ba- silio Magno et Gregorio Theologo, ex variis Origenis Cotnmentariis excerpta. Graece et Latine. 4to. Parisiis, 1619. [L. 20. 21.] Cyrilli, Alexandrini Archiepiscopi, Glaphyra ; sive Commentaria in quinque Libros Moysis, in Esaiam Prophetam, in Duodecim Minores Prophetas, et in Joannis Evangelium. Greece et Latine. folio. Inter Operum Tomos I.-IV. [M. 13. 9-12.] Rabani Mauri (Magnentii, Archiepiscopi Moguntini,) Commentarii in Libros IJistoricos Veteris Testamenti, in Proverbia Sa'omonis, Librum Sapientiae, Jeremiae et Ezechielis Prophetias, duos libros Macha- baeorum et Ecclesiasticum, in Matthaeum et omnes Pauli Epistolas. folio. Inter Operum Tumos II.-V. [M. 11. 11-13.] Divi Thom^e Aquinatis, Doctoris Angelici, Commentaria in quosdam Libros Veteris et Novi Testamenti, scilicet, in Job ; Prima Qutnqua- gena Davidis ; Canticum Canticorum ; Esaiam ; Jeremiam, et ejus Lameiitationes ; in Evangelia secundum Matthaeum et Joannem ; Ca- thena Aurea in Quatuor Evangelia, ex dictis Patrum connexa ; Com- mentaria in omnes D. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas. folio, Inter Operum Tomos XIIL-XVL [H. 12. 18-20.] Venerabilis Bed;e, presbyteri, Commentationes in Sacras Literas. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1545. [L 11. 15.] Nicholai de Lyra Commentaria in Universa Biblia ; cum Additionibus ad Lyrae Postillas in Sacram 'Scripturam, et correctorio Matthiae Thuringi. 7 vols, folio. Basileae.et Ex Valle Engadi, 1506-1508. [L. 5. 8-14.] HuGONis (Cardinalis) Postilla, sive Commentaria in Biblia Sacra. 7 vols. folio. Basileae, m.cccc. )fcb iii. [L. 5. 1-7.] HuGONis DE S. VicTORE Annotationes Elucidatoriae, AUegoriae, et Quaestiones in omnes Sacrae Scripturoe Libros. folio. Infer Opera. [M. 11. 15.] Critici Sacri : sive Clarissimorum Virorum in Sacrosancta utriusque Foederis Biblia Doctissimae Adnotationes, atque Tractatus Philologici. folio, 9 tomis, Londini, 1660. [M. 2. 1-9.] Exemplar aliud. folio, 9 tomis, Londini, 1660. [Aa. 1. 38-43.] Exemplar aliud. folio, 9 tomis, Londini, 1660, [Bb. 1. 1-3.] PoLi (Matthaei) Synopsis Criticorum, aliorumque Scripturae Interpre- tum. 5 tomis in 6 vols, folio, Londini, 1669-1676. [Bb. 1. 4-9.] Exemplar aliud. 5 tomis, folio, Londini, 1669-1676. [E 3. 17-21.] Thomae de Vio, Cajetani Cardinalis, Opera Omnia, quotquot in Sacrae Scripturae Expositionem reperiuntur. 5 vols, folio, Lugduni, 1639. [L. 4. 5-9.'] Brentii (Joannis) Commentarii in Libros Veteris et Novi Testamenti. Liter Operum Tomos L-VIL [M. 4. 18-23.] 40 RELIGION. La Bibbia, con moke et utili annotationi. folio, 1562. [K. 11. 31.] II medesimo Libro. 1562. [K. 11. 32.] La Bible: qui est Toute la Sainte Escriture de nouveau reveue. Avec Argumens sur chacnn livre, et Annotations. [Geneve] 1562, folio. [C. 5. 21.] La Sainte Bible, avec Argumens et Annotations, folio, Geneve, 1563. [K. 11. 30.] Biblia Sacra, ex Sebastiani Castalionis postrema recognitione et cum an- notationibiis ejusdem. folio, Basilege, 1573. [N. 2. 17.] Cornelii a Lapide Commentarii in Scripturas Sacras. 1 1 tomisj folio, Antverpia? et Lugduni, 161 7-38. [L. 5. 16-26.] Biblia Sacra Latina ; Vetus Testamentum, cum Scboliis, ab Immanuele Tkemellio et Francisco Junio ; Libri Apocryphi, cum notis quibus- dam, a Francisco Junio ; et Novum Testamentum, ex Sermone Syro, ab Immanuele Tremellio, et ex Graeco (cum Notis) a Theodoro Beza. folio, Hanoviae, 1624. [N. 2. 15.] Biblia Latina, versione et notis Immanuelis Tremellii et Francisci Junii. folio, GenevBB, 1630. [Aa. 1. 32.] Leonardi (Marii) Commentariorum in Universam S. Scripturam Tomus Primus, complectens Pentateuchum Mosis. folio, Colonise Agrippinae, 1621. [L. 2. 4.] Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V. Pont. Max. jussa recognita atque edita, cum Scholiis Joannis Mauian.^ et Notationibus Emanuelis Sa, addito Petri Lansselii Supplemento. folio, 2 tomis, Antverpiae, 1624. [K. 13. 12,13.] Menochii (Stephani) Brevis Explicatio Sensus Literalis Totius S. Scrip- turse, ex optimis auctoribus per Epitomen coUecta. folio, 2 tomis, Coloniae Agrippinae, 1630. [I. 11. 1,2.] QuiSTORPii (Johannis) Annotationes in omnes Libros Biblicos. 4to. Rostochii, 1848. [L 20. 10.] EsTii (Guil.) Annotationes Aureae in praecipua ac difficiliora Sacrae Scrip- turae Loca. 4to. Coloniae Agrippinae, 1622. [H. 7. 29.] Hall (Joseph, Bp. of Norwich) A Familiar Explication of all the hard Texts of the whole Divine Scripture, folio, London, 1632. [B. 4. 13.] Hall (Joseph, Bp. of Norwich) Contemplations upon the Principall Pas- sages of the Old and New Testaments, folio. ^orA*, Vols. I. & II. [H. 23, 12-13.] Grotii (Hugonis) Annotationes in Vetus et Novum Testamentum. folio, 4 tomis, Parisiis, 1631-44-50. [F. 13. 3-6.] Grotii (Hugonis) Annotationes in Vetus et Novum Testamentum in com- pendium redactae a Samuele Moody. 4to. Londini, 1727. [G. 14. 8.] Pious and Learned Annotations upon the Holy Bible, plainly expounding the most difficult places thereof, by that godly and famous Divine, Mr. John DioDATi, late Minister of the Gospel in Geneva, folio, London, 1664. [K. 2. 20.] TiKiNi (Jacobi) In Scripturam Commentarius. 2 tomis, in 1 vol. folio, Lugduni, 1664. [M. 5. 19.] Mayer (John) A Commentary upon the Bible ; wlierin the Divers Trans- lations and Expositions, Literall and Mysticall, of the most famous COMMENTATORS ON THE BIBLE. 41 Commentators both antient and modern, are propounded and examined. 5 vols, folio, London, 1653-1631. [Aa. 2. 48-53.] Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament. — Wherein the Text is explained ; Doubts resolved, and Various Read- ings observed; by the labour of certain learned Divines thereunto ap- pointed, folio, 2 vols. London, 1657. [H. 1. 20,21.] Poole (Matthew) Annotations upon the Holy Bible, wherein the Sacred Text is inserted, and Various Readings annexed, together with the Parallel Scriptures, folio, 2 vols. London, 1683. [R. 1. 23,24.] Patrick — Lowth — Arnald — and Whitby. — Paraphrase and Com- mentary upon the Bible, folio, 6 vols. London, 1727. [R. 2. 2-8.] Syllabus. Patrick (Simon) On the Historical and Poetical Books to the Song of Solomon, inclusive. 3 vols. [R. 2. 2-4.] Lowth (William) On the Prophetical Books. [R. 2. 5.] Arnald (Richard) On the Apocryphal Book of the Wisdom of Solo- mon, folio, London, 1744. [R. 2. 6.] Whitby (Daniel) On the New Testament. 2 vols. [R. 2. 7,8.] Henry (Matthew) An Exposition of the Old and New Testament, folio. 6 vols, in 3, Edinburgh, 1767. [Ff. 1. 1-3.] PuRVER (Antony) A New and Literal Translation of all the Books of the Old and New Testament ; with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, folio, 2 vols. London, 1764. [N. 3. 27,28.] Cruden (William) The Complete Family Bible ; or a Spiritual Exposition of the Old and New Testament, folio, 2 vols. London, 1770. [Ff. 1. 4,5.] Brown (John) The Self-Interpreting Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments ; with Introduction, Marginal References, Notes, and Practical Reflections. 2 vols, interleaved in 5 vols. 4to. London, 1791. [Bb. 2. 1-5.] Scott (Thomas) The Holy Bible : With Explanatory Notes, Practical Observations, and Marginal References. 4to. 6 vols. London, 1812. [Ff. 3. 26-31.] *D'Oyly (George) and Mant (Richard, Bishop of Down and Connor) The Holy Bible with Notes, Explanatory and Practical; taken prin- cipally from the most eminent Writers of the United Church of Eng- land and Ireland. With Introductions, Tables, Indexes, &c. &c. 3 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1822. Robinson (Thomas) Scripture Characters: or a Practical Improvement of the Principal Histories in the Old Testament from Adam to Joshua, inclusive. 12mo. London, 1789. [li. 2. 55. '\ Robinson (Thomas) Scripture Characters : or a Practical Improvement of the Principal Histories in the New Testament. 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1792. [li. 2, 53,54.] RELIGION. (2) COMMKNTATORS ON THE OlD TeSTAMENT, AND ON DeTACHED Books thereof.* [?.] Commentators on the Whole — or on the Greater Part — of the Old Testament. Beati Theodoreti, Episcopi Cyri, Quaestiones et Interpretationes in omnes Veteris Testaraenti Libros, et Expositio in omnes B. Pauli Epistolas. Graece et Latine. folio. Inter per um Tomosl. -111. [H. 13. 25-27.] — — — Exemplar aliud. folio. Inter Opera. [M. 9. 22.] S. IsiDORi (Hispalensis Episcopi) Commentarii in Vetus Testamentum a Libro Genesews usque ad Esdram. folio. Inter Opera. [K. 3. 23.] Venerabilis Bedje Commentarii in Genesin usque ad Parabolas Salomonis. folio. Inter Operum Tom. IV. [Ff. 2. 4.] Venerabilis Bedae Quajstiones super Genesin usque ad Libros Regum. folio. Inter Operum Tom. III. [M. 13. 19.] Annotationes in Vetus Testamentum et in Epistolam ad Ephesios, incerto Autore, e Bibliotheca Joannis Archiepiscopi Eboracensis in lucem erutae. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1653. [G. 8. 22.] BoNAVENTUR.^E (Joannis, Cardinalis) Expositiones in Hexaemeron, Psal- terium, Ecclesiasten, Sapientiam, Lamentationes Hieremiae Propheta;, et in quosdam libros Novi Testamenti. folio. Inter Operum Tom. I. [H.12.1.] TosTATi (Alphonsi, Abulensis Episcopi) Commentarii in Libros Veteris Testamenti, a Genesi usque ad Paralipomena ; item super Matthaeuih. folio. Inter Operum Tomos L-XIL [K. 5. 1-12.] RuPERTi, Abbatis Monasterii Tvitiensis, Commentarii in Vetus Testa- mentum et Quatuor Evangelia. folio. Infer Opera Tom. I. [M. 10. 3.] RicKEL (Dionysii a, Carthusiani) Eruditae ac Piae Enarrationes in Libros Job, Tobias, Judith, Hester, Esdrae, Nehemiae, Machabaeorum L et IL folio. Colonise, 1551. [D. 11. 1.] BoRRHAi (Martini) Commentarii in Pentateuchum usque ad Libros Regum IV. folio, Basileae, 1561. [L. 9. 13.] Spangenbergii (Cyriaci) In Sacros Bibliorum Veteris Testamenti His- toricos, et ad Jobum, Tabulae Analyticae. folio, 2 tomis, Basileae, 1563- 67. [L. 11.1,2.] Zuinglii (Huldricbi) Annotationes in Genesim, Exodum^ Esaiam, et leremiam Prophetas, una cum Psalterio per eundem Latinitate donato. folio, Tiguri, 1581. [K. 4. 8.] Pellicani (Conradi) Commentarii in Pentateuchum, Jobum, Psalmos, Pro- verbia, Cantica Canticorum, Libros Apocryphos, Quatuor Evangelia, et Acta Apostolorum. 4 tomis, folio, Tiguri, 1582. [L. 9. 1-4.] Piscatoris (Johannis) Expositio Brevis Dictorum Selectorum ex Libris Veteris Testamenti. 8vo. Herbornae, 1598. [1.8.19.] Veterum Interpreturn Grscorum in totum Vetus Testamentum Frag- menta, coUecta, versa, et notis illustrata, a Johanne Drusio. 4to. Arnhemii, 1622. [L. 19. 14,15.] * For Homilies or Lectures on entire Books of Scripture, see Title IX. Sect. 1. § i. infra. COMMENTATORS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. 43 De Dieu (Ludovici) Animadversiones in Veteris Testamenti omnes Libros, in quibus ex Chaldaeorum Targumim, et Syrorum et Arabum et alio- rum Versionibus, ut et Hebrseorum Commentariis, et Recentiorum Ob- servationibus, difficilioraqiiaeque loca illustrantur, et diligenti collatione habita, explicantur. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1648. [K. 9. 15.] Alstedii (Joannis Henrici) Trifolium Propheticum : Canticum Canticorum Salomonis, Prophetia Danielis, Apocalypsis Johannis, Explicata. 4to. 4to. Herbornae, 1640. [G. 20. 24.] Patrick (Symon, Bishop of Ely) Paraphrase and Commentary on the Old Testament, from Genesis to Psalms. 12 vols. 4to. London, 1679-1706. [F."6. 1-12.] Clerici (Joannis) Translatio Librorum Veteris Testamenti, cum ejusdem Paraphrasi perpetud, Commentario Philologico, Dissertationibus Cri- ticis, Tabulisque Chronologicis et Geographicis. 5 tomis, folio, Am- stelodami, 1710-08-31. [P. 2. 9-13.] Clerici (Joannis) Translatio et Commentarius in Pentateuchum, Libros Historicos, et Libros Hagiographos, Veteris Testamenti. 4 tomis, folio, Amstelodami, 1696-1731. [E. 10. 23,24. E. 2. 16,17.] Pyle (Thomas) A Paraphrase with short and useful Notes on the Books of the Old Testament. [Containing the Historical Books.] 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1717-1725. [G. 22. 27-30.] Wall (William) Critical Notes on the Old Testament. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1734. [R. 11. 58-60.] Orton (Job) A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament ; with Devotional and P-ractical Reflections. 6 vols. 8vo. Shrewsbury, 1791. [L 25^ 7-12.] *HoRSLEY (Samuel, Bishop of St. Asaph) Biblical Criticism on the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament ; also on the First Nine Historical Books. 4 vols 8vo. London, 1820. [«'.] Commentators on Detached Books of the Old Testament. On the Pentateuch. RiCKEL (Dionysii a) Enarrationes pise ac eruditae in quinque Mosaicae Legis Libros. folio, Coloniae, 1547. [D. 11. 14.] Calvini (Joannis) In quinque Libros Mosis Commentarii. folio, Genevse, • .1595. [L. 12. 18.] BoNFRERii (Jacobi) Pentateuchus Moysis Commentario illustratus. folio, Antverpiaj, 1625. [L. 4. 26.] AiNSwoRTH (Henry) Annotations upon the Five Books of Moses, the Psalms and Canticles, folio, London, 1639. [C. 5. 3.] Kidder (Richard, Bishop of Bath and Wells) A Commentary on the Five Books of Moses : with a Dissertation concerning the Author or Writer of the said Books, and a General Argument to each. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1694. [G. 1 8. 34,35.] Marckii (Johannis) In Praecipuas quasdam Partes Pentateuchi Commen- tarius. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1713. [E. 7.'19.] Jameson ( ^) A Critical and Practical Exposition of the Pentateuch. folio, London, 1748. [R. 1. 27.] U RELIGION. Genesis. Aquinatis (Thomge) Postilla seu Expositio A urea in Librum Geneseos : Literalem Sensum atque Spiritualem complectens. 8vo. Antverpiae, 1673. [G. 18. 3.] ZiEGLERi (Jacobi) In Genesim et Exodum Commentarii. folio. Inter Opera Theologica. [L. 10. 19.] LiPOMANNi (Aloysii) Catena in Genesin, ex Auctoribus Ecclesiasticis plus minus sexaginta, iisque partim Graecis, partim Latinis, connexa. folio, Parisiis, 1546. [I. 12. 1.] • . . . MuscuLi (Wolfgangi) In Mosis Genesim Plenissimi Commentarii, in quibus veterum et recentiorum sententiae expenduntur. folio, Basi- leae, 1554. [L. 11. 17.] A Commentary of John Calvine, upon the First Booke of Moses called Genesis. Translated out of Latine into English, by Thomas Tymme. 4to. London, 1578. [Ff. 8. 145.] Marlorati (Augustini) Genesis, cum Catholica Expositione EtccIcsI- astica: sive Bibliotheca Expositionum Genesews. Id est, Expositio ex probatis iheologis (quotquot in Genesin aliquid scripserunt) col- lecta, et in unum corpus singulari artificio conflata. folio, Apud Hen- ri cum Stephanum, 1562. [L. 11. 3.] Marty Ris (Petri) In primum libri Mosis, qui vulgo Genesis dicitur, Commentarii. folio, Tiguri, 1579. [L. 12. 26.] Merceri (Joannis Regii) In Genesin Primum Mosis Librum, sic a Graecis appellatum, Comraentarius. folio, Genevae, 1598. [G. 12.20.] WiLLET (Andrew) Hexapla in Genesin : that is, a six-fold Commentarie upon Genesis. Wherein sixe severall translations, that is, the Septua- gint, and the Chaldee, two Latin, of Hierome and Tremellius, two Eng- lish, the Great Bible, and the Geneva Edition, are compared, where they differ, with the originall Hebrew, and Pagnine and Montanus interlinearie interpretation : Together with a six-fold use of each Chapter, shewing, 1. the Method or Argument; 2. the Divers Read- ings ; 3. the Explanations of Difficult Questions and DoubtfuU Places ; 4. the Places of Doctrine ; 5. Places of Confutation ; 6. Morall Obser- vations, folio, Cambridge, 1605. [B. 4. 17-] Parei (Davidis) In Genesin Commentarius. 4to. Genevoe, 1614. [Hh. 1.29.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Genevae, 1614. [1.20.6.] JuNii (Francisci) Praelectiones in tria priora capita Geneseos, et Expli- cationes Analyticae in Pentateuchum. folio, hiter Openim Tom. I. [L. 13. 10.] Mersenni (Marini) Qusestiones Celeberrimae in Genesim cum accurata Textus Explicatione. folio, Paris. 1623. [L. 4. 28.] BoEHME (Jacob) Mysterium Magnum ; oder Erkliirung uber das erste Buch Mosis. [A Mystical Commentary on the Book of Genesis.] 4to. Liebhabern, 1640. [K. 9. 13.] Cartwrighti (Christophori) Electa Thargumico-Rabbinica; sive Anno- tationes in Genesin, ex Triplici Thargum, seu Chaldaica Paraphrasi ; item ex R. Salomone et Aben-Ezra, aliisque Hebrieis pariter ac He- braizantibus excerptae. 8vo. Londini, 1648. [M. 16. 9.] COMMENTATORS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. 45 RivETi (Andreae) Exercitationes in Genesin CXCI., et Cotnmentaria in Exodum, quibus subjunctae sunt pleniores in Decalogum Praelectiones. folio. Infer Op. TheoL Tom. I. [L. 11. 9] Pererii (Benedicti) Commentarii et Disputationes in Genesim. 4 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Moguntiae, 1612. [K. 3. 9.] Genesis sive Mosis Prophetae Liber primus. Ex translatione Joannis Clerici cum ejusdem Paraphrasi perpetua, Commentario philologico, Dissertationibus Criticis quinque, et Tabulis Chronologicis. folio, Am- stel. 1693. [F. 13. 13.] Edzardi (' ) Defensio Interpretatioms Shilnh, adversus Joamem Cleri- cum. 8vo. Londini, 1698. [P. 316. (3.)] WoTToN ( WilUam) A Discourse concerning the Confusion of Languages at Babel ; proving it to hare been miraculous, contrary to the Opinion of Mons. Le Clerc and others. Svo, London, 1730. [P. 58. (3.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1730. [N. 9. 32.] Franks (James) Sacred Literature ; or, Remarks on the Book of Ge- nesis, collected and arranged to promote the Knowledge and evince the Excellency of the Scriptures. Svo. Halifax, 1802. [C. 27. 25.'] RossE (Abraham) An Exposition of the Fourteen First Chapters of Ge- nesis by way of Question and Answer, collected out of ancient and re- cent Writers. 12mo. London, 1626. [G. 16. 31.] Eustathii, Archiepiscopi Antiocheni ct Martyris, In Hexahemeron Com- mentarius, Gr. Lat. 4to. Lugduni, 1629. [L 20. 2.] Steuciii Eugubini (Augustini) Expositio trium Capitum Genesis, et An- notationes in Pentatcuchum. Inter Operum Tom. L [M. 5. 4.] Dawson (Abraham) A New English Translation from the original He- brew of the Three First Chapters of Genesis ; with Marginal Illustra' tions and Notes Critical and Explanatory. 4to. London, 1763. [R. 16. 12.] DicKiNsoNi (Edmundi) Physica Vetus et Vera; sive Tracfatus de Natu- ral! Veritate Hexaemeri Mosaica. 4to. Londini, 1702. [M. 14. 4.] MiDDLETON (Conyers) An Essay on the Allegorical and Literal Interpre- tation of the Creation and Fall of Man. 4to. Works, Vol. II. [G. 9. 13.] A Critical Dissertation on Genesis, Chapter II. Verse the First, wherein the Doctrine of the Trinity and their Creative Power is ex- pressly asserted ana revealed. Svo. London, 1750. [P. 165. (1.)] Carver (Marmaduke) A Discourse of the Terrestrial Paradise, aiming at a more probable Discovery of the true Situation of that happy place. 12mo. London, 1666. [F. 17. 16.] Kennicott (Benj.) Two Dissertations. 1. On the Tree of Life in Pa- radise, with some Observations on the Fall of Man. 2. On the Obla- tions of Cain and Abel. Svo. Oxford, 1747. [R. 19. 20.] Witty (Jo.) An Essay towards a Vindication of the Vulgar Exposition of the Mosaic History of the Fall of Adam. Svo. London, 1705. [M. 15. 36.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1705. [M. 6. 6.] WoRTHiNGTON (William) The Historical Sense of the Mosaic Account of the Fall, proved and vindicated. Svo. London, 1751. IP. 181. (7.)] 46 RELIGION. MosELEY ( — ) A Letter to the Bishop of Oxford, occasioned by " The Christian Plan" exhibited in the interpretation of Elohim by W. Hodges, Provost of Oriel College, ike. 8vo. London, 1752. [P. 176.(10.)] KiRCHERi (Athanasii) Area Noe in Libros IIL digesta: Quorum L De rebus qua; ante Diluvium ; IL De iis, quae ipso Diluvio ejusque Duratione ; IIL De iis, quae post Diluvium a Noiimo gesta sunt: Quae omnia nova Methodo, nee non summa Argumentorum varietate, explicantur, et demonstrantur. folio, Amstelodarai, 1675. [D. 4. 4.] Catcott (Alexander) A Treatise on the Deluge. 8vo. London, 1768. [A. 14. 62.] *Penn (Granville) A Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mo- saical Geologies. Second Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. OgiIiBY (William) The Remission of,the Curse at the Flood ; in a Series of Reflections on the Mosaic Account of the Earth from the Creation to that time. London, 1747. [P. 181.(8.)] Crinesii (M. C.) Babel; sive Discursus de Confusione Linguarum, turn orientalium, turn occidentalium ; statuen^ Hebraicam omnium esse primam et ipsissimam matricem. 4to. Noribergae, 1629. [L 14. 20.] Whiston (Wm.) A Dissertation concerning God's Command to Abra- ham to offer up Isaac. 8vo. London, 1734. [P. 86. (5.)] Exodus. SiMLERi (Josiae) In Exodum Commentarii. folio, Tiguri, 1584. [L. 9. 16.] WiLLET (Andrew) Hexapla in Exodum ; that is, a six-fold commentary on the Book of Exodus, folio, London, 1608. [B. 1. 27.] Barradii (Sebastian!) Itinerarium Filiorum Israel ex ^gypto in Terram Repromissionis. folio, Antwerpiae, 1621. [L. 3. 6] Commentarii, nee non in XV Exodi Priora Capita Lectiones Variae, per Locos Communes. Auctore Fr. D. R. Parisiensi. folio, Lugduni, 1623. [I. 13. 1.] Bryant (Jacob) Observations upon the Plagues inflicted vipon the Egyptians. 8vo. London, 1810. [Ff. 6. 10.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1810. [Hh. 6. 5.] Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Brocardi (Jacobi) Mystica et Prophetica Libri Levitici Interpretatio. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1580. [1. 18. 22.] PiscATORis (Joannis) Commentarius in Leviticum. 8vo. Herbornae, 1615. [I. 18. 2.] LoRiNi (Joannis) Commentarii in Leviticum. folio, Lugduni, 1619. [L. 2. 17.] Lorini (Joannis) Commentarii in Librum Numerorum. folio, Coloniae, . 1623. [M. 19. 3.] Lorini (Joannis) Commentarii in Deuteronomium. folio, Lug. Bat. 1625. [L. 2. 10] Turner (John) Boaz and Ruth ; a Disquisition upon Deut. xxv. 5. 8vo. London, 1685. [B. 6. 20.] Parry (Richard) The Case between Gerizim and Ebal fairly stated. 8vo. London, 1764. [P. 247. (5.)] COMMENTATORS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. 47 On several Historical Books. Drusii (Joannis) Ad Loca Difficiliora Josuse, Judicura, et Samuelis, Comxnentarius. 4to. Franekerae, 1618, [L. 19. 16.] Sanctii (Gasparis) In Libros Ruth, Esdrae, Nehemiae, Tobiae, Judith, Esther, Machabeorum, Cornmentarii. folio, Lugduni, 1628 [L. 3. 1.] BoNFRERii (Jacobi) Josue, Jiulices, et Ruth, Commentario ilhistrati. Accessit Onomasticon Urbium et Locorum Sacrae Scripturae. folio, Paris. 1631. [L. 4. 27.] Joshua. , Josuae Iniperatoris Historia illustrate, atque explicata, ab Andrea Masio, Duplici editione Hebraica et Graeca. — Adjuncta est et Duplex Latina, quorum altera Hebraicum ilium, altera Graecura paene ad verbum representat : Et insuper Interpretatio Chaldaica ; ubi ab Hebraeo de- cessit, Latine est in marginibus expressa. folio, Antwerpiae, 1574. [L. 3. 23.] Magaliani (Cosmae) In Sacram Josue Historiam Cornmentarii. 2 to- misj folio, Turnoni, 1612. [L. 2. 9.] PiscATORis (Joannis) Commentarius in Librum Josue. 8vo. Herbornae, 1607. [I. 18. 4.] Oakes (Abraham) The Sun standing still in the days of Joshua ac- counted for. 8vo. London, 1739. [P. 97. (10.)] Judges. BucERi (Martini) Commentarius in Librum Judicum ; [ad calcem Psal- morum a Bucero traductorum.] folio, Apud Robertum Stephanum, 1554. [L. 10. 3^] Mabtyris (Petri) In Librum Judicum Cornmentarii. folio, Tiguri, 1582. [L. 12. 25.'} Montani (Benedicti Arii) De Varia Republica, sive Commentarius in Librum Judicum. 4to. Antverpiae, 1592. [G. 20. 6.] BoucHERY (W.) Paraphrasis in Deborae et Baraci Canticum. 4to. Can- tabrigiae, 1706. [M. 15. 24.] Green (William) The Song of Deborah, reduced to Metre ; with a New Translation and Commentary. 4to. London, 1753. [R. 16. 12.] DoDWELL (William) A Dissertation on Jephthah's Vow. Svo. London, 1745. [P. 121. (4.)] 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, and 1 & 2 Chronicles. Gregorii Magni Enarrationes in priraum Samuelis Librum. folio. Inter Operum Tom. II. [Mi 11. 6.] Martyris (Petri) In duos Libros Samuelis Prophetae, qui vulgo priores Libri Regum appellantur, Commentarii. folio, Tiguri, 1575. [G. 2. 3.] ' Exemplar aliud. folio, Tiguri, 1595. [L. 12. 27.] Kennicott (Benjamin) Observations on 1 Samuel, ch. VI. v. 19. Svo. Oxford, 1768. [P. 247. (2.)] Sanctii (Gasparis) In quatuor Libros Regum et duos Paralipomenon Commentarii. folio, Antwerpiae, 1624. [L. 3. 7.] MENDOpA (Francisci) Commentarii in Quatuor Libros Regum. folio, 3 vols. Lugduni, 1636-7. [L. 4. 2-4.] 48 RELIGION. Melachim, id est, Regum Libri Duo posteriores cum Commcntariis Petri Martyris in primuni totum et secundi priora XI. Capita, et Joannis WoLPHii Tigurini in secundi XIV. capita, folio, Heidelbergae, 1599. [L. 12. 24.] — Exemplar aliud. folio, Tiguri, 1581. [C. 14. 16.] PiscATORis (Joannis) Commentarius in libros Duos Regum. 8vo. Her- bornee, 1611. [I. 18. L] Piscatoris (Joannis) Commentarius in Duos Libros Chronicorum. 8vo. Herbornse, 1616. [I. 18. 3.] Pineda (Joannis de) ad suos in Salomonem Commentarios Liber Prae- vius ; id est, De Rebus Salomonis Regis Libri Octo. folio, Moguntite, 1513. [D. 11. 11.] Dblany (Patrick) An Historical Account of the Life of David, King of Israel, interspersed with various conjectures, digressions, and disquisi- tions. 8vo. Dublin, 1743. [E. 27. 26.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1759. [Ff. 6. 53,54.] Chandler (Samuel) A Review of the History of the Man after God's own Heart. 8vo. London, 1762. [F. 24. 20.] Chandler (Samuel) A Critical History of the Life of David, in which the principal Events are ranged in order of time ; the chief Objections of Mr. Bayle and others are examined and refuted ; and the Psalms, which refer to him, are explained. 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1766. [F. 24. 6,7.] Grey (Richard) The Last Words of David, divided according to the Metre, with Notes Critical and Explanatory. 4to. London, 1749. [R. 16. 12.] Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. WoLPHii (Joannis) In Esdram et Nehemiam Commentarii. folio, Ti- guri, 1584-70. [L. 9. 17.] MiLNER (Joannis) De Nethinim sive Nethinaeis, quorum meniio fit in libris Ezrse et Nehemia; ; et de iis qui se Corban Deo nominabant apud Josephum Ant. lib. 4. c. 4. Dissertatiuncula. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1690. [M. 14. 7.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Cantabrigia;, 1690. [M. 14. 30.] Esther, ex interpretatione S. Pagnini, et J. Drusii in earn Annotationes. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1586. [L. 18. 10.] On Several Poetical Books. Durell (D.) Critical Remarks on the Books of Job, Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles. 4to. Oxford, 1772. [R. 17. 22.] Job. Catena Graecorum Patrum in Beatum Job, Collectore Niceta Heracleae Metropolita, Opera et Studio Patricii Junii. Gr. Lat. folio, Londini, 1637. [M. 12. 18.] Gregorii Magni Expnsitiones Morales in librum Job. Infer Operum Tom. I. [M. 11. 5.] • Exemplar aliud. Inter Opera. [M. 11. 14.] Beza, (Theodore) Job expounded, partly in the manner of a Commen- tary, partly in the manner of a Paraphrase. — Ecclesiastes paraphrased, 12mo. Cambridge, 1600. [Ee. 4. 84.] COMMENTATORS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. 49 Pineda (Joannis de) Commentariorum in Job Libri Tredecim, adjunctd singulis capitibus sua parapbrasi, quae et longioris commentarii summam condnet. folio, 2 tomis, Colonise, 1513,14. [D. 11. 9,10.] Oecolampadii (Joannis) In Librum Job Exegemata. folio, Genevae, 1567. [M. 4. 16.] Merceri (Joannis) Commentarii in Librum Job. folio, Genevae, 1573. [L. 10. 22.] Steuchii (Augustini) In Librum Job Enarrationes. folio. Inter Operum Tom. 1. [M. 5. 4.] BoLDUccii (Jacob!) Commentarius in Librum Job. 2 vols, folio, Paris. 1637. [L. 4. 12,13.] PiscATORis (Joannis) Commentarii in Librum Jobi. 8vo. Herbornae, 1612. [I. 18. 8.] Caryl (Joseph) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, continued upon the ei<;hth, ninth, and tenth Chapters of the Book of Job. 4to. London, 1649. [E. 20.20.] — An Exposition upon the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth Chapters of the Book of Job. 4to. London, 1653. [E. 20. 21.] Wesley (Samuel) Dissertationes in Librum Jobi. folio, Londini, 1736. [Ff. 2. 45.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Londini, 1736. [R. 2. 1.] Schultens (Albert!) Liber Jobi, cum versione ad Hebrseum fontem, et Commentario perpetuo. 2 vols. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1737. [Bb. 2. 8,9.] Heath (Thomas) An Essay towards a new English Version of the Book of Job, from the original Hebrew. 4to. London, 1756. [R. 16. 12.] Peters (Charles) A Critical Dissertation on^the Book of Job, 4to. Lon- don, 1757. [E. 26. 11.] A Review of the History of Job : wherein the principal Characters, Trans- actions and Incidents in that Book are considered with attention : also enquiry made whether they are countenanced by reason, nature, and truth ; or are in reality supported by other parts of Scripture-History. With an appendix containing remarks on that generally misapplied passage, chap. xii. verse 12. 8vo. London, 1771. [P. 306. (5.)] *GooD (J. M.) The Book of Job literally translated from the original Hebrew, and restored to its natural arrangement. With Notes and an Introductory Dissertation. 8vo. London, 1812. Costard (Charles) Some Observations tending to illustrate the Book of Job, and particularly Job xix. 25. Svo. London, 1747. [R. 19. 7.] Psalms. Aurea in Quinquaginta Davidicos Psalmos Doctorum Graecorum Catena ; interprete . Daniele Barbaro Patriarcha Aquileiensi. folio, Venetiis, 1569. [D. 11. 19.] EusEBii Pamphili Caesariensis Commentarii in Psalmos; et Athanabii Argumentum et Supplementa Commentarii in Psalmos. Graece et Latine. folio. In Nova Collectione Patriim,Vo\. I. etll. [A. 4. 16,17.] Apollinarii Interpretatio Psalmorum Versibus Heroicis, Graece et Latine. Svo. Heidelbergse, 1596. [L. 19. 33.] Exemplar aliud, Graece. Svo. Parisiis, 1580. [C. 15. 45] E 50 RELIGION. D. Aurelii Auoustini Hipponensis Episcopi Enarrationes in Psalraos. folio. Inter Operum Tomvm VIII. [M. 10. 12] D. Prosperi Aquitanici Psalinorum a Centesimo usque ad CL. Expositio. folio. Inter Opera. [M. 9. 15.] Ricardi Sancti Victoris Mysticae Annotationes quamplurimorum Versuum Psalmorum David, folio. Inter Opera. [M. 9. 14.] Ambrosii (Mediolanensis Episcopi) In Psalmos aliquot Davidicos Com- inentarii. folio. Inter Opera. [M. 16. 22.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Inter Opera. [M.'ll. 17.] Venerabilis BsDiE in Psalmorum Librum Commentaria. folio. Inter Operum To7n. III. [M. 13. 19.] Brunonis (S.) In Psalmos Davidicos Expositio. Inter Operum Tom. I. [M. 9. 5.] RiCKEL (Dionysii h) Insigne Coramentariorum Opus in Omnes Psalraos Davidicos, et in Hymnos Ecclesiasticos. folio, Coloniae, 1531. [D. 11. 2.] EuTiiYMii monachi Zigabeni Commentationes in Omnes Psalmos, Latine conversse per Philippum Saulum, episcopum Brugnatensem. folio. Verona;, 1530. [M. 9. 9.] Perez (Jacobi) Centura ac quinquaginta Psalmi Davidici cum diligen- tissima titulorum omnium expositione, et totius prophetici sermonis applicatione. 4to. Parisiis, 1509. [D. 11. 23.] Psalterium Davidis Carmine redditum per Eobanum Hessum. Cum Annotationibus Viti Theodori, quae Commentarii vice esse possunt. Cui accessit Ecclesiastes Solomonis, eodem genere Carminis redditus. 8vo. 1542. [G. 16. 4.] Buceri (Martini) Psalmi ad Hebraicam veritatem traducti, et summa fide parique diligentia enarrati. folio, apud Robertum Stephanum, 1554. [L. 10. 3.] Mablorati ( Aug\istini) Liber Psalmorum Davidis, cum CathoTica Exposi- tione Ecclesiastica. folio, apud Henricum Stephanum, 1562. [L. ll.*4.] MuscuLi (Wolfgai^gi) In Sacrosanctum Davidis Psalterium Commen- tarii. folio, Basilege, 1563. [L. 11. 20.] Calvini (Joannis") Comrae«tarius in Librum Psalmorum. folio, Genevae,'' 1578. [L. 12. 17.] Heshusii (Tilemani) Commentarius in Librum Psalmorum. folio, Helm- stadii, 1587. [M. 4. 17.] Steuchii (Augustini) Enarrationes in primum Psalmorum Librum, juxta Divisionem Hebraeorum. folio. Inter Operum Turn. II. [M. 5. 5.] A very godly nnd learned Exposition upon the whole Book of Psalms. By T. M. 4io. London, 1591. [C. 1. 29.] Jansenii (Cornelii, Episcopi Gandavensis) Paraphrasis in Psalmos Omnes Davidicos, cum Argumentis et Annotationibus. folio, Lugduni, 1596. [K. 2. 31.] Beilarmini (Roberti, Cardinalis) Explanatio in Psalmos. Inter Operum Tom. V. [H. 11. 11.] Vatabli (Francisci) Annotationes in Psalmos, subjunctis H. Grotii Notis, quibus Observationes Exegeticas Crificas adspersit G. J. L. Vogel. Svo. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1767. [G. 24. 1.] COMMENTATORS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. 61 PiscATORls (Joannis) Comraentarius in Librum Psalmorum. 8vo. Her- bornse, 1618, [I. 18. 6.] LoRiKi (Joannis) Commentarii in Librum Psalmorum. 3 torn, folio, Co- loHiae etLugduni, 1619. [L. 2. 5-7.] Enarratio Psalmorum Davidis ex prselectionibus D. Henrici Molleri. folio, Geneva, 1619. [L. 13. 20.] Muis (Simeonisde) In omnes Psalmos Commentarius Literalis et Histo- ricus, cum Versione Duplici, Vetere et Nova, ex Hebraio fonte ex- pressa. 2 tomis in 1 vol, folio, Parisiis, 1630. [L. 4. 22.] ViccARs (Joannis) Decapla in Psalmos ; sive Commentarius ex Decem Linguis, MSS. et Impressis, Heb. Arab. Syr. Chald. Rabbin. Graec. Rom. Ital. Hispan. Gallic, cum Specimine Linguae Cophticae, Pers. et Ang. in Duodecim Sectiones digestus. folio, Londmi, 1639. [K, 12. 14.1 Bythneri (Victorini) Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis ; sive Analysis Critico-practica Psalmorum. 4to. Londini, 1650. [B. 4. 36.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1653. [C. 10. 33.] Hammond (Henry) A 'Paraphrase and Annotations upon the Books of the Psalms, folio, London, 1659. [L 1. 10.] Patrick (Simon, Bishop of Ely) The Book of Psalms paraphrased, with arguments to each Psalm. 8vo. London, 1680. [L 8. 22.] The Book of Psalms, with the Argument of each Psalm, and a preface giving some general rules for the Interpretation of this Sacred Book. By a Divine of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1701. [D.14. 17.] Johnson (J.) Holy David and his Old English Translators cleared. 8vo. London, 1706. [B. 6. 37.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1706. . [R. 10. 78.] Green (Wm.) A new Translation of the Psalms from the Hebrew Original, with Notes Critical and Explanatory ; to which is added a Disserta- tion on the last Prophetic Words of Noah. 8vo. Cambridge, 1762. [F. 24. 4.] HoRNE (George, Bishop of Norwich) A Commentary on the Book of Psalms ; in which the literal or historical sense is illustrated, and their application to the Messiah, to the Church, and to individuals as members thereof, is pointed out. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1798. [C. 25. 21,22.] Psalmi, ex recensione Text6s Hebraici et Versionum Antiquarum Latine versi, notisque criticis et philologicis illustrati, [a N. M. Berlin.] 8vo. Upsaliae, 1805. [C. 27. 16.] HoRSLEY (Samuel, Bishop of St. Asaph) The Book of Psalms ; trans- lated from the Hebrew, with Notes explanatory and critical. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. [Ff. 5. 44,45.] *BoYS (Thomas) A Key to the Book of Psalms. 8vo. London, 1825, RiVETi (Andreae) Commentarius in Psalmorum Propheticorum Dodeca- dem selectam — Meditationes in Psalmos Septem poenitentiales, et in Psalmos XCI. et CXIX. folio. Inter Operum Theolog. Tom. H. [L. 11. 10.] Specimen of a New Translation of the Psalms, by a Gentlensan of Wad- ham College, Oxford. 4to. London, 1732. [P. 15. (7.)] Fletcher (Phineas) The Way to Blessedness : a Commentary on the First Psalm. 4to. London, 1632. [M. 6. 22.] E 2 5S RELIGION. Leighton (Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow) Meditations on Psahns IV,, XXXII., and CXXX. 8vo. In his Expository Works, Vol. II. [K. 26. 6.] Parry (Richard) Remarks upon a Letter from Dr. Kennicott to the Printer of the General Evening Post, in which the Doctor's Charge against the Jews of having wilfully corrupted the Prophecy in Psalm XVI. 10. is confuted. 8vo. London, 1763. [P. 247. (4-)] An Exposition of the LI. Psalme. 8vo. [D. 18. 37.'] An Answer to the Rev. Mr. Romaine's Practical Comment on the C Vllth Psalm. 8vo. London, 1735. [P. 205. (10.)] Crane (Thomas) Dens laudis mece : the common English Translation of the Hundred and Ninth Psalm, carefully corrected according to the true meaning of the Hebrew original, with a Paraphrase and Notes. 8vo. Chester, 17—. [P. 305. (17.)] Owen (John) A Practical Exposition of the CXXXth Psalm. 4to. Lon- don, 1680. [li. 3. 13.] Proverbs. RicKEL (Dionysii a) Enarrationes piae ac eruditae in quinque libros Sapien- tiales Salomonis. 8vo. Paris. 1548. [G. 19. 14.] Lavateri (Ludovici) In Librum Proverbiorum ; seu Sententiarum Solo- monis Regis Sapientissimi, Commentarii. folio, Tiguri, 1572. [L. 10. 15.] Jansenii (Cornelii, Episcopi Gandavensis) In Proverbia Salomonis accu- ratissima et doctissima Commentaria. Accesserunt ejusdem Annota- tiones luculentissiraae in librum Sapientiae Salomonis. folio, Lugduni, 1593. [K. 2. 31.] Quirini (Ferdinand!) Expositio in Proverbia Salomonis. 2 torn, folio, Paris. 1619. [L. 2. 18,19.] Cartwrighxi (Thomas) Commentarii Succincti et Dilucidi in Proverbia Salomonis. 4to. Arastelodami, 1638. [I. 20. 14.] Proverbia Regum Sapientissimi Salomonis, cum cura enucleatak Martino Geiero. 2 torn. 4to. Lipsiae, 1653. [I. 20. 19,20.] Proverbia Salomonis. Versionem integram ad Hebraeum fontem ex- pressit, atque Commentarium adjecit Albertus Schultens. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1748. [Bb. 2. 10.] *HoLDEN (George) An Attempt towards an Improved Translation of the Proverbs of Solomon, from the original Hebrew : with Notes Critical and Explanatory, and an Introductory Dissertation. 8vo. London, 1819. Hammond (Dr. Henry) A Paraphrase on Proverbs, Ch. I. — X. folio. IVorks, Vol. IV. [N. 3. 4.] Hunt (Thomas) Observations on several Passages in the Book of Pro- verbs, with Two Sermons. 4to. Oxford, 1775. [R. 17. 22.] Hunt (Thomas) A Dissertation on Proverbs VII. 22,23. 4to. [P. 15.4.] Merrick (James) A Dissertation on Proverbs iX. 1 — 5. 4to. Oxford, 1744. [P. 15. 5.] ECCLESIASTES. Gregorii, Episcopi Nysseni, in Ecclesiasten Explanatio, Gr. Lat. folio, Inter Operum Tom. I. [M. 12. 26.] COMMENTATORS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. 53 Olympiodori in Salomonis Ecclesiasten Comraentarii. folio. In Vol. II. BibliotheccB Veterum Patrum. [M. 13. 21.] TiTELMANNi (Franciscl) Commentarii in Ecclesiasten Salomonis, cum an- notationibus ex Hebraeo et Editione Graeca in singula Capita. 8vo. Antverpi£e,'l536. [G. 20. 31.] CoRRANi (Antonii) Concio Salomonis, quam Hebraei Cohelet, Grteci et Latini Ecclesiasten vocant, in Latinam linguam versa, et ex ejusdem Praelectionibus et Paraphrasi illustrata. 12mo. Londini, 1574. [G. 18. 18.] Palacio (Pauli de) In Ecclesiasten Commentarius. 12mo. Coloniae, 1593. [G. 19.30.] LoRiNi (Joannis) Commentarius in Ecclesiasten, et ejusdem in Librum Sapientiae Commentarius. folio, Lugduni, 1619. [L. 2. 11.] Pineda (Joannis de) Commentarius in Ecclesiasten. folio, Antverpiae, 1620. [D. 11. 12.] Des Voeux (A. V.) A Philosophical and Critical Essay on Ecclesiastes ; wherein the Author's design is stated, his doctrine vindicated, and his method explained in an Analytical Paraphrase annexed to a new ver- sion of the text from the Hebrew. 4to. London, 1762. [R. 17. 26.] *HoLDEN (George) An Attempt to illustrate the Book of Ecclesiastes. 8vo. London, 1822. Smith (John) The Portrait of Old Age ; a Paraphrase on the six former verses of Ecclesiastes XII. 12mo. London, 1752. [A. 19. 65.] Canticles, or the Song of Solomon. Gregorii, Episcopi Nysseni, in Cantica Canticorum Explanatio, Gr. Lat. folio. Inter Operiim Turn. I. [M. 12. 26.] Expositio Cantici Canticorum per paraphrasin, collecta ex SS. Gregorii Nysseni, Nili, et Maximi Commentariis. folio. In Vol. II. Bibliothecce Veterum Patrum. [M. 13. 21.] EusEBii, Polychronii, et Pselli, in Canticum Canticorum Expositiones, Graece, a Joanne Meursio editae. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1617. [L. 19. 27.] PsELLi Expositio Cantici Canticorum. folio. In Vol. II. Bibliothecce Ve- terum Patrum. [M. 13. 21.] Gregorii Magni Expositio in Cantica Canticorum. folio. Inter Operum Tom.U. [M. 11. 6.] Exemplar aliud. folio. Inter Opera. [M. 11. 14] Ricardi Sancti Victoris In Cantica Canticorum Explanatio. folio. Inter Opera. [M. 9. 14.] Philippi (Abbatis Bonae Spei) Commentarius Mysticus et Moralis in Cantica Canticorum Salomonis. Liter Opera. [M. 9. 11.] LuYSii (F.) In Cantica Canticorum Salomonis Explanatio. 12mo. Sal- manticae, 1582. [G. 18. 20.] Bernardi (D.) Expositio in Cantica Canticorum. 24mo. Lugduni, 1588. [B. 8. 21,] Del Rio (Martini) In Canticum Canticorum Salomonis Commentarius Literalis, et Catena Mystica. 4to. Paris. 1608. [G. 20. 18.] Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich) An Open and Plaine Paraphrase upon the Song of Songs, which is Salomon's. Svo. London, 1609. [K. 15. 35.] Another Copy, folio. Works, Vol. I. [H. 23. 12.] 54 RELIGION. Sanctii (Gaspari) In Canticum Canticorum Commentarii, cum exposi- tione Psalmi LXVII. quern in Canticis respexisse videtur Salomon. 4to. Lugduni, 1616. [G. 20. 8,] In Canticum Canticorum Salomonis Expositio Religiosissirai Regis Mat- thfei Cantacuzeni. Latine, cum notis Vincentii Ricardi. folio, Romae, 1624. [M. 10. 2.] Sherlogi (Pauli) Cogitationes in Salomonis Canticorum Canticum. fo- lio, Lugduni, 1637. [L. 4. 15.'] Brightman (Thos.) A Commentary on the Canticles, or the Song of So- lomon. 4to. London, 1644. [N. 8. SS.] Cotton (John) A Brief Exposition, with Practical Observations, upon the whole Book of Canticles. 8vo. London, 1655. [K. 15. 24.] A Dissertation concerning the Song of Solomon, with the Original Text divided according to the Metre; and a Poetical Version. 8vo. Lon- don, 1751. [R. 19. 7.] Percy (Tliomas^ Bishop of Dromore) The Song of Solomon, newly trans- lated from the Hebrew ; with a Commentary and Annotations. 12mo. London, 1764. [F. 26. 34.] *GooD (John Mason) The Song of Songs: or Sacred Idyls, translated from the Original Hebrew. With Notes, critical and explanatory. 8vo. London, 1803. Davidson (Wm.) A Brief Outline of an Examination of the Song of So- lomon ; with Remarks Critical and Explanatory. 8vo. London, 1817. [Ff 5. 28.] On the Whole — or the Greater Part — of the Prophets. HiERONYMi Stridonensis Commentarii in Prophetas Majores et Minores, et in Ecclesiasten. folio. Inter Opiruni Torn. IV. et V. [M. 11. 16,] Exemplar aliud. folio. Inter Operum Tom. V. et VI. [M. 16. 18.] RicKEL (Dionysiia) Eruditee ac Pioe Enarrationes in Prophetas Majores. folio, Coloniae, 1551. [D. 11. 1.] Oecolampadii (Joannis) In Jesaiam, Jeremiam et ejus Lamentationes, Ezechielem, et in Minores Prophetas Commentarii ; et ejusdem in Da- nielem Prophetam Libri duo. folio. Geqevae, 1558-67. [M. 4. 16.] Calvini (Joannis) Commentarii in Isaiam Prophetam. Praelectiones in Librum Prophetiarum JeremifE et Lamentationes. folio, Genevae, 1570. [G. 2. 7.] Pappi (Johannis) Scholse Breves et Methodicae in Omnes Prophetas, tam Majores quatuor quam Minores duodecim. folio, Francofurti, 1593. [M. 3. 12.] PiNTi (Hectoris) Commentarii in Esaiam, Threnos, Ezechielem, Danielem, et Nahum. folio. Inter Ofjenim Tom. 1. Paris, 1617. [L. 3. 13.] Newton (Thomas, Bp. of Bristol) Dissertations on the Prophecies which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in the World. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1759-60. [G. 22. 24-26.] Another Copy. 8vo. 3 vols. London, 1759-60. [O. 6. 50-52.] Another Copy. 4to. In his Works. Vol. I. [A. 12. 46.] Another Copy. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1766. [Ff 7. 137-139.] COMMEN^TATORS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. 65 Fleming (Robert) The Fulfilling of Scripture held forth in the Accom- plishment of the Word of God. 2 vols. 12mo. Glasgow, 3 753. [li. 2. 10,11.] Smith (John) A Summary View and Explanation of the Writings of the Prophets. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1787. [li. 1. 3.] Kett (Henry) History the Interpreter of Prophecy. 12mo. 3 vols. Ox- ford, 1790. [C. 18. 34-36.] Simpson (David) A Key to the Prophecies : or a Concise View of the Predictions contained in the Old and New Testaments. 8vo. Maccles- field, 1795. [Hh. 3. 1.] Ward (William) The Fulfilment of Revelation, or Prophetic History of the Declensions and Restoration of the Christian Church. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1810-1818. [Hh. 2. 2-6.] Sharp (Granville) Remarks upon some very important Prophecies. 8vo. London, 1768. [P. 251. (4.)] Isaiah. MuscoLi (Wolfgangi) In Esaiam Prophetam Commentarii locupletissimi. folio, Basilese, 1557. [L. 11. 18.] Calvini (Johannis) Commentarii in Isaiam Prophetam. folio, Genevae, 1583. [L. 12. 12.] Ursini (Zachariae) Commentarius in Prophetiam Jesaiae. folio. Inter Operum Tomum III. [L. 10. 2.] BoRRHAi (Martini) In Jesaiae Prophetse Oracula Commentarii ; et in Apocalypsim Joannis Explicatio. folio, Basilese, 1561. [L. 9. 12.] Marlorati (Augustini) Esaiae Prophetia, cum Catholica Expositione Ecclesiastica. folio, Apud Henricum Stephanum, 1564. [L. 11. 4.] MoLLERi (Henrici) In Jesaiam Prophetam Commentarius. folio, Tiguri, 1578. [L. 10. 17.] PiscATORis (Joannis) Commentarius in Prophetam Esaiam. 8vo. Her- bornae, 1612. [I. IS. 7.] White (Samuel) A Commentary on the Prophet Isaiah, wherein the Li- teral Sense of his Prophecies is briefly explained. 4to. London, 1709. [N. 6. 25.] ViTRiNGJE (Campegii) Commentarius in Librum Prophetiarum lesaiae. Cum Prolegomenis. 2 vols, folio, Leovardiae, 1714-20. [E. 12. 12,13.] Lowth (Wm.) A Commentary upon the Prophet Isaiah. 4to. London, 1714. [Ff. 7. 88.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1714. [D. 6. 1.] Lowth (Robert, Bishop of London) Isaiah : a new Translation, with a Preliminarv Dissertation, and Notes, critical, philological, and expla- natory. 4to. London, 1779. [Bb. 2. 11.] HoLDEN (Lawrence) A Paraphrase on the Book of Isaiah. 8vo. Chelms- ford, 1776. [Q. 4. 35.'] Another Copy. 8vo. Chelmsford, 1776. [D. 25. 14.] Meyer (Christian!) Vera Immanuelis Generatio, ex Virgine Viro de- sponsata, secundum Prophetiam Jesaiae cap. VII. v. 14. Hebraice et Latine. 4to. Amstelodami, 1723. [K. 7. 9.] Williams (Dr.) A Critical Dissertation on Isaiah VII. 13, 14, 15, 16. In which the Sentiments advanced by Dr. Kennicott in a Sermon 56 RELIGION. lately published, and by several other writers, are candidly and impar- tially examined. 8vo. London, 1767. [P. 251. (5.)] PosTLETHWAiTE (Thomas) A Discourse, in two parts, upon Isaiah, ch. VII. V. 14-16. 8vo. Cambridge, 1781. [Hh. 3. 50.] MiLNERi (Johannis) Conjectanea in Isa. IX. 1, 2. Item in Parallela quaedam Veteris ac Novi Testamenti. 4to.Londini, 1673. [M. 14.30.] Harris (S.) A Commentary on the Fifty-third Chapter of Isaiah. 4to. London, 173.9. [P. 6. (1.)] Jeremiah, and Lamentations. Rabani Mauri, Moguntinensis Archiepiscopi, Commentaria in Hiere- raiam Prophetam. folio, Basilesp, 1534. [K. 2. 30.] Radberti (Paschasii) In Lamentationes Jeremiae Commentarius. folio. Inter Opera. [L. 3. 21.] Calvini (Johannis) Praglectiones in Librum Prophetiarum Jeremiae, et Lamentaliones. folio, Genevae, 1589. [L. 12. 13.] Ghisleri (Michaelis) Commentarii in Jeremiam Prophetam, item in Ba- ruch; et breves D. Jo. Chrysostomi in Jeremiam Explanationes et Octo Origenis Homiliae. 3 vols, folio, Lugduni, 1623. [L. 3. 3-5. ^ Jesu Marih (Joannis) Lamentationum Jeremiae, Psalmorum XLI. LXXXIIL et CXXXVI. Interpretatio. 8vo. Colonise, 1611. [G. 19.31.] *Bi,aYNEY (Benjamin) Jeremiah and Lamentations : a new Translation with Notes, critical, philological, and explanatory. 4to. Oxford, 1784. *Dahler (J. G.) Jeremie, traduit sur le Texte Original, accompagne des Notes, explicatives, historiques, et critiques. 8vo. Hamburg, 1825. Gataker (Thomas) A Vindication of his Annotations on Jer. X. 2, against the Aspersions of Mr. Wm. Lillie and his Advocates. 4to. London, 1653. [D. 19. 22.] Brekell (John) A Dissertation on Jeremiah XXXL 29, occasioned by the controversy about Children's suffering for the Crimes of their Parents, and Idolatrv being punished by the Judge. 8vo. London, 1767. [P. 244. (11.)] EzEKIEL. Prahi (Hieronymi) et Villalpandi (Joannis Baptistae) in Ezechielem Ex- planationes, et Apparatus Urbis ac Templi Hierosolymitani comraen- tariis et imaginibus illustrati. 3 vols, folio, Romae, 1596-1604. [H. 3. 14-16.] PiscATORis (Joannis) Commentarius in Prophetam Ezechielem. 8vo. Hcrbornae, 1614. [1.18.5.] *Newcome (Wm. Archbishop of Armagh) An Attempt towards an im- proved Version, a Metrical Arrangement, and an Explanation of the Prophet Ezekiel. 4to. Dublin, 1788. CoNJECTURA de Gog et Magog ad Ezechielis XXXVIH. et XXXIX. 8vo. 1645. [M. 16. 16.] Penn (Granville) The Prophecy of Ezekiel concerning Gogu.e, examined, and in part illustrated. l2mo. London, 1814. [li. 2. 52.] Daniel. Svaningii (Johannis) Commentarii in Danielem. Tom. I. folio. Hauniae, 1554. [M. 3. 4.] COMMENTATORS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. 57 Calvini (Johannis) Praelectiones in Librum Prophetiarum Danielis. folio, Genevse, 1591. [L. 12. 10.] RoLLOci (Roberti) Commentariiis in Librum Danielis Prophetse. 4to. Edinburgi, 1591. [G. 15. 1.] Commentarius in Danielem primum Anglice scriptus ab Hugone Brough- TONO, Latinitate donatus per Joannem Boreel. 4to. Basileae, 1619. [G. 20. 27.] JuNii (Francisci) Prophetse Danielis Expositio. folio. l7iter Operum Tomutn I. [L. 13 10.] *WiNTLE (Thomas) Daniel : an Improved Version attempted ; with Notes, critical, historical, and explanatory. 4to. London, 1807. Newton (Sir Isaac) Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John. 4to. London, 17133. [Gg. 2. 1.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1733. [O. 8. 4.] Chandler (Samuel) A Vindication of the Antiquity of Daniel's Prophe- cies, and their Application to Jesus Christ. 8vo, London, 1728. [R. 18. 41.] The Objections of a late anonymous Writer against the Book of Daniel, considered. 8vo. Cambridge, 1728. [P. 115. (4.)] Johnson (John) An Explanation of Daniel's Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks. 8vo. London, 1728. [E. 26. 3.] Marshall (Benjamin) A Chronological Treatise upon the Seventy Weeks of Daniel. 8vo. London, 1725. [N. 7. 1.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1725. [D. 23. 1.] Marshall (Benjamin) Three Letters in farther Vindication of the late Bishop Lloyd's Hypothesis of Daniel's Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks. 8vo. London, 1728. [G. 26. 30.] Michaelis (J. D.) Epistolae de LXX. Hebdomadibus Danielis ad D. Joan- nem Pringle Baronettum. 8vo. London, 1773. [Ff. 7. 122.] Blayhey (Benjamin) A Dissertation by vjay of Inquiry into the true Im- port and Application of the Vision, related Dan. IX. ver. 20 to the end, usually called Daniel's Prophecy of Seventy Weeks. With some occa- sional Remarks on the very learned Projessor J. D. Michaelis's Letters to Sir John Priiigle on the same subject. 4to. Oxford, 1 775. [R. 17. 22.'] Faber (Geo. S.) A Dissertation upon the Prophecies relative to the Great Period of 1260 years, &c. and the Restoration of the Jews. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. [Ff. 5. 36,37.] Faber (Geo. S.) A Dissertation on Daniel's Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks. 8vo. London, 1811. [Ff 5, 38.] *Stonard (John) A Dissertation on the Seventy Weeks of Daniel the Prophet. 8vo. London, 1825. Bull (Digby) A Farther Warning of Popery, and of the Second Dreadful Wo that are certainly at hand, and of the Third Dreadful Wo which cometh soon after them, taken from the Prophecy of Daniel. 4to. London, 1710. [M. 15. 21.] ' Another Copy. 4to. London, 1710. [M. 15. 24.] 58 RELIGION. Commentators on All or. Most of the Minor Prophets. S. Cyrillus Patriarcha Alexandrinus, in XII Prophetas. Graece et La- tine, a Jacobo Pontano priiiium editus. folio, Ingolstadii, 1607. [K. 4. 5.] Albert! Magni (Episcopi Ratisponensis) in Duodecim Minores Prophetas luculentissimae quaedam Enarrationes. folio, Coloniae, 1536. [D. 11. 6.] Haymonis (Episcopi Halberstattensis) In XII Prophetas Minores Enar- rationes. 8vo. Coloniae, 1629. [G. 19. 25.] Oecolampadii (Joannis) Adnotationes in Hoseam et Prophetas Minores. Basileae, 1525. [G. 8. 14.] GuALTiiERi (Rodolphi) In Prophetas Duodecim, quos vocant Minores, Commentarii. folio, Tigiiri, 1572. [L. 11. 12.] Calvini (Joannis) Praelectiones in Duodecim Prophetas Minores. folio, Genevse, 1581. [L. 12. 16.] MoNTANi (Benedicti Ariaj) Cornmentaria in Duodecim Minores Pro- phetas. 4to. Antwerpiae, 1583. [G. 20. 1.] RiBERA (Francisci de) Commentarii in Librum Duodecim Prophetarmn, sensum Prophetarum historicum et moralem, persaepe etiara allego- ricum, complectentes. folio, Coloniae, 1593. [D. 11. 7.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Coloniae, 1610. [E. 9. 8.] Merceri (Joannis) Commentarii locupletissimi vin Prophetas Quinque priores, inter eos qui Minores vocantur. foho, 1598. [G. 12. 21.] Drusii (Joannis) Commentarius in Prophetas Minores XII. 4to. 2 tomis, Amstelsedami, 1627. [L. 19. 17,18.] Stokes (David) A Paraphrasticall Explication of the Twelve Minor Pro- phets. 8vo. London, 1659. [F. 18. 35.'] Wells (Edward) An Help for the more easy and clear Understanding of the Scriptures : containing a Paraphrase and Explanation of the Twelve Lesser Prophets, with Annotations. 4to. Oxford, 1723. [R. 16. 21.] Newcome (Wm. Bishop of Waterford) An Attempt towards an Improved Version, a Metrical Arrangement, and an Explanation of the Twelve Minor Prophets. 4to. London, 1785. [D. 23. 7.] Hosea. Zanchii (Hieronymi) Commentarius in Hoseam Prophetam. folio. Inter Operum Tom. V. [M. 3, 23.] Parei (Davidis) Hoseas Propheta, Commentariis illustratus : cum transia- tione triplici; Latina gemina, ex Hebraeo et Chaldaeo Thargura Jo- nathae, nee non Graeca LXX. 4to. Heidelbergae, 1605. QI. 20. 5.] RivETi (Andreae) Commentarius in Hoseam Prophetam. folio. Liter Op. Theolog. Tom. II. [L. 11. 10.] Tarnovii (Johannis) In Prophetam Hoseam Commentarius. 4to. Ros- tochii, 1622. [L 19. 21.] BuRROUGHES (Jer.) An Exposition of the Prophesie of Hosoa. 4to. 2 vols. London, 1652. [E. 20. 27,28.] PococKE (Edward) Commentary on the Prophecy of Hosea. folio, Ox- ford, 1685. [N. 1. 9.] COMMENTATORS ON THE APOCRYPHA. 59 Joel. PococKE (Edward) A Commentary on the Prophecy of Joel, folio, Ox- ford, 1691. [N. 1. 10.] Chandler (Samuel) A Paraphrase and Critical Commentary on the Pro- phecy of Joel. 4to. London, 1735. [R. 16. 12.] Jonah. Jonae Prophetae Liber, cum Enarratione recens tradita in Academia Ba- sileensi a Joanne Jacobo Gryn^o. 12mo. Basileae, 1581. [E. 16. 9.] JuNii (Francisci) Lectiones in Jonam prophetam. folio. Inter Operum Tomum 1. [L. 13. 10.] MiCAH. Tarnovii (Johannis) In Prophetam Micliam Commentarius. 4to. Ros- tochii, 1632. [L 19. 22.] Habakkuk. Green (William) A New Translation of the Prayer of Habakkuk, the Prayer of Moses, and the 139th Psalm, with a Commentary on each ; to which are added Notes Critical and Explanatory. 4to. London, 1755. [R. 16. 12.] Zephaniah. BucERi (Martini) Commentarius in Sophoniam Prophetam, ad calcem PsalmorumaBucero traductorum.. folio, Apud Robertum Stephanum, 1554. [L. 10. 3.] Zechariah. •Blaymey (Benjamin) Zechariah : a New Translation with Notes, criti- cal, philological, and explanatory. 4to. London, 1797. *Stonaud (John) A Commentary on the Vision of Zechariah the Pro- phet, with a corrected Translation and Critical Notes. 8vo. London, 1824. Malachi. ScLATER (William) A Brief and Plain Commentary, with Notes, upon the whole Prophecie of Malachy. 4to. London, 1650. [E. 19.27. (3) Commentators on the Apocryphal Books attached to the Old Testament. W^isDOM ov Solomon. Holkoth (Roberti) In Librum Sapientiae Regis Salomonis Praelectiones CCXIII. folio, 1586. CD. 11. 5.] Aponte (Laurentii de) In Sapientiam Solomonis Commentaria, cum Ho- miliis, Digressionibus Scholasticis, ac Paraphrasi. 2 vols, folio, Pari- siis, 1629. [L. 3. 9,10.] PiNA (Joannis de) Commentarii in Ecclesiasticum. 3 vols, folio, Lug- duni, 1630. [L. 4. 19-21.] Leon (Salvatoris de) Expositio et lllustratio in Ecclesiasticum Jesu filii V Sirach. folio, Antwerpiae, 1640. [L. 4. 14.] Arnald (Richard) A Critical Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon, folio, London, 1744. []R. 2. 6.] 60 RELIGION. Judith. Celada (Didaci de) In Judith Commentarii Literales et Morales, cum Tractatu de Judith figurata, id est, de Virginis Deiparse laudibus. folio, Lugduni, 1637. [L. 4. 11.] (4) Commentators on the New Testament, and on detached Books thereof. [t.] Commentators on the Next) Testament, or on the Greater Part thereof. Eusebii Hieronymi Stridonensis Commentarii in Matthaei Evangelium, et in omnes Pauli Epistolas, &c. folio. Inter Operum. [^M. 11. 17.] Gregoriana super Novum Testamentum. Ex operibus beati Gregorii gloriosissimi papse et confessoris Opus super Novum Testamentum ab Alulpho egregio monasticee professionis divi Benedict! viro collectum. 4to. Parisiis, m.K.j:i)tt. [G. 20. 23.] Oecumenii Commentaria in Acta Apostolorum, in omnes Pauli Epis- tolas, et in Epistolas Catholicas omnes. Accesserunt Arethse, Cap- padociae Episcopi, Explanationes in Apocalypsin Gr. Lat. Cura Fred. Morelli. 2 vols, folio, Parisiis, 1631. [N. 2. 18,19.] Exemplar aliud. Graece. folio, Veronae, 1532. [M. 11. 3.] Erasmi (Desiderii) Paraphrasis in Novum Testamentum. folio, Basileae, 1541. [N. 1. 11.] Exemplar aHud. folio. Inter Operum Tom. Wl. [E. 4. 17.] ' Exemplar aliud. folio. Inter Operum Tom. VII. [L. 10. 12.] Erasmus's Preface to his Paraphrase on the Gospel of Matthew and the Apostolical Epistles, translated into English with Notes. 8vo. Lon- don, 1749. [P. 190. (8.)] Erasmus's Paraphrase on the New Testament, in English. [^Imper- fect.] n. "0. [G. 2. 21.] Novum Testamentum Graece ; cum versione Latina Erasmi emendata, et Glossa Compendiaria Matthise Flacii, Illyrici. folio, Basileae, 1570. [K. 12. 11.] Novum Domini Nostvi Jesu Christi Testamentum. Latine jam olim a veteri interprete, nunc denuo a Theodoro Beza versum, cum ejusdem annotationibus. 2 vols, folio. Apud Rob. Stephanum, [^Genevae,] 1556. [K. 13. 19,20.] Exemplar aliud. folio, [Genevae,] 1556. [Aa. 1. 33.] Novum Testamentum, Gr. Lat. cum brevibus Notis Theodori Bezse. 8vo. 1580. [Hh. 9. 68.] Marlorati (Augustini) Novi Testamenti Catholica Expositio Ecclesias- tica ; sive Bibliotheca Expositionum ex probatis omnibus Theologis coUecta. 2 vols, folio, Apud Henricum Stephanum, 1561. [L. 11.5.] Montani (Benedict! Ariae) Elucidationes in Omnia Sanctorum Apostolo- rum Scripta : et in S. Joannis Apostoli et Evangelistae Apocalypsin Significationes. 4to. Antwerpiae, 1578. [G. 20. 11.] Fulke (William) The Text of the New Testament, translated out of the vulgar Latine by the Papists of the traiterous Seminarie at Rhemes. With Arguments of Books, and Chapters, and Annotations pretending to discover the Corruptions of divers Translations, and to cleare the COMMENTATORS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. 61 Controversies of these Dayes. Whereunto is added the Translation out of the Original Greeke commonly used in the Church of England, with a Confutation of all such Arguments, Glosses, and Annotations as conteine manifest Impietie, Heresie, Treason, and Slander, against the Cathohc Church of God, and the true Teachers thereof, or the Trans- lations used in the Church of England, foho, London, 1601. [B. 2. 1.] Cabtwright (Thomas) A Confutation of the Rhemists' Translation, Glosses and Annotations on the New Testament, folio, London, 1618. [M. 22. 2.2 Aretii (Benedicti) Commentarii in Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Novum Testamentum. 2 vols, foho, Bernae, 1607. [K. 4. 3,4.^ HuNNii (iEgidii) Commentarii in Evangelia Matthsei et Joannis, in Epis- tolas PauH omnes, item in Canonicam Johannis Epistolam, et in Epis- tolam ad Hebrseos. foho. Tnter Operum Tom. III. et IV. [M. 3. 15,16.] GoMARi (Francisci) Illustrium ac Selectorum Evangelii Matthaei, Lucae, et Johannis, Locorum Explicatio. folio. Inter Operum Tom. \. [L. 13. 14. Salmeronis (Alfonsi) Commentarii in Evangelicam Historiam, Acta Apostolorum, et in omnes Paidi Epistolas, item in Epistolam ad He- braeos. folio, 16 tomis in 7 vols, folio, Coloniae,! 6 12-04, [K. 4. 16-22.] ToLETi (Francisci, Cardinalis) Commentarii in Sacrosancta Jesu Christi D. N. Evangelia secundum Lucam et Johannem. 2 vols, folio, Colo- nise, 1611. [K. 1. 17,18.] Drusii (J.) Prseterita ; sive Annotationes in totum Jesu Christi Testa- mentum ; in quibus, praeter alia innumera, consensus ostenditur Syna- gogae Israeliticae cum Ecclesia Christiana. 4to. Franekerae, 1612. [L. 19. 13.] PiscATORis (Johannis) Commentarii in Omnes Libros Novi Testamenti. 4to. 2 torn. Herbornae, 1621. [L. 9. 24,25.] V^ALL-E (Laurentii) In Novum Testamentum Annotationes apprime utiles. 8vo. Basiled, 1626. [G. 19. 27.] Parei (Davidis) In S. Matthaei Evangelium Commentarius : cui subjun- gitur in duas S. Petri Epistolas, nee non in ahos Scripturae Libros Commentarius. 4to. Oxoniae, 1631. [\. 20. 7.] Cameronis (Job.) Myrothecium Evangelicum ; seu Annotationes in No- vum Testamentum. 4to. Genevae, 1632. [L. 20. 5.] Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich) Contemplations on the History of the New Testament, folio. In his tVurks, Vol. II. [B. 3. 25.] Cappelli (Jacobi) Observationes in Novum Testamentum. 4to. Amste- lodami, 1657. [R. 8. 44.] Hammond (Henry) A Paraphrase and Annotations upon all the Books of the New Testament, briefly explaining the difficult places, folio, Lon- don, 1653. [G. 13. 21.] Another Copy, folio, third Edit. London, 1671. [G. 5. 24.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1671. [E. 11.8.] Another Copy. foho. In his Works, Vol. III. [N. 3. 3.] Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi, ex versione vulgata, cum Paraphrasi et adnotationibus Henrici Hammonbi ; ex Anglica Lingua in Latinam transtulit, suisque animadversionibus illustravit, castigavit, et auxit Joannes Cleiucus. folio, 2 vols. Francofurti, 1714. lA. 5. 7,8.] 62 RELIGION. MiLNER (John) Animadversions upon M. Le Clerc's Reflections upon our Saviour and Ms Apostles, and other divinely inspired persons, as also upon the primitive Fathers and Dr. Hammond, in his Supplement to Dr. Ham- mond's Paraphrase and Annotations npon the Nexv 'Testament. 8vo. Cambridge, 1702. [D. 7. 22.] Crellii (Joannis) In plerosque Novi Testamenti Libros Commentarii. folio, Eleutheropoli, 1656. [N. 1. 20.] ScHLicHTiNGii (Jonse) Commentaria in plerosque Novi Testamenti Libros. folio, 2 tomis in 1 vol. Irenopoli, 1656. QG. 10. 21.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Irenopoli, 1656. [N. 1. 21.] SciiMiDii (Erasmi) Notaa et Animadversiones in Novum Testamentum, cum versione nova, folio, Norimbergae, 1658. [K. 13. 22.] Whitby (Daniel) A Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament, folio, 2 vols. London, 1703. [C. 5. 10,11.] Another Copy. 2 vols, folio, London, 1737. [R. 2. 7,8.] . Le Nouveau Testament, traduit sur I'Original Grec avec des Re- marques, par Jean Le Clerc. 2 tomis in 1 vol. 4to. Amsterdam, 1 703. [N. 6. 1.] BuRKiTT (William) Expository Notes, with Practical Observations, on the New Testament, folio, London, 1707. [E. 13. 18.] Le Nouveau Testament de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, avec des Ex- plications et Reflexions qui regardent la Vie Interieure. 8 tomis, 12mo. Cologne, 1713. [C. 19. 23-30.] Wells (Edward) An Help for the more easy and clear Understanding of the New Testament. 4to. 11 parts in 2 vols. Oxford, 1718-19-11-1 5- 17. [R. 16. 16,17.] QuESNEL (Pasquier) The New Testament, with Moral Reflections upon every verse, in order to make the reading of it more profitable, and the Meditation more easy. Translated from the French by Richard Russell. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1719-1726. [Bb. 3. 34-37.] The New Testament of our Saviour Jesus Christ according to the Latin Edition, with Critical Remarks upon the literal meaning in difficult places. Translated from the French of Father Simon, by William Webster, M. A. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1730. [D. 3. 7,8.] Wall (William) Brief Critical Notes, especially on the Various Readings of the New Testament Books. 8vo. London, 1730. [N. 7- 39.] ScHOETTGENii (Christiani) Horre Hebraicas et Talmudicae in Universum Novum Testamentum. 4to. Dresdae, 1733. [R. 16. 22.] WoLFii (Joh. Christ.) Curae Philologicae et Criticae in Novum Testa- mentum. 5 vols. 4to. Hamburgi, 1739-41. [R. 17. 36-40.] Doddridge (Philip) The Family Expositor ; or, a Paraphrase and Ver- sion of the New Testament, with Critical Notes, and a Practical Im- provement of each Section. 6 vols. 4lo. London, 1739-1756. [Bb.2. 18-23.] Another Copy. 6 vols, 4to. London, 1756. [R. 3. 15-20.] Another Copy. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1808. [Ff. 3. 32-35.] Wesley (John) Explanatory Notes on the New Testament. 4to. Lon- don, 1755. [R. 17. 4.] COMMENTATORS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. 63 GuYSE (John) The Practical Expositor: or, an Exposition of the New Testament in the form of a Paraphrase. With Occasional Notes and Serious Reflections. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1761. [R. 17. 44-46.] Another Copy. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1775. [Bb. 2. 34-39.] Wynne (Richard) The New Testament carefully collated with the Greek, and corrected ; divided and pointed according to the subjects treated of by the Inspired Writers ; and illustrated with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1764. [F. 24. 8,9.] Harwood (Edward) A New and Liberal Translation of the New Testa- ment, with Notes. 8vo. 2 vols, in 1, London, 1768. [R. 19. 49.] A Letter to Mr. Harwood, wherein some of his evasive Glosses, false Trans- lations, and blundering Criticisms in support of the Arian Heresy in his ' Liberal Translation of the New Testament,' are pointed out and confuted. 8vo. London, 1768. [P. 25Q. 7.] WoRSLEY (John) The New Testament or New Covenant of our Lord and Sav,iour Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek, according to the pre- sent Idiom of the English tongue ; with Notes and References. 8vo. London, 1770. [R. 19. 48.] An Attempt towards revising our English Translation of the Greek Scrip- tures, or the New Covenant of Jesus Christ, and towards illustrating the Sense by Philological and Explanatory Notes. By William New- come, D. D., Archbishop of Armagh. 2 vols, royal 8vo. Dublin, 1 796. [Bb. 3. 42,43.] The New Testament in an improved Version, upon the Basis of Arch- bishop Newcome's New Translation. With a corrected Text and Notes, Critical and Explanatory, royal Svo. London, 1 808. [Bb. 2. 1 7] *A^ARES (Edward) Remarks on the Version of the New Testament, edited bi/ the Unitarians: second Edition. 8vo. London, 1814. * Anijnadversions on the Unitarian Translation of the New Testament. By a Student in Divinity, [_the late Rev. Thomas Rennell]. 8vo. London, 1811. *Laurence (Richard, Archbishop of Cashel) Critical Re/lections on some important Misrepresentations contained in the Unitarian Version of the New Testament, Svo. London, 1811. *Valpy (Edward) The Greek Testament, with copious Critical, Philolo- gical, and Explanatory Notes in English, from Hardy, Raphel, Kypke, Schleusner, RosenmuUer, Palairot, and others. Together with parallel Passages from the Classics, &c. and the Various Readings of Gries- bach and other Critics. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1826. *Bloomfield (S. T.) Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrae ; being a Cri- tical Digest and Synoptical Arrangement of the most important Anno- tations, Exegetical, Philological, and Theological, on the New Testa- ment. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. [«.] Commentators on Detached Books of the New Testament. On the Historical Books, &c. collectively. Tiieophylacti, Archiepiscopi Bulgarise, in Quatuor Evangelia Enarra- tiones. folio, Basileae, 1554. [I. 11. 12.] Exemplar aliud. Gr. Lat. folio, Parisiis, 1635. [M. 12. 23.] 64 ' RELIGION. EuTHYMn Zigabeni Comraentaria in Quatuor Evangelia, ex Chrysostomi aliorumque veterutn Scriptis collecta. Latine, a Joanne Hentenio. 8vo. Parisiis, 1544. [L. 19. 35.] Fabri (Jacobi, Stapulensis) Commentarii Initiatorii in Quatuor Evano-elia. folio, Meldis, 1521. [D. 11. 3.] BucERi (Martini) In Sacra Quatuor Evangelia Enarrationes perpetuae. folio, Apud Robertum Stephanum, [Genevae] 1553. [L. 10. 3.] BuLLiNGERi (Henrici) In Evangelia secundum Matthaeum et Marcum Commentarii. folio, Tiguri, 1554. [L. 9. S.] Maldonati (Joannis) Commentarii in Quatuor Evangelista folio, Mo- guntiae, 1596. [G. l~2. 22.] Sa (Emanuelis) Scholia in quatuor Evangelia, ex selectis Doctorum sacro- rum sententiis. 4to. AntwerpiaB, 1596. [^G. 20. 2.] Luc^ Brugensis (Francisci) Commentarius in Sacrosancta Quatuor Jesu Christ! Evangelia. 3 vols, folio, Antwerpiae, 1606. [L. 4.23-25.] GoRRANi (Nicolai) In Quatuor Evangelia Commentarius. folio, Ant- werpiae, 1617. [L. 3. 16.] RicKEL (Dionysii a) In Evangelia Quatuor Enarrationes. 8vo. Co- lonise, 1623. [G. 19. 20.] De Dieu (Ludovici) Animadversiones in Quatuor Evangelia, et in Acta Apostolorum ; ubi, collatis Syri, Arabis, iEthiopici, Vulgati, Erasmi, et Bezae, Versionibus, Difficiliora quaeque Loca illustrantur, et Variae Lectiones conferuntur. 4to. 2 tomis, Lug. Bat. 1631-34. [K. 9. 14,16.] Marcellini (P.) Moralis Encyclopedia, id est Scientiarum Omnium Chorus, expendens moraliter Sacrosancta Evangelia ; adjectis Homi- liis de Festis, Christo, de Eucharistia, de B. V. M. et S. Josepho. 4to. Parisiis, 1638. [G. 20. 10.] Novi Testamenti Libri Historici, Graece et Latine, perpetuo commentario ex antiquitate, historiis, philologia, illustrati a Balduino Wal/EO. 2 vols. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1653. [L. 9. 22,23.] Crellii (Joannis) Explicatio variorum Locorum in Evangeliis Matthaei, Marci, Lucae, et in magnam partem Evangelii Johannis. folio, Irenopoli, 1656. [G. 10. 17.] LiGHTFooTi (Johannis) Horie Hebraicoe et Talmudicae in Evangelia SS. Matthaei, Marci, Lucae et Johannis. Praemiituntur Chorographica nonnnlla locri 1 errse Israeliticae. 4 vols. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1658-63-74- 71. [I. 14.25,32,34,37.] Sandii (Christophori) Interpretationes Paradoxae Quatuor Evangeliorum. 8vo. Amstelaedami, 1670. [L. 18. 11.] PRZiPcovii(Samuelis) Cogitationes Sacr^e ad Initium Evangelii Matthaei, et omnes Lpistolas Apostolicas; necnon Tractatus Varii Argument!, folio, Eleutheiopoli, 1692. [K. 2. 1.] Clarke (Samuel) Paraphrase on the Four Evangelists, with Critical Notes, folio. tVorh, Vol. III.. [N. 3. 33.] Henry (Matthew) An Exposition of the Historical Books of the New Testament, folio, London, 1715. [E. 13. 28.] Trapp (Joseph) Explanatory Notes upon the Four Gospels in a new method. To which are prefixed Three Discourses. 8vo. London, 1748. [E. 27. 21.] COMMENTATORS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. 65 Divers Parts of the Holy Scriptures, done into English, chiefly from Dr. J. Mill's printed Greek Copy, with Notes and Maps. 12mo. London, 17CL [R. 20. 18.] Pearce (Zachary, Bisliop of Rochester) A Commentary on the Four Evangelists, the Acts of the Apostles, and St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians ; with other Theological Pieces. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1777. [Q. 3. 17,18.] Campbell (George) The Four Gospels translated from the Greek. With Preliminary Dissertations and Notes Critical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1789. [L 24. 3^ 6.] Matthew. Athanasii Fragmenta Commentariorum in Evangelium Matthsei, Grffice et Latlne. folio. In Nora Collectione Patrum, Yo]. IL QA. 4. 17.J Eusebii Hieronymi Stridonensis Commentarii in Matthaeum. folio. Intel- Operum Tom. IX. [M. 16. 20.] Radberti (Paschasii) Commentarius in Matthaei Evangelium. folio. Inter Opera. [\j. 3. 21.] RiCKEL (Dionysii a,) In Evangelium secundum Matthaeum Enarratio. folio, Coloniae, 1539. [|L. 5, 15.'] GuiLLiAui)i(Claudii) In Sacro-Sanctum Jesu Christi Evangelium secun- dum Matthaeum Commentarii. folio, Parisiis, 1562. QD, 11. 8.] MuscuLi (Wolfgang!) In Evangelistam Matthaeum Commentarii; quibus non solum singula quaeque expenduntur, sed et quid singulis Marci et Lucae difFerentibus locis notandum sit, diligenter expenditur. folio, Basileae, 1562. QG. 2. 2.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Basileae, 4578. [L. 11. 16.] KiRSTENii (Petri) Notae in Evangelium S. Matthaei, ex coUatione tex- tuuni Arabicorum, iEgyptiacorum, Hebraeorum, Graecorum, et Lati- norum. folio, Breslaj, 1606. QK. 11.9.] Palacio (Pauli de) Enarrationes in Sacro-Sanctum Jesu Christi Evangelium secundum Matthaeum. 4to. Constantiae, 1606. [G. 19. 3.] Bertrami (Casparis) Matthaeus enucleatus ; hoc est ^pyaaia viginti et octo capitum Matthaei Evangeliograplii nervosa et perspicua ; exhibens variam Editionum Graecarum Lectionem, Metaphrastarum variorum, Aramaei cum primis, Interpretationem, et veram Sensus Litteralis Ex- plicationem. 4to. Arnstadii, 1651. [I. 20. 27.] •fScoTT (Daniel) A New Version of Saint Matthew's Gospel, with Select Notes. 4to. London, 1741. Adam (Thomas) An Exposition of St. Matthew's Gospel ; with suitable Lectures and Prayers. 8vo. Posthumovs Works, Vols. II. III. [Ff. 6. 3,4.] Collet (Samuel) A Paraphrase on the fifth, sixth, and seventh Chapters of Matthew. 8vo. London, 1737. [A. 19. 124.] Sherlock (Thomas Bp. of Bangor) Dissertation on Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 86. (8.)] Observations on Bishop Sherlock's " Disserfation." 8vo. London, 1 752. [P. 86. (9.)] Anmiadversions on " Observations on Bishop Sherlock's Dissertation. ' 8vo. London, 1733. [P. 86.(10.)] F 66 RELIGION, A Review of Bishop Sherlock's. Dissertation. 8vo. London, 1734. [P. 86. (11.)] Wilson (Thomas) Christ's Farewell to Jerusalem and last Prophesie. Svo. London, 1614. [D. 18. (49,)] Perizonii (Jac.) Dissertatio de Morte Judse. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1702. [P. 164. (3,)] Mark. Eusebii Hieronymi Stridonensis Commentarii in Marcum. folio. Inter Operum Tom. IX. [M. 16. 20.] Heupelii (Geo. Frid.) S. Marci Evangelium, Notis grammatico-historico- criticis illustratum. Svo. Argentorati, 1716. [A. 19. 121.] Luke. Athanasii Fragmenta Commentariorum in Evangelium Lucse. Greece et Latine. folio. In Nova Collectione Patrum, Vol. U. [A. 4. 17.] TiTi, Bostrorum Episcopi, Expositio in Evangelium secundum Lucam. folio. In Vol. II. BibliothecoE Veterum Patrum. [M. 13. 21.] Ambrosii (Mediolanensis Episcopi) In Lucae Evangelium Commentarii. folio. Inter Opera. [M. 11. 17.] Exemplar aliud. folio. Inter Opera. [M. 16. 22.] SiELLiE (Didaci) In Sacro-Sanctum Jesu Christi Domini nostri Evan- gelium secundum Lucam Enarrationes. folio, Antwerpise, 1583. [L. 3. 19.] Bayie (Peter) A Philosophical Commentary on Luke xiv. 23. trans- lated from the French. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1768. [R. 13. 18,19.] The Parable of the vpycked Mammon taken out of the xvi. ca. of Luke, with an Exposicion thempon, lately corrected and printed. [By William Tyndale, the Martyr.] 4to. HontJon ^mprgnUti bp OTilltam mi. [N. 6. 47.] The Sermon which Christ made on the way to Emaus, to those two sorrowful Disciples, set down in a Dialogue by D. Urbane Regius. wherein he hath gathered and expounded the chief Prophecies of the Old Testament concerning Christ. 4to. London, 1578. [E. 19. 11.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1612. [li. 3. 4.] John. Catena Patrum Graecorum in Sanctum Joannem, edita a Balthasare Cor- DERio. folio, Antverpia?, 1030. [M. 12. 25.] D. Aurelii Augustini, Ilipponensis Episcopi, Expositio in Johannis Evangelium. folio. Inter Operum Tom. l\. [M. 10. 14.] An Exposition of the VI. Chapter of John. Svo. London, 1550. [G. 8. 38.] Muscuti (Wolfgangi) Commentarii in Evangelium Joannis. folio, Basi- leae, 1554. [L. 11. 21.] A Catholike and Ecclesiasticall Exposition of the Holy Gospel after St. John, gathered out of all the singular and approved Divines (which the Lord hath given to his Church), and translated out of the Latin of Au- gustine Marlorate into English, by Thomas Timme. folio, London, 1575. [E. 9. 7.] RiBER^ (Francisci) In Evangelium secundum Joannem Commentarii. 4to. Lugduni, 1623. [M. 19. 16.] COMMENTATORS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. 67 Taknovii (Pauli) In S. Joliannis Evangelium Commentarius. 4to.' Rostochii, 1629. [I. 19. 23.] Initium Evangelii S. Joannis ax Antiquitate Ecclesiastica restitutum, indidemque nova ratione illustratum per L. M. Artemonium. [Samu- elem Crellium]. Svo. 1726. [R. 11. 3.] LAMPE(Frid. Adolphi) Commentarius Analytico-Exegeticus, tam literalis quam realis Evangelii secundum Joannem. 3 vols. 4to. Amstelodami, 1724. [R. 16. 13-15.] A Comment upon some Remarkable Passages in Christ's Prayer at the Close of his Public Ministry, more particularly John xvii. 5. [By Cardale.] Svo. London, 1772. [P. 295.(1.)] On the Acts of the Apostles, together with various Epistles. Cassiodori Senatoris Complexiones, in Epistolas et Acta Apostolorum et Apocalypsin, e vetustissimis Canonicorum Veronensium membranis nunc primum erutae. 12mo. Florentia?, 1721. []E. 18. 31.] ■ Exemplar aliud, cura Samuelis Chandleri. 12mo. Londini, 1722. [E. 27. 37.] Enarrationes vetustissimorum Theologorum in Acta Apostolorum et in omnes D. Pauli ac Catholicas Epistolas, ab Oecumenio : in Apocalyp- sim vero ab Aretha, Caesareae Cappadociae episcopo, collectae. Jo- hanne Hentenio Interprete. Svo. Parisiis, 1547. QL. 18. 2.] GoRRANi (Nicolai) In Acta Apostolorum, et singulas Apostolorum, Ja- cobi, Petri, Johannis, et Judse Canonicas Epistolas, et Apocalypsin Commentarii. folio, Antwerpise, 1620. [L. 3. 18.] Pyle (Thomas) A Paraphrase with some Notes, on the Acts of the Apos- tles, and upon all the Epistles of the New Testament. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1715, [D. 6. 46,47.] Limborch (Philippi a) Commentarius in Acta Apostolorum, et in Epis- tolas ad Romanos et ad Hebraeos. folio, Roterodami, 1711. [K. 2. 2.] On the Acts of the Apostles only. Venerabilis Bed^ Retractationes et Qua;stiones in Acta Apostolorum. folio. Inter Operian Tom. III. |^M. 13. 19.] Bullingeui (Henrici) In Acta Apostolorum Commentarii. folio, Tiguri, 1583. [L. 9. 9.] Cappelli (Ludovici) Historia Apostolica illustrata ex Actis Apostolorum et Epistolis Paulinis, inter se coUatis. Accedit Historiae Judaicae Com- pendium ab Asamonaeorum sive Machabaeorum tempore ad Hierosoly- raorum et Templi per Titum Vespasianum Excidium. 4to. Genevae, 1634. [S. 1. 14.] De Dieu (Ludovici) Animadversiones in Acta Apostolorum. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1634. [P. 46. (2.)] Stresonis (Caspari) Commentarius Practicus in Actorum Apostolicorum per Lucam Evangelistc.m descriptorum Capita priora Sedecim. 2 torn. 4to. Amstelodami, 1658. [I. 19. 16,17.] Exemplar aliud. 2 to-.i. 4to. Amstelodami, 1658. [F. 15. 11,12.] Pearsonii (Johannis Episcopi Cestriensis) Annales Paulini et Lectiones in Acta Apostolorum. 4to. Infer Opera. \Ji. 5. 34.] F 2 68 R E L I G I O N. The Annals of Saint Paul, by John Pearson, D. D., late Lord Bishop of Chester, translated from the Latin, and illustrated with Critical and Explanatory Notes taken from the most approved Annotations. By Jackson Muspratt Williams. 12mo. Cambridge, 182G. [S. 6. 19.] BiscoE (Richard) The History of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, con- firmed from other Authors, and considered as full Evidence of the Truth of Christianity. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1742. [R. 19. 31,32.] MiDDLETON (Conyers) Some Cursory Reflections on the Dispute at An- tioch between the Apostles Peter and Paul. 4to. IForks, Vol. II. [G. 9. 13.] An Essay on the Gift of Tongues, as described in Scripture. 4to. IVorks, Yol 11. [G. 9. 13.] *Benson (George) A History of the First Planting of Christianity, taken from the Acts of the Apostles, and their Epistles : together with the Remarkable Factsof the Jewish and Roman History, within this period. 4to. 3vols.ini, London, 1756. *Bevan (Joseph Gurney) The Life of the Apostle Paul, as related in Scripture; but in which his Epistles are inserted in that Part of the History, to which they are supposed respectively to belong. With Se- lect Notes, critical and explanatory. 8vo. London, 1807. *Acta Apostolorum, Graece, variorum Annotationibus instructa, integris et selectis. Edidit Hastings Robinson. 8vo. Cantabrigian, 1824. On the ArosTOLic Epistles, generally. Joannis Chrysostomi, Archiepiscopi Constantinopoiitani, Expositio in Divi Pauli Epistolas. Accedit Andreas, Archiepiscopi Csesarese Cap- padocise, in D. Joannis Apostoli et Evangelistae Apocalypsin Commen- tarius, Graece et Latine. Cura Friderici Sylburgii. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis. [M. 12. 9,10.] Joannis Chrysostomi Enarrationes in Divi Pauli Epistolas ad Galatas usque ad Hebrseos. Latine. folio, Basileae, 1536. [Ff. 2. 13.] Eusebii Hieronymi Stridonensis Commentarii in omnes Pauli Epistolas. folio. Inter Opcrum Tom. IX. [M. 16. 20.] Theodoreti, Episcopi Cyrensis, Explanationes in Pauli Epistolas omnes. Inter Opera. [M. 9. 22.] Ambrosii, Mediolanensis Episcopi, In omnes Pauli Epistolas Commentarii. folio. Inter Opera. [}l. 11. 17.] Exemplar aliud. folio. Inter Opera. [M. 16. 22.] Sancti Remigii, Episcopi Rhemensis, Explanationes Epistolarum Beati Pauli Apostoli. Opera et studio Joannis Baptistae Villalpandi. folio. Moguntiae, 1614. [M. 9. 18.] Venerabilis Bed^ Exposiliones in omnes Pauli Epistolas. folio. Inter Operum Tom. HI. [M. 13. 19.] Theophylacti, Archiepiscopi Bulgaria", In D. Pauli Epistolas Commen- tarii, studio et cura Augustini Lindselli, Episcopi Wigorniensis. Greece et Latine. Londini, 1636. [M. 12. 22.] Theophylacti in omnes D, Pauli Epistolas Enarrationes, Latine. 8vo. Parisiis, 1542. ^C. 16. 2.] Commentaria Liiculentissima vetustissimorum Graecorum Theologorum in omnes D. Pauli Epistolas ab Oecumenio ad Compendium coUecta. Interprete Johanne Hentenio. Svo. Parisiis, 1547. [|L. 18. 1.] COMMENTATORS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. C9 Brunonis (S.) In Epistolas Pauli omnes Expositio. folio. Inter Ope- rum Tom. II. [M. d. Q.^ RiCKEL (Dionysii a) In omnes Beati Pauli Epistolas Commentaria ; item in Septem Epistolas Canonicas, Acta Apostolorum, et Apocalypsin Enarrationes. folio, Parisiis, 1651. [h. 3. 22.] Haymonis, Episcopi llalberstattensis, in Divi Pauli Epistolas omnes In- terpretatio. 8vo. Coloniae, 1631. [G. 19. 24.] Erasmi (Desiderii) Paraphrasis in Epistolas Novi Testamenti et Apoca- lypsin. 8vo. Basileae, 1522. [F. 16. 16.] BuLLiNGERi (Henrici) In omnes Apostolicas Epistolas Commentarii, folio, Tiguri, 1537. [L. 9. 10.] MuscuLi (Wolfgangi) In Epistolas Pauli ad Romanos, 1 et 2 Corintliios, Ephesios, Philippenses, Colossenses, Thessalonicenses ambas, et pri- inam ad Timotheuni Conmientarii. 2 vols, folio, Basileae, 1555-59- 61-65. [L. 11. 15,19.] Hemmingii (Nicolai) Commentaria in omnes Epistolas Apostolorum Pauli, Petri, Judae, Joliannis, Jacobi, et in earn quae ad Hebraeos in- scribitur. folio, Lipsiae, 1571. [L. 12. 19.] Hemmingii (Nicolai) Commentaria in omnes Epistolas Apostolorum Pauli, Petri, Judac, Johannis, et Jacobi. folio, Francofurti ad Moe- num, 1579. [C 5. 1.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Francofurti ad Moenum, 1579. [G.2. 4.] GuiLLiAUDi (Claudii) In omnes Divi Pauli Apostoli Epistolas Collatio, juxta Eruditorum sententiam facta. 8vo. Parisiis, 1548. [G. 19. 10.] Hyperii (Andreae) Commentarii in omnes D. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas et in Epistolam D. Judae. folio, Tiguri, 1584. [L. 10. 18.] Calvini (Johannis) Commentarii in omnes Pauli Epistolas, in Epistolam ad Hebrseos, et in omnes Epistolas Canonicas. folio, Genevae, 1600. [L. 12. 5.] Zanchii (Hieronymi) Commentarii in Epistolas Pauli ad Ephesios, Phi- lippenses, Colossenses, I. et II. Thessalonicenses, et in I. Johannis Epis- tolam. folio. Liter Operum Tom.W. [M. 3. 23.] JusTiNiANi (Benedicti) In omnes B. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas Explana- tiones. 3 vols, folio, Lugduni, 1612. [L. 2. 12-14.] GoRRANi (Nicolai) In omnes Divi Pauli Epistolas Elucidatio. folio, Antwerpese, 1617. [L. 3. 17.] EsTii (Gulielmi) In omnes Beati Pauli et aliorum Apostolorum Epis- tolas Commentarii. folio, Parisiis, 1623. [L. 5. 27.] BuoENHAGii (Joannis) Annotationes in Epistolas Pauli. 12mo. Ba- sileae, 1625. [I. 8. 4.] GoMARi (Francisci) Analyses et Explicationes in omnes Novi Testamenti Epistolas, etiam in Apocalypsin. folio. Infer Operum Tom. II. ^ ^ \ [L. 13. 15.] Ambrosii Catharini, [i. e. Lancelotti Politi] In omnes Divi Pauli Apos- toli, et alias Septem Canonicas Epistolas, Commentarius. folio. Pari- ',j^ siis, 1666. [I. 13. 8.] A Paraphrase and Annotations upon the Epistles of St. Paul, written to the Romans, Corinthians, and Hebrews. Svo. Oxford, 1 675. [D. 6. 4.] Another Copy. 8vo. Oxford, 1675. [H. 7. 36.] 70 RELIGION. A Paraphrase and Annotations upon all the Epistles of St. Paul [attri- buted to Bishop Fell.] 8vo. Oxford, 1684. [R. 13. 16.] Another Copy. 8vo. Oxford, 1684. [C. 15. 34.] Benson (George) A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of Paul to Philemon, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Titus, 1 and 2 Timothy, and the Seven Catholic Epistles of James, Peter, Jude, and John. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1734-1749. [Bb. 2. ^5,26.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1752-1749. [Bb. 2. 27,28.] Benson (George) Supplement to the first Edition of a Paraphrase and Notes on Six of St. Paul's Epistles, viz. Philemon, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy. 4to. London, 1752. [R, 16. 12.] CoLLKT (Samuel) A Practical Paraphrase on -the Epistles of St. Paul to the Romans, Galatians, and the Epistle to the Hebrews, after the Manner of Dr. Clarke's Paraphrase on the four Evangelists. 8vo. London, 1744. [A. 18. 100.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1 744. [Ff. 5. 24.] Locke (John) A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Romans, and Ephesians : to which is prefixed an Essay on the Understanding of St. Paul's Epistles, by con- sulting St. Paul himself. 4to. London, 1751. [Bb. 3. 38.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1733. [Bb. 3. 39.] Another Copy. 4to. Works, Vol. IIL [Q. 3. 13.] Jenkjn (Robert) Remarks on Mr. Locke's Paraphrase and Notes on St. Paul's Epistles. 8vo. London, 1709. [N. 9. 33.] Paraphrases and Notes on all the Epistles of the New Testament, bound in 2 vols. 4to. London, V. Y. [R. 17. 41,42.] Sijllahus. Vol, L 1. On the Epistles of St. Paul to the Galatians, 1 and 2 Co- rinthians, Romans, and Ephesians. To which is pre- fixed an Essay for the understanding of St. Paul's Epistles, by consulting St. Paul himself. By John Locke, Esq. 2. On the Epistles of St. Paul to the Philippians and Colos- sians. By James Peirce. 3. On the Epistles of St. Paul to Philemon, 1 and 2 Thes- salonians, 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy. [By George Benson, D. D.] Vol.. II. 1. On the Epistle to the Hebrews [ch. I. — X.] By James Peirce, and on the three last Chapters, by Joseph Hallett, jun. 2. On the Epistle of St. James, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude, 1, 2, and 3 John. By Dr. Benson. 3. Dissertations on Six Texts of Scripture. By James Peirce, viz. Rom. XV. 7-9. Matt. v. 14-16. 2 Cor. iv. 13. Mark vi. 39,40. John xiii. 18,19. 1 Cor. viii. 3. COMMENTATORS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. 71 Macknight (James) A New Literal Translation from the original Greek of all the Apostolical Epistles. With a Commentary, and Notes Phi- lological, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical. To which is added a Life of the Apostle Paul. (In Greek and English.) 4 vols. 4to. Edin- burgh, 1795. [A. 14. 73-76.] Another Edition, in English only. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. [Bb. 3. 30-33.] Het (John) General Observations on the Writings of St. Paul. Svo. Buckingham, 1811. [Ff. 5. 43.] Wendleki (Joh. Christ.) Prodromus Bibliothecae Biblicse perfcctioris, exhibens Historiam Criticam Commentatorum in Epistolas Paulinas. Accedit supplementorum ad Dorschaji Biblia nurnerata specimen. 8vo. Jenje, 1721. [R. 13. 53.] On the Epistle to the Romans. Soto (Dominici a) in Epistolam Divi Pauli ad Romanos Commentarii. Accedunt ejusdem de Natura et Gratia Libri tres. folio, Salmanticas, 1551. [D. 11. 18-.] Buceri (Martini) Mctaphrasis et Enarratio in Epistolam Pauli ad Ro- manos. folio, Basileae, 1562. [L. 10. 5.] Martykis (Petri) In Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos Commentarii, cum tractatione perutili rerum et locorum, qui ad eam epistolam pertinent, folio, BasilejE, 1568. [L. 12. 20.] ToLETi (Francisci, Cardinalis) In Epistolam B. Pauli Apostoli ad Ro- manos Commentarii et Annotationes. Accesserunt ejusdem Cardinalis XV Sermones in Psalmum primum et tricesimum, ac duo in ejusdem Epistolae Loca Tractatus. 4to. Moguntiae, 1603. [D. 11. 22.] Parei (Davidis) In Divinam ad Romanos Pauli Apostoli Epistolam Com- mentarius. 4to. Francofurti, 1608. [I. 20. 3.] Knopkenii (Andreaj) In Epistolam ad Romanos Commentarius. 12mo. Argentorati, 1525. [G. 8. 14.] ScLATER(Wm.) An Exposition with Notes on the Fourth Chapter to the Romans. 4to. London, 1650. [D. 7. 44.] Taylor (John) A Paraphrase, with Notes, on the Epistle to the Romans. To which is prefixed a Key to the Apostolic Writings, or an Essay to explain the Gospel Scheme, and the principal Words and Phrases the Apostles have used in describing it. 4to. London, 1745. [Bb. 2. 24.] Another Copy. Second Edition. 4to. London, 1747. [R. 3. 21.] Semleri (Jo. Sal.) Paraphrasis Epistolae ad Romanos, cum Notis, Trans- latione vetusta, et Dissertatione de duplici Appendice hujus Epistolae in cap. XV. xvi. Halae Magdeburgicas, 1769. [F. 26. 30.] Adam (Thomas) A Paraphrase on the Eleven first Chapters of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. 8vo. London, 1771. [Ff. 7. 4.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1771. [Ff. 6. 1.] Another Copy. 12mo. Bath, 1805. [li. 3. .S9.] Fraser (James) The Scripture Doctrine of Sanctification, being a Critical Explication and Paraphrase of Romans vi. vii. and viii. verses 1-4. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1774. [li. 2. 14.] 72 RELIGION. Fawcett (J.) A Critical Exposition of the Ninth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, as far as it is supposed to relate to the Doctrine of Predestination. 8vo. London, 1752. [P. 162. (6.)] Keeling (Bartholomew) St. Paul's Wish to be accursed from Christ il- lustrated and vindicated from Misconstructions. With an Appendix, containing a Collection of the most material Observations upon the Text by ancient and modern Writers. 8vo. Oxford, 1766. [P. 256. (6.)'] The Thirteenth Chapter of the Romans, vindicated from the sense put upon it ; veritten by a Curate of Salop, [ascribed to Dr. Wm. Fleet- wood, Bishop of St. Asaph]]. 8vo. London, 1710. QL. 15. 1.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1710. [N. 9. 25.] The Curat t of Dorset's Answer to the Curate of Salop's Exposition of Me Thirteenth Chapter to the Romans. By Way of Dialogue. 8vo. Lon- don, 1711. [L. 15. 1.] On the two Epistles to the Corinthians. Martyris (Petri) In Pauli Apostoli priorem Epistolam ad Corinthios Commentarii. folio, Tiguri, 1579. [L. 12. 22.] Pauei (Davidis) In Divinam ad Corinthios priorem S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolam Commentarius. 4to. Francofurti, 1619. [I. 20. 4.] Semleri (Jo. Sal.) Paraphrasis in primam Pauli ad Corinthios Epistolam. 8vo. Halse Magdeburgic^, 1770. [F. 22. 21.] GouGii (Strickland) A Critical Dissertation on 1 Cor. x. 10. 8vo. Lon- don, 1742. [R. 19. 7.] Greenwood (Wm.) A Paraphrastical Exposition of the Fifteenth Chap- ter of the First Epistle to the Corinthians, with some Critical Notes. 4to. London, 1759. [R. 16. 12.] Alexander (John) h. Paraphrase on the Fifteenth Chapter of the First Epistle to the Corinthians, with Critical Notes and Observations ; and a Commentary, with Critical Remarks, on the Sixth, Seventh, and part of the Eighth Chapters of the Romans, &c. 4to. London, 1766. [R. 16. 12.] *TolIey (J. G.) A Paraphrase of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. 8vo. London, 1825. *Pauli ad Corinthios Epistola Secunda, perpetua annotatione illustrata h Jo. Georg. Frid. Leun. 8vo. Lemgoviae, 1804. On the Epistles to the Galatians and Ephesians. Chandler (Samuel) A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Pau'l to the Galatians and Ephesians ; with Doctrinal and Practical Observations; together with a Critical and Practical Commentary on tlie Two Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians. 4to. London, 1777. [R. 17. 18.] On the Epistle to the Galatians. Luther (Martin) A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. folio, London, 1 760. [Cc. 2. 6.] Parei (Davidis) In Divinam ad Galatos S. Pauli Epistolam Commenta- rius. 4to. Heidelbergae, 1621. [L 20. 2.] COMMENTATORS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. 73 ' On the Epistle to the Ephesians. BucERi (Martini) Praelectiones in Epistolarn D. Pauli ad Ephesios ha- bitae Cantabrigiae, in Anglia. folio, Basilese, 1562. [L. 10. 5.'] BoDii (Roberti) In Epistolarn Pauli ad Ephesios Praelectiones supra CC. folio, Londini, 1G52. [L. 13. 8.] Goodwin (Thomas) An Exposition on the Epistle to the Ephesians. folio. tVorks, Vol. I. [H. 23. 14.] On the Epistle to the Colossians. Davenant (Joannis, Episcopi Sarisbxiriensis) Expositio Epistoke D. Pauli ad Colossenses. folio, Cantabrigiae, 1627. [Hh. 1. 15.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Cantabrigiae, 1627. [L. 13. 17.] On the two Epistles to the Thessalonians. Jewell (John, Bishop of Sahsbury) An Exposition upon the two Epistles of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians. 8vo. London. [Ff. 4. S3.] Another Copy, folio. Works. [Ff. 2. 10.] Another Copy, folio. Works. [Ff. 3. 4.] Another Copy. Svo. In The Fathers of the English Church, Vol. VII. [Ff. 5. 54,62.] Fergusson (James) A Brief Exposition of the First and Second Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians. Svo. London, 1674. [M. 7. 9.] Turretini (Johannis Alphonsi) Commentarius Theoretico-Practicus in Epistolas D. Pauli ad Ti.essalonicenses. Svo. Basileae, 1739. [A. 17. QS.'] Phillips (John) The Greek of the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thes- salonians explained. Wherein the Etymology of the most difficult Words is given ; the Verbs noted in their various Mcods and Tenses ; the Metaphors carefully explained ; and the whole illustrated with Critical and Explanatory Notes. 4to. London, 1751. [R. 16. 12.] Squire (John) A Plaine Exposition upon the First Part of the Second Chapter of Saint Paul his Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. Wherein it is plainly proved that the Pope is the Antichrist. 4to. Lon- don, 1630. [K. 19. 2.] Langford (E.) The Notes and Characters of the Man of Sin laid down by the Apostle, 2 Thess. ii. 4. applied to the avowed Tenets and Prac- tices of the Church of Rome. Svo. London, 1746. [P. 190. (9.)] On the Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Dan^ei (Lamberti) In D. Pauli priorem Epistolam ad Timotheum Com- mentarius. folio. Inter Opera. [L. 13. 13.] EsPENCiEi (Claudii) In Pauli duas ad Timotheum, et in Epistolam ad Titum Commentarii. folio. Inter Opera. [L. 3. 14.] A Free and Plain Exposition of the Ninth and Tenth Verses of the Se- cond Chapter of Titus. 12mo. London. [Hh. 4. 35. "} DanjEi (Lamberti) In Epistolam Pauli ad Phileraonem Commentarius. folio. Inter Opera. [L. 13. 13.] Grotii (Hugonis) Annotata in Epistolam Pauli ad Philemonem. Svo. Subjinem Librorum de Jure Belli ac Pads. [H. 7. 37'^ 74 RELIGION. On the Epistle to the Hebrews. RiBERii (Francisci) In Epistolam B. Pauli Apostoli ad Hebraeos Com- mentarii. 8vo. Colonial Agrippinae, 1600. [G. 19. 9.] Tena (Ludovici de) Commentaria et Dispiitationes in Epistolam Pauli ad Hebrseos. folio, Toleti, 1611. [D. 11. 16.] Owen (John) An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews ; with Preli- minary Exercitations. folio, 4 vols. London, 1668-1674. [H. 23. 1-4.] . Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews, folio, London, 1668. [Q. 1. 19.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1668. [Ff. 3. 58.] Another Copy, foho, London, 1674. [Ff. 3. 57.^ Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews ; revised and abridged by Edward Williams, D. D. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1790. [C. 26. 13-17.] A Critical Examination of Dr. Sykes's Notes upon the Epistle to the He- brews. By Alethophilus. 4to. London, 1756. [P. 6. 3.] Maclean (Archibald) A Paraphrase and Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 vols. 12mo. In his Works, Vols. V. and VI. [li. 2. 35,36.] On the Catholic Epistles generally. Oecumenii Expositio in Septem Catholicas Epistolas, Graece et Latine, Opera Johannis Hentenii. 4to. Francofurti, 1610. [L. 20. 28.] Aretii (Benedicti) Commentarii in Epistolas Canonicas, in perspicua methodo conscripti. 12mo. Morgiis, 1581. [K. 8. 27.] LoRiNi (Joannis) In Catholicas Epistolas Commentarii. 2 tom. folio, Lugduni, 1619. [L. 2. 15,16.] Collet (Samuel) A Practical Paraphrase on the Seven Catholic Epistles, after the Manner of the Rev. Dr. Clarke's Paraphrase on the Four Evangehsts. 8vo. London, 1734. [A. 18. 101.] On the. General Epistle of James. Paes (Balthazaris) Commentarii in Epistolam Beati Jacob! Apostoli. 4to. Antwerpiae, 1617. [G. 20. 25.] Mayer (John) Praxis Theologica ; or, the Epistle of the Apostle St. James, resolved, expounded, and preached upon, by way of Doctrine and Use. 4to. London, 1629. [E. 19. 16.] On the Epistles of Peter and Jude. A Commentarie or Exposition upon the Two Epistles General of Sainct Peter and that of Sainct Jude, faithfully gathered out of the Lectures and Preachings of Dr. Martin Luther. 4to. London, 1581. [C. 1. 33.] On the First Epistle of Peter. Gerhardi (Johannis) Commentarius inPriorera D. Petri Epistolam. 4to. Jenae, 1641. [I. 20. 21.] Leighton (Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow) A Practical Commentary upon the First Epistle of Peter. 2 vols. 8vo. In his Expository Works. [Ff. 6. 44,45.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. In his Expositor^/ Works. ^^ [K. 26. 5,6.-] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. In his Expository Works. [Ff. 7. 131,132.3 Leighton's Practical Commentary upon the Two First Chapters of the First Epistle General of Peter. 4to. York, 1693. [E. 7. 43.] COMMENTATORS ON THE NEAV TESTAMENT. 75 The Merits of Christ exemplary ; or, an Interpretation of Saint Peter's Account [1 Pet. ii. 24.] of Christ's bearing our Sins in his own Body on the Tree. [By Caleb Fleming.] 8vo. London, 1761. [P. 204. (6.)] On the Second Epistle of Peter. Pkimatt (Wm.) A Dissertation on 2 Peter i. 16-21. in which the Force of the Apostle's Reasoning is shewn, and the Connexion of the whole Passage is explained. 8vo. London, 1751. [R. 18. 26.] Remarks on the various Interpretations of 2 Pet. i. 19. 8vo. London, 1726. [P. 86. (7.)] Ashton (Thomas) A Dissertation on 2 Peter i. 19. 8vo. London, 1750. [R. 18. 26.] Remarks on Bishop Sherlock's Dissertation on St. Peter's Second Epistle andSt.Jude. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 313. (10.)] On the Three Epistles of John. D. Aurelii Augustini, Hipponensis Episcopi, Expositio in Johannis Epis- tolam primam. folio. T/ittr Opeium 'J'uni. IX. [M. 10, 14.] *MoRi (S. F. N.) Praelectiones Exegeticse in tres Johannis Epistolas, cum nova earundem Paraphrasi Latina. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1797. On the General Epistle of Juce. JuNii (Francisci)InEpisto]ara Judse Apostoli Notae. folio. Ititer Operum Tom. I. [L. 13. 10.] On the Apocalypse, D. Aurelii Augustini, Hipponensis Episcopi, Expositio in Johannis Apo- calypsin. folio. Inter Operum Tom. IX. [M. 10. 14.] Ambkosii, Mediolanensis Episcopi, super Apocalypsin Expositio. 4to. LuteticT, 1554. [0.1.26.] Aretha Expositio, ex diversis sanctorum Patrum commentariis-collecta, in Joannis Apocalypsin. folio, Veronae, 1532. [M. 11. 3.] Thomae Aquinatis in Beati Joannis Apocalypsim Expositio. 8vo. Florentiae, 1549. [G. 18. 1.] Joachim (Abbatis) Expositio Libri Apocalypsis Beati Joannis Apostoli Evangelistae. 4to. Venetiis, 1527. [G, 20. 15.] ANSBERTi(Ambrosii)Galli presbyteri, in Sancti Johannis Apostoli etEuan- gelistse Apocalypsin Libri Decern, folio. Colon iae, 1536. [M. 9. 16.] Foxi (Joannis) Eicasmi, seu Meditationes in Sacram Apocalypsin. folio, Londini, 1587. [D. 11. 17.] RiBER^ (Francisci) In Sacram Beati Joannis Apostoli et Evangelistae Apocalypsin Commentarii. 12mo. Antwerpiae, 1603. [G. 19. 28.] Broughton (Hugh) A Revelation of the Holy Apocalyps. 4to. London, 1610. [G. 19. 29.] Brightman (Thomas) The Revelation of St. John illustrated with an Analysis and Scholions. Wherein the sense is opened by the Scripture, and the Event of Things foreshewed by Histories. 4to. Leyden, 1616. [G. 20, 30.] Alcasar (Ludovici ab) Vestigatio Arcani. Senses in Apocalypsin. folio, Antwerpiae, 1619. [I. 11. 11.] Parei (Davidis) In Divinam Apocalypsin S. Apostoli et Evangelista; Johannis Comraentarius. 4to. Heidelbergae, 1^22. [I. 20. 1.] Parens (David) A Commentary upon the Divine Revelation of the Apostle 76 RELIGION. and Evangelist John, translated into English, folio, Amsterdam, 1644. [C. 5. 29.] JuNii (Francisci) Apocalypsis, methodic4 analysi argumentorum, notisque illustrata. folio. Inter Operum Tom. I. [L. 13. 10.] Napier (John, Lord of Marchiston) A plaine Discovery of the Revela- tion of St. John. 4to. Edinburgh, 1645. [D. 14. 43.] Mede (Joseph!) Clavis Apocalyptica ex innatis et insitis Visionum Charac- teribus eruta et demonstrata. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1632. [E. 19. 4.] Mede (Joseph) The Key of the Revelation, translated from the Latin by Richard More. 4to. London, 1650. [F. 15. 16.] Mede (Josephi) Opuscula Latina ad rem Apocalypticam ferfe spectantia. 4to. Cantab". 1652. [F. 15. 16.] Goodwin (Thomas) An Exposition upon the Book of the Revelation. folio. In his (Forks, Vol. II. [H. 23. 15.] CoLLADON (N.) Methodus facillima ad Explicationem Sacro-Sanctae Apocalypseos Joannis Theologi, ex ipso libro desumpta. 8vo. Morgiis, 1681. [G. 18. 4.] The Book of the Revelation Paraphrased, with Annotations on each Chapter. 4to. London, 1693. [I. 6. 21.] Whiston (Wm.) An Essay on the Revelation of Saint John. 4to. Cam- bridge, 1706.' [F. 6. 42.] Daubuz (Charles) A Perpetual Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, foho, London, 1720. [E. 2. 13.] A Discourse Historical and Critical on the Revelations, ascribed to St. John. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 143. (8.)] LowMAN (Moses) A Paraphrase and Notes ou the Revelation of St. John. 4to. London, 1737. [R. 3. 36.] Bengelius's Introduction to his Exposition of the Apocalypse, with his Preface and the greatest part of the conclusion of it ; his marginal Notes on the text, &c. Translated from the High Dutch, by John Robert- son. 8vo. London, 1757. [P. 261. (2.)] SwEDENBORG (Emmanuelis) Apocalypsis Revelata ; in qua deteguntur Arcana quae ibi praedicta sunt, et hactenus recondita latuerunt. 4to. Amstelodami, 1766. [L. 14. 17.] Kershaw (James) An Essay on the principal part of the ^ [Hh. 4. 30. Book of Revelation. 12mo. 2 vols. Stockton, 1780. - j li. 3. 47.] Johnston (Bryce) A Commentary on the Revelation of St. John. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1794. [C. 24. 24,25.] *WooDHousE (J. C.) The Apocalypse or Revelation of Saint John, translated — with Notes Critical and Explanatory. To which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Divine Origin of the Book, in Answer to the Ob- jections of the late Professor Michaelis. royal 8vo. London, 1806. Hallenberg (J.) Historical Remarks on the Book of Revelation (in Swe- dish.) 3 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1800. [C. 27. 13-15.] Potter (Francis) An Interpretation of the Number 666. Wherein not only the manner how this number ought to be interpreted is clearly proved and demonstrated : but it is also shewed that this number is an exquisite and perfect character, truly, exactly, and essentially de- scribing that state of government to which all other notes of Anti- christ do agree. 4to. Oxford, 1647. [K. 14. 16.] CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS ON SCRIPTURE. 77 Stevens (Nathaniel) A Plaine and Easy Calculation of the Name, Mark, and Number of the Beast. 4to. London, 1656. [E. 1. 24.] Ingram (Robert) An Explanation of the Prophecy of the Seven Vials of Wrath, or the Seven last Plagues contained in the Revelation of St. John, chapters 15-16. 8vo. Colchester. [Hh. 2. 46.] Ingram (Robert) A View of the Great Events of the Seventh Plague, or Period when the mystery of God shall be finished. 8vo. Colchester, [Hh. 2. 46.] NicKOLLs (R. B.) The Exemplar of Divine Worship, as exhibited to St. John in the Apocalypse. 8vo. London, 1805. [Hh. 2. 36.] Cressener (Drue) The Judgments of God upon the Roman Catholick Church, in Explication of the Trumpets and Vials of the Apocalypse. 4to. London, 1689. [D. 19. 48.] Cressener (Drue) A Demonstration of the first principles of the Pro- testant Applications of the Apocalypse. 8vo. London, 1690. [D. 19. 48.] The Meaning of the Beast in Revelations and in Daniel. 4to. London, 1G90. [P. 42. (3.)] Romae Ruina Finalis Anno Dom. 1666, Mundique Finis. 4to. Londini, 1655. [H. -7. 18.] HiGGONS (Theophilus) Mystical Babylon, or Papal Rome : a Treatise' upon Apocal. xviii. 2. " It is fallen." 4to. London, 1624. [E. 1. 45.] (5) Critical Observations and Disquisitions on Biblical Subjects. Adami (Cornelii) Excercitationes Exegeticae De Israelis in iEgypto Mal- tiplicatione et Oppressione, Nativitate et Institutione Mosis in Sapi- entia, Conversione S. Pauli, Malisque Romse Paganse et Hodiernae Moribus. 4to. Groningge, 1711. [E. 7. 22.] Alberti (Joannis) Observationes PhilologicaR in Sacros Novi Foederis Libros. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1725. [K. 7."l6,] Exemplar aliud. 8vo, Lug. Bat. 1725. [G. 22. 16.] Alberti (Joannis) Periculum Criticum ; in quo Loca quaedam cum Veteris ac Novi Foederis, tum Hesychii et aliorum illustrantur, vindicantur, emendantur. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1737. [E. 27. 32.] Baeza (Didaci de) Commentaria AUegorica et Moralia de Christd Fi- gurato in Veteri Testamento. 3 torn, folio, Parisiis et Lugduni, 1633- 37-40. [L. 4. 16-18.] Barrington (John Shute, Viscount) Miscellanea Sacra. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1725. [Q. 4. 39,40.] BoECLERi (J. Hen.) Christi Servatoris Fasciae, 4to. 1643. [P. 12. (17.)] Borremansii (Antonii) Vespei-ae Gorinchemenses, in quibus Varia Loca, tarn Scripturae Sacrae quam aliorum A uctorum, explicantur, Ritus prisci, aliaque non ubivis obvia, eruuntur. 8vo. Arastelsedami, 1687. [R. 20. 54.] Bos (Lamberti) Observationes Miscellaneae ad Loca quaedam cum Novi Foederis, tum exterorum Scriptorum Graecorum. 8vo. Franequerae, 1707. [A. 18. 62.] 78 RELIGION. Bos (Lamberti) Exercitationes Philologicae ; in quibus Novi Foederis Loca nonnulla ex auctoribus Graecis illustrantur. 8vo. Franequerae, 1713. [A. 17. 81.] BowYER (Wm.) Critical Conjectures and Observations on the New Tes- tament, collected from various Authors, as well in regard to Words as Pointing : with the Reasons on which both are founded. Third Edi- tion, 4to. London, 1782. [A. 13. 35.^ Another Copy. 2d Edition. 8vo. London, 1772. [D. 26. 1.] A Brief Essay on the Chronology of some passages contained in the Holy Scriptures, viz. 1. of the Seventy Weeks in the Prophecy of Daniel; 2. of the Time of Christ's Birth; 3. of the time when John the Baptist began to preach ; 4. of the time of Christ's Baptism ; 5. of the time when our Blessed Saviour began his Ministry of Preaching, working Miracles, &c. ; 6, of the time of John Baptist's Imprisonment. 8vo. London. 1733. [G. 22. 15.] BuDDEi (Jo. Francisci) Parerga Historico-Theologica. 12mo. Jenae, 1719. [A. 19. 115.] BuLLERii (Dav. Renaldi) Dissertationum Sacrum Sylloge. 8vo. Amste- Icedami, 1750. [D. 25. 1.] *BuRDER (Samuel) Oriental Customs ; or an Illustration of the Scriptures by an Explanatory Application of the Customs and Manners of the Eastern Nations. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. *Burder (Samuel) Oriental Literature ; applied to the Illustration of the Scriptures : — a Sequel to the Oriental Customs. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. BuxTORFii (Johannis, filii) Dissertationes Philologico-Theologica?. Ito. Basileae, 1645. [K. 14. 39.] Calvert (Jacobi) Naphtali, seu Colluctationes Theologicaj cum tribus ingentibus dubiis, viz. 1. De Reditu Decern Tribuum ; 2. De Conver- sione Judaeorum ; 3. De Mensuris Sacris Ezekielis. 4to. Londini, 1672. [M. 20. 29.] Cattenburgh (Adrian! h,) Syntagma Sapientiae Mosaicee. 4to. Amste- laedami, 1737. [P. 46. (1.)] Clerici (Davidis) Quaestiones Sacrae, in quibus multa Scripturae Loca explicantur. 8vo. Amstelaedami, 1685. [A. 19. 79.'] CoLOJiEsii (Pauli) Observationes Sacrae. 12mo. Londini, 1688. [R. 14. 54.] Cooper (Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln) An Exposition of such Chapters of the olde Testament as usually are redde in the Church. 4to. London, 1573. [D. 19. 6.] Costard (Georgii) Dissertationes Duse ; quarum primd explicatur Ezek. xiii. 18. altera vero 2 Reg. x. 22. 8vo. Oxonii, 1752. [R. 19. 7.] Cremeri (Bernardi Sebastiani) Prodromus Typicus, continens Exercita- tiones Philologico-Theologicas. 4to. Amstelodami, 1720. [R. 8. 29.] Fasciculus Opusculorum, quae ad Historiam ac Philologiara Sacram spec- tant. [Cura Thomse Crenii.] 8vo. Roterodami. [R. 14. 39.] Critical Notes on some Passages of Scripture, comparing them with the most ancient Versions, and restoring them to their original Reading or true Sense. Svo. London, 1747. [R. 19. 7.] CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS ON SCRIPTURE. 79 Croii (Johannis) Sacrae et Historicse in Novum Foedus Observationes. 4to. Genevae, 1645. [R. 16. 28.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Genevae, 1645. QK. 9. S.^ Dawson (Thomas) Dissertations on Samuel's Appearance at Endor ; Pi- late's Wife's Dream concerning Christ; Moses and Elias appearing to the Three Disciples ; St. Peter's Deliverance by an Angel ; and Abra- ham's Reply to Dives. 8vo. London, 1728. [P. 229. (2.)] De la Cerda (Joannis Ludovici) Adversaria Sacra, folio, Lugduni, 1626. [L. 3. 11.] Delrii (Martini) Adagialia Veteris ac Novi Testamenti. 2 torn. 4to. Lugduni, 1614-18. [S. 1. 34,5.] DiETERici (Cunradi) Analysis Evangeliorum Dominicalium, et Evangeli- orum quae Diebus Festis D. Apostolorum, aiiorum item Sanctorum, in Ecclesia Christi proponi solent ; una cum observationibus et doctrinis e SS.-Scripturae Fundamentis, Sanctorum Patrum Testimoniis, et Viro- rum Doctorum Sententiis. 2 vols. 4to. Marpurgi, 1631. [B. 4. 38,39.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Marpurgi, 1631. [M. 19. 19.] DiLHERi (Johannis Michaelis) Eclogae Sacrae Novi Testamenti, Syriacae, Graecae, Latinae ; cum Observationibus philologicis. 12rao. Jenae, 1638. [E. 17. 22.] DixoN (Thomas) The Sovereignty of the Divine Administration vindi- cated : or a Rational Account of our Saviour's remarkable Temptation in the Wilderness, the Possessed at Capernaum, the Demoniacs at Ga- dara, and the Destruction of the Swine. 8vo. London, 1766. [P. 253. (6.)] DouGHTJEi (Joannis) Analecta Sacra: sive Excursus Philologici breves super diversis S. Scripturae locis. 8vo. Londini, 1658. [R. 14. 13.] Drusii (Joannis) Parallel a Sacra : hoc est, Locorum Veteris Testamenti cum iis quae in Novo citantur conjuncta Commemoratio, Ebraicc & Graece, cum notis. 4to, Franekerae, 1588. [L 15. 30.] Drusii (Joannis) Ad Voces Hebraicas Novi Testamenti Comraentarius. 4to. Franekerae, 1616. [L. 19. 12.] Drusii (Joannis) Animadversionum Libri Duo. In quibus, praster Dic- tionem Ebxaicam, plurima loca Scripturae Interpretumque Veterum ex- plicantur et emendantur. 4to. Amstelodami, 1634. [L. 19. 10.] Drusii (Joannis) Tetragrammaton, sive de nomine Dei proprio. Acces- serunt Pauli Burgensis de nomine Tetragrammato Quaestiones duo- decim. Amstelodami, 1634. [F. 20. 12.] Edwards (John) An Inquiry into Four Remarkable Texts of the New Testament [Matt. ii. 23, 1 Cor, xi. 14, and xv. 29, 1 Pet. iii. 19, 20], which contain some difficulty in them ; with a probable Resolu- tion of them. 8vo. Cambridge, 1692. [M. 6. 23.] Another Copy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1692. [R. 10. 72.] Edwards (John) Exercitations, Critical, Philosophical, Historical, Theo- logical, on several important Places in the Writings of the Old and New Testament. 8vo. London, 1732. [M. 19. 22.] Ellis (Ricardi) Fortuita Sacra. 8vo. Rotterodami, 1727. CQ- 4. 12.] Fabrich (J. A.) Observationes Selectae in varia I^oca Novi Testamenti. 8vo. Hamburgi, 1712. [F. 22. 6.] 80 RELIGION. FuLLERi (Nicolai) Miscellaneorum Sacrorum Libri Duo ; quibus multa Divinae Scripturae et aliorum Classicorum Auctorum loca explicantur & illustrantur. 8vo. Lugduni, 1625. [G. 19. 1^.] Gatakeri (Thomae) Cinnus: sive Adversaria Miscellanea. 4to. Lon- dini, 1651. [N. 8. 46.] Gatakeri (Thoma?) De Novi Instrumenti Stylo Dissertatio. 4to. Lon- dini, 1648. [N. 8. 47.] Gell (Robert) Remains : or Several Select Scriptures of the New Testa- ment opened and explained, in sundry pious and learned Notes and Observations thereupon, folio, 2 vols, in 1, London, 1676. [R. 15. 26 ] GaEGORiE (John) Notes and Observations upon some Passages of Scrip- ture. 4to. Oxford, 1646. [D. 16. 20.] Another Copy. 4to. In his Works. [R. 8. 27.] Hallett (Joseph) A Free and Impartial Study of the Holy Scriptures recommended, being Notes on some peculiar Texts ; with Discourses and Observations. 8vo. 3 vols. London, 1729-32-36. [A. 18. 109-1 11.] Harenbergii (J. C.) Otia Sacra. 8vo. Traj.ad Rhenum,1740. [F. 21.13.] Harmer (Thomas) Observations on divers Passages of Scripture, from Books of Voyages and Travels into the East. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1776. [A. 14. 58-61.] Another Copy. 1st Edition, 8vo. [D. 22. 18.] *Harmer (Thomas) Observations on divers Passages of Scripture, &c. A New Edition, newly arranged, corrected and enlarged by Adam Clarke, LL.D. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1816. Heideggeri (Jo. Henrici) De Historia Sacra Patriarcharum Exercita- tiones Selectae. 4to. Amstelodami, 1667. [L. 20. 35.] HEI^"SII (Danielis) Exercitationes ad Novum Testamentum. 4to, Can- tabrigiae, 1640. [L. 20. 4.] Heinsii (Danielis) Aristarchus Sacer ; sive ad Nonni in Johannem Meta- phrasin Exercitationes. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1627. [M, 8. 12.] HoMBERGK (Job. Frid.) Parerga Sacra, seu Observationes quaedam ad Novum Testamentum. 4to. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1712. [R. 8. 40.] HoRREi (Gerardi) Animadversiones Sacrae, Profana?, ad selecta Novi Foederis, Scriptorumque exterorum Grascorum loca. 8vo. Harlingse, 1749. [D. 27. 4.] Ittigii (Thomae) Exercitationum Theologicarum varii argumenti pub- lice propositarum Enneas. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1702. [^R. 14. 1{».J JuNii (Francisci) Parallelorum Sacrorum Libri tres. folio. Inter Opcrinn Tomum I. [L. 13. 10.] King (Edward) Morsels of Criticism, tending to illustrate some ^ew Pas- sages in the Holy Scriptures upon Philosophical Principles, Vol. L 4to. London, 1788. [C. 21. 10.] *King (Edward) Morsels of Criticism. Vol. H. 4to, London, 1800. Knatchbull (Sir Norton) Annotations upon some difficult Texts in all the Books of the New Testament. Svo. Cambridge, 1693. [D. 14. 12.] Krafft (Joannis Guilielmi) Observationes Sacrae ; quibus varia Scrip- turae Loca illustrantur. Svo. Marburgi, 1753-55. [A. 19. 19.j Lakemacheri (Jo. Gothofr.) Observationes Philologicae. Svo. Helm- stadii, 1725. [R. 7. 57.^ CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS ON SCRIPTURE. 81 Langii (Wilhelmi) De Annis Christi Libri Duo. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1649. [S. 1. o.] Le Moyne (Stephani) Varia Sacra. 2 torn. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1685. [E. 15. 25,26.] Lemnii (Levini) Similitudinum ac Parabolarum, quae in Bibliis ex Herbis atque Arboribus desumuntur, Dilucida Explicatio. 8vo. Er- phordise, 1581. [G. 8. 44.] Lloyd (Thomas) An Essay on the Literary Beauties of the Scriptures. 4to. Cambridge, 1774. [Dd. 3. 67.] Ltdii (Jacobi) Agonistica Sacra, sive Syntagma Vocum et Phrasium Agonisticarum quae in S. Scriptura, imprimis vero in Epistolis S. Pauli, occurrunt. 18mo. Roterodami, 1657. [K. 16. 22.] Mac Ewen (Wm.) Grace and Truth : or the Glory and Grace of the Redeemer displayed in an Attempt to explain, illustrate, and enforce, the most remarkable Types, Figures, and Allegories of the Old Testa- ment. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1777. [Dd. 4. 88.] Maii (Jo. Henrioi) Observationum Sacrarum Libri Tres, quibus diversa utriusque Testamenti loca illustrantur. Svo. Francofurti, 1716-26-13. [A. 19. 58.] Mann (Nicolai) De veris Domini Jesu Christi Annis Natali et Emortuali, Dissertationes Duse. 8vo. Londini, 1742. [P. 200. (1.)] Mede (Joseph) Discourses on sundry Texts of Scripture ; and his Epis- tles in Answer of divers Letters from learned Men. 4to. London, 1652. [F. 15. 16.] MicHAELis (Jo. Geo.) Observationes Sacrae, in quibus diversis Sacrse Scripturse utriusque Foederis locis selectioribus lux adfunditur. 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1738. [R. 21. 54.] A clear and brief Explanation upon the chief Points in the New Testa- ment ; where, by laying Scripture to Scripture, it is fully proved what is the Faith that justifies. By M. M. Svo. London, 1697. [C. 20. 20.] MosHEMii (Jo. Laur.) Observationes Sacrae et Historico-Criticae. Svo. Amstelaedami, 1726. [G. 26. 20.] Moshemii (Jo. Laur.) Cogitationes in Novi Foederis locos selectiores. Svo. Hannoverse, 1727. [F. 27. 15.] Moshemii (Jo. Laur.) Commentarius de Lumine Sancti Sepulchri. Svo. Helmstadii, 1736. [P. 12. (2.)] Palairet (Eliit?) Observationes Philologico-criticae in Sacros Novi Foe- deris Libros. Svo. Lug. Bat. 1752. [A. 1/. 52.] *Paxton (George) Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures, in Three Parts : — 1. from the Geography of the East ; 2. from the Natural History of the East ; 3. from the Customs and Manners of Ancient and Modern Nations. Second Edition, 3 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1825. Penington (Isaac) Expositions, with Observations sometimes, on severall Scriptures. 4to. London, 1656. [K. 20. 21.] PiLKiNGTON (Matthew) Remarks upon several Passages of Scripture, rectifying some Errors in the Printed Hebrew Text, pointing out several Mistakes in the Versions ; and shewing the Benefit and Expe- diency of a more correct and intelligible Translation of the Bible. Svo. Cambridge, 1759. [G. 22, 2.] G 82 RELIGION. PtANTEViT DE LA Pause (Joannis de) Florilegiura Biblicurn, complectens omnes utriusque Testament! Sententias, Hebraice et Grsec^, cum Ver- sione Latina, et brevi juxta literalem sensum Commentario illustratas. folio, Lodovae, 1641. [K. 13. 6.] Prado (Laurentii Ramirezii de) Pentecontarchus ; Opus, in quo varia Scripturge loca ex Ebrseorum, Grcecorum et Romanorum moribus, praecipu^ ex profana antiquitate et jure civili, conatur auctor illustrare. 4to. Antwerpise, 1612. [G. 6. 7.] Raphelii (Georgii) Annotationes Philologicae in Novum Testamentum, ex Polybio, Arriano, et Xenophonte collectae. 8vo. 2 tomis, Hara- brugi, 1715-20. [R. 20. 4,6.] Raphelii (Georgii) Annotationes in Sacram Scripturam, Historicae in Ve- tus, Philologicae in Novum Testamentum, ex Herodoto collectae. 8vo. Luneburgi, 1731. [R. 20. 5.] Recueil de Dissertations Critiques sur des Endroits Difficiles de I'Ecriture Sainte, et sur des Matieres qui ont rapport a I'Ecriture. 4to. Paris, 1715. [E. 14. 10.] Reggii (Vincentii) Evangelistarum Dilucidationum Libri Octo. folio, Coleniffi, 1615. [L. 3. 20.] Reynell (Carew) Prophetiae de Messia in Jesu ad Literam adimpletae. 4to. Londini, 1724. [P. 18.(11.)] Satura Dissertationum Theologico-Historico-Philologicarum. 8vo. Ti- guri, 1741. [R. 13. 54.] Saurin (James) Dissertations ; Historical, Critical, Theological, and Moral, on the most memorable Events of the Old and New Testament; translated by John Chamberlayne. folio, London, 1723. [R. 2. 22.] ScHARBAU (Henrici) Observationes Sacrae, quibus varia Sacri Codicis utriusque Foederis Loca illustrantur. 4to. Lubecae, 1731. [R. 8. 13.] ScHOTTi (Andreae) Adagialia Sacra Novi Testament! Grsco-Latina, se- lecta atque exposita. 4to. Antwerpiae, 1629. [R. 16. 31.] ScuLTETi (Abrahami) Exercitationes Evangelicae, quibus Quatuor Evan- gelistarum difficiliora et obscuriora Loca partim philologice, partim theologice, explicantur. 4to. Amstelodami, 1624. [D. 6. 52.] Sharp (Thomas) Two Dissertations concerning the Etymology and Scrip- ture Meaning of the Hebrew Words Elohim and I3erith. 8vo. Lon- don, 1751. [R. 19. 7.] Spanhemii (Friderici) Dubia Evangelica. 2 vols. 4to. Genevae, 1639. [L. 20. 10,11.] Stanhope (George) A Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels appointed to be used in the Church of England upon all Sun- days and Holy Days throughout the Year. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1705. ^ [B. 7. 31-34.] SuRENHusii (Gull.) BIBAO^ KATAAAArHS*; in quo, secundum ve- terum Theologorum Hebiaeorum Formulas allegandi et Modos inter- pretandi, conciliantur Loca ex V. in N. T. allegata, 4to. Amstelo- dami, 1713. [R. 8. 32.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Amstelodami, 1713. [E. 7. 18.] Thesauri (Emanuelis) Patriarchae : sive Christi Servatoris Genealogia, per Mundi aetates traducta. Svo. Londini, 1651. [E. 8. 41.] Exemplar aliud. Svo. Londini, 1651. [F. 16. 34.] Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Londini, 1657. [S. 3. 28.] CRITICAL OBSERVATIOxNS ON SCRIPTURE. 83 Thesaurus Theologico-Philologicus, et Thesaurus Novus Theologico- Philologicus ; sive Sylloge Dissertationum elegantiorum ad selectiora et illustriora Veteris et Novi Testament! Loca, aTheoIogis Protestanti- bus in Germania separatim diversis temporibus conscriptarum, secun- dum ordinem utriusque Testament! digesta. 4 tomis, folio, Amstelse- dami, 1701-32. [N. 4. 10-13.] ViTRiNGiE (Campegii) Observationes Sacrae. 2 vols. 4to. Amstelodami, 1727. [K. 7. 25,26.] VoRSTii (Job.) Philologia Sacra, de Hebraismis in Novo Test. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1658. [R. 8. 45.] Vossii (G J.) Dissertatio Gemina : Una de Jesu Christi Gencalogia ; Altera de Annis, qiiibus natus, baptizatus, mortuus est Christus. 4to. Amstelodami, 1643. [C. 9. 32.] Ward (John) Dissertations upon several Passages of the Sacred Scrip- tures. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1761-74. [P. 293. (2,3.)] Lardner C Nathaniel J Remarks upon the late Dr. Ward's Dissertations upon several Passages of the Sacred Scriptures. 8vo. London, 1762. [P. 293. (4.)] Werenfelsii (Samuelis) Opuscula Theologica, Philosophica et Theolo- gica. 2 vols. 4to. Lausannae, 1739. [R. 16. 10,11.] Wesselingii (Petri) Diatribe de Judaeis Arcbontibus, ad Inscriptionem Berenicensem ; et Dissertatio, de Evangeliis jussu Imp. Anastasii non eraendatis, in Victorera Tununensem. 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1738. [P. 200. (2.)] WiTsn (Hermanni) Miscellaneorum Sacrorum Libri Quatuor. 2 vols. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1736. [Bb. 2. 40,41.] ■ -Exemplar aliud. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1692. [E. 7. 27.] Witsii (Hermanni) Meletemata Lcidensia ; quibus continentur Prselec- tiones de Vita et Rebus Gestis Pauli Apostoli, nccnon Dissertationum Exegeticarum Duodecas; denique Commentarius in Epistolam Judai Apostoli. 4to. Basileae, 1739. [Bb. 2. 43.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1703. [E. 7. 23.] Witsii (Hermanni) ^gyptiaca et AeKucpvXov ; sive de ^gyptiacorum Sa- crorum cum Hebraicis collatione Libri Tres, et de Decern Tribubus Israelis Liber Singularis. Accessit Diatribe de Legione Fulminatrice Christianorum sub imperatore Marco Aurelio Antonino. 4to. Basileae, 1739. [Bb. 2. 42.] Wolfburgi (Mart. Caspar!) Observationes Sacrae in Novum Testamentum. 4to. Hafniaj, 1738. [R. 8. 12.] Yardley (Edward) The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as recorded by St. Matthew and St. Luke, critically examined, ex- plained, defended, and reconciled to each other, and to the Scriptures of the Old Testament. 8vo. London, 1750. [G. 26. 7.] Zehneri (Joachim!) Adagia Sacra, sive Proverbia Scripturae, ex uni- verse Bibliorum Codice in quinque centurias congesta. 4to. Lipsiae, 1601. [G. 20. 26.] ZoRN II (Petri) Opuscula Sacra. 2 vols. 8vo. Altonaviae, 1731. [R. 14. 61,62.] G2 84 RELIGION. Tracts on the Dcemoniacs mentioned in the New Testament. An Enquiry into the Meaninff of Demoniacks in the New Testament. By T. P. A. P. O. A. B. I.^T. C. O. S, [The Precentor And Preben- dary Of Alton-Borealis In The Church Of Salisbury, that is, Arthur Ashley Sykes, D.D.] 8vo. London, 1737. [A. 17. 44. (1.)] An Essay towards Vindicating the Literal Sense of the Demoniacks, in the New Testament ; in Answer to a late " Enquiry" into the Meaning of them. By Thomas Church. 8vo. London, 1737. [A. 17. 44. (2.)] An Answer to the " Enquiry into the Meaning of Demoniacks," in a Letter to the Author, by Leonard T wells, M. A. 8vo. London, 1737. [A. 17. 44.(3.)] Hutchinson (Thornas) The usual Interpretation of Aai/novei and Aaifxovia in the New Testament asserted. Svo. Oxford, 1738. []A. 17. 43. (4,)] Swinton (John) A Critical Dissertation concerning the Words Aai^uv and Aai/uovtov. Svo. London, 1738. [A. 17. 43.(6.)] Pegge {Samuel) Examination of the '• Enquiry into the Meaning of the De- moniacs in the New Testament." Svo. London, 1739. [A. 17. 43. (I.)] Some Thoughts on the Miracles of Jesus, with an Introduction to that (f his casting out Devils. Svo. London, 1739. [A. 17. 43. (2.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) A Further Enquiry into the Meaning of Demo- niacks in the New Testament. Wherein the Enquiry is vindicated against the Objections of the Rev. Mr. Twells, and of the Author of the Essay in Answer to it. Svo. London, 1737. [A. 17. 44. (4.)] Church {Thomas) Reply to the ^^ Further Enquiry into the Meaning of the Demoniacks in the New Testament," as far as the " Essay towards vindi- cating the Literal Sense of them" is concerned. Svo. London, 1738. [A. 17.44.(5.)] Twells (Leonard) An Answer to the " Further E?iquiry into the Meaning of Demoniacks in the New Testament." In a Second Letter to the Author. Svo. London, 1738. [A. 17. 44. (6.)] Church (Thomas) A Short State of the Controversy about the Meaning of the Demoniacks in the New Testament. Svo. London, 1739. [A. 17. 44. (8.)] A Review of the Controversy about the Meaning of Demoniacks in the New Testament. [By Gregory Sharpe, D. D.] Svo. London, 1739. [A. 17. 44.(7.)] Remarks on a Tract intitlcd " A Review of the Controversy about the Mean- ing of Demoniacks," &c. Svo. London, 1739. [A. 17. 43. (3.)] Hutchinson (Thomas) Remarks upon a Pamphlet intitled "A Review of the Controversy about the Meaning of Demoniacs." Svo. London, 1739. [A. 17.43. (5.)] Lardner (Nathaniel) The Case of the Demoniacs mentioned in the New Testament. Svo. London, 1758. [P. 218. (1.)] Young (Arthur) A Dissertation on the Gospel Demoniacks. Svo. Lon- don, 1760. [P. 218. (2.)] Semleri (Joannis Salomonis) Commentatio de Di3emoniacis, quorum in ■ N. T. fit mentio. 4to. Halee Magdeburgicee, 1769. [R. 16. 18.] Farmer (Hugh) Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament. Svo. London, 1775. [Q. 4. 51.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1775. [D. 26. 26.] CONCORD AN C E S. 85 WoRTHiNGTON (William) An Impartial Enquiry into the Case of th< Gospel Demoniacks. With an Appendix, consisting of an Essay on Scripture Demonology. 8vo. London, 1777. [G. 24. 5.] 4. Concordances and Dictionaries, Comm'on Place Books and Analyses, of the Bible. i. Concordances to the Bible. Nathan (Rabbi Mordecai) Concordantia Hebraica. folio, Basileae, 1581. [K. 13. 18.] Calasio (F. Marii de) Concordantiae Sacrorum Bibliorum Hebraicorum. Hebraice et Latine. 4 vols, folio, Romse, 1621. [K. 13. 1-4.] Taylor (John) The Hebrew Concordance adapted to the English Bible, disposed after the Manner of Buxtorf. 2 vols, folio, London, 1754-57. [N. 3. 29,30.] KiRCHERi (Conradi) Concordantiae Veteris Testament!, Ebraeis Vocibus respondentes. 2 tomis, 4to. Francofurti, 1607. [[K. 14. 6,7.^ Stephani (Henrici) Concordantiae Graeco-Latinee Novi Testamenti. folio, Genevae, 1624. [Aa, 1. 35.] ' Exemplar aliud. folio, Genevae, 1624. [K. 12. 5.] Trommii (Abrahanii) Concordantiae Graecae Versionis vulgo dictae LXX Interpretura. 2 vols, folio, Amstelodami, 1718. [A. 5. 1,2.] ScHMiDii (Erasmi) Novi Testamenti Jesu Christi Tafit'ioy ; aliis Concor- dantiae. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasguoe, 1819. [Bb. 3. 19,20.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Gotha;, 1717. [N. 2. 16.] Stephani (Roberti) Concordantiae Latinae Bibliorum utriusque Testa- menti Veteris et Novi. folio, Parisiis, 1555. [L 3. 3.] Hervagii (Joannis) Sacrorum utriusque Testamenti Librorum absolutis- simus Index, quas Concordantias Majores vocant. folio, Basileae, 1561. [E. 9. 9.] Marbeck (John) A Concordance, that is to saie, a Worke wherein by the ordre of the A. B. C. ye maie redely finde any Worde conteigned in the whole Bible, so often as it is there mencioned. folio, London, Im- prynted by Richard Grafton. m.TJ.L [B. 1. 23.] A Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, by S. N. [^Samuel Newman.] folio, Cambridge, 1662. [H. 2. £6.] A Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, by S. N. {Two Copies.) folio, Cambridge, 1682. [F. 13. 14. — ^N. 1. 33.^ Another Copy, folio, London, 1720. [R. 1. 28.] DowNAME (John) A Brief Concordance to the Bible. 12mo. London, 1671. [K. 17. 36.] Clark (Samuel) A Concordance to the Holy Bible. 12mo. London, 1696. [F. 16. 45.] Cruden (Alexander) A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. 4to. London, 1769. [Aa. 2. 47-] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1785. [R. 15, 31.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1805. [Ff. 2. 29. 86 RELIGION. Crutxwell (Clement) A Concordance of Parallels, collected from Bibles and Commentaries, which have been published in Hebrew, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, English, and other Languages, with the Au- thorities of each. 4to. London, 1790. [Aa. 2. 48.] ii. Dictionaries of the Bible. Alstedii (Joannis Henrici) Paratitla Theologica, in quibus vera Anti- quitas et Phraseologia Sacrarum Literarum et Patrum sive priscorum Ecclesiaj Doctorum, illustratur. 4to. Francofurti, 1626. [S. 1. 3.] Ravanelli (Petri) Bibliotheca Sacra : seu Thesaurus Scripturae Cano- nicas amplissimus. folio, Genevse, 1650. [M. 4. 4.] CaIiMET (Augustin) Dictionnaire Historique, Critique, Chronologique, Geographique et Litteral de la Bible. 4 tomes, folio, Paris, 1730. [N. 4. 18-21.] •Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, translated into English, with Addi- tions by Charles Taylor. Fourth Edition, revised, corrected and enlarged. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1823. Robinson (John) A Theological, Biblical, and Ecclesiastical Dictionary, serving as a General Note-Book to the Old and New Testament, &c. 8vo. London, 1815. [Hh. 4. 14.] iii. Common Place Books and Indexes to the Bible. Feguernbkini (Isaaci) Enchiridion Locorum Communium Theologi- corum, Rerum, Exemplorum, atque Phrasium Sacrarum, ex Augustini Marlorati Thesauro et Christ. Obenhenii Promptuario. 8vo. Londini, 1591. [K. 16. 7.] De S. Martino (Leandri) Sacra Ars Memorise ad Scripturas Divinas impromptu habendas, memoriterque ediscendas, accommodata : an- nexa est Conciliatio Locorum Scripturae specie tenus pugnantinm. 8vo. Duaci, 1623. [G. 19. 23.] A Common Place Book to the Holy Bible ; or, the Scripture's Suffi- ciency practically demonstrated, [erroneously ascribed to Mr. Locke.] 4to. London, 1697. [K. 15. 1.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1725. [R. 8. 26.] Index Biblicus ; or, the Historical Books of the Holy Scripture abridged. 12mo. London, 1668. [M. 18. 21.] Lloyd (William, Bishop of Worcester) An Index to the Holy Bible. 4to. [P. 15. 19.] Cbuden (Alexander) A Compendium of the Holy Bible ; wherein the Contents of each Chapter are given. 18mo. London, 1765. [Ff. 8. 70.] iv. Analyses of the Bible. Pflachbri (Mosis) Analysis Typica omnium ciim Veteris turn Novi Testamenti Librorum liistoricorum, ad intelhgendam rerum Seriem et Memoriam juvandam accommodata. folio, Basileaj, 1587. [M. 3. 19.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1597. [H. 7. 20.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Basilese, 1621. [H. 6. 13.] BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES. 87 Brandmyllkki (Jacobi) Analysis Typica Librorum Veteris Testamenti Poeticorum et Propheticorum. 4to. Basileae, 1622. [H. 6. 12.] 5. Treatises on Biblical Antiquities, and on other Historical Circumstances of the Bible. i. Treatises' on Biblical Antiquities. A Dissertation on the Religious Knowledge of the Ancient Jews and Patriarchs concerning a Future State. [By Stephen Addington.] 4to. London, 1757. [P. 6. (5.)] Bartholini (Thomae) De Cruce Christi Liber. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1670. [E. 17. 5.] Bektkami (Bon. Cornelii) De Republica Ebraeorum ; recensitus, com- mentarioque illustratus opera Constantini L'Empereur. 18mo. Lug. Bat. 1641. [H. 17. 39.] BouLuuc (Jacobi) De Ecclesia ante Legem, Libri Tres. 4to. Parisiis, 1630. [G. 20. 14.] Brekell (John) A Dissertation upon Circumcision ; and an Inquiry into the Origin of that Religious Rite. 8vo. London, 1763. [P. 244. (9.)] Cloppenburgii (Johannis) Sacrificiorum Patriarchalium Schola Sacra : in qua exarninatur Sacrificiorum Antiquitas, Usus, et Antiqua Ratio. l8mo. Lug. Bat. 1637. [M. 16. 10.] Ckoxall, (Samuel) Scripture Politics. Svo. London, 1735. [D. 24. 26*.] Cumberland (Richard, Bishop of Peterborough) An Essay towards the Recovering of the Jewish Measures and Weights. Svo. London, 1699. [N. 9. 39.] CuNiEi (Petri) De Republica Hebraeorum Libri Tres, editi cum Variis Annotationibus a Johanne Nicolai. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1701. [C. 9. 33.'\ Exemplar aliud. ISmo. Lugd. Bat. 1631. [E. 17. 20.] Dbusii (Joanuis) De Sectis Judseis Commentarii, Trihaeresi et Minervali Nic. Serrarii oppositi. 4to. Arnheraias, 1619. [L. 19. 19.] The Manners of the Israelites, [Translated from the French of Claude Fleury.] 12mo. London, 1683. [E. 16. 31.] Gataker (Thomas) Of the Nature and Use of Lots : a Treatise Histo- ricall and Theological!. 4to. London, 1627. [D. 19. 22,] Gill (John) A Dissertation concerning the Baptism of Jewish Proselytes. Svo. London, 1771. [P. 306. (7.)] GoDWYN (Thomas) Moses and Aaron : Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites, used by the ancient Hebrews. 4to. London, 1634. [D. 19. 14.^ Another Copy. 4to. London, 1685. [R. 8. 47.] Harle (Jonathan) An Historical Essay on the State of Physic in the Old and New Testament, and the Apocryphal Interval. With a particular Account of the Cases mentioned in Scripture, and Observations upon . them. Svo. London, 1739. [P. 104. 2.] Horne (Tho. H.) Summary of Biblical Geography and Antiquities. Svo. Introd. to Study of Script. Vol. III. [M. 21. 5.] 88 RELIGION. HospiNiAKi (Rodolpbi) De Festis Judaeorum et Ethnicoifum Libri Tres. folio, Tiguri, 1611. [K. 1. 1.] tHoTTiNGERi (Jo. Henrici) Commentariiis de Decimis Hebroeorum. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1713. JuRiEU (Peter) An Account of all the Idolatries of the Ancient Pagans, as far as they relate to the Jewish Worship. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1705. [R. 10. 14-15.] Lamy (Bernard.) De Tabernaculo Fcederis, De Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo ejus, folio, Parisiis, 1720. [A. 5. 22.] L'Empereur (Constantini) De Legibus Hebrseorum Forensibus Liber singularis ; ex Hebrajorum Pandectis versus, et Commentariisillustratus. Hebraice et Latine. 4to.Lug. Bat. 1637. [K. 9. 31,] Lewis (Thomas) Origines Hebraeae ; or the Antiquities of the Hebrew Republic. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1724-25. [I. 27. 28-31.] LiiGHTFOOT (John) A Prospect of the Temple ; equally as it stood in the dayes of our Saviour. 4to. London, 1650. QE. 18. 7.] Lipsii (Justi) Titulus Sanctae Crucis ; seu Historia et Mysterium Tituli Sanctae Crucis Domini nostri Jesu Christi. 12mo. Antverpiae, 1670. [E. 17. 10.] LowMAN (Moses) A Dissertation on the Civil Government of the He- brews. 8vo. London, 1740. [P. 208. (1.);] Lowman (Moses) A Rational of the Ritual of the Hebrew Worship ; in which the wise Designs and Usefulness of that Ritual are explained and vindicated from Objections. 8vo. London, 1748. [G. 22. 10.] Lowman (Moses) Considerations on Mr. Foster's Discourse on the Jewish Theocracy. 8vo. London, 1744. [P. 115. (6.)] Lydii (Jacobi) Syntagma Sacrum de Re Militari ; necnon de Jurejurando Dissertatio Philologica. 4to. Dordraci, 1698. [[I. 6. 11.] Mead (Richard!) Medica Sacra : sive de Morbis insignioribus, qui in Bibliis memorantur, Commentarius. Svo. Londini, 1749. [R. 18. 18.] Kalendarium Hebraicum. Hebraice et Latine, opera Sebastiani Muns- TERi. 4to. Basileaj, 1527. [K. 14. 38.] t Exemplar aliud. 4to. Basileae, 1527. OuTRAMi (Guil.) de Sacrificiis Libri Duo ; quorum altero explicantur omnia Judaeorum, nonnulla Gentium profanarum Sacrificia : altero Sacrificium Christi, defenditur. 4to. Londini, 1677. [H. 7. 27.] Relandi (Hadriani) De Spoliis Templi Hierosolymitani Liber singularis. Svo. Trajecti ad Rhgnum, 1716. [A. 19. 92.J RiBER^ (Francisci) De Templo, et de iis quae ad Templum pertinent. 8vo. Antverpiae. [L. 19. 38.] ScAccHi (Fortunati) Sacrorum Elseochrismatwn Myrothecia Tria ; in quibus exponuntur Olea atque Ungnenta Divinos in Codices relata. folio, Amstelodami, 1701. [E. 11. 6.] ScHiCKiiARDi (Wilhelmi) Jus 'Regium Hebraeorum, tenebris Rabbinicis erutum et luci donatum. 4to. Argentinae, 1625. [K. 14. 37.] Seldeni (Joannis) De Successionibus, ad Leges Hebraeorum, in Bona Defunctorum Liber singularis: in Pontificatum Libri Duo. 12mo. Lug. Bat. 1638. [M. 16. 31.] BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES. 89 Seldeni (Joannis) De Jure Naturali et Gentium, juxta Disciplinam Ebrseorum Libri Septem. folio, Londini, 1640* []K. 11. 6.] Seldeni (Joannis) Uxor Hebraica ; sen de Nuptiis et Divortiis Veterum Ebraeorum. 4.to. Londini, 1646. [K. 9. 32.] Seldeni (Joannis) De Synedriis et Prsefecturis Veterum Ebraeorum Libri Primi et Tertii. 4to. 2 vols. Londini, 1650-55. [K. 9. 28,29.] Some Account of the Jewish Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead. 8vo. London, 1771. [P. 306. (6.)] Spenceri (Johannis) De Legibus Hebraeorum Ritualibus et earum Ratio- nibus liibri Tres. folio, Cantabrigise, 1685. [E. 10. 26.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Cantabrigiee, 1685, [Ff. 5. 56.] Spenceri (Johannis) De Legibus Hebraeorum Ritualibus Libri Quatuor, edente Leonardo Chappelow. 2 vols, folio, Cantabrigiae, 1727. [E.g. 10,11.] Spenceri (Joannis) Dissertatio de Urim et Thummim. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1669. [M. 16. 1.] Stukeley (William) Palaeographia Sacra ; or Discourses on Monu- ments of Antiquity, that relate to Sacred History. 4to. London, 1736. [P. 10. (13.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) An Essay on the Nature, Design and Origin of Sacrifices. 8vo. London, 1748. [A. 18. 50.] Waseri (Caspari) De Antiquis Numis Hebraeorum Chaldteorum et Sy- rorum, quorum S. Biblia et Rabbinorum Scripta meminerunt, Libri II. 4to. Tiguri, 1605. [I. 14. 33.] Whiston (William) The Horeb Covenant revived : or an Account of those Laws of Moses which oblige Christians. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 66. (3.)] Zepperi (Wilhelmi) Legum Mosaicarum Forensium Explanatio. 8vo. Herbornae, 1604. [G. 19. 21.] ii. Connexions of Sacred and Profane History. Shuckford (Samuel) The Sacred and Profane History of the World connected, from the Creation of the World to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1728. [C. 27. 2-5.] Prideaux (Humphry) The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews and Neighbouring Nations ; from the Declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the Time of Christ. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1729. [G. 25. 19-22.] Another Copy. 2 vols, folio, London, 1717. [G. 5. 4,5.] Whiston (William) Proposals for completing Dr. Prideaux's Connection of the Old and New Testament : or the Sacred History of the Jewish and Christian Church irom the Creation of the World till the Martyr- dom of Polycarp. 8vo. London, 1741. [P. 165. (14.)] Whiston (William) The Sacred History of the Old and New Testament, from the Creation of the World till the days of Constantine the Great ; reduced into Annals. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1745-46, [G. 15. 18-20.] 90 RELIGION. iii. Treatises on the Chronology of the Bible. CoDOMANi (Laurentii) AnnalesSacras Scripturee. Accesserunt Quatuor Li- bri Chronologise, et Methodus calculandi Mensem Nisanet Eclipses, ex Tabulis Prutenicis Erasmi Reinholdi congesta. 4to. Wittebergae, 1581. [S. 1. 9.] LivEtiE (Edward) A True Chronologie of the Times of the Persian Mo- narchie. 8vo. Lond. 1597. [D. 18. 46.] Ganz (Rabbi Davidis) Germen Davidis : Chronologia Sacro-Profana, a Mundi conditu ad annum 5352. vel Christi 1592. Ex HebraiO in Latinum translatum per Henricum Vorstium. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1644. [K. 14. 46.] Beroaldi (Matthaei)Chronicum, Scripturae Sacrae Auctoritateconstitutum. folio, Genevae, 1575. [C. 13. 24.] Genebrardi (Gilberti) Chronographia. folio, Parisiis. 1580. [M. 4. 8.1 Exemplar aliud. folio, Lugduni, 1619. [C. 13.8.] Kepleri (Joannis) Eclogse Chronicae, ex Epistolis doctissimorum aliquot virorum et suis mutuis. 4to. Francofurti, 1615. [D. 20. 49.] Saliani (Jacobi) Annales Ecclesiastici Veteris Testamenti, quibus connexi sunt Annales Imperii Assyriorum, Babyloniorum, Persarum, Graecorum, atque Romanorum. 6 vols, folio, Parisiis, 1619-24. \l. 12. 6-11.] Annalium Ecclesiasticorum Veteris Testamenti Epitome, folio, Parisiis, 1635. [I. 12. 12.] Lansbergii (Philippi) Chronologia Sacra. 4to. Middelburgi, 1625. UssERii (Jacobi, Armachani Archiepiscopi) Annales Veteris Testamenti a prima Mundi origine ; unk cum Rerum Asiaticarum et iEgyptiaca- rum Chronico, a Temporis Historici principio usque ad Maccabaico- rum. 2 vols, folio. Londini, 1650-54. [G. 2. 18,19.] Chronologia Sacra ; sive Chronologia Annorum Regum Israelis et Judae. 4to. Oxoniae, 1660. [S. 2. 12.] Allen (Thomas) A Chain of Scripture Chronology, from the Creation of the World to the Death of Jesus Christ. 4to. London, 1659. [M. 20. 33.] Whiston (William) A Short View of the Chronology of the Old Testa- ment, &c. 4to. Cambridge, 1702. [F. 6. 41.] Another Copy. 4to. Cambridge, 1702. [R. 8. 30.] Wright (John) A Short View of Mr. Whiston s Chronoldgy of the Old Testament. 4to. London. 1704. [P. 42. 2.] Spanhemii (Friderici) Geographia, Chronologia, et Historia Sacra, atque Ecclesiastica utriusque temporis. folio. Inter Operum Tom. I. [Ff. 1. 14.] Exemplar aliud. Inter Operum Tom. I. [G. 5. 14.] Lydiat (Thomae) De Tempore Natali et Ministerii Christi Liber. 12mo. 1613. [A. 7. 8.] Bedford (Arthur) The Scripture Chronology demonstrated by Astro- nomical Calculations from the Creation of the World to the Destruc- tion of Jerusalem, folio, London, 1730. [D. 5. 18.] *Hal,es (William) A New Analysis of Chronology, explaining the History and Antiquities of the Primitive Nations of the World. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1809-12. GEOGRAPHY, &c. OFTHE BIBLE. 91 iv. Geography and Natural History of the Bible. EusEBii Caesariensis et Hieronymi Onomasticon Urbium et Locorum Sacrae Scripturae, Graece et Latine, opera Jacobi Bonfrerii. Recensuit Joannes Clericus. Accedit Brocardi Descriptio Terrse Sanctae. folio, Amstehedami, 1707. [A. 2. 1.] AuROGALLi (Matthaei) De Hebraeis Urbium, Regionum, Populorum, Flu- minum, Montium et aliorum Locorum Nominibus, Liber. 12mo. Ba- sileae, 1539. [M. 16. 41.] BocHARTi (Samuelis) Phaleg et Canaan, sive Geographia Sacra, folio, Inter Operum Turn. IL [B,. 2. 11.] Geographiae Sacrae Pars prior. Phaleg, seu de Dispersione Gentium et Terrarum Divisione, factd in aedificatione Turris Babel, folio, Cadomi, 1646. [D. 4. 17.] Geographia Sacra. 4to. Francofurti, 1674. [Ff, 8. 135.] Caroli a Sancto Pau lo Geographia Sacra, cum Notis Lucae Holstenii. folio, Amstelodami, 1704. [A. 2. 2.] Adrichomii (Christiani) Theatrum Terrae Sanctae et Biblicarum Historia- rum. folio, Coloniaj, 1613. [D. 4. 6.] Adrichomii (Christiani) Urbis Hierosolymaj, quemadmodum ea tempore Christi floruit, et Suburbanorum ejus, Brevis Descriptio. 12mo. Co- loniae, 1685. [C. 20. 28.] QuARESMii (Francisci) Historica, Theologica, et Moralis Terrae Sanctae Elucidatio. 2 vols, folio, Antverpiae, 1639. [D. 4. 7,8.] Fuller, (Thomas) A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof, folio, London, 1650. [D. 4. 15.] Relandi (liadriani) Palaeslina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata. 2 vols. 4to. Traject. Bat. 1714. [E 15. 27,28.] Wells (Edward) An Historical Geography of the Old and New Testa* ment. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1721-18. [R. 19. 42-45. An Historical Geography of the New Testament. 8vo. London, 1708. [D. 6. 43.] Vallesii (Francisci) De Sacra Philosophia ; sive de His, quae scripta sunt Physice, in Libris Sacris. 8vo. Francofurti, 1608. [F. 16. 28.] Franzii (Wolfgangi) Historia Animalium Sacra. 8vo. Witebergae, 1613. [L 18. 15.] BocHARTi (Samuelis) Hierozoicon ; sive Bipertitum Opus de Animalibus Sarcae Scripturae. 2 vols, folio, Londini, 1663. [L. 11. 7,8.] Exemplar aliud. folio. Inter Operum Tomos \. et \\. [R. 2. 9,10.] HiLLERi (Matthaei) Hierophyticon ; sive Commentarius in Loca Scripturae Sacrae ; quae Plantarum faciunt mentionem. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1725. [Q. 5. 40.] *Harris (Thaddeus Mason) The Natural History of the Bible, collected from the best Authorities, and alphabetically arranged. 8vo. London, 1824. 92 RELIGION. III. Ecclesiastical Polity, Rites and Ceremonies of the Christian Church. 1. Councils. i. Treatises on the Authority/, S^x. of Councils. +P0L1 (Reginaldi, Cardinalis) De Concilio Liber. 4to. Romce, 1542. Gersonii (Joannis) Apologia pro Supremd Ecclesiae et Concilii Generalis Auctoritate, atque Independentiaj Regias Potestatis ab alio quam a solo Deo. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1676. [E. 15. 2.] Comber (Thomas) Roman Forgeries in the Councils during the first Four Centuries; together with an Appendix concerning the Forgeries and Errors in the Annals of Baronius. 4to. London, 1689. [M. 14. 15.] ii. History of Councils. RiCHERii (Edmundi) Historia Conciliorum Generalium. 3 vols. 4to. Co- loniae, 1681-1683. [E, 15. 13-15.] Marvell (Andrew) Historical Essay of General Councils, &c. and Im- positions in matters of Religion. 4to. London, 1648. [N. 8. 23.] NoRis (Henrici, Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis) Dissertatio Historica de Synodo quinta Oecumenica; et Defensio ejusdem Dissertationis. folio. Inter Operum Tom. I. et IV. [D. 5. 22,25.] Historia Concilii Florentini, Gra?ce scripta per Sylvestrum Sguropulum. Transtulit in Sermonem Latinum Robertus Creyghton. folio, Hagae- Comitis, 1660. [D. 13. 18.] Lenfant (Jacques) Histoire du Concile de Constance, Tome L 4to. Amsterdam, 1714. [E. 14. 18.] Lenfant (James) The History of the Council of Constance, translated from the French by Stephen Whateley. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1730. [Ee, 2. 17,18.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1730. [R. 3. 23,24.] Histoire du Concile de Trente, ecritc? en Italien par Fra Paolo Sarpi de I'Ordre de Servites, et traduite de nouveau en Frangois avec des Notes Critiques, Historiques, et Theologiques. Par Pierre Francois Le Courayer. 2 vols, folio, k Londres, 1736. [N. 4. 28,29.] SoAVE (Pietro) The Historie of the Councel of Trent, translated from the Italian by Sir Nathanael Beent. folio, London, 1620. [Bb. 1. 47.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1620. [D. 13. 19.] Another Copy, folio. London, 1676. [E. 9. 20.] Pallavicino (Sforza) Istoria del Concilio di Trento. folio, 2 torn. Romse, 1656. [M. 5. 16,17.] JuRiEU (Peter) The History of the Council of Trent. 8vo. London, 16S4. [R. 11. 8.] Chemnitii (Martini) Examen Concilii Tridentini. folio, Francofurti, 1578. [L. 13. 19.] COUNCILS. 93 A Review of the Councell of Trent. Translated from the French, folio, Oxford, 1638, [B. 4. 7.] Geddes (Michael) The Council of Trent, no Free Assembly. 8vo. London, 1697. [D. 7. 35.] Instructions et Lettres des Rois Tres Chrestiennes et de leurs Arabas- sadeurs, et autres Actes concernant le Concile de Treute, pris sur les Originaux. 4to. Paris, 1654. [M. 19. 18.] Lettres et Memoires de Franfois de Vargas, de Pierre de Malvenda, et de quelques d'Espagne, touchant le Concile de Trente. Traduits de I'EspagnolJ avec des Remarques par Michel Le Vassor. 8vo. Am- sterdam, 1700. [N. 7. 30.] Lettres Anecdotes et Memoires Historiques du Nonce Visconti, Cardinal Preconise et Ministre Secret de Pie IV. et de ses Creatures, au Concile . de Trent, mis au jour en Italien et en Franpois, par M. Ayraon. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1719. [C. 19. 44,45.] iii. Acts and Decrees of Councils, General and Particular, before the Reformation, and Treatises on the Interpre- tation thereof. Conciliorum Quatuor Generalium Canones, et Decreta aliorum Conci- liorum atque Pontificum. Edente Jacobo Merlino. 2 tomis, 4to. Parisiis, 1535. [1.18.11,12.] Concilia Omnia, tarn Generalia quam Particularia, ab Apostolorum tem- poribus in hunc usque diem a sanctissimis Patribus celebrata ; et quorum Acta, litteris mandata, ex vetustissimis Bibliothecis haberi potuere, a Petro Crabbe. folio, 2 tomis in 1 vol. Coloniae, 1538. [M. 9. 2.] Codex Canonum Ecclesise Universee a Justiniano Imperatore confirmatus. Graece et Latine a Christophoro Justello. 8vo. Parisiis, 1610. [L. 18. 15.] Concilia Generalia et Provincialia, quaecunque reperiri potuerunt ; item Epistola; Decretales, et Romanorum Pontificum Vitae, Edente Se- verino Binio. 4 tomis in 5 vols, folio, Coloniae, 1606. [F. 12. 3-7.] Ad Severinum Binnium Loianiensem Theologui7i, Epistola Cnmmomtoria, super Conciliorum Generalium editione ab ipso nuper adornata. Per quendam Theologice Candidatum ex Magna Britannia [Gulielmum Crashavium^. 4to. Londini, 1624. [K. 15. 12.] Concilia Generalia Ecclesiae Catholicae, Pauli V. Pontificis Maximi auc- toritate edita. Graece et Latine. 4 tomis, folio, Romae, 1608-9-12. [M. 5. 12-15.] Canones SS. Apostolorum, Conciliorum Generalium et Provincialium ; Sanctorum Patrum Epistolae Canonical. Quibus praefixus est Photii Constantinopolitani Patriarchse Nomocanon, id est, Canonum et Legum Imperialium Conciliatio, et in certos titulos Distributio. Omnia Com- mentariis Theodori Balsamonis Antiocheni Patriarchal explicata; et de Grsecis conversa, Gentiano Herveto interprete. folio, Parisiis, 1620, [M. 5. 8.] Zonar^ (Joannis) In Canones SS. Apostolorum et Sacrorum Conciliorum, tam Oecumenicorura quam Provincialium, Commentarii, a viris doc- m RELIGION. tissimis Latinitate donati et annotationibus illustrati. Adjectum est Con- cilium Constantinopolitanum, sub Menna Patriarcha, una cum Consti- tutionibus Apostolorum. Gra^ce et Latine. folio, Parisiis, 1618. [M. 5. 9.] Sacrosancta Concilia ad Regiam Editionem exacta, studio Philippi Labbei et Gabrielis Cossarti. 18 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1672. [I. 5. 1-18.] Baluzii (Stephani) Nova CoUectio Conciliorum. Tom. I. folio, Parisiis, 1683. [C. 11. 18.] Caranz^e (Barth.) Summa omnium Conciliorum et Pontificura. 8vo. Rothomagi, 1655. [L. 19. 37.] HvpoBiKov : sive Pandectse Canonum SS. Apostolorum et Conciliorum ab Ecclesiil Graeca receptorum, necnon Canonicarum SS. Patrum Epis- tolarum, unk cum Scholiis Antiquorum singulis eorum annexis, et Scriptis aliis hue spectantibus. Recensuit, prolegomenis et annota- tionibus auxit Gulielmus Beveregius. 2 vols, folio, Oxonii, 1672. [E. 3. 15,16.] Beveregii (Gulielmi) Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Primitivae vindicatus et illustratus. 4to. Londini, 1678. [L. 20. 6.] DalljEI (Johannis) De Pseudepigraphis Apostolicis, seu Libris Octo Apostolicarum Constitutionum. 12mo. Hardervici, 1653. [R. 20, 52.] Bingham (Joseph) A Dissertation on the Eighth Canon of the Council of Nice, proving that Novatian the heretick was never allowed to be a true Bishop in any part of the Catholick Church, folio. Works, Vol. II. [R. 2. 15.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1715. [N. 9. 32.] Facundi, Episcopi Ilermianensis, Defensio Trium Capitulorum Concilii Chalcedonensis. 8vo. Parisiis, 1629. [L. 19. 30.] Crakantiiorp (Richard) A Treatise of the Fift General Councel held at Constantinople anno 553 under Justinian the Emperor, in the time of Pope Vigilius. The Occasion being those Tria Capitula, which for many years troubled the whole Church. Wherein is proved that the Pope's Apostolicall Constitution and Definitive Sentence, in Matter of Faith, was condemned as Hereticall by the Synod ; and the exceeding Frauds of Cardinall Baronius and Binius are clearely discovered, folio, London, 1634. [K. 2. 29.] Launoii (Joannis) De Recti Nica^ni Canonis Sexti, et prout a Rufino ex- plicatur, Intelligentia Dissertatio. 8vo. Parisiis, 1663. [C. 15. 11.] Launoii (Joannis) De vera Plenarii apud Augustinum Concilii notione Ccnfirmatio. 8vo. Parisiis, 1667. [C. 15. 11.] Launoi (Jean) Examen de la Preface et de la Response de Monsieur David aux Remarques sur la Dissertation du Concile Plenier dont a parle St. Augustin, en disputant contre les Donatistes. 8vo. Paris, 1672. [C. 15. 14.] Launoii (Joannis) De Mente Concilii Tridentini circa Contritionem et Attritionem in Sacramento Poenitentiai Dissertatio. 8vo. Parisiis, 1653. [C. 15. 20.] BocHELii (Laurentii) Decreta Ecclesiae Gallicanae, ex Conciliis ejusdem cecumenicis, statutis synodalibus, patriarchicis, provincialibus, ac dioe- cesanis, regiis constitutionibus, senatusconsultis, episcoporum Galliae scriptis, aliisque monimentis collecta. folio, Parisiis, 1609. [M. 5. 1.] COUNCILS. 96 Concilia Antiqua Galliae, cum Epistolis Pontificum, Principum Constitu- tionibus, et aliis Gallicanae Rei Ecclesiasticae monimentis. Opera et studio Jacobi Sirmondi. 3 vols, folio, Parisiis, 1629. [M. 5. 20. 22.] iv. Acts and Decrees of Councils mid Si/nods of the Re- formed or Protestant Churches. (1) Of the Church of England. Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasticall, treated vpon by the Bishop of London, President of the Conuocation for the Prouince of Canterbury, and the rest of the Bishops and Clergie of the sayd Province ; and agreed vpon by the Kings Maiestie's Licence in their Synode begun at London Anno Dom. 1603 And now published for the due obseruation of them by his Maiestie's authority, vnder the great Scale of England. 4to. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Maiestie. Anno 1612. [M. 20. 19.] (2) Of the Reformed Churches on the Continent. Judicium Synodi Nationalis Reformatarum Ecclesiarum Belgicarum, ha- bitae Dordrechti anno 1618 et 1619 de quinque Doctrinae Capitibus in Ecclesiis Belgicis controversis, promulgatum 6 Maii, 1619. 4to. Dordrechti, 1619. [L. 15. 18.] Acta Synodi Nationalis Dordrechti habitse anno 1618 et 1619. Acce- dunt plenissima de quinque Articulis Theologorum Judicia. folio, Lug. Bat. 1620. [L. 13. 18.] SufFragium Collegiale Theologorum Magnae BritannifB de Quinque con- troversis Remonstrantium Articulis, Judicio Svnodico praevium. 4to. Londini, 1627. [M. 20. 19.] Scott (Thomas) The Articles of the Synod of Dort, and its Rejection of Errors ; with the History of Events which made way for that Synod, and the Documents confirming its Decisions. Translated from the Latin, with Notes. Svo. London, 1818. [Hh. 2. 29.] Quick (John) Synodicon in Gallia Reformafa : or the Acts, Decisions, De- crees, and Canons of the National Councils of the Reformed Churches in France. 2 vols, folio, London, 1692. [G. 10.24,25.] 2. Discipline and Government of the Church. Of Antichrist and the End of the World ; exhibited in a Collection of several Passages out of a Tract call'd The Doctrine of the Scriptures concerning the Seat of Dominion ; published as an Antidote against the Venom of Lingua Testium, &c. 4to. London, 1651. [N. 8. 32.] A Summarie View of the Government both of the Old and New Testa- ment ; whereby the Episcopall Government of Christ's Church is vindi- cated : out of the rude Draughts of Jiancelot Andrewes, late Bishop of Winchester. 4to. Oxford, 1641. [M. 20. 32.] An Antidote against Lay-Preaching ; or the Preacher's Plea. 4to. London, 1642. [li. 1. 30.] Arcudii (Petri) Libri VIL de Concordia Ecclesiae OccidentaHs et Orien- talis in Septem Sacramentorum Administratione. folio, Parisiis, 1626. [L 3. 1.] 96 RELIGION. A Vindication of the Primitive Church and Diocesan Episcopacy, in Answer to Mr. Baxter's Church History of Bishops and their Councils abridged: as also to some Part of his Treatise of Episcopacy. 8vo. London, 1682. [M. 20. 22.] Bacchinii (Benedicti) De Ecclesiasticse Hierarchiae Originibus Disserta- tio. 4to. Mutiny, 1703. [E. 14. 24.] Barlow (Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln) The Case concerning setting up Images, or Painting of them in Churches. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 50.] Basnagii (Samuelis) De Rebus Sacris et Ecclesiasticis Exercitationes Historico-Criticae. 4to. Ultrajecti, 1692. [R. 8. 25.] Baynes (Paul) The Diocesan's Tryall ; wherein all the Sinews of D. Downame's Defence are brought unto Three Heads and orderly dis- solved. 4to. London, 1621. [li. 1. 30.] BiLsoN (Thomas) The Perpetual Government of Christ's Church. 4to. London, 1610. [G. 7- 22.] Blondelli (Davidis) De Jure Plebis in Regimine Ecclesiastic©. Svo. Hag. Com. 1661. [E. 16.38.] Hammond (Hcnrici) Dissertationes Quatuor quihus Episcopatus jura ex S. Scripfuns et primceva Antiquitate adstrunntur, contra sententiam D. Blondelli et alwrum. 4:to. Loud. 1651. [D. 19. 9.] Hammond (Henry) A Vindication of the Dissertations concerning Episco- pacie. 4to. London, 1654. [D. 19. 21.] Brekell (John) Holy Orders ; or. An Essay on Ordination. London, 1752. [P. 244. (8.)] Brekell (John) A Discourse on Music, chiefly Church Music. Svo. Li- verpool, 1766. [P. 244. (10.)] Brett (Thomas) The Independency of the Church upon the State as to its Spiritual Powers. Svo. London, 1717. [P. 82. (1.)] Brett (Thomas) The Divine Right of Episcopacy. Svo. London, 1728. [P. 77. (2.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1728. [P. 82. (2.)] Brokesby (Francis) An History of the Government of the Primitive Church for the Three first Centuries. Svo. London, 1712. [D. 7. 21.] Cartwright (Thomas) A Directory of Church Government. 4to. [N. 8. 16.] Catholicism ; or Enquiries touching Visible Church-Membership, Church-Communion, and the Nature of Schism. Svo. London, 1683. [D. 15. 29.] The Case of Ordination considered, by a Catholic Svo. London, 1712. [N. 9.21.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1712. [P. 59. (6.)] A Collection of Treatises concerning Church Government. 4to. Ox- ford, 1641. [N. 8. 21.] The Historic of Episcopacie. By Theophilus Churchman. 4to. Lon- don, 1642. [D. 19. 23.] Of the Government of Churches : a Discourse pointing at the Primitive Form. 12mo. Cambridge, 1641. [G. 16. 29.] DISCIPLINE, &c. OF THE CHURCH. 97 CtARKSON (David) Primitive Episcopacy, evincing from Scripture and Antient Records that a Bishop in the Apostles* Times, and for the space of the first Three Centuries of the Gospel Church, was no more than a Pastor to One single Church or Congregation. 8vo. London, 1689. [R. 13. 74.] A Defence of Diocesan Episcopacy, in Answer to Mr. David Clarkson's " Primitire Episcopacy." By Henry Maurice. Svo. London, 1700. [N. 7. ^5.'] CosiN (Richardi) Ecclesiae Anglicanae Politeia, in Tabulas digesta. 4to. Oxonise, 1634. [C. 15. 46.] Dall^i (Joannis) De Pcenis et Satisfactionibus Humanis Libri VII. 4to. Amstelaedami, 1639. [L. 20. 32.] Dallsei (Joannis) De Jejuniis et Quadragesima Liber. Svo. Daventriae, 1654. [L. 18. 13.] DoMiNis (Marci Antonii de) De Republica Ecclesiastica Libri Decern. 3 vols, folio, Londini, 1617-20-22. [L. 13. 21-23.] DupiN (Ludovici Ellies) De Antiqua Ecclesiae Disciplina Dissertationes Historicae. 4to. Parisiis, 1686. [H. 5. 27.] Edmundi Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis Speculum Ecclesi^. ISmo. Paris. 1510. [A. 7. 12.] Edwards (John) A Discourse of Episcopacy. Svo. In his Remains. [R. 10. 82.] Edwards (Jonathan) An Humble Enquiry into the Rules of the Word of God concerning the Qualifications requisite to Church Communion. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1790. [Dd. 4. 86.] Two other Copies. 12rao. Edinburgh, 1790. ) pf o i qo T Edwards (Thomas) Diocesan Episcopacy proved from Holy Scripture. Svo. London, 1705. [D. 7. 25.] Fagundez (Stephani) Tractatus in Quinque Ecclesiae Praecepta. folio, Lugduni, 1626. [I. 11. 19.] Ferne (Henry) Episcopacy and Presbytery considered. 4to. London, 1647. [L. 15. 21.] Testa Auglo-Rumana; or the Feasts of the English and Roman Church, with their Fasts and Vigils. 12mo. London, 1678. [G. 16. 11.] A Defence of Praying before Sermon as directed by the 55th Canon, [said to be written by Bishop Fleetwood.] Svo. London, 1720. [N. 9. 27. '\ Field (Richard) Of the Church, Five Books. foHo, Oxford, 1628. [G. 2. 14.] Fuller (Sam.) Canonica Successio Ecclesiae Anglicanae Reformats;, tam contra Pontificios quam Schismaticos vindicata. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1690. [M. 14. 23.] Gersonis (Joannis) De Excommunicationis Valore Opuscula. 4to. [N. 8. 24.] GuNNiiNG (Peter, Bishop of Ely) The Paschal or Lent Fast. 4to. Lon- don, 1662. [D. 19. 3.] Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich) Episcopacy by Divine Right, folio. fVorks, Vol. 11. [H. 23. 13.] The Honour of the Married Clergy, folio. Works, Vol. I. ^ [H. 23. 12.] 98 RELIGION. Bibliotheca Scriytorum Eccksice Anglicance; or a Collection of Tracts re- lating to the Government and Authority of the Church. [Recom- mended by the Rev. Dr. George Hickes.] 8vo. London, 1709. [G. 15. 16.] Hickes (George) Two Treatises : 1. Of the Christian Priesthood; 2. Of the Episcopal Order. 8vo. London, 1707. [F. 6. 19.] An Ansxcer to some Things contained in Dr. Hicks' s " Christian Priesthood asserted." IVherein some Notice is taken of xv/iat Bishop Bull, Dr. Grabe, and Mr. Mede, have said on that subject. As also some Remarks on Dr. Cudworth's Trice Notion of the Sacrament. By a Presbyter of the Church of England. [John Hanvock.'] London, 1709. [L 14. 36.] Pat res Vindicati: or Some Observations from the Fathers, Sfc. Designed as a Supplement to a Book entituled An Answer to some Things contained ifi Dr. Hicks' s " Christian Priesthood asserted." <^c. {_By John Hancock.^ 8vo. London, 1709. [N. 9. 21.] Hill (Samuel) The Rights, Liberties, and Authorities of the Christian Church, asserted against all oppressive Doctrines and Constitutions. 8vo. London, 1701. [M. 6. 10.] Hooker (Richard) Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie. folio, Lon- don, 1661. [Ff. 3. 55.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1661. [Hh. 1. 13.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1666. [D. 13. 23.] Ecclesiastical Polity and other Works, folio, London, 1728. [R. 1. 22.] A Defence and Continuation of the Ecclesiastical Politie. 8vo. London, 1671. Jj). 14. 49.] Covel (William) A Just and Temperate Defence of the Five Books of Ecclesiastical Policie, written by M. Richard Hooker, against an un- charitable Letter of certain English Protestants. 4to. London, 1603. [K. 19. 17.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1603. [N. 8. 17.] Truth and Innocence vindicated in a Survey of a Discourse concerning Ecclesiastical Polity. 8vo. London, 1669. [L 15. 51.] HospmiANi (Rudolphi) De Templis : hoc est, De Origine, Progressu, Usu et Abusu Templorum, ac omnino Rerum omnium ad Templa per- tinentium Libri V. folio, Tiguri, 1603. [K. 1. 7.] HuRTADi (Gasparis) Tractatus de Sacramentis et Censuris. folio, Ant- verpia?, 1633. [K. 4. 1.] Idea of Christian Communion and Christian Discipline. 8vo. London, 1760. [P. 218. (14.)] Jones (Wm.) An Essay on the Constitution of the Church of Christ. 8vo. In The Scholar Armed, Vol. II. [Ff. 4. 35.'] Jus DiriNUM Ministerii Evangelici; or the Divine Right of the Gospel Ministry. Published by the Provincial Assembly of London, 1654. [E. 19. 10.] Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici : or the Divine Right of Church Go- vernment, asserted and evidenced by the Holy Scriptures. By sundry Ministers of Christ within the City of London. 4to. London, 1647. [M. 20. 20.] DISCIPLINE, &c. OF THE CHURCH. 99 Kino (Peter, Lord) An Enquiry into the Constitution, Discipline, and Worship of the Primitive Church. 8vo. London, 1691. [F. 7. 17.] An Original Draught of the Primitive Church in Atmwer to a Discourse entituled an ' Enquiry,' SfC. [^By Sclater.^ 8vo. London, 1727. [G. 26. 23.J Launoii (Joannis) Romana; Ecclesiae circa Simoniam Traditio ; et de Cura Ecclesiae pro Miseris et Pauperibus. 8vo. Parisiis, 1675. [C. 15. 6.] The Holy Fast of Lent, defended against all its Prophaners. 4to. Lon- don, 1677. [M. 20. 14.] Leonis Allatii De ^tate et Interstitiis in coUatione Ordinum, etiam apud Graecos servandis. Svo. Roraae, 1638. [K. 19. 21.] Leonis Allatii De Templis Graecorum Recentioribus, — de Narthece Ec- clesiae Ceteris, — de Graecorum hodie quorundam opinationibus, et de MensuraTemporum Antiquorum, praecipue Graecorum. Svo. Colonia", 1645. [S. 2. 14.] LowTH (Simon) The Subject of Church Power, in whom it resides. Its Force, Extent and Execution ; that it opposes not Civil Government in any one Instance of it. 8vo. London, 1685. [M. 6. 26.] Marchini (Philiberti) De Sacramento Ordinis Absolutissimum Opus, folio, Lugduni, 1638, [L 3. 2.] Mason (Francis) The Validity of the Ordination of the Ministers of the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas, maintained against the Romanists. With a briefe declaration premised thereunto of the several Formes of Government received in those Churches. By Jphn Durel. 4to. Ox- ford, 1641. [M. 20. 32.] Mason (Henry) Christian Humiliation : or a Treatise of Fasting ; together with a brieie Discourse concerning the Fast of Lent. 4to. London, 1625. _[N. 8. 18.] Mede (Joseph) The name Altar, Qvaiaarfipiov, anciently given to the Holy Table. 4to. London, 1636. [E. 1. 3.] Pocklington (John) Altare Christianum : or the Dead Vicar's Plea ; wherein the Vicar of Grantham being dead yet speaketh, and pleadeth out of Anti- quity against him that hath broken down his Altar. 4to. London, 1637. [M. 20. 33.] A CoALE from the Altar ; or an Answer to a Letter written to the Vicar of Gr. against placing the Communion 'J able at the East End of the Chancell. 4to. London, 1636. [L. 15. 30.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1636. [E. 1. 3.] The Holy Table, Name and Thing, more anciently, properly and literally used under the New Testament than that of Altar. Written long ago by a Minister in Lincolnshire in answer to Dr. Coal a judicious divine of Queen Maries Days, 4to. London, 1637. [By John Williams, Bi- shop of Lincoln.] [G. 7. 24.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1637. [li. 1. 30.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1637. [N. 8. 35.'] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1637. [E. 1. 3.] Antidotum Lincolniense : or an Answer to a book entitled " The Holy Table, Name, and Thing. By Peter Heylin. 4to. London, 1637. [E. 1. 3.} A Treatise of the Honour of God's House. 4to. London, 1637. [E. 1. 3.] H 2 100 RELIGION. Messalini (Walonis) [Claudii Salmasii] De Episcopis et Presbyteris contra D. Petavium Dissertatio. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1641. [G. 18. 17.] MiCHAELis (Joannis) Decachordum Psalterium : in quo traditur methodus ad stabiliendam sub Psalraodia et oratione vocali attentionem. 12nao. Colonise, 1600. [K. 15. 29.] MiLNER (Joseph) Reflections on Ecclesiastical Establishnf-^nts [an extract from his ' History of the Church of Christ,' vol.ii. ch. 17 .] [Gg. 7. 10.] A Modest Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church. 4to. London, 1705. [M. 15. 24.] . Another Copy. 4to. London, 1705. [N. 8. 23.] Irensei Philadelphi [Ludovici Molin^i] Epistola ad Renatum Viridaeum. In qua aperitur Mysterium Iniquitatis novissime in Anglia redivivum, et excutitur liber Josephi Halli, quo asseritur Episcopatum esse juris divini. 4to. EleutheropoH, 1641. [M. 20. 32.] Bishop Overall's Convocation-Book, 1606, concerning the Government of God's Catholick Church and the Kingdoms of the whole World. 4to. London, 1690. [H. 5. 32.] . Another Copy. 4to. London, 1690. [F. 14. 9.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1690. [N. 8. 27.] Paget (John) A Defence of Church Government, exercised in Presby- teriall, Classicall and Synodall Assemblies. 4to. London, 1641. [E. 1. 31.] Parker (Samuel) An Account of the Government of the Christian Church for the first six hundred years. 8vo. London, 1683. [B. 6. 53.'] Parker (Samuel) Religion and Loyalty ; or a Demonstration of the Power of the Christian Church within itself, the Supremacy of Sovereign Powers over it, Duty of Passive Obedience, or Non-Resistance to all their Commands, exemplified out of the Records of the Church and the Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1684. [I. 15. 34,35.] Patrick (Simon, Bp. of Ely) The Dignity of the Christian Priesthood. 12mo. London, 1701. [B. 8. 23.] The Penitential Discipline of the Primitive Church for the first 400 years after Christ. By a Presbyter. 8vo. London, 1714. [D. 6. 38.] The Letters Patents of the Presbyterie ; with the Plea and Fruits of the Prelacie, manifested out of the Scriptures, Fathers, Ecclesiasticall His- tories, Papists, and sundrie other Authors. By James Peregrin. 4to. 1632. [li. 1. SO.] Potter (John, Archbishop of Canterbury) A Discourse of Church Go- vernment, wherein the Rights of the Church and the Supremacy of Christian Princes are vindicated and adjusted. 8vo. London, 1707. [N. 7. 9.] Prynne (William) The Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus, and the Angel of the Church of Ephesus proving them to be no Bishops, &c. 4to. London, 1660. [C. 1. 34.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1660. [Ff 6. 57. J Randall (John) Twenty-Nine Lectures of the Church. 4to. London, 1631. [E. 1. 26.] Rees (David) A Plea for the Maintenance of the Christian Ministry. 8vo. London, 1729. [P. 72. (8.)] DISCIPLINE, &c. OF THE CHURCH. 101 Rogers (John) A Vindication of the Civil Establishment of Religion. 8vo. London, 1728. [D. 24. 17.] Rogers (John) A Discourse of the Visible and Invisible Church of Christ. 8vo. London, 1738. [D. 24. 18.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1720. [N. 9. 14.] Sage (John, Bishop of Edinburgh) The Principles of the Cyprianick Age, with regard to Episcopal Power and Jurisdiction. 4to. London, 1695. [C. 6. 17.] Sanderson (Robert) Episcopacy not prejudicial to Regal Power. 8vo. London, 1678. [N. 9. 38.] Saravia (Hadriani) Do diversis Ministrorum Gradibus, sicut a Domino fuerunt instituti, et traditi per Apostolos, ac perpetuo omnium Eccle- siarum usu confirmati. 4to. Londini, 1590. [L. 15. 17.] Sarpi (Peter Paul) A Treatise of Ecclesiastical Benefices and Revenues, trainslated from the Italian by Tobias Jenkins. 8vo. Westminster, 1736. [R. 11. 24.] Saywell (Wm.) Tlie Original of all Plots in Christendom, with the Danger and Remedy of Schism. 8vo. London, 1680. [D. 14. 37.] Sherlock (William) A Practical Discourse of Religious Assemblies. 8vo. London, 1682. [L. 7. 24.] Stellartii (Prosperi) De Coronis et Tonsuris Paganorum, Judaeorura, [et] Christianorum, Libri tres. 8vo. Duaci, 1625. [K. 18. 31.] Stevens (William) A Treatise on the Nature and Constitution of the Christian Church. 12mo. London, 1799. [Hh. 4, 23.] An Answer to a Booke entitvled An Hvmble Remonstrance. In which theOriginall of < T^ ■ > is discussed. And Quaeres propounded " I bpiscopacy ) ^ * concerning both. The Parity of Bishops and Presbyters in Scripture demonstrated. The Occasion of their Imparity in Antiquity discovered. The Disparity of the Ancient and Moderne Bishops manifested. The Antiquity of Ruling Elders in the Church vindicated. The Prelaticall Church bownded. Written by Smectymnvvs. [Stephen Marshal^ T^dmund Calami/, Thomas Young, Matthew T^ewcomen, and WWilliam Spurstow. 4to. London, 164'1. [M. 20. 20.] A Defence of the Humble Remonstrance, against the frivolous and false ex- ceptions of Smectymnvvs. Wherein the Right of Leiturgie and Episcopacie is clearly vindicated from the vaine cavils and challenges of the Answerers. By the Author of the said Humble Remonstrance. 4to. London, 1641. ■ [M. 20. 20.] Story (Josiah, Bishop of Kilmore) An Essay concerning the Nature of the Priesthood. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 162. (4.)] Sydall (Elias, Bishop of St. David's) Of the True Uses of Religious Fastr ing ; with a Brief Account of the Original of Lent, &c. 12mo. Lon- don, 1713. [P. 345. (1).] Synge (Edward, Archbishop of Tuam) The Authority of the Church in Matters of Religion. 8vo. London, 1718. [P. 77. (6.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1718. [P. 237. (3.)] Taylor (Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor) Episcopacy asserted. 4to. London, 1647. [N. 8. 21.] f 102 RELIGION. The Case of the Regale and of the Pontificat stated in the relation of a Conference concerning the Independency of the Church, as to her purely Spiritual Power and Authority. 8vo. London, 1700. [K. 15. 33.] The Case of admitting Occasional Conformists to the Holy Communion before they renounce their Schism, considered. 4to. London, 1702. [N. 8. 23.] The Country Curate endeavouring a plain Account of the Cross in Baptism, Kneeling at the Holy Communion, the Wedding Ring, and the Surplice. With an Introduction, shewing the True State of Tolera- tion. 12mo. London, 1711. [P. 340. (4.)] Thomassini (Ludovici) Vetus et Nova Ecclesiae Disciplina circa Beneficia at Beneficiarios. 3 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1688. [G. 13. 4--6.] Thorndike (Herbert) Of Religious Assemblies, and the Public Service of God. 8vo. Cambridge, 1642. [D. 14. 39.] Two other Copies. 8vo. Cambridge, 1642. < v, ' gA-\' Thorndike (Herbert) Of the Government of Churches: a Discourse point- ing at the Primitive Form. 12mo. Cambridge, 1641. [L 8. 24.] Thorndike (Herbert) A Discourse of the Rights of the Church. Svo. London, 1649. [F. 7. 36.] Thorndike (Herbert) Two Discourses : 1 . Of the Primitive Government of the Churches; and 2. Of the Service of God at the Assemblies of the Church. Svo. Cambridge, 1650. [K. 15. 23.] Thorndike (Herbert) A Discourse of the Forbearance, or the Penalties, which a due Reformation requires. 8vo. London, 1670. [L. 15. fO.] Thorndicii (Herberti) De Ratione ac Jure finiendi Controversias Ec- clesiae Disputatio. folio, Londini, 1670. [I. 13. 20.] The Rights of the Christian Church asserted. [By Matthew Tindal.] Svo. London, 1706. [R. 9. 53.] WoTTON (William) The Rights of the Clergy in the Christian Church asserted. Svo. London, 1707, [R. 13. 27.] Hill (Samuel) An Examination of the false Principles and fallacious Arguments, advanced against the Christian Church. Svo, London, 1708. [F. 16. .25.] Place (Conyers) Adversaria: or. Truths opposed to some Falsehoods con- tained in a Book, called " The Rights of the Christian Church asserted." Svo. London, 1709. [L 15. 32.] A Defence of" The Rights of the Christian Church." Svo. London, 1709. [R. 9. 52.'] A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Moss in behalf of " The Rights of the Christian Church." Svo. London, 1709. [M. 19. 27.] Ben NET (Thomas) The Rights of the Clergy. Svo. London, 1711. [B. 6. 22.] Tractatus de Visitationibus Episcopalibus per Antonium, [Dopping] Episcopum Midensem. 12mo. Dublini, 1696. [P. 350. (2.)] Tracts on Singing in Public Worship. Svo. London 1691-96. [R. 13. 47.] A Treatise of the Perpetuall Visibilitie, and Succession of the True Church in all ages. 4to. London, 1624. [F. 20. 25.'] LITURGIES. 108 The Original of Episcopacy, by Dr. Rainoldes, confirmed by James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh. 4to. London, 1641. [N. 8. 17.] A Vindication of the Apostles, from the very false Imputation laid on them in several Pamphlets, viz. Occasional Communion with one another, and with one another's Churches. 4to. London, 1705. [N. 8. 23.] A Vindication of the Primitive Church and Diocesan Episcopacy, in Answer to Mr. 15axter's Church History of Bishops and their Councils abridged, as also to some part of his Treatise on Episcopacy. 8vo. London, 1682. [N. 7. 11.] VoiGTii (Gothofredi) Thysiasteriologia sive de Altaribus Veterum Chris- tianorum. 8vo. Hamburgi, 1709. [F. 26. 3.] Wakeman (Edward) A Pattern of Ecclesiastical Ordination or Apostohck Separation. 4to. London, 1664. [L. 15. 21.] Warburton (Wm.) The Alliance between Church and State : or the Necessity and Equity of an Established Rehgion and a Test demon- strated. 8vo. London, 1736.. [P. 125. (1.)] Watts (Isaac) An Essay on Civil Power in Things Sacred. 8vo. London, 1739. [P. 115. 10.] Wharton (Henry) A Treatise on the Celibacy of the Clergy, wherein its Rise and Progress are historically considered. 4to. London, 1701. [M. 15. 12.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 16.] A Defence of Pluralities, or holding two Benefices with Cure of Souls; as now practised in the Church of England. [By Henry Wharton.] 8vo. London, 1703. [M. 19. 41.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1703. [R. 13. 49.] Pluralities Indefensible : a Treatise humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament of Great Britain. By a Presbyter of the Church of England [Richard Newton]. 8vo. London, 1743. [I. 7. 33.] Considerations upon Pluralities, Non Residence and Salaries of Curates. 8vo. London, 1737. [P. 271. (4.)] Whitfield (George) Account of some Lent and other Processions at Lisbon. 8vo. London, 1755. [P. 205. 15.] Yates (John) A Treatise of the Honor of God's House ; or the True Paterne of the Church, shewed in the Parts and Pietie of it. 4to. London, 1637. [E. 1. 3.] 3. Liturgies, Rites and Ceremonies. i. General Ti^eatises on Liturgies, on Public Worship, and on the Rites and Ceremonies of the Christian Church, Albaspin^i (Gabrielis) De Veteribus Ecclesiae Ritibus Observationes. 4to. Parisiis, 1623. [C. 1. 7.] Azpiicueta (Martini) Enchiridion, sive Maimale de Oratione et Horis Canonicis. 4to. Romae, 1578. [K. 20. 7.] IM RELIGION. Bennet (Thomas) A Brief History of the Joint Use of Precomposed Forms of Prayer; to which is annexed a Discourse on the Gift of Prayer. 8vo. London, 1708. [M. 6. 14.] -■'—' A Discourse of Joint Prayer. Svo. London. 1708. [M. 6. 14.] A Brief Reply to the Scriptural and Argumentative Part of Mr. Bennet's " Brief Histori/ of the Joint Use of Precomposed Set Forms of Prayer." 8yo. London, 1708. [M. 19. 15.] Robinson (Benjamin) A Review of the Case of Liturgies and their Impo- sition, in answer to Mr. Bennefs " Brief History of precomposed Set Forms of Prayer" and his " Discourse of Joint Prayer." Svo. London, 1710. [G. 9. 31.] • . Another Copy. Svo. London, 1710. [R. 10. 77.] Bennet (Thomas) A Letter to Mr. Benjamin Robinson, occasioned by his Review of the Case of Liturgies and their Imposition. Svo. Lon- don, 1710. [M. 19. 15.] BowTELi. (J.) A Defence of -the Fifty-fifth Canon, in answer to some passages in " Reflections upon Mr. Bennet's History of Joint Prayer, by a Presbyter of the Church of England." Svo. London, 1710. [M. 19. .27.] BiEL (Gabrielis) Sacrae Canonis Missse tam Mystica quam Litteralis Expo- sitio. folio, Parisiis,. 1529. [H. 5. 9.] Bradshaw (William) Several Treatises of Worship and Ceremonies. 4to. London, 1660. [Ff. 7. 87.] Bruni (Vincentii) Meditationes in Septem praecipua Festa B. Virginis. IBmo. Colonise, 1607. [K. 16. 26.] BuRGHOPE (G.) A Discourse on the Nature and Necessity of a Divine Worship. Svo. London, 1697. [P. 315. (2.)] Clarkson (David) A Discourse concerning Liturgies. Svo. London, 1689. [R. 13. 74.] *CoMBER (Thomas) A Scholastical History of the Primitive and Gene- ral Use of Liturgies in the Christian Church. Svo. London, 1690. An Examination of Dr. Comber's " Scholastical History, d^c. 4to. London, 1690. [M. 15. 13.] The Examiner Examined ; being a Vindication of the History of Litur- gies. 4to. London, 1691. [M. 14. 22.] DuRANDi (Gulielmi) Rationale Divinorum Officiorum. Cui accessit aliud Divinorum Officiorum Rationale a Joanne Beletlio conscriptum. Svo. 2 tom. Lugduni, 1612. [K. 19. 27,28.] A Sober and Temperate Discourse concerning the Interest of Words in Prayer, and the Just Antiquity and Pedigree of Liturgies or Forms of Prayer in Churches, with a View of the state of the Ciiurch, when they v^rere first composed or imposed. By H. D. 12mo. London, 1661. [K. 16. 18.] Falkneu (William) A Vindication of Liturgies, shewing the Lawfulness, Usefulness and Antiquity of performing the Publick Worship of God, by set Forms of Prayer. 8vo. London, 1680. [L. 15. 14.] Fox (Francis) The Duty of Publick Worship proved: with Directions for a Devout Behaviour therein. 12mo. London, 1713. [P. 347. (14.)] Gavanti (Bartholomsei) Thesaurus Sacrorum Rituum, seu Commentarius in llubricas Missalis et Breviarii Romani. 4to. 2 tomis in 1 vol. Pa- risiis, 1636. [M. 19. 17.] LITURGIES. 105 Abnaldi (Claudii) Thesauri Sacrorum Rituum Bartholomsei Gavanti Epitome. 18mo. Tolosae, 1637. [K. 16. 39.] GoRHAM (George Cornelius) An Essay on Public Worship. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1808. [Gg. 7. 14.] Heigham (John) A Devout Exposition of the Mass. 12mo. Doway 1614. [C. 16. 12.] Fragmenta quaedam Caroli Magni Imperatoris Roraani, aliorumque in- certi nominis, de Veteris Ecclesiae Riiibus et Ceremoniis a Wolfgango Lazio eruta a tineis. 8vo. Antverpiae, 1560. [K. 16. 6.] Maeillon (Joannis) De Liturgia Gallicana Libri Tres. 4to. Parisiis, 1685. [H. 5. 26.] A most excellent Way of hearing Mass with Profit and Devotion : also the Vespers or Evensong. 24mo, London, 1687. [L. 8. 3.] Rituum Ecclesiasticorum sive Sacrarum Ceremoniarum S. S. Romanse Ecclesiae Libri Tres [auctore Augustino Patricio Piccolomineo,] Svo. Coloniai, 1557. [K. 17. U.] Reflections upon the Devotions of the Roman Church, with Prayers, Hymns, and Lessons, taken out of their authentic Books. Svo. London, 1674. [M. 6. 38.] ii. Liturgy and Rites of the Greek Church. Germani, Patriarchae Constantinopolitani, H Qua AeiTovpyia. — Liturgia, Grsece. 4to. Venetiis, 1579. QC. 1. 22.] APXIEPATIKON: Liber Pontificalis Ecclesia3 Grsecse, ex Regiis Manu- scriptis, Euchologiis, aliisqne probatissimis Monumentis collectus, La- tind Interpretatione, Notis, et Observationibus illustratus. Cura Isaaci Haberti. folio, Parisiis, 1643. [I. 2. 15,] ETXOAOriON: sive Rituale Graecorum, complectens Ritus et Ordines Divinae Liturgia}, Officiorum, Sacramentorum, Consecrationum, Bene- dictionum, Funerum, Orationum, &c. cuilibet personae, statui, vel tem- pori, congruos ; jiixta usum Orientalis Ecclesiae; Interpretatione La- tina, necnon mixo-barbararum vocum Glossario, seneis figuris, et obser- vationibus ex antiquis Patrum et maxime Graecorum Theologorum expo- sitionibus illustratum Cura JacobiGoAR. folio, Paris. 1647. [I. 12.20.] *KiNG (John Glen) The Rites and Ceremonies of the Greek Church in Russia. 4to. London, 1772. *The Present State of the Greek Church in Russia ; or a Summary of Christian Divinity by Platon, late Metropolitan of Moscow, translated from the Slavonian. With a Preliminary Memoir on the Ecclesiastical Establishment in Russia, and an Appendix, containing an account of the Origin and different Sects of Russian Dissenters. By Robert PiNKERTON. Svo. London, 1814. iii. Liturgies and Rites of the Church of Rome. Pamelii (Jacobi) Liturgia Latinorum, duobus tomis digesta : quorum Prior Ritum sacrificii Missae, cum Ambrosiand Missa, ac Missa Mo- sarabe : posterior vero Hieronymi Lectionarium, Gregorii papae Anti.^ phonarium, et ejusdem ac Grimoldi et Alcuini abbatum Sacramentorum, libros. 2 tom. 4to. Colonial, 1571. [K. 20. 25,26.] Miss ALE ad Usum Ecclesiaj Sarura. folio, Parisiis, per Franciscum Reg' nault, 1519. [H. 6. 21-.] 106 RELIGION. Breviarium Romanum, ex Decreto Sacro-Sancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum. ISmo. Antwerpiae, 1611. [G. 21. 15.] Breviarium Romanum. 12mo. Antverpiae, 1650. [M. 8. 21.] Breviarium Romanum, ex Decreto Sacro-Sancti Concilii Tridentini resti- tutum ; una cum officiis novorum festorum. 8vo. 4 tom. Embricae, 1670. [K. 17. 12-15.] Missale Romanum. 64mo. [H. 17. 57.] Missalo Romanum, ex Decreto Sacro-Sancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V. Pont. Max. jussu editum. 4to. Burdigalae, 1598. [M. 9. 4.] Missale Romanum, ex Decreto Sacro-Sancti Concilii Tridentini restitu- tum, Pii V. Pont. Max. jussu editum, et dementis VIII. auctoritate recognitum. 8vo. Antverpias, 1627. [K- 19. 5.] Lyrica Sacra excerpta ex Hymnis Ecclesiae Antiquis. 8vo. Romse, 1818. [Hh. 7. 23.] PoMtificale Romanum, Clementis VIII. primiim, denuo Urbani VIII. auctoritate recognitum. 8vo. Parisiis, 1664. [K. 19. 35.] RiTUALE Romanum, Pauli V. Pont. Max. jussu editum, et Urbani VIII. auctoritate recognitum. 8vo. Parisiis, 1631. [K. 19. 3.] PoRTiFORiuM seu Breviarium, secundum usum Sarum, noviter impressum et a pluribus purgatum mendis. In quo nomen Romano Pontifici false ascriptum omittitur, una cum aliis quae Christianissimo nostri Regis Statuto repugnant. 8vo. Londini, 1541. [K. 17. 28.] Portiforium, seu Breviarium, ad Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis usum, Pars ^stivalis. 4to. Londini, 1541. [K. 20. 1.] Missale ad usum Ecclesie Sarisburiensis una cum dicte eccl'ie consuetu- dinibus institutis. 4to. Parisiis, 1529. [H. 6. 24.] Psalterium Latinum ad usum Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis. 8vo. [K. 19. 19.] ExposiTio Hymnorum totius Anni secundum usum Sarum. 4to. Pari- siis, 1502. [K. 19.4.] Missale secundu' Ordinem Carthusiensium. folio, Lugduni, 1517. [G2. 1.] Officium Beatse Marise Virginis. 32mo. Antverpiae, apud Joannem Moretum. [H. 17. 32.] The Primer, or Office of the Virgin Mary. 8vo. 1633. [K. 18. 43.] Graduale Romanum, juxta Missale Concilii Tridentini. 12mo. Leodii, 1821. [S. 6. 16.] Manuale Cantorium, sive Antiphonale Romanum. 12mo. Leodii, 18^3. [S. 6. 17.] Processionale Romanum, pro Ecclesiis Urbanis et Ruralibus. 12mo. Leodii, 1817. [S. 6. 15.] iv. Liturgies and Rites of the Reformed or Protestant Churches. (1) Liturgy and Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland, and Treatises thereon. A BriefF Discourse of the Troubles begonne at Francford in Germany anno Domini 1564 abovvte the Booke off Common Prayer and Cere- monies. 410. mtJl)rii&. [N. 8. 15.] LITURGIES. 107 [i.] Editions of the Book of Common Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer and the Holy Bible. Printed by Thomas and John Buck, Printers to the University of Cambridge, folio, Cam- bridge, 1629. [E. 9. 18.] The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, folio, Cam- bridge, 1629. [R. 2. 31.] The Book of Common Prayer, folio, London, 16S0. [B. 4. 30.] The Book of Common Prayer, folio, London, 1631. [R. 2. 30.] The Book of Common Prayer. 12mo. London, 1631. [S. 3. 1.] The Book of Common Prayer, folio, London, 1636. [G. 4. 17.] The Book of Common Prayer. 4to. London, 1637. [R. 8. 46.] The Book of Common Prayer, foho, London, 1662. [I. 11. 24.] The Book of Common Prayer, folio, London, 1662. [G. 1. 6.] The Book of Common Prayer. 8vo. Cambridge, 1662. [K. 15. 13.] The Book of Common Prayer, folio, Oxford. [G. 3. 15.] The Book of Common Prayer ; with Sternhold's and Hopkins's Version of the Psalms. 4to. London, 1664-58. [B. 4. 34.] The Book of Common Prayer, folio, London, 1700. [_Ff. 1. 22.] The Book of Common Prayer. With the Old and New Versions of the Psalms, royal Svo. Cambridge. [Ff. 4. 44.] The Book of Common Prayer (interleaved) with Dr. Sam. Clarke's Al- terations in MS. LF- 26. 2.] The Form and Manner of Consecrating Bishops, Priests, and Deacons according to the Appointment of the Church of England. 4to. London, 1629. [N. 6. 27.] An Abridgement of the Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, accord- ing to the use of the Church of England. Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be said or sung in Churches. 8vo. London. 1773. [P. 281. (5.)] Liber Precum Communiun secundum usum Ecclesiae Anglicanse, Graece. 12mo. Cantabrigiae, 1665. [L. 8. 18.] Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Cantabrigiae, 1665. [E. 8. 25.] Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Cantabrigiae, 1665. [R. 21. 60.] Liturgia, seu Liber Precum Communium juxta usum Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 8vo. Londini, 1670. [D. 14. 30.] Liturgia ; seu Liber Precum Communium in Ecclesia Anglicana receptus. Svo. Londini, 1733. [R 7.21.] Llyfr Gweddi GyfFredin a Gwemidogaeth y Sacramentau a chynnedfau a Ceremoniau eraill yr Eglwys Loegr Ynghyd a'r Psallwyr neu Psalmau Dafydd [The Book of Common Prayer in Welsh.] folio, Llundain, 1664. [I. 1. 8.] Another Copy, folio, Llundain, 1768. [R. 15. 1.] Another Copy, with the Bible in Welsh. Svo. Caer-Graunt, :.ul746. [R. 8. 15.]' La Liturgie Angloise, ou le Livre des Prieres Publiques, de I'Adminis- tration de Sacremens et autres Ordres et Ceremonies de I'Eglise 108 RELIGION. d'Angleterre, nouvellement traduit en Francois par I'Ordonnance de sa Majeste de la Grand Bretagne. 4to. Londres, 1616. [C. 1. 21.] Un autre Exemplaire. 4to. Londres, 1616. [H. 7. 15.] OzEi.L(John) Common Prayer not Common Sense, in several places of the Portugueze, Spanish, Italian, French, Latin and Greek Translations of the English Liturgy : being a Specimen of Reflections upon Omis- sions, Additions, Misconstructions, &c. in all or most of the said Translations. 8vo. London, 1722. [P. 270. (8.)] A Compendium of the Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, accord- ing to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland. Trans- lated into the Hindoostanee Language. [By the Rev. Henry Martyn, M. A.] 8 vo. London, 1818. [M. 21. 30.] [m.] Expositions and other Treatises on the Book of Common Prayer. L'EsTRANGE (Hamond) The Alliance of the Divine Offices ; exhibiting all the Liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation, as also the late Scotch Service Book, with all their respective Variations ; and upon them all Annotations, folio, London, 1659. [E. 9. 14.] Fisher (Ambrose) A Defence of the Liturgy of the Church of England or Book of Common Prayer, in a Dialogue between Novatus and Irenaeus. 4to. London, 1630. [E. 19. 20.] Reeve (Edmund) The Christian Divinitie contained in the Service of the Church of England. 4to. London, 1631. [D. 19. 10.] Bayly (Robert) A Parallel or Briefe Comparison of the Liturgie of the Masse Book, the Breviarie, the Ceremoniall, and other Romish Ritualls. 4to. 1641. [L 19. 30.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1661. [Ff. 7. 87.] WoMocKE (Laurence) A Defence of the Liturgy of the Church of Eng- land. 4to. London, 1641. [P. 53. (2.)] Sparrow (Anthony) A Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer. 18mo. London, 1657. [D. 18. S5.'] Comber (Thomas) A Companion of the Temple, or a Help to Devotion in the daily use of the Common Prayer. 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1676. [D. 7. 23,24.] Beveridge (William) A Sermon concerning the Excellency and Useful- ness of the Common Prayer. 4to. London, 1683. [N. 8. 26.] Williams (John) A Brief Discourse concerning the Lawfulness of Wor- shipping God by the Common Prayer. 4to. London, 1694. [N. 8. 2Q.'] Clutterbuck (J.) Plain and Rational Vinrlication and Explanation of the Liturgy of the Church of England. London, 1699. [P. 165. (8.)] A Short Discourse concerning the Common Prayer, in Question and Answer. 12mo. London, 1705. [P. 348. (8.)] Bennet (Thomas) A Paraphrase with Annotations upon the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo. London, 1709. [B. 6. 23.] Nicholls (William) Commentary on the Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments. Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. And the Additional Notes of Bishop Andrews, Bishop Cosins, and others, folio, London, 1712. [E. 12. 1.] LITURGIES. 109 Nicholls (William) A Supplement to his Commentary on the Book of Common Prayer, folio, London, 1711. [N. 3. 21.] The Duty and Obligation of the Clergy to observe occasional Days appointed by Royal Authority. 8vo. London, 1722. [N. 9. 27.] Wheatley (Charles) A Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1729. [A. 18. 65.] Piers (Wm.) A Letter in Defence of the Liturgy. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 328. 10.] TopLADY (Augustus) The Liturgy of the Church of England explained and vindicated. 8vo. London, 1800. [Hh. 3. 49.] The Book of Common Prayer : with Notes by a Member of the Church of England [Sir John Bayley.] royal 8vo. London, 1813. [Ff. 4. 39.] Shepherd (John) A Critical and Practical Elucidation of the Book of Common Prayer. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1817. [Ff. 4. 40,41.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817. [Ff 4. 42,43.] *Mant (Richard, Bp. of Down and Connor) The Book of Common Prayer ; with Notes explanatory, practical, and historical, from ap- proved Writers of the Church of England. Second Edition. 4to. Oxford, 1822. Nelson (Robert) A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England. Svo. London, 1704. [H. 7. 39.] BiDDULPH (Tho. T.) Essays on some Parts of the Liturgy of the Church of England. 12mo. Evesham, 1798. [li. 3. 51.] An Exposition on that most excellent Prayer called the Litany. 12mo. Lond. 1698. [P. 344. (11.)] Camfield (Benjamin) The Commination of the Liturgy of the Church of England vindicated, and recommended to the Consideration of all pious Christians. 4to. London, 1680. [M. 14. 27.'] Comber (Thomas) A Discourse upon the Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, according to the Order of the Church of England. Svo. London, 1699. [L 14. 35.'] The Door of the Tabernacle ; or. Rules of Behaviour in the Public Wor- ship of God, according to the use of the Church of England. 12mo, London, 1703. [M. 18. 21.] The Exceeding Reasonableness oi constantly and devoutly frequenting as much as possible the Daily Morning and Evening Public Prayers of the Church of England, and worthily receiving the Blessed Sacra- ment. 12mo. London, 1704. [C. 16. 10.] W^heatley (Charles) Bidding of Prayers before Sermon no mark of Dis- affection to Government. Svo. London, 1718. [P. 77. (5.)] The Rubrick of the Church of England examined, and its Use and Observance most earnestly recommended to all its Members. Svo. London, 1737. [P. 271. (5.)] [iii.] Tracts on the Revision or Alteration of the Book of Common Prayer. An Account of the Proceedings of the Commissioners for a Review of the Common Prayer. 4to. London, 1661. |^P. 45. (1.)] 110 RELIGION. Prynne (Wm.) A Short, Sober, Pacific Examination of some Exuber- ances in, and Ceremonial Appurtenances to the Common Prayer. 4to. London, 1661. [Ff. 7. 87. j Maurice (Dr.) Remarks relating to the Alterations in the Liturgy. 4to. London, 1689. [P. 45. (10.)] Some of the Alterations in the Common Prayer Book. 4to. [P. 45. (11.)] Vox Cleri : or, the Sense of the Clergy concerning the making of Altera- tions in the Established Liturgy. 4to. London, 1690. [^M. 15. 13.] A Letter to the Answerer of Vox Cleri. [_M. 15. 13."| Collier (Jeremy) Reasons for restoring some Prayers and Reflections, as they stand in the Communion Service of the first English Reformed Liturgy, compiled by the Bishops in the second and third years of the reign of Edward VL 8vo. London, 1717. [N. 9. 29.] No Reason to alter the Liturgy of the Church of England on account of Prayers for the Dead. 8vo. London, 1718. [^N. 9. 29.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1718. Campbell (Archibald) A Defence of the " Reasons for restoring some Prayers," &c. being a Reply to a Book entituled " No Reason to alter the Liturgy," &c. 8vo. London, 1718. [N. 9. 29.] No Necessity to alter the Common Prayer ; being a full Answer to two Books, one called " Reasons for restoring some Prayers," ^c ; the other, the " Defence of the Reasons." 8vo. London, 1718. [N. 9. 29.] Campbell (Archibald) An Answer to Mr. Lesley against Alterations or Ad- ditions to the Liturgy of the Church. 8vo. London, 1718. [N. 9. 29.] A Communion Office, taken partly from Primitive Liturgies and partly from the first English reformed Prayer-Book. With Offices for Con- firmation and the Visitation of the Sick. 8vo. London, 1718. [N. 9.29.] An Essay for a Review of the Common Prayer. To which is added, a Specimen submitted to the Consideration of those in Authority. 8vo. London, 1734. [P. 263. (8.)] Reynolds ( ) Defence of the Essay for a Review of the Book of Common Prayer, so far as it relates to the Athanasian Creed. Lon- don, 1734. [P. 224. (3.)] The Offices in the Book of Common Prayer revised and altered by way of Specimen, submitted to the Consideration of those in Autho- rity. London, 1735. [P. 224. (4.)] The Expediency and Necessity of revising the Public Liturgy humbly represented. With a Specimen of a new Liturgy, &c. 8vo. London, 1749. [P. 177. (1.)] A Letter to the Author of the " Expediency and Necessity of revising and improving the Public Liturgy. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 177. (2.)] A Serious Address in favour of a Review of our Liturgy. To which are added, Reasons for exchanging the Athanasian Creed in our Pub- lic Worship, &c. for the Apostles or the ancient Hierosolymitan Creed. 8vo. London, 1751. [P. 177. (3.)] An Appeal to Common Reason and Candor in behalf of a Review [of the Liturgy], submitted to the serious consideration of all Unpreju- diced Members of the Church of Enco|)al Church in Scotland. Edited by the Rev. John Skinner. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1807. [Ff. 4. 38.] *The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. 12mo. New York, 1816. (4) Directory and Rites of the Presbyterian Kirk of Scotland. The Government and Order of the Church of Scotland.' 4to. Edin- brug, 1641. [L. 15. 21.] Another Copy. 4to. Edinbrug, 1641. [M. 20. 32.] The Reformation and Discipline of the Service of the Church, according to the best Reformed Churches : with the Form of Common Prayers and Administration of the Sacraments used in the English Church of Geneva, as it was approved by the most reverend Divines of the Church of Scotland. With the Manner ot their Election of Pastors and Mi- nisters, and touching the Office of Elders. 4to. London, 1643. [M. 20. 35.'] The Government of the Church of Scotland fully declared. Wherein is largely set lorth the Order and Unilormitie to be observed in the Realme of Scotland, concerning Doctrine, Administrations of the Sacraments, Election of Ministers, Provision for their Sustentation, Ecclesiasticall Discipline, and Policy of the Church as it is now practised. Together with an Act of Parliament, and severall Acts of the Generall Assem- blies for rectifying and confirming of the same. 4to. LondoH, 1647. [M. 20. 35.] (5) Liturgies op Protestant Churches on the Continent. DuREL (John) A View of the Government and Public Worship of God in the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas. 4to. London, 1662. [C. 15. 41.] Liturgia Tigurina : or. Book of Common Prayers and Administration of the Sacraments used in the Canton of Zurich, ih Switzerland. 8vo. London, 1693. [R. 14. 68.] 114 RELIGION. V. Collections of Prayers and Manuals of Private Devo- tion, including Treatises on Prayer. (1) Treatises on Prayer. Alvarez (Jacobi) De Inquisitione Pacis, sive, Studio Orationis Libri Quinque. folio, Lugduni, 1617. [1.13.2.] Bright (George) A Treatise of Prayer. 8vo. London, 1678. [L. 19.28.] Gibson (Edmund, Bisbop of London) Family Devotion: or, an Exhorta- tion to Morning and Evening Prayer in Families. With two Forms of Prayer, &c. 12mo. London, 1750. [P. 347. (7.)] Marter (T.) An Exhortation to Prayer. 18mo. London, 1,551. [D. 18. 37.] Owen (John) A Discourse of the Work of the Holy Spirit in Prayer ; with a Brief Inquiry into the Nature and Use of Mental Prayer and Forms. 8vo. London, 1682. [K. 8. 25.] PiTTis (Thomas) A Discourse of Prayer. 8vo. London, 1683. [M. 7. 5.] A Review of an Essay on Prayer, entitled " Some Thoughts on Religious Worship, particularly in public." By a Moderate Protestant Dissenter. Svo. London, 1765. [P. 281. (3.)] The Necessary Duty of Fam^ily Prayer, and Deplorable Condition of Frayerless Families. 12mo. London, 1712. [P. 353. (3.)] Watts (Isaac) A Guide to Prayer. 12mo. [Ff. 8. 85.] WiLKiNS (John, Bishop of Chester) A Discourse concerning the Gifts of Prayer and of Preaching. Svo. London, 1667. [F. 7. 23.] (2) Collections of Prayers, and Manuals of Private Devotion. The Primer in English and Latyn, set forth by the Kynge's Maiestie [Henry VIII.] and his Clergie. 4to. London, m.lj.ylb. [D. 19. 4.] Andrews (Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester) A Manual of Private Devo- tions and Meditations. 12mo. London, 1648. [E. 17. 44.] A Manual of Devotions. Svo. London, 1724. [F. 27. 2.] A New Manual of Devotions. 12mo. London, 1755. . [li. 2. 25.] A Serious Address to Masters of Families, with Forms of Family Prayer. Svo. London, 176.9. [P. 291. (6.)] Burnet (Mrs., wife of Bishop Burnet) A Method of Devotion ; or. Rules for Holy and Devout Living. Svo. London, 1709. [L. 7. 13.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1713. [R. 10. 42.] The Family Prayer-Book ; or. Prayers to be used in Families every Morning and Evening. To which are added, some distinct Forms for more Special and Extraordinary Occasions. Svo. London, 1743. [G. 26. 8.] Gerhard (John) The Daily Exercise of Piety. 24mo. London, 1625. [D. 17. 52.] Godly Private Prayers for Householders to meditate upon and to saye in theyre Families. Imprinted at London, Svo. [I. 18. 32.] Holland (John) Prayers suited to various Occasions. Svo. London, 1753. [P. 294. (8.)] Jenks (Benjamin) Prayers for Families, abridged. 12mo. York, 1792. [Hh. 7. 37.] MANUALS OF DEVOTION.—PSALMS, &c. 115 A Manual of Prayers for the use of Winchester College. [By Bishop Ken.] 12mo. London, 1677. [K. 8. 21.] Kettlewell (John) An Office for Prisoners for Crimes ; with another for Prisoners for Debt. 12mo. London, 1697. [P. 349. (6.)] Lewis (John) A Companion for the Afflicted, whether in Mind, Body, or Estate : being a Collection of Texts of Scriptures and Forms of Prayer suited to the several Conditions of Persons in Affliction. 8vo. Lon- don, 1706. [M. 15. 36.] Luther (Martin) Geistliche Eieder und Psalmen, &c. (Godly Psalms, &c. ' in German ) 24mo. Hamburgh, 1654. [Ff. 8. 78.] Nelson (Robert) The Practice of True Devotion. 12mo. London, 1739. [A. 19. 68.] The Pocket Prayer Book. 12mo. Chelsea. [Ff. 8. 80 ] Prayers of Intercession for their use who mourn in secret for the Pub- lique Calamities of this Nation. 12mo. London, 1659. [G. 8. 37.] Smith (Joshua) A Select Manual of Divine Meditations and Prayers. 12mo, London, 1734. Taylor (Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor) The Golden Grove : or a Manual of Daily Prayers and Litanies, fitted to the Days of the Week. 12mo. London, "l 655. [E. 16. 36.'] Wagstaffe (Thomas) The Devout Christian's Manual. 8vo. London, 1703. [D. 15. 12.] Wesley (John) A Collection of Forms of Prayer. 8vo. London, 1740. [P. 338. (10.)] Wilcocks (Joseph) Sacred Exercises : compiled for the use of Places of Education, particularly of Westminster School. 8vo. London, 1768. [li. 3. 28.] Willymott (William) A Collection of Devotions for the Altar. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1720. [R. 10. 49,50.] Woodward (Josiah) The Seaman's Monitor. With Prayers for their Use. 18mo. London, 1703. [P. 353. (9.)] A Collection of Private Devotions in the practice of the Antient Church, called the Hours of Praiers. 12mo. London, 1655. [L. 8. 16.] Another Copy. 18mo. London, 1672. [E. 16. 26.] Devotions in the Antient Way of Offices. [By Wm. Austin, a Roman Catholic Barrister.] 12mo. Roan [Rouen], 1672. [M. 18. 50.] vi. Metrical Versions of the Psalms of Davids 8^c. Collections and Selections of Psalms and Hymns, for Public Worship, or Private Devotion. The Whole Book of Psalmes : collected into English Meeter by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrew, with apt Notes to sing them withall. 8vo. London, 1638. [M. 16. 33.] Another Copy. 18mo. London, 1644. [D. 17. 42.] I 2 116 RELIGION. A Defence of the Book of Psalms, collected into English Metre by Tho- mas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others ; with Critical Observations on the late New Version compared with the Old. By William Beve- RiDGE, D.D., Bishop of St. Asaph. 18mo. London, 1710. [G. 27. 6.] A New Version of the Psalms of David. By Nicholas Brady and Nahum Tate. 12mo. London, 1698. [K. 16. 25.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1698. [F. 16. 32.] The Jirst Edition of the " New Version" of the Psalms, now in use. Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1782. [Hh. 4. 10.] Wanless (T.) Anthems, as they are ordered to be sung in the Cathedral! in York. 18mo. York, 1705. [B. 8. 22.] A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, for the use of Christians of all Denominations. 12mo. London, 1772. [li. 2. 24.] A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, used in the Church of Saint Mary, at Hull. 12mo. Hull, 1787. [Dd. 4. 85.] A Collection of Psalms from the most approved Versions, for Public Worship, with Supplement. 24mo. York, 1815-17. [Ff 8. 81.] A Collection of Hymns, for the use of the Protestant Church of fhe United Brethren. 8vo. Manchester, 1809. [Cc. 3. 45.] A Collection of Hymns, chiefly extracted from the larger Hymn Book of the Brethren's Congregation. 12mo. London, 1769. [li. 2. 20.] Hart (J.) Hymns on various Subjects. 12mo. London. ^li. 2. 21.] Original Hymns. [Two Copies.] 8vo. London, 1776. [Hh. 9. 50,62.] A Version of the Psalms of David, attempted to be closely accommo- dated to the text of Scripture ; and adapted by a variety of measure to all the music used in the Versions of Sternhold and Hopkins, and of Brady and Tate. By a Lay Member of the Church of England. 12mo. London, 1809. [li. 2. 16.] Rees (David) Reasons for and against Singing Psalms. 8vo. London, 1737. [P. 91.(4.)] Milbourne (Luke) The Psalms of David translated. 8vo. London, 1698. [D. 17. 3.] Merrick (.lames) The Psalms translated or paraphrased in English Verse. 8vo. Reading, 1766. [F. 26. 24.] Patrick (John) A Century of Select Psalms and Portions of the Psalms of David. 12mo. London, 1686. [G. 8. 34.] Patrick (John) The Psalms of David in Metre. 24mo. London, 1698. [B. 8. 7.] Smyth (Miles) The Psalms Paraphrased, and turned into English Verse, according to the Common Metre. 8vo. London, 1668. [G. 8. 20.] Watts (Isaac) 1 he Psalms of David, imitated in the Language of the New Testament. 12mo. London, 1767. [Ff. 8. 114.] A Collection of Hymns for Public Worship, designed as a Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns. 12mo. York, 17H. [Ff. 8. 87.] Another Copy. 12mo»York, 1774. [li. 2. 22.] Hym.ns occasioned by the Earthquake at Bristol. [By John Wesley.] 2 Parts, 12mo. Bristol, 1756. [E. 27. 5.] Peichaed (Rces) Welch Hymns. 12mo. London, 1758, [P. 356.] TREATISES ON THE FATHERS, &c. 117 Le Nouveau Testament, par les Pasteurs et Professeurs de I'Eglise, h. Ge- neve: avecLEs PsEAUMEs DE Davie, MIS EN RiME par Clement Marot et Theodore Besze. 18mo. Geneve, 1608. [K. 16. 35.'] IV. Theologians, Antient and Modern. 1. Antient Theologians, or the Fathers of the Chris- tian Church, who lived and wrote before the Close of the sixth Century. i. Treatises on the Fathers and Introductions to the Study of their Writings. An Epistle to the Rev. Mr, Brooke upon his late Defence of the Primi- tive Fathers. London, 8vo. 1748. [P. 224. (8.)] A Second Epistle to the Rev. Dr. Hrooke on his Second Defence of the Primitive Fathers. London, 8vo. l?o6. [P. 224. (9 )] Coci (Roberti) Censura quorundara Scriptorum, quae sub Nominibus Sanctorum, et Vetcrum Auctorum aPontificiis passim in eorum scriptis, sed potissimum in quaestionibus hodie controversis, citari solent. 4to. Londini, 1614. [G. 19. 6.] DalLjEi (Joannis) De Usu Patrum, ad ea definienda Religionis Capita quae sunt hodie controversa, Libri Duo ; Latine e Gallico a J. Mettayero red- diti. 4to. Genevae, 1656. [L. 20. 9.] ScRivENERi (Matthcci) Apologia pro S. Ecclesice Patribiis adversus Joan~ ntm DallcEum de Usu Patrum. 4to. Londini, 1672. [L. 20. 27.] Daille (John) A Treatise concerning the right use of the Fathers in the Decision of the Controversies that are at this day in Religion ; trans- lated from the Latin. 4to. London, 1675. [R. 9. 1.] Edwards (John) Patrologia; a Discourse concerning the Primitive Fa- thers. 8vo. In his Remains. [R. 10. 82.] Gerhardi (Joannis) Patrologia ; sive de Primitivae Ecclesiae Christianse Opusculum Doctorum Vita ac Lucubrationibus. 8vo. Jenae 1668. [K. 14. 8.] Hill (Samuel) A Vindication of the Primitive Fathers against the impu- tations of Gilbert Bishop of Sarum. 8vo. London, 1695. [F. 7. 9.] Animadversions on Mr. Hilt's Book entituled " A Vindication of the Primi- tive Fathers,'' S^x. 4to. London, 1695. [N. 8. 23.] Remarks upon a Book folsehj called " A Vindication of the Primitive Fa^ tkers," 3fc. 4to. London, 1695. [N. 8. 23.] OuDiNi (Casimiri) Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclesiae Antiquae, illo- rumque Scriptis. 3 tomis folio, Lipsiae, 1722. [C. 2. 5-7.^ Exemplar aliud. 3 tomis folio, Lipsiae, 1722. [Cc. 1. 41-43.] Oudini (Casimiri) Supplementum de Scriptoribus vel Scriptis Ecclesias- ticis, a Beilarmino omissis, ad annum 1460. 8vo. Parisiis, 1686. [G. 18. 37.] SuFFRiDi Petri) De lUustribus Ecclesiae Scriptoribus. 12mo. Colonia, 1680. [G. 18. 10.] 118 RELIGION. Whitby (Danielis) Dissertatio de SS. Scripturarum Interpretatione, se- cundum Patrum Commentarios. 8vo. Londini, 1714. [B. 6. 4.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Londini, 1714. [R. 12. 65.] •Walchii (J. G.) Bibliotheca Patristica. 8vo. Jenee, 1770. *ScHOENEMANNi (C. T. G.) Bibliothcca Historico-Literaria Patrum Lati- norum. Svo. 2 torn. Lipsiaj, 1792-94. *CoLLiNsoN (John) A Key to the Writings of the Principal Fathers of the Christian Church, who flourished during the first three Centuries. Svo. Oxford, 1813. *Cox (Robert) Lives of the Fathers of the first three Centuries. 8vo. London, 1817. ii. Collections, E.vtracts, and Fragments of the Works of the Fathers. MoNUMENTA S. Patrum Orthodoxographa ; hoc est, Theologiae Sacro- sanctae ac Syncerioris Fidei Doctores, numero circiter LXXXV, Ec- clesiae columina luminaque clarissima, Authores partim Graeci, partim Latini, ob vetustatem et eruditionem venerandi. folio, 7 tomis in 2 vols. Basilese, 1569. [M. 12. 3,4.] Bibliotheca Sanctorum Patrum supra Ducentos : qua continentur illorum de rebus divinis Opera omnia et Fragmenta, Cura Margarini de la Eigne. 8 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1609-10. [K. 3. 1-8.] Exemplar aliud. 4 torn, folio, Parisiis, 1675. [I. 11. 6-9.] Bibliothecae Veterum Patrum seu Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Appendix ; qua Christiani Poetae, Graeci et Latini, continentur. Cura Margarini de la Eigne, folio, Parisiis, 1624. [M. 13. 22.] *Eibliotheca Veterum Patrum, Antiquorumque Scriptorum Ecclesiastico- rum, Greece et Latine. Cura et Studio Andreae Gallandii. 14 tomis, folio, Venetiis, 1765-81. Theologorum aliquot Grsecorum Veterum Orthodoxorum Libri, Graece et Latine. folio, Tiguii, 1559. [M. 12. 5.] Meursii (Johannis) Varia Divina, Sermones Cyrilli Archiepiscopi Alex- andrise, Anastasii Archiepiscopi Antiochiae, Andreae Archiepiscopi Cretes, Methodii, Timothei, et Hilarionis monachi, continentia. Gr^ce. 4to. Lug. Eat. 1619. [F. 19.2.] MoNTFAUcoN (Bemardi de) CoUectio Nova Patrum et Scriptorum Graeco- rum, Eusebii Caesariensis, Athanasii, et Cosmae iEgyptii. Graece et Latine. folio, 2 tomis, Parisiis, 1709. [A. 4. 16,17.] MuRATORii (Ludovici Antonii) Anecdota Grseca. 3 tomis, 4to. Patavii, 1709. [A. 6. 15-17.] Dacheuii (Lucae) Spicilegiura ; sive Collectio Veterum aliquot Scripto- rum, qui in GaUiae Bibliothecis latuerant. folio, 3 tomis, Parisiis, 1723. [A. 5. 14-16.] Mabillonii (Joannis) Vetera Analecta : sive Collectio Veterum aliquot Operum et Opusculorum, omnis generis, Carminum, Epistolarum, Di- plomatura, et Epitaphiorum. folio, Parisiis, 1723. [A. 5. 17.] Grabii (Joannis Ernesti) Spicilegium SS. Patrum, ut et Haereticorura, Seeculi post Christi natum I. IL IIL Tom. I. sive Saeculura primum. Svo. Oxonii, 1714. [E. 7. 29.] FATHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Il9 *Reliquiae Sacree ; sive Auctorum fer& jam perditorum seciindi tertiique Sceculi Fragmenta, quae supersunt. Accedunt Epistolae Synodicae et Canonicse, Nicaeno Concilio Antlquiores. Graece et Latine, cum Notis, k J. M. RouTH. 4 torn. 8vo. Oxonii, 1814-18. SuiCERi (Joh. Caspari) Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus : e Patribus Graecis Or- dine Alphabetico exhibens quaecunque Phrases, Ritus, Dogmata, Hoereses et hujusmodi alia spectant. 2 torn, folio, Amstelodami, 1682. [G. 10. 10,11.] iii. The Works of the Fathers, chronologically arranged. First Century. Patrum SS. qui Temporibus Apostolicis floruerunt, Barnabae, dementis, Hermse, Ignatii, Polycarpi, Opera edita et inedita, vera et suppbsititia, unk cum dementis, Ignatii, Polycarpi, Actis atque Martyriis. Cum notis J, B. CoTELERii et Joannis Clerici. 2 tom. folio, Antwerpise, 1698. [E. 13. 2,3.] SS. Patrum Apostolicorum, Barnabae, Hermae, Clementis, Ignatii, Poly- carpi, Opera Genuina ; una cum Ignatii et Polycarpi Martyriis. Grsce et Latine. Cura Richardi Russell, A.M. 2 tom. 8vo. Londini, 1746. [A. 18. 102,103.] The Genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers, St. Barnabas, St. Igna- tius, St. Clement, St. Polycarp, the Shepherd of Hermas, and the Narratives of the Martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp. Trans- lated from the Greek, with a preliminary Discourse, by Wm. Wake, D. D. Archbishop of Canterbury. Svo. London, 1710. [D 6.35.] The Epistles of Ignatius, and the Apostolical Constitutions, in Greek and English. 8vo. In fVhistoii's Primitive Ckristianiti/ Revived, Vols. I. II. III. [F. 6. 37-39.] Clementina. Hoc est, B. Clementis Romani Opera, quae quidem in huc- usque diem a variis auctoribus collecta, con versa, emendata, Latineque extant, omnia. Cura Lamberti Gruteri Venradii. folio, Coloniae, 1569. •[K.4. 9.] fClementis Romani Episcopi Epistola ad Corinthios, Greece et Latine. Cvira Francisci Junii. 4to. Oxonii, 1633. Sancti Clementis, Patris et Martyris, Epistolae. Graece et Latine. 12mo. Oxonii, 1669. [E. 8. 31.] Clementis Epistolae Duae ad Corinthios. Graece et Latine, a Paulo Colo- mesio. Svo. Londini, 1687. [Ff. 8. 97.] Clementis ad Corinthios Epistolae Duae. Edidit, cum notis Junii et aliorum, Henricus Wotton. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1718. [E. 7. 38.] Lardner (Nathaniel) A Dissertation upon the two Epistles ascribed to Cle- ment of Rome, lately published by Mr. Wetstein ; shejDVtg them not to be genuine. Svo. London, 1753. [P. 185. (1.)] CoNSTiTUTioNEs Sanctorum Apostolornm a Clemente Romano Episcopo, etCive, scriptae. Graece. Cura Francisci Turriani. 4to. Venetiis, 1563. [L. 19. 9.] tPoLYCARPi et Ignatii Epistolae, Graece et Latine. Curd Jacobi Usserii. 4rto. Oxonii, 1644. m ISJO RELIGION. Ignath, Antiochiae Archiepiscopi, Epistolae. Grsece et Latine. 8vo. Parisiis, 1558. [L. 18. 5.] Ignatii Epistolae, Greece et Latine, a Nicolao Vedelio. 4to. Genevae, 1623. [L. 20. S.] Ignatii Martyris Epistolae Genuinae et S, Barnabs Epistola Gr. Lat. Edidit et Notas addidit Isaacus Vossius. 4to. Amstelodami, 1646. [L. 19. 24.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1680. [li. 3. 7.] Sancti Ignatii Epistolae Genuinae juxta Exemplar Mediceum denuo re- censitae ; una cum Veteri Latina Versione. Annotationibus U. Joan- nis Pearsoni nuper Episcopi Cestriensis et Tliomae Smith S. T. P. illustratae. Accedunt Acta Genuina Martyrii S. Ignatii, Epistola S. Polycarpi ad Philippenses, et Smyrnensis Ecclesioe Epistola de S. Polycarpi Martyrio ; cum Veteribus Latinis Versionibus et Annota- tionibus. Cura Thomse Smith. 4to. Oxonii, 1729. [G. 14. 4.] Hammond (Henry) An Answer to the Animadversions on the Disserta- tions touching Ignatius's Epistles. 4to. London, 1654. [D. 19. 21.] Pearsonii (Joannis, Episcopi Cestriensis) Vindiciae Epistolarum S. Igna- tii. Accesserunt Isaaci Vossii Epistolae Dnae adversus Davidem Blondellum. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1672. [L. 20. 14.] Whiston (William) An Essay upon the Epistles of Ignatius. 8vo. London, 1710. [M. 19. 15.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 107. (2.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1710. [R. 8. 61.] DiONYsii Areopagit^e Opera Omnia. Studio et opera Petri Lanssellii. Graece et Latine. folio, Lutetiaj Parisiorum, 1615. [M. 13. 1.] DallcEiC Joannis) De Scriptis, q'i(t sub Dionysii Areopagitce et Ignatii Antio- cheni nominihus circuviferuntiir, Libri Duo. 4to. Geneva-, 1666. [L. 20. 8.] Launoii (Joannis) De duobus Dionysiis, Athenicnsi et Purisiensi, Opvscula. 12mo. L'ansm, 1660. [C. 15. 21.] Second Century. JusTiNi Martyris Opera. Graece. folio. [Ff. 2. 1.] Justini Philosophi et Martyris Christi, Opera quaj extant omnia, per Joannem Langium e Graeco in Latinum sermonem versa et Sententiis priscorum Sanctorum Patrum illustrata. folio, Basileae, 1564. [I. 11. 22.] Justini Philosophi et Martyris Opera. Gr. Lat. cura Fed. Morellii. Accedunt 1. Athenagorae Apologia pro Chrisiianis, et de Resurrectione Mortuorum ; 2. Theophili Antioclieni, contra Christiatiae Religionis Calumniatores, ad Autolycum Libri tres ; 3, Tatiani Oratio ad Grae- c'os; 4. Hermiae Philosophi Gentilium philosophorum Irrisia. foho, Parisiis, 1615. [M. 11. 2.] Justini Martyris Apologia pro Christianis, Graece et Latine, cum notis. Edidit J. E. Grabe. 8vo. Oxonii, 1700. [R. 12. 52] Justini Martyris A pologia, Graece etLatine, cum notis. Edidit H. Hutchin. 8vo. Oxonii, 1703. [R. 12. 53.] Justini Apologiae Duae, et Dialogus cum Tryphone Judaeo. Graece et Latine [Editionis pars, a Styan Thirlby editae.] folio, Londini, 1722. [F. 5. 7.] FATHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 121 Justini Apologise pro Christianis. Graece et Latine. Edidit et Anno- tationes adjecit Carolus Ashton, S.T.P. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1768. [A. 17. 108.] The Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minutius Felix, in de- fence of the Christian Religion, translated by Wm. Reeves. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1709. [F. 6. 35,36.'} Athenagoras de Resurrectione Mortuorum. Graece et Latine. 4to. Lovanii, 1541. [D. 20. 8.] The Apologeticks of Athenagoras, 1. For the Christian Religion. 2. For the Resurrection, &c. Translated from the Greek by David Hum- phreys. 8vo. Loi.don, 1714. [R. 9. 48.] S. Iren^i Lugdunensis episcopi adversus Haereses Libri quinque, oper^ Desiderii Erasmi. folio, Basileae, 1533. [M. 9. 10.] Irenaei adversus Ha-reses Libri quinque, studio et opera Francisci Feuar- dentii. folio, Coloniae, 1596. [iM. 10. 24.] Irenaei adversus Haereses Libri quinque, opera Nicolai Gallasii. folio, Parisiis, 1570. [M. 12. 14.] Irenaei adversus Hcereses Libri quinque, oper^ et studio Jo. Em. Grabe. folio, Oxonii, 1702. [E. 12. 24.] Irenaei adversus Haereses Libri quinque ; studio et labore Dom. Renati Massuet. folio, Parisiis, 1710. [A. 3. 26.] S. Irenaei Fragmenta Anecdota, quae ex Bibliothecd Taurinensi eruit ; Latina versione notisque donavit ; duabus dissertationibus de Collatione et Consecratione Eucharistiae illustravit ; denique LiturgiaGraec4 J. E. Grabii, et dissertatione de praejudiciis Theologicis auxit C. M. PfafRus. Svo. Hagse Comitum, 1715. [D. 14. 8.] Dodwelli (Henrici) Dissertationes in Irenajum. Accedit Fragmentum Philipi Sidetffi. 8vo. Oxoniae, 1689. [C. 15. 27.] Clementis Alexandrini Opera Omnia, Latine, Gentiano Herveto inter- prete. folio, Basileae, 1556. [M. 10. 5.] • Exemplar aliud, Graece et Latine, cura Friderici Sylburgii. folio, Lug. Bat. 1616. [M. 11. 7.] Clementis Alexandrini Opera, Graece et Latine, juxta editionem Parisinam anni lb41. folio, Colonic, 1688. [A. 1. 22.] Clementis Alexandrini Opera, quae extant, Graece et Latine. Recognita et illustrata per Joannem Potterum. 2 tomis, folio, Oxonii, 1715. [E. 12. 14,15.] •Clementis Alexandrini Liber, Quis dives salutem consequi possit ? Greece et Latine, commentario illustratus a Carolo Segaar. Svo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1816. Third Century. Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Opera, folio, Basileae, 1528. [M. 9. 20.] Tertulliani Opera; cum Notis et Observationibus Nicolai Rigaltii. folio, Parisiis, 1534. [M. 10, 23.] Tertulliani Opera, cura Jacobi Pamelii. folio, Parisiis, 1608. [M. 11. 9.} Exemplar aliud. folio, Parisiis, 1608. [Ff. 2. 22.] Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani Liber de Pallio. Notis Claudii Salmasii. 8vo. Parisiis, 1622. [L. 18. 6.] 122 RELIGION. Franci (Francisci) Confutatio Animadversorum Antanii Cercoetii ad Claudii Salrnasii Notas in Tertullianum de Pallio. 8vo. Middburgi, 1623. [L. 18. 6.] Franci C Francisci J Refutatio Uiriusque Elenchi Cerco- Petaviani. Svo. Parisiis, 1623. [L. 18. 6.] Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani ad Nationes Libri duo, cum Notis Jacobi Gothofredi. 4to. Genevse, 1625. [L. 20. 16.] Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani Liber adversus Praxeam, cura Edwardi Welchman. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1731. [N. 9. 32.] Origenis Adamantii Op«ra, Latin^ reddita. 4 tomis in 2 vols, folio, Parisiis, 1512. [M. 12. 7,-8.] Origenis Philocalia ; de Obscuris S. Scripturae Locis, a SS. Patribus, Basilio Magno et Gregorio Theologo, ex variis Origenis Commentariis excerpta, Graece et Latine. 4to. Parisiis, 1619. [L. 20. 21.] Origenis in Sacras Scripturas Commentaria, quaecunque Graece reperiri potuerunt. Edidit, notisque illustravit Petrus Daniel Huetius. 2 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Rothomagi, 1668. [M. 13. 23.] Origenis de Oratione Liber, Graece et Latine. Cum Notis Gulielmi Reading. 4to. Londini, 1728. [N. 6. 2.] Origenis contra Celsum Libri oclo ; et Philocalia. Edidit et annotationes adjecit Gulielmus Spencerus. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1658. [C. 6. 2.] Origenis contra Celsum Libri octo, Graece et Latine, a Davide Hoeschelio, 4to. Aug. Vind. 1605. [L. 20. 20.] Hexaplarum Origenis Quae supersunt. Ex Manuscriptis et ex Libris editis eruit, et notis illustravit Bernardus de Monttiaucon. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1713. [E. 12. 16,17.] Cunningham (Francis) A Dissertation on the Books of Origen against Celsus ; with a view to illustrate the Argument, and point out the Evidence they afford to the Truth of Christianity. Svo. Cambridge, 1812. [Hh. 7. 29.] Another Copy. Svo. Cambridge, 1812. [C. 27- 9.] Origenis Dialogus contra Marcionitas, Exhortatio ad Martyrium, et Responsum ad African! Epistolam de Historia Susannae, Gr. Lat. Opera Jo. Rodolphi Wetstenii. 4to. Basileae, 1674. [L. 20. 26.] SS. Patrum, Gregorii NEoCiESARiENSis Episcopi, cognomento Thauma- turgi, Macarii iEgyptii, et Basilii Seleuciaj Isauriae Episcopi, Opera Omnia. Edente Gerardo Vossio. Graece et Latine. folio, Parisiis, 1622. [M. 11. 1.] ■ Exemplar aliud. folio, Parisiis, 1622. [L 5. 19.] Csecilii Cypriani, sanctissimi Martyris, Episcopi Carthaginensis, Opera, studio curdque D. Erasmi Roterodami. folio, Basileae, 1525. [M. 9. 19.] Cypriani Opera, cum annotationibus Jacobi Pamelii. folio, Paris. 1593. [M. 9. 25.] Cypriani Opera, recognita et illustrata per Joannem [Fell] Oxoniensem Episcopum. Accedunt Annales Cyprianici, sive tredecim Annorum, quibus S. Cyprianus inter Christianos versatus est, brevis Historia chronologice delineata per Joannem [Pearsonum] Cestriensem Epis- copum. folio, Oxonii, 1682. [M. 13. 6.] FATHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 123 Dodwelli (Henrici) Dissertationes Cyprianicse. folio, Oxonii, 1682. [E. 3. 25.] Cypriani Opera, studio ac labore Stephani Baluzii. folio, Parisiis, 1726. [E. 4. 21.] M. MiNUcii Felicis Octavius, et Csecilii Cypriani De Idolorum Vanitate Liber. 4to. Lutetiae, 1643. [L. 19. 32.] Minucii Felicis Octavius ; cum notis Rigaltii. Recensuit et edidit Joannes Davisius. 8vo. Cantabrigia;, 1707. [Aa. 3. 89.] Minucii Felicis Octavius ex recensione J. Davisii cum notis Heraldi et Rigaltii. Accedunt Commodiani Instructiones adversus Gentium Deos. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1712. [F. 21. 27.] S. HippoLYTi Episcopi et Martyris Opera, curante Jo. Alberto Fabricio, Graece et Latine. folio, Hamburgi, 1716. [A. 5. 9.] NoVATiANi, Presbyteri Romani, Opera quae supersunt Omnia. Edidit, ob- servationibus et notis illustravit, Joannes Jackson. 8vo. Londini, 1728. [G. 26. 31.] Novatiani De Trinitate Liber, edente Edvardo Welchman. 8vo. Oxonii, 1724. [N. 9. 9.] Incerti Auctoris de Regula Veritatis sive Fidei, vulgo Novatiani de Tri- nitate, Liber, a Guil. Whiston editus. 8vo. In Whistons Sermons and Essays. [P. 107. (1.)] Antonii (B. monacborum parentis) Epistolae Viginti, ex Arabico Latini juris factse ab Abrabamo Echellensi. 8vo. Parisiis, 1641. [K. 18. 31.] Fourth Century. EusEBii Pamphili Evangelicse Praeparationis Libri Quindecim, Graece. folio, Lutetiee, 1544. [M. 12. 11.] Eusebii Evangelicse Praeparationis Libri Quindecim. Graece et Latine a Fran. Vigero et Ric. Montacutio. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1628. [M. 13. 7,8.] Eusebii Praeparatio Evangelica, Grsece. folio, apud Robertum Stephanum, 1544. [M. 12. 11.] Eusebii Commentarii in Psalmos et in Jesaiam, folio. In Nova Collectione Pat rum, Tom. I. et II. [A. 4. 16,17.] Eusebii et aliorum in Canticum Canticorum Expositiones. Graece, a Joanne Meursio editae. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1617. [L. 19. 27.] Eusebii, Socratis, Theodoreti, et aliorum Historia Ecclesiastica.— Vide infra, Sect. III. Title H. §. 1. of this Class. Eusebii Pamphili Onomasticon Urbium et Locorum Sacrae Scripturae, Graece et Latine, a Joanne Clerico. folio, Amstelodami, 1707. [A. 2. 1 .] Falconer (Thomas) The Case of Eusebius of Caesarea, Bishop and His- torian (who is said to have mutilated 50 Copies of the Scriptures sent Constantine the Great) examined. 8vo. Oxford, 1818. [Gg. 6. 30.] * Nolan ( Frederick) A Reply to Falconers Case of Eusebius. 8vo. Lon- don, 1824. Athanasii, Archiepiscopi Alexandrini, Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine, a Petro Nannio. folio, 2 tomis, Paris. 1600, 1601. [M. 12, 15,16.] Athanasii Opera, Graece et Latine, Opera et Studio Bernardi de Mont- faucon. 3 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1698. [A. 5. 19-21.] 124 RELIGION. Athanasii Commentariorum in Psalmos et in Evangelia Matthsei et Lucaj Fragmenta. In Nova Colltctlone Pafrurn, Tom. II. [A. 4. 17.] Athanasii Syntagma Doctrinae, ad Homines Solitarios omnesque Chris- tianos tarn Clericos quam Laicos, Graece et Latine, edente Andrea Arnoldo. 8vo. Parisiis, 1685. [F. 18. a 7.] Thirlby (Styan) An Answer to Mr. Whiston's Seventeen Suspicions con- cerning Athanasius^ 8vo. London, 1712. [M. 19. 7.] Arnobii Afri Disputationum adversus Gentes Libri VII. cura Gebharti Elmenhorstii. folio, Hamburgi, 1610. [M. 9. 17.] Arnobii Disputationes adversus Gentes. Cum Notis Variorum. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1651. [R. 16. 26.] Arnobii Disputationes adversus Gentes, et M. Minucii Felicis Octavius. 8vo. 1683. [G. 26. 22.] Lactantii Firmiani de Divinis Institutionibus Libri Septem. De Opi- ficio Dei et Formatione Hominis. Carmina ejusdem de Foenice et de Die Resurrectionis Dominicae. Item Tertulliani Apologeticus adversus Gentes. folio. Venetiis, mccfCjrcib. [1.13.21.] L. Ccelii Lactantii Firmiani Opera Omnia, cum Commentariis Xysti Be- tuleii. folio, Basileae, 1545. [K. 1.19.] L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Opera, quae extant, ad fidem MSS. recognita, et Commentariis illustrata, a Tho. Sparke. 8vo. Oxonii, 1684. [N. 7. 5.] Lucii Caecilii Lactantii Firmiani Opera, emendata et illustrata a Chris- toph. Augusto Heumanno ; cum annotationibus criticis Mich. Thomasii et Christoph. Cellarii. 8vo. Gottingae, 1736. [R. 20. 7.] L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Epitome Divinarum Institutionum. Recen- suit et suis animadversionibus illustravit Joannes Davisius. 8vo. Can* tabrigiffi, 1718. [R. 20. 12.] Winckleri (Jo. Dieterici) Philologemata Lactantiana Sacra, variis locis, turn Sacri Codicis illustrandis, tum Lactantii explicandis corrigendisque inservientia. 8vo. Brunsvigae, 1754. [R. 20. 26.] Cyrilli Hierosolymorum Archiepiscopi, Opera Omnia, Greece et Latine. Emendavit notisque illustravit Tho. Milles. folio, Oxonian, 1703. [N. 3. 14.] Cyrilli, Hierosolymitani Archiepiscopi, Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine. Cura Ant. Aug. Touttee. folio, Parisiis, 1720. [A. 4. 24.] Cyrilli Catecheses. Graece et Latine. Opera Joannis Prevotii. 4to. Parisiis, 1608. [L. 20. 15.] S. HiLARii Pictaviensis Episcopi Opera, studio monachorum S. Benedicti. folio, Parisiis, 1693. [A. 4. 2.] Hilarii Lucubrationes quotquot extant, per D. Martinum Lypsium collatae et recognitae. folio, Basileae, 1570. [K. 1. 21.] Caii Solii Apollinaris Sidonii, Arvenorum Episcopi, Opera, a J. O. Sa- varo. 4to. Parisiis, 1609. [C. 9. 3.] Apollinarii Interpretatio Psalmorum, versibus Heroicis. Graece. Svo. Parisiis, 1580. [C. 15. 45.] Apollinarii Interpretatio Psalmorum, Graece et Latine, ex recensione F. Sylburgii. 8vo. Heidelbergae, 1596. [L. 19. 33.^ FATHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 125 Epiphanh, Episcopi Constantiae Cypri, Opera Omnia, Latine. Cura Ja- cobi Billii. folio, Colonise, 1617. [1.11.18] Epiphanii Opera. Graece et Latine. Recensuit et animadversionibus illustravit Dionysius Petavius. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1622. [M. 12, 20,21.] Epiphanii contra Octoginta Haereses Panarium, opera et studio Jacobi Billii. folio, Parisiis, 1612. [M. 12. 19.] S. Optati Afri, Milevitani Episcopi, Opera, cum notis variorum et Phi- lippi Priorii. Accedit Eacundi Hermianensis Episcopi pro tribus capitulis Concilii Chalcedonensis Libri XII. cum annotationibus Jacobi Sirmondi. folio, Parisiis, 1679. [G. 13. 7.] Optati Afri, Milevitani Episcopi, de Schismate Donatistarum Libri Septem ; et in eosdem Notae et Emendationes Merici Casauboni. 8vo. Londini, 1631. [L. 18. 3.] Optati, Milevitani Episcopi, de Scl)ismate Donatistarum Libri VII. Quibus accessere Historia Donatistarum, una cum monumentis ad earn spec- tantibus, necnon Geographia Episcopalis Africae. Opera et studio Ludovici Ellies du Pin. folio, Parisiis, 1700. [N. 4. 7.] Basilii Magni, Caesareae Cappadocise Archiepiscopi, Opera Omnia, Graece. folio, Basiiege, 1551. [I. 11. 20.] Basilii Opera, Latine, a Wolfgango Musculo, folio, Basileae, 1565. [L 11. 21.] Basilii Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine, cum Appendice. 3 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1618. [M. 13. 3-5.] S. EphrjEMI Syri Opera Omnia, Latine. Studio et Opera Gerardi Vossii. 3 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Coloniae, 1603. [K. 4. 2.] S. Epbraim Syrus, Graece. Ex Codicibus Manuscriptis Bodleianis. folio, Oxonii, 1709. [Aa. 1. 23.] Gbegorii Episcopi Nysseni Opera, Latine, a Laurentio Sifano. folio, Basileffi, 1562. [L. 11. 23.] Gregorii, Episcopi Nysseni, Opera Omnia, studio Federici Morellii, Graece et Latine. 3 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1615-1638. [M. 12. 26-28.] Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera, cura Joannis Levvenklaii, Graece et Latine. folio, Basiled, 1571. [M. 9. 21] Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera, Graece et Latine. Opera ets tudio Jacobi Billii. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1609. [K. 3. 10,11.] Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera. 2 tomis, folio, Coloniae, 1680. [Aa. 1. 20,21.] Gregorii Nazianzeni in Julianum Invectivae duae. Edidit R.Montagu. 4to. Etonse, 1610. [F. 14. 27.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Etonae, 1610. [H. 6. 11.] Ambrosii, Mediolanensis Episcopi Opera, studio Desiderii Erasmi edita. folio, Basilea;, 1527. [G. 2. 8.] Ambrosii Opera, folio, Parisiis, 1549. [M. 16. 2^.] Ambrosii Opera, folio, Parisiis, 1569. [M. 11. 17.] Macarii, Eremitae iEgyptii, Homiliae Spirituales Quinquaginta de in- tegritate, qua; decet Christianos. Graece et Latine, a Zachavia Pal- thenio. 8vo. Francofurti, 1594. [L. 19. 34.] 1^26 RELIGION. Eusebii Hieronymi Stridonensis Opera Omnia. Cura et studio Desiderii Erasmi. 10 tomis in 6 vols, folio, Basileae, 1516. [M. 10. 16-21.] Hieronymi Opera, cura Mariani Victorii. 9 tomis in 2 vols, folio, Antvverpise, 1578-79. [M. 11. 16,17.] Sancti Eusebii Hieronymi Divina Bibliotheca, antehac inedita : com- plectens Translationes Latinas, qum ex Hebraeis tiam e Gr^cis fontibus derivatis, Innumera quoque Scholia Marginalia antiquissimi Hebraei cujusdam scriptoris anonymi, Hebrasas voces pressius exprimentis. Studio et Opera Monachoruni S. Benedicti [Joannis Martianay et Ant. Paget.] 5 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1693-1706. [A. 2. 6-10.] D. Hieronymi Epistola ad Nepotianum, de Vita Ciericorum et Monacho- rum, cum Notis J. Martianaei. 8vo. Londini, 1714. 8vo. At the End of Bennet on the 39 Articles. [Ff. 6. 60.] Blondelli (Davidis) Apologia pro Sententia Hieronymi de Episcopis. 4to. Amstelsedami, 1646. [L. 20. 33.] Clerici (Joannis) Qusestiones Hieronymianae ; in quibus expenditur Hie- ronymi nupera Editio Parisina [Benedictina], multaque ad Criticam sacram et profanam pertinentia agitantur. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1700. [R. 14. 74.] Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi, Opera Omnia. 10 tomis in 9 vols, folio, Basilese, 1529. [M. 10. 7-15.] Augustini Opera Omnia. 17 tomis, 8vo. Lugduni, 1561-63. [L. 18. 23-39.] Augustini Opera Omnia. 10 tomis in 6 vols, folio. Parisiis, 1571. [Aa. 1. 24-29.] Augustini Opera Omnia. 12 tomis in 9 vols, folio, Antverpiae, 1700-3. [A. 4. 3-11.] St. Augustine of the Citie of God, with the Learned Comments of Jo. Lod. Vives: Englished by J. H. folio, London, 1610. [LI. 5.] Aurelii Augustini, Hipponensis Episcopi, Confessionum Libri XIH. ad tria MSS. Exemplaria emendati. Opera et studio H. Sommalii. 18mo. Coloniae, 1629. [K. 16. 11.] Pious Breathings ; or, the Meditations of St. Augustine, translated from the Latin by George Stanhope, D. D. 8vo. London, 1701. [B. 7. Zo.'] The Meditations of St. Augustine, and Contemplations of St. Anselm and St. Bernard, made English by Dr. Stanhope. 8vo. London, 1708. [R. 11. 2Qr\ Augustini de Haeresibus Liber, edente Edwardo Welchman. 8vo. Oxonii, 1721. [N. 9. 9.] Reiseri (Antonii) Augustinus, Veritatis Evangelico-Catholicae in potiori- bus fidci et controversiis Confessor, contra Bellarminum et alios Scrip- tores papaeos, antiques pariter et recentiores. folio, Francofurti, 1578. [G. 10. 12.] Jenkin (Roberti) Defensio S. Augustini adversus Joannis Phereponi {j. e. Joannis Clerici] in ejus Opera Animadversiones. 8vo. Canta- brigiae, 1707. [N. 9. 33.] Exemplar aUud. 8vo. Cantabrigioe, 1707. [B. 6. 5.] Noris (Henrici, Romanae Ecclesise Cardinalis) Tractatus varii de Augus- tini Doctrina de Gratia, folio. Inter Norisii Operum Tom. I. [D. 5. 22.'} FATHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 12T Chrysostomi (Joannis, Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani) Opera Omnia, Latin^. 4 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1588. [N. 4. 1-4.^ Chrysostomi Opera Omnia, Gra?ce. Cura et studio Henrici Savilii. 8 tomis, folio, Etonse, 1610-13. [K. 3. 13-20.] Chrysostomi Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine. 11 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1633-36. [I. 4. 3-13.] Chrysostomi Opera Omnia, Graec^ et Latin^. Cura et studio Bernardi de Montfaucon. 13 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1718-38. [E. 3. 1-13.] Chrysostomi De Sacerdotio Libri Sex. Gr. Lat. cura Joannis Hughes. 8vo. Cantabrigise, 1710. [Hh. 9. 53.] ■ Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1710. [D. 7. 28.] Chrysostomi (S. Joannis) De Sacerdotio Libri III. Graece et Latine; quibus Dissertationes quasdam praemisit contra librum falso inscriptum " Ecclesiae Christianae J ura Vindicata," Notasque adjecit Joannes Hughes. Accessit S. Gregorii Nazianzeni Oratio Apologetica, Opera S. Thirlby. 8vo. Cantabrigise, 1712. [H. 7. 38.] Palladii (Episcopi Helenopolitani) De Vita S. Johannis Chrysostomi Dia- logus. Accedunt Homilia S. Johannis Chrysostomi in laudera Diodori Tarsensis Episcopi, Acta Tarachi, Probi et Andronici, Passio Bone- facii Romani, Evagrius de octo Cogitationibus, et Nilus de octo Vitiis. Graec^ et Latine. 4to. Parisiis, 1680. [G. 6. 30.] AsTERii, Episcopi Amaseae, Homiliae, Graece et Latin^, edita; a Philippe Rubenio. Accedunt ejusdem Rubenii Carmina, Orationes, et Epistolae. 4to. Antwerpiae, 1615. [L 6. 3.] Fifth Century. SuLPicii Severi, Presbyteri, Opera Omnia, cumlectissimis Commentariis. Accurante Georgio Hornio. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1665. QA. 17. 79.] Sulpicii Severi Opera, studio et notis Joannis Clerici. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1709. [R 14.25.] IsiDORi Pei.usiotje De Interpretatione Divinae Scripturae Epistolae, Graece et Latine. Cura Jacobi Billii et Cunradi Rittershusii. folio. Ex OfficinaCommeliniana, 1606. [K. 3. 12.] Isidori Pelusiotae De Interpretatione Divinae Scripturae Epistolae, Graece et Latine. folio, Parisiis, 1638. [N. 3, 19.] Cyrilli, Alexandriae Episcopi, Opera Omnia, Latine. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1605. [L 11. 13,14.] Cyrilli Opera Omnia, Gra?ce et Latine, cura et studio Joannis Auberti. 6 tomis in 7 vols, folio, Parisiis, 1628. [M. 13. 9-15.] Cyrillus in Duodecim Prophetas, Graece et Latine, a Jacobo Pontano. folio, Ingolstadii, 1607. [K. 4. 5.] NiLi Opera quaedam, Graece et Latine, primum edita a Petro Possino. 4to. Parisiis, 1639. [L. 20. 18.] Theodoreti, Episcopi Cyri, Opera Omnia, Latine. 2 tomis, folio, Pari- siis, 1608. [M. 9. 22.] Theodoreti Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine, cura Jacobi Sirmondi. 4 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1642. [H. 13. 25-28.J Salviani, Massiliensis Presbyteri, Opuscula. 8vo. Parisiis, 1645. [L. 18. 12.] 128 RELIGION. Prosperi Aquitanensis, Episcopi Regi'ensis, Opera. folio, Lugduni, 1539. [M. 9. 15.] Prosperi Opera, curd et studio L. U. Mangeant. folio, Parisiis, 1711. [A. 5. 18.] Gaudentii Sermones. Recensuit et Notis illustravit P. Galeardus. 4to. Patavii, 1720. [D. 3. L] Sixth Century. p. FuLGENTii (Episcopi Ruspensis) Opera Omnia. Quibus accessit S. Valeriani, Episcopi Cemeliensis Homilise XX. cum Epistola ad mo- nachos de Virtutibus et ordine Doctrinse Apostolicae. folio, Parisiis, 1623, [M. 12. 13.] Ennodii (Magni Felicis, Episcopi Ticinensis) Opera, cura Jacobi Sir- mondi. 8vo. Parisiis, 1611. [L. 19. 28.] Magni Aurelii Cassiodori Opera. 4to. Parisiis^ 1588. [L. 20. l.j Cassiodori Complexiones in Epistolas, Acta Apostolorum, et Apocalypsin. 12mo. FlorentiaB, 1721. [E. 18. 31.] Cassiodori Complexiones cura Samuelis Chandleri. 12mo. Londini, 1722. [E. 27. 37.'] Gregentii (Archiepiscopi Tephrensis) Disputatio cuin Herbano Judaeo. Gr. Lat. cum notis Nic. Gulonii. 8vo. Parisiis, 1586. [I. 15. 46.] Synesii, Episcopi Cyrenes, Opera Omnia, Grgece et Latine, a Dionysio Petavio. folio, Lutetise, 1612. [M. 12. 17-3 Leonis Magni, Romani Pontificis ejus norainis Primi, Opera Omnia. folio, Parisiis, 1614. [M. 10. 1.] Gregorii Papae I. cognomento Magni, Opera Omnia. 2 tomis, folio, Basiled, 1551. [M. 11. 5,6.] Gregorii Opera, folio, Parisiis, 1533. [M. 11. 14.] Gregorii Liber Cure Pastoralis. 8vo. Parisiis, m.t(.)rt. [K. 18. 39.] Gregorii Magni, Episcopi Romani, de Cura Pastorali Liber vere aureus, accurate emendatus, restitutus e Vet. MSS. cum Romana editione col- latis, et editus a Jeremia Stephano. 12mo. Londini, 1629. [K. 18. 46.] IsiDORi, Hispalensis Episcopi, Opera Omnia, cura Jacobi du Breful. folio, Parisiis, 1601. [K. 3. 22.] Isidori, Hispalensis Episcopi, Tractatus quatuor. 4to. Haganoae, 1519. [Ff. 7. 109.] 2. Modern Theologians. i. Scholastic Theologians ; or the Writings of the School- men, and of their Commentators. Textus Magistri Sententiarum [PETRI LOMBARDI]. 4to. Lugduni, 1527. [K. 19. 15 ] Petri Lombardi Libri Quatuor Sententiarum, quibus Universse Theologiae summam ex orthodoxorum patrum decrelis, canonibus, ac sententiis abunde complexus est. Ab Antonio Moncbialeno Demochare recog- niti. 8vo. Colonic, 1576. [M. 7. 32.] ^Egidii CoLUMNiE In secundum librum Sententiarum Quaestiones. folio, Venetiis, 1581. [H. 10. 4.] SCHOLASTIC THEOLOGIANS. 129 Angles (Joseph!) Flores Theologicarum Qusestionum in quartum librum Sententiarum. 8vo. Lugduni, 1586. [E. 16. 3.] Thoraae ab Argentina Commentaria in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum. folio, Venetiis, 1564. [H. 10. 12.] AuREOLij (Petri) Commentaria in primum et secundum librum Senten- tiarum. 2 tomis, folio, Romae, 1596-1605. [H. 11. 15-16.] Bachonis (Jo.) Quaestiones in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum et Quodlibe- tales. 2 tomis, folio, Cremonae, 1618. [H. 1. 3,4.] BiEL (Gabrielis) Super tertium Sententiarum. folio, Lugduni, 1519. [H. 5. 4.] Repertorium Generale in quatuor Collectoriis acutissimi ac profundissimi Theologi Gabrielis Biel super Quatuor Libros Sententiarum. folio, Lugduni, 1519. [H. 5. 3.] BoNAVENTURs; (Cavdinalis) Expositiones in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum. folio. Inter Operitm Tomos II. et IIL [H. 12. 2,8.] Deniise (Nicholai) Opus super Sententias. 8vo. Rothomagi, m. b. )C. [K. .18. 33.] Fabri (Philippi Faventini) Disputationes Tlieologicae in primum Librum Sententiarum. folio, Venetiis, 1619, [H. 10. 10.] Gregorii, Ariminensis Theologi exquisitissimi, Lectura super primo et secundo Sententiarum. folio, Venetiis, 1532. j^H. 10. 11.] GuiLLERMi Altissiodorensis Summa Aurea in Quatuor Libros Sententia- rum. 4to. Parisiis, 1550. [M. 9. 12.] Ricardi de Mediavilla super Quatuor Libros Sententiarum Petri Lom- bardi Questiones Subtilissimae : necnon conclusionibus, ac quotation- ibus ad singulas questiones adauctae, et illustratae, k Ludovico Silves- trio. 4 tomis, folio, Brixiae, 1591. [H. 3. 21-24.] Eximii Doctoris Magistri Nicolai de Orbellis super Sententias Compen- dium. 8vo. Parisiis, m.U.^bu. [K. 19. 29.] Durandi a Sancto Porciano in Sententias Theologicas Petri Lombard Commentariorum Libri IV. folio, Lugduni, 1595. QH. 11. 17.]- RicKEL (Dionysii, Carthusiani) In Quatuor Libros Sententiarum Com- raentarii locupletissimi. 4 tomis in 2 vols, folio, Venetiis, 1584. [K. 1. 22,23-] Soto (Dominici a) In quartum librum Sententiarum Commentarii. folio, Duaci, 1613. [H. 9. 6.] Alexandri de ALES, Doctoris Irrefragabilis, Summae Theologiae Pars Quarta. 2 tomis, folio, Venetiis, 1575. [H. 9. 14,15.] THOM^ AQUINATIS, Doctoris Angelici, Opera Omnia. 10 tomis in 13 vols, folio, Venetiis, 1593-94. [H. 12. 9-21.] Thomae Aquinatis Summa Totius Theologiae. folio, Genevae, 1526. [C. 4. 2.] Summa Totius Theologiae Thomae Aquinatis, cum Commentariis Thomse de Vio Cajetani, Cardinalis Sancti Xysti. Quibus accesserunt et alia; nempe Suppleraentum Tertise Partis ex y\uctoris potissimum scriptis collectum, deinde Quotlibeta ejusdem Auctoris, postremo Opus- cula ormiia ejusdem ThoraiE de Vio. 3 tomis, folio, Lugdu«i, 1580- 81. [H. 12. 5-7.] Exemplar aliud. Apud Aquinatis Operitm Tomos X.-XIII. [H. 12. 15-18.] K 130 RELIGION. Ambrosii (F.) Annotationes in Commentaria Cajetani Libri VI. 12mo. Lugduni, 1542. [G. 18. IS.] • Alvarez (Didaci) De Incarnatione Divini Verbi Disputationes LXXX. in quibus explicantur, et defenduntur, quae in tertia parte Summae Theologicae docet Sanctus Thomas k Quest. 1. usque ad 24. 4(to. Coloniie Agrippinae, 1621. [H. 6. 19.] Arragon (Petri de) In Secundam Secundse Divi Thoniae Commentaria de Justitia et Jure, folio, Lugduni, 1597. [H. 9. 12.] Bannez (Dominici) Scholastica Commentaria in universam Primam Partem Angelici Doctoris D. Thomse. 2 tomis, tblio, Venetiis, 1602. [H. 10. 1,2.] Cabrera (Petri de) Tertia Pars Divi Thomae, Commentyriis et Disputa- tionibus illustrata. folio, Cordubae, 1602. ^H. 5. 11.] Capreoli (Joannis) In Libros Sententiarum amplissimae Queestiones, pro tutela doctrina; S. Thomae adScholasticum certaraen egregie dispu- tatae. Edente Matthia Aquario. 2 tomis, folio, Venetiis, 1589. [H. 1. 1,2.] CuMEL (Francisci) Disputationes Variae ad Summam D. Aquinatis Theo- logiae. 3 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Lugduni, 1609. [H. 12. 22=] CuRiELis (Joannis) Lecturaj sen Quaestiones in D. Thomae Aquinatis Primam Secundae. folio, Duaci, 1618. [H. 12. 24.] EsTii (Guilielmi) In Quatuor Libros Sententiarum Commentaria: quibus pariter S. Thomae Summa? Theologicae partes omnes mirifice illustran- tur. 2 tomis, tblio, Duaci, 1616. [H. 11. 13-14.] Flandrii (Dominici) Doctrina D. Thomae in Duodecim Libros Metapby- sicse Aristotelis folio, Coloniae, 1611. [L. 3. 2.] Keilisoni (Matthei) Commentarii ac Disputationes in Tertiam Partem Summae TheoL)gicae S. Thomae Aquinatis. folio, Duaci, 1633. [H. 9. 10.] Medina (Bartbolomaei a) Expositio in Primam Secundae D. Thomae Aqui- natisj et in Tertiam D. 1 homae Partem, usque ad Queestionem sexa- gesimam. 2 tomis, folio, Venetiis, 1602. ^H. 10. 15,16.] SuAREz (Francisci) Opera ; Commentarios ac Disputationes in Summam Thonoae Aquinatis complectentia. 19 tomis, Moguntiae et Lugduni, 1604-28. [G. 12. 1-19.] TuRRiANi (Luisii) Disputationes in Secundam Secundae D. Thomte, de Fide, Spe, Charitate, et Prudentia. folio, Lugduni, 1617. []H. 9. 3.] Valentii (Gregorii de) Commentarii Theologici in Summam Thomae Aquinatis. 5 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1609-10. [H. 10. 18-22.] Vasciuez (Gabrielis) Commentarii ac Disputationes in Primam Partem S. Thomse. 2 tomis, folio, Ingolstadii, 1609. [K. 1. 8,9.] Vasquez (Gabrielis) Commentarii ac Disputationes in Primam Secundae S. Thomae. 2 tomis, folio, Ingolstadii, 1611-12. [K. 1. 13,12.] Vasquez (Gabrielis) Commentarii ac Disputationes in Tertiam Partem S. Thomae. 2 tomis, folio, Ingolstadii, 1610-12. [K. 1. 10,11.] Ysamberti (Nicolai) Disputationes in Tertiam Partem S. Thomae. 2 tomis, Parisiis, 1639. [M. 5. 24,25.] SCHOLASTIC THEOLOGIANS. 181 JoANNis DUNS ScoTi, Doctoris Subtilis, Quaestiones (quas Reportationes vocant) in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. 4 tomis in 3 vols, folio, Venetiis, 1597-98. [H. 10. 6-8.] PiTiGiANis (Francisci de) Summa Theologiae Speculative et Moralis, atque Commentaria Scholastica in Quartum Librum Sententiarum Doc- toris Subtilis Johannis Duns, Scoti. folio, Venetiis, 1618. [H. 10, 5.] Rada (Joannis de) Controversiae Theologicae inter S. Thomani el Scotum super Quatuor Libros Sententiarum. 2 tomis, 4to. Colonise, 1619. [C. 1. 9,10.] Exemplar aliud. 2 tomis in 1 vol. 4to. Colonise, 1620. [C. 10. 15.] Tabtareti (Petri) Comraentaria sive (ut vocant) Reportata in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum et Quodlibeta Joannis Duns Scoti. folio, Vene- tiis, 1607. [H. 10. 3.] Alberti Magni (Ratisponensis Episcopi) Duae Partes Summae : 1. De quatuor Co-a?vis ; 2. De Homine. Una cum additionibus editis k Marco Antonio Zimara. folio, Venetiis, m.U.Vtli^. [M. 4. 14.] Antonini (Archipra?sulis Florentini) Summa Major et Aurea ; cui praemit- titur Johannis Molitoris Kegistrum, sive Tabula Quintuplex. 4 tomis, folio, m.tJ.v. [M. 19. 10-13.] Briardi (Joannis) Quaestiones Quodlibeticae. folio, Parisiis, 1527. [G. 6. 18.] Castan^i (Henrici-Ludovici) Celebriorum Distinctionum turn Philoso- phicarum tum Theologicarum Synopsis, folio, Augustoriti Pictonum, 1619. [H. 11. 1.] Crespetii (Petri) Summa Catliolicse Fidei, Apostolicse Doctrinse et Eccle- siasticae Disciplinae, necnon totius Juris Canonici. folio. Lugduni, 1598. [H 3. 17.] GoETHALs (Henrici) Aurea Quodlibeta. 2 tomis, folio, Venetiis, 1613. [H. 10. 13,14.] Subtilissima Hervei, Natalis Britonis, Theologi acutissimi, Quodlibeta Undecim, cum octo ipsius profundissirais tractatibus. folio, Venetiis, 1517. [H. 9. 1.] Liberii de Sancto A more [Joannis Clerici] Epistolae Theologicas in quibus varii Scholasticorum Errores castigantur. 12mo. Irenopoli, 1679. [R. 21. 53.^ MoLiNiEi(Lodovici)De Justitiaet Jure. 2 tomis, folio, Coloniae. 1613-14. [H. 9. 4,5.] Segusio (Henrici a, Cardinalis Hostiensis) Aurea Summa, cum Nicolai Superantii adnotationibus. folio, Coloniae, 1612. [H. 2. 13.] SiLVESTRiNA SujUMA, a patre Sylvestro edita. folio, Antwerpise, 1581. [H 2. 17.] Soto (Dominici a) De Justitia et Jure, folio, Lugduni, 1582. [H. 9. 11.] TuRRiANi (Luisii) Disputationes Selecta* in Theoloifiam Scholasticam, Positivam, et Moralem. folio, Lugduni, 1634. [M. 5. 7.] TwissE (Gulielmi) Dissertatio de Scientia Media ; adversus Gabrielem Penottum et Franciscum Suaresium. folio, Arnhemii, 1639. [L. 10. 21.] K 2 im HELlGiON. ii. Works of Divines of the Greek Church. AIaximi Confessoris Opera, Grsece et Latine, cura P'rancisci Combefisii. 2 tomis, Parisiis, 1675. [G. 13. 12.] Maximi, Confessoris et Martyris, Varia Capitula turn Theologica turn Oeconomica, de Virtute et Vitio. Gr. Lat. 8vo. Parisiis, 1560. [L. 18. 5.] Anastasii Sinaitae O^j/yoc, seu Dux Vise, adversus Acephalos. Grsece et Latine. Opera Jacobi Gretseri. 4to. Ingolstadii, 1606. [L. 20. 25.] Abucah^e (Theodori) Tractatus de Unione et Incarnatione, cum notis Andreas Arnoldi. 8vo. \_ad calcem Athanasii Syntagmatis Doctrince.'\ [F. 18. 27.] JoANNis Damasceni Opera Omnia. Greece et Latine. Item Joannis Cassiani Eremitae, non prorsus dissimilis argumenti, Libri aliquot, folio, Basileae, 1575, [M. 12. 2.] Joannis Damasceni Opera, Grsece et Latine, cum notis M. Le Quien. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1712. [A. 4:. 12,13.] PiiOTii Patriarchse Constantinopolitani Nomo-Canon, cum Commentariis Theodori Balsamonis. Grsece et Latine. Interprete H. Agylseo, 4to. Parisiis, 1615. [L. 20. 21.] Photii Myrobiblion ; sive Bibliotheca Librorum, quos Photius Patriarchs Constantinopolitanus legit et censuit. Grasce et Latine. Cum Notis et Scholiis Davidis Hoeschelii et Andrete Schotti. folio, Genevae, 1611. [K. 3. 21.] Petri Siculi Historia de Manichaeorum Haeresi. Grsecfe et Latinfe, a Mattha-o Radero. 4fto. Ingolstadii, 1604. [S. 1. 2.] Mauropii (Joannis, Metropolitani Euchaitensis) Versus lambici in prin- cipalium festorurn pictas in tabulis Historias, atque alia varia com- posita. Gra^ce. Cura Mattha^i Busti. 4to. Etonse, 1610. [F. 14. 27.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. EtouJE, 1610. [S. 1. 11.] Theophylacti (Archiepiscopi Bulgarice) Horologium, Greece. 18mo. Venetiis, 16—. [D. 17. 45.] iii. Works of Divines of the Latin or Romish Church. Venerabilis BedjE Opera, quotquot reperiri potuerunt, Omnia. 8 tomis in 3 vols, folio. [Desunt tomi IV. et V.] Coloniae, 1612. [M. 13. 17, 19.] Bedas Operum Tomus Septimus, in quo Conciones et Scripta alia con- tinentur. folio, Basilese, 1573. [I. 11. 17.] Bedae Historiae Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorura Libri V. folio, Can- tabrigia;, 1643. [L 12. 18.] Bedae Historia Ecclesiastica. folio, Cantabrigiae, 1644. [I. 12. 19.] Bedae Historia Ecclesiastica, cum reliquis ejus Operibus Historicis, cura et studio Joannis Smith, folio, Cantabrigice, 1712. [H. 13. 23.] Bedae Historia Ecclesiastica. folio. Inter Scriptores Rerum Britanni- canm. [D. 10. 2.] DIVINES OF THE LATIN CHURCH. 133 Flacci Albini, sive Alchvvini Abbatis, Opera Omnia, studio- Andreas Quercetani. folio, Parisiis, 1517. [M. 11. 4.] HiNCMARi (Rhemensis Archiepiscopi) Opuscula, et Epistolae. — Acces- serunt Nicolai Papae I. et aliorum ejusdem a:vi quaedam Epistolae et Scripta. 4to. Parisiis, 1615. [L. 20. 17.] Rabani Mauri (Magnentii, Archiepiscopi Moguntini) Opera Omnia. 6 tomis in 3 vols, folio, Colonise, 1527-26. [M. 11. 11-13.] Radberti (Paschasii, Abbatis Corbiensis) Opera, folio, Parisiis, 1618. [L. 3. 21.] Anselmi (Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis) Opera Omnia. Studio et curd Joannis Picardi. 4 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Coloniae, 1612. [G. 12. 23.] Sancti Anselmi, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi, Opera: necnon Eadmeri, monachi Cantuariensis, Historia Novorum et alia Opuscula. Lahore ac Studio D. Gabrielis Gerberon, monachi Congregations S. Mauri, folio, Lutetise Parisiorum, 1721. [H. 13. 22.] Brunonis, Carthusianorum Patriarchae, Opera Omnia. 2 tomis, folio, Venetiis, 1651. [M. 9. 5,6.] Vaticinia, sive Prophetiae Abbatis Joachimi et Anselmi Episcopi Mar- sicani; cum Praefatione et Adnotationibus Paschalini Regiselmi. — Va- ticinii overo Profetie dell' Abbate Gioachimo et Anselmo Vescovo da Marsico ; con la Prefatione et Annotatione di Pasqualino Regiselmo. Latine et Italice. 4to. Venetiis, 1589. [C. 1. 31.] RupERTi (Abbatis Monasterii Tvitiensis) Opera Omnia. 2 tomis, folio, Coloniae, 1502. [M. 10. 3,4.] Bernards, Claraevallensis Abbatis, Opera Omnia, folio, Parisiis, 1521. [M. 11. 18.] Bernardi Opera, folio, Parisiis, 1602. [G. 13. 19.] Bernardi Opera. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1719. [F. 5. 13,14.] Bernardi Florum Libri Decem. 12mo. [Ff. 8. 79.] ThoMjE Aquinatis Opera Omnia. 13 tomis, folio, Venetiis, 1593-1594. [H. 12. 9-21.] ALVERNi(Gulielmi, Episcopi Parisiensis) Opera Omnia. 2 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Venetiis, 1591. [L. 3. 15.] BelI/Armini (Roberti, Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis) Opuscula. 2 toraisi folio, Coloniae, 1617. [H. 11. 12.] Berchori (Petri) Opera Omnia. 3 tomis in 2 vols, folio, Colonise, 1620. [I. 3. 6,7.] BoNiE (Joannis, Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis) Opera. 4to. Antverpiae, 1677. [H. 5. 36.] BonaventurjE (Joannis Fidanzae, Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis, Episcopi Albanensis) Opera. 7 tomis in 4 vols, folio, Moguntiae, 1609. [H. 12. 1-4.] Cani (Melchioris) Opera. 8vo. Coloniae, 1605. [K. 18. 34.] Cassandri (Georgii) Opera Omnia, folio, Parisiis, 1616. [M. 19. 4.] Clemangis (Nicolai) Opera Omnia, cura Johannis Martini Lydii. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1613. [H. 6. 14.] Contareni (Gasparis, Cardinalis) Opera Omnia, folio, Venetiis, 1689. [L. 3. 8.] 134 RELIGION. CovARRUVii (Didaci, Episcopi Segobiensis) Opera Omnia, folio, Ant- verpise, 1638. [E. 12. 22.] CusA (Nicolai de, Cardinalis) Opera, folio, Basilese, 1565. [H. 10. 17.] Damiani (Petri, Romanae Ecclesias Cardinalis, Episcopi Ostiensis) Opera Omnia, folio, Lugduni, 1523. [M. 11. 8.] Driedonis (Joannis) Opera. 4 tomis in 2 vols, folio, Lovanii, 1566-72. [H. 5. 1,2.] EsPENC^i (Claudii) Opera Omnia, folio, Parisiis, 1619. [L. 3. 14.] Garnerii (Joannis) Opera Posthuma. folio, Francopoli, 1685. [I. 5. 29.] Gersonii (Joannis) Opera. 2 tomis, folio, Parisiis, 1606. [I. 11. 3,4.] HuGONis DE S. VicTORE Opera Omnia. 3 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Mo- guntise, 1517. [M. 11. 15.] Innocentii Papce III. Opera Omnia. 2 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Coloniae, 1575. [M. 9. 13.] JusTiNiANi (Laurentii, Propatriarchae Veneti) Opera Omnia, folio. Co- lonise, 1616. [M. 3. 19.] Launoii (Joannis) Opuscula. 8vo. Parisiis, 1660. [C. 15. 23.'] Pererii (Valentini) Opera Theologica Omnia, folio, Colonize, 1620. [L.2. 1.] Philippi (Abbatis Bonse Spei) Opera Omnia, folio, Duaci, 1521. [M. 9. 11.] RiCARDi Sancti Victoris, Opera Omnia. 2 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Venetiis, 1592. [M. 9. 14.] Stapletoni (Thomas) Opera Theologica. 4 tomis, folio, Lutetiae, 1620. [H. 11. 3-6.] Steuchi Eugubini (Augustini) Opera Omnia. 3 tomis, folio, Venetiis, 1591. [M. 5. 4,5,6.] Suarez (Francisci) Varia Opuscula Theologica. folio, Moguntiae, 1612. [G. 12. 17.] Tostati (Alphonsi, Abulensis Episcopi) Opera Omnia, cum Indice Fran- cisci Fontani. 13 tomis, folio, Coloniae, 1613. [K. 5. 1-13.] Vavassoris (Francisci) Opera Omnia, folio, Amstelodami, 1709. [G. 4. 24.] iv. Woj'ks of Divines of the Reformed or Protestant Churches. (1) Works of British Protestant Divines. THE FATHERS OF THE ENGLISH CHURCH: or a Selection from the Writings of the Relbrraersand early Protestant Divines of the Church of England. [Edited, with Memorials of their Lives and Writings, by the Rev. Leigh Richmond.] 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1807-12. [Ff. 5. 48-55.] Another Copy. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1807-12. [Ff. 5. 56-63.] Sj/llabus. Vol. I. Various Tracts and Extracts from the Works of William Tindale, John Frith, Patrick Hamilton, George Joy, and Robert Barnes. BRITISH PROTESTANT DIVINES. 135 Vol. II. Various Tracts and Extracts from tlie Works of Lancelot Ridley and Hugh Latimer ; also the Catechism of King Edward VI. Vol. III. Various Tracts and Extracts from the Works of Thomas Cranmer. Vol. IV. Various Tracts and Extracts from the Works of Nicholas Ridley, John Clement, &c. John Philpot, John Rogers, and William Turner. Vol. V. Various Tracts and Extracts from the Works of Bishop Hooper. Vol. VI. The Works of John Bradford and Lawrence Saunders ; with an Appendix, comprising the Life and Remains of Lady J'ane Grey. Vol. VII. Various Tracts and Extracts from the Works of John Jewell, Bishop of Salisbury. Vol. VIII. Nowell's Catechism; Archbishop Parker's Prefaces to the Bible; Various Tracts annexed to the Geneva Bible, &c. ; Haddon and Fox against Osorius ; and A Spiritual and moat Precious Pearl. Becon — The Thyrd Part of the Bookes which Thomas Becon hath hytherto made, now first of all published^ and set forth in printe this present yeare of our Lorde 1663. folio. ' [C. 5. 25.] Adam (Thomas) Works. 3 vols. 8vo. York, 1786, [Ff. 6. 2-4.] Another Copy. Vols. I. and II. Svo. York, 178^:^ [Ff. 7. 1,2.] Babington (Gervaise, Bp. of Worcester) Works, folio, London, 1637. [D. 13. 22.] Barrow (Isaac) Works. 4 vols, folio, London, 1686-7. [E. 5. 2-5.] Baxter (Richard) Practical Works, 4 vols, folio, London, 1707. [K. 23. 1-4.] *Beveridge (Wm. Bishop of St. Asaph) Works : with a Memoir of the Autlior, and a Critical Examination oC his Writings, by Thomas Hart- well Home, M. A. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Bingham (Joseph) Works. 2 vols, folio, London, 1726. [R. 2. 14,15.] Blackbukne (Francis, Arclideacon of Cleveland) Theologicd and Mis- cellaneous Works. With Life, by his Son. 8vo. 7 vols. London, 1804. [Ff. 7. 8-14] Bolton (Robert) Works. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1641-39. [K. 26. 11-12.] Boyle (Hon. Robert) Theological Works, epitomized by Richard Boulton. 3 vols. 8vo, London, 1715. [R. 10. 51-53.] Bramhall (John, Archbp. of Armagh) Works, folio, Dublin, 1677. [B. 3. 24.] BuNYAN (John) Works. Eight Parts, (incomplete.) folio, London, 1768. [Ff. 3. 45-52.] •Cecil (Richard) Works : edited, with a Memoir, by Josiah Pratt, B. D. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1812. Charnock (Stephen) Works, folio, 2 vols. London, 1682-4. [K. 23. 5,6.'] Chi£lingworth (William) Works, folio, London, 1 742. [R. 2. 20.] 136 RELIGION. Clarke (Samuel) Works. 4 vols, folio, London, 1738. [N. 3. 31-34.] Emlyn (Thomas) Works and Life. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1746-42. [D. 24. 26-28.] Flavel (John) Works, folio, Edinburgh, 1731. [K. 23. 9.] Goodwin (Thomas) Works. 5 vols, folio, London, 1681-1704. [H. 23. 14-18.] Gregorie (John) Works. 4to. London, 1674. [R. 8. 27.] Another Copj'. 4to. London, 1665. [B. 7. 40.] Posthuma; or Certain Learned Tracts. 4to. London, 1656. [D. 19. 20.] Hall (Joseph, Bp. of Norwich) Works. 2 vols, folio, London, 1 640-47. [H. 23. 12,13.] . Another Copy, folio, London, 1647. [D. 13. 26.] Hammond (Henry) Works, folio, 4 vols. London, 1674-75-84. [The Paraphrase and Annotations on the Psalms are wanting.] [N. 3. 1-4.] Works, Vol. I. folio, London, 1674. [E. 11. 9.] Works, Vol. II. folio, London, 1684. [G. 13. 22.] Hervey (James) Works, Vols. II. IV. and VL 8vo. Edinburgh, 1769. [Ff. 7. 111-113.] HoADLY (Benjamin, Bishop of Winchester) Works. 3 vols, folio, Lon- don, 1773. [Q. 1. 5-7.] Hooker (Richard) Works, folio, London, 1723. [R. 1. 23.] Hopkins (Ezekiel, Bishop of London-Derry) Works. folio, London, 1701. [K. 24. 12.] *Horne (George, Bishop of Norwich) Works : with a Life by Wm. Jones, M. A. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1809. An Abstract of the Works of John Hutchinson ; being a Summary of his Discoveries in Philosophy and Divinity. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1753. [R. 20. 42.] Proposals for printing by Subscription the Works of Mr. Hutchinson, together with all his Manuscripts, in Twelve Volumes. 8vo. London, 1748. [P. 165. (13.)] Jackson (Thomas) Works. 3 vols, folio, London, 1673. [B. 2. 14-16.] Jewell (John, Bp. of Salisbury) Works, folio, London, 1609. [Ff 3. 4.] ■ . Another Copy, folio, London, 1611. [Ff. 2. 10.] *JoNEs (William) Theological, Philosophical and Miscellaneous Works; with a Life by Wm. Stevens. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1801. Lardner (Nathaniel) Works, with his Life by Dr. Kippis. 11 vols. 8vo. London, 1788. [C. 24. 1-11.] Another Copy. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1815. [Bb. 2. 29-33.] Leighton (Robert, Abp. of Glasgow) Expository Works and other Re- mains. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1748. • [Ff. 6, 44,45.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1777. [Ff. 7. 131,132.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1777. [K. 26. 5,6.1 Select Works. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1758. [K. 26, 7.] BRITISH PROTESTANT DIVINES. 137 LiQHTFOOT (John) Works, with his Life, edited by George Bright and John Strype. 2 vols, folio, London, 1684. [N. 3. 9,10.] Lightfoot (John) Genuine Remains. 4to. London, 1700. [K. 15. 6.] *Lightfoot (John) Whole Works, edited by J. R. Pitman, M. A. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1822-25. Maclean (Archibald) Theological Works, 6 vols. 12mo. Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1797-1805-11-17. [li. 2. 31-36.] Mede (Joseph) Works. 4to. London, 1648. [B. 17. 19.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1664. [Ff, 2. 12.] Two other Copies, folio, London, 1672. < k-pr a *i i i MiDDLETON (Conyers) Works. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1752. [G. 9. 12-15.] Newton (Thomas, Bishop of Bristol) Works ; with some account of his Life written by himself. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1782. [A. 12. 46-48.] Newton (John) Works, 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. Perkins (William) Works. 3 vols, folio, Cambridge, 1612. [B. 3. 21-23.] *PoRTEUS (Beilby, Bishop of London) Works, with Life by R. Hodgson, M. A. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1811. Potter (John, Archbp. of Canterbury) Theological Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1753. [D. 25. 19,20.] Reynolds (Edward, Bishop of Norwich) Works, folio, London, 1679. [K. 23. 6.] *Secker (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury) Works, with a Life by Beilby Porteus, D.D. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. *ScoTT (Thomas) Works, [Edited by John Scott, M. A.] 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. *Skelton (Philip) Works, with Life by R. Lynam, M. A. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Skinner (John) Theological Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1809. [Hh. 3. 4,5.] Stillingfleet (Edward, Bp. of Worcester,) Works. 6 vols, folio, London, 1710. [1.4.20-5.] Taylor (Jeremy, Bp. of Down and Connor) A Collection of Theological Discourses. 2 vols, folio, London, 1674. [R. 2. 12,13.] *Taylor (Jeremy) Whole Works : with a Life of the Author, and a Cri- tical Examinaticn of his Writings by Reginald Heber, D.D. [Bishop of Calcutta.] 15 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. *Tillotson (John, Archbishop of Canterbury) Works ; with Life by Thomas Birch, M. A. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1820. Toplady (Augustus Montague) Works. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1794. [Hh. 3. 17-22.] Warburton (Wm. Bishop of Gloucester) Works, edited by Bishop Hvird. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1788. [D. 23. 11-17.] Another Copy. 12 vols. 8vo. J^ondon, 1811. [Ff. 4. 19-30.] *Waterland (Daniel) Works ; with a Life, and a Critical Examination of his Writings by William Van Mildert, D. D. Bishop of LlandafF. 11 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1823. 188 RELIGION. Weemse (John) Works. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1636. [E. 20. 9-12.] White (John) Works, folio, London, 1624. [B. 4. 2.] Whitefield (George) Works. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1771-2. [Hh. 2. 17-22.] Wilson (Thomas, Bp. of Sodor and Man) Works ; with his Life, com- piled from authentic Papers by the Rev. C. Crutwell. 2 vols, in 1, folio, Bath, 1782. [A. 12. 16.] WiTHERSPOON (John) Theological Works. 9 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1804. [Ee. 4. 49-57.] Andrews (Lanceloti, Episcopi Wintoniensis) Opuscula quaedam Post- huma. 4to. Londini, 1629. [C. 10. 32.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1629. [N. 6. 39.] BuLLii (Georgii, Episcopi Menevensis) Opera Omnia Latina. folio, Londini, 1703. [R. 3. 7.] Pearsonii (Johannis, Episcopi Cestriensis) Opera. 4to. Londini, 1688. [H. 5. 34.] Wardi (Samuelis) Opera Theologica. folio, Londini, 1658. [L. 9. 20.] (2) Works of Foreign Protestant Divines. Opera Omnia Reverendi Patris D. MARTINI LUTHERI. 4 tomis, folio, Jense, 1600-3-12-11. [Cc. 2. 1-4.] Martini Lutheri Opera. 7 tomis, folio, Witebergae, 1582. [M. 3. 5-11.] *Joannis Calvini Opera Omnia. 9 tomis, folio, Amstelodami, 1671. Melancthonis (Phihppi) Opera Omnia. 5 tomis, folio, Witebergae, 1601. [D. 13. 9-13.] Zanchii (Hieronymi) Opera Theologica. 7 tomis in 3 vols, foho, apud Stephanum Gamonetum, 1605. [M. 3. 22-24.] ZuiNGLii (Huldrichi) Opera, partim quidem ab ipso conscripta Latine, partim vero e vernaculo sermone in Latinum translata. foho, 3 vols. Tiguri, 1581. [K. 4. 6-8.] Arminii (Jacobi) Opera Theologica. 4to. Lug, Bat. 1629. [L. 19. 5.] Fraxinii CLibertiJ Specimen Notarum in Loca qucedain Jacobi Arminii et Interpretis ejus Johannis Arnoldi. 4to. Amstelodami, 1619. [L. 19. 22.] Episcopii (Simonis) Opera Theologica. 2 tomis, folio, Goudse. [C. 11. 26,27.] Bocharti (Samuelis) Opera Omnia, operd et studio Johannis Leusden et Petri de Villalmandy. folio, 3 tomis. Lug. Bat. 1712. [R. 2. 9-11.] Brentii (Joannis) Opera Omnia. 8 tomis in 7 vols, folio, Tubingas, 1576-78-84-90. [M. 4. 18-24.] Cameronis (Joannis) Opera Omnia, folio, Genevae, 1642. [L. 13. 12.] CoccEii (Joannis) Opera omnia Theologica, Exegetica, Didactica, Pole- mica, Philologica. 10 tomis folio, Amstelaedanii, 1701. [Bb. 1. 10-19.] Cocceii (Joannis) Opera Anecdota, Theologica et Philologica. 2 tomis, folio, Amstelodami, 1706. [Bb. 1.20,21.] FOREIGN PROTESTANT DIVINES. 139 CuRCELL^i (Stepliani) Opera Theologica. folio, Amstelodami, 1675. [F. 13. 2.] Dan^i (Lamberti) v'.)puscula omnia Theologica. folio, Genevae, 1583. [L. 13. 13.] FiscHERii (Joannis) Opera, folio, Wirceburgi, 1597. [H. 9. 17.] GoMARi (Francisci) Opera Theologica Omnia. 3 vols, folio, Amstelor dami, 1644. [L. 13. 14-16.] Grotii (Hiigonis) Opera Omnia Theologica. 3 tomis in 4 vols, folio, Amstelsedami, 167!'. [N. 3. 5-8-] Grotii (Htigonis) Opuscula diversa Theologica (Operum tomus tertius). folio, Amstelaedami, 1679. [Ff. 2. 8.] Hemmingii (Nicolai) Opuscula Theologica. folio. Apud Eustathium Vignon, 1586. [G. 4. 16.] Exemplar aliud. folio, 1586. [L. 1 1. 14.] HuNNii (iEgidii) Opera Omnia. 5 tomis, folio. Witebergae, 1607-8-9. [M. 3. 13-17.] JuNii (Francisci) Opera Theologica. 2 tomis, folio. Ex OJicina Sanctan- dreana, 1608. [L. 13. 10,11.] MuscuLi (Wolfgangi) Opera Theologica. folio, Basileae, 1560. [L. 11,22.] RlVETi (Andreae) Opera Theologica, quae Latin^ edidit. 2 tomis, folio, Roterodami, 1562. [L. 11.9,10.] Rivii (Joannis) Opera, folio. Augustae-Munatianae, 1614. [M. 4. 15.] Sadeelis (Antonii Chandei) Opera Theologica. folio, Genevae, 1597. [L. 13. 9.] Spanhemii (Friderici) Theologica Scripta omnia, Exegetico-Didactico- Elenctica. folio. Inttr Operum Tom. III. [Ff. 1. 16.j TuRRETiNi (Joh. Alphonsi) OpuScula. 2 tomis, 8vo. Brunsvigae, [R. 7. 27,28.] Ursini (Zachariae) Opera Theologica. 3 tomis in 2 vols, folio, Hei- delbergae, 169^?. [L 10. 1,2.] Wal^i (Antonii) Opera Omnia, folio. Lug. Bat. 1643. [L. 5. 28.] ZiEGLERi (Jacobi) Opera Theologica. folio, Basileae, 1540. QL. 10. 19.] Socinian Writers. Fratrum Polonorum (ut vocantur) Opera Omnia. 8 vols, folio, Irenopoli, 1656. [G. 10. 14-21.] V. Systematic Theology. 1. Doctrinal or Dogmatic Divinity. i. Courses, Systems, General and Elementary Ti^eatises of Divinity. NicETyE Choniat^ Thesaurus Orthodoxae Fidei. Latine, a Petro Morello. 8vo. 1592. [L. 18. 9.] A Dictionary of all Religions- 8vo. London, 1723. [D. 22. 5.] 140 RELIGION. Allen (Robert) The Doctrine of the Gospel by a plain and familiar In- terpretation of the Points or Articles thereof, folio, London, 1606. [C. 10. 1.] Alstedii (Jo. Hen.) Synopsis Theologise. 18mo. Hanoviae, 1627. [E. 8. 30.] Altingii (Henrici) Theologia Elenchtica ; sive Systema Elcnchticum publicis Praelectionibus propositum. 4to. Amstelodami, 1654. [1.19.1.] Amesii (Gulielmi) Medulla Theologica. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1628. [E. 17. 23.] Amesii (Gul.) Medulla Theologiae. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1652. [L. 18. 17.] Aretii (Benedicti) Problemata Theologiae, continentia praecipuos nostras Religionis Locos, brevi et dilucida ratione explicatos. 2 tomis, 8vo. Morgiis, 1580. [H. 8. 14,15.] Arriba (Francisci de) Variarum DifBciliumque Speculativae Theologiae Qusestionum Libri Quatuor. 4to. Parisiis, 1623. [C. 1. 11 J Baxter (Richard) Catholic Theologie. folio, London, 1675. [H. 23. 5.] RoBOTHAMi (Caroli) Disquisitio in Hypothesin Baxterianam de Foedere Gratice. 12mo. Londini, 1694^. . [M. 18. 29.] Bello-Visu (Armandi de) Explicationes Terminorum Theologicorum, Philosophicorum, et Logicorum. 8vo. Witebergs, 1607. [K. 17.17.] Bernard (Richard) Thesaurus Biblicus, seu Promptuarium Sacrum, folio, Londini, 1661. [C. 4. 21.] Brochmand (Casp. Erasmi) Systema Universae Theologiae. 3 tomis, 4to. Lipsiae, 1633. [L 20. 16-18.] BuLKELEY (Charles) The Oeconomy of the Gospel. 4to. London, 1764. [R. 17. 18.] BuLLENGERi (Petri) Institutiones Christianee. 8vo. Parisiis, 1560. [K. 8. 4.] Burnet (Thomas) The Sacred Theory of the Earth. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1699. [A. 18. 41,42.] Burnet (Thomae) De Fide et Officiis Christianorum Liber posthumus. 8vo. Londini, 1718. [A. 18. 95.] Calovii (Abrahami) Theologia Naturalis et Revelata, secundum tenorem Augustanae Confessionis. 4to. Lipsiae, 1646. [L 20. 25.] Calvini (Johannis) Institutio Christianae Religionis. folio, Genevae, 1590. [Ff. 3. 1.] Calvini (Johannis) Institutio Christianas Religionis. foho, Genevae, 1592. [L. 12. 4.] Calvini (Johannis) Institutio Christianae Religionis. folio, Lug. Bat. 1654. ■ [N. 3. 13.] Canisii (Petri) Summa Doctrinae Christianae. folio, Parisiis, 1585. [C. 4. 18.] Canisii (Petri) Summa Doctrinae Christianae. 12mo. Antwerpiae, 1587. [D. 17. 15.] Canisii (Petri) Summa Doctrinae Christianae. folio, Coloniae, 1677. [L. 3. 12.] COURSES AND SYSTEMS OF DIVINITY. 141 Carbonis (Ludovici) Introductio in Sacram Theologiam. 8vo. Venetiis^ 1589. [K. 19. 22.] Cheyne (George) Philosophical Principles of Religion^ Natural and Re- vealed. 8vo. London, 1715. [D. 6. 23.] CoMBis (Joannis de) Compendium Totius Theologicae Veritatis. 12mo. Geneva?, 1609. [E. 8. 1.] Craig (Johannis) Theologiae Christianae Principia Mathettiatica. 4to. Londini, 1699. [M. 20. 4.] Davenantii (Joannis, Episcopi Sarisburiensis) Determinationes Quses- tionum quarundum Theologicarum. folio, Cantabrigiag, 1634. [L. 10. 24.] ' Praelectiones Theologicae de Judice Controversiarum et d6 Justitia habituali et actuali. folio, Cantabrigize, 1631. [L. 9. 18.] Doddridge (Philip) A Course of Lectures on the Principal Subjects in Pneumatology, Ethics, and Divinity, with References to the most con- siderable Authors on each subject. 4to. London, 1763. [Ff. 8. 141.] Edwards (Jonathan) A History of the Work of Redemption ; containing the Outlines of a Body of Divinity in a Method entirely new. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1788. [E. 25. 29.] Feugerii (Gulielmi) Propheticas et Apostolicae, id est, totius Divinae ac Canonica; Scripturae Thesaurus ; in Locos Communes Rerum, Dog- raatum suis Exemplis illustratorum, et Phrase6)n Scripturae familia- rium, ordine alphabetico digestus. folio, BernjE, 1610. [I. 13. 6.] Fleming (Caleb) A Scale of First Principles, Religious and Moral. 8vo. London, 1755. [P. 333. (7-)] FoRBKsii (Joannis) Instructiones Historico-Theologicae de Doctrina Chris- tiana, folio, Amstelodami, 1645. [C 4. 6.] Exemplar aliud. Inter Operum Tom. \\. [E. 5. 14.] Gastrell (Francis, Bishop of Chester) Christian Institutes ; or, the Sin- cere Word of God, collected out of the Old and New Testaments, digested under proper Heads, and delivered in the very words of Scrip- ture. 8vo. London, 1709. [C. 19. 2.] Gastrell (Francis) Christian Institutes. 8vo. London, 1721. [D. 21. 7.] Gerhardi (Joannis) Loci Theologici, cum pro adstruenda veritate, turn pro destruenda quorumvis contradicentium falsitate. 9 tomis, 4to. Jenae, 1628. [I. 19. 5-13.] Gerhardi (Joannis) Exegesis ; sive Uberior Explicatio Articulorum de Scriptura Sacra, de Deo, et de Persona Christi. 4to. Jenaj, 1625. [I. 19. 4.] GoKZALEz (Joannis de) Nov-Antiqua Comparationum vel Similium Sylva: ex Sacra Scriptura, SS. Patribus, aliisque decerpta, Alphabeto Locorum Conimunium digesta. 8vo. Coloniae, 1611. [G. 19. 19.] Hatton (Robert) The Summe of Divinity, drawen out of the Holy Scrip- ture ; drawen out of Latin into English. 8vo. London, 1567. [I. 18. 32.] Hey (John) Heads of a Course of Lectures in Divinity. 8vo. Cambridge, 1783. [Hh. 4. 40.] Another Copy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1792. [H. 3. 34,] RELIGION. Hey (John) Lectures in Divinity, delivered in the University of Cam- bridge. 4 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1796. [Ff. 6. 60-63.] HoLDSwoRTH (Richardi) Praelectiones Theologicse habitae in CoUegio Greshamensi. folio, Londini, 1661. [E. 9. 23.'] Jebb (John) A Short Account of his Theological Lectures at Cambridge ; to which is added, a new Harmony of the Gospels. 4to. Cambridge, 1772. [Hh. 1. 42.] Keckekmanni (Bartholomeei) Systema SS. Theologise. 8vo. Hanoviae, 1602. [E. 16. 25.] Law (Edmund, Bishop of Carlisle) Considerations on the Theory of Re- ligion. 8vo. London, 17G5. [E. 21. 13.] Le Blanc (Ludovici) Theses Theologicae, variis temporibus in Academia Sedanensi editae, et ad disputandum propositse. folio, Londini, 1675. [L 13. 14.] Leighton (Roberti, Archiepiscopi Glasguetisis) Praelectiones Theologicae, in Auditorio Publico Academiae Edinburgenae (dum Professoris Pri- marii munere ibi fungeretur) habitae. 4to. Londini, 1693. [E. 15. 24.] Leighton (Roberti) Praelectiones Theologicae. 4to. Londini, 1701. [K. 26. 9.] Leighton (Robert) Theological Lectures, read in the Public Hall of the University of Edinburgh. Translated from the Latin. 8vo. London, 1763. [K. 26. 8.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1763. [Ff. 7- 133.] LiMBORCH (Philippi a) Theologia Christiana, ad Praxin Pietatis ac Pro- motionem Pacis Christiance unice directa. 4to. Amstelodami, 1686. [H. 5. 29.] Limborch (Philippi h) Theologia Christiana, folio, Amstelodami, 1720. [E. 9. 25.] Limborch (Philippi h) Spicilegium Theologiae Christianae. Edidit Adria- nus a Cattenburgh. folio, Amstelodami, 1726. [E. 2. 8.] LoARTE (Gaspar) Essercitio della Vita Christiana ; dove si contengono le cose che debbe fare chi vuol vivere Christianamente. 24mo. Vine- gia, 1575. [H. 17. 50.] Loci Communes D. Martini Lutheri. ex Scriptis ipsius Latinis forma gnomologica et aphoristica collecti, et in quinque classes distributi k Theodosio Fabricio. 4to. Londini, 1651. [L 20. 15.] LuciNi (vel Lukin, H,) Lucrum Hominis Praecipuum ; sive de Religione Tractatus. Lingua Latina donavit Simon Priest. 18mo. Oxoniae, 1705. [A. 19. 75.] • Exemplar aliud. 18mo. Oxoniae, 1705. [K. 16. 17.] Marty Ris (Petri) Loci Communes, ex variis ipsius scriptis in unum librum collecti, et in quatuor classes distributi. foho, Heidelbergae, 1603. [L. 12. 21.] Marsh (Herbert, Bishop of Peterborough) A Course of Lectures, con- taining a Description and Systematical Arrangement of the several Branches of Divmity. Parts I. to IV. 8vo. Cambridge, 1809-16. , [Hh. 2. 28.1 *Marsh (Herbert) A Course of Lectures in Divinity. Parts V.-VIL 8vo. Cambridge, 1817-23. Melanchthonis (Philippi) Loci Communes Rerum Theologicarum, seu Hypotyposes Theologica?. 8vo. Wittembergae, 1521. [Bb. 2. 63.] COURSES AND SYSTEMS OF DIVINITY. 143 Melanchthonis (Philippi) Loci Communes. 8vo. Witebergse, 1536. [K. 15. 36.] Chemnitii {Martini) Loci Theologici, qiiibus Loci Communes Philippi Me- lancthonis perspicve e.rplicaiitur. folio, fVitebergce, 1615. [M. 3. 20.] Melancthonis (Philippi) Libellus Visitatorius. 8vo. Witebergae, 1528. [G. 16. 9.] MiLTONi (Joannis) De Doctrina Christiana Libri duo posthumi, quos ex Schedis MS, deprompsit, et typis mandari primus curavit, Car. Ric. Sumner. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1825. [H. 22. 1.] Milton (John) A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, compiled from the Holy Scriptures alone. Translated from the Original by Charles R. Sumner, M. A. 4to. London, 1825. [H. 22. 2.] MossoM (Robert) Sion's Prospect in its First View, presented in a Sum- mary of Divine Truths, consenting with the Faith professed by the Church of England. 4to. London, 1651. [F. 14. 36.] NicoLS (Gulielmi) n£|Ot A(0^wv Libri Septem. Accedit Liturgia. 12mo. Londini, 1717. [E. 27. 35.] NicoLS (Tho.) An Abridgement of the Wliole Body of Divinity, extracted from the Works of Mr. William Perkins. 12mo. London, 1654. [K. 16. 3,0.] Parei (Davidis) Corpus Doctrinae Ecclesiarum a Papatu Reformatarum ; et Miscellanea Cateclietica. 8vo. Francofurti, 1623. [I. 18. 9.] Parei (Davidis) Corpus Doctrinae Ecclesiarum Refoirmatarum. 8vo. Francofurti, 1621. [C. 1. 3.] Petavii (Dionysii) Opus de Theologicis Dogmatibus. 6 tomis in 3 vols. folio, Antverpise, 1700. [Ff. 1. 9,10,11.] PiscATORis (Johannis) Aphorismi Doctrinae Christianae, maximam partem ex Institutior.e Calvini excerpti ; seu Loci Communes Theologici bre- vibus sententiis expositi. 12mo. Herbornae, 1592. [I. 8. 16.] Piscatoris (Johannis) Aphorismi Doctrinae Christianae. 12mo. Herbornae, 1615. [D. 17. 35.] Piscatoris (Johannis) Aphorismi Doctrinae Christianae. 12mo. Her- bornae, 1619. [K. 17. 33.] PoLANi a Polansdorf (Amandi) Syntagma Theologiae Christianae. folio, Hanoviae, 1615. [I. 5. 20.] -■■ ' ' Exemplar aliud. folio, Hanoviae, 1615. [L. 11. 11.] Polanus (Amandus) The Substance of Christian Religion soundly set forth. 8vo. London, 1600. [S. 2. 25.] Jacobi ad Portum Orthodoxae Fidei Defensio adverSus Christophori Or- rodii, Samosateniani, Institutiones Christianas. 4to. Genevae, 1640. [L. 20, 13.] Prideaux (Joannis) Lectiones Novem de totidem Religionis Capitibus controversis. 4to. Oxoniae, 1625. [P. 4(). (3.)] Prideaux (Johannis) Lcctiones Decem de totidem Religionis Capitibus controversis. 4to. Oxoniae, 1626. [E. 1. 34.] Prideaux (Johannis) Viginti duae Lectiones de totidem Religionis Capi- tibus, praecipue hoc tempore controversis, quibusaccesserunt Tredecira Orationes Inaugurales et Sex Conciones. folio, Oxonii, 1648. [F. 13. 17.] • Exemplar aliud. folio, Oxonii, 1648. [C. 4. 22.] 144 RELICTION. Prideaux (Johannis) Fasciculus Controversiarum Theologicarum. 4to. Oxonii, 1652. [R. 10. 38.] Priestley (Joseph) Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1772-74. [F. 26. 20.] Pytz (Joannis) Lexicon Theologicum, omnium fere Terminorum et Voca- bulorum Ethymologias Amphibolias, et Definitiones explicans. 4to. Colonise, 1619. [D. 11. 20.] The Religion of Reason. Svo. London, 1754. [P. 333. (8.)] Richardson (Joannis) Praelectiones Ecclesiasticse Triginta Novem. 2 tomis, Svo. Londini, 1726. [K. 7. 19,20.] RuMETii (Ludovici) Scripturse Sacrae Viridarium, Litterale et Mysticum. Svo. Parisiis, 1626. [G. 19. 18.] ScHARPii (Johannis) Cursus Theologicus, in quo Controversiae omnes de Fidei Dogmatibus, hoc seculo exagitatae, pertractantur. 2 tomis, 4to. Geneva, 1617-21. [H. 6. 22,23.] ScHMiDii (Jo. Andr.) Compendium Theologiae Moralis. Svo Helmstadii, 1705. [F. 27. 16.] Scott (Thomas) Essays on the most Important Subjects in Religion. 12mo. London, 1794. [li. 1. 4.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1794. [A. 17. 136.] Stackhouse (Thomas) A Compleat Body of Divinity, extracted from the best ancient and modern Writers, folio, London, 1729. [H. 4. 24.] SzEGEDiNi (Stephani) Loci Communes Theologici. folio, Basileae, 1588. [L. 13. 24.] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) The Principles and Connexion of Natural and Revealed Religion. Svo. London, 1740. [P. 4. 10.] ^ Taylor (John) A Scheme of Scripture Divinity. Svo. London, 1762. [D. 25. 22.3 Another Copy. Svo. In Bp. Watson's Coll. of Theolog. Tracts, Vol. I. [I. 25. 20I] Tomline (George, Bishop of Lincoln, afterwards of Winchester) Ele- ments of Christian Theology. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1799. [Ff. 6. 68,69.] — Another Copy. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1815. [Ff. 5. 78,79.] Observations on the Bishop of Lincoln's Work, entitled, *' Elements of Chris- tian Theology. Svo. London, 1800. [Hh. 3. 28.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1800. [Hh. 3. 48.] Tuckney (Antonii) Praelectiones Theologicae in Scholis Academicis Can- tabrigiensibus habit*. 4to. Amstelodami, 1679. [G. 6. 21.] TuLLii (T.) Praecipuorum Theologise Capitum Enchiridion Didacticum, cum Appendicula Practica de Coena Domini. Quibus accessit Sym- boli Apostolici, et Precationis Dominicae Expositio. 12mo. Oxonii, 1713. [E. 27. 17.] Turrettini (Francisci) Institutio Theologiae Elencticae : in qua status controversias perspicue exponitur, prsecipua Orthodoxorum arguments proponuntur et vindicantur, et fontes Solutionum aperiuntur. 3 tomis, 4to. Genevaj, 1679. [R. 8. 2.] . Turrettini (Fran.) Institutio Theologiaj. 3 tomis, 4to. Leidse, 1696. [C. 6. 12-14.] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 145 Ursini (Zach.) Doctrinte Chrisdanae Compendium. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1585. [D. 15. 2.] Corpus Doctrinse Christianae Ecclesiarum a Papatu Reformatarum, con- tinens Explicationes Catecheticas Zacharise Ursini, recognitum ac re- stitutum studio Davidis Parei. Accesserunt ejusdem Parei Miscellanea Catechetica. Svo. Heidelbergse, 16:21. QK. 15. 8.] Exemplar aliud. Svo. Neostadii, 1595. [K. 15. 11.] UsHEB (James, Archbishop of Armagh) A Body of Divinity : or, the Summe and Substance of Christian Religion catechistically propounded and explained by way of Question and Answer, folio, London, 1670. [Ff. 3. 6.] Usher (James) A Body of Divinity. To which is added, Immauuel: or, the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. folio, London, 1658. [E. 9. 10.] Venn (Henry) The Complete Duty of Man : or, a System of Doctrinal and Practical Christianity. Svo. London, 1763. [Hh. 2. 1 ] The Whole Duty of Man. Svo. London, 1670. [D. 15. 15.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1670. [E. 6. 31.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1724. [R. 7. 62.]] The Whole Duty of Man, translated into Welch. Svo. Lluridain, 1672. [D. 19. 15.] Victoria (Francisci a) Praelectiones Theologicae. Svo. Venetiis, 1626. [L 18. 10».] VoGELii (Matthaji) Thesaurus Theologicus, ex sola Scriptur^ depromptus, in epitomen redactus. Svo. Tubingae, 1607. [I. 18. 21.] Vossii (G. J.) Theses Theologicae et Historicse de variis Doctrinae Chris- tianae Capitibus. 4to. Bellositi Dobunorum, 1628. [C. 9. 30.] Wal^ei (Antonii) Enchiridion Religionis Reformatae et Loci Communes S. Theologiae. folio. Inter Operum Tom. I. [L. 5. 28.] Warden (John) A System of Revealed Religion, digested under proper Heads, and composed in the express Words of Scripture. 4to. Lon- don, 1769. [Gg. 1. 37.] Wendelini (Friderici) Exercitationes Theologicae Vindices,pro Theologia Christiana. 2 tomis, 4to. Cassellis, 1652. [f. 19. 23.] WiTSii (Hermanni) De CEconomia Foederum Dei cum Horainibus Libri Quatuor. 4to. Basiled, 1739. [Bb. 2. 44.] WoLiEBii (Johannis) Compendium Theologiae Christianae. 18mo. Can- tabrigiae, 1654. [D. 17. 11.] Exemplar aliud. 18mo. Cantabrigiaj, 1654. [E. 18. 16] ii. Treatises on Particular Subjects in Doctr'inal or Dog- matic Diviniti/. (1) Treatises on the Fundamental Articles of Theology. De Religionis Christianae Fundaroentalibus et eorundera usu Disquisitio brevis. Svo. Londini, 1727. [P. 113. (12.)] Bowman (Thomas) A Review of the Doctrines of the Reformation. 12mo. [Hh. 4. 44.] L 146 RELIGION. Cradock (Samuel) A Discourse of the chief things necessary in order to Salvation. 4to. London, 1665. [B. 7. 41.] MooEE (H.) An Essay on Fundamentals. 8vo. London, 1759. [P. 218. (4.)] Stebbing (Henry) An Appeal to the Word of God, for the Terms of Christian Salvation. 8vo. London, 1720. [N. 9. 16.] The Nature and Design of Christianity, an Extract. 8vo. London, 1740. [P. 338. (8.)] (2) Of God and His Attributes. Arpii (Petr. Frid.) Theatrum Fati sive Notitia Scriptorum de Provi- dentia, Fortuna et Fato. 8vo. Roterodami, 1712. [D. 14. 53.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Roterodami, 1712. [F. 27. 22.] Bates (William) The Harmony of the Divine Attributes in the Redemp- tion of Man. 4to. London, 1674. [Hh. 9. 49.] Bellamy (Joseph) Letters and Dialogues on the Nature of Love to God, &c. With Remarks on the Sentiments of the Rev. Messrs. Hervey and Marshall, on these Subjects. 12mo. London, 1761. [Ff. 8. 55.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1761. [Ff. 8. 65.'] Burrow (Rob.) Meletemata Darringtonia : an Essay upon Divine Pro- vidence. 8vo. London, 1725. [R. 10. 37.] An Essay on the Justice of God. 12mo. London, 1773. [P. 313. (15.)] Gaudier (Antonii) De Praesentia Dei. 12mo. Paris. 1620. [A. 7. 31.] Hakewill (George) An Apologie or Declaration of the Power and Pro- vidence of God in the Government of the World, folio, London, 1 630. [N. 1.35.] Meditations upon the Attributes of God and the Nature of Man. 8vo. London, 1770. [P. 313. (4.)] Moore (Thomas) An Essay on the Divine Paternity. 8vo. London, 1741. [P. 313. (8.)] Owen (John) A Dissertation on Divine Justice. 8vo. London. [B. 8. 40.] Sherlock (William) A Discourse concerning the Divine Providence. 4to. London, 1694. [E. 1. 9.] Spina (Johannis de) Tractatus de Providently Dei, ad fidelium conscien- tias asperis temporibus confirmandas et tranquillandas. 8vo. 1591. [K. 17. 7.] (3) On the Person and Offices of Jesus Christ. Owen (John) XPIITOAOIIA : or a Declaration of the Glorious Mys- tery of the Person of Christ, both God and Man. 4to. London, 1679. [Ff. 7. 134.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1679. [K. 26. 14.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1721. [K. 24. 13.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1772. [li. 2. 43.] Fleming (Robert) Christology. A Discourse concerning Christ : consi- dered in Himself, in his Government, and in relation to his Subjects, and their duty to Him. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1705-1708. [B. 6. 30,31.] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 147 Fleming (Robert) The Loganthropos : or a Discourse concerning Christ, as he is The Logos, made Man. 8vo. London, 1707. [B. 6. 32.] Law (Edmund, Bp. of Carlisle) Reflections on the Life and Character of Christ. With a Summary and Appendix on the Gospel Morals. 8vo. Cambridge, 1776. [P. 280. (2.)] MoNTAcuTii (Richardi) QtavQpuviKov ; seu De Vita Jtsu Christi Libri duo. folio, Londini, 1640. [C. 12. 22.] RuBENi (Leonard!) Aurea Gemma Christianorum, Divinitatis et Humani- tatis Jesu Christi Figuras, Prophetias, et Evangelicas Veritates con- tinens. 8vo. Paderborniaj, 160S. [K. 17. 19.] Searle (Ambrose) Horae Solitariae : or Essays on some Remarkable Names and Titles of Jesus Christ. 8vo. London, 1776. [Ff. 6. 88.] Barker (Thomas) The Scripture Doctrine of the Messiah, Part II. With an Appendix concerning the Holy Ghost. 8vo. London, 1798. [Gg. 7. 14.] Fowler (Edward, Bishop of Gloucester) A Discourse of the Descent of the Man Christ-Jesus from Heaven ; together with his Ascension to Heaven again. 8vo. London, 1706. [L. 15. 39.] Reflections upon the late Examination of the Discourse of the Descent of the Man Christ-Jesus from Heaven, together with his Ascension to Heaven again. By the Author of that Discourse [Edward Fowler, Bishop of Gloucester.] 8vo. London, 1706. [M. 19. 39.] A Defence of Bishop Fowler's Defence, by a Presbyter of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1707. [M. 19. 48.] Watson (Richard) Remarks on the Eternal Sonship of Christ. 8vo. London, 1818. [Hh. 7. 23.] Farmer (Hugh) Inquiry into the Nature and Design of Christ's Tempta- tion in the Wilderness. 8vo. London, 1761. [P. 204. (3.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1765. [P. 253. (1.)] Fleming (Caleb) A Proof of the Divine Mission, in Christ's Temptation in the Wilderness ; with a previous Dissertation upon the Prosopopeia, or personalizing figure. 8vo. London, 1764. [P. 253. (2.)] Moore (Thomas) An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of our Saviour's Agony in the Garden. 8vo. London, 1757- [P. 204. (4.)] The Evidence of our Saviour's Resurrection considered. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 92. (4.)] A Discourse on the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. 8vo. London, 1747. [P. 162. (3.)] Turretini (Francisci) De Satisfactione Christi Disputationes. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1696. [C. 6. 15.] Tomkyns (Martin) Christ the Mediator between God and Men. Svo. London, 1732. [P. 102. (1.)] Second Thoughts concerning the Suflerings and the Death of Christ as a Sacrifice and a Satisfaction to Divine Justice. London, 1748. [P. 162. (2.)] Taylor (John) The Scripture Doctrine of Atonement examined. Svo. London, 1751. [P. 162. (1.)] Richie (James) The Peculiar Doctrines of Revelation, relating to pia- cular Sacrifices, Redemption by Christ, Faith in him, &c. Exhibited L2 148 RELIGION. as they are taught in Holy Scripture, and the Rationale of them illus- trated. 4to. 2 vols, in 1, Warrington, I766. [R. 17. 12.] Beatson (John) The Satisfaction of Jesus Christ demonstrated in a Series of Dialogues. 12mo. Leeds, 1774. [li. 3. 48.] Another Copy. 12mo. Leeds, 1774. [li. 3. 49.] A Brief Defence of the Church's Belief concerning the Ascension of our Blessed Saviour. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 270. (11.)] Burnet (Thomas) The Scripture Doctrine of the Redemption of the World by Christ. Svo. London, 1737. [P. 91. (1.)] WoRTHiNGTON (William) Essay on the Scheme and Conduct, Procedure and Extent of Man's Redemption. Svo. London, 1748. [E. 27. 29.] Balguy (John) An Essay on Redemption. 8vo. London, 1741. [P. 102. (2.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) The Scripture Doctrine of the Redemption of Man by Jesus Christ. Svo. London, 1756. [R. IS. 19.] Edwards (Jonathan) A History of the Work of Redemption. Svo. Edin- burgh, 1774. [Ff. 6. 28.] Another Copy. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1788. [Ee. 4. 65.] Staynoe (Thomas) Salvation by CVol. I. London, 1700. [D. 4. 16.] Christ alone. Svo. - - - (Vol. H. London, 1704. [M. 19. 5.] The Way of Salvation ; or the Doctrine of Life Eternal laid down. Svo. London, 1668. [li. 1. 15.] CocKMAN (Thomas) Salvation by Jesus Christ alone asserted and vin- dicated, and the Objections made against it answered. Svo. London, 1732. [P. 62. (7.)] Sherlock (Wm.) A Discourse concerning the Knowledge of Jesus Christ, and an Union and Communion with Him. Svo. London, 1674.] [M. 19. 37.] PoLHiLL (Edward) Speculum Theologiae in Christo : or a View of some Divine Truths, which are either practically exemplified in Jesus Christ, set forth in the Gospel, or may reasonably be deduced from thence. 4to. London, 1678. [li. 3. 15.] Bellamy (Joseph) An Essay on the Nature and Glory of the Grace of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 12mo. London, 1762. [li. 3. 50.] (4) On the' Person and Offices of the Holy Spirit. Anonymi Tractatus de Spiritu Sancto, Capita duo. (MS.) [P. 24. (14.)] Clagett (Wm.) A Discourse concerning the Operations of the Holy Spirit. Svo. London, 1680. [N. 7. 61.] Owen (John) HNETMATOAOriA : or a Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit ; wherein an Account is given of his Name, Nature, Per- sonality, Dispensation, Operations, and Effects, folio, London, 1674. [K. 24. 14.] Owen (John) Pneumatology : or a Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit, abridged by George Burder. 12mo. Coventry, 1793. [li. 2. 44.] The Distinction between the ordinary and extraordinary Gifts of the Holy Spirit, proved to have no foundation in the New Testament. Svo. London, 1768. [P. 242. (4.)] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 149 Warburton (William, Bishop of Gloucester) The Doctrine of Grace; or the Operations and Office of the Holy Spirit, vindicated from the Insults of Infidelity and the Abuses of Fanaticism. 12mo. London, 1763. [G. 21. U.] ■ Another Copy. 4to. Works, Vol. IV. [D. 11. 14.] Another Copy. 8vo. JVorks, Vol. VIII. [Ff. 4. 26.] Wesley (John) A Letter to Dr. Warburton occasioned by his Tract on the Office and Operations of the Holy Spirit. 8vo. London, 1 763. [P. 318. (4.)] Whittfield (George J Observations on some fatal mistakes in a Book entitled " The Doctrine of Grace." 8vo. Lotidon, 1763. [P. 318. (5.)] Andrews (John) The Scripture Doctrine of Divine Grace. 12mo. London^ 1769. [li. 3. 41.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1769. [Ff. 7. 36.] (5) On the Trinity. [On this subject there will be found numerous Controversial Treatises, in Title VII. §. 4 and 5 of this Class, infra.] Zanchii (Hieronymi) De Tribus Elohira, vEterno Patre, Filio et Spiritu Sancto, uno eodemque Jehova Libri XIII. folio, Francofurti ad Moenum, 1571. [G. 2. 5.] DANiEi (Lamberti) Responsio ad Novas Gulielmi Genebrardi Calumnias, quibus turn orthodoxam Evangelicorum omnium de S. Trinitate doc- trinam traducit, tum etiam horrendum Valentini Gentilis errorem tuetur ac renovat. 8vo. Genevae, 1588. [C. 15. 43.] Der-Kennis (Ignatii) De Deo, Uno, Trino. Creatore. 8vo. Bruxellis, 1655. [M. 7. 1.] Owen (John) A Brief Declaration and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity, as also of the Person and Satisfaction of Christ. 12mo. Lon- don, 1719. [li. 2.48.] HoRNE (Thomas Hartwell) The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity briefly stated and defended ; and the Church of England vindicated from the Charge of Uncharitableness in retaining the Athanasian Creed. 12mo. London, 1826. [S. 6. 22.] (6) On Death. Cole (James) Of Death a True Description, and against it a Good Pre- paration. 12mo. London, 1629. [G. 8. 9.] Manchester (Henry Earl of) Manchester al Mondo — Contemplatio Mortis et Immortalitatis — A Contemplation of Death and Immortality. 12 mo. London, 1661. [L. 8. 9.] Burnetii (Thomae) De Statu Mortuorum et Resurgentium Liber. 4to. Londini, 1723. [O. 6. 9.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1723. [Q. 3. 33.] Sherlock (Wm.) A practical Discourse concerning Death. 8vo. London, 1689. [D. 7. 42.] Drelincourt (Charles) The Christian's Defence against the Fear of Death. 8vo. London, 1692. [Ff. 6. 22.] Another Copy. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1775. [li. 2. 2.] DoDD (William) Reflections on Death. 8vo. London, 1763. [P. 320. (3.)] 150 RELIGION. (7) On the Intermediate State. Watts (Isaac) An Essay towards a Proof of a separate State of Souls between Death and the Resurrection. 8vo. London, 1 732. [P. 85. (5.)] Peckaud (Peter) Observations on the Doctrine of an Intermediate State, between Death and the Resurrection. 8vo. London, 1756. [P. SIL (2.)] Peckard (Peter) Farthei' Observations on the Doctrine of an Intermediate State. 8vo. London, 1757. [P. 211. (3.)] Peckard (Peter) Observations on Mr. Fleming's Survey of Souls, &c. 8vo. London, 1759. [P. 211. (4.)] Booth (Dr.) Remarks vpon a late Treatise relating to the Intermediate State. Svo. London, 1756. [P. 211. (6.)] Booth (Dr.) Discourse upon the Intermediate State. Svo. London, 1760. [P. 211. (7.)] Morton (Thomas) Queries addressed to the Rev. Dr. Law; and Remarks on Dr. Peckard's Observations on the Intermediate State. Svo. Lincoln, 1757. [P. 211.(8.)] Blackburne (Francis, Archdeacon of Cleveland) Review of some Pas- sages in Bishop Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses demon- strated. Svo. London, 1760. [P. 211. (1.)] Bristead (Rev. Mr.) Letter to the Rev. Dr. Edmund Law, on his Dis- course on the Nature and End of Death. Svo. London, 1760. [P. 211. (5.)] Blackburne (Francis) A Short Historical View of the Controversy con- cerning an Intermediate State, and the separate Existence of the Soul between Death and the General Resurrection, &c. Svo. London, 1765. [P. ^95. (9.)] Bennett (George) 01am Haneshamoth : or a View of the Intermediate State. Svo. Carlisle, 1800. [Ff. 6. 5.] (8) On the Resurrection of the Body, Immortality of the Soul, and a Future State. [Tj-eatises on the Powers and Faculties of the Soul belong to Metaphysics, and will be found infra, Class III. Sect. I. Title IL §. 2.] WoRTHiNGTON (John) The Doctrines of the Resurrection and the Reward to come. Svo. London, 1690. [F. 15. 20.] A Discourse concerning the Resurrection of the same Body. Svo. Lon- don, 1705. [M. 19. 49.] Turner (John) A Brief Vindication of the separate Existence and Im- mortality of the Human Soul from a late Author's Second Thoughts. 4to. London, 1702. [M. 15. 1.] AssHETON (William) A Vindication of the Immortality of the Soul and a Future State. Svo. London, 1703. [N. 7. 45.] Sherlock (William) A Practical Discourse concerning a Future Judg- ment. Svo. London, 1692. [M. 6. 21.] Sherlock (William) A Discourse concerning the Happiness of Good Men and the Punishment of the Wicked in the next World. Svo. London, 1704. [L 14. 27.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1726. [A. 18. 118.] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 151 La Doctrine de I'Ecriture Sainte sur la Nature de I'Ame. 8vo. London, 1703. [D. 15. 11.] A Discourse concerning the Certainty of a Future and Immortal State. By a Doctor of Physick. [Dr. Coward ?] 8vo. London, 1706. [M. 15. 35.] Grove (Henry) Thoughts concerning a Future State, occasioned by a Discourse of Rev. J. Hallett. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 92. (1.)] Hallett (Joseph) Defence of a Discourse on the Impossibility of proving a future State by the Light of Nature. With aft Answer to Mr. Grove. 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 92. (2.)] Gastrell (Francis, Bp. of Chester) A Moral Proof of the Certainty of a Future State. 8vo. London, 1725. [N. 9. 28.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1728. [P. 115. (1.)] Horberry (Matthew) An Enquiry into the Scripture Doctrine of Dura- tion of Future Punishment. 8vo. London, 1744. [P. 121. (1.)] The Deity's Delay in punishing the Guilty, considered on the Principles of Reason. [By Robert Bolton, D. D. Dean of Carlisle.] 8vo. Lon- don, 1751. [R. 18. 23.] The Scripture Account of a Future State considered. 8vo. London, 1754. [P. 185.(3.)] Bourn (Samuel) A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Samuel Chandler, concerning the Christian Doctrine of Future Punishment. 8vo. London, 1759. [P. 218. 13.] Broughton (Thomas) Four Dissertations on the Nature and Circum- stances of the Life to come. 8vo. London, 1768. [D. 25. 26.] A Warning against Popish Doctrines : or Observations on Broughton upon • the Soul. 8yo. London, 1768. [P. 224. (1.)] (9) On Heaven and Hell. Cremonini (Caesaris) Disptitatio de Ccelo. 4to. Venetiis, 1613. [C. 20. 5.] Swinden (Tobias) An Enquiry into the Nature and Place of Hell. 8vo. London, 1714. [D. 6. 33.] Lewis (John) The Nature of Hell, the Reality of Hell Fire, and Eternity of Hell Torments, explained and vindicated, in opposition to a Profane Libel, first published under Cromwell's Usurpation, intituled " Of the Torments of Hell, the Foundation and Pillars thereof, discovered, searched, shaken, and removed." 8vo. London, 1720. [P. 233. (18.)] Oakes (Abraham) The Doctrine of Hell-Torments discussed. 8vo. Lon- don, 1738. [P. 91.(5.)] Whiston (Wm.) The Eternity of Hell Torments considered. 8vo. London, 1740. [P. 100. (7)] DoD WELL C William) The Eternity of Future Punishments asserted and vin- dicated, in answer to Mr. Whiston's late Treatise. 8vo. Oxford, 1743. [P. 121. (2.)] Stonhouse ( ) Universal Restitution, a Scripture Doctrine ; proved in several Letters on the Nature and Extent of Christ's Kingdom 8vo. London, 1761. [P. 261. (1.)] 152 RELIGION. (10) On Angels. Salkeld (J.) A Treatise of Angels. 8vo. London, 1613. [D. 18. 7.J A Modest Enquiry concerning a Guardian Angel. 4to. London, 1702. [M. 15. 21.] Barker (Thomas) An Inquiry into the Scripture meaning of the word Satan, and its synonymous terms " The Devil," or the " Adversary" and " The Wicked One." 8vo. London, 1772. [P. 306. (4.)] (11) Treatises on the Five Points. Etyojyvo^a^ta. The Agreement and Distance of Brethren : or a Brief Survey of the Judgment of Mr. J[ohn] G[oodwin], and the Church of God walking with him, touching the head of Doctrine on 1. Election and Reprobation ; 2. The Death of Christ ; 3. The Grace of God in and about Conversion : 4. The Liberty or Power of the Will, or of the Creature Man ; 5. The Perseverance of the Saints. 4to. London, 1652. [M. 15. 37.] bPANHEMii (Friderici) Disputatio inauguralis de qninque articulis con- troversis, confutata ab A. Poelenbuugh. 8vo. Amstelodamt, 1658. [F. 7. 47.] Edwards (John) Veritas Redux. Evangelical Truths restored, concern- ing God's Eternal Decress, the Liberty of Man's Will, Grace and Con- version, the Extent and Efficacy of Christ's Redemption, and Perse- verance in Grace. 8vo. London, 1707. [M. 6. 8.] Whitby (Daniel) A Discourse concerning 1. The true Import of the words Election and Reprobation ; 2. The Extent of Christ's Redemp- tion; 3. The Grace of God ; 4. The Liberty of the Will in a State of Tryal and Probation ; 5. The Perseverance or Defectibility of the Saints. 8vo. London, 1710. [N. 7. 10.] - ' Two other copies. 8vo. London, 1710. ^ \t q c -i Bates (Ely) Observations on some Important Points in Divinity, chiefly those in controversy between the Arminians and Calvinists. 12mo. London, 1793. [Hh. 4. 21.] Another Copy. Second Edition. 12mo. London, 1811. [li. 3. 43.] ScHUCHTiNGii (Jonae) Quaestiones Duae : 1. Num in Evangelicorura reli- gione dogmata habeantur, quas vix ullo modo permittant, ut, qui ea am- plectatur, nullo in peccato perseveret ? 2. Num, in eadem religione, quiBdam concedantur Christi legibus inconcessa ? 8 vo. 1 636. [L. 18.4.] Alvarez (Didaci) De Auxiliis Divinse Gratise et Humani Arbitrii Viri- bus, et Libertate, ac legitima ejus cum Efficacia eorundem Auxiliorum Concordia. 4to. Colonise, 1621. [M. 19. 14.] (12) On Original Sin and the ORfGiN of Evil. Cas AUBON (Meric) The Original] Cause of Temporall Evils. 4to. London, 16^5. [P. 39. (18.)] Clichtovei (Judoci) De necessitate Peccati Adae, et foelicitate culpae ejus- dem Apologetica Disceptatio. 4to. Parisiis, 1519. [Ff. 7. 109.] Leibnitz (G. G. Baron de) Essais de Theodicee sur la Bonte de Dieu, la Libert^ de I'Homme, et I'Origine du Mai. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1710. [N. 7. 23.] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 153 Whitby (Danielis) Tractatus de Imputatione Divina Peccati Adami Pos- teris ejus universis in Reatum. 8vo. Londini, 1711. [N. 9. 5.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Londini, 1711. [R. 9. 71.] Edwards (Jonathan, of Oxford) The Doctrine of Original Sin, as it tuas always held in the Cutholick Church, and particularly in the Church of England, asserted and vindicated from the exceptions and caxils of the Rev. Dr. Daniel Whitby. 8vo. Oxford, 1711. [M. 19. 8.] Another Copy. 8vo. Oxford, 1711. [N. 9. 5.] Whitby (Dr. Daniel) A Full Answer to Dr. Jonathan Edwards's Argu- ments for the opinion of St. Augustin, concerning the imputation of the first Sin of Adam for Guilt to all his Posterity. 8vo. London, 1712. [N. 9. 5.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 203. (2.)] D'Otly (Robert) Four Dissertations : on the Fall of Adam ; on the Assist- ance vouchsafed to the first publishers of the Gospel : on Revelation ; and on the Resurrection. Svo. London, 1729. [R. 12. 4.] Oakes (Abraham) A Short Essay on the Creation, Fall, and Redemption of Man. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 263. (5.)] Taylor (John) The Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin proposed to Free and Candid Examination. 8vo. London, 1741. [F. 21. 6.] Wesley (John) The Doctrine of Original Sin, according to Scripture, Reason, and Experience. 8vo. Bridol, 1757. [Hh.-2. 16.] Edwards {Jonathan, of New Jersey) The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin defended. Svo. London, 1766. [Ff. 6. 29.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1766. [Hh. 6. 7.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1789. [Ff. 5. 30.] Bate (James) An Essay towards a Rationale of the Literal Doctrine of Original Sin, or a Vindication of God's goodness in permitting the Fall of Adam and the Corruption of our Human Nature. London, 1752. [P. 162. (5.)] Fletcher (John) An Appeal to Matter of Fact and Common Sense ; or a Rational Demonstration of Man's corrupt and lost Estate. 12mo. Bristol, 1773. [Ff. 8. 110.] Lux Orientalis : or an Enquiry into the Opinion of the Eastern Sages concerning the prae-existence of Souls ; being a Key to unlock the Grand Mysteries of Providence, in relation to Man's Sin and Misery. 12mo. London, 1662. [M. 18. 12.] Clarke (John) An Enquiry into the Cause and Origin of Evil. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1720. [R. 12.47,48.] King (Wm. Archbp. of Dublin) An Essay on the Origin of Evil, trans- lated from the Latin with Notes, by Edmund Law, D. D. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1758. [D. 27. 3.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1781. [Ff. 4. 17.] Jenyns (Soame) A Free Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil. 12mo. London, 1758. [Ff. 8. 62.] 154 RELIGION. (13) On Election, Predestination, and the Extent of Redemp- tion, &c. [Some of the Treatises upon these subjects might be placed under Title VII. infra, of this Class, on account of their controversial nature: as others, however, are entirely doctrinal, it has been judged best to dis- pose them under the present Head.] Bradwardini (Thomae, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis) De Causa Dei con- tra Pelagium, et de Virtute Causarum Libri Tres. Opera et Studio D. Henrici Savilii. folio, Londini, 1618. [M. 10. 6.] Knox (John) An Answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cavillations written by an Anabaptist and adversarie to God's eternal Predestina- tion. 8vo. London, 1560. [I. 18. 24.] Reginaldi (Gulielmi) Calvino-Turcismus, id est Calvinisticae Perfidiae cum Mahumetana Collatio, et Dilacida utriusque Sectoe Confutatio. Svo. Coloniae, 1603. [K. 19. 26.] Castelhonis (Sebastiani) Dialogi IV. de Praedestinatione, Electione, Libero Arbitrio, Fide ; et ejusdem Opuscula. 12mo. Goudae, 1613. [R. 14. 79.'] Exemplar aliud. 12mo. Goudae, 1613. [S. 3. 26'.] Berth (Petri) Hymenaeus Desertor ; sive de Sanctorum Perseverantia et Apostasia Libri duo. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1615. [I. 20. 8.] Bertii (Petri) Scripta Adversaria CoUationis Hagiensis, habita anno 1611 inter quosdam Ecclesiarum Pastores, de divina Praedestinatione et capitibus ei adnexis. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1616. [L. 19. 4.] Abbot (Roberti, Sarisburiensis Episcopi) De Gratia et Perseverantia Sanctorum Exercitationes. 4to, Londini, 1618. [E. 20. 14.] A Description of what God hath predestinated concerning Man, in his Creation, Transgression, and Regeneration. As also an Answere to John Robinson, touching Baptisme. 12mo. 1620. [K. 18. 40.] MoLiN^i (Petri) Anatome Arminianismi ; seu Enucleatio Controver- siarum in Belgio de Providentid, de Przedestinatione, de Morte Christi, de Natura et Gratil 4to. Lug. Bat. 1621. [L. 19. 6.] CoRViNi (Joannis Arnnldi) Petri Molincti, novi anatomici, Mala Enchei- resis ; seu Censura Anatomes Arminianismi. 4to. Francofurti, 1622. [G. 20. 7.] Pennotti (Gabrielis) Propugnaculum Humanse Libertatis ; seu Contro- versiarum pro humani Arbitrii Libertate contra Philosophos, Astrologos Judiciarios, et Haereticos tuenda, et, cum certitudine Divinae Praescien- tiae, Immobilitate Divini Decreti, et Efficacia Divinae Notionis concili- anda, Libri X. folio, Lugduni, 1624. [H. 9. 7.] Pelagius Redivivus ; or Pelagius raked out of the Ashes by^ Arminius and his SchoUers. 4to. London, 1626. r^ A Second Parallel ; together with a Writ of Error sued A ' against the Appealer [Bp. Montagu.] 4to. London, 1626. J Prynne (William) The Perpetuitie of a Regenerate Man's Estate. 4to. London, 1627. [E. 1. 42.] Two Copies. 4to. London, 1627. [Ff 6. 85,86.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1627. [li. 3. 16.] Prynne (William) Anti-Arminianisrae ; or the Church of England's Old Antithesis to New Arminianisme. 4to. London, 1630. [Ff. 6. 57.] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 155 Prynne (William) God no Impostor nor Deluder: or an Answer to a Popish and Arminian Cavill, in the Defence of Free Will and Universal Grace. 4to. London, 1630. [Ff 6. 57.] UssERii (Jacobi, Archiepiscopi Armachanensis) Gotteschalci et Praedesti- narianse Controversiae ab eo motse Historia. 4to. Dublinii, 1631. [L. 15. J 8, J An Historicall Relation of the judgement of some most learned and Godly English Bishops, Holy Martyrs and others, concerning God's election and the merit of Christ his death, &c. 4to. London, 1631. [L. 15. 19.] Francisci a Sancta Clara [Johannis Davenporti] Deus, Natura, Gratia : sive Tractatus de Praedestinatione, de Mentis et peccatorum remissione, et de Sanctorum Invocatione. 4to. Lugduni, 1634. [K. 17. 4.] . ( [D. 14. 4. Exemplaria alia Duo. 4to. Lugduni, 1634. s 'sg^ V aa -\ De Praedestinatione et Reprobatione, et auxiliis Divinse Gratise Cento Thomisticus. 4to. Parisiis, 1636. [G. 20. 12.] Hoard (Samuel) God's Love to Mankind manifested, by disproving his absolute decree for their Damnation. 8vo. London, 16 — . [R. 13. 69.] Davenant (John, Bp. of Salisbury J Animadversions upon a treatise inti- tuled ' God's Love to Mankind.' 8vo. Cambridge, 1641. [R. 13. 66.] J- Another Copy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1641. [E. 18. 12.] Spanhemii (Friderici) Exercitationes de Gratia Universali : Accessere Quinquaginta Erotemata auctori proposita, ab eodem decisa, cum Man- tissa Centum Anti-Erotematum. 3 tomis, 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1646. [L 18. 25,27.] Dallei (Joannis) Advcrsus Frederici Spanhemii Excercitationes de Gratia Universali. Svo. Amstelodami, 1655. [1.10.28.] Amyraldi (Mosis) Specimen Animadxersionum in Exercitationes de Gratia Universali. 4to. Salmurii, 1648. [L. 19. 26.'] Resbury (Richard) The Lightless Starre ; or Mr. John Goodwin dis- covered a Pelagio-Socinian : and this by the Examination of his Pre- face to his Book entituled •* Redemption Redeemed." Together with an Answer to his Lc tter entituled " Confidence dismounted." 8vo. London, 1652. [F. 18. 30.] Davenantii (Joannis, Sarisburiensis Episcopi) Dissertatio de Morte Christi, quatenus ad omnes extendatur, quatenus ad solos electos restringatur. folio, MS. [L. 13. 25.] Davenantii (Joannis) Dissertationes Duae : 1. De Morte Christi; 2. De Praedestinatione et Reprobatione. folio, Cantabrigiae, 1650. [L. 9. 19.1 Plaifere (John) Appeilo Evangelium, for the Doctrine of Divine Pre- destination concorded with the Doctrine of God's Free Grace and Man's Free Will. 12mo. London, 1652. [E. 16. 30.] Fur Praedestinatus : sive Dialogus inter Concionatorem et Furem ad fur- cam damnatum. [Auctore Gulielmo Sancroft, Archiepiscopo Can- tuariensi?] Svo. [P. 347. (4.)] Hammond (Henry) A Pacifick Discourse of God's Grace and Decrees. Svo. London, 1660. [L. 19^. 29.] Du Moulin (Lewis) Moral Reflections upon the number of the Elect. 4to. London, 1680. [M. 15. 13.] m RELIGION. A Collection of Tracts concerning Predestination and Providence and the other Points depending on them. 8vo. Cambridge, 1719. [N. 7. 8.] Heaven Open to All : a Treatise in which is proved that all Men shall be saved. Svo. London, ] 743. [R. 12. 9.]] Finch (Richard) Thoughts on the Sovereignty of God, the Doctrines of Election, Reprobation, and Original Sin. Svo. London, 1745. [R. (115. 11.)] Finch (Richard) A Free Examination of Mr. Cudworth's Free Thoughts on the Doctrines of Election, Fall of Man, and Restoration by Christ. London, Svo. 1747. [P. 263. (7.)] Edwards (Thomas) The Doctrine of Irresistible Grace proved to have no foundation in the writings of the New Testament. Svo. Cambridge, 1759. [D. 25. 6.] TopLADY (A. M.) Historic Proof of the Doctrinal Calvinism of the Church of England. Svo. London, 1793. [Ff. 6. 75,76.] Another Copy. Svo. In his Works, Vols. L U. [Hh. 3. 17,18.] Witherspoon (John) Essays on important subjects, intended to establish the Doctrine of Salvation by Grace, and to point, out its influence on Holiness of Life. 2 vols. Svo. Bungay, 1 800. [Hh. 2. 24,25.] Wesley (John) Predestination calmly considered. 12mo. London, 1786. [Hh. 4..37.] Fuller (Andrew) The Gospel of Christ worthy of all Acceptation. 12mo. Northampton. [Hh. 4. 24.] Fuller (Andrew) A Defence of a Treatise entitled " The Gospel of Christ worthy of all Acceptation." 12mo. Northampton, 1787. [Hh. 4. 24.] Tomline (George, Bp. of Winchester) A Refutation of Calvinism. Svo. London, 1811. [Ff. 6. 70.] T/ie Fathers, the Reformers, and the Public Formularies of the Church of England, in Harmon]/ with Calvin and against the Bishop of Lincoln. By a Layman. 8vo.^ London, 1812. [Ff. 6. 71.] Remarks on Bp. Tomline s Refutation of Calvinism. By Thomas Scott. Svo. 2 vols. London, 1811. [Ff. 6. 72,73.] A Defence of Modern Calvinism, containing an Examination of the Bishop of Lincoln's Refutation of Calvinism. By Edward Williams, D. D, 8vo. London, \'8\2. [Ff. 6. 74.] (14) On Faith and Justification. Baxter (Richard) Apology against the Modest Exceptions of Mr. T. Blake and the Digression of Mr. T. Kendall ; whereunto is added Animadversions on a late Dissertation of Ludiomaeus Colvinus, alias Ludoviciis Molinseus ; and an Admonition of Mr. W. Eyre of Salis- bury, with Mr, Crandon's Anatomy for satisfaction of Mr. CaryL 4to» London, 1654. [M. 20. 30.] Crandon (John J Mr. Baxter's Aphorisms on Justification exorcised: with a Vindication of Justification by mere Grace from all Popish and Armi- nian Sophisms. 4to. London, 1654. [E. 20. 29.] Bedford (Arthur) The Doctrine of Justification by Faith. Svo. London^ 1741. [P. 97. (1.)] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 157 Booth (Abraham) Glad Tidings to perishing Sinners; or the Genuine Gospel a complete Warrant for the Ungodly to believe in Jesus. 12mo. London, 1796. [li. 3. 52.] BuLLii (Georgii) Harmonia Apostolica ; seu Binse Dissertationes, quarum in priore Doctrina D. Jacobi de Justificatione ex operibus explanatur ac defenditur : in posteriore consensus D. Pauli cum Jacobo liquidd demonstratur. 4to. Londini, 1670. [H. 7. 28.] Bulla C Georgii) Examen Censura : sive Responsio ad quasdam Animad- versiones in hibrum cut Titulus " Harmonia Apostolica." 4to. Londini, 1676. [H. 7. 2.] Chase (Samuel) Antinomianism Unmasked ; being an Inquiry into the distinctive Characteristics of the Two Dispensations of Law and of Grace. 8vo. London, 1819. [Ff. 5. 20.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1819. [Ff. 5. 21.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1819. [Ff. 6. 37-] The Christian's Justification stated. 12mo. London, 1678. QM. 18. 10.] .DowNHAM (George, Bishop of Derry) A Treatise of Justification: All the Cavils of the Adversaries to God's Free Justification by Grace an- swered and confuted, especially of Robert Bellarmine, Jesuit and Car- dinal, folio, London, 1639. [G. 2. 13.] Eaton (John) The Honeycombe of Free Justification by Christ alone* 4to. London, 1642. [K. 20. 31.] Edwards (John) The Doctrine of Faith and Justification set in a true Light. 8vo. London, 1708. [D. 7. 40.] Fletcher (John) The last Check to Antinomianism : a Polemical Essay on the Twin Doctrines of Christian Imperfection and a Death Purga- tory. 12mo. London, 1787. [Ff. 8. 86.] The Freeness of God's Grace in the Forgiveness of Sins, by Jesus Christ, vindicated against the Doctrine of Mr. Fergusson in his Sermon at the Morning Lecture, Aug. 5, 1668. 4to. London, 1668. [M. 20. 18.] Account of Mr. Ferguson's Common Place Book by Mr. Granville and Mr. Sherlock. 4to. London, 1675. [P. 39. (16.)] Animadversions on that part of Mr. Robert Ferguson's Book, entituled '• The Interest of Reason in Religion," which treats of Justification. 12mo. London, 1676. [M. 18. 10.] Forbes (Jo.) A Treatise, tending to clear the Doctrine of Justification. 4to. Middelburgh, 1616. [K. 19. 13.] Fuller (Andrew) Remarks on Mr. Martin's Publication entitled " Thoughts 6n the duty of Man relative to Faith in Jesus Christ." 12mo. London, 1789. [Hh. 4. 33.] Green (Thos.) Justification, or the Gospel way to Salvation. Svo. Lon- don, 1758. [P. 318. (1.)] HuETii (Petri Danielis) Alnetanai Questiones de Concordia Rationis et Fidei. 4to. Paris. 1692. [R. 8. 5.] An Inquiry concerning Faith. 8 vo. London, 1744. [R. 18. 25.] Law (Wm.) Of Justification by Faith and Works. A Dialogue. 12mo. London, 1760. [P. 356. -.] LuDLAM (William) Two Essays, on Justification and the Influence of the Holy Spirit. Svo. London, 1788. [Hh. 3. 48.] 158 RELIGION. Owen (John) The Doctrine of Justification by Faith, through the Impu- tation of the Righteousness of Christ, explained, confirmed, and vindi- cated. 4to. London, 1677. [K. 26. 10.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1677. [li. 3. 9.] La Placette (Jean) Traite de la Foi Divine. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1697. [M. 17.2.] RoTHERHAM (John) An Essay on Faith and its Connection with Good Works. London, 1766. [P. 298. (1.)] Sandeman (Robert) Letters on Theron and Aspasio. 12mo. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1757. [li. 1. 1,2.] Fuller (Andrew) Strictures on Sandemanianism. l2mo. Nottingham, 1810. [li. 2. 15.] The Scripture Doctrine of Remission of Sin. 8vo. London, 1761. [P. 204 (5.)] Thomsoni (Richard!) Diatriba de Amissione et Intercisione Gratiae et Justificationis. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1618. [M. 18. 13.] TuLLii (Thomae) Justificatio Paulina sine Operibus, asserta et iilustrata. 4to. Oxoniae, 1674. [K. 15. 3.] (15) On the Sabbath. Amner (Richard) An Account of the occasion and design of the Positive Institutions of Christianity, extracted from the Scriptures only. 8vo. London, 17—. [P. 305. (1.)] Battely (John) The Original Institution of the Sabbath, and the Obser- vation due to it considered. 8vo. London, 1726. [P. 81. (3.)J BoLLAND (Wm.) An Essay on the Christian Sabbath. 8vo. Cambridge, 1809. [Gg. 7. 14.] Brerewood (Edward) A Treatise of the Sabbath, with Mr. Byfield's An- swer and Mr. Brerewood's Reply. 4to. Oxford, 1630. [L. 15. 19.] Byjield (Richard) The Doctrine of the Sabbath vindicated, in Confutation of a Treatise of the Sabbath, written by M. Edward Breerwood against M. Nic. Byfield. 4to. London, 1631. [M. 19. 33.] Another Copy. 4to. Lonrfon, 1631. [E. 19. 22.] Cawdrey (Daniel) and Palmer (Herbert) Sabbatum Redivivum ; or the Christian Sabbath Vindicated. 4to. London, 1645. [D. 19. 19.] • Another Copy. 4to. London, 1645. [Q. 4. 52.] Chapie (Thomas) The Seventh-day Sabbath ; or a Brief Tract on the Fourth Commandment. 4to. London, 1652. [D. 14. 46.] Dies Dominica : sive Succincta Narratio ex S. Scripturarum et vene- randae antiquitatis Patrum testimoniis concinnata, de Diei Dominicae observatione et sanctificatione. 4to. 1639. [M. 14. QQ.'] Dow (Christopher) A Discourse of the Sabbath and Lord's^Day. 4to, London, 1636. [K. 9. S5.'] Fleming (Caleb) A Rational Account of the Sabbath. 8vo. London, 1736. [P. 81. (2.)] Heylyn (Peter) The History of the Sabbath. 4to. London, 1636. [K. 9. 35.-] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 159 L'EsTEAjfGE (Hamond) Of the Sabbath. 4to. [N. 8. 34.] LoEi (Robert!) EfRgiatio Veri Sabbathistni. 4to. Londini, 1605. [K. 9. 35.] Owen (John) Exercitations concerning the Name, Original, Nature, Use, and Continuance of a Day of Sacred Rest. 12mo. London, 1671. [li. 2. 45.] Prideaux (John, Bishop of Worcester) The Doctrine of the Sabbath, de- livered in the Act at Oxon. Anno 1622. Translated into English. 4to. London, 1634. [K. 9. 35.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1634. [N. 8. 19.] Scott (Thomas) A Discourse on Hallowing the Sabbath. 12rao. Lon- don, 1796. [Ff. 7. 105.] Wallis (John) Defence of the Christian Sabbath, in Two Parts, in An- swer to a Treatise of Mr. Thomas Bampfield, pleading for Saturday- Sabbath. 4to. Oxford, 1693. [N. 8. 26.] White (Francis, Bishop of Ely) A Treatise of the Sabbath-Day ; con- taining a Defence of the Orthodoxall Doctrines of the Church of Eng- land against Sabbatarian Novelty. 4to. London, 1635. [K. 9. 35.] Two other Copies. 4to. London, 1635. ) g 7 37 i White (Francis, Bishop of Ely J An Examination and Confutation of a latv- lesse Pamphlet, intituled " A Briefe Answer to a late Treatise of the Sab- bath-Day." 4to. London, 1637. [M. 19. 32.] *HoLDEN (George) The Christian Sabbath : or an Enquiry into the Reli- gious Obligation of keeping Holy one day in seven. 8vo. London, 1825. (16) On the Sacraments, in general. GuiLLERMi Parisiensis Episcopi Dyalogus de Sacramentis. 8vo. Parisiis, 1511. [K. 18. 39.] Summula Raymundi ; Septem Sacramenta Ecclesiastica complectens, Commentariis ac succulentis glossis scientifici viri Magistri Joannis Chappuis explanata atque enucleata. 12 mo. Parisiis, 1516. [H. 18. 48.] Vossii (Gerardi Johannis) Dissertatio Theologica de Sacramentorum Vi et Efficacia. 12mo. In Wilson's Collectanea Theologica. [Aa. 3. 83.] Keith (George) The Arguments of the Quakers against Baptism and the Lord's Supper, examined and refuted. 4to. London, 1698. [M. 14. 10.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1698. [N. 8. 29.] Whitakeri (Gulielmi) Praelectiones de Sacramentis in Genere et in Specie de SS. Baptismo et Eucharistia. 4to. Francofurti, 1 624. [K. 20. 4.] Waterland (Daniel) The Nature, Obligation, and Efficacy of the Chris- tian Sacraments considered. 8vo. London, 1730. [N. 9. 31.] Chilton (John) Positive Institutions — not to be preferred, or compared with Moral Duties and Virtues. In Answer to a Treatise called *' The Christian Sacraments considered." 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 71. (14.)3 Oakes (Abraham) The Morality of Religion, and the Doctrine of the Sa- craments put into a true Light. 8vo. London, 1737. [R. 18. 25.] 160 RELIGION. (17) On the Sacrament of Baptism, in particular. [i.] On the Mode and the Subjects of Baptism. VicEcoMiTis (Josephi) Observationes Ecclesiasticae. In quo de Antiquis Baptismi Ritibus ac Caeremoniis agitur. 8vo. Parisiis, 1618. [K. 19. 33.] The Case of Infant Baptism considered. 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 14.] Wall (William) The History of Infant Baptism. 4to. London, 1707. [C. 10. 27.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1707. [Hh. 1. 40.] Rejiections on Mr. WaWs History of Infant Baptism. 8vo. London, 1711. [N. 7. 5Q.'] Another Copy. 8vo. Lorarfon, 1711. [R. 11. 38.] Wall (William) The History of Infant Baptism, and Defence of it against Mr. Gale and others. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1705-20. [N. 7. 36-38.] Owen (Richard) The Lawfulness of Infant Baptism : with an Examina- tion of Mr. Gale's " Reflections, and Mr. Wall's History of Infant Baptism." 8vo. London, 1721. [P. 72. (10.)] Wall (William) A Conference between two Men that had Doubts about Infant Baptism. 12rao. London, 1706. [P. 344. (13.)] Robinson (Robert) The History of Baptism. 4to. London, 1790. [Ff. 2. 21.] Featley (Daniel) The Dippers dipt; or, the Anabaptists ducked and plunged over Head and Ears, at a Disputation in Southwark. 4to. London, 1647. [E. 1. 20.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1647. [P. 5S. (8.)] Cotton (John) The Grounds and Ends of the Baptism of the Children of the Faithful!. 4to. London, 1647. [N. 8. S5.'] Taylor (Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor) A Discourse on Baptism. 4to. London, 1652. [P. 39. (19.)] Baxter (Richard) Plain Scripture Proof of Infants' Church Membership and Baptism. 4to. London, 1653. [E. 20. 17.] Patrick (Symon, Bishop of Ely) Aqua Genitalis: a Discourse concern- ing Baptism. 12mo. London, 1659. [K. 8. 22.] Walker (Wm.) A Plea for Infants' Baptism. 8vo. Cambridge, 1677. [D. 19. 42.] Paedobaptismus Vindicatus : or. Infant Baptism stated. 8vo. London, 1693. [F. 16. 35.'] Wallis (John) A Defence of Infant Baptism. 4to. Oxford, 1697. [N. 8. ^ZQ.] The Divine Institution of Water Baptism : wherein the Quaker Argu- ments against it are collected and confuted ; with as much as is need- ful concerning the Lord's Supper. By the Author of the Snake in the Grass [Charles Leslie]. 4to. London, 1697. [M. 14. 10.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1697. [N. 8. 29.] Leslie (Charles) A Discourse shewing who they are that are now quali- fied to administer Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Wherein the Cause of Episcopacy is briefly treated. 4to. London, 1698. [N. 8. 29.] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 161 DoRRiNGTON (Theophilus) A Vindication of the Christian Church, in the Baptizing of Infants, drawn from the Holy Scriptures. 8vo. London, 1701. [I. 15. 41.] Whiston (William) An Account of the Doctrine and Practice of the two first Centuries concerning the Baptism of Infants. 8vo. London, 1712. [R. 8. 61.] Withers (John) A Caveat against the New Sect of Anabaptists sprung up at Exon. 8vo. London, 1714. [N. 9. 21.] Stogdon (Hubert) A Defence of the Caveat against the New Sect of Ana- baptists sprung up at Exon, in Answer to Mr. Reed's Reply. 8vo. Exon, 1714. [N. 9. 21.] A Dialogue between a Baptist and a Churchman. 8vo. London, 1737, [P. 314. (10.)] A Plea for Infants ; or the Scripture Doctrine of Water Baptism stated. 8vo. London, 1742. [P. 314. (9.)] Tleming (Caleb) Tracts on Baptism. Svo. London, 1745. [R. 10. 76.] Fleming (Caleb) The Paedo-Baptists' Sense of Positive Institutions de- fended. Svo. London, 17— . [P. 314. (8.)] The Baptism of Infants a reasonable Service. Svo. London, 1750. [Hh. 3. 26.] Gill (John) On Antipasdo-Baptism. Svo. London, 1753. [Hh. 3. 26.] Pcedu- Baptism ; or, a Defence of Infant Baptism in point of Anliquifi/, against the Exceptions of Dr. John Gill and others. Svo. London, 1753. [Hh. 3. 26.] Letters which passed between Dr. Robert Clayton, Bishop of Clogher, and Mr. William Penn. concerning Baptism. Svo. London, 1756. [P. 199. (6.)] BosTwicK (David) A Fair and Rational Vindication of the Right of In- fants to the Ordinance of Baptism. Svo. New York, 1764. [Hh. 2. 46.] Another Copy. Svo. New York, 1764. [Hh. 3. 47.] Eugenio and Epenetus: or Conversations respecting the Evidence in Support of Infant Baptism. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1811. [Ff. 7. 16.] A Serious Address to God-Fathers and God-Mothers, shewing the Na- ture. Reason, and Excellency of their Institution. 12mo. London, 1707. [M. 18. 21.] *Jerram (Charles) Conversations on Baptism : second edition. 12mo. London, 1826. [«'.] On Lay-Baptism and Re-Baptizing. An Essay to prove that Lay-Baptism is null and void. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1712-13. [F. 6. 33,34.] Brett (Thomas) A Letter to the Author of " Lay- Baptism Invalid." Wherein the Popish Doctrine of Lay-Baptism is censured and condemned. Svo. London, 1711. [M. 19. 8.] Bingham (Joseph) A Scholastical History of the Practice of the Church, in reference to the Administration of Baptism by Laymen. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1712-14. [F. 6. 31,32.] Another Copy, folio, IForks, Vol. II. [R. 2. 15.] M 162 RELIGION. Brett (Thomas) A Rcpli/ to the Second Part of Mr. Bingham's Scholastkal History of Lay Baptism. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 18.] Fleetwood (William, Bishop of Ely) The Judgment of the Church of England in the case of Lay-Baptism and of Dissenters' Baptism. Svo. London, 1712. [N. J). 21.] . Another Copy. Svo. London, 1712. [P. 59. (7.)] Fleetwood (William) The Second Part of the Judgment of the Church of England, in the case of Lay-Baptism and Dissenters' Baptism. Svo. London, 1712. [M. 20. 12.] The State of the Controversy about Lay-Baptism. Svo. London, 1713. [P. 115. (8.)] A Letter to Archbishop Potter concerning Lay-Baptism. Svo. London, 1738. [P. 91.(6.)] DoNATUs Redivivus : or A Reprimand to a Modern Church Schismatic for his revival of the Donatistical Heresy of Re-baptiaation. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 29.] [iii."] On the Nature and Efficacy of Baptism. Bradford (Samuel, Bishop of Rochester) A Discourse concerning Bap- tismal and Spiritual Regeneration. 12mo. London, 1810. [Ff. 8. 50.] Two other Copies. 12mo. London, 1810. J Hh^^^'Q^-j Clarke (Samuel) Three Essays, on Baptism, Confirmation, and Repent- ance. Svo. London, 1699. [R. 11. 76.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1724. [Ff. 8. 90.] Another Copy, folio. Works, Vol. III. [N. 3. 33.] Yardley (Edward) A Practical Exposition on the Offices of Baptism and Confirmation. 12mo. London, 1810. [Hh. 7. 38.] Wilson (Samuel) A Scripture Manual, or Plain Representation of the Ordinance of Baptism. 12mo. London, 1797. [Ff. 8. 49.] Mant (Richard) Two Tracts, intended to convey correct notions of Re- generation and Conversion, according to the sense of Scripture and of the Church of England, 12rao. London, 1815. [Ff. 8. 49.] BiDDULPH (T. T.) Baptism, a Seat of the Christian Covenant, in reply to Dr. Mant. Svo. London, 1816. \Gg. 7. 10.] Dr. Mant's Sermon on Regeneration, vindicated from the Remarks of the Rev. T. T. Biddulph. 12mo. Shrewsbury, 1816. [Hh. 7. 38.] BuGG (George) Spiritual Regeneration 7iot necessarily connected with Bap- tism. 12mo. Kettering, 1816. [Ff. 7. IDS.] Another Copy. 12mo. Kettering, 1816. [Hh. 4. S3.] Nicholson (George) Two Letters to the Rev. Dr. Mant, upon the Subjects of his two Tracts intended to convey correct notions of Regeneration and Conversion. Svo. London, IS\6. [Hh. 5. 24.] Cunningham (J. IV.) Conciliatory Suggestions on the Subject of Regeneroi- tion. Svo. London, 1816. [Gg. 7. 10.] ^'^SS (George) Friendly Remarks on the Rev. J. TV. Cunningham's Conci- liatory Suggestions on the Subject of Regeneration. 12mo, London, 1816. [Hh. 4. 33.] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 163 Scott (John) An Inquiry into the Effects of Baptism according to the Sense of Scripture and of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1815. [Gg. 7. 10.] Scott (John) Appendix to his ' Inquiry into the Effects of Baptism.' Svo. London, 1817. [Gg. 7. 9.] Laurence (Richard) The Doctrine of the Church of England upon the Efficacy of Baptism, rinrlicafed Jrom modern Misreprenentutions. Svo. Oxford, 1816. [Hh. 2. 30.] Another Copy. Svo. Oxford, 1816. [Hh. 6. 17.] Another Copy. Oxford, 1816. [Hh. 6. 18.] Scott (John) The Principles of * An Inquiry into the Effect of Baptism' dc' fended against the Animadrersions of the Rev. Richard Laurence, LL.D. 8vo. London, 1816. [Gg. 7. 9.] Marsh (Herbert, Bp. of Peterborough) A Letter to the Rev. Charles Simeon, in Answer to his pretended Congratulatory Address, in Con- futation of his various Mis-statements, and in Vindication of the Effi- cacy ascribed bv our Church to the Sacrament of Baptism. Svo. Cam- bridge, 1813, [Hh. 2. 30.] Marsh (Herbert) A Second Letter to the Rev. Charles Simeon, in Con- futation of his various Mis-statements. Svo. Cambridge, 1813. [Hh. 2. 30.] Pott (Joseph Holden, Archdeacon of Lond-on) Observations on some Controversies respecting Baptism. Svo. London, 1816. [Hh. 2. 30.] Daubeny (Charles, Archdeacon of Sarum) Considerations on the Doctrine of Regeneration. Svo. London, 1816. [Hh. 2. 30.] A Respectful Address to the Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy, and other Members of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, on certain Inconsistencies and Contradictions in some of that Society's Books and Tracts. [By the Rev. Daniel Wilson, M. A.] Svo. London, 1816. [Gg. 7. 10.] ' Another Copy. [Gg. 7. 12.] Wilson (Daniel) The Doctrine of Regeneration practically considered. Svo. London, 1817. [Gg. 7. 16.] Two other Copies. Svo. London, 1817. [Hh. 2. 30,34.] Witherspoon (John) A Practical Treatise of Regeneration. ]2mo. Lon- don, 1789. [Ff. 7. 21.] Four other Copies. 12mo. London, 1800. [Ee. 4. 61-64.] (IS) On the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, its Nature and Efficacy, and on the Requisite PkEPARATiON for worthily communicating. HospiNiANi (Rodolphi) Historia Sacramentaria ; hoc est Libri Quinque de Coenae Dominicae prima Institutione, ejusque vero Usu et Abusu in primitiva Ecclesia ; tum de Origine, Progressu, Cerernoniis, et Ritibus Missae, Transubstantiationis, et aliorura pene infinitorum Errorum, quibus Coenae prima institutio horribiliter in Papatu poUuta et profanata est. 2 tomis, folio, Tiguri, 1598-1602. [K. 1. 4,5.] A Briefe Treatise upon the Lord's Supper, by D. Ridley. Svo. [L 18. 32.] M 2 164 RELIGION. BoLDVcii (Jacobi) De Oggio Christiano, Libri tres : in quibus declarantur antiquissima et sacrosanctae Eucharistiae typica Mysteria, quae in fru- mento ab Adam instituta, deinde aNoe additione vini illustrata, perque totum Orbem pie celebrata, sensim apud Gentiles in Orgiorum vocabulo mendam, in vitibus horrendas foeditates contraxerant. 4to. Lugduni, 1640. [G. 20. 13.] Albertini (Edmundi) De Eucharistiae sive Ccenae Dominicae Libri tres. folio, Daventriae, 1634. [G. 10. 13.] Arnaldi (Antonii) De Frequenti Communione Liber. 8vo. Lovanii, 1674. [M. 8. 15.] Pelargi (Christophori) De Fractione Panis Eucharistici Theses. 4to. Hanovige, 1607. [K. 9. 18.] Watts (James) The Controversie debated, about the Reverend Gesture of Kneeling, in the Act of receiving the Holy Communion. 4to. Lon- don, 1621. [li. 1. 30.] CuDWORTH (Ralph) A Discourse concerning the true Notion of the Lord's Supper. 4to. London, 1642. [K. 20. 33.] A Disquisition concerning the Nature of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, in order to ascertain the right Notion of it. London, 1746. [P. 311. (6.)] ■ Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 244. (7.)] An Enquiry concerning the Dignity of the Ordinance of the Lord's Sup- per and the care that Magistrates and Ministers ought to take, to pre- vent and remove the Occasions of its being lessened. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 71. (12.)] A Letter of Advice to Thomas Brett, LL. D. [on his Christian Altar and Sacrifice.] Svo. London, 1715. [M. 19. 11.] Fleming (Caleb) The Doctrine of the Eucharist, considered as a distin- guishing Ritual in the Social Worship of Christians. 8vo. London, 1763. [P. 244. (6.)] Gibson (Edmund, Bishop of London) The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per explained. 8vo. London, 1735, [F. 27. 7.] HoADLY (Benj. Bp. of Winchester) A Plain Account of the Nature and End of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, folio. Works, Vol. IIL [Q. 1. 7.] 'Biscoe (Richard) Remarks on Bishop Hoadlys " Plain Account." Svo. London, 1735. [P. 94. (1.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1735. [P. 123. (3.)] An Answer to Dr. Biscoe ; being a Defence of " A Plain Account," To which is added, a Tract concerning the Sacrament, by John Hales. Svo. London, 1735. [P. 94. (2.)] Biscoe (Richard) Further Remarks on the '* Plain Account," SfC. Svo. London, 1735. [P. 94. (3.)] A Farther Defence of the " Plain Account," &c. Svo. London, 1735. [P. 94. (4.)] The Winchester Converts: or ike Real Design of a late Right Seasonable and Religious Treatise entitled a " Plain Account" Sfc. Svo. London, 1735. [P. 94. (8.)] Felton's Winchester Converts ridiculing the " Plain Account," in Three Dialogues. Svo. Oxford, 1735. [P. 123. (5.)] TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DOCTRINES. 165 An Ironical Vindication of Bishop Hoadly's " Plain Account." 8vo. Dublin, 1736. [P. 123. (2.)] A Letter to a Lord, concerning the " Plain Account." 8vo. Dublin, 1736. [P. 94. (6.)] The Lord's Supper considered ; as explained by Bps. Gibson and Hoadly. 8vo. London, 1736. [P. 94. (7.)] The Plain Account, 8fc. compared ■wilh the Account given by Dr. Lancelot Andrevjs, advanced to the See of Winchester by James I. Svo. London, 1736. [P. 123. (4.)] Ridley (Gloucester) The Christian Passoxer ; in xvhich the Doctrine of the Lord's Supper is laid doxvn. Svo. London, 1736. [P. 123. (1.)] Warren (Richard) An Answer to a Book etititled " A Plain Account," S)'C. Svo. Cambridge, 1736. [R. 12. 51.] Oakes (Abraham) A Vindication of the " Plain Account," in Answer to Dr. Richard Warren. Svo. London, 1737. [P. 94. (5.)] Buttonshaw (Thomas) A Defence of the " Plain Account," in Reply to the several Answers to it. Svo. London, 1747. [G. 26. 1.] Rudd (Sayer) A Defence of the "Plain Account of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ;" shewing tliat the Nature and End of the Supper, in the Manner it is there stated, fully answer the design of the Institution. Svo. London, 1752. [P. 311. (5.)] HuMFREY (John) An Humble Vindication of a Free Admission to the Lord's Supper. 12mo. London, 1G52. [K. 8. 36.] Johnson (John) The Unbloody Sacrifice and Altar unvailed and sup- ported: in which the Nature of the Eucharist is stated. Svo. London, 1714. [D. 6. 18.] Two other Copies. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1714-18. < L^ '„ ' ' -j The Christian Eucharist no proper Sacrifice; in Answer to Mr. Johnsoii's " Unbloody Sacrifice and Altar," 8fc. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 13.] Kettlewell (John) An Help and Exhortation to Worthy Communicating. Svo. London, 1717. [R. 11. 32.] Knox (Vicesimus) Considerations on the Nature and Effect of tlie Lord's Supper. Svo. London, 1808. [Hh. 6. 14.] Divers Ancient Monuments in the Saxon Tongue, written seven hundred yeares agoe. Shewing that both the Old and New Testament, the Lord's Prayer, and the Creede, were then used in the Mother Tongue : and also what opinion was then held of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. Published by Wm. L'isle. 4to. London, 1638. [P. 3. 27.] MoRicE (William) Coena quasi Ko/vj; ; or the common Right to the Lord's Supper asserted, wherein that question is fully stated, folio, London, 1660. [K. 2. 25,] Patrick (Simon, Bishop of Ely) Mensa Mystica : a Discourse concerning the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Svo. London, 1667. [M. 7. 28,] Patrick (Simon) The Christian Sacrifice : a Treatise showing the Necessity of receiving the Holy Communion. Svo. London, 1675. [F. 7. 26.] Peirce (James) An Essay in favour of the Ancient Practice of giving the Eucharist to Children. Svo. London, 1728. [P. 92.(5.)] 166 RELIGION. Priestley (Joseph) A Free Address to Protestant Dissenters on the Sub- ject of the Lord's Supper. 8vo. London, 1768. [P. 291. (2.)] Venn (Henry) An Examination of Dr. Priestley's *' Free Address" on the hordes Supper. Svo. London, 1769. [Hh. 3.' 47.] Considerations on Differences of Opinion among Christians. With a Letter to the Rev. Mr. Venn, in answer to his Free and Full Examination of the Address to Protestant Dissenters on the Subject of the Lord's Supper. Svo. London, \ 7 69. [P. 291. (4.)] Venn (Henry) Addition to the Address to Protestant Dissenters on the Sub- ject of the Lord's Supper. A fid a Letter to the Author of the Protestant Dissenter's Answer to it. Svo. London, 1770. [P. 291.' (3.)] The Propitiatory Oblation in the Holy Eucharist truly stated and defended, from Scripture, Antiquity, and the Communion Service of the Church ot England. Svo. London, 1710. [L. 15. 6.] Skinner (John) The Office for the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, according to the use of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. Svo. Aber- deen, 1807. [A". 4. 38.] Warburton (Wm. Bishop of Gloucester) A Rational Account of the Na- ture and End of the Sacrament of Lord's Supper. 4to. Works, Vol. V. [D. 23. 15.] Another Copy. Svo. Works, Vol. X. [Ff. 4. 28.] WiNGFiELD (Thomas) Remarks on Dr. Warburton s Sermon on the Nature and End of the Lord's Supper. Svo, London, 1755. [P. 185. (11.)] Observations on Bishop Warburtun's Rational Account of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 8\o. London, 1761. [P. 218. (7.)] Waterland (Daniel) A Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist. Svo. London, 1737. [R. 12. 75.] Watson (Thomas) The Holy Eucharist, or the Mystery of the Lord's Supper, briefly explained. 12mo. London. [K. 8. 13.] Officium Eucharisticum : a Preparatory Service to a Devout and Worthy Reception of the Lord's Supper. 12mo. London, 1673. [M. 18. 24.] An Answer to all the Excuses and Pretences which Men ordinarily make for not coming to the Holy Communion. 12mo. London, 1699. [P. 348. (7.)] A Companion to the Altar. 12mo. London. [Ff. 8. 88.] The Great Duty" of frequenting the Christian Sacrifice ; and the Na- ture of the Preparation required. 12mo. London, 1718. [G. 27. 15.] An Inquiry into the Necessity of Preparation for the Lord's Supper. 8vo. London, 1770. [A. 19. 45.] Dyke (Jeremy) A Worthy Communicant ; or, a Treatise shewing the due Order of receiving the Sacrament. Svo. London, 1645. [G. 8. 28.] Hill (Robert) The Pathway to Prayer and Piety — A Communicant In- structed; with a Direction to live and die well. 12mo. London, 1613. [G. 16. 26.] Johnson (John) The Primitive Communicant, in Three Discourses on the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Svo. London, 1 748. [E. 26. 3.] MISCELLANEOUS DOCTRINAL DIVINITY; 167 An Earnest Exhortation to a Frequent Reception of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By a Layman [the Hon. Mr. Justice Park.] 12mo. London, 1808. [Hh. 7. 38.] A Just Apologie for the Gesture of Kneeling in the act of receiving the Lord's Supper. By T[honias] P[aybody.] 4to. London, 1629. [E. 19. 14.] Ryland (John) Contemplations suited to the Lord's Supper, for the ser- vice of serious Christians when they commemorate the Death of Christ. 8vo. Northampton. [Hh. 2. 46.] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) The Rational Communicant. 8vo. London, 1743. [P. 338. (12.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1770. [P. 321. (11.)] Hall (Robert) On Terms of Communion with a particular View to the Case of Baptists and Psedobaptists. Svo. Leicester, 1815. [Ff. 6. 37.] Hall (Robert) A Reply to the Rev. Joseph Kinghorn ; being a further Vindication of the Practice of Free Communion. 8vo. Leicester, 1815. [Ff. 6. 37.] iii. Miscellaneous Treatises on Doctrinal, or Dogmatic Divinity. A Discourse of the Nature, Ends, and Difference of the Two Covenants. 12mo. London, 1673. [M. 18. 10.] AsTELL (Mary) The Christian Religion as professed by a Daughter of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1705. [A. 18. 76.] . Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1 705. [B. 6. 43.] Benson (George) Letters concerning the End and Design of Prayer, and the Doctrine of Predestination. Svo. London, 1737. [P. 91. (2.)] Boston (Thomas) Human Nature in its Fourfold State. 12mo. Glasgow, 1770. [li. 3. 53.] The Gentleman's Calling. By the Author of the Whole Duty of Man. 12mo. London, 1660. [F. 16. 24.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1674. [F. 25. 4.] Hanson (John) The Old and New Covenant discovered. Svo. London, 1660. [D. 19. 46.] Howell (David) The Principal Subjects of Christianity illustrated. 12mo. London, 1 789. [Ee. 4. 85.] Mapletoft (John) The Principles and Duties of the Christian Religion. Svo. London, 1710. [D. 21. 10.] Mauclerc (James) The Christian's Magazine, containing every thing ne- cessary to be known both with regard to Faith and Practice. Svo, • London, 1748. [R. 19. 47.] More (Henry) An Explanation of the Grand Mystery of Godliness ; or, a true and faithful Representation of the Everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ, folio, London, 1660. [N. 1. 25.] 168 RELIGION. Morgan (Thomas) An Appeal to the Plain Christianity of Plain and Common Christians, in Behalf of the Old Christianity of the Gospel. 8vo. Leeds, 1772, [P. 295. (8.)] Oleviani (Gasparis) De Substantia Foederjs Gratuiti inter Deum et Electos ; iteraque de mediis, quihus ea ipsa Substantia nobis commu- nicatur. 8vo. Genevse, 1685. [G. 18. 2.] Owen (John) The Nature of Apostasie, and the Punishment of Apostates, declared in an Exposition of Heb. vi. 4, 5, 6. [B. 8, 41.] Parker (John) An Historical-Didactical Treatise of the Two Covenants. 8vo. London, 1707. [M. 19. 49.] Pezelii (Chrisfophori) Argumentorum et Objectionum de Prsecipuis Ar- ticulis Doctrinae Christiana?, cum Responsionibus, quae passim extant in Scriptis Philippi Melancthonis, Pars prima. 8vo. Genevae, 1588. [C. 15. 43.] Scott (John) The Christian Life ; from its beginning to its consumma- tion in Glory. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1690-1699. [L. 7. 26-30.] Sinclair (Hannah) A Letter on the Principles of the Christian Faith. 8vo. London, 1819. [Hh. 2. 32.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1819. [Gg. 6. 30.] Stonhouse (Sir James) Friendly Advice to a Patient, and Spiritual In- structions for the Uninstructed. 12mo. London. [R. 20. 48.] A Testimony in favour of the Principles maintained by the Suffolk and Norfolk Association of particular Baptist Churches on the Doctrines of Grace. 8vo. London, 1807. [Hh. 7. 28.] Vivian (Thomas) Dialogues between a Minister and one of his Parishion- ers, on the true Principles of Religion, &c. 12mo. London, 1776. [li. 1. 12.] Wells (Edward) A Help for the right Understanding of several Divine Laws and Covenants. Chiefly designed for the Benefit of Young Stu- dents in Divinity. 8vo. Oxford, 1729. [P. 60. (5.) 2. Catechetic Dimnity. i. Creeds, Histories and Eiylanations of them. Considerations on the Nature and Use of Human Creeds, and Confes- sions of Faith. 8vo. London, 1722. [R. 8. 55.] UssEiiii (Jacobi, Armachani Archiepiscopi) de Romanse Ecclesi^e Sym- bolo Apostolico Vetere, aliisque Fidei Formulis, tum ab Occidentalibus turn ab Orientalibus, in prima Catechesi et Baptismo proponi solitis, Diatriba. 4to. Londini, 1647. [M. 14. 9.] Vossii (Gerardi Johannis) Dissertationes Tres de Tribus Symbolis, Apos- tolico, Athanasiano, et Constantinopolitano. 4to. Amstelsedami, 1662. [M. 20. 5.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Arastelaedami, 1662. [C. 9. 19.] *Nares (Edward) Discourses on the three Creeds, and on the Homage offered to our Saviour on certain and particular occasions, during his Ministry. 8vo. London, 1819. EXPLANATIONS, &c. OF THE APOSTLES' CREED. 169 (1) The Apostles' Creed. The History of the Apostles' Creed. [By Sir Peter King.] 8vo. Lon- don, 1702. [B. 6. 15.] Hooper (John, Bishop of Gloucester, and Martyr) A Brief and Clear Confession of the Christian Faith ; containing one hundred Articles ac- cording to the order of the Apostles' Creed. London, 1584 — Re- printed 1810. [Gg. 7. 14.] Jackson (Thomas) Commentaries on the Apostles' Creed, with addi- tional Sermons, folio, London, 1657. [E. 9. 15.] Jackson (Thomas) The Eternal Truth of Scriptures, and Christian Beleefe thereon depending ; delivered in two books of Commentaries upon the Apostles' Creed. 4to. London, 1613. [C. 10. 35.] Perkins (Wm.) An Exposition of the Symbole or Creed of the Apostles, according to the Tenour of the Scriptures, and the consent of Ortho- doxe Fathers of the Church. 4to. London, 1631. [D. 7. 13.] Pearson (John, Bishop of Chester) An Exposition of the Creed, (bound with Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity), folio, London, 1662. [Ff. 3. 55.'] Another Copy, folio, London, 1669. [F. 13. 16.] t Another Copy, folio, London, 1676, Two Copies, folio, London, 1683. [Ff. 3. 53,54.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1798. [Ff. 7. 124,125.] Kennett (Basil) A Brief Exposition of the Apostles' Creed, according to Bishop Pearson. 8vo. London, 1705. [G. 26. 5.] WiTsii (Hermanni) Exercitationes Sacrae in Symbolum Apostolorum et in Orationem Dominican!. 4to. Basilese, 1739. [Bb. 2. 45.] Kettlewell (John) The Practical Believer ; or, the Articles of the Apostles' Creed drawn out to form, a true Christian's Heart and Prac- tice. 8vo. London, 1713. [F. 6. 27.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1688. [N. 7. 67.] Hyll (Adam) The Defence of the Article " Christ descended into Hell." 4to. London, 1592. [M. 19. 34.] The Effect of certain Sermons touching the full Redemption of Mankind by the death and blood of Christ Jesus : wherein, besides the merit of Christ's Suffering, the manner of his offering, the power of his death,' the comfort of his crosse, the glorie of his resurrection, are handled; what pains Christ suffered in his soule on the crosse, together with the place and purpose of his descent to Hel after death ; preached at Paules Crosse and elsewhere in London, by the Right Rev. Thomas Bilson, Bishop of Winchester. 4to. London, 1600. [M. 19. 34.] Jacob (Henry ) A Defeiice of a Treatise touching the Sufferings and Vic- turie of Christ in the Work of our Redemption. 4to. London, 1600. [M. 19. 34.] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) An Enquiry, when the Resurrection of the Body was first inserted into the public Creeds. 8vo. London, 1757. [P. 204. (1.)] 170 RELIGION. (2) The Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. Gregorie (John) A Discourse, declaring what time the Nicene Creed began to be sung in the Church. 4to. 1683. In his Works. [R. 8. 27.] Notes on the Creed of St. Athanasius. 4to. [P. 49. (3.)] Watekland (Daniel) A Critical History of the Athanasian Creed. 4to. Cambridge, 1724. [Ff. 6. 58.] Another Copy. Svo. Cambridge, 1728. [R. 12. 71.] HoRBERRY (Matthew) The Athanasian Creed, defended and explained. Svo. Oxford, 1749. [P. 183. (5.)] Carter (Nicholas) A Sermon preached at Deal, before the Mayor and Corporation, Aug. 9. 1752. Svo. London, 1752. [P. 176. (5.)] Toll (Frederick) A Letter to the Mayor and Corporation of Deal, in relation to their opinion upon the Trinity. Svo. Lojidon, 1752. [P. 176.(4.)] Randolph (Herbert) A Sermon at the Parish Church of Deal, Oct. 15, 1752. Svo. Oxford, 1753. [P. 176. (6.)] Animadversions upon " A Letter from a Clergyman in the Country to his Friend at Deal. Svo. London, 1753. [P. 176. (9.)] The Athanasian Creed re-examined upon Principles of sober Reason and Scripture. Svo. London, 1754. [P. 176. (2.)] Remarks on the Athanasian Creed; on a Sermon preached at Deal, Oct. 15, 1752, &c. Svo. London, 1755. [F. 176. (7.)] Hey (John) Thoughts on the Athanasian Creed. Svo. Cambridge, 1790. [Hh. 3. 42.] *Rotheram (John) An Apology for the Athanasian Creed. Svo. London, 1762. An Answer to Dr. Rotheram's Apology for the Athanasian Creed. Svo. London, ms. [P. 308. (4.) ii. Catechisms of National Churches. (1) Catechism, and Catechetical Tracts of the Romish Church. , Catechismus, ex Decreto Concilii Tridentini, ad Parochos jussu Pii V. editus. Svo. Colonise, 1567. [K. 17. 9.] Exemplar aliud. 12mo. [Ff. 7. 74.] ( FFf 16 42 Exemplaria alia duo. Svo. Lugduni, 1676. 3. [P. 144. (1.)] Jackson (John) An Address to Deists; being a Proof of Revealed Reli- gion from Miracles and Prophecies, in Answer to " The Resurrection of Jesus considered, by a Moral Philosopher." Svo. London, 1744. [P. 144. (2.)] Chandler (Samuel) The Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ re-examined, and their Testimony proved entirely consistent. Svo. Lon- don, 1744. [P. 144. (3.)] TRUTH OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 189 Moss (Charles J The Evidence of the Resurrection cleared from the Excep- tions of a late Pamphlet, entitled " The Resurrection considered, in An- swer to the Tryal of the Witnesses," SfC. 8vo. London, 1744. [P. 144. (4.)] Annet (Peter J The Resurrection re-considered, being an Answer to the Clearer and others, by way of Dialogue. 8vo. London, 1744. [P. 144. (5.)] Stackhouse (Thomas) A Defence of the Christian Religion. 8vo. Lon- don, 1731. [R. 12. 15.] Stillingfleet (Edward, Bishop of Worcester) Origines Sacrae ; or, a Rational Account of the Grounds of the Christian Faith, as to the Truth and Divine Authority of the Scriptures. 4to. London, 1663. [C. 9. 25.1 Another Copy. 4to. London, 1666. [G. 15. 6.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1680. [Ff. 6. 55.'] Another Copy, folio, London, 1709. [I. 4. 21.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1709. [R. 2. 29.] Stillingfleet (Edward) A Letter to a Deist, in Answer to several Objec- tions against the Truth and Authority of the Scriptures. 8vo. Lon- don, 1677. [N. 9. 38.] Sumner (J. B.) A Treatise on the Records of the Creation, and on the Moral Attributes of the Creator, with particular reference to the Jewish History, and to the consistency of the Principle of Population with the Wisdom and Goodness of the Deity. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. [Hh. 3. 7,8.] *Sumner (J. B.) Evidences of Christianity. Svo. London, 1824. Sykes (Arthur Ashley) An Essay upon the Truth of the Christian Reli- gion. 8 vo. London, 1725. [A. 18. 51.] Sykes (Arthur Asliley) A Dissertation on the Eclipse mentioned by Phle- gon : or, an Enquiry whether that Eclipse had any relation to the Darkness which liappened at our Saviour's Passion. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 86. (1.)] Whiston (Wm.J The Testimony of Phlegon vindicated. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 86. (2.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) Two Defences of a " Dissertation on the Eclipse mentioned by Phlegon." Svo. London, 1733-4. [P. 86. (3,4.)] Chapman (John) Phlegon examined, in answer to Dr. Sykes. Svo. Lon- don, 1733. [R. 12. 12.] Another Copy. Svo. Cambridge, 1735. [P. 115. 5.] Thomason (T.) An Essay, tending to shew that the Christian Religion has, in its effects, been favourable to Human Happiness. Svo. Cam- bridge, 1800. [Hh. 3. 45.] Another Copy. Svo. Cambridge, 1800. [Hh. 3. 28.] TuRNBULL (George) A Philosophical Enquiry concerning the Connexion between the Doctrines and Miracles of Jesus Christ. Svo. London, 1732. [P. 62. (9.)] Wauburton (William, Bishop of Gloucester) The Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated. 4to. JVorks,, Vols. I.-III. [D. 23. 11-13.] Another Copy. Svo. Works, Vols. L-VI. [Ff. 4. 19-24.] 190 RELIGION. Warbuiton (William) A Vindication of the Author of the Divii\e Lega- tion of Moses from Aspersions in the Weekly Miscellany of Feb. 4, 1737. 8vo. London, 1738. [P. 125. (2.)] BoTT (Thomas J An Answer to Mr. Warburton's Divine Legation of Mosts. 8vo. London, 1743. [R. 9. 51.] Grey (Richard) An Answer to Mr. Warburton's Remarks so far as they concern the Preface to a late Edition of the Book of Job. London, 8vo. 1744. [P. 126.(3.)] Warburton (Wm.) Remarks on several Occasional Reflections in Answer to the Rev. Dr. Middleton, Dr. Pococke, the Master of the Charter-house, Dr. Richard Grey and others, serving to justify and explain divers passages in the Divine Legation. 8vo. London, 1744. [P. 125. (3.)] Lupton C ) A Letter to the Author of a late Epistolary Dissertation addressed to Mr. Warburton. Wherein all his objections to Mr. W.'s In- terpretation of the Command to Abraham to offer up his son Isaac are considered. 8vo. Lo7idon, 1744. [P. 125.(6.)] Sfebbing (Henry) An Examination of Mr. Warburton's second Proposition in his projected Divine Legation of Moses, hi which the Faith of the Jewish Church, touching the Doctrine of a Future State, is asserted and cleared. - 8vo. London, 1744. [P. 126. (1.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) An Examination of Mr. Warburton's Account of the Conduct of the antient Legislators, of the double Doctrine of the Old Philosophers, of the Theocracy of the Jews, and of Sir Isaac Newton's Chronology. 8vo. Lo?idon, 1744. [A. 18. 120.] Warburton (William) Remarks in Answer to the Rev. Doctors Stebbing and Sykes, to justify and explain two Dissertations in the Divine Le- gation, PartlL and last. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 125.(4.)] Warburton (William) An Apologetical Dedication to the Rev. Dr. Henry Stebbing, in Answer to his Misrepresentations of the Sermon preached on the General Fast Day, Dec. 18, 1745. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 125. 5.] Jackson (John) The Belief of a Future State among the Hebrews proved to be a fundamental Article of their Religion and the Doctrine of the ancient Philosophers. With an Appendix concerning the Genealogy and Time of Job. 8vo. London, 1745. [P. 126. (4.)] Jackson (John) A Defence of a Book entitled " The Belief of a Future State proved to be a fundamental Article of the Religion of the Hebrews^ 8vo. London, 1746, [P. 126. (5.)] Jackson (John) A farther Defence of the ancient Philosophers concerning their Doctrine and Belief of a future State, against the Misrepresentations of Mr. Warburton. 8vo. London, 1747. [P. 126. (7.)] Stebbing (Henry) The History of Abraham, in the plain and obvious meaning of it, justified against the Objections of the Author of the Divine Legation of Moses. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 126. (2.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) A Vindication of the double Doctrine of the An- cients. 8\o. Londo7i, 17 iT. [P. 126. (8.)] Town (John) A Critical Enquiry into the Opinions and Practice of the ancient Philosophers concerning the Nature of the Soul and a Future State, and their method of teaching by the double Doctrine. 8vo. London, 1747. [P. 126. (6.)] TRUTH OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 191 Town (J^hn) The Argument of the Divine Legation fairly stated, and re- turned to the Deists, to whom it was originally addressed. 8vo. London, 1751. [R. 19. 20.] Stehbing (Henry) A Letter to Bishop Warburton on the new edition of his Divine Legation. 8vo. London, 1759. [P. 218. (6.) Weston (Edvmrd) Remarks on some Passages in Bishop Warhurton's Dedi- cation to the Jews. 8vo. London, 1759. [P. 218. (9.)] Weston (Edward) A Letter to the Bishop of London. 8vo. London, 1756. [P. 218. (10.)] Toll (Frederick) A Letter to Bishop Warburton, on his Dedication of the Divine Legation of Moses to Lord Mansfield. 8vo. London, 1760. [P. 218. (5.)] Blackhurne (Francis) Review of some Passages in the last edition of Bishop Warburton' s " Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated." 8vo. London, 1760. [P. 211. 1.] Lowth (Robert, Bishop of London) A Letter to the Author of the " Divine Legation of Moses," in Answer to the Appendix to theffth Volume of that Work. 8vo. Oxford, 1765. [P. 254. (2.)] Remarks oji Dr. Lowth's Letter to the Bishop of Gloucester, with the Bishop's Appendix, and the Second Epistolary Correspondence be- tween his Lordship and the Doctor, annexed. 8vo. London, 1766. [P. 254. (3.)] Brown (J.) A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Lowth, occasioned by his late Letter to the Right Rev. Author of the " Divine Legation of Moses." 8vo. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1766. [P. 254. (4.)] Lowth (Robert) A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Brow7i. 8vo. 1766. [P. 254. (5.)] Warburton (Wm. Bp. of Gloucester) Julian: a Discourse concerning the Earthquake and Fiery Eruption, which defeated that Emperor's attempt to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. 8vo. London, 1750. [Ff. 7. 56.^ Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 264. (1.)] Another Copy. Works. | f^''^ ^^J" ^1*11.^%^ ^I 26.] A Review of the Fiery Eruption which defeated the Emperor Julianas Attempt to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem, hi which Mr. Warburton's Argu- ments are considered. 8vo. London, 1752. [P. 264. (2.)] Watson (Richard, Bishop of Llandaff ) An Apology for Christianity, in a Series of Letters addressed to Edward Gibbon, Esq. 4to. Cambridge, 1777. [R. 17. 23.] Another Copy. 4to. Cambridge, 1777. [Dd. 3. 69.] Another Copy. 4to. Cambridge, 1777. [F. 22. 12.] Welsted (Leonard) The Scheme and Conduct of Providence from the Creation to the Coming of the Messiah. 8vo. London, 1736. [P. 85. (1.)] West (Gilbert) Observations on the History and Evidences of Christ's Resurrection. 8vo. London, 1747. [F. 21. 8.] Whiston (William) Of the Thundering Legion ; or, the Miraculous De- liverance of Marcus Antoninus and his Army upon the Prayers of the Christians. As also Alexander the Great's meeting the High Priest of the Jews at Jerusalem. 8vo. London, 1726. [P. 139. (6.)] im RELIGION. Whitby (Daniel) An Endeavour to evince the Certainty of the Christian Faith. 8 vo. Oxford, 1671. [R. 13. 64.] Whitby (Daniel) A Discourse of the Necessity and Usefulness of the Christian Revelation. 8vo. London, 1705. [A. 18. 98.] Wilding (James) On the Causes that Christianity spread itself so much in the Ages immediately succeeding the Age of the Apostles, and so little since. A Norrisian Prize Essay. 8vo. Cambridge, 1803. [Gg. 7. p.] WooLSTON (Thomas) The Old Apology for the Truth of the Christian Religion against the Jewrs and Gentiles revived. 8vo. Cambridge, 1705. [M. 6. 24.] Woolston (Thomas) The Fitness of the Time in which Christ was mani- fested in the Flesh ; demonstrated by Reason against the Objections of the Old Gentiles and of Modern Unbelievers. London, 1722. [P. 313. (11.)] ii. Treatises in Proof of the Truth of Christianity/ against the Jews. JusTiNi Martyris Dialogus cum Tryphone Judseo, Gr. Lat. Apud Jus- tini Opera, folio. \^F, 5. 7.] Exemplar aliud. folio. Apud Justini Opera. [I. 11. 22.] Exemplar aliud. folio. Apud Justini Opera. QM. 11. 2.] Gregentii (Archiepiscopi Tephrensis) Disputatio cum Herbano Judaeo. Gr. Lat. cum notis Nic. Gulonii. 8vo. Parisiis, 1586. [L 15. 46.] God's Covenant displayed, by John Alexander, a converted Jew ; with a prooemial Discourse of the Reasons of his Conversion. 4to. London, 1689. [M. 15. 24.] Allix (Peter) A Confutation of the Hopes of the Jews concerning the last Redemption. 8vo. London, 1707. QR. 13. 33.] Allix (Petri) De Messiae Duplici Adventu Dissertationes duae, adversus Judaeos. 8vo. Londini, 1701. [xM. 18. 4.] Exemplar aliud. 8 vo. Londini, 1701. [R. 10. 81.] tCALVERT (Thomas) The Blessed Jew of Morocco ; or, a Demonstration of the True Messias. 8vo, York, 1648. Clayton (Robert, Bishop of Clogher) An Enquiry into the Coming of the Messiah, in a Letter to an eminent Jew. 8vo. London, 1751. [R. 10. 9.] Crawford (Charles) A Letter to the Hebrew Nation. 12mo. London, 1805. [Ff. 7. 106.] Crawford (Charles, Earl) Three Letters to the Hebrew Nation, 12mo. London, 1817. [Aa. 3. 85.] De Voisin (Josephi) Theologia Judaeorum ; sive Opus, in quo rem ipsam, quK nunc Christiana Religio nuncupatur, etiam apud antiquos fuisse, priusquam Christus veniret in came, ex Hebrteorum libris ostenditur, Tom. I. 4to. Parisiis, 1647. [K. 14. 18.] Galastini (P.) De Arcanis Catholicse Veritatis Libri XIL ; quibus ple- raque Religionis Christianse Capita contra Judajos, tarn ex Scripturis veteris Testamenti authenticis, qu^m ex Talmudicorum commentariis, CONFUTATIONS OF ATHEISM, &c. 193 confirmare et illustrare conatus est : item, Joannis Reochlini de Arte Cabalistica Libri III. folio, Francofurti, 1612. [H. 9. 23.] HooRNBEEK (Johannis) Pro Convincendis et Convertendis Judeeis Libri Octo. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1655. [K. 20. 14.] Jacob (John) The Jew turned Christian ; or, the Corner-Stone, wherein is an assertion of Christ being the true Messiah. 4to. London, 1678. [N. 8. 24.] Kidder (Richard) A Demonstration of the Messias ; in which the Chris- tian Rehgion is proved, especially against the Jews. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1684-99-1700. [N. 7. 62-64.] Lansman (Andreae) Disputatio Theologica de Preejudiciis et Erroribus Synagogae Judaicae. 4to. Ultrajecti, 1645. [I. 15. 27.] Levi (David) Dissertations on the Prophecies of the Old Testament. 3 vols. 8 vo. London, 1793-1800. [Hh. 5. 2-4.] Remarks upon David Levi's Dissertalions on the rtophecies relative to the Messiah, and upon the Evidences of the Divine Character (>f Jesns, ad- dressed to the consideration of the Jews. 8vo. {Txco Copies.) London, 1810. [Hh. 5. 5,6.] Mayo (Richard) Two Disputations concerning the Messiah ; one between a Papist and a Jew, the other between a Protestant and a Jew. Lon- don, 1754. [P. 181. (3.)] iii. Defences of Christianity against the Mohammedans. Raymundi (Martini) Pugio Fidei, adversus Mauros et Judaeos. folio, Parisiis, 1651. [K. 13. 21.] Prideaux (Humphrey) The true Nature of Imposture displayed in the Life of Mahomet. 8 vo. London, 1723. [C. 27. 7.] Controversial Tracts on Christianity and Mohammedism, by the late Rev. Henry Martyn, B. D., and some of the most eminent Writers of Persia, translated and explained. To which is appended, an original Tract on the same question. Edited, with a Preface, by the Rev. Sa- muel Lee, A. M., Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge, 1824. [K. 25. 31.] iv. Defences of Natural and Revealed Religion against Atheists and Deists. (1) Confutations of Atheism, and Defences of Natural Religion. l^Many Defences of Natural and Revealed Religion will he found in the Col' lection of Boyle Lectures, infra, Title XII. Sect. 2.] Sabunde (Raymundi de) Theologia Naturalis; sive Liber Creaturarum, specialiter de Homine et de Natura ejus, et de his, quae sunt ei neces- saria ad agnpscendum se ipsum, et Deum, et omne debitum, ad quod homo tenetur et obligatur, tam Deo quapi proximo. 8vo. Francofurti, 1635 [K. 17. 6.] [yi Book of uncommon occurrence : though it chiejly belongs to Natural O 194 RELIGION. Theology, it also contains many Arguments in the Defence and Con- Jirmution of the Christian Religion against its antagonists in the middle age.~\ Joidani Bruni, Nolani, De Monade, Numero, et Figura Liber, consequens Quinque de Minimo, Magno, et Mensura. Item de Innumerabilibus, Immenso, et Infigurabili ; seu de Universo et Mundis Libri octo. 8vo. Francofurti, 1591. [K. 17. 20.] OsiANDRi (Lucae) Refutatio Script! Satanici, a Francisco Filidino in lucem editi. 4to. Tubingae, 1593. [C. 1. SO.] Campanellje (Thomae) Atheismus Triumpbatus ; seu ReAuctio ad. Reli- gionem per Scientiarum Veiitates, contra Antichristianismum Achito- phellisticum. 4to. Parisiis, 1636. [G. 20. 12.] Wise (Thomas) A Confutation of the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism. 2 vols, in one, 4to. London, 1706. [C. 6. II.] Barrington (John Shute, first Viscount) A Discourse of Natural and Revealed Religion. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 202. (6.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 97. (8.)] BuDDEi (Joannis Francisci) Theses Theologicaj de Atheismo et Supersti- tione ; ctim Notis, et Dissertatione contra Athcos Hadriani Buurt. 8vo. Trajecti ad Rheniim, 1737. [A. 17. 110.] Leland (John) A View of the Deistical Writers that have appeared in England in the last and present Century. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1755. {y. 4. 7-9.] Leland (John) A View of the Deistical Writers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1756. [Ff. 7. 134,135.] BuLKLEY (Charles) Observations upon Natural Religion and Christianity. 8vo. London, 1757. [P. 207. (9.)] Butler (Joseph, Bp. of Durham) The Analogy of Religion. Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature. 8vo. London, 1736. [Gg. 2. 41.] .Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1736. [D. 24. 25.] BoTT (Thomas) Remarks on Dr. Butlers notions of Necessity and Virtue. 8vo. London, 1739. [P. 97. (5.)] Jackson (John) Answer to a Book entitled '• Things divine and superna- tural conceived by analogy with things natural and human." 8vo. London, 1733. [P. 202. (5.)] Orr (John) The Theory of Religion in three parts ; with a conclusion to those who doubt or disbelieve, and to those who profess to be be- lievers of it. 8vo. London, 1762. [P. 245. (1.)] TuNSTALL (James) Academica : Discourses on the Certainty, Distinction, and Connection between Natural and Revealed Religion. 8vo. London, 1729. [P. 226. (5.)] Warburton (Wm. Bp. of Gloucester) Remarks on Mr. David Hume's Essay on the Natural History of Religion. London, 1757. [P. 207. (7.)] S. T. — Remarks on Mr. Hume's Natural History of Religion ; with Dialogues on Heathen Idolatry, and the Christian Religion. London, 1758. [P. 207.(8.)] NECESSITY OF DIVINE REVELATION, &c. 195 (2.) Treatises on the Necessity of a Divine Revelation, and on THE Inspiration of the Scriptures. Baker (Thomas) Reflections upon Learning ; wherein is shewn the in- sufficiency thereof, in its several Particulars, in order to evince the Use- fulness and Necessity of Revelation. 8vo. London, 1699. [N. 9. 40.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1699. [P. 6. 24.] Bowles (Thomas) Gradual Advances and Distinct Periods of Divine Revelation in the several ages of the world. 8vo. London, 1728. [P. 270. (9.)] Campbell (Archibaldi) Oratio de Vanitate Luminis Naturae. 8vo. Edinburgi, 1733. [P. 62. (6.)] Campbell (Archibald) On the Necessity of Revelation. 8vo. London, 1739. [F. 21. 2.] Delany (Patrick) Revelation examined with Candour. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1732. [D. 22. 8-10.] Clayton (Robert Bp. ofClogher) The question about Eating of Blood stated and examined : in Answer to Two Dissertations in a Book entitled " Reve- lation examined with Candour." 8vo. Dub/in, 1732. [P. 58. (1.)] Another Copy. 8vo. Dublin, 1732. [P. 271. (1.)] Delany (Patrick) The Doctrine of Abstinence from Blood defended, in Answer to two Pamphlets: the one called "The question about Eating of Blood stated and examined ;" the other, " The prohibition of Blood a temporary Precept." 8vo1' London, 1734. [P. 58. (2).] Shaj'p (Thomas J An Enquiry about the Lawfulness of Eating Blood. With some Remarks upon The question about Eating of Blood stated and exa- mined. 8vo. London, 1733. [P. 27 1. (2.)] A Defence of the Enquiry about the Lawfulness of Eating Blood. In An- swer to the " Remarks on the Apostolical Decree at Jerusalem proved to be still in force " Sfc. By a Prebendary of York. 8vo. London, \ 7 o4!. [P. 271. (3.)] Ellis (John) The Knowledge of Divine Things from Revelation, not from Nature. 8vo. London, 1811. [Ff. 5. 31.] Jackson (John) A Plea for Human Reason, shewing the Insufficiency of it in Matters of Religion. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 64. (1.)] A Plea for Divine Revelation, in answer to " A Plea for Huhmn Reason." 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 64. (2.)] Jackson (John) A Defence of the " Plea for Human Reason." 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 64. (3.)] Calumny no Conviction, being a Vindication of the "Plea for Human Reason," against the aspersions of a book under the name of John Browne [Dr. Waterland.] In which Vindication is demonstrated the Unity of God from Reason. 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 64. (4.)] Bliss (Anthony J Remarks on the Plea and the Defence of the Plea for Human Reason. 8vo. London, 1733. [P. 64. (5.)] Law (Edmund, Bp. of Carlisle) Considerations on the Theory of Religion. 8vo. Cambridge, 1755. [Ff. 7. 54.] Considerations on the Theory of Religion. 8vo. London, 1759. [Ff. 7. 55.'] 02 196 RELIGION. Law (Edmund, Bp. of Carlisle) Considerations on the Theory of Religion. 8vo. London, 1774. [D. 26. 14.] Considerations on the Theory of Religion. 8vo. London, 1784. [Hh. 5. 1.] Leland (Thom:is) The Advantage and Necessity of the Christian Reve- lation shewn from the State of Religion in the Antient Heathen World. 2 vols. 4tp. London, 1764. [O. 8. 29,30.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1764. [O. 8. 36,37.] Batly (B.) An Essay on Inspiration. 8vo. London, 1708. [D. 6. 6.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1 708. [N. 7. 46.] Five Letters concerning the Lispiration of the Scriptures, translated from the French of M. Le Clerc. 8vo. London, 1690. [P. 6. 42.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1690. [R. 21.65.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1690. [D. 15. 31.] LowTH {fVilliam) A Vindication nf the Divine Authuiity and Inspiration of the Writings of the Old and New Testament ; in answer to Five Let- ters concerning the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. 12mo. Oxford, 1692. [K. 8. 15.] Another Copy. 12 mo. London, 1699. [F. 18. 21.] Another Copy ; with Directions for the profitable reading of the Scriptures. 2 vols, in one. 12mo. London, 1699, 1726. [A. 19. 38.] (3) Treatises in Defence of Divine Revelation, in Reply to the PARTICULAR ATTACKS OF ChUBB, DoDWELL, CoLLINS, HuME, MiD- DLETON, Morgan, Tindal, Toland, and Woolston. Chubb (Thomas) Works. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1748. [D. 22. 67.] Chubb (Thomas) Tracts. 8vo. London, 1725. [A. 19. 12.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1730. [R. 3. 32.] Fleming C Caleb J Truth and Modern Deism at Variance, shewti from a careful Examination if Mr. Thomas Chubb's Four Dissertations. 8vo. Londo?i, 1746. [P. 236. (6.)] Chubb (Thomas) An Enquiry concerning Redemption,' wherein the Christian Redemption is particularly con- sidered. 8vo. London, 1742. .. - - . ^[R. 19. 13.] Chubb (Thomas) The Ground and Foundation of Morality considered. 8vc. London, 1745. - - - Chubb (Thomas) Two Enquiries. 1. Concerning Property, in which is considered Liberty of Conscience ; 2. Concerning Original Sin. 8vo. London, 1717. [i\ 77. (8)] Chubb (Thomas) Die True Gospel of Jesus Christ asserted. 8vo. Lon- don, 1738. [li. 18. 46.] . Hallett (Joseph J The Consistent Christian; being a Confutation of the Errors of Mr. Chubb's late Book, intituled The True Gospel of Jesus Christ asserted. IVith Remarks on his Dissertation on Providence. 8vo. London, 17 S8. [P. 92. (3.)] ■ Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1738. [P. 236. (4.)] DEFENCES OF DIVINE REVELATION. 197 Ja€KSon (Lawrence) An Examination of a Book entitled " The True Gospel of Jems Clin.st asstrted" 8vo. London, 1739. [E. 26. 13.] Remarks on Mr. C/iul>b's S/iort Dissertation on Providence. With Animad- versions on his " True Gosfiel of Jesus Christ asserted," ^c. 8vo. Lon- don, 173S. [P. 236. (5.)] Fleming (Caleb) Remarks on Mr. Chubb's Dissertations on Providence, and Animadversions on Mr. Chubb's " Discourse on Miracles." 8vo. London, 1738. [R. 12. 28.] '■ Another Copy, with Animadversions on Mr. Chubb's Posthumous Works, and Truth and Modern Deism at Variance. 8vo. London, 1739-* 49. [G. 24. 17.] Parker ( R.) Letter to Mr. Chubb, concerning his " True Gospel." 8vo. Lo?idon, 1739. [R. 12. 28.] Chubb (Thomas) Dissertations, on the History of Melchizedek : the Tem- per and Beliavioiir of Esau and Jacob ; the Conduct of Balaam ; and on a Passage in Dr. Sherlock's Sermon. 8vo. London, 1746. [R. 19. 13.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1746. [R. 12. 28.] Moss (Charles) The Case of Abraham and Melchizedek, the History of Esau and Jacob, and the Story of bulaam considered and explained; and the Mistakes of Mi". Chubb and others corrected. 8vo. London, 1746. [R. 19. IS.] Tucker (Josiah) Two Dissertations, on Luke xiv. 12-14, and on Rom. xiii. 1-4. wherein the Cavils and Objections of Mr. Chubb are consideied and refuted. 8vo. London, 1749. [R. 19. 13.] DoDWELL (Henry) Christianity not founded on Argument ; and the true principle of Gospel Evidence assigned. 8vo. London, 1743. [P. 120. (1.)] Benson (George) The Reasonablenesse of the Christian Religion as deli- vered in the Scriptures ; being an Answer to a late Treatise, intitled " Christianiti/ not founded oti Argument." 8vo. London, 1743. [A. 18. 124.] Doddridge (Philip) Three Letters, in answer to " Christianity 7iot founded on Arguiimit" 8vo. London, 1743. [P. 120. (4.)-;6.)] Mole (Thomas) The Grounds of the Christian Faith Rational, in Answer to " Christianity not founded on Argu7nent." 8vo. London, MAS. [P. 311. (3.)] The Oxford Young Gentleman s Repli/ to a Book entitled " Christianity not founded on Argument," S^c. in a Letter to the Author. 8vo. London, 1743. [P. 120. (7.)] Leland (John) Remarks on " Christianiti/ not founded on Argument," in two Letters. 8vo. London, 1744. [P. 120. (2.) (3.)] KiLLlNGWORTH ( Grantlium) Remarks on the several Answers to *' Chris- tianity not founded on Argument." 8vo. London, 1744. [P. 312. (8.)] Collins (Anthony) A Discourse of Free Thinking. 8vo. London, 1713. [A. 17. 77.] Mr. Collins's Di.scourse of Free Thinking put into plain English by way of Abstract for the Use of the Poor. By a Friend of the Author [^I)r. Swift.'] Svo. London, 1713. [P. 274. (13.)] Bentley (Richard) Remarks upon a " Discourse of Free Thinking. Svo. London, 1713. [N. 9. 12.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1713. [P. 97. (14.)] 198 RELIGION. Account of a Discourse at the Grecian Cofee House, on Feb. 11, 1712; Occasioned by Dr. B[_enf levy's Answer to the " Discourse on Free Think- ing." In a Letter from George Paul, Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, to Francis Dickins, LL. B. and Fellow of Trinity Hall. 8vo. London, 1713. [P. 274. (14.)] Hoadly ( Benjainin ) Queries recommended to the Authors of the " Discourse of Free Thinking" 8vo. London, 1713. [N. 9. 12.] IVhiston (Wm.) Reflections on an Anonymous Pamphlet, entituled " A Dis- course of Free Thinking." 8vo. London, 1713. [L. 15. 5.] Collins (Anthony) A Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion. 8vo. London, 1737. [R. 19. 24.] The Christian Religion not founded on Allegory, against the Objections of Mr. Collins's Discourse on the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Re- ligion. Svo. London, 1724. [P. 166. (3.)] Clarke (Samuel J A Discourse concerning the Prophecies in the Old Testa- ment and the Application of them to Christ. Svo. London, 1725. [N. 9. 17.] Jeffery ("Thomas J A Review of the Controversy between the Author of the Discourse of the Orounds and_ Reasons of the Christian Religion and his Adversaries. Svo. London, 1726. [P. 157. (1.)] Chandler (Samuel) A Vindication of the Christian Religion in two Parts. 1. A Discourse on the Nature and Use of Miracles. 2. An Answer to a late " Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion," 8^c. Svo. 2d. Edit. London, 1728. [A. 18. 104.] Green (John, Bp. of Lincoln) A Defence of the Argument of the Truth of Christianity from Miracles and the Gospel Application of several Passages of the Old Testament. In Reply to the Author of the " Discourse on the Grounds and Reasotis of the Christian Religion," ^c. London, 1728. [P. 311. (1.)] CotLiNS (Anthony) Tlie Scheme of Literal Prophecy considered. Svo. London, 1727. [D. 24. 11.] Bullock (Thomas) The Reasoning of Christ and his Apostles vindicated, in Ansxoer to " The Scheme of Literal Prophecy considered," Svo, London, 1728. [P. 70. 1.] Chandler (Edward, Bishop of Coventry J A Defence of Christianity from the Prophecies of the Old Testament. Svo. London, 1725. [P. 6. 10.] • A Vindication of the " Defence of Christianity." 2 vols. Svo. Lon- don, 1728. [P. 6. 11,12.] Chandler (Samuel) A Vindication of the Antiquity and Authority of Da- nieVs Prophecies, and their Application to Jesus Christ ; in Answer to the Objections of the Author of '•'• The Scheme of Literal Prophecy considered." Svo. London, 1728. [R. IS. 41.] The Objections of a late Anonymous Writer against the Book of Daniel, con- sidered. Svo. Cambridge, 1728. [P. 115. (4.)] Gill (John) The Prophecies of the Old Testament respecting the Messiah, considered. Svo. Loudon, 1728. [F. 25. 22.] Gurdon (Brampton) The Christian Religion supported by the Prophecies of the Old Testament. Svo. London, 1728. [P. 70. (4.)] LotvMAN (Moses) The Argument from Prophecy in proof that Jesus is the Messiah, vindicated. Svo. Londoti, 1733. [?. 70. (5.)] DEFENCES OF DIVINE REVELATION. 199 Sherlock ("Thomas, Bishop of London) Discourses on the Use and Intent of Prophecy, in the several Ages of the JVorld. 8vo. London, 1731. [N. 7. 7.] — — — — An Appendix to the second Dissertation annexed to the Discourses of the Use and Intent of Prophecy. 8vo. London, 1749. [P. 181. (9.)] — Dissertation IV. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem, added in the third Edition of the Discourses on Prophecy. 8vo. London, 1733. [P. 152. (7.)] Middleton (Conyers) An Examination of the Bishop of London s Discourses concerning the Use and Intent of Prophecy. 4to. Works, Vol. III. [G. 9. 14.] Sykes ("Arthur Ashley J The True Grounds of the Expectation of the Mes- siah. 8vo. London, 1728. [P. 70. (3.)] Hume (David) Essay on Miracles. Essays, 8vo. Vol. II. [Gg. 7. 47.] Adams (H'illiam) An Essay on Mr. Hume's Essay on Miracles. 8vo. Lon- don,. 17 52. [R. 18. 44.] Campbell (^George) A Dissertation on Miracles, containing an ExaminU' tion of the Principles advanced by Datid Hume, Esq. in an Essay on Miracles. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1766. [R. 20. 47.] Campbell (Georgt) A Dissertation on Miracles; to which are added Sermons and Tracts. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1797. [L. 22. 10,11.] Douglas (John, BiJiop of Salisbury) The Criterion of Miracles examined, with a ritzcto expose the Pretensions of Pagans and Papists. 8vo. Lon- don, 1754: [E. 27. 30.] Middleton (Conyers) An Introductory Discourse to a larger Work, de- signed to be published concerning the Miraculous Powers, which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church from the earliest ages through several successive centuries. 8vo. London, 1747. [R. 19. 6.] Stebbing C Henry) Obsenations on Dr. Middleton s " Introductory Dis- course." Svo.London, 174:G. [R. 19. 6.] ^liddleton ('Conyers) A Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers, sup- posed to have subsisted in the Christian Church, from the earliest ages, through several successive centuries : with the Introductory Discourse. 4to. If'orks, Vol. I. [G. 9. 12.] DoDWELL (Wm.) A Free Answer to Dr. Middle tons ** Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers of the Primitive Church." 8vo. London, 1749. [R. 19. 6.] Church (Thomas) Tuo Vindications of the Miraculous Powers, which sub- sisted in the three first centuries of the Christian Church, in Answer to Dr. ■ Middleton a ''Free Inquiry." 8vo. London, 1750-51. [R. 18. 27.] Middleton (Conyers) Remarks on two Pamphlets against Dr. Middleton's Introductory Discourse. — A Vindication of the " Free Inquiry," &c. from the Objections of Dr. Dodwell and Dr. Church. 4to. Works, Vol.1. [G 9. 12.] Anoihcr Copy. 8vo. London, 1748. [R. 19. 6.] Toll (Frederick) Some Remarks upon Mr. Church's Vindication of the Miraculous Powers in the three first centuries of the Christian Church. 8vo. London, 1750. [R. 19. 6.] 200 RELIGION. Toll (Frederick) A Defence of Dr. Middleton's " Free Inquiry" against Mr. Dodwell's " Free Answer." Svo. London, 1749. [R. 19. 6.] JBoTT (Thomas) Four Queries concerning the Miracles said to have been •wrought in the first ages of the Church. Svo. London, 1748. [R. 18. 44.} Chapman (John) A View of the Expediency and Credibility of Miraculous Powers atnong the Primitive Christians ; represented in a Charge deli' vered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury. 4to. London, 1752. [P. 6. (8.)] The Jesuit-Cabal farther opened; or a Defence of Dt. Chapman's Charge against the Cavils of a declamatory Remarker (Dr. Middleton.) 4to. ■ London, 1747. [P. 6. (9.)] Jackson (John) Rennarks on Dr. Middleton's " Free Inquiry into the Mi- raculous Powers," &c. In which it is shewn that there is sufficient Reason to believe that Miraculous Powers continued in the Church after the Days of the Apostles. Svo. London, 1749. |^R IS. 44.] A Letter to the Rev. John Jackson, in Reply to his Remarks, with a De- fence of it. Svo. London, 1749. [R. IS. 44.] Middleton (Conyers) A Preface to an intended Answer to all the Objec- tions made against the " Free Inquiry." 4to. Works, Vol, I. [G. 9. 12.] Lemoine (Abraham) A Treatise on Miracles. Svo. London, 1747. [D. 25. 10.] Parker (Wm.) The Expediency of some Divine Interpositions during the first ages of the Christian Fathers considered; a fid the supposal of the Continuance of such Interpositions proved to be no sanction or ground of credit. Svo. Oxford, 1749. [R. IS. 44.] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) A brief Discovrse concerning; the Credibility of Miracles and Revelation. Svo. London, 1742. [R. 18. 43.] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) Two Questions [relative to the Credibility of Mi- racles] previous to Dr. Middleton's Free Inquiry, impartially consi- dered„ Svo. Two Parts, London, 1750-52. [R. IS. 43.] An Impartial Inquiry, What is the Test by which we may judge of the Mira- cles done by our Saviour and his ApostUs, and know that they were really done? In a Letter to Dr. Sykes. Svo. London, 1750. [R. 18. 44.] Clarke (Joseph) A View of the Controversy concerning the Miraculous Foxoers, which are supposed to have subsisted in the Primitive Church from the earliest ages through successive centuries. Svo. London, 1748. [R. IS. 44.] Heathcote (Ralph) Animadversions upon a Controversy concerning the Miraculous Powers. 4:10. London, 1752. [P. 6. (7.)] Heathcote (Ralph) Remarks on a Book entitled A View of the Expediency and Credibility of Miraculous Powers among the Primitive Christians. In u Charge delivered at Salisbury. Svo. London, \7 52. [P. 185.(9.)] MoRGyiN (Thomas) The Moral Philosopher, in a Dialogue between Phila- lethes a Christian Deist, and Theophanes a Christian Jew. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1737. [R. 11. 12,13.] Hallet (Joseph) The Immorality of the Moral Philosopher, being an An- swer to a Book lately published under that title. Svo. London, 1737. [P. 236. (1.)] ■ Another Edition. Svo. London, 1738. [P. 224^(10.)] DEFENCES OF DIVINE REVELATION. 201 Morgan (Thomas) A Defence of the Moral Philosopher against " The Im- morality of the Moral Philosopher." Svo. London, 1737. [P. 236. (2.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1737. [P. 143. (6.)] Hallet (Joseph) A Letter to the Moral Philosopher: being a Vindication of a Pamphlet entitled The Immorality of the Moral Philosopher, S^x. Svo. Londuii, 1737. [P. 236. (3.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1738. [P. 143. (7.)] Leland (John) The Divine Authority of the Old and New Testament as- serted against the vnjvst Aspersions and false Reasonings of a Book en- titled " The Moral Philosopher." 2 vols. Svo. London, 1739-40. [A. 18. 113,114.] Chandler (Sawnel) A Vindication of the History of the Old Testament, in Answer to the Misrepresentations (f Thomas Morgan, M, D. and Moral Philosopher. Svo. London, 1741. [R. 19. 21.] Morgan (Thomas) A Vindication of the Moral Philosopher against the false Accusations, Insults, and personal Abuses of Samuel Chandler. Svo. London, 1741. [P. 143. (4.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1741. [R. 12. 21.] The History of Joseph considered, or the Moral Philosopher vindicated against Mr. Samuel Chandler's Defence of the Prime Ministry and conduct of Joseph. By Philalethes. Svo. London, 1744. [P. 143. (5.)] Sqvire (Samuel) The Ancient History of the Hebrews vindicated; or Re- marks on the Third Volu7ue of the '^ Moral Philosopher." Svo. London, 1741. [P. 143. (3.)] Deism not consistent with the Religion of Reason and Nature. In which the most popular Objections brought against Christianity, especially those urged by a Moral Philosopher, are obxiated. Svo. London, 1751. [P. 236. (7.)] Morgan (Thomas) Physico-Theology ; or a Disquisition concerning Hu- man Nature, Free Agency, Moral Government, and Divine Provi- dence. Svo. London, 1742. [R. 12. 21.] TiNDAL (Matthew) Christianity as Old as the Creation : or the Gospel a Republication of the Religion of Nature. Svo. London, 1730. [R. 11. 20.] BvLLOCK (Thomas) The Gospel a Reinforcement of the Law of Nature. In Answer to " Chndianity as old as the Creation." Svo. London, 1730. [P. Q%. (3.)] Stebbing (Henry ) A Discourse concerning the Use and Advantagies oj the Gospel Revelation, in which are obviated the principal Objections contained in a Book entitled " Christianity as old as the Creation." Svo. London, 1730. [P. 62. (1.)] Campbell (Archibald) A Discourse proving that the Apostles were no En- thusiasts: with some Refections on " Christianity as old as the Creation," SfC. Svo. London, 1730. [P. 62.(5.)] Jackson (John) Remarks on a Book intitled •' Christianity as old as the Creation." Svo. London, 1731. [P. 62. (4.)] Foster (James) The Usefulness, Truth, and Excellency of the Christian Revelation dej'cnded against a Book intitled " Christianity as old as the Creation." Svo. London, 1731. [F. 22. 5.] A View of the Absurdities in Foster's Defence of Christianity. Svo. Lon- don, 1731. [P. 71. (16.)] 202 RELIGION. Brovghton CThos.J Christianity distinct from the Reliirion of Nature, in Answer to *' Christianity as old as the Creation." Sfc. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 311.(2.)] Chapman (Jnhn) Primitive Antiquity explained and vindicated, in reply to " Christ III niti/ as old as the Creation:' 8vo. London, 1732. [R. 12. 12.] Clarke (John) An Examination of Dr. Middleton's Plan of an Anszcer to Tindal's book entitled " Christianity as old as the Creation." 8vo. London, 17J3. [P. 55. (17.)] Browne (Simon J A Defence of the Religion of Nature and the Christian Revelation, in reply to " Christianity as Old as the Creation." 8vo. London, 1732. [R. 12. 32.] Browne {Simon J The Close of the Defence of the Religion of Nature and the Christian Revelation. 8vo. London, 1733. [P. 185. 13.] CoNYBEARE {John, Bishop of Bristol) A Defence of Revealed Religion. 8vo. London, 17S2. [G. 22. 11.] Leland {John) An Answer to " Christianity as old as the Creation." 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1750. [A. 18. 115, 116.] Wright {Samuel) A Recommendation of Mr. Leland' s Answer to " Chris- tianity as old as the Creation." 8vo. London, 1734. [P. 129. (7.)] Wat^rland (Daniel) Scripture vindicated, in Answer to Tindal's " Chris- tianity as old as the Creation." 3 Parts, 8vo. London, 1730-32. [P. 84. (1,2,3.)] Waterland (Daniel) A Preface to " Scripture vindicated." 8vo. [P. 97. (13.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) Answer to the Second Part of " Scripture vindi- cated." 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 84. (4.)] Chapman {John) Remarks on a Letter to Dr. Waterland, in relation to the Natural Account of Languages. 8vo. Cambridge, 1731. [N. 9. 32.] An Answer to the Letter to Dr. Waterland, in Relation to the point of Cir- cumcision, wherein the Letter-writer's gross Mistakes are examined and confuted. 12mo. London, 1731. [Hh. 4. 25.] Middleton (Conyers) A Letter to Dr. Waterland on his *' Vindication of Scripture/' &c. 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 64. 6.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1731. [Hh. 4. 25.] Another Copy. 4to. In Middleton's Works, Vol. II. [G. 9. 13.] Pearce (Zachary) A Reply to the Letter to Dr. Waterland, setting forth the many Falsehoods in it. 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 64. (7.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1731. [Hh. 4. 25. j Middleton (Conyers) A Defence of the " Letter to Dr. Waterland." 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 64. (8.)] Another Copy. 4to. In Middleton's Works, Vol. II. [G. 9. 13.] Pearce (Zachary) A Reply to the " Defence of the Letter to Dr. Water- land" 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 64. (9.)] • Another Copy. 8\o. London, 1732. [Hh. 4. 25.] Middleton (Conyers) Remarks on " A Reply to the Defence of the Let- ter to Dr. Waterland. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 64. 10.)] DEFENCES OF DIVINE REVELATION. 203 fVilliams (Dr.) Observations addressed to the Author of the " Letter to Dr- Waterland," in which it is proved the Letter ovght to be burned and the Author banished. 8vo. London, \7 33. [P. 64. (11.)] Middleton (Conyers) Remarks on " Observations addressed to the Au- thor of the Letter to Dr. Waterland." 8vo. London, 1733. , [P. 64. (12.)] Another Copy. 4to. In Middleton's Works. Vol. II. [G. 9. 13.] ToLAND (John) Tracts, with his Life by M. Desmaizeaux. 8vo. London, 1718-22 20. [D. 21. 20.] Toland (John) Letters to Serena. 8vo. London, 1704. [R. 10. 70.] Urowne (Peter, Bishop of Cork) A Lttter in answer to a Book entituled " Christianiti/ not Mysterious." 8vo. London, 1697. |^N. 9. 34.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1703. [R. 13. 87.] Clarke (Samuel) Reflections on Amyntor. folio. Works, Vol. III. [N. 3. 33.] Richardson (John) The Canon of the New Testament vindicated, in An- swer to the Objections of J. T. in his " Amyntor." 8vo. London, 1701. [P. 77. (1.)] Richardson (John) The Canon of the New Testament vindicated. 8vo. London, 1719. [P. 77. (1.)] Brett (Thomas) Tradition necessary to explain Scripture, with Remarks on Mr. Toland's " Nuzarenus." 8vo. London, 1718. [P. 82. (3.)] Mangey (Thomas J Remarks upon *' Nazarenus ;" wherein the Falsity of Mr. Toland's Mahometan Gospel, and his Misrepresentation of Mahome- tan Sentiments, in respect of Christianity, are set forth. 8vo. London, 1719. [R. 19, 22.] MosHEMil {Jo. Laur.) Vindicioe Antiques Christianorum Disciplince, adver- sus Johannis Tolandi Nazarenum. 4to. Kiloni, 1720. [P. 12. (1.)] WooLSTON (Thomas) The Moderator between an Infidel and an Apos- tate, London, 1729. — Six Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour, 1728-29 — Defence of hi> Discourses on the Miracles, 1729-30. 8vo. [D. 21. 15.] Smalbrook (Richard, Bishop of Lichfield) A Vindication of the Miracles ; in which Mr. Woolston's -Discourses on them are examined. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1729. [R. 11. 9,10.] Thoughts on Mr. Woolston and his Writings. 8vo. London, 1729. [P. 55. (11.)] Laurence ( ) An Expostulatory Letter to Mr. Woolston on account of his Writings. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 55. (12.)] A Defence of Mr. Woolston, by Jonathan Jones, Esq. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 55. (13.)] Waterland (Daniel) An Answer to J. Jones, Esq. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 55. (14.)] A Dialogue showing the Absurdities, Sfc. of Mr. Woolston' s Discourses on the Miracles. 8vo. London, 1729. [P. 55. (15.)] Stvbbs (Philip) Advice to the Clergy. 8vo. London, 1729. [P. 55. 16.] Sherlock (Thomas, Bp. of London) The. Tryal of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus. 8vo. London, 1729. [A. 17. 45. (1.)] S04 RELIGION. Pearce (Zachary) The Miracles of Jesus vindicated. 8vo. London, 1729. [A. 17. 45. (2,3,4,5.)] Stebbing (Heiiiy) A Defence of the Scriptvre History, in Answer to Mr. Woolstons Discourse on our Saviour's Miracles. 8vo. London, 1730. [:A.17.45. (6.)] Stebbing {Henry) A Continuation of the Defence of Scripture History. 8vo. London, 1730. [A. 17. 45. (7i)] Wade {George) Ttco Discourses, on the Miracles, and on the Resurrection. 8vo. London, 1729. [A. 17. 45. (8.)] Lardner {Nathaniel) A Vindication of Three of our Saviour's Miracles in raising the Dead. 8vo. London, 1731. [A. 1 7. 45. (9.)] Browse {Simon) Some Remarks on Mr. IVoolston's Discourse on the Mi- racles ; with a Preface concerning the Prosecution of such Writers by the Civil Powers. 8vo. London, 1732. [A. 17. 45. (10.)] (4) Miscellaneous Treatises Against and in defence of Divine Revelation. A Letter to a Deist, in Answer to several Objections against the Truth and Authority of the Scriptures. 8vo. London, 1677. [G. 15. 15.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1677. [D. 7. 49.] Miracles, Works above and contrary to Nature ; or, an Answer to a Translation out of Spinoza's Tractatus, &c. Mr. Hobbs' Leviatlian, &c. Published to undermine the Truth and Authority of Miracles, &c. and entitled Miracles no violation of the Laws of Nature. 4to. London, 1683. [N. 8. 14.] The Origin of Atheism in the Popish and Protestant Churches. 4to. London, 1684. [M. 16. 30.] An Account of the Growth of Deism in England. 8vo. London, 1709, [R. 10. 67.] A Dialogue between Timotheus and Judas concerning a jiamphlef call'd The Growth of Deism in England. 4to. London, 1696. [N. 8. 23.] The Principles of a Member of the Black List. 8vo. London, 1702. [B. 6. 33.] The Grand Essay : or a Vindication of Reason and Religion, against the Impostures of Philosophy. 8vo. London, 1704. [R. 10. 43.] The Truth and Divine Authority of the Gospel, asserted against the Adversarys of Reveal'd Religion. 8vo. London, 1707. [L. 7. 14.] The Reasonableness of assenting to the Mysteries of Christianity asserted and vindicated. 8vo. London, 1708. [N. 9. 12.] A Philological Essay : or Reflections on the Death of Freethinkers. With the Characters of the most eminent Persons of both Sexes who have died pleasantly and unconcerned. Translated from the French. 8vo. London, 1713. [P. 229. (3.)] Priestcraft distinguished from Christianity. 8vo. London, 1715. [M. 20. 24.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 165. (7.)] DEFENCES OF DIVINE REVELATION. 205 The Spirit of the Ecclesiasticks of all Sects and Ages, as to the Doc- trines of Morality, examined by Mons. Barbeyrac Translated from the French. 8vo. London, 1722. [P. 91. (9.)] Grey (Zachary) The Spirit of hijidelitu detected, in Answer to " The Spirit of the Ecde.siasticks" Sfc. 8vo. London, 1725. [P. 91. (10.)] Christianity and Free-Thinking, in three Discourses, by a Layman. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1727. [P. 58. 7.] Two Letters from a Deist to his Friend. 4to. London, 1730. [P. 15-. (10.)] A Short Way with Prophaneness and Impiety : or a sure Method of putting a stop to Publick Infidelity without the least Persecution or In- vasion of civil or natural Liberty. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 71. (8.)] An Enquiry whether the Christian Religion is of any Benefit or only a useless commodity to a trading Nation. 8vo. London, 1732. LP. 71. (4.)] The Deist's Creed and Confession, in a Dialogue between the Gallows and a Free-Thinker. 8vo. London, 1733. [P. 65. (9.)] The Philosophy of Divine Revelation no Argument of Imposture. 8vo. London, 1735. [P. 62. (10.)] An Enquiry into the Law of Nature and Revelation, with a Discourse on the Mediator between God and Men. 8vo. London, 1737. [P. 198. (2.)] The Strength and Weakness of Human Reason, or the Important Ques- tion about the Sufficiency of Reason to conduct Mankind to Religion and future Happiness. Argued between an Inquiring Deist and a Christian Divine, &c. 12mo. London, 1738. [G. 21. 25 ] Philemon to Hydaspes : a Conversation on False Religion. [By Francis Coventry.] In 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1738. [R. 1^. 79,80.] An Impartial Inquiry into the Moral Character of Jesus Christ, wherein he is considered as a Philosopher. 8vo. London, 1740. [R. 18. 25.] The Christian Free-Thinker. 8vo. London, 1740. [P. 96. (3.)] Deism fairly stated and fully vindicated, in a Letter to a Friend. By a Moral Philosopher. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 143. (1.)] Gibson C Edmund, Bishop of London J A Defence of the peculiar Institutions and Doctrines of Christianity, in Answer to " Deism fairly stated," SjC. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 143. (2.)] A Brief Essay upon Religion, or the Means of Happiness, in which Faith, Hope, and Charity, are treated of in a plain easy manner. By way of Question and Answer. London, 1755. [P. 224. (H.)] Christianity, true Deism. 8vo. London, 1762, [P. 204. 7.] A Vindication of the Old and New Testament, or a short and easy Me- thod with the Deists. 12mo. Hull, 1797. [Hh, 4. 23.] C[Hh. 4. 36,39. Four other Copies. 12rao. Hull, 1797.< Hh. 7. 37. . , • (^li. 1. 34.] The History of the Man after God's own Heart. 8vo. London, 1761. [P. 323. (2.)] 206 RELIGION. Chandler (Samuel) A Review of the " History of the Man after God's own Heart;" in which the Falsehoods and Misrepresentations of the His- torian are exposed. 8vo. London, 1762. [F. 24. 20.] A Letter to Dr. Chandler, from the Writer of the " History of the Man after God's own Heart." 8vo. London, 1762. [P. 323. (3.)] AsPLiN (Wni.) Alkibla ; a Dissertation upon Worshipping to-^ wards the East. In 2 Parts. 8vo. London, 1728-1731. - Asplin (Wm.) The Anatomy of the Kebla, or a Dissection of ! pp ^- -. " The Defence of Eastward Adoration." 8vo. London, 1729. ^L • 'J A Letter to the Bishop of London on the Defence of Ridicule as employed in " Alkibla," by Wm. Asplin. 8vo. London; 1730.- AssHETON (William) The Substance of a Conference concerning 1. The Rudeness of Atheistical Discourse; 2. The Certainty and Eternity of Hell-Torments; and 3. The Truth and Authority of the Holy Scrip- tures. 12rao. London, 1690. [K. 8. 29.] Berkeley (George, Bishop of Cloyne) Alciphron : or the Minute Philo- sopher. 8vo. Dublin, 1732. [F. 21. 18.] Berkeley (George) The Analyst, or a Discourse addressed to an Ir^fidel Mathematician. 8vo. London, 1754. [Hh. 3. 36.] Buckingham (George Villiers, Duke of) A short Discourse upon the Reasonableness of Religion. 4to. London, 1685. [P. 35. (12.)] Chandler (Samuel) Reflections on the Conduct of Modern Deists in their Writings against Christianity. 8vo. London, 1727. [R. 18. 41.] Clayton (Robert, Bishop of Clogher) A Vindication of the Histories of the Old and New Testament, in Answer to the Objections of Lord Bo- lingbroke. 3 Parts. 8vo. London, 1752-54-58. [P. 199. (l.)-(3.)] D'Oyly (George) Letters to Sir William Drummond, relating to his Ob- servations on Parts of the Old Testament, in his Work entitled '* CEdipus Judaicus." 8vo. London, 1812. [Hh. 7. 23.] Eachard (John) Some Opinions of Mr. Hobbes considered, in two Dia- logues between Philautus and Timothy. 8vo. London, 1672-76. [K. 15. 32.] Farmer (Hugh) A Dissertation on Miracles. 8vo. London, 1771. [D. 26. 25.] FiDDEs (Richard) A Letter in Answer to one from a Free-Thinker, occa- sioned by the late Duke of Buckingham's Epitaph. 8vo. London, 1721. [P. 171. (5.)] FiNDLAY (Robert) A Vindication of the Sacred Books and of Josephus, especially the former, from various Misrepresentations and Cavils of M. de Voltaire. 8vo. Glasgow, 1770. [G. 23. 29.] Fleetwood (William, Bishop of Ely.) An Essay on Miracles. 8vo. Lon- don, 1701. [L. 15.7.] Headley ( ) Letter to Mr, Fleetwood, occasioned hy his "Essay on Miracles." 4to. London^ 1702. [M. 20. 4.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1702. [N. 8. 30.] Gilbert CJohnJ Reflections upon Dr. Fleetwood's Essay upon Miracles. 8vo. London, 1706. [N. 7. 47.] DEFENCES OF DIVINE REVELATION. 207 Fuller (Andrew) The Gospel its own Witness ; or the Holy Nature and Divine Harmony of the Christian Religion, contrasted with the Immo- rality and Absurdity of Deism. 8vo. Clipstone, 1799. [I, 21. 22.] Another Copy. 8vo. Clipstone, 1799. [Ff. 6. 34.] Gastrell (Francis, Bishop of Chester) The Principles of Deism set in a clear light, in Dialogues between a Sceptick and a Deist. 8vo. London, 1726. [N. 9. 28.J Gibson (Edmund, Bishop of London) Three Pastoral Letters to the People of his Diocese, occasioned by some late Writings in Favour of Infidelity. 8vo. London, 1729-30-31." [P. 69. (1,2,3.)] Gibson (Edmund) Three Pastoral Letters. 8vo. London, 1728-30-81. [N. 9. 30.] TiNDAL (Thomas) Two Addresses to the People of the Diocese of London, in relation to Bishop Gibson's Pastoral Letters. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 69. (4.) (7.)] Two Vindications of Bishop Gibson's Letters, in reply to Dr. Tindal. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 69. (5.) (6.)] Johnson (Thos) A Letter to Mr. Chandler, in Vindication of Dr. Gibson's Second Pastoral Letter. Svo. Cambridge, 1734. [P. 69. (8.)] Jackson (John) A Plea for Human Reason. Part II. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 83. (3.)] GiLDON (Charles) The Deist's Manual : or a Rational Enquiry into the Christian Religion. With Considerations on Hobbes, Spinosa, &c. Svo. London, 1705. [R. 10. 20.] , Goodman (John) A Winter Evening's Conference between two Neigh- bours. In 3 parts. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1684-90. [N. 9. 38,37.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1720. [R 12. 33.] Gordon ( ■) A New Method of demonstrating the Fundamental Grounds of Religion. Svo. London, 1756. [R. 12. 54.] Letters of certain Jews to M. de Voltaire, containing an Apology for their own People and for the Old Testament. [Translated from the French of tlie Abbe Guenee, by Philip Lefanu, D.D.j 2 vols. Svo. Dublin, 1777. [C. 26. 18,19.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1777. [Ff. 6. 41,42.] Harris (VVilliam) The Reasonableness of believing in Christ, and the Unreasonableness of Infidelity. 8vo. London, 1729. [A. 17. 45 (11.)] Harwood (Edward) Account of the Conversion of a Deist. Svo. London, 1762. [P. 204. (9.)] Heeberti (Edwardi, Baronis de Cherbury) De Veritate ; prout distin- guitur a Rev< latione, a Verisimili, a Possibili, et a Falso. 4to. Londini, 1645. [F. 14. 34.] HiLDROP (John) An Essay for the better Regulation and Improvement of Free- Thinking. Svo. London, 1739. [P. 96. (2.)] Hunter (T.) A Letter to the Hon. Col. * * * * on the Subject of Re- ligion. Svo. London, 1744. [P. 224. (2.)] Jeacocke (Caleb) A Vindication of the Moral' Character of the Apostle Paul from the Charge of Insincerity and Hypocrisy brought against it by Lord Bolingbroke, Dr. Middleton, and others. Svo. London, 1765. [P. 253. (8.)] 208 RELIGION. King (Josiah) Mr. Blount's Oracles of Reason examined and answered. 8vo. Exeter, 1698. [A. 19. 82.] Le Clerc (Jean) A Treatise on the Causes of Incredulity. 8vo. London, 1697. [A, 19. 100.] — Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1697. [P. 6. 36.} Leslie (Charles) A Short and Easie Method with the Deists ; to which is added a second Part, to the Jews. 12mo. Second Edition. London, 1699. [L. 8. 17.] Another Copy. l2mo. London, 1791. [R. 13. 86.] Two other Copies. 12mo. London, 1791. I K^' y" Ig^^ Another Copy, with the Truth of Christianity demonstrated. In the Scholar Armed, Vol. I. [Ff. 4. 34.] Mannyngham (Thos.) Two Discourses, on the Service rendered to Divine Revelation by the Chief Criteria of Philosophical Truth, and on the Undermining of the Foundations of the Intellectual World by Popish Doctrines and Policies. 12mo. London, 1681. [K. 17. 31.] Marcus (Moses) An Answer to the Letter to Dr. Waterland, in relation to the point of Circumcision. 8vo. London, 1731. [N. 9. 32.] NicHOLLS (William) A Conference with a Theist. 8vo. London, 1696. [M. 7. 25.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1696. [F. 27. 29. 30.] NichoUs (William) A Conference with a Theist. Part V. J [L. 15. 33. 8vo. London, 1 703. (Two copies.) \ N. 9. 34.] Nicholson (George) A Vindication of the Holy Scriptures, in an affec- tionate Address to the Deists. 8vo. Leeds, 1806. [Hh. 2. 47.] Owen (Henry) The Interest and Propriety of the Scripture Miracles considered and explained. 8vo. London, 1755. [P. 251. (1.)] Paine (Thomas) The Age of Reason. 8vo. Paris, 1794. [Hh. 2. 35.1^ Scott {Thomas^ A Vindication of the Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures, in Answer to T. Paine's Age of Reason. 12mo. London, 1796. [Ff. 7. 105.] Three Letters addressed to the Readers of Rainess Age of Reason. 8vo. London, 1797. [Hh. 2. 35.] Priestley and Price. — A Free Discussion of the Doctrines of Mate- rialism, and Philosophical Necessity, in a Correspondence between Dr. Price and Dr. Priestley ; to which is added, by Dr. Priestley, an Intro- duction explaining the Nature of the Controversy. 8vo. London, 1778. [A. 14. 67.] Pycroft (Samuel) A Brief Enquiry into Free-thinking. 8vo. Cambridge, 1713. [B. 6. 7.] Smith (John) The Christian Religion's Appeal from the groundless Pre- judices of the Sceptick to the Bar of Common Reason, folio, London, 1675. [L5. 27.] Squire (Samuel, Bp. of St. David's) Indifference for Religion inexcusable. 8vo. London, 1763. [F. 26. 27.] Stebbing (Henry) Christianity justified upon the Scripture Foundation ; being a Summary View of the Controversy between Christians and De- ists. 8vo. London, 1755. [A. 18. 123.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. S09 Taylor (Nathanael) A Preservative against Deism. 8vo. London, 1698. [B. 7. 14.] Wallis (John) Hobbius Heautontimoreumenos : or a Consideration of Mr. Hobbes his Dialogues, in an Epistolary Discourse addressed to the Right Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq. 8vo. London, 1662. [K. 8. 3.] The Creed of Mr. Hobbes examined, in a feigned Conference between him and a Student in Divinity. 8vo. London, 1670. [K. 8. 3.] Warburton (Wm. Bishop of Gloucester) A View of Lord Bolingbroke's Philosophy : in which his whole System of Infidelity and Naturalism is exposed and confuted. 12rao. London, 1756. [A. 19. 131.] Witty (John) The First Principles of Modern Deism confuted. 8vo. London, 1707. [D. 7. 41.] 3. Treatises on the Controversy between Protestants and Romanists. i. General Treatises by Writers of the Church of Rome, Bellasmini (Roberti, S. R. E. Cardinalis) Disputationes de Contro- versiis Christianae Fidei ad versus hnjus temporis Haereticos. 4 lomis, folio, Parisiis, 1608. [H. 10. 7-10.] Bellarmini (Roberti) Disputationes. 4 tomis in 1 vol. folio, Colonias^ 1628. [H. 11. 2.] VoRSTii (Conradi) Anti-Bellarminus Contractus: hoc est, Compendiosum Examen omnium Fidei Controversiarum, quce inter Erangelicos et Pontijiciqs agitantur : prout eas Rob. Bellarminus Cardinalis IV. Dispntafionum suarum tomis complexus est. ^io. Hanoi ioe, 1610. [K. 20. 13.] The Dialogues of Mr. William Richworth [Thomas White] on the Judg- ment of Common Sense in the Choice of Religion. 12nio. Paris, 1640. [K 18. 44.] BoRovii (Georgii) Vox Rugientis Leonis ; sive Epistola Exhortatoria ad Papismum ; una cum Responsori^ ad eundem, cura G. J.' 4to. Londini, 1679. [M. 15. 34.] . Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1679. [M. 20. 18.], BossuET (James Benigne, Bp. of Meaux,) The History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches. 2 vols. 8vo. Antwerp, 1742. [Ff 7. 128,129.] Butler (James) A Catechism, recommended by the four R. C Archbi- shops of Ireland as a general Catechism for the Kingdom. 12mo. Cork, 1808. [Hh. 4. 22.] Clichtovei (Jodoci) De Sacramento Eucharistiae, contra Oecolarapadium Opusculum. 4to. Parisiis, 1526. [Ff 7. 109,] Ferrarii (Jani Alexandri) Euclides Catholicus: sive Demonstratio Ro- xnanse Fidei, ex primis, certis, et evidentibus Principiis mathematica methodo deducta. 8vo. Oxonii, 1680. [M. 18. 14.] Fabri (Philippi Faventini) Disputationes de PoenitentiA, Purgatorio, Suf- fragiis, Indulgentiis, et Praedestinatione. folio, Venetiis, 1623. [H. 10. 9.] P 210 RELIGION. Gravinii (Dominici) Catholicse Praescriptiones adversus omnes Veteres, et Nostri Temporis Hssreticos. folio, Neapoli, 1619. [H. 9. 18.] Kellison (Matthew) A Survey of the New Religion, detecting mania gross absurdities which it implieth. 8vo. Doway, 1603. [K. 17. 1.] SuTCLiFFE (Matthew) An Examination of Kellison's " Survey of the Nexv Religion." 4to. [N. 8. 20.] Palmer (Roger, Earl of Castlemaine) An Apology in behalf of the Pa- pists. 8vo. London, 1667. [P. 312. (4.)] The Image of Bothe Churches, Hierusalem and Babel, Unitie and Con- fusion, Obedenc and Sedition. By P[attenson] D[octor of] M[edi- cine]. 8vo. Tornay, 1623. [K. 18. 36.] PiGHii (Alberti) Controversiarum Praecipuarum in Comitiis Ratisponensi- bus tractatarum, et quibus potissimum agitatur Christi fides et Religio, diligens et luculenta Expositio. folio. Colonise, 1542. [M. 3. 3.] Suarez (Francisci) Defensio Fidei Catholicae et Apostolicae adversus Anglicanae Sectae Errores. folio, Moguntiae, 1619. [G. 12. 18.] Walden (Thomae) Doctrinalis Fidei Ecclesiae Catholicae contra Wiclevis- tas et Hussitas eorumque Sectatores tomus primus, folio, Parisiis, 1532. [I. 11. 23.] Ejusdem Operis tomus secundus. folio, Parisiis, 1520. [H. 5. 10.] Exemplar aliud. folio, Parisiis, 1532. [H. 9. 15.3 Ejusdem Operis tomus sextus. folio, Parisiis, 1523. [H. 9. 16.] Veritas Evangelica: or the Gospel-Truth asserted in Sixteen Useful Questions. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 21.] A Letter, written by a Minister for the satisfaction of a Person doubting in Religion, shewn to be unsatisfactory. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 21.] Julius Secuneus, Dialogus. 12mo. Oxonii, 1680. [M. 18. 14.] DiAPHANTA : or Three Attendants on Fiat Lux. Wherein Catholik Religion is further excused against the opposition of severall Adversa- ries. 8vo. London, 1665. [M. 7. 41..] The Catholike Moderator. 4to. [L. 15. 37.] A Fair Statement of the Doctrine of Catholics, relative to Exclusive Salvation. 8vo. London, 18—. [Ff. 7. 47.] Butler (Charles) Book of the Roman Catholic Church. 8vo. London, 1825. [li. 8. 4.] TowNSEND (George) Accusations of History against the Church of Rome, 8\o. London, 1825. [li. 8. 5.] Philpotts (Henry J Letters to Charles Butler, Esq. on his Book of the Roman Catholic Church. 8vo. London, 1825. [li. 8. 6.] Butler (Charles) Vindication of the Book of the Roman Catholic Church, in reply to the Rev. Geo. Townsend, the Rev, Dr. Philpotts and others. 8vo. London, 1826. [li. 8. 8.] Philpotts (Henry J Supplemental Letter to Charles Butler, Esq. in reply to his " Vindication of the Book of the Roman Catholic Church." 8vo. London, 1826. [li. 8. 10.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 211 Townsend (George) Supplementary Letter to Charles Butler, Esq. in reply to his Vindication of the Book of the Roman Catholic Church, "point by point" throughout. 8vo. London, 1826. [1\. 8. 11.] ii. General Treatises against Popery by Protestant Divines. The Presknt State of the Controversy between the Church of England and the Church of Rome, being a full account of the Books written on both sides. 4to. London, 1688. [P. 25. 14.] A Continuation of the ' Present State of Controversy,' &c. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 13.] A Catalogue of all the Discourses, published against Popery during the Reign of King James II. by the Members of the Church of England and by the Nonconiormists, with the names of the Authors of them. 4to. London, 1689. [M. 15. 13,] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1689. [P. 25. (15.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1689. [P. SQ. (24.)] Peck (Francis) A complete Catalogue of all the Discourses, wi'itten both for and against Popery, in the Time of King James XL Drawn up in a New Method. 4to. London, 1735. [P. 25.(16.)] Chamieri (Danielis) Panstratiae Catholicae : sive Controversiarum de Religione adversus Pontificios Corpus. 4 tomis, folio, Genevae, 1626. [L. 13. 4-7.] Whittakeri (Gulielmi) Opera Theologica. 2 tomis. folio. Genevas, 1610. [K. 1. 15,16.] Whitakeri (Gulielmi) Ad Rationes Decem Edmundi Campiani Jesuitae, quibus fretus Certamen AngJicange Ecclesiaj Ministris obtulit in causa Fidei, Responsio. 8vo. Londini, 1581. {M. 18. 13.] A Preservative against Popery, in several Select Discourses upon the Principal Heads of Controversy between Protestants and Papists : written and published by the most eminent Divines of the Church of England, chiefly of the reign of King James II. [Edited by Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London.] 2 vols, folio, London, 1738. [N. 4. 26,27.] Sermons against Popery, preached at Salters' Hall, in the year 1735, by several Ministers. 2' vols. 8vo. London, 1735. [R. 11. 39,40.] KiLLiNGwoRTH (G.) A Supplement to the Sermons lately preached at Salters' Hall against Popery ; containing just and useful Remarks on another great Corruption therein omitted. London, 1735. [P. 312. (7.)] Abbot (Robert) A befence of the Reformed Catholicke of M. W. Per- kins, against the bastard Counter-Catholicke of D. Bishop, Seminary Priest. 4to. London, 1611. [G. 7. 20.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1611. [K. 20. 27.] A Reproofe of M. Dr. Abbot's Defence of the Catholike Deformed, by M. W. Perkins. The first Part. 4to. London, 1608. [E. 1. 37.] Some Queries to Protestants answered: and an Explanation of the Ro- man Catholick's Belief in four great points considered ; 1. Concerning their Church ; 2. Their Worship ; 3. Justification ; 4. Civil Govern- ment; [By Michael Altiiam.] 4to. London, 1687. [M.,14. 17.] P 2 212 RELIGION. AspiNWALL (Edward) A Preservative against Popery. 8vo. London, 1715- [N. 9. 10.] Aymon (Jean) A Letter to Monsieur N , on the Cheats of several Popish Authors. 4to. London, 1707. [P. 31. (7.)] Barnard (Richard) Rhemes against Rome ; or the Removing the Gag of the New Gospel, and rightly placing it on the mouths of the Ro- mists. 4to. London, 1626. [E. 1. 32.] Bastwick (J oh.) Flagellum Pontificis et Episcoporum Latialium. 12mo. Londini, 1641. [F. 17. 45.] Bennet (Thomas) A Confutation of Popery. 8vo. Cambridge, 1701. [B. 6. 25.] BiSBiE (Nath.) The Modern Pharisees ; a Sermon on Matt. XXIII. 15. 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 18.] Blackburn E (Francis, Archdeacon of Cleveland) Considerations on the present State of the Controversy between the Protestants and Papists of Great Britain and Ireland, particularly as to how far the latter are entitled to a Toleration upon Protestant Principles; being the Sub- stance of Two Discourses to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Cleve- land in 1765-1766. London, 1768. [P. 296. (2.)] Bull (George, Bishop of St. David's) The Corruptions of the Church of Rome, in relation to Ecclesiastical Government, the Rule of Faith, and Form of Divine Worship, in Answer to the Bishop of Meaux's Queries. 12mo. London, 1708. [M. 18. 21.] Burgess (Thomas, Bishop of St. David's) A Protestant's and Papist's Manual. 8vo, London, 1813. [Ff. 7. 47.] BtmNET (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) A Discourse : wherein is held forth the Opposition of the Doctrine, Worship, and Practices of the Roman Church, to the Nature, Designs, and Characters of the Chris- tian Faith. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 5.] — Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [P. 24. (6.)] Remarks on Mr. Hill's " Vindication of the Primitive Fathers against the Imputations of Bishop Burnet" 4to. London, 1699. [P. 50. (10.)] Observations on Mr. HiWs Municipium Ecclesiasticum. 4to. London, 1699. [P. 50. (9.)] Cartwright (Thomas) A Confutation of the Rhemists' Translations, Glosses and Annotations on the New Testament, folio, London, 1618. [G. 2. 16.] Chillingworth (William) The Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation, folio, Oxford, 1638. [R. 2. 23.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1704. [A. 5. 3.] Infidelity Unmasked ; or the Confutation of a Booke published by Mr. Wil- liam Chillingworth, under this Title — " The Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation. 4to. Gant (Ghent), 1652. [Ff. 3. 8.] Clagett (Nicholas) A Persuasive to an Ingenuous Trial of Opinions in Religion. 4to. London, 1685. [N. 8. 6.] Daille' (John) An Apologie for the Reformed Churches ; wherein is shew'd the Necessity of their Separation from the Church of Rome, against those who accuse them of making a Schisme in Christendome. 12mo. London, 1654. [K. 8. 24.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 218 Dalhusius (J. H.) The Salvation of Protestants asserted and defended in Opposition to the rash and uncharitable sentence of their Eternal Damnation, pronounced against them by the Romish Church. 4to. London, 1689. [M. 15. 33.] Letters between Lord George Digby and Sir Kenelm Digby, Knight, concerning Religion. 12mo. London, 1651. [L. 8. 11.] Dillingham (William) The Mystery of Iniquity anatomized. 4to. Lon- don, 1689. [M. 15. 32.] • Another Copy. 4to. London, 1689. [P. 48. (26.)] DoDWELL (Henry) Two Short Discourses against the Romanists. 12mo. London, 1676. [E. 8. 10.] An Account of the Fundamental Principle of Popery, as it is a distinct Communion, and of the Insufficiency of the Proofs which they^ have for it. 4to, London, 1688. [M. 14. 28.] A Letter to a Lady ; furnishing her with Scripture Testimonies against the principal Points and Doctrines of Popery. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 28.] Du Moulin (Peter) The Buckler of the Faith : a Defence of the Re- formed Churches of France against the Objections of M. Arnoux the Jesuit. 4to. London, 1623. [G. 8. 36.] Du Moulin (Peter) The Papal Tyranny, as it was exercised over England for some ages, set forth by his eldest son of the same name, with an Addition of the same subject, and Reflections upon some Provocations given him by the Papists about Matters of Fact objected to them in his Vindication of the Protestant Religion. 4to. London, 1674. [N. 8.32,] *Faber (G. S.) The Difficulties of Romanism. 8vo. London, 1826. Felton (Henry) People taught to defend their Communion with the Church of England against the Insinuations of Popish Emissarys. 8vo. Oxford, 1727. [P. 77. (4.)] FuLKE (William) The Text of the New Testament translated out of the vulgar Latine by the Papists of the Traiterous Seminarie at Rhemes, with Arguments of Bookes and Chapters, and Annotations pretending to discover the Corruptions of Divers Translations, and to cleare the Controversies of these Dayes. Whereunto is added the Translation out of the Original Greeke commonly used in the Church of Llngland, with a Confutation of all such Arguments, Glosses, and Annotations, as contain manifest Impietie, Treason, and Slander against the Catholic Church of God, and the true Teachers thereof, or the Translations used in the Church of England, folio, London, 1601. [B. 2. I.] Geddes (Michael) Miscellaneous Tracts, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1714. [N. 7. 12-14,] GouGH (Strickland) A Discussion of four popular Questions between Pa- pists and Protestants, viz. The Preferableness and Antiquity of the Churches; the State of Salvability in each; Solemnity of Worship; Charity and Severity of Life. 8yo. London, 1747. [P. 312. (6.)] Gourdon ( ) A Request to Roman Catholics, to Answer the Queries upon these their following tenets : 1. Their Divine Service in an un- known tongue ; 2. Their taking away the Cup from the People ; 3. Their withholding the Scriptures from the Laic's ; 4. The Adoration of Images; 5. The Invocation of Saints; 6. The Doctrine of Merit; 7. Purgatory ; 8. The Seven Sacraments ; 9. The Priests' Intention in 214 RELIGION. Baptism; 10. The Limbo of Unbaptized Infants ; 11. Transubstan- tiation; 12. The Propitiatory Sacrifice of the Mass; 13. Private Masses; 14. The Sacrament of Penance; 15. The Sacrament of Mar- riage, with the Clergies restraint therefrom; 16. Their Sacrament of Extreme Unction; 17. Tradition: 18. The threadbare Question — Where was yovxr Church before Luther? 19. The Infallibility of the Pope with his Councils; 20. The Pope's Supremacy ; 21. The Pope's Deposing Power ; 22. Their Uncharitableness to all other Christians. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 17.] Another Copy. 4to, London, 1687. [N. 8. 5.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [P. 24. (9.)] Hallifax (Samuel, Bishop of Gloucester) Twelve Sermons on the Pro- phecies concerning the Christian Church and the Church of Papal Rome. 8vo. London, 1776. [G. 23. 15.] Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich) A Serious Dissuasive from Popery, folio. Works, Vol. I. [H. 23. 12.] Kidder (Richard, Bishop of Bath and Wells) The Judgment of Private Discretion in matters of Religion defended. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 6.] Leslie (Charles) The Case stated between the Church of Rome and the Church of England ; wherein is shewed that the Doubt and Danger is in the former ; and the Certainty and Safetv in the latter Communion^ Svo. London, 1713. [N. 7. 57.] Leslie (Charles) The Case truly stated ; wherein the Case re-stated is fully considered. 8vo. London, 1714. [N. 7. 57.] L'EsTRANGE (Hamond) An Answer to the Marques of Worcester's last Paper to the late King ; representing in their true posture, and dis- cussing briefly, the main Controversies between the English and the Romish Church. Svo. London, 1651. [F. 18. 34.] L'EsTRANGE (Sir Roger) The Character of a Papist in Mas«|uerade. 4to. London, 1681. [P. 47. (5.)] Marsh (Herbert, Bp. of Peterborough) A Comparative View of the Churches of England and Rome. 8vo. Cambridge, 1814. [Ff. 7. 127.] Martyris (Petri) Defensio Doctrinse Veteris et Apostolicae in quatuor distincta partes adversus Stephani Gardineri quondam Wintoniensis Episcopi librum, sub nomine M. Antonii Constantii editum. folio^ Tiguri, 1562. \_G. 2. 6.] Mayer (John) An Antidote against Popery. 4to. London, 1625. [N. 8. 37.]- MiDDLETON (Conyers) A Letter from Rome, shewing an exact Con- fprmity between Popery and Paganism : or the Religion of the present Romans derived from that of their heathen Ancestors. 4to. IVorksy Vol. IlL [G. 9. 14.] Middleton (Conyers) A Letter from Rome. 4to. London, 1729. [P. 15.(17.)] Middleton (Conyers) A Letter from Rome. 4to. London, J741. [Gg. 7. 1.] A Letter to Dr. Middleton concerning his prefatory Discourse to his Letter from Rome. Svo. London. [P. 115. (3.)] More (Henry) A Modest Inquiry into the Mystery of Iniquity. 2 parts in 1 vol. folio, London, 1660-64. [N. 1. 24. J THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 215 MoRNiEi (Philippi) Mysterium Iniquitatis, seu Historia Papatiis. folio, Salmurii, 1611. [L. 13. 3.] Morton (Thomas) A Catholike Appeal for Protestants out of the Confes- sions of the Romane Doctors, particularly answering the misnamed Ca- tholike Apologie for the Romane faith out of the Protestants, folio, London, 1610. [I. 1. 29.] MouNTAGU (Richard, successively Bp. of Chichester and Norwich) Ap- pello Csesarem : a Just Appeal from two unjust informers. 4to. Lon- don, 1625. [Ff 7. 114.] Owen (John) The Church of Rome no safe Guide : or. Reasons to prove that no Rational Man, who takes due care of his own Salvation, can give himself up unto the Conduct of that Church in Matters of Reli- gion. 4to. London, 1679. [M. 14. 24.] Pajon (Claude) Examen du Livre, qui porte pour titre "Prejugez Legi- times contre les Calvinistes." 2 tomes, ]2mo. h, la Haye, 16S3. [L. 8. 29,30.] Patrick (Simon, Bp. of Ely) An Answer to a Book sent abroad by the Romish Priests, intituled " The Touchstone of the Reformed Gospel." 12mo. London, 1692. [G. 16. 33.] Perkinsi (Gulielmi) Problema de Romanae Fidei ementito Catholicisrao. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1604. [G. 7. 15.] Apologie pour les Protestans ; oii I'Auteur justifie pleinement leur con- duite et leur Separation de la communion de Rome. [Par Jonas Porree.] 12mo. Amsterdam, 1680. [L. 8. 5.] Potter (Christopher) Want of Charitie justly charged on all such Ro- manists, as dare (without truth or modesty) affirme that Protestancie destroyeth Salvation. 8vo. London, 1634. [E. 1. 40.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1634. [G. 8. 29.] Popery the Religion of Heathenism, in a Series of Letters by Ignotus. [John PoYNDER.] 8vo. London, 1818. [Hh. 2. 31.] Prideaux (Joannis) Castigatio cujusdam Circulatoris, qui R. P. Andreara Eudaemon-Johannem Cydonium e Societate Jesu seipsum nuncupat, opposita ipsius Calumniis in Epistolam Isaaci Casauboni ad Frontonem Ducaeum. 8vo. Oxoniae, 1614. [K. 19. 31.] Reading (Wm.) Remarks on the Controversies with the Church of Rome, 8vo. London, 1739. [R. 12. 17.] An Account of Faith in answer to two Papers and two Treatises of a Roman Catholic about the Grounds thereof. Endeavoured by J. S. D.D. 4to. London, 1661. [C. 10. 31,] Bibliotheca Pontificia, varias Dissertationes Virorum doctorum contra abusus curiae Romanae et Jesuitas continens ; editas ex Bibliotheca Jo. Ad. ScHERZERi. 4to. Lipsias, 1677. [M. 22. 3.] A Short Summary of the Principal Controversies between the Church of England and the Church of Rome. [By Dr. Wm. Sherlock.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 4.] Sherlock (William) A Preservative against Popery : being some Plain Directions to Unlearned Protestants, how to dispute with Romish Priests. Part I. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 4.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 5.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [P. 25. (1.)] 316 RELIGION. Vr. Sherlock's Preservative considered, in two Letters of F. Lewis SabrAIT, of the Society of Jesus. 4to. London, 1688. [M. U. 29.] A Defence of Dr. Sherlock's Preservative against Popery, in Reply to a Jesuit's Answer : wherein the R. Father's Reasonings are fully con- futed. By Wilham Giles, a Protestant Footman. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 29.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 5.] Another Copy. 4to, London, 1688. [P. 344. (5.)] Sherlock (VVm.) A Preservative against Popery ; shewing how contrary Popery is to the true ends of the Christian Religion. Part II. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 9.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 5.] Sherlock (William) A Vindication of Both Parts of the Preservative against Popery, in Answer to the Cavils of Lewis Sabran, Jesuit. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 9.] . • Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 5.] Smith (Elisha) The Country-Man's Antidote for confuting Popery, a Sermon. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 110. (13.)] A Pacific Discourse of the Causes and Remedies of the differences about Religion, which distract the Peace of Christendom. [By Dr. Tho. Smith.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 4.] Spinckes (N.) The Essay towards a Proposal for CathoHck Communion, &c. published by a (pretended) Minister of the Church of England, printed at large, and answered Chapter by Chapter. 8vo. London, 1705. [M. 15. 35.] Stebbing (Henry) Instructions of a Parish Minister to his Parishioners on the Subject of Popery, occasioned by its late growth in the King- dom. 2 Parts. 12rao. 1753. [P. 353. (2.) (3.)] Steele (Sir Richard) An Account of the State of the Roman Catholick Religion throughout the World. 8vo. London, 1715. [D. 6. 34.] Stephenson (Geo.) The Romish Church : or an Historical and Critical View of some of the leading Doctrines of the Church of Rome, in a Series of Discourses. 8vo. London, 1807. [Ff. 7. 126.] Sterne (Jaques) Danger arising to our Religious and Civil Liberty from the great increase of Papists and their Schools, 12mo. York, 1747. [P. 186. (22.)] Stillingfleet (Edward, Bp. of Worcester) A Rational Account of the Grounds of the Protestant Religion, folio, London, 1665. [B. 2. 17.] Another Copy [edited, with some additional matter, by Dr. Richard Bentley.] folio, London, 1709. [L 4. 23.] Stopford (Joshua) Pagano-Papismus : or an exact Parallel between Rome-Pagan and Rome-Christian, in their Doctrines and Ceremonies. 8vo. London, 1675. [F. 18. 32.] Taylor (James) A Letter of Enquiry to the Reverend Fathers of the So- ciety of Jesus. 4to. London, 1689. [N. 8. 9.] Taylor (Jeremy, Bp. of Down and Connor) A Dissuasive from Popery. 8vo. London, 1664. [D. 15. 6.] ■ Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1664. [L 8. 8.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 217 Thomas (William, Bishop of Worcester) ^yBfivQia : Roman Oracles si- lenced, or the Prime Testimonies of Antiquity, produced by Henry Turbervil in his Manual of Controversies, examined and refuted. 4to. London, 1691. [M. 15. 18.] Trapp (Joseph) Popery truly stated and briefly confuted. 8vo. London, 1726. [R. 10. 2.] Usher (James, Archbishop of Armagh) An Answer to a Challenge made by a Jesuite in Leland : wherein the Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truely delivered, and the Noveltie of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. 4to. Dublin, 1624. [K. 19. 9.] Copies of certain Letters passed between Spain and England in matter of Religion, between Mr. F. Wadesworth and W. Bedell. Svo. [N. 8. 16.] Whitaker (William) An Answer to a certeine Booke written by Mr. William Rainolds, entituled " A Refutation of Sundrie Reprehensions, Cavils," &c. 12mo. London, 1585. [G. 16. 25.] White (Blanco) Practical and Internal Evidence against Catholicism. Svo. London, 1826. [li. 8. 7.] White (Francis) The Orthodox Faith and Way to the Church explained and justified, in Answer to a Popish Treatise, entitled " White died Black." folio, London, 1624. [B. 4. 3.] WiLLET (Andrew) Synopsis Papismi; that is, a General View of Papistrie, wherein the whole Mysterie of Iniquitie, and summe of Antichristian Doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagouge of Rome against the Church of Christ, folio, London, 1600. [B. 1.1.] Williams (John, Archbishop of York) A Manual : or Three Short and Plain Treatises, viz. 1. Of Prayer, or Active - - -^ 2. Of Principles, or Positive - - > Divinity. 3. Of Resolutions, or OppositiveJ Written for the private use of a most noble Lady, to preserve her from the Danger of Popery. 12mo. London, 1672. [E. 8. 22.] iii. Conferences between Protestants and Romanists. Rainoldes (John) The Summe of the Conference between him and John Hart, touching the Head and true Faith of the Church. Whereunto is annexed a Treatise intitled " Six Conclusions touching the Holy Scrip- tures and the Church." 4to. London, 1588. [K. 20. 30.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1598. [C.-20. 19.] Featley (Daniel) The Fisher catched in his own Net. [^An Account of a Conference between Drs. Featley and White with the Jesuits Fisher and Sweet,] 4to. London, 1623. [N. 8. 20.] Laud (William, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury) A Relation of a Conference between himself and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite. folio, Lon- don, 1639. [B. 4. 1.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1639. [C. 5. 6.] A Replie to a Relation of the Conference between William Laude and Mr: Fisher the Jesuit. 4to. London, 1640. [E. 1. 33.] 218 RELIGION. A Relation of a Conference, held about Religion, at London, April 3d, 1676, by Edward Stillingfleet, D.D. and Gilbert Burnet, with some Gentlemen of the Church of Rome. 8vo. London, 1676. [L. 15. 20.] Two other Copies. 8vo. London, 1676. ) (^ *i o 'go "i A Letter to Mr. G[odden] giving a true account of a late Conference at the D[ean] of S. P[aurs]. [By Dr. Edward Stillingfleet.] 4to. Lon- don, 1687. [M. 15. 4.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 4.] A Letter to Dr. E\_d-ward'\ S[tillmgjleet~\, concerning his late Letter to Mr. G\odden], and the Account he gives in it of a Conference between Mr. G. and himself. From one "who was present at the Conference. [Mr. John Ser- geant.'] Published with Allowance. 4to. London, 1687. {A) [M. 15. 4.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 27-3 A Letter to a Friend, reflecting on some Passages in a Letter to the D. of P. in Answer to the arguing Part of his first Letter to Mr. G. QBy Clement Ellys.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 4.] . Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 4.] The Second Catholick Letter : or Reflections on the Reflecter's Defence of Dr. Stilling fleet's First Letter to Mr. G. against the Answer to the ar- guing Pari of it. {^By John Sergeant. '^ Published with Allowance. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 4.] The Reflecter's Defence of his Letter to a Friend, against the furious As- saults of Mr. J. S. in his second Catholic Letter. [By Clement Ellys.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 4.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 4.] A Second Letter to Mr. G. in Answer to two Letters lately pubhshed concerning the Conference at the D. of P. [By Dr. E. Stillingfleet.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 4.] The Third Catholick Letter, in Answer to the argving Part of Doctor Stil- lingfleet' s Second Letter to Mr. G. By J\ohn~\ S^ergeant]. Published •with allowance. 4to. London, 1687. [^M. 15. 4.]] Scripture and Tradition compared ; in a Sermon preached at Guildhall Chapel, Nov. 27, 1687. By Edward StiUingfleet, D.D. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 4.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 4.] The Fourth Catholick Letter in Answer to Dr. Stillingfleefs Sermon preach' t at Guildhall, Nov. 27, 1687, entituled "Scripture and Tradition com- pared." By John Sergeant. Published with Allowance. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 4.] The Fifth Catholick Letter, in Reply to Dr. Stillingfleet' s (pretended) Answer to about the fortieth part of J. S.'s Catholic Letters. Addrest to all Impartial Readers. By John Sergeant. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 9.] A Discourse concerning the Nature and Grounds of the Certainty of Faith, in Answer to J. S. his Catholick Letters. By Edward Stilling- fleet, D.D. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 4.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 4.] (A) In this and the subsequent pages of the present Section, the attacks of Popish , writers are distinguished from the Defences of Protestant Divines, by being printed in the Italic character. THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 219 The Council of Trent, examined and disproved by Catholick Tradition in the Main Points in Controversie between us and the Church of Rome. Part I. With an Appendix, in Answer to some Passages of J. W. of the Society of Jesus concerning the prohibiting of Scripture in the Vulgar Languages in the Council of Trent. [By Edward Stil- lingfleet.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 8.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 4.] Stillingfleet (Edward, Bishop of Worcester) Several Conferences be- tween a Romish Priest, a Fanatick Chaplain, and a Divine of the Church of England, concerning the Idolatry of the Church of Rome ; being a full Answer to the Dialogues of T. G. 8vo. London, 1679. [G, 18. 29.] Another Copy, folio. In Still mg fleet's Works, Vol. VI. [I. 4. 25.] A True Account of a Conference, held about Religion at London, Sept. 29, 1687, between A. Pulton, a Jesuit, and Tho. Tenison, D. D. As also of that which led to it and followed after it. By Tho. Tenison, D. D. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 8.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 5.] Mr. Pulton considered in his Sincerity, Reasonings, Authorities : or a just Answer to what he hath hitherto published in his ' True Account,' his * True and Full Account of a Conference,' &c. By Thomas Teni- son, D.D. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 8.] Some farther Remarks on the late Account giten by Dr. Tenison of his Con- ference -with Mr. Pulton. [By Andrew Pulton.'] Published -with Al- lowance. 4to. London, 1688. " [M, 15. 8.] The Missionaries' Arts discovered : or an Account of their Ways of In- sinuation, and Artifices in making Converts. By H , a Mi- nister of the Church of England. 4to. London, 1688. [iVl. 20. 2.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 2.] A Defence of the " Missionaries' Arts ;" wherein the charge of Disloyalty, Rebellions, Plots, and Treasons (asserted page 76 of that book) is fully proved against the Members of the Church of Rome, in a brief Ac- count of the several Plots contrived, and Rebellions raised, by the Pa- pists, against the Lives and Dignities of Sovereign Princes since the Reformation. By the Author of the " Missionaries' Arts." 4to. Lon- don, 1689. [M. 20. 2.] Of the Incurable Scepticism of the Church of Rome. By M. de la Placette. Translated from the French, and published by Dr. Tenison. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 3.] — • Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 6.] The Pamphlet, entituled ' Speculum Ecclesiasticum ; or an Ecclesiastical Prospective Glass,' considered in its False Reasonings and Quotations. [By Henry Wharton.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 8.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N, 8. 5.] An Account of a Conference between two Romish Priests and some Pro- testant Divines. By Samuel Chandler. 8vo. London, 1735. [P. 85. (3.)] A Conference between two Gentlemen, a Papist and a Protestant, con- cerning Religion. In which the principal Arguments of " The Catho- lick Christian Instructed" are answered. London, 1749. [P. 31 1. (7.)] 220 RELIGION. iv. Discourses written on occasion of the Conversions of seve- ral Pei^sons to the Romish Churchy and also on the Re- nunciation of Popery by several persons, together with their respective motives. (1) Discourses occasioned by Conversions to Popery. Hakewil (George) An Ansvvere to a Treatise, written by Dr. Carier, by way of Letter to his Majestie ; wherein he layeth downe sundry Poli- tike Considerations ; by which he pretendeth himself was moved, and endeavoureth to move others, to be reconciled to the Church of Rome, and imbrace that Religion which he calleth Catholike. 4to. London, 1616. [K. 20. 29.] Reason and Authority; or the Motives of a late Protestant's Reconciliation to the Catholic Church. Together with Remarks upon some late Dis- courses against Transubstantiation. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 18.] An Answer to a Book entituled Reason and Authority : or the Motives of a late Protestant's Reconciliation to the Catholick Church. Together with a Brief Account of Augustine the Monk, and Conversion of the English. [By Thomas Bambridge, D. D.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 17.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 3.] The Considerations which obliged Peter Manby, Dean of London- Dery to embrace the Roman Catholic Religion. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 5.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 32.] An Answer to the Considerations which obliged Peter Manby, late Dean of Londonderry, (as he pretends) to embrace what he calls the Catho- lick Religion. [By William King, Chancellor of St. Patrick's, Dublin.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 5.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 25.] Consensus Veterum : or the Reasons of Edward Sclater, Minister of Put- ney, for his Conversion to the Catholic Faith and Communion. 4to. Lon- don, 1686. [M. 14. 17.] Veteres Vindicati, in an Expostulatory Letter to Mr. Sclater, of Putney, upon his " Consensus Veterum." Wherein the absurdity of his Me- thod, and the Weakness of his Reasons are shewn ; his false Asper- sions upon the Church of England are wiped off, and her Faith con- cerning the Eucharist proved to be that of the Primitive Church. [By Edward Gee.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 10.] Two other Copies. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 7. P. 25. (6.)] Sure and Honest Means for the Conversion of all Heretics ; and Wholesome Advice and Expedients for the Reformation of the Church. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 16.]" An Answer to Six Queries, proposed to a Gentlewoman of the Church of England by an Emissary of the Church of Rome ; fitted to a Gentle- woman's capacity, by Henry Dodwell, M. A. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 28.] The Reasons of Mr. Bays changing his Religion. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 7.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 221 HicKEs (George) Several Letters which passed between Dr. H. and a Popish Priest, upon occasion of a young Gentlewoman's departing from the Church of England to that of Rome. 8vo. London, 1705. [D. 6. 21.] An Account of the Conversion of Mr. John Barville from Popery to the Reformed Church of England : with the Form of his Solemn Abjura- tion of the Romish Religion. Wjitten by himself. 8vo, London, 1710. [M. 7. 4.] Two Letters : one from a Lady to a Friend who had married a Catholic ; the other from the same Author to the said Gentleman, by which he was converted from the Popish Religion. 8vo. London, 1728. [P. 71. (11.)] (2) Discourses occasioned by Renunciations of Popery. De la Motte (Francis) Les Motifs de son Conversion h la Religion Reformee. 4to. Londres, 1675. [L. 15. 21.] Sale (Andrew) A Sermon preached at Christ's Church, Dublin, before the Lord Lieutenant and Council, July 5th, 1674. With a Declara- tion made in St. John's Church, in Cashel, before the Archbishop of that Province; and a Preface shewing the Reasons for deserting the Communion of the Roman Church, and embracing that of the Church of England. 12mo. Dublin, 1675. [E. 17. 2.] An Historical Relation of several Great and Learned Romanists who did imbrace the Protestant Religion, with their Reasons for their Change, delivered in their own words. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 1.] De la Pillonniere (Francis) An Answer to the Rev. Dr. Snape's Accu- sation ; containing an Account of his Behaviour and Sufferings among the Jesuits, of his leaving their Society, and afterwards turning Pro- testant, &c. With an Appendix, containing several Letters from Je- suits and others, which give light and confirmation to the foregoing account. 8vo. London, 1717. [P. 238. (8.) (9.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1717. []N. 9. 1.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1717- [P. 106. (5.)] Another Copy. 8 vo. London, 1717. [R. 8. 60.] Mills (Henry) An Answer to Pillonniere's Reply to Dr. Snape, with Dr. Snape's Letter. 8vo. London, 1718. [P. 140. (2.)] Snape (Andrew) Vindication of a Passage in his Second Letter to the Bishop of Bangor relating to Mr. Pillonniere. 8vo. London, 1717. [N. 9. 1.] De la Pillonviere (Francis) A Reply to Dr. Snape s Vindication of a Pan- sage in his Second Letter to the Bishop of Bangor ; wherein a full Answer is given to Mr. Mills. 8vo. London, l'7\8. [N. 9. 1.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1718. [P. 106. (6.)] Another Copy. 8 vo. London, 1718. [R. 8. 60.] Kennett (White) Dr. Snape instructed in some matters especially re- lating to Convocations and Converts from Popery. 8vo. London, 1718. [N. 9. 1.] RELIGION. V. Attacks of Romanists on the Reformation and Ordei^s of the Church of England, with Vindications of that Church from the Charges of Schism and of Symbolizing with the Romish Church, S^c. (1) Discourses, written by the Romanists, and reflecting upon the Reformation and Orders of the Church of England, with Re- plies thereto. Juelli (Johannis, Episcopi Sarisburiensis) Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanas. 12mo. Ambergae, 1606. [K. 16. 28.] Jewel (John, Bishop of Salisbury) A Reply unto Mr. Hardinge's An- swere. folio, London, 1565. [B. 1. 17.] ■ Another Copy, folio, London, 1565. [Ff. 3. 6.] Jewel (John) A Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande. (Two Copies.) folio, London, 1567. [B. 1. 18. Ff. 3. 5.] Jewel (John) Reply and Defence. (Two Copies.) folio. Works, [Ff. 3. 4. Ff. 2. 10.] Heylin (Peter) The Parliament's Power in Lawes for Religion ; or an Answer to the Calumny of the Papists, nicknaming the Religion of the Church of England by the name of a Parliamentary Religion. 4to. Oxford, 1645. [N. 8. 21.] Crakanthorp (Ricardi) Defensio Ecclesiie Anglicanae contra M. Antonii de Dominis, Archiepiscopi Spalatensis, Injurias. 4to. Londini, 1625- [K. 20. 3.] Of the Division between the English and Romish Church upon the Re- formation. By H. F. 12mo. London, 1652. [A. 7. 30.] Kemp (Edward) Reasons for the sole Use of the Churches Prayers in Pnblick ; in Vindication of the Church of England from the Slanders of Popish Recusants. 4to. London, 1668. [M. 15. 37.] England's Independency upon the Papal Power, historically and judicially stated by Sir John Davies and Sir Edward Coke. 4to. London, 1674. [N. 8. 37.] A Letter to a Member of the House of Commons, in Vindication of the Protestant Reformed Church (as established by Law), in Opposition to the Superstitious and Idolatrous Church of Rome. 4to. London, 1679. [M. 15. 33.'] Launoii (Joannis) Epistolae, cum Praefatione Apologetica pro Reforma- tione Ecclesiae Anglicanae. folio, Cantabrigiae, 1689. [G. 13. 14.] A Discourse about the Charge of Novelty upon the Reformed Church of England. 4to. London, 1683. [P. 39. (15.)] An Answer to some Papers, concerning the Authority of the Catholic Church in matters of Faith and the Reformation of the Church of Eng- land. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 16. 30.] The Difference of the Cases between the Separation of Protestants from the Church of Rome and the Separation of Dissenters from the Church of England. [By Dr. W. Clagett.] 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 3.] A Discourse concerning the Unity of the Catholick Church maintained in the Church of England. [By Dr. W. Cave.] 4to. London, 1684. [N. 8. 3.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 223 Advice to the Confuter of Bellarmin ; with some Considerations upon th e Antiquity of the Church of England. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 19.] The State of the Church of Rome when the Reformation began ; as it ' appears by the Advices j>iven to Paul 111. and Julius III. by creatures of their own. [By Dr. W. Clagett.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 5.] Church Goxernment. Part V. a Relation of the English Reformation, and the Lawfulness thereof examined by the Theses delivered in the four former Parts. 0.ifoid, 1687. [M. 14. 18.] Of the Authority of Councils and the Rule of Faith, with an Answer to the Eight Theses laid down for the trial of the English Reformation in the Book that came from Oxford. [By Hutchinson.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 6.] Animadversions on the Eight Theses laid down, and the Inferences de- duced from them, in a Discourse entitled Church Government, Part V. [By Georgk Smalridge.] 4to. Oxford, 1687. [M. 14. 2.] Another Copy. 4to. Oxford, 1687. [N. 8. 14.] Two Discourses : 1 . Concerning the Spirit of Martin Luther and the Original of the Reformation. 2. Concerning the Celibacy of the Clergy. [By Abraham Woodhead.] 4to. Oxford, 1687. [M. 14. 2.] An Answer to some Considerations on the Spirit of Martin Luther and the Original of the Reformation. [By Dr. Francis Atterbury.] 4to, Oxford, 1687. [M. 14. 2.] Another Copy. 4to. Oxford, 1687. [N. 8. 14.] The Religion of Martin iMther neither Catholick nor Protestant, proved from his own Works.- 4to. Oxford, 1688. [M. 20. 2.] Reflections, Part I. on the Relation of the English Reformation lately printed at Oxford. Part II. on the Oxford Theses relating to the English Reformation. [By Gilbert Burnet, DD.] 4to. Amsterdam, 1688. [N. 8. 3.] Some Queries to the Protestants concerning the English Reformation. By T. W. Gent. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 5.] The Queries, offered by T. W. to the Protestants concerning the English Reformation, reprinted and answered. [By Dr. W. Clagett.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 3.] A Discourse concerning the Necessity of Reformation, with respect to the Errors and Corruptions of the Church of Rome. QBy Dr. Nicholas Stratford.] Pans I. II. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 2.] A Discourse about the Charge of Novelty upon the Reformed Church of England, made by the Papists asking of us the Question, Where was our Religion before Luther ? [By Dr. Gregory Hascard.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 14. 33.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1685. [N. 8. 7.] The Case stated between the Church of Rome and the Church of Eng- land. 8vo. London, 1713. [M. 19, 12.] Sheridan (William, Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh) Catholick Religion asserted by St. Paul and maintained in the Church of England in oppo- sition to the Errors of the Cuurch of Rome. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 50.] Trapp (Joseph) Tiie Church of England defended against the Calum- nies of the Church of Rome. 8vo. London, 1727. [R. 12. QQ^ S24 RELIGION. MiLBouRNE,(Luke) A Short Defence of the Orders of the Church of Eng" land as by Law established. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 16.] A Plain Answer to a Popish Priest questioning the Orders of the Church of England. [By Abednego Seller.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 3.] A Defence of the Ordinations and Ministry of the Church of England. [By Whitfield.]] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 2.] The Validity of the Orders of the Church of England made out against the Objections of the Papists, in several Letters to a Gentleman of Norwich, that desired satisfaction therein. [By Dr. Humphry Pri- DEAUx]. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 3.] Roman Catholics Uncertain whether there be any true Priests or Sacra- ments in the Church of Rome. [By Thomas Marsdek.] 4to. Lon- don, 1688. [M. 20: 2.] . Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 3.] CouRAYER (Pierre Francois) Dissertation sur la Validite des Ordinations des Anglois, et sur la Succession des Evesques de I'Eglise Anglicane. Avec les Preuves des faits ; /ancez dans cet ouvrage. 8vo. 2 parties. Bruxelles, 1723. [M. 8. 1;".] Hardouin (Pere)La Dissertation de P. Le Courayer sur la Succession des Evesques Anglois refutee. 8ro. Paris, 1724. [M. 8. 3.] Defense de la Dissertation sur la Validite des Ordinations des Anglois centre les difFerentes Responses qui y ont k,\.k faites. Par I'Auteur de la Dissertation. 8vo. 2 tomes en 4 vols. Bruxelles, 1726. [M. 8. 4-7.] Browne (Thomas) The Story of the Ordination of our First Bishops in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, at the Nag's Head Tavern, examined; and proved to be an absurd Fable. 8vo. London, 1731. [N. 7. 42.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1731. [R. 12. 76,] (2) Vindications of the Church of England from the Romanists' CHARGE OF ScHISM AND HeRESY. Hammond (Henry) Of Schisme. A Defence of the Church of England against the Exceptions of the Romanists. 12mo. London, 1654. [M. 18. 20.] A Reply to the Catholick Gentleman's Answer to the most material. Parts of the Booke of Schisme.- 4to. London, 1654. [M. 20. 34.] Twisden (Sir Roger) An Historical Vindication of the Church of England, in point of Schism, as it stands separated from the Roman, and was reformed 1° Elizabeth. 4to. London, 1675. [E. 20. 3.] A Letter, wherein is shewed, 1 . What Worship is due to Images accord- ing to the Council of Nice; and 2. That the Papists are very unjust in charging Schism on the Church of England. 4to. London, 1680. [M. 20. 14.] A Vindication of the Church of England from the foul Aspersions of Schism and Heresie, unjustly cast upon her by the Church of Rome. [By Michael Altham.] In 2 parjs. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 21,25.] An Answer to a late printed Paper, given about by some of the Church of Rome. [By John Williams.] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 21.] — '— Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 5.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 225 A Protestant of the Church of England no Donatist : or Some Short Notes on Lucilla and Elizabeth. [By Dr. Wm. Sherlock.] 4to. Lon- don, 1686. [N. 8. 3.] An Apologetical Vindication of the Church of England: in Answer to those who reproach her with the English Heresies and Schisms, or suspect her not to be a Catholic Cliurch upon their account. [By Dr. George HiCKEs.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 21.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 3.] The Schism of the Church of England demonstrated in four Arguments. 4to. Oxon. 1688. [M. 20. 2.] The Reformation of the Church of England justified, according to the Canons of the Council of Nice and other General Councils, and the Tradition of the Catholic Church ; being an Answer to " The Schism of the Church of England demonstrated." [By Dr. W. Saywell.] 4to. Cambridge, 1688. [N. 8. 3.] (3.) Vindications of the Church of England from the Popish Charge of Symbolizing with the Church of Rome. A Short and True Account of the several Advances the Church o^ England hath made towards Rome : or, A Model of the ground upon which the Papists for these Hundred Years have built their hopes and expectations, that England would ere long return to Popery. [By Peter Du Moulin.] 4to. London, 1680. [M. 14. 30.] An Agreement with the Church of England and the Church of Rome evinced from the Concertation of some of her Sons with their Brethren the Dis- senters. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15, 19.] A Vindication of some Protestant Principles of Church Unity and Catho- lic Communion, from the charge of Agreement with the Church of Rome. [By Dr. Wm. Sherlock.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 19.] ■■ Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 5.] The Difference between the Church of England and the Church of Rome. In opposition to a late Book, intituled " An Agreement be- tween the Church of England and Church of Rome." ([By John Wil- liams.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15, 4.] (4.) Of THi3 Royal Papers (viz. two of King Charles II. and one OF the Duchess of York), and of the Discourses occasioned BY them. Copies of Two Papers written by the late King Charles II. Together xvith the Copt/ (fa Paper written by the late Duchess of York. 4to. London, 1686, [M. 14. 20.] ^ Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 3,] A Short and Plain Way to the Faith of the Church by that eminent divine Mr. Richard HuDLESTON, of the Congregation of S. Benedict. To which are annexed his late Majesty's King Charles II. Papers found in his Closet after his decease ; as also a Brief Account of what occurred on his Death-bed in regard to Religion. 4to, London, 1688. [M, 15. 17.] RELIGION. An Answer to some Papers lately printed, concerning the Authority of the Catholic Church in matters of Faith, and the Reformation of the Church of England. [By Dr. Edward Stillingfleet.] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 20] . Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 3.] A Defence of the Papers written by the late King of blessed memory, and Duchess of York, against the Answer made to them. [_By John Dryden.^ 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 20.] A Reply to the Answer made upon the Three Royal Papers. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 20.] A Vindication of the Answer to some late Papers concerning the Unity and Authority of the Catholick Church and the Reformation of the Church of England. [By Dr. Edward Stillingfleet.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 3.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 20.] (5.) Popish Discourses, written by way of Advice to the Protestant Pulpits, with the Replies bt Divines of the Church of England. Good Advice to the Pulpits ; delivered in a few Cautions, for keeping up the Reputation of those Chairs and preserving the Nation in Peace. Pub- lished with Allowance. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 17.] An Apology for the Pulpits : being an Answer to " Good Advice to the Pulpits." [By John Williams.] Together with an Appendix, con- taining a Defence of Dr. Tennison's Sermon about Alms, [by Dr. Tennison] in a Letter to the Author of this Apology. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 17.] Pulpit-Sayings : or the Characters of the Pulpit-Papist examined: in Answer to the " Apology for the Pulpits," and in Vindication of the Representer against the Stater of the Controversie. With Allowance. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 29.] Pulpit Popery, true Popery: in Defence of the " Apology," and in An- swer to " Pulpit Sayings." [By John Williams.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 29.] (6.) Discourses written during the Representing Controversy, in the Reign of King James II. A Papist Mis-represented and Represented : or a Twofold Character of Po- pery. The one containing a Sum of the Superstitions, Idolatries, Cruel- ties, Treacheries and Wicked Priticiples of that Popery, which hath dis- turbed this Nation above an hundred and fifty years ; filled it with fears and jealousies, and deserves the hatred of all Good Christians. The other laying open that Popery, which the Papists own and profess, with the chief Articles of their Faith, and some of the principal Grounds and ReasoJis which hold them in that Religion. 4to. London, 1665. [M. 14. 25.] i Another Copy. To which are annexed Roman Catholick Principles in reference to God and the King. 4to. London, 1685. [N. 8. 2.] The Doctrines and Practices of the Church of Rome truly represented, in Answer to a late Book intituled " A Papist Misrepresented and Re- presented." [By Dr. Stillingfleet.] 4to. London, 1686. Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 1.] [M. 14. 25.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 227 Reflections upon the Answer to the " Papist Misrepresented," Sfc. directed to the Answerer. 4to. n. d. [N. 8. 2.] Another Copi/. [M. 14. 25.] A Papist not misrepresented by Protestants, being a Reply to the Re.» flections upon the Answer to the " Papist Misrepresented," &c. [By Dr. Sherlock] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 25.] • Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 1.^ Remarks upon the Reflections of the Author of" Popery Misrepresented, " &c. on his Answerer, particularly as to the Deposing Doctrine, [By Abednego Seller.] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 20.] — : Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 2.] Papists Protesting against Protestant Popery, being a Vindication of the '^^ Papist Mis-represented and Represented," and the Rejlections upon the Answer. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 20.] An Answer to a Discourse intituled " Papists protesting against Protes- tant Popery ;" being a Vindication of " Papists not misrepresented by Protestants ;" and containing a particular Examination of Monsieur de Meaux his Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of Rome in the Ar- ticles of Invocation of Saints and the Worship of Images, occasioned by that Discourse. [By William Sherlock.] 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 1.] An Amicable Accommodation of the Difference beficeen the Representer and the Answerer, in return to his last Reply against the Papist protesting against Protestant Popery. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 20.] An Answer to tlie Amicable Accommodation. [By Dr. Sherlock.] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 20.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 1.] A Reply to the Answer of the Amicable Accommodation, 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 20.] A View of the whole Controversy between the Representer and the An- swerer ; with an Answer to the Representer's last Reply. [[By Dr. Wm. Clagett.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 25.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 1.] An Answer to the Representer's Reflections upon the State and View of the Controversy : with a Reply to the Vindicator's full Ansv^'er. CBy William Clagett.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 17.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 2.] A Catechism truly representing the Doctrines and Practices of the Church of Rome, with an Answer thereunto. [By John Williams.] 8vo. London, 1686. [N. 9. 43.] The Catholic Representer : or the Papist Misrepresented and Represented. Part IL. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 20.] The Papist Represented and not Misrepresented ; being an Answer to the first sheet of the Second Part of the " Papist Misrepresented and Re- presented." [By John Williams.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 9.] The Papist Represented, and not Misrepresented : in Answer to the Se- cond Sheet of the Second Part of the " Papist Misrepresented and Re- presented." [By John Williams.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. ?0.] ... . .- Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 9.] Q2 RELIGION. Transubstantiation no Doctrine of the Primitive Fathers ; being a De- fence of the Dublin Letter herein against the " Papist Misrepresented and Represented, Part IL" Cap. 3. [_By John Patrick.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 20.] Wholesome Advices from the Virgin Mary to her indiscreet Worship- pers. Translated from the French, with a Preface. [By James Taylor.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 9.] A Letter to the Misrepresenter of Papists ; in Answer to the Fourth Chapter of the Second Part of the Papist Misrepresented, &c. [By James Taylor.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 20.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. |[N- 8. 9.] The Papist Represented and not Misrepresented, being an Answer to the Fifth and Sixth Chapters of the Second Part of the Papist Misrepre- sented and Represented. [By John Williams.] 4to. London, 1687. . [M. 14. 20.] The People's Right to read the Holy Scripture asserted. In Answer to the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Chapters of the Second Part of the Popish Representee [By Dr. Nicholas Stratford.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 3.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 6.] (7.) Discourses occasioned by the Expounding Controversy during THE Reign of King James II. BossvET (James Benigne, Bishop of MeauxJ An Exposition of the Doc- trine of the Catholic Church in Matters of Controversie. 8vo. London, 1686. [K. 15. 37.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 19.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 1.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1753. [Ff. 8. 72.] Bossuet (Jacobi Benigni, Episcopi Condomensis) Doctrines Catholicce, de iis Argumentis de quibus Controversies sunt, Expositio ; ex interpret atione Claudii Fleurii. 18mo. Antverpice, 1678. [H. 17. 27.] An Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England in the several Articles proposed by Monsieur de Meaux, in his Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church ; to which is prefixed, a particular Account of Monsieur de Meaux's Book. [By Wm. Wake.] 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 1.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 25.] A Vindication of the Bishop of Condom's Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church, in Answer to " An Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England," SfC. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 25.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 1.] A Pastoral Letter from the Lord Bishop of Meaux to the New Catholics of his Diocess, exhorting them to keep their Easter, and giving them necessary advertisements against the false Pastoral Letters of their Ministers. With Reflections upon the pretended Persecution. Translated out of French. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 25.] The Answer of the New Converts of France to a Pastoral Letter from a Protestant Minister. Done out of French. 4to. Lo;<(/ow, 1686. [M. 14. 21.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. An Answer to the Bishop of Condom's ** Exposition of the Catholic Faith," &c. Wherein the Doctrine of the Church of Rome is detected, and that of the Church of England expressed, &c. With Reflections on his Pastoral Letter. [By John Gilbert.] 4to. London, 1686. [xM. 14. 19.] A Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England against the Exceptions of Monsieur de Meaux and his Vindicator. [By William Wake.] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 19.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 1.] A Reply to the Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England : being a further Vindication of the Bishop of Condom's Exposi- tion of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church. With a Second Letter from the Bishop of Meaux. 4to. London, 1687. j^M. 14. 31.] A Second Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England against the new ' Exceptions of Monsieur de Meaux, late Bishop of Condom, and his Vindicator. In Two Parts. [By William Wake.] 4to. London, 1687-88. [M. 14. 31.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687-88. [N. 8. 2.] An Account of the Fundamental Principle of Popery, as it is a distinct Communion, with a new Preface, particularly relating to the Bp. of Meaux and other modern Complainers of Misrepresentation. [By Henry Dodwell.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 10.] vi. Treatises on Particular Points of Controversy between Pi^otestants and Papists. (1.) Discourses on the pretended Unity, Authority, and Infal- libility OF THE Church. PoLi (Reginaldi, Cardinalis) ad Henricum octaium Britannice Regent, pro Ecclesiasticce Unitutis defensione, Libri quatuor. 4to. Ronice, [1536.] [K. 20. 36.] Catalogus Testium Veritatis, qui, ante nostram aetatem, Pontificum Ro- manorum Primatui, variisque Papismi superslitionibus, erroribus, ac impiis fraudibus reclamarunt. Accessit Appendix Rerum et Testi- moniorum insignium ab anno 1517 ad annum 1600. folio, Genevae, 1608. [L. 13. 1.] Crashaw (William) Romish Forgeries and Falsifications : Together with Catholike Restitutions. Obserued, collected, and now discouered for the vse and honour of the Catholike Church, and to the just rebuke of the Romish Sinagogue. Latin and English. 4to. London, 1606. [K. 15. 12.] James (Thomas) A Treatise of the Corruptions of Scripture, Councils, and Fathers, by the Prelates, Pastors, and Pillars of the Church of Rome, for the Maintenance of Popery and Irreligion. 4to. London, 1612. [N. 9. 51.] Masoni (Francisci) Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae ; sive de legitime ejus- dem Ministerio, id est, de Episcoporum successione, consecratione, elec- tione et confirmatione ; item de Presbyterorum et Diaconorum ordi- natione Libri V. In quibus Anglicana Ecclesia a Bellarmini, Sanderi, aliorumque Romanistarum calumniis et contumeliis vindicatur. folio, Londini, 1625. [M. 20. 14.] 2S0 RELIGION. Chaloner (Edward) The Avthoritie, Vniversalitie, and Visibilitie of the Chvrch, handled and discussed. 4to. London, 1625. [M. 20. 19.] Featley (Daniel) Rome's Ruin, being a succinct Answer to a Popish Challenge concerning the Antiquity, Universality, Succession, and Per- petual Visibility of the true Church, even in the most obscure Times when it seemed to be totally eclipsed in the immediate Ages before Luther. 4to. London, 1644. [N. 8. 37.] Ellis (John) Vindicias Catholicse ; or the Rights of particular Churches rescued : and asserted against that meer but dangerous notion of one Catholick, Visible, Governing Church, the foundation of the now endeavoured Presbyterie. 4to. London, 1647. [M. 20. 18.] Faith vindicated from Possibility of Falsehood ; or the Immoveable Firmness and Certainty of the Motives to Christian Faith asserted against that Tenet, which denying Infallibility of Authority, subverts its Foundation, and renders it uncertain. 8vo. London, 1667. [M. 19. 52.] Judicium Discretionis : or a just and necessary Apology for the People's judgement of Private Discretion, exhibited against the arrogant pre- tences of Tannerus, Bellarmine, and other Advocates of the Papal Ty- ranny. 8vo. London, 1667. [M. 19. 52.] AsHWELLi (Georgii) De Ecclesia Romana Dissertatio. 4to. Oxoniae, 1688. [M. 14. 1.] A Rational Account of the Doctrine of the Roman Catholics concerning the Ecclesiastical Guides in Controversies of Religion. [JBj/ Abraham Wood- head. 4to. London, 1673. [B. 4. 35.] The Church of Rome no safe Guide. 4to. London, 1679. [P. 39. (13.)] A Discourse concerning a Judge of Controversies in Matters of Reli- gion, being an Answer to some Papers asserting the Necessity of such a Judge. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 15. 13.] A Discourse concerning a Guide in Matters of Faith; with respect to the Romish Pretence of such an one as is infallible. [By Thomas Tenison, D. D.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 27.] The Pillar and Ground of Truth : a Treatise, shewing that the Roman Church falsely claims to be that Church and the Pillar of that Church, mentioned 1 Tim. iii. 15. [By Simon Patrick, D. D.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 6.] A Discourse concerning the Nature, Unity, and Communion of the Ca- tholic Church ; wherein most of the Controversies relating to the Church are briefly and plainly stated. Part I. [By William Sher- lock, D. D.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 9.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 2.] Dr. Sherlock sifted from his Bran and Chaff: or, A certain Way of finding the true Setise of the Scriptures, and discovering who are the true living Members of the Church of Christ. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 3.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 9.] A Discourse concerning the Churches Authority in Matters of Faith, shewing that the Pretences of the Church of Rome are weak and pre- carious in the Resolution of it. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 21.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 231 A Plain and Familiar Discourse, by way of Dialogue, betwixt a Minister and his Parishioner, concerning the Catholic Church. By a Divine of the Church of England. [Dr. Samuel Freeman.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 25.] A few Plain Reasons why a Protestant of the Church of England should not turn Roman Catholick. [By Thomas Barlow, Bp. of Lincoln.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 5.] A Conference with Mr. Claude, Minister of Charenton, concerning the Authority of the Church. By James Benigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux. Translated from the French. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 19.] Mr. Claude's Answer to Mons. De Meaux's Book, intitled " A Conference with Mr. Claude :" with his Letters to a Friend, wherein he answers a Discourse of M. de Meaux concerning the Church. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 16. 30.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 5.] An Historical Examination of the Authority of General Councils ; shew- ing the false Dealing that hath been used in the publishing of them ; and the Difference among the Papists themselves about their Number. [By Robert Jenkin.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 16.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 6.] Pope Pius his Profession of Faith, vindicated from Novelty in its additional Articles. Published with Allowance. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 5.] The Creed of Pope Pius IV. or, a Prospect of Popery, taken from that Authentic Record. With short Notes. [By Michael Altham.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 5.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 1.] The Additional Articles in Pope Pius's Creed no Articles of the Christian Faith ; being an Answer to a Pamphlet, intituled " Pope Pius his Pro- fession of Faith vindicated from Novelty in its additional Articles," and " The Prospect of Popery, taken from that authentic Record, with short Notes thereupon," defended. [By Michael Altham.] 4to. Lon- don, 1688. [N. 8. 5.] A View of Popery, taken from the Creed of Pope Pius the Fourth. By Joseph Burroughs. 8vo. London, 1735. [P. 85. (2.)] Doubts concerning the Roman Infallibility. 1. Whether the Church of Rome believe it? 2. Whether Jesus Christ or his Apostles ever re- commend it ? 3. Whether the Primitive Church knew or used that way of deciding Controversie ? [By Henry Maurice, D. D.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 28.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 6.] A Discourse, shewing that Protestants are on the safer side, notwith- standing the uncharitable Judgment of their Adversaries ; and their Religion is the surest wav to Heaven. [By Mr, Bolieu.] 4to. Lon- don, 1688. [M. 15. 5.] ' The Protestant Resolved : or, a Discourse shewing the Unreasonableness of his turning Roman CathoHc for Salvation. [By Clement Ellys.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 9.] RELIGION. The Protestant Resolution of Faith, being an Answer to three Questions- 1. How far we must depend on the Authority of the Church for the true Sense of Scripture? 2. Whether a visible Succession from Christ to this Day makes a Church, which has this visibl Succession, an in- fallible Interpreter of Scripture ; and whether no Church, which has not this Succession, can teach the true Sense of Scripture? 3. Whether the Church of England can make out such a visible Succession? [By William Sherlock, D. D.] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 24.] Two other Copies. 4to. London, 1686. ) xr o c'-i (2) Discourses on the Notes of the Church. MoRTONi (Thomae, postea Dunelmensis Episcopi) Apologise Catholicae Libri Duo. Pars Prima, de Notis Ecclesiae. Pars secunda, Judicem Ecclesiae demonstrans. 8vo. Londini, 1606. [M. 18. 34,34^] The Notes of the Church, as laid down by Cardinal Bellarmine, examined and confuted. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 34.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 12.] Si/Uabus. A Brief Discourse concerning the Notes of the Church ; with some Reflections on Cardinal Bellarmine's Notes. [By Dr. Wm. Sherlock.] : Another Copy. [M. 14. 21.] Examinations of Bellarmine's Fifteen Notes of the Church. 1. The First Note.— The Name of Catholic. [By Dr. Samuel Freeman.] 2. The Second Note. — Antiquity. [By Dr. Simon Patrick.] 3. The Third Note. — Duration. [By John Williams.] 4. The Fourth Note. — Amplitude, or Multitude and Variety of Believers. [By Dr. Edward Fowler.] 5. The Fifth Note. — Succession of Bishops. [By Dr. George Thobp.] 6. The Sixth Note. — Agreement in Doctrine with the Primitive Church. [By Wm. Payne.] 7. The Seventh Note. — Union of the Members among themselves and with the Head. (^By Dr. Wm. Clagett.] 8. The Eighth Note. — Sanctity of Doctrine. [By Dr. John Scott.] y. The Ninth Note.— Efficacy of the Doctrine. [By Thomas LiNFORD.] 10. The Tenth Note.— Holiness of Life. [By Dr. Thomas Tenison.] 11. The Eleventh Note.— The Glory of Miracles. [By Nathaniel Resbury.] 12. The Twelfth Note.— The Light of Prophecy. [By Dr. Wm. Clagett.] 13. The Thirteenth Note. — The Confession of Adversaries. [By Richard Kidder.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 233 14. The Fourteenth Note. — The Unhappy End of the Church's Enemies. [By Dr. N. Stratford.] 15. The Fifteenth Note, — Temporal Fehcity. [By Dr. Robert Grove.] The Use and Great Moment of the Notes of the Church, as delhered by Cardinal BeUarmine de Notis Ecclesice, justified. In Answer to a late " Discourse concerning the Notes of the Church." A Vindication of the " Brief Discourse concerning the Notes of the Church ; in Answer to " The Use and Great Moment of the Notes of the Church." [By Dr. Wm. Sherlock.] . A Defence of the Confuter of Bellarmine's Second Note of the Church, — Antiquity, — against the Cavils of the Adviser. QBy George Tully.] (3.) Discourses on Saint Peter, and on the pretended Supremacy of THE Pope in all Causes, both Civil and Ecclesiastical. Nectarii Patriarchas Hierosolymitani Confutatio Imperii Papae in Eccle- siam, Latine reddita a Petro Allix. 8vo. Londini, 1702. [D. 7. 3.] De Jurisdictione, Autoritate, et Praeeminentia Imperiali, ac Potestate Ecclesiastica, deque Juribus Regni et Imperii, variorum Authorum Scripta. folio, Basileae, 1566. [K. 1. 20.] Dan^i (Lamberti) Tractatus de Antichristo. 8vo. Genevse, 1576. [K. 8. 2.] Chauncie (William) The Conversion of a Gentleman long time misled in Poperie : wherein is declared that the authoritie which the Pope of Rome doth challenge to himself over all Christian Bishops and Churches is unlawfully usurped. 4to. London, 1580. [M. 15. 37.] BiLSON (Thomas) The True Difference betweene Christian Subjection and Unchristian Rebellion : wherein the Prince's lawfuU Power to com- mand for Truth, and indeprivable right to bear the Sword, are defend- ed against the Pope's Censures and the Jesuites' Sophismes, uttered in their Apologie and Defence of English Catholikes. 8vo. London, 1586. [K. 17. 2.] Draxi (Thomas) Angelica Praemonitio de fuga h Babylone ; hoc est, Tractatio in qud evincitur Romam Hodiernam esse Babylonem Apo- calypticam. 8vo. Oppenheimii, 1614. [K. 18. 27.] Sharpe (Leonel) A Looking-Glasse for the Pope, wherein he may see his own Face the expresse Image of Antichrist. 4to. London, 1616. [N. 7. 55.-] WiDDRiNGTON (Roger.) A Cleare, Sincere, and Modest Confutation of the Unsound, Fraudulent, and Intemperate Reply of Mr. Thomas Fitzher- bert. Wherein also are confuted the chiefest Objections which D. Schulckenius, who is commonly said to be Cardinal BeUarmine, hath made against W^iddrinton's Apologie for the Right or Soveraigntie of Temporall Princes. 4to. 1616. [K. 20. 15.] Salmasii (Claudii) De Primatu Papae Tractatus, 4to. Lug. Bat. 1645, [F. 15. 2.] Salmasii (Claudii) Eucharisticon pro Jacobi Sirmondi Adventoria de Re- gionibus et Ecclesiis Suburbicariis. 4to. Parisiis, 1621. [C. 1. 14.] 254 RELIGION. Du MoutiN (Peter) A Vindication of the Sincerity of the Protestant Re- ligion in point of Obedience to Sovereigns ; in Answer to a Jesuitical Libel, intituled Philanax Anglicus. 4to. London, 1667. [N. 6. 42.] Barlow (Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln) Popery : or, the Principles and Positions approved by the Church of Rome (when really believed and practised) are very dangerous to all, and to Protestant Kings and Su- preme Powers more especially pernicious : and inconsistent with that Loyalty (which by the law of Nature and Scripture) is indispensably due to Supreme Powers. 4to. In the Savoy, 1679. [M. 14. 2.] Another Copy. 4to. In the Savoy, 1679. [N. 7. 58.] The Jesuit's Catechism according to St. Ignatius Loyola, for the in- structing and strengthening of all those which are weake in that faith. Wherein the Impiety of their Principles, Pernitiousness of their Doc- trines, and Iniquity of their Practises are declared. 4to. London, 1679. [M. 14. 7.] An Exact Account of Romish Doctrine in the case of Conspiracy and Rebellion, by pregnant Observations collected out of the express Dog- matical Principles of Popish Priests and Jesuites. 4to. London, 1679, [M. 14. 13.] A Sermon preached upon St. Peter's-Day. By a Divine of the Church of England [Dr. Patrick, afterwards Bishop of Ely.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 25.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 10.] The Catholic Balance : or a Discourse determining the Controversies concerning, 1. The Tradition of Catholic Doctrines ; 2. The Primacy of St. Peter and the Bishop of Rome ; 3. The Subjection and Autho- rity of the Church in a Christian State : according to the Suffrages of the primest Antiquity. [By Samuel Hill.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 3.] A Modest Enquiry, whether St. Peter were ever at Rome and Bishop of that Church? [By Henry Cave.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 3.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 10.] Sure and Honest Means for the Conversion of all Hereticks. [Trans- lated, with a Preface, by William Wake.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 10.] Barrow (Isaac) A Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy. 4to. London, 1680. [B. 7. 17.] Dialogues between Philerene and Philalethe, concerning the Pope's Su- premacy. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 17.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 1.] St. Peter's Supremacy faithfully discussed, according to Holy Scripture and Greek and Latin Fathers ; with a Detection and Confutation of the Errors of Protestant Writers on this Article. \_By ■■ Clenche.'] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 21.] A Discourse on the Pope's Supremacy, Part I. In Answer to " St. Peter's Supremacy faithfully discussed," &c. [By Dr. N. Stratford.] [N. 8. 10.] Commentatio ad Loca quaedam N. Testamenti quae de Antichristo agunt, aut agere putantur. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1641. [E. 17. 3.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 235 (4.) Discourses on the Rule of Faith. A Treatise, proving Scripture to be the Rule of Faith. By Reginald Peacock, Bishop of Chichester before the RefornDation, about the year 1450. (^Published, with a Preface, by Henry Wharton.J 4to. Lon- don, 1688. [N. 8. 6.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [W. 15. 16.] Whitakeri (Gulielmi) Pro Auctoritate Sacrae Scripturae adversus Tho- mam Stapletonum. folio, Cantabrigiae, 1594. [E. 9. 21.] Rainoldi (Johannis) Censura Librorum Apocryphorum Veteris Testa- menti ; adversus Pontificios, inprimis Robertum Bellarminum ; qua turn divina et canonica Sacrae Scripturae Autoritas asseritur solidissime : turn variae Questiones et Controversiae, tarn dogmaticae, quam histo- ricse, inprimis quae est de Duratione Monarchiae Persicae et de 70 Hebdom. Danielis, expediuntur accuratissime. 2 tomis. 4to. Oppen- heraii, 1611. [H. 6. 16,17.] UssERii (Jacobi) Historia Dogmatica Controversiae inter Orthodoxos et Pontificios de Scripturis et Sacris Vernaculis. Digessit et edidit Hen- ricus Wharton. 4to. Londini, 1690. [H. 5. 31.] TiLLOTsoN (John) The Rule of Faith, or an Answer to the Treatise of Mr. J. S., [John Serjeant] entituied "Sure Footing." To which is adjoined, a Reply to Mr. J. S. his Third Appendix. By Edward Stil- lingfleet, B. D. 8vo. London, 1676. [I. 15. 40.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1676. [K. 19. 18.] Nubes Ttstium ; or a Collection of Primitive Fathers, giving Testimony of the Faith once delivered to the Saints ; being u full Discovery of the Sen- timents of the Ancient Fathers in the chief Points of Controversie at pre- sent under debate. 410. London, 1686. [M. 14. 17.] An Answer to the Compiler of the " Nubes Testium :" wherein is shewn that Antiquity (in relation to the Points of Controversie set down by him) did not for the first five hundred years believe, teach, or prac- tise, as the Church of Rome doth. [By tdward Gee.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 19.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 7.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [P. 25. (7.)] A Vindication of the Principles of the Author of the " Answer to the Compiler of the Nubes Testium" from the Charge of Popery, in An- swer to a pretended Letter from a Dissenter to the Divines of the Church of England. [By Edward Gee.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 9.] Two other Copies. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 7. P. 25. (10.)] The Primitive Fathers no Protestants : or a ('indication of Nubes Testium from the Cavils of the Answerer. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 19.] The Primitive Fathers no Papists : in Reply to the preceding Vindica- tion ; to which is added, an Historical Discourse concerning the Invo- cation of Saints, in Answer to the Challenge of Father Lewis Sabran. [By Edward Gee.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 19.] Two other Copies. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 7. P. 25. (5.)] 236 RELIGION. The Pope' s' Supremacy asserted, from the Considerations of some Protestants and the Practice of the Primitive Church, in a Dialogue between a Church- Divine and a Seeker: in Vindication of Nubes Testium, With Alloxcance. 4to. Lorar/ow, 1688. [M. 15. 9.] The Antiquity of the Protestant Religion. With an Answer to Mr. Sclater's Reasons, and to the Collections made by the Author of Nubes Testium, &c. [By Edward Felling.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 7.] (5.) Discourses written on Scripture Proofs. The Judgement of Archbishop Cranmer concerning the People's Right to, and discreet Use of the Holy Scriptures. [Published, with a Pre- face, by Edward Gee.] 4to. London, 1689. [N. 8. 6.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1689. [P. 24. (11.)] Croft (Herbert, Bishop of Hereford) A Short Determination of all Con- troversies with the Papists by God's Holy Word. 4to. London, 1679. • [M. 15. 13.] Seek and you shall find; or a Search into the Grounds of Religion, toge- ther with some Queries, in order to a particular satisfaction, upon account of the various Opinions in this present age. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 21.] Popery not founded on Scripture : or the Texts which Papists cite out of the Bible, for the Proof of the Points of their Religion examined and shewed to be alledged without Ground. [By Dr. Thomas Tenison.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 13.] A Short Summary of the Principal Controversies between the Church of England and the Church of Rome : being a Vindication of several Pro- testant Doctrines in Answer to a pamphlet called " Protestancy desti- tute of Scripture Proofs." [By Dr. Wm. Sherlock.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8, 11.] An Answer to the Request to Protestants to produce their plain Scrip- tures, directly authorizing their Tenets. [By Dr. William Sjierlock.^ 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 11.] The Lay-Christian's Obligation to read the Holy Scriptures. [By Dr. N. Stratford.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 21-3 Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 6.] An Answer to the " Address presented to the Ministers of the Church of England." [By John Williams.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 16.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 6.] A Clear Proof of the Certainty and Usefulness of the Protestant Rule of Faith, Scripture, after the help of Ministerial Guides, finally interpreted by each mans private sense. 4to. Lonrfow, 1688. [M. 15. 9.] A Vindication of the Answer to the Popish Address, presented to the Ministers of the Church of England. In Reply to the ' Clear Proof of the Certainty and Usefulness of the Protestant Rule of Faith/ &c. [By John Williams.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 9.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 6.] A Letter to a Lady, furnishing her with Scripture Testimonies against the principal Points and Doctrines of Popery. 4to. London, 1688. [P. 24. (8.)] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 237 The Protestant and Popish Way of Interpreting Scripture impartially compared, in Answer to " Pax Vobis," &c. [By Dr. Robert Grove.] 4to. London, 1689. [N. 8. 6.] (6.) Discourses on Tradition. A Treatise of Traditions, Part I. Where it is proved that we have Evi- dence sufficient from Tradition : 1. That the Scriptures are the Word of God ; 2. That the Church of England owns the True Canon of the Books of the Old Testament ; 3. That the Copies of the Scripture have not been corrupted ; 4. That the Romanists have no such Evidence for their Traditions ; 5. That the Testimony of the present Church of Rome can be no sure Evidence of Apostolical Tradition ; 6. What Tra- ditions may securely be relyed upon, and what not. [By Dr. Daniel Whitby.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 28.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 4.] A Treatise of Traditions, Part IL Shewing the Novelty of the pre- tended Traditions of the Church of Rome. With an Answer to the Arguments of Mr. Mumford for Traditions, and a Demonstration that the Heathens made the same Plea from Tradition as the Romanists do, and that the Answer of the Fathers to it doth fully justifie the Pro- testants. [By Dr. Daniel Whitby.] 4to. London, 1689. [N. 8. 4.] A Discourse about Tradition ; shewing what is meant by it, and what Tradition is to be received, and what Tradition is to be rejected. [By Dr. Simon Patrick.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 14. 33.] : — Another Copy. 4to. London, 1683, [N. 8. 4.] (7.) Discourses on the Celibacy of the Ciergy. Martin (Thomas) A Traictise declayring and plainly proving that the pre- tended Marriage ofPriestes and professed persons is no Marriage, but alto- gether unlawful, and in all ages and in all countries of Christendom both forbidden and also punished. 4to. London, 1554. [E. 19. 17.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1554. [G. 16. 37.] Parker (Matthew) A Defence of Priestes Marriages, stablysshed by the Imperiall Lawes of the Realme of Englande, agaynst a Civilian, namy- ing hymselfe Thomas Martin Doctour of Civill Lawes. 4to. imprinted by Richarde Jugge. [Q. 4. 16.] Gilbert (M.) Jacob's Vow opposed to the Vows of Monks and Friers. Translated from the French by John Bulteel. 4to. London, 1617. [E; 1. 35.] An Answer to a Discourse concerning the Celibacy of the Clergy. [By George Tully.] 4to. Oxford, 1688. [M. 14. 2.] Another Copy. 4to. Oxford, 1688. [N. 8. 14.] A Treatise of the Coelibacy of the Clergy ; wherein its Rise and Progress are historically considered. [By Henry Wharton.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 11.] 238 RELIGION. (8.) Discourses on the Latin Service, or Prayer in an Unknown Tongue. A Discourse concerning tlie Celebration of Divine Service in an Unknown Tongue. [By John Williams.] 4 to. London, 1685. [N. 8. 10.] A Discourse concerning the Devotions of the Church of Rome. [By Dr. William Stanley.] 4to. London, 1685. [N. 8. lO.J Reflections upon the Devotions of the Roman Church, with the Prayers, Hymns and Lessons themselves taken out of their authentic books. 8vo. London, 1686. [L. 7. 19.] A Treatise, in Confutation of the Latin Service practised, and by the Trent Council continued, in the Church of Rome. [By Dr. Daniel Whitby.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 3,] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687- [N. 8. 10.] (9.) Discourses on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Allix (Peter) An Historical Discourse concerning the Necessity of the Minister's Intention in administering the Sacraments. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 1.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 3.] Assertionis Lvtheranae Confvtatio per Reuerendum Patrem loannem [Fisherum] Roffensem Episcopum, Academiae Cantabrigiensis Can- cellarium. folio, Antverpiae, 1523. [M. 9. 3.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Antverpiae, 1545. [K. 17. 18.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Coloniae, 1564. [G. 16. 30.] An Answer unto my Lord of Wyntchesters booke intytlyd " A Detection of theDevylsSophistrye ;" wherwith he robbeth the unlernyd people of the trew byleef in the moost blessyd sacrament of the Aulter, made by Johann Hoper. 4to. Zurich, 1547. [D. 19. 40.] Cranmer (Thomas, Archbp. of Canterbury) An Answer unto a crafty and sophisticall Cavillation devised by Stephen Gardiner Doctur of Law, late Bishop of Winchester, against the trewe and godly doctrine of the moste holy Sacrament of the Body and Bloud of our Saviour, folio, London, 1551. [B. 1. 19,] *A Defence of the True and Catholick Doctrine of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Our Saviour Christ: with a Confutation of sundry Errors concerning the same. By the Most Rev. Thomas Cranmer, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. To which is prefixed an Introduction, Historical and Critical, in Illustration of the Work ; and in Vindica- tion ot the Character of the Author, and therewith of the Reformation in England, against some of the Allegations which have been recently made by the Rev. Dr. Lingard, the Rev. Dr. Milner, and Charles Butler, Esq. By the Rev. Henry John Todd, M. A. F. S. A. 8vo. London, 1825. Martyris (Petri) Defensio Doctrince Veteris et Apostolicse de Sacro- sancto Eucharistiae Sacramento adversus Stephani Gardineri quondam Wintonii nsis Episcopi Librum, sub nomine M. AntoniiConstantiieditum. folio, Tiguri, 1562. [L. 12. 23.] M0RN.EI (Philippi) De Sacra Eucharistia Quatuor Libri. folio, Hano- viffi, 1605. [L. 13. 2.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 239 MoRTONi (Thomae Episcopi Dunelmensis) Totius Doctrinalis Controver- siae de Eucharistia Decisio. 4to. Cantabrigise, 1640. [K. 20. 19.] Arnavd (Aiitoinc) La Peipetuite de In Foy de I'Eglise Catholique toiichant FEucharistie, 12mo. Paris, 1672. [L. 8. 7.J Claude (Jean) Reponse au Livre de M. Arnaud, intitule "La Perpetuite de la Foi de rEglise Catholique tonchant I'Eucharistie defendue." 8vo. 2 vols. Queviily, 1671. [L 7.22,23.] Reponse aux Deux Traitez intitidez " La Perpetuite de la Foy de I'E- glise Catholique touchant I'Eucharistie." 4to. Charenton, 1668. [N. 6. 5.] Aunavd (Antuint) La Perpetuite de la Foy de FEglise Catholique, tou- chant I'Eucharistie, deffendue contre le Liire du Sieur Claude. 4to. Paris, 1670. [E. 14. 11.] Determinatio Fr. Juannis, Parisiensis Prcedicaturis, de modo existendi Cor- poris Christi in Sacramento Altaris. Cui prefixa est Praefatio Historica de Dogmate Trans-substantiationis. [Auctore Gulielmo Allix.] 4to. Londini, 1686. [L. 15. 35.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1686. [N. 9. 42.] A Peaceable Method for the re-uniting Protestants and Catholicks in matters of Faith ; principally in the Subject of the Idoli/ Eucharist. From the French of Lewis Maimbourg. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 17.] A Brief Discourse on the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, wherein the witty artifices of the Bishop of Meaux and of Monsieur Maimbourg are obviated, where- by they would draw in the Protestants to imbrace the Doctrine of Transubstantiation. (By Dr. Henry More.) 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 17.] Two Discourses concerning the Adoration of our B. Saiiour in the H, Eucharist. The First : Animadtersions upon the Alterations of the Ru- brick in the Communion Service in the Cominon Prayer Book of the Church of England. The Second : The Catholick's Defence for their Adoratiori of our Lord, as believed really and substantially present in the Holt/ Sacrament of the Eucharist. \^By Abraham Woodhead.'] 4to, Oxford, 1686. [M. 14. 18.] A Discourse of the Holy Eucharist, in the two great points of the Real Presence and the Adoration of the Host, in Answer to the Two Dis- courses printed at Oxford on this subject. [^By Dr. William Wake.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 18.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 8.] A Reply to Two Discourses, lately printed at Oxford, concerning the Adoration of our Blessed Saviour in the Holy Eucharist. [By Henry Aldrich.] 4to. Oxford, 1687. [M. 14. 2.] Another Copy. 4to. Oxford, 1687. [N. 8. 14.] A Compendious Discourse on the Eucharist [in Reply to the publications of Wake and Aldrich. By Abraham Woodhead.'] 4to. Oj/brrf, 1688, [M. 14. 29.] A Discourse concerning the Adoration of the Host, as it is taught and practised in the Church of Rome. QBy William Payne.] 4to. London, 1685. QN. 8. 9.] 240 RELIGION. A Discourse of the Sacrifice of the Mass. [By William Payne.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 17.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 11.] The Mass displayed by John Bede. 4to. Oxford, 1619. [N. 8. 18.] (10.) DiscouR^s ON Communion in one kind. A Treatise of Communion under both kinds. By James Benigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meavx. FaithfuUu rendered from the French. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 19.] A Discourse of the Communion in one kind; in Answer to the Bishop of Meaux's Treatise of Communion under both species. [By William Payne.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 19.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 11.] A Demonstration that the Church of Rome and her Councils have erred : by shewing that the Councils of Constance, Basil, and Trent, have, in all their decrees touching Communion in one kind, contradicted the received Doctrine of the Church of Christ. [By Dr. Daniel Whitby.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 28.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 11.] - (11.) Discourses on Transubstantiation, An Account of a Disputation at Oxford, A. D. 1556. With a Treatise of the blessed Sacrament ; both written by Bishop Ridley, Martyr. To which is added a Letter, written by Mr. John Bradford, never before printed. All taken out of an original manuscript. [By Gilbert Ironside.] 4to. Oxford, 1688. [M. 14. 29.] Another Copy. 4to. Oxford, 1688. [N. 8. 8] A Breef Declaration of the Lordes Supper, written by the singuler learn- ed Man, and moste constant Martyr of Christe, Nicholas Ridley, Bi- shop of London, Prisoner in Oxford, a little before he suffered death for the true testimonye of Jesus Christe. 4to. London, 1586. Re- printed 1688. [M. 14. 29.] Andrews (Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester) Two Answers to Cardinal Perron, and Two Speeches in the Star Chamber. 4to. London, 1629. [C. 10. 32.] Dering (Sir Edward) A Discourse of Proper Sacrifice in way of An- swer to A. B, C. Jesuite. 4to. Cambridge, 1644. [D. 19. 8.] CosiN (Joannis, Episcopi Dunelmensis) Historia Transubstantiationis Papalis. 8vo. Londini, 1675. [E. 18. 14.] Transubstantiation no Doctrine of the Primitive Fathers. [By Dr. John Patrick.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 7.] A Full View of the Doctrines and Practices of the Ancient Church relat- ing to the Eucharist and inconsistent with the Belief of Transubstan- tiation ; being a Confutation of Consensus Veterum, Nubes Testium, and other collections of the Fathers pretending the contrary. [By Dr. John Patrick.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 7.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 241 Six Conferences concerning the Eucharist. Wherein is shewed that the Doctrine of Transubstantiation overthrows the Proofs of the Christian Rehgion. By M. De la Placette. [Translated and published by Dr. Thomas Tenison.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 5.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8, 8.] Transubstantiation Defended and Proved from Scripture. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 17.] A Seeker's Request to Catholick Priests and Protestant Ministers for satis- fying his Conscience in the truth of what he ought to believe concerning the Lord's Supper. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 16.] Transubstantiation contrary to Scripture : or the Protestant's Answer to the Seeker's Request. [By Robert Nelson, Esq.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 16.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 8.] The Catholick Letter to the Seekers: or a Reply to the Protestant Answer; shewing that CafhoHcks have express Scriptures for believing the real Presence ; and that Protestants have no7ie at all for denying it. 4to. Zowr/ofl, 1688. [M. 20. 2.] The Protestant's Answer to the Catholick Letter to the Seeker; or a Vindication of the Protestant's Answer to the Seeker's Request. [By John Williams.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 2.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 8.] The Absolute Lupossibility of Transubstantiation demonstrated. [By SamuelJoHNSON.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 1.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 8.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [P. 25. (4.)] Traite d'un Authour de la Communion Romaine, touchant la Transub- stantiation : ou il fait voir que selon les principes de son Eglise ce dogme ne peut ctre une article de la Foi. 12mo. Londres, 1686. [L. 8. 15.] An Historical Treatise, written by an Author of the Communion of the Church of Rome, touching Trmisubstantiation, Wherein is made appear that, according to the Principles of that Church, this Doctrine cannot be an article of faith. [Published by Dr. William Wake.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 17.] PoiNET (Joannis Episcopi Wintoniensis) Dialecticon Eucharistiae- 4to. Londini, 1688. [N. 8. 8.] The School of the Eucharist established upon the Miraculous Respects and Acknowledgments, which Beasts, Birds, and Insects, upon seve- ral Occasions, have rendred to the Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Whence Catholics may increase in devotion to this divine mystery, and Heretics find tliere their Confusion. By F. Toussaint Bridoul, of the Society of Jesus. Printed in French at Lille, 1672. And now made English and published, with a Preface concerning the testimony of miracles. [By Dr. Wm. Clagetx.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 17.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 8.] Transubstantiation, a peculiar article of the Roman Catholic Faith which was never owned by the ancient church, or any of the reformed churches, in answer to a Discourse called "Reasons for abrogating the Test." [Bv Goodwin.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 7.] R 242 RELIGION. An Historical Account of the Sacrament, from the Primitive times to the Council of Trent, shewing the Novelty of Transubstantiation. J[By Edward Felling.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 1.] Transubstantiation examined and confuted in two Sermons on the Lord's Supper, preachfid in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. By H. Smith. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 28.] Turner! (Joannis) Contra nefandum Transubstantiationis Dogma Disser- tatio. 4to. Londini, 1690. [M. 14. 36.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Londini, 1690. [P. 18. (9.)] Newcome (Henry) Transubstantiation discussed with a Papist. 4ta. London, 1705. [P. 25. (4.)] Andrews (Richard) The Doctrine of Transubstantiation fairly argued and fully refuted. 8vo. London, 1755. [P. 312. 5.] (12.) Discourses occasioned by the Assertions of the Romanists, THAT Transubstantiation is as evident as a Trinity. The Difference betwixt the Protestant and Socinian Methods : In answer to a book by a Romanist intituled " The Protestant's Plea for a Soci- nian." QBy Dr. Thomas Tenison.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 25.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 6.] A Discourse concerning a Judge of controversies in matters of religion, being an answer to some papers asserting the necessity of such a judge. [By Dr. Wm. Sherlock.] 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 6.] An answer to a " Dialogue between a new Catholick Convert and a Pro- testant to prove the Mystery of the Trinity to be as absurd a Doctrine as Transubstantiation." [By Dr. Wm. Sherlock.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 8.] A Second Dialogue between a New Catholick Convert and a Protestant, shewing why he cannot believe the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, though he do firmly believe the Doctrine of the Trinity. [By Dr. Richard Kidder.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 8.] The Doctrine of the Trinity and Transubstantiation compared, as to Scripture, Reason and Tradition, in a new dialogue between a Protes- tant and a Papist. [By Dr. Edward Stillingfleet.] 2 Part. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 17.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 8.] A Paraphrase, with Notes and a Preface, upon the Sixth Chapter of St. John ; shewing that there is neither good reason nor sufficient authority, to suppose that the Eucharist is discoursed of in that chapter, much less to infer the Doctrine of Transubstantiation from it. [By Dr. Wm. Clagett.] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 25.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 8.] (13.) Discourses on Auricular Confession, Penance, Extreme Unction, Indulgences, and Purgatory. A Discourse concerning Auricular Confession, as it is prescribed by the Council of Trent and practised in the Church of Rome. [^By Dr. John Goodman.] 4to. London, 1684. [N. 8. 11.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 243 A Discourse concerning Penance ; shewing how the Doctrine of it in the Church of Rome, maketh void true repentence. [By Dr. Peter Allix.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 11.] A Discourse concerning the pretended Sacrament of Extreme Unction : with an account of the occasions and beginnings of it in the Western Church. [By Dr. William Clagett.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 16.] ^ Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 11.] A Second Letter from the Author of the Discourse concerning Extreme Unction to the Vindicator of the Bishop of Condom. [By Dr. William Clagett.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 11.] Fiscus Papalis : sive Catalogus Indulgentiarum et Reliquiarum Septem Principalium Ecclesiarum urbis Romae, ex vetusto Manuscripto Co- dice vere et fideliter descriptus. — Laying down the spiritual riches and infinite treasure which (as sure as the Pope is holy and true) are to be t'ound in the Catholike Roman Church, whereof the poore heretics have not one mite. 4to. London, 1617. [E. 18. 20.] Two Discourses : of Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead. [^By William Wake.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 19.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. C^- 8. 11.] Purgatory prov'd by Miracles : collected out of Roman Catholic Authors. With some remarkable Histories relating to British, English, and Irish Saints. With a Preface concerning the Miracles. [By Samuel John- son.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 28.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 11.] (14) Discourses on Good Works. Foxii (Joannis) De Christo gratis justificante ; contra Osorianam justi- tiam, caeterosque eiusdem inhaerentis justitiae patronos, Amica et Mo- desta Defensio. 8vo. Londini, 1583. [G. 8. 26.] MoRTONi (Thomse, Episcopi Dunelmensis) Antidotum adversus Ecclesiee Romanse de Merito proprie condigno Venenum. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1^37. [K. 20. 20.] Some Reflections upon a Treatise called '* Pietas Romana et Parisiensis," lately printed at Oxford : to which are added, A Vindication of Pro- testant Charity, and a Defence of the Oxford Reply to two Discourses there printed A. D. 1687. [By James Harrington.] 4to. Oxford, 1688. [M. 14. 1.] Another Copy. 4to. Oxford, 1688. [N. 8. 14.] A Discourse concerning the Merit of Good Works. [By Peter Allix.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 1.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 11.] (15) Discourses on the Invocation and Intercession of Saints. Montagu (Richard) Address unto God alone: a Sermon enlarged to a just Treatise of Invocation of Saints. — A Gagg for the New Gospel ? No : A New Gagg for an Old Goose, who would needs undertake to stop all Protestants' Mouths for ever. — Appello Caesarem. 4to. lion- don, 1624. [E. 1. 5.] R2 244 RELIGION. Barlow (Thomas, Bp. of Lincoln) A Letter concerning the Invocation of Saints. 4to. London, 1669. [P. 39. (14.)] A Letter to a Peer of the Church of England, clearing a point, touched in a Sermon preached at Chester before his most Sacred Majesty, Aug. 28, in Answer to a Postscript joyned unto the Answer to Nubes Testium. \_By Father Lewis Sabran. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 19.] A Letter to Father Lewis Sabran, Jesuite, in Answer to his Letter to a Peer of tlie Church of England : wherein the Postscript to the Answer to Nubes Testium is vindicated ; and F. Sabran's Mistakes further dis- covered. [By Edward Gee.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 19.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [P. 25. (8.)] Second and Third Letters to Father Lewis Sabran. [^By Edward Gee.] 4to. London, 1688. [P. 25. (9,11.)] A Letter to Dr. JVilliam Needham, in answer to the Third Letter by him licensed, written to Father Lewis Sabran of the Society of Jesus. Wherein the said Letter is examined and confuted. [^By Lewis Sabrati.'} With AUoxvance. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 29.] A Letter to the Superiours (whether Bishops or Priests), which approve or license the Popish Books in England, particularly to those of the Jesuits Order concerning Lewis Sabran, a Jesuit. [By Edward Gee.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 14. 29.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [P. 25. (12.)] A Discourse concerning the Worship of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints, with an Account of the beginnings and rise of it amongst Christians, in Answer to M. de Meaux's Appeal to the Fourth Age, in his Exposition and Pastoral Letter. [By Dr. William Clagett.] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 19.] • Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N, 8. 1.] Speculum Beatse Virginis. A Discourse of the due Praise and Honour of the Virgin Mary. By a true Catholic of the Church of England. [Dr. George Hicks.] 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 21.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1686. [N. 8. 9.] An Account of the Life and Death of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the Romish Writers : with a Preface [by Dr. William Stillingfi-eet.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 9.] The Virgin Mary misrepresented by the Roman Church in the Traditions of that Church concerning her life and glory, and in the Devotions paid to her as the Mother of God. [By Dr. Simon Patrick.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 1.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 9.] The Life of Saint Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, a Carmelite Nun. Translated from the Italian, with a Preface concerning the Nature, Causes, Con- comitants, and Consequences of Extasie and Rapture. [By Dr. Thomas Smith.] 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 10.] An Abridgment of the Prerogatives of St. Ann, Mother of the Mother of God. With a Preface concerning the original of the Story. QBy Dr. Wm. Clagett.] 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 9.] A Discourse concerning the proper Object of Religious Worship ; or a Scripture Proof of the Unlawfulness of giving any Religious Worship to any other Being besides the one Supreme God. Part I. [By Dr. William Sherlock. 4to. London, 1685. [N. 8. 9.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 245 Wholsome Advices from the Blessed Virgin to her indiscreet Worship- pers. Written by one of the Roman Communion, and done out of French into English by a Gentleman of the Church of England, [^James TAYLOR.3 "^to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 21.] The Enthusiasm of the Church of Rome, demonstrated in aome Observa- tions upon the Life of Ignatius Loyola. [By Henry Wharton.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 20. 2.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 10.] (16) Discourses on the Idolatry and Image Worship of t^e Romish Church. Rainoldi (Johannis) De Romanae Ecclesiae Idololatrid, in cultu sanc- torum Reliquiarum, Imaginum, Aquae, Salis, Olei, aliarumque rerum consecratarum, et Sacramenti Eucharistiae Libri duo. 4to. Oxoniae, 1596. [K. 20. 8.] More (Henry) An Exposition of the seven epistles sent to the Seven Churches in Asia. Together with a brief Discourse of Idolatry, with Application to the Church of Rome. 12mo. London, 1669. [C. 19. 22.] Stillingfleet (Edward, Bp. of Worcester) A Discourse concerning the Idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the Hazard of Salvation in the Communion of it. 8vo. London, 1671. [D. 18. 19.] Stillingfleet (Edward) An Answer to several Treatises, occasioned by " A Discourse concerning the Idolatry practised in the Church 'of* Rome." 8vo. London, 1673. [M. 19. 37.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1674. [G. 18. ^b.] Stillingfleet (Edward) Answer to Mr. Cressy's Epistle Apologetical to a Person of Honour touching his Vindication of Dr. Stillingfleet. 8vo. London, 1675. [G. 18. 26.] Stillingfleet (Edward) Defence of the Discourse concerning the Idolatry of the Church of Rome. In Answer to a Book entituled " Catholics no Idolaters." 8vo. 1676. [G. 18. 27.] A Letter, written to a Friend concerning Popish Idolatrie. 4to. Lon- don, 1674. [M. 14. 24.] Tenison (Thomas) Of Idolatry, and its distinction from Superstition. 4to. London, 1678. [R. 8. 36.] Several Conferences between a Romish Priest, a Fanatick Chaplain, and a Divine of the Church of England, concerning the Idolatry of the Church of Rome. 8vo. London, 1679. [M. 6. 43.] Wake (William) A Discourse concerning the Nature of Idolatry. 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 16.] Another Copy. 4to. 1688. [N. 8. 9.] The Antiquity of the Protestant Religion : with an Answer to Mr. Sclater's Reasons, and the Collections made by the Author of the Pamphlet en- titled Nubes Testium. In Letters to a Person of Quality. Parts I. and II. [By Edward Peeling.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 14. 17.] A Discourse of the Use of Images, in Relation to the Church of England and the Church of Rome. In Vindication of Nubes Testium against a Pam- phlet entitled " The Antiquity of the Protestant Religion concerning Images," directed against some leaves of that Collection. 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 17.] 246 RELIGION. A Third Letter to a Person of Quality; in Answer to " A Discourse of the Use of Images." [^By Edward Felling.] 4to. London, 1687. [M. 15. 17.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 7.] A Fourth Letter to a Person of Quahty ; being an Historical Account of the Doctrine of the Sacrament, from the Primitive Times to the Council of Trent. [By Edward Felling.] 4to. London, 1 688. [N. 8. 7.] The Fallibility of the Roman Church, demonstrated from the manifest Error of the second Nicene and Trent Councils ; which assert that the Veneration and Honorary Worship of Images is a Tradition, primitive and Apostolical. fBy Dr. Daniel Whitby."! 4to. London, 1687. ^ [M. 15.3.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1687. [N. 8. 9.] A Discourse concerning the Second Council of Nice, which first intro- duced and established Image- Worship in the Christian Church, A. D. 787. [By Dr. Thomas Combek.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 3.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1688. [N. 8. 9.] The Texts, which Papists cite out of the Bible for the proof of their Doc- trine of the Worship of Images and Relicks, examined. [^By Edward Gee.] 4to. London, 1688. [P. 25. 13] King (William, Archbishop of Dublin) A Discourse concerning the In- ventions of Men in the Worship of God. 12mo. London, 1714. [R. 21. 67.'] Richardson (John) The Folly, Superstition, and Idolatry of Pilgrimages in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1727. [F. 25. 14.] vii. Miscellaneous Treatises by Protestant Writers in Con- troversy with the Romanists, chronologically arranged. A ScHOLASTicAL DISCOURSE against Symbolizing with Antichrist in Cere- monies, especially in the Signe of the Crosse, folio, London, 1607. [G. 2. 23.] A Persuasion from Papistrie. 4to. [G. 7. 12.] A Gaggi: for the Pope and the Jesuits : or the Arraignment and Execu- tion of Antichrist. 4to. London, 1634. [M. 20. 33.] The Rehearsal Transprosed; or, Animadversions on a late Book [|by Samuel Parker, Bishop of Oxford] entitled " A Preface, shewing what Grounds there are of fears and jealousies of Popery." [By Andrew Marvell,] l2mo. London, 1673. ^E. 8. 35.] A Reproof of the Rehearsal Transprosed. Bv the Author of Ecclesiastical Politic. [Samuel Parker, Bishop of Oxford.'] 8vo. London, 1673. A Seasonable Discourse, shewing the Necessity of maintaining the Established Religion, in Opposition to Popery. 4to. London, 1673. [M. 14. 24.] The Mystery of Iniquity Unfolded : or the False Apostles and the Au- thors of Popery compared, in their secular design and means of accom- plishing it, by corrupting the Christian Religion under pretence of pro- moting it. 12mo. London, 1675. [M. 18. 11.] THE POPISH CONTROVERSY. 247 The Practical Divinity of Papists proved to be destructive of Chris- tianity and Men's Souls. 4to. London, 1676. [N. 9. 53.'] The Jesuits' Catechism. 4to. London, 1679. [P. 39. (12.)] An Account of the Nature of the Protestant Religion. 4to. London, 1682. [N. 8. 24.] Two Cases resolved about the Certainty of Salvation. 4to. London, 1685. [P. 35. (13.)] The Plausible Arguments of a Romish Priest answered by an English Protestant. (Two Tracts.) 8vo. London, 1686-7. [M. 19. 51.] Reasons, why a Protestant should not turn Papist. 4to, London, 1687. [M. 15. 3.] Letter to a Lady against Popery. 4to. London, 1688. [F. 40. (17.)] A Letter of Enquiry to the Society of Jesuits. 4to. 1689. [P. 25. (2.)] A Collection of Poems against Popery. 4to. London, 1689. [P. 13.(18.)] The New Popish Creed : or Twelve New Articles of Faith, decreed by the Council of Trent to be believed under pain of Eternal Damnation. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 13.] A Compassionate Address to those Papists who will be prevailed with to examine the cause for which they suffer, in Answer to two Books, entitled The Case Re-stated, &c. [[By Hutchinson.] 8vo. London, 1716, [N. 9. 4.] A Defence of the " Compassionate Address to Papists," being an Answer to the Queries of a Papist relating to that Address. 8vo. London, 1718. [N. 9. 4.] Considerations of the State of Popery in England. 8vo. London, 1723. [N. 9. 4.] An Essay on the Merchandise of Slaves and Souls of Men ; Revelations xviii. 13 ; with an Application thereof to the Church of Rome. 8vo. 1732. [P. 311.(8.)] A Protestant's Resolution, shewing his Reasons why he will not be a Papist, in Question and Answer. 18mo. London, 1738. [P. 353. (8.)] A Protestant Catechism, shewing the principal Errors of the Church of Rome. l2mo. Dublin, 1740. [P. 347. (11.)] A Letter to a Friend on his marrying a Ladv of the Roman Catholic Religion. 8vo. London, 1762. [P. 207. (3.)] A Short View of Popery and its Effects on the Manners and Morals of Mankind, and of its Progress in these Realms. 8vo. London, 1767. [P. 244. (2.)] A Letter from a Protestant Dissenting Minister to the Clergy of the Church of England, occasioned by the alarming growth of Popery in this Kingdom. 8vo. London, 1768. [P. 244. (3.)] Five Letters upon the injurious Complaints and Misrepresentations of Popish Writers. 8vo. London, 1769. [P. 244. (4.)] A View of the Articles of the Protestant and Popish Faith. 12mo. Lon- don, 1803. [Hh. 7. 32.] The Protestant's Warning. 12mo. London. [Hh. 7- 37.] The Fifth of November ; or Protestant Principles revived, in memory of the Glorious Revolution by King William HL 8vo. London, 1814. [Gg. 7. 12.] ^48 RELIGION. 4. Treatises on the Arian Controversy. Maimbouug (Louis) A History of Arianism, shewing its influence upon Civil Affairs and the Dissolution of the Roman Empire. Translated from the French, with two Introductory Discourses and an Appendix. By William Webster. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1728. [0.14,11,12.3 Whitaker (John) The History of Arianism disclosed. 8vo. London, 1791. [C. 25. 20.] 1. Treatises occasioned by the publication of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Clarke's " Scripture-Doctrine of the Trinity."" An Account of all the considerable Books and Pamphlets, that have been wrote on either side in the Controversy concerning the Trinity ; from the year 1712 to the end of the year 1719. In which is also contained an Account of the Pamphlets on each side by the Dissenters, to the year 1719. Svo. London, 1720. [A. 18. 108.] Clarke (Samuel) The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity. 8vo. London, 1712. [N. 7. 24.] Another Copy ; with Tracts relating to the Subject of the Tri- nity, fjlio, Works, Vol. IV. [N. 3. 34.] Le Clerc (Jean) An Abstract and Judgment of Dr. Clarke's (Rector of St. James's) Polemical or Controversial Writings ; translated from the French. Svo. London, 1713. [P. 224. (5.)] An Apology for Dr. Clarke, containing an Account of the late Proceed- ings in Convocation upon his Writings concerning the Trinity. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 6.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1714. [P. 130. (2.)] A Full Account of the late Proceedings in Convocation, relative to Dr. Clarke's Writings about the Trinity. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 16. 29.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1714. [N. 9. S.] Edwards (John) Some Animadversions on Dr. Clarke's " Scripture Doc- trine of the Trinity." Svo. Lomloti, 1712. [M. 20. 12.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1712. [P. 107. 9.] Edwards (John) A Supplement to Aniviadversions on Dr. Clarke's " Scrip- ture Doctrine of the Trinity." With a Defence of the Liturgy against Dr. Clarke's gross Misinterpretation of ieveral Passages. Svo. London, 1713. [P. 276. (1.)] Wells (Eduard) Remarks on Dr. Clarke's Introduction to his " Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity:' Svo. Oxford, 1713. [R. S. 58.] Clarke (Samuel) A Letter to Dr. Wells in Answer to his " Remarks," &c. Svo. London, 1714. [P. 57. (1.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1714. [N. 9. 8.] Wells (Edward) An Answer to Dr. Clarke's Letter. Svo. Oxford, 1714. [R. 8. 58.] Gastrell (Francis) Remarks upon Dr. Clarke's " Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity." Svo. London, 1714. [N. 9. 2.] Hancock (John) Arianism not the Primitive Christianity . Svo. London^ 1713. [N. 6. 44.] THE ARIAN CONTROVERSY. 249 Hill (Samuel) The Hurtnotiy of the Canonical and Apocryphal Scriptures xcith the Catholic Tradition of Faith in the Trinity in Unity, and the In- carnation of the Eternal Word and Son of God. 8vo. London, 1713. [M. 19. 12.] Knight (James) The Scriptvre Doctrine of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, vindicated from the Misinterpretations of Dr. Clarke. 8vo. Lon- don, 1714. [M. 20. 28.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [N. 9. 2.] — Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [R. 11. 66.] Clarke (Samuel) A Reply to the Objections of Robert Nelson, Esq. and of an anonymous Author against Dr. Clarke's Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity : to which is added, an Answer to the Remarks of the Author of Some Considerations concerning the Trinity, and the Ways of managing that Controversy. 8vo. London, 1714. [N. 9. 8.] Edwards (John) Some Brief Re-marks on Dr. Clarke's Reply to Mr. Nelson, 4-c. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 16. 29.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 276. (4.)] Potter (Edward) A Vindication of our Blessed Saviour's Divinity, chiefly against Dr. Clarke. 8vo. Cambridge, 1714. [I. 14. 31.] Welchman (Edward) Dr. Clarke's Scriptvre Doctrine of the Trinity exa- mined. 8vo. London, 1714. [iM. 9. 6.] Aiiother Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [N. 9. 2.] Whitby (Daniel) A Discourse, shewing that the Exposition xohich the Ante- Nicenc Fathers have given of the Texts alleged against the Rev. Dr. Clarke bij a Learned Layman, are more agreeable to the Interpretations of Dr. Clarke than to the Interpretations of that Learned Layman. 8vo. London, 1714, [M. 19. 13.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 17 I4i. [P. 57. (2.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [N. 9. 8.] Whitby (Daniel) A Dissuasive from enquiring into the Doctrine of the Tri' nity ; or the Difficulties and Discouragements which attend the Study of that Doctrine. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 6.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 57. (3.)] Three Letters to Dr. Clarke concerni?ig his " Scripture Doctrine of the Tri- nity," with the Doctors Reply. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 6.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [N. 9. 8.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 130. (1.)] Reflections upon the present Controversie concerning the Holy Trinity. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 6.] Mayo ( ) A Plain Scripture Argument against Dr. Clarke's Doctrine concerning the ever-blessed Trinity. 8vo. London, 1715. [N. 9. 20.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 139. 3.] Nye (Stephen) An Explication of the Articles of the Unity, Trinity, and In- carnation. 8vo. London, 1715. [N. 9. 19.] Jackson (John) An Examination of Mr. Nye's Explication of the Ar- ticles of the Divine Unity, the Trinity, and Incarnation. 8vo. Lon- don, 1715. [M. 20. 24.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1715. [R. 8. 57.] 250 RELIGION. Jackson (John) A Collection of Queries ; wherein the most material Ob- jections which have as yet been alledged against Dr. Clarke's Scripture . Doctrine of the Trinity are proposed and answered. 8vo. London, 1716. [N. 9. 15.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1716. [R. 8, 57.] Bennet (Thomas) A Discourse of the ever-blessed Trinity in Unity, with an Examinatio7i of Dr. Clarke's Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity. 8vo. London, 1718. \R. 10. 22.] Fowler (Edward) Certain Propositions bi/ which the Doctrine of the Tri- nity is 60 explained according to the Ancient Fathers, as to speak it not contradictory to Natural Reason. 8yo. London, 1719. [P. 130. (5.)] The Bishop of London's Letter to his Clergy defended ; wherein the constant Worship of Son and, H. [P. 279. (14.)] A Defence of the Considerations on the Propriety of requiring a Subscrip- tion to Articles of Faith. In reply to a late Answer from the Clarendon Press. By a Friend of Religious Liberty [William Paley.] 8vo. London, 1774. [P. 279. (15.)] Considerations on the State of Subscription to the Articles and Liturgy of the Church of England toward the close of the year 1773; or a View of what Alterations had been made in it by the preceding De- bates. By a Consistent Protestant [the Rev. Owen Manning.] 8vo. London, 1774. [P. 289. (5.)] BuRNABY (Andrew) A Visitation Sermon, on the Nature of Subscription. 8vo. London, 1774. [P. 279. 5.] A Letter to the Lo;d Archbishop of Canterbury on the present Opposi- tion to any future Reformation. 8vo. London, 1774. [P. 279. (9.)] Human Authority in Matters of Faith repugnant to Christianity. Illus- trated in Two Discourses on Matth. xxiii. With a Prefatory Address. By the Author of an Essay on die Justice of God. 8vo. London, 1774. [P. 278. (15.)] S78 RELIGION. Disney (John) A Short View of the Controversies occasioned by the " Con- fessional," and the Petition to Parliament for Relief from Subscription to the Liturgy and the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church. 8vo. Lon- don, 1775. [P. 279. (3.)] Remarks on Dr. Balguy's Sermon, preached in Lambeth Chapel at the Consecration of the Bishops of Lichfield and Coventry, and Bangor; in a Letter to that gentleman. By a Petitioning Clergyman [the Rev, John FiREBRACE.] ' 8vo. London, 1775. [P. 286. (11.)] Subscription : or Historical Extracts, humbly inscribed to the Right Re- verend Bishops and to the Petitioners, shewing the hnpropriety of their Petition. London, 1776. [P. 289. (1.)] Considerations on the Propriety of requiring a Subscription to Articles of Faith. (Two Copies.) 8vo. London, 1779. [Hh. 3. 26,48.] (4) Tracts occasioned by the Application of certain Protestant Dissenting Ministers to the British Parliament, in 1772, for Relief from Assent to cehtain Articles of Religion required by THE Act of Toleration. FoT/NES (J.) An Enquiry into the Principles of Toleration, the Degree in v.hich they are admitted by our Laws, and the Reasonableness of the late Application made by Dissenters to Parliament for an Enlargement of their Religious Liberties. With the Appendix. 8vo. London, 1772-73. [P. 297. (1,2.)] Mauduit (Israel) The Case of the Dissenting Ministers ; addressed to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal. With a Copy of the Bill proposed for their Relief, and a Postscript. 8vo. Londoa,'l772. [P. 278. (1,2.)] IViLToN (Samvd) lianar/is on the L^ostscript to the Case of the Dissenting Ministers by Isiael Mauduit, in a Letter to that gentleman ; and a faith- ful Representation of the Proceedings of those Ministers as to the late Apjilicution to Puiliument. 8vo. London, 1772. [P. 278. (3.)^ Stennett (Samuel) A Free and Dispassionate Account of the late Appli- cation of the Protestant Dissenting Ministers to Parliament. 8vo. London, 1772. [P. 278. (5.)] A Letter to the Protestant Dissenting Ministers who lately solicited Parliament for further Relief. 8vo. London, 1772. [P. 278. (9.)] Candid Thoughts on the Application of some Protestant Dissenting Mi- nisters to Parliament for abolishing the Subscription. By an Ortho- dox Dissenter. 8vo. London, 1772. [P. 278. (11.)] Kippis (Andrew) A Vindication of the Protestant Dissenting Ministers, vtrith regard to their late Application to I'arliament. 8vo. London, 1772. [P. 286. (5.)] TucKliR (Josiah) Letters to the Rev. Dr. Kippis, occasioned by his Trea- tise entituled " A Vindication of the Protestant Dissenting Ministers," 4-c. 8vo. Glocester, 1773. [P. 286. (6.)] Tucker (Josiah) Religious 'Intolerance tio pari of (he General Plan either of the Mosaic or Christian Dispensation, proved by Scriptural Inferences and Deductions, in a method entirely new. 8vo. Glocester, 1774. [P. 286. (7.)] TRACTS ON THE XXXIX ARTICLES. £79 Dawson (Benj.) A Letter to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Winches- ter ; being a V indication of the Petition presented the last Sessions of Parliament to the Legislature for the Removal of Subscription to hu- vian Formularies, &c. from the Misrepresentations of Dr. Balguy, &c. 8vo. London, 1773. [P. 286. (8.)] FiREBRACE (John) The Plea of the Petitioners stated and vindicated from the Misrepresentations contained in a late Charge delivered by Dr. Balguv to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Winchester. Svo. London, 1773. [P. 286. (10.)] Fdrneaux (Philip) An Essay on Toleration, with a particular View to the late Application of the Protestant Dissenting Ministers to Parlia- ment for amending and rendering effectual the first of William and xMary, commonly called the Act of Toleration. London, 1773. [P. 207. (3.)] Religion not the Magistrates' Province : illustrated by writings of sun- dry eminent Conformists. Occasioned by a late Application to Par- liament, &c. London, 1773. [V. 297. (4.)] Case (Charles) Objections against allowing any human Authority in mat- ters of Religion ; occasioned by the late Application to Parliament. In a Letter to a Friend. 8vo. Chelmsford, 1773. [P. 278. (8.)] Gibbons (Thomas) Objections against the Application to the Legislature for the Relief of Protestant Dissenting Ministers, dispassionately con- sidered and obviated. To which are added, the Sentiments of Lactan- tius and of Dr. Owen. Svo. London, 1773. [P. 278. (10.)] Williams (John) A Serious and Earnest Address to Gentlemen of all Denominations, who opposed the late Application of the Dissenting Ministers to Parliament for Relief in matter of Subscription. Svo. London, 1773. [P. 278. (7.)] Wilton (Samuel) An Apology for the Renewal of an Application to Par- liament by the Protestant Ministers; addressed to the Thirteen who protested against it. Svo. London, 1773. [P. 278. (4.)] Radcliff (Ebenezer) A Sermon at Crutched Friars ; occasioned by the Denial of Relief respecting Subscription to the Articles of the Church of England. London, 1772. [P. 297. (6.)] RadcUffe (Ebenezer) Two Letters addressed to the Right Reverend Pre- lates who a second time rejected the Dissenters' Bill. London, 1773. [P. 297. (7.)] An Address to the Right Reverend the Bishops of the Church of Eng- land, with relation to the Bill of the Dissenters. By a Dissenting Minister. London, 1773. [P. 297. (8.)] A Collection of the several Papers relating to the Application made to Parliament in 1 772 and 1 113, &c. Svo. London, 1 773. [P. 278. (1 .2.)] Robinson (Robert) Arcana : or the Principles of the late Petitioners to Parliament for Relief in the matter of Subscription. In Eight Letters to a Friend. 8vo. Cambridge, 1774. [P. 278. (6.)] A Letter to the Right Rev. Shute, Lord Bishop of LandafF. From a Petitioner. Marlborough, 1774. [P. 297- (9.)] The Justice and Utility of Penal Laws for the Direction of Conscience examined, in refeieace to the Dissenters' late Application to Parlia- ment. London, 1774. [P. 297. (5.)] 280 RELIGION. iii. Controversial Treatises on Dissent from the Church of England. Whitgift (Jolin) The Defence of the Answer to the Admonition against the Replie of T. C[artwright.] folio, London, 1574. [B. 4. 4.] SuTLivii (Mathaei) De Presbyterio ej usque nova in Ecclesia Christiana Politeia Disputatio. 4to. Londini, 1591. [N. 8. 43.] Smyth (John) Paralleles, Censures, Observations, aperteyning to three several Writinges ; — 1. A Letter to Mr. Ric. Bernard, by John Smyth ; — 2. A Book intituled, The Separatists' Schisme, published by Mr. Bernard ; — 3. An Answer to the Separatists' Schisme, by Mr. H. Ains- worth. 4to. London, 1609. [M. 20. 19.] Reasons, shewing the Necessity of Reformation of the Public Doctrine, Worship, Rites, Ceremonies, &c. 4to. London, 1609. [N. 8. 23.] Bernard (Richard) Plaine Evidences. The Church of England is Apos- tolical ; the Separation Schismatical. 4to. London, 1610. [E. 1. 32.] Crakanthorp (Richardi) Defensio Ecclesiae Anglicanae contra M. An- tonium de Dominis. 4to. Londini, 1625. [H, 6. 27.] A Fresh Suite against Human Ceremonies in God's Worship ; or a Triplication unto Dr. Burgess his Rejoinder for Dr. Morton. 4to. London, 1633. [E. 18. 2.] A Modest Advertisement concerning the Controversy about Church Government. 4to. London, 1641. [N. 8. 19.] The Way towards the finding of a Decision of the chief Controversie debated concerning Church Government. 4to. London, 1641. [N. 8. ^9.1 A Tract concerning Schisme and Schismaticks ; wherein is briefly disco- vered the original Causes of all Schisme. 4to. London, 1 642. [L. 15. 37.] Hull (Thomas) The Pulpit Guarded v»^ith Seventeen Arguments, proving the Unlawfulness, Sinfulness, and Danger of suffering Private Persons to take upon them publike Preaching and Expounding the Scriptures without a Call. 4to. London, 1651. [N. 8. 34.] The Lawfull Preacher: or a Short Discourse, shewing that they only ought to preach who are ordain'd Ministers ; in a Short Appendix in Answer to a Book call'd " The Pulpit Guard Routed, written by Tho- mas Collier." 4to. London, 1652. [N. 8. 34.] Ferne (H.) a Discourse upon the Case, as it stands between the Church of England and of Rome on the one hand, and again between the same Church of England and those Congregations which have divided from it on the other hand. 12mo. London, 1655. [F. 16. 6.] Hammond (Henry) A Collection of Discourses in Defence of the Church of England, against the Romanists and other Adversaries, folio. Works, Vol. n. [G. 13. 22.] Another Copy, folio. IVorks, Vol. II. [N. 3. 2.] Pulpit Conceptions, Popular Deceptions : or the Giand Debate resumed in the point of Prayer. Being an Answer to the Presbyterian Papers presented to the most Reverend the Lords Bishops at the Savoy upon that subject. 4to. London, 1662. [N. 8. 34.] CONTROVERSY WITH DISSENTERS. 281 STiLtiNGFLEET (Edward) Irenicum : a Weapon Salve for the Churches Wounds, or the Divine Right of Particular Forms of Church Go- vernment. 4to. London, 1662. [G. 7. 3.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1662. [G. 18. 23.] A Defence of the Proposition : or some Reasons rendered, why the Non-conformist Minister, who comes to his Parish Church and Com- mon Prayer, cannot yet yeeld to other things that are enjoyned, with- out some Moderation. 4to. London, 1663. [M. 20. 53.] A Friendly Debate between a Conformist and a Nonconformist. 12mo. London, 1669. [M. 18. 31.] A Continuation of the Friendly Debate. 12mo. London, 1669. [M. 18. 30.] A Further Continuation of the Friendly Debate. 12 mo. Loudon, 1670. [M. 18. 32.] A Letter concerning Dr. Owen's Principles. 4to. London. I67O. '[P. 45.(3.)] Toleration discussed in Two Dialogues. 1. Between a Conformist and a Non-conformist ; 2. Betwixt a Presbyterian and an Independent. 12rao. London, 1670. [E. 16. SS.] The Argument of the Letter concerning Toleration, briefly considered and answered. 4to. Oxford, 1690. [M. 15. 37.^ Stillingfleet (Edward) The Unreasonableness of Separation : or an Impartial Account of the History, Nature, and Pleas of the Present Separation from the Communion of the Church of England. 4to. London, 1671. [K. 15, 2.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1681. [G. 18. (22.)] Stillingfleet (Edward) The Mischief of Separation, a Sermon preached at Guildhall Chapel before the Lord Mayor, &c. [in 1680.] folio. Works, Vol. L [L 4. 20.] An Answer to Dr. Stillingjltefs Sermon by some Non-covformists. 4to. London, 1680. [P. 52. 6.)] The Mischiefs of Imposition ; or an Antidote to a Discourse called " The Mischief of Separation " 4to. London, 1680. [P. 52. (5.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1680. [P. 35. (5.)] Clagett (William) A Reply to a Pamphlet called " The Mischief of Impositions ;" which pretends to answer the Dean of St. Paul's Sermon concerning the Mischief of Separation. 4to. London, 1681. [N. 8. 26.] Baxter (^Richard) An Ansxcer to Dr. Stillingfcet. 4to. London, 1680. [P. 35. (5.)] Owen {John) A Vindication of the Non-Conformists. 4to. London, 1681. [P. S6. (4.)] O'xen {John) An Enquiry into the Original, Nature, Institution, Power, Order and Comimmion of Evangelical Churches. The First Part : with ail Answer to the Discourse of the " Unreasonableness of Separation," written by Dr. Stillingjleet. 4to. London, 1681. [E. 1. 14.] Sherlock (William) A Discourse about Church Unity ; being a Defence of Dr. Stillingfleet's Unreasonableness of Separation, in Answer princi- pally to Dr. Owen and Mr. Baxter. 8vo. London, 1681. [G. 18. 21.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1681. [N. 9. 47.] «82 RELIGION. Humphrey (John), and Lobb (Stephen) A Reply to Dr. Sherlock's Defence ofDr.Stillivgjlcct. 4-to. LoH(/on, 1681. [P. 85.(10.)] Peaese (Joseph) The Conformist's Plea for the Non-conformists. 4to. London, 1681. [P. S5. (7-9.)] Falkner (Wm.) Libertas Ecclesiastica, or a Discourse vindicating the Lawfulness of those things which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England, especially in its Liturgy and Worship. 8vo. London, 1674. [D. 14. 25.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1674. [G. 15. 17.] The Naked Truth, or the True State of the Primitive Church ; pleading for the Toleration of Protestant Dissenters. By an Humble Moder- ator. [Herbert Croft, Bishop of Hereford.] 4to. London, 1675. [M. 15. 27.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1675. [P. 35. (1.)] Another Cc^y. 4to. London, 1675. [N. 8. 2i3.] Turner C Francis, Bishop of Ely) Animadversions ana Pamphlet, entituled '« Naked Truth." 4to. London, 1676. [P. 35. (2.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1676. [P. 45. (2.)] Another Copy. 4to. Londo?i, 1676. [M. 15. 27.] Burnet ( Gilbert J A Modest Survey of the " Naked Truth." 4to. London, ^ 1676. [P. 35. (3.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 14. 13.] Burnet (Gilbert) A Vindication of the Ordinations of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1677. [N. 9. 42.] Lex Talionis : or The Author of Naked Truth stript Naked. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 15. 27.] A Fresh Suit against Independency, or the National Church Way. 8vo. London, 1677. [D. 15. 4.] The Present Separation self-condemned. 4to. London, 1678. [P. 39.(1.)] Fabricii (J. S.) Epistola Irenica ad veuerandos V. D. Ministros Begno- rum Angliae Scotiseque indigenas, semetipsos ab Ecclesia Natioiiali segregantes. 18mo. Londini, 1677. [D. 17.9.] A Healing Paper ; or a Catholic Receipt for Union between the Mo- derate Bishop and the Sober Nonconformist, maugre all the Aversa- tion of the Unpeaceable. By a Follower of Peace and Lover of Sin- cerity. 4to. London, 1678. [M. 14. SO.] Celkusma : seu Clamor ad Theologos Hierarchiae Anglicanoe, per quern justa et sancta indignatione permoventur, excitanturque ad sociandas vires et jungendas dextras cum fratribus ab eis in disciplina, ut luio nisu sese opponant Symmistis de sue grege, qui Reformat ionem in Doctrina, a decessoribus optimo consilio et subacto judicio incbo- atam et regni legibus stabilitam, subvertere, saltem corrumpcre sata- gunt Pelagianismo, Socinianismo et Papismo. 4to. Londini, 1679. [M. 14. 3.] Grovii {Roberti) Responsio ad Celcusma. 4to. Londini, 1680. [M. 14. 3.] Grove (Robert) A Vindication of the Conforming Clergy from the Charge of Heresie. 4to. London, 1680. [P. 39. (2.)] CONTROVERSY WITH DISSENTERS. 288 Felling (Edward) The Good Old Way : a Discourse offered to all true- hearted Protestants, concerning the Ancient Way of the Church and the Conformity of the Church of England thereunto, as to its Govern- ment, Manner of Worship, Rites and Customes. 4to. London, 1680. [M. 14. 3.] The Presbyterians' Loyalty and Zeal for Religion, briefly demon- strated : in a Letter by way of Reply to a late fanatical pamphlet, in- tituled " The Knave Uncloak'd, or the Jesuit in its colours." 4to., 1680. [M. 15. 32.] HuMPHRYES (John) Vindiciee Veritatis : A Narrative vindicating the Truth against the Aspersions of certain Non-conformists in and about London. 4to. London, IGSO. [M. 20. 14.] The Charge of Schism Renewed against the Separatists. 4to. London, 1680. [P. 52. (7.)] The Conforming Non-Conformist and the Non-Conforming Conformist pleading the Cause of either side against violent Opposers. 8vo. London, 1680. [M. 18.40.] Ware (Robert) Foxes and Firebrands, or a Specimen of the Danger and Harmony of Popery and Separation. 4to. London, 1681. [P. 52. (1.)] L'EsTRANGE (Sir Roger) The Disscnterb' Sayings. 4to. London, 1681. [P. 47. (8.)] Presbytery Displayed, for the Justification of such as do not like the Government, and for the Benefit of those that do not understand it. 4to. London, 1681. [M. 15. 33.] A Short Defence of the Church and Clergy of England ; vi^herein some of the Common Objections against both are answered. 4to. London, 1681. [M. 16. 30.] Dodwell (Henry) A Reply to Mr. Baxter's Pretended Confutation of a book, entituled " Separation of Churches from Episcopal Government, &c. proved Schismatical." 8vo. London, 1681. [M. 20. 22.] Remaiiks on the Grovirth and Progress of Non-Conformity. 4to. Lon- don, 1682. [P. 52. (2.)] Mr. Baxter's Vindication of the Church of England, as faithfully taken out of his own Writings. 4to. London, 1682. [P. 52. (4.)] The Protestant Reconciler, humbly pleading for Condescention to Dis- senting Brethren, in Things indifferent and unnecessary, for the Sake of Peace. By a Well-wisher to the Church's Peace, and a Lamenter of her sad Divisions [^Daniel Whitby.] 8vo. London, 1683. [N. 9. 46.] Remarks on the Preface to the " Prutestant Reconciler." 4to. Ijondon, 1683. [P. 52. (8.)] Animadxersiuns upon a late Treatise entituled " The Protestant Reconciler humbly pleading for Condescention to Dissenting Brethren," 4*c. 8vo. London, 1683. [M. 19. 38.] iSnERLocK C William) A Vindication of the Rights of Ecclesiastical Autho- rity ; in Answer to the first Part of"' The Protestant Reconciler." 8vo. London, 1685. [L. 7. 25.] Humfrey (John) The Third Step of a Non-Conformist to recover his Ministry. 4to. London, 1 684. [P. 35. (11.)] R E 1. 1 G I O N. A Brief Account of Ancient Church Government, with a Reflection on several modern Writings of the Presbyterians touching this Subject. 4to. London, 1G85. [M. 14. 18.] Arguments inducing to a Cessation of Penal Statutes against Dissenters. 4to. London, 1685. [P. 45. (6.)] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum) The Church of England and its Cere- monies vindicated. 4to. London, 1690. [P. 48. (1.)] Marlow (Isaac) The Purity of Gospel-Communion : or Grounds and Reasons for Separation from Persons who hold erroneous Doctrine in Matters of Faith. 8vo. London, 1694. [R. 13. 47.] A Discourse, shewing who they are that are now qualify 'd to adminis- ter Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Wherein the Cause of Episco- pacy is briefly treated. 4to. London, 1698. [M. 14. 10.] The Mystery of Phanaticism : or the Artifices of Dissenters, to sup- port their Schism, set forth in several Letters to a Friend. 8vo. Lon- don, 1698. [L. 15. 12.] A Collection of Cases and other Discourses, lately written to recover Dissenters to the Communion of the Church of England. By some Divines of the City of London, folio, London, 1698. [L 4. 26.] A Collection of Cases to recover Dissenters, &e. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1718. [Ff. 7. 117-119.] Various Detached Cases and Discourses to recover Dissenters, in the order of time when they were published : viz. — A Serious Exhorfation, with some important Advices relating to the late Cases about Non-Conformity, recommended to the present Dissenters from the Church of England. [By William Cave.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 14.] A Perswasive to Communion with the Church of England. 4to. London, 1682-3. [By Robert Grove.] [M. 15. 32.] Another Copy. London, 1682-3. M. 14. 33.] A Resolution of some Cases of Conscience which respect Church Communion. [By Wra. Sherlock.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 14.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1683. [P. 39. (3.) The Case of Mixt Communion. — Whether it be lawful to separate from a Church upon the Account of promiscuous Congregations and Mixt Communions? [By Samuel Freeman.] 4to. London, 1688. [M. 15. 14.] ■ Another Copy. 4to. London, 1683. [P. 39. (5.)] Some Considerations about the Case of Scandal or Giving Offence to Weak Brethren. [By Benjamin Calamy.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 14.] The Case of Indifferent Things used in the Worship of God, pro- posed and stated. [By John Williams.]] 4to. London, 1682-3. [M. 14. 33.'] The Lawfulness of Hearing the Ministers of the Church of Eng- land. 4to. London, 1683. [P. 39. (6.)] An Answer to the Dissenters' Objections against the Common Prayers, and some other parts of Divine Service, prescribed in the Liturgie of the Church of England. [By William Clagett.] 4to. London, 16S3. [M. 14. 33.] CONTROVERSY WITH DISSENTERS. 285 Certain Cases of Conscience Resolved, concerning the Lawfulness of joining with forms of Prayer in Public Worship. [By John Scott.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 14.] The Lawfulness of Lay-Communion with the Church of England considered, and shewed from the Testimony of above an hundred eminent Non-conformists of several Perswasions. 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 14.] The Difference of the Case between the Separation of Protestants from the Church of Rome, and the Separation of Dissenters from the Church of England. QBy William Clagett.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 14. 33.] The Resolution of this Case of Conscience, — Whether the Church of England's Symbolizing so far as it doth with the Church of Rome, makes it unlawful to hold Communion with the Church of England? [By Edward Fowler.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 14.] A Defence of the Resolution of this Case of Conscience, viz. Whe- ther the Church of England's Symbolizing so far as it doth with the Church of Rome, makes it unlawful to hold Communion with the Church of England. [By Edward Fowler.] 4to. London, 1684. [P. 39. (7.)] The Case of the Cross in Baptism considered. [By Nathaniel Res- bury.] 4to. London, 1684. [P. 39. (9.)] The Case of kneeling at the Sacrament, stated and resolved. In two Parts. [By John Evans.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 14. 33.] The Dissenter's Guide about kneeling at the Sacrament. 4to. London, 16—. [P. 39. (10.)] A Discourse about Edification : in Answer to a Question, whether it is lawful for any Man to forsake the Communion of the Church of England, and go to the Separate Meetings, because he can better edifie there. [By Gregory Hascard.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 14.] A Discourse of Profiting by Sermons, and going to hear, where men think they can profit most. [By Simon Patrick.] 4to. London, 1683. [M. 14. 33.] A Discourse of Profiting by Hearing of Sermons. QBy Simon Pa- trick.] 4to. London, 1683. [P. 39. (4.3] An Argument for Union, taken from the True Interest of those Dissenters in England, who call themselves Protestants. 4to. London, 1683. [By Thomas Tenison.] [M. 15. 14.] A Perswasive to Dissenters to Unity in Religion. 4to. London, 1684. [P. 39. (8.)] Peirce (James) Some Considerations on the Sixth Chapter of the Abridgement of the London Cases. 8vo. London, 1708. [L. 15. 38.] The Dutch Way of Toleration most proper for English Dissenters. 4to. London, 1699. [P. 44. (6.)] Bennet (Thomas) An Answer to the Dissenters* Plea for Separation. 8vo. Cambridge, 1700. [B. 6. 24.] Animadversions on a " Letter to the Nonconformists of England." 4to. London, 1701. [P. 48. (9.)] 286 RELIGION. HoADLY (Benjamin, Bishop of Winchester) Tracts on Conformity to Church and State, folio. Works, Vol. I. [Q. 1.5.] Hoadly (Benj.) The Reasonableness of Conformity to the Church of England, represented to the Dissenting Ministers. 2 Parts. 8vo. London, 1703. [L. 15. 7,33.] Another Copy, with the Defence of the Reasonableness of Conformity, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1705. [N. 7. 52,53.] Hoadly (Benj.) A Brief Defence of Episcopal Ordination. 8vo. London, 1707. [N. 7. 51.] Hoadly (Benj.) A Defence of Ministerial Conformity to the Church of England, in Answer to the Misrepresentations of the Terras thereof byMr. Calamy. 8vo. London, 1702. [M. 6. 44.] DoRRiNGTON (Theophilus) The Plain Man's Preservative from the Error of the Anabaptists. 12mo. London, 1702. [P. 353. (6.)] Bennet (Thomas) A Discourse of Schism. 8vo. Cambridge, 1702. [R. 11. 29.] Bennet (Thomas) An Answer to Mr. Shepherd's Considerations on the Defence of the Discourse on Schism. 8vo. Cambridge, 1703. [B. 6. 21.] Reflections on a Scandalous Pamphlet entituled " The Shortest Way with the Dissenters." 4to. London, 1703. [P 14. (14.)] A View of the Controversy about Occasional Conformity. 4to. London, 1703. [P. 48. (10.)] Moderation truly stated : or a Review of a late Pamphlet, entituled "Moderation a Vertue, or the Occasional Conformist justify'd from the Imputation of Hypocrisy." With a Prefatory Letter to Dr. D'Ave- nant, concerning his late Essays on Peace and War. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 15.] Occasional Conformity an unjustifiable Practice, in Answer to a Pam- phlet entituled " Moderation a Virtue ;" with a short Vindication of the Churcli of England from that Author's groundless Reasons for Se- paration. 4to. London, 1704. [N. 8. 23.] BuRscouGH (Robert) A Discourse, 1. Of the Unity of the Church; 2. Of the Separation of Dissenters from the Church of England : 3. Of their setting up Churches against, tlie Conforming Churches, &c. 8vo. Exeter, 1704. [M. 19. 5.] Wesley (Samuel) A Defence of a Letter concerning the Education of Dissenters in their Private Academies : being an Answer to the De- fence of the Dissenters' Education. 4to. London, 1704. [P. 48. (22.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 15. 10.] Brigos (^Joseph) Cathohck Unity and Church Communion ; or the Chris- tian's Duty to communicate constantly with the Church of England. 12mo. London, 1704. [M. 18. 4 ] The Rights of the Church of England asaertcd, and proved, in an An- swer to a late Pamphlet, intitled, " The Rights of the Protestant Dissenters," in a Revie* of their Case. 4lo. London, 1 705. [M. 14. 15.'] Bennet (Thomas) A Confutation of Quakerism. 8vo. Cambridge, 1705. [B. 6. 27.] CONTROVERSY WITH DISSENTERS. 287 King (William, Archbishop of Dublin) An Admonition to the Dissenters ; being a Vindication of a Discourse on the Inventions of Men in the Worship of God. 12mo. London, 1706. [P. 349. (4.)] Wells (Edward) A Letter from a Minister of the Church of England to a Dissenting Parishioner. 12mo. Oxford, 1796. [M. 18. 15.] Dr. Wells's Theses against the Validity of Presbyterian Ordination proved to hold good ; and Mr. Peirce's Theses for the Validity of Presbyterian Ordination proved not to hold good. 12mo. Oxford, 1707. With Mr. Peirce's Replies. [M. 18. 2.] Controversial Treatises against the Dissenters. 8vo. London, 1716. [R, 7. 53.^ The Invalidity of Presbyterian Ordination, proved from the Presbyte- rian's own Doctrine. 8vo. London, 1707. [L. 15. 38.] Some Brief Remarks on the Letters of the Geneva and Oxford Univer- sities, lately published, folio, London, 1708. [M. 14. 12.] Peircii (Jacobi) Vindiciae Fratrum Dissentientium in Anglia adversus G. Nicholsii Defensionem Ecclesise Anglicanse. 8vo. Londini, 1710. [R. 9. 67.] Bowtell (J.) A Sermon, to prove that Dissenters are imposed upon by their Teachers. 8vo. London, 1711. [P. 112. (15,)] The Plka for Toleration on Pretence of Tenderness of Conscience, proved to be a Cheat, from the Practice and Prevarication of some of the greatest Managers and Sticklers for it. 8vo. London, 1712. [M. 19. 50.] The Sense of the Church of England with respect to the Schism of the Dissenters. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 13.] Owen (Charles) Plain Dealing: or Separation without Schism, and Schism without Separation in the Case of Protestant Dissenters and Churchmen. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 190. (10.)] The External Peace of the Church, only attainable by a Zeal for Scrip- ture in its just Latitude, and by mutual Charity, not by a Pretence of Uniformity of Opinion. 8vo. London, 1716. [M. 20. 26.] Delaune (Thomas) A Plea for the Non-Conformists. 8vo. London, 1733. [P. 82. 4.] Hart (Edward J The Bulwark Stormed, in Answer to T. De Laune's " Pica." 8vo. London, 1717. [P. 82. (5.)] Peirce (James) A Defence of the Dissenting Ministry and Presbyterian Ordination. 2 Parts. Svo. London, 1717. [P. 155. (6,7.)] Plain Reasons for Dissenting, by a true Protestant. 8vo. London, 1718. [P. 139. (1.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) The Authority of the Clergy, and the Liberties of the Laity, stated and vindicated. 8vo. London, 1720. [R. 12. 30.] Stebbing (Henry) Polemical Tracts : or a Collection of Papers written in Defence of the Doctrines and Discipline of the Church of England, folio, Cambridge, 1727. [F. 13. 18.] Tasker (John) Reasons for a Religious Separation from the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1729. [P. 72. (9.)] The Independent Whig : or a Defence of Primitive Christianity and of our Ecclesiastical Establishment against the Claims and Encroachments of RELIGION. fanatical and disaifected Clergymen. [By Thomas Gordon.] 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1732-47. [R. 14. 34-36.] A Scourge for the Dissenters, or the Fanatick Vipers : occasioned by their intemperate Zeal and Invectives against the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1735. [P. 229. (4.)] Rogers (J.) A Persuasive to Conformity ; addressed to the Dissenters. 8vo. London, 1736. [R. 18.24.] Plain Reasons for Dissenting from the Church of England. 4to. [P. 59. (4.)] A Short Answer to a Pamphlet, called " Plain Reasons fur Dissenting" Sj-c. 8vo. Ipsirich, 1740. [R. 18. 24.] White (John) Three Letters to a Gentleman Dissenting from the Church of England ; with two Defences of them, and an Appendix. 8vo. London, 1746-50. [R. 19, 5.] TowGooD (Micaiah) The Dissenting Gentleman's Answer to the Rev. Mr. White's Three Letters. In Three Letters, with a Postscript. 8vo. London, 1746-50. [R. 18. 24.] White (John) A Letter to Mr. Samuel Chandler ; being a Vindication of some Passages in the Three Letters against his " Case of Subscrip- tion," &c. 8vo. London, 1749. [R. 19. 5.] Considerations on a Comprehension, or Union of Protestants by recon- ciling and uniting the more moderate Dissenters to the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1748. [R. 18. 24.] Free and Candid Disquisitions relating to the Church of England. [By John Jones and others.] Svo. London, 1767. [F. 26. 27.] An Apology for the Authors of a Book intitled *' Free and Candid Dis- quisitions," &c. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 188. 1.] White (John) Free and Impartial Considerations upon the " Free and Candid Disquisitions," ^c. 8\o. London, 1751. [P. 188. (2.)] Cursory Animadversions upon " Free and Candid Disquisitions," tending to clear up and explain the Necessity of a Liturgy. 8vo. London, 1753. [P. 188. (3.)] Jones (W^illiam) A Serious and Dispassionate Inquiry relating to some parts of our Established Worship objected to in a late Treatise intitled "An Appeal to the Common Sense of Christians," «fcc. 8vo. London, 1753. [P. 188.(4.)] Serious and Free Thoughts on the present State of the Church and of Religion. By a Christian. Svo. London, 1755. [P. 188. (5.) Seagrave (Robert) The Principles of Liberty ; or the Right of Mankind to judge for themselves in matters of Faith, without positive and com- pulsive Determinations. 8vo. London, 1755. [P. 188. (6.)] Howe (Thomas) Episcopacy : — a Letter to the Rev. Mr. Forster. Svo. London, 1765. [P. 235. (1.)] A Calm and Plain Answer to the Enquisy, Why are you a Dissenter from the Church of England? [By Micaiah Towgood.] Svo. London, 1772. [P. 278. (14.)] Palmer (John) Letter to Dr. Balgny on the subject of his Charge deli- vered to the Archdeaconry of Winchester in 1772. With a Postscript relative to certain Observations respecting the Dissenters and Tolera- tion. Svo. London, 1773. [P. 286. (9.)] TREATISES ON HERESIES. 289 Loose Hints on the subject of Nonconformity, addressed to the Bishops. 8vo. London, 1773. [P. 279. (1.)] Robinson (Robert) Lectures on the Principles of Non-Conformity. 12mo. Nottingham, 1797. C^h. 4. 34.] Daubeny (Charles) A Guide to the Church : with an Appendix. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1798-9. l¥i\ 6. 78,79,] • Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1804. [K. 26. 15,16.] Hill (Sir Richard) An Apoiogij for Brotherly Love and for the Doctrines of the Church of England, in Reply to the " Guide to the Church." 8v6. London, 1798.' [Ff. 6. 80.] Hill C Sir Richard) Reformation Truth Restored: A Reply to the ^* Ap- pendix to the Guide to the Church." 8vo. London, 1800. [Hh. 3. 44.] Hill (Sir Richard) Daubenism confuted, and Martin Luther vindicated. 8vo. London, 1800. [Hh. 3. 44.] Jones (Wm.) A Short View of the Argument between the Dissenters and the Church of England. 8vo. Iti the Scholar Armed, Vol. II. [Ff. 4. 35.] Gray (Robert) A Dialogue between a Churchman and a Methodist. 12mo. Oxford, 1801. [Hh. 7. 32.] Taylor (T. G.) An Answer to the Question, Why are you a Churchman? 12mo. London, 1802. [Hh. 7. 38.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1811. [Aa. 3. 82.] SiKES (Thomas) A Dialogue between a Minister of the Church and his Parishioner, concerning the Christian's Liberty of choosing his Teacher. 12mo. London, 1802. [Hh. 7. 32.] Sikes (Thomas) A Dialogue between a Minister of the Church and his Parishioner, concerning Gospel-Preachers. 12mo. London, 1803. [Hh. 7. 38.] 7. Miscellaneous Treatises on Heresies. Alfonsi a Castro, Ad versus omnes Hsereses Libri XIII. folio, Ant- verpiae, 1565. [H. 9. 13.] Eden (Georgii) Malleus Haereticorum. 8vo. Viennae, 1580. [K. 17- 10.] EuTHYMii, Monachi Zigabeni, Orthodoxae Fidei Dogmatica Panoplia, , Latine reddita per Franciscum Zinum. folio, Venetiis, 1555. [M. 9. 8.] HiEREMi^ (Constantinopolitani Patriarchte) Censura Orientalis Ecclesiae, de prsecipuis nostri seculi Hereticorum dogmatibus. 8vo. Coloniae, 1582. [L. 18. 8.] Barclaii (Joannis) Paraenesis ad Sectarios hujus temporis, de Vera Ec- clesia. Fide, ac Religione. 18mo. Coloniae, 1625. [K. 16. 37.] LoRicHii (Jodoci) Fortalitiura Christianae Fidei ac Religionis adversus Haereses horum temporum prsecipuas. 8vo. Rottevillse, 1 606. [K. 19.1.] Peyrerxi (Isaaci) Praeadamitae ; sive Exercitatio super Versibus 12, 13, et 14mo capitis quinti Epistolae D. Pauli ad Romanes. Quibus in- ducuntur Homines ante Adamum conditi. 4to. 1655. [K. 20. 28.] Maresii (Samuelis) Refutatio Fabulce ProEadamiticce. 18 mo. Groningce, 1656. [Q. 6. 43.] Pratkoli (Gabrielis) Elenchus Haereticorum Omnium, ab Orbe condito ad nostra usque tempora, Alpbabetico ordine digestus. 4to. Coloniae, 1605. [K. 20. 10.] U 290 RELIGION. Sainctes (Claudii de) Ad Edicta Veterum Principum de Licentia Sec- tarum in Christiana Religione. Item Methodus contra Sectas, quarn secuti sunt primi Catholici Imperatores. 8vo. Parisiis, 1561. [G. 8. 21.] Vossn (Gerardi Johannis) Historise de Controversiis, quas Pelagius ejus- que reliquiae moveruntjLibri Septem. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1618. [C. 9. 20.] Steubisg (Henry) A Letter to Mr. Foster on the subject of Heresy. Svo. London, 1735. [A. 17. 43.(7.)] Foster (James J An Answer to Dr. Stcbbing's " Letter on the subject of Heresy." 8vo. London, 1735. [A. 17. 43.(8.)] Stebbing (Henry) A Second Letter to Mr. Foster on the subject of Heresy. Svo. London, 1735. [A. 17. 43.(9,)] Foster (James) An Answer to Dr. Stebbing s " Second Letter on the subject of Heresy." 8vo. London, 1735. [A. 17. 43,(10,)] Stebbing (Henry) A true State of the Controversy on the subject of Heresy, in Answer to Mr. Foster. 8vo. London, 1735. [A. 17. 44.(11.)] Foster C James J An Answer to Dr. Stcbbing's " True State of the Contro- versy." 8vo. London, 1737. [A, 17. 44.(12.)] Stebbing (Henry) Reply to Mr. Foster's Answer. 8vo. London, 1737. [A. 17. 44.(13.)] An Impartial Account of the Rise of Athanasianism and Arianism. Svo. London, 1761. [P. 218. (1 1.)] VIII. Pastoral Theology. 1. Treatises on the Pastoral Care. Chrysostomi (Joannis, Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani) De Sacerdotio Libri Sex, Gr. Lat. cura Joannis Hughes. Svo. Cantabrigite. 1710. [D. 7. 28.] Chrysostomi (Joannis) de Sacerdotio Libri Sex. Svo. Cantabrigise, 1710. [Hh. 9. 53.] Chrysostomi (Joannis) de Sacerdotio Libri Sex. Svo. Cantabrigiae, 1712. [H. 7. 38.] Chrysostomi (Joannis) de Sacerdotio Libri Sex, Greece, folio. Inter Operi/m Tomum VI. [I. 4. S.] Chrysostomi (Joannis) de Sacerdotio Libri Sex, Graece et Latine. folio. Inter Operum Tomum I. [E. 3. 1.] GREGORiiPapae I. Liber Curae Pastoralis. Svo. Parisiis, 1511. [K. Is. 39.] ' Gregorii De Cura Pastorali Liber, editus a Jeremia Stephano. 12mo. Londini, 1629, [K. 18. 46.] Johannis de Burgo Pupilla Oculi, omnibus Sacerdotibus tarn curatis et non-curatis summe necessaria. 4to. Rothomagi. [H. 7. 8.] Clichtovei (Judoci) De Vita et Moribus Sacerdotum Opusculum. 4to. Parisiis, 1520. [Ff. 7. 109.] PoNissoNi (Francisci) De Officio Pastorum et Ovium, ad exemplar Jesu Christi, boni pastoris. 12mo. Tolosse, 1550. [K. 18. 47-] RiCHEL (Dionysii a) Opusculum de Vita Sacerdotum ac Canonicorum, et caeterorum Ministrorum Ecclesias. 24mo. Lovanii, 1564. [H. 17. 45.] ToLKTi (Francisci, Cardinalis) De Instructione Sacerdotum et Peccatisx Mortalibus Libri Septem. 8vo. Duaci, 1613. [K. 19. 23.] PASTORAL CARE. 291 Officium Concionatoris, in quo sunt Praecepta utilissima de invenienda habendaqiie Concione. 4to, Cantabrigiae, 1655. []M. 20. 18.] An Apology for the Clergy ; being an Answer to the Question, " Whether they ought, as Writers, to meddle in Politicks?" 8vo. l-ondon, 1727. [P. 113. (6.)] Advice to a Young Clergyman how to conduct himself in the Common Offices of Life. In a Letter from a late Prelate. 8vo. London, 1741. [P. 260. (3.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1741. [P. 97. (2.)] AdvIce from a Bishop to a Young Clergyman. 8vo. London, 1 759. [P. 326. (3.)] A Lettek of free Advice to a Young Clergyman. Svo. Ipswich, 1765. [P. 260. (2.)] An Appeal to the Bishops, the Clergy, and the Public, on the present mode of Education for Holy Orders. Svo. London, 1798. [Gg. 7. 9.] Blomfield (Charles James, Bisiiop of Chester) A Reference to Jewish Tradition necessary to an Interpreter of the New Testament. Svo. Cambridge, 1817., [Hh. 7. 29.] Bray (Thomas) Bibliotheca Parochialis: or a Scheme of such Theological Heads, both general and particular, as are more peculiarly requisite to be well studied by every Pastor of a Parish ; together with a Cata- logue of Books, which may be read upon each of those Points. Part T. 4to. London, 1697. [M. 14. 15.] Bray (Thomas) Tentamina Bibliothtcaria ; or. Certain Theological Tracts, selected from the Works of the great Erasmus, and digested into order very much upon the plan of a Parochial Library. Svo. London, 1727. [P. 233. (12.)] Bull (George, Bishop of St. David's) A Companion ibr the Candidates of Holy Orders : or, the great Importance and Principal Duties of the Priestly Office. ]2mo. London, 1714. [M. 18. 3.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1 714. [P. 347. 1.] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) A Discourse of the Pastoral Care. The Third Edition. With a new Preface. Svo. London, 1713. [R. 13. 80.] The Oxford Scholar s Answer to the Bishop of Sarmris New Preface to the third Edition of his '^Pastoral Care." Svo. London, 1713. [L. 15. 40.] The Clergy and the present Ministry vindicated in a Letter to Bishop Burnet, occasioned by his New Preface to his " Pastoral Care." Svo. London, 1713. [L.^15. 5.] Campbell (George) The Character of a Gospel Minister. Svo. Aber- deen, 1752. [P. 333. (2.)] CocKBURN (William) Strictures on Clerical Education. Svo. London, 1809. [Gg. 7. 14.] Curteis ( ) Advice to a Son at the University, designed for Holy Orders. Svo. London, 1725. [P. 111. (2.)] A Dissuasive from entering into Holy Orders. 12rao. London, 1732. [Hh. 4. '25.] Edwards (John) The Preacher : A Discourse on the Offices and Em- ployments of those of that Character in the Church. To which is added, a Catalogue of some Authors who may be beneficial to Young Preachers and Students in Divinity ; and a Discourse intitled '• The Hearer." 2 Parts. Svo. London, 1705-6. [iM. 6. G,7.'] U 2 ^9J? ' RELIGION. LiGHTFOOT (Robert) Remarks vpun some Fasnages in Dr. Edwards's Preacher; discovering his false Reasonings and unjust Rejlect ions upon his Brethren the Clergy. 8vo. London, 1709. [M. 19. 27.] Lighffuot (Robert J Dr. Edwards's Vindication considered, in a Letter to a Friend; wherdn Archbishop Tiltotson and others are vindicated from his unjnsf Re/iections. 8vo. London, \7\Q. [M. 19. 27.] Gerard (Alexander) The Pastoral Care. 8vo. London, 1799. [C. 24. 12.] Hall (Robert) A Letter to the Rev. Eustace Carey, on his Designation as a Christian Missionary to India. 8vo. Leicester, 1814. [Ff. 6. 37.] HERBfeRT (George) The Country Parson ; his Character and Rule of Holy Life, to which is added, Jacula Prudentum, or outlandish Pro- verbs. 2irao. London, 1652. [B. 8. 2.] Latham (John) A View of the Difficulties and Discouragements attend- ing those who enter into Holy Orders. 8vo. London, 1 7^&. [P. 81. (7.)] Law (Wm.) An Humble, Earnest, and Affectionate Address to the Clergy. 8vo. London, 1774. [Ff. 7. 17.] Masont (Jolin) A Letter to a Friend upon his Entrance upon the Minis- terial Office. 8vo. London, 1753. [P. 260. (4.] Mason (John) The Student and Pastor. 12mo. London, 1755. [E. 27. 15.] Paley (William) The Dangers incidental to the Clerical Character stated (a Sermon.) 4to. London, 1795. [Hh. 4. 46.] Anotljcr Copy. 4to. London, 1795. [Hh. 3. 50.] St. George (Arthur) The Archdeacon's Examination of Candidates for Holy Orders, according to the History, Canons, and Articles of Reli- gion, of the Church of England and h-eland. 12mo. London, 1751. [A. 19. 114.] Storry (Robert) The Nature and Importance of the Christian Ministry (a Sermon.) 8vo. Colchester, 1811. [Hh. 7. 29.] WiLKS (Sara. Chas.) An Essay on the Signs of Conversion and Uncon- version in the Ministers of the Church. 8vo. London, 1814. [Gg. 7.. 10.] Another Copy. 8 vo. London, 1814. [Gg. 7. 12.] *^* The nature and duties of the Ministerial Office are also discussed in the various Ordination Sermons, <^c. which are noticed in Title IX. §§. ii-iv. infra. 2. Treatises on the Composition of a Sermon^ and on the A rt of Preaching. EEASMi(Desiderii)Ecclesiastes; sive de RationeConcionandi. ( [C. 4. 15. folio. Inter Openim Tom. V. - - - ( L. 10. 10.] Erasmi (Desiderii) Ecclesiastes sive Concionator Evangelicus. Liber primus : cui praefigitur Dissertatio Praelirainaris h Thoma Bray. 8vo. Londini, 1730. [R. 9. 69.'] JoANNis Segobiensis De Praedicatione Evangelicd Libri IV. ; in quibus de forma stiidendi atque docendi Scripturam Sacram, et de Conciona- toris Officio disseritur. 4to. Brixia?, 1586. [G. 19. 1.] COMPOSITION OF A SERMOxN, ETC. 293 JoANNis DE S. Geminiano Summa de Exemplis et Rerum Similitudinibus Locupletissima, Verbi Dei Concionatoribus maximo usui futura. 8vo. Antverpiae, 1609. [G. 19. 17.] CoppENSTEiN (J. Andreae) Dispositio Concionum, ex D. Thomae de Aquino Commentariis in Matthasum et Joannem, et ex S. Bonaventurse Com- mentariis in Lucam. 2 tomis, 8vo. Moguntiae, 1616. [G. 18. 8-9.] Labata (Francisci) Loci Communes ad Conciones ordine alphabetico digesti. 4to. Coloniae, 1628. [G. 20. iS.] Labata (Francisci) Magnus Apparatus Concionatorum ; seu Loci Cdm- munes ad Conciones ordine alphabetico digesti. 2 tomis, 4to. Colonise, 1628. [G. 20. 4,5.] MoLANi (Joannis) Bibliotheca Mateviarum, Docentibus, Concionantibus, ac Scriptoribus pernecessaria. 4to. Coloniae, 1618. fG. 19. 2.] PoNTANi a Bratenberg (Georgii Bartholdi) Bibliotheca, sive Theatrum Concionum, ^, celebrioribus antiquis novisque Authoribus ordine con- gesta. folio, 3 tomis in 2, Coloniae, 1625. [I. 2. 13,14] Enfield (William) The Preacher's Directory : or a Series of Subjects, proper for Public Discourses, with Texts under each head. 4to. Lon- don, 1771. [R. 17. 25.] Cooke (John) The Preacher's Assistant, containing a Series of the Texts of Sermons and Discourses, from the Restoration to the present Time. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1783. [Ff. 5. 25,26.] Ball (John) Remarks on a new Way of Preaching. 8vo. London, 1736. [P. 97. (12.)] Barecroft (J.) Ars Concionandi : or Instructions to Young Students in Divinity. 8vo. London, 1715. [R. 13. 81.] Chandler (Samuel) A Letter to the Rev, Mr. John^Guyse, occasioned by two Sermons, prenchedon Acts ix. 20. Svo. London, 1730. [P. 265. 3.] Chandler (Samuel) A Second Letter to Mr. Guyse, in which the Scripture Account of Preaching Christ is cleared and defended. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 313. (9.)] Claude (John) An Essay on the Composition of a Sermon. Translated from the French, with Notes, by Robert Robinson. 2 vols. Svo. Lon- don, 1788. [K. 26. 1,2.] Claude (John) An Essay on the Composition of a Sermon. Translated by Robert Robinson. With an Appendix of 100 Skeletons of Sermons, by the Rev. Charles Simeon, royal Svo, Cambridge, 1796. [Hh.1.39.] Another Copy, royal Svo. Cambridge, 1796. [R. 17. 43.] FoRDYCE (James) The Eloquence of the Pulpit, Svo. Aberdeen, 1752. [P. 333. (3.)] Henley (John) On Speaking and Action in Preaching. 4to. London, 1725. [P. 33. (26.)] Jennings (John) Two Discourses ; of Preaching Chri:>t, and of Particular and Experimental Preaching. 12mo. London, 1754. [Hh. 4. 30.] Langiiorne (John) Letters on the Eloquence of the Pulpit. Svo. London, 1765. [P. 260. (1.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1765. [Hh. 3. 42.] Peckabd (Peter) The proper Style of Christian Oratory (a Sermon.) Svo. Huntingdon, 1770. [P. 249. (6.)] S94 RELIGION. 3. Episcopal and Archidiaconal Visitation-Charges, and Letters. i. Episcopal Charges and Letters. Bakrington (Shute, Bishop of Durham) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham, in 1794. 8vo. London, 1794. [Hh. 3. 50.] Barrington (Shute) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham, in 1802. 4to. London, 1802. [Gg. 1. 14.] Barrington (Shute) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham, in 1806. 12mo. London, 1807. [Hh. 4. 22.] , Remarks on a Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham, in 1806. 12mo. London, 1807. [Hh. 4. 22.] Burgess (Thomas, Bishop of St. David's) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's, in September 1813. 12mo. Durham. [Ff. 7. 47.] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Salisbury, in 1704. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 15.] Burnet (Gilbert) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Salisburv, in 1714. 4to. London, 1714. [M. 14. 16.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1714. [P. 40. (5.)] Butler (Joseph, Bishop of Durham) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham. 4to. London, 1751. [P. 7. (16.)] Butts (Robert, Bishop of Norwich) Charges delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Norwich, in 1736 and 1740. 4to. London, 1736-40. [P. 28. (3.) (4.)] Blackburne (Francis) A Serious Inquiry into the Use and Importance of External Religion ; occasioned by some Passages in the Bishop of Durham's [Dr. Edward Chandler's] Charge to the Clergy of that Diocese. 8vo. London, 1752. [P. 185. 10.] Clavering (Robert, Bishop of LlandafF) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Llandaff. 4to. London, 1727. [P. 18. (27.)] Fleetwood (William, Bishop of St. Asaph) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. Asaph, in 1709. 4to. London, 1709. [P. 18. (15.)] Fleetwood (WilHam) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. Asaph, 1710. 12mo. London, 1712. [C. 20. 27.] Fleetwood (William, Bishop of Ely) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Ely. 4to. London, 1716. [P. 18. (20.)] Fleetwood (William) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Ely. 4to. London, 1722. [P. 4. (13.)] ' Fowler (Edward, Bishop of Gloucester) Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Gloucester. 8vo. London, 1707. [L. 15. 2.] Gibson (Edmund, Bishop of London) Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of London. 4to. London, 1724. QP- 18. (25.)] Gibson (Edmund) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of London. 4tQ. London, 1730. [P. 28. (12.)] EPISCOPAL CHARGES AND LETTERS. 295 Gibson (Edmund) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of London. 4to. London, 1747. [P. 7. (15.)] Gibson (Edmund) A Supplement to his Letter to the Clergy, on occasion of the Earthquake. 4to. London, 1750. [P. 7. (23.)] GooDENOUGH (Samuel, Bishop of Carlisle) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Carlisle, in 1816. 4to. London, 1816. [Ff. 4. 72.] Green (John, Bishop of Lincoln) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln, in 1762. 8vo. London, 1765, [Hh. 3. 42.] HoADiY (Benjamin, Bishop of Sarum) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Salisbury. 4to. London, 1726. [P. 18. (26.)] HoRSLEY (Samuel, Bishop of St. David's) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's. 12mo. London, 1791. [Hh. 4. 37.] Horsley (Samuel, Bishop of Rochester) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Rochester, at his primary Visitation. 4to. London, 1796. [Gg. 1. 14.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1796. [Hh. 3. 50.] Horsley (Samuel) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Rochester, in 1800. 4to. London, 1800. [Hh. 7. 30.] Horsley (Samuel, Bishop of St. Asaph) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. Asaph, at his primary Visitation. 4to. London, 1806. [Gg. 1. 14.] HoRT (Josiah, Archbishop of Tuam) Instructions to the Clergy of the Diocese of Tuam, delivered at his primary Visitation, July 8, 1742. 8vo. London, 17—. [P. 249. (1.)] HuNTiNGFORD (George Isaac, Bishop of Gloucester) The Petition of the Enghsh Roman Catholics considered, in a Visitation Charge, in 1810. 12mo. London, 1812. [Aa. 3. 82.] HuRD (Richard, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry) A Charge delivered at his primary Visitation, ia 1775 and 1776. 8vo. London, 1776. [Hh. 3. 48.] Keene (Edmund, Bishop of Ely) A Charge delivered at his primary Vi- sitation, in 1771. 8vo. London, 1772. [P. 305. (7.)] Kennet (White, Bishop of Peterborough) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Peterborough. 4to. London, 1720. [P. 18. (23.y] Law (George Henry, Bishop of Chester) A Charge at his primary Visita- tion. 4to. Chester, 1814. [Ff. 4. 72.] Maddox (Isaac, Bishop of Worcester) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Worcester, in 1745, 4to. London, 1745. [^P. 28. (6.)J Middleton (Tho. F. Bishop of Calcutta) A Charge delivered to the Clergy in India. 8vo. London, 1817. [Ff. 5. 19.] MouNTAGUE (Richard, Bishop of Norwich) Articles of Inquiry and Direc- tion for the Diocese of Norwich. 4to. London, 1638. [D. 19. 36.^ Patrick (Simon, Bishop of Chichester) A Letter to the Clergy of his Diocese. 4to. London, 1690. [N. 8. 24.] Patrick (Simon, Bishop of Ely) A Letter to the Clergy of his Diocese. 4to. London, 1692. [N. 8. 24.] Another Copy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1692. [P, 270. (20.)] 296 RELIGION. Patrick (Simon) The Work of the Ministry ; a Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Ely. 8vo. London, 1698. [D. 17. 33.] Peploe (Samuel, Bishop of Chester) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Chester. 4to. London, 1728. [P. 28. (1.)] PoRTEUs ("Beilby, Bishop of London) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of London, in 1794. 8vo. London, 1799. [Hh. 3. 48.] Porteus (Beilby) A Charge to the Clei'gy of the Diocese of London, in 1798 and 1799. 8vo. London, 1800. [Hh. 3. 48.] Porteus (Beilby) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of London, in 1803. Svo. London, 1804. [Hh. 2. 36.^ Potter (John, Bishop of Oxford) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Oxford. 4to. London, 1716. [P. 18. (21.)] Potter (John) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Oxford, in 1719. Svo. London, 1720. [N. 9. 10.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1720. [P. 18. 22.] Potter (John) A Defence of the Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Oxford, in July 1719, by John, Bishop of Oxford. Svo. London, 1720. [N. 9. 10.] Two other Copies. Svo. London, 1720. < l, ' . 'A -\i Pretyman (George, Bishop of Lincoln) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln, in 1803. 4to. London, 1803. [Gg. 1. 14.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1803. [Hh. 7. 30.] Remarks on a Charge delivered by the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Lincoln to the Clergy of that Diocese, in 1803. Svo. Lo?idon, \803. [Hh. 3. 27.] See ToMLiNE, p. 297, infra. Randolph (John, Bishop of Oxford) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Oxford. Svo. Oxford, 1802. [Hh. 3. 28.] Reynolds (Richard, Bishop of Bangor) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Bangor. 4to. London, 1722. [P. 18. (24.)] Reynolds (Richard, Bishop of Lincoln) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln. 4to. London, 1727. [P. 18. (28.)] Reynolds (Richard) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln. 4to. London, 1742. [P. 28. (5.)] Ryder (Henry, Bishop of Gloucester) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Gloucester, at his primary Visitation, in 1816. 4to. Gloucester, 1816. [Ff 4. 72.] Another Copy. 4to. Gloucester, 1816. [Ff. 5. 19.] Secker (Thomas, successively Bishop of Oxford and Archbishop of Can- terbury) Eight Charges dehvered to the Clergy of the Dioceses of Ox- ford and Canterbury : to which are added , Listructlons for Candidates for Orders, &c. 8vo. London, 1769. [G. 24. 26.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1790. [Hh. 3. 3.] Secker (Thomas) Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Oxford. 8vo. London, 1739. [P. 101. (6.)] Sherlock (Thomas, Bishop of I>ondpn) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of London. 4to. London, 1759. [P. 7. (19.)] EPISCOPAL CHARGES AND LETTERS. 29T Smalbroke (Richard, Bishop of St. David's) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's. 8vo. London, 1728. [P. 84. (9.)] Smalbroke (Ric'iai-d, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of tlie Diocese of Lichfield. 8vo. London, 1734. [P. 84. (10.)] Smatbroke (Richard) Two Charges to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lichfield, in 1736-1739. 8vo. London, 1739. [P. 101. (4,5.)] Remarks on Txvn Charges delivered by Bishop Smalbroke to the Clergy of his Diocese. 8vo. London, 1738. [P. 249. (14.)] The Author of the Remarks on the bishop of Lichfield and Coventry's two last Charges to his Clergy most clearly convicted of false Quotations and gross Misapplications of several passages. 8vo. London, 1738. [P. 311.(9.)] Smalbroke (Richard) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry in 1741. 8 vo. London, 1744. [P. 186. (18.)] Smalbroke (Richard) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry in 1744 and 1745. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 186. (19.)] Smaluidge (George, Bishop of Bristol) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Bristol. 4to. London, 1716. [P. 1 8. (19.)] Si'RAT (Thomas, Bishop of Rochester) A Discourse to the Clergy of his Diocese, at his Visitation in 1695. 4to. In the Savoy, 1696. [M. 14. 22.] Another Copy. 4to. In the Savoy, 1696. [P. 18. (14.)] Stillingfleet (Edward, Bishop of Worcester) A Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, at his primary Visitation, in 1690. 4to. London, 1691. [M. 14. 24.] Talbot (William, Bishop of Oxford) A Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese in 1712. 4to. London, 1712. [M. 14. 11.] Talbot (William, Bishop of Sarum) A Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese in 1717. 4to. London, 1717. [P. 18. (18.)] ToMLiNE (George Pretyman, Bishop of Lincoln) A Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, in 1812. (on the Claims of the Roman Catholics.) 12mo. London, 1812. [i\a. 3. 82.] Trxmnel (Charles, Bishop of Norwich) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Norwich. 4to. London, 1710. [P. 4. (14.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1710. [P. 18. (17.)] Trimnel (Charles) A Letter to his Clergy, at his Visitation in 1716. 4to. London, 1716. [P. 14. (13).] Turner (Francis, Bishop of Ely) A Letter to the Clergy of his Diocess before and preparatory to his Visitation. 4to. Cambridge, 1686. [M. 20. 14.] Wake (William, Bishop of Lincoln) A Charge to the Clergy of liis Dio- cese, at his primary Visitation, in 1706. 4to. London, 1707. [M, 14. 9.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1707. [V. 18. (16.)] Watson (Richard, Bishop of LlandaflP) A Charge to the Clergv of the Diocese of LlandafF, in 1798. 12mo. London, 1798. [Hh. 4. 35.'] YoNGE (Philip, Bishop of Norwich) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Norwich. 4to. London, 1763. [P. 7. (21.)] 298 RELIGION. Massillon (J. B. Bishop of Clermont) Charges addressed to his Clergy. Translated from the French by Theophilus St. John. 8vo. London, 1805. [Hh. 5. 23.] Instruction Pastorale de I'ARCHEVEauE de Lyon sur les Sources de rincredulite et les Fondemens de la Religion. 4to. Paris, 1776. [Hh. 7. 30.] ii. Archidiaconal Charges. An Anonymous Charge. 4.to. London, 1753. [P. 7. (18.)] Blackburne (Francis) A Charge delivered to "the Clergy of the x\rchdea- conry of Cleveland. Svo. York, 1752. [P. 186. (17.)] Blackburne (Francis) On the Study of the Scriptures : a Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Cleveland. Svo. York, 1763. [P. 213, (12.)] Four Discourses, delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Cleve- land in the years 1767, 1769, 1771 and 1773. Svo. Newcastle-unon- Tyne, 1775. [P. 282. (4.)] Chapman (John) Popery, the Bane of true Letters ; a Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury. 4to. London, 1746. [P. 28.7.] CoBDEN (Edward) A Charge to the Clergy of the City of London. Svo. London, 1747. [P. 186. (21.)] CowPER (John) The Excellence of Charity : a Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Chester. Svo. London, 1713. [P. 116. (15.)] DoDWKLL (William) A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Berks. Svo. London, 1764. [P. 249.(3.)] Hayter (Thomas) A View of some of the general Arts of Controversy made use of by the Advocates of Infidelity : a Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of York. Svo. London, 1732. [P. 62. (8.)] Hook (James) A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Hun- tingdon. 4to. London, 1816. [Ff. 5. 19.] Ibbetson (James) A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of St. Alban's. 4to. London, 1759. [P. 7. (22.)] Oliver ( ) A Charge to the Clergy of the East Riding of York. Svo. London, 1756. [P. 213. (11.)] Powell (Wm. Samuel) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Arch- deaconry of Colchester in June 1772. Svo. Cambridge, 1773. [P. 279. 4.] Rutherford (Thomas) Four Charges to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Essex. Svo. London, 1763. [P. 204. (2.)] Stebbing (Henry) A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Wilts. Svo. London, 1739. [P. 101. (7.)] Sterne (Jacques) A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of York. 4to. York, 1752. [P. 7. (17.)] Stubbs (Philip) Advice to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Saint Alban's. Svo. Oxford, 1729. [P. 55. (16.)] Thomas (Josiah) A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Bath. Svo. Bristol, 1819. [Hh. 7. 28.] HOMILIES ON THE SCRIPTURES. 299 ToTTiE (John) Two Charges to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Wor- cester. 8vo. Oxford, 1766. [P. 249. (2.)] Waterland (Daniel) A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex, at his primary Visitation, in 1731. 8vo. London, 1731. [N. 9. 32.] Waterland (Daniel) Three Charges to the Clergy of Middlesex in 1738, 39,40. 8vo. London, 1738-40. [P. 101. (1,2,3.)] Waterland (Daniel) Five Charges to the Clergy of Middlesex, inil731- 1736. 8vo. Lond. and Camb. 1731-36. [P. 84. (5-8.)] Waugh (John) A Charge to the Clergy of Carlisle at the General Chap- ter Visitation. 8vo. London, 1747. [P. 186. (20.)] IX. Hortatory Theology ; or Homilies, Lectures, and Sermons. 1. Homilies. i. Homilies, Lectures, and Sermons, on Entire Books of Scripture. Calvin (Jean) Sermons sur le V. Livre de Moyse, nomrae Deutero- nomie. folio, Geneve, 1567. [L. 12. 15.] WoLPHii (Joannis) In Mosis Librum qui Deuteronomium inscribitur, Ser- monmn Libri IV. folio, Tiguri, 1585. [L. 9. 16.] Lavateri (Ludovici) Liber Judicum Homiliis CVIL expositus. folio, Tiguri, 1585. [L. 9. 16.] Calvini (Johannis) Homiliaj in primum Librum Samuelis. folio, Genevae, 1604. [L. 12. 6.] Calvini (Johannis) In Librum Job Conciones. folio, Genevae, 1593. [L. 12. 7.] Calvin (John) Sermons upon the Booke of Job, translated out of French by Arthur Golding. folio, London, 1573. [Ff. 2. 5.] Adami (Joannis) Meletemata Psalmica : sive Idea Concionum in Psalmos Davidis. 3 vols. 4to. Francofurti, 1616. [I. 20. 11-13.] Fabricii (Stephani) Sacrae Conciones in centum et quinquaginta Psalmos Davidis Regis, et aliorum sanctorum Prophetarum. folio, Genevae, 1620. [I. 11. 10.] BuLLiKGERi (Henrici) Isaias, excellentissimus Dei propheta, expositus Homiliis CXC. foho, Tiguri, 1567. [L. 9. 5.] GuALTHERi (Rodolphi) In Isaiam Prophetam Homiliae CCCXXVII, folio, Tiguri, 1583. [L. 9. 14.] BuLLiNGERi (Henrici) Jeremias, fidelissirr^us et laboriosissimus Dei Pro- pheta, expositus Concionibus CLXX. folio, Tiguri, 1575. [L. 9. 6.] Bullingeri (Henrici) Daniel, sapientissimus Dei Propheta, expositus Homiliis LXVI. folio, Tiguri, 1565. [L. 9. 7-] Calvin (Jean) Quaranle-sept Sermons sur les hixict derniers Chapitres de Propheti^s de Daniel, folio, Rochelle. 15C5. [L. 12. 14.] 300 RELIGION. Fabricii (Stephani) Sacrae Conciones in S. Prophetas Minores. folio, Bernae, 1641. [I. 13. 18.] Abbot (George) An Exposition of the Prophet Jonah, in Sermons. 4to. London, 1613. [E. 20. 22.] King (John, Bishop of London) Lectures upon Jonas. 4to. London, 1618. [E. 20. 13.] Theophanis Ceramei, Archiepiscopi Tauromenitani, Homihaein Evange- ha Dominicalia totius anni, Graece et Latine, editae a Francisco Scorso. foHo, Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1644, [M. 13. 16.] GuALTHERi (Rodolphi) Archetypi Homiliarum in quatuor Evangelia et in Acta Apostolorum, editi a Rodolpho Simlero.. foho, Tiguri, 1601. [K. 4. 11.] *PoRTEUs (Beilby, Bishop of London) Lectures on the Gospel of St. Matthew, delivered in the Parish Church of St. James Westminster, in the years 1798, 1799, 1800, and 1801. 8vo. London, 1823. GuALTHERi (Rodolphi) In Evangelium Christi secundum Lucam Homiliae CCXV. folio, Tiguri, 1570. [L. 19. 15.] *Blomfield (Charles James, Bishop of Chester) Five Lectures on the Gospel of St. John, as bearing Testimony to the Divinity of our Sa- viour. 12mo. London, 1823. *PiTMAN (J. R.) Practical Lectures upon the Ten first Chapters of the Gospel of St.' John. 8vo. London, 1822. HiLDERSHAM (Arthur) Lectures on the fourth Chapter of the Gospel ac- cording to St. John, folio, London, 1608. [Ff. 3. 44.] *Brewst£b (John) Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles, delivered in the Parish Church of Stockton-upon-Tees,in 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1807. *DicK (John) Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles. 8vo. Glasgow, 1822. Gualtheri (Rodolphi) Archetypi Homiliarum in omnes Apostolorum Domini nostri Jesu Christi Epistolas. Accessit Centuria Memorialium in Apocalypsin Divi Johannis, authore Henrico Bullingero. folio, Tiguri, 1599. [K. 4. 12.] ii. Other Homilies. Hatmonis (Episcopi Halberstattensis) Homiliarum Pars Hyberna. 8vo Colonise, 1629. [G. 19. 26.] An English-Saxon Homily on the Birth-day of St. Gregory. Translated and edited by Elizabeth Elstob. Anciently used in the English-Saxon Church. 8vo. London, 1709. [E. 15. 9.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1709. [C. 20. 10.] Elstob (Elizabeth) Some Testimonies of Learned Men, in favour of the intended Edition of the Saxon Homilies, concerning the Author of those Homilies, and the Advantages to be hoped for, from an Edition of them. 8vo. London, 1713. [M. 19. 18.] Certain E Sermons or Homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the time of the late Queen Elizabeth of famous memory, folio, London, 1635. [G. 2. 15.] BOYLE LECTURES. 301 Book of Homilies, folio, London, 1640. [B. 4. 21.] Book of Homilies, folio, London, 1676. [Ff. 3. 59.] Book of Homilies, folio. Printed for the Prayer Book and Homily Society. London, 1815. [Ff. 1. 21.] The Book of Homilies, with pious Reflections and Observations. By a Divine of the Church of England. 4to. London, 1754. [Ff. 8. 143.] 2. Lectures in Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion^ and of the Peculiar Doctrines of the New Testament. i. The Boyle Lectures. *^* These Lectures were instituted upon the foundation, and in •pursuance of the Will, of the Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq. " for proving the Christian Religion against notorious Infidels, viz. Atheists, Theists, Pagans, Jews, and Mahometans, nut descending lower to any Contra- lersies that are amon^ Christians thewstlve^." The following series contains such of the Lectures only as have been published, and they are disposed in the nrder of time when they were respectively delivered. A Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion, being a Collection of the Sermons preached at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq. (from the year 1692 to the year 1732.) With the additions and amendments of the several Authors, and General Indexes. 3 vols, folio, London, 1739. [N. 4. 30-32.] 1692. Bentley (Richard) A Confutation of Atheism, 4to. London, 1693. [N. 7. 21.] Bentley (Richard) A Confutation of Atheism, folio. Collection of Boyle Led. Vol. L [N. 4. 30.] Bentley (Richard) A Confutation of Atheism. 8vo. Cambridge, 1724. [A. 17. 53.]. Bentley (Richard) The Folly of Atheism and Deism with respect to the present Life. (The first of his Boyle Lectures.) 4to. London, 1692. [M. 15. 18.] Observations thereon, by nay of Refutation. 4to. QM. 15. 24.] Bentley (Richard) A Confutation of Atheism from the Faculties of the Soul. (His second Boyle Lecture.) 4to. London, 1692. [M. 20. 6,] 1693-94. Kidder (Richard, Bp. of Bath and Wells) A Demonstration of the Messias, in which ihe Truth of the Christian Religion is proved, especially against the Jews, folio. Boyle Lect. Vol. L [N. 4. 30.] Kidder (Richard) A Demonstration of the Messias. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1684-99-1700. [N. 7. 62-64.] 302 RELIGION. 1695-96. Williams (John, Bishop of Chichester) The Possibility, Ex- pediency, Necessity and Perfection of Divine Revelation. 4to. London, 1695-96, [P. 23. (1-8.)] Williams (John) The Possibility, &c. of Divine Revelation, folio. Boyle Lect. Vol. I. [N. 4. 30.] Williams (John) The Perfection and Truth of the Scriptures. (Two of his Lectures.) 4to. London, 1695-96. [li. 1. 31.] 1697. Gastrell (Francis, Bishop of Chester) The Certainty of the Christian Revelation, and the Necessity of believing it, estab- lished. 8vo. London, 1697. [N. 7. 19.] Gastrell (Francis) The Certainty of the Christian Revelation, folio. Boi/lc Lcct. Vol. L [N! 4. 30.] Gastrell (Francis) The Certainty of the Christian Revelation. Svo. London, 1699. [N. 7. 32.] 1698. Harris (John) A Refutation of the Atheistical Objections against the Being and Attributes of God. folio. Boyle Lect. Vol. I. [N. 4. 30.] Harris (John) Refutation of Atheistical Objections, &c. 4to. London, 1698. [N. 6. 28.] 1699. Bradford (Samuel, Bishop of Rochester) The Credibility of the Christian Revelation, from its intrinsick Evidence. 4to. London, 1700. [Hh. 9. 61.] Bradford (Samuel) The Credibility of the Christian Revelation. 4to. London, 1700. [N. 6. 28.] Bradford (Samuel) The Credibility of the Christian Revelation, folio. Boyle Lect. Vol. 1. [N. 4. 30.] 1700. Blackall (Offspring) The Sufficiency of a Standing Revelation. 4to. London, 1700. [N. 6. 28.] Blackall (Offspring) The Sufficiency of a Standing Revelation, folio. Boyle Lect. Vol. L [N. 4. 30.] 1701-1. Stanhope (George) The Truth and Excellency of the Chris- tian Religion asserted, against Jews, Heretics, and Infi- dels. 4to. London, 1701-2. [M. 15. 12.] Stanhope (George) The Truth and Excellency of the Christian Religion asserted, folio. Boyle Lect. Vol. I. [N. 4. 30.] 1704-5. Clarke (Samuel) A Discourse concerning the unchangeable Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Revelr.tion. Svo. London, 1706. [N. 7. 20.] Clarke (Samuel) Discourse concerning Natural Religion, 6cc. folio. Boyle Lect. VoL IL [N. 4. 31.] Gretton (Philip) A Letter concerning the Argument a priori in proof of the Being of a God. 4to. [N. 9. 17.] Remarks on Mr. Clarke's Sermons, preached against Hobbes, Spinosa, and other Atheists. 4to. London, 1705. [N, 8. 28.] Butler (Joseph) Several Letters to Dr. Clarke, relating to the Sermons preached at Boyle's Lecture, with the Doctors Answers. Svo. London, 1716. [N. 9. 8.] BOYLE LECTURES. 303 Stebbing ( Henry) A Defence of Dr. Clarke's " Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion." 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 62. (2.)] Clarke (John) Three Defences of Dr. Clarke's " Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God." Being Answers to Mr. Lavi's Transkition of Dr. King's Origin of Evil ; and to a Book entitled " Dr. Clarke's Notions of Space examined.''' 8vo. London, 1732-3. [P. 88. (1,2,3.)] Jackson {John) The Existence and Unity of God; being a Vindication of Dr. Clarke's " Denion^t ration of the Being and Attributes of God." 8vo. London, 1734. [P. 88. (4.)] Coluber (5.) The Knoivn God : or the Author of Nature unveiled. With Remarks on Mr. Jackson's " Vindication of Dr. Clarke's Demonstration of the Attributes of God." 8vo. London, 1737. [P. 19. (3.)] 1 706. Hancock (John) Arguments to prove the Being of a God. folio. Boyle Led. Vol. II. [N. 4. 31.] 1707. Whiston (VVilham) The Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies. 8vo. Cambridge, 1708. [F. 6. 45.] Whiston (William) The Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies, folio. Boyle Led. Vol. II. [N. 4. 31.] Jcnkin (Robert) Remarks on Mr. Whistons Eight Sermons. 8vo. London, 1709. [N. 9. 33.] Clagett {Nicholas) A Vindication of those Christian Commentators who have expounded some Prophecies of the Messias, not to be meant only of him. 8vo. London, 1710. [H. 7- 42.] 1708. Turner (John) The Wisdom of God in the Redemption of Man, as delivered in the Holy Scriptures, vindicated from, the chief Objections of Modern Infidels. 8vo. London, 1709. [D. 6. 22.] Turner (John) The Wisdom of God in the Redemption of Man. folio. Boyle Led. Vol. II. [N. 4. 31.] 1 709. Butler (Lilly) Religion no Matter of Shame, folio. Boyle I,ec^Vol. II. [N. 4. 31.] 1710. Woodward (Josiah) The Divine Original and Excellence of the Christian Religion, folio. Boyle Led. Vol. II. [N. 4. 31.] 1711-12. Derham (William) Physico-Theology ; or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God from his Works of Creation. 8vo. London, 1723. [A. 17. 61.] Derham (William) Physico-Theology. folio. Boyle Led. Vol. 11. [N. 4. 31.] 1713-14. Ibbot (Benjamin) On the Exercise of Private Judgment, or Free-Thinking, folio. Boyle Led. Vol. 11. [N. 4. SI.'] 1717-18. Leng (John) Natural Obligations to believe the Principles of Religion and Divine Revelation. 8vo. London, 1719. [N. 17. 17.] Leng (John) Natural Obligations to believe the Principles of Religion, &c. 8vo. London, 1730. [D. 24. 15.] Leng (John) Natural Obligations to believe the Principles of Religion, &c. folio. Boyle Led. Vol. III. [N. 4. 32.] 304 RELIGION. 1719-20. Clarke (John) An Enquiry into theCaixse and Origin of Evil. folio. Boi/le Lett. Vol. III. [N. 4. 32.] 1721-22. GuRDON (Brampton) The pretended Difficulties in Natural or Revealed Religion, no Excuse for Infidelity. 8vo. London, * 1723. [N. 7. 18,j Gordon (Brampton) on the pretended Difficulties in Natural or Revealed Religion, &c. 8vo. London, 1723. [R. 12. 58.] Gurdon (Brampton) on the pretended Difficulties in Natural or Revealed Religion, &c. folio. Boi/le Led. Vol. 111. [N. 4. 32.] 1724-25. Burnett (Thomas) The Demonstration of True Religion, in a Chain of Consequences from certain and undeniable Principles ; wherein the Necessity and Certainty of Natural and Revealed Religion, with the Nature and Reason of both are explained, and in particular the Authority of the Christian Revelation is established. 2 vols. 8vo. London, n%Q. [K. 7. 17,18.] Burnett (Thomas) The Demonstration of True Religion, folio, Boyle Led. Vol. III. [N. 4. 32.] 1730-32. Beiiriman (William) The Gradual Revelation of the Gospel from the time of Man's Apostacy. folio. Boyle Led. Vol. in. [N. 4. 32.] 1736-38. Biscoe (Richard) The History of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, confirmed from other Authors, and considered as full Evi- dence of the Truth of Christianity. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1742. [R. 19,31,32.] 1739-41. TwELLs (Leonard) Twenty-four Sermons preached at Boyle's Lectures ; and Eight Sermons preached at the Lecture of Lady Moyer. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1743. {J). 22. 24,25.] 1747-49. Stebbing (Henry) Christianity justified upon the Scripture Foundation ; being a Summary View of the Controversy between Christians and Deists. 8vo. London, 1750. [A. 18. 123.] 1750-52. Jortin (John) — The substance of Part of these Discourses was inserted in his Remarks an Ecclesiastical History, 8vo. Vols. 1. and II. [R. 18. 34,35.] 1756-58. Newton (Thomas). — These Lectures form part of Bishop Newton's Dissertations on the Prophecies. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1759-60. [G. 22. 24-26. and O. 6, 50-52.] —- Another Copy. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1766. [Ff. 7. 137-139.] Another Copy. 4to. Works, Vol. I. [A. 12. 40.] 1763. Heathcote (Ralph) A Discourse upon the Being of God against Atheists. Svo. London, 1763. [P. 249. (S.j] 1766-68. WoRTHiNGTON (William) The Evidence of Christianity de- duced from Facts and the Testimony of Sense throughout all Ages of the Church to the present time. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1769. [G. 25. 6,7.] 1769-71. Owen (Henry) The Intent and Propriety of the Scripture Miracles considered and explained. 2 vols, in 1, Svo. London, 1783. [G. 23. 13.] LADY MOYER'S LECTURE. 305 1778-80. *WiLi,iAMSON (James) An Argument for the Christian Reli- gion, drawn from a Comparison of Revelation with the Na- tural Operations of the Mind. Svo. London, 1783. 1802-05. *Vanmildert (William, now Bishop of Durham) An Histo- rical View of the Rise' and Progress of Infidelity, with a Refutation of its Principles and Reasonings. Third Edition, 2 vols. Svo. London, 1825. 1821. *HAKNi;ss (William) The Connexion of Christianity with Hu- man Happiness. 2 vols. 8\o. London, 1823. ii. Sermons at Lady Moyers Lecture, *^* These Lectures "were instituted upon the foundation and in pursuance of the Will of Lady Mover, for " Eight Sermons in every year on the Trinity and Divinity of our ever-blessed Saviour " As the Lecturer's Stipend arose out of a leasehold estate, the lecture expired with the termination of that estate, in 1773 or 1774. (Bishop Vanmildert's Review of Dr. Waterland's Life, p. 66, note.) The following series contains such of these Lectures as have been published. 1719-20. *Waterland (Daniel) Eight Sermons in Defence of the Divi- nity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Svo. London, 1720. *Waterland (Daniel) Eight Sermons. Svo. Works, Vol. H. 1720-21. *Knight (James) Eight Sermons in Defence of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit. Svo. London, 1721. 1723-24. Berriman (William) An Historical Account of the Controver- sies that have been in the Church, concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity. Svo. London, 1725. [N. 7. 27.] Berriman (William) A Defence of some Passages in An Histo- rical Account of the Trinitarian Controversy. Svo. London, 1731. [N. 9. 32.] 1724-25. *Bishop (Thomas) Eight Sermons preached at Lady Moyer's Lecture. Svo. London, 1726. 1728-29. Felton (Henry) The Christian Faith asserted against Deists, Arians, and Socinians. Svo. London, 1730. [D. 27. 24.] 1729-30. Trapp (Joseph) The Doctrine of the Trinity briefly stated and proved. Svo. London, 1730. [D. 27. 7.] 1730-32. *Browne (John) Eight Sermons preached at Lady Moyer's Lecture. Svo. London, 1732. 1733. *S£ED (Jeremiah) Discourses on several important subjects : to which are added Eight Sermons at Lady Moyer's Lec- ture. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1747. 1733-34. •Wheatley (Charles) The Nicene and Athanasian Creeds so far as they are expressive of a co-equal and co-eternal Trinity in Unity, and of perfect Godhead and Manhood in one only Christ, explained and confirmed by Holy Scriptures, in Eight Sermons. Svo. London, 1738. 1737-38. Berriman (John) A Critical Dissertation upon 1 Tim. iii. 16. Wherein Rules are laid down to distinguish in Various X 306 RELIGION. Readings which is genuine; and an Account given of above one hundred Greek Manuscripts of St. Paul's Epis- tles ; being the Substance of Eight Sermons preached at Lady Moyer's Lecture. 8vo. London, 1741. [D. 27. 15.] 1738-39. TwELLs (Leonard) Eight Sermons at Lady Moyer's Lecture ; [printed with his Boyle Lectures.] 2 vols. Svo. London, 1743. [D. 22. 24,25.] 1739-40. *Bedford (Arthur) Eight Sermons on the Doctrine of the Trinity, on 1 John v. 7. preached at Lady Moyer's Lecture. Svo. London, 1741. 1740-41. Ridley (Glocester) on the Divinity and Operations of the Holy Ghost. Svo. London, 1742. [D. 27. S.] 1757. *Clements (William) Eight Sermons preached at Lady Moy- er's Lecture. Svo. London, 1797. 1764-65. Dawson (Benjamin) An Illustration of several Texts of Scripture, particularly those in which the Logos occurs : the Substance of Eight Sermons. Svo. London, 1765. [D. 25. 2.] 1773. *MoRELL (Thomas) The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity, a Sermon at Lady Moyer's Lecture [published anonymously.] 4to. London, 1774. iii. Warburtonian Lectures. %* These Lectures "were founded bii the Right Rev. William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester, {each course consisting of Twelve Sermons), for the purpose of proving " the Truth of Revealed Religion in general, and of the Christian in particular, from the completion of the Prophecies of the Old and New Testament, which relate to the Christian Church, and especially to the Apostacy of Papal Rome." HuRD (Richard, Bishop of Worcester) An Introduction to the Study of the Prophecies concerning the Christian Church, and in particular con- cernmg the Church of Papal Rome. Svo. London, 1772. [D. 26. 2.] Hallifax (Samuel, Bishop of Gloucester) Twelve Sermons on the Pro- phecies of the Christian Church, and in particiilar concerning the Church of Papal Rome. Svo. London, 1776. [G. 23. 15.] Hallifax (Samuel) Twelve Sermons. Svo. London, 1776. [Hh. 6. 11.] Apthorp (East) Discourses on Prophecy. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1 786. [L 27. 12,13.] *Nares (Robert) A Connected and Chronological View of the Prophecies relating to the Christian Church ; in Twelve Sermons. Svo. London, 1805. *PEAasoN (Edward) Twelve Lectures on the subject of the Prophecies, &c. relating to the Christian Church, Svo. London, 1811. *Alwood (Philip) Twelve Lectures on the Prophecies relating to the Christian Church, and to the Apostacy of Papal Rome. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1815. *Davison (John) Discourses on Prophecy ; in which are considered its Structure, Use, and Inspiration. Svo. London, 1824. BAMPTON LECTURES. 307 iv. Bampton Lectures. *^* These Lectures were founded and endowed by the will of the late Rev. John Bampton, Canon of Salisbury, who directs that " Eight Divinity Lectures shall be preached upon either of the following sub- jects, — to confirm and establish the Christian Faith, and to confute all Heretics and Schismatics, — upon the divine authority of Holy Scrip- tures, — upon the authoritij of the writings of the Primitive Fathers, as to the faith and practice of the primitive Church, — upon the Divi- nity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, — upon the Divinity of the Holy Ghost, — upon the Articles of the Christian Faith, as compre- hended in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds." — These Lectures are annually published. 1780. *Bandinel (James) Eight Sermons [on the Truth and Authority of the Scriptures, &c.] preached before the University of Ox- ford. To which is added, a Vindication of Saint Paul from the Charge of wishing himself accursed, a Sermon preached likewise before the University. 8vo. Oxford, 1780. 1781. *Neve (Timothy) Eight Sermons [to illustrate the truth, that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the World and the Redeemer of Mankind,] preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1781. 1782. *HoLMES (Robert) On the Prpphecies and Testimony of John the Baptist, and the parallel Prophecies of Jesus Christ. Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Ox- ford, 1782. 1 783. *CoBB (John) Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford [containing an Inquiry after Happiness, Natural Reli- gion, the Gospel, Faith, Repentance, Professional Faith, Prac- tical Faith, the Christian's Privileges.] 8vo. Oxford, 1783. 1784. 'White (Joseph) Sermons preached before the University of Ox- ford [containing a View of Christianity and Mahometanism in their history, their evidence, and their effects.] Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1789. 1785. *Churton (Ralph) Eight Sermons on the Prophecies respecting the Destruction of Jerusalem, preached before the University of Oxford, 8vo. Oxford, 1785. 1786. *Croft (George) Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford [on the Use and Abuse of Reason, Objections against Inspiration considered, the Authority of the ancient Fathers, Conduct of the first Reformers, the Church of England not into- lerant, Objections against the Liturgy answered, the Evils of Separation, and on the Prophecies which remain to be fulfilled.] 8vo. Oxford, 1786. 1787. *Hawkins (WiUiam) Discourses on Scripture Mysteries, preached at St. Mary's, Oxford, before the University, with Notes illus- trative and critical. 8vo. Oxford, 1787. 1788. *Shepherd (Richard) The Ground and Credibility of the Christian Religion : in a Course of Sermons preached before the Univer- sity of Oxford. 8vo. London, 1788. X2 308 RELIGION. 1789. *Tatham (Edward) The Chart and Scale of Truth, by which to find the Cause of Error. Lectures read before the University of Oxford. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1790. 1790. *Kett (Henry) Sermons preached before the University of Ox- ford [to rectify the Misrepresentations of Mr. Gibbon and Dr. Priestley, with respect to the History of the Primitive Church.] Second Edition, with Corrections and Additions. 8vo. Lon- don, 1792. 1791. *MoRREs (Robert) Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, [on Faith, and its Effects, the Liternal Evidence of the Gospel, Religious Establishments, and Heresies.] Svo. Oxford, 1791. 1792. *EvELEiGH (John) Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, [stating the Substance of the Christian Religion, the Manner in which it has been received and transmitted to us, the Arguments by which its Truth is defended, and with what Ob- jections it has been assailed.] Svo. Oxford, 179.2. 1793. *WiLLiAMsoN (John) The Truth, Inspiration, Authority, and End of the Scriptures, considered and defended, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1793. 1794. *WiNTLE (Thomas) The Expediency, Prediction, and Accomphsh- mentof the Christian Redemption illustrated, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. Svo. Oxford, 1794. 1795. *Veysie (Daniel) The Doctrine of Atonement illustrated and de- fended, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. Svo. Oxford, 1795. 1796. *GRAy (Robert) Sermons on the Principles upon which the Re- formation of the Church of England was established, preached before the University of Oxford. Svo. Oxford, 1796. 1797. *FiNCH (William) The Objections of Infidel Historians and other Writers against Christianity considered, in Eight Sermons. To which is added a Sermon [on John xi. 36. J preached before the University, Oct. 18, 1795. • 8vo. Oxford, 1797. 1798. *Hall (Charles Henry) Sermons preached before the University of Oxford [on the " Fulness of Time."] Svo. Oxford, 1799. 1799. *Barrow (William) Eight Sermons preached before the Univer- sity of Oxford, [on the Necessity and Probability of a Divine Revelation, with Answers to popular Objections against the Necessity or Credibility of the Christian Revelation.] Svo. London, 1799. 1800. *Richards (George) The Divine Origin of Prophecy illustrated and defended, in a Course of Sermons preached before ihe University of Oxford. Svo. Oxford, 1800. 1801. Fabf.r (George Stanley) Horas Mosaicae : or a View of the Mo- saical Records, with respect to their Coincidence with profane Antiquity, their internal Credibility, and their Connection with Christianity. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1801. [Ff. 5. 34,35.] 1 802. *NoTT (George Frederic) Religious Enthusiasm considered, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. Svo. Ox- ford, 1803. BAMPTON LECTURES. 809 1803. *Farrer (John) Sermons on the Mission and Character of Christ and on the Beatitudes, comprehending what were preached be- fore the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1804. 1804. *Laurence (Richard) An Attempt to illustrate those Articles of the Church of England, which the Calvinists improperly consi- der as Cah'inistical, in Eight Sermons preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford. 8vo, Oxford, 1805. 1805. *Nares (Edward) A View of the Evidences of Christianity, at the close of the pretended Age of Reason, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1805. 1806. *Browne (John) Sermons preached before the University of Ox- ford, [on the progressive adaptation of the Divine Dispensations to the State of Mankind.] 8vo. Oxford, 1800. 1807. *Le Mesurier (Thomas) The Nature and Guilt of Schism consi- dered, with a particular Reference to the Principles of the Re- formation, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. London, 1808. 1808. *Penrose (John) An Attempt to prove the Truth of Christianity, from the Wisdom displayed in its original establishment, and from the History of False and Corrupted Systems of Religion ; in a Series of Discourses preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1808. 1809. *Carwithen (J. B. S.) A View of the Brahminical Religion, in its ' Confirmation of the Truth of the Sacred History, and in its In- fluence on the Moral Character, in a Series of Discourses preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. London, 1810. 1810. Falconer (Thomas) Certain Principles in Evanson's '* Dissonance of the four generally received Evangelists," examined, in Eight Sermons. 8vo. Oxford, 1811. [Ff. 6. 30.] Another Copy. 8vo. Oxford, 1811. [Ff. 6. 31,] 1811. *BiDLAKE (J^ohn) The Truth and Consistency of Divine Revela- tion, with some Remarks on the contrary Extremes of Infidelity and Enthusiasm, in Eight Discourses delivered before the Uni- versity of Oxford, Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1813. 1812. Mant (Richard) An Appeal to the Gospel : or an Inquiry into the Justice of the Charge, that the Gospel is not preached by the National Clergy : in Eight Sermons preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1813. [Ff. 6. 77.] 1813. *CoLLiNSON (John) A Key to the Writings of the principal Fatliers of the Christian Church, who flourished during the first three centuries, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1813. 1814. *Vanmildert (William) An Inquiry into the Principles of Scrip- ture Interpretation, in Eight Sermons preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1815. 1815. *Heber (Reginald) The Personality and Office of the Christian Comforter, asserted and explained in a Course of Sermons on John xvi. 7. preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1816. 310 RELIGION. 1816. *Spry (John Hume) Christian Unity doctrinally and historically considered, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8 vo. Oxford, 1817. 1817. *MiLLER (John) The Divine Authority of Holy Scripture asserted, from its adaptation to the real State of Human Nature, in Eight Sermons preached before the University ot Oxford. 8vo. Ox- ford, 1817. 1818. *MoYstY (Charles Abel) The Doctrines of Unitarians examined, as opposed to the Church of England, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1818. 1819. *MoRGAN (Hector Davies) A Compressed View of the Religious Principles and Practices of the Age ; or a Trial of the Chief Spirits that are in the World, by the standard of Scriptures ; attempted in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1819. 1820. *Faussett (Godfrey) The Claims of the Established Church to exclusive attachment and support, and the Dangers which me- nace her from Schism and Indifference, considered; in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Ox- ford, 18)20. 1821. *JoNES (John) The Moral Tendency. of Divine Revelation asserted and illustrated, in Eight Discourses preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1821. 1822. *Whately (Richard) The Use and Abuse of Party Feeling in Matters of Religion considered, in Eight Sermons preached be- fore the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxiord, 1822. 1823. *GoDDARD (Charles) The Mental Condition necessary to a due Inquiry into Religious Evidence stated and exemplified, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Ox- ford, 1823. 1824. *CoNYBEARE (J. J.) The Bf.mpton Lectures for the year 1824; being an Attempt to trace the History, and to ascertain the Limits of the Secondary and Spiritual Interpretation of Scrip- ture. 8vo. Oxford, 1824. 1825. *Chandler (George) The Scheme of Divine Revelation consi- dered, principally in its connexion with the progress and im- provement of Human Society ; in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1825. [To be continued.] HULSEAN AND DONNELLAN'S LECTURES. 311 V. Hulsean Lectures. *^* These Lectures were founded and tndowed in the University of Cam- bridge, in pursuance of the Will of the late Rev. John Hulse. Each course is to consist of Twenty Sermons, ten of xohich are to be preached in the spring and ten in the autumn ; one half are to treat on the Evidences of Revealed Religion, and the other moiety is to treat on some of the more difficult texts or obscure parts of Scripture, " And in all the said twenty sermons such practical observations shall be made, and such useful conclusions added, as may best instruct and edify mankind." 1820. *Benson (Christopher) Hulsean Lectures for 1820. Twenty Dis- courses preached before the University of Cambridge. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1822. 1821. *Franks (James Clarke) Hulsean Lectures for 1821. On the Evidences of Christianity, as they were stated and enforced in the Discourses of our Lord : comprising a connected view of the Claims which Jesus advanced, of the Arguments by which be supported them, and of his Statements respecting the causes, progress, and consequences of Infidelity. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 82 1 . 1822. *Benson (Christopher) On Scripture Difficulties. Twenty Dis- courses preached before the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge, 1822. 1823. *Franks (James Clarke) Hulsean Lectures for 1823. On the Apostolical Preaching and Vindication of the Gospel to the Jews, Samaritans, and Devout Gentiles, as exhibited in the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of St. Peter, and the Epistle to the Hebrews. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 823, vi. Domiellmis Lectures. *^* These Lectures were instituted by th^ Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, in pursuance of a bequest by Mrs. Anne Don- NELLAN, ^* for the encouragement of religion, learning, and good manners." *Elkington (Thomas) Sermons []on Miracles] preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin, in the year 1795, at the Lecture established by the Provost and Fellows under the Will of Mrs. Anne Donnellan. 8vo. Dublin, 1796. *Graves (Richard) Lectures on the four last Books of the Pentateuch ; designed to shew the divine Origin of the Jewish Religion, chiefly from internal Evidence. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. *Kennedy (James) Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mosaic Records of the Creation, delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin [\n the year 1824.") 8vo, London, 1826. 312 RELIGION. vii. Sermons on the E^vcellency, and in Defence, of the Li- turgy, of the Church of England, at Mr. Hutchins's Lecture. Mangey (Thomas) Sermon on the Liturgy. 8vo. London, 1729. [P. 87. (6.)] Watson (Joseph) Sermon on the Liturgy. Svo. London, 173L [P. 87. (7.)] Stebbing (Henry) Sermon on the Liturgy. Svo London, 1732. [P. 87. (8.)] CoBDEN (Edward) Sermon on the Liturgy. Svo. London, 1739. [P. 19. (30B.)] Shuckford (Samuel) Sermon on the Liturgy. Svo. London, 1 752. [P. 183.(6.)] Ridley (Glocester) Sermon on the Liturgy. 8vo. London, 1755. [P. 31.X5.)] AsHTON (Thomas) Sermon on the Liturgy. Svo. London, 1756. [P. 31.(6.)] Stebbing (Henry) Sermon on the Liturgy. Svo. London, 1760. , [P. 31. (7.)] Butler (John) Sermon on the Liturgy. Svo. London, 1763. [P. 31. (8.)] viii. Fairchild Lectures. Denne (John) The Wisdom of God in the Vegetable Creation, Two Ser- mons at the Annual Lecture founded by Mr. Thomas Fairchild. Svo. London, 1731. [P. 87. (14,15.)] Denne (John) The Wisdom of God in the Vegetable Creation. Svo. London, 1745. [P. 29. (47.)] 3. Collections of Sermons by English Divines. A Century of Eminent Presbyterian Preachers ; or a Collection of Choice Sayings from the Public Sermons preached before the Two Houses from Nov. 1640 to Jan. 31,-1648, the day after the King was be- headed. Svo. London. 1723. [P. 229.(5.;] The English Preacher, or Sermons from various Authors. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1773. [F. 22. 22,23.] Discourses on Judging one another. 12mo. London, 1675. [G. 8. 6.] Abernethy (John) Sermons on various subjects. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1748-51. [O. 6. 14-17.] Abernethy (John) Tracts and Sermons. Svo. London, 1751. [R. 18. 39.] Abernethy (John) Discourses on the Being and Natural Perfections of God. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1757. [O. 6. 12,13.] Adam (Thomas) Evangelical Sermons. 8vo. London, 1781. [Ff. 7. 3.] Adams (William) Sermons on several subjects. Svo. Shrewsbury, 1790. [R. 18. 49.] COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH SERMONS. 313 Adamson (William) Eight Discourses designed to teach Experimental, and inculcate Practical Christianity, 12mo. North Shields, 1789. [Hh. 4. 30.] Allestry (Richard) Eighteen Sermons, folio, London, 1659. [C. 5. 26.] Amory (Thomas) 'i'wenty-two Sermons on various subjects. 8vo. Lon- don, 1766. [G. 24. lO.J Andrewes (Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester) Ninety-six Sermons, folio, London, 1641. [H. 1. 22.] Atterbury (Francis, Bishop of Rochester) Sermons. 2 vols. Svo. Lon- don, 1734. [B. 6. .54,55.] Another Copy. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1734. [Ff. 7. 6,7.] Another Copy. Vol. I. Svo. London, 1723. [li. 1. 26.] Atterbury (Francis) Sc-rmons and Discourses on several subjects. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1766. [D. 24. 5-8.] Two Letters to the Rev. Dr. Atterbury, occasioned by the Doctrine delivered by him m a Sermon on I Cor. xv. 19. Svo. London, 1706-8. [M. 19. 31.] Balguy (John) Sermons on various subjects. Svo. London, 1738. [P. 99. (2.)] • A Collection of Sermons. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1750. [P. 2. 24,25.] Ball (Nathaniel) Sermons on i-^eral important subjects. Svo. London, 1756. [P. 231. (2.)] Barrow (Isaac) Sermons preached upon several occasions. Svo. Lon- don, 1678. [I. 15. 45] Barrow (Isaac) Sermons on the Love of God and of our Neighbour. Svo. London, 1680. [L. 15. 24.] Bates (William) Sermons upon Death. Svo. London, 1683. [R. 10. 84.] Bellamy (Joseph) Sermons. l2mo. Northampton, 1787. [Ff. S. 84.] " Benson (George) Sermons. Svo. London, 1748. [E. 26. 10.] Benson (Joseph) Four Sermons on the Second Coming of Christ, &c. 12mo. Hull, 1787. [li. 1. 34.] Beveridge (William, Bishop of St. Asaph) Sermons on several subjects. 12 vols. Svo. London, 1709-10-13-14. [B. 7. 1-12.] Beveridge (William) Works [i. e. Sermons.] 2 vols, folio, London, 1720. [11. 15. 29,30.] Beveridge (William) Thesaurus Theologicus : or a Complete System of Divinity, summed up in Brief Notes upon Select Passages of the Old and New Testament. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1711. [Ff. 6. 10-13.] BissE (Thomas) Sermons on the Beauty of Holiness in the Common Prayer and on other subjects. Svo. London, 1721. [A. 17. 46.] Remarks on Dr. Bisse's Four Sermons at the Rolls Chapel. Svo. London, 1716. [N. 9. 28.] Blair (Hugh) Sermons. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1780. [Q. 5. 26,27.] Blair (Hugh) Sermons. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1795. [Ff. 5. 4-7.] Bourn (Samuel) Sermons. Svo. London, 1722. [D. 21. 28.] Bourn (Samuel) A Series of Discourses. 6 vols. Svo. London, 1768. [Q. 4. 20-25.] 314 RELIGION. Bowman (Thomas) The Principles of Christianity, as taught in Scripture, stated in Seven Sermons. 12mo. London, 1777. [Ff. 8. 56.'] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1777. [Ff. 8. 89 ] A Letter to Mr. Bowman, occasioned by his Review of the Doctrines of the Reformation. 8vo. Norwich, 1773. [P. 305.(8.)] A Fragment of a Letter to an Orthodox Clergyman. 8vo. Norwich, 1773. [P. 305. (9.)] Brady (Nicholas) Select Sermons on Practical Subjects. 8vo. London, 1713. [L 15. 28,] - Bragge (Francis) Practical Discourses upon the Parables. 8vo. London, 1694. [R. 10. 40.] Bragge (Francis) Practical Observations upon the Miracles of our Blessed Saviour. 8vo. London, 1719. [R. 10. 41.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1702. [M. (J. 16.] fBragge (Francis) Sermons. Svo. London, 1713. Brome (Edmund) The Glorious Descent ; or Blessings of the Holy Ghost, represented in three Discourses on John xiv. 7. London, 1709. [M. 19. 15.] Brownrigge (Ralph, Bishop of Exeter) Sermons, folio, London, 1685. [K. 2. 24.] BuLKELEY (Charles) Sermons and Discourses. Svo. London, 1752. [G. 24. 8.] Bull (John) Sermons. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1713. [F. 6. 23-25.] Bullock (Thomas) The Reasoning of Christ and his Apostles in their Defence of Christianitv, considered in Seven Sermons. 8vo. London, 1725. [G. 26. 17.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1725. [N. 7. 7.] BuNDY (Richard) Sermons on several occasions : with a Course of Lec- tures on the Church Catechism. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1750. [A. 18. 92,93.] Bundy (Richard) Sermons on some of the most important points of the Christian Religion. Svo. London, 1750. [A. 18. 94.] Burgess (Anthony) One Hundred and Twenty Sermons, folio, London, 1652. [B. 4. 29.] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) Discourses. Svo. London, 1713. [R. 13. 4.] Burnet (Gilbert) Sermons on several occasions. 8vo. London, 1713. [A. 17. 66.^ Burroughs (James) Sermons. Svo. London, 1733. [R. 12. 29'.] Burton (Hezekiah) Discourses. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1684. [R. 12. 39,40.] Butlee (Joseph, Bishop of Durham) Sermons. Svo. London, 1726. [N. 7. 66.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1736. [Ff. 6. 17.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1765. [Ff. 6. 16.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1792. [Ff. 5. 12.] Calamy (Benjamin) Sermons preached upon several occasions. Svo. London, 1726. [A. 18. 117.] COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH SERMONS. 315 Carter (Benjamin) Sixteen Discourses on several subjects. 8vo. Lon- don, 172.9. [A. 18. 117*.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1738. [G. 26. (16.)] Cennick (John) Twenty Discourses. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1777. [Ee. 4. 72,73.] Chalmers (Thomas) Discourses on the Christian Revelation, viewed in Connexion with the Modern Astronomy. Svo. Glasgow, 1817. [Ff. 5. 15.] Another Copy. Svo. Glasgow, 1817. [Ff. 5. 16.] Another Copy. Svo. Glasgow, 1817. [Ff. 5. 17.] A Free Critique on Dr. Chalmers's Discourses on Astronomy. Svo. London, 1817. [Gg. 7. 9.] Chalmers (Thomas) Sermons, preached in the Tron Church, Glasgow. Svo. Glasgow, 1819. [Ff. 5. 18.] *Chalmers (Thomas) Sermons preached in St. John's Church, Glasgow. Svo. Glasgow, 1824. Chandler (Samuel) Sermons. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1768. [F. 24. 23-26.] Chishull (Edmund) The Great Danger and Mistake of all new unin- spired Prophecies relating to the End of the World. Svo. London, 1708. [P. 110.(1.)] Clagett (William) Sermons. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1704-20. [P. 4. 19-22.] Clarke (Samuel) Sermons on several subjects, folio. Works, Vols. I. II. [N. 3 31,32.] Clarke (Samuel) Seventeen Sermons. Svo. London, 1724. [Ff. 6. 20.] Remarks upon Mr. Clarke's Sermons preached at Saint Paul's against Hobbes, Spinoza, and other Atheists. 4to. London, 1705. [M. 14. 15.] Conant (John) Sermons on several occasions. 2 vols. Svo. London, 17—. [G. 21. 3,4.] CoNYBEARE (John, Bishop of Bristol) Sermons. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1757. [D. 26. 20,21.] Crashaw (William) The Parable of Poyson, in Five Sermons. 4to. Lon- don, 1618. [K. 15. 12.] Craven (WiUiam) Sermons on the Evidence of a Future State of Re- wards and Punishments. Svo. Cambridge, 1774. [P. 280.(3.)] Crowe (William) Sermons on several occasions. Svo. London, 1744. [R. 10. 63.] tDAWEs (Sir William) Sermons. 6vo. Cambridge, 1707. *Dehon (Right Rev. Theodore, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina) Sermons on the Public Means of Grace, the Festivals and Fasts of the Church, &c. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1822. Delany (Patrick) Sixteen Discourses on Christian Doctrines and Duties. Svo. London, 1754. QD. 26. 28.] Delany (Patrick) Eighteen Discourses, and Dissertations on various sub- jects. Svo. London, 1766. [I. 6. 33.] tDelany (Patrick) Twenty Sermons on Social Duties and their opposite Vices. Svo. London, 1747* 316 R E L I G I N. Dickinson (Jonathan) Sermons and Tracts. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1793. [Ff. 6. 21.] DoiJdkidge (Philip) Sermons to Young Persons. 8vo. London, 1743. [R. 13. 31.] Doddridge (Philip) Sermons and Tracts. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1761. [Gg. 8. 11-13.] Doddridge (Philip) Practical Discourses on Regeneration. 12mo. Lon- don, 1766. [Dd. 4. 84.] Another Copy. l^mo. London, 1799. [Ee. 4. 68.] Doddridge (Philip) Ten Sermons on the Power and Grace of Christ, and on the Evidences of his Gospel. 12mo. London, 1776. [Ff. 7. 72.] Another Copy. 12mo. London, 1776. [Gg. 8. 14.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 17 — - [C. 7. 31.] DucHAL (James) Sermons on various occasions. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1762. [D. 26. 8,8%9.] Duke (Richard) Sermons preached on several occasions. 8vo. Oxford, 1714. [D. 6. 10.] Dyke (Jer.) Divers Select Sermons on several Texts. 8vo. London, 1640. [I. 8. 32.] Edwards (John) Theologia Reformata : or the Body and Substance of the Christian Religion, in distinct Discourses upon the Apostles Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and on those Graces and Du- ties which are purely Evangelical. 3 vols, folio, London, 1713-1726. [[. 5. 22-24.] Edwards (Jonathan) Eighteen Sermons, with his Life and Character. 8vo. Glasgow, 1785. [Hh. 6. 8.] Edwards (Jonathan) Practical Sermons. (Two Copirs.) 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1788. [R. 16. 42. Ff. 6. 24.] Edwards (Jonathan) Practical Sermons. 8vo. London, 178.5. [Ff. 6. 25.] Edwards (Jonathan) Twenty Sermons on various subjects. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1789. [C. 7. 23.] Two other Copies. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1789. [li. 2, 4,6.] Edwards (Jonathan) Sermons on various important subjects. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1785. [A. 17. 115.] Another Copy. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1785. [li. 2. 5.] Ellis (Clement) Three Discourses, on the Parables of Dives and Lazarus, the Uniust Steward, and the Ten Virgins. 8vo. London, 1 704. [P. 231. (1.)] Emlyn (Thomas') Sermons on various subiects. 8vo. London, 1742. [D. 24. 28.] Erskine (John) Discourses on several occasions. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1801-1804. [Ff. 6. 32,33.] Evans (Robert) Sermons on various subjects. 8vo. Doncaster, 1789. [A. 14. 46.] EvANSON (Edward) Three Discourses. 8vo. London, 1773. [P. 295. (4.)] EvERARD (John) Some Gospel-Treasures opened in several Sermons. 8vo. London, 1653. [K. 17. 3.] COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH SERMONS. 317 Faber (G. S.) Sermons on various subjects and occasions. 8vo. Vol. I. London, 1816. [Ff. 5. 39.] *Faber (G. S.) Sermons, Vol. II. Svo. London, 1820. Fawcett (John) Sermons, cliiefly designed for the Use of Families. 2 vols. Svo. Carlisle, 1817. [Ff. 5. 40.] Fawcett (Joseph) Sermons at the Old Jewry. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1795. [I. 23. 14,15.] Fleetwood (William, Bishop of Ely) A Compleat Collection of Ser- mons and Tracts, folio, London, 1737. [D. 5. 27.] Four Sermons. Svo. London, 1712. [N. 7. 69.] Fleming (Caleb) Discourses on three essential Properties of the Gospel Revelation which demonstrate its Divine Original. Svo. London, 1772. [P. 302. (S.)] Fordyce (James) Addresses to Young- Men. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1777. [F. 22. 26,27.] Fordyce (James) Sermons to Young Women. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 17—. [G. 21. 11,12.] Foster (James) Discourses on all the principal Branches of Natural Re- ligion and Social Virtue. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1749-52. [O. 8. 1,2.] Bulktley (Charles) A Defence of Dr. Foster's Sermon on Catholic Commu- nion. Svo. L'jticlon, 1752. [P. 185. 7.] Foster (James) Sermons. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1755-44. [O. 7. 4-7.] Fothergill (George) Sermons on several subjects. Svo. Oxford, 1761. [G. 24. 9.] Fowler (Edward, Bishop of Gloucester) Two Discourses, 1. Of the Un- reasonableness of Repining at Afflicting Providences; and, 2. Of the Great Duty of Praise and Thanksgiving. Svo. London, 1707. [M. 19. 48.] Francis ( ) Sermons. Svo. London, 1771. [G. 23. 8.j Frank (Mark) Fifty-one Sermons, folio, London, 1672. [K. 2. 16.] Fuller (Andrew) Sermons on various subjects. Svo. Edinburgh, 1814. [Ff. 5. 42.] Gibson (Edmund, Bishop of London) Four Sermons upon several sub- jects. Svo. London, 1719. [R. 20. 15.] *GiLPiN (William) Sermons preached to a Country Congregation, with Hints for Sermons. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1811. *Gisborne (Thomas) Sermons. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1809-10. *Gisborne (Thomas) Lectures on the Epistle to the Colossians. 12mo. London, 1816. Graile (John) Sermons recommending Reformation of Our Selves ; Re- verence towards God; Abhorrence of usurping Republicans; and Affection to the Monarchy. Svo. London, 1685. [D. 15. 1.] Greene (Thomas, Bishop of Norwich) Four Discourses on the Four Last Things. 12mo, London, 1751. [E. 27. 33.] Gregory (Thomas) Discourses upon several Divine Subjects. Svo. London, 1696. [P. 203. (1.)] Grove (Henry) Sermons and Tracts. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1740. [A. 18. 55-58.'] 318 RELIGION. Grove (Henry) Sermons on various subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. 174^. [A. 18. 59-60.] Grove (Henry) The Friendly Monitor ; Three Sermons on the Conduct of Christians. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 215. (17.)] Hacket (John, Bishop of Lichfield) A Century of Sermons, folio, Lon- don, 1675. [G. 11. 16.] Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich) Sermons, folio. Works, Vols. 1. 11. [H. 23. 12,13.] Hall (Robert) Sermons on various important occasions. 8vo. London, 1815. [Ff. 4. 15.] Halliwell (Henry) The Excellence of Moral Virtue, in several Dis- courses on Phil. iv. 8. 12mo. London, 1692. [P. 346. (1.)] Hammond (Henry) Sermons, folio, London, 1675. [Ff. 3. 19.] Another Copy, folio. Works, Vol. IV. [N. 3. 4.] Harwood (^Edward) Sermons on the Parable of the Sower. Svo. Lon- don, 1776. [F. 26. 31.] Hausted (P.) Ten Sermons. 4to. London, 1636. [E. 1. 22.] Haweis (Thomas) Evangelical Principles and Practice, in Fifteen Sermons. Svo. London, 1794. [A. 17. 112.] Hawker (Robert) Sermons on the Divinity of Christ. Svo. London, 1793. [E. 25. 27.] Hawker (Robert) Sermons on the Divinity and Operations of the Holy Ghost. 8vo.~ London, 1794. [E. 25. 28.] Herring (Thomas. Arclibishop of Canterbury) Seven Sermons on Public Occasions. Svo. London, 1763. [P. 216. (1.)] Hill (George) Lectures upon Portions of the Old Testament. Svo. Edinburgh, 1812. [Ff. 4. 14.] Hill (Robert) Discourses on the Fourth Commandment. Svo. London, 1728. [P. 81.(1.)] HoADLY (Benjamin, Bishop of Winchester) Sermons and Charges, folio. Works, Vol. III. [Q. 1. 7.] Sermons. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1754-55. [O. 7. 26,27.] *HoBART (Right Rev. John Henry, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New York) Sermons on the Principal Events and Truths of Redemption. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1824. Hopkins (Wm.) Sermons. Svo. London, 1708. [R. 11. 52.] HoRNE (George, Bishop of Norwich) Sermons. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1793. [Hh. 6. 12,13.] Discourses on several Subjects. 4 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1795. [L 27. 8-11.] HoRSLEY (Samuel, Bishop of St. Asaph) Sermons. 3 vols. Svo. Dundee, 1813. [Ff. 6. 38-43.] HoRTON (Thomas) One Hundred Select Sermons, folio, London, 1679. [G. 11. 18.] HuRD (Richard, Bishop of Worcester) An Introduction to the Study of the Prophecies concerning the Christian Church, in Twelve Sermons. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. London, 1776. [li. 2. 23.] Hurd (Richard) Sermons. Svo. London, 1776. [D. 26. 13.] COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH SERMONS. 319 Hurd (Richard) Sermons preached at Lincoln's Inn. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1785. [I. 27. 14-16.] HussEY (Christopher) Twenty Sermons. 8vo. London, 1758. [E. 26. 29.] Jackson (John) The Duty of a Christian set forth ; being an Exposition of the Lord's Prayer. 8vo. London, 1728. [R. 7. 24.] Jackson (Tho.) Christ's Answer unto John's Question: or, an Introduc- tion to the Knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 4to. Lon- don, 1625. [N. 8. 18.] *Jebb (John, Bishop of Limerick) Sermons, chiefly practical. 8vo. Lon- don, 1824. Jef^ery (John) Select Discourses. 8vo. London, 1710. [D. 6. 24.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1710. [Q. 4. 48.] JefFery (John) A Complete Collection of his Sermons and Tracts. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1751. [R. 18. 51,52.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1753. [Q. 4. 46,47.] JoRTiN (John, Archdeacon of London) Four Sermons on the Truth of the Christian Religion. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 333. (1.)] Jortin (John) Sermons on different subjects. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1771. [F. 23. 7-13.] Kelsey (Joseph) Sermons upon several occasions. 8vo. London, 1703. [K. 7. 40.] Kennet (Basil) Sermons on several occasions. 8vo. London, 1715. [D. 6. 17.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1727. [G. 26. 6.] KiMBER (Isaac) Sermons on the most interesting Religious, Moral, and Practical Subjects. 8vo. London, 1756. [E. 26. 30.] King (J.) Sermons on important subjects. 8vo. York, 1782. [Ff. 6. 43.] Knight (James) Sermons on various occasions. 8vo. Taunton, 1818. [Ff. 4. 18.] Knowles (Thomas) Twelve Sermons on the Scripture Doctrine of the Existence and Attributes of God, as manifested by the Works of Creation. 8vo. Cambridge, 1750. [D. 25. 24.] Lake (Arthur, Bishop of Bath and Wells) Sermons, folio, London, 1629. [B. 4. 25.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1641. [E. 1. 22.] Lambert (Geo.) Sermons on various useful and important subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. York, 1778-1779. [Hh. 6. 15,16.] Sermons by the Editor of the Letters between Theodosius and Con- stantia [Dr. John Langhorne.] 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. London, 1764. [G. '27. 17.] Lany (Benjamin, Bishop of Ely) Sermons. 4to. London, 1668. [N. 8. 45.] Lardner (Nathaniel) Sermons upon various subjects. 8vo. London, 1751. [E. 26. 4.] Latham (Ebenezer) Sermons on various subjects. 8vo. London, 1774. [G. ^3. 12.] Latimer (Hugh, Bishop of Worcester) Sermons. 4to. London, m.tJ.ljrrr-ib. [N. 6. 46.] Another Copy. 4to. [Ff. 8. 144.] 320 RELIGION. Latimer (Hugh) Sermons (with his Life.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1758. [D. 27. 26,27.] Leighton (Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow) Sermons. 8vo. London, 1694. [C. 15. 37.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1745. [Ff. 6. 46.] Leland (John) Discourses on various subjects. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1769. [F. 23. 18-21.] Littleton (Adam) Sixty-one Sermons, folio, London, 1660. [1.2.27.] tLucAS (Richard) Sermons. 8vo. London, 1699. Lucas (Richard) Fifteen Sermons upon Death, Judgment, and a Future State. 8vo. London, 1716. [E. 21. 8.] Luther (Martin) Thirty-four Special and Chosen Sermons, Englished by William Gace^ and printed in 1581. 8vo. (reprinted) London, 1649. [Cc. 3. 23.] Maclaurin (John) Sermons and Essays. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1772. [Ee. 4. 69.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1772. [A. 17. 113.] Maclean (Archibald) Sermons on various subjects. 12mo. Works, Vol IV. [li. 2. 34.] Mandell (VVm.) The Advent of Christ considered, in Six Sermons. Svo. Cambridge, 1817. [Ff 7. 120.] Another Copy. Svo. Cambridge, 1817. [C. 26. 21.] Mandell (Wm.) Twelve Sermons preached on various occasions, chiefly before the University of Cambridge. Svo. Cambridge, 1822. [li. 7. 29.] Mangey (Thomas) Practical Discourses on the Lord's Prayer, &c. Svo. London, 1721. [R. 19. 22.] *Mant (Richard, Bishop of Down and Connor) Sermons for Parochial and Domestic Usage. 3 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1818. March (John) Sermons. Svo. London, 1699. [R. 13. 76.] May (Wm.) Sermons to Young Persons. 12mo. London, 1753. [P. 336. (6.)] Milker (Joseph) Practical Sermons. Vols. L IL Svo. London and York, 1804-09. [Ff 5. 74,75.] *Milner (Joseph) Practical Sermons. Vol. IIL Svo. London, 1824. Milner (Joseph) Predigten (a Translation of Vol. I. into German.) 12rao. Barby. [Hh. 7. 35.] Morris (Joseph) Sermons on several occasions. Svo. London, 1743. [D. 24. 24.] Mosse (Miles) The Arraignment and Conviction of Usurie, in Six Ser- mons on Prov. xxviii. 8. 4to. London, 1595. [K. 8. 26.] Naylor (M. J.) Discourses, principally on the Evidences of Christianity. Svo. London, 1810. [Hh. 5. 22.] Needham (Robert) Sermons. Svo. London, 1679. [D. 14. 18.] . Another Copy. Svo. London, 1679. [G. 26. 2.] Newton (Benjamin) Sermons. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1736. [R. 12. 13,14.] Newton (Thomas, Bishop of Bristol) Occasional Sermons — Episcopal Charges — and Ninety Dissertations on the Old and New Testament. 4t(). fVorh, Vols. IL HL [A. 12. 47,48.] COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH SERMONS. 321 Newton (John) Messiah: Fifty Expository Discourses on tlie Prophe- cies, &c. respecting the Messiah. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1786. [Ff. 7. 140,141.] Nicholson (George) Sermons. Svo. London, 1817. (Two Copies.) [Hh. 5. 25,26.] NoRRis (John) Practical Discourses upon several Divine Subjects. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1691-1707. [R. 10. 58-62.] NouRSE (Peter) Practical Discourses on several subjects. Svo. London, 1705. [M. 15. 36.] Ogden (Samuel) Sermons on Prayer, the Creed, the Ten Command- ments, and the Lord's Supper, with his Life by Dr. Hallifax. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1788. [A. 16. 63.] Ogden (Samuel) Sermons on the Efficacy of Prayer and Litercession. Svo. Cambridge, 1770. [R. 267. (8.)] Orr (John) Sermons on various subjects. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1739-49. [R. 19. 29,30.] Owen (John) A Complete Collection of Sermons and Tracts, folio, London, 1721. [A. 12. 26.] Another Copy, folio, London, 1721. [K. 23. 8.] Paley (William, Archdeacon of Carlisle) Three Sermons preached in the Cathedral Church of Carlisle. 12mo. London, 1790. [Hh. 4. 43.] Paley (William) Sermons on several subjects. Svo. Sunderland, 1806. [Hh. 4. 5.] Two other Copies. Svo. London, 1808-12. [Hh. 4. 6,7.] Paley (William) Sermons and Tracts. Svo. London, 181 1. [Hh. 4. 8.] •Paley (William) Sermons on several subjects, [never before published: edited by his son the Rev. Edmund Palev.] 2 vols. Svo. London, 1825. Passeran (Albert) Twelve Discourses concerning Religion and Govern- ment. Svo. London, 1734. [P. 257. (3)] Pearce (Zachary, Bishop of Rochester) Sermons. 4 vols. London, 1776. [Q. 5. 28-31.] Peirce (James) Sermons on several occasions. Svo. London, 1728. [F. 21. 7.] Plumptre (James) Four Discourses on subjects relating to the Amuse- ments of the Stage, preached at Great St. Mary's Church. With Notes. Svo. Cambridge, 1809. [Hh. 4. 9.] PoRTEus (Beilby, Bishop of London) Sermons. Svo. London, 1783. [Q. 5. 49.] Potter (John, Archbishop of Canterbury) Sermons and Charges. Svo. fVorks, Vol. I. Oxford, 1753. [D. 25. 19.] Powell (W. S.) Discourses on various subjects. Svo. London, 1776. [Ff. 5. 47.] — Another Copy. Svo. London, 1776. [G. 24. 4.] Preston (John) The New Covenant ; or the Saints Portion, in Four Ser- mons. 4to. London, 1634. [E. 19. 24.] Preston (John) Life Eternal ; or a Treatise of the Knowledge of the Di- vine Essence and Attributes, in Eighteen Sermons. 4to. London, 1634. [E. 19. 26.] Y 322 RELIGION. Price (Richard) Sermons on Christian Doctrine, &c. 8vo. London, 1787. [A. 16. 35.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1787. [Hh. 4. 14.] Pyle (Thomas) Sixty Sermons on Plain and Practical Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. Norwich, 1783. [G. 23. 16,17.] — Ninety-Six Sermons on Plain and Practical Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1785. [A. U. 43-45.] Pyle (Philip) One Hundred Popular Sermons. 4 vols. 8vo. Norwich, 1789. [A. 14. 54-57.] Reeves (William) Two Sermons. 8vo. London, 1713. [P. 110. (16,17.)] Relly (James) Sermons. 8vo. London, 1752-1779. [Hh. 2. 47.] Ridley (Glocester) The Christian Passover^ in Four Sermons. 8vo. London, 1736. [P. 123. (1.)] Robinson (Robert) Seventeen Discourses. 8vo. Cambridge, 1796. [Ff. 6. 87.] Rogers (John) Sermons and Tracts. 8vo. London, 1736. [D. 24. 19.] Rogers (John) Twelve Sermons on several occasions. 8vo. London, 1730. [D. 24. 20.] Rogers (John) Nineteen Sermons on several occasions. 8vo. London, 1735. [D. 24. 22.] Rogers (John) Eight Sermons on the Necessity of Divine Revelation. 8vo. London, 1727. [D. 24. 21.] Collins (Anthony) A Letter to Dr. Rogers, on his SermoJis concerning the Necessity of Revelation. 8vo. London, 1727. [P. 111. (1.)] Romaine (William) Twelve Discourses upon the Law and the Gospel. Svo. London, 1787. [Hh. 4. 15.] Sanderson (Robert, Bishop of Lincoln) Thirty-four Sermons, folio, London, 1671. [C. 4. 7.] Sclater (William) The Sick Soul's Salve, and other Sermons. 4to. Ox- ford and London, 1612-29. [L. 15. 16] Scott (John) Practical Discourses. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1698. [R. 13. 14,15.] Scott (John) Sermons on several occasions. 8vo. London, 1704. [M. 6. 20.] Scott (Thomas) Sermons on Select Subjects. Svo. London, 1796. [Hh. 3. 2.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1796. [Hh. 4. 20.] ScoTT (John) Six Sermons, on Baptism, Confirmation, and the Lord's Supper. 12mo. Hull, 1809. [Hh. 4. 22.] Secker (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury) Nine Sermons preached in St. James's Church, on occasion of the [then] late War and Rebellion. Svo. London, 1758. [P. 216. (2.)] Secker (Thomas) Sermons. Vols. I. HL-VIIL Svo. London, 1770-76. [G. 24. 18. 20-25.] Seller (John) Five Sermons. 12mo. London, 1636. [K. 16. 19.] Sharp (John, Archbishop of York) Sermons. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1709-16. [M. 19. 1-4.] Sharp (John) Sermons. 7 vols. Svo. London, 1729. [P. 5. 22-28.] >[R. 18. 26.] COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH SERMONS. 32,1 Sharpe (Gregory) Sermons on various subjects. 8vo. London, 1772. [G. 23. 2.] Shelford (Robert) Five Discourses on various subjects. 4to. London, 1635. [E. 19. 6.] Shepard (Thomas) The Parable of the Ten Virgins, folio, London, 1660. [H. 23. 6.] Sherlock (Thomas, Bishop of London) Six Discourses on the Use and Intent of Prophecy. Svo. London, 1725. [G. 26. 17.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1725. [N. 7. 7.] Middkton (Couyers) An Examination of the Lord Bishop^ of London's Discourses concertdng the Use and Intent of Prophecy. Svo. London, 1750. _ _ _ Ruthcrforth (T.) A Defence of the Bishop of London's Dis- courses, in a Letter to Dr. Middfeton. Svo. Cambridge, 1750. - - - Jackson (Laurence) Remarks on Dr. Middleion's Examina- tion, SjX. Svo. London, 1750. Sherlock (Thomas) Discourses preached at the Temple Church. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1759-61. [D. 26. 15-17.] Another Copy. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1759-64. [O. 7. 29-32.] Another Copy. . Vols. I. IL IV. 8vo. London, 1764. [li. 1. 27-29.] Towne (John) An Examination of the. Principles advanced hy Bishop Sher- lock, respecting the Nature of the Jewish and Christian Dispensations, in his Sermons and in his Discourses on Prophecy. Svo. London, 1756. [P. 254. (1.)] A Vindication of some among ourselves against the False Principles of Dr. Sherlock, in a Letter to the Doctor occasioned by his Serinon at the Temple Church, May 29, 1692. 4to. London, 1692. [M. 14. 22.] Smedley (Jonathan) Eight Sermons on several subjects. Svo. London, 1719. [P. 267. (12.)] Smith (John) Select Discourses. 4to. London, 1670. [H. 7. 35.] Sprat (Thomas, Bishop of Rochester) Sermons preached on several oc- casions. Svo. London, 1722. [A. 18. 119.] Squieu (John) and Lynch (John) Three Sermons. 4to. London, 1637. [M. 19. 35.] Stanhope (George) Sermons preached on several occasions. Svo. Lo^n- don, 1700. [A. 17. 65.] Stebbing (Henry) Sermons on Practical Christianity. 2 vols. Svo. Lon- don, 1759. [G. 23. 24,25.] Steffe (Tho.) Sermons. Svo. London, 1742. [R. 14. 17.] Stephens (Wm.) Four Sermons on the Doctrine of the Trinity. Svo. Oxford, 1722-3-5. [N. 9. IS.] The Sermons of Mr. Yorick [Laurence Sterne.] Vols. I. 11. V.-VII. in 3 vols. Svo. London, 1766. [F. 22. 15-17.] Stillingfleet fEdward, Bishop of Worcester) Fifty Serinons on several occasions, folio, London, 1707. [L 4. 20,] Y 2 S24 RELIGION. Siillingfleet (Edward"^ Discourses on several occasions. 8vo. London, 1735. [F. 21.260 tStillingfleet (Edward) Six Sermons on the Sufferings of Christ. 8vo. London, 1669. Stillingfleet (Edward) Sermons on some. of the principal Doctrines of the Christian Religion. 8vo. York, 1794. [Hh. 3. 6] *SuMNER (J. B.) Sermons on the Faith and Character of a Christian. 8vo. London, 1821. SwouDER (William) The Unreasonableness and Absurdity of Practical Atheism and occasional Conformity, demonstrated in Three Sermons. 8vo, London, 1714. [M. 19. 23.] Sydenham (Humphrey) Sermons on Solemn Occasions. 4to. London, 1637- [E. 1. 36.] Talbot (William, Bishop of Durham) Twelve Sermons, on several sub- jects and occasions. 8vo. London, 1725. [R. 19. 9.] Taylor (Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor) A Course of Sermons for all the Sundays in the Year, folio, London, 1673. QG. 11. 19.3 Temple (A.) The Written Word, the only Rule of Christian Faith and Manners, in Three Discourses. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1772. [P. 280. (5.)] Tillinghast (John) Sermons. 12mo. London, 1655. [F. 17. 7.] Tilly (William) Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. London, 1712. [D. 6. 39.] Tillotson (John, Archbishop of Canterbury) Six Sermons preached in the Church of St. Lawrence Jewry. 8vo. London, 1694. [L. 7. 47.] Tillotson (John) Sermons on several occasions. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Lon- don, 1686. [L. 7. 45,46.] Tillotson (John) Sermons on several occasions, published after his De- cease, by Ralph Barker, D. D. 14 vols. 8vo. London, 1695-1704. [L. 7. 31-34.] Tillotson (John) Sermons and Discourses. Together with the Rule of Faith. 2 vols, folio, London, 1710-12. [C 4, 13,14.] A Vindkatmn of the Sermons of his Grace John, Archbishop of Canterbury, coi2cerning the Divinity and Incarnation of our Saviour ; and of the Lord Bishop of Worcester [Edward Stillingfleet]' s Sermon on the Mysteries of the Christian Faith ; from the Exceptions of a late book, entituled, " Con- siderations on the Explications of the Doctrine of the "Trinity." [By J. Williams. 4to. London, 1695. [M. 14. 22.] — « Another Copy. 4to. London, 1695. [N. 6. 35.] Reflections upon a Libel lately printed, cnlituled The Charge of Socinianism agamst Dr. Tillotson, considered. 4to. Lon Charles JefFry Smith, as a Missionary to the J Indians. Svo. Edinburgh, 1767. [Gg. 7. 10.] Wynne (John) The Nature and Extent of Christian Unity explained. ■ Svo. London, 1726. [P. 137. (9.)] iii. Sermons and Confessions of Faith delivered at the Ordi- nation of Dissenting Ministers. Amory (Tiiomas) Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Edward Har- wood, of Bristol, and the Rev. Benjamin Davies, of Marlborough ; with a Charge by Samuel Chandler, D.D. Svo. London, 1765. [P. 265. (10.)] Bradbury (Thomas) Confession of Faith at his Ordination : with an Exhortation to Minister and People by Mr. John Shower. Svo. London, 1707. [L. 15. 25.] BuLKLEY (Charles) The Christian Minister. Svo. London, 1758. [P. 326. (4.)] Chandler (Samuel) Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Thomas Wright, at Bristol. Svo. London, 1759. [P. 265. (9.)] Clegg (James) The Continuance of the Christian Church secured by its Constitution: a Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. John Holland, junior. With Mr. Holland's Confession of Faith, and an Exhortation by the Rev. John Ashe. Svo. London, 1731. [P. 61. (3.)] Doddridge (Philip) The Temper and Conduct of the Primitive Minis- ters of the Gospel illustrated, in a Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. William Johnston. Svo. London, 1737. [P. 101. (9.)] Enfield (William) The Duties of Religious Societies considered; at the Ordination of Mr. Philip Taylor, &c. Svo. London, 1770. [P. 302. (6.)] Fancourt (Samuel) The Nature and Expediency of the Gospel Revela- tion and of a Public Ministry : a Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Henry Lane, M. A. To which are annexed Mr. Lane's Confession of Faith and the Rev. Mr. Edward Warren's Charge. Svo. London, 1734. [P. 61. 6.)] Fordyce (James) The Method of promoting Edification by Public Insti- tutions. Svo. Glasgow, 1755. [P. 333. (4.)] Grove (Henry) Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Messrs. Thomas Amory and Wm. Cornish, on preaching Christ ; with a Charge by John Milner. Svo. London, 1731. [P. 61. (1.)] Guyse (John) Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Wm. Johnson : with an Exhortation to him by Abraham Taylor. Svo. London, 1736. ' [P. 101.(10.)] ORDINATION SERMONS. 331 HuRRioN (John) Of the Work of Ministers, and the Respect due to them from their People : a Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Abraham Taylor ; with a Charge. To which is added Mr. Taylor's Confession of Faith. 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 61. (4,5.)] Jennings (David) Christian Preaching and Ministerial Service considered ; at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Jennings ; with a Charge by Philip Doddridge. 8vo. London, 1742. [P. 128. (16.)] KiPPis (Andrew) The Character of Christ as a Public Speaker consi- dered, in a Sermon at the Ordination of two Ministers at Bridport ; with a Charge by Philip Furneaux. 8vo. London, 1769. [P. 248. (6.)] Neale (Daniel) The Duty of praying for Ministers and the Success of their Ministry; a Sermon at the Separation of the Rev. Thomas Rawlin to the Pastoral Office. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 150. (3.)] — « Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 195. (5.)] Peirce (James) Presbyterian Ordination proved to be regular, an Ordi- nation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1716. [M. 20. 11.] Stookell (Samuel) Confession of Faith delivered at the time of his Elec- tion to be assistant to the Rev. Samuel Harris. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 61. (8.)] Wills (Benjamin) SermoA at the Ordination of Mr. Aaron Pitts, wherein the Work of a Minister is described. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 61.(7.)] iv. Charges delivered at the Ordination of Dissenting Ministers. Denham (Joseph) On Pastoral Duties. 8vo. London, 1 746. [P. 215.(13.)] Foot (Wni.) On the Ministerial Office. 8vo. London, 1753. [P. 215. (14.)] Grove (Henry) A Short and Easy Rule for Ministers of the Gospel. 8vo. London, 1734. [P. 61. (2.)] Milne R (John) On the Pastoral Care. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 215.(12.)] Milner (John) ) On Ministerial Duties. 8vo. London, \ rn a^K f\R\-\ Taylor (John) > 1755. J [P. 215. (Ib.)J NoBMAN (John) Charge at the Ordination of Mr. Rice. 8vo. London, 1735. [P. 101. (II.)] Prior (William) Charge at the Ordination of Messrs. Bradshaw, Keech, and others. 8vo. Sherborne, 1740. [P. 101. (8.)J WoRTHiNGTON (liugh) On the Duty of Ministers and People. 8vo. London, 1755. [P. 215. (15.)] • Sm RELIGION. 6. Sermons preached at Visitations of the Clergy of the Church of England^ — before the Clergy of the Church of England assembled in Convocation, — be- fore the General Assembly and Synods of the Kirk of Scotland, — and before Associations of Dissent- ing Ministers. i. Sermons preached at Visitations of the Clergy of the Church of England. Adams (Wm.) The Nature and Obligation of Virtue, at the Bishop of Lichfield's primary Visitation. 8vo. London, 1754. [P. 186. (1.)] Ayscough (Francis) A Sermon at the Bishop of Lincoln's Visitation. 4to. London, 1752. [P. 7. (10.)] Backhouse (Wm.) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Ely. 4to. Cambridge, 1763. [P. 7. (14.)] Batt (Michael) A Sermon at the Bishop of Norwich's Visitation. 4to. London, 1686. [li. 1. 32.] Blackall (OflPspring) a Sermon at the Bishop of London's ) [N. 8. 28. Visitation. (Two Copies.) 4to. London, 1699. ] F.23.(12.)] Boughen (Edward) Unanimity in Judgment and Affection, necessary to Unity of Doctrine and Uniformity in Discipline. A Visitation Sermon, preached in 1635. 8vo. London: reprinted 1714. [M. 19. 23.] Bowman (Wra.) The Traditions of the Clergy destructive to Religion : with an Enquiry into the Grounds and Reasons of such Traditions. A Visitation Sermon. Svo. London, 1731. [P. 65. (5.)] Remarks on Mr. Bowman's Sermon. 8vo. London, 1731. []P. Qo. (6.)] Burnaby (Andrew) The Nature of Subscription ; at Bromley, June 7 1774. Svo. London, 1774. [P. 27d. (5.)] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) Sermon at the Triennial Visitation of his Diocese, A.D. 1704. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] Burnet (Gilbert) Sermon at his Triennial Visitation, A.D. 1714. 4to. London, 1714. [M. 14. 16.] CiiisHULL (Edmund) The Orthodoxy of an English Clergyman consi- dered : A Visitation Sermon. Svo. London, 1711. [M. 19. 28.] (FN 9 21 Two other Copies. Svo. London, 1711. ) p i in (o \n Clagett (Nicholas) A Sermon at the Bishop of Peterborough's Visita- tion. 4to. London, 1726. [P. 30.(21.)] Conybeare (John) The Case of Subscription to Articles of Faith consi- dered, at the Triennial Visitation of the Bishop of Oxford. Svo. Oxford, 1725. [N. 9. 30.] Copping (John) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Lord Primate of Ireland. 4to. Dublin, 1740. [P. 29.44.] CoRNWALLis (H.) Set on the Great Pot:— a Visitation Sermon on Hos- pitality. Svo. London, 1708. [M. 19. 16.] CouRTAiL (John) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Rev. Mr. Archdeacon D'oyly. 4to. London, 1760. [P. 7. (12.)] VISITATION SERMONS. 533 Denne (John) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Bishop of Peterborough. 4to. London, 1723. [P. 30. (4.)] DuNcoMB (Thomas) The great Efficacy and Necessity of Good Example, especially in the Clergy, recommended, in a Visitation Sermon at Guildford. 4to. London, 1671. [N. 8. 42.] Elwokthy (John) The Influences of the Spirit and their Uses considered : a Sermon at the Visitation of the Bishop of Exeter. 8vo. Exon, 1753. IP. 186, (4.)] Farrer (John) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Bishop of Carlisle. 4to. Carlisle, 1798. [Hh. 7. 31.] FoRSTER (Nathaniel) The Evidence from Miracles stated and vindicated from some late Objections : a Visitation Sermon at St. Peter's, Col- chester, May 20, 1765, and before the University of Oxford, May 24. 8vo. London, 1767. [P. 249. (7.)] GisBORNE (Thomas) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Stafford, in 1794. 4to. London, 1794. [Hh. 1. 36.] Gisborne (Thomas) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Stafford, in 1813. 8vo. London, 1813. [Hh. 2. 34.] GooDALL (Henry) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Bishop of Norwich. 4to. Norwich, 1760. [P. 7. (13.)] Grey (Richard) A Sermon on the proper Conduct of the Clergy under ill Treatment. 8vo. London, 1736. [P. 99. (8.)] Hare (Francis) Church Authority vindicated : at a Visitation of the Peculiars before the Dean of the Arches and Commissary, 8vo. London, 1720..^ [P. 136.(1.)] Hoadly {Benjamin, Bishop of Bangor) An Ansxjccr to Dr. Haves Sermon, • intituled" Church Authority vindicated." 8vo. London, 1720. [N. 7. 49.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1720. [P. 136. (2.)] The Dean of Worcester still the same : or His New Defence of the Bishop of Bangor's Sermon, considered as the performance of a great Critick, a Man of Sense, and a Man of Probity. 8vo. London, 1720. [N. 7. 49.] Ncale {Daniel) A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Hare, Dean of Worcester, occa- sioned by his Reflections on the Dissenters in his late Visitation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1720. [P. 136. (4.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1720. [P. 195. (6.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1720. [P. 150. (1.)] A Letter of Thanks from a Young Clergyman to Dr. Hare for his Visi- tation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1719. [P. 113. (5.)] Hervey (James) The Cross of Christ the Christian's Glory : a Visita- tion Sermon. 8vo. London, 1753. [P. 186. (5.)] Hey (John) Thoughts on the Athanasian Creed : a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. Cambridge, 1790. [Hh. 3. 31.] Horberry (Matthew) The Inspiration of the Moral Parts of Scripture asserted, at the Triennial Visitation at Lichfield Cathedral, Aug. 29, 1744. 8vo. Oxford, 1745. [P. 119. (3.)] Jackson (William^ The Rule of Faith : a Visitation Sermon, preached before the Bishop of Lincoln. 4to. Cambridge, 1675. [M. 20. 6.] Jame8 (John) A Visitation Sermon. 4to. London, 1680. [P. 36. (8.)] 334 RELIGION. Law (Edward) The Sin and Danger of Schism : a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. Preston, 1817. [Gg. 7. 9.] Law (Geo.) A Proof the Completion of Christ's Prophecy, concerning the Destruction of Jerusalem : a Visitation Sermon, preached at Baldock, May 31, 1797. 4to. [Gg. 1. 14.] Law (Geo.) Additional Evidences of the Truth of Christianity : a Visi- tation Sermon, preached at Baldock, May 17, 1791. 4to. [Gg. 1. 14.] Leigh (Thomas) The Keeping of Holy Days recommended, in a Sermon preached at Hadham, at the Bishop of London's Conference with his Clergy. 4to. London, 1684. [M. 15. 22.] LiTTELL (Thomas) The Clergyman's Remembrancer : a Visitation Sermon at Boston, April 23, 1708. 4to. London, 1708. [M. 14. 8.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1708. [P. 26.(16.)] LowTH (Robert) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Bishop of Durham. 4to. London, 1758. [P. 7. (11.)] A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Mangey, occasioned by his Sermon on the Divinity of Christ. 8vo. London, 1719. [A. 18. 108.] A Second Letter to the Rev. Dr. Mangey, occasioned by his Visitation Sermon on the Eternal Existence of Christ. 8vo. London, 1719. [A. 18. 108.] Mansell (John) A Visitation Sermon. 4to. London, 1694. _ [P. 34. (17.)] MARSHALt (Natb.) The Regular Succession of the Christian Ministry ; a Sermon at the Bishop of London's Visitation. 8vo. London, 1719. - [P. 116. (8.)] MoNoux (Lewis) Christianity supported by sufficient Evidence : a Ser- mon at the Triennial Visitation of the Bishop of Lincoln. 8vo. Lon- don, 1733. [P. 266. (12.)] Neve (Timothy) Teaching with Authority ; a Sermon at the Easter Visi- tation of the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon. 8vo. London, 1747. [P. 186. (15.)] Paley (William) Caution recommended in the Use and Application of Scripture Language ; a Visitation Sermon. 4to. Cambridge, 1777. [Gg. 1. 14.] Pennington (John) St. Paul's Instruction to the Christian Preacher ; a Visitation Sermon. London, 1756. [P. 213. (25.)] Piers (William) A Visitation Sermon, at Seven Oaks, May 21, 1742. 8vo. London, 1742. [P. 338. (1.)] PiLKiNGTON (Matthew) Eternal Life known to and expected by the Jews ; a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1756. [P. 214. (14.)] PocKLiNGTON (John) Sunday no Sabbath : a Sermon at the Bishop of Lincoln's Visitation. 4to. London, 1636. [N. 8. 41.] Powell (William) A Sermon at the Bishop of St. Asaph's Visitation, in 1742. 8vo. London, 17—. [P. 119. (11.)] Prince (John) A Sermon at the Bishop of Exeter's Visitation. 4to. Lon- don, 1674. [N. 8. 42.] Roberts (William) The Divine Institution of the Gospel Ministry and the Necessity of Episcopal Ordination asserted, in a Sermon at the Bishop of Exeter's primary Visitation. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 186. (6.)] VISITATION SERMONS. SS5 RuTHEKFORD (ThoHias) On the Credibility of Miracles, a Sermon at the Bishop of Ely's primary Visitation. 4to. Cambridge, 1751. [P. 7. (9.)] Salisbury (William) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Essex. 8 vo. London, 1773. [P. 280. (8.)] Savage (John) Christ's Body the Church : a Visitation Sermon. 4to. Cambridge, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] Another Copy. 4to. Cambridge, 1704. [P. 23. (16.)] Saywell (Samuel) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Huntingdon. 4to. London, 1696. [N. 8. 28.] Shuckford (Samuel) A Sermon at the primary Visitation of Thomas [Green] Bishop of Norwich. 8vo. Cambridge, 1723. [P. 74. (4.)] Sfry (John) The Case of the Ministerial Maintenance stated : a Visita- , tion Sermon. 8vo. Oxford, 1741. [P. 99. (10.)] Stephens (William) The Catholick Doctrine concerning the Union of the two Natures in the one Person of Christ stated and vindicated : a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. Oxford, 1722. [P. 109. (6.)] Stephens (William) The several Heterodox Hypotheses, concerning both the Persons and the Attributes of the Godhead, justly chargeable with more Inconsistencies and Absurdities than those which have been groundlessly imputed to the Catholick System : a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1724. [P. 109, (8.)] Stk.es (Arthur Ashley) The Difference between Christ's Kingdom and those of this World : a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1717. [P. 238. (1.)] Symonds (Edward) Priestly Avarice ; or the Clergy's Kingdom of this World: a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1731. [P. 63. (14.)] Taylor (Henry) On the Beauty of the Divine Economy: a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1760. [P. 214. (17.)] Toll (Frederick) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Win- chester. 8vo. London, 1751. [R. 19. 6.] Torriano (Alexander) A Visitation Sermon. 4to. London, 1706. [P. 34. (25.)] Turner (John) The Sinfulness of despising Christian Ministers: a Visi- tation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 63. (18.)~| Venn (Henry) The Duty of a Parish Priest ; his Obligations to perform it ; and the Incomparable Pleasure of a Life devoted to the Cure of Souls: a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1761. [P. 205. (13.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1761. [Hh. 3. 47.] Wake (Robert) Courage and Sincerity, the Main Proof of a Faithful Shepherd: a Visitation Sermon. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] Warburton (William) A Sermon at the Visitation of the Bishop of Lin- coln. 4to. London, 1738. [P. 93. (14.)] Watson (Richard) A Discourse delivered to the Clergy of the Archdea- conry of Ely. 4to. Cambridge, 1780. [Hh. 1. 38.] Wells (Edward) The Duty of being grieved for the Sins of others : a Visitation Sermon at Leicester. 8vo. London, 1710. []P. 131. (9.)] Whitfield (John) The Kingdom of Jesus Christ; a Visitation Sermon. 8vo. London, 1 70». [M. 19. 28.] SS6 RELIGION. •♦' Whitfield (John) A Sermon preached in Trinity Church, Ely, at the Visi- tation of William [Fleetwood], Lord Bishop of the Diocese/ Sept. 4, 1722. 8vo. Cambridge, 1723. [R. 11. 65.^ Williams (John) Of Justification by Faith : a Visitation Sermon at Chi- chester. 4to. London, 1702. [N. 8. 28.] Wise (Thomas) The Faithful Steward: a Visitation Sermon at Canter- bury. 8vo. London, 1710. [L. 15. 1.] WoTTON (William) The Rights of the Clergy of the Christian Church as- serted ; at the Bishop of Lincoln's primary Visitation. 8vo. London, 1707. [L. 15. 2.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1707. [P. 133. (33.)] ii. Sermons preached before the Clergy of the Church of Knglandy assembled in Convocation. IsHAM (Zachary) Sermon before the Convocation. 4to. London, 1701. [P. Z?i. 9.] Needham (William) Sermon before the Convocation. 4to. London, 1702. [P. 34. 26.] KiMBERLEY (Jonathan) Sermon before the Lower House of Convocation. 4to. London, 1702. [M. 15. 2.] Kennett (White) An Argument in Defence of Passive Obedience, in op- position to all manner of Tenets advanced by pretended Fathers of the Church, and other Writers on the side of Resistance to the Supreme Powers. 8vo. London, 1711. [N, 9. 21.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1711. [P. 112. (21.)] A Translation of Dr. Kennetfs Sermon before the Convocation, with Re- marks upon it. 8vo. London, 1711. [P. 112. (22,)] iii. Sermons preached before the General Assembly, and also before Presbyterian Synods, of the Kirk of Scotland. BoNAR (John) The Nature and Tendency of (he Ecclesiastic Constitution in Scotland : a Synod Sermon. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1760. [P. 210. <9.)] Campbell (George) The Spirit of the Gospel ; neither a Spirit of Super- stition, nor of Enthusiasm : a Synod Sermon. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1771. [P. 280. (4.)] Dick (Robert) The Simplicity and Suitableness of the Divine Revelations to the Circumstances of Mankind : a Synod Sermon. Edinburgh, 1758. [P. 210. (6.)] FoRDYCE (James) The Folly, Infamy, and Misery of Unlawful Pleasure : a Sermon before the General Assembly. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1760. [P. 210.(4.)], Gerard (Alexander) The Influence of the Pastoral Office on the Charac- ter examined : a Synod Sermon. Svo. Aberdeen, 1760. [P. 210. (8.)] INTRODUCTORY AND FAREWELL SERMONS. 337 Leechman (William) The Wisdom of God in the Gospel Revelation : a Sermon before the General Assembly. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1758. [P. 210. (3.)] Leechman (William) The Temper, Character, and Duty of a Minister of the Gospel : a Synod Sermon. Svo. Glasgow, 1742. [P. 210. (1.)] Oswald (James) A Sermon at the opening of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Svo. Edinburgh, 1766. [P. 248. (4.)] Robertson (William) The Situation of the World at the time of Christ's Appearance : a Sermon before the General Assembly. Svo. Edin- burgh, 1755. [P. 210. (11.)] iv. Sermons preached before Associations of Dissent i)/g Ministers. Blake (Martin) An Earnest Plea for Peace and Moderation. 4to. Lon- don, 1661. [li. 1. 31.] Bourn (Samuel) On the Progress and Corruption of the Christian Reli- gion. 4to. London, 1753.' [P. 31. (17.)] Calamy (Edmund) On the Prudence of the Serpent and the Wisdom of the Dove. Svo. London, 1713. [P. 112. (24.)] CuMMiNG (John) On the Corruptions of the present Times as to Matters of Religion. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 20. 24.] Doddridge (Philip) On the Evil and Danger of neglecting Souls. 8vo. London, 1742. [P. 99. (11.)] G..AHAM (William) Repentance the only Condition of Final Acceptance. 8vo. London, 1772. [P. 295. (7.)] Huggerston (Gtorge) Remarks on Mr. Graham's Sermon. Svo. London, 1772. [Hh. 2. 46.] Priestley (Joseph) No Man liveth to himself. Svo. Warrington, 1764. [P. 248. (7.)] 7. Introductory and Farewell Sermons. CoNDER (John) A Pastor's commending his People to God illustrated ; addressed to the Congregational Church at Cambridge. Svo. London, 1755. [P. 183. (25.)] Greene (Thomas, Bishop of Elv) A Farewell Sermon. 4to. London, ] 723. [P. 38. (9.)] Harrison (Thomas) The Mutual Duties of Clergy and Laity considered, in a Sermon preached on taking Possession of a Living. Svo. Lon- don, 1730. [P. 63. (7.)] Manningham (Thomas) The Spiritual Strength' to which a good Chris- tian may arrive. With a Farewell to his Congregation. Svo. London, -1713. [P. 73. (12.)] Priestley (Joseph) A Sermon on resigning his Pastoral Office among the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters at Mill Hill Chapel, Leeds. Svo. London, 1773. [P. 300. (10.)] Z 338 RELIGION. Wood (William, the successor of Dr, Priestley) The Reciprocal Duties of a Christian Minister and his Hearers, at Mill Hill Chapel. 8vo. Leeds, 1773. [P. 294. (10.)] Scott (James) A Farewell Sermon, at Leeds. 4to. Leeds, 1769. [P. 31. (34.)] Sharp (John) A Sermon at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, June 28, 1691, on his leaving that Parish. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 138. (14.)] Trimnel (Charles) Farewell Sermon at St. James's, Westminster. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 75. (13.)] Wake (William, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury) Sermon at St. James's, Westminster, on taking leave of that Parish. 8vo. London, 1707. [P. 266. (10.)] Wise (Thomas) A Farewell Sermon at the Church of Richmond in Sur- rey. 8vo. London, 1707. [P. 131. (6.)] 8. Sermons preached at the Consecration or Opening of Churches, Chapels^ and Organs, and on the Com- mencement of Lecturer. Beveridge (Wm.) The Excellency and Usefulness of the Common Prayer : a Sermon at the opening of St. Peter's, Cornhill, Nov. 27, 1681. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 133. (15.)] Beveridge (William) The Excellency, &c. of the Common Prayer. 1 2mo. London, 1723. [P. 345. (4.)] Brown (John) On the Use and Abuse of Externals in Religion : a Ser- mon at the Consecration of St. James's Church in Whitehaven. 8vo. London, 1753. [P. 186. (2.)] BjULL (Robert) The Necessity and Holiness of Churches ; a Sermon at the Consecration of the New Church at Kingwood, Aug. 27, 1723. 8vo. London, 1723. [P. 138. (2.)] Burd (Richard) Two Sermons on occasion of opening the New Chapel of St. James's, Westminster. 4to. London, 1702. |^M. 15. 10.] GoDDARD (Peter) A Sermon at the Consecration of Clare Hall Chapel, Cambridge. 4to. Cambridge, 1769. [P. 31. (28.)] Grey (Richard) A Sermon at the opening of Steane Chapel. 4to. Lon- don, 1754. [P. 31. (26.)] Xnn£s (Alexander) The Duty of frequenting the Public Worship of God : a Sermon at the opening of St. Margaret's Church, Westminster. 8vo. London, 1727. [P. 76. (13.)] Leng (John) A Sermon at the Consecration of the Chapel of St. Kathe- rine's Hall, Cambridge. 4to. Cambridge, 1704. [P. 23. (22.)] Another Copy. 4to. Cambridge, 1704. [li. 1. 32.] LiNDSEY (Theophilus) Two Sermons at the opening of Essex-street Cha- pel. 8vo. London, 1774-8. [A. 14. 53.] Lyng (William) The Usefulness, Antiquity, and Dedications of Churches : a Sermon on opening the New Church at Yarmouth. 4to. Cambridge, 1716. [M. 15. 21.] . Another Copy. 4to. Cambridge, 1716. [P. S4. (22.)] FUNERAL SERMONS. 339 Marshall (Nathaniel) The Jewish Synagogue the Model of Christian Worship : a Sermon preached at the opening of the Chapel of St, John, Holborn. 8vo. London, 1727. [P. 76. (6.)] Marshall (Nathaniel) The Use and Importance of a Preaching Ministry: a Sermon on opening the Tuesday Evening Lecture at the Church of St. Laurence Jewry. 8vo. London, 1727. [P. 76. (7.)] Pearce (Z.) a Sermon at the Consecration of the New Parish Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Oct. 10, 1726. 8vo. London, 1727. [P. 74. (8.)] Smith (John) A Sermon at the Consecration of Stockton Chapel. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 112. (10.)] Taylor (John) The Glory of any House erected for Public Worship : a Sermon on opening a New Chapel. 8vo. LondoUj 1756. [P. 214. (18.)] Macro (Thomas) A Sermon at the opening of an Organ. 8vo. London, 1734. [P. 63. (8.)] 9. Funeral Sermons and Orations. i. On deceased British Sovereigns and Members of the Royal Family. James IL RouQUETTE (Henry Emmanuel de) A Funeral Oration upon the death of James the Second, King of Great Britain. Done out of French. 4to. London, 1703. [M. 15. 10.] William IH. and Mary H. Wake (William) Sermon on the death of Queen Mary. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 26. (19.)] Fleetwood (William, Bishop of Ely) Sermons preached on the death of Queen Mary, 1694, of the Duke of Gloucester, 1700, and of King William HL 1701. 12mo. London, 1712. [C. 20. 27.] Queen Anne, and her Consort, George Prince of Denmark. Harris (William) Sermon on the death of his Highness George Prince of Denmark. 8vo. London, [17—.] [P. 196. (1.)] Blower (John) A Sermon on the death of Queen Anne. 8vo. London,. 1714. [M. 19. 30.] Foster (William) A Sermon preached on occasion of the death of Queen Anne. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 110. (19.)] Marshall (Nat.) The Royal Pattern ; a Sermon on the death of Queen Anne. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 116. (7.)] RowDEN (John) A Sermon on the death of Queen Anne. 8vo. Oxford, 1714. [M. 19. 29.] Smith (Elisha) A Sermon on the death of Queen Anne and the Han- over Succession. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 29.|] Z 2 340 RELIGION. George II. and Queen Caroline. Crowe (William) Sermon on the Death of Queen Caroline. 4to. Lon- don, 1737. [P. 19. 30.] Chandler (Samuel) The Character of a Great and Good King : a Ser- mon on the Death of King George II. 8vo. London, 1760. ^ [P. 265, (7.)] Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales. Law (George Henry, Bishop of Chester) A Sermon preached at Chester. 8vo. London, 1818. [Ff. 6. 37.] Kaye (John) A Sermon preached at Cambridge. 4to. Cambridge, 1817. ^ ^ [Hh. 7. 30.] Gorham (G. C.) a Sermon preached before the University. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1817. [Ff. 6. 37.] Hall (Robert) A Sermon preached at Leicester. (Two Copies.) 8vo. Leicester, 1817. [Ff. 6. 37. Hh. 2. 31.] Queen Caroline (Consort of King George IV.) Marsh (Herbert, Bishop of Peterborough) Sermon on the Death of the Queen. 4to. Cambridge, 1818. [Hh. 7. 30.] ii. Funeral Sermons on Private Individuals. Adams (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Thomas Staynoe. 8vo. London, 1707. [P. 270. (16.)] Allen (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Obadiah Hughes. 8vo. London, 1752. [P. 192. (7.)] Amory (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of John HoUiday, Esq. 8vo. London, 1754. [P. 192. (11.)] Amory (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Samuel Chandler. 8vo. London, 1776. [P. 267. (2.)] Ashworth (Caleb) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. James Floyd. 8vo. London, 1759. [P. 215. (4.)] Ashworth (Caleb) Sermon on occasion of the death of the kev. Samuel Clark. 8vo. London, 1770. [P. 267. (6.)] Bagshaw (Henry) Sermon on occasion of the death of Sir Richard Fan- shaw, Knight and Bart. 4to. London, 1667. [M. 14. 8.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1667. [M. 15. 26.] Baker (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Margaret, Coun- tess of Richmond and Derby. 8vo. London, 1708. [R. 13. ZdJ] Barker (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. John New- man. 8 vo. London, 1741. [P. 128. (8.)] Barker (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Benja- min Grosvenor. 8vo. London, 1758. [P. 215. (2.)] Barker (Samuel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Right Hon. the Countess of Orford. 4to. London, 1702. [M. 15. 9.] Bates (J.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Matthew Henry. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 196. (5.)] FUNERAL SERMONS. 341 Bates (Wra.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Manton. 4to. London, 1678. [M. 15. 26.] Bekson (George) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. James Read. 8vo. London, 1755. [P. 192. (10.] BissETT (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Catesby. Svo. London, 1727. [P. 63.(16,)] Blower (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Right Rev. Dr. John Sharp, Archbishop of York. Svo, London, 1714. [M. 19. SO.] Blyth (S.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. S. Bourn. Svo. London, 1754. [P. 192. (13.)] Brady (Nicholas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Thomas Shadwell, Esq. 4to, London, 1693. [N, S. 2S.] Brady (Nicholas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Lieut.-Gen. Tolle- - mache. 4to. London, 1694, [P. 36. (12.)] Bray (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. J. Dent. Svo. London, 1709. [P. 134. (10.)] BuLKELEY (Charles) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. James Foster. 8vo. London, 1753. [P. 192. (1.)] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) Sermon on occasion of the death of Archbishop Tillotson. 4to. London, 1694. [P. 26. (24.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1709. [P. 134, (12.)] Some Discourses on Dr. Burnet and Archbishop Tillotson, occasioned hy the Funeral Sermon of the former upon the latter. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 24. (10.)] Pitt (Moses) A Letter to the Author of a Book, intituled " Some Dis- courses upon Dr. Burnet and Dr. Tillotson, occasioned by the Fune- ral Sermon of the former upon the latter." 4to. London, 1695. [M. 20. 13,] Burnet (Gilbert) Reflections upon a Pamphlet, entitled " Some Dis- courses," &c. Svo. London, 169C. [L. 15, 14.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1696. [P. 114. (10.)] Burroughs (Joseph) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Jo- seph Morris. Svo. London, 1755. [P. 192. (12.)] BuTEER (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of Dr. Kenrick. 4to. London, 1753. [P. 31.(11.)] Caeamy (Edmund) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Bolton. 4to. London, 1655. [M. 15. 26.] Chandler (Samuel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev, Geo. Smith. Svo. London, 1746. [P. 128. (3.)] Chandler (Samuel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Moses Lowman. Svo, London, 1752. [P. 192. (3.)] Choppin (P.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Joseph Boyse. Svo. London, 1729. [P. 147. (4.)] Collet (Samuel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev, Joseph Collett. Svo. London, 1742. [G. 26. 26,] Day (James) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Caleb Ro- theram. Svo, London, 1752, [P. 192, (14,)] 342 RELIGION. De la Rose (Jolin) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Timo- thy Jollie. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 196. (6.)] Dikes (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Miles At- kinson. 8vo. Hull, 1811. [Hh. 7. 29.] Du Moulin (Peter) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Right Hon. Mabella Lady Fordwitch, (in 1669.) 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 134. (11.)] Earle (Jabez) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. John Gum- ming. ]2mo. London, 1729. [P. 147. (19.)] Evans (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. John Rat- clifFe. Svo. London, 1728.- [P. 147. (11.)] Faulconer (Gervase) Sermon on occasion of the death of Sir H. Wil- loughby, Bart. 8vo. London, 1655. [N. 8. 41.] Fern (Robert) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Edward Prime. 8 vo. London, 1710. [P. 196. (2.)] ' Fleetwood (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Noble. Svo. London, 1713. [N. 9. 28.] Fleming (Caleb) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. James Foster. 8vo. London, 1753. [P. 193. (2.)] Flexman (R.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Thomas Amory. 8vo. London, 1774. [P. 302. (10.)] FoRDYCE (James) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Lau- rence. 8vo. London, 1760. [P. 210. (5.)] Foster (James) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. John Ash- worth. Svo. London, 1742. [P. 128. (2.)] Foster (James) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Thomas Emlyn. 8vo. London, 1741. [P. 128. (1.)] Furxeaux (Philip) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Henry Miles. 8vo. London, 1763. [P. 265. (10.)] Gauden (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of Dr. Brownrigg, Bishop of Exeter. 8vo. London, 1660. [R. 14. 9.] Gibbons (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Samuel Da- vies. 8vo. London, 1761. [P. 215. 5.] Gibbons (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Wm. Crom- well. 8vo. London, 1773. [P. 302. (13.)] Godwin (Edward) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Wm. Voyce. Svo. London, 1729. [P. 147. (5.)] Grosvenor (Benjamin) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Harris. Svo. London, 1740. [P. 128. (9.)] Grove (Henry) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Prudence "Wel- man. Svo. London, 1730. [P. 147. (11.)] Guyse (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. John Hub- bard. Svo. London, 1743. [P. 128. (10.)] Hallett (Joseph) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. James Peirce. Svo. London, 1726. [P. 137. (15,)] Hancock (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. Postle- thwayte. 4to. London, 1713. [P. 22. (26.)] FUNERAL SERMONS. 343 Harris (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Bathsua Bar- ker. 8vo. London, 1719. [P. 196. (8.)] Harris (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Thomas Pickard. 8vo. London, 1720. [P. 196. (9.)] Harris (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. John Billings- ley. 8vo. London, 1722. [P. 196. (10.)] Harris (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Joshua Old- field. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 147. (13.)] Harwooe (Edward) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. John Taylor. 8vo. London, 1761. [P. 215. (6.)] Hayley (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of Dr. Connor. 4to. London, 1699, [P. 38. (16.)] Henchman (Richard) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Har- court. 4to. London, 1661. [N. 8. 41.] Heynes (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of Wm. Lord Paget. 4to. London, 1669. [M. 15. 26.] Hodge (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. John Mason. 8vo. London, 1763. [P. 215. (11.)] Hughes (Obadiah) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Joshua Oldfield. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 147. (12.)] Hunt (Jeremiah) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Joseph Maisters. 8vo. London, 1717. [P. 196. (7.)] Hunt (Jeremiah) Sermon on occasion of the death of Grey Neville, Esq. 8vo. London, 1723. [P. 196. (12.)] Hurrion (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Esther Tomp- son. 8vo. Norwich, 1712. [P. 147. (3.)] IsHAM (Zach.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Scott. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 40. (7.)] Jacomb (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Richard Vines. 4to. London, 1656. [M. 15. 26.] Jennings (David) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Daniel Neal. 8vo. London, 1743. [P. 128. (4.)] Jennings (David) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Isaac Watts. 8vo. London, 1749. [P. 192. (4.)] Jennings (David) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Timothy JoUie. 8vo. London, 1757. [P. 215. (1.)] KiPPis (Andrew) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Timothy Laugher. 8vo. London, 1769. [P. 267. (5.)] Lambert (George) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Hannah Gill. 8vo. York, 1784. [Hh. 2. 42.] Langford (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Edward Godwin. 8vo. London, 1764. [P. 267. (4.)] Lardner (Nathaniel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Jer. Hunt. 8vo. London, 1745. [P. 128. (5.)] Latham (Ebenezer) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Mat- thew Bradshaw. 8vo. London, 1743. [P. 128. (6.)] Latham (Ebenezer) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Daniel Madock. 8vo. London, 1745. [P. 128. (7.)] 344 RELIGION. Laud (Wm. Archbishop of Canterbury) Funeral Sermon, preached by himself from the Scaffold, Jan. 10^ 1644, &c, 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 134. (37.)] Lloyd (VVm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of Bishop Pearson. 4to. London, 1672. [M. 15. 26.] Lloyd (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of Sir Edmundbury God- frey. 4to. London, 1678. [M. 15. 26. J Another Copy. 4to. London, 1678. [N. 8. 25.] AIandell (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of B. A. Keck, Esq. 8vo. Cambridge, 1815. [Hh. 2. 47.J Mann (Joshua) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Basil Owen Woodd. 8vo. London, 1811. [Hh. 2. 47.] Manningham (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Sir J. Norton. 4to. London, 1687. [P. 33. (32.] Manningham (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Lady Doro- thea Norton. 4to. London, 1703. [M. 15. 10.] Marshall (Nathaniel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. J. Rogers. 8vo. London, 1729. [P. 63. (3.)] Some Remarks on Dr. Marshall's Sermon. 8vo. London, 1729. [P. QS. (4.)] Mayo (Daniel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Edmund Calamy. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 192.(8.)] MiLNER (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Isaac Watts. 8vo. London, 1749. [P. 192. (5.)] Nailour (Wm.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Hon. Col. Charles Cavendish. 4to. London, 1675. [M. 15. 22.] Neal (Daniel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Matthew Clarke, 8vo. London, 1726. [P. 150. (4.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1726. [P. 195. (3.)] Neal (Daniel) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Anne Philli- browne. Svo. London, 1726. [P. 195. (4.)] Newman (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Richard Mount. Svo. London, 1722. [P. 196. (I.)] NicoLLs (Samuel) Sermon on occasion of the death of Bishop Sherlock. 4to. London, 1761. [P. 31. (12.)] Noble (Daniel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Joseph Bur- roughes. Svo. London, 1761. [P. 215. (7.)] Or;TON (Job) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Doddridge. Svo. London, 1752. [P. 192. (6.)] Owen (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Provvse. Svo. London, 1810. [Hh. 2. (36.)] Palmer (Samuel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Caleb Ashworth. Svo. London, 1775. [P. 302. (H-)] {'[M. 15. 26. Parsons (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of John ) xr \ g^ Earl of Rochester. (Three Copies.) 4to. Oxford, 1680. "J j^j^ '^ g'j -■ Another Copy. Svo. London, 1707. [P. 134. (8.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1728. [P. 116. (10.)] Patrick (Symon) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. The. Grigg. 4to. London, 1670. [M. 15. 26.] FUNERAL SERMONS. 345 Patrick (Symon) Divine Arithmetic, or the right Art of numbering our Days. Svo. London, 1672. [F. 16. 37.1 Philips (Henry) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs. 12mo. London, 1705. [P. 147. (6.)] Philips (Henry) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Tho. Ivyleaf. 12mo. London, 1705. [P. 147. (7.)] PicKARD (Edward) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. Tho. Newman. 8vo. London, 1759. [P. 215. (3.)] Pickard (Edward) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Geo. Benson. Svo. London, 1762. [P. 215. (8.)] Pritchard (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs, Mary Dawes. Svo. London, 1709. [P. 134. (9.)] Resbury (Nathaniel) Sermon on occasion of the death of Sir A. Bro- derick. 4to. London, 1681. [P. 38. (15.)] Reynolds (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Eleanor Murden. Svo. London, 1713. [P. 196. (3.)] Reynolds (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev.. Samuel Pomfret. Svo. London, 1721. [P. 192. (15.)] A Letter to the Rev. Tho. Reynolds upon a Passage in his Funeral Sermon for the late Mr. Pomfret. By Simon Browne. Svo. London, 1 722. [P. 192. (16.)] Ridley (Glocester) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Berriman. Svo. London, 1750. [P. 22. (27.)] Savage (Samuel Morton) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. David Jennings. Svo. London, 1762. [P. 215. (9.)] Scott (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of Dr. Wm. Crown. 4to. London, 1685. QM. 15. (26.)] ScoTT (Thomas) The Duty and Advantage of remembering Deceased Ministers. Svo. Buckingham, 1808. [Hh. 2. 36.] Scott (Thomas) Sermon on the death of Lady Mary Fitzgerald. Svo. London, 1815. [Hh. 2. 34.] Scott (Thomas) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mr. John West. 12mo. Buckingham, 1815. [Hh. 7. 36.] Seed (Jeremiah) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. Water- land. 4to. London, 1740. [P. 29. (42.)] Sharp (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of Lady Cornbury. Svo. London, 1706. [P. 134. (7.)] Sherman (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. John Hughes. Svo. London, 1729. [P. 147. (9.] Simeon (Charles) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Hon. and Rev. W. B. Cadogan. Svo. London, 1798. [Hh. 3. 50.] Some (David) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. J. Saunders. Svo. London, 1736. [P. 93. (11.)] Stainsby (Richard) Sermon on occasion of the death of Bishop Hayter. 4to. J^ondon, 1762. [P. 31. 13.] Stennktt (Joseph) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. David Rees. Svo. London, 1748. [P. 192. (9.)] Stennett (Samuel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. John Gill. Svo. London, 1771. [P. 302. (12.)] 846 RELIGION. Stillingfleet (James) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. J. King. 8vo. York, 1782. [Hh. 2. 42.] Strong ( ) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Henry Grove. Svo. London, 1738. [P. 93. 12.] Taylor (Jeremy) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Countess of Carbery. 4to. London, 1650. [M. 15. 26.] Taylor (Zachariah) Sermon on occasion of the death of Lady Brad- shaigh. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 40. (15.)] Tren (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Daniel Gilson. Svo. London, 1728. [P. 147. (2.)] Venn (Henry) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. George Whitfield. 8vo. London, 1770. [P. 305. (15.)] Venn (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of John Thornton, Esq. Svo. London, 1791. [Hh. 4. 45.] Ward (Seth, Bishop of Salisbury) Sermon on occasion of the death of George Monck, Duke of Albemarle. 4to. London, 1670. [M. 15. 26.] Warren (Robert) Sermon on occasion of the death of Sir Wm. Dawes, Archbishop of York. Svo. London, 1724. [P. 113. (10.)] Watts (Isaac) Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Bury. Svo. Bristol, 1725. [li. 3. 55.] Watts (Isaac) Sermon on occasion of the death of Sir John and Lady Hartopp. Svo. London, 1736. [R. 14. 30.] Webster (Tho.) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev, Thomas Robinson. Svo. London, 1813. [Hh. 2. 34.] Weld (Isaac) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Dr. John Leland. Svo. London, 1766. [P. 267. (3.)] Wesley (John) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Qeqrge Whitfield. Svo. London, 1770. [P. 305. (16.)] Williams (Daniel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Matthew Henry. Svo. London, 1714. [P. 196. 4.] Wilson (Daniel) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Richard Cecil. Svo. London, 1810. [Hh. 2. 36.] Wood (James) Sermon on occasion of the death of the Rev. Joseph Hill. Svo. London, 1729. [P. 147. (8.)] Wroe (Richard) Sermon on occasion of the death of Sir R. Bradshaigh. 4to. London, 1684. [P. 40. (14.)] Menestrier (Claude Franfois) Oraison Funcjbre de Mar^chal Vicorate de Turenne. 4to. Paris, 1676. [M. 14. 8.] Hewit (Dr.) Funeral Sermon on. 4to. London, 1658. [N. 8. 16.] Shovel (Sir Cloudesley) Funeral Sermon on. Svo. London, 1 707. [P. 131. (11.)] Udall (Ephraim) Funeral Sermon on. 4to. 16—. [M. 20. 18.] A Vindication of the Conforming Clergy from the unjust Aspersions of Heresie, &c. in answer to some parts of Mr. Jenkyn's Funeral Sermon upon Dr. Seaman. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 15. 20.] ACCESSION AND CORONATION SERMONS. 347 10. Sermons on National and other Political or Public Anniversaries. i. On the Accessions of Sovereigns to the British Throne, and on their Coronations, William III. and Mary II. Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) Sermon preached at the Coro- nation of King William and Queen Mary. 4to. London, 1689. [P. 40. (3.)] Queen Anne. Fleetwood (William, Bishop of Ely) Sermon on the Accession of Queen Anne, March 8, 1703. 12mo. In Four Sermons, &c. [C. 20. 27.] Williams (John, Bishop of Chichester) Sermon preached before the House of Lords. 4to. London, 1704. [P. 23. (10.)] Wroe (Richard) Sermon on the Accession of Queen Anne. 4to. London, 1704. [P. 40. 13.] Blackall (Offspring) Sermon on the Accession of Queen Anne. 4to. London, 1705. [P. 23. (14.)] Kennett (White) Sermon on the Accession of Queen Anne. 4to. Lon- don, 1705. [P. 34. (8.)] SHEWfiLL (Thomas) Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 134. (32.)] Rennell (Thomas) Sermon preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 134. {36.)'] Blackall (Offspring, Bishop of Exeter) The Divine Institution of Ma- gistracy, a Sermon preached before the Queen in 1708. 8vo. London, 1709. [N. 9. 6.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1709. [L. 15. 8.] Iloadly (Benjamin) Some Considerations humbly offered to the Bishop of Exeter, occasioned hy his Sermon preached before her Majesty March 8, 1708. 8vo. Lo7idon, 1709. [N. 9. 6.] Blackall (Offspring) An Answer to Mr. Hoadly's Letter. 8vo. London, 1709. [N. 9. 6.] Hoadly (Benj.) An Humble Reply to the Bishop of Exeter^s Answer, in which the Considerations offered to his Lordship are lindicated, icith on Apology. 8vo. London, 1709. [N. 9. 6.] A Vindication of the Bishop of Exeter, occasioned by Mr. Benjamin Hoadly's Reflections on his Lordship's Two Sermons on Government ; with Mr. Hoadly's Reply and the Bishop's Answer, 8vo. London, 1709. [L. 15. 8.] The Best Answer that ever was made, and to which no Answer ever will be made ; in Answer to Mr. Hoadly's Bill of Complaint, exhibited against the Bishop of Exeter for his Sermon preached before her Majesty March 8, 1708. By a Student in the Temple [Charles Leslie]. 8vo. London, 1709. [N. 9. 6.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 190. (14.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 274. (5.)] 348 RELIGION. A Letter to a Friend occasioned by the Contest between the Bishop of Exeter and Mr. Hoadly. 8vo. London, 1709. [N. 9. 6.] A Vindication of the Bishop of Exeter, occasioned by Mr. Benjamin Hoadly's Reflections on his Lordship's Sermon. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 274. (9.)] Jennings (John) Sermon preached at Great Gransden. 8vo. London, 1711. [L. 15. 6.] Adams (J.) Sermon preached before the House of Commons. 8vo. Lon- don, 1711. [L. 15. 1.] Newton (Richard) Sermon preached before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1712. [M. 19. 28.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1712^ [P. 116. (5.)] Sherlock (Thomas) Sermon preached before the House of Commons. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 23.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1714. [R. 11. Q5.'] ■ Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 9. (18.)] Ibbot (Benj.) Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 23.] Sharp (John, Archbishop of York) Sermon preached at the Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Anne. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 133.(12.)] George I. Owen (Jonathan) An Occasional Sermon upon the Proclamation of King George, August 1, 1714. 8vo. London, 1714. [L. 15. 15.] Talbot (WilHam, Bishop of Oxford) Sermon on the Coronation of King George L 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 29.] Salter (Samuel) Sermon on the Coronation of King George I. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 29.] Edwards (John) A Sermon on the Accession of King George I. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 29.] Harrington (J.) Good Will to the King and to the King's Son. Svo. London, 1714. [P. 116. (9.)] Willis (Richard, Bishop of Gloucester) A Sermon preached before King George I. Jan. 20, 1714, the Thanksgiving Day for his peaceable Pos- session of the Throne. Svo. London, 1715. [M. 16. 29.] Wake (Wilham, Bishop of Lincoln) Sermon before King George, August 1, 1715, on the Anniversary of his Inauguration. Svo. Lon- don, 1715. [M. 19. 11.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1715. [P. 138. (12.)] Killaloe (Nicholas Bishop of) A Sermon on the Accession of King George I. before the Lords Justices of Ireland. Svo. London, 1715. [P. 73. (8.)] LiNFOED (Thomas) Sermon on the Accession of King George L 4to. London, 1715. [P. 9. (20.)] Sydall (Ellas) Sermon on the Accession of King George I. C [M. 15. 21. (Two Copies.) 4to. London, 1715. - - - ( P. 9. (21.)] Waxerland (Theotl.) Sermon on the Accession of King George I., preached before the University of Cambridge. Svo. Cambridge, 1716. [M. 20. 11.] ACCESSION AND CORONATION SERMONS. 349 Hare (Francis) Accession Sermon on Rom. xiii. 4. 4to. London, 1716. [P. 22. (18.)] Burnet (Gilbert) A Sermon preached at St. Paul's, Covent Garden. 8vo. London, 1725. [R. 11. 65.] Masset (Edmund) A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor. Svo. London, 1725. [P. 74.(1.)] George II. Potter (John, Bishop of Oxford) Sermon at the Coronation of King George II. 4to. London, 1727. (P. 30. (15.)] Tilly (Wm.) Sermon on the Inauguration of King George II. 4to. London, 1727. [P. 30.(1.)] Williams (Philip) A Sermon on the Anniversary of the Accession of King George II. 4to. Cambridge, 1738. [P. 19. (9.)] Benson (George) A Sermon in Commemoration of the Accession of the House of Hanover to the Throne of Great Britain. Svo. London, 1742. [P. 128. (14.)] Clagett (Nicholas, Bishop of St. David's) Accession Sermon. 4to. London, 1742. [P. 29. (9.)] Parne (Thomas) An Accession Sermon. 4to. Cambridge, 1744. [P. 29. (10.)] Hayter (Thomas) Sermon preached before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1746. [P. 29. (11.)] Butler (Joseph, Bishop of Bristol) Sermon preached before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1747. [P. 22. (17.)] Chandler (Thomas) The Impossibility of preserving the Protestant Re- ligion under a Popish Prince. Svo. London, 1749. [P. 265. (4.)] Benson (George) A Sermon on the Revolution and Hanover Succession. Svo. London, 1758. [P. 214. (19.)] Lort (Michael) Accession Sermon. 4to. Cambridge, 1760. [P. 9. (19.)] Burton (John) University Politics, set forth in Three Inauguration Ser- mons. Svo. Oxford, 1760. [P. 214. (16.)] George III. Drummond (Robert, Bishop of Salisbury) A Sermon preached at the Co- ronation of King George III. 4to. London, 1761. [P. 31. (1.)] RoTHERAM (John) On the Wisdom of Providence. An Inauguration Sermon before the University. 8vo. London, 1762. [P. 214. (7.)] George IV. ♦Vernon (Edward, Archbishop of York) A Sermon preached at the Co- ronation of King George IV. July 19, 1821. 4to. London, 1821. 350 RELIGION. ii. Sermons preached before the Kings and Queens of Eng- land on various occasions. Edwakd VI. — Queen Elizabeth. HoPER (John) An Oversight and Deliberation upon the Prophet Jonas, made and uttered before the King's [Edward VI.] Majesty. 18mo. London, 1550. [D. 18. 31.] Whitgift (John) A Godh'e Sermon preached before the Queen's Ma- jestic at Greenwich, March 26, 1574. 8vo. reprinted, London, 1714. [P. 137. (17.)] James I. Chandler (Edward) Unde Zizania? The Original! and Progresse of Heresie. 4to. London, 1624. [M. 20. 19.] Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich) The Best Bargain : or the True Way of purchasing Soul-saving Truth. 8vo. reprinted, London, 1707. [P. 276. (8.)] Charles I. A Sermon before the King at Whitehall. 4to. London, 1636. [N. 8. 41.] Mainwaring (Roger) Religion and Allegiance. (Two Sermons.) 4to. London, 1627. QN. 8. 16.] Charles II. Barke (Miles) The Authority of Church Guides. 4to. London, 1675. [M. 14. 8.] . Another Copy. 4to. London, 1675. [M. 20. 6.] Baxter (Richard) The Life of Faith. 4to. London, 1660. [P. 36. (13.)] Cartwright (Thomas) At Whitehall. 4to. London, 1675. [N. 8. 42.] Cradock (Z.) Sermon preached before the King. 4to. London, 1678. [P. 34. (13.)] Ckoft (Herbert, Bishop of Hereford) A Lent Sermon. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 14. 27.] Fell (John, Bishop of Oxford) The Character of the Last Days. 4to. London, 1675. [M. 14. 27.] Fuller (William, Bishop of Lincoln) A Sermon preached March 8, 1665-6. 4to. London, 1666. [M. 15. 11.] Gower (Humphrey) On Christmas-day, 1684. 4to. London, 1685. [M. 15. 2.] James (Henry) Sermon preached Oct. 11, 1674. 4to, London, 1674. [M. 15. 21.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1674. [M. 15. 22.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1674. [N. 8. 42.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1674. [P. 34, (31.)] Lany (Beniamin) A Sermon preached at Whitehall. 4to. London, 1662. ' "^ ^ [E. 1. 22.] Lany (Beniamin) A Sermon preached at Whitehall. 4to. London, 1663. ^^ -^ ^ [M. 15. 11.] Lany (Benjamin) A Sermon preached at Whitehall. 4to. London, 1665. [E. 1. 22.] SERMONS BEFORE THE COURT. 361 Lany (Benjamin) A Sermon preached at Whitehall. 4to. London, 1675. [N. 8. 42.] Lany (Benjamin) A Sermon preached at Whitehall. 4to. London, 1675. [li. 1. 31.] LiNGARD (Richard) A Defence of the Church Liturgy. 4to. London, 1668. [P. 28. (30.)] Meggott (Richard) A Sermon preached before the King. 4to. London, 1675. [M. 14. 26.] Pearson (John, Bishop of Chester) A Sermon preached March 7, 1669. 4to. London, 1669. [N. 8. 42.] Pierce (Thomas) The Primitive Rule of Reformation. 4to. Oxford, 1663. [M. 14. 27.] Another Copy. 4to. Oxford, 1663. [N. 8. 37.] Pierce (Thomas) A Caveat against Credulity. 4to. London, 1679. [M. 14. 27.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1679. [P. 28. (25.)] South (Robert) The Pleasantness of Religion. 4to. Oxford, 1665. [M. 15. 22.] Sprat (Thomas, Bishop of Rochester) A Sermon preached Dec. 22, 1678. 4to. London, 1678. [M. 15. 18.] Standish (John) Ministers Ambassadors for Christ. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 14. 26.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 20. 6.] An Earnest Request to Mr. John Standish on occasion of his Sermon. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 20. 14.] Stillingfleet (Edward) A Sermon preached Feb. 24, 1675. 4to. Lon- don, 1675. [N. 8.42.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1675. [P; 40. (10.)] TiLLOTsoN (John) A Sermon preached Feb. 26, 1674-5. 4to. London, 1675. [M. 14. 26.] Tillotson (John) A Sermon preached April 18, 1675. 4to. London, 1675. [M. 14. 26.]' Another Copy. 4to. London, 1675. [P. 36. 18.] Tillotson (John) The Happiness of a Heavenly Conversation. 8vo. Lon- don, 1709. [P. 133. (4.)] Tillotson (John) The Indispensable Necessity of the Knowledge of the Holy Scripture. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 133. (5.)] Ward (Seth, Bishop of Salisbury) An Apology for the Mysteries of the Gospel. 4to. London, 1673. [M. 15. 18.] WiLKiNs (John, Bishop of Chester) Two Sermons. 4to. London, 1669- 71. IM. 14. 27.] Wilkins (John) A Sermon preached Feb. 27, 1669-70. 4to. London, 1670. [N. 8. 25.'] Young (Edward) A Sermon preached Dec. 29, 1678. 4to. London, 1679. [M. 15. 18.] James H. Ellis (Philip, Monk of the order of Benedict) A Sermon preached before the King and Queen, Dec. 5, 1686. 4to. London, 1686. [M. 14. 27.] S52 RELIGION. Ellis (Philip) A Sermon preached before the King, Nov. 13^ 1686. 4to. London, 1686. [Hh. 7. 31.] William III. and Mary II. Beveridge (William) The Happiness of the Saints in Heaven, before the Queen, Oct. 12, 1690. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 133. (16.)] Two other Copies. 4to. London, 1690.' \ [^\^^'i\^'^ * ' ( li. 1. 32. J Blackburne (Laurence) The Unreasonableness of Anger, a Sermon preached before the Queen, July 29, 1694. 4to, London, 1694. [N. 8.. 24.] Blagrave (Jonathan) A Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. Lon- don, 1691. [P. 28. (27.)] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) A Sermon preached before the Prince of Orange. 4to. London, 1688. [P. 40. (2.)] Burnet (Gilbert) A Sermon preached before the King. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 26. (25.)] Gee (Edward) The Improvement of Time : a Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. London, 1692. [li. 1. 32.] Grove (Robert) A Sermon preached before the King and Queen. 4to. London, 1690. [li. 1. 32.] Hickman (Charles) A Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. London, 1690. [li. 1. 32.] Lambe (John) A Sermon preached before the King. 4to. London, 1695. [M. 14. 12.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1695. [li. 1. 32.] Leng (John) A Sermon preached before the King. 4to. Cambridge, 1699. [M. 20. 4.] Another Copy. 4to. Cambridge, 1699. [P. 38. (4.)] Manningham (Thomas) Public Worship : a Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. London, 1692. [M. 20. 6.] Meggott (Richard) A Sermon preached before the King and Queen. 4to. London, 1690. [M. 14. 26.] Meggott (Richard) A Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. London, 1692. [M. 14. 26.] Moore (John) Religious Melancholy: a Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. London, 1692. [M. 15. 22.] Patrick (Symon) A Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. London, 1689. [N. 8. 34.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1689. [li. 1. 32.] Resbury (Nathaniel) A Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. Lon- don, 1692. [li. 1. 32.] Sharp (John, Archbishop of York) A Sermon preached before the King and Queen, Dec. 25, 1691. 4to. London, 1692. [M. 14. 26.] Sharp (John) A Sermon preached before the Queen, on Easter-day. 4to. London, 1692. [M. 14. 26.] Sharp (John) A Sermon preached before the King and Queen, March 4, 1693-4. 4to, London, 1694.. [N. 8. 28.] SERMONS BEFORE THE COURT. 363 Sharp (John) A Sermon preached before the King, on Palm Sunday. 4to. London, 1700. [N. 8. 24.] Sherlock (William) Prayer in the name of Christ : a Sermon preached before the King. 4to. London, 1701. [P. 36. (17.)] Stillingfleet (Edward, Bishop of Worcester) A Sermon preached be- fore the Queen. Uo. London, 1692. [M. 15. 18.] Stillingfleet (Edward) A Sermon preached before the King and Queen, March 18, 1693-4. 4to. London, 1694. [N. 8. 28.] Stillingfleet (Edward) A Sermon preached before the King, in 1700. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 133. 32.] Talbot (William, Bishop of Oxford) A Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. London, 1692. [M. 15. 11.] Tenison (Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln) A Sermon preached before the King and Queen. 4to. London, 1694. [N. 8. 24.] TiLLOTSON (John, Archbishop of Canterbury) Five Sermons preached be- fore the Queen, in 1688-9-90-91-2. 8vo. London, 1708-9. [P. 133.(6-10.)] Two Sermons before tlie Queen, in 1691. 4to. London, 1691. [M. 15. 18.] A Sermon preached before the Queen. 4to. London, 1693. [P. 31. (10.)] Wake (Wm.) Exhortation to mutual Charity among Protestants, before the King and Queen. 4to. London, 1689. j^Ii. 1. 32.] Young (Edward) On Nature and Grace : Two Sermons preached at Whitehall. 4to. London, 1700. [P. 36. (13.)] Anne. Adams (John) A Sermon preached before the Queen, in 1706. 4to. London, 1706. [P. 26. (21.)] Adams (John) A Sermon preached before the Queen, in 1706-7. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 133. (39.)] Adams (John) God and not Man, Sept. 14, 1707. 4to. London, 1707. [M. 14. 12.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 133. (38.)] Adams (John) A Sermon preached March 19, 1711-12. 8vo. London, 1712. [M. 19. 21.] Blackall (Offspring, Bishop of Exeter) The Way of trying the Pro- phets: a Sermon preached Nov. 9, 1707. 4to. London, 1707. [M. 14. 12.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1707. [P. 23. (15.)] Cannon (Robert) A Sermon preached Oct. 5, 1707. 4to. London, 1707. [M. 14. 9.] Chishtjll (Edmund) A Sermon against Duelling. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 110. (5.)] Clarke (Samuel) The great Duty of Universal Love and Charity. 4to. London, 1706. [M. 14. 12.] Dawes (Sir William, Archbishop of York) The Friendship of the World, Enmity with God. 4to. London, 1703. [M. 20. 4.] 2 A 554 RELIGION. Duke (Richard) A Sermon on the Imitation of Christ. 4to. London, 1703. [M. 15. 10.] Finch (Henry) A Sermon preached April 27, 1712. 8vo. London, 1712. [M. 19. 21.] Fleetwood (William) A Sermon preached April 4, 1705. 4to. London, 1705. [N. 8. 24.] HiGGiNs (Francis) A Sermon preached on Ash- Wednesday, 1706-7. Svo. London, 1708. [P. 133. (40.)] Kennett (White) The Duty of Rejoicing in a Day of Prosperity. 4to. London, 1706. [M. 15. 24.] King (William, Archbishop of Dublin) On Predestination and the Free- dom of Man's Will. (Before the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.) Svo. Dubhn, 1709. [P. 73. (9.)] Manningham (Thomas) A Sermon preached before the Queen, Sept. 12, 1708. Svo. London, 1709. [P. 133. (31.)] Moss (Robert) The Christian's Overthrow prevented and Conquest gained. 4to. London, 1705. [M. 14. 9.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1707. [P. 116. (32.)] Patrick (Symon, Bishop of Ely) A Sermon against Judging and Censur- ing. 4to. London, 1707. [M. 15. 24.] Rawson (Joseph) A Sermon preached July 25, 1708. 4to. London, 1708. [M. 14.23.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1708. [P. 133. (20.)] Reeves (Wm.) On the Redemption of Time. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 23.] Royse (George) A Sermon preached Sept. 23, 1705. 4to. Oxford, 1705. [M. 14. 9.] St. John (Pawlet) The Prodigal on his Departure. 4to. London, 1713. [M. 14.11.] Sharp (John, Archbishop of York) A Sermon preached on Ash- Wednes- day, 1702-3. 4to. London, 1703. [M. 15. 1.] Sharp (John) A Sermon preached on Good Friday, 1703. 4to. London, 1703. [M. 15. 1.] Sharp (John) A Sermon preached on Christmas Day, 1704. Svo. London, 1709. [P. 133. (13.)] Sprat (Thomas) A Sermon preached before the Queen in 1710. Svo. London, 1710. [P. 112. (9.)] Stanhope (George) Christianity the only true Comfort for Troubled Minds. Svo. London, 1707. [R. 11. G5.'] Stanhope (George) The Common Obstructions to Faith and a Good Life considered. Svo. London, 1709. [P. 183. (28.)] Talbot (Wm. Bishop of Oxford) The Divinity of Christ asserted : a Sermon preached on Christmas Day, 1702. 4to. London, 1702. [M. 14. 15.] AViLLis (Richard) Charity envieth not : a Sermon preached Feb. 28, 1707. Svo. London, 1710. [P. 133. (29.)] Willis (Richard) A Sermon preached Feb. 6, I7O8 (the Birth-day of Queen Anne). Svo. London, 1709. [P. 133. (30.)] ASSIZE SERMONS. 355 Wilson (Thomas, Bishop of Sodor and Man) A Sermon preached on Ascension Day, 1711. 8vo. London, 1711. [L. 15. 6.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1711. [P. 116. (25.)] George L Bentley (Richard). 8vo. London, 1717. [P. 138. (3.)] Bradford (^Samuel) The Unprofitableaess of External without Internal Religion 4to. London, 1716. [M. 19. 20.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1716. [P. 33. (15.)] Bradford (Samuel) The Nature of Christian Union. 8vo. London, 1717. [P. 76. (18.)] A Letter to Dr. Bradford, occasioned by his Sermon. 8vo. London, 1718. [P. 76. (19.)] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury). 8vo. London, 1714. [M. 19.29.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 112. (2.)] Chandler (Edward, Bishop of Lichfield) On Christmas Day. Svo. London, 1718. [P. 109. (2.)] Hayley (Thomas) The Vanity and Sinfulness of Human Impositions in Doctrines of Religion. 8vo. London, 1716. [M. 19. 30.] Lynford (Thomas) The Great Advantage of being Good and of making others so. Dec. 12, 1714. Svo. London, 1715. [M. 20 24.] At Hanover, before the Princess Sophia and the Royal Family. Lombard (Daniel) The Duty of Peaceableness. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19.29.] Snape (Andrew) A Sermon preached May Js, 1706. 4to. Cambridge, 1706. [M. 14. 9.] Another Copy. 4to. Cambridge, 1706. [N. 8. 28.] George II. CoBDEN (Edward) A Dissuasive from Popery : a Sermon preached Dec. 8, 1751. Svo. London, 1753. [P. 183. (15.)] Hayter (Thomas, Bishop of Norwich) A Sermon preached before the King. Svo. London, 1752. [P. 31. (16.)] iii. Sermons preached before the Judges at Assizes. Allen (F.) At Reading. 4to. London, 1738. [P. 29. (38.)] Allen (John) On Perjury. 4to. London, 1682. [P. 40. (11.)] Babington (Humphrey) Mercy and Judgment. At Lincoln. 4to. Cam- bridge, 1678. [M. 20. 6.] Barne (Miles) At Hertford. 4to. London, 16S4. [M. 15. 11.] Bate (James) The Advantages of a National Observance of Divine and Human Laws. 4to. London, 1734. [P. 19. (36.)] Battel (Ralph) The Civil Magistrate's Power coercive in Rehgious Matters asserted. At Hertford. 4to. London, 1684. [M. 15. 22-3 2 A 2 356 RELIGION. Bayley (Benjamin) The Truth of the Christian Religion proved, in Two Sermons. At Gloucester. 8vo. London, 1713. [P. 138. (10.)] Berdmore (Samuel) Against Murmuring. 8vo. London, 1715. [M. 19. 11.] Bramston (John) At Brentwood. 8vo. London, 1723. [P. 266. (15.)] Brooke (Thomas) At Chester. 4to. London, 1746. [P. 22. (21.)] Bull (Michael) The Love of One's Country. At Maidstone. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 1 19. (16.)] Chishull (Edmund) Modesty and Moderation. At Hertford. 8vo. London, 1712. [M. 19. 28.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 110. (3.)] The Duty of Good Subjects. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 110.(4.)] CoBDEN (Edward) At Hertford. 4to. London, 1726. [P. 29.(37.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1726. [P. 30. (19.)] CoNYBEARE (John) The Penal Sanctions of Laws, considered. 8vo. Oxford, 1727. [P. 76- (9.)] CoRNEWALL (Frederick) Zeal for Religion. Svo. London, 1710. [P. 112. (8.)] Crowe (William) The Character and Blessing of Good Government. At Winchester Cathedral, March 4, 1724-5. Svo. London, 1725. [R. 11. 65.] DowNEs (Henry) The Necessity and Usefulness of Laws, and the Excellency of our own. At Northampton. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 133. (35.)] Duke (R.) Christ's Kingdom. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] Eden (Robert) The Necessity and Unchangeable Difference of Moral Good and Evil. At Winchester. 4to. Oxford, 1743. [P. 29. (40.)] Elis (Clement) Religion and Loyalty inseparable. At Nottingham. 4to. London, 1691. [M. 15. 22.] Felton (George) Secular Interest, Insincerity, and Double-Dealing in Religion, detected and exposed. Svo. Salop, 1715. [P. 112. (19.)] Fothergill (George) The Reasons and Necessity of Public Worship. Svo. Oxford, 1753. [P. 188. (3.)] Freeman (Samuel) At Northampton. 4to. London, 1690. [^li. 1. 32.] Gibson (Edmund) At Croydon. 4to. London, 1706. [P. 29. {35.)'] Gibson (Edmund) At Kingston. 4to. London, 1714. [P. 29. (36.)] Hamilton (Hugh) The Duty of Obedience. At Armagh. Svo. London, 1772. [P. 305. (12.)] Harris (Daniel) Disobedience to Government. Svo. London, 1722. [P. 73. (7.)] Hey (John) The Nature of Obsolete Ordinances. At Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge, 1773. [P. 280. (10.)] HoADLY (Benjamin) St. Paul's Behaviour towards the Civil Magistrate. At Hertford. Svo. London, 1708. [N. 9. 25.] ASSIZE SERMONS. 357 HoADiy (John) The Nature and Excellency of Moderation. At Salis- bury. 8vo. London, 1707. [P.183.X18.)] HuRD (Richard) The Mischiefs of Bigotry. 4to. London, 1752. [P. 31.(31.)] Jenkinson (Richard) The Methods of subverting Government. (At the Quarter Sessions.) Svo. London, 1713. [P. 112.(14.)] Lavington (George) At Worcester. Svo. London, 1726. [P. 76.(11.)] LENG(John) The Advantage of Government, and the Duty of preserving it. 4to. London, 1715. [P. 38. (3.)] LowTH (Robert) At Durham. 4to. Newcastle, 1764. [P. 31. (32.)] Mansell (John) Assize Sermon. 4to. 1693. [P. 34. (16.)] Newcome (Richard) At Winchester. Svo. London, 1728. [P. 63. (10.)] Paley (William) At Durham. 8vo. London, 1795. [Hh. 3. 50.] Parker (Robert) At Durham. 4to. London, 1740. [P. 29. (39.)] Paul (William) At Exeter. 4to. Exon, 1724. [P. 33. (10.)] PoTTEK (John). 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 112. (7.)] Rawson (Joseph) The Advantage of falling rather into the Hand of the Lord than of Man. At Kingston. Svo. London, 1715. [M. 20. 25.] Richmond (Henry) Two Sermons at Lancaster. Svo. London, 1710. [P. 138. (16,17.)] Rotherham (John) The Influence of Religion on Human Laws. Svo. London, 1763. [P. 214. (S.)] Sacheverell (Henry) The Nature and Mischief of Prejudice and Parti- ality. At Oxford. 4to. Oxford, 1 704. [M. 14. 14.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1708. [P. 133. (34.)] The Communication of Sin. At Derby. ~\ Svo. London, 1709. ' r|^ ^q^ ^JA A Letter to Him thereon, by a Cambridge Gentleman. \ Svo. London, 1709. -' Savage (John) The Security of the Established Religion. 4to. Cam- bridge, 1704. [P. 23. (17.)] Seward (Thomas) The Folly of Rebellion. 4to. London, 1750. [P. 31. (30.)] Simeon (Charles) The Cities of Refuge. At Cambridge. Svo. Cam- bridge, 1803. [Hh. 3. f^8.] Simpson (B.) At Winchester. 4to. London, 1744. [P. 29. (41.)] Slade (Joseph) The Character of a Righteous Magistrate. Svo. London, 1714. [M. 19. 23.] Smalridge (George) The Design of Human Laws. At Kingston. Svo. London, 1712. [M. 19. 28.] South (Robert) Interest deposed ; and Truth restored. 4to. Oxford, 1668. [M.20. IS.] Standish (John) A Caution against meddling with those who are given to change. At Hertford. 4to. London, 1683. [M. 14. 26.] Stillingfleet (Edward) Christian Magnanimity : at Worcester. 4to« London, 1690. [M. 15. 18.] 358 RELIGION. Tilly (William) Religious Resolution in a good Cause. At Oxford. 4to. Oxford, 1705. [P. 38. (1.)] • Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 133. (41.)] TiLtOTSoN (John) The Lawfulness of Oaths. 4to. London, 1681. [P. 36.(21.)] Trapp (Joseph) On confounding Good and Evil. At Oxford. Svo. London, 1708. [P. 133. (17.)] • The Nature and Influence of the Fear of God. 8vo. London, 1713. [M. 19. 16.] Watehland (Daniel) The Duty of Jjiving peaceably. At Cambridge. 4to. London, 1713. [M. 15. 21.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1713. [P. 34. (14.)] Watson (Richard) At Cambridge. 4to. Cambridge, 1769. [P. 31. (33.)] Webster (WiUiam) On Prov.xiv. 34. 8vo. London, 1738. [P. 93. (16.)] Wheeldon (John) At Huntingdon. 8vo. Cambridge, 1773. Whitfield (John) At Ely. 8vo. Cambridge, 1718. [R. 11. 65.] Whitfield (William) Christian Liberty. At Guildford. 4to. London, 1703. [M. 15. 10.] WiLLATs (Charles) The Religion of Nature proved to be a mere Idol. At York. Svo. London, 1744. [P. 119. (12.)] Willet (John) The Nature and Mischiefs of Hypocrisy. At Oxford. Svo. London, 1708. [P. 133. (21.] Young (Edward) Two Sermons. 4to. London, 1685. [P. 36. (4.)] iv. Sermons preached on various occasions before Civil Cor- porations and Corporate Societies. (1) Sermons preached before the Lord Mayor, &c. of the City OF London. Sellers (Fulk) Eclipses spiritualized. March 28, 1652, the Day before the Solar Eclipse. 4to. London, 1652. [li. 1. 31.] Berriman (William) The Authority of Civil Powers in matters of Reli- gion, asserted and vindicated. Sept. 29, 1722. Svo. London, 1722. [P. 138.(6.)] Calamy (Benjamin) A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, &c. July 13, 1673. 4to. London, 1673. [M. 15. 22.] Calamy (Benjamin) Two Sermons preached in 1682 and 1683. 4to. London, 1682-3. [P. 28. (22,23.)] Conybeare (John) The Expediency of Divine Revelation. Svo. London, •1728. [P. 87. (1.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1730. [N. 9. 30.] Cook (John) A Sermon preached Dec. 19, 1675. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 14. 27.] SERMONS BEFORE THE LORD MAYOR, &c. 359 Copping (John) The Ruin and Safety of a Nation. 4to. London, 170iJ. [li. 1. 32.] Delaune (William) Of Original Sin. 8vo. London, 1725. [P. 74. (14.)] Evans (John) Moderation stated. 4to. London, 1672. [M. 15. 22.] Fleetwood (William) On the Education of Children. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 15. 24.] Harris (John). 4to. London, 1705. [P. 34. (34.)] HicKEs (George) The Strongest Temptations conquerable by Christians. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 14. 26.] • The Case of the Jews, as the peculiar people of God. 4to. London, 1681. '[M. 14. 33.] HoADLY (Benjamin) The Measures of Submission to the Civil Magistrate considered ; in a Defence of the Doctrine delivered in his Sermon on Rom. xiii. 1. before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London, Sept. 29, 1705. 8vo. London, 1708. [M. 19. 31.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1708.. [N. 9. 6.] Best of All: Being the Student's Thanks to Mr. Hoadly, "wherein the Se- cond Part of his Measures of Submission is fully answered. In a Letter to Himself. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 274. (4.)] Mr. Hoadly' s Measures of Submission to the Civil Magistrate enquired into, and disproved. 8vo. London, 1711. [B. 6. 49.] Johnson (Samuel) A Sermon preached on Palm Sunday, 1679. 4to. London, 1684. [N. 8. 28.] Kennet (White) The Christian Neighbour. 8vo. London, 171 1. [P. 112. (20.)] Lake (Edward) A Sermon preached Feb. 28, 1701-2. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 133. (25.)] Lambe (J.) The Peace that flows from the Law of God. 4to. London, 1682. [M. 14. 26.] Littleton (Adam) A Sermon preached Feb. 29, 1679-80. 4to. London, 1680. [M. 14. 27.] Lynford (Thomas) A Sermon on 2 Chron. xx. 17. 4to. London, 1679. [P. 36. (7.)] Manningham (Thomas) A Sermon preached in 1679. 4to. London, 1680. [P. 33. (27.)] Mapletoft (John) A Sermon preached in 1695. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 26. (13.)] Masse Y (Edmund) At the Election of a Mayor, Sept. 29, 1725. 8vo. London, 1725. [P. 74. (1.)] Moore (John) On Patience and Submission to Authority. 4to, London, 1684. [M. 15. 22.] Moss (Robert) A Sermon preached Oct. 5, 1708. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 133. (36.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 270. 15.] Neville (Robert) On a future Judgment. 4to. London, 1679. [P. 28. (26.)] Oliver (Edward) A Sermon preached Oct. 23, 1698. 4to. London, 1698. [N. 8. 24.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1698. [P. 23. (20.)] 360 RELIGION. Payne (William) The Duty of Family Religion. 4to. London, 1691. [li. 1. 32.] PiLKiNGTON (Matthew) At the Election of a Lord Mayor. 4to. London, 1733. [P. 19. (37.)] Sacheverell (Henry) On the Perils of False Brethren in Church and State. 4to. London, 1709. [P. 26. (23.)] Savage (William) On the Election of a Lord Mayor, Sept. 29, 1707. 8vo. London, ,1707. [P. 133. (22.)] Sharpe (John) The Things that make for Peace. 4to. Lon- \ don, 1674. ^ MM 14 -^^6 1 Godliness profitable unto all Things. 4to..Lon- ^ ' •~ -J don, 1674. Sherlock (William) The Danger of corrupting the Faith by Philosophy. With his Vindication of the Discourse. 4to. London, 1697. [N. 6. 36.2 Squire (Samuel) A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor. 4to. London, 1745. [P. 29. (32.)] Standish (John) The Danger of forgetting God. 4to. London, 1684. [M. 14. 26.] Stillingfleet (Edward) The Reformation justified. 4to. London, 1674. [P. 36. (5.)] Thorp (George) A Sermon on Matt. vii. 12. 4to. London, 1677. [M. 15. 11.] Topping (Henry) On Christian Love and Charity. Svo. London, 1713. [P. 73. (13.)] Trapp (Joseph) On St. Matthew's Day. 4to. London, 1730. [P. 17.(3.)] Turner (John) Animadversions upon the Doctrine of Transubstantiation. 4to. London, 1679. [M. 15. 18.] Turner (John) A Sermon preached before Sir Patience Ward in 1681. 4to. London, 1683. [C. 10. 14.] Williams (John) A Sermon preached Oct. 12, 1679. 4to. London, 1679. [M. 14. 27.] (2) Sermons ereached before other Corporations and. Corporate Societies. Calamy (Benjamin) Before the Artillery Company of London. 4to. London, 1685. [P. 28. (24.)] HicKES (George) On Sovereign Power. Before the Artillery Company. 4to. London, 1682. [M. 14. 33.] Sprat (Thomas) Before the Artillery Company. 4to. London, 1682. [M. 15. 18.] Berdmore (Samuel) Before the Artillery Company of Nottingham. Svo. London, 1716. [M. 20. 25.] Birch (Thomas) The Wisdom and Goodness of God proved from the Frame and Constitution of Man. Before the College of Physicians. 4to. London, 1749. [P. 31. (24.)] Hales (Stephen) Before the College of Physicians, on the same subject. 4to. London, 1751. [P. 31. (25.)] SERMONS BEFORE CORPORATE SOCIETIES. 361 CuRTEis (Thomas) Before the Company of Apothecaries. 4to. Lon- don, 1731. [P. 19. (34.)] Reeves (William) Before the Society of Apothecaries. 4to. London, 1706. [P. 26. 20.)] Maundrell (Henry) Before the Company of Merchants trading to the Levant. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 34. (27.)] Brydges (Henry) The Gospel Treasure. Before the Levant Company. 4to. London, 1701. [M. 20. 4.] Stanhope (George) The Seaman's Obligations to Gratitude and a Good Life. Before the Corporation of the Trinity House. 4to. London, 1699. [M. 14. 23.] Manningham (John) The Great Duty of Labour and Work ; and the Necessity of a Plan for a general Workhouse. Before the Corpora- tion of Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge, 1750. [P. 266. (20.)] An Examination of Mr. Hutchinson's Remarks, and Mr. Catcott's An- swer to his Observations upon his Sermon before the Corporation of Bristol. 8vo. London, 1738. [P. 271. (6.)] (3) Sermons preached before the Trustees incorporated for ESTABLISHING THE NeW CoLONY OF GeORGIA. Burton (John). - - - 4to. London, 1733. [P. 17. (6.)] Bundle (Thomas). - - - 4to. London, 1734. [P. 17.(4.)] Watts (George). - - - 4to. London, 1735. [P. 19. (17.)] Warren (Robert). - - - 4to. London, 1737. [P. 19. (18.)] Bearcroft (Philip). - - 4to. London, 1738. [P. 19. (19.)] Berriman (William). - - 4to. London, 1739. [P. 19.(20.)] Crowe (William). - - - 4to. London, 1740. [P. 20. (12.)] Best (William). - - - 4to. London, 1742. [P. 20. (13.)] Ridley (Glocester). - - 4to. London, 1746. [P. 20. (14.)] V. Sey^mons on National and other Fast Days. (1) Sermons on the 30th of January. CoADE (George) A Letter to a Clergyman relating to his Sermon on the 30th of January : being a Complete Answer to all the Serinons that ever have been, or shall be, preachd^d in a like strain on that Anniver- sary. 12rao. London, 1747. [R. 20. 21.] Anonymous Sermons. ^ An Anonymous Sermon on the 30th of January. 4to. n.d. [M. 15. 11.] The Devilish Treason, Hellish Conspiracy, Heathenish Conspiracy, and Damnable Murder, committed by the Jewes against the Anointed of the Lord, Christ their King, as it was delivered in a Sermon on Feb. 4th, 1648. 4to. London, 1648. [N. -8. 40.] 362 RELIGION. A Sermon preached on the Anniversary Fast for the Martyrdom of King Charles I. in the last [1 7th] Century, on Titus iii. 1. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 75. (22.)] A Sermon preached on the Anniversary Fast for the Martyrdom of King Charles I. at Court, in the last [17th] Century. [By Dr. South.] 8vo. London, [1710.] [P. 75. (,23.)] A Sermon preached to a Congregation of Dissenters, Jan. 30, 1713. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 75. (18.)] Allen (Fifield) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1751. [P. 9. (2.)] Archer (Edmond) Before the Lower House of Convocation. 8vo. London, 1711. [P. 75. (11.)] Arrowsmith (Edward) A Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles I. 4to. London, 1736. [P. 19.(3.)] Ayscough (Francis) A Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles I. 4to. London, 1736. [P. 19. (2.)] Bagshaw (Henry) Before the King. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 14. 27.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1676. [M. 15. 11.] Baker (William, Bishop of Bangor) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. London, 1724. [P. 75. (6.)] Baker (William, Bishop of Bangor) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1726. [P. 33. (24.)] Barford (William) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1770, [P. 9. (16.)] Benson (Martin, Bishop of Gloucester) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1738. [P. 19. (4.)] Bentham (Edward) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1750. [P. 22. (14.)] Beveridge (William, Bishop of St. Asaph) Submission to Governors. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 116. (23.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 134. (21.)] Binckes (William) Before the Lower House of Convocation. 4to. Lon- don, 1702. [M. 20. 4.] Blackburne (Lancelot) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1716. [M. 19.10.] Bowers (Thomas, Bishop of Chichester) Before the House of Peer*. 4to. London, 1722. [P. 30. (22.)] BiiADFORD (Samuel, Bishop of Carlisle) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1719. [P. 33. (16.)] Bridges (Henry) Before Queen Anne. 8vo. London, 1709. [L. 15. 2,] Browne (Francis) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 4to. Lon- don, 1713. [M. 14. 11.] Buck (Maximilian) Preached in 1703. 8vo. London, 1711. [P. 134. (26.)] Butler (Joseph, Bishop of Bristol) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1740. [P. 29. (1.)] SERMONS ON THE 30th OF JANUARY. S63 Chandler (Edward, Bishop of Lichfield) Before the House of Peers, 8vo. London, 1718. [P. 109. (3.)] Clagett (Nicholas, Bishop of St. David's) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1736. [P. 19. (1.)] Clarke (Alured) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1732. [P. 17. (23.)] Colby (S.; 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 134. (24.)] CoLEiRE (Richard) Preached at the Temple Church. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 110. (10.)] CoRNWALLis (F., Bishop of Lincoln) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1761. [P. 9. (1.)] Croxall (Samuel). 4to. London, 1730. [P. 17. (9.)] Delany (Patrick) Before the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. 4to. London, 1737. [P. 93. (13.)] Egerton (Henry, Bishop of Hereford) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. London, 1727. [P. 75. (2.)] Ellys (Anthony) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1749. [P. 22. (12.)] (Bishop of St. David's) Before the House of Lords. 4to. London, 1754. [P. 9. (4.)] Eyre (Robert) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 270. (13.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 33. (23.)] FiDDEs (Richard) Preached Jan. 31, 1703-4, on which day the Anniver- sary of the Martyrdom of Charles L was kept. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] Fleetwood (William) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 4to. London, 1699. [N. 8. 28.] 4to. London, 1706. [P. 26. 12.] Fowler (Richard, Bishop of Gloucester) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. London, 1716. [M. 19. 30.] Freind (Robert) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 116. (6.)] Garmston (John). 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 34. (28.)] GoocH (Thomas) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1712. [M. 14. 11.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 75. (10.)] Green (John, Bishop of Lincoln) Before the House of Peers. 4to. Lon- don, 1763. [P. 9. (10.)] Hallifax (Samuel) Before the House of Commons. 4to. Cambridge, 1769. [Gg. 1. 14.] Another Copy. 4to. Cambridge, 1769. [P. 9. (14.)] Hare (Francis, Bishop of Chichester) Before the House of Lords. 4to. London, 1731. [P. 17. (22.)] An Examination of the Facts and Reasonings in the Bishop of Chichester's Scnnon before the House of Lords. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 271 . (4.)] 364 RELIGION. Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 65. (8.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1732. [P. 135. (3.)] The present Government in Church and State asserted, against the Oppug- ners of the Bishop of Chichester's Sermon, by Titus Britannicus. 8vo. London, 1732. [P'. 271. (3.)] Hayter (Thomas, Bishop of Norwich) Before t^e House of Peers. 4to. London, 1750. [P. 22. (13.)] Herring (Thomas^ Bishop of Bangor) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1740. [P. 19. (6.)] HicKEs (George) Before the Lord Mayor, &c, of London. 4to. London, 1683. [M. 14. 33.] HiGDEN (William) Before the Queen (Anne). 4to. London, 1711 • [M. 14. 8.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1711. [P. 34. (20.)] HoADLY (Benjamin, Bishop of Bangor) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. London, 1721. [P. 140. (3.)] HoADLY (John) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1717. [P. 183. (17.)] HuTTON (Matthew) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1741. [P. 29. (2.)] Jenings (John) The Case of King Charles parallel to St. Paul's before Felix. 8vo. London, 1711. [P. 75. (20.)] Keene (Edmund, Bishop of Chester) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1753. [P. 9. (3.)] Kennet (White) Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles L 4to. London, 1700. [P. 34. (7.)] Leng (John, Bishop of Norwich) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. Lon- don, 1726. [P. 76. (3.)] Littleton (Edward) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1731. [P. 17. (SI.)] Lloyd (William, Bishop of St. Asaph) Before the Queen (Mary). 4to. London, 1691. [M, 14. 26.] Lockier (Francis). 4to. London, 1725. [P. 30. (9.)] LupTON (William) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1724. [R. 11. 65.] Manningham (Thomas) Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles 1. 4to. London, 1686. [P. 33. (29.)] Maurice (Henry) Before King Charles H. 4to. London, 1682. [M. 15. 22.] Mawson (Matthew, Bishop of Chichester) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1745. [P. 29. (6.)] MiLBOURNE (Luke) Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles I. 4to. London, 1708. [M. 14. 12.] Moody (Samuel), Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 4to. London, 1733. [P. 17. (25.)] SERMONS ON THE 30th OF JANUARY. 365 Moss (Robert) Before the House of Commons. 4to. Londou, 1707. [M. 14. 9.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1707. [P. 33. (5.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1707. [P. 270. (14.)] Newcome (John) Sermon on tlie Martyrdom of King Charles L 4to. Cambridge, 1743. [P. 29. (3.)] Newcome (Richard, Bishop of LlandafF) Before the House of Peers, 4to. London, 1756. [P. 9. (5.)] Newton (Thomas, Bishop of Bristol) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1764. [P. 9. (10.)] Pearce (Zachary, Bishop of Bangor) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1749. [P. 22. (11.)] A Letter to the Bishop oj" Bangor, occasioned by his Sermon. 8vo. London, 1749. [P. 182. (2.)] Pearson (Edward) Before the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1794. [Hh. 3. 31.] Pelling (John) Before the House of Commons, Jan. 31. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 134. (27.)] (PL 15 2 Two other Copies. 8vo. London, 1709. < t, ' ^ * ,'^ .-. PoRTErs (Beilby) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1767. [P. 9. (13.)] Pretyman (George, Bishop of Lincoln) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1789. [Hh. 1. 36.] Reynolds (Richard, Bishop of Bangor) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1721. [P. 30. 24.] Richardson (William) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1764. [P. 9. (11.)] Ross (John) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1759. [P. 9. (7.)] Rutherford (Thomas) Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles I. 4to. London, 1746. [P. 29. (7.)] Sacheverel (Henry) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1713. [P. 110. (9.)] Saint George (Arthur, Bishop of Clogher) Before the Lords Justices of Ireland and the House of Lords, at Dublin. 8vo. London, 1715-16. [M. 19. 30.] Saint John (Pawlet) Before the Queen [Anne], at St. James's Chapel. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 75. (16.)] Salter (Samuel) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1762. [P. 9. (9.)] Sharp (John, Archbishop of York) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 133. (11.)] Sherlock (Thomas) Before the Queen, Jan. 31, 1704. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 134. (22.)] Two other Copies. 4to. London, 1704. i E?* ^' jjl'^ Sherlock (Thomas, Bishop of Bangor) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1738. [P. 17. 24.] 366 RELIGION. Shipley (Jonathan, Bishop of St. Asaph) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. London, 1770. [P. 9. (15.)] Shorey (William) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London, Jan. 31, 1715. 8vo. London, 1715. [M. 16. 29.] Shuckford (Samuel) Before the Corporation of Norwicli. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 17;24. [P. 74 (3.)] Smalbroke (Richard, Bishop of St. David's) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1728. [P. 30. (11.)] Smalridge (George) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1702. [M. 20. 4.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 134. (23.)] Before the Court of Aldermen of London, Jan. 31, 1709. 8vo. London, 1709. [L. 15. 2.] Stackhouse (Thomas) At Richmond, Jan. 31, 1725-26. 8vo. London, 1726. [P. 75. (1.)] Stainforth (William) At the Cathedral at York. 4to. London, 1689. [M. 15. ZQ.I Stanhope (George) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1705. [M. 14. 14.] Stillinofleet (Edward) Before King Charles II. 4to. London, 1669. [N. 8. 25.] Stradlino (George) Before King Charles II. 4to. London, 1675. [N. 8. 42.] Terrick (Richard, Bishop of Peterborough) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1758. [P. 9. (6.)] Thomas (John) Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles I. 4to. London, 1744. [P. 29. (5.)] Trapp (Joseph) Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles I. 8vo. London, 1730. [P. 17. (20 )] Trimnel (Charles, Bishop of Norwich) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. London, 1712. [M. 19. 28.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 75. (12.)] Tyler (John, Bishop of Llandaff) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1707. [li. 1. 31.] Waddington (Edward, Bishop of Chichester) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1729. [P. 17. (18.)] Wake (William, Archbishop of Canterbury) Before King George I. 8vo. London, 1715. [M. 20. 25.] Wauburton (William, Bishop of Gloucester) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1760. [P. 9. (8.)] Ward (Seth, Bishop of Sarnm) Before the House of Peers. 4to. Lon- don, 1674. [M. 15. 18.] West (Richard) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 266. (18.)] Whalley (John) Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles I. 4to. London, 1739. [P. 29. (4.)] Whalley (Nathaniel) Before the University of Oxford. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 134. {^5.)] FAST-DAY SERMONS DURING WARS. 367 Willis (Richard, Bishop of Gloucester) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. London, 1716. [P. 75. (9.)] Wynne (Robert) Sermon on the Martyrdom of King Charles I. 4to. London, 1704. [P. 33. (33.)] (2) Sermons preached on Fast Days during Wars, Chronologically arranged. Gauden (John) The Love of Truth and Peace : before the House of Commons, Nov. 29, 1640. 4to. London, 1641. [M. 19. S5.'] A Collection of Sermons preached before the House of Commons be- tween the years 1642 and 1648. 4 vols. 4to. London, V. Y. QE. 20. 23-26.] Sancroft (William, Archbishop of Canterbury) Before the House of Peers, on the Fast-Day, Nov. 13, 1678. 4to. London, 1678. [M. 15. 11.] Stillingfleet (Edward) Sermon on the Fast-Day, 1678. 4to. London, 1678. [P. 36. (6.)] Angling Speculum : a Glass that flatters not ; presented to a Country Congregation at the late solemn Fast, April 24, 1678, in a Parallel be- tween the kingdom of Israel and England. Wherein the whole Nation is desired to behold our Sin and our Danger, by a Dutiful Son of this Church. 4to. London, 1678. [M. 14. 24.] Sharp (John) Sermon on the Fast-Day, 1678. 4to. London, 1678. [P. 36. (15.)] Wake (William) Before the House of Commons, June 5, 1689. 4to. London, 1689. [li. 1. 32.] Cruso (Timothy) Sermon on the Fast-Day, 1689. 4to. London, 1689. [P. 40. (9.)] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) Before the House of Lords. 4to. London, 1690. [P. 34. (11.)] Tillotson (John) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1690. [P. SQ. (22.)] Fleetwood (William) Before the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen. 4to. London, 1692. [M. 20. 6.] Comber (Thomas) Before Queen Mary. 4to. London, 1694. [P. 34. (23.)] Gardiner (James, Bishop of Lincoln) Before the House of Peers, Dec. 11,1695. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 28. (31.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 36. (11.)] Williams (John) Before the House of Commons, Dec. 11, 1695. 4to. London, 1695. [P. 23. (9.)] Cooper (George) Sermon on a Fast-Day. 4to. London, 1701. [P. 26. (15.)] Prat (Samuel) At the Savoy Church, Jan. 19,1703-4. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] 368 RELIGION. Dawes (Sir Wm.) Times of War, Times for National Humiliation and Repentance ; a Fast-Day Sermon before Queen Anne. 4to. London, 1707. [M. 14. 9.] Trimnel (Charles) Before the House of Commons, Jan. 14, 1707-8. 4to. London, 1708. [M. 15. 24.] ^- Two other Copies. 4to. London, 1708. j ^' jg'^' ^.^'^ >-, Moss (Robert) Before Queen Anne. 4to. London, 1710. [P. 33. (8.)] A Sermon on the Fast-Day, Jan. 16, 1711, against such as delight in War, [ascribed to Wm. Fleetwood, Bishop of St. Asaph.] 8vo. Lon- don, 1712. [N. 9. 25.] Smalridge (George) At the Royal Chapel St. James's, Jan. 16, 1711. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 137. (2.)] Carter (Nicholas) On the Rebelhon ofl715. 8vo. London, 1716. [P. 112. (11.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1716. [M. 19. 20.] Gibson (Edmund) Religion the best Security to Church and State. 4to. London, 1715. [N. 8. 28.] HoADLY (Benjamin) The present Delusion of many Protestants consi- dered. 8vo. London, 1715. [M. 19. 30.] Kennet (White) The Witchcraft of the present Rebellion, 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 109. 14.] Lambe (Charles) Pretences for the present Rebellion considered, Oct. 6, 1715. 8vo. London, 1715. [M. 19. 30.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 137. (7.)] Mynors (Willoughby) True Loyalty. 8vo. London, 1716. [P. 270. (10.)] Topping (Henry) Against Popery and Rebellion. 8vo. London, 1716. [M. 19. 30.^ West (Richard) On the Public Breaches. 8vo. London, 1716. „.. [M. 20. 25.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1716. [P. 138. 13.] Gooch (Thomas, Bishop of Norwich) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1739. [P. 19. (28.)] Barton (Philip) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1739. [P. 19. (29.)] Secker (Thomas, Bishop of Oxford) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1740. [P. 29. (13.)] Mawson (Matthias, Bishop of Chichester) Sermon on the Fast-Day, 1740. 4to. London, 1740. [P. 29. (14.)] Clarke (Reuben) Sermon on the Fast-Day, 1741. 4to. London, 1741. [P. 29. (15.)] Watts (George) On the Fast-Day, Nov. 10, 1742. 4to. London, 1742. [P. 29. (16.)] Webster (Wm.) On Nov. 10, 1742. 8vo. London, 1742. [P. 119. (8.)] Denne (John) On the Rehgious, Moral, and Civil State of the Country. 4to. London, 1744. [P. 29. (17,18.)] FAST-DAY SERMONS DURING WARS. 369 Benson (George) Objections against Days of Fasting and Prayer an- swered, in a Sermon, occasioned by the War with France and Spain, on the Fast-Day, Jan. 9, 1744-5. 8vo. London, 1745. [P. 128. (13.)] Fust-Day Sermons on the Rebellion in 1745. Arrowsmith (Edward). - Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (17.)] Chandler (Samuel). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (3.)] DowNES (John). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (22.)] Harvest (George). Svo. London, 1745. [F. 29. (21.)] Herring (Thomas, Archbishop of York). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (1.)] Lavington (George). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (6.)] A Layman's Sermon, at St. Paul's Cross. Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (4.)] Lisle (Samuel, Bishop of St. Asaph) Before the House of Peers. 4to, London, 1745. [P. 29. (19.)] Meadowcourt (Richard). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (16,)] Newton (Thomas) Before the House of Commons. Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (14.)] NicoLLs (Samuel). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (10.)] Pegge (Samuel). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (18.)] Roberts (Samuel). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95. (5.)] Secker (Thomas, Bishop of Oxford). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 95, (2.)] Sherlock (Thomas, Bishop of Salisbury). 4to. London, 1745. [P. 29. (20,)] Smyth (George). Svo. London, 1745. [P. 150. (8.)] Stebbing (Henry). 4to. London, 1745. QP. 29. (23.)] Stennktt (Joseph). 8vo. London, 1745. [P. 95, (15.)] Thomas (John). 4to. London, 1745. [P. 29. (21.)] Warburton (William) Three Sermons. Svo. London, 1745-6. [P. 95. (7-9.)] Weston (William) Three Sermons. Svo. Cambridge, 1746. [P. 95. (19.)] Other Fast-Day Sermons during Wars. Herring (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury) Sermon on the Fast, in 1747. 4to. London, 1747. [P. 22. (25.)] Taylor (John) Sermon on the Fast-Day, in 1757. 4to. London, 1757. [P. 7. (28.)] Thomas John, Bishop of Salisbury) Sermon on the Fast-Day, in 1758. 4to. London, 1758. [P. 7. (29.)] Fothergill (George) The Violence of Man, subservient to the Govern- ment of God. Svo. Oxford, 1758. [P. 213. (18.)] Ashton (Thomas) Sermon on the Fast-Day, in 1758. 4to. London, 1758. [P. 7. (30.)] 2 B 370 RELIGION. Chandler (Thomas) On the Signs of the Times, Feb. 16, 1759. 8vo. London, 1759. [P. 265. (6.)] Drummond (Robert, Bishop of St. Asaph) Sermon on the Fast-Day, in 1759. 4to. London, 1759. [P. 7. (31.)] Green (John) Sermon on the Fast-Day, in 1759. 4to. London, 1759. [P. 7. (32.)] Peakce (Zachary, Bishop of Rochester) Sermon on the Fast-Day, in 1759. 4to. London, 1759. [P. 7. (33.)] YoNGE (Philip, Bishop of Bristol) Sermon on the Fast-Day, in 1761. 4to. London, 1761. [P. 7. (34.)] Barton (Henry) Sermon on the Fast-Day, in 1762. 4to. London, 1762. [P. 7. {35.)-] Price (Richard) At Hackney, Feb. 26, 1781. 8vo. London, 1781. [Hh. 3. 31.] Beadon (Richard, Bishop of Bristol) Before the House of Peers, April 19, 1793. 4to. London, 1793. [Hh. 1. 36.] Woodhouse (J. C.) Before the House of Commons, Feb. 17, 1808. 4to. London, 1808. [Gg. 1. 14.] (3) Miscellaneous Fast-Day Sermons. Gauden (John) God's Great Demands : Before the House of Commons at the Fast before their first sitting April 30, 1660. 4to. London, 1660. [li. 1. 31.] GREENFieLD (Thomas) Before the House of Commons, June 12, 1661, a Fast Day, upon the abundance of Rain, and apprehended danger of Famine. 4to. London, 1661. [li. 1. 31.] Sandcroft (William) Lex Ignea, or the School of Righteousness. Be- fore the King, Oct. 10, 1666. The Fast Day appointed for the Fire in London. 4to. London, 1666. [M. 14. 27.] Parker (William) The Natural Effect and Religious Improvement of Di- vine Judgments. Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London, Sept. 2, 1748, the Anniversary Fast for the Fire of London. 8vo. London, 1748. [P. 187. 9.] Neal (Daniel) The Christian's Duty and Interest in time of Danger, Oct. 27, 1721 ; on account of the Plague [in France]. 8vo. London, 1721. [P. 195. (1.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1721. [P. 150. 5.] Smyth (George) Dec. 16, 1720, a Day of Solemn Fast, on account of the Plague. 8vo. London, 1720. [P. 150. (9.)] Wilcox (Joseph) Dec. 16, 1720, on account of the Plague. 4to. London, 1720. [P. 33. (17.)] Paterson (James) A Warning to Great Britain : a Sermon on the spread- ing of the Plague in France. 8vo. London, 1722. [P. 139. (5.)] FAST-DAY SERMONS ON EARTHQUAKES. 371 (4) On Earthquakes — Fast-Day Sermons on occasion of the Earthquake at Lisbon. Chandler (Samuel) The Scripture Account of the Cause and Intention of Earthquakes, in a Sermon at the Old Jewry, March 11, 1749-50, on occasion of the two shocks, the first on Feb. 8, the next on March 8. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 187. (1.)] Mason (John) The riglit Improvement of Alarming Providences. A Ser- mon at Cheshunt, in Hertfordshire, March 18, 1749-50, on occasion of the two late Earthquakes. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 187. (2.)] Sherlock (Thomas, Bishop of London) A Letter to the Clergy and Peo- ple of London and Westminster, on occasion of the late Earthquakes. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 187. (3.)] Modest Remarks upon the Bishop of London's Letter, by one of the People called Quakers. 8vo. London, 1750. [P. 187. (4.)] A Vindication of the Bishop of London's Letter from the Cavils and scan- dalous Rejections in a late Jesuitical Pamphlet. Ln a Letter to the pre- tended Quaker Author. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. Svo. London, 1750. [P. 187. (5.)] Stebbing (Henry) A Discourse preparatory to the Fast-Day on occasion of the Earthquake at Lisbon. 8vo. London, 1756. [P. 213. (15.)] Ashton (Thomas) A Sermon on the Earthquake at Lisbon. 8vo. Lon- don, 1756. [P. 7. (27.)] BuLKLEY (Charles) A Sermon on the Earthquake at Lisbon. 8vo. London, 1756. [P. 213. (20.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1756. [P. 214. (19.] KiDGELL (John) Serious Reflection enforced; a Fast-Day Sermon. London, 1756. [P. 213. (22.)] Lavington (George, Bishop of Exeter) A Sermon on the Fast-Day in 1756. Svo. Exon, 1756. [P. 213. (17.)] Mason (John) The Christian's Duty in the time of Public Danger, a Fast-Day Sermon. London, 1756. [P. 213. (21.)] Moss (Charles) A Sermon on Isa. xxvi. 9. 4to. London, 1756. [P. 7. (26.)] Pennington (John) A Call to Repentance. 8vo. London, 1756. [P. 213. (24.)] Seward (Thomas) The late Dreadful Earthquakes no Proof of God's particular Wrath against the Portujiueze. 4to. London, 1756. ^ [P. 7.(24.)] Warburton (William) A Sermon on the Earthquake at Lisbon. 4to. London, 1756. [P. 7. (25.)] Webster (William) A Sermon on Divine Judgments. 8vo. London, 1756. [P. 213. (23.)] 2 B 2 372 RELIGION. vi. Thanksgiving Sermons. (1) Sermons preached on the 29th of May, the Anniversary of THE Restoration of King Charles II. Bkunsell (Samuel) Solomon's Blessed Land, May 29, 1660. 4to. Lon- don, 1660. [li. 1. 31.] MossoM (R.) England's Gratulation for the King and his Subjects' happy Union ; first preacht on the day of Public Thanksgiving appointed by the Parliament, May 10th, 1660. 4to. London, 1660 [N. 8. 41.] Arrowsmith (Edward) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 4to. London, 1724. [P. 22. (15.)] Attereury (Francis) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1701. CM. 14. 14.] AwBREY (Timothy) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 75.(17.)] Bateman (Edmund) A Sermon preached May 29, 1743. 4to. London, 1743. [P. 29. (31.) Brett (Thomas) At the Chapel Royal, St. James's. Svo. London, 1713. [P. 75. (19.)] Burd (Richard) At St. Martin's in the Fields. 4to. London, 1684. [M. 15. 22.] BuRscouGH (William) Before the House of Commons. Svo. London, 1716. [M. 20. 11.] Calamy (Benjamin) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 4to. Lon- don, 1682. [M. 15. 22.] FoTHERGiLL (Thomas) Before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1753. [P. 182. (3.)] A Letter to the Rev. Thomas Fothergill, relating to his Sermon. Svo. Oxford, 1753. [P. 182. (4.)] Gastrell (Francis, Bishop of Chester) Before the House of Peers. Svo. London, 1714. [P. 116. 22.] Heylyn (Peter) At the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster, 4to. London, 1661. [N. 8. 41.] HicKES (George) At the Cathedral Church of Worcester. 4to. London, 1684. [M. 14. 26.] HoADLY (Benjamin, Bishop of Bangor) The Restoration m.ade a Blessing to us by the Protestant Succession. Before King George I. Svo. London, 1716. [M. 20. 11.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1716. [P. 61. (14.)] Knaggs (Thomas) At St. Paul's Cathedral, before the Lord Mayor. Svo. London, 1716. [P. 75. (21.)] Knight (Samuel) Before the House of Commons. Svo. London, 1725. [P. 266. (8.)] Lavington (George, Bishop of Exeter) On Rebellion, 4to. London, 1747. [P. 22.(16.)] Manningham (Thomas) A Short View of the Providence of God ill the i Restoration and Succession. 4to. London, 1685. [P. 33. (30.)] SERMONS ON THE 5th OF NOVEMBER. 373 Martin (John) Hosanna: a Thanksgiving Sermon on Psal. cxviii. 22-25. 4to. Oxford, 16G0. [li. 1. 31.] MiDDLETON (John) The Duty and Excellence of Thanksgiving. 4lo. London, 1730. [P. 17. (26,)] Ogden (Samuel) Before the University of Cambridge. 4to. Cambridge, 1758. [P. 9. {25.y] RvMER (Thomas) Obedience to Government. 4to. London, 1733. [P. 17. (27.)] Sacheverel (Henry) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1713. [P. 116. (27.)] Secker (Thomas, Bishop of Oxford) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1739. [P. 19. (5.)] SmalridgI; (George, Bishop of Bristol) Before the House of Peers. 8vo. London, 1716. [M. 20. 11.] ^ Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1716. [P. 137. (3.)] Snape (Andrew) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1717. [P. 75. (15.)] TopriNG (Henry) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 8vo. London, 1715. [M. 20. 24.] Trapp (Joseph) Before the Lords Justices at Dublin. 8vo. London, 1711. [L. 15. 6.] TuNSTALL (James) On Psalm cxxvi. 3. 4to. London, 1746. [P. 29. (8.)] Webster (William) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1 742. [P. H9. (7.)] Young (Edward) Before the House of Commons. 8vo. London, 1729.. [P. 63. (1.)] (2) Sermons preached on the 5th of November. Atterbury (Francis) Before Queen Anne. 4to, London, 1704. [M. 14. 23,] Bentley (Richard) Before the University of Cambridge. ) [M. 19. 11. (Two Copies.) 8vo. Cambridge, 1715. - - - 5 N. 9. 4.] Remarks upon Dr. Bentley' s Sermon on Popery. 4to. London, 1716. [M. 20. 25.] Binckes (Wm.) Before the House of Commons, Nov. 5, 1704. 4to. London, 1705. [M. 14. 14.] An Expostiihitorv Letter to Dr. Binckes. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 15.] Birch (Peter) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1689. [M. 15. 22.] Bradford (Samuel) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of Lon- > [P. 33. (14.) don. (Two Copies.) 4to. London, 1713. - - > P. 22. (9.)] Bridge (Francis) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 4to. London, 1684. [M. 15. 23.] Bringhurst (John) Sermon preached Nov. 5, 1749. 4to. London, 1749. [P. 22. (10.)] Bdb.net (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) At Salisbury. 8vo. London, 1710. ' [M. 20. 17.] 374 RELIGION. Burnet (Thomas) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 4to. Lon- don, 1726. [P. 30. (18.)] BuRscouGH (William) At. St. Peter's, Westminster, in 1715. 8vo. Lon- don, 1726. [P. 76. (5.)] Burscough (William) A Sermon preached Nov. 5, 1726. 4to. London, 1726. [P. 30. (27.)] Chandler (Edward) At the Cathedral of Worcester. Svo. London. 1714. [M. 16. 29.] Crowe (William) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 4to. London, 1734. [P. 17. (30.)] Dawes (Sir W^m.) Before the University of Cambridge. 4to. Cambridge, 1705. [M. 14. 23.] Dove (Henry) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1680. [M. 14. 26.] Fawcett (Benjamin) At Kidderminster. 8vo. Shrewsbury, 1773. [P. 305. (15.)] Fleetwood (William) Before King William IIL 4to. London, 1700. [M. 14. 23.] Freeman (Samuel) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1690. [M. 15. 11.] GouGH (Strickland) A Sermon preached Nov. 5, 1733. 4to. London, 1733. [P. 17. (29.)] Halley (George) At the Cathedral, York. 4to. London, 1698. [M. 15. 2.] Hey (John) Before the University of Cambridge ; to which are added. Two other Sermons, on the nature of Malevolent Sentiments. 8vo. Cambridge, 1774. [P. 280. (11-13.)] HoADLY (Benjamin) At St. Peter's, Broad-street. 8vo. London, 1715. [P. 160. (9).] Hutchinson (Thomas) A Sermon preached Nov. 5, 1746. 8vo. London, 1746. [P. 95. (11.)] Johnson (John, Bishop of Gloucester) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1753. [P. 9. (24.)] Kennet (White, Bishop of Peterborough) A Sermon preached Nov. 5, 1729. 4to. London, 1729. [P. 17. (28.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1715. [P. 34. (10.)] Lamplugh (Thomas, Bishop of Exeter) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1678. [M. 14. 26.] Lloyd (William, Bishop of St. Asaph) Before King WiUiatn HI. and Queen Mary. 4to. London, 1690. [M. 14. 26.] LovELL (Edward) Two Sermons, at Rotherhithe. Svo. London, 1726. [P. 75. (4.)] Meadowcourt (Richard) At Westminster Abbey. Svo. London, 1726. [P. 76. (5.)] Meadowcourt (Richard) Popery Disarmed, Nov. 5, 1739. Svo^ London, 1740. [P. 99. (6.)] Pearse (Robert) Before the University of Oxford. Svo. Oxford, 1721. [P. 116. (4.)] SERMONS ON THE 5th OF NOVEMBER. 375 Perse (William) At the Cathedral, York. 4to. York, 1689. [M. 20. 4.] Poole Y (Giles) A Sermon preached Nov. 5, 1705. 4to, London, 1705. [P. 33. (21.)] An Answer to Dr. Sacheverel's Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Nov. 5, 1709. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 115. (9.)] Sharp (John, Archbishop of York) Before the House of Peers. 4to. . London, 1691. [M. 14. 26.] Sherlock (Thomas) At St. Paul's, in 1712. Svo. London, 1717. [P. 112.(3.)] An Answer to a Letter relating to his Sermon. Svo. London, 1717. [P. 152. (6.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1717. [N. 9. 14.] Smith (Elisha) At Wisbeech. Svo. London, 1715. [M. 19. 30.] Stennett (Joseph) A Sermon preached Nov. 5, 1741. Svo. London, 1741. [P. 99, (7.)] Stillingfleet (Edward) At Westminster Abbey. 4to. London, 1674. [N. 8. 25.] Sydall (Elias) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1715. [P. 9. (22.)] Sydall (Elias) The Insupportable Yoke of Popery, at Canterbury Ca- thedral. Svo. London, 1715. [P. 75. (14.)] Sykes (Arthur Ashley) At King Street Chapel, Westminster. Svo. Lon- don, 1722. [P. 76. (7.)] Tennison (Edward, Bishop of Ossory) On Prov. xxiv. 21. 4to. Dublin, 1733. [P. 19. (7.)] TiLLOTSON (John) Before the House of Commons. (Three Copies.) 4to. London, 1678. [M. 14. 26.] Two Copies. 4to. London, 1678. \p\ qq )q n't Tilly (William) Before the Mayor and Corporation of Oxford. 4to. Oxford, 1705. [P. 38. (2.)] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1708. [P. 134. (38.)] Trevor (Richard, Bishop of St. David's) Before the House of Peers. 4to. London, 1745. [P. 29. (12.)] Venn (Henry) On the Opposition of Popery to the Religion of Jesus the Son of God. Svo. London, 1758. [P. 9. (23.)] Wake (William, Bishop of Lincoln) Before the House of Peers in 1705. 4to. London, 1706. [li. 1. 32.] WiLcocKs (Joseph, Bishop of Gloucester). 4to. London, 1722. [P. 33. (18.)] Wright (John) Before the House of Commons. Svo. London, 1715. [P. 76. (8.)] 376 RELIGION. (3) Miscellaneous Thanksgiving Sermons, for Victories, Peace, &c. &c. [i.] On the Deliverance of the Irish Protestants from the Massacre begun 1)1/ the Papists in Ireland, Oct. 23d, 1641. A Sermon to the Protestants in and about the City of London, Oct. 23d, 1689. By John [Vesey] Archbishop of Tuam. 4to, London, 1689. [M. 14. 27.] Williams (Daniel) The Protestant's Deliverance, preached Oct. 23d, 1689. 4to. London, 1690. [li. 1. 31.] Lambert (Ralph) Sermon to the Protestants of Ireland, residing in Lon- don, Oct. 23d, 1708. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 134. (35.)] St. Geokge (Arthur, Bishop of Clogher) Sermon to the Protestants of Ireland, residing in London, Oct. 23d, 1712. 8vo. London, 1712. [P. 137. (4.)] Ramsay (George) Sermon to the Protestants of Ireland, residing in London, Oct. 23d, 1713. 8vo. London, 1714. [P. 137. (5.)] Maule (Henry, Bishop of Dromore) Sermon on the Irish Massacre, preached at Dublin, Oct. 23d, 1 733. 4to. Dublin, 1741. [P. 28. (8.)] [«.] Thanksgiving Sermons in the Reign of Charles II. Pindar (William) A Sermon on Divine Providence in the special Pre- servation of Government and Kingdoms, on the Discovery of the [Ryehouse] Plot. 4to. London, 1679. [M. 15. 22.] Ahithophel's Plot defeated ; a Sermon preached on the 9th of September, the Thanksgiving day for his Majesty's and the Kingdom's great Deli- verance from the late Treasonable Conspiracy against his Sacred Per- son and Government. 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 22.] Barne (Miles) Sermon before the University of Cambridge, Sept. 9, 1683, on the same occasion. 8vo. London, 1710. [P. 134. (31.)] Pomfret (Samuel) Passive Obedience stated and explained, in a Sermon on Sept. 9, 1683, on the same occasion. 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 18.] Smith (Wm.). Sermon on the same day and occasion. 4to. London, 1683. [P. 33. (22.)] Turner (John) Sermon at Epsom on the same day and occasion. 4to. London, 1683. [M. 15. 18.] [iii.'] Thanksgiving Sermons in the Reign of James II. On the Suppression of the Dvke of Monmouth's Rebellion (July 26, 1685.) Cooke (Shadrach) At Islington. 4to. London, 1685. [M.. 15. 11.] Hesketh (Henry) At Whitehall. 4to. London, 1685. [M. 15. 11.] Long (Thomas). At Exeter. 4to. London, 1685. [M. 15. 22.] Pelling (Edward) Before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1685. [M. 15. 1].] THANKSGIVING SERMONS FOR VICTORY, &c. 377 m PoTTEB (John) A Sermon preached July 26, 1685. 4to. London, 1685. [M. 15. 11.] Scott (John) Before the Lord Mayor, &c. of London. 4to. London, 1685. [M. 15. 11.] Wagstaffe (Thomas) A Sermon preached July 26, 1685. 4to. London, 1685. [iVI. 15. 11.] [n'.] Thanksgiving Sermons in the Reign of William III. Tillotson (John) At Lincoln's Inn Chapel, Jan. 31, 1688, being the Thanksgiving day for the Deliverance of this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power, through the Instrumentality of the Prince of Orange. 4to. London, 1689. QM. 14. 26.] Patrick (Symon) At St. Paul's Cathedral on Jan. 31, 1688. 4to. London, 1689. [N. 8. 40.] Halley (George) At York Cathedral, Feb. 14, 1688-9, the Thanks- giving day to Almighty God for having made the Prince of Orange the Instrument of the Deliverance of this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power. 4to. London, 1689. [M. 14. 27.] Hickman (Charles) Before the House of Commons, Oct. 19, 1690, for the Preservation of William Ill's Person. 4to. London, 1690. [M. 15. 11.] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) For the Preservation of King William IIL and the Reduction of Ireland. 4to. London, 1691. [M. 20. 6.] Jane (William) On the same occasion. 4to. London, 1691. [P. 40. (6.)] Scott (John) On a Victory at Sea, before the Queen. 4to. London, 1692. [P. 33. (2.)] TiLiiOTSON (John, Archbishop of Canterbury) On a Victory at Sea, before the King and Queen. 4to. London, 1692. [P. SQ. (23.)] Sharp (John, Archbishop of York). Before the King and Queen, on the Thanksgiving day for the Preservation and safe Return of his Majesty. 4to. London, }623. [M. 20. 4.] Barton (Samuel) For the Preservation of William III. from Assassina- tion. 4to. London, 1696. [P. 22. (19.)] [r.] Thanksgiving Sermons in the Reign of Queen Anne. Trelawney (Jonathan, Bishop of Exeter) Before the Queen and both Houses of Parliament at St. Paul's Cathedral, Nov. 12, 1702, being the day of Thanksgiving for the Victories of the Earl of Marlborough in the Low Countries, &c. 4to. London, 1702. [M. 15. 1.] . Another Copy. 4to. London, 1702. [P. 22. (20.)] Thanksgiving Sermons fur the Victory at Blenheim. Chapman (Richard) At Cheshunt. 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] Elstob (William). 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] $78 RELIGION. Fleetwood (William). 4to. London, 1704. |^M. 14. 14.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1704. [P. 9. (26.)] FowLEB (Edward, Bishop of Gloucester). 4to. London, 1704. [P. 34. (29.)] Grant (John). 4to. London, 1704. [M. 15. 21.] Hough (Nathaniel). 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] Kennet (White). 4to. London, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] Pearson (William). 4to. York, 1704. [M, 14. 23.] Sherlock (William). Before the Queen. 4to. London, 1704. [P. 36. (16.)] Trimnel (Charles, Bishop of Norwich). 4to. Norwich, 1704. [M. 14. 14.] ■ Another Copy. 4to. Norwich, 1704. [li. 1. 32.] Willis (Richard) Before the Queen. At St. Paul's, Aug. 23, 1705, for the success of the Earl of Marlborough. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 134. (30.)] ' Another Copy. 4to. London, 1705. [P. 36. (1.)] Bramston (Wilham) June 27, 1706. Thanksgiving for Victories in Flanders and Spain. 4to. London, 1706. [P. 9. (27.)] Burnet (Gilbert) At the Cathedral, Salisbury, on the same occasion. 8vo. London, 1706. [P. 116. (28.)] Gardiner (James) On the same occasion. 4to. London, 1706. [li. 1. 32.] Stanhope (George) Before the Queen, on the same occasion. 4to. London, 1706. [M. 14. 23.] . Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1706. [R. 11. 65.2 Burnet (Gilbert) Before the Queen and the Two Houses of Parliament, at St. Paul's, Dec. 31, for Successes in Flanders. 8vo. London, 1707. [P. 116. (29.)] Pyle (Thomas) National Union, a National Blessing. At Lynn, May 1, 1707, Thanksgiving day for the Union of England and Scotland. 4to. London, 1707. [M. 15. 24.] Grant (John) At St. Dunstan's in the West, May 1, 1707, for the Union of England and Scotland. 4to. London, 1707. [M. 15. 21.] Manningham (Thos.) Before the Queen, July 11, 1708, for the Victory near Oudenarde. 4to. London, 1708. [M. 15. 24.] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1708. [P. 33. (33.)] Fleetwood (Wm. Bishop of St. Asaph) Before Queen Anne at St. Paul's, Aug. 19, 1708, for Deliverance from threatened Invasion. 8vo. London, 1708. [L. 15. 2.] Knaggs (Thomas) At St. Margaret's, Westminster, on the same occasion. 8vo. London, I7O8. QP. 134. (29.)] Stephens (Henry) Before the University of Oxford, on the same occa- sion. 8vo. London, 1708. [P. 134. (34.)] Trimnel (Charles, Bishop of Norwich) Before the House of Lords, on the same occasion. 4to. London, 1708. [P. 34. (1.)] THANKSGIVING SERMONS FOR VICTORY, &c. 379 Hare (Francis) Before the House of Commons at St. Margaret's, West- minster, Feb. 17, 1708-9, a Day of Thanksgiving for Successes in Flanders. London, 8vo. 1709. [P. 116. (30.)] Another Copy. 4to. London, 1709. [P. 26. (14.)] Manningham (Thomas) Before the Queen, for Successes in Flanders. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 270. (12.)] Stennett (Joseph) For the Victory near Mons. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 116. (31.)] Hough (John, Bishop of Lichfield) Before the Lords at Westminster Abbey, Nov. 22, 1709, a Day of Thanksgiving for the Victory near Mons. 8vo. London, 1709. QP. 134. (33.)] Kennet (White) Before the Queen, on the same occasion. 8vo. London, 1709. [P. 112. (23.)] Thanksgiving Sennotis preached Nov. 7, 1710, for the Successes of the Campaign in France and Flanders. Bradbury (Thomas) At New Court Meeting House. 8vo. London, 1710. [M. 20. 17.] Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury) preached at the Cathedral in Sa- lisbury. 8vo. London, 1710. [M. 20. 17.] Stanhope (George) Before Queen Anne. 8vo. London, 1710. [M. 20. 17.] Swift (Thomas) Noah's Dove, an Exhortation to Peace. 8vo. London, 1710. [M. 20. 17.] Hare (Francis) The Charge of Joshua : in a Sermon before the Duke of Marlborough, on the I'hanksgiving day for taking Bouchain. 8vo. London, 1711. [P. 109. (9.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1711. [P. 4. (18.)] Hooper (George, Bishop of Bath and Wells) Thanksgiving Sermon before both Houses of Parliament for the Peace. Svo. London, 1713. [M. 19. 16.] ( rp 7Q (I \~\ Two other Copies. Svo. London, 1713. < p* ' Letter to a Country Clergyman, occasioned by his Address to Lord Teignmouth. By a Sub-Urban Clergyman. 8vo, London, 1805. [G. 6. 4.] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1805. [Gg. 6. 28.] An Address to Lord Teignmouth, occasioned by his Address to the Clergy of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1805. [Hh. 3. 41.] Owen (John) An Address to the Chairman of the East India Company, occasioned by Mr. Twining's Letter to that Gentleman on the Danger of interfering in the Religious Opinions of the Natives of India, and on the Views of the Bible Society as directed in India. 8vo. London, 1807. [Hh. 3. 41.] Wordsworth (Christopher) A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Teign- mouth, in Vindication of Reasons for declining to become a Member of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1810. [Gg. 6. 3.] Teignmouth (Right Ho?t. John, Lord) A Letter to the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth, in Reply to his Strictures on the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1810. [Hh. 3. 41.] Dealtry (William) A Vindication of the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety, in Reply to the Rev. Dr. Wordsworth's Letter to Lord Teignmouth. 8vo\ London, 1811. [Gg. 6. 3.] Maltby (Edward) Thoughts on the Utility and Expediency of the Plans promoted by the British and Foreign Bible Society. (Two Copies.) 8vo. London, 1812. [Gg. 6. 4,28.] Cunningham (J. W.) Observations designed as a Reply to the " Thoughts" of Dr. Maltby, on the Dangers of circulating the whole of the Scriptures among the Lower Orders. 8vo. London, 1812. [Gg. 7. 15.] Nolan (Frederick) Objections of a Churchman to uniting with the Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1812. [Gg. 6. 4.] *Marsh (Herbert) An Inquiry into the Consequences of neglecting to give the Prayer-Book with the Bible. 8vo. Cambridge, 1812. Clarke (Edward Daniel) A Letter to Herbert Marsh, D. D. in Reply to certain Observations contained in his Pamphlet relative to the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1812. [Gg. 6. 4."] 464 RELIGION. Dealtry (William J An Examination of Dr. Marsh's ^^ Inquiry" relative to the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1812. [Gg. 6. 4.] Vansittart (Right Hon. Nicholas J Three Letters on the subject of the British and Foreign Bible Society, addressed to the Rev. Dr. Marsh and John Coker, Esq. Svo. London. [Gg. 6. 4.] Otter (William) An Examination of Dr. Marsh's Answer to all the Argu- ments in favour of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Svo. Brox- bourn, 1812. [Gg. 6. 4.] Otter (William) A Vindication of Churchmen who become Members of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in Answer to Dr. Marsh's Pamphlet on that subject. Svo. Cambridge, 1812. [Gg. 6. 4.]| Another Copy. 8vo.' Cambridge, 1812. [Hh. 2. 34.] Another Copy. Svo. Cambridge, 1812, [Hh. 7. 23.] Considerations respecting the British and Foreign Bible Society, sug- gested principally by the Cambridge Controversy on that subject. 8vo. Oundle, 1812. [Gg. 6. 4.] Gandolphy (Rev. Peter) A Congratulatory Letter to the Rev. Herbert Marsh, D. D. on his judicious Inquiry into the Consequences of neg- lecting to give the Pi-ayer-Book with the Bible. Svo. London, 1812. [Gg. 6. 2.] Marsh (Herbert) Letter to the Rev. Peter Gandolphy, in Confutation of the Opinion that the Vital Principle of the Reformation has lately been con- ceded to the Church of Rome. Svo. Cambridge, 1813. [Gg. 6. 2.] Gandolphy (Peter) A Second Letter to the Rev. Dr. Marsh, confirming the Opinion that the Vital Principle of the Reformation has been lately conceded by him to the Church of Rome. Svo. London, 1813. [Gg. 6. 2.] A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Marsh. By a Protestant Dissenter and a Lay- man. Svo. Cambridge, 1813. [Gg. 6. 2,] Masrh (Herbert) Letter of Explanation to the Dissenter and Layman, Svo. Cambridge, 1813. [Gg. 6. 2.] Simeon (Rev. Charles) Dr. Marsh's Fact; or a Congratulatory Address to the Church- Members of the British and Foreign Bible Society. With an Appendix. Svo. Cambridge, 1813. [Gg. 6.2.] MiLNER (Isaac, D. D, Dean of Carlisle) Strictures on some of the Publi- cations of the Rev. Herbert Marsh, D. D. intended as a Reply to his Objections against the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. Lon- don, 1813. [Ff. 5. 77.] *Marsh (Herbert) A Reply to the Strictures of the Rev. Isaac Milner, D. D. Dean of Carlisle. Svo. Cambridge, 1813. Gibson (A. F.) Address to the Public, tending to shew that the Abing- don Letter, inserted in Dr. Marsh's Reply to the Strictures of the Dean of Carlisle, is not authentic. Svo. Cambridge. [Gg. 6. 2.]~ A Letter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, on the subject of his Attack upon the British and Foreign Bible Society in his recent Charge to his Clergy. By a Clerical Member of the Society. SvO. London, 1815. [Gg. 7. 12.] GisBORNE (Thomas) A Letter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Gloucester, on the subject of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Svo. London, 1815. [Hh. 2. 45.] PAGAN RELIGION IN GENERAL. 465 *NoRRis (H. H.) A Practical Exposition of the Tendency and Proceed- ings of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1814. Dealtry (WiUium) A Review of Mr. Norris's Attack upon the British and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1815. [Ilh. 2. 47.] Chalmers (Thomas) The Influence of Bible Societies on the temporal Necessities of the Poor. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1814. [Aa. 3. 82.] Another Copy. 12rao. Edinburgh, 1814. [Hh. 7. 87.] Another Copy. Svo. Edinburgh, 1817. [Gg. 7. 8.] Another Copy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1817. [Hh. 2. 29.] Antibiblion ; or the Papal Tocsin. (Two Copies.) Svo. London, 1817. {[Hh. 2. 40,41.] xiv. Naval and Military Bible Society. Accoimt of the Bible Society in London, instituted in 1780, for the Use of the Army and Navy of Great Britain. 12mo. London, 1794. [Hh. 4. 27.] Account of the Naval and Military Bible Society. Svo. London, 1811. [Gg. 6. 28.] Proceedings of the Naval and Military Bible Society. Svo. London, 1812. \Gg. 6. 16.] III. Pagan and Mohammedan Religions. 1 . Pagan Religions. i. The Pagan Religion in General. Vossii (Gerardi Johannis) De Theologia Gentili et Physiologia Chris- tiana ; sive de ortu et progressu Idololatrise. 2 torais, 4to. Amstelo- dami, 1641. [C. 9. 28,29.] Sauberti (Johannis) De Sacrificiis Veterura. Svo. Jenae, 1659. [D. 15. 10.] Seldeni (Joannis) De Diis Syris Syntagmata duo. Svo. Londini, 1617- [M. 16. 20.] Livii (Francisci) Christianse Theologiae cum Platonica Comparatio. 4to. BononJse, 1627. [F. 1. 32.] Herbert (Edward, Lord) The Antient Religion of the Gentiles and the Causes of their Errors considered : the Mistakes and Failures of the Heathen Priests and Wise-men, in their notions of the Deity, and mat- ters of Divine Worship, examined, with regard to their being alto- gether destitute of Divine Revelation. Svo. London, 1705. [A. 17. 64.] Bryant (Jacob) An Analysis of Antient Mythology. 3 vols. 4to. Lon- don, 1774. [Q. 2. 13-15.] 2 H 466 RELIGION. ii. Greek and Roman Mythology. Mythographi Latini, Caius Julius Hyginus, Fabius Planciades Fulgen- tius, Lactantius Placidus, Albricus Philosophus, cum Notis variorum. Curante Thoma Munckero. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1681. [C. 15. 5.] Mythographi Latini, Caius Julius Hyginus, &c. cum Commentariis Jacobi Mycilli, et aliorum. Curante Augustino Van Staveren. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1742. [Aa. 2. 9.] Opuscula Mythologica, Ethica, et Physics, Gra^ce et Latine. Edidit Tho. Gale. Svo. Cantabrigise, 1671. [M. 6. S5:\ Thomas (T.) Observations on the Iliad, introductory to a View of the Origin, Progress, and Diversity of Heathen Worship antecedently to the Christian Revelation. Svo. [Hh. 2. 38.] BoccAcii (Joannis) De Genealogia Deorum. folio, Parisiis, 1511. [E. 9. 2.] Berry (William) Genealogia Antigua: or Mythological and Classical Tables of Fabulous and Ancient History, folio, London, 1816. [Gg. 1. 24.] Chartarii (Vincentii) Imagines Deorum, qui ab antiquis colebantur. 4to. Lugduni, 1581. [C. 10. 24.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Lugduni, 1581. [F. 14. 30.] Banier (Antoine) La Mythologie expliqu6e par I'Histoire. 8 tomes, 8vo. Paris, 1740. [P. 7. 9-16.] Natalis Comitis Mythologiae sive Explicationis Fabularum Libri Decern. Svo. 1596. [F. 7. 52.] Natalis Comitis Mythologia. 8vo. Genevae, 1602. [S. 2. 26.] Natalis Comitis Mythologia, addita Mythologia Musarum Geofredi Lino- cerii. Svo. Hanoviae, 1619. [K. 15. 16.] Galtruchius (P.) A Poetical History of the Heathen Gods, translated by Marius D'Assigny. Svo. London, 1671. [G. S. 19.] TooKE (Andrew) The Pantheon : representing the Fabulous Histories of the Heathen Gods and most Illustrious Heroes, by way of Dialogue. Svo. Dublin, 1738. [R. 9. 66.'] Tooke (Andrew) The Pantheon. 12mo. London, 1791. [R. 19. 53.] Watson (David) A Clear and Compendious History of the Gods and Goddesses, and their Contemporaries. 12mo. London, 1752. [E. 27. 12.] Boyse (Samuel) A New Pantheon or History of the Heathen Gods. . Svo. London, 1753. [R. 13. 85.] Spearman (R.) Letters concerning the Heathen Mythology, &c. Svo. London, 1759. [R. 19. 51.] Musgrave (Samuel) Two Dissertations : 1. On the Grecian Mythology ; 2. An Examination of Sir Isaac Newton's Objections to the Chrono- logy of the Olympiads. Svo. London, 1782. [C. 22. 14.] MOHAMMEDAN RELIGION. 467 FoNTENELLE (Bernard le Bovier de) Tlie History of Oracles and the Cheats of the Pagan Priests. 8vo. London, 1688. [R. 13. 71.] Fontenelle (M. de) The History of Oracles, &c. 8vo. London, 1750. [F. 27. 25.] Sybillina Oracula, Grsece et Latine, Notis illustrata a Joanne Obsop/eo. 8vo. Parisiis, 1607. [C. 19. 10.] iii. Egyptian and Persian Mytliology. ScHAiENBERG (Henrici) Aphorismi Hieroglyphici. 12mo. Lipsias, 1606. [C. 16. 9.] Hyde (Thomse) Veterum Persarum et Medorum Religionis, eorumque Magorum, Historia. 4to. Oxonii, 1700. [E. 15. 11.] Jablonski (Pauli Ernesti) Pantheon ^gyptiorum ; sive de Diis eorum Coramentarius. 8vo. Francofurti, 1750. [A. 17. 51.] The Desatir, or Sacred Writings of the Ancient Persian Prophets in the Original Tongue, together with the Ancient Persian Version and Com- mentary of the Fifth Sasan. To which is added, an English Trans- lation of the Desatir and Commentary. By Mulla Firuz Bin Kaus. 2 vols, in one, royal 8vo. Bombay, 1818. [M.21.31.] 2. Mohammedan Religion. Prima tredecim Partium Alcorani Arabico-Latini. Opera et studio Christiani Ravii. 4to. Amstelaedami, 1646. [K. 9. 24.] Alcorani Textus Universus, Arabice et Latine, cum Refutatione Ludo- vici Maraccii. 2 tomis, folio, Patavii, 1698. [E. 4. 1,2.] The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated into English from the French Version of the Sieur Du Ryer. 4to. London, 1649. [K. 19. 11.] The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated from the Arabic ; with Notes, and a Preliminary Dissertation. By George Sale. 4to, London, 1734. [R. 17. 6.] RicoLDi contra sectam Mahumeticam Libellus ; Anonymi Scriptoris de Vita et Moribus Turcorum Libellus ; et Victoris Libellus de Vita et Moribus Judaeorum. 4to. Parisiis, 1511. [1^. 20. 22.] Machumetis Saracenorum Principis, ejusque Successorum Vitae ac Doc- trina, ipseque Alcoran. Cum confutationibus, et praefatione Philippi Melancthonis. Opera ct studio Theodori Bibliandri. folio, Tiguri, 1573. [L. 9. 21.] Historia Josephi Patriarchae, ex Alcorano, Arabice ; cum triplici versione Latina, et Scholiis, Thomas Erpenii, cujus et Alphabetvim Arabicum praemittitur. 4to. Leidas, 1617. [K. 14. 36.] Prideaux (Humphrey) The True Nature of Imposture displayed in. the Life of Mahomet. Svo. London, 1723. [C. %7. 7.] 2 H 2 468 RELIGION. Relandi (Hadriani) De Religions Mohanimedicd Libri Duo. 8vo. Traj. adRhen. 1717. [M. 18. 37.] Exemplar aliud. 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1717. [F. 27. 28.] Reflections on Mohammedisra. 8vo. London, 1735. [P. 85. 4.] Martyn (Henry) Controversial Tracts on Christianity and Moham- medism with some of the most eminent Writers of Persia : to which is appended an additional Tract on the same Question, together with an Appendix by the Rev. S. Lee, M. A. 8vo. Cambridge, 1824. [K. 25, 31.] Class IL ^uri^ptnt:(tntt. I. Public Universal Law. OFFT (Capel) Principia cum Juris Uni- versalis, turn praecipue Anglicani. 2 tomis, 1 2mo. Londini, 1 779. [li. 3. 45.] 1. General Treatises on Laws. The Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and their Progress among the most ancient Nations. Translated from the French of the President de Goguet. []By Dr. Dunn and R. Spearman.]] 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1761. [F. 24>. 16-18.] Platonis de Legibus sive de Legum Institutione Libri XII. et Epinomis sive de Legibus Dialogus, Graece et Latine, cura Jo. Serrani et Hen. Stephani. folio. Inter Operum Tom. II. ^F, 12. 11.] Platonis de Leafibus Libri XII. et Epinomis. 8vo. Inter Operum Tom. VIIL et IX. Bipont. [H. 21. 20,21.] Marci Tullii Ciceronis de Legibus Libri tres. Recepsuit et Notas suas adjecit Joannes Davisius : accedit Hadriani Turnebi Commentarius, Svo. Cantabrigias, 1727. [L 7. 27.] Ciceronis de Legibus Libri tres. folio. Inter Opernm Tom.W . [N. 2. 14.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Inter Operum Tom. IV. [A. 1. 21.] Exemplar aliud. 4to. Inter Operum Torn. III. [R. S. 3.] SuAREz (F'rancisci) Tractatus de Legibus ac Deo Legislatore, in Decern Libros distributus. folio, Antverpiae, 1613. [G. 12. 11.] PuFFENDORFFii (Samuelis) Elementorum Jurisprudentiae Universalis Libri duo. 12mo. Cantabrigiae, 1672. [E. 16. 6.] MoNTEsauiEU (Jean de Secondat, Baron de) De I'Esprit des Loix. 4to. (Euxrcs, Tomes I. ct II. [L. 14. 18,19.] 470 JURISPRUDENCE. Montesquieu (Baron de) The Spirit of Laws, translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1751. [A. 18. 121,122.] Another Copy. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1768. [Ee. 4. 86,87.] Mitchell (Charles) Principles of Legislation. 8vo. London, 1796. [L 21. 21.] Bellers (Fettiplace) A Delineation of Universal Law. 4to. London, 1754. [Gg. 1. 40.] Beccaria (Marquis de) An Essay on Crimes and Punishments, translated from the Italian. VVith a Commentary attributed to M. de Voltaire. 8vo. London, 1767. [P. 255. (3.)] Another Copy. 8vo. London, 1775. [Q. 5. 39.] Gregorii (Petri) Syntagma Juris universi, Legumque fei;e omnium Gen- tium et Rerumpublicarum praecipuarum. folio, Genevae, 1623. [H. 2. 4.] 2. Law of Nature and Nations. — Rights of War and Peace. Seldeni (Joannis) De Jure Naturali et Gentium, juxta Disciplinam He- brseorum Libri VIL folio, Londini, 1640. QK. 11. 6,3 Cumberland (Ricardi) De Lejribus Naturae Disquisitio Philosophica. 4to. Londini, 1672. [B. 7. 20.] *"Wachsmuth (W.) Jus Gentium, quale obtinuit apud Grsecos ante Bel- lorum cum Persis gestorum Initium. 8vo. Kiliae, 1822. Le Droit de la Nature et des Gens ; ou Systeme General des Principes les plus importans de la Morale, de la Jurisprudence, et de la Politique^ Traduit du Latin de feu M. le Baron de Puffendorf par Jean Bar- beyrac, avec des Notes du Traducteur. 2 tomes, 4to. Amsterdam, 1712. [K. 6. 2.3.] PufFendorffii (Samuelis) De Officio Hominis et Civis, Libri Duo. 8vOk Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1728. [A. 18. 73.] Burlamaciui (J. J.) Principes de Droit Naturel. 4to. Geneve< 1748. [O. 8. 31.] Seldeni (Joannis) Mare Clausum seu de Dominio Maris. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1636. [F. 20. 9.] Medows (Sir Philip) Observations concerning the Dominion and So- vereignty of the Seas; being an Abstract of the Marine Affairs of England. 4to. London, 1689. [M. 14. 13.] Grotii (Hugonis) De Jure Belli et Pacis Libri tres. 8vo. Amstel. 1651. [H. 7. 37.] Grotii (Hugonis) De Jure Belli ac Pacis Libri tres. 8vo. Amstel. 1663. [1. 6. 26.] Grotii (Hugonis) De Jure Belli ac Pacis Libri tres. 8vo. Amstel. 1667- [F. 15. 10.] Grotii (Hugonis) De Jure Belli ac Pacis Libri tres, cum notis Joannis Bar- beyrac. 2 tomis, 8vo. Amstel. 1720. [E. 21. 11,12.] • Le Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix. Nouvelle Traduction par Jean Barbeyrac, avec les Notes de I'Auteur et de nouvelles Notes du Traducteur. 2 tomes, 4to. Amsterdam, 1724. [L 14. 14,15.] POLITICAL LAW. 471 * Vattel (Eraer. de) Law of Nations : or Principles of the Law of Nature, applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns, royal 8vo. London, 1811. PoNTANi (Joh. Isacii) Discussionum Historicarum Lihri duo, quibus prae- cipue quatenus et quodnam Mare liberura, vel non liberum clausumque, accipiendura dispicitur expenditurque. Svo. Harderovici, 1637. [F. 17. 28.] ZoucHii (Ricardi) Juris et Judicii facialis sive Juris inter Gentes Expli- catio. ISmo. Hagae Comitis, 1659. [D. 17. 29.] WicQUEFORT (M. de) L'Ambassadeur et ses Fonctions. 2 tomes, 4to. a La Haye, 1680-81. [N. 6. 29,30.] The Ambassador and his Functions; translated from the French, folio, London, 1716. [Ff. 2. 21.] 3. Political Law, De la Croix (M.) A Review of the Constitutions of the Principal States of Europe and of the United States of America. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1792. [L. 22. 4,5.] *Spence (George) An Enquiry into the Origin of the Laws and Political Institutions of Modern Europe, and in particular those of England. Svo. London, 1826. Delolme (J. L.) The Constitution of England. Svo. London, 1777. [Q. 5. 8.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1790. [Gg. 7. 45.] Another Copy. Svo. London, 1817. [Gg. 5. 33.] Adams (John) A Defence of the Constitution and Government of the United States of America. Svo. London, 1777. [_Q,. 5. 9.] II. Antient, Civil, and Feudal Law. I . LaT0S of the Greeks and of other Antient Nations besides the Romans. Leges Attics. Sam. Petitus collegit, digessit, et Commentario illus- travit. folio, Parisiis, 1635. [H. 4. 22.] MiscELLiE Defensiones pro CI. Salmasio, de variis Observationibus et Emendationibus ad Jus Atticum et Roman um pertinentibus. Svo. Lug. Bat. 1645. [D. 15. 49.] Spenceri (Joannis) De Legibus Hebraeorum Ritualibus, et eorum Ra- tionibus, Libri tres. foHo, Cantabrigise, 1685. [E. 10. 26.] Exemplar allud. folio, Cantabrigiae, 1685. []Ff. 5. 56.] Spenceri (Joannis) De Legibus Hebrasorum Libri IV. edente Leonardo Chappelow. 2 tomis, folio, Cantabrigiae. [E. 2. 10,11.] Zepperi (Wilhelmi) Legum ^losaicarum Forensium Explanatio. Svo. Herbornffi, 1604. [G. 19. 21.] 472 JURISPRUDENCE. Seldeni (Joannis) De Successionibus, ad Leges Hebraeorum, in Bona . Defunctorum Liber Singularis. 12mo. Lug. Bat. 1638. [M. 16. 31.] Seldeni (Joannis) Uxor Hebraica : seu de Nuptiis et Divortiis Veterum Ebrseorum. 4to. Londini, 1646. [K. 9. 32.] 2. Roman Law. i. Introductions to the Study of the Roman Law — Dictiona- ries and Lcvicons. GRiBALDi-MoPHiE (Matthsei) De Methodo ac Ratione Studendi in Jure CiviliLibri tres. 18mo. Lugduni, 1566. [H. 17. 31.] Duck (Arthur.) De Usu et Autbotitate Juris Civilis Romanorum per Do- minia Principum Christianorum Libri IL 8vo. Londini, 1679. [D. 15. 45.] Ferbiere (Claude Joseph) History of the Roman or Civil Law. To which is added Dr. Duck's Treatise of the Use and Authority of the Civil Law in England. [Translated by John Beaver.] 8vo. London, 1724. [G. 2J.1,1 Graving (Vincentii) Origines Juris Civilis. 4to. Inter Opera. [C. 10. 18.] Hallifax (Samuel) An Analysis of the Roman Civil Law compared with the Laws of England : being the Heads of a Course of Lectures pub- lickly read in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge, 1774. [P. 283. (4.)] Ridley (Sir Thomas) A View of the Civile. and Ecclesiasticall Law. 8vo. Oxford, 1634. [E. 1. 4.] Ridley (Sir Thomas) A View of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Law. 8vo. Oxford, 1662. [M. 19. 46.] Brederobii (Cornelii Petri) Thesaurus Dictionum et Sententiarum Juris Civilis, ex universo Juris corpore collectus. folio. Apud Evstha- thium Vignon, 1585. [H. 1. 11.] Calviki (vel Kahl, Joannis) Lexicon Juridicum, Juris Cassarei, simul et Canonici, Feudalis, item Civilis, Criminalis, Theoretici et Practici. folio, Genevae, 1640. [G. 4. 4,] Brissonii (Barnabae) De Verborum quae ad Jus pertinent significatione. . folio, Lipsiae, 1721. [B. 3. 20.] ii. Roman Law, anterior to the Time of Justinian, and Comme7itators thereon. *BoucHAUD (Matthieu-Antoine) Commentaires sur la Loi des XIL Tables. 2 tomes, 4to. Paris, 1 803. Taylori (Joannis) Coramentarius ad L. Decemviralem de inope Debitore in partes dissecando : cum aliis Dissertationibus. 4to. Cantab. 1 742. [P. 15. (2.)] JtJRispRUDENTiA Vetus Ante-Justinianea, ex reccnsTone et cnm notis Ant. Schultingii. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1717. [C. 10. .'/.] INSTITUTES AND COMMENTATORS. 473 *GAn Institutionum Commentarii IV. ; e Codice Rescripto Bibliothecge Capitularis Veronensis, a Frid. Bluhmio iterum collate, secundilm edidit I. F. L. Goeschen. Accedit Fragmentum veteris Jurisconsulti de jure Fisci, ex aliis ejusdem Bibliothecae membranis transcriptum. 8vo. Berolini, 1824. *JuRis CiviLis Ante-Justinjan^i Reliquiae Ineditae, ex Codice Re- scripto Bibliothecte Vaticanse. Curante Angelo Maio, Bibliothecae ejusdem Praefecto. 8vo. Romae, 1823. fCodex Theodosianus, et Novellae aliorum Iraperatorum, Greece et Latine. Basileaj, 1528. [H. 3. 16.] Codex Theodosianus, cum perpetuis Commentariis Jacobi Gothofredi. Praemittuntur Chronologia accuratior, cum Chronico Historico et Prole- gomenis. Opera et Studio Antonii Marvillii. 6 tomis, folio, Lugd. Bat. 1665. [E. 13. 9-14.] *Theodosiani Codicis genuini Fragmenta, ex Membranis Bibliotbeca; Ambrosianae Mediolanensis, primum edidit W. F. Clossius. 8vo. Tubingffi, 1824. iii. The Institutes, Pandects, and other Compilations of Laws, published by the Emperor Justinian, (1) Institutes and Commentators thereon. tJustiniani Institutiones Juris Civilis. 8vo. Venetiis, 1568. Justiniani Institutiones. 18mo. Amstelodami, 1669. [D. 17. 16.] • Justiniani Institutionum Liber primus: The first Book of Justinian's In- stitutes, with an English Version and Notes. 8vo. London, 1749. [A. 18. 77.J Justiniani Institutiones Juris Civilis in Grsecam Linguam per Theophilum Antecessorem traductje. folio, Basileas, 1534. [H. 2. 19.] Justiniani Institutiones in Graecam Linguam per Theophilum Antecesso- rem traductaj. 4to. Lugduni, 1608^. [F. 14. 15.] CoRViNi (Johannis Arnoldi) Enchiridium : seu Institutiones Imperiales theories et practice digestae, et explicatse per Erotemata. 18mo. Am- stelodami, 1649. [K. 8. 44.] Decii (Philippi) De Regulis .Juris. 12mo. Lugduni, 1610. [F. 17. 47.] Grotii (Hugonis) Florum Sparsio ad Jus Justinianeum. 12mo. Amstelo- dami, 1643. [L. 8. '65.'] Matth^i (Antonii) Notae et Animadversiones in Libros IV. Institu-' ^ tionum Juris Imperatoris Justiniani. 18mo. Franekerae, 1647. [H. 18. 46.] Mynsingeri h Frundeck (Joachimi) Apotelesma, hoc est. Corpus per- fectum Scholiorum, ad Institutiones Justinianeas pertinentium. folio, , "Basileae, 1563. [C. 5. 4.] Mynsingeri (Joachimi) Apotelesma. 4to. Lugduni, 1616. [H. 5. Sd.] ViNNii (Arnoldi) In quatuor Libros Institutionum Imperialium Com- mentarius. 4to. Amstelodami, 1659. [I. 6. 30.] Vinnii (Arn.) In quatuor Libros Institutionum Commentarii. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1726. [P. 3. 4.] 474 JURISPRUDENCE. (2) The Pandects and Codex, and Commentators thereon. PANDECTiE Juris Civilis, ad exemplarium vetustorum fidem accuratissime recognitus, et ab Egidio Perrino Scholiis illustratus. 3 tomis, folio, Lugduni, 1539. [M. 2. 11-13.] Codex Justiniani Imperatoris, cum Scholiis. 2 tomis, folio, Lugduni, 1540. CM. 2. 14,15.] t Justiniani Imperatoris Corpus Juris Civilis. 2 tomis, 8vo. Amstelodami, 1663-64. Bartolus super Digestum et Codicem, cum additionibus ; additis etiam Apostillis Andreas Barbatiae, et aliorum. Accedit Repertorium Anto- nii de Prato Veteri. 5 tomis, folio. Lugduni, 1510-11. [H. 4. 1-5.] Bud^i (Gulielmi) Annotationes in Pandectas. folio, Basileae, 1557. [H. 1. 15.] Baldi (Ubaldi, de Perusio) Lectura super Digestum. 2 tomis, folio, Ve- netiis, mccccjt' cfitit. [G. 11. 9, 10.] CoBViNi (Johannis Arnoldi) ad Titulum Digestorum de Verborum Sig- nificatione Commentarius. 18mo. Amstelodami, 1667. [H. 17. 21.] Zash (Udalrici) super varios Digesti Titulos Lecturae. 10 tomis in 5 vols, folio, Basileae, 1638-41. [H. 2. 7-11.] Maynerh (Gulielmi) Commentaria in Titulum Pandectarum de Regulis Juris, folio, Lugduni, 1545. [H. 2. 14.] Bronchousti (Everhardi) in Titulum Digestorum de [diversis] Regulis Juris antiqui Commentarius. 18mo. Antverpiae, 1676. [H. 17. 29.] Baldi (Ubaldi, de Perusio) Commentaria super Librum Codicis Justiniani cum additionibus sive apostillis Alexandri Tartagnini de Imola. 2 tomis, folio, Venetiis, mcccc)i:c6iii. [G. 11. 7,8.] Cyni de Pistorio Commentarius super aureo volumine Codicis, cum ad- ditionibus Joannis de Gradibus. folio, Tridini, 1517. [G. 11. 3.] BarbosjE (Augustini) Collectanea ex Doctoribus tum priscis, turn neo- tericis, in Codicem- Justiniani. folio, Lugduni, 1637. [H. 4. 23.] CoRviNi (Johannis Arnoldi) Venatorius Illustratus ; hoc est Danielis Venatorii Methodica Justinianei Codicis Enarratio. 18mo. Lug. Bat. 1656. [H. 17. 28.] CoRviNi (Johannis Arnoldi) Digesta per Aphorismos explicata. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1664. [F. 17. 11.] Corpus Juris Civilis Justinianei, cum Commentariis Accursii, scholiis Contii, etD.Gothofredilucubrationibusad Accursium, in quibus Glossae obscuriores explicantur, similes et contrariae afFeruntur, vitiosae notan- tur. Accesserunt Jacobi Cujacii Paratitla in Pandectas et Codicem ; ejusdemque Notae, Observationes et Emendationes singulares in Pan- dectarum Libros L. Cod. Libros XII. Novellas, Consuetudines Feu- dorum, et Justiniani Institutiones ; item Chronici Canones ab universo Orbe condito usque ad Urbem conditam ; ab Urbe vero condita, Fasti regii et Consulares usque ad Justiniani mortem ; necnon Index copio- sissimus h. Stephano Dacys, 6 tomis, folio, Lugduni, 1627. [H. 4. 6-11.] ABRIDGMENTS OF THE ROMAN LAW. 475 iv. Law of the Roman Empire, after the Time of Justinian. Twv ^aaikiKav Bt/3\h. ^^%^ Jj^^^., ^I^N L^'-V- ■^>i^' xiKi^r^^'.-^-.^ ''-^'"M. IMli'C^ ^ :^^S*C^'""*- ^ - .. ^'^u^vwuft., ■ /v^ ,V '^^ ^\ N^^ \ \% V .\\:^^' .<^^ - :iS^ .\>?^ .\ '//Jji NV%W, -^-^^''^9§m^'''''^^Nt k^l ^j^ ':^-:<-^ '"-^^ J^"^- '""SCt"-^. >\\N 5^4 \\~ p>^^^: ''m-^ % n^v->iyi']i)v