Kill m m /THE GOOD-NATURED MAN A COMEDY BY OLIVER GOLDSMITH / it WITH ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLOR FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY FREDERICK SIMPSON COBURN GP PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK LONDON &he "Knickerbocker Press \ ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Croaker. "Death and destruction/ Are all the horrors of the air, fire and water to be levelled only at me /" . . Frontispiece Garnet. " For being, as you are, in love with Mr. Honeywood, Madam. " . . . 38 Miss Richland (alone). " Honeywood has de- sired an interview with me in private. What can he mean f or rather, what means this palpitation at his approach?" 92 Postboy. " Here is the incendiary dog. " . 108 282472 THE GOOD-NATURED MAN A COMEDY AS PERFORMED AT THE THEATRE-ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN London: Printed forW. Griffin, in Catharine Street, Strand, 1768. 8vo. Price is. 6 flDan that I am convinced will be equally dear to the rest of the family, when she comes to be known. Olivia. And that, I fear, will shortly be. Leon. Impossible, till we ourselves think proper to make this discovery. My sister, you know, has been with her aunt, at Lyons, since she was a child, and you find every creature in the family takes you for her. Olivia. But may n't she write, may n't her aunt write? Leon. Her aunt scarce ever writes, and all my sister's letters are directed to me. Olivia. But won't your refusing Miss Richland, for whom you know the old gentleman intends you, create a suspicion ? Leon. There, there 's my master-stroke. I have resolved not to refuse her ; nay, an hour hence I have consented to go with my father to make her an offer of my heart and fortune. Olivia. Your heart and fortune! Leon. Don't be alarmed, my dearest. Can Olivia think so meanly of my honour or my love, as to suppose I could ever hope for happiness from any but her? No, my Olivia, neither the force, nor, permit me to add, the delicacy of my passion, leaves any room to suspect me. I only offer Miss Richland a heart I am convinced she will refuse; 32 Ztbe <5ooMRature& fl&an as I am confident that, without knowing it, her affections are fixed upon Mr. Honeywood. Olivia. Mr. Honeywood! You '11 excuse my apprehensions; but when your merits come to be put in the balance Leon. You view them with too much par- tiality. However, by making this offer, I show a seeming compliance with my father's command ; and, perhaps, upon her refusal, I may have his consent to choose for myself. Olivia. Well, I submit. And yet, my Leontine, I own I shall envy her even your pretended ad- dresses. I consider every look, every expression of your esteem, as due only to me. This is folly, per- haps : I allow it, but it is natural to suppose that merit which has made an impression on one's own heart may be powerful over that of another. Leon. Don't, my life's treasure, don't let us make imaginary evils, when you know we have so many real ones to encounter. At worst, you know, if Miss Richland should consent, or my father refuse his pardon, it can but end in a trip to Scot- land; and Enter CROAKER. Cro. Where have you been, boy? I have been seeking you. My friend Honeywood here has been (BooMRaturefc fIDan 33 saying such comfortable things. Ah! he 's an ex- ample indeed. Where is he? I left him here. Leon. Sir, I believe you may see him, and hear him too, in the next room; he 's preparing to go out with the ladies. Cro. Good gracious! can I believe my eyes and my ears! I 'm struck dumb with his vivacity, and stunned with the loudness of his laugh. Was there ever such a transformation! (A laugh behind the scenes, CROAKER mimics it.) Ha! ha! ha! there it goes: a plague take their balderdash! Yet I could expect nothing less, when my precious wife was of the party. On my conscience, I believe she could spread a horse-laugh through the pews of a tabernacle. Leon. Since you find so many objections to a wife, Sir, how can you be so earnest in recom- mending one to me? Cro. I have told you, and tell you again, boy, that Miss Richland's fortune must not go out of the family; one may find comfort in the money, whatever one does in the wife. Leon. But, Sir, though, in obedience to your desire, I am ready to marry her, it may be possible she has no inclination to me. Cro. I '11 tell you once for all how it stands. A good part of Miss Richland's large fortune consists VOL. II. .3 34 be (Soo&^IRatureb ftoan in a claim upon Government, which my good friend Mr. Lofty assures me the Treasury will allow. One half of this she is to forfeit, by her father's will, in case she refuses to marry you. So, if she rejects you, we seize half her fortune; if she accepts you, we seize the whole, and a fine girl into the bargain. Leon. But, Sir, if you will but listen to reason Cro. Come then, produce your reasons. I tell you, I 'm fixed, determined; so now produce your reasons. When I 'm determined, I always listen to reason, because it can then do no harm. Leon. You have alleged that a mutual choice was the first requisite in matrimonial happiness. Cro. Well, and you have both of you a mutual choice. She has her choice to marry you, or lose half her fortune; and you have your choice to marry her, or pack out of doors without any fortune at all. Leon. An only son, Sir, might expect more indulgence. Cro. An only father, Sir, might expect more obedience: besides, has not your sister here, that never disobliged me in her life, as good a right as you? He 's a sad dog, Livy, my dear, and would take all from you. But he shan't, I tell you he shan't, for you shall have your share. flDan 35 Olivia. Dear Sir, I wish you 'd be convinced that I can never be happy in any addition to my fortune which is taken from his. Cro. Well, well, it 's a good child, so say no more; but come with me, and we shall see some- thing that will give us a great deal of pleasure, I promise you: old Rugging, the curry-comb maker, lying in state; I am told he makes a very hand- some corpse, and becomes his coffin prodigiously. 1 He was an intimate friend of mine, and these are friendly things we ought to do for each other. [Exeunt. 1 Compare Letter xii. of The Citizen of the World. ACT THE SECOND SCENE CROAKER'S House. Miss RICHLAND, GARNET. Miss Rich. Olivia not his sister? Olivia not Leontine's sister? You amaze me ! Garn. No more his sister than I am; I had it all from his own servant: I can get anything from that quarter. Miss Rick. But how? Tell me again, Garnet. Garn. Why, Madam, as I told you before, instead of going to Lyons to bring home his sister, who has been there with her aunt these ten years, he never went further than Paris: there he saw and fell in love with this young lady by the bye, of a prodigious family. Miss Rick. And brought her home to my guar- dian as his daughter? Garn. Yes, and daughter she will be. If he don't consent to their marriage, they talk of trying what a Scotch parson can do. Miss Rick. Well, I own they have deceived me. And so demurely as Olivia carried it too! Would 36 Gbe oofc*Kature& flDan 37 you believe it, Garnet, I told her all my secrets; and yet the sly cheat concealed all this from me ? Garn. And, upon my word, Madam, I don't much blame her: she was loth to trust one with her secrets, that was so very bad at keeping her own. Miss Rich. But, to add to their deceit, the young gentleman, it seems, pretends to make me serious proposals. My guardian and he are to be here presently, to open the affair in form. You know I am to lose half my fortune if I refuse him. Garn. Yet, what can you do? For being, as you are, in love with Mr. Honeywood, Madam Miss Rich. How! idiot, what do you mean? In love with Mr. Honeywood! Is this to provoke me? Garn. That is, Madam, in friendship with him; I meant nothing more than friendship, as I hope to be married; nothing more. Miss Rich. Well, no more of this. As to my guardian and his son, they shall find me prepared to receive them: I 'm resolved to accept their pro- posal with seeming pleasure, to mortify them by compliance, and so throw the refusal at last upon them. Garn. Delicious! and that will secure your whole fortune to yourself. Well, who could have 38 thought so innocent a face could cover so much 'cuteness! Miss Rich. Why, girl, I only oppose my pru- dence to their cunning, and practise a lesson they have taught me against themselves. Garn. Then you 're likely not long to want employment, for here they come, and in close conference. Enter CROAKER, LEONTINE. Leon. Excuse me, Sir, if I seem to hesitate upon the point of putting to the lady so important a question. Cro. Lord! good Sir, moderate your fears; you 're so plaguy shy that one would think you had changed sexes. I tell you we must have the half or the whole. Come, let me see with what spirit you begin: Well, why don't you? Eh! what ? Well then I must, it seems Miss Rich- land, my dear, I believe you guess at our business; an affair which my son here comes to open, that nearly concerns your happiness. Miss Rick. Sir, I should be ungrateful not to be pleased with any thing that comes recommended by you. Cro. How, boy, could you desire a finer open- ing? Why don't you begin, I say? [To LEONTINE. Leon. 'T is true, Madam, my father, Madam, (BooMRatureb flDan 39 lias some intentions hem of explaining an affair which himself can best explain, Madam. Cro. Yes, my dear; it comes entirely from my son; it 's all a request of his own, Madam. And I will permit him to make the best of it. Leon. The whole affair is only this, Madam: my father has a proposal to make, which he in- sists none but himself shall deliver. Cro. My mind misgives me, the fellow will never be brought on (aside). In short, Madam, you see before you one that loves you, one whose whole happiness is all in you. Miss Rich. I never had any doubts of your regard, Sir; and I hope you can have none of my -duty. Cro. That 's not the thing, my little sweeting; my love! No, no, another-guess lover than I: there he stands, Madam^ his very looks declare the force of his passion Call up a look, you dog! (aside). But then, had you seen him, as I have, weeping, speaking soliloquies and blank verse, sometimes melancholy, and sometimes absent Miss Rick. I fear, Sir, he 's absent now; or such a declaration would have come most properly from himself. Cro. Himself, Madam! he would die before he could make such a confession; and if he had 40 Gbe <5oob*1Rature& flDan not a channel for his passion through me, it would ere now have drowned his understanding. Miss Rich. I must grant, Sir, there are at- tractions in modest diffidence above the force of words. A silent address is the genuine eloquence of sincerity. Cro. Madam, he has forgot to speak any other language; silence is become his mother-tongue. Miss Rich. And it must be confessed, Sir, it speaks very powerfully in his favour. And yet I shall be thought too forward in making such a confession; shan't I, Mr. Leontine? Leon. Confusion! my reserve will undo me. But, if modesty attracts her, impudence may disgust her. I 11 try (aside). Don't imagine from my silence, Madam, that I want a due sense of the honour and happiness intended me. My father, Madam, tells me your humble servant is not wholly indifferent to you he admires you: I adore you ; and when we come together, upon my soul I believe we shall be the happiest couple in all St. James's. Miss Rich. If I could flatter myself you thought as you speak, Sir Leon. Doubt my sincerity, Madam? By your dear self I swear. Ask the brave if they desire glory? ask cowards if they covet safety Gbe <5ooMRature& flDan 41 Cro. Well, well, no more questions about it. Leon. Ask the sick if they long for health? ask misers if they love money? ask Cro. Ask a fool if he can talk nonsense! What's come over the boy? What signifies asking, when there 's not a soul to give you an answer ? If you would ask to the purpose, ask this lady's consent to make you happy. Miss Rick. Why, indeed, Sir, his uncommon ardour almost compels me forces me to comply. And yet I 'm afraid he 11 despise a conquest gained with too much ease ; won't you, Mr, Leontine? Leon. Confusion! (aside). Oh, by no means, Madam, by no means. And yet, Madam, you talked of force. There is nothing I would avoid so much as compulsion in a thing of this kind. No, Madam, I will still be generous, and leave you at liberty to refuse. Cro. But I tell you, Sir, the lady is not at liberty. It 's a match. You see she says nothing. Silence gives consent. Leon. But, Sir, she talked of force. Consider, Sir, the cruelty of constraining her inclinations. Cro. But I say there 's no cruelty. Don't you know, blockhead, that girls have always a roundabout way of saying "yes" before company? 42 Cbe <5oob*1Raturel> ftoan So get you both gone together into the next room, and hang him that interrupts the tender explana- tion. Get you gone, I say; I '11 not hear a word. Leon. But, Sir, I must beg leave to insist Cro. Get off, you puppy, or 1 11 beg leave to insist upon knocking you down. Stupid whelp! But I don't wonder: the boy takes entirely after his mother. [Exeunt Miss HIGHLAND and LEONTINE. Enter MRS. CROAKER. Mrs. Cro. Mr. Croaker, I bring you something, my dear, that I believe will make you smile. Cro. I '11 hold you a guinea of that, my dear. Mrs. Cro. A letter; and, as I knew the hand, I ventured to open it. Cro. And how can you expect your breaking open my letters should give me pleasure ? Mrs. Cro. Poo! it 's from your sister at Lyons, and contains good news; read it. Cro. What a Frenchified cover is here! That sister of mine has some good qualities, but I could never teach her to fold a letter. Mrs. Cro. Fold a fiddlestick. Read what it contains. CROAKER (reading). "DEAR NICK: "An English gentleman, of large fortune, has (SooNHaturefc flDan 43 for some time made private, though honourable, proposals to your daughter Olivia. They love each other tenderly, and I find she has consented, without letting any of the family know, to crown his addresses. As such good offers don't come every day, your own good sense, his large fortune, and family considerations, will induce you to for- give her. "Yours ever, 11 RACHEL CROAKER/' My daughter Olivia privately contracted to a man of large fortune! This is good news, indeed. My heart never foretold me of this. And yet how slily the little baggage has carried it since she came home; not a word on 't to the old ones for the world. Yet I thought I saw something she wanted to conceal. Mrs. Cro. Well, if they have concealed their amour, they shan't conceal their wedding; that shall be public, I 'm resolved. Cro. I tell thee, woman, the wedding is the most foolish part of the ceremony. I can never get this woman to think of the most serious part of the nuptial engagement. Mrs. Cro. What would you have me think of, their funeral? But come, tell me, my dear, don't 44 Sbe <5oo&**Wature& flDan you owe more to me than you care to confess? Would you have ever been known to Mr. Lofty, who has undertaken Miss Richland's claim at the Treasury, but for me? Who was it first made him an acquaintance at Lady Shabbaroon's rout ? Who got him to promise us his interest? Is not he a backstairs favourite, one that can do what he pleases with those that do what they please? Is not he an acquaintance that all your groaning and lamentation could never have got us? Cro. He is a man of importance, I grant you. And yet what amazes me is that, while he is giving away places to all the world, he can't get one for himself. Mrs. Cro. That perhaps may be owing to his nicety. Great men are not easily satisfied. Enter French Servant. Serv. An expresse from Monsieur Lofty. He vil be vait upon your honours instammant. He be only giving four five instruction, read two tree memorial, call upon von ambassadeur. He vil be vid you in two tree minutes. Mrs. Cro. You see now, my dear. What an extensive department! Well, friend, let your master know that we are extremely honoured by this honour. Was there anything ever in a higher <5oob>*1Rature& flDan 45 style of breeding? All messages among the great are now done by express. Cro. To be sure, no man does little things with more solemnity, or claims more respect than he. But he 's in the right on 't. In our bad world, respect is given where respect is claimed. Mrs. Cro. Never mind the world, my dear; you were never in a pleasanter place in your life. Let us now think of receiving him with proper respect (a loud rapping at ike door), and there he is, by the thundering rap. Cro. Ay, verily, there he is! as close upon the heels of his own express as an indorsement upon the back of a bill. Well, 1 11 leave you to receive him, whilst I go to chide my little Olivia for intend- ing to steal a marriage without mine or her aunt's consent. I must seem to be angry, or she too may begin to despise my authority. [Exit. Enter LOFTY, speaking to his Servant. Lofty. "And if the Venetian ambassador, or that teasing creature the Marquis, should call, I 'm not at home. Dam'me, I '11 be pack-horse to none of them." My dear Madam, I have just snatched a moment "And if the expresses to his Grace be ready, let them be sent off; they 're of impor- tance." Madam, I ask a thousand pardons. 46 be <5oot>-1Ratureb Mrs. Cro. Sir, this honour Lofty. "And, Dubardieu! if the person calls about the commission, let him know that it is made out. As for Lord Cumbercourt's stale request, it can keep cold: you understand me." Madam, I ask ten thousand pardons. Mrs. Cro. Sir, this honour Lofty. ' l And, Dubardieu ! if the man comes from the Cornish borough, you must do him; you must do him, I say/' Madam, I ask ten thousand par- dons. "And if the Russian ambassador calls, but he will scarce call to-day, I believe." And now, Madam, I have just got time to express my happi- ness in having the honour of being permitted to profess myself your most obedient humble servant. Mrs. Cro. Sir, the happiness and honour are all mine: and yet, I 'm only robbing the public while I detain you. Lofty. Sink the public, Madam, when the fair are to be attended. Ah, could all my hours be so charmingly devoted! Sincerely, don't you pity us poor creatures in affairs? Thus it is eternally; solicited for places here, teased for pensions there, and courted everywhere. I know you pity me. Yes, I see you do. Mrs. Cro. Excuse me, Sir. "Toils of empires pleasures are," as Waller says. (BooMRaturefc flDan 47 Lofty. Waller, Waller, is he of the House ? Mrs. Cro. The modern poet of that name, Sir. Lofty. Oh, a modern! we men of business de- spise the moderns; and as for the ancients, we have no time to read them. Poetry is a pretty thing enough for our wives and daughters; but not for us. Why now, here I stand that know nothing of books; and yet, I believe, upon a land- carriage fishery, a stamp act, or a jaghire, I can talk my two hours without feeling the want of them. Mrs. Cro. The world is no stranger to Mr. Lofty 's eminence in every capacity. Lofty. I vow to gad, Madam, you make me blush. I'm nothing, nothing, nothing in the world; a mere obscure gentleman. To be sure, indeed, one or two of the present ministers are pleased to represent me as a formidable man. I know they are pleased to bespatter me at all their little dirty levees. Yet, upon my soul, I wonder what they see in me to treat me so! Measures, not men, have always been my mark; and I vow, by all that's honourable, my resent- ment has never done the men, as mere men, any manner of harm that is, as mere men. Mrs. Cro. What importance, and yet what modesty! 48 be (Boo&^matureb fIDan Lofty. Oh, if you talk of modesty, Madam, there, I own, I 'm accessible to praise; modesty is my foible: it was so the Duke of Brentford use to to say of me. "I love Jack Lofty," he used to say, "no man has a finer knowledge of things; quite a man of information; and, when he speaks upon his legs, by the Lord he 's prodigious, he scouts them; and yet all men have their faults too much modesty is his," says his Grace. Mrs. Cro. And yet, I dare say, you don't want assurance when you come to solicit for your friends. Lofty. Oh, there indeed I 'm in bronze. Apro- pos! I have just been mentioning Miss Rich- land's case to a certain personage; we must name no names. When I ask, I am not to be put off Madam. No, no, I take my friend by the button. "A fine girl, Sir; great justice in her case. A friend of mine borough interest business must be done, Mr. Secretary. I say, Mr. Secretary, her business must be done, Sir." That 's my way, Madam. Mrs. Cro. Bless me! you said all this to the Secretary of State, did you? Lofty. I did not say the Secretary, did I ? Well, curse it, since you have found me out, I will not deny it. It was to the Secretary. Mrs. Cro. This was going to the fountain-head (Soob^lftaturefc fIDan 49 at once, not applying to the understrappers, as Mr. Honeywood would have had us. Lofty. Honeywood! he! he! He was, indeed, a fine solicitor. I suppose you have heard what has just happened to him? Mrs. Cro. Poor dear man! no accident, I hope? Lofty. Undone, Madam, that 's all. His cred- itors have taken him into custody. A prisoner in his own house. Mrs. Cro. A prisoner in his own house! How? At this very time? I 'm quite unhappy for him. Lofty. Why, so am I. The man, to be sure, was immensely good-natured. But then I could never find that he had anything in him. Mrs. Cro. His manner, to be sure, was exces- sively harmless; some, indeed, thought it a little dull. For my part, I always concealed my opinion. Lofty. It can't be concealed, Madam; the man was dull, dull as the last new comedy! a poor im- practicable creature! I tried once or twice to know if he was fit for business; but he had scarce talents to be groom-porter to an orange-barrow. Mrs. Cro. How differently does Miss Richland think of him! for I believe, with all his faults, she loves him. Lofty. Loves him! does she? You should cure her of that by all means. Let me see; what if she so Ebe <5oob-1Ratureb flDan were sent to him this instant, in his present dole- ful situation? My life for it, that works her cure. Distress is a perfect antidote to love. Suppose we join her in the next room? Miss Richland is a fine girl, has a fine fortune, and must not be thrown away. Upon my honour, Madam, I have a regard for Miss Richland; and rather than she should be thrown away, I should think it no in- dignity to marry her myself. [Exeunt. Enter OLIVIA and LEONTINE. Leon. And yet, trust me, Olivia, I had every reason to expect Miss Richland's refusal, as I did everything in my power to deserve it. Her indel- icacy surprises me. Olivia. Sure, Leontine, there's nothing so indel- icate in being sensible of your merit. If so, I fear I shall be the most guilty thing alive. Leon. But you mistake, my dear. The same at- tention I used to advance my merit with you, I prac- tised to lessen it with her. What more could I do ? Olivia. Let us now rather consider what is to be done. We have both dissembled too long. I have always been ashamed I am now quite weary of it. Sure I could never have undergone so much for any other but you. Leon. And you shall find my gratitude equal Ztbe <5oob*1Wature& flDan 51 to your kindest compliance. Though our friends should totally forsake us, Olivia, we can draw upon content for the deficiencies of fortune. Olivia. Then why should we defer our scheme of humble happiness, when it is now in our power? I may be the favourite of your father, it is true; but can it ever be thought that his present kind- ness to a supposed child will continue to a known deceiver? Leon. I have many reasons to believe it will. As his attachments are but few, they are lasting. His own marriage was a private one, as ours may be. Besides, I have sounded him already at a distance, and find all his answers exactly to our wish. Nay, by an expression or two that dropped from him, I am induced to think that he knows of this affair. Olivia. Indeed. But that would be a happiness too great to be expected. Leon. However it be, I 'm certain you have power over him; and I am persuaded, if you in- formed him of our situation, that he would be disposed to pardon it. Olivia. You had equal expectations, Leontine, from your last scheme with Miss Richland, which you find has succeeded most wretchedly. Leon. And that's the best reason for trying another. 52 be <5oot>*1Rature& flDan Olivia. If it must be so, I submit. Leon. As we could wish, he comes this way. Now, my dearest Olivia, be resolute. I '11 just retire within hearing, to come in at a proper time, either to share your danger, or confirm your victory. [Exit. Enter CROAKER. Cro. Yes, I must forgive her; and yet not too easily, neither. It will be proper to keep up to the decorums of resentment a little, if it be only to impress her with an idea of my authority. Olivia. How I tremble to approach him! Might I presume, Sir, if I interrupt you Cro. No, child, where I have an affection, it is not a little thing that can interrupt me. Affection gets over little things. Olivia. Sir, you 're too kind. I 'm sensible how ill I deserve this partiality; yet, Heaven knows, there is nothing I would not do to gain it. Cro. And you have but too well succeeded, you little hussy, you. With those endearing ways of yours, on my conscience, I could be brought to forgive anything unless it were a very great offence indeed. Olivia. But mine is such an offence when you know my guilt yes, you shall know it, though I feel the greatest pain in the confession. SooMRatureb fIDan 53 Cro. Why, then, if it be so very great a pain, you may spare yourself the trouble; for I know every syllable of the matter before you begin. Olivia. Indeed! Then I 'm undone. Cro. Ay, Miss, you wanted to steal a match, without letting me know it, did you? But I 'm not worth being consulted, I suppose, when there 's to be a marriage in my own family. No, I 'm nobody. I 'm to be a mere article of family lum- ber; a piece of cracked china to be stuck up in a corner. Olivia. Dear Sir, nothing but the dread of your authority could induce us to conceal it from you. Cro. No, no, my consequence is no more ; I 'm as little minded as a dead Russian in winter, just stuck up with a pipe in its mouth till there comes a thaw It goes to my heart to vex her. [Aside. Olivia. I was prepared, Sir, for your anger, and despaired of pardon, even while I presumed to ask it. But your severity shall never abate my affection, as my punishment is but justice. Cro. And yet you should not despair, neither, Livy. We ought to hope all for the best. Olivia. And do you permit me to hope, Sir? Can I ever expect to be forgiven? But hope has too long deceived me. 54 Cro. Why then, child, it shan't deceive you now, for I forgive you this very moment; I forgive you all; and now you are indeed my daughter. Olivia. O transport! this kindness overpowers me. Cro. I was always against severity to our children. We have been young and giddy our- selves, and we can't expect boys and girls to be old before their time. Olivia. What generosity! But can you forget the many falsehoods, the dissimulation Cro. You did indeed dissemble, you urchin, but where 's the girl that won't dissemble for a husband ? My wife and I had never been married if we had not dissembled a little beforehand. Olivia. It shall be my future care never to put such generosity to a second trial. And as for the partner of my offence and folly, from his native honour, and the just sense he has of his duty, I can answer for him that Enter LEONTINE. Leon. Permit him thus to answer for himself (kneeling) . Thus, Sir, let me speak my gratitude for this unmerited forgiveness. Yes, Sir, this even exceeds all your former tenderness. I now can boast the most indulgent of fathers. The life he gave, compared to this, was but a trifling blessing. <5oob*1Raturet> flDan 55 Cro. And, good Sir, who sent for you, with that fine tragedy face, and flourishing manner? I don't know what we have to do with your grati- tude upon this occasion. Leon. How, Sir! Is it possible to be silent, when so much obliged? Would you refuse me the pleasure of being grateful? of adding my thanks to my Olivia's? of sharing in the transports that you have thus occasioned? Cro. Lord, Sir, we can be happy enough without your coming in to make up the party. I don't know what 's the matter with the boy all this day; he has got into such a rhodomontade manner all this morning! Leon. But, Sir, I that have so large a part in the benefit, is it not my duty to show my joy? is the being admitted to your favour so slight an obliga- tion? is the happiness of marrying my Olivia so small a blessing? Cro. Marrying Olivia? marrying Olivia! mar- rying his own sister! Sure the boy is out of his senses. His own sister! Leon. My sister! Olivia. Sister! How have I been mistaken! [Aside. Leon. Some cursed mistake in all this, I find. [Aside. 56 Gbe <5oob*Watureb flfcan Cro. What does the booby mean ? or has he any meaning? Eh, what do you mean, you block- head you ? Leon. Mean, Sir, why, Sir only when my sis- ter is to be married, that I have the pleasure of marrying her, Sir, that is, of giving her away, Sir I have made a point of it. Cro. O, is that all? Give her away. You have made a point of it. Then you had as good make a point of first giving away yourself, as I 'm going to prepare the writings between you and Miss Richland this very minute. What a fuss is here about nothing! Why, what's the matter now? I thought I had made you at least as happy as you could wish. Olivia. O! yes, Sir; very happy. Cro. Do you foresee anything, child? You look as if you did. I think if anything was to be foreseen, I have as sharp a look-out as another; and yet I foresee nothing. [Exit. LEONTINE, OLIVIA. Olivia. What can it mean? Leon. He knows something, and yet for my life I can't tell what. Olivia. It can't be the connection between us, I 'm pretty certain. fIDan 57 Leon. Whatever it be, my dearest, I am re- solved to put it out of fortune's power to repeat our mortification. 1 11 haste and prepare for our journey to Scotland this very evening. My friend Honeywood has promised me his advice and assistance. I '11 go to him and repose our distresses on his friendly bosom; and I know so much of his honest heart, that if he can't relieve our uneasiness, he will at least share them. [Exeunt. ACT THE THIRD SCENE Young HONEYWOOD'S House. Bailiff, HONEY WOOD, Follower. Bail. Lookye, Sir, I have arrested as good men as you in my time: no disparagement of you neither: men that would go forty guineas on a game of cribbage. I challenge the town to show a man in more genteeler practice than myself. Honey. Without all question, Mr. . I forget your name, Sir? Bail. How can you forget what you never knew? he! he! he! Honey. May I beg leave to ask your name? Bail. Yes, you may. Honey. Then, pray, Sir, what is your name? Bail. That I did n't promise to tell you. He! he! he! A joke breaks no bones, as we say among us that practise the law. Honey. You may have reason for keeping it a secret, perhaps? Bail. The law does nothing without reason. 58 (BooNIRatureb flDan 59 I 'm ashamed to tell my name to no man, Sir. If you can show cause, as why, upon a special capus, that I should prove my name But, come, Timothy Twitch is my name. And, now you know my name, what have you to say to that ? Honey. Nothing in the world, good Mr. Twitch, but that I have a favour to ask, that 's all. Bail. Ay, favours are more easily asked than granted, as we say among us that practise the law. I have taken an oath against granting favours. Would you have me perjure myself? Honey. But my request will come recommended in so strong a manner as, I believe, you 11 have no scruple (pulling out his purse). The thing is only this. I believe I shall be able to discharge this trifle in two or three days at farthest; but as I would not have the affair known for the world, I have thoughts of keeping you, and your good friend here, about me, till the debt is discharged; for which I shall be properly grateful. Bail. Oh ! that 's another maxum, and altogether within my oath. For certain, if an honest man is to get anything by a thing, there 's no reason why all things should not be done in civility. Honey. Doubtless, all trades must live, Mr. Twitch; and yours is a necessary one. [Gives him money. 60 Gbe <5oo&*1Rature& flDan Bail. Oh! your honour, I hope your honour takes nothing amiss as I does, as I does nothing but my duty in so doing. I 'm sure no man can say I ever give a gentleman, that was a gentleman, ill usage. If I saw that a gentleman was a gentle- man, I have taken money not to see him for ten weeks together. Honey. Tenderness is a virtue, Mr. Twitch. Bail. Ay, Sir, it 's a perfect treasure. I love to see a gentleman with a tender heart. I don't know, but I think I have a tender heart myself. If all that I have lost by my heart was put to- gether, it would make a but no matter for that. Honey. Don't account it lost, Mr. Twitch. The ingratitude of the world can never deprive us of the conscious happiness of having acted with humanity ourselves. Bail. Humanity, Sir, is a jewel. It's better than gold. I love humanity. People may say that we in our way have no humanity; but I '11 show you my humanity this moment. There 's my follower here, little Flanigan, with a wife and four children, a guinea or two would be more to him, than twice as much to another. Now, as I can't show him any humanity myself, I must beg leave you '11 do it for me. (Boo^lRaturefc flDan 61 Honey. I assure you, Mr. Twitch, yours is a most powerful recommendation. [Giving money to the Follower. Bail. Sir, you're a gentleman. I see you know what to do with your money. But to business: we are to be with you here as your friends, I sup- pose. But set in case company comes. Little Flanigan here, to be sure, has a good face, a very good face; but then, he is a little seedy, as we say among us that practise the law. Not well in clothes. Smoke the pocket-holes. Honey. Well, that shall be remedied without delay. Enter Servant. Serv. Sir, Miss Richland is below. Honey. How unlucky! Detain her a moment. We must improve my good friend little Mr. Flani- gan's appearance first. Here, let Mr. Flanigan have a suit of my clothes quick the brown and silver. Do you hear ? Serv. That your honour gave away to the beg- ging gentleman that makes verses, because it was as good as new. Honey. The white and gold then. Serv. That, your honour, I made bold to sell, because it was good for nothing. Honey. Well, the first that comes to hand then. 62 Gbe <5oob*1Flatureb flDan The blue and gold then. I believe Mr. Flanigan will look best in blue. [Exit FLANIGAN. Bail. Rabbit me, but little Flanigan will look well in anything. Ah, if your honour knew that bit of flesh as well as I do you 'd be perfectly in love with him. There 's not a prettier scout in the four counties after a shy-cock than he: scents like a hound; sticks like a weasel. He was master of the ceremonies to the black queen of Morocco, when I took him to follow me. (Re-enter FLANIGAN.) Heh, ecod, I think he looks so well that I don't care if I have a suit from the same place for myself. Honey. Well, well, I hear the lady coming. Dear Mr. Twitch, I beg you '11 give your friend directions not to speak. As for yourself, I know you will say nothing without being directed. Bail. Never you fear me ; I '11 show the lady that I have something to say for myself as well as another. One man has one way of talking, and another man has another, that 's all the difference between them. Enter Miss RICHLAND and her Maid. Miss Rick. You '11 be surprised, Sir, with this visit. But you know I 'm yet to thank you for choosing my little library. Honey. Thanks, Madam, are unnecessary as Gbe <5oob*1Rature& flDan 65 it was I that was obliged by your commands. Chairs here. Two of my very good friends, Mr. Twitch and Mr. Flanigan. Pray, gentlemen, sit without ceremony. Miss Rich. Who can these odd-looking men be! I fear it is as I was informed. It must be so. [Aside. Bail. (After a pause) Pretty weather; very- pretty weather for the time of year, Madam. Fol. Very good circuit weather in the country. Honey. You officers are generally favourites among the ladies. My friends, Madam, have been upon very disagreeable duty, I assure you. The fair should in some measure recompense the toils of the brave. Miss Rich. Our officers do indeed deserve every favour. The gentlemen are in the marine service, I presume, Sir? Honey. Why, Madam, they do occasionally serve in the fleet, Madam. A dangerous ser- vice! Miss Rich. I 'm told so. And I own it has often surprised me, that while we have had so many instances of bravery there, we have had so few of wit at home to praise it. Honey. I grant, Madam, that our poets have not written as our soldiers have fought; but they 64 have done all they could, and Hawke or Amherst could do no more. Miss Rich. I 'm quite displeased when I see a fine subject spoiled by a dull writer. Honey. We should not be so severe against dull writers, Madam. It is ten to one but the dullest writer exceeds the most rigid French critic who presumes to despise him. Fol. Damn the French, the parle vous, and all that belongs to them. Miss Rich. Sir! Honey. Ha, ha, ha! honest Mr. Flanigan. A true English officer, Madam; he 's not contented with beating the French, but he will scold them too. Miss Rich. Yet, Mr. Honeywood, this does not convince me but that severity in criticism is necessary. It was our first adopting the severity of French taste that has brought them in turn to taste us. Bail. Taste us! By the Lord, Madam, they devour us. Give monseers but a taste, and I '11 be damn'd but they come in for a bellyfull. Miss Rich. Very extraordinary this! Fol. But very true. What makes the bread rising? the parle vous that devour us. What makes the mutton fivepence a pound? the parle (BooMRatureb flDan 65 vous that eat it up. What makes the beer three- pence-halfpenny a pot ? 1 Honey. Ah! the vulgar rogues; all will be out (aside). Right, gentlemen, very right, upon my word, and quite to the purpose. They draw a parallel, Madam, between the mental taste and that of our senses. We are injured as much by the French severity in the one, as by French rapacity in the other. That's their meaning. Miss Rich. Though I don't see the force of the parallel, yet I '11 own that we should some- times pardon books, as we do our friends, that have now and then agreeable absurdities to re- commend them. Bail. That 's all my eye. The king only can pardon, as the law says : for, set in case Honey. I 'm quite of your opinion, Sir. I see the whole drift of your argument. Yes, certainly our presuming to pardon any work is arrogating a power that belongs to another. If all have power to condemn, what writer can be free? Bail. By his habus corpus. His habus cor- pus can set him free at any time: for, set in case " Who makes the quartern loaf and Luddites rise ? Who fills the butchers' shops with large blue flies?" Rejected Addresses (Imitation of Fitzgerald.) VOL. n. 5 66 Ebe <5oob*1Raturet> fl&an Honey. I 'm obliged to you, Sir, for the hint, If, Madam, as my friend observes, our laws are so careful of a gentleman's person, sure we ought to be equally careful of his dearer part, his fame. Fol. Ay, but if so be a man's nabb'd, you know Honey. Mr. Flanigan, if you spoke for ever, you could not improve the last observation. For my own part, I think it conclusive. Bail. As for the matter of that, mayhap Honey. Nay, Sir, give me leave in this instance to be positive. For where is the necessity of cen- suring works without genius, which must shortly sink of themselves? what is it, but aiming an un- necessary blow against a victim already under the hands of justice? Bail. Justice! O, by the elevens, if you talk about justice, I think I am at home there: for, in course of law Honey. My dear Mr. Twitch, I discern what you 'd be at, perfectly; and I believe the lady must be sensible of the art with which it is introduced. I suppose you perceive the meaning, Madam, of his course of law. Miss Rich. I protest, Sir, I do not. I per- ceive only that you answer one gentleman before (Boob-matuteb flDan 67 he has finished, and the other before he has well begun. Bail. Madam, you are a gentlewoman, and I will make the matter out. This here question is about severity and justice, and pardon, and the like of they. Now, to explain the thing Honey. O! curse your explanations. [Aside. Enter Servant. Serv. Mr. Leontine, Sir, below, desires to speak with you upon earnest business. Honey. That 's lucky (aside). Dear Madam, you 11 excuse me and my good friends here, for a few minutes. There are books, Madam, to amuse you. Come, gentlemen, you know I make no ceremony with such friends. After you, Sir. Excuse me. Well, if I must. But I know your natural politeness. Bail. Before and behind, you know. Fol. Ay, ay, before and behind, before and be- hind. [Exeunt HONEYWOOD, Bailiff and Follower. Miss Rich. What can all this mean, Garnet? Garn. Mean, Madam! why, what should it mean but what Mr. Lofty sent you here to see? These people he calls officers are officers sure enough sheriff's officers; bailiffs, Madam. Miss Rich. Ay, it is certainly so. Well, though 68 $be (Boob^matureb flDan his perplexities are far from giving me pleasure, yet, I own there is something very ridiculous in them, and a just punishment for his dissimulation. Garn. And so they are. But I wonder, Madam, that the lawyer you just employed to pay his debts and set him free has not done it by this time. He ought at least to have been here before now. But lawyers are always more ready to get a man into troubles than out of them. Enter SIR WILLIAM HONEYWOOD. Sir Wm. For Miss Richland to undertake setting him free, I own, was quite unexpected. It has totally unhinged my schemes to reclaim him. Yet it gives me pleasure to find that, among a number of worthless friendships, he has made one acquisition of real value; for there must be some softer passion on her side that prompts this gener- osity. Ha! here before me: I '11 endeavour to sound her affections. Madam, as I am the person that have had some demands upon the gentle- man of this house, I hope you 11 excuse me, if, before I enlarged him, I wanted to see yourself. Miss Rich. The precaution was very unneces- sary, Sir. I suppose your wants were only such as my agent had power to satisfy. Sir Wm. Partly, Madam. But I was also flDan 69 willing you should be fully apprised of the charac- ter of the gentleman you intended to serve. Miss Rich. It must come, Sir, with a very ill grace from you. To censure it after what you have done would look like malice; and to speak favourably of a character you have oppressed would be impeaching your own. And sure, his tenderness, his humanity, his universal friendship, may atone for many faults. Sir Wm. That friendship, Madam, which is exerted in too wide a sphere becomes totally use- less. Our bounty, like a drop of water, disappears when diffused too widely. They who pretend most to this universal benevolence are either deceivers or dupes: men who desire to cover their private ill-nature by a pretended regard for all; or men who, reasoning themselves into false feel- ings, are more earnest in pursuit of splendid than of useful virtues. Miss Rich. I am surprised, Sir, to hear one who has probably been a gainer by the folly of others so severe in his censure of it. Sir Wm. Whatever I may have gained by folly, Madam, you see I am willing to prevent your losing by it. Miss Rich. Your cares for me, Sir, are unneces- sary. I always suspect those services which are de- 70 tTbe (Boo^lftatureb flDan nied where they are wanted, and offered perhaps in hopes of a refusal. No, Sir, my directions have been given, and I insist upon their being complied with. Sir Wm. Thou amiable woman! I can no longer contain the expressions of my gratitude, my pleasure. You see before you one who has been equally careful of his interest; one who has for some time been a concealed spectator of his follies, and only punished in hopes to reclaim him his uncle! Miss Rich. Sir William Honeywood! You amaze me. How shall I conceal my confusion? I fear, Sir, you 11 think I have been too forward in my services. I confess I Sir Wm. Don't make any apologies, Madam. I only find myself unable to repay the obligation. And yet, I have been trying my interest of late to serve you. Having learnt, Madam, that you had some demands upon Government, I have, though unasked, been your solicitor there. Miss Rich. Sir, I 'm infinitely obliged to your attentions. But my guardian has employed an- other gentleman, who assures him of success. Sir Wm. Who, the important little man that visits here? Trust me, Madam, he's quite con- temptible among men in power, and utterly unable (BooMRaturefc fDan 7* to serve you. Mr. Lofty's promises are much better known to people of fashion than his per- son, I assure you. Miss Rich. How have we been deceived! As sure as can be, here he comes. Sir Wm. Does he ? Remember I 'm to continue unknown. My return to England has not yet been made public. With what impudence he enters! Enter LOFTY. Lofty. Let the chariot let my chariot drive off; I '11 visit to his Grace's in a chair. Miss Rich- land here before me! Punctual, as usual, to the calls of humanity. I 'm very sorry, Madam, things of this kind should happen, especially to a man I have shown everywhere, and carried amongst us as a particular aquaintance. Miss Rich. I find, Sir, you have the art of making the misfortunes of others your own. Lofty. My dear Madam, what can a private man like me do? One man can't do everything; and then, I do so much in this way every day. Let me see: something considerable might be done for him by subscription; it could not fail if I carried the list. I '11 undertake to set down a brace of dukes, two dozen lords, and half the lower house, at my own peril. 72 Ebe <5ooNflature& flDan Sir Wm. And, after all, it 's more than proba- ble, Sir, he might reject the offer of such powerful patronage. Lofty. Then, Madam, what can we do? You know I never make promises. In truth, I once or twice tried to do something with him in the way of business; but, as I often told his uncle, Sir William Honeywood, the man was utterly impracticable. Sir Wm. His uncle! then that gentleman, I suppose, is a particular friend of yours. Lofty. Meaning me, Sir? Yes, Madam, as I often said, " My dear Sir William, you are sensible I would do anything, as far as my poor interest goes, to serve your family: but what can be done? there 's no procuring first-rate places for ninth- rate abilities/* Miss Rich. I have heard of Sir William Hon- eywood; he 's abroad in employment: he confided in your judgment, I suppose ? Lofty. Why, yes, Madam, I believe Sir William had some reason to confide in my judgment; one little reason, perhaps. Miss Rich. Pray, Sir, what was it? Lofty. Why, Madam but let it go no further it was I procured him his place. Sir Wm. Did you, Sir? 73 Lofty. Either you or I, Sir. Miss Rich. This, Mr. Lofty, was very kind indeed. Lofty. I did love him, to be sure; he had some amusing qualities; no man was fitter to be a toast-master to a club, or had a better head. Miss Rich. A better head ? Lofty. Ay, at a bottle. To be sure, he was as dull as a choice spirit; but, hang it, he was grateful, very grateful; and gratitude hides a multitude of faults. Sir Wm. He might have reason, perhaps. His place is pretty considerable, I 'm told. Lofty. A trifle, a mere trifle among us men of business. The truth is, he wanted dignity to fill up a greater. Sir Wm. Dignity of person, do you mean, Sir ? I 'm told he 's much about my size and figure, Sir. Lofty. Ay, tall enough for a marching regi- ment; but then he wanted a something a conse- quence of form a kind of a I believe the lady perceives my meaning. Miss Rich. Oh, perfectly; you courtiers can do anything, I see. Lofty. My dear Madam, all this is but a mere exchange; we do greater things for one another 74 be <5oob*1Rature& flDan every day. Why, as thus, now: let me suppose you the First Lord of the Treasury; you have an employment in you that I want; I have a place in me that you want: do me here, do you there: interest of both sides, few words, flat, done and done, and it 's over. Sir Wm. A thought strikes me (aside). Now you mention Sir William Honeywood, Madam, and as he seems, Sir, an acquaintance of yours, you 11 be glad to hear he is arrived from Italy; I had it from a friend who knows him as well as he does me, and you may depend on my information. Lofty. The devil he is! If I had known that, we should not have been quite so well acquainted .. [Aside. Sir Wm. He is certainly returned; and as this gentleman is a friend of yours, he can be of signal service to us, by introducing me to him: there are some papers relative to your affairs that require despatch, and his inspection. Miss Rich. This gentleman, Mr. Lofty, is a person employed in my affairs: I know you 11 serve us. Lofty. My dear Madam, I live but to serve you. Sir William shall even wait upon him, if you think proper to command it. fIDan 75 Sir Wm. That would be quite unnecessary. Lofty. Well, we must introduce you, then. Call upon me let me see ay, in two days. Sir Wm. Now, or the opportunity will be lost for ever. Lofty. Well, if it must be now, now let it be. But damn it, that 's unfortunate; my Lord Grig's cursed Pensacola business comes on this very hour, and I 'm engaged to attend another time Sir Wm. A short letter to Sir William will do. Lofty. You shall have it; yet, in my opinion, a letter is a very bad way of going to work; face to face, that 's the way Sir Wm. The letter, Sir, will do quite as well. Lofty. Zounds! Sir, do you pretend to direct me? direct me in the business of office? Do you know me, Sir? Who am I? Miss Rich. Dear Mr. Lofty, this request is not so much his as mine; if my commands but you despise my power. Lofty. Delicate creature! your commands could even control a debate at midnight: to a power so constitutional, I am all obedience and tran- quillity. He shall have a letter: where is my secretary? Dubardieu! And yet, I protest I don't like this way of doing business. I think 76 Ebe <3ooMRature& fl&an if I spoke first to Sir William But you will have it so. [Exit with Miss RICHLAND. SIR WILLIAM (alone.) Ha, ha, ha! This, too, is one of my nephew's hopeful associates. O vanity, thou constant de- ceiver, how do all thy efforts to exalt serve but to sink us! Thy false colourings, like those employed to heighten beauty, only seem to mend that bloom which they contribute to destroy. I 'm not dis- pleased at this interview: exposing this fellow's impudence to the contempt it deserves, may be of use to my design; at least, if he can reflect, it will be of use to himself. Enter JARVIS. Sir Wm. How now, Jarvis, where 's your mas- ter, my nephew? Jarvis. At his wit's ends, I believe: he 's scarce gotten out of one scrape, but he 's running his head into another. Sir Wm. How so? Jarvis. The house has but just been cleared of the bailiffs, and now he 's again engaging, tooth and nail, in assisting old Croaker's son to patch up a clandestine match with the young lady that passes in the house for his sister. fIDan 77 Sir Wm. Ever busy to serve others. Jarvis. Ay, anybody but himself. The young couple, it seems, are just setting out for Scotland; and he supplies them with money for the journey. Sir Wm. Money! how is he able to supply others, who has scarce any for himself? Jarvis. Why, there it is: he has no money that 's true; but then, as he never said " no " to any request in his life, he has given them a bill, drawn by a friend of his upon a merchant in the city, which I am to get changed; for you must know that I am to go with them to Scotland myself. Sir Wm. How! Jarvis. It seems the young gentleman is obliged to take a different road from his mistress, as he is to call upon an uncle of his that lives out of the way, in order to prepare a place for their reception when they return; so they have bor- rowed me from my master, as the properest per- son to attend the young lady down. Sir Wm. To the land of matrimony! A pleas- ant journey, Jarvis. Jarvis. Ay, but I 'm only to have all the fa- tigues on 't. Sir Wm. Well, it may be shorter, and less fatiguing, than you imagine. I know but too much of the young lady's family and connections, 78 Ebe <5oot>*1Raturet> fIDan whom I have seen abroad. I have also discovered that Miss Richland is not indifferent to my thought- less nephew, and will endeavour, though I fear in vain, to establish that connection. But, come, the letter I wait for must be almost finished; 1 11 let you further into my intentions, in the next room. [Exeunt. ACT THE FOURTH SCENE CROAKER'S House. Lofty. Well, sure the devil's in me of late, for running my head into such defiles as nothing but a genius like my own could draw me from. I was formerly contented to husband out my places and pensions with some degree of frugality; but, curse it, of late I have given away the whole Court Reg- ister in less time than they could print the title-page: yet, hang it, why scruple a lie or two to come at a fine girl, when I every day tell a thou- sand for nothing. Ha! Honeywood here before me! Could Miss Richland have set him at liberty? Enter HONEYWOOD. Mr. Honeywood, I 'm glad to see you abroad again. I find my concurrence was not necessary in your unfortunate affairs. I had put things in a train to do your business, but it is not for me to say what I intended doing. Honey. It was unfortunate indeed, Sir. But what adds to my uneasiness is that, while 79 <5oob*Katureb flDan you seem to be acquainted with my misfor- tune, I myself continue still a stranger to my benefactor. Lofty. How! not know the friend that served you? Honey. Can't guess at the person. Lofty. Inquire. Honey. I have; but all I can learn is that he chooses to remain concealed, and that all inquiry must be fruitless. Lofty. Must be fruitless! Honey. Absolutely fruitless. Lofty. Sure of that? Honey. Very sure. Lofty. Then I '11 be damn'd if you shall ever know it from me. Honey. How, Sir? Lofty. I suppose now, Mr. Honeywood, you think my rent-roll very considerable, and that I have vast sums of money to throw away; I know you do. The world, to be sure, says such things of me. Honey. The world, by what I learn, is no stranger to your generosity. But where does this tend? Lofty. To nothing; nothing in the world. The town, to be sure, when it makes such a thing as (Boob^lWaturefc flfoan 81 me the subject of conversation, has asserted that I never yet patronised a man of merit. Honey. I have heard instances to the contrary, even from yourself. Lofty. Yes, Honeywood; and there are in- stances to the contrary that you shall never hear from myself. Honey. Ha! dear Sir, permit me to ask you but one question. Lofty. Sir, ask me no questions; I say, Sir, ask me no questions; I '11 be damn'd if I answer them. Honey. I will ask no further. My friend! my benefactor! it is, it must be here, that I am in- debted for freedom, for honour. Yes, thou wor- thiest of men, from the beginning I suspected it, but was afraid to return thanks; which, if unde- served, might seem reproaches. Lofty. I protest I do not understand all this, Mr. Honeywood: you treat me very cavalierly. I do assure you, Sir Blood! Sir, can't a man be permitted to enjoy the luxury of his own feelings, without all this parade? Honey. Nay, do not attempt to conceal an action that adds to your honour. Your looks, your air, your manner, all confess it. Lofty. Confess it, Sir! torture itself, Sir, shall VOL. II. 6 82 Ebe <5ooMRatureb flDan never bring me to confess it. Mr. Honeywood, I have admitted you upon terms of friendship. Don't let us fall out; make me happy, and let this be buried in oblivion. You know I hate ostenta- tion; you know I do. Come, come, Honeywood, you know I always loved to be a friend, and not a patron. I beg this may make no kind of distance between us. Come, come, you and I must be more familiar indeed we must. Honey. Heavens ! Can I ever repay such friend- ship? Is there any way? Thou best of men, can I ever return the obligation? Lofty. A bagatelle, a mere bagatelle! But I see your heart is labouring to be grateful. You shall be grateful. It would be cruel to disappoint you. Honey. How! teach me the manner. Is there any way? Lofty. From this moment you're mine. Yes, my friend, you shall know it I 'm in love. Honey. And can I assist you? Lofty. Nobody so well. Honey. In what manner? I 'm all impatience. Lofty. You shall make love for me. Honey. And to whom shall I speak in your favour? Lofty. To a lady with whom you have great interest, I assure you: Miss Richland. *1Ratureb flDan Miss Rich. I fear, Sir, I shall never find whom you mean, by this description of him. Honey. Ah, Madam, it but too plainly points him out; though he should be too humble himself to urge his pretensions, or you too modest to understand them. Miss Rick. Well; it would be affectation any longer to pretend ignorance; and I will own, Sir, I have long been prejudiced in his favour. It was but natural to wish to make his heart mine, as he seemed himself ignorant of its value. Honey. I see she always loved him (Aside). I find, Madam, you 're already sensible of his worth, his passion. How happy is my friend, to be the favourite of one with such sense to distin- guish merit, and such beauty to reward it. Miss Rick. Your friend, Sir ! What friend ? Honey. My best friend my friend, Mr. Lofty, Madam. Miss Rick. He, Sir! Honey. Yes, he, Madam. He is, indeed, what your warmest wishes might have formed him; and to his other qualities he adds that of the most passionate regard for you. Miss Rick. Amazement! No more of this, I beg you, Sir. Honey. I see your confusion, Madam, and know <5ooMRature& flDan 95 how to interpret it. And, since I so plainly read the language of your heart, shall I make my friend happy, by communicating your sentiments? Miss Rich. By no means. Honey. Excuse me, I must; I know you desire it. Miss Rich. Mr. Honeywood, let me tell you that you wrong my sentiments and yourself. When I first applied to your friendship, I expected ad- vice and assistance; but now, Sir, I see it is in vain to expect happiness from him, who has been so bad an economist of his own; and that I must disclaim his friendship who ceases to be a friend to himself. [Exit. Honey. How is this! she has confessed she loved him, and yet she seemed to part in displeasure. Can I have done anything to reproach myself with ? No, I believe not: yet after all, these things should not be done by a third person: I should have spared her confusion. My friendship carried me a little too far. Enter CROAKER, with the letter in his hand, and MRS. CROAKER. Mrs. Cro. Ha! ha! ha! And so, my dear, it 's your supreme wish that I should be quite wretched upon this occasion? ha! ha! Cro. (Mimicking.) Ha! ha! ha! And so, my 96 be GooNflatureb nDan dear, it 's your supreme pleasure to give me no better consolation ? Mrs. Cro. Positively, my dear; what is this in- cendiary stuff and trumpery to me? our house may travel through the air like the house of Loretto, for aught I care, if I am to be miserable in it. Cro. Would to Heaven it were converted into a house of correction for your benefit. Have we not everything to alarm us? Perhaps this very moment the tragedy is beginning. Mrs. Cro. Then let us reserve our distress till the rising of the curtain, or give them the money they want, and have done with them. Cro. Give them my money! And pray, what right have they to my money ? Mrs. Cro. And pray, what right then have you to my good-humour ? Cro. And so your good-humour advises me to part with my money? Why then, to tell your good-humour a piece of my mind, I'd sooner part with my wife. Here 's Mr. Honeywood, see what he '11 say to it. My dear Honeywood, look at this incendiary letter dropped at my door. It will freeze you with terror; and yet lovey here can read it can read it and laugh! Mrs. Cro. Yes, and so will Mr. Honeywood. <5oot>*1ftature& flDan 97 Cro. If he does, I'll suffer to be hang 'd the next minute in the rogue's place, that 's all. Mrs. Cro. Speak, Mr. Honeywood; is there any- thing more foolish than my husband's fright upon this occasion? Honey. It would not become me to decide, Madam; but, doubtless, the greatness of his terrors now will but invite them to renew their villany another time. Mrs. Cro. I told you he 'd be of my opinion. Cro. How, Sir! do you maintain that I should lie down under such an injury, and show, neither by my tears nor complaints, that I have something of the spirit of a man in me ? Honey. Pardon me, Sir. You ought to make the loudest complaints, if you desire redress. The surest way to have redress, is to be earnest in the pursuit of it. Cro. Ay, whose opinion is he of now ? Mrs. Cro. But don't you think that laughing off our fears is the best way ? Honey. What is the best, Madam, few can say; but I '11 maintain it to be a very wise way. Cro. But we 're talking of the best. Surely the best way is to face the enemy in the field, and not wait till he plunders us in our very bed- chamber. VOL. II. 7 98 Gbe <5oob*1Rature& flDan Honey. Why, Sir, as to the best, that that 's a very wise way too. Mrs. Cro. But can anything be more absurd than to double our distresses by our apprehensions, and put it in the power of every low fellow, that can scrawl ten words of wretched spelling, to torment us? Honey. Without doubt, nothing more absurd. Cro. How! would it not be more absurd to de- spise the rattle till we are bit by the snake. Honey. Without doubt, perfectly absurd. Cro. Then you are of my opinion. Honey. Entirely. Mrs. Cro. And you reject mine ? Honey. Heav 'ns forbid, Madam! No sure, no reasoning can be more just than yours. We ought certainly to despise malice if we cannot op- pose it, and not make the incendiary's pen as fatal to our repose as the highwayman's pistol. Mrs. Cro. O ! then you think I 'm quite right ? Honey. Perfectly right. Cro. A plague of plagues, we can 't be both right. I ought to be sorry or I ought to be glad. My hat must be on my head, or my hat must be off. Mrs. Cro. Certainly, in two opposite opinions, if one be perfectly reasonable, the other can't be perfectly right. (Boob^atureb flDan 99 Honey. And why may not both be right, Madam? Mr. Croaker in earnestly seeking re- dress, and you in waiting the event with good- humour? Pray, let me see the letter again. I have it. This letter requires twenty guineas to be left at the bar of the Talbot Inn. If it be indeed an incendiary letter, what if you and I, Sir, go there; and, when the writer comes to be paid for his expected booty, seize him? Cro. My dear friend, it 's the very thing; the very thing. While I walk by the door, you shall plant yourself in ambush near the bar; burst out upon the miscreant like a masked battery; extort a confession at once, and so hang him up by surprise. Honey. Yes, but I would not choose to exercise too much severity. It is my maxim, Sir, that crimes generally punish themselves. Cro. Well, but we may upbraid him a little, I suppose? (Ironically.) Honey. Ay, but not punish him too rigidly. Cro. Well, well, leave that to my own benevolence. Honey. Well, I do; but remember, that univer- sal benevolence is the first law of nature. [Exeunt HONEYWOOD and MRS. CROAKER. Cro. Yes; and my universal benevolence will hang the dog, if he had as many necks as a hydra. ACT THE FIFTH Scene An Inn. Enter OLIVIA, JAR vis. Olivia. Well, we have got safe to the inn, how- ever. Now, if the post-chaise were ready Jarvis. The horses are just finishing their oats; and, as they are not going to be married, they choose to take their own time. Olivia. You are forever giving wrong motives to my impatience. Jarvis. Be as impatient as you will, the horses must take their own time; besides, you don't consider we have got no answer from our fellow- traveller yet. If we hear nothing from Mr. Leontine, we have only one way left us. Olivia. What way ? Jarvis. The way home again. Olivia. Not so. I have made a resolution to go, and nothing shall induce me to break it. Jarvis. Ay; resolutions are well kept, when they jump with inclination. However, I '11 go 100 101 hasten things without. And I '11 call, too, at the bar, to see if anything should be left for us there. Don't be in such a plaguy hurry, Madam, and we shall go the faster, I promise you. [Exit JAR vis. Enter Landlady. Land. What! Solomon, why don 't you move? Pipes and tobacco for the Lamb there. Will no- body answer? To the Dolphin: quick. The Angel has been outrageous this half hour. Did your lady- ship call, Madam? Olivia. No, Madam. Land. I find as you 're for Scotland, Madam. But that 's no business of mine; married, or not married, I ask no questions. To be sure we had a sweet little couple set off from this two days ago for the same place. The gentleman, for a tailor, was, to be sure, as fine a spoken tailor as ever blew froth from a full pot. And the young lady so bashful, it was near half an hour before we could get her to finish a pint of raspberry between us. Olivia. But this gentleman and I are not going to be married, I assure you. Land. May be not. That 's no business of mine; for certain, Scotch marriages seldom turn out. There was, of my own knowledge, Miss Mac- fag, that married her father's footman Alack-a- 102 be (Boo^lRatureb flDan day, she and her husband soon parted, and now keep separate cellars in Hedge-lane. 1 Olivia. A very pretty picture of what lies before me. [Aside. Enter LEONTINB. Leon. My dear Olivia, my anxiety, till you were out of danger, was too great to be resisted. I could not help coming to see you set out, though it exposes us to discovery. Olivia. May everything you do prove as for- tunate. Indeed, Leontine, we have been most cruelly disappointed. Mr. Honeywood's bill upon the city has, it seems, been protested, and we have been utterly at a loss how to proceed. Leon. How! an offer of his own too. Sure, he could not mean to deceive us? Olivia. Depend upon his sincerity; he only mistook the desire for the power of serving us. But let us think no more of it. I believe the post- chaise is ready by this. Land. Not quite yet; and, begging your lady- ship's pardon, I don't think your ladyship quite ready for the post-chaise. The north road is a cold place, Madam. I have a drop in the house 1 Among the Essays in vol. ii. is a capital paper on this subject, entitled A Register of Scotch Marriages. <5oob*1Ratureb flDan 103 of as pretty raspberry as ever was tipt over tongue. Just a thimble-full to keep the wind off your stomach. To be sure, the last couple we had here, they said it was a perfect nosegay. Ecod, I sent them both away as good-natured Up went the blinds, round went the wheels, and " Drive away, post-boy," was the word. Enter CROAKER. Cro. Well, while my friend Honeywood is upon the post of danger at the bar, it must be my busi- ness to have an eye about me here. I think I know an incendiary 's look; for wherever the devil makes a purchase, he never fails to set his mark. Ha! who have we here? My son and daughter! What can they be doing here? Land. I tell you, Madam, it will do you good; I think I know by this time what's good for the north road. It 's a raw night, Madam. Sir Leon. Not a drop more, good Madam. I should now take it as a greater favour, if you hasten the horses, for I am afraid to be seen myself. Land. That shall be done. Wha, Solomon! are you all dead there ? Wha, Solomon, I say! [Exit, bawling. Olivia. Well, I dread lest an expedition begun 104 in fear, should end in repentance. Every moment we stay increases our danger, and adds to my apprehensions. Leon. There 's no danger, trust me, my dear, there can be none. If Honeywood has acted with honour, and kept my father, as he promised, in employment till we are out of danger, nothing can interrupt our journey. Olivia. I have no doubt of Mr. Honeywood's sincerity, and even his desires to serve us. My fears are from your father's suspicions. A mind so disposed to be alarmed without a cause, will be but too ready when there 's a reason. Leon. Why, let him, when we are out of his power. But believe me, Olivia, you have no great reason to dread his resentment. His repining temper, as it does no manner of injury to himself, so will it never do harm to others. He only frets to keep himself employed, and scolds for his private amusement. Olivia. I don't know that ; but I 'm sure, on some occasions it makes him look most shock- ingly. CROAKER, discovering himself. How does he look now? How does he look now? 105 Olivia. Ah! Leon. Undone! Cro. How do I look? Sir, I am your very humble servant. Madam, I am yours. What, you are going off, are you? Then, first, if you please, take a word or two from me with you be- fore you go. Tell me first where you are going; and when you have told me that, perhaps I shall know as little as I did before. Leon. If that be so, our answer might but in- crease your displeasure, without adding to your information. Cro. I want no information from you, puppy: and you too, good Madam, what answer have you got? Eh! (A cry without, "Stop him/' 1 ) I think I I heard a noise. My friend Honeywood without has he seized the incendiary? Ah, no; for now I hear no more on 't. Leon. Honeywood without! Then, Sir, it was Mr. Honeywood that directed you hither? Cro. No, Sir, it was Mr. Honeywood conducted me hither. Leon. Is it possible? Cro. Possible! Why he 's in the house now, Sir; more anxious about me than my own son, Sir. Leon. Then, Sir, he 's a villain. Cro. How, sirrah! a villain, because he takes io6 be <5oot>*1Flatureb fIDan most care of your father? I '11 not bear it. I tell you I 11 not bear it. Honeywood is a friend to the family, and I '11 have him treated as such. Leon. I shall study to repay his friendship as it deserves. Cro. Ah, rogue, if you knew how earnestly he entered into my griefs, and pointed out the means to detect them, you would love him as I do. (A cry without, l l Stop him! " ) Fire and fury ! they have seized the incendiary: they have the villain, the incendiary in view! Stop him! stop an incendiary! a murderer! stop him! [Exit. Olivia. O, my terrors! What can this tumult mean? Leon. Some new mark, I suppose, of Mr. Honey- wood's sincerity. But we shall have satisfaction: he shall give me instant satisfaction. Olivia. It must not be, my Leontine, if you value my esteem or my happiness. Whatever be our fate, let us not add guilt to our misfortunes Consider that our innocence will shortly be all that we have left us. You must forgive him. Leon. Forgive him! Has he not in every in- stance betrayed us ? Forced me to borrow money from him, which appears a mere trick to delay us; promised to keep my father engaged till we ZTbe <5oot>*Kature& fRan 107 were out of danger, and here brought him to the very scene of our escape ? Olivia. Don't be precipitate. We may yet be mistaken. Enter Postboy, dragging in JARVIS; HONBYWOOD entering soon after. Post. Ay, master, we have him fast enough. Here is the incendiary dog. I 'm entitled to the reward: I '11 take my oath I saw him ask for the money at the bar, and then run for it. Honey. Come, bring him along. Let us see him. Let him learn to blush for his crimes. (Dis- covering his mistake.) Death! what 's here? Jar- vis, Leontine, Olivia! What can all this mean ? Jarvis. Why, 1 11 tell you what it means: that I was an old fool, and that you are my master that 's all. Honey. Confusion! Leon. Yes, Sir, I find you have kept your word with me. After such baseness, I wonder how you can venture to see the man you have injured ? Honey. My dear Leontine, by my life, my honour Leon. Peace, peace, for shame; and do not con- tinue to aggravate baseness by hypocrisy. I know you, Sir, I know you. io8 Honey. Why won't you hear me ? By all that 's just I knew not Leon. Hear you, Sir! to what purpose? I now see through all your low arts; your ever complying with every opinion; your never refusing any re- quest: your friendship as common as a prostitute's favours, and as fallacious; all these, Sir, have long been contemptible to the world, and are now perfectly so to me. Honey. Ha! contemptible to the world! that reaches me. [Aside. Leon. All the seeming sincerity of your pro- fessions, I now find, were only allurements to betray; and all your seeming regret for their con- sequences, only calculated to cover the cowardice of your heart. Draw, villain ! Enter CROAKER, out of breath. Cro. Where is the villain? Where is the incen- diary? (Seizing the Postboy.) Hold him fast, the dog: he has the gallows in his face. Come, you dog, confess; confess all, and hang yourself. Postboy. Zounds! master, what do you throttle me for? Cro. (Beating him.) Dog, do you resist? do you resist? Postboy. Zounds, master, I 'm not he; there 's (Boob^atureb flDan 109 the man that we thought was the rogue, and turns out to be one of the company. Cro. How! Honey. Mr. Croaker, we have all been under a strange mistake here; I find there is nobody guilty; it was all an error; entirely an error of our own. Cro. And I say, Sir, that you 're in ari error; for there 's guilt and double guilt; a plot, a damned Jesuitical, pestilential plot, and I must have proof of it. Honey. Do but hear me. Cro. What, you intend to bring 'em off, I sup- pose ? 1 11 hear nothing. Honey. Madam, you seem at least calm enough to hear reason. Olivia. Excuse me. Honey. Good Jarvis, let me then explain it to you. Jarvis. What signifies explanations when the thing is done? Honey. Will nobody hear me? Was there ever such a set so blinded by passion and prejudice! (To the Postboy.) My good friend, I believe you '11 be surprised when I assure you Postboy. Sure me nothing I 'm sure of no- thing but a good beating. Cro. Come then, you, Madam, if you ever hope 1 10 Gbe <5ooMFlature& flDan for any favour or forgiveness, tell me sincerely all you know of this affair. Olivia. Unhappily, Sir, I 'm but too much the cause of your suspicions; you see before you, Sir, one that with false pretences has stept into your family to betray it; not your daughter Cro. Not my daughter ! Olivia. Not your daughter but a mean de- ceiver who support me, I cannot Honey. Help, she 's going; give her air. Cro. Ay, ay, take the young woman to the air; I would not hurt a hair of her head, whose ever daughter she may be not so bad as that neither. [Exeunt all but CROAKER. Cro. Yes, yes, all 's out; I now see the whole affair: my son is either married, or going to be so, to this lady, whom he imposed upon me as his sister. Ay, certainly so, and yet I don't find it afflicts me so much as one might think. There 's the advan- tage of fretting away our misfortunes beforehand, we never feel them when they come. Enter Miss RICHLAND and SIR WILLIAM. Sir Wm. But how do you know, Madam, that my nephew intends setting off from this place ? Miss Rich. My maid assured me he was come to this inn; and my own knowledge of his intending (BooNWaturet) fIDan to leave the kingdom suggested the rest. But, what do I see! my guardian here before us! Who, my dear Sir, could have expected meeting you here? to what accident do we owe this pleasure? Cro. To a fool, I believe. Miss Rich. But to what purpose did you come ? Cro. To play the fool. Miss Rich. But with whom ? Cro. With greater fools than myself. Miss Rich. Explain. Cro. Why, Mr. Honeywood brought me here, to do nothing now I am here; and my son is going to be married to I don't know who, that is here: so now you are as wise as I am. Miss Rich. Married! to whom, Sir? Cro. To Olivia, my daughter, as I took her to be; but who the devil she is, or whose daughter she is, I know no more than the man in the moon. Sir Wm. Then, Sir, I can inform you; and, though a stranger, yet you shall find me a friend to your family. It will be enough at present to assure you, that both in point of birth and fortune the young lady is at least your son's equal. Being left by her father, Sir James Woodville Cro. Sir James Woodville! What, of the west? Sir Wm. Being left by him, I say, to the care of a mercenary wretch, whose only aim was to secure flDan her fortune to himself, she was sent to France, un- der pretence of education; and there every art was tried to fix her for life in a convent, contrary to her inclinations. Of this I was informed upon my arrival at Paris; and, as I had been once her father's friend, I did all in my power to frustrate her guardian's base intentions. I had even meditated to rescue her from his authority, when your son stepped in with more pleasing violence, gave her liberty, and you a daughter. Cro. But I intend to have a daughter of my own choosing, Sir. A young lady, Sir, whose fortune, by my interest with those who have interest, will be double what my son has a right to expect. Do you know Mr. Lofty, Sir? Sir Wm. Yes, Sir; and know that you are de- ceived in him. But step this way, and 1 11 con- vince you. [CROAKER and SIR WILLIAM seem to confer. Enter HONEYWOOD. Honey. Obstinate man, still to persist in his outrage! Insulted by him, despised by all, I now begin to grow contemptible even to myself. How have I sunk by too great an assiduity to please! How have I overtaxed all my abilities, lest the approbation of a single fool should escape me! (Boo^Watureb flDan 113 But all is now over; I have survived my reputation, my fortune, my friendships, and nothing remains henceforward for me but solitude and repentance. Miss Rich. Is it true Mr. Honeywood, that you are setting off, without taking leave of your friends? The report is that you are quitting Eng- land. Can it be? Honey. Yes, Madam; and though I am so un- happy as to have fallen under your displeasure, yet, thank Heaven! I leave you to happiness; to one who loves you, and deserves your love: to one who has power to procure you affluence, and gener- osity to improve your enjoyment of it. Miss Rich. And are you sure, Sir, that the gen- tleman you mean is what you describe him ? Honey. I have the best assurances of it his serving me. He does indeed deserve the highest happiness, and that is in your power to confer. As for me, weak and wavering as I have been, obliged by all, and incapable of serving any, what happiness can I find but in solitude? what hope, but in being forgotten ? Miss Rich. A thousand! to live among friends that esteem you, whose happiness it will be to be permitted to oblige you. Honey. No, Madam, my resolution is fixed. Inferiority among strangers is easy; but among VOL. II. 8 H4 Gbe <5oo5*Watureb flDan those that were once equals, insupportable. Nay, to show how far my resolution can go, I can now speak with calmness of my former follies, my vanity, my dissipation, my weakness. I will even confess, that, among the number of my other pre- sumptions, I had the insolence to think of loving you. Yes, Madam, while I was pleading the pas- sion of another, my heart was tortured with its own. But it is over; it was unworthy our friend- ship, and let it be forgotten. Miss Rich. You amaze me ! Honey. But you '11 forgive it, I know you will; since the confession should not have come from me even now, but to convince you of the sincerity of my intention of never mentioning it more. [Going. Miss Rich. Stay, Sir, one moment Ha! he here Enter LOFTY. Lofty. Is the coast clear? None but friends? I have followed you here with a trifling piece of intelligence; but it goes no further; things are not yet ripe for discovery. I have spirits working at a certain board; your affair at the Treasury will be done in less than a thousand years. Mum! (Boo^Waturefc flfoan us Miss Rich. Sooner, Sir, I should hope. Lofty. Why, yes, I believe it may, if it falls into proper hands, that know where to push and where to parry; that know how the land lies- eh, Honey- wood? Miss Rich. It is fallen into yours. Lofty. Well, to keep you no longer in suspense, your thing is done. It is done, I say that 's all. I have just had assurances from Lord Neverout, that the claim has been examined, and found ad- missible. Quietus is the word, Madam. Honey. But how? his lordship has been at New- market these ten days. Lofty. Indeed! Then Sir Gilbert Goose must have been most damnably mistaken. I had it of him. Miss Rich. He! why Sir Gilbert and his family have been in the country this month. Lofty. This month! It must certainly be so Sir Gilbert's letter did come to me from Newmar- ket, so that he must have met his Lordship there; and so it came about. I have his letter about me; I '11 read it to you (Taking out a large bundle). That 's from Paoli of Corsica; that from the Mar- quis of Squilachi. Have you a mind to see the let- ter from Count Poniatowski, now King of Poland? Honest Pon (Searching). O, Sir, what are (BooMRaturefc you here, too? 1 11 tell you what, honest friend, if you have not absolutely delivered my letter to Sir William Honeywood, you may return it. The thing will do without him. Sir Wm. Sir, I have delivered it; and must in- form you, it was received with the most mortifying contempt. Cro. Contempt ! Mr. Lofty, what can that mean ? Lofty. Let him go on, let him go on, I say. You 11 find it come to something presently. Sir Wm. Yes, Sir; I believe you 11 be amazed, if after waiting some time in the ante-chamber; after being surveyed with insolent curiosity by the passing servants, I was at last assured, that Sir William Honeywood knew no such a person, and I must certainly have been imposed upon. Lofty. Good! let me die; very good. Ha! ha! ha! Cro. Now, for my life, I can't find out half the goodness of it. Lofty. You can't. Ha! ha! Cro. No, for the soul of me! I think it was as confounded a bad answer as ever was sent from one private gentleman to another. Lofty. And so you can't find out the force of the message? Why, I was in the house at that very time. Ha! ha! It was I that sent that very answer to my own letter. Ha! ha! Cro. Indeed! How? why? Lofty. In one word, things between Sir William and me must be behind the curtain. A party has many eyes. He sides with Lord Buzzard, I side with Sir Gilbert Goose. So that unriddles the mystery. Cro. And so it does, indeed; and all my sus- picions are over. Lofty. Your suspicions! What, then, you have been suspecting, have you? Mr. Croaker, you and I were friends; we are friends no longer. Never talk to me. It 's over; I say, it 's over. Cro. As I hope for your favour I did not mean to offend. It escaped me. Don't be discomposed. Lofty. Zounds! Sir, but I am discomposed, and will be discomposed. To be treated thus! Who am I? Was it for this I have been dreaded both by ins and outs? Here I have been libelled in the Gazetteer, and praised in the St. James's? have I been chaired at Wildman's and a speaker at Merchant Tailors' Hall? have I had my hand to addresses, and my head in the print-shops; and talk to me of suspects ? Cro. My dear Sir, be pacified. What can you have but asking pardon? Lofty. Sir, I will not be pacified Suspects! Who am I? To be used thus! Have I paid court us be (Boo^lRatureb flfcan to men in favour to serve my friends; the Lords of the Treasury, Sir William Honeywood, and the rest of the gang, and talk to me of suspects? Who am I, I say; who am I ? Sir Wm. Since, you 're so pressing for an an- swer, I '11 tell you who you are: A gentleman, as well acquainted with politics as with men in power; as well acquainted with persons of fashion as with modesty; with Lords of the Treasury as with truth; and with all, as you are with Sir William Honeywood. I am Sir William Honeywood. (Discovering his ensigns of the Bath.) Cro. Sir William Honeywood ! Honey. Astonishment ! my uncle ! [Aside. Lofty. So then, my confounded genius has been all this time only leading me up to the garret, in order to fling me out of the window. Cro. What, Mr. Importance, and are these your works? Suspect you! You, who have been dreaded by the ins and outs; you, who have had your hand to addresses, and your head stuck up in print-shops. If you were served right, you should have your head stuck up in the pillory. Lofty. Ay, stick it where you will; for, by the Lord, it cuts but a poor figure where it sticks at present. (BooMRaturet) flfean 119 Sir Wm. Well, Mr. Croaker, I hope you now see how incapable this gentleman is of serving you, and how little Miss Richland has to expect from his influence. Cro. Ay, Sir, too well I see it ; and I can't but say I have had some boding of it these ten days. So, I 'm resolved, since my son has placed his affec- tions on a lady of moderate fortune, to be satisfied with his choice, and not run the hazard of another Mr. Lofty in helping him to a better. Sir Wm. I approve your resolution; and here they come to receive a confirmation of your pardon and consent. Enter MRS. CROAKER, JARVIS, LEONTINE, and OLIVIA. Mrs. Cro. Where 's my husband ? Come, come, lovey, you must forgive them. Jarvis here has been to tell me the whole affair; and I say, you must forgive them. Our own was a stolen match, you know, my dear; and we never had any reason to repent of it. Cro. I wish we could both say so. However, this gentleman, Sir William Honeywood, has been beforehand with you in obtaining their pardon. So, if the two poor fools have a mind to marry, I think we can tack them together without crossing the Tweed for it. 120 be (BooMRatureb ffoan [Joining their hands. Leon. How blest and unexpected ! What, what can we say to such goodness? But our future obedience shall be the best reply. And as for this gentleman, to whom we owe Sir Wm. Excuse me, Sir, if I interrupt your thanks, as I have here an interest that calls me. (Turning to HONEYWOOD.) Yes, Sir, you are sur- prised to see me: and I own that a desire of correct- ing your follies led me hither. I saw with indig- nation, the errors of a mind that only sought applause from others; that easiness of disposition which, though inclined to the right, had not the courage to condemn the wrong. I saw with regret those splendid errors, that still took name from some neighbouring duty; your charity, that was but injustice; your benevolence, that was but weakness; and your friendship, but credulity. I saw with regret great talents and extensive learning only employed to add sprightliness to error, and increase your perplexities. I saw your mind with a thousand natural charms; but the greatness of its beauty served only to heighten my pity for its prostitution. Honey. Cease to upbraid me, Sir: I have for some time but too strongly felt the justice of your reproaches. But there is one way still left <5ooN1RatureJ> fIDan 121 me. Yes, Sir, I have determined this very hour to quit for ever a place where I have made myself the voluntary slave of all, and to seek among stran- gers that fortitude which may give strength to the mind, and marshal all its dissipated virtues. Yet ere I depart, permit me to solicit favour for this gentleman; who, notwithsatnding what has happened, has laid me under the most signal obligations. Mr. Lofty Lofty. Mr. Honeywood, I 'm resolved upon a reformation as well as you. I now begin to find that the man who first invented the art of speaking truth, was a much cunninger fellow than I thought him. And to prove that I design to speak truth for the future, I must now assure you, that you owe your late enlargement to another; as, upon my soul, I had no hand in the matter. So now, if any of the company has a mind for preferment, he may take my place; I 'm determined to resign. [Exit. Honey. How have I been deceived! Sir Wm. No, Sir, you have been obliged to a kinder, fairer friend, for that favour To Miss Rich- land. Would she complete our joy, and make the man she has honoured by her friendship happy in her love, I should then forget all, and be as blest as the welfare of my dearest kinsman can make me. 122 Gbe (Boot^lRatureb fIDan Miss Rich. After what is passed it would be but affectation to pretend to indifference. Yes, I will own an attachment, which I find was more than friendship. And if my entreaties cannot alter his resolution to quit the country, I will even try if my hand has not power to detain him. [Giving her hand. Honey. Heavens! how can I have deserved all this? How express my happiness, my grati- tude? A moment like this overpays an age of apprehension. Cro. Well, now I see content in every face; but Heaven send we be all better this day three months! Sir Wm. Henceforth, nephew, learn to respect yourself. He who seeks only for applause from without, has all his happiness in another's keeping. Honey. Yes. Sir, I now too plainly perceive my errors; my vanity, in attempting to please all by fearing to offend any; my meanness, in approv- ing folly lest fools should disapprove. Henceforth, therefore, it shall be my study to reserve my pity for real distress; my friendship for true merit; and my love for her, who first taught me what it is to be happy, EPILOGUE^ Spoken by Mrs. Bulkley AS puffing quacks some caitiff wretch procure To swear the pill, or drop, has wrought a cure; Thus, on the stage, our playwrights still depend, For Epilogues and Prologues on some friend, Who knows each art of coaxing up the town, And make full many a bitter pill go down. Conscious of this, our bard has gone about, And teaz'd each rhyming friend to help him out. An Epilogue, things can't go on without it; It could not fail, would you but set about it. Young man, cries one (a bard laid up in clover), Alas! young man, my writing days are over; Let boys play tricks, and kick the straw, not I; Your brother Doctor there, perhaps, may try. What I ! dear Sir, the Doctor interposes ; What, plant my thistle, Sir, among the roses! 1 The author, in expectation of an Epilogue from a friend at Oxford, deferred writing one himself till the very last hour. What is here offered owes all its success to the graceful manner of the Actress who spoke it GOLDSMITH. 123 124 Epilogue No, no, I've other contests to maintain; To-night I head our troops at Warwick-lane. 1 Go ask your manager Who, me! Your pardon; Those things are not our forte at Covent Garden. Our author's friends, thus plac'd at happy distance, Give him good words indeed, but no assistance. As some unhappy wight at some new play, At the pit door stands elbowing away; While oft, with many a smile, and many a shrug, He eyes the centre, where his friends sit snug; His simpering friends, with pleasure in their eyes, Sink as he sinks, and as he rises rise : He nods, they nod; he cringes, they grimace; But not a soul will budge to give him place. Since then, unhelp'd, our bard must now conform 'To 'bide the pelting of this pitiless storm/ Blame where you must, be candid where you can, And be each critic the Good-natured Man. Where the College of Physicians then stood. IS DUE ON 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall r.-13'D LD (1P.T 1 1 Infi? r-v'54f? *~^, ^-i r-~. , _ B rxc,C D L.D 4* At i -i r WV 1 3'84 -WAV 1930 LD 21A-50m-3,'62 (C7097slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY