GIFT OF " BUT UNTO YOU THAT FEAR MY NAME SHALL THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ARISE WITH HEALING IN HIS WINGS." Malachi, iv : 2. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH BY KATHARINE S. NICHOLS. "BUT UNTO YOU THAT FEAR MY NAME SHALL THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ARISE WITH HEALING IN HIS WINGS." Malachi, iv : 2. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH BY KATHARINE S. NICHOLS. EDWAKD H. NICHOLS, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER, HAVERHILL, MASS. GOLDEN MOMENTS. There are golden moments in every life ! Moments that are with rich blessings rife ; May we watch their coming as with eagle s eye, Sieze and use them ere they pass us by. They flit as they come on their golden wings, Leaving us sad amid brightest things. And they bruise our hearts with regretful pain, For we know these ne er can come again. The golden moment some wrong to make right, Some doubtful matter make clear as light, Perhaps a mistake another may feel, Or difference we may timely heal. The golden moment, one to help and save, Who is on the brink of ruin s grave, And bring back to the world of joy so bright, Where hopes spring anew to make the heart light. The weary, sad and despairing to point, To the Love that wounded hearts will anoint, To the Love that forever will endure, And peace and joy forever inure. 28885G 4 SUflSHMi* *ON THE PATH, The golden moment, when we may receive Good, transcending our power to give, When some heart, drifting tween doubt and fear, Hears Love s soft voice in our words of cheer. The golden moment, when a chosen word, Shall pierce the wrong, like a two-edge sword, And in the place shall transcendent shine, Faith in its beauty of light divine. The golden moment that appeals to the soul, To receive God s stamp for the heavenly goal, When destiny as held by a hair, Nor waits for the wherefore, the when or where. The golden moment with its two-fold room, Freighted with live or with endless doom, May we heed and hold, nor let it pass by, For its golden freight may give joy for aye. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. WAITING. As the Winter waits in patience, For the coming of the Spring; We are waiting the evangel Of the coming of the Lord, When from out their prison portals Our glad hearts will leap and sing In the rapture of His nearness, And fulfillment of His word. As the sparkling running water, Flowing neath frost s chilly sway, Waits the warm breath of the south wind, The hard icy robe to thaw; So we are waiting for the warm breath Of God s love to melt away, The earthly bands, that confine us With their narrow binding law. Then our wings now closely pinioned, Will be plumed for heights sublime, And above sin and its seeming, We will happy soar away, From the changing, sorrow laden, Ever care-filled hours of time, To God s presence in the clear light Of His fair Immortal day. 6 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. IF IN THEE, I LIVE. If in Thee, I live, O Christ, my all and all; If in Thee I live, Nothing great or small, Will me distress. If in thee, I live, Savior, my all in all; If in Thee I live, All things great or small, Will give my rest. If in Thee, I live O Lord, my all in all; If in Thee I live, Thee, will I extol Through all Eternity. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. HEED NOT THE WORLD. What to you is the world s opinion ? The world that is fickle and vain, What to you is its frown or favor ? It neither helps nor harms in the main. It has no power to judge you rightly, For your acts to it, only seem Your faults it will see, but your best deeds, Either good or ill it may deem. Then heed not its praise or its censure, But still wisely pursue your way, With some good and earnest endeavor Wrought in with the hours of each day. And your hearts will beat to their measure, And thus in the best way, grow strong, So, rightly performing each duty, Heed not, if the world count you wrong. For time, all the truth will show clearly, And all doubtful things will make plain; And reward will follow right doing, As the sunshine follows the rain. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES. They come when hearts in fervent love Seek God s great power the world to move, For good of man in what e er place, Or way, shall benefit the race. Rushing, as with the fitful breeze, Unlooked for, come to ruffle ease, Golden chances, when word or deed May deftly fill some pressing need. For words of cheer may lift mankind To better state of heart and mind: And deeds may free from crushing cares; Then, sunny hopes spring unawares. And faith in God s sweet love will lead To higher trust in time of need, And clearly mark the better way To use the hours of life s short day. They come not oft in pomp and show, And brilliant in golden glow; But with a shriveled look of blight, And shadows, as of deepest night. But ever to our hearts they come, Praying for help to higher room, And if we meet their just demand, They lift us to a higher stand. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. Where er a deed for good is done, To aid the many, or needing one, Comes ever back to him who gives, Good, great as his, who it receives. They sometimes come with glint so bright, They dazzle with uncertain light, And while we wait their worth to know, And be assured, they slip and go. If false ne er gleamed, as gleams the true, No doubt could come to dim our view, Tis well, when we have power, at glance, To know the golden freighted chance, And quickly grasp it, and thus save And launch some ship, upon the wave Of flowing time, with golden ore To bless the world forevermore. 10 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. SUPPLICATION. Pour on us thy spirit, We pray Thee, Lord of light; In ever flowing measure, To illumine our night. Pour it out in full showers, Let it fall as spring rain, Falls in bleak and dry places, Over hillside and plain. And let each full streamlet As with love-pointed dart, Come to pierce and soften Each sin-weary heart. Lord, pour out thy spirit, While thy saints pray to Thee Pour it out graciously, Rich, bounteous and free. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. II O TRUST SAD HEART. Ah, in vain, O sad one, may you try, To walk in your weakness, alone; For your weight of dull sorrow and pain, Is too great by you to be borne. For no strength of yours can avail, O heart bereft, bleeding and torn; In distress deep, dark and disparing, Or make your sad way less forlorn. O lift your eyes, and see your help near; For the Beauteous one above Now bending o er you, tenderly calls " Lean on me, O child of my love." O trust Him, sad heart, then all darkness Neath the light of His love will flee; His strength and love precious will help you, His grace all-sufficient will be. 12 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. LIFT THINE EYES, O LIFT THINE EYES." O let us lift our eyes Above the world with night, To the beautiful hills Of celestial light. See the changing shades On the verdure that falls, And list to rhythmic strains In their low soft calls. Of music seraphic That floats through the bright halls Mid wonderful splendors Of the jasper walls. See the joy giving glories Of the realms of light Where pain enters not, And there is no night. We lift our eyes, And our vision clears, They open in large And wider spheres. Then falls off the veil, Which covers the strife, With burdens and cares, That narrow our life. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. We lift our eyes And they open in light :- WHERE no clouds roll by That can dim our sight. To heaven s fair hills We lift our glad eyes, Above the gold stars, In the vaulted skies. To radiant hills Far reaching in length The wonder bright hills, "Whence cometh our strength. O how sweet to know Our loved we shall see ; On the beautiful shore Of the crystal sea. With Love, who is life, Of this evergreen shore; Mid His fairest glories To rest evermore. 14 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. MY LORD IS MY LOVE. My Lord has his mountains of glory, Bright rose peaks that melt in white glow; My Love tells a wonderful story, Of His wonderful love below. My Love in His mountains of glory, Has green valleys between the bright hills; And gardens of wonderful roses, With silvery white lisping rills. My Love in his mountains of glory, Has people: O radiantly fair ! Beautiful as the dawn of the morning, In the glory of the ambient air. O I love my Love for his story, More sweet than the tenderest hymn, Ever sung by the stars of the morning, When his ransomed are wafted to Him. O I love my Love for his story, O I love my Love for his love; Whose bright wings shall bear me away, To His mountains of glory above. O wonderful Love ! how it melts me, A star in His bright glory crown, He will hold me through all His long ages, As God will hold all His own. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. CAN I FORGET THEE? Can I forget Thee, my Lord and my God, Who fashioned my soul, E re the spheres that roll, Or the arching blue sky, or the earth s green sod ? Can I forget Thee, O Infinite Love, Who in Thee have part, Made after Thy heart, And heir to the fadeless glory above ? Can I forget Thee, who formed me Thine own, A spark from Thyself, As life of my life, And Thine to be through all eternity known ? Can I forget Thee, who ever bounds my ways, And my every move, Leads and guides my love, And crowns with its sweetness my saddest days ? Can I forget Thee ? O let it not be ! Let me live in Thy sight, Let me joy in Thy light And never, O never ! dear Lord forget me. 16 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. THEY THAT TRUST IN THE LORD SHALL BE AS IVlT. ZlON WHICH CANNOT BE REMOVED." Gainst storied Asia s eastern sky, Mt. Zion stands uprising high; Its base laid deep within the earth Where mountain masses have their birth: Stronger than strongest work of man; Stronger in God s Almighty plan For Israel, His chosen race, Here worshipped in this sacred place. As lifts this mount in mighty power High o er Jerusalem s temple tower; Its far length reaching by the side Of sacred mountains, high and wide; Its width unmeasured, vast and grand, And firmly stands by God s decree, Spread on Judea s hallowed land; Abiding still, while ages flee. So, firm and strong, and largely grand, Shall he, who loves the Lord e er stand; He who with all his heart shall trust, The Lord, the Infinite, the Just. O promise great, love-filled and sure, That lifts us o er the seas of fear, Make strong our hearts in trust and love, Till us, no worldly power can move. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. 17 "HE WATCHING OVER ISRAEL, SLUMBERS NOT, NOR SLEEPS." When some troops of dismal shadows With dark wings from out the deeps Of dispairing, leaden sorrows; And darkening gloom o er us creeps; Then our fears pile up like mountains In deep folded cloudy heaps; Yet, while trembling with our terror, We will trusting turn our steps, To "Him, watching over Israel Who slumbers not, nor sleeps." When through rifts of rayless sorrow Hope s light bursts in starry glints; Then our fears, like snowy day-clouds, Sail away in sunny fleets, And our heart consuming terrors Flit away to shady deeps; Then grows our power of love and trust, With the new-found strength it reaps From "Him, watching over Israel, Who slumbers not, nor sleeps." So, His sweet love great and wonderous Reveals to us new phases; And joy then pours in like sunlight When a sadness o er us creeps, And sweet peace, sits brooding dove-like, Waiting on our forward steps, As we in new hope and gladness Climb radiant mountain steeps To "Him, watching over Israel, Who slumbers not, nor sleeps." SUNSHINH ON THE PATH, "AS PANTS THE HART." As pants the hart for cooling streams, When summer s sun rains heated beams All through the yellow sultry noons, And honey bees drone low their tunes, So pants my soul, O Lord for streams Of mercies great, hid in the beams Of love, that flow in wonderous gleams Throughout thy boundless glory-realms. As pants the the hart for water sweet When through the wilds, he bounding fleet, Finds place secure from heated race, From hounds and hunters in the chase, So pants my soul, O Lord for Thee Longs to be like, and in Thee, be; O let Thy love, abound in me, With its exalting mystery. As pants the hart for cooling streams, Where grasses grow, and wood-bird sings, In the bosky dell s cool shaded nooks, Where rippling flow the murmuring brooks, So pants my soul for living grace; Lord, own me, when I ve run my race; Own me when called before Thy face; O be Thou then, my hiding place. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. 19 SABBATH MORN. Morn of beauty ! morn of light ! Morn, with every blessing rife, Breathing peace, and joy, and love, From the bright, fair hills above. Morn, when my Redeemer rose ! Glorious morning ! thee, He chose To sanctify, and make the best, Emblem of His perfect rest. Blessed morn, foretelling bliss, In a better world than this ! I long for thy coming light, With an ever new delight. Hallowed morn ! Bless God for thee ! May my life, from henceforth be Holier, for thy beaming ray, As I press on, to Heavenly day. 20 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. HE SLUMBERS NOT. " He slumbers not," no sweeter sound On troubled, anxious ears, And trembling hearts could ever swell, Soothing and repressing fears. "He slumbers not, Who watcheth over Israel." "He slumbers not! " what loving thought, What tender constant care Mercy and grace, these words e er tell; Untiring love, great as rare "He slumbers not, Who watcheth over Israel." "He slumbers not ?" He watching sees And bears us in His arms From baneful ills and dangers fell, Tenderly away from harms; "He slumbers not, Who watcheth over Israel." "He slumbers not," O wonderous love, Let Thou this heart of mine Lean on Thee, and in Thy love dwell, And be forever Thine, "Who slumbers not, But watcheth over Israel." SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. 21 FAITH. There is a beautiful city, Of marvelous walls and towers; And glorious light beams within Its beautiful golden doors. "Without hands this city is made," Is said in His holy word, By the Maker of all the worlds, Who is our God and our Lord. I have never beheld this city, Or gazed on its jeweled walls; Nor have seen the light which forever In glory shines, through its halls. But I shall see the fair city And throne of the great I Am, When my heart is white as the snow Washed in the blood of the lamb. 22 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. THANKSGIVING. O Lord, Thy listening ear, Wilt Thou bend low, to hear The thanks we humbly give, For all Thy friendly cheer, Of the past happy year, Thou willed us to receive ? O deign Thou to come near;- Wifh love is reverent fear We long in Thee to live; If, as to us is meet, We humbly at Thy feet Bring all, wilt Thou forgive ? We gladly bring Thee here, Anew to Thee, this year, Our thanks for mercies past; Let Thy love ever near, Thy love each day more dear, And blessings with us last. With gratitude we bow, Again before Thee now, Our hearts abashed by sin; O make them clean we pray, Spotless and pure, this day Let new light enter in. The debt of love to see, We ever owe to Thee, And thanks through all our days, For our much needed strength, And blessing of good health, Thanks mingling with our praise. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. 23 I LOVE TO WAKE. I love to wake in early day, When birds carol their morning lay; IVly longing heart upward to raise, In supplicating PRAYER and praise. I love to trust God s loving grace, That keeps me safe in every place ;- And when my eyes with tears are dim, He draws me NEARER, then, to Him. I love to feel His presence near, Then I am strong and know no fear; My sin-bruised heart lay at His feet, For Him to heal AND make complete. I love to know that I may lean, With perfect faith on Him unseen- To know He leads me as He will, In me His PURPOSE to fulfill. 24 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. THE RIGHT WAY IS THE BEST WAY. The right way is the best way, And may it be our delight, To walk its path unswervingly, With pleasure in its light. The right way is the best way, And praiseful will be our song; When we seek with best endeavor, To shun the ways of wrong. The right way is the best way, And there glows a loving light, Over all its roughest places, When hearts are in the right. The right way is the best way, Though shadows may dim our sight, That are thrown across its pathway, Morning breaks after night. The right way is the best way, And dun clouds will scatter soon, When o er us love-laden truth s light Sweeps, with breath of flower bloom. The right way is the best way, May our faith in it increase! Our acts and ways of well-doing, For our race never cease. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. LET US LABOR FOR THE RIGHT. With undaunted resolution, Let us labor for the right Our hearts, both true and strong! Nor ever suffer wrong With the bold sturdy throng Of our energies to mingle: But in the clear strong light Which is given to each heart: Let us act well our part, And hurl with strength, the dart Of truth against the tide of error, With all our life-given might. And with courage, firmer, stronger, As we see with clearer sight, Evil boldly walking, With its legions flocking, All our efforts mocking, Let us breast this tide of evil, Though we suffer for the right: As a strong stately bark, Through the lone starless dark, Bears onward to its mark, Firmly breasting winds and billows Though it loses strength in fight. 26 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. And, till earthly life is ended, Let us labor for the right! Nor ever may we shrink, Nor let our spirits sink, But boldly do and think: Although assailed by menace, dark, We will put all fear to flight, And with new strength, unbend All forces, which may tend God s holy truth to send O er all the world, till every place Is filled with heavenly light. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. 27 A THOUGHT. The bright color-glow, that streams o er the hills, In the dewy and rose tinted dawn, Painting sky, and the clouds, lakes, rivers and rills, Melts into the sun-gilding morn. Morn sweet with the buds of opening flowers, And breezes, that through the woods play, Song of bird and stream, of new life in the hours, All mingle their sweets in the day. So, fair, pure and sweet, as a rare gem comes, And brighter than the rosiest dawn, Child-life to the world of our human home; A breath from the portals of heaven. And there gleams soft rays of its glory In the bright dimpled face of the child, As in dream of some phase of its story, When the eyes beam benignant and mild. Rays, that fuse into the free joyous hours, Which hallow the best days of youth, Exuberance, softens, as dew on the flowers A halo to grace their gay mirth. From life s dawn, through its morn and its noontime, Filled with hopes that drive away tears; The bright sweetness of joy like the sunshine All mingle and melt in the years. As the sun gives the varied rich beauty, And bright charm to the hours and days, So, love to our life gives grace to each change; All delight of life s joys in its lays. 28 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. TO-DAY. For the completeness of to-day. Bring in no pang of yesterday ; Nor a shade of sadness borrow, From the great unborn to-morrow. Sift the bright sun-gleams through the hours, Abundant, rich, as summer showers; Sift them shimmering through our sadness, Fill the day with joy and gladness. Let June s sunshine glow in the heart, Strengthening us to bear our part Of life s ills we cannot prevent; Trusting ever with sweet content. So fill to-day with a sweet grace, And fill it well our destined place; Fill it well with good endeavor, Climbing heights of wisdom ever. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. 29 QUESTIONS. With the past day s down-going sun, What deed of kindness hast thou done ? What heights of knowledge hast thou climbed ? What treasures gained, to store thy mind ? What wisdom sought, that better part, Which will enrich, both mind and heart ? What self-denying has been thine, Thy heart to purify, and refine ? What seed sown from the tender story, Of our Lord, to reap in glory ? Hast thou so borne thy every cross, That all was gain, with no sad loss ? Canst bear these probing questions well, And search thy heart the truth to tell ? Canst say with help of grace divine, "I have done well," this part of mine ? SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. THE DEVOTEE, AND HER VOW. Strong faith untiring ever sits In some deep recess of her heart; While she broods o er and learns her part. And love s soft light she there admits. "Must I endure this test of love! To bind myself, was my own will; All promises he will fulfill, Whose heart is true; this, he will prove. Why do I shrink within myself, Sure, I must keep my conscience clear, And nurture no weak, abject fear." So did she reason with herself. Then melts her heart in fervent prayer, That sooths away her chilling fears; And eyelids wet with her salt tears She dries anew, with courage rare. Sweet trust then calmly lights her brow, As she pursues her even way, Her night of pain is lost in day; When she with love fulfills her vow. And peace comes in with restful feet, To fill her heart in larger store, Then of its good she knew before, And makes her life with it replete. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. LORD, BE NEAR! O Lord, let Thy love, . In me abound May I with Thee, Be ever found. O Lord, be near ! Let Thy sweet grace Ere fill my heart; In all Thy good Let me have part O Lord, be near ! And let that trust, Which knows no fear Within my heart Each day appear. O Lord, be near ! Thy promise does In me inspire, A faith, perfect, Strong and entire. O Lord, be near ! Though dark surround Me, like a veil, My strength in Thee, 1 shall prevail. O Lord, be near ! Hope, that with day, The incoming day, Shadows will pass With night away. O Lord, be near ! 32 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. THE SHEPHERD. When the morning breaks on the hills, The shepherd with crook is seen; And he leads by the running brooks Into pastures fair and green, The flock which he carefully guards; His tender lambs and his sheep, O er the grassy hills he leads them Or up o er the mountains steep. He watches them through the daylight, As they wander far and wide, But calls them up to the shelter In the fold at eventide. Gathers them in as he counts them, And carefully, one by one, Again looks them over and counts To be sure, they all have come. If one little lamb is missing, If one sheep has gone astray; With crook, and his scarf around him, Goes back in nights misty grey. Climbs o er the craggy mountains, And listening, while he calls; Calls to the lone little lost one,- And the sound goes over the walls, SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. Where he hears a faint low bleating, Down under a rocky swell; And the lamb lays bruised and bleeding Among the rocks where it fell. Tenderly the shepherd lifts it, And bears it safe in his arms, Through the damp and misty darkness, Away from all midnight harms. So Christ, the Good Shepherd, His children, He lovingly calls His lambs, When they stray o er the world s cold mountains, Protects them from destroying harms. Calls them from the wild s grim shadows, The treacherous marsh and fen, If they list, and hopeful turn, pleading, Draws them to his arms again. 34 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. ONWARD. Ever onward be our watchword While the hills of life we climb; No weary stay, or slow delay, Till we scale the heights sublime. And ever do, while we pursue, Things, that make our nearts expand; And open wide to pity s side, Seeking light on every hand. The bugle call for deeds from all, Should never sound unheeded; Where none may wait, or be too late, When work from each is needed. Though we may pall at duty s call, Trials should be met suavely; Let s forward go, and thereby show, All things may be met bravely. With hearts made strong by hate of wron, We grasp the love of goodness, As up the grade in sun or shade, Our footsteps go with fleetness. And through the prime of flitting time May we when days seem shorter, Our heart and mind, yet growing find, Our faith and love still stronger. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. And let us greet, what e er we meet In all life s way with gladness, If Love divine upon us shine, And so dispel all sadness. Let s take no track that leads us back But u burn our bridges after," Though come to us, as do to some, Trials and sore disaster, Then we with ease will conquer these, With strength we ve gained by growing Good seeking still, with heart and will, We ll not forget the sowing. So, still onward, ever upward, All the best lies just before; Though sunny past may ever last Our treasures, now, we ll store. 36 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH, STEP BY STEP. Little by little, the tiny grass seed, Through the moist brown earth, and through the dark mold, Pushes up a shoot to the sun s clear light, Then, little by little, the green blades unfold. Little by little, in the opening spring, The buds form and swell on the forest trees, Till in the soft air, and the warm sunbeams, They spread a marvel of tender, green leaves. Little by little in its own fixed way, Moves the earth in its orbit around the sun, And knows no change, nor delay in its course, But with footsteps silent moves steadily on. Thus move the bright stars in heaven s blue deep, The great worlds on worlds, the far and the near, Each one in its path, in its time and way, Untiringly moves on, year after year. In splendor of glory, the marshalling host Move on with no pause, in silvery chime, To the soft breathing of time s steady pulse, In grandeur, stately, majestic, sublime. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. 37 Step by step, have great men of all ages, Steadily labored through all the long years; They have given to us, the knowledge thus gained, Through days, bright with hope, or full of dull fears. So, step by step, the end ever in view, Must we climb to things in life we d attain, As all the most learned, before us, have climbed, Up to their greatness, and enduring fame. And as, step by step, is the onward growth Of all the great powers and scope of the mind, So, is the growth of love and grace in the soul: So, have all the wisest of the world climbed, Ever, day by day, on the rounds of their prayers, To the Author of good, who lovingly saith, "Come unto me." So, must we mount to Him, Ever, step by step, up the ladder of Faith. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. THE BETTER WAY. When the low and arid plain Is yellow with the ripened grain, And the dry and sunburned land Is yellow with the scorching sand. When the streamlet s dry bed mocks The thirst of the planting flocks, And leaves turn flaccid on the trees In the hot and sultry breeze. When stifling grows the very air, And heat and dust are everywhere; Then, man turns his longing eyes, Where the fair blue mountains rise. Turns relieved, sure, there to gain, Antidote for heat and pain: So, cheerful, up the hilly way, His footsteps go without delay, To meet the fresh and cooling breeze, Spiced with balsam of the trees, And breath of flowers, which also brings Bird songs on its viewless wings. He finds a spring, and stops to rest, Its clear water quaffs with zest, Ere nightfall seeks a mossy bed, Where he rest his weary head, SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. 39 And soon forgets the valley s heat, Mountain breeze and water sweet, For he is dreaming, happy dreams Bound in sleep s renewing realms. Dreams of rest, where clouds and mist Lay in the blue and amethyst; Where in meadows starred with flowers, It falls in white snow-like showers. And where it comes to valleys low, From far-off hills crowned with snow, To temper summer s quivering heat With its moist breath, cool and sweet. So, when the fevered cares of life, Toils, burdens, and battling strife, Burn in, and sear the brain, And heart is sick with sorrowed pain, We look away in saddened stress, For relief by change and rest, And, where stars send down softened light, Find rifts in our gloomy night. Through openings in the tall dark pines, Green with needles and clinging vines, We see beyond a narrow way, Up green hills, where footsteps stray. With eager haste we take the path, And upward go with strengthened faith, O er Love s green and spicy hills Mid cool nooks and shaded rills. 40 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. See flitting birds with plumage gay, And wild flowers blooming by the way, Till new scenes open, as we climb In grace and grandeur more sublime. Here peace holds sway in troubled brain, And joy and love in hearts of pain; While glad, we up the mountain road Go to the higher hills of God. Love lights the green and flowery way, And tempers to our need its ray; So, let our faith grow strong in Him Nor with life s conflict let it dim. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. 41 SLEEP. The poet with art may pen his fine dream, And make grandly great his well-chosen theme; His pictured scenes draw, as clear, strong and bright, As the sun, which through cloud-rifts, bursts on our sight. He may charm us with songs in the early morn That like bird-songs are sweetest, when day is born, And mingle the sunshine, that plays o er the hills, With the glint and sparkle of sun-lit rills. And, as fresh as morn, when it wakes anew, Resplendent with beads of pearly white dew, So, fair and glowing, the bright thoughts may leap From the thinker s brain refreshed by sweet sleep. But, when a student of science and laws, Eager in research, seeks no rest or pause ;- Though learned in Nature, he heeds not her claim, And so finds defeat in his highest aim, For him to work out, deep problems of thought, And make statement clear, by way they are wrought, His brain must be clear, no vapors to tell Of a burning lamp, when the stars grow pale. 42 SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. But he, who looks for new worlds, seeks the night, While the moon and stars are brilliant in light; Lost in the greatness and grandeur of theme, Then night is not his, to sleep in and dream. Nor, for the artist, when springs in his brain, Some new grace of thought, that he would retain; As when poet mounts in arts highest flight, Time, then is for work, be it day or night. As renewed strength follows man s noblest thought, So sleep comes sweetest, when best he has wrought; He wakes to a sense of delight in the hours, With new faith and trust in his untried powers. And, as down the day draw the shades of night, So eye-lids curtain our wearied sight, And leave us to rest and to pleasant dreams Our unconscious thoughts in sleep s still realms. In sleep is sweet rest, we forget the strife, With all of the toil and the cares of life; Best blessings it guards in that still deep well, Hides them, as pearls hide, in the ocean-shell. Health and happiness, it new to us brings; And life s fresh fullness from the deep fountain springs; So, nature teaches, this sweet hope to keep Of new life to come, after our last sleep. SUNSHINE ON THE PATH. FULFILMENT. With purpose ever unswerving, Speed ! oh my soul on the way; Up the steep path by faith climbing, That leads to God s beautiful day. With sweet hope and blissful longing, To see its wonderful light; Light, like an ever new morning, Radiant after the night. And in His glorious presence, While eternity s cycles roll, Joy and rejoice with my Saviour, Who tenderly loves my soul. 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