/ \^ 3ieraltiic €\fnvt\) J^otes FROM CORN^WALL; CONTAINING ALT, THK HERALDRY AND GENEALOGICAL PARTICULARS ON EVERY MEMORIAL h\ Cpn (JTijUvri^fS in tijr Bpanrrji) of iPagt, WITH COPIOUS EXTRACTS FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS. Annotated with Notes from Wills, etc. EDITED BY ARTHUR J. JEWERS, F.S.A. LONDON : ^. MITCHELL AND HUGHES, 140, WARDOUR STREET, W. i PLYMOUTH: W. BREXDON AND SON, GEORGE STREET. ZZQ PREFACE. niHE Hist forty pages, dealing with the chuiclies of liame, -*- St. Johns, .Sheviock, and iSaltash, were originally read before the nienihers of the Plymouth Institution, in their lecture-hall at the Athengeuni, in Decenil^r, 1886. It being thought that they were of sufficient interest to reprint, additions were made, and the subse<{uent one hundred and sixty odd pages of other churches grafted on, bringing the work to much larger proportions than were at all contemplated when first put in hand ; and the author of this result submits it to the kindly forbearance of those interested in genealogical mattei-s, though it is with considerable trepidation that he does so. He would claim for it to be nothing more than the result of spare hours snatched from professional engagements, where the object has been to gather as many facts for future use as could be obtained in the short time given, with due regard for accuracy ; this must be his excuse for the want of more extended re- searches. The want of more copious references to wills is especially to be regretted. At the Probate Court at Bodmin the courteous Registrar (Mr. Basset Collins) gave every facility and assistance for research, his example being followed by his clerks ; while at Exeter the Registrar (Mr. Bayly) and his clerks threw every obstacle in the way of literary search, causing such delay and annoyance, that the attempt had to be given up. Con- sequently St, Germans, which ought to have had a large number of notes from wills, has none, it being one of the "Peculiars," and all the wills relating thereto going to Exeter in.stead of to Bodmin. IV PREFACE. The [Ami of giving only tlie substance of the insciiptiuns will doubtless be objected to by many ; and the validity of such objection is admitted up to a certain point. If circumstances permitted an ecpial amount of ground to be covered, the same number of facts rendered accessible and safe from loss, then by all means print the inscriptions in full. But will this be found practicable 1 It means a large . expenditure of time, or a con- siderable additional outlay, to have them transcribed; further the matter to be printed would be very greatly increased, neces- sarily increasing the bulk and cost. Then the questions come, Is the value of the gain equal to the increased outlay] and are there sufHcient persons interested to ensure any one county being gone through iu that way, witliout pecuniary loss to the editor or printer 1 The oljject in this attempt has been to give as much information as possible from original sources ; to bring it, when possible, down to the present time ; and to avoid what has already been printed. The plan adopted has been to take the mural monuments first, and then the floor-slabs, in each church. Where a series of memorials of one family are found, they follow consecutively. Extracts from the Registers relating to families commemorated have generally been given with each monument or series. To these have been added niorc general extracts from the Registei's of such entries as aj»peared most likely to be of interest ; unusUal entries ; persons from a distance, as appears by the name of the place from which they came; also those designated "Mr." or "gent." Want of time has necessarily curtailed these extracts, and made the selection A'ery difficult. Hundreds of entries of well-known names from the Heralds' Visitations crop up. What shall be taken, and what left? And the case must be judged and settled in less time than it takes to write the briefest entry, or each debated entry may as well be copied. The only really satis- factory course is for every Register to be printed, the entries . being abbreviated as in the following pages. It has been endeavoured to keep extracts from other Register?, notes from wills, &c., dLstinct from the actual notes from the monuments and Re<'isters in each church. PREFACE. V The pleasant duty only remains of acknowledging the kind reception and assistance received from the various clergymen whose churches have been visited and of Registers searched ; viz., the Kev. W. Comwallis Evans, of Rame ; Rev. J. H. Kirwan, M.A., of St. Johns ; Rev. J. F. Kitson, m.a., of Antony ; Rev. W. Fraser, m.a., of St. Stephcns-by-Saltash ; Rev. H. Can-w- Glanvillc, m.a., of Sheviock ; Rev. W. A. Fenwick, m.a., of St. Germans ; Rev. Canon Buck, u.d., of St. Dominick ; Rev. A. F. Hardy, m.a., of Maker (some notes and register extracts from this church were nuidc in the time of the Kev. Frederic T. Wintle, M.A., now of Beer Ferrers) ; and Rev. W. E. Vigor, m.a., of Botus Fleming. Col. J. L. Vivian's work. The Visitations of Cormrall, ha.<5 been frequently referred to, and its assistance generally mentioned at the time ; and he will readily forgive having pointed out omissions or errors, for those most closely acquainted with genealogical pursuits best know its difficulties, and the tiresome- ness of information turning up when considered hopeless. Any additional information relating to families mentioned, or continuing the descent to the present time, will be very acceptable for future use, as doubtless many have been overlooked. Our thanks are also due to Mr. R. X. Worth, f.g.s,, and Mr. J. "Whitmarsh, for assistance rendered. The index is the work of the editor's son, Francis Eure Jewers. LIST OF CHURCHES. RAME ...... PAGE 3 ST. JOHNS ...... 12 SHEVIOCK ...... 14 SALTASH ....;. 33 EAST ANTONY ..... 41 ST. GERMANS ..... 65 ST. STEPHENS / . . . . . 95 BOTUS FLEMING ..... 156 ST. DOMINICK . . . . . 166 MAKER 182 itxnWxt ChtrtJT Motts fxam Cnrnixiall 6 ^—^ The collection of Notes of the Arms and Inscriptions on Monu- ments in parish churches is no new idea. A list of such, printed and in MS., in the College of Arms, British Museum, Bodleian, and Ashmolean Libraries will be found in Sims's Manual. Beside these Richard Simonds's Dia^-y contains numerous church notes, some relating to Devon and Cornwall; and a Mr. Incledon also made a collection relating to these counties. The monuments in a church must always have an interest apart from their genealogical value. Like architecture and dress, they have their different periods — from the simple coffin-shaped stone, on which later we find a cross cut, and at the top of which after a time appears a head, or larger portion of the human figure, which developes into the recumbent effigy. These reached their richest state in tlie Tudor period, and with that age died out. Mural monuments of large size — generally with arched canopies, and often with semi-recumbent or kneeling figures — date from the time of Elizabeth, and disappear with the House of Stuart. Brasses, either on the floor or on table or altar tombs, were in use from the beginning of the thirteenth century, but fell into disuse about the first quarter of the seventeenth. There is in the church of St. Columb Major a brass for John Arundell, Esq., who died July 22nd, 1633; but memorials of this kind are seldom met with so late. About the middle of the eighteenth century was introduced the style — if it can be called one — of angular slabs of cold Avhite marble, still much afi'ected. We have said nothing of coloured glass, which, prior to the Reformation, Avas much used for the display of commemorative shields, and sometimes the portraiture of the deceased, with the pious injunction, "Pro animo," preceding the name, which led to their general destruction by the Puritans and others in the seventeenth century. B 2 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. It does not, however, come within our limits to deal with monuments generally; and the same remark applies to Parish Registers. It will be sufficient for our purpose to say that after the suppression of the religious houses, a mandate was issued by Thomas Cromwell, Vicar -General, in 1538, for the keeping of Registers of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials. In the reign of Elizabeth it was ordered that every clergyman on his institution should sign a declaration to keep the Registers as required. But this not being done regularly, in 1597 it was ordained that parchment register books should be purchased at the expense of the parish, and such Registers as existed transcribed into them ; and it was further ordered that copies of the Registers were to be taken to the registrar of the diocese every year, within one month of Easter. Unfortunately these orders were seldom observed. Since then various acts have been passed relating to registration, but no adequate measure has been introduced for the preservation of the Registers themselves; and they have, to a considerable extent, perished from carelessness and neglect, and often from wilful destruction. Many are fast dropping to pieces from damp and age, and nothing but a speedy transcript can save them. These records are simply priceless; they afford the richest mines of information to the genealogist. Who is to say what will or will not be. of value? What one passes over will be what another seeks. We mourn aloud the loss of such large numbers of these records, and yet as a country we neglect to take the necessary steps to secure what is left of them, which might be done at a very small cost annually, spread over a number of years. This, however, has been dealt with separately elsewhere. In a few parishes the Registers exist from the time they were first instituted, but in very many they do not go back beyond the middle of the seventeenth century, and in some cases they do not exist before the early part of the eighteenth century. The Bishops' transcripts are very imperfect — in fact, merely fragments — but they sometimes supply information not in the Register itself. The condition of Registers varies, from the well-kept volumes at the churches of St. Andrew and Charles in Plymouth, to a few fast-decaying and half-obliterated leaves, which alone are left in many parishes to represent the earlier Register. The entries themselves vary greatly; from the elaborate entry occupying the whole of one page of a large folio book of Registers, RAME. 3 as at St. Thomas, Portsmouth, where, with a grand flourish of penmanship, is recorded the marriage of King Charles II. and the Infanta Catherine of Portugal, down to the cramped notice that John Smith and Mary Jones were married, jammed in between two other entries, or perchance written up and down the margin, having been, as the record states, ^^ omitted in its proper place." The first church to which we propose to refer is Rame. This church, which has recently been completely restored, is situated _ near the Rame Head, and within a few minutes' walk of the edge of the cliff beneath which break the restless waters of Whitsand Bay, the sound of whose troubled waves, as ia stormy weather they roll with thunderous crash on the rocks beneath, mixes with the voices of the worshippers in this lonely fane. This ancient building, which was consecrated as far back as A.D. 1259, is one of the very few old churches in Devon and Cornwall with a spire, and is in such a solitary spot, so com- paratively barren, so out of the world, and with so few attractions according to modern ideas to Laduce a residence, that one might well expect to find no monmnental records of persons of wealth or social standing having made it their habitation; but such is not the case. The monuments are not those of the territorial lords whose line stretches into the dim shadow of the remote past. The family of Rame of Rame had merged into that of Demford of East Stonehouse and Rame, whose heiress had conveyed this manor to the lordly house of Edgcumbe, more than a century before the date of any of the existing monuments, the most important of which it will be seen commemorate families con- nected with Plymouth. The most prominent, and therefore the first to arrest attention on entering the church, is a large monument near the east end of the south aisle. It consists of a heavy pediment supporting two pillars, from which rise an arch. Within this is a black marble tablet, with this inscription : To the memory of John Battersby of Rame in the county of Cornwall Esq'^^ who Departed this Life July 27 1672 and with 2 sons and 2 daughters which he had by his wife Grace Daughter of Nicholas Opye of Plymouth in the County of Devon Esq'^^, Lyeth near this place. B 2 HERALDIC CHURCH N0TB8 FROM CORNWALL. In the upper part of the arch are the arms of Battersby im- paling Opye ; viz : 0)% a saltire paly of eight, erminois and gu. ; differenced by a crescent sa. in chief, the mark of a second son: imp., Sa. on a chev. betw. three garbs or, as many hurts. Over the pillar, to the left, is the coat of Battersbye, over that on the right, Opye ; while the arms of Battersbye are re- peated on the pediment. This John Battersbye was the second son of Nicholas Battersbye, of Harrabear, and was baptised at Cal- stock, 3rd June, 1623. He was here buried, according to the Register, 29th July, 1672. His will, dated 11th June, 1672, was proved in London, 4th March, 1673. (P. P. C. Pye, 32.) In this will he is styled of Rame, in the county of Cornwall, Esquire. He leaves to the poor, at his wife's discretion, £5 ; to his son George, £300 ; to his daughter Eliza- beth, £400; and to his daughter Sarah, £300 — to be paid to them at the age of twenty-one years, or earlier if married mth the consent of their mother, with interest at six per cent, from the date of his death. If either died without heirs, their share was to be divided between the survivors. If aU of them so died, the whole to go to his eldest son and heir, Nicholas Battersbye. To Grace, his wife, he bequeaths all his plate, jewels, rings, a necklace of pearls, &c., and appoints her, with Roger Porter, Esq., William Trevisa, junr., gent., Richard Opie, gent., his brother-in- law, and William Battersby, gent., to be guardians and overseers of his will, until his son Nicholas is of the age of twenty-one years. He also mentions his houses at Ford and Cawsand, con- veyed to him and his heirs by his brother-in-law, Nicholas Opie. The will is witnessed by William Opie, Patience Edwards, John Opie, and Thomas Opie. In a codicil he names lands, &c., in the parish of Uphill, co. Somerset, which are to be sold for the benefit of his son George. His wife Grace was the daughter RAME. of Mr. Nicholas and Mrs, Susan Opye, and she was baptised at St. Andrew, Plymouth, 4th July, 1641. They were married at Rame, 4th June, 1662, as John Battersby, Esq., and Mrs. Grace Opie, as appears by the Register. Colonel Vivian only names four children {Visitation of Cornwall, p. 21) — viz., Nicholas, George, Elizabeth, Sarah — but there must have been another, as we find the burial of Susanna, daughter of Mr. John Battersby, recorded 14th January, 1663. Her baptism is wanting; but that of Nicholas is entered 20th February, 1666; and Sarah, 17th September, 1668. The baptism of Elizabeth is also wanting, but her marriage, on the 4th July, 1689, as Thomas Johns and Mrs. Elizabeth Battersby, remains. This marriage and the dates from the Registers are not given in Colonel Vivian's pedigree, nor are the following, from the same source : viz., Christopher, son of Mr. William Battersby and Mary his wife, baptised 2nd January, 1665; Isaak, son of Mr. William Battersby and Mary his wife, baptised 11th February, 1669. This Wilham was a brother of John Battersby above, and is mentioned, but without his wife or sons, in the pedigree referred to. John Munyon and Annie Battersby married 6th July, 1670. This Annie was probably a sister of the above John Battersby. The next mural monuments in point of age and importance are tAvo in the north transept commemorating Roger Ashton, d.d., and his children ; the latter is the oldest and largest, and is of black and white marble, with the arms of Ashton and Warren ; viz. : Arg. a mullet sa. : imp. Arrj. hetw. two bars componee or and az. three masdes sa., on a canton of the fourth as many coi'onets of the second, within a bord. gu. bezardh. The inscription is : Heare Lye the Body of Mary and Anne daughters of Roger Ashton Doctor of Divinity and Margaret his wife who died in the yeeres 1664 and 1667, also a son of theirs Departed this Life the same hour it began to live 1666. 6 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. The monument commemorating the father and mother bears the following inscription : To the memory of the Revere'd Roger Ashton Doctor of Divinity of S' Andrew's church in Plymouth who died on the 27"> day of March 1677 ■ and Margaret his Wife who Died the 13"» Day of November in the same year and lie buried neere this place. From the Parish Register we learn that Dr. Roger Ashton, of Plymouth, and Mrs. Margaret "Warren were married in Rame Church the 13th February, 1663, and also that their daughters were buried, Mary on the 5th January, 1664, and Anna on the 8th February, 1667. On the 29th March, 1677, the burial of Dr. Ashton himself is recorded, and on 16th November, 1677, his widow, Mrs. Margaret Ashton of Plymouth. The reason of the Ashtons choosing Rame as their burial-place was undoubtedly the fact of Mrs. Ashton being a daughter of Robert Warren, the rector, memorials of whose family we shall shortly notice. The remaining mural monuments are comparatively modem, and are simply inscribed tablets. One tells us that Stephen Edwards, of Rame Place, in this parish, died 16th January, 1756, aged 42 ; and that Mary, his wife, followed him to the grave on the 9th February, 1797, aged 86. In the north porch are three oval marble tablets ; they are : 1. Sarah, wife of Thomas Hunt Ley, clerk, who died 16th November, 1857, and was buried at Cumner, Berks. 2. Elizabeth Ommaney Ley, died 4th February, 1860. 3. Thomas Hunt Ley, many years rector of this parish, died 4th March, 1866. The east window is also a memorial of this clergyman, who, as the inscription in the lower part of the window informs us, was for " 45 years Priest of this church." A marble tablet formerly recorded that this church was con- secrated in 1259, A.D., and restored in 1848. That restoration must have been very partial and imperfect ; the church has been RAME. now thoroughly renovated and restored, and a- marble slab with the following inscription records the fact : Censecratum Anno Salutis 1259 In Honorem Deo Optimi Maximi Restauratnm 1885 In the course of the restoration one of the original beams had to be cut, and a portion of it is in the Museum of the Plymouth Institution. We will now turn our attention to the memorials on the floor ; for this church is, for its size and situation, rather rich in armorial ledger-stones. These, with one exception, are in memory of a Plymouth family, from whom one of the streets derives its name. The largest of these ledger-stones has five shields of arms on it; but vmtil re- cently one half was covered by the high and unsightly pews, thanks, no doubt, to the restoration of 1848. Round the edge is this inscription : " Here Lyeth the body of M'- Stephen Trevill of Ply- mouth merchant who De- parted this Life the XXII Day of May Anno Domini 1647." In the centre are the arms of Trevill impaling PoUexfen ; viz., (Or) a cross eng. {sa.\ surmounted by a hendlet (gu.), in chief a rr^ullet for the difference of a third son : imp. Quarterly {arg. and az.), in the first and fourth a lion ramp. (gu). At each comer a shield, each charged with the coat of TreviU alone. A smaller stone is in memory of Stephen TreviU, of this parish, who died 2nd October, 1625, and has the coat of TreviU alone — A cross eng., surmounted hy a hendlet. Another ledger-stone is for Mr. John Trevill, of this parish, gentleman, who died 1st November, 1648. Arms — A cross eng., surmounted hy a hendlet. # S HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Yet another records that " Here Lyeth the body of Elizabeth, the Daughter of Stephen Trevill, of this parish, merchant, who departed this life the 27th Day of December, 1650." The arms on it are Trevill — A cross eng., surmounted by a bendlet, and in chief a crescent for difference of a second son : imp. On a chev. betw. three garbs, as many roundels ; Opie. Beneath this shield is the following inscription : Vitse quid ad mortem, Quid mors nisi Janua vifce, Quae vitam crepuit mors, !Mihi vita fuit. Thus our ancestors philosophized over their departed relations and friends ; for in various forms we often find the same sentiment as that expressed in the above lines, which may be thus translated : What is life to death ? What is death but the gate of life ? Death, which snatched away life, Was life to me. Nor has this practice of moralizing over the resting-places of our dead yet died out. It must be observed here that the arms are not, strictly speaking, used correctly ; they are those of the parents of this Elizabeth Trevill. The arms of Trevill alone in a lozenge should have been at the top, and the impaled coat might have been added to show her parentage. There are several entries in the registers relating to the Trevill family ; but as they have already been printed in a paper on " Local Heraldry," it is need- less to repeat them here.* The father and mother of Elizabeth — Mr. Stephen Trevill and Mrs. Jane Opie — were married at St. Andrew, Plymouth, 30th December, 1647. It may be weU to mention here that in the paper above referred to the word " wife " has, by oversight, been printed instead of " daughter." Another floor-slab has a large Avell-cut shield of the arms of Warren of Hedbury, in Ashburton, granted 14th March, 1623, or rather confirmed ; for the arms were allowed at the Visitation of 1620. The arms on the stone are Betw. two bars componee three mascles, on a canton as many coronets vnthin a bord. charged tcith eight roundels. The inscription, which nms round the edge of the stone, reads, " Here Lyeth the Bodie of Eobert Warren, Rector of Rame, who Died the 7th Day of February 1658." He was the ^ Trails. Phjm. ItisL vol. ix, p. 100. RAMB. y eldest son of Christopher Warren, by Alice, daughter of Thomas Webb, of Sydenham Damerell (married there 15th June, 1613, as Mr. Christopher Warren and Alice Webb; vide Par. Reg.), and his baptism is there recorded as having taken place on the 8th October, 1615; a sister, Anne, having been baptized 1st May, 1614, and a brother, Richard, on the 15th August, 1619, as we learn from the same valuable source of information — the Parish Registers. Robert Warren married Margaret, daughter of Peter Burgess, of Petertavy, by whom he had five sons and two daughters; viz., Christopher, Robert, Thomas, Peter, Nathaniel, Margaret, and Anne. The following are some extracts from the Registers : BAPTISMS. 1655, July 30. Nathaniel, son of Mr. Robert Warrin. 1671. Oct. 13. Margaret, daughter of Mr. Robert Warren and Pris- cilla his wife. 1673. Dec. 17. Priscilla, daughter of Mr. Robert Warren and Pris- cilla his wife. 1675. March 15. William, son of Mr. Robert Warren and Priscilla his wife. 1677. May 30. Mary, daughter of Mr. Robert Warren and Priscilla his wife. 1681. April 22. John, son of Mr. Robert Warren and Priscilla his wife. 1683. Aug. 10. Robert, son of Mr. Robert Warren and Priscilla his wife. 1685. Sept. 23. Sarah, daughter of Mr. Robert Warren and Priscilla his wife. ' 1687. Oct. 11. Thomas, son of Mr. Robert Warring and Priscilla his wife. 1689. Oct. 25. Ann, daughter of Mr. Robert Warren and Priscilla his wife. WEDDINGS. 1663. Ashton and Warren, see Ashton monument. 1670. Dec. 27. Mr. Robert Warrin and Mrs. Priscilla Granger. 1686. May 21. Robert Warren, Esq., and Mrs. Jane Bagatz. BURIALS. 1661. April 14. Anne, daughter of Robert Warren, Rector. 1668. Feb. 10. Mr. Robert Warren, Minister of Rame. 1688. June 14. Thomas Warren. 1690. April 12. Mrs. Margaret Warren. 1690. Oct, 10. Mr. Robert Warren, Rector of Rame. 10 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. In the Parish Register of Sheviock we have the baptism, on 7th May, 1679, of Grace, daughter of Robert Warren, clerk, Rector of Rame, and Priscilla, his wife. Beside the floor-slabs already referred to, there are the five following, for: Alice, wife of Robert Seaman, Parson of Rame, who died 13th February, 1633. Robert Seaman, Parson of Rame, who died 2nd April, 1644. Paschoe Kempe, of Rame, died 18th July, 1628. Aquila Blake, son of John Blake of this parish, died 3rd December, 1631. Joan, wife of Stephen Edwards, who died 8th August, 1733. Also an almost obliterated stone for Jone, wife of Pascoe The rest is quite gone, but probably the Paschoe Kempe named above. These bring us to the end of the monuments ^vithin the church, and with the headstones in the churchyard we do not propose to deal. Turning to the Registers, which have already been quoted, we have to lament decay and loss, as is too often the case. They do not exist at all prior to the middle of the seventeenth century, and what still remain appear to be very imperfect. Besides the extracts already given, the following are worth BAPTISMS. John, son of Stephen Spiller.^ Wilham, son of Peter Hobblin and Fillip [pa.] Flower, daughter of John Hele and Mary. Stephen, son of John Spiller and Priscilla. Jacob, son of Jonathan Howard and Abagall. Robert, son of Samuel Skelton and Joan. John, son of John Spiellier and Priscilla. Anne, daughter of John Spiller and PresUla. William, son of John Gennys and Thomasin. William, son of John Spiller and PrescUla. Prescilla, daughter of John Spiller and Prescilla. Samuel, son of Mr. Samuel Beer and Elizabeth. ^ This name also appears in the Registers of Sheviock, where, on 16th September, 1599, William Bond, Esq., and Mercy, daughter of Ferdinando Spyller, were married. The family of SpUler appear to have been one of a class who are numbered with the things of the past, farming their own small estates, and using armorial bearings. The coat recorded for Spiller of Bodmin is, Fer "pale, arg. and sa., a horse pass, counterehanged. This coat, quartered by Lanyon, appears on a large mural monument of the Rashleigh family in Fowey Church. noting : 1655. July 12. 1671. March 27. 1671. April 23. 1680. Jan. 31. 1683. Feb. 25. 1684. Sept. 22. 1686. Feb. 21. 1689. 25. 1689. Feb. 3. - 1691. May 24. 1692. Jan. 22. 1695. April 24. RAMB. 11 1700. Sept. 10 (bom 6th September). Prescilla, daughter of John Spiller and Prescilla. 1701. Oct. 24 (bom 4th October). Thomas, son of Hugh Nevell and Anne.^ Honour, daughter of James Halse and Ann. Matilda, daughter of Thomas Wokidge, Rector of Rame and Eve. John, son of Thomas and Mary Nankivel. Ann, daughter of William and Ann Arundle. Joane, daughter of William and Joanna Warae. William, son of John and Mary Gould. John, son of John and Elizabeth Searle. Elisha, son of Elisha Arundle and Elizabeth. Roger, son of Elisha Arundle and Elizabeth. Richard, son of Elisha Arundle and Elizabeth. John, son of Elisha Arundle and Elizabeth. John, son of John and Joyce Baron, Ann, daughter of Elisha and Ann Aurendell. Richard, son of John and Mary Arundell. Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Philis Drake. Mary, daughter of George and Mary Edgcombe. Mary, daughter of John and Mary Anmdell. John, son of William and Jane Edgcombe. WEDDINGS. John Taprill and Mary Spiller. Nicholas Mutton and Elizabeth Spiller. Josiah Evans and Mary Spiller. Charles White and Ann Spiller. Thomas Wolridge and Mrs. Ann Mathew. Thomas Young, gent. , and Mrs. Mary Wolridge of Creed. Trefusis Lovell and Margaret Masterman. Thomas Wolridge, Rector, and Mrs. Eve Carleton at Maker. Edward Downing and Elizabeth Spiller. Mr. Thomas Mangles and Mrs. Katherine How, by Licence. Mr. Charles Orchard, clerk, and Patience Mayne, by Licence from Exon. Daniel Tom and Anne Little, by Licence from Exon. Richard Hawkins and Grace Chenowah. William Arendel and Ann Spriddle. ^ There are other children recorded of this Hugh Nevell. Was this Hugh Nevell a scion of the great historic house of Nevill, whose fortunes fell so low in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, in consequence of the part taken by its head, the Earl of Westmoreland, and other members, in the Pilgrimage of Grace '< 1701. Dec. 13. 1720. Dec. 16. 1725. Feb. 19. 1739. Nov. 25. 1746. Nov. 27. 1747. Aug. 9. 1747. Feb. 12. 1754. April 15. 1756. May 12. 175a Feb. 15. 1761. Jan. 22. 1785. July 30. 1785. Aug. 5. 1785. Sept. 23. 1785. Nov. 6. 1786. June 4. 1787. July 24. 1787. Nov. 22. 1655. April 12. 1667. May 9. 1677. Feb. 5. 1689. April 24. 1695. May 30. 1705. July 14. 1715. March 4. 1718. Oct. 20. 1718. Nov. 7. 1719. April 19. 1724. Nov. 17. 1725. Jime 15. 1725. Jan. 19. 1737. Nov. 4. 12 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1739. April 20. John Spriddle and Martha Wicket. 1750. William Spriddle and Joan Stephens. 1754. April 3. Joseph Elvey, of the Parish of Bishops Gate, and Mary Nankevil, of this parish. BURIALS. 1690. Oct. 21. Mrs. Priscilla Granger, widow. 1695. Sept. 22. Mrs. Ann Wolridge. 1700. March 26. Mrs. Ralph Wobidge. With hearty thanks to the worthy rector, Mr. Evans, for his hospitable reception, and for the opportunity of quietly looking over the Registers, we must quit this pleasant though somewhat wild spot and take our way by a very hilly road through Millbrook to St, JolLns. A tiny church nestliag at the foot of the hills which shut in that creek of the Hamoaze known as St. John's Lake, whose waters come up to the churchyard wall — a charming place, if the tide did not recede and leave banks of slimy mud during a large portion of time, and were the atmosphere a Httle less humid. In the church we shall find little to interest us in the way of monuments. There is a loose shield having the arms of Beele impaling Bickton; viz., (Az.) three griffins^ heads erased (arg.): imp. A fess hetw. in chief three cinquefoil^ in hose as many erm. spots. Crest, A unicornis head erased. The only existing monument to which this shield could have belonged is that of Elizabeth Beele, daughter of Thomas Eisher, Esq., and Agnes, his wife ; and the \vife of the Rev. William Beele, who died 26th March, 1747, aged 42 years. This is recorded on a plain ST. JOHNS. 13 marble tablet, but the arms impaled should be Fisher, which is not the case. Gilbert, in his History of CormccUl, mentions a monument to the Beele family with these arms {Az. three griffins' heads erased arg.) but without any impalement. There is a mural tablet in memory of John Sweet, yeoman, of Millbrook, who died 14th January, 1786, aged 71 ; also Isabella, his wife, who died 1st July, 1790, aged 81. A mural brass plate bears an inscription for John Hext Boger, Esq., son of John Boger, Esq., of Wolsdon, who died 23rd June, 1865, aged 61. The east window is erected in memory of the Rev. James Campbell Crowley, rector of this parish, who died 22nd April, 1862; while a window in the south side of the church commemorates James Holmes Boyle, Esq., who died 31st December, 1864; and also Eliza Boyle, his sister, who died 3rd May, 1863. In the yard, among others, is a headstone in memory of Martha, wife of John Luckraft, Lieutenant R.N., who died 24th November, 1833, aged 62 ; also Alfred, infant son of the above, who died 30th March, 1808. Turning from the monuments to the Registers, we find that of the earliest part only two or three leaves, half decayed and obliterated, remain, their date being about 1582. They are in a thin volume containing all the registers do^vn to 1793, the whole in a very bad condition; but they are not generally of much importance, though it is almost impossible to say what entries may or may not be of use at some time. The following ap pearod of some general interest : BAPTISMS. 1639. ... ... son of William Lodge and Arraanielle. 1648. April 21. Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas and Philippa Oltra- mere, borne 19th April. Minister. 1652. ... William, son of Nicholas and Philippa Oltramere, borne 14th September. (Note. — This uncommon name occurs in the registers of Brixton, where we find, in 1669, on May 19th, John Oltramare, clerk, curate of Brixton, and Mrs. Elizabeth Maynard, were married by Mr. Daniel More, vicar of Yealmpton.) 1682. Jan. 2. Robert, son of Robert Bare, Rector, and Honor. 1683. Oct. 10. Richard, son of Richard Mapawder and Mary. 1684. Oct 22. Philip, son of Robert Eare and Honour. 14 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1711. July 24. Annie, daughter of Radford Herring and Dorothy. 1722. Nov. 11. John, son of Mr. John Hughes and Sarah. 1735. Jan. 18. Edmund, son of Edmund Prideaux, of St. Awstell, and Ruth. 1735. Nov. 25. Hugh, son of Philip and Elizabeth Littleton, of Maker. 1767. Sept. 2. Margaret, daughter of Captain Robert Douglas and Jane. WEDDINGS. 1646. Feb. 3. Nicholas Oltramare and PhiUp Gyll. 1712. Oct. 30. Edmund Herring, of this parish, gent, and Loveday, daughter of Nicholas Glynn, of the parish of St. Neot, gent. (Their son, the Rev. Edmund Herring, was married at East Anthony, 15th April, 1745, to Mrs. Elizabeth WUls ; Vide Par. Reg.) 1714 Sept. 4. Captain Thomas Graves and Mary, daughter of Mr. William Warne, of the parish of Anthony. (This Captain Graves was afterwards Admiral Graves, and father by his second wife of the first Lord Graves. The lady was the only child and heiress of WilUam Warne of Thanckes, which estate went by this marriage into the Graves family; the house has been rebuilt by the present Lord Graves.) BURIALS. 1622. Joanna, daughter of Peter Coffin, deceased. 1623. Mar. 26. Margaret, wife of Nicholas Lodge, Rector. 1639. ... son of Nicholas Lodge, Rector. 1641. Nov. 28. Nicholas Lodge, Rector. 1709. Jxme 2. Mr. Robert Eare. 1712. Sept. 13. Edmund Herring, gent. 1713. Sept. 17. Anne Herring. 1739. Dec. 6. Rev. Mr. John Torre, Vicar. 1748. May 27. Radford Herring. 1757. Sept. 19. Rev. William Bed. Sheviock is another of the few Cornish churches with a spire. It is perhaps less known than Rame, situated as it is in an out- . of-the-way spot, nearly midway between St. Germans and Antony, and is reached by a pleasant walk from either place, though, lying on the Lynher, it can be got at by water. But we must not yield to the inclination to describe the SHBVIOCK. 15 scenery on the road, nor even the fabric of the tree-embowered sanctuary, which we will leave for those more especially acquainted with ecclesiastical architecture. There is a singular local tradition which asserts that when the founder commenced the sacred edifice, his wife commenced the building of a barn, and that when both had completed their work and balanced accounts, it was found that the bam had cost the most. To say the least, this tradition does not credit Sir Edward Courtenay with much liberality, or his wife with much piety. An adjacent barn is pointed out as the identical building ; but it hardly bears out the story of its cost being equal to that of the church. Entering the church, we find the monuments few and unim- posing. The most interesting are three recumbent efiigies ; but no arms now remain on either to indicate whom they commemorate. There are several shields, which are now blank ; but the armorial bearings of the persons to whose memory they were erected were doubtless originally painted on them. The two figures in the south transept are considered, with good reason, to represent the founder or rebuilder of the church. Sir Edward Courtenay, third son of Hugh second Earl of Devon ; and his wife Emmeline, daughter and heiress of Sir John Dawney, of Sheviock, who is himself probably represented by the figure under an arch in the north aisle. Lysons say that the arms of Courtenay, impaling Dawney, were to be seen painted over the lady. The figures have been ably treated by Mr. W. H. H. Rogers, p.s.a., who gives engravings of them in his very valuable work on Tlie Sepulchral Effigies of Devon, In a window on the south side of the chancel is a shield of Courtenay very much faded by age ; viz., Or, three torteaux, and in chief a label throughout az. The nine bezants might have been on the label, but certainly no trace of them remains. 16 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. The next, in point of age and interest, is a floorslab with these arms — {Az.) a saltire (arg.), hetw. four martlets (or), and an inscription cut round the edge, recording the fact that John Smyth, gent., Avas buried 18th February, 1598. This is confirmed by the Register, where we read that " John Smyth, senior," was buried on that date. This family was seated for a long period in this parish in a gentle position. Though the connection is not at present proved, it is most probable that this John was the son of Jolin, second son of Thomas Smith, of Tregonack, in St. Germans. ( Vide Col. Vivian's Visita- tions of Cornwall, p. 427.) The following entries from the Sheviock Parish Register relate to this family : BAPTISMS. Francis, son of Thomas Smith and Mary, his wife. 1625. 1655. Nov. Feb. 7. 10. Samuel, son of Mr. Nicholas Smyth and Martha, his wife, born 3rd same month. 1658. May 20. Martha, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Smyth and Martha, his wife, bom 3rd same month. WEDDINGS. 1576. Sept. 9. John Smyth, gent., and Jane Penkevyll. 1583. April 29. ... Bond and Agnes Smyth. 1610. Jan. 22. Thomas Smyth and Mary Arundell. 1651. April 19. Mr. Nicholas Smyth and Martha Hitchins. 1663. Sept. 30. Mr. John Blake and Mrs. Grace Smyth, both of this parish. 1663. Oct. 15. Mr. Richard RoUe, Rector of this parish, and Eliza- beth Smyth, the natural and legitimate daughter of Thomas Smyth, of the same parish, gent., by Licence, 1683. April 17. Mr. John Deeble, of Antony, and Mrs. Martha Smyth. 1683. June 25. Mr. Samuel Smyth and Mrs. Joan Evans, at Ply- mouth, 1570. Mar. 14. 1579. June 6. 1598. Feb. 18. 1655. April 17. 1676. Nov. 20. 1701. Jan. 21. 1707. Sept. 9. 1710. Sept. 15. 1716. Feb. 13. 1721. Feb. 9. SHBVIOCK. 17 BURIALS. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Smyth. John Smyth, gent. John Smyth, senior. Ann, daughter of Mr. Thomas Smyth. Mrs. Martha Smyth. Nicholas Smith, gent. , aged 87 years. Mrs. Martha Deeble. Mrs. Grace Blake, vid. Samuel Smith, being a gentleman. Mrs. Joan Smith, vid. To these extracts the following remarks may perhaps add interest : The small number of baptisms may partly be accounted for by the imperfect condition of the Register. The baptisms are entirely gone up to 1623, and are very much decayed for many years after. The family of Hitchins were of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, entered their pedigree at the Heralds' Visitation, and wiU be found noticed under the church of St. Stephens-by-Saltash. The Blakes appear to be of the same family whose pedigree was recorded in the Visitation of 1620. In St. Emey Church is a hatchment with the arms of Blake impaling Smith {Arg. a chev. hetw. three garbs sa. ; imp. Az. a scdtire arg. hetio. four martlets or. Crest, On cap of maintenance gu. turned up erm. a martlet arg.). The dexter half of the hatchment is sable, showing that the wife survived; but the date beneath the arms, 1770, is much too late for the above marriage — probably the impalement of Smith was continued in error. The next monument to claim our attention is that of the "Rev. Mr. Samuel Deeble," as he is styled in the inscription, which records that he was for twelve years rector of the parish, and died 8th February, 1750, aged 57 years. It is also in memory of his daughter, Ann Deeble, who died 3rd September, 1761, aged 16 years and 6 months. This Samuel Deeble was a son of John Deeble, of Antony, a grandson of Oliver Deeble, who married Theophila, daughter and co-heir of Thomas "Wolsdon, of Wolsdon, to whose memory there is a monument in Antony Church. In its Registers are many entries relating to this family, but beyond one we will not touch on them here. c 18 HBRAIiDIO CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. One point in this monument claims attention ; that is, the shield having a blank impalement, showing the family to have known the wife was entitled to arms, but to have been ignorant as to what they were, thus the blank was left, intending to communicate with her family, or otherwise ascertain ; for at that time there was no printed work giving a list of families, with their arms, to help them, such as Burke^s General Armory, and intercommuni- cation between places only one hundred miles apart was slow and difficult, particularly when they were off the main lines of com- munication. In this case they would wait for some acquaintance or messenger going in the required direction, who would perhaps have to pass it into other hands. The rector had married a lady presumably of the ancient Shropshire family of Sandford, as we learn from the Registers at Antony; viz., 1747, May 14th, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Deeble and Mrs. Anne Sanford. In the Register occur the following entries relating to Deeble : BAPTISMS. 1690. Aug. 10. Anne, daughter of Mr. John Deeble aiid Martha his wife, 1693. Sept. 29. Samuel, son of Mr. John Deeble and Martha his wife. 1697. Dec. 27. Mary, daughter of Mr. John Deeble and Martha his wife. WEDDINGS. 1652. Dec. 21. Robert Rod and Elizabeth Deeble, of St. Germans. 1653. July 18. Thomas Harris and Jane Deeble, married by John Kendall, Esq., then Justice of the Peace for this County of Cornwall, as by his certificate under his hand and scale tp mee hath been certified, 1662. Feb. 2. John Sym and Aridice Deeble, both of the pish, of St. Germans. 1683. April 17. Mr. John Deeble, of Antony, and Mrs. Martha Smyth. 1747. May 14. Samuel Deeble, rector, and Mrs. Anne Sanford, of Tiverton, at Antony. BURIALS. 1706. May 5, Thomas Deeble. 1707. Sept. 9. Mrs. Martha Deeble. 1731. April 14. Mr. Geo. Deeble. 1732. Jan. 4. Mr. John Deeble, aged 82. 1736. Dec. 31. Mrs. Mary Deeble. 1737. Oct. 12. John Deeble, gent. SHBVIOCK. 19 The representation of the Deebles of Wolsdon, is now vested in that of Boger of Wolsdon. The next memorial to claim our attention is one to the Wallis family. It is a plain marble tablet, and records that John Wallis, Esq., of Stoke Damerel, died at Trethill, in this parish, in June, 1780, aged 67. Also Ann Wallis, his wife, who, having survived him for twenty-six years, died 20th January, 1806, aged 70 years. Their only child Ann, the wife of J. T. Duckworth, Esq., Captain R.N., and Colonel in the Royal Marines, died at Stoke, 20th August, 1795, aged 46 years, to whose memory, and that of their grandparents, her children erected this stone, as we are told by the inscription. An adjacent tablet records that George WalUs Duckworth died 21st May, 1811, aged 2 years and 9 months. Also Lieutenant-Colonel George Henry Duckworth, 48th Regiment, who fell at Albuera 16 th May, 1811, to whose memories this tablet was erected by Penelope, mother of the former and widow of the latter. Another marble tablet commemorates a little daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel George Henry and Penelope Duckworth — Penelope Fanshawe Duckworth, who died at the age of 7 years, 3rd October, 1814. The husband of the above Ann Wallis became afterwards Admiral Sir Jolin Thomas Duckworth, Bart., G.C.B., who was created a baronet 2nd November, 18l3. They had two children (1) George Henry — named above as being kilied at Albuera — the death of whose only child, by his wife Penelope, daughter of Robert Fanshawe, Esq., Commissioner R.N., is recorded as mentioned above. (2) Sarah Ann, married in November, 1803, to Sir Richard King, Bart. A mural tablet contains an inscription on brass in memory of Ann, eldest daughter of the Rev. Mydhope Wallis, of Trethill, in this parish, and widow of Dr. Bryan Roberts, Rector of Drewsteignton, co. Devon, and of St. John's, in Cornwall; also her eldest son, the Rev. Samuel Wallis Roberts, b.d., of Trethill, who died 16th June, 1863, aged 70; also of another son, Wightwick Roberts, Esq., who died at Trethill May 9th, 1872, aged 73. The name of Wallis occurs in the Register of this parish as early as 1570. Philip Wallis, of Sheviock, claimed to enter his arms and pedigree at the Heralds' Visitation in 1620, but his claim was disallowed. c 2 20 HBRALDIO CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. The foUowing are from the Registers : BAPTISMS. 1625. Oct, 9. Aime, daughter of Richard Wallis and Ursula his wife, 1626. Dec son of Richard Wallis and Ursula his wife. 1626. July, 22, Peter, son of Oliver Wallis and Catherine his wife. 1644. April 17. Mary, daughter of Anthony Wallis and Amy his wife. 1656. Nov. 1. Richard, son of Mr, John Wallis and Mary his wife, borne 23rd October previous. 1656. Jan. 30. Anthonie, son of Mr. Richard Wallis and Isett hifi wife, borne 15th same month. 1657. April 4, John, son of Anthony Wallis, and Annis his wife, borne 22nd March, 1656. 1657. Dec. 15. Mary, daughter of Mr. John Wallis and Mary his wife, borne 4th same month. 1663. Jan. 12. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Wallis and Mary his wife. 1664. Oct. 22. John, son of Mr. Richard Wallis and Iset his wife, and was buried the 26th of the same month. 1665. March 21. John, son of Mr. John Wallis and Mary his wife. 1666. June 5. Mary, daughter of Mr. Richard Wallis and Iset his wife. 1667. March 12. Richard, son of Mr. John Wallis and Mary his wife. 1670. Oct. 25. Jone, daughter of Mr. Richard Wallis and Iset his wife. *1672. May 8. Arthur, son of Mr. John Wallis and Mary his wife. 1694. July 20. Ferdinando, son of Mr. Henry Wallis, gent., and Elizabeth his wife. 1695. Dec. 17. John, son of Mr. Henry Wallis, gent., and Elizabeth his wife. 1697. Nov. 2. Anne, daughter of Mr. Henry Wallis, gent., and EUzabeth his wife. WEDDINGS. 1570. April 19. OUver Wallis and Arg S(argent ?) William Waren and Elizabeth Wallis. John Hichens and Elizabeth Wallys. John Wallys and Susanna Carkeete. Ferdinando Wallis and Mary Peter. Oliver Walles and Richard Bonny. Anthoine Wallis and Annis Pe (parchment gone). Hooper and Elizabeth Wallis. Robert Stevens and Pentecost Wallis. " Mr. WiUiam Hobb and Ann Wallis. 1608. July 2. 1609. Feb. 20. 1610. June 18. 1616. Feb. 5. 1636. April 28. 1640. Feb. 10. 1643. 1644. Nov. 26. 1649. Sept. 6. 8HBVI0CK. 21 1657. A contract of matrymony between Mr. William Sparkman, of the pish, of St. Germans of the one pte., and Mrs. Mary Wallis of this pish, of thother pte. was in this pish, church published in the close of the morning exercise (without contradiction of anyone) three severall Lords dayes ; viz., the third, the tenth, and the seaventeenth dayes of May, in the yeere afores^^, 1657, by mee, Will: Jane, Register. Stephen Simon and Sibly Wallis, both of this pish. Charles Lang and Thomasin Wallis. Oliver Wallis and Eleanor Lavers, widow. Oliver Wallis and Johan, daughter of Henry Lavers. Anthony Wallace and Grace Sargent, widow. Oliver Wallis and Eliz. Austen, widow. Henry Wallis and Eliz. Hodge. Anthony Wallis and EUz. Avery. BURIALS. Thomasyn Wallis. Richard, son of Richard Wallis, jun. Mr. Richard Wallis, of Skonner. Henry Wallis, gent. Mr. John Wallis of Trethill. Ferdinando Wallis, Esq. A brass plate fixed on a black marble slab is inscribed to the memory of Alphonse Charles de Morel, ensign, 30th Regiment British Native Infantry, who fell in the battle of ChiUianwallah, 13th January, 1849, aged 23. He was the eldest son of the Count de Morel and Charlotte Jemina, his wife, the eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Reginald Pole-Carew, of Antony House. A mural tablet records that Mrs, Jane, wife of Mr. Hugh Littleton, of Intown in St. Germans, yeoman, and daughter of Hugh Littleton, of Lanjore, in the same parish, gent., died 16th May, 1773, aged 63; also Mary, Elizabeth, and Jane, daughters of the above. Mary died 25th January, 1740, aged 5 years; Elizabeth died 16th February, 1742, aged 9 years; and Jane died 20th November, 1757, aged 17 years. The above Mr. Hugh Littleton, of Intown, died 1st January, 1788, aged 78. There is a pedigree of Littleton in CoL Vivian's Visitations of Cornwall^ but this line is not continued beyond Hugh Littleton, of St. Germans, baptised at Lanlivery 1st May, 1682. Mr. Hugh Littleton and Mrs. Grace Littleton are recorded in these Registers as having been married at St. Germans 5th January, 1732. There must be a mistake in this entry 1661. Dec. 17. 1667. Oct. 15. 1670. Nov. 26, 1671. May 30. 1689. April 8. 1691. Nov. 16. 1692. Nov. 30. 1697. 1611. Feb. Nov. 3. 1652. Feb. 23. 1654. April 12. 170L Oct. 12, 1713. Oct. 30. 1737. July 16. 1699. March 6. 1701. Sept. 13. 1702. March 20. 1705. Aug. 3. 1710. June 27. 1712. March 25. 1698. May 16. 1738. Dec. 31. 1702. Sept. 17. 1713. Feb. 13. 1716. Aug. 21. 22 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. of the name of Grace instead of Jane ; the dates agree too closely for there being much doubt. The name does not occur again in the Kegisters until the close of the seventeenth century, and then there are not many entries. BAPTISMS. Elizabeth, daughter of John Littleton and Dorothy. John, son of John Littleton and Dorothy. John, son of John Littleton and Dorothy. Philip, son of John Littleton and Dorothy. Hugh, son of John Littleton and Dorothy. Samuel, son of John Littleton and Dorothy. WEDDINGS, John Littleton and Dorothy Bloye. Samuel Littleton and Grace Martin. BURIALS. John, son of John Littleton. Dorothy Littleton. Elizabeth Littleton. 1735. April 20. John Littleton. It only remains now to give the information on a slate slab to complete the histories on stone within this church ; and it is brief, and simply tells us that William Dunrich, of Liscawn, in this parish, died 3rd February, 1794, aged 73; and that his wife Elizabeth died 26th February, 1802, aged 83. In the yard among others are memorials to the following: Captain John Pole, R.N., second -son of the late Rev. Edward Pole, D.D., rector of Barford St. Martin's, county Wilts, and brother to the Eev. Reginald Pole, rector of this parish. He died 31st October, 1838, aged 38 years. Also Jane Pole, wife of the above Rev. Edward Pole, d.d., who died on the 8th March, 1854, aged 87. (The above Rev. Edward Pole, d.d., was the youngest son of Reginald Pole, Esq., grandson of Sir John Pole, pi Shute. His elder brother, the Rev. Reginald Pole, took the name and arms of Carew, and was grandfather of the present W. H. Pole-Carew, Esq.) Lieutenant George Wallis Glanville, Bengal army, killed at Cawnpore 27th June, 1857, aged 25 years, son of Francis Glanville, of Catchfrench, and Amabel his wife. Amabel, wife of Francis Glanville, Esq., of Catchfrench, died 12th April, 1871, aged 74 years. SHBVIOCK. 23 Harriet Elizabeth, youngest child of Francis and Amabel Glan- ville. of Catchfrench, died 24th June, 1867. (The above Francis Glanville was the eldest son and heir of Francis Glanville, Esq., of Catchfrench, j.p., d.l., and m.p. for Plymouth from 1797 to 1802 ; by his second wife Elizabeth, second daughter of Robert Fanshawe, Esq., Commissioner of Plymouth Dockyard. He married Amabel, daughter of the Right Hon. Reginald Pole- Carew, and sister of the present W. H. Pole-Care w, Esq., of Antony House, by whom he had, with other children, the Rev. Henry Carew Glanville, m.a., the present rector of Sheviock.) John Littleton, Esq., of Trewin, who died 24th February, 1869, aged 58. Turning our attention to the Registers of the parish, we find that they exist from a much earlier period than many in this neighbourhood — indeed, we may say than most; but as they have formed the subject of a recent paper read before the Society of Antiquaries, which has been printed in their Proceedings,^ we will only briefly refer to their condition here, and give a few extracts that appear interesting. The earliest existing dates are Burials in 1569 ; "Weddings 1571 (if we except two entries in 1570); but no Baptisms remain earlier than 1624. In many places half the pages are quite gone, the parchment having mouldered away, so that we must by no means think that because there are entries back to those dates the whole remains; for until about 1640 only a very small portion is still legible, and in some parts many years are entirely wanting. Appended to the earlier portion of the Register, having been written at the end of the volume, are the following notices of collections made on briefs ; viz. : Collected in this pish of Sheviock the 17"' day of June 1655 by John Gey, minister, Richard Bray, & Symon Lavers, churchwardens, and William Jane, their assistant, the full sume of one pound tenn shillings & six pence for the poor protestants in Savoy according to a Declaration of his Highnesse the L'* Protector & his Counsell to that purpose : And the 2P' day of the s'' month in the s day of September by John Radford then Maior of Saltash, as by his Certificate under his hand & Seaale to mee hath beene certified, in the yeere 1654. Will: Jane, Regist'. Richard Bray the sonne of Emanuell Bray & Jone Reape the daughter of William Reape deceased both of this pish were marryed by Anthony Rouse Esq''^ then Justice of y« peace for the County of Cornwall the third day of Aprill in the yeere of our Lord one thousand sixe hundred fiftie seaven, as by his certificate under his hand & Scale bearinge date the day & yeere afores'^ to mee hath beene certified. Will : Jane, Regist'. ^ In the banns which were published in this church the 7th, 14th, and 21st of the same month they are called 'both of this pish.' 26 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. There only remain six such entries, but there is a gap between 1654, when such entries commence, and 1657, when they cease, and the marriages are said to be "by Mr. Richard Rolle, then minister of this pish." The Register of Marriages appears to have been very badly kept from about 1644 to 1657. Thus the years 1645-48-50 have oidy one entry each, but there is not such a falling off in the Baptisms and Burials. Among the latter these are rather singular : 1650. June 26. John Lavers of Lantick in S' Germans was buried here. 1650. July 9. John Rooby, who was droivned with the said John Lavers the xx* June last, was found brought hither and buried the ix* July. 1651. July 19. Robert son of Nicholas Williams of S' Germans, who was drowned with his father at Wrickle Cliffe, was found, brought hither, and buried. 1654. Aug. 22. Anstis Ham, who lived fowerscore and odd yeeres and yet died a mayd to the great wonder of the world. The Baptisms contain little that calls for special notice. On 27th August, 1626, we find the entry of Thomas (?), son of John Harrys, a blind man, whose dwelling-place, he said, was Lanteglosse- by-Foye. The follo"wing, either from a genealogical point, or for other reasons, appear sufficiently interesting to merit notice. BAPTISMS. 1624. March 28. David, son of Mr. Gregory Arundell and Dorothy his wife. This is the earliest existing baptismal entry in the Register. Mr. Gregory Arundell was rector of the parish. He appears in Col. Vivian's work (p. 13); but there his wife is caUed Edith, who was probably his second wife, and this Dorothy Ms first. It is most unfortunate that the Register is so imperfect, as there were probably other children who, with this David, are not men- tioned in the pedigree above referred to; indeed, most of the Arundell entries here given are not to be found in the above work. 1655. Jan. 22. Ann, daughter of Mr. John Gey (late minister of this pish.) and Patience his wife, bom 27th Dec. previous. v 1656. April 7. Mary, daughter of Mr. Richard Rolle and Mary his wife, bom 30th March previous. 8HEVI0CK. 27 1656. June 29, Gregory, son of Mr. John Amndell and Elizabeth his wife, born 17th of the same month. 1657. June 6. Richard, son of Walter Arundell and Jone his wife, bom 27th May previous. 1667. June 22. Mary, daughter of Mr, Wm. Hawke and Mary his wife, born 27th May previous. 1658. April 14. Margaret, daughter of Mr. Richard Rolle and Mary his wife, bom 15th March previous. 1664, July 1, Philip, son of Mr, John Blake and Grace his wife. 1664, Oct. 14. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Richard Rolle and Elizabeth his wife. 1664. Nov. 24. Amy, daughter of John Arundell, of Coate, and Ursula his wife. 1665. Jan. 10. Walter, son of Mr. Walter Arundell and Jone his wife, and buried 12th Jan. following. 1665. Mar. 21. Henry, son of Ferdinando Spiller and Margaret his wife. 1665. Mar. 21. Mary, daughter of Mr. John Blake and Grace his wife. 1668, May 22. John, son of John Arundell and Ursula his wife. 1668. Dec. 15. Jone, daughter of Mr. Richard Rolle and Jone his his wife. 1671. Nov. 2. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Richard Rolle and Joan his wife. 1679. June 10. George, son of Mr. Richard Rolle and Jone his wife, bom 26th May previous. 1684. April 12. Walter, son of Richard Arundell and Bridget his wife. 1685. April 17. Jone, daughter of Richard Arundell and Bridget his wife. 1686. Feb. 14. Amie, daughter of Richard Arundell and Bridget his wife. 1687. July 28. Penelope, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Kendall and Jane his wife, bap. at Lanlivery. This Mr. Nicholas Kendall took his m.a. degree, was ordained deacon in the Lady Chapel at Exeter 21st July, 1680, priest on the 30th, and instituted to the rectory of Sheviock on the 31st of the same month, thus bringing him to this parish, of which he rebuilt the rectory-house, over a mantelpiece in which the arms of Kendall still remain, though the house is no longer used for its original purpose. The baptism of Penelope is recorded in the Register of Lan- livery, as are also those of Walter and Charles, with the statement that they were baptized at Sheviock. Walter was the eldest son, and became of Pelyn. He married, and was ancestor of the present Kendalls of Pelyn, &c. The second son, Charles, took 28 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. holy orders, and attained the degree of d.d. He also married and left descendants.^ Nicholas Kendall is buried at Lanlivery, where there is a mural monument to his memory. He is described as Nicholas Kendall, M.A., vicar of Lanlivery, rector of Sheviock, canon residentiary of the cathedral church of St. Peter, Exeter, and archdeacon of Totnes. Bom 28th Jan., 1656, died 3rd March, 1739, and buried in the cathedral church of St. Peter, Exeter. He married first Jane, daughter of Thomas Carew of Harrobear, Esq., by whom he had issue six sons and six daughters. He married secondly Hannah, daughter of John Snell of Exeter, Esq., who survived him. The inscription states that this monument was erected to his memory by his eldest son, "Walter Kendall, Esq., of Pelyn. The monument is surmovmted by the following shield of arms; viz., the dexter, Arg. a chev. hetto. three dolphins embowed so. ; Kendall : the sinister, Per fesse, in chief or, three lions pass. sa. ; Carew: in base. Quarterly gu. and az., a cross Jlory, or; Snell. A ledger-stone on the floor has the arms of Kendall imp. Carew finely cut and preserved, being, as the inscription tells us, for Jane, wife of the above Nicholas Kendall, of Pelyn, clerk, bom 1st Nov., 1664, married Uth Oct., 1686, and buried 4th Sept., 1717. Another mural tablet commemorates the above-named Penelope, which gives the date of her birth as the 23rd July, 1687, and her marriage 9th March, 1702, to Mr. James Yonge, of Plymouth; but she died young, having been buried 28th June, 1708. According to these dates, she could not have been sixteen years of age at her marriage. But they cannot be far wrong; for in the Eegister of St. Andrew, Plymouth, is the burial, 12th Jan., 1705, of Penelope, daughter of Mr. James Young; while the second marriage of this James Yonge (as more correctly spelt on the monument in question), with Mrs. Mary Upton, is entered in the last-named Register as taking place 28th Sept., 1716. It will be found that this account, beside giving some additional dates, &c., differs somewhat as to the benefices held by Nicholas Kendall. His institution to the Rectory of Sheviock is given on the authority of the original book of declarations on Institution signed by the Rector himself. Having given this explanation, it 1 See Visitations of Cornwall, p. 260 ; but most of the entries from these Registers are not given there. SHBVIOCK. 29 will be unnecessary to make any observation on the baptisms or burials of the other children of Nicholas Kendall, which will follow : Gilbert, son of Mr. Samuel Beere and Elizabeth. Hawkyn, son of Mr. Samuel Beere, gent., and Elizabeth. Walter, son of Mr. Nicholas Kendall and Jane, bom 12th July. Richard, son of Richard Arundel! and Bridgett. Samuel, son of Samuel Beere, gent. , and Elizabeth. Charles, son of Mr. Nicholas Kendall and Jane, bom 26th February. John, son of Philip Blake, gent., and Mary his wife, of the parish of St. Emey. Bridget, daughter of Richard Arundell and Bridget. Jane, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Kendall and Jane, bom 20th May. Gregory, son of Richard Anmdell and Bridget. John, son of Richard Arundell and Bridget. James, son of Mr. Nicholas Kendall and Jane, bom 31st May. Gregory, son of Richard Arundell and Joan. Mary, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Kendall and Jane, born 13th August. Mary, daughter of Richard Arundell and Joan. Mary, daughter of John Arundell and Mary. Elizabeth, daughter of John Arundell and Mary. Elizabeth, daughter of John Amndell and Mary. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Neele and Johanna his wife, at Plymouth. 1707. Nov. 25. Margery, daughter of John Martin and Mary his wife. To this is appended the note that " Gregory Anmdell is near the same age." 1711. May 15. John, son of John Neale, gent., and Joanna his wife, bom April 14th. WEDDINGS. 1599. Sept. 16. William Bond, Esq., and Mary, daughter of Fer- dinando Spyller. This was probably the William Bond of Earth, whose wife Margaret, daughter and co-heir of Hugh Fountayne of Ugborough, was buried at St. Stephen's-by-Saltash, 10th October, 1597, he himself being buried there 15th September, 1623. 1599. Oct. 22. Christopher Skelton and Jane Buller. 1604. Oct. 29. WUliam Spyller and Elizabeth Grylles. 1604. Oct. . 30. Edward Grylles and Elizabeth Spyller. 1687. 1689. Mar. April 20. 2. 1689. Aug. 12. 1689. 1690. 1690. Sep. Feb. Mar. 7. 22. 21. 1691. Feb. 2. 1692. 1693. July May 26. 30. 1693. 1693. 1695. Feb. Feb. June 14. 14. 1. 1695. 1696. July Sept. 25. a 1700. 1701. 1702. 1704. 1707. Sept. April Aug. June Nov. 5. 8. 2. 26. 5. 1616. Feb. 5. 1624. Nov. 22. 1627. Feb. 4. 1633. Aug. 26. 1646. May 25. 1649. Sep. 27. 1650. Dec. 31. 1651. April 6. 1653. June 30. 1659. 30 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. 1608. Aug. 30. Thomas Peake, citizen of London, and Tibitha Arundell. Arthur Peter and Elizabeth Arundell. Philip Blake and Sibley Pope. Manides Govett and Jone Edgecombe. Trehane Scawen, gent., and Dorothie, daughter of Mr. Gregory Arundell. Humphery Roberts and Frances Ellis of Plymouth. Ferdinando Poplestone and Tibitha Smyth. As I am informed (sic). Mr, Francis Reynolds and Mrs. Mary Arundell. Mr. George Browne of Exeter and Mary Peter. John Arundell and Amye Hichins. William Andrew of St. Budeaux, in Devon, and Mary Truscott of this pish. Published 27th March, 3rd and 10th April, 1659. 1669. July 14. Nicholas Lukey of Eglosheale and Susanna Blake of this pish. 1661. April 16. John Arundell of Coate and Ann Skelton. 1662. April 24. John Arundell of Coate and Ursula Hocken. 1662. April 28. Edward Bunce and Susan Finch, both of the pish. of St. Germans. 1663. July 24. Richard Trowte of Tavistock, county Devon, gent., and Jane Lukyes, vid., servant to Mr. John Wallis of this pish. By Licence. 1663. Ajag. 6. Thomas Osmanton of Littlehosteed, county Sussex, clerke, and Emlyn Rolle of this pish. By Licence. 1663. Oct. 15. Mr. Richard Rolle, Rector, and Elizabeth Smyth. (See full entry under Smyth extracts.) 1665. May 11. Mr. Christopher Leach of St. Winnow, clerk, and Mrs. Mary Lonn, widow. By Licence. 1666. Sept. 19. Richard Scrawen, gent, of the pish, of Probus, and Mary Bond, daughter of William Bond, Esq., of the pish, of St. Stephens, neere Saltash, deceased. By Licence. She was baptised at St. Stephens, 5th July, 1635, and is named in the Bond pedigree (Visitation Cornwall, p. 41), but not her marriage. 1668. July 27. Mr, Richard Rolle, Rector of Sheviock, and Jone, daughter of William Jane. By Licence. 1670. Mar. 31. Gregory Martin of Plymouth Apothecary and Cath- erine Edgcumbe of this pish., spinster. By Licence, 1676. Mar. 6. Mr. Richard Rolle, Rector of Sheviock, and Mrs. Jone Hitchins. By Licence, This Jone Hitchins was iindoubtedly Jone, daughter of William Hichins of Sheviock, who by his will, proved 8th April, 1635, 1679. Jan. 1. 1683. June 19. 1686. March 12. 1694. June 2. 1695. Jan. 16. 1700. Feb. 5. 1704. Dec. 29. 1708. 1721. Nov. 14. 1722. Dec. 26. 1729. April 8. SHEVIOCK. 31 left the barton of Sheviock to his son John Hichins, then under age. His marriage with Mary Coa — is entered 8th October, 1619. Unfortunately a portion of the parchment here is quite decayed away, thus destroying part of the surname of the wife. From the same cause most of the entries relating to this William Hichins are gone. John Warren and Sibella Arundel! . Richard Arundell and Bridget Balson. Samuel Beere and Elizabeth Hawkyn. Richard Arundell and Jone Hawke. Henry Austen and Amy Arundell. John Arundell and Mary Cole, widow. Mr. Peter Osbom and Mrs. Anne Chapman, of Liskeard. John Harvy and Amy Arundell. John Short and Mary Arundell. Samuel Spiller and Joan Arundell. Mr. Samuel Trewbody, Minister of St. Germans, and Mrs. Elizabeth Hancock, of Hendra, widow, by Licence. 1737. Nov. 27. Richard Hobbs, of St. Germans, and Mary Glan- ville, of Sheviock. 1739. Aug. 1. Mr. Robert Snook and Mrs. Sarah Pomery. 1742. Oct. ■ 24. Mr. Cornelius George and Mrs. Elizabeth Bennet, by Licence. 1744. Oct. 22. Mr. John Jesop and Mrs. Elizabeth Foot, by Licence. 1746. May 23. Mr. Thomas Edwards and Mrs. Thomasine Little, by Licence. BURIALS. Katherine, daughter of Ferdinando Spiller. John the S' giant of Southyas (sic.). Mr. Arthur Peter. Elizabeth, daughter of Walter Arundell. Philip, son of Walter Arundell. Richard, son of Mr. Richard Anmdell. Mr. Toby Langdon. Mr. Gregory Arundell, Minister of this Pish. Mrs. Elizabeth Peter. Johanna, Chara Mea filia, Richard RoUe, Rector of Sheviock, Sepul. Duo decimo aetat 35. Mrs. Katherine Arundell, widow. Mr. John Blake. Mrs. Margaret Bond, spinster. Anthony Bond, gent. Mrs. Joan Rolle, widow. 1689. Dec. 29. Mr. Philip Blake, aged 89. 1583. June 14. 1589. Aug. 10. 1652. Aug. 13. 1652. June 26. 1652. March I 9. 1653. March 11. 1654. Aug. 10. 1654. Feb. 4. 1674. Jan. 29. 1675. Oct. 20. 1676. Sept. 9. 1676. Feb. 2. 1679. Marcl] I 2. 1681. Nov. 19. 1683. April 24. 32 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTB^ PROM CORNWALL. 1690. March 28. Walter ArundelL 1690. March 31. Samuel Beere. 1692. Aug. 6. Sir John Carew, Bart., died 1st August. 1693. Jan. 18. Jane, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Kendall. 1693. Feb. 15. Bridgett ArundelL 1693. Feb. 16. John, son of Richard Arundell. 1694. Oct. 28. Ursula Arundell. 1694. Nov. 18. John Arundell. 1694. March 24. Gregory Anmdell. 1695. June 3. James, son of Mr. Nicholas Arundell. 1695. Oct. 2. Gregory Arundell. 1695. Oct. 8. Nicholas Arundell. 1695. Nov. 1. Hugh Hawkyn, gent. 1696. Nov. 23. Mary, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Kendall. 1700. March 3. Richard Arundell. 1701. April 9. Mary, daughter of John Arundell. 1702. Feb. 4. Elizabeth Arundell. 1703. Oct. 18. Su- Richard Carew, Bart., died 24th September, buried at Anthony. 1704. March 31. Jone Arundell, junr. 1704. July 17. Bridgett Arundell. 1705. July 3. Mrs. Elizabeth Blake. 1706. Aug. 26. Walter AnmdelL 1707. Aug. 18. John Arundell. 1708. March 30. Richard Arundell. 1710. July 2. Mr. Ferdinando Spiller. 1710. Sept. 15. Mrs. Grace Blake, widow. 1711. Jan. 27. Mr. Thomas Blake. 1713. Aug. 11. John Neele, gent. 1715. March 23. Mary Arimdell. 1717. May 20. Samuel Beere, gent. 1717. Mrs Kendall, died 3rd September. (This was Jane, the first wife of Nicholas Kendall. She was buried with a monument at Lanlivery, as already mentioned.) 1718. June 10. Mrs. Margaret Spiller. 1719. April 19. Mrs. Phillis Langdon. 1720. June 21. Anthony Blake, gent., aged 88 years. 1723. April 22. Roger Langdon, gent. A riding officer or waiter. 1724. Dec. 13. Mrs. Mary Blake, aged 92 years. 1729. March 7. Mr. Robert Avery, clerk, of St. Germans. 1730. Dec. 27. Joan Arundell, widow. 1732. Oct. 19. Mr. James Kendall, clerk. 1732. March 6. Mr. John Jenkyn, clerk. 1733. AprU 11. Mr. Short, of St. Germans. 1734. Gilbert Beere, gent. 1736. June 8. Mrs. Elizabeth Beere. 1736. Aug. 14. Mrs. Hawkins Beere. 1736. Sept. 10. EUzabeth Arundell. 1739. April 4. Gregory ArundelL 8ALTASH. 33 It will be perhaps a surprise to many persons to be informed that the ancient fabric which is very generally supposed to be the _ . , parish church of Saltash has not been such until within the last few years, being in fact only a private chapel within the parish of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, and supplied by a chaplain whose jurisdiction- was limited by the walls of his " chapeL" Strange as it may appear, the borough town of Saltash, with its Mayor and Corporation, its Members of Parliament, and its extended jurisdiction of the silver oar, was only a portion of the rural parish of St, Stephens, to whose church, a mile distant, its inhabitants had to resort for such offices of the church as baptism, marriage, and burial. The chapel, which is dedicated to St. Nicholas, was originally a cell belonging to the Priory of St. Germans, and its services were performed by the monks of that house. In the latter part of the fifteenth century, one of the Smyths of Tregonnick left a bequest to the chaplain of St. Nicholas Chapel, Saltash, to perform masses, and assist in the services of the said chapel, which latter clause saved the bequest from confiscation on the suppression of religious houses by King Henry VIII., while the fabric of the chapel was handed over to the Cor- poration, the priest of St. Nicholas acting as their chap- lain. As the private chapel of a municipal corporation, one would expect to find the sacred building filled with me- morials of deceased mayors and worthy aldermen ; but such is not the case — the monuments are few and modern. There is a mural monument in memory of Gertrude Hawkins, wife of Captain Edward Hawkins, r.n., who died 21st June, 1823, and her husband, who died 30th April, 1829. The arms on this D 34 HERALDIC CBOOrRCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. monument are, Sa. on waves of the sea in base vert, a lion pass, arg., the tail coward, over the lion's head Jive annulets of the third. Crest, A moor's head couped below the shoulders sa., vested arg., side face. These arms are a variation of the coat borne by Sir John Hawkins. Another tablet commemorates Edward Ha\vkins, who died in January, 1813, aged 93 years; Mary his wife, who died in May 1814, aged 72 years; and their daughter, Anne, who died in December, 1777, aged 4 years and 6 months. A third tablet records another member of this family, Elizabeth Hawkins, widow of Edward Hawkins, Captain r.n., who died 4th January, 1864. An inscription within an arched canopy in the wall, forming an altar tomb, records the death, on the 9 th October, 1839, and in the 42nd year of her age, of Anna Eliza, wife of the Eev. "William Hawkins, ll.b., together with their daughters, Jane, bom 9th and died 13th October, 1839, and Emily Caroline, who died 8th October, 1841, aged 5 years. In the Eegister are a few entries relating to this family. A neat tablet with bas-relief, supposed to represent the scenes of the disaster, is in memory of John and James Drew, Captains R.N., also James William Drew, Acting- Lieutenant, the first and third drowned crossing Cawsand Bay 11th January, 1798, the second shipwrecked and drowned the 25th May following; the tablet being erected, as the inscription records, by their surviving relatives. Commemorating some connections of the same family stands a tablet telling us that Louisa Barlow, wife of WiUiam Barlow, of Plymouth Dock, gent., and daughter of Stephen Drew, Esq'"^ Alderman of Saltash, departed this mortal life 19th July, 1795, at the early age of 25 years and 9 months. Stephen Drew Barlow, their son, died October, 1793, aged only 18 weeks, and was followed to the grave by an infant sister aged 19 months, Louisa Drew Barlow, who died 30th June, 1796. A mural tablet informs us that John Evans, Esq., Purser, r.n,, Secretary to Admiral the Hon. William Cornwallis, and twice Mayor of Saltash, died 3rd July, 1834, aged 71. It also commemorates Jane, his first wife, who died 28th October, 1808, aged 37 years; and Mary Ziegel, his second wife, who survived him only a few months, dying 22nd January, 1835, aged 53 years. The same marble records the death of John Henry Evans, Esq., m.d., son of the above John and Mary Ziegel Evans, who departed this life SALTASH. 35 21st October, 1855, aged 23. The memorial was erected by the surviving son and four daughters of John Evans. Upon the walls we find three monumental tablets to members of the family of Hore. The earliest of these is for Charity, wife of Nicholas Hore, of Saltash, who died 29th December, 1791, aged 65. Her husband followed her to the grave in 1800. "Putting oflf this mortal coil on the 25th May, after having borne the joys and sorrows of seventy-two years of life ; leaving six children surviving him." The second of these tablets is in memory of Sally Ball Graham, born 11th June, 1817, and died 30 th April, 1818; and also James Hore Graham, born 22nd August, 1815, dying 29th May, 1818, children of Major John Hore Graham, R.M., and Kachacl Collier, his wife. The remaining stone records the fact that Mathew Hore, Esq., of this parish, Commander of H.M. Revenue cutter, died 23rd November, 1826, aged 61. It is also in memory of his second son, Mathew Hore, who was lost in a shipwreck 23rd July, 1821. Another stone records the death of a civic dignitary, John Cook, Esq., mayor of Saltash for nine successive years, who died 25th July, 1873, at the good old age of 85 years. Two of the windows in the church are memorial One has the arms of Littleton — a family already mentioned under Sheviock Church ; viz.. Quarterly — 1 and Jf. Arg. a chev. aa. betw. three escallop shells sa. ; Littleton -.2^3 Or, three piles in point sa., a canton erm. ; Wrottesley : on the centre a crescent or, for the difference of the second line. Crest, A stag's face ppr. charged with a crescent sa. for difference, betw. the hoi'ns a hunting horn of the last. Motto, Ung dieu et ung roy. Beneath this the date 1869. The motto is an exposition of the Scriptural doctrine, " No man can serve two masters," wherein it is shown you must serve but one God and King, which together are one Master ; for to serve the under lord must involve the service of the over lord — at least it is so in theory. A brass beneath this window is inscribed to the memory of Nicholas Henry Littleton, m.b., born 1st January, 1823, died 23rd November, 1848. The other memorial window commemorates Robert Nepean Duins, Esq., of Bombay, and Rose Anne Brady, his wife, and was erected by his brothers and sisters in 1865. The only remaining memorial is a floor slab in an out-of-the-way corner, though it is the oldest and most interesting memorial in D 2 36 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. the church. It commemorates Edward "Webb, an alderman of this corporation, who died 8th October, 1750, aged 48. On it are cut his arms ; viz., A cross with a double-headed eagle displayed in the second quarter. Crest, An ass's head couped. The arms are not quite correct. The eagle should have only one head, and' be placed in the first quarter. The family were descended from Webb, of- Exeter, who entered their arms and pedigree at the Heralds' Visitation of Devon in 1620. The arms so entered were. Or, a cross sa., in the first quarter an eagle displayed of the second. Ciest, A hind's head couped ppr. The burial of this Edward "Webb is not entered in the register, though that of his wife, Mrs. Phi- lippa "Webb, is recorded as taking place on the 22nd January, 1768. Also the baptism, the 23rd March, 1744, of Arthur Kelley, son of Edward and Philippa, privately, and confirmed in the chapel on 29th May, 1745. Several entries of others of the name of "Webb occur, but there appears no connection between them. It is rather strange that the arms of the wife of the above Edward "Webb are not impaled on the floor slab. She was the second daughter of Arthur KeUy, of Kelly, Esq., by his wife Susanna, daughter and heiress of "William Hancock, of Hendra, in St. Germans, gent. "We will now turn to the Registers themselves, the entries in which, from the cause already stated — St. Nicholas being a non- parochial chapel within the parish of St. Stephen — are very few. One thin folio volume of parchment contains the whole of the entries down to the commencement of the present century. The baptisms begin in 1697, and there are entries down to 1815 ; such SALTASH. 37 of them as appear of sufficient interest are appended. The whole of the weddings are given below, being limited to the small number of seven, and one of these is stated to have been at St. Stephens. The burials extend from 1752 to 1815, and consist of sixty-one entries, being just an average of one each year. From their small number, and most of the names being of more or less general interest, it appears worth giving the Eegister of burials entire. Beside the Eegisters proper the following memoranda are entered: 1752, July 7. The worshipful Dr. Lee, Judge of the Arches Court of Canterbury, gave sentence in a cause of appeal between Stephen Hams, vicar of St. Stephens, and John Lyne, curate or chaplain of Saltash. In which sentence the Judge decreed for the appellant J. Lyne, revoked a former decree of nullity given by the Judge in the Court of Exeter, and confirmed the said John Lyne's license to y^ chapel of Saltash, heretofore obtained by him from the Bishop of Exeter, in pursuance of a nomination from the Mayor and free Burgesses of the said Borough of Saltash. J. Lyne, Chaplain. John Greet served the Borough of Saltash chaple as clerk for William Letheby, from April 26, 1741, to June 27, 1741, and then William Letheby died, and so he was settled clerk by the consent of Mr. Sweetnam then Mayor, and the rest of the aldermen. Written for memorandum the 17th Jan., 1742-3, by John Greet, Clerk. William Strathon served the Borough of Saltash as Deputy Clerk for John Greet three years, and then established by the Revd. William Trevanion Barlow, Mayor, and the Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Bench in Court 1791. William Strathon, Clerk of the chaple of Saltash. Memd. Jan. 24, 1803. At a meeting of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Free Burgesses, held this day at the Town Hall, the Revd. Charles Mathew was unanimously elected chaplain, in the room of the late Revd. William Trevanion Barlow. Received of Mr. Tucker four Briefs, & s. d. 1765. June 2. Collingbam and Abbotsbury, Fires in com. Wilts and Dorset 1765. Aug. 28. Lysham Church, in com. Lane. . 1765. (?) 12. Run (?) Church, in com. Stafford 1765. Hailstorm in com. Kent . At the end of the burials is the following record : It appears by the Book kept by W"" Strathon clerk of the chapel of this Borough & now shown to me that Thomas Carew Surgeon was buried in the said chapel the 26* of January 1797, the entry of which Burial in this Register Book was omitted at that time & Therefore is made from the clerk's Book as on the other side, the said clerk having made oath that He was present at the Burial of the said Thomas Carew. C. Mathew, chaplain. 1 6J 1 0^ 1 4i 7 2i 38 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. BAPTISMS. 1694. Dec. 4. Agnes, daughter of Mr. John Moulton. 1701. Jan. 4. Thomas, son of Thomas Wills and Sybella his wife. 1711. June 27. Jane, daughter of Captain John Tucker and Mar- garet liis wife. 1713. Nov. 13. Sarah, daughter of Captain John Tucker and Mar- garet his wife. 1715. Nov. 15. Lydston, son of Captain John Tucker and Margaret his wife. 1717. Mar. 30. John, son of Captain John Tucker and Margaret his wife. 1717. Feb. 7. Margareta Maria, daughter of Mr. John Hicks and Elizabeth his wife. 1722. Aug. 31. Elizabeth, daughter of John Hicks, gent., and Eliza- beth his wife. 1723. Nov. 11. Isabella, daughter of Robert Millett and Isabella his wife. 1724. April 13. Thomasme, daughter of Robert Millett and Isabella his wife. 1728. Feb. 20. John Moolton, son of Mr. Henry and Ann Carew. 1729. Sept. 1. John, son of Mr. John and Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks. 1730. Sept. 17. Grace, daughter of Mr. Henry and Mrs. Ann Carew. 1730. Oct. 15. William, son of Mr. John and Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks. 1731. Aug. 30. Robert, son of William Hancock and Mary his wife, born Sth August. (This entry is in Latin.) 1732. May 22. Loveday and Jone, daughters of Mr. John and Mrs. Elizabeth Hickes. 1732, Sept. 16. Ann, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Henry Carew and Ann his wife. 1736. May 3. John, son of Edmund and Ann Herring. 1737. Feb. 16. Ann, daughter of Edmund and Ann Herring. 1742. Jan. 21. Margaret Whiting, daughter of John and Mary Beele. 1743. Dec. 26. Thomas Pollard, son of Mr. Henry and Dorothy Lean. 1752. Aug. 25. Evan, son of Nicholas and Margaret Nepean. (There are a good many entries of members of this family. The Evan here mentioned, further particulars of whom will be found in the Baronetage, was created a baronet 10th June, 1802.) 1753. June 3. Solomon Tash, a Black Boy of Mr. Treheams. 1753. June 27. John Pomeroy, son of Mr. John James and Love- day his wife ; privately, and confirmed Sept. 9. 1755. Jan. 9. William, son of Mr. John James and Loveday his wife ; privately, and confirmed March 19. 1756. June 6. Sarah Sparke, daughter of the Rev. John Hutchins and Sarah his wife; privately, and publicly ratified in Townstall Church, in Dartmouth Hardness, on 7th August, 1757. 8ALTASH. 39 1756. April 15. Thomas, son of John James and Loveday his wife ; privately, and confirmed 2Ist September, 1757. 1757. June 15. Loveday, daughter of John James and Loveday; privately, and ratified September 21. 1757. Nov, 10. Catherine Browse, daughter of the Rev. John Hutchins and Sarah his wife. 1759. Dec. 18. Edmond, son of Richard and Eleanor Herring. 1761. Jan. 8. Robert Lidstone, son of John and Loveday James. 1765. Aug. 16. Harriott, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Neale, Chaplain, and Susanna his wife, bom July 2. 1765. Dec. 29. Dorothy Hicks, daughter of John and Loveday James. 1767. Aug. 4. Thomas, son of the Rev. Thomas Neale and Susanna his wife, born June 26. 1767. Aug. 9. Mary Arundell, daughter of John and Loveday James. 1769. May 21. Pendock, son of the Rev. Thomas Neale and Susanna his wife, bom May 8. Ann, daughter of Edmond and Sarah Herring. Joseph, son of William and Ann Worth. Edmond, son of Edmond and Sarah Herring. Mary Trehane, daughter of Edmond and Sarah Herring. Edmond, son of Edmond and Sarah Herring. John Henry, son of John and Mary Ziegel Evans, born 7th July. 1815. Jan. 6. Jane Elizabeth Porthouse, daughter of the Rev. Isaac Dawson, Chaplain of this borough, son of Thomas and Dinah Dawson of Troutbeck, near Kendal, in Westmoreland, by Ehzabeth his wife, daughter of Michael and Jane Appleby of Bishop's Auckland, co. Durham, bom 30th August, 1814. WEDDINGS. 1721. July 24. George Yeo, gent, and Gertrude Rogers. By Licence. Joel Pope and Elizabeth Stephens, widow. John Arundell and Honnor WUls. By Licence. John Wadge and Susannah Mounk, John Thomson and Mary George. The Rev. John Lyne and Amy Swetnam, widow of Nathaniel Swetnam, late carpenter of His Majesties' ship Saltash, and daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Amy Tucker of Crediton. 1755. July 29. The Rev. John Hutchins and Sarah Sparke of Dartmouth, daughter of Henry Sparke of Dart- mouth, merchant, married at St. Stephen's Church, as appears by the Register. 1788. Mar. 11. 1789. Aug. 22. 1789. Nov. 18. 1790. Dec. 23. 1793. April 15. 1812. Aug. 2. 1739. June 25. 1740. April 11. 1740. Mar. 21. 1740. Mar. 29. 1748-9 1. Jan. 6. 40 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL, BURIALS. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John Hickes. John, son of the Rev. Mr. Edmond Herring. Mary, wife of Mr, Robert Hickes. Mathew Hore, Catherine, daughter of Jacob Thomas and Catherine his wife. Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Hickes and Mary his wife. Mr. John Hickes. In Linnen. Mrs. Joan Williams. Catherine Browse, daughter of the Rev. John Hutchins and Sarah his wife. Mrs. Agnes Milles. Nicholas Webb. Elizabeth Tucker, wife of William Tucker. (This entry is first made with the Christian name of the wife blank, the next line has the entry repeated with the Christian name supplied. ) Mary, daughter of William Tucker. Loveday, daughter of John and Loveday James. Mrs. Philippa Webb. Mrs.DamarisSweetnam,wifeofMr.JosephSweetnam. Elizabeth, wife of James Little. John, son of John and Loveday James. Mr. Joseph Sweetnam, Mrs. Elizabeth Carwam. Mr. Thomas ChaflFe. Mr. Richard Herring. Mr. Samuel Hunn. John Hill, Esq. Margaret Brenton. Ann, daughter of Edward and Mary Hawkins. Martha Jenner. Elizabeth Webb. Dorothy Webb, Ann, daughter of Richard and Eleanor Herring. John Jenner, Esq., Alderman of this Corporation. Mary Webb. Thomas Graham. John Taylor. Tax paid. Charity Hore. Stephen Drew, son of William and Louisa Barlow. Nicholas Nepean, Alderman of this Borough. Jane, wife of Robert Hickes, Alderman of this Borough. Louisa Barlow, wife of William Barlow, of Plymouth Dock, gent. Louisa Drew, daughter of William and Louisa Barlow. 1753. Feb. 13. 1753. May 29. 1755. April 11. 1755. May 18. 1756. Feb. 23. 1756. June 8. 1756. Nov. 20. 1758. Sept. 9. 1758. Dec. 1. 1760. Jan. 21. 1760. Dec. 7. 1766. May 11. 1766. May 18. 1766. June 2. 1768. Jan. 22. 1768. Mar. 9. 1769. Jan. 25. 1769. July 12. 1769. Aug. 24. 1769. Dec. 31. 1771. June 14. 1771. Oct. 1. 1775. Oct. 18. 1775. Oct. 3L 1776. April 21. 1777. Dec. 10. 1779. Oct. 15. 1780. June 9. 1780. July 4. 1781. Oct. 3. 1782. Dec. 29. 1784. Jan. 11. 1784. May 30. 1785. Sept. 10. 1792. Jan. 4. 1793. Nov. 19. 1794. Mar. 5. 1794. April 24. 1795. July 21. 1796. June 2. EAST ANTONY. 41 1797. Jan. 26. Thomas Carew. 1797. April 12. Eleanor Herring. 1797. Aug. 31. Jane Mallet. 1797. Sept. 29. Sarah Collier. 1800. Feb. 14. William Herring. 1800. May 29. Michael Hore. 1801. Feb. 6. Mary Barlow. 1802. May 25. William Trevanion Barlow. 1802. June 20. Mary Breton. 1802. Dec. 29. Mary Drew. 1803. Dec. 6. Elizabeth Westcott. 1803. Dec. 30. Samuel Westcott. 1804. Oct. 20. John Drew, Lieutenant, r.n. 1805. June 1. Thomas Drew. 1806. Feb. 5. George Hanbury Williams Barlow. 1806. Mar. 5. Christopher Herring. 1808. Dec. 10. EUzabeth Spicer, wife of Col. William Spicer, r.a., and daughter of Mr. Hickes, Alderman of this Borough. 1809. Feb. 1. Robert Hickes, Alderman of the Borough of Saltash. 1815. April 5. Philip Perry, Surgeon, of the Borough of Saltash. The foregoing include the whole of the entries of "Weddings and Burials in the first volume, which extends down to the year 1815. This little sequestered church, perched on the side of a hill, and approached by a long flight of steps, well repays our attention ; EastAntonv ^°^ ^^ contains a long series of monuments in memory of divers of the family of Carew, of Antony House, a younger branch of the very ancient and influential family of that name. The account of the monuments cannot be more appropriately commenced than with the memorial of Margaret Arundell, which is by far the earliest sepulchral record in the church, and marks the resting-place of the elder of the co-heirs of L'Erchdekne, from the younger of whom East Antony came to the Carew family. She is buried in the chancel, beneath a large marble slab, with her portraiture in brass within a very fine floriated canopy. Over her head are the matrices of two shields, which originally held brass escutcheons, doubtless charged with the arms of Arundell of Tolveme and "Erchedeken" (or L'Erchdekne); while below her is a plate with an inscription, in which she is called "quonda dna de Est Antony." Her father's name is spelt "Erchedeken," and the date of her death is given as being the 26th October, 1420, a.d. 42 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. This lady was the second daughter and co-heir of Sir Waryn L'Erchdekne, of Haccombe, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Sir John Talbot, of Eichard's Castle. She married Sir Thomas Arundell, of Tolverne, second son of Sir John Arundell, of Lanherne, as his first wife, but died sine prole. Her sister, Philippa L'Erchdekne, married, as his second wife. Sir Hugh Courtenay, of Haccombe and Boconnoc, by whom she had two daughters, co-heirs to their mother ; viz., Eleanor, who died unmarried ; and Joane, aged 14 years at the death of her father, on 5th March, 1425. The latter married Nicholas Carew, Baron of Hydron, by whom she had, with other children, Nicholas Carew, Baron Hydron; Thomas Carew, of Mohuns Ottery; Nicholas Carew, of Haccombe; Alexander Carew, of East Antony, ancestor of Carew of that place; and Sir William Carew, of Bury, from whom descended Carew of Crowcombe, Carew Castle, and Pentrepant Hall. A plate of this brass, and an account of it, was given in Dunkin's Brasses of Cornwall. The next monument in point of date is a small tablet of black marble, with an ornamental bordure, commemorating the virtues of Bridget, a daughter of Chudleigh and wife of Carew, who died 11th April, 1611, being the mother of Nicholas, Alexander, Elizabeth, Martha, Mary, and Gertrude. The inscription gives us no further information, nor are there any arms; but we learn from the family pedigree at Antony House that she was a daughter of John Chudleigh, of Ashton, co. Devon (he succeeded to Chudleigh), and the first wife of Sir Eichard Carew, Bart., with these arms : Or, three lions pass. sa. armed gu. in pale; imp. Erm. three lions ramp. gu. The pedigree in Col. Vivian's Visitations of Cornwall does not give the date of her death. He gives the names of all the children except Nicholas, who probably died young; but to make up for this omission he gives her a son, Wymond, born 28th August, and baptized 7th September, 1623, at Antony, who was really a son of Sir Eichard Carew by his second wife, Grace, called daughter of Eobert Eolle, of Heanton, Esq., in the family pedigree above referred to. Following this in chronological order is a large black marble slab, erected by Sir Alexander Carew, Bart., as the stone itself tells us, to preserve some Latin verses composed by his grand- father, Eichard Carew, well known as the author of the Survey of Cornwall. The verses are preceded by a Latin inscription to the EAST ANTONY. 43 memory of the author of the Survey^ which states that he was the son of Thomas Carew and Elizabeth Edgcombe (Thomas Carew, of Antony, ob. 12th February, 1564, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Erchard Edgcombe, of Mount Edgcombe. Arms : Carew, with a mullet for diff: imp. Gu. on a bend erms. cotised or, three boars' heads couped arg. armed or), grandson of Sir Wymond Carew, Knt. of the Bath, and Martha Denny (Sir Wymond Carew, ob. 22nd August, 1549, married Martha, daughter of Sir Anthony Denny. Arms : Carew, with a mullet for difference : imp. Gu. a cross saltire arg. betw. twelve cross-crosslets or), great grandson of John Carew and Thomasine Holland (John Carew, of Antony, married Thomasine, daughter and co-heir of Roger Holland. Arms : Carew, with a mullet for diff: imp. Az. semee of fleur-de-lis and a lion ramp. gard. arg., mthin a bord. eng. of the last.), and great great grandson of Alexander Carew and Joanna Hatch (Alexander Carew, third surviving son of Nicholas Carew and Joan Courtenay, heiress of L'Erchdekne, mentioned above, ob. 20th September, 1492, married Isabel, daughter of John Hatch, of Woodleigh, co. Devon. Arms : Carew, with a mullet for diff: imp. G^. two demi lions pass, in pale or). The inscrip- tion proceeds to tell us that Richard Carew Avas born in 1555, made a Justice of the Peace for Cornwall in 1581, Sheriff in 1586, and elected into the College of Antiquaries in 1598; that he married in 1577 Juliana Arundell, of Trerice, by whom he had John, Gertrude, Anne, and Anne, Richard, John, Hoby, George, and "Wymond ; and that he died 6th November, 1620. Of his children, the first John and Anne appear to have died young ; Gertrude married, first, John Arundell, of Tolverne, and, secondly, William Cary, of Clovelly; Anne married Francis Godolphin, of Treveneage ; Richard succeeded to Antony, and was created a baronet 9th August, 1641. The monument of the first wife of this Richard, Bridget Chudleigh, has been already noticed. There is no memorial of him in the church, unless indeed a floor slab with the arms of Carew, charged with the badge of a baronet and impaling Rolle, the family of Sir Richard's second wife ; but this might be for his son, Sir Alexander, who also married a Rolle ; for the inscription is covered by a fixed altar. Col. Vivian gives no date for his will or death. John, the second son, married and had a son who died unmarried, and five daughters co-heirs ; viz., Bridget, married Edward Hoblyn, of Bodmin ; Grace, married 44 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Robert Hoblyn, of Nans why den ; Mary, married Lewis Tremayne, of Heligan ; Agnes, married Richard Hoblyn, of Antron ; and Candace, married Hugh Trevanion, of Trelegan. Hoby Carew, the third son, was of Liskeard, married, and had four sons — Thomas, baptized at Liskeard 25th December, 1614, Titus, John, Christopher; and two daughters — Anne, baptized at Liskeard 14th September, 1623, and Grace. George, the fourth son of Richard Carew, of Antony, was of Trevisa, in Lanteglos, and, according to Sir John Maclean's History of Trigg Minor, married twice, and left descendants, a pedigree of whom he gives. They became greatly reduced, and some of them emigrated to America early in the present century. "Wymond, the youngest son of Richard Carew, appears to have died unmarried, for we have no further trace of him. Juliana, the wife of Richard Carew, the author, was a daughter of John Arundell, of Trerice (by his first wife Catherine, daughter and co-heir of John Cosworth), and co-heir of her mother. This was the second time a Carew had married a lady who was heiress to her mother, but not her father. It will be seen that the inscription gives the descent of Richard Carew back to the time they branched from the main line and settled at Antony, which manor had been given to Alexander Carew by his mother, the heiress of L'Erchdekne. The arms of the matches are given above from a parchment pedigree with the arms of matches in their proper colours ; the other particulars in brackets are chiefly from Col. Vivian's Visitations of Cornwall. The next memorial to attract our attention is a handsome coloured mural monument, with a large shield of arms, and three smaller ones ; the principal shield is per pale, the dexter quarterly of six; viz., 1. Or, three lions pass, in ipale sa. armed gu.; Carew. 2. Or, three torteaux, and on a label in chief az. nine bezants; Courtenay. 3. Arg. three chev. sa.; L'Erchedekne. 4. Arg. three bends sa. ; Haccombe. 5. Sa. six swallows arg. ; Arundell. 6. As first. On the centre the badge of a baronet. The sinister is, Sa. two bars or, and in chief as many bezants; Hungerford. (The charges in this coat are incorrectly coloured gold, they should be silver.) On the left a smaller shield is charged with Carew alone differenced by a label in chief az.; this is repeated on a like shield on the right, only with a crescent az. instead of the label. At the lower part of the monument is Carew alone, with the red hand of Ulster, imp. Hungerford as above. The inscription states that it is EAST ANTONY. 45 in memory of Sarah Carew, daughter of Anthony Hungerford, of Farley Castle, co. Somerset, and wife of Sir John Carew, of East Antony, Bart. She died 28th March, 1671, aged 29 years. Also her two sons Alexander and John. A floor slab without arms, and inscribed Lady Sarah Carew, died 1671, marks the place of her burial. This lady was the first wife of Sir John Carew, Bart., and, according to CoL Vivian's Visitations of CormcaU, p. 71, the mother of Jane (married at Antony 12th December, 1681, as Jonathan Eashleigh, of Menabilly, and Madam Jane Carew, daughter of Sir John Carew, Bart.) Carew, married to Jonathan Eashleigh, from whom descends the present Mr. Pole-Carew, of Antony, and Kachel, married to Ambrose Manaton (married at Antony 23rd October, 1690, as Ambrose Manaton, of Kilworthy, in Devon, Esq., and Mistress Rachael Carew, daughter of Sir John Carew, Bart.) ; but he does not mention the sons Alexander and John, and the Registers at Antony are unfortunately wanting at the date required to give their baptisms or burials. It may be observed here that the larger shield has the arms of Courtenay and Arundell, both quartered in the ordinary way, although in both cases the ladies were heirs to their mothers only, the father in each instance having married a second wife. The next monument we shall notice is very like the last in style, but somewhat larger. Above the pillar on either side is a nude infant supporting a shield, that on the left hand being a lozenge with the arms of Manaton — Arg. on a bend sa. three estoils of the field : imp. Carew. The shield on the right hand is gone, but it probably had Carew alone. In the centre is a large shield, per pale ; the dexter quarterly of ten ; viz., 1. Carew, with the badge of a baronet. 2. Barry of six voire and gu. ; Beau- champ. 3. Quarterly arg. and gu. ; Tuitt. 4. Arg. three seiyents coiled vert; Odrone. 5. Gu. from a maunche erm. a hand ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis or ; Mohun. 6. Quarterly — 1 and Jf. Or, three torteaux ; Courtenay : 2 and 3 Arg. three chev. sa. ; L'Erchedekne. 7. Az. semee of fleur-de-lis and a lion ramp. gard. arg., within a bord. eng. of the last ; Holland. 8. Quarterly — 1 and 4 iSa. six swallows arg. ; Arundell : 2 and 3 Arg. on a chev, betw. three falcons^ wings az. five bezants; Coswarth. 9. Or, on a fesse dancette betw. three billets az., each charged vnth a lion ramp, of the first, as many bezants ; /RoUe. 10. Carew, impaling party per fess of three : 1st, Sa. two bars arg. and in chief three plates; 46 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Hungerf ord : 2ndy Vert, a lion ramp, or ; Norton, of Rotherfield, CO. Hants : Srd, Gu. a lion ramp, regard, or; Morice. A brief inscription records that the monument is in memory of Sir John Carew, of Antony, Bart., Sir Richard Carew his son, and Rachel his daughter, wife of Ambrose Manaton, of Kilworthy. Sir John Carew buried 6th August, 1692; Sir Richard Carew buried 18th October, 1703; Rachel Manaton buried 12 th February, 1705. The Sir John Carew re- corded on this monument was the third baronet, son of Sir Alexander, the second baronet already named. He was m.p. for Cornwall in 1688, and his will is dated 29th October, 1691, being proved in London 7th December, 1692. He was married three times, as the arms on the monument show ; his first wife, Sarah Hungerford, is commemorated by the monument just noticed. His second wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Norton, of South wick, in Hampshire ; her monument will be mentioned next. The third wife of Sir John was Mary, daughter of Sir William Morice, Bart., of Werrington, by his wife Gertrude, daughter of Sir John Bampfylde, Bart., of Poltimore. By this lady he had issue (1) Sir Richard Carew, fourth baronet, mentioned on the same monument, baptized at Antony 2nd March, 1683, having been born 4th April, and buried there unmarried 18th October, 1703; both events being entered in the Parish Register of that church. His burial is also recorded in the Register of Sheviock, where the date of his death is given; namely, 24th September, 1703. From the length of time elapsing between the date of his death and burial it is probable he died at a distance, possibly in London. (2) Sir William Carew, who succeeded his brother as fifth baronet. He was m.p. for EAST ANTONY. 47 Saltash in 1711, and for Cornwall in 1713. He married Anne, daughter and heir of Gilbert, fourth Earl of Coventry (whose mother was a daughter of Pierce Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe), and by her he had an only son, Sir Coventry Carew, sixth baronet, who married his cousin Mary, only daughter of Sir Copplestone Warwick Bampfylde, Bart.; but had no issue, died 26th March, 1748, and was buried the 2nd April following, as recorded in the Register of Sheviock thus : " The truly honorable Sir Coventry Carew, Baron* died 26 March between 9 and 10 at Ev", and was buried April 2^ about 7 or 8." Sir Coventry's widow was remarried at Antony, 27th June, 1749, to Francis BuUer, Esq., M.p. for West Looe, younger son of John Francis BuUer and his wife Rebecca, daughter and co-heir of Sir Jonathan Trelawny, Bart., D.D., Bishop of Winchester. The marriage is entered as Francis Buller, Esq., and the Lady Carew. Sir William, the fifth baronet (whose well executed bookplate remaining at Antony has the arms of Carew only, with the badge of a baronet; but no coat for his wife — it has the motto Nil conscire sibi, and is ., , "S' William Carew Bar' \ ■,• •, • t^ai v t, • i inscribed . . ^ „„ ) died in 1743, his burial of Antony in Cornwall being recorded in the Register of Sheviock thus : " The truly honorable Sir William Carew Baron* was buried at Antony on the 24th of March, 1743, at 8 at night." Beside their two sons, Sir Richaxd and Sir William, Sir John and Lady Mary Carew had two daughters — Mary, born 3rd and baptized 10th January, 1688; and Gertrude, born 18th and baptized 26th May, 1682 {Vide Par. Beg.), at Antony, and married to Sir Coplestone Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. Sir John Carew died 1st August, and was buried 6th August, as stated on his monument. The Register at Antony only gives the date of burial, the Sheviock Register records the dates both of death and burial. The register of the burial of his widow is entered in the Register of Antony as Lady Mary Carew, Baronet Carew's widow, buried 8th June, 1698. Sir John had also four children by his first wife, mentioned under the account of their mother's monument, and a daughter by his second wife named below. The tablet with the inscription is aU that is now left of the monument to the second wife of the above Sir John Carew, Bart. According to Gilbert's History of Cornwall it had the arms of Carew impaling Norton {Vert, a lion ramp, or); but these have 48 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. disappeared, and the monument doubtless is otherwise reduced. The inscription states that Lady Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Carew, Bart., of East Antony, and daughter of Richard Norton, Esq., of Southwick, co. Hants, died 9th August, 1679. Her burial is recorded in the Register, 14th August, 1679, as Lady Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Carew, Bart., having " dyed y® 9*^ Aug*." A stone in the floor also records her burial as on 14th August, 1679. Another floor slab, having the three lions of Carew on a lozenge, commemorates, according to the inscription, Elizabeth and Honor, daughters of Sir John Carew, Bart., of East Antony, and the Lady Elizabeth his wife, who died in 1682. The burial is recorded in the Register of " Madam Honour Carew, daughter of S"^ John Carew." They appear to have been the children of Sir John by his second wife, and are not mentioned by CoL Vivian. Another handsome monument, erected probably by the above Sir John, who appears to have had a fancy for this kind of thing, commemorates his mother, Lady Jane Carew, wife of Sir Alexander Carew, Bart., and daughter of Robert Rolle, of Heaunton Sackville, Esq., who died 25th April, 1679, aged 74 years. The Register records her burial 28th April, 1679, as "Lady Jane Carew, relict of S'^ Alexander Carew, having dyed 25 April." At the top of the monument is a large shield per pale, the dexter quarterly of ten, as on the monument of Sir John Carew already described : the sinister, Or, on a fess dancette hetw. three billets az,, each charged with a lion ramp, of the field, as many bezants; Rolle. Above the arms the crest. On a ivreatJi the top of a mast with round top or, issuing tlierefrom a demi lion gard. or. But according to the family pedigree, and other authorities, it should be, On a icreath of the colours the upper part of a mast with round top or, issuing therefrom a demi lion sa. armed and langued gu., betio. six spears of the second, headed arg. At the base of the monument is a smaller shield with the arms of Carew alone, with the badge of a baronet, impaling Rolle as above. There is no monument to her husband, Sir Alexander, at Antony, by whom she had issue (1) Sir John, above; (2) Weymouth, a merchant at Smyrna, died uimiarried, will proved May 5th, 1665 (P.P.C. Hyde 46); (3) Alexander; (4) Thomas, .of Harrobeare (called second son in the family pedigree), who married, according to the old illuminated pedigree at Antony House, "Wilmott, daughter of Lampen, of Cornwall (Arms : EAST ANTONY. 49 Carew.imp. Arg. on a bend eng. sa. three rams' heads caboshed of the first, armed or ; Lampen), CoL Vivian does not mention her surname, but gives them four children ; viz., the Kev. Alexander Carevv, vicar of St. Wenn, died s.p. ; John, died s.p. ; Johan and Sarah ; and says they are mentioned in the will of their uncle. Sir John Carew. The family pedigree above referred to gives Alexander and five daughters, but not their, names. Of these daughters Jane married the Eev. Nicholas Kendall, and is buried, with a monument, at Lanlivery (see under Sheviock, p. 29) ; (5) Kichard, called third son in the family pedigree, where he is stated to have married Penelope, daughter of Rees Tanat, of Gedant, co. Salop, Esq. (Arms : Carew imp. Per fess arg. and sa. a lion ramp, counter-changed, and in chief a tower or); he was buried at Antony 18th September, 1691 {vide Par. Reg.) \ (6) John, probably the eldest son, and died young; (7) Joan; (8) Bridget ; (9) Mary. A floor-slab with arms of Carew imp. Rolle remains, but the inscription is covered by the altar. A monument in the north aisle, from which the arms have disappeared, commemorates Mary Carew, daughter of Sir William Carew, Bart., and his wife Lady Anne, daughter and heir of Gilbert, Earl of Coventry, who died 12th March, 1731, aged 15 years 11 months and 5 days. The date of her birth and baptism are given above from the Register. Between the last-named monument and that which follows there is a gap of more than seventy years, the next in chrono- logical order being a neat white marble tablet with these arms, cut in relief, and coloured; viz., Quarterly — 1 and 4/ Carew: 2 and 3 Az. semee of fletir-de-lis or, a lion ramp. arg. ; Pole : on an escutcheon of pretence : Arg. a cross saltire az., charged with a bezant ; York. Supporters : dexter, an heraldic antelope gu. horns, hoofs, and tufts az. (for Carew) ; sinister, a griffin az. armed and tufted, and gorged with crest coronet or. It is in memory of Jemima, wife of the Right Hon. Reginald Pole-Carew, daughter and sole heir of the Hon. John York, fourth son of Philip, first Earl of Hard wick, who was bom 5th June, 1763, and died 16th July, 1804, leaving her husband and seven children surviving. Also in memory of John Reginald, the youngest son of the above Right Hon. Reginald Pole-Carew and Jemima his wife, bom 23rd September, 1800, and died 2nd July, 1804. This lady was the only child of the Hon. John York, Clerk of B 50 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL, the Crown in Chancery, and m.p. for Reigate (fourth son of Philip, first Earl of Hardwick, and his Countess Margaret, daughter of Charles Cocks, Esq., m.p. for the city of Worcester, and his wife Mary, daughter of John Somers, sister and co-heir to John, Lord Somers), and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Reginald Lygon, Esq., of Madresfield, co. Worcester. Her children were (1) Joseph Pole-Carew, bom 29th December, 1787 ; married, first, Caroline, daughter of John Ellis, Esq., brother to Lord Seaford, by whom he had an only child, Jemima Caroline, married to the Count Paul de Suasin, of Russia; he married, secondly, , widow of — Cadogan, Esq. (2) John Reginald, born 23rd Sep- tember, 1800, and died 8th July, 1804. (3) Charlotte Jemima, born 30th October, 1785; married, first, Charles Garth Colleton, of Haines Hill, Berks, Esq., and had Jemima, Amabel Conite, and Selina Harriet; she married, secondly. Count Alphonse de Morel de Champemont, and had Alphonse (see p. 22), Charles. (4) Jemima, born 6th December, 1786. (5) Elizabeth Anne, born 19th December, 1788. (6) Harriet, born 9th February, 1790; married John, Earl of St. Germans. (See St. Germans church.) (7) Agneta, born 18th May, 1791 ; married Thos. Somers Cocks, Esq. (See below.) (8) Amabel, born 6th May, 1796; married Francis Glanville, of Catchfrench, Esq. (See p. 24.) Near the monument just described is another, its duplicate in general appearance, with the arms carved and coloured as in the other. The arms are per pale ; the dexter, QuaHerly — 1 and Jf ; Carew : 2 and S ; Pole : on an escutcheon of pretence York, as BAST ANTONY. 51 in the former shield ; the sinister, Arg. a chev, betw. three escallops sa. ; Lyttleton. Supporters as on the last-mentioned • monument. The inscription records that it is in memory of the Hon. Caroline Anne Pole-Care w, daughter of William Henry, Lord Lyttleton, and wife of the Eight Hon. Kcginald Pole-Carew; she died 10th April, 1833, aged 59 years. Also the above Right Hon. Reginald Pole-CareAv, born 28th July, 1753, and died 3rd January, 1835. The father of Mrs. Pole-Carew was William Henry Lyttleton, created Baron Westcote in the peerage of Ireland; and on the death of his nephew, the second and last Lord Lyttleton, he was made a peer of Great Britain by that title. He married, first, Mary, eldest daughter and co-heir of James Macartney, Esq., of Longford, and, secondly, Caroline, daughter of John Bristow, of Quiddenham, co. Norfolk, by whom he had issue William Henry, third Lord, and Caroline Anne, married 4th May, 1808, to the above Right Hon. Reginald Pole-Carew, Esq., whose descent from Anne, daughter of Sir John Carew, Bart., is here given. Ann, daughter of Sir John Carew, Bart., and his first wife, Sarah Hungerford (see p. 45, anti)^ married Jonathan Rashleigh, of Menabilly, and had an only daughter and heir, Sarah, married to the Rev. Carolus Pole, ll.b. (fourth son of Sir John Pole, Bart., of Shute, in co. Devon, and Ann his wife, daughter of Sir William Morice, Knt.), rector of St. Breock, by whom she had issue — Reginald, below; John, baptized at St. Breock 27th January, 1718, entered Holy Orders, died unmarried, and was buried at St. Breock 20th September, 1750; and Jane, baptized at St. Breock 25th March, 1720, married Philip Rashleigh, of Menabilly, Esq., died 9th September, 1795, s.-p. ; her husband died 26 th June, 1811, aged 81 years, having been m.p. for Eowey in six parliaments. There is a monument to their memory in Tywardreath Church with the arms of Rashleigh, Sa. a cross or, cantoned, in the first a Cornish chough, in the second a text ST, in third and fourth a crescent, all arg. ; imp. Pole as given above. The Rev. Carolus Pole was buried at St. Breock 19th June, 1730, Sarah his wife having been buried there 29th April, 1721. The eldest son, Reginald Pole, of Tywardreath, married Anne, daughter of John Francis BuUer, Esq., of Morval, by his wife Rebecca, daughter and co-heir of Sir Jonathan Trelawny, Bart., d.d.. Bishop of Winchester, by whom he had issue (1) The Right Hon. E 2 62 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Reginald Pole-Carew above, born 28tli July, 1753. (2) Charles Morice, born 18th January, 1757, Admiral of the Fleet, and Master of the Robes to King William IV., created a K.C.B. and a baronet in 1801 ; he died 6th September, 1830, s.p. (3) Edward, born 14th April, 1758, d.d., rector of Barford, co. Wilts, and of Dibden, co. Hants. (4) Anne, born 22nd May, 1752, married Charles Cocks, Esq., of Castleditch (now Eastnor Castle), CO. Hereford, created Lord Somers. (5) Sarah, bom 7th August, 1755, married 6th August, 1787, Henry Hippesley Coxe, Esq., of Stone Easton, co. Somerset, oh. s.p. The eldest son, Reginald, took the additional name and arms of Carew by the will of his kinsman. Sir Coventry Carew, Bart., on succeeding to Antony, and is the Right Hon. Reginald Pole-Carew com- memorated by the above monument. Mr. Pole-Carew married twice ; his issue by his first wife are mentioned under the account of her monument. By his second wife he had (9) William Henry, born 30th July, 1811, now of Antony House, m.p. for East Cornwall from 1845 to 1852; married 28th August, 1838, Frances Anne, second daughter of John Buller, of Morval, Esq., by his wife Harriet, daughter of Sir Edward Hulse, Bart., of Breamore, co. Hants, and has issue (9a) Geraldine Maria; (9&) Reginald, born 1st May, 1849; (9c) Fanny Julia; (9^^) Charles Edward, bom 26th December, 1853; (9e) WiUiam Lyttelton, born 29th April, 1856, died 22nd May, 1861; (9/) Gerald, born 18th February, 1858; (9^) Caroline Lyttelton, bom 20th March, 1861. (10) Caroline, born 19th May, 1809; married Major-Gen. James Bucknall BucknaU-Estcourt. (11) Frances Antonia, born 22nd April, 1810; married Joseph Yorke, of Forthampton Court, Tewkesbury ; issue, John Reginald Yorke, born January, 1836, m.p. for Gloucester. (12) Juliana, born 1st July, 1812; married 8th January, 1836, Thomas James Agar-Robartes, of Lanhydrock, afterwards Lord Robartes; she died 12th April, 1881, leaving an only son, the Hon. Thomas Charles Agar-Robartes. (See Peerage.) (13) Catherine, bom 10th September, 1813. (14) Gerald, born 26th August, 1815, in Holy Orders; died 14th March, 1845, s.p., having married Harriet Eliza, eldest daughter of John Buller, of Morval, Esq. (15) Anna Maria, born September, 1816, ob. infans. Having given these particulars, it wiU be needless to do more than mention the two remaining memorials; viz., a brass beneath a EAST ANTONY. 53 window in the north aisle in memory of Agneta, fifth daughter of the Eight Hon. Eeginald Pole-Carew, and wife of Thomas Somers Cocks, Esq., who died 14th September, 1836, leaving her husband and eight children surviving. Arms per pale ; the dexter, Quarterly — 1 and Jf Sa. a cliev. hetw. three stags attired arg. ; Cocks : 2 Vert, a fess dancette erm. ; Somers : 3 Or, on a bend az. three pheons of the field ; Thistlethway te : imp. Carew and Pole, quarterly, as above. This Thomas Somers Cocks was bom 1st August, 1781, the only son of Thomas Somers Cocks, of London, banker, sixth son of John Cocks, of Castleditch, Esq., by Mary, daughter and co-heir of the Eev. Thomas Cocks, of Castleditch. (See Peerage, Earl Somers.) Another brass beneath a window commemorates the Eight Hon. Eeginald Pole-Carew, Hon. Caroline Ann Pole-Carew, and Eev. Gerald Pole-Carew, their son, vicar of this parish, 1847. These, it will be seen, have been already mentioned, and with them ends the series of the Carew monuments. A mural monument, with the arms very well cut in the stone, bears an inscription recording that Thomas Wols- don, of Wolsdon, gent., was buried 16th March, 1608. Also Oliver Deeble, gent., was buried 13th October, 1656; and Theophalia his wife, daughter and co-heir of the above Thomas Wolsdon, was buried 12th April, 1654. Arms : {Arg.) three deebles {ppr.), imp. {Sa.) a cross cantoned in first and second with two roses {arg.). Crest, a man's hand erect couped below the toi'ist grasping a deeble and a rose stemmed and leaved {all ppr.). The inscription and arms, minus the crest, are repeated on a finely-cut floor-slab in good preservation. The Parish Eegister records the marriage of this Thomas Wolsdon with Marie 54 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Minardes, of Lanretli, lith October, 1576; but unfortunately this is the only notice that remains in the Registers of either of the three persons mentioned on the monument, the records being very imperfect, and altogether wanting about that period. There are several entries relating to the Deeble family at Sheviock which will be found imder that church (p. 19, 20); those of Deeble at Antony are given below : BAPTISMS. 1679. Aug. 19. Mary, daughter of John Deeble, gent., and Mary his wife. Searle, son of John Deeble, gent.,and Dorothy his wife. Mary, daughter of Jolm Deeble, gent. , and Dorothy his wife. Elizabeth, daughter of John Deeble, gent., and Mary his wife. John, son of John Deeble, gent., and Mary his wife. Agnes, daughter of John Deeble, gent., and Mary his wife. Joseph, son of John Deeble, gent., and Mary his wife. Philippa, daughter of John Deeble, gent,, and Mary his wife. John, son of John Deeble, gent., and Mary his wife. Mary, daughter of Mr. Searle Deeble and Mary his wife. Agnes, daughter of Mr. SearleDeebleandMary his wife. John, son of Mr. Searle Deeble and Mary his wife. WEDDINGS. 1715. Feb. 26. Robert Snook and Ann Deeble. (There is a slab on the south side of St. Andrew's Church, Plymouth, with the arms of Snook quartering Rolt ; viz., 1 and 4 {Sa.) a chev. hetw. three crosses patee {or) ; 2 and 3 {Arg.) on a bend (sa.) three dolphins {of the first) crowned {or), in chief a crescent, for John Snook, who married Mary, daughter and heir of Henry Rolt, of Plymouth. Also a monument in Ermington Church for Henry Rolt Snook, of Lueston, esquire, who died in 1801, with the arms in colours ; namely. Snook and Rolt as above. The above Henry Rolt married at St. Andrew's, 30th September, 1720, to Mary Randle.) 1724. Aug. IJ. John Deeble, gent., and Martha Neilder, widow. By licence, dated at Plymouth, 3rd August. 1747. May 14. The Rev. Mr. Samuel Deeble and Mrs. Anne Sanford. (Burial.— 1750. Feb. 9. The Rev. Mr. Samuel Deeble, Rector of this parish. — Vide Sheviock Par. Reg.) 1748. April 16. Mr. Arundell and Mrs. Elizabeth Deeble. BURIALS. 1680. Feb. 27. John Dible, gent. 1711. May 3. Mrs. Dorothy Deeble. 1708. 1710. Jan. 27. Mar. 28. 1713. Dec. 29. 1715. 1717. Jan. 27. Dec. 5. 1720. 1720. April 8. April 8. 1722. 1745. 1749. 1752. June 1. Mar. 8. Aug. 2. June 19. EAST ANTONY. 65 A brass records that John Deeble, of Wolsdon, died 1st November, 1796, aged 44 years. At the east end of the south aisle is a mural brass commemo- rating Deeble Boger, of Wolsdon, who died 22nd November, 1875, aged 76; also Frances his wife, who died 7th April, 1872, aged 67. Arms, per pale ; the dexter, Quarterly — 1 and Jf. Sa, a cockatrice displ. arg. comh and wattle gu. ; Boger : 2 Arg. three deebles ppr. ; Deeble : S Sa. a cross cantoned in first and second by two roses arg ; "Wolsdon : imp. Arg. a lion ramp. gu. tail nowed, collared or, in chief three falcons ppr. belled of the third (the engraver did not understand heraldry or falconry, and has represented the falcons with an ordinary beU hung to the neck of each. The lion ouglit also to be gorged with an antique coronet, not a plain collar) ; Bewes. Mr. Deeble Boger married Frances, daughter of Thomas Bewes, Esq., of Beaumont, m.p. for Plymouth, by his first wife Frances, daughter of John Culme, Esq. A brass plate beneath a window bears an inscription recording that it is in memory of John Boger, of "Wolsdon, who died 26th December, 1848, aged 79. Another similar brass l>eneath the adjoining window is for Lucy, widow of John Boger, of "Wolsdon, Esq., who died 25th October, 1859, aged 90. The names of Boger and Deeble occur in the registers of St. Andrew, Plymouth, and the parishes round, from the close of the sixteenth century. It must not be supposed that the following extracts exliaust the entries, rather do they indicate where the names are to be found. In Charles Church is a hatchment with these arms in a lozenge (for a lady) : Per pale, the dexter. Per fess, in chief arg. three deebles ppr. ; Deeble : in base. Or, a saltire gu., on a chief of the last three boars' heads couped, of the field ; Lavington : the sinister, Or, a lion ramp, gu., within an orle of pheons az.; Koope. Date 1777. It commemorates Margaret, widow of Edward Deeble, Esq., who was buried 8th August, 1777, according to the Parish Kegister. From the same source we learn that Mr. Edward Deeble and Mrs. Margaret Lavington were married 14th May, 1733. The arms are incorrectly marshalled, as they make Margaret Lavington his first wife, whereas it is evident she was his second, if not his only wife. From the last- named Register the following may also be interesting. 1593. April 29. 1598. July 18. 1599. Feb. 17. 1631. July 2. 1634. Nov. 5. 1634. Dec. 30. 1635. May 25. 56 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. (!Dl)arIeB Pariel) IRcffistcr. WEDDINGS. 1644. June .... William Deeble and Jone Dove. 1756. Mar. 31. Samuel Heath and Sarah Deeble, by Licence dated 27th March. BURIAL. 1751. May 7. Edward Deeble, Esq. ^t, Slnlireto Parisj) Hefftstcr. BAPTISMS. Thomazine, daughter of Thomas Deebell. Robert, son of Anthony Boger. John and Ralph, sons of Anthony Boger. WEDDINGS. Nicholas Harris and Wilmuth Boger. John Deeble and Jane Gaye. James Deeble and Christian Gubbes, Nicholas Deeble and Katherine French. BURIAL. 1607. Oct. 3. Jane, daughter of Thomas Wolsdon. pipmfitocfe Parifil) Eeffieter. BAPTISMS. Johanna, daughter of Edmund Boger. John, son of Edmund Boger. WEDDINGS. Christopher Boger and Elizabeth Warren. Richard Boger and Joane Werringe. Richard Boger and Ann Came. John Deeble and Elizabeth Ash. Henry Came and Welthy Boger. Mr. Edmund Boger and Mrs. Elizabeth Blachford. BURIALS. John Boger. Nathaniel, son of Sylvester Boger. ;P:aliei: Parisb Eejifiiter. BAPTISMS. Meliar, daughter of John Deeble, vicar. Mary, daughter of Mr. George Deeble. BURIALS. Mary, daughter of Mr. John Deeble. Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. John Deeble. Mr. John Deeble. Mr. John Deeble, vicar. 1642. Jan. 27. 1697. Sept. 10. 1606. Oct. 6. 1660. June 19. 1685. July 1. 1689. Jan. 8. 1714. July 21. 1720. May 26. 1600. Nov. 12. 1600. Dee. 7. 1633. Oct. 1640. Aug. .... 1636. May 26. 1637. Dec. .... 1641. Feb. 1. 1663. Dec. 11. EAST ANTONY. 57 There are pedigrees of Eoger (from their marriage with the heiress of Deeble), Deeble, and Wolsdon, in Lake's Parochial History of Cornwall (vol. iii. pp. 253-4), but not as full as could be wished, and as a little research would have enabled them to have been made. The arms there given are slightly incorrect, and do not belong to the Bogers of Wolsdon : Or, a bend vair gu. and arg. cotised az. hetto. two castles sa., a canton of the fourth charged loith sivord ppr., pommel and hilt gold, surmounting an anchor saltire ways of the last. Crest, A castle or, charged with two lozenges conjoined in fess vair gu. and arg., thereon perched a dove with an olive-branch in its beak ppr. This coat and crest was granted on 8th September, 1817, to Kichard Boger, Esq., Admiral of the Blue (son of Richard Boger, late of St. Germans, co. Cornwall, surgeon, deceased ; and grandson of Edmund Boger, of Elburton, in the parish of Plymstock, co. Devon, gent.), and to his descendants. The shield on the monument of Deeble Boger, Esq., in Antony Church, has in the first and fourth quarters the arms of Bogan of Devon and Cornwall, which they claim as being of the same stock; but there does not appear to be any evidence of the connection between the two families, consequently the use of those arms is incorrect. The name of Boger occurs in connection with Wembury in 1535, when, in a complaint against the Prior of Plympton, among other matters it is stated that Nicholas Boger had ridden to Plympton about getting his child christened, when the prior had promised to send a priest out to Wembury to perform that office, and celebrate mass; but the people had waited from seven o'clock until eleven, and the priest did not come. A family named Bodyer, probably the same, were settled at Tavistock as early as the reign of Henry VI. The Deeble coat also seems uncertain as to colours, and is a decidedly canting coat; the coat has never been allowed by the Heralds, nor does it appear that armorial bearings have ever been recorded to them. The monument of the Rev. Samuel Deeble (1750) gives Az. three dibbles arg. Burke's General Armory gives the same ; while his Landed Gentry gives Vert, three dibbles or, which he states are used by Boger of Wolsdon. Lake gives the same for Deeble. The hatchment of Deeble, already men- tioned as being in Charles' Church, Plymouth, gives Arg. three dibbles ppr. Li a manuscript collection of arms, chiefly of Devon and 58 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. Cornish families, dated 1689, made by Sir "Walter Young, of Colleton, Bart., there is no coat for Boger ; but Bogan of Devon and Cornwall is given : Sa. a cockatrice displ. arg. combed, wattled, and armed gu. Deble : Vert, a cross or cantoned in chief hy two roses arg. — being really the coat of Wolsdon with the colours altered. Deeble : Purp. three heansetters or dibbles arg. Crest, A dibble or. Wolsdon : Sa. a cross arg. cantoned in chief by two roses of the second. Of the remaining monuments those of Graves next claim our attention. The earliest of these is that of Mary, wife of Captain Thomas Graves, R.N., of Thancks, who died 27th August, 1718, aged 21 years. The monument is a plain white marble one, without any arms ; but, according to Davies Gilbert, there existed when he wrote an achieve- ment with the arms of Graves imp. Warne {Sa. a cross or cantoned, in the first and fourth a martlet of the second, in the second and third a chaplet arg.). This lady was the first wife of Captain Graves, and died s.p. ; she was married at St. Johns, in 1714. (See p. 16.) This coat of Warne appears to have been used about the commencement of the eighteenth century, at any rate, but is not registered to this family at Heralds College. The same coat with the field azure is assigned to Warren, of CO. Kent. Near the last is another mural tablet, from the inscription on which we learn it was in memory of Admiral Thomas Graves, and Elizabeth his second wife, of Thancks. He was the son of James Graves, Esq., of LighthauseU, near Leeds, co. York, by Mary his wife, daughter of Serjeant-at-Law Herdman, of Stannington, EAST ANTONY. 59 Northumberland. Admiral Graves died December, 1755, aged 75 years. Elizabeth, his second wife, sister to Eustace Budgell, Esq., of St. Thomas, Exeter, and granddaughter of William Gulston, Bishop of Bristol, and first cousin of Mr. Addison, died April, 1838, aged 45. Arms : Gu. an eagle displ. or, imp. Arg. a totcer heho. three battle axes sa. Admiral Graves was father by his second wife of Thomas, first Lord Graves. (See Peerage for particulars.) Connected with the same family is the next monument in our course ; namely, a marble tablet for Margaret Ann Nesham, wife of C. J. W. Nesham, Esq., Captain R.N., who died 7th October, 1808, aged 31, leaving children. Arms : Az. on a fess arg. three cross crosslets gu. ; imp. pHen()am ^amerell T^meb KejiBter. BAPTISMS. Alice, daughter of Mr. Robert Webbe. Hanna, daughter of Mr. Robert Webbe. Neariah, son of Mr. Robert Webbe. Robert, son of Mr. Robert Webbe, pastor of Sydenham. Rutli, daughter of Mr. Robert Webbe, pastor of Sydenham. 1602. Jime 1. Mary, daughter of Mr. Robert Webbe, pastor of Sidenham. 1603. Jan. 22. Rebecca, daughter of Robert Webbe, pastor of Siden- ham. 1626. Feb. 1. Robert, son of Mr. Robert Webbe, p'son of Siden- ham, and Wilmot his wife. WEDDINGS. 1607. Dec. 2. Mr. John Webber and . . . Webbe. (She must have been a daughter whose baptism is not given.) 1613. June 15. Mr. Christopher Warren and Alyce Webbe. (See p. 11, where her father is called Thomas in error, following the Visitation. The above extracts correct it.) 1619. Jan. 24. Mr. Erisy Triggs and Hanna Webbe. 1626. April 17. Mr. Robert Webbe, rector, and Welmott Lakes. 1635. Nov. 7. Wilham Rendell, gent., and Wilmott Webbe, widow. BURIALS. Neariah Webbe. Mary, daughter of Robert Webbe, pastor of Sidenham. Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Webbe, pastor of Sidenham. Robert, son of Robert Webb, pastor of Sidenham. Rebeccah, daughter of Robert Webbe, pastor of Sidenham. Alice, wife of Robert Webbe, rector of Sidenham. JNIr. Robert Webb, rector of Sydenham. Mrs. Hannah Triggs. Mr. Erizie Triggs. 1601. Nov. 25. 1606. May 18. 1608. April 25. 1608. Aug. 8. 1616. Mar. 23. 1624. July 27. 1627. Nov. 14. 1661. Nov. 14. 1661. Nov. 20. 1747. May 2. 1747. July 22. 1748. June 27. g>t. i&teptjen'a Eefftjitcr— conttntteB. Jane, daughter of Mr. William and Mrs. Martha Hunt. John Salt,son of Mr. Philip Wynell and Betty his wife. Edward, son of Mr. Edward Webb and Philippa his wife. 1760. July 25. Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Hicks, gent., and Mary his wife, 1750. Dec. 9. John, son of John Treheam, gent., and Mary his wife. 1553. Sept. 20. 1562. Mar. 18. 1566. Nov. 28. 1567. Oct. 7. 1576. Jan. 31. 1582. Nov. 20. 1583. May 27. 1583. June 13. 1584. Aug. 22. 1585. May 9. 134 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. WEDDINGS. Robert Palmer and Alice Pennell. Thomas Sture and Margaret Warryn. Roger Bicton and Johanna Pascoe. John Skelton and Johan Mylton. John Westcott and Margaret Trevill. John Acksford, gent. , and Margaret Skelton. John Darton and Thomasine Edgcombe. James Herring and Mary Rawe. William Hobbe and Johanna Golson. John Larye, gent., and Philippa Bill. (The name was doubtless really Lawry, a family who attained a fair position in Cornwall. According to Colonel Vivian, the lady was a daughter of Robert Hill, of Helligan, and widow of William Byll (or Beele), of St. Stephens.) 1587. Nov. 20. William Pethen and Ann Yellande. John Lampyn and Alice Clobery. Robert, son of John Skelton, and Margaret Dawe. William Hawkyns and Agnes Edgcombe. Richard Bownde and Elizabeth Elliott. Anthony Ingram and Johanna Glubb. Thomas Blackaller and Johanna Herring. Leonardus Larye, uxorem duxit Margaretam Sargent, fiUiam Richardi Sargent, defunc. John Edgcombe and Lower Edgcombe. Richard Skelton and Elizabeth Bound. Anthony Ingi-am and Johanna Barker, widow. Robert Norrington and Elizabeth Herring. Richard Blake and Johanna Bennett. Robert Harris and Jane Pox. John Graye and Margaret Addis. Pascoe Trevill and Johanna Littleton. Francis Rede and Thomasine Edgcombe. John Smith and Cecilia Calmady. (He was probably of the Tregonack family (see p. 16), and his wife a sister of Josias Calmady, of Wembury, and John Calmady, of Saltash, childi-en of Vincent Calmady, Esq. ) 1597. April 3. Robert Skelton and Johanna Tanner. 1599. Dec. 16. James Coode and Elizabeth Blackaller, widow. 1599. Jan. 14. John Doble servus Johannis Glanville de Tavistock m com. Devon reginae in cur commissio placitor Justic, Uxorem duxit Thomasina filliam Edmondi Dunriche gen., in capella de Saltash decimo quarto die spousel prurant Willimo Skerrett presbitter in praedic. ecclesia capitas Sancti Stepheni. (The Latin is decidedly not classical.) 1599. Feb. 3. Mr. Edmund Coffin (ludimagister), and Alice Randle. (Although called " schoolmaster " here, in the entry of the marriage of his son below he is styled " gent." 1589. Sept. 8. 1589. Nov. 23. 1590. Sept. 1. 1591. June 27. 1592. Sept. 24. 1592. Nov. 6. 1593. April 23. 1593. Feb. 10. 1594. Nov. 11. 1595. Sept. 17. 1595. Jan. 25. 1596. Oct. 16. 1596. Oct. 20. 1596. Oct. 25. 1596. Nov. 8. 1596. Feb. 3. 1596. Feb. 7. ST. STEPHENS. 135 1600. June 11. Edmund Edgcombe and Thomasine Carpenter. 1600. Oct. 20. William Herring and Richard Rede. 1600. Jan. 12. Robert Skelton, of Stockton, and Agnes Rowe. 1601. April 13. William Dobell and Margaret Dunriche. 1601. Jan. 21. William Rowe, son of William Rowe, of Landrake, and Dorothy, daughter of Richard Snelling, of Plymstock, by Licence of the Bishop of Exeter. 1602. May 15. Oliver Hellier als. Dier, and Elizabeth Eresye, widow. 1602. June 8. William Seymour and Johanna, daughter of John Yonge. 1603. June 20. William Bennett and Dorothy Cardew, widow. 1603. Sept. 6. Roger Bicton and Dorothy Wescott, widow. (The will of William Bicton, of Wadgworthy, in St. Stephens-by- Saltash, yeoman, proved at Bodmin in 1621. Inventory dated 6th June, 1620 : To son Richard, £50 ; to son John, £50 ; to daughter jMaiy Bicton, £100. William Bicton, son of Roger Bicton. His daughter Elizabeth, and son Roger Bicton, residuary legatees and executors. Edward Sprye and Susanna Cooke. Henry Herring and Alice Lovell. Richard Skelton and Thoma.sine Axforde. John Pascowe, gent., and Thomasine Kempe. Jolui Crabbe and Emblyn Webb. Thomas Veall and Ann Wyvell. WilUam Webb and Johanna Hunckyn, widow. Giles, son of Edmund Dimridge, gent. , and Johanna, daughter of Humphrey Pitforde, gent. Robert Webb and Dorothy Herringe. James Brooking and Mary Snellinge. Stephen Braye and Margaret Warren. Thomas Cowlin, clerk, of Charleton, county Devon, and Bridget Armynam. Richard Isaac and Thomasine Warne. FrancLs Croker, gent. , and Thomasine Paskow, widow. (She was a daughter of — Kempe, and relict of John Pascowe, gent. See above. ) 1620. Oct. 2. Thomas Bennett and i\Iary Colling. 1620. Oct. 23. Nicholas Symons, of Botus Fleming, and Ebbott, daughter of William Biell, merchant, of Saltash. 1620. Dec. 15. Peter Skelton and Johamia, daughter of Sampson Bounde, merchant. Hugh Trefry and Agnes Moone. Richard Code, gent., and Johanna Paythin, widow. Gamaliel Vosper, gent., of Tamerton, and Judeth, daughter of Oliver Dinham, of Saltash. Richard Eliot and Johanna Edgcombe. Thomas Billing and Mariam Cooth. Peter Moulton and Thomasine Cooke. Richard Mathew and Abigail Pereman. 1603. Oct. 23. 1603. Jan. 8. 1604. April 16. 1604. May 7. 1604. Sept. 24. 1605. June 18. 1605. Oct. 13. 1605. Oct. 21. 1608. July 20. 1608. July 29. 1616. April 10. 1616. July 30. 1617. July 2. 1619. April 18. 1620. Jan. 27. 1621. April 23. 1621. Nov. 1. 1621. Nov. 13. 1625. June 7. 1627. Jan. 14. 1629. Oct. 12. 1633. Jan. 27. 1634. Sept. 1. 1635. Aug. 27. 1637. July 3. 1638. Nov. 7. 136 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM COBNWALL. 1631. July 26. William Webb and Elizabeth Skelton. 1632, June 25. Jolm Cooke and Mary Colmado. (She was probably the daughter of John Calmady and Ursula Alford, baptized at St. Budeaux on Easter Day, 1607. ) 1632. Jan. 28. Thomas Rowse and Elizabeth Edgcombe. William Wolcomb and Mary Pascow. Christopher Vosper and Mary Coffin. George Spry and Margaret Mynord, widow. Arthur Spry and Grace Vose. Thomas Skelton and Martha Goulson. (The will of Richard Skelton, of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, dated 19th April, 1646, gives his property to his son, William Skelton ; if he dies unmarried, then to go to the children of his brother Thomas Skelton. His friend WilUam Hunking, the elder, of Saltash, and John Skelton, of Broadmore, yeoman, to be trustees to see his child WiUiam properly educated. Makes his grandmother, Mary Huiiking, of Saltash, widow, and William Hunking, executors. Administered 23rd August, 1647. William Beell and Margaret Coffin. John Edgcombe and Elizabeth Martain. Captain Mathew Cozens and Mrs. Elizabeth Dodson. Digory Tippett and Alice Masters. Robert Lampen and Johan Channon. William Croker and Johanna Hobbs. Jonathan Fathers, clerk, and Cordelia Parker. (She was a daughter of James Parker, of TrengofF, and his wife Katherine, daughter of Sir Richard Buller. ) 1652. June 16. Mr. Nicholas Tyge (Tyacke) and Johanna, daughter of Joakim Cooke, merchant, deceased. Sampson Trenary and Elizabeth Skelton. William Williams, gent., and Mary Roll. Andrew Garrett and Jane Trefry, married by John Radford, Mayor of Saltash. 1653. Feb. 6. John Heale and Johan Harvey, married by Jonathan Kendall, Esq., j.p. 1653. Mar. 15. John Luce and Wilmot Cholwich, married by John Radford, Mayor of Saltash. 1654. July 27. William Moulton, merchant, and Johan Burell, married by Edmirnd Fowell, Esq. (This family entered their pedigree at the Heralds Visitation of Devon, in 1620, as of Plympton Maurice, and giving their arms as Per pale arg. and erm., three bars gu. Crest, a forearm erect vested gu., cuff erm., in the hand ppr. a chaplet vert flotoered gu. In the registei-s of that parish we find the baptism of Agnes, daughter of Mr. William Moulton, 5th January, 1625, and on the first of J\Iarch in the same year the burial of his wife Wilmott. Also the following burials : April 9th, 1627, Mrs. Johan Moulton, widow. March 29th, 1645, William Moulton, of Plympton, gent, buried in Plymouth 1639. June 11. 1639. June 26. 1644. Oct. 7. 1650. Oct. 31. 1650. Feb. 28. 1651. April 15. 1651. May 19. 1652. Oct. 20. 1653. AprU 13. 1653. Nov. 14. ST. STEPHENS. 137 Church, 29th March, 1645, beinge in the time of the warre in England as appeareth in the Register Booke of Plymouth. September 15th, 1687, Mrs. Mary Moulton, widow. Vide Plympton St. Maurice Parish Register. In 1653 Mr. Edward Moulton was Mayor of Plympton St. Maurice and a Justice of the Peace.) 1655. July 24. Tristram Vigers and Mary Symons, married by Christopher Reed, Mayor of Saltash. 1655. ... Samuel Kingsbiu-y, of Taxbury, co. Gloucester, and Elizabeth Bell, of Saltash. Published October 29th, 1654. 1655. Dec. 20. Richard Short and Frances Blanke, married by Peter Moulton, Maior of Saltash. 1656. Oct. 6. Richard Doidge, gent, servant to Francis Buller, of Shillinghani, Esq., and Mary Prinn, daughter of Richard Prinn, of St. Germans, gent. 1656. Nov. 24. William Coffyn, son of Edmund Coffyn, of Saltash, gent, deceased ; and Joane Poslett, servant to Mrs. Katherine Cooke, of Saltash, widow. W57. May 27. William Cotton, Esq., of Borscastle (Boscastle), and Ellen Larder. (He was a grandson of William Cotton, Bishop of Exeter, being the eldest son of the Rev. William Cotton, rector of Silverton. This was his second wife. See History of Trigg Miiwr, by Sir John Maclean, who makes this his second wife, and calls the lady of Somersetshire. ) 1657. Dec. 30. Samuel Moyle, minister of Killaton and Ulalia Toms, daughter of William Toms, minister of this parish. Walter Trescott and Joane Webb, both of this parish. Richard Symons and Joane Darton, both of Saltash. Mathew Render and Elizabeth Hancock. Richard Hillerston, Esq., and Ann Norsworthy, daughter of Edward Noi-sworthy, Esq. !embland, in Holbeton, co. Devon. ) John Skelton and Margaret Webb. John Coffin and Esther Eliot. William Crocker and Dorcas Crocker. Robert Skelton and Johan Headon. Thomas Dell, gent., and Melior Deeble. Edmund Herring and Amy Radford, widow. Nicholas Webb and Damaris Goulston. Thomas Baker, gent., and Elizabeth Goulstone. (Mr. German Goldstone (or Goulstone) rector of Stoke Damerell, was buried in his church 4th January, 1659, and Mrs. Dorothy Goul- stone, his widow, 13th July, 1660. He had Susan, baptized 1596 ; Thomas and German, baptized in 1597 ; and John, in 1599. Also the marriage of two daughters are there recorded; viz., Susan, married 4th February, 1616, to Edward Gardiner, of Marstock, co. Somerset ; and Elizabeth, married Hugh Turner, of , in Devon. A son, George Goldestone, was buried at Stoke 23rd April, 1611. These 1657. Jan. 12. 1657. Jan. 21. 1658. Sept. 15. 1659. May 11. (He was of I 1659. Jan. 10. 1659. Feb. 23. 1662. Nov. 3. 1664. April 20. 1664. Nov. 24. 1665. June 20. 1665. July 26. 1666. Jan. 24. 1668. Jan. 14. 1669. Nov. 27. 1671. Aug. 15. 1671. Aug. 17. 1671. Nov. 2. 1671. Jan. 5. 1672. May 1. 138 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. were probably of the same family as the Goulstones we find at St. Stephens-by-Saltash. Judeth, a daughter of Hugh Turner, gent,, and Elizabeth his wife, of Stoke Damerell, was buried at St. Budeaux 23rd March, 1622.) 1667. Feb. 4. Thomas Stilles, gent., and Mary Slouget. (See his burial m 1672.) 1668. May 12. William Simons, gent., of Plymouth, and Johanna Beele. William Barstar (Bastard), gent., and Hanna Randell. John Walter, gent, and Mary Goulston. John Reaines and Ann Dell. William Hannaford and John Gould. Jonathan! James and Margaret Dell. Walter Hosking and Mary Herring. Robert Beele, clerk, and Mary Trelawny, daughter of Jonathan Trelawny, Esq. (The Beeles were a family of good position in this neighbourhood. They have been already mentioned at p. 12, where theu* arms are given. They held property, called Barne Barton, in the parish of St. Budeaux, at an early date, and Barne came by inheritance to the above Rev. Robert Beele. From what remain of the old parish accounts we gather the following facts : In 1626-7 Roger Beill was chosen one of the churchwardens. In 1629 Mr. Richard Beele was living in the parish, as also a Roger Beele. In 1632 Richard Beele was paid 4s. for killing four foxes; in 1035 he was one of the churchwardens; and in 1636 he purchased from the parish stock a " lamm," for which lamb he paid Is. In 1638 Mr. John Beele was one of the churchwardens; while we find that 13s. were paid to Richard Beele for four lambs, and soon afterwards he received £2 for five yews (ewes). In 1648 Richard Beele was buried in the church, 6s. 8d. being paid for the same, and a like amount was paid that year for the burial of Mary Beele in the church. In 1652 Mary Beele paid 3s. 4d. for the burial of a child in the church. In 1657 Laurence Beele, of Plymouth, left a legacy of <£4, to be distributed to the poor of St. Budeaux, in the month of November, by his brother, Richard Beele, and others. In the same year Mrs. Judith Beele left to the poor of St. Budeaux £1, to be distributed by her brother, Richard Beele, and others. Mr. Stephen Beele was buried in the church in 1660, and in the same year Precella Beele, a child, 6s. 8d. being paid in the former and 3s. 4d. in the latter case. In 1662 Richard Beele was the only churchwarden. In 1677-8 for the burial of Mr. Richard Beele 6s. 8d. was paid. The same year Mr. Richard Beele was buried, and 6s. 8d. paid for the grave. The latter left a legacy of ,£3 for the poor, to be distributed at Christmas by his executor, Mr. Robert Beele. Mr. Robert Beele was churchwarden in 1681; he was of Barne, and still Uving in 1697. In 1688 Mrs. Beele, of Kings Tamerton,was churchwarden, her deputy being Mr. Jonathan Hosking. She was probably the Mrs. Elizabeth Beele for whose grave 6s. 8d. ST. STEPHENS. 139 was paid in 1694. Mr. Robert Beele was living in Kings Tamerton 1701-2, who was probably the Robert Beele, gent., rated at £1 6s. 8d. in 1709. In 1706 Mrs. Mary Beele paid a rate of 9s. for Eustace tenement. But in 1710-11 we find Mrs. Judeth Beele rated at 9s., and the same in 1719; and in 1730 Mrs. Judith Beele is rated at lis. 3d. for her residence called Eustace, in Kings Tamerton. In 1755 William Beele, clerk, occurs as one of the justices of the peace. In 1775, and for several successive years, Mr. William Beele appears signmg the books as a justice of the peace. This was doubtless a branch of the family of Byll (or Beele), who entered their pedigree at the Visitation of 1620, having for arms quarterly, 1 and 4, Az. three griffins^ heads erased anj. ; 2 and 3, Arg. a chev. sa. beiw. three estoils gu. ; but it would require very careful research to establish the descent. ) In the Parish Register of St. Budeaux are numerous entries relating to these Beeles, but we must content ourselves with a few of them, thus : BAPTISMS. John, son of Stephen Beele. John, son of Stephen Beele. EUzabeth, daughter of William Beele. Judeth, daughter of William Beele and Agnes his wife. Stephen Beyle, son of Margaret Beyle, widow, late wife of John Beyle, deceased. Lawrence, son of Roger Beile. Robert, son of Robert Beile. WEDDINGS. 1545. June 8. John Pearse and Eliiiabeth Beyle. 1567. Nov. 11. William Beele and Margaret Strachley. 1611. April 15. William Cleark and Elizabeth Beyle. 1620. April 6. John Beyle and Christiana Kinge. (Daughter of Lawrence King, minister of St. Budeaux.) 1689. June 11. John Pendarvis, gent, and Mary Beele, gent. 1690. July 8. William Hosking, mmister of St. Mellyn (Mellion), and Mrs. Margaret Beele. (These last-named, jMary and Margaret Beele, were daughters of the Rev. Robert Beele, and his wife Mary Trelawny, who was the daughter of Jonathan Trelawny, Esq., of Coldrinick, by his wife Philoclea, daughter of Arthur Burell, gent., and became eventually heiress, in her issue, to Trelawny, of Coldrinick. ) 1547. April 18. 1549. May 16. 1559. Nov. 16. 1623. Oct. 26. 1605. Nov. 13. 1607. Sept. 20. 1611. Mar. 1. 1553. 1605. 1668. 1711. Jan. July Dec. May BUKIALS. 22. Thomasine, wife of William Beyle. 1. John Beyle, of Barne. 12. Eleanor Beele, of Barne. 3. Mrs. Elizabeth Beele. 140 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. ^t. ^tep|)en'6 Eeffietcr— (ofttinueU. 1718. April 23. Robert Beele, gent. (In the Registers of St. Andrew and Charles, Plymouth, are many entries of Beele. At the former Richard Beele and Margaret Couche were married 13 July, 1612 ; so also were Daniel Ely and Margaret Beele on 23rd December, 1658. In the Register of Charles Church we have the baptisms of the following children of Mr. Abraham Beele and Ann his wife ; viz., William, 2nd May, 1701 ; John, 17th June, 1702; and Lucretia, 11th February, 1703; also the burial of Mr. Stephen Beele, 7th February, 1695, and Mrs. Grace Beele on the 17th February, 1699. The above Mr. Abraham Beele was buried at St. Andrew 14th March, 1707, having had a son John buried 2nd October previous. The wife of Mr. Abraham Beele was buried at St. Andiew also on the 18th April, 1690, her Christian name being left blank in the original.) 1673. May 3. John Hunking, gent., and Agnes Beney, widow. (Mrs. Margery Hunking buried 18th October, 1677, in the church. Anne, daughter of Dr. John Hunking, buried in the church 13th September, 1715. Dr. John Hunking buried in the church 21st March, 1715. Mrs. Ann Hunking buried August 9th, 1723. Vide Charles Church Parish Register. The family entered their pedigree at the 1620 Visitation of Cornwall, where it is marked to be entered in the Visitation of Devon. The then representative was John Hunkin, of Gatherley, evidently intended for Hatherley, co. Devon, who was son of John Hunkin, of Liskeard. He married, first, Grace, daughter of Andrew Cloberie, of Bradston, co. Devon, by whom he had Joseph, aged 10 years, and Rudigund, aged 14. He married, secondly, Jane, daughter of John Connock, of Treworgay, by whom he had Richard, aged 5 ; John, aged 3 ; and Mary, aged 4 years in 1620. Their arms were : Arg. a mascle sa. surmounted hy afess. of the second. She was widow of Hiching Beney, mayor of Saltash. ) 1674. Dec. 10. William Moone and Ann Beele. 1676. July 6. Francis Rider, gent., and Mrs. Ann Read. (Both these families were connected with Wembury. Rede, of Wembury, entered their pedigree at the Heralds Visitation of 1620. Arms : Gu. on a bend nebulee arg. three shovellers sa. beaked and legged of the field. Dorothy, daughter of this Francis and Ann, baptized here in 1683, was buried at Wembury in 1711, having died 21st June in that year, aged 28 years, as stated on the mural monu- ment to her memory, on which are these arms in a lozenge : Az. three crescents or. The inscription and arms are repeated on a floor-slab.) Thomas Barrett and Elizabeth Vigors. Tristram Vigors and Honor Baker. Thomas Aling and Jane Herring, of Callington. Samuel Skelton and Joan Heewood. Mr. Samuel How and Mrs. Jane Barrie, of Plymouth. (Mr. John How, Minister of the Gospel at Great Torrington, and Mrs. Katherine Hughes, daughter of Mr. George Hughes, Minister 1680. Oct. 5. 1680. Jan. 6. 1682. Oct. 15. 1682. Jan. 1. 1684. Nov. 4. ST. STEPHENS. 141 of the Gospel at Plymouth, married 1st March, 1654. Vide St. Andrew Parish Register. A Mr. George How and Mrs. Hanna Phillips were married at Charles Church, Plymouth, 6th April, 1733. The following are from this church : 1692, February 7th, Grace, daughter of Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Jane How, baptized ; 1695, June 9th, Catherine, daughter of the same, baptized ; 1698, April 1st, Mary, daughter of the same, baptized ; 1700, Sept. 6th, George and Symon, sons of the same, baptized ; 1705, May 18th, George, son of the same, baptized. The following are burials from Charles Church : 1692, September 12th, Jane, daughter of Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Jane How ; 1698, September 1st, Grace, daughter of the same ; 1700, January 14th, George, son of the same ; 1701, April 28th, Symon, son of the same. ) 1686. Jan. 3. Henry Davis, gent. , and Elizabeth Tyack. (See her mother's burial, 1689.) 1688. Nov. 13. Thomas Martain, of Plymouth, merchant, and Mrs. Elizabeth Horsom. (Thomas, son of Thomas Martin, Esq., and Mrs. Elizabeth his wife, baptized at St. Andrew 20th February, 1721. Vide Parish Register. ) 1690. Mar. 19. Thomas Couch, of Plymouth, merchant, and Mrs. Agnes Hunkyn, of Saltash. 1692. Sept. , 6. William Courtenay, gent., of St. Term (St. Erm), and Mrs. Honor Scoon (Scawen), of Probus. (This William must be the William, son of William Courtenay, gent., baptized at St. Michael Penkival, 6th November, 1654, his mother being Elizabeth, daughter of John Grossman, of Botus Fleming, and his sister, Mary Courtenay, baptized in 1641, and married at Probus to Richard Williams in 1661. Mrs. Honor Scawen, his wife, was doubtless a daughter of Richard Scawen, gent. ; and Mary Bond married at Sheviock in 1666. See page 32. ) 1696. Nov. 16. Gregory Arundell and Honor Glogg, (See Sheviock.) 1696. Jan. 1. Charles Grills, of Anthonie, and Elizabeth Ford, of Saltash. 1699. May 14. John Hockaday, of Tavistock, and Jane Kelaway, of Saltash. 1702. April 20. George Barron, of Tintagel, and Elizabeth Walter. 1705. June 12. William Smith and Barbara Worth. 1705. July 21. Mark Hender and Elizabeth Hoblyn. 1708. Feb. 2. Samuel Arundell and Katherine Skelton. 1710. Oct. 16. John Robins, gent., of Verrion, and Mrs. Jane Warren. (For Warren see Rame.) 1711. April 18. John Skelton and Susanna Skelton, Avidow. 1711. Aug. 15. Captain Fleetwood Watkins and Mrs. Grace Tyth, of Launceston. -1716. Nov. 29. Sir Nicholas Trevanion, knight, and the Hon. Lady Coryton. (See St. Germans, p. 77.) 1722. Nov. 6. William Bailey and Elizabeth Fortescue. 1722. Mar. 2. Mr. Thomas Knighton and Mrs. Agnes Rous, by Licence. 142 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1723. Sept. 12. Robert Freeman and Hannah Greet, by Licence. 1724. April 20. Charles Darton and Elizabeth Freeman. (By deed of settlement, dated 25th March, 34 George III. 1794, between Elizabeth Roe, of Plymouth, spinster, of the first part, and James Hawkins, of Plymouth, gent., of the second part, and Edward Freeman, of Lostwithiel, gent., and Aaron Bowers, of Plymouth, gent., of the third part, we learn that the said Elizabeth Roe had property in Exeter, and was about to marry with the said James Hawkins. It further mentions the will of her late uncle William Freeman, deceased, late of Plymouth. The will of this James Hawkins, who died 10th December, 1818, in which he is styled of Buckland Monachorum,gent., names his daughter Susan, wife of John Plimsaul, of Plymouth, gi-ocer, who is to have Barn Park, in Buckland Monachorum, with remainder to his daughter,- Grace Freeman Dawe, wife of Sampson Dawe, of Buckland Monachorum, tanner, administration being granted to Emma Dawe, spinster, daughter of Grace Freeman Dawe, widow, in January, 1819. A shield of arms in possession of a descendant has these arms; viz., Az. three lozenges arg.; Freeman: imp. Chequy erm. and gu. Crest : A demi-lion gu. armed az. betw. the paws a cross crosslet or. The coat chequy erm. and gu. is not given in Pap worth's Ordinary.) 1725. Oct. 29. Edward Couch and Rachael Kelly, by Licence, dated 26th October. John Millet and Margery Mannaton. John Neilder, vicar, and Mrs. Grace Hancock. Mr. John Blake and Mrs. Mary Walter. Richard Skelton and Anne Symons. George Carnsew and Margaret Harris. (Mary, daughter of George Carnsew, gent., and Mary his wife, baptized 15th April, 1669. Ann, daughter of the same, baptized 20th February, 1672. Mathew, son of Mathew Carnsew, baptized 12th August, 1674. Mary, daughter of Mathew Carnsew, gent. , and Mary his wife, baptized 26th November, 1676. John, son of the same, baptized 25th March, 1679. Eve, daughter of Mathew Carnsew, and Joane his wife, baptized 17th February, 1686. John, son of John Consue, and Maiy his wife, baptized 18th April, 1721. Mary, daughter of the same, baptized 9th October, 1723. Jane, daughter of the same, baptized 17th January, 1726. John Consew and Mary Scodgell married at St. Tudy 2nd December, 1718. Vide all these from St. Tudy Parish Register. ) 1736. Sept. 12. Mr. Henry Bastard and Grace Foot. 1743. July 22. James Simpson, gent., and Lydia Roberts, by Licence. 1744. Feb. 1. James Luce and Ann Knighton, by Licence. (This family were, like Beele and Knighton, connected with St. Budeaux, from the register of which parish the following are extracted : Burials— Jmie 9th, 1726, Ehzabeth, daughter of Mr. Francis Luce. November 21st, 1730, Mr. James Luce, of Woodland. June 6th, 1753, ilr. Francis Luce. June 11th, 1758, Mrs. Catherine Luce, aged 91. March 2nd, 1771, Thomas Luce, aged 78. September 22nd, 1725. Nov. 4. 1728. Jan. 28. 1729. April 22. 1730. Jan. 28. 1733. Oct. 21. ST. STEPHKNS. 143 1795, James Luce, gent, of Woodland. May 20th, 1799, Thomas Luce, gent. The last two were brothers, and aged respectively 68 and 76 years, as stated on a mural tablet erected by their surviving brother, the Rev. Francis Luce, who died 21st December, 1810, aged 76, to whose memory his surviving relatives inscribed the stone. 1746. May 19. William Long Trosse, Esq., and Mrs. Elizabeth Walter, a stranger, by Licence. 1747. Dec. 3. Richard Herring, gent., and Eleanor Congdon, by Licence. 1748. May 17. Mr. John Trehearn and Mrs. Margaret Gaborian. 1748. May 29. Mr. John James and Mrs. Loveday Hicks, by Licence. (See also Saltash, p. 39.) 1748. Jan. 4. John Lyne, clerk, and Amy Sweetnam. (See Saltash, p. 41.) 1748. Feb. 12. Hugh Waddon and Honor Darton, by Licence. 1749. April 3. John Harris and Dorothy Darton. 1749. April 5. Frank Gaunter, gent., and Mrs. Mary Knighton, by Licence. 1749. Oct. 2. Richard Edgcombe and Ann Luce. 1752. Mar. 11. Thomas Horndon, clerk, and Mrs. Elizabeth Clarke, by Licence. (He was rector of St. Dominick, in which church there is a monu- ment to him, which see. ) 1756. Dec. 2. John Neilder, clerk, and Martha Hunt. 1762. July 29. William Spicer, Lieutenant of His Majesty's ship Torhay, and Miss Elizabeth Gaborian. (The family of Gaborian were French Protestants. The following is an entry from the register of St. Andrew relating to them : Peter, son of Peter and Mary Gaborian, a Frenchman, baptized 14th February, 1693.) 1762. Feb. 22. Edward Jope, gent., and Mary Seymour Palmer, spinster. 1771. July 25. Thomas Jordan, Esq., Captain of His Majesty's ship Kingfisher, and Miss Mary Arundell. 1779. May 10. The Rev. Thomas Marshall, vicar, and Miss Henrietta Masterman. (Philip, son of the Rev. Thomas Marshall, vicar, and Nancy his wife, baptized here 4th Febmary, 1777. ) 1781. Sept. 21. The Rev. Wymond Cory, clerk, and Miss Mary Blake. BURIALS. 1546. Nov. 25. Thomas Skelton. 1547. May 3. Elizabeth Bray. 1547. May 15. Roger Bray. 1547. June 7. Alice Skelton. 1547. July 9. Stephen Bele. 1547. July 10. Richard Luce. 144 HBRALDIC CHURCH NOTBS FROM CORNWALL. 1547. July 11. Robert Luce. 1547. July 12. Elizabeth Halye. 1647. July 13. Juliana Skelton. 1547. July 14. Thomas Bele. 1547. July 25. Alice, daughter of Richard Skelton. 1547. Sept. 24. Richard Skelton. 1550. May 17. 1552. June 15. 1552. July 27. 1553. July 15. 1558. Dec. 20. 1559. Mar. 12. 1560. Jan. 30. (During this year, particularly in the months of June, July, and August, the number of burials was very large, doubtless the result of the siege and surrender of Trematon Castle.) Stephen Manaton (Capellanus sepultus). Thomas Skelton. John, son of George Webb. Alice, daughter of Robert Hele. John Blackaller. John, son of Thomas Sture. William Wray, gent. (This William must have been the second son of Robert Wrey and Constance Shilston, and uncle of John Wrey, who married Blanch, the daughter and heir of Henry Killigrew, of Wolston, and was father of, with others, Sir William Wrey, the first baronet. A Mr. William Wrey and Mrs. Mary Rowse were married at St. Andrew's 8th January, 1623.) 1561. Nov. 12. George Webbe. 1561. Nov. 27. WilUam Elliott, pedagogus. 1563. Sept. 19. Thomas, son of John Herringe. 1563. Nov. 19. Margaret, wife of Thomas Sture. 1563. Feb. 13. Elizabeth Warwick. 1564. Aug. 23. Radigonda, wife of John Trevanion, Esq. 1566. Oct. 2. Margaret, wife of John Skelton. 1567. April 14. John Milton. 1568. Sept. 28. Johanna Hunkyn, widow. 1569. Nov. 17. Johanna, wife of John Walter. 1572. Jan. 30. Henry Edgcombe, 1579. Sept. 20. Richard Skelton. (Will proved at Bodmin 30th November, 1579, but is lost.) 1580. June 28. Katherine Skelton, widow. 1581. April 11. Johanna, wife of John Skelton. 1581. Oct. 27. John Herring. 1582. Sept. 21. William Pascoe, clerk. 1582. Jan. 26. Margaret, wife of Richard Crossman. 1583. Dec. 13. William Hele. 1588. Nov. 25. Johanna Hele, widow. 1589. July 7. John Trewbodie. 1591. April 12. William Rawlin, gent. 1591. May 13. Elizabeth Rawlin, widow. 1591. June 24, William Parr. 1591. Oct. 7. Henry Edgcombe. 1592. June 3. 1592. Dec. 23. 1595. Aug. 13. 1595. Sept. 29. 1596. May 4. 1596. July 4. 1596. July 23. 1596. Jan. 9. 1600. July 9. 1601. Sept. 24. 1602. June 2. 1602. June 26. 1602. Jan. 17. ST. STEPHENS. 145 1591. Feb. 21. Anthony Lampen, gent. (He was the second son of John Lampen, of Lampen, and uncle of John Lampen, who married Alice Clobery. This Anthony married Ann King, and though the Visitation pedigree gives liim no children, there is no evidence that he had none.) Arthur Glubb, mayor of Saltash. Johanna, wife of Anthony Ingram. Margaret Westcott, widow. John, son of Robert Symons, of Botus Fleming. John Edgcombe. John, son of Roger Westcott, gent. Margaret, wife of Robert Skelton. Robert Grossman. Johanna, wife of Robert Skelton. Margaret, wife of John Graye. Roger Westcott, gent. John Skelton, of Broadmore. Katherine, wife of Henry Clobery. (He was the third son of Henry Clobery, of Bradston, and she was a daughter of William Kelly, of Redcliff, co. Devon, by Johanna, daughter and co-heir of Henry Trecarrell of Trecarrell. By her he had two daughters, his co-heirs. Alice married John Lampen, and Johan married Peter Wills, of Saltash.) Stephen Greete, of Quethiock. John Pascoe, gent. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Skelton. Symon Glanvill, of Saltash. Pascowe Trevill. John Ham, gent. John Caro. Margaret Lower, widow. Nicholas, son of Richard Skelton. Frances, eldest daughter of George Wadham, Esq., and wife of Tobias Glanvile, gent. (He was a son of Nicholas, elder brother of Judge Glanville. The entry is quite clear that it was his wife buried. ) 1613. Nov. 14. John Fursland, gent., of Tamerton. Christopher, son of George Beare, gent. Thomas Skelton, of Broadmore. John, son of George Beare, gent. Arthur Pomeroy, gent. John Skelton, of Broadmore. Elizabeth, wife of Henry Clobery, gent. (She was the second wife of Henry Clobery above, but is not mentioned in the Visitation pedigree.) 1616. July 29. William Hobb, gent. 1617. June 13. J ohanna, wife of William Skelton, of Trehane. 1617. Feb. 1, Johanna, wife of John Darton. L 1602. Feb. 2. 1603. Sept. 5. 1603. Oct. 26. 1605. Jan. 3. 1605. Feb, 11. 1G06. May 4. 1607. June 22. 1608. Oct. 14. 1613. Aug. 8. 1613. Sept. 18. 1614. Feb. 2. 1614. Mar. 12. 1615. Aug. 3. 1615. Aug. 15. 1615. Nov. 8. 1616. June 20. 146 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1619. April 25. Peter Tore, clerk, of St. Stephens. 1619. Sept. 22. Robert Stephens, clerk, of St. Nicholas, Saltash. (Robert Stephens, minister, and Frances Batten married at St. Budeaux 19th May, 1577.) 1619. Oct. 21. Mary Glanfield, widow. 1621. Oct. 16. Nicholas Kemp, of Stokadon. 1622. Nov. 14. Jane, daughter of James Parker, gent. 1623. Dec. 25. Anne, wife of Thomas Skelton. 1625. April 14. William Edgcombe. 1625. April 22. Henry Clubery, gent. (See burial of his two wives above, 1602 and 1616.) 1627. Mar. 9. Francis, wife of Nicholas Tredinick, gent. 1628. Jan. 14. Ferdinanda, wife of Edward Trelawny, gent. 1630. Dec. 22. WilUam Worth. 1631. Dec. 20. Johan, wife of Richard Code, gent. 1631. Dec. 20. Edward, son of Edward Spry, of Plymouth. 1634. Jan. 15. Elizabeth, wife of Arthur Spry. 1636. Jan. 9. William, son of George Kegekwitch, gent. 1641. Mar. .15. William Michell, gent. 1642. Mar. 31. Richard Skelton, of Broadmore. (Will proved at Bodmin 9th April, 1642.) 1643. Mar. 25. William Jonson, of Tatins. 1643. Mar. 25. Samwell, wife of William Jonson, of Tatins, gent. 1643. April 1. Robert Stoford, of Devon, gent. 1643. April 5. Humphrey Hodge, gent. 1643. April 8. Christopher Hodge, gent. 1643. Dec. 19. Colonel William Arundell, son of John Arundell, of Trerice, Esq. (This must have been a son of John Arundell, of Trerice, who married, first, Catherine, daughter and heiress of John Cosworth, and, secondly, Gertrude, daughter of Sir Robert Dennys, of Holcombe, one of whose daughters married Richard Carew, of Anthony, and another, Mary, Oliver Dinham, of Saltash, and had a daughter married here in 1621. Neither this William nor the Christopher below are named in the pedigree, but they were probably both brothers of Oliver Dinham's wife.) 1644. Sept. 9. Henry Kekewich. Captain Christopher Arundell. Alice, daughter of George Kakwitch, gent. Mrs. Mary Rowse. (She was a daughter of William Bradshaw, and wife of Anthony Rous, M.p. for Cornwall 1653-56.) 1649. Mar. 30. Richard Chiverton, Esq. (He must have been the Richard Chiverton, of Trehimsie, who married Isabella, daughter of Digory Polwhele, and had, with other issue, Henry Chiverton, who married Emlin, daughter of Francis Buller, Esq., of Shillingham.) 1645. July 12. 1645. Jan. 26. 1645. Jan. 31. 1656. Jan. 8. 1657. April 28. 1658. July 16. 1659. Mar. 7. 1660. Mar. 27. 166a. July 15. 1660. Jan. 19. 1661. May 13. 1661. July 12. 1661. Feb. 10. ST. STEPHENS. 147 1649. July 2. Susan, wife of John Michell, Esq. 1653. July 2. Mr. William Hobbs, of Orchard. 1653. July 24. Johan, wife of Mr. John Pethen. (Mr. John Pethen, of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, and Mrs. Joane Strode married at Plympton St. Mary 16th May, 1632. Vide Plympton St. Maurice Parish Register. ) 1653. Aug. 2. Peter Moulton, merchant. 1653. Nov. 10. Mi-s. Amey Tanner. (This lady would be a sister probably of Bernard Tanner, who married Julian, daughter of Sir Richard Buller, of Shillinghani. ) 1654. jNIay 8. Johan, daughter of John Michell, gent. Ralph Cholwell. Thomasine Moulton, widow. , Edmund Herring, merchant. Elizabeth Eliot, of Saltash, widow. John Michell, of Saltash, gent. Grace Spry, widow. Katherine, wife of Mr. Nicholas Shepard. Thomas Skelton, of Stockaton. Ann, daughter of Richard Eliot. Jonas, son of Mr. William Crocker, of Saltash. Qartred, daughter of Edward Ameradeth, deceased. (She was baptized at Landulph 24th April, 1661, of which parish her father had been rector, he having been drowned on the 8th, and buried on the 10th May, 1661, in his own church, in the chancel of which is a floor-slab to his memory. On it are the arms of Ameradeth impaling Kekewich ; viz., A lion ramp, collared and chained ; imp. tivo lions pass, in bcTul, hetw. as many bendlets ; his wife being Alice, daughter of William Kekewich, of Catchfrench, Esq., and Jane his wife, baptized at St. Germans 24th April, 1625, and married there 5th May, 1647. She survived her husband, being buried, as this Register tells, 22nd March, 1661, and her will proved at Bodmin 24th June following. ) 1663. July 27. Mary, daughter of Mr. William Crocker, of Saltash. 1663. Aug. 15. Peter Moulton, of Saltash, merchant. (Administration of the eflfects of Peter Moulton, of Saltash, merchant, granted to his widow, Thomasine Moulton, at Bodmin, 14th July, 1664. Inventory dated 4th April, 1664 ; total, £931 7s. lOd.) Johan, wife of Mr. Nicholas Teayck, of Saltash. Elias, son of David Hoofe, gent. Alice, wife of John Pengelly, gent. William, son of William Crocker, gent. Elizabeth Kingsburie. Edmund, son of Edmund Herring, of Saltash. Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Rayle, gent, William Crocker, of Saltash. Elizabeth, wife of Pliilip Caltret, gent. Ann, daughter of Mr. William Toms. L 2 1663. Sept. 2. 1663. Mar. 19. 1664. April 29. 1664. Dec. 3. 1665. Feb. 9. 1666. May 30. 1666. June 20. 1666. Sept. 16. 1666. Jan. 25. 1667. Nov. 4. 1667. Dec. 1. . 1668. April 25. . 1669. Aug. 3. : 1670. Nov. 18. : 1671. April 12. : 1671. Jan. 28. . 1672. Mar. 26. . 1672. May 27. - 1672. June 7. . 1672. June 12. 1672. Sept. 15. (The wUI of November, 1672. 148 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Abigail, daughter of Mr. John Hex (Hicks). AUce Trubodie, widow. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Edmund Herring, of Saltash. Mary, daughter of Mr. William Moulton. Richard Williams, mayor of Saltash. John, son of Anthony Rowse, Esq. Arthur, son of William Moulton. John Pethen, gent. John, son of Robert Goulston. Henry Martaine, gent. Thomas Stiles, gent. this Thomas Styles was proved at Bodmin 16th Total of inventory, £584 12s, 8d. It commences : "I, Thomas Styles, of Saltash, gentleman, being weak and sick." To poor of Saltash, 20s. ; to poor of St. Dominick, 20s. ; to Richard Fur (rest gone, query if not Furlong), a black suit. Sister-in-law Jane Styles, Aunt Priscilla Moyse, my dear mother, Elizabeth Styles, Sister-in-law Margery Sloggett, Agnes Wilkey, and John Rendle,to have a mourning ring. To Richard Sii-ple, his other wearing apparel, except a black cloak, which is for Mr. Francis Sloggett. To Ambrose, son of the said Richard Sirple, a live sheep. To godson Francis Sweetnam, Katherine Souden, Susan Piper, Mary Hobb, Thomasine Coursey, and Rabbish Moone, each 5s. To his son, Francis Styles, his lower tene- ment in Baber, commonly called Walter's Lower Tenement, with other land, and £200. " To my wife, Mary Styles," liis higher tenement in Barber. Son Thomas Styles, Father-in-law Mr. Francis Sloggett. Names his brother Henry Styles, brother Richard Styles, and his children. There are two seals of arms, the first {Sa. ) a /esse {or), fretty (of the first), hetw. three jleurs-de-lys {of the second). Crest : A wolf's head couped {sa.) collared {or), the neck heloio the collar fretty {of the second), with helmet and mantling. The second shield is too indistinct to see clearly what the charges are ; it is quarterly 1 and 4, A chev. eiig. betw three . . . ? 2 and 3, Per chev. three ...?.) 1672. Nov. 29. Hiching Beney, mayor of Salta.sh. 1673. May 3. Edward Hinckston, of Kingston, co. Devon. 1673. July 8. Johan, daughter of Peter Kekewich, Esq. (This must have been a daughter unrecorded of Peter Kekewich, of Trehawke, who married .Joane Treville, at St. Andrew, Februaiy 22nd, 1635.) Mr. William Bickton, jun. Hanna, wife of WiUiam Bastard, gent. Mr. Nicholas Shipard. Johan, wife of Mr. William Moulton. Robert, son of Gentell Godolphin. (This Gentell Godolphin was son of Gentle Godolphin and Martha Hooper, whose father. Gentle Godolphin, was gi-andson of Sir William Godolphin. He married here, 18th November, 1672, Johan Bond, and this Robert was baptized 29th October, 1673, 1673. Dec. 31. 1673. Feb. 22. 1674. April 3. 1674. June 14. 1675. June 10. ST. STEPHENS. 149 1676. April 10. John Hunking, of Saltash, gent. (The following are from Bodmin : The nuncupative will of Peter Hunking, of Greips, in St. Stephens-by-Saltash, yeoman, dated 16tli March, 1624. To poor of St. Stephens, 6s. 8d. To daughter, Katherine Hunking, £50. To Agnes Hob, his daughter, and her two children, Susanna Hob and Francis Hob, 5s. To daughter Johan Hunking, £50. Residue to his wife, Alice Himking, and his son, Roger Hunking, who are to be executors. John Kneebone and William Hobb, his son-in-law, overseers. Proved at Bodmin 10th May, 1625. Inventory states he died on the 18th March, 1624 ; and the total efi'ects are £220 6s. 8d. The nuncupative will of Roger Hunking, of Castell, in St. Stephens-by-Saltash, dated 10th May, 1643. Names his son, Roger Hunking, who is to have his house after the death of his wife, Elizabeth Hunking, who is to retain it for her life. Daughters Katherine and Elizabeth Hunking. Son Roger Hunking and John Bickton, of Greep, to be overseers. Proved 20th November, 1643. The will of Roger Hunking, of St. Stephens-by- Saltash, yeoman. Names his son, WiUiam Hunkuig. Two daughters, Elizabeth and Joane Hunking, to each £40. Two daughters, Alice Heale and Mary Stephens, each 3s. 4d., and a lamb, with the same to each of their children. His wife Maiy, and son Peter Hunking to be executors. According to the inventory he died the last of February, 1671, his effects being valued at £83 Os. 8d. Administration granted 16th November, 1672. See also burials, 1673. The following are from the index to the wills at Bodmin : St. Stephens-by-Saltash, Roger Hunking, 13th October, 1601 ; Agnes Hunking, 29th April, 1603 ; Agnes Hunking, 19th February, 1672 ; Mary Hunking, widow, 22nd June, 1698. 1676. June 7. Edmund, son of Edmund Herring, of Saltash. 1676. Sept. 11. Mr. William Bickton. 1676. Sept. 29. Robert, son of Richard Brooking, of Totnes. (There are other entries of this name, and it would appear that they were relations of this Richard. In Totnes church, on the monument of Charles Taylor, gent., whose first wife, Mary, daughter of John Brooking, gent., died 25th October, 1688, are the arms of Brooking; viz., Arg. a fess. gu. betto. sLv cross crosslets, three and three, of the second.) 1676. Nov. 23. Mrs. Ann Fuller. 1676. Feb. 20. Robert, son of Robert Goulston, gent. 1677. May 21. Joane, wife of Edmund Herring, of Borinton. 1677. July 27. Damaras, wife of Robert Goulston, jun., gent. (Robert Goolson, of Cornwall, gent., and Damaras Avent married 6th May, 1668, at Ermington. Vide Parish Register.) 1677. Mar. 6. Margaret, daughter of William Toms, clerk. 1678. Oct. 20. Mary, wife of Tristram Vigars. 1678. Feb. 21. Richard, son of John Walter, gent. 1678. Mar. 24. Mary, daughter of Tristram Vigars. 1679. May 14. Mary, daughter of John Walter, gent. 150 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1679. May 23. Edmund, son of Mr. John Herring. 1679. Dec. 14. Mrs. Mary Edwards, widow. 1679. Dec. 14. John, son of Mr. John Hunkyn, deceased. 1679. Dec. 17. Margaret, wife of Mr. John Moulton. 1679. Jan. 31. Katherine, wife of Mr. Thomas Sweetnam. 1680. May 8. Mr. Peter Moulton. 1680. Aug. 6. Ann, daughter of Mr. James Salter. 1680. Oct. 12. Mr. William Kellaway. (His will, dated 9th October, 1680, calls him William Kelway, of Saltash, yeoman. To poor of Saltash, 10s. To his younger son, Henry Kelway, ^50, and an acre of meadow land at Saltash, lately purchased of Stephen Revell, gent. To wife, Margaret Kelway, £5, and JlO yearly out of Karkeele and Redland, in St. Stephens-by- Saltash, and she is to maintain and educate their children. To daughter, Jane Kelway, £90 at the age of eighteen years. To eldest son, William Kelway, his inheritance of dwelling-house, &c., with his residence, and he to be executor ; but, he being imder age, appoints Mr. Nicholas Tyack and Mr. William Stephens, of Saltash, together with his wife, trustees until his son is of age. Administration granted at Bodmin 14th January, 1680. Mr. WilUam Kellaway and Dorothy Easton were married at Bickleigh, Devon, 13th June, 1695. Vide Parish Register of Bickleigh. Henry Kelway and Mary Langaller married 4th April, 1718 ; and Mr. Henry Kellaway and ]Mrs. Dorothy Bound married 31st January, 1720. Vide St. Andrew Parish Register. From the same source we learn that John, son of Mr. Henry and Mrs. Mary Kelway, was baptized there 6th October, 1719 ; Mrs. Mary Kellaway was buried there 17th January, 1719 ; and Mrs. Dorothy Kelway on 10th October, 1739. The above Henry Kelway (or Kellaway) left certain monies, with which, in accordance with his will, was founded in 1732 what is known as " Kelway's Charity ; " first, for the benefit of the founder's kin, failing which for poor children of Plymouth and Saltash. In the Boardroom of the Plymouth Guardians is a panel containing forty-four shields of arms, supposed to be those of persons more or less benefactors of the old Hospital of the Poor's Portion. Among them is one probably intended for Kelway ; but if so, it is quite incorrect, the coat of Kellaway being, Arg. two grositig irons sa. in saltire hetio. four Kehoay pears ppr. , within a bwd. eng. of the second. The figures m saltu-e are variously drawn and named, sometimes being given as leg bones. The coat without the bordure is given in an ancient (1598) MS. of Devonshire Arms, for Stowford.) 1680. Jan. 20. Mr. William Toms. (He was vicar of this church.) 1680. Mar. 2. Damros, wife of Robert Goulston, sen., gent. 1681. Aug. 18. Flavell, son of William Bastard. 1681. Aug. 25. An infant, unbaptized, of Mr. Richard Earl. (A Mr. Richard Earle and Mrs. Rebecca Wallis married at Charles Church 14th October, 1715. Vide Parish Register.) ST. STEPHENS. l5l 1681. Feb. 8. Mr. Edmund Herring. (The will of Edmund Herring, of Buraton, in St. Stephens, was proved at Bodmin 21st April, 1682. It is dated 2nd February, 1677. It names his son Edward, to whose two children he gives £5. The two children of his daughter to have £5. His son Richard £5. His daughter, Loveday Herring, residuary legatee and executor. Total of inventory, £108 6s. 8d. Signed by William Warne, Joseph Thomas, and Robert Philipps. Sealed with these arms; viz., (Gu.) three herrings naurient in /esse (arg.).) The following entries from Bickleigh Registers relate to members of this family : BAPTISMS. 1697. Sept. 24. John, son of John Herring, vicar, and Rebecca his wife, bom 3rd September. 1699. Sept. 10. Edmund, son of John Herring, vicar, and Rebecca his wife, born 1st September. 1702. July 3. Joan, daughter of John Herring, vicar, and Rebecca his wife, born 10th June. 1704. Jan. 10. Thomas and William, sons of John Herring, vicar, and Rebecca his wife, bom 20th December. 1707. July 18. Mary, daughter of John Herring, vicar, and Rebecca his wife, bom 28th June. 1710. July 17. Rebeckah, daughter of John Herring, vicar, and Rebecca his wife, bom 17th March. WEDDINGS. 1706. Feb. 19. Mr. Christopher Hill, mayor of Saltash, and Mrs. Elizabeth Herring. 1718. June 24. Mr. Peter Mills and Mrs. Agnes Hening. 1738. April 20. The Rev. Mr. George Boughton, vicar of Hatherley, and JVIrs. Mary Herring, by Licence. 1739. Jan. 22. The Rev. Mr. William Herring, rector of Botus Fleming, and Mrs. Susanna Spettigue, by Licence. (The will of Thomas Herring was proved at Bodmin 1st July, 1706 ; and that of John Herring at the same time. S)t. i^tepl^en's Keffieter—continticB. 1682. Mar. 29. Francis, son of Francis Rider, gent. 1682. Jan. 17. Dorothy, daughter of Francis Courtenay, gent. 1683. April 2. Charles, son of Francis Courtenay, gent. 1683. May 24. Elizabeth, wife of OUver Reede, gent. (This Oliver Reede was doubtless a grandson of Edward Rede, of Wembury, who entered his pedigree at the Visitation of 1620, and had then two sons, Nicholas, aged eleven years, and Oliver; also four daughters.) 1686. Dec. 6. 1686. Mar. 5. 1687. May 26. 1687. Mar. 2. 1688. Dec. 15. 152 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1683. June 19. Mr. Thomas Sweetnam, of Saltash. 1683. Nov. 10. Mr. John Herring, jun. 1684. July 27. Mrs. Joane Williams, widow, of Saltash. 1685. Mar. 2. Mr. Robert Goulston, sen. (The will of this Robert Goulston, dated 9th February, 1677, styles him "gent.," and says he wa.s then sick and weak. He gives to the poor of St. Stephens, 20s. To his wife, £20, and live stock, &c., with his house, called "Grove." To his daughters, Ann Pinsent, Damaris Webb, and Mary Walter, Is. each. To all his grandchildren, £1 each. The residue of the property to his son, Robert Goulston, who is to be executor. Inventory dated 9th April, 1686. Signed by John Walter, Ferdinando Foster, and John Luce ; the total being .£450 13s. 4d. Sealed with a shield of these arms ; viz., Three water bougets, being the arms used by his vdie's family, by the name of Avery, as mentioned on p. 115. Proved at Bodmin, 14th April, 1686. 1686. Oct. 10. Nicholas, son of Mr. Joseph Brooking, of Plymouth. William Narbome, gent. Nicholas Tyack, gent. George Eliot, of Pill. Robert, son of Henry Lampyn. John Walter, gent. (The will of John Walter the elder, of Trematon, in the parish of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, dated 5th May, 1635, names his son-in-law, John Jeynyngs, £10. To John Hichens, junior, his kinsman, 40s. Also Robert Hichens, and John, son of William Walter, and his servant, Peter Chapman. Residue to his son, John Walter. Proved at Bodmin, 4th November, 1635. Administration to the effects of John Walter, gent. , was granted to his relict, Mary Walter, widow, of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, Nicholas Webb, of Landulph, gent., and John Luce, of St. Stephens, yeoman. The inventory is signed by Robert Goulston and Nicholas Webb, gent., 19th April, 1689. Total, £225 6s. 8d. Administration granted 28th May, 1689. The will of Richard Walter was proved at Bodmin, 14th June, 1571 ; and that of William Walter m July, 1585. John, son of John Walter, gent. Edward, son of Mr. Joseph Joape. Mrs. Joane Bickton, widow. John Skelton, of Broadmoor. Tristram Vigars. (Administration granted at Bodmin to Honor Vigures, his widow, 29th October, 1689.) 1689. Sept. 20. Mrs. Cordelia Farthers, widow. 1689. Sept. 27. Mrs. Thomasine Tyack, widow. (She was the second wife of the Nicholas Tyack named above, who was descended from the Tyacks of St. Breock, and is mentioned in Colonel Vivian's Visitations of Cormvall, p. 524. They had three sons, who all died Avithout issue, and two daughtera, Mary and Elizabeth, the latter married Henry Davis, of Trebarvah, in Perran Uthnoe. 1688. Feb. 2. 1689. Mar. 25. 1689. July 22. 1689. July 27. 1689. Sept. 13. 1690. Sept. 18. 1690. Oct. 24. 1690. Nov. 8. 1690. Jan. 28. 1691. Nov. 22. 1691. Mar. 1. 1692. May 28. 1692. Mar. 27. 1693. July 28. 1693. Sept. 14. ST. STEPHENS. 153 1690. April 21. John Deeble, gent. 1690. April 28. John Deeble, jun. 1690. May 29. Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Courtenay, gent. (Francis Courtenay and Catlierine Lower, gent., married 27th December, 1617, at St. Tudy. Francis, son of Francis Courtenay, gent., baptized 5tli December, 1619. Vide St. Tudy Parish Register. Mr. Francis Courtenay buried 1st January, 1713. Vicle Charles Church Parish Register.) Peter, son of Mr. John Moulton, of Saltash. Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas Trenick. Alice, wife of Mr. Joseph Lampyn. Elizabeth Norbome, widow. Thomasine, wife of Francis Sweetnam. Prudence, daughter of John Hancock, clerk. Katherine, daughter of Mr. Francis Sweetnam. John, son of Mr. John Moulton, of Saltash. Mrs. Katherine Vigars, widow. Oliver Read, gent. (See note, burial, 1683, May 24th.) 1693. Nov. 20. Margaret, daughter of Mr. John Moulton. 1693. Jan. 16. John Pethen, gent., of Pill. 1693. Feb. 8. Martha, wife of Thomas Skelton. 1694. Mar. 27. Mr. Richard Skelton, of Saltash. (The will of Richard Skelton, gent., proved at Bodmin 25th June, 1694. Dated 18th January, 1693, when he was sick. He leaves his house, lands, and tenements to his wife, Ann Skelton, whom he makes executrix. ) Mrs. Elizabeth Walter. ^Irs. Cleare Deeble, widow. Mrs. Mary Furlong, of Saltash. William, son of William Wame, merchant. The above William Wame. ^Irs. Rebeccah Homdon, widow. Mr. John Pethan, drowned 8th October. (The Rev. William Pethen, curate, of this parish, buried 18th May, 1728. Vide St. Budeaux Parish Register. The will of a Walter Pethen, of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, proved 9th April, 1578; of William Pethen, 30th July, 1594 ; of Ann Pethen, 14th April, 1686, and others. ) 1697. Nov, 3. Martha, wife of Mr. Joseph Hunkyn. (Joseph Hunking, of Saltash, and Martha Boger, of Plymstock, married 8th September, 1683. Vide St. Andrew Parish Register.) 1697. Nov. 20. William, son of John Hancock, vicar. 1697. Dec. 2. Urselaw, wife of William Bastard, gent. 1697. Mar. 16, John Symons, headman. 1698. April 12. Mrs. Ann Skelton, of Saltash. 1698. June 17. James Webb sen. 1696. Mar. 26. 1696. May 31. 1696. Jan. 28: 1697. April 6. 1697. April 17. 1697. Sept. 29. 1697. Oct. 23. 1699. Feb. 8. 1700. Mar. 9. 1700. Mar. 17. 1701. Aug. 1. 1701. Sept. 25. 154 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1698. Jan. 8. John Bush, Surgeon of his Majesties ship Mermaid, drowned, was buried here. 1699. June 19. Thomas Peniler, Captain of his Majesties ship Mermaid. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. James Calmady. Mrs. Sarah Cornish, widow. Mrs. Ann Pethen, widow. Mr. Anthony Preston, mayor of Saltash. Mr. Ambrose Rider. (The will of Ambrose Rider, of Carkeel, in St. Stephens-by- Saltash, gent., dated 22nd July, 1701, was proved at Bodmin 14th October, 1701. Of it the followmg is an abstract : For his funeral, £10 ; to the poor, 20s. ; to his wife, 10s. and then: bed ; to his son, Ambrose Rider, Is., for he owes him £1000 by deed dated 1st October, 1695, as executor of his brother, Burrell Rider; to his daughter, Katherine Burell, £40 ; to his daughter Christiana, £150 ; to his daughter Elizabeth, £140. All his lands, tenements, &c., to his youngest son, Francis Rider, who is appointed executor.) 1701. Dec. 26. Agnes, wife of Mr. Richard Eare, of Saltash. Agnes, wife of Thomas Couch, living in Plymouth. Thomas Skelton, of Boraton Coombe. Mr. Edmund Herring. it Bodmm 28th August, 1704.) Thomas Skelton, of Stokaton. Joseph, son of Henry Bastard. John Hancock, vicar. Katherine, daughter of Mr. Thomas Strawbridge. Margaret Salt. Francis, son of Thomas Strawbridge. Mary, wife of Thomas Hoblyn. Katherine, daughter of Josias Hoblyn. Deborah, wife of Samuel Pyne. George, son of Mr. John Torre, clerk. Thomas Wyvell. Margery, daughter of Mr. Thomas Luce. Mr. John Hancock died in Exon, and buried in St. Patrick's Church there. Mrs. Mary Walters. Mr. John Moulton. Francis Stiles. Sarah, daughter of Samuel Arundell. John Herring, gent. Mrs. Katherine Rider, widow. Mrs. Damaris Pyke. Mrs. Jane Skelton. Mrs. Susanna Doidge. Mrs. Margaret Moulton. Edmund Herring. (See his baptism, 1st March in the same year.) 1701. Dec. 31. 1702. July 28. 1704. May 31. (Will proved 1705. May 1. 1705. June 28. 1705. Aug. 13. 1705, June 30. 1706. July 17. 1707. June 7. 1707. Nov. 19. 1707. Nov. 30. 1707. Dec. 2. 1708. Aug. 22. 1708. Itlar. 21. 1710. Jan. 21. 1711. Aug. 14. 1712. Oct. 19. 1713. June 5. 1713. July 26. 1713. Aug. 25. 1714. July 8. 1714. Sept. 30. 1714. Dec. 30. 1715. Feb. 1. 1716. Mar. 26. 1716. April 24. 1718. Mar. 4. ST. STEPHENS. 155 1718. Mar. 18. Mrs. Herring. 1719. Nov. 23. Mrs. Joane Bickton. 1719. Dec. 20. Jane Courtenay. 1721. Jan. 15. Mr. Edward Hobling. 1725. April 5. Mrs. Anne Rider. 1727. Aug. 26. Mr. George Moulton. 1728. May 26. Mrs. Grace Moulton. 1730. July 17. John Connock, Esq. (See Connock pedigree, p. 93, Colonel Vivian's VisUatiom of Cornwall. His will was proved at Bodmin 11th September, 1730.) 1730. Aug. 3. John Moulton Carew. 1731. June 25. Mr. George Newton. (The will of George Newton, of Saltash, gent., mentions his marriage settlement with his now wife, Elizabeth Newton, formerly Eliaabeth Lyne, whereby a settlement was made in trust on Philip Lyne, gent. He leaves all his lands in Blackawton, failing heirs of his body, to William Cholwich, of Oldstone, Esq. Dated December 10th, 1729. Admmistration granted at Bodmin 4th October, 1731. Sealed with these arms, (Sa.) two shin boms in salt ire {arg.\ in chief a crescent for difference.) 1731. Aug. 31. JMr. Edward Leane. 1732. Aug. 30. Samuel Arundell. 1732. Jan. 13. Mrs. Alice Blake. 1733. Aug. 19. Mrs. Thomasine Moulton. (The will of this Thomasine Moulton names her kinsman, the Rev. Joseph Clark, rector of St. Dominick, and the Rev. John Neilder, vicar of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, her trustees, and leaves her property to her sister Agnes, wife of the Rev. Henry Carew, clerk, and to her heirs male. Her cousin, Mrs. Thomasine Leane, to have a ring. Dated 14th July, 1733. Administration granted at Bodmin 27th August, 1733.) Mrs. Christiana Herring. Thomas Knighton, gent. Mrs. Elizabeth Doidge. Mi's. Agnes Herring. Mrs. Agnes Carew. Mr. John Neilder, clerk. James, son of Mr. Samuel Hunn. Mrs. Damaris Styles. Mr. William Hancock. Mrs. Joan Rackwood (Rookwood). Mr. Robert Connock. Connock, Esq., above. Will proved at Bodmin 6th Mr. Thomas Vivian. Mrs. Ann Herring. Mrs. Honor Parker. Mr. John Blake. Mr. Jonathan Hicks. 1735. Dec. 7. 1736. April 26. 1736. April 29. 1737. Feb. 9. 1739. Sept. 5. 1739. Feb. 11. 1740. Oct. 5. 1741. April 24. 1741. June 29. 1741. July 9. 1742. April 27. (Son of Johi May, 1742.) 1744. July 23. 1745. July 11. 1746. April 9. 1746. Mar. 19. 1748. April 25. 1748. Feb. 22. 1749. Oct. 28. 1750. May 21. 1750. July 24. 1750. Oct. 9. 156 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTBS FROM CORNWALL. 1748. Aug. 8. Thomas Knighton, gent. (This family were seated in the parish of St. Budeaux in the sixteenth century. Among other entries relating to them in the registers of that parish, we find Elizabeth, daughter of John Knighton, baptized 9th September, 1589 ; Richard Knighton and Judeth Hellier married in 1645 ; Gorges, son of Richard Knighton, buried in 1596. Also the following burials : Mr. James Knighton, of Weston Mills, in 1739 ; Mr. James Knighton, 21st July, 1742 ; and Johanna Knighton, gent., 24th August, 1785. This lady was a daughter of Thomas Were, of Burrington. In St. Budeaux Church is a mural monument for James Knighton, of Weston Mill, gent., who married Johanna, daughter of Thomas Were, of Burrington, gent. He died 19th July, 1742, aged 31, leaving issue one daughter, who only lived three months after her father. Johanna Knighton survived her husband forty-three years, and died a widow. On the monument are these arms, Arg. on a hend az., betw. six cross crosslets Jitchee gu., three crosiers or, in chief a crescent of the second for difference. 1748. Nov. 12. Mrs. Philadelphia Connock. Samuel Chimister, gent. John Clarke, Esq. Captain John Wynell. Mrs. Martha Hunt. Edward Webb, Esq. (See note to baptism, 1744, and p. 36. ) 1750. Oct. 11. Mrs. Grace Neilder. (She was widow of Mr. John Neilder, vicar, buried in 1739. See weddings, 1728.) This is a very small church, buried at the foot of some steep hills surrounding the head of a shalloAv branch or rather inlet of Botus the Tamar, north of Saltash, and offers little of Fleming. special interest. The only ancient monument is the recumbent effigy of a knight, cross-legged, under an arch in the wall. No trace of any heraldic insignia remain, but it is generally supposed to be the founder of the church, one of the Flemyng family, the only data to form an opinion from being its formation and the style of the armour. The other monuments are plain white marble tablets of the latter part of the last century •downward. They are as follows : A mural tablet in memory of William Symons, of Hatt, Esq., High Sheriff of Cornwall, who died 9th August, 1766, aged 70, He left issue two sons and three daughters. By his first wife he had Arabella, married to the Rev. Josiali Foot. By his second wife he had William, Nicholas, Elizabeth, married to the Rev. Peter Davey Foulkes ; and Mary BOTUS FLEMING. 157 Ann, married to the Kev. Charles Tucker. Also in memory of his son William Symons, Esq., Captain in the Royal Cornish Militia, who died 3rd May, 1802, aged 48. This monument was erected by Mrs. Elizabeth Foulkes. There is another mural tablet in the north aisle to a grandson of the High Sheriff; viz., in memory of William Symons, Esq., of Hatt, who died in November, 1832, aged 48. [He was the son of Nicholas Symons, who assumed the name of Sherwood, and was drowned at Runcorn Ferry, on the Mersey, in 1802.] Also in memory of Agnes, his wife, Avho died at Bristol 31st January, 1840, aged 51, and was buried in the cathedral of that city. She was a lineal descendant of William Penn. They left issue five children; viz., Elizabeth Sherwood, William (who erected this monument), Nicholas, Mary Ann, and Arabella. The only other memorial of this family, which has been seated for a considerable period at Hatt, in this parish, is the monument of the late Mr. Symons, of Hatt, which is over their grave in the churchyard at the west end of the church ; viz. : In memory of Caroline i/^^ Anne Southwell Symons, wife of William Symons, Esq., of Hatt, who died 19th January, 1880, aged 67. WiUiam Symons, Esq., of Hatt, her husband, died 6th March, 1883, aged 64 years. Arms: {Az.) a chev. eng. hetic. three trefoil slipped (oi'). Crest : On a mmmt an efinnine (or otter) pass., in its mouth a trefoil slipped. Why this par- ticular coat was selected to be placed on this monument seems very uncertain. One thing is certain, it does not appear to have been used by any members of this family. The coat of which a plate is given here, was used by William Symons, the sheriff above named, on his seal and book-plate, of which last the plate is &. facsimile. 158 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. (See also Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 2nd series, vol. iv. p. 250.) And the same coat was used on his own book-plate by the late Mr. Synions. No pedigree or arms of this family were entered at the Heralds Visitation. A long pedigree has been compiled of the family of Symons, Fitz-Simons, and Symonds, &c., with an idea of connecting various branches, but the evidence is very doubtful. The name is a very common one. A long pedigree is given in Burke's Landed Gentry, which claims this family and some others of the name to be descended from a Simon, Lord of Seint-Sever, in Normandy. Neither this family of Symons nor that at Chaddlewood, supposed to be a branch, have registered their arms, and appear to have been in doubt as to what they should bear. The latter family have used the same as that used by tjie Sheriff, sometimes with a bordure counter- changed; but it is a question if they ought not rather to have those entered for William Symons, of Exeter, in the Visitation of 1620, with some difference; viz., Arg. a chev. betio. three pole- axes sa. The folloAving are some of the Symons entries from the registers of this parish : BAPTISMS. Robert, son of William Simons. (The date is gone, but it is between 1549 and 1558. Will of William Symons, of Botus Fleming, proved at Bodmin 10th November, 1574, but lost.) 1658. Feb. 15. Margaret, daughter of Nicholas Simons. (Will of Nicholas Symons, of Botus Fleming, proved at Bodmin 21st November, 1571, but lost.) Nicholas, son of John Simons. Edward, son of Nicholas Simons. Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Simons. Frances, daughter of Nicholas Simons. Nicholas, son of Robert Symons. John, son of Nicholas Symons. Walter, son of Robert Symons the elder. John, son of Robert Simons the elder. John, son of Robert Simons the younger. William, son of Nicholas Symons. Susan, daughter of Richard Symons. Margaret, daughter of Robert Symons. Robert, son of Robert Simons, senior. John, son of William Symons. Philip, son of Nicholas Symons, of South Hatt. 1561. April 5. 1576. Oct. 12. 1577. April 6. 1577. Mar. 2. 1578. April 20. 1579. Sept. 12. 1580. Feb. 14. 1582. April 25. 1582. June 6. 1583. June 10. 1584. Jan. 3. 1584. Feb. 25. 1585. Mar. 20. 1586. Sept. 12. 1609. Feb. 2. B0TU8 FLEMING. 159 1612. April 26. Jane, daughter of Nicholas Symons, of South Hatt, and Susan his wife. 1654. Sept. 22. Susanna, daughter of Nicholas Simons, gent, and Mary his wife. 1655. Jan. 19. (Bom) John, son of Nicholas Simons, gent. 1660. June 1. Jonathan, son of Mr. Nicholas Symons. 1698. May 1. Ann, daughter of William Symons, gent, and Joane his wife. 1700. Aug. 30. Nicholas, son of William Symons, gent, and Joane his wife. 1702. June 30. Nicholas, son of William Symons, gent, and Joane his wife. 1704. May 30. Edward, son of William Symons, gent, and Joane his wife. 1705. Mar. 23. John, son of William Symons, gent, and Joane his wife. 1734. Aug. 5. William, son of William Symons, Esq., and Arabella his wife. 1754. Jan. 21. William, son of William Symons, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife, bom 17th January. 1755. Sept. 30. Elizabeth, daughter of William Symons, Esq., bom 30th September. 1760. May 4. Nicholas, son of William Symons, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife, bora 30th January. WEDDINGS. John Simons and Flower Wame. Robert, son of Nicholas Symons, and Joane Braye. Nicholas Simon and Thomasine Huswife. Robert Symons the elder and Anne Coode. Nicholas Simons and Joane Glanfeld. Robert Simons the younger and Jane Hancock. Robert, son of John Simons, and Alls Beele. John Symons and Jane Skelton. William Couch, gent, and Anne Simons. Francis Jones, gent, and Susanna Symons. W^illiam Symons, Esq., and Elizabeth Trosse, widow. By Licence. (See St. Stephens weddings, 1746, p. 143.) BURIALS. Nicholas Simons, of South Hatt. Nicholas, son of William Symons, gent. John, son of William Symons, gent. Mrs. Joane Symons. William, son of William Symons, Esq. Arabella, wife of William Symons, Esq. Thomas, son of William Symons, Esq. 1550. May 11. 1565. June 4. 1575. Sept. 7. 1576. July 1576. Nov. 12. 1579. Nov. 17. 1579. Nov. 29. 1653. Aug. 1682. Dec. 7. 1688. Mar. 26. 1752. Nov. 3. 1613. Nov. 2. 1701. April 28. 1706. July 18. 1732. April 1. 1732. Feb. 19. 1735. Sept. 7. 1744. Nov. 15. 160 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. A mural tablet bears the record that Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John Bray, of Plymouth, tanner, and da:ughter of the Rev. Mr. Pearse, rector of this parish, died 1st December, 1747, aged 69 years. This lady must have been the daughter of the Rev. John Pearse, rector, and sister of the Rev. Arthur Pearse, who succeeded his father as rector. A table-tomb in the churchyard of the ad- joining parish of Landulph is in memory of Samuel Bray, late of that parish; also John Bray, of Plymouth, who died , 1748, aged 60. Unfortunately the inscription is almost obliterated, parts being quite gone ; but these arms can still be tfaced : Quarterly {arg. and az.) cm a bend (gu.), three fleurs-de-lis {(yr). Crest : A bird close. It is not clear whether it is a dove or rook. From the arms they appear to have come from Oxfordshire, though the name is rather frequent in this neighbourhood at an early period in the registers. Some entries of the Pearses wiU be found in the general extracts from the registers hereafter. Another tablet is inscribed to the memory of Mark Batt, Esq., son of Mark Batt, merchant. He was a Justice of the Peace, and Deputy Lieutenant for Cornwall, and Gentleman of His Majesty's Honourable Privy Council, and died 23rd February, 1758, aged 70 ; also William Batt, of Plymouth, merchant, only brother of the above, who died 13th March, 1781, aged 85. The Register records the burial of Mark Batt, Esq., on the 27th February, 1758, and of WilHam Batt, Esq., on 16th March, 1781 ; also that of John Batt, Esq., "in Linnen," on the 20th August, 1785. A mural tablet likewise commemorates the Rev. William Spry, a. m., for eighteen years rector of this parish, who died 26 th August, 1844, aged 57. Tablet for Patience, wife of Matthew Loam, of Moditonham, who died 16th December, 1881, aged 65. A tablet records that, the foiirth bell being broken, a new one was given by William Symons, of Hatt, Esq., in 1842; William Spry, rector; William Symons and Thomas Batten, churchwardens. A mural tablet commemorates William Edward Lane Vigor, who died at Marlborough College, Wilts, 3rd October, 1862, aged 17 years. Another tablet is in memory of the mother and a brother of the last named; viz., Henry John Vigor, a.m., who died 16th August, 1878, aged 31 ; Louisa, wife of the Rev. William Edward Vigor, died 20th January, 1883, aged 62. This lady was a daughter of John Harris, of Radford, Esq. BOTUS FLEMING. 161 A window is in memory of "William Edward Lane Vigor, who died 3rd October, 1862;, Louisa Vigor, died 20th January, 1883; and Henry John Vigor, who died 16th August, 1878. Lake's Parochial History of Cornwall mentions two other in- scriptions which have disappeared; viz., one for Digory "Wills, gent., who died July, 1619; also another with a Latin inscription for "William Vincent, gentleman, rector of this parish; and Thomasine, his wife, with the date 1684. These two disappeared at the restora- tion of the church, the latter being doubtless the one mentioned by Gilbert as having the following shield of arms : Az. fJiree quatrefoil arg., imp. ... a cliev . . . hetw. three water bougets. . . . They were doubtless both floor-slabs, the colours on the coat of Vincent being supplied by Gilbert from some other source. There is in the Register the following entry : " 1691, April 9th, Armand de La Bastide and Katherine Vincent married; 1705, February 7th, Katherine De La Basteede buried." There may be other entries that were overlooked. Gilbert also mentioned the arms of Edgcombe, with quarterings, being there ; but there is now no trace of them. The early parts of the Registers, which exist back to 1545, are very much obliterated, and offer little beyond what is of genea- logical interest. In addition to what has been already given the following results of a somewhat hurried search through them seemed most worth noting ; but doubtless many entries that might have appeared have been passed over. BAPTISMS. 1545. . . . Nicholas, son of Jolm Grossman. (Date gone, but between 1545 and 1549.) William, son of Jolm Grossman. Agneta, daughter of Robert Malet. Margaret, daughter of John Grossman. Joan, daughter of Robert Mallett. Margaret, daughter of George Grills. Nicholas, son of George Grills. James, son of John Grossman, gent. This family entered their pedigree at the Heralds Visitation of 1620. They were of Gross, in this parish, and the above John Cross- man, according to the Visitation pedigree, married Blanch, daughter and coheir of Edward Gouch, of St. Stephens.) 1578. Oct. 4. Ehzabeth, daughter of John Porter. 1579. Dec. 3. Simon, son of John Truskot. 1579. March 5. Elizabeth, daughter of John Grossman, gent. 1549. 1558. March 7. 1558. Aug. 7. 1564. Mar. 31. 1567. July 27. 1577. Feb 1578. Sept. 7. 1582. July 28. 1590. April 8. 1590. May 24. 1590. Nov. 27. 1597. Feb. 5. 1598. Oct. 15. 1600. Aug. 31. 1601. Oct. 29. 1605. Sept. 22. 1606. Feb. 24. 1609. July 26. 1611. Dec. 13. 162 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Susan, daughter of John Grossman, gent. Agnes, daughter of Philip Jago. William, son of Edmund Lugger. Richard, son of John Grossman, gent. George, son of Ambrose Manuington. Priscilla, daughter of William Mintem, rector. Susanna, daughter of Andrew GaiTo and Margaret his wife. Robert, son of Paskow Skelton and Agnes his wife. Nicholas, son of Andrew Garro. Nicholas, son of Nicholas Skelton and Jane his wife. John, son of Nicholas Skelton and Jane his wife. James, son of Nicholas Skelton. (Named in the will of James Grossman, dated 1633, as James Skelton, son of Nicholas Skelton, gent., to have £6 135. 4d., and the other children of the said Nicholas £5 per annum. ) Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Rouse, gent. Susan, daughter of Nicholas Skelton. EUzabeth, daughter of John Wills, clerk, vicar of Morval. Mary, daughter of Nicholas Skelton and Jane his wife. Rebecca, daughter of Edmund Edgcombe and Katheiine his wife. Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Pengellyand Thomasine his wife. Nicholas, son of Nicholas Skelton. Jane, daughter of Nicholas Skelton, gent. Pentecost, daughter of Degory Wills, gent, and Johan his wife ; bom 22nd September. 1655. Mar. 23. Anthony, son of Nicholas Skelton, gent., and Maudlin his wife. 1656. April 29. Susanna, daughter of James Skelton, gent., and Johan his wife. 1656. Oct. 20. Robert, son of Robert Spry, gent., and Agnes his wife. PhiUppa, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Skelton. Sarah, daughter of Thomas Jane, clerk, and Joan his wife. Thomas, son of Nicholas Skelton and Wilmouth his wife. Joseph, son of Thomas Jane, clerk, and Joan his wife. Richard, son of Thomas Jane, clerk, and Joan his wife. Ann, daughter of Thomas Jane, clerk, and Joan his wife. Wilmot, daughter of Nicholas Skelton. John, son of Ferdinando Searle and Alice Simons. Arthur, son of John Pearse, rector, and Dorothy his wife. 1682. Dec. 7. Denning, son of Nicholas Skelton and Wilmot his wife. 1613. Oct. 3. 1614. JMay 29. 1616. Jan. 12. 1621. Dec. 2. 1629. April 12. 1629. Mar. 14. 1630. Nov. 1. 1651. Jan. 22. 1654. Jan. 21. 1659. 1669. Mar. Aug. 23. 31. 1669. Nov. 12. 1671. 1672. 1673. Aug. Jan. July 16. 8. 29. 1679. 1679. 1681. Jime Feb. Dec. 27. 13. 15. BOTUS FLEMING. 163 1685. JNIay 29. Alice, daughter of Perdinando Searle and Alice his wife. 1691. Jan. 5. Martha, daughter of Ferdinando Searle and Alice his wife. 1694. Aug. 17. Mary,daughterof Ferdinando Searle and Alice his wife. 1715. April 18. Hannah, daughter of Arthur Peai-se, rector, and Mary his wife ; bom 28th March. 1716. Oct. 4. Dorothy, daughter of Arthur Pearse, rector, and Mary his wife. 1735. Nov. 2. John, son of Henry Skelton and Sarah his wife. (About this date occur several children of Silvester Trefry and Margaret his wife. ) 1738. Sept. 10. Richard, son of Henry Skelton and Sarah his wife. 1740. Oct. 26. Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Skelton and Samh his wife. 1742. Jan. 11. Rebeccah, daughter of William Herring, rector, and Susannah his wife ; born December 15th. 1744. Sept. 26. John, son of William Herring, rector, and Susannah his wife ; born August 30th. 1748. Nov. 9. William, son of William Herring, rector, and Susannah his wife; born October 11th. 1752. April 18. Edmund, son of William Herruig, rector, and SiLsannah his wife. 1754. Jan. 4. Thomas Pyne, son of William Heriing, rector, and Susannah his wife. Born November 22nd. WEDDINGS. Richard Trevill and Margaret Grossman. George Grills and Margaret Huswife. Henry Ward and Jone Grossman. William Gornish and Elizabeth Kerswell. William Wotton and Elizabeth Harris. (Alice, daughter and co-heir of John Wotton of Wotton in Landrake, married, first, Edward Gourtenay, Esq. , who died in 1509, and is commemorated by a brass in Landrake chm-ch. She married, secondly, William Lower, of Polscoe, and died in 1533.) 1592. Jan. 5. Richard Willes and Margaret Pridis. 1594. Aug. 5. Roger Morgan, clerk, and Elizabeth Porter. 1596. Feb. 3. John Lene and Mary Grills. 1598. Dec. 24. James Grossman and Elizabeth Skelton. (He was the son of John Grossman and Blanch Gouch, and was baptised in 1578 (see above) ; and his wife, accorduig to the Visitation, was a daughter of Nicholas Skelton, of Landilt. The will of Elizabeth Grossman was proved at Exeter in 1638.) 1601. July 27. John Grossman, gent., and Alice Gourtenay, widow. (This Alice was the second wife of John Grossman, his first, Blanch Gouch, having been buried in 1600.) 1601. Feb. 23. Simon Holman and Jane Prideaux. 1603. Aug. 24. William Warren, of East Hartford, Devon, gent., and Philippa, daughter of John Grossman, of Gross, gent. 1550. Nov. 6. 1566. May 6. 1577. Sept. 3. 1586. May 8, 1587. Jan. 12. 164 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1605. Feb, 17. Nicholas Skelton, junr., and Jane, daughter of John Grossman, gent. 1608. Oct. 4. Mr. William Trenick, of Menvagesye, and Anne Mintern. 1614, Sept. 14. John Willes (oxoniensis), bom at Morvale, and Jane, daughter of William Minterne. (See baptism, 1616.) 1637. Aug. 30. Stephen Beale and Agnes Cole. 1639. Jan. 1. William Corliam, gent, and Mrs. Elizabeth Grossman. (They had a son, married at Plymstock, 22nd March, 1680, as William Gorham, gent., to Ellen, diiughter of Thomas Rich, gent, [of Worthele, in Ermington, where he was married on 19th July, 1659, to Margery Datton, of Dartmouth], and had William, Thomas, and Ellen baptised there. Of these, Ellen, or Eleanor, married to John Huxham, m.d., of Plymouth, and William married Rebecca [? Foxworthy], and had Francis Foxworthy, baptized at St. Budeaux in 1719, and buried at Plymstock in 1743 ; Thomas, Mathew Humberstone, and Speo, a daughter, all baptised at St. Budeaux. Mathew Humberstone Gorham and Grace his wife had four sons- William, JMathew, Francis, and Thomas— all baptised at the same place in 1749, 1755, 1757, and 1758. Of these, Francis Gorham had Mary and Thomas Edmund, also baptised at St. Budeaux. Matthew was buried as Mathew Humberstone, son of Mathew Humberstone Gorham, and Grace his wife, at St. Budeaux in 1755. There were formerly painted on the door of one of the pews in St. Budeaux Ghurch these arms : Quarterly 1 and 4 Arg. a cross betiv. four eagles displ. sa. ; Gorham. 2 and ZGu. afess or, and in chief three escallop shells of the second . . . imp. Arr/. three foxes pass. gu. ; a s%voi'd erect '(ypr. hilt and pommel or, passiw/ behind the lowei' fox, for Foxworthy.) James Grossman, gent, and Johan Henin. Richard Dodge, gent, of Milton Abbott, and Elizabeth Gater, daughter of Marace Gater, gent. Mr. Nicholas Trego and Thomasine Moulton,of Saltash. Ghi-istopher Baron, gent, and Mre. Thomasine Jane. William Hanford and Mary Arundell. John Martin and Mary Hoblyn. John Harris and Mary Bennett. Josias Hoblyn and Dorothy Edwards. John Martyn and Susannah Skelton. (William Martyn, m.d., of Plymouth, who died 22nd November, 1762, aged 62, is buried in a field to the north of the church ; and, as the inscription, which is given in Lake's Parochial Histonj of Com- vmll, states, died a GathoUc Ghristian, but was buried thus to show he was without any superstitious veneration for church or churchyard.) WilUam Garland and Joan Barrett. Henry Bennett and Emling Harris. John Jane and Dorothy Peai-se. By Licence. William Burnard and Matilda Hawke. By Licence. Sampson Barrett and Susanna Skelton, 1641. May 17. 1655. April 15. 1671. May 5. 1673. Oct. 29. 1693. Feb. 4. 1697. Feb. 3. 1705. Nov. 16. 1706. Dec. 26. 1708. Jan. 1. 1711. Dec. 25. 1712. Nov. 5. 1734. Aug. 12. 1750. Oct. 3, 1753. Feb. 11. DOTUS FLEMING. 165 BURIALS. 1550. March 8. John Grossman, sen. 1568. Oct. 7. John Grossman, sen. 1575. Sept. 29. John, son of John Grossman, the elder. 1580. Aug. 8. EHzabeth, daughter of John Grossman. 1591. Nov. 25. Ehzabeth, Avife of Mathew How. 1293. Mar. 20. Wilham Porter, rector. 1600. Dec. 26. Blanch, wife of Grossman. (She was the wife of John Grossman, of Gross, and daughter of Edward Gouch, of St. Stephens-by-Saltash.) 1606. Feb. 3. John Grossman, gent. (Will proved at Bodmm 14th December, 1609. His eldest son James made liis will, dated 1st June, 1633, as James Grossman, of Gross, in Botus Fleming, gent. To the poor of which parish he gives 40s. ; to James, son of Nicholas Skelton, gent (who had married his sister, Jane), he gives .£6 13s. 4d. ; and to tlie other childien of the said Nicholas Skelton, £5 per annum at the age of 21. He names his wife, Elizabeth, and her heirs ; his property in St. Neott ; his brother, Richard Grossman, who was to have a gold ring ; and EHza- beth Grossman, Richard's daughter, to whom he left a silver bole. He also names John Rouse, the younger, and Margaret, wife of Hanniball Axford. Inventory of the effects of the. deceased made 4th October, 1633. Administration of the effects of John Grossman, f^^ytj^, of Stratton, in this paiish, late deceased, not administered to by Agnes, his wife and executrix, was granted to Hector Cory the 6th July, 1646, at Bodmm.) 1609. Jan. 22. Mrs. Anne, wife of William Trenick. William, son of William Trenick, of Mevagissye. Nicholas Symons, of South Hatt. John, son of Nicholas Skelton. Mi-s. Jane Skelton. (She was a daughter of James Grossman, who left her children See weddings, 1605, and baptisms, 1611.) Maudlin Skelton. Elizabeth Glanville, of Plymouth. John Pearse, rector. Mrs. Anne Roberts. Mrs. Margery Slade. Mary, wife of Arthur Pearse, rector, died 15th. Roger Worth. Mr. Arthur Pearse, rector. Richard, son of Henry Skelton and Sarah his wife. Thomas Pyne, son of Wilham Herring, rector. Mark Batt, Esq. Sylvester Trefry. Richard Skelton. William Batt, Esq. John Batt, Esq. In Linnen. John Skelton. 1609. Feb. 2. 1613. Nov. 2. 1621. June 28. 1660. Feb. 9. (She was > a < legacies. I 3ee ^ 1684. Mar. 21. 1696. May 2. 1707. Nov. 15. 1709. Dec. 19. 1714. Nov. 6. 1719. Nov. 17. 1720. Feb. 5. 1721. Sept. 25. 1739. Sept. 25. 1755. April 25. 1758. Feb. 27. 1772. April 22. 1773. April 13. 1781. Mar. 16. 1785. Aug. 20. 1785. Dec. 28. 166 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. This is one of those secluded churches which seem to lie far from the busy haunts of man, " the world forgetting, by the world St. Dominick. ^°'^'^°^ "' ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^* ^° ^^^^ ^^^ removed, being only about nine miles from Saltash, and a mile off the road between that town and CaUington. The church has been restored and beautified by the efforts of the present rector, the Rev. Canon Buck, whose cordial reception and kind assistance the author takes this opportunity of most heartily acknowledging. On entering the church, our attention is at once attracted by a large monument at the east end of the south aisle, an altar tomb with the recumbent efl&gies of two gentlemen. At the foot of the figure nearest the chancel are these arms : Or, an eagle displayed az., in chief a label of three points throughout of the second, with helmet and mantling, carved and coloured ; Rous. At the foot of the other figure, the same coat without the label. Between these two shields, and also fixed against the waU, are three shields — the first, Or, an eagle displ. az., Rous ; imp. Gu. on a cJiev. arg. lietw. three leopard J faces or, four bars of the field, betioeen twelve ogresses. Coles : the second shield divided per pale, but blank : the third, Rous as in the first, impaling Arg. a chev. gu. betw. three coots sa., Southcote. Beneath these, this inscription, which cannot be made much shorter, and therefore is given verbatim : " Here lyes the Right wor: Ambrose Rous, sonne and heyre of S'" Anthony Rous knight, who maryed with Maudlin the daughteer ST. DOMINICK. 167 of the right wor: Peter Osborne esq. by whome he had fifteene children." On a loose square stone are carved the arms of Eons, with a label for difference. This monument, as can be readily perceived, was originally a very handsome canopied one, in memory of Sir Anthony Rous and Ambrose Eous, Esq., his son ; but it having fallen into such a state of decay as to render it dangerous, the canopy was taken down, rather than incur the cost of rebuilding it. The tomb is built into the south-east comer of the aisle, and it is evident that the large shields mentioned above stood over the canopy at the side and end, the cornice being enriched with several smaller shields, one of which has been preserved and already described. Sir Anthony Rous married first Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Thomas Southcote, Esq., by Grace his wife, sister and heir of Nicholas Bamhouse, Esq. By this lady he had: 1, Ambrose. 2, Robert, from whom descended Rous of Courtyrala, co. Gla- morgan. 3, Richard, of Endellion. 4, Francis Rous, Provost of Eton College ; married Ebbot Grenville, of St. Germans, by licence dated 30th March, 1612 {vide Bishop of Exeter's Act Boole); and buried at Eton in 1658, leaving issue. 5, Arthur. 6, EHzabeth, married to John Northcote. Sir Anthony married secondly Philippa, daughter of Humphry Coles, by whom he had two daughters : Philippa, married to Humphry Nicol, of Penvose ; and Dorothy, married to John Upton, of Lupton. Sir Anthony married thirdly Susanna, daughter of Lewis Pollard, of Nimpton Bishop, and relict of John Copleston, of Copleston (marriage licence 13th September, 1620), by whom he had no issue, and who died 17th October, 1633, and is buried at Tamerton Foliot under a ledger-stone with three shields of .arms — viz., first, {Arg.) a chev. eng. (gu.) hetio. three leopards^ faces (o^.), Copleston, imp. {Arg.) a chev. {az.) hetw. three mullets {gu.), Pollard; second, {Or) an eagle displ. {az.), Rous, imp. Pollard as before — third Pollard alone — with an inscription round the edge stating it to be in memory of Dame Susarma, wife of John Copleston, of "Warleigh, and also late wife of Sir Anthony Rous, of Halton. It appears as if some por- tions of the monument had been lost or destroyed at the restoration ; for it is very strange that the arms of the first and second wife of the father should have been placed over the inscription for the son, while the arms of the son's wife were omitted altogether. 168 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. And the blank shield being left for the arms of the third wife of Sir Anthony, would seem to imply that the inscription for Sir Anthony also recorded his wives and the dates of the death of the two first, a blank being left for the third, as was often done ; but she dying and being buried with a monument at Tamerton, neither arms nor date were filled in. It is certain it could not have been for want of knowing what the arms were; for those of Pollard were already on the monument of the first husband of the lady; and the arms of Osborne {Arg. a bend erms. hetw. tico lions ramp, sa.), the Avife of Ambrose Kous, were entered on the Eous pedigree at the Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. Ambrose Rous, the son, married, as recorded on the inscription, a daughter of Peter Osborne, though the Visitation gives the name of her father as John. Here are two sources of legal evidence at variance. Which is correct? Doubtless the inscription. The Visitation also only gives him three children — WUliam, George, Thomas — whereas the inscription tells us he had fifteen, which again must be undoubtedly right, as the Register extracts which follow help to show. BAPTISMS. 1602. Oct. 6. Katharine, daughter of Mr. Ambrose Rous. (Married Francis Wills, of Wyvelscombe, at St. Stephens-by-Saltash, 30th December, 1617. See p. 112.) 1609. March 4. Mary, daughter of Mr. Robert Rous. (He was the fourth sou of Sir Anthony Rous, and married Ebbott, daughter of Geo. Grenville, of Penheale, by whom he had several children, of whom Anthony was father, inter alia, of Francis Rous, of Wootton-under-Edge, co. Gloucester. ) 1619. May 13. Francis, daughter of " Mr. William Rous, Esq." (He was son and hen- of Ambrose Rous and jMagdalen his wife, and married Mary, daughter of Richard, Lord Robartes, by whom he had several children, one of whom, Elizabeth, married the above Francis Rous, of Wootton, and Anthony, named in the next extract.) 1665. April 20. William, son of Anthony Rous, Esq., and Maiy his wife. WEDDINGS. 1604. May 29. IMr. Humphry Nicol and Mrs. Philippa Rouse. (Daughter of Sir Anthony Rous, and mentioned above. ) 8T. DOMINICK. 169 1610. Jan. 20. Mr. Richard Rous and Mrs. Christian Clobery. (This Richard must have been a nephew of Sir Anthony Rous, not named in the pedigree, unless indeed this was the first marriage of Richard Rous, of Endellion, tliird son of Sir Anthony, and who at the visitation of 1620 was husband of Anna, daughter of Wilham Billing, of Hanger, though the followmg reasons render it imlikely : The above Christian was said at the Inquisition on the death of her father, held on 11th March, 1597, to be then aged eleven days, her elder sister Grace being aged six years and more, whereas Anna Billing was probably bom not later than 1570 ; her mother being married m 1563, and buried in 1578, and her four surviving sisters being younger than herself, the eldest son and heir being bom about 1572, while there was one, if not more, younger sons. At any rate, it Avould appear that the said Christian could not have been more than thirteen years old. It is quite within reasonable bounds that the marriage ceremony was performed for the purpose of seciu-ing an heiress, Grace and Christian being the only children of Andrew Clobery, of Lifton, second son of John Clobery, of Bradston, by Mary, daughter of Jolm Rowse, of St, Austell. Of such a proceeding the following is an example : William Eure, bom 27th February, 1530-1, who succeeded his grandfather as second Lord Eure in 1547, was married at Eynsham, co. Oxford, in 1541, he being then aged eleven years, to Mary, daughter of George, Lord Darcy, of Aston, she being only four years of age. From some incompatibility of temperament or otherwise the marriage in this case appears not to have been consummated, as we find a divorce decreed at Durham, 3rd November, 1554 ; and they both soon after married. He to Margaret, daughter of Sir Edward Dymoke, of Scrivelsby ; and she to Henry Babington, Esq., and afterwards to Henry Foljamb, Esq.) 1612. Feb. 28. Mr. John Upton and Mrs. Dorothy Rouse. (Daughter of Sir Anthony Rous, already named. ) 1616. June 17. Mr. Daniell Cutteele and Mrs. Magdalen Rouse. (She was a daughter of Ambrose Rous, Esq., and her husband was the second son of Sir Thomas Coteele, of London, knight, whose father, Stephen Coteel, came to England from Antwerp. Mary, sister of this Daniel Coteel, married Sir Richard Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe. Daniel Coteel was of Ridley Hall, in Tarling, CO. Essex, and was living in 1634, but appears to have died without issue.) 1679. Oct. 14. Nicholas Cotton, gent., and Mary Rous, widow, (This Mary was probably the relict of Anthony Rouse, son and heir of William Rous and Mary Robartes, mentioned above. ) BURIALS. 1603. June 10. Mr. Anthony Rous. (This Anthony must have been an uncle, or possibly a cousin, of Sir Anthony, whose name does not appear on the pedigree. From the date, it could hardly have been his nephew Anthony, son of Edmimd Rous.) 170 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1620. May 5. Lady Philippa, wife of Sir Anthony Rous, knight. (This lady was the second wife of Sir Anthony Rous, for whose loss, and the death of his eldest son, Sir Anthony sought consolation by marrying a third wife in the September following, to whom he had been united less than two months when death laid its cold hand upon him. Surely an eventful year this for the family at Halton, and one long to be remembered. The next two entries will speak for themselves.) 1620. July 23. Ambrose Rous, Esq. 1620. Nov. 16. Sir Anthony Rous, knight. 1651. Feb. 2. John, son, of Anthony Rous, Esq. 1654. July 3. ... wife of Anthony Rous, Esq. (These two entries probably refer to Anthony, son of Robert, second son of Sir Anthony Rous, though if the supposition at page 169 is correct, he must have had a second wife. The number of entries relating to Anthony Rous are rather confusing.) The above are all the Rous entries still existing at St. Dominick. The following from other parishes are worth adding here : JRolibttrj) ParisJ) Eeffieter. BAPTISMS. 1604. Dec. 23. Ralph, son of Ambrose Rouse and Maudlin his wife. 1606. June 1 1 . Anthony, son of Ambrose Rous and IMaudlyn his wife. 1607. June 7. Ambrose, son of Ambrose Rous and Maudlyn his wife. 1608. Nov. 23. Ambrose, son of Ambrose Rous and Maudlyn his wife. WEDDINGS. 1622. July 27. Bernard Flamocke and Elizabeth Rowse. 1638. April 4. Robert Rich and Elinor Rowse. (Evidently daughters of Ambrose Rous and Magdalen or Maudlyn his wife. The first is named in the Flamank pedigree, the other InHarL MS., 1562.) ©rmtnffton Parisi) Ecffister. BURIALS. 1606. Aug. 17. ... son of Mr. Ambrose Rouse, Esq. (The name is gone, but it was Ambrose. See baptisms from Modbury. This entry and those at ]\Iodbury evidently refer to Ambrose, son and hen- of Sir Anthony Rous, and to his children.) 1612. Oct. 24. John, son of Mr. Anthony Rous. 1617. Sept. 14. IMary, wife of Anthony Rous. (This Anthony must have been the second son of Edmund Rous, next brother to Sir Anthony Rous, and probably father of Ambrose Rous, curate of Ermington, and of Anthony Rous, buried in 1660, mentioned below. ) ST, DOMIXICK. 171 1648. Dec. 25. Charles, son of Ambrose Rous, curate, and Mathew his wife {sic). 1656. Nov. 15. Margaret, daughter of Anthony Rous, gent. 1657. Jan. 15. Dorothy Southmeed, widow, daughter of Anthony Rous, gent. 1657. Mar. 6. OUver, son of Anthony Rous, gent. 1660. July 25. Anthony Rous, gent. 1677. June 9. Jane, wife of George Rouse. (Here we are in difficulty as to identity. It would seem more likely that this George was a son of Anthony, nephew of Sir Anthony, rather than George, son of Ambrose and grandson of Sir Anthony Rouse. Perhaps some adjacent Parish Register might throw some light on the point. ) In the Registers of St. Andrew, Plymouth, we find the marriage, 8th January, 1628, of Mr. William "Wray and Mrs. Mary Rowse ; doubtless another daughter of Ambrose Rous and Magdalen Osborne. We are then able to account for twelve children out of the fifteen the inscription on his monument stated he had. In the last-named Register we also find the baptism, on the 21st April, 1642, of Elizabeth, daughter of "Mr. Anthony Rowse, Esq.," and her burial on the 22nd March following, while the burial of Mrs. Mary Rowse is recorded 30th October, 1645. This was probably the Anthony Rous who married Mary Brad- shaw, and the Mrs. Mary was his wife; at least, that seems the most likely identification. The burial, evidently of this Mrs. Mary Rowse, is also entered in the Register of St. Stephens (see p. 146), the date given being the 31st October; and on the 15th October, 1649, Ave find at St. Stephens the burial of Thomas Rowse, gent., unquestionably the son of Ambrose and Magdalen Rous. g)t. Dominicti— conttnueU. The next memorial to attract the visitor's notice, as it is likewise the next in point of date, is a handsome marble monument on the wall of the north aisle. M. S. To the memory of WiUiam Brendon of Westcott gen. who dyed the 22"^ day of Febry 1700^ in the 17"^ year of his age. The arms are : Vert, three martlets arc/., and are surmounted by a helmet and mantling, but no crest remains. This coat is 172 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL, not recorded at the College of Arms, and is another instance of the use of armorial bearings by small landowners who never troubled to enter their arms or pedigree at the Heralds Visitations, though they held a good position in the neigh- bourhood, and as far back as 1562 married with the Clo- berrys. Lords of the Manor of Bradston. The William Bren- don, to whose memory the above monument was erected, is said by Gilbert, in his History of Cornwall, to have been accidentally killed by his companion when out shoot- ing; and that this, being an only child, so affected liis father, that he sold Westcott and settled the remainder of his property on his relations of the same name, resident in the parish of Lawhitton, but the value of this tradition is pointed out hereafter on p. 173. The following entries from the Register relate to this family ; BAPTISMS. Jone, daughter of John Brendon. Elizabeth, daughter of John Brendon. Harry, son of William Brendon. John, son of William Brendon. Jone, daughter of John Brendon. Mary, daughter of John Brendon. Jone, daughter of John Brendon. WiUiam, son of WilUam Brendon and Joyce his wife. Anne, daughter of William Brendon and Joyce his wife. Robert, son of William Brendon and Joyce his wife. Philippa, daughter of Wilham Brendon and Joyce his wife. Elizabeth, daughter of William Brendon and Joyce his mfe. Anna, daughter of William Brendon. Persis, daughter of Robert and Persis Brendon. (There is in the Probate Court at Bodmin the will of Persis Brendon, of St. Dominick, proved 4th October, 1692, of which the following is an abstract : " I, Persis Brendon, this 2nd October, 1689, bemg sick," &c., gives to her cousin, Elizabeth Brendon, her silk- 157.. 1579. June 12. 1579. Dec. 4. 1581. May 22. 1581. Feb. 18. 1584. Dec. 28. 1601. Mar. 10. 1630. Sept. 26. 1632. Oct. 28. 1635. Mar. 30. 1636. Oct. 23. 1639. June 12. 1659. May 30. 1668. July 30. ST. DOMINICK. 173 flowered gown, silk petticoat, &c. ; to cousin John Pearse, 10s. ; to cousin Sarah Pearse, a green silk petticoat and a piece of gold ; to godson William Brendon, 23s. and a diamond ring ; to brother-in-law William Brendon, a gold ring ; to cousin Robert Brendon, a ring ; to godson Richard Blight, 5s. ; to cousin Grace Mayow, 10s. ; and the residue of her property to her sister-m-law, Mary Brendon, whom she makes sole executrix." This is sealed with the arms of Brendon as on the monument, but with the martlets placed one and two, and was the will of Robert Brendon's widow, made for the disposal of her personal belongings. Her daughter, of the same name, was buried, as we shall see, in 1674, and her husband in 1689. They were the parents of three children— Persis, William, and Robert — all of whom died before them, except William, baptized 19th July, 1688, died 22nd February, 1704 (old style), and who consequently on his next birthday in the following July, 1705, would have been seventeen. Thus the monument is correct as to his age, and in styling him " of Westcott, gen.," his father, Robert Brendon, of Westcott, being dead. Had the father been living he would unquestionably have been mentioned on the monument ; and so once more hard and pitiless fact has destroyed any foundation for the affecting anecdote of parental grief related by Gilbert, and leaves it to share the fate of many another tradition. ) 1688. July 19. William, son of Robert Brendon. (This is the William commemorated by the monument. ) 1689. April 5. Robert, son of Robert Brendon. (This entry is from the Bishop's Transcripts at Bodmin. He was a posthumous child, and buried the same year. From this time there are no more baptisms of Brendon here. ) WEDDINGS. 1559. Oct. 30. Lewes Hicks and Jone Brendon. 1562. June 13. Harry Cloberry and Katherine Brendon. 1567. Jan. 28. William Brendon and Christian Cloberry. (This Christian was one of the daughters of John Cloberry, Lord of the Manor of Bradston, by Mary, daughter and heir of John Rowse, of St. Austell, and sister of Oliver and Andrew Cloberry, and probably of the Harry Cloberry, who married, as above, Katherine Brendon.) 1569. Jan. 17. Anthony Brendon and Jone Hammett. Thomas Brendon and Christian Bond. Edward Couch and Elizabeth Brendon. John Brendon and Margery Symons. John Hendy and Mary Brendon. Hugh Vigiu-s and Elizabeth Brendon. Thomas Toser and Anne Brendon. (Hugh Vigurs and Thomas Toser, both named in the will of their father-in-law, William Brendon. See burials, 1619.) 1602. June 21. Thomas Bond and Ehzabeth Brendon. 1602. ... Tristram Tibb and Jone Brendon. 1570. May 28. 1572. Jan. 15. 1574. Jan. 23. 1589. Oct. 6. 1595. Feb. 23. 1599. Mar. 24. 174 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1608. Dec. 14. Mr. Roger Martin and Mrs. Anne Brendon. 1629. Nov. 28. William Brendon and Joyce Diamond. (These are the grandparents of William, whose monument is in the church. The burial of Joyce is not in the existing Register, but is suppUed from the Bishop's Transcripts. ) 1657. ... William Brendon and Mary Warring. (This was a son of the above-named William and Joyce Brendon.) 1660. Sept. 20. WiUiam Rider and Anne Brendon. (She was a daughter of William Brendon and Joyce his wife, and her husband's family will be found mentioned under St. Stephen, p. 140. This is the latest marriage of a Brendon at St. Dominick.) BURIALS. 1566. April 13. Richard Brendon. (This is the earliest member of the family of Brendon whom we can find here. He was probably father of Richard, John, and William, also of Jone, wife of Lewes Hicks, and Katherine, wife of Harry Cloberry.) 1568. Jan. 31. John, son of William Brendon. 1569. Feb. 6. Peter, son of Richard Brendon. 1571. Feb. 22. John Brendon the elder. (The will of this John was proved at Bodmin, 16th April, 1672> but imfortunately it is lost with the other early wills. ) 1583. June 15. Jone, daughter of William Brendon. 1606. Sept. 11. Mr. John Brendon. (The will of this Mr. John is, very unfortunately, not in the office ; only the administration is extant, which was granted on 31st Decem- ber, 1608, to Ann Brendon, widow, of St. Dominick, relict of the deceased, and to Robert Moore, of Moore, co. Devon, Esq. Inventory dated 18th April, 1607, by Anthony Brendon. The same seal is used by Ann Brendon and Robert Moore ; viz., one with these arms : A chev. betw. three birds. The most reasonable explanation of one of the executors coming from Devonshire is that he was a brother of Mrs. Ann Brendon. She appears to have re-married to Mr. Roger Martm. ) 1619. Mar. 9. Mr. William Brendon. (The following is an abstract of his nuncupative will : " I, Wilham Brendon, of Westcott, in St. Dominick, gent., &c., &c., to poor of St. Dominick, 13s. 4d. ; to poor of Calstock, 6s. 8d. ; to the poor of Callington, 6s. 8d. ; to poor of St. Melligon, 6s. 8d. ; to poor of Buckland Monachorum, Devon, 6s. 8d. ; to daughter Ann, wife of Thomas Toser, £3 6s. 8d. ; to her children, 5s. 6d. each ; to son-in-law Hugh Vigures, 6s. 8d. ; to [name gone] daughter of Hugh Vigures, 20s. ; and to his other children, 5s. 6d. each ; to Johane Brendon, daughter of my son, John Brendon, deceased, 10s. ; to her brother, WilUam Brendon, 5s. ; to her brother, Robert Brendon, a gold ling ; to Alice Blackaller, 6s. 8d. ; to his servant, Elizabeth Gifford, 10s. The residue to ' Christian, my wife,' who is appointed sole executrix, with John Cloberry, Esq., John Crabb, gent, and Thomas Toser, ST. DOMINICK. 175 * my son-in-law/ as overseers. " Dated 13th April, 1618, and proved at Bodmin, 20th Apiil, 1619. Inventory made by William Brendon, gent.) 1672. Nov. 18. Ann, daughter of William Brendon. (This entry is from the Bishops' Transcripts at Bodmin.) 1674. Mar. 13. Persis, daughter of Robert Brendon. 1677. Nov. 3. Joyce, wife of William Brendon, sen., gent. 1680. Dec. 21. Mr. William Brendon. (Husband of Joyce Brendon above. It was probably this William Brendon to whom administration was granted at Exeter 20th August, 1668, to the effects of his imcle, Robert Brendon, of St. Dominick, deceased.) 1689. Mar. 30. Robert Brendon. (This was the husband of Persis, who resigned administration to William Brendon, brother and next of kin to the said Robert Brendon, gent., of St. Dominick, deceased, 20th April, 1689 ; the total of the inventory amoimting to £252 Us. Sd. This is sealed with the same arms as mentioned above ; viz., three martlets, one and two. This is at Exeter, but unfortunately the will does not remain in the office.) 1689. Sept. 10. Robert Brendon. (This was apparently the posthumous child of the above Robert Brendon.) 1693. Feb. 19. WUliam Brendon. (He was the eldest son of William and Joyce Brendon, and married in 1657 Mary Warring, by whom he had Ann, baptized here in 1659, (she was probably the Ann, wife of Richard Chapman, of Liskeard, to whom administration was granted at Bodmin, 17th August, 1719, of the effects of William Brendon, junior, late of St. Dominick, as next of km,) and probably the father of Robert, buried in 1698. The will of this William was proved at Exeter in 1694 ; in the index he is styled " of Westcote," but the will itself is most imfortunately missing from the office. The will of his widow is noticed below, in which she calls herself of Westcote. The estate of Westcote is never devised in any of the wills ; but we find Wilham Brendon, who died in 1619, styled of that place ; his only son died before him, leaving William, Jone, and Robert, the last two only bemg mentioned in the will of their grandfather ; but the eldest, William, made out the inventory of his grandfather's belongings. The eldest son of the last William was the one above who died in 1694, who, as we have seen, was of Westcote, as was also his widow ; but probably only a portion of it in jointure, as then: nephew, William Brendon, whose monument is in the church, is on that monument styled of Westcote ; or else on his death it reverted to his aunt, at whose death the estate passed to the family of Doidge, who were related to the Br endons.) 1698. July 28. Robert Brendon. (Called in the Bishops' Transcripts at Bodmin Mr. Robert Brendon. It does not appear who he could have been, unless he was a son of the above William, whose widow mentions in her will, " My daughter-in- law, Mrs. Elizabeth Brendon," probably the widow of this Robert.) 176 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL, 1704. Feb. 27. William Brendon, gent. (His monument is in the church, as already stated on page 171. There can be no reasonable doubt that his parents were Robert and Persis Brendon. His parents dying when he was very young, he was probably left in the guardianship of his uncle and aunt at Westcote. To this estate he appeal's to have succeeded on the death of his cousin Robert ; then it reverted to his aunt for life, after which it went to their relative, Richard Doidge.) 1708. Jan. 15. Mrs. jMary Brendon. (She was Mary Warring before marriage, being married here in 1657 to William Brendon, as noticed above. Her will is at Exeter, dated 8th April, 1708 ; in it she describes herself as of Westcott, widow. She leaves to the poor of St Dommick, Callington, and St. Mellyn, to each parish 20s. ; to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Brendon, a silk gown and petticoat, a petticoat with gold fringe, a plush pillow, &c., and £10; to sister Mayow, articles of dress and £10; to cousin Sarah Doidge, cousin Edith Doidge, cousin Ann Doidge, and cousin Charles Trehane's wife, articles of adornment ; to godson Charles Trehane, an infant, a silver tankard, &c., and £10; cousin Grace Sanguine, wife of Richard Sanguine, and to their daughter Grace Sanguine, and their two other daughters ; cousin Johan Markes, cousin Elizabeth Grills and her son, Sampson Trehane ; also the following : Mary Jane and her daughter Catherme Frethy, Loveday Eastmeat, Johan Hand, Elizabeth Jane, goddaughter Mary Wright, Addy Caudye, Dorothy Martyn, Alice Bassett, Francis Hart, John and Ellines Martyn. Nephew Charles Trehane residuary legatee and executor.) Sealed with these arms ; viz., Three martlets, one and two. 1716. June 22. WiUiam Brendon. (It does not appear who this was. As far back as the middle of the fourteenth century we find a John de Brendon, a presbyter of the dio- cese of Exeter, and over 26 years of age, in 1361, presented by Exeter College on 7th March, 1360-1, to the vicarage of Long Wittenham, Berks, he having previously been rector of Maiden Bradley, county Wilts ; but he appears to have died soon after, as in the autumn of that year is mentioned in the records of Exeter College a legacy from him, for an account of which see Mr, Boase's Registers of Exeter College. The will of a John Brendon, of Kingsteignton, was proved at Exeter in 1535 ; also that of Thomas Brendon, of Lawhitton, in 1599, the next will of a Brendon of that place being 1662, from which time they continue to reside there. Some of the family resided for a time in the parish of St. Budeaux. In 1586, December 1st, John Brendon and Christian Burte were married there ; in 1618, May 5th, John, son of Richard Brendon, was buried ; and on 4th May, 1624, Wilmote, wife of Richard Brendon, was buried, as Ave learn from the Registers. Richard Brendon, of St. Dominick, and Elizabeth Willcocks, of St. Ewe, were married at St. Andrew, Plymouth, November 2nd, 1687. Vide Parish Register.) ST. DOMINICK. 177 The next monument that calls for notice is one against the wall of the south aisle, and is surmounted by a shield with these arms ; viz., {Arg.) on a bend (gu.), hetw. three roundels (sa.) as many swans {of the field), on a sinister canton (az.) a demi-ram salient {of the first), deh'uised by a baton in bend dexter; and two fleur de lis {or) in chief ; Clarke : imp. {Or,) a fess vaire hetw. two lions pass, gard. {sa.) ; Vowell alias Hooker, of Exeter. The inscription states it to have been in memory of John Clarke, Esq., late of Halton, who died 24th October, 1749, aged 31 ; his father, John Clarke, who died 25th July, 1721, aged 40 ; also his grandfather and grandmother, John Clarke, Esq., and Hannah Clarke, all of Halton — the two last named both died 2nd February, 1739, the one aged 91, the other 94 years. This monument was erected by Elizabeth Clarke, mother of the first named John Clarke. This family obtained Halton by purchase, and, according to their arms, are descended from Sir John Clerke, third son of William Clerke, of Willoughby, co. "Warwick, which Sir John, for his signal services at the Battle of Spurs, received from King Henry VIII. the canton as an honourable commemoration. They soon left this neighbourhood, after too short a settlement to be closely connected with it. Some further particulars are given in extracts from the Parish Register which follow : BAPTISMS. 1698. Oct. 13. Grace, daughter of Mr. John Clarke. (Bishops' Transcripts. ) 1718-9. Feb. 16. John, son of Mr. John Clark, jun. 1741. Jan. 26. John, son of Mr. John Clark, of Halton. WEDDINGS. Anthony Homdon and Isabel Clark. Mr. James Tresilian and Mrs. Martha Clarke. Mr. George Treweeke, of Burn, and Mrs. Hannah Clarke, of St. Dominick. By Licence. 1730. Sept. 7. Mr. Seccombe, of St. Ewe, and Mrs. Grace Clarke. By Licence. (Bishops' Transcripts. ) 1741. Mar. 27. Mr. John Clarke, of Halton, and Mrs. Betty Hicks. By Licence. N 1695. Dec. 30. 1708. Feb. 14. 1720. Mar. 16. 1680. May 10. 1680. May 23. 1681. July 6. 1694. Nov. 20. 1718. Feb. 16. 1721. July 29. 1742. April 11. 1751. Sept. 28. 178 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. BURLAXS. John, son of John Clarke, of Halton, sen. Grace, wife of John Clarke, of Halton, sen. Mr. John Clarke, of Halton, sen. Mrs. Grace Clarke. John, son of Mr. John Clarke, jun. Mr. John Clarke, of Halton. Mr. Seccombe Clarke. The Rev. Mr. Clarke. There remains only one mural tablet to be noticed ; viz., one inscribed to the memory of the Rev. Thomas Homdon, m.a., formerly Fellow of Exeter College, and for forty-eight years before his death rector of this parish, who died at Bath 8th January, 1800, aged 74 years; also his eldest daughter Elizabeth, who died 13th May, 1775, aged 21 years; his youngest daughter, Ann, who died 6th July, 1785, aged 21 years; his third son, John, who died 17th October, 1761, aged 9 months; and his eldest son, Thonjas, a midshipman in the service of King George III., who died at Boston, in America, 22nd September, 1775, aged 18 years. On the floor near the above is a slab inscribed to the memory of John D. Homdon, who died 12th March, 1840, aged 74 years. The wiU of David Horndon, of Callington, was proved at Bodmin 20th July, 1621 ; and that of Thomas Horndon, of the same place, 1st July, 1643; and it is about the latter date that the name occurs in these Registers among the marriages. Their residence in the parish appears only to have been while the above Rev. Thomas Homdon held the rectory. BAPTISMS. 1754. July 19. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Homdon, clerk, rector, and Elizabeth his wife ; bom 21st ult. 1766. Sept. 16. Susanna, daughter of Thomas Horndon, clerk, rector, and Elizabeth his wife ; born 19th ult. 1758. Jan. 12. Thomas, son of Thomas Horndon, clerk, rector, and Elizabeth his wife; bom 13th October. 1760. June 3. David, son of Thomas Horndon, clerk, rector, and Elizabeth his wife ; born 2nd ult. (Fellow of Exeter College in 1780, resigned 1794, his father having resigned the Uving of Merton, co. Devon, to him in 1793, became rector of Bicton 4th March, 1811. His only son John, bom at Great Torrington 26th June, 1803, and matriculated at Exeter College 1820.) 1761. Mar. 23. John, son of Thomas Homdon, clerk, rector, and Elizabeth his wife ; bom 21st ult. ST. DOMINICK. 179 1762. Nov. — . William Hickes, son of Thomas Homdon, clerk, rector, and Elizabeth his wife ; bom 12th ult. 1764. Aug. 16. Ann Dorothy, daughter of Thomas Homdon, clerk, rector, and Elizabeth his wife ; bom 21st ult. 1766. Oct. 17. John Doidge, son of Thomas Homdon, clerk, rector, and Elizabeth his wife ; born 21st ult. WEDDINGS. 1642. May 9. Samuel Homdon and Joane Stephens. 1650. July 4. Samuel Homdon and Joane Arandle. 1695. Dec. 30. Anthony Horndon and Isabel Clark. 1710. July 14. Mr. Anthony Horndon and Mrs. Elizabeth Doidge. 1718. April 20. Mr. Thomas Horndon and Mrs. Mary Philp. (Bishops' Transcripts. ) 1753. July 10. Mr. William Homdon and Elizabeth Sargent. (Bishops' Transcripts.) BURIALS. 1649. Dec. 14. Jone, wife of Samuel Homdon. One other memorial alone remains; viz., a floor slab for Nicholas Sharsell, rector of this parish, who died 5th April, 1684, aged 72. It appears from the Bishops' Transcripts of the Register that he was buried 10th April, 1684, as "Mr. Nicholas Sharsell, rector." From the Registers we learn that he was twice married, his first wife Elizabeth being buried 13th May, 1671 ; and liis second marriage is recorded as having taken place ... March, 1671, the lady being Mrs. Jane Lampen, doubtless a sister of Wilmott Lampen, Avife of Thomas Carew, of Harrobeere ; and her burial is recorded as on 1st April, 1704. They had a daughter Jane, baptised 17th April, 1673. The following additional extracts from the Registers may be worth recording : BAPTISMS. Mary, daughter of Henry Clobery. William, son of Thomas Palmer, Esq. Charles, son of Charles Fitz Gefiry. Peter, son of Anthony Edgcombe. Alexander, son of Charles Fitz GeflTry, pastor. Francis, son of Charles Fitz Geffry. 1630. April 25. Bridget, daughter of Nicholas Battersbye and Elizabeth his wife. (The nuncupative will of this Nicholas Battersbye, of Harrobear, in Calstock, dated 6th December, 1643, was proved at Bodmin, administration being granted 19th January, 1648, to Elizabeth N 2 1565. Feb. 27. 1594. Oct. 10. 1608. Jan. 22. 1608. Mar. 5. 1618. Feb. 7. 1620. Feb. 11. 180 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. Battersbye his widow, with Nicholas Deeble, William Cosgame, gent., and William Bond, gent. The deceased mentions his daughter Elizabeth to have £250 out of his manor of Rame at the age of twenty-three years ; daughter Bridget £200 ; daughters Ann, Amye, and Margaret, to each £200 at the age of twenty-one years. His son and heu: John Battersbye ; son Nicholas Battersbye, to have £30 per annum for seven years, for his education at Cambridge ; son William Battersbye £80 ; son Christopher £60. The eldest son is buried with a monument at Rame. See page 4. ) 1635. May 31. Anthony, son of Richard Doidge, of Calstock. 1636. Jan. 5. Anthony, son of Anthony BuUer and Alice his wife. 1651. Sept. 13. John, son of John Bligh, gent., and EUzabeth his wife. 1653. Dec. 6. John Bligh, gent. , had a daughter borne by Elizabeth his wife, and baptised the 25th December follow- inge, by the name of Elizabeth. (For some time the baptisms are in this form.) 1664. Nov. 22. Jane, daughter of Thomas Carew, of Harrobeare, in Calstock. (She married — Kendall. See p. 28.) 1669. Sept. 23. Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Wilmot Carew, of Harrobeare, in Calstock. 1675. Jan. 25. John, son of James Skelton. 1705. May 22. Ehzabeth, daughter of James Trewinnard, rector, and Mary his wife. 1706. Dec. 20. Frances, daughter of James Trewinnard, rector, and Mary his wife. 1709. April 8. Rachael, daughter of James Trewinnard, rector, and Mary his wife. 1712. Oct. 16. John, son of James Trewinnard, rector, and Mary his wife. 1735. Sept. 10. Nicholas, son of Samuel Doidge, of Calstock. 1737. Oct. 16. Mary, daughter of William Pengelly, of Calstock. 1744. June 15. Grace, daughter of Mr. Francis Styles. (See St. Stephens. Page 148.) 1745. Dec. 27. Mary, daughter of Richard Kelland, of Calstock. 1807. Aug. 7. Stephen Henry, son of William Pode, Esq., and Jenny his wife ; born 11th July. 1809. Mar. 27. Mary Catherme, daughter of William Pode, Esq., and Jenny his wife. WEDDINGS. Richard Osborne and Martha Dodge. John Edgcombe and Jane Osborne. William Trevill and Alice Prowl. Robert Vigures and Mary Bond. Thomas Palmer, Esq. , and Mrs. (gone). 1568. May 16. 1579. Oct. 18. 1583. April 26. 1583. July 5. 1592. Jan. 1. 1604. Mar. 18. 1605. May 6. 1610. July 23. 1610. Feb. 8. 1612. Feb. 9. 1621. May 21. 1630. Dec. 19. 1634. June 20. 1634. Mar. 20. 1644. June 14. 1663. Nov. 17. ST. DOMINICK. 181 Henry Clobery and Elizabeth Martin. Mr. James Carwithian and Margaret Mewles. John Buller and Agnes Friend. Walter Bewes and Blanch May. John Spiller and Grace Trevill. John Hellyer and Joye Trevisa. Mr. Obediah Gossip and Mrs. Ann Trevisa. Thomas Harrison, rector of Lanivett and Minsl..., and Philippa Trevisa. John Stephens and Blanch Rowe. Charles Paynter and Priscilla Hele. Thomas Carew and Wilmot Lampen. (For a notice of this Thomas Carew, with his descent, see Anthony, p. 48.) 1692. Feb. 28. Ambrose Surpell and Hele Hamley. (The name of Surpell, Serple, and with other phonetic variations, appears frequently in these Registers. They were a yeoman family, seated at an early period round this part of the country, as is shown by the index of wills at Bodmin. Under the parish of St. Dominick we find that the wills were proved of Richard Surple, 21st February, 1672 ; William Siu-ple, 7th July, 1591 ; Robert Serple, 16th June, 1623 ; William Serple, 21st March, 1643 ; Jolin Serple, 20th November, 1643 ; Thomas Serple, in May, 1644 ; Richard Serpell, 15th June, 1688 ; William Sirple, 15th November, 1697, and others later. Under the Parish of Calstock we find John Serpell, 22nd November, 1585 ; and there are many more. Of this family was the late Robert Coad Sei-pell, Esq., j.p., of Mannamead, Plymouth. 1694. Sept. 6. William Couch and Elizabeth Bond. Richard Holmau and Martha Bond. Robert Surple and Mary Slade. Mr. Thomas Wills and Mrs. Jane Ratclif. Richard Couch and Elizabeth Bond. George Hitchins and Jone Manaton. John Trehane and Margery Couch. BURIALS. Jone, wife of William Bond. Walter Worth. John, son of John Surpill. Mrs. Jane Kendall, daughter of "Mr. Walter Kendall, Esq." (She was undoubtedly a daughter of Walter Kendall, of Pelyn, who married Catherine, daughter and heir of John Hellyar, alias Mayow. She was probably staying at Halton with the Rouses, with ene of whom a marriage may have been contemplated.) 1607. Aug. 26. Katherme Bond, widow. 1607. Sept. 12. Elizabeth, daughter of Anthony Edgcombe. 1694. Sept. 29. 1702. Aug. 15. 1706. Dec. 12. 1709. Aug. 11. 1733. Sept. 12. 1747. April 30. 1569. May 29. 1569. Jan. 4. 1604. Nov. 19. 1609. Sept. 29. 1621. Aug. 18. 1636. Feb. 22. 1639. Sept. 4. 182 HBEALDIC CHURCH NOTES FBOM CORNWALL. 1613. Dec. 2. William Trevill. (His willjdated 11th October, 1613, he styles himself William Trevill, of St. Dominick, yeoman, and gives to the poor of that parish 10s. ; to the church, 3s. 4d. ; to his son, Christopher, 20s., a milch cow, &c. ; names his daughter, Agnes, and son, Jonathan Weymouth ; daughter, Grace ; godchildren, Richard Harry, twelve pence ; John Row, Ferdinando Blighey, William Proute, and Jone Roberts, daughter, Is. each ; to brother John Trevill, 5s. per annum. The residue of his estate to his wife, Alice, who is to be executrix, with John Jane, of Estcott, and Tristram Tybb for overseers. Proved 21st January, 1613. His marriage is given above.) 1620. Dec. 14. Frances, daughter of Nicholas Battersby. Temperance, wife of Robert Serpill. Charles FitzGeffry, rector of this parish. Anthony FitzGeflfry. (Mrs. Ann FitzGeffery was buried at Charles Church, Plymouth, 22nd June, 1675 ; and the will of Elizabeth FitzGeflSy was proved at Bodmin, 10th March, 1689.) 1668. June 21. Mrs. Alice Arundell, widow. 1677. Feb. 16. Thomas Bond, of Brendon. 1680. May 11. Anthony Buller. (His will was proved at Exeter in 1680.) 1719. June 1. Mrs. Trehane, wife of Mr. Charles Trehane. 1723. Jan. 15. Mr. Richard Doidge, of Westcott. 1733. :May 13. Mrs. Mary Doidge. 1741. Sept. 19. Mrs. Dorothy Jane, wife of Mr. John Jane. 1741. Sept. 21. Mrs. Mary Hodge. ^HDtttone from t^t ^itsiiopB' QLxmsmpte at ^otimtn. BAPTISM. 1704. Dec. 30. James, son of Francis Stiles. BURLALS. 1697. Aug. 12. WilUam Surple. 1730. Aug. 1. Robert Surple. The tower of this church is a conspicuous landmark for many miles inland and far out at sea, standing as it does on about the highest ground of the point of land stretching out between Cawsand Bay and Plymouth Sound; and the churchyard being directly outside the boundary wall of the park of Mount Edgcumbe, the principal seat of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. The first to claim our attention in this church are the memorials of the Edgcumbe family. MAKER 183 The earliest mural monument here for the Edgcumbe family is that of the first Lord Edgcumbe, which has over the inscription the bust of his lordship and his arms, &c. The inscription is given at length in Lake's book, the substance of it being that it is in memory of the Right Hon. Richard Lord Edgcumbe, who served his country in eleven successive Parliaments in the House of Commons, and was created a peer of the realm by king George II., and who died 22nd November, 1758, aged 79, the monument being erected by his son and successor in the title. This Lord Edgcumbe held various offices in the government, and married Matilda, daughter of Sir Henry Furnese, Bart., of Waldershare, co. Kent, by his second wife, Matilda, daughter of Sir Robert Vernon, by whom he had issue Richard, second Lord; George, third Lord; and Henry, who died in infancy. The arms on the monument are : {Gu.) on a bend (ei'ms) cotised (or), three boars' heads couped (arg.). Crest: A boar statant {arg.) goi-ged icith an oak wreath {vert.) fruded (or); over the crest a baron's coronet. Supporters: Tioo greyhounds {arg.) guttee {de poix), and goi'ged icith a collar dovetailed {gu.). Motto : " Au playsire fort de Dieu." The next monument in chronological order is that of the Right Hon. Richard Lord Edgcumbe, Comptroller of His Majesty's Household, and Custos Rotulorum of Cornwall, and a Privy Councillor; who was buried 1st May, 1761, aged 45. Over the inscription is the family crest — A boar statant, and a baron's coronet. This was the second Lord, who died unmarried, accord- ing to Foster's Peerage, 10th May, 1766 ; but Burke says 1761. He was succeeded by his only brother, whose monument is the next to be noticed, viz. : The Right Hon. George, Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, Viscount Mount Edgcumbe and Valletort, and Baron Edgcumbe, Admiral of the White, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of Corn- wall, and a Privy Councillor, died 4th February, 1795, aged 74 years. Over the inscription his earl's coronet and the crest, A boar passant. This was the third Lord Edgcumbe and first Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. His Lordship married Emma, only daughter and heir of his Grace John Gilbert, d.d.. Archbishop of York, by whom he had an only son, Richard, second Earl. This second Earl is commemorated by a small mural monument of white marble, within a deep black bordure, with this simple 184 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. inscription : " Richard, Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, died 26 th September, 1839, aged 75. This is near one he erected to the memory of his Countess ; viz., a large mural tablet, the inscription recording that it is erected to the memory of Sophia, Countess of Mount Edgcumbe, third daughter and co-heiress of John, Earl of Buckinghamshire, married in 1789 to Richard, afterward Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, by whom she left five children, and died 17th August, 1806, aged 38. After enumerating her virtues and graces, it laments her early death. The arms are carved in relief, with lines for the colours. They are : Gu. on a bend erms. cotised or, three boat's' heads couped arg. ; Edgcumbe : on an escutcheon of pretence, &a. an estoile of eight points or, betw. two flauncJies erm. ; Hobart. Over the shield an earl's coronet. This lady was the daughter of the second Earl of Buckingham- shire, by his first wife, Mary Ann, daughter and co-heir of Sir Thomas Drury, Bart. Their five children were : William Richard, ob. V. p. ; Ernest Augustus, third Earl ; George Edgcumbe ; Emma Sophia ; and Caroline Ann, all of whom are mentioned hereafter. These are in the Edgcumbe aisle or chapeL At the east end of the south aisle is a mural brass, stating that in memory of Katherine Elizabeth, Countess of Mount Edgcumbe, fourth daughter of James, first Duke of Abercom, the adjoining Avindow was erected by members of her o^svn and her husband's family. She died 3rd September, 1874. Glazed tiles let into the wall near the east end of the north aisle bear an inscription stating that the two adjacent windows were erected by the voluntary contributions of nearly four hundred tenants and residents on the Edgcimibe estates in Devon and Cornwall, not only as a token of respectful esteem and regard for departed worth, but also as an expression of sympathy and attachment to the living members of the house of Mount Edg- cumbe 20th October, 1878. Above the inscription are the arms of Edgcumbe : Gu. on a bend erms. cotised or, three boars' heads couped arg. wreathed about the necks with oak. Motto : " Au playsire fort de Dieu." Over them the coronet of an earl. Glazed tiles beneath the east window of the north aisle are inscribed to the memory of Ernest Augustus, third Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, born 23rd March, 1797, died 3rd September, 1861. The two windows in the Edgcumbe chapel or aisle, each having three lights, display these six shields of arms, namely, first MAKER. 185 quarterly, 1 and 4, Gu. on a bend erms. cotised or, three boars' heads couped arg. goi-ged with oak ppr. ; Edgciunbe : 2 and 3, Sa. an estoile of eight points or. betio. two flaunches erm. ; Hobart : In chief a label throughout arg. Over the shield a viscount's coronet, and the Edgcumbe crest, A boar statant arg. armed bristled and hoofed or, and goi'ged with a icreath of oak vert, fruded or. Beneath the shield the motto, " Au playsire fort de Dieu," and this inscription, '* William Kichard, "Viscount VaUetort, died in 1818, and is here buried." He was the eldest son of the second Earl, and died unmarried before his father. Second, in a lozenge, Erm. on a cJiev. sa. three fountains ppr. Oust, imp. Edgcumbe alone, as in the glass above. Over the shield an earl's coronet, beneath it the motto, " Esse quam videri," and this inscription, "Emma Sophia, Countess Brownlow, died in 1872, buried at Belton." She was a daughter of the second Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, and married 17th July, 1828, as his third wife, John, first Earl Brownlow. Third, quarterly 1, Arg. a lion ramp. gu. ; 2, Or, an arm in armour issuing from the sinister ppr., the hand ungloved of the last, and grasping a cross crosslet fitchee gu. ; 3, Or, on leaves of the sea vert., loherein a salmon sicimming arg., a galley icith two sails sa. ; 4, Arg. on a mount vert, an oak tree ppr., surmounted by an eagle displ. tcith two heads or. imp. Edgcumbe alone. Crest : A castle loith three toioers, from the centre one issues an arm in armour, holding in the hand a cimeter, all ppr. Also Three eagles' feathers and a sprig of heather, bound iclth a ribbon fastened with a silver brooch, the badge of the chief of Clanranald. The crest is borne on the brooch. Lady Caroline being the wife of the head of the clan. Beneath the arms this motto and inscription, " Dhandeon co heiragha." Lady Caroline Macdonald, of Clanranald, died in 1823, and is buried at Holyrood. This Lady Caroline was the second daughter of Richard, second Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, was married, in April, 1812, to Reginald George Macdonald, Chief of Clanranald, and died 10th April, 1823, leaving issue Reginald John James George Macdonald, Captain R.N., who. married, and had issue : Caroline Sophia, married the Hon. Charles Cust, second son of the Earl Brownlow ; Emma Hamilla, married the Hon. and Rev. Alfred Wodehouse, youngest son of Lord "Wodehouse ; Louisa Emily, married, first, Charles William Marsham, Esq., eldest surviving 186 HERALDIC OHimCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. son of Robert Marsham, Esq., of Stratton Strawless, co. Norfolk ; and, secondly, to Col. Hugh Fitzroy, Grenadier Guards, son of Lord Henry Fitzroy ; Flora, Maid of Honour to the Queen ; and Sarah Anne, married to Baron Porcelli, a Sicilian nobleman. The fourth shield has 1 and 4, Edgcumbe, 2 and 3, Hobart, as above, imp. 1 and 4, Arg. on a/ess. az. three lozenges or ; Feilding: 2 and 3, Or, a lion ramp. gu. crowned az. ; Hapsburg. Over it an earl's coronet, and beneath the Edgcumbe motto, as before. The inscription below is, "Ernest Augustus, Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, died 3rd September, 1861." This was the third Earl, who is commemorated by an inscription under the east ^vindow of the north aisle, as already noticed, and also by a gTanite cross in the churchyard, which says he died 3rd September, 1861, aged 64. This accomplished nobleman had attained the degree of d.c.l., and was a FeUow of the Royal Society, and the Society of Antiquaries. He was Colonel of the Cornwall Rangers Militia, and Aide-de-Camp to the Queen ; but for many years before his death his life was clouded by failing health. He married, 6th December, 1831, Caroline Augusta, eldest daughter and co-heir of Rear- Admiral Charles Feilding, r.n. (son of Commodore Charles Feilding, r.n., and his wife Sophia Finch, sister of George, Earl of Winchelsea, which Commodore Feilding was a grandson of Basil, fourth Earl of Denbigh), and his wife, Elizabeth Theresa, daughter of Henry Thomas, second Earl of Ilchester. By this lady the Earl had issue William Henry Edgcumbe (now the fourth Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, who married, 26th October, 1858, Lady Katherine Elizabeth Hamilton, fourth daughter of James, Duke of Abercom, and his wife. Lady Louisa Jane Russell, second daughter of John, sixth Duke of Bedford. This Countess died 3rd September, 1874, leaving issue Piers Alexander Hamilton, Viscount VaUetort ; Lady Victoria Frederica Caroline, married to Lord Algernon Malcolm Arthur Percy, younger son of the sixth Duke of Northumberland ; Lady Albertha Louisa Florence ; and Lady Edith Hilaria) ; Hon. Charles Ernest Edgcumbe, Colonel Grenadier Guards ; and Lady Ernestine Emma Horatia Edgcumbe. Beside the two sons and daughters commemorated in the above, the second Earl had another son, the Hon. George Edgcumbe, who married Fanny Lucy, eldest daughter of Sir John Shelley, sixth Baronet of Michelgrove, and his wife Frances, only daughter and MAKER. 187 heiress of Thomas Winckley, of Brockholes, co. Lancashire, By this lady he had two sons, hoth married, and have issue ; and four daughters. The fifth shield has, in a lozenge borne On the breast of a double headed eagle, displayed sa. crowned and in each beak an annulet or : per pale, the dexter quarterly, 1 and 4 Edgcumhe, 2 and 3 Hobart, as above, on the centre a crescent arg ; the sinister quarterly, 1 and 4 Feilding, 2 and 3 Hapsburg, as above; over this an earl's coronet, and below the Edgcumbe motto, and this inscription : "Caroline Augusta, Countess of Mount Edgcumbe, died November 2nd, 1881." This lady was the late Countess Dowager, relict of the third earl, and the crescent appears to be introduced to indicate that the Earls of Mount Edgcumbe are descended from a second son of Edgcumbe, of Edgcumbe, in Milton Abbot, co. Devon. This mark of cadence also appears carved on the frame of a clock at the landing-place at Cremyll passage, with the initials C. E., it having been put up by Lieut. -CoL the Hon. Charles Ernest Edgcumbe, second son of the late earl. This is correct, but the crescent should have been omitted from the coat of his father, on the death of his elder brother immarried. It is not seen in the old glass at Cothele or Mount Edgcumbe, or to have been ever used by this branch of the family. The arms of Edgcimibe, with a crescent in chief for difference, and boar for crest, are on an old seal attached to a document, dated 1709, in the parish chest at St. Budeaux. The sixth shield is quarterly — 1 and 4 Edgcumbe; 2 and 3 Hobart, as above ; on the centre a mullet arg. for difference ; imp. quarterly, 1 and 4 : Sa. a fees eng. betio. three whelk shells or ; Shelley : 2 and 3 per pale arg. and gu. an ea^le displ. countei'changed ; for Winckley, of Brockholes; with the crest and motto as before, and this inscription, "The Hon. George Edgcumbe, born July 23rd, 1800; died February 18th, 1882. This is in memory of the third son of the second earl already mentioned. The Hon. George Edgcumbe had issue : (1) Richard Edgcumbe, born 12th August, 1834 ; married Mary Louisa, second daughter of Bligh Monk, of Coley Park, Reading, and has KeneLm William Henry Edgcumbe, born 9th October, 1873. (2) Edward Edgcumbe, born . . . 1847, J. P. for the colony of New Zealand, and lieutenant in the New Zealand Militia; married Constance, daughter of the Rev. Robert Burrowes, of Auckland, New Zea- land, and has issue George Valletort Edgcumbe, born 26th January, 188 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1869; Ernest Atholl Edgcumbe, born 25th July, 1870; and Gerald Eichard Edgcumbe, born 15th August, 1871. (3) Emma Frances, died 13th May, 1854. (4) Caroline, married 19th May, 1866, the Hon. A. C. Liddell, fifth son of the second Lord Ravensworth. (5) Elizabeth Catherine, married 1st July, 1874, to Capt. Albert Thornton Wodehouse, r.a. (6) Emily Fanny Georgi'ana, married first 13th April, 1871, George Edward Earle; and secondly, 4th June, 1879, Colonel (now Major-General) James Sinclair Thomson. An inscription on glazed tiles, referring to the window above it in the north aisle, as in memory of Katherine Elizabeth, Countess of Mount Edgcumbe, born 9th January, 1840, and died 3rd September, 1874, commemorates the wife of the present Earl, mentioned above. In the east window are three shields. To the left, the arms of the See of Exeter, Gu. a sword erect arg. hilt and pommel or, surmounting tico keys m saltire, wards in chief, of the second; beneath it, " Domini." In the centre, Gu. a holy lamb pass. arg. with bannerole; beneath this, "Agnus Dei." To the right the following : Edgcumbe, Gu. on a bend erms. cotised or, three boars^ heads couped arg. ; imp. Arg. an eagle displ. with two heads sa., each croiotied or, and in each beak a gold ring, on the breast a shield, quarterly 1 and 4, Feilding, 2 and 3, Hapsburg, as above. The shield is surmounted by a coronet, and has the Edgcumbe motto below it, being the arms of Ernest Augustus, third Earl, and put up soon after her marriage by his countess. The impalement here is not quite correct, as the eagle is not a part of the arms, but is analogous to supporters, and used by the Earl of Denbigh as Count of Hapsburg. The shield of this Earl in the window described above is correct. Under the tower, let into the north wall, are encaustic tiles bearing in a lozenge the arms of Edgcumbe (the boars' heads wreathed with oak) ; imp. Arg. on a fess. az. three lozenges or ; Feilding, and an inscription stating that the west window was the gift of Caroline Augusta, Countess of Mount Edgcumbe, in 1874, and dedicated to her memory by her mourning friends in 1883. We must here observe that in all instances of the Edgcumbe coat set up recently — that is, since the restoration of the church — the boars' heads are wreathed with oak. For this inaccuracy the MAKER. 189 painter's fancy must be held responsible, for there does not appear to be- any authority in early examples, in glass or otherwise, at Mount Edgcumbe or the still older mansion at Cothele. The only cause that can have given rise to this is the old family badge — a boar's head issuing from a laurel or myrtle bush — an example of which occurs carved on a fifteenth-century bench end at Landulph; but we must remember that a coat of arms or crest is quite a different thing to a badge. We must reserve a fuller account of the ancient heraldry of Edgcumbe until treating of Calstock, in which parish is the ancient mansion of Cothele. Having completed the account of the Edgcumbe memorials on walls and in the windows, we will turn our attention to the floor. Here little remains of what probably once existed. A large floor- slab has the matrices of a brass, consisting of two shields, the figure of an ecclesiastic, and a fillet round the stone bearing the inscription. Another large slab has the name of Edgcumbe, and the upper portion of a shield, but the charges obliterated, alone traceable. On a third, though much worn, can be made out that it is in memory of Peter Edgcumbe, Esq., son of Sir Richard Edgcumbe, who lived 70 years, and died 4th January, 1607. An almost obliterated shield remains which undoubtedly bore the arms of Edgcumbe impaling, Or, a bend hetio. six martlets sa., for Lutterell. This Peter or Peirse Edgcumbe was the son and heir of Sir Richard Edgcumbe and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Tregian, of Golden. He had married Margaret, daughter of Sir Andrew Lutterell and Margaret his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas Wyndham. By this lady Peter Edgcumbe had five sons and four daughters. Of these, Richard was knighted, and continued the line at Mount Edgcumbe. By his first wife Ann, daughter of George Gary, of Cockington, Esq., he had no issue. By his second wife Mary, daughter of Sir "Thomas Coteele, of London, he had three sons, the eldest, Pierse or Peter Edgcumbe, married Mary, eldest daughter of Sir John GlanviUe, and was grandfather of the first Lord Edgcumbe. The above Sir Richard Edgcumbe, son of Peter Edgcumbe and Margaret Lutterell, is commemorated by a ledger-stone, on which he is called Richard Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe, knight, son of Peter Edgcumbe, Esq., who died 22nd March, 1638, aged 74. A lozenge in the floor of the south aisle records that the Mount Edgcumbe vault was closed in 1874. Handsome crosses over the 190 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. vault of the Edgcumbe family in the churchyard commemorate the Hon. George Edgcumbe, born 23rd July, 1800, and died 18th February, 1882 ; Ernest Augustus, Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, died 3rd September, 1861, and also his widow, Caroline Augusta, Countess of Mount Edgcumbe, died 2nd November, 1881, aged 73 ; also Katherine Elizabeth, Countess of Mount Edgcumbe, who died 3rd September, 1874. The following are a few entries from the Parish Register : BAPTISMS. 1638. Mar. 29. Wynifred, daughter of Pearce Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe, Esq. 1640. Feb. 13. Richard, son and heir of Piers Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe, Esq. (By his wife Mary Glanville, above named. This Richard married Lady Ann Montagu, daughter of Edward, Earl of Sandwich. The baptisms of three of his children follow. His eldest son, Richard, was created a peer as Lord Edgcumbe 20th April, 1742.) 1672. April 22. Ann, daughter of the Right Worshipful Sir Richard Edgcumbe, of Moimt Edgcumbe, knight. 1673. Jan. 29. Mary, daughter of the Right Worshipful Sir Richard Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe, knight. 1676. April 21. Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Worshipful Sir Richard Edgcumbe, knight. Catherine, daughter of Sir Richard Edgcumbe, knight. Ann, daughter of Sir Richard Edgcumbe, knight. Richard, son of Sir Richard Edgcumbe, knight. Margaret, daughter of Sir Richard Edgcumbe, knight. BURIALS. 1639. April 11. The Right Worshipful Sir Richard Edgcumbe. (It will be seen from this date and the date of his death, as given above, that he was not buried until twenty days after his decease.) 1640. Mar. 12. Mr. Andrew Edgecumbe. 1674. July 3. Mary, daughter of Su- Richard Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe. 1674. April 9. Mr. John Edgcumbe. 1674. May 22. Ann, daughter of Sir Richard Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe. 1681. May .... Catherine, daughter of Sir Richard Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe. 1688. April 3. Sir Richard Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe, k.b. 1693. July 30. Pears Edgcumbe, Esquire. (He was a son of the last-named Sir Richard, and died unmarried ; administration being granted 17th Febniary, 1694, to his mother, Lady Ann Montagu, then wife of Christopher Montagu, Esq.) 1693. Aug. 29. Philip Edgcumbe, gent. 1677. Jan. 25. 1679. June 10. 1680. April 23. 1681. May 26. MAKER. 191 On the front of the gallery that formerly existed at the east end of the church were the royal arms, and Edgcumbe imp. Arg. a talbot sejt. sa., within a hord. gu. ; Furnese ; for the first Lord Edgcumbe, whose marriage is mentioned above; and this, via., Arg. on a/ess hetio. two cJiev. sa., three crosses patee or, on a canton gu. a lion of England : Walpole ; imp. Or, on a /ess dancetie az., hetw. three billets of the last, each charged with a lion ramp of the field, as many bezants ; Kolle. The coat of Walpole is not quite correct. It should be : Or, on a fess. betw. two chev. sa. three crosses crosslet of the field. Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, married Margaret, daughter and heiress of Samuel RoUe, Esq., of Inceworth, and had an only child, George, third earl, who died unmarried 5th December, 1791. The next mural monument in point of interest is that to the memory of John Ingram, of Higher Insworth, gent., and Johan his wife, " which departed this life the vii. June and the ix. of June, Anno Domini, 1669. Hee aged 52 years; she aged 56." There are three shields : the first, Barry of six vaire and gu., on the second bar a mullet or, for diff.; Beaumont, of Sherwell, co. Devon. The second and principal shield has the last coat, Beaumont : imp. Or, a cross eng. sa. over all a bend az. ; Treville. The third shield is : Sa. a cross moline arg. ; Upton, of Lupton, co. Devon. The impalement of Treville is wrongly coloured now, the field being sable and the cross gules, the bend alone being right. The cross of Upton is also in- correctly made gold instead of silver. John Ingram was married here, according to the Parish Register, on the 17th May, 1636, to Joane Treville. This Joane was baptized at St. Andrew, Plymouth, 22nd Septem- ber, 1614, as Jane, daughter of John Trevill; and the baptisms of several of their children are recorded in this Register ; viz. : 1637. April 11. 1638. Aug. 20. 1641. June 22. 1646. Jan. 2&. 1654. Mar. 13. 1671. April 13. 192 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. BAPTISMS. Anthony, son of Mr. John Ingram. John, son of John Ingram. Joan, daughter of Mr. John Ingram. Richard, son of Mr. John Ingram. Peter, son of Mr. John Ingram. John, son of Mr. Anthony Ingram. (This is the Anthony above named. He was doubtless called after his grandfather, whose will, as Anthony Ingram, of Maker, was proved at Bodmin 12th April, 1636. The will of a Walter Ingram, of Maker, was proved at Bodmin 6th February, 1589.) 1678. Oct. 21. Anthony, son of Anthony Ingram. WEDDING. 1669. Mar. 11. Mr. John Salmon and Mrs. Joan Ingram. BURIALS. [Rest gone] Ingram. Mr. Anthony Ingram. Mrs. Joan Ingram, widow. Henry Ingram. Ann, daughter of Anthony Ingram. Mr. John Ingram and his wife. Mr. Richard Ingram. The arms of Upton being on the monument are accounted for by the marriage at Charles Church, 12th November, 1667, of Mr. "Walter Ingram and Mrs. Dorothy Upton. She was his first wife ; for we have the marriage at St. Andrew, 19th October, 1675, of Walter Ingram and Dorothy "Wallis. There were baptized at St. Andrew, 11th August, 1678, Jane, daughter of Mr. "Walter and Mrs. Dorothy Ingram; and on 21st December, 1680, a son of the same named John; and the burial of the second wife is recorded as having taken place 17th February, 1682. In the same church is a floor slab inscribed to her memory, on which the date of her death is given as 15th February, 1682, and her husband is described as "merchant." It has a shield of arms; viz., three boars' heads erased; imp. A cross eng. surmounted by a bend ; Treville. There being no colours it is difficult to identify the dexter coat ; it might be Gordon or Urquhart. The fact of the impaled coat being Treville points undoubtedly to his being a son of John Ingram and Joane Treville above. It will be observed that in neither case do they use the right arms of Ingram, which were probably Ennn. on a 1630. Dec. 1635. Jan. 10. 1635. Feb. 2. 1640. Mar. 24. 1668. Jan. 14. 1669. June 11. 1689. Aug. 20. MAKER, 193 fess gu. three escallops or. Administration was granted at Bodmin, 8th April, 1640, to the effects of Henry Ingram, of Maker, deceased; to his nephew John Ingram, of Maker ; and Richard Treville, of Rame, gent. The total of the inventory being £25 15s. 7d. The above Walter Ingram appears to have married again, as we find the burial on 6th June, 1689, of Elizabeth, wife of "Walter Ingram. He also had a daughter buried at St. Andrew — viz., Dorothy, on 7th August, 1688 — and it would seem a third wife, Jane, buried on the 11th November, 1703. The will of Dorothy Ingram, of Maker, was proved at Bodmin 24th December, 1709. The remaining mural monuments are simply marble tablets. They are, one in the north aisle, to the memory of Joseph Hunt, Esq., who, commanding His Majesty's ship Unicom, was killed in an engagement with a French frigate on the 8th January, 1761, in the 28th year of his age. Arms: {Gu.) a hind trippant bettc. three pheons (or), within a bord. {of the second) pallettee ; Hunt: imp. (Gu.) a saltire {arg.) charged mith a rose {of the field); Neville. Crest: A crocodile's head erect {ppr.) Motto: "Ultima coeli." Davies Gilbert gives these arms as on the monument, but the shield is now quite blank, and the crest gone. Near this is another tablet for Edward Hunt, Esq., storekeeper, died 8th December, 1787, aged 62; Ann Neville, his wife, died 10th May, 1804, aged 67; and their son, Anthony Hunt, Esq., r.n., died 10th August, 1788, aged 28. Erected by J. Hunt, brother of the last named. Mural monument, with pillars supporting the cornice, and figures of the two daughters in relief, for Philippa and Elizabeth Triggs, daughters of William Triggs, who died, one on the 19th, the other on the 25th February, 1664. The register records the burial of Philippa, daughter of Mr. William Triggs, on 28th February, 1664; also the burial of Elizabeth, wife of William Triggs, on 17th October, 1656. James Richard Clark, Esq., of West Anderton, co. Cornwall, and of the Admiralty, Somerset House, London, where he had served his country for upwards of fifty years. He died 11th June, 1864, in the 64th year of his age, to whose memory this stone was placed by his brother, Daniel Clark, Esq., of West Anderton, who died 11th December, 1866, aged ^Q. o 194 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES PROM CORNWALL. Judith, wife of William Kowe, of this parish, died 16th June, 1734, aged 32. Mural tablet. John Guthrie, Esq., of Corbeth, co. Stirling, died 26th Sep- tember, 1834, aged 66. Mural tablet. In memory of Elizabeth, wife of Captain G. Aldham, r.n., and daughter of the late John Boger, Esq., died 18tli November, 1804, aged 31. Mural tablet. S.M. Mary Boger, died 24th September, 1836, aged 68; Agnes Ann Boger, died 19th March, 1849, aged 70. On a lozenge- shaped brass in the floor of the nave. S.M. Edmund Boger, Rear-Admiral, r.n., died 12th December, 1844, aged 69 ; Elizabeth Lucy Boger, died 5th August, 1830, aged 23. This is also on a lozenge-shaped brass in the floor of the nave. Mural tablet for Jolm Boger, Esq., an afi'ectionate husband and father, and a faithful steward, who died 31st October, 1783, aged 48, to whose memory this tablet is inscribed by George, Viscount Mount Edgcumbe. This last Jolin Boger was son of Christopher Boger, of Plymstock, in which neighbourhood the family had resided for many generations. He was steward to the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, and Receiver-General of the Duchy of Cornwall, and married Mary, daughter and eventual heir of Searle Deeble, of Wolsdon, gent., by which marriage Wolsdon came to the Boger family. By this lady he had Mary, Agnes, and Edmund mentioned above, also a son Richard, who married and left issue, and John his heir, who married Lucy, daughter of Samuel Hext, of Trenarron, and was father, among others, of Deeble Boger, Esq., who is buried with a monument at East Antony (for which see p. 55). A tablet in memory of the Rev. Samuel Whiddon, who died whilst preaching in this church on the 27th May, 1866, aged 57 years. A small oval slab, flush with the wall of the archAvay into the vestry, is for Grace Ayres, who died 26th April, 1766, aged 53. Mural tablet is in memory of S. C. Avery, born at Kingsand, m this parish, 23rd March, 1799, and died 17th January, 1882. Maria Avery, his wife, nee Prior, born 15tli November, 1803, died 4tli May, 1884. Thomas Henry Prior, Commander r,n., bom 3rd May, 1800, died 30th August, 1882. MAKER. 195 Under the tower is a tablet, with inscription in glazed tiles, recording that the church was restored in 1873-4, and re-opened 18th June, 1874, the cost having been £1829 15s. 6d. The Rev. Frederic T. Wintle, m.a., vicar; William Veale and Edward B. Wilcocks, churchwardens ; J. Piers St. Aubyn, architect. A large wooden panel records benefactions from Richard Trevill, Esq., 1647; Mrs. Joan Bennett, 1650; John Lanyon, Esq., 1674; Stephen Edwards, Esq., 1746 ; James Smith, Esq., 1809 ; Benedict WiRiams, Esq., 1857. Having completed our survey of the walls, we will turn our attention to the floor. Of these the remains of Edgcumbe ledger- stones have been noticed ; they are, in fact, now placed against the walls in the Edgcumbe aisle, as also two inscriptions for Boger. The remaining floor-slabs are now imder the tower ; they are for : Captain William Phisick, of this parish, who died 24th April, 1707, aged 40. A floor slab for the Rev. John Wolridge, vicar of this parish, who died 29th March, 1776, aged 67 ; also Honoria his wife, who died 22nd May, 1793, aged 80. (October 26th, 1718, the Rev. Mr. Thomas Wolridge and Mrs. Eve Carelton, married. March 25th, 1739, John, son of Mr, John Wolridge and Honoria his wife, baptized. August 17th, 1742, Honoria, daughter of the Rev. Mr. John Wolridge and Honoria his wife. See also Rame, pp. 11, 12.) A floor-slab for Robert, son of John and Elizabeth Salmon, of Maker, who died 26th June, 1682. James Gatanach died January 1743, aged 27. Elizabeth Ross died 12th January, 1774, aged 52, the wife of Robert Ross, who died 26th January, 1789, aged 74; also Ann Thomas, who died 30th March, 1706, aged 52. All of Millbrook, in this parish. Sarah Herbert, wife of Godwyn Herbert, and daughter of Daniel Mackay, both Sergeants in the 1st Regiment of Foot, died 16th June, 1780, aged 27. Mr. Richard Tucker died 30th November, 1722, aged 65. Richard, son of Samuel Blatchford, of Plymouth, died 6tli October, 1714. Also William Philip Kendell, surgeon, died 1st June, 1725, aged 36 ; and Mrs. Mary Downing died 25th July, 1754, aged 79. Robert Little died 16th April, 1777, aged 68. 2 196 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Elizabeth Caimiford, wife of Richard Canniford, died 1st October, 1809, aged 27. Also Richard, son of Richard and Elizabeth Canniford, died 11th July, 1811, aged 12 years. The above Richard Canniford died 2nd October, 1825, aged 54. Jane Pakin died 2nd December, 1781, aged 46. This completes the memorials within the church. With those in the yard we do not intend to deal generally, but will mention a few which claim attention. In the yard is a granite cross for Edward Trelawny, who died 4th December, 1866, aged 62, and who was for fifteen years curate and eighteen years vicar of this parish. He was the second son of Edward Stephens, Capt. Royal Artillery, who took the name and arms of Trelawny on inheriting by will the Coldrenick estates, and only brother of the late Charles Trelawny, Esq., of Coldrenick and Plymouth, who died 25th August, 1883, leaving his estates to Col. John Jago, son of his sister Ann Darell Stephens, who had married Edward, son of the Rev. John Jago, vicar of Milton Abott, who thereupon took the name and arms of Trelawny. A granite tomb in memory of his father, mother, wife, daughter, and sister erected by George Thorne, Captain r.n. Arms : (Arg.) a /ess (gu.) betw. three lions ramp. (Sa.). Crest : A lion ramp, as in the arms. Motto : " Fortitudo in adversis." A table tomb for Simon Ward, purser r,n., who died 11th October, 1759, aged 50. Johanna, wife of the above Simon Ward, died 29th May, 1776, aged 70. Thomasine Lower, daughter of the above Simon and Johanna Ward, and wife of Capt. Edward Lower, r.n., died 7th July, 1787, aged 44 ; also the above Capt. Edward Lower, r.n., who died 4th March, 1802, aged 67. John Lower, son of the above Capt. Lower and Thomasine his wife, died 26th January, 1841, aged 71. Jane, wife of the above John Lower, died 31st January, 1851, aged 97. Gilbert, in his History of Coi-nwall, mentions this tomb, but gives the name as " Wood " instead of Ward ; but the register extracts given below will show this to be an error. The same extracts will also show that the family account of the name having been changed from Wame to Ward is correct. The family were seated in Cornwall at any rate from the middle of the sixteenth century. John Wame married, at Padstow, 21st July, 1638, Ann, daughter of MAKER. 197 William Flamock, younger son of William Flamock and Mary, daughter of John Carminow, of Fentongollen, by Margaret, daughter of Christopher Tredinneck. By Ann Flamock he had several children. Of these (1) Henry was grandfather of Chris- topher Warne, who had seven children. Of these Grace married John Dungey, and Catherine married Wilham Rawlins, of Padstow, by whom she had Thomas, of Saunders Hill, who married Mar- gery, daughter and coheir of Thomas Price, of Tregolds, and had a large family, and William, who became vicar of Padstow, and married Susanna, daughter of Peter Salmon, Esq., by whom he had a numerous family. Arms : 1 and 4 Sa. three sicoi'ds ei'ect in fess ary., hilts and pommels or ; Rawlins : 2 and 3 Sa. a cross or, cantoned, in first and fourth a martlet of the second, in second and third a chaplet arg.; Warne. (2) Thomas, who married at St. Columb Major, 16th May, 1663, Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Lovell, and had, with other children, Simon Warne, baptized at St. Columb Major, married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Clay and his wife Elizabeth, kinswoman of Wm, Rowe, of Plymouth, merchant, who names her in his will, dated 16th April, 1690, by which he gave her two closes of land in Plymouth, which vested in the Wames, but fell into Chancery. Simon Warne had issue William, baptized at Maker, 25th October, 1710, and Simon, baptized at Maker, 20th May, 1709, as Warne, married there as Simon Ward, 21st January, 1741, to Johanna, daughter of Jolin Little, of Hessenford, and Joaima Prestwood his wife, and buried at Maker imder a table tomb, as men- tioned above. He had issue Simon below; William, who died 19th jSTovember, 1822, aged 64, having married at Maker, 4th July, 1794, Mary Bullock, by whom he had five children, who all died in infancy. Ann Priscilla married at Maker, by licence, 20th July, 1780, to John Luckraft, paymaster r.n., and had several children, of whom William and Alfred attained the rank of admiral in the Royal Navy, and John that of post-captain. Thomasine married at Stoke Damerel, 28th August, 1767, as Edward Lower, gent., and Miss Thomasine Ward, spinster, of tliis parish ; witnesses, Thomasine Little and John Foster. This Edward Lower was a captain in the navy, son of Edward Lower, and brother of Nicholas Lower, twice Mayor of Liskeard. They had issue (1) John Lower, a surgeon at Devonport, who died 26th January, 1841, having married Jane, daughter of 198 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. ; she died 31st January, 1851, aged 97. (2) Edward Simon Ward Lower, clerk of the cheque at the Gunwharf, Ports- mouth, who left issue three sons and one daughter. (3) Johanna Ward Lower, married at Stoke Damerel, 18th October, 1792, as Richard Clark, Esq., Lieut. R.N., and Joanna Ward Lower, of that parish, spinster. She died s.p. in 1808, and he married her sister Elizabeth, by whom he had four sons. (4) Thomasine, married to Charles Patey, r.n., and had ten children. Simon Ward, the eldest son, born 2nd February, 1753, and died 22nd June, 1831, having married at Maker Church, 13th September, 1781, Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Xodder, of Portsmouth, bom 15th November, 1754, and died 9th March, 1818, aged 63. They had issue two daughters only; viz., Ann Priscilla, bom 26th March, 1782, and died aged nine years; and Mary, born 7th April, 1784, and married at Maker, 26th September, 1817, to John Friend, Esq., Lieut. Royal Surrey Militia (Arms : Gu. a chev. erm. hetto. three bucks' heads cahoshed w), born 11th March, 1789, and died 4th March, 1843, his wddow dying 8th November, 1857. They had issue John Simon Friend, born 8th February, 1819, and died unmarried 16th March, 1844; and Mary Ann Elizabeth, born 6th January, 1826, and married 2nd January, 1847, to Frederick Arthur Jewers, son of Richard Jewers, Com- mander R.N., and his second wife Mary, only child of James Staines, of Hatfield Broadoak (Avhich Richard Jewers was grand- son of Thomas Eure, who took the name of Jewers, son of John Eure and Sarah, daughter and coheir of Sir John Tracy and his wife, Elizabeth Alington, granddaughter of Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter; and which John Eure was son of Sir Sampson Eure, whose father. Sir Francis Eure, was second son of William, second Lord Eure). The above Frederic A. Jewers had issue by his "v\dfe, Mary A. E. Friend, (1) Arthur John, born 19th February, 1848, married 15th November, 1869, to Emily, daughter of WiUiam Money, of Bevois Mount, Southampton ; has issue William Francis de Malton Eure, born 8th March, 1872, Arthur Frederick Norton Fitz Roy, born 22nd August, 1874, Edith Mary CHfford, died in infancy, Ethel Muriel Hastings, (2) Francis Edward, died yoimg, (3) Ernest Edwin, 27th September, 1853; Mary Elizabeth; and Charlotte Hannah ; beside two daughters who died yoimg. The following, also from the yard, chiefly from being connected with families elsewhere mentioned, it seems desirable to notice : MAKER, 199 Susanna Gendle Little, Avife of Philip Moysey Little, died 7tli October, 1825, aged 30. Sophia Susanna, daughter of Philip Moysey Little and Sophia Frances his wife, died 17tli April, 1829, aged 15 months. Philip, son of Philip and Sophia Little, drowned 13th July, 1835, aged 11 years and 6 months. Ann, the wife of William Little, Esq., of "West Park, in this parish, died 3rd March, 1850, aged 59. William Little, Esq., died 4th February, 1865, aged 78. Philippa Frances, youngest daughter of Philip M. Little, died 5th July, 1872, aged 36. Philip Moysey Little, of Coburg Cottage, IMillbrook, died 8th September, 1873, aged 84. Sophia Frances, widow of the above Philip Moysey Little, died 29th May, 1883, aged . William Tuson, boatbuilder of H.jSL Dockyard, died 16th May, 1818, aged 79. WiDiam, son of William and Mary Tuson, died 15th July, 1771, aged 25 months. Libby Tuson, daughter of the above William and Mary Tuson, died 26th April, 1786, aged 8 years. Sarah Maria Tuson, daughter of William and Mary Tuson, died 16th May, 1788, aged 16 months. Mary, wife of the above William Tuson, died 25tli December, 1841, aged 94. Harriet Tuson, youngest daughter of William and Mary Tuson, died 7th September, 1865, aged 76. Daniel Little, of Anderton, died 2nd April, 1773, aged 70. Wniiam Joseph Little, Esq., of Anderton House, died 26th February, 1869 ; also Fanny Marian Little, his widow, who died 5th April, 1876, aged 51. Elizabeth, wife of John Philip Goldsmith, of Lexden, Compton GifiPord, solicitor, and daughter of E. B. Mills, Esq., h.e.i.c.s., died 2nd Aug-ust, 1885, aged 33. Jane, wife of James Clark, of Kingsand, died 5th May, 1799, aged 71. The above James Clark died 2nd January, 1813, aged 89. Jane, wife of William Clark, died 10th November, 1826, aged 62. The said WiUiam Clark died 18th April, 1841, aged 83. Elizabeth, wife of Commander Kichard Clark, r.n,, of Foss, died 20tli December, 1838, aged 63. Commander Richard Clark, R.N., died 5th February, 1845, aged 83. Jane, wife of James Clark, Lieut. R.N., of Anderton, died 2nd July, 1877, aged 60. The said Lieutenant James Clark, r.n., died 7th January, 1885, aged 67. Malcolm Goldsmith, of the Admiralty, Somerset House, London, died 24th December, 1871, aged 53. Charles Edward Goldsmith, 200 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Sub-Lieutenant R.N., third son of the above Malcolm Goldsmith, drowned by the foundermg of H.M.S. Captain, off Cape Finisterre, 7th September, 1870, aged 20. Mary Ann, wife of the above Malcolm Goldsmith, and eldest daughter of Philip Moysey Little, died 8th February, 1877, aged 56. Sarah, wife of John Little, of Coburg Cottage, surgeon, died 29th March, 1833, aged 36. Harriet Elizabeth, second daughter of the above John Little, died 8th August, 1857, aged 55. The said John Little died 15th June, 1866, aged 74. William Little, Esq., of Anderton, died 24th May, 1835, aged 78. Ami, his wife, died 29tli December, 1852, aged 69. Ann Moysey, their daughter, died 28th October, 1809, aged 16 years and 7 months. Also Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Little, surgeon, of Devonport, daughter of Robert Sargent, died 16th November, 1833, aged 72. Anna Maria, daughter of the above, died 3rd September, 1800, aged 7 years. Mary Ann, another daughter of the above, died 19th September, 1801, aged 10 years. Daniel Little, surgeon, of Devonport, bom 24th August, 1759, died 18th August, 1836. Phillis Burdwood, wife of John Burdwood, surgeon, died at Millbrook 3rd January, 1774, aged 41. Richard Earle Burdwood, son of John and PhiUis Burdwood, died 5th October, 1765, aged 7 months. Ann Earle Burdw'Ood, daughter of the above, died (rest beneath the ground). Ann Burdwood, wife of John Cole Burdwood, died at Millbrook 13th October, 1852, aged 67. Jolin Cole Burdwood died 12th January, 1867, aged 81. Rev. Robert Lugger, late missionary of the New England Company to the Six Nation Lidians, Upper Canada, died 10th March, 1837, aged 44. Jonathan, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Lugger, died 31st October, 1834, aged 30 years. Mr. James Clark, of Anderton, died 14th September, 1819, aged 66. Mary, his wife, died 11th April, 1830, aged 73. James Richard Clark, of the Admiralty, Somerset House, died nth June, 1864, aged 67. Daniel Clark, of "West Anderton, born 19th April, 1798, died nth December, 1866. Augustine Beaufort Norman, only son of Captain Thomas Norman, R.N., and Elizabeth his wife, died 27th November, 1804, aged 4 years and 10 months. MAKER. 201 Elizabeth Jones Norman, mother of the above, and daughter of "William and Mary Tuson, widow of Captain Thomas Norman, R.N., who was killed at Trafalgar, died at Devonport, 13th April, 1838, aged 63. Mary Foster, wife of John Foster, died 27th March, 1784, aged 70. Also the said John Foster, who died 6th March, 1789, aged 67. Libby Foster, their daughter, died 10th June, 1838, aged 85. Joan, wife of Mr. Richard Netherton, master shipwright, died 5th October, 1694, aged 60. Also six of their children. Mary, second wife of the above Richard Netherton, died 20th Jime, 1715, aged 47. Sarah, daughter of Richard and Mary Netherton, died 9th Jime, 1712. The above Mr. Richard Netherton died 6th April, 1728, aged 91. Sir C. M. Wentworth, Bart., died 9th April, 1844. He was the only son of Sir John Wentworth, Governor of Halifax, Nova Scotia. "William "Wentworth emigrated from Yorkshire to Boston, New England, in 1628, from where he removed to New Hampshire. His grandson, John Wentworth, Esq., Lieut. -Governor of New Hampshire, married Sarah, daughter of Mark Hunkyn, Esq., descended from the Devonshire family of Hunkyn, and members of which family were settled in this neighbourhood. By this lady he had eight sons, of whom the sixth, Mark Hunkjn Went- worth, who married Elizabeth, daughter of John Rindge, Esq., of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, was father of two sons, John and Thomas. The elder, John, was Surveyor-General of His Majesty's Woods in North America, Lieut. -Governor of Nova Scotia, and created a baronet 16th May, 1795. He married Frances, daughter of his uncle, Samuel Wentworth, of Boston, and, dying in 1820, left issue a son. Sir Charles Mary Wentworth, born 18th January, 1775, second and last baronet, whose tomb is here mentioned. Arms : Sa. on a chev. eng. w, betw. three leopards' faces arg., two antique keys az. (See early editions of Debrett's Baronetage.) Lieutenant Richard Glinn, r.n., died 21st May, 1838, aged 79. Mary Ann Elliot, of Kingsand, niece of the above, died 8th January, 1864, aged 81. Grace, wife of John Moon Lean, of IVIillbrook, died 6th January, 1816, aged 42. Also four of their children are buried here. Fanny, wife of the late Richard Lewellin, Esq., died at Anderton, 15th September, 1860, aged 64. 202 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Sir William Elliott, c.b,, k.c.h., k.t.s., Captain r.n., died 15th September, 1838, aged 56. He commanded H.M.S. Adelaide, carrying the flag of Admiral Lord A. Beauclerk. Sarah, relict of the above Sir William Elliott, died 6th May, 1861, aged 58. Henry O'NeiU, Captain r.n,, bom 15th November, 1811, died 6th March, 1884. Camilla, wife of the Rev. W. Cornwallis Evans, rector of Rame, died 17th August, 1867, aged 42. Mr. Thomas Brusye, of Maker, who was buried 5th December, 1682. Maria Biat died 5th August, 1787, aged 3 years. Ann Jane Bint died 6th June, 1795, aged 9 years and 6 months. (This is on a marble tablet on the exterior east wall of the church.) Jane, wife of Mr. Robert Bint, died 4th September, 1822, aged 74. Also Mr. Robert Bint, steward to the Earl of Mount Edg- cumbe, died 23rd May, 1834, aged 83. Frances, his widow, and afterAvards "wife of the Rev. John Besly, d.c.l., died at Mount Stone 19th January, 1861, aged 69. Mary, relict of Lieutenant Luddington, Royal Marine Artillery, and daughter of Captain Bunce, R.N., died 8th July, 1850. William Vallack, Esq., of this parish, died 12th October, 1835, aged 65. Judith, relict of the above, died- 8th January, 1867, aged 85. Also their children — Edmund Vallack, r.n,, died at sea, 6th June, 1830, aged 20; Charlotte Selina Yallack, died 15th June, 1836, aged 15 ; John Elias Vallack, Lieutenant of the Britomai't, died at sea 17th Eebruary, 1842, aged 34; also Mary and Vaughan, who died in infancy. Adoniah Vallack, m.r.c.s. Eng., died 5th June, 1873, aged 60. Henry Adoniah Vallack, solicitor, of Torrington, died 27th December, 1877, aged 71. The above William Vallack, Esq., married Judith, daughter of the Rev. W. Smith, rector of Meavy, co. Devon, and Amy Lawrence his wife, who was a sister of General Elias Lawrence, c.b. Another son of the above WiUiam VaUack was the Rev. B. W. S. Vallack, B.A., vicar of St. Budeaux. The following extracts from the Register, beside those already given, may be of interest. The Registers do not exist prior to 1630, and do^vn to the early part of the eighteenth century in a very decayed state, and the leaves loose and mixed. Names and dates are often found quite obliterated. There are no entries 1630. Nov. 14. 1631. May 22. 1631. 1631. Jan. 1632. 1632. Feb. 1633. July 1633. Oct. MAKER. 203 from January to August, 1634 ; and in 1643-44 there are months with no entries, and in 1645 there are numerous blanks. BAPTISMS. ..., daughter of Henry Wallys. Richard, son of Richard Lawry. EUzabeth, daughter of Richard Hunking. WilUam, son of Mr. Richard Row. ]\Iargaret, daughter of Sii- Samuel Rolle. Samuel, son of Sir Samuel Rolle. Ann, daughter of Mr. Richard Rowe. MeUar, daughter of John Deeble, vicar. (He was the son of John Deeble, of Inceworth, and his wife Mary, daughter of Thomas Wolsdon, of East Anthony, where he was married 14th October, 1576, to Mary Minardes (Maynard), of Landreth. (?Lanreath). He succeeded to the Vicarage of Maker 18th July, 1631, on the promotion of his uncle, Nicholas Deeble, to the Rectory of Calstock. The will of this Nicholas proved 2nd March, 1663, at Bodmin. Both he and his uncle were deprived of their livings by the Long Parliament.) Dauins, daughter of Mr. Richard Rowe. Darkos, daughter of INIr. Richard Rowe. John, son of John Carew. Mary, daughter of William Skelton. Ann, daughter of Mr. Stephen Evans. Mary, daughter of Mr. John Deeble. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Gregorie Rowe. . . . cale (? Cecily), daughter of John Carew. Melliar, daughter of Nicholas Johnson. George, son of George Hitchins. Isabel, daughter of Nicholas Johnson. William, son of Mr. George Mathew. Roger, son and heir of Mr. George Phillip, bom 6th December. John and Elizabeth, son and daughter of Mr. William Drinkwater. William, son of Mr. Richard Row, born 21st February. . . ., daughter of Mr. Edward Mathew, bom 31st April. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Francis Collins, minister of Maker. Damarass, daughter of Nicholas Hunking. Thomas, son of Mr. Richard Taprill. William, son of Mr. John Hoare. John, son of John Spry. Johan, daughter of Mr. John Mathew. Edward, son of Mr. George Mathew. Richard, son of Mr. Henry Goyte. Joane, daughter of Mr. Israel Simons. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Gregory Dowling. 1635. April 1636. Aug. 31. 1636. Nov. .... 1638. Jan. 28. 1640. July 13. 1640. Aug. 1641. Nov. 26. 1641. Dec. 15. 1642. Oct. 16. 1646. M&v. 11. 1647. May 7. 1651. Jan. 1. 1653. Dec. 15. 1663. Jan. 30. 1654. Mar. 31. 1654. 1655. July' 20. 1656. Sept. 3. 1655. Oct. 9. 1656. Sept. 27. 1656. Feb. 8. 1657. April 28. 1657. May .... 1659. Oct. 9. 1660. June 15. 1662. Mar. 31. 204 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. James, son of Mr. Richard Blake. Joan, daughter of Mr. Robert Rice. Elizabeth, daughter of JNIr. Robert Rice. Ann, daughter of Mr. George Phillipp. Ann, daughter of John Smart. IMary, daughter of Mr. David Lawrence, vicar. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. David Lawrence, vicar. Mary, daughter of John Smart. Jone, daughter of Mr. John Salmon. John, son of John Smart. William, son of Mr. David Lawrence, vicar. William, son of Richard Mayne, of Stonehouse. Jane, daughter of Mr. Francis Deacon. Hannah, daughter of 3Ir. Anthony Miirrye. Charles, son of John Smart. Sarah, daughter of Mr. Daniel Lawrence, vicar. Joanna, daughter of Michael Prestwood. Thomas, son of Mr. Daniel Lawrence, vicar. Hannah, daughter of Mr. Daniel Lawrence, vicar. Jane, daughter of Richard Mapowder. Ann, daughter of Mr. Daniell Lawrence, vicar. Eleanor, daughter of Mr. Daniel Lawrence, vicar. Mary, daughter of William Little. James, son of Mr. Jolin Smart. Joseph, son of Mr. Richard Mapowder. James, son of John Trehane. James, son of Mr. John Smart. Thomas, son of Mr. Thomas Griggor, at Maker. Thomasine, daughter of William Little. John, son of Mr. John Smart. Benjamin, son of Mr. John Smart. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Walters. Ann, daughter of Mr. Richard Mapowder. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Hugh Piper. The black boy at IVIount Edgcumbe was baptized John. Maiy, daughter of Mr. Littleton Wenmouth. Heniy, son of Littleton Waymouth. Elizabeth, daughter of William Little. Richard, son of ]Mr. Richard Dowling. Daniel, son of John Little. (William Little, who purchased Anderton, and established a ship- wright's yard there, married a Miss Came, of St. Martin's, Cornwall, and had, with other issue, William, died unmarried ; Thomasine, married a Mr. Edwards, and died without issue ; and John Little, of Hessenford, who married Johanna, daughter of 3Iichael Prestwood (see her father's marriage and her baptism), by whom he was father of Robert, a timber merchant at Mutton Cove, died unmarried ; Johanna, ah-eady mentioned as married to Simon Ward ; Mary, married to John Foster, and had Libby and John, died unmarried ; and Mary, married to William Tuson, by whom she was mother of 1664. Aug. 11. 1664. Nov. 29. 1666. Aug. 1666. Dec. 12. 1669. July 23. 1669. Feb. 4. 1672. May 4. 1672. June 13. 1672. Nov. 19. 1672. Mar. 18. 1673. May 5. 1673. July 1673. Aug. 10. 1674. Sept. 7. 1674. Nov. 4. 1676. June 7. 1677. Nov. 21. 1677. Jan. 23. 1678. Feb. 3. 1679. April 7. 1679. Feb. 3. 1680. Mar. 25. 1680. Jan. 9. 1681. Jan. 1. 1681. Mar. 16. 1681. July 22. 1681. July 27. 1683. Apiil 22. 1683. July 1. 1683. Jan. 21. 1685. Aug. 25. 1686. Mar. 28. 1686. Jmie 19. 1686. Feb. 1687. Oct. 20. 1689. May 26. 1689. Feb. 22. 1689. Mar. 23. 1690. Dec. 22. 1692. June 18. MAKER. 205 Elizabeth, married to Captain Thomas Norman, r.n., and had Augustine Beaufort and Anna Norman ; another daughter, married to — Harris, brother of Sir William Snow Harils, and had William Harris, solicitor, of London, and John Harris, m.d. ; also William, Libby, Sarah Maria, and Harriet Tuson, who all died young, except Harriet, who died unmarried, 7th September, 1865, aged 76. The son whose baptism is given above, viz., Daniel, married, first, Ruth Salmon, by whom he had issue. John died yoimg; Elizabeth died unmarried ; and Thomasine married — Couch, and had issue Captain Daniel Couch, James Couch, and a daughter, married to — Hortopp. He married, secondly, Anne Foster, by whom he had (1) Joanna, died young; (2) Ann, married Mr. J. C. Burdwood, surgeon, of Millbrook; and had a son, Captain Burdwood, who died s.p. ; (3) William, who died in 1835, and is buried at Maker, having married Anne Moysey (see below) ; (4) Mary, twin with William, married James Clark, and had James, of the Navy Pay Office, who married, first, Isabella Gordon, and secondly, — Sutheriand ; Daniel Clark ; Jane Dale Clark ; and Mary Clark, married — Gill ; (5) Daniel Little, surgeon, of Devonport, married at Stoke Damerel 12th June, 1784, to Elizabeth Sargent, of that parish, a minor, with the consent of her father, by whom he had Daniel, married Miss Fearon ; Robert, a major in the Royal Marine Light Infantry, married Miss Holberton ; Eliza, and Henry. Joanna Prestwood (youngest daughter of Daniel Little and Ann Foster), died unmarried. The eldest son, William, had issue by his wife Anne Moysey (1) William, married Ann Lugger, and had William, died in infancy ; William, married Miss Lewellin, and died in 1869 ; John, married Isabella Bone ; and Ann, married — Lewellin ; (2) Philip Moysey Little, a solicitor, at Devonport, who married, first, Susanna Gendle May, and had Mary Ann, married Malcolm Goldsmith, and had six sons and two daughters, of whom the eldest, John Philip Goldsmith, a solicitor, carries on the practice of his grandfather ; Celia, unmarried ; Philip, who was drowned, aged ten years. Philip Moysey Little married, secondly, Sophia Frances Little, and had Sophia Susanna, died in infancy ; Sophia Ann, married Charles Bisset Fenwick ; George Greenway Little, a Judge in Jamaica, married Matilda Grigg ; and Philippa Frances. Fuller particulai-s as to dates will be found on tombs and headstones, already mentioned as in the yard, commemorating members of the family. This family of Little use as their arms : Sa. a salt ire eng. arg.) 1692. Dec. 20. Gregory, son of Mr. Richard Dawling. Jolin, son of Littleton Wymond. Robert, son of Mr. Richard Dowling. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Ball. John, son of Mr. Robert Mitchell, vicar. Hannah, daughter of Mr. Covil Mayne. Martyn, son of Mr. Thomas Mayne. Robert, son of Mr. Robert Mitchell, vicar. Robert, son of John Little. (He was a timber merchant at Mutton Cove, and died immarried.) 1692. Feb. 28. 1694. Jan. 9. 1695. Jan. 17. 1698. June 6. 1699. June 15. 1700. Oct. 30. 1701. Aug. 26. 1709. Mar. 31. 206 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. 1710. Sept. 3. Ann, daughter of Alexander Dunning and Elizabeth his wife. 1710. Dec. 10. John, son of Thomas Hoblyn and Charity his wife. 1711. May 1. Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh Mallett and Mary his wife. (This Hugh Mallett was married here to Mary Hawes, probably a sister of Henry Hawes, rector of Stoke Damerel. He had with other children, whose baptisms are mentioned here, a son Hugh Mallett, surgeon, of Millbrook, whose daughter Mary married the Rev. Robert Hoblyn, of Nanswhyden, which estate he inherited on the death of his father, Samuel Hoblyn, who had succeeded on the death of lais cousin, Robert Hoblyn, of Nanswhyden, Esq., m.p. for Bristol, from which marriage descends the present representative of this ancient family ; viz., WilUam Paget Hoblyn, Esq., m.a., j.p.) 1712. Nov. 15. John, son of John Leigh and Mary his wife. 1712. Dec. 8. Thomas, son of Thomas Hoblyn and Charity. 1712. Mar. 17. Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander Dunnmg and Elizabeth his wife. 1713. May 15. Philip, son of John Little and Joanna his wife. (He died young.) Mary, daughter of Hugh Mallett and Mary his wife. Thomas, son of Thomas Hoblyn and Charity his wife. Henry, son of Symon and Elizabeth Ward. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Edey. Thomas, son of John and Elizabeth Edey. Thomasine, daughter of Simon and Joanna Ward. John, son of Daniell and Katherine Little. Sybella, daughter of John and Elizabeth Edey. Elizabeth, daughter of Phihp and Elizabeth Littleton. John, son of John and Elizabeth Edey. Susanna, daughter of William and Johanna Warn. Simon, son of WilUam and Ann Ward. WEDDINGS. John Mayne and Elizabeth Lawry. Robert Towle and Thomasine Ward. Thomas Pomerie and Joane Pomerie, of St. Nyot. Robert Neilder and Loveday Peek. John Spry and Thamsin Johnson, at Rame. Samuel Thorne and Dorothy Heale. John Randell and Margaret Trelawny. Mr. Francis Collinge and Mrs. Rebecca (gone). John Deeble and Clare Dell, Mr. Wills and Margaret Evans. Henry Tinke and Mary Salmon. Michael Prestwood and Ann Rowe. Mr. John Salmon and Mrs. Joane Ingram. Anthony Murry and Margaret Moorshead, at Rame. 1713. Sept. 29. 1713. Dec. 9. 1722. Oct. 12. 1739. Dec. 30. 1742. Oct. 20. 1743. Sept. 28. 1743. Dec. 8. 1744. Mar. 17. 1747. June 14. 1747. June 17. 1748. Feb. 18. 1749. March 5. 1631. May 22. 1637. May 1. 1639. July 3. 1642. April 18. 1646. Jan. 26. 1647. June 27. 1656. June 3. 1657. May 27. 1661. Mar. 1664. Oct. 8. 1667. July 16. 1669. June 1. 1669. Mar. 11. 1674. Dec. 1680. June 1. 1681. July 13. 1682. Oct. 24. 1684. April 9. 1689. Nov. 26. 1693. June 8. 1695. April 18. 1696. May 13. 1698. May 19. 1698. Dec. 21. 1717. Mar. 4. 1718. June 12. MAKER. 207 1675. May 4. Hugh Behethland and Mrs. Susanna Heablin {? Hoblyn). John Trehane and Joan Kerswill. Mr. Thomas Arthur and Mrs, Joan Evans. Mr. John Wallis and Mrs. Judeth Warren. Mr. John Seccombe and Mrs. Prescilla Blake. Mr. Richard Dowling and Mary Simmons. Robert Little and Elizabeth Browne. Mr. Abraham Edgar and Mrs. Juliana Staresmore. Robert Warren and Joane Dim. Mr. Robert Mitchell, vicar of this parish, «nd Mrs. Frances Beallye. William Watts and Ann Prestwood. Hugh Mallett and Mary Jewell. Robert Mitchell, vicar, and Mary Moningly, of Plymouth, married at Buckland Monachorum. BUEIALS. 1630. Dec. 10. Sampson, son of John Salmon, was killed by an accident with his own peece on the 8th. Mr. William Row. William, son of William Carew. Margaret, daughter of Mr. John Deeble. Mr. John Stephens. Mr, Richard Deeble. Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. John Deeble. (This Mrs. Mary was the daughter of Thomas Wolsdon, of Wolsdon, whose other daughter and co-heir married Oliver Deeble, brother of this Mr. John Deeble.) 1638. Aug. .,. Elizabeth, wife of Christian Horwell, and his son were buried, and Catherine and Joshua, his daughter and son, were baptized the same day, all three being bom at one birth. 1641. July 26. MeUiar, daughter of Mr. George Andrewe. 1641. Feb. 1. Mr. John Deeble. (He was the son of John Deeble, of Inceworth, by Jane, daughter of John Spry, of Cutcrew. He married Mary Wolsdon as mentioned above, and had, with other children, John Deeble, vicar of Maker. ) 1642. April 18. Joane, wife of James Grossman, of Crosse, in the parish of Botus Fleming. 1642. June 28. Mr. Thomas Cleere. (There are numerous entries of this surname. ) 1642. Sept. 10. Mrs. Margaret Evans, widow. 1647. Mar. ... John Carew. 1647. Nov. ... Mary Ge, wife of William the Frenchman. 1653. Jan. 19. Robert Row, of Antony, drowned at passage way, and buried here. 1631. April May 8. 1636. May 26. 1636. July 1. 1636. July 7. 1637. Dec. 1653. Jan. 21. 1653. Feb. 11. 1654. April 1. 1654. April 1654. Oct. 17. 1654. Jan. 19. 1654. Feb. 3. 1654. Feb. 6. 1655. Sept. 26. 1655. Oct. 2. 1656. Aug. 5. 1658. May 4. 1659. Sept. 15. 1659. Mar. 10. 1659. Mar. 17. 208 HERALDIC CHURCH NOTES FROM CORNWALL. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Drinkwater. Johan, wife of Mr. WilUam Drinkwater. Mary, daughter of Mr. John Deveane. Peirse, son of Mr. Nicholas Blake. ..., daughter of Mr. Francis Collinge, minister. Thomasine Tom, neer about 100 yeares. John, son of Mr. William Drinkwater. Elizabeth Collins, widow. Ehzabeth Horrill's mother. Mrs. Onner Collins, wife of Mr. Francis Collins, minister of this parish. John Tom, of Inswork. George, son of Mr. George Philipp. Mr. John Tooker. Johanna, daughter of Mr. Samuel Salmon. William Nuton. (Will proved at Bodmm 29th January, 1660. ) 1662. Jan. 12. JuMan, wife of Mr. Richard Kingdon. 1662. Mar. 8. Margaret, wife of Mr. William Wills. 1663. Dec. 11. Mr. John Deeble, vicar. (Son of John Deeble as just mentioned. He married Meliora, daughter of William Rutter.) Paule, the headman. Mr, Robert Hoskin. Mrs. Mary Blake, widow. Mr. John Salmon. Mr. Truebody, widow (sic). Jone Eide, widow. Mr. William Drinkwater. Mr. John Chark. Ann, daughter of Mr. George Philipp. Lovedy, wife of Peter Scawen. Johanne, wife of Mr. Charles Trewbody. Mrs. Agnes Rowe. Mr. Stephen Dottin. Thomas, son of Mr. David Lawrence, vicar. Ann, daughter of Mr. John Smart. John, son of Mr. Anthony Murrye. Joane Carew, widow. Rebecca, daughter of William Little. Joane, wife of Mr. Aquilla Blake. Thomasine, wife of Mr. Erasmus Hooper. Stephen Tattersall, of Brighthelmstone, in Sussex. Mr. Stephan Evans. John Hancock, of St. Germans. Mr. Durick Hindricksonne, a Dutcliman, Mr. Aquilla Blake. Mr. Thomas Brusye, Mr. John Salmon. 1664. April 30. 1664. Jan. 1664. Mar. 1666. Aug. 5. 1666. Dec. 27. 1667. Dec. 24. 1668. April 24. 1669. Feb. 10. 1670. Oct. 20. 1673. April 1675. Nov. 27. 1676. May 9. 1677. Nov. 20. 1677. Feb. 20. 1678. May 1678. Oct. 29. 1679. Dec. 2. 1679. Feb. 4. 1680. Mar. 29. 1680. Dec. 29. 1681. Feb. 27. 1682. April 10. 1682. April 15. 1682. July 9. 1682. Sept. 1. 1682. Dec. 5. 1682. Dec. 10. MAKER. 209 1685. May 20. There were eight persons coming ashore out of Mr. John Salmon's ship, and were drowned nere Penlee ; namely, James Salmon and wife ; Ann Skinner and sonne ; Ann Salmon and James Salmon, y^ sonne of John Salmon ; Joseph Fly ; and Rebecca, the daughter of Richard Browne ; and were taken up the 14th day, and buryed the 20th day of May. Benjamin, son of Mr. John Smart. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Hugh Piper. Michael Prestwood, sen. Mrs. Ann Brusye. Peter Palmer, of the parish of Landrake. Mrs. Margaret Dowling. Anne Warren. Joan, wife of Mr. Richard Netherton, of Plymouth. John, son of Littleton Wymond. (The change of Waymouth to Wymond is rather singular ; it does not readily appear which is right, though the Christian name being Littleton leaves no doubt that they were the same person. ) Robert, son of Mr. Robert Dowling. Charles Beheathland, gent. Mary, wife of Mr. John Mayne. George, son of George Adams. Mary, daughter of Mr. John Ball. Daniell, son of William Little. Mary, wife of Robert Deeble. Joan Adams. Robert, son of Mr. Robert Mitchell, vicar. Mary, wife of Mr. Richard Dowling. Anstice, daughter of John Trefry and Elizabeth liis mfe. 1686. May 7. 1686. Feb. 1687. Feb. 26. 1688. Dec. 12. 1693. Nov. 14. 1693. Jan. 25. 1694. April 20. 1694. Oct. 8. 1694. Dec. 24. 1694. Mar. 1. 1695. April 7. 1695. July 29. 1696. April 17. 1697. July 28. 1697. Sept. 7. 1698. March 7. 1700. Jan. 25. 1700. Sept. 23. 1701. Jan. 11. 1711. April 12. INDEX. Abercom — James, Duke of, 184, 186. Louisa J., Duchess of, 186. A cksfarc?/— George,Lord, 169. Mai7,169. Z>ar^o/i — Charles, 130, 132, 142. EUzabeth, 124, 132, 142. Honor, 123,130,143. Joane, 137. Johanna, 145. John, 128, 130. 132, 134, 145. Richard, 124. Thomas, 123, 124, 128. Thomasine, 134. Datton — Margery, 164. Z>aM&m?/ — Elizabeth A. R., 77. George (Rev.), 77. William, 77. Dawe— Henrietta M., 69. John, 69. Davis— Arms, 79. EUzabeth, 79, 141,152. Henry,141,152. WiUiam, 79. Davy — Johanna, 87. Dait'fi— Emma, 142. Grace Freeman, 142. Margaret, 134. Sampson, 142. INDEX. 217 Dawiiey — Emmeline, 15. John (Sir), 15. Dat/;so>i— Dinah, 39. Elizabeth, 39. Jane E. P. , 39. Isaac (Rev. ), 39. Thomas, 39. Deacon — Francis, 204. Jane, 204. Z)eeWe— Agnes, 54, 87. Ann, 17, 18, 54, 80. Aridice, 18. Arras, 53, 55, 57, 58. Caroline R., 123. Christian, 56. Cleare, 153, 206. Dorothy, 54. Edward, 55, 56, 123. Elizabeth, 18, 54, 87, 90, 123. George, 18, 56. James, 56. Jane, 18, 123, 207. Jenny, 123. Joseph, 54. John, 16, 17, 18, 29, 54, 55, 56, 80, 81, 123, 128, 129, 153, 203, 206, 207, 208. Katherine, 56, 90. Margaret, 55, 207. Margery, 87. Martha, 16, 17, 18, 54. Mary, 18, 54, 56, 203, 207, 209. Meliar, 56,137,203. Meliora,208. Nancy Kernick, 123. Nicholas, 56, 180,203. Oliver, 17, 53, S3, 207. Philippa, 54. Richard, 129, 207. Robert, 82, 83, 209. Samuel, 18, (Rev.) 17, 18, 25, 54, 57. Sarah, 56. Searle, 54. Stephen, 81, 82, 87. Theo- phila, 17, 53. Thomas, 18, 29, 56, 129. Thomasine, 56. William, 56. Delancy — Arms, 101. De La Pype — Arms, 101. Delhridge—ExidigQt, 89. Dell—A\me, 63, 138. Care, 206. Henry, 63. Margaret, 138. Melior, 137. Thomas, 137. Denham — Arras, 96. Prances, 95. Judeth, 135. Mary, 146. Oliver, 135, 146. WilUam, 95. Z)e?m?/— Anthony (Sir), 43. Martha, 43. Dennys — Gertrude, 146. Robert (Sir), 146. Deveane— John, 208. Mary, 208. Dexvstoe — William, 24. Div — Annie, 91. Bridget,84. Francis, 84. Hanna, 91. Johanna, 84. John, 85. Martha, 84. Thomas, 84, 85, 91. Dobell — John, 134. Margaret, 135. Thomasine, 134. William, 135. Docton — Arras, 94. Christiana, 94. Nicholas, 94. Doddinge—E\\zdihQ\h, 82. Margaret, 83. Martha, 83. Mary, 83. Samuel, 82. William, 82, 83. Dodson — Elizabeth, 136. Doidge — Ann, 176. Anthony, 180. Daniel, 112. Edith, 176. Eliza- beth, 155, 164, 179. Ibet, 112. John, 79. Judeth, 79. Martha, 180. Mary, 89, 137, 182. Nicholas, 180. Richard, 89, 137, 164, 176, 180, 182. Roger, 91. Samuel, 180. Sarah, 176. Susanna, 154. Z)o^^m— Stephen, 208. Douglas — Jane, 14. Margaret, 14. Robert (Capt. ), 14. Dove — Jone, 56. Z>o?p/rn{7— Elizabeth, 203. Gregory, 203, 205. Margaret, 209. Mary, 207, 209. Richard, 204, 205, 207, 209. Robert, 205, 209. Doxming — Edward, 11. Elizabeth, 11. Mary, 195. Z)?-oAe— Duncombe, 80. Grace, 80. Jonathan, 11. Phillis, 11. Dreniche — Margaret, 88. Z)?w<;— Elizabeth, 1 14. .James (Capt.), 34. James William, 34. John, 41. John (Capt. ), 34. Stephen, 34. Thomas, 41. Driden ( Dryden ) — Ann ,93. Dorothy, 88. Elizabeth, 88. Katherine, 91. Martha, 93. Mary, 93. Thomas, 91, 92. William, 93. Drinicke—io\ca., 92. Dn'n^rpa^e/-— Elizabeth, 203, 20S. Johan, 208. John, 203, 208. William, 203, 208. D^/'wry— Mary A., 184. Thomas (Sir), 184. Duckworth— k\\\^, 19. George li. (Lieut. -Col), 19. George W., 19. John T. (Admiral Sir), 19. Pene- lope, 19. Penelope P., 19. Sarali A., 19. Duins — Robert Nepean, 35. Rose Anne Brady, 35. Dun — Joane, 207- Dwujey — Grace, 197. John, 197. Dunning — Alexander, 206. Ann, 206. Elizabeth, 206. Z>?/— Henry (Lord), 186. Hugh (Col.), 186. Louisa E., 186. Flamocke— Ann, 196, 197. Bernard, 170. Elizabeth, 170. Mary, 197. William, 197. i^^e^mng— Katherine, 76. Margaret, 76. Thomas, 76. i^^w— Joseph, 209. FolJa7nb--H.enTy, 169. Mary, 169. Foot — Arabella, 62, 156. Arabella F., 62. Elizabeth, 31. Grace, 142. Josiah, 62, (Rev.) 156. Richone, 88. Ford— Elizabeth, 141. Forster — Arms, 101. F(w^e5cwe— Elizabeth. 141. i^os^e;-— Ann, 205. Ferdinando, 152. John, 197, 201, 204. Libby, 201, 204. i^Iary, 201, 204. Fountayne—Axms, 120. Hugh, 29, 119. John, 120. Margaret, 29, 119. William, 121. Foulkes — Elizabeth, 156, 157. Peter D. (Rev.), 156. i^'owe//— Edmund, 136. Fou;— Arms, 127. Dorothy, 86, 127. Elizabeth T., 186. Francis, 86, 127. Henry T. (Earl of Ilchester), 186. Jane, 134. John, 86. . Tabitha, 127. Fox worthy— Arms, 164. Johanna, 97, 98. Rebecca, 164. Frmicis — Mary, 83. Freeman— Arms, 142. Edward, 142. Elizabeth, 142. Hannah, 142. Robert, 142. William, 142. French — Katherhie, 56. i^re«%— Catherine, 176. Frezier — Eleanor, 63. John, 63. Friend — Agnes, 181. Arms, 198. John, 198. John S., 198. Mary, 198. Mary A. E., 198. Fidler— Ann, 149. Furlo^vj — John, 130. Mary, 63, 153. Richard, 148. Furslatul — John, 145. Fur)iese — Arms, 191. Henry (Sir), 183. Matilda, 183. Gahorian — Elizabeth, 143. Jane, 109. Juliana, 122. Loveday, 110. Margaret, 122, 143. Mary, 109, 143. Peter, 143. Thomas (Capt.), 109. Gardiner — Edward, 137. Susan, 137. G^a)'/a?K^— Gertrude, 88. Joan, 164. Johanna, 88, 90. John, 81, 90. Loram, 88. Pa.scoe, 81. Thomas, 88. William, 164. Wilmot, 88. G^ar«— Morgan, 99. Garrett — Andrew, 136. Jane, 94, 136. John, 94. Patience, 94. Gatanach — James, 195. Gay {Gaye, Gey) — Ann, 26. Jane, 56. John, 23, 26. Margaret, 80. Patience, 26. William, 80. G^e— Mary, 207. William, 207. (rm^-e— Elizabeth, 70. Geedy {Geddey, GedieY—Jajie, 122. Pascoe S., 124. Radigan, 76. Richard, 75. Stephen, 124. Gennys — Arms, 94. Catherine, 94. Christiana, 94. Elizabeth, 94. John, 10, 94. Nicholas, 94. Richard, 81, 94. Samuel, 81. Thomasine, 10. William, 10, 94. Gw^— Thomas, 80. George — Cornelius, 31. Elizabeth, 31,63. Ferdmando, 63. Mary, 39. Gere— John, 126. Elizabeth, 109. Theobald, 109, 126. Gibson — Andrew, 80. Gifford—E\)\iot,\U, Elizabeth, 174. John, 111. Gilbert— Agnes, 88. Bridget, 89. Claudius. 89. Emma, 163. John (Archbisnopof loik),183. Pwch?rd, 88. Gill— Ma.ry, 205. — 205. Glanjield— J oane, 159. Mary, 146. Glanvill— Alice, 67. Amabel, 22, 23,50,67. Anne, 65, 90. Arms, 65, 66. Arthur, 67. Charles F., 67. Dewnes,65. Edward F., 67. Eliza- beth, 23, 65, 66, 67, 165. Frances, 98, 145. Francis, 22, 23, 50, 66, 67, (Gen.)67. FrancisB.,67. George W. (Lieut.), 22. Hannah, 67. Harriet E., 23. Henry C. (Rev.), 23, 67. Janet, 67. John, 65, 66, 67, 134, (Sir) 65, 66, 67, 189, (Rev.) 65. Julia, 67. Julius, 66, 67. Mary, 31, 67, 189, 190. Mary A., 67. Nicholas, 65, 145. Owen, 67. Percy, 67. Rainald, 66. Ranulph, 67. Robert, 67. Sarah, 66. Symon, 145. Tobias, 98, 145. Wilfred, 67, William, 65. William F., 67. Winifred, 67. Glasford—Jaae, 122. John, 122. Glitln— Richard (Lieut.), 201. Glogg — Honor, 141. GlvMe — Arthur, 145. Charles, 98. Johanna, 134. Judith, 98. 220 INDEX. Glymi — Loveday, 14. Nicholas, 14, Godolphiii— Ann, 43. Blanch, 81,90. Francis, 43, (Su-) 81, 90. Gentell, 148. Johan, 148. Martlia, 148. Robert, 148. WUliam (Sir), 148. Goldsmith— ChaxlesE., 199. EUza- beth, 199. John P., 199, 205. Malcolm, 199, 200, 205. Mary A., 200, 205. Goodi/er— Amid. 63. John, 63. Sarah, 63. Gordon — Euphemia, 116. Isabella, 205. Gorges— Edward, Lord, 76. Ferdi- nanda, 104. Tristram, 104. Gossip — Ann, 181. Obediah, 181. Gould — Johan, 138. John, 11. 3Iary, 11. WiUiam, 11. Goulston — Ann, 88. Damaras, 129, 137, 149, 150, 152. Dorothy, 137. EUzabeth, 137. George, 137. German, 137 Johanna, 134. John, 129, 137, 148. Judeth, 93. Martha, 136. Mary, 138, 152. Par- milla,88. Richard, 88. Robert, 88, 92, 115, 129, 148, 149, 150, 152. Susan, 137. Thomas, 91, 137. William, 59. Govett — Jone, 30. Manides, 30. Robert, 81. Goyte—B.QmY, 203. Richard, 203. Graham — James H., 35. John H. (JtlSj-iOvS^. P»aciiaeiC.,35. Sally B., 35. Thomas, 40. Granger— VnacxWa, 9, 12. Graves — Anne, 62. Arms, 58, 59. Elizabeth, 58, 59, 62. James, 58, 62. Margaret A. , .59, 63. Mary, 14, 58, 62. Thomas (Captain), 14, 130. 58, 62, (Admiral) 14, 58, 59, (Lord) 14, 59, 62, 63. William, 62. Graye— John, 134, 145. Margaret, 134, 145. Greenfield — Florence, 91. Grace, 87. Greet — Hannah, 142. John, 37. Stephen, 145. Gye'\gOYY, 86. Jane, 163. Judeth,86. Martha, 181. Richard, 23, 181. Robert, 86. Simon, 163. Honeywood — Arms, 99. Margaret, 100. Thomas (Sir), 100. Thoma- sine, 103. Honycomhe — Elizabeth, 88. Wal- ter, 88. fi'oo/e— David, 147. Elias, 147. •Hooper — Agnes, 63. Elizabeth, 20. Erasmus, 208. Martha, 148. Tho- masine, 208. — , 20. Hore — Charity, 35, 40. Mathew, 35, 40. iNIichael, 41. Nicholas, 35. Horridon — Ann, 178. Ann D., 179. Anthony, 178, 179. David, 178. Elizabeth, 143, 178, 179. Isabel, 177, 179. Joan, 179. John, 178. John D., 178, 179. Mary, 179. Oliver, 131. Rebecca, 153. Samuel, 179. Susanna, 70, 131, 178. Thomas, 178, 179, (Rev.) 143, 178, 179. William, 179. William H., 179. iTor/vY^— Elizabeth, 208. Jane, 89. Horsey— 5 o\m (Sir), 100. Horsom — Elizabeth, 141. Hortopp — 205. Horwetl — Catherine, 207. Cluistian, 207. Elizabeth, 207. Joshua, 207. Hosking — Jonathan, 138. Mary , 1 38. Robert, 208. Walter, 138. Wil- liam, 139. Hoskins — John, 64. IToic— Elizabeth, 165. George, 141. Grace, 141. Hanna, 141. Jane, 140, 141. John, 140. Katheiine, 11, 140, 141. Mary, 141. Mathew, 165. Samuel, 140, 141. Symon,141. Howard — Abagall, 10. Jacob, 10. Jonathan, 10. Hoivell—lSl\s?,, 63. Huddy— Arm, 89. William, 89. Huet — Anne, 90. Htighes — George, 140. John, 14. Katherine, 140. Sarah, 14. Hulsc—Edv{a,Yd{8ir),52. Han-iet,52. Huwjerford — Anthony, 45. Arms, 44, 45, 46. Sarah, 45, 46, 51. Hunkyn {Hunkhig) — Agnes, 129, 140, 141, 149. Alice, 149. Ann, 140. Arms, 140. Damaras, 203. Elizabeth, 149, 203. Grace, 140. Jane, 140. Johan, 149. Johanna, 135, 144. John, 129, 140, 149, 150, (Dr.) 140. Joseph, 140, 153. Katherme, 149. Margery, 140. Mark, 201. Martha, 153. Mary, 136, 140, 149. Nicholas, 203. Peter, 149. Radigund, 140. Richard, 140, 203. Roger, 149. Sarah, 201. William, 136, 149. i/wnn— James, 155. 3Iary, 80. Samuel, 40, 155. Hunt — Ann, 193. Anthony, 193. Arms, 193. Charles W., 132. Edward, 193. Elizabeth, 132. Jane, 133. Joseph, 193. J., 193. Martha, 132, 133, 143, 156. William, 132, 133. Huswife — iMargaret, 163. Thomas- ine, 159. Hutchiiis — Catherine B., 39, 40. John (Rev.), 38, 39, 40. Sarah, 38,39,40. Sarahs., 38. Hnxham — Ellen, 164. John, 164. Hyde — Catherine, 76. Jane, 76. John (Col.), 76. Hchester — B^^cccs (Earl of), 186. Elizabeth T. (Lady), 186. Ingram — Ann, 192. Anthony, 134, 145, 192. Arms, 191, 192. Doro- thy, 192, 193. Elizabeth, 193. Henry, 192, 193. Joan, 191, 192, 206. Johanna, 134, 145. John, 191, 192, 193. Peter, 192. Richard, 192. Walter, 192, 193. /s«ac— Radolph, 88. Richard, 135. Thomasine, 135. Susanna, 88. Jago — Agnes, 162. Ann Darell, 196. Edward, 196. John (Rev.), 196, (Col.) 196. Martyne, 126. Philip, 162. Sibella, 126. James — Catherine, 69. Dorothy H., 39. Jonathan, 138. John, 38, 39, 40, 143. John P., 38. Loveday, 38, 39, 40, 143. Margaret, 138. Mary A., 39. Robert L., 39. Thomas, 39. William, 38. Jane— Ann, 162. Dorothy, 164, 182. Elizabeth, 176. John, 164, 182. Jone, 30, 162. Joseph, 88, 162. Loveday, 88. Mary, 176. Richard, 162. Sarah, 162. Thomas (Rev. ), INDEX. 223 162. Thomasine, 164. William, 21, 23, 24, 25, 30. Jeffery— Anne, 63. Henry, 63. Jenkyn— John, 32. Jenner — John, 40. Martha, 40. Jennings — Gregory, 64. John, 152. Jesojo— Elizabeth, 31. John, 31. ./eweW— Mary, 207. Jewers—k\t\\\ix F. F. R. N., 198. Arthur J., 198. Charlotte H. , 198. Edith M. C, 198. Emily, 198. Ernest E. , 198. Ethel M. H. , 198. Francis E., 198. Frederick A., 198. Mary, 198. Mary E., 198. Mary E. A., 198. Richard, 198. William F. de M. E., 198. Joope— Edward, 152. Joseph, 152. Johns — Elizabeth, 5. Katherine, 87. Thomas, 5. Walter, 87. Johnson — Catherine R., 122. Isabel, 203. Melliar, 203. Nicholas, 203. Thamsin, 206. Jones — Francis, 159. Susanna, 159. Jonson— Samuel, 146. William, 146. Joge— Edward, 143. John, 130. Joseph, 130. Mary, S. 143. William. 130. Jordan— KnnQ, 62. John, 62. Mary, 143. Phineas, 60, 64. Sarah, 62. Thomas, 143. Jo)'y — Frances, 88. iTee^— Elizabeth, 62. Mary, 62. Peter, 62. /fetoM'tn— Elizabeth, 82. Martin, 82. Keltmooi/— Arms, 150. Dorothy, 150. Henry, 150. Jane, 141, 150. John, 150. Katherine, 145. Mar- garet, 150. Mary, 150. W^illiam, 145, 150. Kelly— Arthm, 36, 89, 132. Eliza- beth, 89. Francis, 89. Grace, 89. Johanna, 145. Mary, 90. Philippa, 36, 90, 132. Rachael, 142. Regi- nald, 89. Robert, 94. Susanna, 36, 89, 90, 132. William, 145, (Rev.) 90. Kekeicich-AMce, 81, 85, 86, 88, 92, 128, 146, 147. Ann, 84, 88, 89. Arms, 147. Blanch, 79, 81, 83, 85, 89. 90, 94. Christopher, 81, 90. Edward, 92, 110. Elizabeth, 110. Francis, 81, 83, 90, 92. George, 79, 81, 82, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 94, 128, 146. Henry, 84, 146. Jane, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 92, 147. Joane, 86, 92, 148. John, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 94. Judeth, 82. Julian, 81. Katherine, 82, 87, 92. Loveday, 88. Mary, 86, 92. Peter, 92, 148. Radigund, 87, 92. Samuel, 84, 86, 87, 89, 93, 94. Sarah, 81. Susan, 93. Susanna, 84, 86, 87. WilUam, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 92, 128, 146, 147. Wil- raot, 85. Kelland—M&Ty, 180. Richard, 180. Kempe — Amy, 80. Arthur, 80. Elizabeth, 88. Hugh, 88. Jone, 10. Nicholas, 146. Paschoe, 10. Thomasine, 135. Kendall — Arms, 28, 99. Catherine, 181. Charles, 27, 29. Elizabeth, 112. Hannah, 28. James, 29, 32. Jane, 27. 28, 29, 49, 100, 180, 181. John, 18. Margaret, 90. Mary, 29, 32. Nicholas, 27, 28, 29, 32, 49, (Rev.) 49. Penelope, 27, 28. PhUip, 90. Richard, 100. Thomas, 100. Walter, 27, 28, 29, 112, 181. William P., 195. Mrs. 32. Kei'smll — Bolamo, 88. Dorothy, 88. Edward, 64. Elizabeth, 93, 163. Joan, 207. KUligre^o — Blanch, 144, Henry, 144. King — Ann, 145. Christiana, 139. Edward (Admiral Sir), 60. Eliza- beth E., 60. Lawrence, 139. Richard (Sir), 19. Sarah A., 19. .ffingrc/on— Julian, 208. Richard, 208. Kingsbury — Elizabeth, 137, 147. Samuel, 128, 137. Knight— liOre, 88. Knightwi — Agnes, 131, 132, 141. Ann, 131, 142. Elizabeth, 156. Gorges, 156. James, 166. Johanna, 156. John, 156. Judeth, 156. Mary, 132, 143. Richard, 156. Thomas, 131, 132, 141, 155, 156. Kneebone — Emblyn, 25. John, 149. Lagassacke — Ann, 88. Zaifce— John, 92. Wilmott, 133. Lambert — Elizabeth, 109. Johanna, 98. Richard, 109. Lampen — Alice, 134, 145, 153. Ann, 145. Anthony, 145. Arms, 49. Henry, 130, 152. Jane, 179. Johan, 136, 145, 156. John, 134. 145. Joseph, 153. Robert, 136, 152. Wilmot, 48, 179, 181. Lang — Charles, 2 1 . Thomasine, 2 1 . Langaller — Mary, 150. Langdon — Phillis, 32. Roger, 32. Toby, 31. Laivjfwd — Alice, 83. Emanuel, 83. Robert, 83. Langherne — Digory, 98, 126. Doro- thy, 98. Richard, 126. 224 INDEX. Lanyon — John, 195. Larder— EWesn, 137. LaryeiJLawrij) — Elizabeth,206. John, 134. Leonard, 134. Margaret, 134. Philippa, 134. Richard, 203. havers — Eleanor, 21. Henry, 21. Johan, 21. John, 26. Symon, 23. LaviTigton — Arms, 55. Margaret, 55. Lawrence — Amy, 202. Ann, 204. David (Rev.), 204, 208. Eleanor, 204. Eiias (Gen.), 202. Eliza- beth, 204. Hannah, 204. Mary, 204. Sarah, 204. Thomas, 204, 208. William, 204. Latory—iSee Larye). ieocA— Christopher, 30. Mary, 30. Lean — Dorothy, 38. Gertrude, 88. Grace, 201. Henry, 38. John, 163. John M., 201. Mary, 163. Thomas P., 38. Zea>ie— Edward, 155. Thomasine, 155. Lee— Dr. 37. Legrosse — Arms, 101. Leigh— John, 206. Mary, 206. VErcIbdekne — Arms, 44, 45. Eliza- beth, 42. Margaret, 41. Philippa, 42. Waryn (Sir), 42. Letheby — William, 37. Leivellyn— Ann, 205. Agnes, 124. Fanny, 201. Johanna, 126. Richard, 201. Thomas, 124. William, 126. Miss, 205. — , 205. Ley— Bigory, 86, 93. Dorothy, 102. Elizabeth 0., 6. Margery, 86, 93. Richard, 102. Sarah, 6. Tamsin, 86. Thomas Hunt (Rev.), 6. Liddell—A. C. (Hon.), 188, (Lord Ravensworth), 18S. Caroline, 188. £ine— Edward, 63. Phillis, 63. Linley-Maxy A., 107. — , 107. Little— Ami, 11, 199, 200, 205. Ann M., 200. Anna M., 200. Arms, 205. Celia, 205. Daniel, 199, 200, 204, 205, 206, 209. Eliza, 205. Elizabeth, 40, 200, 204, 205, 207. Fanny M., 199. George G., 205. Harriet, E. 200. Henry, 205. Isabella, 205. James, 40. Jo- hanna, 87, 197, 204, 205, 206. Johanna P., 205. John, 197, 200, 204, 205, 206. Katherine, 206. Lucas, 87. Mary, 204, 205. Mary A., 200, 205. Matilda, 205. Philip, 199, 205, 206. Philip M., 199, 200, 205. Philippa F., 199, 205. Rebecca, 208. Robert, 195, 204, 205, 207. Ruth, 205. Sarah, 200. Sophia, 199. Sophia A., 205. Sophia F., 199, 205. Sophia S., 199, 205. Siisanna G., 199, 205, Thomasine, 31, 197, 204, 205. William, 199, 200, 204, 205, 208, 209. William J., 199. Littleton — Arms, 35, 78. Charlotte A., 124. Dorothy, 22. Edward, 77, (Sir) 78. Eleanor, 107. Eliza- beth, 14, 21, 22, 206. Grace, 21, 22. Hugh, 14, 21, 22, 90. Jane, 21, 22, 90. Joan, 90. Johanna, 134. John, 22, 23, 124. Mary, 21, 90, 131. Nicholas, 107. Nicholas H., 35. Philip, 14, 22, 90, 131, 206. Samuel, 22. Samh, 77, 78, 131. Susanna, 78. Loam — Mathew, 160. Patience, 160. io66— Jane, 62, 63. Richard, 62, 63, 84. Susanna, 84. Lodge — Armanielle, 13. Margaret, 14. Nicholas (Rev.), 14. William, 13. Z,o?i?i— Mary, 30. Lovell—AXicQ, 135. Elizabeth, 197. Margaret, 11. Stephen, 197. TrefusLs, 11. Lower — Alice, 163. Catherine, 153. Edward, 124, 197, (Capt.) 196. Edward S. W., 198. Elizabeth, 85, 86, 88, 124, 198. Jane, 196, 197. Joan, 64. Johanna W., 198. John, 196, 197. Margaret, 145. Mathew, 85. Nicholas, 197. Richard, 85, 86, 88. Robert, 86. Thomas, 85. Thomasine, 196, 197, 198. William, 85, 86, 163. Lowther—AxmB, 101. L^lce— Ann, 142, 143. Catherine, 130, 142. Elizabeth, 130, 142. Francis, 130, 142, (Rev.) 143. Henry, 130. James, 130, 142, 143. John, 126, 136, 152. Margaret, 112. Margery, 154. Richard, 143. Robert, 144. Thomas, 112, 130, 142, 143, 154. William, 126. Wilmot, 136. Luckraft — Alfred, 13, (Admiral) 197. Ann P., 197. John, 197, (Capt.) 197, (Lieut.) 13. Martha, 13. William (Adm.), 197. Luddington — Lieut, 202. Mary, 202. I^v^qer — Ann, 205. Agnes, 63. Edmund, 162. Elizabeth, 200. John, 63. Jonathan, 200. Joseph, 200. Robert (Rev.), 200. Sarah, 200. William, 1G2. iii^ty— Nicholas, 30. Susanna, 30. Lukyes — Jane, 30. Luscomb — Agnes, 109. Henry, 109. Lutterell — Andrew (Sir), 189. Arms, 189. Margaret, 189. INDEX. 225 Lij'jon— Henry (Hon.), 73. Eliza- beth, 50. Reginald, 50. Susan (Hon.), 73. Lyne — Amy, 39, 143. Elizabeth, 155. John, 37, 143, (Rev.) 39. Philip, 155. Lyttleton — Arms, 50, 51. Caroline A., 51. Jane, 62, 63. Elizabeth L., 62. Hugh, 63. Mary 63, (Lady) 61. Thomas, 62, 63. William H. (Lord), 51. Macartney— J &n\ei>., 51. Mary, 51. Macdonaid — Arms, 185. Caroline (Lady), 185. Caroline S., 185. Emma H., 185. Flora, 186. Louisa E.,I85. Reginald G., 185. Reghiald J. J. G., 185. Sarah A., 186. il/ac/i-a?/— Daniel, 195. Sarah, 195. Maclean — John (Sir), 137. Ma/ let— Agneta, 161. Elizabeth, 206. Hugh, 206, 207. Jane, 41. Joan, 161. Mary, 206,207. Robert, 161. Ma)iato7i~ Amhroae, 45, 46. Arms, 45. Jone, 181. Rachael, 45, 46. Stephen, 144. Blangles — Katherine, 11. Thomas, 11. Manley— Amis, 115. Orlando, 115. Mannaton — Margery, 142. Mannhvjton — Ambrose,162. George, 162. Mcwowde)' — Ann, 204. Jane, 204. Joseph, 204. Mary, 13. Richard, 13, 204. Marks — Dorothy, 86. Johan, 176. Piiscilla, 86. Richard, 24. Thomas, 86, 94. Marshall— Alice, 67. Connock, 67. Henrietta, 143. John, 118. Kathe- rine, 118. Nancy, 143. Philip, 143. Thomas (Rev.), 143. Mar sham — Charles W., 185. Louisa E., 185. Robert, 186. Martin— Aim, 174. Arms, 74, 117. Catherine, 30. Charlotte S. (Lady), 73. Elizabeth, 136, 141, 181. George (Rev.) 73, 74. Georgiana, 73. Grace, 22. Gregorie, 30. Henry,. 148. John, 29, 131, 164. Margery, 29, 131. Mary, 29, 164. Renira H. A., 73. Roger, 174. Susan I., 73. Susanna, 164. Thomas, 141. Martyn— Dorothy, 176. Ellines, 176. John, 176. William, 164. Masters— A\\ce, 136. Mastermaii — Henriettii, 143. ]Mar- garet.ll. Sarah, 66. William, 66. Matheio — Abigail, 135. Aim, 11. Charles (Rev.), 37. Edward, 203. Elizabeth, 87. George,203. Johan, 203. John, 203. Richard, 135. Thomas, 87. William, 203. May — Blanch, 181. Johanna, 87. Margery, 87. Maynard— Agnes, 112. Betty, 115. Elizabeth, 13, 115. Francis, 115. John, 112. Mary, 203. Richard, 115. Thomas, 115. Thomasine, 115. William, 115. Mayne-iJov'i], 205. Elizabeth, 206. Hannah, 205. John, 206, 209. Martyn, 205. Mary, 209. Pa- tience, 11. Richard, 204. Thomas, 205. William, 204. Mayoiv-Gr&ce, 173, 176. McNiel—L., 66. Mary, 66. Meanard — Francis, 130. iMary, 130. Meivles — Margaret, 181. Michell -Johain, 147. John, 147. Susan, 147. William, 146. Milles—Agi\es, 40. iJ/i7/e«— Isabella, 38, 131. John, 142. Margery, 142. Robert, 38, 131. Thomasine, 38, 131. Mills— Agnes, 151. Elizabeth, 199. E. B., 199. Peter, 151. Milton — John, 144. Minardes — Marie, 53. Minors — Anne, 63. Richard, 63. Minteni — Anne, 164. Jane, 164. Priscilla, 162. William, 162, 164. Mitchell— Fr&nces, 207. John, 205. Mary, 207. Robert, 205, 207, 209, (Rev.)205, 207, 209. Mocard— John, 106. Slary, 106. Sarah, 106. Mohun— Arms, 45. Money— Emily, 198. William, 198. Moninr/ly—M&ry, 207. .?(/o)i^— Bligh, 187. Mary L., 187. Susanna, 39. Montague — Ann (Lady), 190. Chris- topher, 190. Edward (Eai'l of Sandwich), 190. 3/oo«e— Agnes, 1 35. Ann, 140. Rab- bish, 148. William, 140. il/oo/-e— Elizabeth, 107. Robert, 174. — , 107. Moorshead—lsl&YgBxet, 206. Mordaunt— John ( Sir ) , 72. Susan, 72. More— D&niel, 13. Morel — Alphonse de (Count), 50. Alphonse C. de,21, 50. Charlotte J., 21, 50. Count de, 21. Morgan — Eliziibeth, 163. George,81. Roger, 81, 163. Morice— Ann, 51. Arms, 46, 68. 226 INDEX. Elizabeth, 69. Gertrude, 46. Wil- liam (Sir), 46, 51, 69. Thomasine, 69. Sloulton— Agnes, 38, 131, 132, 136. Arms, 136. Arthur, 12!), 148. Cathe- rine, 128. Edward, 137. George, 155. Grace, 155. Jolian, 136, 148. Juhn, 38, 128, 132, 150, 153, 154. Margaret, 150, 153, 154. Mary, 129, 137, 148. Peter, 135, 137, 147, 150, 153. Thomasine, 135, 147, 155, 164. William, 128, 129, 136, 148. Wihnot, 136. Momit Edr/cumbe — Caroline A., Countess of, 186, 187, 188, 190. Emma, Countess of, 183. Ernest A., Earl of, 184, 186, 188, 190. George, Earl of, 183. George, Viscount, 194. Katherine E., Countess of, 184, 186, 188, 190. Richard, 183, 184, 185. Sophia, Countess of, 184. William H., Earl of, 186. Mduntford—kxms, 101. jl/o/z^e— Admonition, 68, 69, 70, 71. Alice, 71. Ann, 69, 70, 71. An- thony, 69, 71. Arms, 67, 68. Arthur, 71. Bridgett, 68, 69. Catherine, 69. Daniel, 70. Eliza- beth, 70, 71. Henrietta M., 69. Jane, 100. John, 23, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71. Joseph, 69, 70, (Sir) 69. Juliana, 69. Margaret, 70, 87. 3Iaria, 69. Martha, 70. ]\Iary, 69, 70. Nathaniel, 68, 69, 71. Phillis, 70. Priscilla, 70. Richard, 100. Ro- bert,69,70. Roger,69,70. Samuel, 137. Susanna, 70. Thomasine, 69, 71. Ulalia, 137. Walter, 69, 70, 71, (Sir) 68, 70, 71. William, 71, (Sir) 70. Zacharius, 69. i>/o7/se— Priscilla, 148. Moyserj — Ann, 205. Munyon — Annie, 5. John, 5. Murrey— Knihony, 204, 206, 208. Hannah, 204. John, 208. Mar- garet, 206. Mutton — Elizabeth, 1 1 . Nicholas, 1 1. Mydhop — Elizabeth, 109. Samuel, 109. Myhon — Johan, 134. My nor d — Margaret, 136. Nankivd — John, 11. Mary, 11, 12. Thomas, 11. Narborough—EWi^heth, 104. John (Sir), 104. iVeaZe— Harriott, 39, 117. Pendock, 39, 116, 117. Susanna, 39, 117. Susanna F., 117. Thomas, 39, 117, (Rev.) 39, 117. iVte/e— Elizabeth, 29. Johanna, 29. John, 29, 32. Neilder—GvACG, 132, 142, 156. John, 132, 142, 143, (Rev.) 155, 156. Loveday, 206. jMartha, .'54, 143. Oliver, 132. Robert, 206. Thomas, 64. Nepean — Edmund (Captain), 123. Evan, 38. Frances, 123. Margaret, 38. Nicholas, 38, 40. Nesham — Arms, 59. Christopher J. W., 63. C. J. W., (Captain), 59. I\Iargaret A. , 59, 63. JNIary E. , 63. Thomas W. (Lieut. -Col. ),'59. Netherton— Joan, 201, 209. Mary, 201. Richard, 201, 209. Sarah, 201. Neville— Ann, 11, 193. Arms, 193. Francis, 61, 63. Hugh, 11. John, 61. Mary, 61,63. Thomas, 11. Newton— Aims, 155. George, 132, 155. Elizabeth, 132, 155. Mar- garet, 132. INIarv, 87. Temper- ance, 87. William, 87, 93, 208. iV/co/ — Humphrey, 82, 167, 168. Isabella, 82, 88. Philippa, 167, 168. iVr<;o/s— Elizabeth, 98. John, 98. Nodder — Elizabeth, 198. Nicholas, 198 AToe^^II. A. (Rev. ), 116. Norborn — Elizabeth, 153. Francis, 153. Katherine, 153. William, 130, 152, 153. A'or«i«?i— Anna, 205, Augustine B., 200, 205. Elizabeth, 200, 205. Elizabeth J., 201. Thoraa,s (Capt.), 200, 201, 205. A^o;vi»<7ton— Elizabeth, 134. Ro- bert, 134. Norsworthy— Ann, 137. Edward, 137. iVor^Aco^e— Elizabeth, 167. John, 167. Norton— Axms, 46, 47. Daniel (Sir), 75, 94. Edward, 75. Elizabeth, 46, 48. Honor, 94. Richard, 46, 48. Susanna, 75. Odron — Arms, 45. Odyorne — Amos, 25. Annys, 25. Margery, 25. Joan, 25. John, 24, 25. William, 24. Oltramare— Ann, 89. Elizabeth, 13, 89. Jonathan (Rev.), 89. John (Rev.), 13, 89. Nicholas, 13, 14. Philippa, 13, 14. William, 13. O'Neill— Renry (Capt.), 202. Opie— Arms, 4, 8. Grace, 3, 5. Jane, 8. John, 4. Nicholas, 3, INDEX. 227 4, 5. Richard, 4. Susan, 5. Thomas, 4. WilHam, 4. Orchard— Charles, 11. Patience, 11. Or ford. (See Walpole). 0/-m;^//— Sarali, 81. — 81. Osborne — Anne, 31. Arms, 168. Jane, 180. Magdalen, 171. Martha, 180. Maudlin, 166. Peter, 31, 167, 168. Richard, 180. Osmanton — Einlyn, 30. Thomas, 30. Ox&nham — Alexander, 81. Robert, 81. Prt/— Agnes, 63. John, 63. Maiy, 179. Phi/lip— Ann, 204, 208. George, 203, 204, 208. R^ger, 203. Philips — Andrew, 79. Arms, 79. Elizabeth, 79. Grace, 79. liaiuia, 141. James Roberts (Rear- Adm.), 107, 108. .Mariana, 79. Mary, 107. Robert, 151. Robert C., 108. William D.. 79. Phisick—W'illmn (Captain), 195. Pick ford— Edward, 82. Elizabeth, 82, 88. George, 83. John, 84. Mary,81,91. Pri.scilla,82. Richard, 81, 82, 83, 84. Robert, 83, 84, 88. Thomas, 83, 84. Pinsent — Ann, 152. P/>e)-— Elizabeth, 204, 209. Hugh, 204, 209. Su.san, 148. P/f/b?Y/e— Humphrey,135. Johanna, 13.5. Plimsavl— John, 142. Susan, 142. Po^/«;— J ennv, ISO. Mary C, 180. Stephen iL, 180. William, 180. Po/«;— Ann, 51, .52. Arms, 49. Carolus (Rev.), 51. Edward (Rev.), 22. Jane, 22, 51. John ((.'apt.), 22, (Rev.) 51, (Sir) 22, 51. Regi- nald, 22, 51 (Rev.) 22. Sarah, 51. Po/e-Crt/'e«'— Agneta,50,53. Amabel, 23, 50, 67. Arms, 60. Anna M., 52. Caroline, .52. Caroline A. (Hon.), 51, .53. Caroline L.,52. Catherine, 52. Charles E., 52. Charles i\L, 52. Charlotte J., 21, 50. Edward, 52. Elizabeth A., 50. Fanny J., 52. Frances A., 52. Gerald', 52, (Rev.) 53. Gerald- ine M., 52. ILirriet, 50, 72, 74. Harrfet E., 52. Jemima, 49. Jemima C, .50. John R., 49, .50. Jo.seph, 50. Juliana, .52. Reginald, 61, 52, (Rev.) 22, (Right Hon.) 21, 23, 49, 61, 52, .53, 67, 72, 74. Sarah, 52. William H., 22, 23, .52. William L., 52. Mr., 52. Mrs. 51. 228 INDEX. Pollard— ArmB, 167. Lewis, 167. Richard. 126. Susanna, 167. Thomas, 126. Pollexfen — Admonition, 70. Arms, 7. Edmund, 70. Thoraasine, 92. — , 92. Pohchele — Digory, 146. Edward (Rev.), 116. Isabella, 146. Pomeroy (Pomenj) — Arthur, 145. Joane, 206. Sarah, 31. Thomas, 206. Pope — Elizabeth, 39. Joel, 39. Sibley, 30. Pophara— Johanna,, 92. Richard, 92. Poplestone — Ferdinando,30. Tibitha, 30. Porce/Zi— Baron, 186. Sarah A., 186. Porter— AgsAh^, 108. Agnes, 109. Arms, 107. Arthiir, 108, 109, 110. Augustus S., 102. Cecilia, 108. Dorothy, 108, 109. Eleanor, 107. Erisey, 107, 108. Erisey J., 108. Elizabeth, 98, 107, 108. 109, 110, 161, 163. Eliza- beth L., 108. Emma, 108. Grace, 109. Jane, 107, 109. Jane M., 107. Joane, 110. Johanna, 108, 109. John, 95, 98, 107, 108, 109, 161. Loveday, 107, 108, 109. Margaret, 109, 110. Margery, 110. Mary, 107, 108, 109, 110. Mary A., 107. Mary P., 107, 108. Philip, 107,108. Philip B., 108. Richard, 107, 108, 109, 110. Roderick, 108. Roger, 4, 108, 109, 110. Samuel, 107, 109. Sarah C. B., 102. Susanna, 107, 108. Thomas C, 108. Wilmot, 109. William, 107, 108, 109, 110, 165. William S., 107, 108. PosZe«— Joane, 137. Prance — William, 91. Prestxoood— Ann, 206, 207. Blanch, 86. Johanna, 197, 204. Michael, 86, 204, 206, 209. Preston— Anthony, 154. P/-ice— Margery, 197. Thomas, 197. Prideaux—Aimomtion, 68, 70. Ann, 68, 89, 90. Arms, 67. Bridget, 68, 70. Edmund, 14, 68, 69, 70, (Sir) 68. Elizabeth, 69. Humphrey, 69. Jane, 116. John, 90. Phiiippa, 98. Ruth, 14. Prideaux-Brune — Charles G. , 68. Pridis — Margaret, 163. Prm^Ze— William H. (Sir), 72. Prinn—^l&ry, 137. Richard, 137. Prioi' — Maria A., 194. Thomas H. (Com.), 194. Pritchard—Qre%t, 115. John, 80. iAIary , 80. Richard D. , 1 1 5. Proute—\S'i\\mn, 182. P/-o;t7— Alice, 180. P?v/H?ig— Alice, 93. Arms, 93. Edith, S6, 93. Edward, W. Elizabeth, 85. Henry, 92. Honor, 85, 92. Johane, 92. Johanna, 88. John, 92. Mary, 137. Phiiippa, 92. Richard, 85, 66, 92, 93, 137. Samh, 86. William, 116. Pwc/^e?/— Edward, 90. Grace, 89. Pulston — Ann, 65. Jacob (Rev. ), 65. Pi/Z,e— Damaras, 154. Pi//i€— Deborah, 154. Samuel, 154. Pynsent — Mary, 89. Radford— Amy, 123, 137. Arms, 12.3. Elizabeth, 123. John, 25, 123, 1.36. i?«??ie— Priscilla, 89. Randle—Ahce, 134. Hanna, 138. John, 206. Mar£;aret, 206. Mary, 54. RasMeigh — Ann, 51. Arms, 51. Jane, 45, 51. John, 51. Jona- than, 45, 51. Philip,51. Sarah, 51. Raid iffe— Jane, 181. Rawe. (See Rowe. ) Raiclins — Alexander, 109. Arms, 197. Catherine, 197. Elizabeth, 109, 144. ^Margerv, 197. Susanna, 197. Thomas, 197. William, 144, 197. i?a?//(3— Elizabeth, 147. Philip, 147. Payne— Dorothy, 63. George, 63. PeafZ— Ann, 140. Arms, 140. OUver, 153. Reaines— Ann, 138. John, 138. Reape — Jone, 25. WUliam, 25. Rendle—^ohn, 148. William, 13.3. Wilmott, 133. Reynolds— Yx&nds, .30. Mary, 30. Peerf— Christopher, 137. Edward, 151. Elizabeth, 151. Francis, 134. John, 24. Nicholas, 151. OUver, 151. Thomasine, 134. Pe2;e/Z- Stephen, 1.50. Ptee— Elizabeth, 204. Joan, 204. Robert, 204. PicA— Elenor, 170. Ellen, 164. Margery, 164. Robert, 170. Thomas, 164. Richards— Anne, 77. Glanville, 67. Joseph (Rev.), 77. Pmc/z/e— Elizabeth, 201. John, 201. Rider— Anne, 140, 155, 174. Am- brose, 128, 129, 154. Arms, 140. Burell (Bornell), 129, 154. Chris- tiana, 124, 154. Dorothy, 129, 140. INDEX. 229 Elizabeth, 105, 129, 154. Francis, 105, 129, 140, 151, 1,54. Katherine, 154. Mary, 129. William, 105, 128, 174. EidleT/— Elizabeth, 65. William, 65. i^z^A— Bridget, 88. Eohartes — Richard, Lord, 168. Mary, 168, 169. (See Agar-Robartes.) Roberts — Agnes, 62. Ann, 19, 105. Arms, 59. Bryan (d.d.), 19. Cliarles D., 59. Erasmus, 59. Frances, 30. Humphrey, 30. James L., 59. John, 59. 62. John C, 59, 62. Jone, 182. Joseph S., 115. Lydia, 142. Mary C, 59. Samuel W. (Rev.), 19. Sarah, 59, 62. Wighwick, 19. Robins — Jane, 141. John, 141. RmI — Agnes, 85. Daniell, 85. Eliza- beth, 18. John, 85. Robert, 18. i?oe— Elizabeth, 142. i?oym— Gertrude, 39, 120, 121. W. H. IL, 15. i?o//e— Arms, 45, 48, 99, 191. Eliza- beth, 16, 27, 30. Emlyn, 30. George, 27. Grace, 42. Joan, 27, 30, 31, 48. Margaret, 27, 191 203. Mary, 26, 27, 99, 136. Richard rRev.), 16, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31. Robert, 42, 48, 99. Samuel, 99, 191, 203, (Sir) 203. Rolt — Arras, 54. Plenry, 54. Mary, 54. Rooby— John, 26. Rookwood — Christopher, 132. Joan, 132, 155. Roope—Axmsi, 55. Ross — Elizabeth, 195. Robert, 195. Rous — Agnes, 141. Ambrose, 1 12,166, 167, 168, 169, 170. 171. Ann, 121, 169. Anthony, 25, 146, 148, 168, 169, 170, 171, (Sir) 166, 167, 16S, 169, 170, 171. Arms, 166, 167. Arthur, 167. Charles, 171. Chris- tian, 169. Dorothy, 167, 169, 171. Ebbot, 167, 168. Edmund, 169, 170. Eleanor, 170. Elizabeth, 162, 167, 168, 170, 171. Francis, 162, 167, 168. George, 168, 171. Jane, 171. John, 121, 148, 170, 173. Katherine, 112, 168. Mag- dalen, 168, 169, 170, 171. Mar- garet, 171. Mary, 144, 146, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173. Mathew, 171. Maudlin, 166, 170. Oliver. 171. Philippa, 167, 16S, 170. Ralph, 170. Richard, 167, 169. Robert, 167, 168, 170. Susanna, 167. Thomas, 168, 171. William, 168, 169. i?o?<;.se— Eliza])eth, 136. John, 165, 169, 173. Thomas, 136. William, 194. Rowe (Rawe) — Agnes, 135, 208. Ann, 203, 206. Blanch, 89, 181. Dauins,203. Dorcas, 203. Dorothy, 135. Elizabeth, 64, 203. Gregory, 203. Joane,89. John, 182. Judeth, 194. Margaret, 88. Mary, 89, 134. Richard, 203. Robert, 207. Wil- liam, 64, 89, 135, 194, 197, 203, 207. Runddl — John, 24. Russell — Agnes, 87. Louisa J. (Lady), 186. Rutter—UQWoxa, 208. William, 208. St. Aubyn — J. Piers, 195. St. Gemirtns— Caroline (Countess of), 72. Edward G. (Earl of), 73. Harriot (Countess of), 72, 74. Georgiana A. (Countess of), 73. Jemima (Countess of), 73, 74. John (Earl of), .50, 72, 74. Susan (Countess of), 72. William (Earl of), 72, 73. Salmon— Ann, 209. Elizabeth, 195. James, 209. Joane, 192, 204, 206. Johanna, 208. John, 192, 195, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209. Laura. 88. Mary, 206. Peter, 197. Richard, 88. Robert, 195. Ruth, 205. Sampson, 207. Samuel, 208. Sus- anna, 197. Sangtiine—Gxiice, 176. Richard, 176. ^a/i— Abraham, 131. Benjamin, 131. Margaret, 154. Salter — Ann, 150. James, 150. Sanford — Anne, 18, 54. (S'a/irfa— Sarah, 63. Sandioich—EAvidiTii. (Earl of), 190. SearZe— Alice, 162, 163. Catherine, 63. Dorothy, 63. Edward, 64. Elizabeth, 11, 62. Ferdinand, 162, 163. John, 11, 62, 63, 162. Love- day, 88. Martha, 163. Mary, 163. Mathew, 62. Richard, 63. «arali, 62. Thomas, 62, 88. Thomasine, 62. William, 62. Seccombe—Gra.ce, 177. Jolui, 207. Priscilla, 207. iMr. 177. Serpetl—Amhro&e, 148, 181. John, 181. Mary, 181. Richard, 148, 181. Robert, 181, 1S2. Robert 0., 181. Temperance, 182. Thomas, 181. William, 181, 182. Serrel I— Arma, 60. Wymond, 60. Seivmyton— Agnes, 127. John, 127. ^€mvi— Eleanor E., 77. Josenh, 77. Seymour— Arms, 101. Edward (Sir), 63. Hester M. W., 63. Johanna, 135. WilhelminaM.,63. WiUiam, 135, (lion.) 63, (Lord) 63. Shapleigh— Honor, 104. Richard, 104. SharseU—EVnaheth, 179. Jane, 179. Nicholas (Rev.), 179. Sheer— John, 128. Stephen, 128. Shelleij— Arms, 187. Fanny L., 186. Frances, 186. John (Sir), 186. Shephard—EWmheth ,94. Katherine, 147. Nicholas, 147, 148. Sherioood— Nicholas, 157. Mi7.s'^o}i— Constance, 144. Shipley— Arms, 60. Charles (Rev.), 60. Jonathan, 60. ,SA(M-i— Frances, 137. Joan, 90. John, 31. Mary, 31. Richard, 137. Mr. 32. Shuti— Ann, 112. John, 112. ^2«io?i— Sibly, 21. Stephen, 21. Sivipson—J&mes, 142. Lydia, 142. SkJton-Agnes, 126, 135, 136, 162. Alice, 112. 124, 143, 144. Ann, 30, 142, 146, 153. Anthony, 162. Arms, 125. Christopher, 29. Den- ning, 162. Dorothy, 112. Eliza- beth, 126, 134, 136, 14.5, 163. George, 126. Grace, 87. Henry, 163, 165. Honor, 86. James, 86, 124, 162, 165, 180. Jane, 29, 154, 1.59, 162, 164, 165. Joane, 10, 86, 134, 137, 140, 162. Johanna, 134, 135, 144, 145. John, 82, 86, 87, 91, 112, 125, 126, 128, 134, 136, 1.37, 141, 144, 145, 152, 162, 163, 165, 180, (Sir) 125. Juliana, 14-1-. Katherine, 141, 144. Margaret, i:J4, 137, 144, 145. Martha, 128, 136, 153. Mary, 90, 124, 128, 162, 203. Maudlin, 162, 165. Nicholas, 82, 91, 126, 145, 162, 163, 164, 165. Olivia, 93. Pa.skow,162. Peter, 126, 135. Philip, 128. Pirilippa, 162. Radogonda, 125. Richard, 124, 125, 126, 128, 134, 135, 136, 142, 144, 145, 146, 153, 163, 165. Robert, 10, 125, 126,127,128,130,134,135,137,145, 162. Roger, 125. Samuel, 10, 126, 130, 140. Sarah, 163, 165. Susan, 162. Susanna, 141, 162, 164. Thomas, 112, 124, 125, 128, 136, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 153, 154, 162. Thomasine, 13.5. Walt«r, 125. William, 90, 136, 145,203. Wilmot, 124, 162. Wilmouth, 162. Skerret—AMce, 67. John, 67. Wil- liam, 134. Skmner— Ann, 209. Elizabeth, 94. Ezekiel, 107. Mary, 107. Stade— Margery, 165. Mary, 181. Slee2} — Rachael, 63. Sloffgett—Bigory, 63. Faith, 63. Francis, 148. Margery, 148. Mary, 138. Smart -Ann, 204, 208. Benjamin, 204, 209. Charles, 204. James, 204. John, 204, 208, 209. Mary, 204. SmithiSmyth)— Agnes, 16. Alice,81, 103. Anne, 17, 89, 90. Arms, 16, 17. Barbara, 141. Cecilia, 134. Egidi (Giles), 82, 83, 84. Elizabeth, 16, 17, 30, 83, 87. Francis, 16, 8.3. George, 82, 83, 103. Grace, 16. Grenville, 83. James, 195. Jane, 16. Joan, 16, 17. Johanna, 80, 81, 82, 83, 90, 91. John, 16, 17, 81, 82, 83, 84, 89, 91, 98, 126, 134. Julia, 83. Katherine, 82, 87, 90. Margaret, 81. Margery, 91. Martha, 16, 17, 18. Mary, 16, 83, 87, 89. Nicholas, 16, 17, 24, 89. Paul, 84. Priscilla, 83, 91, 98. Robert, 82, 83, 84, 87, 90, 91, 116, 126. Samuel, 16, 17, 25. Susanna, 88. Thomas, 16, 17, 24, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 89, 90. Thomasme, 81, 82. Tibitha,30. William, 84, 90, 141, (Rev.) 202. INDEX. 231 Snell — Arms, 28. IltUinali, 28. John, 28. Snelliiu/— Dorothy, 135. Mary, 135. Richard, 135. Snook — Ann, 54. Arms, 54. Henry R., 54. John, 54. Rubert, 31, 54. Sarah, 31. Somers—Ainiii, 53. John, 50, (Lord) 50. Mary, 50. Souden — Katherine, 148. Southcote — Arms, 166. Elizabeth, 167. Grace, 167. Tliomas, 167. Southmeed — Dorothy, 171. Spark — Agnes, 63. Duglas, 76. Elizabeth, 63. Henry, 39. John, 76. Sarah, 39. Sparhnan — Joane, 94. Frances, 93. Mary, 21. William, 21, 93. Speckott — Honor, 75, 76. John, 75, 76. Spett if/tie — SiLsanna, 151. Spicer — Captain, 107. Elizabeth, 41, 143. Jane, 107. William (Col.), 41, (Lieut. ) 143. Spiller—AWcG, 89. Ann, 10, 11. Arms, 10. Elizabeth, II, 29. Ferdinand, 10, 27, 29, 31, 32. Grace, 181. Henry, 27. Hum- phrey, 89. Joan, 31. John, 10, 11,181. Katherine, 31. Margaret, 27, 32. Mary, 11, 29. Mercy, 10. Priscilla, 10, 11. Samuel, 31. Stephen, 10. William, 10, 29. Spooner— Arm, 86. Francis, 86. Spriddle — Ann, 11. Joan, 12. John, 12. Martha, 12. William, 12. Spnj— Agnes, 162. Alice, 88. 90. Anice, 88. Ann, 83, 84, 85. Arms, 87. Arthur, 84, 128, 136, 146. Edward, 135, 146. Elizabeth, 88, 146. George, 83, 84, 85, 136. Grace, 136, 147. Jane, 207. John, 83, 88, 93, 203, 206, 207. Mar- garet, 136. Nicholas, 86. Oliver, 81, 88. Philip, 85, 86. Philippa, 89. Rebecca, 88, 93. Richard, 81. Robert, 162. Samuel, 83. Susanna, 135. Thomas, 90. Tho- masine, 87, 206. William, 84, 128, (Rev.) 160. Wilmot, 85, 86. Stafford— GranwiWe (Marquis), 73. Staines — James, 198. JMary, 198. Starchleif — Margaret, 139. Staresmore — Juliana, 207. Stephens— Ann P., 196. Blanch, 181. Daniel, 109. Edward, 196. Eliza- beth, 39. Erisy P., 109. Frances, 146. Joan, 12, 179. John, 181, 207. Margaret. 109. iMary, 149. Robert, 146. William, 150. Stevens — Pentecost, 20. Robert, 20. Steward— Vrederick, 64. Mary, 64. Stickens—xVlice, 61. ^Margaret, 61. Thomas, 61. Stiles (Styles) — Aruis, 148. Damaris, 130, 155. Elizabeth, 148. Francis, 129, 130, 148, 154, 180, 182. Grace, 180. Henry, 148. James, 182. Jane, 148. Mary, 138, 148. Richard, 148. Thomas, 129, 138, 148. Stq/brd—Rohext, 146. Stradli?i(/e— Arms, 99. Edmond, 99. Mary, 99. Stratfwn—WiWmu, .37. Stra icbridr/e — Francis, 131, 1 54. Katherine, 130, 131, 154. Mary, 130. Thomas, 130, 131, 154. Strode— Ann, 79, 89. Blanch, 79, 89. Frances, 75. Joane, 147. John, 89. Richard (Sir), 75. Sid- ney, 79, 89. Thomasine, 79, 89. William, 79, 89, (Sir) 79, 89. Strotvje — Argent, 119. John, 119. Sttire-John, 144. Margaret, 134, 144. Robert, 125, 126. Thomas, 125, 134, 144. William, 126. Suasin—VA\\\ de (Count), 50. Sutherland— 20^. 5wrtW— Elizabeth, 67. Swayne — Elizabeth, 67. Sweet — Isabella, 13. John, 13. Sweetnam — Amy, 39, 143. Damaris, 40. Francis, 148, 153. Joseph, 40. Katherine, 150, 153. Mary, 129. Nathaniel, 39. Thoma.s, 129, 150, 152. Thomasine, 153. Mr., 37. Sybley— Agnes, 88. Robert, 88. Sy7n—Ana\ce, 18. John, 18. Symons {Simons) — Agnes, 1.57. Alice, 159, 162. Ann, 142, 159. Arabella, 156, 1.57,159. Arms, 167, 158. Caroline A. S., 157. Ebbot, 135. Edward, 158, 159. Elizabeth, 156, 158, 159. Elizabeth S., 157. Flower, 159. Frances, 158. Israel, 203. Jane, 159. Joane, 137, 159, 203. Johanna, 138. John, 128, 1 45, 1 53, 1 58, 1 59. Jonathan , 1 59. Margaret, 158. Margery, 173. Mary, 63, 137, 159, 207. Mary A., 156,'l57. Nicholas, 128, 135, 156, 157, 158, 159, 165. Philip, 158. Richard, 137, 158. Robert, 145, 158, 159. Sibley, 21. Stephen, 21. Susan, 158. Susanna, 159. Thomas, 159. Thomasine, 159. Walter, 158. William, 128, 138, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160. Wilmot, 109. 232 INDEX. Taifder— Margaret, 25. Talbot — Elizabeth, 42. Eupheiiiia, 116. John (Sir), 42. Theodosia, 116. William, 116. rammer— Alice, 104, 127. Amy, 147. Anthony, 104. Arundell, 104. Ber- nard, 104, 127, 128, 147. Dorothy, 104. Johanna, 134. John, 104, 127. Julian, 104. Katherine, 104, 128. Richard, 104, 128. ra/?n7/— John, 11. Mary, 11. Rich- ard, 203. Thomas, 203. Task — Solomon, 38. Tattersall — Stephen, 208. Taunton— 3 o\\i\, 77. William E. (Sir), 77. TaV^or— Charles, 149. John, 40. Mary, 149. Teayck — Johan, 147. Nicholas, 147. rec/rfer— EHzabeth, 121. Tenat — Arms, 49. Penelope, 49. Rees, 49. Thistiethvjayte — Arms, 53. Tho^nas—Knn, 195. Boyle (Capt.), 106. Catherine, 40. Jacob, 40. Joseph, 151. Louisa, 106. Thomson— EraWy F. G., 188. John, 39. Mary, 39. Sinclair (Major- Gen.), 188. Thome— krms,, 196. Dorothy, 206. George, 196. Samuel, 206. Tibb— J one, 173. Tristram, 173. Tincombe — Francis, 127. John, 127. Tinke— Henry, 206. Mary, 206. Tippett— Alice, 136. Digory, 136. 2Mer — Arms, 93. John, 89. Kathe- rine, 89. Tom — Anne, 11. Daniel, 11. John, 208. Thomasine, 208. rows— Ann, 147. Bernard, 128. Ferdinand, 131. Joan, 131. Mar- garet, 149. Nathaniel, 128. Richard, 131. Ulalia,137. William, 128, 137, 147, 149, 150. Torkington — Elizabeth, 94. Hugh, 94. Lawrence, 94. Thomas, 94. Ton-— Elizabeth, 121. George, 154. John, 61, 121, 154, (Rev.) 14, 61. Peter, 146. Philip, 121. Philippa, 121. Toser—knne, 173, 174. Thomas, 173, 174. Towle — Robert, 206. Thomasine, 206. Tracy— John (Sir), 198. Sarah, 198. Traill— U&heW-A, 107. Mary, 107. Mary B., 107. Sarah, 107. William, 107. Travers—A.nn,%2. John, 82. Wal- ter, 91. Trecarrdl—'E.enry, 145. Johanna, 145. Tredennick — Christopher, 197. Grace, 127. Frances, 146. Honor, 112. Margaret, 127, 197. Nicholas, 112, 127, 146. Thomas, 112. Trefry— Agnes, 135. Anstice, 209. Edward, 127. Elizabeth, 209. Hugh, 127, 135. Jane, 136. John, 61,63,209. Margaret, 163. Mary, 61, 63. Silvester, 163, 165. Thomas, 64. William, 61. Tregian— Elizabeth, 189. John, 189. Trer/o— Nicholas, 164. Thomazine, 164. Tregosse — Ann, 87. Joane, 87, 94. John, 87, 94. Trehane— Amy, 129. Charles, 176, 182. James, 204. Joan, 207. John, 129, 181 , 204, 207. Margery, 181. Sampson, 176, (Mrs.) 182. Trehearne — Jane, 122. John, 122, 133, 143, 181, (Lieut.) 122. Mar- garet, 122, 143. Margery, 181. Mary, 133. Treis — John, 64. Trelawny—Arthnr,QO. Charles, 196. Christopher, 126. Edward, 104, 146, (Rev. ) 196. Ferdinanda, 104, 146. Henry, 126. Jonathan, 104, 138, 139. John (Sir), 47, 51, 104. John J. (Col), 196. Margaret, 206. Mary, 104, 138, 139. Oliver, 90. Philaelia, 104, 139. Rebecca, 47, 51. Robert, 90. ^Vem«t/ne— Lewis, 44. Mary, 44. Trenary — Elizabeth, 136. Sampson, 136. Trenick-Anne, 164, 165. Elizabeth, 153. Nicholas, 153. William, 164, 165. Tr&novjth — Agnes, 88. Alice, 91. Edward 87. Johane, 87. John, 81, 87, 90. Mary, 88. Nicholas, 85, 88. Richone, 88. Robert, 85, 88. Thomas, 91. TresGott—Z oane, 137. Walter, 137. Tresillian — James, 177. John, 63. Martha, 177. Sarah, 63. Trethewey— Katherine, 95. Robert, 95. Trevanion — Amy, 80. Ann, 79, 89. Arabella, 79. Arms, 77, 78,. 79. Candace, 44. Catherine, 71, 78. Elizabeth, 78, 79. Grace, 80. Hugh, 44. John, 144. Judeth, 79, 80. IMariana, 79. Mary, 80. Nathaniel, 80. Nicholas, 80, (Sir) 71, 77, 78, 79, 80, 141. Radigonda, 144. Sarah (Lady), 77, 78, 141. INDEX. 233 TrevUle— Agnes, 182. Alice, 125, ISO, 182. Arms, 7, 8, 191, 192. Christopher, 182. Elizabeth, 8. Grace, 181, 182. Jane, 8. Joane, 92, 148, 191, 192. Johanna, 125, 12(j, 134. John, 7, 125, 126, 144, 182, 191. Margaret, 134, 163. Mary, 126. Pascowe, 126, 134, 145. Philippa, 126, 144. Richard, 125, 126, 163, 193, 195. Stephen, 7, 8, 92. Theophilia, 126. Thomasine, 92. William, 126, 180, 182. Trevisa — Ann, 181. Joye, 181. Philippa, 181. William, 4. Trevw — George, 81. Roger, 81. Treivbody (Truebodi/) — Alice, 148. Catherine, 90. Charles, 208. Eliza- beth, 31,71,75. Joane, 208. John, 144. Samuel (Rev.), 31, 71, 75. Mr., 208. Treweek—Gt(iOvgQ,\ll. Hannah, 177. Trewinnard — Elizabeth, 180. Fran- ces, 180. James (Rev.), 180. John, 180. Mary, 180. Rachael, 180. r?Yf/r/A-~ Elizabeth, 193. Erisy, 133. Hanna, 133. Philippa, 193. Wil- liam, 193. Trimleston — Dowager Lady, 123. Lord, 123. Tripp — Anstice, 127. Nicholas, 127. r?-osse— Elizabeth, 143, 159. Wil- liam L., 143. Trou't— Jane, 30. Richard, 30. Truskot—EiviaYd, 23. John, 161. Mary, 30. Simon, 161. Tucker — Amy, 39. Ann, 114. Ann W., 114. Anthony, 130. Arms, 114. Benjamin, 114. Benjamin W., 114. Charles (Rev.), 157. Elias, 130. Elizabeth, 40, 89, 131, 132. Elizabeths., 132. Jane, 38. Jane L., 114. Jedediah S., 114. John, 38, 39, 131, 208, (Capt.) 38. Lydstone,38. Margaret,^38. Mary, 40, 131. Mary Amy, 114. Mary Ann, 157. Rachael, 114. Richard, 132,195. Sarah, 38. Thomas T., 114. William, 40. Mr., 37. Tuitt— Arms, 45. Turherville — Arms, 99. rM?-ne;-— Elizabeth, 137, 138. Hugh, 137, 138. Judith, 138. Tuson — Elizabeth, 205. Elizabeth J., 201. Harriet, 199, 205. Libby, 199, 205. Mary, 199, 201, 204. Sarah M., 199, 205. William, 199, 201, 204, 205. r?/ac^— Elizabetii, 141, 152. Jo- hanna, 136. Mary, 152. Nicholas, 136, 150, 152. Thomasine, 152. ry66— Tristram, 182. Ty^A— Grace, 141. Upton— Arms, 191. Dorothy, 167, 169,192. John, 167, 169. Mary, 28. Urqiihart—Axms, 192. Ffl//rtc^— Adoniah, 202. Alice, 88. Arms (see Addenda). B. W. S. (Rev.), 202. Charlotte S., 202. Edmund, 202. Henry A., 202. John, 81, 88, 90. John E., 202. Judith, 202. Mary, 202. Vaughan, 202. William, 8i, 202. Vanson — Susan, 120. Veall — Ann, 135. Thomas, 135. William, 195. Venour — Arms, 101. Vernon — Matilda, 183. Robert (Sir), 183. Fie//— Julian, 81. William, 81. Vigars — Honor, 152. Katherine, 112, 153. Mary, 129, 137, 149. Tristram, 128, 129, 137, 149, 152. FjV/e?-«— Elizabeth, 128. Honor, 130. Vigor — Henry J., 160, 161. Louisa,. 160, 161. William E. L., 160, 161. William E. (Rev.), 160. FiV/ors— Elizabeth, 140. Honor, 140. Lovedav, 88. Tristram, 140. F/(/Mr5— Elizabeth, 173. Hugh, 173, 174. Mary, 180. Richard, 112, 180. Robert, 180. Vincent — Arms, 161. Elizabeth, 89, John, 89. Katherine, 161. Tho- masine, 161. William, 161. Vinson— John, 129. Thomas, 129. Vivian — Loveday, 109. Thomas, 155. Vose — Grace, 136. Kosjoe?'— Christopher, 136. Gamaliel, 135. Judith, 135. Mary, 136. Voivell, alias Hooker — Arms, 177. Vyvyati — Ann, 63. James, 62. Waddoii — Honor, 143. Hugh, 143. Wadge — John, 39. Susanna, 39. Wadliam — Anthony, 97, 98. Arms, 96, 97. Dorothy, 95, 96, 97, 98. Elizabeth, 95, 97, 98, 112. Frances, 97, 98, 145. George, S3, 91, 95, 96, 97, 98, 112, 145. Hichins, 95, 97,98. John, 98. Julia, 98. Mar- garet, 98. Mary, 98. M., 97. Nicholas, 97, 98. Philippa, 98. Priscilla, 83, 91, 97, 98. Thomas, 98, William, 97, 98. Wagge — John, 92. Waldron — Elizabeth, 113. George, 113. Frances, 113. Walpole— Arms, 191. George (Earl 234 INDEX. of Oifuid), 191. Margaret (Count- ess of Orford), 191, Robert (Earl of Orford), 191. Wallace — Anthony, 21. Grace, 21. Wallis — Agues, 87. Ainv, 20. Anne, 19, 20, 91. Annis, 20l Anthony, 20, 21. Arthur, 20. Catherine, 20. Daniel, 85. Eleanor, 21. Elizabeth, 20, 21. Frances, 88. Ferdinando, 20, 21, 85, 88. Henry, 20, 21, 203. Isett, 20. Johan, 21. John, 19, 20, 21, 24, 85, 207. Jone, 20. Judith, 207. Mary, 20, 21, 85. Mydhope (Rev.), 19. Ohver, 20, 21. Pen- tecost, 20. Peter, 20. Philip, 19. Philippa, 121. Rebecca, 150. Richard, 20, 21, 24. Sibley, 21. Susanna, 20. Thoniasine, 21. Ursula, 20, 89. Walter— Dovi^ihy, 109. Elizabeth, 129, 131, 141. 143, 153. Emiin, 128. Francis, 129. Joan, 131. Johanna, 112, 144. John, 109, 128, 129, 138, 144, 149, 152. Mary, 129, 131, 138, 142, 149, 152. Richard, 129, 131, 149, 152. Ursula, 128. William, 112, 152. Walters— MizdAiQih, 204. John, 204. Mary, 154. Ward—knn, 206. Ann P., 197, 198. Elizabeth, 198, 206. Henry, 163, 206. Johanna, 196, 197, 204, 206. Jone, 163. Mary, 197, 198. Simon, 196, 197, 198, 204, 206. Susanna, 206. Thomasine, 197, 206. William, 197, 206. PFarne— Agues, -83, 88. Alice, 90. Amy, 63. Ann, 196. Arms, 58, 197. Catherine, 197. Christopher, 197. Cornelius, 63. Bewell, 86, 87. Dorwell, 89. Elizabeth, 85, 88. 92, 197. Flower, 159. Grace, 197. Henry, 197. Joan, 11, 64. Johanna, 11, 81, 206. John, 64, 85, 88, 92, 196. Margaret, 85, 88. Mary, 14,62, 130. Priscilla, 86, 87, 89. Richard, 91. Robert, 82, 83, 93. Simon, 197. Susanna, 206. Thomas, 64, 197. Thoma- sine, 135. William, 11, 14, 64, 81, 82, 90, 130, 151, 153, 197, 206. Warren (Waren, Warryn, War- ri7iy)— Mice, 9, 132, 133. Ann, 9, 209. Arms, 5, 8, 58. Christopher, 9,132,133. Elizabeth, 20, 56. Faith, 63. Grace,10. Jane,9, 141. Johane, 66, 87, 207. John, 9, 31, 64. Judith, 207. Margaret, 6, 9, 134, 135. Mary, 9, 174, 175, 176. Nathaniel, 9. Peter, 9. Phihppa, 163. Priscilla, 9, 10. Richard, 9. Robert, 6, 8, 9, 10, 207, (Rev.) 6, 8, 9. Sarali, 9. Sibella, 31. Thomas, 9. William, 9, 20, 163. Warwick — Elizabeth, 144. JFa^/tms— Fleetwood (Capt.), 141. Grace, 141. Watson— Glvdrltis (Sir), 69. Juliana, 69. Watts— Aim, 207. William, 207. Way— Willi&m, 129. Waymoutli ( Wymond)—\\a\vy,10i. John, 205, 209. Littleton, 204, 205, 209. Mary, 204. IFe66— Abraham, 128. Agnes, 128. Alice, 9, 132, 133. Ann, 9. Arms, 36. Arthur, 126, 127. Arthur K., 36. Daiuaris, 137, 1.52. Dorothy, 40, 135. Edward, 36, 90, 132, 133. Elizabeth, 40, 126, 133, 136. Emblyn, 135. Hannah, 133. Honor, 126. George, 125, 144. James, 1-2&, 130, 153. Joane, 137. Johanna, 1.35. John, 144. Margaret, 128, 137. Mary, 40, 133. Neariah, 133. Nicholas, 40, 126, 137, 152. Pliilippa, .36, 40, 90, 132, 133. Rebecca, 133. Richard, 9, 130. Robert, 133, 135. R<«ger, 125, 12 ;. Rose, 126. Ruth, 133. Svbella, 125. Thomas, 9, 126, 132. William, 126, 127, 135, 136. Wilmot, 133. Webber — John, 133. IFe^/ji— Susanna, 112. Wentwarth — Arms, 201. Charles M. (Sir), 201. Elizabeth, 201. Frances, 201. John, 201, (Sir) 201. Mark H., 201. Samuel, 201. Sarah, 201. Thomas, 201. William, 201. Were — Arms, 156. Johanna, 156. Thomas, 156. IFes^coW— Dorothy, 135. Elizabeth, 41. John, 126, 134, 145. Mar- garet, 134, 145. Roger, 126, 145. Rose, 126. Sauuiel, 41. Westlake — Arms, 78. Elizabeth, 78. Peter, 78. Weymouth— 3 oi\2t,i\\9X\, 182. PFA?VZrfo«,— Elizabeth, 89. Samuel (Rev.) 194. Whippell—Rngh, 128. White— Ann, 11. Charles, 11. Wicket— 'Martha,, 12, Phillis, 63. Wilcocks—Ed\y&rd, 115. Edward B., 195. Wllkey— Agnes, 148. Willcocks— Elizabeth, 63, 176- IxVDEX. 235 Willcod-—Aime, 62. Robert, 62. Williams— Axin, 71, 88, 130. Arms, 71. Bendict, 195. David, 130. Grace, 130. Joan, 40, 152. Law- rence, 71. Mary, 99, 136, 141. Nicholas, 26. Riciiard, 141, 184. Robert, 26. Thomas, 100, 105. Thon)asine, 8S, 9J, 105. William, 88, 99, 136. Willis— M\ce, 76. Bvown 76. Cathe- rine, 70. Henry, 76. Thoma.s, 70, (Rev.) 76. Willis- Fleming — John, 76. Wills— Xgacsi, 112. Alice, 111 , 1 1 2, 113. Ambrose, 111, 113. Ann, 89, 106, 112, 113. Annie, 112. Anthony, 111, 112, 113. Arms, 110. Arthur, 111. Bernard, 111. Blanch, 112. Catherine, 111, 113, 168. Charles, 113. Digory, 161, 162. Dorothy, 112. Ed- ward, 112, 113. ■ Elia.s, 111, 112, 11.3. Elizabeth, 14, 63, 9«, 110, HI, 112, 113, 162. Emlin, 111, 11.3. Frances, HI, 112. Francis, 110, 111, 112, 113, 16S. Gertrude, 112, 113. Giftbrd, 111, 112, Henry, 110,111, 11.3. Honor, 39, 111, 112. Ibet, 112. Jacob, 121. Jane, 164,181. Joane, 121. Johan, 111, 145, 162. Johanna, 111,112. John, 111,112,162,164. Joseph, 112. Katherine, 111, 112. Margaret, 88, 111, 112, 11 3, 1 63, 206, 208. Margery, HI, Marian, 112. Mary, 111. Mathew, 81, 1 12, 121. Nichoh-us, 1 1 1, 1 12, 113. Oliver, 81. Pentoco-st, 162. Peter, 112, 113, 145. Priscilla, 88. Richard, 106, 111,113, 163. Roger, 111. Susan, 113. Su.sanna, 112. Sybella,38. Tamsin,88. Thomas, 38, HI, 112, 113, 181. William, 88, 98, 111, 112, 113, 206, 20S. Mr., 206. Wilshman — Margaret, 25. Wilton-.jQ\m, 104. Mary, 104. Wincklei/~Kxm?., 1 87. Frances, 186. Thomas, 187. JFi/ii/^-- Frederick T. (Rev.), 195. Jr/s^— Edward (Sir), 75, 76. Eliza- beth, 90. Mary, 88. Radigon, 75, 76. Richard, 81, 88. Samp.son, 81, 90. Wilmot, 88. WodeJiouse—AXhext T. (Capt.), 188. Alfred (Hon. and Rev.), 185. Elizabeth C. , 188. Emma H., 185, Lord, 18.5. Wolcmnbe — Katherine, 85. Mary, 136. Thomas, 85. Walter, 85. William, 86. Wolridrje— Ann, 11, 12. Eve, 11, 195. Honoria, 195. John, 19.5, (Rev.) 195. Mary, 11. Matilda, 11. Ralph, 12. Thomas, 11, (Rev.) 11, 195. Wolsdoyi—Arma, 53, 55, 58. Jane, .56. Mary, 203, 207. Theophalia, 17, 53. Thoma.s, 17, 53, 56, 203, 207. Woofllmul— Arms, 100, 101. Woi'th— Ann, .39. Barbara, 141. John, 104. Joseph, :)9. Roger, 165. Thomasine, 104. Walter, 181. William, .39, 146. Wotton—AWce, 163. Elizabeth, 163. Francis, 84. John, 84, a5, 163. Thomas, 85. William, 163. Wrai/ — Blanch, 144. John, 144. Mary, 144, 171. Robert, 144. William, 144, 171, (Sir) 144. H^/vV/A^— Andrew, 84, 91. Blanch, 8.3. Bridget, 83. Florence. 83. Jane, 82. Johanna, 88, 93. John, 88, 92. Mary, 88, 92, 176. Paul, 82,83,84,88,91,93. Walter,84,91. Wi/nell — Betty, 132, 133. John (Capt), 1.56. Johns., 133. Mary, 132. Philip, 132, 133. Wyvetl— Ann, 1.35. Frances, 111. Johanna, 112. Thoma.s, 111, 112, 154. Thomasine, 111. jr?/«^^/ia»i— iNlargaret, 189. Tho- mas (Sir), 189. Yclian — Hopkin ap Howell, 99. Yell and — Ann , 1 34. Feo— Agnes, 120. Ann, 120, 121. Arms, 120. Elizabeth, 120, 121, 122. Emblin, 121, 122. George, .39, 120, 121, 122. Gertrude, 39, 120, 121. Honor, 120, 121. Huniphrey, 120, 121. James, 121. Joane, 121. Johanna, 121. John, 121, (Capt.) 121, 122. Lucretia, 121, 122. Margaret, 120, 121. Mary, 120, 121, 122. Sarah, 120. Susanna, 121,122. Thomas, 121. William, 120, 121, 122. Fonj/e— .James, 28. .Johanna, 135. John, 135. Mary,2S. PeneK.pe,28. Young— Maxy, 11. Thomas, 11. Walter (Sir), 58. Yorke — Arms, 49. Caroline, 72. Charles (Right Hon.), 72. Eliza- beth, .50. John (Hon.), 49. John R., .52. Joseph, 52. Margaret (Countess of Hardwick), .50. Philip (Earl of Hardwick), 49, 50. 236 ADDENDA TO INDEX. ADDENDA TO INDEX. Abercom — John J. (Marquess of), 96. Anindell — Dorothy, 104, Ashley — Arms, lOi. Bar re — Arras, 116. Beltoft—Arms, 101. Blackboy— 204:. Bonville — Agnes, 127. John, 127. iJ/'e-rt^— Elizabeth, 79. Burell — Katherine, 1.54. Burnell — Arms, 101. Deacon— iAsLiy, 98. 2?eeWe— Elizabeth, 56. .Mary, 194. Searle, 154. Diamo7ul — .Joyce, 174. Eclgcur/ibe — Piers, 47. Eliot— Ann, 116. £■///<)<— William (Sir), 202. Harry — Annys, 25. Hichins — John, 95. Kendell — Jonathan, 1.36. Knapman — John, 85. Mary, S5. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 4. Nicholas Battersby was a Lieutenant in the 59th Troop in 1642, and then Quartermaster of the 11th Troop under Lieut. -Colonel Lord Wharton, in the Parliamentary Army, (See Army Lists, edited by Edward Peacocke, Esq., p.s.a.) Page 5. Amey, wife of Mr. John Munyon, buried 19th August, 1682. Mr. John Munyon, buried 14th November, 1704. Vide St. Andrew Parish Register. Page 9. For " Thomas " read " Robert " Webb, Rector of Sydenham. See also note, p. 132. 1673. Mrs. Priscilla Warren, buried 2nd September, 1728. Vide St. Andrew Parish Register. Page 11. 1715. This Trefusis Lovell was the son of Mr. William Lovell and Mary, daughter of Robert Rashleigh, of Fowey ; he was baptized at St. Andrew, Plymouth, 6th December, 1691, by the name of Trefusis, after a cousin of his mother's. The issue of this marriage were five sons and four daughters ; of the former, Trefusis was in holy orders, and left two daughters and co-heirs, the younger of whom married the Rev. George Thomas Palmer, m.a. ; of the latter, Martha Pitman married Joseph Whiteford, Esq., of Plymouth, and was mother of the present Charles Cobley Whiteford, Esq., of Thornhill, near Plymouth. For a pedigree of Lovell and Whiteford see the current volume of the Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. Page 12. 1700. For "Mrs." read "Mr." Page 14. 1739. Note— Philip Torr, clerk, and Philippa Wallis were married at St. Andrew, 4th February, 1610. Vide Parish Register. Page 18. 1683. Samuel Smyth, of Sheviock, and Johan Evans, of Maker, married 25th June, 1683. Vide St. Andrew Parish Register. Page 18. For "ancient Shropshire family at Sandford" read "Devon- shire family of Sanford," and after the entry of the marriage add "Mrs. Anne Sanford was probably of the family of Sanford who entered their pedigree at the Heralds' Visitation of Devon in 1620, when their arras were entered as, Arg, a chev. hetiv. three martlets, sa. 238 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 22. For " Rev." read " Right Hon." Reginald Pole, took the name and arms of Carew. Read "Lieut. George Julius Glanville," not " Wallis." Page 43. It will be seen that the wife of Alexander Carew is on this page called in one place Joanna, and afterwards Isabel ; the former is given on the monument, the latter on the illuminated pedigree at Antony House, which is followed by Colonel Vivian. Page 48. Fifth line from the bottom, " Weymouth " on the family pedigree, &c., but more correctly Wymond. An instance of the inter- change of Weymouth and Wymond as a surname is noticed on page 209. The marriage of Thomas Carew and Wilmott Lampeu is given on page 181. Page 50. Sixteenth line, read "Alphonse Charles" (see p. 22.) Not separate the two names. Page 56. Add "Agnes, wife of Richard Deeble, curate of Ermington, CO. Devon, bui'ied " in y'^ chapel of Ermington, 2nd May, 1670." Richard Deeble, buried 15th November, 1670. Vide Ermington Parish Register. Page 59. Christopher Nesham, of Houghton le Spring, co. Durham, married 12th November, 1768, Mary, daughter of the Rev. Fred. Williams, d.d., by his wife, daughter of the Right Rev. Dr. Robert Clavering, Bishop of Peterborough, and left issue, inter aha, Christopher John Williams Nesham, born in 1769, married Margaret Ann, daughter of the first Lord Graves, and was buried at Littleham-cum-Exmouth in 1852, being then an Admiral R.N. Of his children, Thomas Williams Nesham, born in 1810, died at Paignton in 1869, having married Caroline Harriet, daughter of Thomas Hillersden Bulteel, Esq., and his wife Ann, daughter and co-heir of Christopher Harris, Esq. By this lady, who died in 1880, he had issue — Commander J. Nesham, r.n., who married a daughter of Admiral E. J. Bedford ; Charles Courtenay Nesham, b.a., Camb. ; Elizabeth Bulteel Nesham married F. R, Keeling, Esq., F.R.G.S., of Colchester ; and Margaret Nesham married to Capt. Harold Bex, R.N. Page 76. 1685. Douglas Eliot married John Spark, of Plymouth. The following are from the Registers of Charles Church, Plymouth : John, son of John Spark, Esq., and Mrs. Duglis his wife, baptized 4th February, 1672 ; William, son of John Spark, Esq., and Mrs. Diiglis his wife, baptized 30th April, 1676 ; Mrs. Duglas Spark buried 23rd December, 1699. Page 80, 81. For " Cressell " read " Creffell." ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA. 239 Page 82. 1602. Here and at other entries where "Egidi" occurs read "Giles," it having been left untranslated by oversight. Page82. 1606. Robert Scawen, gent, and Isabel NicoU, married, 3rd February, 1599. Vide St. Tudy Parish Register. Page 84. 1620. Note— For " daughter " read " wife." Page 90. The will of George Warmington Bewes, of St. Stephens - by - Launceston, was proved at Bodmin 3rd October, 1768. Page ] 00. This shield of arms was accidentally omitted from its proper jilace on that page. Page 101. With all due respect to whomsoever had the marshalling of this wonderful and fearfully complicated combination of quarterings, we would venture to suggest that it is needlessly complicated; and although had we the full pedigrees before us to explain we might find it perfectly correct, yet we must remember that a shield, whether a single coat or a number of quarterings, should be made as plain and distinct as possible, and that where an intricate series of quarterings are brought together we should not attempt to show in what way they came in by requartering to an almost imlimited extent, but leave that for the pedigree, and simply place the quarterings in their proper order, the object being to show that the bearer represents the families whose arms appear. The quartering an escutcheon of pretence is incorrect according to English heraldic rules. With the principal shield there is the excuse that all the quarterings might be seen ; but this does not apply to the escutcheon of pretence, which might have been made quarterly of fifteen instead of being, as it is, divided into a hundred quarterings. It being desired to show the quarters, the best course would have been to have made three shields : the first Burell quarterly of nine coats ; the second shield with the first coat only in the present escutcheon of pretence ; the third shield being quarterly of fifteen, which would admit all the diH"erent coats in the requartered coat of pretence. In the coat of Aygle the lions should have been described as in pale. Page 109. 1678. John, son of John Harris, of Manaton, and Mrs. Jane, his wife, baptized 29th July, 1679, having been born the second of the same month. Vide St. Andrew, Plymouth. 240 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA. Page 113. 1723, On fourth line of note for "Francis" read "Frances" his wife. Page 126. 1598. Pascowe Treville, of St. Stephens-ljy-Ash, and Joane Barstaple, alias Littleton, of Plymouth, to Mary, license dated 4th November, 1596. Vide Bishop's Act Book. Page 127. It was Dorothy Crocker who married Francis Fox, not Tibitha, as in the Genealogist, which error is not made quite clear on page 127. Page 134. 1599. For " Jonannis " read " Johannis." Page 135. Second line, for " Richard" read " Richarda." Page 137. 1666. On a document in the parish chest at St. Budeaux, dated 1697, is the signature and seal of Richard Doidge, the seal dis- playing the arms of Doidge, of Combe, in Milton Abbot ; viz., Barry of six or, and sa., on a j^ale gu. a ivoman^s breast distilling milk, all ppr. 1664. The following are from the Registers of St. Andrew, Plymouth: Constance, daughter of Mr. Richard Dell and Mrs. Mary, his wife, baptized 1st November, 1685 ; Mary, wife of Mr. Richard Dell, buried 27th June, 1687 ; Francis, son of Mr. Richard Dell, buried 12th July, 1687 ; Mr. John Dell, buried 9th January, 1694. Page 138. 1671. August 17. For "John" read "Johan." 1671. November 2. For " Jonathan! " read "Jonathan," Page 140. The extracts from St. Budeaux Registers commenced on the previous page, and end with the note after the entry 1718, where the continuation of the St. Stephen Register should have been noticed. Page 143. Weddings. 1746. This William Long Trosse was the son of Peter Trosse, of Court Farm, in Clyst St, George, co, Devon, where he was baptised 7th October, 1719, being buried at the same place 6th March, 1748, (For his widow's second marriage see page 159, Weddings, 1752.) They had an only son, William Long Trosse, of TrevoUard, co. Cornwall, born 5th September, 1748, baptised at Clyst St. George 18th May, 1749,* and buried there 1797 ; having married Jenny, daughter of Robert Hicks (she married secondly the Rev. George Fortescue, of St, Mellion), and had an only child, Elizabeth, born in 1782, who married Edmund Nathaniel William Fortescue, Esq,, of Fallopit, who was born 18th May, 1777, and died 28th July, 1821, He was the son of Edmund Wells, Esq. (and his wife Mary Anne, daughter of Peter Blundell, Esq,, of Collipriest, co, Devon), who took the name and arms of Fortescue only on succeeding to Fallopit, The above Edmund was the eldest son of the Rev. Nathaniel Wells, by his wife Catherine, daughter and co-heir of Thomas Bury, of Exeter, by his wife Alice, daughter (and in her issue heir) of Edmund Fortescue, of * For these dates from Clyst St. George we are indebted to the Rev J. L. Gibbs, the present Rector. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. 241 Fallopit. The Arms on the monument of the above Rev. N. Wells, in East AUington Church, Devon, are : Sa. a lion ramp, arg., imp. quar- terly 1 and 4, erm. on a hend az., a bezant betw. two jkur-de-lis or, Bury ; 2 and 3, az. a bend eng. arg., cotised or, Fortescue. Crest : From a coronet a demi lion. On the monument of his son, the Rev. Nathaniel Wells, the same coat is given for Wells ; but on the memorials of his fourth son, the Rev. Samuel Wells, and of his grandson Fortescue Wells, Esq., the Arms are given as quarterly 1 and 4, Or, a lion ramp. Sa., on a chief gu. two annulets interlaced of the first. Wells ; 2, Bury ; 3, Fortescue, both as above — a new grant having evidently been obtained. The Arms of Trosse as entered in the Heralds' Visitation of Devon are : Gu. three cutlasses ppr. There is a pedigree of Trosse as given in the Visitation, and a second giving the later generations, which a little care would have made much more complete and interesting, printed in the Transactions of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, vol. i. part ii. page 157, second series. Page 147. 1667. Mary, daughter of Mr. William and Mrs. Ann Tom, baptised 28th April, 1686. William, son of Mr. John and Mrs. Ann Tom, baptised 26th September, 1689. Mrs. Margaret Toms, widow, buried 7th August, 1680. William, son of Mr. John Tom, buried 21st October, 1689. John, son of Mr. John Tom, buried 29th May, 1692. Mr. John Tom, buried 20th November, 1692. ( Vide St. Andrew Parish Register.) Page 153. 1697. Joseph Hunking, of Saltash, and Martha Boger, of Plymstock, married at St. Andrew, Plymouth, 8th September, 1683. Page 156. The following burials from St. Stephen-by-Saltash should have followed that of 1750 ; viz. : 1769. Jan. 25. Mrs. Elizabeth Little, aged 62 years. 1769. July 11. Elizabeth Warne, aged 2 years. 1771. Oct. 1. Mr, Richard Herring, aged 88 years. 1777. April 22. Mrs. Nancy Marshall. 1778. Dec. 9. Mrs. Mary Pengelly. Page 165. 1606. Note. At the end of the tenth line omit the comma and " a " after wife, and read " wife of." Richard Harris, of Blowflemyng, buried 14th July, 1587. Vide St. Andrew, Plymouth, Parish Register. Page 168. 1619. For " Francis " read " Frances." Page 170. The following should have been among the extracts from the Registers at Ermington : John Ashford and Mrs. Ann Rous, married 20th June, 1633. Page 191. The marriage of John Ingram and Mrs. Joane Treville is entered in the Registers of both Maker and St. Andrew. T 242 ADDENDA ET COKRIGENDA. Page 202. Vallack. Nathaniel, son of Mr. John and Mrs. Elizabeth Vallack, baptized 30th January, 1684 ; Mr. Amos Doidge and Elizabeth Vallack, married by license, 12th December, 1712 ; William, son of Mr. John Vallack, buried 1st December, 1679 ; Mary, daughter of Mr. John Vallack, buried 4th August, 1682 ; Mrs. Elizabeth Vallack, buried 9th January, 1728. Vide St. Andrew Parish Register. Vallack. Joseph Vallack (son of Mr. John Vallack, apothecary, of Plymouth, and Mrs. Elizabeth, his wife), settled at Kingsand, in the Parish of Maker, at which church he was married 9th February, 1719, to Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Joseph Penley, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Gilbert. They had seven sons, and one daughter, Elizabeth, married to . . . Rowe. The sons were — I. John, born in 1720, and married . . . Pyrick. II. James, born in 1724, married . . . Pope, and had six sons ; viz. : 1. James, married . . . Sargent. 2. Thomas, died unmarried. 3. Joseph, Colonel Royal Marines, k.h. Colonel Vallack saw much active service, being in about twenty great fights, and at the time of the Mutiny at the Nore, as Captain of Marines, suppressed that on board his own ship. Sir Edward Codrington, speaking of his services in the House of Commons, said that he had not been faii'ly rewarded. He married his cousin Mary, daughter of his uncle, WilUam Vallack. By this lady he had issue, one son, a lieutenant R.N., who died at sea unmarried, and two daughters ; Emma, married to Captain Tom, R.N., and had an only son, the present Lieut. -Colonel Vallack Tom, r.m. ; and Elizabeth, married to . . . Beveans. 4. John, married , . . Sargent. 5. William. 6. Henry, who was drowned. III. Joseph. IV. Peter, married . . . Sargent, and died in 1810. V. Robert, married . . . Perkin, granddaughter of Sir John Rogers, Bart. He died in 1800. VI. William, below. VII. Benjamin, bom in 1735, and died in 1823, having married . . . Glinn. The sixth son, William Vallack, bom in 1730, married in 1768 Mary, sister and heir of William Salmon, gent, of Kingsand. (This family of Salmon were descended from John Salmon, of ElwellhaU House, Watergate, in the Parish of Maker, who was married at South Hill, 13th November, 1613, to Mary, daughter of Peter Manington, of Manington, and his wife Frances, daughter and heir of Edward Couch, of Houghton. — See Colonel Vivian's Visitations of Cornvxdl, p. 305. The marriage settlement and some of the property is now in the posses- ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. 243 sion of Mr. C. S. Vallack, by inheritance.) They had issue, one son and two daughters ; the latter were Mary, married to her cousin. Col. Joseph Vallack, and Sarah died unmarried. The son, William Vallack, a Captain in the Cornish Militia, married in 1801 Judith, third daughter of the Rev. William Smith, Eector of Meavy, co. Devon, by whom he had issue. I. Benjamin William Salmon, born in 1803 and died in 1875, having married Amelia, daughter of Francis Rawle, Esq., Solicitor of Liskeard and Plymouth, and sister of the Rev. Richard Rawle, Bishop of Trinidad, and had issue, a son, Edmund, in the War Office, and three daughters. He was of Exeter College, Oxford, B.A., First Class, 1824, and Vicar of St. Budeaux from 1835 to his death. II. William, Under-Secretary of New South Wales, married . . . Styles, and died in 1875. III. Henry Adoniah, solicitor, of Torrington. IV. John Elias, Lieut. R.N. V. Edmund, in the Royal Navy, died young. VI. Adoniah, a surgeon, M.R.C.S. Eng. VII. Charles Salmon, now of Pen- ley Villa, Kingsand, and St. Michael's Terrace, Stoke Damerel. VIII. Vaughan died in infancy, and Mary died in infancy. Charlotte Selina d. young. The Arms borne by the family are : Quarterly 1 and 4, Sa. fretty or, in each interstice a mullet arg., Vallack ; 2, Sa. a chief or, Penley ; 3, Sa. three salmons haurient arg., Salmon. Crest : A dove rising proper. Motto, " Memento mori." Page 204. Lawrence." 1676, 1677, 1678, 1679, 1680, for "Daniel" read "David PLTMOXITH : ■WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, PRINTEES, GEORGE STREET, 2/ w^^ RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renev^ed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW [^ 12,000(11/95) FORM NO. DD6 S^^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 ^^ W0