IC-NRLF *B 2bM Sbfl >THICS COfAE,; GlNN St. COM PA! LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Deceived JAN 3 1.8.93..., f g 9 Accessions No. if Q % I O ... Class No, PRIMER OF ETHICS EDITED BY BENJAMIN B. COMEGYS, AUTHOR OF " TALKS WITH BOYS AND GIRLS," " BEGINNING LIFE," " How TO GET ON," "OLD STORIES WITH NEW LESSONS," "ADDRESSES TO THE PUPILS OF GlRARD COLLEGE," ETC. bo4 BOSTON, U.S.A.: PUBLISHED BY GINN & COMPANY. 1891. MR. ABBOTT'S PREFACE. THERE are few teachers who do not feel the need of some additional means and facilities to aid them in the cultivation of the moral sentiments of their pupils ; but to provide these facilities is a very difficult and delicate task. It is true that nothing is easier than to write lectures inculcating moral truth ; and, at the same time, scarcely anything is more difficult than to convey such instruction so as to secure admission for it to the minds and hearts of children, and a permanent influence there. This little work, however, is an attempt to accomplish this object. It consists of a series of lessons, designed to explain and illustrate to young children their most simple and obvious duties, and those traits of moral character which it is most desirable should be early formed. The teacher will observe that each lesson consists of three distinct portions : i. A general statement of the principle or duty about to be explained and enforced. It stands at the head of the lesson, and is intended to be committed to memory by the class. It may be recited by the whole of the VI MR. ABBOTT S PREFACE. class in rotation, or by any part of it, either before the reading, or immediately before the questions upon the reading, which are given at the close of the lesson ; or the committing of it to memory may be dispensed with entirely according to the discretion of the teacher. 2. There follows an explanation, illustration, and enforcement of the principle. This reading should be accompanied with suitable explanations and remarks by the teacher. The writer has endeavored to present the subjects discussed in such points of view as to awaken the attention and excite the interest of chil- dren ; but, in treating the subjects, he has not con- fined himself to the language of children, as one great object of such an exercise is to advance the pupils' knowledge of language, and add to their vocabulary of English words. It will be desirable, therefore, that the teacher should frequently question the readers about the meaning of words, and take other measures to secure the full understanding of the lesson by the class ; and it will be especially beneficial if the various topics discussed lead to additional remarks and explanations by the teacher, and to conversations with the members of the class, in order that their minds may be made thoroughly familiar with the principles which the book inculcates. 3. To each lesson is added a series of questions. Some of these arise directly from the lessons ; others relate to the subject generally, and the answer is to be furnished by the pupil himself from his own reflections. MR. ABBOTT'S PREFACE. vii These questions, or a part of them, with such others as the teacher may add, can be put to the class, in succes- sion, at the close of each exercise. The pupil should be encouraged to use his own language in expressing his replies ; and, in fact, it will be observed, as has been before intimated, that there are questions for which no direct answers can be found in the lessons, and which the pupil must consequently answer from his own reflec- tions, and in his own language. They are intended to lead him to reflect upon what he has read, and, by thus ex- ercising his thinking and reasoning powers, to strengthen his judgment and cultivate hi$ moral sense. CONTENTS. PAGE TRUTH . i OBEDIENCE . 9 INDUSTRY 17 HONESTY 22 FIDELITY . . .31 JUSTICE 36 POLITENESS 44 DUTIES AT SCHOOL 48 DUTIES TO PLAYMATES 52 BENEVOLENCE 58 DUTIES TO DUMB CREATURES 63 TREATMENT OF ENEMIES 69 PROFANITY 77 CONSCIENCE 82 CONSCIENTIOUSNESS 88 DUTY TO PARENTS 95 FORGIVENESS . 102 GRATITUDE 108 PURITY 113 REPENTANCE 119 DUTY TO GOD 124 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. TRUTH. Truth is sincerity ; and in all we say and do, we must be sin- cere. We must not make false impressions, directly or indirectly. THERE are many ways by which we may mislead and deceive others by what we say ; and these ways differ very much from each other in criminality. Some of the principal of them are these : 1. Saying a thing when we know it is not true. 2. Saying a thing when we do not know whether it is true or not. v 3. Prevaricating. 4. Misrepresenting. 5. Exaggerating. All these are different forms of untruth ; let us con- sider them in order : I. Saying a thing when we know it is not true. This is absolute falsehood ; and whoever is habitually guilty of it after he is old enough to understand the nature of the sin, is depraved. Young people are perhaps most frequently led into this sin at first by having committed some other fault, and then telling a lie to conceal it. Sometimes there are circumstances which seem to draw i A PRIMER OF ETHICS. one into the falsehood without any previous intention to say what is not true. A boy was led to tell a false- hood in this way, very much as many others have been. There was a deep pond behind his father's garden. Early in the winter it froze over. One morning he took the axe from the shed, and cut a hole in the ice to fish. After he had cut the hole, the axe slipped from his hands, fell through the hole, and went to the bottom. The boy ought to have gone at once and told his father ; but he was afraid to do this, and so he said nothing about it. Shortly after this, his father wanted the axe, and told his son to see if he could find it. If his father had asked him directly if he knew where it was, probably he would have told him the truth ; but, as he asked him to look for it, the boy said nothing, but went and looked in the shed, and in the barn, and in the shop, and then came back, and said the axe was nowhere to be found. This was dishonest, but it was not strictly false. He had said, thus far, nothing which was not true ; but he was gradually getting himself entangled in a difficulty which, it might easily be seen, would probably lead him to a direct falsehood. His father, thinking it very strange that the axe should disappear, went with his son to look for it, and, on the way, he abruptly asked him. whether he could not recollect having had it lately ; and the boy hastily answered, " No." He had only an instant to reflect ; and in that instant the thought flashed through his mind that he could not now confess that he had lost the axe, without exposing the deception he had practised in pretending to look for it, and also the thought that it TRUTH. 3 was some time before this that he had lost the axe ; and his father's question was, whether he had seen it lately. This enabled him to quiet his conscience a little, and to flatter himself that he was not telling an absolute lie. The next moment, his father asked him whether he had seen it anywhere since they were splitting the log in the shed; and he answered, " No, sir." His father then went away; and the son sat down on a log before the wood-pile, and covered his face with his hands, over- whelmed with the bitter reflection that he had been gradually led on to tell his father an absolute and un- qualified lie. His peace of mind was destroyed. All that afternoon and evening he was afraid to meet his father, for fear he would say something about the axe. The sight of the shed, of the wood-pile, of the ice, and even of the wood burning in the fire-place, seemed to recall to his mind the thoughts of his sin ; and he was afraid all the time, that his father would go down to the pond, and see the hole cut in the ice, and so would dis- cover his guilt. At first, he thought that the hole would soon freeze over again ; but then he reflected that it would leave a sort of scar upon the spot, which would, perhaps, remain all winter to reproach and betray him. At night he could not sleep ; and at last he was so mis- erable that he got up and went to his father's chamber, and confessed that he had lost the axe through the ice, and had told falsehoods about it; and he said that he was so wretched in consequence, that he did not know what to do. It is very often in a way somewhat like this that young people are led to tell their first wilful falsehoods. Then, unless they go and confess them honestly, as 4 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. this boy did, they bear the reproaches of conscience for a time, until they gradually forget the offence ; and then, on the next occasion, they commit the sin a little more deliberately, and with less compunction. They go on very fast in the downward course, when they have thus begun. They say what is false more and more frequently and boldly, until, at length, they are ready at any time to tell a lie to conceal their faults, or to gain their wishes. Their characters always become known ; neither their parents nor their teachers can believe them ; and even their acquaintances know that there is no dependence to be placed upon anything they say. 2. The second form of untruthfulness mentioned is : making a statement when we do not know whether it is true or not. A woman went away one afternoon, and left the house in charge of her daughter, directing her to stay in the house, and attend to any one who might come. After her mother had gone, the daughter went to play in the garden, until just before the time for her mother to return ; and then, when her mother came home, and asked her if there had been anybody there, she said "No." Now, this was not a direct and absolute falsehood ; but there was an indirect falsehood implied in it ; because, when she said that nobody had called at the house, she wished her mother .to understand that she had been faithful at her post, and knew that what she said was true. Her mother did understand her so, and was de- ceived ; so there was falsehood involved in her answer, though it was not directly expressed. A farmer asked his boy if the cows were all in the barn-yard, and the boy said, " Yes," when he did not know whether they were TRUTH. 5 there or not, but only supposed they were there, and did not wish to take the trouble to go and see. A man had a horse to sell, and said that he was only seven years old, when he did not know how old he was. Now, both these persons were guilty of indirect falsehood. The falsehood was not absolute and express, as it would have been if the boy had known that the cows were not all in the yard, and if the man had known that his horse was more than seven years old. They presumed, and hoped, that what they said was true ; but they did not know that it was true ; and, by asserting it as if they did know, and by intending to lead others to suppose that they knew, they were guilty of indirect falsehood. There is very much of this kind of falsehood in the world. Many persons, who would on no account say what they know to be false, often say what they have no sufficient reason for believing to be true. 3. Prevaricating. This means saying something which is not in itself strictly and absolutely false, but which is intended to convey a false meaning ; as, when a boy said that he had not a single nut in his pocket, while in fact, he had many. When the nuts were found there, he attempted to justify himself by saying he had not a single nut he had several. A man had a house to sell, and the purchaser asked him whether it had a good well of water, and he answered that the water was excel- lent, and it afterwards appeared that, though the water was excellent while it lasted, yet that the well was dry for two months in the summer. This man was guilty of prevarication. It is a kind of falsehood which is very common. Even if not so wicked as an absolute lie, it is very wrong. We ought never to say what will make a false impression. A PRIMER OF ETHICS. 4. Misrepresentation. We misrepresent when we tell a part of the truth and conceal the rest ; or when we distort or color it, in the interest of our own feelings. When two boys have any disagreement or contention, and attempt to give an account of the circumstances to their mother or teacher, they almost always misrepresent the ease. Each conceals or passes over very slightly what he himself did which was wrong, and states very emphatically and strongly what the other did which was wrong. A boy is knocking a ball, and the bat acciden- tally hits another boy, and he complains that the first boy struck him with a great stick ; this is misrepresen- tation. It gives a wrong idea. This is a fault to which all persons are exposed. Yet it is a kind of falsehood. We are led into it by our feelings, by anger, by irrita- tion, by our desire to gain our point, whatever that may be, and by other strong emotions. But we ought to guard against it with the greatest care, and watch our- selves, especially when our feelings are strongly inter- ested in any case, lest we turn truth into falsehood, by intentional or unintentional misrepresentation. 5. Exaggeration. This is lying by representing any- thing greater than it really is ; as when a boy says that he has been trying very hard indeed, for a long time, to do a certain example on his slate, when he had not, in fact, been very diligent, and had only been employed upon the work a short time. Young people exaggerate their sickness sometimes, when they are only a little unwell, but want to be excused from going to school, or from doing some work. They exaggerate the diffi- culties in doing anything they do not want to do; and, in describing what they have seen or done, they often TRUTH. / make it much greater or more wonderful than it really was. Travellers often exaggerate the dangers they have passed through, or the marvellousness of the sights which they have seen. There are very few persons, whether old or young, whose accounts of what they see and hear can be fully depended upon, as strictly accu- rate and just. Their feelings, their interests, and even the excitement of conversation or of argument, are often sufficient to lead them to overstate facts, so that their statements cannot be depended upon. Yet, by all these exaggerations, truth is sacrificed. QUESTIONS. There are several ways mentioned at the beginning of the lesson, by which we may deceive and mislead others ; name any of them that you can recollect. Which is said to be the worst of them f How is it that boys are generally led to begin to speak falsehood ? Describe the case of the boy who lost the axe. When he said that he could not find the axe, did he tell an abso- lute lie? Was he dishonest? What ought he to have done when he first lost the axe? What is the second offence against truth, which is mentioned in the lesson ? Tell the story of the girl left in charge of a house. Did she know that what she stated was not true? Was she to blame for saying nobody had been there ? Was she as much to blame as she would have been if she had known that somebody had been there, and yet had said what she did? Do you remember any other cases of this kind of falsehood ? What is prevaricating ? How is this seen in the case of the man who had a house to sell ? What is misrepresentation? Which do you think is most common, prevarication or misrepre- sentation? Is prevarication always intentional ? 8 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. Is misrepresentation always intentional? Which should you consider generally the more wicked, to prevari- cate or to misrepresent? In what cases are children under very strong temptation to misrep- resent? Did you ever know any children who would not misrepresent in such cases? What is exaggeration? Can you give an example of it? Do you think these principles are too strict ? Should you like to have all your playmates and companions live up to them ? Can lies be told without speaking words? How can any one act a lie ? How early in life can a child tell lies ? May persons who are known to be saying extravagant things for fun do so without lying? How? Nobody is deceived. How can any one think a lie? Is this as bad as a spoken lie? Are people often tempted to tell lies ? Can a liar have the respect of good people ? What are lying lips said to be ? OBEDIENCE. Obedience is doing what is commanded, or not doing what is forbidden, because it is commanded or forbidden by one who has authority. Obedience should be prompt, faithful and cheerful. IN the various circumstances in which we are placed in life we are all under obligation to obey. The soldier must obey his officer, the sailor must obey his com- mander, the apprentice must obey his master, and every citizen must obey the laws of the land. Children and youth are under special obligations to obey their parents, their teachers and their guardians. In all these, and in many other cases, persons are bound to obey. Now, obedience is doing what is commanded, because it is commanded, and not because we think it is best to do it. It is important to understand this, because it often happens that when young people receive a command from their parents or teachers, instead of obeying it, they stop to ask for the reason of it, as if it were necessary that they should understand the reason before they obey. This is wrong. When we are commanded to do anything by a person who has authority, we ought to do it because it is commanded, and not because we see a reason for it. It is very proper for young people to wish to know the reasons for their parents' com- mands ; but they must never delay their obedience to 9 IO A PRIMER OF ETHICS. inquire. They should obey first, and ask the reason afterwards. A child may know what the reason of the command is, and yet not be satisfied with it : and think, on that account he may refuse to obey. His father tells him not to go upon a certain piece of ice, because he thinks it is not strong enough to bear him ; and the boy thinks -it is strong enough : but he ought to obey, not because he sees the command is reasonable, but be- cause it is a command. So the sailor must take in sail at once, when the captain orders him to do it, even if he thinks it ought not to be taken in ; and the appren- tice, or the boy, or man, ought to do the work as the master or employer directs, even if he thinks he knows a better way. And more than this : a case may happen in which a boy may know that his father or mother was mistaken, and that the command was an unnecessary one ; still it ought to be obeyed. A farmer once was sending his boy some miles to a grist-mill, and he told him to go round by the bridge to get across the stream, as the fording-place was not safe. Now, the boy knew that it was safe ; he had crossed the ford many times, and he knew that his father was mistaken. His father was old, and feeble, and timid, and his son was sure that he was needlessly afraid. Still he obeyed him. He might have taken the short road through the ford, instead of going round by the bridge, and his father would probably never have known of his disobedience. But he would not dis- obey. He knew that the reason why he must obey his father, was not because it was certain that his father would always be right, but because he was his father, OBEDIENCE. 1 1 and that he had the right to command his son. This is the very nature of obedience, and young people should understand that it is obedience which they owe to their parents. When, therefore, a boy's father or mother directs him to do anything, he must remember that it is a command, not advice ; and therefore it is not necessary that he should know or be satisfied with the reasons, or refuse to obey because he is not told them. r Obedience ought to be prompt ; that is, the command must be obeyed as soon as it is given, or at the time directed. Sometimes children delay, ask the reason for the command, or make objections ; sometimes they are doing something else which they do not wish *o leave ; and sometimes, when the duty is not very pleasant, they move so slowly and reluctantly in doing it, as to consume more time than is necessary to accomplish the object. Prompt obedience is worth much more than that which is reluctant and slow. He who obeys tardily does not more than half obey. He who moves slowly when he is told to do something ; who spends much time in making preparations to do it ; who stops to ask questions, or to make objections, or to propose some other way ; who loiters when sent with a message, and who puts off as long as he can every duty, such a boy would be of very little service to his employer. 7 Then, too, prompt obedience is much the more pleas- ant. If a disagreeable duty is to be performed, the easiest way to get through it is to do it at once. Two boys have paths to make every morning after a snow- storm. One, as soon as he is dressed, is out at his work, facing the cool morning air as a General would 12 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. face an enemy. The other peeps out to see if it is cold ; then comes back and stands for a long time about the fire, putting on his mittens and warming his feet, and dreading his work. At last he is just ready to begin when the first boy is finishing. Which, now, gets through his work more easily and pleasantly ? The way to make a disagreeable or painful duty as disagreeable and painful as possible, is to perform it in a reluctant, inefficient 'and dilatory manner. 7 Obedience ought to be cheerful. It must necessarily be that many commands which we have to obey are disagreeable. Still they must be obeyed ; and they are made much more disagreeable to all concerned by being obeyed in a sullen and ill-natured manner. The com- mands which are given to young people are of different kinds ; but there is good reason for obeying them cheer- fully and pleasantly. Some are given solely upon the child's own account, to do him some good, as when he is sent to school ; or to save him from future suffering, as when he is required to take medicine when he is sick, or when he is told to put down a penknife with which he wants to play. Many of the restraints and priva- tions which are imposed upon children are of this kind. They are for their own good. It is true this is not enough to make them agreeable to bear, but it is enough to make it the duty of a child to bear them cheerfully and without murmuring. Other commands are for the benefit of the parent, as when there is work to do, or a message to carry, or a young child to be watched and taken care of. These duties often come at a time when children find it very inconvenient to attend to them ; but they must be attended to ; and whatever we have to OBEDIENCE. 13 give up of our own wishes and plans, to help a father or mother, or any other person, ought to be given up cheer- fully. Those children who have any sense of gratitude, and who consider how many painful, and wearisome, and long-continued anxieties and labors the parent has suf- fered for the child, without a word of repining, will not think it right to repine at any inconveniences they can be called upon to submit to in return. Obedience ought to be faithful. When any work is to be done by boys and girls, they ought to go forward as steadily and industriously when they are not watched as when they are. It is not enough to go through the forms of obedience. If a boy should be set to write or to study for an hour, in a room by himself, he must not only remain there at his post, but he must give his mind diligently to his work. A faithful boy will do so whether he is observed or not. He is impelled by an inward principle of duty, and by a desire for the satis- faction and happiness which fidelity will always secure. And so in school. Faithful boys know from experience that the time passes most pleasantly when they are most industriously employed. They do not think it enough, merely to sit still while the mind is straying far away. There are many different ways of giving commands. Thus, in a ship at sea, the orders of an officer are some- times given by his own voice, sometimes in writing, sometimes by a messenger, sometimes by peculiar flags hung out as signals, and sometimes even by a whistle. The boatswain has a peculiar kind of whistle, which he blows in various ways, so as to tell the sailors when they must pull upon a rope, and when they must ceasq 14 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. pulling ; when they must come up on deck and when they must go down. The shrill whistle can be heard more distinctly amidst the roar of the winds and waves than other sounds. You know in a street car, orders to stop or go on are given by pulling a bell. Many of the orders given to the engineer of a railway train are given by bells, or by whistles which are sounded through the air-brakes, or by electric wires. So in the army, men are directed by the cavalry bugle and tap of drum. Now, it makes no difference in which of these ways an order is given. The sailors, engineers and soldiers are bound to obey in one case as much as in another. And so with children in a family or pupils in a school ; they are bound to obey their parents and teachers, in whatever way the order is communicated. A boy who does not come in when the bell rings, disobeys. The touch of bell was the order. If a mother beckons to a child who is out at play, it is a command to come in, as certainly as the most decided language could be. If a direction is sent from a parent, by the youngest child as a messenger, it is to be obeyed as promptly and faithfully as if it were delivered by the parent himself. All that is necessary is, that the wish of the parent should be made known ; it is certainly immaterial in what manner this is done. Young people and children are bound also to obey the laws of the state or commonwealth. A boy or girl has no more right than a man or woman would have, to disobey laws made for the protection of property or the security of the rights of others. The sign " Trespass- ing forbidden under the penalty of the law," is a com- mand to be observed by children as well as grown people. OBEDIENCE. 1 5 A boy who fires a toy pistol or uses a sling-shot within limits forbidden by law, is as truly a bad citizen as a man who commits an act 'which brings him under punishment of the law. Such is the kind of obedience which young people ought to render to their parents, to their teachers and to the state ; and they ought to render it of their own accord and willingly, without making it necessary to exercise force. But if they will not obey of their own accord, it is most undoubtedly the parent's or teacher's duty to compel them to obey. This is a very painful duty, but it must be performed. Children are not old enough to understand the reasons for all the commands and prohibitions which their parents or teachers think necessary. In some cases where they might understand, there is not time to explain them. Then, even where the reasons can be understood, and are fully explained, young people, as we all know perfectly well, cannot be depended upon to do what they know is best, without being required to do it. They have not sufficient firm- ness, constancy and self-denial. It is not reasonable to expect it of them. It becomes necessary, by the very nature of their minds, that there should be a power above them, to make up, by its authority, for their want of mental and moral energy and self-control. Parents and teachers must therefore have authority. They cannot depend upon advice or persuasion ; they must command. And children must obey. Obedience is absolutely necessary to good government in the family, the school, and the state. l6 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. QUESTIONS. Are men as well as children often under obligation to obey? What cases can you mention where men have to obey ? What is meant by obeying ? When we have a command to obey, is it necessary that we should understand the reasons for it? Is it wrong for us to wish to know the reasons for it? Is it right to postpone obeying the command in order that we may ask the reasons for it? Is it any excuse for 'not obeying, that the reasons do not seem satisfactory ? Suppose we know our parents are mistaken, must we obey? Would it be hard to obey good-humoredly in such a case? Would it be duty to obey? What case is given to illustrate this ? What is meant by prompt obedience ? Describe the case of the two boys. What is the meaning of prohibition? Is it possible that the commands and prohibitions of a parent should always be pleasant? Is it possible that they should be obeyed pleasantly? Do you recollect anything which is said of faithful obedience? Must children obey the laws of the state? How can they disobey them? Mention some of the different ways by which commands are given at sea. Do these different ways cause any difference in regard to the duty of obeying? In what different ways do parents sometimes communicate their orders ? Is the obligation to obey of the same nature in all these cases ? Can young people be depended upon always to do what they ought to do, when they know what it is? Is it necessary, then, that they should be made to obey? Suppose they will not do it of their own accord, what is the duty of the parent or teacher? Can there be good government anywhere without obedience ? INDUSTRY. Industry is constant diligence in any proper employment ; and we are happier when employed than when idle. INDUSTRY, to be most successful, must be steady, per- severing and wisely directed. / i. Industry ought to be steady. When a young boy and a man of maturity and. experience go out together to work, we shall see a very marked difference in their manner. They go into the forest, on a winter morning, with a sled drawn by oxen, to get in wood. The boy is running hither and thither, and jumping about the sled ; and when he comes to the woods he begins cutting, with great zeal and earnestness, to see if he cannot get a log cut off sooner than the man. The man moves deliber- ately. He takes no unnecessary steps ; he makes no violent exertion. The boy is exhausted in an hour, and after that can do very little more ; while the man is able to continue his labor steadily till the sun goes down in the evening. Industry to be steady must not be violent ; and the most effectual way to accomplish any purpose is, gener- ally, to exert ourselves with moderation, and then we can continue to work longer. > Boys and girls are very often unsteady in what they do. It is not because they mean to do wrong ; it results from the nature of youth, which is, to be ardent, but 1 8 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. easily fatigued. So when sent upon an errand, they will set off upon the run, and then, when half-way to their place of destination, they sit down to rest. When work is given them, they begin with the greatest energy ; but in a few minutes their breath is spent, their strength is gone. Now, industry must be steady. The work should be begun with moderation, so that the strength may endure. Emergencies of haste or danger require extraordinary exertions, no doubt ; but for ordinary duties, it is best always to begin in such a way as to be able to go on ; and then we must have resolution to go on steadily to the end. ? 2. Industry must be persevering. One cause of want of perseverance among some persons, is their loss of interest in what they have begun, so they abandon it for something else. Thus they go on, and waste time and strength upon unfinished undertakings. There was a boy who began to build himself a little shop. He got the boards together, and sawed some of them so as to make them of the proper length. This consumed all his leisure time for two days. Then he saw a squirrel upon a wood-pile, and that put it in his head to make a trap. He worked upon this trap until he got it all ready to nail together, when one day a boy brought a boat to school, rigged very prettily, and then he concluded to make a boat as soon as possible. Thus he abandoned one thing after another and in the end accomplished nothing. He worked many days upon his shop, trap and boat, but he produced nothing which was of any value whatever. We cannot expect, when we begin large undertakings, that the interest with which we be- gan will continue to the end, As soon as the novelty INDUSTRY. 19 is gone, and the exertions begin to tire, then those who are only stimulated by novelty and momentary zeal, find their energies failing, and the undertaking is abandoned. But the persevering press on. Resolution and energy come in to take the place of the excited interest with which they began, and they go on with firmness and steadiness of purpose till their object is accomplished. Labor, without perseverance, is often wasted. Young people very often show a want of perseverance in the studies which they begin in school. When some new study is spoken of, they are very desirous of under- taking it. They are sure that they will like it. And so they will like the beginning of it, which is all that they can distinctly foresee ; and the interest and pleasure which really belong to the novelty of the undertaking, they think will attach permanently to the study itself. They begin with great zeal ; but when the first ardor is over, and they find that the new study, which looked so attractive, requires the same hard work that the old studies did, they are disappointed and discouraged, and their interest is gone. The remedy for this is to under- stand very fully, and never forget, that all undertakings, pursuits and studies, after the impulse and novelty of the first onset are over, demand patient and persevering application for their successful accomplishment ; and then, when the excitement and interest of novelty fail, we may hope that a spirit of perseverance and energy will take their place. , 3. Industry must be well directed. Making a railroad is a well-directed industry. The interest and pleasure of construction are great, and the road is a public conven- ience. So is the building of a ship or a bridge. Chil- 2O A PRIMER OF ETHICS. dren waste time in doing things which they have not the power to finish, and sometimes upon things which will do them no good and give them no pleasure if they do succeed in completing them. A boy undertook to make a little saw-mill, on a stream. He found an old saw- plate, which he was going to use for the saw of his mill ; and then with the tools which his father had, he under- took to make the wheels and the frames, and to fit all the parts together. But the work was beyond his power. After spending much time and labor, he had to give up the work in despair. His industry was ill directed. Another boy has undertaken to keep two balls in the air, catching one as it comes down, while the other is going up. He practises every day, some- times an hour at a time, and perseveres wonderfully. But his industry is ill directed. The accomplishment will be good for nothing but to make idle boys wonder, when he has learned to do it. Two boys are building a bridge across a stream where they often go to play. They are laying a solid abutment of stone at the edge of each bank, constructing them carefully, as they have seen masons build a wall. They have selected a plank, which they are going to place across, when the abut- ments which are to support the ends of the plank are completed. This is well-directed industry. There is a reasonable prospect that they can accomplish the work, and they will have the pleasure of crossing and recross- ing upon their bridge for months and months after all the labor of building has been forgotten. Much of the industry of men, as well as that of boys, is wasted in ill-directed efforts. Sometimes, for want of proper care and deliberation in forming the plan, the INDUSTRY. 21 whole enterprise fails. Sometimes they attempt to do what is impossible; and sometimes, after a long period of toil and anxiety and heavy expenditure, they accom- plish their object; but they find that it entirely disap- points their expectations and hopes when it is obtained. Therefore, in all our undertakings, whether in the play of childhood or in the serious pursuits of life, we ought to consider whether it is worth while to do what we pro- pose, and if so, how it shall be done, before we begin to expend our energies upon it ; and thus our industry will be wisely directed. If we are steady and persevering also, the results may be of great value. QUESTIONS. What is industry ? What is necessary to make it successful ? What may be the consequence of a too eager beginning of any work? Is it easy for young persons to be steady in their work ? Is it easy for them to be steady in their studies ? How must we begin our labors if we wish to go on steadily? What is perseverance? Give an account of the management of the boy who did not stick to one thing. Was he industrious? Was his industry persevering? How do children often manifest a want of perseverance in school ? What is it generally, in new studies, that really interests them? Can the interest of novelty be expected to last long? What is the example of a well-directed industry? What is an abutment? Do men as well as children often waste their strength in ill-directed efforts? What do you think of the boy and his balls ? Have we any time to waste in this way? HONESTY. . It is wrong to take the property of others without their con- sent, or to get any advantage from them by deception or con- cealment, or any false contrivance. He who does this, or attempts to do it, or even desires to do it, is not honest. PROPERTY is something which one owns and has a right to own ; it may be a house, a farm, a ship, a box of tools, money in the bank or in the pocket, a horse, a dog, a penknife, a pencil, a watch, an apple, a book, or anything else. People own these things because they have received them as presents, or have inherited them from friends who have died, or have bought them with their own money, or have earned them by labor or by good be- havior. Everything which you see or touch belongs to you or to somebody else. If it belongs to you, you have the right to do what you please with it, provided you do not abuse it : if it belongs to somebody else, you have no right to it whatever. Property may be disposed of, or may be got rid of, by giving it away, by trading with it, that is, by giving one thing for another, by selling it for money, by wasting it in bad living, or by actually destroying it. The grossest form of dishonesty is stealing taking the property of another without his knowledge and con- sent a sin which is and must be severely condemned HONESTY. 23 and punished. Some people are constantly watching for opportunities to steal. They are thieves, and are feared and abhorred by all. When one of them steals some- thing, the whole community is interested in detecting him, and he is hunted by the officers of justice till he is taken, convicted and sent to prison. He is the common enemy of mankind. Another class of dishonest acts are frauds. Defraud- ing is cheating. There are many people who will not steal, being afraid of the prison, and yet they will be guilty of dishonesty by defrauding those who deal with them. Though these people may be very secret and careful in their frauds, their characters gradually become known : they are suspected and shunned, and they can never enjoy their ill-gotten gains. Whatever comes by dishonesty brings a sting with it which destroys the pleasure of having it. It is far better to be perfectly honest, for then our consciences will be at rest : we can meet every one without misgiving or fear, and whatever we have, we can enjoy, feeling that it is entirely our own. Perfect honesty means several things. , i. An honest boy will not take any property which belongs to other persons without their full consent, either expressed or understood. There are many ways in which property is exposed, and must be exposed, and those who are dishonest can take it if they choose. Property is exposed in families, which children may take. Parents are not generally suspicious of their own children, and do not always watch them very closely to prevent their taking without leave what they like. And sometimes children persuade themselves that to take money, or fruit, or anything else, from their parents, is not so 24 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. wicked as it would be to take it from other persons. But it certainly is as wicked ; in fact, in one respect it is more so ; for to the guilt of theft is added the guilt of ingratitude and treachery. Is it any the less wicked to steal from a benefactor and friend, than to steal from a stranger ? Our deceitful hearts always lead us to excuse ourselves for our own particular sins ; but con- science cannot be entirely silenced in respect to this. It warns and remonstrates very loudly when the guilty child is going secretly to the forbidden drawer or closet. It destroys his peace of mind, it makes him afraid to meet the eye of his father or mother, and it punishes him with its painful sting long after the pleasure is over, which his dishonesty secured for him. . 2. A boy who is honest will not take advantage of another person by stealth or deception. Such a boy once asked a gentleman to let him ride his horse a little way ; and he was told he might ride him to the stream, which was about a half-mile off, and let him drink. The boy rode to the stream, and there he found another and larger boy on another horse, who asked him to ride a little farther down the road, saying that the owner of the horse would never know it. The younger boy would not go. He had an instinctive feeling that it would be wrong. And it would have been wrong. It would have been dishonest. He would have taken something by stealth and deception, without the owner's consent. What was it that he would have taken ? Why, the use of the horse for a longer period than he had obtained leave to use him. The pleasure of a ride as far as the stream he could have honestly ; but if he had tried to extend the pleasure any farther, it would have been pleasure dishonestly gained, HONESTY. 25 A man hires a horse to go on a journey of twenty miles, and then at the end of that journey goes on ten miles farther, intending to say nothing about it when he returned. He is not honest. He would save a little money, but he would lose his peace of mind. We must not only not steal property itself, but we must not steal the use of property, nor take it in any way without the owner's consent, either expressed or implied ; for the owner has as good a right to the use of his property as he has to the property itself ; and to deprive him of one by stealth or deception is as truly dishonest as to deprive him of the other. There is a difference in the degree of guilt. It is more dishonest to take a thing altogether than it is to take the use of it without the owner's consent ; but both sins are the same in kind. Some street-cars have drivers, but not conductors. A boy gets on the back platform to ride without paying. He clings to the car until the driver comes back to send him off. The boy steps off until the driver goes back to his horses, and then gets on again. When asked why he does it, he says it is "good fun." But this boy is really trying to steal a ride and he is beginning to steal. Sometimes it is right to take what belongs to another without the owner's expressed consent. The consent may be implied or taken for granted. If you are riding along a farm in the country, where there are wild rasp- berry bushes, it would be right for you to gather as many raspberries as you wish without asking the con- sent of the owner of the land. The reason is, it is so universally understood that any person may gather wild raspberries, that the owner's consent, though it has not 26 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. been expressed in words, is implied. You have good reason to know that the owner would have no objection. If you were spending some days on a visit at a friend's house, and your friend had gone out one morning, and had left you alone in the house, and if you wished to write a letter home, and you were to take out a sheet of paper from a drawer and write your letter and send it away, it would not be dishonest. True, you would have taken the property of another person without any expressed consent, but still consent would have been implied. You might know that your friend would be perfectly willing that you should have the paper ; and if she were to return while you were writing the letter, you would not feel guilty and afraid, and attempt to hide the paper away as if you had done something wrong. In these instances the value of the property is very small. But upon the same principles, property of a greater value may be taken without any dishonesty, if the circumstances are such that we are perfectly sure we would have the owner's implied consent. A man once went into a house and took some provisions while the family was away, without doing any wrong. You wonder how this could be. The case was this : he was travel- ling through the woods and got lost. After wandering about a long time, he came at last upon a farm-house in a solitary place. The family had gone into the field, far away from the house. Now, he knew that if the farmer had been at home, he would willingly have given him some food, as he was almost exhausted by fatigiys, hunger and anxiety. So he opened the door and found something to eat ; and then when refreshed a little by HONESTY. 27 food and rest, he went off into the fields to find the farmer, and offered to pay him. But the farmer would not take any pay, saying if he had been at home he would have given him food. So if a man were wrecked with the ship he sailed in, upon a desert island, and he were the only one saved, he might take all the cargo of the ship and use it for his own benefit. The dishonesty of an act does not consist merely in our taking property that does not belong to us, nor does it depend upon the value of the property ; it depends upon our state of mind. Unless we are per- fectly sure that the owner would have no objection to our taking it, or if we should feel a little guilty should he come unexpectedly and find us taking it, or if we detect in ourselves a secret wish to conceal from him that we have taken it, then we are dishonest, no matter how small the value of the article may be. But if we are sure we have the consent of the owner, either expressed or implied, we are not dishonest, no matter how great the value of the article may be. When it is thus distinctly explained to young people that it is sometimes right to take the owner's consent for granted, they must not presume the consent to be implied when they have no right to do so. It will not do to say, " Oh, I think he will let us have it," and then take things, unless we are sure the owner has no objection to our taking them. Nor is it enough to know that he would let you have it if you asked for it. You must know that he would be willing to let you have it without asking for it. A man who had a large orchard would, no doubt, give apples to boys if they asked him ; but it does not follow that he would be willing that boys 28 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. should take apples from his orchard without asking. We must never take what belongs to another, unless we are quite sure he would be perfectly willing for us to take it without permission ; as, for instance, raspberries from his fields, or wild flowers from his meadow, or a drink of water from his well. These things are all his property. But we may take them without leave because it is absolutely certain, not only that he would be will- ing to give them to us, but also that he would not even wish us to ask him for them. But when, for any reason whatever, we have any cause to doubt the owner's con- sent, then the property must not be taken, whether its value is great or small ; as, if instead of wild raspberries from the farmer's field, it is strawberries from his garden which boys wish to gather, though the value of the fruit is nearly the same, it may be very right to take the wild raspberries, and yet very wrong to take the strawberries from his garden. , 3. An honest boy will be honest in fulfilling his agreements. To fail of fulfilling an agreement, openly and avowedly, is unjust. To contrive some artful or secret way of evading what we agreed to do, is dis- honest. There are many temptations to dishonesty in fulfilling agreements for work ; for the man who engages the workman to do it, very seldom knows exactly how it ought to be done. He contracts, perhaps, with a carpenter to build him a house, and he does not know himself what kind of materials ought to be used for all the various parts, nor how the work ought to be exe- cuted. It is so with the painter, the mason, the black- smith, and all the other trades. Those who work at them can, in fulfilling their contracts, take advantage of HONESTY. 29 their employer's imperfect acquaintance with the details of the work. But it is dishonest to do so. A contractor or builder ought to be as faithful as if all the world understood every particular of his work, and could judge of its thoroughness as well as himself. An honest mechanic will do so. He may at first not get so great a profit, but he enjoys a high satisfaction ; his mind is at peace, and he will secure a fine reputation ; while the dishonest workman, for the sake of a little greater gain, wounds his own spirit, and arouses conscience to com- plaints and murmurings and bitter reproaches, and after a time nobody will trust him. 4. An honest boy is honest in regard to property which some other person has lost, and which he has found, and he endeavors to restore it to the true owner. A dishonest boy does not wish to find the true owner and restore it to him. He wishes to secure it to him- self. On some dangerous coasts where vessels are liable to be wrecked, men sometimes go and live in huts on the beach, to be ready to plunder the cargoes and the passengers, as they are driven ashore by the waves. And sometimes they hold out false lights to deceive the sailors. They have no compassion for the unhappy men who barely escape a terrible death, and lose nearly all they have. They only wish to get what is left for them- selves. So they leave the suffering people to perish upon the sand, while they rob the passengers and carry away whatever of the cargo they can find. The honest man and honest boy think of the losers when they find what is lost, and do all they can to restore the property to the owner. 30 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. QUESTIONS. What is honesty? What is property? Mention some things which we Call property. How may we get property? How may we lose it? What are we bound to do with property? What is the grossest act of dishonesty? How are thieves universally regarded among men ? What is the second class of dishonest acts called ? Is it possible to avoid having property exposed, so that persons may take it dishonestly if they will ? Is property exposed before children generally? How? Do children generally think it as wi,cked to take things from their parents as it would be to steal from other people? Is there any reason why it should be considered more wicked? Is it wrong to gain any advantage or pleasure at the expense of other people, without their consent, or to take their property? Describe the case of the boy going to ride the horse to water. How can one steal the use of property? Describe the case of the man who hires a horse to go twenty miles. What is a boy in danger of becoming, who tries to ride on a car without paying? What is the meaning of expressed consent? What is the meaning of implied consent? Can you mention any case where a person would have an implied consent? What great danger are children exposed to in regard to this subject ? In what way are mechanics sometimes dishonest in respect to their work ? What does honesty require of us when we find things that have been lost? FIDELITY. We must not neglect nor slight the duties we owe to ourselves or others ; but we must do them earnestly and carefully. This is faithfulness or fidelity. THERE. is a difference between honesty and faithful- ness which may be illustrated thus : A boy is sent with a basket of fruit, to give to a sick person in the neigh- borhood. An honest boy will not take any of the fruit himself, but will deliver it safely. But suppose, when he has gone a little way, he should see some other boys playing, and should put his basket down and stop to play with them; he would be unfaithful. He would not be performing his duty in a thorough and careful manner. S Unfaithfulness often leads to dishonesty. If a boy slights or neglects duty from thoughtlessness, or forget- fulness, or want of care, he is merely unfaithful. If he does so with a secret design to deceive and defraud, he is unfaithful, and dishonest too. The workmen who attempt to defraud their employers by doing their work in an imperfect and insufficient manner are examples of this. They are unfaithful in their work, and dishonest to their employers. The distinction may be shown, too, in respect to promises. If we make any promise, secretly intending, when we promise, that we will not perform it, or that we will not perform it well, we are dishonest. Even if 31 32 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. we afterwards do fulfil the promise perfectly, we were dishonest in making it. But, on the other hand, if we make it in good faith, that is, honestly intending to keep it, and afterward from carelessness or design, neglect the fulfilment, we are unfaithful. Once a boy promised his sister that if she would give him a certain picture-book, he would make her a boat, to sail on the pond. She understood him to mean a wooden boat with masts and sails ; and he intended that she should understand him so. But he meant secretly to make her only a paper boat, which would be good for nothing ; for as soon as it was set afloat, it would begin to soak up the water, and very soon turn over or sink. He was dishonest in making his promise. Another boy, how- ever, who promised his sister a boat, really intended to make one ; but the time passed away and he did not do it ; other things interested him ; and, though his sister asked him for her boat many times, he never made it. This boy was honest in making his promise, but unfaithful in keeping it. The temptation to unfaithfulness is greatest in those duties or services which are somewhat indefinite in their nature; and it is in these that we ought to be particu- larly on our guard. If a man agreed to dig a cellar of a certain size, and to have it done on a certain day, the engagement would be very distinct and well defined. If, however, he were to undertake to build a dam across a stream sufficient for a mill, the engagement would be more indefinite and vague ; and the temptation to be unfaithful would be much greater in this last case than in the other ; because there are many ways of building a dam, which may have different degrees of strength FIDELITY. 33 and durability ; and the man, wishing to do the work with as little labor and expense as possible, would be very likely to think the dam strong when it was really not so. And then, his unfaithfulness could not be so easily and clearly proved against him in this case as in the other. So, if a teacher should give a boy, for a les- son, four examples in arithmetic to do, and should say that when he had got the answers which are given in the book, he might go out to play, it would be a very definite task; and the temptation to unfaithfulness would be comparatively small. But if he were to give him for his lesson two pages of a book, and require him to choose out and study all the difficult words in it, as a spelling lesson, this would be indefinite and vague ; because it is very uncertain, first, how many of the words the boy would have to consider as difficult words ; and secondly, how much he ought to study them. If the boy was in haste to go out to play, he would be much more likely to slight this lesson than the other one. It is best, therefore, that all commands, and all agreements and contracts, should be well defined, and clearly and distinctly expressed. Thus the tempta- tion to unfaithfulness is lessened. Young people are much exposed to the danger of being unfaithful. It requires, sometimes, much firmness and self-denial to be careful and persevering and thorough in what we do, when there is nobody to see whether we are so or not ; and then children are not often aware how. great the secret satisfaction is, which we feel when faith- ful work is done. A boy who is studying at his desk sometimes finds the temptation to be idle and to play very great, if the teacher is occupied with other duties ; 34 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. but yet, if he studies faithfully, whether he is observed or not, he will have peace and happiness, when the duties of the day are done, which the idle and unfaith- ful never enjoy. There is a nobleness in the character of the boy who is strictly faithful in the discharge of his duties. If he goes on steadily and firmly, always the same, whether he is observed by others or not, it shows that he is gov- erned by right principles, which make him worthy of confidence. The farmer's boy, who will work just as industriously whether his father is with him in the field or not, the trusty messenger, who is as careful of the property committed to him as he would be of his own, are characters that are respected and valued by all ; while he who does his duty only so long as he is watched, and when left to himself has no principle to sustain him, is suspected and disliked as soon as his character becomes known. Boys who acquire a character for fidelity enjoy many privileges and advantages which others do not. In fact, very many of the privations and restraints which most boys have to bear are occasioned by the fact that they cannot be trusted. They are not allowed to take a book or tool which they want, because they cannot be depended upon to use it carefully and to bring it back They are often kept at home when they want to go out, because they cannot be trusted to come back at the proper time. And so, in many ways, they suffer incon- venience and privation just because they are not faithful, and cannot be depended upon. A boy really faithful would so gain the confidence of his parents and teach- ers, that his requests would very seldom be refused. FIDELITY. 35 The advantages of a character for fidelity become still greater when the child grows up to be a man. The most important and desirable situations and employ- ments in life are such as require that those who are appointed to them should be trustworthy. Who would give the command of a ship, or the charge of a manu- factory, or the custody of money, or the building of a house, to men who could only be depended upon so long as they are watched ? Unfaithful men are shunned, so far as their characters are known ; while the faithful are sought for and prized, and through the whole of life, in childhood and manhood, they are far more prosper- ous and happy. A character for fidelity is invaluable ; and the way to establish a character for faithfulness is to be faithful in reality. QUESTIONS. What is the difference between honesty and faithfulness? Is it dishonest or unfaithful to neglect a duty from thoughtlessness? What is said about promises? Can a person be honest in making a promise and yet unfaithful in keeping it? Can he be dishonest in making it and yet faithful in keeping it? Relate the story of the boy who promised his sister a boat. In what kind of duties is the temptation to unfaithfulness greatest? What example is given of an engagement that would be indefinite? In which case would the temptation to unfaithfulness be the greater? What examples are given of definite and indefinite lessons? Are children peculiarly exposed to the danger of being unfaithful? Do they gain a momentary pleasure by being unfaithful ? Do they do themselves any injury by it? What injury? What advantages would a child enjoy who was known to be faithful? Of what advantage is a character for strict fidelity to a man ? JUSTICE. Justice requires that every person should enjoy all the priv- ileges and rights that are his due ; and we must not do wrong to any one, especially to the weak and defenceless : nor must we encourage wrong-doing by others. ONE may injure another without being unjust to him; for injustice is that particular kind of injury to any one which consists in violating his rights. A captain of a ship engages a boy to go with him to sea, to be his cabin-boy, and promises not only to take good care of him, but that he shall not have any severe or dangerous duties to perform. When they are out at sea, and the boy is entirely in the captain's power, he sends him away from the cabin, into the forecastle, with the sail- ors, some of whom are bad men, and makes him go aloft, and out on the spars, in the dark and stormy nights. This is unjust, for the boy has a right to different treat- ment ; and the captain in treating him in such a way is depriving him of his rights ; and so~ is unjust to the boy. But if, instead of taking the boy from the shore, and agreeing to take care of him, he had found him at sea, upon a wrecked vessel, just ready to perish, and had taken him on board his own ship, then such treatment would not be strictly called unjust. It might be harsh or cruel and it might be very wrong ; but it would not be that particular kind of wrong which is called injustice, 36 JUSTICE. 37 because the boy in this case would not have any partic- ular rights on board the captain's ship. There would have been no agreement made with him ; and therefore the captain, in treating him as he did all the other sail- ors, would not violate any of his rights. A boy is playing with his ball in a field, and it acci- dentally gets lodged in a tree, and he asks a larger boy to climb up and get it for him. It is not unjust for the larger boy to refuse to go. He did not lose the ball, and the first boy has no right to call upon him to go and get it. It might be that he ought to go, from a feeling of kindness and good will, still he would violate none of the first boy's rights in refusing ; and therefore, he could not be said to be unjust. But if the larger boy had been playing with the ball, and had lost it in the tree, then he would be unjust in refusing to climb up and get it ; for the little boy would have a right to require that whoever lost his ball should get it for him again, or at least try to get it. If, there- fore, the larger boy should go away, and leave it there, he would be guilty of injustice. Persons have a variety of rights, and there are many ways by which they may be violated. Very few of these ways can now be particularly explained. We ought to have a strong sense of justice in our hearts, as a set- tled principle, and then whatever the particular circum- stances may be, we shall be ready and willing to act justly. Those who have not such a settled principle are continually encroaching upon the rights of those who are smaller or weaker than themselves, or who are in any way in their power. There are many ways in which this injustice may appear, 38 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. i. Young people may be unjust in what they do. They may by some act deprive a brother or playmate of a right or an enjoyment which was properly his, or impose upon him some duty or labor which is more than his share. A boy was once sent by his father to carry a heavy basket to another house. His little brother was to go with him to help him. They put a pole under the handle of the basket, and then they took hold of the pole, one at each end. While they were getting it ready, the elder boy said to himself, " My little brother don't understand about placing the pole. If the handle of the basket comes just across the middle of it, then it will be just as heavy for him as for me. But i I slip the basket over nearer to him, his end will be heavy, and mine will be light ; he will carry more than half of the load, while I carry but little ; and he will not know that there is any difference, for he does not understand about placing the pole. But yet I will not do so. I should be unjust if I were to do so ; and I will not be unjust." Then the elder slipped the basket over nearer to his side of the pole ; and so he had to carry more than half. Thus he had a heavier load ; but he had the satisfaction of fe'eling that he was not unjust ; and that more than made it up to him. One boy takes a plaything from another and will not give it to him when he asks for it. He is unjust. He violates his rights. Every one has a right to his own property at all times. A boy knocks another's ball over a fence or wall, or trundles his hoop off down the street, or sets his little boat adrift upon the water. He is unjust. He is violating the other's rights. It is the same spirit which makes men oppressors and tyrants. And yet such cases are very common. JUSTICE. 39 A large boy borrows a ball from a little boy upon the playground, and then keeps it after the owner begs him to give it back to him. When you remonstrate with the large boy for doing so, he says, in excuse, " I was not going to keep his ball ; I was going to give it to him again." He admits that it would be very wrong to take away the ball, and keep it for his own use, but seems to think it is not wrong to keep it a little while. But it certainly is wrong. The wrong is of the same kind, and differs only in degree, whether you take away a person's property and keep it from him one hour or keep it forever. So long as you do keep it, after you know he wishes it to be returned, you are guilty of taking what belongs to another. You violate his rights. It is unjust ; it is oppressive. 2. Young people may be unjust in what they say. When we find fault with and condemn the absent, with- out hearing or considering what they might say in defence of themselves, we are unjust. When we are offended with a companion, and with angry words tell other persons of the wrong he has done, while we con- ceal or pass over slightly the wrong which we did our- selves, we are unjust. When we complain to a parent or teacher of some injury which a playmate has done us, while we say nothing about the provocation we gave him or the angry words we used, we are unjust. He has a right to claim that, if we tell the story at all, we shall tell it as it was, and not magnify his guilt and pass lightly over our own. If, therefore, we do not state the case fairly and impartially, we violate his rights, and do him injustice. We may be unjust in what we say to others as well 4O A PRIMER OF ETHICS. as in what we say of them. We may get angry with them without a cause, and so reproach them and hurt their feelings when they have not done any wrong. A boy asked his playmate to hold his kite for him till the breeze should come, and then toss it up, while he stood at a little distance with the string. His playmate took the kite, and when the breeze came and the other boy said, "Now," he tossed it up. But the tail got twirled somehow or other around his body and was broken off ; the kite rose a little way, and then, having lost its counterpoise, dived to the ground and broke its back- bone. The boy who owned the kite was very angry, and reproached the other bitterly. He was unjust. The breaking of the kite was an accident, for which the boy who tossed it up was not at all to blame. He did as well as he could ; and the other wounded his feelings by his harsh language and was guilty of great injustice. It is exceedingly common, both among boys and men, for persons to be vexed and irritated by an accident, and then to do great injustice to those who are innocently the cause of it, by assailing them in violent and angry language. 3. Young people can do injustice by their thoughts. When we hear complaints or accusations against any person, and readily believe them, without knowing what the accused might say in self-defence, we are generally unjust. Even if a person is very much to blame, he will generally appear less to blame, when we understand the case fully, than he did after we had only heard what was said against him. We must therefore be careful, and not judge hastily ; and we must not, even in our minds, JUSTICE. 41 condemn the absent unheard. We should not like to be judged and condemned thus ; and it is unjust for us to form opinions in this way about others. Thus there are many ways by which we may be un- just ; and in all these cases the injustice may be delib- erate and wilful, or it may arise from some error or bias of mind of which we are not conscious. Two boys determine to make a summer house in the garden, but cannot agree upon the place to build it, and they refer it to their sister to decide which is the better place, and the older boy tells her secretly that he will give her an apple if she decides in his favor. Now if she does so, while yet the place chosen by the other brother is the better, she is guilty of deliberate, intentional injustice. She knows very well that in deciding in favor of one brother, for the sake of the apple, she is doing injustice to the other ; so, it is a wilful wrong. But if, on the other hand, no bribe is offered, and if the older boy has been generally more kind to her so that she loves him better, her partiality may blind her judgment, so that she may decide in his favor without being conscious of any intentional injustice toward the other. Our feelings and our wishes do in many ways blind our minds and make us unjust. This is wrong, though it is not deliberate and wilful wrong. We ought to watch ourselves more carefully and be on our guard so as not to be led astray by our own prejudices, or by the representations of others. This kind of injus- tice is therefore wrong ; though deliberate and inten- tional injustice is much more criminal, and conscience is generally ready to make it known to us, more or less 42 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. distinctly, when we are about to treat our companions in an unjust and oppressive manner, in any of these ways. We are often under a great temptation to be unjust ; but we shall always promote our happiness, as well as do our duty, by resisting it. It is true that we can often gain something by violating the rights of our companions, by taking away some of their enjoyments or imposing upon them more than their share of incon- venience or labor. But those who will make the experi- ment will find that the satisfaction and happiness of being just, are far greater than any gain we can pos- sibly derive from encroachments upon the rights of others. QUESTIONS. Are all kinds of injuries to be considered as injustice? Relate the case of the captain and the cabin-boy. Would this be injustice? Why? Relate the other part of the supposition. Would this be a case of injustice, strictly speaking? Why? How is this illustrated by the story of the boys and the ball? Are there many ways of doing injustice? Is it possible to describe them all, and make rules against them? What is the only way by which a person can be preserved from doing injustice? What is the first of the ways mentioned in which children may be unjust? The second? The third? Relate the story of the boy and the heavy basket. Did he act wisely ? How may we be unjust in what we say? Do you recollect the story told to illustrate this? Was the boy who tossed up the kite in fault? What is the meaning of counterpoise ? Do you think it is common for boys to do each other injustice in such ways as this? JUSTICE. 43 How can we be unjust in our thoughts ? Is all injustice deliberate and wilful ? Can a person be unjust and yet not be sensible of it? Relate the case of the two boys who referred a question to their sister. What is this intended to show? POLITENESS. (> In school at work at play at home abroad, we meet with other people ; and we should treat them kindly not give them pain. This conduct, when marked by good manners, is politeness. *' Politeness is to do and say The kindest things in the kindest way." ? SOCIAL customs are different in every country, but true politeness is the same everywhere. Politeness is good manners, refinement of manners, polish or ele- gance of manners, good breeding. It is pleasing others by kind and gentle treatment, by anticipating their wants and wishes, and by carefully avoiding giving them pain. Let us think of politeness as controlling our behavior, ^.t home, at school, in the street, at work, in the cars or steamboats and in church. ? AT HOME. It is not polite to interrupt a conversation ^between persons older than yourself, unless you have something very important to say. It is not good man- ners. It is not polite to choose the best seat in the room, or at the table, or near the light in the evening, or near the heat in cold weather. Say "I thank you," not "thanks," when you are helped to anything, or when any civility or kindness is shown you. 44 POLITENESS. 45 It is not polite to frown or sulk or "answer back," when you are reproved for some neglect or offence. It is not polite to complain of the quality or the quan- tity of the food, which is set before you. AT SCHOOL. Always salute your teacher distinctly "when you enter the schoolroom. Do the same to your classmates, even if it be only with a bow or a smile. A well-bred scholar will give the teacher as little trouble as possible. Treat your teachers always as you would like to be treated, and ought to be treated, if you were a teacher. If your teacher seems to be harsh or partial, do not take it for granted that he is so ; possibly you are mis- taken. Wait a while. If there are brighter scholars in the class than you, be proud of them, praise them ; do not dislike them ; try by all fair means to excel them. IN THE STREET. You have a perfect right to your share of the sidewalk, but to no more than your share. You have no right to stand in a pathway anywhere, so that the people who would pass must go around you. Always give choice of way to women, and to men who are older than yourself. Never smoke a pipe, a cigar, or a cigarette in the street. It denies the air. It is not polite to spit on a pavement ; if necessary, go to the gutter. If you are trundling a hoop, or riding on any kind of wheels on a sidewalk, give the right of way to all foot- passengers. > AT WORK. Treat your fellow-workers with respect. Many of them are probably well-bred people ; if not, you can help them to be so, by your treatment of them. 46 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. Do not try to put any work that belongs to you on others ; better take a part of theirs. Do not be rough in speech or manners, and do not scold harshly one who is under you in any way. Treat your employers with unfailing respect, and if their character and conduct is such that you cannot safely or properly stay with them, seek employment elsewhere. - IN CARS OR STEAMBOATS. It is not polite to rush for the best seats, nor to occupy more room than you are fairly entitled to. In steam railway carriages you pay for one seat do not claim two. Do not talk or laugh in such a manner as to attract public attention. If you should smoke tobacco when you grow to be men, do not sit or stand where the wind blows the smoke past other passengers. It is not polite to spit on the floors of cars. You have no right to defile the floor which other people's clothing may touch. It is not polite, it is hardly decent, to be in the habit of spitting in the sight of other people. 7 IN CHURCH. Be in your seat before the services be- gin. Do not talk in church. Do not look at your watch during the service. Do not look around the congregation. It is not polite to do these things. Be quiet in church. Be ready to offer your seat and your book to a stranger. Do not use a fan to the annoyance of those near you. If you must fan yourself, do it very gently. Do not put on your gloves or overcoat until the ser- vices are all concluded. After the benediction, be per- fectly still for at least a quarter of a minute. POLITENESS. 47 QUESTIONS. What is politeness ? Where can we show politeness ? Is it polite to interrupt conversation? May you choose the best place or seat? May you answer back when rebuked? Should you treat others as you would be treated ? Is it good manners to obstruct the way of others? Is it good manners to smoke or spit in public? Is it better to be rough or gentle? What is correct behavior in cars or on steamboats? What are good manners in church? What is your idea of a polite, well-bred boy or girl? Is your behavior likely to affect your success in life ? DUTIES AT SCHOOL. Children at school are under obligation to their parents or guardians to be diligent and faithful in making the best use of their time. They must obey their teachers promptly and cheer- fully. THE first duty for children at school is to be diligent and faithful in improving their time and privileges. There is pleasure in play, and advantage in study. But children make a great mistake in attempting to enjoy the pleasures of play in school hours. There is so much fear of detection, and such constant uneasiness from doing wrong, that playing in school is anything but pleasure. The fears, the anxieties, the forebodings, which necessarily attend it, almost always make it a source of suffering rather than enjoyment. Even more : idleness in school generally carries its own punishment along with it. Time passes very slowly and heavily to a boy or girl who is idle and listless, waiting for time to pass away, and for close of school. Such a pupil sits restlessly at his seat, now looking out of the window, now counting up how many more classes have yet to recite, and now musing, his elbow upon his desk, and his cheek upon his hand, forlorn and miserable. His neighbor, however, in the next seat, is preparing his lesson for the next day. He says to himself, " It is useless to be idle. Here 4 8 DUTIES AT SCHOOL. 49 I must stay till school is done. I should like very well to go out to play ; but as I cannot do that, I may as well be employed and forget play." And thus the time passes quickly. So he works diligently upon his next day's lesson, and takes great satisfaction in feeling that he is going on with his duty ; and when at last the bell is struck, he is surprised to find that the time for dismission has come so soon. It requires an effort sometimes a great effort to bring the mind to a state of diligent application ; but if the effort is made, it is at once rewarded by the satis- faction and enjoyment which faithful industry affords. Besides, it is very wrong to waste or misimprove the privileges which are provided for children. Parents and teachers know the value of education, and they wish to secure it for those who are now in the schools. Children are bound to submit with cheerfulness to all the requirements of their teachers, as to their studies and conduct in school. Children cannot choose their studies. The teacher will establish rules which the pupil sometimes thinks unnecessary or too strict. But it is of no consequence if he does think so. The teacher must decide. A pupil should never put his opinion or his will in opposition to that of the teacher. He must reflect that when he grows up, it may be his time to command. But now it his duty to obey. In almost all schools there are some dull pupils, who are unprincipled in character as well as weak in intellect, who busy themselves in tricks and roguery. They do all they can to lead better boys to practise the same things ; and they contrive plans for making difficulties, disturbing the order of the school, and giving the teacher 5O A PRIMER OF ETHICS. trouble. If there can be any satisfaction in disturbing the teacher's peace and happiness, they certainly get it, for nothing is more likely to give a teacher pain, than to find any pupils in a state of deliberate and wilful hostil- ity to the authority of the school. Such characters are to be shunned, and their guilty practices to be discoun- tenanced and discouraged in every way. If they find that the intelligent and the good altogether disapprove of their course, they may perhaps abandon it and return to their duty. Do not trouble the teacher with frivolous complaints about other pupils, or be a tale-bearer to carry stories of their misconduct. If the teacher does anything which you think is wrong, do not tell the story exult- ingly and with exaggeration. Remember, when you speak of the teacher or of the pupils away from school, that they are not present to hear your accusations, and to excuse, explain, or defend their conduct. You must be very careful, therefore, not to do them injus- tice. State everything fairly, just as it is, and mention all the favorable as well as the unfavorable circum- stances. We ought never to accuse or censure the absent, unless peculiar circumstances render it nec- essary or unavoidable ; and then we ought to be very careful lest we do them injustice. While children should be very unwilling and slow to speak of the faults of others, yet, when they are required by a parent or teacher to give information in regard to any wrong that has been done, they should do what witnesses are sworn to do, when they give evidence in courts of justice : they should state all that they know, promptly, fully, and with exact justice to all DUTIES AT SCHOOL. 5! concerned. It is dishonorable to be constantly making complaints of others for the sake of getting favor to one's self ; and it is always so considered. Such a person is an informer, a tale-bearer. But to make honest statements of facts, when required to do so by the proper authorities, is honorable and praiseworthy ; and this is universally so considered among men. It is giving testimony. No gentleman refuses to do it, when called upon the stand in court ; and no child ought to make any difficulty in doing it, when he, too, is called upon by those who have a right to make the demand. It undoubtedly requires firmness and decision to re- sist all the various temptations which occur at school, and to be at all times diligent, faithful, and persevering, in fulfilling the duties which arise there. But when good habits are formed, it will be easy to continue them ; and the effort which it is necessary to make, will be richly rewarded by the great advantages which they will bring in future life. QUESTIONS. What is the first duty of a child at school? Is it pleasant to be idle in school hours ? Does it make the time seem shorter or longer to be busy ? What did the industrious boy say to himself? Do children always like to do what their teachers direct? Ought they to obey the rules whether they approve them or not? Ought they to obey good-humoredly ? How may children treat their teachers unjustly? Is it right to tell the faults of other scholars ? When it is required by the teacher, how should it be done? Should unkind tales of other scholars be repeated out of school ? DUTIES TO PLAYMATES. v When with playmates, we must avoid those who are vicious ; ^^we must encourage those who do right ; we must discourage those who do wrong, and protect the weak and defenceless. We must promote good feeling, and be kind to all. ^ I. One of the most important things for boys to con- sider, as to their playmates, is to avoid the company of the vicious. The vicious are such as lie, cheat, steal, and use profane and corrupt words. If a boy goes into a new neighborhood, or comes to a new school, or is thrown among boys whom he did not know before, he will soon learn who are the vicious. They will betray themselves by their language, or be openly unjust and oppressive to the smaller boys, or they will have some plan for deceiving the teacher, and, perhaps, will pro- pose to the other boys to join them in a deliberate lie. Whenever you discover such a character as this, avoid him. Be civil when you meet him, but have as little to do with him as possible. You must be especially on your guard if you find that he tries to keep your com- pany, or wants you to go with him. Be firm and reso- lute in avoiding him. If not, he will probably make you as bad as himself. 7 2. Always try to encourage doing right, and to dis- courage doing wrong, among your playmates, by every means in your power. Boys are very often led to do what is wrong, by knowing that other boys are looking 52 DUTIES TO PLAYMATES. 53 on and approving what they do. Bystanders, who thus encourage others in doing wrong, share the guilt of it. They are accomplices. A boy was once led to throw stones at the back windows of the schoolhouse and break the glass, by the influence of boys, who stood by, and dared him to do it. So, if one man is breaking into a house in the night, and another holds the light for him, and a third stands doing nothing, but yet consenting to the deed, and another acts as a sentinel to prevent dis- covery, they are all alike guilty. If a circle of boys gather around two, who are quarrelling or fighting, and look on with interest and gratification, they all partake of the wrong-doing. A true, manly boy will not do this. If he sees anything wrong, or hears anything wrong pro- posed, he will discourage and prevent it if he can ; and if not, he will go away. He will not countenance, by his presence, anything which his conscience condemns. 3. Always try to protect the weak and defenceless, and to help all who are in any difficulty or trouble. We might suppose that no one would degrade himself so much, as to be guilty of cruelty and oppression to those who are younger and smaller than himself. But there are boys who will do this. Their consciences, however, condemn them while they do it ; and the influence of the good opinion of others will sometimes keep them from doing wrong. They know it is wrong, and if the other boys condemn it, they will often refrain from doing it. By taking part with the oppressed, it is often possible to diminish very much the oppression; and there are many other ways by which a just and conscientious boy may help to protect his playmates from injury. ':UHI7ERSIT7" oy 54 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. -7 4. Promote peace and good will among your play- mates, A boy may do much to secure harmony among his companions, by explaining misunderstandings, by representing things that occur, in a favorable light, and, by being an example of kindness and good nature, in all his conversation and conduct. On the other hand, he may do much to cause discord and ill will, by trying to set one boy against another, by repeating harsh things which have been said, by exaggerating difficulties and misunder- standings, and by indulging, and encouraging others to indulge a revengeful and a passionate spirit. One of the most common ways of causing ill will, both among children and grown persons, is, when we hear anything said in ridicule or censure of an absent person, to go and tell him of it, and thus exasperate him against the person who said it. This is very wrong. We never should repeat what is likely to produce ill will, unless some peculiar circumstances render it necessary. Some per- sons do it on purpose to make difficulty. They go to one person and tell him what severe things another has said of him. Then they go to the other, and make the same complaint to him against the first, exaggerating, and perhaps wholly inventing, the things which they say they have heard. Such a character is a tale-bearer. We must never listen to a tale-bearer when he comes to tell us unkind stories about others'. We must be very careful also, not to speak ill of persons absent, so as to give any tale-bearer who may hear, an opportunity to repeat our words to them, and make them angry. And, in all our own conversation with our companions, we must endeavor to soften their angry feelings and make them excuse the faults of others ; and we must care- DUTIES TO PLAYMATES. 55 fully suppress and conceal all that would tend to alienate one of our playmates from another, and produce secret ill will, or, perhaps, open quarrels. 5. Young people should be courteous to one another in their manners. Boys ought to be gentlemanly, and girls ladylike, in all their conversation and demeanor. There is every reason for this. It is proper in itself. Politeness is only gentleness and kindness expressed in our manners and conversation. Gentleness and kind- ness are agreeable ; they promote happiness ; while a rude, rough, and ill-natured manner makes others un- comfortable. All sharp and hasty words, quick contra- dictions, eager selfishness about little things, struggles for the best seats and best places, taunting and uncivil questions, rude answers, and all loud, rough, and bois- terous conduct, in the presence of grown persons, in the house or anywhere else, all such manners are rude and unbecoming. They disturb the peace and happiness of others ; and whoever wishes to be conscientious in duty, will be careful to form very different habits of conduct. Two boys are running to overtake their companions, and they come to a stone wall where there is only one good place to climb over. They rush together for the gap. They scramble and crowd into it, each pulling back the other. The stronger boy prevails. He throws the other back among the fallen stones, and then dashes through, and runs on, leaving his playmate behind, bruised, vexed, and unhappy. Two other boys come up to the gap in the wall under the same circumstances. The elder, with instinctive politeness, slackens his pace an instant, to let the other 56 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. pass over before him. Small boys never like to be behind in overcoming a difficulty. It makes them anxious, and afraid that they will be left behind. The elder therefore helps his young companion through, and then follows ; then they run on, both in undis- turbed fun. The politeness has wasted no time; it has diminished no pleasure; it has caused no pain. And so it always is. Politeness and kind consider- ation for others, smooth the roughness of play, over- come difficulties and heighten enjoyment. They bind playmates together in strong bonds of affection, and form in boys and girls such manners and habits, as make them objects of regard and affection while they are young, and secure for them great advantages, when they grow up, in their intercourse with the world at large. QUESTIONS. In choosing playmates, whom must we avoid? What are vicious boys? How do vicious boys generally show their characters ? What effect is the acquaintance of a vicious boy likely to have ? In what way ought a boy to use his influence over his playmates? If a boy encourages another to do wrong, does he not share in the guilt of it? How is this illustrated by the case of the broken windows? Suppose you know of a wrong about to be done, and you cannot prevent it, what must you do? What is the third direction given in the lesson? Do cases of oppression and cruelty often occur among boys ? Can good boys do anything to prevent it? How? Can a boy do anything to promote peace among his playmates ? In what way? Can he do anything to promote dissension and ill will? In what way? DUTIES TO PLAYMATES. 57 Do these principles apply to girls as well as boys ? Did you ever know boys or girls to take pleasure in telling their- playmates the evil which others have said of them ? Is this right or wrong? What harm does it do? What is meant by being courteous? Describe the cases of the boys and the stone wall. BENEVOLENCE. It is our duty to do good to other people and make them happy. This is benevolence. Doing intentionally anything that gives other people pain, without just cause, is malice. MALICE is very hateful. We must not suppose, how- ever, that in every case where a person causes suffering to another, there is malice. It is not malicious un- less he intends to make others suffer. Two boys go down to the water, to sail a toy boat. It is at a place where the road passes along by the shore, and where the water is shallow, and the bottom is sandy, so that travellers can drive their horses in a little way to let them drink. The boys play with their boat until at last it gets out beyond their reach, and they do not know what to do. Now, suppose a gentleman and a lady should come along in a carriage, busily engaged in talking, and should drive into the water, and run over the boat, let- ting the horses trample it down, because they would not take the trouble to turn aside ; and then the gentle- man were to say, "There, boys, we've run over your boat ; but you'd no business to have it in the way." This would be harsh ; but it would not be malicious. It would only be a selfish disregard of the happiness of others. The gentleman did not particularly wish to run over the boat, but he did not take pains to avoid it. But, suppose a 'rough boy were to come along on foot, 58 BENEVOLENCE. 59 and, seeing the boat floating away, should take up stones to throw at it ; and, after throwing several times, should succeed in hitting it and breaking it to pieces ; and then should go away, laughing at the sorrow and distress which the children would feel. This would be malicious. And, again, suppose instead of the malicious boy on foot, two boys were to come along in a wagon, and, see- ing the boat out upon the water, should say to the chil- dren, " Can't you get back your boat ? " and when the children say, " No," suppose they were to cut a long stick, and drive in as far as they could go safely, and then reach out with the stick, and carefully draw the boat to the shore. This would be benevolent. Suppose another man were to drive over the boat, without seeing it, and then, after his horse had finished drinking, were to drive on, without knowing that he had done any mischief. This would not be benevolent, nor malicious, nor selfish. It would be merely an acci- dent, and worthy of no praise, and of no blame. Thus we may injure others accidentally ; or we may injure them because we do not care about their happi- ness, but only wish to secure our own ends, which is selfishness ; or we may injure them intentionally, for the sake of giving them pain, and gratifying bad pas- sions by seeing them suffer ; this is malice. Malice is always hateful. But it is not always malicious to do a person an injury ; and we must, therefore, when harm is done to us, consider the case calmly, and not charge a person who injures us with being malicious, unless the case is such as to prove that he really is so. There is some distinction to be made in regard to acts of kindness and benevolence. If we do good to 6O A PRIMER OF ETHICS. others accidentally, or without a design to do them good, it is not benevolence ; as, for instance, where a gardener threw the cuttings and trimmings of the garden in a heap, and a boy found some rose-bush shoots, with little roots, among them, and set them out ; and where a man overflowed his meadow, to kill the alders, and thus made a fine skating-ground for the boys. He intended, it is true, to overflow his meadows, but he did not intend any advantage to the boys by it. Therefore it was not benevolent. And even when we do intend to benefit other persons by what we do, if our object, in the end, is to benefit ourselves, it is not benevolence. A man wants to have his horse watered, and, having no other convenient way, tells a boy who lives near him that he may ride him down to the stream, and let him drink. Now, although the man knows very well that the boy would like to go, yet, if his object is, not to give the boy the gratifi- cation of a ride, but only to get his horse watered, then there is no benevolence in the action. Most men, in such cases, are influenced by both motives ; and thus the action is, in part, a benevolent one. When one does what seems to be benevolent, while yet his real intention is to gain some good for himself, he may be doing right or he may be doing wrong ; it depends upon circumstances. But, right or wrong, it is not benevolence. As malice, or malevolence, consists in doing evil for the purpose of gratifying bad passions, by making persons suffer, so benevolence consists in doing good for the purpose of making them happy. The latter is excellent and lovely ; the former is to be abhorred. BENEVOLENCE. 6 1 To tease, or torment, the weak and defenceless make them unnecessary trouble, or give them pain is malicious. Wounding their feelings, by ridiculing them, or calling them nicknames, or terrifying them by threats of violence, to gratify our own bad passions, or to make amusement for ourselves or others, is mali- cious. So is every mode of worrying or torturing the poor defenceless animals, that cannot speak to remon- strate against our cruelty, or beg to be spared, all this is malicious. It is one of the darkest traits that the human character can assume. So far as it prevails at the school, upon the playground, or at home, it makes misery. It destroys peace ; it banishes smiles ; and it clouds the face with an expression of suffering and sorrow. It promotes revenge, hatred, mutual ill will, and continual strife. It is detestable. On the other hand, kindness and good will carry a charm with them wherever they go. Even in little things, where good feeling shows itself only in pleasant words and gentle looks, it is like sunshine, which glad- dens every group and every scene that it falls upon. A good-natured and obliging boy, who will be ready to help those who are in difficulty ; to protect the defenceless and the oppressed ; to share his enjoyments with his playmates, and to speak in a kind and gentle manner to all, one such boy sometimes diffuses happi- ness over a whole school, or a whole neighborhood ; and if the world were filled with such people, a very happy world it would be. 62 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. QUESTIONS. What is benevolence? What is malice ? When one person occasions suffering to another, is it always malicious ? What is essential in order to make it so ? Relate the case of the children and the boat. Who came there first, and what did they do ? Was this malicious? Did they wish to do any injury to the boat? Who came next, on foot? What did he do? Did he intend to destroy the boat? Was this malice? Did the suffering of the children give him pain, or amuse him? Who came in a wagon? What did they do ? What kind of conduct was this ? Did it pain or amuse these boys to see the children suffer from the loss of their boat? Is it likely the boat was a valuable one? Would that make any difference in regard to the character of the transactions? How might the boat have been injured accidentally? Suppose a person does some good to others, for the sake of gaining some object of his own : is that benevolence ? What influence does a malicious boy exert upon those connected with him? What influence does a kind and benevolent boy or girl exert? Do you sometimes observe malicious character and conduct among boys and girls? Do you sometimes observe kind and benevolent acts ? DUTIES TO DUMB CREATURES. The birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the animals that creep or walk on the earth, were made for man's use, and are more or less under his power. They cannot speak, and their defenceless condition is an appeal for kind treatment. THERE are at least three reasons why we should treat dumb creatures kindly. - I. FOR THE SAKE OF THE CREATURE ITSELF. Do HOt make it wretched. Cruelty to dumb creatures and cruelty to children are alike in kind ; it is the strong oppressing the weak, aggravated in the case of dumb creatures, for they cannot complain, they cannot defend themselves, and they do not revenge their wrongs. If dumb creatures could talk, we would not be so likely to be cruel to them. 2. FOR OUR OWN SAKE. One who is tender and com- passionate in his feelings will not confine his pity to man alone, but will pity dumb creatures also. A boy who is cruel to dumb creatures will, unless he is changed, become cruel to any persons under him. The feelings become blunted and hardened ; the tendency is toward the savage. 3. FOR GOD'S SAKE. The Bible abounds in references to the dumb creatures. "A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast." " Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn." " Doth God care for the 63 64 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. oxen ? " " Not even a sparrow falleth to the ground without your Heavenly Father," etc. A boy of twelve years was driving a pair of very small oxen on the shore of a bay of salt water. It was a warm day in May, and the oxen were tired and thirsty. See- ing the water, and not knowing it to be salt, they broke from the little driver's control, and rushed into the water to drink ; but they could not drink salt water. The boy beat them over the head with his rough stick and soon brought them under control again. A gentleman who saw it, talked with the boy, who was angry, and tried to show him how cruel it was to beat the oxen, for they only tried to get water ; and especially he told the boy of the danger of beating them over the head, lest he should hurt their eyes and make them blind. The boy took the advice kindly ; he had never been talked to about it before ; he promised not to do so again. One of the best things the English author Sterne ever wrote, was the incident of Uncle Toby and the fly. The fly had been buzzing about Uncle Toby's face and head during dinner, until he was compelled to catch it. The first impulse was to crush it, but the kindly old man did a better thing. He rose from the table, opened the window and threw it out, saying, " Go, poor thing, get thee gone ; there is room enough in the world for thee and me both." In London there is a hospital or refuge for homeless, friendless dogs, where they are saved from starvation ; and if not found to be of any value, or not called for by owners, they are put to death without pain. All honor to the people who establish and support such an asylum. * There are places in other cities where sick and DUTIES TO DUMB CREATURES. 65 wounded cats and dogs are received and treated with much care and tenderness, and a great University has prepared a place where sick horses and other animals may be cared for. Much of the cruelty which is inflicted on dumb crea- tures is from thoughtlessness and indifference. Little children will worry and vex young kittens and dogs, not knowing how much pain they give. Boys who drive cattle, use heavy sticks which bruise the flesh. A boy driving a cart will use the heavy end of his whip on the horse or mule. The driver of a street car will beat a horse if he slips or stumbles. A refinement of cruelty is to rein up a horse by a kind of bridle, which compels him to hold up his head to a painful and unnatural height. Street cars are too often overloaded, and the suffering to which the horses are thus subjected is deplorable. Rabbits and other animals, by the hundreds, are tor- tured by medical students in order to learn what has been learned often before by other students, the results of which have been published. This is called vivisec- tion. The poor, helpless, dumb creatures are tortured by man for his profit, in his passion, or in the name of science. Cruelty to dumb creatures has become such an ad- mitted fact, that societies have been formed for its pre- vention, whose agents look after animals and punish people who ill-treat them. Much of this ill-treatment is due to thoughtlessness ; but the want of thought is itself wrong, and ought to be corrected. An idle boy at school digs with a penknife a hole in the top of his desk, then fits a little piece of glass in it, and catches and imprisons flies in it to perish. Boys sometimes 66 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. catch flies and stick pins through them, and so fasten them to a board or desk ; or pull off their wings or legs. Boys tease and worry cats, and sometimes stone them to death. Some boys carry gum-elastic slings (sling- shots) to shoot pebbles at birds. This causes suffering and sometimes death to living creatures, for no other purpose than the excitement of learning to shoot accu- rately. It is quite common to put up pigeons in a coop and gather a company of sportsmen for practice in shooting. The birds are let loose, and the gunners fire at them as they fly. Killed and wounded, they fall to the ground, and records are kept of the successful shooting. Can anything be more cruel ? There is not even the excuse that the birds are killed for food ; it is only for sport. An exhibition of this kind was once made on a large scale. Thousands of pigeons were killed, wounded, and crippled by men who shot at them for the purpose of ascertaining who could kill, wound, and cripple the greatest number. The prize was a diamond badge, and the winner was called a champion, precisely as if he had performed some notable feat. Champions of this sort ought to go to jail. The dumb beasts, as well as human beings, are God's creatures. He made them all ; He cares for them all. The hunter shoots and wounds the squirrel. The poor creature creeps to its hole, lies writhing in agony, and finally dies a lingering, painful death. How little the gunner thinks or cares for this ! How do we know but that " the poor beetle that we tread upon, In corporal suffering feels a pang as great As when a giant dies ? " DUTIES TO DUMB CREATURES. 6? Some young men go to a livery stable, hire a horse and carriage, and go off to a tavern, get drunk, and drive the horse until he drops dead. A man overworks a horse in a cart ; the wheel gets into a rut ; the horse is unable to pull it out, but he cannot say so, and the man falls to beating him, not with a whip, but with a heavy stick, or bludgeon. The horse cannot defend him- self ; he cannot even complain of this cruel treatment. There are vicious people who train chickens and dogs for fighting. We call this brutal. It is not the proper word ; the brutes are better than this. To do wrong or to hurt one who is younger or weaker than ourselves is the act of a coward, and any one who needlessly hurts a dumb creature is a coward. It is a serious offence to call a person a coward, but it is not too harsh a word to apply to one who ill-treats a helpless dumb creature. By common consent many dumb animals are claimed by man for food, and the claim generally is not ques- tioned ; but we cannot eat them alive, so we put them to death. This, however, should be done as quickly and with as little pain as possible. Fish, when caught for food, should not be allowed to die slowly gasping for their natural element, but should be killed promptly. Young people should not be permitted or encouraged to be present when animals are put to death. It is for this reason that people having the care of boys, in seek- ing suitable work for them, will not willingly have them taught the trade of a butcher, however necessary that occupation may be, lest the sight of blood and of death should be hurtful to the young mind. 68 A PRIMER OF ETHICS. QUESTIONS. What are dumb creatures ? How many reasons for treating them kindly? What are they ? What is the story of the boy and the oxen? Tell the story about Uncle Toby. Are there hospitals for sick animals ? Mention some ways in which people are cruel to animals. Is it right or wrong to have shooting-matches? What about fishing? Should we fish for sport simply? Is it brave or cowardly to hurt those who are younger or weaker than we are? What is it when a dumb creature is abused ? When animals are killed for food, how should it be done ? TREATMENT OF ENEMIES. If we have enemies, we ought not to do them evil; but so far as it is in our power, we ought to do them good. If we cannot do them good, we must bear their enmity with a patient and forgiving spirit. This is best for us, and best for our enemies; and it is a duty which God requires. AN enemy is one who wilfully does us an injury. If a boy gives pain or suffering to another accidentally, he is not his enemy. If a parent punishes a child, and thus gives him pain, the parent is not on this account the child's enemy ; for his design is to do good, and not evil. Enmity is a feeling which leads one to desire to. do evil to another, not because it is necessary in order to accomplish some good object, but to gratify hatred or revenge. A person may do an injury to others, not for the sake of injuring them, but :o gain some advantage himself. In such a case, he is not, strictly speaking, their enemy. If some boys were to get into an orchard to steal the fruit, they would not be, on this account, the owner's enemies ; for their motive is only to obtain the fruit for themselves ; they do not particularly wish to do the owner any injury. They have no feelings of enmity and ill will towards him. If there were apple-trees growing in the road, they would as readily take them there, as go into the orchard for them. So they are not his enemies. 69 7