GIFT OF JANE K.5ATHER IJ Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// t ^.% * •»■ ir f»\ ic % r.5i iM r-N**! ;i: Ifc-a! fc-^Ji !e,-^l |^-'-- i->-»i .^-i.1 !*-■-%! S tory... or THE 4T UGUEN0TS m'. Klorlcja Historical Xales. I AUTHOH'S COITION. Story of the Huguenots A SIXTEENTH CENTURY NARRATIVE WHEREIN THE FRENCH, SPANIARDS AND INDI- ANS WERE THE ACTORS, BY K. A. IVTANN. Mann & Mann, Publishers, St. Augustine, Fla. 1898. H '•-' Lo COPYRIGHT, 1898, BY F. A. MANN. , • • ••••*•• • . ••• • • ^« I • r • •• • • . . • INTRODUCTION. This is a simple story of the century in which Flor- ida made its appearance in written history; of other times and manners ; of men whose forms the writer has sought to once more call upon the stage of Life's strange theatre, if only like the ghosts at Macbeth's feast to de- nounce the crimes and cruel statecraft which stained Florida's first historic pages. If it be sad and tragic blame not the writer, but those who made the record. Be not too harsh in judgment even upon them ; they were but creatures of their times and circumstances ; waifs of destiny cast by the break- ers of relentless fate upon our shores. To the author's Mother, herself a descendant of the Huguenots, this book is dedicated. Florian a. Mann. Daytona, Fla., May 24th, 1897. 430770 KLORIDA. Neither prose, however deftly written by a master of language ; or poetry full of the subtlest, grandest inspir- ation ; or the art of the painter, however well the artist hand and pencil may respond to ideal conceptions of scenic beauty ; can more than approximate a presenta- tion of Florida to the mind of one who has not wandered in its forests, stood by its sea, lake and river shores, breathed its balmy air and rejoiced in its sunshine. On all the surface of this great globe, Florida is unique and matchless in its peculiarities of climate, soil and topography. In the latitude of the great African Sahara, washed by the same ocean, the climate and scenery of this peninsular region is at every point the opposite. So with its soil ; its many and varied agricultural productions ; its animal life, indigenous or domesticated; its general surface and configuration. More than three centuries ago the first settlement of Europeans was made upon her shores, yet to-day an hour's walk or ride from the boundaries of any of her towns will take one into the primitive wilderness of for- est and savanna, dale, hammock or cypress bay, wherein Ponce de Leon lost himself nearly four hundred years ago. Fire swept, war swept, though the land has been again and again, yet nature regains her dominion and erases the traces of attempted conquest. The hordes of painted savages, the bannered Armies of later days, have melted into the earth and left no lasting traces behind. The lofty pines throw down their fragrant needles in soft carpets over the paths worn by their feet. The flowers and the grasses hide their camping grounds and their graves alike from sight. Changeless, yet ever changing and forever beautiful, Florida is still the fair temple of nature as erected at the first, for as yet the hand of man has added or marred but little. Still, as in the prehistoric times, the tides lap her silver beaches along more than a thousand miles of shore. Her rivers flow with tranquil currents to every point of the compass untrammeled by man, yet furnish- ing easy channels for his commerce or weirdly beautiful ones for his pleasures. Her great, clear fountains well up from subterranean reservoirs bounteous and exhaust- less as ever. Her thousand lakelets and inland seas flash back like polished silver mirrors the glorious sunshine of continuous summer days or the jewelling stars of nights equally as perfect. So too, as always since known to human beings, wild or half way civilized, the winds of heaven bring to all its parts, inland or coastland, sweet- ness, health and coolness. Here no sirocco comes with burning breath to shrivel up flower and leaf, blade of corn or grass. No blizzard comes from polar zones to bind in fetters of icy death. No cyclones tear down her palms and pines, her sturdy, stately oaks and their congeners, mingling uprooted trunks and mangled limbs with wrecks of human fabrics. Nor yet as in other lands that would rival this, does nature in a mood of anarchy and chaos, hold aloft the volcano's torch or rock and cleave the earth with earth- quake horrors. Here she shows her gentlest spirit and bids love reign, in beauty, peace and comfort. Here she woos men to come and build their homes, by stream or lake or ocean shore, with the voices of gen- tle waves, the seolian harps of pine forests or the unriv- aled minstrelsy of feathered songsters who surely learned their notes hard by the gates of Eden. Vain is the attempt to idealize Florida, as master minds have other lands. She has no ^gean sea, no vale of Tempe, no Parnassus or Olympian heights; no blue tideless Mediterranean, no snow crowned Alps or Appe- nines. Few are her sad stories of human woes and mis- ery, lurid with war and conflagration, brightened with sunbursts of glory and victory, blackened with the despair of ages. Yet can she forego all these and still be as fair a land as any under the sun for this is what she is just as God and nature made her. Historical Notes. Ill 1512, Juan Ponce de Leon, Spanish governor of Porto Rico, fitted out three ships at his own expense, for a voyage of discovery. He was an old soldier, brave and skillful in the art of war, but ignorant and credulous*. He was lured to Florida by tales of a miraculous foun- tain of youth somewhere within its borders. He sailed from Porto Rico March 13th and on the 6th of April discovered a fair land to which, from the abun- dance of flowers found in its forests and the day upon which he discovered it, Easter Sunday, or as the Span- iards call it Pascua Florida, he gave the name it still bears. It is not certain at what place he first landed but on the 12th of April lie landed in the vicinity where St. Augustine now stands, and taking formal possession of the country for Spain, proceeded to explore its coast. It is needless to say that he failed to find both youth and gold, and that on his second expedition a few years later his little army was broken up in warring with the natives and he himself was mortally wounded. The expeditions of Pamphilo de Narvaez in 1528 and Ferdinand de Soto in 1539, the latter of which landed at Tampa, in the end shared the same fate; Narvaez drowning with the bulk of liis followers in the Gulf of Mexico and De Soto dying on the banks of the Mississ- ippi. These expeditions were more marauding and plun- dering expeditiohB than anything .else, resulting in little good except to add to geographical knowledge. The first attempt at practical, permanent coloni- zation, was made by Admiral Coligny of France, who ■ Bought to provide a refuge for the French Huguenots in Florida. In 1662 he sent out under Jean Ribault and Rene Laudonniere two vessels with colonists and sup- plies. They first sighted land near Mosquito Inlet and coasting northward discovered the mouth of the St. Johns, wiiich they called the River of May. '' He was met on its shores by many of the native men and women. These received him with gentleness and peace." They made orations to each other which neither understood except their kindly import and exchanged presents. The genial, kindly Frenchmen were greeted everywhere with " grace and gentleness by a goodly people of lively wit and fine stature." Sometimes when the Huguenots landed first, the natives fled to their coverts but were soon coaxed back by them and ''persuaded finally to confidence." The native Floridians " brought forward gifts of maize, palm baskets of fruit and flowers and dressed skins of bear and deer." Laudonniere speaks of the " odorous flowers, the fish Hwarming in the streams, the game in the forests, the gardens and villages of pleasant, peaceable people." However, this expedition made no attempt at coloni- zation within the present limits of Florida. This was not done until 1604, when a settlement was established on the St. Johns near its mouth and left in charge of Laudonniere. The bloody tale of its destruction by Melendez in 1666 is one of the many black pages of Span- ish history. PART I. THE HISTORY OF IT. Story of the Huguenots. CHAPTER I. FOUNDING OF LA OAROLINE. The first expedition of Ribault and Laudonniere in 1562 established no colony within the limits of Florida. It however attempted a settlement at Port Royal in South Carolina which was abandoned in 1563, the colo- nists building a rude brigantine in which they attempted to return to France. They nearly perished by famine but were picked up by an English vessel and taken home. lu 1564, through the influence of the great Admiral of France, Coligny, a second expedition was fitted out of three ships and the new armament was assigned to the command of Laudonniere, a man of intelligence, a good seaman rather than a soldier. He found it easy enough not only to procure sailors for his shij)s but settlers for the proposed colony. He and those witli him on the former expedition were able to testif j'' truly to the '' wonderful beauty of the country, the sweetness of the climate, the richness and variety of its fruits and flowers, the game in its for- ests, the multitudes of fine fish in its waters." Many still believed in De Leon's fountain of youth, in the dreams of rich cities and mines of gold and silver hid- den somewhere in its boundaries, that animated De Soto. It did not matter that heretofore death had kept the portals of the country. They were men who had defied 41;/; vf^'rw rjCiPKJf DA'. HISTORICAL TALES. him in the many battle fields of the civil wars which had raged in France for years. Not only did many sol- diers volunteer, but workers and artisans in abundance. The passion for adventure, exploration and conquest had been raised to the highest pitch in the military class by the exploits of Cortez, Pizarro, Balboa and those of De Leon and De Soto, unfortunate as they were; while to the oppressed artisans and peasantry of Europe the new fertile lands, unbounded in extent and virgin, with the promise of a freedom not possible at home had great attraction. In fact far more volunteers presented them- selves than could be accommodated and on the 22nd of April, 1664, the expedition sailed from France in high hopes and expectations. A voyage of two months brought them to the shores of Florida, June 25th, near the same latitude as on the former expedition. The delight of the voyagers may be imagined when, on entering the River May, the San Mateo of the Spaniards, the St. Johns of the present day, they found themselves warmly welcomed by the natives, especially those who were recognized as former visitors with Ribault. It was at a period of the year for seeing the country in its greatest loveliness. The noble river, capacious enough for all the French navy to anchor in, the beautiful wooded shores lined with silvery beaches, the genial temperature combined with the kindly welcome given, raised their spirits to the highest pitch. When they landed, they were conducted by a large concourse of natives, with great ceremonials, to the spot where Ribault had set up a stone column carved with the arms of France " upon a little sandy kuappe, not far STORY OF THE HUOlfPi^rb^g. , \ ) \ 13 from the mouth of said river." With pJeftBod purprisf*,. Laudonniere found the pillar enc'Tcled and covered wlili wreaths of flowers and around its base were set little baskets of maize, beans and other products brought in great abundance as gifts to their visitors. " The Indians kissed the column which they had con- secrated in memory of former friendship and made the French do likewise." Their Chief presented Laudon- niere with a " wedge of silver," a gift that led the French- men to dream of great riches to be found somewhere in the land. Naturally they associated gold with silver and were assured that both were to be found amongst their enemies, the boundaries of whose territory came to the River May and extended far northward to a high mountain region. It is evident from the narrative that the natives who were first met by the Frenchmen were the original inhab- itants of the land ; that they were a gentler race than those living to the northward and that the latter in time being more warlike eventually drove them southward, finally either exterminating them or absorbing the broken fragments into their own body. Laudonniere sailed up the river and was everywhere received with kindness. They mutually called each other "friends and brothers." He then coasted north- ward almost to Port Royal or Fort Charles. Laudonniere returned with his vessels from this cruise to the River May the latter part of June, 1564, having abandoned the idea of re-establishing the settlement at Fort Charles, of the fate of which the Indians had in- formed him, with the determination to found his Hugue- not colony in the neighborhood of the beautiful river 14 • '•' • ii^.dl«fDA. PISTORIOAL TALES. '^kh'v'hitfii''lie r$^d ^^pm^ acquainted on the previous voyage. The reasons for this preference are given in liis own language, abbreviating and modernizing somewhat: '' If we passed farther to the north to seek out Port Royal it would be neither profitable nor convenient, although that haven is one of the fairest of the West Indies. In this case the cxuestion is not so much the beautj'^ of the place as of the things necessary to sustain life. For our inhabitation it is much more needful for us to plant in places plentiful of victual than goodly havens, fair, deep and pleasant to the view. In consid- eration whereof I am of opinion, if it seems good to the company, to seat ourselves about the River of May, see- ing that in our first voyage we found the same only to abound in maize and other corn." The wedge of silver presented to him on his former visit and a few orna- ments of gold doubtless were tlie conclusive suggestions. Anchoring at the mouth of the river, which, from the scanty description left in tlie old chronicles, although contended by some to be the St. Mary's conforms more to the St. Johns, Laudonniere took his pinnace and a number of the proposed colonists and sailed into it in search of a place for settlement. The result was the selection of a bluff on the south side of the river, evi- dently not far from its mouth, covered with a tliick and high wood and close to wliat he calls ''■ a great vale. In form flat, wherein were the finest njeadows of the world and grass to feed cattle, with brooks of fresh water and high woods whicli made the vale delectable to the eyes." This he called the vale of Laudonniere. On this bluff at the break of day on the 30th of June, # STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 1564, the trumpets were sounded and the Huguenots were called to prayer, and so, long- prior to the landing" of the Pilgrim fathers at Plymouth was celebrated tlie Protestant worship within the present limits of Florida. After this they applied themselves diligently to the erection of a fortress, triangular in shape, the landward side built of fagots, sand and turf, with a ditch, and th© river side a palisade of planks or lieavy timbers. Within it were built barracks, a liouse for the commandant, an arsenal, presumably of logs from the adjacent forests and thatched with palmetto leaves. In the neighborhood of the fort there were rich spots which afforded facilities for gardening, but so eager was Laudonniere to find gold and silver — an eagerness that was shared by all the company — that leaving only a few to guard the fort he commenced the exploration of the country, leading or sending out expeditions in various directions in search of tlie precious metals, some of whicii covered a large portion of Florida, Georgia and even South Carolina. If the narrative is to be credited, plates of gold and silver were secured from the native tribes to the northward in sufficient quantities to keep the colo- nists employed in this pursuit to tlie neglect of every other. For many montlis he and his lieutenants Ottignj^ D'Erlach, LeGenre and Captain Vasseur, pushed their gold and silver seeking expeditions, frequently involving conflicts with tlie Indians, more especially with the war- like confederacy, whose territories stretched from the Appalachian mountains southward to the borders of the River May, whom they called *Thimogoans. According to the tales of River May Indians the Thimogoan warriors covered their breasts and foreheads ■3 18 iriiOBIDA HISTORICAL TALES. with plates of gold and silver and it is probable that inhabitating a country in which both metals have since been found, there was some foundation for these state- ments which were, however, much exaggerated. It in said that Chevalier D'Erlach returned from one of the most successful of these expeditions with no inconsider- able spoils of gold, silver, painted skins and other Indian commodities. These expeditions, however, by no means compen- sated in their results for the evils the Huguenots were bringing on themselves in neglecting their settlement at La Caroline, the cultivation of the natural resources of the country, and were preparing the way for the terrible calamity which fell upon it. (♦Query — Was this not the name from which Tomoka is derived for in the wars which were prosecuted after this date these northern Indians succeeded in driving still farther southward the weaker and more peaceable coast tribe, until they occupied the neighborhood of tlie Tomoka and were long known by that name, to the time when they too were finally driven out by the Spainiards and English and plantations established where once were their populous villages.) STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 17 CHAPTER II. FAMINE OOMES— BATTLE WITH THE INDIANS. During many months but little improvement was made by the colonists of La Caroline in the way of util- izing the fertility of the soil in the production of food or even in strengthening the defences. As the winter passed away in constant expeditions after precious met- als their stores rapidly decreased. They expected a renewal of supplies and an increase to their numbers through the arrival of Ribault from France with a fleet of vessels which, through Admiral Coligny's aid he was to fit out. But they watched long in vain. The expedi- tion was delayed by troubles in France and in the mean- time a famine came upon the Huguenots, greatly as a result of their own recklessness. In May, Laudonniere himself describes their straits as very desperate : '^ We were constrained to eat roots, which the most part of our men pounded in the mortars which I had brought with me to beat gunpowder in, and the grain which came from other places. Some took the wood of esquine (probably cabbage palmetto) beat it and made meal thereof which they boiled and ate. Others went with their arquebuses to kill fowl," and so on with a pathetic description of the weakness and sickness brought on by famine, finishing with reciting how the colonists not being able to work " did nothing but goe one after another, as centinals, unto the cliffe of a hill very 18 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. near unto the fort, to see if they might discover any French ship." Finally their hopes deferred making them heart sick they pressed their commander to attempt the building of a vessel which, with the small one they had, would enable them to sail back to France. There were good shipwrights among them and to these Laudonniere deputed the task of building the new vessel while he undertook to scour the coast for provis- ions of any kind that might be found, but the expedi- tions which had traversed the neighboring territory had weakened the friendship and confidence of the natives with whom also at that time of the year there was no superfluous stock of provisions left. Laudonniere returned unsuccessful from a coastwise voyage of forty to fifty leagues and the colonists, now desperate with hunger, riotously insisted that the only way to extort food from the savages was to seize upon the person of one of their kings and secure it as ransom. To this at first their commander would not consent. He proposed a trial of the friendship of the natives and sent messages to open up traffic for food with the surrounding tribes. But the Indians knew the urgency of the case and proposed to turn it to account. Tliey came to the garrison with small amounts of food for which they asked enormous prices. When Laudonniere remon- strated, they tauntingly answered: " If thou make such great account of thy merchan- dise, let it stay thy hunger. Eat it and we will eat our grain." In the end and goaded beyond endurance Laudon- niere resolved on doing as his people counseled. STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 19 Two of his barks and a body of fifty men were chosen for an expedition to the capital town of the chief, who ruled a large contiguous territory. This was forty or fifty leagues up the river and six or more leagues iqland. One of his officers, D'Erlach, had been there before and knew the way. They made the voyage successfully to the point of debarkation ; left a guard in their vessels and marching inland succeeded in taking the Indian village by sur- prise. They, however, made no hostile demonstration on entering the village, Laudohniere still hoping to obtain peacefully what he needed, and so parleyed with the chief. But while the chief did not hesitate to supply the immediate wants of the Frenchmen, he declined to furnish any considerable amount of provisions. In fact he argued that they were in a great measure responsible themselves for their destitute condition. He said: "Hath the Great Spirit commanded that the red man shall gather food in the proper season that the white man may sleep like the drowsy deer in the palmetto thicket?" It was true, but it was also true that their wants admitted of no denial; and after a vain attempt to barter for food Laudonniere gave the signal to seize the chief which was promptly done. Then a war conch was sounded to rally the Indian warriors which was answered by D'Erlach 's bugler call- ing in the stragglers scattered through the village in quest of food and the retreat to the riverside began. The capture of the Chief Olata Utina was so unex- pected and the retreat to the river so rapidly and skill- fully executed that no chance was given the Indians to rally in sufficient force to prevent it. 20 FLORIDA HISTORIOAL TALES. It was, however, Laudonniere's intent to treat with them for food and not to engage in any hostile contest if it could be avoided, and so he opened a parley with the savages assembled on the banks of the river, proposing to release the chief upon their delivering a certain quan- tity of maize, beans, dried venison, etc. But the Indians were suspicious, believing that the Frenchmen, after obtaining what they desired would not release him ; and after fruitless attempts to obtain provisions with but a small quantity that had been obtained in the village, the expedition returned to La Caroline, taking also the chief, who was treated kindly but kept in confinement, which was very irksome to him. By dint of plundering the villages of some Indian tribes that had been guilty of unfriendly and hostile acts, fishing and hunting, the people of La Caroline managed to maintain life in a meagre fashion. Finally the old chief proposed that they take him back to his people and permit him to use his influence with them, telling his captors the maize was then about ripe and promising to use his best efforts in behalf of the Frenchmen. So the two little barks again sailed up the river. Long before they came to anchor at the landing, Olata XJtina's people gathered in great numbers, hardly knowing what to expect. Negotiations were opened by Laudonniere, who informed them that he was willing to release their chief to them for a quantity of provisions which to the Frenchmen seemed small, but to the Indi- ans was a heavy ransom. It would sweep their little fields and granaries bare, even taking the very seed nec- essary for future harvests. Their love for their chief was not small, but it was of the last importance to free him STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 21 without subjecting themselves to risk of famine. So they exercised all their arts of stratagem and diplomacy to secure that end without paying too dearly. They brought considerable supplies of food which they gave to the Frenchmen^ but no definite end was reached for several days during which many hundreds of warriors gathered in the vicinity. But Laudonniere was vigilant and find- ing that attempts to rescue the chief or to capture Lau- donniere himself so that they might exchange chief for chief, could not be made successful, an agreement was finally entered into by which Olata Utina was to be freed, two chiefs agreeing to become hostages for the delivery of the ransom, which the Indians were to gather in from all the tribal villages within a certain time. The chronicle gives a brief description of the scene at the restoration of the chief to his people ; " The two war- rior hostages came on board the bark and as they approached their chief broke their bows and arrows in token of surrender. Then as they beheld his bonds, they knelt at his feet, lifted up his chains and kissed them, nor did they show any repugnance to assuming the fet- ters as they were loosened from Olata Utina, looking upon him with delight as he was being freed." The chief arose from his place and shook himself like a lion rousing from sleep. Never was head more erect or form more stately. He waved his hand to the shore where his people were gathered. The signal was evi- dently understood for one of his sons came out in a canoe bringing a mantle of fringed and gorgeously dyed grass cloth, his macana or war club, and a mighty bow with arrows five feet long. Throwing the mantle over his shoulders, he took the 22 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. bow and, before he left the vessel fitted an arrow to it, letting it fly out of sight into the air as a signal that he was once more free. A cloud of arrows from the shore followed that of their sovereign and wild shouts echoed far across the broad river. The liberated chief had agreed to the terms of the Frenchmen, but stipulated he should have a certain number of days in which to gather the supplies. Lau- donniere left his lieutenants with a strong detachment of soldiers, one of the barks and the two hostages to await the issue while he returned to La Caroline. The upshot of the whole business was that after two or three days of waiting, word was sent to them that they must bring their hostages to the village and there receive the ransom. Olata had found it impossible to compel his people to promptly comply with the stipulations. They absolutely refused to bring any supplies down to the river. He, however, was honorably disposed to keep his word and thought their presence in the capital town would have the effect to make the people act more promptly. So they marched on the town, keeping their arque- buses loaded with the matches burning ready to repel any attack that might be made upon them. They reached the village in safety although the woods swarmed with warriors who were apparently only kept at bay by fear of the deadly fire arms and the vigilance of the Frenchmen. The dwelling house and council chamber of Olata Utina was on an '' artificial eminence," probably a mound such as are still to be found in all parts of Florida. Here they found assembled all the chiefs of the nation except their former prisoner. To a certain extent his authority STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 23 to treat with the Frenchmen was usurped by these chiefs, who were evidently determined to deal with the invaders themselves, using craft and dissimulation to throw them off their guard and then seize the first opportunity to overpower them. But D'Erlach and Ottigny were exper- ienced in savage habits and were not to be deceived by the apparently friendly reception given them. The Indians pointed to the sacks of meal and beans piled up on the council floor and showed the Frenchmen others being newly brought in. Then commenced a pal- aver designed to allay suspicions, but which had the contrary effect. At nightfall a private conference was held with Olata Utina. He informed them that his anx- iety to comply with his engagements had impaired his authority ; that the chief warriors had resolved to destroy the pale faces as invaders, consumers of their substance and destroyers of their peace. He advised them to retreat to their vessel and La Caroline with all haste, for from all quarters were gathering the warriors and there were only pretences made to carry out the treaty. The despondency of the chief was without hypocrisy. His warnings were sincere. But the necessity of secur- ing all the supplies they could prompted the Frenchmen to tarry the full period of four days and in the meantime they urged on the accumulation. Finally, seeing that no more was being brought in they released their hostages and on the morning of July 27th prepared for the retreat to their bark. Each soldier was required to load himself with as much pro- visions as he could carry, the chiefs having flatly refused to furnish any carriers and for the last time in this region the French bugles blew the signal of marching. 24 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. BATTLE OP TAGASETA. Not far did they go, however, before the battle they anticipated began. The woods swarmed with warriors armed with stone hatchets, war clubs and bows. But they had learned a wholesome respect for the arquebuses or matchlocks of the French and so their volleys of arrows were delivered at too great a distance to do much damage. However, as the road lay through hammock belts where the timber was thick it was soon found nec- essary to send out flanking parties to drive the Indians from their coverts and to disencumber themselves of their burdens of provisions so that they could more effect- ively handle their weapons. Seeing their enemies halt for this purpose, and mistaking it for a sign of fear, the Indians advanced closer, filling the woods with their yells, and delivered a volley of arrows that fell among the little squadron. Their steel caps and leather doub- lets, however, proved excellent defences against the flint and bone headed shafts and D'Erlach said to his men: " Do not answere them yet, but stoop ye every man and break as many arrows as ye can. Blow your matches as ye do so and when they come close let the first rank deliver fire." He had observed that the enemy gathered up the arrows as they passed and used them again. The command was obeyed with coolness by the arquebusiers and the result was when the savages made a concerted rush they were met with a volley of bullets which killed many and momentarily scattered the rest. New bands of savages, however, constantly appeared to harass the retreat and the whole day long the battle waged. The Frenchmen were compelled to economize their ammunition and forebore to shoot except when it STORY OP THE HUGUENOTS. 25 was absolutely necessary. But the courage of the red men increased as the battle spirit warmed up and they bravely contested every foot of the way, even though their weapons and military skill were deficient. Great havoc was made among them, but never men fought more bravely than they did. It is written of them, in Laudonniere's quaint record, " All the while they had their eye and foot so quick and readie, that as soon as ever they saw tlie harquebuse raised to the cheek, so soon were they on the ground, eftsoone to answere with their bowes and to flie away when we were about to take them." The conflict ceased at nightfall when weary and ex- hausted the Frenchmen, of whom twenty -four were killed and wounded, chiefly the latter, reached their boats. The Floridians had shown themselves warriors of spirit and capacity. They had driven out the invaders, recovered the booty, rescued the hostages and if they had lost seri- ously so had their enemies. Reading the chronicle one is reminded that for more than two centuries they with the same indomitable spirit kept Spain and England at bay and finally only yielded after a heroic struggle, to soldiers forest born, like themselves, the best riflemen of the south led by Jackson, Taylor and Harney. 26 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. CHAPTER III. ARRIVAL OF SIR JOHN HAWKINS AND RETURN OF RI- BAULT. After all the toil and sacrifice of several brave men, it was found to be impossible to supply the colonists of La Caroline sufficiently to put them in good condition or good heart. Indeed the home sickness under which they labored had reached such a height as to admit of no ap- peal or argument. Cruel as France had been to the Huguenots, she was yet France and the memory of her green vales and vine clad hills was not to be replaced by the. glorious beauty, even in its savagery, of the shores of the River May. Their discontents grew into a passionate longing for return and when it was found that the building of the vessel which had been commenced for that purpose would be delayed by the death in battle of two of the carpenters, they mutinously set upon Jean De Hais, the master carpenter, because he had declared it would be impossible to complete it by the specified time and it was with difficulty he was saved from the mob. There was still left of the original vessels which brought them an old brigantine and Laudonniere finding he was compelled to give up the original design of build- ing a new vessel addressed all of his energies to its repair. Determined to leave nothing behind when they were ready to depart his men tore down the houses which had been erected outside of the fort to make coal for the forge STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 27 and also the palisades leading from the fort to the river, thus greatly weakening their defences, in spite of their governor's objections. Laudonniere was indeed very loath to give up the colony he had done so much to establish. It distressed him greatly that the promise of succor from France expected with the return of Bibault was delayed so long. On the afternoon of the third of August, Laudonniere took a walk as was his daily custom to the top of a little eminence, near the fort, which offered a prospect of the sea. Looking forth to the eastward over the vast watery waste, he was greatly excited to see the sails of four approaching vessels. The joy of the garrison was great for they naturally supposed Ribault was coming. Lau- donniere writes quaintly: ''Soe great was their glad- ness at this that one would have believed them to be out of their wittes, to see them laugh and leap." But the ships, instead of sailing boldly in as Ribault should have done, approached cautiously. Finally they cast anchor and sent out a boat toward the shore. A prudent fear of the Spaniards prompted Laudonniere to call the garrison to arms and send a detachment to meet the visitors at the river side. They hailed in French and in the same language came the reply, stating that the ships were those of the famous Admiral Hawkins on an exploring expedition. With him was Martin Atinas of Dieppe, one of the former colonists of deserted Fort Charles, picked up at sea and carried to Europe, who had X)iloted the squadron. The object of the British Admiral was pacific, nor was it long before his generous and noble conduct won the hearts of the Huguenots. He saw their distressful FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. plight and gave them liberal supplies of wine and provis- ions. With even greater liberality and a wise policy^ seeing their discontent, he offered to transport the whole colony to France. But Laudonniere was still hoping for the return of Ribault and a surer foundation for the col- ony, so declined the proposition which had been made to him only as a commanding officer. However, to make sure of the means to return if pressed to it, he bargained with Hawkins for one of his vessels. The consideration given by Laudonniere was a portion of the military fur- niture of the fort, particularly described as '' Two bas- tards, two mynions, one thousand iron balls and one thousand pounds of powder, etc." Moved with pity for the wretched condition of the Frenchmen, the generous Englishman offered supplies for which he accepted Laudonniere 's bills which the lat- ter's subsequent misfortunes never permitted him to can- cel. These supplies included '' twenty barrels of meal, six pipes of beanes, one hogshead of salt and a hundred (cwt.) of waxe to make candles. Moreover, forasmuch as he saw my souldiers goe barefoote he offered me besides fifty paires of shoes which I accepted. He did more than this: he bestowed upon myself a great jar of oil, a jar of vinegar, a barrel of olives, a great quantity of rice and a barrel of white biscuits. Besides he gave div- ers presents to the principal officers of my company according to their quality; so that I may say we received as many courtesies of the General as was possible to expect of any man." This visit of Hawkins is the brightest episode in the history of the ill fat«d colony. Doubtless had it been a little later or had he tarried longer the cruel Spanish STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. wolf never would have bathed his jaws in Huguenot gore and certainly with amity between the English and French, Florida might have been a prosperous country long years ago and have been spared generations of tyr- anny and degradation such as curse all lands overshad- owed by the flag of Spain. But it was not to be. The folly of men, then as now, was thrown athwart the wis- dom of God and for a time turned this Eden of the new world into a hell of murder and rapine. Sir John Hawkins, whose arrival at La Caroline and the noble manner in which he treated the Huguenots has thus been described, left on record many par- ticulars interesting in themselves and also as showing the primary causes of the colony's fatal weakness. At the close of the war mentioned as resulting from the for- aging expedition to the Indian villages, he relates that Laudonniere had not forty soldiers left unhurt. After detailing the supplies accorded to the colonists from his stores, he adds: " Notwithstanding the great want that the Frenchmen had, the ground doth yield victuals suf- ficient, if they had taken the pains to get the same ; but they being soldiers desired to live by the sweat of other men's brows." Here speaks the jealous scorn of the sailor. "The ground yleldeth naturally great store of grapes, for in the time the Frenchmen were there they made twenty hogsheads of wine, also" says Hawkins, '•'■ the land yieldeth roots passing good, deere marvelous store, with divers other beasts and fruits serviceable to man. These be things wherewith a man may live hav- ing corn or maize wherewith to make bread, and this maize was the greatest lack they had because they had no laborers to sow the same. Had they done so," he con- 30 FLORIDA HISTORICAL. TALES. tinues, "they having victuals of their own, whereby they neither spoil nor rob the inhabitants, may live not only quietly with them who naturally are more desirous of peace than warre, but also shall have abundance of vic- tuals proffered them for nothing-," etc. The testimony of the Admiral is conclusive as to the originally gentle and peaceful character of the aboriginal Floridians. He speaks of the country as abounding in natural resources, equal to those of any region in the world. The account which Hawkins gives of the abundance of fish in the neighborhood is no exaggeration. It adds to the surprise of the reader at the wretched indolence or incapacity of the colonists, who, with this resource at '' their doores, depended for their suply upon the Indi- ans." He left the Huguenots on the 28th of July, 1565, making preparations to follow him. The biscuit was made, the goods and chattels were taken on board and most of the water; — nothing delayed their sailing but head winds. Laudonniere was prepared to depart when the voyage was arrested by the appearance of Ribault with the long expected supplies from France. The approach of Ribault's vessels was exceedingly cautious ; so much so that the heavier guns of the fort still left mounted were turned to bear upon them when up went the Fleur-de-Lis of France. The relief to Laudonniere was great, for he feared they might be Spaniards, and in the present weak condi- tion of the fort, defence was hopeless. The reasons for Ribault's caution arose from certain false reports which had reached France, of the conduct of Laudonniere, let- ters sent secretly by malcontents when Ribault had STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 31 returned to France, and fabricated reports, accusing him of preparing to shake otf the sovereignty of the mother country and designing to set himself up as the sovereign lord of Florida. Poor Laudonniere, living on snakes, crude berries and bitter roots, mocked by savages on one 'hand, flouted by rebels defying his authority, the target of the curses of the discontented and home sick, surely was in no mood to affect royalty on the banks of the River May. He was vain and ostentatious, perhaps ; he had his faults and absurdities like other men, but he was genial hearted and brave. He had been too bitterly schooled by his adversities to dream of such idle affectations or desires. Yet, of all this the King of France nor Admiral Coligny, the projector of the colony, could know any tiling. Composed of Huguenots only, a people of whose fidelity the former might reasonably doubt, the Catholic King might be readily supposed to give ear to the charges, false as they were. However, Coligny kept his promise and sent Ribault's seven vessels with a military force corresponding. To the great relief of Ribault his old comrade re- ceived him with submission and soon succeeded in con- vincing him that he had been greatly slandered; that he was innocent of any assumption of royalty or of unauthorized state of any kind ; that however unfortun- ate he might have been, he was not guilty of the follies, presumption and cruelty which constituted the several points in the indictment against him. Ribault strove to persuade him to remain in the col- ony and to leave his justification to himself; but this Laudonniere declined to do, resolving to return to France, FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. a resolution which we shall see hereafter was only de- layed too long, to the further increase of the misfortunes of our captain. Shortly after the arrival of Jean Ribault, Laudon- niere fell sick with fever, and the former assumed com- mand. Crowds of friendly Indians came to the fort, curious as to the new arrivals. They soon recognized Ribault as the chief who had raised the stone pillar at the mouth of the river. The recognition was easy by reason of the massy beard he wore. They welcomed him with the greatest cordiality and a number of the neigh- boring chiefs recalled the ti3S of former friendship with mystic ceremonies and made fresh pledges of amity. They brought to him several pieces of what in their lan- guage they called ''sierra pira" or "yellow metal" which, upon being tested by the refiner, proved to be "perfect golde." They offered to conduct Ribault to the mountains of Apalachia where it was to be found, they reported, in abundance. He was contemplating a visit to the moun- tains when events of the greatest importance, supersed- ing the hopes of gain, obliged the colonists to contend for their lives. The Spaniards, of whom they had been long apprehensive, appeared upon the coast. STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. CHAPTER IV. PEDRO MELENDEZ DE AVILA APPEARS. Spain and France at this time were by treaty at peace with each other, but Spain claimed Florida by ri^ht of discovery and her jealousy had been roused by the re- ported attempted founding of the French colonies. Philip the Second, a cold blooded, malignant and jealous despot, freed by amnesty from the cares of war at home was now at liberty to push his conquests abroad. His great plea was his desire to spread the Catholic faith, but in reality he was moved only by a cruel and insatia- ble ambition and was in religion a fanatical hypocrite and bigot. Pedro Melendez de Avila, an officer who had previ- ously distinguished himself in other expeditions to the new world, sought and obtained the appointment of Adelantado with the hereditary government of all the Floridas, then comprising as claimed, an immense terri- tory stretching northward to the Carolinas and along the gulf coast to the Mississippi. Under the stimulus of the news that the French were attempting to take possession of a portion of this territory, Philip increased the fleet of the expedition to twenty vessels and its force to tliree thousand men. It became a crusade and the eager impe- tus of ambition was set on fire by the usual argument of a holy war. To extirpate heresy was in accordance with the cruel bigotry of both Charles of France and Philip. It is said that Charles, in the same spirit which after- 84 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALB8. wards prompted the horrible massacre of St. Bartholo- mew, had secretly surrendered the colony of Coligny to the remorseless, conscienceless monarch of Spain. Co- ligny well knew how little dependence could be placed upon his king in all matters pertaining to the Huguenots and as Ribault was about to depart from France on his last voyage wrote a hasty postscript to his letter of instructions as follows: '' As I was closing this letter I received certain advices that Don Pedro Melendez de- parteth from Spain to go to the coast of New France (Florida) ; see that you suffer him not to encroach upon you, no more than you will suffer yourself to encroach upon him." On the voyage out the fleet of Melendez was scattered by tempests, many vessels being lost, until on his arrival at Porto Rico he could muster but seven or eight ships. The fleet of Ribault consisted of seven vessels, the three smallest of which ascended the river to the fort. The four larger, which were men-of-war, remained in the open roadstead at the mouth of the river. Ribault, be- fore he left the roadstead, charged his subalterns to be on guard against any vessels that might arrive, especially Spanish. It was well he did so for one September day they descried approaching the River May six large vessels* In the absence of Ribault the squadron was inferior in force to that of Melendez. It was evening when they stood in and too late for effective action. They lowered sail, cast anchor and forbore all offensive operations ; there was even communication by boat under flag of truce between the squadrons. The Ave Maria echoed musically from the one squadron in the language of Spain, STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 36 the evening songs of the French from the other. The night zephyrs blew soft and fragrant from the forest lined shores. All seemed peaceful and secure. But on every vessel were alert and wakeful sentinels gazing with keen eyes through the starlight to detect the first warlike movement. It was the summer night before the storm* In the parley that took place in the evening between the two squadrons, the Spaniards inquired by name after the chief captains and leaders of the French, betraying an intimate knowledge of facts which had been kept as secret as possible by the originators of the expedition. This was sufficient in itself to arouse the suspicions of the latter and that night the French captains held a con- sultation together. They decided that they were in dan- ger of assault and prepared themselves accordingly. The men were notified to be in readiness to take their stations at a moment's notice. Arms were overhauled and in readiness ; sheets and halliards made ready for hoisting sail, for, being inferior in strength but faster sailers than their foes, it was decided at the first hostile movement to cut their cables, spread their sails and make for the open sea. The Spanish vessels occupied such a position as to make any attempt to move up to Fort Caroline dangerous. Before daylight the creaking of windlasses notified the French that the Spanish vessels were heaving home their anchors, and without delaying to do the same, by dawn their own sails were hoisted and cutting their cables they stood out to sea just as the Spanish squadron headed for them. The six Spanish vessels pitted against the four French ones, opened fire upon them, but the range of FliOBIDA HISTORICAL TALES. cannon in those days was not so great as now and their shot fell short. The French wasted no shot upon their pursuers and paid more attention to showing their ene- mies a clean pair of heels. The chase continued the most of the day. Finding pursuit useless the Spanish tacked towards evening and stood in for the entrance of the Selooe, called by the French the River of Dolphins, but now known as the Matanzas River and St. Augustine Inlet. The test having shown they were the speedier, the French vessels came about and saucily followed them to make what discoveries they could. Coming as close as they dared they found "The Trinity," the seventh and largest of the Spanish vessels, anchored off the bar. Three of their late pursuers remained just inside while the other three, regarding the rest as more than a match for the French, sailed to the landing where an encamp- ment had already been made. Having noted these things the French returned to the River May and re- ported to Ribault. In corroboration of these facts a neighboring friendly chief had sent information to Ribault, that the Spaniards had gone ashore in great numbers at Selooe, or as Melen- dez christened it, St. Augustine, distant across the land but eight or ten leagues from La Caroline ; that they had dispossessed the natives of their houses and were busy in entrenching a regular encampment for which purpose he had disembarked his superfluous men and remained with the great ship called The Trinity, before sending the rest in search of the French. Ribault did not have the slightest doubt as to the intention of Melendez to attack La Caroline from this STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. ST point as soon as possible. Brave as a lion he resolved to take the initiative. He needed no stronger justification than the pursuit and firing on his vessels by the Spanish fleet. The royal banner of France had been hostilely assailed although the two nations were nominally at peace with each other. FLORIDA HI3T0BI0AL TALES. CHAPTER V. RIBAULT'S attack on ST. AUGUSTINE— THE STORM. Ribault called a council with all his officers in Lau- donniere's chamber at La Caroline, that captain still being ill with fever. There he arrayed the arguments in favor of attacking the Spaniards at St. Augustine before they could complete their defensive arrangements. His plan was to fall upon them with all his forces by sea, boldly attacking The Trinity at anchor when the rest were in no condition to support her, and the troops of the Adelantado were partly on shore and partly on the other vessels busily engaged in the removal of material for the settlement. Laudonniere, however, objected to Ribault's plan. La Caroline was in almost a defenceless condition ; it it was the season of the year as he had found by experi- ence when sudden storms might be expected. Some of the other captains sided with him but Ribault, old sailor and gallant soldier, was eager for the fray. He did not give Laudonniere the credit he deserved for skill and courage. He took his own course and ordered all of his own men on board his seven vessels. But not satisfied with this he took also from the fort nearly all the able bodied men and on the eighth of September parted with Lau- donniere for the last time. Scarcely had he crossed the roadstead when his ves- sels met squally weather, the precursor of the violent STORY OF THE HUGUBl»fOT8. 39 storm which followed. Bibault held on, however, to the southward and in a few hours his squadron was off St. Augustine Inlet. Had he been well acquainted with the channel and sailed boldly in, scarcely anything could have prevented a complete victory over the Spaniards. The two heavier vessels, relieved of their armament and troops, which had been transferred to the land, had been dispatched to Hispaniola. The remaining five vessels were unequal in strength to Ribault's. Three of the latter's lighter vessels were sent in to take soundings and lead the way while the others worked after them slowly. The hours lost in this decided the* fate of the Huguenots. Had they passed straight in upon their foes, the latter could have made no effective defence. Two only of Melendez' vessels, on board one of which the Adelantado himself embarked, were ready for battle when the French were sighted. Their armament was inferior, but Melendez hoped to delay the entrance of Ribault until all the forces at his command could be rallied. Melendez was as brave as Ribault. Both were stim- ulated by a fierce hatred on the score of religion. The Huguenot hated the Spaniards as Catholics, and they hated him and his followers as heretics. Each in his own estimation would be doing God service by ridding the world of the other. Melendez exhorted his men, who were fearful of the odds against them, to be brave and prophesied a miracle would occur to deliver them from their enemies. In the very moment when the hands of Ribault were 40 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. stretched out to grasp the prize of victory which should annihilate Spanish power in Florida, the squalls sud- denly changed to a north-east gale that broke upon the French squadron with the roar of a thousand lions. The waves arose and mad foam capped billows broke clear across the channel. With a groan of rage and dis- appointment, Ribault was compelled to abandon the assault and turn his attention to the safety of his vessels. Like the froth of the waves they flew southward before the mighty power of the hurricane, speeding along the white sand belted coast with no harbor of refuge for them. Whatever their faults, their virtues, their heroism^ the aroused forces of nature cared naught for them, seeming only desirous to doom them to pitiless destruc- tion. Darkness and storm engulfed them and through it all they could only see the phosphorescent glare of the breakers upon the shore and hear naught but their thunder. The hollow conclave of the heavens was filled with spray and darkness, save when the lightning flashes threw a ghastly glare upon the tumultuous waters. In the meantime the Spaniards from the depths of their previous abandonment to despair, were exalted to the highest pitch of enthusiasm and rejoicing. Melen- dez had promised that God should work a miracle to save them. He shrewdly turned the storm to advantage in stimulating the faith and devotion of his people. ''See!" said he, '' what wonders God has done for you this day. Call you this the cause of our king only? It is the cause of the king of kings ! We are few, we are STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 41 feeble, in a wilderness swarming with savages, but He will overcome them for us as He has already driven to destruction those heretics, the spawn of Satan! The cause in which we strive is holy. The God of storms and battles has ranged himself upon our side." Cries of exultation answered him. A thousand voices renewed their vows of fidelity and swore to follow where he should lead. He commanded a solemn mass should be celebrated that night and that all the army should be present. He knew it would be long, if ever, before the French vessels returned and already planned the utter destruc- tion of La Caroline before succor should come. Don Pedro Melendez de Avila was a man of rare energy, extraordinary foresight and indomitable will. His religious fanaticism, if real, gave the sanction of religion to his relentless cruelty, a savage trait of the Spanish character then as now. But the history of the whole matter shows that, after all, it was not so much the difference of creeds that made Melendez resolute for the utter destruction of the heretics of La Caroline but because he believed it absolutely essential for the con- tinued existence of the Spanish colony that the French should be destroyed. He but played upon the ignorant fanaticism of his followers to stimulate them to work to that end with all their energies. This design, however, the continued succession of stormy weather and the unsettled condition of affairs in his new colony of St. Augustine, compelled him to post- pone for some days while he was busily engaged in erect- ing fortifications and dwellings for his people, during which the temporary enthusiasm created by the late FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. apparently providential deliverance from their enemies died away in a great measure. The mass of the Spanish colonists were not veteran soldiers, for to that class which in that marvelous age of Spanish conquest and glory abounded in Spain, the rich fields of Mexico, Central and South America offered far greater inducements, but were new recruits, or peasantry undisciplined and inexperienced in such hardships as they were now compelled to endure. There was soon consequently much murmuring and discontent. But if the Spaniards at St. Augustine felt their hard- ships so greatly and their state was disheartening, much more so was the condition of affairs at La Caroline. Weakened by the departure of Ribault, of whose fate they could only conjecture ; knowing only through the agency of Indian friends that the squadron had failed to accomplish its purpose and been driven off by the gale, which had been followed by heavy rains and vio- lent winds, the Huguenots at La Caroline were in a more deplorable state than ever. The supplies brought out by KibaUlt for them had been chiefly appropriated for the use of the fleet. A survey made immediately after his departure led to the stinting of the daily allowance for the garrison reduced as it was. Laudonniere was still sick ; the men were spiritless, hopeless and consequently the work of repairing the defences went on but slowly, and even its watch was maintiiined with doubtful vigi- lance. Themselves much averse to exposure, they thought the Spaniards would not undertake any attempt upon the fort during the equinoctial storms, when march- ing through the rains and wading morasses would be likely to bring upon them malarial fevers and other sick- STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 43 ness, and were neglectful of their duties. Languid with the fever of half healed wounds, or full of malarial poi- son, enfeebled with scant food, even the bravest vete- rans among them liad lost heart and had sunk into a state of apathy from which it was impossible to arouse them. Not even Laudonniere could blame them, althougli he had reason to believe that at some unexpected moment his cruel and wily enemy would aim his heaviest blows upon their heads. Leaving the unfortunate Huguenots of La Caroline, let us turn again to the Spaniards at St. Augustine. The energy of Melendez knew no sleep ; in spite of storms and torrents of rain which deluged the land ; the murmurs and discontents of his people ; he kept at work trenching and fortifying the point of land between the •San Sebastian and the inlet which he had selected as the site of his settlement, from which he dispossessed the Indians, converting their dwellings to the use of his sol- diery. While he had reason to hope that the French fleet might have come to grief in the storm that had so opportunely arisen, he was too well versed in the vicissi- tudes of war to neglect providing every defence possible should it have escaped injury. If it did so, he knew it would return to renew the attack upon him. Whatever his fanaticism might whisper to him of divine interposition in his behalf, reason taught him to see to it that every available means at hands should be used for the protection of his settlement first and every possible preparation be made to secure success when he should take the initiative against his foes. He evidently studied over the situation closely. 44 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. While he preached the cause of Catholicism as an incite- ment to his followers against the heretic Huguenots, it is plainly evident that motives of policy, or as he viewed it absolute necessity called for the destruction of Coligny's colony. While Ribault and Laudonniere were ahle to dispute the Spanish claim to possession of the Floridas his title of Adelantado amounted to nothing. It might any day end in his being driven ignomini- ously from the land over which he was expected to estab- lish sovereignty. As Scipio decreed the destruction of Carthage, because unless Carthage was destroyed Rome would be, so Melendez decreed the destruction of La Caroline. Had they been a kindred people, with possibilities of amalgamation or absorption, it is not likely that a mere creedal difference would have prompted him to the ter- rible atrocity which marked the downfall of Frencji power in Florida. But trained in the cruel hypocrisy of the age, which threw over its greatest crimes the cloak of religious sanction, lie did not hesitate a moment in assuming the same disguise, and in tlie name of God lie served the devil, Ambition. STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 45 CHAPTER VI. THE DESTRUCTION OF LA CAROLINE DECREED BY ME- LENDEZ. It has been noted that Melendez had decreed the destruction of the Huguenots of La Caroline. It was on the 8th of September Bibault made his attempts on Melendez at St. Augustine. The reader is apprised of the disastrous result of that expedition. A week Avas passed by Melendez in finishing his defensive preparations and then he called a council of war. Tor- rents of rain were still falling. The low flat pine lands of the interior were afloat, but Melendez' indomitable will knew no check from natural causes. More than any other member of his little army, he was as dauntless as he was ferocious in his determination. The council of war was held in the old council house of the Indian tribe occupying this vicinity at the time of his arrival, a round fabric made of logs and earth, thatched with palmetto leaves. It was not a comforta- ble place with its rude log seats and its central pitch pine flre casting a weird gleam over the armor of his captains. But their leader recked nothing of these dis- comforts. He knew the people he had to deal with thoroughly ; their weaknesses and discontents, the base natures of many of them and their utter incapacity to realize the scope of his ideas and plans. He could scorn their imbecility and cowardice, but he must use them. There were no other instruments 46 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. attainable and they must be aroused from their apathetic* state to the work before them. As he stood in their midst the air was filled with the muffled roar of the surf and the rusli of the rain. He looked around the circle and saw no enthusiasm in their eyes. They were down-cast and moody. Already had they realized that Florida was not offering them the booty of rich cities as Peru and Mexico did to Pizarro and Cortez. Even tlie priests were discouraged. Nothing daunted, he clearly placed before them the proposition to march overland to La Caroline " To de- stroy those arch heretics in the very fortress of their strength — in the very place which they have built as their refuge. Even the tempest, if it continues, will aid in the achievement of success!" Murmurs broke out among the listeners. " What is it that ye fear?" asked Melendez. One arose and answered : '' Shall we, left here on this savage shore, not yet en- trenched, divide our strength to attack La Caroline and give Ribault a chance to fall upon our camp here, destroy it and plac« us between two hostile forces? Surely tliis would not be wise or prudent?" Then Melendez, orator as well as soldier and fanatic,^ spoke forcibly and with eloquence which stirred all their hearts. He claimed to see with prophetic virion that Ribault would not trouble the camp; nay, could not, because the tempest was still carrying him before it or had engulfed him in the seas. Should he escape all the dangers of the storm and the keys which lined the coast to the southward, weeks must pass before he could possibly return to St. Augustine. In that time they would have accomplished their purpose. They would be STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. ,47 able to turn his own cannon against him. He declared it was war to the uttermost between them. If the French were not destroyed they themselves would be destroyed. They would give no quarter; tliey should have none. The French were heretics and pirates, invaders of the territories of Spain and as true Spaniards it was not only a patriotic duty to extirpate them but a religious one also. He chided them for being afraid of exposure to the elements ; for being fearful of receiving a few hard knocks and loath to march against an enemy inferior in every way to themselves, because there was no royal road for them to march over. All reasonable objections and arguments in opposi- tion were patiently listened to and controverted with such skill that the objectors were reduced to a minority and silenced. It was decided the next morning to prepare for the expedition which was to consist of five hundred men. Provisions were to be carried for eight days. The force was divided into six companies, each with its flag and captain. A picked company of pioneers with axes was chosen to clear the way. One writer says that at this point in the council >/ arrangements. Father Salvandi, a priest, brought in a strange man partly in the costume of a sailor whom he introduced as '' Francis Jean, a Frenchman, once a here- tic but now recanting and desirous of becoming a Catho- lic, who will report what he knows touching the condi- tion of La Caroline and will act as a guide." The statement was made that he had fled because he had been beaten by Laudonniere. If the incident is true he was probably some thief or insubordinate who had 48 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. been thus punished, for Laudonniere, as we have seen, was never a cruel man or severe in his rule. With these conclusions arrived at and arrangements made the council adjourned. It is true that upon the next day in the midst of preparations for the march, under the discouragements of the continued bad weather, a mutinous spirit was manifested by some, even of tlie officers, but to this Melendez wisely gave but little atten- tion, except to allow no delay in the preparations. Fran- cis Recaldo, Diego de Maya and St. Vincent boldly remonstrated with the Adelantado, but h'ls answer was an invitation to dine with him and all the rest of his officers that day. He played the part of host as well as he had done that of leader at the council, and silenced all opposition. By the morning of the 15th the army was ready to march. They had made much of the imaginary and real diffi- culties and dangers of the expedition, but at La Caroline there were less than a hundred men, besides women and children, to defend a half dismantled, poorly constructed fortress, whose commandant was still too ill to take charge of affairs and was compelled to trust to careless subordinates. The Adelantado, having thoroughly organized his little army, placed himself at its head and in spite of the rainfall which still continued daily, marched toward La Caroline. Boats from his vessels carried the force up the San Sebastian to a point where the marshes ceased and they could reach the solid land. Here the vanguard composed of Biscayans and Astur- ians, expert with the ax, were sent forward to cut a way STORY OF THE HUGURNOTS. 49 through the tangled hammock under the command of Senor Martin de Ochoa. With it went the traitor Francis Jean, who had abandoned both his religion and his loy- alty, closely watched. Not many miles did they make on the first day, re- tarded as they were by the difficulty of cutting a path through the dense tliickets which lined the shores of the San Sebastian, and the rain storm which broke upon them. But their camp was pitched at last in the open pine woods. Even on that night, around the bivouac fires which j^eamed upon steel cuirass and morion, there were murmurings of discontent at what was deemed an unnecessary and ill-timed expedition which could have neither glory or riches in it. Melendez, however, did not suffer the least abatement in his ardor to fall upon and surprise the French strong- hold, and wrapped in his cloak slumbered by his fire of pine knots as calmly as if in a palace. As usual in this region the rains fell chiefly at a cer tain time of the day, coming down with such force and intensity as seemingly to exhaust the clouds for the time being, leaving the levels of the pine woods flooded, until the waters could drain off into the cypress swamps and find their exit thence to the sea by winding tortuous creeks, whose presence could be detected, as they ad- vanced, by heavy fringes of cyi)ress and by their closing the forward view. The second and third days were like the first, dreary marches through flooded lands, wfiile the rains soaked their garments and made it extremely difficult for the soldiers to protect their ammunition and provisions. On the fourth day they w^ere within a few miles of 50 FIX)BIDA HISTORICAL TALES. La Caroline, but before them lay a broad marsh in which the water was up to their middles. It was here that tlie hearts of the common soldiers sank because of their toil and suffering and more than a hundred slunk away, retracing their steps to St. Augus- tine, wliere their reports of disaster to the expedition made a temporary excuse for their desertion. But Melendez' indomitable courage, his unbending will, his presence and voice of command, still prevailed to push the greater proportion of his troops forward, in spite of the fact that many muttered cui^es upon his head. One Fernan Perez, an ensign of St. Vincent's com- pany, was bold enougli to say ''He could not comprehend how so many gentlemen could let tliemselves be led by an Asturian mountaineer who knew no more about carry- ing on war on land than a horse." Even tlien, when so close to the goal he aimed at, Melendez was compelled to use all his skill, craft and dissimulation, enforced by claims of inspiration or reve- lation. Urging them on with fiery zeal he succeeded in pass- ing the marshes and reaching the more solid land be- yond, which his guide, the renegade, assured him ex- tended to the very gates of the French fortress. At sunset they halted for their supper within striking distance of La Caroline, without having given the alarm. Their temporary camp was out of sight from the fortress, and as the day iiad been a stormy one not a Frenchman had been landward, nor had a single friendly native been fitirred to bring tidings to the garrison. STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 51 CHAPTER VII. THE FALL OF LA CAROLINE. Under the guidance of the renegade, Melendez and his captains made a reconnoissance of the fort. Dark as the night was he soon found that it was not only careless- ly watched but that breaches in its rude walls afforded easy means of entrance. Rains were falling and gusty winds were blowing. De La Vigne, one of Laudonniere's lieutenants, was captain of the watch that night, but through pity for the sentinels exposed to such weather allowed them to shelter themselves as best they could, and not dreaming that an enemy could be abroad on such a night, himself retired to his quarters, satisfied that everything was secure. Little did he know that just beyond the range of his vision the arch-enemy of the Huguenots of La Caroline was praying that he might be enabled to change their slumbers by dawn into the eternal sleep. And so passed the night of the nineteenth of September — the last one for the Frenchmen in La Caroline. Before dawn, with his forces divided into commands under Martin de Ochoa, Francis Recaldo, Andres Lopez Patino and himself, the landward sides of the fortress were invested. While waiting impatiently for daylight, Ochoa and the master of the camp, Patino, silently pene- trated one of the breaches. They came across a drowsy sentinel who exclaimed "Qui vive!" Ochoa answered promptly "France!" but the sentinel not satisfied ap- FIX)RIDA HISTORICAL TALES. proached to inspect more closely, thinking they were possibly stragglers from the brigantine lying in the har- bor, only to receive a stunning blow from a partisan. The sentinel recovered his footing and drew his «word but was struck down again, disarmed and at the sword's point forbidden to make a sound. He was con- 'ducted to Melendez who commanded him to be slain, •and as the dawn was breaking tlie order was given for tlie assault. Two more of the sentinels at the outer posts were slain, while scarcely roused from their sleep. A third however, on the ramparts, saw the Spaniards rushing to the assault and cried "To arms !" Shouting the alarm he fled before them and Laudonniere was aroused but the warning came too late. The Spaniards were in the fort. The feeble garrison could not rally on a single point. Laudonniere seized his arms and weak although he was from his late sickness, rushed into the central court and called upon his soldiers to rally to him. Some did, others were butchered as they endeavored to do so. The wild shouts of battle, the cries of women and children, rang out over the waters of the River May. At the southwest portion of the fort some of the brav- est of the garrison rallied and made a desperate stand. These Laudonniere joined and by the most headlong valor endeavored to expel the invaders. But it was ut- terly in vairj. The Spaniards had won too secure a foot- ing and were in too great numbers to be dispossessed. Melendez shouting his fanatical war cry ''God is with us, my comrades!" led them on. They mocked the tardy valor of the Huguenots, their STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 53 feeble force, and as one by one they fell, derided them with taunts and curses while hacking and stabbing the poor unfortunates mercilessly, until no life was left in their mangled bodies. Pressing forward through the melee, Melendez soon confronted Laudonniere but did not know him as they had never met before. The renegade, Francis Jean, pointed out his old leader saying "That is lie! Laudon- niere, the captain of the heretics!" "Is it thou? traitor! Let me but live to slay thee and I care nothing for the rest!" shouted Laudonniere, mak- ing at him. But Melendez thrust back the traitor and interposed his Toledo blade and mailed form to prevent Laudon- niere's just vengeance. As the Spaniards pressed on, the few Frenchmen fell back until only one brave, stout man, Bartholomew Pre- vatt, stood with Laudonniere trying to beat back the assailants with a heavy partisan. Melendez, a stalwart warrior, clad in mail, sprang eagerly forward hoping to slay Laudonniere, who, in his condition no match for him, was just as eager for the fray. At that moment he preferred to die in the battle, for so might his honor be saved. But this was denied him. A rush of fugitives bore him back towards a breach accompanied by the faithful Bartholomew. He yielded only foot by foot, parrying with sword and buckler like an accomplished cavalier, the sword thrusts of Melendez and the assaults of the.long pikes of the Spaniards, his one faithful follow- er keeping by his side yet urging him to retreat. Falling back, still facing the foe, through a narrow alley way, they reached the yard in which was Laudon^ 54 FLORIDA HISTORIOAIi TALES. niere's lodging. Here a tent happened to be standing around which they passed but in the melee the Spaniards thought they had gone into it and so rushed in. "Hither, now; Monsieur Rene!" cried Bartliolomew, grasping him by the wrist, ''follow me and we shall sure- ly escape." For a moment Laudonniere stood thrusting the point of his sword into the wet earth, in vexation and despair, while the tears stood in his eyes and groans were on his lips. ''See ! we have not a moment to lose, the tent falls, the Spaniards will be on us in a moment ! They will catch us at the breach !" cried the soldier with impatience. "Surely, there is where they should have found me at the first — but now! — lead on! I will follow, as thou wilt." A heavy mist had come up from the sea and in its obscurity the two gained the breach in safety and from thence to the dense hammock was only a short step. Here there was temporary safety but they were so naer that they could hear the dreadful work of death and hor- ror going on inside the fortress and the fierce shouts of Melendez crying out "Slay, slay and spare not!" rising above the groans of dying men and the frenzied shrieks of women and children. The panting fugitives traversed in safety under cover of the mist the open ground between the fort and the dense hammock. For a few moments they halted to re- cover breath, still within hearing of the shriekg and shouts of those who could not escape. Even then Lau- donniere felt impelled to turn back and strike one more brave blow for La Caroline. But Bartholomew shook STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 66 his head, saying "It is useless, my captain I The Spanish devils have the fort. God only can save our comrades." So shutting his ears with his hands he stumbled on with his companion, deeper into the forest. Here they found other fugitives, some wounded, all terror stricken. Laudonniere could command no longer, but his ad- vice was to work their way through the marshes to the river shore, from whence they might signal their vessels at the river mouth and so yet make their escape while the Spaniards were engaged in the fort. A portion of them fearing they would be caught on the naked shore preferred to push on to the nearest Indian village, which had hitherto been friendly. Laudonniere knew, however, that this point would be one of the first visited by the pursuers and that it could afford no ultimate rescue or defence, so with a few followers he entered the marshes and hidden by the hammock from the fort pushed on through the tall grass towards the shore. The ground was soft and many muddy little creeks intervened. Weakened by his recent sickness, into one of these the captain fell and up to his neck in water and mud he felt as if he must yield to his fate. But Jean Ressegui de Chemin and the faithful Bartholomew extricated him and stayed by him the rest of the day and through the long dreary night which followed. Meanwhile two of the soldiers in advance reached the shore and swam off towards the vessels, still a mile off. Fortunately for them, those on board had been ap- prised of the taking of the fort by Jean de Hais, the master carpenter, who had slept that night in the shallop 56 FLORIDA HISTOBIOAL TALES. and when he saw the fort was captured dropped down the river to the vessels, which sent out boats to pick up the swimmers. The work of picking up the stragglers was continued and Laudonniere with his faithful com- panions were at last found and rescued. In all eighteen or twenty were thus saved, among whom was the cele- brated painter Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, some of whose illustrations of Florida scenery and native life are still preserved in the old chronicles. They dared not go near to La Caroline, as the brigan- tine which they had repaired before Ribault's arrival and the bark purchased from Admiral Hawkins, were neither well enough armed nor manned to face any as- sault from the Spaniards and finding at last that no more fugitives were left to rescue, as those who had taken refuge with the Indians had been pursued and slain by the remorseless foe, the sliallop was scuttled and on the 25th of September, 1665, Laudonniere sailed, abandoning forever the last colony of France in Florida. After many perils by sea they arrived in England where they received generous hospitality and humane treatment. It will be noted Laudonniere did not desert the vi- cinity of La Caroline until the last moment, for while Melendez had attacked the fort only with a land expedi- tion the enemy might order up vessels by messengers to St. Augustine to cut off their flight and they ^ared not tarry longer, but they learned the most of the particulars which marked the fate of the Huguenot colony as the most deplorable and atrocious in the annals of American history. STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 57 CHAPTER VIII. THE PRISONERS EXECUTED. There are pages in history which are penned with trembling, reluctant hand, so full of atrocity and horror are they. Yet they must be written, if for naught else than for warning to the generations of men to keep chains upon the brutal instincts which, let loose without restraint, do turn the loveliest spots of earth into fit types of hell. It was a cruel sanguinary age, when blood flowed like water, not only in the new world but in the old. An age which prated much of Christianity, yet knew not what mercy or justice or charity meant when reasons of state intervened. It was ''vse victis" to the conquered, especially if they were alien in both religious creed and race. La Caroline was captured as written in the preceding section. By the time the sun had dispersed the morning mist the last of its Huguenot defenders was either si- lenced in death or bound and awaiting the will of the conqueror, save those who were being speedily hunted down and slain in the adjacent forests. The Fleur de Lis of France was replaced with the standard of Spain and the name of the fortress changed to San Mateo, to commemorate the day on which it was taken. The arms of France and Coligny which sur- mounted its gateway were torn down and a garrison set 58 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. apart to take charge of the place under the command of Gonzalo de Villareal. Then came the question of what disposition to make of the prisoners. We have seen that twenty escaped with Laudonniere; as many more were overtaken and slaughtered in flight. Many had been killed in the sur- prise, but there still remained thirty or forty men to be disposed of. Melendez was a man of rapid action. Having made up his mind he was as cruel and relentless as a tiger in carrying out his conclusions. He had mentally decided, even before the fall of La Caroline, to destroy the Hu- guenots utterly. Short was the shriving he intended for them and as terrible as it was short. He ordered the prisoners to be brought into the cen- tral court of the fort. They were all together— men, women and children. The former bound, the latter wail- ing and sobbing with fear. '^Separate the women and children from the men," was his command. "The women and children shall be spared." But they were to be kept as slaves. ''Are there any among ye," said he to the men, "who profess the faith of the Holy Catholic Church ?" Twoof the prisoners answered in the affirmative. He turned them over to Father Salvandi, ordering their bonds to be removed. Continuing, he said to the rest, "Are there any among ye who, seeing the error of their ways, will renounce the heresy of Luther and come into the fold of the only true church ?" A dead silence followed. The captives looked mourn- fully at each other and at the Adelantado. But in his STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 69 set, cruel countenance there was no sign of mercy. "Be warned ! To those who recant, the church opens her arms. To those who will not, death temporal and eternal is decreed." Moved with pity, but knowing it was useless to utter a word of pleading for mercy to the prisoners on any other terms, the priest lifted his crucifix. The silence was still unbroken and the cloud on Me- lendez' face grew more sinister. "Hear ye — and now say. Do you not comprehend that your lives rest upon your speech ? Either ye em- brace the safety that the church offers or ye die by the halter." Then one sturdy soldier took a step in front of his fellows and, lifting up his face proudly, said "Pedro de Melendez, we are in your power. You are master of our fort and our mortal bodies, but in the face of the death you threaten, we say we cannot recant our faith in the true Church of Christ. We have naught to do with Rome. As we have lived in our Lord's teachings we will die faithful to them. We ask your mercy on honorable terms only. We cannot take the terms you offer." The speaker looked around him at his fellows, and over their faces gleamed an answering light. "Speaks this man for the rest of ye also ?" There was a moment's silence and then a sailor, stepping forward, spoke out: "Ay! ay! Captain, what he has said we all say. If death's the word we are ready for the end of the voyage, whatever port our compass brings us to." "Be it even as ye say!" said Melendez, coldly, sternly, without softening of accent or show of passion. FIX)RIDA HISTORICAL TALES. "Two hours hence these men are to be hung without the fort. Their punishment shall be a warning to heretics and invaders of the realm of Spain in all ages." Turn- ing to the newly appointed commander of the fort, he said: " See to it that halters are provided and that my order is executed." To the priest: ''Reverend father, you may talk with them and if any are converted give them your offices." Then arose the cries of women and children as the first embraced their husbands for the last time and the latter clung to their fathers' hands. So sad, so pitiful was the scene it should have moved a heart of stone to mercy, but it did not. Neither cries nor tears nor pitiful beseeching, on bent knees, on their part, swerved Melendez from his purpose one jot. Nor would he hear one word of expostulation from the priest who would fain have had more time for his exhortations, and who was himself shocked at the Adelantado's wholesale and relentless decree. Nevertheless, he spared not his exhortations and pleadings. In his sight the way of escape was easy. But he preached and promised in vain, and perhaps, judging from Melendez' deeds afterwards, had the pris- oners then recanted still they would have not been spared. As it was, the soldier and sailor had spoken for the martyrdom of all and at the appointed time the last separation was made between the men doomed to death and their companions in so many miseries and misfor- tunes, and they were marched forth to a huge live oak tree whose gnarled wide spread arms were dangling with lialters. There they perished and there their bodies were left STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 61 hanging until the same tree bore another like ghastly- crop to mark the vengeance of De Gourgues. Under this tree was planted a hewn board on which was painted in large characters the following: " These Do Not Suffer as Frenchmen but as Heretics and Enemies to God." FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. CHAPTER IX. HOW IT FARED WITH RIBAULT AND HIS FLEET. Melendez, having completely accomplished his pur- pose so far as La Caroline was concerned, being anxious for the safety of his new post at St. Augustine on account of the possibility that Ribault's fleet might have escaped the storm and might return to attack it, leaving a strong garrison to repair and hold the fort, returned" to that place with one hundred men. The country, a low pine woods, nearly level, was inundated by the recent rains which made the march a very disagreeable one, but the return was accomplished more speedily than the advance and his appearance at St. Augustine was unexpected. The whole colony turned out to hail the conqueror, with acclamations of joy and a Te Deum of praise. However, in the midst of their rejoicing the two ves- sels lying side by side in the harbor caught flre and were destroyed, leaving them without any sea going craft. The most of their armament, however, had been transferred to the land some time before. Attention was turned to fortifying position, as Melendez now saw the safety of his colony would depend altogether upon his ability to defend himself on land. The work and privation brought on much discontent and a mutinous disposition which nothing but fear of his cruel determination restrained from open revolt. In the meantime how fared it with Ribault? The last we noted of him, his vessels disappeared from in STORY OP THE HUGUENOTS. front of St. Augustine before a north-east gale driving to the southward. All night long they battled with the storm. Vainly they tried to beat off from the shore but could not secure sea room. The next day found them nearing the outward curving point of Cape Canaveral, upon wliich or near by, finally, the whole squadron went ashore. One of the vessels of heavier draught than the others struck on a shoal some distance out and Avent to pieces, all the crew except the captain, De le Grange, drowning in the breakers. The other vessels were driven in upon the beach, and as the wind slackened and the tide receded, their crews disembarked safely. Some time was passed in securing as much as possi- ble from the stranded vessels, in waiting for the tempes- tuous weather to abate and in reconnoitering the vicinity. Ribault's men were probably the first white men to view that noted arm of the sea called Indian River. They found numerous Indian villages whose inhabitants lived chiefly on fish and oysters and were not disposed to be hostile. But the country in the main was barren, ex- cept for a few small fertile spots along the river shores. For awhile Ribault made efforts to re-launch two or three of his vessels which were not so mucli injured as the rest, but was finally impelled to give up that idea in despair. Not knowing the fate that had befallen La Caroline, it was finally decided to march nortliward and regain that point. Now^iere could they find tlie connection of the long narrow peninsula with the mainland and the hard, smooth beach offered them an easy road which they accordingly took. On the second day afterward the advance guard 64 FLORIDA HISTOBIOAIj TALES. reached Mosquito Inlet. Near this was the usual village of fishing Indians, who ferried them over the inlet in their dug outs ; a process which required considerable ' time and resulted in dividing the force into detacliments. Owing to the fate which finally befell the great ma- jority of these inen, few records of their discoveries are left and we are left chiefly to conjecture in what condi- tion the shores of the Lagoon, tlie Hillsboro' and the Halifax were as to occupancy by the aborigines who were numerous but not warlike. Ribault's command still numbered over five hundred men and much of their subsistence had to be obtained from the natural resources of the country; sea clams, fish and game constituting the available supplies. They suffered inost from thirst, as nowhere in this shore region of sand dunes are there streams, pools or springs, only bear wallows, as they are called, and shal- low wells at the Indian villages. The latter part of the march was the worst in respect to food; the upper portion of the Halifax, the creeks and marshes lying between it and the Matanzas being devoid of oysters. It was, therefore, worn out witii privation and dispirited by misfortune that the advance division of two hundred reached Matanzas Inlet wliich barred their further progress. It was a weary and forlorn body of men that gath- ered on the south side of Matanzas Inlet and gazed across its narrow channel at the south point of Anastasia Island. Its waters were too deep to wade. Sharks abounded and the tide currents in and out made it dangerous even for strong swimmers to assay. There were no boats or canoes available. STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 65 They did not know of the possibility of making their way across Matanzas neck to the mainland, and thence through the pine woods to the rear of St. Augustine on to La Caroline. They were spirit broken, hopeless, except the possi- bility of rejoining their comrades, of whose fate it was impossible for them to know anything. Their only chance, they thought, was to regain the shelter of the fort and perhaps succeed in devising some means of escape from this land which, though not inhos- pitable by nature generally, had, in their case, been singu- larly full of calamity to them. They little knew that beyond the hammock lined shores across the strait, be- yond the smiling waters of the Matanzas, winding in •graceful curves between woods and marshes, a human tiger was already preparing to bathe himself in their blood. Surely had they known then, what they were to know soon, with time to measure their deadly peril and the merciless cruelty of Melendez, even then with but one stout hearted leader they might have turned the scales in their favor and meted out to the Spaniards the justice they deserved. But it was not to be. Fate was against them. Prov- idence had forgotten them and already their hours were numbered almost to a man. The vine clad hills of France were never more to greet their homesick vision, at least as mortal men. Worn out with marching in the hot September sun, over the beach sands ; strangely red as if already stained with blood, witli the glaring sea on one side and high sand banks covered with an almost impenetrable jungle of saw palmetto on the other, they made their bivouac fires ; FLORIDA HI8TORIOAL TALES. cooked oysters, clams, fish or such other provender as their scanty stores afforded ; cut palmetto leaves for beds and slept the sleep of exhaustion. That night Melendez learned from Indians that white men had readied Ma- tanzas coming from the southward. He knew they were some of Bibault's men and rightly conjectured their con- dition. He did not know, however, whether the whole of Ribault^s force was there or whether they might not be divided so as to approach his settlement in front and rear. He did not dare to draw his whole force from St. Augustine, so chose sixty of his best armed soldiers and placing them on board bateaus made his way rapidly down the Matanzas. He was well aware that if the Huguenots were disposed to fight and could cross the inlet, he could not oppose his sixty to their five hundred, but with the advantage of position on his side he ex- pected to employ, if necessary, such arts of craft and dissimulation, deception and treachery, as would be nec- essary to make up for the difference in numbers. His sagacity and courage as a soldier certainly almost equalled his brutality and remorseless cruelty as a man. * STORY OP THE HUGUENOTS. 67 CHAPTER X. THE FATE OF THE SIEUR DE LE GRANGE AND THE FIRST DETACHMENT AT MATANZAS INLET. Melendez, having loaded his bateaus with soldiers chosen for determined and ferocious character, from all his garrison, especially for this undertaking — one he had resolved should be at least equally as terror striking to- all enemies of Spain as the massacre at La Caroline — left St. Augustine long before daylight. The boats were propelled by skilled oarsmen and be- side the men, contained the necessary provisions for a halt at Matanzas, which might be more or less prolonged by events not to be calculated beforehand. The weather had at last subsided into gentleness and cloudlessness, forming a great contrast to its late turbu- lence and discomfort. The air was balmy with the odors of flowers and spicy woods, with just enough of the sea flavor in it to make it perfection. The stars shone upon the winding waters of the serene river, their reflections rivalled in brilliancy by the phosphorescent gleams, evoked by swiftly plied oars and trailing wakes, as they sped on, bound on an errand of blood and treachery so horrible, not all these waters nor those of the near-by sea can wash the stains away in all the ages to come. Occasionally, in the forepart of the voyage, some boat crew chanted a rude war song or even hymn, but as the mornmg sun began to streak the eastern sky with red aud gold, silence fell upon them all. ^ FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. Then sunrise came and with it the full blaze of a beautiful October day. Stealing along the shores of Anastasia Island, Melendez sought a cove behind a ham- mock grove close to the inlet and disembarked his men. Here a repast was served to all and then their leader, accompanied by a few soldiers, went forward to recon- noitre. Climbing a live oak ■tree upon a shell mound near the verge of the sand point which formed the south end of Anastasia Island, Melendez concealed, had a full view of the opposite shore of the narrow strait and saw the Frenchmen attempting to build a raft with which to cross, but for which purpose there was little material suitable to be found. By his count tliere could not be more than two hundred of them. But this was too large a number to permit landing in an armed body, so taking the initiative, with a diabolical plan prompted by the evidently disheartened condition of the French, he de- scended the tree, emerged from the thick underbrush which concealed his force and advanced boldly alone to the shore, signaling for a conference. After a brief consultation among the French, a bold Gascon, who was a good swimmer, sprang into the water and swam across the strait, which was not more than an hundred yards in width. After the military salute had been exchanged, Me- lendez demanded : " Who are the people whom I see on the other side?" " We are Frenchmen who have suffered shipwreck." " What Frenchmen?" " The people of M. Ribault, Captain General of Flor- ida, commissioned by the King of France." *' Neither France nor Frenchmen have a right to STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. Florida. I, Pedro Melendez de Avila, am Adelantado of all Florida and hold it in behalf of Philip, King of Spain; Go back to your commander and say to him that I am here with my army to prevent any invasion of thi^ land and punish the invaders." The Gascon returned and delivered the words of Me- lendez to his disheartened and bewildered companions. What should they do ? It was true that but one man showed himself to bar their passage of the strait, but scouts had caught sight of one of the bateaus and even as they considered, the flag of Spain was displayed and they believed Melendez' statement. Wretched with privation and broken in spirit, even those heretofore the bravest were anxious to obtain any terms which might give them a chance for their lives and ultimate return to France ; so the Gascon was per- suaded to return and ask safe conduct for four officers, to be taken across in the bateau, to negotiate terms. To this, consent was readily given and the Sieur de le Grange and three others were ferried over under a flag of truce. Melendez' men were so disposed, under cover of the forest, that the French officers could not make out their number when they w^ere brought to the camp at the cove. Six well armed men only constituted the immedi- ate guard of the general, while the boatmen attended the camp fire and preparations for the noonday meal, pur- posely made as ostentatious as possible. Their leader told the story of their mishaps, ship- wreck and sufferings, hoping to arouse a feeling of hu- manity, and asked assistance to reach La Caroline from whence they hoped to return to France and leave Florida to his peaceful possession. 70 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. To this Melendez replied : "Senor, I have made my- self master of your fort; 1 have slain the garrison, spar- ing the women, the children and such as were Catholics or abjured their heresy, and have the fort well garri- soned. You cannot go there." Had a thunderbolt fallen at their feet they could not have been more surprised, and noting a look of doubt after rallying from the first shock Melendez continued: ''If you doubt, or hope it is not true, I will soon convince you. I have brought hither two soldiers whom because they claimed to be Catholics I spared. You will doubtless know them. After you have dined you shall hear the truth from their lips as freely as you will." He then retired, ordering them to be served. They fell to like famished men — as, indeed, they were — after which the two captives were allowed to communicate with them and freely tell the cruel history of La Caro- line. Nothing was concealed. Melendez' policy was to render them abject with fear — and he succeeded. After an hour's absence he returned. ''Are you sat- isfied," he asked, "of the truth of what I told you ?" Then the Sieur answered: "We cannot doubt that it is even so. But this does not lessen our claim upon your humanity as men who have been deprived of all other hope. There is peace between France and Spain, alliance between our sovereigns. We will be glad to leave you in undisputed possession of this country. Give us but 'as- sistance to leave it and henceforth there will be none to dispute your claims." "If you were not heretics and I had the ships it might be so, but it cannot be," was the stern answer. "I have sworn to extirpate heresy wherever I find it. As STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 71 Catholics you might have claims upon me, but you are not." '^Nevertheless we are men, human, made equally in the image of God and, if not at the same altar, serve Him also. Assist us to leave this country — this is all we demand." ''Demand nothing of me. Yield yourselves at dis- cretion. Deliver up your arms and ensigns and I will do with you as God shall inspire me. Consent to these terms or do what pleases you. I promise you neither truce nor friendship. Go and report to your companions and give me their answer." The four then told him, that if he would assure them their lives, they would give a ransom of twenty thousand ducats for the whole company. The answer was characteristic of this abnormal fan- atic, the cruel, relentless, unpurchasable human tiger: "Though but a poor soldier I am not capable of being bought. If I am moved to do an act of grace it will not be your money that will move me to it. I tell you as a soldier and an officer holding a high commission from my King, though the heavens and the earth mingle I change no resolution I have made. Unconditional sur- render, first of your arms and then of yourselves, is what I demand.. Time passes. The boat is waiting, go." It will scarcely be thought credible that men yet having arms, power to use them and numbers sufficient to make at least a respectable resistance, would listen to such demands. But they did, even after a full report had been made. Some were simply reduced to apathy by despair. Others argued that it was the vigorous resistance made by a 72 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. gallant few of La Caroline's garrison that had incensed him to destroy them so mercilessly. "It is likely," said they, "that if we surrender peaceably he will give us our lives." But little time was required to determine their sub- mission. The returning bateau was loaded with the four officers, arquebuses, pistols, swords, bucklers, their whole complement of munitions and a complete surrender was tendered. The Frenchmen thus disarmed were brought over and with a refinement of cruelty scarcely comprehensi- ble w^ere given something to eat. After this they were asked if any among them were Catholics, for the one thing on earth this man feared was the church, nor that to any greater extent than to yield to its imperative de- mand for protection to its adherents. It is said there were but eight amongst them who claimed they were Catholics. Tliese were set apart to be conveyed to St. Augustine. The rest were then bound and driven in squads of six to a small glade away from the camp and as they arrived were set upon their knees and shot or stabbed, each party not knowing the fate of the preceding until the last moment. What horrors occurred can not be imagined. But neither prayers, entreaties, groans, nor the red tide of human blood poured out upon the thirsty sands, turned the monsters from their work. Those who did it stripped the slain and acquh'ed much booty from the bodies of the dead, over which was thrown a covering of loose sand and leaves; and so perished miserably the first detach- ment of Ribault's men at the place which henceforth bore the name of Matanzas or "tl>e place of slaughter." STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 73 CHAPTER XI. RIBAULT AT MATANZAS. Melendez hastened back early the next morning to St. Augustine with the few wretched men spared from tlie massacre. He was welcomed as a conquering hero, with all the pomp and display that was possible, even including a Te Deum and church services, so low had fallen the stand- ard of Christianity in that dark age of murder and rapine, especially amongst the Spanish people, for while other nations of Europe had in a measure become inocu- lated with the spirit of bloodshed, and wars convulsed all Christendom, there was amongst the rest some humanity remaining to modify brutality. Scarcely, however, had his soldiers cleaned their garments and their weapons from the blood of the slaugh- tered Frenchmen, when the watchman left at Matanzas sent word that a large body of Ribault's men had con- gregated in the same spot on the south side of the inlet, and were making preparations to cross, or at least were trying to, by continuing the building of the raft com- menced by the preceding body. The news created great excitement amongst the whole garrison, who were clamorous this time to accom- pany Melendez, being incited thereto by the display of the spoils brought home from the late massacre, and their now confident belief in the invincibility, and power to se- cure certain triumph, of their leader. 74 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. Believing that the main body of Ribault's men were at last in his toils, Melendez selected one hundred and fifty men, the flower of his force, and embarked them as before in bateaus and Indian pirogues or large canoes hewn from logs, and retraced his way to Matanzas. The preparations and the embarking of this large body delayed the expedition so that it was nearly night- fall ere he reached that vicinity. As they approached this point many zapotes, or southern vultures, were either wheeling in the sky over- head or darkened the dead limbs of trees with their ill- omened plumage. As his eyes rested on them the sombre face of the Adelantado grew darker and more sinister. ''See, Ochoa, those birds are hungry for more French- men! By the mass! they shall have another feast!" It was not Melendez' intention to alarm the French until the proper moment, so he camped on shore where his force would not be observed for the night, but before dawn had them disposed at the edge of the scrubby growth near the inlet. With the dawn came the discovery on the part of the French of the Spaniards, drawn up in order of battle on the opposite side. Their drums sounded the alarm. The royal standard of France was unfurled and the troops gathered in martial array. Ribault, although sick at heart witli the demoralization of his forces from want, hardship and homesickness, still observed military ex- ternals. Melendez, seeing this display of determination, or- dered his people to breakfast as if it concerned him not, and while the preparations were going on, j)romenaded the shore of the inlet with a few of his. officers, as indif- STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 75 ferently as if there were no opposing array on the other side. Then the commander of the Huguenots displayed a flag of truce and the trumpets sounded a parley. By the time breakfast was over the tide had so far run out that one of the French captives and a soldier of Ribault could wade out within conversing distance of each other. The latter requested that some One might be sent over with a boat to carry a herald across the strait for a conference. The boat was sent over and carried back one of Ri- bault's officers. This man was totally ignorant of what had befallen the first detachment. He related briefly the desires of his commander which were to reach the fortress of La Caroline, praying the assistance of the Spaniards to enable him to do so, promising peace and amity and to leave the country as soon as possible. In answer to questions the envoy told of the wreck of the squadron, and gave the number of men yet left as three hundred and fifty, amongst whom were gentlemen of France well able to reward assistance. Melendez heard him through without betraying by his looks any signs of hostility or ill will. He must first get his enemies into his power. ''I will send over a boat with a surety of safe conduct to M. Ribault and such officers as he may select to ac- company him, to confer with me as to what may be done to meet his wishes, with the j^rivilege of returning at his leisure to his own men." Ribault crossed the strait accompanied by eight of his officers. They were courteously received by the Adelantado and a collation served. Disarmed by this 76 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. treatment, the frank sailor-soldier told Melendez all the recent events and disasters that had befallen them. At times, he was troubled by noting on the persons of Melen- dez' companions, ornaments, swords and bucklers, which he recognized as belonging to some of his late compan- ions and finally hearing of the capture of La Caroline and of the advance division, was aghast at these circum- stances \\^hich showed how completely his first hopes were nullified. Finally he said: "Monsieur, I cannot believe that you will serve us evilly. Our kings are friends and brothers in peace with each other ; we wish only to return to our own country. We will leave this to you. Give us the opportunity and we will give our parole of honor on all that is sacred to all of us, that never again will any of us serve against you or your followers." To these words Melendez replied as he had done to the leaders of the first detachment, with a demand for their unconditional surrender, but by implication at least, held out the hope of mercy. No argument or persuasion could induce him to do more. It so happened that Alphonse D'Erlach was one of ^he officers who accompanied Ribault. It also hap- pened that one of those spared from the massacre because he was a Catholic was a soldier from Lorraine and spoke a dialect that none of the Spaniards understood, but D'Erlach did. The man had served under him and was attached to him. In serving the collation, this soldier had an opportunity to speak to him in the proffering of victuals and said in his patois, as if he had naturally dropped into it, ''Monsieur, laugh as I hand this bread to you, as if I joked; but take heed! Trust not this man. He means blood. There, where the vultures are, lie our STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 77 dead comrades." So saying he broke one of the ship biscuits and out of it a worm fell. Then D'Erlach slapped him on the shoulder with the open palm and, laughing, said 'Thou doest well to serve bread and meat together." 78 FliORIDA HI8T0BICAL. TALES. CHAPTER XII. D'ERLACH'S warning to RIBAULT — NEGOTIATIONS FOR SURRENDER. D'Erlach's keen eye had noted, even more closely than Bibault, the indications presented by the trophies of the late massacre, in the hands or on the persons of a number of those in the Spanish force by which they were surrounded. With suspicions made still more active by the Lorrainer's words, he studied closely the dark face of the Adelantado, and mentally concluded there was un- limited treachery and ferocity in the soul of the Astur- ian. For himself he decided that he would not trust to the mercy of Melendez, at least without a pledge, and when Ribault asked for his advice he said : ^'Before any arrangement is made, looking towards surrender, let a council of all our force be called." Ribault then informed Melendez that he had with him many gentlemen of family and that he could not de- cide without consulting them. He therefore asked per- mission to return to his camp for that purpose. Consent was given to this — the Spanish general adding a word as to the advisability of throwing themselves, without un- necessary trouble or delay, upon his mercy, he being dis- posed by his conference with M. Ribault to devise some plan by which the desires of the French to leave the country could be accomplished. With this the general of the French recrossed the strait accompanied by D'Erlach, Ottigny and the rest. STORY OP THE HUGUENOTS. 79 The buglers sounded the call to the standard, and with the declining sun of an October day, pouring the splendor of its rays upon the surrounding waters and the sand beach on the south side of the inlet, the Huguenots gathered in a council of war decisive of their own fate, in full view of the Spanisli forces on the opposite side and almost within hearing. Ribault opened the consultation by saying: ''Brothers and comrades all, no matter what the dis- tinctions of rank may be, you have yourselves seen, across these narrow waters, how the general of the Span- iards received us. But you could not know what passed between us nor is it, perhaps, necessary to multiply words. It all comes to this: he demands our uncondi- tional surrender, proffering to do what he can to enable us to leave the country. In what way or when, he says not. "I cannot conceal from you that he has captured La Caroline and slain most of the garrison." [Melendez did not tell him of the escape of Laudonniere.] "In proof of which I have seen and conversed with two of your for- mer comrades who solemnly affirm the truth of his declaration. ''He has also captured the advance detachment which reached this point under the Sieur de le Grange a week ago, the most of whom, because they resisted, per- ished. This I am convinced will be our fate, if we do not placate him." Then D'Erlach arose from the fragment of coquina rock upon which he had been sitting and earnestly en- treated Ribault and all present not to place themselves in the power of the treacherous Spaniard, without at least, 80 fijobida historioal tales. a solemii*surety that they should not be treated as beasts fit only for slaughter, but as men and soldiers. He told them of the garments, swords and bucklers which he had seen among their enemies, evidently taken from their slaughtered comrades. He could not give his informant's name for fear it would cost that one's life, but stated that he had been informed De le Grange and his detachment had been basely, cruelly slaughtered, as their comrades at La Caroline had been also. ''Will you trust the mercy of such a man ? Look j^ou at the vultures yonder. They circle above the same slaughter pen to which this human tiger would lead you all! Yea, and if he should spare your lives, tliere is naught but torture and slavery before you. For one, I say, better die sword in hand in fair battle than let the assassin's dagger have an easy, certain mark. True, it seems there is but little choice. There is no outlet this way for us save the gate of death. But if we cannot cross this strait in the face of our enemy neither can he cross to this side without our consent as long as we have arms and will to use them. ''My good sword has temper to it yet, and I will not let it leave my hand without conditions." So spoke the gallant young Frenchman, once a guardsman at the court. Such, too, was the resolution quickened in the hearts of many of his hearers. But others, like Ribault, were hopeful that Melendez would show them clemency, and so the camp was divided. Chevalier D'Ottigny finally proposed a compromise plan. This was to offer ransom and the cost of transportation to France, or if Melendez would accept their aid there were many who would remain witli him to help colonize and hold the % STOBY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 81 country — not knowing that the other detachment had unavailingly made similar propositions. To this even D'Erlach consented, with but little idea, however, that the proposition would be accepted. Again Ilibault crossed to the landing to meet Melen- dez. "Part of my people only are willing to surrender at discretion, but all will give up their arms and subject themselves to your orders, if you will take ransom for them. I am desired to offer you thirty thousand ducats and the proffer of service on the part of many of them if you will take them, to hold and colonize this land." For a moment Melendez' face assumied a cruel, fierce look and he seemed about to burst out into a blaze of wrath, but, after a momentary pause, a pleasanter ex- pression took its place. In that moment he determined to send back Ribault to his camp inspired with false hopes. ''Understand me, Senor! I cannot change the cartel, but this I will say; the ransom will satisfy my soldiers instead of plunder, and I shall be able to make your as- sistance, while awaiting transportation home, of use to. me." It was arranged at last that in the morning Ribault was to make a final report. As the shades of night fell, the opposing campfires glared at each other from the two sides of the Inlet. Sentinels were set on each shore. Both parties made their evening meal, after which an animated discussion took place in the Huguenot camp as to the acceptance of the proposition. Ribault, lured on by the remembrance of the Adelantado's courtesies to him, held that the proposition to ransom was definitaly FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. accepted and that therefore in the morning Melendez should be notified of their intention to surrender that he inij^ht direct its manner. Ribault's argument in favor of trusting Melendez and surrendering, was supported by Ottigny and others, but was stoutly contested by D'Erlach, Francis La CaillCr Pierre Rotrou and Robert D'Alembert. There had been much friction between D'Erlach and his commander before ; the daring and courageous Chev- alier having time and again urged Ribault to more de- cisive and spirited action, willing, as he phrased it, ''To loose all or win all upon one throw;" but as yet he had not set himself so openly in opposition. Now, however, he felt that a decisive hour had come. He knew, that discouraged with hardships which thefy had ill endured ; with little chance of relief coming in any shape; a large portion of the little army was dis- posed to give up the struggle on almost any terms. For himself, he could see nothing hopeful in the talk of Me- lendez ; no definite promises or pledges, only the desire to get the French completely in his power to do with them as he pleased. With all due deference to the un- fortunate commander he addressed the council as fol- lows : ''Is it not enough, my comrades, that this man, who has slaughtered our brethren, will make no promise of amity? Will give no pledge of safety even to our lives alone? As for me, I would sooner trust the incarnate fiend himself than this Melendez. He but aims to get us hi his power and then destroy us utterly. "The savage has not a heart so utterly stony as that of this Spaniard ! He hath fed on blood until lie craves STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 83' it. Mark this! You go to your deaths when you go to him. The tiger invites you to a banquet where the guest brings the repast. ''Surely we are yet strong enough, if we use our weapons, to make him concede by force what he will not otherwise. We are three hundred and fifty soldiers — why even treat witli this cut throat? Why cross this strait at all? "We still have two courses open to us. We can se- lect some remote, defensible point for settlement and re- main as long in the land as we desire ; or we can retire to where our grounded vessels are, repair or build one, and yet get back to France. I for one will not surrender unless he gives us honorable terms!" Then Ribault, broken in spirit, utterly exhausted by his struggle with fate, recapitulated his persuasion that Melendez would be merciful; that he would deal in good faith with them, and finally said : "Comrades, I command no longer. To-morrow, for myself and those who have decided to do likewise, I shall make a surrender upon the terms of the Adelan- tado ; but I absolve ye all from any obligation to follow me in so doing, •'Monsieur D'Erlach and you who have protested against surrender, you arc at liberty to refuse, and to do as you may deem fit. Whatever agreement I may con- sent to, shall not include those who do not accede to it. ~B\.\t before we part, and it is likely to be forever, so far as this life is concerned, for it does seem as if in neither course is there much to hope for that may bring us to- gether in peace and safety again, let me say, that in wh tsoever I have done or may do, there is no other mo- ^ FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. tive than for our mutual good and to relieve our common perils. Circumstances, yea the very elements, have been against me, and disaster beyond human power to pre- vent, in the will of Providence, has overruled my will." He paused a moment and looking around the circle with a lingering glance into each one's face, he placed his hand upon his bosom and pathetically finished: "Do you not know, my comrades, that the surrender I am forced to make breaks my heart? For myself, I ex- pect nothing. I shall never see fair France again. If it be God's will, so be it! But perhaps for you I may gain some easing of your difficulties, some chance of final re- turn. 'Tis late ; you are dsmissed. God care for us all to-morrow!" So saying, he retired to his rude quarters and cast himself down upon his couch of leaves to catch a fevered repose. Half to himself D'Erlach murmured as he departed, in Latin, for he was gentle born and bred, '"Quem Deus vult perdere prius dementat ! Poor man. He goes to the sacrifice." He then conferred briefly with tliose of the same opinion with him, that it were better far to keep out of the hands of the Spaniard and trust themselves entirely to fortune and the savages, bidding them to beseech their followers not to go with Ribault to certain destruc- tion, but to follow liim back to Canaveral, where many supplies could yet be obtained from the stranded vessels, through whose proper use they might even yet make good their escape or hold their own indefinitely. Heated with the discussion, but little of which have we here chronicled, D'Erlach, carrying his morion in his STORY OP THE HUGUENOTS. hand, wandered with Pierre Rotrou down the beach tow- ards the sea, to cool himself and watch the Spanish camp upon the other shore. There were still a few camp fires blazing, from around which came occasional bursts of laughter, the oaths of gamblers or snatches of song. The gaiety of the one camp, and the sullen, despairing somberness of the other, grated harshly on his spirit, and he moodily con- versed with his companion as they slowly paced the sands, smooth and firm with the recent wash of the tide. A gentle surf broke on the shore in luminous foam ; ielly fish sparkled in the waters ; night birds flitted to and fro with strange shrill cries ; small fish sprang like birds out of the water as with a rush, sharks, porpoises or other predatory fish dashed in amongst them. After a little while, red coals only were left of the campflres, and stars reflected from the smooth bosoms of the coves, ''Truly, Nature cares but little or naught at all for any man, Rotrou, good or bad, and it doth seem to me, God scarcely any more. Look you! Over there the murderers of our comrades sleep like babes without a feather weight upon their consciences, or a shadow of stain upon their souls. To-morrow, they will thirst to redden their arms in blood to their elbows and if Ribault changes not his mind they surely will do so." D'Erlach paused and looked toward the water. A faint splashing sound caught his ear. "Look, Rotrou, what makes that wake of light in the water off yonder little point?'" "Quietly, Chevalier! It is not made by any fish, nor is it yet a boat. A man swims toward this shore." It was only a few paces off, and with no noise they FliOBIDA HISTORIOAIi TAIiES. traverse , > ., ^ ' i — _»-^_^._.^j_, your orders?" '.,',••'•:,. - '' '^ >'' '^ '.' ' '• * ' '• "Without doubt!" "Deem it not strange that I obey mine, then!" Thus speaking, he drove his poignard into the heart of his victim, who fell upon his face without a groan and died. So died the others also without further prelim- inaries, and as with tliem, a similar scene was enacted, the same questioning, the same sentence and doom with each boat load ferried over to execution, till more than a hundred perished.* * Here ends the history properly of La Caroline and Ribault, although still later on La Caroline, or rather Fort San Mateo, as the Spaniards had named it, again became the scene of a most remarkable event — the sudden and terrible vengeance of the Chevalier de Gourgues. Part II, which follows, describes the romantic ad- ventures of D'Erlach and his men along the coast south of St. Augustine ; their mishaphs and final triumps ; relat- ing also much interesting matter connected with the In- dians of this region, including history and romance hitherto unpublished. PART II. THE ROMANCE OF IT. STORY OP THE HUGUENOTS. 103 CHAPTER XIV. THE DARING EXPLOIT OF CHEVALIER D'OTTIGNY, LB BEARNOIS AND THEIR COMPANIONS. Just prior to departing, Ribault had directed Ottigny to remain until the last boat load was ready to be carried across the strait. "It may be, Captain, that Melendez will prove treacherous. Should you see aught to make you believe so, take what course you may deem best. God knows what the outcome will be." So, through the weary lagging hours, until the mid- dle of the afternoon, Ottigny waited, filled with'many perplexities and anxietses, for his turn to come. He liad kept with him, Francis Perrault, familiarly called Le Bearnois from the province of which he was a native, the chief trumpeter, the other having gone with D'Erlach, besides eight of his best men. Ottigny bad watched closely, as well as he could at the distance between the two shores of the strait, what occurred on the other side. He had seen the first detachment, headed by Ri- bault, land on the opposite shore and march, escorted by the guard sent to meet him, to Melendez' tent. As the •two banners carried by them were lowered, the Chevalier covered his face with his hands to hide the tears in his eyes, for with that act fell all the high hopes with which he had first entered upon this enterprise, that at the be- ginning, was to give to France a new world and to him- 104 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. ^^ . _ self honor and distinction. ''Perrault, your eyes are as keen as the eagle's, tell me what you see," said he to the trumpeter. ''It is but little, mon capitaine," answered he. "They have laid down their arms, and now the eight are being marched toward the forest around the cove, with a guard, amongst whom I see no pikes or halberds. They are gone from sight." The next boat load carried ten, and so on, until the hour came as mentioned. During the procedure it was noted that a number of the prisoners were dropped from the little detachments and went not towards the forest, but were left in charge of two black robed friars, and allowed at noon to parade on the beach in full sight of their late companions on the other side. These were those who were Catholics or had recanted, and Melendez, with consummate art, instigated this display of freedom and hospitality, for he made them take their noonday meal as conspicuously, rightly conjecturing it would influence the others favorably, making them more disposed to surrender. And so it did. The poor deluded wretches even crowded to enter the boat, esteeming it a favor to be selected. Even the veterans Ottigny had chosen to remain with him, growled at being compelled to wait until the last. They were now the only ones remaining. Le Bear- nois raised his ])ugle to his mouth and not loudly but sweetly played a few strains of a march. The tide had recently turned seaward. The bateau was coming across the inlet. "My comrades, one more word ere we go," said their captain. "Perhaps at the last D'Erlach's warning may STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 105 prove true. Should it be so, do you follow every word I give you and stand by every act. Be alert and brave for your lives and the honor of France." Tliey answered af- firmatively, and as the boat came to shore, stepped in. As they landed, no guard met them. It was the last boat load and the boatmen themselves, escorted them to headquarters. ''You are the Chevalier Louis D'Ottlgny and these men with you are the last of the French who surrender?" questioned Melendez. "It is true, Senor?" "You will deposit your arms here with the re^t." Ottigny and his men then proceeded to divest them- selves of their arms, during which process the former noticed the group of fifteen or twenty Frenchmen in charge of the two friars, wliose looks were downcast and shamefaced. He saw also, coming from the forest open- ing, a number of Spaniards. At this juncture the voice of Le Bearnois was heard addressing Melendez. "Senor commandant, I crave your pardon, but my bugle is not a weapon of war. It has been my companion for many years. Will you not permit me to keep it." "Thou shall keep it to the last, since tliou dost prize it so highly," replied Melendez with a mocking smile. He then proceeded to put the questions, concerning religious faitli and recantation, as had been done to all the others. "I care not which you choose. Here on the one side is freedom and life, with these your former comrades, who have accepted the terms, or on the other hand the death decreed to heretics and enemies. There is no other choice. 106 FLORIDA HISTORIOAIi TALES. Meantime, Ottigny, with keen eye, was watchful, though not yet fully alive to the deadly peril confronting them. At this moment appeared from behind the tent, ten stalwart ruffians with daggers sheathed in their girdles, bearing cords in their hands and with many bloodstains upon their leathern jerkins. They were the ''Matadors" as they had been nicknamed throughout the camp, the slaughter gang. "Choose ye, and that quickly!" exclaimed Melendez sternly and impatiently raising his staff to make the fatal signal. Clear as sunliglit burst on the mind of Ottigny the whole truth. Dead in yonder glade were Ribault, gener- ous and noble with all his faults, and all of his brave comrades, faithful unto the end, fearful as it was, to him and to their faith. The same fate was to be theirs. The rage of battle swept over his soul; electrified his nerves; turned his sinews into steel. Witli the lightning bound of a leopard, he sprang to the pile of surrendered arms, seized a halberd and aimed one swinging tremenduous blow at Melendez, shouting. ''Take that, tliou treacherous murderer, and to hell with tliee!" The blade of the halberd struck on the side of Me- lendez' steel helmet, glanced and the shaft of tlie weapon falling across his armored shoulder, broke off. The blow felled him, however, stunned and motionless to the ground. With the heroic madness of the Norse Berserker upon him, Ottigny plied the stout ash shaft which re- mained in his hands with terrible effect, for two of tjie STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 107 "matadors" fell with crushed skulls. His followers had grasped other weapons from the pile, and noting the ral- lying of the Spaniards to the tent, he shouted: "To the boat, men ! Quick ! For your lives ! For God and France !" Fortunately, so unexpectedly and so instantaneously did it all happen, Ottigny's party, except two who were slain by the Adelantado's immediate guard, reached the boat in safety. The one man left to guard it was stricken down. Ottigny cut the painter witli his dagger, which he had previously hidden in his doublet, and with a rush the boat was pushed off, they springing into it. In a moment it was caught by the swift, strong cur- rent, and swept out into the channel, and towards the sea. Confusion reigned in the Spanish camp. Wild com- mands and shouts of rage rang over the sands, but it was too late. Their last proposed victims had escaped. For a few moments they rested to catch their breath. Then Le Bearnois unslung his bugle from its baldric, and, standing up in the bow of the boat, blew so shrill, so loud.and bold a defiance, that it rang high above the roar of the surf, the shouts and cries of the Spaniards and went echoing even to the other shore of tlie Matanzas river. Meantine, D'Ochoa, satisfied that Melendez was stunned, not killed, called the friars to attend him, and rallying a company of arquebusiers, hurried them to a point near the mouth of the inlet to fire on the escaping Huguenots. But few had their matches lighted, how- ever, when the boat came in range, Le Bearnois blowing lustily. They opened fire, and one of the bullets striking the buckle of his belt tumbled him into the bottom of 108 FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALBS. the boat, breathless, but otherwise unhurt. "Tonnerre!" ejaculated the trumpeter, when he could raise himself, "a bullet takes one's breath worse than a bugle ! But see ! My bugle is unhurt !" The arquebusiers raised a shout, thinking they had killed Le Bearnois, and fired another volley. The bullets rained like hail around the boat, but the latter was roll- ing to the bar breakers and furnished no steady mark. ''Pull hard, men! A few more strokes and we are out of their range!" exclaimed D'Ottigny at the tiller, his eyes fixed upon a huge breaker coming in from the Bea. Keeping the boat bow on, he added : "Quick! Fifty feet farther, and we are safe !" The bullets dropped behind the boat, but a great swell of blue water was rearing itself in front of them. To capsize here meant death by drowning, or from the sharks, or at the last to be cast ashore amongst infu- riated enemies. But steady was the hand on the tiller; strong the arms plying the oars, and in another breath- less moment the boat rode over the mountain of water which broke in thunder behind them, and for J;he time being they were safe and free. STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 109 CHAPTER XV. THE RETREAT — OAMP BELOW MATANZAS AND THE REQUIEM AT SEA. Meantime, as D'Erlach had planned, the advance guard, followed by the main body of the Huguenots who had refused to surrender to the Spaniards, had departed from Matanzas before sunrise, to take advantage of the lowest stage of the tide along the beach southward. D'Erlach remained to bid a last farewell to Ribault, when the latter should complete his arrangements to be- gin the surrender. Even to the last, he labored to per- suade his comrades to join in the retreat. But it was useless. He was glad, however, that the main body had marched so early, for had they remained they doubtless would have joined the others, for even as it was, reason- ably assured in his owm mind of Melendez' intended treachery, he at moments felt himself tempted to throw aside his doubts, but duty and honor called him to the faithful discharge of his obligations as the guide and commander of the little army, wending its way toward Canaveral. Along the inner shores of the weary coast line were many populous Indian villages. He could not tell at what moment some straggler might arouse animosity and hostility. At last he turned southward with his dozen halberd- ers and arquebusiers, only halting at the last point from which he could scan the Spanish camp to see, as Ottigny 110 FLORIDA HISTOBIOAIi TALES. (lid, the lowering of Ribault's banners, the Fleur de Lis of France and the flag of Coligny. And, even as his friend had done, he also covered his eyes, then hoarsely bidding his men to move on, looked no more, but with set lips, went after them. It was a silent, sorrowful march. The sun blazed down upon them; shone in silver on white sand banks on one side ; glittered in dazzling glory on the ocean— that great, boundless, heaving, never-resting expanse of water, beyond which lay their native land, farther from them than the infinite and the eternal. Even in his bravr heart, there was little less than the bitterness of despair, as the hopelessness of the future came forcibly upon him. Nevertheless, he kept step with his men, nor was it long before his spirits recovered their usual elasticity. Some two hours' march brought them to a portion of the beach where its usually smooth sands were broken by coquina rocks, with pools of water between them as the tide was rapidly coming in. Here, some sea bass were secured by spearing, and after placing a few miles of this rough section, rapidly becoming impassible through the rise of the tide, between them and possible pursuit, a halt was called for dinner. Fire was kindled with flint and steel, and what with flsh, ship biscuit, of which they had a little store, water from their flasks and the berries of the saw palmetto, which were abundant among the sand hills, they made a meal and then resumed their march ; the latter part of wliich was rendered toilsome by the high tide, compel- ling them to march over the sand dunes. As the shades of night began to close around them, STORY OP THE HUGUENOTS. Ill some twenty miles south of the inlet, the campflres of the main body were sighted, and shortly after they joined their companions, who crowded around them for tidings. D'Erlach left to his men the telling of what little they knew to their comrades and related what he had last seen of Ribault to Rotrou, his brother Ernest, La Caille, D'Alembert and Uhlrich, at their campfire. The latter had borne the march well, having walked much of the way, and was rapidly recovering. To him, every incident was significant, and when D'Erlach told of seeing Ribault and his seven compan- ions marched toward the forest, he said '' Poor men! It was to their death they went, for all know, not one of those in that first boat load would ever deny their faith and that I know is the only condition the murderer Mel- endez would offer them." Sentinels were posted both upon the beach and else- where to guard againsts urprise from either Spaniards or Indians, although from the latter little was feared. In this vicinity the Indian settlement lay in a heavy ham- mock beyond the marsh, where were large shell mounds and fertile gardens. From the aborigines the French had so far met with only kindness, and they had mutually cultivated good will. D'Erlach found that it was fortunate indeed that Uhlrich was with the Huguenots on their march, for they were so disheartened by present hardships and the outlook for the future, that without his jjersistent com- batting of their disposition to repent of their retreat from Matanzas, probably many would have returned even after the march began, to share the fate of their former comrades. FLORIDA HISTORICAL TALES. 112 Fortunately ,:also, it was the season of the year when the climate is almost perfection ; cool seawinds temper- ing the sunshine and driving away the pests af mosqui- toes and sandflies, which, at times, rendered life on these coasts a torment. Game and fish also abounded, and there was no lack of necessary food in the camp. A well had been scooped out at the foot of the hill on the inside of the peninsula, which here was very narrow, be- ing only about a furlong in width, and from this they had an abundance of drinking water. The little hollows back of t!ie sand barriers, furnished comfortable camp- ing places, and palmetto leaves for bedding. Wearied with the excitements of the day, and the tiresome marches, the whole camp was soon asleep, ex- cept the sentinels. Not long, however, did D'Erlach wander in dream- land. Nay, it seemed to him that he had barely crossed its boundary line when the voice of Rotrou (returning from the outposts) aroused him. ''Awaken, Chevalier!" ''What is it, monami?" he asked, springing to his feet. '* Follow me to the beach. There is a sound at sea that is a marvel I cannot make out. The guards have heard it, and are amazed." Luigo, the Florentine bugler, who had remained with this portion of the force, rose also and went with them. The wind had quieted down with the setting sun, but quite a surf was still tumbling on the outer bar, with crests which ran along its edge in phosphorescent flames, made more brilliant by the dark waters behind. At first their itraining oars caught only the cries of STOBY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 113 night birds wheeling through the dark, vast concave overhead, or the boom of the bull alligator from the marsh. Naught else but these nocturnal sounds and the steady crashing of the surf upon the sands could beheard. Then there came floating in from a distant point at sea, strains of sweet, solemn music, to which the ocean's voice served as the deep bass of a cathedral organ. Nearer, gradually and clearer, the sweet, sad sounds floated over tlie ocean's breast and penetrated to their very hearts, until at last they swelled into the perfect rhythm of the old plaintive funeral march, where with the mountain brotherhoods of the Vosges and the Alps, in tlie days of persecution and peril buried their lamented dead. Now high and clear, tho' distant, arose the notes as if appealing to high heaven for help of angel hands, to bear a freed soul to its immortal home. Now, low and trembling with deep pathos, the tones came over the water like the wail of a broken heart. There was behind it all the measured sound of chanting voices and instinc- tively there came into D'Erlach's mind the words of the psalm : ''Yea, tliough I walk through the valley of the shadow of Deatli, "I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me." Wliatever it might be in origin, the three, warriors of proof though they were, fell upon their knees on the wet sands and their leader murmured reverently the words; "Sit Nomen Domini Benedictum." (Blessed be the Name of the Lord.) It was, so they thought, the last requiem for their ill-' fated comrades, sung, perhaps, by angel voices. 114 FIX)BIDA HISTORICAL TALES. CHAPTER XVI. OHRVALIER D'OTTIQNY AND HIS CK)MPANIONS GAIN THE OAMP. The swift succession of calamities and misfortunes which had befallen them; their isolation in this strange land ; their sorrow for their lost comrades, had chastened their spirits, and this act of devotion under the impulse of the moment, reflected no discredit upon their courage and true-heartedness. Rather, indeed, it strengthened those elements of their characters, and as they rose from their knees, aroused thereto by a renewal of the music upon the waters, they felt less of a superstitious fear nat- ural to that age, than wonder at the cause. ''Were we not here upon this distant ocean shore, so many countless leagues from France, I would say, there is yonder a funeral barge carrying some brave warrior to his final home. But it cannot be ; nor is this yet a dream,'* uaid D'Erlach. "What can it be— ah, here comes the outpost down the beach— what news, men?" uttered Rotrou, turning to face the three who had been stationed some distance away from the camp. "Captain, you have heard those sounds which we liave followed along the shore, what do they mean?" Rotrou shook his head to signify that he did not know, and stirred up the dull embers of a fire near by, throwing upon it an armful of dry palm leaves and drift- wood, which made a bright flare shining far over the sea. STORY OF THE HUGUENOTS. 115 As the flames shot up, there rang out above the sound of the surf a buj^le call for a parley ; the same with which the Spanish camp at Matanzas had been hailed. "If that be not Le Bearnois, never have I heard him blow a bugle!" exclaimed Luigo, placing his own trum- pet to his mouth and blowing such a blast in answer as -awakened the whole camp, causing tiie astonished sol-