m THE MAIISTE BOOK '/l^y iiBaii LIBRARY UHivcftsrrr o^ CAUFORNIA SAN DIEGO Ufproduri:-!! )i.v courtesy of W'illlimi KiiiK' IlnlKinlsnii, Boston, M;iss. WILLIAM KING FIRST GOVERNOR OF MAINE From the original painting by Gilbert Stuart THE MAINE BOOK By HENRY E. DUNNACK Librarian of Maine State Library Augusta, Maine 1920 Copyright, 1920, by HENRY E. DUNNACK DEDICATED TO ADELLA SMITH DUNNACK To twine her memory with something that may live I write it here, and consecrate this page To all her love has given or could give. PREFACE The geography and history of Maine are distinctive. The location and topography of Maine give her a place of great advantage. Her history, dating back to the early part of the seventeenth century, is full of stirring romance, matchless heroism and marvelous achievements. Histories of the state have been written by Williamson, Sullivan, Sewall, Abbott, Burrage, Holmes and Hatch. Others have written of her great events and great men. School histories have been written by Varney, Stetson and MacDonald. Distinguished scholars hke Baxter have selected and published the documentary history of the state. The State Library has 250 town histories. On account of the policy of the state in giving financial aid, every year sees one or more town histories added to the list. The newspapers of the state have always given space to historical matter and their files are an invaluable source of facts. Sprague's Journal of Maine History, pubhshed and edited by Hon. J. Francis Sprague of Dover, is of great value on account of its special articles. In 1907 the state appointed Dr. Henry S. Burrage State Historian. He has more than justified the wisdom of his office by giving to the state his "Maine at Valley Forge," "Beginnings of Colonial Maine," "Maine at Louisburg," "Maine in the Northeastern Boundary Controversy." These books are everywhere accepted as authority on the subjects treated. They are written with accuracy, a fine sense of proportion and high literary merit. In preparing this book as a part of the centennial program of Maine the object has been to furnish the busy man and those who do not have original sources at hand, a reference book to important historical and industrial matter. This book is in no sense a history of Maine, nor is it intended to be substituted for any period of Maine history. The author's purpose is to answer the questions that continually come to the State Library from every town in Maine and from every state in the country. Thousands of these questions are received every year from teachers, public officials, business, professional and college men. High School students, boys and girls of the grades are every year asking for information not easily acces- sible in the usual history or text book. The subjects have been selected with these questions in mind. The vii viii PREFACE treatment on account of the number of subjects is necessarily brief and limited for the most part to a statement of facts rather than an interpre- tation of the facts. There is included in this study the history of each state department connected with the industrial and social life of the state, also an outline of what the state government is doing for the improvement of the state. It is time the people of Maine should know and appreciate the work of the state. They should realize that the state is more than a political unit, that in fact it is a great business organization devoted to developing her natural resources, building up her industries and promoting the moral, educational and social welfare of all the people. A partial bibliography has been added so that the student may know where to find more detailed information on any subject presented. These books may be found in the State Library and may be borrowed by any person in the state. A card addressed State Library, Augusta, Maine, will bring you the book you need. So many persons have assisted in gathering the information and granting permission to use materials, that it is impossible to list them all and to express the author's appreciation for their generous help. The library staff have co-operated in every way to make the book accurate and worth while to those interested in the State of Maine, in fact without their assistance it would have been impossible to prepare the book. H. E. D. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I HISTORICAL AND LITERARY INFORMATION Chapter Page I. Maine and the Nation's Wars 3 II. The World War 9 III. Maine Enters the War 14 IV. Chronology of the World War 21 V. History of 103d Maine Infantry 27 VI. Our War Governors 28 VII. Geography 37 Vlil. Colonial Maine 42 IX. Indian Forts 46 X. First Naval Battle of the Revolution 47 XL Arnold's Expedition to Quebec 52 XII. Separation from Massachusetts 58 XIII. Ratification of the Federal Constitution 62 XIV. Colonial Government 64 XV. State Government in Outline 68 XVI. Local Goverament 70 XVII. Development of the Judiciary 77 XVIII. Chronological Record of Events 80 XIX. State Flag ^ 85 XX. Seal and Arms * 88 XXI. Floral Emblem 91 XXII. Returned Maine Battle Flags 94 XXIII. State House 98 XXIV. Executive Mansion 101 XXV. Governors of Maine 107 XXVI. Maine Indians 110 XXVII. Maine in Poetiy 115 XXVIII. The First Poet 135 XXIX. The First Novelist ' 140 XXX. Books, Newspapers, Printers, Editors 147 XXXI. Maine's Contribution to Literature 157 PART II SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL HISTORY OF MAINE XXXII. Governor and Council 178 XXXIII. Education 182 XXXIV. Libraries 190 XXXV. Religious Societies 194 ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page XXXVI. Agriculture 199 XXXVII. Cotton Industry 207 XXXVIII. Woolen Industry 210 XXXIX. Fishing Industry 214 XL. Canning Industry 217 XLI. Ice Business 218 XLII. Forests and Lumber 220 XLIII. Leather and Shoe Industry 225 XLIV. Mineral Resources 227 XLV. Shipbuilding 233 XLVL Summer Homes 240 XLVII. Highways 245 XLVIII. Labor and Industry 248 XLIX. Public Utilities 251 L. Animals, Fish and Birds 256 LI. State Printing 262 LII. Banks 264 LIII. Social Service 266 LIV. State Hospitals 271 LV. School for Feeble-minded 280 LVI. State School for Boys 283 LVII. State School for Girls 286 LVIII. Bath Military and Naval Orphan Asylum 289 LIX. Maine School for the Deaf 291 LX. Tuberculosis Sanatoriums 293 LXI. State Reformatory for Men 296 LXII. State Reformatory for Women 297 LXIII. Maine State Prison 298 LXIV. Maine Institution for the Blind 300 LXV. Health 301 LXVI. Insurance 303 LXVII. Workmen's Insurance 305 LXVIII. The Work of the Secretary of State 308 LXIX. Valuation of Maine 310 LXX. State Finances 313 LXXI. The Military 315 LXXII. Department of the Attorney General 320 LXXIII. Author Bibliography . . . -. 322 LXXIV. Bibliography 324 Index. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page William King Frontispiece Old Glory xiv Dyce's Head , 5 Road to France 8 Colonel Hume Presenting Flags of JOG Inf. to Governor Milliken 26 Maine War Governors 29, 32 Winter Wood Scene 36 Pemaquid in 1607 41 Fort Western, 1754 45 Benedict Arnold 51 The Flag facing 8^1 Seal and Arms 88 Pine Cone and Tassel 90 Returned Maine Battle Flags 93 Moses Owen 96 State House 97 Original State House 100 Executive Mansion 103 Red Paint Grave Ill Murmurous Pines 121 Katahdin 124 Popham Colony in 1607 132 Tomb of Governor Lincoln 134 Madam Wood 139 Governor Enoch Lincoln 156 Governor Carl E. Milliken 177 Early Maine Churches 193, 197 A Potato Harvest 200 Five- Year-Old Apple Tree 206 A Morning Catch from Lake Wimiecook, Unity, Maine 213 Maine Cornfield 217 Logging on the Kennebec 219 Lumber Camp •. 223 Hauling Logs in the Maine Woods 226 The "Ranger" " 235 "William P. Frye" 237 Moose 239 Dinner in the Open 241 Lafayette National Park 243 Section of State Museum 257 Woodcock Group in State Museum '. 259 State School for Boys. Administration Building 282 Scene at Faii-field Sanatorium 292 Reformatory for Men 295 xi INTRODUCTION This publication is a statement of leading facts in the development of our great state. They are collected with care and well authenticated. Henry E. Dunnack, State Librarian, is well fitted for the task, and has made herein a worthy contribution to the historic archives of the state. In the collection, selection and arrangement of materials he has at his command the books and records of a well filled library which coupled with his grasp of the relative importance of historic facts assures the value of the work. Part I deals with the historical and literary incidents covering the wars in which Maine has engaged from the early troubles with the Indians to participation in the great war; a brief summary of geographical con- ditions, the separation from Massachusetts and formation of an inde- pendent state with a government of its own. Part II covers the social and industrial development including the organization, extension, development and services of the various state departments, executive and administrative. It is fitting in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred twenty and in the one hundredth anniversary of our statehood that these facts should be collected and placed in form for the use not only of the general reader and student of history but for our schools also. The out- lines of state history contained herein will form the basis of intelligent research among the sources of history themselves. The students in our schools during the centennial year should seek in their own localities the early landmarks of history, old buildings, places where interesting and important events occurred, the families of first settlers, original docu- ments, records, etc. In such a project this publication will be of inestimable value. The picturesqueness, the scenic grandeur of the State of Maine can- not be appreciated fully without a setting of human activity. Among these rivers, lakes, woodlands, hills, mountains and shores the drama of civilization has taken place, and this it is which lends charm to what nature has done. The achievements of men on the foundations of nature are the miracles of the ages. A stage may be set, its scenic beauty unri- valled, but the charm is in the living characters who play upon it and the human interest they portray. Along our shores sailed the daring seamen seeking "new things" ; up our rivers came the intrepid pioneers lured by attractive intervales which xii INTRODUCTION xiii lie along our rivers; into our boundless forests pushed the hardy and courageous woodsmen — all seeking to awaken the land of fertility and riches from its sleep of ages and rescue it from its "buried talent" pos- sessors until civilization gathered her forces together for the transforma- tion of the wilderness into the comfortable abode of prosperous generations. The story of the centuries intervening between those who were first to behold our shores and those who now enjoy the comforts of industry accumulated through many generations is more thrilling than fable, more fascinating than fiction. The struggle to subdue the wild, to uproot the forest and plant the farm, to harness the rivers and make them giants of industry, the story of war and the courage displayed by the men of Maine and the women also from the skirmish with the Indian to participation in the world war should be known, understood and appreciated by every citizen. AUGUSTUS O. THOMAS, State Superintendent of Schools. Howard Chandler Christy By permission And seeing you fly, and the boys marching by, There's a shout in the throat and a bhir in the eye And an aching to live for you always — or die, If, dying, we still keep you waving on high. Name of Old Glory, Riley. PART I HISTORICAL AND LITERARY INFORMATION CHAPTER I MAINE AND THE NATION'S WARS Diilcc ct decorum est pro patria mori p, , For almost a century the northern American colonies _ ,. _ experienced all the horrors of savage warfare incident to the desperate struggle for supremacy between France and England. "The brunt fell upon Maine, the vast frontier and flying-buttress of New England, — her soil the battle gi'ound and her sons the vanguard." Within her boundaries at the conclusion of King Philip's war were only five settlements and such was the drain upon her during the succeeding wars that there was not left at home one man to a family. The fleet which took Port Royal was chiefly manned in Maine and commanded by her distinguished son, Sir William Phips. The famous siege of Louisburg was commanded by William Pepperell of Kittery, after- wards knighted for his success in this expedition, and at least a third of the entire besieging force was recruited from the Province of Maine. Many of the men who served at Louisburg served also in the armies that a few years later at Lake George drove the advancing French forces back to their strongholds on the St. Lawrence, to be finally overcome by Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham. „, , Maine gave to the struggle for independence six thousand P , 1 i.- men. And when it was over, one thousand of her sons had sacrificed their lives and the burden of debt that fell upon her was greater in proportion to her wealth and population than her share in the cost of the Civil War. The -news of the battle of Lexington reached York on the evening of the same day. The next morning a company of sixty men, fully equipped with arms, ammunition and food, were marching to Boston. The first company was followed in a few days by men from the entire province, even as far east as Machias. Falmouth, now Portland, was bombarded and utterly destroyed by a British fleet, October 18, 1775, and the terri- tory from the Kennebec to the eastern boundary was frequently invaded and suffered numerous attacks at different points. A Maine regiment was present at the battle of Bunker Hill. On June 12. 1775, the patriots of Machias fought "the Lexington of the seas," in which the Margaretta was captured and "the British flag was struck for 4 THE MAINE BOOK the first time on the ocean to Americans." Eleven hundred men from Maine were with Washington at Valley Forge, a tenth of the entire force. At the siege of Boston practically every able-bodied man in western Maine was present. An old letter in the Massachusetts archives states that during the siege, when an urgent call was made for additional volunteers, they got the reply from Falmouth, "Every man who can leave home is gone or going to Cambridge. They must draw upon this part of the province for women instead of men, and for knives and forks instead of arms." Maine men were at Quebec with Arnold, also at Ticonderoga, Long Island, Stillwater, Saratoga, the surrender of Burgoyne, at Mon- mouth and at Yorktown. The daring fishermen of our coast served in the Continental Navy and were with John Paul Jones. It is pleasant to remember that when Washington rode down the lines one day to thank the troops whose valor had turned the tide of a desperate battle, and exclaimed with uncovered head "God bless the Massachusetts line!" he spoke to the Third Division — men from the counties of York and Cum- berland. "W f 1819 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ °^ 1812, although it was unpopular with her people, Maine shirked no responsibility. It is said that more soldiers were enlisted in the District of Maine, in proportion to its population, than in any of the states. The whole number of militia, ever ready to march, amounted to twenty-one thousand one hundred and twenty- one men. During the first two years of the war Maine was not actually invaded by the enemy, though often menaced. During the summer of 1814, how- ever, the towns of Eastport, Castine, Belfast, Bangor and Hampden were captured and plundered by a strong British force. The region between Passamaquoddy Bay and the Penobscot River passed under the control of the British. Castine was made the port of entry and a custom-house was opened at Hampden. A naval engagement off the coast near Portland on September 5, 1814, in which the American brig "The Enterprise" captured the British brig "The Boxer" is probably the most noteworthy battle in which Maine men participated. "A • f L- ^ serious disagreement existed between the United States ,,, „ and Great Britain from the treaty of peace (1783) to the Webster- Ashburton treaty (1842) respecting the boundary line known in history as the "Northeast Frontier." The disputed terri- tory became the scene of various encounters between the officials of New Brunswick and the settlers, who believed they were citizens of Maine. By order of the Governor of Maine, the militia was called upon to hold itself in readiness for active service. Two expeditions were made to the Aroostook and Madawaska country. The first was by the Maine Land \ ar %li o • i ^ .l ^ • -c ^ n war with Spam one volunteer regiment ot infantry, four batteries of heavy artillery, and a signal corps, a total of 1,717 officers and men. This was more than her full quota. Neither the artillery nor the infantry saw active service, but over fifty men died from fever contracted in the southern camps, and many more were permanently invalided. The Signal Corps was ordered to the front and did excellent service in the several battles on the island of Cuba near Santiago, which led to the surrender of that city and the Spanish forces occupying it. General Greeley, chief signal officer of the United States Army, at the close of the war addressed the Maine Signal Corps in these words, "You of the volunteers that came into the field from your shops and desks, cannot be expected to stand the hardships of this campaign like the regulars who are trained soldiers, neither are you expected to perform the many duties MAINE AND THE NATIONS' WARS 7 which devolve upon you with the same inteUigence as the regulars who have had years of constant practice and study, but the comparison is very flattering to you. You were the first to report for duty in Washington, you were the best equipped of any detachment that has reported here during the war. The State of Maine ought to be proud of you and should be proud of the manner in which she prepared you for the field." o Q o W Eh V CHAPTER II THE WORLD WAR HOW THE WAR CAME TO EUROPE The Opportunity. — In 1914 the German army was at the pink of perfection. It could hardly be increased or improved. The Russian army was disorganized after the Japanese war and many strategic railroads were still unbuilt. The French army sadly lacked heavy artillery and other equipment; besides France seemed rent by great political scandals. Great Britain appeared to be controlled by pacifist ministers and was threatened by civil war in Ireland. Now or never was the German chance for a great increase of power. The precepts of Frederick the Great and of Bismarck forbade that such an opportunity should be let slip. The Plot. — Serbia was a weak country with a standing quarrel (over Bosnia) with Austria, Germany's supply ally. Russia was the protector of Serbia, but if an attack were made on Serbia either (1) Russia would desert Serbia and let the Teutons make a great increase of power in the Balkans at little risk or cost, or (2) Russia would help Serbia with arms, which would bring on the great war that the Teutons were sure they could win. Either outcome seemed desirable. The Pretext. — On June 28, 1914, the Archduke of Austria, heir to the throne, Franz Joseph, was murdered at Sarajevo, Bosnia, by assassins who seemed to have been instigated from Serbia. There was no proof of official sanction by Serbia for the deed, but there was an excellent pretext for an ultimatum. The Austrian Ultimatum. — On July 23, 1914, at a time when Europe seemed remarkably quiet and when many diplomats were on vacation, Austria sent Serbia a "note demanding," not merely the complete punish- ment of all her anti-Austrian agitators, but the allowing of Austrian offi- cials to enter Serbia to take charge of the prosecution. No independent government could have admitted such a sweeping claim. The Austrians must have imagined the Serbians to be rabbits instead of men to have proposed this and expected peace to continue. Serbia was given forty-eight hours wherein to decide between signing away her national independence and war. Russia Becomes Involved. — Russia as Serbia's "great brother" begged the Vienna government at least to extend the time limit to their demands. 9 10 THE MAINE BOOK This was brusquely refused. Serbia, however, consented to nearly all the Austrian demands, and offered to submit the remainder to the Hague, Not the least attention was paid to the suggestion. Less than one hour after the Serbian reply was presented, the Austrian minister quit Belgrade. On July 28th, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia, although practically all her demands had been conceded. The Kaiser Intrudes. — Russia now appealed to Germany to mediate between herself and Austria, making it plain she could not, in self-respect, allow Serbia to be overwhelmed without aid. Kaiser Wilhelm affected to ''mediate," but warned the Czar this was an affair between Austria and Serbia, and if Russia did not abandon Serbia a great war would follow. When the Czar began to mobilize (following mobilization already begun by Austria) the Kaiser took the attitude that Russia was really threaten- ing Germany, not Austria, and began counter preparations. The Kaiser Forces War. — England and France (friendly to Russia but anxious for peace) frantically offered moderating counsels. At Vienna the dangers of the situation at length dawned, and friendly discussions with Russia, for a compromise, seemed about to recommence. Then as if panic-stricken lest their plot be spoiled the war-lords in Berlin caused an ultimatum to be sent to the Czar giving him twelve hours to demobilize or Germany would strike, A similar demand was sent to France (Russia's ally). The tones of these mandates were utterly insulting. No great nation could have cringed to them. August 1st, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia, although the latter was still at peace with Austria, in whose behalf the Kaiser claimed to be acting. The Road to Paris. — Prussian military plans required the first attack should be on innocent France, whose only crime was that she would not betray her Russian ally. The best road to Paris lay across Belgium, and whether Germany would forego martial advantage out of respect for the neutral rights of a small neighboring state and for her plighted honor had long been a mooted question in European military circles. The Ger- man choice between advantage and honesty was soon manifest. On August 4, 1914, the Germans entered Belgium, an unoffending, happy country, whose 7,000,000 peaceful people had not one iota of interest in the miser- able Balkan quarrel, nor in the affairs of Austria, Germany, Russia or France. The Scrap of Paper. — England had been very friendly to France and Russia, but there was no formal alliance. A strong peace party existed, and England might well have kept out of the war — at least for the first few months when (as events turned out) Germany, without English inter- vention, might have won a complete victory. But England's honor was deeply concerned in defending her treaty, which guaranteed Belgium. THE WORLD WAR 11 The violation of this solemn compact silenced the British peace advocates. When the British ambassador went to Bethmann-Holhveg- to give Germany the choice between keeping honor as to Belgium or fighting England, the Chancellor cynically demanded whether England would go to war "just for a scrap of paper". German statesmen evidently misunderstood the way in which French- men, Englishmen and Americans take solemn treaties and promises. England declared war on August 4, 1914. The Austrian note to Serbia had been presented, out of an almost clear sky, on July 23rd. Only twelve days had sufficed to change the world from Eden to Gehenna. What will seem the responsibility of the Teutonic arch-plotters when they stand at the bar of universal history? ir. S. D., ill Farts About the Wnr, University of Minnesota. HOW THE WAR CAME TO AMERICA The more important stages whereby American patience was ex- hausted : 1. Dec. 24th, 1914 (Christmas Eve — fit day!) — Admiral von Tirpitz throws out a newspaper suggestion on an "unlimited submarine policy," and directly asks — "What will America say?" 2. Feb. 4th, 1915. Germany declares a "war zone" around the Brit- ish Isles, without protection to crew or ship passengers. 3. Feb. 10th, 1915. America warns Germany that harm thus done to American citizens will involve "strict accountability." 4. March 28th, 1915. "Falaba" sunk, one American perishes. 5. May 1st, 1915. American steamer "Gulflight" torpedoed. 6. May 1st, 1915. German embassy publishes warning in New York and other American papers against Americans sailing on "Lusitania," although United States government had decided such action proper and lawful. 7. May 7th, 1915. "Lusitania" sunk; 114 Americans (many women and children) drowned. 8. May 15th, 1915. Mr. Wilson's "First Note" of protest at subma- rine policy. 9. May 28th, 1915. German rejoinder defending "Lusitania" sinking. 10. June 9th, 1915. Mr. Wilson's "Second Note" of protest ; just sub- sequent to Mr. Bryan's resignation. 11. July 8th, 1915. Germany promises Mr. Gerard at least to protect American and neutral ships. 12. July 21st, 1915. Mr. Wilson's "Third Note" of protest. 13. Aug. 19th, 1915. "Arabic" sunk unwarned ; two Americans perish. 14. Sept. 1st, 1915. Ambassador Bernstorff gives solemn promise at Washington that "liners" will not be sunk without warning. 12 THE MAINE BOOK 15. Dec. 30th, 1915. "Persia" sunk unwarned in Mediterranean; an American consul going to his post of duty perishes. 16. Jan. 7th, 1916. Germany promises still again that in the Mediter- ranean, at least, no ships should be sunk unwarned. 17. Feb. 16th, 1916. Germany, seeking a money compromise about the "Lusitania," says that she has now "limited her submarine warfare, because of her long standing friendship with the United States." 18. March 24th, 1916. "Sussex" (British Channel passenger steamer) torpedoed. Several Americans injured. 19. April 18th, 1916. (Following clear proof in the Sussex affair of the breach of German promises) Mr. Wilson threatens to break friendly relations unless outrages cease. 20. May 4th, 1916. Germany formally promises to respect interna- tional law and not sink ships unwarned. ("Promise No. 5.") 21. Oct. 9th, 1916. A German submarine sinks five merchant vessels (one Dutch neutral) off American coast. Heavy loss of life inevitable if American destroyers had not rescued passengers and crews. 22. Jan. 31st, 1917. Germany (having now built sufficient U-boats) tears up her "pieces of paper" to us and proclaims "unlimited submarine warfare", ("running amuck," says Mr. Wilson). 23. Feb. 3rd, 1917. Mr. Wilson gives von Bernstorff his passports. 24. Feb. 4 to April 2, 1917. Seven American ships sunk; at least 13 American citizens on them perish, as well as several ou non-American ships. 25. April 2, 1917. Mr. Wilson asks for war. These are only part of the outrages, protests and promises: a record of patience on our part unparalleled in history! W. S. D., in Facts About the War, University of Minnesota. AMERICA'S CASE AGAINST GERMANY 1. Some two hundred and fifty American citizens, exercising rights unquestioned under the law of nations, and traveling under the presumed protection of their government, have been killed by agents of the Imperial German Government. 2. The German Government was solemnly warned by the Govern- ment of the United States on February 10, 1915, that such acts were "an indefensible violation of neutral rights," and that our Government "would take any steps it might be necessary to take, to safeguard American lives, and to secure to American citizens full enjoyment of their acknowl- edged rights on the high seas." 3. In spite of this protest and warning, more than once repeated, such unlawful killing of Americans continued at intervals during two vears. THE WORLD WAR 13 4. In addition to the submarine attacks, the German Government, through its diplomatic representatives and other agents, carried on throughout 1915 and 1916 a secret campaign against our domestic security and order, by fomenting strikes, hiring criminals to destroy munition plants and other property, subsidizing a propaganda of disloyalty among citizens of German birth, placing spies in our offices of government, and organizing upon American soil unlawful conspiracies and military expedi- tions against countries with which we were at peace. 5. On January 31, 1917, the German Government proclaimed that it would destroy without warning, and without safeguarding the lives of passengers and seamen, ships of any nationality (regardless of the char- acter of their cargoes and their destinations) which might be found by German submarines in certain vast areas of the high seas. 6. This renewed and enlarged threat, and defiance of the warnings of our Government, was speedily carried out, several Amerif^an ships, some of them bound for American ports, being destroyed, with loss of American lives, during February and March, 1917. 7. These acts constituted acts of war by Germany against the United States, and were formally recognized as such by the two houses of Con- gress on April 4th and 6th, 1917. We are at war, then, because Germany made war upon us. We had no alternative, except abject submission to lawless coercion. National Security League's Handbook. CHAPTER III MAINE ENTERS THE WAR It will always be a matter of pride among the people of Maine that while the Congress of the United States declared w^ar on April 6, on Feb- ruary 6, 1917, Governor Milliken of Maine, by order of the Legislature then in session, sent the following message and resolve to President Wilson : Augusta, Maine, February 6, 1917. Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, White House, Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. President :^^ With keen personal satisfaction, I herewith transmit by order of the Maine Legislature a copy of the resolution unanimously adopted immedi- ately at the opening of the first session subsequent to your action severing diplomatic relations with Germany. This unanimous expression of the Legislature reflects accurately the unswerving and loyal support which you may count upon from our entire state. Very respectfully your obedient servant, Carl E. Milhken, Governor. "Resolved that the State of Maine, by its Legislature, send to Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, an expres- sion of its sincere and hearty approval of his recent act in sever- ing diplomatic relations with Germany; and in this crisis and all the difficulties which may follow in consequence thereof, it pledges its unswerving allegiance to the administration at Wash- ington, and, as a token thereof, it offers the support of its moral and material resources, in whatever way they may be deemed best calculated to serve. "Be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the President of the United States by the Governor of the State of Maine by telegram." February 6, 1917. 14 MAINE ENTERS THE WAR 15 , Weeks before the eventful day of April sixth, Governor H fh""^^ Milliken, personally, and through his Adjutant General, had all possible information and material available for egis a instant use. The legislature, which was in regular session from January third to April seventh, 1917, in addition to passing reso- lutions supporting the President, advocating universal military training and deploring labor strikes, enacted laws providing for the registration of aliens, appointment of special deputy sheriffs, support of dependent families of soldiers and sailors, supplementing pay of soldiers, and sailors, organization of a Maine Home Guard, increasing authoritj^ of the Execu- tive, regulation of keeping and sale of explosives, enrollment of citizens of military age, taking of land for mihtary purposes, continuance of suits in court in which persons in military service were either plaintiff or defend- ant, and, two hours after the opening of the legislative session on the morning following the President's war message, passed a million dollar appropriation bill for war purposes. „ .,, To coordinate and centralize the patriotic impulses of the , . c /, . nation and to provide for their organized and intelligent development. President Wilson appointed a National Council of Defense. To carry out the plans of the National Council and to take care of any local problems that might arise, each governor was asked to appoint a State Council of Defense, to be made up of representative men from the chief industries and professions of the state. As soon as the state councils had organized, each county in every state was asked to organize a County Council of Defense. On March 22, 1917, more than two weeks in advance of the request for such an organization. Governor Milliken appointed a Committee of One Hundred on Public Safety. Maine was the second state in the Union to take this action, Massachusetts being the first. Later the sixteen counties organized committees of public safety, the chairman of each organization being the first member of the Com- mittee of One Hundred from each county. The response to the Governor's summons was prompt, full and patriotic. On March 31, all members named who were within the limits of the state, and not detained by sick- ness or imperative necessity, met in Portland, to the number of ninety- five. In calling the committee to order the Chairman pointed out the limitations under which it was to act ; that it had no lega.l status ; that it was to supplement, and not in any way to displace, existing authority ; that its duties were necessarily undefined, and it was generally to do what by common consent should be agreed on to be done, in the emergency which confronted the state. After being addressed by the Governor and by the Vice-Chairman of the Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety, the following communica- tion was ordered to be sent to the President of the United States: 16 THE MAINE BOOK "The Committee on Public Safety of Maine, appointed by the Governor, and representing every section of the state, meet- ing for the first time in Portland, desires to assure you of the loyal support of the State of Maine in every effort made to defend the honor and safety of our country. We believe that the hour has come when the United States must unsheathe the sword and strike for the right. As free men dwelling by the sea, we hold that American ships are American soil, and that Ameri- can sailors have the same right to the protection of the govern- ment as have citizens in any portion of our land. We believe that the sentiment of this country will no longer allow to con- tinue a situation under which other nations are defending our coasts and fighting our battles. If we are to have the influence that we all hope for when the war is over, we must bear a part of the burden now. To these ends, as citizens of Maine, sharing the glorious traditions of New England and of the country at large, in the words of our forefathers, 'we pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.' " p „ Each Council of Defense or Committer on Public Safety, ^ ... whether national, state or county, had these aims and pur- Committee on . . p hi* <5 f t poses m view: To keep the fires of patriotism burning pure and undefiled. To strengthen and uphold the morale of the civilian forces of our land. To agitate unceasingly the need of united effort at home as well as "over there." To discourage and stamp out unjust criticism, gossip and other enemv propaganda. To spread broadcast the "lend-a-hand" gospel. To further the activities of the Red Cross and all other authorized agencies working for the good of our cause. To encourage increased production of food and fuel supplies and the elimination of waste. To care for the dependents of soldiers and sailors. To secure proper living and working conditions for the ranks of labor. To allow no person voluntarily living in this country to place another country first in his allegiance. To preach the religion of service. To keep the faith of our fathers. MAINE ENTERS THE WAR 17 MAINE STATE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Harold M. Sewall, General Chairman Halbert P. Gardner, Executive Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Harold M. Sewall, Bath John E. Bunker, Bar Harbor William T. Cobb, Eockland Rex W. Dodge, Portland Halbert P. Gardner, Portland Ernest M. Goodall, Sanford Charles F. Johnson, Waterville ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Royce D. Purinton, Lewiston Walter H. Sawver, Auburn John S. P. H. Wilson, Aubuni Charles O. Beale, Auburn Frederick A. Powers, Houlton A. W. Spaulding, Caribou Patrick H. Therriault, Lille Herbert W. Trafton. Fort Fairfield Robert Braun, Portland Silas B. Adams, Portland James F. Albion, Portland Arthur S. Bosworth, Portland Bernard A. Bove, Portland Philip Dana, Westbrook Charles L. Donahue, Portland Elmer A. Doten, Portland Fred E. Eastman, Portland Henrv P. Frank, Portland D. W. Hoegg, Jr., Portland T. H. Houlihan, Portland Adam P. Leighton, Jr., Portland Alexander T. Laughlin, Portland Morris McDonald, Portland J. Bennett Pike, Bridgton George P. Plaisted, Gorham Samuel Rosenberg, Portland Frank D. True, Portland Charles E. West, South Portland Guy L. Cronkite, Portland Elmer E. Richai'ds, Farmington John R. Bass. Wilton Bion Wing. Phillips Luere B. Deasy, Bar Harbor Andrew P. Havey, West Sullivan C. K. Foster, Sargentville Charles McCluskey, Castine Fred A. Torrey, Stonington Charles F. Johnson, Waterville R. P. Hazzard, Gardiner Reuel J. Noyes, Augusta George F. Parmenter. Waterville W. J. Thompson, South China Blaine S. Viles, Augusta Nat. H. Barrows, Watei-ville Tyler M. Coombs, Vinalhaven Obadiah Gardner. Rockland Reuel Robinson, Camden B. C. Redonnett, Wiscasset Phineas H. Gay, Newcastle G. A. Gregory, Boothbay Harbor K. Montgomery, East Boothbay Albert J. Steams, Norway Theodore Hawley, Rumford Leslie E. Mclntyre, East Waterford Alton C. Wheeler, South Paris F. H. Parkhurst, Bangor Nathan C. Bucknam, Dexter Charles P. Connors, Bangor Charles J. Dunn, Orono Hugh Gallagher, Bangor Edward M. Graham, Bangor George W. Steams, Millinocket F. H. Strickland, Bangor Frank E. Guemsey, Dover John Houston, Guilford H. A. Sanders, Jr., Greenville Edward W. Hyde, Bath Arthur K. Purinton, Bath Fred H. Thompson, Bath M. P. Haraden, Bath Carleton P. Merrill, Skowhegan Samuel W. Gould, Skowhegan Stanley R. Oldham, Pittsfield Walter P. Ordway, Skowhegan Orlando E. Frost, Belfast B. F. Colcord, Searsport Harry Kilgore, Belfast E. L. Sprague, Islesboro John R. Trimble. Calais H. H. Gray, Milbridge S. W. Hill, Machias Harold H. Murchie, Calais Bion M. Pike, Lubec John R. Roche, Eastport Rufus B. Stevens. Jonesport Ernest M. Goodall, Sanford Cecil F. Clark, Hollis Center John Dennett, York Edward M. Dearing, Biddeford Horace Mitchell, Kittery Elmer E. Page, Saco Lamont A. Stevens, Wells Frank Parsons, Kennebunk George G. Emery, Sanford 18 THE MAINE BOOK GOVERNOR MILLIKEN'S WAR PROCLAMATION April 7, 1917 Gentlemen of the Legislature: Since you first assembled three months ago world events have moved swiftly to a fateful climax. I have summoned you in joint convention at the very opening of your session this morning because the moment has come for the State of Maine, acting through her chosen representa- tives, to begin playing her proper part in world affairs. For more than thirty months Americans have watched with growing horror and amazement the appalling world catastrophe across the sea. We are a peaceful people committed by ancient tradition to a policy of aloof- ness from European alliances. This policy we have struggled to main- tain. Through all these weary months we have taken no part except that of messenger of succor and relief to the distressed. But continued isolation from the struggle has become increasingly impossible. Neither the broad expanse of the Atlantic, nor the faith of treaties, nor the instincts common to humanity, have sufficed to protect our peaceful and law abiding citizens from the assassin. With unbeliev- able patience and self-restraint we have seen our flag insulted, our rights insolently invaded, our citizens, even women and children, foully murdered upon the high seas. Our self-respect and honor as a nation forbid further endurance of these intolerable aggressions. But we are to enter the war at last not only because of the threat against the integrity of our own nation and this hemisphere for which we have some measure of responsibility. This is to be no mere defensive war on our part. We are to strike and strike with all the energy and power at our command, because we are at last convinced that the very fate of civilization is at stake. A ruthless military frenzy is running amuck in the world, armed, not with the bludgeon and spear suited to such a survival of savagery, but with the most frightful engines of destruction that modern science can devise. Our warfare is not against the German people, but against the brutal despotism which assumes to govern them; — a belated survival of mankind's age-old enemy, the cruel and arrogant spirit of autocracy, which soon, please God, is utterly to vanish from the earth. More is concerned in this titanic struggle than the honor or the life of any nation. It has become a world conflict for that freedom of self- governing democracies of which our flag is the supreme token among mankind. The Allies are fighting for civilization against despotism. With the battle finally joined upon this issue our flag would droop in the breeze if withheld ingloriously from the conflict. MAINE ENTERS THE WAR 19 Last night before a joint convention of Congress, the President asked that a state of war be declared to exist and that our government at once enter upon the conflict upon the side of the Allies with all the energy and power at our command. You have read his calm and patriotic utter- ance. Congress will meet again this noon to put into full effect his recom- mendations. Before that time, let us, by appropriate action, assure the President and Congress of our full and loyal support in this solemn hour of national crisis. No words need be added to his noble statement of the case. The eloquence of deeds can best be ours. I urge that you provide immediate authority for the issuance of bonds to the amount of one million dollars and give the Governor and Council full authority to spend such portion of this amount as may be necessary for military purposes. You will also enact such defense measures as may seem to you fitting, giving the constituted authorities powers appropriate for them to use in time of war. You should also make suitable provision for adequate care of the families and dependents of soldiers. This can best be done in my judg- ment by granting some discretion to the Governor and Council without attempting to make a fixed rule applicable to all cases. So much of our duty we may now foresee. Whatever more our country asks of us will be given with cheerful and unswerving loyalty. You will remain in session for the next few days, even into next week if necessary, in order to be ready to take instant action upon matters within the juris- diction of the state as fast as events shall point the way. Our little state has a role in the coming conflict far out of proportion to her size. Our rocky shores look out upon the broad Atlantic, once the highway of peaceful commerce, now the possible path of the ruthless invader. When to-day the leaders of our nation meet in solemn confer- ence, let it be known that Maine is true to her glorious traditions of other days, — that now, as always in the past, her sons are willing to offer freely the last full measure of devotion when their country calls. „. The record of Maine's contributions to the sinews of war War p , reads as follows: American Red Cross, $1,892,328.78 ; Lib- erty Loans, $104,094,150; Young Men's Christian Associa- tion, $332,994.67; Young Women's Christian Association, $58,381.08; Knights of Columbus, $59,288.76 ; Salvation Army, $19,982.74 ; War Libra- , ries, $3,421.29; War Savings and Thrift Stamps, $8,362,585.92 ; United War Work, $1,163,238. J . Eager to share in the battle for the world's freedom seven y , ■ hundred boys from sixteen to twenty-one enlisted in the United States Boys Working Reserve. Uniformed, disci- plined and exercised just as soldiers are, they were sent out early in the 20 THE MAINE BOOK summer under competent leaders to the neighborhood of the farms that needed them. The boys made good. Only six of them went home, four under discipline, and two at the urgent request of their parents. The farmers were so well pleased with the spirit of the boys and the work done by them that additional wages were gladly paid to those who showed unusual capacity and energy. No complaint from the boys was registered at headquarters. On the contrary they were proud of their work and glad to be doing it for Uncle Sam. „ Under the direction of the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of Maine, cooperating with the State De- partment of Education, practically every nook and corner of the state was visited during the summer of 1917 in the interests of the conservation movement. Demonstrations were given of the best methods in canning and preserving. The housekeepers of the state responded gladly to the call for signers to the food pledge card and 145,000 of them were enrolled as members of the United States Food Conservation Army. The Food Administration early in its history called upon the libra- ries of the country for help in its publicity work and Maine libraries responded generously by devoting much time and space to the display and distribution of the Administration publications. „ ,. , The record of Maine's contribution in men reads as follows : H m ff Regular Army, 2369; Reserve Corps and National Army, and JJratts 1129 ; National Guard, 4289; Draft induction, 16,465; Regu- lar Navy, 2331 males and 13 females; Naval Reserve Force, 2823 males and 72 females ; Marine Corps, 24 ; Young Men's Christian Association, 166 males and 33 females; Young Women's Christian Association, 14; Knights of Columbus, 11 ; Red Cross and Army Nurses, 118. CHAPTER IV BRIEF CHRONOLOGY OF THE WORLD WAR 1914 June 28 — Austrian Archduke slain at Sarajevo. July 5 — Potsdam council decides for war. July 10 — Propagandists leave for America. July 29 — Austria attacks Serbia. Aug. 3 — Germans invade Belgium. Aug. 6 — City of Liege falls. Aug. 25 — Louvain destroyed. Aug. 28 — British naval victory off Heligoland. Sept. 6 — French stop Germans at Marne. Oct. 10 — Antwerp falls. Nov. 7 — Japanese take Kiao Chau. Dec. 9 — British win Falklands battle. Dec. 14 — Serbians recapture Belgrade. 1915 Jan. 24 — British win Dogger bank battle. Feb. 12 — Russian disaster at Mausurian lakes. Mar. 4 — British land at Gallipoli. Mar. 10 — Battle of Neuve Chapelle. Mar. 22 — Russians take Przemysl. April 23 — Germans first use poison gas. May 7 — Lusitania torpedoed; 1,134 lost. May 24 — Italy enters war. June 3 — Germans recapture Przemysl, July 13 — Germans repulsed in Argonne. Aug. 4 — Germans take Warsaw. Sept. 9 — First air raid on London. Sept. 25-30 — Battle of Champagne. Oct. 10 — Conquest of Serbia begins. Oct. 12 — Edith Cavell executed. Oct. 13 — Bulgaria enters war, Dec. 1 — British retreat from Bagdad. 21 22 THE MAINE BOOK 1916 Jan. 9 — British evacuate Gallipoli. Feb. 22 — German drive for Verdun begins. Mar. 24 — Steamer Sussex torpedoed. April 29— Turks take 15,000 British. May 31 — British win Jutland battle. July 1 — Allies begin Somme offensive. Aug. 9 — Italians cross Isonzo. Aug. 27 — Roumania enters war. Sept. 3 — Germans and Bulgars invade Roumania. Sept. 14 — British first use "tanks." Oct. 8 — U boats raid off Nantucket. Oct. 24 — French stop Verdun drive. . Nov. 13 — British renew Somme offensive. Dec. 6 — Germans take Bukharest. Dec. 7 — Lloyd George becomes premier and Dec. 19 — Rejects German "negotiated peace." 1917 Jan. 31 — Germany announces "unrestricted submarine war. Feb. 3 — United States expels German ambassador. Mar. 11 — British take Bagdad. Mar. 12-15 — Russian revolution ; Czar deposed. Mar. 27 — British defeat Turks at Gaza. April 6 — United States enters war; fleet sails for Europe. May 18 — Selective service act in force. June 5 — 10,000,000 Americans register for army. June 12 — Greeks depose King Constantine. June 15 — First Liberty loan over-subscribed. June 26 — First U. S. division lands in France. July 9 — Food and fuel control begins in United States. July 28 — Kerensky heads new Russian republic. Aug. 28 — United States rejects Pope's peace note. Sept. 20 — Germans defeated by British at Ypres. Oct. 23 — Yankees enter trenches. C Bat. 6th Art. fires first shot. Oct. 25 — Yankees take first German prisoner. Oct. 26 — Italians routed at Caporetto. Second Liberty Loan over-subscribed. Nov. 2 — First Yankees killed. Nov. 28 — Bolsheviki overthrow Kerensky. Dec. 7 — United States declares war on Austria-Hungary. Dec. 8 — British capture Jerusalem. Dec. 31—204,965 U. S. troops in France. BRIEF CHRONOLOGY OF THE WORLD WAR 23 1918 Jan. 5 — President Wilson announces fourteen peace points. Jan. 28 — Italians defeat Germans at Adagio. Feb. 2 — Yankees take over Toul sector. Feb. 5 — United States troop ship Tuscania torpedoed. Feb. 9 — Ukraine surrenders to Germans. Mar. 1 — Yankees beat off German attack at Toul. Mar. 3 — Bolsheviki sign abject peace with Central Powers. Mar. 11 — First Ail-American raid on Germans in Toul sector. Mar. 21 — German drive on Amiens starts. Mar. 23 — Paris bombarded by long range gun — 76 miles. Mar. 25 — Germans reach Somme. U. S. engineers stop gap in line. Mar. 28 — General Foch named by Allied War Council as generalissimo of Entente forces. April 4 — Germans start channel port drive. April 16 — Germans take Messines ridge. April 17 — First U. S. division in battle line at Montdidier. April 21 — 26th Division beats off German attack at Seicheprey. April 23 — British navy bottles Zeebrugge. April 26 — Germans take Mount Kemmel. May 5 — Third Liberty Loan over-subscribed. May 5 — Austrians start drive on Italy. May 27 — Germans start drive on Marne. May 28 — First Yankee offensive (1st Division) takes Cantigny. June 1 — Germans cross Marne ; 46 miles from Paris. June 3 — U boats raid American shipping off New Jersey coast. June 4 — French and United States troops compel Germans to recrpss Marne. June 6 — American marines capture part of Belleau wood. June 7 — Massacre of 10,000 Armenians in the Caucasus reported. United States troops advance northwest of Chateau Thierry. June 13 — t'rench and Americans definitely check German offensive. June 15 — Austrian offensive along the Piave. June 23 — Italians throw Austrians back across the Piave. June 25 — U. S. marines clear Belleau Wood. July 1 — British and American marines land in Kola, Russia. American advance in Chateau Thierry region. July 4 — Australians and Americans capture Hamel and repulse three counter attacks. July 12 — Eleven U. S. divisions on battle front. July 15 — Last German offensive, up Marne toward Epernay. July 15 — Yankee troops cooperate with British at Murman, northern Russia. 24 THE MAINE BOOK July 17 — German troops checked by Franco-American defense. July 18 — French and Americans counter attack between Aisne and Marne. German flank smashed. July 19-22 — Yankees take Berzy-le-Sec, Tigny, Epieds, Jaulgonne, Bu- zancy. July 22 — Franco-Americans penetrate deeper into German line. Crown Prince summons help from the North. July 29 — Yankee troops defeat Prussian Guards on Soissons-Chateau Thierry front. July 31 — Onondaga Indians of New York declare war on Germany. Aug. 2 — Germans begin general retreat in Aisne-Ourcq region. United States troops land at Archangel. Aug. 8 — British and French launch offensive between Amiens and Mon- didier, penetrate German lines seven miles. Aug. 10 — Allies capture Montdidier. Aug. 15 — United States troops landing at Vladisvostok. Aug. 23 — British new offensive between Somme and Arras, Aug. 28 — Allies repel Bolshevik forces in big battle on Ussuri front. Aug. 31 — Germans begin retreat in Flanders, giving up Mt. Kemmel. Sept. 3 — United States formally recognizes Czecho-Slovaks as a co-bellig- erent nation. Sept. 5 — German retreat extends from Rheims to the sea — 150 mile front. Sept. 12 — First Ail-American offensive at St. Mihiel. 13,000,000 American men register under new draft. Sept. 13 — St. Mihiel salient eliminated. Sept. 19 — British rout Turkish army in Palestine, breaking through on a nineteen mile front. Sept. 22 — Nazareth captured by British. Sept. 26 — Yankees begin Argonne offensive. Sept. 27 — Bulgaria asks for armistice following defeat in Macedonia. Sept. 30 — Bulgaria surrenders to Allies. Oct. 6 — Germans ask United States for armistice. Austria sends similar note. Oct. 8 — United States refuses armistice terms of Germans. Oct. 14 — Allies in great offensive from Lys River northward in Flanders. Oct. 19 — Austria's proposal for armistice rejected by United States. Oct. 29 — Italians break Austrian defence; enemy retreats. Oct. 31 — Austria asks for armistice. Turkey unconditionally surrenders. Nov. 4 — Austria agrees to armistice terms. German defence in Verdun region broken. BRIEF CHRONOLOGY OF THE WORLD WAR 25 Nov. 7 — Revolution in Germany. Yankees capture Sedan. Germans send to Foch for armistice terms. Nov. 9 — Emperor of Germany abdicates. General allied advance on entire front. Nov. 11 — Armistice signed. COLONEL HUME PRESENTING THE FLAGS OF 103d INFANTRY TO GOVERNOR MILLIKEN, JUNE 14, 1919 CHAPTER V HISTORY OF THE 2d REGIMENT NATIONAL GUARD STATE OF MAINE (103d Inf. 26th Div. A. E. F.) IN THE WORLD WAR April 13, 1917 — National Guard companies ordered to report at armories. July 5 — Mobilized at Augusta, Maine. Aug. 5 — Drafted into federal service. Aug. 19 — Entrained for Westfield, Mass. Aug. 22 — Created as new regiment, 103d Infantry, with addition of men from 1st N. H. 6th and 8th Mass., 1st Vt. and R. L Cavalry. Sept. 25 — Sailed from New York. Oct. 10 — Landed in Liverpool, England. Oct. 16 — Left Southampton for France. Oct. 17 — Landed at La Havre. Oct. 19-Feb. 5, 1918 — Intensive training at Liffol-le-grand. Feb. 6-Mar. 19 — Brigaded with French north of Soissons (Chemin-des- Dames sector) . Feb. 28 — Raid on enemy lines Grand Pont. Mar. 24 — Arrived at rest area Liffol-le-grand. April 10-June 28 — Occupation of Toul sector. June 16 — German raid at Xivray-Marvoisin. (Commended by General Pershing and General Passaga for this action). July 8 — Chateau Thierry front. July 18-24 — Aisne-Marne offensive (Torcy, Belleau, Givry, Bouresches). Aug. 1-Aug. 27 — In rest areas. Aug. 4 — Memorial service at Ussy. Sept. 6-Oct. 8— St. Mihiel salient. Sept. 12-13— St. Mihiel offensive. Sept. 26 — Marcheville-Riaville engagement. Oct. 6 — Heavily bombarded with gas at Saulx. Oct. 6-9 — In support of St. Remy. Oct. 15-Nov. 14 — Neptune sector (Verdun or Meuse-Argonne). Jan. 21, 1919 — Ordered to embarkation centre. Headquarters estabhshed at Economy (Sarthe) . Mar. 14 — Ordered to move to embarkation port. April 5-7 — Landed in Boston and reported at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass. April 25 — In divisional parade, Boston. April 26-28 — Mustered out. 27 CHAPTER VI OUR WAR GOVERNORS WILLIAM KING William King, first Governor of Maine, was born in Scarborough, Maine, February 9, 1768. His early life was spent in working in a lum- ber mill at Saco. On reaching manhood he obtained work in a sawmill at Topsham and afterward became proprietor of a mill and store of his own. In 1800 he moved to Bath, as the Kennebec river offered superior advan- tages for lumbering and shipbuilding. There he resided for over fifty years. Of good natural powers, strong-willed, self-reliant and ambitious, he became a wealthy merchant and one of the largest ship owners in the United States. He organized the first bank opened at Bath, and was its president. He owned much real estate in Bath and other parts of the state, including the whole town of Kingfield, which was named for him. He was one of the incorporators and principal owners of the first cotton mill in Maine, erected at Brunswick in 1809. Mr. King began his political career by representing the town of Tops- ham at the general court in Boston in 1795 and 1796. In 1800 he was elected representative to the Massachusetts legislature from Bath, for three years, and in 1807 and 1808 was elected senator to represent the Lincoln district. His public record shows a desire to legislate for the people. His most important service, however, was the prominent part he took for seven years in the struggle for the separation of the district of Maine from Massachusetts. He presided over the convention that framed the constitution for the new state. In 1820 he was elected the first governor of Maine by an overwhelming majority; the duties of his position he discharged with marked ability. In 1821 he resigned to accept the appointment of U. S. Commissioner for the adjustment of Spanish claims in Florida. In 1828 he was appointed commissioner of public buildings for Maine, and was empowered to procure plans and estimates for the construction of a State Capitol at Augusta. This work he brought to a successful conclusion. From 1831 to 1834 he was collector of cus- toms at Bath. He was married in 1802 to Ann Frazier of Scarborough, and died in Bath, Maine, June 17, 1852. Governor King was conspicuous as a military man. He was major- general of militia, and held the commission of colonel of the United States 28 MAL^E WAI^ • GWEK^ORS 30 THE MAINE BOOK Army, as recruiting officer of United States volunteers, in the District of Maine, upon the declaration of war in 1812. In 1814 he recruited a regiment in Bath, and was busy recruiting another when the war closed. ISRAEL WASHBURN Israel Washburn was born at Livermore, Maine, June 6, 1813, the eldest of seven sons, most of whom became eminent and three of whom were in Congress at the same time. He was not a college graduate, but under private instructors he became a fine classical scholar, and from his youth was a great student. At the age of eighteen he commenced the study of law, and three years later, 1834, was admitted to the bar. He commenced practice as a lawyer the same year at Orono. The lumbering interest in that part of the state was then of great importance and Mr, Washburn very soon entered on an extensive and lucrative practice, which continued until he was elected to Congress in 1850. He had served one term in the legislature in 1842, First a Whig, he became the leader of the new Republican Party and it was as a Republican that he was elected to the office of Governor in 1860 and 1861, When the Civil War broke out Maine was utterly unpre- pared. The old militia system had fallen into disuse and neglect and there were neither drilled soldiers nor officers. Governor Washburn was justly called the War Governor, for within the two years while he was chief magistrate nearly 50,000 troops were marshalled and sent to the front, and it was acknowledged by the Department at Washington that no soldiers were better organized or did better fighting than the sons of the Pine Tree State. Governor Washburn was deeply impressed with the necessity of providing a defense for the extended coast line of Maine and appointed a committee to confer with the Federal Government in the matter. After much activity on his part work was commenced on the coast, particular attention being given to the strengthening of Port- land. At the close of his second term, Governor Washburn declined to stand for re-election, but did serve as Collector of Portland from 1863-77, He refused in 1877 the presidency of Tufts College, of which he was long president of the board of trustees. Governor Washburn was a busy contributor to magazines and reviews and prepared many addresses on political and literary subjects. Among his contributions may be mentioned papers on Charles Lamb ; Walter Sav- age Landor ; Gamaliel Bailey, Modern Civilization ; The Logic and the End of the Rebellion ; The Powers and Duty of Congress in Respect to Suffrage ; Secular and Compulsory Education, He also published biographical notices and recollections of Chief Justice Ethan Shepley, George Evans and OUR WAR GOVERNORS 31 Edward Kent and a book entitled "Notes, Historical, Descriptive and Per- sonal of Livermore, Maine." He died in Philadelphia, May 12, 1883. ABNER COBURN Abner Coburn, Maine's twenty-fourth governor, was born March 22, 1803, in the part of Canaan which is now Skowhegan. He was the second of the fourteen children of Eleazer and Mary Weston Coburn. His educa- tion was obtained in the district schools with a few terms at Bloomfield Academy. For a time he worked on the farm summers and taught winters for ten dollars a month and board. He learned surveying of his father. In 1830 he with his father and brother, Philander, formed the firm of E. Coburn and Sons. Their business was surveying, buying land and cutting timber. In 1845 after the death of his father the firm name was changed to A. & P. Coburn. By 1870 they owned in Maine alone, 450,000 acres, about 700 square miles, besides extensive tracts of land in the West. Abner Coburn was also interested in the railroad development of the state. He owned largely in the Somerset and Kennebe-c road, later in the Kenne- bec and Portland road and was a president of the Maine Central. Keen and shrewd business man that he was, he was also interested and active in politics. He was first a Federalist, then a Whig, and finally a Republi- can. In 1838 he was a member of the Maine House of Representatives and was returned to that body again in 1840 and 1844. In 1855 and 1857 he served on the Governor's council. In 1860 he cast his vote as an elector for Lincoln. When Governor Washburn in 1862 wished to retire, the great business ability and absolute integrity of Abner Coburn made him the log- ical successor. He was elected Governor in 1863 in perhaps the most try- ing year of the w^ar. People were tired, and there was a strong "peace at any price" party in the state. His courage, loyalty and deep devotion to the Union gave the state a most efficient administration. He governed it on business principles and made it successful. His last public service was in 1884 when he acted as chairman of the Republican presidential electors. He died January 4, 1885. He was deeply interested in education and gave largely to its exten- sion. Colby College, the University of Maine and Coburn Classical In- stitute are some of his beneficiaries. He did not forget the town in which he lived his long and useful life. The fine court house and the public library are his gifts. In a letter written shortly after his death, Blaine wrote of him: "He was, if humanity can ever attain perfection, an absolutely just man in all his dealings. And beyond the severe demands of justice, he was always kind and even generous to his fellow-men. ***** The large fortune which \ % o o o en > O O Pi < OUR WAR GOVERNORS 33 his sagacity had enabled him to accumulate was in his own view a 'trust fund' which he held for the benefit of mankind, and the disposition of which was with him a matter of conscience." SAMUEL CONY Samuel Cony, the fourth of that name, was born in Augusta Feb- ruary 27, 1811. He was educated by private tutors and in China Acad- emy. He first attended Wakefield College, but later went to Brown Uni- versity, from which he graduated in 1829. He studied law with Hiram Belcher of Farmington and with his uncle, Reuel Williams of Augusta. In 1832 he was admitted to the bar, and began to practice in Old Town. At the age of twenty-two he was a representative to the legislature and at twenty-eight he was a member of the council of Governor Fairfield. He was appointed Judge of Probate for Penobscot County in 1840. In 1847 he was Land Agent. He was elected State Treasurer in 1850. He held this office for five years, which was the constitutional limit. He was elected mayor of Augusta in 1854. Up to 1861 he was a Democrat, but he disagreed with the party on the slavery question and vigorously supported the gov- ernment. In 1862 he represented the Republicans in the state legislature. The next year he was nominated as Governor. He is said to have been selected by Blaine, who hoped in this way to unite the "war Democrats" with the Republicans, and his plan was a success for Judge Cony carried the state by a majority of 18,000. He was a worthy successor to Wash- burn and Coburn. He responded promptly to every call of the govern- ment for troops and supplies. He even advanced money out of his own private fortune to pay the soldiers. No one was more loyal to the cause of the Union than he. He served for three terms and refused to accept another nomination. At his last inaugural address, delivered in 1866, he was able to announce that the purpose which he had had before him from the beginning had been fulfilled, that the national flag should be seen "floating in unchallenged supremacy over its ancient and rightful bounda- ries." Upon his retirement to private life he resumed his law practice. He died in Augusta, October 5, 1870. LLEWELLYN POWERS Llewellyn Powers was born in Pittsfield, Somerset County, Maine, in 1836, and was the eldest of ten children. His parents, Arbra and Naomi (Mathews) Powers were of sturdy New Bhgland stock, several ancestors being in the Revolutionary war. He grew up in his native town, attended its common schools, spent two years at Colby College and then entered Albany Law School, where he graduated in 1860. In 1861 he began the practice of law at Houlton, Maine. 34 THE MAINE BOOK Recognizing his legal ability, the people of Aroostook County in 1865 elected him prosecuting attorney, which office he held for three terms. He was United States collector of customs during 1868-72, a member of the state legislature during 1874-76, and a Republican representative in Con- gress during 1877-79. He was again elected to the state legislature in 1895, becoming speaker of the house, and two years later he was elected gov- ernor. He was chosen a second time as governor. After retiring from the executive chair in 1901 he was chosen to succeed Charles A. Boutelle, resigned, as representative from the fourth Maine district to the fifty- seventh Congress, and was returned to Congress with each succeeding election, but was obliged to withdraw from the renomination to the sixty- first Congress, which had been tendered him by acclamation by the Repub- lican party in his district, on account of his continued ill health. He died July 28, 1908. "Llewellyn Powers' administration as governor was one of the best that has ever been given the State of Maine. He gave to the office the same careful oversight that marked his private business, and on one occa- sion during the early part of the Spanish-American war, when there was strong pressure from all over the state to call an extra session of the leg- islature to appropriate money for the equipment of men and purchase of supplies for the expected volunteer regiment, he was opposed to it on account of the large and needless expense to the state, and, acting in accord with the judgment of other conservative business men of his party, refused to call the extra session, but when funds were necessary he advanced the large sum of money required, and his patriotic and public-spirited action was approved by the next legislature, which refunded the money he had advanced from his private purse." CARL E. MILLIKEN Carl E. Milliken of Island Falls will be known as The War Gov- ernor of Maine. Other chief executives there have been who have occu- pied the gubernatorial chair in belligerent days, but Governor Milliken, holding office during the progress of the greatest armed conflict the world has known, will always be known as The War Governor of the Pine Tree State. Born in Pittsfield on July 13, 1877, Governor Milliken moved with his family to Augusta when he was eight years old. He graduated from the Cony High School in Augusta in 1893 and from Bates College at Lewiston in 1897. Following his graduation from Bates, he took a post-graduate course at Harvard and intended to become a teacher. But, while still in his early twenties, he became identified with the lumber industry and moved to Island Falls. OUR WAR GOVERNORS 35 In 1904, Governor Milliken was elected to his first state office when he was chosen to represent the town of Island Falls in the Maine House of Representatives. He served as a member of the House in 1905 and again in 1907. He was then elected for three successive terms as a mem- ber of the Maine Senate from Aroostook County. During his third term, in 1913, when he was but 35 years old, he was president of the upper chamber. In the primary election of 1916, Governor Milliken was given handsome support and received the Republican nomination for Governor over three opponents. He was elected governor in September, 1916, by a plurafity of 13,500. Ten years of service as a member of the legislature, coupled with naturally studious habits, fitted Governor Milliken admirably for the duties of his office. Soon after his inauguration, he showed a grasp of detail regarding the affairs in all departments of the state that was a surprise even to those who thought they knew him most intimately. His inaugural address was pronounced one of the finest ever delivered in the Maine Cap- itol, not only because of its intimacy with departmental and legal details but also because of the ease of diction and the eloquence with which it was delivered. A short war address, calling for an issue of a million dollars in bonds following the breaking off of diplomatic relations with Germany, was given the same high degree of praise by the citizens of Maine. In addition to his identification with the affairs of Maine, Governor Milliken has many business interests, is prominent in church and social welfare work, is president of the Maine Central Institute at Pittsfield and a trustee of Bates College and in 1917 was given the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the latter institution. Governor Milliken married Miss Emma Chase, a daughter of Presi- dent George C. Chase of Bates College, and they have seven children. K Q O o CHAPTER VII GEOGRAPHY , . The State of Maine forms the northeastern part of the United States. It is about 300 miles long and 285 miles wide. Maine lies between 43°6' and 47°27'33" N. latitude; between 66°56' 48" and 71°6'41" W. longitude. The 45th parallel crosses the state within thirty miles of its geographical center. The boundaries are as follows : — The southern boundary, the Atlantic ocean, is 226 miles, 3640 feet long; the eastern boundary follows the St. Croix river to its source, thence due north to the St. John river, a distance of 195 miles ; the northern boundary extends from the St. John Grand Falls along the river to Crown Monu- ment a distance of 360 miles, 3950 feet; the western boundary extends from Crown Monument to the sea at the mouth of Piscataqua River near Kittery Point, a distance of 163 miles, 3760 feet. . The tenth census places the area at 33,845 square miles, a total land surface of 29,895 square miles. Maine is as large as New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Dela- ware combined. The state has had three surveys. In 1886 Dr. Charles T. Jackson was authorized by the legislature to make a survey. The result of his work is found in three reports published in 1837, 1838 and 1839 respectively. At the same time he explored the public lands and two reports were published in 1837 and 1838. Holmes made a survey of the Aroostook river section and published a report of his work in 1839 in one volume "Geology of Maine." In 1861 the legislature ordered a sur- vey by Hitchcock and Holmes; two reports were made, 1861-1862, both published in one volume. ^ A remarkable feature of the surface is a system of kames, or horse-backs, sometimes called hog-backs. Prof. Stone describes thirty-one different systems of these kames, varying in length from 1 to 150 miles, seventeen of which are 40 miles or over in length. ^ , . The area of the mountains of Maine is about 6,600 square miles. Our highest mountain, Katahdin, is 5,248 feet in height. The mountains consist of peaks more or less conical in form. The chief are Mount Abraham, Saddleback, Bigelow, Russell and Haystack in Somerset and Franklin counties, Katahdin in Piscataquis county. dim f '^^^ average temperature is 41.65 degrees. The summer heat is less than in Massachusetts, New York, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Dakota by about 32 per cent. The winter of Maine is not so 37 38 THE MAINE BOOK severe as is experienced in the corresponding- latitudes in the interior. This is the result of the geographical position of the state. (See bound- aries.) In regard to the rainfall, it may be mentioned that records ^^" kept at twenty-one different points in the state, extending over a series of years, give the mean depth in inches as 43.24. Compar- ing these results with the results obtained from records kept at fifteen different points in six states west of Maine, in the same latitude, the rainfall of Maine is about 35 per cent, in excess of these sections. The actual summer extends from May 31 to September R • f 11 ^^' ^^® period of general exemption from frost. Records kept at twenty-one different points show the mean rainfall for this period of summer to be 11.13 inches. The mean winter rainfall of the state at the above twenty-one points is 10.13 inches. The mean depth of snow at seven different points is 83.02 inches, corresponding to 6.91 inches of water. The total downfall for the four and a half months during- which the snow falls is about 15.62 inches, 6.91 of which, as just shown, come in snow. Therefore, about 44 per cent, of the total downfall during the four and a half months of actual winter is snow. The per cent, during the three months of nominal winter, is of course, greater. _. ., . Rain is distributed with remarkable uniformity at differ- „ „ • ent seasons of the year. Thus, the summer fall at twenty- one stations has been shown to be 11.13 inches; the winter fall at twenty-six stations, 10.13 inches. The receipts for spring and autumn are nearly equal, and are each about 10.50 inches. Of the aver- age 42 inches of rain received yearly, 25.20 are reabsorbed by the atmos- phere, and 16.20 pass off by the rivers to the sea. It will be readily understood that the evenness of distribution of our rainfall is a very important condition of productiveness. On the one hand we are saved from frequent and protracted droughts, such as afflict the treeless sections of the West, and on the other we are spared from the excessive and sudden rainfalls where everything is endangered by inunda- tion. This equable rainfall is one of the great blessings we receive from our forests. Water-spouts, cyclones, whirlwinds, and "blizzards," which in their violence are so severe in many of the western states that neither man nor beast can face them for any time and yet live, are unknown in Maine. Our trees and wooded hills are sentinels of safety, and our quiet valleys are the abodes of peace and security. Humidity '^^^ humidity of the climate is remarkable. The air, on an of Climate average, is more than three-fourths saturated with mois- ture. Even in the summer months the air generally con- tains 75 per cent, of the amount of moisture it is capable of holding at that temperature. In other words, it is devoid of dry, burning heat, in GEOGRAPHY 39 striking contrast with the scorching air of the treeless sections of our country and of our densely populated cities. This is why Maine is so much enjoyed as a vacation land by the large numbers who seek our hills, lakesides and forests during the hot months from the large cities of Bos- ton, New York, Philadelphia and Washington. During the months of July and August there is much fog along the coast, but in the interior, and throughout by far the larger portion of the state, the sky is usually bright and clear. In fact, brightness and sunshine characterize our climate, and the air contains an abundance of ozone. p. The river system forms the grandest natural feature of the state. No other state in the Union has so many rivers and streams. Maine has 5,151 rivers and streams of a size sufficient to be marked upon the state map. The rivers are divided into two systems : First. The interior river system : commencing at the western bound- ary, the Saco, 45 miles long, fed by 75 lakes represents 17,493 horse-power. The Androscoggin, 157 miles long, fed by 148 lakes and ponds represents 85,200 horse-power. The Kennebec, 155 miles long, fed by 311 lakes and ponds represents 101,000 horse-power. The Penobscot, 300 miles long, fed by 467 lakes and ponds represents at Bangor 55,600 horse-power. The St. Croix, partly in New Brunswick, is 97 miles long and is fed by 61 lakes. The St. John, in Maine 211 miles long, has a total length of 450 miles. It is fed by 206 lakes in Maine. Second. The seaboard river system: there are eight rivers in this system; Dennys, 25 miles long, fed by 22 lakes; Machias, 48 miles long, fed by 56 lakes; Narraguagus, 50 miles long, fed by 38 lakes; Union, 52 miles long, fed by 43 lakes; St. George, 35 miles long, fed by 72 lakes; Presumpscot, 22 miles long, fed by 45 lakes; Mousam, 25 miles long, fed by 14 lakes; Piscataqua, 40 miles long, fed by 22 lakes; Royal River, fed by 6 lakes. _ , The lakes of Maine are famous for their extent and beauty. They form immense reservoirs for water which are the source of the state's water power. The total number of these lakes is 1620. This does not include a multitude of ponds scattered over the state. The lakes have a combined water surface of 3200 square miles. This gives Maine one lake to every twenty square miles of territory. J , J The long extent of the Maine coast with its bays, coves and harbors, is filled with islands. There are more than four hundred ranging from 1100 to 16,000 acres. The State of Maine has a name which antedates the names of all other states except Virginia and Massachusetts. The manner in which the name was given has been a subject of much contro- versy. Many historians assert that the name first appeared in the charter granted in 1639 by Charles I to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and that it was 40 THE MAINE BOOK bestowed in compliment to the queen of England, a daughter of Henry IV of France, who was connected by title or estate with the province of Meyne in France. Others have claimed that French colonists gave the name in memory of this same province. It is now, however, a matter of authori- tative record that the title "Province of Maine" was first used in the grant made by the Council of New England to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Cap- tain John Mason in 1622. Long before the appearance of the title in this grant, the word "main" in the sense of mainland had been in common use among the early explorers along the New England coast, and it is from this use that the name is derived. Residents of the islands along the coast to this day speak of "the main." CHAPTER VIII COLONIAL MAINE The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620. The history of Maine antedates that memorable event. Martin Pring, an English explorer, was on the coast of Maine in 1603. De Monts, a Frenchman, landed with colo- nists on the island of St. Croix, below Calais, in 1604. Waymouth, with a band of English explorers, was at St. George's Island Harbor and ascended the St. George's river in 1605. Pring was here again in 1606. The Pop- ham colonists established themselves at the mouth of the Kennebec in 1607. There were Jesuit colonists on the Penobscot in 1611 and at Mount Desert in 1613. English fishermen and traders were then on the coast from year to year. Capt. John Smith was at Monhegan in 1614. Long after the landing of the Pilgrims, Maine held an independent position. The grant of the Province of Maine to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Captain John Mason, by the Great Council of New England, was made in 1622. Christopher Levett secured from the same source in 1623 a grant of six thousand acres in Casco Bay. In 1629, the Pilgrims at Plymouth secured a grant of land on both sides of the Kennebec, which enabled them to con- trol the Indian trade of the river, and which later, having been sold by them, was known as the "Kennebec Purchase." A grant of land on the north side of the Saco river, including the site of the present city of Saco, was made by the Great Council in 1630 to Thomas Lewis and Richard Bonighton. Also, in the same year, land on the south side of the Saco, including the site of the present city of Biddeford, was granted to John Oldham and Richard Vines. That also was the date of the Muscongus Patent, granting lands at Muscongus to John Beauchamp and Thomas Leverett, a grant later known as the Waldo Patent. The Lygonia Patent, covering a tract of land forty miles square, extending from Cape Por- poise to the Androscoggin River, bears the same date. The Black Point Grant to Thomas Cammock, a nephew of the Earl of Warwick, was made in 1631. So also in the same year a grant of land on the Pejepscot river was made to Richard Bradshaw; another of land on Cape Elizabeth to Robert Trelawny and Moses Goodyear; another on the east side of the Agamenticus river to Ferdinando Gorges, a grandson of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Walter Norton and others; also two thousand acres at Cape Por- poise to John Stratton ; also land at Pemaquid to Robert Aldworth and Gyles Elbridge. In 1632, grants of land on the Pejepscot river were made 42 COLONIAL MAINE 43 to George Way and Thomas Purchase. In 1634, in the final division of the Patent for New England by the great Council, number seven, includ- ing the territory between the Piscataqua and the Kennebec, was assigned to Sir Ferdinando Gorges. In 1636, Gorges leased to George Cleeve and Richard Tucker "a neck of land called Machegonne," now Portland. The royal charter of the Province of Maine to Sir Ferdinando Gorges by Charles II, designed to confirm the allotment made to Gorges in the divi- sion of the Patent for New England, was granted in 1639. During the decade and more that followed, affairs were in a disturbed state in the province because of the conflict between the King and Parliament. As the power of the royalist party in England weakened, George Cleeve in 1643, in opposition to the Gorges interest, enhsted the aid of Colonel Alex- ander Rigby in resuscitating the Lygonia Patent of 1630, and received a commission as Deputy President of the Province of Lygonia. Other inter- ests were pressing. In this unsettled state of affairs civil government of necessity languished, and in 1651 the General Court of the Province of Maine appealed to Parliament for protection. Thus far, in these beginnings of colonization, Maine had maintained an independent position. But at this juncture of affairs the colonists of Massachusetts Bay saw an opportunity to extend their dominion in this direction. The charter of the Bay colony established its northern bound- ary three miles north of the Merrimac river. This was now interpreted to mean three miles north of the source of the river, and a line drawn east from this point to the sea brought the land covered by the Gorges and Cleeve interests within the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. In 1652, the General Court appointed Commissioners to determine the line, but not without protest and opposition on the part of the colonists of Maine who were in sympathy with the above interests. Gradually the Government of Massachusetts was extended northward. Kittery and Gorgeana yielded submission in 1652; Wells, Cape Porpoise and Saco in 1653; and Black Point, Blue Point, Spurwink and Casco in 1658. The materials of the history of Maine during this period of inde- pendence are to be found largely in England. Something in gathering these materials, has already been done by the Maine Historical Society. Much has been done by the Hon. James P. Baxter. Added researches will doubtless have their reward. All possible sources of information should be carefully examined, and the materials for the history of this early period in Maine life and achievement should be made accessible to those who are interested in it. To this newly acquired territory, Massachusetts gave the name York- shire, or County of York. Subsequently, after the overthrow of the Pro- tectorate and the restoration of Charles II, the colonists in the former Province of Maine requested to be placed again under the authority of 44 THE MAINE BOOK the King, or of the heir of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. But the General CouTt of Massachusetts also sent a petition to the King, and matters were allowed to rest until 1664, when the grandson of Gorges obtained an order from the King requiring Massachusetts to restore the Province of Maine to Gorges or his Commissioners. After various efforts on both sides, the territory meanwhile being brought under the jurisdiction of a provincial government independent of Massachusetts and the Gorges interests, the General Court of Massachusetts, March 15, 1678, purchased of Ferdinando Gorges, grandson of Sir Ferdinando, all his interest in the Province of Maine for twelve hundred and fifty pounds sterling. This purchase strengthened the hold of Massachusetts upon its former eastward posses- sions, and in 1680 the General Court proceeded to reorganize civil admin- istration in Maine with Thomas Danforth as President of the Province. But the charter of Massachusetts was annulled in 1684, and the govern- ment of the colony reverted to the crown. Charles II died in 1685, and James II appointed Andros Governor of New England. His career was cut short by a revolution in England, which drove James from the throne ; and William and Mary, who succeeded James, issued October 7, 1691, a charter, which incorporated, under the title of the ''Province of Massa- chusetts Bay," the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, the Colony of Plymouth, the Province of Maine and the territory of Nova Scotia. In this way the title of Massachusetts to the territory east of the Piscataqua was con- firmed, though on account of its remoteness and the distracted state of the country. Nova Scotia was separated from the Province of Massachu- setts Bay by the Lords of Trade in 1696, and it was made a royal province in 1713. Maine remained a part of Massachusetts until the separation in 1820. This period in the history of Maine covers upwards of one hundred and fifty years. The historical sources of the period are to be found largely in the State House in Boston and in the various depositories of public records in London. Considerable work in gleaning information at these sources has already been done as in the earlier period; but much awaits our hands. Certainly no others can have so deep an interest in the his- tory of Maine as the people of Maine, and postponement only makes the task pressing upon us more difl^cult. CHAPTER IX INDIAN FORTS When the Indian Wars broke out it was found necessary to guard against sudden and unexpected attacks. A system of forts was designed for this emergency. Following is a list of these forts, also the place and date of their erection. Fort Charles. Erected 1667. Bristol. Frankfort. Erected 1754 by Plymouth Company in Dresden, after- ward named Fort Shirley. Frederick. Erected 1729. Pemaquid. George, Erected 1715. Brunswick. George. Erected 1779. Castine. Halifax. Erected 1754. Three-quarters of a mile below Ticonet Falls, Winslow. Hammonds. Northeast part of Arrowsick Island, next to Cross River, opposite Monseag Bay. La Tour and Alexander. Erected 1630. Located on River St. John. Loyal. Erected 1680. Portland. Pemaquid. Erected 1667. Penobscot or Pentagoet. Ere'Cted 16 — . Built by La Tour. Pownall. Erected 1769. Preble. House Island. Built at the same time as Fort Scammell, 1807-8. Richmond. Erected 1719-29. Ancient establishment on Western side of the Kennebec, 1^ miles below Fort Frankfort, nearly opposite upper end of Swan Island. Saco. Erected 1693. Western side of Saco river near the Falls. St. George. Erected 1707. Popham colony. St. George. Erected 1719-20. Thomaston. Scammell. House Island. Erected 1807-8. So named in honor of a brave colonel in the American Revolution. Shirley. Erected 1754. See Frankfort. Western. Erected 1754. Augusta, by proprietors of the Plymouth patent or Kennebec purchase, anciently called by the Indians, Cushnoc. William Henrv. Erected 1692. 46 CHAPTER X THE FIRST NAVAL BATTLE OF THE REVOLUTION On the nineteenth day of April, 1775, the intrepid farmers of Lexing- ton fired the "shot heard around the world," and on the twelfth day of June, five days before the Battle of Bunker Hill, a sturdy Irishman on the easterly shore of the Province of Maine, with a handful of brave lum- bermen, river-drivers, farmers, and sailors, their hearts burning with the same flame of patriotism, successfully fought the first naval battle of the American Revolution, captured the first British war vessel, was the first to haul down the British flag in that great conflict for human rights. One, whose name will be forever interwoven with the story of that stirring event, was Captain Ichabod Jones. In 1765 he was a shipmaster and a person of some means, living in Boston. During that summer, he made a trip in a schooner eastward, for both pleasure and profit, stopping at Mount Desert. While in that port, he learned for the first time of the Machias settlement and went immediately there, where he disposed of his cargo of goods to good advantage, loaded his vessel with lumber, and returned to Boston. He continued to do an increasing and thrifty business along these lines until 1774, when the English Parliament passed what is known in history as the "Boston Port Bill," which was an enactment that no more merchandise of any kind should be landed at or shipped from the wharves of Boston. This condition at the port of Boston necessarily interrupted Captain Jones' trade. The spring of 1775 found him at Machias engaged in loading his two sloops, the Unity and the Polly, with lumber, but giving Captain Hor- ton of the Polly orders to touch at Cape Ann and Salem for a market, and failing there, to proceed to some port in Connecticut. But, on arriving at Salem, Captain Horton found the whole coast in an uproar, and the inhabitants generally, especially in the large towns, in dire distress, and ready for almost anything except trade in lumber. Captain Horton put into the port of Boston, where he met Captain Jones. These two then concluded to return at once to Machias with their families, their own household goods, and also a quantity of merchandise for the people there, who had become in a great measure destitute, by reason of the unsettled state of business during the past year. 47 48 THE MAINE BOOK At this juncture, Captain Jones was in rather a troublesome quandary. He realized the necessity of carrying supplies to Machias, and he had a great desire to take his family there as well. He also feared the ire of the Machias patriots when they should dis- cover him in their port under the protection of the English flag, for, in order to leave the harbor, he was obliged to have a permit from Admiral Graves. This permit would be granted only upon condition that he return from Machias to Boston with lumber which the British desired to purchase for barracks for troops, and he must also submit to making the trip under the protection of an armed schooner, the Margaretta. She was a cutter of about one hundred tons, carrying forty men, commanded by Midshipman Moore, and also equipped with four four-pounders, in the holds, several swivels mounted, and a "sufl^cient number of hand grenades," besides muskets, pistols, etc. The object of this supervision of the cruise of the Margaretta was not only to see to it that Captain Jones carried out his agreement to return to Boston with the sloops laden with lumber, but also to protect him from trouble with the Machias people, if any should arise. The two sloops convoyed by the armed Margaretta, flying the British flag, sailed into Machias Harbor June 2, 1775. It was a bright and tranquil June day when the fragrance of broad meadows and pine woods filled the air, and the birds sang sweet and joy- ous notes, and waters of river and sea were still, and all nature rejoiced, as nature always does on glorious June days. Entering the harbor of Machias on this June day, the captain of the Margaretta unnecessarily provoked a quarrel with the inhabitants in ordering them to take down their "liberty pole." A town meeting was called to see if the town would vote to remove the offensive pole and the town voted unanimously in the negative. It was evident that the deter- mination to rebel against the innumerable acts of the Crown designed to destroy Colonial liberty permeated every colony of the Province of Maine. Under the leadership of Benjamin Foster and Morris O'Brien it was decided to capture the English officers while they were in church on Sunday, June 11, 1775. A carefully laid plan was marked out and without doubt would have been successful had not a colored man, the body-servant of Parson Lyon, seeing some armed men crossing a foot-bridge near the church, made an outcry, and wild with excitement, leaped from the window. This broke up the meeting, and the ofl[icers, believing that an attempt was being made to entrap them, made their escape. They hastened to their vessel, weighed anchor, and sailed away toward safety. THE FIRST NAVAL BATTLE OF THE REVOLUTION 49 The people of Machias then resolved to seize Jones' sloops and pursue the cutter. One of these, the Polly, was not in available condition, but they took possession of the Unity, Jones' other sloop, and during the remainder of Sunday and that night made preparations for the attack. They sent scouts to the East River village and neighboring plantations for volunteers, arms, and ammunition. A messenger was dispatched to Chandler's River to procure powder and ball, and, as the men of that settlement were all absent at Machias, two girls, Hannah and Rebecca Weston, nineteen and seventeen years old, procured forty pounds of powder and balls and brought them to Machias, a distance of twenty miles through the woods, following a line of blazed or "spotted" trees. In the early dawn of the following morning (June 12), the expedition started down the river in pursuit of the Margaretta. The crew of the Unity, so far as known, numbered about forty, and one-half of these had muskets, with only about three rounds of ammunition. The rest armed themselves with pitchforks, narrow and broad axes, heavy wooden clubs, mauls, etc. For provisions they had "a small bag of bread, a few pieces of pork and a barrel of water." So sudden and impulsive had this undertaking been, that at first it was only an unorganized mob, but, while sailing down the river with a favoring wind, they were more contemplative, and completed their plans by choosing Jeremiah O'Brien as captain, and Edmund Stevens, lieutenant ; and, understanding that they had no powder to waste, they, decided to bear down on the enemy's ship, board her, and decide the contest at once. The Unity was well into the Bay when the Margaretta was first sighted off Round Island, and she, being the more rapid sailer, was soon along her side. The helmsman of the Margaretta, who was Captain Robert Avery, had fallen from a shot fired by an old moose hunter on board the Unity, by the name of Knight, and an immediate volley of musketry from her deck astonished and demoralized the enemy. The bowsprit of the Unity plunged into her mainsail, holding the two vessels together for a short time. While they were in this position, one of the O'Brien brothers, John, sprang upon the Margaretta's deck, but the vessels suddenly parted, carrying the audacious John alone on board the British vessel. It is said that seven of her crew instantly aimed and fired muskets at him, but he remained unscratched ; they then charged upon him with their bayonets and again he escaped by plunging overboard, and, amidst a storm of bullets from the enemy, regained his own vessel. Captain O'Brien then ordered his sloop alongside of the Margaretta. Twenty of his crew were selected to board her, armed with pitchforks, and a hand-to-hand conflict on her deck resulted in the surrender of the 50 THE MAINE BOOK Margaretta to the Americans, and Jeremiah O'Brien hauled down the Brit- ish ensign flying at her mast-head. In all the history of war, on land or sea, it is doubtful if there is a record of any adventure which exceeds this one for dauntless courage and a bold defiance of death. f ^1k BENEDICT AEXOLD CHAPTER XI ARNOLD'S EXPEDITION TO QUEBEC When Benedict Arnold was leading the forces of the King against his former compatriots in Virginia, it is reported that among his prison- ers was a certain plucky and witty officer, who, in answer to Arnold's question, "What will the Americans do with me if they catch me?" replied, 'They will cut off the leg which was w^ounded when you were fighting so gloriously for the cause of liberty, and bury it with the honors of war, and hang the rest of your body on a gibbet !" The answer gave fit expression to the detestation with which all stead- fast patriots regarded the man who had done his best to betray their cause, but it also hints at the earlier fame which Arnold once deserved and enjoyed. The Arnold of Ticonderoga and Quebec, whose name was a synonym for bravery, determination and patriotic fervor, is not often remembered now. His good deeds are forever obscured by the shadow of his great crime. But it will help us to do full justice to that strange and unfortunate man, if we follow again the story of the gallant but ill- fated expedition which he led through the wilderness of Maine and Canada, and against the icy ramparts of impregnable Quebec. And while we do so let us not forget that had he fallen as did Montgomery before the citadel, his whole body, and not his shattered leg only, would have been entitled to burial with the most glorious honors of war. He would have been counted one of the noblest martyrs of the cause of liberty, not its despised and execrated Judas. The invasion of Canada was one of the very earliest strategic moves in the war of the Revolution. From the inception of the struggle wdth the mother country, the colonists appreciated to the full the military and political advantages to 'be gained by enlisting the Canadians in its support. General Washington, who had recently taken command of the colonial troops besieging Boston, had communicated to Congress, with his approval, another expedition, to be sent against Canada. This army was to attempt by rapid marches to surprise and capture Quebec. The expedition thus resolved upon, W^ashington chose Benedict Arnold as its commander, and Congress promptly voted him a colonel's commission in the Continental service. The young officer entrusted with this responsible command was born at Norwich, Connecticut, January 14, 1741. He came of good stock, being a great-grandson of Benedict Arnold, the second governor of the colony of Rhode Island. 52 ■ ARNOLD'S EXPEDITION TO QUEBEC 53 As a youngster, Arnold ran away to serve in the French War of 1756, but was promptly returned at the request of his parents. Arnold's mother's name was Hannah Waterman, and her family was worthy and influential. It was her interest, no doubt, which secured her son's apprenticeship to the trade of apothecary with her relatives, Drs. Daniel and Joshua Lothrop, both graduates of Yale College, and the leading importers of drugs in New England. Having served his apprenticeship, he made several voyages to the West Indies as super-cargo of a vessel in which he was interested, and then upon returning from a journey to London, he hung out his sign at New Haven, '*B. Arnold, druggist, bookseller, etc. From London." He had married, in New Haven, Miss Margaret Mansfield, the accom- plished daughter of Samuel Mansfield, high-sheriff of the county, by whom he had thi-ee children. He was rather short in stature, thickset and very muscular, and of good figure. He had dark hair, light eyes, a florid com- plexion and features which might fairly be called handsome. He was an excellent horseman, no mean sailor, and a splendid shot with either rifle or pistol. His skill with the latter had stood him in good stead on the dueling-ground, and was destined to save his life once, at least, in close quarters on the battlefield. The plan of campaign had nothing novel in it, beyond the route of the inland waters of Maine and Canada and the element of surprise. "From the mouth of the Kennebec River to Quebec, on a straight line," he wrote to Congress, "is two hundred and ten miles. The river is navigable for sloops about thirty-eight miles, and for flat-bottomed boats about twenty-two miles; then you meet Ticonic Falls, and from Ticonic Falls to Norridgewock, as the river runs, is thirty-one. miles, from thence to the first carrying place, about thirty miles ; carrying place four miles, then a pond to cross and another carrying place about two miles to another pond ; then a carrying place about three or four miles to another pond, then a carrying place to the western branch of the Kennebec River, called the Dead River, then up that river as it runs thirty miles, some small falls and short carrying places intervening; then you come to the Height of Land and about six miles carrying places, into a branch which leads into Ammeguntick pond, the head of Chaudiere River, which falls into the St. Lawrence about four miles above Quebec." The greatest difficulty before the expedition from a military point of view lay in the inadequacy of the Kennebec settlements as a base of supplies in case of unforeseen emergencies. The hamlets, towns only in name, were hardly more than clearings in the forests which still covered the banks of this noble river. The settlement of the region had indeed begun as early as 1639, when John Parker established his trading post and fishing station at the mouth of the river, but other pioneers had been 54 THE MAINE BOOK slow to follow him, and whenever any considerable number had made homes for themselves in the wilderness, they and their families had met a tragic end in one of the Indian forays which for a century and a half wasted the borders of New England. By 1775 some progress in the settlement and civilization of the Ken- nebec valley had indeed been made, since the danger from the savages was now greatly diminished by the final expulsion of the French power from Canada. A fairly good road had been opened as far as Fort Western, and there was a wood road at least to Fort Halifax, Georgetown at the mouth of the river, Woolwich, Pownalborough, Pittston, Vassalborough, and Winslow on the eastern bank, Broad Bay and Gardinerstown on the opposite shore, had made places for themselves in the wilderness and achieved names. But between Georgetown and the Falls of Norridgewock, a hundred miles above, there were probably not over five hundred white people, if so many. Pownalborough, the most pretentious village (the present town of Dresden), numbered fully half of these, and was the shire town of the county of Lincoln. It needs no technical military knowl- edge to understand that a country so thinly peopled was poorly adapted to furnish a base of supplies even for an armament no larger than Arnold's. The army gathered under Washington's command at the siege of Boston numbered about eighteen thousand men, and was principally com- posed of New England volunteers. From this army it was determined to detach something more than a thousand troops for the Quebec expedi- tion — not a large force, yet outnumbering all the British regulars then in Canadian garrisons. September 6, 1775, order was given to draft the men for Quebec from their regiments, while a company of carpenters was sent forward to Colburn's shipyard, at Agry's Point, near Pittston, about two miles below Gardiner, on the eastern bank of the Kennebec, where the two hundred bateaux which the expedition would require were to be built. The whole force, all volunteers, was composed of three companies of riflemen and two battalions of musketeers, and numbered about eleven hundred men. Camp attendants, officers' servants, guides, and a few men enlisted on the Kennebec must have later swelled this number to nearly twelve hundred. The rivalry among the many rifle companies in camp at Cambridge was so great that to avoid jealousy and ill-feeling, the captains were allowed to draw lots. Chance decided in favor of the companies of William Hendricks, Matthew Smith and Daniel Morgan. Their marksmanship was the wonder of the camp at Cambridge. Loading and firing on the run, they would often pierce a target only seven inches in diameter at a distance of two hundred and fiftv vards. ARNOLD'S EXPEDITION TO QUEBEC 55 It was wisely a body of young men. Arnold himself was but thirty- four. Enos, the oldest of the officers, and, as the event was to prove, the least reliable, was forty-five. The other officers were all below forty. Morgan was thirty-eight, a splendid man, standing over six feet in his moccasins and weighing two hundred pounds. His aspect was command- ing, his voice stentorian, his strength and endurance invincible. Smith, the hero — or devil — of the massacres at Conestoga and Lancaster jail, of which Parkman tells us in "The Conspiracy of Pontiac," was somewhat j'ounger; Meigs a trifle older; Greene, Hendricks, Bigelow and the others were younger still. His army consisted of ten companies of musketry, from Maine and Massachusetts, and three companies of riflemen, from Pennsylvania and Virginia. Several persons connected with this expedition afterward became noted as war leaders and public men; among whom were Daniel Morgan, commander of the riflemen ; Aaron Burr, subsequently Vice Pres- ident, then a youth of twenty; and Henry Dearborn, of Pittston on the Kennebec, who afterwards became Secretary of War. The plan was to ascend Kennebec River and its chief western tributary to the range of hills which forms the boundary of Maine on the northwest, whence they would soon strike the head waters of the Chaudiere, a river emptying into the St. Lawrence. The expedition sailed from Newburyport on the 16th of September; and, entering the Kennebec, ascended to Pittston, where two hundred bateaux were in readiness. Dismissing the vessels, the troops entered the bateaux and continued on to Fort Western, in Augusta, where they spent several days in procuring guides and provisions. The halt was enlivened by festivities of a generous sort, for the citizens of the vicinity were for the most part ardent Whigs, and rejoiced in the opportunity of honoring a band of patriots embarked in so glorious an undertaking. There is mention of one feast in particular — a monstrous barbecue of which three bears, roasted whole in true frontier style, were the most conspicuous victims. 'Squire Howard and his neighbors con- tributed corn, potatoes, and melons from their gardens, quintals of smoked salmon from their storehouses, and great golden pumpkin pies from their kitchens. As if this were not sufficient, venison was plenty, and beef, pork and bread were added from the commissary's supplies. After these festivities they continued their journey. First of all went a small exploring party ; after this followed Morgan with the rifle- men, then Green, Bigelow and Meigs with the main body of the troops, while Colonel Enos brought up the rear. Arnold staid to see the last boat load depart ; then, entering an Indian canoe, he passed one company after another, overtaking the riflemen on the third day at Bombazee Rips in Norridgewock. Here the boats had all to be drawn ashore and carried 56 THE MAINE BOOK a mile and a quarter to reach the navigable water above. It was found that the boats were leaky, and that a great part of the provision was spoiled or damaged ; and seven days elapsed before repairs were completed and they again embarked on the river. After passing Carratunk Falls the stream grew so rapid that the men were obliged to wade and push the boats more than half the way to the Great Carrying Place, twelve miles below the Forks. The carry was four- teen miles long ; but three little ponds on the way afforded them as many rests, and a plenty of delicious trout. Then they met Dead River flowing calmly through grand old forests resplendent with all the brilliant hues of autumn. Passing falls and rapids, they at length beheld rising above the woods a lofty mountain already white with snow. Here Arnold encamped for three days, displaying from a tall staff over his tent the Continental flag; while Major Bigelow ascended the mountain in the vain hope of seeing the spires of Quebec. The township in which the camps were pitched is now called Flagstaff Plantation, and the mountain bears the name of Bigelow, in commemoration of these events. Soon after leaving this point a heavy rain storm set in. The water rushed in torrents down the hills, the river channel filled with drift wood, and the water burst into the valley where the soldiers were encamped with such suddenness that they had scarcely time to retreat to the bateaux before the whole plain was covered with water. Worse than all, seven boats were upset, and the stores lost; leaving them only twelve days' provisions, with thirty miles more of hills, woods and marshes between them and the head waters of the Chaudiere, Many had become sick from toil and exposure, and were sent back to the division of Colonel Enos, who was now ordered to send the invalids to the settlements, and come on as .fast as possible with his best men and provisions for fifteen days. He had only three days' provisions; and, at a council of his officers, it was decided that the whole division must return or perish. The rain had changed to snow, and the ponds, marshes and streams became covered with ice; yet the men were often obliged to wade and push the bateaux. Many of the boats were abandoned, for the oxen had been killed for food; and everything had to be carried by the men. On the 27th of October the boats were lifted for the last time from the waters of Maine, and a portage of four miles brought them to a small stream down which they urged the remaining bateaux to Lake Megantic, the chief source of the Chaudiere. The next morning a party of fifty-five men were sent forward through the woods to the French settlements, still seventy miles further, for pro- visions, while Arnold with thirteen men set off in five bateaux and a canoe. They were without a guide; and no sooner had they left the lake and entered the river than they were obliged to lash their freight to the boats ARNOLD'S EXPEDITION TO QUEBEC 57 lest it should be thrown overboard by the turbulent current. The roar of the stream increased. Three boats were dashed in pieces upon the rocks, their contents lost, and their crews left struggling in the water. The main body of the troops followed on as rapidly as they could. In a few days nothing was left except a little flour, which was eaten with water without salt. Old moose hide breeches were boiled and then broiled on the coals, and eaten. Many men died with hunger and fatigue, fre- quently four or five minutes after making their last effort and sitting down. Friday, November 3d, was a memorable day to the little army. Weary, despairing, starving, few could have kept on much longer, when they were met by some cattle sent back by the advanced party with Arnold. They were saved from starvation; but most of them lived for a bloodier death. After many unnecessary delays Arnold led them against the strong city of Quebec, but the golden moment had passed. The garrison had been reinforced, and hundreds of these brave men, who, for the sake of gaining this important post, had endured the toil and famine of the wilder- ness, lay down before the fatal hail of the artillery, making the blood- stained snow their winding sheet. The brave Montgomery and his victori- ous little army, fresh from the capture of Montreal, shared their fate. More than four hundred Americans fell in this attack, while four hundred more were taken captive, and suffered many months of severe imprison- ment. CHAPTER XII THE SEPARATION FROM MASSACHUSETTS There are three epochs in the history of organized government within the territory now belonging to the State of Maine: (1) the period of pro- prietary jurisdictions claimed and in part exercised over sporadic settle- ments; (2) the period of control by Massachusetts, begun in 1652 and continued, with only temporary interruptions, to 1820; (3) the period of statehood. The only records of the early proprietary governments, so far as is known, are contained in the fragmentary and intermittent records of local courts and towns. For the history of the jurisdiction of Massa- chusetts over the province recourse must be had to records outside the present state. The records of the State of Maine are in the archives at Augusta. The story of the transition from the second to the third periods is an interesting one. , T'fl f ^^ early as 1652 the government of Massachusetts claimed, u ff under its charter, jurisdiction over Maine and although this claim was resisted for a time by the inhabitants oi Maine they submitted to it in 1658. In 1676, under proceedings instituted by the enemies of Massachusetts in England, the jurisdiction of Massa- chusetts over Maine and New Hampshire was annulled, and these provinces were restored to the heirs of Gorges and Mason. In 1678 Massachusetts acquired from Ferdinando Gorges, grandson and rightful heir of Sir Fer- dinando Gorges, title to the whole province, from the Piscataqua to Saga- dahoc, for twelve hundred and fifty pounds. But the right of Massachu- setts was not finally settled until the charter of 1691, which not only included the Province of Maine, but the more distant Provinces of Saga- dahoc and Nova Scotia. , ^.. - The first move for the formation of an independent state +• 02curred in the year 1785, The separation was much dis- cussed during the year 1784-85 and this discussion led to the publication of a notification, in the Falmouth Gazette of September 17 and October 1, 1785, to the inhabitants of the counties of York, Cum- berland and Lincoln of a conference to be held on the fifth day of October "on the proposal of having the said counties erected into a separate gov- ernment." In response to the notification thirty-seven persons met at Falmouth and appointed a committee to prepare and send a circular letter to the several towns and plantations within the three counties requesting 58 THE SEPARATION FROM MASSACHUSETTS 59 them to send delegates to a convention to be held on the first Wednesday of January, 1786. At the convention little more was done than to choose and hear the report of a "committee of nine to make out a statement of the grievances the three counties labor under, and also an estimate of the expense of a separate government, and compare the same with the expense of the government we are now under." After accepting the report and ordering it transmitted to the several towns and plantations the con- vention adjourned to the first Wednesday of September, 1786. The convention in September published an address to the people trans- mitting a form of petition to the General Court, but upon the question whether the petition for separation "shall now be presented to the Legis- lature" the convention at first voted to postpone petitioning, and then, after reconsidering by a vote of fifteen to thirteen, voted to leave the petition in the hands of a committee with discretionary powers to retain, or present as they saw fit. The convention adjourned from time to time with ever diminishing numbers and at the last adjournment three of the Portland members were the only delegates present. Thus ended the first attempt at separation. „ , No further public discussion of the question of separation ^. . seems to have occurred until 1791, when an "address to the inhabitants of Maine upon the subject of separation from the present government, by one of their fellow-citizens" was published. This address apparently turned public attention again to the subject, for the Massachusetts Legislature on March 6, 1792, empowered the officers of the counties of York, Cumberland, Lincoln, Hancock and Washington to call meetings of the inhabitants of the towns within these counties for the purpose of giving their votes on the proposed separation. The decision of the people was adverse — the vote being, yeas' 2074, nays 2525. Four conventions were held during the years 1793-95, but very little interest was manifested in them and no decisive action was taken. No further movement towards separation took place until 1797 when a number of petitions were presented to the legislature praying that the question might be again submitted to popular vote. The legislature author- ized the holding of meetings for the purpose of acting upon the question "shall application be made to the legislature for its assent that the Dis- trict of Maine be erected into a new state?" The vote showed that a majority of the voters were still opposed to separation. In 1806 there was a renewal of the discussion and in April, War ot 18 I ^g^^^ ^^^ people again voted upon the question of separa- tion. From one hundred and fifty towns from which returns were received, the vote stood, in favor of separation 3370, against it 9404. This decisive expression put the question at rest until after the close of the War of 1812. During the war the want of a local state government was severely 60 THE MAINE BOOK felt. Petitions were again presented to the legislature and a resolve was passed submitting the following question: "Shall the legislature be requested to give its consent to the separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts Proper, and to the erection of said District into a separate state?" The whole number of votes returned was 16,894, of which 10,393 were in the' affirmative and 6,501 in the negative. The whole number of voters in the District at that time was 37,858. . June 20, 1816, the legislature passed an act providing for Bi unswic ^-^^ separation and establishment of Maine as an independent Convention ^^^^^^ Section second of the act provided for the election of delegates to a constitutional convention to meet at Brunswick on the last Monday of September, 1816, and that at the same meeting held for the election of delegates the voters should be requested to give in their votes upon the following question, "Is it expedient that the District of Maine shall be separated from Massachusetts, and become an independent state?" and that if a majority of five to four of the votes returned were in favor the convention should proceed to form a constitution. The whole number of votes admitted was 22,316; of these, 11,969 were in favor of separation, and 10,347 opposed. This, of course, did not give the requisite majority of five to four, but the committee in charge ascertained that the aggregate majority of yeas in towns voting for separation was 6,031 — the aggregate majority of nays in towns voting against separation was 4,409 and "thus there is a majority of five to four, at least." The doings of this convention came up for confirmation at the session of the General Court in December, 1816, and the committee to whom the subject was referred, after careful and thorough discussion reported that the work of the Brunswick convention was unauthorized and invalid and that, owing to the public feeling in the matter, further action at that session was inexpedient. . „ Discussion was again renewed in 1818, but nothing was * . done until January, 1819. Of the representatives from Maine at that session, one hundred and twenty-five were in favor of separation and only twenty-five opposed to it. About one hun- dred petitions were presented to the legislature and after due consideration the act of June 20, 1819, was passed by a large majority. If the popular majority in favor of separation upon the conditions named in the act was found to be not less than fifteen hundred a constitutional convention was to be called. The number of votes cast was 24,233; in favor of separation, 17,091 ; against it, 7,132. . ^ f -f f • 1 'Th^ convention to frame the constitution for the new state Con" t' ^^^ ^^ Portland, October 11, 1819. There was a contest over the name of the new state. "Columbus" was sug- gested, and also "Ligonia," but "Maine" was the preference of a great THE SEPARATION FROM MASSACHUSETTS 61 majority of the delegates. By a majority of six "State" was preferred to ''Commonwealth" and on a reconsideration the majority was nearly forty. There were earnest debates upon certain provisions in the consti- tution but there was little or no acrimony in the discussion. The session lasted a little over a fortnight. The popular vote on the adoption of the constitution, as officially reported to the convention at its adjourned ses- sion, January 6, 1820, was 9,050 in favor and 796 against. As a result of the Missouri compromise President Monroe signed the Maine bill on March 3, and on March 15, 1820, the separation from Massachusetts became complete. „, The joint commission, prescribed by the Act of Separation, „ . ^. ^was filled thus: Massachusetts appointed Timothy Bige- "low and Levi Lincoln; Maine, Benjamin Porter and James Bridge; and these four chose Silas Holman and Lathrop Lewis to com- plete the board. From October 30, 1820, to November 27, 1827, the Com- missioners held twelve formal meetings, eight in Boston, three in Port- land and one in Bangor and Augusta. They made exhaustive surveys of the public lands and divided the same, in accordance with the terms of the act, one-half to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and one-half to the State of Maine. They also adjusted all personal property owned in common, giving two-thirds to Massachusetts and one-third to Maine, and made new treaties with the Indians. p hi* T H Massachusetts held title to her one-half of the public lands until 1853 when the Maine legislature passed the fol- lowing resolve: "Resolved: That the land agent proceed without delay to Bos- ton, for the purpose of ascertaining from the authorities of Massa- chusetts, the terms on which that state will sell or surrender to Maine, all her interests in the lands in this state. Also upon what terms Massachusetts will sell to Maine her interest in the lands known and denominated as settling lands, independently of the timber lands, and report to the legislature as soon as may be." By a :Curther resolve the Legislature was directed to choose by ballot three commissioners to make negotiations with Massachusetts for the purchase of these lands. The commissioners for Maine were Reuel Williams, WilHam P. Fessenden and Elijah L. Hamlin, and on the part of the Com- monwealth were E. M. Wright, Jacob H. Loud and David Wilder. An extra session of the Legislature was held September 20, 1853, at which time the report of the joint commission was received and accepted and their acts ratified and confirmed by a resolve approved September 28. 1853. CHAPTER XIII RATIFICATION OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION A convention was called in Massachusetts in 1788 to consider the ratification of the proposed constitution of the United States. It was generally conceded that upon the result in Massachusetts depended the ratification by the other colonies. Washington was extremely anxious, and was kept informed of the proceedings. Knox writes him the 10th of February, 1788, "It is now no secret that on the opening of the Conven- tion a majority were prejudiced against it." The convention opened on January 9th. The debates were acrimonious, particularly on the part of those opposing ratification, and of the five leaders of this opposition, three were from the District of Maine. On the 2d of February a Com- mittee of Compromise was appointed by the President, John Hancock. Had it not been for the adoption of the report of this committee Massa- chusetts would have probably failed to ratify the constitution, and through this failure the colonies also. Of the twenty-five members of the com- mittee, six were from the District of Maine. They were Rev. Dr. Moses Hemenway, Wells; Nathaniel Barrell, Esq., York; John Fox, Portland; Stephen Longfellow, Jr., Portland ; Dummer Bewail, Bath ; David Sylvester, Pownalborough. The following extract from a letter of Lucilius A. Emery, formerly chief justice of the supreme Judicial Court of Maine, has some interesting facts relative to Maine's part in the convention. "Several towns were not represented and out of a total of 355 dele- gates in the convention only 46 appeared from what is now Maine. I do not find that any Maine delegate advocated in debate the ratification of the proposed federal constitution, but some few did strongly oppose ratifi- cation. On the vote being finally taken the Maine delegates voted as follows : In Favor of Ratification — Nathaniel Barrell, York ; Rev. Moses Hemen- way, Wells ; Nathaniel Wells, Wells ; Jacob Bradbury, Buxton ; Thomas Cutts, Pepperellboro ; John Low, Coxhall; John K, Smith, Falmouth; John Fox, Portland; Joseph McLellan, Portland; David Mitchell, North Yar- mouth ; Samuel Merrill, Yarmouth ; William Thompson, Scarboro ; John Dunlap, Brunswick ; Isaac Snow, Harpswell ; John Dyer, Cape Elizabeth ; Samuel Perley, Gray ; Thomas Rice, David Sylvester, Pownalboro ; Nathan- iel Wyman, Georgetown; David Gilmore, Woolwich; WilHam McCobb. Boothbay; Samuel Grant, Vassalboro; Moses Davis, Edgecomb; David Fales, Thomaston; Dummer Sewall, Bath — 25. 62 . RATIFICATION OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION 63 Opposed to Ratification — Ellas Preble, York; Moses Adams, James Neal, Kittery; Elijah Thayer, Nathaniel Low, Richard Fox Cutts, Ber- wick; Thomas M. Wentworth, Lebanon; Samuel Nasson, Sanford; Moses Ames, Fryeburg; Jeremiah Emery, Shapleigh; Rev. Pelatiah Tingley, Waterboro; Daniel Ilsley, Portland; Stephen Longfellow, Jr., Gorham; William Widgery, New Gloucester; David Murray, Newcastle; Samuel Thompson, Topsham; Jonah Crosby, Winslow; Zaccheus Beal, Bowdoin- ham; William Jones, Bristol; James Carr, Hallowell; Joshua Bran, Win- throp— 21. The total vote in the whole convention was 187 yeas, 168 nays. To this slender majority of 19 in favor of accepting the constitution, Maine contributed 4. The Maine vote by counties was as follows, there being at that time only three counties in that part of the* commonwealth: York, yeas 7, nays 10 ; Cumberland, yeas 10, nays 3 ; Lincoln, yeas 8, nays 8. Nathaniel Barrell of York expressed in debate his dislike of the con- stitution and intimated that a majority of his constituents were opposed to it, but he was satisfied it was the best that could be had and so voted for it. Samuel Nasson of Sanford made a fiery speech against giving Con- gress the power to raise armies and levy taxes directly on the people and voted against the constitution, but after the vote was taken he declared his acquiescence and that he would strive to induce his constituents to accept the result cheerfully. William Widgery of New Gloucester, who had spoken and voted against acceptance, also declared his cheerful acquiescence and sincere resolution to support the action of the con- vention. Samuel Thompson of Topsham, who seemed to have the title of Gen- eral, was apparently incorrigible. He attacked nearly every section of the constitution in debate, often vehemently, and does not seem to have expressed any acquiescence in the result. During the debate on the final question he insisted that it was unconstitutional to adopt the proposed constitution; that the delegates to the Philadelphia convention of 1787 were not authorized to propose a constitution but only to propose am.end- ments to the articles of confederation; that it was a 'wicked' usurpation for them to do anything more. He predicted that the ratification of this work would eventually destroy the liberties of the people." CHAPTER XIV COLONIAL GOVERNMENT Whenever men have developed from the lowest stage of savagery and have attempted to live together in any sort of harmony, some form of government has been evolved. Whatever form it takes, it is forever changing, autocratic, democratic, and back to autocratic again ; the pendu- lum is always swinging. Each age and each race develops its own particu- lar genius in government, and the world gains by the experiment. The four periods into which the government of Maine may be divided are: first, that of the Indians; second, the proprietary; third, that of con- trol by Massachusetts; fourth, our present state government. WHien the first settlers came to the state, they found the Indians in possession. The usual government of the Indians was simple. There was a chief or sagamore, whose office was usually hereditary, for each tribe. Sometimes a head chief presided over several tribes with the tribal chief subordinate to him. There were no written laws, but justice was administered and penalties were exacted by the chief and his council, which was composed of the warriors of the tribe. One tribe living near the New Brunswick border developed a very democratic government. The sachem or chief was elected for life by the men of the tribe. At his death another was chosen. The choice did not always fall on the dead chief's son, though it often did so. The sachem's power was nominal. He had six councillors whom he named, but his selection had to be confirmed by the warriors. He was commander-in-chief of the war forces, but the immediate command was given to another. Such was the government that prevailed among these tribes of savages. The second period, that of the Proprietary Government, extended from 1606 to 1652. ifiOfi James I gave the charter of Virginia to Gorges and Pop- ham. It created two companies, the London Company (the first colony of Virginia) and the Plymouth Company. A general council in England of thirteen members with one representative for each com- pany in the colony constituted the government. A simple code of laws was formed. Some of these follow: 1. Each colony could elect a president and councillors for one year. 2. Land was to descend to heirs as in England. 3. Trial by jury was established. 4. All offenders were to be tried in the colony. 64 COLONIAL GOVERNMENT 65 George Popham was made president with a council of five assistants. James I gave to the Council of New England which suc- ceeded the Plymouth Company a charter which confirmed and included nearly all the rights of the charter of 1606. This charter held for fourteen years. From 1623 to 1631 a number of patents were granted in Maine: the 1st Patent of Agamenticus (York), to Ferdinando Gorges, the 1st Kennebec Patent, the 2d Kennebec Patent, the Patent to the planters at Saco, the Lygonia Patent, the Muscongus or Waldo Patent and the Pemaquid or Sagadahoc Patent. Civil control was granted along with the title to the land and the government varied with the proprietor, who was usually the governor. If he did not govern in person, he appointed a deputy governor who ruled as he pleased, administering justice and mak- ing what laws seemed desirable. ^^„„ The Council of New England dissolved, and control was taken over by the king. The Commissioners of American Plantations were appointed to take charge of colonial affairs. New Eng- land was divided into royal provinces. Ferdinando Gorges was granted the region between the ■ Piscataqua and the Kennebec, which was given the name of New Somersetshire. Capt. William Gorges was sent over as the first deputy governor. He with six commissioners held court at Saco in 1636 ; this was the first provincial court in the present State of Maine. In 1637 Gorges went back to England and this governmental experiment was at an end. ifi^Q Ferdinando Gorges received his long desired charter of the Province of Maine, which included one-sixth the present area of Maine, all the land between the Piscataqua and the Sagadahoc, one hundred and twenty miles inland. Gorges ruled as Lord Palatine after the manner of Lord Baltimore in Maryland. The country was divided into eight bailiwicks or counties and sixteen several hundreds and then into parishes and tithings. The legislative body, consisting of eight mem- bers elected by the people, and the council, levied taxes and made laws. The deputy governor, chancellor, treasurer, marshall, judge marshall, admiral, judge of maritime cases, master of ordnance and secretary were the standing councillors who met each month as a court of justice. The religion was Episcopalian and no provision was made for schools. ^ , The Lygonia Patent was purchased by Sir Alexander Rigby, It had a deputy president and a general assembly consist- ing of assistant magistrates and deputies, the latter chosen by popular vote. The deputy president acted under the advice of a commission appointed by parliament. ^_. After the death of Gorges, the inhabitants formed a com- pact, "to see these parts of the country and province regu- lated according to such laws as have formerly been exercised, and such 66 THE MAINE BOOK others as shall be thought meet, but not repugnant to the fundamental laws of our native country." Edward Godfrey was chosen governor. This government lasted until 1652. ^^ Gorges' heirs did nothing for a time in regard to their prop- erty. Massachusetts had long viewed with disfavor the growth of an independent government in Maine, and even the inhabitants felt the need of some co-ordinate government. Massachusetts, therefore, took over Maine as a county under the name of Yorkshire. Two delegates were sent to the General Court at Boston. The inhabitants were allowed to vote without becoming members of the Puritan church, but entire free- dom of worship was not allowed them. This date marks the beginning of the third period in Maine's government. ififiO '^^^ grandson of Gorges claimed Maine. His commissioners visited the country and set up a form of government, but Massachusetts refused to yield and they were soon recalled. 1668 Massachusetts resumed control. The claim of Gorges was revived, but Massachusetts quietly purchased the Gorges claim for £1250 and held Maine as a 1676-78 proprietor. 1680 Massachusetts reorganized the administration of Maine. A provincial president and deputy president were chosen annually. The legislature was composed of a standing council of eight members and a lower house of deputies chosen from the towns. Thomas Danforth was the first president. ^na4 The charter of Massachusetts was annulled and for seven years Maine, as well as Massachusetts, was governed directly by the crown. Dudley was made president of Massachusetts, New Hamp- shire, Maine and Rhode Island. He had fifteen councillors appointed by the crown to assist him. His administration was very unpopular and lasted only five months. In 1688 Sir Edmond Andros was appointed cap- tain general and vice admiral of New England, New York and the Jerseys. He formed a council of twenty-five members, five of whom constituted a quorum. All legislative, judicial and executive functions were vested in this department. It was a despotic government without constitutional limits. ^^ - Andros was deposed and a provisional government was set up. "A council for the safety of the people and the con- servation of the peace" was chosen. Delegates from the towns were chosen and a meeting of the General Court was advised. This was held in Bos- ton in May of this year and it was decided "to resume the government according to charter rights". Danforth was restored to his oflRce as presi- dent of the Province of Maine. COLONIAL GOVERNMENT 67 ifiQl William and Mary granted Massachusetts her second char- ter, which gave her control of Maine as far as the St. Croix River. Massachusetts' government at this time resembled the English. The governor, lieutenant governor and secretary of state were appointed and commissioned by the crown to hold office during the pleasure of the sovereign. The governor had supreme executive authority. The legisla- ture consisted of two branches, an upper, called council or board of assist- ants, and the lower, the house of representatives. The council was chosen by the old council and the new house of representatives. By charter, three of the council were always from the Province of Maine, and one from Sagadahoc. The representatives were elected by towns. Eight were from Maine. All laws had to be approved by the king. -^_. General Gage dissolved the General Court. From 1775 Massachusetts was governed by the provincial congress composed of delegates from the principal towns of Maine and Massachu- setts. They managed the political affairs but made no laws. -__j. Massachusetts was divided by the Continental Congress into three districts. The northern, composed of York County, Cumberland County and Lincoln County, was called the District of Maine. -_j,^ The constitution of Massachusetts which was adopted in 1780 changed the government greatly. The executive power was vested in the governor, lieutenant governor and an advisory council of nine members. The General Court of two branches, the Senate and the House of Representatives, met annually. The voters had to have an income of $10 or an estate worth $200. The senators were chosen from counties or districts and the number was in proportion to the property. Maine had eight senators. The representatives were chosen by corporate towns, one to every one hundred and fifty taxable polls, and one more for every additional number of three hundred and seventy-five polls. -_j,_ When the United States Constitution was adopted, Maine was made a representative district. 1 820 Maine separated from Massachusetts and was admitted into the Union as a sovereign state, entering upon the fourth period of her government, with which we are all familiar. CHAPTER XV STATE GOVERNMENT IN OUTLINE 1, Senate — thirty-one members elected from senatorial dis- ^ tricts for two years. ^^^^ 2. House of Representatives — one hundred fifty-one mem- bers elected from representative districts for two years. Each house elects its own officers (secretary, messengers, doorkeepers, etc.). I. Executive Officers 1. Governor — elected by popular vote for two years. Execu ive ^ Council — seven members elected by the legislature Depar from the councillor districts for two years. 3. Secretary of State — elected by the legislature for two years. 4. Treasurer — elected by the legislature, but not eligible for more than six years in succession. 5. Attorney General — elected by the legislature for two years. 6. Auditor — elected by popular vote for two years, but not eligible for more than three successive terms. 7. Commissioner of Agriculture — elected by legislature for four years. II. Administrative Officers* 1. Adjutant General — holds office at pleasure of Governor. 2. State Superintendent of Schools — term three years. 3. Land Agent and Forest Commissioner — term three years. 4. State Librarian — term three years. 5. Insurance Commissioner — term three years. 6. Bank Commissioner — term three years. 7. Commissioner of Health — term six years. 8. Commissioner of Labor and Industry — term three years. 9. Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Game — term three years. 10. Agent of Penobscot Indians — holds office at pleasure of governor and council. 11. Agent of Passamaquoddy Indians — holds office at pleasure of governor and council. 12. Superintendent of Public Printing — holds office at pleasure of gov- ernor and council, 13. State Historian — term four vears. 68 STATE GOVERNMENT IN OUTLINE 69 III. Boards and Commissions '■' 1. Public Utilities Commission — three members, seven years. 2. State Highway Commission — three members, three years. 3. State Assessors — three members, six years. 4. Commission of Sea and Shore Fisheries — three members, three years. 5. Maine Library Commission — five members, four years. 6. Industrial Accident Commission — three members, term of chair- man three years, other two members ex-ofRcio. 7. Commissioners of Harbor and Tidal Waters — three members, three years. 8. Commissioners of Pharmacy — three members, three years. 9. Board of Prison Commissioners — three members, three years. 10. Board of Legal Examiners — five members, five years. 11. Maine Board of Accountancy — three members, three years. 12. Board of Registration of Medicine — six members, six years. 13. Board of Registration and Examiners in Optometry — five mem- bers, three years. 14. Board of Veterinary Examiners — three members, three years. 15. Board of Dental Examiners — five members, five years. 16. Board of Embalming Examiners — four members, three years. 17. Board of Charities and Corrections — five members, five years. 18. Board of Arbitration and Conciliation — three members, three years. 19. Board of Examination and Registration of Nurses — five members, three years. 20. Inspectors of Steamboats — two members, five years. 21. Board of Osteopathic Examination and Registration — five mem- bers, five years. 22. Board of Vocational Education — three members, chairman ex- ofRcio, other two members three years. 23. State Park Commission — three members, four years. 24. Commissioners for Promotion of Uniformity of Legislation in the United States — three members, four years. y J. . , Supreme Judicial Court. A Chief Justice and seven asso- -p^ ciate justices appointed by governor with advice and con- sent of council, for seven years. -Administrative officers, boards and commissions have been provided for at various times to meet the demands of particular classes of public business. Appointments are made by the governor v:ith the advice and consent of the council. CHAPTER XVI LOCAL GOVERNMENT In a democratic country like ours, the ability of the people to govern themselves is best displayed in the smaller divisions of government, the state, the county, the city or town. Maine has these divisions and in addi- tion the plantation. „ The county is the intermediate organization between the state government and the cities and towns. The bound- aries of a county are determined by law, and every portion of the state is in some county. A town or city is chosen as the shire town or county seat, and here are erected the buildings necessary for the conduct of county business, the court house and the jail. The administrative functions of the county are exercised by the county commissioners, three in number, who are elected for a term of six years. These commissioners make assess- ments, levy taxes, have charge of county roads, and supervise the receipts and expenditures of county money. The clerk of courts is also the clerk of this body. The sheriff, who is elected for two years, is charged with the enforcement of the laws, has charge of the jail and appoints deputies in the larger towns. The county treasurer has charge of the money which comes, not from individuals, but from towns and from the fees and fines received by the sheriff and the clerk of courts. The office of register of deeds is an important one. Here are kept the records of deeds, mortgages and attachments. p.. In Maine the law does not require a minimum population before a town can be incorporated as a city, and, conse- quently, the fact that a place is a city does not indicate its size. Cities are incorporated under special charters with usually a mayor as chief executive, with a board of aldermen and common council, together form- ing a city council, performing the legislative functions. Some cities, how- ever, have no common council. Cities are divided into districts called wards and each citizen must vote in his own ward. The government is representative and minor officials are chosen by the city council. One city in Maine has the commission plan of government. Each member of the commission is in charge of one of the departments, such as police, public works, and so on. Together they form a board which makes ordi- nances and carries on the business of the city. Another city is under 70 LOCAL GOVERNMENT 71 the commission manager plan. The government is in the hands of one man, who is an expert, selected for his abilities in this line. The towns are all incorporated under uniform state laws ^^^ for the town form of organization. The town meeting, at which all citizens with a voting residence have a voice, is the legislative body and is an example of the purest form of democratic government. At the town meeting are chosen the officers of the town, money is raised and appropriated for town business. The chief officials are the selectmen, whose number may be three, five or seven, the town clerk, treasurer, col- lector of taxes, the road commissioner, school committee, superintendent of schools, who serves for several towns, and the board of health. The plantation is a rudimentary town and has all the essen- ^ ^ * tial machinery that towns possess, but in a simplified form. Plantations may be organized for school purposes alone. The officials are the same as for towns except that three assessors take the place of select- men. . There is in Maine in addition to cities, towns, and planta- unorganize '^[qy^s another local unit called an unorganized township, lowns ip which is sometimes confused in the popular mind with the plantation. It is, however, entirely distinct and as the name suggests is without a local form of government and consequently with no local officials and no local taxation. Many of these townships have a population of considerable size and have schools and roads. The schools come under the direct supervision of the State Department of Education while the roads are under the direction of the county commissioners. 'The unorganized town- ships occupy about one-half of the area of the state, or to be more exact, forty-seven per cent. There are in Maine twenty cities, four hundred and thirty-four towns, sixty-five plantations, and three hundred and seventy-six unorganized townships, fourteen other smaller unorganized divisions and one hundred and forty-three islands not a part of any municipality. The initiative is the power the people reserve to themselves m la ive ^^ propose ordinances and laws and amendments to their charters and constitutions, and to enact or reject the same at the polls. In Maine initiative bills may propose any measure, including bills to amend or repeal emergency legislation, but not to amend the state constitution. The petition must set forth the full text of the measure proposed and be signed by not less than 12,000 electors, and be filed with the secretary of state or presented to either branch of the legislature at least 30 days before the close of its session. Proposed measures must be submitted to the legislature, and unless they are enacted without change, they must be submitted to the electors together with any amended form, substitute or recommendation of the legislature, in such a manner that 72 THE MAINE BOOK the people can choose between the competing measures, or reject both. When there are competing bills and neither receives a majority of the votes given for and against both, the one receiving the greater number of votes is to be resubmitted by itself at the next general election, to be held not less than sixty days after the first vote thereon ; but no measure is to be resubmitted unless it has received more than one-third of the votes given for and against both. An initiative measure enacted by the legislature without change is not to be referred unless a popular vote is demanded by a referendum petition. The veto power of the governor does not extend to any measure approved by vote of the people, and if he vetoes any measure initiated by the people and passed by the legisla- ture without change, and his veto is sustained by the legislature, the meas- ure is referred to the people at the next general election. _^ „ , The referendum is the power the people reserve to them- Reierendum , , i. j. j.i n j- selves to approve or reject at the polls any ordmances or act passed by their legislative assemblies. In Maine the legislature may enact measures expressly conditioned upon the people's ratification by referendum vote. Petitions for a refer- ence of any act or any part or parts thereof, passed by the legislature must be signed by not less than 10,000 electors, and be filed within ninety days after the recess of the legislature. The governor is required to give notice of the suspension of acts through referendum petitions and make proclamation of the time when the referred measure is to be voted upon. Referred measures do not take effect until thirty days after the governor has announced their i*atification by a majority of the electors voting thereon. The governor may order a special election upon an initiative or referendum measure, or if so requested in the petition shall order a special election held upon the act to be referred or the act initiated but not enacted without change by the legislature. p . . The direct primary law governs the nomination of all county, state and national oflficers. Each party holds a state convention, first to formulate and adopt a platform, and second to elect state, district and county committees by whom the primary elec- tion campaign for the nomination of candidates and subsequently the reg- ular election campaign are conducted. These state conventions are held at such places and on such dates between sixty and ninety days prior to the third Monday in June as the state committees shall determine and announce. They are made up of delegates elected at caucuses of the dif- ferent parties, regularly called by the city, town and plantation commit- tees throughout the state. The primary election takes place on the third Monday in June, between the hours of 12 o'clock, noon, and 9 o'clock at night, except in towns and plantations of 3,000 inhabitants or less, where the polls will be open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. It is held at the regular LOCAL GOVERNMENT 73 voting places throughout the state and all the political parties unite in one primary election at the same time. Each political party has a separ- ate ballot and each party ballot differs in .color from the other. The pri- mary ballot of the party casting the largest number of votes for governor in the last state election is white ; that of the next largest party is yellow ; that of the third, blue ; the fourth, green ; and the sample ballot is brown. Each candidate for office must file with the secretary of state, before the third Monday in April preceding an election, a nomination paper signed by qualified voters, of his party, in number not less than one per cent nor more than two per cent of the entire vote cast for governor in the last preceding election in the state, district, or county wherein such can- didate is to be voted for. No nomination papers can be signed before the first day of January preceding the election. All nomination papers must be completed and filed in the office of the secretary of state before the third Monday in April. The candidate's written agreement to accept the nomination must be filed with his nomination paper. Whoever expends money or contracts liability to aid in an effort to secure the nomination of any candidate without his knowledge or consent forfeits $500 to be recovered by indictment. At the primary election only voters who have properly registered before the primary election occurs are qualified to vote. In addition to registration each voter must be enrolled as a member of some political party. Any registered voter, however, who has not been so enrolled may be enrolled on primary election day by the ballot clerk. In towns and plantations having less than 2,000 inhabitants this is not required. The returns announcing the result in each city, town and plantation are made by the clerks to the secretary of state within seven days from the date of the election. The governor and council on or before the first Tuesday in July, must tabulate the returns in the office of the secre- tary of state and determine what persons, for each office, have been nom- inated, by each party, as candidates to be voted for at the September election. The successful candidates are notified at once, by the secretary of state, by registered letter; and such candidates must notify the secre- tary of state of their acceptance, by registered letter, within seven days after being notified, and send therewith a statement of expenditures, in securing the nomination, properly subscribed and sworn to. In case of nomination for any office to be voted for by the whole state, as governor or United States senator, the amount expended must not exceed $1500 ; for members of Congress, $500 ; for state senators and county officers, $150 for each 10,000 votes cast for governor within the county at the last preceding election; for members of the legislature in 74 THE MAINE BOOK districts having three or more representatives, $100 ; in all other districts, $50. To exceed these limits forfeits the nomination. No person other than a "political agent" may legally" pay any of the expenses connected with the candidacy of any person in the primary elec- tion except that a candidate may pay his actual personal expenses. Can- didates may act as their own political agents or they may appoint another person to serve in that capacity. In either case no money may be legally spent or liabilities incurred unless the candidate shall first have notified the secretary of state of his intention to serve as his own political agent or shall have filed a notification of the appointment of another person to act as such, y .. The following courts have the power to naturalize aliens: United States District Courts in the states and territories ; also all courts of record in any state or territory having a seal, a clerk and jurisdiction in actions at law or equity, or law and equity, in which the amount in controversy is unlimited. The power to naturalize is limited to persons residing within the geographical limits of the respective courts. An alien, white, or of African nativity or descent, is required, if he desires to become naturalized, to file a declaration of intention in the clerk's office of a court having jurisdiction, and such declaration may not be filed until the alien has reached the age of 18. This declaration must contain information as to the name, age, occupation, time and place of arrival in the United States and must further show it is the declarant's bona fide intention to become a citizen of the United States and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty and particularly to the one of which he may be at the time a citizen or subject. The widow and children who are under age at the time that an alien who has made his declaration of intention has died without having secured a certificate of naturalization, are exempted from the necessity of filing a declaration of intention. Not less than two years after an alien has filed his declaration of intention, and after not less than five years' continuous residence in the United States, he may file a petition for citizenship in any of the courts which has jurisdiction over the place in which he resides, provided he has lived at least one year continuously, immediately prior to the filing of such petition, in the state or territory in which such place is located. This petition must be signed by the petitioner in his own handwriting and shall give his full name, place of residence, occupation, place of birth and date thereof, the place from which he emigrated, and the date and place of his arrival in the United States. If such arrival occurred subsequent to the passage of the act of June 29, 1906, he must secure a certificate from the Department of Labor showing the fact of such arrival and date and place LOCAL GOVERNMENT 75 thereof, for filing with the clerk of the court to be attached to his petition. If he is married he must state the name of his wife and, if possible, the country of her nativity and her place of residence at the time of filing of his petition, and if he has children, the name, date and place of birth and present place of residence of each living child. The petition must set forth that he is not a disbeliever in or opposed to organized government, or a member of or affiliated with any organization or body of persons teaching disbelief in or opposition to organized government, that he is not a polyg- amist or a believer in the practice of polygamy, and that he absolutely and forever renounces all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign country of which he may, at the time of fihng such petition, be a citizen or sub- ject. This petition must be verified at the time it is filed by the affidavit of two credible witnesses, who are citizens of the United States and who shall state that they have known the petitioner during his entire residence (not exceeding five years) in the state in which the petition is filed, which must be not less than one year, and that they have known him to be a resi- dent of the United States continuously during the five years immediately preceding the filing of the petition; that during such time he acted as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same. If a portion of the five years has been passed by the petitioner in some other state than that in which he resides at the time of filing his petition the affidavit of the witnesses may verify so much of the peti- tioner's residence as has been passed in the state (not less than one year) , and the portion of said five years' residence out of the state may be shown by depositions at the time of hearing on the petition. No petition may be heard until the expiration of at least ninety days after it is filed nor within thirty days preceding a general election. At the hearing upon a petition, which shall be at a date fixed by order of the court, the witnesses are required to again attend and testify in open court so that the judge or judges thereof may be satisfied that the peti- tioner is qualified and that he has complied with all the requirements of the law. ^ „ Every person whose name has not been entered upon the voting list in any municipality, must, if he desires to vote, appear in person at a place provided for registration and prove that he possesses all the qualifications of a voter. In cities having three thou- sand or more inhabitants a board of registration is appointed to make up, correct and revise the list of voters in each of said cities. In all cities having less than three thousand inhabitants the municipal oflficers make such list, exercising the same powers and being governed by the same laws as municipal officers of towns having five hundred or more registered voters. The assessors transmit to this board, on or before the first day 76 THE MAINE BOOK of July in each year, lists containing the name, age, occupation and resi- dence on the first day of April in the current year, and his occupation and residence on the first day of April in the preceding year, or of his becom- ing an inhabitant after said last named day, of every male person twenty- one years of age and upwards who resides therein and is liable to be assessed for a poll-tax. Copies of these names, arranged by wards or voting precincts, and by streets, are filed by the assessors with the board or registration on or before the fifteenth day of July in each year. The board of registration then enters on the voting lists the name of every person assessed a poll-tax for the current year. The board prepares ward lists of voters of such persons as appear to them to be legally qualified voters, at least thirty days before any election, and places upon these lists all the names which appear upon the voting lists for the last preced- ing year, except the names of such persons as have died or ceased to reside therein since that time. The city clerks post certified copies of these lists at or near the several voting places at least twenty-seven days prior to an election. The board of registration is in session for twelve secular days prior to an election in cities of not less than nineteen thousand inhabitants ; in cities of not less than thirty-five thousand inhabitants, for sixty secular days ; in all other cities, five secular days. If the board of registration is in session twelve days, registration can be made during the first nine days ; if sixty days, the first twenty days ; if five days, the first four. In every town having more than three thousand inhabitants, the selectmen perform the duties of a board of registration and are in session for a reasonable time, on not more than two days between the eleventh and eighteenth days of August in every year. In all towns having five hun- dred or more registered voters, and in all cities having less than three thousand inhabitants the municipal officers are in session on the three secular days next preceding the day of election. The person wishing to register for the first time must appear before the board of registration or its equivalent and prove he is legally entitled to vote. He must give the full christian name and surname, or the full name or initial or initials of any other name or names he may have, date of registration, residence on the first day of April of the year of registration or on the day of his becoming an inhabitant after said first day of April, age, place of birth, date of birth, occupation, place of occupation, how long resident of the city, place of casting his last vote, married or single, residence of wife or family, where naturalized, when naturalized, in what court. An applicant under examination for registration will be required, unless prevented by physical disability, to read in the English language from an official edition of the Constitution and to write his name in a book kept for the purpose. A naturalized citizen is required to produce for inspection his papers of naturalization or certificate of the same from the court where he was naturalized. CHAPTER XVII DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIARY The Plymouth Company was provided with a code of laws by King James. By the code a president and councillors were elected annually. They had the power to make all needful laws. They sat as a court for civil cases. For all criminal cases of importance a jury of twelve men was required. All cases had to be tried within the colony. Sir George Popham was the first president and with him were five councillors. There is no record of any organized government, except the existence of a magistrate, between 1606-1632. In 1632, under the New England charter of 1620, Aldsworth and Elbridge were granted a patent for the Pemaquid region. It was known as the Plymouth Company and was granted the power to appoint all gov- ernors and make laws (eight patents were granted under this charter) . A representative form of government was established. The chief officers were elected by the people. The Plymouth Company surrendered this charter in 1635 and the king appointed commissioners to govern the colonies. Sir Ferdinando Gorges sent his nephew, William Gorges, to govern his colony called New Somersetshire. He estab- lished a court in Saco. Associated with him were six commissioners. This was the first legal tribunal in Maine. Charles I granted to Ferdinando Gorges a charter, creat- ing him Lord Palatine of all the territory between the Piscataqua and the Sagadahoc. He was then made absolute lord and proprietor of the Province of Maine. He established a legislative assem- bly of fifteen members, seven of whom constituted a court. All matters criminal and civil came before this court. Inferior courts were established in each county. There were also commissioners, or trial justices, for each town. Alexander Rigby purchased the Lygonia patent and insti- tuted a government and courts. This created a division which was settled in 1646, making the Kennebunk the dividing line between Gorges and Rigby. ^nro Massachusetts took over the two provinces and named them Yorkshire in 1653. The civil and judicial regulation of Massachusetts became the order in Maine and continued until 1668. 77 78 THE MAINE BOOK The judicial power was vested in their tribunals, the court of magistrates, consisting of the governor, deputy governor and assistants. It met semi- annually in Boston. The county court was held by the resident magis- trate in each county, assisted by four freemen. These were elected by the voters at the annual meeting, approved and commissioned by the leg- islature. This court held sessions in Maine twice a year. The third court had jurisdiction in all cases within the county where not more than forty shillings involved. This court was held by a single magistrate without a jury. A special commission was established for the Kennebec patent in 1654 and with a slight difference, the courts were like those of the rest of Maine. ififiO Charles II was restored to the throne. He appointed a commission which established new courts in the Gorges colony and also in the colony which had been created for the Duke of York. ififis Massachusetts re-established her courts in Maine and con- tinued to exercise power under the charter of Massachu- setts. In 1678 Massachusetts purchased the Gorges patent and changed the government to harmonize with the charter granted to Ferdinando Gorges. Therefore they created a provincial president and two legislative houses, the lower to be elected by the towns, the upper branch of seven members constituted the supreme court. Former laws and precedents were to con- tinue in force. -.nc,:- The colonial charter of Massachusetts was revoked, James II having succeeded to the throne. He commissioned Joseph Dudley president of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine and Rhode Island. The president appointed fifteen commissioners to assist him. A majority. of the council constituted the superior court; it was to sit three times a year for the whole country. County courts were held by a num- ber of the council assisted by an associate. ^f^r,n The people revolted and took affairs into their own hands and formed a provisional government and resumed the administration of affairs under the colonial charter. 1 fiQi William and Mary granted a new charter uniting Plymouth, Massachusetts, Maine and Sagadahoc under one civil gov- ernment. The governor, lieutenant-governor and secretary of state were appointed by the crown, the legislative power was vested in two branches, a council of twenty-eight members and the house of represen- tatives. The judiciary consisted of a superior court, consisting of a chief justice and four assistants, court of common pleas, quarter sessions and justices court, and later chancery, probate and admiralty courts were added. ^ „^^ Massachusetts having adopted a state constitution, changes were made in the judiciary, the superior court becoming the supreme judicial court. 1800 seven. 1804 ^ five. DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIARY 79 The number of supreme judicial judges was increased to seven. The number of supreme judicial courts was reduced to five. ^j.__ A complete nisi prius system was established with five judges, one or more of whom held the trial terms and three the law terms. ^ Maine having become a state, created a supreme judicial court of three members, any two of whom could hold court. ^ „^ The court was required to hold sessions in each of the twelve counties. In addition a term for jury trials was to be held by one of the justices in each county except four, Franklin, Piscataquis, Washington, Hancock. ^„ ._ The number of justices was increased to four and in 1852 to seven. Since then it has been increased to eight, which is the present number. iQon '^^^ supreme judicial court now has a chief justice and seven associate justices which are appointed by the gov- ernor for a term of seven years. Forty-four nisi prius terms with a jury are held by the justices in the various counties of the state. The supreme court when sitting as a law court is by statute composed of five or more justices, but in practice it is composed of the chief justice and five asso- ciate justices. The annual sessions of the law court are held in Bangor on the first Tuesday of June ; in Portland on the fourth Tuesday of June ; and in Augusta on the second Tuesday of December. On account of increasing business, four superior courts have been established, one at Portland for the County of Cumberland ; one at Augusta for the County of Kennebec ; one at Auburn for the County of Androscog- gin ; and one at Bangor for the County of Penobscot. A court of common pleas was established in 1822. This court was superseded by the district court in 1839, and this court was abolished by the legislature in 1852 and its work transferred to the supreme judicial court. The probate court established under the Massachusetts law was con- tinued under the constitution of Maine. In 1853 the office of judge and register was made elective with a term of four years. The office of justice of the peace was continued as it had existed under the laws of Massachusetts. In 1860 their jurisdiction of trial of cases was taken away and the office of trial justice established for small cases, both civil and criminal. Municipal courts are established by special charters, having jurisdic- tion ranging from $20 to $500 and the same criminal power as the trial justices. CHAPTER XVIII CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF EVENTS 986 Biorn (or Bjarn), a Norseman, first European to visit America, lands at Cape Cod. 1000 Lief and Norsemen, investigating Biorn's story, spend the winter near present site of Fall River and name the place Vinland. 1002 Lief's brother, Thorvald (Thorwald) visits Vinland and remains three winters. 1008 Thorfinn and his wife, Gudrida (Gudrid) also spend three years in Vinland. (Their son, Snorri Thorfinnson, was the first white person born on the American continent) . 1121 Bishop Eirik (Erik, Erick) visits Vinland as a missionary. 1492 Christopher Columbus discovers America. 1497 John Cabot, first English explorer to New England coast. 1498 Sebastian Cabot explores entire New England coast. (On this voyage England based her claim of the New World from Atlantic to Pacific). 1500 Gasper Cortereal, for Portugal, searching for Northwest Pass- age, sails along Maine coast. 1524 Giovanni da Verrazano (Verrazini), for Francis I of France, makes extended examination of Maine shores. 1525 Estevan Gomez, for Charles V of Spain, seeking Northwest Pass- age enters many New England harbors. 1527 John Rut, for England, explores interior of Maine. 1556 Andre Thevet, for France, visits Maine and explores Penobscot. 1583 Sir Humphrey Gilbert, for England, explores Maine coast. 1602 Coast of Maine visited by Bartholomew Gosnold. 1603 Martin Pring makes survey of coast and larger rivers. 1604-5 Expedition of De Monts. 1605 Captain Weymouth kidnaps natives. 1606 First Virginia charter. Southern part of Maine included in grant to the Plymouth Company. 1607 Unsuccessful Popham colony at mouth of Kennebec. Building of first ship on American soil. 1613 Jesuit mission established on Mount Desert Island. 1614 Coast visited by Captain John Smith. 1615-18 Destructive war and pestilence among the eastern Indians. 80 CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF EVENTS 81 1616-17 Richard Vines winters at mouth of Saco River. 1620 Patent of the Council for New England. The whole of Maine included. 1622 Grant to Gorges and Mason of the region between the Merrimac and Sagadahoc, under the name of Laconia. 1623 Permanent settlement made at Saco. Other settlements by this time at Sheepscot, Damariscotta, Pemaquid, Monhegan and a few other points. 1625 Trading post established on the Kennebec by Plymouth colonists. 1627 First Kennebec patent. 1628 First charter of Massachusetts. 1629 Comnock's patent (Scarboro and vicinity). Second Kennebec, or Plymouth, patent. 1630 Two Saco patents : Lygonia patent (region of Casco Bay), Muscongus patent (east of Penobscot), later known as Waldo patent. 1631 Pemaquid patent. 1635 Division of the territory of the Council for New England. Encroachments of the French, under d'Aulney, on the Penobscot. 1636 First organized government in Maine set up at Saco by William Gorges, nephew of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. 1639 Sir Ferdinando Gorges' charter of "The Province of Maine." 1639 Pejepscot tract (Brunswick and vicinity) ceded to Massachusetts. 1641 First chartered city in America — Gorgeana. 1651 Massachusetts asserts its claim to Maine under the charter of 1628. 1652-53 Settlements in western Maine submitted to Massachusetts. Coun- ty of Yorkshire established. • Gradual absorption of other settle- ments. 1653 First representation of Maine, then county of Yorkshire, in the Massachusetts General Court. 1661 Plymouth, or Kennebec, patent sold to John Winslow and others. 1664 Royal order directing Massachusetts to restore Maine to Ferdi- nando Gorges (grandson of original proprietor). Eastern Maine included in grant to Duke of York, and known as "Newcastle," or the "County of Cornwall." 1665 Royal commissioners set up independent government in Maine. 1668 Massachusetts government resumes control. 1674 County of Devonshire (east of Kennebec) established. 1675-77 King Philip's war. 1677 Purchase of Maine by Massachusetts from Gorges for 1250 pounds. 82 THE MAINE BOOK 1678 Andros becomes governor, under the Duke of York, of New York and Sagadahoc. 1680 Government of Maine reorganized by the General Court. 1684 Massachusetts charter vacated. 1687 Andros governor of New England. 1688-99 King William's War. Settlements in Maine ravaged. 1689 Andros deposed and provisional government set up. 1691 Second charter of Massachusetts, including whole of Maine. 1697 Treaty of Ryswick. France and England both claim Sagadahoc (territory between Kennebec and St. Croix). 1703-11 Queen Anne's, or Third Indian War. Settlements again ravaged. 1722-25 Lovewell's, or the Fourth Indian War. 1739 Line between Maine and New Hampshire fixed, after long dis- pute, by the king in council. 1741 George Whitfield visits Maine. A second visit in 1744-45. 1745 Capture of Louisburg by New England troops commanded by William Pepperell. 1745-56 Renewed Indian war. 1754-63 Seven Years' War, the last of the French and Indian Wars. 1760 Cumberland and Lincoln counties established. 1775 Capture of British schooner Margranetto at Machias. Falmouth burned by British. Arnold's expedition to Quebec. 1778 Maine constituted a district by the Continental Congress, and a maritime court established. 1779 Unsuccessful attempt to drive the British from the Penobscot. 1780 Constitution of Massachusetts. 1784 Establishment of the province of New Brunswick, and beginning of the long boundary dispute between the province and Maine. 1785 Falmouth Gazette, first newspaper in Maine, established to aid the agitation in favor of separation from Massachusetts. Con- vention at Falmouth to consider separation. 1786 Second convention for separation. 1789 Hancock and Washington counties established. 1794 Bowdoin College founded. 1799 Kennebec County established. 1801 First free public library established (at Castine). 1805 Oxford County established. 1809 Somerset County established. 1813 September 5, capture of the British brig Boxer by the American brig Enterprise off Portland. 1814 British control established on the Penobscot and elsewhere in eastern Maine, continuing until end of war. CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF EVENTS 83 1816 Penobscot County established. Revival of agitation for separation. First separation law : not accepted. Great western emigration, or "Ohio fever." "Cold year." 1819 Second separation act: accepted. State constitution formed. 1820 Maine admitted to the Union. 1827 Waldo County established. 1832 Removal of seat of government from Portland to Augusta. 1838 Franklin and Piscataquis counties established. 1838-39 "Aroostook War." 1839 Aroostook County established. 1842 Ashburton treaty, settling the disputed northeastern boundary. 1846 First prohibitory law: ineffective. 1851 Prohibitory law, or "Maine Law." 1854 Androscoggin and Sagadahoc counties established. 1855 Mob outbreak in Portland over liquor agency. 1860 Knox County established. 1863-64 Twice invaded by Confederates. 1870 Summer visitors "discover" Maine. 1872 New Sweden colony established. 1875 Compulsory education bill passed. 1876 Death penalty abolished. 1879 "State Steal," disputed gubernatorial election. 1880 Adoption of constitutional amendment providing for biennial elec- tions and biennial sessions of legislature. 1884 Prohibitory constitutional amendment adopted. 1891 Australian ballot system introduced. 1892 Adoption of constitutional amendment providing educational qual- ification of voters. 1907 Unsuccessful attempt to remove State Capitol to Portland. Celebration of ter-centennial of American shipbuilding (at Bath). 1908 Direct initiative of legislation and optional referendum adopted. 1910 Final settlement of northeastern boundary controversy with Great Britain. 1911 Augusta declared seat of government by constitutional amend- ment. Attempt to repeal prohibitory law defeated. 1912 Constitutional amendment adopted authorizing issue of highway bonds. 1913 Taxation of intangible personal property authorized. 1914 Public Utilities Commission created. 1915 Workmen's Compensation law adopted. 84 THE MAINE BOOK 1916 Sieur de Monts National Monument established on Mount Desert. [Name changed by Congress in 1919 to Lafayette National Park.] Largest vote ever cast in State election. 1917 Committee of One Hundred on Public Safety appointed by Gov- ernor. Million dollar appropriation for war purposes. National Guard mobilized at Augusta on July 5. 1919 103d Infantry demobilized at Camp Devens, April 26-28. 1920 Centennial celebration at Portland, June 28-July 5. THE CONSTITUTION IS THE BASIS OF ALL LAW AND THE FLAG IS ITS SYMBOL CHAPTER XIX STATE FLAG For many years the State of Maine had no flag estabHshed under the authority of law. At one time the "Stars and Stripes" with the seal and arms of the state in the center of the union was most in use. During the Civil War a blue silk flag, conforming in size and trimmings to the United States regulation colors, blazoned with the arms of the State in the center of its field, was carried by the Maine troops. The present flag was established by the Maine Legislature of 1909, Public Laws, Chapter 19, which reads as follows : "Section 1. The flag to be known as the official flag of the State of Maine shall be of blue, same color as the blue field in the flag of the United States, and of the following dimensions and designs; to wit, the length, or height, of the staff to be nine feet, including brass spear-head and ferule ; the fly of said flag to be five feet six inches, and to be four feet four inches on the staff; in the center of the flag there shall be embroidered in silk the same on both sides of the fiag the coat of arms of the State of Maine, in proportionate size ; the edges to be trimmed with knotted, fringe of yellow silk, two and one-half inches wide, a cord, with tassels, to be attached to the staff at the spear-head, to be eight feet six inches long and composed of white and blue silk strands. "Section 2. The flag of the State of Maine to be carried by the regi- ments of the National Guard of Maine shall be the same as the fiag de- scribed in the first section of this act, with the addition of two scrolls in red, one above and one below the coat of arms of the State ; in the upper scroll the inscription Regiment Infantry, and in the lower scroll the inscription National Guard State of Maine." "Sec. 1. The words flag, standard, color, ensign or shield, p,- as used in this act, shall include any flag, standard, color, -. ^ ensign or shield, or copy, picture or representation thereof, made of any substance or represented or produced thereon, and of any size, evidently purporting to be such flag, standard, color, ensign or shield of the United States or of this state, or a copy, picture or repre- sentation thereof. "Sec. 2. No person shall, in any manner, for exhibition or display: (a) place or cause to be placed any word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawing or advertisement of any nature upon any flag, standard, color, 86 THE MAINE BOOK ensign or shield of the United States or of this state, or authorized by any law of the United States or of this state; or (b) expose to public view any such flag, standard, color, ensign or shield upon which shall have been printed, painted or otherwise produced, or to which shall have been attached, appended, affixed or annexed any such word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawing or advertisement; or (c) expose to public view for sale, manufacture, or otherwise, or to sell, give or have in possession for sale, for gift or for use for any pur- pose any substance, being an article of merchandise or receptacle, or thing for holding or carrying merchandise, upon or to which shall have been produced or attached any such flag, standard, color, ensign or shield, in order to advertise, call attention to, decorate, mark or distinguish such article or substance. "Sec. 3. No person shall publicly mutilate, deface, defile, defy, trample upon, or by word or act cast contempt upon any such flag, standard, color, ensign or shield. "Sec. 4. This statute shall not apply to any act permitted by the stat- utes of the United States or of this state), or by the United States Army and Navy regulations, nor shall it apply to any printed or written docu- ment or production, stationery, ornament, picture or jewelry whereon shall be depicted said flag, standard, color, ensign or shield with no design or words thereon and disconnected with any advertisement. "Sec. 5. Any violation of section two of this act shall be a misde- meanor and punishable by a fine of not more than fifty dollars. Any vio- lation of section three of this act shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by both fine and imprison ment, in the discretion of the court. "Sec. 6. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. "Sec. 7. This act shall be construed as to effectuate its general pur- pose and to make uniform the laws of the states which enact it. "Sec. 8. This act may be cited as the Uniform Flag Law." (P. L. 1919, c. 158) ^2 , , "Superintendents of schools shall see that the flag is dis- --,. played from the public school buildings on appropriate occasions. They shall report annually to the towns the amount necessary to furnish the public schools with suitable flags and flagstaffs and towns shall annually appropriate a sufficient amount to defray the necessary cost of the display of the flag. The appropriation for this purpose shall be separate from and additional to all other appro- priations for schools. It shall be the duty of instructors to impress upon the youth by suitable references and observances the significance of the flag, to teach them the cost, the object and principles of our government, STATE FLAG 87 the great sacrifices of our forefatiiers, the important part taken by the Union Army in the war of eighteen hundred sixty-one to eighteen hun- dred sixty-five, and to teach them to love, honor and respect the flag of our country that cost so much and is so dear to every true American citizen." (R. S. c. 16, s. 52) Flag at "That the flag of our country shall be displayed in each Polling polling place at every election ; there to serve as a symbol Places of that responsible liberty which finds expression in the suffrage of a free people, and as an inspiring challenge to the youth of America and foreign born citizen alike, who, in its pres- ence execute the serious duties of citizenship. The secretary of state is hereby directed to furnish a copy of this resolution to the municipal oflli- cers of every city, town or plantation in the state." (Res. 1919, c. 117) CHAPTER XX SEAL AND ARMS The following resolve providing for the seal and arms of the state of Maine was adopted June 9, 1820, by the first Maine Legislature: "A shield, argent charged with a Pine Tree ; a Moose Deer, at the foot of it, recumbent. Supporters; on the dexter side, an Husbandman, rest- ing on a scythe ; on sinister side, a Seaman, resting on an anchor. In the foreground, representing sea and land, and under the shield, the name of the State in large Roman Capitals, to wit: — MAINE The whole surmounted by a Crest, the North Star. The Motto, in small Roman Capitals, in a label interposed between the Shield and the Crest, viz:— DIRIGO." . "The Moose Deer (cervus alces) is a native of the forests ' ^ of Maine. When full grown, it is scarcely inferior to a horse in size. It has a neck, short and thick, a large head, horns dilating almost immediately from the base into a broad, palmated form, a thick, heavy upper lip, hanging much over the lower, very high shoulders and long legs. The color is a dark greyish brown, much paler on the legs and under part of the body. The hair is coarse and strong and is much longer on the top of the shoulders, and ridge of the neck, than other parts. The eyes and ears are large, the hoofs broad and the tail extremely short. The greatest height of the Moose Deer is about seventeen hands, and the weight of such an animal about twelve hundred and twenty pounds. In deep snows they collect in numbers in pine forests. "The Mast Pine (Americana, quinis ex uno folliculo setis) leaves five together, cones cylindrical, imbricated, smooth, longer than the leaves, 88 SEAL AND ARMS 89 crest of the anthers of two minute, awl-shaped bristles. It is as well the staple of the commerce of Maine, as the pride of her forests. It is an evergreen of towering height, and enormous size. It is the largest and most useful of American Pines and the best timber for masts. "The territory, embraced by the limits of the State, bears Name ,, ,, . the name Mame. „ ^ "As in the Arms of the United States, a cluster of stars Crest represents the States, composing the Nation, the NORTH STAR may be considered particularly applicable to the most northern member of the confederacy, or as indicating the local situation of the most northern State in the Union. " 'Dirigo' " : I Direct or I Guide. As the polar star has been considered the mariner's guide and director in conducting the ship over the pathless ocean to the desired haven, and the center of magnetic attraction; as it has been figuratively used to denote the point, to which all affections turn, and as it is here intended to represent the State, it may be considered the citizen's guide, and the object to which the patriot's best exertions should be directed." THE SHIELD „. p. "The stately Pine, with its straight body, erect head, and „ evergreen foliage, and whose beauty is exceeded only by its usefulness, while it represents the State, will excite the constant prayer of its citizens, semper viridis. „. ^ "A native animal of the State, which retires before the ^ approaching steps of human habitancy, in his recumhent posture and undisturbed situation, denotes the extent of unsettled lands, which future years may see the abodes of successive generations of men, whose spirit of independence shall be untamed as this emblem, and whose liberty shall be unrestricted as the range of the Moose Deer. rp. ^ An Husbandman with a scythe represents Agriculture of th Sh' Id generally, and more particularly that of a grazing coun- try; while a Seaman resting on an anchor, represents Commerce and Fisheries ; and both indicate that the State is supported by these primary vocations of its inhabitants." PINE CONE AND TASSEL CHAPTER XXI FLORAL EMBLEM— THE PINE CONE AND TASSEL (Pinus strobus L.) The idea of a national garland of flowers instead of a single national flower originated at the Women's Congress at the World's Fair in Chicago : one country — but it is made up of many different and individual states; one language but in it are vestiges of all the languages of the world; one flag, but that flag has thirteen stripes and forty-eight stars, so one floral emblem, a garland composed of the state flowers. It was decided that each state should choose its own flower and that the legislature should be asked to make the choice legal. In our state the Maine Floral Emblem Society was immediately formed. Under its direction the Maine flower was chosen. Ballots were published in the newspapers during the months of November and December, 1894, and everyone was urged to register his choice. High school pupils, women's clubs, granges, and Maine people scattered all over the United States responded. The three flowers with the largest number of votes were the pine cone, the goldenrod, and the appleblossom, but the pine cone led by many thousand votes. In 1895 the pine cone and. tassel were legally adopted by the sixty-seventh legislature as the floral emblem of the State of Maine. It was particularly fitting that the flower of the "Pine Tree State," whose seal wears a pine tree in its heart, should be the pine cone and tassel. The pine of the seal is called in the old records the "mast pine, pinus, americana, quinis ex uno folliculo setis." We know it best as the white pine, but in England it is called the Weymouth pine because it is found in great quantity on the estate of Lord Weymouth of Kent. It is by far the most attractive of the six hundred varieties of pine, nearly forty of which are native to North America. It often reaches the height of one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet, with sometimes eighty or ninety feet without branches. The white pine is most adaptable. Some- one has said that it was frugal by nature and that it could stand poverty better than surfeit. You will find it growing everywhere in Maine, scat- tered among the other trees in the depths of the forest, clinging to the rocky soil of pasture land or coast and clustered in lovely groves on the hillsides. It once formed extensive, primeval forests, but these have long since disappeared under the axe of the settler and lumberman. 91 92 THE MAINE BOOK Always beneath the pine is a brown carpet of pine needles, overhead the whorled branches of evergreen, through which the wind soughs and murmurs its soft lullabies. The pine lives to a hale and hearty old age, growing from within outward. It has grace, elegance and dignity. Maine people do not have to be told of its manifold uses. Although the pine lacks the legendary background of many trees, yet some pretty stories cling to it. The Japanese call it the New Year tree, and to them it typifies longevity, constancy and health. In other lands it is considered a sacred tree. It is the fir tree of the Norsemen. The scientific name, pinus strobus, is itself suggestive. Pinus comes from an old Celtic word meaning a rock, a mountain, and strobus is the name that Pliny gave in his Natural History, that storehouse of misinformation, to a tree of Persia that "yielded odiferous gum." The tassel is the cluster of delicate, slender needle-like leaves which are in whorls of five. The flowers of the pine appear in the spring, first tiny stiff catkins, green and viscid. They grow slowly through the sum- mer and in the fall they are an inch or two long. It takes two seasons for the cones to ripen. They are then four to six inches in length, cylindrical in shape, and about an inch in diameter. They droop and curve inwards slightly. The scales are without prickles and have a whitish gum-like deposit on their tips. The mature cones begin to open early in September when the seeds blow out and are carried by the wind far and wide. There are two little winged seeds on each scale, and there may be eighty or even more seeds in a cone. Next year the seedling pines appear, the prom- ise of future forests. These far-blown seeds are like Maine's children who have left her fostering care to find new homes among the oaks and maples of other states and other countries, but still they keep their sturdy virtues and claim the Pine Tree State as their home. The pine cone is no hothouse flower grown only under the most favor- able circumstances and available only in certain seasons. It is not a deli- cate, fragile thing which fades and withers quickly. Its dull brown is the brown of the stubble in the autumn fields, or the earth turned up by the farmer's plough in long furrows. The pine cone lacks, of course, the lovely color of California's golden poppies, the sheer beauty of Connecti- cut's mountain laurel, and the exquisite fragrance of Florida's orange blossoms. Yet is it not typical of Maine and her people? Like Maine's hardy pioneers it is not without beauty of a useful sort. It suggests our stern climate, our rugged soil, our sober, sensible people. But nothing is lovelier than a pine cone fire with its spicy penetrating odor, in the keen air of the early autumn twilight as it gleams and glows like a living thing. So Maine's sons touched by the spark of patriotism, caught in the conflagration of war, went singing to their death and left behind them a fragrance and a memory that will linger long. CHAPTER XXII THE RETURNED MAINE BATTLE FLAGS -^ „ Born at Bath, Maine, July 21, 1838. Graduated at Bow- doin, Class of 1861. Read law in the office of W. L. Put- nam, Portland. Died at Augusta, Maine, November 11, 1878. , The following letter of explanation from Major Augustus L. Smith is in reply to a request from the State Librarian for information concerning the circumstances which caused Mr. Owen to write "The Returned Maine Battle Flags". "It was during the winter of 1865-66 that Moses Owen and myself were employed as clerks in the Secretary of State's office at the Maine Capitol. We boarded at the same place, having adjoining rooms. "The flags of the Maine regiments that had returned from the War of the Rebellion had been turned over to the Adjutant General and had been grouped around the pillars in the rotunda of the State House. "While returning from dinner, in passing through the rotunda to the Secretary's office, Mr. Owen chanced to overhear this con- versation between two young lady visitors who had just come into the rotunda ahead of him : One said, 'What are these', point- ing to the flags. The other remarked, 'Oh! they're notJihig but flags, come on and let's look around'. This casual remark about those flags gave to Mr. Owen the theme and inspiration that pro- duced the beautiful poem: 'The Returned Maine Battle Flags'. "A short time after this incident, perhaps the next morning, after we had entered the Secretary's office together, and had taken our seats at the large, double, flat top desk, which we occu- pied together, Mr. Owen commenced to write verses on a sheet of wrapping paper, such as we used for a desk pad. He, being a very rapid penman, soon had written four verses of poetry in pencil. Observing this, I became anxious to read it, but he was not inclined at first to show it to me, saying it was of no conse- quence and he would destroy it. I, however, prevailed upon him and read it and, against his protest, I immediately took it to Col. James H. Cochrane, then deputy secretary of state, to read, who 94 THE RETURNED MAINE BATTLE FLAGS 95 pronounced it 'fine'. The result was, after making a copy, the poem appeared in the Kennebec Journal the next morning. This is the story. "Please understand that I am giving you the foregoing solely from my memory, after a lapse of half a century. If it will serve you in any manner, I shall be glad." rp, pj "No Maine regiment lost its colors in dishonor, or brought them back with any other stain upon them than the life blood of their defenders. The State has no more precious possession than those returned Maine battleflags which are treasured at the State House at Augusta." Arranged in appropriate glass cases are the colors of all the Maine regiments and the colors of all the batteries — forty-three national colors, forty-one regimental colors and twenty-eight guidons. They are memorials of the glory and horrors of war and the energy, sacrifices and victory of a free people. The representatives of the people pass to their halls of deliberation beneath these tattered ensigns, which have been borne on many a bloody field and which will be a perpetual reminder of the cost and value of free institutions. 96 THE MAINE BOOK MOSES OWEN Nothing- but flags — but simple flags, Tattei'ed and torn and hanging in rags; And we walk beneath them with careless tread, Nor think of the hosts of the mighty dead That ha\e marched beneath them in days gone by, With a burning cheek and a kindling eye. And have bathed their folds with their young life's tide, And, dying, blessed them, and, blessing, died. Nothing but flags — yet, methinks, ait night They tell each other their tales of fright; And dim spectres come, and their thin arms twine 'Round each standard torn as they stand in line, As the word is given, — they charge! they form! And the dim hall rings with the battle's storm! And once again, through the smoke and strife, Those colors lead to a nation's life. Nothing but flags — yet they're bathed with tears. They tell of triumphs, of hopes, of fears; — Of a mother's prayers, of a boy away, Of a serpent crushed, of the coming day! Silent, they speak, and the tear will start As we stand beneath them with throbbing heart, And think of those who are ne'er forgot; Their flags come home — why come they not? Nothing but flags — yet we hold our breath And gaze with awe at those types of death! Nothing but flags, yet *the thought will come, The heart must pray though the lips be dumb! They are sacred, pure, and we see no stain On those dear loved flags at home again; Baptized in blood, our purest, best, Tattered and torn, they're now at rest. CHAPTER XXIII STATE HOUSE When Maine, by separation from Massachusetts, became a state in 1820, a number of cities and towns were very desirous of the honor of being the capital and having the new State House. The principal aspirants were Portland, Brunswick, Hallowell, Waterville, Belfast, Wiscasset and Augusta. The legislature, however, finally chose Augusta, the bill mak- ing Augusta the capital being signed by Governor Enoch Lincoln, Febru- ary 24, 1827. The lot now occupied by the State House and State Grounds, which contained thirty-four acres and extended from the old Hallowell Road to the Kennebec River, was conveyed to the state, the lot having been selected by the Governor and the Commissioners after a careful con- sideration of various sites on both sides of the river. On the 4th of July, 1829, the corner stone was laid with impressive masonic ceremonies, but it was three years before the work of the con- struction of the new building was finally finished. The granite used was from Hallowell quarries. The building was designed by Charles Bulfinch of Boston. In the "Life and Letters of Charles Bulfinch" by his granddaughter^ Ellen S. Bulfinch, there is an interesting reference to the original State House at Augusta, as follows : "Maine did not become a state until 1820, and Portland had been at first the seat of government. Augusta having been fixed upon in 1827 as the future capital, a commissioner was appointed the following year to obtain plans and estimates for a building, and he made application to Mr. Bulfinch. The council adopted the plan by a resolution dated February 2, 1829, stating the dimensions, referring to it as the work of Bulfinch, and as representing the Boston State House reduced to the dimensions aforesaid.' Mr. Willard speaks of it as iike the Boston State House and yet different' ; enough like it to show that Bulfinch was still willing to abide by that design in the main, sufficiently different to show that his own taste had changed with the general change of taste which grad- ually took place during his professional career. There is the same high basement, pierced by entrance arches, without high fronting steps. There is the same placing of the portico, but its treatment in detail is more reg- ular. The columns are single, and the pediment is the full width of the portico and rests directly upon it. It is in the dome and its support that 98 STATE HOUSE 99 the departure from the earher design is more striking." The lines which he adopted in the General Hospital at Boston are those reproduced here. It was estimated that the cost of the building would be $80,000, but when it was finished, the expense, including furniture and expenditures upon the grounds, amounted to about $139,000, of which about $11,500 was furnished by Augusta itself. The legislature first met in the State House in Augusta, January 4, 1832. Previous to this date the legislature rhet in Portland. The original building was about one hundred and fifty feet in length, including the central part with the columns and cupola, two wings extending north and south. The interior of the State House was remodeled in 1852 and again in 1860 to give some of the departments additional room. A large three- story wing was added in 1890-1 on the rear side of the building which provided new accommodations for the library and some of the offices of the state departments which had been over-crowded. In 1909-10 the State House was remodeled, although the noble Bul- finch front was preserved. The granite used was from the quarry in Hallo- well, near the place from which the stone for the original building was taken. The length of the building was doubled, making it three hun- dred feet in all, the north and south wings being extended. A dome which was built to take the place of the old cupola, arises to a height of one hundred and eighty-five feet, being surmounted by the figure of Wisdom made of copper covered with gold, which was designed by Mr. W. Clark Noble, the sculptor. In the interior of the remodeled State House the old rotunda was transformed so as to become a room of great dignity with eight Doric columns. Here are displayed the battle flags in plate glass cases. On the walls throughout the corridors and halls are hung portraits of Maine's distinguished sons. The House of Representatives occupies the third and fourth stories of the north wing and the Senate and the Executive Chambers are in the south wing. The library occupies the second floor and part of the first in the north wing, which is on the right of the picture. CHAPTER XXIV EXECUTIVE MANSION The Legislature of 1915 passed the following resolve : "The Governor shall have his official residence at Augusta, during his term of office, and shall keep his office at the State House open, either personally or by his private secretary, for the transaction of the business of the State during four business days of each week." This resolve gave rise to the question of purchasing or building a residence for the governor at the Capital. At the session of the 1919 legislature the whole problem was settled by the gift of the old home of James G. Blaine, which stands at the corner of State and Capitol Streets, Augusta. This gift was presented by Mrs. Harriet Blaine Beale, the daugh- ter of Mr. Blaine, as a memorial to her son. A tablet has been placed in the front hall near the main door and it bears this inscription: "This house and the land on which it stands was the home of James G. Blaine and was given to the State of Maine in the name of his grand- son, Walker Blaine Beale, First Lieutenant, 310th Infantry, 78th Division, who was born here March 22, 1896, and who fell in France in the St. Mihiel Drive, September 18, 1918." The Legislature in accepting this generous gift passed the following resolve : "That the state accepts in trust the deed from Harriet Blaine Beale of the home of her father, Honorable James G. Blaine, in memory of and in the name of her son, Lieutenant Walker Blaine Beale, who fell fight- ing in France on the eighteenth day of September, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and pledges its honor faithfully to fulfill the trust and to carry out with scrupulous care the directions and desires set forth in the deed and in the letter which accompanied it. "That the state hereby records its deep appreciation and its endur- ing gratitude for this gift which, in the complete satisfaction of a present need of the state, has a large and readily measured value, and also has even a greater value in those unseen and eternal things which make it priceless. For it will always speak to us of the heart of woman with its generosity, pure and tender sentiment and love of home; of the ever widening and abiding influence of a man of winning personality, persuasive speech, profound thought, broad grasp and prophetic vision; of the burn- 101 102 THE MAINE BOOK ing zeal of youth, its quick response to noble family tradition and the flaming patriotism which offers and gives the 'last full measure of devo- tion.' And be it further "RESOLVED: That being confident that the people of Maine desire that the last resting place of him, whose home it was and whose career brought such distinguished honor to the state, should be in the capital, where that career began, and as an expression of our gratitude for his services to us and of our deep respect for his memory, the state hereby requests of his family the privilege of bringing from Washington the remains of himself and his beloved wife and of placing them in the fam- ily lot, near Forest Grove cemetery in Augusta, and of erecting thereon, with the approval of the family, an appropriate memorial. "That the Governor and Council be authorized and directed to take such action as may be necessary to carry into effect the purpose of this resolve and to pay the expenses thereof out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated." The lot is part of Number 5 of the so-called "front lots" **, • on the plan made June 17, 1761, by Nathan Winslow, Sur- veyor, for the Proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase. These lots were fifty rods wide and ran back from the river one mile. Between Lot Number 5 and the lot next south (Number 4) was a so-called "Rangeway" which is now Capitol Street. William Vassal, for whom the town of Vassalboro w^as named, was one of the proprietors. Certain lots, called "Proprietors' Lots," were allotted by vote and William Vassal became the owner of this Lot Number 5. On March 2, 1770, when Kennebec County was a part of Lincoln County and the registry was at Wiscasset, William Vassal conveyed the lot for the consideration of "love and affection" to his niece, Mary Pres- cott, spinster, of Chester, Nova Scotia. On December 22, 1770, she con- veyed it for "100 pounds sterling" to Abraham Page, of Hallowell, Maine, who on July 3, 1780, for "600 Spanish Mill Dollars" conveyed to Mathew Haywood of Easton, Massachusetts. On April 22, 1800, Mathew Haywood conveyed to James Child of Augusta that part of the south half of the lot between the river and the "county road". This was the road that ran from Augusta to Hallowell and is now Grove Street. The deed recalls the days when fish ran plenti- fully in the Kennebec river for there was a reservation of "one-half of the privilege of fishing at the bank of said river". August 24, 1830, James Child conveyed to Captain James Hall of Bath a lot nine rods north and south and twelve rods east and west "on the west side of the new road leading from Augusta across Capitol Hill, so-called, to Hallowell". This road is now State Street and became the established road replacing Grove Street, the lower part of which was dis- continued. 104 THE MAINE BOOK Captain Hall built the house, which in the deed given after his death by his sons to their mother on February 14, 1843, is described as his "mansion house." This consisted of the front part of the present house and an ell. James Child conveyed to his son, James L. Child, the lot next north, which later became the homestead of the late Joseph A. Homan, and has been purchased this year by the state. There is in the State Library a picture of the Capitol and its sur- roundings painted in 1836 by Charles Codman. Just north of the Capitol are two houses, obviously the Hall house and the Child house. The shape of both houses, the roofs and windows are the same and close inspection shows the porch on the front of the Hall Mansion. November 16, 1833, Captain Hall and James L. Child by agreement located the boundary line between them. As has been said after Captain Hall's death his sons conveyed to their mother, Frances Ann Hall, by deed dated February 14, 1843, and on February 22, 1850, she conveyed to Greenwood C. Child, another son of James. November 20, 1862, the heirs of Greenwood C. Child conveyed to Har- riet Stanwood Blaine. Mr. Blaine made important addition to and changes in the house. He built on the west end of the ell practically a duplicate of the front part. When the Codman picture was painted, there was no cupola on the original house. A lady now living in Augusta, whose memory goes back many a year, states that there was a cupola on it when Mr. Greenwood Child lived there and that flowers used to be placed at the windows in the cupola. Mr. Blaine's son, James G., Jr., his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Blaine Damrosch, and granddaughter, Margaret Blaine Damrosch H, were born in the "Ash Room"; his granddaughter, Anita Blaine Damrosch, in Mrs. Blaine's room ; his daughter, Harriet Beale, and her son, Walker, in whose memory Mrs. Beale gave the house to the state, were born in the "Blue Room". In carrying out the resolve of the legislature and making the old home of James G. Blaine into a residence for the governor all the land between State and Grove Streets was purchased and the Blaine house remodeled. J. Calvin Stevens of Portland was selected as architect. The famous old house was carefully remodeled, retaining so far as possible the original design. The architect bore in mind, first of all, that it was to serve as a memorial and that this was the primary purpose of its accept- ance and use by the state. The fact that it is to be the official residence of the chief executive of Maine was considered secondary to the memorial feature of the building. Further than that, in arranging the rooms and making the alterations, the interests of the public were considered before those of whoever might be governor and occupy the house. EXECUTIVE MANSION 105 The public is naturally interested in the whole building, for it is state property, but the attention of visitor's and people of the state is especially centered upon the front and lower story of the structure, for it is this that is given over to the use of the public and is open at all reasonable hours, just as is the State House. In looking at the Blaine house, and especially when stand- home ^^^ ^^ ^^^ corner of State and Capitol Streets, the visitor mpor an notices two things first of all, the raising of the middle Changes section of the building to the height of the front and rear portions and the changing of the color from the old battleship gray to a colonial white. One other notable change has been made, but this is not noticed in looking at the house from this position. A wing has been added to the northwest corner of the house for the accommodation of the servants, laundry and other necessary rooms for carrying on the work and care of the memorial structure. From the outside the house has the appearance of an old colonial mansion, pure white with green blinds and shaded by the great trees in the neighborhood. . In view of the careful work involved in remodeling the rigina Blaine house and yet observing the injunction that the „ , 'l , original lines of the structure be altered as little as pos- TvPTfliTiPn sible, it is interesting to note just how the house has been furnished inside and to observe how little the original decorative struc- tural scheme has been altered, for the main idea has been to keep the appearance of the building in every particular in harmony with the Colo- nial character of the original house that occupied the lot. The Blaine house has not lost its individuality by being used for this purpose. The main house, the original home of Mr. Blaine, is left as nearly as possible as before. The right angle in the general Hne of the whole house is made to keep the Hne of the old house as before. "Same as before" in every detail is the study of Mr. Blaine. The same steel engraving of Abraham Lincoln hangs over the fireplace. The same books, the pages of which have been turned countless times by the beloved Mr. Blaine, are there in the cases. The same old-fashioned sofa stands in one corner of the room. The gas fixtures are the same and the dark stone fireplace can send out the same sort of blaze as it did years ago. The twist and turn of the stair railing and the antique turned bal- ustrades have not been changed. At the curve of the stairs, the old recess is left in the wall, and in this niche is the same statue, which has stood there smiling down upon the arriving and the departing guests. The wood finish of the entire front part of the house is of plain- oak, in conformity with the previous trimmings. 106 THE MAINE BOOK The first room on the left of the hall is the public reception room. The fireplaces are left intact. The' old centers, two in number, plaster designs of many years ago, are left in the ceilings. This room was orig- inally two rooms. The wood laths have been removed and in their stead are metal laths, but the old style plaster effect is the same. The state dining room is in the northeast corner of the main house, directly opposite the reception room. Artistic attention is shown in the detail work of the cornice scheme in the state dining room. The original hall is retained through the front of the house. Then from the beginning of the new part on to the lounge room, which is on the south side of the house, a separate lobby is main- tained. Thus visitors have access to the lounge room and the public reception room, the entire south side of which is glass. The floor is of tile and in this room is a beam ceiling. Three sets of sash doors and two stationary doors form the outside wall of this room. Between each two sets of doors and adding much to the attractive- ness of the room are fluted columns, the cornices of which are in exact harmony with the general plan of the interior decorations. Stone steps, thirty-six feet in width, lead from the glass doors of the lounge room out of doors, and thus make a separate entrance to this room. The fireplaces in this room are of white stone. The method of heating the lounge room is by indirect means through brass grills at either end of the room. The front hall is heated in a similar manner. ^j Separate entrance to the old study of the late Mr. Blaine _ and the billiard room, which are left intact, is maintained „.- Q. ^ ^ as it was before the house was changed. The stone steps which lead up to this door have been finished to match the steps before the lounge room. These two rooms, replete with memo- ries of state and home, are like ancient jewels in a modern setting, so distinct do they seem from the rest of the house. CHAPTER XXV GOVERNORS OF MAINE GoveiTior William King W. D. Williamson^^ Benjamin Ames * Daniel Rose"*' Albion K. Parris Enoch Lincoln Nathan Cutler ''- Joshua Hall *' Jonathan G. Hunton Samuel E. Smith Robert P. Dunlap Edward Kent John Fairfeld Richard H. Vose* Edward Kent John Fairfield John Fairfield Edward Kavanagh * David Dunn* Hugh J. Anderson John W. Dana John Hubbard William G. Crosby Anson P. Morrill Samuel Wells Hannibal Hamlin Joseph H. Williams * Lot M. Morrill Israel Washburn, Jr. Abner Cobum Samuel Cony Joshua Chamberlain Sidney Perhani Nelson Dingley, Jr. Selden Connor Alonzo Garcelon Daniel F. Davis Harris M. Plaisted Frederick Robie Joseph R. Bodwell S. S. Marble * * — Acting- Governor. Year of Bom. assuming office Age Feb. 9, 1768, Scarboro. 1820 51 July 31, 1779, Canterbury, Conn. 1821 41 1778. 1821 1822 1822 47 Jan. 19, 1788, Hebron. 33 Dec. 28, 1788, Worcester, Mass. 1827 39 May 29, 1775. 1829 1830 1830 53 March 14, 1781. 48 March 12, 1788. 1831 44 Aug. 17, 1794, Brunswick. 1834 39 Jan. 2, 1802. 1838 36 Jan. 30, 1797, Saco. 1839 1841 1841 41 Jan. 2, 1802. 39 Jan. 30, 1797, Saco. 1842 44 Jan. 30, 1797, Saco. 1843 45 Apr. 27, 1795, Damariscotta. 1843 1844 1844 47 May 10, 1801, Wiscasset. 42 January 21, 1808, Fryeburg. 1847 38 March 22, 1794, Readfield. 1850 55 Sept. 10, 1805, Belfast. 1853 47 June 10, 1803, Belgrade. 1855 51 Aug. 15, 1801. 1856 54 Aug. 27, 1809, Paris Hill. 1857 47 Feb. 15, 1814, Augusta. 1857 42 May 3, 1813, Belgrade. 1858 44 June 6, 1813, Livermore. 1861 57 Mar. 22, 1803, Canaan. 1863 59 Feb. 27, 1811, Augusta. 1864 52 Sept. 8, 1828, Brewer. 1867 38 Mar. 31, 1819, Woodstock. * 1871 51 Feb. 15, 1832, Durham. 1874 41 Jan. 25, 1839, Fail-field. 1876 36 May 6, 1813, Lewiston. 1879 65 Sept. 12, 1843, Freedom. 1880 36 Nov. 2, 1828, Jefferson, N. H. 1881 51 Aug. 12, 1822, Gorham. 1883 60 June 18, 1818, Methuen, Mass. 1887 68 , 1817, Dixfield. 1887 69 107 108 THE MAINE BOOK Governor Edwin C. Burleigh Henry B. Cleaves Llewellyn Powers John Fremont Hill William T. Cobb Bert M. Female! Frederick W. Plaisted William T. Haines Oakley C. Curtis Carl E. Milliken Year of Bom assuming office Age Nov. 27, 1843, Linneus. 1889 45 Feb. 6, 1840, Bridgton. 1893 52 Oct. 14. 1838, Pittsfield. 1897 58 Oct. 29, 1855, Eliot. 1901 45 July 23, 1857, Rockland. 1905 47 Apr. 3, 1858, West Poland. 1909 50 July 26, 1865, Bangor. 1911 45 Aug. 7, 1854, Levant. 1913 56 Mar. 29, 1865, Portland. 1915 49 July 13, 1877, Pittsfield. 1917 39 GOVERNORS OF MAINE AND THEIR TERMS The following was prepared by Kendall M. Dunbar of Damariscotta. Until and including the year 1880 our state elections were annual, i. e., the election in September, 1880, was the last annual election, but the biennial period began with 1881, Governor Davis having served the last annual term, the year 1880, and Governor Harris M. Plaisted serving the first biennial term, the years 1881 and 1882, the constitution having been amended by vote of the people in September, 1880. The list arranged according to length of service is as follows : Elected for 5 years: Governor Parris, 1822-23-24-25-26. Elected for 4 years: Governor Dunlap, 1834-35-36-37. Fairfield, 1839-40-42-43, (a). Chamberlain, 1867-68-69-70. Robie, 1883-84-85-86. Burleigh, 1889-90-91-92. Cleaves, 1893-94-95-96. Powers, 1897-98-99-1900. Hill, 1901-02-03-04. Cobb, 1905-06-07-08. Milliken, 1917-18-19-20. Elected for 3 years, 4 months: Governor Anderson, 1844-45-46, (b). Elected for 3 years: Governor Lincoln, 1827-28-29, (c). Smith, 1831-32-33. Dana, 1847-48-49, (d). Lot M. Morrill, 1858-59-60. Cony, 1864-65-66. Perham, 1871-72-73. Connor, 1876-77-78. Elected for 2 years, 8 months: Governor Hubbard, 1850-51-52, (e). Elected for 2 years: Governor Kent, 1838-1841. Crosby, 1853-54. Washbum. 1861-62. Ding-ley, 1874-75. Harris M. Plaisted, 1881-82, (f). Bodwell, 1887-88, (g). Femald, 1909-10. Frederick W. Plaisted, 1911-12. Haines, 1913-14. Curtis, 1915-16. Elected for 1 year, 8 months: Governor King, 1820-21, (h). Elected for 1 year: Governor Hunton, 1830. Anson P. Morrill, 1855. Wells, 1856. Hamlin, 1857, (i). Coburn, 1863. Garcelon, 1879. Davis, 1880, (j). (a) Senate. Gov. Fairfield resigned March 7, 1843, having been elected to the United States GOVERNORS OF MAINE 109 (b) Gov. Anderson began his first term on the first Wednesday of January, 1844, and at the state election in the following September the constitution was amended changing the political year to commence on the second Wednesday in May instead of the first Wednesday in January, as theretofore, and providing that the state officials installed on the first Wednesday in January, 1845, should hold office until the second Wednesday in May, 1846; Gov. Anderson was twice re-elected and served until the second Wednesday in May, 1847, about 3 years and 4 months. (c). Gov. Lincoln died in office October 8, 1829. (d) Political years under amended constitution from second Wednesday in May, 1847, to second Wednesday in May, 1850. (e) Gov. Hubbard began his first term on the second Wednesday in May, 1850, and at the state election in the following September, the constitution was again amended, restoring the political year to the original date, the first Wednesday in Jan- uary, and it was provided that the officials installed on the second Wednesday in May, 1851, should hold office \;ntil the first Wednesday in January, 1853; Gov. Hubbard was re-elected for this term and therefore served about 2 years and 8 months. There was no election held in the year 1851. (f ) The first biennial term. (g) Gov. Bodwell died in office December 15, 1887. (h) Our constitution as first adopted by the people provided that "the elections on the second Monday in September annually shall not commence until the year 1821, and in the meantime the elections for Govei'nors, Senators and Representatives shall be on the first Monday in April, in the year of our Lord 1820". This, of course, operated to continue the first governor. King, in office from the date of his inauguration, which was in May, 1820, until the first Wednesday in January, 1822, or about one year and eight months; Governor King, however, resigned on May 28, 1821, having been appointed to a position under the United States government. (i) Gov. Hamlin resigned February 25, 1857, having been elected to the United States Senate. (j) The last annual term. A list of acting governors, i. e., those who succeeded to the office in consequence of the death or resignation of the elected governor, is as follows: William D. Williamson, May 29 to December 25, 1821. Benjamin Ames, December 25, 1821, to January 2, 1822. Daniel Rose, January 2 to January 4, 1822. Nathan Cutler, October 12, 1829, to February 5, 1830. Joshua Hall, February 5 to February 10, 1830. Richard H. Vose, January 12 to January 13, 1841. Edward Kavanagh, March 7, 1843, to January 1, 1844. David Dunn, January 2 to January 3, 1844. John W. Dana, January 3 to January 5, 1844. Joseph H. Williams, February 26, 1857 to January 8, 1858. Sebastian S. Marble, December 16, 1887 to January 2, 1889. Red Paint People CHAPTER XXVI THE MAINE INDIANS The story of the earlj^ peoples has not been written. The early voyageurs found various divisions of Algonquin In- dian tribes on the coast. More than five hundred shell- heaps have been located and a great number of camp sites. However, it is clear that these tribes were not the first Indians of Maine. Dr. Augus- tus C. Hamlin nearly thirty years ago discovered implements imbedded in red ochre and was led to think he had found evidence of an earlier tribe of Indians. Between 1890 and 1892 Mr. Willoughby of the Peabody Museum excavated three sites of the so-called Red Paint culture, one near Bucksport, one on Lake Alamoosook, and a third at Ellsworth. Since Mr. Willoughby's work many other cemeteries have been investigated, nine of them under the direction of Warren K. Moorehead of Andover Museum. The conclusions reached by the investigators is that through- out the state there extends a prehistoric Algonquin culture, older and apparently' different from the Algonquin group. The State of Maine has appointed a commission to act with the Andover Museum under the direc- tion of Mr. Moorehead to make a thorough investigation of the Red Paint culture. It is possible that further investigation will furnish facts upon which to base more definite opinions as to the origin of these people. The remainder of this article was written by Fannie H. Eckstorm, who is an authority on Maine Indians. ^ . . , "Originally the Maine Indians were of three natural groups ™, ., speaking somewhat different dialects. In southwestern Maine and New Hampshire v/ere the Saco Indians, called also Sokokis and Sokwakiaks by the French and Indians respectively. On the three central rivers of Maine were the true Abenakis, whose name for themselves is not known. In southeastern Maine were the seafaring Indians, who called themselves Etechemins. The so-called 'tribes' into which these have been subdivided were more properly 'bands' under dif- ferent chiefs and merit no special distinctions, being correctly enough designated by the locality they most frequented. . , , . "The Maine Indians were Abenakis, belonging to the great Algonquin stock. At the beginning of the seventeenth century they were numerous and powerful and federated under a single chief, the great Bashabes. They occupied all the most desirable loca- 110 A RED PAINT GRAVE Opened by Professor Moorehead of Andover Museum 112 THE MAINE BOOK tions along the coast and up the lower sections of ail the Maine rivers. The interior of the state was their hunting ground. ^ ^ "Disease, revolutions, wars with the Micmacs and the i^jumf* Or . Mohawks, the encroachments of the English settlers and isappearance ^^leiY allegiance to the French, diminished their numbers, disintegrated their tribes and drove most of them eastward or to Canada. Before the Revolution, Maine was cleared of all recognizable tribes except the Penobscots and the Passamaquoddies. "Dummer's war from 1722 tc 1725 marked the climax in n lan Indian warfare in Maine. Before this, aggressors upon defenceless and weak hamlets, now the Indians themselves were hunted. The old town at Old Town and the new town at Eddington Bend were burned, Norridgewock was taken by surprise with great slaughter and its priest. Father Rale, was killed. A little band of English soldiers, in Lovewell's fight at Fryeburg, May, 1725, surrounded and out- numbered, with everything against them, held out in an all-day fight and not only held the ground against a large fighting band, but practically broke it up. After this Indian warfare in Maine was sporadic and after the P^ench were defeated at Quebec, it ceased altogether. When the French joined the colonists in the Revolution, the Maine Indians became entirely friendly and never since have they disturbed the peace of their white neighbors. "Of the original tribes the Saco Indians have been extinct n i&ns fully a century and a half and their language is dead. The ^ ^ y Abenakis proper are now represented only by the Penob- scot Indians of Old Town and the islands above it, who speak d. modernized form of their ancient tongue. The Passamaquoddies of Point Pleasant (near Eastport) and Princeton, who, with the St. John River Indians, speak the Maliseet dialect, are the descendants of the ancient Etechemins. Together the Maine Indians number about one thousand, living in two prin- cipal towns, after the manner of the whites. They have their own churches, schools, convents for the resident Sisters of Mercy, who teach and care for them, the ministrations of priests and their own local government. Though not citizens they are loyal and law-abiding residents of the state and many of them are now serving in the army and navy, as their pred- ecessors served in the Revolution and in the Civil War." ^., ,. , Information about the Maine Indians may be found in the Bibliographv ^ „ , , ^ ,, f followmg books: or IViairic Williamson's History of Maine; much authentic informa- tion about history, dress, habits and political customs. Sylvester's Indian Wars of New England. Three volumes. Varney's Brief History of Maine ; good account of customs, dress, etc., of aborigines. THE MAINE INDIANS 113 John Josselyn, Two Voyages of New England, and New England's Rarities Discovered; contemporary writer, gives considerable information about Indians of southwestern Maine. Leland's Algonquin Legends of New England; gives much Passama- quoddy, Micmac and a little Penobscot Indian folk-lore. Miss Abby Alger's "In Indian Tents" ; continues Leland's work, }5rin- cipally Penobscot. Necolar's The Red Man (printed not published, Bangor, 1893), an Indian's own account of his traditions and beliefs. Hubbard's Woods and Lakes of Maine; appendix, gives many place names with meanings. William F. Ganong, the greatest authority on Indian place names, has published many pamphlets in Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada ; Maine place names are included among others. Reports of Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Journal of American Folk Lore. Publications of Maine Historical Society. Chamberlain's Maliseet Vocabulary and Joseph Laurent's New Famil- iar Abenakis and English Dialogues, with Rale's Indian Dictionary. Rale's Indian Dictionary. CHAPTER XXVII MAINE IN POETRY Bij jiiriiihsion SinaU, Mayiiard igourney. CHAPTER XXVIII THE FIRST POET The first Maine poet was also one of the early governors of the state, Enoch Lincoln, born in Worcester, Mass., Dec. 28, 1788. The first three governors of Maine were distinguished men. William King, who resigned in May, 1821, to become a member of the Spanish Treaty Commission, was an active man of affairs, and a member of the Massachusetts legislature. William Durkee Williamson of Bangor, first President of the Maine Senate, had been a senator in the Massachusetts legislature. He was a distinguished lawyer and the author of Williamson's History of Maine. He resigned the office of governor to accept an election to Congress. Albion K. Parris was a jurist and administrator of rare ability. He was only 33 years old when elected governor, and served five years. Enoch Lincoln was the sixth governor of Maine. Mr. Lincoln dif- fered from his predecessors in office in that, while not falling behind them in the management of practical affairs, and in devotion to public interests, he was a man of more scholarly attainments, of wider reading, of finer sensibilities and more comprehensive views of society, possessing in short some sparks of the divine fire of genius. Enoch Lincoln came of distinguished lineage. He was one of a fam- ily of governors. His father, Levi Lincoln, served in Jefferson's cabinet as attorney general of the United States, was lieutenant governor of Massachusetts in 1807 and 1808, and on the decease of Governor Sullivan, in December of the latter year, he discharged the duties of chief magis- trate from that time till the following May. Enoch's elder brother, Levi Lincoln, Jr., — six years his senior — an eminent lawyer and statesman, was in 1825 selected by both the political parties in Massachusetts as their candidate for governor of the state, and was elected with great unanimity by the people. In 1834, he was elected representative in Con- gress, serving three terms. Enoch Lincoln entered the Sophomore class of Harvard College in 1806. He subsequently received the degree of Master of Arts from Bow- doin College, studied law with his brother Levi, at Worcester, and was there admitted to the bar in 1811. He began practice in Salem, but soon returned to his native town, where he practiced with considerable reputa- tion, but in 1812 he removed to Fryeburg in Maine. 135 136 THE MAINE BOOK Fryeburg has had the distinction of numbering Daniel Webster among the preceptors of her famous academy ; she has given the state many emi- nent men, among whom may be mentioned the Fessendens and John W. Dana, governor of the state from 1847 to 1850; but it may be accounted not the least among her claims to consideration that it was amid her beau- tiful scenery that our poet-governor conceived and executed his poem of 'The Village". It is her scenery that is described in this poem, and its pictures of rural life are drawn from the pursuits and occupations of her people. As a young practitioner, just entering upon his career at the bar, Mr. Lincoln, then in his twenty-fifth year, had much leisure upon his hands. With his studious habits these hours could not be idly spent, and he made the Indians still remaining in the neighborhood, the subject of his researches. It was his custom to spend some weeks or months in each year rambling in the woods, and holding converse with nature and her simple children. His hatred of oppression led him to sympathize with the Indian in his fallen condition, and he spent much time in collecting all those objects and documents, which might throw light upon the manners, customs, habits and dispositions of the ancient lords of the soil. He removed to Paris in 1817, and March 16, 1818, was elected to Con- gress to fill out the unexpired term of the Hon. Albion K. Parris, who had been appointed judge of the United States District Court for the District of Maine. Mr. Lincoln served eight years in Congress, viz., 1818 and 1819, the unexpired term of Mr. Parris; then three full terms, 1819 to 1825, and also 1825 and 1826, when he resigned because of his election as Governor of Maine. As governor of the state, he was distinguished by a zealous devotion to its interests, and the scholarly character of his state papers. His mes- sages were noted for their suggestiveness, pointed brevity and good taste. One of his Thanksgiving proclamations was so brief and comprehensive, and was so popular, that it was printed by his admirers on satin for preserva- tion. During Mr. Lincoln's administration as governor, the question of the northeastern boundary of our state acquired serious and alarming dimensions. He vindicated the rights of the state to the territory in ques- tion with great energy and earnestness. He took strong state sovereignty ground, boldly and decidedly denying the right of the national govern- ment to cede any portion of the territory of the state without its consent. It was during Governor Lincoln's administration also, at a session of the governor and council held at Augusta in June, 1827, that Capitol Hill in Augusta was determined on as the future site of the capitol. THE FIRST POET 137 In the month of July of that year, 1829, he dehvered an oration at the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the capitol. In the following October he was again called to Augusta to deliver an address at the estab- lishment of the Cony Female Academy. On the day when he delivered the address, he had been quite unwell before he made the attempt ; during the delivery he grew so ill that he was obliged to sit down, and after he had finished, he went straightway to bed — the bed of death. Governor Lincoln died October 8, 1829, having nearly completed his forty-first year. He was never married. He was buried with public honors on the grounds fronting the Capitol at Augusta, where his remains still repose. A marked characteristic of Mr. Lincoln's character was his enthusi- astic love of rural nature. This led him, while residing at Fryeburg, to visit the retired haunts of the aborigines, and make acquaintance with the lingering remnants of the large and powerful tribe that once occupied that beautiful region. It was the charm of this varied scenery that inspired him to the composition of the poem entitled "The Village", which was published in 1816, in Portland, by Edward Little & Co. It is a descriptive and didactic poem of more than two thousand lines, written in the heroic measure, and marked by smoothness of versification and elevation of sentiment. One detects at times an echo of Pope in the structure of the lines, and the influ- ence of the author's classical studies is evident throughout. Though pro- fessedly descriptive of rural scenes, the local coloring is not strong, much the larger portion of the poem being devoted to general views of society and mankind at large. It would appear that the poet set out with the pur- pose of sketching the scenery and the conditions of society around him, but not finding the task congenial, gladly launched out into general dis- course on human nature and the various classes of society. He apologizes in his preface for this divergence from his theme, and the diffuseness with which it is pursued, alleging that the vocations of business had pre- vented his filling out the poem in those proportions which were necessary to complete its plan. His mind naturally expanded to wide views of human nature, as seen in the light of history, rather than confining itself to minute observation of the conditions of life around him. With all his love of nature he depended rather on books than on personal observation and experience for the materials of his verse. This is seen in the copious appendix which takes rather the form of essays than of notes. It con- sists of three parts, the first of which is devoted to a history of slavery, the second to a learned review of lawyers, the principles of criminal law, and the modes of punishment in different countries, and the third to a dissertation on religious persecution. These essays show the result of 138 THE MAINE BOOK wide reading, and the influence of classical studies, the experience of Greece and Rome being constantly cited. What is most remarkable about the poem is its advanced sentiments on all humane subjects. As regards slavery, the treatment of the Indians, the education of women, and the ill-treatment of brutes, the poem is far in advance of the views generally held when it was pubhshed, ninety- four years ago, and anticipates many of the reformatory and humane movements of our day. It is something of a surprise withal to find this young man, notwithstanding his inexperience of the ways of life, dealing so caustically with the faults of the learned professions, and betraying no little knowledge of the crooked courses pursued by many of their mem- bers. He has considerable power of satire, and a noble scorn of all that is low, mean, or oppressive of the rights of the poor and the humble. He holds up a high standard throughout, and is ever true to the highest con- victions of truth and duty. His poem deals with the following subjects: View of the Mountains; Account of Their Formation; Description of the Aboriginal Natives; The Rattlesnake; The Saco; Lumbering and Clearing; The Maple; Slavery; Freedom in This Country; 111 Treatment of Brutes; Hunting; Reflections on Women; The Lawyer; Criminal Law; The Clergyman, and Reflections on Superstition; The Physician; Education; Intemperance; Scandal; Party Spirit. We must bear in mind that when this poem appeared in 1816, very little poetry had been written in America. Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, the illustrious trio who have given American poetry a place in the world's literature, were' boys at school. No poem of so wide scope and sustained length as "The Village", dealing with nature and with man in so many of their aspects, had then appeared in our land. As the production of a young man with no wide experience of the world, it must be considered remarkable, not only for its high standard of right, and its advanced moral sentiment, anticipating many of the reforms of our day, but also for its erudition and its evenly-sustained poetical merit. Governor Lincoln's name has no place in the cyclopedias of Ameri- can literature. Undoubtedly the fact that the poem was published anon- ymously in a small provincial town, such as Portland then was, had much to do with its falling into obscurity. Its great length would also deter many from reading it. This is due to the diffuseness with which the author treats his topics. Not content with making his point, he, with a lawyer-like habit, restates it and wanders wide over all collateral themes. With greater conciseness, not so much in expression as in treatment, this would have been a very readable poem. As it is, it justifies the poet's aspiration in his closing hnes, and one sympathizes with his regret in throwing aside the harp, which he seems never again to have taken up. MADAM WOOD CHAPTER XXIX THE FIRST NOVELIST Among the priceless treasures of the Maine State Library, none is valued more highly than the four volumes written by the first writer of fiction in Maine, Madam Wood. Her family was one of the most distin- guished in York County, which in her day comprised the entire District of Maine. Madam Wood was the daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Barrell, whose father was a Boston merchant. Capt. Barrell won his commission at the siege and capture of Quebec, where he was promoted for his gallantry. He married Sally Sayward, daughter of Judge Sayward of York, at whose home their child, Sally Sayward Barrell, was born October 1, 1759. The story of the Sayward family is one of thrilling romance. The original Sayward came from England and settled in York. In the year 1692, while he was away from home, the Indians attacked the town. Twenty-six of the inhabitants were murdered and eight-five were carried away into captivity. It was at this time that the wife and children of Rev. Shubael Dum'mer were massacred. Sayward's wife and all his chil- dren with the exception of one daughter were killed. This daughter, who was captured by the Indians, was afterwards ransomed by § French lady of Quebec, who educated her in a convent of which she became the Lady Abbess. The father of Hannah Sayward, the Lady Abbess of the Quebec con- vent, married again and had two sons, Jeremiah and Jonathan. This Jonathan was the father of Judge Sayward, who was the grandfather of Sally Sayward Barrell. She lived with her grandfather until her marriage with Richard Keating, November 23, 1778. Two daughters and a son were born to them. Her husband died in 1783. Judge Jonathan Sayward at one time before the war of the Revolu- tion was, next to Sir William Pepperell, the richest man in Maine. He was an active merchant and man of all business. He had the confidence of his townsmen and for seventeen years was elected to the office of rep- resentative to the General Court. He was judge of the Court of Common Pleas and judge of probate for York County. These oflSces he held at the beginning of the revolutionary troubles. The home of the judge is still standing unaltered with the same fur- nishings, and owned and occupied by one of his descendants. It would 140 THE FIRST NOVELIST 141 give one a better opinion of the sturdy old Loyalist to visit that house and see the expression of his countenance in his full length portrait, which hangs on the wall. There are also portraits of his wife and daughter by Blackburn, painted between 1750 and 1765, as Blackburn left Boston for England in the latter year. Mrs. Keating continued to live for twenty-one years in the house pre- sented to her by her father as a wedding gift. It was during these years that she developed her gifts as a writer. The tragic history of her family, the incidents of the war and the experiences of her own life furnished the motives of authorship. Her first book was **Julia." The writer has not been able to learn the date of this book or the name of the publisher. Her second book was "Dorval, or the Speculator, a novel, founded on recent facts. By a Lady, author of Juha," published by Nutting and Whitelock, Portsmouth, N. H., for the author in 1801. The preface of this book is worth reading for the information it furnishes about the ideals and customs of that far away day. ''While every library is filled with romances and novels, some apology is perhaps necessary for adding to the number, and introducing a similar work to the public. Wishing to avoid the imputation of arrogance, I will only say, that while society is so fond of literary amusements, some, and I believe, a large number, will be tempted to devote a part of their time to the perusal of the works of fancy and imagination; and while reading is so much in fashion, romantic tales will be read with avidity, and the works of the novelist will claim their station in almost every library. Hitherto we have been indebted to France, Germany and Great Britain, for the majority of our literary pleasures. Why we should not aim at independ- ence, with respect to our mental enjoyments, as well as for our more sub- stantial gratifications, I know not. Why must the amusements of our leisure hours cross the Atlantic? and introduce foreign fashions and for- eign manners, to a people, certainly capable of fabricating their own. Surely we ought to make a return in the same way. I should indeed be vain, if I indulged for a moment an idea that any of my productions were worth transporting to another climate, or that they could be read with any satisfaction, where the works of a Moore, a Burney, a Kotzebue, or a Rowland had originated. But the attempt will be forgiven where the design is good ; and it may possibly call forth the pens of some of my coun- try women, better qualified to instruct and amuse. I hope no one will suppose that I entertain ideas so fallacious as to imagine it necessary for a female to be a writer : far from it. I am sure 'That woman's noblest station is retreat ;' and that a female is never half so lovely, half so engaging or amiable, as when performing her domestic duties, and cheering, with smiles of unaffected good humor, those about her. But there are some, who, forgetful 142 THE MAINE BOOK of those sacred duties, or viewing them all in a circle very circumscribed, devote a large portion of time to dissipation, and such fashionable occupa- tions, as waste many hours that might be devoted to better purposes. If a small share of that time were attached to the pen, I am certain no future author would agree with the Abbe Rayal, That America had produced but few persons of genius:' Envy would be banished from society; and while a woman was drawing a picture of virtue and amiableness from imagination, she would imperceptibly follow the example and copy the portrait. "A small, a very small portion of praise, will, I am sure, be awarded to the novelist. The philosopher will turn with disgust from the pages of romance; and the prudent will think that time lost that is spent in perusing fictitious sorrow and fictitious joys; the gay and the giddy will prefer the ball room or the card table; and the idle cannot find time or inclination to read. But there are some, who, retiring from domestic occu- pations, and whose time is not wholly spent in the city, will open, with pleasure, a volume which is meant to convey a little instruction, while it amuses an idle or a leisure hour; who can enjoy the well meant fiction, and, 'shed a tear on sorrows not their own'. "The following pages are wholly American; the characters are those of our own country. The author has endeavored to catch the manners of her native land ; and it is hoped no one will find, upon perusal, a lesson, or even a sentence, that authorize vice or sanction immorality. It has been her wish to show by example the evils that have arisen from specu- lation, and which have fallen upon the virtuous and the good, as well as the wicked. She cannot help saying, in her own vindication, that the most vicious character is not the creature of imagination, *the vagrant fancy of a woman's brain.' With regard to the other characters, it is left to the world to determine whether they are visionary beings, or copied from real life. It is hoped, however, while they acknowledge the possibility of the existence of such a being as DORVAL, they will believe it more than probable that an Aurelia, a Burlington, and many others, are still inhabitants of the world. When the following pages were written, it was the warmest wish of the author's heart to dedicate them to a lady, whose goodness and virtues had deeply impressed her heart. But that lady's modesty has forbidden that public tribute. To admire in silence those qualities, which must cre- ate and rivet the esteem of all that know her, is all that is permitted. "The volume will of consequence appear without a patron to protect or acknowledge it. The author has only to beg that candor instead of criticism may be extended towards it. Not expecting that it will meet with applause, she only hopes it will not be too severely condemned." THE FIRST NOVELIST 143 Her third novel, "Amelia: or the Influence of Virtue, an Old Man's Story, by a Lady of Massachusetts", was printed at the Oracle Press, by William Treadwell & Co. The volume bears no date, but her next book printed in 1804 states that it was written by the author of "Julia", "The Speculator" and "Amelia", therefore making the date of "Amelia" some- where between 1801 and 1804. In the hst of books credited to Madam Wood by Williamson in his bibliography of Maine is "The Old Man's Story". This is undoubtedly an error. Williamson probably did not have a copy of "Amelia" before him, or he would have known that this was the old man's story. "Amelia" is a story told by a great traveler, who having seen all the world except America, decides to visit that country. He visits Washington at Mount Vernon, Adams in Massachusetts, and while he is the guest of a family in Boston, the conversation turns on the question of the influence of virtue. The traveler then tells the story of "Amelia". Mrs. Keating was married in 1804 to General Abiel Wood, a gentle- man of wealth and a prominent citizen of Wiscasset. Here Mrs. Wood enjoyed every comfort that wealth and the best society could give; and, in the companionship of friends of refined manners and tastes similar to her own, continued her literary work. The year of her marriage to General Wood she published her fourth novel, "Ferdinand and Elmira: a Russian story, by a Lady of Massachu- setts; author of Julia, the Speculator and "Amelia", printed for Samuel Butler, -by John West Butler, Baltimore, 1804. This volume is intro- duced by the following advertisement, evidently written by Samuel Butler : "The writer of this instructive and amusing Work, has heretofore published the effusions of her Pen in New-England ; and there, where the flights of Fancy, (as if chilled by the frigid blast of the north) are not received with that friendly welcome which they experience in the more genial climate of the south and middle States, commanded that applause, which Genius and Fancy never fail of producing on those liberal and candid Minds who will take the trouble to discriminate between the ordinary day- labor of the common English Novelist, who works for a living similar to a Mechanic, and has no other end in view than to bring forth a fashion- able piece of Goods, that will suit the taste of the moment, and remunerate himself, and the Lady of refined sentiments and correct taste, who writes for the amusement of herself, her Friends and the Public. "The work has been carefully corrected and revised; and the Pub- lishers trust that its general execution, and its own intrinsic merit, are such as will insure an ample and speedy sale to this its FIRST edition." The following brief outline indicates the character of the story : Empress Elizabeth of Russia fell in love with Count Peletre, the Polish Ambassador. He, however, had secretly married Emma, the daugh- 144 THE MAINE BOOK ter of the Russian Count Laprochin. When the Empress revealed her love to him which he could not return, he fled with his wife and her father to Poland. The Empress vented her spite on the elder daughter of Count Laprochin, who was at her court, by punishment and banishment. Countess Laprochin, as she was called, was married to an Englishman named Old- ham, who had returned to England, taking their little son Ferdinand with him. When Count Peletre arrived in Poland, he found that the Empress had anticipated him there and he was banished from Poland as well, and had to remain in hiding. Here the old Count died and Elmira, the daugh- ter of Count Peletre and Emma, was born. Hearing nothing of Oldham and his unfortunate wife, the Countess. Count Peletre went to England. He found Oldham gone, but he brought back little Ferdinand to live with them. After some years Countess Laprochin found them and was united to her family. When Ferdinand was eighteen, a chance visitor revealed to him and Elmira who they really were, for they had never been told. Both of them were made to promise that they would never reveal the hid- ing place of their family. Ferdinand joined the Prussian army, with which he fought against Russia. Ferdinand and Elmira were to be mar- ried within a year. Just before the time of their waiting was over, Elmira was kidnapped and taken to a residence some distance from her home. There it was found that she had been mistaken for the eloping daughter of the house. Since she could not tell where she lived, there was trouble about her return, but a "man in the gown" offered to take her nearly there and promised never to reveal where he went. On the way to her home they met Ferdinand, who was under sentence of death, having got into trouble with his colonel. He had gone home for a last visit to his family, only to find them gone. The "man in the p-own" and Elmira accom- panied him back to camp. He was just about to be shot when the general of the regiment arrived and saved him. The "man in the gown" turned out to be Oldham. Meanwhile the Empress had died and her son Peter ruled in her stead. He had immediately pardoned Count Peletre and the Countess Laprochin and sent for them to appear at court. The whole family was now reunited and went to England to live. Ferdinand and Elmira were married there and lived happy ever after. In 1811 General Wood died, and a few years later Madam Wood removed to Portland, probably on account of her son, who had become a ship captain and was sailing out of this port. He married a Miss Emer- son of York, a sister to the first mayor of Portland. William T. Vaughan. the first clerk of the courts of Cumberland, after the separation from Massachusetts, married Madam Wood's second daughter, Miss Keating. She died leaving two children. Madam Wood's last printed book was "Tales of the Night, by a Lady of Maine, author of 'Julia,' The Speculator,' 'The Old Man's Story,' etc.. THE FIRST NOVELIST 145 etc., Portland," printed and published by Thomas Todd, 1827. The above list omits "Ferdinand and Elmira," and one etc. probably stands for this book, the other possibly for the "Illuminated Baron". "Tales of the Night" was written when Madam Wood lived in Portland. The Tales are a part of a series, which the author intended to publish in two volumes. However, only one volume was printed. This book contains two stories, "Storms and Sunshine", or the "House on the Hill", and "The Hermitage". The first of these is the story of Henry Arnold, who, because of a seri- ous controversy over a large estate which he had inherited, was obliged in 1790 to return to his native state of Massachusetts after long residence in England. His wife, two daughters and one man servant accompanied him. Misfortune camped on their trail. A tempestuous voyage, a dis- agreeable journey by land, a Maine blizzard, the serious illness of Mrs. Arnold, scarcity of food, the death of Mrs. Arnold's sister, news of the loss of the ship bringing their household goods, failure of the father's banking house, brought the family to the lowest depths of despondency. The situation is relieved by a rapid succession of happy events — Mrs. Arnold recovers, the deed to the valuable estate is found and the title cleared, the will of Mrs. Arnold's sister bequeaths them a fortune, the ship with the household goods arrives after being driven from its course instead of lost, and the older daughter is thus enabled to take the man of her choice whom she had first refused because of her penniless condi- tion. The younger daughter marries a "good man" and even the man servant gets the fever and takes unto himself a wife. "The Hermitage" is the story of Marcia Vernon, who, at the age of thirteen, entered the employ of Governor and Mrs. Wellington. Her beauty and deportment made her a favorite with everyone in the family, the members of which vied with each other in completing her training and education. Two years after the death of Mrs. Wellington, Marcia was married to the Governor. Her consent to this union was given only because she believed her lover to be dead and because she had promised to care for the Governor as long as he should live. Ten years after her marriage Colonel Mortimer (Marcia's lover) reappeared with a satisfac- tory, although startling, explanation of his long absence. Marcia con- tinued a dutiful and constant wife and the Governor accommodatingly died within a short time, leaving a letter to Marcia and the Colonel request- ing them "to form the engagement which would secure them happiness for life, and embalm his memory with their continued aff'ection". While living in Portland, Madam Wood and her family occupied the western half of what is known as the Anderson house on the south side of Free Street. She was always spoken of here as "Madam Wood" and was accorded the place of honor in all gatherings of the best society. She was, owing to her peculiar type of dress, a conspicuous figure in public 146 THE MAINE BOOK places. She was accustomed to wear the high turban or cap, and when she went out she wore a plain black bonnet so far forward as nearly to hide her features. Although Madam Wood was a communicant of the First Parish church under Doctor Nichols, she often attended the old brick church of St. Paul's, sitting in the Vaughan pew with her grand- children. Madam Wood left some manuscript works which were never printed, though it is said that when the Waverly novels appeared, and she had read some of them, she was so dissatisfied with her own works that she gathered what she could of them and destroyed them. Captain Keating, her son, was sailing a ship from the port of New York, and to be near his family his mother concluded to go there with all her family. This was in 1829 or 1830. In January. 1833, Captain Keating arrived in New York Harbor and anchored in the stream, remaining aboard. In the night, the current set the running ice against the ship with such force as to cut her through, and she sank at her anchor at once, carrying down all on board, includ- ing the captain ; not one escaped. Madam W^ood was now seventy-five years old. Although hers had been a life of vicissitudes, the loss of her last remaining child, an enterprising son, the stay and support of her declin- ing years, was a severe shock to her. The following summer she returned to Maine with a widowed granddaughter and a great grandson. In her last years Madam Wood continued to write, at the request of her friends, papers of reminiscences, which from her great age and wonderful memory, were very valuable. She died January 6, 1854, at the uncommon age of ninety-five years and three months. First Books CHAPTER XXX BOOKS, PRINTERS, NEWSPAPERS, EDITORS In the year 1784 printing was introduced into the Dis- trict of Maine by Benjamin Titcomb, Jr., of Falmouth. Soon after the estabhshment of his office he received as a partner Thomas Wait of Boston. It is probable that some pamphlets were printed by this firm but book publishing began with the issue of a volume pubhshed under the name of the junior partner, bearing on its title page the quaint inscription: "Universal Spelling Book, or a New and Easy Guide to the Enghsh Language. Containing Tables, etc., etc., 28th Edition with additions. By Daniel Fenning, Late School-master of Bures Suffolk. Falmouth, Casco (Bay), Printed and Sold by Thomas Wait at his Office in Middle St., MDCCLXXXVI". Four years later, under date of August 14, 1790, the first copyright issued to a District of Maine pubhsher was granted to Samuel Freeman, the author of the "Columbian Primer, or the Schoolmistresses' Guide to Children in their First Steps to Learning". Other books by the same author were "The Town Officer; or the Power and Duty of Selectmen and other Town Officers" and "The Probate Auxiliary: or, a Director and Assistant to Probate Courts, Executors, Administrators and Guardians," which informs us that the author was Register of Probate for Cumberland County and bears, what appears to the modern reader, the curious information that it was published in Portland, Massachusetts. Both of these volumes were printed by Ben- jamin Titcomb, the former in 1791 and the latter in 1793. Hallowell soon became a publishing center. The first book which came from the press in this town was a work of fiction entitled "Female Friendship, or the Innocent Sufferer: a Moral Novel". It was published anonymously and printed by Howard Robinson in 1797. Eliza S. True was the author of the earliest volume of Maine poems, which was pubhshed in 1811 under the title of "The Amaranth", being, it was said, "A Collection of Original Pieces in Prose and Verse, Calculated to Amuse the Minds of Youth without Corrupting their Morals". This publication was issued from the press of M. McKown. In 1816 appeared "The Village," the first book written wholly in verse by a Maine author, who was none other than Enoch Lincoln, afterward governor of the state. 147 11 148 THE MAINE BOOK On the first day of January, 1785, there appeared in the ^ town of Falmouth the first issue of the pioneer newspaper of the District of Maine, under the name of The Falmouth Gazette and Weekly Advertiser. This paper, except for a suspension from 1866 to 1868, has, under various names, been published continuously to the present time. It came from the press of Titccmb and Wait of Falmouth and was printed on four pages, about the size of a sheet of foolscap, with three columns to a page. In 1786, the year of Portland's incorporation, the name was changed to Cumberland Gazette. It was again changed in 1792 to avoid confusion with a rival paper, the Gazette of Maine, which had been established in 1790 by Benjamin Titcomb after his withdrawal from the partnership with Wait. Under its new name of Eastern Herald it appeared in a larger form. No more changes were made until September, 1796, when Mr. Wait disposed of his interests to John B. Baker, who consolidated it with the Gazette of Maine under the title of Eastern Herald and Gazette of Maine. After the retirement of Mr. Baker the paper passed into the hands of Daniel George, "a man of genius." Following his death it was purchased by Isaac Adams, who merged with it the Portland Gazette, a sheet issued in 1798 by E. A. Jenks. Subsequent to this change it was known as the Portland Gazette and Maine Advertiser. In 1808 Mr. Adams took into partnership Arthur Shirley, whose connection with the paper lasted until 1822, when he left to become publisher of the Christian Mirror. During Mr. Shirley's long career as printer and publisher several important publications came from his press, among which were the Daily Courier, Family Reader, Portland Magazine and the Maine Washingtonian Journal. He published the first directory of Portland and the first book of sacred music printed in the state. In the year 1819 William Willis, later an eminent lawyer and his- torian, was engaged by Shirley to write editorials for his paper. This is the first instance in which the office of editor was separated from the business of the publisher. When the daily edition was established in 1831 it was called the Portland Advertiser, while the title of Gazette of Maine was revived for the weekly edition. Among its many distinguished editors we find the names of James Brooks, Erastus Brooks, Phineas Barnes, Henry Carter and James G. Blaine. From a subscription list of 1700 in the year 1796, the circulation has now increased to 26,267, the largest of any daily in the state. The first daily newspaper in Maine was established in Portland in 1829 by Seba Smith. It was known as the Courier. The oldest paper maintaining an unbroken existence and unchanging name is the Eastern Argus, established in 1803 in Portland. Its first pub- lishers were Calvin Day and Nathaniel Willis. BOOKS, PRINTERS, NEWSPAPERS, EDITORS 149 In these days of almost hourly mail service it is hard to realize the eagerness with which the weekly delivery of papers was anticipated in the smaller towns in the early days. Local happenings were reported without delay by the busy newsmongers but the only connection with the outside world was found in the papers. In 1785 the mail was carried from Falmouth to Portsmouth and from thence to Boston on horseback and inhabitants of settlements not on the direct mail route were obliged to send messeno-ers on foot to the nearest place selected to send letters and receive mail. In case of severe storms or unusually bad condition of the roads the postman was often dplaved for two weeks and sometimes for more than a month. In Parson Smith's diary, written in 1785, we find this entry: "The post at last got here, having been hindered near five weeks.'* As comparatively few people in the smaller settlements couM afford individual subscriptions, it was the custom for whole neighborhoods to unite in subscribing for a sine-le paper, which was read in turn by the several families and then carefullv preserved for future readino-. Con- gressional news, sometimes not more than sixteen days old, and foreign news, two or three months late, made up the greater part of the Daner. A few items of local interest were given in the form of death notices — long and eulogistic — and advertisements. These varied from descriptions of Droprietarv medicines, sure to cure all ailments, to notices of marit?! difficulties. No paper was complete without its advertisements of W. I. Rum, gin. wines and other cordials. Masters of runaway apprentices aired their troubles and oflfered munificent rewards, varying from two cents to ten dollars, for the return of their ungrateful servants. The first paper on the Kennebec was the Eastern Star, published at Hallowell, then known as Bombahook, or "The Hook", in 1794 by Howard Robinson. The price was nine shillings a year. It was printed on four pages, 18 by 11 inches in size. After struggling vainly for about a year, during which time it passed into the hands of Nathaniel Perley, it came to an early death and was succeeded by The Tocsin. This paper was estabhshed in 1795 by Thomas Wait, Howard Robinson and John K. Baker, a former apprentice of Wait's. It was purchased the following year by Benjamin Poor and continued until 1797 when it, too, succumbed to starva- tion. Soon after the establishment of the Eastern Star at "The Hook", a rival paper was started at Fort Western, a part of Hallowell, now known as Augusta. Its publisher was Peter Edes, who came to Maine from Bos- ton. The first issue of the Kennebeck Intelligencer, a sheet of four pages, 18 by 11^ inches in size, was dated November 21, 1795. "For want of due encouragement and punctuality of payments" Mr. Edes discontinued the 150 THE MAINE BOOK paper in June, 1800, but it was revived in November of the same year as The Kennebec Gazette. In February, 1810, the character of the paper changed and it became a party organ. Its name was changed with its character and it was known as the Herald of Liberty. For some time it flourished but in 1815 Edes became discouraged by unfavorable condi- tions and removed to Bangor, where he brought out the Bangor Weekly Register on November 25 and "could make out to live if nothing more". Lincoln County's pioneer was the Wiscasset Telegraph, issued in December, 1796, by Russell & Hoskins. It was made up of four pages, 21 by 18 inches. Nearly a year after its establishment a slight change was made in the title to The Wiscasset Telegraph, which was at that time pub- lished by Hoskins and Scott. It was discontinued on the death of Hoskins in 1804. During the same month in which the tick of The Telegraph became audible, there were heard the blatant tones of the Oriental Trumpet in Portland. After nearly four years of existence its voice was silenced. In December, 1797, the Wiscasset Argus made its appearance, under the direction of Lauo-hton & Rhoades. It did not enjoy a long life. Russel's Echo; or, the North Star, was Oxford County's first news- paper. It was published at Fryeburg by EHjah Russel in February, 1798. It evidently was not successful in spite of the publisher's offer to allow his subscribers to *'pay in anything or cash", as its last number appeared in January, 1799. The Castine Journal and Universal Advertiser came into being at Castine in January, 1799. It was a four-page paper about 18 by 11 inches, published by David Waters. In May of the same year its title was chanered to Castine Journal and the Eastern Advertiser. It is thoue-ht to have ceased circulation about December 26, 1800. It was the first newspaper printed in Hancock County. In 1803 the Annals of the Times began its short life in Kennebunk. In the year of its death, 1805, the Kennebunk Gazette was started by James L. Remick, who published it until 1842. For a few years after his retirement the paper was continued by his son. The Annals was York County's first experiment in journalism. The first paper published in Penobscot County was the Bane-or Weekly Register, established by Peter Edes in 1815, after his removal from Au- gusta. In December, 1817, it was purchased by James Burton, Jr., who changed its name to Bangor Register. It lived until August, 1831, and was succeeded by the Penobscot Journal. Eastport was the home of the first Washington County paper, which appeared in August, 1818, under the name of Eastport Sentinel. It was Federal or Whig in politics and was published by Benjamin Folsom until his death in 1833. It has lived to a ripe old age and is still thriving. BOOKS, PRINTERS, NEWSPAPERS, EDITORS 151 No newspaper was established in Waldo County until July, 1820, when the Hancock Gazette made its appearance. Its first publishers were Fellows & Simpson, with William Biglow as editor. After a few numbers had been issued Penobscot Patriot was added to its title. In June, 1826, it was again changed to Belfast Gazette. Only eight volumes were pub- lished. Sagadahoc County also produced a "Gazette" — the Maine Gazette — issued by Torrey and Simpson at Bath in December, 1820. In 1832 the paper was consolidated with the Maine Inquirer, established in 1824, thus becoming the Gazette and Inquirer. Though many later consolidations and consequent changes of name have occurred, the paper is still in exist- ence. George V. Edes, a nephew of Peter, was associated with Thomas J. Copeland in the publication of Somerset County's first news sheet, the Somerset Journal. It was issued at Norridgewock on May 15, 1823. Under various names it continued until about 1826, when it was removed to Ban- gor and published under a new title. The promoter of the Thomaston Register, the earliest publication in Knox County, was Jonathan Ruggles, later Justice of the Supreme Court in Maine and United States Senator. It made its appearance in May, 1825, under the direction of Edwin Moody, who sold the estabhshment in 1831. The new owner substituted for the old title the name of Independ- ent Journal. The following spring the business was discontinued. The first attempt to establish a printing press in Franklin County was made by W. A. Dunn in 1832. The Sandy River Yeoman was the result of the effort. Its difficulties were many and after a year's struggle it gave up in despair. The ancestor of the Piscataquis Observer, now published, in Dover, was the Piscataquis Herald, born in Dover, June 1, 1838. Only one change in the name, that from Herald to Observer, has been made. George V. Edes, who previously published the Somerset Journal, was responsible for its early success, aided by the Whigs of Piscataquis County, whose organ it was. The first paper presented by Androscoggin County was the Lewis- ton Journal, whose initial number was issued at Lewiston May 21, 1847. The size of the first sheet was 33 by 23 inches. William Waldron and Dr. Alonzo Garcelon were the publishers, with Dr. F. Lane as editor. The press and printing materials for the Journal were brought to Lewiston from Portland with a team by Col. William Garcelon. In 1850 Dr. Garce- lon's connection with the paper ceased and Waldron conducted it alone until 1856, when Nelson Dingley purchased a half interest. A year later he assumed entire control. Under his management the paper became more decidedly political and has since been recognized as one of the leading Republican papers. 152 THE MAINE BOOK The Aroostook Pioneer has the distinction of being not only the first newspaper published in the county but a paper "started in the wilder- ness". In 1858 Joseph B. Hall, senior member of the firm of Hall and Oilman, purchased the old outfit of the Bangor Gazette and carried it by team from Bangor to Presque Isle. When Mr. Hall severed his connec- tion with the paper in 1860, Mr. Oilman assumed sole charge. Eight years later Mr. Oilman removed the paper to Houlton, where business prospects seemed brighter. It is still published in Houlton under the original name. ^^ .. . Among the many religious publications appearing in „ Maine, a few of the early ones are worthy of especial men- tion. The Christian Intelligencer, the first Universalist organ in the state, was printed in 1821. The Christian Mirror, published in 1822, was one of the pioneers of the religious press and attained a cir- culation which was remarkable at the time. Previous to the Civil War it was sent to every state in the Union, to parts of Europe and to Asia. Its first editor was Dr. Asa Rand. During its long history it took a prom- inent part in many important discussions. In the year 1830 appeared the Sabbath School Instructor, a juvenile paper published by D. C. Colesworthy, and the Maine Wesleyan Journal, a Methodist publication edited by Oer- shom H. Cox. The Journal was later conducted by Horatio King. It was finally transferred to Boston and united with Zion's Herald. Two of the organs of the Baptist denomination were the Maine Baptist Herald — the first paper fully coinciding with the faith of the primitive Baptists — pub- lished in 1824, and Zion's Advocate, edited by Rev. Adam Wilson in 1837. The Freewill Baptists issued the Family Instructor in 1841. Other Uni- versalist publications appeared in the Christian Pilot, about 1832, and the Universalist Palladium, about 1839. Both of these papers were later merged in the Oospel Banner, a weekly religious newspaper which had been established in 1835 under the editorship of Rev. William A. Drew. This in turn, after several years of prosperity in Maine was merged into the Universahst Leader, now published in Boston. The Universalist Ban- ner, a monthly paper, was first published in 1904. It is printed in Au- gusta. In 1856 the Evangelist, a Congregational paper, started at Port- land some months previously, was removed to Lewiston and published from the Journal office until 1861-2, when it was discontinued. Two early papers devoted to the cause of negro emancipation were the Advocate of Freedom, edited by Professor Smyth, in Brunswick in 1838, and the Liberty Standard, published in the same town four years later. The second publication was edited first by Rev. Elijah P. Love^ joy, Maine's martyr to the cause of antislavery, and later by Rev. Aus- tin Willey, an ardent supporter of the same cause. Enthusiastic workers for temperance published papers that exerted a strong influence in bring- ing about state prohibition of the liquor traffic. BOOKS, PRINTERS, NEWSPAPERS, EDITORS 153 From a smaU beginning of only eight papers published in the Dis- trict in 1810, there are now about one hundred sixteen in the state with a total circulation of between three and four million. Augusta ranks first, Portland comes next and then follow Bangor and Lewiston. It is said that the quantity of work done in Augusta exceeds any other town of its size in the Union and surpasses many of several times its population. . Benjamin Titcomb, Jr., who established the first printing . office in Maine, was a native of Portland. In his later years it was a source of great pride to him that he "struck off with his own hands the first sheet ever printed in Maine". His part- ner, Thomas B. Wait, came to Falmouth from Boston in 1784. For a short time previous to his connection with Titcomb he ran a stationer's shop but was with Titcomb in 1785 when the Falmouth Gazette appeared. In later times he ran the paper alone for several years. He published in 1807 an edition of Blackstone's Commentaries in four volumes. In con- nection with John P. Sawin, "an ingenious mechanic" he invented a circu- lar power printing press, patented in February, 1810. It was of suffi- cient importance to receive a lengthy description in Thomas's History of Printing, issued the same year. Titcomb withdrew from the firm in 1790 and issued a rival publication. The Gazette of Maine. Eight years later he left the printing business entirely to devote his time to preaching. In 1804 he became pastor of the Baptist church at Brunswick, retaining that position for forty years. In 1819 he was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and made the opening prayer. He was one of the original trustees of Waterville College, now Colby College, and was always greatly interested in its progress. To Ezekiel Goodale is ascribed the honor of establishing the first permanent printing house in Hallowell and the first book store east of Portland. He settled in Hallowell in 1802. For a time he conducted a book shop only but in 1813 his printing establishment, "At the Sign of the Bible" was opened. Several important volumes issued from his press, among which were reprints of valuable books published in the old country. One of his early publications was "McFingal: a modern epic", written by John Trumbull, Esq., and inspired by the events of the Revolution. The Maine Farmer's Almanac, considered next to the Bible in importance in many homes, first came from his press. For over sixty years it was published in Hallowell but in 1880 was purchased by Charles E. Nash of Augusta, where it is now published. Goodale's firm also published the first Maine Reports. WiHiamson's History of Maine was printed at the same establishment, as were early volumes of the Revised Statutes of Maine. Goodale imported from England the best books of the time, in- cluding the latest novels. Some of his advertisements call attention to the Rambler, the Spectator, works of Shakespeare, Milton, Scott, Byron, 154 THE MAINE BOOK Moore and Fielding, also to "Guy Mannering: a new novel by the author of Waverley" and "Childe Harold : a poem by Lord Byron". The pioneer printer at Augusta, then a part of Hallowell, was Peter Edes, who came to the Fort Western settlement in 1795 and immediately commenced publishing the Kennebeck Intelligencer. He had contemplated a partnership with Wait in Portland in 1785 but had remained in Boston. Alter a lew years spent in Newport, R. I., he again determined to estab- lish a business in Maine. His position as the most important figure in tne early history of printing in this state is due in part to his connection with his father's establishment in Boston. This had given him a knowl- edge of the business which few others possessed and a certain amount of prestige as the son of the famous journalist of the American Revolution. It is thought probable that political motives prompted him to start a paper in the vicinity where two news sheets had already been established. Although one had died an early death, the other was still in existence. During the publication of his newspaper at Augusta Mr. Edes changed its name three times. In 1800 it became the Kennebec Gazette, later, at the request of his patrons, it was changed to Herald of Liberty. In 1815 Mr. Edes decided that a change of location was necessary if he desired to make a living and he accordingly transferred his business to Bangor. His types and press were moved by Ephraim Ballard with a team of six oxen. Because of the weakness of the Kennebec Bridge it was considered wise to take the four-ton load across in sections. Three weeks were required to accomplish the journey to Bangor and return and the expense was one hundred forty-three dollars, which Edes considered "quite mod- erate". His venture in Bangor also proved unsuccessful and he retired after about two years' struggle. Nathaniel Willis, one of the first publishers of the Eastern Argus, deserves more than a passing notice. His dauntless courage in support of his convictions, causing his imprisonment, has been mentioned in connec- tion with that paper. After leaving Portland Mr. Willis was for a time engaged in literary work in Boston. His next move was to New York, where he later became co-editor, with Morris, of the New York Mirror. Mr. Willis was distinguished for his graceful style and for his rare skill in the use of words. ,,. Of the prominent men who have attained eminence in the field of journalism the list is almost endless — Coles- p , .. , worthy, from whose press came many popular publica- tions; Seba Smith, editor and author of the famous Jack Downing sketches; Samuel Freeman, judge, editor and author; E. H. Elwell, editor, author and historian; Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice of the United States, also a successful journalist; Ilsley; Kingsbury; Foster; Berry ; Holden ; Lapham, editor and historian ; Blaine ; Manley ; Burleigh ; BOOKS, PRINTERS, NEWSPAPERS, EDITORS 155 Willis; Fessenden; Barnes; Dingley; Haskell; Noyes; Clark; Putnam and even the children in the most remote districts know the names of Heath, Hoiden, and Ginn, To many of our journalists their native state has seemed too small a field and they have sought recognition in the larger cities. Among those who have found a prominent place in Metropolitan metropolitan journalism are the names of Russell Eaton, Journalists Nathaniel Willis, Erastus and James Brooks, Arlo Bates, Seba Smith, John Neal, Elijah Lovejoy, Isaac McLellan, Came, Waters, Haskell, Niles, Gammon, Haines, Lincoln, Sawyer, Cole, Macomber, Herrick, Wheeler and Minot. Special mention should be made of Edward Stanwood, author, historian, sociologist and for many years connected editorially with the Boston Daily Advertiser and the Youth's Companion; Edward P. Mitchell, one of the most distinguished Maine journahsts, now with the New York Sun; L. S. Metcalf, editor of the North American Review and founder of the Forum ; Frederick M. Somers, publisher of Current Literature and the Forum; and Frank A. Munsey, one of the most spectacular figures in American journalism. GOVERNOR ENOCH LINCOLN, Author of The Village CHAPTER XXXI MAINE'S CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE By John Clair Minot Literature in a restricted sense, as a fine art, is one thing. Literature in its broader sense, as including in general the published works of the writers of a given region over a given period, is quite another thing. In this broader understanding of what literature is let us consider what Maine has contributed to it. It follows, then, that our discussion — which, in any case, must be incomplete and inadequate — will be in the main an appreciative summary of what Maine-born writers and Maine influences have contributed to American literature, rather than a work* of analysis and of critical estimate of values. Perhaps it is permissible to name 1604 as the year when the literary history of Maine began. That was sixteen years before the shores of Massachusetts gave their wintery welcome to the storm-tossed Mayflower, and three years before the first English settlements were made at James- town and Popham. Nevertheless that year, 1604, saw the De Monts expedi- tion occupying this region in the name of France and establishing itself on a little island in the St. Croix River. About eighty members of that expedition ventured to pass the winter there, the first Europeans to pass a winter on our shores since the days of the legendary Norsemen. Half of them died before the spring came. There were no other Europeans in America north of the Spaniards in Florida. To while away the lonely weeks of that long and cruel winter the bright spirits of the company prepared and passed around — of course in written form — a little paper that they called the Master William. Samuel de Champlain, the historian of the expedition, later the founder of Que- bec and the father of New France, refers to it briefly. What a pity that he did not embody a copy of it in his yivid narrative of that winter — for the Master William was undeniably the first American periodical, and Samuel de Champlain's journal, which, happily, has survived, was the first history, or written work of any sort, penned within the present limits of New England. Three years later the English under George Popham came to the mouth of the Kennebec. Their attempt to colonize, like that of the French on the St. Croix, proved but a broken beginning. Like Moses, they only looked, as it were, into the promised land. Yet their ill-fated colony had 157 158 THE MAINE BOOK its faithful chroniclers and the narrative has come down to us. Of that narrative I have always loved especially well the story that James Davis tells of a trip of twenty of the Popham colonists, he being one of the num- ber, up the Kennebec in October, 1607. How delightful it is, that lirsL picture we get of what is now the capital of Maine' — the green island in the rapids of the river; the great store of wild grapes "exceedinge good and sweett, of to sorts both red, but one of them a mervellous deepe red".; ihe abundance of vegetation and wild fruits on the shores, and the general goodness of the land which the English visitors confessed was beyond iheir power of expression. A mile or two above the island in the rapids, which disappeared when the Augusta dam was built more than two centuries later, the party camped on the shore two nights, parleyed with the friendly Indians and set up the cross of Christianity in the heart of a land that had never known it before. Those early narratives have no end of fascinating allurements, but we must not linger with them. Most of the other early explorers of our coast — Gosnold, Pring, Weymouth, John Smith and the rest — either kept elaborate journals of their voyages and discoveries, or suffered narratives to be written by members of their expeditions, and all that body of price- less historical material may properly be called the first contribution of Maine to literature. Nor was it many years after that era of exploration before the native- born of Maine began to write and pubhsh. Probably the first on that long list is John Crowne, poet and dramatist, who was born on our coast about 1640 — though Nova Scotia has put forward a claim that he was born there. He has been called the rival of Dryden. His dramatic works and translations in verse are in the Boston Public Library — and there I took them from the shelves the other day, only to find small temptation to scan the musty pages. To skip a full century — probably the most accomplished scholar in America during the last half of the 18th century was Stephen Sewall, who was born in York in 1734. He served long on the Harvard faculty. His work included Hebrew, Syrian, Chaldee, and Greek grammars and dic- tionaries, Latin orations and even the translation of Young's "Night Thoughts" into Latin verse. We are told that the first book given to the world from a Maine press was "Female Friendship", a thin little volume published at Hallowell in 1797. The first book of Maine poems was published in Portland in 1811, the work of Eliza S. True, who had been born in that city sixty years earlier. The book bore this title: "The Amaranth, Being a Collection of Original Pieces in Prose and Verse, Calculated to Amuse the Minds of Youth Without Corrupting Their Morals". It were well if the writers of MAINE'S CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE 159 our generation always felt the spur of an ambition so worthy as that! That volume, as we see, contained prose as well as verse. It is said that the first Maine book wholly in verse was "The Village", brought out in 1816 by Enoch Lincoln, who became the sixth governor of our state. While "The Amaranth" and "The Village" were enjoying their first popularity — which, we must confess, was neither large nor long — a little lad was roaming the pleasant streets "of the beautiful town That is seated by the sea." From the black wharves he watched the tossing tides and felt "the beauty and mystery of the ships And the magic of the sea." In the shadows of Deering's woods and beside the shore where he caught "in sudden gleams The sheen of the far-surrounding seas And islands that were the Hesperides," he thought the long, long, thoughts of youth, and thrilled to "The song and the silence in the heart That in part are prophecies and in part Are longings wild and vain." That little lad bore a name that became long ago, and remains after a century Tias passed, the best known and the best loved in American literature. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow may, or may not, be the great- est of our American poets — it can hardly be expected that all the critics will agree on a thing of that sort — but we of Maine are little disposed to concede that the matter is open to argument. And when we stand in Westminster Abbey and see there in Poet's Corner the bust of Longfellow, the only American so honored by our Motherland, — or when we stand before the replica of that bust in Bowdoin's Memorial Hall, or at Harvard, which took the young poet-professor after Bowdoin had trained him — we get a sense of the strength and the universality of the appeal that Long- fellow has made to the hearts of men. More than a generation has passed since Longfellow laid down his pen after writing his last lines — "Out of the shadows of night The world rolls into light, It is daybreak everywhere, — " but in spite of all the changing fashions of the hurrying years no poet has supplanted him, or seems likely to supplant him, in the homes and schools of our land. I am confident that nine out of ten of you who are here tonight are familiar with more poems by Longfellow — in a way that you can quote from them or count them as favorite poems — than by any 160 THE MAINE BOOK other author. And the same would be true in a thousand other gather- ings, like this and unHke this, if that number were held tonight between coast and coast. Perhaps that test alone suffices. But even disregarding the half hun- dred or hundred of Longfellow's briefer poems that remain familiar and popular from generation to generation, who of our poets has given us so many longer works — works of sustained beauty and strength — that keep their hold on readers of all classes? The Song of Hiawatha, unique in literature, an Indian epic; The Courtship of Myles Standish, with its beautiful pictures of old Plymouth ways and woods; Evangeline, with the haunting pathos of its unforgettable tragedy ; The Tales of a Wayside Inn, as undying as the Canterbury tales that inspired them ; the masterly trilogy of The Divine Traeedy, The Golden Legend and the New England Tragedies, and the great translation of Dante, faithfully rendering the original line by line, yet always musical and beautiful — what would Ameri- can literature be without them? What can we say was Maine's part in all the sum total of what Long- fellow gave the world ? Here, of Maine ancestry, he was born ; here he was educated; here he passed the golden years of youth and early man- hood. Immeasurably great upon all the work of his later years must have been those influences. And all through his life — from his under- graduate days in Brunswick, when the whisDerinor pines and the sunrise on the hills gave him the inspiration for his earliest poems, until he came back to the old Church on the Hill, fifty years later, to read to his surviv- ing classmates his Morituri Salutamus, the finest tribute to Alma Mater and to old age that poet has ever penned — all through those years. Maine gave him themes for the expression of his poetic genius. What city has a more beautiful poem that is all its own than Portland has in My Lost Youth? Fryeburg has its special claim on Longfellow in the verses on Lovell's Fight, written for the centenary of the fight in 1825, and the first verses that the young poet gave to the world with his name attached. The beautiful Songo River does not forget that Longfellow sang of its devious windings. Among all of Longfellow's sonnets — and he stands pre- eminent as a writer of sonnets — there is none more perfect in form or finer in substance than his tribute to Professor Parker Cleveland, which begins, "Among the many lives that I have known. None I remember more serene and sweet. More rounded in itself and more complete, Than his." The Baron of St. Castine, one of the very few poems in The Tales of a Wayside Inn that is not wholly on an Old World theme, is, however, more a story of the Pyrenees than of the Maine coast. MAINE'S CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE 161 By a coincidence that the world has never ceased to wonder at, Amer- ica's greatest novelist, the master wizard of romance, was a college class- mate of our best known and best loved poet. Although Hawthorne was not a native of our state, his name must have a place in any summary of Maine's contribution to literature. It is not simply that he passed much of his boyhood in Raymond and was educated at Bowdoin in the most fam- ous class that any college, large or small, ever graduated, but that his first novel, Fanshawe, was a story of Bowdoin and Brunswick, very thinly dis- guised. I wonder how many of you ever read Fanshawe? Not many, I am sure. Hawthorne himself regarded the novel as a youthful effort — natur- ally enough, since it was published the year after his graduation — and not until after his death was it commonly included in his collected works. I remember when Professor Chapman, for forty years the beloved and brilliant head of Bowdoin's department of English, confessed that he was reading the story for the first time — the story of the little college town of nearly a century ago, of a hero who was soulful and studious, too good to live long; of a villain, a former pirate, who tried to kidnap the fair ward of the collee-e president; of a student revel in the old village tavern, rudely interrupted by "prexy". The style is amusingly heavy — a veritable prodi- gality of polysyllabic phraseology — but no student of the marvelous genius that gave the world The Scarlet Letter and The Marble Faun can aff'ord to neglect Fanshawe. Contemporaries of Longfellow, and, like him, natives of Portland, were Isaac McLellan and Nathaniel Parker Willis — honored and widely popular during their lives, but producers of little that seems destined to endure. Both became metropolitan journalists and both travelled widely. Willis was far the more artistic workman, and there is much of beauty and literary charm in his poems, his essays and his works of travel. Espe- cially worthy of surviving are his scriptural poems in blank verse. Many of us must recall the Absolom in the school readers of a generation ago. Willis has been called a dilettante in literature — perhaps because, unlike many authors, he never had to struggle with want, — but he was neverthe- less a most industrious worker for the forty years that followed the pub- lication of his first poems while he was a student at Yale. Nathaniel P. Willis came of a talented family. His sister, Sarah Pay- son Willis, who became the wife of James Parton, the historian, won fame under the pen name of "Fanny Fern". His father, Nathaniel Willis, while editor of the Eastern Argus, was the first editor ever imprisoned in Maine in punishment for the freedom with which he uttered his sentiments through the press. Earlier than that he had founded the Boston Recorder, the first religious newspaper ever published, and later, in 1827, he founded The Youth's Companion. 162 THE MAINE BOOK And perhaps I may be permitted to add that The Youth's Companion, which a United States commissioner of education not long ago character- ized as the most important single educational agency in America, has been largely, and in other ways than its origin, a contribution of Maine CO literature. In its editorial management and among its contributors Maine names have always been conspicuous. For a full generation its editorial head was Edward Stanwood of Augusta, eminent writer of his- tory and biography and an authority on political and economic subjects; and tor an even longer period its best loved story writer has been C. A. Stephens of Norway Lake. A score of other well known Maine names are high on its roll of editors and contributors. Its first subscriber was a Maine girl ; and only last year a Maine man died who had been continuously a subscriber for ninety years — probably a record without a parallel on the subscription lists of any other periodical. And through all the years since Nathaniel Willis founded The Companion in 1827 it has been printed on paper made by the same Maine mill. I wonder how many of you, or how many persons in Maine, ever heard of MacDonald Clarke, "the mad poet" of the early nineteenth cen- tury? He was born in Bath in 1798 — a few years before LonefellOw, Willis and McLellan were born in Portland — and died in New York in 1842. Eccentric from his youth, the buffetings of fate — "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" — turned his eccentricities into the delirium of madness in which his broken life came to its tragic end. MacDonald Clarke was undeniably a brilliant man. He had the endowment of genius, and the half dozen books of verse that he broue-ht out have many passages of true poetic beauty. They likewise have many passages that show his unbalanced mind. He was a familiar figure in New York, where his startling mannerisms and his peculiar dress made him conspicuous in public. He was a close a^f^'ociate of Willis, Fitz-Green Halleck and the other New York literary lit»-hts of that era, who helped him when the poverty and bitter disappointment of his life had broken his proud spirit, He sleeps in Greenwood Cemetery in a spot that he selected himself. It is a little knoll, since named Poet's Mound, facin-r the lake. On the shaft that his friends erected are these lines that he wrote : "But what are human plaudits now, He never deemed them worth his care; Yet Death has twined around his brow The wreath he was too proud to wear." MacDonald Clarke is forgotten alike in the state of his birth and the city of his unhappy career, but worth remembering, perhaps, is something he said in a lucid interval shortly before his death: "Four things I am sure there will be in heaven — music, little children, flowers and fresh air". MAINE'S CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE 163 There are two groups of Maine writers whose work warrants special emphasis in any study, however brief and inadequate, of the contribution of our state to Hterature. They are the writers of juvenile works — Elijah Kellogg, Jacob Abbott and their successors — and the humorists of an earlier generation — Seba Smith, Edgar Wilson Nye and Charles F. Browne. Elijah Kellogg undeniably stands in the front rank of all those who have written books for boys. I would call him king of them all, but somehow "king" and "kingly" ill become the shy little man who passed sixty years as pastor of a parish of farmers and fisher folk on the Harps- well shore. I hold in vivid recollection a scene of almost a quarter of a century ago, a scene that well tells the story of Elijah Kellogg. It was at the centennial celebration of Bowdoin College in 1894. More than twelve hundred sons of the college were at the dinner in a big tent on the campus, and among the speakers were the chief justices of the United States and of Maine, the governor and former governors and others high in the public service and in law and letters. For each of them the great gather- ing had a greeting that was enthusiastic and even tumultuous. But when Elijah Kellogg came to the front of the platform, a frail little old man, blushing under his bronzed skin like a boy at the eulogistic presentation, then the graduates of Bowdoin, old and young, literally climbed to the table tops to shout the welcome that the love in their hearts prompted. And what a speech he gave them! It was the speech of the afternoon, and the demonstration that followed its final period was even greater than that which preceded his first words. And before the tumult of cheers and applause, renewed again and again, had died away, Elijah Kellogg slipped out under the tent, untied the horse that he had hitched to a fence near the campus, and drove off alone through the pine woods to his home and his work on the Harpswell shore. That was Elijah Kellogg, — thrilHng and lifting the hearts of men, inspiring the reverence of all who knew him, using his divine gift of elo- quence in the causes that he loved, avoiding the applause of the world, fol- lowing his quiet pathway where he could breathe the balsam of the pines and the salt of the sea. And those men, old and young, who climbed to the tables and cheered him to the echo — they had often declaimed "Sparta- cus to the Gladiators", "Regulus to the Carthagenians", and "Pericles to the People"; they had read Good Old Times and the Whispering Pine series, and the stories of adventure on Elm Island and along Pleasant Cove and in Forest Glen, all of them wholesome, virile tales that smack of the sea and the forest and the soil. Elijah Kellogg was more than fifty years old before he began to write the thirty juvenile books that have made his name a household word to millions. If they are written in a style far above the level of most juvenile books — or of other books for that matter — let it be remembered that after 12 164 THE MAINE BOOK his death his biographer, Professor Mitchell, found on the shelves of his little library 236 volumes of the classics of Greece and Rome, every one of them worn by the loving use of many years. Does it seem that I am dwell- ing overlong on the sailor-farmer-preacher of Harpswell ? Oh, but no man can measure the influence of such books as he wrote for the live boys of the land; and it will be a sad day for America when a generation arises that knows not Elijah Kellogg! Of other Maine authors who have made notable contributions to juvenile literature Jacob Abbott has a place of special prominence. His Rollo books, among the more than 200 volumes that came from his busy pen, gained wide popularity. They served well the purpose of the gen- eration for which they were written, but they have no such worth and no such elements of permanence as characterize the stories of Elijah Kel- logg. Noah Brooks, a son of Castine, perhaps more deserving of fame as a journalist and historian, was also a writer of good books for boys. And of our later day writers of this class there must be special mention of James Otis Kaler, writing, under the name of "James Otis", more than seventy books of the sane and stirring sort that boys are the better for reading; of Clarence B. Burleigh, who took time from the demands of journalism and public affairs to write wholesome stories of school days and of the lumber camp and the river drive, — and of Will 0. Stevens, whose stories of the navy and the Naval Academy are in a class by them- selves. Nor can we forget the Maine-born who have written books for girls. Among them Rebecca Sophie Clark, the "Sophie May" of a million grate- ful hearts, is pre-eminent. In her Norridgewock home on the shore of the Kennebec, she wrote the half hundred little volumes, one series of six after another, that have delighted succeeding generations of girl readers. Among the Maine humorists the name of Seba Smith comes first both in point of time and in brilliance and versatility of accomplishments. If most of us are little familiar with his work today, let it be remembered that the writings on which his reputation mainly rests were political satires that reached their mark in the first third of the last century, and that his death occurred a full half century ago. Seba Smith was born in Buckfield — the same town that gave the world John D. Long, a schol- arly writer as well as a statesman of the first rank. After his graduation from Bowdoin, a hundred years ago this summer, Seba Smith entered on the journalistic career, first in Portland and then in New York, that led to his Major Jack Downing letters on the politics of the times, the best known of his numerous works. He wrote much in verse, but probably felt that his masterpiece was a mathematical work on which he spent the last years of his life. The wife of Seba Smith was Elizabeth Oakes MAINE'S CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE 165 Smith, a Portland woman, and herself a writer of charm and brilliancy. An earlier generation often referred to this talented couple as "the Howitts of America". The great national laughmakers of the generation immediately pre- ceding our own were Henry Wheeler Shaw, known as "Josh Billings", Edgar Wilson Nye, or "Bill Nye", and Charles Farrar Brown or "Artemus Ward". Henry Wheeler Shaw, the centenary of whose birth fell last month, was a son of western Massachusetts; but both the others were natives of Maine. Brown, whose brilliant career as a humorous lecturer was cut short by death when he was only 33, was born in Waterford, "in Waterford, up near Rumford", as he was wont to say. Nye was a native of Shirley, in the Piscataquis region that gave the world the Maxim broth- ers. Of the laughmakers of the present generation — unhappily all too few, or, at least, lacking the capacity to hold the attention of the public in these stressful times — Maine has a very substantial claim on John Kendrick Bangs, who has made his home on our coast for many years. He himself claims that he is "a-son-of-Ogunquit" and "a naturalized Mainiac". Then there is that great body of literature that is the fruit of pure scholarship and of spiritual and humanitarian purpose — the works of the- ology, philosophy, ethics and sociology. Maine has contributed many shining names to the list of those who have written books of real dis- tinction in that field. We do not forget Calvin E. Stowe, Egbert Coffin Smyth, Ezra Abbot, George Barrell Cheever, Newman Smyth, Samuel Har- ris, Cyrus A. Bartol, Cyrus Hamlin, Charles Carroll Everett, Henry Boyn- ton Smith, Henry M. King, Minot J. Savage, Albion W. Small, Shailer Mat- thews, Edwin Pond Parker and Herbert E. Cushman. And on all that shining roll there is no name brighter than that of William DeWitt Hyde, the teacher beloved and the leader inspired, who laid aside his pen a year ago. It would be pleasant and profitable to linger on some of those names, but I can do no more here than barely to mention them. The same pass- ing reference must suffice for other men, in varying fields of literature, whose names are high on Maine's honor roll of authors — David Barker, the Robert Burns of the Penobscot region ; Joseph Williamson of Belfast, the historian of Maine ; Arlo Bates, the flower of culture, writer of polished verse and pleasing novels, and long a guide to those seeking the best in literature; Moses Owen of Bath, a genius who came to an early and tragic end, but whose memory will not fade while Maine honors the battleflags that her sons brought back from the fields that saved the Union ; Isaac Bassett Choate, he of the singing heart, who gave the world — but did the giving with such absence of ostentation that the gift has been all too little noted — half a dozen volumes of marvelous lyrical sweetness ; Nathan Haskell Dole, clever and versatile son of a talented mother, Caroline 166 THE MAINE BOOK Fletcher Dole of Norridgewock, whom the weight of a full century could not keep from writing graceful verses; Frank A. Munsey, who began here in his native state the publishing career that has revolutionized the magazine world; Edward P. Mitchell of the New York Sun, probably the most distinguished of the many brilliant men whom Maine has contributed to metropolitan journalism; Harry L. Koopman, a librarian who has adorned his own shelves and those of others with scholarly works in both prose and verse ; James Phinney Baxter, who has found time in a success- ful business career to write many poems and much historical matter of great worth, and who, when well past eighty, has added an exhaustive work to the literature of the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy; Henry S. Burrage, journalist and theologian, but pre-eminently a Maine historian; De Alva S. Alexander, political historian of New York, which he long represented in Congress; Everett S. Stackpole, a religious writer, geneal- ogist and local historian, with a monumental historical work on New Hamp- shire recently to his credit; Louis Clinton Hatch, scholarly historian of the Revolutionary Army, of the pension system and of our own state; Professor Henry Johnson, who crowned forty years of fruitful work as teacher and poet with the masterly translation of Dante that won him the grateful recognition of universities and learned societies of two con- tinents. And the women writers of Maine! Thirty years ago George Ban- croft Griffith compiled a book of 850 pages, "The Poets of Maine." It was on lines similar to those followed in "The Bowdoin Poets", published in 1840, and the "Native Poets of Maine", published in 1854. Griffith found nearly 450 Maine writers worthy of places in his compilation — though it will readily be admitted that only by a very liberal and charitable con- struction can many of them be enrolled as poets — and of that number 167 were women. A present day compilation, if made equally comprehensive, would probably mean half a dozen volumes as large as Griffith's. The women writers of Maine — not to mention again those already referred to — include many authors widely known and loved — Harriet Prescott Spofford, with more than a score of novels and books of verse to her credit, who declines at 83 to lay aside the pen she has wielded so happily ; Sarah Orne Jewett, whose charming stories of The Country of the Pointed Firs won her the degree of Doctor of Letters from Bowdoin in 1901, the first woman to receive a degree from that college; Martha Baker Dunn, poet and essayist whom the country came to know better through the generous praise that President Roosevelt gave one of her articles in the Atlantic Monthly; Emma Huntington Nason, poet and historian of old Hallowell, the mother of Professor Arthur Huntington Nason of New York University — himself the author of several very scholarly works; MAINE'S CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE 167 Caroline Dana Howe, of whose books of poems and 30 hymns nothing is better known than her song "Leaf by Leaf the Roses Fall" ; EHzabeth Akers Allen, writer of much exquisite verse but of nothing more certain to endure than her "Backward, turn backward, Time in your flight. Make me a child again just for tonight!" Ella Maude Smith Moore, of Thomaston, whose poem beginning " 'Rock of Ages, cleft for me' Thoughtlessly the maiden sung, Fell the words unconsciously From her girlish, gleeful tongue" has been going the rounds for more than forty years, and carries in its lines the same undying appeal that vibrates through Mrs. Allen's "Rock Me to Sleep;" Clara Marcelle Greene, many of whose poems have dra- matic strength and fire ; Frances Laughton Mace, a prolific writer of grace- ful poems among which "Only Waiting" is perhaps the most familiar; Ellen Hamlin Butler of Bangor, who has written many good poems in the past forty years, but nothing better than her recent "By Wireless," expressing, first, the call that goes forth from the hearts of the Homeland to our sailors and soldiers, "Be strong, be strong, Beloved, pure-hearted and high of will! Knights are ye and crusaders our plighted vows to fulfill. The God who girded your fathers shall arm you with His might, And the soul of the gi-eat RepubHc goes with you into the night." And then the answering call that comes back to us from those on the battle front : "Stand fast, stand fast, Beloved ! In the glory of sacrifice Give as we give our life-blood and scorn to reckon the price. Pour forth your treasure and spare not ! Bend to your toil nor stay I In the name of the God of our fathers keep faith as we fight today." Would that we could linger longer with those women writers of Maine. There are others — Kate Vannah, Julia May WilHamson, Anna Boynton Averill, Ohve E. Dana, Julia Harris May, Annie Hamilton Don- nell, Kate Putnam Osgood, EHzabeth Payson Prentiss, to name a few, as well as some of our own time — on whose work it would be fitting and pleasant to dwell if time permitted. Let it be granted that those whom I have named will never be counted among the great makers of literature. 168 THE MAINE BOOK still we may claim for them that they have brought to many lives that which the master poet sought when at evening time, he begged one whom he loved : "Come, read to me some poem Some simple and heartfelt lay That shall sooth this restless feeling And banish the thoughts of day. Read from some humbler poet Whose songs gushed from his heart. As showers from the clouds of summer Or tears from the eyelids start. Who, through long days of labor And nights devoid of ease, Still heard in his soul the music Of wonderful melodies. Such songs have power to quiet The restless pulse of care, And come like the benediction That follows after prayer." Virtually all the names that I have mentioned thus far have been those of writers born and educated in Maine, for their work constitutes, in the first sense, the contribution of Maine tq literature. But no sum- mary of Maine's contribution to literature, however hurried and inade- quate it may be, can properly ignore the work of writers who have become the adopted sons or daughters of our state, or the influence of Maine on the writings of those who have found inspiration within its borders. Thus, for example, did Maine contribute to the fame of Thoreau, who found inspiration in the depths of our great forests and on the slopes of Katah- din ; and to that of Whittier, who sang of the ghost-ship of the Harpswell shore, of those who sailed up the Penobscot in search of the fabled Norum- bega, of the Indian tragedy of Norridgewock and of the legends of Sebago's lonely lake. Surely it is an item in the total of Maine's contribution to literature that Harriet Beecher Stowe here wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin," the book that has had a wider circulation than any other book — except the Bible — ever published. She herself has told us how the inspiration came to her while she sat with her husband, a Bowdoin professor, at worship in Bruns- wick's Church on the Hill — the church where Longfellow read his "Mori- turi Salutamus" some twenty years later — and how she wrote the book, chapter by chapter, in the time that she snatched from the care of her children and her other household duties. The house where the book was MAINE'S CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE 169 written still stands on elm-shaded Federal Street, and it is yearly the shrine of hundreds of visitors to the old college town. And no visitor to the beautiful Harpswell shore fails to renew acquaintance with "The Pearl of Orr's Island." And surely Massachusetts and Pennsylvania have no better claim on Laura E. Richards and Mrs. Riggs, better known as Kate Douglas Wig- gin, than Maine can offer — Maine, their home for many years, the scene of their work and the inspiration for the stories that have given them places in the first rank of Americart authors. Both Mrs. Richards in Gar- diner and Mrs. Riggs in Hollis have made unique places for themselves in the lives of their communities and in the hearts of their neighbors — places won by rare capacity for leadership and by charm of personality. Those places, no less than the numerous books that both have written with Maine scenes and Maine people in their pages, give our state a peculiar right to claim them as its own. Similarly, to dip two generations into the past, Augusta has con- tributed Rev. Sylvester Judd to American literature. While pastor of the Unitarian church there, from 1840 to his death in 1853, he wrote several novels — Margaret, Philo and Richard Edney — that were rich in Augusta scenes and characters of that day — as well as numerous histori- cal and theological works. Nor does W^aterville forget that Rev. Samuel F. Smith, the author of "My Country 'Tis of Thee," was a graduate of Colb}^ and for years a pastor in that city. Then there are the numerous authors of distinction, literally colonies of them in some instances, notably at York Harbor and Kennebunkport, who have established vacation homes in Maine and who come here sum- mer after summer. If we can count them neither as native writers nor as adopted sons and daughters of Maine we can at least point in almost every case to the direct influence of Maine on their writings. And now, in closing this hurried survey of Maine's contribution to literature, let me touch briefly on the work of three of the leaders among our present day American writers — Edwin Arlington Robinson, Lincoln Colcord and Holman Day. Edwin Arlington Robinson has been called the pioneer and the prophet of the new order in poetry. Not that he is to be held responsible for that grotesque and nightmarish distortion commonly called "free verse," from its utter lack of rhyme, rhythm and reason, style, sense and sub- stance, but that he began to write twenty years ago with a stark sincerity and simplicity that startled a reading world accustomed only to the con- ventional in poetic thought and expression. One of the most intellectual poets of his generation, highly developed and highly sensitized, Mr. Rob- inson has thrown off the shackles of inheritance and environment and with deep-probing psychology, coupled with a marvelous technique of 170 THE MAINE BOOK workmanship, has given us noble poems of much spiritual worth. They are for the most part somber poems. There is little in them that is light and sparkling. There is much of tragedy and pain. But there is always hope and courage, and the success that is built on failure. Edwin Arlington Robinson was born at Head Tide on the Sheepscot River in 1869. When he was a little child the family moved to Gardiner and there he passed the years of boyhood and early manhood. Gardiner is the Tilbury Town of his poems and many of the scenes and characters in his earlier poems are obviously of that city and vicinity. His first book of poems came out in 1896, shortly after the waning of the family fortunes forced him to abandon his studies at Harvard. It was a little volume, privately printed. A year later, "The Children of the Night" appeared, a collection of poems that won a larger audience and much attention worth having. Many of its poems are character sketches, unfor- gettable little vignettes, though perhaps too cynical in tone. The title poem, in its closing stanzas, gives us a glimpse of Mr. Robinson's point of view. There is one creed, and only one, That glorifies God's excellence; So cherish, that His will be done, The common creed of common sense. It is the crimson, not the gray. That charms the twilight of all time ; It is the promise of the day That makes the starry sky sublime. It is the faith within the fear That holds us to the life we curse; — So let us in ourselves revere The Self which is the Universe! Let us, the Children of the Night, Put ofi" the cloak that hides the scar! Let us be Children of the Light, And tell the ages what we are! About that time Mr. Robinson went to New York where he faced for years, and faced very bravely, a long road with many rough places. In 1902 "Capt. Craig," his next volume of poems, appeared. The title poem is very long — 84 pages — but perhaps the strongest poem in the collection is "Isaac and Archibald," apparently an autobiographical sketch of his early days in Gardiner. The book bears a dedication to a Gardiner friend of that early period. His next book, "The Town Down the River," appeared in 1910 after there was a happier change in his personal affairs. That came with MAINE'S CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE 171 the more general recognition of his worth as a poet when President Roose- velt, with characteristic enthusiasm and generosity, had praised some of his work. His later volumes of poems — "The Man Against the Sky" in 1916 and "Merlin" in 1917 — showed the development of his powers and contain some of the noblest poetry of recent years. "MerHn" is a tale of 1300 lines in blank verse, a re-telhng of the Arthurian legend that is magnificent in some passages and tiresome in others. "The Man Against the Sky" in its title poem and in "Ben John- son Entertains a Man from Stratford" and "Flammonde," as well as in some of its shorter poems, has the work of Mr. Robinson at his best — high seriousness, extraordinary powers of condensation and epithet, a rhythm with a haunting lilt, a tenderness of understanding, vivid descrip- tion, brilliant analysis, and here and there rare lyrical outbursts as : "As upward through her dream he fares Half clouded with a crimson fall Of roses thrown on marble stairs." Two plays, "Van Zorn" in 1915, and "The Porcupine," in 1916, are rated by the critics below the high level of his other work. To Lincoln Colcord of Maine it has been given to write the most sus- tained poetic work that the great war has yet inspired. When the awful storm of war burst over the world in 1914 the unspeakable horror of it all silenced for a time the voice of poetry. Then came a few notable short poems and then more and of late many, until we can see the beginnings of a great literature of poetry born of the war — some of the finest of the early notes sounded by soldier-poets who have gone bravely singing to their rendezvous with death. When Lincoln Colcord's "Vision of War" appeared in 1916 it was hailed as the most important, the most significant, contribution of the year to poetry, and it gave a new standing to the j^oung author who had earlier won recognition as a writer of remarkable sea stories. "The Vision of War" is a poem of 150 pages, written in blank verse and in lines uneven and irregular. It begins : "I went out into the night of quiet stars ; I looked up at the wheeling heavens, at the mysterious firrriament; I thought of the awful distances out there, of the incredible magni- tudes, of space and silence and eternity, I thought of man, his life, his love, his dream; I thought of his body, how it is born and grows, and of his spirit that cannot be explained." 172 THE MAINE BOOK That indicates the style of the poem and sounds its note of meditation and speculation. The theme of the poet is the spiritual glory of war. He does not minimize the physical suffering, but argues that the great result of war is the purification of the nations, a purification much needed. The treatment is vigorous and incisive. There are keen discussions of the reforms that human society is struggling toward, all leading to a vision of the brotherhood of man wherein the poet sounds his faith in the ideals that shall ultimately inspire men to rise above all things that are base and mean and selfish. Perhaps the "Vision of War" has not had so many readers as the stirring sea tales that gave Mr. Colcord his reputation as an author, but it is no less assured of a permanent place in American literature. It was the inevitable thing that Mr. Colcord began by writing sea tales. He came of five generations of the best sea-faring stock of our Maine coast and was born off Cape Horn, while his parents were on a voyage to China. His early life was divided between voyages to the Pacific with his father and periods at his Searsport home. He went to school and entered on a course at the University of Maine and then the lure of the sea and of distant lands called him again. His early stories, mainly of adventures in Pacific waters and in the Orient, found ready acceptance by the best magazines. A dozen of the strongest among them were collected in 1914 in a volume called "The Game of Life and Death." A longer work, "The Drifting Diamond," had appeared in 1912. That is a gripping romance of China and the South Sea Islands, a tale with a salty flavor through all its pages. Lincoln Colcord has travelled far for a young writer, and the road to the summit lies straight and fair before him. Holman Day, as a writer of Maine, in Maine and for Maine, is in a class by himself among all those whose names I have mentioned tonight. There are not a few among them with literary genius transcending his, not a few who excel him in literary craftsmanship, but as an interpreter of Maine life and character he stands unique. Other Maine-born and Maine-trained writers have often wandered elsewhere to do their work, as Edwin Arlington Robinson has gone to New York, or elsewhere for their scenes and plots, as Lincoln Colcord has gone to the Far East, but Holman Day has always found his native state not only good enough to live in and work in, but also inexhaustible in its material for his busy pen. His three volumes of verse, his two plays and his half a score of novels are Maine, and nothing but Maine, from cover to cover. They smack of the rocky hillsides where "the gnarled old dads with corded arms" have toiled "To coax from sullen Earth the price that keeps their boys in school" ; they echo with the axes that ring in the wild domain of old King Spruce MAINE'S CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE 173 and with -the roaring of the frothing, tumbhng torrents when the Allegash drive goes through ; they are salty with the spume that lashes the deck of the fisherman off Isle au Haut or the tall diff s of Grand Manan ; and they are always vibrant with the loves and the longings, the dreams and the memories, of the old home. Holman Day, born in Vassalboro beside the Kennebec in 1865, and graduated at Colby in 1887, had the experience of a dozen years in Maine newspaper work before he became a maker of books. That opportunity he improved to the utmost. He came to know Maine and its people as no newspaper writer ever did before, and everybody came to know and to like him. Thus there was a cordial welcome awaiting his first collection of poems, "Up in Maine", when it appeared in 1900. The book achieved an instantaneous success that exceeded the fondest hopes of both author and publishers. It went from edition to edition in a sale unparalleled by any volume of verse in many years. All over the land former Maine peo- ple, and the sons and daughters of Maine emigrants, hailed it as an inti- mate message from the homeland. Professional and amateur readers on every platform extended the popularity of selections from its pages. The merest mention of Maine the country over came to suggest the name and the verses of Holman Day, Two years later "Pine Tree Ballads" appeared with seventy poems of the same sort that had carried "Up In Maine" straight to the heart of Maine folks everywhere. As a whole, the work was stronger than in the first collection. The theme was the same, but the treatment showed more confidence and often the writer struck a deeper chord. There was more seriousness, and still no lack of whimsicalities and of grotesque exaggera- tion and prevarication. Another two years passed and then "Kin O'Ktaadn" appeared — varying from its predecessors only in that there were chatty interludes of proses between the sixty or more poems. Those three volumes alone gave Holman Day a well established place in American literature. I think it is true that no state has a poet who has done for it what Holman Day has done for Maine in those books — putting in homely, characteristic verse its life and its types, its traditions and its aspirations, with a touch always sympathetic and satisfying. No reader of those books of verse can fail to wish that the series had con- tinued, and yet we can well understand that there was a limit even to what the genius of Holman Day could produce in that line of effort. It was inevitable that the poet should turn novelist, and happily Hol- man Day the novelist works in the same realm and in the same spirit that Holman Day the poet did. Both as a poet and as a novelist Holman Day is essentially a straightforward story teller and a delineator of quaint and wholesome types of character. If he lacks something of the art that 174 THE MAINE BOOK develops plots most effectively, he more than makes up for it by the skill of his character sketching, his unfailing humor and the charm of his direct narrative. "Squire Phin", his first novel, was pubhshed in 1905. In the dozen years since then he has given us "King Spruce", "The Eagle Badge", "Mayor of the Woods", "The Rainy Day Railroad War", "The Ramrodders", "The Red Lane", "On Misery Gore", "The Skipper and the Skipped", "The Landloper" and "Blow the Man Down", as well as two highly successful plays, "The Circus Man", which is a dramatized version of "Squire Phin", and "Along Came Ruth." I wish that time permitted a summary and com- ment of each work in some detail, for each is dear to the lover of Maine. The intrigues of Maine political life, the quest of the border outlaws, the ways of the great woods, the droll adventures of the old sea captain who turns farmer and sheriff, the grim battle of business competition off the shore and in the cities — these are some of the themes; and through all the stories run the bright threads of love and sacrifice and the fight of brave and loyal souls for their ideals. With the mention of Holman Day let us close our discussion of what Maine has contributed to literature — a discussion inadequate and incom- plete, as I warned you in the beginning. Each Maine heart has among its treasures much to supplement what I have written here. "O, thine the glory, Mother Maine, That shineth far and bright, The golden stoiy, Mother Maine, That thrills the heart tonight. Yet not the things of pride and fame, The great work done, the honored name, Not they that bind our hearts to thee Through all the changing years that be. But that forever, Mother Maine, We bless and hold thee dear, Thou gift and giver. Mother Maine, Because it's home up here!" PART II SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL HISTORY OF MAINE GOVERNOR CARL E. MILLIKEN CHAPTER XXXII GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL The work of the Executive Department constitutes a very important and extensive part of the business of the state. If we think of the Gov- ernor and Council as the president and board of directors of a corpora- tion, we will have on the whole a clear idea of their relation to the vari- ous activities of the state. There is annually raised by the state about eight million dollars, and all this vast sum is expended under the direction of the Governor and Council. It is impossible in a brief statement to give anything like a complete statement of the work of this department. Therefore, the following is only a brief outline of the important features of the work. ^ , The constitution and statutes set forth certain specific ^ .. duties for the Executive Department. By the constitution, the governor is constituted the supreme executive power and he is given a council of seven members to advise with him in the conduct of the affairs of state. These councillors act in much the same manner as does the Cabinet of the United States, but individually the councillors do not head, a department, and they have, in addition, certain legislative functions. While the governor is elected by popular vote, the councillors are chosen biennially on joint ballot by the legislature. The state is divided into seven districts with a councillor for each district. . . Four department heads: the treasurer of state, the sec- „ ^^, , retary of state, the commissioner of agriculture and the ^^ . , attorney general, are elected by joint ballot of the legis- lature. The state auditor is elected by popular vote. The governor nominates, and with the advice and consent of the council appoints, all judicial officers and all civil and military officers whose appoint- ment is not provided for otherwise by the constitution and statutes. The live stock sanitary commissioner and the chairman of the industrial acci- dent commission are appointed by the governor and do not require con- firmation by the council. The constitution also provides that the tenure of all offices not otherwise provided for shall be during the pleasure of the governor and council. Pardons '^^^ governor has power with the advice and consent of the council to remit after conviction all forfeitures and penalties, and to grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons except in 178 GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL 179 case of impeachment, with such restrictions and limitations as may be deemed proper and subject to such regulations as may be provided by law. - The governor is commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the state and of the militia, except when called into the actual service of the United States, and he has authority on extraordinary occasions to convene the legis- lature in special assembly. . The governor and council are required to tabulate the returns and elections of votes cast at primary, state and special elections, and elections for the choice of presidential and vice-presidential electors. The statutory powers and duties of the governor and ^ ,. council cannot be enumerated without reference to many Duties of the chapters of the Revised Statutes and Session Laws. Some of the more important are the power given to the governor to appoint agents to demand and receive of the executive authority of any other state fugitives from justice charged with crimes in this state, to issue his warrant to surrender fugitives found in this state charged with crimes in other states, and he may offer rewards for the apprehension .of fugitives from justice. He is required to issue his proclamation for an election to fill any vacancy in the representation of the state in the Senate of the United States or the National House of Representatives, or any other office required to be filled by vote of the people, as well as his proclamation for a primary election to select candidates. Of all the duties of the Executive Department- there is none greater than the constitutional provision which says that no money shall be drawn from the treasury except by warrant from the governor and council, and in consequence of appropriations made by law. In addition to this the governor and council have general supervision of the work of all state departments, institutions and commissions, the great majority of which are required to make detailed reports at regular intervals. The governor and council are also constituted a board of trustees of the State Library. p Because of these provisions, the Executive Department has of Rills intimate control over the functions of all departments and institutions. Since no money can be paid out without warrant from the governor and council, it follows, that every expendi- ture of money by any sub-division of the state government is authorized first by the governor and council. Further than that, no bill is paid by the state except by check of the treasurer of state. In other words, no indebtedness of the State of Maine whether it be a million dollars or one cent, is paid except by check from the treasurer. 13 180 THE MAINE BOOK Under the provisions of Chapter 102 of the PubHc Laws ^ ^ ^ of 1919, the governor becomes the head of the budget " ^^ committee. He with the state auditor, state treasurer, chairman of the committee on appropriations and financial affairs on the part of the Senate and chairman on the part of the House of the Maine Legislature make up this budget committee. An informal budget was inaugurated in 1917. It was continued in 1919 and the Legislature of 1921 will see the first legal budget. The law provides that the committee shall transmit to the legislature, not later than the fifth day of the first session thereof the budget, and upon request of any committee of the legislature the secretary of the com- mittee on budget shall transmit to such committee of the legislature all statements, estimates and requests which were filed with the said secretary by officers, boards and commissions as required by sections two and three of the act, or copies thereof. In making up the estimates constituting the budget, the commit- tee shall, in connection therewith and as a part thereof submit an estimate in detail, or a general estimate in any instance where it is impracticable to give specific items, subdivided under appropriate headings, of such sums as may be deemed necessary to defray the several charges and expenses of the public service for the ensuing biennial fiscal period. This estimate shall also include such sums as may be deemed necessary for charitable and benevolent institutions, and for such other purposes for which public money may be properly appropriated. It shall be accom- panied by a statement showing the total valuation of taxable property in the state as compiled by the board of state assessors and the rate of taxation necessary to produce approximately the revenue required to meet such appropriations. It shall also show the estimated income of the state for said biennial fiscal period from sources other than direct taxation. „ . The governor and council have the execution of the state rensions pension law, under which approximately $150,000 per year Is distributed to veterans of the Civil War and the Spanish War, and their dependents ; also the law providing for pensions for the needy blind, which was enacted a few years ago, under which several hundred blind persons are now receiving very substantial aid, the yearly appropriation having been increased from $15,000 in 1915 to $50,000 in 1920. They are author- ized to provide for the training and other expenses of blind children in institutions outside of the state. They also examine claims for reimbursement of cities, towns, and plantations, for aid to dependents of soldiers, sailors and marines, who served in the war with Germany, and have ordered the payment of such claims to the amount of more than $750,000 between the time of our entry into the war and the close of the year 1919. GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL 181 Various other claims of cities, towns and plantations are examined and allowed under their direction, such as claims for support of dependent persons having no settlement within the state, for which purpose alone the funds now amount to $150,000 per year. In addition to all these specific duties, there are hundreds of matters coming up that would naturally appear in the administration of a big busi- ness for which no specific legal provision could be made. Under the present day system, the Executive Department has such a multitude of activities, that no longer can a governor be a part-time official. The state has come to that opinion and has provided him with a home at the capital. CHAPTER XXXIII EDUCATION In education Maine is one of the most progressive states in the union. Its advanced legislative enactments for education include the formation of all towns of the state into unions for the promotion of effective super- vision; a workable compulsory educational child labor act; a requirement of at least thirty weeks' schooling in all towns; the elimination of all school districts and the substitution of the town as a unit of school man- agement; the abandonment of the small, weak school of less than eight pupils in regular attendance and the centralization of schools by means of transportation; the encouragement of industrial forms of education, and a retirement fund for teachers. -. Maine has 228,489 children between the ages of 5 and 21 - years ; of these 131,313 were enrolled in elementary schools » , J during 1919 with an average attendance of 97,638, mak- ing 75 per cent of attendance to enrollment, which greatly exceeds the average in the United States. In 1919, 7,962 children com- pleted the elementary schools. The enrollment for the same year in the secondary schools, high schools and academies was 23,291. ., The schools of each town are under the management of a superintending school committee of three members who are elected, one each year, at the annual town meeting in March. For the purpose of supervision, the towns are grouped into unions. A joint committee for the union is composed of the superintending school com- mittees of the several towns forming the union. This joint committee selects a superintendent for the union, apportions his time among the towns and fixes his financial consideration, apportioning the same to the towns concerned. r ffi i' ^^ teacher who has not completed a four years' high „ rp. , school education or its equivalent is entitled to enter the examinations for teachers' certificates. Students of the state normal schools receive elementary school certificates upon the com- pletion of the course. Persons who complete the course of study in the state normal schools or two years of college work are eligible to examina- tion for certificates of superintendence grade. Teachers who wish to con- tinue in the service and who take training have the privilege of certificate renewal from time to time until certificates become permanent. Gradu- 182 EDUCATION 183 ates of college and universities who have completed the educational requirements are granted certificates enabling them to teach in secondary schools. . The public schools of the state are supported by funds inancia derived, (1) from a tax levied on the property of the town ftuppor ^y ^j^^ legal voters at the annual town meeting in March, (2) the income from the permanent school fund which represents the pro- ceeds of the sale of lands apportioned for the support of schools, and other moneys appropriated for the same purpose to which is added one-half of the sum received by the state from taxes on the franchises of savings banks, and one-half the sum assessed upon the deposits of trust and banking companies, (3) the school mill fund which is the proceeds of a tax of one and one-half mills on the dollar annually assessed upon all the property of the state according to the value thereof, (4) the common school fund which is a tax of one and one-half mills on the dollar annually assessed upon all the property of the state according to the value thereof. In addition to these funds are moneys raised by direct appropriation through legislative enactment. Equal opportunities for all the children of all the people is our motto, and in this spirit school facilities are being carried into the unorganized townships where the great forests abound, to the islands along our shores; and an attempt is now being made to make the rural schools of Maine the foremost in the Union through centralization which will bring good buildings and equipment, afford a division of labor for teachers and provide at least two years of high school within reach of all. Such schools will form the basis of social Hfe. Maine is taking advanced grounds in regard to health "^..^"^ and sanitation in her schools. Buildings are being stand- ardized in regard to light, heat and sanitation ; grounds and outbuildings are receiving attention, and our laws provide for medical examination. Many old buildings are now being remodeled and all new buildings must conform to proper standards. Extensive repairs cannot be made or new buildings built without the approval of the State Super- intendent of Schools. ^ J Maine schools rank among the best in the land in secondary , . * education. As in other eastern states secondary educa- tion began in academies supported by private benefactors and by tuition. In 1873 the state authorized free public high schools and from that time there has been a steady progress until today her publicly supported secondary schools, with their fine buildings, adequate equip- ment and well prepared teachers are a source of just pride to the citizens of the state. 184 THE MAINE BOOK Side by side with our high schools are found forty-eight academies well founded and strongly intrenched in the hearts of the people. These schools have become semi-public through state support. Out of these schools have come men and women whose influence has been great in state and nation and whose lives have immortalized the institution which gave them beginning. Early in the development of the idea of industrial educa- j?A^^ r^ ^^^^ Maine took advanced, standing among the states by making liberal appropriations for the support of indus- trial courses in public schools and academies, and also for industrial edu- cation in night schools. This ground work well laid formed the basis for vocational education under the Smith-Hughes Act recently passed by Con- gress. Under this act Maine was among the first to secure approval of her plans and specifications for placing the provisions of this law in opera- tion and began at once to establish strong courses in agriculture, home economics and the trades and industries in all-day, part-time and evening schools and classes throughout the state. Through this means the schools of the state are connected with life, re-enforce the activities of the com- munity and bring the youth into contact with work he desires later to pursue, thus increasing both individual and national efficiency. Bowdoin College „. Bowdoin College was incorporated by the General Court of Massachusetts upon the joint petition of the Associa- tion of Ministers and the Court of Sessions of Cumberland County. The Act of Incorporation was signed by Governor Samuel Adams, June 24, 1794. The college was named in honor of James Bowdoin, a distinguished Governor of Massachusetts, of Huguenot descent. _. Circumstances delayed the opening of the college till 1802, „. when the first class of eight young men was admitted. Since then more than nine thousand students have been admitted, and more than six thousand of these have received degrees. But eight presidents have guided the affairs of the col- lege in the more than a century of its existence: Rev. Joseph McKeen, D.D. ; Rev. Jesse Appleton, D.D. ; Rev. William Allen, D.D. ; Rev. Leonard Woods, D.D., LL.D. ; and Rev. Samuel Harris, D.D., LL.D. ; Gen. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, LL.D. ; Rev William DeWitt Hyde, D.D., LL.D.; and Kenneth C. M. Sills, LL.D. T^ , , Among the graduates may be mentioned Longfellow and P , . Hawthorne; Franklin Pierce, Melville W. Fuller, Thomas B. Reed, William Pitt Fessenden, John A. Andrew, and William P. Frye; Generals Howard and Chamberlain; Charles Carroll Everett, Calvin E. Stowe, Egbert Coffin Smyth, and Cyrus Hamlin. EDUCATION- 185 P „ From the first the college has been essentially a college y ., , of hberal arts, but science has not been neglected and . , courses are offered leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. From 1820 the Medical Department of the college has given courses leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. ^ . The material equipment consists of sixteen buildings, grouped on a campus of about forty acres : — including sci- entific laboratories, a library of 116,000 volumes, extensive art collections; and an endowment of more than $2,500,000. The academical faculty con- tains thirty names and the medical faculty sixty. In 1919-20 there were 456 students in the academical department and 43 in the medical school. rp ... The tuition charge is $100 a year in the college, and other annual expenses are from three to six hundred dollars. These figures are reduced considerably for needy and deserving students by the application of scholarship and other assistance granted by the col- lege each year — at present more than $15,000 is annually distributed among such students. Colby College „. Colby College originated with the Baptist churches of the District of Maine. Upon the petition of the Bowdoin- ham Association, the Cumberland Association and the Lincoln Associa- tion for the incorporation of a college, the General Court of Massachusetts passed an act to establish a literary institution in the District of Maine, under the name of the Maine Literary and Theological Institution, but refused the power to confer degrees. The act was signed February 27, 1813. p,. , The institution opened in 1818, the trustees having selected p, Waterville as the site of the school. Upon the petition of the trustees to the first legislature of the State of Maine,, the power to confer degrees was granted on June 18, 1820. The first class graduated in 1822. „, In 1821 the name of the institution was changed to Water- --. ville College. In 1867 it was again changed to Colby Uni- versity in honor of Mr. Gardner Colby, a generous bene- factor. In 1899 it was once more changed to Colby College in recognition of the real character of the institution. ™ In 1871 young women were admitted to the college on <^, J , the same terms as young men. In 1890, upon the sugges- tion of President Albion Small, the trustees organized within the college a division for young men and a co-ordinate division 186 THE MAINE BOOK for young women. In class organization, rank, prize contests, appoint- ments, honors, and so far as possible in the work of the class room, the two divisions are treated as independently as though they were distinct insti- tutions. Among the graduates may be mentioned, Elijah Parish N^otcd , , Love joy, General Benjamin Butler, William Mathews, %Wi 111171 Ttf^^ Martin Brewer Anderson, Josiah Hayden Drummond, Albion Woodbury Small, Shailer Mathews, Nathaniel Butler, Asher Hinds, Holman Day, George Otis Smith, Harrington Putnam, Leslie C. Cornish. , Courses are offered leading to the degrees of Bachelor of ^ . Arts and Bachelor of Science. The material equipment ^ ^ consists of an extensive campus on the western bank of the Kennebec River and thirteen buildings, including well equipped scien- tific laboratories, a library of about 60,000 volumes, and an endowment of more than $500,000. The faculty consists of 25 members and the student enrollment in 1918-19 was 360. The charge for tuition in the Men's Division is $90 per year. The charge for room rent varies from $45 to $55 per year. In the Women's Division the total charges for tuition, room and board vary from $280 to $290 per year. A large number of scholarships are available for needy and deserving students, and abundant opportuni- ties for self-help are available. University of Maine The University of Maine is the direct outcome of the History Morrill Act approved by President Lincoln, July 2, 1862. The legislature of the State of Maine accepted the conditions of this Act in 1863 and in 1865 created a corporation to administer the affairs of the College. . The institution opened in September, 1868, with a class - of 12 members and a faculty of 2 teachers. The first class was graduated in 1872. The original name of the institution was "The State Col- lege of Agriculture and the Mechanical Arts." In 1897 by act of the legislature of the state the name was changed to "The University of Maine." From the opening women students have been received on ^ , the same terms as men. The attendance of women until recently has not been large. The institution is in every respect co-educational. Women have precisely the same opportunities as men and compete with them in the classes and in various contests. At this time the women constitute one-fifth of the student body. EDUCATION 187 William T. Haines, ex-Governor of Maine; E. F. Ladd, Noted President of North Dakota Agricultural College; Hon. S. Graduates ^ Gould, Skowhegan, Maine; Frank L. Scribner, Special Agent and Agrostologist, United States Department Agriculture; William R. Pattangall, Lawyer, Augusta, Maine ; Dr. Whitman H. Jordan, Director New York Agi-icultural Experiment Station; Allen Rogers, in charge of Industrial Chemical and Tanning Courses, Pratt Institute; Dr. Jeremiah S. Ferguson, Physician Cornell Medical College; Arthur M. Farrington, Assistant Chief, Animal Industry, United States Department of Agricul- ture, are some of the prominent graduates. The University maintains four colleges : Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Law. In addition to this . , the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station is an integral part of the institution. Courses are offered leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the College of Arts and Sciences, to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Home Economics, and Forestry, to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, and to the Degree of Bachelor of Laws in the College of Law. The material equipment includes campus and farm of nearly 400 acres on the Stillwater river in Orono, a farm of 100 acres a mile north of the campus, and the experimental farms of about 250 acres each in Mon- mouth and Presque Isle. The college buildings are numerous and well equipped. The Carnegie Library building houses about 66,958 volumes. The faculty consists of 176 members. 1214 students are now enrolled. . . The charge for tuition for students from within the state is $30 per year, for students from without the state $100 per year. By legislative enactment, students in agricultural and home economics curricula are exempted from the payment of tuition charges. This applies only to students from within the state. The room rent in a dormitory is $36 per year and board is $180 per year. In addition to this each student pays a registration fee of $10, an incidental fee of $30 and laboratory fees varying from $10 to $25 according to the course taken. Text books are anywhere from $10 to $30. Bates College Bates College "admitted its first class in 1863 and received its charter in January, 1864. Bates was named for one of its largest benefactors, the late Benjamin E. Bates, of Boston. ^ „ . Forty-three per cent of Bates graduates have entered the A roressioiis teaching profession, eleven per cent the ministry, and many of its alumni have been prominent in law, medicine, journahsm, leg- islation and social service. Bates is famous for its success in intercollegi- 188 THE MAINE BOOK ate debating, having won in thirty-one out of forty-one contests, seventeen of them with universities. The college has no secret societies, its policy being to foster the open literary societies, musical clubs, and other organ- izations that encourage and inspire the democratic, simple life. ^ , A Department of Forestry has just been established, with „ p , resources that assure to it high rank in a field now recog- nized as of great importance to our country. The courses in Education entitle graduates who have completed them to teachers' cer- tificates of the first class from state boards of education. Bates has an endowment of $960,000. Its total resources amount to $1,500,000. It has sixteen buildings and a campus of fifty-five acres. In the fall of 1919 Chase Hall, the men's social building, one of the finest buildings of its type in the country, was dedi- cated. It was so named in honor of the late President George Colby Chase who served the college for fifty years. This building affords accommoda- tions for the Y. M. C. A., the social, literary, scientific, and musical organiza- tions of the young men, and assures opportunities for extending hospitality to guests and returning graduates. Expenses are very moderate — the total expense for one year for board, room rent, tuition, books and general cost of living being between $266 and $307. There are one hundred and eleven scholarships, most of them paying $50 of the annual tuition fee of $75. Enrollment The faculty numbers 40, the student body 494. Bangor Theological Seminary Bangor Theological Seminary was incorporated February History ^^^ ^g^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ "Maine Charity School." This legal title was changed to the one by which it has generally been known, by an act of the Maine Legislature in 1887. The institution grew out of the work of an association of Congregational ministers and laymen in southwestern Maine, called "The Society for Theological Education", one of the earliest, perhaps the earliest, educational society in the United States, incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts, February 27, 1812. The seminary was opened in October, 1816, at Hampden, in connection with Hampden Academy, and under the care of Rev. Jehudi Ashmun, later prominent in the American Colonization Society. In 1819 the institution was removed to Bangor, its present site being the gift of Isaac Daven- port, Esquire, of Milton, Massachusetts, "an old-fashioned Orthodox Uni- tarian", who also gave the site for the present Unitarian Church of Bangor. The seminary property consists of this site, of seven and a half acres, most beautifully situated in the heart of the city ; a dormitory with a capacity of fifty students ; a boarding house which EDUCATION 1B9 serves also as a residence for the matron and the superintendent of grounds ; a chapel containing not only the assembly room for services but four recitation rooms and the library ; a modern gymnasium ; and six resi- dences for members of the faculty. The library contains over 31,000 vol- umes. The endowment is but $325,000, about one-third the average endowment of the other theological schools of New England. The faculty consists of five active professors and a libra- Faculty ^^.^^ . ^Yier^ are three supplementary teachers, besides occa- sional lecturers. "Convocation Week", consisting of four groups of lec- tures given by eminent men in various walks of life, was begun at Bangor in 1904, and has achieved a nation-wide reputation. ^ The seminary was granted the right to confer degrees Degi-ees .^ divinity by the Maine legislature in 1905, but the institution has never exercised the right except to give the degree of B. D. to graduates holding its diploma, having the degree of A. B., and having pursued a prescribed course of study additional to the diploma course. Among its graduates may be mentioned Cyrus Hamlin, f nT Henry T. Cheever, Daniel Dole, Rufus King Sewall, Egbert ^ ** ^ C. Smyth, Joshua L. Chamberlain, Francis N. Peloubet, Edwin P. Parker, Lewis 0. Braston, Minot J. Savage, Henry L. Chapman, George A. Gordon, Clarence A, Beckwith. . The seminary is now in its 104th. year. During its exist- „ J , ence it has graduated 930 men, and given instruction to 327 others for one or more years. Its students have come from every continent on the globe, and from not a few islands of the sea ; as ministers, missionaries and teachers they have worked as widely. The total number of years service of its graduates and non-graduates to churches of not less than a score of denominations is about 25,000. Public Libraries CHAPTER XXXIV LIBRARIES The growth of the public library idea in our state parallels that of the public school. Associations, formed at first for the exclusive benefit of the few, were gradually enlarged to include in their scope the good of all. The first Maine legislature enacted both school and library laws mod- eled after those of Massachusetts. From 1798 to 1815 Massachusetts had provided by legislation for the incorporation of law, militia and proprietary and social libraries. Our inheritance, however, was more than mere legal machinery, for, although statistics on that point are few and unreliable, the fact is well established that free libraries maintained by the people were as early as the middle of the eighteenth century considered a neces- sary part of our educational system. A portion of 'The Revolving Library", established in 1751 for three adjoining parishes in Kittery and York, is still in existence in the Com- munity House at Kittery Point. The "Library Society" of Falmouth Neck, founded by twenty-six gentlemen in 1765, and succeeded in 1826 by the Portland Athenaeum, was the forerunner of the present Portland Public Library, and the oldest library now in active existence, that of Bowdoin College, was established in 1794. During the years 1798-1820 were founded the libraries of Waterville (now Colby) College, Gorham and North Yar- mouth Academies, and proprietary or social libraries in Bangor, Belfast, Bucksport, Camden, Castine, Gorham, Machias, Portland, Saco, Union, Warren, Westbrook, Winthrop, Wiscasset and probably other places. The lyceum and debating clubs of this period played an important part in both school and community life and the libraries gradually accu- mulated by these clubs grew to be of such value that it became necessary to place them under the control and management of responsible bodies. The societies or associations formed for this purpose became the proprietary or social libraries authorized by the first library laws. The free public library of the present day is the. direct consequence of the need, expressed by the organization of these earlier associations and in many instances is their Hneal descendant. The first free public library law was passed in 1854, Maine being the third state to enact such legislation. Towns were authorized under this law to establish and maintain public libraries, to receive bequests and gifts 190 LIBRARIES 191 and to appropriate for organization one dollar for each rateable poll and for annual maintenance twenty-five cents for each such poll. This law remained unchanged for more than thirty years and, with one exception, there is no evidence that any municipality acted under its provisions. The town of Castine established a public library in 1855, and at that time received the books and property belonging to a social library founded by William Mason and others in 1801 and subsequently incorporated under the laws of 1821. In 1893 the passage of a new public library .law not only permitted but encouraged public libraries. They were made legal recipients and custodians of state documents, were granted a stipend of ten per cent of the amount appropriated by the municipality (changed in 1895 to ten per cent of appropriation for the library and in 1917 to not less than seven nor more than ten per cent, the stipend in no case to exceed $500) and, in the case of new libraries in towns having less than 1500 population (restriction as to population removed in 1901) were given new books to 1 he value of half the appropriation for starting the library but not exceed- ing $100. The older association libraries were given the benefits of the act when made entirely free as a result of municipal appropriation. Libra- rians and others were allowed to apply to the State Library for advice and instruction in library matters. As illustrative of the extension of public libraries under this act the State Library report of 1894 enumerated thirty-four free public libraries and forty-four not free, whereas the report of the United States Bureau of Education for 1876 listed seventeen social and eight public libraries, only three of which were free. Since 1893 the number of libraries has steadily increased, and the opening of the centennial year finds Maine with two hundred and twelve public libraries, one hundred and thirteen of which are entirely free and ninety-nine require a small fee. The total number of books in these libra- ries is 1,120,230. . The Maine Library Association, organized in 1891, has, since its reor- ganization in 1901, been an active agency in energizing the library spirit of the state. Two meetings are held each year — one in the spring, and one in the fall at the same place and time as the Maine Teachers' Convention. The entire library situation is now more promising than at any other time in the history of the state. Trustees are asking for trained and effi- cient workers, municipalities are requiring adequate service and librarians are consistently and constantly striving to raise themselves and their libraries to the highest standards demanded by our modern professional and industrial life. The two central library agencies authorized by the state are the Maine State Library and the Maine Library Commission. 192 THE MAINE BOOK ,, . Through the efforts of the Maine Federation of Women's iVlaiiic Clubs a travehng hbrary system was estabUshed by law „ . . in 1899. To carry out its provisions and to encourage free public libraries, the act created a Library Commission of five members, including the State Librarian. The first year forty-two carefully selected traveling libraries were prepared and circulated. From year to year old libraries were broken up and new ones added, the report for 1919 showing a total circulation of 500 — an increase of about twenty- four libraries a year. The libraries contain fifty books each and are sent for six months to any part of the state on payment of five cents a volume to cover cost of transportation. Communities which would otherwise have no access to books are through the traveling libraries brought into direct and constant association with the world's best literature. The Commis- sion has held summer schools and institutes for librarians and assisted by advice and personal visitation in the establishment and growth of new libraries. A library organizer is now employed by the Commission and her services in organizing new libraries, in converting private into public libraries, in cataloging, classifying, buying and general administration are at the call of any library in the state. ■-J . The State Library had its beginning in a resolve of the ^;j, , legislature of 1836, which required the Secretary of State J ., to purchase a library, under the direction of the governor, for the use of the legislature and to expend five hundred dollars for that purpose. By a legislative act of 1839 the books belonging to the state by purchase or donation were collected and deposited in the south wing of the State House, and constituted the State Library under the charge of the Secretary of State. In 1861 the Library was made a separate department under the direct control of the Governor and Coun- cil, as a board of trustees, and they were authorized to appoint a State Librarian. The Library was located on the top floor. of the south wing of the State House until 1891, when new rooms were provided for it in the west wing of the enlarged building. In the year 1910 when the State House was still further enlarged, the main portion of the Library was removed to the second floor of the north wing. Originally established for the members of the legislature and the various departments of state government it now serves all the people of the state. On its shelves will be found 125,000 books and pamphlets and 170 current periodicals, containing a full and equal representation of the various branches of history, law, science, religion, political economy, indus- trial and fine arts, language and literature. Technical and elementary books in every trade, profession and industry are continually being added in order that every worker may find there the information he most desires or needs. Any resident 'of Maine may borrow books and magazines or obtain information from the Maine State Library. CHAPTER XXXV RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES . The Indian believed in the existence of an unseen world ^ and of unseen beings by whom it was peopled, and with whom his priests could commune. These priests or medi- cine men performed the three-fold function of priest, prophet and physician. They held themselves to be kin to the mysterious powers to whose service they were devoted, and to be acceptable mediums of communication between them and the common people. In common with other tribes of the Algonquin family, the Abenakis held that the world was under the influence of dual powers, beneficent and maleficent, and that there was one Great Spirit who held supreme rule, but at the same time did not interfere with these ever-conflicting powers. Upon this conception of deity their entire system of religious belief neces- sarily hinged; hence their belief in guardian spirits, which they denom- inated manitos. They believed in a future existence, "they believed in the immortal soul and that it shall pass to the South-west Elysium, holding it to be a kind of Paradise. For their enemies, who they account unworthy of this imaginary happiness, they say that they pass to the infernal dwellings of Abamocho, to be tortured according to the fictions of the ancient Heathen." They believed in the duality of the soul, which is said to have been the reason for their custom of burying domestic utensils and other articles with the dead, and of placing food upon the graves. In common with many other races of mankind, they regarded the serpent as being the embodi- ment of the supernatural power, superior in wisdom and cunning — in fact, a manito which demanded their reverence. „. , The first Christian religious service conducted in Maine r irst ^ . was in 1604 when the French under DeMonts visited Mount Desert. The first mass said in Maine was by Father Beard in October, 1611, on an island at the mouth of the Kennebec river. In 1607 the first Protestant religious service in New England was conducted by Rev. Richard Seymour at Popham, where a church was built. In 1646 Father Druillettes became a missionary to the Indians at Norridgewock. In 1688 Father Bigot erected a church at this place, which was improved by the distinguished priest. Father Rale. 194 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES 195 The Puritans did little to Christianize the Indians of Maine. Their one effort was confined to a mission at Arrowsic which lasted from 1717 to 1721. For a brief period the English church was the state church in Maine under the charter given to Gorges in 1622. William Morrell, Richard Gibson and Robert Jordan, clergj^- men of the Church of England, tried to establish their church in Maine, but it failed and nothing further was attempted for eighty years. In 1770 the Episcopal church asked to be relieved from taxes of the Standing Order. Their petition was granted in 1772. A church was established in Gardiner in 1771. In 1880 there were two churches in Maine. The Episcopalians have grown constantly in influence and membership until today there are thirty-nine clergymen and 5656 communicants. ., , Thomas Farmer and John Wheelwright, Puritan minis- „ ,. , ters, preached at Saco and Wells for a brief time prior to 1647. In 1652 Massachusetts secured control of Maine and taxed the people for public worship. The minister was a town official. The first Puritan church was built at York in 1673. The Congregational church became the successor of the Pilgrims in religious work in Maine and founded Bowdoin College. Their mission- ary society was founded in 1807, and Bangor Theological Seminary in 1814. They have continued from the first leaders in educational work, establish- ing many academies in the state. From this church have come many missionary, educational and civic leaders of great distinction. p . , The first Friends to visit Maine were Ann Coleman, Mary Tompkins and Alice Ambrose, who came to Berwick in 1662. A Friends Meeting House was established in Kittery in 1730, at Falmouth in 1743. Their work continued to prosper until by 1800 they had meeting places in all important towns. They have at the present time 23 meeting houses and about 1800 members. „ .- . William Screven was ordained to the ministry in Boston in 1682 and attempted to establish a church in Kittery, but the established church caused his arrest, and he was fined and forbid- den to preach. A century later Hezikiah Smith founded the first Baptist Church in Maine and organized churches in Gorham (1768) and Berwick. The work prospered and an association of churches was formed in Bow- doinham in 1787. A college was organized in Waterville in 1820. There are four Baptist preparatory schools, Hebron, Coburn, Higgins and Ricker. In 1867 the Baptist Convention was organized. The Baptist and Free Baptist churches became one church in 1915 under the presidency of Gov. Carl E. Milliken, a member of the Free Baptist church. They have 33,647 members and 400 churches. Presbyterian ^" ^^^^ William McClanethan, a Presbyterian minister, preached at Boothbay ; McLane at Bristol at a later period, and in 1784 Whitaker was at Canaan and Williams at Winslow. The Pres- 196 THE MAINE BOOK byterian church continued to grow in membership and influence until 1800 when they were established in at least ten towns. After this period they declined and finally became Congregational churches. At the close of the seventeenth century there were 42 churches and 2186 members in Maine. At a later period there were three churches with 503 members. In 1793 Jesse Lee was sent by the New England Confer- Methodist ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Methodist Episcopal Church to organize this church in Maine. He held the first services in Saco, Portland, Hallowell and Readfield in 1793. The Readfield circuit was organized, which included all the state. A church was dedicated at Readfield in 1798 by Bishop Asbury; 1500 people were at the service. Maine has the distinction of giving to the Methodist Church Bishop Soule, who drafted the plan of the delegated General Conlerence, and also founded the Methodist Review. When Maine became a state in 1820, there were three districts, 27 cir- cuits, 32 preachers and 6017 members. Academies have been established at Rents Hill and Bucksport. This church has through all the years contributed to the educational, social and political development of the state. She has continued to grow in influence and in membership. The total membership in 1919, including probationers, was 23,791. In 1802 Thomas Barnes preached in Norway, New Glouces- ter, Falmouth, Gray and several other towns. Sylvanus Cobb of Norway organized the first church in Waterville in 1826. The Gospel Banner was established and published at Augusta and exerted a large influence. The first State Convention met in 1826. They have a fine academy at Westbrook. There are about 17,000 members. -D *• * Benjamin Randall of Berwick was the founder of the Free Baptist Church. He preached in New Hampshire and Maine, forming many churches, which were organized into a State Mission m 1834. The denomination continued to grow until it became one of the most influential in the state, having churches in all the cities. Its work for the rural districts has been among the greatest agencies for the uplift of the people. This church established Bates College in Lewiston and the Maine Central Institute in Pittsfield. In 1915 the Free Baptist and Bap- tist Churches united in one denomination, under the name United Bap- tist Convention of Maine. ,^ ., . The Unitarian church was organized in Portland in 1791. 1 1 m 1 fi T*i^ fi Colonel Vaughn of Hallowell was for years the most dis- tinguished Unitarian in America. Churches were founded in Bath and Waterville by Dr. Sheldon, at one time president of Colby College. The Unitarian churches in Maine were formed into an association at Saco in 1878. It has now 27 churches. The membership could not be ascertained. , . This church began its work with the coming of the first „, , discoverers and had missions at Mount Desert and Nor- ridgewock. When Maine became a state in 1820 there 198 THE MAINE BOOK were few churches, the growth had been slow, but with the growth of lum- bering and manufacturing the tide turned to this church. Soon large and prosperous churches were located in all the large centers. In 1853 the See of Maine and New Hampshire was instituted with 8 priests. In the early days they shared in the persecution that practically all churches faced in turn. Their priests were turned out of town, and their churches burned. In 1874 the Catholic population was 80,000 and they had 23 schools. St. Mary's College was established at Van Buren. In 1884 New Hampshire was withdrawn from the See of Maine. Under the brilliant leadership of Bishop Walsh, the efficiency of the church has been greatly increased. Remarkable advances have been made in church build- ing, education and hospital work. There are today 131,638 Catholics in Maine, 143 priests, 47 parochial schools, 11 schools for girls, 1 college for boys, 7 orphan asylums and many other institutions. ^^, There are many other religious bodies in Maine that the Other ^, - student of progress must study if he would understand Cnurcnes the development of the religious history of the state. They are the Adventist, Seventh Day Advents, Disciples, Christian, New Jeru- salem, Lutheran, Church of God, Christian Science and Seventh Day Baptists. The Maine Bible Society organized in 1809, distributes . about 11,000 copies annually in fifty languages. The Maine Sunday School Society was organized in 1869. It represents 1,200 schools with a membership of 100,000. The Christian Civic League was organized in March, 1897, at Waterville. The Christian Endeavor Society was founded by Rev. Francis E. Clark at Portland, February 2, 1881. The Y. M. C. A. was organized at Portland, Nov. 9, 1853. The Maine~Register for 1919 is the authority for the fol- lowing statistics for religious societies in Maine : Advent Christian — 44 churches, 64 ministers, 2,338 members. United Baptist — 419 churches, 247 ministers, 33,016 members. Protestant Episcopal — 79 parishes and missions, 39 clergymen, 5,656 com- municants. Congregational — 265 churches, 186 clergymen, 21,968 members. Methodist Episcopal — 309 churches, 231 ministers, 23,031 members, 1,195 probationers. Universalist — 77 churches, 43 ministers, 17,000 members. Friends — 23 meeting houses, about 1,800 members. Unitarian^ — 21 churches, membership not given. New Jerusalem — 3 churches, 131 members. Seventh Day Adventist — 20 churches, 8 ministers, 811 members. Christian — 35 ministers, 3,600 members. Disciples — 7 churches, about 500 members. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES 199 Evangelical Lutheran — 7 churches, 6 ministers, 1,445 members, Presbyterian — 3 churches, 3 ministers, about 503 members. Church of God — 12 churches, 16 ministers, about 250 members. Salvation Army — 25 corps, 3 industrial institutions, 70 officers. Roman Catholic — 152 churches, 32 chapels, 160 priests, Catholic population is about 134,371. m > o o 11^ CHAPTER XXXVI AGRICULTURE The State Board of Agriculture was established by a law which became operative April 1, 1856. The Board was made up of one member from each county, who was elected by the agricultural societies of that county. The Governor and Secretary of State were ex-officio members of the Board. Some years later these two officials ceased to have any connection with the Board, and were replaced by the President of the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, and by the Director of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station at Orono. The Board held a meet- ing annually, elected a secretary who became its executive officer and mapped out the year's work. The Legislature of 1901 passed an act which brought to an end the existence of the State Board of Agriculture. At the beginning of the year 1902, a new law went into effect, and the work which was formerly done by the Board passed into the hands of a single commissioner, called the Commissioner of Agriculture, who is elected by the legislature. The Department as at present organized, is composed of five Divi- sions, each Division including one or more bureaus as follows: 1. Division of Plant Industry; (a) Gypsy Moth Work, (b) Horticul- ture, (c) Seed Improvement, (d) Exhibits. 2. Animal Industry; (a) Livestock, (b) Sheep Specialist, (c) Dairy Inspector. 3. Division of Markets; (a) Marketing, (b) Statistics, (c) Grading and Packing, (d) Labor. 4. Division of Inspection ; (a) Food, Fertilizers, etc., (b) Apple Pack- ing, (c) Weights and Measures. 5. Commissioner, Administration Division; Institutes, Fairs, Bulle- tins, Miscellaneous Work, General Supervision. I. Division of Plant Industry ^ The brown tail and gypsy moths are found in southern l'7?f\,T 1 Maine, from the New Hampshire line to the Penobscot river. The man in charge of their extermmation is known as the field agent, and he employs from fifty to sixty men the larger part of the year. 201 202 THE MAINE BOOK One line of work is the growing and developing of parasites and fungus diseases to prey upon, weaken and eventually destroy these exceedingly destructive pests. Already the brown tail has nearly disappeared. The gypsy moth is a more difficult enemy to fight, and at the present time is exceedingly plentiful in the counties of the southern part of the state, threatening the destruction of the fruit and timber trees of that section. A large force is kept busy creosoting, burlaping and spraying. „ . , This bureau inspects all nurseries in the state, there being 65 at the present time, about 129 acres in extent. It licenses all persons selling nursery stock in the state. Last season there were 88 licensed agents. It enforces the apple packing law. Maine was one of the earliest states to provide for better grading and packing of apples. The inspection service employs six or eight men during the shipping season. They visit as often as possible the shipping stations, of which there are about 200. The State Horticulturist also collaborates with the Federal Horticul- tural Board at Washington. It is his duty to see that each and every package coming into the state from foreign countries is inspected, and report made on same. The stock must bear an inspection tag from the country from which it is shipped, and it is also inspected at the port of entry. The bureau is constantly on the lookout for insect pests and fungous diseases. Trees are sprayed for San Jose, Scurvy and Oyster Shell Scale. p . Carleton Orchards are annually visited and instructions p. , , given regarding spraying, pruning, cultivation, fertiliza- tion and general care of same. These are orchards of one acre each, planted to compete for a prize, the contest to cover a period of five years. The next planting will be in the spring of 1920. There are many of these orchards in the state and the owners are paying marked attention to them as well as caring for their older orchards at the same time. j2 , The Bureau of Seed Improvement works in conjunction J with the Maine Seed Improvement Association. It is engaged in developing a system of state certification of seed for use in the state and for sale outside the state. The purpose is to bring about the use of better seeds by our own farmers, and to produce seed of a higher grade that will bring more money to the producer. II. Division of Animal Industry. Division of Animal Industry has ing the increase and improvement of the livestock indus- try. This division worl< agricultural organizations of the state. . . J The Division of Animal Industry has charge of promot- try. This division works in conjunction with the various AGRICULTURE 203 _j . The Bureau of Dairy Inspection has charge of the sani- ^ ,. tary conditions surrounding the production, shipment and distribution of milk and cream. Inspection is made throughout the state. Samples are taken and analyzed. Those who adulter- ate the milk are brought before the court. If milk shows dirt, visits are made at the point of production or distribution, and instruction given in cleanliness. III. Division of Markets ^ . , This Division works in conjunction with the Farmers' Union and the Fruit Growers' Association, whose purpose is the promotion of better grading, packing and more careful marketing of fruit. The New England Milk Producers' Association has a larger field of operation in Maine than in any other state. This Division was largely instrumental in its organization and growth in the state. There are 130 local organizations with a membership of many thou- sands. The Sweet Corn Growers of the state have been organized into about 70 local associations, several county and one state association. The object is to improve the crop, save in the purchase of supphes and secure a uniform price for corn. The Division is also trying to develop home markets for Maine farm products, and to keep farmers posted on crop production and market prices throughout the country. A Bureau of Statistics is being organized for collection of information bearing upon crops, livestock and agricultural resources. IV. Division of Inspection ^^ J J In 1914 the inspection of foods, drugs, fertilizers and vari- rooa anci ., ... , ■,.,■,.■, , , m, ■p -.,. ous other articles was placed in this department. The serv- y ,. ice employs a chief clerk, stenographer, from three to ten inspectors and a number of chemists. It inspects the sani- tary condition in bakeries, ice-cream and candy establishments, meat shops, slaughter houses and other food producing or handling places. It looks after all kinds of food to see that they are up to the standard require- ments. It registers, samples and analyzes about 500 brands of fertilizers. It does the same with all the large number of feeding stuffs, insecticides and fungicides, brought into the state for sale, and has charge of the inspection of seeds brought into the state. .^ . , , Standard weights and measures approved by the Bureau J , - ^ of Standards at Washington, are maintained at the State House. Each town and city is obliged to have a set of standards with which the scales, weights and measures used in the town ^04 THE MAINE BOOK and city, are compared by the local sealers. All local sealers are under the jurisdiction of the State Sealer. All local standards have to be shipped to the State House once in five years, to be compared with the national standard. Grading In this bureau from two to five inspectors look after the and Packing quality of apples packed and sold in the state. of Apples ^ . There are three state fairs and about 50 county and local fairs receiving a stipend from the state, and it is the duty of the department to visit each of these and make a record of its work. ^ ,., , Much educational work is done by the Department. In Institutes 1917 about 300 addresses were given by members and representatives of the Department, to which there were over 15,000 lis- teners. The Department of Agriculture publishes four quarterly bulletins each year. Each bulletin is on the topic that is of greatest interest at the time it is published. They average about 75 pages and are usually well illustrated. Those published in 1919 had for subjects, "Seed and Plant Improvement," "Sheep Raising on Maine Farms," "Papers and Addresses Delivered Before the Various Farm Organizations of the State," "Orchard Operations and Packing of Fruit." These bulle- tins are distributed throughout the state, going into nearly every town and reaching the families of over ten thousand farmers. The Department is now securing copy for a bulletin to be published in 1920, outlining the agricultural resources of the state and their development. The results of the analysis of foods, feeds, poisons and fertilizers were published in pamphlet form and distributed among interested par- ties. The annual reports of the Department, the transactions of the State Pomological Society, Maine Dairymen's Association, Maine Seed Improvement Association and the Maine Livestock Breeders' Association have been published and distributed to the number of 5,000. Various other pamphlets have been published and disrtibuted. p, , The Department is under the direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Each of the ten Bureaus has a Director, while ten to thirty men are employed in the field. In addition to this staff there are two clerks and five stenographers employed in the office. p. . , This Department had an appropriation of $316,127.28 given ^. . . it by the Legislature of 1919 to use in the interests and for the development of agriculture in Maine. Salary and clerk hire only amounts to $23,230.00. AGRICULTURE 205 Crop Statistics Crop Corn (Grain) . Spring Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat . . . . Potatoes Hay — Tame . . . Hay— Wild Apples (Commercial) Apples (Agricultural) Pears Sweet Corn . . . Beans Average Price Total Value Year Acres Yield Production Dec. 1 Value per Acrt 1918 23,000 45 bu. 1,035,000 3. 1.67 $ 1,728,000 $ 75. IJ 1919 20,000 55 bu. 1,100,000 1.95 2,145,000 107. 2J 1918 22,000 22 bu. 484,000 2.37 1,147,000 52. 1< 1919 12,000 19 bu. 228,000 2.20 501,600 41. 8( 1918 169,000 40 bu. 6,760,000 .90 6,084,000 36.00 1919 169,000 34 bu. 5,746,000 .92 5,286.000 31.28 1918 6,000 25 bu. 150,000 1.49 224,000 37.25 1919 6,000 28 bu. 168,000 1.70 286,000 47.60 1918 ]919 17,000 17,000 20 bu. 24 bu. 340,000 408,000 1.50 1.75 510,000 714,000 30.00 42.00 1918 112,000 200 bu. 22,400,000 1.20 26,880,000 240.00 1919 102,000 240 bu. 24,480,000 1.40 34,272,000 336.00 1918 1,108.000 1.15 T. 1,274,000 13,90 17,709,000 15.98 1919 1,120,000 1.30 T. 1,456,000 18.70 27,227,000 24.31 1918 24,000 .90 T. 22,000 14.00 308,000 12.60 1919 25,000 1.00 T. 25,000 18.00 450,000 18.00 1918 226,000 2.90 655,400 1919 601,000 3.00 1,803,000 1918 2,010,000 1.00 2,010,000 1919 5,558,000 1.00 5,558,000 1918 20,000 1919 44,000 1918 14,000 1919 15,500 1918 1919 17,000 12,000 14 bu. 17 bu. 238,000 204,000 Livestock Kind Number Horses 110,447 Colts 9,688 Cows 149,905 Other cattle 75,940 Sheep 106,775 Swine 49,137 Yearlings (exempt from taxation) 57,737 Poultry 1,287,087 Poultry produced Eggs produced Value ^1, 011,926.00 655,368.00 6,108,622.00 2,733,263.00 781,612.00 733,837.00 914,081.00 1,332,115.97 751,214.93 2,307,470.72 . »•'* ^^- * - •' '^*> 4"b i^-' .' ^^ . ^r- j^'^\' ,-, ^v ■r J^lff^^^Si^^Pr* ^ ''k.'St lAjKJt^^^fy ''^^\ SJ^ mt-^ _ ^ P-^ 1 1 ' 'W'if ^ gH m '"i WW if ,' K^- .* .vr- ,■■ , ' 's^aHM HE Five year old apple tree (Stark). Finest tree of its age inspected by Department of Agriculture in 1919. Height, 15 feet; diameter of head, 16x16 feet; diameter one foot above ground, 4*4 inches. CHAPTER XXXVII COTTON INDUSTRY ^,. ^ Cotton is found in Asia, Africa and America. The Chinese xiistorv are known to have manufactured cloth from cotton as early as 500 B. C. and in India there are old books, in which cotton is mentioned, that were written eight hundred years before the birth of Christ. In the United States between 12,000,000 and 14,000,00 ^ bales are raised annually. This is about three-fourths of the crop of the entire world. Of this about one-third is manufactured in our own country. Such a crop represents, in value of fibre, seed and other by-products, in excess of two thousand millions of dollars, or double the world's production of gold in any one year since the discovery of the yellow metal. In twenty years the production in the United States has increased from 6,650,000 bales to 14,000,000 of 500 pounds each. Its farm value has increased from eight to thirty cents a pound, and the acreage from 27,000,000 to 35,000,000. . Exports of the fibre have grown from 5,000,000 to 10,500,- ^oreign ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ manufactured cloths from $30,000,000 to $52,000,000 in value. Twenty years ago cotton by- products were practically worthless. Last year exports of cotton-seed oil alone were worth $21,694,345. Today, the by-products alone would make cotton a profitable crop. The world's production has kept pace with that of this country in average increase, but the United States continues to grow somewhat more than two-thirds of the whole. „ The manufacture of cotton goods in Maine was begun - about one hundred years ago. One of the pioneer mills was established in Brunswick in 1809, another at Wilton in 1810, and a third in Gardiner in 1811. In 1820 returns made to the legislature show that there were nine cotton and woolen factories in Maine, but it is probable that a majority of them were woolen mills. It has been stated by apparently good authority that there were then six small woolen mills in the state. The capital invested was small, only $11,000 for the nine mills. The manufacture of cotton goods has for a long time been one of the most important industries of the state, for several decades taking first rank, and is still increasing: yet, in 1905, on the basis of capital invested, it took second rank, pulp and paper being first, and on the basis of value of product it was exceeded only by pulp and paper and lumber and timber products. 207 208 THE MAINE BOOK ^, ,. ,. At the present time there are in the state sixteen mills Statistics devoted to the manufacture of cotton goods. Fourteen of these mills are producing cotton goods, exclusively. Two are combined with the woolen industry. According to the Official Textile Directory of 1917, these factories represent a total valuation of $19,388,000 and employ 13,827 people, of whom 7,606 are females and 6,221 male workers. Fifteen of these sixteen mills allow helpers between the ages of fourteen and six- teen to be employed. The assessed valuation on these mills, given by the State Board of Assessors, is $12,336,460. Water power only is used to run six of the sixteen mills, three are run by a combination of water power and electricity, five use water and steam, while one employs all three forms of power. There are 944,274 spindles and 28,119 looms contained in these factories. J . In 1820, of the nine mills representing both cotton and . - woolen establishments, two were located in Cumberland County, one in Hancock, two in Kennebec, two in Lincoln and two in York. In 1917, half of the sixteen mills were located in Andros- coggin County, three in Cumberland, three in Kennebec and two in York. COTTON INDUSTRY 209- Cotton Industry o Total Value of Product 1917 Total Am't of Pay Roll 1917 Average Number Employed 1918 Men Women 1 Males ' between 14 and 16 Females between 14 and 16 1^ years years 1 $ $ 82,143 83 21 125 _ 3 2 4,477.984 83 1,172,920 91 1,120 970 35 47 3 2,050,007 83 1.861 1.392 77 43 4 , 213.607 51 37.793 45 40 31 5 62,400 00 9.153 31 2 30 — — 6 18,000 00 8 51 7 234,000 00 19,375 15 3 45 — 8 80,000 00 8,776 40 2 24 — 1 9 49,070 33 21,090 85 4 40 — 1 10 2,639,381 66 512,121 30 420 440 31 51 11 100,000 00 10,610 17 30 — 12 2,250,232 49 390,957 05 356 328 19 19 13 17,000 00 3,000 00 3 15 — 14 1,945,480 00 540,868 31 413 312 20 20 15 41,845 70 6.871 50 5 6 — 16 1,984,357 45 345,714 67 222 270 25 20 17 165,629 49 25,474 53 22 30 — 18 1.266,143 14 153,991 19 140 95 1 1 19 75,856 00 11,384 00 2 23 — 20 22.368 00 7,800 00 4 14 — 21 50,534 36 20,305 09 6 36 — 22 1,930 00 1 3 23 60,000 00 20,000 00 2 40 24 280,800 00 1 30 25 852,703 79 160,530 05 50 200 1 26 1,783,156 39 410,951 60 260 390 5 3 27 1,905,993 54 504.934 34 324 429 11 6 28 413,409 74 137,620 85 92 107 2 29 3,919,793 64 1,178,680 23 896 905 2 30 2,605,715 00 669,584 62 442 563 31 1,045,625 17 367,523 66 470 145 1 32 696,079 52 129,329 65 90 110 4 4 $29,239,167 75 $ 9,029.444 77 7,285 7,229 232 220 CHAPTER XXXVIII WOOLEN INDUSTRY The great clothing-wool-producing countries of the world are Austra- ha, South America, the United States and South Africa. The world's wool production for 1910 was estimated at 2,952,782,985 pounds, of which the United States was supposed to have raised about 321,362,750 pounds, over one-tenth of the total. The largest producer of the best wool, that is, of the finest fibre, is Australia. It is estimated that about two-thirds of the clothing-wool used by the American manufacturers is raised in the United States. There are eight hundred thousand farmers and stockmen in this country who own sheep and are interested in the growth of wool. The change from hand-made woolens to the factory product in the state of Maine, was not rapid, as in 1820 there were reported only six fac- tories and they were very small affairs compared with the mills of more recent date. In fact, as late as 1850, and in the newer settled parts of the state much later, the weaving by the hand loom of woolen goods for men's wear was continued in many homes, the warp being generally of cotton and the filling of homespun woolen. 1 ivi'll ^^ I860, the number of woolen mills reported in Maine was twenty-eight with a capital value of $940,400. The average number of hands employed was 1,064, of which number 565 were men and 499 women. In 1900 the industry gave employment to 4,594 men, 2,361 women, and 200 children under sixteen years of age. At this time the number of mills had increased to seventy-nine with a capital of $14,- 128,693. The census figures for 1905 show but seventy-two mills, some of the smaller ones having dropped out of business while some others were enlarged. During the five years the capital invested increased to $17,- 552,404 and the number of operatives to 8,743. According to the Official Textile Directory of 1917 the number of mills reported in operation is fifty-eight with a capital value of $7,562,000 exclusive of the American Woolen Company mills. The assessed value on these mills, given by the Board of State Assessors, is $4,116,656. There are employed in these factories 8,440 of whom 5,458 are male and 2,982 female workers. Of this number 122 are children under sixteen years of age, employed in nineteen of the fifty-eight concerns. 210 WOOLEN INDUSTRY 211 These mills contain 487 sets, 167,952 spindles and 4,463 looms. Six- teen mills are run by water power alone, four by electricity, and ten use a combination of the three powers, water, electricity and steam. The remaining twenty-eight use some two of these powers combined. ^ , „ J Maine is well up among the states in the manufacture of woolen goods. In 1900 only Massachusetts and Pennsyl- vania exceeded it in the product of carded woolens, while it took sixth rank in -the combined woolen industry, which includes carpets and rugs, felt goods and wool hats, in addition to carded woolens and worsted goods. While the cotton mills occupy the large powers on our main rivers, the woolen mills, for the most part, are located on the smaller streams, so that the woolen industry is scattered over a much larger area of the state and where we find cotton mills in only four of our sixteen counties, there are but three counties which do not contain some established woolen industry. 212 THE MAINE BOOK Woolen Industry 1 0-1 C Average Xumber Employed 1918 Total Value Total Am't of Product of Pay Roll Males Females OS 1917 1917 Men Women between 14 and 16 between 14 and 16 5« years years ^^'^ 1 % 517,805 69 % 38,634 66 43 45 _ 2 22,583 47 22 14 2 — 3 300,666 '66 60,000 00 58 49 3 1 4 5,793,706 18 1,147,257 54 724 632 40 27 5 4,086.221 93 1 942,988 14 627 434 19 8 6 11 873 64 2 18 — ., 7 403,i97'72 60.606 26 24 71 4 — 8 521,275 00 75.076 15 68 20 — — 9 65,000 00 14,000 00 10 40 — — 10 3,500 00 500 00 2 1 — — H 1.797,642 58 179,250 46 47 78 5 6 12 1,043,519 37 191,358 66 158 43 — — 13 577,038 92 128,826 43 97 54 — — 14 1,115,711 47 174,078 72 130 58 — — 15 2,554,804 88 331,900 97 295 49 — 1 16 989,765 38 162,439 36 120 60 1 — 17 1,317,303 82 170,124 16 150 95 — — 18 1,494,321 80 241,251 23 180 73 — — 19 1,099,435 06 178,573 83 130 62 2 — 20 448,607 23 27,194 90 40 5 — — 21 1 18,000 00 6 30 22 117,459 '68 18,543 68 11 30 — — 23 33,470 42 35 10 24 12"o',242'77 36,107 53 29 14 — — 25 545.000 00 92,209 74 48 40 — — 26 642,206 99 87,785 63 60 40 — — 27 1,186,583 60 1 203,239 47 144 72 — — 28 922,487 42 142.564 82 92 50 — — 29 1,009,822 25 164.076 64 73 49 — — 30 752,937 47 123.095 08 102 30 — — 31 1,535,261 55 185.253 70 132 71 1 — 32 326,915 25 74,397 19 60 36 — 1 33 604,854 84 59,433 15 70 27 1 — 34 880,564 90 132,455 55 135 69 1 — 35 718,564 58 72,575 31 91 33 — 36 140.000 00 42,932 00 30 75 1 — 37 413.364 39 64,753 14 52 24 — — 38 838,610 49 158,798 46 113 114 — — 39 1,872,267 60 292,944 40 208 48 6 3 40 955,676 22 140,799 03 113 34 — — 41 251,878 78 86,737 57 46 36 — — 42 570.000 00 78,080 99 63 25 — — 43 207.939 32 33,278 97 30 23 — — 44 375.000 00 75,000 00 40 40 45 34.508 03 16.258 84 36 6 46 2,125.648 46 477.837 53 400 100 8 — 47 104.000 00 25.032 00 35 — — — 48 485,554 74 97,467 82 69 34 — — 49 430,350 00 68,575 49 80 60 1 3 50 442,110 00 78,220 28 76 36 — 51 25,402 24 4,564 94 7 4 52 527,982 73 107,531 67 93 27 — — 53 3 900 00 4 8 ___ 54 "i,'004".699'53 159,144 00 175 100 1 55 619.167 03 90,339 42 101 34 — 56 467,500 00 116,111 99 89 60 — — 57 93,776 19 33.138 26 16 186 58 11,272 64 5,834 23 5 3 59 90,706 14 16,868 36 . 6 45 — — 60 862,187 74 120,192 99 125 50 2 61 1,839,303 26 314,338 68 288 154 5 1 62 419,986 79 85,608 71 78 40 1 1 63 609,016 68 84,558 34 65 50 64 500,000 00 110.000 00 48 75 — 65 494,763 00 116,514 00 100 67 3 1 66 479,852 86 76,489 09 140 55 — 1 $50,783,687 19 $ 8,783,570 69 6,746 4,115 106 54 A MORNING CATCH FROM LAKE WINNECOOK, MAINE CHAPTER XXXIX THE FISHING INDUSTRY The fisheries along the coast of Maine were very attractive to the discoverers and early visitors to our shores. These early navigators spoke enthusiastically of the abundance and immense size of the cod and other fish they found in these waters. In 1614, Captain John Smith while cruis- ing along the coast, took possession of Monhegan Island and established a headquarters there, from which more or less extensive fishing operations were conducted. In 1622, when the Pilgrims at Plymouth became reduced to a state of almost starvation, it was to Monhegan that Winslow came in his shallop for relief. It was from this English settlement that his immediate wants . - were supplied, the generous hearted fishermen refusing , pay for what they furnished. Of this incident Winslow wrote : "We not only got a present supply, but also learned the way to those parts for our future benefit." On this visit Winslow found thirty ships at Monhegan and Damariscove, ships of diflferent nation- alities, some seeking a way to the Indies, some hunting for gold, while others were there for fish and furs. The fisheries have entered into nearly all the international negotia- tions in which Maine has been at all interested. It is only within the last few years that some of the questions which have been pending since the close of the Revolutionary. War have been brought to a final adjustment. One author has said: "The fisheries of New England furnished our first articles of export and laid the foundations of our navigation and commerce. We have seen through all the changes and chances of our Colonial submission from its commencement to its termination ; through . the war of the Revolution and in the negotiations for peace ; in the conven- tion that framed and in the state convention that considered the constitu- tion of the United States ; in the first Congress, and in the negotiations at the close of the war of 1812, that the fisheries occupied a prominent place, and were often the hinge on which turned questions of vast impor- tance." From 1765 to 1775, Maine employed in cod fishery 60 ' _. , . vessels annually, amounting to 1,000 tons, and manned by 01 r isneries 230 seamen; and exported annually to Europe and the West Indies, about 12,000 quintals, of a value of $48,000. During the Revo- 214 THE FISHING INDUSTRY 215 lution this branch of trade was nearly cut off, but from 1786 to 1790 about 30 vessels were annually employed, amounting to 300 tons and manned by 120 seamen. The exports were to Europe 1,000 quintals valued at $3.00 per quintal ; and to the West Indies 3,500 quintals at $2.00, a total value of $10,000. From 1820 to 1826 inclusive, the total fishing tonnage of the United States averaged 63,987 tons per annum, while that of Maine averaged 12,326 tons, being 19| per cent, or nearly one-fifth of the whole. Three million dollars are invested in this industry, includ- j . , ing vessels and their apparatus. Approximately 12,000 persons, exclusive of the sardine industry, get their living direct from our fisheries. The annual value of the lobster catch is two million dollars ; of herring, two and a half million ; clams, four hundred thousand ; mackerel, one hundred thousand ; smelts, one hundred thousand ; other salt water fish, one million. These include only those sold as taken from the water, not reckoning salted and dried fish, such as cod, haddock, hake and cusk. r ed F' h '^^^ herring fishery is one of the most important indus- tries. Canning of sardines gives greater employment than any other branch. About two million cases are annually packed, sold at $10,000,000. Other branches of the great canning industry, establish- ments of which are scattered here and there along the sea-board, are clams, in value $500,000; lobsters, $2,000,000; smelts, $96,000; alewives, $30,000; mackerel, $100,000; shad, $20,000; salmon, $22,000; and other fish, $5,000. In fish canning and preserving are employed nearly six thousand persons who receive wages of $900,000. The total annual product is five million dollars. „ o „, Prior to 1867 there was no official head to this depart- „. , . ment but the governor of the state appointed wardens „ , , to enforce the laws. In 1867 a resolve entitled "Resolve Relating to Restoration of Sea Fish Through the Rivers and Inland Waters of Maine" was passed by the legislature. Authority over game was given this Commission on March 9, 1880. In 1885 the law was amended so that in addition to the two persons appointed Com- missioners of Fisheries & Game, the governor should appoint one other commissioner to have general supervision of the Sea & Shore Fisheries. In 1895 by legislative act the two departments were entirely separated. The legislature of 1917 abolished the office of Commissioner of Sea & Shore Fisheries and created in place thereof, a Sea & Shore Fisheries Commission ; the Commission to appoint a Director of Sea and Shore Fish- eries with all the powers and duties of the former commissioner. For the year 1918 Maine appropriated $30,200 for the protection and 216 THE MAINE BOOK development of this great industry. The state emploj^s twenty-five per- sons in this work. In 1917 the Fish and Game Commission was abohshed and . ^" . the work of the Department is now handled by one official designated as Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Game. His duties, in general, are the propagation and protection of fish and the protection of game and birds. The state department maintains eleven fish hatcheries, ,, , , . situated at Caribou, Enfield, Tunk Pond, Moosehead Lake, ri 3.tcllGriGS (near Greenville Junction), Lake Moxie, North Belgrade, Monmouth, East Auburn, Oquossoc, Raymond and Camden, in which hatch- eries are annually raised from four to five millions of landlocked salmon, trout and togue for stocking the inland waters of this state. A force of wardens, varying from seventy-five to one hun- dred, is on duty throughout the year engaged in the enforcement of the inland fish and game laws. , Since July, 1917, the Department has had placed at its 5^.^^* ^ disposal the fees collected for non-resident fishermen's ® *^ licenses ($2 each), which are set apart as a fund and expended solely for the propagation and protection of inland fish. In 1917 these fees amounted to $15,000. ^. The Department annually collects in license fees, fines, , ^ and from miscellaneous sources from forty to fifty thousand arid Fees dollars, which money is paid to the State Treasurer and credited to the general state fund, the Department receiving no benefit from it. Some years ago a census was taken, although incomplete, . . of the number of non-residents who visited the inland ter- ritory of the state in a single season, to fish, hunt or spend a vacation. These incomplete returns showed that at least 133,000 non-residents came to Maine that season; in 1909 the Labor Bureau also made a canvass, with a view of securing information as to the extent of this industry, and from information secured placed the annual number of visitors to all parts of Maine at approximately 400,000 in number. Authorities best qualified to judge estimate that these visitors spend from $50 to $100 each, on an average, within our borders, for railroad and steamboat fares, hotel bills, guides' wages, team hire, camp supplies, etc., thus largely in consequence of the presence of inland fish and wild game in our state, an industry has developed which brings to the state annually at least $30,000,000. CHAPTER XL CANNING INDUSTRY IN MAINE Canning Corn Maine has a leading place in the canning industry. Almost all kinds of fruits and vegetables are used by the packers, but blueberries and corn are the chief of them. In 1860 Isaac Winslow of Portland began the work of canning corn. Since then it has become a leading industry and Maine corn has become famous. It is estimated that nearly $2,000,- 000 are invested in the business, having an annual value of nearly two million and a half dollars. The value of the blueberry canning industry, which is con- fined largely to Washington County, is about $125,000. Blueberries A MAINE CORNFIELD 217 CHAPTER XLI ICE BUSINESS IN MAINE ,,. ^ In 1826 Rufus Page of Richmond built the first ice house History with a capacity of fifteen hundred tons, but it was not a success. In 1860 the business for the first time became profitable. Large companies entered the ice fields. In 1880 1,426,800 tons were cut, in 1890 it was 3,000,000 tons. The organ- izing of the ice trust, transfering much of its harvesting to the Hudson River, and the manufacturing of artificial ice has taken from Maine this once profitable business. Even the figure of the Ice Man has disappeared j^ y from the State House window, and it is doubtful if the ice business or the ice man will ever return. 218 CHAPTER XLII FORESTS AND LUMBER The land office was organized in 1828 under an act to pro- is ory mote the sale and settlement of public lands. Enoch Lin- coln, the governor of that time, appointed Daniel Ross the first land agent. We find that in 1824 under an act to promote sale and settlement of public lands, the governor and council were empowered to appoint and commission an agent to superintend and arrange the sale and settlement of pubhc lands. James Irish received the appointment. In 1875 a resolve was passed amending the constitution of the state by striking out the words "Land Agent" from Section 10 of Article 9 of the amendments. In 1876 an act was passed empowering the governor and council to appoint a land agent. In 1890 the land agent was made forest commissioner under an act to create a Forest Commission for the protection of forests. In 1909 at the suggestion of the wild land owners, an act ^. ^ . /^ was passed creating a Maine Forestry District, and pro- Distnct viding for protection against forest fires therein. The acreage of the Maine Forestry District is about 9,500,000 acres. The forests outside of the district contain about 4,500,000 acres. An annual tax is assessed upon all property in said district which now gives a revenue of about $112,000.00, which enables the state to obtain from the Federal Government an allotment of about $7,000.00 per year. The standing timber in the State of Maine is estimated as Standing ^ ,, „. , follows: Timber Spruce 11,630,000,000 ft. board measure Spiaice Pulp 9,610,000,000 ft. board measure Fir 2,288,500,000 ft. board measure Fir Pulp 1,943,000,000 ft. board measure Pine 5,060,000,000 ft. board measure Cedar 2,781,000,000 ft. board measure Hemlock 880,000,000 ft. board measure Poplar 1,123,000 cords White Birch 1,109,980 cords Yellow Birch 2,033,500,000 ft. board measure Maple 1,403,500,000 ft. board measure Beech 12,000,000,000 ft. board measure 220 FORESTS AND LUMBER 221 There are in farms 9,000 square miles. It is estimated Square Miles ^^^^ ^^400 square miles included in the farm lands consist of Forest ^^ woods, add that to the part remaining as a wilderness, and there are 22,000 square miles of forest lands, a territory equal in extent to the combined areas of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Con- necticut. By these figures it will be perceived that notwithstanding the fearful inroads made upon forests by fires and the lumberman's axe, Maine is still a well wooded state. It must not be considered, however, that the whole wooded area consists of timber lands. It is doubtful whether one- half of it may be so considered. The wooded area includes everything covered with trees, no matter if those trees, however ornamental, are utterly worthless for commercial purposes. ,, , „ Fifty years ago the state owned a large portion of the wild - lands. It is useless to recall here the short-sighted pohcy * ^^ ^ pursued in parting with the land, most of which was sold for twelve cents an acre, notwithstanding the fact that it was covered with valuable timber. Today the state owns only the lands reserved for school purposes in unorganized townships. Practically it owns no wild lands at all. From the earliest days Maine has been a lumbering state. . ,, . ^ The spruce and pine along the banks of the Saco, the Androscoggin, the Kennebec and St. Croix, and the tribu- taries to these waters, were easily accessible, and the logs were borne cheaply and swiftly to the lumber mills, located at those convenient inter- vals where nature had kindly and thoughtfully placed waterfalls, so that man could harness the flowing force and make it turn the wheel of industry as it sped on its way to the great ocean. The lumber business of Maine has been from the earliest ^ times and is now one of its most important industries. For - "jf E®' illustration, the average yearly cut on the Penobscot alone was more than 150,000,000 feet, board measure, or 7,500,000,000 board feet during the fifty years that closed the nineteenth century. It may be safely estimated that the cut in the entire state for the same period was 25,000,000,000 feet. These are enormous figures that stagger fancy — but they are facts. p , Most valuable timber trees are of slow growth. Careful ^ ^ observation and study by expert foresters prove Con- or It ees clusively that it requires from one hundred fifty to two hundred years for a spruce tree to grow from the small plant to fifteen inches diameter, breast high. The white birch is a faster growing tree, requiring from fifty to one hundred years to reach maturity. It is esti- mated that 40,000,000 board feet of white birch are cut annually in Maine, and hitherto not much care has been taken to preserve the small trees, but a change for the better has taken place. 222 THE MAINE BOOK ^^ Two great industries came to Maine by reason of its pos- -f , session of fine white birch, namely spool making and the -. f f •• wood novelty business. It is hardly necessary to refer to the Willimantic and the Maverick Spool Manufactories, or the wood novelty concerns of the Russell Brothers of Farmington, as examples of these industries. If the birch timber cut had gone solely to supply our own manufactories the yield would probably have supplied home demands without impairing the birch timber; but fully one-half has been shipped in the shape of spool bars to supply the spool manufac- tories of Great Britain. When pulp and paper first began to be manufactured from wood, poplar only was used. It is a fast growing wood and there is a fairly good supply of it in Maine today. But spruce is now the favorite pulp wood and the demand for it to supply the great pulp and paper plants of the country is something enormous. Maine today stands second only to New York in the manufacture of pulp and paper, and was first in the year 1916. This state has thirty pulp mills and twenty-eight paper mills, and in addition thereto the monster pulp and paper plants at Rumford Falls and Millinocket employing 10,696 ; capital invested $80,422,988, annual value $40,179,744. n f J But a greater marvel, illustrating the growth in wood- p 1 w^ H V^h^ paper and allied products, is afforded by the great International Company at Rumford Falls, which shows to what w^onderful extent industrial developments may be eflfected in a few years when far seeing sagacity seizes the resources nature has lavishly bestowed and proceeds to utilize them. In no other place and at no other time has ten years produced such a transformation in the State of Maine. Where a decade ago was an almost unbroken wilderness, two thousand workmen now go to daily labor. Their wages reach over a hundred thou- sand a month ; and a community numbering more than six thousand people, larger than some incorporated cities, is enabled thereby to enjoy all the comforts and many of the luxuries of civilization. The new town has banks and hotels, water works, and electric lights, deep-laid sewers, fine streets and parks, and a class of residences for workingmen that is the admiration and envy of all the surrounding country for hundreds of miles. -,.„. , ^ Millinocket is one of our new towns, yesterday only a p „ J wilderness ; today it is among the most progressive ot Maine industrial centers. Millinocket is the work of a few enterprising men, who by thrift and sagacity and daring enterprises have built up settlements unsurpassed and scarcely equalled in the new and rapidly growing West. The paper company has a daily output of two hundred tons of manila and newspaper sheets — not to count pasteboard 224 THE MAINE BOOK boxes, brown bags, and United States Government postal cards, of which it well-nigh has a monopoly. r b rhnd '^^^ Cumberland Mills at Westbrook have long furnished ^.jj ' the finest quality of printing paper to the great book pub- lishing houses, and magazines like Harpers, the Atlantic, the Century (with its numerous dictionary and encyclopedic publications), McClures, Munseys, Ladies Home Journal, Ainslies, and many other notable ones, as well as to those firms in New York, Boston and Philadel- phia, which make a specialty of editions de luxe, and fine books sold by subscription only. There are nine hundred establishments engaged in the p , manufacture of lumber and timber products, with seven thousand wage-earners, and products valued at fifteen million dollars annually. Lumbering was begun at an early period in Maine, and has continued to be a leading industry. Owing to the growing scarcity of the tall pine, originally the most important timber cut, spruce has now taken the leading place. Maine's wealth of hardwoods, between seven and twelve billion feet, already receiving attention, is destined to be "much more appreciated. Birch is in great demand for spool wood, both for local manufacture and for shipment to Scotland, while beech is called for to be converted into orange shooks for Florida and the Mediterranean ports. General wood-working plants have been built in many parts of the state, especially at points accessible to the raw material. CHAPTER XLIII LEATHER AND SHOE INDUSTRY . In the early days tanning and shoe making were entirely home industries. In 1809 Maine had 200 tanneries, each fanning on an average about 275 skins. In 1869 it was among the first five industries, having a valuation of $1,864,949. In 1879 the business reached its highest mark, being valued at more than $2,500,000. From this time the business has declined because of the decrease in the hemlock bark supply and the new methods of tanning. ^. , It was about seventy-five years ago that the first shoe 1* irst factory of which we have any record m this state com- ^ ^ menced operations. Up to that time most of the footwear had been made by local shoemakers and it was several years before our people generally purchased the factory product instead of having their feet measured for their boots and shoes. Although Auburn has been the leading town in the manufacture of boots and shoes and now gives employ- ment to three-eighths of the shoe workers in the state, the industry did not originate there. The first factory of which we have a record was started in New Gloucester in 1844 by A. P. White, who at first employed 17 hands. He moved to Auburn in 1856. In 1848 John F. Cobb started a factory at North Auburn, at which time the two factories gave employment to 38 hands. Mr. Cobb moved to Auburn in 1856, shortly before Mr. White. In 1854, Ara Cushman began the manufacture of shoes at West Minot. This third shop increased the number of factory workers in the state to 60, and by 1860 the number employed had reached 110. Mr. Cushman moved to Auburn in 1862. Thus a nucleus of the industry was formed in Auburn, about which other shops have been built until now the city is the . . center of the shoe industry in Maine. Since these early 1 q^T^liTs ^^^® ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ steady growth until today it is one of our four leading industries. There are 40 establishments with an annual product valued at $39,660,000, an annual payroll of $7,312,000, employing in 1918, 6,653 men and 4,536 women. 225 General Information CHAPTER XLIV MINERAL RESOURCES Maine is rich in rocks, from her quarries to the ^eat boulders. Aroostook County, the garden of the state, is underlain with calcareous slate, which makes its soil won- derfully fertile. Northwest of Katahdin begins a belt of sandstone, which sweeps southwest, forming the northern shores of Moosehead Lake. Between the Kennebec river and the New Hampshire line, to the Piscata- qua, the rock is chiefly syenite, gneiss, mica and talcose schists — which alternate with each other to a confusing degree. Sweeping across the state rearward from the eastern border of the banks of the Kennebec is a belt of slate many townships in width. It is from this that our roof- ing slate comes. The middle section is metaliferous, abounding in iron and lead, with traces here and there of the precious metals, gold and silver. Sandstone, fit for building purposes, is found south of the Penobscot down to the sea. Copper, once mined extensively in Blue Hill, is once more being produced there by the largest mining concern in America. Iron ores in Piscataquis County have been worked with profit and are probably about to be extensively operated. Lead ores are found in Lubec, where it has been mined, and zinc and copper are present in appreciable quantities. . Granite and gneiss are found in every region of the state, J „ . and are famed all over the Union. Great cargoes of it go everywhere, and Maine granite can be seen in the most stately and luxurious buildings in great cities of the country. Some of the limestones of the Thomaston belt are fine enough to be termed marbles ; but use of this stone for making lime is found to yield a surer return than marble quarrying. The dolomites of Warren are extensive and valuable in paper-pulp manufacture. Boulders of fine statuary marble line the east branch of the Penobscot. C. Vey Holman, former state geologist, is responsible for the statement that nickel and platinum both occur in several localities. Serpentine, the handsome green stone, steatite (soap stone) are found in considerable quantities and only the depression in the price of silver has prevented its production, as this metal occurs in minable quantities. If it goes permanently, as now seems likely, to one dollar an ounce, Maine would become a producer of silver. 227 16 228 THE MAINE BOOK In her magnificent granite quarries Maine has inexhaust- ^ ' . ible sources of wealth. It is no exaggeration to say that * the state has granite enough within her borders to supply all the cities in the world with building and paving stone for many cen- turies to come. The work of fifty years in its 152 quarries has left hardly an impression, while there are countless sites for quarries that have never yet been operated. Like marble or slate, granite is of better quality the farther it is removed from the surface ; hence, the longer a granite quarry is worked the more valuable it becomes. Granite is well distributed over the state, being found in every county. In some sections the distribution is far more liberal than in others, for sometimes the underlying rock of a whole town, or even a larger extent of territory is granite, while in other cases only here and there the outcrop- pings of this rock are seen. The Hallowell granite is famous everywhere ; the Frankfort, Hurricane Isle and Vinalhaven and North Jay scarcely less so. These are all of the purest white. But at Red Beach within the limits of Calais, there are other shades, all beautiful and capable of taking a fine polish. The prevailing shade is red. At Addison are unlimited quan- tities of black granite, susceptible of a striking polish, and in great demand for monumental purposes and for interior finish for buildings. The white granite of Maine has been used in such notable structures as the Capitol at Albany, N. Y., the monument Granite ^^ Yorktown, Va. ; the U. S. Government Building at Chi- cago; the tomb of Grant at Riverside Park; Arnheim Mausoleum, N. Y. ; Wayne County Court House, Detroit; State, War and Navy Buildings, Washington ; Masonic Temple, Philadelphia ; Custom House and Post Office, Buffalo; General Wood monument, Troy; Pilgrims' monument, Plymouth; Gen. Thomas monument, Washington ; and Bureau of Printing and Engrav- ing at the National Capitol. The red granite is conspicuous in the Museum of Natural History in New York Central Park. The greater portion of her granite quarries are located . so near tide- water that the produce can be easily trans- ported to all the large cities on the Atlantic Coast. Not- withstanding this fact it is also true that the large interior cities like St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, Albany, Milwaukee, Pittsburg. Buffalo, and" many others, have drawn largely on Maine granite for the construction of their more costly and beautiful public buildings and fine business blocks. The demand for granite for state buildings, bank and insurance structures, and private residences, is likely to be greater in the future than in the past. Our granite resources are inexhaustible, and will remain a source of perpetual revenue. „ ,j While mining of feldspar, mica, and tourmalines cannot be classed among the leading industries of Maine, yet for many years mines have been worked in a commerical way, and there are MINERAL RESOURCES 229 probabilities of expansion in all of them. The feldspar quarry and mill in Topsham is operated with increased demand for the product year by year. At Hedgehog Mountain, in the town of Peru, feldspar in large quantities and of excellent quality is found. There are also quarries of feldspar in South Paris of much worth. There are at present two mills for its grinding in the state, one in Port- land and one in Topsham. The grinding is a slow process, being done by attrition, and flint pebbles are used for the purpose. At the Portland mill it is ground finer than flour. Ground feldspar is used extensively in the manufacture of stone ware, and that of Maine is said to be the finest m the country. A great deal goes to Trenton, some to East Liverpool, Ohio, where there are extensive stone ware works. Quartz is also ground, some going to glass works and some to sand paper works. The demand is greater than the supply, so there is no diffi- culty in finding a market. Maine is usually either first or second in the annual output of pottery feldspar, alternating with New York. -,. Mica seems generally to be associated with feldspar as do ,. ., also the tourmaline, and beryl gems. There are several mica mines in Maine, only two of which have been con- tinuously operated. They are nearly all situated in Oxford county. So far as records show the first mica for commercial purposes was furnished by the town of Paris in 1871. For several years mica mining was carried on there but the mine was considered more valuable for tourmalines and other gems, and therefore mica mining was discontinued. In 1891 a new mica mine of great promise was discovered on Hedgehog Mountain in Peru. Mica is somewhat scarce in this country, and a large part of that used comes from far-off" India. It is said by those competent to judge that the mica found at Hedgehog Mountain is superior to the Indian mineral. It is certainly remarkably clear and transparent. Mica that will square six inches by twelve is very valuable, being worth several times as much a pound as small pieces. Scrap mica, that is, pieces too small to cut, is worth about eight dollars a ton. This scrap mica is used in powdered form in fire proof paints, in the inlaid work on book covers, and for many other purposes. _ Maine possesses that rare and precious stone, the tourma- .. Hne, prized all over the world. At Mount Mica, in the town of Paris, is a deposit of tourmaline, green and red, famous in mineralogy, and unequalled elsewhere. They are apparently inexhaustible in quantity, as they are unrivalled in quality. Cut into gems the}'- adorn many a brooch and ring and necklace, and are stored in museums for their beauty. No such wealth in tourmalines is elsewhere known — at least this side of the Mississippi. 230 THE MAINE BOOK Practically the entire supply (a very small quantity) of the rare metal, calsium, now in existence in America, was taken from a lepidolite mica deposit in Oxford County, Maine. Knox County, Maine, stands ready to supply all the lime the world demands for centuries to come, and within the ^ limit of profitable transportation the Maine product fears no competition. For over a hundred years the lime business has been growing, small at first and worked in the simplest manner. Yet from the first it has been profitable, and has given employment to an ever increas- ing number of men. Like other lines of industry the men directly employed in the min- ing and burning of lime are not the only classes supported by the business. Lime production has a direct effect on shipping. The lime that Knox County furnishes the rest of the state is a mere bagatelle. The great bulk of the product goes to Boston, and New York, even as far as Galves- ton, Texas ; and goes by water. It takes a sizeable fleet of vessels to carry all this lime and to bring the coal and wood used in the burning. When the lime business is good, coastwise shipping from the Knox district is profitable, and all along the rocky bays of Maine the touch of prosperity is felt. This is one of the allied industries. Back in the country districts we find another. This is where they are making the barrels in which the lime is shipped to market. Even beyond the cooperage region, still further inland we come to the hoop-pole belt, where one of the important occupa- tions is the cutting and splitting of young growth to make the hoops that bind the staves of the limecask. The average annual value of the lime itself is more than a million dollars. Perhaps in no other way can the magnitude of the interest be brought out than by the statement that there is a standard gauge railroad, eleven miles in length, located in Rock- land, which does nothing but carry limerock from the quarries to the kilns, and carry back such coal as is needed for the quarries. Last year it hauled 113,209 tons of rock. Its transportation earnings were sixty-two thousand dollars. , Molybdenum is found in large quantities in Maine, in fact Maine has probably the largest deposits of this mineral in the world. It is found in Cooper, near Machias, and at Catherine Hill in Hancock County. Molybdenum is a mineral valuable as an alloy with steel to which it imparts self hardening and other wonderful qualities, intensifying greatly its ductility, toughness, malleability, capacity for elongation and for withstanding tensile and other stresses. There is no material known superior to molybdenum steel as a lining for modern "built up" ordnance ; and for this and kindred purposes metallurgists have demonstrated that it possesses double the efl^iciency per unit of that other wonderful metal, its only rival as a beneficiator of steel, the element tungs- MINERAL RESOURCES 231 ten^ It is by increasing the fineness of the grain that molybdenum accom- plishes its function of doubling the tensile strength. Reports of engineers who have examined all the molybdenum deposits of the world agree that the ore body exposed at Catherine Hill exceeds in tonnage and in uniformity of its dissemination of the mineral any other known on earth. The mineralized, molybdenum bearing ore as shown by present exposures is more than half a mile in length, over five hundred feet in width and of a proven depth exceeding seven hundred feet. Mineral Maine has eighty-one mineral springs, while several others ^ . have already been discovered whose virtues are less fully known, and probably others will yet be found. The sales from all springs would place the gross amount received for Maine mineral water between $300,000 and $400,000. There are employed in the bottling houses and in driving teams to convey the water to stations, from 150 to 200 men at good wages. The sale of Maine mineral and medicinal waters is increasing rapidly and can even now be classed among our important industries. The sales will con- tinue to increase as the purity and the curative properties of the water from our springs become better known by means of advertising, the best advertisement being the testimony of persons who have been benefited by the use of the water. Other states may have as good mineral water as the State of Maine, but they have none better, purer, clearer, or more conducive to good health and long life. Our mineral waters, like our granite, slate and lime, are inexhaustible. We have enough to supply the world. Brick BRICK MAKING Maine is fortunate in possessing an abundant supply of clay for brick making. In the early days the most fam- ^ ous yards were located at Sheepscot, Portland, Bowdoin- ham, Hallowell, Bangor and Brewer. In 1880 there were 35 yards with an output of 4,500,000 bricks. In 1885 machinery was introduced; this led to a great increase in the business. In 1855 about 50,000,000 bricks were manufactured. This increased until in 1880, 80,000,000 bricks were made, and by 1889 there were 95 yards making 93,000,000 bricks, valued at half a million dollars. Since 1900 the industry has been decreasing, so that today not more than 45 yards are operated. 232 THE MAINE BOOK I Maine rocks of present, or possible future, commercial value: Rock Uses Distribution Granite Building, foundation, curbs, roads. Every county, coast from Kittery monuments. to Calais, all mountain regions. Limestone. Building and agricultural lime, ce- Every county, particularly Knox. ment, buildings, monuments, sulphite pulp, foundries. Sandstone. . Building Washington county. Slate Roofing slabs, etc Piscataquis and Somerset counties. Trap Roads, etc General, needs mvestigation. Serpentine. Ornamental stone Deer Isle. Clay Bricks, tile, pottery General, needs investigation. Sand Building, molding, glass, blast, etc. General, needs investigation. Peat Fuel, fertilizer, litter General. II Maine minerals of present, or possible future, commercial value. a) Metallic Ores Containing Uses Distribution Gold Swift and Sandy Rivers, etc. Silver. Lubec, Concord, Cherryfield. Copper Sullivan, Blueliill, Brookville. Lead. Lubec, Dexter, Concord, Cherryfield. Zinc. ............ Lubec, Cherryfield, Concord. Iron. Katahdin Iron Works, etc. Mangane.se. . Alloy with iron, etc Bluehill, Winslow, etc. Molybdenum. Alloy with iron, etc Tunk Pond, Cooper, Augusta, etc. Tungsten Alloy with iron, etc Bluehill. Boron Alloy with iron, etc Tourmaline localities. Arsenic Poisons, etc Greenw-ood, Winslow, Verona, South Thomaston. Antimony. . . Babbitt, Britannia, etc Carmel. Tin Plating iron, etc Winslow, Paris. Rare meials, (lithium, caesium, beryllium, uranium? radium?). b) Commercial non-metals Uses Distribution Graphite... Pencils, lubricants, etc Canton, Bethel, Dixfield, Paris. Sulphur Sulphuric acid, etc General, in varying quantities. (from Pyrites) c) Gems Distribution Tourmaline Pai'is, Auburn, Buckfield, Hebron, etc. Beryl Buckfield, Albany, Auburn, Paris, etc. Quartz General. Topaz Sfconeham. Garnet Rumford, Paris, Georgetown, etc. Spodumene Aubuni, Paris, Peru. Amazon Stone Southwest Harbor. Apatite Aubuni. d) Miscellaneous minerals Uses Distribution Feldspar. . .Pottery Topsham, Auburn, etc. Quartz. . . . Iron alloy, abrasive Aubui*n, Brunswick, etc. Corundum . Abrasive Greenwood. Mica Electrical purposes Hebron, Pern, Waterford, etc. Calcite. . . . Optical purposes Rockland, Thomaston, etc. Barite Paper glaze, etc Deer Isle, Sullivan, etc. Talc Toilet powder, etc Vassalboro, Aubuni. Fluorite. . . Smelting flux Bluehill, Winslow. CHAPTER XLV SHIP BUILDING "The building of a ship is both a symbol and instrument of man's social nature and need. It stands for outreaching interests beyond the narrow limits of the solitary self ; it implies the recognition of relationship in human affairs, of reciprocal benefit in the ready interchange of all goods of heart or hand — the best product of each being given in return for the best of others, so all availing for the common good. This provision for intercourse is the most marked among the manifestations and means of that associated human effort out of which all civilization grows, and by which the whole world is made kin." The first ship built by European hands on the American M • continent was "The Virginia of Sagadahock", launched from the banks of the Sagadahoc, now the Kennebec, River by the Popham colonists. In the year 1631 John Winter established a shipyard on Richmond Island off Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Some time in December, Winter began to build there a ship for merchants in Plymouth, England. She was prob- ably the first regular packet between England and America. She carried to the old country lumber, fish, oil and other colonial products, and brought back guns, ammunition and liquor. Other ships had been built in America by Europeans for European use, but Winter's work may be called the begin- ning of the American business of building ships for export. One of the earhest ship or boat builders was a man named n^?,, *^ John Bray, who came from Plymouth, England, about 1660, bringing with him his family, among whom was his daughter Margery, afterwards wife of William Pepperell. He settled at Kittery Point where he engaged in a profitable and flourishing business of building and repairing boats for the fishermen. The Pepperells, father and son, were large ship owners and builders. Master William Badger was a noted shipbuilder. He launched from a small island at Kittery, which now bears his name. He built a hundred ships during his life. Sir Wilham Phips, born in Woolwich in 1651, farmer, blacksmith, shipbuilder and shipmaster, knighted by the English king and first governor of Massa- chusetts under the Provincial Charter, was one of a long line of mighty men who laid the foundations of Maine's prosperity. 233 234 THE MAINE BOOK The building and use of ships were employments which the founders of the American colonies and their descendants may be said to have adopted naturally, and from the middle of the seventeenth to the middle of the nineteenth century, shipping and ship building were two industries whose competition England especially dreaded. In fact, in 1650, the EngUsh Parliament felt it necessary to enact a statute for the purpose of protecting English shipping against her colonies of America and no less than twenty- nine other similar statutes were passed during the following one hundred and tw^enty years. It was in the "Ranger" — a Kittery built ship — on the S rl t fourteenth of February, 1778, that John Paul Jones ^ " . received the first formal recognition ever given by a for- "^ ^ eign fleet to the United States of America in a salute to the American flag, and it was just seven months before, on July 4, 1777, that Captain Jones had hoisted on the "Ranger" the first Stars and Stripes that ever flew from the peak of an American man-of-war. The "America", built under the direction of and placed under the command of John Paul Jones at Kittery in 1782, was at that time the largest vessel constructed in the colonies. She was later presented to the French government in payment for a French vessel which had been destroyed in Boston Harbor. An encounter between the British brig "Boxer" and the The Boxer American brig "Enterprise" took place September 5, 1813, Lap ure .^^ ^^^ vicinity of Portland. The action lasted only thirty- five minutes when the "Boxer" struck her colors, having lost forty-six men, killed and wounded, while the American ship lost fourteen. The "Boxer" had been a source of great annoyance to the coasting trade and the "Enterprise" was hailed with great joy when she arrived in Portland Harbor with her prize. On the night of June 29, 1863, the officers and crew of Caleb Cashing- ^ Confederate privateer entered the harbor of Portland, Destroyed captured the revenue-cutter, "Caleb Cushing" and fled to sea with her, sharply pursued by two steamers manned by armed volun- teers. Finding they could not escape with the cutter, they blew her up, and, taking to their boats, were soon made prisoners. On June 19, 1864, in the only sea fight of importance dur- . . ^ , ing the Civil War, the "Kearsarge" — built at Kittery, Maine, — sunk the Confederate privateer "Alabama" off the harbor of Cherbourg, France. Three of the twenty-one ships of the United States Navy, built in Maine from 1797-1913, were in service and under fire during the Spanish- American War, in 1898: — the "Vicksburg" at Havana, May 7; the 236 THE MAINE BOOK "Machias" under fire off Cardenas, Cuba, May 11; and the "Castine" at Mariel, Cuba, July 5. And Maine offered the first American sacrifice to Prussian "^^ J . mihtarism on the high seas — the good ship "William P. es roye in pj^ye" j^juji^ and owned by Arthur Sewall & Company, sunk World War by the German cruiser "Prinz Eitel Friedrich" January 28, 1915. When the world war came to America it was found that coast patrol boats were needed at once, much more quickly than they could be secured through the usual department channels in Washington. In this emergency the State of Maine purchased a fleet of patrol boats of its own, turned them over to the government together with the boats used ordinarily by the state sea and shore fisheries department, and then secured, largely from wealthy summer residents of Maine, the offer to the government free of charge for the period of the war of about twice the number pur- chased. Thus an adequate fleet was promptly at the government's dis- posal and an efiicient patrol of Maine's coast line was immediately installed. The extent of this service on the part of the state is unequalled in the country in proportion to resources and population. In 1802 Maine built 14,248 tons of shipping. In ten years . it had increased to over 40,000 tons, valued at more than ^ ^'^ ^ $1,000,000. This was equal to a third of all the tonnage of the United States. The next twenty-five years saw a great develop- ment in ship building. In the fifty, coast towns of Maine this was the chief industry and supported 200,000 people. The panic of 1857 and the P Civil War, lack of materials and steam ships of steel struck .. a fatal blow at ship building in Maine from which it has never recovered. However, American shipping has never forsaken its birthplace. Up to 1900 more than half the ocean vessels of the nation were built in Maine, but, whereas in 1826 American ships car- ried 92.5 per cent of our foreign commerce, in 1900 they carried but 9.3 per cent. In 1916 only about 10,000 tons of merchant shipping was launched in Maine. , . . The World War of 1914 created an immediate demand for _ . . increased ship building. Maine ship builders were the first to respond to this call. At once many of the old yards were opened. The master builders and expert workmen, long since retired from the work of building, seeing the nation's need, returned to the yards. The result was that 1917 saw 40,000 tons completed and double that amount in 1918. The principal places of business under the present revival are Stockton, Belfast, Rockland, Camden, Thomaston, Wiscasset, Bath, South Portland, Biddeford, Freeport and Calais. The demand for new ships will undoubtedly continue for some time. The destruction of so WILLIAM P. FRYE— BUILT IN BATH, MAINE First American Ship Sunk by the Germans 238 THE MAINE BOOK many ships by the submarines during the war and the outlook for a large foreign trade will probably lead to ship building in Maine. It also is evi- dent that in the end this industry will not be very considerable m Maine, owing to the change to steel bottoms and the distance of Maine from raw materials used in their construction. CHAPTER XLVI SUMMER HOMES ... Hundreds of miles of indented seacoast, swept by the fresh and invigorating breezes of old ocean; hundreds of square miles of peaceful and odorous forests ; hundreds of laughing lakes and wimpling streams ; innumerable prosperous farms where the rest seeker can enjoy the "simple life" and the most ideal of all vacations for a most moderate outlay. This is Maine. You may sleep under blankets at night, lulled by the surge of the North Atlantic, and be pleasantly sun-baked in the day time, taking your pleasure without being enervated. There is tonic in the air that sweeps in from the ocean ; there is scent of pine needles in the breezes that blow down from the mountains. The atmosphere makes you sleep, and you grow plump and brown, and become contented, forgetting all the worries of city life. Maine is plentifully supplied with bathing beaches, ranging from the magnificent stretch of sand as hard as asphalt at Old Orchard to the small resorts like Crescent Beach in Knox County and Bowery Beach on Cape Elizabeth. Old Orchard has been a big resort for lovers of surf bathing and cool ocean breezes for many years and has lost none of its charm since swept by fire. In fact the new Old Orchard is much more attractive in many respects than was the old. At the mouth of the Kennebec is Popham Beach, one of the best on the coast. Its development has not been as extensive as that of Old Orchard, but doubtless in the near future its beauties will be better appre- ciated. All along the coast there are smaller beaches which offer as fine, though more limited, bathing facilities, as do Old Orchard and Popham, while nearly every mile of coast line contains a sandy cove or little beach among the rocks. Maine property used wholly for recreation, that is, sum- . mer cottages, hotels, club houses and camps, with their p r^*" contents, has a cash value of approximately $50,000,000. rope y ^j^.^ great investment, which demands little in the way of municipal improvement, pays taxes on a valuation of about $16,000,000. Compensation for the valuation lies in the fact that whatever taxes are paid, are very largely a net profit to the townspeople. Leading ofl^icials of transportation companies estimate that the aver- age yearly income from summer visitors and tourists is $30,000,000. This 240 242 THE MAINE BOOK great sum is brought into Maine and spent freely, in many instances lav- ishly, in order that the spenders may be well housed, fed and entertained ; and the sum is constantly growing larger. Every foot of shore front from Kittery to Eastport can be sold today for a price that would have astounded our grandfathers. Every island, regardless of its isolation and exposure to storm and gale, is looked upon as the site of a summer home. There is hardly a lake or stream among our inland hills and valleys that is not laying claim to distinction as a summer resort. As one approaches the centers of population the cottages on the nearby lakes increase in number, but in attractiveness and ability to satisfy the craving for peace and health-giving rest, they are not supe- rior to these found on the shores of the remote lakes and streams of the great northern wilderness. ^ , , ., Automobile traffic has repeated history to the extent that Automobiles ., .... ^ -^ i -u • -i ^ i.T x its meteoric rise m popularity has been similar to that , of the bicycle, and with the automobile has come the garage, which offers employment to hundreds of skilled mechanics. Every large town has at least one public garage and in cities there are more garages than livery stables. The automobile, therefore, has done much to stimiflate good road building and increase summer travel in Maine. Of Motor boats have made thousands of new converts to ^ . Maine vacation life, for her 2,000 miles of coast line, 1,500 lakes and 5.000 streams constitute a paradise for aquatic sport of any sort. In other years the owner of a power driven yacht capable of nesrotiating port to port voyaees along the Atlantic coast was at least a millionaire. Now any mechanic can own and drive a boat capable of run- ning from Boston to Portland in perfect safety. The number of vacation- ists who pass their period of rest cruising along the Maine coast and up its navigable rivers is increasing by leaps and bounds. __ , As a hunter's paradise, Maine is pre-eminent on this con- p ,. tinent. The moose, deer, bear and other large game animals are numerous, but yet not so easily captured that the tane of the sport is lost. It is possible for the business men of New York to be in as good hunting ground as can be found anywhere, within 48 hours travel from his office. The Rangeley, Kineo and Aroostook lines carry the hunter into the heart of the big game country, in Pullman cars, if he cares to travel that way. Til A 1 » Maine fishing lures the great anglers of the country to its lakes and streams every year. Wise protective laws prevent the fish from being exterminated or their num- ber from being appreciably reduced, so that the sport does not suffer as the number of anglers increases. Some of the finest cottages and camps 17 244 THE MAINE BOOK in the state are occupied only during the best of the fishing season. Hatch- eries at strategic points keep the ponds well stocked with young fish, so that some of the lakes fished the most persistently continue to offer the best sport. The fish and game resources of the state are among the greatest assets, from the standpoint of the business man who caters to tourist guests. The visitors bent on sport are the first to come in spring, when the ice "goes out" of the lakes and the last to go in the fall, when the law closes the big game season. „,. , Within a few years experiments have been made in keep- Wmicr _ , ing "open house" throughout the winter at one or two of Resorts the hotels in order that Maine's beautiful winter season may be enjoyed also. Snow shoeing, skiing, skating, sleighing, winter photography, etc., offer a continuous round of pleasure for those who tarry with us throughout the year. The Lafayette National Park on the island of Mount . Desert, about a mile south of Bar Harbor, is the first National Monument created east of the Mississippi River and is the only one of the parks bordering on the sea. In 1916, through the generosity and patriotism of the owners, lands to the extent of five thousand acres were donated to the government. On July the eighth of that year, by proclamation of President Wilson, the tract was created the Sieur de Monts National Monument. This area included four lakes and ten mountains. Since that time the gift has been increased and now comprises about ten thousand acres. In February, 1919, the name was changed by act of Congress to Lafayette National Park. The region is peculiarly adapted to the purpose for which it is used by reason of its remarkable diversity of scenery, including forests, lakes, seashore and rugged granite mountains. It is the highest eminence on the Atlantic Coast, south of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Within its borders may be found two or three hundred varieties of plants, an accumulation that cannot be duplicated in a similar area. It is also unique as the first national bird reserve east of the Mississippi and the first upon the Atlantic seaboard north of Florida. Its geographical location and climatic charac- teristics make it an ideal bird sanctuary. The establishment of the Monument commemorated the founding of the first European settlement in America north of the Gulf of Mexico, by Sieur de Monts, the French explorer. This settlement was included in the territory then known as Acadia. The name of LTsle des Monts Deserts, the Island of the Lonely Mountains, was given by De Monts' companion, Champlain, The change of name to Lafayette Park was determined by the desire to honor the memory of the French general of Revolutionary fame and to perpetuate the kindly feeling toward France, our ally in two great wars. CHAPTER XLVII HIGHWAYS „. , Maine first undertook road improvement through state aid in 1901 by providing for the payment of half the cost of permanently improving a section of the main thoroughfare in any town which should be designated by the county commissioners as the state aid road. The amount to be pdid in any town in any year was limited to one hundred dollars. This Hmit was raised to two hundred dollars in 1903 and to three hundred dollars in 1905. The supervision of work under this arrangement was left with the county commissioners of each county. In 1905 the legislature created the office of State Commissioner of Highways, and imposed the duty of investigating the whole highway prob- lem and making recommendations. In 1907 the legislature on recommendation of the Commissioner of Highways, created a State Highway Department under a State Highway Commissioner and established the principle of paying state aid more lib- erally to towns of small valuation than to the wealthier towns. At this time all state aid work was put under the supervision of the State High- way department. The appropriation for the payment of state aid was fixed at this time as one-third of a mill on the valuation of the state. In 1909 this appropriation was increased to three-fourths of one mill. In 1911 the principle of the mill tax was aboHshed and the appropriation of $250,- 000 per year was made to carry on the work. This appropriation was con- tinued until 1913 and since that time the appropriation has been $300,000 annually. The legislature of 1913 passed a new state highway law reorganizing the state highway department under a commission of three members. This law directed the highway commission to lay out a system of state highways which should be the principal thoroughfares of the state and a system of state aid highways which should be feeders to the state high- way system. The law also placed in the hands of the commission the main- tenance of all state and state aid highways as fast as constructed and directed the commission to take for maintenance certain portions of state aid highways already constructed. This law provided for the issue of $2,000,000 bonds to be applied to the construction of state highways and made an appropriation of $300,000 annually for state aid construction and provided that automobile license 245 246 THE MAINE BOOK and registration fees should be used for the payment of interest on all state highway bonds issued, to retire state highway bonds, and for the maintenance of state and state aid highways. The legislature of 1915 supplemented the maintenance provision of the state highway law by providing that towns should place under the direction of the commission for maintenance a certain mileage of un- improved sections of state and state aid highways and made possible the carrying on of maintenance work by the employment of patrolmen. In order to provide funds to meet the Federal aid offered by the government, the legislature in 1919 proposed an $8,000,000 bond issue for state highway construction. This was approved by the voters at a special election in September by a five to one vote, and in November the legisla- ture in special session authorized the issue of $2,000,000 of these bonds for state highway construction work in 1920. This will be supplemented by an equal amount of Federal aid. A large construction program is expected for each of the next few years. „ The following types of construction have been used : Port- r f . land cement concrete, bituminous macadam, water-bound o s rue 1 n jYiacadam, gravel. The higher types have been used where traffic is the heaviest and most severe. About eighty per cent, of the entire mileage has been constructed of gravel. Each year substantially 150 miles of state aid road is constructed at a cost of approximately $1,000,- 000, said cost being borne in round numbers, one-half by the state and one-half by the cities and towns. Maine Maine's state highway system is laid out to serve the Road System largest number of people with the smallest mileage. Mileage of all roads in state 25,530 Mileage of all state highways 1,400 State highways constitute of total road mileage 5V2% Number of cities and towns in state having roads 578 Number on state highways 238 Population of state (1910 census) 742,371 Population in cities and towns on state highway system 547,111 Per cent, of total population on state highways 73.7% Total valuation of state .$577,442,529.00 Valuation of cities and towns on state highway system $411,533,046.00 Per cent, of total valuation of state in these cities and towns 73% Miles of state highways built 1914-1919 397 Cost of same $3,520,167.87 Miles of state aid road in state, approximately 3,000 Miles of state aid road built 1908-1919, approximately 1,543.33 Cost of same to towns and state, approximately $7,063,123.04 HIGHWAYS 247 1914 688 miles maintained Road Work 1915 971 miles maintained Maintenance 1916 3466 miles under patrol maintenance 373 patrolmen 1917 3705 miles under patrol maintenance 437 pati'olmen 72 miles maintained, but not under patrol 1918 4235 miles under patrolmen 480 patrolmen 88 miles maintained, but not under patrol 1919 4284^ miles under patrol maintenance 478 patrolmen 74.3 miles maintained, but not under patrol In accordance with the provisions of the law passed in ridges ^Qjg ^ bridge division was organized by the State High- way Commission in 1917. When the cost of constructing a bridge on a main thoroughfare, added to the highway taxes, makes a tax rate in excess of five mills the municipal officers of the city or town in which the bridge is located may petition the highway commission and the county commissioners for state and county aid. If it is decided to build the bridge after a hearing by the highway commission, county commissioners and municipal officers, the highway commission makes plans, specifications, lets contracts and supervises the construction work. The town furnishes fifty per cent, of the cost of the bridge, the county thirty per cent, and the state twenty per cent. The state's appropriation for this work is $100,000 a year. During 1917, 1918 and 1919 approximately fifty-six bridges have been built. In 1919 the state appropriation was not sufficient to build half the bridges petitioned for. At the special session in 1919 the legislature made available from bond funds $500,000 for 1920. The law was amended in 1919 so that as the cost of a bridge increases, the pro- portion of its cost to the town decreases, and a corresponding increase of cost falls upon the state. The annual expenditures supervised by the State Highway Highway Commission average about $1,500,000.00. The cost of Expense maintaining the commission's office, including all office and field engineering and supervisory work and expenses of all kinds averages about seven per cent, of the annual expenditure. CHAPTER XLVIII LABOR AND INDUSTRY The Bureau of Industrial and Labor Statistics was cre- History ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ legislature of 1887. The duties of the bureau were to collect statistical details relating to the commercial, industrial, social and educational conditions of the laboring people. The law further provided that the bureau should inquire into any violation of the labor laws. In 1911 the old bureau was discontinued and the State Depart- ment of Labor and Industry took its place. The executive in this depart- ment is known as the Commissioner of Labor and Industry and State Fac- tory Inspector. The work of the department as it exists under the present ^ law is as follows : collecting, assorting and arranging sta- '^* tistical details relating to all departments of labor and industrial pursuits in the state; trade unions and other labor organiza- tions and their effect upon labor and capital; the number and char- acter of industrial accidents and their effect upon the injured, their depend- ent relatives and upon the general public; other matters relating to the commercial, industrial, social, educational, moral and sanitary condi- tions prevailing within the state, including the names of firms, companies or corporations, where located, the kind of goods produced or manufac- tured, the time operated each year, the number of employees classified according to age and sex, and the daily and average wages paid each employee ; and the exploitation of such other subjects as will tend to pro- mote the permanent prosperity of the industries of the state. p „ The Commissioner of Labor and Industry shall cause to , be enforced all laws regulating the employment of minors and women ; all laws established for the protection of health, lives and limbs of operators in workshops and factories, on rail- roads and in other places ; all laws regulating the payment of wages, and all laws enacted for the protection of the working classes. The workmen's compensation act assigns to the Labor Commissioner the duty of approving all agreements for compensation made between employers and injured employees. Such agreements are not valid until they receive the approval of the Commissioner of Labor. 248 LABOR AND INDUSTRY 249 Expense Minors Employed in Maine Aubura Augusta Biddeford Brunswick Lewiston Lisbon Portland The state employs seven persons in this department, and annually expends about $10,400. Number of minors between the ages of 14 and 16 years employed in the state during the year ending December 1, 1918, classified by towns 45 Saco 84 60 Sanford 113 131 Skowhegan 17 42 Waterville 100 46 Westbrook 65 10 Miscellaneous SIP. 97 Total 1,123 Employees in Manufacturing Industries 1917 1918 Male Female Total Male Female Total Boot and Shoe Industry 7,520 4,501 12,021 6,653 4,536 11,189 Cotton Industry 7,758 6,689 14,447 7,285 7,229 14,514 Woolen Industry 6,171 3,372 9,543 6,746 4,115 10,861 Pulp and Paper Industry 10,336 1,048 11,414 11,263 1,700 12,963 Ship-building Industry 9,235 159 9,394 Other Industries 41,553 10,687 52,240 42,051 12,438 54,489 Total 73,368 26,297 99,665 83,233 30,177 113,410 The Commissioner of Labor estimates that there are f F ""* about 410,820 persons employed in the State of Maine • M • ^^^ distributed as follows: manufacturing 113,410, mercan- m Maine ^.^^ 112,410, agricultural 125,000, lumbering 60,000. . There are about 4,600 firms in Maine engaged in about Manufacturing gQO different industries as follows : bakery ; boilers Industries . " . (steam) ; boxes ; bricks ; brooms ; brushes and mops ; canned corn; carriages; cigars, confectionery; cotton shirtings, tubings, etc. ; creamery ; feldspar (powdered) ; fishing rods ; grist mill; harnesses; machinery castings (iron and brass); monu- mental work (granite and marble); potato chips; printing and pubhsh- ing; proprietary medicines; sausage, lard, etc.; shoe lasts; shoe patterns; shoe shanks; shoes; sleds (express pungs) ; soda and mineral water; tanks and towers; teeth (false); gloves (fabric); pulp (ground wood); wood novelties; barrels (apples) ; belting, etc., (leather) ; book binding; cement linings (fire) ; cotton goods ; cotton yarn ; fur goods ; hair goods ; house finish; lumber; moccasins; motor cars; printing; reeds (loom) and combs; shirts ; shovel handles ; sleds (truck and logging) ; woolen goods ; rolls (narrow paper for all purposes); canned vegetables; leather and fiber board ; spool stock, etc. ; boats ; starch ; electricity (light and power) ; 250 THE MAINE BOOK kindling wood ; shingles ; baskets ; clothes pins ; cooperage ; fertilizer ; potato carriers; yarns and sweater coats; axes; last blocks; tannery (sole leather) ; maple syrup ; veneer (birch) ; concrete blocks and bricks ; dowels ; ferrules and light tubes ; stockings ; boats (power) ; agricultural imple- ments; artificial stone; asphalt (rock) floors; awnings, tents, etc.; boilers and smoke stacks; books, blank and loose leaf; cabinet work and wood mantles ; canes ; caskets ; chemicals ; clothing ; cornices and gutters ; dental supplies; drawer slides; engraving; extracts, essences; fish; fountains; furniture; gas; tar; ammonia; glass; grates, grease and tallow; hair goods; hats (felt) ; ink; jewelry; ladders; machinery (engines) ; matches; metal can and bottle covers; oil; paint (colors, varnishes); pickles and vinegar; picture frames; plated ware; rugs; screens; sheet metal work; shirt waists; slate work; soap; stencils and stamps; stove poHsh; taxi- dermist; tinware; toilet goods; toys and novelties; trunks, bags, etc.; vaults (burial); window shades; clam chowder; japans, varnishes and dryers; bean pots; foundry; hammocks; plumbing and steam heating; shovel handles and picker sticks; silk dress goods and satins; trusses; cotton bags (seamless); cotton gloves; trap hen's nests; wood turning; fishing rods (bamboo) ; sideboards ; spools ; skewers ; cant dogs and pick poles; snowshoes; knapsacks; tinware and smelt stoves; fish lines (deep sea) ; sails ; snow plows ; lobster traps ; wheel barrows ; coflSns ; canned blueberries ; hammers and tools ; optical goods ; paper ; electrophones, etc. ; sand paper scythes ; woolen goods (men's fancy cassimeres) ; log haulers ; staves, heading and lumber (long) ; porous plasters (Ordway's) ; lime ; couplings, fire hose nozzles, etc. ; gasolene engines ; carding (wool rolls) ; violins ; piano backs ; lapidary ; toys and children's furniture ; gum (chew- ing) ; boot calks ; picture frames ; excelsior ; pegwood, shanks and paper plugs; dyes; pianos; galvanizing; ship building; fly killer; pie plates and butter dishes (wood pulp) ; decorating (tin plate) . CHAPTER XLIX PUBLIC UTILITIES The Maine Public Utilities Commission was created in 1913 by the 77th Legislature. This act was referred to the people in 1914 and accepted by a large majority. The law became effective November 1, 1914. Its official existence began December 1, 1914. The Commission, in addition to the ordinary duties of such a com- mission, took over the work of the former Railroad Corrimission and the Maine Water Storage Commission. The Railroad Commission was first organized and began *® ^ its duties in 1857, and continued as such to November 1, 1914. The Board of Railroad Commissioners consisted of three members, appointed by the governor. They had jurisdiction over steam and electric railroads in Maine. All new railroads incorporated under the general law came to this board for a certificate of necessity and convenience before construction could be commenced. All railroads reported annually to this board with relation to their finances. This board also approved all new construction and issued certificates of safety before such construction could be used. The maintenance and safety of operation of the roads and the investigation of all serious accidents formed a part of their duties. This Commission also had limited jurisdiction over rates although the right was seldom exercised. ^. The Maine Water Storage Commission was created by act of legislature in 1909, being specially charged with the duty of investigating the water power resources of Maine and in making a topographical map of the state. A large amount of preliminary work had been previously done along these lines. In fact forty years before the Federal Geological Survey was established, the State of Maine had made such a survey. The legislature of 1836 authorized a geological survey by Doctor Charles T. Jackson. Three years were spent on this work. In 1861 and 1862 Ezekiel Holmes, naturalist, and C. H. Hitchcock, geologist, made interesting and valuable reports on the zoological, botanical and geological resources of Maine. The geological part of this report was especially valuable. In 1867 a hydrographic survey, dealing almost entirely with Maine's water power resources, was made by Walter Wells. This report was of 251 252 THE MAINE BOOK exceptional value, being broad in its scope, and is considered an authority at the present day. The State Sur\-ey Commission was created March 16, 1899, and charged with the duty of making a topographic map of this state, which work has been continued to the present time. The results of this Com- mission's labors were especially valuable. Their work was done in co-opera- tion with the United States Geological Survey, and it was at approximately this time that the State of Maine, in cooperation with the Federal Govern- ment, commenced to gather data on the flow of water in the various rivers of Maine. The work of this Commission was broadly conceived and well carried out. In 1905 the legislature extended the scope of this Commission's work to the extent of making hydrographical and geological surveys of the state. It was under this Commission that much of the river map- ping in the State of Maine was carried out, and the foundation laid for a comprehensive study of the water power resources of the state. The work of this Commission was turned over in 1909 to the Maine Water Storage Commission, which continued in office to November 1, 1914, when the Maine Public Utilities Commission, in accordance with the act creat- ing it, took over its duties and has since carried them out. ^ . . The Public Utilities Commission consists of three com- T^p missioners appointed for a term of seven years. This Commission has regulatory powers over all steam railroads, electric railroads, gas, water, electric, telephone, telegraph, steamboat, and express companies, also warehousemen and wharfingers operating in the State of Maine and totaling 483 companies. ^ If. '^^^ Commission has the power to fix the rates charged p ' , for the different classes of service rendered by the dif- „ ■ .'. . ferent utilities. It is its dutv to see that no discrimina- Commission ^. • ,. . . ^. . ' , tion m the sale of the product occurs among consumers in the same class and to prevent the enjoyment of special privileges among the consumers and see that no rebates are given except as provided by law and as ordered by them. The law requires that all changes in rates shall be filed 30 days before they go into effect. The Commission has power to suspend rates pending an investigation. ^ , It has jurisdiction over all issues of stocks, bonds ^ J and notes. This requires public hearings and careful , , , ^ scrutiny of the purposes and legality of the issues. Many cases require the auditing of accounts and, in some of them, appraisals in addition to the testimony presented at the hearings. „, J No public utility corporation is permitted to issue a share ^^ . of common capital stock without satisfactory proof that it brought to the treasury of the utility its full face value PUBLIC UTILITIES 253 in property. This entirely prevents the issue of "watered" stock. The Commission also insists that new public utihty corporations shall actually finance their operations in part through money or property furnished by the stockholders, so that there will be a substantial equity behind the bonds before they are sold to the public. The Commission requires full and complete financial state- ~,^^ ^^ . ments from each company ; authorizes all sales, leases, or companies mergers, the necessity and cost of which must be approved ; orders physical connections and joint use of equipment when public neces- sity demands it; inspects all equipment used in rendering service; can determine the quality of that service ; recommends standards for the same ; approves all new construction on the railroads before use, etc. In general, the work of this commission is closely connected with the expenditures and safety of every person in the state who directly or indirectly makes use of the service rendered by the public utility corporations in this state. - There are two ways whereby a person may have his com- plaint heard and judged, by formal complaint and by informal complaint. If the party wishes to make a formal complaint, he must specify his charges, obtain ten signatures and forward the same to the office of the Commission, which will assign a time for hearing. If he cannot obtain ten signatures, he can make a complaint over his own signa- ture, and the Commission may, on its own motion, assign the matter for hearing. By informal complaint is meant individual complaints which are not considered of sufficient importance for a formal hearing, in which case the matter is investigated and adjusted without that formality. On a formal complaint twenty days must elapse after complaint is filed before it can be heard. The utility may also complain against its own service in order to :remedy matters that are unsatisfactory to all parties concerned. The rules of procedure in formal hearings follow the rules used by the state courts in civil actions. g . . The engineering department is in charge of a chief engi- Deoartment "^^^ ^^° ^^^ direct charge of all its work, which includes the making of valuations for rate-making purposes or issu- ance of securities; drawing up of rules of service; the investigation of bridges used by the steam and electric railroads; the inspection of utility equipment from the standpoint of adequate service and safety of the gen- eral public ; the investigation of the hydrographic resources of Maine ; and any other problems of an engineering nature that may arise through the exercise of the Commission's regulatory power. 254 THE MAINE BOOK The accounting department is in charge of a chief account- Accounting ^^^^ ^^^ j^^g direct charge of the gathering of all statistics Department ^^^ auditing the financial statements of all the public util- ity corporations which by law report to the Commission. The pubhc utility corporations under the jurisdiction of the Commission are required to keep financial and other pertinent data in accordance with certain classifi- cations of accounts which were drawn up by this department and recom- mended to the Commission for adoption. All necessary financial data involved in the determination of decisions relating to rates or issuance of securities are passed on by this department. It also gives expert advice and assistance gratuitously to the individual corporations with a view to establishing their accounting methods on a proper and standard basis. The head of this department is the Chief of Rates and ^,^^^" Schedules. All rates and schedules of the various utilities operating in Maine are required by law to be filed with this department. The Chief of Rates and Schedules sees that all legal requirements are satisfied, and reports any changes that are made. Expert advice is also given to the Commission when the same is needed. , ,. The inspections department is in charge of a chief inspect- or, who makes annual inspection of the steam and electric railroads in this state, investigates the safety of grade crossings, and makes special investigation of all accidents of a serious nature occurring in connection with the operation of public utility corporations. The Commission through a special agent also inspects the plants and recommends improvements looking toward the betterment of the water supply furnished the public by the various water companies. P hi* iWVi There are 479 public service companies operating in the p .. state as follows: electric lighting companies, 94; express companies, 7; steam railroads, 15; electric railroads, 15; gas companies, 16; steamboat companies, 26; telephone companies, 108; telegraph companies, 4 ; water companies, 172 ; warehousemen, 5 ; wharfing- ers, 17. The total estimated assets of all these companies are $250,000,000. These companies issued under the Commission's direction during the four years preceding 1919 the following securities: stocks, $11,209,920; bonds, $30,634,343.75; a total of $41,844,263.75. Water ^^^ making a topographic map of Maine, it has been cus- Resources tomary for the state to appropriate annually $5,000 and the Federal Government a like amount. About 33 per cent, of the state has been mapped to date. These topographic sheets cost ten cents each, and a complete set of those sheets available, when properly assembled, constitutes an admirable map of Maine for that part of the state which they cover. On them are shown the natural topography PUBLIC UTILITIES 255 of the land, the lakes and rivers, the shore line ; roads, dwelHngs and many- other important works of man. Records of flow of Maine rivers are obtained at 26 points, the flow being determined at these points every day in the year. Rainfall records are obtained at 40 different points in the state. Evaporation from water surface is determined at one point. In its investigation of the water resources of the state, the Commission esti- mates that the total primary horse power in Maine is approximately one million. This investigation covers certain important rivers of the state, and shows that there is 547,350 primary horsepower on the rivers studied. The horsepower as submitted by small power owners, the individual amounts of which were not determined by the Commission, total 88,000, showing power resources covered by this investigation of 635,350, or about 64 per cent of the total primary power resources of Maine. The regular force of the Commission including the commissioners, numbers 20 persons. The Commission expends from $45,000 to $55,000 annually. CHAPTER L ANIMALS, FISH AND BIRDS The Museum connected with the Fish and Game Depart- ~^ ment has mounted specimens of practically all wild birds useum ^^^ animals found in the state. Specimens of the lead- ing varieties of inland fish are also on exhibition. Among the interesting exhibits is a large moose group, enclosed in glass, — the background, painted by the Curator, depicting a winter scene which is very realistic; another case shows the loon family, and another geese and ducks, both with appropriate backgrounds, also painted by the Curator, all of w^hich attract much attention. Another case contains vari- ous species of our shore birds, mounted and grouped to display their natural characteristics and habitats. The background of this case is a finely exe- cuted marine view, also the work of the Curator; upon either side cliffs rise from a sandy beach, their bases covered with seaweed, and on these cliffs are shown the nests and eggs of gulls and also young tern. Another case has ruffed grouse and woodcock groups. There is also on exhibition a valuable loan collection of birds' skins, nests and eggs. An aquarium of eight tanks, installed in 1916, contains several varie- ties of fresh-water fish, and has proved to be one of the most interesting features of the Museum. Jars have been installed in connection with it in which are shown the process of hatching trout and salmon, and by means of which the development of these fish from the egg to the age of three years is shown by living specimens. The educational value of the Museum is now recognized by a host of intelligent visitors from all sections of the country. „ Deer are abundant in all northern counties and quite plenty ... in some of the southern counties. Moose are also found in all northern counties. Caribou were formerly numerous in Maine but have been exceedingly scarce in recent years though occasionally seen along the Canadian boundary. . Bear, Beaver, Bob Cat, Fisher, Marten or Black Cat, Fox, . . J Lynx, Mink, Muskrat, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Sable. Squirrel, Red, Gray, Weasel or Ermine, Woodchuck. „ -,. . Landlocked Salmon, Trout, Togue (Lake Trout), Black Bass, White Perch. 256 o > 258 THE MAINE BOOK Non-Game Fish Fur Industry Pickerel, Yellow Perch, Whitefish, Cusk, Chub, Sucker, several varieties of Smelt, numerous small fish, commonly- called bait fish, (Minnows, Shiners, etc.) In view of the fact that trappers of fur-bearing animals in organized townships are not required to take out a license, there are no means of ascertaining the annual catch of these animals in organized places ; furthermore, as there is noth- ing in the law to prohibit the transportation out of the state of the skins of fur-bearing animals legally taken, without doubt at least thirty per cent of the annual catch in Maine is sold in other states, consequently the skins purchased by licensed fur buyers represent only about seventy per cent of the furs secured each season. Basing an estimate upon the average value of the best quality skins, the furs reported handled by licensed fur dealers in this state last season represented a value of approximately $500,000. BIRDS FOUND IN MAINE Value of Fur Holboelt's Grebe Horned Grebe Pied-billed Grebe Loon, Great Northera Diver Loon. Black-throated Loon, Red-throated Puffin, Sea Parrot (rare) Guilbernot, Black Murre (rare) Murre, Bininnich's Razor-billed Auk (quite rare) Dovekie, Sea Dove Pomarine Jaeger Parasitic Jaeger Long-tailed Jaeger (not common) Kittiwake Gull Glaucous Gull (rare) Iceland Gull Great Black-backed Gull American Herring Gull Ring-billed Gull Laughing Gull (not common) Bonaparte's Gull (not common) Sabine's (rare) Common Tern Arctic Tern Roseate Tern (rare) Least Tern (rare) Sooty Tern (rare) Black Tem (rare) Black Skimmer (quite rare) Wilson's Petrel (quite rare) Gannet (rare) Cormorant Cormoi'ant, Double-crested American White Pelican (rare) American Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Hooded Merganser Mallard Duck Black Duck Gadwall Widgeon, Baldpate Green-winged Teal Blue-winged Teal Shoveller (rare) Pintail Wood Duck Redhead Duck (quite rai'e) Canvas-back Lesser Scaup Duck (rate) Greater Scaup Duck Ring-necked Duck (rare) American Golden-Eye Barrow's Golden-Eye Buffle-head Old Squaw Harlequin Duck Northern Eider (rare) American Eider King Eider (rare) American Scoter Leach's Petrel (Mother Carey's Chicken) White-winged Scoter WOODCOCK GKOUP IN MUSEUM 18 260 THE MAINE BOOK Surf Scoter Ruddy Duck Lesser Snow Goose (rare) Canada Goose Hutchins Goose (rare) Brant (not common) Whistling Swan (rare) American Bittern Least Bittern (rarie) Great Blue Heron Little Blue Heron (rare) Green Heron Black-crowned Night Heron Yellow-crowned Night Heron (rare) King Rail (rare) Clapper Rail (rare) Virginia Rail (rare) Sora Rail Yellow Rail Purple Gallinule (rare) Florida Gallinule (rare) American Coot Mud-hen Red Phalarope (rare) Northern Phalarope (not common) Wilson's Phalarope (rare) American Woodcock Wilson's Snipe Dowitcher (Red-breasted Snipe) Purple Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper White-nimped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper (rare) Least Sandpiper Red-backed Sandpiper Semipal mated Sandpiper Sanderling Marbled Godwit (rare) Greater Yellow-legs Lesser Yellow-legs Willet (quite rare) Bartramian Sandpiper BufT-breasted Sandpiper (occasional) Spotted Sandpiper Long-billed Curlew (rare) Hudsonian Curlew (rare) Eskimo Curlew (rare) Black-bellied Plover American Golden Plover Kildeer Ring Plover Piping Plover (rare) Belted Piping Plover (rare) Turnstone Canada Grouse (Spruce Partridge) Ruffed Grouse (Partridge) Mourning Dove (rare) Turkey Vulture (occasional) Black Vulture (occasional) Marsh Hawk Sharp-shinned Hawk Cooper's Hawk American Goshawk Red-tailed Hawk Red-shouldered Hawk Broad-winged Hawk American Rough-legged Hawk, (not com- mon) Bald Eagle Duck Hawk (rare) Pigeon Hawk American Sparrow Hawk American Osprey American Long-eared Owl American Short-eared Owl (rare) Barred Owl Great Gray Owl (rare) Richardson Owl Saw-whet Owl Screech Owl Great Homed Owl Snowy Owl American Hawk Owl (not common) Yellow-billed Cuckoo Black-billed Cuckoo Belted Kingfisher Haiiy Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker American Three-toed Woodpecker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Pileated Woodpecker Red-headed Woodpecker (rare) Flicker Whip-poor-will Night Hawk Chimney Swift Ruby-throated Humming-bird King bird Crested Fly-catcher (rare) Phoebe Olive-sided Fly-catcher Wood Pewee Yellow-bellied Fly-catcher Alder Fly-catcher ANIMALS, FISH AND BIRDS 261 Least Fly-catcher Homed Lark Prairie Honied Lark Blue Jay Canada Jay Northera Raven (not common) American Crow Starling (not common) Bobolink Cowbird Eed-winged Blackbird Meadow Lark Orchard Oriole Baltimore Oriole Rusty Blackbird Bronzed Crackle (crow Blackbird) Evening Grosbeak Pine Grosbeak Purple Finch American Crossbill White-winged Crossbill Redpoll Greater Redpoll (rare^ American Goldfinch Pine Siskin Snow Flake (Snow Bunting) Vesper Sparrow Ipswich Sparrow (quite rare) Savanna Sparrow Grasshopper Sparrow (rare) Sharp-tailed Sparrow Seaside Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Tree Sparrow Chipping Sparrow Field Sparrow Slate Colored Junco Song Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Swamp Sparrow Fox Sparrow Towhee Rose-breasted Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Scarlet Tanager Purple Martin Cliff Swallow Bam Swallow Bank Swallow Tree Swallow Bohemian Wax\ving (rare) Cedar Waxwing Northem Shrike Red-eyed Vireo Philadelphia Vireo (rare) Warbling Vireo Yellow-throated Vireo (rare) Blue-headed Vireo Black and White Warbler Nashville Warbler Tennessee Warbler Parula Warbler Yellow Warbler Cape May Warbler (rare) Black-thi-oated Blue Warbler Myrtle Warbler Magnolia Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Bay-breasted Warbler Black Poll Warbler Blackbumian Warbler Black-throated green Warbler Pine Warbler Yellow Palm Warbler Oven-bird Water ThiTish Connecticut Warbler Mouming Warbler Maryland Yellow-throat Wilson's Warbler Canadian Warbler American Redstart Mocking-bird (rare) Catbird Brown Thrasher Carolina Wren (rare) House Wren Winter Wren Short-billed Marsh Wren (rare) Bro\\Ti Creeper White-breasted Nuthatch Red-breasted Nuthatch Chickadee Hudsonian Chickadee (not common) Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet Wood Thrust (rare) Wilson's Thmsh Gray-cheeked Thrush Olive-backed Thrush Hermit Thrush American Robin Bluebird English Sparrow (introduced) Ring-necked Pheasant (introduced) CHAPTER LI STATE PRINTING The first appropriation for state printing was $1000, made in 1834. This sum was increased from year to year until 1870, when it reached $3000. It continued at this figure until 1907. It was the custom for each legislature to elect a committee on printing and all bills for the previous year were submitted to this committee for approval. In 1895 an act was passed creating the oflftce of auditor of state printing, but no appointment with salary was made until 1905. The office was abolished by the legisla- ture of 1911, but the work was done by a practical printer appointed by the state auditor without special authorization by law. In 1915 the office of Superintendent of Public Printing was created with the power of appointment lodged in the state auditor. By virtue of an amendment, passed in 1919, the governor now appoints the Superintendent of Public Printing and the office is a part of the executive department. Through the office of Superintendent of PubHc Printing Improvements . , 4. ^i u • j j ^u i, • improvements are constantly bemg made and the busmess of printing and binding for the state is being placed on a sound business basis. Cooperation by the several departments makes this a healthy ven- ture, saving money for the state, gradually eliminating waste, over-pro- duction, and unnecessary detail, which heretofore have gone unnoticed. The oflfice has been provided with a complete modern letter manifold- ing equipment and addressing department, giving excellent service in efficiency and quality of work. Many of the departments have taken advantage of these facilities and find them a tremendous help in saving time and energy. ^^ .... The printing for the state is divided into classes and com- Competitive , .,: , . , ,. .^ , , , . , „ , . p.j petitive bids are solicited and proposals accepted for doing the work under contract, the contract usually running for a period of two years. Four Class There are four classes of printing. Class A, book print- of Printing- ^^^' ^^^^"^^^ annual or biennial reports of state officials, departments, institutions, boards or commissions, and sim- ilar books, pamphlets, catalogues, etc., consisting of eight pages or more, also abstracts of same printed from same type. Class B, miscellaneous job printing, including blank forms, (index and filing cards, tab cards, loose leaves, and ruled blanks excepted), circu- lars of less than eight pages, stationery printed with the ordinary letter 262 STATE PRINTING 263 press, and general office supplies. Circulars issued in series, where uni- formity of style is important, though occasionally comprising eight pages or more may be kept wholly within Class B if deemed most feasible. Class C, legislative printing, including both book and job printing concurrent with and contingent upon sessions of the legislature, required by the order or for the use of the legislature. Class D, election ballots for state, Congressional and presidential elections and accessories necessary for the packing and distribution of same, also election notices and blanks for returns. Cost of The cost of printing by classes for the year 1917, which is Printing a fair average, is as follows : Printing Binding Class A $12,645.39 Class A $ 3,750.14 Class B 17,707.96 Class B 3,638.07 Class C & D 32,922.52 Class C & D 7,130.17 Class — 3,169.83 Class E 745.79 Die-stamping 2,661.54 Total Printing, Binding, Die- Plate printing: Etchings and stamping, Etchings and Halftones 612.11 Halftones 84,983.52 This combined printing means nearly seven million impressions and nearly seven and one-quarter million pieces of paper. Office There are three persons employed in the office of the Expenses Superintendent of Printing and the annual expense of running it is $5,700. CHAPTER LII BANKS Bank Commissioners were first appointed in Maine under History ^ legislative act of 1840. Their duties were limited to banks of discount until they were given supervision of Savings Banks in 1855. In 1868 the two bank commissioners were superseded by a single officer, known as an Examiner of Banks and Insurance Companies, with powers concerning these institutions similar to those previously exercised by the bank commissioners. In 1870 the duties were divided between an examiner of banks and an insurance commissioner. The 1909 legislature changed the title to Bank Commissioner. The department now consists of a Bank Commissioner, Deputy Bank Commissioner, three Examiners and two clerks. The number, classes and assets of the institutions under . the supervision of this department as compiled from the ^ annual returns of September 29, 1917, are as follows: 45 Savings Banks $105,872,386.86 49 Trust Companies "1 19 Trust Company Branches 1 104,900,140.15 2 Trust Company Agencies J 38 Loan and Building Associations 6,671,238.79 3 Loan Companies 882,456.58 156 Total $218,326,222.38 ,^ , . The banking department also has supervision of dealers ^ ... in securities. There are at present 188 dealers in securi- ties and 223 salesmen or agents licensed under the provi- sions of the "Blue Sky Law." J The 1917 legislature placed under the supervision of the 4 . Banking Department all persons, copartnerships and cor- porations engaged in the business of making loans of $300 or less, at a greater rate of interest than twelve per centum per annum. The act applies to pawn brokers as well as loan agencies. There are now eighteen loan agencies operating under the supervision of the depart- ment. 264 BANKS 265 I dii trial "^^^ establishment of "Industrial Banks" under the super- Banks vision of the Banking Department was authorized by the 1917 legislature. These banks are intended to accommodate the small but worthy borrower who has no banking credit or whose needs are not sufficiently large to interest the average banker. The state employs 7 persons in its Banking Department, and appro- priates for expenses $16,000. The state receives from all banking insti- tutions, $574,573.44. CHAPTER LIII SOCIAL SERVICE ^ . . , The amount of money expended from the public treasury in the State of Maine, annually, for the support of the dependent and delinquent classes of its population, not including new buildings built from time to time, is $2,238,000.00 and the number of persons receiving the benefit of this expenditure of public moneys is 20,000. The number of persons in the various classes and the cost of caring for each class is shown by the following tabulation: No. persons cared Annual Net for or assisted Expenditure State Board of Charities and Corrections, Mother's Aid and Children's GuarcUans, including childrens institu- tion and child-helping- societies 2,400 $145,000.00 Insane Hospitals 2,000 587,000.00 School for Feeble-Minded 350 121,000.00 School for Boys and for Girls 525 119,000.00 Military and Naval Orphan Asylum 50 19,000.00 Tuberculosis Sanatoriums 250 215,000.00 Eeformatories and Prisons 250 117,000.00 Pensions and Institutions for the Blind 420 66,000.00 Indigent patients in general and special hospitals paid for by the state 2,300 99,400.00 Total state expenditure 8,545 $1,488,400.00 The county jails cost annually 75,000.00 County Jails The number of persons committed to jails is 1,650 but the daily average number in custody is only 150 Cities and towns expend annually for the care of the poor The Cost $610,000.00, assisting some 10,000 persons. They also of Povfiftv •^ expend for special relief for mothers and children, $65,000. Twenty-seven per cent of the state's population fails to be fully self sup- porting and it costs $3.00 per capita of the state population from the public treasury, either state, county or municipal, to care for them. J The State Board of Charities and Corrections established f rh 'i' ^^ ^^^ legislature of 1913 is composed of five members (unsalaried), one of them a woman, appointed by the gov- ernor and with the consent of the council. The board appoints a salaried 266 SOCIAL SERVICE 267 secretary and other agents. The board is required to investigate and inspect the whole system of public charities and correctional institutions in the state, examine into the condition and management of all prisons, jails, reform schools, industrial schools of a charitable or correctional nature, children's homes, hospitals, sanatoriums, almshouses, orphanages, hospitals for the insane, schools or homes for feeble-minded, and other similar insti- tutions, supported wholly or in part by state, county or municipal appro- priations, except purely educational or industrial institutions ; and any pri- vate charitable or correctional institutions which may desire to be placed on the list of such institutions. The officers of all institutions subject to such supervision are required to furnish all information desired by the board, which may prescribe forms for statement, and upon the basis of such inves- tigation the board may present recommendations to the governor and legis- lature as to the management of the institution, notice thereof being given to the institutions affected. The board is required to give its opinion as to the organization of charitable, eleemosynary or reformatory institutions which are or may be under its supervision, and passes upon all plans for new institutions under its supervision. It receives full reports from overseers of the poor in regard to paupers supported or relieved. It acts ex-officio as a board of mother's aid, supervising the adminis- tration of special aid to mothers with children under sixteen years of age dependent upon them, and also ex-officio as a board of children's guardians, caring for neglected children committed to it by the courts, and for depend- ent children without relatives able to care for them. The board makes a biennial report to the legislature and publishes a •quarterly bulletin. p . . There are a number of associations, hospitals, and other -r ,., ,. institutions which receive appropriations from the state. Institutions , , .l ^ . . , ., o,, , ^ , „ ^, and are subject to supervision by the State Board of Char- ities and Corrections so long as they receive such aid. „ Overseers of the poor, not to exceed seven in number, are - , , p chosen by each town. These have general care of destitute persons found in the town, superintend the almshouse, workhouse, and house of correction, provide for immigrants in distress, and remove paupers to their place of settlement. They act ex-officio as municipal boards of mother's aid and municipal boards of children's guar- dians. In some cases the selectmen act as overseers of the poor, and in cities this duty devolves on different officers, according to the charter. In plantations of more than 200 population and $100,000 valuation, the assess- ors act as overseers, and in unincorporated places the overseers in adjoin- ing or nearby towns have care of the poor. 268 THE MAINE BOOK Persons who, on account of poverty, need relief, are to Persons ^^ cared for by the overseers of the poor of the town in Entitlea which they have settlement. In the case of imincorpor- to Keliei ^^^^ places, and of immigrants who fall into distress, the overseers are to furnish rehef, the expense being met by the state, and the paupers do not become paupers of such town by reason of such resi- dence. The governor and council may in case of necessity transfer a state pauper to any town or place him in a state institution without formal commitment, but not without the knowledge and consent of the overseers of the town to which the pauper is to be removed. In case of poor per- sons having legal settlement elsewhere, they are to be relieved, and the expense recovered from the place where they have settlement. Whoever brings an indigent person into a town with intent to charge his support upon the town is liable to fine and the cost of such person's maintenance, and anyone who aids in bringing or leaving such a person is similarly liable. Legal settlement in a town is acquired by an adult by five ^^^ years' residence without receiving pauper supplies. Resi- de emen dence in a public institution does not result in legal settle- ment. A married woman has the settlement of her husband, if he has any in the state; if not, her own settlement is not affected by the mar- riage. Legitimate children have the settlement of their father, if he has any in the state ; if not, they have the settlement of their mother ; but if of age they acquire one. Illegitimate children have the settlement of their mother at the time of their birth. . . The father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, children, /r 1 f" ^^^ grandchildren, by consanguinity, living within the o e a ives ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ sufficient ability, are required to support per- -sons chargeable to them, in proportion to their respective ability. Every town, either by itself or in conjunction with one or ^^•^ ^- ^ more towns, is authorized to provide an almshouse and ^ ,. „ poor farm for the care of poor and destitute persons need- Relief ing relief; also a workhouse to which poor persons, espe- cially those who are able-bodied, may be sent and required to work; also a house of correction for criminals. But until the workhouse and house of correction are provided, the almshouse may be used for all three pur- poses. All are under the supervision of the overseers of the poor. Overseers have the care of persons chargeable to their u oor town and cause them to be relieved and employed at the Relief expense of the town, but there is no requirement as to relief within an institution. It is provided that supplies and medical care may be furnished on the application of a poor person or of that of some person acting for him. Towns at their annual meetings, under a war- rant for the purpose, may contract for the support of their poor for a SOCIAL SERVICE 269 term not exceeding five years. Overseers may set to work, or bind to service for a time not exceeding one year, persons with or without settle- ment, able-bodied, married or unmarried, over 21 years of age, having no apparent means of support and living idly. Mothers with children under sixteen years dependent upon Care of them, and who are fit and capable, physically, mentally Children ^^^ morally to bring up their children, may receive special financial aid if they need it, the state and town sharing equally in the cost. A child who is, on investigation by any municipal or probate court, found to be cruelly treated or wilfully neglected, or without means of support, may be ordered into the care and custody of such person as the judge may deem suitable, providing that such person consents to support and edu- cate the child, and gives bond so to do. Or the child may be committed to the custody of the State Board of Children's Guardians, or to a children's institution or child welfare organization approved by the state board. Children may be adopted and guardians appointed for minors on approval by the judge of probate, and on written consent by the child, if of the age of 14 years, and by the parents, guardian, next of kin, or some person appointed by the judge. A child in the custody of a public or charitable institution, or the State Board of Children's Guardians, may be restored to the parent by the supreme judicial court if after examination it appears that the parent or parents can suitably provide for it, and that justice requires its restora- tion. The Military and Naval Orphan Asylum is authorized at the discre- tion of the trustees to admit to the home children or grand-children of veterans of the Civil War; also orphans or half orphans of veterans of other wars. Delinquent boys, and girls in moral danger, may be committed to the State School for Boys or for Girls as the case may be. - There are numerous private charitable institutions for the , Q* L- ^^^^ ^^^ which the state makes appropriations, and towns are authorized to provide for the indigent sick. When such appropriations are made by the state, the institutions then come under the supervision of the State Board of Charities. Local boards of health are required to look after persons having diseases dangerous to the pub- lic health, and may remove them to separate houses, provide nurses and necessaries free, if the patient is unable to pay for the same. They arf also required to furnish antitoxin free to all indigent persons suffering from diphtheria and other contagious diseases. P - Needy blind persons over twenty-one years of age may XL T»i« J receive a state pension of not to exceed $200 per annim the Blind ^,., ,. „ ,,. , ^ i per person. Bhnd or partially bimd persons over. 18 years 270 THE MAINE BOOK of age, residents of the state, may receive in the Maine Institution for the Bhnd, for a period not to exceed three years, practical instruction in some useful occupation conducive to self-support; and in aid of this work the state makes an annual appropriation to the institution. An indigent insane person committed by the court or a Insane municipal board of examiners as insane is to be main- tained by the state, the town where he resides paying the expense of examination and commitment. If the person has no legal settlement in the state all expenses are paid by the state. Idiotic and feeble-minded persons, 6 years of age and M- H A ^' upward, are cared for and educated in the Maine School ^ for Feeble-Minded. Indigent persons are supported by the state; others are charged a limited sum. Persons who are affected with tuberculosis may be cared lubercuosis ^^^ .^ ^^^^^ sanatoriums at cost, or if indigent, at the expense of the state. Misdemeanants may be committed to the county jails, of Uelinquen s which there is one in each county save two (Lincoln and Sagadahoc. These counties pay for the care of their prisoners in other counties). They may be also committed to municipal workhouses, but only a few cities maintain such an institution. They may also be com- mitted to either the Reformatory for Men or the Reformatory for Women. Persons who commit more serious offenses may be committed not only to the reformatories but also to the state prison. The semi-intermediate sentence law is applicable to all state correc- tional institutions, for each of which the governing board acts also as a parole board. . A soldier or sailor who served by enlistment in the Army ^ .. or Navy of the United States in the Civil War or in the War with Spain, who was honorably discharged and has become dependent upon any town, is not to be considered a pauper and is not to be supported by the overseers of the poor in the poorhouse, but, with his family, including wife and unmarried minor children living with him and dependent upon him for support, is to be supported by the town of his settlement at his own home or in such suitable place other than the poorhouse, as the overseers of the town may deem proper. A dependent sailor or soldier and his family may be removed to the town of his settle- ment. CHAPTER LIV MAINE STATE HOSPITALS The State of Maine provides for the care and treatment of persons suffering from mental and nervous disorders, two large, modern and well- equipped institutions. This institution, formerly known as the Maine Insane Hos- Qw"^w 'i P^*^^' ^^ located in the city of Augusta on the eastern bank State Hospital ^^ ^^^ Kennebec River, nearly opposite the State House, one and a half miles from the railroad station. Provision for the hospital was made by the legislature Early History y^^^^^ g^ 3^334^ ^y ^-^e appropriation of $20,000 upon con- dition that a like sum be raised by individual subscription within one year. Before the expiration of the time hmit, Hon. Reuel Williams of Augusta and Hon. Benjamin Brown of Vassalboro contributed $10,000 each for the purpose. Subsequently Mr. Brown offered as a site 200 acres of land on the Kennebec in the town of Vassalboro which the legislature accepted, but which was not considered a suitable location, and the land with Mr. Brown's consent was sold by the state for $4,000, and the more suitable site in Augusta was purchased with $3,000 of this money. Mr. WilHams who was appointed commissioner to erect the hospital sent John B. Lord of Hallowell to examine similar institutions, and the general plan of the state hospital at Worcester, Mass., was adopted. Dur- ing the year 1836 contracts were made and materials collected, but in March, 1837, Mr. Williams resigned as commissioner and John H. Hart- well was appointed, under whose supervision the work was carried on for another year. In March, 1838, a further appropriation of $29,500 was made to complete the exterior, and Charles Keene was appointed in place of Mr. Hartwell. In 1840 a further appropriation of $28,000 was made to complete the wings, and on the 14th of October the first patient was admitted. Since that time the institution has grown gradually to its present proportions. The original plant consisted of a central office build- ing with three wings on either side joined together after the Kirkbride plan. Two pavilions, one for men, the other for women, were added in 1884. Two more pavilions were completed in 1890. On March 3, 1905, President Roosevelt signed an act authorizing the secretary of war to con- vey the Kennebec arsenal property situated in Augusta to the State of Maine for public purposes. The property comprised about 40 acres on 271 272 THE MAINE BOOK which were several large stone buildings that were ultimately renovated and converted for the use of patients. The state acquired in the same year from the United States the gift of Widows' Island in Penobscot Bay near North Haven. This property, now known as the Chase Island Convalescent Hospital, is used during the summer months for the entertainment and recreation of patients from both hospitals. . On March 6, 1907, the legislature appropriated money for the construction of a suitable building for the criminal I nGSi TIP insane. This building was completed in 1908 and pro- vides suitable accommodations for the criminal insane who were up to that time inadequately provided for in the state prison and in the wards of both hospitals. , Since the opening of the hospital in 1840, 15,438 patients have been admitted. The normal rated capacity is 942 patients. The number in the hospital Jan. 21, 1920, was 1,121; 573 men and 548 women. ,, , ,. The value of the hospital property, viz., real estate and buildings, is inventoried at 1,894,740; personal property, viz., furnishings and equipment $202,133.66, making the total valuation of the entire plant $2,096,836.66. p The total area of the hospital property including the farm and grounds is approximately 600 acres, of which 450 acres are under cultivation. Cost of For the year ending June 30, 1919 : Maintenance Augusta Bangor Average gross weekly per capita cost $5,924 $6.92 Less income (sources other than appropriation) .876 .76 Average weekly per capita cost to the state 5.048 6.16 ^ This institution, formerly known as the Eastern Maine . . Insane Hospital, is located in the city of Bangor and occu- pies a prominent site on the northern bank of the Penob- scot River, east of the city, two miles from the railroad station. p J „. , In 1889 the legislature passed a resolution which was presented by Hon. E. C. Ryder of Bangor, authorizing Governor Edwin C. Burleigh to appoint a commission to select an eligible site at or near the city of Bangor for a state hospital. Twenty-five thou- sand dollars was appropriated for the purpose, and Governor Burleigh appointed as commissioners Col. Joseph W. Porter, chairman; Col. Joseph Hutchins and Col. Daniel A. Robinson, M. D. This commission after a long and careful investigation of various sites, finally selected a site in the city of Bangor adjacent to the water works, which was approved by Dr. Bigelow T. Sanborn, superintendent of the hospital at Augusta. MAINE STATE HOSPITALS 273 The commissioners, accompanied by George M. Coombs of Lewiston, architect, who had been engaged to assist in the preparation of plans, vis- ited many hospitals in other states in order to familiarize themselves with the latest ideas in modern hospital construction. The plans were submitted to the legislature, and a joint special committee was selected to consider a resolve for an appropriation to start construction, and adopted a resolu- tion that a new commission of three be appointed by the governor to take immediate steps to erect a building on the site selected and that the sum of $200,000 be appropriated. This resolve failed to pass owing to strong opposition in both branches of the legislature. In 1893 another attempt was made to obtain from the legislature an appropriation which was successful, and Governor Cleaves appointed Albion E. Little of Portland, chairman, Samuel Campbell and Sidney M. Bird members of the commission, with Dr. Bigelow T. Sanborn, superin- tendent of the Augusta State Hospital, as an advisory member. They were directed to take immediate steps to erect not later than January 1, 1897, upon the site at Bangor already purchased by the previous commission fire proof buildings, after plans to be selected by them, for which purpose the sum of $75,000 was appropriated. The commission after careful study, rejected the site selected by the previous commission and decided to erect the hospital on the top of the hill which made necessary a great amount of grading and blasting of ledge to obtain a level place large enough to accommodate the buildings. The plans were drawn by John Calvin Stevens, architect, of Portland who followed closely what is known as "The pavilion plan". The plant con- sists of a central administration building, kitchen, laundry and power house on a central axis which runs from north to south. On the east and west and connected to the central building by corridors are the wings contain- ing the wards. The buildings were completed and opened for the recep- tion of patients July 1, 1901. The first patient was admitted June 26, 1901. Two others had been admitted when on the first day of July a detail of 70 women patients was received from the hospital at Augusta, followed upon the sixth by 75 men from the same institution. In 1907 an additional wing for women was added that provided accom- modations for 150 patients and 19 nurses. The tuberculosis pavilion was added in 1910 which provides open-air treatment for 48 patients. In 1909 an appropriation of $175,000 was obtained for a new wing to accommodate 150 men and a bathing pavilion equipped with shower baths and dressing room. In 1913 a new cold storage plant and a new store room were con- structed over which was constructed in 1916 and 1917 a congregate dining room to accommodate 500 persons. Caoacitv '^^^ hospital has capacity for 600 patients. The number in the hospital on January 21, 1920, was 355 men, 329 274 THE MAINE BOOK women, a total of 684 patients ; 3,614 patients have been admitted to the hospital since it was opened, in 1901. The value of the hospital property, viz., real estate, includ- Valuation .^^ buildings, is estimated at $956,882.48 ; personal prop- erty, viz., furnishings and equipment, $140,168.24, making the total value of the entire plant, $1,097,050.72. ^ The original hospital site consisted of 120 acres. The farm was enlarged by the purchase of 50 acres additional in 1905, and a second purchase of 50 acres in 1909. The farm now contains approxi- mately 250 acres, of which about 100 acres are under cultivation. Both institutions are managed by a single board of trus- i anagemen ^qqq^ consisting of seven members, the present personnel of which is Howard L. Keyser, president, Greene ; Charles E. Smith, secre- tary, Newport ; Albert J. Stearns, Norway ; James W. Beck, Augusta ; John B. Hutchinson, Eastport; Frank E. Nichols, Bath; Mrs. Arthur F. Parrott, Augusta. The board meets monthly at each institution. The superin- tendent of the Augusta State Hospital is Dr. Forrest C. Tyson; steward and treasurer, Mr. Samuel N. Tobey. Dr. Carl J. Hedin and WilHam Thomp- son occupy similar positions in the Bangor State Hospital. . . The Bangor State Hospital receives patients who are resi- n ^ j^' ^ dents of the five eastern counties as follows: Penobscot, Or r^3..tldlts Hancock, Washington, Aroostook and Piscataquis. Resi- dents of all other counties are received at Augusta. Patients received in either hospital that have a residence in the district other than that assigned to the hospital may be transferred by order of the trustees. Patients are admitted to either hospital only on properly executed forms prescribed by statute. The blanks may be obtained on application from the superin- tendent. „ , The rate for board established by the trustees January 1, „ „ , 1920, is $6.00 per week. Economically, patients are divided into two classes: first, reimbursing patients who pay all or part of the cost; second, state patients in which the state assumes the entire cost of maintenance. The expense of commitment and trans- ference to and from the hospitals is borne by the town making the com- mitment. The private wards with special privileges for a certain class of patients have been abolished. A statement of facts relative to the financial ability of the patient or relatives for his support is required in each case. p, ., All insane who are legal residents of a town are entitled to admission to the state hospitals. All persons should be committed in the regular manner by the municipal ofl^cers on the evi- dence of at least two reputable physicians given by them under oath. The complaint must be made in writing by any blood relative, husband or MAINE STATE HOSPITALS 275 wife, or by any justice of the peace. At least 24 hours' notice must be given to the person alleged to be insane prior to the date of hearing. The commitment paper and the signed medical certificate must accompany the patient to the hospital. If the patient has no means or relatives liable for his support a certificate of inability should be filed at the same time. If a woman is committed she should be accompanied by a father, husband, brother or son. In the absence of these relatives by a woman attendant. All cases whenever possible should be accompanied to the hospital by rela- tives or friends. Oflficers of the law if obliged to accompany the patient in order to render assistance should dress in civilian clothes. In cases of emergency when immediate restraint and deten- „ .. * . tion is necessary for the comfort and safety of the patient, the right of hearing may be waived and the patient may be received on the presentation of a copy of the complaint and physicians' certificate, which certificate shall set forth the reasons for the emergency. The municipal officers should proceed with the hearing, complete the com- mitment, and forward the certificate to the hospital within 10 days. ^, . . In addition to cases sent to either hospital for observation Observation . .-. . • • • j J^ i.i. by the supreme court provision is made for other cases as follows : "If a person is found by two physicians qualified as examiners in insanity, to be in such mental condition that his commitment to an institution for the insane is necessary for his proper care or observation, he may be committed by any judge or any other officer authorized to com- mit insane persons to either of the state hospitals for the insane, under such limitations as the judge may direct, pending a determination of his insanity." ,, , , The superintendent in charge of either of the state hos- \oiuntary -i. , . x.- r. • r. -^j. ■, P 'fat Pitals to which an insane person may be committed may receive and detain therein, as a boarder and patient, any person who is desirous of submitting himself to treatment and who makes written application therefor, and whose mental condition in the opinion of the superintendent or physician in charge is such as to render him com- petent to make the application. Such superintendent shall give immedi- ate notice of the reception of such voluntary patient to the board of state hospital trustees. Such patient shall not be detained for more than ten days after having given notice in writing of his intention or desire of leav- ing the institution. The charges for support of such a voluntary patient shall be governed by the laws or rules applicable to the support of an insane person in such institution. Temnorarv Provision is made for the temporary care of patients who Q " by reason of sudden mental disorder need care pending other arrangements for the disposition of the case. It is applicable to transients and non-residents particularly, and in those 19 276 THE MAINE BOOK instances when officials authorized to make commitments cannot be assem- bled immediately. The act is as follows: "The superintendent of either of the state hospitals, to which an insane person may be legally com- mitted, may, when requested by a physician, a member of the board of health, a health officer, a poHce officer of a city or town, receive and care for as a patient in such institution for a period not exceeding fifteen days, any person who needs care and treatment because of his mental condition. Such request for admission of a patient shall be in writing and filed at the institution at the time of the reception of the patient, together with a statement in a form prescribed or approved by the board of state hospital trustees, together with a statement giving such information as said board may deem appropriate. Such a patient who is deemed by the superin- tendent not suitable for such care, shall upon the request of the superin- tendent be removed forthwith from the institution by the person requesting his reception, and if he is not so removed, such person shall be liable for all reasonable expenses incurred under the provisions of this act, on account of the patient, which may be recovered by the institution in an action of contract. Such superintendent shall cause every patient to be duly com- mitted according to law, provided he shall not sign a request to remain as a voluntary patient or to be removed therefrom before the expiration of such period of fifteen days. All reasonable expenses incurred for the examination of the patient, for his transportation to the institution and for his support therein, shall be allowed, certified and paid according to the laws providing for similar expenses in the commitment and support of the insane." Parents and guardians of insane minors if of sufficient Minors ability to support them in the hospital must within 30 days after an attack of insanity, without legal examination send them to one of the hospitals and give to the treasurer the bond required within this period. The medical service in both hospitals is under the direc- tion of the superintendent who is assisted by a staff of Service trained physicians. The chief feature of the medical serv- ice is the daily staff conference at which all new cases are presented in turn by the assistant physicians for diagnosis and suggestions for treat- ment. Cases for parole or discharge are also considered. All new cases are received by the assistant physicians in New Cases rotation. The record of examination contains the anamne- sis obtained at the time or later, a general physical and neurological exam- ination with urinalysis, vaccination, and an examination of the blood for the Wassermann reaction. Special tests are performed when indicated. The mental status is ascertained by a carefully recorded examination. MAINE STATE HOSPITALS 277 The patient is now presented at staff conference for classification. The subsequent clinical course of the case is noted from time to time on the record. ^ , , Special features in treatment consist of rest in bed, regu- Trc3.tiTiGni lation of diet and bodily habits, judicious application of various hydrotherapeutic measures such as wet packs, douches, and con- tinuous warm baths, selected occupation under a trained industrial worker. The physically ill are cared for in sick wards where the principles of gen- eral medical practice are used. Patients are entertained by weekly dances, moving pic- tures, concerts, lectures, athletics and various other out- Amusements door activities. . . Each hospital maintains a training school for nurses under ^^^^1*^^ the direction of a superintendent who is a registered grad- ^^ uate nurse. The course is of three years' duration. AppH- cants must be over 19 years of age and present satisfactory references as to good moral character and physical health. Preference will be given to those candidates for the training school who are high school graduates or who have acquired more than a common school education. Pupil nurses are assigned to positions offering the best opportunities for experience in nursing all forms of nervous and mental diseases, as well as acute medi- cal and surgical cases. The reception wards have adequate modern equip- ment for giving prolonged baths, packs, and other hydrotherapeutic treat- ment. While the hospitals are mainly for nervous and mental diseases they are large enough to give ample opportunities for experience in gen- eral medical and surgical nursing. The training school opens in October and closes in June. Lectures are given by the physicians. Practical instruction and demonstrations are given daily on the wards bj' the super- intendent of nurses, supervisors, and charge nurses. In addition to the theoretical instruction the physicians also give practical demonstrations in the ward clinics, laboratory, dispensary, and autopsy room. The Augusta training school affiliates with that of the Maine General Hospital in Port- land, the Bangor training school with Bellevue hospital in New York city. The affiliated course is of not less than six months' duration after which the graduate is eligible for registration in Maine. ^ , No Datient can be received at either hospital until cor- General , . ^ ^ , . |. - ,. rect commitment papers are presented. Patients' relatives are requested to furnish a good supply of plain, suitable clothing. Money, jewelry and other valuables should not be brought with patients, and the hospital will not be responsible for anything left later in possession of patients. Things necessary or suitable for patients can be left with hospital officers. 278 THE MAINE BOOK Visiting daily from 9 to 11.30 a. m. ; from 1 to 5 p. m. Definite times- for visiting are required to avoid serious interference with hospital work. Visiting on Sundays not allowed except in cases of critical illness, or by pre-arrangement. Visitors are requested to ask for any desired information concerning patients of the physicians at the office. Inquiries by telephone, concerning patients should be made, if possible, between the hours of 1 and 2 p. m. The persons making call should always give the name of patient for whom inquiry is to be made, and not call for the physicians. This will insure prompt reply and the proper person will be notified to answer call. Written inquiries should always contain name of patient, name and address of writer, with relationship, if any, to patient. Reply stamp should be enclosed. Letters and express packages sent to patients should be directed to them in care of the hospital. The name and address of sender should be given on outside of package in order that acknowledgment of same may be made. To insure delivery, all charges must be prepaid. All letters concerning patients should be addressed to the superin- tendent. All letters concerning the financial condition of the patient should be referred to the treasurer. . The public is entitled to the benefits of the knowledge and resources of the state hospital organization which should be extended to the community through the services of mental clinics and after care agents. Both hospitals conduct mental clinics in Portland, Lewiston and Bangor. Social service workers are employed to visit the homes, obtain and impart information, and help in restoring paroled and discharged patients to economic independence. The require- ments of such extra institutional activities in general are as follows : First : The supervision of patients who have left the institution with a view to their safe care at home, suitable employment and self-support under good working and living conditions, and prevention of their relapse and return to public dependency. Second: Provision for informing and advising any indigent person, his relatives or friends and the representatives of any charitable agency as to the mental condition of any indigent person, as to the prevention and treatment of such condition, as to the available institutions or other means of caring for the person so afflicted, and as to any other matter relative to the welfare of such person. Third: Whenever it is deemed advisable the superintendent of the institution may cooperate with other state departments such as health, MAINE STATE HOSPITALS 279 education, charities, penal, probation, etc., to examine upon request and recommend suitable treatment and supervision for (a) Persons thought to be afflicted with mental or nervous disorder. (b) School children who are nervous, psychopathic, retarded, defect- ive or incorrigible. (c) Children referred to the department of juvenile courts. Fourth: The acquisition and dissemination of knowledge of mental disease, feeble-mindedness, epilepsy and allied conditions, with a view to promoting a better understanding and the most enlightened public senti- ment and policy in such matters. In this work the department may coop- erate with local authorities, schools and social agencies. CHAPTER LV SCHOOL FOR THE FEEBLE-MINDED The Maine School for Feeble-Minded was estabHshed by IS ory ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^YiQ legislature of 1907. In accordance with this provision, the state purchased about 1200 acres of land in the towns of New Gloucester, Gray, North Yarmouth and Pownal, in Cumberland County. The institution is located one mile from Maine Central Railroad and one mile from Grand Trunk Railroad, Gray and Pownal being respec- tively their nearest stations. The school is twenty miles distant from Portland, and sixteen miles from Lewiston. ^ ,. In the group called feeble-minded, we include all those Who Are the ^ , . T.M. 1 JO individuals who are mentally deficient from birth, or early Feeble-Minded^ childhood ; and whose defect is due rather to an arrest of development, than to a disease process in later life. These individuals are incapable of managing their affairs with ordinary prudence under ordinary circumstances. On the basis of one feeble-minded person in three hundred t, , , ^. ,_, of the population, which is a conservative estimate, there are, according to the census of 1910, 2,226 feeble-minded persons in Maine, and 275,844 in the United States. . . The act establishing the School for Feeble-Minded provided for the care and education of the idiotic and feeble-minded six years of age upward. The law has since been amended, so that at present only males between the ages of six and forty, and females between the ages of six and forty-five are eligible for admission to the School for Feeble-Minded. p . Feeble-minded persons are committed to the school by judges of the probate court, after they have first been examined by two physicians who certify that they are fit subjects for the School for Feeble-Minded. Maine School for Feeble-Minded was opened for inmates in 1908, and is under the general management and super- vision of the hospital trustees, who also have charge of the two insane hospitals. One or more of the trustees must visit the institution as often as once in each month. The board of trustees must have an annual meet- ing, and present a yearly report to the governor and his council, contain- ing the history of the school for the year, and a detailed report of all accounts and disbursements. 280 SCHOOL FOR FEEBLE MINDED 281 The School for Feeble-Minded accommodates 282, and has ^^ a waiting Hst of 180 applicants. Applicants for admission must first apply to the board of trustees, and are accepted for admission from the various counties in the state in proportion to their population. The approximate total expenditure for permanent construction and build- ings up to date is $275,000. The average per capita cost for maintenance, including board, clothing, care and medical treatment, and training is $4.00 per week. On admission, the inmates are given a physical and mental examination, and classified according to their physical and mental condition. All teachable and trainable boys and girls are grouped in classes according to their mental age and given instruction and training adapted to their mentality. The higher grades are taught to read, write and do simple number work. In the manual training and industrial rooms they are taught to work at various simple occupations. The many house- hold duties and the large farm furnish many of the boys and girls with useful occupations. „ - . Every feeble-minded child should have an opportunity to F hi M" H H learn whatever he is capable of learning and thereby be able to think better, do better, and be able to live a happier and more useful life. All feeble-minded cases who show criminal tendencies, sex offenders, and those who distribute venereal infection, live in filth and tend to degrade the neighborhood, should be pirovided for in an institution. Every feeble-minded woman between the ages of fifteen years and forty-five years of age, who cannot look out for her own moral welfare, should be segregated in an institution. There are probably more than five hundred of these child-bearing mentally defective women in Maine, who are rapidly multiplying the feeble-minded variety of the human race. > o p o (—1 c o u <: CO O M 12: o < CO < CHAPTER LVI STATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS J .. The State School for Boys is located in South Portland, about four miles from Portland City Hall. The nearest trolley line is at Stroudwater, one and one-half miles from the school build- ing. The post office address is 264 Westbrook Street, South Portland, Maine. „. . The school was established by act of the state legisla- ture of 1853, and after a careful investigation by a legis- lative committee appointed to select a site the present location was most happily chosen, and by the liberality of the City of Portland a farm of 160 acres was purchased at a cost of $9,000 and presented to the state to be used for purposes connected with the institution, which was then known as the State Reform School. p The purposes for which this institution was established were to provide a place of detention and education for boys between the ages of eight and sixteen years who had become unruly and delinquent in the communities of the state in which they lived and were deemed to be in need of restraint and correction during those earlier years when it is to be presumed that character is being formed, and who were believed to be capable of receiving instruction and training that would enable them to become good men and desirable citizens. Boys who are mentally defective to the extent of being feeble-minded or insane, and those who are deaf, dumb or blind, are not considered subjects for commit- ment to this school. Nor is the school to be deemed a place of punishment for crimes or misdemeanors committed, but rather for the education and upbuilding of youthful offenders who have by their conduct subjected them- selves to the penalties of the statutes. Many years after its foundation the name of the institution was changed by legislative act from the State Reform School to the State School for Boys, and with this change in name came also the adoption of a change in discipline and even broader and more liberal administration of the affairs of the school. Up to that time the system of living had been only partially what is known as the cottage, or colony, system of school families. A large number of the boys still lived in what is known as the congregate system which prevailed at the opening of the school and which confined the inmates to one large building with adjoining yards 283 284 THE MAINE BOOK for exercise and play. With the adoption of this new legislation, the cot- tage system was completely inaugurated by the erection of two additional large cottage buildings, and from that time on the boys of the state school have lived in colonies or families of about forty boys under the direction and care of a cottage master, a matron and a school teacher, representing the family idea of father, mother, elder sister and brothers. By way of recreation, all sorts of out-door games — particu- , ,, ,,, larlv base ball — are encouraged, and in the hall provided and Health ^ \^_• xi • • • ^ u- j for this purpose there is a moving picture machine, and frequent entertainments of interesting character are presented. The health of the boys is under the care of a regularly appointed physician who is not a resident of the institution but whose visits are made promptly upon call. A comfortable building on the grounds has been made over for use as a hospital with hot and cold water, electric lights, baths, operating room, and has accommodations for twenty patients. Cottages are most conveniently arranged with school rooms, play rooms, kitchens and dining rooms, and the dormitory system of sleeping. Sanitation and bathing are adequately provided for, and apartments are provided in each cottage for the private life of the master and matron and teacher. Details of heating, lighting and the admission of sunlight in all the apartments have been carefully considered. The school of let- ters is graded according to the plan in use in the public schools of the state, and teachers are required to have normal school experience and state certificates. The religious preferences of the boys are about equally Religious divided between the Catholic and Protestant faiths. There is a regular CathoHc pastor who visits the school on the first and third Sundays of each month celebrating the mass on the first Sunday and giving religious instruction and catechism on the third Sunday. All the boys assemble for religious service every Sunday afternoon, and the preachers are volunteer clergymen who take a very keen interest in their service here. p. The operation of the school farm and the raising of live ^ ' stock and poultry give interesting occupation constantly to a certain number of boys, and other industrial activities are provided for in a wood-working shop where general repairs are made and in the school bakery, laundry, kitchens and dairy. The government of the school is vested in a board of six trustees, each holding a term of six years and one appoint- ment made each year by the governor of the state. The trustees select a superintendent to act for them and under their direction in the daily administration of the affairs of the school. The regular meetings of the board of trustees are held on the fourth Fridays of January, March, May» STATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS 285 July, September and November, and a visiting member is appointed at each meeting to make a personal inspection of the school as often as once a month at least. Further supervision of the institution is made by a committee of the governor's council to which is added a lady visitor whose duty it is to make frequent calls at the institution and inquire carefully into the welfare of its inmates. ^ ^ Commitment of boys between the ages of eight and six- . . teen to the school is made by magistrates of competent jurisdiction for the term of the boys' minority, unless otherwise disposed of by the trustees and superintendent. This form of commitment amounts virtually to an indeterminate sentence, and leaves to the discretion of the governing officers the time when the boy through the merit of his own good conduct and by reason of the opportunity which may be presented shall leave the institution, the average period of deten- tion being about two years. CHAPTER LVII THE STATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS This institution bore the name of the Maine Industrial History School for Girls from the time it was established till March 22, 1915, when by act of the legislature it was changed to The State School for Girls. The history of the school goes back to 1867. In the latter part of January, 1867, a girl, fifteen or sixteen years of age, was convicted in the police court of Augusta of petty larceny, fined, and in default of pay- ment, was committed to the county jail. This incident suggested the necessity of a reform school for girls in the State of Maine. The next morning in the legislature, then in session, Hon. John L. Stevens of Augusta introduced a resolution providing for the appointment of a com- mission to investigate the subject of reform institutions for girls and their success where already in operation, and report to the next legisla- ture. Hon. George B. Barrows of Fryeburg, was appointed commissioner, and made a report in 1868. This report was referred to the legislature of 1869; and the subject at two subsequent sessions was referred to "the next legislature." At the session of 1871 nearly a thousand ladies of Portland petitioned the legislature "to make like provisions for the reform of girls as had been made for boys." As a result of this petition a commission was appointed consisting of Hon. Benj. Kingsbury, Jr., of Portland, Hon. E. R. French of Chesterville, and Hon. Samuel Garnsey of Bangor, which reported in 1872 a bill for the incorporation of a private association for the estab- lishment and administration of the proposed institution. This bill was passed and such an association was incorporated. Meantime, unaware of what was already in progress, Mrs. Mary H. Flagg of Hallowell was moved to provide for vagrant and outcast girls, and first made her intentions known to some friends in April, 1872. She interested also Mrs. Almira C. Dummer of Hallowell; and in December of that year the two offered to the governor, the former $10,000 in money and the latter a building site in the city of Hallowell valued at $2,000. These proposals were made known by the governor in his annual message to the legislature of 1873. The private corporation accepted these pro- posals. 286 STATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 287 The first building erected, Flagg-Dummer Hall, was dedicated January 20, 1875. Erskine Hall was opened January, 1886; and Baker Hall in December, 1898. While the institution received a good deal from private charity the state also made substantial appropriations annually. ^ „ . The legislature of 1899 enacted a law to put the school wholly under state control. The conditions of this act were accepted by the corporation, and its whole property valued, for its purposes, at $40,000 was conveyed by deed to the state. r, The State School for Girls is not a house of correction, i urDosc but is designed as a home for girls between the ages of six and twenty-one years, who, by force of circumstances or associations, are in manifest danger of becoming outcasts of society. It is not a place of punishment, to which its inmates are sent as criminals — but a home for the friendless, neglected and vagrant children of the state, where, under the genial influence of kind treatment, physical, mental and moral training, they may be won back to ways of virtue and respectability, and fitted for positions of honorable self-support and lives of usefulness. Girls committed to the school become wards of the state. By the act of commitment fathers and mothers lose their parental rights and responsi- bilities and the board of trustees, with the superintendent, officers and teachers, in behalf of the state, become as parents to the children. Commitme t ^^^^^ ^^^ admitted to the school between the ages of 6 and 16. This age Hmit will doubtless be changed at the next legislature to 9 to 17 years. When once admitted, they are under the con- trol of the trustees until 21 years of age, unless sooner discharged by vote of the trustees. Girls may be committed through court procedure for truancy, for "leading an idle or vicious life", or for "being found in mani- fest danger of falling into habits of vice or immorality", by the munici- pal officers, or any three respectable inhabitants of any city or town where she may be found. p . The government of the State School for Girls is vested in a board of trustees, six in number, known as "Trustees of Juvenile Institutions". They have charge also of the State School for Boys at South Portland. One trustees must visit each institution every month, the board meetings being held once a month alternating at each school. Th PI f '^^^ plant consists of four cottages, one central school , J . building with a dormitory, an administration building, •y. , two farm cottages, a barn, and a pumping station. The present inventory value of buildings and equipment, together with trust funds valued at $10,819.15, is now $222,945.22. 288 THE MAINE BOOK The present enrolment is 212 girls, 129 resident and 83 non-resident (or parole) . A graded system of schools is maintained, including the first three years of high school work. Several girls are always in outside high and grade schools : those in the former working their board in families, and the latter having their board paid by the institution. Population School of Letters CHAPTER LVIII BATH MILITARY AND NAVAL ORPHAN ASYLUM The asylum was founded near the close of the Civil War in 1864 by Mrs. Sara A. Sampson of Bath, a returned army nurse, widow of Col. Charles A. L. Sampson of the Third Maine Volun- teers. It was started as a local institution, Mrs. Sampson gathering together a few of the more needy soldiers' orphans and establishing them in a small comfortable house with a competent housekeeper. She inter- ested citizens generally in the enterprise, and an organization was formed with Ex-Mayor John Patten as its president. Besides looking after its immediate maintenance, a fund was started to provide for its permanent support as a local institution. So many applications for admission were received from orphans in other towns, that in order to widen the scope of its usefulness, the home was incorporated as a state institution on February 23, 1866, "for the purpose of rearing and educating, gratuitously, in the common branches of learning and ordinary industrial pursuits, the orphans and half orphans of officers, soldiers, seamen and marines who have entered the service of the government from Maine during the war for the suppression of the rebellion and have died while in said service, or subsequently, from wounds received or injuries or disease contracted while in said service." Under provisions of the several acts amendatory of the original the asylum at the present time is open to the following classes : „ ... First: Descendants of veterans of the Civil War who - . - . resided in the state and served on the quota of Maine. Second: Orphans or half orphans of veterans residing in the state, although not serving on the quota of Maine. Third : Children or grandchildren of veterans of the Civil War, when they have been deserted by either of their parents. Fourth: Orphans of any citizens of Maine, should the capacity of the home at any time be more than sufficient to care for orphans and others eligible for admittance under the several preceding provisions of the act. Children of both, sexes are received between the ages of four and fourteen. Good homes are provided for them or they are returned to rela- tives by the time they have reached sixteen years of age. They have careful diet, plain food, wholesome and in plenty. Frequent bathing, a large amount of outdoor exercise and strict sanitary regulations are enforced. 289 290 THE MAINE BOOK The home physician makes regular visits and responds promptly to any calls for treatment. The children attend the public schools of Bath on equal footing in every respect with citizens' children, without distinguishing marks or dress. Free textbooks are fur- nished by the city. Those of suitable age and school rank attend the Manual Training School and Bailey School of Industries, and are grad- uated from the junior high school if remaining long enough in the home. Some enter the senior high school and several have been graduated with honors. Quite a number have settled in Bath, are good mechanics, and have good homes and families. Others are filling various stations in life, both business and professional and are making good records. One of the earlier inmates, resident in the state but having his business interests in Boston, was recently a member of the board of trustees, appointed by the governor. P .. While necessarily under somewhat restrictive rules and regulations, the children are allowed quite general free- dom of action, being put upon their honor as to deportment and seldom is the confidence abused. The object is to give them family home life so far as it can reasonably be done. Children follow the religious preferences of the parents ^ if they have any. All are required to attend church once on Sunday as well as Sabbath School. Daily services are held in the home under the direction of the matron or her assistant. __ The management of the asylum is vested in a board of seven trustees four of whom are appointed by the gov- ernor and three annually elected by the local association. Seven lady visi- tors from various parts of the state are also annually elected by the local association, whose duty it is to visit the asylum and report to the trustees the result of their investigations, together with any suggestions for their betterment. For many years it has been the custom of the several governors to appoint as one of its trustees, the Department Commander of the G. A. R. whosoever he may be, feeling that the old soldiers may thereby be kept in closer touch with the needy descendants of their former comrades in arms. ^/E • 1 nx /!c There are in all ten care-takers: — matron, housekeeper. Official Staff , , , , 1 .11 J two seamstresses, two laundresses.- two cooks, housemaid and janitor. The present site of the home was purchased by the state in 1870. Additions to the building and lot have since been made. -- , The total number cared for in the home since its incor- Nuinber . „ poration to January 1, 1918, has been 982. In the last twenty-five years the state has appropriated for main- tenance of children and upkeep of property a total of $227,756.64, averag- ing about $162.68 per child. CHAPTER LIX MAINE SCHOOL FOR DEAF . Q y, I The Maine School for the Deaf was established in 1876 Maine School ^^ ^^ ^^^ -^^^^ ^^^^^^ system of the city of Port- T Of* T n 6 I ) ^3,1 land, and in 1897 it was taken over by the state and became a state institution. It is a public school for the instruction of children who, because of deafness, cannot be educated in the schools of the towns in which they live. Tuition and board are furnished free to children whose parents or guardians are residents of the State of Maine. The plant consists of an up to date school building of ten well-furnished school rooms, with a fully equipped gymnasium on the third floor and play- rooms in the basement. In the industrial building the older pupils are taught printing, carpentry, glazing, cabinet-making, basketry, chair-can- ing, sewing, dressmaking, weaving, cooking, ironing, etc. Three other buildings provide a dormitory for boys, a dormitory for large girls and dormitory for small girls and a hospital. There are usually in attendance about 100 pupils, representing every part of the state. Thirty persons employed. Appropriation for maintenance for 1918 was $31,862.30. 291 20 p < < CHAPTER LX STATE TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUMS In round numbers one thousand people in Maine die every year of tuberculosis, a curable disease. Much has been done for the help of those afflicted with this disease, through private agencies, such as the Maine Anti-Tuberculosis Association, but more needs to be done. In 1915 the legislature provided for the care and treatment of tubercular persons by an act authorizing the estabhshment of one or more sanatoriums at which patients were to be treated at a charge based on their financial con- dition. An appropriation of seventy-five thousand dollars was made to accomplish this. The Board of Trustees for Tuberculosis Sanatoriums was organized the same year and immediately went to work. The appropriation was, of course, inadequate to equip and Wes ern furnish such institutions as were needed. Through the ^ . Hberality of the directors of the Maine State Sanatorium Sanatorium ^^ Hebron this plant was offered to the state for $15,000, though the net worth of the land, buildings and equipment was over two hundred thousand dollars. There were also vested funds of about eighty thousand dollars which were turned over to the state. There are about 480 acres of land connected with this institution. The buildings consist of the Chamberlain Building for administration purposes, the reception cottage, the women's cottage, the men's cottage, central heating plant, creamery, etc. The capacity is one hundred. In 1919 the legislature pro- vided that new buildings should be erected for tubercular soldiers, sailors and marines, and it was decided to locate them at Hebron. Under the conditions named in the deed to the Hebron -_' . property only the so-called curable cases can be treated at . Hebron. It was, therefore, necessary to acquire a second sanatorium for the treatment of advanced cases of tubercu- losis. The Chase Memorial Sanatorium at Fairfield was offered to the state for $15,000, and as this property was already equipped it seemed best to purchase it. The Central Maine Sanatorium at Fairfield is the receiving station, and patients are transferred as their condition seems to warrant. The capacity has been increased to one hundred and twenty- five. Cottage A is considered one of the most satisfactory buildings in New England for its purpose. The Chase Memorial Building has been remodeled to provide for the increased needs. A building for the accom- modation of children is at present under way. 293 294 THE MAINE BOOK In 1917 the legislature made an appropriation for the ., . erection and maintenance of a sanatorium in Aroostook iVj3.1I16 County, and a site was given to the state just outside feana orium Pi-esque Isle. This institution will be ready for occupancy in April of 1920. In addition to these state sanatoriums there are three private or semi- private sanatoriums at Parsonfield, Bangor and Andover. Lewiston has a local or county sanatorium. Many hospitals have tuberculosis wards, but even with these accommodations the state institutions have long wait- ing lists, and patients are sometimes obliged to wait two or three months for admittance. o w O. o o CHAPTER LXI REFORMATORY FOR MEN The State Reformatory for Men was established by an History ^^^ ^^ ^-^^ legislature approved April 4, 1919. At the same time an appropriation of forty-five thousand dollars was made to purchase land and buildi^igs. The Inebriates' Home, located in Windham, has been secured and a superintendent elected. It is expected that this reformatory will provide a suitable Purpose place to send minors, where they may be under influences and receive instruction that will tend to make them law-abiding and useful citizens. "The state shall establish and maintain a reformatory in which all males over the age of sixteen years who have been convicted of or have pleaded guilty to crime in the courts of this state or of the United States, and who have been duly sentenced and removed thereto, shall be impris- oned and detained in accordance with the sentences or orders of said courts and the rules and regulations of said reformatory. •'When a male over the age of sixteen years is convicted before any court or trial justice having jurisdiction of the offense, of an offense pun- ishable by imprisonment in the state prison, or in any county jail, or in any house of correction, such court or trial justice may order his com- mitment to the reformatory for men, or sentence him to the punishment provided by law for the same offense. When a male is sentenced to the reformatory for men, the court or trial justice imposing the sentence shall not prescribe the limit thereof, unless it be for a term of more than five years, but no man committed to the reformatory upon a sentence within the prescribed limit, as aforesaid, shall be held for more than five years if sentenced for a felony ; nor for more than three years if sentenced for a misdemeanor after a prior conviction of crime otherwise for not more than six months. If the sentence imposed on any man be for more than five years, he shall be so held for such longer term. "If, through oversight, or otherwise, any person be sentenced to imprisonment in the said reformatory for men for a definite period of time, said sentence for that reason shall not be void ; but the person so sentenced shall be entitled to the benefit, and subject to the provisions of this act, in the same manner and to the same extent as if the sentence had been in the terms required by this act. In such case said trustees shall deliver to such offender a copy of this act." 296 CHAPTER LXII REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN The Reformatory for Women was created by an act of History ^^^ legislature of 1915. At that time $50,000 was appro- priated to purchase a farm and construct buildings. The law provided that the institution should be built on the cottage system. The Reformatory was opened for the reception of inmates November 15, 1916. This institution is located in Skowhegan, a town of about Location ^^^^^ inhabitants. The farm comprises 200 acres, half of which is under cultivation, the remainder in pasture and woodland. The water supply is from a never-failing spring on the property. The purpose of this institution is to provide a place for all women from the age of sixteen years who have been con- victed of or have pleaded guilty to a crime in the courts of the state or of the United States. ^ The institution is under the direction of five persons, appointed by the governor, with the direction of the coun- cil. Two of these persons shall be women. p The state employs at this institution a superintendent, a farm manager and five assistants. An appropriation of $33,579 has been made by the state to cover the running expenses for 1920. 297 CHAPTER LXIII THE MAINE STATE PRISON When Maine separated from Massachusetts in 1820, pro- History vision had to be made for a state prison. Previous to this time the convicts from this section had been sent to Charlestown. In 1823 the legislature provided for the establishment of such an institution at Thomaston. Thomaston was chosen as a site because at that time before there were railroads it was easily accessible by water, and as most of the population was along the coast, it had a central location half way between Kittery and Eastport. Ten acres of land, including a lime quarry, were purchased from the Hon. William King at a cost of $3,000. The prison building itself was constructed for less than $2,000. In June, 1824, it was ready for occupancy and was considered to be very satisfactory. Daniel Rose, who had superintended the construction of the prison, was its first warden. The prison had two wings joined to the main building in which was the hospital. The length of the building was something over one hundred and eighty-six feet. The floor was of granite and the walls of split stone three feet thick. There were fifty cells. They had an aperture of eight by two inches in the wall to afford air, and on top there was an opening twenty-two inches by twenty-four inches to permit the prisoners to be lowered nightly into these cold, damp cells which were entirely without heat. The fence around the prison yard was built of cedar posts about ten feet high. In 1828 twenty cells were added in the west wing. In 1843 the building was remodeled and the old cells were abandoned. Three tiers of cells, thirty-six in each story and two abreast, seven feet high and four feet wide, were constructed in the east wing. In his report of 1844 Benjamin Carr, the warden, says, "We now have as good a prison as there is in the Union". In 1850 a large part of the build- ing was burned, but repairs were immediately made and the new main building was ready for occupancy in 1851. In 1854 the stone wall around the prison yard commenced some years before was completed. From time to time various repairs and additions have been made, houses for the prison officers added, the old wings enlarged and repaired, new wings and new shops built. EmDlovment ^^ ^^^^ intended originally to use the convicts largely in mining the limestone in the quarry on the property of the prison but that proved unprofitable. A shoe shop was maintained for a 298 THE MAINE STATE PRISON 299 time. At present there is a broom department, a harness department, and a carriage department. Two farms in Warren have been bought and are extensively operated. The prison has never been self-supporting. The cost of tiXpense feeding the prisoners has varied from six and a half cents to the present amount of twenty-seven cents a day. Naturally a building nearly one hundred years old is far from conforming to modern prison requirements. -. There seems to be no record of the cruel and abusive treat- ment often inflicted on helpless prisoners in the pris"ons of other states. The parole system is in use and seems to work well. The prison has a physician, a resident chaplain who is preacher, teacher and librarian. Church services are held every Sunday and convicts who desire to read are furnished with two books and a magazine. Over fifty news- papers are received daily by men who have subscribed for them. The governing board is a prison commission, appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, for six year terms. They are required to make an annual inspection. CHAPTER LXIV MAINE INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND The Maine Institution for the Bhnd is located in Portland. History ^^^^ legislature of 1907 appropriated the sum of $20,000 for the year 1907 and a like sum for the year 1908 for its support. The board of trustees organized during the year 1908 and began the erection of buildings. The institution has been in active operation since 1909. The purpose of the institution is, in the language of the urpose resolves of 1907, to give "to every blind or partially bhnd person over eighteen years of age, who is a resident of the state, practical instruction for a period not exceeding three years, in some useful occu- pation conducive to his or her self-support. The officers of said institu- tion in furtherance of the purposes of this resolve, may provide or pay for temporary lodgings and temporary support for workmen or pupils received at any industrial school or workshop established by them, and may ameliorate the condition of the blind by devising means to facilitate the circulation of books, by promoting visits among the aged or helpless blind in their homes, and by such other methods as they may deem expe- dient; provided, that they shall not undertake the permanent support or maintenance of any blind person at the expense of the state". p, . There are three brick buildings, one of which serves as a school and workshop, one as the home of the superin- tendent, and the third as a dormitory for the women. The men pupils are boarded near the institution at a building rented for the purpose. p. ^^ The legislatures of 1909, 1913, 1915 and 1917 appropriated fifteen thousand dollars annually for the institution. The legislature of 1911 appropriated ten thousand dollars per year for the years 1911 and 1912. The legislature of 1919 appropriated the sum of sixteen thousand dollars per year for the two years 1919 and 1920, the expenditures of the institution not to exceed the sum of seven dollars per week per pupil. It is expected that the industries taught at the school will furnish a source of income. The industries now being taught are mattress making, chair reseating, broom making, basketry and rug making. 300 CHAPTER LXV HEALTH The State Department of Health was created by the Seventy-eighth Legislature. Its official existence dates from July 7, 1917. This depart- ment takes the place of the former State Board of Health which was cre- ated in 1885. The board consisted of six members appointed by the governor. For thirty-two years, during the entire existence of the former board, Dr. A. G. Young served as the secretary. The reorganization History ^^ ^^^ public health work of the State of Maine was brought about in 1917 because of a feeling on the part of the medical pro- fession and the people at large that the work should be considerably wid- ened in scope and should be more up-to-date in organization and equipment. . In the newly organized department, the Commissioner of Health is the administrative head, and also Chairman of the Public Health Council which consists of five members. The state is divided into three health districts, each under the supervision of a full- time officer who represents the Health Commissioner. The three health districts are as follows: the northern district, comprising the country north of the Canadian Pacific Railroad; the southeastern district, includ- ing territory south of the Canadian Pacific and east of the Kennebec; the southwestern district, comprising the country south of the Canadian Pacific and west of the Kennebec. The State Department of Health has established six central divisions, all of which are viewed as co-operating agencies for the use of local health officials and the general public. These six divisions are as follows : Administration, Communicable Diseases, Sanitary Engi- neering, Diagnostic Laboratories, Vital Statistics and Public Health Edu- cation. The chief work of the Division of Administration is to administer the public health laws of the state, and the rules of the department; to prepare regulations for the consideration of the Pubhc Health Council and to organize and have a supervisory interest over the work of the other divisions of the department. The Division of Communicable Diseases has as its first duty the study ^ ... of epidemics and individual cases of the so-called infectious j^j and contagious diseases; it also co-operates with local boards of health in the diagnosis and control of such dis- eases. 301 302 THE MAINE BOOK The Division of Sanitary Engineering at the present time has as its chief duties the chemical and bacteriological examination of water and sewage from public and private sources. In addition to . ^ . this the division co-operates with cities, towns or individ- uals in the field investigation of problems relating to water supplies and sewage disposal. The Division of Diagnostic Laboratories takes over and enlarges the work formerly done in the so-called Laboratory of Hygiene. Free exam- ... inations are made for tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid . . fever, syphilis, gonorrhea, meningitis, infantile paralysis, _ , ^ . rabies, cancer, etc. Special examinations of milk, urine, Laboratories . , ; .j.^. j^? • ^ ^ feces, stomach contents, etc., are made for special fees. Typhoid prophylactic or "vaccine" is made and distributed, and the Pasteur "treatment" or prophylactic is administered without charge to citizens of the state. So-called autogenous vaccines are also made on special request for small fees. Such biologic products as diphtheria antitoxin, tetanus antitoxin, smallpox vaccine virus, gonococcus vaccine, etc., are distributed under the direction of the State Department of Health at cost. Arsphena- mine (Salvarsan or 606) for the treatment of syphilis is also furnished at a very low price. The Division of Vital Statistics, or human bookkeeping, has to do with the recording of births, deaths, diseases, marriages and divorces. ^. . . „ The State of Maine is at present in the United States Vf 1 «Jf f f I'egistration areas for births and deaths, which indicates that the United States Census Bureau has found that over 90% of births and deaths in Maine are being properly reported. One of the most important divisions of the department is that of p , ,. Public Health Education. Through the agency of the press, TT i^u special bulletins, lecturers, lantern demonstrations, exhib- p , ,. its, personal correspondence, etc., the people of the state are told how disease may be prevented and health con- served. The state employs seventeen persons in the work of caring for the p, health of her people and expends about seventeen thousand dollars annually for the work. CHAPTER LXVI INSURANCE The legislature of 1868 authorized the appointment of a Commissioner of Insurance and Banking whose duty it was to investigate the condition pertaining to these branches of industry and report to the next legisla- ture whether or not legislation governing the conditions prevailing in these respective fields was desirable. As a result of the report two depart- ments were created, known as the Banking and the Insur- ^ ance Departments. Since 1870 the Insurance Department has operated as an independent office and from that date has been charged with the supervision of insurance companies and agents. Only safe and reliable companies are permitted to do business. The department is further charged with duties performed in other states by a fire marshal. p These duties include the investigation of questionable fires, inspection of property within the state and supervision of local fire inspectors and fire departments. This part of the work was added to the duties of the commissioner of insurance in 1895. Under the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act the Insur- ance Commissioner is a member of the Industrial Accident Commission and is charged with the duty of approving policy forms for compensation before they are filed with the Industrial Accident Commission and with the approval of adequate rates for compensation. The Insurance Com- missioner has supervision of all insurance companies including fire, marine, life, casualty, liabihty, plate glass, surety, bonding companies and various other lines, also fraternal beneficiary associations, and, under the pro- visions of the law passed by the legislature of 1915, he is charged with supervision of lightning rod manufacturers and the installation of light- ning rods withiia the state. ^ ,. Total insurance in force December 31, 1918 $150,943,546.57 Life^nlurance ^""^^^ insurance written in 1918 21,713,344.47 Total premiums paid to companies 5,289,918.88 Total losses paid by companies 2,944,930.12 Total insurance in force December 31, 1918 $31,775,723.00 Industrial -p^^^j insurance written in 1918 6,629,571.00 Insurance -p^i-^j premiums paid to companies 1,102,314.01 Total losses paid by companies 429,489.58 303 304 THE MAINE BOOK Total insurance in force December 31, 1918 $44,810,365.00 Fraternal r^^^^^ insurance written in 1918 4,365,650.00 Insurance Total premiums paid to companies 712,846.16 Total losses paid by companies 551,598.19 Total insurance written in 1918 $448,370,086.40 Fire Total premiums paid to companies ". . . 6,377,873.00 Insurance Total losses paid by companies 2,520,240.38 Fires in 1918—2,040; damage 3,068,923.00 The Insurance Department of the state employs in its office and field work eight persons, at a total cost to the state of $14,945.57. The state received in 1916 from the insurance companies as fees and taxes $202,- 013.37. CHAPTER LXVII WORKMEN'S INSURANCE The Workmen's Compensation Act of Maine was passed History ^^ ^^^ legislature of 1915, and became operative for organ- ization purposes upon the first day of October, 1915. For administration purposes, the act took effect on January 1, 1916, prescribing the compensa- tion to be paid when workmen sustained injury or death in the course of their employment. Administration of the law is supervised by a com- mission consisting of four members; a chairman and associate legal member who are appointed by the governor, the commissioner of labor and industry and the commissioner of insurance. The system provided for is elective, except as to state, bys em counties, cities, water districts and other quasi municipal ^^ ^^® corporations. All other employers have the right to elect whether or not to adopt the compensation features of the act, such elec- tion being evidenced by a signed written acceptance filed in the office of the Commission, together with copy of compensation policy. Every employee and employer who has elected to become subject to the act is presumed to be also subject to its provisions in the absence of written notice to the employer of a contrary intention at the time of his contract of hire, and within ten days thereafter having filed a copy thereof with the Commission. An employer who elects not to come under the provisions . 1^ of the act remains liable in an action at common law for damages for personal injuries sustained by an employee in the course of his employment, and in such action unless by an employee of an employer, exempt under sections 3 and 4, of the act, he is deprived of his customary common law defences of contributory negligence, that the injury was caused by the negligence of a fellow employee, that the employee assumed the risk of the injury. p ,. Compensation is payable for every injury arising out of -p • J u ^^^ ^" ^he course of employment, and is payable on a three- ' ' fifths basis of the average weekly wage, as provided in paragraph IX of section 1 of the act, with a fixed maximum :amount of $15.00 per week and a minimum of $6.00 per week and for varying periods of time, depending upon the nature of the disabihty but 305 306 THE MAINE BOOK in no case to exceed a period of five hundred weeks or more than $4,200 in amount. In certain cases, as loss of an eye, hand, etc., a special com- pensation is paid. If death arises from the injury the employer pays the ompens i dependent of the employee weekly payments of three-fifths J f of his average weekly wages, but not more than $15.00 nor uepen en s j^^^ than $6.00 a week for a period of three hundred weeks from the date of the injui'y, and in no case exceeding $3,500. Reasonable medical, surgical and hospital services, nursing, . e ica 1 medicines and mechanical surgical aids shall be furnished by the employer when needed during the first thirty days after the acci- dent to the extent of $100, unless a longer period or a greater sum is allowed by the Commission. Every employer electing to pay compensation under the e o s o ^^^ j^^g ^^^ right to specify, subject to the approval of the Industrial Accident Commission, which of the follow- ing methods of payment of such compensation he desires to adopt: (1) Upon furnishing satisfactory proof of solvency and financial ability to pay the compensation provided, to make such payment directly to employees; or (2) to insure liability in any approved liability company; or (3) subject to the approval of the Commission, any employer might continue the system of compensation, benefit or insurance which was in use by such employer on the first day of January, A. D. 1915, No such substitute system shall be approved unless it confers benefits upon employ- ers at least equivalent to those given under the act. The statute requires evidence of the acceptance of the , act by each employer. A written acceptance together with a copy of the insurance policy is filed with the Commission and properly indexed. All industrial accident policies filed must bear the approval of the Insurance Commissioner. He requires that each com- pany shall file with him a copy of the form of its policy and its classifica- tion of risks and premiums. _ ,. All assenting employers are required to make prompt . . , , report to the Commission of all accidents to their employees arising out of and in the course of employment. Such first reports are duly indexed and filed. Reports of the attending physician and supplemental reports of the employer when the injured employee resumes work are later received and filed. P ,. Such accidents as from their nature or duration of dis- . , ability entitle the employee or his dependents to receive compensation, are as far as possible adjusted by agree- ment between the employer and employee. A memorandum of every such agreement must be filed with the Commission and to be effective must be WORKMEN'S INSURANCE 307 approved by the Commissioner of Labor. Such agreement provides for weekly payments to the employee or his dependents, and to insure a proper execution of the same the Commission requires that receipts for such weekly payments shall be filed with it, and upon final settlement a copy of the final receipt stating total amount of money paid to the employee shall be so filed. If the employer and employee fail to reach an agreement, or an agree- ment filed is not approved, upon petition, notice to the parties and answer, the chairman or associate legal member, fixes a time for the hearing and upon evidence, in a summary manner, decides the merits of the controversy. The decision of the chairman upon all questions of fact in the absence of fraud is final. Appeal Hes to the supreme judicial court on questions of law. p Future payments may be commuted to a lump sum by ^ the commission upon petition, notice and hearing, in those cases where weekly payments have continued for not less than six months, and it is shown that such commutation will be for the best interest of the person receiving same, or that the continuance of weekly payments entail undue expense or hardship upon the employer, or that the person entitled to compensation has removed or is about to remove from the United States. 1916 1917 1918 iQiiii^c Number of accidents reported 12,560 14,800 16,632 1916-17-18 p^^^j accidents 56 63 83 Number of agreements approved 2,759 4,170 3,350 Number of claims on which hearings were held 72 99 95 Total amount of compensation paid 1916 $78,154.30 Medical bills and hospital services 1916 $61,655.58 Total amount of compensation paid by insurance companies for the year 1918 (approximate) $221,769.83 Medical bills and hospital services paid by insurance companies for 1918 (approximate) $93,180.20 Number of industrial policies filed from January 1st, 1918, to January 1st, 1919 3,788 Number of self- insurers for year 191 8 19 p, , The department employs seventeen persons. It has an ' appropriation of $28,200 per year for all expenses. CHAPTER LXVIII THE WORK OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE The Secretary of State's office was designed by the framers History ^^ ^-^^ constitution primarily as an office of record in which were to be "preserved the records of all the official acts of the Gov- ernor and Council, the Senate and the House of Representatives". So rapid has been the advance of the state's business, however, and so various the changes in its government that this department has become a great business office. The revenue received by the Secretary of State in 1917 neome ^^^ $557,607.04. In addition to this sum the deposits pro- duced in interest alone nearly fifteen hundred dollars. This money was derived from the following sources : 1917 1918 Registration of automobiles and licensing of drivers..;... $488,075.76 $570,171.00 Corporation change? 23,160.00 9,025.00 New. Corporations 39,285.00 18,005.00 Fees of office 6,892.46 4,997.13 Itinerant Vendors 193.82 300.00 , . The duties of the Secretary of State and his force are as _ follows: Attending as secretary the meetings of the gov- ernor and council and preserving records of all their official acts; preparing, recording and delivering commissions to all persons appointed by the governor; engrossing all acts and resolves of the legis- lature including the preservation and ffiing of the original papers and signed copies of all laws; publication of the official copies of the acts and resolves of each succeeding legislature including the annotation and index- ing of these volumes; recording of the acts of incorporation of Maine formed corporations together with the annual return, sending out notices of the annual franchise tax, recording changes, etc. ; registration of auto- mobiles and the licensing of drivers of the same; preparation and distri- bution of all ballots used in state, county and national elections and pri- maries and the filing of the returns of votes of such elections. 308 THE WORK OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE 309 The first Secretary of State was Ashur Ware of Portland, Employees elected June 3rd, 1820. There have been in all, including the present incumbent, thirty-one different secretaries. The secretary appoints his deputies, who serve during the pleasure of the secretary. During the late summer and fall months the office force averages about ten in number, this being increased to twenty or twenty-five during the busy season. The total expense of this office is $33,281.57. CHAPTER LXIX VALUATION OF MAINE The Board of State Assessors was created by the legislature of 1891. The act provided that the members of this board should be elected by the legislature. In 1909 the law was so amended that the Board was thereafter to be appointed by the governor, not more than two of whom can be taken from the same political party, the governor to designate the member who shall serve as chairman. ,,, , , The Board of State Assessors constitute a board of equal- W orlc or ization, whose duty it is to equalize state and county taxes among the several towns and unorganized townships. For Assessors this purpose they may summon before them and examine under oath any town assessor or other officer, or any officer of any cor- poration, and shall also have access to books, records and documents relat- ing to any matter which the board has authority to investigate. They are required by law to visit officially every county in the state at least once each year, for the purpose of conferring with local assessors, and inquiring into the methods of assessment and taxation in the several cities and towns. Public notice of these meetings must be given. They must annually, before the first day of December, make a report to the governor and council of their proceedings and include therein a tabular statement derived from the returns from local assessors, and such statistics concerning revenue and taxation as may be deemed of public interest. -_^ , , Local assessors are required to return to the State Assess- j . ors annually, on or before the first day of August, such information as said Board of State Assessors may require A.ssessors to enable them to equalize property values between towns, and they may add to or deduct from the amounts so furnished. They must file with the secretary of state, biennially, the assessed valuation for each town and township in the state. The aggregate amount for each county and for the entire state shall be certified by said board. This valuation shall be the basis for the computation and apportionment of the state and county taxes, until the next biennial assessment and equalization. 310 VALUATION OF MAINE 311 State Valuation Year 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 The state valuation for the years 1919 and 1920 is $577, 442,529. Valuation $ 20,962,778 28,807,687 69,246,288 100,157,573 164,714,168 224,812,900 235,978,716 309,096,041 336,699,649 State Tax Rate of Taxation ; 50,000.00 .0019 50,000.00 .0019 101,075.88 .0029 201,377.13 .002 207,181.70 .00125 1,350,413.00 .006 1,124,261.27 .005 531,697.17 .00225 907,950.98 .00275 Real estate of cities, towns and plantations $389,987,250 Personal estate of cities, towns and plantations 125,531,712 Real estate in unorganized townships 59,953,719 Growth on public lots 1,969,848 $577,442,529 This represents an increase above the state valuation of 1916 amounting to $56,- 039,596 as follows: Real estate of cities, towns and plantations $25,193,497 Personal estate of cities, towns and plantations 22,571,594 Real estate in unorganized townships 8,002,442 Growth on public lots 272,063 $56,039,596 Value of taxable live stock, 1918 $20,624,468 Value of exempt live stock, 1918 2,314,241 $22,938,709 Number of cows, 1918 149,905 Number of oxen, 1918 7,351 Number of three-year-olds, 1918 27,195 Number of two-year-olds, 1918 41,394 Number of year-olds, 1918 57,737 Total number of cattle of all kinds 283,582 Number of taxable sheep, 1918 12,208 Number of exempt sheep, 1918 94,567 Total number of sheep, 1918 106,775 Number of horses, 1918 110,447 Niimber of colts, 1918 9,688 312 THE MAINE BOOK Value of automobiles, 1918 $10,806,980 Value of real estate, 1918 383,104,462 Value of personal estate, 1918 120,332,581 Division of Real Estate Between Land and Buildings Value of land, 1918 $154,948,492 Value of buildings, 1918 228,155,970 Number of polls taxed, 1918 203,680 Number of polls not taxed, 1918 13,803 217,483 CHAPTER LXX STATE FINANCES The first money that was received in the treasurer's department was in the year 182D, June 15th, from Daniel Sargent, Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, conformatory to a resolve that was passed by the legislature of Massachusetts amounting to $8,000. This amount was paid over to Joseph C. Boyd of Portland, the first Treasurer of the State of Maine. The total resources received in that year from June 15th to December 31st amounted to $34,386.96. The dis- bursements for that period amounted to $23,253.69. The number of treasurers of state dating from 1820 up to the present time is thirty-six. In 1915, an act was passed creating a deputy treasurer of state, appointment being made by the Treasurer of State. , , Prior to 1913 the interest on daily balances was at the p . , Q, , rate of 2%. After that date an increase was granted of one-half of one per cent. Also in the year 1915 a sum of money was placed in different banks on time deposit at the rate of four per cent. In the last year the income from the interest on deposits in the different trust companies and national banks, numbering 100, has amounted to $46,002.04. We have at this time, on time deposit $410,000, for which we are receiving 4%. The receipts paid over to this department for the year 1918 amounted to $8,323,521.99; disbursements, $8,199,235.11. Offic F '^^^ office force consists of the treasurer, deputy treas- and E nen ^^^^ ^^^ "^^"^ clerks, whose combined salaries amount to $9,049.01. The office expenses outside of the salaries amount to $4,495.04. The number of checks issued, 1917, was 68,500. State Debt Outstanding Bonds: State Highway Loan $1,860,500 State of Maine War Loan Bonds 500,000 Civil War Bonds 500 The war loan bonds of $500,000 and the highway bonds of $200,000 were issued in 1917. Bonds held in trust for the Augusta State Hospital and University of Maine amount to $268,300. State Income '^^^ amount received in this office from corporation and franchise taxes in the year 1917 amounted to $200,740. The amount of taxes on wild lands for the same period amounted to 313 314 THE MAINE BOOK $317,370.98. The state taxes on cities and towns for the year 1917 amounted to $2,808,591.70. Beginning April 1, 1917, this department by order of gov- How the State ^^^^^ ^^^ council established a new custom of paying all Pays Its Bills ^^^ g^^^^ House employees weekly instead of monthly as was the former custom. On January 1, 1918, the same custom was estab- lished in all state institutions. In former years the state institutions were given a stated ^ ^ f . amount in one payment and their treasurers made the dis- Institutions bursements. Also the income from the different institu- tions and departments was deposited in the several banks in the name of the institution or department and paid over to the Treasurer of State monthly. This custom has been done away with and the different insti- tutions and departments now pay over daily to the Treasurer of State their income. This will mean a much larger office force in the future. The office of State Auditor was established in 1907. It is his duty to examine and audit all accounts and demands against the state. The weekly payrolls for the state departments and their field forces as well as the payrolls of the thirteen state institutions are also audited and the warrants prepared in this office. The Auditor is also Secretary of the Farm Lands Loan Commission of Maine, created in 1917, which is charged with the duty of lending state money on farm land security, the rate being five per cent with twenty years as the period of the loan. The State Auditor is called upon to aid in the preparation of the state budget, which is presented to the legislature at its biennial sessions. There are employed in the department the following: a special auditor, in charge of the accounts of the state institutions, a chief clerk, a department auditor, statistician, index clerk and three clerks and stenographers. The annual appropriation for the department in 1920 is $22,732.00. CHAPTER LXXI THE MILITARY As in the nature of things no regular military force accom- is ory panied the first settlers of Maine, they were obliged as they increased in number to form voluntary military associations for defence which were usually called train bands. These voluntary associa- tions constituted the military before it assumed somewhat of a regular organization about 1650. The first record of a military company in old Falmouth appears to be in 1662 when Lieutenant George Ingersoll was presented at the court in Saco for neglecting his duty "in not exercising the military soldiers for one year and a half time". George Cleeve, one of the first settlers of Portland, and Joseph Phippen were witnesses against him. At the time of the outbreak of King Philip's War in 1675, the militia in Maine numbered about 700 of whom 80 were in Casco Bay, 80 in Saga- dahoc, 100 at Black Point, 100 in Saco and Winter Harbor, 80 in Wells and Cape Porpoise, 80 in York and 180 in Kittery. The daily pay of the militia who served in that war was for a general, six shillings ; captain, five shillings; commissary general, four shillings; surgeon general, four shillings ; lieutenant, four shillings ; ensign, four shillings ; sergeant, two shillings six pence ; corporal, two shillings ; private, one shilling six pence, Indian corn then was worth from two shillings six pence to three shillings a bushel and a cow could be bought for 45 shillings. At that time, it will be remembered, Maine was under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts and had been since 1652 and so continued until the separation in 1819, the year preceding its admission to the Union as the twenty-third state. In 1690 when the Indians aided frequently by French soldiers again began their depredations, about 26 families were living in what is now Portland. Their chief means of defence was Fort Loyal garrisoned by a company of soldiers. In May of that year after a siege of nearly a week the fort was captured and settlers and soldiers, fully 200 in all, were killed and their bodies left on the ground. That was perhaps the bloodiest massa- cre that was ever perpetrated by the savages in New England. The military early became an important department in the govern- ment. All able-bodied freemen and others who had taken the oath of residence belonged to the train bands. Those in a town formed a com- pany and if their number was 64, they were entitled to a captain, sub- 315 316 THE MAINE BOOK alterns and non-commissioned officers; otherwise they were exercised by sergeants or subalterns. The soldiers of each county formed a regiment which was commanded by a sergeant major, chosen by the freemen of the same county in town meetings. Each regiment was mustered once in three years. At the head of all the militia in the colony was a major general elected by the freemen at large. At a later period ensigns and superior officers were commissioned by the governor. The militia were required to train by companies, six times in a year and at least two-thirds of the soldiers were required to have muskets and be furnished with bandoleers, the rest could serve with pikes provided they had corselets and headpieces. A bandoleer was a broad leather belt worn by soldiers over the right shoulder and across the breast under the left arm, used for supporting the musket and cases for charges. On July 18, 1775, the Continental Congress recommended that the able-bodied men between 16 and 50 form themselves into companies of one captain, two lieutenants, one ensign, four sergeants, four corporals, one clerk, one drummer, one fifer and about 68 privates. Each soldier was to have a good musket that would carry an ounce ball, bayonet, steel ramrod, worm, priming wire and brush, a cutting sword or tomahawk, a cartridge box that would contain 23 rounds of cartridges, 12 flints and a knapsack. Each soldier was to be provided with one pound of good powder and four pounds of balls fitted to the muskets. One-fourth of the militia were required to be minute men. To this equipment the Conti- nental Congress added by act of January 22, 1776, a blanket and a canteen or wooden bottle sufficient to hold one quart. All unable men were equipped by the town. The selectmen were required to have ready one spade or iron shovel for every 16 polls, one-half as many narrow axes and an equal number of pickaxes, one drum and one fife for each company. About 1794 a third militia division was formed in Maine, of which Alexander Campbell of Harrington was chosen major general. It embraced the militia of Hancock and Washington counties and Henry Dearborn suc- ceeded Gen. William Lithgow as Major General of the Lincoln or 8th Divi- sion, after the new one was taken from it. By act of Congress May 8, 1792, and another act of the general court, June 22, 1793, the militia depart- ment received additional improvements in system and discipline. In 1796 there were in Maine 18 regiments of infantry and 10 companies of artillery and cavalry. For many years subsequent to the Revolution the militia law com- pelled every able-bodied man between 18 and 45 to be enrolled in the militia and they were obliged to train twice a year, one-half day in May and one or more days in September which was the fall muster. In Port- land there was a company in each ward with its respective officers. Each THE MILITARY 317 man had to provide his own arms, and equipments. As a result, when these companies assembled for inspection in May and September, so great was the variety of arms and equipments that someone nicknamed them String Bean companies and the name stuck. The first uniformed military company in Maine was the First Artillery Company of Portland, whose organization dates back to June 17, 1791, just 29 years before Maine became an independent state. The office of Adjutant General was created as a state department by the first laws of 1820. Samuel Cony of Augusta served as the first Adju- tant General. It is interesting to note the completeness of those first military laws by comparison with those governing the present. From the beginning provisions were made to organize the militia of the state conformably to laws of the United States and to make such alterations therein as might be deemed necessary. The Adjutant General is appointed by the governor with the advice of the council. Each and every free, able-bodied, white, male citizen between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the state militia. Under the laws of 1820 every such enrolled citizen was required to provide himself equipment. Those between 40 and 45 were exempt except when detached or called forth to execute the laws of United States or state. The Adjutant General — rank Brigadier General, Ex-officio Chief of Staff, Quartermaster General and Paymaster Gen- eral. Duties of the Adjutant General — See Section 17, the Military Law. The work of improving armory conditions throughout the state is under a special armory commission of which the adjutant general is a member. 1 Major, Adjutant General, Me., N. G. — Chief Clerk, Property and Disbursing Office for the U. S. Duties — See Section 18, the Military Law. 1 Stenographer to the Adjutant General and Chief Clerk. 1 Bookkeeper — State and U. S. accounts. 4 Record Clerks — Records of National Guard personnel ; Orders ; Cer- tificates of Service, Civil War, Spanish War and World War. During the mobilization of troops for Federal service in 1917, 3 to 5 additional clerks were employed. Q . . The Adjutant General is ex-officio Quartermaster General. yuar ermas er ^ Captain, G. M. Corps, Me. N. G. — Military Storekeeper in charge of all military property issued for use of the National Guard. 3 Assistants. During the mobilization of troops for Federal service in 1916 and 1917 from ten to fifty additional men were employed. Wo Id W '^^^ Second Maine Infantry, National Guard, was called into Federal service on April 13, 1917. The Maine Coast Artillery and the First Regiment Maine Heavy Field Artillery, and the 318 THE MAINE BOOK Reservists of the National Guard were called into service July 25, 1917, the number reporting being about 5,500. On August 5, 1917, the entire National Guard of Maine was drafted into Federal service under the President's proclamation of July 3, 1917. On April 6, 1917, the Maine Naval Militia — 12 officers and 170 men — were called into Federal Service. The Adjutant General-Provost Marshal. ^*^ ^ , 1 Captain, Infantry, U. S. R., detailed by War Department. Department -, . .l 4. 2 Assistants. 3 Stenographers. 2 Clerks. (During the movement of drafted troops 11 were employed.) 2 District boards. 24 Local Registration and exemption boards, 3 members each. 1 Appeal agent for each local board jurisdiction. 24 Legal advisory boards, 3 members each, with 25 to 150 associate members. 24 Medical advisory boards, 3 to 10 members each. D ft H M 60,000 men of draft age registered on June 5, 1917, and 1Q17 IQIQ about 500 reported for registration after that date; of this number 1,821 men were drafted into the military serv- ice of the United States on the first call, reporting at Camp Devens, Ayer, Massachusetts, during September, October and November, 1917, and the balance reporting at Fort Williams, Maine, in December, 1917, January and February, 1918. . . Annual appropriation before the enactment of the laws Appropriations ^^ ^g^g ^^^ $20,000.00 1893-1894 — 1-12 of a mill on the state valuation 26,185.87 1895-1896 — 1-10 of a mill on the state valuation 32,477.83 This increased until for the year 1911 it amounted to 45,178.01 The legislature of 1911 fixed the amount of appropriation allowing for the year 1912 40,000.00 and for each of the following years that amount with $5000 additional for the Naval Militia 45,000.00 Armory appropriation — Until 1917 there was appropriated each year 10,000.00 The legislature fixed the appropriation for the year 1917 12,500.00 For the following years the appropriation was fixed at 15,000.00 An itemized and classified account of expenditures will be found in the annual report of the Adjutant General. TT 'f #i Cf f June 30, 1897, U. S. allotment for all purposes $5,175.67 United states 1917.1918 for arming, equipping and training National Allotment ^^^^^ 20,801.19 1917-1918 for arms, uniforms, equipment field service 24,177.60 THE MILITARY 319 In the report of the Adjutant General is shown the numeri- National ^^j strength of the National Guard. The registers of offi- (juard ^^^,g show the entire military service of each active officer and his relative rank, and list the retired officers. Commissions issued and terminated during the current year are recorded in tables. In the record of the National Guard are shown new enlistments, appointments of non-commissioned officers, discharges, and all other changes in the personnel of each organization. The reports of the department officers account for the * * ^^J military property and funds in the custody of the state, roper y ^.^^ ^ summary of the work done by the troops in drills and rifle practice, encampment or cruise, and in Federal service, noting the condition of property and men from the standpoint of inspecting and sanitary officers. There are special reports covering special duty and instruction. CHAPTER LXXII DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL The office of the Attorney General has existed in the State of Maine since the birth of the state in 1820, but during the early history of the state, its powers and duties were much more restricted in scope than in more recent years. Until 1855, the incumbent of the office was appointed by the governor and council. In that year, by constitutional amendment, the present method of election by the two houses of the legislature was adopted. Until comparatively recent times, the Attorney General's activities were more closely related to the enforcement of criminal laws throughout the state, county attorneys acting generally under his direction. Quite radical changes in this respect were effected in 1905, since which time, although he is still required to consult with and advise county attorneys in matters relating to their duties, he is required to participate only in the trial of indictments for treason and murder. In the same year he was also invested with broad powers as the legal representative of the state government, being required to appear for the state and advise state officials, boards and commissions in all suits and other civil proceedings in which the state is a party or interested or in which the official acts and doings of such officers are in question in all courts of the state; and in such suits and proceedings before any other tribunal when requested by the governor or by the legislature or either branch thereof. He was also required to render legal services required by state officers, boards and commissions in connection with their legal duties and they were forbidden to engage other counsel. He was also authorized to bring civil actions to recover money for the state and to appear before departments and tribunals of the United States and committees of Congress and prose- cute claims of the state against the United States. He was also required whenever public interest might require to prevent public nuisances and enforce public charities. In 1870, the first duties with reference to corporations was imposed upon this office, the Attorney General being required to approve certifi- cates or organization. In 1881, he was required to enforce penalties against corporations for failure to make returns to the secretary of state and in 1883 was authorized to excuse corporations which had ceased to transact business from filing such returns. 320 DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 321 In 1909, he was required to represent the interests of the state in the assessment and collection of inheritance taxes, a line of activity which lias expanded so rapidly that an assistant attorney general is now required by law to devote his whole time to that work. The office of assistant attorney general was created under special statutory authority in 1905. In 1919, a general law was passed giving the Attorney General au- thority to employ a deputy attorney general and such assistance as the duties of the office might require. At the present time there is one deputy upon whom by statute is conferred duties relating to the organization of corporations and such other duties as the Attorney General may require, and one assistant whose time is devoted to inheritance tax work. The appropriations for the department for all purposes for the current year aggregate $27,000.00. CHAPTER LXXIII AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY Bainbridge, June Wheeler Bangs, John Kendrick Bates, Katherine Lee Burrage, Heniy Sweetser Butler, Ellen Hamlin Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence Cobum, Louise Helen Codman, John Day, Holman Francis Demosthenes Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy Elwell, Edward H. Foster, William Prescott Goold, William Hale, Edward Everett Hamlin, Hannibal Harris, Elijah Edgar Hart, Lester Melcher Long, John Davis McLellan, Isaac, Jr. Wife of William Seaman Bainbridge, famous phy- sician and surgeon of New York Author; b. Yonkers, N. Y., May 27, 1862 Writer and educator; b. Falmouth, Mass., August 12, 1859 Author and clergyman; State Historian of Maine; b. Fitchburg, Mass., January 7, 1837 Poet; b. Aubum, Maine, October 22, 1860. Soldier and educator; Governor of Maine 1867-70; President of Bowdoin College 1871-83; b. Brewer, Maine, September 8, 1828; d. Portland, February 25, 1914 Teacher and writer; b. Skowhegan, Maine, Septem- ber 1, 1856 Author and business man; b. Boston, Mass., Janu- ai-y 16, 1863; d. South Lancaster, Mass., August 31, 1897 Author and journalist; b. Vassalboro, Maine, Novem- ber 6, 1865 Greek orator; b. Paerania, Attica, 384 or 383 B. C; d. 322 B. C. Author; b. Brewer, Maine, June 18, 1865 Journalist and author; b. Portland, Maine, Decem- ber 14, 1825; d. Bar Harbor, Maine, July 14, 1890 Lawyer; b. Weld, Maine, 1857; d. Boston, Mass., 1915 Historical writer; b. Windham, Maine, April 13, 1809; d. Windham, May 22, 1890 Author, editor and clergyman; b. Boston, Mass., April 8, 1822; d. Eoxbury, Mass., June 10, 1909 Statesman; Governor of Maine 1857; Vice-President of United States of America 1861-65; b. Paris, Maine, August 27, 1809; d. Bangor, Maine, July 4, 1891 Baptist clergyman; b. Presque Isle, Maine, Novem- ber 28, 1869. Journalist; Private secretary to Govei-nor Milliken of Maine; b. Portland, Maine, October 2, 1881 Statesman; b. Buckfield, Maine, October 27, 1838; d. August 28, 1915 Lawyer and writer; b. Portland, Maine, April 2, 1806; d. August 20, 1899 322 AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY 323 May, Julia Harris Merrill, Elizabeth Powers 3Iilliken, Carl E. Minot, John Clair Monroe, Barnard Xason, Emma Huntington Owen, Moses Pike, Manley Herbert Reed, Thomas Brackett Rexdale, Robert Rhodes, Harrison Riley, James Whitcomb ScM-all, Frank Shedd, Lydia Lord Swift, J. Otis Teacher and author; b. Strong-, Maine, April 27, 1833; d. May 6, 1912 Poet; b. Stetson, Maine, July 26, 1861 Governor of Maine; b. Pittsfield, Maine, July 13, 1877 Author and editor; b. Belgrade, Maine, November 30, 1872 J Author; b. Hallowell, Maine, August 6, 1845 Journalist; b. Bath, Maine, July 21, 1838; d. Augusta, Maine, November 11, 1878 Writer; b. Augusta, Maine, November 4, 1857; d. Augusta, Maine, September 4, 1910 Lawyer and statesman; b. October 18, 1839, Port- land, Maine; d. Washington, D, C, December 6, 1902 Lecturer and author; b. Portland, Maine, March 26, 1859 Author; b. Cleveland, Ohio, June 2, 1871 Poet; b. Greenfield, Indiana, October, 1853; d. Indian- apolis, July 22, 1916 Clergyman and writer; b. Bath, Maine, September 24, 1837; d. December 7, 1915 22 CHAPTER LXXIV BOOKS ON MAINE The following is not intended as a complete bibliography, but as a list of the most important sources of general historical information. No local histories are included. Boardman, S. L. Bowdoin College Library (Folsom, G.) Hall, D. B. Williamson, Joseph Beedy, H. C. Chase, H. ed. Griffith, F. C. Kennebec Joumal Co., pub. Little, G. T. ed. Mclntyre & Blanding, ed. New England Historical Pub. Co. Pope, C. H. U. S. Bureau of Census Bibliography Agricultural bibliography of the State of Maine. Augusta. 1893. One hundred books on Maine. Bowdoin College Li- brary Bulletin. Brunswick. 1891. Catalogue of original documents in the English archives relating to the early history of the State of Maine. Reference list on Maine local history. New York State Library Bulletin. Albany, 1901. Bibliography of the State of Maine. Portland, 1896. 2 vols. Biography and Genealogy Mothers of Maine. Portland, 1895. Biographical encyclopedia of Maine of the 19th cen- tury. Boston. 1885. Representative men of Maine. Portland, 1893. Maine's hall of fame; list of men and women bom in Maine who have risen to distinction. 1905. Noted men of Maine, a volume of portraits. Augusta, 1915. Genealogical and family history of the State of Maine. New York, 1909. 4 vols. Men of progress: biographical sketches and por- traits of leaders in business and professional life in and of the State of Maine. Boston, 1897. Biographical sketches of representative citizens of the State of Maine. Boston, 1903. The pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire, 1623- 1660. Boston, 1908. Heads of families at the 1st census of the United States taken in the year 1790: Maine. Washington, 1908. 824 BOOKS ON MAINE 325 Boardman, S. L. DeCosta, B. F. Drake, S. A. Emerson, W. Hubbard, L. L. Jewett, S. O. Richards, R. Steele, T. S. Thoreau, H. D. Vamey, G. J. Description and Travel The climate, soil, physical resources and capabilities of the State of Maine. U. S. Dept. of Agri. Misc. Spec. Rept. 4. Scenes in the Isle of Mount Deseit. N. Y. 1871. Pine-Tree coast. Boston, 1891. The latchstring to Maine woods and waters. Bos- ton, 1906. Woods and lakes of Maine. Boston, 1883. Country of the pointed firs. 1896. Northern countryside. New York. 1916. Paddle and portage from Moosehead Lake to Aroos- took River. Boston, 1882. The Maine woods. Boston, 1864. Gazetteer of Maine. Boston, 1881. Abbott, J. S. C. Ballard, E. Bartlett, W. S. Baxter, J. P. Baxter, J. P. Burrage, H. S. Burrage, H. S. Buri'age, H. S. Chamberlain, J. L. Church, B. DeCosta, B. F. Gardiner, H. Giles, J. Hatch, Louis C. Holmes, H. E. Hubbard, W. Kidder, F. Maine Federation Clubs Matthews, Albert Penhallow, S. of Women's History History of Maine. Boston, 1875. rev. ed. Portland, 1892 Memorial volume of Popham celebration, August 29, 1862. Portland, 1863. Frontier missionary: a memoir of Jacob Bailey. Bos- ton, 1853. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his Province of Maine. 3 vols. Prince Society, 1890. George Cleeve of Casco Bay, 1630-1667. Gorges So- ciety, 1885. Beginnings of colonial Maine, 1602-1658. Portland, 1914. Maine at Louisburg. Augusta. 1910. Maine in the Northeastern Boundary controversy. Portland. 1919. Maine, her place in history. Augusta, 1877. History of the eastern expeditions. Boston, 1865. Northmen in Maine. Albany, 1870. New England's vindication, edited by C. E. Banks. Gorges Society, 1884. Memoirs of odd adventures. Cincinnati, 1869. Maine: a history'. New Yoi-k. 1919. The makers of Maine. Lewiston, 1912. Indian wars in New England. Edited by S. G. Drake. Roxbury, 1865. Expeditions of Captain John Lovewell. Boston, 1865. Maine in histoiy and romance. Lewiston, 1915. The trail of the Maine pioneer. Lewiston, 1916. Origin of the name of Maine. Cambridge, 1910. History of wars of New England with the eastern Indians; 1703-1726. Cincinnati, 1859. 326 THE MAINE BOOK Sewall, R. K. Sullivan, J. Vamey, G. J. Whitman and Ti-ue Williamson, W. D. Rosier's relation of Waymouth's voyage to the coast of Maine, 1605. Edited by H. S. Burrage. Gorges Society, 1887. Ancient dominions of Maine. Bath, 1859. History of the District of Maine. Boston, 1795. Brief history of Maine. Portland, 1888. Young people's histoiy of Maine. Portland, 1877. Maine in the war for the Union. LeAviston, 1865. History of Maine. 2 vols. 1602-1820. Boston, 1832. Collections and Periodicals Bangor Historical Magazine 1885-92. 7 vols Maine Genealogist and Biographer 1875-8. 3 vols. Maine Historical and Genealogi- cal Recorder Maine Historical Magazine Maine Historical Society Maine Historical Society Maine Historical Society Maine Register, 1871-1920 Maine Wills, 1640-1760 Sprague's Journal of Maine His tory, 1913 York Deeds, 1630-1760 Bangor. Augusta. 1884-98. 9 vols. Portland. vols. 8 9. 1894-5. Collections, 1831-90. 10 vols. Collections, 2d ser., 24 vols. Collections, 3d ser., 1904- Portland. Edited by W. M. Sargent. Portland. 1869-1916. Portland. Portland. Portland, 1887. 7 vols. 18 vols. Portland, 1887-1910. Religious, Civil and Political Allen, S. & Pilsbury, W. H. Cleaveland, N. & Packard, A. S. Dale, T. N. Greenleaf, J. Griffin, J. Hitchcock, C. H; McDonald, W. Millet, J. Stetson, W. W. Stone, G. H. Wells, W. Whitehouse, R. T. Whitin, E. S. Willey, A. Willis, W. History of Methodism in Maine. Augusta, 1887. History of Bowdoin College, 1806-79. Boston, 1882. The granites of Maine. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 313. Washington, 1907. Sketches of ecclesiastical history of Maine. Ports- mouth, 1821. History of the press of Maine. Brunswick, 1872. General report on the geology of Maine. Augusta, 1861. The government of Maine. New York, 1902. History of the Baptists in Maine. Portland, 1845. History and civil government of Maine. Boston, 1898. The glacial gravels of Maine and their associated deposits. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin vol. 34. Washington, 1899. Water-power of Maine. Augusta, 1869. Constitutional, judicial and commercial histories of Maine. Boston. Factory legislation in Maine. N. Y. 1908. Histoi-y of the anti-slavery cause in state and nation. Portland, 1886. History of the law, the courts and the lawyers of Maine. Portland, 1863. INDEX Abbott, Jacob, 163, 164 Abenakis, no, 112 Acadia, 244 Adjutant General, 317-19 Admission of Maine, 61 Advent Christian Church, 198 Advocate of Freedom, 152 Agamenticus, patent of, 65 Agriculture, 201-5, 249 Agriculture, Commissioner of, 178, 201, 204 Alabama, 234 Alamoosook, lake, Indian excavations at, no Aldworth, Robert, land grant, 42, 77 Algonquins, no, 113 Alexander, DeAlva S., 166 Aliens, naturalization of, 74-75 Allen, Elizabeth Akers, 167 Along Came Ruth, 174 Amaranth, first collected poems, 147, 158 Ambrose, Alice, of early Friends society, 195 Amelia, 143 America, 234 Andover, sanatorium, 294 Andros, Sir Edmond, 44, 66, 82. See also Chronological record of events. Androscoggin county, 83 ; early newspapers, 151. See also Chronological record of events. Animal Industry, Division of, 202 Animals, 256 Annals of the Times, 150 Apples, inspection of, 204 Appointment, governor's power of, 178 Area of state, 37 Army, 6, 20, 54, 55 Arnold, Benedict, 4; expedition to Quebec, 52-57 Aroostook county, established, 83 ; early newspapers, 152; minerals, 227 Aroostook Pioneer, 152 Aroostook War, 4 Arrowsic, Puritan mission at, 195 Asbury, Francis, Bishop, 196 Ashburton treaty, see Webster-Ashburton treaty Assessors, Board of State, 310 Assessors, local, 75-76, 310 Attorney General, 178, 320-21 Auburn, 225 Auditor, state, 178, 314 Augusta, 55, 169; capital, 83 Augusta State Hospital, 271-72, 274, 313 Austria, in European war, 9-1 1 Austria, Archduke of, assassination, 9 Authors, 140-46, 147, 154, 158-74, 322-23 Automobiles, registration of, 308; valua- tion, 312 Averill, Anna Boynton, 167 Avery, Robert, 49 Badger, William, shipbuilder, 233 Bailey School of Industries, 290 Bainbridge, June Wheeler, 322; Maine, 116 Balkans, 9 Bangor, 4; early library at, 190; sanato- rium at, 294 Bangor Gazetteer, 152 Bangor State Hospital, 272-74 Bangor Theological Seminary, 188-89, I95 Bangor Weekly Register, 150 Bangs, John Kendrick, 165, 322; The Pine, 122 Bank Commissioner, 264 Banks, 264-65 Baptist Church, 195, 198. See also Free Baptist Church Barker, David, 165 Barnes, Rev. Thomas, 196 Barren, Nathaniel, 62, 63, 140 Bates, Arlo, 165 Bates College, 187-88, 196 Bath, 28; early church at, 196 Bath Military and Naval' Orphan Asylum, 266, 269, 289-90 Baxter, James Phinney, 43, 166 Beale, Harriet Blaine, loi Beale, Walker Blaine, memorial, 101-2 Beard, Father, first mass celebrated by, 194 Beauchamp, John, land grant, 42 Belfast, 4; early library at, 190 Belfast Gazette, 151 Belgium, in European war, 10 Berwick, early churches, 195 Bibliography, 112-13, 324-26 Bigelow, Major Timothy, 55, 61 Bigelow, mountain, 55 Billings, Josh, see Shaw, Henry Wheeler Biography, brief bibliography, 324 Birds, 256, 258-61 Black Point, 42, 43; militia at, 315 Blaine, James G., 101-2, 148 Blaine mansion, see Executive mansion Blind, care of, 266, 269-70 Blind, institution for, 300 Blow the Man Down, 174 Blue Hill, copper at, 227 Blue Point, 43 Bonighton, Richard, land grant, 42 Books, early, 147 Boothbay, early preaching at, 195 Bosnia, 9 329 330 THE MAINE BOOK Boston, siege of, 4 ; number engaged in, 54 Boston Port Bill, 47 Boundaries, 37; colonial, 43 Bowdoin College, 161, 164. 184-85, 195; oldest library at, 190 Bowdoin Poets, 166 Bovvdoinham, early churches, 195 Boxer, battle with the Enterprise, 4, 234 Boyd, Joseph C, first treasurer of state, 313 Boys Working Reserve, 19-20 Bradshaw, Richard, land grant, 42 Bray, John, shipbuilder, 233 Brick making, 231 Bridge, James, 61 Bridges, 247 Bristol, early preaching at, 195 Broad Bay, alluded to, 54 Brooks, Noah, 164 Brown, Benjamin, 271 Browne, Charles Farrar, 163, 165 Brunswick, 168 Bucksport, Indian excavations, no; early library, 190; academy at, 196 Budget, 180 Bulfinch, Charles, architect of State House, 98 Bunker Hill, battle of, alluded to, 3, 47 Burgoyne, General John, alluded to, 4 Burleigh, Clarence B., 164 Burr, Aaron, 55 Burrage, Henry S., 166, 322 Butler, Ellen Harnlin, 167, 322; The Voice of Maine, 127 Caleb Gushing, 234 Camden, early library, 190 Cammock, Thomas, land grant, 42 Campbell, Maj.-Gen. Alexander, 316 Canaan, early preaching at, 195 Canada, invasion of, see Quebec Canning industry, 215, 217 Cape Porpoise, 43; militia at, 315 Capital, 98-99 Capitol, see State House Captain Craig, 170 Casco, 43 Casco Bay, 42; militia at, 315 Castine, 4, 164; early library, 190 Castine, 236 Castine Journal and Universal Advertiser, 150 Catherine Hill, minerals at, 230 Catholic church, 196, 198, 199 Cattle, valuation, 311 Central Maine Sanatorium, 293 Champlain, Samuel de, 157 Charities and Corrections, Board of, 266- 67, 269 Charles I,- 77 Charles H, 43, 44, 78 Charters, see Patents ; Land Grants ; Chronological record of events Chase Island Convalescent Hospital, 272 Chase Memorial Sanatorium, 293 Chaudiere, river. Arnold's expedition, 55, 56 Children, dependent and delinquent, 266, 269, 270, 283-90 Children of the Night, 170 Choate, Isaac Bassett, 165 Christian Church, 198 Christian Civic League, 198 Christian Endeavor Society, 198 Christian Intelligencer, 152 Christian Mirror, 148, 152 Christian Pilot, 152 Chronological record of events, 80-84 Church of God, 199 Churches, see Religious history, also names of particular churches Circus Man, 174 Cities, 70, 71 City government, see Government, local Civil war, 6 ; naval engagements, 234 Clark, Rev. Francis E., 198 Clarke, MacDonald, 162 Clark, Rebecca Sophia, 164 Cleeve, George, 315 ; lease of Machegonne, 43 Climate, 37-39 Coast Artillery, 317 Coast patrol boats, 236 Cobb, Sylvanus, 196 Coburn, Abner, governor, 31-33 Coburn, Louise Helen, 322 ; A Song to Maine, 125 Coburn Classical Institute, 195 Colburn's shipyard, Pittston, 54 Colby College, 153, 169, 185-86 Colcord, Lincoln, 169, 171-72 Coleman, Ann, of early Friends society, 195 Colleges, see Bates, Bowdoin, Colby, Uni- versity of Maine, Bangor Theological Seminary Colonization, 42-44, 80-81 Columbian Primer, first copyrighted book, Committee on Public Safety, 15-17 Congregational Church, 195, 198 Constitution, Federal, ratification of, 62-63 Constitutional Convention, 60 Continental navy, 4 Cony, Samuel, governor, 3^; first Adjutant General, 317 Cony Female Academy, 137 Cooper, minerals at, 230 Corporations, organization and returns, 308, 320 Cotton industry, 207-9, 249 Council, Executive, 178-81 Council of New England, 65 Counties, '70. See also Chronological record of events County government, 70 County palatine, 65, 77 Courier, first daily newspaper, 148 Courts, 65, 77-79 INDEX 331 Crop Statistics, 205 Crowne, John, poet and dramatist, 158 Cumberland county, 4, 59, 64, 67, 82; early newspapers, 148, 150 Cumberland Gazette, 148 Daily Courier, 148 Dairy Inspection, Bureau of, 203 Dana, Olive E., 167 Danforth, Thomas, president of Province, 44, 66 Davis, James, 158 Day, Holman F., 169, 172-74, 322; It's Home Up Here, 115 Deaf, school for, 291 Dearborn, Henry, 55; major-general, 2^6 De Monts, Sieur Pierre de Guast, expedi- tion, 42, 80, 157; alluded to, 194, 244. See also Chronological record of events. Description and travel, brief bibliography, 325 Dirigo, (poem), 118 Disciples, church of, 198 District of Maine, 67. See also Chronolog- ical record of events. Dole, Caroline Fletcher, 166 Dole, Nathan Haskell, 165 Donnell, Annie Hamilton, 167 Dorval, 141-42 "Downing, Major Jack," see Smith, Seba Draft, induction, in European war, 20, 318 Drifting Diamond, 172 Druillettes, Father, missionary, 194 Dudley, Joseph, president of Massachu- setts, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, 78 Dummer, Almira C, 286 Dummer family, massacre of, 140 Dummer's war, 112 Dunn, Martha Baker, 166 Eagle Badge, 174 Eastern Argus, 148 Eastern Herald, 148 Eastern Star, first newspaper on Kennebec, 149 Eastport, alluded to, 4 Eastport Sentinel, 150 Eckstorm, Fannie H., no, 322 Eddington, destroyed, 112 Edes, Peter, 149-50, 154 Editors, 154-55 Education, 182-89 Education, State Department of, 20, 71 Edwards, George Thornton, State of Maine, My State of Maine, 119 Elbridge, Gyles, land grant, 42, yj Elections, 72-74, 179 Electric light companies, number of, 254 Ellsworth, Indian excavations, no Emery, Lucilius A., quoted, 62 Employees, compensation, see Workmen's compensation Employers' liability, see Workmen's com- pensation England, in European war, 10, 11 Enos, Lieut.-Col. Roger, 55, 56 Enterprise, battle with the Boxer, 4, 234 Episcopal Church, 195, 198 Etchemins, no, 112 European war, 9-25 ; events leading to, 9- 11; America enters, 11-13; chronology, 21-25; Maine's activities in: 14-20; emer- gency legislation, 15 ; contributions, mon- ey, 19, men, 20; food conservation, 20; Second Regiment history, 27; first ship destroyed, 236; coast patrol, 236 Evangelist, 152 Executive Department, powers and duties of, 178-81 Executive mansion, 101-6 Explorations, 42-44, 158 Express companies, number of, 254 Factory Inspector, see Labor and Indus- try, Department of Fairfield, sanatorium, 293 Fairs, 204 Falmouth, 4, 58, 148; destruction of, 3; early library at, 190; early preaching at, 195. 196; massacre at, 315; military company, 315 Falmouth Gazette, first newspaper, 58, 148 Family Instructor, 152 Family Reader, 148 Fanshawe, 161 Farm Lands Loan Commission, 314 Federal Constitution, see Constitution Feeble-minded, school for, 266, 267, 270, 280-81 Feldspar, 228-29 Female Friendship, first book published in Hallowell, 147, 158 Ferdinand and Elinira, 143-44 Fern, Fanny, see Willis, Sarah Payson Fessenden, William Pitt, 61 Fiction, see Literature; Novelists Finances, state, 179-81, 313-14 First Artillery Company, 317 First Regiment IMaine Heavy Field Artil- lery, 317 Fish, 256. 258; protection of, 216; hatch- eries, 216 Fisheries, Inland, Commissioner of, 216 Fisheries, Sea and Shore, Department of, 215-16 Fishing, 242, 244 Fishing industry, 214-16 Flag, American, first naval salute to, 234 Flag, state, 85 Flagg, Mary H., 286 Flags, Civil War, 94-95 Flags, laws relating to, 85-87 Flagstaff Plantation, Arnold at, 56 Floral emblem, 91-92 Flower, state, 91-92 Food administration. 20 Food inspection, 203 Forestry, 220-24 Fort Loyal, 315 332 THE MAINE BOOK Fort Western, 55 Forts, 46 Foster, Benjamin, 48 Fox, John, 62 Frankfort, granites at, 228 Franklin, county, 83; early newspapers, 151 Franz Joseph, see Austria, Archduke of Free Baptist Church, 196 Freeman, Samuel holder of first copy- right, 147 ^ ^. French and Indian wars, sec Indian wars Friends, Society of, 195, 198 Frye, William P., 236 Frj'eburg, 137, 160; famous men of, 136; Lovewell's fight, 112 Fur industry, 258 Game, 256 Game of Life and Death, 172 Gardiner, Church of England at, 195 Gardinerstown, alluded to, 54 Gas companies, number of, 254 Gazette and Inquirer, 151 Gazette of Maine, 148 Genealogy, brief bibliography, 324 Geography, 37-40 Geologj-, survey, 251-52 Georgetown, alluded to, 54 Germany, in European war, 9-13 Godfrey, Edward, 66 Goodale, Ezekiel, printer, 153-54 Goodyear, ^Moses, land grant, 42 Gorgeana, 43, 81. See also Chronological record of events. Gorges, Ferdinando, land grant, 42 ; claim sold to Massachusetts, 44. See also Chronological record of events. Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 42, 43, 64, 65, 67, 77, 78. See also Chronological record of events. Gorges, Captain William, 65, 77. Sec also Chronological record of events. Gorham. early library at, 190 Gospel Banner, 152, 196 Government, 58; colonial, 44, 64-67; pres- ent, 68-69; local, 70-76. See also Chrono- logical record of events. Governor, powers and duties of, 72, 73, I 78-81 Governor, residence of, see Executive man- sion Governors, 107-9; war, 28-35 Granite, 227-28 Gray, early preaching at, 196 Great Britain, treaties with, 4 Greeley, Brig.-Gen. A. W., quoted, 6 Greene, Lieut.-Col. Christopher, 55 Greene, Clara Marcelle, 167 Griffith, George Bancroft, 166 Hallowell, publishing center, 147, 149, 153; early preaching at, 196 ; granite, 228 Hamlin, Elijah L., 61 Hampden, alluded to, 4 Hancock, John, alluded to, 62 Hancock county, 60, 82; early newspapers, 150; militia, 316 Hancock Gazette, 151 Harpswell, 164 Harris, E. E., 322; Maine, 117 Hart, Lester M., 322; Maine, 116 Hatch, Louis Clinton, 166 Health, State Department of, 301-2 Hebron, academy, 195; sanatorium, 293 Hemenway, Rev. Moses, 62 Hendricks, William, 54, 55 Herald of Liberty, 150 Higgins Classical Institute, 195 High schools, see Schools Highway Commission, 245, 247 Highways, 245-47 Historical sources, 43, 44, 58, 324-26 Histor}^ brief bibliography, 325-26 Hitchcock, C. H., geologist, 251 Holman, C. Vey, state geologist, 227 Holman, Silas, 61 Holmes, Ezekiel, naturalist, 251 Horses, valuation, 311 Horticulture, Bureau of, 202 Horton, Captain, 47 Hospitals, insane, 266, 267, 271-79 Howe, Caroline Dana, 167 Hunting, 242 Hurricane Isle, granites, 228 Hyde, William DeWitt, 165 Ice, 218 Indian wars, 3, 112, 315. See also Chrono- logical record of events. Indians, 110-113; government, 64; bibli- ography, 112-13; religion, 194 Industrial Accident Commission, 178, 305-7 Industrial accidents, 248 Industrial School for Girls, see State School for Girls Industries, 207-38, 221-24, 228-31, 235, 236, 249-50, 258 Inebriates' Home, Windham, 296 Ingersoll, Lieutenant George, 315 Inheritance taxes, 321 Initiative law, 71-72, 83 Insane, 266, 270, 271-79 Inspection, Division of, 203-4 Institutions, 266-300; finances, 314; juve- nile, 283-91 Insurance, 303-4; Commissioner of, 303, 305, 306 Islands, 39 It's Home Up Here, (poem), 115 Jackson, Dr. Charles T., geologist, 251 Jails, 266, 270 James I, 64, 65, 77 James II, 44, 78 Jesuits, 42 Jewett, Sarah Orne, 166 Johnson, Henrj-, 166 Jones, Captain Ichabod, 47 Jones, John Paul, 4, 234 INDEX 333 Judd, Rev. Sylvester, 169 Judges, see Courts Judiciary, 77-79 Julia, first novel by Madam \\ ood, 141 Junior Volunteers, see Boys Working Re- serve Justices of the peace, 79 Juvenile institutions, see Institutions, ju- venile Kaiser Wilhelm, see Wilhelm II Kaler, James Otis, 164 Kames, 27 Katahdin, mountain, minerals, 227 Kearsarge, 234 Keating, Sally S. B., see Wood, Madam Kellogg, Elijah, 163-64 Kennebec county, 82; early newspapers, 149-50 Kennebec Gazette, 150 Kennebec patent, 65, 78, 81 Kennebec Purchase, 42 Kennebec river, 43, 55, 233 Kennebec settlements, condition in 1775, 53-54 Kennebeck Intelligencer, 149-50, 154 Kennebunk, river, 77 Kennebunk Gazette, 150 Kennebunkport, 169 Kent's Hill, 196 Kin O'Ktaadn, 173 King, William, first governor, 28-30, 135; land purchased from, 298 King Philip's War, 3, 81, 112, 315 King Spruce, 174 Kittery, 43, 233, 234; early library, 190; early churches, 195; militia. 315 Knights of Columbus, contributions to, 19, 20 Knox, Henry, 62 Knox county, 83; early newspapers, 151; lime quarries, 230 Koopman, Harry L., 166 Labor and Industrj-, Commissioner of, 305, 307 Labor and Industry, Department of, 248-50 Lafayette National Park, 244 Lake George, alluded to, 3 Lakes, 39 Land grants, 42-44, 64-65. Sec also Chron- ological record of events. Landloper, 174 Lead On, Maine, (poem), 126 Leather industry, 225 Lee, Jesse, founder of M. E. Church, 196 Legislature, colonial, 60, 67; present, 68, 71-72, 73-74, 178, 180 Legislature of 1917,- war measures enacted. 14, 15 Leverett, Thomas, land grant, 42 Levett, Christopher, 42 Lewis, Lathrop, 61 Lewis, Thomas, land grant, 42 Lewiston, sanatorium at, 294 Lewiston Journal, 151 Lewiston Light Infantry, 6 Lexington, battle of, alluded to, 47 "Lexington of the seas," sec Machias, first naval battle Liberty loans, 19 Liberty Pole, 48 Liberty Standard, 152 Libraries, 190-92 Library, see Maine State Library Library Commission, see Maine Library Commission Lime industry, 230 Lincoln, Enoch, governor, 98 ; first Maine poet, 135-38 Lincoln, Levi, 61, 135 . Lincoln county, 60, 67, 82 ; early newspa- pers, 150; militia, 316 Literature, 157-74 Lithgow, Alaj.-Gen. William, 316 Live stock, statistics, 205; valuation, 311 Live Stock Sanitary Commissioner, 178 London Company, 64 Long, John D., 164, 322 Long Island, alluded to, 4 Longfellow, Henry W., 159-60, 168 Longfellow, Stephen, jr., 62 Lothrop, Dr. Daniel, 53 Lothrop, Dr. Joshua, 53 Loud, Jacob H., 61 Louisburg, siege of, 3, 82 Lovejoy, Rev. Elijah P., 152 Lovell's fight, sec Lovewell's fight Lovewell's fight, ri2, 160 Lubec, minerals at, 227 Lumber industry, 221, 224. 249 Lusitania, sinking of, ir Lutheran Church, Evangelical, 199 Lygonia, patent, 42, 43, 65, yj ; province, 43 McClanethan, Rev. William, founder of Presbyterian Church, 195 Mace, Frances Laughton, 167 Machegonne, 43 Machias, first naval battle of revolution, 3-4, 47; early library at, 190 Machias, 22,6 McLellan, Isaac, 161, 2^2 ; Maine, 123 Madawaska, alluded to, 4 Maine, name of, 39-40, 60 Maine, (poem), 116 Maine, (poem), 116 Maine, (poem), 117 Maine, (poem), ir8 Maine, (poem), 123 Maine Baptist Herald, 152 Maine Bible Society, 198 Maine Central Institute, 196 Maine Farmer's Almanac, 153 Maine Roral Emblem Society, 91 Maine Forestry District, 220 Maine Gazette, 151 Maine Historical Society, 43 Maine Inquirer, 151 Maine Institution for the Blind, 300 Maine Library Association, 191 334 THE MAINE BOOK Maine Library Commission, 191-92 Maine School for Deaf, 291 Maine State Library, 191, 192 Maine Sunday School Society, 198 Maine Washingtonian Journal, 14S Maine IVcslcyaii Journal, 152 Man Against the Sky, 171 Manufactures, 249-50 Maps, topographic, 254 Margaret, 170 Margaretta, 48-50 Margranetto, see Margaretta Markets, Division of, 203 Mary, Queen of England, 44, 67, 78 Mason, Captain John, 42 Massachusetts, territory claimed by, 43, 58, 81 ; title confirmed, 44, 58 ; purchases Gorges' claim, 44; first charter, 81; charter revoked, 44; second charter, 67, 82 ; colonial charter revoked, 78. See also Chronological record of events ^Massachusetts Bay, Province of, 44 Master William, first American periodical, 157 May, Julia Harris, 167, z^Z; O! Wanderers of Maine, 131 i\Iay, Sophie, see Clark, Rebecca Sophia Mayor of the Woods, 174 Megantic, lake, 56 Meigs, RIajor Return Jonathan, 55 Merlin, 171 }klerrill, Elizabeth Powers, 323; Lead On, Maine, 126 Merrimac river, 43 Metcalf, Lorettus S., 155 Methodist Episcopal Church, 196, 198 Mica, 229 Military, 315-19 Militia, 3, 4, 315-17, 318, 319 Milliken, Carl E., governor, 14, 15, 34-35, 323; war proclamation, 18-19 Millinocket, paper industry, 222-24 Mills, 208, 210, 222-24, 229 ]\Iineral springs, 231 ]\Iinerals, 227-32 Mining, 228-30 Missouri Compromise, alluded to, 61 Mitchell, Edward P., 155, 166 Molybdenum, 230-31 Monhegan, 42, 214 Monmouth, battle of, alluded to, 4 Monroe, Barnard, Dirigo, 1 18 Monroe, James, President, 6r Moore, Ella Maude Smith, 167 Moore, Midshipman, commander of Mar- garetta, 48 Moorehead, Warren K., archeologist, no Morgan, Daniel, 54, 55 Motherland, (poem), 119 Mother's aid, 266, 267, 269 Motto, State, 89 Mount Desert, 42; first religious service in Maine at, 194; Catholic missions at, 196 Mountains, 37 Municipal courts, 79 Municipalities, 70-71 Munsey, Frank A., 155, 166 Muscongus Patent, 42, 65 Museum, 256 My Maine, (poem), 128 Name of Old Glory, quotation, xiii Name of state, 39-40, 60 Nason, Arthur Huntington, 166 Nason, Emma Huntington, 166, 22^, ; I'erses from the Old Homestead, 117 Xasson, Samuel, 63 National Council of Defense, 15 National Guard, 317, 318, 319 Xative Poets of Maine, 166 Natural resources, 39, 227-32, 251, 252, 254- Naturalization laws, 74-75 Naval battles, 3, 4, 47, 48-50, 234 Naval militia, 318 Navy, 4, 6, 20, 179; ships built in Maine, 234, 236 New Brunswick, 4, 6 New England, Great Council of, 42, 43, 65 ; government, 44. See also Chrono- logical record of events New Gloucester, early preaching at, 196 New Jerusalem, church of, 198 New Somersetshire, 65, yy New Sweden, colony established, 83 Newspapers, early, 148-53 Noble, W. Clark, sculptor, 99 Norridgewock, Arnold at, 55 ; massacre, 112; Catholic mission at, 196 North Jay, granites at, 228 North Yarmouth Academy, early library at, 190 Northeast Frontier, sec Northeastiern Boundary Northeastern Boundary, 4, 6, 83, 136 Northern Maine Sanatorium, 294 Norton, Walter, land grant, 42 Norway, early preaching at, 196 Nothing but Flags, see Returned Maine Battle Flags Nova Scotia, 58; separated from Massa- chusetts Bay, 44 Novelists, 140-46 Nurses, in European War, 20 Nye, Bill, see Nye, Edgar Wilson Nje, Edgar Wilson, 163, 165 O! Wanderers of Maine, (poem), 31 O'Brien, Jeremiah, 49, 50 O'Brien, John, 49 O'Brien, Morris, 48 Old Man's Story, 143 Old Town, destroyed, 112 Oldham, John, land grant, 42 On Misery Gore, ly^. 103d Infantry, 26th Division, A. E. F., 27 Oriental Trumpet, 150 Orphan Asylum, see Bath Military and Naval Orphan Asylum INDEX 335 Osgood, Kate Putnam, 167 Otis, James, sec Kaler, James Otis Owen, Moses, 94, 165, 323 Oxford county, S2; early newspapers, 150; minerals, 229 Paper industry, 222-24, 249 Paris, mica and tourmaline deposits, 229 Parker, John, 53 Parris, Albion K., governor, 135, 136 Parsonsfield, sanatorium at, 294 Passamaquoddy Bay, 4 Passamaquoddy Indians, 112 Patent for New England, 43 Patents, 65, 77, 78. See also Chronological record of events ; Kennebec Patent ; Land grants; Lygonia Patent Pearl of Orr's Island, 169 Pejepscot River, land grants, 42 Pe'maquid, 77, 81 ; land grants, 42 ; patent, 65. See also Chronological record of events. Penobscot county, ^t, ; early newspapers, 150 Penobscot Indians, 112 Penobscot Journal, 150 Penobscot Patriot, 151 Pensions, 180 Pepperell, William, 3, 82, 140, 233 Periodical, first American, 157. See also Newspapers. Personal estate, 311, 312 Peru, feldspar and mica at, 229 Philo, 170 Phips, Sir William, 3, 233 Pike, Manley H., 323; Seguin, 130 Pilgrims, 42 Pine, 91-92 Pine, The, (poem), 122 Pine Tree Ballads, 173 Piscataqua river, 43, 44, 65 Piscataquis county, 83 ; early newspapers, 151 ; minerals, 227 Piscataquis Herald, 151 Piscataquis Observer, 151 Pittston, alluded to, 54 Plains of Abraham, alluded to, 3 Plant Industr}', Division of, 201 Plantations, 71 . Plymouth, colony of, 44 Plymouth company, 64, 65, 77. See also Chronological record of events. Poems, 115-133; early volumes, 147 Poets, 135-38, 158, 162, 165 Poets of Maine, 166 Polly, 47 Poor, support of, 266, 267-69 Popham, George, 64, 65, 77 Popham, colony, 42, 80, 157-58, 233 Popham, (poem), 133 Porctipine, 171 Port Royal, alluded to, 3 Porter, Benjamin, 61 Portland, 43, 234, 315; naval engagement, 4; capital, 83; early library at, 190; early preaching at, 196; institution for blind, 300; militia at, 316; first uni- formed military company at, 317. See also Newspapers. Portland Advertiser, 148 Portland Athenaeum, 190 Portland Gazette, 148 Portland Magazine, 148 Powers, Llewellyn, governor, 33-34 Pownalborough, alluded to, 54 PrentisSj Elizabeth Payson, 167 Presbyterian Church, 195-96, 199 President, United States, 11, 12, 14, 15 Presidents of Province, 43, 44 Primary election law, 72-74 Pring, Martin, 42 Printers, early, 153-54 Printing, early, 147 ; public, 262-63 Prison, 266, 267, 270, 298-99 Probate Auxiliary, 147 Probate courts, 79 Prohibition, 83 Proprietary government, see Government, colonial Province of Maine, 77 Public health, 302 Public Health Council, 301 Public lands, 61 Public Utilities, 251-55 Publishers, 154-55 Pulp industry, 222, 249 Purchase, Thomas, land grant, 43 Puritans, missionary activities, 195 Quakers, sec Friends, society of Quarries, 228-30 Quebec, alluded to, 4; Arnold's expedition, 52-57; number engaged in, 55 Railroads, number of, 254. See also Pub- lic L'tilities. Rainfall, 38, 255 Rainy Day Railroad JVar, 174 Rale, Sebastian, 194; massacre of, 112 Ramrodders, 174 Randal], Benjamin, founder Free Baptist Church, 196 Ranger, 234 Readfield, first M. E. church at, 196 Real estate, 311, 312 Red Beach, granites at, 228 Red Cross, American, contributions to, 19, 20 Red Lane, 174 Red Paint Indians, no Referendum law, 72, 83 Reform School, see State School for Boys Reform societies, 198 Reformatories, 266, 267, 270, 283-88, 296-97 Registration of voters, 75-76 Religious history, 194-99 Religious newspapers, see Newspapers 336 THE MAINE BOOK Returned Maine Battle Flags, 94 Revolution, war of, 3-4, 47; number en- gaged in, 3-4; first naval battle, 3, 4" Re^xdale, Robert, 323; Motherland. 119 Richard Edney, i/O Richards, Laura E., 169 Ricker Classical Institute, 19S Rigby, Colonel Alexander, 43, 65, 77 Riggs, Mrs. George C, see Wiggni, Kate Douglas Riley, James Whitcomb, 323; quotation, xiii Rivers, 39) flow of, 255 Roads, see Highways Robinson. Edwin Arlington, 169-71. ^'^ Rockland, lime quarries, 230 Rollo books, 164 Ross, Daniel, first land agent, 220 Rumford, paper industry, 222 Russel's Echo, 150 Russia, in European war, 9-10 Sabbath School Instructor, 152 Saco, 43, 81 ; land grant, 42 ; court estab- lished at, 77; early library at. 190; early preaching at, I95> 196; militia at, 315- See also Chronological record of events. Saco Indians, 112 Saco patent, 65 Sagadahoc, militia at, 315 Sagadahoc, county, 83; early newspapers. 151. See also Chronological record of events. Sagadahoc, patent, 65 ; province, 58 Sagadahoc, river, 65, 233 Sailors, see Navy Sailors, dependent, 270 St. Croix, island, 42 St. Croix, river, 37, 39 St. George's Island, 42 St. George's River, 42 St. John, river, 37 St. Mary's College, 198 Salvation Army, 199; contributions to. 19 Sampson, Sara A., 289 Sanatoriums, 266, 267, 270, 293-94 Sandy River Yeoman, 151 Santiago, Cuba, surrender, 6 Saratoga, alluded to, 4 Sayward family, 140 Scarborough. 28 Schools, public, 182-84; number pupils en- rolled, 182; financial support of, 183; ru- ral, 183; sanitary conditions, 183; sec- ondary, 183; Catholic, 198; charitable and correctional, 267, 269, 283-88 Scott, General Winfield, 6 "Scrap of paper," 10, 11 Screven, William. 195 Sea and Shore Fisheries Commission, 215 Seal, state, 88-89 Second Regiment. N. G. S. M.. 27, 317 Secretarv of State, 71-74, 178, 192, 201, 308-9 Seed Improvement, Bureau of, 202 Seguin, (poem), 130 Separation from Massachusetts, 58-61 ; commissioners appointed, 61 Serbia, in European War, 9-1 1 Settlements, 42, 53-54. See also Chrono- logical record of events ; Colonization Seventh Day Adventists, 198 Sewall, Dummer, 62 Sewall, Frank, Maine, 118 Sewall, Stephen, 158 Seymour, Rev. Richard, first Protestant service conducted by, 194 Shaw, Henry Wheeler, 165 Shedd, Lydia Lord, That's JVIicre Maine Comes In, 129 Sheep, valuation, 311 Shipbuilding, 233-38, 249 Ships, 233-38 Shoe industry, 225 Sieur de Monts National Monument, see Lafayette National Park Signal Corps, 6-7 Sigourney, L. H., Popham, 133 Skipper and the Skipped, 174 Skowhegan, reformatory for women, 297 Smith. Elizabeth Oakes, 164-65 Smith, Hezekiah, founder of first Baptist church, 195 Smith, Captain John, 42, 80, 214. See also Chronological record of events. Smith, Matthew, 54, 55 Smith, Rev. Samuel F., 169 Smith, Seba, 148, 163, 164 Social service, 266-70 Sokokis, no .Sokwakiaks, see Sokokis Soldiers, see Army Soldiers, dependent, 270 Somers, Frederick M., 155 Somerset county, 82; early newspapers, 151. See also Chronological record of events. Sojiicrset Journal, 151 Song to Maine, A, (poem), 125 Spanish-American War, 6 Spofiford, Harriet Prescott, 166 Spurwink, 43 Squire Phin, 174 Stackpole, Everett S., 166 Stanwood, Edward, 155, 162 State Board of Health, sec Health. State' Department of State House, 98-99, 136 State Library, see Maine State Library State of Maine, My State of Maine, (poem), r20 State officials, 68-69, 178-81 State School for Boys, 283-8; State School for Girls, 286-88 '•State Steal," 83 • Steamboat companies, number of, 254 Stephens. Charles A., 162 Stevens. Edmund, 49 Stevens, John Calvin, architect, 104 INDEX 337 Stevens, Will O., 164 Stillwater, alluded to, 4 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 168 Stratton, John, land grant, 42 Submarine warfare, 11, 12 Sullivan, James, alluded to, 135 Summer resorts, 240-44 Summer visitors, 216, 240, 242 Superior courts, 79 Supreme Judicial Court, 69, 79 Surveys, 37, 251-52 Swift, J. Otis, My Maine, 128 Sylvester, David, 62 Tales of the Night, 144-45 Teachers, certification of, 182 Telegraph companies, number of, 254 Telephone companies, 254 That's -Where Maine Comes In, (poem), 129 Thomaston, minerals at, 227 ; prison, 298 Thomaston Register, 151 Thompson, Samuel, 63 Thoreau, Henry D., alluded to, 168 Ticonderoga, alluded to, 4 Titcomb, Benjamin, jr., 147, 148, 153 Tocsin, 149 Tompkins, Mary, of early Friends society, 195 Topography, 37, 39, 252, 254 Topsham, feldspar at, 229 Tourmaline, 229 Tozvn Down the River, 170 Town government, 71 Town Officer, 147 Towns, number, 71 Townships, yi Traveling libraries, see Maine Library Commission Treasurer of State, 178, 179, 313-14 Treaties, 4, 82. 6"^^ also Chronological record of events. Trees, 220-21 Trelawny, Robert, land grant, 42 Trial justices, 79 True, Eliza S., author first volume poems. 147, 158 Tuberculosis sanatoriums, see Sanatoriums Tucker, Richard, lease of Machegonne, 43 U-boats, see Submarine warfare Uncle 'Tom's Cabin, 168 Union, early library at, 190 Unitarian Church, 196, 198 United War Work, contributions to, 19 Unity, 47, 49 Universal Spelling Book, first book pub- lished in Maine, 147 Universalist Banner, 152 Universalist Church, 196, 198 Universalist Leader, 152 Universalist Palladium, 152 University of Maine, 186-87, 3^?>'' agricul- tural extension service, 20 Up in Maine, 173 Valley Forge, alluded to, 4 Valuation of state, 310-12 Van Buren, St. Mary's College at, 178 Van Zorn, 171 Vannah, Kate, 167 Vassalborough, alluded to, 54; name of, 102 Vaughan, William T., first clerk of courts of Cumberland, 144 Verses From the Old Homestead, 117 Vicksburg, 234 Village, The, first volume poems. 136, 137- 38, 147, 159 Vinalhaven, granites at, 228 Vines, Richard, 42, 81. See also Chrono- logical record of events. Virginia, colony, charter of, 64 Virginia of Sagadahock, 233 Vision of War, 172 Vital statistics, 302 Vocational education, 184 Voice of Maine, The, (poem), 127 Voters, qualifications of, 75-76, 83 Wait, Thomas, 147, 148, 149, 153 Waldo county, 83; early newspapers, 151. See also Chronological record of events. Waldo Patent, 42, 65 War governors, 28-35 War libraries, 19 War of 1812, 4, 59; number engaged in, 4 War organizations, contributions to, 19. 20 War savings, 19 Ward, Artemas, see Browne, Charles Farrar Ware, Ashur, first Secretary of State, 309 Warehousemen, number of, 254 Warren, early library at, 190; dolomites at, 227 Wars, see Aroostook War ; Civil War ; Eu- ropean War; Indian Wars: Revolution. War of; War of 1812 Washburn, Israel, jr., governor, 30-31 Washington, George, 3, 52, 54, 62 Washington county, 60, 82 ; early news- papers, 150; militia, 316 Water companies, number of, 254 Water powers, 251, 252, 254-55 Water storage, see Public Utilities Waterville, early churches, 196 Way, George, land grant, 43 Waymouth, George, 42, 80 Webster-Ashburton treaty, 4, 83 Weights and measures, 203-4 Wells, 43; militia at, 315 Westbrook. early library at, 190 Westbrook, seminary, ig6 Western Maine Sanatorium, 293 Weston, Hannah, 49 Weston, Rebecca, 49 Wharfingers, number of, 254 Whittier, John G., alluded \o. 168 Widgery, William, 63 Widow's Island, hospital. 272 338 THE MAINE BOOK Wiggin, Kate Douglas, 169 Wild lands, 221 Wilder, David, 61 Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany, 10 William, King of England, 44, 67, 78 Williams, Reiiel, 33, 61, 271 Williamson, Joseph, 165 Williamson, Julia May, 167 ^^■illiamson, William D., governor, 107, 135 Willis, Nathaniel P., 148-49, 154, 161, 162 Willis, Sarah Payson, i6r Wilson, Woodrow, 11, 12, 14, 15 Windham, reformatory for men, 296 Winslow, Edward, at Monhegan, 214 Winslow, alluded to, 54 Winter, John, shipbuilder, 233 Winter Harbor, militia at, 315 Winter resorts, 244 Winthrop, early library at, 190 Wiscasset, early library at, 190 IViscasset Argus, 150 .IViscassct Telegraph, 150 Wolfe, James, alluded to, 3 ^^'omen authors, 140-46, 147, 158, 161, 164, 166-68, 169, 322-23 Wood, General Abiel, 143 Wood, Madam, 140-46 Woolen industry, 210-12, 249 Woolwich, alluded to, 54 Workmen's compensation, 303, 305-7 World war, see European War Wright, E. M., 61 York, county, 4, 43, 67 ; early newspapers, 150. See also Yorkshire. York, town, first Revolutionary volunteers from, 3; early library at, 190; first Puri- tan church at, 195; militia at, 315 York Harbor, 169 Yorkshire, 43, 66, 77, 81. See also Chrono- logical record of events. Yorktown, alluded to, 4 Y. M. C. A., contributions to, 19, .20; first local, 198 Y. W. C. A., contributions to, 19, 20 Youth's Companion, 161-62 Zion's Advocate, 152 88S? D 000 323 305 3 Mim iiiiiiiniii iiiini