oiomed 300 D716e 1899 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY G 000 005 612 7 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 'i'- ^>, A 7'/.i. ,r fcM ., it" >>>. i- l»9 ',-i» ".' |l^?:''^' . ** J ' -^ THE NATURE AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION AN ESSAY ON THE NATURE AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF ANOMALIES OK REFRACTION BY F. C. DONDERS, M.D. LATE PKOFESSOK OF PHYSIOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF UTRECHT ( Translated under the supervision of the Kirschbaum School of Languages and Bureau of Translation of Philadel/ihia.) REVISED AND EDITED BY CHARLES A. OLIVER, A.M., M.D. (Univ. Pa.) ONE OF THE ATTENDING SURGEONS TO THE WILLS' EYE HOSPITAL; ONE OF THE OPHTHALMIC SURGEONS TO THE PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL, ETC. •JKHitb portrait anO ©tbcr ITllustrations PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO. IOI2 WALNUT STREET 1899 Copyright, 1899, by P. Blakiston's Son & Co. PRESS OF WM. F. FELL & CO., 1220-24 SANS1M STREET. PHILADELPHIA. 3. Ki^i,' TO HERMAN SNELLEN, M.D., PROFESSOR OF OPHTHALMOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF UTRECHT, THIS ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE WORK OF HIS TEACHER AND PRKUECESSOR IS " IN TESTIMONY OF THE WARMEST FRIENDSHIP AND OF THE HIGHEST ESTEEM" De&icateD BY THE EDITOR. EDITOR'S PREFACE. In his duties, the Editor has not attempted in any way to draw a comparison between the Author's and his own thoughts and beHefs on the subjects treated in this volume. It has been his sole desire to give a great man greater honor and to offer such a man's works an in- creased amount of usefulness. In this spirit, and as a result of this thouo-ht, he has oriven each aphorism exactly as it appeared in the original work, thus enabling him to show to the present ophthalmic world, in spite of in- numerable controversies, to what slight extents the fundamental principles laid down by the talented Author in the pages of his almost unique brochure have suffered correction, alter- ation, and conversion during the thirty pro- gressive years that have followed its publication. Indeed, it is remarkable, considering the many ways in which the finger of science has in the past three decades since the work was laid away in a comparatively infrequently used language, been guiding medical empiricism by means of skilled observation and laboratory research into viii EDITOR'S PREFACE. the now fast approaching domain of rational scientific medicine, that this man's work should have so much of the real truth in it, and that his deductions should be so certain of applica- tion to newly acquired facts that were unknown at the time he gave his results to the physio- logic world. Here, in this branch of medicine — in the study of dioptrics — it may be truly said that the proper application of precise and well-grounded sciences by one who was in- timately acquainted with them in their every detail, to the uncertainties of new and never- before-tried work, gave the Author answers that were far ahead of those that were known to the medical men of his day. To disturb such results, when given in trust, as it were, in a posthumous publication, would be desecration. To give the original conceptions of such monumental and beneficial labor, has been a task of veneration and love. Charles A. Oliver. Philadelphia, U. S. A., 1899. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Section I. Emmetropia and Ametropia, lo Section II. Amplitude of Accommodation (Absolute, Relative, and Binocular) in Emmetropia and Ametropia, 19 Section III. Visual Acuteness and Projection in Emme- tropia and Ametropia, 30 Section IV. Line of Direction, Center of Rotation, and Movements of the Eye in Emmetropia and Ametropia 39 Section V. Acuteness of Vision and Amplitude of Accommodation, Modified by Age, . . 44 Section VI. Consequences of M and of H, 57 Section VII. Regular Astigmatism, 69 ABBREVIATIONS. The following E, . M, H, Hm, HI, Ht, As, Pr, /, • r, . P, . R, A:, A„ /o, /i. A. Pi. P2. Ri, R2, c, I, .' /^ ■ >, <, R-P, 11 P R' ; abbreviations are adopted in this work : Emmetropia. Myopia. Hypermetropia. " , Manifest. " , Latent. , Total. Astigmatism. Presbyopia. Punctum proximuni (nearest point of distinct vision). Punctum remotissimiitn (farthest point of distinct vision). . Distance from / to k' : In M diopter. Distance from r to /■'' .• In M = — diopter. Infinity. Absolute range of accommodation = diopter. Relative range of accommodation. Binocular " " <' Radius of curvature of cornea in the visual line. Relative nearest point. Binocular " " Relative farthest point. Binocular " " Distance from p-^ to k''. " " r^ " k^. Point of convergence of visual lines. Anterior nodal point. Posterior " " Anterior focal point. Posterior " " Distance of focal point of a glass lens. " " " " " an auxiliary lens of the eye. Greater than. Less than. Region of accommodation. Amplitude of " A SUMMARY OF THE NATURE OF ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES. In various places^ I have written on tlie chanores that are found in the refraction of the eye, with their symptoms and consequences. These writings contain a portion of the results of a series of examinations, extending over many thousands of eyes, that were commenced six years ago, and have been continued with the collaboration of several of my students. This study gave the subject a wider scope and, at the same time, by bringing into view the connection between cause and effect, rendered the knowledge of the subject-matter more thorough and its general review much easier. In fact, everything pertaining to anomalies of refraction can, at the present time, be united into an easily understood system. Of that system, a summary is hereby offered to the reader. Examination will show that it not only contains what has been previously said on the subject, but that it sums up in 1 See Bibliography. 2 9 lo ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. advance that which will, in the future, find a more extended and more comprehensive con- sideration. I hope, therefore, that it may not be unwelcome as a guide to some, as an intro- d^iction for further study to others, and as a general review to those who may have read and heard of the subject before. I. EMMETROPIA AND AMETROPIA. I. Eyes are distinguished into emmetropic and ametropic ones. In emmetropia, E ^ the posterior focal point, ^ / 1 / / / ^ Et- J '/ J /. y y r -^ Tt / h P: A ,p / '^ / r^ s^^ ^ y- / Vifl ^. y ^ ,'' ^ ,' nt rm ,' '' n i Fig. 3. in figure 3. The points r {i\„^ in the figure) are situated higher than would be the case if H were not to so o-reat a degfree latent, beine therefore noted in the figure as r,,„ (that is, f\ in manifest H). The latent portion, with parallel visual lines, is shown by the vertical distance AMPLITUDE OF ACCOMMODATK3N. 29 between r,„ and r^, which Is here equal to 3.50 D., while the total hypermetropia, H or Ht, is equiv- alent to 4.75 D. XXXVII. Dissimilarity in the conformation of the lines is the consequence of practice. Myopes habituate themselves to accommodate but feebly with slight degrees of convergence, whereas hypermetropes, under similar circum- stances, accommodate very forcibly. By the continual employment of correctional spectacles, the shapes of the lines more nearly approach those of emmetropes: in a like manner, even a brief use of spectacles will have a similar influ- ence. XXXVIII. The form of the lines /„ /,, and p, and r, 1\ and r^, in ametropia, proves that the neutralization of the ametropic condition by concave or convex lenses, has not rendered the eye similar to an emmetropic organ. XXXIX. This makes manifest why each ame- tropic case should not be at once entirely neu- tralized. In order to understand this clearly, r in ametropia (Fig. 3) should be brought to co and the lines reduced in accordance. However, the condition gotten, does not accurately repre- sent that which is really obtained by the neutrali- 30 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. zation of the ametropia (compare Paragraph XXXVIII). 3. VISUAL ACUTENESS AND PROJECTION IN EMMETROPIA AND AMETROPIA. XL. The acuteness of vision, V, of different individuals is obtained and compared by deter- mining the smallest angle under which they are able to recognize objects of known form in an illumination of average intensity. Square capi- tal letters may serve as objects (vide Snellen's test-type), by which control in reference to cer- tainty of recognition is vouchsafed by the fact that they must be named. With a normal eye, the subject is able to recognize such letters under an angle of five minutes' opening (Snel- len). Some subjects have the ability to seethe test-objects under a smaller angle. Snellen's test-letters are numbered in accord- ance with the distance D, at which they can be properly seen under an angle of five minutes. If, therefore, the distance d, at which the letters can be recognized, is ascertained, the degree of visual acuteness will be equivalent to V = j^- In normal acuity of vision, it will be found that d == D and V = I. XLI. V in M is often imperfect. In M>6 diopters, it is nearly always so unless the re- VISUAL ACUTENESS. 31 fractive condition is congenital and the subject is quite young. In M>7 diopters, imperfect visual acuity is the ride, while in M>9 diopters, it will always be found to be below normal. XLII. On account of the o^reater distance from k" to the retina in M, retinal images for equal angles under which objects can be seen, are larger. In opposition, as it were, the retina, in consequence of stretching, is greater in ex- tent, and, therefore, contains a fewer number of percipient elements in any given area of surface. With a complete compensation of both of these factors, the projected retinal images would re- tain an equal size, and V in each case remain the same. The fact that V in high degrees of M is generally lessened in the position of the visual line, is — not considering diseased altera- tions — explained by the stretching of the ocular membranes, which has been ascertained ana- tomically to be relatively greater in the region of the yellow spot. XLIII. In the estimation of V with concave lenses that neutralize the myopic condition, it will be found that the visual acuity is lower than normal. This is so because the second nodal point k" (including the artificial lens in the dioptric system of the eye) is situated closer to the retina, causing the retinal images to become 32 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. smaller. The closer the correcting lenses are placed to k", the more readily do they neu- tralize the myopia, the further removed is k" from the retinal plane, and, in consequence, the less influence do they exert on V. XLIV. In minor degrees of H that are over- come by constant exercise of the power of accommodation, V is not infrequently normal. In addition, by reason of the actually shorter distance of k" to the retina, the retinal images are not so large as those that are found in an emmetropic eye. The retina of H, however, offers a smaller surface, so that, notwithstanding the fact that the total number of percipient ele- ments be equally great, they must necessarily stand much closer to one another. Whether such be really the case, especially in the region of the fovea centralis, is well worthy of further examination. XLV. In the hiofher o;rades of H, V is not seldom found to be imperfect. In the highest degrees, it is usually the case. Various causes for these results are brought into play by the existent conditions : a, the retinal images are smaller ; b, there often exists an abnormal sym- metry of the refracting surfaces of the eye ; and c, in the highest grades of H, the entire eye is VISUAL ACUTENESS. 33 imperfectly developed, die nerve taking share in this faulty development. XLVI. When in H, clear images are obtained on the retinal plane, not by undue exertion of the power of accommodation, but through the employment of bi-convex lenses placed in front of the eye, then such retinal images (because k" is moved forward) are probably as large or possibly larger than those that are found in the emmetropic eye : consequently, V increases. In moderate degrees, V corrected in a similar manner, is sometimes >i ; in other cases, it = I. In hicrh decrees, however, V remains often i . The causes of this are the increased size of the retinal image, and the forward displacement of /c" by the sub- stitution of an artificial lens that is placed in front of the cornea for the crystalline lens which was situated behind the cornea. XLVIII. In the correction of H, the focal dis- 34 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. tance of the lens that is used must be as many inches (milhmeters) greater as the lens is re- moved from the eye. As a result of this, the images of the retina become successively larger and larger in size ; an act that may be compared to that of the working of a Galilean telescope, in which the objective corresponds with the con- vex lens before the eye, and the concave lens of the ocular, in association with the eye, may be considered to belong to a hypermetropic eye. As calculation teaches, the magnification is quite marked. In cases of H = 14.5 diop- ters, a lens of 12 diopters' strength, held at one and a half centimeters' distance in front of the eye, produces a lineal magnification (relatively to an emmetropic eye before operation) of 1.322 times; while a lens of 2.25 diopters' strength, held at ten centimeters' distance in front of the eye, gives a magnification of more than seven times the true size. In higher degrees of H without aphakia, simi- lar use may be made of a relatively weak con- vex lens as a Galilean telescope. XLIX. Lenses that magnify or minify, alter the relation between the dimension of the imaofe of the retina and the movement of the head that is required to survey an object which is situated in the line of vision without moving the eyeball. Therefore, should the head be VISUAL ACUTENESS. 35 moved under such circumstances, it will appear as if all objects that are seen magnified are advancing toward the eyes, and that all ob- jects that are apparently diminished in size are receding from the eyes. Such, however, is not the case when the eyes are moved, as the disturbed relationship is practically com- pensated for by the incorrect direction in which an object that is seen obliquely through the lens is supposed to lie. As a rule, the various visual directions are obtained in measure by coetaneous movements of the head, and in part by rotatory motions of the eyeball. In such cases, the apparent move- ment of objects takes place, though only to a slight degree, by the employment of magnifying or minifying lenses. L, Magnifying lenses have the effect that measurements made with them on a surface that is perpendicular to the visual line are pro- jected larger when one eye is used than with- out a lens ; whereas, on the contrary, estima- tions of depth (differences of distance) made under similar circumstances are projected smaller. Diminishing lenses oive results that are the opposite. The key thereto is essentially this : Eqitiform objects or surfaces, some angles of which are commonly known as right angles, produce, when placed at similar distances and 36 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. under equal inclination, dissimilar perspective retinal images that are the direct results of differences of size. Consequently, uniform retinal images, with a difference in size, cause them to be projected as unlike objects. Lenses change merely the size, and not the form, of retinal images. Therefore, their employment gives rise to a projection of other forms ; that is, such, by which, retinal images that are of relative size, would be produced. A study of their con- struction teaches that these are less deep the larofer the retinal imao-e becomes, and vice versa. LI. Likewise, the stereoscopic parallax for two eyes is decreased by magnifying lenses, and is increased by diminishing ones. The explana- tion thereof lies enclosed in this : that from slightly remote objects, the angle under which a surface shows itself perpendicular to the visual axis is inversely proportionate to the distance ; while, on the contrary, the parallactic angle for the two eyes is about proportionate to the squares of the distances. LII. In high grades of myopia the retina is stretched. The retinal image is therefore pro- jected smaller than it was. before the distention took- place. With a disproportionately great amount of stretching at the posterior pole of VISUAL ACUTENESS. 37 the eye, an object that is seen directly is pro- iected smaller than it was before the stretchinof ; in fact, it is projected smaller than it is in emmetropia (compare Paragraph XLII), Not- withstanding this, in fixing an object, its size is exactly determined and its boundaries are pre- cisely indicated with the finger. In directing the line of vision successively upon the object's diametrically opposed boundaries, the modified connection between the quantity of the neces- sary contraction of the muscles and the pro- jected size of the images is not indicated by any apparent movement of the object. Thus, a point of the retina is, in consequence of a slowly progressive displacement by stretch- ing, projected outwardly in a direction which is unlike that of the original. If the line of projection for a selfsame percipient element of the retina can, in spite of displacement, change so as to retain its connection with other means of perception, it is admissible to assume that the direction is not original, but has been brought into existence by an association with some other means of perception. « LIII. In a similar manner, the projection of the entire visual field, equally with all its points, can, under abnormal conditions, be modified. With any fixed state of equilibrium of the mus- cles of the eye, an object that is seen directly, 38 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. apparently lies straight before the eye. If the position is changed while the subject believes that the same equilibrium has remained, — in paralysis, for instance, or after section of the internal or the external rectus muscle, etc., — he will still project that which is seen centrally, directly in front of his eyes, although the object is situated to one side ; the visual field then being improperly projected. Studied in con- nection with the other eye, it will be found that double images are one of the consequences thereof — they being homonymous in character when the eye has turned towards the nasal side, and heteronymous in type when it has deviated towards the temporal side. If, how- ever, the deviated eye is constantly used alter- nately with its fellow, — which occurs especially in deviations toward the temporal side, — it learns to localize and duly distinguish its impressions from those of the other eye. The projection is then made with much exactness, and thus, the situation of the two objects, which have their respective images placed in the foveae centrales of the yellow spots are shown as quite different. Both yellow spots are thus no longer projected towards the same points in space. In like man- ner, with such deviation, with or without the employment of weak prismatic glasses, homony- mous double images are seen of an object whose retinal images fall to the outer side of VISUAL ACUTENESS. 39 the fovea centralis of the rio-ht as well as of the left eye. The reverse condition may appear after a long-continued or a congenital deviation of one eye to the nasal side. LIV. Herein lies the proof that, in abnormal position of the visual axes, each eye by itself can learn to project its field of vision in the cor- rect direction, and that, therefore, the ordinary projection of the two fields of vision upon each other can also be learned as a consequence of the subject seeking for corresponding retinal images for the two keenly percipient yellow spots. Accordingly, through projection of their impressions, with slight allowances to be made for one another, other retinal points also acquire the value of very closely corresponding points, which signification, not being dependent on any fundamental anatomic condition, they may also lose aeain. 4. LINE OF DIRECTION, CENTER OF ROTATION, AND MOVEMENTS OF THE EYE IN EM- METROPIA AND IN AMETROPIA. LV. The long axis {g a, Fig. 4) of the corneal ellipsoid cuts the cornea almost exactly at its middle (Helmholtz, Knapp). The same ap- plies to ametropic eyes [g a, of Fig, 5, showing a myopic eye, and ^ ^ of Fig. 6, showing a 4° ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. i hypermetropic one). The visual Hne //' is the line of direction which, extending through the nodal point, unites the fixed point of the object Fig. 4. i ^ ^ W \i \ Fig. 5. < Fig. 6. with its retinal image, which — as examination with the ophthalmoscope has taught me — lies in the fovea centralis of the yellow spot. The visual line cuts the cornea at the nasal LINE OF DIRECTION, ETC. 41 side and generally slightly above the middle (Senff, Helmholtz, Knapp). If the refracting surfaces are centered, as is almost always the case, the axis of the cornea practically becomes at the same time the visual axis, and is crossed at k by the visual line under an angle that is shown hy I k g. This angle is designated by the symbol a. LVI. The angle a differs in the emmetropic and in the ametropic eye. In fifteen emmetropic eyes, we (Donders and Doijer) found 7° as the maximum and 3°5' as the minimum, with an aver- age of 5° .082' ; in twelve hypermetropic eyes, 9° was the maximum, 6° was the minimum, and 7° 55' was the average; in ten myopic eyes, the maximum equalled 5° 25' and the minimum equalled 1° 5' (that is, 1° 5' to the temporal side of the axis of the cornea, as can be seen in Figure 5), with an average of 2°. LVII. The result of the various values of the angle a is that, with parallel visual lines, the corneal axes of hypermetropes diverge more than those of emmetropes, while those of myopes, on the contrary, diverge less, or even converge. With similarly directed visual lines, therefore, myopes show an apparent convergent squint, while hypermetropes exhibit an evident diver- gent strabismus. 4 42 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. LVIII. The cause of the various values of the angle a is, as regards myopia, to be found in the stretching of all of the ocular mem- branes, mostly at the outer posterior portion of the eyeball, so that the yellow spot is moved towards the nasal side. In hypermetropia, the greater value of the angle a is due in measure to the shorter distance between k" and the retina, and in part to a congenitally more ex- ternal situation of the yellow spot. LIX. The angle a was obtained by determin- ing the angle formed between the visual line and the axis of an ophthalmometer that was re- quired to have a flame placed in this axis, re- flected exactly in the middle of the cornea ; the reflectinor imaee beincr situated in the middle, when each of its double images corre- sponded precisely with the border of the oppo- site double image. LX. In the said position of the double images, the designated angle of the ophthal- mometer-plates simultaneously indicated the half-breadth of the cornea, or rather its half- chord ; the situation of the turning point behind this chord being determined by calculating how great the angles of rotation (equal on both sides) must be in order to cause the extremi- ties of the chord to alternately come together LINE OF DIRECTION. 43 with the same point in space. The probable fault in this calculation amounted to less than one per cent. LXI. To the distance between the corneal base and the turning- point was added two and six-tenths millimeters as the height of the seg- ment of the cornea. In this manner was found column "b" of the followino- table: • Position of the Turning Point: a b c d e f Length of behind in front of Percentage behind Angle be- the optic the the posterior proportion. the middle tween the axis. cornea. surface of the sclerotic. of the optic axis. axis of cornea and the line of vision. mm. mm. mm. mm. E 23-53 13-54 : 9.99 = 57.32 : 42.48 1.77 5°. 082 M 25-55 14.52 : 11.03 = 56-83 : 43-17 1-75 2° H 22. lO 13.22 : 8.88 = 59.8 : 40.2 2.17 7°-55 Column "a " was computed from the ametro- pia, in which it was supposed that the cardinal points corresponded with those of the sche- matic eye. LXII. The table demonstrates that the turn- ing point lies rather considerably behind the 44 ANOMALIES OF REP"RACTION, middle of the visual axis with which it was formerly considered to almost meet. For the hypermetropic eye, this result is particularly true, though perhaps the crystalline lens in such an eye is less convex than it is in the em- metropic organ, in which the computed visual axis (column "a") would be too short, and con- sequently, the turning point of the eye would lie relatively more anteriorly. LXIII. The position found for the turning point of the eye is advantageous for the move- ments of the organ. The nearer the point of rotation is situated to the posterior extremity of the visual axis, the less are the movements restricted by the optic nerve. As a rule, the larger eyeball is generally the cause of the re- strained movement of the highly myopic eye ; at least the distance between the turning point of the eye and the laterally displaced optic nerve is relatively not greatly increased. 5. ACUTENESS OF VISION AND AMPLITUDE OF ACCOMMODATION, MODIFIED BY AGE. LXIV. Figure 7, herewith given, has been copied from an article by Dr. Vroesom de Haan, entitled " Investigations on the Influence of Age on Acuteness of Vision," which was published at Utrecht in 1862. The studies V AND A AS MODIFIED BY AGE. 45 were made on two hundred and eighty-one subjects, one or both of whose eyes were nor- mal, without any opacities, and free from dis- turbing astigmatism. M > 0.75 diopters, and manifest H of 0.5 diopters, except in advanced age when H = 1.25 diopters was still allowed, Z6M 24.20 22:20 ^ 1 ?0?0 "~^^ K m?o \ /6?n \ 1470 \ h^ n?o r\ lo?n V 8.26 6-20 420 220 0:20 40 so Fig. 7. 60 80 Age. were excluded. During the examination, care was taken to correct all ametropia. LXV. In the figure, the age is given in the abscissas. The ordinates show V, which is ex- pressed by the number of feet, d, at which D = XX, is recognized. In his investigation, de Haan required only the recognition of the letters 46 ANOMALIES OF REFRACllON. U, A, C, and L. As a result, the equation that he found for V was too large. An examination has taught us that on account of this error, a reduction of one-sixth was necessary ; which decrease has been introduced in the ficrure. LXVI. The figure teaches that in the emme- tropic eye, up to about the age of twenty-seven years, V remains almost unchanged. From this age it slowly decreases until it falls below V = o.5 in advanced life. LXVII. It further appears that to the age of forty-two years, V is, as a rule, >i. There exists, however, quite pronounced individual differences. In cases in which V = i, no cause can be properly assumed as to the presence of any anomaly ; this is the signification of what has been adopted by Snellen as V = i. De Haan found as his maximum that V = 1.7. LXVIII. The studies were all made under adequate illumination. A series of personal tests, made in each instance by de Haan, taught him, however, that on account of differences in illumination under which the examinations were made on various days, there appeared oscillations of V = 22.5 ; 20, and V = 19.5 : 20. These variations were, nevertheless, fairly equally distributed over all ages. Conse- V AND A AS MODIFIED BY AGE. 47 quently, the line of curvature practically under- went but slight change when all of the exam- inations were noted as being made during equal degrees of illumination. LXIX. The cause of lessening acuteness of vision increasing with agfe must be looked for in the ocular media, as well as in the optic nerve. LXX. The remarkable clearness with which the fundus oculi of young subjects can be seen ophthalmoscopically, confirms the belief that the transparency and the uniformity of structure of the ocular media decrease in advancing age. The crystalline lens reflects a greater amount of light, its tint grows more yellow, and by oblique illumination, the lines of separation of its sectors become more distinct. Irregular astigmatism increases. Monocular polyopia, with imperfect accommodation, in spite of the ever-decreasing pupillary area, becomes more pronounced and more disturbing. The vitreous humor g^rows more turbid and becomes richer in membranes, corpuscles, and filaments, which, as microscopic examinations and entoptic studies have taught me, are the causes for so-called mouches volantes. In these changes, the cornea is the least affected, particularly, at all events, in its middle zone. 48 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. LXXL Among the most prominent altera- tions seen in the eye-ground of advanced age, are maculated thickenings of the membrana vitrea of the chorioid — knots, as it were, that penetrate into the retina, appearing as protuber- ances which displace and disturb areas of its outer percipient layer. LXXII. In high degrees of myopia, acuteness of vision, especially, diminishes much more quickly during advancing age than it does in E. In M = 9 or I 2 diopters, V at the age of sixty years is usually ». r —1 ^r^: p' "V ^ Fig. 8. emmetropic eye, there is coetaneously formed a slight degree of H. Figure 8, herewith given, illustrates this quite well, pp' is the line of cur- vature of the nearest points, and rr' is that of the farthest points, expressive of the function- 50 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. ing power of the age (from ten to eighty years). After the sixty-fifth year of age, the determina- tions oi p become less accurate, this being so on account of a lessening of V and by reason of the small diffusion circles that are associated with a narrow pupil. LXXVII. The cause of the early decrease of ^ while the muscular mechanism of accommo- dation is still undoubtedly undisturbed, is to be sought in the early increasing density of the crystalline lens, whereby its capacity for change of form is decreased. At a greater age, there is superadded to this an actual diminution of the anatomical constituents of the muscular mechanism. LXXVIII. The decrease of ^^ in E gives rise to presbyopia, Pr. The point at which Pr commences is merely empirical. Especially fine near-work can not be done properly during the use of artificial light in the evening when P2>2 2 cm. With P2>2 2 cm. I have therefore proposed to let Pr commence. This happens in cases of E almost without exception between the years of forty and forty-two. We find the degree of Pr to be 4.5 — p. LXXIX. As Pr advances, the lines p^, p^ and p, and r, r^, and r^, in cases of E, increasingly V AND A AS MODIFIED BY AGE. 51 assume the shape which is primarily character- istic of H. Figure 9, exhibiting the accommo- dation of a forty-three-year-old subject, furnishes the proof thereof. (Compare this with figure 2 in Paragraph XXXV!.) LXXX. In M, the decrease of ^ pursues J. M. / / / / / / / / r- '/ ^ / -/ ^ r, "> V / r, z ^ r- 22'.50' J'f'J?' 4$°3d' SS^ZO' 72'SO Fig. 9. almost a similar course to that which is seen in E. Solely in very high degrees, ^ decreases more quickly ; otherwise the progress of p is altered by the variation to which r, and conse- quently M, are subjected. During the years of development, M is, with- out exception, progressional, the rule being that 52 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. this is the more pronounced the higher is the grade of the M. High degrees of M remain progressive for long periods of time, while the highest grades of the condition are continually advancing. • LXXXI. From the results of a great number of examinations continued over a period of many years, and in accordance with a comparative study of the spectacle lenses that have been em- ployed for many years past, and those that are still used, I have projected the following schemas : M 10 15 20 25 30 J5 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Fig. io. Figure lo represents the course of M as found in a slight and almost stationary degree of the condition. V AND A AS MODIFIED BY AGE. 53 Figure 1 1 illustrates the directions that are assumed in a high-grade, temporarily progres- sive M. Figure 12 shows the course that is found in a very high, permanently progressive degree, LXXXII. From this, it can be seen that it is T 2 35 JL 15 'ii 1 T^ 2 ^T 1 ■5 1 M. /O 15 20 Z5 30 S5 40 4S 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 -^ \ \ \ s \ N, \ "v. ^ -^ ^ r' V / T^ Fig. II. an error to suppose that M, as a rule, lessens with an increase of years. The cause of this incorrect opinion is twofold. In the first place, p actually recedes from the eye, and this which was considered as a lessening of M, would only take place if r were to withdraw from the organ. Secondly, the pupil grows smaller, and conse- 54 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. quently, on account of smaller circles of diffu- sion, the subject can often see better at a dis- tance during advanced age, in spite of a slightly increased M. LXXXIII. Pr is not excluded by minor grades /O /S 20 2S 30 35 40 45 SO 55 60 65 70 7S SO Fig. 12. of M. It is said to be in existence the moment that P is > 22 cm. In cases in which M = 1.5 diopters with A = 1.5 diopters' strength,^ is situated at thirty-three centimeters so that Pr = 4,5 diopters — 3 diopters = 1.50 diopters. LXXXIV, The accompanying diagram (fig- V AND A AS MODIFIED BY AGE. 55 lire 13) exhibits approximately the course that accommodation, as an attribute of age takes in H. The dotted Hne r^ r\ gives the progress of the total H, while r,„ r',„ illustrates that of the manifest. It is apparent that H, which is entirely latent at the outset, becomes increasingly manifest Meter /O /5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 /{ 9 7.5 6 45 3 1.5 15 3 4.5 6 7.5 [9 <' \ s \ \ ^ N N s N V Tm. ^ \ < 'rm- ^ ^ If V ->?, '^ ^ ^ Fig. 13. until by reason of increasing H, it is finally ren- dered wholly manifest. LXXXV. Numerous observations have made it probable that eyes which towards the age of full growth have become emmetropic, have had, in earlier life-time, a minor degree of hyper- 56 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. metropia. This is in conformance with the observation that M constantly augments during the years of development, LXXXVI. Difficulties with regard to seeing at close range arise sooner with H than they do with E. This, however, is not Pr, but is asthenopia. Pr is involved therewith, when, through neutralization of H by the use of an artificial convex lens, P has become >^ 22 cm. LXXXVII. The lessening of the amplitude of accommodation, with the increase of age, takes place with great regularity. Favorable exceptions do not exist here. Well may ^ lessen too rapidly by reason of illness, but out of many thousands of cases examined, I have never seen any unusual continuance. He who, in his forty-eighth year, under definitely deter- mined conditions, does not need spectacles, is, without suspecting it, more or less myopic (sees distant objects more clearly through slightly concave lenses). An unusual degree of V may permit the possibility of a postpone- ment for one or two years at the most. He who, though possessing V = i, needs spectacles for reading, writing, etc., before his forty-fifth year, is generally more or less hypermetropic (sees clearly at a distance through slightly con- vex lenses). CONSEQUENCES OF M AND OF H. 57 6. CONSEQUENCES OF M AND OF H. LXXXVIII. The results of a hiorh crrade of M are: [a) Diminution of V, which especially becomes more marked with increase of years (compare Paragraphs LXXII, LXXIII, and LXXIV) ; [d) Restrained movement of the eyeball with absolute or relative insufficiency (insufficient action) of the internal straight eye-muscles ; [c) Divergent strabismus. LXXXIX. Easily mobile emmetropic eyes can cause the visual lines to intersect on the centre of the plane of the forehead at less than 5.50 centimeters from the eye, within an angle of 80° or 70°. If the point of intersection, c, lies farther away than seven centimeters from the turning point of the eye, corresponding to an angle of convergence of about 51°, then, in a general way it may be assumed that there is an insufficiency of the internal straight eye- muscles. XC. In M, even when ocular motion is un- restrained, relative insufficiency is to be sup- posed, the moment that it is found that r^ is situated closer to the eye than c. This occurs the more quickly since the position of the line of vision in relation to the corneal axis, requires - 5 58 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. a Stronger convergence of the axis of the cornea so as to produce a proper convergence of the visual Hues at a definite distance. Usually, however, in addition, inward movements of eye- balls that are found in high grades of M, are absolutely restrained. XCI. M as well as H are connected with strabismus. The condition is present when bin- ocular vision, by reason of deviation of the visual lines, is suspended. Under such cir- cumstances, the visual lines do not intersect at the point on which the attention is fixed ; and, in fact, on but one of the retinae has the image of this point been placed in the fovea centralis of the yellow spot. The other central spot re- ceives an image from another point. XCII. M is connected with divergoit strabis- mus. The rule is, that in high grades of M this variety of strabismus is relative, namely, that while the visual lines are correctly directed for seeing at a distance, i. e., they are parallel, the maximum of convero-ence is insufficient for binocular near-vision. XCIII. In relative diverge7it strabismus, con- vergence increases, close to its maximum, in proportion as an object approaches the eye. If the object remains at that distance, then the CONSEQUENCES OF M AND OF H. 59 one eye soon deviates to the temporal side ; this taking place the moment that it is covered by the hand. Nevertheless, if the hand is taken away, the outward deviation generally remains, showing that the strong convergence was pro- duced simply by an effort to continue binocular vision. XCIV. The cause of relative divergent stra- bismus rests alone in the opposed convergence. The effort for cooperation of the retinae, that is suspended in absolute strabismus, can here per- sist uninterruptedly, XCV. As one of the results of the highest grades of M, the movement of the eye to the temporal side may also be restrained. For near- vision, there is a resultant relative divergent strabismus ; for distant-vision, there is a relative convergent strabismus ; while for intervening points, binocular vision has a restricted use. XCVI. Divergent strabismus is absolute when binocular vision is not retained at any distance whatever. In one hundred cases of absolute divergent strabismus, M was found seventy times in one or both eyes in comparatively high degree. Statistics thus prove a relationship. The relative divergent strabismus, that is char- 6o ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. acteristic of M, teaches that the connection is a causal one. XCVII. If, therefore, the muscles are left undisturbed, then, as a rule, strabismus develops. A correct direction of the visual lines is only gotten by an effort to see similar objects directly with both eyes ; that is, to place the images of the same object on both yellow spots. If one eye is blind, it in most instances, deviates to the temporal side. XCVIII. Relative divergent strabismus pro- duces dissimilar images on the two yellow spots during near-vision : through this, the need of similarity of images in general is diminished. A commencing deviation, arising from increased convero;ence, reaches at once a hiph deo^ree. An exertion to converge is rather tedious be- cause it brings with it an undue effort of ac- commodation, and therefore causes r to come nearer to the eye. Inaction and decreased energy of the internal rectus muscles are the results of this. Feeble . resistance against double images and weakened power of the internal straight muscles thus coincide. When, during this condition, the action of these mus- cles is inadequate for seeing at a distance, then an absolute divergent strabismus is created. This condition develops itself the sooner : a, CONSEQUENCES OF M AND OF H. 6i because in the absence of proper V at a dis- tance, double images are but slightly disturb- ing ; b, by reason that when a parallelism of the visual lines requires an effort of the inter- nal recti muscles, any exertion of accommoda- tion coincides with it, and reduces V for dis- tance ; c, because the relationship existing be- tween the visual axis and the line of vision in myopes (compare Paragraph LVI) is not favor- able for obtaining a parallelism of the visual lines. XCIX. By this means, a reason is offered for the origin of the greater number of cases of divergent strabismus. Cases comino^ into existence separately from the influence of M, are for the greater part the results of palsy or blindness of one eye (compare Paragraph XC VI). In injuries, contractures and complicated con- genital anomalies, the cause is relatively seldom to be found. C. With E in one eye and M in the fellow, and still more especially, with a low grade of M in the one and a high one in the other, divergent strabismus is the rule. Various forms can here be differentiated. In a general way, the interpretation of this rests in the facts that, in part, with the dissimilarity in the clear- ness and the size of the images, binocular 62 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. vision loses the greatest portion of its value; and that conversely, the convergence, which is already physically hindered, associates itself with an exertion for accommodation, and thus diminishes the visual acuity of the slightly myopic eye for distance. In this form of strabismus, especially, many subjects are aware of the existent deviation, and are capable of temporarily neutralizing it at will, CI. The results of H are asthenopia and convergent strabismus. The former is a quite ordinary symptom, while the latter is compara- tively seldom seen. CII. Asthenopia manifests itself as a fatigue- symptom that soon appears after near-vision. The eye is not apparently diseased, and it is not painful, even when it is exerted. Visual acuity and the ocular movements are both normal. Distant V is considered perfect, but reading, writing", etc., cause a sensation of tension over the eyes. Objects become indistinct. The pa- tient rubs the forehead, closes his eyes, and recommences his work, only to sooner discon- tinue than before. Rest relieves the ocular fatigue, allowing a resumption of the work for a period of time that is commensurate with the amount of rest that has been taken. CONSEQUENCES OF M AND OF H. 63 CIII. Asthenopia has been confused with all manner of anomalies and has been especially sought for in the retina. By some it has been looked for in the organs of accommodation and by them has been ascribed to external condi- tions and undue efforts of the eyes. 1 have shown that asthenopia is not an accommodative anomaly, but that it is one of refraction ; namely, a definite degree of H. Excessive action is consequently not the cause, but the essential inordinate exertion presents difficul- ties that expose the primarily existing anomaly. CIV. The production of asthenopia from H is easy to understand. Visual acuity for distance requires an exertion of the accommodation to neutralize H. Begun thus with a deficiency, the accommodation soon evidences its ineffi- ciency with increasing convergence. It is true, the eye accustoms itself to accommodate rela- tively very strongly with but slight convergence (compare Paragraphs XXXVI and XXXVII), but the positive part of ^ is for moderate con- vergence very small in comparison with the negative portion ; after slight fatigue it becomes equal to O ; that is, p^ withdraws to the posi- tion at which fine work has to be done. Should the object be removed to a greater distance, this chanae eives but a few moments' lono-er relief, for while at this point, | is also almost 64 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. entirely negative, increasing fatigue makes p^ follow closely to the greater distance. For/^, all eyes are asthenopic, especially emmetropic ones. CV. The stronofer ^ is, the hiofher in orrade can H be without producing asthenopia. Whereas ^ decreases with increasing years, asthenopia manifests itself so much the more tardily as H is low in degree. In H0.75, asthenopia is not to be found, or rather it merges into Pr. CVI. The symptoms of asthenopia and Pr are unlike: Presbyopia entirely precludes acute vision, for instance, at twenty centimeters, but at a point that is somewhat farther re- moved, for example at forty centimeters, not even fatigue may be present ; asthenopia fre- quently permits vision at a situation inside of twenty centimeters, but vision at a greater dis- tance, for example, forty centimeters, is soon followed by fatigue. CVII. To realize the difference between asthenopia and Pr, consideration should be given to the accompanying distinctive charac- teristics : I. The loss of any fixed proportion of ^ by fatigue has a more greatly increased influence on P and P^ in young hypermetropic CONSEQUENCES OF M AND OF H. 65 subjects than it has in Pr, for the reason that in the latter, -^ itself is much smaller. 2. At a greater distance than p^, the positive part of ^ increases in cases of Pr more quickly than it does in asthenopia. 3. The lines pj, p^ and p, and r, rj and r^, designate the change of the dioptric system, and not the exercise of the muscular apparatus, of which effort it may be taken for granted that, especially in Pr, each addition produces a proportionately lessened change of the crystalline lens in direct relation as the bulk of the lens approaches its maxi- mum. The result of this is that the positive part of ^, particularly in Pr, expressed as a muscular effort, should be much greater than the negative portion. CVIII. The real result of our acquaintance- ship with the origin of asthenopia, is that vari- ous wearisome and troublesome kinds of treat- ment, succeeded by an acknowledgment of irremediability, have been abandoned for con- vex lenses of sufficient streno-ths to render neu- tral at least the manifest H, while each effort to methodically accustom the eyes to increas- ingly weaker lenses has been discontinued. CIX. Convergent strabismus is, ordinarily, dependent on H. The typical variety is de- 66 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. cidedly thus connected. It generally appears from the fourth to the seventh years of age, and at times later, without any complaint in regard to double images, as a periodic monocular squint. At first, most frequently noticed only while gazing at near objects, followed later by its appearance while fixing upon more distant ones, it can be restrained in its development as long as it remains inconstant by the use of con- vex lenses. Soon, however, it passes into the permanent variety with a constant deviation that is generally confined to one and the same eye (strabismus simplex). In this stage, there is a shortening of the internal recti muscles, additional motility inwards, and lessened motion outwards in both eyes, this being associated with a decreased acuity of direct vision in the devi- ated eye as well as for indirect vision in the visual field that has remained common to both eyes. This lowering of V is gradually devel- oped to such a degree that the deviated eye, during closure of its fellow, fails to fix on an object, but receives the image on a part of the retina that is situated to the inner side of the yellow spot, and thus actually distinguishes the object better than by direct vision, i. e., by the receipt of the image in the yellow spot. ex. The relationship between H and con- vergent strabismus is quite manifest : By CONSEQUENCES OF M AND OF H. 67 Stronger convergence, H can be more easily overcome, and thus by an abandonment of binocular vision, the subject is able to see more sharply with one eye and to employ it more constantly for near-vision. Herein lies the rea- son why deviation at first occurs only during fixation, and this at an age when keener obser- vation begins. Further, while at the time of deviation, attention is directed upon a specific object, yet it is not odd that neither its double- image nor the object which forms its image on the yellow spot of the deviating eye, should operate in a disturbing manner. CXI, However natural it may be to thus ex- plain convergent strabismus from a causative H, yet the condition is by no means an essen- tial result thereof. The number of hyperme- tropes in whom strabismus is found is in reality relatively small. Manifestly, the origin is, as a rule, opposed by an inherent adherence to binocular vision. CXII. The conditions that promote the for- mation of strabismus in H are of a twofold character : a, those which decrease the im- portance of binocular vision ; b, those which make convergence easier. CXIII. The usefulness of binocular vision is 68 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. decreased by diminished V in one eye, fre- quently as a consequence of acquired corneal spots ; often also inborn, and in this case, not seldom dependent upon astigmatism. CXIV. Convergence is rendered easier : i . Absolutely, when the eyeballs offer but slight resistance to movements to the nasal sides, and the internal straight muscles possess an innate preponderance or are readily controlled by nerve influence; 2. relatively, when the line of vision forms a particularly broad angle with the axis of the cornea, and thus, for vision at a dis- tance, a pronounced divergence of the axes of the cornea is required. (Actually, I have found the angle a greater in convergent strabismus than in the ordinary examples of H without squint.) CXV. In developed convergent strabismus in which there is an effort for near-vision, the deviation is very slight, in spite of the fact that exertion for convercjence is at this time un- doubtedly much greater. Consequently, as soon as strabismus is found to be present, a definite amount of H does not so easily pro- duce asthenopia. When by tenotomy, a proper position has been gotten, convergent strabis- mus often reappears from an exertion of ac- commodation. Under these new conditions, REGULAR ASTIGMATISM. 69 the eyeball moves (sometimes arbitrarily) in- wards under an impulse that as long as the de- viation was present, gave but slight movement. A return of the strabismus is, in such cases only to be prevented by the employment of convex lenses that neutralize the H. CXVI. Convergent strabismus may, by way of exception, depend upon a shortening of the muscles caused by paralysis of the antagonist, by wounds, and by contractures. It may be congenital, principally as a portion of a com- plicated anomaly. Lastly, it may be caused by a subconjunctival inflammation which has involved the muscle, this also in measure ex- plaining the association between maculae of the cornea and strabismus. The essential points in tJie summmy obtained are : Hypennetropia gives rise to an accommo- dative asthenopia, ivhich can be counteracted by an actively produced convergent strabismus. Myopia leads to muscular asthenopia which yields to a passively obtained divergent stra- bismus. 7. REGULAR ASTIGMATISM. CXVII. The focal distance of the dioptric media of the eye is, In its various meridians, not precisely alike {regular astigmatism. As). 70 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. If by disregarding the distance k' k" and h' h", the dioptric system can be imaginarily reduced to one refracting surface, then this practically becomes the summit of an ellipsoid with three axes. The longest one is the visual axis, while the other two, which are perpendicular to one another, are situated in a vertical plane. The directions of the latter two are inconstant. Usually, however, the one deviates but slightly from the horizontal plane, while the other de- viates but little from the vertical. In four-fifths of the cases, the latter is the shorter. The meridians extending through the visual axis and one of the short axes, are known as the chief meridians ; that of maximum of curv- ature is expressed by ni, while that of minimum of curvature is designated as m'. CXVIII. Irregidar astigmatism may be traced to two causes : a, the curvature of the various meridians mutually differing, without absolutely corresponding to those of an ellip- soid with three axes ; b, monochromatic homo- centric rays, refracted in one and the same meridian, failinof to remain homocentric. CXIX. Irregular astigmatism depends almost always upon the crystalline lens, which is irreg- ular in every respect. This may be inferred from personal observations. It is, however. REGULAR ASTIGMATISM. 71 directly apparent from i. monocular polyopia; 2. the rays showing points of light, and 3. the radiary lines of light seen in the entoptic spectrum (Listing) — all of which disappear in aphakia (want of the crystalline lens). All of these appearances arise from the same causal factor and bear a direct relationship to irregu- lar astigmatism. CXX. In aphakia, only a definite amount of regular astigmatism remains, manifesting itself by a pure linear extension of a point of light in two opposite directions (limits of Sturm's focal interval), the light at the centre of the focal interval being seen as a round surface. In nine cases of aphakia with V = i or V> i, m was about seven times vertical in position and but once absolutely horizontal, this being proven by the direction of the boundary lines of the focal space. These findings were proved by measurements of the corneal radius in the horizontal and the vertical meridians. CXXI. The amount of regular astigmatism. As, is noted by ^,, /' being the focal distance of a cylindrical lens which, added to m ', should make the focal distance in m ' equal to that of m. I' is expressed in meters. CXXII. All eyes are astigmatic. In ordinary 72 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. deofrees, this can be demonstrated in a well- acknowledged manner. In very slight degrees, and if there be much associated irregular A, its recognition is more difficult. It, however, can even then be made apparent by noting the visual changes produced by rotating weak cylindrical lenses (0.25 diopter cylinder or 0.50 diopter cylinder) before the eye, for by this plan, the combined value of the astigmatism of the lens and the eye is obtained in certain posi- tions of the lens, while in the opposite position, the difference between the two is grotten. CXXIII. As < 0.75 diopters may be consid- ered as normal; As. 0.75 diopters is abnor- mal, because V in this condition is generally lowered and the use of cylindrical lenses is often of service. As of 6.00 diopters and 5.00 diopters is not rare. I have even seen As = 7,00 diopters. CXXIV. The asymmetry just noted was dis- covered by Thomas Young in his own eyes ; to a very abnormal degree it was first taken cog- nizance of by the astronomer Airy, he finding it in his left eye, A few more instances have been met with in Eng-land. Whewell crave the condition the name '.astigmatism.' From the Continent of Europe but a single instance has been brought to our attention. This was REGULAR ASTIGMATISM. 73 described by a clergyman living in Switzerland who determined its presence in his own eye. These cases were improperly considered as curiosities. It has appeared to me that out of every thirty or forty eyes one is affected with an abnormal decree of regular astig^matism. To this type belong most of the cases of con- genitally defective vision. CXXV, Just as for normal astigmatism, so likewise for the abnormal variety of the defect, is its seat, almost without exception, to be looked ior pinncipally in the cornea. This has been made apparent by comparing the degree of As with the variation in the radius of corneal curvature in the vertical and the horizontal meridians, or rather, approximatively in ;;/ and m' . Only when the radius of curvature is known in the principal corneal meridians, can the positive and the negative portions of the crystalline lens be exactly computed by com- parison with the degree of As and with m and m' of the entire dioptric system. CXXVI. Recently I have found a method to determine the principal corneal meridians and their radii of curvature. The three lio-hts whose reflectingr images, in imitation of Bessel's method, were employed by Helmholtz for his studies with the ophthalmometer, are made 6 74 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. movable in a vertical plane around a point lying in the axis of the instrument which, during the examination, is arranged so as to coincide with the cornea. Without permitting any movement of the head, the radii of curvature in every meridian may accordingly be measured by rotat- ing the lights, thus allowinof the maximum and the minimum meridians to be determined. CXXVII. Abnormal As. also corresponds with the normal variety in this, that, as a rule, ni approaches the vertical meridian, and m' the horizontal one. In consequence, it is to be considered as a hiQ^her decree of the same form of asymmetry which is so characteristic of nor- mal eyes. CXXVIII. In order to ascertain the degree of As in diminished V., we should commence by endeavoring to determine the direction of the principal meridians. This may be accom- plished in two ways : i . From the directions of the lines under which a point of light is seen at the anterior and the posterior boundary of the focal interval. (These directions are only inac- curately indicated when there is relatively much associated As.) 2. By rotating a cylindrical lens that is approximately correct in front of the eye, by which the minimum, and especially. REGULAR ASTIGMATISM. 75 the maximum degrees of V. can ordinarily be determined with exactness. CXXIX. If the direction of the principal meridians is known, the most practical way is to estimate R in each of them. This is accomplished by means of a narrow slit (by preference, a transparent strip situated between two blackened small glass plates that are turned toward one another). This is to be rotated before the eye, first in the direction of the one principal meridian, then in that of the other. In these two meridians, the strongest convex lens or the weakest concave one by which the best distant visual acuity can be got- ten, is to be employed. CXXX, By this means, it is determined whether E exists in one of the meridians, and to what amount ametropia is present in one or both of the meridians. The degree of As is obtained at the same time by the difference of refraction in the two meridians. CXXXI. If E or H be present in one of the meridians, it is well, so as to obtain a very exact result, to previously paralyze the accom- modation by means of atropine. Determina- tions of As for/ by accommodation often pro- duce variable results, because of the difference 76 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. of accommodative power of both meridians in two successive examinations. As a rule, how- ever, the same eye appears to retain about the same deo-ree of As durincr different accommo- dative conditions. CXXXII. The astigmatic lens contrived by Stokes to determine the degree of astigmatism, allows, after correction of the astigmatism, the continuance of ametropia. It therefore can- not ordinarily be used to advantage unless myopia in m and 7)1 ' (which is rarely so) be present, in which case, it may be employed for near reading-tests : It neither teaches (what is also necessary to know) the amount of ametropia in each of the principal meridians. In connection with spherical lenses, Stokes' method is, and ordinarily, cylindrical lenses are also, very valuable as control-tests. CXXXIII. The method of Airy, too, is merely of value in myopia with astigmatism, and in such cases in which there is but slight associated irregular astigmatism, gives alone fairly good answers. Modified for eyes that are not myopic, the plan becomes less useful. CXXXIV. As. may be separated into sev- eral types : Myopic, iVm ; hypermetropic. Ah REGULAR ASTIGMATISM. 77 (which is by far the most frequent) ; and mixed astigmatism, Ahm or Amh. Am is said to be simple, when E exists in m ', and M on the other hand is in ni. It is known as coiupoimd when M exists in in ' as well as in iii, conse- quently giving M + Am. Likewise, Ah is simple, with E in in and H in in' . It is compound when there is H in both m ' and in, this being ex- pressed as H + Ah. In mixed As, H is asso- ciated with m ', and M with in. If M is predomi- natino- the condition is known as Amh ; if H is predominant, the condition is designated by Ahm. CXXXV. As. is neutralized (although not with mathematical exactness) by cylindrical lenses. By this correction, V is bettered, and even at times, it is doubled or quadrupled. In order to obtain R = <» in in and in' (and consequently, almost so in all meridians), are required : I. Simple cylindrical lenses : {a) Positive ones, usually biconvex in char- acter, with parallel axes of both cylinders. Such lenses are expressed by =-c, in which, the focal distance L is indicated In meters. They are used for the correction of simple Ah. {b) Negative ones, ordinarily biconcave in type with parallel axes. These are designated 78 ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. by — -c and are used for the correction of simple Am. 2. Bicylindrical lenses, the one surface be- ing concave and the other convex, with their axes situated at riofht angles to one another : :^cr— Y^c. They are employed for the correc- tion of Amh and Ahm. 3. Sphero-cylindrical lenses, one surface be- ing spherical and the other cylindrical. When both surfaces are convex, then they are ex- pressed as -^sc^C; when both are concave, they are designated by — ^ s c — ~ C: compound Ah and Am, — that is, in H + Ah and in M + Am. When they are employed In such cases they cause R to equal co. The M and H of these compound refractive conditions are corrected by the spherical surfaces, while the remaining Ah and Am are neutralized respectively by the convex and by the concave cylindrical surfaces. The adaptation of the lenses for cases in which it is desirable to bring R to a determinate finite distance, is accomplished in accordance with definitely known rules, this being mostly done by alterations in the spherical surface. CXXXVI. The symptoms of abnormal As. are: i. Diminution of V (through a peculiar deformity of the images of the retina) ; some- times to as much as one-fifth of normal. REGULAR ASTIGMATISM. 79 2. Indifference to markedly dissimilar spheri- cal lenses. 3. Broadened image of a point of light which is elongated in two opposite directions, this being obtained by holding different spherical lenses before the eye. 4. P and R quite different for lines in two opposite directions that correspond with in and in'. 5. Estimation of measurements in the said directions likewise variable, this being in meas- ure due to a difference in the calculated size of the retinal images by reason of accommodation (because of the variability of position oi k" in m and m'\ and partly on account of irradiation from unstable and inexact accommodation. 6. V improved by gazing through a slit, es- pecially when the positions of the slit are the same as the angles of in or in' . 7. The appearance of two blue edges and two vertically opposite red edges on an illuminated square, when a violet glass is held in front of the eye (this in consequence of achromatism). CXXXVII. All these symptoms can be per- sonally observed by holding a cylindrical lens before the eye, thus producing a fairly regular astigmatism. CXXXVIII. By adequate study, As can be 8o ANOMALIES OF REFRACTION. determined objectively by a recognition of the difference in the effort of accommodation made, in order to sharply see ophthalmoscopically in the perpendicular image, vessels of the retina that are running off in an opposite direction. In this way, I am even enabled to decide very exactly in reference to the ametropia in two opposite meridians, and in consequence, the degree of As. The surface of the optic nerve head appears elliptically distorted, when, as a rule, it is round (Knapp). During examinations with the upright and the inverted image, it will be found that this distortion appears in oppo- site directions, this difference of shape proving, as confirmed by further examination, the ex- istence of As (Schweigger). CXXXIX. As. may also be recognized as the result of corneal diseases, but in such cases, it is usually associated with much irregular As. The same is the case when, through partial luxation, the crystalline lens attains an oblique position. If a portion of the lens disappears from the pupillary area, a high degree of irreg- ular As. becomes one of the results. BIBLIOGRAPHY. F. C. Donders — Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskiinde, 1858, p. 465, and 1S63, V. " Ametropie €71 Iiare gevolgen. Utrecht, i860. " Archiv fur Ophthalmologie, iv, vi, vii, und viii. " Verslageji en Mededeelinge7i van de Konmklijke Akademie vatt Wetenschappe7i, xi, 159 ; xiv, 351 ; xvi, etc. " Astigmatisme e7t cilindrische glazen. Utrecht, 1862. (German edition, Schweigger, Berlin ; French edition, Dor, Paris.) De Ruijter — De Actioiie At7-op(V Belladon7i(E 171 iridem. Inaugural Dissertation, 1854. [Nederhutdsch Lancet, iii.) McGillavry — Over de hoegrootheid va7i het accominodatie-vermoge7i. Utrecht, 1858. A. H. Kuijper — O/idei-zoekiiige/t betrekkelijk de kimstiiiatige vet-wij- ding van de7t oogappel. Utrecht, 1859. H. de Brieder — De sfoor/iisse7t der accom7Hodaiie van het oog. Utrecht, 1861. De Haas — Geschiedkimdig o7iderzoek onitre7it de hyper7)ietropie e7i hare gevolge7i. Utrecht, 1862. F. C. Donders and D. Doijer — De ligging van het draaipunt va7t het oog (in emmetropische en ametropicische oogen), in Verslage7i en Mededeeli7ige7i va/i de Ko7ii7iklijke Akade/iiie va7i Wetenschap- pe7t, xiv, 1862, 351. Dor — Des differe7ices individtiallcs de la refraction de rail. Journal de Phvsiologie (Brown-Sequard). Paris, i860. Not without connection with the subject, there also appeared: H. Snellen — Letterproeve/i ter bepali7ig der gezigtsscheipte. Utrecht, 1862. J. Vroesom de Hann — O7iderzoeki7ige7i 7iaar den i/ivloed va7i de7i Iceftijd op de gesigtsscherpte. Inaugural Dissertation, Utrecht, 1862. 81 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. :^i'D