M . ^HH Oil-tempering the lining of a Big Gun (See page 76) INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR BY A. RUSSELL BOND MANAGING EDITOR OF "SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN/' AUTHOR OF "ON THE BATTLE-FRONT OF ENGINEERING," ETC. WITH MANY ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK THE CENTURY CO. 1919 Copyright, 1918, 1919, by THE CENTUBY Co. Published, June, 1919 is PREFACE The great World War was more than two- thirds over when America entered the struggle, and yet in a sense this country was in the war from its very beginning. Three great inven- tions controlled the character of the fighting and made it different from any other the world has ever seen. These three inventions were American. The submarine was our invention ; it carried the war into the sea. The airplane was an American invention ; it carried the war into the sky. We invented the machine gun; it drove the war into the ground. It is not my purpose to boast of American genius but, rather, to show that we entered the war with heavy responsibilities. The inven- tions we had given to the world had been de- veloped marvelously in other lands. Further- more they were in the hands of a determined and unscrupulous foe, and we found before us the task of overcoming the very machines that we had created. Yankee ingenuity was faced with a real test. 459572 vi PREFACE The only way of overcoming the airplane was to build more and better machines than the en- emy possessed. This we tried to do, but first we had to be taught by our allies the latest re- finements of this machine, and the war was over before we had more than started our aerial pro- gram. The machine gun and its accessory, barbed wire (also an American invention), were overcome by the tank; and we may find what little comfort we can in the fact that its inven- tion was inspired by the sight of an American farm tractor. But the tank was a British cre- ation and was undoubtedly the most important invention of the war. On the sea we were faced with a most baffling problem. The U-boat could not be coped with by the building of swarms of submarines. The essential here was a means of locating the enemy and destroying him even while he lurked under the surface. Two Amer- ican inventions, the hydrophone and the depth bomb, made the lot of the U-boat decidedly un- enviable and they hastened if they did not ac- tually end German frightfulness on the sea. But these were by no means the only inven- tions of the war. Great Britain showed won- derful ingenuity and resourcefulness in many PREFACE vii directions; France did marvels with, the air- plane and showed great cleverness in her devel- opment of the tank and there was a host of minor inventions to her credit; while Italy showed marked skill in the creation of large air- planes and small seacraft. The Central Powers, on the other hand, were less originative but showed marked resourceful- ness in developing the inventions of others. Forts were made valueless by the large portable Austrian guns. The long range gun that shelled Paris was a sensational achievement, but it cannot be called a great invention because it was of little military value. The great Ger- man Zeppelins were far from a success because they depended for their buoyancy on a highly inflammable gas. It is interesting to note that while the Germans were acknowledging the fail- ure of their dirigibles the British were launch- ing an airship program, and here in America we had found an economical way of producing a non-inflammable balloon gas which promises a great future for aerial navigation. The most important German contribution to the war it cannot be classed as an invention was poison gas, and it was not long ere they re- viil PREFACE gretted this infraction of -the rules of civilized warfare adopted at the Hague Conference ; for the Allies soon gave them a big dose of their own medicine and before the war was over, fairly deluged them with lethal gases of every variety. Many inventions of our own and of our allies were not fully developed when the war ended, and there were some which, although primarily intended for purposes of war, will be most serv- iceable in time of peace. For this war was not one of mere destruction. It set men to thinking as they had never thought before. It intensi- fied their inventive faculties, and as a result, the world is richer in many ways. Lessons of thrift and economy have been taught us. Man- ufacturers have learned the value of standardi- zation. The business man has gained an appre- ciation of scientific research. The whole story is too big to be contained within the covers of a single book, but I have selected the more important and interesting in- ventions and have endeavored to describe them in simple language for the benefit of the reader who is not technically trained. A. EUSSELL BOND New York, May, 1919 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I THE WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND . 3 II HAND-GRENADES AND TRENCH MORTARS . 20 III GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES .... 41 IV GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 62 V THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS .... 85 VI TANKS . . . . / . V |S V . 107 VII THE WAR IN THE AIR . . ., > ? . . 123 VIII SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES , . ..'-. 148 IX GETTING THE RANGE . . . ' . . .-> 169 X TALKING IN THE SKY . . . . . . 184 XI WARRIORS OP THE PAINT-BRUSH . . . 209 XII SUBMARINES . . . ... . . . 232 XIII GETTING THE BEST OP THE U-BOAT . . 253 XIV ' 'DEVIL'S EGGS " . A . . . -; . . 276 XV SURFACE BOATS v . 298 XVI RECLAIMING THE VICTIMS OF THE SUBMA- RINES . . , . , . . . . . 310 INDEX - 339 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Oil-tempering the lining of a big gun . Frontispiece FACING PAGE Lines of zig-zag trenches as viewed from an aero- plane . . ...... * > . . . . 8 French sappers using stethoscopes to detect the mining operations of the enemy .... 9 A 3-inch Stokes mortar and two of its shells . . 36 Dropping a shell into a 6-inch trench mortar . 36 The Maxim machine-gun operated by the energy of the recoil .......... 37 Colt machine-gun partly broken away to show the operating mechanism . . . , . . .37 The Lewis gun which produces its own cooling current ...... ..... 44 The Benet-Mercie gun operated by gas ... 44 Browning machine gun, weighing 34V2 pounds . 45 Browning machine rifle, weight only 15 pounds 45 Lewis machine-guns in action at the front . . 52 An elaborate German machine-gun fort ... 53 Comparative diagram of the path of a projectile from the German super-gun ..... 60 One of our 16-inch coast defence guns on a dis- appearing mount ...... 61 Height of gun as compared with the New York City Hall .......... 61 The 121-mile gun designed by American ordnance officer ....... .* ..... 68 American 16-inch rifle on a railway mount . . 69 xi xii ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE A long-distance sub-calibered French gun on a railway mount 76 Inside of a shrapnel shell and details of the fuse cap 77 Searchlight shell and one of its candles ... 77 Patting on the gas masks to meet a gas cloud at- tack 84 Even the horses had to be masked 85 Portable flame-throwing apparatus .... 85 Liquid fire streaming from fixed flame-throwing apparatus 92 Cleaning up a dugout with the "fire-broom" . 93 British tank climbing out of a trench at Cambrai 112 Even trees were no barrier to the British tank . 113 The German tank was very heavy and cumber- some 113 The speedy British " Whippet " tank that can travel at a speed of twelve miles per hour . 120 The French high-speed "baby" tank .... 120 Section through our Mark VIII tank showing the layout of the interior 121 A Handley-Page bombing plane with one of its wings folded back 128 How an object dropped from the Woolworth Building would increase its speed in falling 129 Machine gun mounted to fire over the blades of the propeller 136 Mechanism for firing between the blades of the propeller 136 It would take a hundred horses to supply the power for a small airplane 137 The flying-tank 144 An. N-C (Navy-Curtiss) seaplane of the type that made the first flight across the Atlantic . . 145 A big German Zeppelin that was forced to come down on French soil , . 148 ILLUSTRATIONS xiii I-ACING PAGE Observation car lowered from a Zeppelin sailing above the clouds 149 Giant British dirigible built along the lines of a Zeppelin 156 One of the engine cars or * ' power eggs " of a Brit- ish dirigible 156 Crew of the C-5 (American coastal dirigible) starting for Newfoundland to make a trans- atlantic flight |. . . . 157 The curious tail of a kite balloon 160 Observers in the basket of an observation balloon 160 Enormous range-finders mounted on a gun turret of an American warship 161 British anti-aircraft section getting the range of an enemy aviator ........ 176 A British aviator making observations over the German lines -.,.* 177 Radio headgear of an airman 192 Carrying on conversation by radio with an aviator miles away 192 Long distance radio apparatus at the Arlington (Va.) station 193 A giant gun concealed among trees behind the French lines 212 Observing the enemy from a papier-mache replica of a dead horse 213 Camouflaged headquarters of the American 26th Division in France 220 A camouflaged ship in the Hudson River on Vic- tory Day 221 Complex mass of wheels and dials inside a German submarine 240 Surrendered German submarines, showing the net cutters at the bow 241 Forward end of a U-boat ,..,.. TIT ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE A depth-bomb mortar and a set of * * ash cans ' ' at the stern of an American destroyer . . . 257 A depth bomb mortar in action and a depth bomb snapped as it is being hurled through the air . . . . . ....... 260 Airplane stunning a U-boat with a depth bomb . 261 The false hatch of a mystery ship ..... 268 The same hatch opened to disclose the 3-inch gun and crew ........... 268 A French hydrophone installation with which the presence of submarines was detected . . 269 Section of a captured mine-laying U-boat . . 272 A paravane hauled up with a shark caught in its jaws / ........ ,. ... 273 A Dutch mine-sweeper engaged in clearing the North Sea of German mines ..... 288 Hooking up enemy anchored mines . . . .289 An Italian "sea tank" climbing over a harbor boom ............ 300 Deck of a British aircraft mothership or "hush ship" ......... ... 301 Electrically propelled boat or surface torpedo, at- tacking a warship ........ 304 Hauling a seaplane up on a barge so that it may be towed ... ........ 305 Climbing into an armored diving suit .... 320 Lowering an armored diver into the water . . 320 A diver's sea sled ready to be towed along the bed of the sea ......... 321 The sea sled on land showing the forward horizon- tal and after vertical rudders ...... 321 The diving sphere built for deep sea salvage op- erations ........... 324 The pneumatic breakwater ....... 325 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR CHAPTER I THE WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND FOR years the Germans had been preparing for war. The whole world knew this, but it had no idea how elaborate were their preparations, and how these were carried out to the very minutest detail. When the call to arms was sounded, it was a matter of only a few hours before a vast army had been assem- bled fully armed, completely equipped, ready to swarm over the frontiers into Belgium and thence into France. It took much longer for the French to raise their armies of defense, and still longer for the British to furnish France with any adequate help. Despite the heroic resistance of Belgium, the Entente Allies were unprepared to stem the tide of German 4 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR soldiers who poured into the northern part of France. So easy did the march to Paris seem, that the Germans grew careless in their advance and then suddenly they met with a reverse that sent them back in full retreat. However, the mili- tary authorities of Germany had studied not only how to attack but also how to retreat and how to stand on the defensive. In this, as in every other phase of the conflict, they were far in advance of the rest of the world, and after their defeat in the First Battle of the Marne, they retired to a strong position and hastily prepared to stand on the defensive. When the Allies tried to drive them farther back, they found that the German army had simply sunk into the ground. The war of manoeuver had given way to trench warfare, which lasted through long, tedious months nearly to the end of the great conflict. The Germans found it necessary to make the stand because the Eussians were putting up such a strong fight on Germany's eastern fron- tier. Men had to be withdrawn from the west- ern front to stem the Russian tide, which meant that the western armies of the kaiser had to WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND 5 cease their offensive activities for the time be- ing. The delay was fatal to the Germans, for they had opposed to them not only brave men but intelligent men who were quick to learn. And when the Germans were ready to resume operations in the West, they found that the Allies also had sunk into the ground and had learned all their tricks of trench warfare, add- ing a number of new ones of their own. The whole character of the war was changed. The opposing forces were dead-locked and neither could break through the other's lines. The idea of digging into the ground did not originate with this war, but never before had it been carried out on so extensive a scale. The inventive faculties of both sides were vainly exercised to find some way of breaking the dead-lock. 'Hundreds of new inventions were developed. The history of war from the days of the ancient Eomans up to the present time was searched for some means of breaking down the opposing lines. However, the dead-lock was not broken until a special machine had been invented, a traveling fort. But the story of that machine is told in another chapter. At the outset the Allies dug very shallow 6 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR ditches, such as had been used in previous wars. When it was found that these burrows would have to be occupied for weeks and months, the French and British imitated the Germans and dug their trenches so deep that men could walk through them freely, without danger of ex- posing their heads above ground; and as the ditches grew deeper, they had to be provided with a firing-step on which the riflemen could stand to fire over the top of the trenches. The trenches were zig-zagged so that they could not be flanked, otherwise they would have made dan- gerous traps for the defenders; for had the enemy gained one end of the trench, he could have fired down the full length of it, killing or wounding every man it contained. But zig- zagging made it necessary to capture each turn separately. There were lines upon lines of these trenches. Ordinarily there were but three lines, several hundred feet apart, with communicating trenches connecting them, and then several kilometers l farther back were re- serve trenches, also connected by communicat- ing trenches with the front lines. i A kilometer is, roughly, six tenths of a mile ; or six miles would equal ten kilometers. WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND 7 Men did not dare to show themselves out in the open near the battle-front for a mile or more behind the front-line trenches, for the enemy 's sharp-shooters were always on the watch for a target. The men had to stay in the trenches day and night for two or more weeks at a time, and sleeping-accommodations of a very rough sort were provided for them in dugouts which opened into the trenches. The dugouts of the Allies were comparatively crude affairs, but the Germans spent a great deal of time upon their burrows. UNDERGROUND VILLAGES When the French first swept the Germans back out of their trenches along the Aisne, they were astonished to find how elaborate were these underground dwellings. They found that the ground was literally honeycombed with rooms and passageways. Often the dugouts were two stories in depth and extended as much as sixty feet below the level of the ground. In fact, all along this part of the front, the Ger- mans had a continuous underground village in which thousands of men were maintained. The officers' quarters were particularly well fitted 8 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR up, and every attention was given to the com- fort of their occupants. There were steel door-mats at the entrances of the quarters. The walls were boarded and even papered. The bedrooms were fitted with spring beds, i chiffoniers, and wash-stands, and all the rooms were lighted with electric lamps. There were spacious quarters for the men, with regular underground mess halls and elaborate kitchens. There were power-plants to furnish steam for the operation of pumps and for the lighting- plants and for other purposes. There was a chalk formation here in which were many large natural caves. One enormous cave was said to have held thirty thousand soldiers, and in this section the Germans kept large reserve forces. By digging far into the ground, the German troops secured protection from shell-fire; in fact, the horrible noise of battle was heard only as a murmur, down in these depths. With characteristic thorough- ness, the Germans built their trench system for a long stay; while the Allies, on the other hand, looked upon their trenches as merely temporary quarters, which would hold the enemy at bay until they could build up armies large enough (C) Underwood & Underwood Lines of Zig-Zag Trenches as viewed from an Airplane Courtesy of "Scientific American " French Sappers using Stethoscopes to detect the Mining Operations of the Enemy WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND 9 to drive the invaders out of the country. The construction of the trenches along some parts of the battle-line was particularly difficult, be- cause of the problem of drainage. This was especially true in Flanders, where the trenches in many cases were below water-level, and elaborate pumping-systems had to be installed to keep them dry. Some of them were concrete- lined to make them waterproof. In the early stages of the war, before the trenches were drained, the men had to stand in water for a good part of the time, and the only way they could get -about at all in the miry trenches was by having "duck-boards" in them. Duck- boards are sections of wooden sidewalk such as we find in small villages in this country, con- sisting of a couple of rails on which crosspieces of wood are nailed. These duck-boards fairly floated in the mud. Some of the trenches were provided with barbed-wire barriers or gates calculated to halt a raiding-party if it succeeded in getting into the trench. These gates were swung up out of the way, but when lowered they were kept closed with a rather complicated system of bolts which the enemy would be unable to unfasten 10 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR without some delay; and while he was strug- gling to get through the gate, he would be a target for the bullets of -the defenders. HIDING RAILROADS IN DITCHES Because of the elaborate system of trenches, and the distance from the front line to that part of the country where it was safe to operate in the open, it was necessary to build railways which would travel through tunnels and com- municating trenches to the front lines. These were narrow-gage railroads and a special stan- dard form of track section was designed, which was entirely of metal, something like the track sections of toy railroads. The tracks were very quickly laid and taken up at need. The locomotives had to be silent and smokeless and so a special form of gasolene locomotive was invented to haul the little cars along these minia- ture railroads to the front lines. Usually the trench railroads did not come to the very front of the battle-line, but their principal use was to carry shell to the guns which were located in concealed positions. Eailroad or tramway trenches could not be sharply zig-zagged but had to have easy curves, which were apt to be recog- WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND 11 nized by enemy airplanes, and so they were often concealed under a covering of wire strewn with leaves. PERISCOPES AND * ' SNIPERSCOPES " But while the armies were buried under- ground, it was necessary for them to keep their eyes upon each other so that each might be ready for any sudden onslaught of the other. Snipers were always ready to fire at any head that showed itself above the parapet of the trench and so the soldiers had to steal an idea from the submarines and build them periscopes with which they could look over the top of their trenches without exposing themselves. A trench periscope was a very simple affair, con- sisting of a tube with two mirrors, one at the top and one at the bottom, set at such an angle that a person looking into the side of the tube at the bottom could see out of the opposite side of the tube at the top. Observation posts were established wherever there was a slight rise in the ground. Some- times these posts were placed far in advance of the trenches and sometimes even behind the trenches where it was possible to obtain a good 12 INVENTIONS OP THE GREAT WAR view of the opposing lines. Sometimes a tunnel would be dug forward, leading to an outlet close to the enemy's lines, and here an observer would take his position at night to spy with his ears upon the activities of the enemy. Ob- servers who watched the enemy by day would often not dare to use periscopes, which might be seen by the enemy and draw a concentrated fire of rifles and even shell. So that every manner of concealment was employed to make the observation posts invisible and to have them blend with their surroundings. Observ- ers even wore veils so that the white of their skin would not betray them. Snipers were equally ingenious in concealing themselves. They frequently used rifles which were connected with a dummy butt and had a periscope sighting-attachment. This attach- ment was called a "sniperscope." The rifle- barrel could be pushed through a loophole in the parapet and the sniper standing safely be- low the parapet could hold the dummy butt to his shoulder and aim his rifle with perfect ac- curacy by means of the periscope. It was next to impossible to locate a sniper hidden in this way. One method of doing it was to examine WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND 13 rubbish, tin cans, or any object that had been penetrated by a bullet and note the direction taken by the bullet. This would give a line leading toward the source of the shot, and when a number of such lines were traced, they Redrawn from Military Map Reading by permission of E. 0. McKay FIG. 1. A "sniperscope" with which a sharpshooter could take aim without showing his head above the parapet would cross at a spot where the sniper or his gun w r as stationed, and a few shell would put the man out of business. Dummy heads of papier mache were sometimes stuck above the parapet to draw the fire of enemy snip- ers and the ^bullet-holes which quickly ap- 14 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR peared in them were studied to discover the lo- cation of the snipers. Sometimes fixed rifles were used. These were set on stands so that 'they could be very accurately trained upon some important enemy Redrawn from Military Map Reading by permission of E. C. McKay FIG. 2. A fixed rifle stand arranged to be fired after dark post. Then they could be fired in the dark, without aiming, to disturb night operations of the enemy. Often a brace of rifles, as many as six, would be coupled up to be fired simultane- ously, and by operating a single lever each gun would throw out the empty cartridge shell and bring a fresh one into position. WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND 15 STEEL BRIER PATCHES The most important defense of a trench sys- tem consisted in the barbed-wire entanglements placed before it. Barbed wire, by the way, is an American invention, but it was originally intended for the very peaceful purpose for keep- ing cattle within bounds. Long ago it was used in war, but never to the extent to which it was employed in this world struggle. The entangle- ments were usually set up at night and were merely fences consisting of stout posts driven into the ground and strung with barbed wire running in all directions, so as to make an im- penetrable tangle. Where it w r as possible to prepare the entanglements without disturbance and the position was an important one, the mass of barbed wire often extended for a hundred yards or more in depth. Just beyond the en- tanglements trip-wires were sometimes used. A trip-wire was a slack wire which was laid on the ground. Before being laid, the wire was tightly coiled so that it would not lie flat, but would catch the feet of raiders and trip them up. Each side had "gates" in the line through which this wire could quickly be removed to 16 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR let its own raiding-parties through. Some- times raiders used tunnels, with outlets be- yond the barbed wire, but they had to cut their way through the metal brier patches of their opponents. Early in the war, various schemes were de- vised for destroying the entanglements. There were bombs in the form of a rod about twelve feet long, which could be pushed under the wire and upon exploding would tear it apart. An- other scheme was to fire a projectile formed like a grapnel. The projectile was attached to the end of a cable and was fired from a small gun in the same way that life-lines are thrown out to wrecks near shore. Then the cable would be wound up on a winch and the grapnel hooks would tear the wire from its fast- enings. Such schemes, however, did not prove very practicable, and it was eventually found that a much better way of destroying barbed wire was to bombard it with high-explosive shell, which would literally blow the wire apart. But it required a great deal of shelling to de- stroy these entanglements, and it was really not until the tank was invented that such ob- structions could be flattened out so that they WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND 17 formed no bar to the passage of the soldiers. The Germans not only used fixed entangle- ments, but they had large standard sections of barbed wire arranged in the form of big cylindrical frames which would be carried easily by a couple of men and could be placed in position at a moment's notice to close a gap in the line or even to build up new lines of wire obstruction. MINES AND COUNTEB-MINES In the earlier stages of the war it proved so impossible to capture a trench when it was well defended by machine-guns that efforts were made to blow up the enemy by means of mines. Tunnels were dug reaching out under the enemy's lines, and large quantities of explo- sives were stored in them. At the moment when it was intended to make an assault, there would be a heavy cannonading to disconcert the enemy, and then the mine would be touched off. In the demoralizing confusion that resulted, the storming-party would sweep over the enemy. Such mines were tried on both sides, and the only protection against them was to out-guess the other side and build counter-mines. 18 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR If it were suspected, from the importance of a certain position and the nature of the ground, that the enemy would probably try to under- mine it, the defenders would dig tunnels of their own toward the enemy at a safe distance be- yond their own lines and establish listeners there to see if they could hear the mining- operations of their opponents. Very delicate microphones were used, which the listeners would place on the ground or against the walls of their tunnel. Then they would listen for the faintest sound of digging, just as a doctor listens through a stethoscope to the beating of a patient's heart or the rush of air through his lungs. When these listening-instruments picked up the noise of digging, the general di- rection of the digging could be followed out by placing the instrument at different positions and noting where the noise was loudest. Then a counter-mine would be extended in that direc- tion, far enough down to pass under the enemy's tunnel, and at the right moment, a charge of TNT (trinitrotoluol) would be exploded, which would destroy the enemy's sappers and put an end to their ambitious plans. A very interesting case of mining was fur- WAR IN AND UNDER THE GROUND 19 nished by the British when they blew up the im- portant post of Messines Eidge. This was strongly held by the Germans and the only way of dislodging the enemy was to blow off the top of the ridge. Before work was started, geolo- gists were called upon to determine whether or not the ground were suitable for mining- operations. They picked out a spot where the digging was good from the British side, but where, if counter-mines were attempted from the German side, quicksands would be encount- ered and tunneling of any sort would be diffi- cult. The British sappers could, therefore, pro- ceed with comparative safety. The Germans suspected that something of the sort was being undertaken, but they found it very difficult to dig counter-mines. However, one day their suspicions were confirmed, when the whole top of the hill was blown off, with a big loss of German lives. In the assault that followed the British captured the position and it was an- nexed to the British lines. CHAPTER II HAND-GRENADES AND TRENCH MORTARS IN primitive times battles were fought hand- to-hand. The first implements of war were clubs and spears and battle-axes, all intended for fighting at close quarters. The bow and ar- row enabled men to fight at a distance, but shields and armor were so effective a defense that it was only by hand-to-hand fighting that a brave enemy could be defeated. Even the in- vention of gunpowder did not separate the com- batants permanently, for although it was possi- ble to hurl missiles at a great distance, cannon were so slow in their action that the enemy could rush them between shots. Shoulder firearms also were comparatively slow in the early days, and liable to miss fire, and it was not until the automatic rifle of recent years was fully de- veloped that soldiers learned to keep their dis- tance. When the great European war started, mili- tary authorities had come to look upon war at 20 HAND-GRENADES 21 close quarters as something relegated to by- gone days. Even the bayonet was beginning to be thought of little, use. Rifles could be charged and fired so rapidly and machine-guns could play such a rapid tattoo of bullets, that it seemed impossible for men to come near enough for hand-to-hand fighting, except at a fearful cost of life. In developing the rifle, every effort was made to increase its range so that it could be used with accuracy at a distance of a thousand yards and more. But when the Germans, after their retreat in the First Battle of the Marne, dug themselves in behind the Aisne, and the French and British too found it necessary to seek shelter from machine-gun and rifle fire by burrowing into the ground, it be- came apparent that while rifles and machine- guns could drive the fighting into the ground, they were of little value in continuing the fight after the opposing sides had buried themselves. The trenches were carried close to one another, in some instances being so close that the soldiers could actually hear the conversation of their opponents across the intervening gap. Un- der such conditions long-distance firearms were of very little practical value. What was needed 22 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR was a short-distance gun which would get down into the enemy trenches. To be sure, the trenches could be shelled, but the shelling had to be conducted from a considerable distance, where the artillery would be immune to attack, and it was impossible to give a trench the par- ticular and individual attention which it would receive at the hands of men attacking it at close quarters. Before we go any farther we must learn the meaning of the word "trajectory." No bullet or shell travels in a straight line. As soon as it leaves the muzzle of the gun, it begins to fall, and its course through the air is a vertical curve that brings it eventually down to the ground. This curve is called the "trajectory." No gun is pointed directly at a target, but above it, so as to allow for the pull of gravity. The faster the bullet travels, the flatter is this curve or trajectory, because there is less time for it to fall before it reaches its target. Modern rifles fire their missiles at so high a speed that the bullets have a very flat trajectory. But in trench warfare a flat trajectory was not de- sired. What was the use of a missile that trav- eled in a nearly straight line, when the object to HAND-GRENADES 23 be hit was hiding in the ground? Trench fight- ing called for a missile that had a very high tra- jectory, so that it would drop right into the enemy trench. HAND-ABTILLERY Trench warfare is really a close-quarters fight of fort against fort, and the soldiers who manned the forts had to revert to the ancient methods of fighting an enemy intrenched be- hind fortifications. Centuries ago, not long after the first use of gunpowder in war, small explosive missiles were invented which could be thrown by hand. These were originally known as "flying mortars/' The missile was about the size of an orange or a pomegranate, and it was filled with powder and slugs. A small fuse, which was ignited just before the device was thrown, was timed to explode the missile when it reached the enemy. Because of its size and shape, and because the slugs it contained corre- sponded, in a manner, to the pulp-covered seeds with which a pomegranate is filled, the missile was called a " grenade.' 7 Grenades had fallen out of use in modern war- fare, although they had been revived to a small 24 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR extent in the Eusso-Japanese war, and had been used with some success by the Bulgarians and the Turks in the Balkan wars. And yet they had not been taken very seriously by the mili- tary powers of Europe, except Germany. Ger- many was always on the lookout for any device that might prove useful in war, and when the Germans dug themselves in after the First Bat- tle of the Marne, they had large quantities of hand-grenades for their men to toss over into the trenches of the Allies. These missiles proved very destructive indeed. They took the place of artillery, and were virtually hand- thrown shrapnel. The French and British were entirely unpre- pared for this kind of fighting, and they had hastily to improvise offensive and defensive weapons for trench warfare. Their hand- grenades were at first merely tin cans filled with bits of iron and a high explosive in which a fuse-cord was inserted. The cord was lighted by means of a cigarette and then the can with its spluttering fuse was thrown into the enemy lines. As time went on and the art of grenade fighting was learned, the first crude missiles were greatly improved upon and grenades were HAND-GRENADES 25 made in many forms for special service. There was a difference between grenades hurled from sheltered positions and those used in open fighting. When the throwers were sheltered behind their own breastworks, it mat- tered not how powerful was the explosion of the grenade. We must remember that in " hand- artillery " the shell is far more powerful in pro- portion to the distance it is thrown than the shell fired from a gun, and many grenades were so heavily charged with explosives that they would scatter death and destruction farther than they could be thrown by hand. The grena- dier who cast one of these grenades had to duck under cover or hide under the walls of his trench, else the fragments scattered by the exploding missile might fly back and injure him. Some grenades would spread destruction to a distance of over three hundred feet from the point of explosion. For close work, grenades of smaller radius were used. These were em- ployed to fight off a raiding-party after it had invaded a trench, and the destructive range of these grenades was usually about twenty-five feet. Hand-grenades came to be used in all the 26 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR different ways that artillery was used. There were grenades which were filled with gas, not only of the suffocating and tear-producing types, but also of the deadly poisonous variety. There were incendiary grenades which would set fire to enemy stores, and smoke grenades which would produce a dense black screen be- hind which operations could be concealed from the enemy. Grenades were used in the same way that shrapnel was used to produce a bar- rage or curtain of fire, through which the enemy could not pass without facing almost certain death. Curtains of fire were used not only for defensive purposes when the enemy was attack- ing, but also to cut off a part of the enemy so that it could not receive assistance and would be obliged to surrender. In attacks upon the enemy lines, grenades were used to throw a barrage in advance of the attacking soldiers so as to sweep the ground ahead clear of the enemy. The French paid particular attention to the training of grenadiers. A man had to be a good, cool-headed pitcher before he could be classed as a grenadier. He must be able to throw his grenade with perfect accuracy up to HAND-GRENADES 27 a distance of seventy yards, and to maintain an effective barrage. The grenadier carried his grenades in large pockets attached -to his belt, and he was attended by a carrier who brought up grenades to him in baskets, so that he was served with a continuous supply. LONG-DISTANCE GRENADE-THROWING All this relates to short-distance fighting, but grenades were also used for ranges beyond the reach of the pitcher's arm. Even back in the sixteenth century, the range of the human arm was not great enough to satisfy the combatants and grenadiers used a throwing-implement, something like a shovel, with which the grenade was slung to a greater distance, in much the same way as a lacrosse ball is thrown. Later, grenades were fitted with light, flexible wooden handles and were thrown, handle and all, at the enemy. By this means they could be slung to a considerable distance. Such grenades were used in the recent war, particularly by the Ger- mans. The handle was provided with streamers so as to keep the grenade head-on to the enemy, and it was usually exploded by percussion on striking its target. These long-handled gre- 28 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR nades, however, were clumsy and bulky, and the grenadier re- quired a good deal of elbow- room when throwing them. A much better plan was to hurl them with the aid of a gun. A rifle made an excellent short- distance mortar. With it gre- nades could be thrown from three to four hundred yards. The grenade was fastened on a rod which was inserted in the barrel of the rifle and then it was fired out of the gun by the ex- plosion of a blank cartridge. The butt of the rifle was rested on the ground and the rifle was tilted so as to throw the grenade up into the air in the way that a mortar projects its shell. FIG. 3. STRIKING A LIGHT The lighting of the grenade fuses with a cigarette did very A rifle grenade we n f or the early tin-can gre- fitted to the muzzle of a rifle nades, but the cigarettes were HAND-GRENADES 29 not always handy, particularly in the heat of battle, and something better had to be de- vised. One scheme was to use a safety- match composition on the end of a fuse. This was covered with waxed paper to protect it from the weather. The grenadier wore an armlet covered with a friction compo- sition such as is used on a safety-match box. Before the grenade was thrown, the waxed paper was stripped off and the fuse was lighted by being scratched on the armlet. In another type the fuse was lighted by the twisting of a cap which scratched a match composition on a friction surface. A safety-pin kept the cap from turning until the grenadier was ready to throw the grenade. The Mills hand-grenade, which proved to be the most popular type used by the British Army, was provided with a lever which was normally strapped down and held by means of a safety- pin. Fig. 4 shows a sectional view of this grenade. Just before the missile was thrown, it was seized in the hand so that the lever was held down. Then the safety-pin was removed and when the grenade was thrown, the lever would spring up under pull of the spring A. 30 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR This would cause the pin B to strike the per- cussion cap C, which would light the fuse D. The burning fuse would eventually carry the fire to the detonator E, which would touch off the main explosive, shattering the shell of the gre- nade and scattering its fragments in all direc- Fia. 4. Details of the Mills hand grenade tions. The shell of the grenade was indented so that it would break easily into a great many small pieces. There were some advantages in using gre- nades lighted by fuse instead of percussion, and also there were many disadvantages. If too long a time-fuse were used, the enemy might HAND-GRENADES 31 catch the grenade, as you would a baseball and hurl it back before it exploded. This was a hazardous game, but it was often done. Among the different types of grenades which the Germans used was one provided with a par- achute as shown in Fig. 5. The object of the par- achute was to keep the head of the grenade to- ward the enemy, so that when it exploded it would expend its energies for- ward and would not cast fragments back toward the man who had thrown it. This was a very sen- sitive grenade, arranged to be fired by percussion, but it was so easily ex- ploded that the firing- mechanism was not re- leased until after the grenade had been thrown. In the handle of this gre- SAFETY CORD FIG. 5. A German para- chute grenade 32 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR nade there was a bit of cord about twenty feet long. One end of this was attached to a safety- needle, A, while the other end, formed into a loop, was held by the grenadier when he threw the grenade. Not until the missile had reached a height of twelve or thirteen feet would the pull of the string withdraw the needle A. This would permit a safety-hook, B, to drop out of a ring, C, on the end of a striker pellet, D. When the grenade struck, the pellet D would move forward and a pin, E, would strike a cap on the detonator F, exploding the missile. This form of safety-device was used on a number of German grenades. The British had another scheme for locking the mechanism until after the grenade had traveled some distance through the air. De- tails of this grenade, which was of the type adopted to be fired from a rifle, are shown in Fig. 6. The striker A is retained by a couple of bolts, B, which in turn are held in place by a sleeve, C. On the sleeve is a set of wind- vanes, D. As the grenade travels through the air, the wind-vanes cause the sleeve C to re- volve, screwing it down clear of the bolts B, which then drop out, permitting the pin A to uiiiiiiiii/imii FIG. 6. British riile grenade with a safety-device which is unlocked by the rush of air against a set of inclined vanes, D, when the missile is in flight 33 34 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR strike the detonator E upon impact of the gre- nade with its target. The Germans had one peculiar type which FIG. 7. Front, side, and sectional views of a disk-shaped German grenade was in the shape of a disk. In the disk were six tubes, four of which carried percussion caps so that the grenade was sure to explode no mat- ter on which tube it fell. The disk was thrown FlQ. 8. A curious German hand grenade shaped like a hair brush with the edge up, and it would roll through the air. Another type of grenade was known as the hair-brush grenade because it had a rectan- HAND-GRENADES 35 gular body of tin about six inches long and two and three quarter inches wide and deep, which was nailed to a wooden handle. MINIATURE ARTILLERY Hand-artillery was very effective as far as it went, but it had its limitations. Grenades could not be made heavier than two pounds in weight if they were to be thrown by hand; in fact, most of them were much lighter than that. If they were fired from a rifle, the range was increased but the missile could not be made very much heavier. TNT is a very powerful ex- plosive, but there is not room for much of it in a grenade the size of a large lemon. Trench fighting was a duel between forts, and while the hand-artillery provided a means of attacking the defenders of a fort, it made no impression on the walls of the fort. It corresponded to shrap- nel fire on a miniature scale, and something corresponding to high-explosive fire on a small scale was necessary if the opposing fortifica- tions were to be destroyed. To meet this prob- lem, men cast their thoughts back to the primi- tive artillery of the Eomans, who used to hurl great rocks at the enemy with catapults. And 36 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR the trench fighters actually rigged up catapults with which they hurled heavy bombs at the enemy lines. All sorts of ingenious catapults were built, some modeled after the old Roman machines. In some of these stout timbers were used as springs, in others there were powerful coil springs. It was not necessary to cast the bombs far. For distant work the regular ar- tillery could be used. What was needed was a short-distance gun for heavy missiles and that is what the catapult was. But the work of the catapult was not really satisfactory. The machine was clumsy ; it occu- pied too much space, and it could not be aimed very accurately. It soon gave way to a more modern apparatus, fashioned after the old smooth-bore mortars. This was a miniature mortar, short and wide-mouthed. A rifled bar- rel was not required, because, since the missile was not to be hurled far, it was not necessary to set it spinning by means of rifling so as to hold it head-on to the wind. GIANT PEA-SHOOTEBS Better aim was secured when a longer-bar- reled trench mortar came to be used. In the Press Illustrating Service A 3-inch Stokes mortar and two of its shells Press Illustrating Service Dropping a shell into a 6-inch trench mortar 1 J is- s U HAND-GRENADES 37 trench, weight was an important item. There was no room in which to handle heavy guns, and the mortar had to be portable so that it could be carried forward by the infantry in a charge. As the walls of a light barrel might be burst by the shock of exploding powder, compressed air was used instead. The shell was virtually blown out of the gun in the same way that a boy blows missiles out of a pea-shooter. That the shell might be kept from tumbling, it was fitted with vanes at the rear. These acted like the feathers of an arrow to hold the missile head-on to its course. The French in particular used this type of mortar and the air-pump was used to compress the air that propelled the shell or aerial torpedo, or else the propelling charge was taken from a compressed-air tank. Carbon-dioxide, the gas used in soda water, is commonly stored in tanks under high pressure and this gas was sometimes used in place of compressed air. When the gas in the tank was exhausted the lat- ter could be recharged with air by using a hand- pump. Two or three hundred strokes of the pump would give a pressure of one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty pounds per inch, 38 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAK and would supply enough air to discharge a number of shell. The air was let into the bar- rel of the mortar in a single puff sufficient to launch the shell; then the tank was cut off at once, so that the air it contained would not escape and go to waste. THE STOKES MORTAR However, the most useful trench mortar de- veloped during the war was invented by Wilfred Stokes, a British inventor. In this a compara- tively slow-acting powder was used to propel the missile, and so a thin-walled barrel could be used. The light Stokes mortar can easily be carried over the shoulder by one man. It has two legs and the barrel itself serves as a third leg, and the mortar stands like a tripod. The two legs are adjustable, so that the barrel can be inclined to any desired angle. It took but a moment to set up the mortar for action in a trench or shell-hole. Curiously enough, there is no breech-block, trigger or fire-hole in this mortar. It is fired merely by the dropping of the missile into the mouth of the barrel. The shell carries its own propelling charge, as shown in Fig. 9. This HAND-GRENADES 39 is in the form of rings, A, which are fitted on a stem, B. At the end of the stem are a de- tonating cap and a cartridge, to ignite the propellant, A. At the bottom of the mortar barrel, there is a steel point, E, known as the FIG. 9. Sectional view of a 3-inch Stokes mortar showing a shell at the instant of striking the anvil "anvil." When the shell is dropped into the mortar, the cap strikes the anvil, exploding the cartridge and touching off the propelling charge, A. The gases formed by the burning charge hurl the shell out of the barrel to a distance of several hundred yards. 40 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR The first Stokes mortar was made to fire a 3-inch shell, but the mortar grew in size until it could hurl shell of 6- inch and even 8y 2 -mch size. Of course, the larger mortars had to have a very substantial base. They were not so readily portable as the smaller ones and they could not be carried by one man; but compared with ordinary artillery of the same bore they were immeasurably lighter and could be brought to advanced positions and set up in a very short 6-inch trench time. The larger shell have tail-vanes, as shown in Fig. 10, to keep them FIG. 10. A mortar shell fitted with tail-vanes from tumbling when in flight. CHAPTER III GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES MANY years ago a boy tried his hand at firing a United States Army service rifle. It was a heavy rifle of the Civil War period, and the lad did not know just how to hold it. He let the butt of the gun rest un- certainly against him, instead of pressing it firmly to his shoulder, and, in consequence, when the gun went off he received a powerful kick. That kick made a deep impression on the lad, not only on his flesh but on his mind as well. It gave him a good conception of the power of a rifle cartridge. Years afterward, when he had moved to Eng- land, the memory of that kick was still with him. It was a useless prank of the gun, he thought, a waste of good energy. Why could not the energy be put to use? And so he set himself the task of harnessing the kick of the gun. 41 42 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR A very busy program he worked out for that kick to perform. He planned to have the gun use up its exuberant energy in loading and fir- ing itself. So he arranged the cartridges on a belt and fed the belt into the gun. When the gun was fired, the recoil would unlock the breech, take out the empty case of the cartridge just fired, select a fresh cartridge from the belt, and cock the main spring ; then the mechanism would return, throwing the empty cartridge-case out of the gun, pushing the new cartridge into the barrel, closing the breech, and finally pulling the -trigger. All this was to be done by the energy of a single kick, in about one tenth of a second, and the gun would keep on repeating the operation as long -as the supply of cartridges was fed to it. The new gun proved so successful that the inventor was knighted, and became Sir Hiram Maxim. But Maxim's was by no means the first ma- chine-gun. During the Civil War a Chicago physician brought out a very ingenious ten- barreled gun, the barrels of which were fired one after the other by the turning of a hand- GUNS THAT FIKE THEMSELVES 43 crank. Although Dr. Galling was a graduate of a medical school, he was far more fond of tinkering with machinery than of doling out pills. He invented a number of clever mechan- isms, but the -one that made him really famous was that -machine-gun. At first our government did not take the invention seriously. The gun was tried out in the war, but whenever it went into battle it was fired not by soldiers but by a representative of Dr. (ratling's company, who went into the army to demonstrate the worth of the invention. Not until long after was the Gatling gun officially adopted by our army. Then it was taken up by many of the European armies as well. Although many other machine-guns were in- vented, the Gatling was easily the best and most serviceable, until the Maxim invention made its appearance, and even then it held its own for many years ; but eventually it had to succumb. The Maxim did not have to be cranked: it fired itself, which was a distinct advantage; and then, instead of being a bundle of guns all bound up into a single machine, Maxim's was a single-barreled gun and hence was much lighter and could be handled much more easily. 44 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR A GUN AS A GAS-ENGINE Another big advance was made by a third American, Mr. John M. Browning, who is re- sponsible for the Colt gun. It was not a kick that set Browning to thinking. He looked upon a gun as an engine of the same order as an automobile engine, and really the resemblance is very close. The barrel of the gun is the cylinder of the engine; the bullet is the piston; and for fuel gunpowder is used in place of gaso- lene. As in the automobile engine, the charge is fired by a spark; but in the case of the gun the spark is produced by a blow of the trigger upon a bit of fulminate of mercury in the end of the cartridge. Explosion is the same thing as burning. The only way that the explosion of gunpowder dif- fers from the burning of a stick of wood is that the latter is very slow, while the former goes like a flash. In both cases the fuel turns into great volumes of gas. In the case of the gun the gas is formed almost instantly and in such quantity that it has to drive the bullet out of the barrel to make room for itself. In the cart- ridge that our army uses, only about a tenth (C) Committee on Public Information Browning Machine Rifle, weight only 15 pounds (C) Committee on Public Information Browning Machine Gun, weighing 34^ pounds GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES 45 of an ounce of smokeless powder is used, but this builds up so heavy a pressure of gas that the bullet is sent speeding out of the gun at a rate of half a mile a second. It travels so fast that it will plow -through four feet of solid wood before coming to a stop. Now it occurred to Browning that it wouldn't really be stealing to take a little of that gas- power and use it to work the mechanism of his machine-gun. It was ever so little he wanted, and the bullet would never miss it. The danger was not that he might take too much. His problem was to take any power at all with- out getting more than his mechanism could stand. What he did was to bore a hole through the side of the gun-barrel. When the gun was fired, nothing happened until the bullet passed this hole; then some of the gas that was push- ing the bullet before it would blow out through the hole. But this would be a very small amount indeed, for the instant that the bullet passed out of the barrel the gases would rush out after it, the pressure in the gun would drop, and -the gas would stop blowing through the hole. With the bullet traveling at the rate of about half a mile in a second, imagine how short 46 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR a space of time elapses after it passes the hole before it emerges from the muzzle, and what a small amount of gas can pass through the hole in that brief interval! The gas that Browning got in this way he led into a second cylinder, fitted with a piston. This piston was given a shove, and that gave a lever a kick which set going the mechanism that extracted the empty cartridge-case, in- serted a fresh cartridge, and fired it. GETTING BID OF HEAT The resemblance of a machine-gun to a gaso- lene-engine can be demonstrated still further. One of the most important parts of an auto- mobile engine is the cooling-system. The gaso- lene burning in the cylinders would soon make them red-hot, were not some means provided to carry off the heat. The same is true of a machine-gun. In fact, the heat is one of the biggest problems that has to be dealt with. In a gasolene-engine the heat is carried off in one of three ways: (1) by passing water around the cylinders; (2) by building flanges around the cylinders to carry the heat off into the air; and (3) by using a fan to blow cool air against GUNS THAT FIKE THEMSELVES 47 the cylinders. All of these schemes are used in the machine-gun. In Dr. Gatling's gun 'the cooling-problem was very simple. As there were ten barrels, one barrel could be cooling while the rest were taking their turn in the firing. In other words, each barrel received only a tenth of the heat that the whole gun was producing; and yet Gatling found it advisable to surround the barrels for about half their length with a water-jacket. In the Maxim gun a water-jacket is used that extends the full length of the barrel, and into this waiter-jacket seven and a half pints of water are poured. Yet in a minute and a half of steady firing at a moderate rate, or before six hundred rounds are discharged, the water will be boiling. After that, with every thousand rounds of continuous fire a pint and a half of water will be evaporated. Now the water and the water-jacket add a great deal of weight to the gun, and this Browning decided to do away with in his machine-gun. Instead of water he used air to carry off the heat. The more sur- face the air touches, the more heat will it carry away; and so the Golt gun was at first made with a very thick- walled barrel. But later the 48 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR Colt was formed with flanges, like the flanges on a motor-cycle engine, so as to increase the surface of the barrel. Of course, air-cooling is not so effective as water-cooling, but it is claimed for this gun, and for other machine- guns of the same class, that the barrel is sufficiently cooled for ordinary service. Al- though a machine-gun may be capable of firing many hundred shots per minute, it is seldom that such a rate is kept up very long in battle. Usually, only a few rounds are fired at a time and then there is a pause, and there is plenty of time for the barrel to cool. Once in a while, however, the gun has to be fired continuously for several minutes, and then the barrel grows exceedingly hot. EFFECT OF OVERHEATING But what if the gun-barrel does become hot? The real trouble is not that the cartridge will explode prematurely, but that the barrel will expand as it grows hot, so that the bullet will fit too loosely in the bore. Inside the barrel the bore is rifled; that is, there are spiral grooves in it which give a twist to the bullet as it passes through, setting it spinning like a GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES 49 top. The spin of the bullet keeps its nose point- ing forward. If it were not for the rifling, the bullet would tumble over and over, every which way, and it could not go very far through the air, to say nothing of penetrating steel armor. To gain the spinning-motion the bullet must fit into the barrel snugly enough to squeeze into the spiral grooves. Now there is another American machine-gun known as the Hotchkiss, which was used to a considerable extent by the French Army. It is a gas-operated gun, some- thing like the Colt, and it is air-cooled. It was found in tests of the Hotchkiss gun that in from three to four minutes of firing the barrel was expanded so much that the shots began to be a little uncertain. In seven minutes of con- tinuous firing the barrel had grown so large that the rifling failed to grip the bullet at all. The gun was no better than an old-fashioned smooth-bore. The bullets would not travel more than three hundred yards. It is because of this danger of overheating that the Colt and the Hotchkiss guns are always furnished with a spare barrel. As soon as a barrel gets hot it is uncoupled and the spare one is inserted in its place. Our men are trained to change the 50 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR barrel of a colt in the dark in a quarter of a minute. But a gun that has to have a spare barrel and that has to have its barrel changed in the midst of a hot engagement is not an ideal weapon, by any means. And this brings us to still another invention that, too, by an Amer- ican. Colonel I. N. Lewis, of the United States Army, conceived of a machine-gun that would be cooled not by still air but by air in motion. This would do away with all the bother of water- jackets. It would keep the gun light so that it could be operated by one man, and yet it would not have to be supplied with a spare barrel. Like the Colt and the Hotchkiss, the Lewis gun takes its power from the gas that comes through a small port in the barrel, near the muzzle. In the plate facing page 44 the port may be seen leading into a cylinder that lies under the barrel. It takes about one ten- thousandth part of a second for a bullet to pass out of the barrel after clearing the port, but in that brief interval there is a puff of gas in the cylinder which drives back a pis- ton. This piston has teeth on it which en- GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES 51 gage a small gear connected with a main- spring. When the piston moves back, it winds the spring, and it is this spring that operates the mechanism of the gun. The cartridges, in- stead of being taken from a belt or a clip, are taken from a magazine that is round and flat. There are forty-seven cartridges in the maga- zine and they are arranged like the spokes of a wheel, but in two layers. As soon as forty- seven rounds have been fired, the shooting must stop while a new magazine is inserted. But to insert it takes only a couple of seconds. USING THE BULLET TO FAN THE GUN The most ingenious part of the Lewis gun is the cooling-system. On the barrel of the gun aro sixteen flanges or fins. These, instead of running around the gun, run lengthwise of the barrel. They are very light fins, being made of aluminum, and are surrounded by a cas- ing of the same metal. The casing is open at each end so that the air can flow through it, but it extends beyond the muzzle of the barrel, and there it is narrowed down. At the end of the barrel there is a mouthpiece so shaped that the bullet, as it flies through, sucks a lot of air 52 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR in its wake, making a strong current flow through the sixteen channels formed between the fins inside the casing. This air flows at the rate of about seventy miles per hour, which is enough to carry off all the heat that is generated by the firing of the cartridges. The gun may be regulated to fire between 350 and 750 rounds per minute, and its total weight is only 25% pounds. America can justly claim the honor of invent- ing and developing the machine-gun, although Hiram Maxim did give up his American citizen- ship and become a British subject. By the way, he is not to be confused with his younger brother, Hudson Maxim, the inventor of high explosives, who has always been an American to the core. Of course we must not get the im- pression that only Americans have invented machine-guns. There have been inventors of such weapons in various countries of Europe, and even in Japan. Our own army for a while used a gun known as the Benet-Mercie, which is something like the Hotchkiss. This was in- vented by L. V. Benet, an American, and H. A. Mercie, a Frenchman, both living in St. Denis, France. Lewis Machine-guns in action at the front GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES 53 THE BROWNING MACHINE-GUN When we entered the war, it was expected that we would immediately equip our forces with the Lewis gun, because the British and the Belgians had found it an excellent weapon and also because it was invented by an American officer, who very patriotically offered it to our government without charging patent royalties. But the army officials would not accept it, although many Lewis guns were bought by the navy. This raised a storm of protest through- out the country until finally it was learned that there was another gun for which the army was waiting, which it was said would be the very best yet. The public was skeptical and finally a test was arranged in Washington at which the worth of the new gun was demonstrated. It was a new Browning model; or, rather, there were two distinct models. One of them, known as the heavy model, weighed only 34% pounds, this with its water-jacket filled; for it was a water-cooled gun. Without its charge of water the machine weighed but 22% pounds and could be rated as a very light machine-gun. However, it was classed as a heavy gun and was 54 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR operated from a tripod. The new machine used recoil to operate its mechanism. The construc- tion was simple, there were few parts, and the gun could very quickly be taken apart in case of breakage or disarrangement of the mechan- ism. But the greatest care was exercised to prevent jamming of cartridges, which was one of the principal defects in the other types of machine-guns. In the test this new weapon fired twenty thousand shots at the rate of six hundred per minute, with interruptions of only four and a half seconds, due partly to defective cartridges. There was no doubt that the new Browning was a remarkable weapon. But if that could be said of the heavy gun, the light gun was a marvel. It weighed only fifteen pounds and was light enough to be fired from the shoulder or from the hip, while the operator was walk- ing or running. In fact, it was really a ma- chine-rifle. The regular .30-caliber service cartridges were used, and these were stored in a clip holding twenty cartridges. The cart- ridges could be fired one at a time, or the entire clip could be fired in two and a half seconds. It took but a second to drop an empty clip out of GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES 55 the gun and replace it with a fresh one. The rifle was gas-operated and air-cooled, but no special cooling-device was supplied because it would seldom be necessary to fire a shoulder rifle fast enough and long enough for the barrel to become overheated. After the Browning machine-rifle was demon- strated it was realized that the army had been perfectly justified in waiting for the new weapon. Like the heavy Browning, the new rifle was a very simple mechanism, with few parts which needed no special tools to take them apart or reassemble them ; a single small wrench served this purpose. Both the heavy and the light gun were proof against mud, sand, and dust of the battle-field. But best of all, a man did not have to have highly specialized training before he could use the Browning rifle. It did not require a crew to operate one of these guns. Each soldier could have his own machine-gun and carry it in a charge as he would a rifle. The advantage of the machine-rifle was that the operator could fire as he ran, watching where the bullets struck the ground by noting the dust they kicked up and in that way correcting his aim until he was on the target. Very accurate 56 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR shooting was thus made possible, and the ma- chine-rifle proved invaluable in the closing months of the war. Browning is unquestionably the foremost in- ventor of firearms in the world. He was born of Mormon parents, in Ogden, Utah, in 1854, and his father had a gun shop. As a boy Browning became familiar with the use of fire- arms and when he was but fourteen years of age he invented an improved breech mechanism which was later used in the Winchester repeater. Curiously enough, it was a Browning pistol that was used by the assassin at Serajevo who killed the Archduke of Austria and precipitated the great European war, -and it was with the Brown- ing machine-gun and rifle that our boys swept the Germans back through the Argonne For- est and helped to bring the war to a successful end. THE MACHINE-GUN IN SERVICE Although the machine-gun has been used ever since the Civil War, it was not a vital factor in warfare until the recent great conflict. Army officials were very slow to take it up, because they did not understand it. They used to think GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES 57 of it as an inferior piece of light artillery, in- stead of a superior rifle. The Gatling was so heavy that it had to be mounted on wheels, and naturally it was thought of as a cannon. In the Franco-Prussian War the French had a ma- chine-gun by which they set great store. It was called a mitrailleuse, or a gun for firing grape- shot. It was something like the Gatling. The French counted on this machine to surprise and overwhelm the Germans. But they made the mistake of considering it a piece of artil- lery and fired it from long range, so that it did not have a chance to show its worth. Only on one or two occasions was it used at close range, and then it did frightful execution. However, it was a very unsatisfactory machine, and kept getting out of order. It earned the contempt of the Germans, and later when the Maxim gun was offered to the German Army they would have none of it. They did not want to bother with "a toy cannon." It really was not until the war between Eus- sia and Japan that military men began to real- ize the value of the machine-gun. As the war went on, both the Eussians and the Japanese bought up all the machine-guns they could se- 58 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR cure. They learned what could be done with the aid of barbed wire to retard the enemy while the machine-guns mowed them down as they were trying to get through. A man with a machine-gun is worth a hun- dred men with rifles; such is the military esti- mate of the weapon. The gun fires so fast that after hitting a man it will hit him again ten times while he is falling to the ground. And so it does not pay to fire the gun continuously in one direction, unless there is a dense mass of troops charging upon it. Usually the machine- gun is swept from side to side so as to cover as wide a range as possible. It is played upon the enemy as you would play the hose upon the lawn, scattering a shower of lead among the advancing hosts. MACHINE-GUN FOETS It used to be thought that the Belgian forts of armored steel and concrete, almost completely buried in the ground, would hold out against any artillery. But when the Germans brought up their great howitzers and hurled un- dreamed-of quantities of high explosives on these forts, they broke and crumbled to pieces. GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES 59 Then it was predicted that the day of the fort was over. But the machine-gun developed a new type of warfare. Instead of great forts, mounting huge guns, little machine-gun forts were built, and, they were far more troublesome than the big fellows. To the Germans belongs the credit for the new type of fort, which consisted of a small concrete structure, hidden from view as far as possible, but commanding some important part of the front. " Pill-boxes, " the British call them, be- cause the first ones they ran across were round in shape and something like a pill-box in ap- pearance. These pill-boxes were just large enough to house a few men and a couple of machine-guns. Concealment was of the utmost importance; safety depended upon it. Air- planes were particularly feared, because a ma- chine-gun emplacement was recognized to be so important that a whole battery of artillery would be turned upon a suspected pill-box. Some of the German machine-gun forts were very elaborate, consisting of spacious under- ground chambers where a large garrison of gunners could live. These forts were known as Mebus, a word made from the initials of 60 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR "Maschinengewehr Eisen-Bettungs Unter- stand," meaning a machine-gun iron-bedded foundation. It was the machine-gun that was responsible for the enormous expenditure of ammunition in the war. Before a body of troops dared to make a charge, the ground had to be thoroughly searched by the big guns for any machine-gun nests. Unless these were found and destroyed by shell-fire, the only way that remained to get the best of them was to crush them down with tanks. It was really the machine-gun that drove the armies into trenches and under the ground. But a machine-gun did not have to be housed in a fort, particularly a light gun of the Lewis type. To be sure, the Lewis gun is a little heavy to be used as a rifle, but it could easily be managed with a rest for the muzzle in the crotch of a- tree, and a strong man could actually fire the piece from the shoulder. The light ma- chine-gun could go right along with a charging body of troops and do very efficient service, par- ticularly in fighting in a town or village, but it had to be kept moving or it would be a target for the artillery. In a certain village fight a GUNS THAT FIRE THEMSELVES 61 machine-gunner kept changing his position. He would fire for a few minutes from one build- ing and then shift over to some other. He did this no less than six times, never staying more than five minutes at a time in the same spot. But each one of the houses was shelled within fifteen minutes of the time he opened fire from it, which shows the importance that the Ger- mans attached to machine-gun fire. CHAPTEE IV GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS WHEN the news came that big shells were dropping into Paris from a gun which must be at least seventy miles away, the world at first refused to believe; then it imagined that some brand-new form of gun or shell or powder had been invented by the Germans. However, while the public marveled, ordnance experts were interested but not astonished. They knew that it was perfectly feasible to build a gun that would hurl a shell fifty, or seventy- five, or even a hundred miles, without involving anything new in the science of gunnery. SHOOTING ABOUND THE EDGE OF THE EAKTH But if such ranges were known to be possible, why was no such long-distance gun built before? Simply because none but the Germans would ever think of shooting around the edge of the earth at a target so far away that it would 62 GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 63 have- to be as big as a whole city to be hit at all. In a distance of seventy miles, the curve of ihe earth is considerable. Paris is far be- low the horizon of a man standing at St. Go- bain, where the big German gun was located. And if a hole were bored from St. Gobain straight to Paris, so that you could see the city from the gun, it would pass, midway of its course, -three- thousand, seven hundred and fifty feet below the surface of the earth. With the target so far off, it was impossible to aim at any particular fort, ammunition depot, or other point of military importance. There is always some uncertainty as to just where a shell will fall, due to slight differences in quality and quantity of the powder used, in the density of the air, the direction of the wind, etc. This variation is bad enough when a shell is to be fired ten miles, but when the missile has to travel seventy miles, it is out of the question to try to hit a target that is not miles in extent. Twenty years before the war our Ordnance Department had designed a fifty-mile gun, but it was not built, because we could see no possi- ble use for it. Our big guns were built for fight- ing naval battles or for the defense of our coasts 64 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR from naval attacks, and there is certainly no use in firing at a ship that is so far below the horizon that we cannot even see the tips of its masts; and so our big guns, though they were capable of firing a shell twenty-seven miles, if aimed high enough, were usually mounted in carriages that would not let them shoot more than twelve or fifteen miles. The distance to which a shell can be hurled depends to a large extent upon the angle of the gun. If the gun is tilted up to an angle of 15 degrees, the shell will go only about half as far as if it were tilted up to 43 V degrees, which is the angle that will carry a shell to its great- est distance. If the long-range German gun was fired at that angle, the shell must have risen to a height of about twenty-four miles. BEYOND THE EARTH ? S ATMOSPHERE Most of the air that surrounds our globe lies within four miles of the surface. Few airplanes can rise to a greater height than this, because the air is so thin that it gives no support to the wings of the machine. The greatest height to which a man has ever ascended is seven miles. A balloon once carried two men to such a height. GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 65 One of them lost consciousness, and the other, who was nearly paralyzed, succeeded in pulling the safety-valve rope with his teeth. That brought the balloon down, and their instruments showed that they had gone up thirty-six, thou- sand feet. What the ocean of air contains above that elevation, we do not know, but judging by the way the atmosphere thins out as we rise from the surface of the earth, we reckon that nine tenths of the air lies within ten miles of the surface of the earth. At twenty-four miles, or the top of the curve described by the shell of the German long-range guns, there must be an almost complete vacuum. If only we could accompany a shell on its course, we should find a strange condition of affairs. The higher we rose, the darker would the heavens become, until the sun would shine like a fiery ball in a black sky. All around, the stars would twinkle, and below would be the glare of light reflected from the earth's surface and its atmosphere, while the cold would be far more intense than anything suffered on earth. Up at that height, there would be nothing to in- dicate that the shell was moving no rush of air against the ears. We should seem detached 66 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR from earth and out in the endless reaches of space. It seems absurd to think that a shell weighing close to a quarter of a ton could be retarded appreciably by mere air. But when we realize that the shell left the gun at the rate of over half a mile a second traveling about thirty times faster than an express-train we know that the air-pressure mounts up to a respectable figure. The pressure is the same whether a shell is moving through the air or the air is blowing against the shell. When the wind blows at the rate of 100 to 120 miles per hour, it is strong enough to lift houses off their foun- dations, to wrench trees out of the ground, to pick up cattle and carry them sailing through the air. Imagine what it would do if its ve- locity were increased to 1,800 miles per hour. That is what the shell of a big gun has to con- tend with. As most of the air lies near the earth, the shell of long-range guns meet with less and less resistance the higher they rise, until they get up into such thin air that there is virtually no obstruction. The main trouble is to pierce the blanket of heavy air that lies near the earth. GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 67 WAYS OF INCREASING THE BANGE The big 16-inch guns that protect our coasts fire a shell that weighs 2,400 pounds. Nine hundred pounds of smokeless powder is used to propel the shell, which leaves the muzzle of the gun with a speed of 2,600 feet per second. Now, the larger the diameter of the shell, the greater will be its speed at the muzzle of the gun, be- cause there will be a greater surface for the powder gases to press against. On the other hand, the larger the shell, the more will it be retarded by the air, because there will be a larger surface for the air to press against. It has been proposed by some ordnance experts that a shell might be provided with a disk at each end, which would make it fit a gun of larger caliber. A 10-inch shell, for instance, could then be fired from a 16-inch gun. Being lighter than the 16-inch shell, it would leave the muzzle of the gun at a higher speed. The disks could be so arranged that as soon as the shell left the gun they would be thrown off, and then the 10-inch shell, although starting with a higher velocity than a 16-inch shell, would offer less resistance to the air. In that way it could be 68 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR made to cover a much greater range. By the way, the shell of the German long-range gun was of but 8.2-inch caliber. Another way of increasing the range is to lengthen the gun. Eight here we must become acquainted with the word " caliber. " Caliber means the diameter of the shell. A 16-inch gun, for instance, fires a shell of 16-inch caliber ; but when we read that the gun is a 40- or 50-caliber gun, it means that the length of the gun is forty or fifty times the diameter of the shell. Our biggest coast-defense guns are 50-caliber 16- inch guns, which means that they are fifty times 16 inches long, or 66% feet in length. When a gun is as long as that, care has to be taken to prevent it from sagging at the muzzle of its own weight. These guns actually do sag a little, and when the shell is fired through the long barrel it straightens up the gun, making the muzzle "whip" upward, just as a drooping garden hose does when the water shoots through it. Now the longer the caliber length of a gun, the farther it will send a shell, because the pow- der gases will have a longer time to push the shell. But we cannot lengthen our big guns GUNS AND SUPER,GUNS 69 much more without using some special support for the muzzle end of the gun, to keep it from " whipping " too much. It is likely that the long-range German gun was provided with a substantial support at the muzzle to keep it from sagging. Every once in a while a man comes forth with a "new idea" for increasing the range. One plan is to increase the powder-pressure. We have powders that will produce far more pres- sure than an ordinary gun can stand. But we have to use powders that will burn compara- tively slowly. We do not want too sudden a shock to start with, but we wish the powder to give off an enormous quantity of gas which will keep on pushing and speeding up the shell until the latter emerges from the muzzle. The fifty-mile gun that was proposed twenty years ago was designed to stand a much higher pres- sure than is commonly used, and it would have fired a 10-inch shell weighing 600 pounds with a velocity of 4,000 feet per second at the muzzle. The Allies built no "super-guns," because they knew that they could drop a far greater quantity of explosives with much greater ac- curacy from airplanes, and at a much lower 70 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR cost. The German gun at St. Gobain was spec- tacular and it did some damage, but it had no military value and it did not intimidate the French as the Germans had hoped it would. A GUN WITH A RANGE OF A HUNDRED AND TWENTY MILES But although we built no such gun, after the Germans began shelling Paris our Ordnance Department designed a gun that would fire a shell to a distance of over 120 miles! There was no intention of constructing the gun, but the design was worked out just as if it were actually to be built. It was to fire a shell of 10-inch caliber, weighing 400 pounds. Now, an Elswick standard 10-inch gun is 42 feet long and its shell weighs 500 pounds. Two hundred pounds of powder are used to propel the shell, which leaves the muzzle with a velocity of 3,000 feet per second. If the gun is elevated to the proper angle, it will send the shell 25 miles, and it will take the shell a minute and thirty-seven seconds to cover that distance. But the long- range gun our ordnance experts designed would have to be charged with 1,440 pounds of powder and the shell would leave the muzzle of the gun GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 71 with a velocity of 8,500 feet per second. It would be in the air four minutes and nine sec- onds and would travel 121.3 miles. Were the gun fired from the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, near Baltimore, Maryland, its shell would travel across three states and fall into New York Bay at Perth Amboy. At the top of its trajectory it would rise 46 miles above the earth. But the most astonishing part of the design was the length of the gun, which worked out to 225 feet. An enormous powder-chamber would have to be used, so that the powder gases would keep speeding up the shell until it reached the required velocity at the muzzle. The weight of the barrel alone was estimated at 325 tons. It would have to be built up in four sections screwed together and because of its great length and weight it would have to be supported on a steel truss. The gun would be mounted like a roller lift-bridge with a heavy counter- weight at its lower end so that it could be ele- vated or depressed at will and a powerful hy- draulic jack would be required to raise it. The recoil of a big gun is always a most im- portant matter. Unless a gun can recoil, it will be smashed by the shock of the powder ex- 72 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR plosion. Usually, heavy springs are used to take up the shock, or cylinders filled with oil in which pistons slide. The pistons have small holes in them through which the oil is forced as the piston moves and this retards the gun in its recoil. But this " super-gun " was de- signed to be mounted on a carriage running on a set of tracks laid in a long concrete pit. On the recoil the gun would run back along the tracks, and its motion would be retarded by friction blocks between the carriage and the tracks and also by a steel cable attached to the forward end of the carriage and running over a pulley on the front wall of the pit, to a fric- tion drum. The engraving facing page 68 gives some idea of the enormous size of the gun. Note the man at the breech of the gun. The hydraulic jack is collapsible, so that the gun may be brought to the horizontal position for loading, as shown by the dotted lines. The cost of building this gun is estimated at two and a half million dol- lars and its 400-pound shell would land only about sixty pounds of high explosives on the target. A bombing-plane costing but thirty thousand dollars could land twenty-five times GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 73 as big a charge of high explosives with far greater accuracy. Aside from this, the gun lining would soon wear out because of the tre- mendous erosion of the powder gases. THE THREE-SECOND LIFE OF A GUN Powder gases are very hot indeed hot enough to melt steel. The greater the pressure in the gun, the hotter they are. It is only be- cause they pass through the gun so quickly, that they do not melt it. As a matter of fact, they do wear it out rapidly because of their heat and velocity. They say that the life of a big gun is only three seconds. Of course, a shell passes through the gun in a very minute part of a second, but if we add up these tiny periods until we have a total of three seconds, during which the gun may have fired two hundred rounds, we shall find that the lining of the barrel is so badly eroded that the gun is unfit for ac- curate shooting, and it must go back to the shops for a new inner tube. ELASTIC GUNS We had better go back with it and learn something about the manufacture of a big gun. 74 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR Guns used to be cast as a solid chunk of metal. Now they are built up in layers. To under- stand why this is necessary, we must realize that steel is not a dead mass, but is highly elas- tic far more elastic than rubber, although, of course, it does not stretch nor compress so far. When a charge of powder is exploded in the barrel of a gun, it expands in all directions. Of course, the projectile yields to the pressure of the powder gases and is sent kiting out of the muzzle of the gun. But for an instant before the shell starts to move, an enormous force is exerted against the walls of the bore of the gun, and, because steel is elastic, the barrel is expanded by this pressure, and the bore is ac- tually made larger for a moment, only to spring back in the next instant. You can picture this action if you imagine a gun made of rubber; as soon as the powder was fired, the rubber gun would bulge out around the powder-cham- ber, only to collapse to its normal size when the pressure was relieved by the discharge of the bullet. Now r every elastic body has what is called its elastic limit. If you take a coil spring, you can pull it out or you can compress it, and it will GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 75 always return to its original shape, unless you pull it out or compress it beyond a certain point ; that point is its elastic limit. The same is true of a piece of steel : if you stretch it be- yond a certain point, it will not return to its original shape. When the charge of powder in a cannon exceeds a certain amount, it stretches the steel beyond its elastic limit, so that the bore becomes permanently larger. Making the walls of the gun heavier would not prevent this, because steel is so elastic that the inside of the walls expands beyond its elastic limit before the outside is affected at all. Years ago an American inventor named Treadwell worked out a scheme for allowing the bore to expand more without exceeding its elas- tic limit. He built up his gun in layers, and shrunk the outer layers upon the inner layers, just as a blacksmith shrinks a tire on a wheel, so that the inner tube of the gun would be squeezed, or compressed. When the powder was fired, this inner layer could expand farther without danger, because it was compressed to start with. The built-up gun was also indepen- dently invented by a British inventor. All modern big guns are built up. 76 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAK HOW BIG GUNS ABE MADE The inside tube, known as the lining, is cast roughly to shape, then it is bored out, after which it is forged by the blows of a powerful steam-hammer. Of course, while under the hammer, the tube is mounted on a mandrel, or bar, that just fits the bore. The metal is then softened in an annealing furnace, after which it is turned down to the proper diameter and re- bored to the exact caliber. The diameter of the lining is made three ten-thousandths of an inch larger than the inside of the hoop or sleeve that fits over it. This sleeve, which is formed in the same way, is heated up to 800 degrees, or until its inside diameter is eight tenths of an inch larger than the outside diameter of the lining. The lining is stood up on end and the sleeve is fitted over it. Then it is cooled by means of water, so that it grips the lining and compresses it. In this way, layer after layer is added until the gun is built up to the proper size. Instead of having a lining that is compressed by means of sleeves or jackets, many big guns are wound with wire which is pulled so tight as i U 1 1 I Q c c < D< y 03 MH O f o> GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 77 to compress the lining. The gun-tube is placed in a lathe, and is turned so as to wind up the wire upon it. A heavy brake on the wire keeps it drawn very tight. This wire, also, is put on in layers, so that each layer can expand consid- erably without exceeding its elastic limit. Our big 16-inch coast-defense guns are wound with wire that is one -tenth of an inch square. The length of wire on one gun is sufficient to reach all the way from New York to Boston with fifty or sixty miles of wire left over. GUNS THAT PLAY HIDE-AND-SEEK A very ingenious invention is the disappear- ing-mount which is used on our coast fortifica- tions. By means of this a gun is hidden beyond its breastworks so that it is absolutely invisible to the enemy. In this sheltered position it is loaded and aimed. It is not necessary to sight the gun on the target as you would sight a rifle. The aiming is done mathematically. Off at some convenient observation post, an observer gets the range of the target and telephones this range to the plotting-room, where a rapid cal- culation is made as to how much the gun should be elevated and swung to the right or the left. 78 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR This calculation is then sent on to the gunners, who adjust the gun accordingly. When all is ready, the gun is raised by hydraulic pressure, and just as it rises above the parapet it is auto- matically fired. The recoil throws the gun back to its crouching position behind the breastworks. All that the enemy sees, if anything, is the flash of the discharge. Now that airplanes have been invented, the disappearing-mount has lost much of its useful- ness. Big guns have to be hidden from above. They are usually located behind a hill, five or six miles back of the trenches, where the enemy can- not see them from the ground, and they are care- fully hidden under trees or a canopy of foliage or are disguised with paint. The huge guns recently built to defend our coasts are intended to fire a shell that will pierce the heavy armor of a modern dreadnought. The shell is arranged to explode after it has penetrated the armor, and the penetrating- power is a very important matter. About thirty years ago the British built three battle- ships, each fitted with two guns of 1614-inch cali- ber and 30-caliber length. In order to test the penetrating-power of this gun a target was GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 79 built, consisting first of twenty inches of steel armor and eight inches of wrought-iron ; this was backed by twenty feet of oak, five feet of granite, eleven feet of concrete, and six feet of brick. When the shell struck this target it passed through the steel, the iron, the oak, the granite, and the concrete, and did not stop until it had penetrated three feet of the brick. We have not subjected our 16-inch gun to such a test, but we know that it would go through two such targets and still have plenty of energy left. Incidentally, it costs us $1,680 each time the big gun is -fired. THE FAMOUS FORTY-TWO-CENTIMETER GUN One of the early surprises of the war was the huge gun used by the Germans to destroy the powerful Belgian forts. Properly speaking, this was not a gun, but a howitzer; and right here we must learn the difference between mor- tars, howitzers, and guns. What we usually mean by "gun" is a piece of long caliber which is designed to hurl its shell with a flat trajec- tory. But long ago it was found advantageous to throw a projectile not at but upon a fortifica- tion, and for this purpose short pieces of large 80 INVENTIONS OP THE GREAT WAR bore were built. These would fire at a high angle, so that the projectile would fall almost vertically on the target. As we have said, the bore of a gun is rifled; that is, it is provided with spiral grooves that will set the shell spinning, so as to keep its nose pointing in the direction of its flight. Mortars, on the other hand, were originally in- tended for short-range firing, and their bore was not rifled. In recent years, however, mor- tars have been made longer and with rifled bores, so as to increase their range, and such long mortars are called ' ' howitzers. ' ' The Ger- man 42-centimeter howitzer fired a shell that was 2,108 pounds in weight and was about 1% yards long. The diameter of the shell was 42 centi- meters, which is about 16% inches. It carried an enormous amount of high explosive, which was designed to go off after the shell had penetrated its target. The marvel of this how- itzer was not that it could fire so big a shell but that so large a piece of artillery could be trans- ported over the highroads and be set for use in battle. But although the 42-centimeter gun was widely advertised, the real work of smashing the Belgian forts was done by the Austrian GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 81 "Skoda" howitzers, which fired a shell of 30.5- centimeter (12-inch) caliber, and not by the 42- centimeter gun. The Skoda howitzer could be taken apart and transported by three motor- cars of 100 horse-power each. The cars trav- eled at a rate of about twelve miles per hour. It is claimed the gun could be put together in twenty-four minutes, and would fire at the rate of one shot per minute. FIELD-GUNS So far, we have talked only of the big guns, but in a modern battle the field-gun plays a very important part. This fires a shell that weighs between fourteen and eighteen pounds and is about three inches in diameter. The shell and the powder that fires it are contained in a cart- ridge that is just like the cartridge of a shoul- der rifle. These field-pieces are built to be fired rapidly. The French 75-millimeter gun, which is considered one of the best, will fire at the rate of twenty shots per minute, and its effective range is considerably over three miles. Tbe French supplied us with all 75-millimeter guns we needed in the war, while we concentrated our efforts on the manufacture of ammunition. 82 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR GUNS THAT FIEE GUNS During the War of the Bevolution, cannon were fired at short range, and it was the cus- tom to load them with grape-shot, or smalliron balls, when firing against a charging enemy, be- cause the grape would scatter like the shot of a shot-gun and tear a bigger gap in the ranks of the enemy than would a single solid cannon-ball. In modern warfare, guns are fired from a greater distance, so that there will be little dan- ger of their capture. It is impossible for them to fire grape, because the ranges are far too great ; besides, it would be impossible to aim a charge of grape-shot over any considerable dis- tance, because the shot would start spreading as soon as they left the muzzle of the gun and would scatter too far and wide to be of much service. But this difficulty has been overcome by the making of a shell which is really a gun in itself. Within this shell is the grape-shot, which consists of two hundred and fifty half- inch balls of lead. The shell is fired over the lines of the enemy, and just at the right moment it explodes and scatters a hail of leaden balls over a fairly wide area. GUNS AND SUPER-GUNS 83 It is not a simple matter to time a shrapnel shell so that it will explode at just the right mo- ment. Spring-driven clockwork has been tried, which would explode a cap after the lapse of a certain amount of time ; but this way of timing shells has not proved satisfactory. Nowadays a train of gunpowder is used. When the shell is fired, the shock makes a cap (see drawing fac- ing page 77) strike a pin, E, which ignites the train of powder, A. The head of the shell is made of two parts, in each of which there is a powder-fuse. There is a vent, or short cut, leading from one fuse to the other, and, by the turning of one part of the fuse-head with respect to the other, this short cut is made to carry the train of fire from the upper to the lower fuse sooner or later, according to the adjustment. The fire burns along one powder-train A, and then jumps through the short cut B to the other, or movable train, as it is called, until it finally reaches, through hole C, the main charge F, in the shell. The movable part of the fuse-head is graduated so that the fuse may be set to explode the shell at any desired distance. In the fuse- head there is also a detonating-pin K, which will strike the primer L and explode the shell 84 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR when the latter strikes the ground, if the time- fuse has failed to act. When attacking airplanes, it is important to be able to follow the flight of the shell, so some shrapnel shell are provided with a smoke-pro- ducing mixture, which is set on fire when the shell is discharged, so as to produce a trail of smoke. In meeting the attack of any enemy at night, search-light shell are sometimes used. On ex- ploding they discharge a number of "candles," each provided with a tiny parachute that lets the candle drop slowly to the ground. Their brilliant light lasts fifteen or twenty minutes. Obviously, ordinary search-lights could not be used on the battle-field, because the lamp would at once be a target for enemy batteries, but with search-light shell the gun that fires them can remain hidden and one 's own lines be shrouded in darkness while the enemy lines are brilliantly illuminated. CHAPTEE V THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS SOME years ago the nations of the world gathered at the city of The Hague, in Hol- land, to -see what could be done to put an end to war. They did not accomplish much in that di- rection, but they did draw up certain rules of warfare which they agreed to abide by. There were some practices which were considered too horrible for any civilized nation to indulge in. Among these was the use of poisonous gases, and Germany was one of the nations that took a solemn pledge not to use gas in war. Eighteen years later the German Army had dug itself into a line of trenches reaching from the English Channel to Switzerland, and facing them in another line of trenches were the armies of France and England, determined to hold back the invaders. Neither side could make an ad- vance without frightful loss of life. But 1 a German scientist came forth with a scheme for 85 86 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR breaking the dead-lock. This was Professor Nernst, the inventor of a well-known electric lamp and a man who had always violently hated the British. His plan was to drown out the British with a flood of poisonous gas. To be sure, there was the pledge taken at The Hague Conference, but why should that stand in Ger- many's way? What cared the Germans for promises now? Already they had broken a pledge in their violation of Belgium. Already they had rained explosives from the sky on un- fortified British cities (thus violating another pledge of The Hague Conference) ; already they had determined to war on defenseless merchant- men. To them promises meant nothing, if such promises interfered with the success of German arms. They led the world in the field of chem- istry ; why, they reasoned, should n't they make use of this advantage? POURING GAS LIKE WATER It was really a new mode of warfare that the Germans were about to launch and it called for much study. In the first place, they had to de- cide what sort of gas to use. It must be a gas that could be obtained in large quantities. It THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS 87 must be a very poisonous gas, that would act quickly on the enemy; it must be easily com- pressed and liquefied so that it could be carried in containers that were not too bulky; it must vaporize when the pressure was released; and it must be heavier than air, so that it would not be diluted by the atmosphere but would hug the ground. You can pour gas just as you pour water, if it is heavier than air. A heavy gas will stay in the bottom of an unstoppered bottle and can be poured from one bottle into another like water. If the gas is colored, you can see it flowing just as if it were a liquid. On the other hand, a gas which is much lighter than air can also be kept in unstoppered bottles if the bottles are turned upside down, and the gas can be poured from one bottle into another ; but it flows up instead of down. Chlorine gas was selected because it seemed to meet all requirements. For the gas attack a point was chosen where the ground sloped gently toward the opposing lines, so that the gas would actually flow down hill into them. Preparations were carried out with the utmost secrecy. Just under the parapet of the trenches deep pits were dug, about a yard apart on a 88 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR front of fifteen miles, or over twenty-five thou- sand pits. In these pits were placed the chlo- rine tanks, each weighing about ninety pounds. Each pit was then closed with a plank and this was covered with a quilt filled with peat moss soaked in potash, so that in case of any leakage the chlorine would be taken up by the potash and rendered harmless. Over the quilts sand- bags were piled to a considerable height, to protect the tanks from shell-fragments. Liquid chlorine will boil even in a tempera- ture of 28 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, but in tanks it cannot boil because there is no room for it to turn into a gas. Upon release of the pressure at ordinary temperatures, the liquid boils violently and big clouds of gas are pro- duced. If the gas were tapped off from the top of the cylinder, it would freeze on pouring out, because any liquid that turns into a gas has to draw heat from its surroundings. The greater the expansion, the more heat the gas absorbs, and in the case of the chlorine tanks, had the nozzles been set in the top of the tank they would very quickly have been crusted with frost and choked, stopping the flow. But the Germans had anticipated this diffi- THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS 89 culty, and instead of drawing off the gas from tfre top of the tank, they drew off the liquid from the bottom in small leaden tubes which passed up through the liquid in the tank and were kept as warm as the surrounding liquid. In fact, it was not gas from the top of the tank, but liquid from the bottom, that was streamed out and this did not turn into gas until it had left the nozzle. WAITING FOB THE WIND Everything was ready for the attack on the British in April, 1915. A point had been chosen where the British lines made a juncture with the French. The Germans reckoned that a joint of this sort in the opponent's lines would be a spot of weakness. Also, they had very craftily picked out this particular spot because the French portion of the line was manned by Turcos, or Algerians, who would be likely to think there was something supernatural about a death-dealing cloud. On the left of the Afri- cans was a division of Canadians, but the main brunt of the- gas was designed to fall upon the Turcos. Several times the attack was about to be made, but was abandoned because the 90 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR wind was not just right. The Germans wished to pick out a time when the breeze was blowing steadily not so fast as to scatter the gas, but yet so fast that it would overtake men who at- tempted to run away from it. It was not until April 22 that conditions were ideal, and then the new mode of warfare was launched. Just as had been expected, the Turcos were awe-struck when they saw, coming out of the German trenches, volumes of greenish-yellow gas, which rolled toward them, pouring down into shell-holes and flowing over into the trenches as if it were a liquid. They were seized with superstitious fear, particularly when the gas overcame numbers of them, stifling them and leaving them gasping for breath. Im- mediately there was a panic and they raced back, striving to out-speed the pursuing cloud. For a stretch of fifteen miles the Allied trenches were emptied, and the Germans, who followed in the wake of the gas, met with no op- position except in the sector held by the Cana- dians. Here, on the fringe of the gas cloud, so determined a fight was put up that the Germans faltered, and the brave Canadians held them THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS 91 until reinforcements arrived and the gap in the line was closed. The Germans themselves were new at the game or they could have made a complete suc- cess of this surprise attack. Had they made the attack on a broader front, nothing could have kept them from breaking through to Calais. The valiant Canadians who struggled and fought without protection in the stifling clouds of chlorine, were almost wiped out. But many of them who were on the fringe of the cloud es- caped by wetting handkerchiefs, socks, or other pieces of cloth, and wrapping them around their mouths and noses. The world was horrified when it read of this German gas attack, but there was no time to be lost. Immediately orders went out for gas- masks, and in all parts of England, and of France as well, women were busy sewing the masks. These were very simple affairs merely a pad of cotton soaked in washing-soda and arranged to be tied over the mouth and nose. But when the next attack came, not long after the first, the men were prepared in some meas- ure for it, and again it failed to bring the Ger- mans the success they had counted upon. 92 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR One thing that the Germans had not counted upon was the fact that the prevailing winds in Flanders blow from west to east. During the entire summer and autumn of 1915, the winds refused to favor them, and no gas attacks were staged from June to December. This gave the British a long respite and enabled them not only to prepare better gas-masks, but also to make plans to give the Hun a dose of his own medi- cine. WHEN THE WIND PLAYED A TRICK ON THE GERMANS There were many disadvantages in the use of gas clouds, which developed as the Germans gathered experience. The gas started from their own lines in a very dense cloud, but the cloud grew thinner and thinner as it traveled toward the enemy, and lost a great deal of its strength. If the wind were higher than fifteen miles an hour, it would swirl the gas around and dissipate it before it did much harm to the op- posing fighters. If the wind were light, there were other dangers. On one occasion in 1916 a cloud of gas was released upon an Irish regi- ment. The wind was rather fickle. It carried the gas toward the British trenches, but before Courtesy of "Scientific American " Cleaning Up a Dugout with the "Fire Broom THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS 93 reaching them the cloud hesitated, the wind veered around, and soon the gas began to pour back upon the German lines. The Germans were entirely unprepared for this boomerang attack. Many of the Huns had no gas-masks on, and those who had, found that the masks were not in proper working-order. As a result of this whim of the winds, eleven thousand Ger- mans were killed. While chlorine was the first gas used, it was evident that it was not the only one that could be employed. British chemists had suspected that the Germans would use phosgene, which was a much more deadly gas, and in the long in- terval between June and December, 1915, masks were constructed which would keep out not only the fumes of chlorine but also the more poison- ous phosgene. In one of their sorties the Brit- ish succeeded in capturing some valuable notes on gas attacks, belonging to a German general, which showed that the Germans were actually preparing to use phosgene. This deadly gas is more insidious in its action than chlorine. The man who inhales phosgene may not know that he is gassed. He may experience no ill effects, but hours afterward, particularly if he has ex- 94 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR ercised in the meantime, he may suddenly fall dead, owing to its paralyzing action on the heart. FREEING THE BKITISH TRENCHES OF RATS Phosgene was not used alone, but had to be mixed with chlorine, and the deadly combina- tion of the two destroyed all life for miles be- hind the trenches. However, the British were ready for it. They had been drilled to put on their masks in a few seconds' time, on the first warning of a gas attack. When the clouds of chlorine and phosgene came over No Man's Land, they were prepared, and, except for cas- ualties among men whose masks proved defec- tive, the soldiers in the trenches came through with very few losses. .All animal life, however, was destroyed. This was a blessing to the Brit- ish Tommy, whose trenches had been overrun with rats) The British had tried every known method to get rid of these pests, and now, thanks to the Germans, their quarters were most effec- tively fumigated with phosgene and every rat was killed. If only the "cooties" could have been destroyed in the same way, the Germans might have been forgiven many of their offenses. The disadvantages in the use of gas clouds THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS 95 became increasingly apparent. What was wanted was some method of placing the gas among the opponents in concentrated form, without wasting any of it on its way across from one line to the other. This led to the use of shell filled with materials which would produce gas. There were many advantages in these shell. They could be thrown exactly where it was desired that they should fall, without the help of the fickle winds. When the shell landed and burst, the full effect of its contents was expended upon the enemy. A gas cloud would rise over a wood, but with shell the wood could be filled with gas, which, once there, would lurk among the trees for days. Chemicals could be used in shell which could not be used in a cloud attack. The shell could be filled with a liquid, or even with a solid, because when it burst the filling would be minutely pulverized. And so German chemists were set to work devising all sorts of fiendish schemes for poisoning, chok- ing, or merely annoying their opponents. GAS THAT MADE ONE WEEP One of the novel shell the Germans used was known as the "tear-gas" shell. This was filled 96 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR with a liquid, Hie vapor of which was very irri- tating to the eyes. The liquid vaporized very slowly and so its effect would last a long time. However, the vapor did not permanently injure the eyes ; it merely filled them with tears to such an extent that a soldier was unable to see and consequently was confused and retarded in his work. The ' ' tear-gas ' ' shell were marked with a "T" by the Germans and were known as "T-shell." Another type of shell, known as the "K-shell," contained a very poisonous liquid, the object of which was to destroy the enemy quickly. The effect of this shell was felt at once, but it left no slow vapors on the ground, and so it could be followed up almost immedi- ately by an attack. Later on, the Germans de- veloped three types of gas shell one known as the " Green Cross, " another as the "Yellow Cross," and the third as the "Blue Cross.' 7 The Green Cross shell was filled with diphos- gene, or a particularly dangerous combination of phosgene in liquid form, which would remain in pools on the ground or soak into the ground and would vaporize when it became warm. Its vapors were deadly. One had always to be on THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS 97 his guard against them. In the morning, when the sun warmed the earth and vapors were seen to rise from the damp soil, tests were made of the vapors to see whether it was mere water vapor or diphosgene, before men were allowed to walk through it. These vapors were heavier than air and would flow down into a trench, filling every nook and cranny. If phosgene entered a trench by a di- rect hit, the liquid would remain there for days, rendering that part of the trench uninhabitable except by men in gas-masks. The infected part of the trench, however, was cut off from the rest of the trench by means of gas-locks. In other words, blankets were used to keep the gas out, and usually two blankets were hung so that a man in passing from one part of the trench to another could lift up the first blanket, pass under it, and close it carefully behind him be- fore opening the second blanket which led into the portion of the trench that was not infected. The Germans had all sorts of fiendish schemes for increasing the discomfort of the Allies. For instance, to some of their diphosgene Shell they added a gas which caused intense vomit- ing. 98 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR The Yellow Cross shell was another fiendish invention of the Huns. It was popularly known as "mustard gas" and was intended not to kill but merely to discomfort the enemy. The gas had a peculiar penetrating smell, some- thing like garlic, -and its fumes would burn the flesh wherever it was exposed to them, produc- ing great blisters and sores that were most distressing. The material in the shell was a liquid which was very hard to get rid of because it would vaporize so slowly. On account of the persistence of this vapor, lasting as it did for days, these gas shell were usually not fired by the Germans on lines that they expected to attack immediately. THE SNEEZING-SHELL The Blue Cross shell was comparatively harmless, although very annoying. It con- tained a solid which was atomized by the ex- plosion of the shell, and which, after it got into the nostrils, caused a violent sneezing. The material, however, was not poisonous and did not produce any casualties to speak of, although it was most unpleasant. A storm of Blue Cross shell could be followed almost im- THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS 99 mediately by an attack, because the effect of the shell would have been dissipated before the attackers reached the enemy who were still suffering from the irritation of their nostrils. GAS-MASKS As the different kinds of gas shell were de- veloped, the gas-masks were improved to meet them. In every attack there were "duds" or unexploded shell, which the chemists of the Allies analyzed. Also, they were constantly experimenting with new gases, themselves, and often could anticipate the Germans. The Allies were better able to protect themselves against gas attacks than the Germans, because there was a scarcity of rubber in Germany for the manufacture of masks. When it was found that phosgene was going to be used, the simple cotton-wad masks had to give way to more elaborate affairs with chemicals that would neutralize this deadly gas. And later when the mustard gas was used which attacked the eyes, and the sneezing-gas that attacked the nose, it was found necessary to cover the face completely, particularly the eyes; and so hel- mets of rubber were constructed which were 100 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR tightly fitted around the neck under the coat collar. The inhaled aid was purified by pas- sage through a box or can filled with chemicals and charcoal made of various materials, such as cocoanut shells, peach pits, horse-chestnuts, and the like. Because the Germans had no rubber to spare, they were obliged to use leather, which made their masks stiff and heavy. GLASS THAT WILL NOT SHATTER One of the greatest difficulties that had to be contended with was the covering of the eyes. There was danger in the use of glass, because it was liable to be cracked or broken, letting in the deadly fumes and gassing the wearer. Ex- periments were made with celluloid and similar materials, but the finest gas-masks produced in the war were those made for our own soldiers, .in which the goggles were of glass, built up in layers, with a celluloid-like material between, which makes a tough composition that will stand up against a very hard blow. Even if it cracks, this glass will not shatter. The glasses were apt to become coated on the inside with moisture coming from the per- spiration of the face, and some means had to be THE BATTLE OF THE CHE-MISTS * Ifcl provided for wiping them off. The French hit upon a clever scheme of having the inhaled air strike the glasses in a jet which would dry off the moisture and keep the glasses clear. Be- fore this was done, the masks were provided with little sponges on the end of a finger-piece, with which the glasses could be wiped dry with- out taking the masks off. But all this time, the Allies were not merely standing on the defensive. No sooner had the Germans launched their first attack than the British and French chemists began to pay back the Hun in kind. More attention was paid to the shell than the cloud attack, and soon gas shell began to rain upon the Germans. Not only were the German shell copied, but new gases were tried. Gas shell were manufac- tured in immense quantities. Then America took a hand in the war and our chemists added their help, while our fac- tories turned out steady streams of shell. If Germany wanted gas warfare, the Allies were determined that she should have it. Our chem- ists were not afraid to be pitted against the German chemists and the factories of the Allies were more than a match for those of the Cen- ,102 , .INY^XTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR tral Powers. When the Germans first started the use of gas, apparently they counted only their own success, which they thought would be immediate and overwhelming. They soon learned that they must take what they gave. The Allies set them a pace that they could not keep up with. When the armistice brought the war to a sudden stop, the United States alone was mak- ing each day two tons of gas for every mile of the western front. If the war had continued, the Germans would have been simply deluged. As it was, they were getting far more gas than they could possibly produce in their own fac- tories and they had plenty of reason to regret their rash disregard of their contract at The Hague Conference. One gas we were making was of the same order as mustard gas but far more volatile, and had we had a chance to use it against the Germans they would have found it very difficult to protect themselves against its penetrating fumes. BATTLING WITH LIQUID FIBE Somewhat associated with gas warfare was another form of offensive which was introduced THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS 103 with the purpose of breaking up the dead-lock of trench warfare. A man could protect him- self against gas by using a suitable mask and clothing, but what could he do against fire! It looked as if trench defenders would have to give up if attacked with fire, and so, early in the war, the Germans devised apparatus for shoot- ing forth streams of liquid fire, and the Allies were not slow to copy the idea. The apparatus was either fixed or portable, but it was not often that the fixed apparatus could be used to advantage, because at best the range of the flame-thrower was limited and in few places were the trenches near enough for flaming oil to be thrown across the intervening gap. For this reason portable apparatus was chiefly used, with which a man could send out a stream for from a hundred to a hundred and fifty feet. On his back he carried the oil-tank, in the upper part of which there was a charge of compressed air.. A pipe led from the tank to a nozzle which the man held in his hand, using it to direct the spray. There was some danger to the operator in handling a highly inflammable oil. The blaze might flare back and burn him, particularly 104 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR when he was lighting the stream, and so a special way of setting fire to the spray had to be devised. Of course, the value of the apparatus lay in its power to shoot the stream as far as possible. The compressed air would sent the stream to a good distance, but after lighting, the oil might be consumed before it reached the desired range. Some way had to be found of igniting the oil stream far from the nozzle or as near the limit of its range as possible. And so two nozzles were used, one with a small open- ing so that it would send out a fine jet of long range, while the main stream of oil issued from the second nozzle. The first nozzle was mov- able with respect to the second and the two streams could be regulated to come together at any desired distance from the operator within the range of the apparatus. The fine stream was ignited and carried the flame out to the main stream, setting fire to it near the limit of its range. In this way a flare-back was avoided and the oil blazed where the flame was needed. The same sort of double nozzle was used on the stationary apparatus and because weight was not a consideration, heavier apparatus was used which shot the stream to a greater distance. THE BATTLE OF THE CHEMISTS 105 But flame-throwing apparatus had its draw- backs: there was always the danger that the tank of highly inflammable oil might be burst open by a shell or hand-grenade and its con- tents set on fire. The fixed apparatus was buried under bags of sand, but the man who carried flame-throwing apparatus on his back had to take his chances, not knowing at what instant the oil he carried might be set ablaze, turning him into a living, writhing, human torch. Because of this hazard, liquid fire did not play a very important part in trench war- fare; to set fire to the spray at its source with a well directed hand-grenade was too easy. There were certain situations, however, in which liquid fire played a very important part. After a line of trenches had been captured it was difficult to clear out the enemy who lurked in dugouts and underground passages. They would not surrender, and from their hidden recesses they could pour out a deadly machine- gun fire. The only way of dislodging them was to use the "fire broom. " In other words, a stream of liquid fire was poured into the dug- 106 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR out, burning out the men trapped in it. If there were a second exit, they would come tum- bling out in a hurry. If not, they would be burned to death. After the first sweep of the " broom, " if there were any survivors, there would not be any fight left in them, and they would be quick to surrender before being sub- jected to a second dose of fire. CHAPTEE VI TANKS r 1 1 HEBE is no race-horse that can keep up A with an automobile, no deer that can out- run a locomotive. A bicyclist can soon tire out the hardiest of hounds. Why? Because ani- mals run on legs, while machines run on wheels. As wheels are so much more speedy than legs, it seems odd that we do not find this form of locomotion in nature. There are many animals that owe their very existence to the fact that they can run fast. Why hasn't nature put them on wheels so that when their enemy ap- pears they can roll away, sedately, instead of having to jerk their legs frantically back and forth at the rate of a hundred strokes a minute I But one thing we must not overlook. Our wheeled machines must have a special road prepared for them, either a macadam highway or a steel track. They are absolutely helpless 107 108 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR when they are obliged to travel over rough country. No wheeled vehicle can run through fields broken by ditches and swampy spots, or over ground obstructed with boulders and tree- stumps. But it is not always possible or practicable to build a road for the machines to travel upon, and it is necessary to have some sort of self- propelled vehicle that can travel over all kinds of ground. Some time ago a British inventor developed a machine with large wheels on which were mounted the equivalent of feet. As the wheels revolved, these feet would be planted firmly on the ground, one after the other, and the machine would proceed step by step. It could travel over comparatively rough ground, and could actually walk up a flight of stairs. We have a very curious walking-machine in this country. It is a big dredge provided with two broad feet and a "swivel chair. " The machine makes progress by alternately planting its feet on the ground, lifting itself up, chair and all, pushing itself forward, and sitting down again. Although many other types of walking-ma- chines have been patented, none of them has TANKS 109 amounted to very much. Clearly, nature hope- lessly outclasses us in this form of propulsion. Years ago it occured to one ingenious man that if wheeled machines must have tracks or roads for their wheels to run on, they might be allowed to lay their own tracks. And so he arranged his track in the form of an endless chain of plates that ran around the wheels of his machine. The wheels merely rolled on this chain, and as they progressed, new links of the track were laid down before them and the links they had passed over were picked up behind them. A number of inventors worked on this idea, but one man in particular, Benjamin Holt, of Peoria, Illinois, brought the invention to a high state of perfection. He arranged a series of wheels along the chain track, each carrying a share of the load of the machine, and each mounted on springs so that it would yield to any unevenness of the ground, just as a cater- pillar conforms itself to the hills and dales of the surface it creeps over. In fact, the ma- chine was called a " caterpillar " tractor be- cause of its crawling locomotion. But it was no worm of a machine. In power it was a very elephant. It could haul loads 110 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR that would tax the strength of scores of horses. Stumps and boulders were no obstacles in its path. Even ditches could not bar its progress. The machine would waddle down one bank and up the other without the slightest diffi- culty. It was easily steered; in fact, it could turn around in its own length by traveling for- ward on one of its chains, or traction-belts, and backward on the other. The machine was particularly adapted to travel on soft or plowed ground, because the broad traction-belts gave it a very wide bearing and spread its weight over a large surface. It was set to work on large farms, hauling gangs of plows and culti- vators. Little did Mr. Holt think, as he watched his powerful mechanical elephants at work on the vast Western wheat-fields, that they, or rather their offspring, would some day play a leading role in a war that would rack the whole world. But we are getting ahead of our story. To start at the very beginning, we must go back to the time when the first savage warrior used a plank of wood to protect himself from the rocks hurled by his enemy. This was the start TANKS 111 of the never-ending competition between arms and armor. As the weapons of offense de- veloped from stone to spear, to arrow, to arque- bus, the wooden plank developed into a shield of brass and then of steel; and then, since a separate shield became too bothersome to carry, it was converted into armor that the warrior could wear and so have both hands free for battle. For every improvement in arms there was a corresponding improvement in armor. After gunpowder was invented, the idea of armor for men began to wane, because no armor could be built strong enough to ward off the rifle-bullet and at the same time light enough for a man to wear. The struggle between arms and armor was then confined to the big guns and the steel protection of forts and war-ships. But not so long ago the machine-gun was in- vented, and this introduced a new phase of war- fare. Not more than one rifle-bullet in a thou- sand finds its mark on the battle-field. The Boers in the battle of Colenso established a record with one hit in six hundred shots. In the excitement of battle men are too nervous to take careful aim and they are apt to fire either 112 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR too high or too low, so that the mortality is not nearly so great as some would expect. But with the machine-gun there is not this waste of ammunition, because it fires a stream of bullets, the effect of which can readily be deter- mined by the man who operates the volley. The difference between the machine-gun fire and rifle fire is something like the difference between hitting a tin can with a stone or with a stream of water. It is no easy matter to score a hit with the stone; but any one can train a garden hose on the can, because he can see where the water is striking and move his hose accordingly until he covers the desired spot. In the -same way, with the machine-gun, it is much easier to train the stream of bullets upon the mark, and, having once found the mark, to hold the aim. That is one reason why the destruction of a machine- gun is so tremendous ; another, of course, being that it will discharge so many more shots per minute than the common rifle. In the Eusso-Japanese War, the Eussians played havoc with the attacking Japanese at Port Arthur by using carefully concealed ma- chine-guns, and the German military attaches were quick to note the value of the machine- (C) Underwood & Underwood Even Trees were no Barrier to the British Tank Press Illustrating Service The German Tank was very heavy and cumbersome TANKS 113 gun. Secretely they manufactured large num- bers of machine-guns and established a special branch of service to handle the guns, and they developed the science of using them with telling effect. And so, when the recent great war sud- denly broke out, they surprised the world with the countless number of machine-guns they pos- sessed and the efficient use to which they put them. Thousands of British soldiers in the early days of the war fell victims to these death- dealing machines. Two or three men with a machine-gun could defy several companies of soldiers, especially when the attackers had to cut their way through barbed-wire entangle- ments. It was clearly evident that something must be done to defend the men against the machine-gun; for to charge against it meant, simply, wholesale slaughter. At first the only means of combating the ma- chine-guns seemed to be to destroy them with shell-fire; but they were carefully concealed, and it was difficult to search them out. Only by long-continued bombardment was it possible to destroy them and tear away the barbed wire sufficiently to permit of a charge. Before an enemy position was stormed it was subjected to 114 INTENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR the fire of thousands -of guns of all calibers for hours and even days. But this resulted in notifying the enemy that a charge was ere long to be attempted at a certain place, and he could assemble his reserves for a counter-attack. Furthermore, the Ger- mans learned to conceal their machine-guns in dugouts twenty or thirty feet underground, where they were safe from the fire of the big guns, and then, when the fire let up, the weapons would be dragged up to the surface in time to mow down the approaching infantry. It was very clear that something would have to be done to combat the machine-gun. If the necessary armor was too heavy for the men to carry, it must carry itself. Armored auto- mobiles were of no service at all, because they could not possibly travel over the shell-pitted ground of No Man's Land. The Eussians tried a big steel shield mounted on wheels, which a squad of soldiers would push ahead of them, but their plan failed because the wheels would get stuck in shell-holes. A one-man shield on wheels was tried by the British. Un- der its shelter a man could steal up -to the barbed wire and cut it and even crawl up to a machine- TANKS 115 gun emplacement and destroy it with a hand- grenade. But this did not prove very success- ful, either, because the wheels did not take kindly to the rough ground of the battle-field. And here is where we come back to Mr. Holt's mechanical elephants. Just before the great war broke out, Belgium poor unsus- pecting Belgium was holding an agricultural exhibit. An American tractor was on exhi- bition. It was the one developed by Mr. Holt, and its remarkable performances gained for it a reputation that spread far and wide. Colonel E. D. Swinton of the British Army heard of the peculiar machine, and im- mediately realized the advantages of an ar- mored tractor for battle over torn ground. But in the first few months of the war that ensued, this idea was forgotten, until the ef- fectiveness of the machine-gun and the neces- sity for overcoming it recalled the matter to his mind. At his suggestion a caterpillar tractor was procured, and the military engi- neers set themselves to the task of designing an armored body to ride on the caterpillar-trac- tor belts, Of course the machine had to be 116 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR entirely re-designed. The tractor was built for hauling loads, and not to climb out of deep shell- holes; but by running the traction-belts over the entire body of the car, and running the forward part of the tractor up at a sharp an- gle the engineers overcame that difficulty. In war, absolute secrecy is essential to the success of any invention, and the British en- gineers were determined to let no inkling of the new armored automobiles reach the enemy. Different parts of the machines were made in different factories, so that no one would have an idea of what the whole would look like. At first the new machine was known as a " land- cruiser " or " land-ship "; but it was feared that this very name would give a clue to spies, and so any descriptive name was forbidden. Many of the parts consisted of rolled steel plates which might readily be used in building up ves- sels to hold water or gasolene ; and to give the impression that such vessels were being con- structed the name "tank" was adopted. The necessity of guarding even the name of the ma- chines was shown later, when rumors leaked out that the tanks were being built to carry water over the desert regions of Mesopotamia TANKS 117 and Egypt. Another curious rumor was that the machines were snow-plows for use in Rus- sia. To give some semblance of truth to this story, the parts were carefully labeled, "For Petrograd." Probably never was a military secret so well guarded as this one, and when, on September 15, 1916, the waddling steel tractors loomed up out of the morning mists, the German fighters were taken completely by surprise. Two days before, their airmen had noticed some peculiar machines which they supposed were armored automobiles. They had no idea, however, that such formidable monsters were about to de- scend upon them. The tanks proceeded leisurely over the shell- torn regions of No Man's Land, wallowing down into shell-holes and clambering up out of them with perfect ease. They straddled the trenches and paused to pour down them streams of machine-gun bullets. Wire entanglements were nothing to them ; under their weight steel wire snapped like thread. The big brutes marched up and down the lines of wire, treading them down into the ground and clearing the way for the infantry. Even trees were no barrier 118 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR to these tanks. Of course they did not attack large ones, but the smallish trees were simply broken down before their onslaughts. As for concrete emplacements for machine-guns, the tanks merely rode over them and crushed them. Those who attempted to defend themselves in the ruins of buildings found that the tanks could plow right through walls and bring them down in a shower of bricks and stone. There was no stopping these monsters, and the Ger- mans fled in consternation before them. There were two sizes of tanks. The larger ones aimed to destroy the machine-gun emplace- ments, and they were fitted up with guns for fir- ing a shell. The smaller tanks, armed with machine-guns, devoted themselves to fighting the infantry. British soldiers following in the wake of the bullet-proof tank were protected from the shots of the enemy and were ready to attack him with bayonets when the time was ripe. But the tanks also furnished an indirect protection for the troops. It was not necessary for the men to conceal themselves behind the big tractors. Naturally, every Hun who stood his ground and fought, directed all his fire upon the tanks, leaving the British infantry free to TANKS 119 charge virtually unmolested. The success of the tank was most pronounced. In the meantime the French had been in- formed of the plans of their allies, and they set to work on a different design of tractor. It was not until six months later that their ma- chines saw service. The French design dif- fered from the British mainly in having the tractor belt confined to the wheels instead of running over the entire body of the tank. It was more blunt than the British and was pro- vided at the forward end with a steel cutting- edge, which adapted it to break its way through wire entanglements. At each end there are two upward-turning skids which helped the tank to lift itself out of a hole. The larger machines carried a regular 75-millimeter (3-inch) field- gun, which is a very formidable weapon. They carried a crew of one officer and seven men. Life in a tank is far from pleasant. The heat and the noise of machinery and guns are terrific. Naturally, ventilation is poor and the fumes and gases that accumulate are most annoying, to say the least. Sometimes the men were over- come by them. But war is war, and such dis- comforts had to be endured, 120 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR But the tank possessed one serious defect which the Germans were not slow to discover. Its armor was proof against machine-gun fire, but it could not ward off the shells of field- guns, and it was such a slow traveler that the enemy did not find it a very difficult task to hit it with a rapid-fire gun if the gunner could see his target. And so the Germans ordered up their guns to the front lines, where they could score direct hits. Only light guns were used for this purpose, especially those whose rifling was warn down by long service, because long range was not necessary for tank fighting. When the Germans began their final great drive, it was rumored that they had built some monster tanks that were far more formidable than anything the Allies had produced. Un- like the British, they used the tanks not to lead the army but to follow and destroy small nests of French and British that were left behind. When the French finally did capture one of the German tanks, which had fallen into a quarry, it proved to be a poor imitation. It was an ugly-looking affair, very heavy and cumber- some. Owing to the scarcity of materials for (C) Underwood & Underwood The Speedy British "Whippet" Tank that can travel at a speed of twelve miles per hour CO Underwood & Underwood The French High-Speed "Baby" Tank sl ' ., C II .si g r rt o . TANKS 121 producing high-grade armor, it had to make up in thickness of plating what it lacked in quality of steel. The tank was intended to carry a crew of eighteen men and it fairly bristled with guns, but it could not manceuver as well as the British tank; for when some weeks later a fleet of German tanks encountered a fleet of heavy British tanks, the Hun machines were completely routed. It was then that the British sprang another surprise upon the Germans. After the big fellows had done their work, a lot of baby tanks appeared on the scene and chased the German infantry. These little tanks could travel at a speed of twelve miles an hour, which is about as fast as an ordinary man can run. " Whip- pets, " the British called them, because they were like the speedy little dogs of that name. They carried but two men, one to guide the tank and the other to operate the machine-gun. The French, too, built a light ." mosquito" tank, which was even smaller than the British tank, and fully as fast. It was with these machines, which could dart about quickly on the battle- field and dodge the shell of the field-guns, and which were immune to the fire of the machine- 122 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT "WAR gun, that the Allies were able to make progress against the Germans. When the Germans retired, they left behind them nests of machine-guns to cover the with- drawal of their armies. These gunners were ordered to fight to the very end. They looked for no mercy and expected no help. Had it not been for the light tanks, it would have been well nigh impossible to overcome these deter- mined bodies of men without frightful losses. Since America invented the machine-gun and also barbed wire, and since America furnished the inspiration for the tank with which to tram- ple down the wire entanglements and stamp out the machine-guns, naturally people expected our army to come out with something better than anything produced by our allies. We did turn out a number of heavy machines patterned after the original British tank, with armor that could stand up against heavy fire, and we also produced a small and very speedy tank similar to the French "baby" tank, but before we could put these into service the war ended. The tanks we did use so effectively at St.-Mihiel and in the Argonne Forest were supplied by the French. CHAPTER VII THE WAB IN THE AIR WE Americans are a peace-loving people, which is the very reason why we went into the war. We had to help down the power that was disturbing the peace of the world. We do not believe in conquests at least of the type that Germany tried to force and yet there are certain conquests that we do indulge in once in a while. Eleven years before Germany undertook to conquer Europe two young Americans made the greatest conquest that the world has ever seen. The Wright brothers sailed up into the heavens and gained the mastery of the air. They of- fered their conquest to the United States; but while we accepted their offering with enthusi- asm at first, we did not know what to do with the new realm after we got it. There seemed to be no particular use in flying. It was just 123 124 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR a bit too risky to be pleasant sport, and about all we could see in it was an exhibition for the circus or the county fair. Not so in Europe, however. Flying meant something over there there where the fron- tiers have ever bristled with big guns and strong fortifications, and where huge military forces have slept on their arms, never knowing what dreadful war the morning would bring forth. The war-lovers hailed the airplane as a new instrument with which to terrorize their neighbors; the peace-lovers saw in it another menace to their homes ; it gave them a new fron- tier to defend. And so the military powers of Europe took up the airplane seriously and earnestly and developed it. At first military authorities had rated the airplane chiefly as a flying scout. Some bomb- dropping experiments had been made with it, but it proved very difficult to land the bombs near the target, and, besides, machines of those days were not built to carry very heavy loads, so that it did not seem especially profitable to attack the enemy from the skies. As for actual battles up among the clouds, they were dreamed of only by the writers of fiction. But wild THE WAR IN THE AIR 125 dreams became stern realities in the mighty struggle between the great powers of the world. EYES IN THE SKY As a scouting-machine the airplane did prove to be far superior to mounted patrols which used to perform scout-work. In fact, it changed completely the character of modern warfare. From his position high up in the heavens the flying scout had an unobstructed view of the country for miles and he could see just what the enemy was doing. He could see whether large forces of men were collecting for an attack. He could watch the course of sup- ply-trains, and judge of their size. He could locate the artillery of the enemy and come back with information which in former times a scout posted in a tall tree or even in a captive balloon could not begin to acquire. Surprise attacks were impossible, with eyes in the sky. The aviator could help his own batteries by signal- ing to them where to send their shell, and when the firing began he would spot the shots as they landed and signal back to the battery how to correct its aim so as to drop the shell squarely on the target. 126 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR The French sprang a surprise on the Ger- mans by actually attacking the infantry from the sky. The idea of attack from overhead was so novel that armies did not realize the danger of exposing themselves behind the bat- tle-front. Long convoys of trucks and masses of infantry moved freely over the roads behind the lines and they were taken by sur- prise when the French began dropping steel darts upon them. These were about the size of a pencil, with pointed end and fluted tail, so that they would travel through the air like an arrow. The darts were dropped by the hundred wherever the airmen saw a large group of the enemy, and they struck with suf- ficient velocity to pierce a man from head to foot. But steel darts were not used very long. The enemy took to cover and then the only way to attack him was to drop explosives which would blow up his shelter. At the outset, air scouts were more afraid of the enemy on the ground than in the sky. The Germans had anti-aircraft guns that were fired with accuracy and accounted for many Allied planes. In those days, airplanes flew at com- paratively low altitudes and they were well THE WAft IN THE AIB 127 within the reach of the enemy's guns. But it was not long before the airplanes began to fight one another. Each side was very much an- noyed by the flying scouts of its opponents and after a number of pistol duels in the sky the French began to arm their planes with machine- guns. Two months after the war started the first airplane was sent crashing to earth after a bat- tle in the sky. The fight took place five thou- sand feet above the earth, between a French and a German machine. The German pilot was killed and the plane fell behind the French lines, carrying with it a Prussian nobleman who died before he could be pulled out of the wreckage. The war had been carried into the skies. But if scouts were to fight one another, they could not pay much attention to scouting and spotting and it began to be realized that there were four distinct classes of work for the airplane to do scouting, artillery-spotting, bat- tling, and bombing. Each called for special training and its own type of machine. As air fighting grew more specialized these classes were further subdivided, but we need not go into such refinements. 128 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR AIR SCOUTS AND THEIE DANGERS The scouting-airplane usually carried two men, one- to drive -the machine and the other to make observations. The observer had to carry a camera, to take photographs of what lay be- low, and he was usually equipped with a wire- less outfit, with which he could send important information back to his own base. The camera was sometimes fitted with a stock like that of a gun, so that it could be aimed from the shoulder. Some small cameras were shaped so that they could be held in the hand like a pistol and aimed over the side of the fuselage, or body, of the airplane ; but the best work was done with large cameras fitted with telescopic lenses, or "telephoto" lenses, as they are called. Some of these were built into the airplane, with the lens opening down through the bottom of the fuselage. The scouting-airplane carried a machine-gun, not for attack, but for defense. It had to be a quick climber and a good dodger, so that it could escape from an attacking plane. Usually it did not have to go very far into the enemy country, and it was provided with a large wing- How an object dropped from the Woolworth Building would increase its speed in falling THE WAfc IN THE AIR spread, so that if anything happened to the engine, it could volplane, or glide back, to its own lines. As the scouting-planes were large, they offered a big target to anti-aircraft guns, and so the work of the air scout was to swoop down upon the enemy, when, of course, the machine would be traveling at high velocity, because it would have all the speed of falling added to that which its own propeller gave it. It was really a very difficult matter to hit a rapidly moving airplane; and even if it were hit, there were few spots in which it could be mortally wounded. Hundreds of shots could go through the wings of an airplane without im- pairing its flying in the least. The engine, too, could be pretty well peppered with ordinary bullets without being disabled. As for -the men in the machine, they furnished small targets, and even they could be hit in many places with- out being put entirely out of business. And so the dangers of air scouting were not so great as might at first be supposed. One of the most vulnerable spots in the air- plane was the gasolene tank. If that were punctured so that the fuel would run out, the airplane would have to come to the ground. 130 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR Worse still, the gasolene might take fire and there was nothing the aviator dreaded more than fire. There were occasions in which he had to choose between leaping to earth and burn- ing to death, and the former was usually pre- ferred as a quicker and less painful death. In some of the later machines the gasolene-tank could be pitched overboard if it took fire, by the throwing of a lever, and then the aviator could glide to earth in safety. THE SELF-HEALING GASOLENE-TANK One of the contributions which we made to military aeronautics was a gasolene-tank that was puncture-proof. It was made of soft rub- ber with a thin lining of copper. There are some very soft erasers on the market through which you can pass a lead pencil and never find the hole after it has passed through, because the rubber has closed in and healed the wound. Such was the rubber used in the gasolene-tank. It could be peppered with bullets and yet would not leak a drop of gasolene, unless the bullet chanced to plow along the edge of the tank and open a long gash. The Germans used four different kinds of THE WAR IN THE AIR 131 cartridges in their aircraft guns. The first carried the ordinary bullet, a second type had for its bullet a shell of German silver filled with a phosphor compound. This was automatically ignited through a small opening in the base of the shell when it was fired from the gun and it left a trail of smoke by which the gunner could trace its course through the air and correct his aim. At night the bright spot of light made by the burning compound would serve the same purpose. Such a bullet, if it hit an ordinary gasolene-tank, would set fire to its contents. The bullet would plow through the tank and out at the opposite side and there, at its point of exit, is where the gasolene would be set on fire. Such incendiary bullets were repeatedly fired into or through the rubber tanks and the hole would close behind the bullet, preventing the contents from taking fire. The two other types of bullets referred to were an explosive bullet or tiny shell which would explode on striking -the target and a perforating steel bul- let which was intended to pierce armor or pene- trate into vital parts of an airplane engine. Machines with which artillery-spotting was done were usually manned by a pilot and an ob- 132 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR server, so that the latter could devote his entire attention to noting the fire of the guns and signaling ranges without being hampered by having to drive the machine. These machines were usually of the pusher type, so that the ob- server could have an unobstructed view. They did not have to be fast machines. It was really better for them to move slowly. Had it been possible for them to stop altogether and hover over the spot that was being shelled, it would have been a distinct advantage. That would have given the observer a chance to note with better accuracy the fall of the shell. Like the scout, -the spotter had to be a fast climber, so that it could get out of the range of enemy guns and run away from attacking planes. GIANTS OF THE SKY The largest war-planes were the bomb-drop- ping machines. They had to be capable of carrying heavy loads of explosives. They were usually slow machines, speed being sacrificed in carrying-capacity. The Germans paid a great deal of attention to big bomb-dropping machines, particularly after their Zeppelins proved a failure. Their THE WAR IN THE AIR 133 huge Gothas were built to make night raids on undefended cities. The Italians and the British retaliated with machines that were even larger. At first the French were inclined to let giant planes alone. They did not care to conduct long-distance bombing-raids on German cities because their own important cities were so near the battle-front that the Germans could have done those places more harm than the French could have inflicted. Later they built some giant machines, although not so large as those of the Italians and the British. The large triplane Capronis built by the Italians held a crew of three men. They were armed with three guns and carried 2750 pounds of explosives. That made a useful load of 4000 pounds. The machine was driven by three en- gines with a total of 900 horse-power. The big British plane was the Handley-P-age, which had a wing-spread of 125 feet and could carry a useful load of three tons. These enor- mous machines conducted their raids at night because they were comparatively slow and could not defend themselves against speedy battle- planes. The big Italian machines used * i search- light " bombs to help them locate important 134 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR points on the ground beneath. These were brilliant magnesium torches suspended from parachutes so that they would fall slowly and give a broad illumination, while the airplane it- self was shielded from the light by the para- chute. But these giants were not the only bombing- machines. There were smaller machines that operated over the enemy's battle-line and dropped bombs on any suspicious object behind the enemy lines. These machines had to be con- voyed by fast battle-planes which fought off hostile airmen. HOW FAST IS A HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES PER HOUR? In naval warfare the battle-ship is the big- gest and heaviest ship of the fleet, but in the air the battle-planes are the lightest and the smallest of the lot. They are one-man ma- chines, as a rule, little fellows, but enormously speedy. Speed is such an important factor in aerial warfare that there was a continuous struggle between the opposing forces to pro- duce the faster machine. Airplanes were con- stantly growing speedier, until a speed of 150 THE WAR IN THE AIR 135 miles per hour was not an uncommon rate of travel. It is hard to imagine such a speed as that, but we may gain some idea if we consider a falling object. The observation platform of the Woolworth Building, in New York, is about 750 feet above 'the ground. If you should drop an object from this platform you would start it on a journey that would grow increasingly speedy, particularly as it neared the ground. By the time it had dropped from the sixtieth story to the fifty-ninth it would have attained a speed of nearly 20 miles per hour. (We are not making any allowances for the resistance of the air and what it would do to check the speed.) As it passed the fiftieth story it would be traveling as fast as an express-train, or 60 miles per hour. It would finally reach the ground with a speed equal to that of a fast battle-plane 150 miles per hour. The battle-plane was usually fitted with a single machine-gun that was fixed to the air- plane, so that it was brought to bear on the target by aiming the entire machine. In this the plane was something like a submarine, which must point its bow at its intended victim in or- der to aim its torpedo. The operator of the bat- 136 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR tie-plane simply drove his machine at the enemy and touched a button on his steering-lever to start his machine-gun going. SHOOTING THROUGH THE PROPELLER Now, the fleetest machines and the most easily maneuvered are those of the tractor type, that is, the ones which have the propeller in front; but having the propeller in front is a handicap for a single-seater machine, for the gun has to be fired through the propeller and the bullets are sure to hit the propeller-blades. Neverthe- less the French did fire right through the pro- peller, regardless of whether or not the blades were hit; but at the point where they came in line with the fire of the gun they were armored with steel, so that there was no danger of their being cut by the bullets. It was calculated that not more than one bullet in eighteen would strike the propeller-blade and be deflected from its course, which was a very trifling loss ; neverthe- less, it was a loss, and on this account a mechan- ism was devised which would time the opera- tions of the machine-gun so that the shots would come only when the propeller-blades were clear of the line of fire. Machine Gun mounted to Fire over the Blades of the Propeller Courtesy of "Scientific American " Mechanism for Firing Between the Blades of the Propeller The cam B on the propeller shaft lifts the rod C, rocking the angle lever D which moves the rod E and operates the firing-piece F. Firing may be stopped by means of lever Hand Bowden wire G. I is the ejection-tube for empty cartridges. I Si THE WAR IN THE AIR 137 A cam placed on the propeller-shaft worked the trigger of the machine-gun. This did not slow up the fire of the machine-gun. Quite the contrary. We are apt to think of the fire of the machine-guns as very rapid, but they usually fire only about five hundred rounds per minute, while an airplane propeller will make something like twelve hundred revolutions per minute. And so the mechanism was arranged to pull the trigger only once for every two revolutions of the propeller. FIGHTING AMONG THE CLOUDS There was no service of the war that began to compare with that of the sky fighter. He had to climb to enormous heights. Air battles took place at elevations of twenty thousand feet. The higher the battle-plane could climb, the bet- ter, because the man above had a tremendous advantage. Clouds were both a haven and a menace to him. At any moment an enemy plane might burst out of the cloufds upon him. He had to be ready to go through all the thrilling tricks of a circus performer so as to dodge the other fellow and get a commanding position. Jf he were getting ttye worst of it, he might 138 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR feign death and let his machine go tumbling and fluttering down for a thousand feet or so, only to recover his equilibrium suddenly and dart away when the enemy was thrown off his guard. He might escape into some friendly cloud, but he dared not hide in it very long, lest he get lost. It is a peculiar sensation that comes over an aviator when he is flying through a thick mass of clouds. He is cut off from the rest of the world. He can hear nothing but the terrific roar of his own motor and the hurricane rush of the wind against his ears. He can see nothing but the bluish fog of the clouds. He begins to lose all sense of direction. His com- pass appears to swing violently to and fro, when really it is his machine that is zig-zagging under his unsteady guidance. The more he tries to steady it, the worse becomes the swing of the compass. As he turns he banks his machine automatically, just as a bicyclist does when rounding a corner. He does this unconsciously, and he may get to spinning round and round, with his machine standing on its side. In some cases aviators actually emerged from the clouds with their machines upside down. To be sure, THE WAR IN THE AIR 139 this was not an alarming position for an expe- rienced aviator ; at the same time, it was not al- together a safe one. A machine was some- times broken by its operator's effort to right it suddenly. And so while the clouds made handy shelters, they were not always safe harbors. To the battle-plane fell the task of clearing the air of the enemy. If the enemy's battle- planes were disposed of, his bombing-planes, his spotters, and his scouts could not operate, and he would be blind. And so each side tried to beat out the other with speedier, more power- ful, and more numerous battle-planes. Fast double-seaters were built with guns mounted so that they could turn in any direction. THE FLYING TANK The Germans actually built an armored bat- tle-plane known as the flying tank. It was a two-seater intended mainly for attacking in- fantry and was provided with two machine- guns that pointed down through the floor of the fuselage. A third gun mounted on a revolving wooden ring could be used to fight off hostile planes. The bottom and sides of the fuselage or body of the airplane from the gunner's cock- 140 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAK pit forward were sheathed with plates of steel armor. The machine was a rather cumbersome craft and did not prove very successful. A fly- ing tank was brought down within the American lines just before the signing of the armistice. AMERICA'S HELP Our own contribution to the war in the air was considerable, but we had hardly started be- fore the armistice brought the fighting to an end. Before we entered the war we did not give the airplane any very serious considera- tion. To be sure, we built a large number of airplanes for the British, but they were not good enough to be sent to the front ; they were used merely as practice planes in the British training-schools. We knew that we were hope- lessly outclassed, but we did not care very much. Then we stepped into the conflict. "What, can we do to help?" we asked our allies, and their answer gave us a shock. " Airplanes !" they cried. " Build us air- planes thousands of them so that we can drive the enemy out of the air and blind his armies!" It took us a while to recover from our sur- THE WAR IN THE AIR 141 prise, and then we realized why we had been asked to build airplanes. The reputation of the United States as a manufacturer of machinery had spread throughout the world. We Ameri- cans love to take hold of a machine and turn it out in big quantities. Our allies were sure that we could turn out first-class airplanes, and many of them, if we tried. Congress made an appropriation of six hun- dred and forty million dollars for aeronautics, and then things began to hum. A BIRTHDAY PRESENT TO THE NATION The heart of an airplane is its engine. We know a great deal about gasolene-engines, es- pecially automobile engines ; but an airplane en- gine is a very different thing. It must be tre- mendously powerful, and at the same time ex- tremely light. Every ounce of unnecessary weight must be shaved off. It must be built with the precision of a watch; its vital parts must be true x o a ten-thousandth part of an inch. It takes a very powerful horse to develop one horse-power for a considerable length of time. It would take a hundred horses to supply the power for even a small airplane, and they would 142 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR weigh a hundred and twenty thousand pounds. An airplane motor of the same power would weigh less than three hundred pounds, which is a quarter of the weight of a single horse. It was this powerful, yet most delicate, machine that we were called upon to turn out by the thou- sand. There was no time to waste; a motor must be designed that could be built in the American way, without any tinkering or fussy hand-work. Two of our best engineers met in a hotel in Washington on June 3, 1917, and worked for five days without once leaving their rooms. They had before them all the airplane knowl- edge of our allies. American engine-builders offered up their trade secrets. Everything was done to make this motor worthy of America's reputation. There was a race to have the mo- tor finished by the Fourth of July. Sure enough, on Independence Day the finished motor was there in Washington the "Liberty mo- tor, " a birthday present to the nation. Of course that did not mean that we were ready at once to turn out Liberty motors by the thousand. The engine had to undergo many tests and a large number of alterations before it THE WAR IN THE AIR 143 was perfectly satisfactory and then special ma- chinery had to be constructed before it could be manufactured in quantity. It was Thanks- giving Day before the first manufactured Lib- erty was turned out and even after that change upon change was made in this little detail and that. It was not until a year after we went to war that the engine began to be turned out in quantity. There was nothing startlingly new about the engine. It was a composite of a number of other engines, but it was designed to be turned out in enormous quantities, and it was remark- ably efficient. It weighed only 825 pounds and it developed over 420 horse-power. Some ma- chines went up as high as 485 horse-power. An airplane engine weighing less than 2 pounds per horse-power is wonderfully efficient. Of course the Liberty was too heavy for a light battle- plane (a heavy machine, no matter how power- ful, cannot make sharp turns), but it was ex- cellent for other types of airplanes and large orders for Liberty engines were made by our allies. Of course we made other engines as well, and the planes to carry them. We built large Caproni and Handley-Page machines, and 144 INVENTIONS OF THE GEEAT WAR we were developing some remarkably swift and powerful planes of our own when the Germans thought it about time to stop fighting. FLYING BOATS So far we have said nothing about the sea- planes which were used in large numbers to watch for submarines. These were big flying boats in which speed was not a very important matter. One of the really big machines we de- veloped, but which was not finished until after the war, was a giant with a 110-foot span and a body or hull 50 feet long. During the war seaplanes carried wireless telephone apparatus with which they could call to destroyers and sub- marine-chasers when they spotted a submarine. They also carried bombs which they could drop on U-boats, and even heavy guns with which they could fire shell. A still later development are the giant planes of. the N. C. type with a wing-spread of 126 feet and driven by four Liberty motors. They carry a useful load of four and a half tons. Early in the war, large guns were mounted on airplanes, but the shock of the recoil proved too much for the airplane to stand. However, C) Uriderwood & Underwood The Flying-tank an Armored German Airplane designed for firing on troops on the march THE WAR IN THE AIR 145 an American inventor produced a gun which had no recoil. This he accomplished by using a double-end gun, which was fired from the mid- dle. The bullet or shell was shot out at the forward end of the gun and a dummy charge of sand was shot out at the rear end. The sand spread out and did no damage at a short dis- tance from the gun, but care had to be taken not to come too close. These non-recoil guns were made in different sizes, to fire 1%-inch to 3-inch shell. THE AUTOMATIC SEAPLANE Another interesting development was the tar- get airplane used for the training of aerial gun- ners. This was a small seaplane with a span of only 18y 2 feet, driven by a 12-horse-power motor, the whole machine weighing but 175 pounds. This was sent up without a pilot and it would fly at the rate of forty to fifty miles per hour until its supply of gasolene gave out, when it would drop down into the sea. It af- forded a real target for gunners in practice machines. Early in the war an American inventor pro- posed that seaplanes be provided with torpedoes 146 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR which they could launch at an enemy ship. The seaplane would swoop down out of the sky to within a short distance of the ship, drop its pro- jecticle, and fly off again, and the torpedo would continue on its course until it blew up the vessel. It was urged that a fleet of such seaplanes pro- tected by a convoy of fast battle-planes could invade the enemy harbors and destroys its pow- erful fleet. It seemed like a rather wild idea, but the British actually built such torpedo- planes and tested them. However, the German fleet surrendered before it was necessary to blow it up in such fashion. AIRPLANES AFTER THE WAR With the war ended, all the Allied powers have large numbers of airplanes on their hands and also large numbers of trained aviators. Undoubtedly airplanes will continue to fill the skies in Europe and we shall see more and more of them in this country. Even during the war they were used for other purposes than fighting. There were ambulances on wings machines with the top of the fuselage removable so that a patient on a stretcher could be placed inside. A French machine was furnished with a com- THE WAR IN THE AIR 147 plete hospital equipment for emergency treat- ment and even for performing an operation in case of necessity. The flying hospital could carry the patient back to the field or base hos- pital after treatment. Mail-carrying airplanes are already an old story. In Europe the big bombing-machines are being used for passenger service between cities. There is an air line between Paris and London. The airplanes carry from a dozen to as many as fifty passengers on a single trip. In some cities here, as well as abroad, the police are being trained to fly, so that they can police the heavens when the public takes to wings. Evidently the flying-era is here. CHAPTER VIII SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES SHORTLY after the Civil War broke out, Thaddeus S. C. Lowe, an enthusiastic American aeronaut, conceived the idea of send- ing up scout balloons to reconnoiter the posi- tion of the enemy. These balloons were to be connected by telegraph wires with the ground, so that they could direct the artillery fire. The idea was so novel to the military authorities of that day that it was not received with favor. Balloons were looked upon as freak inventions, entirely impracticable for the stern realities of war ; and as for telegraphing from a balloon, no one had ever done that before. But this enthusiast was not to be daunted, and he made a direct appeal to President Lin- coln, offering to prove the practicability of this means of scouting. So he took his balloon to Washington and made an ascent from the grounds of the Smithsonian Institution, while 148 eourtesy ot "Scientific American " Observation Car lowered from a Zeppelin sailing above the clouds SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES 149 the President came out on the lawn south of the White House to watch the demonstration. In order to test him, Mr. Lincoln took off his hat, waved his handkerchief, and made other signals. Lowe observed each act through his field-glasses and reported it to the President by telegraph. Mr. Lincoln was so impressed by the demonstra- tion that he ordered the army to use the ob- servation balloon, and so with some reluctance the gas-bag was introduced into military serv- ice, Professor Lowe being made chief aeronautic engineer. Under Lowe's direction the observa- tion balloons played an important part in the operations of the Union Army. On one occasion a young German military attache begged the privilege of making an as- cent in the balloon. Permission was given and when the German officer returned to earth he was wildly enthusiastic in praise of this aerial observation post. He had had a splendid view of the enemy and could watch operations through his field-glasses which were of utmost importance. Realizing the military value of the aircraft, he returned to Germany and urged military authorities to provide themselves with captive balloons. This young officer was Count 150 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR Ferdinand von Zeppelin, who was destined later to become the most famous aeronautic authority in the world and who lived to see Germany equipped with a fleet of balloons which were self-propelling and could travel over land and sea to spread German frightfulness into Eng- land. He also lived to see the virtual failure of this type of war-machine in the recent great conflict, and it was possibly because of his deep disappointment at having his huge expensive airships bested by cheap little airplanes that Count von Zeppelin died in March, 1917. How- ever, he was spared the humiliation of seeing a fleet of Zeppelins lose their way in a fog and fall into France, one of them being captured be- fore it could be destroyed, so that all its secrets of construction were learned by the French. THE WEIGHT OF HYDROGEN Before we describe the Zeppelin airships and the means by which they were eventually over- come, we must know something about the prin- ciples of balloons. Every one knows that bal- loons are kept up in the air by means of a very light gas, but somehow the general public fails to understand why the gas should hold it up. SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES 151 Some people have a notion that there is some- thing, mysterious about hydrogen gas which makes it resist the pull of gravity, and that the more hydrogen you crowd into the balloon the more weight it will lift. But hydrogen has weight and feels the pull of gravity just as air does, or water, or lead. The only reason the balloon rises is because it weighs less than the air it displaces. It is hard to think of air as having weight, but if we weigh air, hydrogen, coal-gas, or any other gas, in a vacuum, it will tip the scales just as a solid would. A thousand cubic feet of air weighs 80 pounds. In other words, the air in a room ten feet square with a ceiling ten feet high, weighs just about 80 pounds. The same amount of coal-gas weighed in a vacuum would register only 40 pounds; while an equal volume of hydrogen would weigh only 51/2 pounds. But when we speak of vol- umes of gas we must remember that gas, unlike a liquid or a solid, can be compressed or ex- panded to almost any dimensions. For in- stance, we could easily fill our room with a ton of air if the walls would stand the pressure ; or we could pump out the air, until there were but a few ounces of air left. But in one case the 152 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR air would be so highly compressed that it would exert a pressure of about 375 pounds on every square inch of the wall of the room, while in the other case its pressure would be almost in- finitesimal. But 80 pounds of air in a room of a thousand cubic feet would exert the same pressure as the atmosphere, or 15 pounds on every square inch. And when we say that a thousand cubic feet of hydrogen weighs only a little over 5 pounds, we are talking about hydro- gen at the same pressure as the atmosphere. Since the hydrogen is sixteen times lighter than air, naturally it will float in the air, just as a piece of wood will float in water because it is lighter than the same volume of water. If we surrounded the thousand cubic feet of hydro- gen with a bag so that the gas will not diffuse into the air and mix with it, we shall have a balloon which would float in air provided the bag and the hydrogen it contains do not weigh more than eighty pounds. As we rise from the sur- face of the earth, the air becomes less and less dense, or, in other words, it becomes lighter, and the balloon will keep on rising through the atmosphere until it reaches a point at which its SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES 153 weight, gas-bag and all, is exactly the same as that of an equal volume of air. But there are many conditions that affect the height to which the balloon will ascend. The higher we rise, the colder it is apt to become, and cold has a tendency to compress the hydro- gen, collapsing the balloon and making it rela- tively heavier. When the sun beats upon a bal- loon, it heats the hydrogen, expanding it and making it relatively lighter, and if there is no room for this expansion to take place in the bag, the bag will burst. For this reason, a big safety-valve must be provided and the ordinary round balloon is open at the bottom so that the hydrogen can escape when it expands too much and the balloonist carries ballast in the form of sand which he can throw over to lighten the balloon when the gas is contracted by a sudden draft of cold air. Although a round balloon carries no engine and no propeller, it can be guided through the air to some degree. When an aeronaut wishes to go in any particular direction, he sends up his balloon by throwing out ballast or lowers it by letting out a certain amount of gas, until 154 INVENTIONS OF THE GKEAT WAR he reaches a level at which he finds a breeze blowing in the desired direction. Such was the airship of Civil War times, but for mili- tary purposes it was not advisable to use free balloons, because of the difficulty of controlling them. They were too liable to fall into the hands of the enemy. All that was needed was a high observation post from which the enemy could be watched, and from which observations could be reported by telegraph. The balloon was not looked upon as a fighting-machine. ZEPPELIN'S FAILURES AND SUCCESSES But Count Zeppelin was a man of vision. He dreamed of a real ship of the air a machine that would sail wherever the helmsman chose, regardless of wind and weather. Many years elapsed before he actually began to work out his dreams, and then he met with failure after failure. He believed in big machines and the loss of one of his airships meant the waste of a large sum of money, but he persisted, even though he spent all his fortune, and had to go heavily in debt. Every one thought him a crank until he built his third airship and proved its worth by making a trip of 270 miles. At once SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES 155 the German Government was interested and saw wonderful military possibilities in the new craft. The Zeppelin was purchased by the government and money was given the inventor to further his experiments. That was not the end of his failures. Before the war broke out, thirteen Zeppelins had been destroyed by one accident or another. Evi- dently the building of Zeppelin airships was not a paying undertaking, although they were used to carry passengers on short aerial voyages. But the government made up money losses and Zeppelin went on developing his airships. Of course, he was not the only one to build airships, nor even the first -to build a dirigible. The French built some large dirigibles, but they failed to see any great military advantage in ships that could sail through the air, par- ticularly after the airplane was invented, and so it happened that when the war started the French were devoting virtually all their ener- gies to the construction of speedy, powerful airplanes. As for the British, they did not pay much attention to airships. The idea that their isles might be attacked from the sky seemed an exceedingly remote possibility. 156 INVENTIONS OF THE GKEAT WAR MOID, SEMI-RIGID, AND FLEXIBLE BALLOONS Count Zeppelin always held that the dirigible balloons must be rigid, so that they could be driven through the air readily and would hold their shape despite variations in the pressure of the hydrogen. The French, on the other hand, used a semi-rigid airship ; that is, one in which a flexible balloon is attached to a rigid keel or body. The British clung to the idea of an en- tirely flexible balloon and they suspended their car from the gas-bag without any rigid frame- work to hold the gas-bag in shape. In every case, the balloons were kept taut or distended by means of air-bags or ballonets. These air- bags were placed inside the gas-bags and as the hydrogen expanded it would force the air out through valves, but the hydrogen itself would not escape. When the hydrogen contracted, the air-bags were pumped full of air so as to main- tain the balloon in its fully distended condition. Additional supplies of compressed hydrogen were kept in metal tanks. In the Zeppelin balloon, however, the gas was contained in separate bags which were placed in a framework of aluminum covered over with (C) Underwood & Underwood Giant British Dirigible built along the lines of a Zeppelin (C) Underwood & Underwood One of the engine cars or "power eggs" of a British Dirigible SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES 157 fabric. Count Zeppelin did not believe in plac- ing all his eggs in one basket. If one of these balloons burst or was injured in any way, there was enough buoyancy in the rest of the gas-bags to hold up the airship. As the Zeppelins were enormous structures, the framework had to be made strong and light, and it was built up of a latticework of aluminum alloy. Aluminum it- self was not strong enough for the purpose, but a mixture of aluminum and zinc and later an- other alloy known as duralumin, consisting of aluminum with three per cent of copper and one per cent of nickel, provided a very rigid framework that was exceedingly light. Dura- lumin is four or five times as strong as alum- inum and yet weighs but little more. The body of the Zeppelin is not a perfect cir- cle in section, but is made up in the form of a polygon with sixteen sides, and the largest of the Zeppelins used during the war contained sixteen compartments, in each of which was placed a large hydrogen gas-bag. A super-Zeppelin, as the latest type is called, was about seventy-five feet in diameter and seven hundred and sixty feet long, or almost as long as three New York street blocks. In its gas-bags it carried 158 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR two million cubic feet of hydrogen and although the whole machine with its fuel, stores, and pas- sengers weighed close to fifty tons, it was so much lighter than the air it displaced that it had a reserve buoyancy of over ten tons. KEEPING ENGINES CLEAB OF THE INFLAMMABLE HYDROGEN As hydrogen is a very inflammable gas, it is extremely dangerous to have an internal-com- bustion engine operating very near the gas- bags. In the super-Zeppelins the engines were placed in four cars suspended from the balloon. There was one of these cars forward, and one at the stern, while near the center were two cars side by side. In the rear car there were two engines, either of which could be used to drive the propeller. By means of large steering rud- ders and horizontal rudders, the machine could be forced to dive or rise or turn in either direc- tion laterally. The pilot of the Zeppelin had an elaborate operating-compartment from which he could control the rudders, and he also had control of the valves in the ballonets so that by the touch of a button he could regulate the pressure of gas in any part of the dirigible. SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES There were nineteen men in the crew of the Zeppelin two in the operating-compartment, and two in each of the cars containing engines, except for the one at the stern in which there were three men. The other men were placed in what was known as the "cat walk" or pass- ageway running inside the framework under the gas-bags. These men were given various tasks and were supposed to get as much sleep as they could, so as to be ready to replace the other men at need. The engine cars at each side of the balloon were known as power eggs because of their gen- eral egg shape. At the center of the Zeppelin the bombs were stored, and there were electro- magnetic releasing-devices operated from the pilot's room by which the pilot could drop the bombs whenever he chose. The Zeppelin also carried machine-guns to fight off airplanes. Gasolene was stored in tanks which were placed in various parts of the machine, any one of which could feed one or all of the engines, and they were so arranged that they could be thrown overboard when the gasolene was used up, so as to lighten the load of the Zeppelin. Water ballast was used instead of sand, and alcohol 160 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR was mixed with the water to keep it from freez- ing. The machine which came down in French territory and was captured before it could be destroyed by the pilot, found itself unable to rise because in the intense cold of the upper air the water ballast had frozen, and it could not be let out to lighten the load of the Zep- pelin. THE ZEPPELIN'S TINY ANTAGONISTS The one thing above all others that the Zep- pelin commander feared was the attack of air- planes. In the early stages of the war, it was considered unsafe for airplanes to fly by night because of the difficulty of making a landing in the dark. Later this difficulty was overcome by the use of search-lights at the landing-fields. The airplane would signal its desire to land and the search-lights would point out the proper landing-field for it. So that after the first few months of the war Zeppelins were subjected to the danger of airplane attack. Of course, on a dark night it was very difficult for an airplane to locate a Zeppelin, because the huge machine could not be seen and the throb of its engines was drowned out by the engines of the airplane SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES 161 itself. Nevertheless, Zeppelins were occa- sionally located and destroyed by airplanes. The danger of the Zeppelin lay in the fact that it was supported by an enormous volume of very inflammable gas and the airplane needed but to set fire to this gas to cause the destruc- tion of the giant of the air. And so the ma- chine-guns carried by airplanes were provided with explosive, flaming bullets. A burst of flame within the gas-bag would not set the gas on fire, because there would be no air inside to feed the fire, but surrounding the gas-bag there was always a certain leakage of hydro- gen which would mix with the air in the com- partment and this would produce an explosive mixture which needed but the touch of fire to set it off. The Zeppelin w r as provided with a ventilating-system to carry off these explosive gases, but they could never be disposed of very effectively, and, as a consequence, a number of Zeppelins were destroyed by the tiny antagon- ists that were sent up by the British and the French. To fight off these assailants the Ger- mans provided their Zeppelins with guns which would fire shrapnel shell. It is difficult for a Zeppelin to use machine-guns against an air- 162 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR plane because the latter would merely climb above the Zeppelin and would be shielded by the balloon itself. And so the Germans put a gun emplacement on top of the balloon both forward and aft. There was a deck extending along the top of the balloon which was reached by a ladder running up through the center of the airship. But it was impossible to ward off the fleet little antagonists, once the dirigible wa-s discovered. True, a Zeppelin could make as much as seventy miles per hour, but the fast- est airplanes could travel twice as fast as that. SUSPENDING AN OBSERVER BELOW THE ZEPPELIN One ingenious scheme that was tried was to suspend an observation car under the Zeppelin. The car was about fourteen feet long and five feet in diameter, fitted with a tail to keep it headed in the direction it was towed. It had glass windows forward and there was plenty of room in it for a man to lie at full length and make observations of things below. The car with its observer could be lowered a few thou- sand feet below the Zeppelin, so that the ob- server could watch proceedings below, while the airship remained hidden among the clouds. SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES 163 The observer was connected by telephone with the chart-room of the Zeppelin and could report his discoveries or even act as a pilot to direct the course of the ship. But despite everything that could be done, the Zeppelin eventually proved a failure as a war-vessel because it was so very costly to con- struct and operate and could so easily be de- stroyed, and the Germans began to build huge airplanes with which bombing-raids could be continued. Strange to say, however, although the Ger- mans were ready to admit the failure of their big airship, when the war stopped the Allies were actually building machines patterned after the Zeppelin, but even larger, and expected to use them for bombing-excursions over Ger- many. This astonishing turn of the tables was due to the fact that America had made a con- tribution to aeronautics that solved the one chief drawback of the Zeppelin. A BALLOON GAS THAT WILL NOT BURN When we entered the war against Germany, our allies placed before us all their problems and among them was this one of the highly in- 164 INVENTIONS OP THE GREAT WAR flammable airship. Could we not furnish a sub- stitute for hydrogen that would not burn? It was suggested to us that helium would do if we could produce thai gas cheaply and in sufficient quantity. Now, helium has a history of its own that is exceedingly interesting. Every now and then the moon bobs its head into our light and we have a solar eclipse. But our satellite is not big enough to cut off all the light of the big luminary and the fiery at- mosphere of the sun shows us a brilliant halo all around the black disk of the moon. Long ago, astronomers analyzed this flaming atmos- phere with the spectroscope, and by the differ- ent bands of light that appeared they were able to determine what gases were present in the sun's atmosphere. But there was one band of bright yellow which they could not identify. Evidently this was produced by a gas unknown on earth, and they called it "helium" or "sun" gas. For a quarter of a century this sun gas re- mained a mystery; then one day, in 1895, Sir William Ramsay discovered the same band of light when studying the spectrum of the mineral cleveite. The fact that astronomers had been SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES 165 able to single out an element on the sun ninety million miles away before our chemists could find it right here on earth, produced a mild sen- sation, but the general public attached no spe- cial importance to the gas itself. It proved to be a very light substance, next to hydrogen the lightest of gases, and for years it resisted all attempts at liquefaction. Only when Onnes, the Dutch scientist, succeeded in getting it down to a temperature of 450 degrees below zero, Fah- renheit, did the gas yield to the chill and con- dense into a liquid. The gas would not burn; it would not combine with any other elements, and apparently it had no use on earth, and it might have remained indefinitely a lazy member of the chemical fraternity had not the great world conflict stirred us into frenzied activity in all branches of science in our effort to beat the Hun. Because the gas had no commercial value, there was only a small amount of helium to be found in the whole world. Not a single labora- tory in the United States had more than five cubic feet of it and its price ranged from $1,500 to $6,000 per cubic foot. At the lowest price it would cost $3,000,000,000 to provide gas 166 INVENTIONS OP THE GREAT WAR enough for one airship of Zeppelin dimensions and it seemed absurd even to think of a helium airship. AMERICAN CHEMISTS TO THE RESCUE Just before the war it was discovered that there is a considerable amount of helium in the natural gas of Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas, and Sir William Ramsey suggested that our chemists might study some method of getting helium from this source. The only way of sep- arating it out was to liquefy the gases by sub- jecting them to extreme cold. All gases turn to liquid if they are cooled sufficiently, and then further cold will freeze them solid. But helium can stand more cold than any other and this fact gave the clue to its recovery from natu- ral gas. The latter was frozen and one after another the different elements condensed into liquid, until finally only helium was left. This sounds simple, but it is a difficult mat- ter to get such low temperature as that on a large scale and do it economically. To be of any real service in aeronautics helium would have to be reduced in cost from fifteen hun- dred dollars to less than ten cents per cubic SHIPS THAT SAIL THE SKIES 167 foot. Several different kinds of refrigerating- machinery were tried and finally just before the war was brought to a close by the armistice we had succeeded in producing helium at the rate of eight cents per cubic foot, with the prospect of reducing its cost still further. A large plant for recovering helium was being built. The plant will have been completed before this book is published, and it will be turning out helium for peaceful instead of military airships. The reduction in the cost of helium is really one of the most important developments of this war. By removing the fire risk from airships we can safely use these craft for aerial cruises or for quick long-distance travel over land and sea. For, even in time of peace, sailing under millions of cubic feet of hydrogen is a serious matter. Although no incendiary bullets are to be feared, there is always the danger of setting fire to the gas within the exhaust of the engines. Engines have had to be hung in cars well below the balloon proper. But with helium in the gas- bags the engines can be placed inside the bal- loon envelop and the propellers can operate on the center line of the car. In the case of one Zeppelin, the hydrogen was 168 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR set on fire by an electric spark produced by fric- tion on the fabric of one of the gas-bags, and so even with the engine exhausts properly screened there is danger. The helium airship, however, would be perfectly safe from fire and passen- gers could smoke on deck or in their cabins within the balloon itself without any more fear of fire than they would have on shipboard. Wonderful possibilities have been opened by the production of helium on a large and economical scale, and the airship seems destined to play an important part in transportation very soon. As this book is going to press, we learn of enor- mous dirigibles about to be built in England for passenger service, which will have half again as great a lifting-power as the largest Zeppelins. The final chapter of the story of dirigibles is yet to be written, but in concluding this chapter it is interesting to note that the world's greatest aeronautic expert got his first inspiration from America and finally that America has now fur- nished the one element which was lacking to make the dirigible balloon a real success. CHAPTER IX GETTING THE RANGE EVERY person with a good pair of eyes in his head is a range-finder. He may not know it, but he is, just the same, and the way to prove it is to try a little range-finding on a small scale. Use the top of a table for your field of opera- tions, and pick out some spot within easy reach of your hand for the target whose range you wish to find. The target may be a penny or a small circle drawn on a piece of white paper. Take a pencil in your hand and imagine it is a shell which you are going to land on the target. It is not quite fair to have a bird's-eye view of the field, so get down -on your knees and bring your eyes within a few inches of the top of the table. Now close one eye and making your hand describe an arc through the air, like the arc that a shell would describe, see how nearly you can bring the pencil-point down on 169 170 INVENTIONS OP THE GREAT WAR the center of the target. Do it slowly, so that your eye may guide the hand throughout its course. You will be surprised to find out how far you come short, or overreach the mark. You will have actually to grope for the target. If by any chance you should score a hit on the first try, you may be sure that it is an accident. Have a friend move the target around to a different position, and try again. Evidently, with one eye you are not a good range-finder; but now use two eyes and you will score a hit every time. Not only can you land the pencil on the penny, but you will be able to bring it down on the very center of the target. The explanation of this is. that when you bring your eyes to bear upon any object that is near by, they have to be turned in slightly, so that both of them shall be aimed directly at that object. The nearer the object, the more they are turned in, and the farther the object, the more nearly parallel are the eyes. Long experience has taught you to gage the distance of an object by the feel of the eyes that is, by the effort your muscles have to make to pull the eyes to a focus and in this way the eyes give you the range of an object. You do not GETTING THE RANGE 171 know what the distance is in feet or inches, but you can tell when the pencil-point has moved out until it is at the same focus as the target. The experiment can be tried on a larger scale with the end of a fishing-rod, but here you will probably have to use a larger target. However, there is a limit to which you can gage the range. At a distance of, say, fifteen or twenty feet, a variation of a few inches beyond or this side of the target makes scarcely any change in the focus of the eyes. That is because the eyes are so close together. If they were farther apart, they could tell the range at much greater dis- tances. SPREADING THE EYES FAE APART Now the ordinary range-finder, used in the army and in the navy, is an arrangement for spreading the eyes apart to a considerable dis- tance. Of course the -eyes are not actually spread, but their vision is. The range-finder is really a double telescope. The barrel is not pointed at an object, but it is held at right angles to it. You look into the instrument at the mid- dle of the barrel and out of it at the two ends. A system of mirrors or prisms makes this pos- 172 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR sible. The range-finder may be a yard or more in length, which is equivalent to spreading your eyes a yard or more apart. Now, the prisms or object-glasses at the ends of the tube are ad- justable, so that they will turn in until they focus directly on the target whose range you wish to find, and the angle through which these glasses are turned gives a measure of the dis- tance of the target. The whole thing is cal- culated out so that the distance in feet, yards, or meters, or whatever the measure may be, is registered on a scale in the range-finder. Ordi- narily only one eye is used to look through the range-finder, because the system of mirrors is set to divide the sight of that one eye and make it serve the purposes of two. That leaves the other eye free to read the scale, which comes automatically into view as the range-finder is adjusted for the different ranges. On the battle-ships enormous range-finders are used. Some of them are twenty feet long. With the eyes spread as far apart as that and with a microscope to read the scale, you can imagine how accurately the range can be found, even when the target is miles away. But on land such big range-finders cannot conveniently GETTING THE RANGE 173 be used; they are too bulky. When it is neces- sary to get the range of a very distant object, two observers are used who are stationed sev- eral hundred yards apart. These observers have telescopes which they bear upon the ob- ject, and the angle through which they have to turn the telescope is reported by telephone to the battery, where, by a rapid calculation, it is possible to estimate the exact position of the target. Then the gun is moved up or down, to the right or to the left, according to the cal- culation. The observers have to creep as near to the enemy as possible and they must be up high enough to command a good view of the target. Sometimes they are placed on top of telegraph poles or hidden up a tall tree, or in a church steeple. GETTING THE OBSERVER OFF THE GROUND This was the method of getting the range in previous wars and it was used to a considerable extent in the war we have just been through. But the great European conflict brought out wonderful improvements in all branches of fighting ; and range-finding was absolutely rev- olutionized, because shelling was done at greater 174 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR ranges than ever before, but chiefly because the war was carried up into the sky. A bird's-eye observation is much more ac- curate than any that can be obtained from the ground. Even before this war, some observa- tions were taken by sending a man up in a kite, particularly a kite towed from a ship, and even as far back as the Civil War captive balloons were used to raise an observer to a good height above the ground. They were the ordinary round balloons, but the observation balloon of to-day is a very different-looking object. It is a sausage-shaped gas-bag that is held on a slant to the wind like a kite, so that the wind helps to hold it up. To keep it head-on to the wind, there is a big air-bag that curls around the lower end of the sausage. This acts like a rud- der, and steadies the balloon. Some balloons have a tail consisting of a series of cone-shaped cups strung on a cable. A kite balloon will ride steadily in a wind that would dash a common round balloon in all directions. Observers in these kite balloons are provided with telephone instruments by which they can communicate in- stantly with the battery whose fire they are di- recting. But a kite balloon is a helpless object; GETTING THE RANGE 175 it cannot fight the enemy. The hydrogen gas that holds it up will burn furiously if set on fire. In the war an enemy airplane had merely to drop a bomb upon it or fire an incendiary bul- let into it, and the balloon would go up in smoke. Nothing could save it, once it took fire, and all the observers could do was to jump for their lives as soon as they saw the enemy close by. They always had parachutes strapped to them, so they could leap without an instant 's delay in case of sudden danger. At the very first ap- proach of an enemy airplane, the kite balloon had to be hauled down or it would surely be de- stroyed, and so kite balloons were not very de- pendable observation stations for the side which did not control the air. As stated in the preceding chapter, just be- fore the fighting came to an end, our army was preparing to use balloons that were not afraid of flaming bullets, because they were to be filled with a gas that would not burn. MAKING MAPS WITH A CAMERA Because airplanes filled the sky with eyes, everything that the army did near the front had to be carefully hidden from the winged 176 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR scouts. Batteries were concealed in the woods, or under canopies where the woods were shot to pieces, or they were placed in dugouts so that they could not be located. Such targets could seldom be found with a kite balloon. It was the task of airplane observers to search out these hidden batteries. The eye alone was not depended upon to find them. Large cameras were used with telescopic lenses which would bring the surface of the earth near while the airplane flew at a safe height. These were often motion-picture cameras which would auto- matically make an exposure every second, or every few seconds. When the machine returned from a photo- graphing-expedition, the films were developed and printed, and then pieced together to form a photographic map. The map was scrutinized very carefully for any evidence of a hidden bat- tery or for any suspicious enemy object. As the enemy was always careful to disguise its work, the camera had to be fitted with color- screens which would enable it to pick out de- tails that would not be evident to the eye. As new photographic maps were made from day to day, they were carefully compared one with GETTING THE RANGE 177 the other so that it might be seen if there was the slightest change in them which would indicate some enemy activity. As soon as a suspicious spot was discovered, its position was noted on a large-scale military map and the guns were trained upon it. CORRECTING THE AIM It is one thing to know where the target is and another to get the shell to drop upon it. In the firing of a shell a distance of ten or twenty miles, the slightest variation in the gun will make a difference of many yards in the point where the shell lands. Not only that, but the direction of the wind and the density of the air have a part to play in the journey of the shell. If the shell traveled through a vacuum, it would be a much simpler matter to score a hit by the map alone. But even then there would be some differences, because a gun has to be " warmed up" before it will fire according to calculation. That is why it is necessary to have observers, or " spotters " as they are called, to see where the shell actu- ally do land and tell the gun-pointers whether to elevate or depress the gun, and how much to "traverse" it that is, move it sideways. This 178 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR would not be a very difficult matter if there were only one gun firing, but when a large num- ber of guns are being used, as was almost in- variably the case in the war, the spotter had to know which shell belonged to -the gun he was directing. One of the most important inventions of the war was the wireless telephone, which airplanes used and which were brought to such perfection that the pilot of an airplane could talk to a station on the earth without any difficulty, from a distance of ten miles; and in some cases he could reach a range of fifty miles. With the wireless telephone, the observer could communicate instantly with the gun-pointer, and tell him when to fire. Usually -thirty sec- onds were allowed after the signal sent by the observer before the gun was fired, and on the in- stant of firing, a signal was sent to the man in the airplane to be on the lookout for the shell. Knowing the position of the target, the gun- pointer would know how long it would take the shell to travel through the air, and he would keep the man in the airplane posted, warning him at ten seconds, five seconds, and so forth, before the shell was due to land. GETTING THE RANGE 179 In order to keep the eyes fresh for observation and not to have them distracted by other sights, the observer usually gazed into space until just before the instant the shell was to land. Then he would look for the column of smoke pro- duced by the explosion of the shell and report back to the battery how far wide of the mark the shell had landed. A number of shell would be fired at regular intervals, say four or five per minute, so that the observer would know which shell belonged to the gun in question. There are different kinds of shell. Some will explode on the instant of contact with the earth. These are meant to spread destruction over the surface. There are other shell which will explode a little more slowly and these pene- trate the ground to some extent before going off ; while a third type has a delayed action and is intended to be buried de^ep in the ground before exploding, so as to destroy dugouts and under- ground positions. The bursts of smoke from the delayed-action "shell and the semi-delayed- action shell rise in a slender vertical column and are not so easily seen from the sky. The instan- taneous shell, however, produces a broad burst of smoke which can be spotted much more 180 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR readily, and this enables the man in the air- plane to determine the position of the shell with greater accuracy. For this reason, instantan- eous shell were usually used for spotting-pur- poses, and after the gun had found its target, other shell were used suited to the character of the work that was to be done. MINIATURE BATTLE-FIELDS Observation of shell-fire from an airplane called for a great deal of experience, and our spotters were given training on a miniature scale before they undertook to do spotting from the air. A scaffolding was erected in the train- ing-quarters over a large picture of a typical bit of enemy territory. Men were posted at the top of this scaffolding so that they could get a bird's-eye view of the territory represented on the map, and they were connected by telephone or telegraph with men below who represented the batteries. The instructor would flash a little electric light here and there on the miniature battle-field, and the observers had to locate these flashes and tell instantly how far they were from certain targets. This taught them to be keen and quick and to judge distance accurately. GETTING THE RANGE 181 Airplane observing was difficult and dangerous, and often impossible. On cloudy days the ob- server might be unable to fly at a safe height without being lost in the clouds. Then depend- ence had to be placed upon observers stationed at vantage-points near the enemy, or in kite balloons. SPOTTING BY SOUND When there is no way of seeing the work of a gun, it is still possible to correct the aim, be- cause the shell can be made to do its own spot- ting. Every time a shell lands, it immediately announces the fact with a loud report. That report is really a message which the shell sends out in all directions with a speed of nearly 800 miles per hour 1,142 feet per second, to be exact. This sound-message is picked up by a recorder at several different receiving-stations. Of course it reaches the nearest station a frac- tion of a second before it arrives at the next nearest one. The distance of each station from the 'target is known by careful measurement on the map, and the time it takes for sound to travel from the target to each station is accur- ately worked out. If the sound arrives at each 182 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR station on schedule time, the shell has scored a hit ; but if it reaches one station a trifle ahead of time and lags behind at another, that is evi- dence that the shell has missed the target and a careful measure of the distance in time shows how far and in what direction it is wide of the mark. In this way it was possible to come within fifty or even twenty-five yards of the target. This sound-method was also used to locate an enemy battery. It was often well nigh im- possible to locate a battery in any other way. With the use of smokeless powder, there is nothing to betray the position of the gun, ex- cept the flash at the instant of discharge, and even the flash was hidden by screens from the view of an airplane. Aside from this, when an airplane came near enough actually to see one of these guns, the gun would stop firing until the airplane had been driven off. But a big gun has a big voice, and it is impossible to silence it. Often a gun whose position has remained a secret for a long time was discovered because the gun itself " peached. " The main trouble with sound-spotting was that there were usually so many shell and guns GETTING THE RANGE 183 going off at the same time that it was difficult if not impossible to distinguish one from an- other. Sometimes the voice of a hidden gun was purposely drowned by the noise of a lot of other guns. After all, the main responsibility for good shooting had to fall on observers who could actually see the target, and when we think of the splendid work of our soldiers in the war, we must not forget to give full credit to the tireless men whose duty it was to watch, to the men on wings who dared the fierce battle- planes of the enemy, to the men afloat high in the sky who must leap at a moment's notice from under a blazing mass of hydrogen, and finally to the men who crept out to perilous vantage-points at risk of instant death, in order to make the fire of their batteries tell. CHAPTER X TALKING IN THE SKY IN one field of war invention the United States held almost a monopoly and the progress Americans achieved was epoch-making. Before the war, an aviator when on the wing was both deaf and dumb. He could communi- cate with other airplanes or with the ground only by signal or, for short distances, by radio- telegraphy, but he could not even carry on conversation with a fellow passenger in the machine without a speaking-tube fitted to mouth and ears so as to cut out the terrific roar of his own engine. Now the range of his voice has been so extended that he can chat with fel- low aviators miles away. This remarkable achievement and many others in the field of radio-communication hinge upon a delicate elec- trical device invented by Deforest in 1906 and known as the "audion." For years this in- strument was used by radiotelegraphers with- 184 TALKING IN THE SKY 185 out a real appreciation of its marvelous possi- bilities, and, as a matter of fact, in its earlier crude form it was not capable of performing the wonders it has achieved since it was taken over and developed by the engineers of the Bell Tele- phone System. THE AUDION Although the audion is familiar to all ama- teur radio-operators, we shall have to give a brief outline of its construction and operation for the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity to dabble in wireless telegraphy. The audion is a small glass bulb from which the air is exhausted to a high degree of vacuum. The bulb contains three elements. One is a tiny filament which is heated to incandescence by a battery, so that it emits negatively charged electrons. The filament is at one side of the bulb and at the opposite side there is a metal plate. When the plate and the filament are connected with opposite poles of a battery, there is a flow of current between them, but because only negative electrons are emitted by the filament, the current will flow only in one di- rection that is, from the plate to the filament 186 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR If the audion be placed in the circuit of an alter- nating-current generator, it will let through only the current running in one direction. Thus it will "rectify" the current or convert alternating current into direct current. But the most important part of the audion, the part for which Deforest is responsible, is the third element, which is a grid or flat coil of platinum wire placed between the filament and the plate. This grid furnishes a very delicate control of the strength of the electric current between plate and filament. The slightest change in electric power in the grid will pro- duce large changes of power in the current flowing through the audion. This makes it possible to magnify or amplify very feeble elec- tric waves, and the extent to which the ampli- fying can be carried is virtually limitless, be- cause a series of audions can be used, the cur- rent passing through the first being connected with the grid of the next, and so on. TALKING FROM NEW YORK TO SAN FRANCISCO There is a limit to which telephone conversa- tions can be carried on over a wire, unless there is some way of adding fresh energy along the TALKING IN THE SKY 187 line. For years all sorts of experiments were tried with mechanical devices which would re- ceive a telephone message and send it on with a fresh relay of current. But these devices dis- torted the message so that it was unintelligible. The range of wire telephony was greatly in- creased by the use of certain coils invented by Pupin, which were placed in the line at inter- vals; but still there was a limit to which con- versation could be carried on by wire and it looked as if it would never be possible to tele- phone from one end of this big country of ours to the 'other. But the audion supplied a wonderfully efficient relay and one day we awoke to hear San Francisco calling, " Hello, " to New York. Used as a relay, the improved audion made it possible to pick up very faint wireless-tele- graph messages and in that way increased the range of radio outfits. Messages could be re- ceived from great distances without any exten- sive or elaborate aerials, and the audion could be used at the sending-station to magnify the signals transmitted and send them forth with far greater power. Having improved the audion and used it sue- 188 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR cessfully for long-distance telephone conversa- tion over wires, the telephone company began to experiment with wireless telephony. They believed that it might be possible to use radio- telephony in places where wires could not be laid. For instance, it might be possible to talk across the Atlantic. But before we go farther, just a word of ex- planation concerning radiotelegraphy and radio- telephony for the benefit of those who have not even an elementary knowledge of the subject. SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF RADIOTELEGRAPHY Suppose we should set up two stakes in a pond of water, at some distance from each other, and around each we set a ring-shaped cork float. If we should move one of these floats up and down on its stake, it would produce ripples in the water which would spread out in all directions and finally would reach the opposite stake and cause the float there to bob up and down in exactly the same way as did the float moved by hand. In wireless telegraphy the two stakes are represented by antennae or aerials and the cork floats are electric charges which are sent TALKING IN THE SKY 189 oscillating up and down the antennae. The os- cillations produced at one aerial will set up electro-magnetic waves which will spread out in all directions in the ether until they reach a receiving-aerial, and there they will produce electric oscillations similar to the ones at the transmitting-antenna. Telegraph signals are sent by the breaking up of the oscillations at the transmitting-station into long and short trains of oscillations corre- sponding to the dots and dashes of ordinary wire telegraphy. In other words, while the sending-key is held down for a dash, there will be a long series of oscillations in the antenna, and for the dot a short series, and these short and long trains of waves will spread out to the receiving-aerial where they will reproduce the same series of oscillations. But only a small part of the energy will act on the receiving- aerial because the waves like those on the pond spread in all directions and grow rapidly weaker. Hence the advantage of an extremely delicate instrument like the audion to amplify the signals received. The oscillations used in wireless telegraphy these days are very rapid, usually entirely too 190 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR rapid, to affect an ordinary telephone receiver, and if they did they would produce a note of such high pitch that it could not be heard. So it is customary to interrupt the oscillations, breaking them up into short trains of waves, and these successive trains produce a note of low enough pitch to be heard in the telephone receiver. Of course the interruptions are of such high frequency that in the sending of a dot- and-dash message each dot is made up of a great many of the short trains of waves. Now in radiotelephony it is not necessary to break up the oscillations, but they are allowed to run continuously at very high speed and act as carriers for other waves produced by speaking into the transmitter; that is, a single speech- wave would be made up of a large number of smaller waves. To make wireless tele- phony a success it was necessary to find some way of making perfectly uniform carrier-waves, and then of loading on them waves of speech. Of course, the latter are not sound-waves, be- cause they are not waves of air, but they are electro-magnetic waves corresponding exactly to the sound-waves of air and at the receiving- end they affect the telephone receiver in the TALKING IN THE SKY 191 same way that it is affected by the electric waves which are sent over telephone wires. The telephone engineers found that the audion could be used to regulate the carrier-waves and also to superpose the speech-waves upon them, and -at the receiving- station the audion was used to pick up these waves, no matter how feeble they might be, 'and amplify them so that they could be heard in a telephone receiver. TALKING WITHOUT WIRES Attempts at long-distance talking without wires were made from Montauk Point, on the tip of Long Island, to Wilmington, Delaware, and they were successful. This was in 1915. The apparatus was still further improved and then the experiment was tried of talking from the big Arlington station near Washington to Darien, on the Isthmus of Panama. This was a distance of twenty-one hundred miles, and speech was actually transmitted through -space over that great distance. That having proved successful, the next attempt was to talk from Arlington to Mare Island and San Diego, on the Pacific Coast, a distance of over twenty-five hundred miles. This proved a success, too, and 192 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR it was found possible even to talk as far as Honolulu. The engineers now felt confident that they could talk across the Atlantic to Europe, and so in October of 1915 arrangements were made to conduct experiments between Arlington and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Although the war was at its height, and the French were strain- ing every effort to hold back the Germans at that time, and although there were constant de- mands for the use of radiatelegraphy, the French showed such an appreciation of science that they were willing to lend their aid to these experiments. The Eiffel Tower could be used only for short periods of time, and there was much interference from other high-powered stations. Nevertheless, the experiment proved perfectly successful, and conversation was car- ried on between our capital and that of France, a distance of thirty-six hundred miles. At the same time, an operator in Honolulu, forty-five hundred miles away, heard the messages, and so the voice at Arlington carried virtually one third of the way around the globe. After that achievement, there was a lull in the wireless- telephone experiments because of the war. (C) G. V. Buck Radio Head-gear of an Airman (C) G. V. Buck Carrying on Conversation by Radio with an Aviator Miles Away TALKING IN THE SKY 193 But there soon came an opportunity to make very practical use of all the experimental work. As soon as there seemed to be a possibility that we might be drawn into the war, the Secretary of the Navy asked for the design of apparatus that would make it possible for ships to converse with one another and with shore stations. Of course all vessels are equipped with wireless- telegraph apparatus, but there is a decided ad- vantage in having the captain of one ship talk directly with the captain of another ship, or take his orders from headquarters, with an ordinary telephone receiver and transmitter. A special equipment was designed for battle- ships and on test it was found that ships could easily converse with one another over a distance of thirty-five miles and to shore stations from a distance of a hundred and seventy-five miles. The 'apparatus was so improved that nine con- versations could be carried on at the same time without any interference of one by the others. When it became certain that we should have to enter the war, there came a call for radio- telephone apparatus for submarine-chasers, and work was started on small, compact outfits for these little vessels. 194 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR RADIOTELEPHONES FOB AIRPLANES Then there was a demand for radiotelephone apparatus to be used on airplanes. This was a much more complicated matter and called for a great deal of study. The way in which problem after problem arose and was solved makes an exceedingly interesting narrative. It seemed almost absurd to think that a delicate radio- telegraph apparatus could be made to work in the terrific noise and jarring of an airplane. The first task was to make the apparatus noise- proof. A special sound-proof room was con- structed in which a noise was produced exactly imitating that of the engine exhaust of an air- plane engine. In this room, various helmets were tried in order to see whether they would be proof against the noise, and finally a very suitable helmet was designed, in which the tele- phone receiver and transmitter were installed. By summer-time the work had proceeded so far that an airplane equipped with transmitting- apparatus could send spoken messages to an operator on the ground from a distance of two miles. The antenna of the airplane consisted of a wire with a weight on the lower end, which TALKING IN THE SKY 195 hung down about one hundred yards from the body of the machine. But a trailing antenna was a nuisance in airplane manoeuvers, and it was also found that the helmet which was so satisfactory in the laboratory was not just the thing for actual service in an airplane. It had to fit very tightly around the ears and the mouth, and as the airplane went to high alti- tudes where the air-pressure was much lower than at the ground level, painful pressures were produced in the ears which were most annoy- ing. Aside from that, -in actual warfare air- planes have to operate at extreme heights, where the air is so rare that oxygen must be supplied to the aviators, and it was difficult to provide this supply of oxygen with the radio helmet tightly strapped to the head of the op- erator. But after considerable experiment, this difficulty was overcome and also that of the varying pressures on the ears. Another great difficulty was to obtain a steady supply -of power on the airplane to operate the transmitting-apparatus. It has been the prac- tice to supply current on airplanes for wireless- telegraph apparatus by means of a small elec- tric generator which is revolved by a little pro- 196 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR peller. The propeller in turn is revolved by the rush of air as it is carried along by the plane. But the speed of the airplane varies consider- ably. At times, it may be traveling at only forty miles per hour, and at other times as high as one hundred and sixty miles per hour, so that the little generator is subjected to great variations of speed and consequent variations of voltage. This made it impossible to produce the steady oscillations -that are required in wire- less telephony. After considerable experiment, a generator was produced with two windings, one of which operated through a vacuum tube, somewhat like an audion, and to resist the in- crease of voltage produced by the other winding. Then another trouble developed. The sparks produced by the magneto in the airplane motor set up electro-magnetic waves which seriously affected the receiving-instrument. There was no way of getting rid of the magneto, but the wires leading from it to the engine were in- cased in metal tubes which were grounded at frequent intervals, and in that way the trouble was overcome to a large extent. The magnetos themselves were also incased in such a way that TALKING IN THE SKY 197 electro-magnetic waves would not be radiated from them. Instead of using trailing wires which were liable to become entangled in the propeller, the antenna was extended from the upper plane to the tail of the machine, and later it was found that by using two short trailing antennae one from each tip of the wings, the very best results could be obtained. Still another development was to embed the antenna wires in the wings of the plane. It was considered necessary, if the apparatus was to be practicable, to be able to use it over a distance of two thousand yards, but in experi- ments conducted in October, 1917, a couple of airplanes were able to talk to each other when twenty-three miles apart, and conversations were carried on with the ground from a distance of forty-five miles. The conditions under which these distances were attained were unusual, and a distance of three miles was accepted as a standard for communication between airplanes. The apparatus weighed only fifty-eight pounds and it was connected with both the pilot and the observer so that they could carry on conversa- 198 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR tions with each other and could both hear the conversation with other airplanes or the ground. As a matter of fact, airplanes with standard apparatus are able to talk clearly to a distance of five miles and even to a distance of ten miles when conditions are favorable, and they can receive messages from the ground over almost any distance. A similar apparatus was constructed for sub- marine-chasers with a standard range of con- versation of over five miles. Apparatus was manufactured in large quantities in this country and all our submarine-chasers were equipped with it, as well as a great many of our airplanes and seaplanes, and we furnished radio-appa- ratus sets to our allies which proved of im- mense value in the war. This was particularly so in the case of submarine detection, when it was possible for a seaplane or a balloon to re- port its findings at once to submarine-chasers and destroyers, and to guide them in pursuit -of submarines. The improved audion holds out a wonder- ful future for radiotelephony. For receiving, at least, no elaborate aerial will be needed, and with a small loop of wire, an audion or two, TALKING IN THE SKY 199 and simple tuning-apparatus any one can hear the radio gossip of the whole world. TELEGRAPHING TWELVE HTJNDKED WOBDS PEB MINUTE Some remarkable advances were made in telegraphy also. During the war and since, messages have been sent direct from Washing- ton to all parts of the world. In the telegraph room operators are connected by wire with the different radio stations along the coast -and they can control the radio transmitters, sending their messages without any repeating at the radio stations. Long messages are copied off on a machine something like a type-writer, which, however, does not make type impressions, but cuts perforations in a long sheet of paper. The paper is then run through a transmitter at a high speed and the message is sent out at a rate of as much as twelve hundred words a minute. At the receiving-station, the message is received photographically on a strip of paper. The re- ceiving-instrument has a fine quartz thread in it, which carries a tiny mirror. A beam of light is reflected from the mirror upon the strip of sensitized paper. The radio waves twist the 200 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR quartz thread ever so slightly, which makes the beam of light play back and forth, but of course the motion is greatly magnified. In this way a perfect record is made of the message in dots and dashes, which are translated into the corre- sponding letters of the alphabet. DETECTING BADIO SPIES There is another radio invention which we contributed during the war, that proved of ut- most service in thwarting German spies and which is going to prove equally valuable in time of pe'ace. Although a war invention, its peace- time service will be to save lives. It is a very simple matter to rig up a wireless-telegraph system that will send messages to a considerable distance, and simpler still to rig up a receiving- set. European governments have always dis- couraged amateur radiotelegraphy, but in this country restrictions used to be so slight that almost any one could set up and use a radio set, both for receiving and for transmitting. When we entered the war we were glad that amateurs had been encouraged to play with wireless, because we had hundreds of good radio TALKING IN THE SKY 201 operators ready to work the sets which the army and the navy needed. But this was a disadvantage, too. Many operators were either Germans or pro-Germans and were only too willing to use their radio ex- perience in the interest of our enemies. It was a simple matter to obtain the necessary appa- ratus, because there was plenty of it to be had everywhere. They could send orders to fellow workers and receive messages from them, or they could listen to dispatches sent out by the government and glean information of great mili- tary and naval importance. The apparatus could easily be concealed: a wire hung inside a chimney, a water-pipe, even a brass bedstead could be used for the receiving-aerial. It was highly important that these concealed stations be located, but how were they to be discovered? THE WIRELESS COMPASS This problem was solved very nicely. The audion had made it possible to receive radio signals on a very small aerial. In place of the ordinary stationary aerial a frame five feet square was set up so that it could be turned 202 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR to any point of the compass. A few turns of copper-bronze wire were wound round it. This was called the "wireless compass/' It was set up on the roof of the radio station and concealed within a cupola. The shaft on which it was mounted extended down into the operating- room and carried a wheel by which it could be turned. On the shaft was a circular band of aluminum engraved with the 360 degrees of the circle, and a couple of fixed pointers indicated true north and south. Now when a signal was received by the aerial, if it struck the frame edgewise the radio waves would reach one side before they would the other. Taking a single wave, as shown by the drawing, Fig. 11, we see that while the crest of the wave is sweep- ing over one side of the frame, the trough of the wave is passing the other side. Two currents are set up in the radio compass, one in the wires at the near side of the compass, and an- other in the wires at the far side of the com- pass. As these currents are of the same direc- tion, they oppose each other and tend to kill each other off, but one of the currents is stronger than the other because the crest of the wave is sweeping over that side, while the Courtesy of th "Scientific American" FIG. 11. The radio compass turned parallel to an oncoming electro-magnetic wave 203 204 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAK trough of the wave is passing over the other. The length of the wave may be anything, but always one side will be stronger than the other, and a current equal in strength to the difference between the two currents goes down into the operating-room and affects the receiver. Now when the compass is set at right angles to the oncoming wave, both sides are affected simul- taneously and with the same strength, so that they kill each other off completely, and no current goes down to the receiver. Thus the strength of the signal received can be varied from a maximum, when the compass is parallel to the oncoming waves, to zero, when it is at right angles to them. To find out where a sending-station is, the compass is turned until the loudest sound is heard in the receiver and then the campass dial shows from what direction the signals are coming. At the same time, another line on the signals will be found by a second station with another compass. These directions are traced on a map; and where they meet, the sending- station must be located. With this apparatus it was possible to locate the direction of the station within a degree. TALKING IN THE SKY 205 After the station had been located as closely as possible in this way, a motor-truck was sent out in which there was a concealed radio com- pass. The truck would patrol the region located by the fixed compasses, and with it the position of the concealed station could be de- termined with perfect accuracy. The building would be raided and its occupants jailed and the radio equipment confiscated. Even receiving-sets were discovered with the portable compass, but to find them was a far more difficult task. For the receiving of mes- sages from distant points without a conspicuous aerial an audion would have to be used and this would set up feeble oscillations which could be picked up under favorable conditions by the portable compass. PILOTING SHIPS INTO POET And now for the peace-time application of all this. If the compass could be used to find those who tried to hide, why could it not also be used to find those who wished to be found? Every now and then a ship runs upon the rocks because it has lost its bearings in the fog. But there will be no excuse for such accidents 206 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR now. A number of radio-compass stations have been located around the entrance and approach to New York Harbor. Similar stations have been, or soon will be, established at other ports. As soon as a ship arrives within fifty or a hundred miles of port she is required to call for her bearings. The operator of the control sta- tion instructs the ship to send her call letters for thirty seconds, and at the same time notifies each compass station to get a bearing on the ship. This each does, reporting back to the con- trol station. The bearings are plotted on a chart and inside of two minutes from the time the ship gives her call letters, her bearing is flashed to her by radio from the control station. The chart on which the plotting is done is covered with a sheet of glass. Holes are pierced through the glass at the location of each compass station. See Fig. 12. On the chart, around each station, there is a dial marked off in the 360 degrees of the circle. A thread passes through the chart and the hole in the glass at each station. These threads are at- tached to weights under the chart. When a compass station reports a bearing, the thread of that station is pulled out and extended across 207 208 INTENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR the corresponding degree on the dial. The same is done as each station reports and where the threads cross, the ship must be located. Not only can the direction-finder be used to pilot a ship into a harbor, but it will also serve to prevent collisions at sea, because a ship equipped with a radio compass can tell whether another ship is coming directly toward her. And so as one of the happy outcomes of the dreadful war, we have an apparatus that will rob sea-fogs of their terrors to navigation. CHAPTER XI WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH WHEN the great European war broke out, it was very evident that the Entente Allies would have to exercise every resource to beat the foe which had been preparing for years to conquer the world. But who ever imagined that geologists would be called in to choose the best places for boring mines under the enemy: that meteorologists would be sum- moned to forecast the weather and determine the best time to launch an offensive ; that psy- cologists would be employed to pick out the men with the best nerves to man the machine-guns and pilot the battle-planes? Certainly no one guessed that artists and the makers of stage scenery would play an important part in the conflict. But the airplane filled the sky with eyes that at first made it impossible for an army to con- ceal its plans from the enemy. And then there 209 210 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR were eyes that swam in the sea cruel eyes that belonged to deadly submarine monsters, eyes that could see without being seen, eyes that could pop up out of the water at unexpected moments, eyes that directed deadly missies at inoffensive merchantmen. They were cowardly eyes, too, which gave the ship no opportunity to strike back at the unseen enemy. A vessel's only safety lay in the chance that out in the broad reaches of the ocean it might pass beyond the range of those lurking eyes. It was a game of hide-and-seek in which the pursuer and not the pursued was hidden. Something had to be done to conceal the pursued as well, but in the open sea there was nothing to hide behind. HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT There is such a thing as hiding in plain sight. You can look right at a tree-toad without see- ing him, because his colors blend perfectly with the tree to which he is clinging. You can watch a green leaf curl up and shrivel without realiz- ing that the curled edge is really a caterpillar, cunningly veined and colored to look just like a dying leaf; and out in the woods a speckled bird or striped animal will escape observation WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 211 just because it matches the spotted light that comes through the underbrush. Nature is constantly protecting its helpless animals with colored coats that blend with the sur- roundings. Long ago clumsy attempts at concealment were made when war-vessels were given a coat of dark-gray paint which was supposed to make them invisible at a distance. Actually the paint made them more conspicuous; but, then, concealment did not count for very much be- fore the present war. It was the eyes of the submarines that brought a hurry call for the artists, and up to them was put the problem of hiding ships in plain sight. A new name was coined for these warriors of the paint-brush: camoufleurs they were called, and their work was known as camouflage. MATCHING THE SKY Of course, no paint will make a ship abso- lutely invisible at a short distance, but a large vessel may be made to disappear completely from view at a distance of six or seven miles if it is properly painted. 212 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR To be invisible, a ship must reflect as much light and the same shade of light as do its sur- roundings. If it is seen against the background of the sea, it must be of a bluish or a greenish tint, but a submarine lies so low in the water that any object seen at a distance is silhouetted against the sky, and so the ship must have a coat of paint that will reflect the same colors as does the sky. Now, the sky may be of almost any color of the rainbow, depending upon the position of the sun and the amount of vapor or dust in the air. Fortunately in the North Sea and the waters about the British Isles, where most of the submarine attacks took place, the weather is hazy most of the time, and the ship had to be painted of such a color that it would reflect the same light as that reflected by a hazy sky. With a background of haze and more or less haze between the ship and the periscope of the U-boat, it was not a very diffi- cult matter to paint a ship so that it would be invisible six or seven miles away. One shade of gray was used to conceal a ship in the North Sea and an entirely different shade was used for the brighter skies of the Mediterranean. In this way, the artists made it possible for WABRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 213 ships to sail in safety much nearer the pursuer who was trying to find them, and by just so much they reduced his powers of destruction. But still the odds were too heavy against the mer- chantman. Something must be done for him when he found himself within the seven-mile danger-zone. Here again the artists came to the rescue. Before merchant ships were armed, a sub- marine would not waste a torpedo on them, but would pound them into submission with shell. Even after ships were provided with guns, sub- marines mounted heavier guns and unless a ship was speedy enough to show a clean pair of heels, the pursuing U-boat would stand off out of range of the ship's guns and pour a deadly fire into it. But the ships, too, mounted larger guns and the submarines had to fall back upon their torpedoes. GETTING THE RANGE FOE THE TORPEDO In order to fire its torpedo with any certainty, the U-boat had to get within a thousand yards of its victim. A torpedo travels at from thirty to forty miles per hour. It takes time for it to reach its target and a target which 214 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR is moving at, say, fifteen knots, will travel five hundred yards while a thirty-knot tor- pedo is making one hundred yards. And so before the U-boat commander could discharge his torpedo, he had to know how fast the ship was traveling and how far away it was from him. He could not come to the surface and make deliberate observations, but had to stay under cover, not daring even to keep his eye out of water, for fear that the long wake of foam trailing behind -the periscope would give him away. All he could do, then, was to throw his periscope up for a momentary glimpse and make his calculations very quickly ; then he could move to the position he figured that he should occupy and shoot up his peri- scope for another glimpse to check up his calcu- lations. On the glass of this periscope, there were a number of graduations running verti- cally and horizontally. If he knew his victim and happened to know the height of its smoke- stacks or the length of the boat, he noted how many graduations they covered, and then by a set formula he could tell how far he was from the boat. At the same time he had to work out its rate of travel and note carefully the course WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 215 it was holding before he could figure where his torpedo must be aimed. There was always more or less uncertainty about such observations, because they had to be taken hastily, and the camoufleurs were not slow to take advantage of this weakness. They in- creased the enemy's confusion by painting high bow-waves which made the ship look as if it were traveling at high speed. They painted the bow to look like the stern, and the stern to look like the bow, and the stacks were painted so that they appeared to slant in the opposite direc- tion, so that it would look as if the vessel were headed the other way. U-boats came to have a very wholesome respect for destroyers and would seldom attack a ship if one of these fast fighting-craft was about, and so destroyers were painted on the sides of ships as scare- crows to frighten off the enemy. MAKING STRAIGHT LINES LOOK CEOOKED We say that "seeing is believing," but it is not very hard to deceive the eye. The lines in Fig. 13 look absolutely parallel, and they are; but cross-hatch the spaces between them, with the hatching reversed in alternate spaces, as in FIG. 13. Parallel lines that look straight FIG. 14. Parallel lines that do not look straight ** n n r F yipl usa twU u \ Lirt Lir Courtesy of the Submarine Defense Association FIG. 15. Letters that look all higgledy-piggledy, but are really straight 216 WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 217 Fig. 14, and they no longer look straight. Take the letters on the left, Fig. 15. They look all higgledy-piggledy, but they are really straight and parallel, as one can prove by laying a straight-edge against them, or by drawing a straight line through each letter, as shown at the right, Fig. 16. Such illusions were used on ships. Stripes were painted on the hull that tapered slightly, from bow to stern, so that the vessel appeared to be headed off at an angle, when it was really broadside to the watcher at the other end of the periscope. There are color illusions, too, that were tried. If you draw a red chalk -mark and a blue one on a perfectly clean blackboard, the red line will seem to stand out and the blue one to sink into the black surface of the board, because your eye has to focus differently for the two colors, and a very dazzling effect can be had with alternat- ing squares of blue and red. Other colors give even more dazzling effects, and some of them, when viewed at a distance, will blend into the very shade of gray that will make a boat invisi- ble 'at six miles. When U-boat commanders took observations on a ship painted with a i 'dazzle" camouflage, they saw a shimmering 218 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR image which it was hard for them to measure on the fine graduations of their periscopes. Some ships were painted with heavy blotches of black and white, and the enemy making a hasty ob- servation would be apt to focus his attention on the dark masses and overlook the white parts. So he was likely to make a mistake in estimating the height of the smoke-stack or in measuring the apparent length of a vessel. A JOKE ON THE PHOTOGBAPHEE Early in the submarine campaign one of our boats was given a coat of camouflage, and when the vessel sailed from its pier in the North Eiver, New York, the owners sent a photog- rapher two or three piers down the river to photograph the ship as she went by. He took the picture, but when the negative was de- veloped, much to his astonishment he found that the boat was not all on the plate. In the finder of his camera, he had mistaken a heavy band of black paint for the stern of the ship, quite overlooking the real stern, which was painted a grayish white. The artist had fooled the photographer and at a distance of not nrore than two or thre hundred yards! WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 219 SEEING BEYOND THE HOBIZON The periscope of a submarine that is running awash can be raised about fifteen feet above the water, which means that the horizon as viewed from that elevation is about six miles away, and if you draw a circle with a six- mile radius on the map of the Atlantic, you will find that it is a mere speck in the ocean; but a U-boat commander could see objects that lay far beyond his horizon because he was searching for objects which towered many feet above the water. The smoke-stacks of some vessels rise a hundred feet above the water- line, and the masts reach up to much greater altitudes. Aside from this, in the early days of the war steamers burned soft coal and their funnels belched forth huge columns of smoke which was visible from twenty to thirty miles away. When this was realized, efforts were made to cut down the superstructure of a ship as much as possible. Some vessels had their stacks cut down almost to the deck-line, and air-pumps were installed to furnish the draft necessary to 220 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR keep their furnaces going. They had no masts except for slender iron pipes which could be folded down against the deck and could be erected at .a moment's notice, to carry the aerials of the wireless system. Over the ship from stem to stern was stretched a cable, familiarly known as a " clothes-line, " upon which were laid strips of canvas that com- pletely covered the superstructure of the ship. These boats lay so low that they could not be seen at any great distance, and it was difficult for the U-boats to find them. They were slow boats; too slow to run away from a modern submarine, but because of their lowly structure, they managed to elude the German U-boats. When they were seen, the U-boat commanders were afraid of them. They were suspicious of anything that looked out of the ordinary, and preferred to let the " clothes-line ships " go. THE BRITISH MYSTERY SHIPS The Germans had some very unhealthy ex- periences with the "Q-boats" or "mystery ships " of the British. These were vessels rigged up much like ordinary tramp steamers, but they were loaded with wood, so that they WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 221 would not sink, and their hatches were arranged to fall open at the touch of a button, exposing powerful guns. They also were equipped with torpedo-tubes, so that they could give the U-boat a dose of its own medicine. These ships would travel along the lanes frequented by submarines, and invite attack. They would limp along as if they had been injured by a storm or a U-boat attack, and looked like easy prey. When a sub- marine did attack them, they would send out frantic calls for help, and they had so-called 1 panic ' ' parties which took to the boats. Mean- time, a picked crew remained aboard, carefully concealed from view, and the captain kept his eye upon the enemy through a periscope dis- guised as a small ventilator, waiting for the U-boat to come within range of certain destruc- tion. Sometimes the panic party would lure the submarine into a favorable position by rowing under the stern as if to hide around the other side of the ship. At the proper moment, up would go the white ensign the British man-of-war flag the batteries would be un- masked, and a hail of shell would break loose over the Hun. Many a German submarine was accounted for by such traps. 222 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR Submarines themselves used all sorts of camouflage. They were frequently equipped with sails which they would raise to disguise themselves as peaceful sloops, and in this way they were able to steal up on a victim without discovery. Sometimes they would seize a ship and hide behind it in order to get near their prey. CAMOUFLAGE ON LAND But the call for the wielders of the paint- brush came not only from the sea. Their ser- vices were needed fully as much on land, and the making of land camouflage was far more in- teresting because it was more varied and more successful. Besides, it called for more than mere paint; all sorts of tricks with canvas, grass, and branches were used. Of course, the soldiers were garbed in dust-colored clothing and shiny armor was discarded. The helmets they wore were covered with a material that cast no gleam of light. In every respect, they tried to make themselves of the same shade as their surroundings. Like the Indians, they painted their faces. This was done when they made their raids at night. They painted their faces WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 223 black so that they would not show the faintest reflection of light. A PAPEB HOESE The most interesting camouflage work was done for the benefit of snipers or for observers at listening-posts close to the enemy trenches. It was very important to spy on the enemy and discover his plans, and so men were sent out as near his lines as possible, to listen to the con- versation and to note any signs of unusual ac- tivity which would be likely to precede a raid. These men were supplied with telephone wires which they dragged over No Man's Land, and by which they could communicate their dis- coveries to headquarters. Some very ingenious listening-posts were established. In one case a papier-mache duplicate of a dead horse was made, which was an exact facsimile of an ani- mal that had been shot and lay between the two lines. One night, the carcass of the horse was removed and the papier-mache replica took its place. In the latter a man was stationed with telephone connection back to his own lines. Here he had an excellent chance to watch the enemy. 224 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR On another occasion a standing tree, whose branches had been shot away, was carefully photographed and an exact copy of it made, but with a chamber inside in which an observer could be concealed. One night while the noise of the workmen was drowned by heavy cannonading, this tree was removed and its facsimile was set up instead, and it remained for many a day be- fore the enemy discovered that it was a fake tree-trunk. It provided a tall observation post from which an observer could direct the fire of his own artillery. FOOLING THE WATCHERS IN THE SKY In the early stages of the war, it seemed im- possible to hide anything from the Germans. They had eyes everywhere and were able to an- ticipate everything the Allies did. But the spies that infested the sky were the worst handi- cap. Even when the Allies gained control of the air, the control was more or less nominal because every now and then an enemy observer would slip over or under the patrolling aero- planes and make photographs of the Allies' lines. The photographs were carefully com- WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 225 pared with others previously taken, that the slightest change in detail might be discovered. Airplane observers not only would be ready to drop bombs on any suspicious object or upon masses of troops moving along the roads, but would telephone back to their artillery to direct its fire upon these targets. Of course, the enemy knew where the roads were located and a careful watch was kept of them. The French did not try to hide the roads, but they concealed the traffic on the roads by hang- ing rows of curtains over them. As these cur- tains hung vertically and were spaced apart, one would suppose that they would furnish little concealment, but they prevented an observer in an aeroplane from looking down the length of a road. All the road he could see was that which lay directly under his machine, because there he could look between the curtains; if he looked obliquely at the road, the curtains would appear to overlap one another and would conceal operations going on under them. In one case, the Germans completely covered a sunken road with canvas painted to represent a road surface. Under this canvas canopy, 226 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAK troops were moved to an important strategic point without the slightest indication of such a movement. HIDING BIG GUNS Nature 's tricks of camouflage were freely used in the hiding of the implements of war on land. Our big guns were concealed by being painted with leopard spots and tiger stripes, the color and nature of the camouflage depending upon the station they were to occupy. In many cases, they were covered with branches of trees or with rope netting overspread with leaves. So careful was the observation of the air scouts that even the grass scorched by the fire of the gun had to be covered with green canvas to prevent betrayal of the position of the gun. BO ADS THAT LED NOWHERE In the making of an emplacement for a gun it was of the utmost importance that no fresh upturned earth be disclosed to the aerial ob- servers. Even foot-paths leading to it had to be concealed. Plans were carefully made to cover up all traces of the work before the work was begun. Where it was impossible to conceal WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 227 the paths, they were purposely made to lead well beyond the point where the emplacement was building, and, still further to deceive the enemy, a show of work was sometimes under- taken at the end of the path. Wherever the sod had to be upturned, it was covered over with green canvas. The earth that was re- moved had to be concealed somewhere and the best place of concealment was found to be some old shell-hole which would hold a great deal of earth without any evidence that would be ap- parent to an observer in an aeroplane. If no shell-hole were handy, the excavated material had to be hauled for miles before a safe dump- ing-ground could be found. As far as possible everything was sunk below the earth level. Big pits were dug in which the mortars were placed, or if a shell-hole were empty, this was used instead. SHADOWLESS BUILDINGS Any projection above the ground was apt to cast a shadow which would show up on the ob- server's photographs. This was a difficulty that was experienced in building the hangars for airplanes. The roofs of these sheds were 228 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR painted green so as to match the sod around them, but as they projected above their sur- roundings, they cast shadows which made them clearly evident to the enemy. This was over- come by the building of shadowless hangars; that is, hangars with roofs that extended all the way to the ground at such an angle that they would cause no shadow except when the sun was low. In some cases, aeroplanes were housed in underground hangars, the approach to which was concealed by a canvas covering. As for the machines themselves, they scorned the use of camouflage. Paint was little protection to them. Some attempt was made to use trans- parent wings of cellon, a material similar to celluloid, but this did not prove a success. THE PHOTOGRAPHIC BYE Although camoufleurs made perfect imitations of natural objects and surroundings, they were greatly concerned to find -that the flying observ- ers could see through their disguises. To the naked eye the landscape would not show the slightest trace of any suspicious object, but by the use of a color-screen to cut out certain rays of light, a big difference would be shown between WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 229 the real colors of nature and the artist's copies of them. For instance, if a roof painted to look like green grass were viewed through a red color-screen, it would look brown ; while the real grass, which apparently was of exactly the same shade as the roof, would look red. It had not been realized by the artists who had never studied the composition of light, that there is a great deal of red in the green light reflected by grass, and that if they were to duplicate this shade of green, they must put a certain amount of red paint in their imitation grass roofs. Air scouts did not depend upon their eyes alone, but used cameras so that they could study their photographs at their leisure and by fitting the cameras with different color-screens, they could analyze the camouflage and undo the patient work of the artist. A CALL FOR THE PHYSICIST To meet this situation, another man was sum- moned to help the physicist, who looks upon color merely as waves of ether; who can pick a ray of light to pieces just as a chemist can analyze a lump of sugar. Under his expert guidance, colors of nature were imitated so that 230 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR they would defy detection. Aside from this, the physicist helped to solve the tricks of the enemy 's camoufleurs. But the physicist had barely rolled up his sleeves and got into the fray when the armis- tice was signed which put an end to the shams as well as to the realities of the great war. While the work of camouflage was not com- pleted, we owe an inestimable debt to the men who knew how to fake scenery and to their learned associates who count the wave lengths of light, and although their trade was a trade of deception and shams, there was no sham -about the service they rendered. MAKING SHIPS VISIBLE While in war safety lies in invisibility, in peace the reverse is true. Now that the war is over, it may seem that the work of the camou- fleurs can find no useful application; but it was impossible to learn how to make objects invisible without also learning how to make them conspicuously visible. As a consequence, we know now how to paint a ship so that it will show up more clearly in foggy weather, thereby reducing the danger of collision. We WARRIORS OF THE PAINT-BRUSH 231 know, too, how to paint light-ships, buoys, etc., so that they will be much more conspicuous and better guides to mariners, and how to color railroad signals and road signs so that they will be more easily seen by locomotive engineers and automobile drivers. OHAPTEE XII SUBMABIIOJS IT was an American invention that dragged America into the war an American inven- tion in the hands of barbarians and put to un- speakably barbarous use. After seeing how the Huns used the sub- marine we are not so sure that we can take much pride in its invention. But if any blame at- taches to us for developing the submarine, we made amends by the way in which we fought the German U-boat and put an end to German frightfulness on the sea. Of course, the credit for Germany's defeat is not for a moment claimed by Americans alone, but it must be ad- mitted that we played an important part in overcoming the menace of the U-boat. There is no question that the submarine was an American invention. To be sure, we can look into ancient books and find suggestions for navi- gating under the surface of the sea, but the 232 SUBMARINES 233 first man who did actually build a successful submarine was David Bushnell, back in the Revolutionary War. After him came Robert Fulton, who carried the invention farther. He built and operated a submarine for the French Government, and, in more recent years, the sub- marine became a practical vessel of war in the hands of John P. Holland and Simon Lake, both Americans. However, we are not inter- ested, just now, in the history of the submarine, but rather in the development of this craft during the recent war. With Great Britain as an enemy, Germany knew that she was hopelessly outclassed on the sea; but while "Britannia ruled the waves," she did not rule the depths of the sea, and so Ger- many decided to claim this realm for her own. Little attention did she pay to surface vessels. Except in the Dogger Bank engagement and the Battle of Jutland, the German first-class ves- sels did not venture out upon the open sea, and even the lighter craft merely made occasional raids under cover of fog or darkness, only to cut and run as soon as the British vessels appeared. The submarine boat, or untersee- boot as the Germans called it, was virtually the 234 INVENTIONS OF THE GREAT WAR only boat that dared go out into the high seas ; consequently, the Germans specialized upon that type of craft and under their close atten- tion it grew into a highly perfected war-vessel. But the Germans were not the only ones to de- velop the submarine, as we shall see. CONSTRUCTION OF THE U-BOATS When the great war broke out, the German U- boat was a comparatively small craft, less than 150 feet long, with its main hull only 12 feet in diameter. It could make a speed of 12 knots on the surface and only 9 when submerged. But as the war progressed, it grew larger and larger, until it attained a length of over 300 feet and its speed was increased to 12 knots when submerged and 18 knots on the surface. Figs. 16 to 18 show the construction of one of the early U-boats. The later boats were built after the same general plan, but on a bigger scale. It is not always safe to judge a thing by its name; to do so is apt to lead to sad mistakes. One would naturally suppose, from its name, that a submarine is a boat that lives under water, like a fish. But i