h THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL Printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON &* Co. at Paul's Work, Edinburgh 2O57S99 1 : i ~ |L g "t? .5 i ;$-. s f }& ' ' - - * 3> & 'M|;-|||l || 1 f P>j|'| 1 1 |T & :^-"i-'E J -,4^ eg. .6 2* lilt I I THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL Translations from Irish Gaelic Poetry into English Prose and Verse SELECTED AND EDITED BY ELEANOR HULL AUTHOR OF "THE CUCHULLIN SAGA IN IRISH LITERATURE" "A TEXT-BOOK OF IRISH LITERATURE," ETC. CHICAGO BROWNE & HOWELL COMPANY LONDON: CHATTO & WINDUS 191 3 All rights reserved CONTENTS (Where not otherwise indicated, the translation or poetic setting is by the author.) PAGE INTRODUCTION THE SALTAIR NA RANN, OR PSALTER OF THE VERSES I. The Creation of the Universe .... 3 II. The Heavenly Kingdom n III. The Forbidden Fruit . . . : ". ! ' . 20 IV. The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise . . 22 V. The Penance of Adam and Eve . . 31 VI. The Death of Adam 43 ANCIENT PAGAN POEMS The Source of Poetic Inspiration (founded on transla- tion by Whitley Stokes) . .,.-.. 53 Amorgen's Song (founded on translation by John MacNeill) 57 viii THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL PAGE The Song of Childbirth 59 Greeting to the New-born Babe . . . .61 What is Love ? 62 Summons to Cuchulain .... -63 Laegh's Description of Fairy-land .... 65 The Lamentation of Fand when she is about to leave Cuchulain 69 Mider's Call to Fairy- land 71 The Song of the Fairies . . . A. H. Leahy 73 The great Lamentation of Deirdre for the Sons of Usna 74 OSSIANIC POETRY First Winter-Song . . Alfred Per civ al Graves 81 Second Winter-Song 82 In Praise of May . . . . T. W. Rollesion 83 The Isle of Arran . . , . . . -85 The Parting of Goll from his Wife .... 87 Youth and Age 91 Chill Winter 92 The Sleep-song of Grainne over Dermuid . . 94 The Slaying of Conbeg .... -97 The Fairies' Lullaby 98 Song of the Forest Trees . Standish Hayes O'Grady 99 CONTENTS EARLY CHRISTIAN POEMS PAGF St. Patrick's Breastplate . . . Kuno Meyer 105 Patrick's Blessing on Munstcr A If red Perceval Graves 107 Columcille's Farewell to Aran . . Douglas Hyde 109 St. Columba in lona . . Eugene O' Curry in Hymn to the Dawn . . . ..,.,;.,., "3 The Song of Manchan the Hermit . . . .117 A Prayer ,,....,.},....,[...., . 119 The Loves of Liadan and Curithir . .f!,i;i>i? 121 The Lay of Prince Marvan . ;,^.;;.j?.. ir- .:*-,. . 125 The Song of Crede, daughter of Guare Alfred Perceval Graves 130 The Student and his Cat . T *'* r...f. Robin Flower 132 The Song of the Seven Archangels . Ernest Rhys 1 34 The Feilire of Adamnan . . . P. J. McCall 136 The Feathered Hermit . n -\. w-a frl ,d /p. U- ;<"'' . 138 An Aphorism . .- , e^*t'\uwc^*&)d lv>' . 138 The Blackbird 139 Deus Meus .... George Sigerson 140 The Soul's Desire . .- .- V< . . . 142 Tempest on the Sea . . . Robin Flower 144 The Old Woman of Bears . . . . .147 Gormliath's Lament for Nial Black-knee. . .151 x THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL FACE The Mother's Lament at the Slaughter of the Innocents . . . Alfred Perceval Graves 153 Consecration . 156 Teach me, O Trinity 157 The Shaving of Murdoch Slandish Hayes O'Grady 159 Eileen Aroon . 161 POEMS OF THE DARK DAYS The Downfall of the Gael . Sir Samuel Ferguson 165 Address to Brian O'Rourke " of the Bulwarks " to arouse him against the English . . .169 O'Hussey's Ode to the Maguire James Clarence Mangan 172 A Lament for the Princes of Tyrone and Tyrconnell James Clarence Mangan 176 The County of Mayo . . . George Fox 182 The Outlaw of Loch Lene Jeremiah Joseph Callanan 184 The Flower of Nut-brown Maids . 186 . 188 My Dark Rosaleen . . James The Fair Hills of Eire Shule Aroon .... Love's Despair .... The Cruiskeen Lawn Clarence Mangan 190 George Sigerson 194 . (Traditional) 196 George Sigerson 198 George Sigerson 200 CONTENTS xi PAGE Eamonn an Chnuic, or " Ned of the Hill " P. //. Pcarse 202 O Druimin donn dilish 204 Do you Remember that Night ? Eugene O' Curry 206 The Exile's Song 208 The Fisherman's Keen . . . (Anonymous) 210 Boatman's Hymn . . Sir Samuel Ferguson 213 Dirge on the Death of Art O'Leary . . .215 The Midnight Court (Prologue) .... 224 RELIGIOUS POEMS OF THE PEOPLE Hymn to the Virgin Mary 229 Christmas Hymn .... Douglas Hyde 231 O Mary of Graces .... Douglas Hyde 232 The Cattle-shed .... ,/ :. . 233 Hail to Thee, O Mary 234 Mary, O blessed Mother 235 1 rest with Thee, O Jesus . . . . ' 236 Thanksgiving after Food . . . . . .236 The Sacred Trinity 237 King of the Wounds . . . .'..:. 237 Prayer before going to Sleep 238 1 lie down with God 239 The White Paternoster 240 THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL PAGE Another Version 241 A Night Prayer 243 Mary's Vision 243 The Safe-guarding of my Soul be Thine . . . 244 Another Version 244 The Straying Sheep 246 Before Communion 246 May the sweet Name of Jesus. .... 247 O Blessed Jesus 248 Another Version 248 Morning Wish . 249 On Covering the Fire for the Night . ; . 249 The Man who Stands Stiff . . Douglas Hyde 250 Charm against Enemies . . . Lady Wilde Charm for a Pain in the Side . . Lady Wilde Charm against Sorrow . . . Lady Wilde The Keening of Mary . . . P. H . Pearse LOVE-SONGS AND POPULAR POETRY Cushla ma Chree The Blackthorn Pastheen Finn . She . Hopeless Love . The Girl I Love 252 252 253 254 Edward Walsh 259 260 Sir Samuel Ferguson 263 265 266 Jeremiah Joseph Callanan 267 CONTENTS xiii PACK Would God I were . Katharine Tynan-Hinkson 268 Branch of the Sweet and Early Rose William Drennan 269 Is truagh gan mise I Sasana Thomas MacDonagh 270 The Yellow Bittern . . . Thomas MacDonagh 271 Have you been at Carrack ? . . Edward Walsh 273 Cashel of Munster . . Sir Samuel Ferguson 275 The Snowy-breasted Pearl . . George Petrie 277 The Dark Maid of the Valley . . P. J. McCall 279 The Coolun . . . Sir Samuel Ferguson 281 Ceann dubh dhileas . . Sir Samuel Ferguson 283 Ringleted Youth of my Love . . Douglas Hyde 284 I shall not Die for You . . . Padraic Colum 286 Donall Oge ., ,. , . , ........ . 288 The Grief of a Girl's Heart . . . . .291 Death the Comrade 294 Muirneen of the Fair Hair . . Robin Flower 296 The Red Man's Wife . . . Douglas Hyde 298 Another Version 299 My Grief on the Sea . . . Douglas Hyde 302 Or6 Mhor, a Mhdirin . . . P. J. McCall 304 The little Yellow Road Seosamh Mac Cathmhaoil 306 Reproach to the Pipe . . . . . . 308 Lament of Morir.n Shehone for Miss Mary Bourke (Anonymous) 311 THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL PAGP Modereen Rue . Katherine Tynan-Hinkson 314 The Stars Stand Up 316 The Love-smart 318 Well for Thee 319 I am Raftery Douglas Hyde 320 Dust hath Closed Helen's Eye . Lady Gregory 321 The Shining Posy 324 Love is a Mortal Disease 326 I am Watching my Young Calves Sucking . . 328 The Narrow Road 329 Forsaken 332 I Follow a Star . Seosamh Mac Cathmhaoil 334 LULLABIES AND WORKING SONGS Nurse's Song (Traditional) 337 A Sleep Song P. H . Pearse 339 The Cradle of Gold . . Alfred Perceval Graves 340 Rural Song 341 Ploughing Song 342 A Spinning-wheel Ditty 344 NOTES , 4 349 INTRODUCTION "An air is more lasting than the voice of the birds, A word is more lasting than the riches of the world." THE truth of this Irish proverb strikes us forcibly as we glance through any such collection ot Gaelic poetry as this, and consider how these lays, the dates of whose composi- tion extend from the eighth to the present century, have been preserved to us. On the border of some grave manuscript, such as a Latin copy of St. Paul's Epistles or a transcript of Priscian, a stray quatrain may be found jotted down by the tired scribe, recording in impromptu verse his delight at the note of a blackbird whose song has penetrated his cell, his amuse- ment at the gambols of his cat watching a mouse, or his reflections on a piece of news brought to him by some wandering monk, about the terror of the viking raids, or a change of dynasty " at home in Ireland." Several of our Ossianic poems are taken from a manu- script of lays collected in 1626-27 in and about the Glens of Antrim, and sent out to while away the tedium of camp life to an Irish officer serving in the Low Countries, who wearied for the poems and stories of his youth. The religious hymns of Murdoch O'Daly (Muredach Alba- nach), called " the Scot " on account of his affection for his adopted country, though he was born in Connaught, b xvi THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL are preserved in a collection of poems gathered in the Western Highlands, many Irish poems, even from so great a distance as Munster, being found in it. The Saltair na Rann or " Psalter of the Verses," the most important religious poem of ancient Ireland, is preserved in one copy only. It seems as though a miracle had sometimes intervened to guard for later generations some single version of a valuable tract at home or abroad ; but it is a miracle which we could have wished to have taken place more often, when we reflect upon the large number of manuscripts forever lost to us. Many of the most beautiful of the ancient poems, as well as of the popular songs, are anonymous ; they are frequently found mixed up with material of the most arid description, genealogies, annals, or miscellaneous matter. It is easier to guess from the tone of the poems under what mood of mind they were composed than to tell exactly who wrote them. Even when they come down to us adorned with the name of some well-known saint or poet, we have an uncertain feeling about the accuracy of the ascription, when we find a poem whose language cannot be earlier than the tenth or eleventh century confidently connected with a writer who lived two or three centuries earlier. In some cases, no doubt, the versions we possess, though modernised in language and rhythm, are in reality old ; in others the ascription probably bears witness to the desire of the author or his public to win esteem for his work by adorning it with some famous name. Some of these poems, of which only one copy has come down to us, were, however, well known in an earlier day, and are quoted in old tracts on Irish metric as examples of the metres used in the bardic INTRODUCTION xvii schools. It is evident that though standards of taste may change, the recognition of what is really beautiful in poetry remains as a settled instinct in man's nature. Many of those poems which now appeal most strongly to ourselves took rank as verses of acknowledged merit nearer to the time of their composition. This we can deduce from their use as examples worthy of imitation in these mediaeval Irish text-books, where the names of songs we still admire are quoted as specimens of good poetry. It is remarkable that a very large proportion of fine poetry comes to us from the period of the Norse invasions, a time which we are accustomed to think of as one con- tinuous series of wars, raids, and burnings ; but which, if we may judge by what has come down to us of its verse, shows us that the Irish gentleman of that day had ideas of refinement that raise him far above the mere fighting clansman ; his critical view of literature was a severe one. The fine freedom shown in many of these poems is sur- prising, both as regards the sentiments and the metres. They possess a mastery of form that argues a high culti- vation, not only of the special art of poetry, but of the whole intellectual faculties of the writers. Some of these poems are strangely modern, even fin de siecle in their tone. The poem of the " Old Woman of Beare " has often been compared to Villon's " Regrets de la Belle Heaulmiere ja parvenue a viellesse," or to Beranger's " Grand'mere." But the Irish poem is far more artistically wrought than either of these compara- tively modern poems. For in the ancient verses, the old woman is set, a lonely and forsaken figure, against the background of the ebbing tide, and the slow throbs of her heart, worn with age and sin, beat in unison with the xviii THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL retreating motion of the wave. There is also a further significance in the poem which we must not miss. It is the earliest of the long series of allegorical songs in which Ireland is depicted under the form of a woman ; though, unlike her successors of a later day, she is here represented, not as a fair maiden, a Grainne Mhaol, or Kathleen ni Houlahan, or Little Mary Cuillenan, but as an aged joy- less hag, forlorn and censorious, bemoaning the loss of bygone pleasures, and the gravity of her nun's veil. The '* Cailleach Bheara," the " Hag " or " Nun of Beare " is known in many place-names in Ireland. It is on Slieve na Callighe, or the " Hill of the Hag " or " Nun," in Co. Meath that the great cairns and tumuli of Lough Crew are found ; it was evidently, like the neighbour- hood of the Boyne, a place of pagan sanctity ; and such names as Tober na Callighe Bheara, the " Well of the Hag of Beare," are found in different parts of the country. The " Hag of Beare " seem: to be symbolic of pagan Ireland, regretting the stricter regime of Christianity, and the changes that time had brought about. The curious legend which prefaces the poem suggests the same idea. She is said to have seen seven periods of youth, and to have outlived tribes and races descended from her. For a hundred years of old age she wore the veil of a nun. " Thereupon old age and infirmity came upon her." We catch the same note of regret for the days of paganism through many legends and poems. It is mystical and veiled in such stories as that of " King Murtough and the Witch-woman " ; it is fierce, but also often touched by the grotesque, in the innumerable colloquies between Patrick and Oisin (Ossian), the last of the ancient pagan heroes. But in all this there is a note of apology. It is not so outspoken in its revolt INTRODUCTION ibc against the new system of life and thought as are the Norse chronicles and the Icelandic Sagas. After all, Christianity was an accomplished thing ; quietly but persistently it took its place, sweeping into its fold chiefs and common folk alike. No resistance could stop this universal progress. And the literary man or the peasant, dwelling on his early legends, the outcome of a state of thought passed or passing away, dared only half-heartedly bemoan the former days, when wars and raids, the " Creach " and the " Tain " were the highest way of life for a brave man, and no Christian doctrine of forgive- ness of enemies and charity to foes had come in to perplex his thoughts and confuse their issues. The Raid re- mained, it was an essential part of actual life ; and burnings and wars went on as before, but they were no longer, theoretically, at least, matters to win praise and honour, they were condemned beforehand by the Christian ethic. A chief, to hold his own, must still throw open doors of hospitality to his tribe, must dispense largesse to all-comers, must gather about his board the neighbours and dependents in riotous assemblies and festivals. But all this the Christian monk and priest looked upon with suspicion ; they bade him fill his thoughts with a future Kingdom, rather than with the earthly one to which he had been born, and to keep his soul in humble readiness by prayers and fastings, by seclusion and self-sacrifice. The great disjointure is everywhere apparent ; chiefs are seen flying from their plain duties to their clans in order to win a heavenly chiefdom, not of this world ; kings retire into hermitages, and whole villages take on the aspect and system of life of the monastery. To escape a network of religious service so closely spread throughout the country was xx THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL impossible ; all that the half-convinced could do was to relieve his soul in legend and song and jest. Hence the large amount of this literature of protest, coming to us curiously side by side with poems breathing the very spirit of religious devotion, the work of peaceful recluse or retired monk. For the movement had its other aspect. If the warrior or chief resigned much in becoming a Christian monk, there is no doubt that he gained as well. Contempor- aneous religious poetry in the Middle Ages is elsewhere overshadowed by the cast of theologic thought. The " world " from which the saint must flee is no mere symbol, denoting the perils of evil courses ; it is the actual visible earth, its hills and trees and flowers, and the beauty of its human inhabitants that are in themselves a danger and a snare. St. Bernard walking round the Lake of Geneva, unconscious of its presence and blind to its loveliness, is a fit symbol of the tendency of the religious mind in the Middle Ages. Sin and repentance, the fall and redemption, hell and heaven, occupied the religious man's every thought ; beside such weighty themes the outward life became almost negligible. If he dared to turn his mind towards it at all, it was in order to extract from it some warning of peril, or some allegory of things divine. In essence, the " world " was nothing else than a peril to be renounced and if possible entirely abandoned. But the Irish monk showed no such inclination, suffered no such terrors. His joy in nature grew with his loving association with her moods. He refused to mingle the idea of evil with what God had made so good. If he sought for symbols, he found only symbols of purity and holiness. The pool beside his hut, the rill that flowed across his green, became to his watchful eye the mani- INTRODUCTION xxi festation of a divine spirit washing away sin ; if the birds sang sweetly above his door, they were the choristers of God ; if the wild beasts gathered to their nightly tryst, were they not the congregation of intelligent beings whom God Himself would most desire ? The friendly badgers or foxes of the wood that came forth, undismayed by the white or brown-robed figure who seemed to have taken up his lasting abode amongst them, became to his mind fellow-monks, authorised members of his strange community. Amongst his feathered and furred associates, he read his Psalms and Hours in peace ; sang his periodic hymn to St. Hilary or St. Brigit, and per- formed his innumerable genuflexions and " cross-vigils." Here, from time to time, he poured forth in spontaneous song his joy in the life that he had elected as his own. When King Guaire of Connaught stands at the door of the hermitage in which his brother Marvan had taken refuge from the bustle of court life, and asks him why he had sacrificed so much, Marvan bursts forth into a poem in praise of his hermit life, and the King is fain to con- fess that the choice of the recluse was the wiser one ; when St. Cellach of Killala is dragged into the forest by his comrades and threatened with death, not even the sight of the four murderers lying at his feet with swords ready drawn in their hands to slay him can prevent him from greeting the Dawn in a beautiful song. The saint who, like St. Finan, lived shut up within his cell, in many cases lost his mental balance, and de- generated into a mere Fakir, winning heaven by the miseries of his self-imposed mortifications ; but the monk who trusted himself to untrammelled intercourse with nature, preserved his underlying sanity. For whether or no the hundreds of daily genuflexions were xxii THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL performed, the patch of ground around the solitary's cell must be ploughed or sown or reaped ; the apples must be gathered or the honeysuckles twined. The salmon or herring must be netted or angled for. Thus nature and its needs kept the hermit on the straight and simple paths of physical and mental healthfulness, how- ever he might try to escape into a wilderness of his own imaginings. The early poetry, we feel, is on the whole joyous ; whether pagan or Christian in tone, it arises from a happy heart. The pagan is more robust, more vigorous ; the Christian gentler and more reflective ; but alike they are free from the mournful note of despair that throws a settled gloom over much of the later literature. The Ossianic poems have quite a distinctive tone ; in them we catch the abounding energy belonging to the days of the hunt of the wild native boar or stag, when all the country was one open hunting-ground, fit for men whose ideal was that of the sportsman and the warrior. Besides romantic tales, we have a whole body of poetry, loosely strung together under the covering name of Oisin, or Ossian, and usually ascribed to him or to Fionn mac Cumhall, his father and chief, dealing with the themes of war and of the chase. They are often in the nature of the protest of the fighting and hunting-man against the claims of religion. He is perpetually proclaim- ing that the sounds and sights of the forest and sea- shore are more dear to him than any others, and when he is called upon to give the first place to the duties of religion, placed before him, as it usually is, in its most enfeebling aspect, he raises the stout protest that the hunting- horn has greater attractions for him than the tinkling bell which calls to prayer. INTRODUCTION I have heard music sweeter far Than hymns and psalms of clerics are ; The blackbird's pipe on Letterlea, The Dord Finn's wailing melody. ' The thrush's song of Glenna-Scal, The hound's deep bay at twilight's fall, The barque's sharp grating on the shore, Than cleric's chants delight me more." There is the ring of the obstinate pagan about such verses ; and many poems are wholly occupied by an un- holy wrangling between the representative of the old order, Oisin, and the representative of the new, St. Patrick. The poems themselves probably date from a far later period than either. More healthy are the true hunting songs. Many of these are in praise of the Isle of Arran, in the Clyde, a favourite resort during the sporting-season both for the Scottish and Irish huntsman. In the poem we have called " The Isle of Arran," from the " Colloquy of the Ancient Men," the charm of the Isle is well described. We have in it the same pure joy in natural scenery that we find in the poems of the religious hermits, but the tone is manlier and more emphatic. Occasionally a fiercer note creeps into the hunter's mood. The chase of the boar and deer was not without its dangers. Winter, and the unfriendly clan hard by, or the lean prowling wolf at night, were real terrors to the small companies encamped on the open hill-side or in the forest. Though the warrior in peaceful times loved the chase of swine and stag, his hand had done and was always ready to do sterner work when opportunity offered. The poem " Chill Winter " has a note of almost xxiv THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL savage exultation ; the old fighter turns from his present perils and discomforts to remember the warrior on- slaughts which had left the glen below him silent, and its once happy inhabitants cold in death ; colder, as he gladly reflects, than even he himself feels on this chill winter's night. It is the voice of the ancient warrior, who thought no shame of slaying, but thanked God when he had knocked down his fellow. Whether he, in his turn, were the undermost man, or whether he escaped, he cared not at all. Two difficulties face the modern reader in coming for the first time upon genuine Irish literature, whether poetry or prose. The first is the curious feeling that we are hung between two worlds, the seen and the unseen ; that we are not quite among actualities, or rather that we do not know where the actual begins or where it ends. Even in dealing with history we may find ourselves suddenly wafted away into some illusory spirit-world with which the historian seems to deal with the same sober exactness as in detailing any fact of ordinary life. The faculty of discerning between the actual and the imagi- nary is absent, as it is absent in imaginative children ; often, indeed, the illusory quite overpowers the real, as it does in the life of the Irish peasant to-day. There is, in most literatures, a meeting-place where the Mythological and the Historic stand in close conjunction, the one dying out as the other takes its place. Only in Ireland we never seem to reach this point ; we can never anywhere say, " Here ends legend, here begins history." In all Irish writing we find poetry and fact, dreams and realities, exact detail and wild imagination, linked closely hand in hand. This is the Gael as revealed in his litera- ture. At first we are inclined to doubt the accuracy of INTRODUCTION xxv any part of the story ; but, as we continue our examina- tion, we are surprised at the substantial correctness of the ancient records, so far as we are able to test them, whether on the historical or on the social side. The poet is never wholly poet, he is also practical man ; and the historian is never wholly chronicler and annalist, he is also at the back of his mind folklorist, lover of nature, dreamer. It is the puzzle and the charm of Ireland. A good example of this is the very beautiful anonymous Irish poem, rich in poetic imagery, addressed to Ragnall or Reginald, son of Somerled, lord of the Isles from 1164- 1204. This poem, written for an historical prince, begins with a description of the joys of the fairy palace, " Emain of the Apples," whence this favoured prince is supposed by the poet to have issued forth : " Many, in white grass-fresh Emain, Of men on whom a noble eye gazes (The rider of a bay steed impetuously) Through a countenance of foxglove hue, Shapely, branch-fresh. " Many, in Emain of the pastures, From which its noble feast has not parted, Are the fields ploughed in autumn For the pure corn of the Lord's Body." The poet's mind wanders from the ancient Emain, capital of Ulster, to the allegorical Emain, the dwelling of the gods or fairy-hosts, who were thought of as in- habiting the great tumuli on the Boyne ; again, he trans- plants his fairy-land to the home of Ragnall, and seems to place it in Mull or the Isle of Man, which was indeed the especial abode of Manannan, the Ocean-god and Ruler of Fairy-land. Txvi THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL " What God from Brugh of the Boyne, Thou son of noble Sabia, Thou beauteous apple-rod Created thee with her in secret ? " O Man of the white steed, O Man of the black swan, Of the fierce band and the gentle sorrow, Of the sharp blade and the lasting fame. " Thy fair side thou hast bathed, The grey branch of thy eyes like summer showers, Over thy locks, O descendant of Fergus, The wind of Paradise has breathed." l We recognise that this is fine poetry, but we feel also that it needs a specialised education thoroughly to under- stand it. The world from which it hails is not our world, and to comprehend it we must do more than translate, we must add notes and glossary at every line ; but no poetry, especially poetry under the initial disadvantage of a trans- lation, could retain its qualities under such treatment. In all the ancient verse we meet with these obstacles. Even much of the most imaginative Ossianic poetry be- comes too difficult from this point of view for the untrained reader. Take the fine poem detailing the history of the Shield of Fionn. Poetic addresses to noted weapons are com- mon enough, and are not confined to Irish literature ; but the adventures of this shield pass beyond the ordinary uses of human battles, and enter the realm of mythology. The very name given to it, the " Dripping Ancient Hazel," carries us into a world of poetic imagination. 1 Printed in Skene's Celtic Scotland, Hi. Appen. 2, p. 410, from a seventeenth century copy belonging to William Hennessy, com- pared with the copy in the Book of Fermoy. INTRODUCTION xxvii " Scarce is there on the firm earth, whether it be man or woman, one that can tell why thy name abroad is known as the Dripping Ancient Hazel. " 'Twas Balor that besought Lugh before his beheading : ' Set my head above thy own comely head and earn my blessing.' " That blessing Lugh Longarm did not earn ; he set up the head above a wave of the east in a fork of hazel before him. " A poisonous milk drips down out of that hardened tree ; through the baneful drip, it was not slight, the tree split right in two. " For full fifty years the hazel stood, but ever it was a cause of tears, the abode of vultures and ravens. "Manannan of the round eye went into the wilderness of the Mount of White-Hazel ; there he saw a shadeless tree among the trees that vied in beauty. " Manannan sets workmen without delay to dig it out of the firm earth. Mighty was the deed ! " From the root of that tree arises a poisonous vapour ; there were killed by it (perilous the consequence) nine of the working folk. " Now I say to you, and let the prophecy be sought out : Around the mighty hazel without reproach was found the cause of many a woe. " It was from that shield that Eitheor of the smooth brown face was called ' Son of Hazel,' for this was the hazel that he worshipped." 1 Or take again the strange mythological poem of the " Crane-bag," made out of the skin of a wandering haunted crane, which had once been a woman; condemned for " two hundred white years " to dwell in " the house of Manannan," i.e. in the wastes of the ocean, ever seeking and never finding land. When tha wanderings came to 1 Duanaire Finn, edited by John MacNeill, pp. 34, 134 (Irish Texts Society, 1904). xxviii THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL an end, and the unhappy Crane-woman died, Manannan (the Ocean-god) made of her skin a bag into which he put " every precious thing he had ; the shirt of Manannan and his knife, the girdle of Goibniu (the Vulcan of Irish legend) ; the king of Scotland's shears, the king of Loch- lann's helmet, and the bones of the swine of Asal these were the treasures that the Crane-bag held. . . . When the sea was full, its treasures were seen in its midst ; when the fierce sea was on ebb, the Crane-bag was empty." The story has the impress of great age, and manifold changes ; it belongs to the period when the gods were not yet transformed into human beings, but were still primaeval elemental powers, impersonations of fire and light and water, and the wisdom that is above mankind. But the link is lost, and the story remains a suggestion only, vague and indistinct. As an image of the hollow ocean, holding the treasures of the Sea-god, the idea is, however, full of force and beauty. 1 The second difficulty, which is closely connected with the first, lies in the retention of the ancient and un- familiar nomenclature ; the old geographical and family names, which have dropped out of actual use, being everywhere found in the poetry. Scotland is still Alba in Irish, as it was in the sixth century ; Eire (gen. Erinn) is the ordinary name for Ireland, not only in poetry, as is commonly supposed, but in the living language of the country. But it has besides an abundance of specially poetic names, such as Inisfail, " the island of Destiny," Banba, Fodla, &c., connected with early legends, and these, if we are to understand the poetry, we must accustom ourselves to. England is 1 For this poem see Duanaire Finn, edited by John MacNeill (Irish Texts Society, 1904), pp. ai, 118. INTRODUCTION xxix still to-day the land of the Saxons to the Gael, and its inhabitants are the " Sassenachs " ; the Irishman per- sists in disregarding the coming of the Angles. We may talk of the extinction of the Gaelic tongue, but in his poetry, as in every place-name of stream or hill or townland all over the country, it is about us still. In the poetry we are back in Gaelic Ireland ; the old tribal dis- tinctions, the old clan names, meet us on every page. What does the modern man know of Leth Cuinn or Leth Mogha, the ancient divisions of the North and South, or of the stories which gave them birth ? What of Magh Breagh or Magh Murtheimne ? What of Emain Macha and Kincora ? Who, again, are the Clann Fiach- rach or the Eoghanacht, or the Children of Ir or Eiber ? Even before the much later titles of Thomond and Desmond, of Tyrconnell and Tyrowen he is somewhat at a loss. But to the bard the past is always present, the ancient nomenclature is never extinct. The legend which caused the River Boyne to be called " The fore-arm of Nuada's wife," or the tumuli on its banks to be thought of as the " Elfmounds of the wife of Nechtan," are familiar to him ; and to enter into the spirit of the mythological poetry we must know something of Irish folklore and tradition. Many of these expressions have a high imaginative signifi- cance, as when the sea is called the " Plain of Ler" (the elder Irish Sea-god), or its waves are " the tresses of Manannan's wife " or the " Steeds of Manannan." Of the large body of bardic poetry we have been un- able to give an adequate representation, partly from considerations of space, but also because we are not yet, until a larger quantity of this poetry has been published, able to estimate its actual poetic value. Much fine poetry xxx THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL by the historic bards undoubtedly exists, but we have as yet only a few published fragments to choose from. The first specimen we give, Teigue Dall O'Higgin's appeal to O'Rourke of the Bulwarks (na murtka), must stand as an example of much similar poetry in and about his own day. The call to union against England or against some local enemy sounds loud and constant in the bardic poems. There is much anti-English poetry ; poetry which has for its object the endeavour to unite for a single purpose the chiefs who had split up the provinces into small divisions under separate leaders, each fighting for his own hand. To stir up the lagging or too peaceful chief was one of the prime duties of the bard ; to address to him con- gratulations on his accession, or to bewail him when he died, was his official function ; and to judge by the quan- tity of paper covered with these laudatory effusions and elegies, he performed his task with punctilious care. It was likely that he would do so, for the fees for a poem that gave satisfaction were substantial. We miss the family bard in these days ; there is no one at hand to praise indifferently all that we do. The bardic poetry attracted the genius of Mangan, and his " Farewell to Patrick Sarsfield " and O'Hussey's " Ode to the Maguire," are not only fine poetry, but excellent representations of two of the finest of the bardic poems. Elsewhere in his poems, we have usually too much Mangan to feel that the tone of the original is faithfully conveyed. His soaring poem, " The Dark Rosaleen," can hardly be said to represent the Irish " Roisin Dubh," of which, for purposes of comparison, we give a literal rendering ; beautiful as Mangan's poem is, it has to our mind lost something of the exquisite grace of the original. INTRODUCTION xxxi It may be well to indicate here the relations between Mangan's version and the original in the poem in which he keeps most strictly to the words of the bard. " O'Hus- sey's Ode to the Maguire," that fine address of the Northern bard, O'Hussey, to his young chief, whose war- like foray into Munster in the depth of winter filled his mind with anxiety and distress. A literal translation of the opening passage reads as follows : "Too cold for Hugh I deem this night, the drops so heavily downpouring are a cause for sadness; biting is this night's cold woe is me that such is our companion's lot. In the clouds' bosoms the water-gates of heaven are flung wide ; small pools are turned by it to seas, all its destructiveness hath the firmament spewed out. A pain to me that Hugh Maguire to-night lies in a stranger's land, 'neath lurid glow of lightning- bolts and angry armed clouds' clamour ; A woe to us that in the province of Clann Daire (South- west Munster) our well-beloved is couched, betwixt a coarse cold-wet and grass-clad ditch and the impetuous fury of the heavens." l But it is not, after all, the verses of the bards, even of the best of them, that will survive. It is the tender religi- ous songs, the passionate love-songs, the exquisite addresses to nature ; those poems which touch in us the common ground of deep human feeling. Whether it came to us from the sixth century or from the sixteenth, the song of Crede for the dead man, whom she had grown to love only when he was dying, would equally move us ; the passionate cry of Liadan after Curithir would wring our 1 O'Grady's Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the British Museum, p. 451. C xxxi'i THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL hearts whatever century produced it. The voice of love is alike in every age. It has no date. Having written so far, we begin to wonder whether it was wise or necessary to set so much prose between the reader and the poems which, as we hope, he wishes to read. In an ordinary anthology, the interruption of a long preface is a mistake and an intrusion, for, more than any other good art, good poetry must explain itself. The mood in which a poem touches us acutely may be recorded, but it cannot be reproduced in or for the reader. He must find his own moment. For the most part, these Irish poems need no introduction. We need no one to explain to us the beauty of the lines in the " Flower of Nut-brown Maids " : " I saw her coming towards me o'er the face of the mountain, Like a star glimmering through the mist " ; or to remind us of the depth of Cuchulain's sorrow when over the dead body of his son he called aloud : " The end is come, indeed, for me ; I am a man without son, without wife ; I am the father who slew his own child ; I am a broken, rudderless bark Tossed from wave to wave in the tempest wild ; An apple blown loose from the garden-wall, I am over-ripe, and about to fall; " or to tell us that the " Blackthorn," or " Donall Oge," or " Eileen Aroon," are exquisite in their pathos and tender- ness. But there are, besides these enchanting things, which we are prepared to expect from Irish verse, also INTRODUCTION things for which we are not prepared ; unfamiliar themes, treated in a new manner ; and to judge of these, some help from outside may be useful. The reader who does not know Ireland or know Gaelic, is ready to accept softness, the almost endless iteration of expressions con- veying the sense of woman's beauty and of man's affection, in phrases that differ but little from each other ; what he is not prepared for is the sudden break into matter-of-fact, the curt tone that cuts across much Irish poetry, revealing an unexpected side of life and character. Even the modern Irishman is tripped up by the swift intrusion of the grotesque ; the cold, cynical note that exists side by side with the most fervent religious devotion, especi- ally in the popular poetry, displeases him. He resents it, as he resents the tone of the " Playboy of the Western World " ; yet it is the direct modern representative of the tone of mind that produced the Ossianic lays. We find it in all the popular poetry ; as an example take the argument of the old woman who warns a young man that if he persists in his evil ways, there will be no place in heaven for such as he. The youth replies : " If no sinner ever goes to Paradise, But only he who is blessed, there will be wide empty places in it. If all who follow my way are condemned Hell must have been full twenty years and a year ago, And they could not take me in for want of space." The same chill, almost harsh tone is heard in the colloquy between Ailill of Munster and the woman whom he has trysted on the night after his death, 1 or in the poem, " I shall not die for you " (p. 286), or in the 1 Dr. Kuno Meyer's Ancient Irish Poetry (Constable, 1911), p. 9. xxxiv THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL verses on the fairy-hosts, published by Dr. Kuno Meyer, where, instead of praise of their ethereal loveliness, we are told : " Good are they at man -slaying, Melodious in the ale-house, Masterly at making songs, Skilled at playing chess." 1 Could anything be more matter-of-fact than the clever chess-playing of the shee-folk and their pride in it ? A collection of translations must always have some sense of disproportion. It is natural that translators should, as a rule, have been attracted, not only to the poems that most readily give themselves to an English translation, but to those which are most easily accessible. The love-songs, such as those collected by Hardiman and Dr. Douglas Hyde, have been attempted with more or less success by many translators, while much good poetry, not so easily brought to hand, has been overlooked. Dr. Kuno Meyer's fine translations of a number of older pieces, which came out originally either in separate publications, 2 or in the transactions of the Arts Faculty of University College, Liverpool, have now been rendered more accessible in a separate collection ; but the English ear is wedded to rhyme, and a prose translation, how- ever careful and choice, often misses its mark with the general reader. Long ago, Miss Brooke (in her Reliques of Irish Poetry) and Furlong (in Hardiman's Irish Minstrelsy) essayed the translation of a number of the longer " bardic remains " ; and these earlier collectors and translators will ever retain the gratitude of their country- 1 Ancient Irish Poetry, p. 19. 2 King and Hermit (1901) ; Liadan and Curithir (1902) ; /'our Songs of Summer and Winter (1903) ; all published by D. Nutt. INTRODUCTION ixxv men for rescuing and printing, at a time when little value was placed upon such things, these stores of Irish song. But the translations suited better the taste of their own day than of ours ; we cannot read them now, nor do they in the slightest way represent the verse they are intended to reproduce. Naturally, too, it is easier to give the spirit and language of a serious poem than that of a humor- ous one in another tongue, so that the more playful verse has been neglected. It may be thought that this book is overweighted by religious and love poems ; but in a collection essen- tially lyrical, religion and love must ever be the two chief themes. In Ireland, the inner spirit of the national genius ever spoke, and still speaks, through them. Among the people of the quiet places where few strangers come, and where night passes into day and day again to night with little change of thought or out- ward emotion, simple sorrows and simple pleasures have still time to ripen into poetry. The grief that came to-day will not pass away with a new grief to-morrow ; it will impress its groove, straight and deep, upon the heart that feels it, lying there without hope of a summer growth to hide its furrow. The long monotonous days, the dark unbroken evenings are the nurseries of sorrow ; the white open roads are the highways of hope or the paths for the wayfaring thoughts of despair. The stranger who came one day comes again no more, though we watch the long white track never so earnestly ; the boy or girl who went that way to foreign lands has not thrown his or her shadow across the road again. Where the turf fire rises curling and blue into the air, where the young girl stands waiting by the winding " boreen," where the old woman croons over the hearth, there we xxxvi THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL shall surely find, if we know how to draw it forth, that a well of poetry has been sunk, and that half-uncon- sciously the thought of the heart has expressed itself in simple verse, or in rhythmic prose almost more beautiful than verse. The minds that produced the touching melodies that wail and croon and sing to us out of Ireland, have not the less expressed themsc-lves in melodious poetry. Here, if anywhere, we may look to find a style unspoiled by imitation, and a sentiment moving because it is perfectly sincere. It is thus that such poems as " Donall Oge " or the " Roisin Dubh " or " My Grief on the Sea " come into existence. Where the outward distractions of life are few, the grave monotony of sea and moor and bog-land, the swirl of cloud and mist, and the loneliness of waste places sink more deeply into the mind. The visible is less felt than the invisible, and life is surrounded by a network of fears and dreams to which the town-dweller is a stranger. To-day, in the Western Isles of Ireland and Scotland, the huntsman going out to hunt, the fisherman to fish or lay his nets, the agriculturist to sow or reap his harvest, and the weaver or spinner to wind his yarn, go forth to their work with some familiar charm-prayer or charm-hymn, often beautifully called " the Blessings," on their lips. The milkmaid calling her cows or churning her butter, the young girl fearful of the evil-eye, and the cottager sweeping up her hearth in the evening, laying herself down to sleep at night, or rising up in the morn- ing, soothe their fears or smooth their way by some whispered paider or ortha, a prayer or a verse or a blessing. The deep religious feeling of the Celtic mind, with its far-stretching hands groping towards the mysterious and the infinite, comes out in these spontaneous and simple INTRODUCTION xxxvH ejaculations ; I have therefore endeavoured to bring together a few others to add to the groups gathered by Dr. Hyde in the west of Ireland and by Dr. Carmichael in the Western Hebrides ; but in their original Gaelic they are the fruit of others' collections, not of my own. 1 They are the thoughts of such humble people as the poor farm-servant who " had so many things to do from dark to dark " that she had no time for long prayers, and knew only a little prayer taught her by her mother, which laid " our caring and our keeping and our saving on the Sacred Trinity." I desire to inscribe here my sincere gratitude to the living authors and authoresses who have kindly given me permission to use their work, and my gratitude to those authors who have gone, that they have left us so much good work to use. Especially I desire to thank my friends, Mr. Alfred Perceval Graves and Mr. Ernest Rhys, for permitting the use of unpublished poems. Many friends have given a ready helping hand in elucidating difficult words and phrases, and it is a pleasant task to thank them here. Dr. D. Hyde, Rev. Michael Sheehan, Rev. P. S. Dinneen, Mr. Tadhg O'Donoghue, Mr. R. Flower, Miss Hayes, especially, have always readily come to my assistance ; to Miss Eleanor Knott I am indebted for valuable help in the translation of the " Saltair na Rann," and to Dr. R. Thurneysen for suggesting some readings in this difficult poem. I gratefully acknowledge permission accorded to me by the following publishing houses to include poems or extracts from books published by them : 1 Chiefly of Dr. Michael Sheehan's collections in Co. Waterford, and those made by Mr. Fionan M'Collum and others in West Kerry (sec Notes). xxxviii THE POEM-BOOK OF THE GAEL Messrs. Constable & Co., Ancient Irish Poetry, by Professor Kuno Meyer. T. Fisher Unwin, Bards of the Gael and Gall, by Dr. George Sigerson, F.N.U.I. Maunsel & Co., Irish Poems, by Alfred Perceval Graves ; Sea-S-pray, by T. W. Rolleston ; The Gilly of Christ, by Seosamh mac Cathmhaoil. David Nutt, Heroic Romances of Ireland, by A. H. Leahy. Herbert & Daniel, Eyes of Touth, for a poem by Padraic Colum. Sealy, Bryers and Walker, Lays of the Western Gael, by Sir Samuel Ferguson ; Irish Noinins, by P. J. McCall. H. M. Gill & Son, Irish Fireside Songs and Pulse of the Bards, by P. J. McCall. Williams & Norgate, Silva Gadelica, by Standish Hayes O'Grady. Chatto & Windus, Legends, Charms, and Cures of Ireland, by Lady Wilde. I also desire to acknowledge the courtesy of His Majesty's Stationery Department in permitting the use of drawings taken from initial letters in Sir John T. Gilbert's Facsimiles of Irish National MSB. Others of the initial letters used in the book are drawn from the Book of Lindisfarne and other Celtic manuscripts in the British Museum. I have to thank the Librarian of the Bodleian Library for permitting the reproduction of the photograph of the initial lines from the " Saltair na Rann " as a frontispiece to the book. THE SALTAIR NA RANN, OR PSALTER OF THE VERSES THE SALTAIR NA RANN, or Psalter of the Verses, so-called because it is divided into 150 poems in imitation of the Psalms of David, is undoubtedly the most important religious poem of early Ireland. It may justly be regarded as the Irish Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, for it opens with an account of the Creation of the Universe, the founding of Heaven and Hell, the fall of Lucifer, the creation of the Earthly Paradise and of man, the temptation and fall and the penance of Adam and Eve. After this it sketches the Old Testament History, leading up to the birth and life of Christ and closing with His death and resurrection. Though in general it follows the Bible narrative, it is peculiarly Irish in tone, and its additions and variations are of the greatest interest to students of mediaeval religious literature. The conception of the universe in the first poem, with its ideas of the seven heavens, the coloured and fettered winds, and the sun passing through the opening windows of the twelve divisions of the heavens, is curious ; the earth, enclosed in the surrounding firmament, "like a shell around an egg," being regarded as the centre of the universe. In the portions which relate the life of Adam and Eve, the author evidently had before him the Latin version of the widely known Vita Adae et Euae, which he follows closely, introducing from it several Latin words into his text ; but even here the colour- ing is purely Irish. The poem is ascribed to Oengus the Culdee, who lived early in the ninth century ; but its language is later, probably the end of the tenth century. In 1883 Dr. Whitley Stokes published 1 the text from the only existing complete copy, that contained in the Bodleian MS. Rawl. B. 502, but no part of it has hitherto been published in English. The present translation of the sections dealing with the Creation and with the life of Adam and Eve is purely tentative ; the poem presents great difficulties, and we suffer from the lack of a second copy with which to compare it. 2 Miss Eleanor Knott has read the translations and has helped me with many difficulties ; and I had the advantage of reading parts of the poem in class with Dr. Kuno Meyer. For the errors which the translation must undoubtedly contain, I am myself, however, alone responsible. 1 In Anecdota Oxoniensia (Med. and Mod, Series), vol. i. part iii. 2 The Lebar Brecc gives poem x., and a prose version of portions of poems ii. , iv. , vi. , viii. , ix. , xi. THE SALT AIR NA RANN, OR PSALTER OF THE VERSES / Attributed to Oengns the Culdee, ninth century ; but the date is probably the close of the tenth century. I. THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE Y own King, King of the pure heavens, without pride, without contention, who didst create the folded 1 world, my King ever - living, ever victorious. King above the elements, surpassing the sun, King above the ocean depths, King in the South and North, in the West and East, with whom no conten- tion can be made. King of the Mysteries, who wast and art, before the elements, before the ages, King yet eternal, comely His aspect, King without beginning, without end. i Whitley Stokes gives " lawful" 4 THE SALTAIR NA RANN King who created lustrous heaven, who is not arrogant, not overweening, and the earth, with its multitudinous delights, strong, powerful, stable. King who didst make the noble brightness, and the darkness, with its gloom ; the one, the perfect day, the other, the very perfect night. King who fashioned the vast deeps out of the primary stuff of the elements, who the wondrous formless mass. King who formed o\:t of it each element, who confirmed them without restriction, a lovely mystery, both tempestuous and serene, both animate and inanimate. King who hewed, gloriously, with energy, out of the very shapely primal stuff, the heavy, round earth, with foundations, . . . length and breadth. 1 King who shaped within no narrow limits in the circle of the firmament the globe, fashioned like a goodly apple, truly round. 1 Corap. the parallel passage in Senchus m6r, Ancient Laws of Ireland, voL i. intro. p. 26. THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE 5 King who formed after that with fixity the fresh masses about the earth ; the very smooth currents above the world of the chill watery air. > King who didst sift the cold excellent water on the earth-mass of the noble cliffs into rills, with the reservoirs 1 of the streams, according to their measures, with moderation. CREATION OF THE WINDS WITH THEIR COLOURS King who ordained the eight winds advancing without uncertainty, full of beauty, the four prime winds He holds back, the four fierce under-winds. There are four other under-winds, as learned authors say, this should be the number, without any error, of the winds, twelve winds. King who fashioned the colours of the winds, who fixed them in safe courses, after their manner, in well-ordered disposition, with the varieties of each manifold hue. The white, the clear purple, the blue, the very strong green, the yellow, the red, sure the knowledge, in their gentle meetings wrath did not seize them. 1 This is Dr. Whitley Stokes' reading. Dr. R. Tburneysen reads "sextarii." 6 THE SALTAIR NA RANN The black, the grey, the speckled, the dark and the deep brown, the dun, darksome hues, they are not light, easily controlled. King who ordained them over every void, the eight wild under-winds ; who laid down without defect the bounds of the four prime winds. From the East, the smiling purple, from the South, the pure white, wondrous, from the North, the black blustering moaning wind, from the West, the babbling dun breeze. The red, and the yellow along with it, both white and purple ; the green, the blue, it is brave, both dun and the pure white. The grey, the dark brown, hateful their harshness, both dun and deep black ; the dark, the speckled easterly wind both black and purple. Rightly ordered their form, their disposition was ordained ; with wise adjustments, 1 openly, according to their position and their fixed places. 1 It is not clear what the word glh,gUssib, which occurs fre- uently in the following passage, means. In mod. Irish, gUas, in ne meaning, is a means or instrument for doing a thing. The verb THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE 7 The twelve winds, Easterly and Westerly, Northerly and Southerly, the King who adjusted them, He holds them back, He fettered them with seven curbs. King who bestowed them according to their posts, around the world with many adjustments, each two winds of them about a separate curb, and one curb for the whole of them. King who arranged them in habitual harmony, according to their ways, without over-passing their limits ; at one time, peaceful was the space, at another time, tempestuous. MEASUREMENTS OF THE UNIVERSE King who didst make clear the measure of the slope l from the earth to the firmament, estimating it, clear the amount, along with the thickness of the earth-mass. He set the course of the seven Stars 2 from the firmament to the earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Sol, Venus, the very great moon. gUasaim = " to harness." It seems to have some such meaning here. The winds were apparently harnessed, curbed, or fettered two and two, the whole being held together in one fetter. In another sense gUas means " harmony." i Or " track." 2 i.e. the Planets. 8 THE SALTAIR NA RANN King who numbered, kingly the space, from the earth to the moon ; twenty-six miles with a hundred miles, they measure them in full amount. This is that cold air circulating in its aerial series (?) which is called . . . with certainty the pleasant, delightful heaven. The distance from the moon to the sun King who measured clearly, with absolute certainty, two hundred miles, great the sway, with twelve and forty miles. This is that upper ethereal region, without breeze, without greatly moving air, 1 which is called, without incoherence, the heaven of the wondrous ether. Three times as much, the difference is not clear (?) between the firmament and the sun, He has given to calculators ; 2 my King star-mighty ! most true is this ! This is the perfect Olympus, motionless, immovable, (according to the opinion of the ancient sages) which is called the Third Holy Heaven. 1 Or "impure air",? * Cf. the parallel passage in the Senchus mdr astronomical tract, Anc. Laws of Ireland, vol. i. , Introduction, p. 28. THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE 9 Twelve miles, bright boundary, with ten times five hundred miles, splendid the star-run course, separately from the firmament to the earth. The measure of the space from the earth to the firmament, it is the measure of the difference from the firmament to heaven. Twenty-four miles with thirty hundred miles is the distance to heaven, besides the firmament. The measure of the whole space from the earth to the Kingly abode, is equal to that from the rigid earth down to the depths of hell. King of each Sovereign lord, vehement, ardent, who of His own force set going the firmament as it seemed secure to Him over every space, He shaped them from the formless mass. The poem goes on to speak of the division of the universe into five zones, a torrid, two temperate, and two frigid zones, and of the earth revolving in the centre of the universe, with the firmament about it, " like a shell encircling an egg." The passage of the sun through the constellations is then described, each of the twelve divisions through which it passes being provided with six windows, with close-fitting shutters, and strong io THE SALTAIR NA RANN coverings, which open to shed light by day. The con- stellations are then named, and the first section of the poem ends as follows : For each day five items of knowledge are required of every intelligent person, from every one, without appearance of censure, 1 who is in ecclesiastical orders. The day of the solar month, the age of the moon, the sea-tide, without error, the day of the week, the festivals of the perfect saints, after just clearness, with their variations. 1 Perhaps " boasting.' II. THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM KING who formed the pure Heaven, 1. 337 with its boundaries, according to His pleasure, a habitation choice, songful, safe, for the wondrous host of Archangels. Heaven with its multitude of hosts, noble, durable, exceeding spacious, a strong mighty city with a hundred graces, a tenth of it the measure of the world. Therein are three ramparts undecaying, fixedly they surround heaven, a rampart of emerald crystal, a rampart of gold, a rampart of amethyst. 1 A wall of emerald, without obscurity, outside, a wall of gold next to the city, between the two, with bright fair glory, a mighty rampart of stainless purple. 1 Lit. " green," " gold," and " purple," but they seem to imply special stones. 12 THE SALTAIR NA RANN There, with a strong-flowing sea (?) is a spacious, perfect city, in it, with the light of peace, 1 is the eternal way of the four chief doors. The measure of each door severally of the four chief doorways, (placed) side by side, by calculation, is a mile across each single door. In each doorway a cross of gold before the eyes of the ever-shining host ; the King wrought them without effort, they are massive, very lofty. Overhead, on each cross, a bird of red gold, full-voiced, not unsteady ; in every cross a great gem of precious stone. Every day an archangel with his host from Heaven's king, with harmony, with pure melody, (gather) around each several cross. Before each doorway is a lawn, fair . . ., of sure estimation, I liken each one of them in extent z to the earth together with its seas. 1 Or peaceful light. 1 This is the L. B. reading; the text gives "excellence" or " fertility," which does not make good sense. THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM 13 The circuit of each single lawn with its silvern soil, 1 with its swards, covered with goodly blossom, with its beauteous plants. Vast though you may deem the extent of the spacious lawns, a rampart of silver, undecaying, has been formed about each several lawn. The portals of the walls without around the fortress on every side, with its dwellings soundly placed, affording abodes (?) for many thousands. Eight portals in a series so that they come together around the city, I have not, in the way of knowledge, 2 a simile for the extent of each portico. Each portal abounding in plants, with their bronze foundations, a rampart of fair clay has been established strongly about each portal. Twelve ramparts perfect the boundary (?) of the portals, of the lawns, without counting the three ramparts that are outside around the chief city. 1 The L. B. reading is fond d 'argut futhib , which seems to point to some such meaning as " base," " foundation." 8 Reading uncertaia 14 THE SALTAIR NA RANN There are forty gateways in the heavenly habitation with its kingly thrones ; three to each tranquil lawn, and three to each portal. Gratings (or doors) of silver, fair in aspect, 1. 409 to each gateway of that lawn, gracious bronze doors to the gateways of the portals. The corresponding walls from the fortress outwards of all the portals are comparable in height l (to the distance) from the earth to the moon. The ramparts of the lawns, as is meet, wrought of white bronze, their height mighty in brilliance is as that from the earth to the pure sun. The measure of comparison of the three ramparts which surround the chief city, their height shows (a distance equal to that) from the earth to the firmament. The entrance bridges 2 of the perfect gates, 1. 465 a fair way, shining with red gold, they are irradiated pure the gathering each step ascending above the other. 1 This is the L. B. reading; our text seems to mean "in renown." 2 Or "thresholds." THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM 15 From step to step brave the progress, pleasant the ascent into the high city ; fair is that host, on the patK of attainment (?) many thousands, a hundred of hundreds. In the circuit of the ramparts great its strength (?) in the interior of the chief city, bright glossy galleries, firm red-gold bridges. Therein are flowering lands ever fresh in all seasons, with the produce of each well-loved fruit with their thousand fragrances. The nine grades of heaven, 1- 553 around the King of all causation, without loss of glory, with vigour of strength, without pride, without envy. In abundant profusion (?) under the lawful King this their exact number, seventy-two excellent hosts in each grade of the grades. The number of each host, unmeasured gladness, there is none that could know it, except the King should know it who created them out of nothing. A majestic King over them all, King of flowery heaven, a goodly, righteous, steadfast King, King of royal generosity in His regal dwelling. 1 6 THE SALTAIR NA RANK King very youthful, King aged long ago, 1 King who fashioned the heavens about the pure sun, King of all the gracious saints, a King gentle, comely, shapely. The King who created the pure heavenly house for the angels without transgression, land of holy ones, of the sons of life, 2 a plain fair, long, spacious. He arranged a noble, peaceful 3 abode, stable, under the regal courses, a comely, clear, perfect, bright circuit, for the wondrous folk of penitence. My King from the beginning over the host, " sanctus Dominus Sabaoth," to whom is chanted upon the heights, with loving guidance, (?) the melody of the four-and-twenty white-robed saints. The King who ordained the perfect choir of the four-and-twenty holy ones, sweetly they chant the chant to the host " sanctus Deus Sabaoth." i Perhaps Ancient of Days. * Mac betkad may mean " a sinless man," as mac bdis, " son of death," means a sinful man. * We take M to be an adjective ; it might also mean ' ' a fairy mound," but this is hardly applicable here. THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM 17 King steadfast, bountiful, goodly, noble, abode of peace, ...(?) with whom is the flock of lambs around the Pure Spotless Lamb. Bright King, who appointed the Lamb to move forward upon the Mount (of Sion) l four thousand youths following Him, (with) a hundred and forty (thousand) in a pure progress, A perfect choir, with glories of form, of the stainless virgins, chants pure music along with them following after the shining Lamb. Equal in beauty, in swiftness, in brightness, across the Mount surrounding the Lamb ; the name inscribed on their countenances, with grace, is the name of the Father. The King who ordained the voice of the heavenly ones by inspiration, full, strong-swelling, as the mighty wave of many waters ; Or like the voice of sound-loving harps they sing, without fault, full tenderly, (like) multitudinous great floods over every land, or like the mighty sound of thunder. 2 i Rev. xiv. i. * " I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder ; and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps " (Rev. xiv. a). B 1 8 THE SALTAIR NA RANN King of the flowering tree of life, a way for the ranks of the noble grades ; its top, its droppings, on every side, have spread across the broad plain of heaven. On which sits the splendid bird-flock sustaining a perfect melody of pure grace, without decay, with gracious increase of fruit or of foliage. Beauteous the bird-flock which sustains it, (i.e. the melody) each choice bird with a hundred wings ; they chant without guile, in bright joyousness, a hundred melodies for every wing. King who created many splendid dwellings, 1 many comely, just, perfect works, through (the care of) my rich King, 2 over every sphere, no lack is felt by any of the vast array. His are the seven heavens, perfect in might, without prohibition, without evil, whitely moving around the earth, great the wonder (?) with the names of each heaven. Air, ether, over all Olympus, the firmament, heaven of water, heaven of the perfect angels, the heaven where is the fair-splendid Lord. i " In ray Father's house are many mansions " (John xiv. 3). * Rogmar (mod. Ir. roghmhar) means " bulky" or " fortunate" or ' ' fat " ; here it refers to God as possessor of all. THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM 19 The amount of good which our dear God, 1. 649 has for His saints in their holy dwelling, according to the skill of the wise (?) there is none who can relate a hundredth part of it. The Lord, the head of each pure grade, who gathered (?) the host to everlasting life, may He save me after my going out of the body of battles, the King who formed Heaven. King who formed the pure Heaven. III. THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT, (vii.) RINCE who gave a clear admonition to Eve and to Adam, 1. 1081 that they should eat of the produce of Paradise according to God's command : " Eat ye of them freely, of the fruits of Paradise sweet the fragrance many, all of them (a festival to be shared) * are lawful for you save one tree. " In order that you may know that you are under authority, without sorrow, without strife, without anxiety, without long labour, without age, evil, or blemish ; " Without decay, without heavy sickness ; with everlasting life, in everlasting triumph on your going to heaven (joyous the festival) at the choice age of thirty years." l Lit. " share of a festival" ; this is one of those chevilles which are frequent in this poem, often introduced without much sense to fill out a line, or to give a rhyming word. We have omitted a few of them in the translation. 20 THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT 21 A thousand years and six hours of the hours, without guile, without danger, it has been heard, Adam was in Paradise. 1 O God our help, whom champions prove, who fashioned all with perfect justice, not bright the matter of our theme (?) 2 the King who spake an admonition with them. Prince who gave a clear admonition. (The figures in brackets after the title of the chapters are the numbers of the poems or cantos in the text.) 1 There seems to be some error here. According to Gen. v. 3, Adam lived altogether nine hundred and thirty years, as the poet states further on (p. 43). * The meaning of this line is not clear. The above is con- jectural. IV. THE FALL AND EXPULSION FROM PARADISE, (viii.) THE Devil was jealous thereat 1. 1105 with Adam and his children, their being here, without evil, in their perfect bodies (on their passage) to heaven. All the living creatures in the flesh my Holy King has created them, outside Paradise without strife Adam it is who used to order them. At the time when out of every quarter the hosts of the seven heavens used to gather round my High King, every fair corporeal creature used to come together to Adam. Each of them out of his place cheerfully, 1 at his call to adore him ; to Adam, joyous the custom, they used to come to delight him. 1 Lit. " prosperously." FALL AND EXPULSION FROM PARADISE 23 From heaven God ruled all the living things < that they should come out of every district without fierceness l till they arrived before (the gate of) Paradise. Then they would return right-hand-wise without seed of pride or any murmuring, each of them to its very pure abode after taking leave of Adam. The very fierce, double-headed beast, was subtle and watchful, with (his) twenty hosts, how under heaven he shall find a way to bring about the destruction of Adam. Lucifer, many his clear questions, 2 went amongst the animals, amongst the herds outside Paradise until he found the serpent. ** Is it not useless (i.e. unworthy of you) thy being outside ? " said the Devil to the serpent ; " with thy dexterous cunning, with thy cleverness, with thy subtlety ? " Great was the danger and the wickedness that Adam should have been ordained over thee ; the downfall 3 of him, the youngest of created things, and his destruction, would be no crime to us. 1 Lit. "without attack." 2 This seems to be a cheville ; lit. " number of clear questions." 3 Lit. " his consuming." 24 THE SALTAIR NA RANN " Since thou art more renowned in warfare, first of the twain thou wast created, thou art more cunning, more agreeable in every way (?) do not submit to the younger ! " Take my advice without shrinking, 1 let us make an alliance and friendship ; listen to my clear reasoning : do not go forth to Adam. " Give me a place in thy body, with my own laws, with my own intellect, so that we both may go from the plain unexpectedly 2 to Eve. " Let us together urge upon her the fruit of the forbidden tree, that she afterwards may clearly press the food upon Adam. " Provided that they go together beyond the commandment of his Lord, God will not love them here, they will leave Paradise in evil plight." 3 " What reward is there for me above every great one ? * said the serpent to the devil ; " on my welcoming thee into my fair body, without evil, as my fellow-inhabitant ? i Lit. " without grief" or " sorrow." * Lit. " under attack.' * Lit. " without bloom " ? FALL AND EXPULSION FROM PARADISE 25 " For guiding thee on that road to destroy Eve and Adam, ' for going with, thee truly to the attack whatever act thou mayest undertake ? " * (LUCIFER replies) " What greater reward shall I give to thee according to the measure of our great crime (than that) our union in our habits, in our wrath, shall be for ever spoken of ? " When he found a place for the betrayal in the liheness of the serpent's shape, slowly he went tarrying 2 directly to the gate of Paradise. The serpent called outside, " dost thou hear me, O wife of Adam ? come and converse with me, O Eve of the fair form, beyond 8 every other." " I have no time to talk with anyone," said Eve to the serpent ; " I am going out to feed the senseless animals." " If you are the Eve whose fame was heard with honour in Paradise, wife of Adam, beautiful, wide-minded, in her I desire 4 my full satisfaction." 6 1 Lit. " rise to." * Or " steadily." * Or perhaps " apart from " every other. * Or "I beseech." Or "need." 26 THE SALTAIR NA RANN (EvE speaks) " Whenever Adam is not here, I am guardian of Paradise, without weariness, O smooth, pale creature, I attend to the needs of the animals." (The SERPENT speaks) " How long does Adam go from thee, on which side does he make his fair circuit, when at any time he is not here feeding the herds in Paradise f " " He leaves it to me, bright jewel ; I feed the animals, while he goes with pure unmeasured renown to adore the Lord." " I desire to ask a thing of thee," said the slender, very affable serpent, " because bright and dear is thy clear reasoning, Eve, O bride of Adam ! " " Whatever it be that you contemplate saying, it will not vex me, O noble creature ; certainly there will be no obscurity here, 1 will narrate it to thee truthfully." FALL AND EXPULSION FROM PARADISE 27 " Tell me, O glorious Eve, since it chances that we are discoursing together, in your judgment, is the life in Paradise, with your lordship here, pleasant ? " (EvE replies) " Until we go faultless in our turn, (or " ranks ") in our bodies to heaven, we do not ask here greater lordship than what there is of good in Paradise. " Every good thing, 1 as it was heard, that God created in Paradise, save one tree, all without reserve, is thus under our control. 2 " It is He, the dear God, who committed to us, O pale, bashful creature, Paradise as a solace 3 for His people (?) except the fruit of the one tree. *' ' Let alone the very pure tree,' He cautioned myself and Adam, ' the fruit of the rough tree, if thou eatest of it against my command, thou shalt die.' " 1 This is the L. B. reading; the text has fia. Is it fiadh, of which one meaning is " meat," or " food " ? * Or " it is thus according to rule," i.e. laid down for us. 3 Donad seems to be used in the same way as dldnad, "solace " or "consolation," v.n. of didonaim, " I console." 28 THE SALTAIR NA RANN (The SERPENT speaks) " Though on the plain l you be equal, yourself and Adam, O Eve, you are not more intelligent, O gentle, pure one, than any of the beasts. " However great be the host under you outside it is lamentable that you are without minds, like to any of the ignorant animals ; thus you are under one law (with them). 2 " Except as regards possessions only, your lordship has not been complete ; since nothing of evil has been sent to you, the worse is your understanding. " Great is the lack of wisdom ; God is deceiving you : because it is of the one tree of good and evil, that you are not permitted to eat. " For this purpose the brave tree was invented, in order that it should not be allowed you j that you should not have the intelligence to distinguish between good and evil. " Do not hesitate, go to the tree, to test it as regards one apple ; the discernment between good and evil will be as the High Prince instructed you." i i.e. outside in the fields among the animals. i.e. on the same level with the beasts. FALL AND EXPULSION FROM PARADISE 29 (EvE tpeaks) " How good soever thy intelligence, however favourable l and gracious thy counsel, to go to the tree I dare not, lest we die. " Go thou thyself to the tree, O serpent, and bring from it one apple ; but if that apple come to me I shall share it between myself and Adam. " Before all the multitudes we shall be endowed with knowledge, if we but eat the apple, (this is) thy tale without mockery ; perchance what thou sayest is true." (The SERPENT speaks) " O Eve, untrammelled light, open before me the gate of Paradise ; provided I arrive without misfortune yonder I will bring from the tree the apple." (EvE speaks) " Though I open before thee that thou mayest go yonder, though from the tree you bring me an apple, there will be no delay on thee here, (by) thy lingering in Paradise f " 1 Or "full of grace." 30 THE SALTAIR NA RANN (SATAN speaks) " If I bring the apple to thee, that thou mayest discern good and evil without any fail I will go out, unless bondage or fetters befall me." Eve opened secretly the door before the serpent, without difficulty * it went (it was not obsequious), on its course to the one tree. Eve took the perfect apple from the apple-tree (most woeful the tale), Eve carried off the half, it was not well, she left the other half for Adam. King who drave from Thee the host of hell, who hast made them fast in equal wretchedness under trembling service, He (God) wounded in battle, though it was laborious, the keen wolf who was jealous. The Devil was jealous thereat. 1 Cith means a "shower" (metaph. "of tears"); also "hard- ship." V. THE PENANCE OF ADAM AND EVE. (xi.) KING who bestowed the pleasurable earth 1. 1469 upon Adam after the fall, he had no (reason for) displeasure towards God, save that he should perish after a time. 1 Adam was a week yet after his expulsion out of Paradise, weary, without fire, without dwelling, without drink or food or clothing. Because they were impoverished they went into the midst of the field, great was the mutual reproach perpetually between Eve and Adam. " O Eve of the just fair form, sorrowful are we through thy impenitence ; (?) through thy misdeeds, through thy transgression, alas ! we have been cast out of Paradise. " Much did we relinquish of good when we vexed our High Prince ; Paradise was ours under perfect command 2 with every reverence. 1 i.e. instead of passing in his body direct to heaven, without dying, his days henceforth were numbered. 2 Lit. "summons." 3' 32 THE SALTAIR NA RANN " Youth 1 and joy, by us it has been heard, health, playfulness, delight, bordered 2 lands, most perfect of form, wondrous plants, harmonies. " Noble satisfaction, singular wholesome peace, a festival of holiness for souls, . . . 3 many the habitations, frequent intercourse with angels. " Lasting life, continually at God's right hand, for ever in the brughs of Paradise, in which, under fair aspect, God's creatures were doing us reverence. " All the living things under heaven which my faithful dear God created, under (our) control over every high place, we it was who used to order them. " Fire would not burn us, water would not drown us, nor sharp edge . . . 4 nor (was there) pestilence nor consuming disease. i The word is detiu, probably