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The literature on this subject is scattered, for the most part, in foreign journals, and is inaccessible to a majority of those who are interested in scientific work. The object of this little volume is to present a complete history of the development of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases. Sufficient theory has been given to enable the popular reader to understand the principles in- volved. While the book has been written in a popular-science style, an effort has been made to make it of value to those who are especially interested in the subject by giving the references to the original literature. The first intention was to include a complete account of researches at low temperatures and of the industrial applications of liquefied gases. V 224539 vi PREFACE This, however, would make the work unduly large, and for that reason these subjects are con- sidered only in a general way. Full credit has been given throughout the book to the various sources of information. In conclu- sion I desire to express my obligations to Mr. Louis M. Thorn for the care which he has taken in the preparation of the drawings, and also to Professor Edgar F. Smith for his kindness in reading the manuscript and for many valuable suggestions. W. L. HARDIN. APRIL, 1899. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I Introduction of the term "gas" Distinction between gases and vapors Guericke's air-pump Experi- ments of Boyle and Mariotte on the compression of gases Influence of temperature on gaseous volume Absolute temperature Early experiments on the liquefaction of gases Vaporization of liquids in closed tubes by Cagnaird de la Tour ... 5 CHAPTER II Liquefaction of gases by Faraday Attempt to liquefy air by Perkins Experiments of Bussy Evapora- tion of liquids as a means of lowering the tempera- ture Heat of vaporization Attempt to liquefy air by Colladon Liquefaction and solidification of carbonic acid by Thilorier Application of solid carbonic acid and ether to the production of low temperatures Sinking of gases to great depths in the ocean Second series of experiments by Fara- day Experiments of Natterer Observations of Berthelot, Drion, and Mendeleeff Exceptions to Boyle's law ........ 22 CHAPTER III Experiments of Andrews on carbonic acid Introduc- tion of critical constants Determination of critical vii viii CONTENTS constants Critical constants of gaseous mixtures Continuity of the gaseous and liquid states of matter Condition of matter at the critical point Exceptions to Boyle's law Kinetic theory of gases Relation between the gaseous and liquid states as expressed by the equation of Van der Waals . 70 CHAPTER IV Liquefaction of the so-called permanent gases by Caille- tet and Pictet Liquefaction of ozone Liquefac- tion and determination of boiling points and critical constants of oxygen, air, nitrogen, etc., by Wroblew- ski, Olszewski, and Dewar Solidification of the so-called permanent gases Dewar vacuum bulbs Researches at low temperatures Experiments of Kamerlingh-Onnes History of the regenera- tive method of refrigeration Application of this method in the liquefaction of oxygen, air, nitrogen, etc., by Linde, Hampson, Dewar, and Tripler Theory of the regenerative method of refrigeration Liquefaction and solidification of argon by Olszewski Attempt to liquefy helium Lique- faction of fluorine by Moissan and Dewar Lique- faction of hydrogen and helium by Dewar Experiments on krypton, metargon, and neon The supposed new gas etherion Table of physi- cal constants . -113 CONCLUSION The three states of matter Industrial application of liquefied gases Physiological action at low tem- peratures Properties of matter at low temperatures 23 1 "CONSIDER for a moment what would happen to the dif- ferent substances which compose the globe, if its temperature should be suddenly changed. Suppose, for instance, that the earth . . . should be suddenly placed in a very cold region, ... the water which at present forms our rivers and seas, and probably a majority of the liquids which are known, would be transformed into solid mountains. On this suppo- sition the air, or at least a part of the aeriform substances which compose it, would doubtless cease to exist in the state of an invisible fluid, for want of a sufficient degree of heat ; it would return to the liquid state, and this change would produce new liquids of which we have no knowledge." LAVOISIER (1784). LIQUEFACTION OF GASES INTRODUCTION PROBABLY no line of scientific research has been more productive of ingenious experiments or more prolific of results than that of the liquefaction of gases. To convert ordinary air into a liquid or even a solid is to-day a matter of little difficulty. So great an achievement, however, is not the work of a single individual or the product of a single generation. It is a result of the combined efforts of numerous experimenters, and represents the progress of a century. The development of the methods has been ac- companied by many fruitless and discouraging observations. The experiments have been of such a nature as to require the application of consider- able pressure. Vessels of exceedingly brittle glass were used in most cases, and many explosions resulted. There was also a great expense attached to experiments of this nature. Within recent years various metals and alloys have been substituted for glass in the construction of apparatus. Pictet B I OF GASES Vays 1 t&afc 'modern* rhetariurgy has greatly aided in the construction of pressure-vessels. The present high grade of steel is almost indispensable. Notwithstanding the fact that the difficulties to be overcome were enormous, and that the ex- perimenters were subjected to considerable danger, the investigations have been carried on with untiring zeal. The history of the liquefaction of gases, like that of other lines of scientific research, is marked with periods of unusual activity and rapid progress. These periods of enthusiasm were sometimes followed by a few years of quiet, un- eventful observations. The announcement of a new discovery, however, was always sufficient to give a new impetus to the work. In tracing the development of the methods em- ployed in the liquefaction of gases, it is perhaps advisable to divide the work into four periods. The four chapters of this volume correspond to these periods. The first chapter is concerned with the early history of the subject. In this period some of the earlier observations on the compression of gases, and likewise a few disconnected experiments on the liquefaction of gases, are considered. These investigations are only of historical interest, and hence are only briefly outlined. The second chapter begins with the work of INTRODUCTION 3 Faraday (1823), and embraces nearly half a century of fruitful observations. The fundamental methods for obtaining high pressures and low temperatures were developed to a comparatively high degree during this period. Carbonic acid, nitrous oxide, ammonia, etc., were liquefied and solidified dur- ing this time. The third chapter is devoted to critical con- stants, and the continuity of the gaseous and liquid states of matter. The experiments of An- drews form the first and most important division of this chapter. These observations mark the beginning of a new epoch in the liquefaction of gases. A brief account is also given of some experiments which have been made with a view of determining the condition of matter at the critical point. The equation of Van der Waals is likewise briefly considered. The fourth period begins with the liquefaction of the so-called permanent gases by Cailletet and Pictet (1877), and extends to the present time. During this period the apparatus employed in the liquefaction of gases has been perfected to a very high degree. The chapter is divided into four sections as follows : i. The pioneer experiments of Cailletet and Pictet on the liquefaction of the so-called perma- nent gases (1877-1882). 4 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES 2. The experiments of Wroblewski, Olszewski, and Dewar from 1883 to 1895. This work may be considered as supplementary to that of Caille- tet and Pictet. 3. Liquefaction of gases by the regenerative method. 4. Liquefaction of argon, hydrogen, helium, etc. The section closes with a table of physical constants. This chapter, which extends over a period of only two decades, occupies more than one half of the present volume. In the conclusion the three states of matter are briefly compared, and- their similarities pointed out. Reference is also made to various industrial applications of liquefied gases. Great advance in this direction seems imminent from the recent progress in the liquefaction of gases. A short account is next given of physiological action, and the properties of matter at low temperatures. Here again we may look forward to great achieve- ments. The high pressures and low temperatures which can be obtained by means of liquid air, etc., have opened up new fields of research in every branch of natural and physical science. CHAPTER I EARLY HISTORY THE fact has long been known that many liquids can be converted into vapors which are similar, in most respects, to ordinary gases. It has been equally well known that the vapors thus produced can be condensed to the original liquids by lower- ing the temperature. These phenomena at once suggest an intimate relation between the gaseous and liquid states of matter. Some believed that the possibility of condensation applied, not only to certain vapors, but to all gases. Before the com- position of the atmosphere was known, attempts were made to condense it to a liquid. Some of the experiments which are considered in this chapter were made, not with a view of con- densing the gas, but for the purpose of studying the influence of temperature and pressure on gas- eous volume. The results in many cases, however, have an important bearing on the liquefaction of gases. Experiments on the pneumatic applications of compressed air were made before the Christian 5 6 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES era. These observations, and many other experi- ments on compressed gases, may be omitted in a work of this nature. For the present purpose we may begin with the observations of Van Helmont 1 in the latter part of the sixteenth and the early part of the seventeenth century. He made the first great advance in the study of gases. He introduced the term "gas," and applied it to bodies which are similar to or- dinary air. 'It is evident that the problem of con- densing gases to the liquid state also occurred to him, for he was the first to distinguish between gases and vapors ; the latter, he said, can be con- densed to the liquid state, while the former cannot. This distinction remained unquestioned for nearly two centuries. When we consider that experi- ments on distillations occupied fifty years of Van Helmont's life, 2 we can understand these state- ments, which, in reality, are far in advance of the age in which he lived. About the middle of the seventeenth century Guericke 3 constructed an air-pump. This ap- paratus, in its simplest form, consisted of a ver- tical brass cylinder, which was provided with a movable piston. By means of this pump, he 1 Kopp, Geschichte der Chemie, I, pp. 121-122. 2 Boerhaave, Elements of Chemistry, Eng. ed., I, p. 16. 8 Haiiy, Nat, Philos., Eng. ed., p. 220. EARLY HISTORY 7 studied the influence of pressure on the volume of a given quantity of air. The principle of Guericke's air-pump has been applied by numer- ous experimenters in their study of compressed gases. The first systematic observations on the influence of pressure on the volume of a gas are those of Boyle. In 1662 he announced an important law, which bears his name. He stated that the volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure. In other words, the product of the pressure and volume is a constant. The law is usually expressed by the equation pv = c, where c is a constant. The same law was an- nounced by Mariotte a few years later. The con- ditions under which gases deviate from this law will be considered in a subsequent chapter. From the writings of Boerhaave (1731), it is evident that he had considered the problem of liquefying and of solidifying ordinary air. In the English edition of his Elements of Chemistry, pp. 249, 250, we find the following statement : " The first property, then, of air which offers itself to our consideration is its fluidity. This is so natural to it that I do not remember ever to have heard of any experiment by which air could be deprived of it. It is evident to every one's 8 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES observation that even in the sharpest frost, when almost everything is congealed, the air still re- mains fluid ; nay, in an artificial cold, 40 greater than nature has ever been known to produce, the air still retained its fluidity. ... If you compress the air, with ever so great weight and force, into the utmost density, it does not then become solid by concretion, but remains equally fluid as before. ... I have never yet met with a single experiment by which it appeared that air was coagulated into a solid mass. I confess that, one noon in frosty weather, when the air was very serene, I observed some very small corpuscles floating about in it. ... But, after a careful observation, I discovered that these were nothing but little globules of water, which were congealed, and which appeared in the form of a very subtle hoar-frost." In speaking of the elasticity of the air, the same writer, pp. 263-264, says : " Another law which we find to hold true is, that the elasticity of the air cannot be destroyed. . In whatsoever manner the air has been com- pressed by the utmost power of weights, it has always remained very fluid ; for, after it has been contracted into the greatest density, it has con- stantly restored itself again into all its particles, so as to fill up exactly the former space ; all parti- cles retreating with the same ease with which they EARLY HISTORY 9 came together. . . . We may fairly assert that the fluidity of the air in all the large compass, from the most rarefied to the most compressed, remains without alteration ; and that therefore it is neither capable of being solidified by the intensest cold, nor the greatest degree of compression." On page 266 of the same book we find that Boerhaave was familiar with the fact that heat expands the air. The following are his words : " By the application of fire the air becomes so rare that neither the measure nor limit of its dila- tion has yet been discovered. . . . Air of unequal masses, but of the same density, is always ex- panded in the same measure by the same degree of fire : so that these expansions in the same density of air are, by a constant law of nature, always proportional to the augmentations of heat." As early as 1 702 Amontons l studied the effect of temperature on the elastic force of the air. He says : " If equal or unequal masses of air are charged with equal weights, their elastic forces will be equally increased by equal degrees of heat." In 1787 Charles 2 called attention to the fact 1 Haiiy, Nat. Philos., Eng. ed., pp. 255-260. 2 Charles communicated his results to Gay Lussac and did not publish them. TO LIQUEFACTION OF GASES that all gases expand equally with the same in- crease in temperature. Dalton 1 made similar observations in 1801. He is also the author of the following statement : 2 " There can scarcely be a doubt entertained respecting the reducibility of all elastic fluids of whatever kind into liquids ; and we ought not to despair of effecting it in low temperatures, and by strong pressures exerted upon the unmixed gases." Dalton, just as La- voisier, foresaw the result of subjecting gases to intense cold. The relation of temperature to the volume of a gas was more thoroughly investigated by Gay Lussac in 1802. From his results, as well as from those of Dalton and Charles, we find that an increase of i in temperature 3 increases the vol- ume of a gas by about %]% of the volume at o, provided the pressure remains constant. In other words, the volume v of a gas at the temperature / is given by the equation, where V Q represents the volume at o. In various 1 Manchester Memoirs, V, p. 535, 1801. Ref. Roscoe and Schor- lemmer, Chemistry, I, p. 60, 1895. * Ref. Dewar, Proc. Roy. /;/., 8, p. 657, 1878. 8 All temperatures will be given in Centigrade degrees unless otherwise expressed. EARLY HISTORY 11 text-books, this law is referred to as the law of Charles, the law of Dalton, or the law of Gay Lussac, depending upon the author of the book. According to this law all gases have the same coefficient of expansion with regard to tempera- ture. In this respect the gaseous state of matter stands alone ; the coefficients of expansion of liquids and solids show considerable variation. Absolute Temperature. Throughout the discussion of the experiments on the liquefaction of gases, reference will fre- quently be made to absolute temperature. The significance of this term may be best understood by considering the law of Gay Lussac. Suppose we start with a given volume of gas at o. Let the pressure remain constant. If the tempera- ture be increased to 273, the volume will be doubled. If, on the other hand, the temperature be lowered, the volume will be decreased by ^3 of the original volume for each degree of tem- perature change. If the law remains valid for all temperatures, an important conclusion fol- lows; namely, at the temperature of 273 the volume of the gas will become equal to zero. Of course, it is not likely that such a condition will ever be attained, for all gases, so far as 12 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES known, deviate from this law before the tem- perature of 273 is reached. The temperature at which the volume of a perfect gas becomes equal to zero ( 273 C. or 460 F.) is called the ABSOLUTE ZERO OF TEMPERATURE. Absolute temperatures are measured from this point. The absolute zero may also be defined as that tem- perature at which the kinetic energy of the molecules is equal to zero. Thomson (now Lord Kelvin) has also proposed a definition which is based entirely upon energy considerations. 1 This definition, however, need not be discussed here. He obtained the value 273. 7 for the absolute zero. Both Dalton and Gay Lussac made observa- tions on the change of temperature which ac- companies the expansion or compression of a gas. Dalton 2 found that "about 50 of heat are evolved when air is compressed to one half of its original volume, and that, on the other hand, 50 are absorbed by the corresponding rarefaction." Gay Lussac 3 employed two large flasks, one of which contained the gas, while the 1 Phil. Mag., Oct., 1848. 2 Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Man- chester, V, Part II, pp. 251-525. 8 See original memoir in The Free Expansion of Gases, by Ames, pp. 3-13. EARLY HISTORY 13 other was exhausted. Thermometers were placed in each of these flasks, and the two were then connected. This allowed the gas to expand in one flask, while it was being compressed in the other. In this manner, Gay Lussac experimented with ordinary air, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen, and observed the accompanying changes of temperature. This subject has been more thoroughly investigated by Joule and Thomson. Their work will be referred to in a subsequent chapter. This method, in recent years, has be- come of great importance in the production of low temperatures. It has been considered probable by some that Count Rumford, 1 in his experiments to deter- mine the explosive force of gunpowder, may have liquefied carbonic acid gas. He exploded the powder in cylinders closed with a weighted, movable valve. The following are his words : "When the force of the generated elastic vapor was sufficient to raise the weight, the explosion was attended by a very sharp and surprisingly loud report ; but when the weight was not raised, as also when it was only a little moved, but not sufficiently for the elastic vapor to make its escape, the report was scarcely audible at the 1 Phil. Trans., 1797, p. 222. See also Alembic Club Reprints, No. 12, p. 20, 14 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES distance of a few paces. ... In many of the experiments, in which the elastic vapor was confined, this feeble report attending the ex- plosion of the powder was immediately followed by another noise totally different from it, which appeared to be occasioned by the falling back of the weight." He also calls attention to the small degree of expansive force of the confined elastic vapor when it was allowed to escape. Instead of rushing out with a loud report, the gas escaped with a hissing noise. The aqueous vapor produced in these experiments was evi- dently condensed to a liquid, but, in the light of the researches of Andrews, it seems that the temperature produced by the explosion would be higher than 31, the critical temperature of carbon dioxide. If this is true, the carbonic acid, of course, would not have been condensed to the liquid state. In 1799 Van Marum 1 published an account of some experiments which were performed several years earlier. The main object of these observa- tions was to study the effect of low pressures on different liquids. Some of the liquids, he stated, were entirely converted to vapors by this method. When the pressure was increased, these vapors 1 Gilbert's Ann., I, p. 145. EARLY HISTORY 15 condensed again to the liquid state. By means of an air-pump, he compressed ammonia gas, and found that, as the pressure increased, the volume did not decrease in accordance with Boyle's law. At a pressure of three atmospheres, he says, drops of liquid ammonia were formed. It is very proba- ble, however, that the gas used in this experiment contained a small quantity of aqueous vapor. Fourcroy and Vanquelin 1 made a series of ex- periments, in which they subjected certain gases to low temperatures. In Accum's Chemistry, I, P- 337> we nn d the statement that ammonia gas was liquefied in these experiments. It seems, how- ever, that aqueous ammonia was used in these ob- servations, and that the pure gas was not liquefied. These experimenters also subjected hydrochloric acid gas, sulphuretted hydrogen, and sulphurous acid gas to low temperatures. They did not suc- ceed, however, in liquefying any of these gases. The authors state that they obtained a temperature of - 40. During this same year Guyton de Morveau 2 experimented with ammonia gas at low tempera- tures. It is probable here, as in the observations of Fourcroy and Vanquelin, that the gas contained moisture. The method of drying was to pass the 1 Ann. de Chim., 29, p. 281. 2 Ann. de Chim., 29, pp. 290, 297. 16 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES gas into a glass vessel, the temperature of which was 21. 25. The object of this was to convert the aqueous vapor into ice. From this balloon the uncondensed gas passed to a second glass vessel, where it was subjected to a temperature of 43. 25. At this temperature drops of liquid formed on the interior surfaces of the containing vessel. The author states that ammonia, dried as completely as possible by subjecting to a tem- perature of 21, condenses to a liquid at 48. It is not likely that the gas was rendered com- pletely dry by this method ; and the author calls attention to the fact that the liquid, produced at 48, probably contained a small quantity of water. In 1805 Stromeyer subjected arsine to low tem- peratures. Thenard 1 says that the gas was con- densed to a liquid in these experiments. Another reference 2 states that "Professor Stromeyer con- densed the gas so far as to reduce it in part to a liquid, by immersing it in a mixture of snow and muriate of lime, in which several pounds of quick- silver had been frozen in the course of a few minutes." Faraday remarks that, "from the cir- cumstance of its being reduced only in part to a liquid, we may be led to suspect that it was rather 1 Traite de Ckimie, I, p. 373. 2 Nicholson's your., 19, p. 382. EARLY HISTORY 17 the moisture of the gas that was condensed than the gas itself." Numerous text-books refer to the liquefaction of sulphurous acid gas by Monge and Clouet. Thom- son, in his System of Chemistry, 6th ed., II, p. 1 1 8, says the gas was condensed when exposed to a temperature of 18. In Accum's Chemis- try, I, p. 345, and Murray's Chemistry, II, p. 405, we find the statement that the condensation of sulphurous acid was effected by the application of strong pressure and intense cold. The experiments of Northmore 1 in 1805-1806 are among the most important of the earlier obser- vations. His object was to determine the effect of pressure on the affinities of gases. His results, however, show that some of the gases were lique- fied. The apparatus consisted of an exhausting syringe, a condensing pump, a connecting spring- valve, and glass receivers. When chlorine was compressed, he observed the formation of a yel- low, extremely volatile, fluid. This appears to be the first reliable account of the liquefaction of chlorine. He also liquefied hydrochloric acid gas and sulphurous acid gas. The latter experiment, he says, corroborates the statement of Monge and Clouet, that sulphurous acid is condensed to a 1 Nicholson's Jour., 12. p. 368, and 13, p. 233. Also Alembic Club Reprints, No. 12, pp. 69-79. i8 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES liquid by the simultaneous application of strong pressure and low temperature. In the experi- ments on carbonic acid, Northmore remarks that the receiver very unexpectedly bursts with violence. These observations were very successful, consid- ering the period in which they were made. It is difficult to understand why the results obtained by Northmore were no incentive to further investi- gation. The fact remains, however, and these experiments have only an historical interest. In 1822, Cagnaird de la Tour 1 made a rather extended series of experiments by heating liquids in sealed glass tubes. This work is of considera- ble importance, in as much as it is a forerunner of the researches of Andrews on critical constants. Tour called attention to the following facts : 1. Alcohol, naphtha, and ether, when subjected to heat and pressure, are converted into vapors in a space slightly greater than double that of each liquid. 2. The increased pressure, due to the presence of air in the tube, did not prevent the evaporation of the liquid in the same space. The expansion, however, was more regular. 3. The experiments on water were unsatisfac- tory, owing to imperfections in the apparatus. 1 Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., 21, pp. 127, 178. EARLY HISTORY Ether is completely vaporized in a space some- what less than double that of the liquid, at a tem- perature of about 1 60. The pressure exerted by ether at this temperature is from 37 to 38 atmos- pheres. At a temperature of 200, alcohol vaporizes in a space less than three times that of the liquid^. The pressure in this case is about 1 19 atmospheres. The measurements on ether are given in the following tables : l Volume of Liquid = 7 Volume of Vapor = 20 Temperature in Reaumur Degrees Pressures in Atmos- pheres Differences 80 5 * 9 7 2 100 10 3 110 12 2 120 18 6 I 3 140 22 28 4 6 State of Vapor I 50 1 60 37 48 9 ii 170 1 80 IQO 200 59 68 78 86 ii 9 10 8 260 130 1 Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., 22, pp. 411, 412. 20 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES The results obtained by heating one half of this quantity of liquid in a tube of the same volume were as follows : Volume of Liquid = 35 Volume of Vapor = 20 Temperature in Reaumur Degrees Pressures in Atmos- pheres Differences 100 14 no 17 3 120 22 5 I 3 28 6 I4O 35 7 State of Vapor 1 50 42 7 1 60 5 8 170 58 8 1 80 63 5 I 9 66 3 200 70 4 4 4 3 260 94 4 The important part of these observations is, that the liquid disappeared at the same tempera- ture in both cases. This was an indication that, regardless of the pressure, the substance cannot exist in the liquid state when heated above a cer- tain temperature. These results exerted but little influence until after the work of Andrews nearly fifty years later. EARLY HISTORY 21 So far the investigations are only of historical interest. The results which are recorded on the preceding pages have been of little value to the later experimenters. From this point the work becomes more systematic. The interesting obser- vations of Cagnaird de la Tour may be said to close the first chapter in the liquefaction of gases. CHAPTER II HERE, as in many other lines of scientific re- search, we must turn to Faraday for the first sys- tematic observations. This great experimenter has taken the initiative step in many lines of scientific investigation, and is the author of numerous and important discoveries. In 1823, Faraday acci- dentally liquefied chlorine. Although an accident, he perceived the full significance of the result, and followed the observation with two elaborate series of experiments, in which he exhausted all his resources in the endeavor to liquefy the so- called permanent gases. At the suggestion of Davy, Faraday experi- mented with the hydrate of chlorine and studied the effect of heating it in a closed glass tube. When placed in water at 60, he observed no change; but when placed in water at 100, a yel- low gas was set free. On cooling, this gas con- densed to a yellow liquid which resembled the chloride of nitrogen. During the progress of this experiment, Dr. Paris 1 happened to enter the lab- 1 Tyndall, Faraday as a Discoverer, p. 14. 22 EXPERIMENTS OF FARADAY 23 oratory. " Seeing the oily liquid in the tube, he rallied the young chemist for his carelessness in employing soiled vessels. . . . Early the next morn- ing, Dr. Paris received the following note : " ' DEAR SIR, The oil you noticed yesterday turns out to be liquid chlorine. " ' Yours faithfully, <"M. FARADAY.'" The chlorine had been liquefied by pressure. When the tube was opened, the contents ex- ploded. Faraday made a number of observations to prove that this yellow liquid was chlorine. Among other experiments, he subjected dry chlorine gas to pressure, and obtained a liquid which was similar in all respects to that obtained from the hydrate. He also made some ap- proximate determinations of the density of liquid chlorine. Almost simultaneous with this work of Fara- day, Davy 1 liquefied hydrochloric acid gas by treating ammonium chloride with sulphuric acid in a closed tube. He then substituted ammonium carbonate for the chloride, and endeavored to liquefy carbon dioxide. Only one experiment was 1 Note to Faraday's article on " Liquefaction of Chlorine." 24 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES made, and, in that case, the tube burst. At the suggestion of Davy, Faraday continued the work alone. In these experiments, a number of gases were subjected to pressure, and the results were pub- lished in one article 1 in 1823. Sulphurous Acid Mercury and concentrated sulphuric acid were placed in a closed, bent glass tube which was afterward sealed (Fig. i). The end of the tube containing the reacting substances was heated, while the other end was kept cool by means of moistened paper. Sul- phurous acid gas was gen- erated, and, after the FIG. i. sulphuric acid had become saturated, it was evolved, and condensed to a liquid in the cold end of the tube. Faraday remarks that sulphurous acid forms a limpid, colorless, highly fluid liquid, which does not solidify at o F. When the tube was opened, a portion of* the liquid evaporated rapidly. This lowered the tempera- 1 Phil. Trans., 113, pp. 189-198. See also Akmbic Club Reprints, No. 12, pp. 10-19. EXPERIMENTS OF FARADAY 25 ture of the remaining portion, so that it re- mained a liquid 'for some time at the ordinary atmospheric pressure. A piece of ice thrown into the liquid caused rapid boiling. Faraday then took dry sulphurous acid gas, and subjected it to pressure in a glass tube by means of a syringe. When the tube was cooled to o F., the gas condensed to a liquid which was similar to that obtained from the mercury and sulphuric acid. Sulphuretted Hydrogen In this experiment the sealed glass tube con- tained hydrochloric acid and sulphuret of iron. On warming the contents, sulphuretted hydrogen was generated and condensed in the longer end of the tube, which was surrounded by a mixture of ice and salt. The resulting liquid was colorless, limpid, and excessively fluid. By the introduction of a small gauge intOj the tube, he found the pres- sure to be nearly 17 atmospheres at the tempera- ture of 50 F. Carbonic Acid The materials used in this case were ammonium carbonate and concentrated sulphuric acid. The glass tubes, however, were much stronger than those used in the previous experiments. Even then a number of violent explosions resulted. 26 LIQUEFACTIOiN OF GASES The carbonic acid was condensed to a color- less, extremely fluid liquid. The vapor pressure at 32 F. was measured, and found to be 36 atmospheres. Euchlorine This gas was generated from a mixture of potas- sium chlorate and sulphuric acid in a closed tube. On cooling, it condensed to a yellow, transparent liquid. Nitrous Oxide Ammonium nitrate, dried by heating in the air to partial decomposition, was heated in a closed bent tube. When the gases were cooled, two liquids separated. One was found to be water containing a little nitrous oxide in solution, while the other was nitrous oxide. The appearance of the liquid was similar to that of carbonic acid. The vapor pressure at 45 F. was found t to be 50 atmospheres. These experiments were accompanied by a number of violent explosions. Cyanogen Pure, dry, mercuric cyanide was treated in a manner similar to that of ammonium nitrate. The resulting cyanogen was condensed in the cold end of the tube to a limpid, colorless, liquid. EXPERIMENTS OF PERKINS 27 The vapor pressure at 45 F. was found to be 3.6 atmospheres. Ammonia Dry silver chloride was allowed to absorb pure, dry ammonia gas. The substance was then heated in a closed tube. The gas was again set free, and was condensed to a colorless, transparent liquid in the longer arm of the tube, which was cooled by means of ice and water. The vapor pressure at 50 F. was about 6.5 atmospheres. Faraday repeated the experiments of Davy on hydrochloric acid. He also determined a number of physical constants of these various liquids. He attempted to liquefy hydrogen, oxygen, etc., but without success. Twenty-one years later, he pub- lished another series of experiments on the lique- faction of gases. These observations will be considered in their proper place. Meanwhile we may turn our attention to the work of other investigators. EXPERIMENTS OF PERKINS In a note, 1 published in 1823, Perkins calls attention to a series of experiments on compressed air. The details of the work were not published until a few years later. The primary object of the 1 Annals of Phil, VI, p. 66. 28 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES investigation was to study the effect of high press- ure on liquids. The author states, however, that when ordinary air was subjected to a pressure of 1000 atmospheres, drops of liquid began to form, and that at 1200 atmospheres, a beautiful trans- parent liquid could be seen on the surface of the mercury. The liquid remained in the tube after the pressure had been removed. Perkins sup- posed that the liquid thus formed was condensed air. From the researches of later experimenters, however, it is evident that ordinary air cannot be liquefied under such conditions. The liquid which appeared at the surface of the mercury was evi- dently formed by the condensation of aqueous vapor. Perkins also remarks that he liquefied car- buretted hydrogen at a pressure of 1200 atmos- pheres. He developed a method for obtaining extremely high pressures. / EXPERIMENTS OF BUSSY In 1824, Bussy 1 published a series of observa- tions on the liquefaction of gases. His method of procedure was entirely different from that of Fara- day. He subjected the gases to low temperatures, but did not increase the pressure. He condensed 1 Ann. de Ckim. et de Phys., XXVI, p. 63; Pogg. Ann., I, p. 237, 1824. EXPERIMENTS OF BUSSY 29 sulphurous acid to a colorless, transparent liquid, at the ordinary atmospheric pressure, by subject- ing it to a temperature of 18 to 20. Bussy observed that if the liquid sulphurous acid was allowed to evaporate in the air, the temperature sank to - 57, and that if evaporated under reduced pressure, the temperature sank to 65. His work was a great advance in the liquefaction of gases, inasmuch as he made use of this method to produce low temperatures. By means of liquid sulphurous acid, he liquefied chlorine and ammo- nia, and in a similar manner he liquefied and solidified cyanogen. This method of lowering the temperature soon came into general use for both scientific and industrial purposes.^ Heat of Vaporization Inasmuch as the evaporation of liquids becomes, at this period, an important method for the pro- duction of low temperatures, we may briefly con- sider, at this point, the -thermal change which accompanies the passage of a substance from the liquid to the gaseous state. When a liquid changes to the gaseous state, a certain quantity of heat is absorbed. The heat required to change one gram of a liquid to a vapor, at the same temperature and pressure, is 30 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES called the heat of vaporization. The heat absorbed is used : 1. To increase the internal energy of the sub- stance ; i.e. the energy of the particles must be sufficiently increased to overcome the force of cohesion. 2. To perform external work ; i.e. the volume of the substance must be increased against a definite pressure. Let E represent the energy of the vapor, and E the energy of the liquid, then the increase in the internal energy is E-EX If Fand V\ represent the volumes of the vapor and liquid, and p is the pressure, which remains constant, then the external work performed is equal to P(V-VI). The total energy and work required to vaporize a liquid, therefore, is Knowing the mechanical equivalent of heat, this expression may be represented in thermal units ; in this latter form it represents the heat of vapori- zation. The numerical value of the heat of vapori- zation depends upon the temperature. Inasmuch as heat is absorbed during evaporation, EXPERIMENTS OF COLLADON 31 it is evident that a liquid cannot maintain a con- stant temperature during the process of evapora- tion, unless it receives heat from some external source. Ordinarily, there is a constant flow of heat from the surrounding bodies to the liquid during evaporation. Suppose, however, that this supply of heat from the surrounding bodies is cut off by insulation, then the heat required in the evaporation must be drawn from the liquid itself. The temperature, of course, will be lowered by this process. If the evapora- tion be hastened, e.g. by reducing the pressure, the temperature will be reduced more rapidly and to a much greater degree. Leslie has shown that water can be frozen by means of its own evapora- tion under reduced pressure. EXPERIMENTS OF COLLADON In 1828 Colladon 1 constructed an apparatus for the purpose of liquefying ordinary air. The general plan of the apparatus is shown in figure 2. The pressure was produced by means of an hydraulic pump, and transmitted through the tube Cc to the interior of a strong steel cylinder B, which was partially filled with mercury. In this cylinder was placed a glass tube T which was 1 Pictet, Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. [5], XIII, p. 226. LIQUEFACTION OF GASES open at the lower end, but fused at the upper end to the thick- walled, closed glass tube /, the interior diameter of which was from 1.5 to 2 mm. This tube t projected from the cylinder through the elongated cover A, above which it was bent downward to as shown in the figure. The bent- down portion of the tube was placed in a freezing mixture. In case of condensation the liquid, of course, would col- lect in the lower end of the tube /'. Colladon experimented at a temperature of 30 and with pressures as high as FIG. 3. EXPERIMENTS OF THILORIER 33 400 atmospheres. The results, however, were all negative. EXPERIMENTS OF THILORIER In 1834 Thilorier l liquefied carbonic acid on a much larger scale than had hitherto been done. r\ T MG. 3. The general plan of the apparatus 2 employed is shown in figures 3 and 4. The gas is generated 1 Ulnstitut, 58, p. 197 ; Ann. de Chim. et ae Phys., 60, pp. 427, 432. 2 Lieb. Ann., 30, p. 122. D 34 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES in the wrought-iron vessel A, and compressed by means of its own pressure in the wrought-iron re- ceiver F. These two vessels are similarly con- structed. B represents a cross-section of the cylinder A. This vessel is supported by means of two pivots so that it can be rotated. Eighteen hundred grams of bicarbonate of sodium, and 4^ litres of water are placed in the generator. The vessel D is then filled with concentrated sulphuric acid, and placed in the cylinder with the sodium bicarbonate and water. The stopper c is then screwed tightly into the top of the generator, and connection made with the receiver by means of the copper tube E. On rotating the vessel A, the sulphuric acid in D comes in contact with the car- bonate. The carbonic acid gas which is evolved in the reaction produces a very high pressure in the generator. After several minutes the stop- cocks mm are opened. The gas rushes immedi- ately into the receiver until the pressures in the two vessels are equal. A portion of the gas is liquefied by pressure. The quantity of liquid pro- duced may be largely increased by surrounding the receiver with a freezing mixture. When equi- librium has been established between the two ves- sels A and F y the stop-cocks ;;/ and m are closed. The pressure in the generator is then relieved, the contents are removed, and a new charge is intro- EXPERIMENTS OF THILORIER 35 duced. The process is repeated in this manner until from 2 to 3 litres of liquid carbonic acid have FIG. 4. collected in the receiver. From five to ten repeti- tions are usually required. In this way, Thilorier obtained liquid carbonic 36 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES acid in rather large quantities, and made a series of observations on its physical properties. He measured the vapor pressure at different temper- atures and found it to be 36 atmospheres at o, and 73 atmospheres at 30. He also determined the specific gravity, and made observations on the thermoscopic effect of the liquid. The condensed gas was found to be insoluble in water and fat oils, but soluble in all proportions in alcohol, ether, naphtha, turpentine, and carbon disulphide. It reacts with metallic potassium, but produces no effect on lead, tin, copper, iron, etc. The abnor- mal expansion of the liquid carbonic acid was also investigated. Thilorier made some important observations on the production of low temperatures by the evapo- ration of liquid carbonic acid. When a jet of the liquid was directed upon the bulb of an alcohol ther- mometer, the temperature sank rapidly to 90. The sphere of action, however, in this as well as in other cases was limited almost entirely to the point of contact. The congelation of mercury was confined to small portions of it ; and when the hand was exposed to a jet of the liquid, a burning sensation was felt, but the effect was confined to very narrow limits. The author explained this limited sphere of action by the low conductivity and small capacity EXPERIMENTS OF THILORIER 37 for heat of carbonic acid. He says : " If gases have little effect in the production of cold, it is not so with vapors whose conductivity and capacity for heat are much greater. I have, therefore, thought that if a permanent liquid ether, for example could be placed under the same conditions of expansibility as liquefied gases, we might obtain a frigorific effect much greater than that produced by liquid carbonic acid. To accomplish this, ether must be rendered explosible, and this I have easily effected by mixing it with liquid carbonic acid. In this intimate combination of the two liquids, which dissolve each other in all proportions, ether ceases to be a permanent liquid at the ordinary atmospheric pressure ; it becomes expansible like a condensed gas, still preserving its properties of a vapor; namely, its conductivity and capacity for heat." The effects of a jet of explosible ether are more pronounced and extend over a much greater area than those produced by a jet of liquid carbonic acid. Fifty grams of mercury can be solidified in a few seconds by means of this mixture. Solidification of Carbonic Acid Thilorier not only liquefied carbonic acid, but succeeded in converting it into a solid. The LIQUEFACTION OF GASES receiver which contained the liquid carbonic acid was connected with a vessel formed of two sepa- rate halves (Fig. 5) by means of a small tube. The sudden expansion produced a very low tem- perature, and a portion of the gas solidified. The author thought, however, that the solid particles were composed of ordinary ice which resulted from the freezing of aqueous vapor in the air. The experiment was repeated before Arago, Thenard, \ FIG. 5. and Dulong. The solid portions were then found to be carbonic acid. " Gaseous at the ordinary temperature and pressure, and liquid at o under a pressure of 36 atmospheres, carbonic acid becomes solid at a temperature of about 100 below zero, and retains this new condition for several minutes in the open air, without the necessity of any com- pression." The author calls attention also to the remarkable difference in the behavior of the liquid and solid EXPERIMENTS OF ADDAMS 39 acid. While in the liquid state, he says, the elastic force is exceedingly great, being equal in explosive power to an equal weight of gun- powder. The solid, on the other hand, disappears insensibly by slow evaporation. A fragment of solid carbonic acid, he adds, slightly touched by the ringer, glides rapidly over a polished surface, as if sustained by the gaseous atmosphere with which it is constantly surrounded, until it is entirely dissipated. The vaporization of solid carbonic acid is complete. It leaves but rarely a slight humidity, which may be attributed to the action of the air on a cold body, the temperature of which is far below that of freezing mercury. The solidification of large quantities of carbonic acid has been of great value to later experimenters for the production of low temperatures. The solid acid moistened with ordinary ether is known as Thilorier's Mixture. A temperature of -110=- i66F. can be obtained by means of this mixture. Modification of Thilorier's Apparatus In a paper read before the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1 Addams calls attention to three forms of apparatus which had 1 Proceedings for 1838, p. 70. 40 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES been used by him to liquefy and solidify carbonic acid on a large scale. The first method is me- chanical, in which powerful hydraulic pumps are used to force the gas from one vessel into a second, by filling the first with water, saline solu- tions, oil, or mercury. The second form of appa- ratus is a modification of that invented and used by Thilorier. The third includes the mechanical and the chemical methods, by means of which much of the acid formed in the generator is pre- served ; whereas by the arrangement of Thilorier, two parts in three rush into the atmosphere and are lost. The apparatus is provided with two gauges, one to determine when the generator is filled with water, and the other to indicate the quantity of liquid acid in the receiver. By means of this apparatus, Addams prepared liquid carbonic acid in considerable quantity and measured the elastic force at different temperatures. The solid carbonic acid used by Faraday in his second series of experiments on the liquefaction of gases was prepared by Addams. EXPERIMENTS ON HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN In these experiments Maugham a attempted to liquefy hydrogen and oxygen by means of press- 1 Proc. Brit. Assoc.for Adv. of Sci. (1838), p. 73. EXPERIMENTS OF TORREY 41 ure. The pressure was obtained by the elec- trolysis of acidulated water in closed, strong glass U-tubes. In this manner, the author was able to burst tubes of the strongest glass. He suggested that if the experiments were carried out at low temperatures, the hydrogen and oxygen would probably condense to the liquid state. This method for obtaining high pressures has been used by some of the later experimenters. OBSERVATIONS OF TORREY These experiments were not published by the author, but the results were communicated in private letters to Dr. Silliman, who published them two years later. 1 The editors make the following statement : " We have been, from time to time, informed by letters from Prof. John Torrey of New York, of his progress in the condensation of gases, and although not intended for publication, we now take the liberty to give some citations from his letters." April 11, 1837, Torrey writes that, although he was unable to procure a suitable form of apparatus in which to condense carbonic acid, he had successfully carried out numerous experiments 1 Silliman' 1 s Jour., 35, p. 374, 1839. 42 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES with glass tubes. A month later he forwarded a tube containing liquid carbonic acid to Dr. Silli- man. Torrey also liquefied sulphurous acid and chlorochromic acid. Perfectly dry phosphorus, he says, is not inflamed by liquid chlorochromic acid, but if moist in the slightest degree, it will burn with a loud explosion, requiring particular precautions. In another letter, he remarks, " I have been shooting with an air-gun, using liquid carbonic acid for throwing the balls, and I hope soon to emulate Perkins' steam gun." EXPERIMENTS OF MITCHELL In 1839 Mitchell 1 modified the apparatus of Thilorier somewhat, and obtained both liquid and solid carbonic acid. When the liquefied gas is allowed to escape into an iron receiver, he says, " a large portion of the liquid is instantly expanded into gas which escapes through a tube. The coldness consequent on the enormous expansion freezes another portion of the liquid, which then falls to the bottom of the receiver. About one drachm of solid matter is thus formed for each ounce of liquid." Mitchell also made a series of observations on the physical constants of liquid and solid carbonic 1 Sillimatfs Jour., 35, p. 346. EXPERIMENTS OF AIME 43 acid. By means of the solid acid he solidified mercury, and experimented with the solid metal. Liquid sulphurous acid freezes at about 80, while ordinary ether, he says, when subjected to a temperature of 100 is not, in the slightest degree, altered. He further adds that, "when a piece of solid carbonic acid is pressed against a living animal surface, it drives off the circulating fluids, and produces a ghastly white spot. If held for fifteen seconds it raises a blister, and if the application be continued for two minutes, a deep white depression with an elevated margin is per- ceived ; the part is killed, and a slough is in time the consequence. I have thus produced both blisters and sloughs, by means nearly as prompt as fire, but much less alarming to my patients." Experiments were also made with a number of liquids and metals, by placing them in liquid carbonic acid. EXPERIMENTS OF AIME (I843) 1 In these experiments, ethylene, nitric oxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and oxygen were subjected to very high pressures. The press- ure was obtained by sinking the gases in suitable vessels to great depths in the ocean. The method, 1 Ann. de Chim. et de P/iys., 8, p. 275, 1843. 44 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES of course, is unsatisfactory, inasmuch as the obser- vations cannot be made at the time when the pressure is applied. The following table will show the relative de- crease in volume for the different gases when subjected to pressure : Substance Pressure Ratio of Original Volume to Final Volume Oxygen 83 atmospheres 9 0: Ethvlene 124 356: Nitric oxide 165 251: Carbon monoxide 165 180: Oxygen 165 160: Fluosilicon 105 " 350: Aime thought that the ethylene and fluosilicon were condensed to the liquid state. The evi- dence, however, is not conclusive. Hydrogen and nitrogen were subjected to a pressure of 220 atmospheres, without showing any indications of liquefaction. The observations seem to show de- viations from Boyle's law, but the results obtained for oxygen are somewhat contradictory. EXPERIMENTS OF FARADAY In 1845 Faraday 1 published a second series of observations. In the introduction, he says: "The 1 Phil. Trans., 135, p. 155; also, Alembic Club Reprints, No. 12, P- 33- EXPERIMENTS OF FARADAY 45 experiments formerly made on the liquefaction of gases, and the results which from time to time have been added to this branch of knowledge, especially by Thilorier, have left a constant de- sire on my mind to renew the investigation. This, with considerations arising out of the apparent simplicity and unity of the molecular constitution of all bodies when in the gaseous or vaporous state, which may be expected, according to the indica- tions given by the experiments of Cagnaird de la Tour, to pass by some simple law into the liquid state, and also the hope of seeing nitrogen, oxy- gen, and hydrogen, either as liquid or solid bodies, and the latter probably as metal, have lately in- duced me to make many experiments on the sub- ject." The gases, in these experiments, were subjected to the simultaneous influence of high pressure and low temperature. The pressure was obtained by the use of two air-pumps. "The first pump had a piston of an inch in diameter, and the second a piston of only half an inch in diameter, and these were so associated by a connecting pipe, that the first pump forced the gas into and through the valves of the second, and then the second could be employed to throw forward this gas, already compressed to 10, 15, or 20 atmospheres, into its final recipient at a much higher pressure." 46 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES The pressure exerted by certain gases when gen- erated in closed, strong glass vessels was also employed as a means of compression. The low temperatures were produced by means of a bath of Thilorier's mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether. This mixture was allowed to evaporate, at the ordinary atmospheric pressure, in an open earthenware dish which rested in a second larger vessel; the space between the two being filled with dry flannel. Faraday modified the method, however, and obtained a much lower temperature by evaporating the mixture under reduced pressure. The influence of pressure is shown by the fol- lowing table : Pressure in Inches of Mercury Temperature of Mixture 28.4 - 70 19.4 - 80.3 9.4 - 8 5 7-4 - 88.3 5-4 - 90.6 3-4 - 95 2.4 - 98.3 1.4 106.6 1.2 -no = - i66F. The temperatures were measured by means of an alcohol thermometer, and Faraday remarks that EXPERIMENTS OF FARADAY 47 the actual temperatures were probably from 5 to 6 lower than those recorded. The gases were condensed in tubes, the forms of which are shown in figures 6 and 7. "These tubes were of green bottle glass, being from J to ^ FIG. 6. of an inch in external diameter, and from -fa to -fa of an inch in thickness. They were chiefly of two kinds, about 1 1 and 9 inches in length, the one, when horizontal, having a curve downward near the end to dip into the cold bath, and the other, being in form like an inverted but the experiments could not be success- fully carried to this temperature. 1 Ramsay 2 says, "The critical point is that point at which the liquid, owing to expansion, and the gas, owing to compression, acquire the same spe- cific gravity, and consequently mix with each other." During this same year, Clark 3 made a series of experiments with sulphurous acid in the two branches of a U-tube. He found that when the temperature was near the critical point, the disap- pearance of the meniscus in one branch did not affect the level of the liquid in the other. From this he concluded that the density of the vapor at the critical point is equal to that of the liquid. This theory seems to have been generally ac- cepted. Thiesen 4 says, "A substance is to be considered a liquid, or gas, according as the den- sity is greater or less than the critical density." 1 Amagat has investigated this subject more thoroughly, and says the density of the vapor rapidly approaches that of the liquid at the critical temperature. Compt. rend., 114, p. 1093. See also Cailletet and Mathias, Jour, de Phys. [2], 5, p. 549, 1886. 2 Proc. Roy. Soc., 30, p. 323, 1880. 3 Proc. Phys. Sec., Lond., 4, p. 41, 1880. 4 Zeit. compr. undfltiss. Case, I, p. 87, 1897. 88 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES Quite recently, however, von P. de Heen-Liittich has published an article entitled, " Uber die ange- blichen Anomalieen in der Nahe des kritischen Punktes," 1 in which he states that there are two critical densities, the critical density of the liquid and the critical density of the vapor. The latter, he says, is equal to one-half of the former. A large number of observations were made, and the results obtained seem to contradict some of the work of previous experimenters. 2 The condition of a substance at or near the critical point, however, has been more thoroughly investigated from a different standpoint. Hannay and Hogarth 3 examined the solvent properties of some fluids for non-volatile solids during the pas- sage of the solvent through the critical point. A precipitation of the solid, on passing through this point, they thought, would be conclusive evi- dence of a change from liquid to gas. If, on the other hand, the solid remained in solution, it would be an evidence of the perfect continuity of the gaseous and liquid states. In the first experiment potassium iodide was dissolved in alcohol, and the solution heated in a closed glass tube. There was no indication of the 1 Zeit. compr. undfliiss. Case, 2, pp. 97, 113, and 134, 1898. 2 See also M. Gouy, Compt. rend. 115, p. 720, 1892. 8 Proc. Roy. Soc., 30, p. 178, 1880. CONTINUITY OF STATE 89 separation of a solid, even at a temperature of 350, which is nearly 100 above the critical point of alcohol. The next experiment consisted in dissolving the crystals of potassium iodide in alcohol vapors. The temperature of the alcohol was never lower than 65 above the critical point. When the press- ure was strongly increased, the potassium iodide dissolved. By releasing the pressure rapidly, fine crystals of the salt separated out as a film on the glass, and in some cases as 'a cloud of fine particles, which floated about in the menstruum. Other solutions were then examined. Calcium chloride in alcohol, and sulphur in carbon disul- phide, showed no indications of precipitation at temperatures above the critical points of the solvents. The blue solution of cobaltous chloride in alcohol preserved its color at temperatures far above the critical point of alcohol. The absorption spectrum showed no change on passing through the critical point. The authors accepted these results as evidence of the solubility of solids in gases, and of the perfect continuity of the gaseous and liquid states. Ramsay considers the last of these experiments as an evidence that the liquid state persists beyond the critical point. He says : " Messrs. Hannay and Hogarth found that the absorption spectrum of colored salts remains un- 90 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES altered even when the liquid in which they are dissolved loses its meniscus. Surely no clearer proof is needed to show that the solids are not present as gases, but are simply solutions in a liquid medium." l Ramsay 2 has determined the condition of a fluorescent solution at temperatures above the critical point of the solvent. Eosine in alcoholic solution failed to show the phenomenon of fluo- rescence after the meniscus had disappeared. The author showed that benzene, at temperatures slightly above the critical point, expands and con- tracts, with regard to pressure, approximately the same as a liquid. The gaseous state, he thinks, depends entirely upon the mean velocity of the molecules and not upon the mean free path. He considered a gas as a substance consisting of simple molecules, and a liquid as a substance consisting of aggregates -of gaseous molecules. Above the critical point, he says, a substance may be wholly liquid or gas, depending upon the pressure. Three years later Jamiu 3 announced a similar theory. He saw no reason why the liquid state should cease at the critical point. He says : " I believe that gases are liquefiable at any tem- perature when the pressure is sufficient, but that 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., 30, p. 327. 2 Ibid., 31, p. 194. Phil. Mag. [5], 1 6, p. 71, 1883. CONTINUITY OF STATE 91 an unperceived circumstance has prevented the liquefaction from being seen." He looked upon the disappearance of the meniscus only as an evi- dence that the density of the liquid was equal to that of the vapor, a condition which could be brought about by means of pressure alone. In support of this theory the following experiment of Cailletet 1 is quoted : A mixture of one part of air and five parts of carbonic acid was compressed until a portion of the latter gas was liquefied. The pressure was then increased to 200 atmospheres, when the meniscus disappeared. Jamin explains this phenomenon on the assumption that the den- sity of the gas at that pressure was equal to that of the liquid. Cailletet and Colardeau 2 have also endeavored to prove that the liquid state persists at tempera- tures above the critical point. They experimented with a solution of iodine in liquid carbonic acid. The colored solution was heated, in a closed glass tube, to the critical point of the solvent. After the meniscus disappeared the portion of the tube which had contained the liquid remained colored, while the upper portion was colorless. The ab- sorption spectrum of the substance in this condi- tion showed that the iodine existed in solution, and 1 Compt. rend., 90, p. 210, 1880. 2 Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. [6], 18, p. 269, 1889. 92 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES not as a vapor. The authors concluded then that the liquid state still persisted in the lower portion of the tube. Villard, 1 however, has shown that under certain conditions iodine is soluble in gaseous carbonic acid, and that this does not serve as a test for the liquid state. The theory that the critical point is the limit of the liquid state has been ably defended by Hannay. Reference has already been made to his work on the solubility of solids in gases. Later he investi- gated the phenomenon of capillarity 2 for carbonic acid, ammonia, sulphurous acid, nitrous oxide, car- bon disulphide, chlorine, and various alcohols, and found that capillarity disappears at or near the critical point. 3 He looked upon the solvent power of a gas as depending upon two conditions, the molecular closeness and the vis viva. At con- stant density, he says, the solvent power increases with the kinetic energy of the molecules. This statement, however, requires some modification. Altschul 4 has carefully studied the influence of tem- perature on the solvent power of a gas. He filled a strong glass tube with a solution of I gram 1 Ann. de Chim. et de P/iys., 10, p. 387, 1897. 2 Proc. Roy. Soc., 30, p. 478, 1880. 8 Similar observations were also made by Clark. Proc. Phys. Soc. t Lond., 4, p. 41. * Zeit. compr. undfliiss. Case, I, p. 207, 1897. CONTINUITY OF STATE 93 of potassium iodide in 150 grams of alcohol, and carefully heated the substance to the critical point of the solvent. At this temperature the substance remained in solution, but when gradu- ally heated to a temperature of about 356 a por- tion of the tube became filled with very fine glistening crystals, which could be seen with the naked eye. These crystals did not settle to the bottom, but floated about throughout the whole space of the tube. From this observation, it is evident that the statement of Hannay that, "re- taining the volume the same, the higher the tem- perature the greater the solvent power of K a gas," is true only within certain limits. Hannay also made use of an entirely different method for studying the condi- tion of a fluid at the critical point. The apparatus employed is shown in figure 1 6. The liquid was en- closed in the upper part of the tube A by means of the mer- cury B. The lower ^>^^ FIG. 16. part of the appa- ratus C was filled with nitrogen. By compressing the mercury, and gently tapping the tube, a small bubble of the gas could be made to pass up through the column of mercury into the liquid. 94 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES At temperatures below the critical point, the bubble of nitrogen showed a distinct meniscus, and passed up through the column of liquid. At temperatures above the critical point, the bubble diffused immediately throughout the whole space. Hannay looked upon this experiment as decisive evidence that the liquid state ceases at the critical temperature. He says : " There can be no liquid above the critical point, as this is the termination of all properties which distinguish a liquid from a gas." We come now to the question originally asked by Andrews. "What is the condition of matter, at temperatures slightly above the critical point?" Does it belong to the liquid, or the gaseous state ? The answer to this question depends entirely upon the definitions of the terms liquid and gas. Hannay l suggests four states of matter, the gas, vapor, liquid, and solid. The vapor, he says, is a distinct state of matter. The fact, however, that some of the properties of vapors differ from those of gases under ordinary conditions, is not necessarily an evidence of a different state of matter, in the sense in which that term is usually employed. Crookes 2 has shown that the proper- ties of gases under extremely low pressures differ 1 Proc. Roy. Sot., 31, p. 520. 2 Ibid., 30, p. 469, 1880. CONTINUITY OF STATE 95 essentially from those of gases under the ordinary pressure, and he has suggested the term radiant matter for such conditions. Three states of matter, then, apart from the liquid and solid, have already been suggested, namely, the vapor, the gas, and radiant matter. It is evident, from the above suggestions, that the state which shall be assigned to matter under definite conditions de- pends entirely upon the definitions of the various terms. If we limit the states of matter to the solid, liquid, and gas, which is probably advisable, and accept the ordinary definitions, namely, that a gas has neither form nor volume, but tends to expand indefinitely, and that a liquid has a defi- nite volume, but assumes the form of the vessel in which it is contained, then it seems that a fluid above the critical point belongs to the gaseous state. Matter in that condition tends to expand indefinitely without showing any signs of ebulli- tion. If a small bubble of an indifferent gas is allowed to enter the fluid, it shows no meniscus, but diffuses imperceptibly throughout the whole space. The gaseous and liquid states, however, gradu- ally approach each other at the critical point. The change from a gas to a liquid at this point seems to be a continuous process, and shows no abrupt evolution of heat. The intimate relation which 96 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES exists between the two states has been admirably expressed by Andrews. He says : " The ordinary gaseous and ordinary liquid states of matter may be made to pass into one another by a series of gradations so gentle that the passage shall nowhere present any interruption or breach of continuity. From carbonic acid as a perfect gas to carbonic acid as a perfect liquid, the transition we have seen may be accomplished by a continuous pro- cess, and the gas and liquid are only distant stages of a long series of continuous physical changes." SECTION III Relation between the Gaseous and Liquid States, as expressed by the Equation of Van der Waals According to Boyle's law (p. 7), the product of the pressure and volume of a gas is a constant quantity. This relation is expressed by the equation, pv = c. According to the law of Charles-Gay Lussac (p. 10), the volume v of a gas at any temperature t, and under the constant / , is given by the equation, where V Q is the volume of the gas at o, and a is the coefficient of expansion (= EQUATION OF VAN DER WAALS 97 If the pressure in the last equation should change from / to any pressure /, the resulting volume #, according to Boyle's law, is, hence, pv = p^(\ + at). If T represents the absolute temperature, then tT 273. The coefficient of expansion a being equal to ^ J3> we have, or, pv 273 The expression / ?> represents the product of the pressure and volume at o and 760 mm. pressure ; hence, is a constant. Calling this term R, we have p v =RT. I This is the equation usually employed to express the relation of the pressure and volume to the temperature of a gas. It represents a combina- tion of the law of Boyle with that of Charles -Gay Lussac. Reference has already been made to the fact that gases under high pressures deviate from Boyle's law (p. 65). The most elaborate series of 93 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES experiments in this direction is that of Amagat. 1 He took into account both pressure and tempera- ture, and hence his results apply directly to equation I. The results obtained by Amagat are represented by the curves in figures 17, 18, 19, and 20. Fig- -4O , v, R, and T represent the same values 1 Die Continuit'dt des gasformigen und fliissigen Zustandes. io6 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES as in equation I (p. 97), a is a function of the mutual attraction between the molecules, and b is proportional to the actual space occupied by the molecules. The development of this equation represents an elaborate mathematical calculation. For the pres- ent purpose, however, we will consider only the application. Taking the atmospheric pressure as unit pressure, and the volume of one gram of gas at o and a pressure of one atmosphere as unit volume, Van der Waals calculated the values of a and b, from the compressibility of carbonic acid gas, and found them to be 0.00874 and 0.0023 re " spectively. Substituting these values, we have w _ 0.0023) =RT. Placing p and v each equal to unity, the corre- sponding temperature is o, or 7^=273; and hence, R = 1.00646 273 If a and b remain constant under all conditions, we have as a general equation for carbonic acid The values of / and v obtained from this equa- tion for different values of T are represented by EQUATION OF VAN DER WAALS 107 the curves 1 in figure 21. The volumes are rep- resented by abscissas, and the corresponding press- ures by ordinates. The curve AD corresponds to FIG. 21. a temperature of 13.!. The curve, instead of passing from B to C in a straight line, as was 1 Ostvvald, Outlines of Gen. Chem., p. 86. io8 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES observed by Andrews (p. 78), is continuous, and passes through the points a and 7. In 1871 J. Thomson 1 suggested that the curves given by Andrews could probably be obtained as continuous curves. The curves represented in figure 21 are very similar to those suggested by Thomson. In each of the curves I, 2, and 3 it will be noticed that there are three volumes corresponding to one press- ure. In curve I the three volumes corresponding to a single pressure occur only between the limits of pressure represented by y and a. As the tem- perature increases, the three points on the curves representing these three different volumes gradu- ally approach each other, and finally meet at the point k. The point k, where the three volumes become equal to each other, was called by Van der Waals the critical point. For carbonic acid .this point corresponds to a temperature of 32. 5. Above this temperature there is but one volume corre- sponding to a definite pressure. This tempera- ture is about one and a half degrees higher than the critical temperature obtained experimentally by Andrews. The pressure corresponding to the point k represents the critical pressure. In the case of carbonic acid the calculated value is 61 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., 1871. EQUATION OF VAN DER WAALS 109 atmospheres, while the experiments of Andrews show a value of about 70 atmospheres. The volume corresponding to the point k represents the critical volume. The same results may be obtained by solving the equation algebraically. If the equation be arranged according to the descending powers of v, we have o (y . RT\ . a ab l tr (b + -}v* + -v -- = o. 1 \PJPP This equation is of the third degree with respect to v, and, of course, has three roots. A solution of the equation will show that the three roots are real, or that one is real and the other two imagi- nary. That is, for any pressure there are either three values or one value of v. This fact is also shown by the graphic represen- tation in figure 2 1 . These curves show that, within a certain interval of pressure for each temperature below 32. 5, there are three corresponding values 1 The equation as given by Van der Waals is '+*)(' "*)('+ In this formula, we have, instead of R, the expression ( I -f a) ( I b} . This value is obtained by placing p and v each equal to unity in the original equation of Van der Waals. Substituting R for the expression (i + ar)(i ), and introducing the absolute tempera- ture T, we obtain the equation given above, / ( \ no LIQUEFACTION OF^ GASES for the volume; while above 32. 5, each pressure corresponds to a definite volume. At the critical point /, the three volumes are equal to each other. If we assume, then, that at the critical point, the three values of v, or the three roots of the equation RT\ 9 , a ab \ir + -v -- = o pjpp are each equal to <, the value of $ must be such that o -\- RT .9 ci JJQ ttb 3<#>=- Z r , 34> 2 =-, and< 3 = . P P P Simplifying these expressions, and representing the critical temperature by 0, and the critical press- ure by TT, we obtain, 3 b = critical volume. TT = a = critical pressure. 27 b z = -- - = critical temperature. 27 Rb Having once determined the values of a and b for a gas, the critical constants can be calculated from the above formulas. The critical constants of carbonic acid calculated in this manner, and the corresponding values obtained experimentally by Andrews, are as follows : EQUATION OF VAN DER WAALS in Calculated Experimental Critical temperature . . . Critical pressure .... Critical volume 32-5 61 atm. o 0069 3o-92 70 atm. 0.0066 The equation of Van der Waals applies to a homogeneous gas or a homogeneous liquid. It does not, however, apply to a liquid and its vapor in mutual contact. During the last twenty years this equation has been the subject of considerable discussion. The very elaborate series of experi- ments by Young 1 show that the generalizations of Van der Waals can be regarded only as approxi- mations. In 1880 Clausius 2 called attention to some devia- tions from the equation of Van der Waals. He regarded the assumption of Van der Waals, that the mutual attraction of the molecules is indepen- dent of the temperature, and is a function only of the volume, as true only for a perfect gas. The assumption that the mutual attraction of the mole- cules is inversely proportional to the square of the volume was regarded by Clausius only as a close approximation under certain conditions. Clausius finally suggested the following equation to express 1 Proc. Phys. Soc., Lond., p. 233, 1897. 2 Phil. Mag. [5], 9, p. 393. 112 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES the relation of the pressure and volume to the temperature of a gas : . _ r> T c P ' v-a T(v-0yf in which R, c, a, and are constants. In some respects this equation is a closer approximation than that of Van der Waals. In 1882 Sarrau 1 investigated this equation very thoroughly with reference to the experimental results obtained by Amagat. He found that, in the case of hydrogen and nitrogen, the equation expresses very closely the actual relation of the pressure and volume to the temperature. With certain other gases, how- ever, some deviations were observed. From the experimental results it is evident that the equations of Van der Waals and Clausius, as well as similar equations of other experimenters, can be regarded only as close approximations. 2 Inasmuch as all of these equations are based upon the kinetic theory of gases, it may be remarked that within recent years considerable opposition has been offered against this theory. 1 Compt. rend., 94, pp. 639, 718, and 845. 2 As further reference to this subject see, among others, Ran- kine, J^rans. Roy. Soc., 1854, p. 336; Joule and Thomson, ibid., 1862, p. 579; Recknagel, Pogg. Ann., 145, p. 469, 1872; Him, Theorie Mechanique de la Chaleur, 3d ed., II, p. 21 1 ; Amagat, Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. [5], 28, p. 500, 1883; and Zeit. fur Compr. und fl'iiss. Case, 2, p. 178, 1898; Violi, Phil. Mag., 27, p. 527, 1889; J- Traube, Wied. Ann., 61, 2, pp. 380-400, 1897. CHAPTER IV LIQUEFACTION OF THE SO-CALLED PERMANENT GASES SECTION I "THE meeting of the French Academy on the twenty-fourth of December, 1877, was a memor- able one. On that day the members were told that Cailletet had succeeded in liquefying both oxygen and carbon monoxide at his works at Chatillon-sur-Seine, and that the former gas had also been liquefied by Raoul Pictet in Geneva." The following letter, 1 addressed by Cailletet to Sainte-Claire Deville, was read by Dumas : " I have to tell you first, and without losing a moment, that I have just this day liquefied oxygen and carbon monoxide. " I am, perhaps, doing wrong to say liquefied, for at the temperature obtained by the evaporation of sulphurous acid, about 29, and at a pressure of 300 atmospheres, I see no liquid, but a mist so dense that I infer the pres- ence of a vapor very near its point of liquefaction. " I write to-day to M. Deleuil for some protoxide of nitrogen, by means of which I shall be able, without doubt, to see oxygen and carbon monoxide flow. 1 Compt. rend., 85, p. 1217. U4 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES " P. S. I have just made an experiment which sets my mind greatly at ease. I compressed hydrogen to 300 atmospheres, and after cooling down to 28, I re- leased it suddenly. There was not a trace of mist in the tube. My gases, carbon monoxide and oxygen, are therefore about to liquefy, as this mist is produced only with vapors which are on the verge of liquefaction. The prediction of M. Berthelot has been completely realized. " Louis CAILLETET. "December 2, 1877." Deville added also that Cailletet had successfully repeated his experiments on the condensation of oxygen, on Sunday, December sixteenth, in the laboratory of the Normal School. The following telegram l was then read : " GENEVA, December 22. " To-day I liquefied oxygen at a pressure of 320 atmos- pheres, and a temperature of 140, obtained by means of sulphurous and carbonic acids. " Signed, " RAOUL PICTET." During the session of the Academy a second telegram 2 was received from Pictet. "GENEVA, December 24, 4.15 P.M. "A second experiment, performed before numerous assistants, has thoroughly confirmed the results which I communicated to M. Dumas last Saturday. " PICTET." 1 Compt. rend., 85, p. 1214. ' 2 Ibid., p. 1220. EXPERIMENTS OF CAILLETET 115 The researches of Andrews had already shown that all gases under the proper conditions of tem- perature and pressure would pass into the liquid state. The experimental evidence, however, for the so-called permanent gases, was left for these two simultaneous, but independent experimenters. Roscoe and Schorlemmer, in their account of these observations, say : " It is difficult, on reading the descriptions of these experiments, to know which to admire most, the ingenious and well-adapted arrangement of the apparatus employed by Pictet, or the singular simplicity of that used by Cailletet. The latter gentleman is one of the greatest of French ironmasters, whilst the former is largely engaged as a manufacturer of ice-making machin- ery, and the experience and practical knowledge gained by each in his own profession have materi- ally assisted to bring about one of the most inter- esting results in the annals of scientific discovery." EXPERIMENTS OF CAILLETET Previous to the experiments with oxygen, Caille- tet succeeded in liquefying a number of gases. He condensed acetylene 1 to a colorless, extremely mobile liquid, and found its vapor-pressure to be 48 atmospheres at a temperature of i, and 103 1 Compt. rend., 85, p. 851. LIQUEFACTION OF GASES atmospheres at 31. He also liquefied nitric oxide and methane. 1 The former gas condensed at a temperature of 11, when subjected to a press- ure of 104 atmospheres. At a temperature of + 8 there was no sign of liquefaction, even with a pressure of 270 atmospheres. He con- cluded that the critical temperature was be- tween -f 8 and 1 1. The methane was ob- tained only in the form of a mist. The pure gas was subjected to a pressure of 180 at- mospheres, and a tem- perature of 7. By releasing the pressure suddenly, the gas was condensed to a fine mist. These results were communicated to the French Academy by Berthelot, who stated at the same meeting that oxygen and similar gases could probably be liquefied by the new method which had been introduced by Cailletet. 77 FIG. 22. 1 Compt. rend,, 85, p. 1016. EXPERIMENTS OF CAILLETET 117 The apparatus 1 employed by Cailletet in the liquefaction of oxygen and carbon monoxide was similar to that used in the previous experiments. A longitudinal section of the condensing apparatus is shown in figure 22. The glass tube TT is en- tirely filled with the gas to be compressed. This tube can be removed from the apparatus as shown in figure 23. When the air in the tube has been completely displaced by the gas, the upper end of T. FIG. 23. the tube is hermetically sealed. The lower end is closed with the finger, and the tube introduced into the strong, wrought-iron cylinder B, which is partially filled with mercury. The tube is fastened in the receiver by means of the bronze screw A. The upper portion of the tube is surrounded by a glass cylinder M, containing liquid nitrous oxide, which in turn is surrounded by a safety bell-jar C. n and n' represent gauges for measuring the pressure. The method of operation is very simple. Water is forced through the tube // into the cylinder B, 1 Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. [5], 15, p. 132. n8 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES by means of an hydraulic pump. The mercury which is displaced by the water passes into the lower end of the tube T. As the pressure in- creases, the mercury gradually rises, and com- presses the gas into a very small space near the top of the tube. With this apparatus, Cailletet 1 subjected oxygen and carbon monoxide to a pressure of 300 atmos- pheres and a temperature of 29. The tem- perature was reduced in these experiments by means of liquid sulphurous acid. When the heat, due to the compression, had been removed from the gas, and the temperature had become con- stant, the pressure was suddenly released. In both instances a mist was formed, showing that a par- tial condensation had taken place. These observa- tions are really the first experimental evidence of the liquefaction of the so-called permanent gases. The condensation of oxygen by Pictet was accom- plished about three weeks later. Cailletet's work, however, was not known to the latter experimenter at that time. The methods employed by the two investigators were entirely different ; and both series of observations may be considered as pio- neer experiments. 1 Compt. rend., 85, p. 1213. EXPERIMENTS OF CAILLETET 119 Liquefaction of Nitrogen After condensing carbon monoxide and oxygen to the liquid state, Cailletet extended his researches to other gases which had not yet been liquefied. Pure dry nitrogen, 1 when subjected to a pressure of 200 atmospheres and a temperature of 1 3, and then suddenly released, formed drops of liquid, of an appreciable volume, which remained in the tube for a period of three seconds. The first experiment was made at a temperature of 29. The author says there can be no doubt that the nitrogen was actually liquefied in these experiments. Liquefaction of Air After liquefying the gases which compose the atmosphere, Cailletet proceeded to condense ordi- nary air 2 to the liquid state. He says, "Having liquefied nitrogen and oxygen, the liquefaction of air follows as a matter of course ; but I thought it would be interesting to make a direct experiment, which, of course, succeeded perfectly." Experiments with Hydrogen Cailletet also extended his experiments to hydro- gen. 3 To obtain evidence of liquefaction with this 1 Compt. rend., 85, p. 1270. 2 Ibid., p. 1271. 3 Ibid., p. 1270. 120 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES gas was a matter of considerable difficulty. In the first experiment no peculiarities were observed. The observation was repeated many times. When the gas was subjected to a pressure of 280 atmos- pheres, and then suddenly released, an exceedingly fine and subtle mist was formed throughout the length of the tube. The duration of the phenome- non was extremely short. The experiment was successfully repeated a number of times in the presence of Berthelot, Deville, and Mascart. EXPERIMENTS OF PiCTET 1 Pictet's work on the liquefaction of oxygen fur- nishes one of the most brilliant experiments of modern science. It was the culmination of a long experience in the liquefaction of gases and the production of low temperatures. The many diffi- culties which accompany experiments of this nature were foreseen and provided for. In the introduction to the memoir on these observations, we find that, previous to the experimental part, Pictet made a careful study of the problem. He looked upon cohesion as a property common to the molecules of all forms of matter ; hence, he says, all forms of matter can exist in the gaseous, liquid, or solid state. He recognized clearly that press- 1 Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. [5], 13, p. 145; Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, 1878, p. 1 6. EXPERIMENTS OF PICTET 121 ure alone would not suffice for the condensation of the so-called permanent gases, but he thought that if the temperature could be sufficiently re- duced, the molecular cohesion of these gases would condense them into liquids or solids. The following five conditions were considered by Pictet to be essential in an experiment of this nature : 1. The gas to be liquefied must be as pure as possible. 2. The experimenter must be able to obtain considerable pressure, and also be able to measure this pressure accurately. 3. The method must be such as to enable the operator not only to obtain a very low temperature, but to maintain this temperature indefinitely. 4. The condensing surface exposed to the low temperature should be as large as possible. 5. Provision should be made for the sudden expansion of the gas which has been subjected to this low temperature and high pressure. These conditions were all fulfilled in the care- fully constructed apparatus of Pictet. It is neces- sary, in these experiments, that the heat be removed from the gas as rapidly as possible, hence metallic tubes were employed'instead of glass. The apparatus provides for three distinct opera- tions : 122 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES 1. The circulation of sulphurous acid, which produces the first low- ering of temperature. 2. The circulation of carbonic acid or pro- toxide of nitrogen, which produces a second low- ering of the tempera- ture. 3. The generation of oxygen in a closed vessel provided with a long, narrow tube which is completely sur- rounded by the carbonic acid. Figure 24 represents an elevation of this ar- rangement. U and V are longitudinal sec- tions of two large drums. The former is provided with a large copper tube R, which is about 12 cm. in diameter, and i.iom. in length. The tube and drum are slightly EXPERIMENTS OF PICTET 123 inclined, one end being 12 cm. higher than the other. The liquid sulphurous acid is introduced into this tube through the pipe s, which enters at the lower end, and on the upper side of the tube. At the upper end of the tube R is a stop-cock r which is connected by means of a long tube, 25 mm. in diameter, with the suction of the first pump P. When the pump is operated, and a partial vacuum is produced in the tube R, the sulphur- ous acid will begin to evaporate immediately, and the temperature of the liquid will fall rapidly. The more perfect the vacuum, the lower will the temperature fall. In order to make the process continuous for a period of several hours, it was necessary to make use of a second pump, P' (Fig. 25), and arrange the two so that the suction of P' corresponded to the pressure of P. Experiment showed that, by means of this arrangement, the temperature could be reduced almost 20 farther than with one pump alone. The pumps were made of cast iron. The pistons were hollow, and provided with a circula- tion of water. The valves were carefully con- structed of steel. The speed of the pumps varied from 80 to 100 strokes per minute. The pistons of the two pumps were connected by means of a metallic pipe. P' was connected with the copper 124 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES EXPERIMENTS OF PICTET 125 condenser C, the tubes of which were traversed by a current of water. The condenser C is also con- nected with the tube z. The action is as follows : The sulphurous acid which is evaporated in the tube R passes through the cock r into the first pump P, thence into the second pump P', and finally into the condenser C, where it is compressed to from i to 2 atmospheres and condensed to the liquid state. From the con- denser C, the sulphurous acid passes through the pipe s, and again enters the tube R. The quantity of acid which passes from c to R can be regulated by means of the screw-valve q, so as to exactly replace the vapor which is exhausted. The quan- tity of liquid then in the tube R will remain con- stant. With this arrangement, the cycle of sulphurous acid is complete ; and the fall of temperature produced in the large tube R can be perma- nently maintained. The first circulation of sulphurous acid is only an expedient to obtain a sufficient quantity of car- bonic acid or protoxide of nitrogen in the liquid state. To accomplish this a tube 5, 6 cm. in diameter and 1.15 m. in length, is placed in the tube R. The tube S, of course, is completely immersed in the liquid sulphurous acid, and has a temperature of 65. At this temperature, it 126 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES requires a pressure of only 4 to 6 atmospheres to condense the carbonic acid. The carbonic acid was prepared from Carrara marble and hydrochloric acid ; it was then care- fully washed and dried, and finally stored in the oil gasometer G (Figs. 24 and 25). This vessel was connected, by means of the tube c, with the three-way cock K (Fig. 25). The gaseous car- bonic acid was pumped from the vessel G, by means of the pumps O and O 1 , which are similar in every respect to P and P f , and compressed in the tube S, where it immediately condensed to the liquid state. The next step was to utilize the liquid carbonic acid in lowering the temperature of oxygen gas. This was accomplished in the drum V, which is similar to U. The two concentric copper tubes, D and A, were placed in this drum, which was slightly inclined, but in the opposite direction from that of U. The tube D was 3.70 m. in length and 35 mm. in external diameter, while A was 4.16 m. in length and 15 mm. in external diameter. The arrangement is shown in the figures. The tube D is connected with the tube S, which contains the liquid carbonic acid, by means of the pipe t. The flow of acid from 5 to D is regulated by means of the screw-valve/. The pipe c" connects the upper part of D with the three-way cock K. EXPERIMENTS OF PICTET 127 By turning the cock K, the suction of the pump O is brought into connection with the tube D by means of the pipes c 1 and c". The pump O' is connected with the tube 5 by means of the pipe s. With this arrangement the cycle of carbonic acid is complete, just as in the case of sulphurous acid. The directions in which the acids flow at different parts of the apparatus are shown by the arrows. By means of this double circulation a temperature of from 120 to 140 could be obtained. The tube A is bent downward at one end and connected with the large wrought-iron flask B. This vessel, with a capacity of 1659 cc., was forged with the utmost care, so as to insure homogeneity throughout the metal. The walls of the flask were 35 mm. in thickness. The ves- sel B contains a definite quantity of a perfectly dry mixture of potassium chlorate and potassium chloride. On heating the flask, by means of the gas burner b, oxygen gas is generated. In this way a pressure of several hundred atmospheres can easily be obtained. The oxygen, of course, is compressed in the tube A as well as in the flask B. After the apparatus had once been set up, fifteen days were spent in preliminary experiments, in order to test separately the different parts of the 128 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES apparatus, and to determine the conditions under which the best results could be obtained. A thousand precautions, he says, are necessary to insure the success of the experiment. After all the conditions and details had been carefully studied, Pictet began on the morning of Decem- ber twenty-second to make a complete experiment. The complete working of the apparatus can be understood from the following details which were given concerning the first experiment : 9.00 A.M. The sulphurous acid pumps are started. The temperature in the tube R falls rapidly. 9.30. The temperature is 55. The car- bonic acid pumps are started. The gasometer descends. The pressure of the carbonic acid is 6 atmospheres. During the working of the pumps the pressure slowly increases to 8 atmospheres. 9.50. The temperature is 49, the pressure 8.5 atmospheres. I stop the admission of carbonic acid to the pumps. 10.20. Temperature 65, pressure 3.9 at- mospheres. A slight quantity of gas is again admitted. 10.40. Temperature 60, pressure 5 atmos- pheres. EXPERIMENTS OF PICTET 129 800 litres of carbonic acid are now liquefied. Hoar-frost covers the lower part of the manom- eter m' . 10.50. The wrought-iron flask is screwed on to the tube A. It is charged with a mixture of 700 grams of potassium chlorate and 250 grams of potassium chloride powdered together in a mortar, sifted and carefully dried. i i.oo. The gas under the flask is lighted. Carbonic acid is admitted more freely into the pumps. The pressure increases to 10 atmos- pheres ; the temperature is 48. The appear- ance of frost on the pipe c" indicates that the carbonic acid has passed over into the long tube D. 11.15. The pipe c" is connected with the suc- tion of the pumps. The temperature of the car- bonic acid reaches a minimum, 130. 11.35. The manometer m 1 on the oxygen tube records a pressure of 5 atmospheres. The circulation of sulphurous and carbonic acids is completely established. 12. 10 P.M. The oxygen manometer records a pressure of 50 atmospheres. 12. 16. The pressure increases to 60 atmos- pheres, and then gradually rises as follows : 130 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES 12.23 pressure, 70 atmospheres. 12.29 " 8o 12.34 " 9 " 12.36 " 100 12.37 " 150 " 12.37.25" " 200 " 12.38 " 460 12.39 " 5 10 " 12.39.30" " 522 12.40 " 525 12.42 " 526 12.44 " 525 12.48 " 505 12.50 " 495 i. oo " 471 1.05. The pressure is 471 atmospheres. The pressure is stationary ; hence all the chem- ical and physical phenomena have terminated. The condensation has produced the fall of press- ure recorded by the manometer. The tube A is filled with liquid oxygen. There is evidently an excess of gas, which causes a higher pressure than that corresponding to the temperature of the liquid carbonic acid. 1. 10. The pressure is exactly 470 atmospheres. The plug which closes the tube A is opened. A liquid jet issues with great violence, and EXPERIMENTS OF PICTET 131 assumes the appearance of a brilliant white pencil. A bluish halo surrounds the jet, especially the lower part. The jet of liquid is from 10 to 12 cm. in length, and about 1.5 to 2 cm. in diameter. It continues for a period of 3 or 4 seconds. The regulating cock is closed. The pressure is 396 atmospheres, but falls rapidly to 352 atmos- pheres, where it remains stationary for about 3 minutes. 1. 18. The tube is again opened; a second liquid jet, similar to first, issues. But following this, the gas escapes with a characteristic aeriform appearance. The gas, in expanding, produces a mist by par- tial condensation. The appearance, however, is quite different from that of the first jet. This indicates an absence of liquid in the tube. 1.19. The pressure is 50 atmospheres. The gas escapes as a bluish mist, but there is no evi- dence of liquid being carried with it. Live coals, when placed under the second jet, blaze up instantly with great violence. This experiment demonstrated clearly that oxy- gen can be condensed to the liquid state. Pictet calls special attention to the difference between the mist produced by the expansion of the gas alone, and that produced when there was liquid in the tube. The change, he says, from one to the 132 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES other was so apparent that it was noticed by more than twenty spectators at the same moment. Five experiments were made, three with car- bonic acid, and two with protoxide of nitrogen. The same quantity of potassium chlorate and potassium chloride was used in each of these experiments. The more important observations refer to five successive stages, which the author designates as follows : 1 . The maximum stationary pressure of the oxy- gen before the first jet is allowed to escape. This pressure is always stationary for at least a quarter of an hour, and is always less than the pressure recorded at the end of the chemical reaction. 2. The pressure immediately after the escape of the first jet, when it is distinctly observed that the liquid has been replaced by a gaseous jet. 3. The stationary pressure after the first jet. The fall of pressure in this operation is due to the condensation of oxygen. When the tube is filled a second time, condensa- tion ceases, and the pressure becomes stationary. 4. The pressure immediately after the second jet. 5. The stationary pressure after the second jet. The third jet was never complete ; it was always EXPERIMENTS OF PICTET 133 shorter than the first two. This indicated that the condensation was not sufficient to fill the tube three times. These pressures for five different experiments on the liquefaction of oxygen are shown in the following table. The pressures are given in atmos- pheres : NUMBER OF EXPERIMENT i 2 3 4 5 I. Maximum stationary pressure before the first jet . 2. Pressure immediately after the first jet ... 470 367 3 08 285 274 471 395 339 290 271 245 253 471 43 2 378 2 9 I 272 o 469 4OO 346 285 2 5 I 215 218 469 4l6 361 296 253 20 5 212 3. Stationary pressure after the first jet 4. Pressure immediately after the second iet 5. Stationary pressure after the second jet 6. Pressure immediately after the third jet 7. Stationary pressure after the third jet .... 8. Pressure after the fourth jet. In this case the jet was en- tirely "aseous Pictet endeavored to determine the density of liquid oxygen. The method, of course, was 134 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES indirect, and involved numerous calculations. In the original memoir, several pages are devoted to this part of the experiment. He concluded that the density of liquid oxygen was very nearly equal to that of water. Later researches have shown the density to be slightly greater than that of water, but considering the data upon which Pictet based his calculations, the result is remarkably accurate. Measurements on the vapor-pressure of liquid oxygen showed it to be about 270 atmospheres at the temperature of the liquid carbonic acid, and about 250 atmospheres at the temperature obtained by means of the protoxide of nitrogen. Solidification of Oxygen In the third and fourth experiments the escap- ing jet was carefully examined by means of an electric light. The jet appeared to consist of two parts ; a central portion of 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, and an outer envelope. It resembled two con- centric cylinders, the inner of which was partially transparent, while the outer appeared as snow- white dust. The light reflected, by the dust, at right angles to the incident ray was examined by means of a polariscope, and found to be parti- ally polarized. This examination was made by EXPERIMENTS OF PICTET 135 M. H. Dufour, Professor of Physics in the Acad- emy of Lausanne. Although the experiment was not conclusive evidence, it was thought by those present that the outer portion of the jet consisted of solid particles of oxygen. Experiments with Hydrogen " Having obtained the preceding results with oxygen," Pictet says, "we were naturally induced to treat hydrogen in a similar manner. The entire mechanical apparatus used for the first gas can be used for the second without alteration." In this experiment the hydrogen was generated from 1261 grams of potassium formate and 500 grams of caustic potash. The two were mixed together, and carefully dried. The temperature was lowered by means of sulphurous acid and protoxide of nitrogen. The method of procedure was exactly the same as in the case of oxygen. The following are some of the notes recorded in the first experiment, which was begun at 7 P.M. Jan. 10, 1878 : The pumps were started at 7 o'clock, and when the circulation of the two acids was com- plete, the gas under the hydrogen generator was lighted. 136 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES 8.32 P.M. The pressure of hydrogen was 50 atmospheres. 8.47 " " " 100 " 9.00 " " " 200 " 9.04 " " " 300 9.06. i $" " " " 400 9.07 ' " " 500 9.08 550 9.10.30" " " " 640 " 9.11 " 650 9.11.30" " " 652 " At this point the pressure became almost sta- tionary, and the tube containing the hydrogen was opened. An opaque jet of a bluish tint issued from the orifice. The jet became intermittent, and Pictet concluded that the hydrogen had solidi- fied at the opening in the tube. From the observations recorded in this experi- ment, there can be but little doubt that, at the moment when the pressure was relieved, the hydrogen was partially liquefied and probably solidified. Cailletet and Pictet removed the last doubt as to the possibility of liquefying such gases as oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. The idea of permanent gases is no longer tenable. Since these experi- ments were made, the apparatus for the liquefac- tion of gases has been materially modified and improved. The names of these two investigators, while connected especially with the pioneer work EXPS. OF WROBLEWSKI AND OLSZEWSKI 137 in the liquefaction of the permanent gases, are associated also with the names of the more recent experimenters. LIQUEFACTION OF OZONE BY HAUTEFEUILLE AND CHAPPUIS In 1882 Hautefeuille and Chappuis condensed ozone to the liquid state. 1 The gas was com- pressed in the Cailletet apparatus to a pressure of 125 atmospheres. The temperature was lowered by means of a jet of liquid ethylene to about 100. Under these conditions the gas con- densed to an indigo-blue liquid. The liquid re- mained for a short time in a static condition at the ordinary atmospheric pressure. The authors state that the ozone probably contained some oxy- gen. This gas has been liquefied by later expe- rimenters, who have also determined its critical constants and boiling point. SECTION II EXPERIMENTS OF WROBLEWSKI AND OLSZEWSKI In 1883 the names of two brilliant scientists, Wroblewski and Olszewski, were added to the list 1 Compt. rend., 94, p. 1249. 138 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES of experimenters on the liquefaction of gases. These two observers, co-workers at times, and independent investigators at other times, have done much to bring about the present state of perfection in the methods employed in the con- densation of gases. Their first work in this direction consisted in the liquefaction of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide. 1 Acting upon the suggestion of Caille- tet they employed liquid ethylene as a refrigerant. The apparatus employed is represented in fig- ures 26 and 27. The gas was compressed by means of the contrivance 2 shown in figure 26. The gas is introduced into the large glass tube i which rests in the hollow iron cylinder a b. The upper end of the cylinder is closed air-tight by means of the brass contrivance d % which is held in its position by means of the brass screw c. A small steel tube extends from the upper end of the tube i throughout the brass portion d. The side tube / serves to connect the interior of the apparatus with a manometer and a Cailletet pump. The method of operation is similar to that of Cailletet. The large tube i and the smaller tube 1 Wied. Ann., 20, p. 243, 1883. 2 This portion of the apparatus was constructed by Wroblewski in 1882, for the purpose of studying surface tension. Compt. rend., 95, pp. 284 and 342. EXPS. OF WROBLEWSKI AND OLSZEWSKI 139 FIG. 26. 140 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES above are filled with the gas to be compressed. Mercury is then introduced through / until the de- sired pressure is obtained. The resisting strength of the apparatus was estimated to be about 500 atmospheres. FIG. 27. EXPS. OF WROBLEWSKI AND OLSZEWSKI 141 The liquefying apparatus is represented in fig- ure 27. The compression apparatus is shown in the lower right-hand corner. In this case, how- ever, the steel tube d is replaced by the thick- walled capillary glass tube q which is fused into the upper end of the tube i. The tube i, together with the small tube q, has a capacity of about 200 cubic centimetres. These tubes are filled with the gas to be liquefied by means of a Jolly mercury pump. The tube q passes air-tight into the glass vessel s which, in turn, is closed air-tight by means of a rubber stopper, t is a hydrogen thermometer constructed on the principle of the Jolly air ther- mometer. The copper tube w, which passes through the T^tube //, leads to the liquid ethylene in the receiver x of a Natterer compression pump. This receiver rests in the large zinc vessel s which contains a freezing mixture. The spiral portion of the tube w is surrounded by solid carbonic acid and ether in the vessel b. The side tube of u is connected with the lead tube i>, which leads to a Bianchi exhaust pump. The liquid ethylene then can be evaporated under reduced pressure. Liquefaction of Oxygen The oxygen gas was prepared from pure potas- sium perchlorate, washed with caustic potash, and dried by means of concentrated sulphuric acid. 142 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES The tubes i and q were then filled with the gas. The tube q was cooled down to a temperature of 130. The pressure was then increased to more than twenty atmospheres, when the gas was com- pletely liquefied. The liquid oxygen collected in the lower end of tube q, and showed a well-defined meniscus. Measurements were made of the vapor- pressure at different temperatures. Liquefaction of Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide After the successful experiment on the liquefac- tion of oxygen, the investigation was extended to nitrogen and carbon monoxide. When subjected to a temperature of 136, and a pressure of 150 atmospheres, both of these substances remained in the gaseous condition. When the pressure was suddenly released, however, there was evidence of liquefaction in the tube. By relieving the press- ure more slowly and keeping it always above 50 atmospheres, the nitrogen and carbon monoxide were both obtained as liquids in a static condition. The liquids were transparent and colorless, and showed, in each case, a well-defined meniscus. These observations were the beginning of a long series of experiments by these investigators. Their later researches were carried on independently, and will be considered presently. EXPERIMENTS OF WROBLEWSKI 143 DEMONSTRATION OF THE LIQUEFACTION OF OXYGEN BY DEWAR During the next year after the liquefaction of oxygen and nitrogen by Wroblewski and Ols- zewski, James Dewar of London described an apparatus 1 for demonstrating the liquefaction of oxygen in the lecture room. Since that time he has been a constant worker in the field of the liquefaction of gases, and is the author of many important contributions. From this point it is probably advisable to con- sider the work of Wroblewski, Olszewski, and Dewar separately. The historical development of the methods can be gathered from the dates of the experiments. EXPERIMENTS OF WROBLEWSKI Soon after the experiments of Wroblewski and Olszewski on the liquefaction of oxygen, air, nitro- gen, etc., in 1883, the former experimenter made some important observations in the same field. Early the next year he subjected hydrogen 2 to a pressure of 100 atmospheres in a small glass tube. The temperature of the gas was lowered by the evaporation of liquid oxygen which surrounded the 1 Proc. Roy. Inst., 1 1, p. 148; Phil. Mag., 18, p. 210, 1884. 2 Compt. rend., 98, p. 149, 1884. 144 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES liquefying tube. On suddenly releasing the press- ure, signs of ebullition were observed in the tube, showing that the hydrogen had been partially liquefied. In April of the same year Wroblewski published an article l on the boiling points of oxygen, air, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide. The boiling points of oxygen under different pressures were as follows : Pressure Boiling Point 50 atmospheres 27.02 " 24.40 22.20 " II3 - 129.6 - 1334 - 135-8 - 184. The last temperature represents the boiling point of oxygen under the ordinary atmospheric pressure. The following values were obtained for the boiling points of air, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen under a pressure of one atmosphere : Substance Boiling Point Carbon monoxide Air Nitrogen - 1 86 - 192.2 - 194-3 1 Compt. rend., 98, p. 982, 1884. EXPERIMENTS OF WROBLEWSKI 145 By evaporating liquid air and nitrogen under reduced pressure, a temperature of 200 was obtained. The author stated in this article that atmospheric air will be the refrigerant of the future. A few months later the same experimenter 1 liquefied methane and studied its properties. The critical temperature he found to be 73. 5, and the critical pressure 56.8 atmospheres. The boil- ing point, he says, is between 155 and 160. By using liquid marsh-gas as a refrigerant, 2 the author states that oxygen, air, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen, may be liquefied at comparatively low pressures. In 1885 Wroblewski published a detailed ac- count of the apparatus 3 employed by him in the liquefaction of oxygen, carbon monoxide, air, nitro- gen, etc. The plan of the apparatus is shown in figure 28. The two iron cylinders, a and b, previously tested to 150 atmospheres pressure, are provided at the ends with the screw-cocks c, d, e, and /. The two vessels are connected with each other and with the manometer h by means of the cop- 1 Compt. rend., 99, p. 136, 1884. 2 The use of liquid methane as a refrigerant was first suggested by Dewar, Nature, 28, p. 551, 1883. 3 Wien. Ber., 91, p. 672, 1885; Wied. Ann. 25, p. 371, 1885. L 146 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES per tube gg. This connection, however, can be interrupted at any time by means of the screw- cocks at the ends of the vessels. The cylinders are fastened by means of the metal strip i in the FIG. 28. zinc chamber k, which can be filled, if desirable, with a freezing mixture. The copper tube /, about three metres in length, is connected with a Natterer pump. The screw-cock e is connected by means of the tube m with the steel contrivance ;/, which EXPERIMENTS OF WROBLEWSKI 147 in turn is connected with the liquefying apparatus and the air manometer o. This contrivance is held firmly in its position by means of the iron frame q. The pressure in the vessel a is increased to the liquefying pressure, not less than 40 atmospheres, while in b it ranges from 100 to 120 atmospheres. Each of the vessels, a and b, contain small cylin- ders of calcium chloride and caustic potash, to remove any moisture and carbon dioxide from the gas. The gas is liquefied in the thick-walled glass tube r, 42 to 46 cm. in length, which is capable of resisting a pressure of 60 atmospheres. The lower end of the tube is sealed, while the upper end is cemented into the brass flange s, and is closed air- tight by means of the contrivance /. The opening v is connected by means of the copper tube w with n, which in turn is connected with the compression cylinders. The opening x serves for the introduc- tion of a thermometer which, in this case, was a thermo-electric pair connected with a sensitive re- flecting galvanometer. The tube x is placed in a larger tube m f , which is connected with the cylin- .der d' containing liquid ethylene. The tube m f , in turn, rests in the larger tube y t and communi- cates with it at the small opening n'. The vessel r' contains solid carbonic acid and ether, through which the liquid ethylene must pass before it 148 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES reaches the liquefying tube. The ethylene vapors pass out of the apparatus through the tube f, which is connected with an air-pump to reduce the pressure. At a pressure of about 10 mm. of mer- cury the temperature sank to 152. When the temperature is thus lowered, the pressure in the liquefying tube is increased to about 40 atmos pheres, when the gas condenses to the liquid state Considerable care is required to get the apparatus filled with perfectly dry gas. In this way Wroblewski liquefied oxygen in considerable quantity, and kept it in a static con- dition, at the ordinary atmospheric pressure, for a period of a quarter of an hour. He also liquefied nitrogen, air, and carbon monoxide, and studied their properties. The following values were ob- tained by him for the critical constants of these gases : Substance Critical Temperature Critical Pressure Oxygen Carbon monoxide . . Nitrosfen -118 140.2 I AC C 50 atmospheres 39 1C " 1 T-->O oy The author also made a careful study of the measurement of low temperatures. For this pur- pose he made use of a copper-German-silver EXPERIMENTS OF WROBLEWSKI 149 thermo-electric pair and a sensitive reflecting gal- vanometer. Previous to the measurements, the apparatus was compared with a hydrogen ther- mometer. By the evaporation of oxygen at dif- ferent pressures, the following temperatures were obtained : Pressure Temperature 74 cm. of mercury - i8i. 5 1 6 - 190.0 10 " " - 190.5 8 " " - 191.98 6 " " - 194-4 4 - 197-7 2 u " 200.4 The oxygen in these experiments was partially solidified. The following temperatures were obtained by the evaporation of carbon monoxide : Pressure (in cm. of mercury) : 73.5 16 10 64 Temperature : -190 -197. 5 -I98.83 -2oi.5 -2oi.6 The carbon monoxide was completely solidified. The temperatures obtained by the evaporation of liquid nitrogen are as follows : Pressures: 74 12 8 6 4.2 Temperatures: -193 201 201. 7 204 206 150 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES The nitrogen at the lowest temperature was partially solidified. The author also determined the vapor-pressures of liquid oxygen, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen at different temperatures. Liquefaction of Air In 1885 Wroblewski made an elaborate series of experiments on the liquefaction of air. 1 The ap- paratus employed was similar to that represented in figure 28. The object of these experiments was to separate liquid air into two distinct layers. In a preliminary experiment, a mixture of five parts of carbonic acid and one part of air, at a temperature of o, was compressed until a portion of the gas was condensed to the liquid state. In this condition the gas and liquid in the tube were separated by a well-defined meniscus. As the pressure was increased, the meniscus became less distinct, and finally disappeared at the instant when the optical density of the gas became equal to that of the liquid. By increasing the pressure still further, a second meniscus was produced, which occupied a much higher position than the first. In this condition the tube contained two liquids, separated by a sharp meniscus. After a 1 Wied. Ann., 26, p. 134. EXPERIMENTS OF WROBLEWSKI 151 time the liquids mixed completely, and formed a homogeneous liquid. In a similar manner liquid atmospheric air was obtained in two distinct layers, separated by a well-defined meniscus. The air was partially lique- fied at a temperature of 142, which is above the critical temperature of nitrogen. When the press- ure was increased to 40 atmospheres, the meniscus which separated the liquid from the gas disap- peared. The temperature was then lowered, and, at a pressure of 37.8 atmospheres, a second menis- cus was formed, which occupied a higher position than the first. The air in this condition consisted of two layers of liquid separated by a sharp menis- cus. Analysis showed that the lower layer con- tained about three per cent more oxygen than the upper layer. After a couple of minutes the two liquids mixed and formed a homogeneous fluid. The author also made a large number of obser- vations on the vapor-pressure of liquid air at dif- ferent temperatures. He also studied carefully the changes of temperature and pressure which accompanied the mixture of the two layers of liquid air. In addition to the experiments which have been outlined, Wroblewski made numerous observations on the properties of matter at low temperatures. 152 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES He also made a study of the relation between the gaseous and liquid states of matter. 1 At the early age of forty years, just in the midst of his active career, he met with a fatal accident. "While working late at night in his laboratory, he fell asleep, and in his sleep he overthrew a kerosene lamp. His clothing began to burn, and the wounds thus received resulted, four days later, in death." "The value of Wroblewski's supplement to the work of Cailletet and Pictet cannot be easily estimated, and we deplore the occurrence of the fatal accident which robs the scientific world of such an able experimenter in this important department of chemistry." 2 EXPERIMENTS OF OLSZEWSKI During the first few. years of investigation in the field of the liquefaction of gases, Olszewski's experiments were somewhat similar to those of Wroblewski. The work of these two observers was carried on simultaneously until the death of the latter in 1888. Soon after the liquefaction of oxygen, nitrogen, 1 Wied. Ann., 29, p. 428, 1886. 2 Wroblewski's work on the liquefaction of gases has been pub- lished in the form of a pamphlet entitled, Comment Vair a ete Liquefie. Ref. Devvar, Chem. News, 73, p. 42. EXPERIMENTS OF OLSZEWSKI 153 etc., by Wroblewski and Olszewski in 1883, the latter experimenter made use of liquid oxygen as a refrigerant in the liquefaction of other gases. In 1884 he subjected hydrogen * to a pressure of nearly 200 atmospheres, and at the same time cooled the gas to the temperature of liquid oxygen (boiling under a pressure of 6 mm. of mercury). Under these conditions, hydrogen showed no meniscus, but when the pressure was suddenly re- leased a momentary ebullition was observed. The author concluded that, at the temperature obtained by the evaporation of liquid oxygen under reduced pressure, it is impossible to obtain liquid hydrogen in a static condition. The experiments on hydrogen were repeated during the same year, with similar results. 2 In this series of experiments the author determined the critical pressure of nitrogen, and found it to be 39.2 atmospheres. Olszewski also made a large series of experi- ments on the production of low temperatures by the evaporation of liquid oxygen, nitrogen, air, etc. under reduced pressure. The apparatus 3 employed by him in the earlier experiments on the liquefac- tion of gases is represented in figure 29. The gas is liquefied in the thick-walled glass tube 1 Compt. rend., 98, p. 365. 2 Ibid., p. 913. 3 Wied. Ann., 31, p. 58. '54 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES a, which is 30 centimetres in length, and 14 milli- metres in diameter. The lower end of this tube is sealed off, while the upper end is slightly wi- dened, and fastened in the brass flange b, which EXPERIMENTS OF OLSZEWSKI 155 screws into the brass contrivance c. The tube d represents a hydrogen thermometer. The liquefy- ing tube a is connected, by means of the copper tube e, ist, with the manometer f, which serves for the measurement of high pressures lower than I at- mosphere ; 2d, with the air manometer g for the measurement of high pressures ; 3d, with a vacuum- pump; 4th, with the aspirator r\ 5th, with the Natterer receiver /, by means of which a pressure of 60 to 80 atmospheres may be obtained. The tube a is placed in a system of concentric glass tubes, which communicate with each other at the top. The outer tube is connected with an exhaust- pump by means of the pipe n. The inner tube of the system is connected by means of a copper tube with the Natterer receiver /, which contains liquid ethylene. The temperature of the liquefying tube is lowered by the evaporation of this liquid under reduced pressure. The liquid ethylene, before entering the system of tubes, passes through a cop- per coil, surrounded by ether and solid carbonic acid, in the chamber m. By the evaporation of the liquid ethylene, under a pressure of 10 mm. of mercury, the temperature sank below 1 50. The working of the apparatus is very simple. After the temperature has been lowered to about 1 50, the gas is compressed in the tube a by means of the vessel z, which contains the gas I 5 6 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES under high pressure. The condensation to liquid begins in a very short time. The experiments which have been carried out with this apparatus have been published in numer- ous articles. In I884 1 a series of observations were made on the critical temperature and press- ure of nitrogen, and on the temperature obtained by the evaporation of liquid ethylene and nitrogen under reduced pressure. The results obtained with ethylene are as follows : Pressure Temperature 750 mm. of mercury -I0 3 107 " - II5-5 3i " " - 139 9.8 " - i5 -4 The temperatures obtained by the evaporation of liquid nitrogen are : Pressure Temperature 35 atmospheres -I 4 6 17 - 1 60 i " - 194.4 (boiling point) In vacuo - 213 1 Compt. rend., 99, p. 133. EXPERIMENTS OF OLSZEWSKI 157 A few months later he made use of liquid air l as a refrigerant, and measured the temperatures obtained under different pressures. Pressure Temperature 39 atmospheres 14 4 i " In vacuo 140 (critical point) 146 176 191.4 (boiling point) 205 Solidification of Gases In carrying out the experiments at low temper- atures, Olszewski succeeded in solidifying a num- ber of gases, and in measuring their melting points. In i884 2 he evaporated liquid carbon monoxide under reduced pressure, and obtained a very low temperature. At a pressure of one at- mosphere the temperature was 190; this rep- resents the boiling point of carbon monoxide. By reducing the pressure as far as possible the tem- perature sank to 211, and the substance solidi- fied to an opaque mass. Early the next year a series of similar experi- ments were made with nitrogen. 3 At a tempera- 1 Compt. rend., 99, p. 184. 2 Ibid., p. 706. 3 Ibid., 100, p. 350, i 5 8 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES ture of 214 the substance solidified to an opaque mass. By evaporating the resulting solid under a pressure of 4 mm. of mercury the tem- perature sank to 225. During the same year methane and nitric oxide were evaporated under reduced pressure. 1 The former gas solidified at a temperature of 185. 8. At this temperature the vapor-pressure was 80 mm. of mercury. When the pressure was re- duced to 5 mm. the temperature sank to 201. 5. Nitric oxide solidified at a temperature of 167. Under a pressure of 18 mm. of mercury a tem- perature of i 76. 5 was obtained. Substance Freezing Point Chlorine Hydrochloric acid Hydrofluoric acid Phosphine Arsine Stibine Ethylene Silicon tetrafluoride 2 Hydrogen selenide 3 102 - 116 -9 2 -3 - 133 -91.5 -169 - 102 -68 1 Compt. rend., loo, p. 940. 2 Silicon tetrafluoride does not melt, but sublimes into a gas at the ordinary pressure. 8 Phil. Mag., 39, p. 210. EXPERIMENTS OF OLSZEWSKI 159 Olszewski also solidified a number of other gases 1 some of which had been liquefied many years before. The freezing points are given in the preceding table. Ethane and Propane remained liquid at a tem- perature of 151. In 1885 Olszewski made use of liquid air as a refrigerant. 2 By evaporating this liquid under a very low pressure, a temperature of 220 was obtained. An account is also given in this article of the condensation of a mixture of two volumes of hydrogen with one volume of oxygen to a color- less liquid which formed in thin layers. Densities and Boiling Points of Liquid Methane \ Nitrogen, and Oxygen In 1886 methane, oxygen, and nitrogen 3 were liquefied by means of the apparatus described on page 154. A series of observations were then made on the densities of these liquids at their boil- ing points. The following results were obtained : Liquid Density Methane Oxygen Nitrogen 0.415 (mean of 3 determinations) i.i24( "6 " ) 0.885 ( "4 " ) 1 Wien. Monatshefte fur Chem., 5, p. 127; Wien. Ber., 94, p. 209. 2 Compt. rend., 101, p. 238. 8 Wied. Ann., 31, p. 58. 160 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES The following boiling points were also deter- mined : Liquid Boiling Point Methane -I6 4 Oxygen - 181.4 Nitrogen - 1944 Carbon monoxide IQO Nitric oxide ~ 153 These temperatures were measured by means of a hydrogen thermometer. Liquefaction of Ozone Olszewski repeated the experiments of Haute- feuille and Chappuis on the liquefaction of ozone, with a view of determining the boiling point. 1 The ozone was prepared by -means of Siemens' appara- tus. In order to obtain the liquid in a static con- dition under a pressure of one atmosphere, liquid oxygen was used as the refrigerant. The appa- ratus previously described was employed in this experiment. At the temperature of boiling oxygen ( i8i.4), the ozone condensed to a dark blue liquid. In layers of two millimetres in thickness the liquid 1 Wied. Ann., 37, p. 337. EXPERIMENTS OF OLSZEWSKI 161 appeared opaque. The liquid oxygen which sur- rounded the tube of ozone was evaporated under reduced pressure with a view of solidifying the ozone. The experiment, however, was unsuccess- ful. The boiling point was determined, and found to be 1 06. The liquid is somewhat explosive, especially when brought into contact with liquid ethylene. Apparatus for the Liquefaction of Gases on a Large Scale According to the earlier observations of Olszew- ski it appears that liquid oxygen is a better refrig- erant than liquid air or nitrogen. In order that this liquid might be used as a refrigerant in the liquefaction of other gases, the author constructed an apparatus by means of which oxygen can be liquefied on a comparatively large scale. This apparatus was constructed in 1890, and enlarged during the same year. 1 A section of the enlarged apparatus is shown in figure 30. The gas is liquefied in the steel cylinder a, of about 200 cc. capacity. The upper end of this cyl- inder is connected by means of a small copper tube with a metallic manometer b, and an iron vessel c of 10 litres capacity. The vessel c con- 1 Phil. Mag. [5], 39, p. 192. 162 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES tains dry air or oxygen under a pressure of 100 atmospheres. The lower end of the cylinder a is connected by means of a copper tube with the screw-cock d, which serves as an outlet for the FIG. 30. liquid oxygen or air. The double- or triple-walled glass vessel m which surrounds the cylinder a is connected with the reservoir f, which contains liquid ethylene, and with an exhaust-pump, by means of the tube /. The liquid ethylene, before EXPERIMENTS OF OLSZEWSKI 163 entering the vessel m, passes through the chamber g t which contains a mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether. The temperature of this mixture is lowered still further by connecting the tube n with an exhaust-pump. The method of operation is as follows : - The pressure in the chamber g is first lowered to 50 mm. of mercury. The vessel m is then brought into communication with the exhaust- pump and the reservoir of liquid ethylene. The ethylene eva-porates rapidly at first, but finally col- lects as a liquid in the vessel m. As soon as the liquid ethylene completely surrounds the vessel a, the supply is cut off. When the temperature is lowered to the critical temperature of the gas con- tained in the vessel c, communication is estab- lished between this vessel and the cylinder a. The gas enters the cooled cylinder under a press- ure indicated by the manometer b, and soon begins to liquefy. The manometer, during the condensation, shows a constant fall, and becomes stationary only when the cylinder a is completely filled with liquid. When this is accomplished the vessel c is closed, and the liquid oxygen or air is allowed to pass out through the cock d into the double- or triple-walled glass vessel e, after which the process may be repeated. The temperatures in these experiments were 164 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES not measured directly, but were calculated from the pressure under which the liquid ethylene was allowed to evaporate. This pressure was meas- ured by means of the metallic vacuometer k. With this apparatus Olszewski obtained 200 cubic centimetres of liquid air, and even larger quantities of liquid oxygen. In the earlier experi- ments it was thought that the liquid oxygen was colorless, but when obtained in a larger quantity it was found to be pale blue in color. The Critical Constants and Boiling Point of Hydrogen In 1891 Olszewski 1 made another series of experiments with hydrogen. The apparatus em- ployed was a modification of that represented in figure 30. Liquid oxygen and liquid air were used as refrigerants in these experiments. The author was unable to obtain any indications of a meniscus of liquid hydrogen, but on allowing the gas to expand at very low temperatures signs of ebullition were observed. Moreover, when the hydrogen was allowed to expand slowly from pressures of 80, 90, 100, no, 120, and 140 atmos- pheres, the phenomenon of ebullition always appeared at a pressure of 20 atmospheres. From 1 Phil. Mag. [5], 39, p. 199. EXPERIMENTS OF OLSZEWSKI 165 these observations Olszewski concluded that 20 atmospheres represent the critical pressure of hydrogen. In order to test the accuracy of this method of determining the critical pressure of a gas, the experiments were extended to oxygen and ethy- lene. The critical pressure of oxygen had already been measured, and found to be 50.8 atmospheres. To determine the same constant by the expansion method, the gas was cooled to a temperature of about 1 6. 3 above the critical point, and then allowed to slowly expand. In every case the meniscus and signs of ebullition appeared at a pressure of about 5 1 atmospheres, provided the initial pressure was not lower than 80 atmos- pheres. The author concluded, from his ex- periments on oxygen and ethylene, that critical pressures can be determined very closely by means of the expansion method. A few years later 1 the author endeavored to measure the temperature of the hydrogen at the moment of expansion. For this purpose a very sensitive platinum resistance thermometer was employed. The thermometer was previously com- pared with a hydrogen thermometer at temper- atures varying from o to 208. 5. When this 1 Phil. Mag. [5], 40, p. 202. 166 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES comparison had once been made it was a sim- ple matter to calculate temperatures lower than 208. 5. The following results were obtained: Expansion of Hydrogen from a High Pressure to Temperature 20 atmospheres (critical pres.) 10 " i 234. 5 (critical temperature) -239 -7 -243 .5 (boiling point) The experiments were then extended to oxygen, which was allowed to expand at a temperature of about 1 6 above the critical point. The critical temperature of oxygen determined in this way was found to be 118 to 119. 2, and the boiling point i8i.4 to 182. 5. The corresponding values measured directly with a hydrogen ther- mometer are n8.8 and i8i.4 to 182.7, respectively. Olszewski concluded, from these observations, that the critical temperature of hydrogen is about - 234. 5, and the boiling point 243. 5. These values agree very closely with those obtained theo- retically by Natanson. 1 In connection with the experiments which have been outlined, Olszewski also made numerous ex- periments on the properties of liquefied gases, and 1 Phil. Mag. [5], 40, p. 272, 1895. EXPERIMENTS OF DEWAR 167 on the properties of matter in general at low tem- peratures. These investigations were carried out, for most part, in collaboration with his colleague Witkowski. The observations of Olszewski on argon and helium will be considered in Section IV of this chapter. EXPERIMENTS OF DEWAR Reference has already been made to the experi- ments of Dewar on the liquefaction of gaseous mixtures, and the determination of their critical constants. These observations were made in 1880. Four years later he extended his experiments to the so-called permanent gases, and constructed an apparatus for demonstrating the liquefaction of oxygen in the lecture room. 1 The essential parts of the apparatus are shown in figure 31. The gas to be liquefied is contained in the iron reservoir C under a pressure of 150 atmospheres. This res- ervoir is connected with the manometer D, and also, by means of the small copper tube /, with the liquefying tube F. The pressure is regulated by means of the screw-cock A. The liquefying tube is placed in the glass tube G, which con- tains liquid ethylene, solid carbonic acid, or liquid nitrous oxide. This tube rests in a larger glass l Prot. Koy. Inst., 1884, p. 148 ; Phil. Mag. [5], 18, p. 2io. 1 68 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES tube, with which it communicates through the opening E. The outer tube is connected with a Bianchi exhaust-pump, so that the liquid ethylene, etc., can be evaporated under reduced pressure. FIG. 31. The pressure under which the evaporation takes place is measured by means of the gauge J. The oxygen, at the temperature obtained by the evaporation of liquid ethylene under a pressure of 25 millimetres of mercury, could easily be lique- EXPERIMENTS OF DEWAR 169 fied at a pressure of from 20 to 30 atmospheres. When liquid nitrous oxide or solid carbonic acid were used as refrigerants, it was necessary to make use of the sudden expansion of the gas to lower the temperature still further. This was accomplished by increasing the pressure in the liquefying tube to 80 atmospheres, and then open- ing the screwcock B. This method was thoroughly satisfactory for demonstrating the liquefaction of oxygen. The liquefying tube was only about five millimetres in diameter, and hence only small quantities of liquid could be obtained. The tube filled with liquid oxygen (for projection) contained about 1.5 cubic centimetres. Some rough observations were also made on the density of liquid oxygen. In 1886 Dewar 1 published an account of an apparatus by means of which oxygen, air, etc., can be liquefied on a much larger scale. A sec- tion of the apparatus is represented in figure 32. The chamber b contains a mixture of solid car- bonic acid and ether. Ethylene is conducted into the tube a, where it is liquefied by means of th'e low temperature produced by the carbonic acid. This liquid passes from the coiled tube into the cham- ber d, which is surrounded by a larger vessel con- l Proc. Roy. Inst., 1886, p. 550. LIQUEFACTION OF GASES ^ a taining solid carbonic acid and ether. The liquid ethylene evapo- rates into the space between the two chambers. A contin- uous copper tube, about forty-five feet in length, passes first through the outer vessel, and then through the chamber con- taining liquid ethylene. A very low temperature can be produced in this way. When the temperature has been lowered, as de- scribed above, perfectly dry oxygen gas is introduced into the copper tube under a pressure of about 75 at- mospheres. The pressure gauge (not represented in the figure) soon indicates the beginning of liquefaction in the tube. The valve A is then opened and the liquid oxygen rushes out into the FIG. 32. EXPERIMENTS OF DEWAR 171 glass tube g which is immersed in the liquid ethylene contained in the tube /. In the first ex- periments about 22 cubic centimetres of liquid oxygen were obtained in the tube. In order to reduce the temperature as far as possible, the tubes g and i were each connected with an exhaust- pump. A temperature of about 200 was thus obtained. During this process a white deposit was formed in the tube g y which was supposed, then, to be solid oxygen. Later, however, the author observed that these white particles of solid matter were due to impurities. Having constructed an apparatus for liquefying oxygen, air, etc., in considerable quantity, Dewar extended his observations on the properties of liquefied gases, and the properties of matter in general at low temperatures. In 1892 he pub- lished an account of some observations on the magnetic properties of liquid oxygen. 1 Becquerel was the first to call attention to this property of oxygen. He experimented with charcoal which was saturated with oxygen gas. In 1849 Faraday noticed that oxygen is strongly magnetic in com- parison with other gases. Dewar observed that if liquid oxygen is placed between and a little below the poles of an electro-magnet, the liquid will rise 1 Proc. Roy. Inst., 13, p. 695. 172 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES to the poles when the circuit is completed. The magnetic moment of liquid oxygen, he says, is about 1000, when the magnetic moment of iron is taken as 1,000,000. When liquid air was placed between the poles of the magnet, all of the liquid was drawn to the poles, and there was no separa- tion of oxygen and nitrogen. The absorption spectrum of liquid oxygen was also examined, and found to be the same as that of the gas. Both the liquid and the highly compressed gas show .a series of five absorption bands, situated respectively in the orange, yellow, green, and blue of the spectrum. Some experi- ments were also made on chemical action at low temperatures. Reference will be made to these observations in the conclusion at the end of the volume. During the next year Dewar announced that he had succeeded in freezing ordinary air into a clear, transparent solid. 1 This experiment is of consider- able importance, inasmuch as neither oxygen nor air had been solidified previous to this time. The Dewar Vacuum Bulbs In 1893, Dewar 2 made an important contribu- tion to the researches at low temperatures by the 1 Chem. News, 67, p. 126. 2 Proc. Roy. Inst., 14, p. I. EXPERIMENTS OF DEWAR 173 introduction of a vessel for storing such volatile fluids as liquid oxygen, liquid air, etc. These liquids, and other similar liquids, which had been obtained previous to this time, could be kept only a few minutes in the open air owing to the rapid evaporation. Experimen- ters had already retarded the evaporation to some extent by the use of double-walled vessels. Dewar conceived the idea of exhausting the air from the space between the walls of such vessels. Figure 33 represents one of these bulbs. The outer vessel is exhausted to a very high degree, and then sealed off at the lower end. This pre- vents, to a considerable extent, the convective transference of 'heat from the outer air to the liquid air in the inner vessel. To test the efficiency of this form of vessel, comparisons were made with similar vessels which had not been exhausted. The comparisons were based upon the amount of liquid oxygen or liquid FIG. 33. 174 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES ethylene evaporated in a given time. The vessels were placed in water which was kept at constant temperature. The results were as follows : Amount of Gas Evolved Liquid oxygen surrounded by a vacuum chamber Liquid oxygen surrounded by an air chamber Liquid ethylene surrounded by a vacuum chamber Liquid ethylene surrounded by an air chamber 170 cc. per mm. 840 56 " 250 From these observations it is evident that the rate of evaporation from the air bulbs is about five times that from the vacuum bulbs. By covering the inner vessel with a thin deposit of silver, the rate of evaporation is reduced to less than one half of that given in the table. Liquid oxygen or liquid air can be kept for several hours in such vessels under the ordinary atmospheric pressure. The next step was to construct a series of vacuum vessels of different forms which could be employed in experiments of different nature. Figure 34 represents a few of the many forms of these vessels which have been constructed. Dewar and other experimenters have made use of these EXPERIMENTS OF DEWAR 175 bulbs for investigating the properties of matter at low temperatures, and for determining the proper- ties and physical constants of liquefied gases. In 1894 Dewar determined the thermal trans- parency of some liquefied gases for heat of high FIG. 34 . refrangibility. 1 Taking chloroform as the unit of comparison, and correcting for differences in the refractive indices, the results are as follows : Chloroform i.o. Carbon disulphide 1.6 Liquid oxygen 0.9 Liquid nitrous oxide 0.93 Liquid ethylene 0.60 Ether 0.50 1 Proc. Roy. Inst., 14, p. 393. 176 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES Notwithstanding the low temperatures, liquid oxygen and nitrous oxide are very transparent to high temperature radiation. The author suggested in this article that, instead of silvering the inner bulbs of the vacuum vessels, it is better to leave a small quantity of mercury in the vacuum chambers. When liquid air is intro- duced into the inner bulbs, a thin coating of solid mercury is found on the outer surface. A series of observations were also made on the breaking stress of metals at low tempera- tures. The following table contains the breaking stress, in pounds, for metallic wires of 0.098 in. in diameter : 15 -182 Steel (soft) 420 700 Iron 320 670 Copper ...'.... 200 300 Brass 310 440 German silver 470 600 Gold 255 340 Silver 330 420 The breaking stress of wires is not changed by cooling down to 182, and then allowing the temperature to rise. In 1895 Dewar made use of a different form of apparatus in the liquefaction of gases. 1 This apparatus involves the regenerative principle in 1 Proc. Roy. Inst., 15, p. 133. EXPERIMENTS OF DEWAR 177 the method of refrigeration, and belongs more properly to the next section (see p. 197). By means of this apparatus liquid air, etc., can be obtained in a very short time, and at a com- paratively small expense. By placing a litre of liquid air in a globular vacuum bulb and subject- ing it to exhaustion, the author states that as much as half a litre of solid air can be obtained and maintained in the solid condition for a period of half an hour. An examination of the solid showed it to be a " nitrogen- jelly " containing liquid oxygen. After obtaining liquid air, oxygen, and nitrogen in considerable quantities, Dewar made an elabo- rate series of experiments on their densities. The method consisted in weighing different substances of known specific gravities in the liquids. More than twenty substances were weighed in liquid oxygen, and corrections made for the contraction of the solids. The mean of the results gave a value of 1.1375 for the density of liquid oxygen. By weighing a large silver ball in liquid air and liquid nitrogen, the densities of the liquids were found to be 0.910 and 0.850 respectively. In 1897 Dewar constructed an apparatus for the examination of the least condensible portion of air. 1 From the experiments with this apparatus 1 Chem. News, 76, p. 272. 178 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES the author concluded that every gas which occurs in the atmosphere either condenses to the liquid state, or is soluble in liquid air. Numerous observations have been made by Dewar and Fleming on the electric conductivity of metals, and the dielectric constant of organic liquids at low temperatures. 1 The experiments of Dewar on the liquefaction of gases since 1895 will be considered in the next two sections. EXPERIMENTS OF KAMERLINGH-ONNES During the last few years Kamerlingh-Onnes has been experimenting on the liquefaction of gases. The apparatus which is used by him at present in the liquefaction of oxygen is somewhat similar to that employed by Pictet in 1877. The complete operation consists of three cycles, as follows : 2 First Cycle. Liquid methyl chloride surrounds a tube containing ethylene under pressure. The vessel which contains the methyl chloride is con- nected with an exhaust-pump, by means of which the pressure is considerably reduced. The rapid evaporation of the liquid lowers the temperature 1 A list of references to these observations has been compiled by Dickson. Phil. Mag. [5], 45, p. 528, 1898. 2 Zeit. fur conipr. und fliiss. Gase, I, p. 169, 1898. EXPERIMENTS OF KAMERLINGH-ONNES 179 of the chamber, and hence, of the ethylene. The vapors of methyl chloride which pass out of the vessel are compressed, by means of a second pump, in a chamber where they finally condense to a liquid. This liquid passes back again to the vessel which surrounds the ethylene tube, thus making the cycle complete. Second Cycle. This cycle is similar to the first. The compressed ethylene is liquefied by means of the low temperature which results from the evapo- ration of the methyl chloride. The liquid ethylene is conducted into a tube, where it surrounds a smaller tube containing compressed oxygen gas. The liquid ethylene is connected with an exhaust- pump, and evaporated under reduced pressure. The resulting vapors are recondensed, and the cycle is made complete. Third Cycle. In this cycle the oxygen is con- densed to the liquid state. The oxygen tube is connected with both an exhaust and a compression pump. The liquid ethylene, boiling under reduced pressure, lowers the temperature of the compressed oxygen to -- 140, when it condenses to a liquid. By means of the pumps the liquid oxygen is removed to a carefully protected reservoir. The operation consists of three complete cycles, and hence is continuous. A section of the apparatus is shown in the i8o LIQUEFACTION OF GASES article to which reference has already been made. The drawing, however, is rather complicated, and for that reason has not been reproduced here. By means of this apparatus the author has obtained liquid oxygen in considerable quantity. SECTION III LIQUEFACTION OF GASES BY THE REGENERATIVE METHOD So far, the low temperatures necessary for the liquefaction of gases have been obtained mainly by the evaporation, especially under reduced press- ure, of liquid carbonic acid, liquid nitrous oxide, liquid ethylene, liquid air, etc. A different method of lowering the temperature has become of consid- erable importance in recent years. The gas which is to be liquefied is compressed to a very high pressure ; the heat due to the compression is re- moved by means of water, and the gas is then allowed to expand. In this way exceedingly low temperatures can be obtained. With this method the gas to be liquefied is the only substance, apart from the apparatus, which is necessary for carry- ing out the experiment. The process is frequently referred to as the self-intensification^ or the regen- erative, method. REGENERATIVE METHOD 181 The history of this method is rather interesting. According to Joule, 1 Dr. Cullen and Dr. Darwin were the first to observe that the temperature of a gas is lowered by rarefaction and increased by compression. They experimented with ordinary air. Dalton succeeded in measuring this change of temperature with some degree of accuracy (see p. 12). In 1806 Gay Lussac (p. 12) made a series of experiments on the changes of temperature which accompany the compression and rarefaction of gases. Thilorier (1834) observed that carbonic acid could be solidified by means of its own expan- sion (p. 38). In 1845 Joule, and later Joule and William Thomson, made a very exhaustive study of these phenomena, both experimentally and theo- retically. Mayer, Rankine, and Clausius have also contributed largely to this subject. Further refer- ence to these investigations will be made in the theo- retical considerations which will be taken up later. In connection with these and many other similar observations which were conducted solely for scien- tific purposes, a number of experiments have also been made with a view of applying this method of lowering the temperature for refrigerating pur- poses. In 1849 Dr. John Gorrie 2 constructed an 1 Phil. Mag. [3], 26, p. 369. - Wallis-Tayler, Refrigerating and Ice-Making Machinery, p. 116. 1 82 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES ice machine, based upon the compression and expansion of air. In 1857 Siemens 1 constructed a refrigerating machine, which he describee as follows : " The invention relates to freezing and refriger- ating by the expansion of air or elastic fluid. The air is first compressed by a cylinder, or by pumps of any suitable construction, by which the temper- ature is raised, and it is cooled while in the com- pressed state, and is then allowed to expand in a cylinder or engine of any suitable construction, by which the temperature is lowered. The air thus cooled is brought in contact with the articles to be cooled or frozen, and is then conducted through an interchanger, or apparatus, by which it is made to cool the compressed air which enters the inter- changer in the opposite direction. . . . The prin- ciple of the invention is adapted to produce an accumulated effect, or an indefinite reduction of temperature." Kirk in 1863, Marchant in 1869, and Giffard and Postle in 1873, constructed ice machines in which the freezing was produced by the expansion of air. 2 In 1885 Solvay 3 described a method which is similar to that of Siemens. A 1 Linde, Engineer, 82, p. 486. 2 Wallis-Tayler, Refrigerating and Ice-Making Machinery, p. 116 et seq. 3 Linde, Engineer, 82, p. 486. REGENERATIVE METHOD 183 very efficient refrigerating machine, based upon this same principle, was constructed by Wind- hausen. 1 Reference might be made to other ma- chines of a similar nature, but it is not within the scope of a book of this kind to consider the subject of refrigerating machines. Those who are inter- ested in that branch of the work can refer, in con- nection with the various text-books and journals on engineering, to Wallis-Tayler's Refrigerating and Ice-Making Machinery, and especially to the two journals Ice and Refrigeration, published in New York and Chicago, and the Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Katie-Industrie, published in Leipzig. The preceding examples, however, are sufficient to show that the lowering of temperature, which accompanies the expansion of a gas, was observed a century ago, and that this method of lowering the temperature has been applied technically for at least fifty years. The method is not new. In 1874 Edwin J. Houston 2 suggested a form of apparatus which is very similar to the machines employed at present in the liquefaction of air. The following are his words : " The means of obtaining exceedingly low temperatures seem at last to have been fulfilled in the ' Windhausen Ice and Refrigerating Machine.' Though introduced 1 Houston, Jour. Frank. Inst., 67, p. 10. 2 ibid., p. 9, 1874- 184 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES for practical purposes, mainly for the cheap pro- duction of artificial ice, the machine contains latent possibilities, which we hope will at once be utilized, that open up the most promising field to the origi- nal investigator, and bid fair to enrich science with stores of new facts." " . . . In the Windhausen process, a steam engine is employed to compress the air to 2 or 3 atmospheres. The heat developed by the com- pression is drawn off during the passage of the condensed air through pipes in a series of cham- bers, in which cold water is flowing. The cooled air is then allowed to expand into a cylinder un- der gradually diminishing pressure, the expansion being attended with the development of great cold." ". . . The following modifications of the ap- paratus would render its cold-producing power almost unlimited : "i. A communication between the expansion cylinder and the chambers through which the con- densed air is conducted before it is allowed to expand. Supposing this outlet regulated by a cock, a blast of very cold air could replace the run- ning water, and reduce the compressed air to a very low temperature. " 2. The introduction of a second compressing cylinder, with which the compressed air, after be- REGENERATIVE METHOD 185 ing cooled, could be still further compressed, again cooled, and finally conducted into the expansion cylinder. Under a pressure of, say, 60 atmos- pheres, a considerable mass of air at the tempera- ture of, say, i 00 F. would, in its expansion, produce a reduction of temperature greater per- haps than any yet obtained. . . . There would appear to be no other limit to the reduction of temperature save what would arise from the strength of materials, or the liquefaction and sub- sequent freezing of the nitrogen, or the oxygen of the air, or of the air itself. " Among the advantages that we may rationally expect to accrue from the apparatus thus modified are the following : " i. The confirmation or otherwise of the ' abso- lute zero ' as determined by the expansion or contraction of gases, by heat or cold. " 2. The liquefaction and subsequent solidifica- tion of many of the incoercible gases, the determi- nation of their physical peculiarities as liquids or solids, together with their crystalline form. "3. The action of intense cold on the chemical affinities of certain gaseous compounds. "4. The action of intense cold on the color of certain chemical compounds." These predictions have been thoroughly fulfilled. In the apparatus suggested, Houston anticipated 186 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES the methods which were employed twenty years later in the liquefaction of air by Linde, Hampson, and Tripler. In 1875 Coleman 1 constructed an apparatus for the liquefaction, on a large scale, of some very volatile hydrocarbons. The lowering of the tem- perature was produced by the expansion of the compressed gases. The machine involves : " i. The pumping of the gas by steam power into a system of tubes capable of being externally cooled, and from which condensed liquids can be drawn off by ball-cocks. " 2. Employing the compressed gas, after being deprived of its liquid, for working a second engine coupled with, and parallel to, the first, thus receiv- ing a portion of the force originally employed in the compression. " 3. Employing the expanded gas, after having had its temperature reduced in the act of doing the work of pumping, for supplying the necessary cold for cooling a portion of the condenser pipes to zero." The cycle of operations was complete. The temperature of the compressed gas was about 5, while the minimum temperature after expansion was 45. With this apparatus a continuous 1 Chem. News, 39, p. 87. EXPERIMENTS OF LINDE 187 stream of the liquefied gas could be produced. About 250,000 gallons of the liquid hydrocarbons were produced during the first three years. Cailletet and Pictet have also made use of the expansion of gases as a means of lowering the temperature, but in their work the regenerative principle was not used. Wroblewski, Olszewski, and Dewar, previous to 1895, made experiments of a similar nature. Reference has already been made to these observations. In 1894 Kamerlingh- Onnes made use of the regenerative principle in the liquefaction of gases. 1 Omitting a number of observations on the compression and expansion of gases, which have but slight bearing on the conden- sation of gases, we may proceed at once to the con- sideration of some forms of apparatus which have recently been constructed for the purpose of lique- fying oxygen, nitrogen, and especially ordinary air. APPARATUS EMPLOYED BY LINDE IN THE LIQUEFACTION OF AIR This apparatus is an outgrowth of a long expe- rience in the construction of refrigerating ma- chines. We may omit these devices, however, and proceed at once to the consideration of the apparatus employed in the liquefaction of air. 1 Ref. Dewar, Proc. Roy. InsL, 15, p. 133. 188 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES The apparatus was successfully operated in May, 1895, and was constructed as follows : l The general arrangement of the apparatus is shown in figure 35. The air to be liquefied is brought by means of the compressor C to a pressure of about 200 atmospheres (in the first few experiments the pressure employed was about 65 atmospheres). R is a water-cooler, which serves to remove the heat of compression. The compressed air then passes through the concentric tube-system H t which is placed in a large, well-insulated chamber, to the expansion valve r, where it is allowed to escape into the receiver G. The sudden expansion of the air produces a considerable lowering of tempera- ture. The cold air rushes out of the receiver, and passes up through the outer tube, thus lowering the temperature of the compressed air in the inner tube. As the process continues the temperature gradually falls until the air begins to liquefy in the receiver G. This takes place at the temperature of boiling air ; consequently, the liquid air is ob- tained in a static condition at the ordinary atmos- pheric pressure. In this way Linde obtained liquid air in consider- able quantity. The resulting liquid was very rich in oxygen, inasmuch as tfte boiling point of oxygen is 1 Engineer, 82, p. 4861 EXPERIMENTS OF LINDE 189 higher than that of nitrogen. The author modified the apparatus somewhat in order to obtain a more complete separation of the oxygen and nitrogen. 1 The apparatus employed at present 2 differs 1 Engineer, 82, p. 509. The efficiency and theory of the appa- ratus are also considered by Linde in this article. 2 Zeit. f. Eleklrochem., 4, p. 4, 1897 5 a ^ so Zeit. Compr. und fttiss. Case, I, p. 117, 1897. 190 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES somewhat from that just described. The general arrangement of this apparatus is shown in figure 36. The tube-system in this case consists of three FIG. 36. concentric copper tubes, arranged in the form of a spiral. The coils are placed in a carefully in- sulated chamber. By means of the compressor d, the air is forced into the innermost tube of the EXPERIMENTS OF LINDE 191 system under a pressure of about 200 atmos- pheres. The heat of compression is removed by means of the water-cooler G. The small tube is provided with an expansion valve at a, where the air is allowed to expand into the space between innermost and middle tubes. In this operation the air passes from a pressure of 200 atmospheres to a pressure of 16 atmospheres. The tempera- ture, of course, is greatly reduced by the sudden expansion of the air. The cold air passes up through the middle tube, and finally back to the compressor d, where it is again compressed to 200 atmospheres. This process can be seen from the directions of the arrows. The compressor e maintains a pressure of 16 atmospheres in the middle tube. As the process continues, the tem- perature gradually becomes lower. The middle tube is provided with an expansion valve at b, similar to that at a, through which the air is al- lowed to expand a second time. In this case, the air passes from a pressure of 16 atmospheres into the space between the outer and middle tubes, where the pressure is one atmosphere. This operation lowers the temperature still further. The cold air passes up through the outer tube of the system, abstracting heat from the compressed air, and finally escapes through the outlet at the top of the chamber. The apparatus is so adjusted 192 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES that the compressor e supplies sufficient air to exactly replace the small quantity which is lost. The cycle is now complete, and the temperature of the system gradually decreases. When the pro- cess has continued for a period of from \\ to 2 hours, liquid air begins to collect in the bottom of the chamber, and passes into the double-walled Dewar bulb c. The liquid can be drawn from this vessel by opening the stop-cock //. About one litre of liquid air can be produced per hour, with a three horse-power engine. With a larger ap- paratus, and a correspondingly increased power, the liquid, of course, could be obtained in much larger quantities. Numerous observations have also been made by this experimenter on the prop- erties of matter at low temperatures. Linde has in the process of construction, for the Rhenania Chemical works at Aix-la-Chapelle, a liquid air plant with a capacity of about 50 litres of liquid air per hour, and -an expenditure of about 1 20 horse-power. 1 HAMPSON'S APPARATUS FOR THE LIQUEFACTION OF GASES The apparatus employed by Hampson in the liquefaction of oxygen, air, etc., is based upon the 1 Ewing, Engineering, 65, p. 310, 1898. EXPERIMENTS OF HAMPSON 193 same principle as that employed by Linde, which has just been described. Con- siderable discussion has arisen concern- ing this form of ap- paratus as to priority of invention. Hamp- son's patent is dated May 23, 1895. With this statement as to the date of the inven- tion, we may leave the question of pri- ority and proceed at once with a descrip- tion of the apparatus. A longitudinal sec- tion of the apparatus 1 is represented in figure 37. The gas to be liquefied (oxy- gen, air, etc.) is in- troduced through the small tube at the 1 Engineer, 8l, p. 310, 1896. o 194 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES upper end under a pressure of 120 atmospheres. The gas enters the apparatus at the ordinary tem- perature (the heat of compression having been removed). The tube through which the gas is introduced extends downward in the form of a spiral around a central column. At the lower end of the spiral is an expansion valve which opens from above by means of a screw. The expanded gas passes up through the apparatus and out again at the upper end. The outer por- tions of the apparatus are carefully packed with felt. The details of the spiral tube and expansion valve are shown in figure 38. The coil A ter- minates in the jet-piece D, which delivers the gas against a flat plug on the screw C. A slightly different form of valve is shown in the small figure to the left. The gas on escaping through this valve expands to a pressure of one atmos- phere. The temperature of the gas is consider- ably reduced in consequence of this expansion. The cold gas passes up around the coil as shown by the arrows in the figure, thus lowering the temperature of the compressed gas. This makes the process self-intensifying. As the operation continues the temperature gradually falls, until finally the gas begins to liquefy. Liquid oxygen and liquid air can be obtained in this way in a EXPERIMENTS OF HAMPSON 195 static condition at the ordinary atmospheric press- ure in a comparatively short time. The apparatus was constructed on rather a small scale, and had a capacity of about two cubic centimetres of liquid oxygen per minute. During the next year the apparatus was some- what modified. 1 The air in this case was intro- duced under a pressure of 87 atmospheres. The jet of liquid air could be seen within twenty- five minutes, and the liquid air began to col- lect in the receiver within thirty-three min- utes from the beginning of the operation. A vacuum vessel was used FIG. 38. as the receiver. 1 Engineer ; 83, p. 294. 196 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES APPARATUS EMPLOYED BY DEWAR IN THE LIQUEFACTION OF GASES On the 1 9th of December, 1895, Dewar read a paper before the English Chemical Society on the " Liquefaction of Air and Researches at Low Temperature." 1 In this paper the author de- scribes an apparatus in which the self-intensifica- tion method of refrigeration is employed. The compressed gas is cooled to about 80 by means of liquid carbonic acid, and then allowed to ex- pand under a regenerative coil. A section of the apparatus is shown in figure 39. The carbonic acid is introduced into the appara- tus at B, and passes through the coiled tube re- presented by the shaded circles. C is a carbonic acid valve, and H the carbonic acid outlet. The air or oxygen to be liquefied enters the apparatus at A, under a pressure of 150 atmospheres. D is a regenerative coil, and F an expansion valve where the compressed gas is allowed to expand into the vacuum vessel G. When the temperature of the system is lowered to about 80, the gas is allowed to expand through the valve F. This produces a further decrease in the temperature. The cooled gas passes up around the regenerative coil and lowers the tem- 1 Proc. Roy. Inst., 15, p. 133. EXPERIMENTS OF DEWAR 197 FIG. 39. 198 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES perature of the compressed gas. The temperature of the system falls rapidly, and within fifteen minutes from the time of starting, liquid air (or whatever the substance may be) begins to drop into the vacuum vessel G. By means of this apparatus Dewar was able to liquefy oxygen, air, etc., on a comparatively large scale. Dewar also made a number of experiments on " gas jets containing liquid." In these observa- tions a small regenerative coil was placed in a long vacuum vessel. Three different forms of these vessels were constructed. The compressed gas was allowed to expand from the coil near the lower end of the vacuum tube. Oxygen under a pressure of 100 atmospheres, and previously cooled to 79, produced a visible jet of liquid. Dewar suggests this method as a very rapid means of obtaining low temperatures. Similar experiments were made with hydrogen. When cooled to 200 and allowed to expand from a pressure of 140 atmospheres in one of these tubes, no liquid jet could be seen. If the gas con- tained a few per cent of oxygen the liquid jet be- came visible. By allowing the pure hydrogen to expand from the pressure of 200 atmospheres over a longer regenerative coil, which has been previously cooled to 200, the liquid jet becomes visible. The liquid hydrogen, however, could not be ob- EXPERIMENTS OF TRIPLER 199 tained in a static condition. To obtain some idea of the temperature of the liquid jet, the author placed some liquid air and liquid oxygen in the lower end of the tube. Within a few minutes about fifty cubic centimetres of these liquids were transformed into hard, white solids, resembling avalanche snow. The solid oxygen had a pale bluish color, and showed by reflection all the absorption bands of the liquid. TRIPLER'S APPARATUS FOR THE LIQUEFACTION OF AIR The method employed by Tripler in the lique- faction of air is based upon the same principle as that employed by Linde and Hampson, but is operated on a much larger scale. Unfortunately no thoroughly scientific account of this apparatus has yet been published. The temperature is low- ered by expanding highly compressed air in a long tube under a regenerative coil. The general plan of the apparatus is shown in figure 4O. 1 The steam boiler b supplies steam to the com- pressor c under a pressure of about 85 pounds per square inch. The compressor is provided with three air cylinders arranged in tandem on the same rod. These cylinders are cooled by means 1 Engineering A'eivs, 39, p. 246, 1898. 200 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES EXPERIMENTS OF TRIPLER 201 of water-jackets. The first or low-pressure cylin- der is 10^ inches in diameter, and compresses the air to a pressure of about 4 atmospheres. The second or intermediate cylinder is 6J inches in diameter, and increases the pressure to about 25 atmospheres. The third or high-pressure cylinder is 2| inches in diameter, and delivers the air at a pressure of about 150 atmospheres. The air is taken into the compressor from the outside through the pipe a, which is provided with a dust- separator at d. The heat of compression is re- moved by means of the water in the tank/. Af- ter leaving the cooler the compressed air passes through the separator s, which removes the last traces of moisture. The air is now ready to be liquefied. This is accomplished by means of the two liquefiers m and 11. These liquefiers consist, in each case, of a long coil of copper tubing with an expansion valve at the lower end. The coils are carefully pro- tected from the external heat by means of felt. The air enters these liquefiers under a pressure of 1 50 atmospheres, and is allowed to expand to a pressure of one atmosphere. The temperature is considerably reduced by this expansion ; the cold air passes up around the coil and lowers the tem- perature of the compressed air, and thus the influ- ence becomes accumulative. Within about twenty 202 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES minutes the air begins to liquefy in the lower end of the tube. The liquid air is removed by means of the valves at the lower ends of the liquefiers. As operated at present this apparatus has a capacity of from three to four gallons of liquid air per hour. Tripler has obtained liquid air on a much larger scale than have any of the other experimenters. It is not an uncommon occur- rence to ship liquid air from this plant (in ten- gallon cans) to a distance of several hundred miles. The liquid has been successfully trans- ported from New York to Philadelphia, Wash- ington, Boston, and other cities. This plant has made it possible to experiment with liquid air in both technical and scientific lines at a compara- tively small expense. THEORY OF THE SELF-INTENSIFICATION METHOD OF REFRIGERATION An elaborate discussion of this problem necessi- tates the use of complicated mathematical formulae, and would be out of place in a work of this nature. For that reason the subject will be considered only in a general way. 1 It has been known for 1 For a more complete discussion, see Joule and Thomson, Trans. Roy. Soc., 144, p. 321, or some work on thermodynamics. THEORY OF REGENERATIVE METHOD 203 more than a century that when a gas is compressed, the temperature rises, and, conversely, when the compressed gas is allowed to expand, the tempera- ture falls. In 1842 Mayer investigated the cause of these thermal changes. "Whence comes the heat," he asks, " generated during the compression of a gas, and what becomes of the heat which van- ishes when the gas expands ? " He considered the problem in the light of the conservation of energy. The work which is done in the compression of a gas, he says, is changed into heat, and the work which is done by the expanding gas, against the external pressure, cannot spring into existence from nothing, but comes from the heat which the gas loses. Mayer's conception implies that heat is a form of energy. He fully recognized the fact that heat can be obtained from or transformed into other forms of energy. In order to make this subject clear, it will be necessary to consider the two specific heats of gases. By the specific heat of a substance is meant the capacity of unit mass of the substance for heat ; i.e. the ratio of the amount of heat sup- plied to the body to the rise in temperature. When a gas is heated, either the pressure or volume is increased. If the pressure of a gas is kept constant during a specific heat determina- tion, the value obtained is greater than that ob- 204 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES tained at constant volume. In the former case the gas expands against a definite pressure ; i.e. it per- forms a certain amount of mechanical work. The excess of heat required to raise the temperature of a gas at constant pressure over that required at constant volume is simply the amount of energy required in the expansion of the gas. According to this theory there should be no temperature change when a gas is allowed to ex- pand into a vacuum, as there is no external work to overcome. The experiments of Gay Lussac and those of later experimenters have shown this to be true. 1 Moreover, if the theory of Mayer is true, the difference between the quantities of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of air through one degree under the two condi- tions; i.e. at constant pressure and constant vol- ume, should correspond to the work performed in expanding one gram of air ^\^ of its volume at o. Both of these values have been determined. The first is 0.0692 calories of heat, and the second 2923.5 gram centimetres of work. If, then, 0.0692 calories of heat correspond to 2923.5 gram centi- 1 Strictly speaking, this statement is true only in the case of a perfect gas. Although there is no external work to overcome when ordinary gases expand into a vacuum, a small quantity of energy is required to overcome the molecular attraction. This causes a slight decrease in the temperature. THEORY OF REGENERATIVE METHOD 205 metres of work, one calorie of heat corresponds to , = 42245 gram centimetres of work. This 0.0692 latter value, being equivalent to one calorie, is called the mechanical or dynamical equivalent of heat, and agrees very closely with the values obtained by different methods by Joule, Rowlands, and others. We may safely assume, then, that the heat which is absorbed when a compressed gas is allowed to expand is equivalent to the external work performed. In order to calculate the decrease in tempera- ture which accompanies the expansion of a gas, it is necessary to know the specific heat of the gas at constant pressure and constant volume ; also the initial and final pressures of the gas. Suppose a small quantity of heat, dQ, be com- municated to a gas at constant volume, and let the rise in temperature be represented by dT. Then, as no external work has been done, where C v represents the specific heat of the gas at constant volume. Equation (i) may be written If the pressure p had remained constant when the heat was communicated, there would have been a 206 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES slight increase in volume which we may represent by dv. Then a certain amount of external work (pdv) would have been performed. If this value is represented in thermal units, the available heat for increasing the temperature of the gas is dQ pdv, and the above equation becomes dQ-pdv=C v dT (2) dQ r i Pdv or 3^ =6 +^F* dT dT The term -^ in this case represents the specific dl heat of the gas at constant pressure, and hence (3) where C p is the specific heat at constant pressure. By differentiating the equation pv R T with respect to v, we obtain pdv = RdT, or ; - hence C p = C v + R. If the equation pv = RT be differentiated with respect to all of the variables, we have pdv + vdp = RdT. THEORY OF REGENERATIVE METHOD 207 Substituting for R its equivalent C p C v , this equation becomes pdv + vdp By substituting this value of dT in 2, we obtain dQ = ^pdv + ^vdp. (4) If the gas is allowed to expand adiabatically, 1 dQ = o, and hence, from 4, we have /& + # = <>. Dividing this equation by -^, we obtain The last equation may be written where k represents the ratio of the specific heat of the gas at constant pressure to that at constant volume. If the gas be allowed to assume two definite conditions with respect to pressure and volume, p, v, and p lt v lt and we integrate equa- J A gas is said to expand adiabatically when no heat is com- municated from or given out to the external surroundings. 208 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES tion (5) between these limits, and transpose the result, we obtain log/ - log/, = k (log t>, - log z>), i i& "(*) / \ 10 ^) Simplifying this, we have (6) Suppose now that a gas be allowed to expand from the pressure / to the pressure / r Before and after the expansion the gas must fulfill the equations pv RT, and p^\ RT^ respectively. Dividing the first of these by the second, we have pv _ T P\ v \ T i If we substitute for its value from equa- l tion (6), the equation becomes Knowing, then, the initial and final pressures, and also the initial temperature, the final tempera- ture can be calculated from equation (7). In the case of air, k= 1.41. Substituting this THEORY OF REGENERATIVE METHOD 209 value, and assuming the initial temperature to be zero centigrade and the final pressure to be one atmosphere, the theoretical temperatures obtained by the adiabatic expansion of air are given in the following table : l Initial Pressures Final Temperatures TOO atmospheres - 20I.5 200 " -214 .5 300 221 .0 400 " -225 .1 500 " - 228 .2 Applying these results to the liquefaction of gases by means of the regenerative coil, it is evi- dent that the expansion of the gas in the tube lowers the temperature by an amount which corre- sponds to equation (7). Further, the issuing jet experiences a much greater decrease in tempera- ture owing to the greater difference between the initial and final pressures. Finally, the expanded gas of very low temperature passes up around the coil and lowers the temperature of the com- pressed gas ; i.e. the initial temperature of the gas, before expansion, gradually decreases. In this way the influence becomes accumulative, and the 1 Ostwald's Outlines of General Chemistry t p. 83. P 210 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES process has been termed the regenerative or self- intensifying method. In practice the efficiency of such an apparatus is never equal to the theoretical. In the first place, there is always an inflow of heat from the outside. Careful insulation may reduce, but can never entirely eliminate, this influence. Further- more, the interchange of heat between the ex- panded gas and the counter-current apparatus is never complete. 1 Rayleigh suggests that the efficiency of the va- rious forms of apparatus employed at present in the liquefaction of air might be considerably in- creased by the use of a turbine. 2 He says : " It must not be overlooked, that to allow the work of expansion to appear as heat at the very place where the utmost cooling is desired, is very bad thermodynamics. The work of expansion should not be dissipated within, but be conducted to the exterior. ... A turbine of some sort might be used. This would occupy little space, and even if of low efficiency, would still allow a considerable fraction of the work of expansion to be conveyed away. The worst turbine would be better than none, and would probably allow the pressures to 1 For details in regard to the efficiency of the apparatus, see Linde, Engineer, 82, pp. 485 and 509. 2 Nature, 58, p. 199, 1898. THEORY OF REGENERATIVE METHOD 211 be reduced. It should be understood that the ob- ject is not so much to save the work, as to obviate the very prejudicial heating arising from its dis- sipation in the coldest part of the apparatus. It seems to me that the future may bring great developments in this direction, and that it may thus be possible to liquefy even hydrogen at one operation." Since the regenerative principle has proved successful in the liquefaction of air, it has been suggested by some inventors that the immense quantity of heat which is stored up in the earth's atmosphere may be obtained as available energy for doing work at a very small expense. Their idea is that there is considerably more energy stored up in the liquid air than is required to produce the liquid by the regenerative method. Without going into the theory of this suggestion, we may dispose of it by quoting the following pas- sage from Nernst : " In the judgment of some inventors who are completely permeated with the accuracy of the law of the conservation of energy, it is by no means regarded as impossible to construct a ma- chine which should be able to furnish work as desired and free of cost. External work and heat are equivalent to each other. Moreover, energy in the form of heat is in abundance, so that it only 212 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES needs an apparatus in which one shall apply it in driving our machine, to use up the energy of its environments. Such an apparatus, for example, might be sunk into a great water reservoir, whose enormous quantity of energy could be changed into useful work ; it would, for example, make the steam engines of our ocean steamers unnecessary, and would keep the screw of a ship in motion as long as desired, and at the cost of the immeasur- able store of heat in the sea. Such an apparatus would be in certain respects a perpetual motion, and yet not contradictory to the first law of ther- modynamics, since it would extract the heat of its environments and give it back again as external work which, as a result of the friction of the screw, would change itself back again into heat, to enter the cycle anew. " Unfortunately such an apparatus, which would make coal worthless as a source of energy, ap- pears to be a chimera, exactly as was the per- petual motion of the inventor of the last century ; at least, many fruitless attempts have made this more than probable. Thus, as we sum up the numerous abortive endeavors, we come, in a way analogous to that which led to the knowledge of the conservation of energy, to the proposition that an apparatus which could continually change the heat of its environments into external work is a LIQUEFACTION OF ARGON 213 contradiction to a law of nature, and therefore an impossibility. Although by recognizing this law the human spirit of invention may be poorer by one problem, yet natural investigation is com- pensated for it by a principle of almost unlimited application." SECTION IV LIQUEFACTION OF ARGON, HYDROGEN, HELIUM, ETC. There remain to be considered some special observations in the liquefaction of gases. The quantity of gas to be liquified, in some cases, was very small, and hence an apparatus of special construction was necessary. Liquefaction and Solidification of Argon In 1895 Olszewski 1 subjected argon to low tem- peratures and high pressures. A sample of the pure dry gas, about 300 cc., was obtained from Ramsay. Four series of experiments were made ; two with the object of determining the critical temperature and pressure, and two for the pur- pose of determining the boiling point and freezing point under atmospheric pressure. 1 Trans. Roy. Soc., 186, p. 253, 1895. 214 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES In the first two experiments use was made of an apparatus similar to that of Cailletet. Liquid ethylene, boiling under reduced pressure, was used as the refrigerant. At a temperature of 128. 6 and a pressure of 38 atmospheres the argon con- densed to a colorless liquid. On slowly raising the temperature the meniscus became less distinct and finally disappeared. This was repeated sev- eral times with a view of determining the critical temperature and pressure. The mean of seven observations gave 121 for the critical tem- perature, and 50.6 atmospheres for the critical pressure. The vapor pressure of argon at a temperature of 139.! was found to be 23.7 atmospheres. The experiments on the boiling and freezing points were carried out by means of the apparatus represented in figure 41. The argon was con- tained in the glass burette b, closed at both ends with glass stop-cocks. The lower end of the burette was connected, by means of a flexible tube, with the mercury reservoir a. By means of the mercury, the gas could be transferred to the liquefying tube d, which was immersed in the liquid oxygen contained in the quadruple-walled glass tube e. The tube i was connected with a large air-pump, and the tube c with a mercury air-pump. LIQUEFACTION OF ARGON 215 When the temperature of the tube d had be- come equal to that of liquid oxygen boiling under the ordinary atmospheric pressure, the argon was FIG. 41. 216 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES admitted, but showed no signs of liquefaction. This showed that the boiling point of argon is lower than that of oxygen. The pressure of the argon was then adjusted so as to remain equal to that of the atmosphere. The tube containing the liquid oxygen was slightly exhausted, and at a temperature of 187 the argon began to liquefy. As a mean of four experiments Olszewski gives 187 for the boiling point of argon. From the volume of gas used and the volume of liquid ob- tained, the density of liquid argon at the boiling point was estimated to be about 1.5. The temperature of the liquid oxygen was then lowered by slow exhaustion to 191, when the argon solidified to a crystalline mass resembling ice. At lower temperatures the mass became opaque. The substance was frozen and melted four times. The mean value obtained for the melting point by means of a hydrogen thermome- ter is - i89.6. Experiments ^vith Helium In 1896 Olszewski 1 made an extensive series of experiments with a view of liquefying helium. The pressure was obtained by means of a Caille- tet apparatus. The liquefying tube of this appa- 1 Wied. Ann., 59, p. 184 ; Nature, 54, p. 377. EXPERIMENTS WITH HELIUM 217 ratus was thoroughly exhausted by means of a mercury pump, and then carefully filled with dry helium which had been obtained from Ramsay. In the first series of experiments liquid oxygen was used as the refrigerant. By the evaporation of this liquid under a pressure of 10 mm. of mer- cury a temperature of 210 could be obtained. At this temperature and under a pressure of 125 atmospheres helium showed no signs of liquefac- tion. The gas was then allowed to expand until the pressure had decreased to twenty atmos- pheres, and in some cases to one atmosphere, but there was no evidence of condensation to the liquid state. In the second series of experiments liquid air was employed as the refrigerant. By the evapora- tion of liquid air under a pressure of 10 mm. of mercury the temperature was reduced to about 220. Even at this low temperature and with a pressure of 140 atmospheres, the results were all negative. Under these conditions the gas was again allowed to expand, but there were no indications of liquefaction. The author says : " In every single instance I have obtained negative results, and, as far as my experiments go, helium remains a permanent gas, and apparently much more difficult to liquefy than even hydrogen." The experiments were carried out on a very small 2i8 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES scale, owing to the small quantity of gas at hand (about 140 cc.). The temperatures were not measured directly in these experiments, but were calculated by Olszewski from the Laplace-Poisson equation for the change of temperature in a gas during adi- abatic expansion. According to this equation the temperature of the gas when allowed to expand, as previously described, to a pressure of one atmosphere, is about - 264. It seems more probable, however, in the light of recent investi- gations, that the temperature was somewhat above this point. The author also constructed a helium thermometer and compared it with a hydrogen thermometer from the temperature of 182 to -210. The results obtained by the two ther- mometers agreed very closely. Liquefaction of Fluorine In 1895 Dewar remarked that " fluorine is the only widely distributed element in nature which has not been liquefied." Two years later, how- ever, this gas was condensed to the liquid state by Moissan and Dewar. 1 The latter experimenter had previously subjected fluorine to low temperatures with a view of liquefaction, but without success. 1 Compl. rend., 124, p. 1202 ; and 125, p. 505, 1897. LIQUEFACTION OF FLUORINE 219 The fluorine used by Moissan and Dewar was prepared by the electrolysis of potassium fluoride dissolved in anhydrous hydrofluoric acid. The acid fumes were removed by conducting the gas through a platinum coil, which was surrounded by a mixture of solid carbonic acid and alcohol ; after which the fluorine was conducted through platinum tubes filled with perfectly dry sodium fluoride. The apparatus 1 employed in the liquefaction is represented in figure 42. The glass bulb E is fused to the platinum tube A, which surrounds a smaller platinum tube D. Each of these tubes is provided with a screw-cock so that the communica- tion with the outer air or the current of fluorine can be interrupted at pleasure. In the first series of experiments the glass bulb E was immersed in liquid oxygen, which was contained in a cylindrical vacuum vessel. At the temperature of boiling air (about 183) the fluorine passed through the apparatus without showing any signs of liquefac- tion. By evaporating the liquid oxygen under re- duced pressure, liquid fluorine soon began to collect in the apparatus. The outlet to the fluorine tube was then closed, and the glass bulb soon became filled with a clear yellow, extremely mobile liquid. 1 Chem. News, 76, p. 261. 220 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES FIG. 42. At this temperature fluorine did not attack the glass bulb. The experiment was repeated, using freshly prepared liquid air as the refrig- erant. At a tempera- ture of - 190 the fluorine condensed to the liquid state. From the two series of experiments the authors calculated the boiling point to be about 187, which is the same temperature as that ob- tained by Olszewski for the boiling point of argon. The critical temperature was esti- mated to be about 120, and the critical pressure about 40 atmospheres. The chemical activity of fluorine was greatly reduced at the temperature of boiling oxygen. At this tem- perature it does not replace iodine, and is without action on phosphorus, boron, silicon, iron, etc. With hydrogen, turpentine, and benzene it reacts with incan- descence. LIQUEFACTION OF HYDROGEN 221 The density of liquid fluorine was determined by placing solid substances of different specific gravities in the liquid. The result of a number of observations gave a density of 1.14. The liquid is soluble in all proportions in liquid oxygen and liquid air. The authors endeavored to reduce the tempera- ture to the freezing point of fluorine. When the glass bulb was filled to about three-fourths of its capacity, the valves were closed. The liquid oxygen surrounding the glass bulb was then evaporated under a very low pressure, and the temperature sank to 210 ; but even at this low temperature the fluorine retained its characteristic mobility. In a second experiment the liquid flu- orine was introduced into a glass tube, which was afterward sealed and kept for some time at a tem- perature of - 210, but there were no indications of solidification. Liquefaction of Hydrogen Of the various gases known, hydrogen has pre- 'sented the most difficult problem to the experi- menters on the liquefaction of gases. During the last two decades numerous attempts have been made to liquefy this gas. Reference has already been made to the experiments of Cailletet and Pictet, in which hydrogen was probably obtained 222 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES in the form of a very fine mist (pp. 1 19, 135). Wro- blewski and Olszewski modified these experiments somewhat by cooling the gas with liquid oxygen, and then allowing the gas to expand (pp. 143, 164). In these observations there can be no doubt as to the formation of a mist of liquid hydrogen. Both of these experimenters endeavored to determine the critical constants and boiling point of this gas. In 1894 Dewar 1 attacked the problem from a different standpoint. Realizing that, with liquid oxygen and liquid air as refrigerants, the tempera- ture could not be sufficiently reduced for the lique- faction of hydrogen, he endeavored to obtain a liquid, the critical temperature and boiling point of which are considerably lower than those of air and oxygen. This he thought could be accom- plished by liquefying a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen. In regard to the efficiency of this method the author says : " One thing can, how- ever, be proven by the use of the gaseous mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen ; viz., that by subjecting it to a high compression at a temperature of - 200, and expanding the resulting liquid into' the air, a much lower temperature than anything that has yet been recorded up to the present time can be reached. This is shown by the fact that 1 Chem. Neivs, 70, p. 115. LIQUEFACTION OF HYDROGEN 223 such a mixed gas gives, under the conditions, a paste or jelly of solid nitrogen, evidently giving off hydrogen, because the escaping gas burns fiercely. Even when hydrogen containing from two to five per cent of air is similarly treated, the result is a white solid mass (solid air), along with a clear liquid of low density which is so exceedingly vola- tile that no known device for collecting it has been successful." During the next year Dewar l extended his obser- vations on the liquefaction of hydrogen (p. 198). He says : " Hydrogen, cooled to - 200, was forced through a fine nozzle under a pressure of 140 atmospheres, and yet no liquid jet could be seen. If, however, hydrogen, previously cooled by a bath of boiling air, is allowed to expand from a pressure of 200 atmospheres over a regenerative coil, a liquid jet can be seen after the circulation has continued for a few minutes, along with a liquid which is in rapid rotation in the lower part of the vacuum-vessel. The liquid did not accumu- late, owing to its low specific gravity and the rapid current of gas. These difficulties will doubtless be overcome by the use of a differently shaped vacuum-vessel, and by better isolation." In May, 1898, Dewar obtained liquid hydrogen 1 Proc. Roy. Inst., 15, p. 146. 224 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES for the first time in a static condition. 1 The method of procedure was similar to that which has just been described. Hydrogen cooled to a tem- perature of 205, and under a pressure of 180 atmospheres, was allowed to escape continuously from the nozzle of a coil of pipe, at the rate of from ten to fifteen cubic feet per minute, into a doubly silvered vacuum-vessel of special construc- tion. The space surrounding this vessel was kept at a temperature below 200. Soon after the operation was begun, liquid hydrogen began to drop from this vacuum-vessel into a second vessel which was doubly isolated, in that it was sur- rounded by a third vacuum-vessel. Within five minutes about twenty cubic centimetres of liquid hydrogen had collected in the second bulb. The experiment was interrupted at this point by the solidification of air in the pipes. The liquid obtained was clear and colorless, and showed a well-defined meniscus. No provision was made in this experiment for determining the boiling point of liquid hydrogen, but the author calls attention to an observation which shows that the temperature of liquid hydrogen under atmospheric pressure is extremely low. A long piece of glass tubing, sealed at one end and open at the other, was l Proc. Roy. Soc., 63, p. 256, 1898. LIQUEFACTION OF HYDROGEN 225 cooled by immersing the closed end in liquid hydrogen. The portion of the tube immersed in the liquid was immediately filled with solid air. A few months later Dewar determined the boil- ing point and density of liquid hydrogen. 1 The boiling point was measured by means of a platinum resistance thermometer, and was found to be about - 238. This is a few degrees higher than the values given by Wroblewski and Olszewski. The author thinks that the critical temperature of hydrogen is about 225, and the critical pressure about fifteen atmospheres. The density of liquid hydrogen was determined by measuring the vol- ume of gas which is given off when ten cubic cen- timetres of the liquid are allowed to evaporate. The result of the experiment gave a density of 0.07 for liquid hydrogen, which is only about one- fourteenth that of water. During the present year Dewar has made a series of observations on the temperature obtained by evaporating liquid hydrogen under reduced pressure. 2 When the liquid was evaporated under a pressure of 25 millimetres of mercury, there were no indications of solidification or loss of mobility. The temperature according to the plati- num resistance thermometer was 239. i, which 1 Chem. News, 77, pp. 261 and 282, 1898. vibid.y 79, p. 61, 1899. Q 226 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES is only one degree lower than the boiling point The author says that the temperature thus obtained should have been five or ten degrees below the boiling point, and adds that the experiment will be repeated with larger quantities of liquid hydrogen. Quite recently Dewar has repeated the experi- ments on the boiling point of hydrogen, 1 and ob- tained a value somewhat lower than that obtained in the previous experiments. The author pre- pared 250 cubic centimetres of liquid hydrogen for these observations. The temperature of hy- drogen, boiling under the atmospheric pressure, was determined by means of a rhodium-platinum resistance thermometer and found to be 246. This value is 8 lower than that obtained by means of the platinum resistance thermometer. In an addendum to this paper the author calls attention to some measurements made by means of a hydrogen thermometer under reduced press- ure. This thermometer gave - 182. 5 for the boiling point of oxygen, and 252 for the boil- ing point of hydrogen. If this value is the true boiling point of hydrogen, it is likely that, by evap- orating liquid hydrogen under reduced pressure, the temperature can be lowered to within ten or twelve degrees of the absolute zero. 1 Chem. News, March 24, 1899, p. 133. LIQUEFACTION OF HELIUM 227 Liquefaction of Helium After an elaborate series of experiments with a view of liquefying this gas, Olszewski remarked, " As far as my experiments go, helium remains a permanent gas, and apparently is much more diffi- cult to liquefy than hydrogen" (p. 217). After obtaining liquid hydrogen in a static condition, Dewar 1 placed a sealed glass tube containing helium in the liquid hydrogen. A colorless liquid immediately condensed on the sides of the tube. By placing the same tube in liquid air, boiling under reduced pressure, no condensation was ob- served. The author concluded that the boiling point of helium is very close to that of hydrogen. Some Recently Discovered Gases During the last year Ramsay and Travers have reported three new gases in the atmosphere. The first of these gases, 2 which the authors designated as " krypton," was obtained by evaporating 750 cubic centimetres of liquid air, and collecting the gas from the last ten cubic centimetres. After removing the oxygen and nitrogen from this gas, a residue of 26.2 cubic centimetres remained in the vessel. The residual gas had a spectrum dif- l Proc. Roy. Soc., 63, p. 257, 1898. *Ibid., p. 405, 1898. 228 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES ferent from that of argon, and was considered by the authors as an elementary substance. The other two gases, which were called by the authors " the companions of argon," were obtained from liquid argon. 1 The first portions of gas which escape when liquid argon is allowed to evaporate were collected by Ramsay and Travers, and sparked with oxygen gas ; after which the excess of oxygen was removed. The residual gas gave a spectrum different from that of argon and krypton, and was called " neon." During the evaporation of the liquid argon a white solid separated. After the liquid had been completely evaporated, the solid residue was vapor- ized, and the gas collected. This gas was found to be different from those just described, and was called "metargon." It is evident from the preceding account that these gases, mixed with air, argon, etc., have all been liquefied. The authors state that "while metargon is a solid at the temperature of boiling air, krypton is probably a liquid, and more volatile at that temperature." Liquid neon is somewhat more volatile than liquid argon. During this same year Brush published an ac- count of a supposed new gas. 2 The gas was 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., 63, p. 437, 1898. 2 Read before the American Association for the Advancement o* Science, Aug. 23, 1898. TABLE OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS 229 obtained by exhausting, to a high degree, pulver- ized soda glass. The resulting gas was found to be a much better conductor of heat than any other known gas. At a pressure of 0.000096 atmos- pheres the conducting capacity was twenty times that of hydrogen. The author says : " Evidently a new gas of enormous heat-conducting capacity was present, mixed-with the last small traces of air." From measurements of the conductivity he con- cluded that the density of the new gas is only about YO^O tnat f hydrogen. Owing to the ex- tremely low density the author suggested the name "etherion" for the new gas. In case subsequent observation l should confirm the theory of Brush, the new gas will furnish an interesting problem to the experimenters on the liquefaction of gases. TABLE OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS The following table contains the critical con- stants, boiling points, melting points, etc., of sub- stances which usually occur as gases, and of some of the most common liquids. A few theoretical results are also given for some of the heavier metals. It frequently happens that the results obtained by one experimenter do not agree with those obtained by another. This is especially true 1 Crookes has already suggested that this gas may be highly exhausted aqueous vapor. Chem. News, 78, p. 221, 1898. 230 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES in regard to the critical constants. The names in the right-hand column are given as authority for the critical constants chosen. 1 Substance Critical Tempera- ture Criti- cal Press- ure Boiling Point Freez- ing Point Color of Liquid Observer Acetone + 2 37-5 60 + 56.5 Colorless Sajotschewski Acetylene . . + 37-5 68 .. Colorless Ansdell Air .... _ Alcohol. . . +243^.6 62.7 + 78-3 -130 Colorless Ramsay and Young Ammonia . + 130 33-7 - 75 Colorless Dewar Argon . . . 121 50.6 -187' -1890.6 Colorless Olszewski Arsine . . . 55 119 Colorless Carbon dioxide + 31 75 -65 Colorless Andrews Carbon disul- phide . . . +2710.8 74-7 + 46 -110 Colorless Sajotschewski Carbon mon- oxide . Chlorine . . -14.0 + 141 to 190 - 36. 6 -207 -102 Colorless Yellow Wroblewski Dewar Chloroform +260 54 + 61 Colorless Sajotschewski Cyanogen . . Ether . . . + 195- 5 61.7 40 - 21 + 35 - 34-4 Colorless Colorless Dewar Ramsay Ethylene Fluorine . . + 10 D .I I20(?) 4o(?) 102.5 187 -169 Colorless Yellow Dewar Moissan and Dewar Gold. . . . +4300 + 1035 Calculated by Guldberg Helium . . . t f Colorless Dewar Hydrochloric acid . . . +5i.25 86 35 n6 Colorless Ansdell Hydrogen . . 252 Colorless Dewar Hydrogen sul- phide . . . + 100. 2 92 6i.8 - 85 Colorless Dewar Iron .... Methane + 5200 95- 5 5 164 +1500 Colorless Calculated by Guldberg Dewar Nitric oxide . - 93-5 71.2 153-6 -167 Colorless Olszewski Nitrogen -146 35 194-5 214- Colorless Olszewski Nitrous oxide . - 35-4 75 - 87-9 Colorless Dewar Oxygen -118 5 183 Pale blue Wroblewski Ozone . . . -125 Indigo blue Phosphine . 85 T -~O Colorless Platinum . . + 7000 + 1800 Calculated by Guldberg Sulph. dioxide 78-9 8 . Colorless Sajotschewski Water . . . +358.1 -4-100 Colorless Nadejdine 1 For further data and literature on critical constants, see Heil- born, Zeit. Phys. Chem., 7, p. 602, 1891. CONCLUSION I. The Three States of Matter THE experiments which have been described show that all gases have been condensed to the liquid state. It has also been shown that, with very few exceptions, all gases have been solidified. The results leave no doubt that all of these sub- stances can exist in the gaseous, liquid, or solid state. At the high temperatures which have been obtained by means of the electric furnace, the densest solids have been liquefied and vola- tilized. Andrews says the liquid state of matter forms a link between the solid and gaseous states. This link, however, is frequently suppressed, and the solid passes directly into the gaseous condition. Iodine and arsenic are well-known examples of solids which, at the ordinary pressure, sublime directly to the gaseous state without assuming the intermediate liquid condition. Solid carbonic acid behaves in a similar manner. The melting points of these substances are higher than their boiling points. If iodine crystals are placed in a test-tube 231 232 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES under sulphuric acid, and the temperature gradu- ally raised, the substance melts and does not vapor- ize. Prytz l has shown that at a pressure of five atmospheres solid carbonic acid does not sublime, but passes directly into the liquid state. Any substance can exist as a gas at a much lower temperature than that at which it can exist as a liquid. Below the temperature of zero de- grees ice slowly sublimes. In the far northern regions the atmosphere always contains aqueous vapor. Pellat 2 has recently shown that iron sub- limes very slightly at the ordinary temperature and pressure. Under the proper conditions of temperature and pressure all substances can be made to assume the gaseous, liquid, or solid state. The three states of matter are usually defined as follows : 1. A gas has neither form nor volume, but tends to expand indefinitely. 2. A liquid has a definite volume, but assumes the form of the vessel in which it is contained. 3. A solid has a definite form and volume. The relation between the gaseous and liquid states has already been discussed (Chapter III). The change from one condition to the other was found to be gradual and imperceptible. There is 1 Phil. Mag., 39, p. 308, 1895. a Zeit.fiir compr. undjluss., Case, 2, p., 95, 1898. CONCLUSION 233 no sharp dividing line. The same is true of the solid and liquid states. Their properties, in many cases, are very similar. As the pressure is in- creased, solids tend more and more to assume the form of the vessel in which they are contained. Crystals which have been subjected to enormous pressure in the crust of the earth are found to be distorted into various shapes without being fractured. The crystals seem to flow. The mole- cules of solids are not rigidly fixed in definite positions about which they vibrate, but in many cases move about throughout the entire sub- stance. This has been shown by the experi- ments of Roberts-Austen on the diffusion of metals. 1 He showed that, at a temperature of 250, and even at a temperature of 100, gold diffuses throughout the length of solid cylinders of lead. Similar results were obtained with silver and gold at a temperature of 800. The rate of diffusion in such cases is, of course, very low, but the process is similar to the diffusion of gases and liquids. 2 1 Trans. Roy. Soc., 187, p. 383, 1896. 2 Heydweiller has endeavored to find some evidence of critical phenomena between the liquid and solid states. The change from the transparent solid to the liquid, he said, appeared to be gradual, and the melting point increased with the pressure. The experi- ments were extended to pressures as high as 3500 atmospheres. Wied. Ann., 64, p. 725, 1898. 234 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES 2. Industrial Application of Liquefied Gases Liquefied gases have been employed for techni- cal purposes in various directions. The carbonic acid industry is well known. The liquid is used in the preparation of aerated waters, and in the manufacture of salicylic acid. Enormous quanti- ties of carbonic acid are liquefied annually by various establishments. Liquid sulphurous acid is now an ordinary product of commerce. When- ever the gaseous product is desired for laboratory use or technical purposes, it is usually obtained from the liquid. At present, about 4,000,000 kilo- grams of this liquid are being prepared annu- ally. Liquid acetylene has been introduced for illuminating purposes. Nitrous oxide is now lique- fied on a large scale, and used as an anaesthetic for minor surgical operations, especially in den- tistry. Liquefied gases are also used in large quantities for the purpose of refrigeration. The ammonia ice-machine is now in operation in most cities. In this process the temperature is lowered and the water frozen by the evaporation of liquid ammonia. Liquid sulphurous acid has also been used for the same purpose. In 1885 Wroblewski said, " Liquid air will be the refrigerant of the future." This prediction, of course, has not yet been fulfilled. CONCLUSION 235 Considerable has been said and written about the use of liquefied gases as a motive power. Numerous attempts have been made to introduce engines or motors for this purpose, but no great success has yet crowned these efforts. The ex- tremely low temperatures which result from the expansion of these liquids to gases at the ordinary pressure are very objectionable in the application of the liquids as a motive power. It is not likely that these liquids will prove of any great service where steam-power is practicable (see p. 211). They may prove to be of considerable value, how- ever, in cases where steam-power is impracticable. It has already been suggested that liquid hydro- gen and liquid air may furnish a solution to the balloon problem. The industry of liquefied gases is growing rap- idly. Every year sees a wider application of these liquids. A complete discussion of this subject, however, does not fall within the scope of a work of this nature. 1 3. Physiological Action at Low Temperatures Some interesting observations have been made in regard to the influence of very low temperatures on living organisms. In 1870 Cohn 2 made use of 1 For further discussion of the subject, see references on p. 183. 2 Cohn's Beitrdge zur Biologic der Pftanzen, 1870, 2, p. 221. 236 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES freezing mixtures, and subjected bacteria, for a period of 12 hours, to temperatures varying from o to 1 8 without destroying their activity. Mel- sens 1 used solid carbonic acid and exposed yeast and vaccine lymph to a temperature of 78 with- out destroying the life of the organisms. Pictet and Yung 2 subjected various bacteria to low tem- peratures. They reduced the temperature by the evaporation of liquid sulphurous and carbonic acids. The organisms were subjected for 20 hours to a temperature of 70; for 89 hours to a temperature of 76; and finally for 20 hours to a temperature of 130 (=202 F.). Yeast ferment showed no alterations under the micro- scope, but lost its power of fermentation. Bacillus anthracis and several other micro-organisms re- tained their virulence when injected into living animals. In 1885 a ver y elaborate series of experiments were made by Coleman and McKendrick 3 in re- gard to the effect of low temperatures on certain bacteria. Thirty samples of fresh meat were placed in two-ounce white glass phials. The bottles were then carefully closed with corks which had been steeped in mastic varnish, and the 1 Cotnpt. rend., 70, p. 629 ; and 71, p. 325. *Ibid., 98, p. 747, 1884. 8 Proc. Roy. Inst., n, p. 309. CONCLUSION 237 necks of the corked bottles were immersed in mol- ten sealing wax. The specimens were treated as follows : 6 samples were exposed to a temperature of - 17 for 65 hours. 6 6 6 6 U it it it a -29 " -34 -40 " -62 Within ten or twelve hours after removal to a warm room, signs of putrefaction were visible in all of the bottles, and in the course of a few days the putrefactive process was fully established. Other samples were then exposed to a temperature of 83 for a period of 100 hours with similar results. Samples of fresh milk, which had been hermetically sealed and subjected to a temperature of 62 for eight hours, curdled when kept in a warm room. The following observations were made by sub- jecting a rabbit to low temperatures : Temperature Pulse Respiration Before the experiment 99 .2 F. 1 60 per min. 45 per min. After 30 min. exposure to - 93 . . . . 94.2 After 60 min. exposure Scarcely to 100 . . . 43.2 40 per min. Perceptible 238 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES In this condition reflex action became almost imperceptible. When placed in a warm room the animal completely recovered. The effect of low temperatures on cold-blooded animals is entirely different from that on warm- blooded animals. The author states that, at low temperatures, a frog became as hard as a stone in from ten to twenty minutes, while the warm-blooded animal produced within itself sufficient heat to enable it to remain soft and comparatively warm during an exposure for one hour to a temperature of 100 F. The production of heat, however, was not equal to the loss, and the animal was con- tinually losing ground ; the bodily temperature having decreased 56 during the exposure. In 1893 Pictet 1 made a second series of exper- iments. He describes the struggle of nature against external attacks as follows : When a dog is placed in a copper receiver which is cooled down to from 60 to 90, its temper- ature rises about one-half degree during the first ten minutes. After ninety minutes the tempera- ture falls one degree. Then follows a point where the struggle is given up; the temperature falls rap- idly, and the animal dies suddenly. The author made similar experiments by exposing his arm to l Chemiker Zeitting, 1893, p. 1337; Chem. News, 68, p. 312. CONCLUSION 239 low temperatures. The only pain occurs within the arm on the periosteum, the epidermis expe- riencing no pain whatever. All insects resist a temperature of 28, but not 35. Myriapods resist a temperature of -50, and snails 120. The eggs of birds lose their vitality at 2 or 3, the eggs of ants at o, and the eggs of the silkworm at 40. In- fusoria died at 90, and bacteria retained their virulence after an exposure to a temperature of - 213. The temperature in the case of the bac- teria was lowered by means of frozen atmospheric air. In 1894 Pictet 1 continued his observations, and exposed himself to a temperature of 110. The body was well protected by clothing during this exposure, and the legs were kept in motion. Pictet says that, for a number of years previous to this exposure, he had been suffering from indigestion, and then adds that the exposure to this low tem- perature effected almost a complete cure; He suggests that the influence of low temperatures on physiological action may prove to be of great therapeutic value. Dewar 2 states that McKendrick tried the effect of low temperatures on the spores of micro-organ- 1 Compt. rend., 119, p. 1016. 2 Chem. News, 67, p. 211, 1893. 240 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES isms. Samples of flesh, blood, milk, and similar substances were sealed in glass tubes and exposed for a period of one hour to a temperature of - 182. On standing at the ordinary temperature for several days these substances became putrid. Seeds of different kinds germinated after being exposed to a temperature of 182. Dewar con- siders the experiments with seeds as an evidence in favor of the possibility of Lord Kelvin's sug- gestion, that life may have been brought to the newly cooled earth upon a seed-bearing meteorite. 4. Properties of Matter at Low Temperatures At the low temperatures obtained by the evap- oration of liquid air, etc., the properties of most substances are materially modified. All organic compounds and, with very few exceptions, all inorganic compounds, are solids at that tempera- ture. Rubber placed in liquid air loses its elas- ticity and becomes as brittle as glass, but regains its original condition when the temperature is allowed to rise. Tin and many other metals also become very brittle. Kreutz l has shown that the power of absorbing light is considerably modified at low temperatures. Many substances (mercuric 1 Phil. Mag. [5], 39, p. 209. CONCLUSION 241 iodide, mercuric oxide, etc.) change color under such conditions. Pictet 1 and Dewar 2 have investigated the in- fluence of low temperatures on the phenomenon of phosphorescence. Many substances lose their power of phosphorescence at low temperatures, while other substances, which exhibit only a feeble phosphorescence at the ordinary temperature, be- come more phosphorescent. A temperature of 80 is sufficient to stop all sensible emission from previously excited calcium sulphide, but it does not prevent the unexcited calcium sulphide from absorbing light-energy which can be evolved at higher temperatures. Zakrzewski 3 has shown that the specific heat of silver changes about three per cent in the interval from o to 100. Important results have also been obtained by Dewar and his associates on the resistance of metals at low temperatures. 4 The resistance of any metal to the passage of the elec- tric current decreases with decreasing temperature. This law, however, does not hold true for alloys. Dewar says : " The results point to the conclusion that pure metals have no resistance near the abso- 1 Compt. rend., Sept. 24, 1894. 2 Proc. Roy. Inst., 14, p. 665, 1895. 3 Phil. Mag. [5], 39, p. 191. 4 See references on p. 178. 242 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES lute zero of temperature. With alloys there is little change in resistance. In the case of carbon the resistance decreases with increasing tempera- ture. At the temperature of the electric arc, car- bon appears to have no resistance." Some interesting observations have been made on chemical action at low temperatures. Dewar says : " At a temperature of 200 the molecules of matter seem to be drawing near to what might be called the ' death of matter ' so far as chemical action is concerned." At this temperature yellow phosphorus and liquid oxygen show no signs of reaction. In 1861 Loir and Drion 1 showed that liquid ammonia in contact with concentrated sul- phuric acid does not react at first. Most of the more recent experimenters on the liquefaction of gases have made observations on chemical action at low temperatures. The references in most cases have already been given. In general, chemical action ceases under these conditions. Metallic sodium and potassium can be thrown into liquid oxygen without action. Pictet 2 has shown that sodium does not react with aqueous hydrochloric acid (15 % solution) at a temperature of 80. In some cases, however, chemical action takes place at very low temperatures. Liquid ethylene 1 Phil. Mag. [4], 20, p. 202. 2 Compt. rend., 115, p. 814, 1894. CONCLUSION 243 reacts with chlorine and bromine at a tempera- ture of 102. 5. Dewar 1 has shown that photo- graphic action takes place at a temperature of - 1 80. The photographic action seems to be reduced by about 80 per cent. The author states that " it is certain that the Eastman film is fairly sensitive to photographic action at a temperature of 200. " Quite recently it has been shown that liquid fluorine at a temperature of - 187 reacts, with evolution of light and heat, with hydrogen, benzene, turpentine, etc. The preceding observations merely indicate the various directions in which liquefied gases have been employed. More than a century ago the great Lavoiser predicted that, were the earth suddenly placed in a very cold region, the atmosphere would cease to exist as an invisible fluid, but would return to the liquid state, and new liquids, of which we have no knowledge, would be produced. This pre- diction has been thoroughly confirmed. One by one the various gases have been condensed to the liquid state, and the term " permanent gas " has lost its significance. Along with the development of the methods employed in the liquefaction of gases, new industries of great commercial value have been opened up. The extremely low tem- 1 Proc. Roy. Inst., 14, p. 665. 244 LIQUEFACTION OF GASES peratures which can be obtained by means of these liquids have broadened the range of scientific re- search. Numerous and important observations in this direction have already been made, yet the investigations at low temperatures are only in their infancy. For many years the scientific world has been speculating in regard to the probable condition and properties of matter at the absolute zero of temperature, a temperature which experimen- ters have sought in vain to reach. Every year, however, shortens the distance to travel, and at present only a few degrees separate us from the desired goal. INDEX TO AUTHORS Addams, 39-40. Aime, 43-44. Altschul, 92. Amagat, 69, 87, 98-102, 112. Am on tons, 9. Andrews, 3, 14, 18, 20, 55, 63 70-82, 84, 94. 96, 108, no, 115, 230, 231. Ansdell, 83, 85, 230. Arago, 38, 66. Avenarius, 85. Becquerel, 171. Berthelot, 61-62, 114, 116, 120. Bianchi, 59. Boerhaave, 7-9. Boyle, 7, 96. Brush, 228, 229. Bussy, 28-29, 64. Cagnaird de la Tour, 18-21, 55, 70. Cailletet, 3, 4, 69, 82, 87, 91, 114, 115-120, 136, 137, 152, 187, 214, 216, 221. Chappuis, 137, 160. Charles, 9, 10, n. Clark, 87, 92. Clausius, in, 112, 181. Clouet, 17. Cohn, 235. Colardeau, 82, 91. Coleman, 186-187,236. Colladon, 31-32. Crookes, 94, 229. Cullen, 181. Dalton, 10, n, 12, 181. Darwin, 181. Davy, 22, 23, 24, 27. Deleuil, 113. Despretz, 65. 65, Deville, 113, 120. 109, Dewar, 4, 10, 83, 143, 145, 152, 167-178, 187, 197-199, 218- 221, 221-227, 230, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243. Dickson, 178. Drion, 63-64, 70, 242. Dufour, 134. Duhem, 84. Dulong, 38, 66. Dumas, 50, 113, 114. Ewing, 192. Faraday, 3, 16, 22-27, 28, 40, 44- 45, 56,71,171. Fleming, 178. Fourcroy, 15. "3. 138, Gay Lussac, 10, n, 12, 13, 96, 181, 204. Giffard, 182. Gorrie, 181. Gouy, 88. Guericke, 6. Guldberg, 230. Guy ton de Morveau, 15. Hampson, 186, 192-195, 199. Hannay, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94. Hautefeuille, 137, 160. 245 246 INDEX TO AUTHORS Heen-Liittich, 88, Heilborn, 82, 230. van Helmont, 6. Heydweiller, 233. Him, 112. Hogarth, 88, 89. Houston, 183, 184, 185. Jamin, 90, 91. Joule, 13, 112, 181, 202, 205. Kamerlingh-Onnes, 178-180, 187. Kelvin (Lord). See William Thomson. Kirk, 182. Kreutz, 240. Kuenen, 83. Lavoisier, 10, 243. Leslie, 31. Linde, 182, 186, 187-192, 193, 199, 210. Loir, 64, 242. Marchant, 182. Mariotte, 7. van Marum, 14, 65. Mascart, 120. Mathias, 87. Maugham, 40. Maxwell, 70. Mayer, 181, 203, 204. McKendrick, 236, 239. Melsens, 236. Mendeleeft, 64-65, 70, 71. Miller, 71, 72. Mitchell, 42. Moissan, 218-221, 230. Monge, 17. Nadejdine, 230. Natanson, 166. Natterer, 53, 56-61, 66, 67. Nernst, 211. Northmore, 17, 18. Olszewski, 4, 137-142, 143, 152- 167, 187, 213-218, 220, 222, 225, 227, 230. Paris, 23. Pawlewski, 83. Pellat, 232. Perkins, 27, 28, 42. Pictet, i, 3, 4, 31, 113, 114, 115, 118, 120-137, 152, 178, 221, 236, 238, 239, 241, 242. Postle, 182. Pouillet, 66. Preston, 68. Prytz, 232. Ramsay, 87, 89, 90, 213, 217, 227, 228, 230. Rankine, 112, 181. Rayleigh, 210. Recknagel, 112. Regnault, 67, 69. Ritchie, 59. Roberts-Austen, 233. Roscoe, 115. Rowlands, 205. Rumford (Count), 13. Sajotschewski, 230. Sarrau, 112. Schorlemmer, 115. Siemens, 182. Silliman, 41, 42. Solvay, 182. Soubeiran, 50. Stromeyer, 16. Thenard, 16, 38. Thiesen, 87. Thilorier, 33-39, 40, 42, 45, 51, 62, 76, 181. Thomson, J., 108. Thomson, William, 12, 13, 112, 181, 202, 240. Torrey, 41-42. Traube, J., 112. INDEX TO AUTHORS 247 Travers, 227, 228. Tripler, 186, 199-202. Tyndall, 23. Vanquelin, 15. Villard, 92. Violi, 112. van der Waals, 84, 96, 105-112. Wallis-Tayler, 181, 182, 183. Windhausen, 183, 184. Witkowski, 167. Wroblewski, 4, 137-142, 143- 152, 153, 187, 222, 225, 230, 234- Young, in, 230. Yung, 236. Zakrewski, 241. INDEX TO SUBJECTS Acetylene, liquefaction of, 114. Carbon disulphide, 81. vapor pressure of, 114, Adiabatic expansion, 207, 209. Air, attempts to liquefy, 27, 31, 60, boiling point of, 144. density of liquid, 177. liquefaction of, 119, 148, 150, 156, 169, 177, 187-202. solidification of, 172, 177, 225. Alcohol, vaporization of, in closed tubes, 18. Ammonia, liquefaction of, 15, 27, 29, 62, 8 1. solidification of, 52. vapor pressure of, 53. Argon, liquefaction of, 213-216. boiling point of, 216. solidification of, 216. Arsenic, sublimation of, 231. Arsine, liquefaction of, 16, 50. solidification of, 158. vapor pressure of, 53. Benzene, expansion of liquid, 90. Boiling point, table of, 230. absolute, 65, 71. Boyle's law, 7, 96. exceptions to, 15, 44, 61, 65-69, 79, 97-102. Breaking stress of metals at low temperatures, 176. Calcium chloride, solution of, in alcohol vapor, 89. Carbon dioxide, see Carbonic Acid. thermal transparency of, 175. Carbonic acid, liquefaction of, 13, *7, 25, 33, 40, 41, 42, 56, 60, 62, 64, 72, 75, 80. solidification of, 37, 40, 42 51 60, 64. Carbon monoxide, attempts to liquefy, 43, 54, 60, 62, 71. liquefaction of, 113, 114, 118, 142, 148. solidification of, 149, 157. Chemical action at low tempera- tures, 242-243. Chlorine, liquefaction of, 17, 22, 23, 29, 62. solidification of, 158. Chlorochromic acid, liquefaction of, 42. action of phosphorus on liquid, 42. Chloroform, thermal transparency of liquid, 175. Coal gas, attempt to liquefy, 54. Cobaltous chloride, solution of, in alcohol vapor, 89. Critical point, condition of matter at the, 84-96. Critical pressure, 80, 81-83. table of, 230. Critical temperature, 65, 71, 81-83. table of, 230. Cyanogen, liquefaction of, 26, 27. solidification of, 27, 52. Dielectric constant, at low tempera- tures, 178. 248 INDEX TO SUBJECTS 249 Electric conductivity of metals at low temperatures, 178. Ethane, attempt to solidify, 159. Ether, vaporization of, in closed tubes, 18, 19, 20, 81. thermal transparency of, 175. Etherion, 229. Ethylene, liquefaction of, 48. solidification of, 158. thermal transparency of liquid, 175- Euchlorine, liquefaction of, 26, 51. solidification of, 51. Expansion of gases, influence of temperature on, 12. Explosible ether, 37. Fluoboron, liquefaction of, 50. Fluorescence, 90. Fluorine, liquefaction of, 218-221. attempt to solidify, 221. reaction of, at low temperatures, 220, 221, 243. Fluosilicon, liquefaction of, 49. Gas, definition of, 6, 81, 95, 232. kinetic theory of, 102-104. relation to liquid, 84-112. Gaseous mixtures, critical constants of, 82. Helium, attempts to liquefy, 216- 218. liquefaction of, 227. Hydriodic acid, liquefaction of, 49. solidification of, 49. Hydrobromic acid, liquefaction of, 49- solidification of, 49. Hydrocarbons, liquefaction of, 86, 187. Hydrochloric acid, liquefaction of, 15, 17, 23, 27, 81. solidification of, 158. Hydrochloric ether, expansion of liquid, 63. Hydrofluoric acid, solidification of, 158- Hydrogen, attempts to liquefy, 40, 43, 54. 60, 71, 114, 119, 135. boiling point of, 164, 225, 226. density of liquid, 225. liquefaction of, 143, 153, 221- 226. Hydrogen selenide, solidification of, 158. Hydrogen sulphide, see Sulphuret- ted Hydrogen. Ice machines, 181-183, 2 34- Ice, sublimation of, 232. Industrial application of liquefied gases, 234, 235. Iodine, solubility of, in liquid car- bonic acid, 91, 92. liquefaction of, 232. Iron, sublimation of, 232. Krypton, 227, 228. Liquid, definition of, 95, 232. Marsh gas, see Methane. Matter, properties of, at low tem- peratures, 240-244. Mechanical equivalent of heat, 205. Melting point, table of, 230. Metargon, 228. Methane, liquefaction of, 114, 145, 159- density of liquid, 159. solidification of, 158. Muriatic acid, see Hydrochloric Acid. Naphtha, vaporization of, in closed tubes, 18. Neon, 228. Nitric oxide, attempts to liquefy, 43, 54, 62, 71. liquefaction of, 116. solidification of, 158. 2 5 INDEX TO SUBJECTS Nitrogen, attempts to liquefy, 43, 54, 71- density of liquid, 159, 177. liquefaction of, 119, 142, 148, 159, 177. solidification of, 150, 158. Nitrogen tetroxide, expansion of liquid, 63. liquefaction of, 63. Nitrous oxide, liquefaction of, 26, 52, 56, 60, 72, 8 1. solidification of, 52, 60. thermal transparency of liquid, 175- Olefiant gas, see Ethylene. Oxygen, attempts to liquefy, 40, 43, 54, 60, 62, 71. absorption spectrum of, 172. density of liquid, 159, 177- liquefaction of, 113, 114, "8, 128- 132, 141, 143, 148, 159, l6 7, l6 9, 177, 179. I9 2 - I 99- magnetic property of, 169. solidification of, 134. Ozone, liquefaction of, 137, 160. attempt to solidify, 161. Phosphine, liquefaction of, 49. solidification of, 158. Phosphorescence, at low tempera- tures, 241. Physical constants, table of, 230. Physiological action at low tem- peratures, 235-240. Potassium iodide, solution of, in alcohol vapor, 88, 89. Propane, attempt to solidify, 159. Radiant matter, 95. Refrigerating machines, 182, 183. Regenerative method of refrigera- tion, 180-202. theory of, 202-213. Silicon tetrafluoride, solidification of, 158. Solid, definition of, 232. Solids, diffusion of, 233. solution of, in gases, 88-90. solution of, in solids, 233. Specific heat, of gases, 203. of metals at low temperatures, 241. Stibine, solidification of, 158. Sulphur, solution of, in carbon di- sulphide, 89. Sulphur dioxide, see Sulphurous Acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen, liquefac- tion of, 15, 25, 52. solidification of, 52. Sulphurous acid, liquefaction of, 15, 17, 24, 29, 42, 63. solidification of, 43, 51. Temperature, absolute, n. influence of, on gaseous volume, I, 10. Thilorier's mixture, 39. Vacuum bulbs, 172-175- Vapor, definition of, 6, 81, 94. density of saturated, 85-88. Vaporization, heat of, 29. 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