- : • ■ ' •OLWSfNN ARCHWAY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY LAND, ASSESSED, AND INCOME TAX LAWS. A HANDY BOOK OP THE LAM), ASSESSED, AND INCOME TAX LAWS; EXPRESSLY PREPARED FOR THE USE OF MAGISTRATES, CLERGYMEN, COMMISSIONERS, AND CLERKS TO COMMISSIONERS OP TAXES; COTTON, "WOOLLEN, AND GENERAL MANUFACTURERS; MERCHANTS, BANKERS, BREWERS, SHOPKEEPERS, AND INNKEEPERS PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMEN, ESTATE AGENTS, ETC. R. RICE DAVIES, ESQ. SURVEYOR OF TAXES. gp" Jf the principles of this work be honourably carried out, the Queen will receive her just due; and no taxpayer will contribute more than his fair share of taxes to the service of the Crown. LONDON: LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, ROBERTS, AND GREEN. MANCHESTER: A. IRELAND AND CO. 1864 \ A. IRELAND AND CO., Printers, PALL MALL COURT, MANCHESTER. T THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD STANLEY, M.P., THIS l^anty) 33oofc of 2Tax Unfos IS WITH HIS LORDSHIP'S KIND PERMISSION, DEDICATED BY HIS LORDSHIP'S MOST OBLIGED AND MOST HUMBLE SERVANT, R. RICE DAVIES. 778806 PREFACE. In submitting this work on Tax Laws to the judgment of the public, I feel it a duty, which I owe to myself as well as to my readers, to state, as briefly as possible, the object I had in view when I commenced the preparation of it, as also to place before them a general outline of its contents. Having now for many years been officially engaged in carrying out the provisions of the various Acts of Parliament relating to the imperial revenue, I have on many occasions been painfully made acquainted with the fact, that there exists a considerable misapprehension of, and a genera- want of acquaintance with, the principles and requirements of the statutory revenue laws of England ; the result of which is, that while a large number of the tax-paying class are called upon to contribute more than their fair and just pro- portion of the taxes, there are others who assess themselves very much below the amount of their real indebtedness to the State. It' might be, and has frequently been, urged, that as the Income ftax especially is so very unequally and vi Preface. unjustly levied, it scarcely can be regarded as morally though legally wrong that tax-payers should prefer to be charged by those engaged in the administration of the law on any sum they think proper to assess, rather than on their own returns, which, when made, ought to embrace the sum actually realised as profits on an average of the three preceding- years. With the justice or injustice of the law I have nothing whatever to do ; and even were it admitted that the Income Tax is unequal and unjust in its operation, it must, I appre- hend, be conceded, that it is the duty of all loyal citizens to obey its provisions to the letter so long as they remain in force. We should, in the first place, make ourselves thoroughly acquainted with the requirements of the law as it stands, and should then honourably govern our proceedings thereby. I have endeavoured to bring together in this work all the instruction and information required. When I commenced the preparation of a book on Tax Laws, the plan I proposed to myself was very different from that which I subsequently resolved to carry out. For several years I had been in the habit of devoting a considerable portion of my time to the study of the subject, and had col- lected from various sources materials which T then regarded as most important. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that an elaborate treatise on these laws would be of little or of no practical value, especially as those who desired to be informed of the opinions embodied in Blue Books may easily procure Preface. vn them at a small cost, and the information they contain is valueless as regards the general public. I had learned in the best of all schools — that of experience — that a treatise on those laws, to be really useful to the public at large, should be as concise and practical as possible; and if it supplied illustrations of the working of the law, elucidations of difficult and obscure passages, with records of judicial decisions, then the object I had in view would be attained, while the tax- payer would have placed in his hands a safe guide in those matters pertaining to his own chargeability. The value of a work of this nature must depend on the accuracy of the text of the original law, and of subsequent enactments by which certain of its provisions were amended or repealed. No pains have been spared to secure those important results. A perfect copy was placed before the printer, who sent me carefully revised proofs, which I per- sonally examined, word for word, and stop for stop, through the whole work ; therefore I can guarantee that the text is perfectly accurate. The two most important schedules of the Income Tax Act, are Schedules (A.) and (D.) Under the former, lands, messuages, tenements, manors, canals, and gas works are assessable ; while under the latter, profits realised on manu- factures, trades, and professions are chargeable. Under Schedule (A.) I have not only fully and clearly set forth the law, but have also given illustrations, accompanied with explanations as to the manner in which the returns required viii Preface. are to be made ; and if these directions are followed by the tax-payer, he will find that the annoyance and inconvenience to which many are subject on account of their non-compliance with the Act of Parliament in filling up such returns and transmitting them to the proper officer, will be avoided. These illustrations and directions will be found on pages 81, 82, 83, and 84. As regards the profits charged under Schedule (D.), illus- trations are given on pages 148, 149, and 150, which cannot, I think, fail to prove of the greatest service to those who are chargeable under that schedule. In the first place, the deductions, allowable and not allowable, are detailed, and these are followed by forms of balance sheets for the use of manufacturers, shopkeepers, and professional gentlemen, which, if strictly adhered to, will guard on the one hand the claims of the Crown, and on the other the rights of the tax- payer. Moreover, the forms in themselves are so simply constructed as to render compliance therewith extremely easy, even to those whose business is not of such a nature and so extensive as to require the service of an experienced book- keeper. It is the duty of small shopkeepers to keep an account of their purchases, and the sums received and receiv- able for goods sold, and a general annual stock account, from which a balance sheet of actual profits may easily be made. If this course were pursued the complaints of having been overcharged by commissioners on appeal would be of most viiit requent occurrence. Preface. IX Under the Income Tax persons are often charged whose income, from all sources, does not amount to £100 a year; but according to the present law such persons are exempt. There is another class of claimants to exemption who, having effected an insurance upon their own lives or the lives of their wives, are entitled to obtain a repayment of Income Tax on one-sixth part of the sum on which they may have been charged. Forms for both purposes, with explanatory notes, will be found in their appropriate places. With reference to the Assessed Taxes, the rules and regu- lations under which they are levied, are more simple and satisfactory than those of the Income Tax. Under the latter the decision of the commissioners is in law final, as the Legisla- ture has not thought fit to appoint a judicial tribunal to which persons who may feel aggrieved, whether tax-payers or repre- sentatives of the Crown, may appeal. The law of Assessed Taxes is quite different. The commissioners' decisions must, in all cases, be governed by facts and law. Persons who feel aggrieved have only to state the facts of their respective cases on oath; and should the facts render them liable to the duties charged, in the judgment of the commissioners before whom their appeal has been heard, they can, on the payment of £2, provided they are convinced that the decision of the commissioners is not to the intent and meaning of the Act, ' obtain the opinion of Her Majesty's Exchequer Judges as to whether their decision was according to law or otherwise- The Surveyor of Taxes, as the representative of the Crown, x Preface. possesses a similar right, should the commissioners decide for the appellant, and discharge the article appealed against, provided he be of opinion that the decision is not in accor- dance with the requirements of the law. As the Decisions of the Judges have a most important bearing on the adminis- tration of Assessed Tax Laws, I have deemed it necessary to insert the whole of the decisions under the House Duty Act of 1850, as well as the decisions under the present Assessed Tax Act, 16 and 17 Vict,, cap. 90, passed in 1853. A work of this kind has been long needed. I have had ample testimony to this effect from many quarters since I commenced the preparation of it, and it is confirmed by many years of personal experience, during which I have observed that insufficient information respecting what is here treated of has been attended with considerable inconvenience, and in some cases, I fear, injustice. The want I have endea- voured to supply, whether judiciously or not, must be left to the opinion of competent judges. I can, however, safely affirm that as yet no work has appeared of such a practical nature, and so well adapted to the British tax-payer, as this ; and I entertain the sanguine hope that my labour will not only be appreciated by the public, but that most beneficial results will follow the use of the rules herein embodied and the information conveyed. R. RICE DAVIES. Highfield, Burnley, 31st December, 1863. INCOME TAX LAWS, Act 5° & 6° Victoria*, cap. 35, with which is incor- porated the 16° & 17° Victorias, cap. 34, for granting to Her Majesty Duties on Profits arising from Property, Professions, Trades, and Offices specified in the several Schedules contained in these Acts, and marked respectively (A.), (B.), (C), (D.) and (E.) ; (that is to say) Schedule (A.) For all lands, tenements, and hereditaments, or schedule heritages in Great Britain there shall be charged (A-) yearly, in respect of the property thereof, for &Jj£" every twenty shillings of the annual value thereof, jy ®T the sum of sevenpence : 6i, 62.]' Schedule (B.) For all lands, tenements, and hereditaments in schedule England there shall be charged yearly, in respect (B) of the occupation thereof, for every twenty shil- fff e c7 f^f* lings of the annual value thereof, the sum of ff/fectwn DO -J threepence halfpenny ; 2 Grant of Duties. For all lands, tenements, and heritages in Scotland there shall be charged yearly, in respect of the occupation thereof, for every twenty shillings of the annual value thereof, the sum of twopence halfpenny : Schedule (C.) Schedule Upon all profits arising from annuities, dividends, and shares of annuities, payable to any person, [See Rules ■, -, ■,*,• , . , forcharg- body politic or corporate, company or society, mg^section w hether corporate or not corporate, out of any public revenue, there shall be charged yearly, for every twenty shillings of the annual amount thereof, the sum of sevenpence, without deduction : Schedule (D.) Schedule Upon the annual profits or gains arising or accruing to any person residing in Great Britain from any forcharg* kind of property whatever, whether situate in mg,8ectim Q rea t Britain or elsewhere, there shall be charged yearly, for every twenty shillings of the amount of such profits or gains, the sum of sevenpence ; and upon the annual profits or gains arising or accruing to any person residing in Great Britain, from any profession, trade, employment, or vocation, whether the same shall be respec- tively carried on in Great Britain or elsewhere, there shall be charged yearly, for every twenty shillings of the amount of such profits or gains, the sum of sevenpence : And upon the annual profits or gains arising or accruing to any person whatever, whether a Management. 3 subject of Her Majesty or not, although not resi- dent within Great Britain, from any property whatever in Great Britain, or any profession, trade, employment, or vocation exercised within Great Britain, there shall be charged yearly, for every twenty shillings of the amount of such profits or gains, the sum of sevenpence : Schedule (E.) Upon every public office or employment of profit, Schedule and upon every annuity, pension, or stipend pay- able by Her Majesty or out of the public revenue jbrcharg- of the United Kingdom, except annuities before ™$f ct charged to the duties in Schedule (C), for every twenty shillings of the annual amount thereof respectively, there shall be charged yearly the sum of sevenpence. 2. 1 That upon every fractional part of twenty Duties on shillings of the annual profits or gains aforesaid the p a a 1 c t t s lonal like proportion of duty, at the rate before directed, shall be charged ; provided no rate or duty shall be charged of a lower denomination than one penny. 3. That the duties by this Act granted shall be TheDuties under the direction and management of the com- u ° n derthe missioners of stamp's and taxes for the time being, ^eSSie 1 The No. at the commencement of each paragraph refers to, and cor- responds with, the respective sections of the original Income Tax Act — 5 and 6 Vict., c. 35. When the incorporated Act of 1853 is referred to in this work the act, cap., and section are quoted. This plan has been adopted in order to afford the reader an easy reference on appeals, as well as on other occasions, when the original Act may he referred to by those charged with the administration of the law. Management. Commis- sioners of Stamps and Taxes, and to be assessed and raised under the Regula- tions of the Acts re- lating to the Assess- ed Taxes. 43 G. 3. c. 99. 43 G. 3. c 150. Powers and Provi- 9 of 1. 1 ited who are hereby empowered to employ all such officers or other persons, and to do all such other acts and things, as may be deemed necessary or expe- dient for the raising, collecting, receiving, and accounting for the said duties, and for putting this Act into execution, in the like and in as full and ample a manner as they are authorised to do with relation to any other duties under their care and management; and that the said duties hereb}' granted arising in England shall be assessed, raised, levied, and collected under the regulations of an Act passed in the forty-third year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled " An Act for con- " solidating certain of the Provisions contained in " any Act or Acts relating to the Duties under the " Management of the Commissioners for the Affairs " of Taxes, and for amending the same," and other Acts relating thereto, or for explaining, altering, or amending the same ; and the said duties arising in Scotland shall be assessed, raised, levied, and col- lected under the regulations of an Act passed in the same session of Parliament, intituled "An Act for " consolidating certain of the Provisions contained " in any Act or Acts relating to the duties under " the Management of the Commissioners for the " Affairs of Taxes, and for amending the said Acts, " so far as the same relate to that part of Great " Britain called Scotland," and other Acts relating thereto, or for explaining, altering, or amending the same ; and all the powers, authorities, methods, rules, directions, penalties, clauses, matters, and things now in force, contained in or enacted by the Management. 5 several Acts before recited or referred to, or any Acts and other Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes, tobeap- and also all the powers, authorities, rules, regula- Se S othe tions, directions, penalties, clauses, matters, and gjjjjg^ things contained in or enacted by two several Acts of Parliament, passed respectively in the forty-eighth and fiftieth years of the reign of King George the Third, and intituled respectively, "An Act to 48 g. 3. " amend the Acts relating to the duties of assessed " taxes, and of the tax upon the profits of property, " professions, trades, and offices, and to regulate the " assessment and collection of the same," and " An 50 G. 3. " Act to regulate the manner of making surcharges " of the duties of assessed taxes, and of the tax upon " profits arising from property, professions, trades, " and offices ; and for amending the Acts relating " to the said duties respectively," whether such last-mentioned powers, authorities, rules, regula- tions, directions, penalties, clauses, matters, and things shall be in force at the time of the passing of this Act or not, and notwithstanding that the same or any part thereof may have expired or been repealed, shall severally and respectively be and become in full force and effect with respect to the duties hereby granted, and shall be severally and respectively duly observed, applied, practised, and put in execution throughout the respective parts of Great Britain, for raising, levying, collecting, receiv- ing, accounting for, and securing of the said duties hereby granted, and for auditing the accounts thereof, and otherwise relating thereto, so far as the same shall not be superseded by and shall be 6 Appointment of Commissioners. consistent with the express provisions of this Act, as fully and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as if the same powers, authorities, methods, rules, directions, penalties, clauses, matters, and things were particularly repeated and re-enacted in the body of this Act with reference to the said duties hereby granted, and respectively applied to such parts of Great Britain as aforesaid; and all and every the regulations of such Acts (except as afore- said) shall be applied, construed, deemed, and taken to refer to this Act, and to the duties hereby granted, in like manner as if the same had been enacted therein. Commis- 4. And whereas it is expedient to appoint COm- sioners of a x L Land Tax ntissioners for 'the general purposes of this Act from at District j , , i . , , . Meetings and amongst the persons appointed commissioners romE 1 * for the execution of an Act passed in the thirty- tlT e Gene° r ei £ hth J*** of the rei S n of King George the Third, 1 oies U of mtit uled ' ' An Act for granting an aid to His Maj esty this Act. " by a land tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for ss g. 3. " the service of the year one thousand seven hun- " dred and ninety-eight," or from and amongst the persons appointed commissioners for the execution of the said Act by any subsequent Act of Parlia- ment passed or to be passed, to act in the execution of this Act, so far as relates to the powers hereby vested in such commissioners ; be it enacted, that the several persons appointed or to be appointed commissioners for putting in execution the said Land Tax Act in the respective parts of Great Britain therein mentioned, being respectively quali- fied to act as commissioners in the execution of Appointment of Commissioners. 7 the said Land Tax Act, shall meet within the county, riding, shire, or stewartry, or within each hundred, rape, lathe, or wapentake of the county, riding, shire, or stewartry for which they are or shall be respectively appointed commissioners of the said Land Tax Act, or within such other division of the said county, riding, shire, or stewartry, as the com- missioners of stamps and taxes shall direct, and also within each city, borough, cinque port, liberty, franchise, town, and place for which separate com- missioners have been appointed with exclusive juris- diction for putting in execution the said Land Tax Act within the same, which meetings shall be con- vened from time to time by the commissioners of stamps and taxes, when and as they shall deem necessary, by notice inserted in the London Gazette and Edinburgh Gazette for England and Scotland respectively, and shall be held at such time and place as shall be appointed by such notice ; and at *j£££ r g of everv such meeting the said commissioners of the Commis- J . ,i sionersr Land Tax Act, or the major part of them then pre- sent, shall choose and set clown in writing the names of such of the commissioners appointed as aforesaid who shall respectively be qualified as hereinafter is required, and who shall be fit and proper to act as commissioners for the general purposes of this Act, in such county, riding, shire, or stewartry aforesaid, and in each and every district within each respective hundred, rape, lathe, wapentake, or other division aforesaid, and within each city, borough, cinque port, liberty, franchise, town, and place afore- said, observing always in the execution of this Act 8 Appointment of Commissioners. the same limits which shall have been or may be settled for the districts under the Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes ; and the names of such persons who shall be so chosen shall be set down in the order in which the major part of the commis- sioners then present shall judge fit they should resj^ectively be appointed commissioners in their respective districts; and any seven, or any less number than seven, not being in any case less than three, of the persons so set down, and in the order in which they shall be so set down in such list, shall be commissioners for the general purposes of this Act, and of the duties granted as aforesaid, and they are hereby required to take upon themselves the execution of this Act, and of the said duties, as and sup- such commissioners for general purposes ; and any Vacancies, seven, or any less number than seven, not being in any case less than three, of the persons so set down next in order in the list of names before mentioned, shall be commissioners to supply vacancies as the same may arise in the manner hereinafter men- in want of tioned : provided always, that if at any such meet- commis- ing as aforesaid the commissioners shall not find otherfit amongst the commissioners appointed for executing Persons th e g^ L anc [ Tax Act, and set down in manner residing in the Dis- aforesaid, the names of seven persons to act and trict may . x . j>e named ; seven others to supply vacancies in each such dis- trict, it shall be lawful for them to appoint any persons residing within such district who shall respectively be qualified as hereinafter is required, and who in their judgment shall be fit and proper to be commissioners for the general purposes of this Appointment of Commissioners. 9 Act, until the number of seven in each such list shall be completed, although such persons shall not have been appointed to act as commissioners in the execution of the said Land Tax Act : provided also, «*» g that if at such meeting the commissioners shall Districts not find and set down fourteen persons of the descriptions before mentioned to act as commis- sioners and to supply vacancies in each such district, it shall be lawful for them to select such number of persons as shall be requisite from the persons acting as commissioners for executing the said Land Tax Act, in or for any adjoining or neighbouring dis- trict of the same county, riding, division, shire, stewartry, city, town, or place, in order that there shall be no failure in the execution of this Act ; and the names of such respective persons who shall have been so chosen as aforesaid shall be transmitted to the head office for stamps and taxes in England and Scotland respectively in the order in which they shall have been set down in such lists : provided ^ e e ; e Per . always, that where seven persons, qualified as here- *° n *£5 inafter is required, shall be chosen to act as com- no others missioners for any district as aforesaid, no other person shall interfere as a commissioner in the execution of this Act so long as such seven persons shall continue to act, except in the cases hereinafter mentioned. 5. That within and for each of the cities and JJJjJjJ towns hereinafter mentioned, (videlicet), London, ^J 8 and Bristol, Exeter, Kingston -upon -Hull, Newcastle- other com- missioners upon-Tyne, Norwich, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds, may be Manchester, King's Lynn, and Great Yarmouth, act' with 10 Appointment of Commissioners. lho3e chosen by the Land Tax Commis- sioners. it shall be lawful for the persons hereinafter mentioned to choose commissioners, and persons to supply their vacancies, to act together with the persons to be chosen or appointed as before directed ; and that in and for the city of London two commissioners, and two to supply their vacancies, shall be named by the mayor and aldermen of London out of eight persons, four of whom shall be alder- men, to be returned to them by the common council; two other commissioners, and two to supply their vacancies, by the governor and directors of the Bank of England ; one other commissioner, and one other to supply his vacancy, by each of the companies hereinafter mentioned ; (videlicet), the directors of the East India Company, the governor and directors of the South Sea Company, the governor and direc- tors of the Royal Exchange Assurance Company, the governor and directors of the London Assurance Company, the directors for conducting and managing the affairs of the East and West India Dock Com- pany, and the directors for conducting and managing the London Dock Company and the Saint Katharine Dock Company, respectively for the time being; and that it shall be lawful for the magistrates and justices of the peace acting in and for the city of Norwich to choose eight persons to be commissioners, and eight persons to supply their vacancies, not more than four of the said eight commissioners, and not more than four of the said eight persons to supply their vacancies, to be chosen from out of the said magistrates and justices, and the remaining four commissioners, and four persons to supply their Appointment of Commissioners. 11 vacancies, to be chosen from the inhabitants of the said city ; and in and for each of the other cities and towns before mentioned it shall be lawful for the magistrates and justices of the peace acting in and for "the said cities and towns respectively, together with the justices of the peace acting in and for the county, riding, or division wherein the same respec- tively are situate, to choose eight persons to be commissioners, and eight persons to supply their vacancies, as herein is mentioned ; and the persons so to be chosen by the land tax commissioners as aforesaid, together with the other persons respec- tively to be chosen as herein is particularly directed, shall be commissioners for the purposes of this Act, and to supply their vacancies, as the same may arise, within and for the several districts in which such cities and towns respectively shall be situate, or which shall be formed by such cities and towns respectively, and for such other places which have usually been assessed in the same district with such cities and towns respectively towards the aid by a land tax ; and the names of all persons so chosen as last aforesaid shall be returned to the commissioners of stamps and taxes. 6. That in case there shall not be a sufficient w^ number of commissioners chosen or appointed for Commis- sioners general purposes as aforesaid, or to supply vacancies, are not capable of acting according to the qualification c^ana 1 required by this Act for any city, borough, town, or £owns, place, then and in every such case any person quali- quaUfied ficd to act for the county at large, or riding, shire, ^County or stewartry, in which or adjoining which such city, chosen. 12 Supplying Vacancies. borough, town, or place shall be situate, may be chosen to act as a commissioner for such city, borough, P h Wer t0 town ' or pl ace ; provided also, that any person Persons residing in any county, riding, division, shire, Stew- duly quali- , ., , . ° . . ned, artry, city, town, or j^lace where a commissioner not named shall be wanting, and qualified as hereinafter men- Snere^f ti° nec l> wno sna ^ be willing to act as a commissioner i,and Tax. f or general purposes as aforesaid in any district where a commissioner shall be wanting, may be chosen in manner aforesaid to be such commissioner, although such person shall not have been appointed to act in the execution of the said Land Tax Act ; anything hereinbefore contained to the contrary notwithstanding. now va- 7. That when any Commissioner for general pur- cancies among poses shall die, or decline to act, or having begun to act shall decline to act any further therein, the missioners supplied.' remaining commissioners shall choose one or more of the persons on the list to supply vacancies, who shall be appointed in the place of the commissioner so refusing or declining to act, or dying, provided the person so to be appointed to supply such vacancy shall have been chosen in the same manner as the person so refusing or declining to act, or dying; and the several commissioners of Land Tax shall at such their meetings convened in manner aforesaid, and the several persons authorised to appoint commis- sioners for the several cities and towns aforesaid, shall, on notice thereof from the clerk to the acting commissioners for the same cities and towns respec- tively, as often as occasion shall require, select and add new names to the persons before chosen to supply Neglect of Commissioners to act. 13 vacancies, who shall respectively be commissioners for general purposes as and when such vacancies shall happen : provided always, that if the list for supplying vacancies, to be made and renewed as aforesaid, shall at any time be defective, so that the due number of commissioners cannot be supplied therefrom, the same shall be filled up and renewed from time to time by the acting commissioners for general purposes in the district where such failure shall have happened. 8. That if in any district there shall be a neglect Commis- in appointing commissioners for general purposes Land Tax as hereby is directed, or the commissioners so Actt ° exe ' appointed shall neglect or refuse to act, or having Act in de - . - o fault of begun to act shall decline to act further therein, it appointing shall be lawful for the commissioners appointed to commis- execute the said Land Tax Act, being respectively or°on r Ne g - qualified as directed by this Act, and they and every }gj^. of them, not in any case exceeding the number of sioners i • c i i i -i » . appointed seven, on notice or such neglect and want of appoint- under tins ment given to their clerk by any inspector or surveyor of taxes duly authorised to give such notice by the commissioners of stamps and taxes, shall and they are hereby strictly enjoined and required to take upon themselves forthwith the execution of this Act, and to do and execute all matters and things which commissioners chosen in pursuance of this Act are hereby required and empowered to do ; and if in any district there shall be a want of such last-mentioned commissioners, the commissioners of any adjoining district in the same county, riding, or division, shire, or stewartry, being respectively Act; 14 Appointment of Clerk. and Com- missioners for Special Purposes on Neglect of Land Tax Commis- Commis- sioners may appoint a Clerk and Assistant. qualified as directed by this Act, shall, on like notice as aforesaid, execute this Act as such commissioners, by themselves, or in concurrence with any persons willing to act as commissioners of the district where this Act shall require to be executed; and if the persons aforesaid to whom such notice shall have been given shall not take upon themselves the exe- cution of this Act, within ten days next after such notice given, or shall not proceed therein with due diligence, then and in every such case it shall be lawful for the commissioners for special purposes, to be appointed under the authority of this Act, to execute this Act in such district in all matters and things hereby directed to be done by commissioners for general purposes : provided always, that where commissioners willing to act in each district shall not be returned to the head office for stamps and taxes in England and Scotland respectively as afore- said, then and in such case it shall be lawful for the said commissioners of stamps and taxes to cause such notices as aforesaid to be given to two or more of the persons on whom the right of executing this Act shall devolve in pursuance of the directions of this Act before mentioned. 9. That the commissioners to be appointed for general purposes in manner aforesaid shall appoint a clerk, and if necessary an assistant clerk, for the duties to be assessed by them in each district, who shall execute their office according to the regulations of this Act and the Acts herein respectively men- tioned or referred to ; and every such clerk and assistant shall act as such, as well in all matters and Qualification of Commissioners. 15 things to be done by, under, and before the respective commissioners for general purposes, as by, under, and before the respective additional commissioners hereinafter mentioned in the respective districts ; provided that no more than one clerk's assistant shall be appointed for any district without the appro- bation of the commissioners of stamps and taxes, on a statement made to them by the commissioners for general purposes of the necessity thereof in con- sideration of the extent or population of the district; Penalty on ■ • i i Clerk or and if any clerk or clerk s assistant appointed under Assistant the authority of this Act, who shall have taken the conduct. oath hereinafter required, shall wilfully obstruct or delay the execution of this Act, or shall negligently conduct or wilfully misconduct himself in the execu- tion of this Act, he shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, and shall be dismissed from the said office, and be rendered incapable of again acting • as clerk or clerk's assistant in the execution of this Act or any other Act for granting duties under the management of the commissioners of stamps and taxes. 10. That no person herein required to be quali- Qualifier lied in respect of estate shall be capable of acting as a commis- commissioner for general purposes in the execution Districts 01 of this Act for any district or division of any county 2,JJrf at large within England (the county of Monmouth Counties, and the dominion of Wales excepted), or of any of certain Cjitios in ri the ridings of the county of York, or of the county Towns in or divisions of Lincoln, or in or of any of the several n s land ' cities and towns of London, Westminster, Bristol, Exeter, Kingston-upon-Hull, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 16 Qualification of Commissioners. Norwich, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, King's Lynn, and Great Yarmouth, unless such per- son be seised or possessed of lands, tenements, or hereditaments in Great Britain of the value of two hundred pounds per annum or more, of his own estate, being freehold or copyhold, or leasehold for a term whereof not less than seven years are unex- pired, over and above all ground rents, incumbrances, and reservations payable out of the same respectively^ or unless such person shall be possessed of personal estate of the value of five thousand pounds, or a personal estate, or an interest therein, producing an annual income of two hundred pounds, or of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, and personal estate, or an interest therein, being together of the annual value of two hundred pounds, estimating in every such case one hundred pounds personal estate as equivalent to four pounds per annum, and an interest from personal estate of four pounds per annum as equivalent to one hundred pounds personal estate, or unless such person be the eldest son of some per- son who shall be seised or possessed of a like estate of thrice the value required as the qualification of a commissioner, in right of his own estate, for such county at large, riding, division, or city. tionforthe 11. That no person herein required to be quali- of Mon- fied in respect of estate shall be capable of acting the U Coun- as a commissioner for general purposes in execution Wales and °^ ^ n * s ^ c ^ m an y district or division of the county the cities, of Monmouth, or of any county in Wales, or for any Towns, or . ' . . 1M „ 9 . . J Places not city, borough, cinque port, liberty, franchise, town, mentioned, or place in England or Wales (other than the cities Qualification of Commissioners. 17 and towns hereinbefore mentioned), unless such person be seised or possessed of an estate of the like nature and of four-fifths of the value required £^o a for the estate of a commissioner acting for a district or division of a county at large in England as afore- said, or unless such person be the eldest son of some person who shall be seised or possessed of some estate of thrice the value required as the qualifica- tion of a commissioner, in right of his own estate, for the same county, city, borough, cinque port, liberty, franchise, town, or place. 12. That no person hereby required to be quali- Quaiifica- fied in respect of estate shall be capable of acting shires or as a commissioner for general purposes in execution ^hi" of this Act for any shire or stewartry in Scotland Sc° tland ; unless such person be enfeoft in superiority or property, or possessed as proprietor or life renter of lands in Scotland to the extent of one hundred and fifty pounds scots per annum valued rent, or unless such person be possessed of personal estate of the value of five thousand pounds or of personal estate, or an interest therein, producing an annual income of two hundred pounds sterling, or be enfeoft or pos- sessed as aforesaid of lands and personal estate, or an interest therein, being together of the annual value of two hundred pounds sterling, estimating in every such case one hundred pounds personal estate as equivalent to four pounds per annum, and an interest from personal estate of four pounds per annum as equivalent to one hundred pounds personal estate, or unless such person be the eldest son of some person who shall be enfeoft or possessed of a B 18 Qualification of Commissioners. fnrCitiesor Boroughs in Scotland Qualifica- tion in Lands need not be in the County. Proof of Qualifica- tion. Qualifica- tion not required for certain Officers acting as Commis- sioners, nor for Special Commis- like estate of twice the value required as the quali- fication of a commissioner, in right of his own estate, for such shire or stewartry. 13. That no person herein required to be quali- fied in respect of estate shall be capable of acting as a commissioner for general purposes in execution of this Act for any city or borough in Scotland, unless such person be enfeoft or possessed of an estate of the like nature and of three-fifths of the value required for the estate of a commissioner acting for any shire or stewartry in Scotland, or unless such person be the eldest son of some person enfeoft or possessed of some estate of thrice the value required as the qualification of a cornmis- sioner, in right of his own estate, for the same city or borough. 14. That no estate consisting of lands or tene- ments, as the qualification of a commissioner, shall be required to be situate in the county, riding, divi- sion, shire, or stewartry for which any person shall be a commissioner : provided also, that the proof of qualification where required shall lie on the person acting in the execution of this Act, in such manner as is by law directed with respect to commissioners acting in the execution of the said Land Tax Act. 15. That nothing herein contained shall be con- strued to require any qualification of a commissioner in the district of the palaces of Whitehall and Saint James, Westminster, for any officer who shall have heretofore acted or may hereafter act as a commis- sioner for putting in execution the said Land Tax Act in the said district, other than the possession Additional Commissioners. 19 of their respective offices ; nor in any shire or stewartry in Scotland, for any provost, baillie, dean of guild, treasurer, master of the Merchants Com- pany, or deacon convenor of the trades for the time being of any royal burgh in Scotland, nor any baillie for the time being of any borough of regality or barony of Scotland, nor the factors for the time b< ng on the several forfeited estates annexed to the crown by an Act passed in the twenty-fifth year of the Reign of King Greorge the Second, who shall be respectively appointed commissioners for exe- cuting the said Land Tax Act in any shire or stewartry in Scotland ; nor for any commissioner for special purposes acting in the execution of any of the powers or provisions of this Act. 16. That whenever it shall be deemed by the For commissioners for the general purposes of this act Additional to be expedient that certain of the powers herein doners 8 ;" contained shall be executed by commissioners other than and in addition to the persons to be chosen or appointed as aforesaid, such additional commis- sioners shall be chosen by the commissioners for general purposes acting in the same district; for which purpose the said commissioners, being duly qualified as required by this act, shall, with the consent of the major part of them assembled at any meeting to be held for that purpose, set down in writing lists of the names of such persons re- siding within their respective districts as shall in the opinion of such commissioners be fit and proper persons to act as such additional commissioners, which lists shall contain the names of so many of 20 Qualification of Additional Commissioners. those persons as the said commissioners shall in their discretion, after taking into consideration the size of each district and the number of persons to be assessed therein, think requisite for the due execution of this Act ; which lists, being respectively signed by such commissioners, shall be a sufficient authority for such additional commissioners being respectively qualified as hereinafter is mentioned, and they are hereby authorised to take upon them- selves the execution of the several powers of this Act according to the provisions thereof: provided always, that the persons appointed to supply vacancies in any district may be chosen and act as additional commissioners until their services shall be required as commissioners for general purposes : their Qua- provided also, that no person shall be capable of ligation. ac ti n g as such additional commissioner who shall not be seised or enfeoft or possessed of an estate of the like nature, and of one-half the value, herein required for the estate of a commissioner for general in default purposes in the same district : provided also, that of naming w h e re no additional commissioners shall be named Additional . . . . Commis- and appointed in any district, the commissioners appointed for general purposes shall execute this Act in such district in all matters and things hereby authorized to be done by additional commissioners. Appoint- 17. That if in any city, liberty, franchise, cinque commfs- P ort > town, or place, for which separate commis- sioners in s ioners have been appointed to act in execution ot having" the said Land Tax Act, there shall not be found a quaS. sufficient number of persons, qualified as directed by this Act, and willing to act as commissioners for Notice to Additional Commissioners. 21 general purposes, or as additional commissioners, it shall be lawful to appoint, as such commissioners or additional commissioners, any person residing in such city, liberty, franchise, cinque port, town, or place, who shall be liable to be assessed under the provisions contained in this Act for annual profits, however arising, to the amount of two hundred pounds or upwards. 18. That whenever a new appointment of com- Newly missioners shall take place they shall execute this q^^ 6 - Act as well with respect to the duties which shall sioners x may assess not but which ought to have been assessed in any and levy c l-i-i • for former former year, and with respect to arrears of duties Years, assessed in any former year under this Act, as to the assessments to be made in such year in which they shall be appointed, and shall have the like powers to assess, levy, and collect such duties and arrears as they have to assess, levy, and collect the duties assessed by them. 19. That whenever the said commissioners for Notice to general purposes shall have named such additional to aSS" commissioners as aforesaid, they shall cause notice commis- thereof in writing, signed by two or more of them, f oners t0 o> o J ' take upon to be delivered to the said additional commissioners th ? m - r ii * . selves by the assessors of the respective parishes or places the Execu- i_ ,-, . -, ., , , , tionofthis where they reside, naming the day and place Act. appointed by the commissioners for general pur- poses for the first meeting of the said additional commissioners, and which meeting shall be appointed to be held not later than ten days after the date of such notice ; and the said respective assessors shall, without delay, cause the resj^ective persons so named 22 District Committees. to be summoned, by notice in writing, either given personally or left at their resj)ective places of abode, to assemble, at the time and place mentioned in such notice, for the purpose of qualifying themselves to act in the execution of the powers vested in them by this The Oath Act ; and the said commissioners for general pur- ministered P°ses shall admister the oath to such additional to them, commissioners required by this Act to be taken by them, and shall then and there appoint a day for the said additional commissioners to bring in their cer- tificates of assessment in the manner herein directed; clerk. and the clerk to the commissioners in each district, or his assistant, shall also be appointed clerk to the additional commissioners appointed for the same district, and shall attend the said additional com- missioners at their meetings as their clerk. Dividing 20. That it shall be lawful for the commissioners Additional ,, -, 1 • j_i • • i Commis- for general purposes, whenever in their judgment iX Com- the same shall be requisite, to divide such additional mittees. commissioners into district committees, and to allot to each committee distinct parishes, wards, or places in which such committees shall separately act in the execution of this Act, but so that the meetings of such committee shall be appointed at such times as that the clerk to such commissioners may attend Number of every meeting : provided always, that not more than commis"* seven persons shall act together as additional com- SSfcom- missioners for the same district not being formed into mitteeor seV eral divisions as aforesaid, nor any greater num- Distnct. *> ° ber act together in 'the same committee ; and that where more than seven persons shall attend as such additional commissioners at any meeting, either for Appointment of Commissioners. 23 the whole of any district, or for any division thereof, the seven persons first in their order on the list signed by the commissioners for general purposes then present shall act, and the rest shall withdraw from such meeting: provided also, that not less than two additional commissioners shall be compe- tent to form any meeting either for any district or division thereof, and that any two of them, or the major part of them then present, shall be competent to do any act authorised by this Act. 21. That if it shall appear to the commissioners Forap- for general purposes, whether they shall have been g?eater g a chosen as aforesaid or shall act by virtue of their c TmL r -° f appointment of commissioners for executing the g^X*" said Land Tax Act, to be expedient that a greater \™^ o{ number than seven commissioners for general Additional purposes, possessing the qualification required for s i ners. such commissioners, should be appointed for any district, instead of appointing commissioners pos- sessing only the qualification required for additional commissioners as before mentioned, it shall be lawful for them to appoint such greater number, not in any case exceeding the number of seven, observing, with regard to such appointments, the same rules as in the first appointment of commissioners for general purposes, but nevertheless without adding thereto any person to supply their vacancies ; and in every Two of case of appointing such increased number of com- exe cutethe missioners for general purposes it shall be lawful Agonal for the said commissioners, af their first meeting £°™™ s " after such appointment, and they are hereby re- quired, to choose indifferently by lot such number 24 Appointment of Commissioners. of their own body, not less than two or more than seven, to execute the office vested in additional com- missioners by this Act, and the persons so chosen shall be additional commissioners for executing this Act and the powers hereby vested in additional commissioners, and they are hereby required to execute this Act accordingly, and the remaining commissioners, not so chosen by lot, shall execute the powers vested in the commissioners for general where purposes ; provided also, that where no such addi- arelp- tional commissioners shall have been appointed fheu te com- specially to execute the powers vested in additional forSenera! comm i ss i° ners 5 the commissioners acting in the exe- rurposes ciition of the powers of this Act, whether chosen as to act. . . aforesaid or not, shall divide themselves in such manner that two commissioners at the least shall be appointed to execute the powers vested in additional if not suf- commissioners by this Act; and if in such case there them, ° shall not be two remaining persons at least qualified betaken* to act as commissioners for general purposes in ad'oinin e sucn district, then the persons qualified to act in the District, execution of the powers of this Act as commissioners for general purposes in any adjoining district of the same county, riding, division, shire, or stewartry, or such number of them as shall be requisite, shall execute this Act and the powers hereby vested in commissioners for general purposes in and for such first-mentioned district. Commis- 22. That the commissioners for e-eneral pur- sioners for . General poses shall execute this Act in all matters and T^ur noses to execute things relating to the duties in Schedules (A.) and with & s (B.) of this Act, except such allowances in respect Commissioners for Special Purposes. 25 thereof as are directed to be made in Number VI. of respect t© Schedule (A.) by other commissioners for special un e de r U air purposes as hereinafter mentioned, and also all mat- du ( j eS) e |"_ ters and things relating to the duties in Schedule ^^ (D.) of this Act, except in cases where such matters rooted to be v / ' l ill executed and things are herein directed to be done by the by Special said commissioners for special purposes, or by the commis- additional commissioners, or persons acting as such; sloner and the said commissioners for general purposes shall also execute this Act in all matters and things relating to the duties in Schedule (E.) not executed by the commissioners authorised to be appointed for those duties : Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude any person chosen a commissioner for general purposes from acting as such by reason of his acting or having acted as an additional commissioner, except only in the hearing and determining of appeals against or relating to such particular assessments wherein he shall have made an assessment as such additional commissioner. 23. That the commissioners of stamps and commis- taxes for the time being, together with such per- spedS sons as shall be appointed commissioners for spe- Pur P° ses - cial purposes as next hereinafter mentioned, shall be commissioners for the special purposes of this Act ; and it shall be lawful for the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, by warrant under their hands and seals, from time to time to appoint such and so many other persons to be commissioners for such special purposes as they respectively shall 26 Commissioners for Special Purposes. Functions think expedient ; which said commissioners of Commis- stamps and taxes, and commissioners so to be ap- pointed as last aforesaid, without other qualification being required than the possession of their respective offices, shall have full authority to execute the several powers given by this Act to commissioners for sj^ecial purposes, either in relation to the allow- ances specified in Number VI. Schedule (A.) of this Act, or in relation to the special exemptions granted from the duties mentioned in Schedule (C.) of this Act, or to the charging and assessing the profits arising from annuities, dividends, and shares of an- nuities paid in Great Britain out of the revenues of any foreign state, as herein mentioned, and also in relation to the examining, auditing, checking, and clearing the books and accounts of dividends de- livered to the commissioners of stamps and taxes under the authority of this Act ; and shall also have full authority to do any other act, matter, or thing hereby directed or required to be done by commis- sioners for special purposes; and all powers, pro- visions, clauses, matters, and things contained in this Act for ascertaining the amount of any duty, exemption, or allowance mentioned in this Act shall be used, practised, and put in execution by the said commissioners for special purposes in ascertaining the amount of duty or any exemption or allowance Their Pro- placed under their cognizance or jurisdiction : pro- t^fty vided always, that it shall not be lawful for the said Affidavit, commissioners for special purposes (except when acting in the execution of this Act in the place of commissioners for general jmrposes, or on any Commissioners on Annuities, &c. 27 appeal in the cases authorised by this Act,) to sum- mon any person to be examined before them, but all inquiries by or before the said commissioners for special' purposes (except in the several cases afore- said) shall be answered by affidavit, to be taken before one of the commissioners for general pur- poses in their respective districts ; and such com- missioners for special purposes shall have authority to use, exercise, and apply all the powers of this Act as effectually as any other commissioners are hereby authorised to use, exercise, or apply the same, so far as the same powers relate to the jurisdiction given to the said commissioners for special purposes ; and the said commissioners for special purposes shall and may be allowed such salary for their pains and trouble, and such incidental expenses, as the said commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury shall direct to be paid to them : provided always, that the Appoint- said commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury shall commis- cause an account of all appointments of commis- "y sioners for special purposes with salaries to be laid Salaries to before each House of Parliament within twenty days before Par- after their appointment respectively, if Parliament shall then be sitting, and if Parliament shall not be sitting then within twenty days after the next meeting of Parliament. 24. That the governor and directors of the com- Governor pany of the Bank of England shall be commissioners JJ 1 * J f ire ^; for executing this Act, for the purpose of assessing J an ^ of and charging the duties hereby granted in respect to beCom- iti i s sion c v s of all annuities payable to the said company at the for assess- receipt of the exchequer, and the profits attached o^faii"'"* 5 28 Commissioners on Annuities, &c. Annuities, to the same and divided amongst the several pro- Dividends, . , . ° . l Pensions, pnetors, and m respect of all annuities, dividends, &e.? r pay- an d shares of annuities payable out of the revenue Banked of the United Kingdom to any persons, corporations, Proatf or com P ames whatever, and which shall have been intrusted to the said governor and company for such payment, and in respect of all other annuities, dividends, and shares of annuities which shall have been intrusted to the said governor and company for payment as aforesaid, and in respect of all profits and gains of the said company chargeable under Schedule (D.) of this Act, and in respect of all other dividends, annuities, pensions, and salaries payable by the said company, and also in respect of all other profits chargeable with duty under this Act, and arising within any office or department under the management or control of the said governor and company; and the said commissioners shall have authority to use, exercise, and apply all the powers of this Act as fully and effectually as the commis- sioners for the general purposes of this Act are authorised to use, exercise, or apply the same, so far as the same relate to the said duties to be assessed and charged by the said governor and directors, and shall make their assessments of the said duties under and subject to the rules, regula- tions, and exemptions contained in the several schedules of this Act under which such duties are respectively chargeable. Governor, 25. That the governor and directors of the corn- Bank of pany of the Bank of Ireland shall be commissioners ["aim- 40 f° r executing this Act, and with the like powers as Commissioners on Annuities, &c. 29 aforesaid, for the purpose of assessing and charging missioned • • iOl* HSS6SS- the duties hereby granted in respect of all annuities, i ng Duties dividends, and shares of annuities payable by the tiLaTcT governor and company of the Bank of Ireland, out Pjjjjg^ of the public revenue of the United Kingdom, to or Persons 1 . not resi- for the use or benefit of any persons not resident m dent in n • • i 'ii Ireland. Ireland; [as well as all pensions, salaries paid by the bank, as also on their profits under Schedule (D.) the directors are to have, use, and exercise the same powers and authorities as commissioners for general purposes, 16 and 17 Vict., c. 34, sec. 11.;] and the said last-mentioned commissioners shall make their assessments of the said duties under and subject to the rules, regulations, and exemptions contained in Schedules (C. D. and E.) 26. That the governors and directors of the Governors ^ _. tut • j? &c, ofthc South Sea Company shall be commissioners tor south Sea executing this Act, with the like powers as afore- Scorn- said, for the purpose of assessing and charging the jfJSE duties hereby granted in respect of all annuities ^ a J u |^ pavable to the said company at the receipt of the nuities, t i j. j.i l Dividends, exchequer, and the profits attached to the same and pensions, divided amongst the several proprietors, and in ^pay- respect of all annuities, dividends, and shares of ^^ annuities payable out of the revenue of the United Kingdom to any persons, corporations, or companies whatever, and which shall have been intrusted to the said company for such payment, and in respect of all other dividends, annuities, pensions, and salaries payable by the said company, and also in respect of all other profits chargeable with duty under this Act, and arising within any office or 30 Commissioners on Annuities, <&c. department under the management or control of the said governors and company ; and the said commissioners shall make their assessments of the said duties under and subject to the rules, regula- tions and exemptions contained in the several schedules of this Act under which such duties are respectively chargeable. Directors 27. That the directors of the East India Com- of the Last indiaCom- pany shall be commissioners for executing this Act, Comrnis- and with the like powers as aforesaid, for the pur- al°sessing r P ose °f assessing and charging the duties hereby Ster?8t° f n g ran ted in respect of the interest payable on the Dividends, bonds of the said company, and in respect of all Annuities, . . x J ' L Pensions, dividends, annuities, pensions, and salaries payable &c pay- by the said company, and also in respect of all other them. 7 profits and gains chargeable with duty under this Act, and arising within any office or department under the management or control of the said com- pany ; which assessments shall be made under and subject to the rules, regulations, and exemptions contained in the several schedules under which the said duties are respectively chargeable. Commis- 28. That the commissioners for the reduction of Seduction the National Debt shall be commissioners for execut- Sto™ 1 nig this Act, and with the like powers as aforesaid, DutLVon f° r * ne P ur P ose °f assessing and charging the duties aii Annul- hereby granted in respect of all annuities payable by them, by them out of the revenue of the United Kingdom, kries and and in respect of all salaries and pensions payable in any office or department under their management or control ; and the said commissioners shall make their assessments of the said duties under and Commissioners on Offices, &e. 31 subject to the rules, regulations, and exemptions contained in the several schedules under which the said duties are respectively chargeable. 29. That the said commissioners for special Commis- , ,i 1 sioners.tor purposes shall be commissioners under tne regula- charging tions of this Act, and with the like powers as afore- DividSa?. said, for the purpose of assessing and charging the duties hereby made payable on all dividends and shares of annuities payable out of the revenue of any foreign state to any persons, corporations, companies, or societies in Great Britain, which shall have been or shall be intrusted for such payment to any person, corporation, company, or society what- ever in Great Britain, other than and except the several companies aforesaid, which assessments shall be made under and subject to the rules, regulations, and exceptions contained in Schedule (C.) of this Act. 30. And for the ordering, raising, levying, and Appoint- 07 °- i rnent ot paying of the said sums of money hereby made Commis- payable on offices and employments of profit, be it t he Duties enacted, that the Lord High Chancellor, the judges, ?°£f ce8 and the principal officer or officers of each court or Courts or public department of office under Her Majesty payments, throughout Great Britain, whether the same shall be civil, judicial, or criminal, ecclesiastical or com- missary, military or naval, shall respectively have authority to appoint commissioners from and amongst the officers of each court or department of office respectively ; and the persons so appointed, or any three or more of them, not in any case exceeding seven, shall be commissioners for executing this rneiits 32 Commissioners on Offices, &c. Act, in relation to the offices in each such court or Power department respectively : provided always, that in tothT* relation to each department of office, not being one ^easury Q f g er Majesty's courts, civil, judicial, or criminal, respect or an ecclesiastical or commissary court, the com- to the in i assessing missioners of Her Maj esty s treasury shall, whenever Depart- they may think it expedient, settle and determine in what particular departments commissioners shall not he appointed, and in such case shall settle and determine in what other department of office the officers of that department wherein commissioners shall not be appointed shall be assessed ; and also whenever there shall be any default in the officers of any department, or in any court aforesaid, in appointing commissioners, the said commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury shall, within the time herein limited, appoint fit and proper persons to be commissioners for executing this Act in the several courts or departments of offices aforesaid for which they shall be appointed, from and amongst the officers in the several departments respectively, uniting for the purposes of this Act, in cases requir- ing the same, two or more offices under the same commissioners, but nevertheless with distinct offi- cers from each office so united for assessing and collecting the duties, as directed by this Act ; and where any dispute shall arise touching the depart- ment in which any office is executed, the said commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury shall determine the same : provided also, that where the commissioners of one department shall execute this Act in relation to any other department, the assessors Commissioners on Offices, &c. 33 and collectors for such other department shall be appointed from the officers of such other depart- ment, with all the powers and privileges appertaining to such appointments : provided also, that where no apj^ointment shall be made of commissioners before the expiration of the time limited by this Act, the commissioners for executing this Act in relation to the duties on lands and tenements shall, on due notice in the manner herein directed, execute this Act in their several districts in relation to the said duties on offices and employments of profit exercised within the same districts respectively; and the appointment of such commissioners for offices and employments of profit shall be notified to the commissioners of stamps and taxes ; and the want of such notification in due time shall be deemed full proof of default in making such ap- pointment. 31. That the speaker and the principal clerk of Commis- either House of Parliament, the principal or other EuSoT officers in the several Counties Palatine, and the ^ft 068 " 1 , Houses of Duchy of Cornwall, or in any ecclesiastical court, Pariia- . . „ . . . merit, or in any inferior court of justice, whether of law Counties . , , .... , Palatine, or equity, or criminal or justiciary, or under any inferior ecclesiastical body or corporation, whether aggregate and under or sole, throughout Great Britain, shall appoint f s c t ^ a f" commissioners from and amongst the persons exe- Bodies, cuting offices in either House of Parliament, or in their respective departments of office ; and the persons so appointed, or any three or more of them, not in any case exceeding seven, shall be commis- sioners for executing this Act, in relation to the 34 Commissioners on Offices, &c. places, offices, and employments of profit in each House of Parliament, and in each such department respectively; which appointments shall be made, and the names of the commissioners shall be trans- mitted to the commissioners of stamps and taxes within the time herein limited, or in default thereof such appointments shall be made by the commis- sioners of Her Majesty's treasury : provided always, that where no such appointment as last mentioned shall be made before the expiration of the time limited by this Act, the commissioners for executing this Act in relation to the duties on lands and tene- ments shall, in their several districts, on due notice of such default in the manner herein directed, also execute this Act in relation to the duties on such offices or employments of profit exercised within the same districts respectively ; and the want of notifi- cation of any such appointment to the commissioners of stamps and taxes in due time shall be deemed full proof of default in making such appointment. , Uimis . 32. That the mayor, aldermen, and common th° e n iSties council, or the principal officers or members, by on offices whatever name they shall be called, of every cor- in Cities .. ^ and porate city, borough, town, or place, and of every andTu S ' cinque port, throughout Great Britain, or any offices three or more of them, not in any case exceeding under the seven, shall be commissioners for executing this i rown, in Act, an( j th e powers herein contained, in relation Counties, ' x Ridings, to the public offices or employments of profit in such city, corporation, and cinque port, and in every guild, fraternity, company, or society, whe- ther corporate or not corporate, within such city, Commissioners on Offices, &c. 35 corporation, or cinque port ; and that for all offices or employments of profit (not being public offices or employments of profit under Her Majesty) in any county, riding, shire, stewartry, city, liberty, fran- chise, town, or place, whether in the appointment of the lieutenant, custos rotulorum, or the justices or magistrates, or commissioners for aids or taxes, or sheriff of such county, riding, shire, stewartry, city, liberty, franchise, town, or place, or of any trustees or guardians of any trust or fund in such county, riding, shire, stewartry, city, town, or place, and for all parochial offices in such county, riding, shire, stewartry, city, town, or place, (except cor- porate offices in cities, corporate towns, boroughs, or places, or offices in cinque ports, as aforesaid,) the commissioners for executing this Act in relation to the duties on lands and tenements shall, in their several districts, also execute this Act in relation to the said duties on offices in such county, riding, shire, stewartry, city, liberty, franchise, town, or place ; and such respective commissioners shall and may exercise any of the powers contained in this Act, in relation to any of the duties herein men- tioned, for causing due returns to be made from the respective officers within their respective juris- dictions, and for compelling the assessors to make their assessments, and return the same, and for the due collection of and accounting for the said duties, and may act therein in all respects as fully and effectually as any other commissioners are hereby empowered to act in relation to the said other duties ; provided the monies collected of the said 36 Notification of Appointments. Appoint- ment of Commis- sioners to be notified to the Commis- sioners of Stamps and Taxes; in default of such Notifica- tion, the Appoint- ment to devolve on the Trea- sury, and the Com- missioners of the District to execute the Act. duties under the respective commissioners acting for such offices in corporate cities, boroughs, towns, or places aforesaid, or in the cinque ports, or in the several counties, ridings, divisions, shires, stewart- ries, cities, liberties, franchises, towns, and places, shall be paid to the proper officer for receipt for the county, riding, shire, or stewartry, and not otherwise, and that the like duplicates shall be delivered of such last-mentioned duties as in other cases where the same are directed to be paid in like manner. 33. That the appointment of commissioners for executing this Act in relation to the duties on offices and employments of profit as aforesaid shall be notified to the commissioners of stamps and taxes, within one calendar month after the passing of this Act with respect to the first assessment under the same, and within one calendar month after the fifth day of April in any future year ; and in default thereof the appointment of such com- missioners shall devolve on the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury, and on the commissioners of the district in succession, as aforesaid : provided always, that such appointment by the commis- sioners of Her Majesty's treasury shall take place within one calendar month after the notification of such default as aforesaid from the commissioners of stamps and taxes ; and in case of no appointment as last aforesaid, notified to the commissioners of stamps and taxes in like manner, the execution of this Act shall devolve on the commissioners ap- pointed for the district in relation to the duties on Commissioners on Pensions, &c. 37 lands, tenements, and hereditaments: and every such appointment shall be until other commissioners shall be appointed, and may be renewed annually on or before the fifth day of April in each year durino* the continuance of this Act: provided al- Commis- n . . , sioners ways, that the commissioners so to be appointed appointed „ -i may con- may continue to act from year to year, so long as tinue t0 they are respectively willing to act, without any act - new appointment, unless it shall be deemed expe- dient under the powers of this Act that any depart- ment for which commissioners have been appointed should be assessed under the commissioners of any other department. 34. That for the better execution of this Act so commis- far as the same relates to the duties hereby granted thTSuties on pensions or stipends payable by Her Majesty, or JJ?; nB e £* d out of the public revenue, contained in Schedule SJPJgJW (E.), and for the ordering, raising, levying, and Her^ paying of the duties hereby made payable thereon, in cases not otherwise provided for by this Act, the paymasters of civil services, and such other persons as the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury shall appoint, shall be commissioners for executing this Act, and all the powers herein contained, in relation to the said last-mentioned duties, or shall respec- tively appoint commissioners from and amongst the officers of those departments for such purposes. 35. That every person acting as a commissioner Commis- as aforesaid in the execution of this Act shall on entitled to request be entitled unto a certificate thereof under £®j£ " the hands of the commissioners of stamps and ^eX-oif taxes, which certificate shall continue in force so Parish and 38 Appointment of Assessors, &c. Ward Offices and serving on Juries. Appoint- ment of Assessors and Col- lectors. long only as such persons shall continue to act as such commissioner, and shall be revocable by the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury, by any instrument in writing under their hands, when it shall appear to them that such person hath neglected to perform his duty as such commissioner ; and the person to whom such certificate shall have been granted shall, during the continuance thereof in force, be discharged of and from all parish and ward offices within the parish or ward wherein such person shall dwell, and from serving on juries in the county wherein such person shall dwell, which said certificate shall be enrolled by the clerk of the peace of the county or city in which the same shall be granted, for which enrolment the said clerk of the peace shall have for his fee the sum of one shilling, and no more ; and the said clerk of the peace shall cause every certificate revoked in man- ner aforesaid to be taken off the roll on notice thereof to be given to him by the commissioners of stamps and taxes. 36. That in England the commissioners for general purposes may appoint assessors 1 and col- lectors for the duties granted by this Act in like manner as assessors and collectors may be appointed under the said Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes ; and in Scotland the said commissioners for general purposes may in like manner appoint asses- sors for the said duties hereby granted; and the 1 By the 25 Vict., cap. 22, sec. 44, inspectors and surveyors of taxes are to act as assessors under Schedules (A.) and (B.), and not parochial officers as heretofore. Officers of Assessed Taxes, &c. 39 same persons who now are or may be appointed col- lectors or officers for collecting and receiving the land tax and assessed taxes in Scotland, under the authority of the Act in that behalf made, and none collectors other, shall be collectors and receivers of the duties L and and granted by this Act. Taxes', 6 37. That the officers for receipt of the land tax f dth '^ rc JL Inspectors and assessed taxes, appointed or to be appointed by and Sur- the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury, or by Assessed the commissioners of stamps and taxes, and the act in the inspectors and surveyors appointed or to be ap- of this Act: pointed in like manner for the duties of assessed ^*° the taxes, shall be respectively officers for receipt and like 1 /» ii Powers as inspectors and surveyors* of the duties granted by under the this Act; and the said commissioners for general th c e s purposes, and the said additional commissioners ^asS!^ acting in the execution of this Act, and the said assessors and collectors to be appointed as herein mentioned, and the said officers for receipt and inspectors and surveyors respectively, shall be and they are hereby respectively empowered and required to do all things necessary for putting this Act in execution, with relation to the said duties hereby granted, in the like and in as full and ample a man- ner as any commissioners, assessors, collectors, officers for receipt, surveyors, or inspectors are authorised to put in execution the said Acts relating to the said duties of assessed taxes, or any matter or thing therein contained, as well with respect to all Acts, matters, and things to be done by, under, or before the said additional commissioners, or by, under, or before the commissioners for general 40 Oaths. Commis- sioners and others to take the Oaths in Schedule (F.) [See Scked. (F.J purposes in their respective districts or departments, as by, under, and before the said commissioners for special purposes. 38. That every person appointed a commissioner either for general or special purposes, or an additional commissioner, or an assessor or collector, or a clerk or clerk's assistant to the said respective commis- sioners, and every inspector, surveyor, and officer for receipt, shall, before he shall begin to act in the execution of this Act, so far as relates to the duties contained in Schedule (D.), take the oath prescribed by this Act, and contained in the Schedule marked (F.) applicable to such officers respectively ; which oath any one of the persons appointed a commis- sioner, either for general or special purposes as aforesaid, or an additional commissioner, is hereby authorised to administer (excef)t that every such oath so to be administered to any commissioner for general or special purposes as aforesaid, or to an additional commissioner, shall be administered by a commissioner for such general or special pur- poses, and not otherwise), and which oath so taken shall be subscribed by the party taking the same ; and if any person shall act as a commissioner in relation to the duties in Schedule (D.), excej^t in administering the oath herein mentioned, or shall act as a clerk or clerk's assistant, or an assessor, collector, inspector, surveyor, or officer for receipt, in relation to the duties contained in the said Schedule (D.), before he shall have taken the oath herein required to be taken by such officer respec- tively, he shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds. Temporary Absentees and Residents. 41 39. That any subject of Her Majesty whose ordi- Tempo- nary residence shall have been in Great Britain, Absentees and who shall have departed from Great Britain charged as and gone into any parts beyond the seas for the Residents - purpose only of occasional residence, at the time of the execution of this Act, shall be deemed, notwith- standing such temporary absence, a person charge- able to the duties granted by this Act as a person actually residing in Great Britain, and shall be assessed and charged accordingly (in manner herein- after directed) upon the whole amount of his profits or gains, whether the same shall arise from property in Great Britain or elsewhere, or from any allowance, annuity, or stipend (except as herein is excepted), or from any profession, employment, trade, or voca- tion, in Great Britain or elsewhere: provided always, Tempo- that no person who shall on or after the passing of Stents this Act actually be in Great Britain for some tern- barged porary purpose only, and not with any view or intent ^nth? of establishing his residence therein, and who shall Residence, not actually have resided in Great Britain at one time or several times for a period equal in the whole to six months in any one year, shall be charged with the said duties mentioned in Schedule (D.), as a person residing in Great Britain, in resj^ect of the profits or gains received from or out of any posses- sions in Ireland, or any other of Her Majesty's dominions, or any foreign possessions, or from secu- rities in Ireland, or any other of Her Majesty's dominions, or foreign securities ; but nevertheless every such person shall, after such residence in Great Britain for such space of time as aforesaid, be 42 Incapacitated Persons. — Trustees. Persons departing after claiming Exemp- tion, and returning within the Year, to be charged. Corpora- tions and Societies to be charged with Duties, and their Officers to do all Acts requisite for ment. Trustees and Guar- dians of incapaci- tated Persons to be charged. chargeable to the said duties for the year commen- cing on the sixth clay of April preceding : provided also, that any person who shall depart from Great Britain after claiming such exemption, and shall ao-ain return to Great Britain on or before the fifth day of April next after such claim made, shall be chargeable to the said duties as a person residing in Great Britain for the whole of the year in which such claim shall have been made. 40. That all bodies politic, corporate, or colle- giate, companies, fraternities, fellowships, or societies of persons, whether corporate or not corporate, shall be chargeable with such and the like duties as any person will under and by virtue of this Act be chargeable with, and that the chamberlain or other officer acting as treasurer, auditor, or receiver for the time being of every such corporation, company, fraternity, fellowship, or society shall be answerable for doing all such acts, matters, and things as shall be required to be done by virtue of this Act, in order to the assessing such bodies corporate, companies, fraternities, fellowships, or societies to the duties granted by this Act, and paying the same. 41. That the trustee, guardian, tutor, curator, or committee of any person, being an infant, or married woman, lunatic, idiot, or insane, and having the direction, control, or management of the pro- perty or concern of such infant, married woman, lunatic, idiot, or insane person, whether such infant, married woman, lunatic, idiot, or insane person shall reside in Great Britain or not, shall be charge- able to the said duties in like manner and to the Trustees, Agents, Receivers, &c. 43 same amount as would be charged if such infant were of full age, or such married woman were sole, or such lunatic, idiot, or insane person were capable of acting for himself ; and any person not resident ^J"™ 8 *" in Great Britain, whether a subject of Her Majesty charged in or not, shall be chargeable in the name of such of \£T' trustee, guardian, tutor, curator, or committee, or of Jg£™ 0I any factor, agent, or receiver, having the receipt of any profits or gains arising as herein mentioned, and belonging to such person, in the like manner and to the like amount as would be charged if such person were resident in Great Britain, and in the actual receipt thereof; and every such trustee, guardian, tutor, curator, committee, agent, or receiver shall be answerable for the doing of all such acts, matters, and things as shall be required to be done by virtue of this Act in order to the assessing of any such person to the duties granted by this Act, and paying the same. 42. That no trustee who shall have authorised Trustees • n -'Oil x or Agents the receipt of the profits arising from trust property f Persons by the person entitled thereunto, or by the agent of r esi l dent g £ such last-mentioned person, and which person shall J^f*??" actually receive the same under such authority, nor J^JJJjJ* 8 any agent or receiver of any person being of full age, than and resident in Great Britain (other than a married Lists of woman, lunatic, idiot, and insane person), who shall ResTdences return a list in the manner hereinafter required of p e ^ g _ the name and residence of such person, shall be required to do any other act for the purpose of assessing such person, unless the commissioners acting in the execution of this Act in respect of the 44 Trustees, Agents, Receivers, &c. Receivers of Trust Property appointed by the Court of Chancery or other Courts charge- able. Trustees, Agents, Receivers, and Offi- cers may retain the Duties charged upon them out of Trust Monies. assessment to be made on such person shall require the testimony of such trustee, agent, or receiver in pursuance of the powers and authorities by this Act given. 43. That the receiver appointed by the Court of Chancery, or by any other court in Great Britain, having the direction and control of any property in respect whereof a duty is charged by this Act, whether the title to such property shall be uncertain or not, or subject to any contingency or not, or be depending or be not ascertained by reason of any dispute or other cause, shall be chargeable to the said duties, in like manner and to the like amount as would be charged if the said property was not under the direction and control of such court, and the title thereto was certain, and not subject to any contingency whatever ; and every such receiver shall be answerable for doing all such matters and things as shall be required to be done by virtue of this Act, in order to the assessing of the duties granted by this Act, and paying the same. 44. That where any person, being trustee, agent, factor, or receiver, guardian, tutor, curator, or com- mittee of or for any person, shall be assessed under this Act in respect of such person, or where any chamberlain, treasurer, clerk, or other officer of any corporation, company, fraternity, or society shall be so assessed in respect of such corporation, company, fraternity, or society as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for every such person who shall be so assessed, by and out of the money which shall come to his hands as such trustee, agent, factor, or receiver, guardian, Agents. — -Married Women. 45 tutor, committee, or curator as aforesaid, or as such chamberlain, treasurer, clerk, or other officer, to retain so much and such part thereof from, time to time as shall be sufficient to pay such assessment ; and every such trustee, agent, factor, or receiver, guardian, tutor, committee, or curator, chamberlain, treasurer, clerk, or other officer, shall be and is hereby indemnified against every person, corpora- tion, company, fraternity, or society whatsoever, for all payments which he shall make in pursuance and by virtue of this Act. 45. That any married woman acting as a sole Married trader by the custom of any city or place, or other- sole wise, or having or being entitled to any property having 3 ' * or profits to her sole or separate use, shall be charge- pjJJJjSi able to such and the like duties, and in like manner, h ° w ; charge- except as hereinafter is mentioned, as if she were able, actually sole and unmarried : provided always, that the profits of any married woman living with her husband shall be deemed the profits of the husband, and the same shall be charged in the name of the husband, and not in her name, or of her trustee : provided also, that any married woman living in Great Britain separate from her husband, whether such husband shall be temporarily absent from her or from Great Britain, or otherwise, who shall receive any allowance or remittance from property out of Great Britain, shall be charged as a feme- sole if entitled thereto in her own right, and as the agent of the husband if she receive the same from or through him, or from his property or on his credit. 46 Duties of Assessors. Commis- sioners to summon Assessors : to adminis- ter Oaths, to them, [See Sched. (F.J and deliver to them their In- structions. Assessors to serve Notices and Precepts. Assessors to fix general Notices on Church Doors requiring 46, That for the ordering, raising, and levying the said duties the respective commissioners for general purposes at the first meeting to be held under this Act, or at a meeting to be appointed for that purpose, shall direct their precepts to such persons as shall have been appointed assessors for the execution of this Act, or in case no such appoint- ment shall have been made, then to the assessors for the land tax or the duties of assessed taxes in their respective districts, requiring them to appear before the said commissioners at such time and place as they shall appoint ; and on the appearance of such assessors the said commissioners shall ad- minister to them the oath required by this Act to be taken by them, and issue to them their warrants of appointment as assessors in the execution of this Act, signed by such commissioners, together with such instructions duly filled up as shall be necessary for carrying this Act into execution ; and the said assessors shall duly serve and deliver, in the respec- tive parishes or places for which they may be ap- pointed, as well the notices hereinafter particularly directed to be served by them, as also all other notices and precepts, by whomsoever signed, which are or may be directed or required to be given by or in pursuance of this Act ; and the said assessors shall duly verify the service of all such notices and precepts. 47. That the assessors to be appointed to execute this Act shall, within the time and in the manner directed by the precept of the commissioners for general purposes, cause general notices to be affixed Duties of Assessors. 47 on or near to the door of the chnrch or chapel and Persons to clullVGF market house or cross (if any) of the city, town, Lists. parish, or place for which such assessors act; and if such city, town, parish, or place shall not have a chnrch or chapel, or market house or cross, then on the church or chapel nearest to such city, town, parish, or place, requiring all persons who are by this Act required to make out and deliver any list, declaration, or statement to make out and deliver to the respective assessors or commissioners, or to their clerk, at their respective offices to be described in such notice, and as therein directed, all such lists, declarations, and statements accordingly, within such time as shall be limited by such precept, and which shall not in any case be later than twenty-one days from the date of such precept ; and such general notices shall, when the same shall be affixed as aforesaid, be deemed sufficient notice to all per- sons resident in such city, town, parish, or place, and the affixing of the same in manner aforesaid shall be deemed good service of such notice ; and the said respective assessors shall cause the said notices to be from time to time replaced, if neces- sary, for the space of ten days before the time required for the delivery of such lists, declarations, and statements as aforesaid ; and every person wil- fully tearing, defacing, or obliterating any such notice so affixed shall forfeit any sum not exceeding twenty pounds. 48. That the said assessors shall, within the Assessors time directed by the precept of the said commis- NotSesat sioners, give notice to every person chargeable to the House * 48 Duties of Assessors. of Persons the said duties in respect of any property or profits abkfwho situate or arising within the limits of the said places deliver where such assessors shall act, or leave such notice state- a £ hjg dwelling house or place of residence, or on ments. ~ L the premises to be charged by such assessment [See sched. within such limits, requiring every such person to ( .x$.f°' prepare and deliver, in manner directed by this Act, all such lists, declarations, and statements as they are respectively required to do by this Act, within such time as shall be limited by such precept ; and if any person residing within any parish or place at the time such general notice as aforesaid shall be given, or to whom such notice shall be personally given, or at whose dwelling house or place of resi- dence the same shall be left, or if any person occu- pying any property or engaged in any concern within such limits, on whom such notice shall be served in manner aforesaid, or for whom such notice shall be left on the premises to be charged as afore- said, after notice thereof, shall refuse or neglect to make out such lists, declarations, or statements as may be applicable to such person, and as the case may require, and deliver the same in manner directed by this Act, within the time limited in such notice, then such commissioners shall forthwith issue a summons under their hands to such person making default as aforesaid, in order that the penalty for such refusal or neglect may be duly levied ; and the said commissioners shall moreover proceed to assess or cause to be assessed every person making such default in the manner herein directed. Lists, Statements, &c. 49 49. That every such list, declaration, or state- Lists and . state- ment of the profits to be charged as aforesaid shall men ts, be delivered to the assessor of the same parish or b^S- place, except statements containing the amount of vered - profits chargeable under Schedule (D.) of this Act, in such cases where the commissioners acting for such parish or place shall have caused to be inserted in the notice that an office is opened for the receipt of statements of profits, and a proper person ap- pointed to receive the same, and the time and place of attendance, in which cases the delivery of such statements to be charged under the said Schedule (D.) shall be made at such oflice to the person there appointed to receive the same : provided always, that in cases where the parties to be charged under the said Schedule (D.) shall give notice of their desire to be assessed for the said duties by the com- missioners for special purposes, such statements of profits chargeable under the said Schedule (D.) shall be delivered, together with such notice, to such assessor as aforesaid, to be by him transmitted to the inspector or surveyor of the district. 50. That every person, when required so to do Pei-sons to by any notice given in pursuance of this Act, shall, LisSSe within the period to be mentioned in such notice, 25£j5£ f prepare and deliver to the assessor of the parish or inmates, 1 L ...... and others. place where such person shall reside a list in writing, containing; to the best of his belief the proper name i&e&hea. of every lodger or inmate resident in his dwelling at/.] house, and of other persons chiefly employed in his service, whether resident in such dwelling house or not, and the place of residence of such of them as 50 Lists, Statements, &c. are not resident in such dwelling house, and also of any such lodger or inmate who shall have any ordi- nary place of residence elsewhere at which he is entitled, under the regulations of this Act, to be assessed, who shall be desirous of being so assessed at such place of ordinary residence ; which lists shall be signed by the respective parties delivering the same, and shall severally be made out in such form as shall be directed under the authority of this omission Act ; provided always, that no person required by notrS£ n this Act to deliver a list of lodgers, inmates, or Sir" 1 other persons aforesaid shall be liable to the penal- Dweiiing ^ es hereinafter mentioned, or either of them, for Houses, it exempted all y omission of the name or residence of any person from Duty, . J . . . J \ not to sub- in his service or employ, and not resident in his i'enaity. dwelling house, if it shall appear to the commis- sioners for executing this Act, on inquiry before them, that such person is entitled to be exempted from the payment of all and every the duties hereby granted, rersons 51. That every person who shall be in the others t r receipt of any money or value, or the profits or ultsl™ g ams arising from any of the sources mentioned in order to this Act, f or belonging to any other person, in the Duty ° ° J l . ' being duly whatever character the same shall be received, for which such other person is chargeable under the [See Sched. (o.) No. ' regulations of this Act, or would be so chargeable if he were resident in Great Britain, slmll within the like period prepare and deliver, in manner before directed, a list in writing, in such form as this Act requires, signed by him, containing a true and cor- rect statement of all such money, value, profits, or Lists, Statements, &c. 51 gains, and the name and place of abode of every person to whom the same shall belong, together with a declaration whether such person is of full age, or a married woman living with her husband, or a married woman for whose payment of the duty hereby charged on her the husband is not account- able by this Act, or resident in Great Britain, or an infant, idiot, lunatic, or insane person, in order that such person, according to a statement, to be deli- vered, as herein mentioned, may be charged either in the name of the person delivering such list, if the same shall be so chargeable, or in the name of the person to whom such property shall belong, if of full age, and resident in Great Britain, and the same be so chargeable by this Act ; and every per- son acting in such character jointly with any other person shall deliver a list of the names and places of abode of every person joined with him at the time of delivering such list, and to the same person to whom such list shall be delivered. 52. That every person chargeable under this state- iVct shall, when required so to do, whether by any SfdSi- general or particular notice given in pursuance of ^ e a d n ° f ua i this Act, within the period to be mentioned in such Jjjjj^jJ notice as aforesaid, prepare and deliver to the per- and ' x x ill Amounts son appointed to receive the same, and to whom the of Profits, same ought to be delivered, a true and correct [SeeSded. statement m writing, in such form as this Act requires, and signed by the person delivering the same, containing the annual value of all lands and tenements in his occupation, whether the same be situate in one or more parish or parishes, and the 52 Statements, Declarations, &c. amount of the profits or gains arising to such per- son from all and every the sources chargeable under this Act, according to the respective schedules thereof, which amount shall be estimated for the period and according to the respective rules con- tained in the respective schedules of this Act ; to which statement shall be added a declaration, that the same is estimated on all the sources contained in the said several schedules, describing the same, after setting against or deducting from such profits or gains or such sums, and no other, as are allowed by this Act; and every such statement shall be made exclusive of the profits and gains accrued or accruing from interest of money, or other annual payment arising out of the property of any other person, for which such other person ought to be charged by virtue of this Act. Trustees & 53. That every person who shall act in any Agents character as aforesaid for any other person, who bv ot Persons \ x / incapaci- reason of any such incapacity as aforesaid, or by or not reason of his not being resident in Great Britain, Seat n 2 cannot be personally charged by virtue of this Act, [o'be" 1 shall also, within the like period, deliver to the charged. p erson appointed to receive the same under this fSS5? i Act, and to whom the same ought to be delivered, ] and in the same district in which the person deli- vering such list ought to be charged on his own account, a true and correct statement in writing, signed by him, and to be made in such form as this Act requires, of the amount of the profits and gains to be charged on him on account of such other per- son, estimated during the period and according to Persons Incapacitated or Non-resident. 53 the rules contained in the said respective schedules, together with such declaration of the manner of estimating the same as aforesaid : provided always, that where two or more such persons shall be liable to be charged for the same person, one return only shall be required, and such return shall be made by them jointly, or by one or more of them on behalf of himself or themselves and the rest of the persons so liable, and it shall be lawful for them to give notice in writing to the commissioners acting in each district, where they shall be called upon for such statement, in what parish or place, or parishes or places, they are respectively chargeable by this Act, on their own account, and in which of the said parishes or places they are desirous of being so charged on the behalf of such other person for whom they so act in any of the characters before mentioned, and they shall be assessed accordingly by one assessment in such parish or place, provided any one of such persons shall be liable to be charged on his own account in such parish or place ; and if more than one assessment shall be made on such persons, or any of them, on the same account, relief shall be granted from such double assessment by like applications to the commissioners as are allowed in other cases by this Act. 54. That every such officer before described of Officers of any corporation, fraternity, fellowship, company, or JionsTo society shall also, within the like period, prepare JJX"' and deliver in like form and manner a true and cor- mentsof . Profits an d rect statement of the profits and gams to be charged Gains to be on such corporation, fraternity, fellowship, company, eSated 54 Mode of Charging Corporations. — Penalties. on the or society, computed according to the directions of ProfS this Act, together with such declaration of the man- mvidend n er of estimating the same as aforesaid, and such made. estimate shall be made on the amount of the annual Igj 8 j£f' profits and gains of such corporation, fraternity, xvi.] fellowship, company, or society, before any dividend shall have been made thereof to any other persons, corporations, or companies having any share, right, or title in or to such profits or gains, and all such other persons and corporations or companies shall allow out of such dividends a proportionate deduc- tion in respect of the duty so charged : provided always, that nothing herein before contained shall be construed to require in such statement the inclu- sion of salaries, wages, or profits of any officer of such corporation, fraternity, fellowship, company, or society, otherwise chargeable under this Act: Proviso for provided also, that the statements of the several ments of companies of the East India and South Sea, shall East India be made ex<; } us i ve f the dividends and the profits South Sea attached thereto, and to be divided amongst the panies. proprietors of the respective stocks belonging to such companies. Penalty on 55. That if any person who ought by this Act neglecting to deliver any list, declaration, or statement as S ListsT aforesaid shall refuse or neglect so to do within the time limited in such notice, or shall under any if on pretence wilfully delay the delivery thereof, and informa- j f information thereof shall be given, and the tion neiore Commis- proceedings thereupon shall be had, before the com- sioncrs -^ 201. and missioners acting in the execution of this Act, every Duty. 6 such person shall forfeit any sum not exceeding Penalties for Neglect. 55 twenty pounds, and treble the duty at which such person ought to be charged by virtue of this Act, such penalty to be recovered as any penalty con- tained in this Act is by law recoverable, and the increased duty to be added to the assessment, but, nevertheless, subject to such stay of prosecution or other proceedings, by a subsequent delivery of such list, declaration, or statement in the case following ; (that is to say,) if any trustee, agent, or receiver, or other j)erson hereby required to deliver such list, declaration, or statement on behalf of any other person, shall deliver an imperfect list, declaration, or statement, with the reasons for such inability, and the said commissioners shall be satis- fied therewith, the said trustee, agent, or receiver, or other person as aforesaid, shall not be liable to such penalty in case the commissioners shall grant further time for the delivery thereof; and such trustee, agent, receiver, or other person shall, within the time so granted, deliver a list, declara- tion, or schedule, as perfect as the nature of the case will enable him to prepare and deliver ; and if on every person who shall be prosecuted for any such tion in a offence by action or information in any of Her Law, 5M. Majesty's courts, and who shall not have been assessed in treble the duty as aforesaid, shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds. 56. That no person to or on whom the assessor Persons to shall not have delivered or served a particular notice Notices as aforesaid shall be liable to the penalties before belndefi- mentioned, or either of them, for not delivering J^Weto* such statement as before required, if it shall appear Penalty if 56 Delivery of Notices. exempted from Duty. Assessors to make out a List of the Persons on whom Notices have been served. Inspector or Sur- veyor may serve Notice on Persons omitted. Assessors to verity the Deli- very of Notices, and of the affixing of general Notices. to the commissioners for executing this Act, on inquiry before them, that such person is entitled to be exempted from the payment of all and every the duties hereby granted. 57. That the assessor shall make out an alpha- betical list, and deliver the same to the inspector or surveyor of the district, containing the names of all persons to or on whom such notices have been delivered or served in pursuance of this Act, and the names of all persons having property or profits, chargeable under this Act, within the limits of such assessor, distinguishing the persons who have duly made their returns, and the persons who have omitted to make such returns, and the persons who have given notice to be assessed by the commissioners for special purposes, and also the persons who shall have been returned as lodgers or inmates within such limits, or as chargeable within but having a residence out of such limits ; and if such assessor shall have neglected to give notice to any person to whom the same ought to be delivered, the inspector or surveyor may at any time afterwards cause such notice to be delivered to or served on such person, and may also from time to time cause the like notice to be delivered to or served on any person coming to reside in any parish or place after the expiration of such notices. 58. That the assessor for every parish or place shall personally appear before the said commis- sioners at such meeting as the said assessor shall be appointed to attend, and shall then and there make oath before the said commissioners that the several Notices. — Abstracts. 57 notices required to be delivered to householders and occupiers, and also to lodgers and inmates, by this Act, have been duly served in the manner required by this Act, to the best of his knowledge, and that general notices to the effect mentioned in this Act have been duly affixed, in the manner hereby required, on such proper places within the city, town, or place for which such assessor shall act, as by this Act is required, and that the list delivered by him to the inspector or surveyor con- tains the name of every person to or on whom such notices ought to be delivered or served according to the directions of this Act, within the knowledge of such assessor ; and every assessor who shall neglect Penalty, to appear before such commissioners, or refuse to make such oath, or who shall have omitted or neg- lected to return to such inspector or surveyor the name of any person whose name ought to be in- cluded in any such list as by this Act is required, shall forfeit any sum not exceeding twenty pounds. 59. That the clerks to the said respective com- Abstract missioners shall with all convenient speed abstract b ° y t e h e r ' ac the returns of statements delivered to such commis- S^f sioners by the assessors, or at their office by the ^Ir- respective parties, into books to be provided for delivered . j, in to Commit - that purpose, and according to such torms as snail sioners. be transmitted to them from the head office for stamps and taxes, such abstracts to contain the names of the persons making such returns, and the several amounts of profits returned by them res- pectively, to be laid before and delivered to the said commissioners ; and all such returns shall be 58 Ownership of Lands, &c. Inspectors may have Access to and take Copies l'rom Books containing such Ab- stracts. Duties in Schedule (A.) to be charged under the following Rules : numbered and filed in the office of the said commis- sioners, and carefully kept so long as the accounts of the said duties for such district, or any part thereof, shall remain unpaid to Her Majesty ; to all which hooks any inspector or surveyor who shall have taken the oath herein prescribed before the commissioners acting for the same districts respectively shall have free access at all seasonable times, and shall take such copies thereof, or of such parts thereof, or extracts from the same, as he shall deem necessary in order to the due exe- cution of this act. 60. That the duties hereby granted and con- tained in the said schedule marked (A.) shall be assessed and charged under the following rules, which rules' shall be deemed and construed to be a part of this Act, and to refer to the said duties, as if the same had been inserted under a special enactment : Hclied. (A.) Rules. Fo. SCHEDULE (A.) I. General Rule for estimating Lands, Tene- ments, Hereditaments, or Heritages mentioned in Schedule (A.) The annual value of lands, tenements, heredita- ments, or heritages charged under Schedule (A.) Annual Value to be ascer- thfeBuiJ sna ^ be understood to be the rent by the year, at except as yftAch. the same are let at (a) rack rent, if the stated. (a) Rack Rent. — Rack rent, in common parlance, is suffi- ciently understood to mean the best improved rent that can be got. Under all the provisions of the Act, rack rent must be Ownership of Lands, &c. 59 amount of such rent shall have been fixed by f****^- (b) agreement, commencing within the period of (c) understood to mean, in the cases where there has been a letting within seven years, the rent agreed upon, and in other cases the rent that would be agreed upon, by the parties to be paid and received annually, as the sole consideration in value for the demise of the lands or tenements, each party bearing those respective burdens which the law and the nature of the property throw on them. (bi The object of the general rule is to charge all lands at the present value ; and as recent lettiugs at rack rent may be supposed to give that rule to a reasonable certainty, the period of seven years has been fixed, being the longest period during which lands let at rack rent may be considered as holding the same, or nearly the same value, and the longest duration of term for which lands are usually let, without throwing on the tenant some additional burden beyond the rent reserved. (c) Agreement. — A new agreement must be shown to have been made within seven years, fixing the amount of rent. This agreement may be in writing or by parole ; it must be an agree- ment operating in presenti. If a lease subsists in force, no agree- ment to continue the former rent is an agreement within the meaning of the Act, so as to. bring the commencement of the demise or of the rent to a later period. The fixing of a rent does not necessarily imply a variation in the rent ; circumstances may be such as not to admit of it. At the expiration of a term a new demise necessarily infers a new agreement, whether .the amount of rent has varied or not. But during the continuance of a demise no agreement for fixing the rent can have a legal operation. In demises from year to year, determinable on notice at the will of the parties, which have con- tinued for more than the period of seven years, a determination of the demise by notice or mutual consent within that period must be shown to entitle the tenant to claim to be assessed on the rent. The rent must have been fixed at the time of determining the demise by a new agreement then entered into, and if the 60 Ownership of Lands, &c. ched. (A.) seven years preceding the fifth day of April next before the time of making the assessment, but if the same are not so let at rack rent, then at the rack rent at which the same are worth to be let by the year ; which rule shall be construed to extend to all lands, tenements, and hereditaments, or heritages, capa- ble of actual occupation, of whatever nature, and for whatever purpose occupied or enjoyed, and of whatever value, except the properties mentioned in No. II. and No. III. of this schedule. determination of the former demise and a new agreement be shown, although the rent is not varied thereby, it falls within the meaning of the rule for fixing the rent, which becomes the criterion for Sfei shed, assessment; but whenever a tenant has continued in a farm for I G.J No. I] more than seven years under a demise, which has not in law been determined within that period, the assessment is to be made on the actual value, and not on the rent. It follows from this, that all lands in the occupation of the owner must be assessed on the actual value, there being no rent payable, that part of the rule applying to existing demises only. The above rule shall be construed to extend to all lands, tene- ments, hereditaments, or heritages capable of actual occupation, of whatever nature and for whatever purpose occupied, and of what- ever value, except the properties contained in No. 2 and No. 3 of Schedule (A), 5 and 6 Vict. c. 35, s. 60, No. 1. [&e8aea. No. II. Rules for estimating the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, or Heritages herein mentioned, which are not to be charged according to the preceding general Rule. Manner of rj^ annua l value of all the properties hereinafter charging x *■ certain described shall be understood to be the full Properties: Incorporeal Hereditaments. 61 amount for one year, or the average amount for &h ^f-- ) one year, of the profits received therefrom — within the respective times herein limited. First, — Of all tithes, if taken in kind, on an average Tithes in of the three preceding years. Second. — Of all dues and money payments in right Ecciesjas- of the church or by endowment, or in lieu of tithes (not being tithes arising from lands,) and of all tiencls in Scotland, on the like average. Third. — Of all tithes arising from lands, if com- Tithes ° com- pounded for, and of all rents and other money pounded. payments in lieu of tithes arising from lands (except rent charges confirmed under the Act passed for the commutation of tithes), on the amount of such composition, rent, or payment for one year preceding : Tithe Rent Charge. — Impropriators, lessees, and ecclesiastical recipients of tithes have experienced considerable difficulty in making a correct return of the amount upon which they should be charged to the income tax, under Schedide (A). This difficulty may be avoided by pursuing the following rules. M. is the owner or lessee of the tithes of the parish of N. which is commuted at £500 by the Tithe Commutation Act of 1839. On referring to the tithe tables, say for 1861, he will find the actual value to be £112. 3s. llfd. for every £100, or an excess of £12. 3s. llfd., which being multiplied by five, give an excess on £500 of £60. 16s. 3|d., on being added to £500, makes £560. 16s. llfd., which would be the exact sum receivable. From this the owner or lessee would be entitled to deduct all parochial rates, exclusive of government taxes, the land tax charged upon the tithes, and if he be the rector of the parish, then in addition to the above deductions, the usual ecclesiastical dues. But the law does not allow any deduction for the expense of collection, or any incidental outgoings connected therewith. 62 Incorporeal Hereditaments. sdied. (a.) The said duty in eacli case to be charged on — ' the person entitled to such tithes or payments, or his lessee or tenant, agent or factor, except in the cases mentioned in the fourth rule of No. IV. of Schedule (A.) Manors. Fourth. — Of manors and other royalties, including [See sched. & \\ dues and other services, or other casual profits, (Q.) No. r JV-] (not being rents or other annual payments re- served or charged,) on an average of the seven preceding years, to be charged on the lord of the manor or royalty, or person renting the same : Fines. Fifth. — Of all fines received in consideration of any [See sdied. demise of lands or tenements (not being parcel of a manor or royalty demisable by the custom thereof) on the amount so received within the year preceding by or on account of the party ; provided that in case the party chargeable shall prove to the satisfaction of the commissioners for general purposes in the district, that such fines, or any part thereof, have been applied as pro- ductive capital, on which a profit has arisen or will arise otherwise chargeable under this Act, for the year in which the assessment shall be made, it shall be lawful for the said commission- ers to discharge the amount so applied from the profits liable to assessment under this Rule : other Pro- Sixth. — Of all other profits arising from lands, Lands'" tenements, hereditaments, or heritages not in the [see sched. actual possession or occupation of the party to be ( v'i.\ ''"' charged, and not before enumerated, on a fair and just average of such number of years as the said commissioners shall, on the statement of the Quarries, Mines, &c. 03 party to be charged, judge proper, (except such sdiccKA.) profits as may be liable to deduction in pursuance — of the ninth or tenth rule in number IV. herein- after mentioned,) to be charged on the receivers of such profits, or the persons entitled thereto. No. III. Rules for estimating the Lands, Tene- [See ScUd. ments, Hereditaments, or Heritages hereinafter ui.] mentioned, winch are not to be charged according to the preceding General Bide. The annual value of all the properties hereinafter Manner of charging described shall be understood to be the full certain , f .-, . other Pro amount tor one year, or the average amount pe ities: for one year, of the profits received therefrom within the respective times herein limited. First. — Of quarries of stone, slate, limestone, or Quarries, chalk, on the amount of profits in the preceding year : Second. — Of mines of coal, tin, lead, copper, mundic, Mines. iron, and other mines, on an average of the five preceding years, subject to the provisions con- cerning mines contained in this Act : Third. — Of iron works, gas works, salt springs or iron works, alum mines or works, waterworks, streams Works ' c * of water, canals, inland navigations, docks, drains, and levels, fishings, rights of markets and fairs, tolls, railways, and other ways, bridges, ferries, and other concerns of the like nature, from or arising out of any lands, tenements, or heredita- ments, or heritages, on the profits of the year preceding : 64 Mines. Sched. (A. J Hides. Duty in last Three Rules how to be charged. y on Mines to be charged on the Company jointly,but any Ad- venturer may claim to be charged separately, in order to set off his Loss in one Concern against his Profits in another. The duty in each of the last three rules to be charged on the person, corporation, company, or society of persons, whether corporate or not corporate, carrying on the concern, or on their respective agents, treasurers, or other officers having the direction or management thereof, or being in the receipt of the profits thereof, on the amount of the produce or value thereof, and before paying, rendering, or distributing the produce or the value either between the different persons or members of the corporation, company, or society engaged in the concern, or to the owner of the soil or property, or to any creditor or other person whatever having a claim on or out of the said profits, and all such persons, corporations, companies, and societies respectively shall allow out of such produce or value a proportionate deduction of the duty so charged, and the said charge shall be made on the said profits exclusively of any lands used or occupied in or about the concern. The computation of duty arising in respect of any such mine carried on by a company of adventurers shall be made and stated jointly in one sum, provided that if any adventurer shall declare his proportion or share in such concern, in order to a separate assessment, it shall be law- ful to charge such adventurer separately, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to restrain any adventurer so separately assessed from deducting or setting against his profits Mines. 65 acquired in one or more of such concerns his loss Sched. (a.) sustained in any other of the said concerns, over — ' and above the profits thereof, provided that such loss shall not exceed the proportion of such adventurer which shall have been duly proved by the company in their computation of duty, and shall have been allowed by the respective com- missioners, and in every such case one assessment only shall be made on the balance of such profit and loss of the adventurer so separating his account in the parish or place where such adven- turer shall be chargeable to the greatest amount, and the amount of each person's share so proved and allowed shall be deducted from the general assessment of the company or companies to which such adventurer shall belong, and the res- pective commissioners shall cause the assess- ments on the said companies to be rectified as the case may require ; and the certificate of the commissioners making such separate assessment shall be an authority to the commissioners acting in another district to cause the assessments on the respective companies to which such assess- ment shall belong to be rectified; and in case such loss shall arise in a different district than where such separate assessment shall be to be made, the certificate of the commissioners acting for such other district of the amount of such loss, and the proportion of such adventurer therein, shall be proof of the deduction to be made by the commissioners making such assessment. 66 Canals, Railways, &c. Sched. (A.) No. IV. Rules and Regulations respecting the said Rvks. T . — Duties. To be charged in the Parish: Except Canals, Railways, &C- which are to be charged where the General Accounts are made up. Duties may be deducted from In- terest pay- able to Creditors. Manors extending into different Parishes, First.— All properties chargeable to the duties in Schedule (A.) shall be charged in the parish or place where the same are situate, and not else- where, except as hereinafter is excepted : The profits arising from canals, inland naviga- tions, streams of water, drains, or levels, or from any railways 1 or other roads or ways of a public nature, and belonging to or vested in any com- pany of proprietors or trustees, whether corporate or not corporate, may be stated in one account, and charged in the city, town, or place at or nearest to the place where the general accounts of such concern shall have been usually made up ; and it shall be lawful for the said proprietors or trustees, having paid the duties so chargeable, either to deduct a just proportion thereof from the interest payable to the creditors of the said properties, or any of them, or to pay such interest in full, without making any such deduction ; and it shall be lawful for the said creditors to receive such interest in full, and they shall not be liable thereupon to the penalty hereinafter contained : The profits arising from any manor or royalty which shall extend into different parishes may be assessed in one account in the parish where the 1 By the 23 Vict. cap. 14, sec. 5, the assessment upon railway profits and dividends is transferred from the commissioners for general purposes to the special commissioners. Lands. 67 tourt for such manor or royalty shall have been schcf (a.) usually held: provided also, that the profits — arising from all fines received by the same andFine8f person, body politic or corporate, or company, j^ r to ed may be assessed in one account, where the person to be charged under the regulations of this Act shall reside : Second. — All lands occupied by the same person Lanasin . , » the same shall be brought into every account tnereor re- occupation quired to be delivered by such person under this chafed Act, whether the same shall be occupied by such ^ c t °hf " g person as owner or tenant, or as tenant under Parishes, distinct owners, or shall be situate in the same or in different parishes or districts, but the charge thereon shall be in each parish or district in pro- portion to the value of the property situate £™P° r n therein, of which proportions the occupier shall each , • 1 " 1 r'l i'lSll, be required to deliver an account in each parish and wherein any part of such lands is situate, and a to Sm§ separate estimate shall be given of lands in the ^3!° same occupation belonging to distinct owners ; and if any occupier of lands situate in different parishes or places shall wilfully omit to deliver an account of the lands so occupied in each parish or place, although such occupier may not reside in one or more of such parishes or places, he shall be charged for the lands so omitted at treble the rate contained in this Act, over and above the penalty herein imposed : That lands held under the same demise, or in Lands in . „ ., different the occupation of the same person as owner, Parishes to although situate in different parishes, but wholly ^ eithef e 68 Houses. — Tithes. — Mines. sdied. (A.) in the same district of commissioners, may be charged in either parish, at the discretion of the said commissioners, if they shall be satisfied that where the the proportion in each parish, either in respect of tiins°can- quantity, rent, or value of the said lands, cannot Seer 6 t> e ascertained ; and if the said lands extend into tained. different districts of commissioners, then the assessment shall be made in that district where the occupier of such lands doth reside : Houses Third. — For any dwelling house in the occupation charged on of a tenant, which, with the buildings or offices Landlords. "belonging thereto and the land occupied there- with, shall be under the annual value of ten pounds, and for all lands and tenements let to any tenant for a less period than one year, 1 the assessment thereupon shall be made on the land- lord, but so as not to impeach the remedy of recovery of the duty from the occupier, in default of payment by the landlord : Tithes Fourth, — For any compositions, rents, or other pay- IThargedon ments in lieu of tithes, the assessment thereupon oiXand 18 mav 5 ^ the commissioners think fit, be made on the respective occupiers of the lands from which such tithes arise, or on the respective persons liable to the payment of such compositions, rents, or other payments ; and the said commissioners may direct notices to be delivered to such j^ersons respectively, for the purpose of obtaining returns of the value of such compositions, rents, and 'Or if a house be let in several tenements, the assessment is to be made upon the landlord, 16 and 17 Vict., c. 34, sec. 36. Mines. 69 payments, subject to the like penalties and under «J*^ the regulations of this Act for returns of the annual value of lands : Fifth — If any mine, enumerated in the fifth rule, Mines J ' . - failing No. III., of this schedule, has, from some unavoicl- how to be able cause, been decreased and is decreasing in chai s ed - the annual value thereof, so that the average of five years will not give a fair and just estimate of the annual value thereof, it shall be lawful, after due proof before the commissioners for general purposes in the district where such mine shall be situate, to compute such annual value on the actual amount of such profits and gains in the preceding year ending as aforesaid, subject to such abatement on account of diminution of duty within the current year as is herein provided in other cases ; and if any such mine shall, from if failed • flip Assess- some unavoidable cause, have wholly failed, it men tmay shall be lawful for the said commissioners, on due ^rged. proof thereof, wholly to discharge any assess- ment made thereon : That whenever any such mine shall be situate, M i in ^ r to ed or the produce thereof shall be manufactured, in where any place other than where the produce thereof Produce shall be sold, the profits arising therefrom shall ™™ fac - be assessed and charged in the parish and district where the said mine is situate, or where the produce thereof is manufactured, and not else- where : .sixth. — If in estimating the value of any of the Duties in properties enumerated in No. II. or No. IIL ot cases to be . 1-iin estimated this schedule, as before mentioned, it shall appear according 70 Deduction of Duty. Sched. (A.) Rules. to Profits accrued since commence- ment of Posses- sion. Houses of Foreign Ministers charged on Landlord. Official Houses charged on the Occu- piers. Occupiers to recover from Landlord, according to the Rate, by deducting the Duty out of the Kent. that the account required by the said rules can- not be made out by reason of the possession or interest of the party to be charged thereon having commenced within the time for which the account is directed to be made out, the profits of one year shall be estimated in proportion to the profits received within the time elapsed since the com- mencement of such possession or interest : Seventh. — The duty to be charged under this sche- dule, in respect of any house or tenement occu- pied by any accredited minister from any foreign prince or state, shall be charged and paid by the landlord or person immediately entitled to the rent of the said house or tenement : Eighth. — The duty to be charged in respect of any house, tenement, or apartment belonging to Her Majesty, in the occupation of any officer of Her Majesty, in right of his office or otherwise, (except apartments in Her Majesty's royal palaces,) shall be charged on and paid by the occivpier of such house, tenement, or apartment, upon the annual value thereof: Ninth. — The occupier of any lands, tenements, hereditaments, or heritages, being tenant of the same, and paying the said duties, shall deduct so much thereof in respect of the rent payable to the landlord for the time being, (all sums allowed by the commissioners being first deducted,) as a rate of seven pence for every twenty shillings 1 'By the 16th & 17th Vict., cap. 34, sec. 35, it is enacted that if the outgoing tenant neglects or refuses to pay the tax charged for the period of Deduction of Duty. 71 thereof would by a just proportion amount unto, Sched. ca.j which deduction shall be made out of the first — payment thereafter to be made on account of rent ; and the receivers of Her Majesty, and all landlords, both mediate and immediate, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, according to their respective interests, and their respective receivers or agents, shall allow such deduction upon receipt of the residue of the rent, under the penalty herein contained ; and the tenant paying the said assessment shall be acquitted and discharged of so much money as if the same had actually been paid unto the person to or for whom his rent shall have been due and payable ; and the occupier of lands charged on the amount of any composition, rent, or payment for tithes arising therefrom, and paying the said duties, shall be entitled to make the like deduction from such composition, rent, or payment, on paying the same : Tenth. — Where any such lands, tenements, or here- Landlords ditaments are subject or liable to the payment of ^cover any rent-charge, whether under the Act passed ^ r8 for the commutation of tithes, or otherwise, or havin s 7 7 Interest at any annuity, fee-farm rent, rent service, quit the like rent, feu duty, teind duty, stipends to licensed curates, or other rent or annual payment there- upon reserved or charged, the landlord, owner, his or her occupancy, under Schedule (A.), the incoming tenant is rendered liable to the tax in arrear, and can, on paying his rent, deduct the amount of the arrear so paid in addition to the duties accruing during the period of his tenancy. 72 Deduction of Duty. scJxd. (a.) or proprietor by whom any deduction shall have been allowed as aforesaid, and the owner or proprietor, being also occupier, and charged to the said duties, shall deduct and retain out of every such rent charge, annuity, fee-farm rent, rent service, quit rent, feu duty, teind duty, stipend, or other rent or annual payment afore- said, so much of the said duties or payments on account of the same, (the just proportion of the sums allowed by the commissioners in the cases authorized by this Act being first deducted,) as a like rate of seven pence for every twenty shillings on such rent charge, annuity, fee-farm rent, rent service, quit rent, feu duty, teind duty, or stipend, or other rent or annual payment aforesaid respectively, shall by a just proportion amount unto ; and the receivers of Her Majesty, and all persons who shall be anyways entitled unto such rents, duties, stipends, or annual pay- ments, their receivers, deputies, or agents, are hereby required to allow such deduction, upon the receipt of the residue of such monies as shall be due and payable for such rents, duties, or annual payments, without any fee or charge for such allowance, and under the penalty herein contained ; and the landlord, owner, proprietor, and occupier respectively, being charged as aforesaid, or having allowed such deduction, shall be acquitted and discharged of so much money as if the same had actually been paid unto such person to whom such rent charge, annuity, fee-farm rent, rent service, quit rent, Mortgagees in Possession. 73 feu duty, teincl duty, stipend, or other rent or ****<*■) annual payment aforesaid, shall have been due and payable : Eleventh. — Where any mortgagee or creditor in Moxtga- any heritable bond or wadset shall be in the passion possession of the lands, tenements, hereditaments, liable - or heritages mortgaged or secured, such mort- gagee or creditor shall be chargeable as occupier when in the actual occupation of the same, and when not in the actual occupation of the same shall be liable to such deduction as any other landlord would be ; and upon the settlement of accounts between such mortgagee or other creditor as aforesaid, and the mortgagor or debtor, the duty payable in respect of the amount of the interest payable upon such mortgage or other debt as aforesaid shall be taken and allowed as so much money received by such mortgagee or other creditor as aforesaid on account of such interest : Twelfth. — Where any lands, tenements, heredita- Owner ments, or heritages shall be occupied by the howfhe owner at the time the assessment shall be made, Jf^ t0 who shall die before payment of the duty, the heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, or other person who on such death may become entitled to the rents and profits thereof, shall be liable to the payment of all arrears of the said duty due at the time of such death, and to all subsequent instalments for that year, according to their respective interests without any new assessment : 74 Deductions and Allowances. Scked. (A.) Rules. Houses divided into distinct Properties. Deduc- tions not to be allowed, unless authorised by the Act, and an Account thereof delivered to Assessor. Thirteenth. — Where any house shall be divided into distinct properties, and occupied by distinct owners or their respective tenants, such proper- ties shall be charged distinct on the respective occupiers : Fourteenth. — No deduction from the estimate or assessment on any lands, tenements, heredita- ments, or heritages shall be allowed in any case not authorised by this Act, nor unless an account in writing, signed by the occupier thereof, or by the party claiming such deduction, stating the nature and amount thereof, shall have been deli- vered to the assessor within the time and pur- suant to the notice delivered by such assessor; and if any such deduction shall be made or allowed contrary to this Act, or without such account in writing as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the surveyor or inspector to surcharge the assessment, and to charge therein a sum equal to the amount of duty by which the assessment shall have been diminished on occasion of such deduc- tion, which surcharge shall not be annulled or vacated under any pretence whatever, but shall stand part of the assessment. Deduc- tions. No. V. Particular Deductions and Allowances in respect of the Duties under Schedule (A.J Tenths, &c. First, — For the amount of the tenths and first fruits, duties, and fees, on presentations paid Deductions and Allowances. 75 by any ecclesiastical person within the year baac^ preceding that in which the assessment shall be made : Second.— For the procurations and synodals paid Prow* by ecclesiastical persons on an average of seven years preceding that in which the assessment shall be made : Third.— For repairs of collegiate churches and cha- gpdtaof pels, and chancels of churches, or of any college or hall in any of the universities of Great Britain, by any ecclesiastical or collegiate body, rector, vicar, or other person bound to repair the same, on an average of twenty-one years preceding as aforesaid : l Fourth.— For the parochial rates, taxes, and assess- Parochial ments charged upon or in respect of any rent Rent^ charge confirmed under the Act passed for the tiE ° r commutation of tithes on the amount paid in the year in which the assessment shall be made : Fifth.— For the amount of the land tax charged Land Tax. on lands, tenements, hereditaments, or heritages under the said Act passed in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of King George the Third, where the charge thereon shall not have been redeemed : Sixth.— For the amount charged on lands, tene- Drainage, ments, hereditaments, or heritages by a public rate or assessment in respect of draining, fencing, or embanking the same : •This clause— twenty- one years' average— is now repealed by the 34 sec. of 16 and 17 Vict., cap. 34. According to the provisions of this section the allowance is to be the sum actually expended in the year preceding the year of assessment. 76 Mode of Claiming Allowances. Sched. (A.) Bules. Rate of Deduction. Allow- ances to Ecclesias- tical Bodies, &c, how to be made. In all which cases there shall be allowed (unless such payments, or any part thereof, shall be made by a tenant,) such sum of money as a like rate of seven pence for every twenty shillings of the sums paid would by a just proportion amount unto ; and the sum so allowed shall be deducted from the assessment to be made on the property charged with such payments, except in the cases hereinafter otherwise provided for; (that is to say,) Provided always, that the allowances to be granted in pursuance of the first, second, or third case may be granted to the ecclesiastical or col- legiate body, rector, vicar, or other person afore- said liable to the charges therein mentioned, in one sum either by deducting the same from the assessment upon him (if any), or by certificate ; provided that no abatement or deduction shall be made from any assessment for the allowances granted' in pursuance of any of the cases men- tioned in this rule in respect of any such charges or payments as aforesaid, payable out of any rent charge confirmed under the Act passed for the commutation of tithes, but such allowances shall be granted by certificate in the manner herein- after directed. Mode of Proceed- ing in order to the Pay- ment of certain Allow- ances 61. That the person entitled to any of the allow- ances mentioned in the next preceding rule, which are directed or authorised to be made by certificate, and which shall not have been made by deduction or abatement from the assessment, shall claim such Bides for Making Allowances. 77 allowance at any time after the expiration of the m °jfaJ A J year of assessment, before the commissioners for ...•11 granted general purposes of the district in which the pro- under perty charged with the payments and charges sched.'(A) mentioned in the said rule shall be situate, and the said commissioners, upon due proof before them that the claimant is entitled to such allowance, shall certify the particulars and amount thereof to the commissioners for special purposes at the head office for stamps and taxes in England, and thereupon the said last mentioned commissioners shall grant an order for the payment of such allowance, directed to the receiver general of stamps and taxes, or to an officer for receipt or collector of the duties granted by this Act, or to a distributor or sub-distributor of stamps, as may be most convenient for the party entitled to such allowance, and such receiver general or officer as aforesaid is hereby required, on produc- tion and delivery to him of such order, to pay the amount of such allowance to the party entitled thereto out of any money in the hands of such receiver general or officer arising from any duties placed under the management of the commissioners of stamps and taxes, taking the receipt of the party entitled to such allowance for the same, by endorse- ment on such order. No. VI Allowances to be made in respect of the said Duties in Schedule (A.) For the duties charged on any college or hall in any aiiow- of the universities of Great Britain, in respect of college? 78 Rules for Making Allowances, Sched. (A.) Rules. and Halls in Univer- sities; Hospitals, Public Schools, Alms- houses, & Literary Institu- tions. the public buildings and offices belonging to such college or hall, and not occupied by any indivi- dual member thereof, or by any person paying rent for the same, and for the repairs of the public buildings and offices of such college or hall, and the gardens, walks, and grounds for recreation repaired and maintained by the funds of such college or hall : Or on any hospital, public school, or almshouse, in respect of the public buildings, offices, and premises belonging to such hospital, public school, or almshouse, and not occupied by any individual officer, or the master thereof, whose whole income, however arising, estimated according to the rules and directions of this Act, shall amount to or exceed one hundred and fifty pounds per annum, or by any person paying rent for the same, and for the repairs of such hospital, public school, or almshouse, and offices belonging thereto, and of the gardens, walks, and grounds for the sustenance or recreation of the hospitallers, scholars, and almsmen, repaired and maintained by the funds of such hospital, school, or almshouse, or on any building the property of any literary or scientific institution, used solely for the purposes of such institution, and in which no payment is made or demanded for any instruction there afforded, by lectures or otherwise ; provided also, that the said building be not occupied by any officer of such institution, nor by any person paying rent for the same : Bules for Making Allowances. 79 The said allowances to be granted by the sched. (a.) littles. commissioners for general purposes in their — ' respective districts : Or on the rents and profits of lands, tenements, Rents of hereditaments, or heritages belonging to any longing to hospital, public school, or almshouse, or vested pubfic ta s ' in trustees for charitable purposes, so far as the and°Aims same are applied to charitable purposes : houses, or /■ x , x A vested in The said last mentioned allowances to be Trustees granted on proof before the commissioners for able Pur- special purposes of the due application of the po8e said rents and profits to charitable purposes only, and in so far as the same shall be applied to charitable purposes only : The said last-mentioned allowances to be claimed and proved by any steward, agent, or factor acting for such school, hospital or alms- house, or other trust for charitable purposes, or by any trustee of the same, by affidavit to be taken before any commissioner for executing this act in the district where such person shall reside, stating the amount of the duties chargeable, and the application thereof, and to be carried into effect by the commissioners for special purposes, and according to the powers vested in such commissioners, without vacating, altering, or impeaching the assessments on or in respect of such properties ; which assessments shall be in force and levied notwithstanding such allowances. 62. That where any allowance mentioned in Special Number VI. of the said Schedule (A.) shall be SSSSSto 80 Rules for Making Allowances. certify granted by the commissioners for special purposes, ancel under the authority of this Act, they shall give a unde? d certificate thereof, together with an order for pay- ^Y 1 ;' ment of the same, directed to the receiver s-eneral Sched. (A.), ~ < and order f stamps and taxes, or to an officer for receipt or Payment • thereof. collector of the duties granted by this Act, or to a distributor or sub-distributor of stamps in the manner herein provided with respect to allowances to be granted under Number V. of the said schedule, and such allowance shall in like manner be paid to the party entitled thereto. Note. — The foregoing rules apply to property belonging to charities, and if the income derived therefrom be \ised for chari- table purposes only and wholly, then the property is not assessable to the Income Tax ; or, if charged, the tax paid may on an application being made to the surveyor of taxes for the district in which the trustee, treasurer, or secretary reside, for a claim of repayment, No. 70, which on being duly filled up and transmitted to the special commissioners in London, the tax paid will be returned. 81 CO o 00 «» e 50 £ 3 'W t^ o :- c?i 5> S ^ >sS iO %> ^3 g ** 3-a 2 s 3 s2 ^ H 3 m 0) ii j^j J ^ B3 J- .5 — g2 a c S^j §-911— m'. ^^3 h = i = S ,« ^""S a ■?' R S.e oi - 5 5 S 21 3 S 3 * 1. 9 -. e3 S ° -3 82 00 ^ £ lO co~ h-l •■« Si « « Ph S < ^ 05 &- 'A Q y« ^ W o CO 5* CO QO i— 1 «*3 5* W •■w *H si s- ?! CQ •S o £ 5 r a o a o 3 o Q Whether Tithe Free and the Amount of any Modus. © o o ■3 sl ■>- u §2 1* a o 3 o o 3 •a 03 p Whether Tithe Free and the Amount of any Modus. Amount of Assessment for Drainage. Embankments, or Fencing, and whether pr«id by Landlord or Tenant the preceding year. Amount of Assessment for Drainage, Embankments, or Fencing, and whether paid by Landlord or Tenant the preceding year. Amount of Land Tax not redeemed, and whether paid by Landlord or Tenant in the preceding year. Amount of Land Tax not redeemed, and whether paid by Landlord or Tenant in the preceding year. Amount of Rent Charge. •93jtjqQ 1U9JI jo innotny 'jooj gqi oi paiBjj; qoiqM 113 lunoiny Amount at which Rated to the Poor. 'stq'BA penuuy •itiga =3 q a =3 -paynvift si ii qoiqA JOJ SJB9j£ 10 "OJJ 8q^ pnu pai^is aq oi 9it?p sqi 'luamaa.tSv' jo osuaq japmiji purc 'asiMjaqio jo SqiiM m jaqiaqA •noiiTjdnoDo J° rojo^; Description of Property, whether Land, House, or Nurseries, or Market Gardens. Description of Property, whether Land, House, or Nurseries, or Market Gardens. Name of the Owner, and his or her Residence. Christian and Surname of the Party being rated. ■1TTBU9I sqi jo guTBtung puB n'Biisuqo u .fl Ah £ .2 o c3 .2.2 is .3 •siusraanax pni3 spn«>i •sjailnooo 3ui9q M9UM() ^q dn pantj 9q oi nuoj •BjgnMO Scnaq ion sjgidnooo ^q dn p9[p3 sq oi otjo^j •X "OK ■Z 'OR 83 "8 ■J5i" «3li ^5 <* 3 K "*.g •30 : 5 •« : Siva's : •5t3"o.= u, ~ : as : n ?•*• » i,-j .'^03 J «, c S3 ~ * i «r=^-=~a ^3?a ;'-«" fee • 3->a=-a>a.3.3 -r.-s fe £ 5P » 5 «, u -.5 a -" I-S^o » ■>§ = « S — = - k- S3 S g -S £ a « £.,2 M a». = — oa £, g :'- « to to to t- ^-a ■ i3i,« S ? £ « "^ h * - , = 9.: = := .a a> £ ^»^.a r o> ^ r ~3 - O .,, +j — j2 * 3 t^fc^^^uo J - ,, ■« < c~ 1; 60 O - ^ 72 £ TS Sf y _. a, O eg, «g| -S^ S. n w ~-= ~ £ cli 3 5 K ,~ 3 « = ._ ^'55^ 5 * gr= O-iTT « pi 03 .— : . u <-rt -J - • O li s E = > as^sls g Sa„ • .S '■ : -a : i '§ : : x : : o« ; : H 1 : -a : : 3 : : i-l : « O c3 « S& a 3 ot 3 "3 a O O to" S "> 3 02 b (- CO ^ • — ; S~o'^ : 3^3" "= *S : £ a '*< ^ "S a n'Z a '3 oT £? S 3 °^ a 03 O 60 -3 a> m ta cm O to <3 in CO (? <=^ <£ S MS-'ga,* ol^B? a * O ^- — 35 — G ft >« O r— ' cp .S art «- Ph "3 on "a ^ C>1 03 M O CO to to 1°« to 2 60 3 s« 3 S jTJli 3 S— ° Q >- Soft : > «:>£ SO a : •» : c • 03 .is 1 ? 6C 1) : a scriptiou oi erty, with t e of the Pi n be Chargt a a 03 £ a p=; 03 ■u- a c - ^ .3 ^- a .„ : 3 a t. so „ ° — » SD cy ^, 0} - CJ ^3 : -»-* OJ 60>-> a £ « 5. u a) .£ CO •,"£.= : pi, a ;g .s 6c«' t *■ _ • Q> ID (-1 ~ -. . » ; 5i .« t« 08 r? ? h ►,£. 5 «5 -g *i pS * ^ .5 60 ■OS -> o'B 00 CO 1) 60 £ a (^ 3 ^ i co- ^0 - qj — - fan - J5 c« H 3 S _a *" >~,ja a, n;ja ^ tH -, s £■ S?2 2-9 a 3 CD -u O 4) a * =-£: a * 03 03 *> a tr Eh * 5 C ° — -- J M «o*-pC ji ■=£ • » .a 5 3 -g. 5 E^^ S T^S c - x » c O cj 3 JJ. oa T" -a •$ 73 t *- < S a „ ■a ^ cj -ta ° - j* «a -jj -a a ."£ 3 C3 OJ ^ £*a 3 ■ — ? , 'c-anq W S«3^ (5 t'Z-S •ora-BS oq^ jo •juiiu^x 'III,, •oiy 'a 3r 0!X 3° n:, n n ! 1»-' 1l n^'nj £uv. JO 'i^Jtliioil .l-'Hl" 10840981 ji.hii .10 *psc|i!j io 'paij] m satnij, SaiAiao.\o A"i[ (In [v>i[i| oq o| nuo^ •£ 'OS. ■* - on: 84 Occupation of Lands, &c. Duties in 63. And be it enacted, that the duties hereby {B h ) e ind granted, contained in the Schedule marked (B.), deemed shall be assessed and charged under the following Part of the ri Q es which rules shall be deemed and construed Act. The assessments under Schedules (A.) and (B.) are usually- made once in every three years. Immediately after the Income Tax Act passes, forms are prepared for the use of the public, who are supplied with them either by the township assessor, or by the surveyor of taxes acting as such assessor. Form No. 9, of which the first is an example, is for the use of persons holding or occu- pying messuages or tenements ; and it is of the utmost importance that the return should, as early as possible, be filled up, and cor- rectly made out, and then returned to the proper officer (the name of such officer and his address always appearing on the back), as thereby much and serious inconvenience will be avoided. It will be observed that the name of the street and the number of the house, if situate in a town, should be inserted in the return, as well as the name and address of the owner of the premises. If let to a tenant the exact amount of rent actually paid must be stated, also the annual value, and the sum at which the house is charged to the poor. It must also be stated whether the house be rented yearly or taken on lease ; if on lease, then the unexpired years of such lease should in every instance be truly stated. Form No. 10, given in the two preceding pages, is for the use of persons occupying or holding the following descriptions of pro- perty : — First : Persons occupying lands and buildings as owners ; Secondly : Occupiers of lands and buildings as tenants from year to year, or under lease; Thirdly: Lessees or owners of tithes ; Fourthly: Owners of manors on an average Vent of the seven pre- ceding years ; and Lastly: Quarries of every kind on the amount of profits for the year preceding that on which the return is made, on coal and other mines on the average of profits for the five pre- ceding years, and on iron works, gas works, &c, on the profits of the year preceding. The reader is referred for particulars, as regards the three last mentioned cases, to Rule III., Schedule (A.), section GO. Tithe Commutation Bent Charge. 85 to be a part of this Act, and to refer to the said last mentioned duties as if the same had been inserted under a special enactment. SCHEDULE (B.) No. VII Bides for assessing and charging the sded. (B.) Properties under Schedule (B.J Rules. The duties last before mentioned shall be charged to be in addition to the duties to be charged under adStumto Schedule (A.) on all the properties in this Act gyjJSha directed to be charged to the said duties accord- B *™?J ro " ing to the general rule in Number I. Schedule except for o ~ Dwelling (A.) before mentioned, on the full amount of the Houses annual value thereof estimated as by this Act is ^l™ directed (except a dwelling house, and the JUS domestic offices thereunto belonging, and which ^jj^jjf 8 dwelling house and offices shall not be occupied, for Trade ° . , or Profes- by virtue of one and the same demise, with a sions. farm of lands for the purpose of farming such lands, or with a farm of tithes for the purpose of farming the same; and except warehouses or other buildings occupied for the purpose of carrying on a trade or profession) : provided one that in all cases where lands are subject to a to* be rent charge in lieu of tithes under the Act passed j|j[£ t for the commutation of tithes, and in all other ^Lands cases where lands in England are not subject to jnEng- , . . , . land. tithes, or to any modus or composition real in lieu thereof, there shall be deducted out of the 86 Tithe Commutation Bent Charge. Sched. (B.) Rules. Lessees and Occu- piers of Tithes to pay 2d. for every 20s. duties contained in this schedule a sum not ex- ceeding one eighth part thereof ; and in all cases where such lands are subject to a modus or com- position real, and not subject to any tithes, there shall be deducted out of such duties so much thereof as, together with the like rate on such modus or composition real, shall not exceed one eighth part of such duties as aforesaid ; and in all cases where such lands are subject to a modus or composition real in lieu of certain specific tithes, and also are subject to certain other specific tithes, or where such lands are free of certain specific tithes, and are subject to certain other specific tithes, the annual value of such lands shall, for the purpose of charging the duties under this schedule, be estimated at the rack rent at which the same would let by the year if wholly free from tithes, and there shall be deducted therefrom the amount or value of one eighth of the said duties chargeable on the said estimate, as in cases of tithe-free lands : provided also, that any person being lessee and occupier of tithes or teinds taken in kind, or being the occu- pier of the lands from whence such tithes or teinds shall arise, and compounding for the same, shall be charged in respect of the occupation at the rate of two pence for every twenty shillings of the annual value thereof, estimated as afore- said : provided also, that the several properties hereinafter described in JXumber VIII. shall be assessed and charged in manner therein men- tioned. Nurseries, Market Gardens, &c. 87 No. VIII. Bides for estimating the Properties herein- sched. (b.j after next mentioned under Schedule (B.J — The profits arising from lands occupied as nurseries Nurseries, or gardens for the sale of the produce, and G a r r de e ns> lands occupied for the growth of hops, 1 shall be g^S. estimated according to the rules contained in Schedule (D.), and the duty shall be charged at the rate contained in the said schedule; and when the said duty shall have been so ascertained the same shall be charged under Schedule (B.) as profits arising from the occupation of lands, except where the lands so occupied for the growth of hops shall be part of a farm held under one demise, or by the same person as owner, and shall not exceed one tenth part of such farm, in which case the duty thereon under this schedule shall be charged together in one sum as for a farm by the said general rule in Schedule (A.) mentioned. No. IX. Bules for charging the said duties under Schedules (A.J and (B.J First. — The said duties, except where other provi- To be paid sions are made as aforesaid for estimating particu- occupier. lar properties, shall be estimated according to the general rule contained in Schedule (A.), and shall be charged on and paid by the occupier for the time being, his executors, administrators, and assigns " 1 This clause as regards hop grounds is repealed by the 39th see. 16 and 17 Vict. c. 34, wliich enacts that such grounds shall be charged as other lands under Schedule (B.) 88 Occupiers of Lands, &c. Scked. (B.) Rules. Who shall be deemed Occupiers. Assess- ment to be levied on the Occupier. How paid on Change of Occupa- tion. Second. — Every person having the use of any lands or tenements shall be taken and considered, for the purposes of this Act, as the occupier of such lands or tenements. Third. — The said several duties shall on each assess- ment thereof be levied on the occupier for the time being without any new assessment, notwith- standing any change in the occupation thereof: provided that every tenant on quitting the occu- pation shall be liable for the arrears at the time of so quitting, and for such further portion of time as shall then have elapsed, to be settled and levied by the respective commissioners, and repaid to the occupier by whom the same shall have been paid ; and the executors or adminis- trators of any tenant who shall die before the payment of such assessment shall be liable in like manner as the testator or intestate would have been if living: provided also, that every tenant quitting before the time of making the assessment shall be liable for such portion of the year as shall have elapsed at the time of his so quitting, to be adjusted and settled by the respec- tive commissioners. No. X. Rules for estimating the annual Value of Properties before described in Schedules (A.) and (B.J or either of them. Tenant's First. — Where any landlord shall be subject to any Kates and J J „ " ' Taxes covenant or agreement to pay or satisfy, out 01 Landed the rent reserved on any lands or tenements, any Payment of Rates and Taxes. 89 parochial rates, taxes, or assessments which by «j*^ law are a charge on the occupier, or any com- ^ — position for tithes ; or where any rector, vicar, or deducted other person entitled to any rent or other annual Rent. payment to be made in lieu of tithes (except a rent charge confirmed under the Act passed for the commutation of tithes), or any composition for tithes, shall pay or satisfy out of the amount thereof any such parochial rates, taxes, or assess- ments charged on such tithes, rent, composition, or other annual payment aforesaid, then and in every such case the annual value shall be esti- mated for the purposes of this Act exclusive of such rates, taxes, or assessments, and of such composition for tithes, to be computed on the amount thereof bond fide paid by such landlord or other person aforesaid in and for the year preceding the year of assessment ; or where the owner shall be also occupier of such lands or tenements, and shall have paid any parochial rates, taxes, or assessments charged on the same, or any composition for tithes thereon, then the said annual value shall be also estimated exclu- sive of such rates, taxes, and assessments and composition for tithes, to be computed in like manner as aforesaid : Second. — Where any tenant of lands or tenements Landlords shall be subject to any covenant or agreement to Sxespaid pay or satisfy any aids, taxes, rates or assess- J^ 611 * 11 * ments by law chargeable on or payable by the ^^ landlord, the amount thereof which shall have been bond fide paid by such tenant in and 90 Computation of Corn Bents, &c. Sched. (B.) Eules. Amount of Rent depending on Price of Corn or Grain, how to be ascer- tained. Amount of Rent depending •un Pro- duce. for the year preceding the year of assessment shall, in making the estimate for the purpose of charging the duty in respect of occupation, be added to the rent reserved, in case the same shall have been let within the period of seven preceding years, and if not so let, the estimate shall be made according to the general rule in Schedule (A.), with the like addition thereto of the amount of such payment : Third. — Where the amount of rent of lands or tenements reserved in money shall depend in the whole or in part on the price of corn or grain, the estimate for the purpose of charging the duties in Schedule (A.) shall be made on the amount payable according to the average prices or fiars fixed in the year preceding the year appointed for payment of the duty, and in the same manner by which such rents have usually been ascertained between the landlords and tenants ; but where the whole or a part of the rent shall be reserved in corn or grain, then the said estimate shall be made on the like average price or fiar computed on the quantity of corn or grain delivered or to be delivered in the year appointed for payment of the duty ; or where such computation cannot be made, the estimate aforesaid may be made on the annual value of such lands estimated according to the said general rule : Fourth. — Where the amount of rent reserved on lands or tenements shall depend on the actual produce thereof, either in respect of the price or Mules for Assessing Lands, &c. 91 quantity of such produce, the estimate for the a**^ purpose of charging the duties in Schedule (A.) shall be made on the amount or value of such produce in the year preceding the year appointed for payment of the duty, according to the prices fixed and according to the quantities produced in that year, by the same rules and in the same manner by which such rents have usually been ascertained between the proprietors and their lessees or tenants, and where the prices or fiars shall vary in the two years of assessment, or the amount of produce shall vary in those years, the assessment shall, on appeal or surcharge, be rectified accordingly : Fifth. — Every estimate of such property in Scotland in Scot- ^ , land the shall be made without reference to the cess or Estimate tax roll or valued rents heretofore used in Scot- adding 6 land, or any stent thereon, and shall be made g^^ according to the general rule contained in | c u h ^ d in (A) Schedule (A.) to the best of the belief and judgment of the commissioners, assessors, and others employed in charging the said several duties. 64. That upon every account of the annual value Assess- of the several properties aforesaid, to be charged Lands° under Schedules (A.) and (B.) delivered in manner J^t^n" before directed to the assessor, he shall make an ^ a * unt assessment of the said property on the amount of to be made the sum ascertained by such account, if he shall be Assessor. satisfied with such amount ; but if he shall not be satisfied therewith, or if no such account shall have 92 Rules for Assessing Lands, &c. scked. (b.) been returned, or if the occupier or other person aforesaid shall not be resident within the limits of the district of such assessor, and no such return shall have been made, then the said assessor shall estimate, to the best of his judgment, the annual value of the said property of which no sufficient account shall have been delivered, and make an where the assessment of the same accordingly ; and in doing Value so it shall be lawful for such assessor in every case otherwise relating to lands or tenements to be estimated tafned. according to the said general rule by the annual value thereof, where such annual value cannot be otherwise ascertained, and he is hereby required in every such case, to make such assessment according to the following rules ; (videlicet) No. XL To be First. — Where the last rate made for the relief of the same the poor in any parish or place shall be made rated to throughout by a pound rate on the annual value, the Poor as {] ie same would be estimated according to ou full ° value. Schedule (A.), the assessment thereon to be made under this Act shall be made on the same sums respectively as in such rate : To be Second. — Where the said rate shall be made to C fuiT ec throughout by such pound rate on any propor madeVn tionate part of the annual value as aforesaid, the tio°n P a°te proportion thereof shall be observed as in the Sums. said ra te, but the assessment thereon to be made under this Act shall be made at the same sums different por- Bules for Assessing Lands, &c. 93 respectively as they would have been estimated sched. (b.j at if the said rate had been made on the full B — amount of such annual value : Third.— Where properties of different kinds shall if in be rated in the said rate according to different ST proportions of the value thereof as aforesaid, or ^io* shall be rated therein at different rates of such {^J* value, but nevertheless the properties of the same Guide kind shall be rated in a due proportion to each out" 8 other, both as to the value and rate of charge, in every such case the rule of rating lands, both as to the value and rate of the charge, shall, in mak- ing the assessment, under this Act, be observed • throughout, as well with respect to such lands as to the other properties therein rated, so far as relates to such rates as shall be made either on the full value of the properties or on any propor- tionate part thereof: Fourth. — In all cases not falling within the three where the preceding rules, but nevertheless where the pro- «on P of"the perties shall appear to the assessor to be rated in Snown. the said rate in the same proportion to each other, though the proportion of such rate to the value of the property rated be not known, and the assessor is able to ascertain the rack rent of all or any of the properties which shall have been so let within the period of seven years preceding within the limits of the parish or place where the said assessors shall act, he shall make an estimate of such properties on the amount of such rents respectively, and the amount contained in the estimates so made shall form the basis on which 94 Rules for Assessing Lands, &C. Sched. (B.) Rules. the estimates of other properties, of which the rack rent shall not have been so ascertained, shall be made, and he shall make his estimate of all other property in a sum bearing the same pro- portion, as near as the same can be computed, to the amount of such first estimates, as the sums at which all such other properties of which the rent has been so ascertained are valued at in such rate bear to the sum charged in the said rate on the said properties first estimated ; and he shall apportion the sum so estimated on such other properties in the same proportion, as near as the same can be computed, as they are respectively rated at in such rate, and shall make his assess- ment under this Act accordingly; and in cases where the same rule of proportion shall not have been observed in rating different kinds of pro- perty, then the assessor shall make an estimate as above directed upon each of such kinds of property for the purpose of forming a basis on which the estimates of other properties of the same kind may be made. Assessor allowed to estimate Dwelling Houses, &c, under 102. with- out a Return. 65. That where any dwelling house or tenement, together with the offices, gardens, and lands occu- pied therewith, or any lands separately occupied, shall be under the annual value of ten pounds, and the assessor shall be able to estimate the said value, either by the rules before mentioned, or from his own knowledge, or otherwise, it shall be lawful for him to estimate such property accordingly, to the best of his judgment, and to make an assessment Rules for Assessing Lands, &c. 95 thereon, without requiring a return of the annual value as aforesaid, unless the surveyor or inspector shall object to such estimate, and shall require a notice for that purpose to be delivered ; and if any assessor, not having given such notice, shall neglect to estimate the true annual value of the said pro- perties, and to assess the same according to this Act, he shall forfeit any sum not exceeding ten pounds. 66. That in case any tenant at rack rent shall Assessors " . may make produce to the assessor the lease or agreement in their writing under which he immediately holds any m enteof premises to be charged as aforesaid according to ^ a "p ro °_ n the general rule, the production of which lease or ^ e " s ° e f agreement every such assessor is hereby authorised by the ° J -i-i-i i • Tenant, to demand whenever the same shall appear to him according necessary; and in case it shall appear by such lease reserved or agreement that the same premises shall have Eent ' been let within the period of seven preceding years, and no other consideration in money than the rent reserved shall be contained in such lease or agree- ment, it shall be lawful for such assessor to make his assessment according to such rent, any thing before contained to the contrary notwithstanding ; but such assessment shall not be binding, in case it if such shall appear to the commissioners that the said lease sh e a Ti 6 b e or agreement doth not express the full consideration, h ° t ™fif whether in money or value, for the demise, or the R ent. rent bond fide paid for the same, or that the rent reserved is less than the rack rent on occasion of repairs or improvements done or to be done by the lessee or assigns, or is made in any other respect 96 Uides for Assessing Lands, Sec. with intent to conceal the annual value of such premises, or to diminish the estimate to be made thereon, or hath been assigned to such tenant, or any former tenant, for any consideration in money or value paid or agreed to be paid : provided always, that regard shall be had to the cases before men- tioned, where the amount of the reserved rent shall be increased by reason of any covenant or agreement by the landlord to discharge the tenant's taxes, rates, assessments, or duties before mentioned, or where the same shall be decreased by reason of any covenant or agreement by the tenant to discharge the landlord's taxes, rates, or assessments, or on occasion of any expenses incurred or to be incurred by the lessee or assigns, whether mentioned or not mentioned in such lease or agreement, and to the deductions to be made on account of any aid or Suiestobe public rate or assessment before described: provided i^asMss- also, that upon every demise for years of lands made Preserved or *° ^ e Baade in consideration of a rent reserved, Kent, and anc | a i so } n consideration of certain improvements for • -i -I improve- to be made in the lands demised at the proper cost and charge of the lessee or tenant, if it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the commissioners for general purposes acting for the division where such lands are situate that the rent reserved hath been settled on the estimate of the medium annual value of the said lands, computed on an average for the whole term granted in expectation of the progres- sive improvement of the said farm at the cost and charge of the said lessee or tenant, and the said annual rent is fixed and made payable to the same Bides for Assessing Lands, &c. 97 amount in each year on the said average, whereby the said rent so estimated and made payable did or doth exceed the just annual value of the said lands as the same were or are worth to be let at rack rent at the commencement of the term granted by the said demise, then and in such case the estimate of the annual value of the said lands, and the assess- ment thereupon, shall be made and computed according to the following rules ; (that is to say,) in regard that the rent reserved hath been settled on a fair average of the annual value of the said lands, computed on the whole of the term so granted, the said commissioners, on due proof of the circum- stances before mentioned, shall cause the said duty payable in respect of the property in the said lands to be computed and charged on the amount of the rent so reserved and made payable as aforesaid, for each year of assessment, without variation, during the said term, subject nevertheless to such deduc- tions as by this Act are allowed ; and the said com- missioners shall also cause the said duty payable in respect of the occupation of the said lands to be computed and charged on the full and just value of the said lands, to be ascertained at the times and in manner hereinafter mentioned ; (that is to say,) on all such demises made before the passing of this Act, the annual value of the said lands shall be the rack rent at which the same are worth to be let by the year, to be ascertained at the commence- ment of the first year of assessment after the passing of this Act, by a valuation to be made thereof under the powers and according to the directions herein 98 Tenants at Mack Rent. contained, and to the satisfaction of the said com- missioners, which valuation shall be in force for the term limited for the continuance of this Act, if the said demise shall not sooner expire ; and the amount ascertained by such valuation shall be deemed to be the rack rent at which the said lands are worth to be let for the said term, if the said demise shall not sooner expire, and the assessment thereupon shall in each year of the said term be made on the said valuation ; and on all such demises to be made after the passing of this Act the annual value of the said lands shall be the rack rent at which the same are worth to be let by the year, to be ascertained at the commencement of the said demise by a like valuation to be made thereof in manner aforesaid. Tenants 67. That in case any tenant at rack rent under t£t* any parol demise from year to year, within the par d 7 a period mentioned in the said general rule, or any KS. * tenant who, by reason of any mortgate or other to procure con tract shall not have the custody or possession of Leases, to . • , . deliver an or the power over any lease or agreement in writing tfST* under which he holds the premises demised within the said period, and who shall give reasonable proof to the commissioners why he is unable to produce the same, shall deliver to the assessor an account in writing signed by such tenant of the actual amount of the annual rent reserved on such demise, such account so delivered shall be deemed a com- pliance with this Act, in all cases where he may be called upon under the authority of this Act to produce such lease or agreement ; and it shall be lawful for such assessor to make his assessment Value. Penalty for False Statements. 99 according to such rent, anything before contained to the contrary notwithstanding; but such assess- ment shall not be binding in case it shall appear to the said commissioners that the said account doth not express the full consideration for such demise, or the rent bond fide paid for the same, or that the rent reserved is less than the rack rent on occasion of any payments as aforesaid made or to be made by such tenant, or is made in any other respect with intent to conceal the annual value of the premises held under such demise, or to diminish the assessment to be made thereon : provided Lands held • i ,i under a always, that lands held tor a longer period than Tenancy , . , j i • j? from Year seven years by any tenant under a demise trom toYe&r.or year to year, or at will, shall be estimated and J^Si* assessed at the annual value thereof, unless the ^JJJg, tenant shall show and prove to the satisfaction of Rent be fixed on a the said commissioners that the same lands are Demise held under a demise which commenced by agree- sevelT ment made and a rent fixed within the period of Years - seven years, on the determination of the former demise thereof, by due notice within the said period. 1 68. That every person who shall wilfully deliver Penalty on any such account as aforesaid which shall be false, delivering 1 Those two sections, the 66th and 67th, point out all cases wherein a lease or agreement is to be considered as the criterion of a letting at rack rent. First, it must be a letting within seven years. Second, there must be no other consideration in money than the rent reserved. Third, there must be no covenant for repairs by the lessee. Fourth, the rent must not be less in consideration of repairs done by the lessee. Fifth, it must express the full consideration. Sixth, it must not have been assigned for a valuable consideration. Seventh, there must be no fraudulent intention to conceal the true value. 100 Production of Leases. false or who shall wilfully refuse, neglect, or omit to Accounts p roc | uce an y j ease or agreement with intent to J a e lue of conceal the annual value of the premises therein or r Snceai- comprised, or to diminish the estimate to be made ingthe thereon, shall forfeit the sum of twenty pounds, thereof. and shall be liable to be charged in treble the duty hereby directed to be charged as aforesaid, com- puted on the annual value of the premises held under such demise, estimated according to this Act; and the inspector and surveyor are hereby respectively required to surcharge the same, and the commissioners are required to make an assess- ment accordingly. Tenants in 69. That every tenant of lands, tenements, or ^produce heritages in Scotland shall, within ten days after Eeson tne assessor shall have left at his usual place of Notice ; abode, or at any dwelling house or other place on the premises to be charged with the assessment, a note in writing requiring the same, produce to such assessor the tack or lease or other agreement or articles in writing, under which such tenant holds such lands or tenements, or where the same* shall not be in the power, custody, or possession of such tenant, or there shall be no such tack, lease, or agreement, or articles, then he shall leave with such assessor, or at his dwelling house, within the time before mentioned, a note in writing of the actual rent annually reserved and payable, and of any other valuable consideration given or to be given to the landlord of such lands and tenements as a further consideration for such tenancy, under the penalty of treble the duty hereby chargeable thereon, in case Production of Leases. 101 of any wilful neglect to comply with such notice ; and it shall be lawful for such assessor to make his assessment on the production of such lease or agreement or articles, according to the rent therein reserved and made payable ; and in case of non- production of such lease or agreement or articles in writing, then upon the rent reserved or made payable, according to the account thereof delivered as aforesaid, if he shall be satisfied that the said lands, tenements, or heritages have been bond fide let at the reserved rent notified to him as aforesaid, without other valuable consideration; but in case such assessor shall not be satisfied with the notifica- tion given to him, or in case no such notification shall be given, then such assessor shall make the assessment as directed in the foregoing rules : pro- or leave vided always, that if the farm occupied by such aJustTcV tenant shall be distant more than ten miles from °* x ^ y . the dwelling house of such assessor, it shall be ^j£ a competent to such tenant to lodge his lease or note Case. in writing of the rent with the nearest justice of the peace, or with the clergyman of the parish where the farm is situated; and the said justice of the peace or clergyman respectively shall be obliged to show the said lease or note of the rent to the said assessor when required. 70. That the said several duties shall be assessed ah Pro- on all lands, tenements, and hereditaments, whether K 58 occupied at the time of assessment or not ; and so Xther' far as respects the duties chargeable under Schedule ^Pj ed (A.), in case any lands charged to the said duties shall be unoccupied, and no distress can be found 102 Houses, Tithes, &c. Assess- ments on Houses to be dis- charged for the Period they are unoccu- pied. Mode of levying the Duties charged on Tithes. Mode of levying the Duties on the same at the time such duties shall be pay- able, it shall be lawful for the collector of the parish or j)lace where the said lands are situate for the time being-, at any time after, to enter upon the said lands, when there shall be any distress there- uj)on to be found, and the distress to seize and sell, under the like powers as he might have distrained on the same lands if in the occupation of such person at the time the duties became due : provided always, that the said duties, or either of them, shall not be levied on any house which shall be or become unoccupied for such year, or portion of the year, as the same shall be unoccupied, but the assessment thereupon for such year, or jwrtion of the year as aforesaid, shall, upon appeal, be discharged or diminished by the commissioners, on due proof of the time during which such house remained unoccupied. 71. That where by any assessment the duties shall be charged on tithes or teinds, and the same shall not be paid within the respective times limited by this Act, it shall be lawful for the collector and officer respectively to distrain upon such tithes or teinds, or any other goods or chattels of the owner of such tithes or teinds, wherever the same can be found, and to seize, take, and sell so much thereof as shall be sufficient for levying the said assess- ment, under and subject to the like powers granted by the said Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes in other cases. 72. That when any assessment shall be charged on any composition for tithes or tiends, or any rent Incorporeal Hereditaments. 103 or payment in lieu thereof, the occupier of the lands t*i • case oi oath beiore the said commissioners to their satisfac- Losses on tion, it shall be lawful for them to abate in the the occu- several assessments made in respect of the property owners . in or occupation of the said lands, and to discharge the whole or any part of the said respective duties, and in proportion to the loss so sustained, and to the amount which the said commissioners shall be of opinion would or ought to have been abated as aforesaid if the said lands had been demised to a tenant, and a proportionate abatement had been made to such tenant under the circumstances of -the said loss. 86. That if any person shall be guilty of making Penalty any false claim for such abatement as aforesaid, or faLTck"^ si i all be guilty of any fraud or contrivance in making { ™ h ™ c}x such claim, or in obtaining any such abatement, or ment. shall fraudulently or untruly declare the amount or value of such loss, or the amount or value of any abatement made or agreed to be made in the rent n 114 Duration of Assessments. First As- sessment under Schedules (A.) and (B.) to remain in force for Three Years ; of the lands in his occupation, on account of such loss, with intent fraudulently to obtain any such abatement, he shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds, and treble the amount of duty charged on him in respect of the said lands ; and if the owner of any such lands, or any other person whatever, shall aid, abet, or assist any person charged to the said duties in making such false or fraudulent claim, or shall fraudulently or untruly declare the amount or value of any abatement made or agreed to be made in the rent of the said lands or the amount of such loss, with intent fraudulently to obtain for himself, or for his tenant, or for the owner or tenant of the said lands, any such abatement as aforesaid, every such owner or other person aforesaid shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds. 87. That the first assessment to be made after the fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, of the duties chargeable under either of the Schedules marked (A.) or (B.) of this Act, shall be and remain in force for the space of three years, without requiring returns from the parties charged therein for the second or third year of such assessment, and without altering the names of the parties charged, notwithstanding a change in the occupation or interest of or in the premises charged in such assessment may have happened ; and the like sums shall be levied thereon for the second and third years respectively as shall or ought to have been levied thereon for the first year, and the assessment shall be subject to the like exemptions and allowances for the second and third years Duration of Assessments. 115 respectively as were granted for the first year ; and the amount charged in such assessment shall be paid by four instalments in each year, on the days and times herein specified for payment of such instalments, subject nevertheless to be varied and altered in the following cases ; (videlicet,) First — If the inspector or surveyor shall find or unless the discover that any person hath been under-rated underrated in such assessment, or omitted to be charged Shave 6 * 1, therein for the first year, or hath obtained an obtained J ' an exemp- exemption or allowance for the first year which tfonto x d . which he ouffht not to be allowed for the second or third is not en- year, it shall be lawful for such inspector or 1 e ' surveyor to surcharge such assessment for the second or third year, in like manner in all respects as he is authorized to surcharge the assessment under the like circumstances for the first year of assessment, provided that such sur- charge shall be made in the single duty, and no increase shall be made thereon above the rate of duty hereby granted, unless the commissioners shall be of opinion that the assessment for the first year was, in the particular surcharged, deficient through the wilful default or neglect of the party to be charged : Second. — If any person not chargeable in the first r a Per- year of assessment shall become chargeable in charge- the second or third year it shall be lawful for the ^ le j° the ^ First Year assessor, inspector, or surveyor to require the become so like returns, and to proceed to the assessment of quentiy; such person in like manner for the second or 116 Duration of Assessments. third year, as if the whole assessment of the parish, place, or district had commenced in that year : or in case Third. — If any person shall find himself aggrieved of Appea. -^y £j ie continuance of such assessment for the second or third year, by occasion of his being over-rated therein, he may appeal from the same in that year on delivering ten days' notice of such his intention to the inspector or surveyor, together with a true and perfect schedule of the annual value of the property charged on him for that year, in like manner as he might have appealed against the same assessment under the like circumstances for the first year, and no pay- ment on such assessment for the first or second year shall be construed to preclude such appeal ; provided that for any vexatious appeal without reasonable cause it shall be lawful for the com- missioners to award reasonable costs for the attendance of the inspector, surveyor, or assessor to be added to the assessment and levied there- with for the use of such inspector, surveyor, or assessor, and which shall be paid to them respec- tively in like manner as any other payments under this Act may be made to them : Assess- Fourth. — It shall be lawful for the respective col- be e coi- may lectors to levy and gather the assessment for the Jnd&^ra second and third years respectively on the theTBook occupiers for the time being by the same rate delivered r book which shall have been delivered to them Year. for the first year, unless the commissioners shall revoke the appointment of the said collectors, or Duration of Assessments. 117 shall alter or vary the assessments, and deliver to them a new rate or book for the second or third year : Fifth. — The duplicates of the commissioners shall Commia- be made for each year, and delivered to the Duplicates proper officer for receipt and at the head office f ° r ^ e for stamps and taxes, containing the like particu- Year - lars for the second and third years respectively as are herein required for the first year of assess- ment, varying only the amounts therein to be specified if the case shall require the same ; and all the powers, regulations, matters, and things contained in this act for rectifying any assess- ment, or increasing or diminishing the duty according to circumstances, or for levying the same, shall be in force for the second and third years respectively, in respect of the sums to be levied in those respective years, and shall be applied in those respective years, as fully and effectually as if the assessment had been made for those years respectively under the directions and regulations of this Act. 88. That the duties hereby granted, contained Duties in in the Schedule marked (C), shall be assessed and (c.^and charged under the following rules, which rules f^ ed shall be deemed and construed a part of this Act, part of this and to refer to the said last-mentioned duties as if the same had been inserted under a special enact- ment. 118 Annuities, Dividends, &c. so**, (c.) SCHEDULE (C.) Rules. Mules for assessing and charging the Duties under Schedule (C.J By whom The said last-mentioned duties shall be paid by the persons and corporations respectively intrusted with the payment of the annuities, dividends, and shares of annuities, therein charged, on behalf of the persons, corporations, companies, or societies entitled thereto, their executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, and shall be assessed by the commissioners hereby authorized or appointed To what for those purposes ; and shall extend to all public- Duty ex- annuities whatever payable in Great Britain out of any public revenue in Great Britain or else- where, and to all annuities payable in Ireland out of the revenue of the United Kingdom, to or for the use or benefit of any person not resident in Ireland, and also to all dividends and shares of such annuities respectively which shall become payable after the fifth day of April One thousand eight hundred and forty-two, except in the follow- ing cases of exemption from the said duties ; viz. stock of First. — The stock, dividends, 1 or interest of any soSeties friendly society legally established under any act exempted. f p ar ii ame nt relating to friendly societies ; pro- vided it shall appear by the rules of any such society deposited or to be deposited with the commissioners for the reduction of the national 1 Profits under Schedule (D.) are also exempt— 16th & 17th Vict., c. 34, sec. 49- Exemptions. 119 debt, or with the trustees of any savings bank, **££■) that the sums assured by any such society to any — individual, or to any person nominated by or to claim under him, shall not exceed the sum of two hundred pounds, or the amount of any annuity or annuities granted or to be granted by any such society to any individual, or to any person nominated by or to claim under him, shall not exceed the sum of thirty pounds per annum: provided also, that when any property belonging to any such society shall be invested in the public securities in the Bank of England the said last-mentioned property shall be duly claimed and proved by any trustee or treasurer of any such society, or by any member thereof, before the said commissioners for special purposes : ^ Second.— The stock or dividends of any savings stock of bank established or to be established under the |an£? "ex- provisions of an Act passed in the ninth year of em P tecL the reign of King George the Fourth, intituled " An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws " relating to Savings Banks," arising from invest- ments with the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt ; and also the dividends or interest payable by the trustees of any savings bank upon any funds therein deposited belonging to any depositor or to any charitable institution : Third. — The stock or dividends of any corporation, Stock of^ fraternity, or society of persons, or of any trust institu- established for charitable purposes only ; or empted . which, according to the rules or regulations established by act of parliament, charter, decree, 120 Exemptions. sched. (0.) deed of trust, or will, shall be applicable by the — ' said corporation, fraternity, or society, or by any trustee, to charitable purposes only, and in so far as the same shall be applied to charitable pur- poses only; or the stock or dividends in the names of any trustees applicable solely to the repairs of any cathedral, college, church, or chapel, or any building used solely for the pur- pose of divine worship, and in so far as the same shall be applied to such purposes ; provided the application thereof to such purposes shall be duly proved before the said commissioners for sj:>ecial purposes by any agent or factor on the behalf of any such corporation, fraternity, or society, or by any of the members or trustees : stock in Fourth. — The stock or dividends transferred to the oAhe accounts in the books of the Bank of England in or r of S the 7, the name or under the description of the lord high Commis- treasurer of England or of the commissioners of sioners for ~ Reduction Her Majesty 's treasury, or the commissioners for National the reduction of the national debt, in pursuance of any Act or Acts of Parliament ; provided that the governor and company of the Bank of England shall from time to time cause to be transmitted to the said commissioners for special purposes an account of the total amount of stock which shall have been transferred to the said respective accounts, also the payments to be made by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt on account of the Waterloo subscription funds : Mode of Charging Annuities. 121 Fifth. — The stock or dividends belonging to Her ^^ Majesty, in whatever name the same may stand gto — e in the books of the Bank of England, and also the longing to stocks or dividends of any accredited minister of j e Sy,orto any foreign state resident in Great Britain, pro- JStere. vided the property thereof shall, if standing in the name of any trustee, be duly proved before the said commissioners for special purposes by such trustee. 89. And for the assessing and charging of the The Bank £ \ T -p> ofEngland said annuities payable to the company of the Bank and South of England and to the South Sea Company respec- P anies°™i"d tively, at the receipt of the exchequer as aforesaid, mfsskJnTis and the profits attached thereto respectively, and 5f a ^ al also for the assessing and charging of all annuities Debt to . 7, i • » deliver payable by the commissioners for reduction ot the Accounts national debt, and the dividends and shares of all Annuities other annuities, payable out of any public revenue, Sty* * which are or shall be intrusted for payment to the j^^i companies of the Bank of England and South Sea totheCom- -i ° . missioners respectivelv ; be it enacted, that the respective forasses- • x- J • • 1 • sing the companies, corporations, and commissioners having same. the distribution or payment of the said several annuities, dividends, and shares shall from time to time, as often as the payments thereon shall become due, deliver to the respective commissioners, ap- pointed for the purpose of assessing the duties thereon as aforesaid, true and faithful accounts in writing, in books to be provided for that purpose, of the several amounts of such annuities and profits 122 Mode of Charging Annuities. attached to the same, which shall be paid to the said companies respectively, in respect of their cor- porate stock, and of such dividends and shares of annuities as shall be intrusted to any of such com- panies, corporations, or commissioners, for payment to the persons, corporations, and companies entitled thereto, and the amount of duty chargeable thereon at the rate before directed, without deduction on any pretence whatever, except as herein is allowed, dis- tinguishing therein the separate account of each per- son, corporation, company, and society entitled unto any part, dividend, or share of such annuities respec- tively, as the same shall stand in the books of the said respective companies, or at the said exchequer, in such manner as that the part, dividend, and share of each person, corporation, company, and society, of or to such annuities respectively, may be dis- tinctly charged and assessed to the said duty ; and the said respective commissioners shall from time to time make an assessment of the duty which shall appear to be chargeable on the accounts so delivered to the best of their judgment and belief, and shall from time to time deliver the said books of assess- ments, signed by them respectively, to the said commissioners for special purposes; and the said commissioners for special purposes shall forthwith cause two certificates on parchment to be made out, under their hands and seals, containing the total amounts of duty, and of the annuities, dividends, and shares whereon the said duty shall have been charged contained in each assessment, together with the pro- per title or description of the corporation, company, Annuities, &c, Payable in Ireland. 123 or persons having the distribution or intrusted with the payment of such annuities, dividends, and shares respectively; and they shall transmit one of such certificates to the respective commissioners for making such assessments, and the other certificate to the head office for stamps and taxes in England. 90. And for the assessing and charging of the p™^ annuities, dividends, and shares of annuities payable Annuities by the governor and company of the Bank of Ireland dends pay . out of the public revenue of the United Kingdom to ^ k at ? e persons not resident in Ireland, be it enacted, that \^J n in every case in which payment of any such annul- Persons ties, dividends, and shares of annuities as last dentjn ^ aforesaid shall be demanded or applied for by any d r e i^er a° attorney, agent, trustee, or other person for or on g£»»- the behalf or for the use or benefit of any person not resident in Ireland, the person demanding or apply- ing for the payment of such annuities, dividends, or shares of annuities, before receiving the same, shall (whether he shall be required to do so by the said governor and directors of the said bank or not) deliver to the cashier of the said bank a declaration, signed by such applicant, containing a statement of the amount and description of the stock in respect of which such annuities, dividends, or shares are payable, and the name and place of abode of every person for whom, or on whose behalf, or for whose use or benefit, such applicant requires the payment thereof, and declaring whether or not such last- mentioned person was resident in Ireland, within the intent and meaning of this Act, at the time when such annuities, dividends, and shares respectively 124 Annuities, &c, Payable in Ireland. Bank of became payable ; and in every case in which pay- require a ment of any such annuities, dividends, or shares of tion where annuities shall be demanded or applied for by any ifr n Dil?- es P erson f° r or on the behalf of any other person, dends are under or by virtue of any letter or power of attornev, receivable 1 -i i •* r J 7 under a or other delegated authority, the said governor and Attorney, directors, or the cashier or other officer of the said bank, having the payment of any such annuities, dividends, or shares of annuities, shall, before paying the same, require such declaration and statement to On Re- be made and delivered as hereinbefore directed ; Parties anc ^ if the person demanding or applying for such Annuitie^ P a y m ent shall refuse to make or sign and deliver to be such declaration and statement on beins* required to deemed . not resi- make and deliver the same as aforesaid, the person Ireland, for whom or on whose behalf he shall demand or apj)ly for such payment shall be deemed to be not resident in Ireland, and such annuities, dividends, or shares of annuities shall be charged accordingly Proviso, with the duties granted by this Act: provided always, that no person (other than a member of either House of Parliament, entitled to be exempted from the duties of assessed taxes, under the provi- sions in that behalf contained in the Acts relating to the said last-mentioned duties,) shall be deemed to be resident in Ireland, within the intent and meaning of this Act, who shall have been absent from Ireland, at one time or several times, for a period equal in the whole to six months or more during the space of one year immediately preceding the day on which such annuities, dividends, and shares shall respectively have become payable. Annuities, &c, Payable in Ireland. 125 91. That whenever it shall appear by any such Commis- declaration or statement as aforesaid, that any such £akeAs° annuities, dividends, or shares of annuities are pay- JfoutSs 8 able by the said governor and company of the Bank ^ s ^J ui * of Ireland, to or for the use or benefit of any person Dividends ' . J x payable at not resident in Ireland, and also whenever any per- the Bank , . » ip i • , • of Ireland son applying for payment ot any such annuities, to persons dividends, or shares of annuities shall refuse to dentin 1 make or sign and deliver such declaration and inland, statement, on being required to make and deliver the same as aforesaid, the commissioners herein- before appointed for that purpose shall assess and charge the duties hereby granted upon and in re- spect of all such annuities, dividends, and shares of annuities, and shall make out and transmit their certificates of such assessments in like manner as is hereinbefore provided with respect to the assess- ments to be made by the commissioners appointed for assessing and charging the duties on annuities pay- able out of the revenue of the United Kingdom in England ; and in all other cases where any such an- nuities, dividends, or shares of annuities shall be pay- able by the said governor and company to or for the use or benefit of any person not resident in Ireland, but which shall not be assessed and charged by the said commissioners in the manner hereinbefore directed, by reason of the fact of such non-residence not having been made to aj^pear to them in manner aforesaid, such annuities, dividends, and shares which have been received or become payable in the preceding year, shall be accounted for in Great Britain by the person entitled thereto, or beneficially 126 Annuities, &c, Payable in Ireland. interested therein, and shall be charged and assessed under the rules and regulations of Schedule (D.) of this Act, whether the same shall be received in Great Britain or not. penalty 92. That if any person shall receive of the gover- ting to *" nor and company of the Bank of Ireland any annuity, daStfon 6 dividend, or share of annuity payable out of the on recei- puo ii c revenue of the United Kingdom, for or on the ving An- r ° nuities or behalf of or for the use or benefit of any person not in Ireland resident in Ireland, without previously delivering of peiins to the cashier of the said Bank the declaration and denuhere. statement by this Act directed to be delivered in such case, or if any person shall make, sign, or de- liver any declaration or statement which shall not truly set forth the name and place of residence of the person, and of every person for whom or on whose behalf, or for whose use or benefit, he shall apply for payment of any such annuity, dividend, or share of annuity as aforesaid, the person who shall neglect or omit to deliver such declaration and statement as aforesaid, or who shall make, sign, or deliver any untrue declaration or statement, shall be liable to the payment to Her Majesty of treble the amount of the duty chargeable on such annuity, Penalty dividend, or share of annuity ; and if any person lentDecia- shall wilfully and fraudulently omit to deliver such DellceTo declaration and statement, or shall wilfully make, evade the sign, or deliver any false declaration or statement, or shall make or practice any fraudulent contrivance or device whatever, with intent to defraud Her Majesty of the duty chargeable under this Act on any such annuity, dividend, or share of annuity as Duty. Retaining Duties on Annuities , &c. 127 aforesaid, he shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds over and above treble the amount of the said duty. 93. That the respective corporations, companies, Companies and persons entitled unto such annuities and profits ^l retain attached thereto, or intrusted with the payment of jessed. the annuities, dividends, or shares of such public annuities as are hereinbefore described, shall, on notice of the amount of each assessment from time to time to be made as aforesaid (which notice shall be given from time to time, as and when the annui- ties, dividends, and shares aforesaid shall become payable, and before payment thereof), set apart and retain the amount of duty so assessed for the pur- poses of this Act ; and every such setting apart and retaining of the said duties shall be deemed a pay- ment thereof by and on the behalf of the persons, corporations, and companies entitled unto the said annuities, dividends, and shares respectively; and all persons, corporations, and companies entitled to such annuities, or profits attached thereto or to any part thereof, or to such dividends or shares of annui- ties as aforesaid, are hereby required, on receipt of the residue of the said annuities, profits, dividends, and shares, over and above the duties so assessed, to allow such payments in respect of the said assess- ments ; and the corporations and persons having the distribution of such annuities, or intrusted with such payments, shall be and are hereby acquitted and discharged of so much money, as if the same had actually been paid unto the persons to whom such annuities, profits, dividends, and shares did or might belong, or were by law payable. th e Bank. 128 Charging Small Dividends, 94. That all moneys so set apart at the Bank of England, the Bank of Ireland, and the South Sea House respectively, and by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, as before directed, shall be paid from time to time into the account to be kept at the Bank of England with the receiver general of stamps and taxes, as hereinafter directed, accompanied with a certificate of the amount of the assessment under which the same shall be so paid, under the hands of two or more of the commis- sioners making such assessment ; and the governor and company of the Bank of England shall also cause the amount of such assessment as shall from time to time be charged on the trading profits of the said company to be paid into the said account. How small 95. That in respect of any of the annuities, divi- shall be dends, and shares of annuities, chargeable under c arg " Schedule (C.) by the respective commissioners for those purposes, it shall not be required of them to make an assessment for any amount or payment where the half-yearly payment on such annuities, dividends, or shares shall not amount to fifty shillings, but that the annuities, dividends, and shares whereof the half-yearly payment shall not amount to fifty shillings shall be accounted for and charged under the third case of Schedule (D.) by which profits of an uncertain annual value are directed to be charged : provided also that no person shall be required to return any statement of the profits of such annuities, dividends, or shares the half-yearly payment whereof shall amount to fifty shillings or more, and which are hereinbefore Assessment of Colonial Dividends, &c. 129 directed to be assessed in manner aforesaid, or be liable to any penalty for not returning the same, but all such dividends and shares whereof the half-yearly payment shall not amount to fifty shil- lings, 1 and which shall be paid without such assess- ment, shall be duly returned in the manner before directed, under the penalty before contained. 96. That every person (other than the governor with the and company of the Bank of England, the directors J^cXniai of the East India Company, and the commissioners f^ ltiea for the reduction of the national debt,) intrusted d . eliver . . ' Accounts with the payment of annuities, or any dividends or thereof, shares of annuities, payable out of the public revenue of any colony or settlement belonging to the crown of the United Kingdom, to any persons, corporations, or companies in Great Britain, or acting therein as agent, or in any other character before described, shall, without further notice or demand thereof, deliver or cause to be delivered, into the head office for stamps and taxes in England, an account in writing containing their names and residences, and a description of the annuities, divi- dends, and shares intrusted to them for payment, within one calendar month after the same shall have been required by public notice in the London Gazette; and shall also, on demand by the inspector authorized for that purpose by the commissioners of stamps and taxes, deliver or cause to be delivered to him, for the use of the said commissioners for special purposes, true and perfect accounts of the 1 By the 26th and 27th Vict, cap. 33, sec. 24, dividends amounting to less than fifty shillings for the half-year are chargeable. 130 Assessment of Colonial Dividends, &c. amount of annuities, dividends and shares payable Commis- by them respectively ; and the said commissioners spS f ° r f° r special purposes shall make an assessment S^make 3 ^ nereon under Schedule (C.) at the rate before pre- Assess- scribed, subject to diminution on occasion of any ments . , - . . thereon, exemptions to be allowed by the said commissioners for sj)ecial purposes, giving notice of the amount thereof to the respective persons intrusted with such last-mentioned payments, who shall respectively pay the duty on the said annuities, dividends, and shares, on behalf of the persons, corporations, and companies entitled unto the same, out of the monies in their hands ; and they shall be acquitted of such payments in like manner, and the like proceedings in all respects shall be had under the said commis- sioners for special purposes, as are before directed in respect of annuities payable out of the public revenue of the United Kingdom : provided always, that the persons intrusted with such payment shall from time to time pay the duty so assessed thereon into the Bank of England, to the account to be kept at the Bank of England as aforesaid with the re- ceiver general of stamps and taxes, and shall be answerable for such payment, and which duty so assessed shall, in default of such payment, be recov- erable against the persons respectively intrusted with such payments as other duties charged on the parties may be recovered against them ; and if any person intrusted with the payment of any such last- mentioned annuities, or any dividends or shares thereof, in the manner herein mentioned, or acting therein as agent, or in any other character herein described, shall neglect or refuse to deliver an Exchequer Sills. — India Bonds. 131 account of his name and residence in the manner herein directed, or, after demand, shall neglect or refuse to deliver an account as aforesaid of the amount of such annuities, dividends, and shares as he is intrusted with the payment of, or in the pay- ment of which he shall act as agent, or in any other character herein described, he shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, over and above the duty chargeable on such annuities, shares, or dividends. Securities 97. That any interest payable out of the public SLofce- revenue on securities issued or to be issued at the JJheVpub- exchequer, or other public office, by whatever names JJnd&Si such securities shall be called, shall be charged to Bonds, to be charged the said duties under the rules contained in Schedule under (C), by the commissioners for assessing the profits (c.) of offices in the said exchequer or other office afore- said at which the same shall be made payable, and the interest payable by the East India Company on the bonds issued or to be issued by them shall be charged to the said duties under the like rules by the commissioners hereinbefore appointed for that purpose, which said commissioners respectively shall execute this Act, in relation to the profits arising from such securities and bonds as aforesaid, in like manner as the commissioners appointed by this Act are empowered to assess the profits arising from annuities payable out of the public revenue in other cases ; and the said commissioners respectively hereby authorized to execute this Act in relation to such securities and bonds as aforesaid shall appoint assessors and collectors of the said duties arising from such securities and bonds from and amongst the officers intrusted with the payment or discharge 132 Exchequer Bills. — India Bonds. of such securities and bonds, who shall respectively at the time of payment or 'discharge thereof com- pute the duty thereon, and after such computation shall enter the same in a certificate of assessment, and certify the same to the proper officer appointed for the payment or discharge of such securities and bonds, which officer is hereby empowered to stop and detain the said duty, and to pay the same into the Bank of England to the credit of the receiver general of stamps and taxes, in discharge of such assessment; and every person receiving or pur- chasing any such security or bond in circulation, with current interest thereon, shall be entitled and is hereby empowered to deduct from such interest the proportion of duty which will become charge- able thereon, in like manner and under the like powers and penalties as may be done in other cases of payment of interest, and as if such current in- terest were then due and charged to the said duty ; and the like computation and assessment shall be made whenever a new security or bond shall be issued in discharge of any former security or bond, with interest, or in discharge of interest due on any former security or bond ; and the person receiving such new security or bond in exchange for any for- mer security or bond, with interest, or for such interest, shall pay to the proper officer at the time of receiving such new security or bond the full duty computed on the interest payable on the said for- mer security or bond. Claims of 98. That all claims of exemption under any of JionTbe the rules contained in Schedule (C.) from the said Mode of Claiming Exemptions. 133 duties on annuities, dividends, and shares of annui- made to ties, payable out of the revenue of the United King- miLioTers dom, shall be made to the commissioners for special pjJjK? purposes at the head office for stamps and taxes in JXiiow? England, according to the following rules ; videlicit, in s Kules First. — Every claim shall be made in writing, in such form as the commissioners of stamps and taxes shall direct, and the said commissioners for special purposes shall require the same to be verified on the affidavit of every such person as they shall think necessary, such affidavit to be made as before directed in all cases cognizable before the said commissioners, and they shall have authority to demand and require, from every such person as they shall think proper to be examined touching such claim, true answers upon oath, to be made as before directed, to all such questions as they shall think material in such claim : Second, — Whenever the commissioners for special purposes shall have allowed any such exemption, they shall give an order for payment of the sums retained for the duties on such annuities, divi- dends, and shares in respect of which they shall have allowed such exemption to the respective claimants, or to the attornies or agents who shall have been authorized to receive the said annuities, dividends, and shares on behalf of the said claim- ants ; and such payment shall be made in like manner as is hereinbefore provided with respect to allowances to be granted under Number V. of Schedule (A.) of this Act. 134 Duties on Trades and Professions. Penalty 99. That if any person shall, with intent to de- forfrauflu- fraud Her Maj - estyj Msely or fraudulently make Exem in - g an J c ^ ami to De exempted, either in his own behalf tions of or an y other, from the duty charged on such annui- ties, or any dividends or shares thereof, contrary to the intent of this Act, every such person shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, and if such claim shall be made by any person in his own behalf, he shall moreover be liable to be assessed in treble the duty to be charged on the said annuities and shares. Duties in 100. That the duties hereby granted, contained (D.)! and in the Schedule marked (D.), shall be assessed and deemed charged under the following rules, which rules Part of the ^jj fee deemed and construed to be a part of this Act, and to refer to the said last-mentioned duties, as if the same had been inserted under a special enactment. am (d.) SCHEDULE (D.) Rules. To what The said last-mentioned duties shall extend to every Ltendsf description of property or profits which shall not whom y to De contained in either of the said Schedules (A.), be paid. (B.), or (C), and to every description of employ- ment of profit not contained in Schedule (E.), and not specially exempted from the said respective duties, and shall be charged annually on and paid by the persons, bodies politic or corporate, fraternities, fellowships, companies, or societies, whether corporate or not corporate, receiving or entitled unto the same, their executors, adminis- trators, successors, and assigns respectively. Duties on Trades. 135 Mules for ascertaining the said last-mentioned scied. (D.) liules. duties in the particular cases herein mentioned. Rules for ascertain- First Case. — Duties to be charged in respect of Duties 3 any trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern jaj^f' in the nature of trade, not contained in any F//] other schedule of this Act. RULES. First. — The duty to be charged in respect thereof computa shall be computed on a sum not less than the full Doty on amount of the balance of the profits or gains of Trade - such trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern upon a fair and just average of three years, end- ing on such day of the year immediately preceding the year of assessment on which the accounts of the said trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern shall have been usually made up, or on the fifth day of April preceding the year of assessment, and shall be assessed, charged, and paid without other deduction than is hereinafter allowed : pro- vided always, that in cases where the trade, manu- facture, adventure, or concern shall have been set up and commenced within the said period of three years, the computation shall be made for one year on the average of the balance of the profits and gains from the period of first setting up the same: provided also, that in cases where the trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern shall have been set up and commenced within the year of 136 Duties on Trades. Sched. (D.) Rules. To whom the Duty extends. Deduc- tions not to be allowed. assessment, the computation shall be made according to the rule in the sixth case of this schedule : Second. — The said duty shall extend to every person, body politic or corporate, fraternity, fellowship, company, or society, and to every art, mystery, adventure, or concern carried on by them respec- tively, in Great Britain or elsewhere, as aforesaid; except always such adventures or concerns on or about lands, tenements, hereditaments, or heri- tages, as are mentioned in Schedule (A.), and directed to be therein charged : Third. — In estimating the balance of profits and gains chargeable under Schedule (D.), or for the purpose of assessing the duty thereon, no sum shall be set against or deducted from, or allowed to be set against or deducted from, such profits or gains, on account of any sum expended for repairs of premises occupied for the purpose of such trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern nor for any sum expended for the supply or repairs or alterations of any implements, utensils, or articles employed for the jmrpose of such trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern, beyond the sum usually expended for such purposes according to an average of three years preceding the year in which such assessment shall be made ; nor on account of loss not connected with or arising out of such trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern; nor on account of any capital withdrawn there- from ; nor for any sum employed or intended to be employed as capital in such trade, manufacture, Duties on Professions. 137 adventure, or concern ; nor for any capital em- ScJ f^ D -J ployed in improvement of premises occupied for — the purposes of such trade, manufacture, adven- ture, or concern, nor on account or under pretence of any interest which might have been made on such sums if laid out at interest; nor for any debts, except bad debts proved to be such to the satisfaction of the commissioners respectively; nor for any average loss beyond the actual amount of loss after adjustment ; nor for any sum recoverable under an insurance or contract of indemnity : Fourth. — In estimating the amount of the profits No jDeduc- and gains arising as aforesaid no deduction shall annual • Interest be made on account of any annual interest, or any annuity or other annual payment, payable out of such profits or gains. Second Case.— The duty to be charged in l^®***. respect of professions, employments, or voca- via.] ' tions, not contained in any other schedule of this Act. RULES. First. — The said duty on employments shall be con- To what strued to extend to every employment by retainer s h a ii in any character whatever, whether such retainer exten ■ shall be annual or for a longer or shorter period, and to all profits and earnings of whatever value, subject only to such exemptions as are herein- after granted : 138 Duties on Professions. Sched. (D.) Eules. Computa- tion of Duty on Profes- sions. Certain Rules of the First Case to extend to the Second. Second. — The duty to be charged shall be computed at a sum not less than the full amount of the balance of the profits, gains, and emoluments of such professions, employments, or vocations (after making such deductions, and no other, as by this Act are allowed,) within the preceding year, 1 ending as in the first case, to be paid on the actual amount of such profits or gains, without any deduction, subject to the like provisions as are made in the first case in resj>ect of the period of average, in the cases of setting up and com- mencing such profession, employment, or vocation within the period herein limited : Third. — The third and fourth rules in the first case shall also extend to the profits arising under the second case, as far as they are applicable. 1 By the 16 and 17 Vict., cap. 34, sec. 48, it is enacted that the profits on professions, employments, and vocations shall be computed on a sum not less than the full amomit of the balance of the profits, gains, and emoluments upon a fair and just average of three years instead of one year, as enacted i n the above clause. Clergymen op the Chdech of England. — Many of the clergy of the Established Church receive certain emoluments either from Queen Anne's Bounty or the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Stipends thus received need not be returned to the district assessor to be charged to the income tax, as in all cases the tax is deducted from the stipends on being paid over to the reci- pients. The reason is, that the revenue of those corporations is assessed to the income tax before it comes into their hands. When, however, clergymen receive pew rents or voluntary offerings from their congregations, in all such cases returns of the actual amount received must be made. Dissenting Clergymen.— The dissenting clergy are paid for their minis- trations either from pew rents or the voluntary offerings of the congregation, or by a combination of the two. Incomes thus derived are chargeable on the 6ums really received on an average of three years. The 52nd sec. of 16 and 17 Vict., cap. 34, authorizes an allowance to clergymen of all denominations for expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties. Computation of Profits. 139 Sehed. (D.J Bides applying to both the preceding Cases. «*j First.— In estimating the balance of the profits or d-Jo^ gains to be charged according to either of the to* ^ fa first or second cases, no sum shall be set against Rrstana or deducted from, or allowed to be set against or c e a c s °™ deducted from, such profits or gains for any dis- bursements or expenses whatever, not being money wholly and exclusively laid out or ex- pended for the purposes of such trade, manufac- ture, adventure, or concern, or of such profession, employment, or vocation ; nor for any disburse- ments or expenses of maintenance of the parties, their families or establishments ; nor for the rent or value of any dwelling house or domestic offices, or any part of such dwelling house or domestic offices, except such part thereof as may be used for the purposes of such trade or concern, not exceeding the proportion of the said rent or value hereinafter mentioned ; nor for any sum expended in any other domestic or private purposes, dis- tinct from the purposes of such trade, manufac- ture, adventure, or concern, or of such profession, employment, or vocation: Second.— The computation of the duty to be charged d^•) no separate statement shall be allowed in any — ' case of partnership, except for the purpose of the partners separately claiming an exemption as herein directed, or of accounting for separate con- cerns ; provided that if any partner being entitled to exemption shall declare the proportion of his share in such partnership, trade, profession, or concern, in order to a separate assessment for the above purpose, it shall be lawful to charge such partner separately ; but if no such claim be made, then such assessment shall be made jointly, ac- cording to the amount of the profits and gains of such partnership : provided also, that any joint partner in such trade, profession, or concern, which shall have been already returned by such precedent partner as aforesaid, may return his name and place of abode, and that he is such partner, without returning the amount of duty payable in respect thereof, unless the commis- sioners respectively shall think proper to require a further return, in which case it shall be lawful for such commissioners to require from every such partner the like return, and the like infor- mation and evidence, as they are hereby entitled to require from the precedent partner : Fourth. — If amongst any persons engaged in any in case of trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern, or in pJtnsn any profession, in partnership together, any J ie b ^ uty change shall take place in any such partnership, jJj?S£ cither by death, or dissolution of partnership as antecedent to all or any of the partners, or by admitting any change. 142 Where Duties are to be Charged, sched. (d.) other partner therein, before the time of making Hides. .,., . , „ i»ii the assessment, or withm the period tor which the assessment ought to be made under this Act, or if any person shall have succeeded to any trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern, or any profession, within such respective periods as aforesaid, the duty payable in respect of such partnership, or any of such j^artners, or any person succeeding to such profession, trade, manu- facture, adventure, or concern, shall be computed and ascertained according to the profits and gains of such business derived during the respective periods herein mentioned, notwithstanding such change therein or succession to such business as aforesaid, unless such partners, or such person succeeding to such business as aforesaid, shall prove, to the satisfaction of the respective com- missioners, that the profits and gains of such business have fallen short or will fall short from some specific cause, to be alleged to them, since such change or succession took place, or by reason thereof : Duties to Fifth. — Every statement of profits to be charged inOne lgec under this schedule shall include every source so Scept 0n ' chargeable on the person delivering the same on where the ^is own account, or on account of any other person ; person is an d every person shall be chargeable in respect engaged in >j ± •-> different of the whole of such duties in one and the same Concerns , . . . n , . , . , in Trade division, and by the same commissioners, (except piaceT* in cases where the same person shall be engaged in different partnerships, or the same person shall be engaged in different concerns relating to Uncertain Profits. 143 trade or manufacture in divers places, in each of sched. (d.) which cases a separate assessment shall be made — in respect of each concern at the place where such concern if singly carried on ought to be charged as herein directed,) and every such statement on the behalf of any other person for which such per- son shall be chargeable as acting in any of the characters before described, or on the behalf of any corporation, fellowship, fraternity, company, or society, shall include every source chargeable as last aforesaid, and shall be delivered in that division where such person, corporation, fellow- ship, fraternity, company, or society would be chargeable, if acting on his or their own behalf. Third Case. — The duty to be charged in respect [Sees o i Colonies, computed on a sum not less than the full amount &c. of the actual sums annually received in Great Britain, either for remittances from thence pay- able in Great Britain, or from property imported from thence into Great Britain, or from money or value received in Great Britain, and arising from property which shall not have been imported into Great Britain, or from money or value so received on credit or on account in respect of such remit- tances, property, money, or value brought or to be brought into Great Britain, computing the same on an average of the three preceding years, as directed in the first case, without other deduc- tion or abatement than is herein before allowed in such case. Sixth Case. — The duty to be charged in respect Computa- of any annual profits or gains not falling jfuty under any of the foregoing rules, and not ™^ d a' charged by virtue of any of the other sche- Profits - dules of this Act. The nature of such profits or gains, and the grounds on which the amount thereof shall have been computed, and the average taken thereon (if any), shall be stated to the commissioners, and the consumption shall be made either on the amount 146 Undescribed Profits. of the full value of the profits and gains received annually, or according to an average of such period greater or less than one year, as the case may require, and as shall be directed by the said commissioners ; and such statement and compu- tation shall be made to the best of the knowledge and belief of the person in receipt of the same or entitled thereto, (a) [See balance sheets Y. & Z., pp. 149 and 150.] (a) The balance of profits and gains is the sum by which the profits exceeds the expense of acquiring the profits. In the account to be made up no sum must be included in the creditor's side but the profits, of which the stock at the end of each year forms a part. The capital employed must form no part of the account. Thus : if a trader buy a quantity of sugar for £'1,000 and sell it again for £1,200, the profit is £200. If in the course of the year he has ten such speculations, his profit will be £2,000. If the capital is admitted into the account, inasmuch as the same capital may be employed in each speculation, a false conclusion would be drawn. He must insert in the account every sum he receives or is entitled to receive ; therefore book-debts form part of the account. On the debtor side of the account are to be included the expenses incurred in acquiring the profit. If in the article of sugar, it is purchased in the raw state and converted iuto pure sugar, the expense of manufacture is to be set against the profits. In making up the balance of profits, the following deductions are allowed : For the repairs of premises occupied for the purposes of trade or manufacture, and for supply, repairs of implements, utensils, or articles employed, not exceeding the sum usually expended for such purposes according to the average of three years. For bad debts, or such part thereof as shall be proved to the satisfaction of the commissioner to be such, and doubtful debts may be charged according to their estimated value. [The following clause in the 16 and 17 Vict., c. 34, sec. 50, governs this particular deduction. It shall be lawful to estimate the Set-off. 147 101. That nothing herein contained shall be Persons construed to restrain any person carrying on, either on Twlf solely or in partnership, two or more distinct trades, governs manufactures, adventures, or concerns in the nature j*> a y set ' the .Loss of trade, the profits whereof are made chargeable sustained A .in one under the rules of Schedule (D.), from deducting or against value of all doubtful debts due or owing to persons charged under Schedule (D.), and in the case of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the debtor, the amount of dividend which may reasonably be expected to be received on any such debt shall be deemed to be the value thereof, and the duty chargeable under the said Schedule (D.) shall be assessed and charged upon the estimated value of all such doubtful debts accordingly.] For any loss not exceeding the actual amount of loss after adjustment. For the rent or value of manufactories according to the sum charged under Schedule (A.), and in case of dwelling house or domestic offices used for the purposes of any trade or profes- sion, such sum not exceeding two-thirds of the rent or value as the commissioner shall, on due consideration, allow. But no deductions are allowed — On account of loss not connected with the trade, &c. Nor on account of capital withdrawn therefrom. Nor for any sum employed as capital therein. Nor for any capital employed in improvement of premises occu- pied for the purposes of trade. Nor on account of any interest which might have been made on capital if laid out at interest. Nor on account of any annual interest, or any annuity, or other annual payment, payable out of such profits or gains. Nor for any sum recoverable under an insurance or contract of indemnity. Nor for any disbursements or expenses which shall not be money laid out for trade. Nor for any disbursements of expenses of maintenance of the parties, their families, or establishments. 148 Set-off. the Profits setting against the profits acquired in one or more the U other n of the said concerns the excess of the loss sustained concern. ^ n an y th e r of the said concerns over and above the profits thereof, in such manner as may be done under this Act where a loss shall be deducted from the profits of the same concern, or to restrain any of such persons from making separate statements thereof, or to restrain any such person renting a dwelling house, part whereof shall be used by him Nor for any sum expended in any other private or domestic purposes, distinct from the purposes of trade, &c. Such is an epitome of the rules of sums to be allowed and sums not to be allowed in making up the balance of profits of any trade or adventure assessed under Schedule (D.) Brewers' Profits. — A brewer, in making out a balance of profits on his business, sets down on the debit side of his account — 1st. The stock on hand of malt, hops, ale and porter, at the com- mencement of the three years. 2nd. The value of malt and hops used in the respective years. 3rd. The amount paid for licence in each year. 4th. Kent and parochial rates [government taxes are excluded] paid in each year. 5th. Wages paid for labour; the keep of horse, if exclusively kept for business ; and other inci- dental expenses. On the credit side he must place the sums received and receivable for goods sold in the three years, and the stock on hand at the expiration of each year's account. Deducting from the credit side of the account the expenses debited, will leave the balance of profits for three years, which, on being divided by three will leave the exact assessable sum. Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, &c. — In making out a balance sheet of profits, professional gentlemen must state on the credit side of their account the exact value of business done within the three years ; and on the other side, the expense incurred in prose- cuting that business. As has already been remarked, the return must be made on an average of three years ; not for one year, as laid down in the original Act. — Vide 16 and 17 Vict., c. 34, sec. 48. c: co i 4 8 ^ Si 3» H «*~. cr fc o 00 P ^ s O ■» o 8 j. ^ 1 < ^3 *i O &> s p3 •>8 8 CO s S &. "W ^ s « CO 53 G> e g CO • I s eo o o S3 co CO 03 <1 ^ ^ CO *8 a o § 8 ■5 r o s o • 5a CO CO £ co •co HO 8 * o a a cfi a "a • a J5 a i a u 60 & es.Sg 1 £s2 a j. s Eh a J3 S3 rA a *3% ■g o *? •< -a :&-S < a tr'S'S ^ a • a ■14 Si 3 • 2 •s ° C3 CO O aw : 3 CO c CM C" o s= 1 S 35 g-3^3 ■lis I 1 o ** EH 5 2 3 -5 .^ o o s a •-- — -< « -t> a. ■3 _ a g c o, a O -3 3 c3 9 a Si P3 o a H SO O «M ° a O £ to a |h| a gjh A 3 "a • a £s3 O "3 'O a A H 1 t. M s a>;3 o a a >j t- so a 3. 2 3 — o *1 S "oo a i p a . m : i a _>> to fl • •— i- c . 5 • fe c3P,T3 • ^ 1 .a : 0) CU • gill; 1 a. s fe : M E» o • •h 3f a to • S a » " "5 j> -; J © : > . jS to_a fcj r si o ex ® . o* "c a 3 : H-g .si ■ O 3 ■a 2 o s CO '. *3^_^ a • To s > to j^JOi • w to to ■£ 5 c -z - §1 2 3 S "S -S ■•> =3 : a a«s a-- & • OtJ a 1 • el S a -a 3"g g a O O j i§.2«i s « - — - ~ a t ~ c '/• °, cSOSa a T ei H O (5 H O w M OEHdiCw^ Annual Payments. 151 for the purposes of any trade or concern or any pro- fession hereby charged, from deducting or setting off from the profits of such trade, concern, or profes- sion such sum not exceeding two third parts of the rent bond fide paid for such dwelling house, with the appurtenances, as the said respective commissioners shall on due consideration allow ; and the respective commissioners shall have authority to allow such deductions as in other cases, and to assess such per- son accordingly. 102. That upon all annuities, yearly interest of Charging 1 lii i with Dutv money, or other annual payments, whether such a ii annual payments shall be payable within or out of Great n " t er ' Britain, either as a charge on any property of the £ r g ™ se person paying the same by virtue of any deed or will or otherwise, or as a reservation thereout, or as a personal debt or obligation by virtue of any con- tract, or whether the same shall be received and payable half-yearly, or at any shorter or more distant periods, there shall be charged for every twenty shillings of the annual amount thereof the sum of seven pence, without deduction, according to and under and subject to the provisions by which the duty in the third case of Schedule (D.) may be charged; provided that in every case where the interest same shall be payable out of profits or gains Profits brought into charge by virtue of this Act no assess- Lbifto ment shall be made upon the person entitled to Deduction - such annuity, interest, or other annual payment, but the whole of such profits or gains shall be charged with duty on the person liable to such annual pay- ment, without distinguishing such annual payment, 152 Annual Payments. and the person so liable to make such annual pay- ment, whether out of the profits or gains charged with duty, or out of any annual payment liable to deduction, or from which a deduction hath been made, shall be authorised to deduct out of such annual payment at the rate of seven pence for every twenty shillings of the amount thereof; and the person to whom such payment liable to deduction is to be made shall allow such deduction, at the full rate of duty hereby directed to be charged, upon the receipt of the residue of such money, and under the penalty hereinafter contained ; and the person charged to the said duties, having made such deduction, shall be acquitted and discharged of so much money as such deduction shall amount unto, as if the amount thereof had actually been paid unto the person to whom such payment shall have ah other been due and payable ; but in every case where any b" charged annual payment as aforesaid shall, by reason of the Schedule same being charged on any property or security (D.) j n Ireland, or in the British plantations, or in any other of Her Majesty's dominions, or on any foreign property or foreign security, or otherwise, be received or receivable without any such deduc- tion as aforesaid ; and in every case where any such payment shall be made from profits or gains not charged by this Act, or where any interest of money shall not be reserved or charged or payable for the period of one year, then and in every such case there shall be charged upon such interest, an- nuity, or other annual payment as aforesaid the duty before mentioned, according to and under and Deductions. 153 subject to the several and respective provisions by which the duty in the third case of Schedule (D.) may be charged : provided always, that where any j£*™J on creditor on any rates or assessments not chargeable Eatesto be • i i i charged on by this Act as profits shall be entitled to such the officer interest it shall be lawful to charge the proper STac-^ officer having the management of the accounts counts - with the duty payable on such interest, and every such officer shall be answerable for doing all acts, matters, and things necessary to a due assessment of the said duties, and payment thereof, as if such rates or assessments were profits chargeable under this Act ; and such officer shall be in like manner indemnified for all such Acts, as if the said rates and assessments were chargeable. 103. That if any person shall refuse to allow JJgjJ*™ any deduction authorised to be made by this Act allow dV J * ductions. out of any payment of annual interest of money lent, or other debt bearing annual interest, whether the same be secured by mortgage or otherwise, he shall forfeit for every such offence treble the value of such principal money or debt ; and if any person shall refuse to allow any deduction authorised to be made by this Act out of any rent or other annual payment mentioned in the ninth and tenth rules of Number IV. Schedule (A.), or out of any annuity or annual payment mentioned in Schedules (C.) or (E.), or in the next preceding clause, save such annual interest as aforesaid, every such person shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds ; and all contracts, covenants, and agreements made or entered into, or to be made or entered into, for payment of any 154 Deductions. interest, rent, or other annual payment aforesaid, in full, without allowing such deduction as aforesaid, shall be utterly void. Deduc- 104. That whenever it shall be proved, to the satis- Payment faction of the said respective commissioners acting of Money * m the district where any person making the applica- and other ^ion B \ 1Sb \\ reside, that any interest of money, annuity, Payments J J 7 p ^ 7 from or other annual payment shall be annually paid out charged of the profits and gains bond fide accounted for and schedule charged by virtue of this Act at the rate and madefy 6 according to the rules specified in Schedule (D.), Certificate without any deduction on account thereof, it shall be lawful for such commissioners to grant a certi- ficate thereof, under the hands of any two of them, in such form as shall be provided under the authority of this Act, which certificate shall entitle the person so assessed, upon payment of such interest, annuity, or other annual payment, to abate and deduct so much thereof as a like rate on such interest, annuity, or other annual payment would amount unto ; and every person to whom such interest, annuity, or other annual payment shall be paid, shall allow such deductions and pay- ments, upon receipt of the residue of such interest, annuity, or other annual payment, and the person paying the same shall be acquitted and discharged of so much money as a like rate thereon would amount unto, as if the same had actually been paid unto the person to whom such interest, annuity, or other annual payment shall have been due and pay- able ; provided no such certificate shall be required where such payments are to be made out of the Schedule (D.) Deductions. 155 profits or gains arising from lands, tenements, hereditaments, or heritages, as before mentioned, or of any office or employment of profit, or out of any annuity, pension, stipend, or any dividend or share in such public annuities as are herein men- tioned, but such deductions may be made without having obtained such certificate. 105. That any corporation, fraternity, or society gjgj^ of persons, and any trustee for charitable purposes tions ex- . , , ,, ■• empted only, shall be entitled to the same exemption m fr0 mthe respect of any yearly interest or other annual pay- YXxLT ment chargeable under Schedule (D.) of this Act, f n a d 2 eable in so far as the same shall be applied to charit- able purposes only, as is hereinbefore granted to such corporation, fraternity, society, and trustee respectively, in respect of any stock or dividends chargeable under Schedule (C.) of this Act, and applied to the like purposes ; and such exemption shall be allowed by the commissioners for special purposes, on due proof before them, and the amount of the duties which shall have been paid by such corporation, fraternity, society, or trustee in respect of such interest or yearly payment, either by deduction from the same or otherwise, shall be repaid, under the order of the said commissioners for special purposes, in the manner hereinbefore provided for the repayment of sums allowed by them, in pursuance of any exemption contained in the said Schedule (C.) 106. That every person being a householder {jTjJj* (except persons engaged in any trade, manufacture, the Duties adventure, or concern, or any profession, employment, charged. 156 Where Duties are to be Charged. or vocation,) shall be charged to the said duties contained in Schedule (D.) by commissioners acting for the parish or place where his dwelling house shall be situate ; and every person engaged in any trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern, or any profession, employment, or vocation, shall be chargeable by the respective commissioners acting for the parish or place where such trade, manufac- ture, adventure, or concern shall be carried on, or where such profession, employment, or vocation shall be exercised, whether such trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern shall be carried on, or such profession, employment, or vocation shall be exer- cised, wholly or in part only in Great Britain, or whether such person shall be engaged in one only or more of such concerns, except where the same person shall be engaged in different concerns, and a loss from one concern shall be set off or deducted from the profits of another concern ; and every person not being a householder, nor engaged in any trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern, nor in any profession, employment, or vocation, who shall have any place of ordinary residence, shall be charged by the commissioners acting for the parish or place where he shall ordinarily reside ; and every person not hereinbefore described shall be charged by the commissioners acting for the parish or place where such person shall reside at the time of beginning to execute this Act in each year by giving such general notices as are herein men- tioned, or shall first come to reside after the time for giving such general notices; and every such Where Duties are to be Charged. 157 charge made in such parish or place shall be valid and effectual, notwithstanding the subsequent re- moval of the person so charged from the parish or place ; and in order that the place where the said Deciara- last mentioned duties are to be charged may be de°nvered e ascertained, every person is hereby required, on the pj a * e delivery of any list or statement as aforesaid, at the ]J r e t re i8 same time to deliver a declaration in writing signed charge- . able. by him declaring in what place he is chargeable, and whether he is engaged in any trade, manu- facture, adventure, or concern, or in any profession, employment, or vocation, or not, and if he shall be so engaged in any trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern, or any profession, employment, or vocation, also declaring the place where the same shall be carried on or exercised, and every particular concern, profession, or employment in which he shall be engaged in such place in Great Britain, whether wholly in Great Britain, or in part only, as aforesaid ; provided that where any trade shall be carried on in Great Britain by the manufacture of goods, wares, or merchandize, the assessment thereon shall be at the place of manufacture, although the sales of such goods, wares, or mer- chandize shall be elsewhere : provided always, that in cases every person not being engaged in any trade, manu- nofen- " 8 facture, adventure, or concern, or in any profession, TradeW employment, or vocation, having two or more i"s.T wo houses or places at which he shall be ordinarily -where the Duties resident, shall be charged at such of the parishes to be or places wherein the dwelling house is situate in charged which he shall be ordinarily resident at the time of 158 Possessions in Ireland, &c. Profits arising irom pos- sessions in Ireland, where to be assessed. Persons holding Offices in Ireland, &c, resi- dent in Great Bri- tain, as such to be chargeable as Subjects resident out of Great Bri- tain. beginning to execute this Act in each year, in manner aforesaid, or in which he shall first come ordinarily to reside after giving such general notices as aforesaid: provided always, that the duty to be assessed by virtue of this Act, in respect of the profits or gains arising from possessions or securities in Ireland, upon any person resident in Great Britain as aforesaid, may be stated to and assessed by the respective commissioners acting for the respective places where the persons receiving or entitled unto the same shall reside ; and if the same shall be received by any agent, attorney, or factor, such agent, attorney, or factor shall make such return of the name and place of abode of the person entitled thereto as is herein required to be made of other persons of full age resident in Great Britain ; and if the person entitled thereto shall not be of full age, or not resident in Great Britain, such agent, attorney, or factor shall be answerable for doing all acts, matters, and things required by this Act to be clone in order to the assessing such profits to the said last mentioned duties, and paying the same. 107. That persons holding offices in Ireland, and residing in Great Britain, and persons usually re- siding in Ireland and serving in Parliament, who shall or may be exempted from the duties of assessed taxes under the provisions in that behalf contained in the Acts relating to the said last-mentioned duties, shall, under the like circumstances under which such exemptions are to be claimed, be chargeable to the duties under this Act in like manner only as subjects of Her Majesty residing out of Great Britain. Foreign or Colonial Possession*. 159 108. That the duty to be assessed by virtue of Duties on i i r., • • • Profits of this Act in respect of the profits or gams arising Foreign or from foreign possessions or foreign securities, or in P ° a °™! the British plantations in America, or in any other f e ° c n u s ri ? t - es of Her Majesty's dominions, may be stated to and ^ h a e r re e t ° be assessed by the respective commissioners acting for the respective places hereinafter mentioned, videlicet, London, Bristol, Liverpool, and Glasgow, according to the regulations hereinafter mentioned, as if such duty had been assessed upon the profits or gains arising from trade or manufacture carried on in such places respectively; and such duty shall be stated to and assessed and charged by the com- missioners acting for such of the said places at or nearest to which such property shall have been first imported into Great Britain, or at or nearest to which the person who shall have received such re- mittances, money, or value from thence, and arising from property not imported as aforesaid, shall reside ; | and in default of the owner or proprietor thereof being charged, the trustee, agent, or receiver of such profits or gains shall be charged for the same, and shall be answerable for the doing all such acts, matters, and things as shall be required by this Act to be done, in order to the assessing such profits to the duties granted by this Act, and paying the same, whether the person to whom the said profits belong shall be resident in Great Britain or not : Provided always, that whenever the produce or the profits or gains arising from such possessions or securities as last aforesaid shall have been imported partly into the port of London, and partly into any of the 160 Foreign of Colonial Possessions. outports of Bristol, Liverpool, or Glasgow, or shall have been received by any person partly in the city of London and partly in any of the said outports, within the period of making up the account on which the duty is chargeable by this Act, according to the rules herein contained, the whole of the duty charge- able in respect of such produce, profits, or gains so imported or received shall be assessed and charged by the commissioners acting for the said city of London, and not elsewhere, and as if the whole of the said produce or the said profits or gains arising within the said period had been imported into or received in London ; and whenever such produce or profits or gains arising as aforesaid, shall have been within such period wholly imported into or received at the said outports of Bristol, Liverpool, and Glasgow, and different parts thereof shall have been imported into or received at two or more of such outposts, the duty chargeable thereon shall be assessed and charged at one of such places only, and in one account, and at such of the said places at which the major part in value of such produce or profits or gains shall have been so imported or received ; provided that the statements of such produce, profits, or gains shall be delivered to the commissioners acting for each place at which any part of the said produce, or profits, or gains, shall have been so imported or received, and transmitted by the respective commissioners to the head office for stamps and taxes in England, and the com- missioners of stamps and taxes shall cause all such statements to be sent to the commissioners acting Locks. — Statements. 161 for the place where the duty thereon shall appear by such statements to be chargeable according to this Act, who shall accordingly assess the same in one sum. 109. That the profits arising from the London, London ° Docks the East and West India, and Saint Katherine East and Docks respectively, shall be assessed by the com- Dockland missioners acting for the City of London. rineDocL". 110. That every person having two residences, g tate _ or carrying on any trade or exercising any profes- j^^ered 6 sion in different parishes, places, or in any place i' each f different from the place of his ordinary residence, Residence. shall, if required by the respective commissioners, deliver at each such parish or place the like lists, declarations, and statements as he is hereby required to deliver in the parish or place where such person ought to be charged, but shall not be liable to any double charge by reason thereof; and all lists, decla- state- rations, and statements containing the amount of Profits un- profits chargeable under Schedule (D.) may be deli- duMa) vered to the respective persons, and in manner ™*^g r e ed herein directed, sealed up, if superscribed with the under Seal, name and place of abode of, or place of exercising the profession or carrying on trade by, the person by whom the same shall have been made. 111. That all statements of profits and gains de- Additional scribed in Schedule (D.) — except statements whereon sioners to assessments are to be made by the commissioners statements for special purposes, as hereinafter authorised — J 1 ^ 6 shall be laid before the additional commissioners or ments on . such as are the commissioners for general purposes acting as satisfac- additional commissioners in their respective districts, ° iy " 162 Special Case. who shall appoint meetings for taking all statements then and from time to time to be delivered to them into consideration, within a reasonable time after the inspector or surveyor shall have had the examination of such statements ; and in case the said additional commissioners respectively shall be satisfied that any such statements have been bond fide made according to the provisions of this Act, and so as to enable the commissioners to charge the respective persons returning the same with the full duties with which they ought respectively to be charged on account thereof, and in case no information shall be given to the said commissioners of the insufficiency thereof, or no objection shall be made thereto by the inspec- tor or surveyor, which he is hereby empowered to make for sufficient cause, the said commissioners shall direct an assessment to be made- of the duties chargeable on such statement by virtue of this Act Where the 112. And be it enacted, that where the surveyor ? s U dIsJa°tis- or inspector shall apprehend the determination made £n d Ass&ss- kv the said commissioners to be contrary to the true ment,he intent and meaning of this Act, and shall then may re- ° ... quire a declare himself dissatisfied with such determination, stated for it shall be lawful for him to require the said, com- of e t°h P e mion missioners to state specially and sign the case CSS- upon which the question arose, together with their sioners. determination thereupon ; which case the said com- missioners are hereby required to state and sign accordingly, and to deliver to the said inspector or surveyor, to be by him transmitted to the commis- sioners for general purposes for the same district, who shall with all convenient speed return an answer Duties of Additional Commissioners. 163 to the case so transmitted, with their opinion thereon subscribed; and according to such opinion the assess- ment which shall have been the cause of such appeal shall be altered or confirmed. 113. That in every instance in which any person When no shall have made default in the delivery of any state- r no sum- mon t, such person not having been otherwise charged mentis** 6 " to the said last-mentioned duties, or if the said addi- r et urned - ' the tional commissioners shall not be satisfied with the Additional t • Commis- statement delivered by any person, or any objection sionersto shall be made thereto by the inspector or surveyor Asse^- 11 (which he is hereby authorised and required to make ^cm-din? in writing, setting forth the cause thereof, whenever *° Jjjg h best he shall see sufficient cause), or the said commis- Judgment, sioners shall have received any information of the insufficiency of any statement, the said commissioners shall make an assessment on such person in such sum as, according to the best of their judgment, ought to be charged on him by virtue of this Act ; which assessment shall be subject to an appeal, according to the directions hereinafter contained. 114. That whenever the additional commissioners Additional shall think it proper to refer any statement to the skews' commissioners for general jmrposes without making ™f e y rState . any assessment thereon, it shall be lawful for them ments . t0 so to do on delivering to the last-mentioned commis- sioners for sioners the case in writing relative to such statement Purposes, as the same shall appear to the said additional com- missioners, with any matter in question between them, either as to law or fact ; and the said commis- sioners for general purposes shall proceed to inquire into the merits of such statement, in like manner as 164 Duties of Additional Commissioners. they would have been hereby authorised to do in case the said additional commissioners had made an assessment on such statement, and the party charged had appealed against the same, and thereupon an assessment shall be made according to the deter- mination of the said commissioners for general purposes. inspector 115. That the inspector or surveyor, being sworn veyor may as aforesaid, shall and may at all seasonable times ITsTsT- 6 inspect and examine any assessment which shall be ments,and mac i e w the additional commissioners, before the erroneous J Assess- delivery thereof to the commissioners for general ments may . , tut be amend- purposes, and in case he shall discover any error Certificate in the same which in .his judgment shall require amendment, he shall certify the same to the said additional commissioners by whom the assessment shall have been made, and the said additional com- missioners, upon sufficient cause being shown to them, shall amend the same as in their judgment the case shall require. inspector 116. That in every case where the insj^ector or veyor to surveyor shall object to the amount of the duty objections charged by any assessment made by the additional to Assess- commissioners, which he is hereby empowered to do ments in . " x Writing, in any case upon sufficient cause, he shall state NotictM-o 6 such objection in writing to the said additional com- the arty ' missioners, who shall thereupon certify the same, together with the reasons for making such assess- ment, and any information they shall have obtained respecting the same, to the commissioners for gene- ral purposes ; and the said inspector or surveyor shall also give such notice thereof to the party Duties of Additional Commissioners. 165 assessed as he is required to do by the said several Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes in cases of surcharge, in order that the party so charged may be at liberty to appear before the said commis- sioners for general purposes in support of such assessment. 117. That the said additional commissioners Additional shall cause certificates of assessments to be duly SnSto made out from time to time as the same shall be j£5ifi- completed, distinguishing the ward, parish, or place ^ °f within their respective districts for which each such ments. assessment shall be made, which shall contain the names and surnames of the parties charged, and the sums which they respectively ought to pay by virtue of this Act, and shall cause such certificates to be entered in books provided for that purpose, according to such forms as shall be transmitted to them by the commissioners of stamps and taxes ; and the said additional commissioners shall sign such assessments, and from time to time deliver the same, so entered and signed, to the commissioners for general purposes, under cover sealed up, and shall also cause the statements returned to them by the parties so assessed, or by the assessors relating to such assessments, to be delivered at the same time, sealed up in the like manner, to the said com- missioners for general purposes ; provided that no assessment made by additional commissioners, or persons acting as such, shall be delivered to the respective parties until the expiration of fourteen days after the assessment, so signed as aforesaid, shall have been delivered to the commissioners for 166 Appeals. general purposes, or the persons acting as such, and the inspector or surveyor shall have had notice thereof. Persons 118. That if any person shall think himself to Appeal, aggrieved by any assessment made by the said additional commissioners, or by any objection to such assessment made by any surveyor or inspector as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for him, on giving ten days notice thereof in writing to the inspector or surveyor, to appeal to the commissioners for general purposes in the same district where such assessment was made, who shall hear and determine Fixing the such appeal ;* and the commissioners for general Sariug 1 purposes shall from time to time appoint days for Appeals, hearing appeals as soon after any assessments shall be returned to them by the additional commissioners as conveniently can be done, and the assessors shall cause notice of the days so appointed to be given to the respective appellants, and the meetings of the commissioners for the purpose of hearing appeals shall be held from time to time, within the time limited by the said commissioners, with or without adjournment; and no appeal shall be received after the time so limited, except on the ground of dimi- nution of income, as herein mentioned : provided always, that if any person shall be prevented, by absence, sickness, or other reasonable cause, to be allowed by the said commissioners, for making or 1 As regards Ireland, all assessments under Schedules (D.) and (E.) are to be made, and the appeals against all charges under Schedules (A. ), (B.), (D.), and (E.) are to be beard and determined by the commissioners for special purposes appointed by the loxds of the treasury. Appeals. 167 proceeding upon his appeal within the time so limited, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners to give further time for that purpose, or to admit the same to be made by any agent, clerk, or servant, on the behalf of such appellant. 119. That in order that all appeals upon such Notice to assessments may be determined in due time, the ofEI™ commissioners for general purposes shall cause a iTiXa for general notice to be fixed up in their office, or left ^"j^ with their clerk, and also to be affixed on or near to the door of the church or chapel of such parish or place, or of some adjoining parish or place, in eases requiring the same by reason of any such place having no church or chapel, limiting the time for hearing all appeals, and which appeals shall be limited to be heard within a reasonable time after the cause thereof shall have arisen : and no appeal shall be heard after the time limited in such notice, unless the appeal shall be made on behalf of any person who shall be absent out of the realm, or prevented by sickness from attending in person within the time so limited, in which cases it shall be lawful for the said commissioners to postpone any such appeal from time to time, or to admit other proof than the oath of the party of the truth of the several matters required by this Act to be proved by his oath. 120. That upon receiving notice of appeal on Appeal, against any assessment made as last aforesaid, and obteSon also in every case where the commissioners for ^sul general purposes shall see cause to allow the ▼eyoris i • ,• « -i . . , allowed, objection ol such inspector or surveyor to such the 168 Appeals. commis- assessment, the said commissioners shall direct their require a precept to the person appealing, to return to them, schedule, -yyjthin the time limited therein, a schedule contain- ing such particulars as the said commissioners shall demand, under the authority of this Act, for their information, respecting the property of such person, or the trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern in the nature of trade, or the profession, employment, or vocation respectively carried on or exercised by such person, and the amount of the balance of his profits and gains, distinguishing the particular amounts derived from each separate source before mentioned, or respecting the particulars of the deductions from any of such profits or gains made in such statements or schedules, and which the said commissioners are hereby empowered and required to demand, at their discretion, whenever the same shall appear to them necessary for the purposes mentioned in this Act, and so from time to time until a complete schedule, to the satisfaction of the said commissioners, of all the particulars required by them, shall be delivered ; and every such pre- cept, being delivered to or left at the last or usual place of abode of the person to whom the same shall be directed, shall be binding upon him according to the exigency thereof; or in case such person shall have removed from the jurisdiction of the said commissioners, or cannot be found, or his place of abode shall not be known, then, upon fixing such precept on or near to the door of the church or chapel of the place where the commissioners shall Objections by Inspector, &c. 169 meet in the execution of this Act, such precept shall also be binding upon such person according to the exigency thereof; and such person shall make the return required by the said commissioners, within the time limited in such precept, under the penalty in this Act contained, and subject to such charge as the said commissioners are hereby authorised to make in such case ; to which schedule any inspector or surveyor sworn as aforesaid shall have free access at all reasonable times, and shall take such copies thereof, or of any parts thereof, or extracts from the same, as he shall think necessary for the due execution of this Act. 121. That it shall be lawful for the inspector or £■££"* surveyor sworn as aforesaid, within a reasonable ^7°™? time, to be allowed by the said commissioners for state- general purposes, after he shall have had the schedule, examination of such schedules, to object to the same ff^f t0 or any part thereof, and to state such objections, in the Parfc y- writing, and the cause thereof to the best of his knowledge or information ; and the said inspector or surveyor shall, in every case of objecting to any such schedule, deliver a notice in writing of such objection to the party to be charged, or leave the same at his last or usual place of abode, under cover sealed up and directed to such party, in order that he may, if he shall think fit, appeal from the same to the said commissioners ; provided always, that no assessment shall be confirmed, nor any alteration therein be made, until the appeal upon such objection or assessment shall be heard and determined. 170 Objections by r Inspector, &e. Commis- 122. That if, upon receiving the objection of overruling such inspector or surveyor to any schedule, the said. o^Eaed commissioners for general purposes shall see cause aSss- to disallow such objection, or if, upon the hearing of merit ; or any such appeal as aforesaid, the said commissioners Schedule, " , \ . " 7 may shall be satisned with the assessment made by the Xr X ° r additional commissioners, or after delivery of a ment ac- schedule they shall be satisned therewith, and shall cordingiy. k ave Yece [ ve( { no information of the insufficiency thereof, the said commissioners for general purposes shall direct such assessment to be confirmed or altered according to such schedule, as the case may require ; provided that in every case where they shall think proper that the said statement on which the additional commissioners made their assessment^ or the schedule delivered to the commissioners for general purposes, should be verified, they shall direct the assessor to give notice to the person to be charged with the said duties to appear before them to verify the said statement or schedule in the manner hereinafter mentioned, and every such person is hereby required to appear accordingly before the said commissioners, and, on oath as aforesaid, to verify the contents of his statement or schedule, and to sign and subscribe the same with his proper name ; and such oath shall be, that the contents of such statement or schedule are true to the best of his judgment or belief, and that the same contains the just balance of the profits and gains arising from the source or sources therein contained, after making such reductions as are therein stated, and that no deduction whatever • Examinations. 171 than such as is therein stated, and to such amount only as is therein stated, hath been made from the profits or gains accounted for; provided always, that such person shall be at liberty to amend his said statement or schedule before he shall be re- quired to take such oath ; and after such oath, and in every case where such statement or schedule shall not have been objected to as aforesaid, and the said commissioners shall be satisfied therewith, they shall make an assessment according thereto, on the amount therein stated, at which the duty shall have been computed ; and every such assess- ment, made after verification of such statement or schedule, shall be final and conclusive as to the matters contained in such statement or schedule. 123. That whenever the commissioners for Commis- • n • sioners general purposes shall be dissatisfied with any may put assessment returned by the additional commisT in Writing sioners to them, or with any schedule delivered to *°™ mg them, or shall require further information respect- ^JJJ^ iim- the same, it shall be lawful for the said com- Schedules, " . and missioners for general purposes to put any question receive Answers in writing touching such assessment, or the contents of such schedule, or touching any of the matters which ought to be contained therein, or any sums which shall have been set against or deducted from the profits or gains to be estimated in such assess- ment or schedule, and the particulars thereof, and to demand an answer in writing accordingly from and signed by the person to be charged, and so from time to time whenever the said commissioners shall think the same necessary^ and the said 172 'Examinations. — Oaths. commissioners for general purposes shall from time to time issue their precept, requiring true and par- ticular answers to be given to such questions within seven days after the service of such precept; and every such person shall make true and particular answers, in writing, signed by him, to such questions, within the time limited by such precept, or shall within the like period tender himself before the said commissioners for general purposes, to be examined by them viva voce to such matters ; and every person required to make such answers, or appearing before the said commissioners to be examined as a party, or as the clerk, agent, or servant of such party, as herein is mentioned, shall be permitted to give his answers, either in writing as aforesaid or viva voce, without having taken any oath, and shall be at liberty to object to any question, and peremptorily to refuse answering the same ; and the substance of such answers as he shall give viva voce shall, in his presence, be reduced into writing, and read to him, and he shall be at liberty to alter any part thereof, and also to alter or amend any particular contained in his answers in writing, or in any schedule or declaration, before he shall be called upon to verify the same in the manner herein directed; and every such schedule shall be altered or amended as shall seem requisite after such inquiry or examination. commis- 124. That it shall be lawful for the commis- sioners for • r. i . -, General sioners lor general purposes, m every such case as may P caii s aforesaid, whenever they shall think the same upon the necessary, to require the person upon whom any Power to Summon Witnesses. 173 assessment hath been made by the additional com- Party to missioners, with which the said' commissioners for their general purposes are dissatisfied, or from whom 0I " S ™ such schedule or answers in writing as aforesaid J?™*™,, have been received, with which the said commis- sioners are dissatisfied, to appear and verify the same, and, upon the appearance of such person, to permit him to alter and amend such schedule or answers, and thereupon to administer to such person the oath herein after mentioned, and also to require any person who shall have been examined vivd voce before them to verify his examination on oath, which any one of the said commissioners is hereby empowered to administer; and such oath shall be, that the contents of the said statements or schedules are true to the best of his knowledge and belief, and contain a full and true account of the balance of all the profits and gains of the deponent chargeable by this Act, to the best of his knowledge and belief, and a full and true account of every deduction made from his profits or gains in adjusting such balance, or that the contents of all such answers in writing as shall have been returned to the said commissioners by him as the same are then stated, or that the contents of his examination, as the same have been reduced into writing, are true; and every such oath shall be subscribed by the party taking the same. 125. That it shall be lawful for the commis- ^ mon sioners for general purposes to summon in like Witne**, manner anv person, whom they shall think able to examine "^ u J i . , , them npon give evidence or testimony respecting the assessment ath. 174 Power to Summon Witnesses. made or to be made on any other person, to appear before them" to be examined, and to examine every such person who shall so appear before them on oath (except the clerk, agent, or servant of the person to be charged, or other person confidentially intrusted or employed in the affairs of such party to be charged, and who shall respectively be examined in the same manner and subject to the same restrictions as are hereinbefore provided for the viva voce examination of any party touching the assessments to be made on him), which oath any one of the said commissioners is hereby empowered to administer; and such oath shall be, that the testimony or evidence to be given by such person shall contain the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, in respect of the matter in question con- cerning which such evidence or testimony is to be given ; and every such oath shall be subscribed by the person taking the same; and if any person, for refus- being duly summoned as aforesaid, shall reluse or Sfend or neglect to appear before the said commissioners at examined, the time and place to be appointed for that purpose, or if any person, other than such clerk, agent, servant, or person confidentially intrusted or em- ployed as aforesaid, being summoned, shall appear before the said commissioners, but shall refuse to be sworn, or to subscribe such oath as aforesaid, or, having taken and subscribed such oath, shall refuse to answer any lawful question touching the matter depending before the said commissioners, every person so offending shall forfeit any sum not exceeding twenty pounds. Penalty Final Assessments. 17") 126. That if the commissioners for general pur- Commis- poses, or the major part of them present, after agreeing hearing all such appeals as shall be depending anTsSss- before them, or upon any objection made by the j£ ent on inspector or surveyor to any such assessments or Schedule schedule, whether such inquiry or examination as but in aforesaid shall have taken place or not, shall agree cases' 1 to make an assessment according to the statement Sonera 8 " contained in the said schedule, as the same shall ma y make ' an Assess- have been returned or altered or amended upon ™ent appeal as aforesaid, they shall direct an assessment to their to be made of the duties chargeable on the state- whif™ 611 *' ment contained in the said schedule, at the rate ^\ hQ contained in this Act ; and if the said commis- sioners shall think proper to require a verification of the said schedule, they shall give notice in manner aforesaid to the party to appear before them to verity the same, and such verification shall be made by the party in such manner, and such assessment thereupon shall be made, as herein- before directed, which assessment shall be final and conclusive; but nevertheless, in every instance where any person shall have neglected or refused to return such schedule according to the exigency of the precept of the said commissioners, or if any clerk, agent, or servant of such party as aforesaid, being summoned, shall have neglected or refused to appear before the commissioners to be examined, or if such party, or his clerk, agent, or servant as aforesaid, shall have declined to answer any ques- tion put to him by the said commissioners in writing or viva voce, or where the schedule delivered 176 Increase of Assessment. Where an Assess- ment shall he increased, the Com- missioners may charge the Party •with the Penalty, not ex- ceeding Treble the Amount of Duty. shall have been objected to as aforesaid, and such objection shall not have been appealed against within such reasonable time as is directed by this Act, or where any person, being required so to do, shall have neglected or refused to verify his state- ment or schedule, or his answers or examination in writing, or where the commissioners shall agree as aforesaid to allow the objections, or any of them, made by such inspector or surveyor, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners, and they are hereby required, in every such case, according to the best of their judgment, to settle and ascertain in what sums such person ought to be charged, and to make an assessment accordingly, which assess- ment shall be final and conclusive. 127. That in every case where the commis- sioners for general purposes shall have made any increased assessment upon the amount contained in the statement or schedule of the party to be charged, or shall at any time during the continuance of this Act discover that any increase ought to be made, whether upon the surcharge of the inspector or surveyor, or from his information, or otherwise, it shall be lawful for them to charge such person in a sum not exceeding treble the amount by which the duties shall have been increased; (that is to say,) where the party shall have refused or neglected to deliver any statement or schedule, then in a sum not exceeding treble the amount of the sum which, according to the rate prescribed in Schedule (D.), such person, in the judgment of the said com- missioners, ought to be charged at, to be added to Non-delivery of Schedules 177 the assessment, and applied as directed by this Act in other cases of increased assessments ; and in case a statement or schedule shall have been so delivered then in a sum not exceeding treble the amount beyond the amount contained in such statement or schedule, unless such person shall in every such case make it appear to the satisfaction of the said commissioners that the omission complained of did not proceed from any fraud, covin, art, or con- trivance, or any gross or wilful neglect. 128. That if any person required by the com- Penalty on missioners for general purposes to make out and neglecting deliver any schedule to the person to whom the ^Suies same ought to be delivered in pursuance of this ^ d Act, shall refuse or neglect so to do, or shall refuse Summons ' ° ... ofCommis- or neglect to appear before the said commissioners, sioners. or to verify upon oath before them any statement or schedule by him delivered, within the time limited by such commissioners in pursuance of this Act, every such person so offending shall forfeit any sum not exceeding twenty pounds, and treble the duty at which he ought to be assessed. 129. That if any person who shall have delivered Schedules a statement or schedule shall discover any omission amended. or wrong statement therein, it shall be lawful for him to deliver an additional statement or .schedule rectifying such omission or wrong statement; and such person shall not afterwards be subject to any proceeding by reason of such omission or wrong statement; and if any person shall not have de- livered a statement or schedule, within the time limited by the commissioners for that purpose, it 178 Additional Statements. shall be lawful for him to deliver a statement or schedule, in manner herein directed, at any time before a proceeding shall be had to recover the penalty herein mentioned, and no proceeding shall be afterwards had for recovering such penalty ; and if any proceeding shall have been actually had before the commissioners for recovering such penalty, it shall be lawful for the same commissioners, on due proof to their satisfaction that no fraud or evasion whatever was intended, to stay such proceedings, either on the terms of paying or without paying the costs then incurred, as the commissioners shall think fit ; and if any proceedings shall have been commenced in any court, it shall be lawful for the commissioners to certify, that in their judgment no fraud or evasion was intended by the party making such omission ; and it shall be lawful for any judge of such court, on a summary application, to stay such proceedings on such terms as he shall think fit ; or if such person shall have delivered an imper- fect statement or schedule, and shall give to the commissioners a sufficient reason why a perfect statement or schedule cannot be delivered, the said commissioners being satisfied therewith shall give further time, and so from time to time, for the delivery of such statement or schedule ; and such person shall not be liable to any penalty for not having delivered such statement or schedule within the time before limited, in case such person shall have delivered as perfect a statement or schedule as from the nature of the case he was enabled to give, and so from time to time as long as the com- missioners shall grant further time as aforesaid. Surcharges. — Appeals. 179 130. That in any case in which an appeal is Parties allowed to be made to the commissioners for general o r S gur- d purposes against any assessment of the duties con- Jj*^®^ tained in Schedule CD.) of this Act, or against any \ n , Sch e- objection of the inspector or surveyor to such assess- may ment, or against any surcharge of the said duties, specLi ° it shall be lawful for the person assessed or charged, ^n^g 8 " if he shall think fit, instead of appealing to the said commissioners for general purposes, to appeal to the commissioners for special purposes, upon giving notice thereof in writing to the inspector or sur- veyor within the time limited for notices of appeal to the commissioners for general purposes in similar cases; and thereupon every such appeal shall be heard and determined by two or more of the com- missioners for special purposes who shall be directed ' by the commissioners of stamps and taxes to hear appeals in the district in which such appellant shall be chargeable ; and the determination of the said commissioners for special purposes shall be final and conclusive in the matter : provided always, that claims of no person who shall claim the exemption herein- ^™ p r " after Granted to persons whose annual income is Jnpome ° x being less less than one hundred pounds shall be allowed to than 100/. appeal to the said commissioners for special pur- termined poses, but that every such claim shall be determined commis- al by the commissioners for general purposes as herein- slouers - after directed. 131. That it shall be lawful for any person p erS ons chargeable to the duties contained in the said nnae? eaWe Schedule CD.), and who shall not claim the said Schedule v . (O.) may exemption hereinafter granted, to require, if he require the Proceed* shall think fit, that all proceedings in order to an ingsin sioners. 180 Commissioners for Special Purposes. order to an assessment upon him, in respect of profits and gains menTtobe chargeable under the said schedule, shall be had Special" 016 anc * taken before the commissioners for special pur- Commis. poses in the manner hereinafter directed, instead of Sinn p.rs. J- ' the additional commissioners or the commissioners for general purposes, provided he shall deliver a notice of such request, together with the list, decla- ration, and statement of such profits and gains, to the assessor of the parish or place, to be by him transmitted to the inspector or surveyor of the dis- trict in which the same shall be chargeable, within the time to be limited by the general notice herein- before directed to be given for delivery of all such lists and statements as aforesaid ; and thereupon the said inspector or surveyor shall examine the said list and statement, and shall compute and assess the duties which, according to his judgment, shall be chargeable upon the party under the said Schedule (D.), and shall make a certificate of such assessment, and deliver the same, together with the said list, declaration, and statement, to the commis- sioners for special purposes, who shall examine the same, and make or sign and allow such an assess- ment of the said duties as shall appear to them to be just and proper, subject to an appeal by the party to be charged, or by the inspector or surveyor objecting to such assessment, in like manner and under the like rules and regulations as in cases of appeal against assessments made by the said addi- tional commissioners ; and every such appeal shall be heard and determined by the commissioners for special purposes directed by the commissioners of Commissioners for Special Purposes. 181 stamps and taxes to hear appeals in such district, provided that if either the party to be charged, or the inspector or surveyor, shall apprehend the determination of the said commissioners for special purposes on such appeal to be erroneous in any par- ticular, and shall then express himself dissatisfied therewith, the said commissioners, if required by him, shall state specially and sign the case on which the question arose, together with their deter- mination thereon, and transmit the same to the commissioners of stamps and taxes for their opinion; and the said last mentioned commissioners shall, with all convenient speed, state and subscribe their opinion on the case so transmitted, and according to such opinion the assessment which shall have been the subject of aj)peal shall be altered or con- firmed, and the decision of the commissioners of stamps and taxes shall be final and conclusive in the matter ; and in every case in which an assessment shall be made by the said commissioners for special purposes, they shall notify the amount thereof to the party assessed, who shall cause the same to be paid to the receiver general of stamps and taxes, or the proper officer for receipt in England or Scotland, at such time or times and in such manner as the said commissioners shall direct ; and in default of such payment the said commissioners shall make a duplicate of such assessment, and deliver the same, together with their warrant for levying the amount thereof, to the collector of the duties appointed by the commissioners for general purposes for the parish or place in which the j:>arty assessed shall 182 Abatements. Powers and Au- thorities of General Commis- sioners may be exercised by Special Commis- sioners in certain Cases. Abate- ment on account of Diminu- tion of Income, how to be allowed. reside, and such collector is hereby authorised and required to levy and raise the duties so assessed according to the exigency of such warrant. 132. That wherever by this Act authority is given to the commissioners for special purposes to make, sign, or allow any assessment, or to hear any appeal, then and in every such case all the powers and authorities, rules and regulations, which under or by virtue of this or any other Act may be exer- cised or put in force by the said additional com- missioners or the said commissioners for general purposes, or by or under their warrant, order, or direction respectively, with relation to the making, signing, or allowing of any assessment, or to the proceedings on any appeal before them, or to the collecting, levying, and receiving of any of the duties hereby granted, shall and may lawfully be exercised and ]}ut in force by the said commissioners for special purposes, or by or under their warrant, order, or direction, with reference to any assessment to be made, signed, or allowed by such last men- tioned commissioners, or any appeal to be heard or determined by them. 133. That if within or at the end of the year current at the time of making any assessment under this Act, or at the end of any - year when such assessment ought to have been made, any person charged to the duties contained in Schedule (D), whether he 1 shall have computed his profits or gains 1 This is one of the most important clauses in the Income Tax Act ; and was evidently designed by the authors of the bill to afford relief to honest tax-payers, who, from year to year, make a faithful return of their profits on Abatements. 183 arising as last aforesaid on the amount thereof in the preceding or current year, or on an average of years, shall find, and shall prove to the satisfaction of the commissioners by whom the assessment was made, that his profits and gains during such year for which the computation was made fell short of the sum so computed in respect of the same source of profit on which the computation was made, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners to cause the assessment made for such current year to be amended in respect of such source of profit, as the case shall require ; and in case the sum assessed shall have been paid, to certify under their hands to the commissioners for special purposes at the head office for stamps and taxes in England the amount of the sum overpaid upon such first assess- ment ; and thereupon the said last mentioned com- missioners shall issue an order for the repayment of such sum as shall have been so overpaid, and such order shall be directed to the receiver general an average of the three preceding years. Such persons, finding at the endof the year of assessment that their profits and gains fell short of the sum computed and returned by them to be charged, are allowed to come up at the end of the year, having first given notice to the surveyor for their district to that effect, may have the charge reduced to the amount of profits actually realised within the year. If, however, a person neglects or refuses to make a return, or makes an incorrect and untruthful return of profits, and thereby defrauds the Crown of its just rights, the person so offending is not entitled to the relief granted by this section. The pronoun " he " refers to the person that made the computation as the person assessed ; if the computation be made by some other person or persons consequent on the neglect— whether wilful or otherwise— on the part of the tax-payer, in this case, and in such cases, "he," by his own act, debars himself from participating in the relief granted by this section. N.B.— Since the above was written the author has seen the opinion of the Board of Inland Eevenue on this clause, which corresponds with the principles herein laid down.— Vide Reg. 7099 J. 1863. 184 Abatements. of stamps and taxes, or to an officer for receipt or collector of the duties granted by this Act, or to a distributor or sub-distributor of stamps, and shall authorise and require the repayment of the said sum so overpaid as aforesaid in like manner as is herein- before provided with respect to the allowances to be granted under Number V. of Schedule (A.) of this Act. Abate- 134. That in case any person charged to the Slowed e sa id duties under Schedule (D.), whether the com- Pereons putation thereon shall have been made on the profits shall cease f one year, or on an average as herein allowed, to exercise * ' ° any Trade, shall cease to exercise the profession, or to carry or shall l . . J die before on the trade, employment, or vocation, in respect the end of i j?i i_ i i n i • the Year, wnereol such assessment was made, or shall die, or become bankrupt or insolvent, before the end of the year for making such assessment, or shall from any other specific cause be deprived of or lose the profits or gains on which the computation of duty charged in such assessment was made, it shall be lawful for such person, or his executors or admi- nistrators, to make application to the commissioners for general purposes of the district, within three calendar months after the end of such year, and on due proof thereof to their satisfaction, the said commissioners shall cause the assessment to be amended, as the case may require, and give such relief to the party charged, or his executors or ad- ministrators, as shall be just; and in cases requiring the same, the said commissioners shall direct, in manner before mentioned, repayment to be made of such sum as shall have been overpaid on the assess- ment amended or vacated : provided always, that Assessments of Commissioners. 185 where any person shall have succeeded to the trade or business of the party charged, no such abatement shall be made, unless it shall be proved to the satis- faction of the said commissioners that the profits and gains of such trade or business have fallen short from some specific cause, to be alleged to them and proved, since such change or succession took place, or by reason thereof; but such person so succeeding to the same shall be liable to the payment of the full duties thereon, without any new assessment. 135. That the persons acting as commissioners commis- in the execution of this Act shall be charged and ^ r8 assessed to the duties contained in Schedule (D-)> JJuS 4 * if liable thereto, in like manner as any other persons under i-iij.- Schedule may be charged and assessed to the said duties : (D.) as provided always, that any commissioner, whose persons. statement or schedule shall be under consideration, Not to be . , present or shall be concerned or interested therein, either during the for himself or for any other person in any character tkm of before described, shall have no voice, and shall not m e U r ts a r e " be present, except upon an appeal for the purpose Schedules of being examined vivd voce by the commissioners then having his assessment or schedule under con- sideration, but shall withdraw during the considera- tion and determination thereof. 136. That the commissioners for general pur- Commis- poses acting in relation to the duties contained in enter their Schedule (D.) shall, in their respective books of menfeTm assessment, enter and cause to be entered the several f™£ 5 ' and amounts of the sums assessed by them ; and they Accounts shall from time to time make out and transmit to office of the commissioners of stamps and taxes, accounts of Taxes. 186 Books. — Certificates. ments under Schedule (D.) to be entered, and Certi- ficates of the Amount to be delivered by a Num- ber or Letter, without the Name of the Parties, where they intend Payment to the Officer for Receipt. the amount of duty assessed by them, distinguishing the amount charged on each person, which accounts shall severally be made out, with the particulars required by this Act ; and they shall also from time to time make out, and transmit to the said commissioners of stamps and taxes, lists containing the name, description, and place of residence of every person assessed by them respectively, as soon as the same conveniently can be done, which lists shall be made out according to an alphabetical arrangement of the respective parishes or places of residence in their respective districts. 137. That all assessments upon profits or gains under Schedule (D.) made by the commissioners for general purposes shall be entered in books, with the names and descriptions of the persons, colorations, companies, or societies to be charged therewith, and their respective places of abode, set opposite thereto, and which entries shall respectively be numbered progressively, or lettered, or distin- guished by numbers or letters, as the said com- missioners shall think proper ; and that when and as soon as the said commissioners shall have caused to be made any such entry in such book, in case the person charged by such assessment shall have declared his intention to pay the duty to the proper officer for receipt within the time limited by this Act for payment thereof, and in case the said com- missioners shall be satisfied with such declaration, they shall deliver to such person, or to such other person as shall be there attending on his behalf, a certificate under the hands of two or more of such Collection of Duties. 187 commissioners, specifying the amount of the sums to be paid within one year upon such assessment ; and every such certificate shall be numbered or lettered with the same number or letter as the entry in the book of the said commissioners to which such certificate shall relate shall be marked and numbered or lettered, without naming or other- wise describing the person charged thereby ; which certificate shall, on production thereof, be a sufficient authority to the said officer for receipt from time to time to receive from any person bearing and pro- ducing such certificate the amount of the sums therein contained, in such proportions thereof as by this Act are made payable by instalments, and at the times by this Act appointed for payment thereof, or in advance; and on the payment of the sums contained in any such certificate, or any proportion thereof, the said officer for receipt shall give certi- ficates for the same, acknowledging the receipt of the sum paid on account of the certificate of the said respective commissioners by the number or letter marked thereon as before directed. 138. That in all cases where the commissioners commis- shall not have received a declaration of the intended Oliver payment to the officer for receipt as aforesaid of the J^c™. 11 * 5 duty to be charged under Schedule (D.), or shall not j^™. be satisfied with such declaration, they shall deliver where rar- a duplicate of the assessments to the collector, with assessed the names and descriptions of the parties charged Number or therewith, together with their warrants for collecting Letter - the same, in such form and under the like powers as they are authorized to collect the duty under any 188 Collection of Duties. of the other schedules contained in this Act ; and if after the receipt of any such declaration the duties shall not be duly satisfied and paid accord- ingly, the said commissioners shall cause the names of the defaulters and the amount of duty assessed on each to be inserted from time to time in the duplicate of such collector ; and the warrant for collecting the same shall be of the like force and effect as if such names and sums had been inserted therein at the time of issuing such warrant. Duplicates 139. That it shall be lawful for the respective delivered commissioners for general purposes to issue out forBroeipt anc ^ deliver to the respective officers for receipt and where duplicates of the assessments made by them, con- Assess- r . m *> ' mentsare taininff the sums assessed on every person to whom made under a a certificate hath been delivered by letter or number, orLetter, together with the number or letter set opposite raits for ar thereto in their respective books before mentioned, receiving without naming such persons, with their warrants the Duties. ~ *- for receiving the duties charged by such commis- sioners respectively when the same shall become payable as aforesaid; and all such sums shall be paid to the respective officers for receipt, and such part thereof as shall not be so paid to them may be levied and collected as herein is mentioned ; and if not so paid, levied, or collected, the same shall be recoverable as a debt to the Queen's Majesty, with full costs of suit, and all charges and expences attending the same. Persons 140. That the duties payable on such last- paylhe t0 mentioned assessments shall be paid to the proper Duties to ffi cer f or receipt, by such instalments as by this Collection of Duties. 189 Act is directed, before the respective days appointed the proper for such payments according to the regulations of Receipt" 1 this Act, or by three or two instalments, or in one ^ e a f ° r 8 e the sum in full, as the parties shall choose ; and the J^f ed certificates hereby required to be given on such Act; and ,, . m default payments shall be delivered to the respective com- the Duties missioners, or to one or more of them, or to their ™vfed. e clerk, at their office, before the times when the same are hereby made payable, taking his or their receipt for the same, which receipt shall be a suffi- cient discharge for the money so paid in satisfaction of so much of the assessment as shall be mentioned in such certificate to be so paid ; and if any person shall neglect to pay such duties at the time and in the manner hereby directed for payment thereof, or, having paid the same, shall neglect to deliver the certificate required to be given on such payment as hereinbefore directed, it shall be lawful for the commissioners for general purposes, and they are hereby required, to deliver a duplicate of all sums assessed on any person who shall have made default in paying or accounting for the payment of the same, together with their warrant, to such collector as they shall appoint to levy the sum in arrear and unpaid, and such duplicate shall be made out, and such sums shall be levied, according to the regulations of the said Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes. 141. That it shall be lawful for any person to pay in advance to the receiver general of stamps Duties and taxes, or to the proper officer for receipt, any JSin sum of money charged as aforesaid, and to require subject^ a certificate acknowledging such payment; and it Discount 190 Collection of Duties. shall be lawful for the said receiver general or officer for receipt, on production of the notice or certificate of such assessment at the time of pay- ment of the said duty in advance (the sum so paid not in any case to be less than the sum which appears by such certificate to be payable by two instalments), to make an allowance, at the rate of four pounds per centum per annum, out of the sum so paid in advance, calculated upon such sum for the period by which the same shall be paid sooner than the period prescribed by this Act for the pay- ment thereof; and in every such case the said receiver general or officer for receipt shall give the person paying the same a certificate of such pay- ment, specifying therein the number of instalments thereby discharged, and the amount of the allowance for such prompt payment, and referring thereby to the notice or certificate of assessment then produced, and the name, number, or letter therein mentioned ; and all such allowances shall be made at the time of paying the said duties ; and such certificates as aforesaid, being delivered at the re- spective offices of the commissioners for executing this Act, shall be received by them as cash in discharge of the assessments, and shall be allowed to them in their accounts. 142. That upon the payment of any such sum One Certi- of money as aforesaid the said receiver general or senate officer for receipt shall give such certificate as afore- Cert s fi shaii sa ^ ^ or ^ e w h°l e °f tne sums so P a id> 01 * separate be given as certificates in like form for such portions thereof as for the shall be required, which certificates shall severally Notice and Terms of Composition. 191 be cut off indentwise from the counter-cheques Duties so thereof, which counter-cheques are to remain with pa< the said receiver general or officer for receipt ; and every such certificate shall be denominated in the body thereof to be on account of payments made in discharge of the duties assessed by virtue of this Act ; and upon the delivery of any such certificate as last aforesaid to the said commissioners for On deli- very 01 general purposes, or at their office, in discharge Certffi- of the whole or any part of the said duties assessed commig- or charged upon the person delivering such certi- SK&k ficate, the said commissioners or their clerk shall, £1^* if required, indorse in writing on the back of the ^jj h bea certificate to be ffiven bv them or him in such case Discharge " for the the amount of the number of instalments of the said Duties. duties to be discharged by such payments, which receipts of the said commissioners or their clerks as aforesaid shall be received, without further proof, as evidence of such payments, in all courts and places, and before all persons whatever. 143. And whereas it is expedient to relieve per- sons who may be willing to compound for the duties on the profits and gains described in the said Sche- dule (D.), be it enacted that every person desirous of compounding for the said duties shall deliver the list and statement of his profits to the assessor of the parish in which such profits are chargeable, and the assessment of such profits and gains shall be made by the special commissioners. 144. And be it enacted that the contract of com- position may be made in the form provided by the commissioners of inland revenue. 192 Duties on Public Offices. 145. That if any person who may propose to compound shall wilfully make or deliver any false list, declaration, or statement of profits, or wilfully conceal or omit to state any of his such profits or gains, or any portion thereof, or if any person shall by any fraudulent means procure an assessment to be made upon him for a less amount of the said duties than he shall be chargeable with ; any person so offending shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds, and the contract of composition shall be void and of no effect. 1 Duties in 146. That the duties hereby granted, contained fS d a U nd in the Schedule marked (E.), shall be assessed and Semed charged under the following rules, which rules shall p , a - rt f. be deemed and construed a part of this Act, and this Act. . . to refer to the said last mentioned duties, as 11 the same had been inserted under a special enactment. Sched. (E.J Mules. SCHEDULE (E.) Mules for Charging the said Duties. To be First. — The said duties shall be annually charged for a Iu ed on the persons respectively having, using, or Fee ari or exercising the offices or employments of profit Profits; mentioned in the said Schedule (E.), or to whom the annuities, pensions, or stipends mentioned in the same schedule shall be payable for all salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits whatsoever 1 Since 1859 the Income Tax has been voted annually ; hence composition has necessarily fallen into desuetude. When the tax is voted t for two, three, or four years, then persons can and may compound. Duties on Public Offices. 193 accruing by reason of such offices, employments, scied. (e.) pensions, after deducting the amount of duties or — other sums payable or chargeable on the same deducting by virtue of any Act of Parliament, where the ch argeabie same have been really and bond fide paid and °*^ h7 borne by the party to be charged; and each ^£f ar ' assessment in respect of such offices or employ- ments shall be in force for one whole year, and shall be levied for such year without any new assessment, 1 notwithstanding a change may have taken place in any such office or employment, on the person for the time having or exercising the same; provided that the person quitting such Provision office or employment, or dying within the year, or ArSs on his executors or administrators, shall be liable JfJ^JJ for the arrears due before or at the time of his so &f m s- quitting such office or employment, or dying, and for such further portion of time as shall then have elapsed, to be settled by the respective com- missioners, and his successor shall be repaid such sums as he shall have paid on account of such portion of the year as aforesaid ; and each assess- ment in respect of such annuity, pension, or stipend shall be in force for one whole year, unless the same shall cease or expire within the year, by lapse, death, or otherwise, from which period the assessment thereon shall be discharged : Second. — The said duties to be assessed by the 1 This rule is now repealed. By the 1 6th and 1 7th Vict., cap. 34, sec. 53, it is enacted that public officers entitled to an increase of salary during the year of assessment, are to be charged such increase by way of supplementary or additional assessment at the end of the year. M 194 Duties on Public Offices. Sched. (E.) Rules. Duties to be assessed for all Offices in the place where the Commis- sioners execute their Offices. Descrip- tion of Offices to be charged. respective commissioners for all the offices in each department in the place where the said commis- sioners shall execute their offices, although certain of the offices in the same department may be executed elsewhere, and shall be due and payable from the respective officers, and their respective successors for the time being : Third. — The said duties shall be paid on all public offices and employments of profit of the descrip- tion hereinafter mentioned within Great Britain ; (videlicet) any office belonging to either House of Parliament, or to any court of justice, whether of law or equity, in England or Scotland, Wales, the Duchy of Lancaster, the Duchy of Cornwall, or any criminal or justiciary or ecclesiastical court, or court of admiralty, or commissary court, or court-martial ; any public office held under the civil government of Her Majesty, or in any county palatine, or the Duchy of Cornwall ; any commis- missioned officer serving on the staff, or belonging to Her Majesty's army, in any regiment of artil- lery, cavalry, infantry, royal marines, royal garri- son, battalions, or corps of engineers or royal artificers; any officer in the navy, or in the militia, or volunteers ; any office or employment of profit held under any ecclesiastical body, whe- ther aggregate or sole, or under any public corporation, or under any company or society, 1 whether corporate or not corporate ; any office or employment of profit under any public institution, 'All salaries and stipends paid by railway companies are now assessed by the special commissioners. — Vide 23rd Vict., cap. 14, sec. 6. Duties on Public Offices. 195 or on any public foundation, of whatever nature sched. (E.) *J L .. Rules. or for whatever purpose the same may be estab- — lished : any office or employment of profit in any county, riding or division, shire or stewartry, or in any city, borough, town corporate, or place, or under any trusts or guardians of any fund, tolls, or duties to be exercised in such county, riding, division, shire, or stewartry, city, borough, town corporate, or place ; and every other public office or employment of profit of a public nature : Fourth. — The perquisites to be assessed under this Fees or Act shall be deemed to be such profits of offices £ e r n ^ s mo " and employments as arise from fees or other ™^ ed emoluments, and payable either by the crown or onjhe ^ the subject, in the course of executing such offices thepreced- or employments, and may be estimated either on o" g on £"' the profits of the preceding year, or of the fair o/SS and just average of one year of the amount of the Years - profits thereof in the three years preceding; such years in each case respectively ending on the fifth day of April in each year, or such other day of each year on which the accounts of such profits have been usually made up : Fifth. — In all cases where any salaries, fees, wages, TheDuties ,, ... n , •,« onSalaries, or other perquisites or profits, or any annuities, Fe e S) pensions, or stipends, shall be payable at any |^ slons ' public office, or by any officer of Her Majesty's £jj*|5* household, or by any of Her Majesty's receivers office, to or paymasters, or by any agent employed in that in case of behalf, the duties chargeable under this Act ment. ay in respect of such salaries, fees, wages, perqui- sites, or profits, or in respect of such annuities, 196 Duties on Public Offices. Sched. (E.) Rules. Duties on Salaries, &c, not arising from Offices mentioned in the foregoing Rule to be stopped by Persons paying such Salaries, Fees, &c. pensions, or stipends, shall be detained and stopped out of the same, or out of any money which shall be payable upon such salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits, or upon such annuities, pensions, or stipends, or for the arrears thereof, whenever the same shall happen, and be applied to the satisfaction of the duties on such offices or employments, or on such annuities, pensions, or stipends respectively, (not being otherwise paid,) in the manner directed by this Act ; and when- ever the same so payable shall be assessed by the commissioners for general purposes in their respective districts, they shall transmit an account of the amount of the duty assessed to the office where the same are payable, in order that the amount so assessed may be there stopped or detained : Sixth. — In all cases where the salaries, fees, wages,, allowances, or profits of any officer chargeable to the said duties shall not arise out of any of the offices mentioned in the foregoing rule, but shall arise from any other office or employment of profit chargeable to the said duties, and the salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits shall be payable at such office by any officer thereof, or by any receiver of the same respectively, or by any agent employed in that behalf, the duties chargeable under this Act in respect of such salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits shall be detained and stopped out of the same, or out of any money which shall be paid upon such salaries, fees y wages, perquisites, or profits, or for arrears Duties on Public Offices. 197 thereof, whenever the same shall happen, and be Scimi. (e.) Mules. applied to the satisfaction of the duties (not — otherwise paid) in the manner directed by this Act: Seventh. — Such portion of the said duties on offices SuchPor- or employments of profits, or on annuities, pen- Duties as sions, or stipends, as are charged with any sum Surged of money payable to any other person, shall be p^ie to deducted out of the sum payable to such other |°J^J g er person as a like rate on such sum would amount to be unto ; and all such persons, their agents and out of such receivers, shall allow such deductions and pay- ments upon receipt of the residue of such sums : Eighth. — Such portion of the said duties charged Duty paid on any office or employment of profit executed by Principal any deputy or clerk, or other person employed office under the principal in such office, and paid by H™ r y he such principal out of the salary, fees, wages, per- gj d J£ Wi quisites, or profits of such principal, shall be orcierk deducted out of the salary or wages so payable as deducted ,., it -, •• . outof such a like rate on such salary or wages would amount salary. unto ; and all such deputies, clerks, and other persons so employed shall allow to their respec- tive principals such deductions and payments upon the receipt of the residue of such salaries or wages : Ninth. — In estimating the duty payable for any on^ce/pt such office or employment of profit, or any pension, ^f^™ 8 ' annuity, or stipend, all official deductions and v^^g J ' * . Accounts, payments made upon the receipt of the salaries, or upon „ * . . , „ . £ theReceipt fees, wages, perquisites, and profits thereof, or m of Pen- passing the accounts belonging to such office, or Kcted. e 198 Duties on Public Offices. Sched. (E.) Rules. Pensions payable out of a Branch of Revenue, to be charged by the Commis- sioners there. upon the receipt of such pension, annuity, or stipend, shall be allowed to be deducted, provided a due account thereof be rendered to the said commissioners, and proved to their satisfaction : Tenth. — In all cases where any annuity or pension shall be payable out of any particular branch of the public revenue, and at the office of that branch of revenue, the commissioners acting for that department shall have authority to assess and levy the same as a salary or wages payable thereout. Persons assessed for Offices to be deemed to have exercised the same at the Head Office. In what Depart- ments Officers shall be *ssessed. 147. That every person to be assessed for his office or employment shall be deemed to have exer- cised the same at the head office of the department under which such office or employment shall be held, and shall be rated for such office or employ- ment as if exercised at such head office, although the duties of such office or employment shall be performed, or the profits or any part thereof arising from such office or employment shall be payable elsewhere, within or out of Great Britain ; and all assessments made on any inferior officer, wherever he shall exercise his office or employment, shall be rated accordingly in the same district where such head office shall be established ; and every office shall be deemed to belong to and to be assessed by or under the principal officers of that department by or under whom the appointment to such office was made, provided that where such appointment shall be made by any inferior officer in any depart- ment, then such office shall be assessed by the Offices in Ireland. — British Museum. 199 same commissioners by whom such inferior officer shall be chargeable for his office : provided that where any such appointment shall be held under the great seal or privy seal, either of England or Scotland, or shall be made under the royal sign manual, or where any such appointment shall be under the hands or seals of the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury, and the same shall not be exercised in the department of the treasury, then the officer holding the same shall be assessed in that department where the office shall have been executed : provided also, that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed to limit the right herein- before given to commissioners of the district of assessing officers before described within their re- spective jurisdictions, although such offices, or any of them, may not be held under their appointment, or the profits of such offices may not be payable by them or their order. 148. That nothing herein contained shall extend Duties not or be construed to extend to charge any person to offices resident in Ireland with the duties contained in the "^y essa " said Schedule (E.) in respect of any public office or ? xe j cu 5! d d employment the duties whereof are necessarily and permanently performed in Ireland. 1 149. That the like allowances shall be granted Certain to the trustees of the British Museum, in respect of ^nceT'to any charge under Schedule (A.) to be made on the J f r B s r S lands and tenements vested in such trustees, as are Muse u m . 1 . 7 and the granted to colleges and other properties mentioned like Ex- emptions 1 This clause is now annulled, the tax having been extended to Ireland by the 16th and 17th Vict., cap. 34. 200 Appointment of Clerks. as now allowed to Charitable Institu- tions. Commis- sioners on Offices to take the Oaths prescribed, and to have Power to appoint Clerks, Assessors, and Col- lectors, from the Officers in their De- partments. in No. VI. of that schedule ; and the like exemptions shall be allowed in respect of any dividends of stock vested in such trustees, or any of them, or in any other for their use, as are granted to charitable institutions by this Act ; and no salary or payment made or to be made out of Her Majesty's exchequer to such trustees for the use of such institutions shall be charged at the said exchequer, provided all salaries of officers or persons employed under the said trustees shall be charged on the said officers respectively. 150. That the several commissioners authorised to act in the execution of this Act in relation to the duties on offices or employments of profit, and on pensions or stipends, as soon after their apj)ointment respectively as conveniently can be done in their respective departments, shall meet in some conve- nient place, in order to qualify themselves by taking the oaths prescribed by the said recited Acts rela- ting to the duties of assessed taxes, and shall have power to elect a clerk and assessors, and in cases where the duties cannot be stopped and detained at the department of office of the said commissioners, or for which the said respective commissioners shall act, collectors of the said duties to be assessed by them from and amongst the officers in their respective departments, and separate assessors and collectors in each such department, under the cog- nizance of the same commissioners ; which assessors shall, within a time to be fixed by the respective commissioners, deliver to them their certificates of Powers of Assessors. 201 assessment, in writing under their hands, to be verified upon their oaths, of the full and just annual value of all offices and employments of profit charge- able under this Act in the department for which they shall be appointed assessors, and of all pensions and stipends, estimated according to this Act, with the names and surnames of the several officers and persons entitled to pensions or stipends, and the several sums of money they ought to pay by virtue of this Act, at the rate of seven pence for every twenty shillings of such value, without abatement or deduction, and without concealment or favour, upon pain of forfeiture for every neglect in the premises of any sum not exceeding one hundred pounds nor less than twenty pounds, which said assessors are hereby strictly enjoined and required, with all care and diligence, to charge and assess themselves, and all other officers, clerks, and persons employed in their respective departments of office, and with resj^ect to the duty on pensions or stipends to charge and assess all persons entitled unto any such pensions or stipends, and respectively to make their assessments according to the provisions of this Act ; and every such assessor shall have free access A11 such •n -, -, . Assessors to all documents and papers whatever m their to have respective offices touching the salaries, fees, wages, Docu- S perquisites, and profits of any officer, clerk, or per- ™&max son aforesaid, belonging to their respective offices, £T ire 00 x ' Returns. and touching the amount of the respective pensions or stipends, and shall be at liberty, whenever the same may be necessary, to require returns from the 202 Statements. — Offices Executed by Deputy. State- ments of Profits arising from parties themselves, according to the provisions of this Act, that they may be enabled to make a true assessment in pursuance thereof. 151. That no person shall, in respect of the profits arising from offices or from pensions or stipends chargeable before the respective com- offices not m issioners appointed for those purposes in their required L x x x under a respective departments of office as aforesaid, be Notice. liable to the penalty herein contained for not re- turning a statement of the profits arising from such office, pension, or stipend, in pursuance of any general notice hereinbefore directed, nor in any case except where the assessor for those profits respectively shall have required a return thereof in pursuance of the next preceding clause. 152. That in every case where any person hold- ing such offices or employments, or being entitled unto any pension or stipend as aforesaid, shall claim to be exempt from such assessment, the commissioners shall nevertheless set down in such assessment the names of such persons, and the full and just annual value of such offices, employ- ments, pensions, or stipends ; and the claim to such exemption shall be preferred and examined, and the merits thereof shall be heard and deter- mined, under the regulations of this Act with respect to other assessments. 153. That where any office or employment of PrSpais profit chargeable by this Act is or shall be executed rreTnthe 7 by deputy, such deputy shall, in all cases where he shall be in the receipt of the profits thereof, be answerable for and shall pay such assessment as The full Value of Offices to be stated, although Exemp- tions are claimed. Deputies Receipt of the Profits. Mode of Making Assessments. 203 shall be charged thereon, and deduct the same out of the profits of such office or employment; and Officer where the salaries, fees, wages, emoluments, or Salaries or Fees to be profits of any officer or officers in any such office answer- shall be receivable by any one or more of the said Duties'" officers for the use of such officer, or as a fund to be divided amongst such officers in certain propor- tions, the officer or officers receiving such salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits shall be answer- able for the duties charged thereon, and shall pay the same, and deduct the same out of the funds provided for such respective offices or employments, before any division or apportionment thereof, and in case of refusal or nonpayment thereof shall be liable to such distress as by this Act is prescribed against any person having the office or employ- ment, and to all other remedies and penalties respectively herein contained. 154. That the proper officers, or their respective Assessors deputies, and the receivers and paymasters in every famished public department of office, and in every other Accounts office for which commissioners are hereby intended & c Sa |;J lies ' to be appointed for raising the duties hereby charged P uMic on such offices respectively, and any agent by whom ments; any salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits shall be payable, shall, upon request to him made by the assessors of the said duties, deliver gratis true lists or accounts of all such salaries, fees, wages, per- quisites, and profits received by him, and belonging to such officers respectively, and of all pensions and stipends payable to them respectively, for the better guidance of the said assessors in charging the same; 204 Mode of Making Assessments. and may and if the said Assessors shall be dissatisfied with Returns of such accounts it shall be lawful for them to require andProfits anv officer whose office shall not be truly valued in of offices. suc j 1 account to prepare and produce to them, within the like period of time as is limited for the returns of other accounts by this Act, a list or account of the salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, and profits of the office exercised by him, which returns such officer shall be obliged to make under the penalties and forfeitures contained in this Act for not making To make other returns hereby required ; and from the docu- Assess 1 - 1 ments and papers in their respective offices the Ivomthe sam assessors shall make their assessment upon Docu- the persons holding such offices, or entitled unto ments in J- ° \ their such pensions respectively, according to the annual and deliver value thereof, and shall in like manner as is before the™ t0 directed with respect to assessors for any parish or Sonera!*" place bring in their said assessments to the respec- tive commissioners for their allowance, who shall forthwith set their hands to the same, which assess- ments shall be in force for one year, commencing and payable at the like periods as the assessments in parishes are made payable ; and the said respec- tive -commissioners for the duties on offices shall, in all cases where collectors are authorised to be appointed, cause the like duplicates to be made thereof, and delivered to collectors, with like war- rants to collect the said duties, as are before directed to be given to collectors for any parish or place; and the said collectors of the said duties on offices shall have the like authority to demand and levy the said duties as is herein given to collectors of Distress on 'Nonpayment. 205 any parish or place : provided always, that in all cases where the duties, and any salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits of any public office shall be detained and stopped out of the same, or out of any monies which shall be paid thereupon, the respec- tive commissioners shall cause the like duplicates to be delivered to the proper officers in the respective offices, who shall keep true accounts of all monies stopped and detained under the authority of this Act, and shall be answerable for the same ; and the money so detained of the duty on annuities, pen- sions, or stipends shall be accounted for and paid in the manner hereinafter directed. 155. That where any person having, using, Duties on or exercising any office or employment of jn'ofit which which shall be charged to the duties by this Act ^ped* granted thereon, and the said duties cannot be tob . e ^ . ' , certmed, detained and stopped in the hands of the proper in case of officer, or in the hands of any agent employed men!, to to pay the monies due in respect of the said mLioners office or employment, or the same monies shall District have been paid over to the person having, using, jiwrethe or exercising the said office or employment, and reside, such person s^all refuse or neglect to pay the sum issue their of money charged upon him, the commissioners forking for raising the duties on the said offices shall and the same- may, by writing under their hands and seals, certify such neglect or refusal, and the sum payable by virtue of this Act, to the commissioners for exe- cuting this Act, in relation to lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in the parish or place where such officer shall reside ; and such last-mentioned 206 Qualification of Commissioners. commissioners are hereby authorised and required. upon receipt of such certificate, by warrant under their hands and seals, to authorise and empower the respective collectors of the said duties, or the collectors of the parish or place where such officer shall reside, to levy the same, by such ways and means as they are authorised to levy the duties charged by them respectively in pursuance of this Act ; and such collectors are hereby required to execute such warrant accordingly, and which shall be executed under the like powers and in like manner as is hereinafter directed, and as if such officer were charged to the said duties in such parish or place ; and the monies arising thereby shall be paid to the collectors charged to the said duties on such office or employment. No quaii- 156. That no qualification shall be required of to C be° n any of the officers or persons herein described to ofCommis- be commissioners for the duties on offices, or on sionerson employments of profit, or on pensions, stipends, offices and annuities, interest, or dividends, contained in the Pensions said several schedules, who shall act as such com- missioners by virtue of their several offices, other than such offices respectively ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Officers 157. That the respective assessors and collectors raishfgThe appointed to raise and assess, or levy, collect, and offices ° n P a y> the sums of money to be charged on offices or liable to employments of profit, or on annuities, pensions, or for stipends payable by Her Majesty by virtue of this Act, and all the inspectors and surveyors acting in Deductions. 207 relation to the said duties, shall repectively be subject to the penalties and forfeitures for refusing or neglecting the performance of their duty, or for being guilty of any fraud or abuse in executing the same, as are inflicted on such officers respectively for the like offences by the said Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes. 158. That such of the said duties granted by when . , , Duties arc this Act which may be detained or stopped and to be deducted out of the sums in respect whereof they shall be charged or deducted shall be respectively detained at such times in each year as the said sums shall be payable to the person entitled thereto. 159. That in the computation of duty to be made what De- under this Act in any of the cases before mentioned, shall not either by the party making or delivering any list or i„ com We statement required as aforesaid, or by the respective g£|?f ^ assessors or commissioners, it shall not be lawful to be charged ' under this make any other deductions therefrom than such as Act. are expressly enumerated in this Act, nor to make any deduction on account of any annual interest, annuity, or other annual payment to be paid to any person out of any profits or gains chargeable by this Act, in regard that a proportionate part of the duty so to be charged is allowed to be deducted on making such payments, nor to make any deduction from the profits or gains arising from any property herein described, or from any office or employment of profit, on account of diminution of capital em- ployed or of loss sustained in any trade, manufacture, adventure, or concern, or in any profession, employ- ment, or vocation. 208 Powers of Inspectors, &c. Commis- 160. That if any difference shall arise between settie^if- tenant and landlord, or any other persons to whom Ss^tina- any interest, rent, rent charge, annuity, fee-farm Deduc- ' ren + ren t service, quit rent, feu duty, or other rent tions to be ' x " made on or annual payment shall be payable, touching the Duties. ° sums to be deducted thereout on account of the duties hereby charged having been -paid, or between the occupier for the time being and any former occupier of any lands, tenements, hereditaments, or heritages, his executors, administrators, or assigns, touching the proportion of duty to be paid or allowed by either party, the respective commissioners for general purposes in their several districts shall have authority and they are hereby required to settle the proportions of such payments and deductions as shall be according to the directions of this Act, and in default of payment to levy the same respectively under the like powers as they might have levied the same if the assessment had been made in the same proportions, and to pay over the same to the collector or party, as the case may require ; and the judgment and determination of such commissioners shall be final. inspectors 161. That the several inspectors and surveyors veyoreto appointed or to be appointed shall be and they are Access to hereby empowered respectively to inspect and Sd U A S s . examine all and every the returns made by any sessments, p erS on under the directions of this Act ; and in case Liberty to any of them shall be dissatisfied, either with the amend them and returns so made, or the estimate of the assessor thereon, or shall discover any error or omission in such estimate, or that any deduction hath been Poivers of Inspectors, &c. 209 allowed not authorised by this Act, they shall charge the same, according to the best of their judgment, in the full amount at which the same ought to be charged ; and the said inspectors and surveyors shall also be at liberty respectively to inspect and examine all and every the assessments of the said duties, or any of them, made under the authority of the respective commissioners before mentioned, as well before as after the commissioners shall have signed and allowed the said assessments, and before such allowance to correct and amend such assess- ments, if they shall respectively think fit ; and every person in whose custody such returns are is hereby required, upon the request of any such inspector or surveyor as aforesaid, to deliver the same into his custody, for the purposes of this Act, taking his receipt for the same ; and every person in whose custody any such assessments shall be is also hereby required, upon the request of such inspector or sur- veyor as aforesaid, to produce the same ; and such inspector or surveyor is hereby authorised to take charge of the same until he shall have taken such copies of or extracts from the same as may be neces- sary for his better information : and every person wilfully obstructing such inspector or surveyor in the due performance of his duty as aforesaid shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds ; and if any such inspector or surveyor shall find or discover, upon his survey or examination, or otherwise, that any person, corporation, company, or society, who ought to be charged with the said duties or any of them, shall have been omitted to be charged therewith, or 210 Surcharges. shall have been underrated in the assessment, or that any person, or the officer of any corporation, company, or society, liable to the said duties or any of them, being required so to do, hath neglected or refused to make a return according to the direc- tions of this Act, or that the assessors have neglected to require a return in any case where a return ought to have been required from any person, corporation, company, or society, according to the intent of this Act, so that such person, corporation, company, or society^shall not have been fully charged to the said duties, then and in every such case the said surveyor or inspector shall certify the same in writing under his hand, together with an account of every default, and the full amount of the duty which ought to be paid by way of surcharge, to the said respective commissioners for putting in execution this Act in relation to the duties on which such surcharge shall be made, in the manner and under and subject to the rules and regulations prescribed and con- tained in the said two several recited Acts of the forty-eight and fiftieth years of the reign of King George the Third, herein before recited or referred to. Sur- 162. That upon every surcharge allowed upon confirmed, appeal by the said commissioners, upon the certifi- Trebie Q ca ^e of the inspector or surveyor, as directed by this Duty, in ^ c + j n cases w l iere no such declaration shall have certain ' Cases. been delivered as in the said recited Act of the fiftieth year of the reign of King George the Third is required, or the commissioners shall be dissatis- fied with the same, the assessment shall be made Surcharges. 211 In treble the rate of duty prescribed in the said respective schedules of this Act on the amount of the duty surcharged : provided always, that if upon u P on appeal such declaration as aforesaid shall have been vffieor delivered, and if the said commissioners shall be ^.^le satisfied therewith, and shall be of opinion that Dut y there was any reasonable cause of controversy on remitted. the part of the appellant on the subject matter of appeal, and that the party hath not been guilty of any wilful default, neglect, or omission, nor wilfully done any act with intention to defraud the revenue, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners who shall have determined the said appeal, although they shall confirm or allow the surcharge, or a part thereof only, at the same time to remit and strike off the whole or any part of the said treble duty ; and the overplus of the sum so charged above the Payment said rate or duty, and which shall not be so remitted p i us . or struck off as aforesaid, shall be paid to the officer for receipt, to the use of Her Majesty; which in- increase of crease of duty made by occasion of such surcharge, b/sur- e ' > together with the overplus aforesaid above the bemtified said rate of duty, and all other increase of duty *? *£™ m ^ occasioned by the surcharge or information of stamps & J ii- Taxes, any inspector or surveyor under this Act, the com- who shall missioners for executing this Act who shall have Authority confirmed such surcharge or made such increase inspector shall at the same meeting certify under their hands orSur " ° J veyor. to the commissioners of stamps and taxes, who shall have authority, under and subject to such rules and regulations as shall have been made by the commis- sioners of Her Majesty's treasury in that behalf, to 212 Exemption. Exemp- tion of Persons •whose Income is less than £150 pei- Annum. direct the said officer for receipt to pay to the said inspector or surveyor, out of the increased duty and overplus aforesaid, such sum of money as shall appear to the said commissioners of stamps and taxes to be an adequate reward for the labour and diligence of the said inspector or surveyor. 163. That any person charged or chargeable to the duties granted by this Act, either by assessment, or by way of deduction from any rent, annuity, interest, or other annual payment to which he may be entitled, who shall prove before the commis- sioners for general purposes, 1 in the manner herein- after mentioned, that the aggregate annual amount of his income, estimated according to the several rules and directions of this Act, is less than one hundred and fifty pounds, 2 shall be exempted from the said duties, and shall be entitled to be repaid the amount of all deductions or payments on account thereof in the manner hereinafter directed, except so much of such duties as the person claiming such exemption shall or may be entitled to charge against any other person, or to deduct or retain from or out of any payment to which such claimant may be or become liable ; and such exemption shall be claimed and proved, and the proceedings thereupon shall be had, before the commissioners for general purposes in the district where the claimant shall reside, pur- suant to and under the powers and provisions by 1 By the 16th and 17th Vict., cap. 34, sec. 31, claims in Ireland to be sent to special commissioners. 2 The duty now extends to incomes of £100 a year. Mode of Claiming Exemption. 213 which the duties in Schedule (D.) are herein directed to be ascertained and charged, but nevertheless subject to the rules and directions hereinafter con- tained. 164. That every person claiming to be entitled Mode of to such exemption as last aforesaid shall, within the eSSJ? time to be limited as hereinbefore directed for *».■»* . . . ofproceed- delivermg in the lists, declarations, and statements ' m s on required by this Act (or within such further time claim, as the said commissioners shall for special cause assigned allow), deliver or cause to be delivered to the assessor of the parish or place where such claimant shall reside a notice of his claim for such exemption, together with a declaration and state- ment, signed by such claimant, and in such form as may be provided under the authority of this Act, declaring and setting forth therein all the particular sources from whence the income of such claimant shall arise, and the particular amount arising from each source, and also every sum of annual interest or other annual payment reserved or charged thereon, whereby the income shall or may be diminished, and also every sum which such claimant may have charged or may be entitled to charge against any other person for or on account of the duty made payable by this Act, or which he may have deducted or retained, or may be entitled to deduct or retain, under the authority of this .Act, from or out of any payment to which he may be or become liable; which declaration and statement every inspector or surveyor shall be at liberty to peruse and examine, and to take copies of or extracts from, under the 214 Mode of Claiming Exemption. like powers as in other cases ; and in every case where such claim for exemption shall be made in manner aforesaid the assessor shall transmit such notice, declaration, and statement to the said com- missioners ; and if the inspector or surveyor shall not object to such declaration within forty days after such transmission, or within such further time as the commissioners, on just cause, shall allow to him to make such objection, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners to allow such claim of exemption, and to discharge the assessment made upon any property or profits of such person, either in his own name or in the name of his lessee or tenant, within the district of the said commissioners ; and if it shall appear that any property or profits of such person is or are assessed or liable to be assessed in any other district, the said commissioners shall certify to the commissioners of stamps and taxes, in such form as shall be provided under the authority of this Act, the allowance of such exemption ; and the said last-mentioned commissioners shall direct the' assessment made upon any property or profits of such claimant, either in his own name or in the name of his lessee or tenant, in any other district, to be discharged, and the same shall be discharged toror Pec accordingly: provided always, that in case the in- obje v ct y t°o r spector or surveyor shall object to any such claim thefml™' as aforesaid in writing, suggesting to the said addi- tobede- tional commissioners that he hath reason to believe termmed . *>.v the . that the income of such claimant or any other sione^for particular required by this Act to be declared or set PurposL. forth in such declaration and statement as aforesaid. Mode of Claiming Exemption. 215 is not truly or fully declared or set forth therein in any specified particular, then and in such case the merits of such claim for exemption shall be heard and determined upon appeal before the com- missioners for general purposes, under and subject to such rules, regulations, and penalties as other appeals under this Act are directed to be heard and determined, and if such claim shall be allowed on appeal as aforesaid the said commissioners for general purposes shall grant and issue all necessary certificates consequent thereon. 165. That if it shall be proved to the satisfaction On Proof of the commissioners for general purposes that any p^ons person whose claim for exemption has been allowed ejSS* in manner aforesaid has been charged to and has t ionQave ° been paid any of the duties hereby granted, by way of charged deduction from any rent, annuity, interest, or other Deduction annual payment to which he may be entitled, and Annuity, from which a deduction is authorised to be made by bS&c.', this Act, or that such person has been assessed and c . ommis ; A sioners to has paid such duties in respect of any annuity, grant a dividend, pension, or stipend payable to him out of thereof, the public revenue of the United Kingdom, then ILSS and in such case it shall be lawful for the said SJoS" commissioners for general purposes to certify what l ^f^ T shall have been so proved before them to the com- t0 re P a y • , the missioners tor special purposes at the head office for Amount of stamps and taxes in England, by a certificate, in Duties. such form as shall be provided under the authority of this Act, specifying and describing the amount and the particular nature of the payment out of which and the name and place of abode of the person 216 Mode of Claiming Exemption. by whom such deduction as aforesaid shall have been made, and specifying also the amount and description of the annuity, dividend, pension, or stipend in respect of which such claimant has been assessed, and the duties whereon he has paid ; and thereupon the said last-mentioned commissioners shall issue to such claimant an order for the repay- ment to him of the amount of the duties certified to have been paid as aforesaid, and such order shall be directed to the receiver general of stamps and taxes, or to an officer for receipt or collector of the duties granted by this Act, or to a distributor or sub-distributor of stamps, and shall authorise and require the repayment of the said duties in like manner as is hereinbefore provided with respect to the allowances to be granted under Number V. of Schedule (A.) of this Act. (a) (a) By the Act 16th and 17th Vict., cap. 34, sec. 54, it is enacted that persons who have made insurance or contracted for a deferred annuity on the lives of themselves or their wives, are to be allowed an abatement of duty in respect of the annual premium paid * provided that no abatement or repayment shall be made in respect of any annual premium beyond one-sixth part of the whole of the profits or gains charged to the Income Tax. A person in the receipt of £100 a year, paying an annual premium of say £6, is still liable to the tax, but may obtain an abatement of the assessment by the amount of the premium actually paid from year to year. Claim No. 39, of which an example is here given, can always be obtained at the office of the surveyor of taxes for the district in which the claimant resides, which, when filled, must be sent according to the printed instructions on the back, enclosing there- with the annual premium, receipt. In filling up the claim — 1st. The source of profits must be stated. 2nd. The parish or place (For continuation of this note, see page 220.J no .39. INCOME TAX. Claim for Repayment of Duty in respect of Premiums on Policies of Insurance. INSTRUCTIONS. The receipt for the premium must be annexed to the claim. The law provides that no claim shall be allowed in respect of any such annual premium beyond one-sixth part of the whole amount of the profits. If the income be from land, &c, the parish and county where such property is situate must be Bt&tGll. If from the public funds, the description and amount of stock, also the name or names in which the stock stands. If from trade, &c, the nature of such trade, &c, must be stated, and the place where the profits are assessed. If from annuities, interests of money, railway shares, &c, the source of income must be described. Christian and Sur- name to be stated at lull length. fa) Here insert the duty claimed to be re- turned. (b) Hero insert on whose life the policy has been made, or to whom the deferred an- nuity is to be payable. I , do hereby declare that, under and by virtue of an Act passed in the sixteenth and seventeenth years of Her present Majesty's reign, entitled "An Act for granting to Her Majesty Duties on Profits arising from Property, Professions, Trades, and Oflices," I have been assessed or charged in respect of my profits and gains for the year comniencin°: Gth day of April, 18 , and ending 5th day of April, 18 , on the several sums and in the several amounts of duty hereinafter set forth, and that I have paid the duty so assessed or charged ; and I hereby claim repayment of the sum of (a) in respect of the annual premium upon a certain policy of insurance or contract tor a deferred annuity made by me with the company hereinafter also mentioned, on sty ■ and I further declare that I have not before claimed, nor have I received any allowance of duty whatever in respect of the said premium for the said year ending 5th April, 18 Source or Sources fcoui whence the Claimant's Fronts and Gains arise. Where Assessment is made, and if from Lands or Tenements the names of the Persons Assessed. Total Amount of 1 , Profits & Gains J , Amount of Profits and Gains for each Source. Total Amount of Duty paid thereon £ Amount of Duty Paid thereon. Title of each Company with which a Policy of Insurance has been made, or a Contract for a Deferred Annuity. Total Amount of 1 £ Premium .... J Amount Amount of Duty of | Claimed Premium. to be I Returned. Amount of Returned Duty Claimed to be 1 £ Given under my hand, this day of , 18 . Signature of Claimant, and Profession, Residence that will be found by tlie Post, . . . I request that the said sum of £ ma y » e P aid b 7 Either of these modes of repayment \ The Receiver-General at Somerset House, or may be used, and this must be indi- [ mtmded tote' SLu*. . t ." u . "?? J The Sub-Distributor of Stamps, residing at w g ^ i 3 *fe M 5> >-< £ « t~1 o °'^ ^ "2 (— i & ^ 8 gs g <» As CO Q a = S e o c s C H Ed Tj 03 £r P X) r. ^r i-H & CD < o £ ^ J ^ 5 CT5 •a « « •S 5 s g.Sg-|gg «j|* soc5« ■«i • ■3 af* v. ~J4 a) c q qq r-*J ill < 5 » 5 =n «rt «fl 3 a ■3 03 M s g s '3 ,d -3 o s 3 *s !2 0) £ ■A o R A t-. bl ed ^ '3 Ph a > 3 is "c « o >a a 3 a E o 1 o^ o C3 » =" 3 1 3 ° t/1 O a ~ >-, 0) ° Ph «s cj OS a oj * OS £ •£ >> o e s u c S3 "o S ft o O 4-> *f . ■a be K oj'J? **§ * On c- ^ . II! o ^o? C =5 -*» o d a <; 3 =» 0J 2 t- *3 0) a ** a. 14 u O O 'r- a B » M •73 .M O J Q 00 a p e,« a • t i • fraudulent fraud or contrivance in making any such claim, or Exempt m obtaining any such exemption or any such certi- ficate as aforesaid, or shall fraudulently conceal or untruly declare any income or amount of income, or any sum which he may have charged or been entitled under the authority of this Act to charge against any other person, or which he may have deducted or retained, or have been or be entitled as aforesaid to deduct or retain, from or out of any payment to which such person claiming exemption as aforesaid may be or become liable, or if any such person shall fraudulently make a second claim for the same cause, every such person so offending in any of the cases aforesaid shall forfeit the sum of twenty pounds, and treble the duty chargeable in respect of all the sources of his income, and as if such claim had not been allowed ; and if any person shall knowingly and wilfully aid, abet, or assist any where the profits are charged. 3rd. The amount of the assessment. 4th. The duty paid to the crown thereon. 5th. The name of the insurance company. 6th. The annual premium ; and lastly : The Income Tax thereon. Claim 40, an example of which is also given, is for the use of persons whose total income, from every source, is less than £100 a year. Those forms may also be obtained from the surveyor of taxes where the claimant resides ; and when propei-ly filled up, must be returned to that officer, with the collector's receipts, if the tax which is sought to be re-claimed be paid in respect of lands, houses, &c. If from public companies or mortgagees, then a certificate from the secretary of such company, or from the mortgager, must be annexed to the claim, showing that the tax has been paid over to the crown. Computation of Income. 221 such person in committing any such fraud as afore- said the person so aiding, abetting, or assisting shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds. 167. That the annual value of lands, tenements, income , it* j. ♦ arising hereditaments, or heritages, belonging to or in f rom the occupation of any person claiming the said \llto^ exemption, shall be estimated, for the purpose of ^ ated ascertaining his title to such exemption, according jeference to the rules and directions contained in the said forExemp several Schedules (A.) and (B.) respectively ; and that the income arising from the occupation by such claimant of lands, tenements, hereditaments, or heritages chargeable under the said Schedule (B.) shall be deemed for the purpose aforesaid to be equal in England to one-half and in Scotland to one-third of the full annual value thereof, estimated according to the said rules and directions; and where such claimant shall be the proprietor as well as the occupier of any such lands, tenements, here- ditaments, or heritages, the amount deemed by this Act as aforesaid to be the income arising from the occupation of such lands, tenements, hereditaments, or heritages, shall be added to the amount of the full annual value thereof, and the aggregate amount shall be deemed for the purpose aforesaid to be the income of such claimant arising from the lands, tenements, hereditaments, or heritages of which he shall be the proprietor and occupier as aforesaid ; and the income arising from any lease of or com- position for tithes shall be deemed, for the purpose aforesaid, to be equal to one fourth of the full annual value of such tithes, estimated in manner aforesaid. 222 Claims of Exemption. Joint Tenants, &c., may severally claim Ex- emptions. Excep- tions. Claim to be made where the Claimant resides, or in the Case of Offices, Pensions, and Stipends, before the Commis- sioners of the Depart- ment 168. That coparceners, joint tenants, or tenants in common of the profits of any property whatever, and any joint tenant or tenants of lands or tene- ments in partnership, being in the actual and joint occupation thereof in partnership, and entitled to the profits thereof in shares, and personally labour- ing therein, or managing the same, and any partners carrying on trade or exercising any profession to- gether, and entitled to the profits thereof in shares, and personally acting therein, may severally claim such exemption according to their respective shares and interests in the manner before directed ; and such claims, being duly proved to the satisfaction of the commissioners to whom the same are made, may be proceeded upon as in the cases of several interests : provided always, that the profits so arising shall not in any case be charged separately to the duty in respect of the occupation of lands, where lands shall be let or underlet, without relinquishing the possession by the lessor, or where the lessee or tenant shall not be exclusively in the possession and occupation of the lands so let. 169. That every such claim for exemption shall be made to the commissioners of the district where the claimant shall reside, whether such claimant shall be personally charged in such district or not, except where the whole income of the claimant shall arise from an office or employment of profit the duties whereon are cognizable before the com- missioners of a department of office, or from a pension or stipend, in all which cases the claim may be made to and allowed by the commissioners Double Assessment. 22S of such department wherein the said duties are cognizable under the regulations of this Act ; and Persons if such claimant shall be out of Great Britain, an Seat affidavit, stating the several matters required by m "y ain this Act, taken before any person having authority claim h 7 to administer an oath in the place where such claimant shall reside in any matter relating to any part of the public revenue of Great Britain, may be received by the respective commissioners for executing this Act in relation to the assessment on which such claim shall be founded. 170. That any such claim for exemption may be claims made by any guardian, trustee, attorney, agent, made by or factor, on account of others, in any case where T^ees 01 satisfactory proof shall be made that the party on account " x . A % " of others. claiming such exemption is unable to attend in person, or such claim may be made by the several persons acting in any of the characters hereinbefore described, in such manner as they may act for others, for the purpose of being assessed on their account in the first instance, as hereinbefore directed. 171. That whenever any person shall have been commis- assessed to any of the duties granted by this Act, "SlftR* whether charged on him on his own account, or in ^^J™ any of the characters hereinbefore described on the Assess- " ments. behalf of any other person, and shall, by any error or mistake, be again assessed for the same cause, and on the same account, and for the same year, it shall be lawful for him to apply to the commis- sioners for general purposes acting for the division or place for which he shall have been so assessed by error or mistake as aforesaid, for the purpose of 224 Mode of Collecting Duties. being relieved from such double assessment, and t the said commissioners, on due proof thereof to their satisfaction, shall cause such assessment, or such part thereof as shall be a double charge as aforesaid, to be vacated, and which proof may be either by a certificate of the assessment made on the party, under the hands of the commissioners by whom he shall have been rightly assessed ac- cording to the directions of this Act for the matter or cause in question, certifying that such matter or cause is included in an assessment made by them on the same party, on the same account, and for the same year, or by other lawful evidence given of those facts on the oath of any credible witness ; and whenever it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the commissioners of stamps and taxes that any such double assessment as aforesaid hath been made, and hath not been vacated, and that payment hath been made of both assessments, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners of stamps and taxes to order and direct the receiver general of stamps and taxes, or any officer for receipt, to repay to the party the sum so erroneously and doubly assessed upon him, and paid as aforesaid. Commis- 172. That the respective commissioners execu- tioners to fa ^ g j± c i j n re i at i n to any of the duties hereby issue jju- ~ «/ «/ piicates of granted shall, within one calendar month after the Assess- ~ 7 ments to fi rs t day of hearing appeals, all ajmeals then made Ool Ipo tors with War- being first determined, issue out and deliver to the collect the respective collectors duplicates of the assessments of the aforesaid duties, charged at the respective rates mentioned in the respective schedules of this Infants, &c. — Defaulters. 225 Act, together with their warrants, as directed by the said several Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes, for the speedy and effectual levying and collecting of the said duties assessed under this Act, as the same shall become payable, by quarterly instalments, as heroin directed, distin- guishing the amount charged under each of the said schedules: provided always, that all such duties as shall be assessed or charged under any of the provisions of this Act, if not paid, levied, or collected according to the directions herein mentioned, shall be recoverable as a debt to the Queen's Majesty, with full costs of suit, and all charges and expenses attending the same ; and when so recovered the said duties shall be paid to the proper officer for receipt, in aid of the parish or place answerable for the same. 173. That where any person chargeable with Parents the duties hereby made payable as aforesaid shall JkiiwiiaM be under the age of twenty-one years, or where any ^ 0I & person so chargeable shall die, in every such case Executors Ii t , i , ■ . - for Persons tne parents, guardians, or tutors of such infant, upon dying, default of payment by him, and the executors and administrators of the person so dying, shall be and are hereby made liable to and charged with the payments which the said infant ought to have made, or the person so dying was chargeable with ; and if such parents, guardians, or tutors, or such executors or administrators, shall neglect or refuse to pay as aforesaid, it shall be lawful to proceed against them in like manner as against any other person making default of payment of the said duties; and all £>b Collection of Arrears. Parish to be answer- able for Collectors in Eng- land. Arrears to be re- assessed. parents, guardians, or tutors making payment as aforesaid shall be allowed every sum paid for such infants in their accounts, and all executors and administrators shall be allowed to deduct all such payments out of the assets of the person so dying. 174. That in England the parish or place in which any assessment shall have been made of the duties granted by this Act under any of the schedules marked respectively (A.), (B.), or (D.) shall be answerable for the amount of the duties which shall have been so charged in such parish or place, and for the said duties being duly demanded of the respective persons charged therewith, ac- cording to the regulations contained in the said Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes, by the collector appointed for such parish or place, and also for such collector duly paying the sums by him received to the proper officer for receipt of the said duties, according to such regulations; and any of the arrears of the said duties by this Act granted, caused by or arising from any neglect, default, or failure of any collector for which any parish or place shall be answerable as aforesaid, shall be assessed within or upon such parish or place as soon after such default shall be discovered as conveniently can be done, and shall be charged on the amount of the assessment which shall be made for the same duties in the year commencing from the fifth day of April preceding the time of making such re- assessment, by duly apportioning the amount of such arrear amongst the several persons assessed in that year in the assessment of the same duties on Times of Payment. 227 which such arreaf shall have accrued, according to the amount of each person's assessment therein, as nearly as the case will admit, and by the like rules, methods, and directions by which the original assessment was made, to be raised and levied in such manner as any assessment may be by virtue of this Act raised and levied under the regulations of the said Acts respectively. 175 That if it shall happen that this Act shall Commis- , , . . , , j. sioners to not be executed previous to the time appointed tor adjust the payment of the first or any subsequent instal- p^ent, merit of the said duties, or within the year of JJJj^ assessment, it shall be lawful for the commissioners Daycare executing this Act who shall have made or allowed and Sums ° , . . , t £ to be paid, any assessments after the period appointed tor any not less such payment, which they are hereby declared to Amount of be competent to do from time to time when and as £^" ts the same shall be necessary, to settle and adjust at °™ach what time and in what proportions any instalment of which the time for payment shall then have elapsed shall be paid, in such manner as to them shall appear just and reasonable, regard being had to the number of days appointed for the payment of instalments then to come (if any) in the year of making the assessment ; provided that on or before every quarterly clay of payment as herein mentioned after the making of such assessment in the same or any subsequent year the said commissioners shall direct at least the amount of two quarterly pay- ments to be made, until all arrears, either for that or any former or subsequent year, shall have been completed. 228 Times of Payment, Assess- 176. That every assessment to be made under be e for One this act within the year appointed for making the Jbic r by ay same slia11 ^ e cIeemed to ^ e for tlie current year, Sments an( * ^sOl ^ ^ ^° 1Ce ^ SUC ^ ^^ ' ^^ eVei T assessment made after the expiration of any year in which the same ought to have been made shall be deemed to be for the whole of the year current when the assessment ought to have been made, and such year shall commence from the fifth day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, for the first assessment, and for every subsequent assessment during the continuance of this Act from the fifth day of April in such year; and the said duties which shall be charged in England, except where the same shall be detained and stopped at the respective offices, shall be payable in each year by four quarterly instalments at the times following: videlicet, on or before the twentieth day of June for the first quarterly instalment, on or before the twentieth day of September for the second quar- terly instalment, on or before the twentieth day of December for the third quarterly instalment, and on or before the twentieth day of March for the last quarterly instalment, in each ye'ar ; and in Scotland the said duties shall be payable by two half-yearly instalments ; videlicet, on or before the twentieth day of September for the first half-yearly instalment, and on or before the twentieth day of March for the last half-yearly instalment ; the pay- ment thereof for the first assessment to be regulated as to the proportion of the sums and times of pay- ment by the respective commissioners pursuant to the directions herein contained. Change of Residence. 229 177. That if any person shall come into any if Persons i • i i n x i come to parish or place wherein such person shall not nave res ide in been before charged to the said duties contained ™wSS in any of the said schedules for the same year, the *7 b ^ e assessor or collector, or any inspector or surveyor, before ^ shall sive or leave notice in writing to or for such the Assessor person to make out and deliver, within fourteen togive days next ensuing the day of giving such notice, a ^Xe to declaration in writing, signed by him with his own Jjj£» proper name, which shall specify the name of the * e y w J re r narish or place and county wherein such person to deliver a " ,,>•-,!> -, Statement, shall have been assessed as aforesaid lor such year, f or the and also to produce the certificate of such assess- Eg 56 ° ment, or in default thereof to deliver a statement assessed. ixjA, , . Penalty on for the purpose of being assessed in such parish or Persons place ; and if any such person as aforesaid shall toteHver neglect or refuse to make out and sign and deliver statement. such declaration or statement as aforesaid, within the time before mentioned, or shall make any false or untrue return therein in any particular thereof, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty pounds; and when in any case it shall not appear in the assessment of any parish or place for that year that any person residing or being therein shall have been assessed to the said duties in the same parish or place, then and in such case it shall be lawful for the respective commissioners acting for the said district and they are hereby required to proceed in manner before directed to assess such person to the said several duties, in like manner in every respect as if such person had been resident in such parish or place at the time of the publication of notices as 230 Change of Residence. Persons removing out of a Parish or Place, ■without first dis- charging the Assess- ment, or not leaving sufficient Goods to satisfy the Arrear, subject to Penalty. Arrears to be levied byDistress in the District ■where the Party resides ; and if not so levied or collected, to be recovered as a Debt to Her Majesty. directed by this Act, unless such person shall prove to their satisfaction that he hath been duly charged in some other parish or place, and hath paid or satisfied the duties so charged ; and if any person, before or after notice given to return a statement as aforesaid, shall remove out of such parish or place without returning such statement, or before an assessment shall be made on him, with intent to evade an assessment, or if any person being assessed to the said duties shall remove out of the parish or place where he shall have been assessed to the said duties without first paying or discharging all the said duties charged upon him which shall then be due and payable, or without leaving in such parish or place sufficient goods and chattels whereon the said duties in arrear may be raised and levied, and the same shall remain in arrear and unpaid for the space of twenty days after the time appointed by this Act for payment thereof, every such person shall forfeit (over and above the said duties so left unpaid as aforesaid) the sum of twenty pounds ; and in every such case, and also in every case where any person shall reside in any other parish or place than that in which the assessment or charge shall be made on him in pursuance of this Act, and the same shall be in arrear and unsatisfied in the whole or in part, it shall be lawful for the commissioners of the district in which such assessment or charge shall have been made to certify to the commissioners of the district within which such person shall reside the amount of the assessment or charge made upon such person, and remaining in arrear and unpaid Change of Besidence. 231 as aforesaid, and such last-mentioned commissioners shall thereupon cause the whole of the duty so remaining in arrear and unpaid as aforesaid to "be raised and levied, by and under their warrant, together with the costs and charges attending the same; provided that if no such certificate and warrant as aforesaid shall be made and issued, or the whole of such arrear of duty, and costs and charges, as aforesaid, shall not be levied or collected in manner aforesaid, the same shall be recoverable as a debt to Her Majesty, together with full costs of suit, and all charges and expenses attending the same. 178. That if any person who ought to be charged Penalty on as directed by this Act shall, by fraudulently chang- fr auaT ing or having changed his place of residence, or by d^ging fraudulently converting or having converted his £ e f dencej property, or any part thereof, or by fraudulently <™™*; releasing, assigning, or conveying, or having fraudu- petty, ?r lently released, assigned, or conveyed, the same, or f a i se state- any part thereof, or by making and delivering any g^ty $ such statement or schedule as aforesaid which shall J*^ be false or fraudulent, or having any property chargeable as aforesaid, shall fraudulently convert or shall have fraudulently converted the same, or any part thereof, by altering or having altered any security with relation to such property, or by fraudulently rendering or having rendered the same, or any part thereof, temporarily unproductive, in order that such person may not be charged for the same or any part thereof, or by any falsehood, wilful neglect, fraud, covin, art, or contrivance whatsoever, 232 Stamp Duty. — False Evidence. .Receipts and other Docu- ments exempted from Stamp Duty. Persons giving false Evidence, or swear- ing falsely, liable to the Penal- ties of Perjury. used or practised, shall not be charged and assessed according to the true intent and meaning of this Act, every such person shall, on proof thereof before the said respective commissioners for general pur- poses acting for the district wherein such person shall be chargeable, be charged and assessed treble the amount of the charge which ought to have been made on such person if no such charge shall have been made ; and if any such charge shall have been made which shall be less than the charge which ought to have been made on such person, then such person shall be assessed and charged, over and above such former charge, treble the amount of the difference between the sum with which such person shall have been charged and the sum with which he ought to have been charged, to be added to such assessment, and applied as in other cases as afore- said. 179. That no receipt, certificate of payment, contract of composition, affidavit, appraisement, or valuation, made or given in pursuance and for the purposes of this Act, shall be liable to any stamp duty. 180. That if any person, upon any examination on oath or affirmation, or in any affidavit, dej3osi- tion, or affirmation authorised by this Act, shall wilfully and corruptly give false evidence, or shall wilfully and corruptly swear or affirm any matter or thing which shall be false or untrue, every such person so offending, and being thereof duly con- victed, shall be subject and liable to such pains and penalties as by the laws in force persons convicted Forgery of Certificates or Receipts. 233 of wilful and corrupt perjury are subject and liable to ; and any indictment or information for perjury indict- r m> i «j_ J '*.' ™. mcnts may- COmmitted in any such affidavit, deposition, 01 be tried in affirmation as aforesaid, whether the same shall be SSSjS? taken or made within Great Britain or without, ^f^. shall and may be laid, tried, and determined in the bited. county where such affidavit, deposition, or affirma- tion shall be exhibited to the commissioners in pursuance of this Act. 181. That if any person shall forge, counterfeit, or Pun i S h- alter, or cause or procure to be forged, counterfeited, p^sons or altered, or knowingly or wilfully act or assist in jgjjg^J, forging, counterfeiting, or altering, any certificate akegjg of the commissioners of stamps and taxes, or of any cates or other commissioners acting in the execution of this given Act, or any certificate or receipt which the cashier ^t. er of the Bank of England, or the receiver general of stamps and taxes, or any officer for receipt, is by this Act authorised to give on the receipt of any money payable under this Act, or shall utter any such forged, counterfeited, or altered certificate or receipt as aforesaid, with intent to defraud Her Majesty, or any body politic or corporate, or any person whom- soever, every person so offending, and being thereof lawfully convicted, shall be adjudged guilty of felony, and shall be transported for a term not exceeding fourteen years. 182. That if, upon the trial of any indictment, prescrib- information, suit, or prosecution whatsoever, or in S de ; ce any proceeding relative thereto, under and by £ c ^ vedin virtue of this Act or the said Acts hereinbefore Courtof x CI SODS recited or referred to, or for anything done m being 234 Allowances to Assessors, &c. Commis- pursuance of this Act, or for any offence committed office.^ 01 against this Act, or in any matter arising out of this Act, or on occasion thereof, any question shall arise whether any person be or have been or was a commissioner or officer of or for the said duties hereby granted, or commissioned or appointed to act as such, then and in every such case proof may be made and admitted that such person was reputed to be or had acted as such commissioner or officer, or acted under such commission or ap- pointment, at the time respectively when the act, matter, or thing in controversy upon such trial or other proceeding shall happen to have been done or committed, or omitted to have been done or performed, without producing or proving the parti- cular commission, appointment, nomination, or other authority whereby such commissioner or officer was constituted and appointed ; and that in every such case such proof shall be deemed and taken, by all judges, justices, or commissioners before whom any such trial or proceeding shall be had, to be good and legal evidence, unless by other evidence the contrary shall be made to appear ; any law or usage to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. Allowance 183. That the several assessors and collectors sors^Cot- shall have threepence in the pound for what money cieS °f t ne several duties by this Act granted the several 'persomT c °ll 6c tors shall pay to the proper officer for receipt, to be divided in each separate collection between the said assessors and collectors in equal proportion ; and for the careful writing and transcribing the said assessments, warrants, estreats, and duplicates Alloivances to Assessors, &c. 235 in due time, and for the due, speedy, and effectual executing all matters and things directed to be per- formed under the said commissioners, and for the bearing and sustaining all incidental expences attending the execution of this Act, under the direction of the said respective commissioners in their several districts, the clerk of the respective commissioners, who shall perform the duties of his office within the respective times limited by this Act, and shall have borne and sustained such incidental expenses, shall, by warrant under the hands of the said commissioners, have and receive from the respective officers for receipt twopence in the pound of all such monies of the said several duties as shall be assessed in or by virtue of such warrants or certificates ; and the clerk who shall not have borne and sustained such incidental expences shall, by like warrant, have and receive one penny in the pound of all such monies as afore- said, provided this Act be carried into execution in due time and in an effectual manner for the district in which he shall be appointed the clerk, and all warrants or estreats be made, and the duplicates be delivered to the proper officer for receipt, and into the head office for stamps and taxes as aforesaid, within the times limited by this Act, and not other- wise ; and no person shall under any pretence what- ever be entitled to any part of the reward hereby given to such clerk, except the assistant (if any) to such clerk, whose compensation shall be appor- tioned and settled by the respective commissioners ; nor shall such clerk under any pretence whatever. 236 Allowances to Assessors, &e. demand, take, or receive any fee, gratuity, or per- quisite, for any matter or thing to be done by him by virtue and under the authority of this Act, from any person, other than the proper officer for receipt, in manner aforesaid : provided always, that no such compensation shall be made to any assessor or collector, in respect of any sum detained or stopped under the authority of this Act, or paid into the Bank of England, or in respect of any sums paid by the respective parties into the said bank, nor to any receiver, nor to any of the persons or corporations intrusted with the payment of annuities, dividends, and shares paid out of any public revenue of Great Britain, or elsewhere, as aforesaid, other than such sum as shall be directed to be paid to such collec- tors, receivers, corporations, or persons aforesaid by the warrant of the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury, for their pains and care in executing this Further Act : provided also, that it shall be lawful for the Allowance ± . to clerk, said commissioners of Her Majesty s treasury to cause such further allowance to be made to such clerk as aforesaid, who shall have faithfully per- formed his duty under this Act, and shall have borne and sustained such incidental expences as aforesaid, of any sum,- not exceeding one penny in the pound on the amount of such part of the gross assessment as shall have been discharged on occa- sion of claims for exemption made and allowed under this Act on the ground of income, as they shall, on consideration of the extent and population of the district, and the number of such claims, Elections. — Recovery of Penalties. 237 think proper to direct, and the certificate of the commissioners of stamps and taxes shall be an authority to the officers for receipt respectively to pay such further allowance. 184. Provided always, that no neglect or omis- Nonpay- sion to pay within any limited period the duties Duties assessed under the authority of this Act in respect "^jl? 18 " of any house or other building shall prevent any ll01 ? «/ o x t/ voting at person from being admitted or retained on the Elections register or list of persons entitled to vote in the bersof election of a member or members to serve in Par- m ent a liament for any city or borough, or from voting at any such election. 185. That all pecuniary penalties imposed by Recovery this -Act shall and may be sued for, recovered, and ?i eS ana~ apj3lied in such manner and form as is directed in regard to the pecuniary penalties imposed by the said Acts respectively passed in the forty-third year of the reign of King George the Third relating to the duties of assessed taxes, the regulations whereof are hereby made applicable to the duties granted and the penalties imposed by this Act ; and that in any action, suit, or proceeding, by or on the behalf of Her Majesty, for the recovery of any such duties or penalties respectively granted or imposed by this Act, such duties and penalties respectively shall be recoverable with full costs of suit, and all charges and expences attending the same : provided always, that wherever by this Act any increased rate of duty is imposed as a penalty, or as part of or in addition to any penalty, every such penalty and all Duties. 238 Incidental Expences. — Letters Patent. Monies arising from the Duties to be paid into the Bank of England, and trans- ferred to the Credit of the Ex- chequer. The Trea- sury to settle Allow- ances for Commis- sioners, Surveyors, and other Officers, and to discharge incidental Expences. No Person to be exempt by Letters Patent. such increased rate of duty may be added to the assessment, and be collected and levied in like man- ner as any duties included in such assessment may be collected and levied. 186. That all monies arising from the duties hereby granted (the necessary charges of raising and accounting for the same excepted) shall be paid into the Bank of England to the credit of an account, in the name of the receiver general of stamps and taxes, to be opened and kept for that purpose, distinct and apart from all other monies, and shall be transferred to the credit of Her Majesty's ex- chequer, in such manner, at such times, and under such authority, rules, and regulations, as are or may be appointed or made with regard to any other monies arising from duties under the care or manage- ment of the commissioners of stamps and taxes : provided always, that out of the monies from time to time to arise from the said duties, it shall be lawful for the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury to settle and appoint such salaries and allowances for the service, pains, and labour of the commissioners for special purposes, inspectors, sur- veyors, and other officers to be employed in the execution of this Act, and otherwise in relation thereto, and also to discharge such incident charges and expences attending the execution of this Act, as the said commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury shall think fit and reasonable in that behalf. 187. That no letters patent granted by Her Majesty or any of Her Royal Progenitors, or to be granted by Her Majesty, to any person, city, Letters Patent. 239 borough, or town corporate within this realm, of any manner of liberties, privileges, or exemptions from subsidies, tolls, taxes, assessments, or aids, nor any statute granting any salary, annuity, or pension to any person free of any taxes, deductions, or assessments, shall be construed or taken to exempt any person, city, borough, or town corporate, or any of the inhabitants of the same, from the burthen and charges of any of the duties granted by this Act ; and all non obstantes in such statutes or letters patent made or to be made in bar of this Act are hereby declared to be void and of non effect ; any such statutes, letters patent, grants or charters, or any clause of non obstante, or other matter or thing therein contained, or any law or statute, to the contrary notwithstanding. 188. That every provision in this Act contained, Provisions and applied to the duties in any particular schedule, anyparti- which shall also be applicable to the duties in any schedule other schedule, and not repugnant to the provisions jJJJJ d t for charging, ascertaining, or levying the duties in 2 n £ th 1 ei j such other schedule, shall, in charging, ascertaining, m charg- and levying the same, be applied as fully and effec- Duty. 6 tually as if the application thereof had been so expressly and particularly directed; anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. 189. That the schedule hereinafter mentioned, schedule marked (F.), shall be deemed a part of this Act, as deemed 36 if the same had been inserted under a special ^fj^ enactment ; provided that the several oaths therein mentioned shall be deemed and understood and taken to refer only to the duties contained in Schedule (D.) as aforesaid. 240 Scked. (F.J Oath to be taken by Commis- sioners acting in respect of the Duties contained inSchedule (D.) Forms of Oaths, SCHEDULE (F.) Form of an oath or affirmation to be taken by the commissioners for the purposes of this Act, and by additional commissioners, and com- missioners for special purposes, acting in the execution thereof, in respect of the duties contained in Schedule (D.) T" A. B. do swear [or affirm, as the case may be,] -*- that I will truly, faithfully, impartially, and honestly, according to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute the powers and authorities vested in me by an Act passed in the Year of the reign of Queen Victoria, intituled [here set forth the title of this Act], and that I will exercise the powers intrusted to me by the said Act in such manner only as shall appear to me necessary for the due execution of the same ; and that I will judge and determine upon all matters and things which shall be brought before me under the said Act without favour, affection, or malice ; and that I will not disclose any particular con- tained in any schedule or statement delivered with respect to any duties charged under the provisions and regulations relating to Schedule (D.) of the said Act, or any evidence or answer given by any person who shall be examined, or shall make affidavit, deposition, or affirmation respecting the same, in pursuance of the said Act, excepting in such cases and to such persons only who shall be sworn to the due execution of this Act, and where it shall be necessary to disclose Forms of Oaths. 241 " the same for the purposes of the said Act, or to sou*, (f.j " the commissioners of stamps and taxes, or in " order to or in the course of a prosecution for " perjury committed in such examination, affidavit, " deposition, or affirmation. " So help me God." Form of oath or affirmation to be taken by inspectors and surveyors as aforesaid. I A. B. do swear [or affirm] that in the execution Oath to be of an Act passed in the year of the inspectors reign of Queen Victoria, intituled [here set forth surveyors. the title of this Act], I will examine and revise all statements, schedules, and declarations de- livered within my district, and in objecting to the same I will act according to the best of my in- formation and knowledge, and that I will conduct myself without favour, affection, or malice, and that I will exercise the powers intrusted to me by the said Act in such manner only as shall appear to me to be necessary for the due execution of the same, or as I shall be directed by the com- missioners of stamps and taxes, or any two or more of them ; and that I will not disclose any particular contained in any statement or schedule, witli respect to any duties charged under the provisions and regulations relating to Schedule (D.) of the said Act, or any evidence or answer given by any person who shall be examined, or shall make affidavit, deposition, or affirmation respecting the same, in pursuance of the said 242 Forms of Oaths. adhed. (F.j " Act, except in such cases and to such persons only " who shall be sworn to the clue execution of the " said Act, and where it shall be necessary to dis- " close the same for the purposes of the said Act, " or to the commissioners of stamps and taxes, or " in order to or in the course of a prosecution for " perjury committed in such examination, affidavit, " deposition, or affirmation. " So help me God." Form of oath or affirmation to be taken by assessors as aforesaid. Assessors " T A. B. do swear [or affirm] that in the execution oath. " J- of an Act passed in the year of the " reign of Queen Victoria, intituled an Act [here " set forth the title of this Act], I will in all respects " act diligently and honestly, and without favour or " affection, to the best of my knowledge and belief, " and that I will not disclose any particular con- " tained in any statement or schedule delivered to " me in the execution of the said Act, with respect " to any duties charged under the provisions and " regulations relating to Schedule (D.) of the said " Act, except in such cases and to such persons " only who shall be sworn to the due execution of " the said Act, and where it shall be necessary to " disclose the same for the purposes of the said " Act, or in order to or in the course of a prose- " cution for perjury committed in any matter " relating to such statement or schedule. " So help me God." Forms of Oaths. 243 Form of oath or affirmation to be taken by the med. (F.) collectors and officers for receipt, I A. B. do swear Tor affirm! that in the execution Oath for L , J Collectors of an Act passed in the year ot the and reign of Queen Victoria, intituled an Act [here Keceipt. set forth the title of this Act], I will not disclose any assessment or the amount of any sum paid or to be paid by any individual under the said Act, or the books of assessment which shall be delivered to me in the execution of the said Act, with respect to any duties charged under the provisions and regulations relating to Schedule (D.) of the said Act, except in such cases and to such persons only who shall be sworn to the due execution of the said Act, and where it shall be necessary to disclose the same for the purposes of the said Act, or to the commissioners of stamps and taxes, or in order to or in the course of a prosecution for perjury committed in relation to the said duties. " So help me God." Form of oath or affirmation to be taken by a clerk or clerk's assistant to the commissioners aforesaid. " T A. B. do swear [or affirm] that I will diligently ci er k's " J- and faithfully execute the office of a clerk [or 0ath ' " assistant clerk, as the case may be,] according to " an Act passed in the year of the reign of " Queen Victoria, intituled an Act [here set forth " the title of this Act], to the best of my knowledge 244 Forms of Oaths. sched. (f.) " and judgment ; and that I will not disclose any " particular contained in any statement, declaration, " or schedule, with respect to the duties charged " under the provisions and regulations relating to " Schedule (D.) of the said Act, or any evidence or " answer given by any person who shall be ex- " amined, or shall make affidavit, deposition, or " affirmation, respecting the same, except in such " cases and to such persons only who shall be sworn " to the due execution of the said Act, and where " I shall be directed so to do by the regulations of " the said Act, or any two or more of the commis- " sioners under whom I act, or of the commissioners " of stamps and taxes, or in order to and in course " of a prosecution for perjury committed on such " examination, affidavit, deposition, or affirmation. " So help me God." Schedule (G.) and the Rules therein to be observed in execu- ting the Act. 190. That the Schedule marked (G-.), with the rules and directions therein contained, shall, in making returns of the amount of annual value or profits on which any duty is chargeable under this Act, so far as the same are respectively applicable to the case of each person, corporation, company, or society described or mentioned in this Act, on behalf of themselves, and also of others for whom they act in any of the characters described in this Act, or hereinafter mentioned, be observed by each such person, corporation, company, or society, or by his or their agents or officers, in the cases where such aorents or officers are authorised to make such returns. Statements. 245 SCHEDULE (G.) sculjgj I. — By every occupier of lands, tenements, heredita- ments, or heritages throughout Great Britain, to be charged under Schedule (A.) and (B.), or either of them. A statement of the rent and annual value, or ByOccu- the annual value, as the case shall require, of all LandB,&c., lands, tenements, and hereditaments, or heritages, under 6 occupied in every parish or place, distinguishing the f£ h ) e fj| Jf 8 proportions in each parish or place, and estimating W separately such as are occupied as owner or tenant, and also such as are held under different landlords, and also such as are chargeable by the rent or annual value, or on the amount of profits ; and also estima- ting separately the rent or annual value chargeable in respect of the property, and the amount charge- able in respect of the occupation, distinguishing the same, as follows : (videlicet,) Lands and tenements occupied as owner : Lands and tenements let at rack rent within seven years : Lands and tenements let at rack rent before the period of seven years, with the rent and annual value thereof estimated separately : Lands and tenements let, but not at rack rent, with the rent and annual value thereof esti- mated separately : The amount at which such lands and tenements are rated to the poor : 246 Statements. sehed. (G.) The amount of the composition, rent, rent-charge, or annual payment paid in the preceding year to the rector or vicar or other person, for tithes of the above lands and tenements : The amount of each deduction claimed in respect thereof, and stating if tithe free in part or in the whole, and the amount of any modus for tithes or real composition. By Lay Impropria- tors and Ecclesias- tical Persons, under Schedule (A.) II. — By every lay impropriator, and by every ecclesi- astical rector, vicar, or other person (describing himself) receiving any tithes in kind, or any payments in right of the church, or by endowment, or in lieu of any tithes, and on all teinds, in Scotland, to be charged under Schedule (A.), distinguishing the same asfolloivs: The amount of the profits from tithes taken in kind for one year, on an average of three years : The amount of dues and money payments' in right of the church, or by endowment, or in lieu of tithes not arising from lands, on the above The amount of compositions, rents, and pay- ments in lieu of tithes, arising from lands for the preceding year. By Corpo- jjj t — ]fg every person, corporation, or company carry- &c., under ing on any concern hereinafter mentioned, or (A.) c their agents or officers, in the cases authorised to be charged under Schedule (A.) The amount of profits from quarries of stone, slate, limestone, or chalk, in the preceding year : Statements. 247 Of iron works, salt springs or works, alum snua. (Q.) mines or works, waterworks, streams of water, canals, inland navigations, clocks, drains, levels, fishings, rights of markets and fairs, tolls, railways and other ways, bridges and ferries, in the prece- ding year : Of mines of coal, tin, lead, copper, mundic, iron, and other mines, on an average of five years. IV. — Bii every lord or lad?/ of a manor or other By Lords J * , . . 7 /,, of Manors. royalty, or tenant of the same. The amount of all dues and other services or other casual profits (except rents and annual pay- ments) of such manors or royalties, on an average of seven years. V. — By the receiver of any fine paid in consideration ByRe- of a demise of lands or tenements (except ens- Fines, tomary) to be charged under Schedule (A.) schedule (A.) The amount of such fines in the preceding year, or for such lesser period since the interest thereon commenced, and an estimate of the average value for one year. VI. — By every person entitled to profits arising from By Profits lands, tenements, hereditaments, or heritages, not Lands,&c , before stated to be charged under Schedule (A.) gJjJSuie (A.)' The amount, on a fair average, to be allowed by the respective commissioners. 248 Statements. &hed. (G.) VII.—By or for every person carrying on any trade, By ie7- manufacture, adventure, or concern in the nature casing of trade, to be charged under Schedule (B.J changed 6 The amount of the balance of the profits thereof, Sduie upon a fair and just average of three years, or (°); for such shorter period as the concern has been carried on. or exer- VIII. — By every person exercising any profession, feSl- employment, or vocation, to be charged under Schedule (B.) ■ The amount of the balance of the profits, gains, and emoluments thereof within the 1 preceding year. or entitled IX- — -% emn J P erson entitled to profits of an uncer- to Profit of t a i n m lue, not before stated, to be charged under uncertain ° Value; Schedule (D.) The full amount of the profits or gains arising therefrom within the preceding year. X. — By every person receiving in Great Britain ing in- interest from securities out of Great Britain, Foreign ™ to be charged under Schedule (B.) The full amount that has been received, or will be received, as far as the same can be computed in the current year. XL — By every person receiving in Great Britain °Vom 0fits profits from possessions out of Great Britain, to PossS^ be charged under Schedule (D.) The full net amount annually received there- 1 Now the charge is to be made on an average of three years. sions Statements. 249 from, either by remittances, or importation of sched. (g.j property, or money or" value from property not imported, or on credit, or on account in respect of remittances, property, or value, on an average of the three preceding years. • XII — By every person entitled to any annual profits or any not falling under any of the foregoing rules, and °^ ts not charged by any of the other schedules, to be cWged charged under Schedule (D.) Schedule The full amount thereof received annually, or according to the average directed to be taken by the commissioners on a statement of the nature of such profits, and the grounds on which the amount has been computed, and the average taken to the best of the party's knowledge and belief. XIII. — Declarations to be delivered in respect of the peckra- duty to be charged under Schedule (B.J respect of Duty- First. — Declaration by the precedent acting under . • i. * ii j- Schedule partner, or by the agent, if none ot the partners (D .) are resident in Great Britain, of the names of the several partners, their respective residences, and the place of carrying on the trade or concern, or exercising the profession, and the style or descrip- tion of the firm : Second. — Declaration by any partner, not being the precedent acting partner, of his being assessed with the firm, describing the same, and the place where the return of the precedent partner was made : Third. — Declaration which may be made by 250 Statements, Lists, and Declarations. sched. (G.) each partner desirous of being and entitled to be separately assessed, describing the firm, and his proportion of the profits. statement XIV. — Statement of profits of any office not charge- not able by commissioners specially appointed in the whe7e e the e department where the office is held. Office is held. The amount of salary, fees, wages, perquisites, and profits of office in the preceding year, or on an average of three years, as the case shall require. The like statement to be delivered to the com- missioners appointed in the department, if required. General XV. — General declaration by each person returning tion. aia " « statement of profits under Schedules (A.) (B.) (D.) or (E.) Declaring the truth thereof, and that the same is fully stated on every description of property or profits included in the Act relating to the said duties, and appertaining to the party, estimated to the best of his judgment and belief, according to the directions and rules of this Act. List and XVI. — List and declaration for facilitating the tion in execution of the Act in relation to the duties Duties* t0 chargeable on others. chargeable . . on others. _b irst. — List containing the name of every lodger or inmate in any dwelling house, with the ordinary place of residence of such lodger or inmate, if he shall have any ordinary place of residence else, where, at which he is desirous of being assessed : Lists, Declarations, and Statements. 251 Second. — List of every person in the service or &&*. (0.) employ of any master or mistress, whether resident in his or her dwelling house or not, and the place of residence of those not residing with the master or mistress : Third. — List to be delivered by every trustee, factor, agent, receiver, guardian, tutor, curator, or committee of the name and place of residence of the person for whom they act in such character, describing him, and the names of them who are joined in trust : Fourth. — Declaration on whom the duty is chargeable in respect of such trust : Fifth. — List containing the proper description of every corporation, company, fraternity, fellowship, society or trust for which any person is answerable as treasurer, auditor, or receiver, • and where any person before described is answerable for the duty to be charged in respect of the property or profits of others, such lists as aforesaid shall be delivered, together with the required statements of such profits : XVII. — Lists, declarations, and statements of dis- Lists, charge, or in order to obtain exemptions. tio^&c., in order to obtain Ex- First. — Declaration of the amount or value of emptions. property or profits returned, or for which the claimant hath been or is liable to be assessed : Second. — Declaration of the amount of rents, interests, annuities, or other annual payments, for which the party is liable to allow and deduct the 252 Quorum of Commissioners. sched. (g.j duty, with the names of the respective persons by whom such payments are to be made, distinguishing the amount of each payment : Third. — Declaration of the amount of interest, annuities, or other annual payments, to be made out of the property or profits assessed on the claimant, distinguishing each source : Fourth. — Statement of the amount of income derived according to the three preceding decla- rations : Fifth. — Statement of any payment which the claimant may be liable to make, and out of which he may be entitled to deduct or retain any portion of the duty charged upon him, and of any charge which he may be entitled to make against any other person for any portion of such duty, what ^ 191. That wherever by this Act any appoint- Commis- merit is directed or authorised to be made, or any competent act, matter, or thing whatever is required to be any X of the c ^ one or performed, by the commissioners of Her P -venb Majesty's treasury, every such appointment, act, this Act. matter, and thing may lawfully be made, done, and performed respectively by any three or more of the said commissioners for the time being ; and where- ever any order, consent, authority, or direction of the said commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury is prescribed or required by this Act, every such order, consent, authority, and direction may be sig- nified either under the hands of any three or more of the said commissioners, or under the hand of one of their secretaries or assistant secretaries ; and wherever any of the powers and authorities given Construction of Terms. 253 by this Act are required or directed to be put in execution, or any assessment, warrant, order, pre- cept, notice, certificate, contract of composition, or other document is by this Act or any Act herein recited or referred to is required or directed to be made, signed, or issued by the commissioners for general purposes, or the additional commissioners, or the commissioners for special purposes, or the commissioners for stamps and taxes, or any other commissioners acting in the execution of this Act, every such power and authority shall and may lawfully be put in execution, and every such assess- ment, warrant, order, precept, notice, certificate, contract, or other document shall and may lawfully be made, signed, and issued respectively by any two or more of the said respective commissioners ; provided that where any Act, matter, or thing is directed or authorised to be clone or performed by or before one of such respective commissioners, such Act, matter, or thing may lawfully be done or per- formed by or before such one commissioner, any thing herein contained notwithstanding. 192. That wherever in this Act, with reference constmc- to any person, matter, or thing, any word or words T° e ™ f the is or are used importing the singular number or gjf]^ the masculine gender only, yet such word or words shall be understood to include several persons as well as one person, females as well as males, bodies politic or corporate as well as individuals, and several matters or things as well as one matter or thing, unless it be otherwise specially provided, or there be something in the subject or context 254 Commencement of Act. repugnant to such, construction ; and that wherever the terms and expressions following occur in this Act they shall be construed respectively in the manner hereinafter directed ; (that is to say,) that the ex- pression " Her Majesty" shall be construed to mean and include Her Majesty, her heirs and successors ; the expression " Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury" shall mean and include the commis- sioners of Her Majesty's treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or any three or more of them, or the Lord High Treasurer of the said United Kingdom for the time being; the term "affidavit" and the term "oath" shall respec- tively mean and include an affirmation in the case of Quakers or other persons entitled by law to make an affirmation in lieu of an affidavit or oath ; the term " England " shall mean and include England and Wales and Berwick-upon-Tweed. Com- 193. That this Act shall commence and take meSt and effect from and after the fifth day of April One 2jS? " thousand eight hundred and forty-two ; which Act the Act. h as k een renewed by the following Acts, viz.: — 8 Vict., cap. 4, passed in 1845 ; 11 Vict, cap. 8, passed in 1848 ; 14 Vict., cap. 12, passed in 1851 ; 15 Vict,, cap. 20, passed in 1852 ; 16 and 17 Vict., cap. 34, passed in 1853 ; 20 Vict., cap. 6, passed in 1857 ; 22 and 23 Vict,, cap. 18, passed in 1859 ; 23 Vict., cap. 14, passed in 1860 ; 24 Vict., cap. 20, passed in 1861 ; 25 Vict,, cap. 22, passed in 1862 ; and the following Act of the present session of parliament hereunto annexed. INCOME TAX. Anno Vicesimo Sexto, Victoria Regin^e, Cap. 22. An Act to grant certain Duties of Customs and Inland Revenue. Most Gracious Sovereign, VT7E, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal * * subjects, the Commons of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled, towards raising the necessary supplies to defray your Majesty's public expences, and mak- ing an addition to the public revenue, have freely and voluntarily resolved to give and grant unto your Majesty the several rates and duties herein- after mentioned ; and do therefore most humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted ; and be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this pre- sent Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. There shall be charged, collected, and paid for the use of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, the several rates and duties of customs, excise, and 256 Duties of Customs. income tax, respectively specified and contained in the several Schedules marked respectively (A.), (B.), and (C), to this Act annexed, and there shall be allowed the several drawbacks specified and contained in the said Schedule (A.), and the said rates, duties, and drawbacks shall respectively take effect at or from the respective times, and shall continue to be charged, collected, paid, and allowed for and during the periods respectively specified or mentioned in that behalf in this Act or in the said schedules ; and where no time is so specified for the commencement thereof, the same shall commence and take effect from and after the passing of this Act ; and where no period is so specified or limited for the duration thereof, the same shall continue to be charged, collected, paid, and allowed respectively until Parliament shall otherwise order ; and the said several schedules shall be deemed to be part of this Act. 2. All the powers, provisions, Clauses, regula- tions, allowances and exemptions, forfeitures, pains and penalties, contained in or imposed by any Act or Acts, or any schedule thereto, relating to any duties or drawbacks of the same kind or descrip- tion as the several rates, or duties, or drawbacks granted and allowed by this Act respectively, and in force at the time of the passing of this Act, and not hereby expressly repealed, or, as regards the income tax, in force on the fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three (excej)t as hereinafter provided), shall respectively be in full force and effect with respect to the said rates, duties, Duties of Customs. 257 and drawbacks by this Act granted and allowed respectively, so far as the same are or shall be appli- cable in all cases not hereby expressly provided for, and shall be observed, applied, allowed, enforced, and put in execution for and in the raising, levying, collecting, and securing of the said last mentioned rates and duties, and the allowance and payment of the said drawbacks respectively, and otherwise in relation thereto, so far as the same shall not be superseded by, and shall be consistent with, the express provisions of this Act, as fully and effec- tually to all intents and purposes as if the same had been herein repeated and specially enacted, mutatis mutandis, with reference to the rates, duties, and drawbacks by this Act granted and allowed respectively : provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to continue or revive the provisions contained in section three of the Act passed in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth years of Her Majesty's reign, chapter fourteen ; and for the purposes of this Act the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, mentioned in the forty- second and forty-third sections respectively of the Act passed in the last session of Parliament, chapter twenty-two, shall be read as and deemed to mean the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty- three. 3. The exemption from income tax granted by the said Acts relating to the income tax to persons whose incomes are respectively less than one hundred pounds a year shall be and is hereby continued ; and in lieu of the relief granted by the twenty-eighth 258 Duties of Customs. section of the Act passed in the sixteenth and seven- teenth years of Her Majesty's reign, chapter thirty- four, to persons whose respective incomes, although amounting to one hundred pounds or upwards, are less respectively than one hundred and fifty pounds a year, the following relief or abatement shall be given or made to persons whose incomes are less respectively than two hundred pounds a year j 1 (that is to say) any person who shall be assessed or charged to any of the duties or income tax granted by this Act, or who shall have paid the same either by deduction or otherwise, and who shall claim and prove in the manner prescribed by the said Acts that his total income from every source, although amounting to one hundred pounds or upwards, is less than two hundred pounds for the year of assessment of his profits or gains, shall be entitled to be relieved from so much of the said duties assessed upon or paid by him as an assessment or charge of the said duties upon sixty pounds of his income would amount unto, and such relief shall be given either by reduction or abatement of the assessment upon such person, or by the repayment to him of so much of the excess as he shall have paid, or by both of these means, as the case may require. 1 This clause is designed to grant relief to persons with limited incomes, the tax pressing unusually severe on individuals whose incomes from all sources are between £100 and £200 a year. If the source of profit be that of a trade or profession chargeable under Schedules (D.) or (E.) the allowance (£60) is granted as deduction from the assessment; provided the person charged claims the deduction on the proper form, No. 38a, which is supplied by the surveyor of taxes or parochial assessor. When the income is derived irom lands, house property, &c, charged under Schedule (A.) or from the public funds, railways, and joint stock companies, then allowance is granted by a claim of repayment at the end of each financial year. Rates and Duties. 259 SCHEDULE (C.) Containing the Rates and Duties of Income Tax (j ranted by this Act. For one year, commencing on the sixth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, for and in respect of all property, profits, and gains mentioned or described as chargeable in the Act passed in the sixteenth and seventeenth years of Her Majesty's reign, chapter thirty-four, the follow- ing rates and duties ; that is to say, For every twenty shillings of the annual value or amount of all such property, profits, and gains (except those chargeable under Schedule (B.) of the said Act), the rate or duty of seven- pence : And for and in respect of the occupation of lands, tenements, hereditaments, and heritages, chargeable under Schedule (B.) of the said Act, for every twenty shillings of the annual value thereof, in England, the rate or duty of threepence halfpenny ; and in Scotland and Ireland respectively, the rate or duty of two- pence halfpenny. BOOK II. ASSESSED TAXES. Act 14° & 15° Victoriw, cap. 36. — House Duty. Schedule (B.) 1. From. and after the fifth day of April, one Duties thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, in England, inhabited' 1 .Wales, and -the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and Sjjfl^^ from and after. the term of Whitsunday, one thou- i" tb ? , ,,,_-". . . Schedule sand eight hundred and fifty-one, in Scotland, in annexed, lieu and instead of the window duties,, and which Duties . are hereinafter . repealed, there shall be assessed, J^™' raised, levied, collected, and paid unto and for the re P ealed use of Her Majesty, - her heirs and successors, upon inhabited dwelling houses in and throughout Great Britain, the several duties set forth in the schedule to this Act annexed, payable accordingto the annual value of such dwelling houses, which said schedule shall be deemed and taken to be part of this Act. 2. . The : said j duties' shall be denominated and Duties .deemed to be duties of assessed taxes, and shall founder* 262 Provisions of former Acts. care of be under the care and management of the com- SoneTs of missioners of inland revenue for the tim e being ; Revenue an< * a11 P owers » provisions, rules, regulations, and directions, fines, forfeitures, pains, and penalties, now in force contained in or enacted by any Act or Acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes, and Powers & also all powers, provisions, rules, regulations, direc- offormeT tions, and exemptions, fines, forfeitures, pains, and in C fo S rce ; be penalties, contained in or enacted by any such Act or Acts as aforesaid, with reference to the duties on inhabited dwelling houses according to the value thereof, as set forth in the Schedule marked (B.) annexed to the said Act of the forty-eighth year of King George the Third, and which were in force in regard to the said last-mentioned duties at the time of the repeal of such duties by an Act of the session holden in the fourth and fifth years of King William the Fourth, chapter nineteen, except as hereinafter excepted, shall severally and respectively be and become in full force and effect with respect to the duties hereby granted, and shall be severally and respectively duly observed, applied, practised, and put in execution in the respective parts of Great Britain for assessing, raising, levying, collecting, receiving, accounting for, and securing the said duties hereby granted, and otherwise in relation thereto, so far as the same are or shall be applicable, and are not repealed or superseded by and are con- sistent with the express provisions of this Act, as fully and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as if the same powers, provisions, rules, regulations, directions, and exemptions, fines, forfeitures, pains, Market Gardens. — Windows. 263 and penalties, were particularly repeated and re- enacted in this Act with reference to the said duties hereby granted : excepting always out of this enact- except as ment any provisions for or in relation to compositions provided. for the said duties set forth in the said Schedule marked (B.), the exemption in Case II. of exemptions contained in the same schedule, and all the provi- sions of an Act of the sessiorftholden in the third and fourth years of King William the Fourth, chapter thirty-nine, and of an Act of the session holden in the third and fourth years of Her Majesty, chapter seventeen. 3. Provided always, that no market garden or Market J . ' , , ° , Gardens & nursery ground occupied by a market gardener or Nursery nurseryman bond fide for the sale of the produce n ot to be thereof, in the way of his trade or business, shall be l^yakfa- included in the valuation of any dwelling house and ^™ s ° e f s premises in charging the duties made payable by this Act, 4. The duties granted by the said Act of the Duties on forty-eighth year of King George the Third, and and Lights now payable in England, Wales, and Berwick-upon- c° m_ ase on Tweed and in Scotland respectively, upon dwelling ™™ e ~ f houses, according to the number of windows or the ™™ ~ granted by lights therein, as set forth in the Schedule marked this Act ; (A.) to the said Act annexed, shall, at and upon the respective periods appointed for the commencement of the duties granted by this Act, severally cease and determine : save and except as to any of the said duties hereby repealed which, having been except assessed or charged, shall not have been collected, JJjjJ^ t ™[". levied, recovered, and accounted for, and also as to 264 Armorial Bearings. — Assessors. and Penal- all arrears of any of the said duties, and all penalties ties ' &c ' and forfeitures incurred at or before such respective periods, all which said duties and arrears of duties, and penalties and forfeitures, shall respectively be collected, levied, recovered, paid, and accounted for as if this Act had not been passed. Persons to 5. And whereas a certain rate of duty is now be liable to ,-,. « . , , - ; the same payable in respect oc armorial bearings or ensigns Armorial used or worn by persons chargeable to the duties on Beanngs i 10USeSj window or lights made payable by the said to St? Act of tlie forty-eighth year of King George the under 48 Third: Geo. ill., cap. 55. All persons who shall be chargeable to duty under this Act shall in respect of armorial bearings or ensigns used or worn by them be subject to the same rate of duty as they would have been liable to if they had been chargeable to the said duties made payable by the said Act. Assessors 6. And whereas assessors of the duties of assessed appointed- taxes have in many parishes and places been already Assessor/ appointed for the present year:, the person so ap- cnrreut ' pointed such assessors shall, without any further Year or other appointment or authority, become and be Act. . assessors of the duties granted by this Act for the said year in and for the same parishes and places respectively. The Schedule referred to ; containing The duties by this Act made payable upon inhabited dwelling houses in and throughout Great Britain, according to the annual value thereof; (that is to say,) Inhabited Dwelling Houses. 265 For every inhabited dwelling house which, with the household and other offices, yards, and gardens therewith occupied and charged, is or shall be worth the rent of twenty pounds or upwards by the year,— Where any such dwelling house shall be occupied by any person in trade who shall expose to sale and sell any goods, wares, or merchandise in any shop or warehouse, being part of the same dwelling-house, and in the front and on the ground or basement story thereof ; And also where any such dwelling house shall be occupied by any person who shall be duly licensed by the laws in force to sell therein by retail beer, ale, wine, or. other liquors, although the room or rooms thereof in which any such liquor shall be exposed to sale, sold, drunk, or consumed shall not be such shop or warehouse as aforesaid ; And also where any such dwelling house shall be a farmhouse occupied by a tenant or farm servant, and bond fide used for the purposes of husbandry only, There shall be charged for every twenty shillings of such annual value of any such dwelling house, the sum. of sixpence ; And where any such, dwelling house shall not be occupied and used for any such purpose and in manner .aforesaid, there shall be -charged for every twenty shillings of such annual value thereof the sum of ninepence. OTHER ASSESSED TAX DUTIES Under the Act 16° & 17° Victoria?, cap. 90, granting Assessed Taxes, Duties for Servants (C.J, Carriages (D.J, Horses (E.J (F.J, Dogs (G.J, Horse Dealers (H.J, Hair Powder (I.J, Armorial Bearings (K.J From and 1. From and after the fifth day of April one Aprfif thousand eight hundred and fifty-four in England, England Wales, and Berwick-upon-Tweed, and from and ? c v,M d a ^ ter ^ ie twenty-fourth day of May in the same 1854, in ' year in Scotland, the several duties of assessed certain ' taxes now payable in Great Britain under or by Assessed virtue of any Act or Acts now in force, for or in Sealed res P ec t of male servants, carriages, horses, mules, dogs, hair powder and armorial bearings, or ensigns respectively, and also all the provisions, rules, and regulations relating to such duties contained in the several Schedules marked respectively (C), (D.), (E.), (R), (Gr.), (I.), (K.), and (M.), annexed to an Act passed in the forty-eighth year of the reign of King George the Third, chapter fifty-five, and the several Schedules marked respectively (C), (D.), (E.), (F.), (G.), and (M.), annexed to an Act passed in the fifty-second year of the said King's reign, chapter ninety-three, shall respectively cease and determine, and shall be and the same are hereby repealed, save and except as to all arrears of the said duties or any of them, and as to all assessments Duties of Assessed Taxes. 267 thereof made or which ought to be made for any year prior to the year commencing from and after the respective times aforesaid, and as to any penal- ties incurred in relation to the said duties or any of them, all which said arrears, duties, assessments, and penalties shall and may respectively be re- covered, levied, and applied in the same manner as if this Act had not been passed. 2. In lieu of the duties so repealed by this Act, Duties of there shall be assessed, raised, levied, and paid unto Taxes' 6 and for the use of Her Majesty, her heirs and sue- f£^lf in cessors, in and throughout Great Britain, for or in £ U eakd respect of male servants, carriages, horses, mules, clogs, hair powder, and armorial bearings or ensigns respectively, the several duties of assessed taxes described or mentioned and set forth in the several Schedules to this Act annexed marked respectively (C.), (D.), (E.), (G-.), (I.), and (K.), subject only to the exemptions contained in the said schedules respectively, and in the Schedule marked (M.) also annexed to this Act, which said several schedules, and the duties therein set forth, and the rules, regulations, and exemptions therein contained in relation to the said duties, shall be deemed and construed to be a part of this Act, and as if the same were incorporated therewith under a special enactment. 3. The duties granted by this Act shall be under Duties to the direction and management of the commissioners \^t- of inland revenue, and shall be assessed, raised, JJEd-g. levied, paid, and accounted for under the resrula- doners of ,. \ . . a Inland tions and provisions of the several Acts in force in Revenue, 268 Exemptions. and to be assessed under the Provisions of the Acts relating to Assessed Taxes. No Ex- emption, except those contained in this Act, to be allowed. Exemp- tions to be returned and claimed as directed by 43 Geo. III., cap. 161. relation to the duties of assessed taxes ; and all powers, authorities, rules, regulations, directions, penalties, clauses, matters, and things contained in or enacted by the said Acts respectively, and not expressly repealed by this Act, shall, in all cases not expressly provided for by this Act or the several schedules hereto annexed, and so far as the same are not superseded by and are consistent with the express provisions of this Act and of the said sche- dules, be duly observed, applied, practised, and put in execution- for assessing, raising, levying, collect- ing, receiving, accounting for, and securing the said duties hereby granted, and otherwise relating thereto, as fully and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as if the same powers, authorities, rules, regulations, directions, penalties, clauses, matters, and things were particularly repeated and re-enacted in the body of this Act with reference to the said duties hereby- granted. 4. Provided that no exemption from the duties granted by this. Act, except such exemptions as are expressly contained in and given by this Act or the respective schedules hereto annexed, shall be granted or allowed ; and every exemption given by this Act or the said respective schedules shall . be duly returned, together with a declaration of the cause thereof, by the person claiming the same, in the manner directed by [ the . thirty-sixth section of the Act passed in the forty-third year of the reign of King George the third, chapter one hundred and sixty-one, : or in default thereof such exemption shall not be allowed. Contracts. 269 5. Provided that no person retaining or employ- Persons , i . . keeping or ing any servant, or keeping or using any carriage, or US in g any horse or mule, after the fifth day of April, one tempted thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, in respect un . d JF of which servant, carriage, horse, or mule exemption Acts not r. , , .. „ \ . ii liabletobe ri-om the duties or assessed taxes is granted by any assessed Act in force immediately before the passing of this let for tile Act, shall be liable to be assessed or charged with bearing the duties granted by this Act in respect of such t0 kee P ° r ~_ J use such servant, carriage, horse, or mule, for the year com- Articles .' & ' ., J before mencing the fifth day of April, one thousand eight a certain hundred and fifty-four, provided such person shall not retain or employ such servant, or keep or use such carriage, horse, or mule, at any time after the tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three in England, Wales, or Berwick-upon- Tweed, or after the twenty-second day of November in the same year in Scotland. 6. Nothing in this Act contained shall be deemed This Act or construed to annul or affect any contract of com- " n ' nu i position for the duties of assessed taxes made under ^ompo- the provisions of the Act in that behalf, and which sition > but . . . . Persons shall be m force at the time of the passing of this who Act, but every such contract shall continue in force pounded until the expiration of the term for which the same 2, ^ch was made, as if this Act had not been jmssed : SawS? provided always, that it shall be lawful for any Notice person who has entered into composition for the said duties by any such contract as aforesaid, if he shall think fit, to determine the same on the fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- four, by giving notice in writing, signed by him, of 270 Construction of Act. his intention so to determine such contract, to the surveyor of taxes for the district in which he shall reside, on or before the tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three ; and if such person shall at the same time and in the like manner give notice to the said surveyor of his intention to discontinue the use of any increased establishment, or any part thereof, not included in such composition, and shall actually cease to keep the same one calendar month before the said fifth day of Aj)ril, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- four, he shall not be chargeable in the assessment of the said duties for the year commencing from the said last mentioned day for such increased portion of his establishment respecting which he shall have given such notice of his intention to discontinue, and which he shall actually have discontinued as aforesaid. The Word 7. In construing this Act and the schedules to include hereto annexed respectively the term " horse " shall Gelding. ^e construed and deemed to mean and include a mare or gelding as well as a horse. Monies 8. From and after the passing of this Act it from D £and shall be lawful for the commissioners for the reduc- de^ption tion of the National Debt from time to time to lay sSied 0ll t the monies arising from the redemption or pur- in the Pur- c } iase of the land tax under any Act or Acts in force chase of J stocks or in that behalf in the purchase and cancelling of any Annuities x . . , °. J chargeable -Parliamentary stocks or annuities chargeable upon soUdated aTm payable out of the consolidated fund of the Fund ' United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Bides for Charging Duties. 271 Schedules to which this Act refers. SCHEDULE (C.) A schedule' of the duties payable annually for every male servant retained or employed in any of the several capacities herein mentioned. Annual Duty for each Servant. £ s. d. For every such servant of the age of eighteen years or upwards .... 1 1 And for every such servant under the age of eighteen years 10 6 Bales for Charging the said Duties. I. The said duties to be paid by the master of *such servant, and to extend to and be payable for every male servant retained or employed in any of the following capacities ; (that is to say,) maitre d* hotel, house steward, master of the horse, groom of the chamber, valet de chambre, butler, under butler, clerk of the kitchen, confectioner, cook, house porter, footman, running footman, coachman, groom, postilion, stable boy, or helper in the stables of the master, gardener, park-keeper, gamekeeper, hunts- man, whipper-in, or by whatever name or names male servants really acting in any of the said capa- cities shall be called, or whether such male servants shall have been retained or employed in one or more of the said capacities, and to every such servant let to biro with any carriage or horses, and 272 Rules for Charging Duties. shall be charged upon the greatest number of ser- vants which the said master shall have kept at one time in the course of the preceding year in any of the capacities before mentioned ; provided that where any such servant shall be let to hire with any carriage or horses for one year or any longer period, the said duties shall be charged upon the person hiring such servant, and in any other case (except where exemption is hereinafter granted) the said duties shall be charged upon the person letting such servant to hire ; provided that if the person hiring any such servant shall not make a due return thereof according to the directions of the Acts in force, stating therein the name and place of abode of the person letting such servant to hire, the person hiring such servant shall be chargeable with the said duties. II. The said duties shall extend to every male person employed in any of the capacities aforesaid, and not being a servant to his employer, if such employer shall be chargeable to the duty by this Act imposed on a servant or carriage, or for more than one horse. III. The said duties shall extend to all servants employed as waiters to wait on guests or in any of the capacities before mentioned in taverns, coffee houses, inns, alehouses, or any other houses licensed to sell wine, ale, or other liquors by retail, and in eating or victualling houses, and in hotels or lodg- ing houses, of whatever description, although not licensed, except occasional waiters. IV. The said duties on gardeners shall extend Bides for Charging Duties. 273 to every gardener who shall have contracted for the keeping of any garden or gardens wherein the con- stant labour of a person shall be necessary, or where a person shall have been constantly employed there- in, to be paid by the person for whose use and in whose garden such gardener or person shall have been employed ; provided that no person shall be deemed to he a gardener unless the w T hole or the greater part of his time shall be employed as a gardener in a garden requiring the greater part of the labour of one person ; provided also, that any person employing any under gardener shall be chargeable for such under gardener at the rate of ten shillings and sixpence only. V. The said duties upon gamekeepers shall ex. tend to every person retained or employed to kill or preserve game for the use of any other person, whether lawfully appointed to kill or preserve game or not, to be paid by the person retaining or em- ploying such persons respectively for the uses aforesaid, except gamekeepers being the servants of other persons, and duly returned by and charged to the said duties as servants of such other persons : provided always, that any person employed to pre- serve game under a gamekeeper duly appointed shall be chargeable at the rate of ten shillings and sixpence only. VI. The said duties shall extend to every person who shall be employed in the capacity of a coach- man, postillion, groom, or helper in the stables, although such person shall have been retained for the purposes of husbandry or any manufacture or R 274 Exemptions. trade, where the master of such person shall be chargeable with duty for any carriage, or for two or more horses chargeable with the duty on horses kept for the purpose of riding or drawing carriages. Exemptions. I. The said duties not to be payable by any of the royal family, or any servant acting in any of the capacities aforesaid. II. Nor by any general officer or officer of the staff in the army, or any officer serving in any regi- ment of horse or dragoons, or in any regiment of artillery, infantry, royal marines, royal garrison battalions, or corps of engineers, for so many male servants, being actually soldiers in the army, as are or may be allowed to them respectively by the regu- lations of the public service, in whatever capacity any such soldier may be employed. III. Nor by any officer of Her Majesty's navy in actual employ, for any number of servants borne upon the books of the ship to which such officer shall belong, and employed by him, in whatever capacity any such servant may be employed. IV. The said duties not to be payable for any male servant, or person under the age of twenty-one years, being the son or grandson of and residing with his employer, and actually a member of his household. V. Nor for any person retained or employed in any of the capacities enumerated in this schedule Exemptions. 275 in the room of others who may be called out under any Act for training and exercising a military force within the kingdom, during the time of such train- ing and exercising. VI. Nor for one male person employed by any licensed victualler bond fide and generally to carry out beer, ale, or other liquors to customers, although he may be occasionally required to wait on guests ; provided such licensed victualler shall employ only one such male person. VII. Nor for any male servant or person em- ployed as an ostler or helper in the stables of any licensed innkeeper. VIII. Nor for any male servant or person em- ployed as groom, stable boy, or helper in the stables by the several persons hereinafter mentioned, solely and bond fide in their respective businesses ; (that is to say,) by any livery stable keeper, or any horse dealer, or any person licensed to let horses for hire, or to keep and use any stage carriage or any hackney carriage ; nor for any male servant or person em- ployed by any such licensed person to drive any licensed stage carriage or any licensed hackney car- riage, or any carriage with any horse let to hire for any period less than twenty-eight days. IX. Nor for any male person employed by any stable keeper, for or in expectation of profit, solely and bond fide to take care of any horse kept for the purpose of racing or running for any plate, prize, or sum of money, or in training for any such purpose. 276 Duties Payable, SCHEDULE (D.) A schedule of the duties payable annually on all carriages of any of the descriptions herein men- tioned. Annual Duty fcr each Carriage. £ S. d. For every such carriage with four wheels: Where the same shall be drawn by two or more horses or mules . . 3 10 And where the same shall be drawn by one horse or mule only ... 2 For every carriage with four wheels, each being of less diameter than thirty inches : Where the same shall be drawn by two or more ponies or mules, neither of them exceeding thir- teen hands in height 1 15 And where the same shall be drawn by one such pony or mule only .10 For every carriage with less than four wheels : Where the same shall be drawn by two or more horses or mules ..200 And where the same shall be drawn by one horse or mule only ... 15 And where the same shall be drawn by one pony or mule only not ex- ceeding thirteen hands in height 10 Duties Payable. 277 Annual Duty for each Carriage. £ 5. d. And where any such carriage shall] 0nehalfofthe be kept and used solely for the[ a S32"5S' purpose of being let for hire . . ) For every carriage used by any com- mon carrier principally and bond fide for and in the carrying of goods, wares, or merchandise whereby he shall seek a livelihood, where such carriage shall be occasionally only used in conveying pas- sengers for hire, and in such manner that the stage carriage duty or any composi- tion for the same shall not be payable under any licence by the commissioners of inland revenue : Where such last-mentioned carriage shall have four wheels .... 2 6 8 And where the same shall have less than four wheels 16 8 Bides for Charging the said Duties. I. The said duties to be respectively charged for every coach, landau, chariot, chaise, sociable, caravan, curricle, chair, or car, and for every other carriage constructed for the like purposes, by what- ever name or names the same shall be called or known, and upon all such carriages hired by the year or any longer period, and upon all such car- riages kept to be let out to hire. 278 Exemptions. II. The duty on carriages kept to be let out to hire to be paid by the person keeping the same for such purpose, and to be charged on the greatest number of such carriages which shall have been kept at any one time and which shall have been actually let during the preceding year; provided that if a due return thereof shall not be made by the hirer of any such carriage, according to the directions of the Acts in force, stating therein the name and place of abode of the person letting the same to hire, such hirer shall be chargeable with the said duties. Exemptions. I. Any carriage belonging to Her Majesty or any of the royal family. II. Any carriage licensed by the commissioners of inland revenue to be used as a hackney carriage. III. Any carriage kept and used solely as a public stage carriage for the purpose of conveying passengers for hire under a licence in that behalf. IV. Any carriage bond fide and solely kept and used for the purpose of being let for hire, with a horse or horses to be used therewith, by any person duly licensed to let horses for hire ; provided that no exemption shall be allowed for any greater number of carriages than such person shall be licensed to keep at one time for the purpose of being let for hire as aforesaid. V. Any waggon, van, cart, or other such carriage which shall be kept truly and without Duties Payable. 279 fraud to be used solely in the course of trade or in the affairs of husbandry, and whereon the christian name and surname and place of abode of the owner shall be legibly painted ; provided that such car- riage shall not on any occasion be used for any purpose of pleasure, or otherwise than as aforesaid, except for conveying the owner thereof or his family to or from any place of divine worship. SCHEDULE (E.) A schedule of the duties payable annually for horses and mules kept or used for the purpose of riding, or of drawing any carriage chargeable with duty. Annual Duty for each Horse or Mule. £ s. d. For every horse kept or used for the pur- pose of racing or running for any plate, prize, or sum of money or other thing, or kept in training for any of the said last mentioned purposes 1 3 17 For every other horse, and for every mule, exceeding respectively the height of thirteen hands of four inches to each hand, kept for the purpose of riding, or of drawing any carriage chargeable with duty, except horses chargeable under Schedule (F.) of this Act ..110 1 This is now repealed. 280 Rules for Charging Duties. SCHEDULE (F.) A schedule of the duties payable annually for all horses and mules not charged with duty under Schedule (E.) of this Act, Annual Duty for each Horse or Mule. £ s. d. For every horse and mule exceeding re- spectively the height of thirteen hands, and not chargeable under Schedule (E.) of this Act 10 6 For every pony or mule not exceeding the height of thirteen hands, kept for the purpose of riding, or of drawing any carriage chargeable with duty . . 10 6 And for every such pony or mule as last mentioned, kej)t for any other purpose 5 3 Rules for Charging the said Duties contained in Schedules (E.) and (F.) I. Any person bond fide following the occupation of a farmer, and making a livelihood principally by husbandry on any farm or farms in his occupation, Shall be entitled to keep and use one horse for the purpose of riding, or of drawing any carriage charge- able with duty, and shall be chargeable for such horse with the duty of ten shillings and sixpence only. II. Any rector, vicar, or curate actually doing duty in the church or chapel of which he is rector. Hides for Charging Duties. 281 vicar, or curate (except such person who shall occa- sionally perform the duty appertaining to any rector, vicar, or curate, without being the regular officiating minister of the parish or place in which such duty shall be performed); and any minister of the established church of Scotland, or of any other church or religious sect or persuasion in Scotland, being the regular ordained or officiating minister of a parish or quoad sacra church or chapel of ease in connexion with the said established church, or of a congregational connexion with any such other church or religious sect or persuasion, and not following any secular occupation whatsoever ; and any priest of the Roman Catholic faith who shall have duly taken and subscribed the oaths and declarations required by law; and any minister, teacher, or preacher of any separate congregation of protestant dissenters, whose place of meeting shall have been duly registered, such teacher or preacher having duly taken and subscribed the oaths and declaration required by law, and not following any secular occupation, except that of a schoolmaster ; and any person practising as a physi- cian, surgeon, or apothecary, being duly qualified so to practise, shall respectively be entitled to keep and use one horse for the purpose of riding, or of drawing any carriage chargeable with duty, and shall be chargeable for such horse with the duty of ten shillings and sixpence only; provided such persons respectively shall not keep more than one horse. III. Any person who shall keep one horse or 282 Exemptions. mule bond fide for the use of and which shall be usually employed by any bailiff upon the concerns of any farm or farms with which such bailiff may be intrusted, or any one horse or mule bond fide for and usually employed by any shepherd or herds- man, solely in tending sheep or cattle, shall be chargeable for any such horse or mule with the duty of ten shillings and sixpence only. IV. The duties by this Act granted on horses kept for the purpose of racing or running for any plate, prize, or sum of money, shall be charged either on the proprietor of such horses or on the person having the custody, care, or management of the same ; provided that such proprietor shall be chargeable only for the greatest number of such horses which he shall have kept at any one time during the preceding year ; and the person having the custody, care, or management of such horses shall not be charged for any horse which he shall prove the proprietor to be assessed for. Exemptions from the Duties contained in Schedules (E.) and (F.) I. Any horse belonging to Her Majesty or any of the royal family. II. Any person who shall keep any horse which shall be used truly and without fraud for the pur- pose of husbandry, or of drawing any carriage not chargeable with any duty, or of carrying burdens in the course of the trade or occupation of the Exemptions, 283 person to whom such horse shall belong, for one such horse used for riding on the occasions and in manner hereinafter mentioned, (that is to say,) when returning from any place to which any load or burden shall have by such horse been drawn or carried, or in going to any place from whence any load or burden shall be to be brought back by such horse, or for the purpose of procuring medical assistance ; provided such one horse shall not on any occasion be used for any other purpose, save as aforesaid. III. Any person duly licensed to keep any stage carriage for the purpose of conveying passengers for hire at separate fares, in respect of any horses solely used in drawing any such stage carriage. IV. Any person duly licensed to let horses for hire, in respect of any horse or horses bond fide and solely kept and used by him for the purpose of being let for hire ; provided that no exemption shall be allowed for any greater number of horses than such person shall be so licensed to keep at one time for the purpose of being let for hire as aforesaid. V. Any person licensed by the commissioners of inland revenue to keep any hackney carriage, in respect of any horses solely used in drawing any such hackney carriage. VI. Any dealer in horses assessed to the duties chargeable by law on such dealers shall be exempt from the duties by this Act charged for all horses belonging to such dealer, and kept bond fide for sale, and not used for any other purpose or in any other manner. 284 Exemptions. VII. Any person in respect of any horses or mules kept and used solely for the purpose of husbandry, and any person who shall keep any number of horses or mules bond fide for the purpose of husbandry, some or whole of which he may occasionally use for other purposes in drawing bur- dens, shall not be chargeable under Schedule (F.) of this Act for more than two of such horses or mules kept on any one farm, or at any one parish or place ; provided that none of such horses or mules shall be used for any purpose of trade, or in drawing for hire or profit, or in drawing any carriage chargeable with duty. VIII. Any person bond fide following the occupation of a farmer, and making a livelihood principally by husbandry on any farm or farms in his occupation, in respect of any horses or mules kept and used for the purposes of husbandry, although such horses or mules shall be occasionally used for other purposes in drawing burdens, and although such horses or mules shall be occasionally used by such person, or let by him for the purpose of drawing for hire or profit ; provided such horses or mules shall not be used for drawing any carriage chargeable with duty. IX. Any person carrying on the trade or business of a market gardener, in respect of all horses or mules bond fide kept and used in the cultivation of the gardens or lands in his occupation, and in con- veying the produce thereof to and from market. X. Any person in respect of any mare which shall be kept for the sole purpose of breeding. Exemptions. 285 XI. Any person in respect of any pony or mule not exceeding respectively the height of thirteen hands, and used solely in any underground mine. XII. Any person for any horse which shall not at any time whatever have been used for any purpose of labour or otherwise during the year in respect of which the duty is charged. XIII. Any effective officer commanding a volun- teer corps claiming and returning his exemption for not more than two horses kept for Her Majesty's service in such corps. XIV. Any field officer, not being commandant, and any adjutant of any volunteer corps, and any person serving in any corps of yeomanry, volunteer cavalry, or providing a horse for any other person serving in any such corps, who shall be returned in the manner required by law as effective, and as having used any horse for such service on the several days of muster and exercise of such corps ; provided in every such last mentioned case a certi- ficate shall be delivered of such effective service in the manner required by the eleventh section of an Act passed in the forty-fourth year of the reign of King George the Third, chapter fifty-four. XV. Any officer belonging, attached to, and serving in any of Her Majesty's forces, in respect of any horse or horses bond fide kept and used by him in the public service, shall be relieved from the duty thereon to such amount as would be allowed and reimbursed to such officer out of the public revenue by the rules of the service if such officer were assessed for and paid the same. 286 Duties Payable. XVI. Any non-commissioned officer or private of the regiments of cavalry or in the artillery for any horse used in Her Majesty's service. XVII. Any field officer, adjutant, or surgeon, of a regiment of militia who shall be returned in the manner required by law as effective, and as having used any horse for the militia on the several days when the militia was called out for training and exercise; provided in every case the exemption shall be supported by a certificate, to be delivered between the fifth day of April and the first day of May in each succeeding year to any surveyor or inspector of taxes in the district wherein such corps shall be enrolled, in the following form : " I, commanding officer regiment " of militia, do hereby certify that the several " persons herein named and described were respec- " tively field officers, adjutant, and surgeon already " commissioned and serving in the said corps as " effective members thereof, and that they each " kept one horse for the service of the militia, in " the year ended the fifth day of April, 18 . SCHEDULE (G.) A schedule of the duties payable annually on dogs. Annual Duty for each Dog. £ s. d. For every dog, of whatever description or denomination the same may be . . . 12 The said duty to be paid by the person keeping any dog, or having the same in his custody or Exemptions. 287 possession, whether the same be his property or not, such person not discovering the owner thereof who shall have been duly assessed to the same. Provided always, that no person shall be chargeable with duty to any greater amount than £39. 12s. for any number of hounds, or £9 for any number of greyhounds, kept by him in any year. Exemptions. I. Any dog belonging to Her Majesty or any of the royal family. II. Any person in respect of a dog or whelp which at the time of returning the list of dogs as required by the Acts in that behalf shall not actually be of the age of six calendar months. III. Any person in respect of any dog bond fide and wholly kept and used in the care of sheep or cattle, or in driving or removing the same; provided no such dog shall be a greyhound, hound, pointer, setting dog, spaniel, lurcher, or terrier. SCHEDULE (I.) A schedule of the duties payable annually by per- sons in respect of hair powder used or worn by them. Annual Duty. £ S. d. By every person who shall have used or worn any hair powder 13 6 288 Mules. Bides for Charging the said Duties. I. The said rate or duty to extend to every sort or composition of powder used or worn by any person as an article of or in or about his or her dress, by whatever name the same shall be distin- guished, and to be assessed upon and paid by the person having used or worn the same within the year preceding the term for which the assessment ought to be made, except as hereinafter mentioned. II. The master of any servant who shall have declared his intention to pay the duty which may be charged or chargeable as aforesaid in respect of such servant, and shall in a list returned by him have given a true account of all the servants by him kept in respect of whom such duty shall be payable, setting forth the several capacities in which such servants are respectively kept, shall be charged for every such servant, and in such case every such servant shall be deemed to be exempted from the said duties during his continu- ance in the same service, and also every servant who shall come into the service of such master in the room of such servant named therein, to serve in the same capacity, during the year in which the duty shall be so charged ; and no servant named in such list, nor any servant serving such master in any capacity named in such list, shall during the year for which such duty shall be charged be required for himself to make any such return, or to pay the said duty, or be liable to any penalty by reason of not making any such return or not paying the said duty. Duties Payable Annually. 289 Exemption. Any of the menial servants of Her Majesty or any of the royal family. SCHEDULE (K.) A schedule of the duties payable annually by per- sons in respect of any armorial bearing or ensign used or worn by them. Annual Duty. £ S. d. Where such person shall be chargeable with the duty of assessed taxes for any carriage at the rate of £3. 10s. . 2 12 9 And where such person shall not be so chargeable 13 2 Bides for Charging the said Duties. The said duties to be paid by every person having used any armorial bearing or ensign, by whatever name the same is or shall be called, within the year preceding the term for which the assess- ment ought to be made, and to extend to e very- person who within the said period shall have been possessed of or shall have kept or had any carriage, or any seal, plate, or other article, on which carriage, seal, plate, or other article any armorial bearing or ensign shall have been during the said period painted, engraved, marked, or affixed, and whether such armorial bearing or ensign shall be registered in the college of arms or not. 290 Further Exemptions. Exemptions. Any of the royal family, or any person who shall by right of office have worn or used any of the arms or insignia worn or used by the royal family, or used in any city, borough, or town corporate. SCHEDULE (M.) No. I. Further Exemptions from the Duties in the several Schedules marked (C.J, (D.J, (E.J, (F.J, and (G.J All persons having ordinarily resided in Ireland, and being members of either house of the Parlia- ment of the United Kingdom, whether on the part of Ireland or for any place in Great Britain, and all persons who shall hereafter be members of the said Parliament as aforesaid, and who shall have ordinarily resided in Ireland previous to the com- mencement of the session of Parliament in which they shall respectively serve in Parliament, and all persons having ordinarily resided in Ireland as aforesaid who shall hereafter be ordinarily resident therein, and now holding or who shall hereafter hold offices of public employments in Ireland, and are now residing in Great Britain, or who shall hereafter reside in Great Britain, with the appro- bation or by the order or direction of the lord Further Exemptions. 291 lieutenant or other chief governor or chief governors of Ireland for the time being, or of his or their chief secretary for the time being, and which shall be certified under the hand of the lord lieutenant or chief governor or chief governors, or his or their chief secretary, to be therein resident for the purposes of assisting in the execution of public business, shall be wholly discharged and exempted from the duties set forth in the Schedules to this Act annexed marked (C), (D.), (E.), (F.), and (G.); provided that this exemption shall not extend to any person ordinarily resident in Ireland as aforesaid, being a member of either house of Parliament of the United Kingdom, who hath resided or shall reside in Great Britain longer than during the session of Parliament and forty days before and forty days after each session, nor to any article on which a duty is by this Act made payable which shall be retained, kept, employed, or used by such person in Great Britain during the residence of such person in Ireland ; provided also, that this exemption shall not extend to any person ordinarily resident in Ireland as aforesaid holding an office or public employment in Ireland, unless the appro- bation in writing or such order or direction of the said lord lieutenant or other chief governor or chief governors of Ireland for the time being, or of his or their chief secretary for the time being, and a description of the place of abode in Great Britain of the persons respectively holding such offices or employments, shall have been before the passing of this Act delivered into the head office of the 292 Further Exemptions. commissioners of inland revenue, or shall be so delivered within twenty days after the passing of this Act, with respect to persons then in Great Britain, or within thirty clays after the arrival in Great Britain of such persons respectively who shall thereafter arrive ; provided also, that no person shall for the purposes of claiming this exemption be deemed to be ordinarily resident in Ireland unless he shall reside therein during such portion of the year as is not covered by the privilege herein provided ; and for the better ascertaining the fact of such residence every person claiming the benefit of this exemption shall verify the same upon oath (if required) before the commissioners acting in the execution of this Act in the district where such person shall reside. No.' 2. Further Exemptions from the Duties in the several Schedules marked (C.J, (D.J, and (F.) Any sheriff of any county, or mayor or other officer in any corporation or royal burgh, serving an annual office therein, who during such year of service shall have kept or shall keep any number of servants, carriages, or horses greater than the number such person was assessed to prior to the year of such service, and who shall have been assessed for such greater number for one year, shall be exempt from further assessment forjsuch greater number for any other year, although such year of service may have run into a second year of assessment. CASES DECIDED BY THE JUDGES UNDER SCHEDULE (B). House Duty. 2527. Apartments in Militia Barracks. — Captain and adjutant in the Warwickshire militia claimed relief from an assessment on him to the inhabited house duty, in respect of apartments occupied by himself, and his family, and servants in the militia barracks, which were erected at the expense of the county. The apartments form part of a building in the barrack yard, consisting of militia offices, &c. Commissioners relieved. 2562. Apartments in Militia Barracks. — Appellant claimed relief from an assessment on him for inhabited house duty at £56, in respect of a building occupied by him as his private residence, and for keeping militia stores. The rent was paid by the county, and the premises consisted of a house and a cottage detached, which was let to a non-commissioned officer at £16 a year, thereby reducing the proportion in his own occupation to £40. The appellant contended with respect to a correspondence with the War Office, and the Act 17 and 18 Vict., cap. 105, sec. 2 (which exempted such premises from local taxes), that he was entitled to total relief from the assessment. The commissioners relieved. 2351. Annual Value of House. — Party charged to the inhabited house duty at £25, for a house which he contended was not worth £20 per annum. The gross estimated rental of the house to the poor was £25, and the rateable value £18. 15s. The surveyor maintained that the house was well worth the sum charged. The commissioners confirmed. 2192. Annual Value of House alleged to be £15. — Innkeeper charged to the inhabited house duty at £20, in respect of a house and premises occupied by him with four acres of land, for which DECISIONS. Commissioners wrong. Commissioners wrong. 17 & 18 Vict., c. 105, s. 2. Commissioners right. 43 Geo. III., c. 161, s. 10. 294 Judges' Decisions. Commissioners right. Liable to £140 only; 14 and 15 Viet., c. 36. i doners right. i *ioners light. house and premises, exclusive of the land, he paid £15 a year only, and therefore claimed relief from the charge. The surveyor con tended that the rent paid was not the annual value ; the house, &c, with the land, being worth £40 per annum, at which they had been let on lease. The commissioners confirmed. 2217. Annual Value of Mansion. — Appellant charged <£200 per annum. He occupied a mansion with fifty-seven acres of land, which are rated to the poor on the gross estimated rental of £285. 10s., and a rateable value of £206. The land includes the gardens, pleasure grounds, a bailiff's house, and two lodges, which are admitted to be of the value of £75. The surveyor contended that the value for the house duty should be assessed at £210, being the gross estimated rental, deducting the £75 for the lodges and land, exceeding one acre. The commissioners, however, reduced the assessment to £140, being of opinion that the house, unfurnished, with offices and one acre of pleasure grounds, would not be worth to let at a larger rent than £140. 2221. Annual Value of Mansion. — Appellant charged ±'143. He occupied his own house, and is assessed to the poor rate for the house, garden, offices, and about six acres of pleasure ground, at £174 gross estimated rental, and £130. 10s. rateable value. The surveyor contended that as the rents in the parish are twenty -five per cent more than the rateable value in the poor rate, the appellant, as owner and occupier, should be assessed in the same proportion, viz., £115. 10s. rateable value, with twenty-five per cent, or £28. 17s. 6d. added thereto, making £144. 7s. 6d. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £115, the sum being, in their opinion, the full annual value. 2473. Annual Value — Premises held under Lease and Im- proved. — Appellant charged to the inhabited house duty at £30, in respect of a house and shop which he held under a lease for six years, at the yearly rent of £19. After obtaining the lease he improved the premises by putting in a new shop window and making other alterations, but he claimed to be discharged from the assessment on the ground of his rent being under £20. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £20 per annum. 2600. Annual Value of House. — Appellant charged to the inhabited house duty at £40. He contended that he was only Judges Decisions. 295 liable to be assessed upon £28, which was the amount of his rent as a tenant from year to year. The surveyor maintained that as the annual value of the house in the poor's rate book was £32, the assessment should be made upon that sum. The commissioners reduced the assessment from £40 to £32. 2601. Annual Value of Farm House. — Farmer charged to the inhabited house duty at £20, in respect of a house in a country town, which he occupied with a farm. The farm buildings are on the opposite side of the road to the house. He contended that he ought not to be assessed, as he considered the house without the farm not worth more than £12 a year. The commissioners con- firmed the assessment. 2471. Baptist College, Regent's Park. — Appellant charged £1200 in respect of a building in the Regent's Park, now used for a Baptist College. The house and five acres of ground were rated to the poor at £650. The appellant claimed entire exemption for the building as a charitable institution, or, if that could not be allowed, for all except the rooms occupied by the principal and second tutor. There were twenty-seven pupils living in the college, who paid nothing for their board or education ; but there resided with appellant some young men who paid him for their board, and attended classes in the institution. The surveyor contended that it was not a charitable institution, and that the inmates who paid for their board rendered the occupation clearly such as made the building liable to the house duty. The commissioners reduced the assessment from £1200 to £510. 2596. Board of Trade (House Occupied by). — Appellant, on the part of the Board of Trade, claimed relief from a charge to the house duty at £90, contending that the house duty was exempt as being used solely as a shipping office, under the Act 17 and 18 Vict., cap. 104. The surveyor maintained that as part of the house was occupied by a man and his family who acted as doorkeeper and messenger, &c, it was liable to house duty. The commissioners confirmed. 2259. Building Occupied in Different Tenements. — Solicitor appealed against a charge on him of £30, at ninepence in the pound, on a house occupied in different tenements, of which he was the owner. It consists of a shop and two rooms on the ground floor, let DECISrox-. Coram is wrong : be reduced to £23. Comm its right. Liable to sum rated to the poor . and one a land: 14 f his claim is, that in the front room of his house there is exhibited a o-lass case containing Honiton lace for sale ; but the room is furnished as a parlour, and occasionally used as sitting room. The commissioners relieved. 2264. Shoe Warehouse. — Appellant claimed to have the assess- ment on him reduced from ninepence to sixpence in respect of a house occupied by his clerk and servants, on the ground floor of which is a counting-house, partly used as a warehouse, in which goods visible from the street are placed on shelves. The commis- sioners confirmed at ninepence. 2252. Silk Manufacturers. — Claimed to have the assessment on them reduced from ninepence to sixpence, on account of their dwelling house containing in the front or ground floor a room occupied as a shop or warehouse. The articles are not exposed for sale in the windows, but are laid upon counters for view of the customers. The commissioners reduced the charge to sixpence. 2299. Solicitor's Office. — Party claimed to be relieved from the charge on him at £21, at ninepence in the pound, for a house used as offices, in which an old man and his wife are allowed to reside for the purpose of taking care of the property therein. The com- missioners confirmed. • Commissioners right. Commissioners wrong. Commissioners wrong. Cornmis wrong. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. 304 Judges' Decisions. Commissioners right. Commissioners •wrong. Commissioners wrong. Commissioners right. Case 2248. Commissioners right. 2256. Staymaker. — Claimed to have the assessment on him reduced from ninepence to sixpence, on account of the ground floor of his house being used solely for carrying on his business. It was admitted that there was no shop front, and that goods were not always exposed in the window. The commissioners reduced the assessment to sixpence. 2248. Surgeon and Druggist. — Claimed to have the assess- ment reduced from ninepence to sixpence, on account of his keep- ing drugs exposed for sale in a room on the ground floor, with a shop window. The surveyor contended that the premises are not a shop according to the Act 14 and 15 Vict., cap. 36. The com- missioners reduced the charge to sixpence. 2281, 2282. — Surgeon and Apothecary. — Claimed to have the assessment which had been made on his house at ninepence in the pound reduced to sixpence, on account of his having a surgery on the ground floor fronting the street, in which he exposed drugs for sale. The surveyor contended that the surgery was not a shop or warehouse within the meaning of the Act, no drugs or medicines being seen in the windows from the street, but only exposed to view when the surgery was entered. The commissioners reduced the charge to sixpence. 2300. Surgeon and Apothecary. — Claimed to have the assess- ment on him at ninepence reduced to sixpence in the pound, he having a shop on the ground floor, in which he sells drugs or which are exposed for sale in the window. The surveyor contended that the party, not being in trade, was not entitled to be charged at the duty of sixpence. The commissioners confirmed. 2247. Tea Dealers. — Claimed to be relieved from a charge on them at ninepence in the pound in respect of their premises, the upper part whereof is occupied as a dwelling house, and the lower as a shop or warehouse, in which goods are exposed for sale. The surveyor objected to the assessment being reduced to sixjDence in the pound, on account of the goods not being exposed for sale in the manner referred to in the 14 and 15 Vict., cap. 36 ; but the appellants contended that although, from the peculiar position of their house, the goods were not exposed in the shop front, that as they were exposed within the shop itself they ought to be relieved. The commissioners relieved. Judges' Decisions. 305 2249. Temperance Hotel. — Appellant, who kept a " temper- ance hotel," claimed to have the assessment reduced from ninepence to sixpence. The surveyor objected on account of the party not being licensed to sell beer, ale, &c, and maintained that the exposure of cigars for sale in the front room did not bi-ing the case within the Schedule to the Act 14 and 15 Vict., cap. 36. The commissioners reduced the charge to sixpence. 2254. Undertakers. — Furnishing undertakers claimed to have the assessment reduced from ninepence to sixpence, on account of their houses having a shop in front, in the windows of which coffin-plates were exhibited. The commissioners reduced the charge to sixpence. 2418. Veterinary Surgeon. — Claimed to have the assessment on his house and premises reduced from ninepence to sixpence in the pound, by reason of having a surgery attached to the house. He contended also that his stables, yard, and forge were not liable to house duty, the stables being used as livery stables. The com- missioners confirmed the charge on the whole at ninepence. 2251. Wine Merchants. — Claimed to have the assessment on them reduced from ninepence to sixpence. Their counting-house is one of the front rooms on the ground floor of their dwelling house. They sell wine by wholesale and retail ; and samples of wine are kept for sale in the counting-house, but not exposed. The commissioners reduced the charge to sixpence. 2441. Wine Merchants. — Wine and spirit merchants, who were not licensed to sell by retail, claimed to be charged at sixpence in the pound only, they occupying a front room on the ground floor of their premises for business, and sample bottles being exposed in the window. The commissioners reduced the charge to sixpence. 2306. Coach House and Stables. — In the occupation of an inn- keeper, who was charged at £1 00 per annum at sixpence in the pound, in respect of the inn and the coach houses and stables used there- with. An abatement had been made for a certain part of the stables detached and let off; but a further reduction was claimed, to the extent of £21 per annum, for coach houses and stables forming part of the property, but detached and having no internal commu- nication with the dwelling house, but used entirely by the appellant in her business as innkeeper, she contending that coach Commission's wrong. Commissioners right. Commissioners ritjht. Commissioners wrong. Commissioners wrong. 306 Judges' Decisions. Commissioners wrong. Commissioners right; 48 Geo. III., cap. 55, Schedule (B.J, Rule 2. Case 2225. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. Commissioners wrong. houses and stables belonging to inns should be treated as ware- houses of other toaders and exempted from house duty. The commissioners reduced the charge by £21. 2307. Coach House and Stable charged with House. — Appellant claimed to be relieved from a charge made on him at £20, con- tending that as the house occupied by him was under the value of £20 he was not liable to assessment. The surveyor maintained that as the appellant was the owner and occupier of the house, and also the owner and part occupier of offices, coach house, and stables, let at a rent of £25 to a firm of which he is a partner, he was chargeable, as the whole of the premises were in one curtilage or enclosure, for one moiety of the rent of such offices, which, with the value of the house, would exceed £20 per annum. The com- missioners confirmed. 2226. Deduction for Garden and Land. — Attorney charged at £65 in respect of a house, with offices and three acres of garden and grass land. He was rated to the poor at £56. 18s. 4d., but had returned the annual value of the premises, for the purpose of assessment to the property tax, at £60 for the house and £5 for the land. The commissioners reduced the charge to £55. 2231. Deduction for part of House underlet. — Appellant who kept an inn charged at £96, which was the same amount as the rent paid by him under a lease granted in 1849. He underlets part for £3 a year. The poor's rate for two years had been at £96, full annual value, but was afterwards reduced to £84 as the extent of the real annual value ; and he contended that he only ought to be charged to £81 for house duty, the present poor rate being £84, from which the underletting should be deducted. The commissioners reduced the charge to £81. 2294. Dispensary. — Occupied by house surgeon, who was charged on a rental of £44 at ninepence in the pound in respect of a house occupied by him, which is used as a dispensary. Four rooms are used for the purpose of the charity, and the rest of the premises, of the annual value of £10, were occupied by himself and family. The dispensary is supported partly by voluntary contributions, and partly by the patients. The commissioners relieved. Judges 1 Decisions. 307 2305. Farm House, Annual Value of. — Farm house charged at £25 at sixpence in the pound. It was contended that the house, apart from the farm with which it was held, was not worth more than £10 per annum, at which sum it is rated to the poor. The commissioners confirmed the charge at £25. 2352. Farm House, Annual Value of. — Farmer charged at £20 a year for his farm house, including the offices and garden, Ac, which he rented conjointly with a farm at £280 per annum. He contended that £10 is the highest the house and offices would let for by the year, if let separately from and without the land. The commissioners relieved. 2538.— Farmer and Slater.— Appellant, who was a farmer and slater, charged to the house duty at £20, in respect of a house which he contends is occupied as a farm house only, his business as a slater being carried on elsewhere. The commissioners relieved. 2327. Governor of Gaol— Charged at £75 in respect of a house occupied by him, forming the boundary of the gaol. He was assessed to the poor rate to the same amount, but he claimed to be wholly exempt from the inhabited house duty. The commis- sioners confirmed. 2295. Governor of Gaol— The governor of Carlisle gaol charged at £70 in respect of the house and garden occupied by him within the boundary wall of the gaol. He contended that as he had been relieved from the poor rate, on the ground of his not being rateable, on the authority of some case decided by the Court of Queen's Bench, that he was not chargeable to the inhabited house duty. The commissioners relieved. 2369. Governor of Gaol— Charged at £60 in respect of that part of the gaol building occupied by him as a residence. The commissioners confirmed. 2241. Ground Bent claimed to be Deducted by Tenant.— Appellant charged £45. He admitted that the house was worth £45 per annum, but claimed to have the sum of £9 deducted from that amount, which he paid as a ground rent. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £36. 2459. House with some furniture in it left in charge of a Servant.— House assessed to a gentleman, which was not in his Commissioners right. Commissioners right. ■ doners irromi. Cases 229i> and 2299. Commissioners right. Commissioners wrony. Commissioners right. Cases 2295 and 2327, Commissioners wrong. 303 Judges' Decisions. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. Commissioners wrong. Commissioners right. occupation, but left in charge of a housemaid, who lived in two rooms, which are furnished. In another room there is a sideboard, table, and chairs. The appellant occasionally visited the house in the summer, but not for the purpose of sleeping or taking meals therein. The surveyor contended that as it was not wholly unfurnished, it did not come within the exemption 6 Geo. IV., cap. 73. The commissioners relieved. 2460. House used /or Lodging, Exposing, and Selling Goods, Occupied with other Tenements. — Drapers and grocers, charged for a tenement which was formerly a dwelling, but which for twelve months had been used for the sole purpose of lodging, exposing, and selling goods, and as a shop and counting-house. The appel- lants reside in two houses rented separately each under ,£20 a year, and the surveyor contended that as the whole of the premises were occupied by the appellants for the purpose of their business, and as the firm was not assessed to the inhabited house duty for either of the houses they reside in that the assessment on the tenement in question should not be discharged. The commis- sioners confirmed. 2461. House ; Exemption Claimed for a Portion ttsed as a Warehouse and Manufactory. — Ironmonger, charged £140, claimed to have the charge reduced to .£95, on the ground that a portion of the premises used as a warehouse and manufactory was exempt under 48 Geo. III., cap. 55, Schedule (B.), rule 3. The surveyor contended that the portion in question was not distinct and separate according to the terms of the exemption, and that the same was not employed solely for lodging goods, &c, but as show rooms. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £95. 2592. House used for Business Purposes only. — Appellant claimed exemption from the charge on him at £180 for house duty in respect of a house used for purposes of business only, he residing in another house charged to the duty. The surveyor contended that as a policeman and his wife inhabit and abide in two of the rooms, the party was not entitled to the exemption by the 57 Geo. III., cap. 25, sec. 1. The commissioners confirmed the charge. Judges' Decisions. 309 Houses Assessed according to the Gross Estimated Value to Poor Rate. — See also "Bent." 2216. House Assessed at £24; Rent £19. 10*.— Innkeeper, whose rent was £19. 10s., and whose house was charged to the poor rate on £22, appealed against a charge at £24. The surveyor contended that the assessment could not be reduced below the annual value at which the house stands rated in the poor rate. The commissioners relieved. 2219. Houses Assessed at £25; Bent £19. 19s.— Appellant, whose rent was £19. 19s., charged at £25. The house is assessed to the poor rate at a gross estimated rental of £20, and at a rateable value of £15, and the surveyor contended, with reference to the rules 7 and 12 of the 43 Geo. III., cap. 55, the commissioners had no power to reduce the assessment below the gross annual value to the poor rate. The commissioners relieved. 2222. House Assessed at £86 ; Rent £60.— Clergyman assessed at £86. The rent paid by him for his house is £60, and the rateable value to the poor rate £69. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £69, amount of poor's rate. 2222. House Assessed at £75; Rent £60.— Solicitor charged at £75, which is the gross estimated rental in the poor rate ; the rateable value is £59. 9s. 6d., and £60 is the rent paid. The commissioners reduced the assessment to the rent paid. 2308. Houses Assessed at £158 as charged to Poor Rate. — Pawnbroker held two houses under the same lease at a rental of £140, charged at £158, at which sum he was assessed to the poor rate. The commissioners reduced the charge to £140, the rent paid. 2417. House Assessed at £46, gross rate £46. 7s. 9d, rateable £31. 15s. —Clergyman appealed against the assessment of £46, contending that £25 was the full annual value of his house and one acre of garden ground. The gross rating to the poor is £46. 7s. 9d: ; rateable £31. 15s. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £25. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. Commissioners tmeni in poor rate. ( ;, : iit." !'■■ ;'" '■''■■ wrong, ;. ting th. • 'mo tlie poor rate Cases 2303^-2309. 310 Judges' Decisions. Houses Assessed at Higher Amount than Rated to the Poor. Commissioners right. Liable to thai ged on rent paid. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. Cases 2218, 2219, and 2220. 2277. House Assessed at Rent £450; rateable Poor Rate £180. Appellant charged at £450 per annum, which was the amount of the rent paid under his lease. The house is charged in the poor rate on the rateable value of £180, and the appellant contended that the assessment of £450 is a higher rate than on the adjoining hoiises, and that it ought to be reduced to the proportionate value at which the other houses are charged. The commissioners con- firmed the charge at £450. 2332. House Assessed at £400, exceeding rateable value in Poor Rate. — Party assessed at £400, against which he appealed, on the ground of the assessment considerably exceeding the amount at which he had been rated to the poor. The assessors asserted be- fore the commissioners that rents in the parish in question exceeded the rateable value assessed to the poor by one-third, and that he considered the appellant's house, with one acre of land, was worth £340 per annum. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £340. 2532. House Assessed at £35, exceeding rated value. — Appel- lant, who had been charged to the inhabited house duty, at £35 per annum, claimed to have that sum reduced to £24, on the ground that the poor rate was charged at two-thirds of the annual value, which would bring his assessment to the house duty to £24. It appeared that the appellant paid £50 a year rent for his house and five cottages, and as he had admitted on his appeal in a pre- vious year, that £15 was more than the value of the cottages, it was contended that he was liable to be assessed on £35, the remainder of the rent. The commissioners confirmed the charge at £35. 2537. House Assessed at £60, exceeding the value. — Appellant, who had been charged to the inhabited house duty at £60, claimed to have the assessment reduced to £54, the latter being the sum at which he is rated to the poor. It was contended that as the appellant's rent for the premises was £60, that the assessment could not be reduced to a sum less than that. The commissioners confirmed the charge at £60. Judges' Decisions. 311 Houses Assessed according to the Amount of Rent Paid. 2220. Appellant, who paid under his lease £31 rent for his house and premises, and at which amount he was assessed, claimed to have the same reduced, contending that the premises were not now worth more than £25 per annum. The gross estimated rental to the poor rate is £35, and the rateable value is £26. The com- missioners reduced the charge to £26. 2333. Tarty charged at £28, against which he appealed, con- tending that he was not liable, the rateable value in the poor's rate being less than £20. The surveyor, however, contended that the assessment was correctly made at £28, that sum being the annual rent paid by him. The commissioners confirmed the assessment at £28, the rent paid. 2225. House Occupied by Owner. — Appellant charged at .£'20 for his dwelling house, which was his own property. The house was rated to the poor at £16. 17s. lid., but the surveyor con- tended that on taking the general rentals of the town, such rate was forty per cent below the annual value. Appellant claimed exemption from the tax altogether, and offered to produce a wit- ness or witnesses, who would swear that the house was not worth £20 to let. The commissioners confirmed the charge at £22. 2227. House Occupied by Owner. — Appellant, who was the owner and occupier, charged at £45. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £40. 2278. House Occupied by Owner. — Appellant, who resided in a house of which he is the owner, charged at £26. He contended that the house was of less annual value to himself than £20, and was not worth that sum to let at rack rent. He is charged to the poor rate at £15. 5s., gross estimated rental. The house had been let up to 1848 at a rent exceeding £20 ; and it was shown by the surveyor that the assessment to the poor rate on other houses in the town was less than two-thirds of the rent, and that the house in question was not over but insufficiently assessed. The com- missioners relieved. 2279. House Occupied by Owner. — Appellant, who resided in a house of which he is the owner, charged at £30, and he claimed to have the assessment reduced to £24, the amount at which he Commissioners right. Commissioners riyht. Case 2222. Commissioners right Commissioners right. Case 689. Commissioners vrrong. 312 Judges' Decisions. DECISIONS. Commissioners wrong. Commissioners Cases 22-21'. 2225, and 2279. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. is charged to the poor rate, contending that the commissioners had no power to assess any persons to the house duty beyond the sum at which they were rated to the last poor rate. The commis- sioners reduced the assessment to ,£24. 2309. House Occupied by Owner. — Appellant, who was the owner and occupier of a house, charged at £20, claimed to be relieved, alleging that £20 was a greater amount than the annual value ; but the surveyor, in support of the assessment stated that the same was based upon the poor rate. The commissioners relieved. 2474. House Occupied by Oivner. — Appellant charged at £20 in respect of a house of which he was the owner and occupier, and which he stated was not worth £20 per annum. The gross amount of the poor rate was £18. 10s. The commissioners confirmed the charge at £20. 2218. House Occupied by Owner. — Corn dealer charged at £35. The house occupied is his own property, and is charged to the poor rate at a gross estimated rental of £'28, and a rateable value of £21 The surveyor contended that the charge could not be reduced below the gross estimated rental of £28 ; but the com- missioners reduced the assessment to £21, at which rated to the poor. 2223. House Occupied by Owner. — Party who was the owner and occupier charged £85 for the house and premises. The gross estimated rental to the poor rate is £90 ; but that includes paro- chial rates, as well as land tax, insurance, and cost of annual repairs. The rateable value is £59. 10s. The commissioners reduced the assessment from £85 to £72. 2224. House Occupied by Owner. — Party who was the owner and occupier appealed against the assessment of £30. He was rated to the poor at a gross estimated rental of £32 ; the rateable value was £24. The premises are assessed to the property tax at £30, but the appellant contended that the annual value did not exceed £20. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £24, rateable value to poor rate. 234 1 . House Occupied by Owner. — Party who had been assessed for a house belonging to himself and in his own occupation, at £20 per annum, claimed to be allowed exemption, on the ground of Judges' Decisions. 313 the same being of less value per annum than that sum, the rent never having, when let, amounted to more than £16 a year. It is rated in the poors' s rate at the gross value of £16, and rateable value of £13, and to the property tax at £18. The commissioners confirmed the charge, being of opinion that the house was worth £20 a year to let. 2229. House Occupied by Owner. — Solicitor, who was the owner aud occupier of a house at Sidmouth, appealed against an assessment made on him at £90, at which sum he was also rated for it under a gross estimated rental of the last poor rate. He contended that the gross poor rate considerably exceeded the annual value, and claimed to have the assessment reduced to £60 or £70 a year, on the ground of property at Sidmouth having become greatly diminished in value. The commissioners con- firmed the assessment at £90. 2533. House Occupied by Owner. — Appellant, who had been charged to the inhabited house duty at £22, claimed to be relieved therefrom, inasmuch as the house (which was his own property) is rated to the poor at £18, which he contends represents its full value. The house is assessed to the property tax at £22 ; and it appeared that in rating the parish to that tax one-fifth had been deducted from the annual value, and that the rateable value repre- sented only four-fifth's. The commissioners confirmed. 2534. House Occupied by Owner. — Similar to the above case 2533, the party seeking relief from the assessment on him at £22, on the ground that the gross estimated rental of his house to the poor was only £18 ; aud the surveyor shewing that where returns of rents have been made for assessments to the property tax, houses are rented very much above their rateable value. The commissioners relieved. 2508. House Owned by Her Majesty. — Colonel, in the Royal Engineers at Woolwich, claimed exemption from inhabited house duty in respect of a house, stabling, and garden, at £120 per annum, which premises are solely occupied ly him as his residence, on the ground of the same belonging to Her Majesty, and assigned to him whilst holding the office of commandant of engineers. The surveyor contended that the house, although belonging to the crown, was an inhabited house within the meaning of the 14 and Commissioners Comviissioners l Liable to not to be reduced below I able vain- rate asstsBim »'• Commissioners ritjht. Commit wrong. 314 Judges' Decisions. DECISIONS. Commissioners right. Cases 371, 850, and 851. Commissioners right. Cases 371. 850, and 851. Comm issioners wrong. Commissioners right. Commissioners right. 15 Yict., cap. 36, and that the exemption granted by Schedule (B.) of the 48 Geo. III., cap. 55, -was intended only to exempt from duty houses in the occupation of Her Majesty, members of the royal family, or their servants. The commissioners confirmed. 2509. House Oivned by Her Majesty. — Similar claim to the above, by a captain in the Royal Artillery, and the principal military storekeeper of the Royal Arsenal at Plumstead, against a charge for inhabited house duty at £70, in respect of his official residence in the Royal Arsenal. The commissioners confirmed. 2510. House Owned by Her Majesty. — Colonel of the Royal Engineers claimed exemption from inhabited house duty at £38, in respect of a house in Brompton barracks, occupied by him as quarters. The War Office have issued a circular letter, informing officers occupying official residences that they were not liable to be rated to the relief of the poor for such residences. The commis- sioners relieved. 2565. House and Cottages under Lease. — Appellant claimed to be relieved from the assessment on him to the inhabited house duty at £35. He held his house and premises, and five cottages, under a lease at the yearly rental of <£50 ; and the surveyor con- tended that he was liable to be assessed on the amount of rent, less the annual value of the five cottages, and as he had admitted on a former appeal that £ 1 5 was more than their annual value, he was consequently chargeable to £35, the remainder of the rent. The commissioners confirmed. 2602. House and Five Cottages under Zease. — Appellant con- tended that the assessment on him at =£35 for his house and premises was above their annual value. He rents his house with five cottages under a lease at the yearly rental of £50, and the surveyor maintained that the party was chargeable at £35, that being the amount of rent less the annual value of the cottages, which on an appeal in a previous year he admitted did not exceed £15. The commissioners confirmed the charge at £35. 2566. House and an adjoining Hotel under Zease. — Aj)pellant claimed to have the assessment on him to the inhabited house duty, which had been made at £100, reduced to £40. He pays £100 a year, as the rent for the house he occupies as a hotel and the house adjoining. The latter he underlets at £60, and he considers that Judges' Decisions. he is only chargeable on £40, in respect of the balance of the rent. The surveyor contended that the balance of the rent was no criterion of the value of the hotel separately from the house, and that £40 was below the rateable value of the poor rate. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £40. £567. House Let with Fixtures. — Appellant, who was charged to the house duty at £142, claimed to have the assessment reduced. His rent is £110, and he pays the sewers' rates, and is under a covenant to repair ; and he further pays £20 per annum to the landlord for the use of fixtures, and he contended that the fixtures are not rateable to the house duty. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £125. 2439. Land Occupied with House. — Appellant, who was a grazier, appealed against the assessment at £23. He occupied a house and two acres of land as owner. The house is rated to the poor at £15 net, and the land at £9 net. One acre of the land is grass, and the other chiefly used for growing articles which are sold for agricultural purposes. The appellant contended that none of the ground so used ought to be assessed with the house. The surveyoi", however, maintained that one acre of land ought to be included in the assessment • and reckoning the value thereof at £5 and the house at £ 1 8. 1 5s. (the poor rate being one-fifth below the annual value) the assessment ought to be confirmed. The commissioners confirmed. 2232. Landlord Paying the Tenant's Parochial Pates.— Party charged £20, which was the same amount as his rent ; but as the landlord paid the parochial rates, the commissioners considered that such payments reduced the annual value below £20. The commissioners relieved. 2462. Literary and Philosophical Society. — The treasurer of the societjr appealed against a charge at £150 in respect of a museum, theatre, lecture room, laboratory, &c, together with a dwelling house, comprising a small sitting room, and bed room used by the porter and his wife and family, which have no internal communication with the museum, &c, except by passing into an uncovered passage, and then through the vestibule. The yearly value of the rooms so occupied does not exceed £8. The commis- sioners confirmed. DECISIONS. Commissioners wrong. wrong. Liablcto charge- able to the poor rate, viz., £142. Commissioners wrong. Case 2332. Commissioners right. Commiss wrong. 316 Judges' Decisions. DECISIONS. Commissione rs wrong. Commissioners wrong. Commissioners right. Cases 2217, 2278, 2279, and 233J. Commissioners wrong. 2528. Literary and Scientific Institution. — Appellant claimed exemption from an assessment to the inhabited house duty at £30, in respect of a building used as a literary and scientific institution, which is supported by the subscription of various membei's. Three rooms therein are set apart for the residence of a man and his wife who constantly reside and sleep therein, to whom the care of the property is entrusted. It was contended, that as the person who has the care of the premises pays no parochial rates, that the building is exempt from duty, under the Fifth Case of Exemp- tions Schedule (B.), 48 Geo. III., cap. 55. The commissioners relieved. 2246. Livery Stable Keeper, Claim of Exemption by. — Party appealed against an assessment made upon him of £60, at nine- pence in the pound. He pays £15 a year for his dwelling house, yard, and stabling for two or three horses, and £45 a year to the same landlord for other premises, consisting of a yard and stabling for sixteen horses, which latter premises are used for his trade exclusively. The commissioners confirmed. 2371. Lodge, Servants' Offices, &c- — Appellant charged at £250 in respect of a house, with ten acres of land, a lodge, and two cottages over the coach house, occupied by his coachman and gardener. He claimed to be relieved in respect of the lodge and the two cottages, as not being within the limits of the acre of land next adjoining and assessable with the house, and for all the land exceeding one acre. The commissioners confirmed the assessment on lodge and the cottages, but allowed £27 in excess of one acre. 2283. Mechanics' and Literary Institution. — Treasurer of the Maidstone Mechanics' and Literary Institution claimed relief from the charge in respect of a dwelling house, occupied by the society as reading rooms, and as the residence of a female, hired by the society to clean and take care of the premises, and to act as librarian. It was contended that as the house was not charged with parochial rates, it was not liable to inhabited house duty, and that it came within Case 5 of the Exemptions to Schedule (R), 48 Geo. III., cap. 55, so far as regards the residence of the female; but the surveyor maintained that as she had other duties to attend to besides taking care of the premises, that the latter were not exempt. The commissioners relieved. Judges' Decisions. 317 2340. Mechanics' and Literary Institution. — The managing committee of the institution claimed exemption from the assess- ment made for house duty, on the ground of the building being merely used by the members as reading rooms, and as the residence of a person employed to clean and take care of the premises who pays no church or poor rate. The surveyor contended that as the party could not be held to reside therein for the purpose only of taking care of the premises, as required by Case 5 of Exemptions, Schedule (B.), 48 Geo. III., cap. 55, he acting as librarian, and also carrying on the business of a tailor, the premises were charge- able. The commissioners relieved. 2297. Metropolitan Association. — Building belonging to the Metropolitan Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrial Classes, assessed as one entire dwelling house, at £ 1,000 per annum. It was contended that it ought not to be considered as one dwelling house, but as ten separate tenements ; and as none of the tenants paid a rent of £20 per annum, the same should be exempt. The surveyor, however, maintained, that as the entrance to each set of rooms was from a staircase common to all the tenants, it must be considered as one house. The commissioners relieved. 2328. Model Lodging House. — Appellant charged at £517 in respect of a building which he contended ought not to be charged as one house, as it consisted of separate dwellings, and each set of lodgings was under the value of £20. The surveyor contended that the premises must be considered as one building, as there was only one staircase, which was inside the building under the same roof, and common to all the tenants, and that the assessment was correct. The commissioners relieved. 2349. Model Lodging Houses. — The owner of certain model lodging houses appealed against an assessment upon him for six houses, at £36 each, and contended that the building is not six inhabited houses, but consists of twenty-four distinct tenements, separately let, and divided by party walls ; and that as each tene- ment is under the value of £20 per annum, it is not liable to in- habited house duty. The commissioners confirmed. 247(1. Model Lodging Houses. — The owners of certain model lodging houses appealed against an assessment at £240, made upon Comml Case 2283. Commissioners Case 2JU7. Commissioners ■ and 2297. Commissioners Cases 2207 and 2328. 318 Judges' Decisions. Commissioners wrong. Cases 2207, 2297. 2349, 2262, and 2328. Commissioneri wrong. Commissioners wrong : onlylia- ble for the jior- tion as an office. Case 2261. Commissioners wrong. Liable to annual value only. a building occupied in thirty separate tenements, each of winch is under the value of £20 a year. They contend that they are not liable, the building not being one house, but thirty tenements, each of which is accessible from an outer court by stone steps, con- structed with galleries or landings, and there being one outer door to each tenement, which opens into a recess, covered at the top, but exposed to the open air at the front. The commissioners confirmed. 2472. Outbuildings at the back of a Public House. — Appellant charged £25 in respect of premises consisting of a public house, stables, and cart sheds, in the yard, and other buildings, part of which he uses as an onion loft, &c, were let to him, with five acres of land, at £37. He contended that the premises taken with the land, although included in the same letting, ought not to be assessed with the house, and that he was therefore not chargeable, the rent for the house being only £ 1 8. The surveyor, however, maintained that as the appellant had admitted the rent to be £25 for the house and premises, and £30 for the land, he was liable. The commissioners relieved. 2416 Premises Sub-Divided and Sub-let. — The Magnetic Tele- graph Company appealed against a charge in respect of a tenement leased by them, which consisted formerly of a house and shop, but which is now sub-divided. They occupy one part as a telegraph office or station, which they consider exempt, as it is not slept in nor inhabited for any other purpose, and the other part is empty. The surveyor contended that the house and office were one, although the communication between them was closed. The com- missioners confirmed for the entire premises. Property Depreciated to a Less Amount than the Rent Paid under Leases. 2234. Appellant, who paid an annual rent of £95 under a lease, and who had been charged to the same amount, claimed relief, on the ground that the property in the neighbourhood is now much depreciated, and declared on oath that he considered the utmost annual value to be £70 only. The commissioners confirmed at £95. Judges' Decisions. 319 2235. Party charged at £140; the same amount is paid for rent under his lease. He claimed relief on the ground that the houses in the locality have become greatly depreciated by the formation of a new street. The house is rated to the poor at £90. The commissioners reduced the charge to the annual value. 2 2 L>0. Party assessed for his house, in Russell Square, at £162, which is the same amount as the rent under a long lease. The stables are let off at £l 6 a year. The house and stables are rated to the poor at £100, and he contended that, in consequence of the great depreciation of value of property in that locality, £110 was the full annual value. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £110. 2237. Similar to above, where the rent paid was £170, and the poor rate £138. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £150, the annual value. 2240. Similar, where the rent paid was £243. The house is rated to the poor at £184. The commissioners reduced the assess- ment to £184. 2238. Appellant charged at £162 for a house in Oxford Street. He paid £162. 10s. rent for the same under an agreement, dated March, 1851 ; but the house was taken on speculation, and the street being newly formed, he found he paid more than the value. The house is rated to the poor at £105. The surveyor con- tended that the house was -correctly assessed at the actual rent at which it had been so recently let. The commissioners reduced the assessment to £112 annual value. 2511. Public House and Brewery. — Publican charged £30 to the inhabited house duty at 6d. in the pound, in respect of premises occupied by him as a public house, a brewery, and spirit store. The party claimed exemption on the ground that the public house has nothing to do with the brewery and spirit store. The house is rated to the poor at £ 1 9 per annum, and the brewery, &c. at £11. The surveyor contended that the appellant was liable to the charge ; the brewery and spirit store not being separate and distinct from the public house. The commissioners confirmed. 2535. Public House and Brewery. — Appellant charged to the inhabited house duty in the sum of £30, at sixpence in the pound, in respect of a house occupied as a licensed public house, which tioners right. 1H5, 404, 405, and 406. Comm i right. Liable to tin ,>n.<\i valve only. right. Liable to the annual value only. Cases 105, 404, 405, 406. Commissioners ! . Cases 105, 404, 405, and 406. Commissioners right. Cases 105. 404, 405, and 406. Commissioners riy/U. 320 Judges* Decisions, Commissioners wrong. Commissioners right. Commissioners Case 6S9. Commissioners Commissioners wrong. communicates by a back door with a yard, in which there la a brewery occupied by him, and a garden, &c. The public house is rated separately to the poor at £19 per annum, and the brewery and garden at £11. He claimed exemption on the ground that the building assessed is the brewhouse of a "common brewer." The surveyor contended that the connexion between the brewery and the public house deprived the occupier of his exemption as a brewer. The commissioners relieved. 2536. Rectory House rated to the Poor less than the sum paid to the Property Tax. — Clergyman, who had been charged to the inhabited house duty at £21, in respect of his rectory house, claimed exemption on the ground that the gross estimated rental to the poor was £18. It was shown, however, that the poor rate was very unequally assessed, and that he had been assessed to the property tax on the house at £21, which he had paid, and which the surveyor contended was the fair value. The commissioners confirmed. 2228. Rent less than gross value to the Poor Rate. — Party charged at £30, whose actual rent was £25 per annum. The sur- veyor contended that the gross value to the poor's rate being £30, it was not competent for the commissioners to reduce the assess- ment below that rate. The commissioners reduced the assessment to the rent paid. 2233. Rent fixed under £20 to avoid the House Duty. — Appel- lant charged £20 for a house taken about twelve months since at a rent of £19. 18s. On being asked why a sum so unusual in rents had been agreed upon, he admitted that it had been done to avoid the then expected house duty. The surveyor contended that as the rent had been fixed under £20 to ssR the tax, it was but fair to assume the house was worth £20» The commissioners relieved. . Rule 1. Commissioners right. Schedule D. Commissioners right. Schedule D. Cases 2582, 2584, 2326, 22b5, and 3156. Commissioners right as regards the four-wheel, but wrong as re- gards the two- wheel. Schedule D. Commissioners Commisiioners wrong. Schedule D. Cases 2355, 2407, and 2408. to persons taking out licenses from the excise to use them as hackney carriages. The commissioners confirmed one four-wheel for private use at 40s., and all the others at half duty. 2402. Coach Maker using his Carriages kept for Sale for Private Convenience. — Coach maker charged for a second four- wheeled carriage. He had retained one for private use, but admitted that as he had several carriages for sale that he did not restrict himself entirely to the use of the same carriage. The commissioners confirmed. 2497. Hired Carriage used continually but not Hired by the year. — Surgeon charged for a four-wheeled carriage, which he admitted using six and sometimes seven times a week, which was hired, but not by the year, nor for any definite period. The com- missioners relieved. 2622. Hawker (Licensed). — Licensed hawker claimed exemp- tion for a large square four-wheeled van, on springs, used solely in conveying his goods, constructed with a door to admit the goods, and a seat outside for the driver, marked with his name and address. The commissioners relieved. 2580. Horsebreaker Charged for two Carriages ; one with four wheels drawn by tioo horses, and one with two wheels diawn by one horse. — Both are used solely for breaking-in horses, and each was constructed without a body, with one seat only in front for driving, which will hold two persons, behind which was painted his name, &c. The commissioners relieved for the four-wheel carriage, but confirmed the charge for the one with two wheels. 2407. Innkeeper using one of his Carriages kept for Ptivate Convenience. — Innkeeper, who had taken out a license for carriages and horses for hire, charged for a carriage and horse, which he admitted he occasionally used for taking a drive with his family, &c; but he contended that he was exempt from the assessed taxes under his license. The commissioners relieved. 2518. Innkeeper losing for Private Purposes one of his Carriages Licensed to be Let for Hire. — Innkeeper charged to the duty of £3. 10s. for a carriage drawn by two horses in respect of one of the carriages (which he was licensed to let for hire) which had been used on several occasions by his wife for private purposes. The commissioners relieved. Judges' Decisions. 325 2419. Innkeeper s Licensed Carriages used for Breaking-in Young Horses. — Innkeeper claimed to be relieved from the charge on her for two four-wheeled carriages, kept exclusively for the purpose of being let for hire with horses, and which are included in the number for which she is licensed. The charge was made on account of the carriage having been used a few times to break in some young horses she had reared. The commissioners confirmed. 2547. Licensed Hawker Claiming Exemption for a Covered Van on springs, with cushioned seats, . Commissioners wrong. Cases 2357. 2425, and 2482. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Cases 1324, 1325, and 1622. Commissioners wrong. Scliedule D. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Cases 2453 and 2385. Commissioners right. Schedule D. Case 2358. 338 Judges' Decisions. Commissio ners wrong. Schtdule £>. Commissioners righ t. Schedule D. Cases 2311 and 1330. Commissioners right. Schedule D. Cases 2428 and 2516. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Commissioners wrong. Scltedule D. Commissioners Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. breaking in horses, and never for any private purposes, except to take orders. The surveyor contended that the party was liable, as the construction of the carriage was not such as to bring it within the exemption of Schedule (D.), No. 5, 16 and 17 Vict., cap. 90. The commissioners relieved. 2578. Claim of Exemption for a two-wheeled Carriage used solely as a break, by a Horsebreaker. — Horsebreaker claimed exemp- tion for a two- wheeled carriage, used solely as a "break," and for no other purpose whatevei'. The commissioners relieved. 2579. Claim of Exemption for a two-wheeled Carriage, by a Horsedealer, used solely for trying Horses and showing them to his Customers. — Horsedealer charged for a two-wheeled carriage, never used for any purpose of pleasure, but solely in his trade or business to try horses and show them to his customers, marked with his name and address. He was assessed and paid duty for a four-wheeled carriage. The commissioners relieved. 2550. Claim of Exemption for a light Cart on Springs, used in Trade — Harness maker claimed exemption for a light cart, on springs, marked with his name, &c, used principally to carry him about after jobs and to take home work. The surveyor contended that it was not strickly speaking a " waggon, van, cart, or other such carriage," so as to bring it within the exemption. The com- missioners relieved. 2405. Constable's Cart, used for taking Prisoners to Gaol. — Superintendent constable, who was also an inspector of weights and measures, claimed exemption for a light cart, used solely in the discharge of his duties, and in taking prisoners into custody or to gaol. The commissioners relieved. 2360. Covered two-wheeled Carriage, used solely for going to Church. — Yeoman claimed to be relieved from the charge on him for a two-wheeled carriage, which was covered and constructed to carry four persons, marked with his name, &c, but which was never used for any other purpose than conveying his wife to a place of worship. The commissioners relieved. 2378. Draper, who teas also an Itinerant Preacher. — Party charged for a carriage resembling a gig, used in his business, and also in going to different places of divine worship to preach. The commissioners relieved. Judges' Decisions. 339 2357. Dog Cart used by a Shoemaker in his Trade. — Appellant claimed to be relieved from the charge for a second two-wheeled carriage, viz., a dog cart, drawn by a pony under 12 hands. He states that he did not object to pay for one carriage, but con- sidered himself entitled to exemption for the second, the same being used solely in his trade as a shoemaker. The surveyor con- tended that the carriage was liable, as it was not of such a deno- mination as to entitle it to exemption under Schedule (D.), 10 and 17 Vict., cap. 90. The commissioner's relieved. 2446. Drillman. — Claimed exemption for a spring cart, charged at 15s., and a horse at 21s., used only in his business, but he admitted that his wife had ridden in it to a neighbouring town for shop goods. The commissioners relieved. 2358. Farmer's Spring Cart.- — Farmer charged to the duty of 15s. for a spring cart, alleged to be kept solely for the affairs of husbandry ; but the surveyor contended he was liable for it, as the appellant admitted having on one occasion, when going to Beading on business, brought his wife to the railway station, which deprived the carriage of the exemption granted in favour of those kept solely for the affairs of husbandry, &c. The commissioners relieved. 2612. Farmer. — Fanner claimed exemption for a two- wheeled carriage, used solely in his business, never for pleasure, on springs, and with a seat, but no dash board. The claim was opposed on the ground that the construction of the carriage did not come within the exemption. The commissioners confirmed. 2613. Farmer s Carriage built like a Dog Cart. — Similar claim by a farmer, but the carriage was constructed like a dog cart to carry four persons back to back. The commissioners confirmed. 2614. Farmer's Light Cart on Springs. — Similar claim of exemption for a light cart on springs, used on the farm, and for going to market, &c. The commissioners confirmed. 2359. Farmer's Market Cart. — Farmer charged for a two- wheeled carriage in respect of a market cart on springs, marked with his name and abode. The cart was used for taking farming produce to market, and occasionally his wife and daughter accom- panied him with butter, poultry, eggs, &c, for sale, and he some- times took up a neighbour gratuitously in going to or returning from market, but never used it for pleasure. The commissioners relieved. Commissioners Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Vaie 2358. Commissioners Commissioners Commissioners right. Schakile D. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Commissioners right. Schedule D. 340 Judges' Decisions. DECISIONS. Commissioners trromj. Schedule D. Commissioners right. Schedule D. Commissioners Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Commissioners icrong. Sched. D. Mule 5. Commissioners wrong. Schedule. D. Case 2357. Commissionen wrong. Schedule D. Case 2550. Commissionen right. Schedule D. 2382. Farmer's Market Cart. — Farmer charged for a two- wheeled carriage, used for conveying himself and family to market, and for other purposes connected with business, and also for the purpose of breaking a young horse. The commissioners relieved. 2404. Farmer's Cart used for attending Funerals. — Farmer claimed exemption for a light cart on springs, used for husbandry only, marked with his name, &c, but which had been used on two occasions in the year to attend funerals. The commissioners relieved. 2409. Farmer, who also acted as Believing Officer. — Party claimed exemption for an old gig, used exclusively in the per- formance of his duties of relieving officer. The commissioners relieved. 2423. Farmer. — Claimed exemption for a two-wheeled car- riage, not used for business, but solely for conveying his family to a place of divine worship, and never upon any other occasion. The commissioners relieved. 2583. Farmer using a Light Spring Cart solely to convey him- self to a Place of Worship. — Farmer charged for a two- wheeled carriage in respect of a light spring cart, which he used solely for the purpose of conveying himself to a place of worship, and for no other purpose whatever, either of trade or husbandry. The com- missioners relieved. 2425. Farmer. — Claimed exemption for a two-wheeled carriage, marked with his name, &c, and kept for the affairs of husbandry. The surveyor considered the carriage chargeable, because it was constructed as a dog cart, and apparently more for the conveyance of persons than farm produce. The commissioners relieved. 2615. Farmer. — Similar claim for a light cart on springs, marked with the name, &c, used by appellant or his wife and family in going to fairs and markets, usually taking with them their farm produce. The commissioners confirmed. 2484. Furniture Broker. — Claimed relief from a charge for a two-wheeled carriage, marked with his name and address and occupation, but used for going from his place of business to his private residence. The commissioners confirmed. 2501. Gig and Pong kept for a very short time, and used only with a view to Sale. — Baker charged for a pony 10s. Cd., and a gig Judges' Decisions. 341 10s., lie was also assessed for a horse and gig, but he admitted that the pony and gig were in his possession for about- three weeks in the previous year, and that he had used them occasionally for the purpose of endeavouring to dispose of them. The commis- sioners relieved. 2589. Hawker (Licensed). — Claimed exemption for a two- wheeled carriage, used solely for the purposes of his trade as a travelling draper, in conveying his goods from place to place, marked with his name, &c. The surveyor contended that the carriage from its construction was liable, as it had springs, a splash board, leather apron, and cushions, &c. The commissioners relieved. 2408. Innkeeper and Postmaster. — Who had taken out a license to let horses and carriages for hire, charged for a two-wheeled carriage at 15s. He admitted that he had during the year occa- sionally taken a horse and carriage for his own use, but contended that he was exempt from the assessed taxes under his license. The commissioners confirmed. 2447. Letter Carrier. — Claimed exemption for a two-wheeled carriage and pony, used solely for the purpose of conveying the letter bags. The commissioners relieved. 2426. Livery Stable Keeper. — Claimed exemption for a two- wheeled carriage, used in his business as a break, and sometimes let for hire, his name and address nob being painted thereon. The commissioners relieved. 2549. Old Gig used by a Farmer in conveying Milk. — Farmer claimed exemption for a two- wheeled carriage, for the year 1 859-60, in respect of an old gig, used for conveying milk, and never used for pleasure, marked with his name, &c. In December, 1858, he caused the body of the gig to be removed, and substituted boards in the shape of a cart instead. The surveyor contended that as the appellant was assessed for the carriage in the previous year, and it remained a gig up to December, 1 858, it was from its con- struction liable. The commissioners relieved. 2465. Police-officer. — Claimed exemption for a two-wheeled cart without springs, used by him in conveying prisoners to gaol, and in carrying the standard weights and measures, and also for carrying manure for about four acres of land Avhich he rents. The Commissioners wrong. Schedule O. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Cases 2357 and 2425. Commissioners right Schedule D. Commissioners ( ommissioners irromj. Schedule D. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Cases 2357 and 2425. 342 Judges 1 Decisions. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Case 2405. Commissioners Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Case 2355. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Cases 595 <£ 2288. Commissioners Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Cases 2407. 2408, and 2498. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. surveyor contended that as the cart was not kept and used solely in the affairs of trade or husbandly, and as the appellant was paid for the hire of the cart when used for conveying prisoners to gaol, it was not exempt. The commissioners relieved. 2485. Police-officer. — Superintendent of police charged for a two-wheeled carriage, the same being a spring cart, the property of, and supplied by the county, and used by him solely in discharge of his duty as a constable to take prisoners to gaol and other duties. The commissioners relieved. 2498. Postmaster using one of his Licensed Carriages for Private Purposes. — Licensed postmaster charged for a two-wheeled carriage and horse, which were included in the number licensed, but which were occasionally used for his own private purposes. The commissioners relieved. 2448. Post-office Contractor. — Charged for fifteen carriages with two-wheels, used in the conveyance of letters to and from the General Post Office and not otherwise, and claimed exemption under the 16 and 17 Vict., cap. 90, Exemption No. 5, by reason of the carriages being used only in the course of trade. The com- missioners relieved. 2415. Poultry Dealer. — Charged for a two-wheeled carriage, used solely for trade ; but he admitted that he had on one or two occasions given a ride to persons from whom he had received re- freshment or money. The commissioners relieved. 2608. Riding Master using a, Gig in driving about for orders in, his Business. — Fading master who had taken out an excise license to let several carriages, &c, for hire, claimed exemption for a gig, marked with his name and address on a board behind, which was removed when the carriage was let for hire. He contended that the carriage, which was used by him entirely in driving about for orders, was exempt. The surveyor maintained that it was not from its construction as a gig, &c, exempt from the assessed taxes. The commissioners relieved. 2517. Schoolmaster (Carriage used by a). — Schoolmaster appealed against an assessment on him at 10s. 6d., for a pony not exceeding 13 hands, which was used in a small cart on springs, in going to a market town to bring home provisions, &c. The com- missioners discharged the assessment for the carriage, and reduced the pony to 5s. 3d. Judges' Decisions. 343 2486. Trade, Carriage not used solely for.— Appellant claimed exemption for a carriage kept for the purposes of trade, but used occasionally for the conveyance of his family. The commissioners confirmed. 2379. Tradesman.— Charged for a two-wheeled carriage, used in his business, and marked with his name, &c. He admitted riding in it without goods to the railway station, and occasionally giving his child a ride. The commissioners relieved. DECISIONS. Commissioners riiifit. Schedule D. Comm issinners right. Schedule D. Pony Carriages. 2383. Pony Carriage, with two wheels, drawn by two Ponies. — Party charged to the duty of £2 for a two-wheeled pony carriage, which was occasionally drawn by two ponies not exceeding 13 hands. He contended that as it would only have been chargeable at 10s. if drawn by ODe pony, it was fair to infer, in the absence of special mention of any impost upon such description of carriages when drawn by two ponies, that that sum should be but doubled, and that the assessment should be at XL The commissioners relieved. 2403. Pony Carriage with two wheels. — Appellant charged to the duty of £2 for a carriage on two wheels, drawn by two ponies not exceeding thirteen hands. It was contended that as the wheels of the carriage were of greater diameter than thirty inches, that although the ponies did not exceed thirteen hands, the carriage was chargeable to the duty of £2 as if drawn by two or more horses or mules. The commissioners confirmed. 2616. Pony Cart. — Farmer claimed exemption for a pony cart charged at 10s., stated to be used for business but in which he admitted having on several occasions taken his children. The commissioners relieved. 2427. Tradesman. — Who was a plumber and glazier, and also an assessor and collector of taxes, claimed exemption for a two- wheeled carriage used in his business, and also to attend the meeting of the commissioners, and also the receipts. The com- missioners relieved. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Commissioners right. Schedule D. Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. Commissioners irnilhl. Schedule D. 344 Judges' Decisions. DECISIONS. Commissioners right. Schedule D. Commissioners Commissioners Commissioners Commissioners wrong. Schedule D. 2428. Tradesman. — Blacksmith claimed exemption for a light spring cart, used for trade, but also to drive to church. The surveyor opposed the claim, because the appellant, when driving to or from church, sometimes visited a friend. The commissioners relieved. 2428. Veterinary Surgeon. — Claimed exemption for a gig, used in his business, and also as a break for breaking-in young horses. The commissioners relieved. 2449. Veterinary Surgeon. — Claimed exemption for a two- wheeled carriage, used solely in his trade, with the exception of his having occasionally taken up his wife and children for a ride when going to or returning from any place of business. The surveyor contended that as the carriage was, in its construction, as much adapted for the comfort of a person as a gig would be, that it was liable. The commissioners relieved. 2577. Veterinary Surgeon. — Claimed to be relieved from the charge on him for a two-wheeled carriage called a "sulky," which is constructed to hold only one person, and in the body of which is a place to carry medicines and other articles used in his business. The commissioners relieved. 2381. Yeoman. — Claimed exemption for a two-wheeled carriage on metal springs, marked with his name, &c, used in the affairs of husbandry, but on two occasions to convey his wife once to and once from a railway. The commissioners relieved. CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (E.) 2552. Bailiff to a Nobleman. — Nobleman claimed to have the assessment on him for four bailiff's horses at £]. Is. each reduced to the lower rate of 10s. 6d. for each. He occupied land to a considerable extent, consisting of several farms at wide distances from each other, and required the services of five bailiffs. He had returned five horses used by bailiffs, and the surveyor had assessed Judges' Decisions. 345 him for one of them at 10s. 6A, and for the others at £1. Is., con- tending that the Act restricted the reduced rate of charge to one horse used by a bailiff on any farm or farms. The commissioners relieved. 2017. Builder.— Charged to the duty of £l. Is. for a horse used in a light spring cart, kept entirely for his trade, but frequently used without any load. The commissioners reduced the charge to 1 0s. 6d. 2624. Butcher who farmed land charged to the Duty of £1. Is. for his Biding Horse.— Appellant, who was a butcher, claimed to have the assessment on him for a riding horse at £1. Is. reduced to 10s. Gd, on account of his occupying land which he farmed. The surveyor contended that as the party did not get his livelihood principally by farming, he was chargeable to the higher duty. The commissioners reduced the charge to 10s. Gd. 2499. Civil Engineer. — Claimed exemption for a horse driven by his servant in a light cart on springs to market, but principally used to draw water from a well for the service of the house. He occupied a few acres of land with his house, and had the cart inscribed with his name and the word " farmer." The commissioners relieved. 2450. Clergyman who kept a Biding Horse and a Bony. — Claimed to pay duty at 10s. 6d. only for the horse under Rule 2, Schedule (E.), 16 and 17 Vict, cap. 90. The surveyor contended that the lower duty applied to cases where one horse only was kept, and that the pony must be considered as a second horse. The commissioners relieved. 2406. Constable — Claim of Exemption. — Superintendent con- stable claimed to be relieved from the charge for a horse, at the duty of £1. Is., used in a gig solely in the performance of his official duties. The commissioners relieved. 2384. Farmer. — Charged for a riding horse at £1. Is. which he claimed to have reduced to 10s. 6d., on the ground of his obtaining his livelihood by husbandry. He occupies his own estate, which is assessed to the property tax at £450, and in addition to the riding horse he kept two ponies for drawing a carriage, for which ponies and carriage he is assessed. Commis- sioners reduced to 10s. Gd. Commissioners right Sched. E. Rule 3. Commissioners right. Schedule E. Commissioners wrong. Schedules B. & F. Rule 1. Commissioners wrong. Schedule E. Cases 2453 pellant's name, &c. The commissioners relieved. 2478. Horse used only once. — Auctioneer charged for one horse under Schedule (E.), used for drawing a two-wheeled carriage. The horse had been assigned to him for a debt. It had been used once by his daughter in a two-wheeled carriage. The commis- sioners relieved. 2423. Husbandry Horse used in a Carriage to drive to Church. Husbandry horse charged 10s. 6d. in consequence of being used in a two-wheeled carriage, which was kept solely for driving to church. The commissioners relieved. 2407. Innkeeper Using one of Licensed Horses for Private Occasions. — Innkeeper, who had taken out a license to let horses for hire, charged for one, which he admitted to have used for driving out his family on private occasions. The commissioners relieved. 2408. Similar. The commissioners confirmed. 2518. Innkeeper. — Who had taken out a license to let horses, &c, for hire, charged for two horses at £1. Is. each, in respect of two of such horses which had been occasionally used by his wife in one of his carriages for private purposes. The commissioners relieved. 2485. Police Constable.. — Superintendent of police charged for a horse at £1. Is., used in a light spring cart to take prisoners to gaol, which he uses also as inspector of weights and measures to carry the standard weights. He contended that he was not liable, the horse and cart not being his property, but that of the county and used solely in the performance of his duties. The commis- sioners relieved. 2448. Post Office Contractor. — Charged for eighty horses at £1. Is. each, used in two-wheeled carriages in the conveyance of letters to and from the General Post Office, and not otherwise. The commissioners reduced the charge to 10s. 6d. each. 2553. Postmaster. — Charged to the duty on a riding horse, Schedule (E.), in respect of one of the horses included in his license. It appears that he occasionally rode and drove one of Judges' Decisions. 349 such horses (not always the same) on business, and admitted that his wife occasionally accompanied him. The commissioners relieved. 24:09. Relieving Officer. — Claim by a farmer, who was also a relieving officer. The commissioners relieved. 2G08. Riding Master. — Charged for three horses Schedule (E.) for which he claimed exemption under his excise license. The surveyor contended that as the three horses charged, although taken indiscriminately from the twenty licensed, were ridden by the appellant's sons and assistant in teaching the pupils to ride, they could not be considered to be let for hire so as to be exempt from the assessed taxes. The commissioners relieved. 2609. Similar. — The commissioners relieved. 2610. Similar. — The commissioners relieved. 2520. Seedsman. — Who occupied a few acres of land, claimed exemption for a riding horse at £\. Is., on the ground that he made his livelihood (although not a farmer) principally from husbandry. The commissioners relieved. 2519. Shipowner and Farmer. — Shipowner charged for the year 1858-9, £1. Is. for one horse, Schedule (E.) and for two horses, Schedule (F.) at 10s. 6d. each. The horse (E.) was discon- tinued in February 1857 ; but he afterwards kept two horses and two colts on a small farm in his occupation, and admitted having ridden the two horses. The commissioners discharged the two horses (F.) and increased the charge to two horses (E.) at £1. Is. each. 2367. Solicitor, who occupied a Farm, claimed to be Assessed at 10s. Gd. for his Riding Horse. — Appellant, who was a solicitor, and who occupied a farm, and was the owner of three others, which he let, claimed to have the assessment on him for a riding horse at £1. Is. reduced to 10s. 6d., on the ground of his following the occupation of a farmer, and making more by his farming than by his profession. The commissioners confirmed the assessment at £l. Is. 2451. Surgeon of a Militia Regiment, who kept two Riding Horses. — Claimed exemption for one as the surgeon of a regiment of militia, and to pay for the other at 10s. (id. only, under Rule 2 of Schedule (E.), 16 & 17 Vict., cap. 90. The commissioners relieved. Commissioners Com m issioners Commissioners Tight. Schedule E. • : ; :"fi'-: and 2498. Commissioners right. Schedule E. Commissioners right. Schedule E. Commissioners Commissioners right. Schedule E. Case 2466. Commissioners right. Schedule E. Commi&s-'onrrs right. Liable to 10s. Gd. for second horse. Schedule E. 350 Judges' Decisions. Commissioners Commissioners wrong. Sched. E. Rule 2. Commissioners Commissioners wrong. Schedule E. 2415. Tradesman giving a Ride to Persons in his Carriage kept for Business. — Tradesman charged for a horse at £1. Is. which he claimed to have reduced to 10s. 6d., used in a two- wheeled carriage, kept solely for the purpose of trade, but in which he admitted he had given a ride to persons from whom he had received remuner- ation. The commissioners relieved. 2361. Veterinary Surgeon — Party charged for a riding horse at £1. Is., for which he claimed to be assessed at the reduced duty of 10s. 6cl, under Eule 2, Schedule (E.), of the I 6 & 17 Vict., cap. 90. The surveyor contended that the reduced duty was appli- cable only to any person practising "as a physician, surgeon, or apothecary," and not to a veterinary surgeon. The commissioners reduced the charge to 10s. 6d. 2362 Yeomanry Cavalry. — Appellant claimed exemption for a riding horse for the year 1854-5, as a member of a corps of yeomanry cavalry, in which he was enrolled in September, 1853, The annual muster and exercise of the whole corps did not take place between the 5th of April, 1853, and the 5th of April, 1854, but he had occasionally attended musters of a portion of the corps, for sword exercise, between these periods. The commissioners relieved. 2551. Yeomanry Cavalry. — Member of a corps of yeomanry cavalry claimed exemption from the duty on a horse for the year 1859-60. It appears that he had ridden the horse in the corps in 1857, and been allowed exemption for it in 1858-9, but that on the assembling of the corps in 1858 he was prevented by illness from attending, and had not used it in the corps between 5th of April, 1858, and the 5th of April, 1859. The commissioners relieved. CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (F.) Hokses Used in Trade or Husbandry. 2556. Corn Dealer (Horses used in Trade and Husbandry by J. Corn dealer charged for twenty trade horses, Schedule (F.) He farms one hundred and eighty acres of land, and claimed exemp- tion for all except two under the 16 and 17 Vict., cap. 90, Judges' Decisions. 351 Exemption No. 7, of Schedules (E.) and (F.) He admitted that the horses were all used indiscriminately for his trade as well as for farm purposes. The surveyor contended that the party was not a bond fide farmer, as the income derived from his trade amounted to more than that derived from husbandry ; and he maintained that horses used for trade were precluded from the exemption. The commissioners reduced the charge to seventeen, the number actually used. 2555. Country Tailor (Horse otherwise used by) titan, for Husbandry. — Country tailor claimed exemption for a horse, Schedule (F.), kept for cultivating seven acres of land in his occu- pation. The surveyor contended that as the appellant did not make his livelihood principally by husbandry, and used the horse for other purposes besides farming, that he was liable for it. The commissioners relieved. 2454. Cowkeeper and Milkman, — Appellant, who obtained his livelihood solely from the selling of milk the produce of his cows, and who rented nine acres, but had no tillage land, claimed exemption for a horse at 10s. 6d., used exclusively for conveying the milk from his land to his dwelling house. The commissioners relieved. 23G3. Dairyman. — Party, who rented cows with a house and a small quantity of land, claimed to be relieved from the duty on a horse at 10s. 6d. He sells the milk, or makes it into butter or cheese, and keeps the horse for conveying the same to market, and drawing out manure and other husbandry purposes. The surveyor contended that the appellant was not entitled to relief, not being the occupier of a farm, and the horse not being used wholly in management, tillage, or cultivation of land, and maintained that he must be considered as a trader, and that the horse was liable to the duty charged. The commissioners relieved. 2554. Dairyman (Horse used by a J. — Appellant claimed relief from the assessment on him for a horse, Schedule (F.), on the ground that the horse was used for husbandry. He kept six cows, and rented about an acre and a half of land. The surveyor contended that the party was liable, as he did not gain his liveli- hood principally by husbandry, and the horse was used in his business as a dairyman. The commissioners confirmed. DECISIONS. Commissioners right. Schedule F. Commissioners Commissioners right. Schedule F. Case 2363. Commissioners wrong. Schcdide F. Cases 1185, 2118, Comm ission ers right. Schedule F. 352 Judges' Decisions. DECISIONS. Commissioners wrong, appellant being chargeable for two horses. Schedule F. Cases 597, 774, 1055, 1086, 1087, and 1096. Commissioners Commissioners right. Scliedule F. Commissioners Commissioners wrong. Schedule F. Case 2385. Commissioners right. Schedule F. Case 2273. Commissioners 2625. Farmer and Lime Burner. — Farmer, who was also a lime burner, claimed exemption from an assessment on him for three husbandry horses, Schedule (F.), 10s. 6d., which he lets for hire to men in his employ, for drawing limestones to the lime kilns. The surveyor contended that, as the letting was not occasional and the horses were used in a distinct trade, the exemption claimed should not be allowed. The commissioners relieved. 2616. Farmer using a Pony in a Pony Cart. — Farmer charged for a pony at 10s. 6d., used in a pony cart principally in his business, but in which he admitted having on several occasions taken his children. The commissioners reduced the charge to 5s. 3d. 2479. Farmer using Pony for Riding and also a Horse. — Party who made his livelihood principally by husbandry, and who kept a pony for riding and also a riding horse, charged 10s. 6d. for pony. The commissioners confirmed. 2586. Farm Horse Employed for Serving Mares. — Farmer charged to the duty of 10s. 6d. for an entire horse, for which he claimed exemption, and it was kept and used on his farm. The surveyor contended that the horse was chargeable, as it was em- ployed during the season fo ( r serving mares at his own and his father's farm. The commissioners relieved. 2453. Gentleman. — Charged for two of his farm horses to the duty of 10s. 6d., under the 16 & 17 Vict., cap. 90, Schedule (F.), which are used occasionally for drawing fuel to his residence. He contended that he was not liable, as he paid the higher duty for two horses promiscuously used for his farm as well as for his carriages. The commissioners relieved. 2478. Horse not Used, but merely Exercised. — Party charged for a horse which had been assigned to him for a debt ; it was not used, but merely exercised round a field. The commissioners relieved. 2588. Horse used for Hauling Peat to Market. — Appellant, who rented half an acre of pasture and arable land, and six or seven acres of moss or peat land, claimed exemption for a horse, Schedule (F.), which is used exclusively for hauling the peat to mai*ket, contending that peat was as much husbandry produce as corn. The commissioners relieved. Judges' Decisions. 353 2619. Horse used in a Four-wheeled Van. — Horse charged at 61. Is., used in a four-wheeled van, solely for conveyance of goods in business. The commissioners confirmed. 2587. Husbandry Horse used for Haiding Coal. — Gentleman charged 10s. 6d., Schedule (F.), in respect of a horse kept solely for agriculture, but which is occasionally employed in hauling coal for his family's use in his own untaxable cart. The commissioners relieved. 8467. Husbandry Horses used on a Gentleman's Farm for Drawing Fuel, omitted in the fi>-st Assessment, and the Commis- sioners required to charge them on Appeal. — Gentleman of fortune charged for two ponies, Schedule (F.) He declared on appeal that he had only kept one pony for riding, and that a second was not used. The surveyor contended, that as the party had used two or more of his farm horses for carting coal and fuel, and did not gain his livelihood by husbandry, he was liable to be charged for each horse so used under Schedule (F.) and suggested, that although the husbandry horses were not included in the first assessment, the commissioners were authorised to charge them with reference to Sect. 26, 43 Geo. III., cap. 99. The commissioners relieved from the second pony, and declined to entertain the question as to the farm horses. 2385. Husbandry Horses used in Drawing Fuel. — Gentleman charged for two horses at 10s. 6d. each, which were kept for husbandry purposes, and never otherwise used, except occasionally in drawing fuel. The commissioners relieved. 2468 Mides used in Hauling Coal. — The Duke of Beaufort charged for eight mules ; Schedule (F.) The duke keeps foui-teen mules and eight horses for the cultivation of the land in his own occupation, and the charge was made in consequence of the mules being used in hauling coal three times a week for his grace's establishment. The mules thus employed were taken in rotation. The surveyor contended that the frequent and general use of the mules rendered the whole of them liable. The commissioners relieved. 2517. Schoolmaster (Pony used in a Cart on Sjyrings by a). — Schoolmaster charged to the duty of 10s. 6d. for a pony not exceeding thirteen hands, which was used in a small cart on DECISIONS. Commissioner* i ... ,., ■:,,,. ; wrong. Schedule F. Cases 2385 & 2453. Commissioners wrong : they ought to hare entertained the question respect- ing the farm horses. Schedule F. Case 2385. Commissioners wrong. Schedule F. Commissioners wrong. Schedule F. Case 23S5. w 354 Judges' Decisions. Commissioners wrong. Schedule F. Commissioners wrong. 52 George III., cup. 93. Schedule G. Commissioners right. 52 George III., cap. 93. Schedule G. Cases 1237, 1G84, and 1772. Commissioners Commissioners right. Schedu . G. r„ , ■::■■:. ,.■■:. <; • wrong. Schedule G. 52 George III., cup. 93, springs, in going to a market town, &c, to bring home provisions. The commissioners declined to entertain the question as to the liability of the carriage, and reduced the pony to 5s. 3d. Dogs.- CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (G.) -Claim of Exemption for Dogs used for the care of Sheep, Cattle, &c. 2164. Butcher. — Claimed exemption for a dog kept for driving sheep and cattle from market. When not so used it was kept at his father's house, where he lodged. This party had no land, and the surveyor contended that he was not entitled to relief, the dog being used for trade, and not bond fide and wholly kept and used in the care of sheep and cattle. The commissioners relieved. 2188. Butcher. — Claimed exemption for a Scotch sheepdog. He occupied thirty-eight acres of pasture land, and generally had from one hundred to three hundred sheep, and thirty head of cattle. The dog was used principally for driving the sheep and cattle from one pasture to another or to market. The surveyor contended that this exemption was intended to apply to farmers only. The commissioners relieved. 2455. Cattle Dog. — Appellant claimed exemption for a dog wholly kept and used in the care of mules and asses, in driving or removing the same. The commissioners relieved. 2521. Claim of Exemption for a Sheep Dog by a Tradesman. — Shoemaker claimed exemption for a sheep dog, kept for the care of sheep arid cows, and to keep his neighbour's animals from tres- passing ; he kept two or three cows and ten sheep, and occupied about eight acres of land. The surveyor contended that, as the land was enclosed and the appellant had so few cows and sheep, he was not entitled to the exemption. The commissioners relieved. 2150. Dog Given Away. — Party had given the dog away ; but it had returned to him and was kept by him, and no proof was adduced of its having been paid for by any other person. The commissioners relieved. Judges' Decisions. 355 2386. Dog kept to Protect Land from Cattle. — Appellant, who resides in Wales, claimed exemption for a dog. He occupies one field, and keeps one cow and no sheep, but states that he requires the use of the dog to protect the land from sheep and cattle belonging to neighbouring farmers. The commissioners relieved. 2487. Dog kept by a Person who was not the Owner — Appellant claimed to be relieved from the charge on him at 12s. in respect of a hound at walk, which he admitted to have kept, but which did not belong to him. The surveyor contended that the party was liable unless he proved that the owner was duly assessed which be could not do, the owner being abroad and having no effects in England. The commissioners relieved. 2547. Dog not the Property of the Person charged for it. — Appellant charged for a dog which he admitted was kept on his premises, but which did not belong to him. The surveyor con- tended that as the appellant had not disclosed the name of the owner of the dog he was properly charged for it. The commis- sioners confirmed. 2606. Dog not the Property of the Person charged for it. — Superintendent of county police charged for a dog which never belonged to him, but which was the property of a prisoner whom he had conveyed to gaol. Appellant had given the dog away, and had tried to lose it several times, but it always returned to him. The commissioners relieved. 2213. Farmer. — The owner and occupier of a small farm of twenty-eight acres claimed exemption from the charge for a cur dog, alleged to be wholly kept and used in the care of his cattle consisting of six cows. . The commissioners confirmed. ' 2324. Farmer. — Claimed relief from the charge on him for four dogs on the ground of their being kept in the care of sheep or cattle. The surveyor contended that as the clogs "were not bond fide and wholly kept and vised in the care of sheep and cattle," being also used in working machinery for the purpose of churning that he was not entitled to exemption. The commissioners relieve^ from the charge for two. 2430. Farmer (Exemption claimed by). — Appellant, who had an enclosed farm, claimed exemption for a dog. He had only ten Commissioners right. Schedule G. Commissioners Commissioners riyht. Commissioners Cases 24 2547. Commissioners right. 52 ':' yrge III., cap. 93. Scliedule G. Commix ivrony. 356 Judges' Decisions. Commissioners wrong. Commissioners right. Commissioners wrong. 52 George III., cap. 93. Schedule G. Commissioners right. 52 George III., cap. 93. Schedule G. Commissioners right. 52 George III., cap- 93. Schedule H. Commissioners ii-rmig. 52 Georgr III., cap. 93. Scludule H. or twelve head of cattle and no sheep on the farm, and he kept the dog not solely for the care of cattle but for driving the crows off his corn land. The commissioners relieved. 2431. Greyhound. — Appellant charged for a greyhound which he had in his possession for a short time, and appears to have used. There was some dispute as to the ownership by the appellant ; but a declaration having been made by a respectable person that he bought the greyhound of the appellant, the charge was confirmed. 2165. Labourer. — Appellant, who was a labourer in the Royal Arsenal, at Woolwich, claimed exemption for a dog. He is occa- sionally employed by graziers to dress diseased sheep, and he uses the dog to drive the sheep together, and for no other purpose. The commissioners relieved. 2186. Superintendent of Police. — Claimed exemption for a bloodhound kept by him, but alleged to be the property of the county, and used for tracing sheep stealers. The commissioners confiwned. CASES UKDER SCHEDULE (H.) Horse Dealers. 2628. Appellant who was a railway carrier, charged as a horse dealer. It appeared on appeal that he had bought and sold for himself as well as for others, from whom he denied receiving any commission, but whom he charged a certain sum per night for the keep of the horses. The commissioners confirmed. 2457. Buying and Selling. — Appellant charged to the horse dealer's duty who claimed exemption on the ground of his never having made up a horse for sale ; but it appeared on appeal that he made many purchases and sales of horses in the course of the year. The commissioners relieved. 2120. Buying for a Neighbour. — Party charged the horse dealer's duty. He resides with his father, a farmer, and assists him in the management of his farm. He never bought any horse Judges' Decisions. 357 on his own account, but admitted attending markets and fairs to buy and sell for neighbours. He charged no commission, but was paid just what the parties pleased for his time and trouble. The commissioners relieved. 2630. Cattle Dealer, Buying]and Selling Colts. — Cattle dealer charged as a horse dealer. He admitted that it was his practice to buy unbroken colts which he grazed and improved on his farm, and to sell them generally after keeping them for twelve months, but sometimes sooner. The commissioners relieved. 2504. Cattle Jobber Buying\and belling Horses. — Cattle jobber charged as a horse dealer, who admitted purchasing ponies in Scotland, and selling them to different people directly afterwards at a small profit, and also the sale of horses in a few other cases which the surveyor contended was sufficient to constitute a dealer. The commissioners relieved. 2469. Currier. — Charged to the horse dealer's duty. He admitted having bought and sold four horses within the year The surveyor contended that the appellant, not being a farmer, and having admitted buying horses to improve them, with a view to sell at a profit, was clearly liable. The commissioners relieved. 2590. Farrier Buying and Selling Horses — Farrier, who was a horse doctor, charged to the horse dealer's duty. He admitted buying and selling four or five in the course of the year, and that if he got a nice horse and a customer took a fancy to it, he sold it at a profit, but denied that he was a horse dealer, as he never went into the market to dispose of horses, although he looked at horses for gentlemen. The commissioners relieved. 2557. Farmer Buying and Selling Horses. — Farmer, who was also a carrier, charged to the horse dealer's duty. He was in the habit of buying horses for the purpose of working them on the farm and carrying on his business as a carrier, and selling them at intervals. The surveyor contended that the purchase, as ad- mitted by the appellant, of seven horses within the year for other persons, in addition to those for his own use, together with the sale of two and exchange of one which was afterwards sold, constituted a dealer within the meaning of the Act. The commissioners relieved. DECISIONS. wrong. 52 George III., cap. 93. Seli.dvle H. Case 1101. Commissioners wrong. 52 George III., cap. 90. Scheduh- H. Cases 187S and 2413. Commissioners wrong. Case 2457. Commissioners wrong. 52 George III., cap. 90 Scludule U. Commissioners wrong. 52 George III., cap. 93. Schedule H. Case 2469. Commissioners irmii'i. 52 George III., cap. 93. Schedule H. Cases 2413 and 2456. 358 Judges' Decisions. Commissioners right. 52 George III., cap. 90. Schedules. Case 2143. ■ <> oners right. 52 George III., cap. 93. Schedule 3. Commissioners 52 George III., cap 93. Schedule H. Cases 1217 and L87& Commissioners wrong. 52 George 7//., cap. 93. Schedule H. Case 2413. Commissioners ge III., cap 93. Srln-.l C » Where increased, may be charged in treble the amount of increase of duty 127 ... 176 145 147 374 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page. Persons may require all proceedings in order to their being assessed to duties under Schedule (D.), to he had before special commissioners 131 ... 179 How duty to be paid in such cases 131 ... 181 Upon commissioners , 135 ... 185 To be entered in books, and accounts thereof sent to the office for stamps and taxes ,.< .. 136... 185 Certificate of, under a letter or number, where parties intend payment to the officer for receipt 137 ... 186 How duty to be paid in such cases 140 ... 188 In default to be levied by distress 140 ... 189 Discounts on payments in advance 141 ... 189 ASSESSMENTS under Schedule (E.) : To be made according to annual value of offices and pensions 154 ... 203 To remain in force for one whole year 154 ... 204 When to commence and be payable 154 ... 204 Order for discharge of, on proof of income being one hundred and fifty pounds 164 ... 213 Relief in case of double assessments 171 ... 223 Delivery of duplicates of — 172 ... 224 If not paid, recoverable as debts to the crown 172 ... 225 For arrears caused by neglect, &c, of collectors 174 ... 226 To be in force for one whole year, commencing fifth April in such year 176... 228 In England, except where duties are stopped, to be paid quarterly 176 ... 228 In Scotland to be paid half-yearly 176 ... 228 ASSESSORS, appointment of. 36 ... 38 To summon additional commissioners to attend meeting to qualify 19 ... 21 Powers of, by reference to the Assessed Taxes Acts.. 37 ... 39 To take oath before acting under Schedule (D.) 38 ... 40 Formofoath 189 ... 242 To serve all notices and precepts 46 ... 46 To fix general notices on church doors, &c. requiring the delivery of lists, &c 47 ... 46 To give notices to persons chargeable ; or leave same at dwelling house, or on the premises to be charged 48 ... 47 To transmit statements made under Schedule (D.), in certain cases, to inspector 49 ... 49 List of persons served with notices to be returned by 57 ... 56 To verify on oath service of notices, and the affixing of general notices : penalty for neglect or omission 58 ... 56 To make assessments on returns delivered 64 ... 91 Rules to be observed by, in making assessments, where the value cannot be otherwise ascertained 64 ... 92 Index — Income Tax. 375 Section. Page. May assess houses or lands under ten pounds annual value, without requiring a return 65 •■• 94 Liable to penalty on neglect 65 ... 95 Authorised to require production of lease, and may assess lands on the rent reserved 66 ■•• Where lease is by parole, or cannot be produced, may make assessment on the return by tenant 67 In Scotland, may make assessment on rent reserved in lease, 98 or on notification by tenant 69 ... 100 To deliver assessments with the returns to commissioners ... 74 ... 104 When not able to make assessments, to apply for instructions 74 ... 104 If required, to give notice for production of the poor rate books, and to declare on what value rates are made on properties therein 75 ••• *"4 May be examined as to assessments 75, 77 ...105, 107 May inspect any public rate books 76 ... 106 In Scotland, to be assisted by schoolmasters 77 ... 107 Power for surveying lands in certain cases 78 ... 107 To require returns from parties becoming chargeable after the first year 87 ... 115 For duties on interest on public securities, and East India Bonds, appointment of 97 ... 131 To give notice of time for hearing appeals 118 ... 166 Under Schedule (E ), election of 30,150 ... 31,200 To deliver certificates of assessments on oath 150 ... 201 To have access to documents, and to require returns 150 ... 201 Under Schedule (E.), to be furnished with lists of salaries, &c. 154 ... 203 To make assessments according to annual value 154... 204 Delivery of assessments by 154... 204 Liable to penalties 157 ... 206 What deductions not to be allowed by 159 ... 207 Duties of, as to claims to exemptions 164 ... 213 To give notice to persons coming to reside in any parish after publication of general notices 177 ... 229 Allowance to 183 ... 234 ATTORNEYS, how to make out balance sheet of profits. (Note.) 100... 148 BAILLIE of any royal burgh, qualification of 15 ... 19 BANK of England, governors and directors of, to be commis- sioners for assessing duties in respect of: all annuities payable to the company and the profits thereon ; all annui- ties, dividends, &c, payable out of the public revenue paid by the company ; all profits of company under Schedule (D.) ; and all other dividends, salaries, &c, payably by and profits arising under the company 24 ... 27 Books of account to be made up by, for the purposes of assessments, and delivered to special commissioners 89 ... 121 376 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page. Certificate of assessments to be transmitted to 89... 121 To set apart and retain sums assessed 93, 94 ...127, 12S To pay assessments on their own trading profits into the same account 94 ... 128 All monies arising from duties granted by this Act to be paid into the, to the account of the receiver general of stamps and taxes 186... 238 Cashier of, forging, or altering receipts of, felony 181 ... 233 BANK of Ireland, governor and directors of, to be commissioners for assessing duties on annuities, &c, payable by the com- pany to non-residents in Ireland 25 ... 28 Declaration to be delivered to, on receipt of dividends on behalf of such non-residents 90 ... 123 To require declarations before paying dividends under powers of attorney 90 ... 124 . To assess duties in case of such non-residence, or on refusal to make declarations 91 ... 125 To retain, and set apart sums assessed 93,94 ...127,128 BANKRUPTCY, power to amend or vacate assessments in case of 134 ... 184 BIRMINGHAM, appointment of particular commissioners for ... 5 ... 9 Qualification requisite 10 ... 16 BOROUGHS in England and Wales, not specially named, quali- fication of commissioners for 11 ... 16 In Scotland 13... 18 Commissioners for duties on offices in 32 ... 34 BREWERS, balance of profits of 100 ... 148 BRIDGES, annual value of profits from, how estimated 60 ... 63 BRISTOL, appointment of particular commissioners for 5 ... 9 Qualification requisite 10 ... 16 Proceeds from British or Foreign possessions to be assessed, in certain cases, by commissioners for 108 ... 159 BRITISH Museum, allowances and exemptions to be made to trustees of 149 ... 199 Possessions duty on interest arising from securities in 100 ... 145 And on proceeds from property in 100 ... 145 Produce or profits arising from, to be assessed at London, Bristol, Liverpool, or Glasgow, accordingly as imported or received 108 ... 159 CANALS, annual value of profits from, how estimated 60 ... 66 Belonging to companies to be assessed where general accounts are made up 60 ... 66 Duties may be deducted from interest to creditors 60 ... 66 CASUAL profits, distress for duties on 72 ... 102 CATTLE, dealers in, statements of profits of, when to be required 100 ... 144 CERTIFICATE for exempting commissioners from parish and ward offices, and serving on juries 35 ... 37 Inde.v — Income Taa\ 377 Section. Pn^e. To be enrolled by clerk of the peace 35 ... 38 Of separate assessment in the case of mines 60 ... 64 Of allowances on tithe commutation, rent-charge, &c 60 ... 75 Allowances by, how obtained 61 ... 76 Of assessments by Bank of Ireland !'l ... 125 For deducting duty on annual payments out of profits charged under Schedule (D.) 104 ... 154 Of assessments by additional commissioners 117 ... 165 Indorsed by commissioners or clerk to be evidence of such payment 142 ... 191 For levying unpaid duties on offices 155 .. 205 CESS rolls, estimates in Scotland to be made without reference to 63 ... 91 CHARITABLE purposes, allowances to be granted on profits of lands held for 61 ... 79 Stock or dividends held for, exempted 88 ... 119 Also yearly interest or other annual payments payable in respect of 105 ... 155 CHURCH dues, how to be estimated 60 ... 75 CHURCHES, allowances for repairs of any 60 ... 75 Exemption of stock or dividends applicable to repairs of any. 88 ... 120 CINQUE ports, qualification of commissioners for 11 ... 16 Commissioners for offices in 32 ... 34 CIVIL departments ; principal officers of each department to appoint commissioners from amongst the officers thereof... 30 ... 31-32 Rules for charging the duties on officers held under, and description of officers to be charged 146 ... 195 CIVIL services, paymasters of, to be commissioners for assessing the duties on persons and stipends payable by Her Majesty 34 ... 37 CLERK, commissioners empowered to appoint; and, if necessary, an assistant clerk 9 ... 14 Liable to penalty on misconduct 9 ... 15 To attend meetings of additional commissioners 19 ... 22 To take oath before acting 38 ... 40 Form of oath 189 ... 243 In default liable to penalty 38 ... 40 To make abstracts of returns of statements into proper books 59 .... 57 Receipts of, in certain cases 140, 142 ...188, 190 Allowance to 183 ... 236 Not to take any fees, &c 183 ... 235 Treasury may giant a further allowance to 183 ... 236 COLLECTORS in England, appointment of 36 ... 38 In Scotland, officers for collecting the land and assessed taxes to be 36 ... 38 Powers of, by reference to the assessed taxes Acts 37 ... 39 Not to act under Schedule (D.) before taking oath 38 ... 40 Form of oath 189 ... 243 T 378 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page. Liable to penalty on default 38 ... 40 Keceipt to be taken by 61 ... 77 May levy assessments for second and third years by first year's book, when.. 87 ... 114 For duties on offices, authority of 154 ... 204 Or for districts to execute warrants for levying unpaid duties on offices, in certain cases 155 ... 205 In offices, liable to penalties 157 ... 206 Delivery of duplicates of assessments with warrants to. 172 ... 224 Parish or place answerable for default of. 174 ... 226 To give notice to persons coming to reside in any parish after publication of general notices 177 ... 229 Allowance to 183 ... 234 COLLEGIATE churches, allowances for repairs of 60 ... 75 COLONIAL revenues, accounts of annuities or dividends payable out of, to be delivered within one month after notice in the London Gazette 96 ... 129 Special commissioners to make assessments thereon 96 ... 130 Penalty on default in making returns 96 ... 131 I. COMMISSIONERS for general purposes (or general com- missioners) to be appointed by land tax commissioners from among themselves at district meetings to be convened for the purpose 4 ... 7 Names to be set down on lists 4 ... 7 Any seven, and not less than three in the order on such lists to act as 4 ... 8 The like number next in order to be commissioners for supplying vacancies 4 ... 8 In default of fourteen land-tax commissioners, the names of other qualified persons residing in the district may be set down, or in adjoining districts 4 ... 8 Names of, to be transmitted to the head office for stamps and taxes in En gland and Scotland respectively 4 ... 9 Names of persons so appointed to be returned to the com- missioners of stamps and taxes 5 ... 11 Persons qualified for the county may be appointed for cities, boroughs, &c 6 ... 11 Power for appointing persons duly qualified, although not named in the land-tax Act 6 ... 12 On death or refusal to act, vacancies to be supplied from the persons set down on the lists for that purpose 7 ... 12 Provision for renewing lists 7 ... 12 In certain cases land-tax commissioners required to act 8 ... 13 In want of them, commissioners of any adjoining district in the same county, &c 8 ... 13 On their neglect, special commissioners 8 ... 14 Index — Income Tax. 379 Section. Page. To appoint a clerk in each district, and assistant clerk, if' 9 14 necessary v Qualification of, for districts in counties and certain cities and towns in England 10 ••• ,5 For districts in the county of Monmouth, or of any county in Wales n - 16 For cities, towns, and other places in England or Wales not specially named " ••• For any shire or stewartry in Scotland 12 ... 17 For cities and boroughs in Scotland 13 ••• 18 Proof of qualification 14 ••• 18 No qualification required for persons being land-tax com- missioners in the district of Whitehall and St. James's Palaces 15 ■•■ 18 Nor for certain offices in Scotland ; nor for special com- missioners *5 ... May appoint additional commissioners ; in default, to act themselves **> ••• In case of there being no qualified persons in certain places, residents therein chargeable under this Act at £200 for annual profits may be appointed 17 ••• "0 Notice to be given by, on making such appointment 19 ••• 21 To administer oath to be taken by additional commissioners 19 ... 22 May divide additional commissioners into district committees 20 ... 22 Power for appointing a greater number of, than seven, instead of additional commissioners 21 ••• 23 At first meeting after such increase, to choose by lot any two of their number to act as additional commissioners 21 ... 23 Or to divide themselves in such manner that two of their number may so act 21 ... 24 In case two should not then remain, number may be supplied from adjoining districts 21 ... 24 To execute all matters with respect to the duties in Schedules (A.), (B.), (D.), and (E.), except where otherwise directed 22... 24 Additional commissioners not precluded from acting as, except in case of appeals against their own assessments 22 ... 25 To be commissioners for duties on all offices not under the crown, or in corporate places, in counties 32 ... 34 In England, to appoint assessors and collectors 36 ... 38 In Scotland, assessors only 36 ... 38 To have the like powers as commissioners under the assessed taxes Acts 37 ... Form of oath 189 «• 240 At first meeting to summon assessors ; and to administer oaths, &c 46 ... 46 To summon persons neglecting to deliver lists, &c 48 ... 48 116 117 380 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page. Certificates by, in order to payment of claims for allowances 61 ... 77 To grant allowances in respect of the buildings belonging to colleges, hospitals, &c 61 ... "7 In certain cases to examine assessors, and also overseers of the poor, on oath 75 ••• 105 May inspect public rate-books 76 ... 106 May allow and sign assessments not objected to by inspectors, or may rectify same ?9 •■• * ° To cause notice of assessments and day of appeal to be given 80 ... 109 On appeal, may direct valuation of lands, and make assess- ment thereon 81 ... 109 In default of valuation being made, may make assessment according to the best of their judgment : and award costs 81 ... 109-110 May rectify assessments in certain cases 82 ... Ill May abate assessments in cases of loss by flood or tempest... 83, 85 ...111, 113 May award costs in cases of vexatious appeals 87 . Duplicates of the, to be made yearly 87 . To answer cases transmitted by additional commissioners.... 112 ... 162 To inquire into merits of statements referred to them by additional commissioners 114 ... 163* Appeals under Schedule (D.) to be determined by 118 ... 166 To fix and give notice of time for hearing 118-119 ... 166-167 May postpone appeals in certain cases 119 ... 167 May admit other proof than the oath of the appellant 119 ... 167 On appeal, or objection of inspector, to issue precept for return of schedules of profit : may confirm or alter assessment : may require appellant to verify his statement or schedule on oath 120,122 ... 167,170 To allow the amendment thereof previously 122 ... 171 Assessments on schedules made by, after verification, to be final 122 ... 171 In any case, when dissatisfied with assessments, may require answers from party charged 123 ... 171 May require same to be verified on oath 124 ... 173 May summon witnesses, and examine them on oath 125 ... 173 May make assessment on schedule 126... 175 After verification of schedule, assessment to be final 126 ... 175-176 When an assessment is increased, may charge the party in treble duty 127 ... 176 May allow time for party to amend imperfect schedule 129 ... 177 May certify for the stay of proceedings for recovering penalty for neglect to deliver schedule, in certain cases 129 ... 178 To hear all appeals on claims for exemption of persons whose income is under £100 130 ... 179 Under Schedule (D.), to enter assessments in books, and make returns 136 ... 185 n. Index — Income Tax. 381 Section. Page. May, when satisfied with declaration of parties intending to pay such assessments to officer for receipt, deliver certificates thereof by numbers or letters 137 ... 186 As to delivery of warrants and duplicates by 138,139 ...187, 188 HO ... 189 Receipts by, on delivery of certificates of the payment of such assessments 142 ... 19U To transmit account of duties charged under Schedule (E.) to the public offices where salaries or pensions are payable ... 146 ... 196 On certificates of commissioners for offices to issue warrant for levying duties on any officer making default 155 ... 205 To settle differences between tenants and landlords, &c, with respect to the payment of duties : 160 ... 208 May levy the proportions when settled 160 ... 208 May allow claims for exemption, not objected to, and discharge assessments within the district 164 ... 214 And may give certificates in order to the discharge of any assessments elsewhere 164 ... 214 To determine, on appeal, claims for exemption objected to... 164 ... 215 Certificates by, in order to obtain the repayment of duties charged by way of deductions 165 ... 215 To grant relief in case of double assessments 171 ... 224 Who may be chosen 16 ... 19 ADDITIONAL commissioners, to be chosen by general commissioners at district meetings to be held for the purpose 16 ... 19 Qualification of 14,16 ... 18,20 Who may be appointed as, in certain places not having persons qualified 17 ... 20 Notice to be given, on appointment, to attend meeting to qualify 19 ... 21 May be divided into district committees 20 ... 23 Meetings of each committee to be held so that clerk may attend every meeting 20 ... 23 Not more than seven in any case to act as 20 ... 22 Not less than two to form a meeting 20 ... 22 In certain cases, may be chosen by lot by general commis- sioners from their own body 21 ... 23 In default of appointment, general commissioners so to divide themselves that two may act as 21 ... 24 Not precluded from acting as general commissioners, except in case of appeals against their own assessments 22 ... 25 Penalty on, for acting without having taken oath ,. 38 ... 40 Formofoath 189 ... 240 To hold meetings for considering statements of profits described in Schedule (D.) Ill ... 162 382 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page. May make assessments thereon Ill ... 162 On inspector's objection, to state a case to general commis- sioners 112 ... 162 In certain cases to make assessments according to the best of their judgment 113 ... 163 May refer statements to general commissioners 114 ... 163 May amend assessments , 115 ... 164 To deliver certificates of assessments in books, and statements relating thereto, under cover, sealed up, to general com- missioners 117 ... 165 III. COMMISSIONERS for special purposes, in certain cases to act as general commissioners 8 ... 14 Commissioners for stamps and taxes, together with appointees of treasury, to be 23 ... 25 Dutiesof 23 ... 26 Proceedings before, to be by affidavit 23 ... 26 May be allowed salaries and incidental expenses 23 ... 27 Appointments of, to be laid before Parliament 23 ... 27 Liable to penalty for acting under Schedule (D.) before taking oath 38 ... 40 Form of oath 189 ... 240 To grant orders for payment of allowances 61 ... 77 Certificate and order for payment of allowance of duties on rents of hospitals, &c, by 61,62 ... 77,80 Certificates to be made by, on receiving books of assessment under Schedule (C.) 89 ... 120 To make assessments on annuities or dividends payable out of any colonial revenue 96... 129 At head office in England, claims of exemption under Schedule (C.) to be made to 98 ... 133 To hear appeals from parties assessed or surcharged under Schedule (D.) 130 ... 179 To make assessments in first instance at the request of parties to be charged .* 131 ... 180 Appeals against such assessments to be heard by special com- missioners for the district 131 ... 181 Who may be required to refer cases to the commissioners of stamps and taxes 131 ... 181 To notify amount of assessments to the party 131 ... 181 In default of party paying, to make duplicates and issue warrants to collectors '. 131 ... 181 May exercise the powers of general commissioners in certain cases 132 ... 182 May make contracts for composition 143 .. 191 Treasury to allow salaries to 186 ... 238 28 26 ... 29 to act as . 131 Index — Income Tax. 383 Section. Page. IV. COMMISSIONERS for duties on annuities, &c, chargeable under Schedule (G): Appointment of, for annuities, &c, payable by the Bank of England 24 ••• By the Bank of Ireland 2 o By the South Sea Company By the East India Company 27 ■•■ By the commissioners for the reduction of the National Debt 28 ... 30 Out of the revenue on any foreign state 29 ... Out of any colonial revenue 96 ... On securities issued at the Exchequer office, &c, and India bonds ^7 V. COMMISSIONERS for duties on offices, appointment of, for offices in courts under the crown : in the public depart- ments 30 ... 31 In the House of Parliament : in the counties palatine : in the Duchy of Cornwall : in the inferior courts : under ecclesias- tical bodies 31 In corporate cities, &c. : in counties, not being under the crown, or corporate offices, &c 32 ... Appointment to be notified within one calendar month after the passing of this Act to the commissioners of stamps and taxes 33 ••• 36 And within one calendar month after the 5th April in any future year 33 ••• 36 In default, treasury may appoint within one calendar month after notice 33 •• In case of no appointment by treasury, district commissioners 33 33 ... 36 Such appointment to continue until successors are appointed 33 ... 36 And may be renewed annually 33 ■•• 37 May continue to act from year to year without any new appointment ° 3 ■•• In public departments, to assess interest payable on securities issued thereout 97 ... 132 Meeting of, to qualify 15° ••• 200 May appoint clerks, assessors, and also collectors, where duties cannot be stopped in the department for which they act 150 ...200-201 Assessments by, where parties claim to be exempt 152 ... 202 To deliver duplicates and warrants to collectors when so appointed • l54 - 204 To deliver duplicates at public offices where duties are stopped 15 ^ - 205 Certificates by, for levying unpaid duties 155... 205 No qualification required for 156 ... 206 VI. COMMISSIONERS for duties on pensions, &c, appointment of 34 ... 37 384 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page. Meeting of, to qualify, by taking oath 150 ... 200 May appoint clerks, assessors, and also collectors, where duties cannot be stopped in the department for which they act 150 ... 200 Assessments by, where parties claim to be exempt 154 ... 202 No qualification required for ., 156 ... 206 VII. COMMISSIONERS (generally) on new appointment to have like powers in respect of duties and arrears of any previous year, as in case of their own assessments 18 ... 21 Entitled to certificates of exemption from serving parish and ward offices, and on juries 35 ... 37 Information before, for not delivering lists, &c 55 ... 54 To be assessed to the duties in Schedule (D.) as other persons 135 ... 185 Not to be present during the consideration of their own statements or schedules 135 ... 185 Powers of, on surcharge 162 ... 210 To make returns of surcharges 162 ... 211 To deliver duplicates of assessments and warrants to collectors 172 ... 224 Powers of, in case of this Act not being executed previous to a certain period 175 ... 227 For district, to assess persons coming to reside in any parish in which they have not been before assessed 177 ... 229 Forging or altering certificates of, felony 181 ... 233 Proof that they had acted, to be sufficient evidence of parties being 182 ... 234 Warrants of, for allowances to assessors and other officers in their respective districts 183 ... 234 Any two or more of, competent to execute any of the powers given by this Act 191 ... 252 COMMITTEES of lunatics, to be charged 41 ... 42 Answerable for the assessing of persons under their care 41 ... 43 May retain duties charged 44 ... 44 To deliver statements, &c 53 ... 52 Penalty for not delivering statements, &c 55 ... 55 Where two or more are liable for the same person one return sufficient 53 ... 53 May be assessed, where 53 ... 53 Relief to, in case of double assessments 53 ... 53 COMPANIES, commissioners for offices under 32 ... 34 Received of, answerable for their being assessed 40 ... 42 Such officers may retain duties charged : to deliver state- ments, &c 51 ... 53 Estimate to be made before payment of any dividends by ... 54... 54 Penalty on officers for default 55... 55 Officers under, to be charged 146 ... 194 Index — Income Tax. 385 Seotion. Page. Lists to be delivered on behalf of, XVI 190... 250 COMPOSITION, on assessment for duties in Schedule (D.) may be entered into for three years 143 .. Penalty for fraud in making 145 CONTRACTS, between landlords and tenants or others, contrary to this Act not to be binding 73 For payment of any interest, &c, without allowing the deductions for duty, to be void 1° 3 ••• 1J > 3 CO-OPERATIVE societies chargeable under Schedule (A.), but exempt for interest and profits if established under the Friendly Society Act • COPARCENERS may severally claim exemption 168 ... 222 CORN, method of ascertaining the rent where depending on the price of 63 •• 90 CORNWALL, duchy of, provisions for appointing commissioners for offices in 192 103 118 II ... 33 34 110 116 104 CORPORATIONS, commissioners for offices in 32 ... Chamberlains or other officers acting as treasurers, &c. of, answerable for their assessment 40 ... Such officers may retain duties charged upon them 44 ... 45 Chamberlains to deliver statements, &c 54 ... 53 In making estimate not to deduct dividends payable by 54... 54 Liable to penalty on default 55 ... 55 Offices under, to be charged 146 ... 195 Lists to be delivered on behalf of certain, XVI 190 ... 250 COSTS of valuation of lands, in cases of appeals 81 . To be awarded on vexatious appeals 87 .. COURTS, description of offices chargeable 146 .. DEACON convener, as to qualification of 15 ... 19 DEAN of guild, as to qualification of 15 ... 19 DEATH of owners in occupation, who liable on 60 ... 73 Of tenants, who liable on 63 ... 88 Abatement on assessments under Schedule (D.) on 134... 184 Personal representatives liable for duties payable by deceased parties I 73 ••• 225 DECLARATIONS to be delivered by all persons acting in any character for others 51,53,54 ...50,52,53 See Schedule (G.) XVI 190 ... 250 General, to be made on returning statements 52 ... 51 See Schedule (G.) XV 190 ... 250 By assessors in certain cases 75 ... 105 By persons receiving annuities or dividends on behalf of non- residents in Ireland 90 ... 123 To be required by the Bank of Ireland on paying dividends under a power of attorney 90 ... 124 In cases of partnership in trades or professions 100 ... 140 Z 386 Index-, — Income Tax. Section. Page. See Schedule (G.) XIII 190 ... 249 To be made, stating where parties are chargeable to the duties in Schedule (D.) 106... 155 To be made under 50 Geo. III., to avoid surcharge 162 ... 210 Required of persons coming to reside in parishes where they have not been before charged 177 ... 229 DEDUCTIONS from rent for duty to be allowed by landlords and others under a penalty 60* ... 72 Contrary to this Act, from estimate or assessment, may be surcharged 60 ... 74 To be allowed under Schedule (B.), where lands are subject to a tithe commutation rent-charge, or are tithe free, or subject to a modus, &c 63 ... 85 On account of duty from current interest on exchequer, securities, &c, and India bonds 97 ... 131 In case specific loss, and on rent of dwelling house 101 ... 147 To be allowed for duty on the payment of any annual interest, &c, under penalties 103 ... 153 Contract for payment without allowing, void 103 ...153-154 On payment of interest and other payments from profits, to be made by certificate 104 ... 154 For duties chargeable on profits of offices or pension by Act of Parliament, to be allowed 146 ... 193 By principals on payment of salaries or wages to deputies or clerks 146 ... 197 Official, to be allowed 146 ... 197 When to be detained 158... 207 Order for repayment of deductions for duty, where parties are exempted 165 ... 215 DEPUTIES to allow deductions on receipt of salaries 146 ... 197 In receipt of profits of offices, to pay for principals 153 ... 202 DISCOUNTS, rule for charging 100 ... 143 On duties paid in advance 141 ... 189 DISTRESS, for duties on lands unoccupied, when leviable 70 ... 102 For duties on tithes 71 ... 102 For duties on incorporeal hereditaments 72 ...102-103 For duties on offices 155 ... 205 To be levied as directed by Assessed Taxes Acts 172 ... 224 DIVIDENDS payable after fifth of April, 1842, to be charged ... 88 ... 118 DOCK, annual value of profits from, how estimated 60 ... 63 DOCTORS, balance of profits of. See Note 100... 148 DRAINAGE rate, to be allowed 60 ... 75 DUES in right of the church, rule for estimating 60 .. 61 DUPLICATES of assessments under Schedules (A.) and (B.), delivery of 87 ... 114 Under Schedule (D.), to collectors 138 ... 187 Index — Income Tax. 387 Section. Page. 183 204 58,114 224 Under a number or letter, to officers of receipt l39 Under Schedule (E.) ;•••••• 154 To be issued within one calendar month after determining , 172 ... 224 appeals DUTIES, in England, to be levied under the regulations of 43 Geo. III., cap. 99, and subsequent Acts 3 ... 4 In Scotland, under 43 Geo. III., cap. 150, and subsequent Acts 3 •• 4 Powers and provisions of any other Acts relating to the assessed taxes, and of 48 Geo. III., cap. 141, and 50 Geo. III., cap. 105, to be applicable to Provisions for assessment of, in Schedule (A.), in respect of the property in lands or tenements 60, 87 In Schedule (B.), in respect of the occupation of lands or tenements 63,87 ... 85,114 In Schedule (C), on annuities or dividends 88,99 ...117,134 In Schedule (D.), on property not included in any other schedule 100, 145 ...145, 192 In Schedule (E.), on salaries, and profits from offices, or ....146,157 ...192,206 pensions ' To be levied as directed by the Acts relating to the duties of 172 assessed taxes * If not so levied, to be recoverable as crown debts 172 ... 225 Nonpayment of, not to disqualify from voting at elections ... 184 ... 237 EAST India bonds, assessment of, under Schedule (C.) 97 ••■ Duty to be paid on payment or new issuing of 97... 132 On receiving or purchasing, proportion of duty then due to be deducted from current interest 97 EAST India Company, directors of, to be commissioners for assessing duties in respect of the interest payable on the bonds of the company ■•• -' ••• ov All dividends, &c, payable by the company 27 ••• 30 And all profits arising within any office under the control of the company 27 ••■ Assessors and collectors of duties on bonds to be appointed by 97 ... 131 EAST and West India Docks, profits on, to be assessed by the commissioners for London 109 •• 161 ECCLESIASTICAL courts, judges of, to appoint commissioners from amongst the officers of their courts 30-31 Rules for charging the duty on offices held under, and descrip- tion of offices to be charged 146 ... 194 ECCLESIASTICAL persons receiving tithes in kind, or any pay- ments in right of the church, statements by, II 190... 246 ELECTIONS, for members of Parliament, nonpayment of duties not to disqualify from voting at 184 ... 237 EMPLOYMENT of profit, description of 100... 137 132 32-33 388 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page EVIDENCE of parties being officers acting under this Act 182 ... 233 EXAMINATION of party charged under Schedule (D.) on oath... 124 ... 173 EXECUTORS liable for duties charged upon their testator 173... 225 EXEMPTION from duties in Schedule (C), granted to the stock, &c, of friendly societies 88 ... 118 To the stock or dividends of savings banks, and to interest payable to depositors 88 ... 119 To the stock or dividends of trusts for charitable purposes ... 88 ... 119 To the stock or dividends applicable to the repairs on any cathedral, college, church, or chapel, or other place of worship 88 ... 120 To the stock or dividends in the names of the treasury, or of the commissioners for the National Debt 88 ... 120 To payments on account of the Waterloo subscription funds 88 ... 120 To the stock or dividends belonging to Her Majesty, and to foreign ministers , 88 ... 121 Claims for, to be made by affidavit 98... 133 Claims for, by persons holding offices, &c 152 ... 202 To persons proving income to be less than £100 163... 212 Mode of proceeding to claim 164 ... 213 Discharge of assessments on i 164 ... 214 Certificates on 164-165 ...214-215 Order for repayment of duties paid by way of deduction on... 165 ... 216 Income arising from lands, how estimated with reference to claim for 167 221 Claims by joint tenants, &c, of property or in occupation of lands, to 168 ... 222 By partners in trades or professions 168 ... 222 Claims for, to be made where claimants reside 169... 222 Where whole income arises from any office or pension 169 ... 222 Claims may be made by agents, trustees, &c 170 ... 223 By letters patent or statute, not to be allowed 187... 238 Lists, declarations, and statements in order to obtain, Schedule (G.), XVII 190... 251 EXETER, appointment of particular commissioners for 5 ... 9 Qualification requisite 10 ... 16 FAIRS and markets, annual value of rights of, how estimated ... 60 ... &i Distress for duty 72 ...102-103 FINES on demise of lands (not customary), rule for estimating annual value of 60 ... 62 In what case exempted 60... 62 To be assessed where party to be charged resides 60 . . . 67 Statement by receiver of, Schedule (G.), V 190 ... 247 FIRST fruits and tenths, to be allowed 60... 74 FISHERIES, annual value of, how to be estimated 60 ... 63 Index — Income Tax. 389 Section. Distress for duty on profits of 72 FOREIGN dividends to be assessed by special commissioners ... 29 FOREIGN ministers, assessment in respect of bouses occupied by, to be paid by tbe landlord 60 Stock belonging to, exempted from duty 88 FOREIGN possessions, mode of computing tbe duty to be charged in respect of interest arising from securities in 100 And of proceeds from property in 100 Directions where tbe duties in respect of profits arising from, are to be charged 108 FORFEITED estates in Scotland, as to qualification of factors on, under 25 Geo. II 15 FORGERY of receipts or certificates, felony 181 FRIENDLY societies, stock, dividends, or interest of, exempted 88 GAS works, rule for estimating duty in respect of 60 GLASGOW, proceeds arising from British or foreign possessions in certain cases to be assessed by commissioners for 108 GREAT seal, appointment held under, to be assessed in the department where executed 147 GUARDIANS to be charged in respect of infants 41 To deliver statements, &c 53 See Schedule (G.), XVI 190 When two or more are liable, one return to be sufficient 53 Assessments on, may be made, where 53 In case of double assessments, relief to 53 Liable to penalty for neglecting to deliver lists 55 To be allowed sums paid for 173 HOP grounds, rule for assessing and estimating profits of 63 When not exceeding one-tenth of a farm, to be charged in one sum as for a farm 63 HOSPITALS, allowances in respect of the buildings, &c, belonging to 61 On rents and profits of lands belonging to 61 HOUSEHOLDER, lists, &c, to be delivered by 50 See Schedule (G.), XVI 190 To be charged where house is situate 106 Having two residences, where to be charged 106 HOUSES let under £10 a year, or for less than one year, to be assessed upon landlords 60 But duty to be recoverable from tenants in default of payment by landlords 60 Not held with farms and warehouses and other buildings, occupied for trades or professions, exempted from duties in Schedule (B) 63 Rules for estimating annual value of. 63 Unoccupied, no duty to be levied upon 70 Fag«. 103 31 70 121 144 145 159 19 233 118 63 159 198 42 52 250 52 53 53 55 225 87 87 78 79 49 250 156 157 68 68 85 85 101 390 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page. Occupied, partly for dwelling in and partly for trade or pro- fession, what allowance for 101 ... 147-148 INCOME when less than £100, persons exempted 163 ... 212 How to be estimated, when claimant is an occupier of lands 167 ... 221 When proprietor as well as occupier 167 ... 221 In case of a lease of tithes ,. 167 ... 221 INDICTMENT for perjury to be laid in the county where affidavit wasexhibited 182 ... 233 INFANTS to be charged through their guardians 41 ... 42 Guardians liable for duties payable by... 173 ... 225 INFERIOR officers, in what departments to be assessed 147 ... 198 INMATES, fist of, to be delivered by householders 50 ... 50 INSOLVENCY, power to amend or vacate assessments iu case of 134 ... 184 INSPECTORS of assessed taxes to act as inspectors of duties underthisAct 37 ... 39 Powers of, with reference to the Acts relating to the assessed taxes 37 ... 39 To take oath before acting under Schedule (D.) 38 ... 40 Form of oath 189 ... 241 Liable to penalty for default 38 ... 40 To serve notices on persons omitted by assessors 57 ... 56 And on persons coming to reside within their districts after expiration of notices 177 ... 230 May have access to and take copies of returns, schedules, &c. 59,120 ... 59, 167 „ » » ,, „ 161 ... 208 May surcharge assessments under Schedule (A.) in certain cases 60 ... 58 To surcharge tenants delivering false accounts of rent, or not producing leases 68... 100 May require assessors to summon overseers to produce rate books 75 ... 104 To examine assessments with the last poor rate 75 ... 106 May inspect all public rate books, &c 76 ... 106 May survey lands in certain cases 78 ... 107 To surcharge parties in second and third years, when 87 ... 116 To require returns from parties becoming chargeable subse- quently to the first year 87 ... 115 To examine statements under Schedule (D.) Ill ... 162 Objecting to assessments, may require a case, to be stated to general commissioners 112 ... 162 May examine assessments, &c 115 ... 164 To state their objections in writing, and give notice to the party 116... 164 May object to schedules, giving notice to appellants 121 ... 169 Duties of, on receiving notice requiring assessments to be made by special commissioners 131 ... 180 211 213 Index — Income Tax. 391 Section. Page. Acting for duties on offices, liable to penalties J57 ... 206 To make certificates of surcharge according to 48 Geo. III., cap. 141, and 50 Geo. III., cap. 105 161 ... Reward to, in cases of increase of duty 162 . To inspect claims for exemption 164 . Treasury to allow salaries to 186 ... 238 INTEREST: Duties to be deducted from interest payable to cre- ditors of canals, railways, &c 60... 66 Duty on, to be allowed by mortgagee 60 ... 66 Of certain friendly societies, exempted 88 ... 118 Payable to depositors at savings bank, exempted 88 ... 119 Not payable annually, how charged 100 ... 143 Payable yearly, how 102 ... 151 Payable out of profits chargeable under this Act, liable to deduction 102 ... lol From securities in Ireland, or British, or Foreign possessions, how charged 102 ... 152 Payable out of rates not chargeable as profits, how charged.. 102 ... 153 Payable to trustees, &c, for charitable purposes 105... 155 From securities out of Great Britain, statement by persons in Great Britain receiving, X 190 ... 248 INTERROGATORIES in respect to assessments or schedules under Schedule (D.) 123... 172 IRELAND, defining who shall be considered as residents in 90 ... 123 As to interest arising from securities in 100... 144 As to proceeds arising from possessions in 100 ... 145 Profits arising from, where and on whom to be charged 106 ...155-156 Residents in Great Britain holding offices in Ireland, and members of Parliament, to be charged as non-residents in Great Britain 107 ... 158 Exemption of offices necessarily executed in 148 ... 199 IRON works, rule for estimating duty in respect of 60 ... 63 JOINT tenants may severally claim exemption 168... 222 JUDGES, commissioners for offices in all courts to be chosen by the 30 ... 31 May stay proceedings to recover penalties 129 ... 178 LANDLORDS, houses let under £10 a year to be assessed upon. . 60 ... 68 Also lands and tenements let for a less period than one year 60 ... 68 And houses occupied by foreign ministers 60 ... 70 To allow deductions for duty on receipt of the residue of rent 60 ... 71 LANDS charged in Schedule (A.) on annual value in respect of the property thereof 1 ••• 1 In Schediile (B.), on annual value in respect of the occupation thereof I •■• 1 To be charged in parish where situate 60 ... 67 Occupiers to deliver accounts of 60 ... 67 Penalty on omission 60 ... 67 392 Index — Income Tax. Section. rage. Held by same occupier in different parishes in same district, may be assessed in either parish 60 ... 67 In different districts, in districts where occupier resides 60 ... 68 Let for a less period than one year, to be assessed on landlord 60 ... 68 Occupiers to deduct duty from next payment of rent 60 ... 70 And of compositions, &c, in lieu of tithes 60 ... 71 Owners of, subject to any rent charge, &c, may deduct pro- portion of duty on paying same 60 ... 71 To be chargeable to duties in Schedule (B.), in addition to duties in Schedule (A.) 63 ... 85 In England, deductions to be allowed to occupiers of, in cer- tain cases 63 ... 85 Annual value of, rules for estimating 63 ... 87 In certain cases the last poor rate to be taken as the basis for making assessments 64 ... 92 Under £10 annual value, may be assessed without requiring a return 65 ... 94 May be assessed on rack rent reserved on lease, commencing within seven years 66 ... 95 Mode of computing annual value of, where demised at a reserved rent, and for improvement 66 ... 96 Where let at rack rent under a parol demise, or where tenant is unable to produce lease, or holds from year to year, or at will 67 ... 98 Whether occupied or not, to be assessed 70 ... 101 In case of no distress on, when duties are payable, collector may distrain at any time after .'. 70 ... 102 In certain cases may be viewed and surveyed 78 ... 107 Statement by occupiers of, Schedule (G.), 1 190 ... 245 LAND tax, collectors and officers for receipt of, to act in the exchequer of this Act 36-37 ... 38-39 To be allowed 60 ... 75 LAND tax, commissioners of, to appoint not more than seven, nor less than three, general commissioners in each district from among themselves 4 ... 8 And the like number for supplying vacancies 4 ... 8 In default of land tax commissioners, other qualified persons residing in the district may be appointed 4 ... 8 Or from adjoining districts 4 ... 9 Persons not named in the land tax Acts may be chosen, if dulyqualified 6 ... 11 To supply vacancies in the list of general commissioners, on notice from their clerk 7 ... 12 May be required to execute this act in case of neglect in appointing general commissioners 8 ... 13 And on their neglect, special commissioners to act 8 ... 14 Index — Income Tax. 393 faction. Page. LAY impropriator, statement to be returned by, Schedule (G.), II. 190 ... 246 LEASE, assessors may require the production of C6 ... 95 To be produced on notice by tenants in Scotland 69 ... 100 LEEDS, appointment of particular commissioners for 5 ... 9 Qualification required 10 ... 16 LETTERS patent, no person to be exempted by 187... 238 LINCOLN, qualification of commissioners of the county, &c., of... 10 ... 15 LISTS, notices to be given for the delivery of 47 ... 46 Defaulters to be summoned 48 ... 48 To be delivered to assessors 49 ... 49 To be delivered by householders 50... 49 By persons acting for others 51 ... 50 Penalty on neglect in delivering lists 55 ... 54 Sec Schedule (G.), XVI 190 ... 244 LITERARY institutions, allowances in respect of buildings, &c, belongingto 61 ... 78 LIVERPOOL, appointment of particular commissioners for 5 ... 9 Qualification required 10 ... 16 Proceeds from British or foreign possessions to be assessed in certain cases by commissioners for 108 ... 159 LODGERS, list of, to be returned 50 ... 49 LONDON, city of, commissioners for, may be named to act with those chosen by the land tax commissioners, in the follow- ing proportion : — Lord Mayor and Aldermen, 2 ; Bank of England, 2 ; East India Company, 1 ; South Sea Company, 1 ; Royal Exchange Assurance Company, 1 ; London Assurance Company, 1 ; East and West India Dock Company, 1 ; London Dock Company, 1 ; Saint Katherine Dock Company, 1 5 ... 10 Qualification required 10 ... 16 Proceeds arising from British or foreign possessions, to be assessed by commissioners for 108 ... 159 LONDON docks, profits arising from, to be assessed by the commissioners for the city 109 ... 161 MANCHESTER, appointment of particular commissioners for ... 5 ... 9 Qualification required 10 ... 16 MANORS, rule for estimating the duty to be charged on 60 ... 62 To be charged in the parish in which the courts are usually held 60 ... 63 Distress for profits of 72 ... 103 statement to be delivered by lords, &c, of, IV 190 ... 247 MANUFACTURES. See trades. MARKET gardens, rule for estimating and charging 63 ... 87 MARRIED women, to be charged through trustees 41 ... 42 Being sole traders, or having property to their separate use, how charged 45 ... 45 2 A 394 Index — Income Tax. Seotlon. Page. Profits of, living with husband, how charged 45 ... 45 Living apart, or receiving remittances from abroad, how charged 45 ... 45 MASTER of the Merchants' Company, as to the qualification of 15 ... 19 MILITIA officers, chargeable 146 ... 194 MILK, dealers in, statements of profits, when to be required 100 ... 144 MINES, rule for estimating annual value in respect of mines of coal, tin, lead, iron, copper, &c 6i> ... 63 Duty chargeable on whom, and on what amount of produce of 60 ... 64 Company carrying on, to be charged jointly 60 ... 64 Any adventurer in, may declare for a separate assessment, and set-off loss in one concern against profits in another... 60 ... 64 Decreasing in value, how duty may be computed 60 ... 69 On failure of, assessments may be discharged 60 ... 69 Profits on, to be assessed where mines are situate, or where produce is manufactured 60 ... 69 MONMOUTH, qualification of commissioners for any district in thecountyof 11 ••• 16 MORTGAGEES in possession, if in actual occupation chargeable as occupiers 60 ... 73 If not, liable to deductions as landlords 60... 73 To allow duty on interest 60 ... 73 NATIONAL Debt, commissioners of, to be commissioners for duties on all annuities payable by them out of the public revenue 28 ... 30 And on all salaries and pensions payable in any office under their control 28 ... 30 Stock or dividends in the name of, exempted 88 ... 120 Books of assessment to be delivered 89 ... 122 To set apart and retain sums assessed 93-94 ... 127-128 NAVY officers, chargeable 146 ... 194 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE, appointment of particular com- missioners for — 5... 9 Qualification required 10 ... 16 NON-RESIDENTS to be charged in the names of agents, &c. ... 41 ... 43 Lists, &c, to be delivered in respect of 51 ... 50 Statements by agents or trustees in order to their being assessed on behalf of .., 53 ... 52 To claim exemption by affidavit 169 ... 223 NORWICH, appointment of particular commissioners for 5 ... 9 Qualification required 10 ... 16 NOTICE to be given in London and Edinburgh Gazettes for convening meetings of land tax commissioners, for choosing general commissioners 4 ... 7 To additional commissioners on appointment 19 ... 21 To be served by assessors 46... 46 Index — Income Tax. 395 Section. Page. To be given by assessors for the delivery of lists, &c 47-48 ...46-47-48 To occupiers, before proceeding to view and survey lands or houses 78 ... 107 To be given by inspectors on objecting to assessments under Schedule (D.) 116 ... 164 To assessors of desire to be assessed by special commissioners 131 ... 179 To desire to make composition 143 ... 191 To persons coming to reside in any parish or place where they are not charged 177 ... 229 NURSERIES, rule for estimating and charging profits of 63 ... 87 OATH to be taken by commissioners and other officers before acting under Schedule (D.) 38 ... 40 By whom to be administered 38 ... 40 On verification of answers in writing, or examination of party to be charged 124 ... 172 Commissioners for duties on offices to take the oaths prescribed by the assessed taxes Acts 150 ... 200 Form of, to be taken by commissioners; by inspectors and surveyors; by assessors; by collectors and officers for receipt; by clerk or clerk's assistant 189 ...240,244 OCCUPIERS where owners or tenants, to deliver statement of lands, &c 60... 67 May deduct duty payable by landlord out of rent 60 ... 70 Mortgagees in occupation, to be charged as 60 ... 73 Persons having the use of lands, to be deemed 63 ... 87 For the time being, assessments to be levied on 63 ... 88 Quitting or dying, assessments how paid 63 ... 88 All duties to be charged upon and paid by 73 ... 103 At rack rent, on producing lease or proving annual rent, may have assessments abated 82 ...110-11 1 Form of return by, Schedule (G), I 190 ... 245 OFFICES, profits of, charged in Schedule (E.) 1 ... 3 Appointment of commissioners for duties on, in courts under the crown ; in public departments 80 ... 31 In Counties Palatine; in Duchy of Cornwall ; under eccle- siastical bodies ; in Houses of Parliament ; in inferior courts 81 ... 33 In cities, boroughs, and cinque ports; in counties not being under the crown, or corporate offices 32 ... 84 Salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits accruing from, to becharged 146 ... 192 Duties chargeable on profits of, by Act of Parliament, to be .allowed for 146 ... 193 Assessments to be in force for one whole year, notwithstand- ing any change in Provision for arrears on officers dying or quitting 146 ... 193 396 • Index — Income Tax. Section. Fags. Description of, to be charged 146 ... 194 Perquisites of, how estimated 146 ... 196 Duties to be stopped on payment of salaries 146 ... 195 Portion of duties on offices charged with payments to others, to be deducted 146... 197 Principals may deduct out of salaries to clerk or deputy the portion of duties charged thereon 146 ... 197 Official deductions to be allowed 146 ... 197 To be deemed to have been exercised at the head office of the department 147 ... 198 Whereof the duties must be performed in Ireland, exempted.. 148 ... 199 Statement of profits from, not required, unless under special notices 151 ... 202 Full annual value to be stated, although exemption be claimed 152 ... 202 Deputies in receipt of profits to pay for principals 153 ... 202 Officers receiving profits on behalf of others, to be answerable 153 ... 203 In certain cases unpaid duties to be levied by distress 155 ... 205 Officers for duties on, subject to penalties 157 ... 206 Duties to be detained, when 158 ... 207 What deductions not to be allowed 159 ... 207 Statement of profits of, Schedule (G.), XI V 190... 250 OFFICERS for receipt of land tax, and assessed taxes to act underthisAct 37 ... 39 Where parties are assessed by a letter or number, certificates of receipt by 137 ... 186 In such cases, duplicates of assessments and warrants to be delivered to 139 ... 188 May allow discount on payments in advance 141 ... 189 Certificates to be given by 141-142 ...190-191 Forging or altering'receipt of, felony 181 ... 233 OVERSEERS of the poor to produce rate books 75 ... 104 May be examined on oath 75 ... 105 OWNERS, statement to be delivered by, when in occupation of lands 60 ... 67 Penalty on omission 60 ... 67 To allow deductions of duty from rent 60 ... 70 Of land subject to the payment of rent charges, &c, to deduct thereout the proportion of duty . 60 ... 71 In occupation dying, by whom duty to be paid 60 ... 73 PALACES, royal, apartments in, not to be assessed 60 ... 70 PARENTS charged with duties payable by infants 173* ... 225 PARISHES, appointment of commissioners for officers in 32 ... 34 Commissioners entitled to exemption from serving offices in any 35 . . . 37 Answerable for default or failure of collectors in England ... 171 ... 226 PARLIAMENT, appointments of special commissioners with salaries to be laid before 23 ... 27 Index — Income Tax. 397 Section. Page. Houses of, appointment of commissioners for duties on offices in -81 ... 33 Rules for charging the duty on offices iu 146 ... 194 Members of, to what extent chargeablo 107 ... 158 Non-payment of duties not to disqualify persons from voting :it elections 184 ... 237 PAROCHIAL rates on rent charges under the tithe commutation Act, to be allowed for 60 ... 75 PARTNERS, computation of duty in respect of any trade or pro- fession carried on by, to be stated jointly 100 ... 135 Which of, to make return 100 ... 140 Where the partner is no resident, agent to make return 100 ... 140 Any one may claim to be separately assessed 100 ... 141 Separate return to be made by joint partners 100 ... 141 In case of any change of, how duties are to be charged 100... 141 Declarations to be delivered by, XIII 190 ... 249 PENALTY on commissioners and other officers acting under Schedule (D.) before taking oath 38 ... 40 On persons defacing notices on church doors 47 ... 47 On persons chargeable not delivering lists, &c 55 ... 54 Persons to whom notices have not been delivered, if entitled to exemption, not liable to 56 ... 55 On assessors, in certain cases 58 ... 57 On occupiers of lands omitting to deliver proper account thereof 60 ... 67 On persons liable to payment of compositions, &c, in lieu of tithes not making return required 60 ... 68 On assessors, not having given notice, neglecting to assess houses or lands under £10 65 ... 94 On tenants delivering false accounts of rent, or refusing to produce leases 68 ... 99 On tenants in Scotland neglecting to produce leases, or to deliver notifications 69 ... 100 On persons refusing inspection of rate books 76 ... 106 For making false claim for abatement 86 ... 113 For omitting to deliver declaration on receiving annuities, or dividends payable at the Bank of Ireland, on behalf of per- sons not residing in Ireland 92 ... 126 For making any false declaration or practising any fraudulent devices for evading the duty 92 ... 126 For fraudulently claiming exemptions from duties on annui- ties or dividends in Schedule (C.) 99 tii 134 On refusing to allow deductions out of any payment or annual interest 103 ... 153 For not attending summons of general commissioners, or refusing to give evidence 125... 174 398 Index — Income Tax. Section. Pa«B. For not delivering schedules of profits, or for refusing to verify statements or schedules , 128 ... 177 For fraud in compounding 145 ... 192 On neglect of assessors under Schedule (E.) 150 ... 201 Officers acting for duties on offices liable to certain penalties 157 ... 206 For obstructing inspectors in their duty 161 ... 209 For fraud in claiming exemption 166 ... 220 On persons coming to reside where they were not before charged, neglecting to deliver declaration, &c 177 ... 229 For removing out of any parish or place without discharging the assessment 177 ... 230 For fraudulent change of residence, or conversion or convey- ance of property 178 ... 231 Or delivering false statements 178 ... 231 Or practising any fraud to avoid assessment 178 ... 231 Recovery and application of 185 ... 237 PENSIONS charged in Schedule (E.) 1 ... 3 Profits accruing from, how to be charged 146 ... 192 Duties chargeable on, by Act of Parliament, to be allowed for 146 ... 193 Assessment to be in force for one whole year, unless in case ofcessorof 146 ... 193 Duties to be stopped on payment of 146 ... 196 Portion of duties on, charged with payments to others to be deducted 146 ... 197 Official deductions out of, to be allowed 146 ... 197 Payable out of and at office of a branch of revenue, to be charged by commissioners therefor 146 ... 198 Statements of profits arising from, not required unless under special notice 151 ... 202 To be assessed although exemption be claimed 152 ... 202 Duties on, to be detained, when 158 ... 207 PERJURY, persons giving false evidence, guilty of 180... 232 Indictments for, to be tried in the county where the affidavit was exhibited 180 ... 233 PERQUISITES, what to be deemed 146 ... 195 POOR-RATE to be the basis for making assessment, where annual value of the lands cannot be ascertained 64 ... 93 PRECEPTS of general commissioners, service of 120 ... 168 PRESENTATIONS, allowances for tenths. &c, on 60 ... 74 PRINCIPALS in offices may deduct proportions of duties payable on salaries of deputies, &c 146 ... 197 PRIVY seal, appointments held under to be assessed in the department where the office is executed 147 ... 199 PROCURATIONS, allowances for 60 ... 75 PROFESSIONS : to what employments duty extends 100 ... 137 Computation of duty on profits of , 100 ... 138 Index — Income Tax. 399 Section. Page. What deductions are not to be allowed 100 ... 139 Money wholly expended, and two-thirds of the rent or value of dwelling-house partly used for the purposes of, to be deducted 100-101 ...136, 151 Certificates for deducting duty on making any annual pay- ment out of profits of any 104 ... 154 Persons to be charged at place of carrying 106 ... 155 Statements, &c. to be delivered at each place of residence or carrying on 110 ... 161 May be delivered under seal 110 ... 161 Abatement to persons ceasing to exercise professions or dying, or becoming bankrupt or insolvent 134 ... 184 Or on loss of profits from specific cause 134 ... 184 Statement by persons exercising any, VIII. .., 190 ... 248 PROVOST, as to qualification of 15 ... 19 PUBLIC offices charged in Schedule (C.) sevenpence in the pound on the annual amount thereof 1 ••■ Treasury to determine in which departments commissioners for offices shall not be appointed, and where the officers thereof shall be assessed 30 ... 31-32 Assessors and collectors to be chosen from the officers of each of 30 ... 32 QUALIFICATION for general commissioners for counties and certain cities and towns in England 10 ... 16 For the county of Monmouth, or for any county in Wales, or for cities and towns in England or Wales not specially named 11 ... 16 For counties in Scotland 12 ... 17 For cities and boroughs in Scotland 13 ... 18 Consisting of lands, &c, not required to be in the same county for which any person shall act 14 ... 18 Proof of, to lie on persons acting 14 ... 18 Not required for certain officers in Scotland, nor for special commissioners 15 ... 19 Of additional commissioners 16 ... 19 Of persons who may be appointed for cities, &c, not having residents properly qualified 17 ... 20 Not required for commissioners for duties on offices or pensions 156 ... 206 QUARRIES: Rule for estimating annual value of stone, slate, limestone, or chalk quarries 60 ... 63 QUEEN (The), stocks or dividends belonging to, exempted 88 ... 121 RACK rent 60 ... 53 RAILWAYS, rule for estimating annual value of profits of 60 ... 63 Belonging to companies to be assessed where general accounts are made up 60... 66 400 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page. Proprietors of, may deduct duties from interest payable to creditors 60 ... 66 RATE books, public production of 75... 104 RECEIPTS on payment of allowances 61 ... 77 Under tbis Act exempted from stamp duty 179 ... 232 Forging or altering, felony 181 ... 233 Of clerks, in cases of payment under a letter or number 140,142 ... 189-190 RECEIVER general of stamps and taxes, assessments under Schedule (C.) to be paid into the Bank of England to the account of 94,96 ... 128-129 Forging or altering receipt of, felony 181 ... 233 Monies arising from duties to be paid into the Bank of England to the account of 186 ... 238 RECEIVERS for companies and societies answerable for their assessment 40 ... 42 Appointed by the Court of Chancery or other court to be chargeable in respect of trust property 43 ... 44 Of Her Majesty, and all landlords, to allow deductions upon receipt of residue of rent 60 ... 71 Answerable for duties on manors, fisheries, and other annual or casual profits not distrainable 72 ... 103 Under government to stop duties on salaries or pensions, on paying same 146 ... 195 RENT charge, &c. : Owners of lands subject to any rent charge to deduct proportion of duty on payment thereof 60 ... 71 For tithes, allowance on, for parochial rates, &c 60 ... 75 RESIDENCE, what is, in certain cases, to be deemed the ordinary place of 106 ... 156 In cases of persons having two residences, where duties to be charged 106 ... 157 Statements to be delivered at each place of 110 ... 161 Penalty on fraudulently changing 178 ... 231 RESIDENTS in Great Britain for temporary purposes only, not chargeable under Schedule (D.) 39 ... 41 Until after a residence of six months 39... 41 Persons departing after claiming exemption, and returning within the year, to be charged 89 ... 42 In Ireland, who to be deemed 90 ... 124 Receiving profits from possessions out of Great Britain, state- ment to be delivered by, XI li»0 ... 248 ROYAL burghs, as to qualification of certain officers in 15 ... 19 RULES to be observed in assessing lands demised at a reserved rent, and for improvement 66 ... 95 Schedule (D.) for assessing the duties on profits of trades and professions, and on any description of property not con- tained in the other schedules 100 ... 145 Section. P-V!C- Schedule (E.") for assessing and charging the duties upon 146 ... 192 190 ... 245 161 60 ... 63 88 ... 119 88 ... 119 Index— Income Tax. 401 sessing and chargin public offices or employments of profits Schedule (G.) for making returns SAINT James's Palace, as to qualification of commissioners for ,. . . . e 15 ... 18 the district ot SAINT Katherine Docks, profits of, to be assessed by commis- sioners for city of London SALT springs or works, rule for estimating the annual value of SAVINGS banks, stock or dividends of, exempted Dividends or interest payable by, exempted SCHOOLS, public, allowances in respect of buildings, rent of lands, &c, belonging to ••••• 6 "' SCIENTIFIC institutions, allowances in respect of buildings, &c, belonging to 61 "* SECURITIES, public, issued at the exchequer, &c, to be assessed under Schedule (C.) 97 ••" 131 „ , , . 97 ... 131 Mode of assessing Duty to be paid on discharge, or new issue of 97 ... 131 Persons on receipt or purchase of, to deduct proportion of duty then due from current interest 97 ••• Not classed under Schedule (C), how charged 100 ... 144 SIGN manual, appointments under, to be assessed in the depart- ment where the office is executed ••• 147 ••• 198 SOUTH Sea Company, governor and directors of, to be commis- sioners for assessing duties on all annuities payable out of the public revenue by the company 26 ••• 29 And on dividends, salaries, &c, payable by, and all other profits arising within any office under the control of the company Books of assessments to be delivered by 89 ••• 121 To set apart and retain sums assessed 93-94 ... 127-128 Not to assess half-yearly dividends under 50s., now repealed, ., . 95 ... 129 vide note STAMP distributors to pay orders for payment of allowances of duties 98 ' 133 - 133 ' 184 ditto ditto 165 ... 216 Receipts to be taken by 61 "• 77 STAMP duty, receipts, &c, exempted from 179... 232 Stamps and taxes, commissioners of, to have the direction and management of duties granted by this Act 3 ... 4 To convene meetings of land-tax commissioners for choosing general commissioners 4 ••■ Notices bv, where commissioners willing to act in each Q Q district are not returned To be special commissioners *° '" 2 B 402 Index — Income Tax. Section. Page. Notification by, to treasury, of omission to appoint commis- sioners for duties on offices 33 ... 63 Opinion of on cases referred to them by special commis- sioners for bearing appeals to be final 131 ... 180 Power to reward inspectors in cases of surcharge or increase ofduty 162 ... 211 May direct discharge of assessment on persons, on receiving certificate of their exemption 164 ... 214 Order by, for repayment in case of double assessments 171 ... 223 STATEMENTS, notice to be given for the delivery of, with lists and declarations 47 ... To be delivered to assessors 49... *49 Of profits chargeable under Schedule (D.), to be delivered at the place named in notice 49 ... 49 Or on desire that assessment should be made by special com- missioners, to the assessors, to be transmitted to inspectors or surveyors • 49 ••• 49 Of annual value of lands in occupation, and of profits, to be delivered by the party to be charged, whenever required so to do, together with a declaration 52 ... 51 To be delivered by persons acting on behalf of others being incapacitated or non-resident 53 ... 52 Penalty on neglecting to deliver 55... 54 Provision in favour of persons acting on behalf of others 55 ... 55 To be returned by parties or persons in any trade or pro- fession 100 ... 140 Under Schedule (D.), where to be returned 106 ... 156 Declaration to be delivered with 106 ... 157 To be delivered at each place of residence, &c 110 ... 161 May be delivered under seal, if superscribed with the name and address of the party 110 ... 161 Of profits or produce received or imported from British or foreign possessions, where to be delivered 108 . Verification of, on oath 122, 126 ...171, 175 Penalty for refusing to make oath 128 ... May be amended 129 . STIPENDS to licensed curates payable out of land duty may be deducted from by landlord 60 . SURCHARGE on assessments diminished by deductions, or of which an account is not delivered 60 ... 74 On tenants delivering false accounts of value, or omitting to produce leases 68 ... 99 On assessments in second or third years, in certain cases ... 87 ... 114 On assessments under Schedule (D.), appeal against 130... 179 Certificate of, by inspectors or surveyors 161 ... 210 In certain cases to be in treble duty 162 ... 210 159 175 177 177 71 Index — Income Tax. 403 Section. SURVEY may be taken of lands in certain cases 78 SYNODALS, to be allowed for 60 TEIND duty, proportion of duty payable on, may be deducted by landlord 60 TEINDS, duty on, bow to be estimated, and upon wbom charge- able 60 Lessees to pay twopence for every twenty shillings of annual value of 63 Distress for duties on 71 Occupiers answerable for assessments on composition* for ... 72 Statement by receivers of Schedule (G.), II 190 TENANTS to deliver statements 60 To deduct duty payable by landlords from rent 60 To produce leases, if required 66 To deuver account of rent, where demise is by parol or lease, is not procurable , 67 Penalty for delivering false account, &c 68 In Scotland, to produce lease within ten days after notice ... 69 To deliver a note of annual value where lease cannot be pro- duced 69 Liable to penalty for neglect ..... , 69 If distant ten miles from residence of assessor may lodge lease with the nearest justice of the peace, or the clergyman of the parish 69 Contracts between landlords and tenants, contrary to this Act, not to be binding 73 Differences between landlords, and on account of deductions of duties, to be settled by general commissioners 160 TITHE commutation rent charge, allowance for parochial rates charged upon 60 To be made by certificate , 60 Landlord may deduct proportion of duty payable upon 60 TITHES, rule for estimating value of, if taken in kind 60 Not arising from lands, payments in lieu of 60 Arising from lands, compositions, &c, in lieu of 60 < toner or lessee to be charged with duty on 60 Compositions, &c., may be assessed upon occupiers, or on persons liable for same 60 •Lessees to pay twopence for every twenty shillings of amiual value of 63 Distress for duties on 71 Occupiers answerable for assessments on compositions, &c, in lieu of 72 Statement by receivers of, Schedule (G.), II 190 TOLLS, annual value of, how to be estimated 60 Distress for duties on 72 107 75 71 61 86 102 103 246 67 70 95 98 99 100 100 100 101 103 208 75 76 7G 61 61 61 62 62 86 102 103 246 63 103 404 Index — Income Tax. flection. T.tge. Officers under trusts of, chargeable 146 ... 195 TRADES: Computation of duty under Schedule (D.) on any concern in the nature of trade 100 ... 135 To whom duty extends 100 ... 136 Eules as to allowing deduction 100 ... 136 Computation to be made exclusive of profits of lands occupied therefor 100 ... 139 In what district duties to be charged 100, 106 ...142, 155 Loss in one concern may be set against profits of another, and two-thirds of rent of dwelling house may be deducted 101 ... 147 Certificates for deducting duty on making any annual pay- ment out of profits of any 104 ... 154 Statements of profits to be delivered at each place of residence or carrying on trade — 110 ... 161 May be delivered under seal 110 ... 161 Abatement where profits fall short of computation 133 ... 182 In case of persons ceasing to carry on trade, or dying, or becoming bankrupt or insolvent 134 ... 184 Or on loss of profits from specific cause 134... 184 Persons succeeding to, liable to duties thereon, without new assessment 134 ... 185 TREASURERS to companies, &c, answerable for their assess- ment 44 ... 45 Of royal burghs, as to qualification of 15 ... 19 TREASURY, commissioners of, may appoint special commis- sioners 23 ... 25 To settle in what departments commissioners for duties on offices shall not be appointed 30 ... 32 In certain cases, to appoint commissioners for duties on offices 33 ... 36 To appoint commissioners for duties on pensions to act with paymasters of civil services 34 ... 37 Stock or dividends in the name of, exempted 88 ... 120 To settle allowances to special commissioners, &c, and to discharge incidental expences 186... 248 Number competent to execute this Act 191 ... 252 Definition of the term 192 ... 253 TRUSTEES of incapacitated persons to be charged 41 ... 42 And of non-residents 41 ... 43 Answerable for the assessing cestuique trusts 41 ... 43 Lists to be returned by, when acting for residents of full age, and not under incapacity 42 ... 43 May retain the duties charged on them out of trust moneys... 44 ... 45 To deliver in same district where chargeable on their own account, statements, &c, on behalf of those for whom they act 53 .,. 52 Where two or more are liable, one return sufficient 53 ... 53 Index — Income Tax. 405 Section. Page. Assessment on, may be made where desired, if a trustee be there chargeable on his own account 53 ... 53 Relief to, in case of double assessments 53 ... 53 Penalty for neglecting to deliver lists, &c 55 . . 54 See Schedule (G.), XVI 190 ... 250 UNIVERSITIES, allowances may be made for the duties charged on colleges or halls in 60-61 ... 76-77 VACANCIES in the number of commissioners, how to be sup- plied 5,7... 9,12 VALUATION to be made of lands demised on a term at a reserved rent and for improvement 66 ... 95 On appeals, in case of dispute as to annual value of lands ... 81 ... 109 Costs of, by whom to be paid 81 ... 110 Exempted from stamp duty 179 ... 232 WALES, qualification of commissioners in 11 ... 16 WARD offices, commissioners exempted from serving 35 ... 38 WAREHOUSES not to be charged to duties in Schedule (B.) ... 63 ... 85 WARRANTS for collecting duties under Schedule (D.), issued by a number or letter, not to be invalid, where names and sums are afterwards inserted 138 ... 187 To collectors, delivery of 172 ... 224 WATERLOO subscription funds, payments on account of, ex- empted 88 ... 120 WATERWORKS, rule for estimating duty in respect of 60 ... 63 WESTMINSTER, qualification of commissioners for 10... 15 WHITEHALL Palace, qualification of commissioners for the districtof 15 ... 18 WITNESSES, power to commissioners to summon 125 ... 173 And to administer an oath 125 ... 173 Penalty for refusing to attend or to be examined 125 ... 174 Clerks, agents, or servants may object to answer questions... 125 ... 174 Persons giving false evidence, or swearing falsely, guilty of perjury 180 ... 232 YARMOUTH Great, appointment of particular commissioners for 5 ... 9 Qualification required 10 ... 16 YORK, county of, qualification of commissioners for the ridings in the 10 ... 15 INDEX TO BOOK IL— ASSESSED TAXES. SCHEDULE (B.)— HOUSE DUTY. Section. Page. Annual value of dwelling house, house duty charged on 1 ... 261 Annual value of dwelling house to include offices, yards, gardens 6 ... 265 Armorial bearings, how affected by window duty, abolition of 5 ... 264 Assessed taxes, house duty to be denominated as 2 ... 261 Assessors of other assessed taxes already appointed to be assessors under this Act 6 ... 264 Commissioners of inland revenue, bouse duty to be under the management of 2 ... 262 Duties on windows and lights to cease from passing of this Act, except as to owners 4 ... 263 House occupied by farmer to be charged at the rate of sixpence in the pound , 6 ... 265 House occupied by innkeeper to be charged at the rate of sixpence in the pound 6 ... 265 House occupied by private persons to be charged at the rate of ninepence in the pound 6 ... 265 House occupied by persons exposing goods for sale to be charged sixpence in the pound 6 ... 265 Market garden and nursery grounds not to be included in valua- tion to house duty 3 ... 263 Penalties, pains, provisions, and penalties of former Acts in force to apply to the other assessed tax duties, 16 and 17 Vict., cap. 90 2 ... 262 Assessed tax duties granted in lieu of duties repealed 2 ... 267 Assessed tax duties (new) to be under the management of com- missioners of inland revenue 3 ... 267 Index to Judges' Cases under this schedule vide commencing at 293 ... 408 SCHEDULE (C.) On duties on maitre d' hotel, house steward, master of the horse, groom of the chamber, valet de chambre, butler, under butler, clerk of the kitchen, stable boy, or helper in the stable of the masters, gardener, parkkeeper, gamekeeper, huntsman, whipper-in. Kules I., IL, III, IV., V., VI. 8 ... 271 Index — Assessed Taxes. 407 Section. Fag Exemption. — 1. The Royal Family; 2 and 3. Offices in the army and navy ; 4. A son or grandson of his employer under twenty- one years of age ; 5. Persons cmplo} r ed in the room of other persons training a military force ; 6. persons employed by a licensed victualler to carry out beer; 7. Ostler at inns, &c- ... 8 ...274-275 to Judges' Cases under this schedule vide commencing at 325 ... 410 SCHEDULE (D.) Carriages with four wheels drawn by two horses, by one horse, by two ponies, and by one pony 8 ... 2*6 Carriages with two wheels drawn by two horses, or one horse, or one pony 8 ... 276 Carriages of the above description kept for the purpose of being hired, one half of the above duties 8 ... 277 Exemptions. — 1. Her Majesty; 2. A carriage licensed by com- missioners of inland revenue ; 3. A stage carriage ; 4. A carriage kept to be let for hire ; 5. Any waggon, van, cart, &c. 8 ... 278 Index to Judges' Cases under this schedule ride commencing at 333 ... 411 SCHEDULE (E.) Horse used for drawing taxable carriage and riding 8 ... 279 Index to Judges' Cases under this schedule vide commencing at 314 ... 412 SCHEDULE (F.) Horses used for hauling, ponies, mules, thirteen hands, &c 8 ... 280 Rules for charging (E.) (F.). — 1. Farmer; 2. Rector, curate, and nonconformist clergy ; 3. Bailiffs chargeable at ten shillings and sixpence, if only one horse be kept and used 8 ...281-282 Exemptions. — 1. Royal Family; 2. Husbandry horses ; 3. Persons duly licensed to keep stage carriage; 4. Persons licensed to let horses for hire ; 6. Horse dealers, for horse8 kept for sale; 7 and 8. Farm horse used occasionally for drawing burthens ; 9. Market gardeners ; 10. Brood mares, &c 8 ...283-284 Ditto ditto ditto ditto 8 ...285-286 Index to Judges' Cases under this schedule vide commencing at 350 ... 413 SCHEDULE (G.) Dogs, whatever description, chargeable at twelve shillings each... 8 ... 287 Exemptions. — Dogs belonging to the Royal Family ; 2. Dogs under six months old ; 3. Kept in care of sheep and cattle 8 ... 287 Index to Judges* Gases under this schedule vide commencing at 354 ... 414 Index to horse dealers' Judges' Cases under this schedule vide com- mencing at 356 414 SCHEDULE (I.) Hair powder, for every person using 8 ... 287 408 Index — Assessed Taxes. Section Page. SCHEDULE (K.) Armorial bearings, if the persons using, charged with a four wheeled carriage, drawn by two horses, £2. 12s. 9d., if less than two horses, 13s. 2d 8 ... 287 Exemptions.— General Schedule (M.) Rule, Schedules (C), (D.), (E .), (P.), (G.) Index to Judges' Cases under Schedule (K.) vide commencing at 362... 415 INDEX TO JUDGES' CASES. HOUSE DUTY. 14 and 15 Victoria, cap. 36. Page. Apartments in militia barracks 293 Annual value of house 293-294 Annual value of mansion 294 Annual value under lease 294 Annual value of farm house 295 Baptist college, Regent's Park 295 Board of trade 295 Building in different tenements 295-296 Chambers in inns of court 296 Chaplain's house, lunatic asylum 296 Charitable institution, apartments in 297 County lunatic asylum Claims of parties to have assessments reduced from ninepence to sixpence. Articles exposed for sale Auctioneer Builders and carpenters 298 Bankers 298 Cabinet maker 298 Cab proprietor Coach painter's shop Coal dealer and coal seller 299 Coffee shops 299 Coffee shop and chop house 299 Draper 300 Draper and tea dealer 300 Eating house and coffee shop 300 Farmhouse owned by tenants 300 Farmhouse occupied by solicitor Index — Judges' Cases. 409 Page. Farmhouse occupied by landowner 300 Law stationer 301 Newspaper office • 301 Nurseryman and florist 301 Private house, factory in 302 Ribbon manufacturer 303 Rooms furnished in which lace is exhibited for sale 303 Shoe warehouse 303 Silk manufacturers .' 303 Stay maker 304 Surgeon, druggist, and apothecary 304 Tea dealer 304 Temperance hotel 305 Undertakers 30o Veterinary surgeon 305 Wine merchant ■ 305 Coach-house and stables 305-306 Deduction for garden and land 306 Deduction for part of house underlet 306 Dispensary 306 Farmhouse, annual value of 307 Farmer and slater 307 Governor of gaol 307 Ground rent claimed to be deducted by tenant 307 House partly furnished in charge of servant ■ 307 House for selling goods in 308 House, the portion of, used as warehouse, &c, claimed exemption for 308 House for business purposes only , 308 Houses assessed according to gross estimated value to poor rate. Houses assessed, poor rate stated 309 Houses assessed at higher amount than rated to the poor. Rateable value stated 310 Houses assessed according to the amount of rent paid. Houses assessed, rent stated 311 Houses occupied by owner 311-312 „ 313 House owned by Her Majesty 313-314 House and cottages under lease 314 House and an adjoining hotel under lease 314 House let with fixtures 315 Land occupied with house 315 Landlord paying the tenants' parochial rates 315 Literary and philosophical society 315, 410 Index — Judges' Cases. Page. Literary and scientific institute 316 Livery stable keeper 316 Lodge, servants' offices 316 Mechanics' institutes 316-317 Metropolitan association 317 Model lodging-houses 317 Offices of solicitor, part of dwellinghouse 302 Outbuilding at the back of public-house 318 Police-station occupied by sergeant 302 Post office, apartments in 302 Premises sub-divided and sub-let 318 Property depreciated to a less amount than the rent paid under leases. Rent and annual value stated 318-319 Public-house and brewery 319 Rectory house, property tax and poor rate stated 320 Rent less than gross poor rate 320 Rent fixed to avoid duty 320 Rent nineteen pounds nineteen shillings 320-321 322 Royal academy, London 322 Royal family 322 Shop used for trade only 322 Shop and warehouse used for trade only 323 Shop, part of, underlet 323 Stables and gardens included in assessment 323 Tenant paying the land tax 324 Town halls 324 Warehouse and wareroorns 324 Workshops of coach-makers 325 Workshops, showrooms •••• 325 Warehouse used solely for trade 325 Wolverhampton, rooms in corn exchange 299 CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (C.) SERVANTS. Dissenting clergyman charged for servant 325 Colleges, male servants acting as bed makers 326 Farmers' servants, masters being charged for carriages 326-327 Gardener 327 Gardeners, under 327-328 Horse dealers' servants 328 Index — Judges' Cases. 411 Page. Huntsman's servant 328 Inmate of workhouse as servant Labourer employed as coachman 32!) Livery stable keeper, servant to Mine agent charged for servant 329 Ostler charged as servant 329 Ostler as boots at an inn 329 Owner of brougham 329 Owner of carriage charged for another person's servant 329 Persou employing the assessed servant of another 330 Police -constables employed as grooms 330 Post office contractor charged for servants 330 Riding master employing servants 331 Servants under eighteen years of age when hired 331 Servant cleaning a pony and carriage ;>, 31 Servant to look after van 331 Shop boy cleaning boots and shoes 331 Servant to surgeon 332 Tradesman, employment of a boy by 332 Trainer, servant employed by 332 Waiter to licensed victualler 332 Waiter employed only part of year 332 Waiter occasionally employed ■ 333 CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (D.) FOUR-WHEELED CABEIAGES. Baker , 333 Builder's spring cart used solely in trade 333 Builder 333 Carriage builder charged for hackney carnages, claim of exemption omitted 333 Coachmaker using carnages privately kept for sale 334 Hired carriage used, but not hired by year 334 Horsebreaker charged for carnages 334 Innkeepers using licensed carriages for private purposes 334-335 Licensed hawker claiming exemption for trade van 335 Manufacturer claiming exemption for a carriage used in trade 335 Postmaster using licensed carriages for private purposes 335 Riding master using licensed carriages for private purposes 336 Railway company for carnages used on a branch line 336 Town traveller claiming exemption for carriages 336 Van for conveying race horses 336 Vans, exemption claimed for 336 Wine and spirit merchant, an Oxford cart 337 ■ 412 Index — Judges' Cases. Page. CARRIAGES WITH TWO WHEELS. Auctioneer, carriage used by daughter 337 Carrier having an excise license 337 Civil engineer, exemption claimed by 337 Claim of exemption for two wheeled carriages 337-338 Constables cart used for taking prisoners to gaol 338 Covered carriage used for going to church 338 Draper, who was also an itinerant preacher 338 Dog-cart used by shoemaker in trade 339 Drillman, exemption claimed by, for a spring cart 339 Farmers, carriages used by 339-340 Furniture broker, exemption claimed by 340 Gig and pony kept for a short time and used only with a view to sale 340 Hawker, licensed, exemption claimed by, for carriage used in trade ' 341 Innkeeper and postmaster using licensed carriage for private purposes 341 Letter carrier, exemption claimed by 341 Livery stable keeper, exemption claimed by 341 Old gig used by farmer in conveying milk 341 Police-officer, exemption claimed by 341-342 Postmaster, using a licensed carriage for private purposes 342 Police-office contractor, exemption claimed by 342 Poultry dealer receiving money from persons riding in his carriage 342 Riding master using a gig when seeking orders 342 Schoolmaster, carriage used by a 342 Trade, carriage not used solely for 343 Tradesman having a carriage in which he gave his child a ride 343 FONY CARRIAGES. Pony carriage with two wheels drawn by two ponies 343 Pony cart used by a farmer 343 Tradesman and collector of taxes 343 Tradesman using a carriage to go to church 344 Veterinary surgeon, exemption claimed by 344 Yeoman, exemption claimed by 344 CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (E.) HORSES. Bailiff to a nobleman claiming to be chai-ged at 10s. 6d 344 Builder claiming to be charged at 10s. 6d 345 Butcher claiming to be charged at 10s. 6d 345 Civil engineer, exemption claimed by 3-io Clergyman who kept a riding horse and pony, claiming to be charged for the former at 10s. 6d 345 Index— Judges' Cases. 413 Page. Farmer (gentleman) claimed to be charged 10s. 6d 345-346 Farmer riding husbandry horses indiscriminately, claimed to be charged at 10s. 6d 346 Farmer using a second horse for riding 346 Farmer using two horses 346 Farmer using a horse and pony for riding 346 Farmer riding husbandry horse to market 346 Farmer riding a horse to rent audit 347 Farmer and contractor claimed to be charged 10s. 6d 347 Farmer riding more than one horse claimed to be charged at 10s. 6d 347 Hawker claimed to be charged 10s. 6d. for horse used in taxable carriage 347 Horse dealers claiming exemption for those ridden which were kept for sale 347 Horse driven in a gig used as a break 348 Horse used only once 348 Husbandry horse used in carriage to drive to church 348 Innkeepers using licensed horses for private purposes 348 Police constable 348 Postoffice contractor 348 Post master riding a horse included in license 348 Relieving officer and farmer 349 Riding masters, exemption claimed by 349 Seedsman, exemption claimed by 349 Shipowner and farmer riding two horses 349 Solicitor and farmer claimed to be charged 10s. 6d. for riding horse 349 Sergeant of militia claimed exemption for one horse, and to be charged 10s. 6d. for the other 349 Tradesman giving a ride to persons in his business carriage, claimed to be charged at 10s. 6d 350 Veterinary surgeon claimed to be charged at 10s. 6d 350 Yeomanry, members of, exemption claimed by 350 CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (F.) HORSES USED IK TRADE OR HUSBANDRY. Corn dealer, horses used in trade and husbandry by 350 Country tailor using husbandry horse in trade 351 Cowkeeper and milkman, exemption claimed by 351 Dairymen, exemptions claimed by 351 Farmer and limeburner, exemption claimed by 352 Farmer using pony in a pony cart 352 Farmer using a pony for riding 352 Farming horse employed for serving mares 352 Gentleman charged for two farm horses used in drawing fuel to residence 352 414 Index — Judges' Cases. Page. Horse not used but merely exercised 352 Horse used for hauling peat to market , 352 Horse used in a four-wheeled van 353 Husbandry horses used for hauling fuel to mansions 353 Mules used by the Duke of Beaufort for hauling coal 353 Schoolmaster using pony in spring cart 353 CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (G.) DOGS. Claim of exemption for, used in care of sheep and cattle, &c 354 Butcher's, claim of exemption by - 354 Cattle dog, exemption claimed for 354 Claim of exemption of sheep dog by tradesman .... 354 Dog given away 354 Dog kept to protect land from cattle 355 Dog kept by person who was not the owner 355 Farmer, claim of exemption by 355 Farmer keeping six cows, exemption claimed by 355 Farmer using dogs for churning 355 Greyhound 356 Labourer who dressed deceased sheep, exemption claimed by 356 Superintendent of police, exemption claimed by 356 CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (H) HORSE DEALERS. A railway earner receiving no commission, exemption claimed by 356 Buying and selling but never making up horses for sale 356 Buying for a neighbour 356 Cattle dealer buying and selling colts *. 357 Cattle jobber buying and selling horses 357 Carrier baying and selling horses 357 Farrier buying and selling horses 357 Farmer attending fairs and buying and selling horses, &c 358 Farmer and cattle dealer buying and selling horses 359 Farmer buying and selling hunters 359 Innkeeper having ceased buying and selling horses 359 Innkeeper selling horses for 'other persons 360 Innkeeper and horsebreaker, exemption claimed by 360 Index — Judges' Cases. 415 Page. Innkeeper and farmer buying young horses in the spring 360 Livery stable keeper selling on commission 360 Licensed dealer (men employed by) to buy and sell 360 Livery stable keepers taking in horses for sale 360 Party residing in Ireland selling horses in England 361 Postmaster buying and selling horses 361 Son assisting his father to buy and sell horses 361 Veterinary surgeon buying and selling horses 361 Veterinary surgeon buying and exchanging horses 362 CASES UNDER SCHEDULE (K.) ARMORIAL BEARINGS. Crest on plate not that of the owner 362 Seal with a family crest 362 INDEX TO BOOK El— LAND TAX. Assessors of land tax, their appointment and duties 363 Collectors of land tax, their appointment and duties 364 Commissioners of land tax, their appointment, qualification, and duties ... 364-365 Persons and the nature of property chargeable to the land tax 366 Persons exempt from the tax 367 Manchester : A. Ireland and Co., Printers, Pall Mall Court.