REESE LIBRARY >l THK UNIVERSITY .OF CALIFORNIA. Received A A (cessions No. &4. - Shelf No. . _ _ _ L 'fat.. SACRA PR WAT A. THE PRIVATE MEDITATIONS AND PRAYERS OF THE RIGHT REVEREND W&ilssn, D. M BISHOP OF SODOR AND MAN, ACCOMMODATED TO GENERAL USE. SECOND CAMBRIDGE EDITION, LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY. LVK& XI. I. CAMBRIDGE, MILLIARD AND METCALF PRINTERS* \ , 3 PREFACE. J HE truly Reverend Doc- tor THOMAS WILSON, fifty eight years Bishop of Sodor and Man, was blessed with the spirit of prayer in a very uncommon measure ; of which his Sacra Privatat or Private Meditations and Prayers^ are an eminent in^ stance. They have hitherto been locked up from the world in an expensive book ; and are mixed throughout with so much med- itation and prayer, that can come properly from the clergy only, (to whom they are an in- valuable treasure) as to unfit them for general use* VI PREFACE. They are now presented to the public in 9, separate vol- ume ; so that pious christians may, at a reasonable expense, distribute them among such people, as either will not or cannot buy them ; and the pe- titions, peculiar to Ihe clergy, are thrown out. The pious reader will find these Meditations and Prayers too long, according to the pre- sent division of them, to which there is no occasion of adhering. He may take them up, and lay them down, at his own discre- tion and convenience. It is re- commended to him to go thro' them regularly, and to contin- ue the use of them his whole life, selecting such parts for more frequent meditation, as are best PREFACE. Vll adapted to his necessity and dis- position. As prayer is one of the most important works, in which a man can be engaged, and few find themselves able to dis- charge it in the manner, they wish to do ; it is humbly hop- ed, that this book, if attended to, as it deserves, may with God's assistance teach them to pray ; may lead their thoughts to meditate on religious sub- jects ; and habituate them to clothe their meditations in the language of decent, pious, and fervent prayer. That this valuable book may have this effect, is the earnest prayer of THE EDITOR. 'te\ % CA f o:i ON DEVOTIO* AND PRAYER, X RUE devotion consists in having our hearts always devoted to God, as the foun- tain of all happiness ; who is ready to hear and help his otherwise helpless, miserable creatures. It is to be attained, ist. By earnest prayer. HE, THAT HUN- GERS AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS, WILL CER- TAINLY BE FILLED. 2dly. By possessing our hearts -with a deep sense of our own misery, wants, and danger ; this is the grace of humility. 3dly. By considering God's goodness, pow- er, and readiness, to help us ; this is called faith in God. Lastly. By convincing our hearts of the insufficiency of every thing else to afford us any real help or comfort ; this is to be effect- ed by r self denial. Dying persons are generally more devout 10 ON DEVOTION than bthers, because they then see their own misery, that nothing in this world can help them, and that God is their only refuge. We must change our lives, if we desire to change our hearts. God will have no regard to the prayers of those, who have none to his com- mands. The Spirit of God will not dwell in a divided heart. We cannot feel the pleasure of devotion, while the world is our delight. Not that all pleasures are criminal ; but the closer union we have with the world, the less is our union with God. A Christian there- fore, who strives after devotion, should taste sensual pleasures very sparingly, should make necessity, not bodily delight, his rule. in order to dispose our hearts to devotion, an active life is to be preferred to a contempla- tive. Doing good to mankind disposes the soul most powerfully to devotion. Indeed we are surrounded by motives to piety and devotion, if we would mind them. The poor are designed to excite our liberality ; the mis- erable, our pity ; the sick, our assistance ; the ignorant, onr instructions '; those, that are jfo/- kn, our helping hand. In the vain we see the AND PRAYER, It vanity of this world ; in the wicked, our own frailty. When we see good men rewarded, it confirms our hope ; and, when evil men are punished, it excites our fear. He, that would be devout, "must beware of indulging a habit of wandering in prayer. It is a crims, that will grow upon us, and will deprive us of the blessings we pray for. Avoid as much, as may be, multiplicity of business. Neither the innocency, nor the goodness of the employment, will excuse us, if it possess our hearts, when we are praying to God. When our Lord bids us to take no thought for the morrow, he intended to hinder those cares and fears, which are apt to dis- tract our devotions ; which are the more un- reasonable, because they never can change the state of things. Never be curious to know, what passes in the world, any farther than duty obliges you; it will only distract the mind, when it should be better employed. Never intermit devotion, if you can help it ; you will return to your duty, like Sam- son, when his locks were cut, weak and in- ffc ON DEVOTION &C. \ different, as other people of the world. The oftener we renew our intercourse with God, the greater will be our devotion. Frequent prayer, as it is an exercise of holy thoughts, is a most natural remedy against the power of sin. Importunity makes no change in God, but it creates in us such dispositions, as God thinks fit to reward. Make it a law to yourself to meditate, be- fore you pray ; also to make certain pauses, to see whether your heart go along with your lips. They, whose hearts desire noth- * n g) P ra y f ar nothing* Give me* O God, the spirit of true devo- tion ; such, as may give life to all my pray- ers, so that they may find acceptance in thy sight, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. Matth. vi. 6. Thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet ; and, when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father, who is in secret ; and thy Father, who seeth in secret , shall reward thee openly. JLJLOW good is God, who will not on- ly give us., what we pray for ; but reward us for going to him, and laying our wants before him ! .^ May I always present myself before God with firm faith and hope in his promises and mercy ; with great reverence of his infinite majesty ; with the humility of an offender ; and with full purpose of keeping all his commandments ! May the thoughts of eternity quicken my de- votions ; my wants make me earnest ; my back- slidings make me persevere ; and may I never wilfully give way to any distracting thoughts. May I wait with patience, and leave it to Thee, my God and Father, how and when to grant my petitions. He, that has learned to pray, as he ought, possesses the secret of a holy life. It is of greater advantage to us, than we im- agine, that God does not grant our petitions immediately. We learn by this, that, whereun- to we have already attained, /'/ was the gift of God. B *4 SACRA PRIVATA. The best way to prevent wandering in pray- er is, not to 'let the mind wander too much at other times ; but to have God always in our minds in the whole course of our lives. The end of prayer is not to inform God, but to give man a sight of his own misery ; to raise his soul toward Heaven, and to put him in mind, that there is his Father and his inheritance. Mattb. vii. 7. Ask, and it shall be given you. Grant me, Lord, that faith, which shall make ine know my wants, that I may ask with earnest- ness and humility, and depend upon thy gra- cious promise. THEfpUTlES Of A CHRISTIAN. That man leads a sincere Christian life, ist. Who endeavours to serve and obey God to the best of his understanding and power. 2d. Who strives to please his neighbour to edification. 3d. Who endeavours to do his duty in that state of life, unto which it has pleased God to call him. Whoever w^ould continue in the practice of these things unto his life's end, it is necessary "that he call himself often to account, whether he do so or not ; constantly pray for grace to know, and to do his duty ; and preserve him- self in such a temper, as to be always ready to re- ceive the truth, \\ hen it is fairly proposed to him. It is rudeness among men to ask a favor, and SACRA PRIVATA. 15 not stay for an answer ; and do we count it no fault to pray for blessing*, and never to think: of them afterward, never to wait for them, nev- er to give God thanks for them ? Let us make prayer familiar to us ; for with- out the help of God we are every hour in dan- ger. The devil knows that, when we have a relish for prayer, and apply ourselves in good' earnest to it, we are in the way of life ; he therefore strives by all ways possible to divert us. Let us not run over our prayers with an in- sensible and distracted mind. Let our prayers be as particular, as may be, against the sins of our particular state, and for the graces, which in particular we most need. This is the best preservative against sin ; makes us best acquaint- ed witb our condition > puts us continually in mind of mending, what is amiss ; lets us see., what particular graces we most want, what are most needful for the cure of our own particular corruption and disorder ; and is the best trial of our hearts; For example ; if I pray for charity^ and for every instance, which is necessa- ry to render me truly charitable, I pray for grace,,. to avoid evilspeaking, to pray for my enemies, to do them good, &c. and so of all other sins and graces. God grant that I may never seek his face in vain ! Luke xi. i. Lord, teach us to pray. Pour upon us the spirit of suppuration -and prayer.. t6 SACRA PRIVATA. God will deny us nothing, that we ask in of his Son. Prayers through Jesus Christ, When we offer our prayers through his medi- ation, it is he, that prays ; his love, that inter- cedes ; his blood, that pleads j it is he, who ob- tains all from hisTather. PREPARATORY PRAYER. O Holy Spirit of grace, give us a true sight of our miseries, and sincere shame and sorrow, when we make confession of our sins ; a feel- ing sense of our need of mercy, and hope of obtaining pardon, when we beg it for thy Son's sake. May we resign our will to Thee and to thy goodness, when we pray for temporal things ; and, when we pray for spiritual graces, may we hunger and thirst after righteousness ! Give us real love for thy holy word, and grace to hear it with attention. May we thankfully close with all the means of grace and salvation ! When we praise Thee for thy works of na- ture and of grace, and give Thee thanks for thy mercies ; let us do it with high esteem and gratitude. Cause us to hear thy holy word with faith and attention, and to profit by what we hear, that we may return from thy church with a blessing. SACRA PRIVATA.. 17 MORNING PRAYER. Joshua xxi v. 15. Choose. you ibis day, whonr you will serve. W HOM have I in heaven, but Thee, O Lord ? There is none on earth, that I desire, beside 1 hee. Thou art my God, and I will rhank Thee. Thou art my God, and I will serve Thee. Be thou my only ruler and governor. They, that have a convenient place to sleep in 5 find they, that have the comfort of sleep, have both great reason to be thankful ; and they, that want these mercies, ought to bless God, if in the midst of their afflictions he 'is pleased to refresh them with the comforts of Gracious God, continue to me these favors ng, and in such measure, as shall most con- tribute to thy honor and my salvation ; and in great mercy support and relieve all, that \vant these blessings. What shall I offer unto the Lord for his mer- cies, renewed unto me every morning ? The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit ; a broken and contrite heart God will not despise ! But most unfit is mine to be presented to God be- fore I have obtained his pardon through the merits of the Lord Jesus, for the many sins, by which it hath been defiled. jfer. iii. 12. I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever. Only ao B 2 *8 SACRA PRIVATA. knowledge thine .iniquity, that thou hast trans- gressed against the Lord thy God. Ps. x^xii. 5. I acknowledge my sin unto thee, O Goci^ and mine iniquities will I not hide. I do therefore implore thy pardon, and plead thy gracious promises, with full purpose of heart, by the assistance of thy grace, never again to return to folly. Jer. xvii. 9. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; whocan knowit? I cannot answer for my own heart ; but there is no word, O Lord, impossible with Thee. Tn Thee I do put my trust ; let me never be put to confusion. Keep it ever in the heart of thy servant, that it is indeed an evil thing and bitter to offend the Lord. Keep me from presumptu- ous sins, that I may never grieve thy Holy Spir- it, nor provoke Thee to leave me to myself. Matth. xxvi. 41. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation. Lord, make me ever mindful of my infirmi- ties and backslidings, that I may be more watch- ful, and more importunate for grace, for the time to come. i Pet. v. 8. Be sober, be vigilant ; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walk- etl, about, seeking whom he may devour. O Lord, grant that this adversary of our souls m : ay never find me off my guard, nor from under thy protection. _Matth. xvi. 24. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. SACRA PRIVATA. 19- O my Saviour, how long have I professed to follow Thee, without following the blessed steps of thy most holy life, thy patience and humility ', thy disregard for the world, its pleasures, prof- its, honors, and idols. O Lord, obtain for me the spirit of mortification and selfdenial, that I may follow Thee, as I hope to live with Thee forever. Amen. Matth. vi. 24. No mafa can serve two mas- ters. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. May my fear and love never be divided be- tween Thee and the world ! May I never set up any thing, O God, in competition with Thee in my heart ! May I never attempt to reconcile thy service with that world, which is at enmity with Thee, my God and Father ! Mark x, 17. What shall I do, that I may inherit eternal life ? Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind ; and thou shalt love thy neighbour, as thyself. O that this love of God may be the command- ing principle of iviy soul ! May I always have this comfortable proof of his love abiding in'me. that I study to please him, and to keep his com- mandmentsi May -my love of my neighbour be such, as he has commanded, that I may forgive. and give, and love, as becomes a disciple of Je- sus Christ ! Amen. Eccles. xii: 13-; Fear God ani keep his com- mandments, for this is the- whole duty of man ; that is, the happiness of man. 2c SACRA PRIVATA. May I, great God, continue in thy fear air the day long ! May I keep thy statutes, and ob- serve thy laws I Heb. iv- 13. All things are naked and open unto the eyes of him, with whom we have to do- Grant that I may always live and act, as hav- ing Thee, O God, the constant witness of my conduct, for Jesus Christ's sake. Eccles. ix. 10, Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do *t \vith all thy might ; for the night cometh, when no man can work- Make me, O Lord, ever sensible of the great evil of delaying the work, which Thou hast ap- pointed, lest the night surprise me unawares.. i John v. 14, This is the confidence, w r e have in God, that, if we ask any thing accord- ing to his will, he heareth us. That it may be unto thy servant according to this w 7 ord, I beseech Thee to hear me in the full import of that holy prayer, which thy blessed. Son hath taught us ;, OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN ; In whom we live, and move, and. have our be- ing; grant that I and all Christians may live worthy of this glorious relation, and that we may not sin, knowing that we are accounted thine. We are thine by adoption 5 O make us thine by choice. HALLOWED BE THY NAME- O God, whose name is great, wonderful, and holy, grant that I ana all thy children may glo- rify Thee, not only with our lips, but in our SACRA PRIVATA. 21 lives ; that others, seeing our good works, may glorify our Father, who is in Heaven. THY KINGDOM COME. May the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ : and may all, that own Thee for their king, become thy faithful subjects, ^nd obey thy laws ! De- throne, O God, and destroy Satan, and his kingdom ; and enlarge the kingdom of grace. THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. We adore thy goodness, O God, in making thy will known to us in thy holy word. May this thy word be the rule of our will, of our desires, of our lives, and actions ! May we ever sacrifice our will to thine ; be pleased with all thy choic- es for ourselves and others, and adore thy prov- idence in the government of the world. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. O Heavenly Father, who knowest what we need^ give us the necessaries and comforts of this life with thy blessing ; but above all give us the bread, that nourisheth to eternal life. Acts xvii. O God, who givest to all life, and breath, and all things ; give us grace to im- part to such, as are in want, of what Thou hast given more than our daily bread. AND FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES., AS WE FORGIVE THEM, WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US. Make us truly sensible of thy goodness, and mer- cy, and patience toward us ? that we may from as SACRA FRIVATA. our hearts forgive every one his brother his- trespasses. May my enemies ever have place in my prayers, and in thy mercy ! AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION. Support us, O Heavenly Father, under all our saving trials, and grant that they may yield us the peaceable fruits of righteousness. BUT DELIVER US FROM KVIL. From ail sin and wickedness^ from our spiritu- al enemy, and from everlasting death, good Lord, deliver us. Deliver us from the evil of sin, and from the evil of punishment. Deliver us, O Heavenly Father, from our evil and cor- rupt nature, from the temptations and snares of an evil world, and*from falling again into the sins, we have repented of. FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY, FOREVER AND, EVER. AMEN. By thy Almighty power, O King of Heaven^ for the glory of thy name, and for the love of a Father, grant us all these blessings, for which thy Son hath taught us to pray. Unto Him, who is able to do for us abun- dantly more, than we can ask or think ; unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen, To God the Creator, Preserver, and Disposer of all things, be the glory of all the good, wrought in us, by us, and upon us. Blessing, andg/0ry, and wisdom^nd thanksgiv- ing, and honor, and power, and might, be unto; our God forever and ever. Amen. SACRA PRIVATA. 23 Thy infinite power , wisdom , goodness , faithful- ness , and truth are the only sure foundation, on which we may depend. O give us firm faith in these thy glorious perfections. With Angels and Archangels, and all the company of Heaven, we praise and magnify thy glorious name, evermore praising Thee, and say- ing, holy, holy, holy LORD GOD of Hosts, Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to Thee, O GOD most High. Amen. Jude 24, 25. Now unto Him, who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the pesence of his glory with exceeding joy ; to the only wise GOD our Sav- iour, be glory and majesty, dominion and pow- er, both now .and ever. Amen. Ro?n. xi. 36, For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things ; to whom be glory forever. Amen. Rom. xvi 27. To GOD only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen. Mark ix. 23, All things are possible to him, that believeth. Yes, Lord, and therefore I beg this faith of Him, to whom all things are possible, that I may be able to discover , to avoid, to resist, and to root out, whatever is evil in me. O Jesus, obtain this grace for thy otherwise helpless creature. Grant, that I may this day -escape all snares, laid for me by the devil, the ^world, or my own corrupt heart. Grant that J may this day -omit no part of my duty. M SACRA PRIVATA. i Tim. iv. 15. Give thyself wholly to these things, that thy profiting may appear to all. God grant that I may do so ; and I pray God to preserve me from ease, idleness, and trifling a- way my precious time. Philemon 4. I thank my God, making men- tion of thee always in my prayers. Extend, and suit thy graces to all conditions of men, that we may all be upright in our dealings, obedient to our governors, peaceable in our lives, sober, honest, temperate, chaste in our conversation, and charitable to the poor, and one toward another. Increase the number and graces of all such, as love and fear Thee. Enlighten the minds of the ignorant, 'awaken the consciences of the care- less, silence gainsayers^ convert the profane, and all, that hold the truth in unrighteousness. Rebuke the spirit of antichrist, idolatry, and libertinism ; the sins of drunkenness, whoredom, litigiousness, and of defrauding the public. In tender mercy remember, O God, all sick and dying per sons ) that they nvay omit nothing, that is necessary to make their peace with Thee. Be gracious unto all, that are under any afflic- tion of mind or body, or under any pressing ca- lamity ; all desolate widows and fatherless chil- dren ; all, that call upon Thee in their dibtress, and have none else to help them. Prov. xxi. i. The king's power is in the' hands of the Lord ; as the rivers of waters, he turneth it whithersoever he will. SACRA PRIVATA. 25 'Let this thy power, O Lord, be magnified on all, that are put in authority over us, that we may be governed with truth and justice by men, fearing and honoring God, protecting the Christian religion, and punishing evildoers. To this end vouchsafe them, Ibeseech thee, all the graces necessary for their high station, and for their eternal happiness. Col. iv. i. Masters, give unto your servants that, which is just and equal, knowing that ye also have a Master in Heaven. O heavenly Lord and Master, bless me with good and faithful servants. Let thy blessing be upon them and upon my affairs, committed to their care ; and may I never be wanting in my duty to them, for Jesus Christ's sake. Relations, Benefactors, Sfftr. Be gracious, O God, to all my relations, ben- efactors, enemies ; and to all, that have desired my prayers ; to all, who by their own labors do minister to our necessities ; together with all our known and unknown benefactors. Render, O God, a good reward and a plentiful return to all those, who have been kind and charitable. Grant 'that we may all so live here, that we may meet hereafter in the Paradise of God. yobn xvi. 23. Verily I say unto you, what- soever you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. These are what I ask, O God and Father^ above all things, for myself, and for all, that C s5 SACRA PRIVATA. have desired my prayers ; that we may be re- stored to thy likeness, and never deface it by our sins ; that the image of satan may be de- stroyed in us ; that all carnal affections may die in us ; and that all things, belonging to the Spirit, may dwell in our hearts by faith ; that thy name, and the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, may be glorified in us, and we in him ; that our hearts may be entirely thine; that We may nev- er grieve thy Holy Spirit ; but that we may continue thine forever, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. Ephes. iv. 29. Let no corrupt communica- tion proceed out of your mouth ; but that, which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Grant, O God, that I may delight in thy law ; that my conversation may be truly chris- tian. May I never hear with pleasure, nor ever repeat such things, as may dishonor God, or injure my neighbour, or my own character. y antes iv. 1 1 . Speak not evil one of another. Ephes. v. 4. Foolish talking or jesting are not convenient, but rather giving of thanks. Psa. cxxxiii. 3. Set a watch, O Lord, be- fore my mouth, and keep the door of my lips* Matth. xii. 34. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. How can ye, -being evil, speak good things ? O Holy Spirit of Grace, enable me to over- come the shame of a degenerate age* which will hear nothing with delight, but what con- cerns this world. O touch my heart with the SACRA PRIVATA. 27: true love of God, the excellencies of his the pleasantness of his service, and the won- ders of his providence. This I beg for Jesus Christ's sake. "John xv. 7. Ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. These, O Jesus, are the things, that I ask. Intercede for me, that I may be truly sensible of the diseases I labor under, and thankfully em- brace the means, which thy goodness hath or- dained for my recovery. Grant that the end of all my actions, and de- signs, may be the glory of God. Enable me to resist all the sinful appetites of my corrupt na- ture. Grant that I may hunger and thirst af- ter righteousness. Vouchsafe me the spirit of adoption, of sup- plication and prayer, of praise and thanksgiving, Obtain for me, O Jesus, the graces of mor- tification and selfdenial ; the graces of true humility, and the fear of God. Grant, O God, that I may never knowingly live one moment under thy displeasure, nor ifi any known sin. Grant, O God, that, as I have been made thy child by adoption and grace, I may daily be re- newed by thy Holy Spirit, for Jesus Christ's sake, Enable me, gracious God, to escape the cor- ruption, that is in the world through lust, that I may be partaker of the Divine Nature. Lord, grant me grace to withstand the tempt- ations of the world, the fle^h, and the devil; 28 SACRA PRIVATA, and with a pure heart and mind to follow Thee 9 the only God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Let thy Love, O God, be shed abroad in my heart by the power of the Holy Ghost, and grant that it may appear in my life, conversation, words, and actions, for Jesus Christ's sake. Blessed be God, that I was admitted into the fellowship of Christ's religion. Grant, O God, that I may eschew all those thing, that are con- trary to my profession, and follow all such things, as are agreeable to the same, for Jesus Christ's sake. Keep me, I beseech Thee, O Heavenly Fa- ther, under the protection of thy good provi- dence, and make me to have perpetual fear and love of thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Put away from me all hurtful things, and give me those things, that may be profitable for me, through Jesus Christ. Mercifully grant unto me, O God, such a measure of thy grace, that, running the way of thy commandments, I may obtain thy gra- cious promises, and be made partaker of thy heavenly treasure, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Forgive me those things, whereof my con- science is afraid, and give me those good things, which we are not worthy to ask, but through the merits and mediation of thy Son Jesus Christ. That I may obtain that, \\hich thou dost T, SACRA PRIVATA. 29- promise, make me to love that, which thou dost, command, through Jesus Christ. Keep me from all things hurtful, and lead me to all things necessary to my salvation,, through Jesus Christ. The Lord deliver me from every evil work, and preserve me to his heavenly kingdom j to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. O that thy Holy Spirit may direct and rule my heart, O God, through Jesus Christ ! Of thy bountiful goodness, O Lord, keep me, I beseech Thee, from all things, that may hurt me, that I may cheerfully accomplish those things, which thou wouldest have done, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant, O God, that T may be cleansed from all my sins, and serve Thee with a quiet mind, through Jesus Christ. Deliver me, O Lord, from the bonds of those sins, which through my frailty I have commit ted, for Jesus Christ's sake. Faith. O that I may believe in Thee, O God, and put my whole trust and confidence in Thee alone, and not in any thing, that I myself can do. Grant, O God, that I may so perfectly, and without all doubt believe in thy Son Jesus Christ, that my faith in thy sight may never be reproved, for the sake of the same Jesus Christ. Against wavering. Grant, O God, that we may not be carried about with every blast of vain doctrine, but that C 2 30 SACRA PRIVATA, we may be firmly established in the truth of thy holy gospel, through Jesus Christ. Grant, O God, that I may perfectly know thy Son Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life ; the Author of the Way, the Teacher of the Truth, and the Giver of Life ; that I may siedfastly walk in the way, that lead- eth to eternal life, through the same Jesus Christ. Covetousness. Give me grace to forsake all covetous desires, and inordinate love of riches, through Jesus Christ. Grant that I may both perceive and know, what things I ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to fulfil the same, through Jesus Christ. Grant me, O God, the true circumcision of the spirit, that my heart and all my members, being mortified from all carnal lusts, I may in all things obey thy blessed will. O that we, who know Thee now by faith, may after this life have the fruition of thy glo- rious Godhead ! In all our dangers and necessities, stretch forth thy right hand to save and defend us. Charity. O send thy Holy Ghost, and pour into my heart that most excellent gift of charity, that very bond of peace and of all virtue, without which whosoever liveth is counted dead before Thee! SACRA PRIVATA. 3-1 Grant, I do most humbly beseech Thee, O God, thai as by thy special grace Thou dost put into my mind good desires, so by thy continual help I may bring the same to good effect, through Jesus Christ. O everlasting God, grant that, as thy holy Angels always do Thee service in Heaven, so by thy appointment they may succor and defend us on earth, through Jesus Christ. Grant me grace so to follow thy blessed Saints in virtuous and Godly living, that I may come to those unspeakable joys, which thou hast pre- pared for them, that unfeignedly love Thee. ' I pray God my whole Spirit, (my understand- ing, will, and conscience,) my soul, (my appe- tites, affections, and passions,) and my body, (the tabernacle of my soul) be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. May I take pleasure in abiding in thy pres- ence, O God, in depending upon Thee, in leav- ing myself entirely to thy disposal, as a contin- al sacrifice to thy will. Give me victory over all my sins and imperfec- tions ; increase in me the graces of faith ^ hope^ and charity ; of humility, meekness ^ patience^ re- signation^ and all other Christian virtues, for Jesus Christ's sake. Preserve me, gracious God, from spiritual pride ; from ascribing any thing, I have done, or can do, to myself, and robbing Thee of the glory of saving me from eternal ruin. Take possession, O Jesus, of thy right in my soul, which thou hast redeemed with thy most 32 SACRA PRIVATA. precious blood, and root out all selfrighteous-' ness, selfinterest, and selfwill ; that Thou may- est be my righteousness, and all in me. Repentance. Give me, O God, such sorrow for my sins, as shall enable me to embrace all the necessary means, how bitter soever, for rooting sin out of; my soul. Humility. i Pet. v. 5. God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. I have all the reason in the world to be hum- ble. Without God I am nothing. Without' his help and grace I can do nothing, that is good. Of myself I deserve nothing but punishment. Of my own I have nothing, but faults, imper- fections, and sins, an inclination to evil, an aver- sion to good, unruly senses, ungovernable pas- sions, ungovernable affections. i Cor. i. 30. O Lord Jesus Christ, who art made unto us of God our wisdom, by revealing him and his glorious perfections ; our righteous- ness, by satisfying the justice of God inour nature; our 'fantttjUea+iohi by procuring for us the Holy Ghost, and oy restoring us, being sinners, to God's favor ; our redemption^ by redeeming us from death eternal. O Jesus, for these mighty favors all love and glory be to Thee with the Father and the Holy Ghost forever. Amen. 'The way of a Happy Life. Lay nothing too much to heart, desire noth- SACRA PRIVATA, 33 ing two eagerly, rejoice not excessively, nor grieve too much for disasters ; be not violently bent on any design, nor let any worldly cares hinder you from taking care of your soul ; and remember that it is necessary to be a Christian (that is, to govern one's self by motives of Chris- tianity) in the mosr common actions of civil life. Col. iii. 17. Whatsoever ye do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. He, that would not fall into temptation, must Have presence of mind, a watchful eye over him- self ; he must have great things in view, distin- guish betwixt time and eternity ; or else he will follow what pasion, not what reason and reli- gion suggest. Christian Perfections. Whoever aspires after being so united to God 3 as to be one spirit with him, must resolve to do all things with this sole view, TO PLEASE GOD. This I purpose, this I forbear, this I undertake,, this I do, this I suffer, in obedience to the will of GOD. This should be our express purpose at all times, when we have time to make it ; and should be often renewed, lest our own will come to be the rule of our actions. If I be careful to do this, I shall always have my end, whether I succeed, or be disappointed, being convinced it is God's will. Rom. xvi. 14. Put ye on the Lord Jesus, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Grant, O Lord, that "I may keep under my 34 SACRA PRIVATA. body, and bring it into subjection, lest by any means I be a castaway/' " Be ye all of one mind, having comprfo^ion one of another. Be pitiful, be courteous ; not rendering evil . for evil, nor railing for railing, but contrarywise blessing. For he 3 that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips, that they speak no guile. Let him eschew evil, and do good j. let him seek peace, and ensue it/' Give me, O Lord, a wise, a sober, a serious, a religious heart. Preserve me from evil coun- sels, and rash enterprises. O make thy way. plain before my face. Support me this day under all the difficulties, I shall meet. - I offer myself to Thee, O God, this day, to do in me, and with me, as to Thee seems most meet. Vouchsafe me, gracious God, the spirit of adoption, whereby I may cry, Abba^ Father^ and apply to Thee, through Jesus Christ, not as an angry judge, but as a merciful and loving father. Remember that the life of man is to be valu- ed only for its usefulness. yohn xv. 1 2. This is my commandment, that ye love one another. O Thou, who hast given me this command and pattern, give me a sincere desire of follow- ing, and grace and power to do it. James v. 1 5. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up ; and, SACRA PRIVATA. 35 if he have committed sins, he shall be absolved, [i. e. upon his confession,] O Lord of life and death, have mercy upon all those, who are visited with sickness ; sanctify . this thy fatherly correction, that they may search their ways, and see, whence this visitation com- eth. Have mercy upon all, that are appointed to die, and grant that they omit nothing, that is necessary to make their peace with Thee, and that they may be delivered from death e- ternal. God grant that we may apply our hearts to that holy and heavenly wisdom, while we live here, which may in the end bring us to life everlasting, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. NOON. i Tim. ii. i. I exhort, that first of all suppli- cations, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. Acts xvii. 26. For we are all of one blood- Charity, that more excellent way, is a tender af- fection for the whole creation of GOD. O GOD, almighty and merciful, let thy fa- therly kindness be upon all, whom thou hast made. Hear the prayers of all, that call upon Thee ; open the eyes of therti, that never pray for themselves ; pity the sighs of such, as are in misery ; deal mercifully with them, that are in darkness ; and increase the graces of such, as fear and serve Thee daily. Preserve this land from the misfortunes of war ; thy church from : 3 6 SACRA PRIVATA. # all dangerous errors; this people from forget- ing Thee, their Lord and Benefactor. Be gra- cious to those countries, that are made desolate by sword, famine, pestilence, or persecution. Bless all persons and places, to which thy prov- idence has made me a debtor ; all, who have been instrumental to my good by their assist- ance, advice, or example ; and make me in my turn useful to others. Let none of those, that desire my prayers, want thy mercy ; but de- fend, and comfort, and conduct them through to iheir lives' end. " In every thing give thanks ; for this is the 4C will of GOD in Christ Jesus concerning you." Cause us, O God to profit by all the visita- tions of thy grace and mercy, " It becometh well the just to be thankful." O Lord and Father, I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies, which Thou hast show- ed thy servant, nor can I render due thanks and praise for them ; but, O Lord, accept this sac- rifice of praise and thanksgiving. For all tire known, and for all the unobserved favors, deliverances, visitations, opportunities of doing good, chastisements, and graces of thy Holy Spirit, vouchsafed to me, I bless thy good providence ; beseeching Thee to pardon my ingratitude, that I have passed so many days and years without observing, and acknowledg- ing thy great goodness to thy unworthy servant. For, when I soberly consider my dependence upon Thee for lile, welfare, health of body. SACRA PRIVATA. 37 peace of mind, grace, comfort, and salvation, I ought to be very thankful. Glory be to God, my Creator ; glory be to Jesus, my Redeemer ; glory be to the Holy Ghost, my Sanctifier, Guide, and Comforter ; all love, all glory, be to GOD most high. A?nen. Let us never ascribe any thing to ourselves, but all to the grace of God ; and render to Him all the glory of his works. Preserve me, O God, from the insensibility of those, who re- ceive thy favors without being affected by them, and from the ingratitude of those, who look upon them, as a debt. Psa. xc. i, a, It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High ; to show forth thy loving kindness in the morning, and thy faith- fulness every night. Many and great have been the favors and blessings, uhich Thou hast bestowed on this na- tion ; for which, O Lord, in conjunction with those, who praise Thee for them, and in the stead of those, who forget to praise Thee r I bless and praise thy holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN. Acts xvii. 28. In Thee we live, and move^ and have our being. Grant that we may love Thee with all our heart, and mind, and soul, and strength. Blessed be God, who dealeth with us with the tenderness of a Father. O that we may D 3'8 SACRA PRIVATA. remember that our Father and our inheritance are in Heaven. I commit myself, and all that belongs to me, to thy fatherly care and love. "Verily, whatever ye ask the Father in my name, he will give it you ! This is the great sup- port and comfort of sintiers. Hear us for thy Son's sake ; for as sinners, we have no right to ask any favos. What manner of love is it, that we should be Called the sons of God. HALLOWED BE THY NAME. " Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive hon- or, and power, and glory, for Thou hast created all things." " In this is my Father glorified, that ye bring forth much fruit." May thy children have a great regard for ev- ery thing, that belongs to Thee. May I never dishonor Thee, O Heavenly Fa- ther^ by word or deed. May I glorify Thee daily by a good life. Fill my heart with great concern and zeal for thy glory. " Let every thing, that hath breath, praise the Lord." " They, that honol* me, 1 will also honor." . How little have I done to promote thy glory ! God be merciful unto me. THY KINGDOM COME. May all the kingdoms of the world obey thy laws, and submit to thy providence, and become SACRA PRIVATA. 39 the kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ ! Bless the pious endeavors of all those, who strive to propagate the gospel of thy kingdom. Vouchsafe to reign in my heart ; and let not Satan ever have dominion over me.. Fit us, O God, for the coming of thy king- dom. May I submit, and rejoice to be govern- ed by Thee ! that thy Holy Spirit may direct and rule my heart ; subdue in me all pride, covetousness, hatred, malice, envy, lust, uncleanness, and whatever shall offend Thee. THY WILJL BE DONE ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. 1 Thess. iv. 3, This is the will of God, even our sanctification. Thou hast sent us into the world, not to do our own will but thine. O subject my will to thine. May thy name be honored by the good lives of Christians. O tha-t I may have respect unto all thy com- mands. May thy will, revealed to us in thy ho- ly word, be the rule of my will, of my desires, of my words, life, and actions. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. yohn vi. 27. Labor not for the meat, which perisheth ; but for that meat, which eudureth unto everlasting live. Lord, give us evermore this bread. Give us the necessaries of life ; but above all the bread?, that nourisheth to eternal life. 40 SACRA PRIVATA. AND FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, AS WE FORGIVS THEM, WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US, Luke vi. 37. Forgive, and ye shall be for- given. Grant, O Heavenly Father, that I may close with this merciful condition of pardon. Thou hast been all mercy to me, O God, grant that I may be so to all others. May thy grace, O Fa- ther, give me a heart ever ready to forgive ! AND LEAD US NOT INJO TEMPTATION. 1 Cor. x. 13. Let him, that thinketh he stande$, take heed, lest he fall. Let not any confidence in ourselves provoke Thee, O God, to leave us to ourselves. 2 Pet. ii. 9. The Lord knoweth how to de- liver the godly out of temptation. Thou, O Father, knowest my infirmities, and the power of my enemies ; be not wanting to me in the hour of temptation. Matth. xxvi, 41. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation. Make me mindful of my weakness, that I may be more watchful, and importunate for grace. Fortify my soul against the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil, for Jesus Christ's sake. BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL. i Pet. v. 8. Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walk- eth about, seeking whom he may devour. Grant, O Heavenly Father, that this adver- sary may never find me off my guard, nor from SACRA PRIVATA, 41 under thy protection. In all my saving trials give me grace and power to overcome. FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY, FOREVER AND EVER. AMEN. To Thee, to Thee alone, and to thy Son, and Holy Spirit, be glory forever and ever. Amen. EVENING. Ps a. cxli. 2. Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight, as incense ; and let the lifting up of my hands be, as an evening sacrifice. That it hath pleased God to add another day to the years of my life; that none of his judgments, to which for my sins I am liable, have fallen upon me ; that by his grace he hath kept me from all scandalous sins, and from the dangers of an evil world ; that he has given me occasions of doing good, and grace to make use of them ; that he hath supplied me and my fam- ily with the necessaries of this life, and with means of attaining a better ; accept, O God, my unfeigned thanks for these, and for all the mercies, from day to day bestowed upon me. Add this to all thy favors, I beseech Thee, that I may never forget to be thankful. Possess my heart with so deep a sense of my obligations and dependence upon Thee for life, and health, and grace, and salvation, that reli- gion may be my delight as well, as my duty. But that I may serve Thee with a quiet mind, forgive me the things, whereof my conscience D 2 4* SACRA PRIVATA. is afraid, and avert the judgments, which I have justly deserved. Remember not the offences of my youth ; and in mercy blot out those of my riper years. Pardon my sins of the day past, and of my life past, and grant that they may never rise in judgment against me. Amen. i yohn Si. i. If any man sin, we have an ad- vocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righ- teous, and he is the propitiation for our sins. O most powerful Advocate, I put my cause into thy hands, let thy blood and merits plead for me ; and by thy mighty intercession procure for me a full d'scharge of all my sins. John v. 14. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. Lord, the frailty of man without Thee can* not but fall. In all temptations therefore I be- seech Thee to succor me, that no sin may ever get dominion over me. Psa. xci. i. Whoso dwelleth under the de- fence of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. May the Almighty God take me, my family, my relations, my friends, my benefactors, and my enemies, under his gracious protection ! Give his holy angels charge concerning us ; pre- serve us from the prince and powers of dark- ness, and from the dangers of the night ; and keep us in perpetual peace and safety ; through Jesus Christ our Lord ! Amen. Hear me, O God, not according to my weak understanding, but according to the full import of that Holy Prayer, which Jesus Christ has SACRA PRIVATA. 43 taught us, and which I presume to offer ; Our Father, lasting life, through Jesus Christ. Amen. $2 SACRA PRIVATA. NEW YEAR'S DAY. Blessed be God r \vho has brought me to the beginning of another year. Blessed be God, that I am of the number of those, who have time and space for repentance yet given them. My God, make me truly sensible of this mer- cy, and give me grace to consider often, how short and uncertain my time is ; that there is one year more of a short life passed over my head ; and that ! am so much nearer eternity ; that T may in good earnest think of another life and be so prepared for it, that death may not overtake me unawares. Lord, pardon all my mispent time, and make me more diligent and careful to redeem it for time to come ; that when I come to the end of my days, I may look back with comfort on the days, that are past. Grant that I may begin this new year with new resolutions of serving Thee more faithful- ly ; and, if, through infirmity or negligence I forget these good purposes, the good Lord a- waken in me a sense of my danger ! My heart is in thy hands, O God, as well, as my time ; O make me wi5e unto salvation ; that I may consider in this my day the things, that belong to my peace ; and that I may pass this, and all the years, I have yet to live, in comfortable hope of a blessed eternity, for the Lord Jesus' sake. Amen. SA CRA PRIVATA. 53 Lord's Day. Amos viii. 4. "When will the Sabbath be gone, that \\e may sell wheat ? Deliver us, gracious God, from the sin of covetousness ; from being weary of thy sab- baths, which are ordained to preserve in our hearts the knowledge of Thee, and of thy Son Jesus Christ. O that we may desire, and rejoice in the re- turn of this day, and serve Thee faithfully on it ; and that we may enjoy an everlasting sab- bath with thy saints, for Jesus Christ's sake ! Amen. that I may be glad, when they say unto me, come, let us go to the house of God ! Prayer for all mankind. 1 Tim. ii. i. I exhort that first of all suppli- cations, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. O God, almighty and merciful, let thy fa- therly kindness be upon all, that Thou hast made. IHLve mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels., and Heretics ; and grant that none may deprive themselves of that happiness, which Jesus Christ has purchased by his death. Blt^s the pious endeavours of all those, that strive to propagate the gospel of Christ ; and may its saving truths be received in all the world. Preserve thy church in the midst of the dan- gers, that surround it ; purge it from all cor- 2 5 4 SACRA PRIVATA. ruptions, and heal its divisions, that all Chris- tian people may unite and Love, as becomes the disciples of Christ. Grant that all pastors may be careful to ob- serve the sacred rights, committed to their trust ; that Godly discipline may be restored and coun- tenanced ; That Christians may not content themselves with shadows of religion and piety, but endeav- or after that holiness, without which no man can see the Lord ; that such, as are in authority, may govern with truth and justice ; and that those, whose duty it is to obey, may do it for conscience sake. Let all, thai sincerely seek the truth, be led into it by thy Holy Spirit ; and to all such, as are destitute of necessary instruction, vouchsafe a greater measure of thy grace. Support and comfort all, that labour under trials and afflictions ; all, that suffer wrongful- ly ; and by thy mighty grace succour all those, that are tempted. Give unto all sinners a true sense of their unhappy state, and grace and strength to break their bonds. Visit with thy fatherly comforts all such, as are now in their last sickness, that they may omit nothing, that is necessary to make their peace with Thee. Be gracious to all countries, made desolate by sword, famine, pestilence, or persecution. Sanctify the miseries of this life to the everlast- ing benefit of all, that suffer. SACRA PRIVATA. 55 Preserve this land from the miseries of war ; this Church from persecution, and from all wild and dangerous errors ; and this people from forgetting Thee, their Lord and Benefactor. Avert the judgments, which we have justly deserved ; and mercifully prevent the ruin, that threatens us, and grant that we may ever be prepared for what thy Providence shall bring forth. Bless all persons and places, to which thy providence has made me a debtor ; all, who have been instrumental ro my good by their as- sistance, advijce, or example ; and mak** me in my turn useful to others. Let none of those, who cannot pray for themselves, and desire my prayers, want thy mercy ; but defend and comfort, and conduct them through this dangerous world, that we may meet in paradise, to praise our God forev- er and ever. Amen. Enlighten the minds, and pardon the sin of all, that err through simplicity. Let the wick- edness of the wicked come to an end, but guide thou the just. Relieve and comfort all, that are troubled in mind ; all, that are in danger of falling into despair ; all, that are in any dangerous error ; all, that are in prison, in slavery, or under per- secution for a righteous cause ; all, that are in any distress whatever; that all may improve under their sufferings. Have mercy upon and reclaim all, that are engaged in sinful courses, in youthful lusts, in 56 SACRA PRIVATA unchristian quarrels, and in unrighteous law- suits. Direct all, that are in doubt ; all, that seek the truth. O God the Creator and Redeemer of all, have mercy upon all, whom Thou hast made and redeemed. Amen. MONDAY MEDITATIONS. RESIGNATION. Luke xxii. 42. Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done. OGod, who takest delight in helping the afflicted, help but that 1 may faithfully perform SACRA PRIVATA. 75 those vows, which are upon me. This I can* not do without thy gracious assistance, which I most humbly beseech Thee to vouchsafe me for Jesus Christ's sake, who by his merits has pur* chased this grace for all, that faithfully ask it of Thee. For his sake, O merciful God, grant me this gnice. Amen. I do with all humility accept the punishment of my iniquities. I will hold my peace, and not open my mouth ; because it is thy doing and my deserving. I know, O Lord, that it is good for me to be in trouble, cr Thou would*- est not suffer it so to be. Let thy merciful kindness be my comfort, ac- cording to thy promise to all, that love and serve Thee. "Difficulties. We are to pray for the particular direction of God's Holy Spirit upon all great occasions ; we are humbly to depend upon, and cheerfully to expect it. In a Lawsuit. Convince me, O God, if I be under any mis- take in this affair. Direct, assist, and support me under all the difficulties, I shall meet. Put a happy end, in thy good time, to this trouble- some controversy. Dispose the hearts of those, with whom we have to do, to peace and justice. Give me grace to rest satisfied with whatev- er shall be the issue, believing assuredly that GOD can make good any loss, I may sustain, or sanctify it to my eternal welfare. 76 SACRA PRIVATA. Lord, in this, and in all other things, I un-, thy will be done, and not mine. O manifest thy will to me, preserve me from evil counsels, and rash enterprises. Faith. Grant, O God, that I may with humility re- ceive, and with perseverance hold fast, all those truths, which Thou hast revealed. I thank Thee, O God, for thy holy word, and that Thou hast not left us, in the affair of eternity, to the uncertainty of our own reason and judgment. Defend me against all delusions of error, the snares of wit and learning, the raileries of pro- fane men, and from deserting the truth. Open the eyes of all, thai are in error ; heal the wounds of our divided church ; that we may be one fold under one Shepherd. Amen. John xvi. 13. The Holy Spirit shall guide you into all truth. O Holy Spirit, make me to understand, em- brace, and love the truths of the gospel. Give, O God, thy blessing unto thy word, that it may become effectual to my conversion and salvation, and to the salvation df all, that read and hear it. Give me grace to read thy holy word with reverence and respect, becoming the gracious * manifestation of thy will to men ; submitting my understanding and will to thine. \ Let thy gracious promises, O God, contained in thy word, quicken my obedience. Let thy SACRA PRIVATA. 77 dreadful threatenings and judgments upon sin- ners frighten me from sin, and oblige me to speedy repentance, for Jesus Christ's sake. Cause me, O God, to believe thy word, to obey thy commands, to fear thy judgments, and to hope in, and depend upon thy gracious promises, contained in thy holy word, for Je- sus Christ's sake. Give me full persuasion of those great truths, which Thou hast revealed in thy holy word. The gospel will not be a mean of salvation to him, who reads or hears it only ; but to him, who reads, loves, remembers, and practices it by a lively faith. Cause me, O God, rightly to understand, and constantly to walk in, the way of thy com- mandments. Grant us in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting, for Jesus Christ's sake. FronT hardness of heart and contempt of thy word, good Lord, deliver us. Give us grace to hear meekly thy word, to receive it with pure affection, to bring forth the fruits of the spirit, and to amend our lives ac- cording to thy holy word. Amen. Self Denial Eccles. xix. 5. He, that reshteth pleasures, crowneth his life. Vouchsafe me, gracious God, the graces of mortification and self denial? that, my affections and flesh being subdued unto the spirit, and my G 2 78 , S^CRA PRIVATA. heart and all my members being mortified from all carnal and worldly lusts, I may ever obey thy blessed will, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Awen. All mankind being under the sentence of death, certain to be executed, and at an hour we know not of ; a state of repentance and self denial^ of deadness and crucifixion to the world, is certainly the most suitable, the most becoming temper, in which we can be found, when that sentence comes to be executed ; that is, when we come to die ; especially when we consider, that this short and uncertain time, allowed us between the sentence and execution, will determine our condition for eternity. If this be the ca^e of fallen man, as most cer- tainly it is, then thoughtless, unremitting pleas- ure is the greatest indecency ; fondness for the world the greatest folly j and self indulgence downright madness. Consequently the contrary to these, namely, constant seriousness of temper, an universal care and exactness of life, and indifference for the world, self denial, sobriety, and watchfulness, must be our greatest wisdom. This discovers to us the reason and necessity of all the duties of Christianity, and of God's dealings with fallen man in this state of trial. For instance ; , Jesus Christ commands us to deny ourselves and to take up our cross dally ; not because- he can command, what he pleases, (for he is infinite goodness, and can command SACRA PRIVATA. 79 nothing, but what is good for his creatures) but because the corruption of our nature re- quires that we be forbidden every thing, which would increase our disorder. And because this disorder has spread itself through all the pow- ers of our souls and bodies, and incline; us to evil continually, he requires that our self denial reach as far, as our corruption. He commands us therefore to deny our own wisdom, because we are really blind as to what concerns our own true good, and should in- fallibly ruin ourselves, if left to our own choice. He commands us to deny our appetites, because intemperance would ruin us, He forbids us to give way to our passions, because a thousand evils will follow, if we do so. He obliges us to keep a very strict watch over our hearts, because thence proceed hypocrisy, covetou^ness, malice, and many other evils. We are forbidden to set our hearts upon the world and every thing in it, because our eternal hap- piness depends upon our loving God with all our heart and soul. We are obliged to love our neighbour, and our very enemies ; and are forbidden to hate, to contend with, to hurt, to go to law with him, because this would exasperate our minds, and grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by which we are sanctified ; being against that charity, in which God delights. We are forbidden to repine, when G )d af- flicts us, because, as sinners, suffering is due to 8o SACRA PRIVATA. us ; and, because our bodies have a very great influence over our souls, \ve are commanded to fast, and to be strictly temperate at all times, and to deny ourselves the love of sensual pleas- ures and self indulgence. We are commanded to deny all the wavs of folly, vanity, and false satisfaction, that we may be able tp take satisfaction and pleasure in the ways of God. In short, in whatever instances we are com- manded to deny ourselves, it is because it is ab- solutely necessary, either to cure our corruption, or to qualify us for the grace of God, or to hinder us from grieving God's Holy Spirit, and forcing him to forsake us. The more \ve deny ourselves, the freer we shall be from sin, and the more dear to God. God appoints us to sufferings, that we may keep close TO Him. and that we may value the suffer- ings of his Son, of which we should have but a low notion, did not our own experience teach us, what it is to suffer. They, who deny themselves, will be sure of finding their strength increased, their affections raised, and their inward peace continually ad- vanced. i. Tim. vi. 8. Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content. Let us not imagine that excess, luxury, super- fluity, and love of pleasure, are less criminal, be- cause they are so common. SACRA PRIVATA. 81 Take up the Cross. This is designed, as a peculiar favor to Chris- tians, as indeed are all Christ's commands. Mi cries are the unavoidable portion of fallen man. All the difference is, Christians suffer in obedience to the will of God, which makes them easy ; unbelievers suffer the same things, but with an uneasy mind. To follow our own will, passions, .and senses, makes us miserable. For this reason, and that we may have a remedy for all our evils, Jesus Christ obliges us to submit our will, our pas- sions, &c. to God. A good Christian is not one, who has no in- clination to sin, (for we have all the seed of sin in us) but one, who, being sensible of such in- clinations, denies ,them continually, and suffers them not to grow into evil actions. Every day deny yourself some satisfaction ; your eyes, objects of mere curiosity ; your tongue, every thing, that may feed vanity, or vent en- mity ; the palate, dainties ; the ears, flattery, and whatever corrupts the heart ; the body, ease and luxury ; bearing all the inconveniences of life, cold, hunger, restless nights, ill health, un- welcome news, fault g of servants, contempt, in- gratitude of friends, malice of enemies, calum- nies, our own failings, lowness of spirits, the struggle in overcoming our corruptions ; bear- ing all these with patience and resignation to the will of God. Do all this, as unto God, with the greatest privacy. 82 SACRA PRIVATA. All ways are indifferent to one, who has Heav- en in his eye, as a traveller does not choose the pleasantest, hut the shortest, and safest way to his journey's end ; and this is the way of the cross, which Jesus Chri t chose and sanctified to all his followers. . Matth. viii. 20. The* Son of man has not where to lay his head. This should fill us with confusion, whenever we are overmuch concerned for the conveniences of life. Our affections being very strongly in- clined to sensible good, for the sake of which \ve are often tempted to evil, and fail into great disorders, we should resolve to sacrifice our will to reason, and reason to the w r ord of God. ' God does not . require it of us, that we feel not any uneasiness under the cross, but that \ve strive to overcome it by his grace. Virtues of a holy life. Fervency in devotion, frequency in prayer, aspiring after the love of God continually, striv- ing to get above the world and the body, k ve of silence andsolitude as far, as one's condition will permit, humility and affability toward all, patience under affronts and contradictions, de- light in occasions of doing good, even to ene- mies, doing the will of God, and promoting his honor to the utmost of one's power, resolv- ing never to offend him willingly for any tem- poral pleasure, profa, or loss ; these are virtues highly pleasing to God. Self denial does not consist in fasting and oth- SACRA PR1VATA. 38 cr mortifications only, but in Indifference to the world^ its profits, pleasures, honors, and its oth- er idols. It is necessary, that we deny ourselves in little things, when conscience, which is the voice of God, suggests it to us, as we hope ever to get the rule of our own will. Say not, it is a trifle, and not fit to he sacrificed to God. He, who will not sacrifice a little affection, will hardly of- fer a greater. It is not the thing, but the rea- son and manner of doing it, namely, for God's sake, and that I may accustoqci myself to obe his voice, that-G'xl regards, and rewards wii greater degrees of grace. The greater your self denial, the firmer your faith, and more acceptable to God. The sin- cere devotion of the rich, the alms of the poor, the humility of the great, the faith of those, whose condition is desperate, contemning the world, when one can command it at pleasure, continuing instant in prayer, even when we want the consolation, we expected ; these, -ind like instances of self denial, God will greatly re- ward. They, who imagine that self denial intrenches upon our liberty, do not know that it is this only, that can make us free indeed, giving us the victory over ourselves, setting us free from the bondage of our corruption, enabling UL to bear afflictions, (which will come one time or other) to foresee them without . amazemcnr en- lightening the miad, sanctifying the will, and 84 SACRA PRIVATA. making us slight those baubles, for which others so eagerly contend. Mortification consists in so sparing a use of the creatures, as may deaden our love for them, and make us more indifferent in the enjoyment of them. This lessens the power of concupis- cence, which carries us to evil, and so makes the grace., of God more effectual to turn the balance of the will. Carnal man cannot comprehend that God loves those, whom he permits to suffer ; but faith teaches us that the cross is the gift of his love and the mark of his children. But, unless God sanctify it by his Spirit, it becomes an insupportable burden, a subject of murmuring, and an occasion of sin. He, who loveth life, (that is, is 'fond of it) for the sake of the pleasures and advantages, it affords, will soon lose the love of heavenly things ; the love of God, of his soul, and of the duty, he owes to them. He hates life, who does not value it in comparison with eternal life. A Christian gives proof of this by mor* tifying himself. Those, whom God loves, he weans from the pleasure of this present life, to prepare them for a happy eternity. Temperance consists in a sober use of earthly, visible things, and in confining ourbelvec; wuhin the compass of what is necessary. With God all things are possible. 'The Almighty God enable me to conquer the temptatioes of riches, and to rice above tue allurements of this present lire ! SACRA PRIVATA. 85 Christian self denial is to resist and crucify in ourselves the spirit ahd inclinations of Adam ; of the flesh, its affections and lusts ; and to die to our passions, in order to follow the motions of the Spirit. Fasting is necessary to bring our hearts to a penitent, holy, and devout temper ; and to per- form the vows, that are upon us. By fasting, by alms, and by prayers, we dedi- cate our bodies*, goods and souls to God, in a particular manner. THURSDAY MEDITATIONS. Ephes. iv. 29. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth ; but that, which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Ephes. v. 4. Foolish talking and jesting are not convenient. PRESERVE me, O God, from vain con- versation Give me grace never to be a- shamed or afraid ro speak of Thee and of thy law. Give me a lively sense of the value of reli* gion, and make it the delight of my heart ; that I may speak of it with judgment, serious* ness, and affection, and at all seasonable times* May that good Spirit, which appeared in the H 86 SACRA PRIVATA. likeness of tongues of fire, warm my heart, and direct my thoughts ! Matth. xii. 34. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. How can ye, being evil, speak good things ? By thy words thou shcrit be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned, Psa. cxli. 3. Set a guard, O Lord, upon my srioutlvand keep the door of my lips. Psa. xxxvii. 30. The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment, Hearts, truly touched with the love of God, will communicate light and heat to each other ; will speak honorably of God, of his perfections, his justice, goodness, wisdom, and power ; of the excellency of his laws, the pleasantness of his service ; of the instances of his love, of the re- gards, he has promised to his friends, and of the punishments, he has prepared for his cue* mies. Matth. v. 1 6. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, who is in heaven, i Tbess. v.i i. Therefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another. Heb. x. 24. Let us consider one another, to provoke unto love, and to good works. Let us join a good life to our religious con- versation, and never contradict our tcngue by our deeds. We always do good or harm te> SACRA PRIVATA.: 87 others by the manner of our conversation ; \ve either confirm them in sin, or awaken them to piety. It is too true, that some evil passion or other, and to gratify our corruption, is the aim of most conversations. We love to speak of past troubles ; hatred and ill will make us take pleasure in relating the evil actions of our ene* mies. We compare with some degrees of pride the advantages, we have over others. We re- count with too sensible a pleasure the worldly happiness, we enjoy. This strengthens our pas- sions, and increases our corruption. God grant that I may watch against a weakness, which has so evil consequences. May 1'iiever hear, never repeat- with pleasure* such things, as may dishonor God, hurt my own character, or injure my neighbour. yames vj; n. Speak not evil one of an oilier. True humility makes us see our own faults without concerning ourselves with the faults of other. Against Anger. Eccles. vii. 9. Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry, for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. O Lord, who art a God ready to pardon, slow to anger, and of great kindness, remove far from me all occasions and effects of causeless and immoderate anger ; all pride and prejudice, and too much concern for the things of this- 88 SACRA PRIVATA. world ; all intemperate speeches and indecent passions. Give me, O God, a mild, a peaceable, a meek, and a humble spirit ; that, remembering my own infirmities, I may bear with those of others ; that I may think lowly of myself, and not be angry, when others also think lowly of me ; that I may be patient toward all men, gentle and easy to be intreated ; that God for Christ's sake may be so toward me. Amen. Ephts. 5v. 26. Be angry, and sin not ; let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Prov. xix. 1 1 . The discretion of a man de- ferreth his anger. A soft answer turneth away strife. Prov. xvi. 32. He, that is slow to anger, is better, than the mighty ; and he, that ruleth his spirit, than he, that taketh a city. Row. xii. 10. Be kindly affectioned one to- ward another. Suppress: jhe very beginning of anger. Do not indulge it, even where there are real faults ; but try the gentle way, which may probably succeed better, and with more ea v se. Seldom do people vex us on purpose ; and yet prejudice very often makes us think that they do. A sense of one's own integrity will jnake one pass by injuries more easily. Be not too much concerned to tell the inju- ries, you have received. Accustom yourself to silence, if you would learn to govern your tongue. SACRA PRIVATA, 89 Deliver me, O God, from all violent and sin- ful passions, and give me grace to stand against them. Matth. v. 4. Blessed are the rneek. Instruct me. Lord, in this Christian virtue j Thou, who art the master and teacher of it* For forgivenes.s of injuries* Luke vi. 37. Forgive, and ye shall be for- given. O God, who alone canst order the unruly wills and affections of sinful men, show mercy to thy servant by making my corrupt nature obedient to thy commands. O God, who hast made it my everlasting in- terest as well, as my duty, to forgive my neigh* bour, whatever wrong he has done me ; help me to overcome all the difficulties, I have to strug- gle with ; all pride, prejudice, and desire of rendering evil for evil ; that I may not deprive my soul of that mercy, which thy infinite good- ness has offered to sinners. James ii. 13. He shall have judgment with- out mercy* that hath showed no mercy. O blessed God, help me in this great con- cern, that I may never fall under thy wrath for want of showing mercy to others ; but grant, O blessed Jesus, that in this 1 may be thy disei- ple indeed. Amen. H 2 ^o SACRA PRIVATA. Slander. Matth. xi. 1 9. The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, behold a man glutton- ous and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. Whatever measure a good man takes, he will hardly escape the censure of the world ; the best way is, not to be concerned at them. It is an instance of humility, silently to bear the calumnies, which are raised against us, when they relate to ourselves only ; but it is a duty of prudence and charity, modestly to vindicate ourselves, when the honor of God and the Church is concerned. Both Jesus Christ and John the Baptist were slandered ; who then will complain, that they cannot satisfy the world, and stop men's mouths ? Psa. cxx. 2. Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. Uncharitableness. Envy makes us see, what will serve to accuse others; and not perceive, what ipay justify them. A truly good man is always disposed to excuse, what is evil in his brethren, as far, as truth will suffer him. SACRA PRIVATA. gt FRIDAY MEDITATIONS, PENITENCE. Luke xviii. 3. The Publican, standing afar off? 'would not so much as lift up his eyes to Heaven ; but smote upon his breast, saying, God ^ be mer- ciful to me, a sinner. WHAT would become of me, if Thou, O God, shouldest not have mercy up- on me ? When I seriously consider these dreadful truths, that all they are accursed, who do err and go astray from thy commandments ; that the unprofitable servant was cast into outer darkness ^ when I think of these things, I cannot but fear for myself, and tremble to think of the accounts I have to give. Isaiah Ixvi. 2. To this man will I look, even to him, that is poor, and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. Psa. xxxiv. 1 8. The Lord is nigh unto them, that are of a contrite heart ; and will save such, as be of a humble spirit. Look upon me, gracious Lord, with an eye of mercy. Psa. xxv, 2. For thy name's sake, O Lord, pardon my iniquities, for they are great. My only comfort is, they are not too great for thy mercy ; and the Lord Jesus, our advo- 92 SACRA PRIVATA. cate, has assured us even with an oath, that all sins shallbe forgiven unto the sonsof men. That is, if with hearty repentance and true faith they turn unto God. O most powerful Advocate, I put my cause into thy hands ; let it be unto thy servant ac- cording to this word ; let thy blood and mer- its plead for my pardon ; say unto me, as Thou didst unto the penitent in thy gospel, thy sins are forgiven ; and grant that I may live to bring forth fruits, meet for repentance. Matth. vi. 14. If ye forgive men their tres- passes, your heavenly Father will also forgive your trespasses. Even the power to perform this most kind condition must be from thy grace, O Jesus ; and I trust Thou wilt grant me this grace, because the very will to ask it is from Thee, and from thy will, which wills nothing in vain. Perfect therefore, O my Saviour, the work, which thou hast -begun in me ; and let me feel the effects of thy grace in the constancy of my devotions, in care of my soul, in a faithful dis- charge of my duty, and in all those acts of righteousness, piety, and charity, by which I shall be judged at the last day. John v. 14. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. Make me, O Lord, ever itiindful of my in- firmities and backslidings, that I may be more watchful, and more importunate for grace in time to come. SACRA PRIVATA. 93 Matth. v. 7. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Give me, O Lord, true compassion for the wants and miseries of others, that Thou mayest have compassion upon me. Luke xv. 10. There is joy in the presence of God over one sinner, that repenteth. Lord, increase the number of penitents, and the joys of Heaven, by delivering me and all sinners from the power of the devil, and by vouchsafing us the grace of true conversion. Matth. v. 4. Blessed are they, that mourn, for they shall be comforted. O Lord, grant that I may seek comfort, not in the things of this world, but by sincere re- pentance for my sins, by which God is dishon- ored, and his judgments hang over my head. Luke xix. 10. The Son of man is come to seek and to save that, which was lost. O comfortable words ^for lost sinners ; God himself seeks to save them. O Thou, who sought me, when I was astray, save me for thy mercy's sake ; and preserve that, which Thou hast sought and found. Matth. ix. 28. Come unto me, all ye, that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. O Jesus, conduct me to thyself, or I shall surely miss the way. Phil. ii. 12. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling j for it is God, that 94 SACRA PRIVATA. worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. It was nor in myself, O God, to begin the work of my conversion ; finish., I beseech Thee, what Thou hast begun in me. May I close with thy grace, and persevere unto my life's end. Micah vii. 18. God retaineth not his anger forever, because he delighteth in mercy. Ezra ix. 15. O Lord God, behold, we are before thee in our trespasses ; we cannot stand before thee for this. Numb. xiv. 19. Pardon, I beseech Thee, the iniquity of thy servant, according to the great- ness of thy merey. say unto me, as thou didst unto Moses, / have pardoned thee. Ezek. xviii. 22. All his iniquites, that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him. Lord, be merciful unto us, for we have sin- ned in the midst of light, and even against light ; in contempt of the grace, we have re- ceived. 1 John 5. 9. If v.e confess our sins, God is faithful aiid just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. These a v e comfortable words to one, whom the sight of his sins has cast into a dread of the judgments of God. Both that dread, and the ha' red of sin, and the dependance upon the promise of God, and the love, which that pro- SACRA PRIVATA. 95 duces hi the soul, are owing entirely to the blood of Jesus Christ. 2 Sam. ix. 8. What is thy servant, that thou shouldst look upon such a dead dog, as I am. My only support is, that my sins have not put me out of the reach of that mercy, which is infinite. Who can understand his errors ? O cleanse Thou me from my secret faults. O Lord, be favorable unto me ; pardon and deliver me from all my sins. Grant that my sins may never rise up in judg- ment against me, nor bring shame and confusion of face upon me. My soul truly waiteth still upon God, for of him cometh my salvation, yohn vi. 20. It is I, be not afraid. Lord Jesus, in all the troubles^ that may be- fal me, speak these comfortable words to my soul, // is 7, be not -afraid ; and then I shall be secure both from presumption and despair. John viii. 24. If ye believe not that I am he, (that is, the Messiah, the Son of God) ye shall die in your sins. O Jesus, the only refuge of sinners, does the world know, what it is to die in sin ? I believe ; Lord, increase my faith, and deliver us all from the dreadful state of final impenitency. 31. If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. 51. If a man keep my saying, he shall nev- er see death* 96 SACRA PRIVATA. Jesus, Thou hast made known to us an- other death, beside that, which separates the soul from the body. O may thy grace and mercy secure us from the bitter pains of eternal death ! Luke vii. 7. Say the word, and my servant shall be healed. 1 acknowledge, O Jesus, the almighty power of thy grace, to heal all the disorders of my soul ; O deal with me according to the multi- tude of thy mercies, and heal my soul of its sad disorders, John iii. 24. God is a spirit ; and they, that worship him, mu-t worship him in spirit and in truth. Give me, O Jesus, an inward disposition to holiness, a humble and contrite heart, depen- dance on the will of God, acknowledgment of his goodness, and zeal for his glory ; to which all the ordinances of his law and gospel should lead us. Good me of Time. Grant, O Lord, that, as I have but a short time to live, and an eternal interest depending, I may not squander away one moment in vani- ty, or in that, which will not profit me in the day of adversity. Rom. xi. 1 6. Blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in j so all Israel shall be saved. O God, the God of Abraham, look upon SACRA PRIVATA. 97 thy everlasting covenant ; cause the captivity of Judah anli of Israel to return. They were thy people ; O be Thou their Saviour, that all, who love Jerusalem, and mourn for her, may re- joice with her, for Jesus Christ's sake, their Saviour and ours. May I, O Jesus, love the truths of thy word ; make the gospel my delight ; and continue in the practice of them to my life's end ! In time of public distraction. O Sovereign Lord, I prostrate myself before Thee, confessing my own sin, and acknowledg- ing the justice of any scourge, which Thou shalt bring upon us ; and trembling, to think how much I may have contributed toward it ; beseeching Thee to have compassion on us in these days of confusion. O Lord, prevent the judgments, that threat- en us ; purge this nation from all such crimes, as may be the cause of thy heavy displeasure against us ; from whoredom and drunkenness ; from swear ing, lying, and perjury ; from sacri- lege, injustice, fraud, disobedience, malice, and uncharitableness. Take from among us the spirit of atheism, irreligion, and prcfaneness ; and in mercy rebuke and convert all such, as give encouragement or countenance n to any of these vices, which may provoke Thee to give us up to infidelity or destruction. O let thy anger be turned away from us ; give us not over unto the will of our adversaries, and I 98 SACRA PRIVATA, unto such, as strive to bring all things into con- fusion. Preserve thy Church in the midst of all dangers, and restore unto us peace and unity ; and grant us grace, to make a better use of these blessings in time to come, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. We complain of oppression ; of our laws be- ing perverted and trampled upon ; of arbitrary government, &c. Let us not be wiser, than God, who judges these things to be necessary, to exercise the good, to punish the wicked, to reclaim the sinner, to recover those, that are going astray, and to make all serious. Let us not impeach the ways of God, who brings good out of evil ; but reverence and submit to his will, wisdom, and justice* Isaiah Ixii. 6. Ye, that are the Lord's re* membrances, keep not silence ; give him no rest, till he establish and till he make Jerusalem (his Church) a praise on the earth. Thy kingdom come. Though we are altogeth- er unworthy of the good times, Thou hast prom- ised thy Church, yet, we beseech Thee, deprive Us not pf them. O Lord, hear ; O Lord, forgive ; O Lord, hearken ; and do not defer these good days, for thy own sake, O our God. We hope the day is coming, when all the world will come, and worship Thee, O God* See Jer. xxxi. SACRA PRIVATA. 99 Christ's Patience. What sorrows did he undergo, and with what patience did he suffer them ! Patient, when Ju- das betray him with a kiss ; patient, when Cai- aphas despitefully used him ; patient, when hurried from one place to another ; patient, when Herod with his men of war set him at nought ; patient, when Pilate so unrighteously condemned him ; patient, when scourged, and crowned with thorns ; patient, when his cross was laid upon him, when he was reviled, re* proached, scoffed at, and every way abused. Lord Jesus, grant me patience, after this* exam- ple, to bear thy holy will in all things. Chris fs love and charity. Where shall we take our pattern, but from Thee ? Thou callest thy followers thy friends. Thou didst stoop down to wash their feet, who were not worthy to untie thy shoe. Thou didst forgive and restore Peter, when he had ab- jured Thee. Thou didst vouchsafe to satisfy Thomas, who would not believe, but upon his own terms. Thou didst forgive and pray for thy bloody persecutors. O thou Fountain and Pattern of love, grant that I may love Thee, above all things, and my neighbour, as myself* ico SACRA PRIVATA. SATURDAY MEDITATIONS. PREPARATION for DEATH. Deut. xxxii. 29. thai they 'were wise, that they would consider their latter end. John ix. 4. The night cometh, when no man can work. A Very gracious intimation. Lord, grant that I may never forget it ; and that now, now is the time, in which to provide for eternity. What a xvis'e man, \vhen he comes to die, would wish he had done, that he ought to do forthwith ; for death is at hand, and the con- sequences of a surprise most dreadful. He will then wish, if he have not done it, with all his soul, First, that he had made a just and Christian settlement of his worldly concerns ; so as not to be distracted with the cares of this world, when all his thoughts should be upon another. Secondly, that he had made his peace with God by timely repentance. Thirdly, that he had faithfully discharged the duties of his calling. - Fourthly, that he had weaned his affections from things temporal, and loosened the ties^ which fasten us to the world. Fifthly, that he had crucified the flesh with SACRA PRIVATA. 101 its affections and lusts ; so that, being weary of this life, he might be more desirous of a better. Sixthly^ that by acts of justice, mercy, chari- ty, and alms, he may be entitled to the mercy of God at the hour of death. Seventhly, that he had gotten such habits of patience and resignation to the will of God du- ring his health, as might render death, with all the train of miseries leading to it, less frightful and amazing. Eighthly , that by constant practice of devotion prepartory for death, he had learned what to pray for, what to hope for, and what to de- pend on in his last sickness. This, gracious Lord, is what I wish for, what I pray for, and what I purpose shall be the constant practice of my life. Amen. 2 Kings xx. i. Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die, and not live. May God, who has every way provided for me, and put it into my power to be just to all men, charitable to the poor, grateful to my friends, kind to my servants, and a benefactor to the public ; may He add this to all his fa- vors, and grant that in making my last will I may faithfully discharge all these engagements ; and that for want of this no curse may cleave to myself, nor to any thing, I shall leave behind me. Amen. But above all things I beg of Thee, O God., to enable me to set my inward house, my soul? in order, before I die. 102 SACRA PRIVATA. Give me true repentance for all the errors of my life past, and stedfast faith in thy Son Jesus Christ ; that my sins may be done away by thy mercy, and my pardon sealed in Heaven. Prov. xxviii. 13. Whoso confesseth, and forsaketh his sin, shall have mercy. Behold, O God, a creature, liable every mo- ment to death, prostrate before Thee, begging, for Jesus Christ's sake, that faith and repent- ance, to which Thou hast promised mercy and pardon. Discover to me, O Thou Searcher of hearts, the charge, that is against me ; that I may know, and confess i and beybail^ and abhor -, and forsake^ and repent of, all the evils, of which I have been guilty. Have mercy upon me a most merciful Father, who desirest not the death of a sinner ; for thy Son Jesus Christ's sake forgive me all, that is past. O Blessed Advocate, who art able to save them forever, who come unto God by Thee, seeing Thou ever livest to make intercession for us, I put my cause into thy hands ; let thy pow- er defend me ; thy blood and merits plead for jne ; supply all the defects of my repent nee; procure for me a full discharge of all my sins be- ibre I die ; and by thy mighty grace confirm and strengthen me in all goodness during the remainder of my life, that my death may be a blessing to me, and that I may find mercy at ,-the great day. Amen\ SACRA PRIVATA. 103 Ephes. iv. 24. Put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. This, O God, is what I desire and purpose, by thy grace, to do ; and do again renew the vows, which I have so often made and so often broken. I renounce the devil and all his works ; the vain pomp and glory of the world with all cov- etous desires of the same, and the carnal desires of the flesh, resolving, by thy grace, neither to follow, nor to be led by them. O God, assist me, that neither sloth nor corruption may ever make me lay aside or for- get these resolutions ; but that I may live to Thee ; be an instrument of thy glory by serv- ing Thee faithfully ; and that I may be found so doing, when thou art pleased to call me hence, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. Col. iii. 2. Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth. May Almighty God, who alone can do it, effectually convince me of the vanity of all, that is desirable in this present life, that I may not, like an unbeliever, look for happiness here. Give me, O Lord, perfect indifference to the world, its profits, pleasures, honors, fame, and all its idols. Represent Thyself unto me, as my true hap- pinefs, that I may love Thee with all my heart, and soul, and strength ; so * that, when called 104 SACRA PRIVATA. out of this world, I may rejoice in hope of go- ing to the Paradise of God, where the souls of the faithful enjoy rest and felicity, in hope of a blessed resurrection, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. ' Luke ix. 23. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Blessed Jesus, who pleasest not thyself, but tookest upon Thee the form of a servant, give me resolution to deny my inclinations for the good things of this world, even while I may command them ; to subdue my corrupt affec- tions, and to take revenge upon myself, for my intemperance, by mortification ; for mispending my time, by retirement ; for the errors of niy tongue, by silence ; and for all the sins of my life, by deep humiliation, patiently submitting to all the troubles, with which Thou fhalt think fit to exercise or puniili me ; so that, be- ing effectually weaned from this world, and weary of its corruptions, I may long to repose myself in the grave, in hope of a better life, through thy mercy and merits, O Lord Jesus Christ* Amen. i Pet. iv. 8. Charity covereth the multi- tude of sins. Possess my soul, O God, with sincere love for Thee, aod for all mankind. Let no malice nor ill will abide in me. Give me grace to forgive all* who ha#e offend- SACRA PRIVATA. 105 ed me ; and forgive my many offences against Thee, and against my neighbour. Make me ever ready to give, and glad to dis- tribute, that thy gifts, passing through my hands, may procure for me the prayers of the poor ; and that I may lay up in store for my- self a good foundation against the time to come, that 1 may attain eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Thy will be done. Fortify my soul, blessed Jesus, with the same spirit of submission, with which Thou under- \ventest the death of the cross, that I may re- ceive all events with resignation to the will of God; that I may receive troubles, afflictions, disappointments, sickness, and death itself, without amazement ; these being the appoint- ment of thy justice for the punishment of sin, and of thy mercy for the salvation of sinners. Let this be the constant practice of my life, to be pleased with all thy choices, that, when sickness and death approach, I may be prepared to submit my will to the will of my Maker. O that in the mean time my heart may al- ways go along with my lips in this petition, THY WILL BE DONE. Amen. Heb. ix. 27. It is appointed unto men once to die ; but after this the judgment. May the thoughts of death, and of what must follow, by the grace of God, mortify in me all carnal security, and fondness for this io6 SACRA PRIVATA. world, and all, that is in it, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life ! O that I may make my calling and ele&ion sure, that I may die in peace, and in hope of a bles- sed resurrection, and of a favorable judgment at the great day ! May the consideration of a judgment to come oblige me to ermine, to try, and to judge myself, that I may prevent a severe judg- ment of God by true repentance, and lead a life, answerable to repentance, and that I may find mercy at the great day. John v. 28. All, that are in the graves, shall hear his voice, and come forth ; they t that have done good, unto the resurrection of life ; and they, that have done evil, unto the resur- rection of damnation. May this dreadful word oblige me to work out my salvation with fear and trembling, that through the merits of Jesus Christ I may escape that dreadful doom ! and may the hope of Heaven and happiness sweeten all the troubles of this mortal life ! Lord Jesus, who hast redeemed us with thy precious blood, make me to be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting. O let my name be found in the Lamb's book of life at the great day. 1 thank Thee, O Lord, for all the favors of my life, and especially that Thou hast vouch- safed me time and will to .think of w\& prepare for death, while in my full strength ; while i SACRA PRIVATA. 10; may redeem my mispent time, and bring forth fruits, meet for repentance. Let us consider death ^ as a punishment, to which, as sinners, we are justly condemned. My God, I humbly submit to it, and to thy justice ; and trust in thy mercy, and goodness, and promises, both now, and at the hour of death. Death is inevitable ; the time uncertain ; the judgment, which follows, without appeal ; and followed by an eternity of happiness or misery. Lord, grant that I may consider this, as I ought to do. Let me remember that I shall come forth out of the grave, just as I go in ; either the object of God's mercy, or of his wra+h to all eternity. He lives to no purpose, who is not glorifying God. Our greatest hope fhould lie beyond the grave. No man can go to Heaven, when he dies, who has not sent his heart thither, while he lives. Our greatest security is derived from duty 5 and our only confidence from the mercy of God through Jesus Christ. Sicknefs, if you consider it, as painful to na- ture, and not as a favor from God, will be a torment to you. To make it really comforta- ble, believe it to be ordered by a loving Fa- ther, a wise Physician ; that it is the effect of his mercy for our salvation } that, being fas* io8 SACRA PRIVATA. tened to the crofs, you become dearer to God, as being most like his own Son. God will loose you, when it is best for you. We often hinder our recovery by trusting to physic more, than to God. Means succeed just as far, as God pleases. If he send diseases, as a remedy to cure the disorders of the soul, he only can cure them ; while you are chastened, you are sure God loves you ; you are not sure of that, when you are without chastisement. Timely preparation for death frees us from the fear of death, and from all other fears. A true Christian is neither fond of life, nor weary of it. The sting of death is sin ; therefore a holy life is the only cure for the fear of death. We ought to fear sin more than death, because death cannot hurt us but by sin. Phil. i. 21. To me to die is gain. O that I may be able to say this, when I come to die ; and so I shall, if I live, as be- comes a Christian. Holiness being a necessary qualification for happiness^ it follows, that the holiest man will be the happiest, (for there are certainly de- grees of glory) therefore a Christian should lose no time in gaining all the degrees of vir- tue and holiness, he possibly can ; and he, that does not do so, is in a fair way of not being happy at all. t It concerns us more, than our life is worth, SACRA PRIVATA. 109 to know, what will become of us, when we die. Who will pretend to say, that he is not in a very few days to die ? The only happiness of this life, is to be se- cure of a blessed eternity. Now is the time, m which we are to choose, where and what we are to be to all eternity ; there is therefore no time to be lost in making this choice. No kind of death is to be feared by him, who lives well. If we consider death, as the night of that day, which is given us to work in, in which to work out our salvation ; and that, when the night is come, no man can work ; how fright- ful must death be to such, as are not prepared for it ! If we consider it, as the beginning of eternity, it is still more dreadful. It is for this reason called the King of Terrors ; and the Psalmist, when he would express the worst of evils, saith, The terrors of death are fallen upon me. yudges xiii. 23. If the Lord were pleased to kill us, he would not have received a burnt offering at our hands, neither would he have showed us all these things. This is the comfort of all God's servants ; if he give them opportunities of renewing their vows, and a will to do them ; if he accept their alms and their good deeds, that is, give them a heart to do such j if he touch their hearts with K no SACRA PRIV ATA. a sense of their unworthiriess ; if he chastise them with afflictions ; if he visit them with his Holy Spirit, &c. All these are reasons for a Christian to hope that these graces are not in vain, but. that God will crown them with par- don, favor, and happiness eternal. Matth. xxv. 6. And at midnight there \vas ,a cry made, behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him. A terrible voice to all such, as shall meet him, not as a bridegroom, but as an inexorable judge. Grant, O Lord, that I may not be of the num- ber of those, who dread thy coming, who can- not but with regret submit to the necessity of dying, and have neglected to prepare for death, till the last hour. Matth. xxv. 10. And the door was shut. Death shuts the door. No more to be done. It is then too late to repent, to resolve, to pro- mise, and to do any thing. 13. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day, nor the hour, wherein the Son of Man cometh. A person, whose life is full of good works, whose heart is devoted to God, whose faith and hope are pure and sincere, will never be surpris- ed by death. Matth. xxvii. 50. Jesus Christ yielded up the ghost. So his death was a voluntary sacri- fice. Let mine be so, O blessed Jesus ! Let thy death sanctify me j and let my spirit be receiv- ed with thine ! SACRA PRIVATA. in Rom. v. i . Being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Give me, O Lord, that desire and earnest longing, which I ought to have for that happy moment, which is to release me from this state of banishment, and translate me to a better place ; and grant that I may never lose sight of that important moment. Let me, O God, have my lot and portion with thy saints. When we come to die, the great enemy of our souls will then attack us with all his strat- agems. It is good therefore to be prepared. If he attack your faith, say with St. Paul, / know, whom I have believed ; and I am persuad- ed ^ that he is able to keep that, which I have com- mitted unto him, against that day. I believe in God the Father, who made me and all the world. I believe in God the Son, who redeemed me and all mankind. I believe in God the Holy Ghost, who sanctified me and all the elect people of God. I give Thee hearty thanks, O Heavenly Fa- ther, that Thou hast vouchsafed to call me to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in Thee. Confirm this faith in me evermore ; grant that I may die in this faith, and in the peace and communion of the Holy Church ; and that I may be united to Jesus, the head of this church, and to all his members, by love, that shall nev- er end. Amen. ji2 SACRA PRIVATA. John \i\. 15. Whosoever believeth in Jesus Christ shall not perish, but have eternal life. I believe ; Lord, increase my faith ; and let it be unto thy servant according to this word. Luke xxiii. A.T.. This day shalt thou be with * *j j me in paradise. O Blessed Jesus, support my spirit, when I tome to die, with this comfortable promise, this day shalt thou be in paradise. We indeed suffer justly the sentence of death. O Thou, who didst nothing amiss, and yet didst suffer for me, remember me, O Lord, now that thou art in thy kingdom. What terror, what affliction, can equal that of a Christian, who has never thought of wean- ing his heart from the world, before he comes to die ; who can find nothing in his life, but what must render him unworthy of mercy ! But the greatest of all miseries would be to des- pair of mercy, and not to have recourse to it. Need a person, who has received the sen- tence of death, be perfuaded to prepare for death ? And is not this our case ? Consider death, as appointed by God, as a necessary penance ; as a passage to a better life ; as the deliverance of a prisoner ; as the recall- ing of an exile from banishment ; as the end of all miseries ; and then you* will strip it of much of that terror, which it has, when considered, as an accident of nature only. Lukexn. 36. And ye yourselves like unto men, that wait for their Lord. SACRA PRIVATA. 113 He, who waits for his master, will always endeavour to be in that state, in which he de- sires to be found. A Christian should not look upon death with anxiety, but with the satisfac- tion of a good servant, who waits with impa- tience for his master's return in hope of being approved. Luke xii. 40. Be ye also ready, for the Son of man cometh at an hour, when ye think not. Are not so many sudden deaths sufficient to convince us of the folly of assuring ourselves of one day ? Let every one of us therefore count himself of the number of those, that are to be surprised by death ; this will make us watch- ful. Luke xii. 42. Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord, when lie cometh, shall find so doing. Miserable will he be, whom death surpriseth, either doing evil, or doing nothing, or doing that, which God does not require of him. Can one imagine^ that the generality of Christians be- lieve this' truth ? Suffer me not, O God, to fall into forget fulness of it. We complain, saith Seneca, of the shortness of life ; he answers, Vita si scias uti> longa est ; life is long, if you know how to use it. But Christianity only can tqach us, how to use our life ; namely in working out our own salvation ; and we are sure it is long enough for that, be- cause God has appointed it for that very end. As Christianity alone can take from us the K * u 4 SACRA PRIVATA. love of life ; so it is this alone, that can free us from the fear of death. Eternity adds an infinite weight to all our actions whether good or bad. If we desire that our death sould be a sac- rifice of love and obedience ; we must take care to make our life so too. Acts ix. 36. This woman was full of good works and alms deeds ; and she died. Happy that soul, which death finds rich, not in gold, furniture, learning, reputation, or bar- jren purposes and desires ; but in good works. Acts. vii. 59. And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, re- ceive my spirit. O my God, enable me to live to Thee ; that, when the hour of death shall come, I may thus with confidence offer up my spirit to Jesus Christ. Rev. iii. 3. Thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. Is it not then the highest presumption, to persuade ourselves, that we have always time sufficient, when Jesus Christ himself declares that we have not one moment certain ? Death being the effect and punishment of sin, we ought to expect it with great submission. It is purely for want of faith, that we trem- ble at the approach of our deliverer ; which is to destroy in us the reign of sin, and to instate as in that of glory. Let us resign ourselves to God as to the man- SACRA PRIVATA. 115 ner, in which it shall please him to determine our lives, praying only, that it may be to his glory and our salvation. What does it signify, how this house of clay perisheth, which hinders the perfect renovation of the soul, and the sight of God ? 2 Cor. v. i . For we know that, if our earth- ly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with handy, eternal in the Heavens. We know, we believe, we promise ourselves this ; but we think too seldom of it, and we still make less use of what we know, in order to wean our hearts from this world. Would we look upon our bodies, as houses of clay, just ready to fall ; we should think of that eternal house, we should sigh after our native country, and be willing to leave a place of mis- ery and banishment. Remember that death is the punishment of sin; we ought therefore to resign ourselves to it in a Christian manner, looking upon ourselves as condemned to it; in Adam. He, who has lived and looked on earth, as a place of banishment, will look upon death, as a gracious deliverance from it. Consider well, that life is given and continued for no other end, than to glorify God in work- ing out our own salvation. A man goes with confidence to meet the bridegroom, when he has been faithful to him, and believes him to be his friend. n6 SACRA PRIVATA. Heb. ii. 15. And deliver them, who through fear of death were all their life long subject to bondage. Bondage is the sentence of rebellious slaves j we were condemned to it in Adam ; and, being under this fen tence of death and the divine justice, we ought to expect it with submission^ and be al- ways preparing for it. This is the only way to be secure from fearing death, when it comes. Gather us, O God, to the number of thine elect at what time and in what manner, Thou pleasest ; only let us be without reproach, and blameless ; let faith, and love, and peace, accompany our last periods. We look upon a body without a soul with horror. We can .see a body with a soul, which is like to die eternally, without concern. Wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death ? I thank God, lam delivered, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant, O Lord, that, though my outward man decay daily, yet that my inward oian may increase in piety and virtue unto the day of my death. He, who has lived best, will stand in need of mercy at the hour of death, and in the day of judgment ; and he, who has lived worst, has not sinned beyond the efficacy of the blood of Christ, provided his repentance be sincere. My God, let thy glory be magnified by sav- ing a sinner, by redeeming a captive slave, by enlightening a mind, overwhelmed in darkness > SACRA PRIVATA. 117 by changing a wicked heart, by pardoning innu- merable transgressions, iniquities, and sins. If my hope were placed upon any thing, but the infinite mercy of God in Jems Christ, which can never fail, I should utterly despair. Acts ii. 21. Whosoever shall cali on the name of the Lord, shall be saved. . These, my God, are thy own words ; give me leave to trust in them, to depend on them, both now, and at the hour of death. John xvii. 4. I have finished the work, which thou gavest me to do. O Lord, the very best of men come infinitely short of this pattern ; how then shall I, an unprof- itable servant, appear before my Lord and Judge ? Gen. iii. 15. The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head. This, my God, is thy sure, thy eternal prom- ise ; I believe it ; I trust in it ; I will hold fast by it. Luke xxii. 42. Nevertheless not my will, but thine be done. May I, O blessed Jesus, when my death shall approach, breathe out my last with these words, and with the same spirit of submission ? Death of friends. Let us cast our eyes upon sin, which is the caufe of death j and then we shall weep with reason. n8 SACRA PRIV ATA. Preferve in us a lively sense of the world to come ; and, when I shall not be able to pray for myself, the good Lord favorably hear the prayers of his Church for me. Grant that the sins, which I have committed in this world, may not be imputed unto me ; but that, escaping the gates of hell, I may dwell in the regions of light with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, until the day of the general resurreftion, and that I then may hear those joyful words of thy Son, come, ye blessed children of my Father, inherit the kingdom, prepared for you from the beginning of the world. Grant that I may have a perfect conquest over the world, sin, and death, through Chrift, who by his death hath overcome him, who hath the power of death. Luke xxiii. 43. This day shalt thou be with me in paradise. O Jesus, who hadst compassion on this thief, even at the hour of death, have mercy upon me, who now repent of all my misdoings. Suffer not the gates of paradise to be shut against me, when I die, Thou, who hast opened the kingdom of Heav.en to all believers. Restore my soul, at the great day, to life eternal. Give me the patience of Job, the faith of Abraham, the courage of Peter, and the comfort of Paul, and true submission to thy will. SACRA PRIVATA. 119 Apply to my soul the wholesome medicines of thy Son's passion, death, and resurrection, against the powers ,of Satan, against all unrea- sonable fears and despair, and ease my fearful conscience. Hear the prayers of thy Church for me, and for all in my 'condition, for Jesus Christ's sake. Psa. Ixxi. 9. Cast me not away in the time of age ; forsake me not when my strength faileth rne. / Grant, O Lord, that the end of my life may be truly Christian ; without sin, without shame ; and, if it so please Thee, without pain. Psa. Ixxiii. 26. My flesh and my heart fail- eth ; but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever. i Sam. iii. 18. It is the Lord; let him do, what seemeth him good. Lord, be merciful unto me j heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. I confess my wickedness, and am sorry for my sin. For thy name's sake, O Lord, be merciful unto my sin, for it is great. The Lord is nigh unto them, who are of a contrite heart ; and will save such as are of a humble spirir. Psa. xxxix. 8. And now, Lord, what is my hope ? Truly my hope is in Thee. Psa. ciii. 14. Lord, thou knowest whereof we are made ; that we are but dust. 120 SACRA PRTVATA. Let my misery, my fear, and my sorrow, move Thee to compassion. Despise not, O Lord, the work of thine own hands. I freely forgive all, who have offended me. O Thou, who never failest them, that seek Thee, have pity on me. Nevertheless, though I am sometimes afraid, yet put I my trust in Thee. O Lord, I beseech Thee, deliver my soul. Gracious is the Lord, and righteous ; yea, our God is merciful. O go not far from me, for trouble is at hand, and there is none to help me. The sorrows of my heart are enlarged ; O bring Thou me out of my troubles ! O keep my soul, and deliver me ; let me not be confounded, for I have put my trust in Thee. Withdraw not thy mercy from me, O Lord ; let thy loving kindness and thy truth always preserve me. O Lord, let it be thy pleasure to deliver me ; make ha^te, O Lord, to help me. Show thy servant the light of thy countenance, and save me for thy mercy's sake. O deliver me, for I am helpless and poor, and my heart is wounded within me. Wherefore hidest Thou thy face, and forgettest our misery and trouble ? My God, save thy servant, who putteth his trust in Thee. .Thou, O Lord, art full of com- passion and mercy, long suffering, plenteous in goodness and truth. SACRA PRIVATA. 121 When I am in heaviness, I will think upon God ; when my heart is vexed, I will complain. Will the Lord absent himself forever ? Will he be no more intreated ? Hath God for- gotten to be gracious ? I said, it is my own infirmi- ty ; but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. Luke xii. 33. Sell all, that ye have, and give to the poor. That is, renounce all the pleasures of wealth rather, than defraud the poor and dis- tressed of their right. It is utterly impossible to take delight in wealth, and to love God with all the soul. Matth. xxv. 40. For as much (for as often) as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. As often ! Who then would miss any occa- sion ? The least ! Who then would despise any object ? To me ! So that in serving the poor we serve Jesus Christ. O comfortable declaration. Mark ix. 41. Whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye be- long to Christ ; verily he shall not loose his re- ward. .This should always, if possible, be our inten- tion ; this poor^ oppressed, miserable man belongs to Christ. This would wonderfully inhance the value of our good deeds before God. L 122 SACRA PRIVATA. ALMS. i Cor. xiii. 3. And, though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and have not charity, it profitteth me nothing. If external afts of charity do not proceed from charity, that is, from love of God, and of our neighbour for his sake ; they are nothing in the sight of God. My God, pour into my heart this most excellent gift of charity, the very bond of peace and of all virtue. Gal. v\. 10. Let us do good unto all men. For our earthly things, O Lord, give us heav- enly ; for temporal, eternal. Luke iii. 1 1. He, that hath two coats, let him impart to him, that hath none. That is, let him, that hath plenty of the neces- saries of life, let him give to him, that wants. The proportion of charity, appointed by God himself to his own people for the relief of the poor, was every year a thirtieth part of their in- come, or a tenth every third year. This, was the Jews proportion. He, that came short of this, was a breaker of the law, and with- put repentance and restitution had no hope of pardon, SACRA PRIVATA. 123 The Christian's proportion ought to be great- er, as his hope and reward are greater. We should in all our charities direft our ye toward Christ in his members ; it is this, which heightens the smallest gifts. Men reward, what is done on human motives j f God, what is done for his sake. He, that for his good aftions expefts the ap- plause of men, runs the hazard of loosing the re- ward of God. The poor are, as it were, the receivers of the rights and dues belonging unto God ; we must have a care of defrauding them. Luke xi. 41. - But rather give alms of such things, as you have, (or as you are able) and all things are clean to you. That is, proportion your alms to your estate, lest God proportion your estate to your alms. It is a necessary Christian duty (whatever men think of it) to part with our worldly enjoy- ments for the sake of Christ. The very best of men are only instruments in God's hands to receive and to give, what God bestows upon them. This they should do with- out any desire of glory or self interest. Let us make light of money, and send it before us into the heavenly treasures, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt ; but where it will be kept, to our eternal advantage, under the cus- tody of God himself. Thou, O Lord, hast been all mercy to me ; i2 4 SACRA PRIVATA. grant that I may be all mercy to others, for Christ's sake. Remember to give to those, that are ashamed to ask ; and do not forget your poor relations, lest you be worse, than an infidel. Rom. xii. 1 8. He, that showeth mercy, let him do it with cheerfulness. The good Lord preserve me from vanity, and from seeking applause for my charity. Not unto me, but unto Thee, O God, be the thanks, and praise, and glory. The merits of the poor are not to be the rule of our charity. God himself maketh his sun to shine upon the evil and the good. If we would but moderate our vanity, we should always have enough for charity. Send thy blessing upon my substance, and con- tinue to me a willing mind to help such, as have need, according to my ability. Good advise and devout petitions should ac- company our charity. O God, who knowest the necessities of all thy creatures, give thy poor the spiritual graces, they need. Support thy poor members, O Jesus, under all their difficulties, and sanctify their bodily wants to the salvation of their souls. Lord, grant that they may bear their poor estate with patience and resignation, and that we may one day meet in the paradise of God. Jesus Christ is continually humbled in his metn- SACRA PR! V ATA. 125 bers ; some are poor, in prison, sick, naked, hun- gry, &c. Let 'me, O Lord, see and help Thee in all these objects. A man, who has faith, will be glad to discharge, himself of some part of the burthen of the tem- poral goods, in order to secure those, that are . eternal ; and to be in some measure the preserv- er of his brethren. Psa. cxii. 5. A good (charitable) man will guide his affairs with discretion; that is, he will retrench all needless expenses in apparel, diet, di- versions, &c. that he may give to him, that need- eth. Let your alms be in secret as much, as may be, Chanty , or the love of God and our neighbour. It is but the first essay of charity to give alms. Whoever shows mercy to men, will certain- ly receive mercy from God. i John. iii. 15. Whosoever hateth his broth- er, is a murderer. A man has already killed him in his heart,whose life is grievous to him, and at whose death he would rejoice. 14. He, that loveth not his brother, abideth in death. Can we believe that God saith this, and delay one moment to be reconciled ? It isgoot enough to love our brethren ; we must L 2 A 126 SACRA PRIVATA. love them upon a principle of faith, in the name ? for the sake, and as members of Jesus Christ. Luke vi. 37. Forgive, and it shall be forgiven you. Give me, O my God, a heart full of Christian meekness and charity, that I may willingly forget the evil, I have received, and be always disposed to do good to others. We love our neighbour after a Christian man- ner, when we love him for God's sake j and for God's sake do him good, SACRA PRIVATA. 127 THE LITANY. O God, the F*her of Heaven ; have mercy up- on me, keep, and defend me. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world j have mercy upon me, save, and deliver me. O God the Holy Ghost ; have mercy upon me, strengthen, and comfort me. Remember not, O Lord, my offences, nor the offences of my forefathers ; nor take Thou ven- geance of our sins. Spare us, good Lord, spare thy people, whom Thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood, and be not angry with us forever. From thy wrath and heavy indignation ; from the guilt and burden of my sins ; from the dread- ful sentence of the last judgment ; Good Lord) deliver me. From the sting and terrors of conscience ; from impatience, distrust, and dispair ; from extremity of sickness and pain, which may withdraw my mind from God ; Good Lord, Deliver me. From the bitter pangs of eternal death ; from the gates of hell ; from the powers of darkness $ and from the illusions of Satan j Good Lord, deliver me. 128 SACRA PRIVATA. By thy manifold and great mercies ; by thy manifold and great merits ; by thine agony and bloody sweat ; by thy bitter cross and passion ; by thy mighty resurrection ; by thy glorious ascension, and most acceptable interces- sion j and by the graces of the Holy Ghost j . Good Lord, deliver me. For the glory of thy name ; for thy loving mercy and truth's sake ; Good Lord, deliver me. In my last and greatest need ; in the hour of death ; and in the day of judgment ; Good Lord, deliver me. As Thou hast delivered all thy saints and ser- vants, which called upon Thee in their extremity ; Good Lord, deliver me ; and receive my soul for thy mercy's sake. Be merciful unto me, and forgive me all my sins, which by the malice of the devil, or by my own frailty, I have at any time' of my life com- mitted against Thee. Lay not to my charge, what in the last of the SACRA PRIVATA. 129 eye, the pride of life, or vanity, I have committed against Thee. Lay not to my charge, what by an angry spir- it, by vain arid idle words, by foolish jesting, I have committed gainst Thee. Make me partaker of all thy mercies and prom- ises in Christ Jesus. Vouchsafe my soul a place of rest in the par- adise of God with all thy blessed Saints ; and my body part in the blessed resurrection. O Lord God, Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world ; Have mercy upon me. Thou, that takest away the sins of the world a Grant me thy peace. Thou, that sittest at the right hand of God f Have mercy upon me. Have mercy upon me, receive my prayer, which Thou hast tought me. Our Father , who art in Heaven &c. O Lord, deal not with me after my sins ; ndr reward me after my iniquites. O God, merciful Father, that despiseth not the sighing of a contrite heart, nor the desires 130 SACRA PRIVATA. as be sorrowful ; mercyfully assist my prayers, which 1 make before Thee ; at those times espe- cially when I am preparing for death and eternity. O Lord, graciously Tiear me, that those evils, those illusions, and assaults, which my great en- emy worketh against me, may be brought to nought, and by the providence of thy goodness dispersed ; that thy servant, being delivered from all temptations, may give thanks to Thee with thy Holy Church to all eternity. Amen. Let us endeavour by timely repentance to pre- vent the reproaches, which otherwise our con- , siences will cast upon us at the hour of death. The support of a penitent at the hour of death. John iii. 16. God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever be- lieveth in him, should not perish ; but have ever- lasting life. i John i?: i. We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous ; who came in- to the world to save sinners ; who died for us, when we were his enimies, that he might offer us unto God. Our Judge himself hath assured us, that all- sins shall be forgiven the sons of men. SACRA PRIVATA. 13 1 EJACULATIONS. TAKE from me all evil imaginations,all impu- rity of thought, all inclinations to lust, all envy, pride, and hypocrisy ; all falsehood, deceit, and irregularity of life ; all covetousness, vain glory, and sloth ; all malice, anger, and wrath ; all re- membrance of injuries, every thing, contrary to thy will, O most Holy God. May I never hear with pleasure, nor ever re- peat such things, as may dishonor God, or injure my neighbour or my own character. Love of God, &c. Bless me, O God, with the love of Thee, and .of my neighbour. Give me peace of conscience, the command of my affections j and for the rest, Thy will be done. O King of peace, give us thy peace, keep us in love and charity. Make thyself, O God, absolute master of my heart. They, that be whole, need not a physician. It belongs to Thee, O Sovereign Physician, to make us sensible of our maladies, and to make us go to Thee for help. O say unto my-soul this word of salvation, Behold, thou art made whole. Without me ye can do nothing. Miserable in- deed is he, who pretends to walk without Thee, 133 SACRA PRIVATA. O give me light to see, a heart to embrace, and a power to do thy will. From thy Spirit I hope to receive these graces. John xiu 26. If any man serve me, let him fol- low me ; and him will my Father honor. Let me never flatter myself, that I serve Thee, my Saviour, unless I follow thy example at the expense of every thing I love or fear beside. O keep my heart fixed upon that honor, which God has prepared for those, that follow Thee. O divine Spirit, render me worthy of thy pres- ence and consolation. Fill my heart with holy dread of thy judgments. Give me a true sense and knowledge of the danger and evil of sin ; and may I, with prudent moderation only, be concern- ed for temporal things. Jesus Christ is always in his temple, and near you, (if your soul be fit for him to dwell in) to Him apply on all occasions. As your Master ; for grace to study, to love, and to follow his instructions. He requires no- thing, but what he first practised himself. As your Lord ; that you may love and serve him faithfully, and fulfil all his commands. As your Pattern ; that you may follow his ex- ample, and imitate his virtues. As your Saviour ; that he may be your refuge and confidence, your strength and support, your peace and consolation, your Saviour now and at the hour of death. As your King ; that he may give laws to your SACRA PRIVATA, 133 soul, and that you may surrender yourself to his commands ; and never rebel, nor resist his au- thority* As your Shepherd. Keep me in thy flock by thy almighty grace ; I am one of the lost sheep, which Thou earnest to seek. Take me under thy care, and restore me to thy fold. Increase thy flock for the honor of thy name. Wilful Sin. Let me rather choose to die, than to sin against my conscience. Penitent* I am ashamed to come before Thee ; but I fciust come, or perish. I know that Thou art angry with me for my sin$ ; but I know too that Thou pitiest me, or why do I yet live ? Muke me full of sorrow for my sin, and full of hope of thy mercy and pardon. Look upon the infirmities of thy servant, and consider his weak- ness. Sensible of my own sad condition, weak and miserable, sinful and ignorant, liable to eter- nal death, I prostrate myself before Thee, im- ploring thy help and pardon. Gracious God, never abandon me to the op- position, I shall at any time make to thy grace. Blessed be God, that he has so often prevent- ed me, and not left me to the desires of my own heart. M 134 SACRA PRIVATA. Put a stop to the torrent of wickedness and profaneness, which carries all before it. I confess my sins to Thee, O God ; do Thou hide them from the world. Eternity. Lord, imprint on my heart a lively idea of eternity, that the sorrowful passages of this life, which are so uneasy and frightful to na- ture, may vanish, or be borne with patience. Example. Pardon my sin, and forgive all such, as have been misled by an evil example of mine. Matth. v. 48. Be ye perfect, even as your Fa- ther, who is in Heaven, is perfect. O divine repairer of our corrupt nature, may thy allpowerful grace make me as perfect, as Thou hast commanded me to be ! Holiness. O God, who hast called me to holiness, give me firm faith in thy power, through our Lord Je- sus Christ, that by his assistance I may get the mastery of all my sins and corruptions ; that I may be redeemed from all iniquity ; that I jnay be Jioly, as He, who has called me, is holy. Possess my soul with earnest desire of pleasing Thee, and with holy fear of offending Thee. Let me be ever ready to forgive injuries, and backward to offer any. Give me, O Lord, faith and patience, that I may neither murmur at thy appointments^ nor be angry against the instruments of thy justice. SACRA PRIVATA. 135 Deliver me from the errors and vices of the present age ; from infidelity, wicked principles, from profaneness, heresies, and schism. I most heartily, thank Thee, O God, for. thy perpetual care of me, for all thy mercies, bestow- ed on me, for the blessings of nature and of grace. Grant, O God, that T may never receive thy grace in vain ; but that I may live, like one, who believes and hopes for the joys of Heaven. Let me ever be sorry for my sins, - thankful for thy blessings, fear thy judgments, love thy mercies, and remember thy presence. Give me a humble mind, godly fear, and a qui- et conscience. Weaken, O Lord, the power of Satan in'this place, and the tyranny of his ministers, In time of pestilence or danger. . Set thy saving mark upon our houses, and give order to the destroyer nor to hurt us. John xvi. 23. Verily, verily, I say unto you ? whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Upon this promise, blessed Lord, I depend ; beseeching Thee, O heavenly Father, for thy dear Son's sake, to give me the graces, I most need. After prayers. Vouchsafe us those graces and blessings, which 136 SACRA PRIVATA. Thou knowest to be needful for us, notwithstand- ing our great unworthinfcss. i Riches. Shut my heart, O Lord, against the love of worldly riches, lest I betray Thee, as Ju- das did. May thy Holy Spirit, O God, fill my heart, that it may appear in all my words and actions, that I am governed by it. Luke x. 33. And, when he saw him, he had compassion on him. O Jesus, the true Samaritan, look upon the wounds, which sin has caused in my soul, and have compassion on me. May I always resign my will and desires to him, who knows what is good for us Better, than we ourselves do, Holy Scriptures. Give me, O God, sincere love for the truths of the gospel, a teachable heart, and an obedient will. Perseverance. Finish, O my God, the work of mercy and conversion, which Thou hast be- gun in me. Save, O Lord Jesus, a soul, which Thou hast redeemed by thy blood. There is no merit in me, OGod, to attract thy mercy and goodness, but only my great misery and blindness. May I make a suitable return by a holy life. SACRA PRIVATA. 137 According to the greatness of thy goodness, and the multitude of thy mercies, look upon me. Sanctify my soul and body by the heavenly blessings, that they may be made thy holy hab- itation, and that nothing may be found in me, that may offend the eyes of thy Majesty. Protect and keep me in the midst of the dan- gers of this corrupt world ; and by thy light and grace direct me in the way to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ. Morning. I laid me down and slept, and rose again, for the Lord sustained me. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Raise me up, O Lord, at the last day, to life and happiness everlasting. Blessed be the Lord for his mercies, renewed unto me every morning. O that my eyes may ever be fixed upon the example, that our blessed Lord left us, and that I may daily endeavour to follow him. Amen. Night. May the Saviour and the Guardian of my soul take me under his protection this night and evermore. Cor. vii. 35. Attend upon the Lord without distraction. O holy Spirit of grace, help my infirmities, that I. may fix my thoughts upon my duty and that I may serve Thee with all my heart and mind. That I may never give way to wander- ing thoughts, but watch against them contin- ually. 138 SACRA PRIVATA. Look upon me, O Lord, and pity me ; make me, and let me be thine by the choice of my will. Make me serious- and thoughtful at all times, that I may not fdl of being so when I attend up- on God. Let not my heart, O God, be inclined to any evil thing. Keep me, O God, from every thing, that may displease Thee. O make me wise un- to salvation* Phil, Iv. 13. I can do all things through Christ, who strengtheneth me. O that I may never forfeit this power by pre- sumption, or by want of faith. John xx. 28. Thomas said, my Lord, and my God. Thou art indeed, O Jesus, my Lord, for thou hast redeemed me by thy precious. blood ; Thou art my God, for I am dedicated to Thee, and sanctified by thy Spirit. Acts ii. 44. And all, that believed, were to- gether; and had all things .common. May God grant that, as we are all members of the same body, have one and the same Fa- ther, the same Saviour, the same Spirit, and hope to meet in the same paradise ; that we may live in unity and godly love, and be charitable accor- ding to our ability. The good Lord, grant that in the day of Christ I may rejoice, that I have not run in vain, nor labored in vain. J! i * h- D z J LU CO S CN ""^ *B o. M LU CO QJ >K < "" s 2 fi UJ : E a. LU GL O^M ~~" < 0) C ^^r <- ^*\ C^ a rl ^ CO ^ *J k O) "S ^ <2 > 2o etc ft UJ <*n UCN _j ) > <^ i 3 > s It So m^ u 1AJ ii ALL BOOKS /I Renewal* . .- may be CD cn CT> 9 O^h- _j "^ Ob I . h*4 00 . U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY