^ z ,50 / :^\^'^l=' / A VISION OF SAINTS a BY THE SAME AUTHOR. POETICAL 'WORKS. In 5 vols. Fcap. 8vo, each 5^. Vol. I. Songs of Two Worlds. Vol. n. The Epic of Hades. Vol. III. GwEN, AND The Ode of Life. Vol. IV. Songs Unsung, and Gycia. Vol. V. Songs of Britain. POETICAL V/ORKS. In one volume. With Portrait. Crown 8vo, 6s. ; cloth gilt, gilt leaves, 7^. 6d. AN ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THE EPIC OF HADES. With 16 Autotype Dlustrations, after the Drawings of the late George R. Chapman. 4to, cloth extra, gilt leaves, 21s. A PRESENTATION EDITION OF THE EPIC OF HADES. With Portrait. 4to, cloth extra, gilt leaves, 105. 6d. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., LtP A VISIOxN OF SAINTS BY LEWIS MORRIS FIDELIBUS LONDON KECiAN TAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Lt' 1890 {The ligliti c/tyanslalion and o/ rcp7-o