-NRLF Y C California State Board of I lorticu lilitl 1 i - LIB R ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OFV Received Accessions A .. Shelf No * OALIFOENIA STATE BOARD OK HORTICULTURE LIBRARY CATALOGUE. BY B. M. Secretary. Office: 220 Sutler Street, San Francisco, Cal. SACRAMENTO: STATE OFFICE, I : : A. J. JOHNSTON, SUPT. STATE PRINTING. 1892. CONTENTS. PAGE. General Department _ _ 3 Agricultural _ _ _ 26 Agricultural Reports ; _ _. 28 Agricultural Experiment Stations 31 Botany , *s2_ 32 Chemistry ft:". /./-/. _ 38 Entomology _ _. 39 Horticultural... _ ._ 42 Horticultural Reports 46 Viticultural _.. 51 Viticultural Reports ._ 51 Codes and Statutes 52 U. S. Consular Reports 53 Reports Miscellaneous 54 Miscellaneous _ _ _ 57 Authors ._ .64 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY STATE BOARD OF HORTICULTURE. GENERAL DEPARTMENT. Title of Book. Number. Account of New Zealand Scale Insects. Maskell 519 Addresses Inauguration of Horace Davis. Berkeley, 1888 769 Agricultural Bureau of New South Wales. 1890 1676 Agricultural Chemical Analysis. P. F. Frankland 1385 Agricultural Chemistry. Johnston 1287 Agricultural Districts of New South Wales. Campbell _ 474 Agricultural Journal. Vol.3 1687 Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales. Vol. 1, No. 2_ 1107 Vol. 1, No. 3 1089 Vol.2,No. 3 1106 Vol.2,No. 4 1105 Vol. 2, No. 6 ... 1112 Vol.2,No. 7 1113 Vol.2, No. 8 1109 Vol.2,No. 9 _. 1108 Vol.2, No.10 1111 Vol.2, No.ll 1110 Vol.2,No.l2 440 Vol. 3, No. 1 439 Vol. 3, No. 2 438 Agriculture. Storer. Vol. 1 1063 Vol.2 1062 Agriculture in Germany 780 Agronomia. Muricci 1268 Alimentazione Bestiame. Selmi 1414 Alkali Lands. Hilgard 770 Alkali Lands of California, and Irrigation. Hilgard 1009 Almanach des Agriculturs 1257 American Fruit Culturist. Thomas 672 American Grape Growing and Wine Making 1364 4 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. American Newspaper Annual. 1 887 1 704 American Pomological Society 1690 American Weeds and Useful Plants. Darlington 1309 Animal Kingdom. Cuvier 842 Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils. Brannt 401 Annales de 1'Ecole Nationale d' Agriculture des Montpel- lier. Vol. 2, 1886 1470 Vol. 3, 1887 1469 Annales de 1'Institut National Agronomique 1701 Annales de la Societe Botanique de Lyon. Vol. 1 1540 Vol. 2 1541 Vol. 3 1542 Vol. 4 _. 1543 Vol. 5 1544 Vol. 6__. 1545 Vol. 7. _ 1546 Vol. 8 1547 Vol. 9 1548 Vol.10 ._ 1549 Vol.11 1550 Vol.12 1551 Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Vol. 1 _ 305 Vol. 2... _ 306 Vol. 3... 307 Vol. 4 308 Vol. 5__ 309 Vol. 6 310 Vol. 7__ 311 Vol. 8 312 Vol. 9 __ 313 Vol.10. 314 Vol.11 315 Vol.12 316 Vol.13 317 Vol.14 318 Vol.15 319 Vol. 16. __ __ 320 Vol.17 321 Vol.18.. 322 Vol.19.. 323 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 5 Title of Book. Number. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Vol.20 _...._ 324 Vol.21 325 Vol.22 326 Vol.23 -. 327 Vol.24 ; 328 Vol.25 329 Vol. 26 330 Vol.27 331 Vol.28 332 Annual Address before State Agricultural Society. Mills 1207 Annual Statistician. 1885 1222 1887 _ 1223 1888 1224 1889 1225 Apicoltura. Canestrini 1266 Apple Culturist, The. Todd 1367 Apple and Pear. Vol.1 1598 Vol.2 _ 1599 Appleton's Home Book 1 352 Arcana Entomologica. Westwood. Vol. 1 359 Vol. 2 360 Archives Botaniques du Nord de la France _ _ 529 Arizona 1247 Asafcetida Plants. Balfour ___ 1681 Australian Fungi. Berkeley 946 Bay of San Francisco. Vol. 1 ___ 1490 Vol.2 .... 1491 Beacon, The _ _ _ _ . 477 Bee Keeping. Quinby . . 1383 Book of Botany. Youman. Vol.1 1290 Vol.2 ._ _ 1291 Borax Deposits 298 Botanic Garden. Edwards. Vol. 1 1496 Vol.2 1497 Botanical Text-book. Gray 526 Botanique. M. LeMaout 1 685 Botanists' Manual, The 1031 Botany 1030 Botany. Gray . _ 844 6 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Botany. Mrs. Lincoln _ ._ 1034 Botany. Paxton. Vol.1 365 Vol. 2 366 Vol. 3 _.- 367 Vol. 4 368 Vol. 5 369 Vol. 6 ._.. 370 Vol. 7.1. -- 371 Vol. 8 372 Vol. 9 373 Vol.10 I 374 Vol.11 375 Vol.12 376 Vol. 13 377 Vol.14 378 Vol.15 379 Vol.16 380 Botany. Wood & Steele 1292 Brabourn Papers 1157 Brazilian Burmanniacese. Miers 1 680 Brazilian Fungi. Berkeley & Cooke 941 Brisbane Fungi. Berkeley & Broome __ 1671 British Beetles. Rye 1275 British Butterflies. Humphreys & Westwood 1504 British Coleoptera. W. Spry... . 1024 British Hemiptera and Heteroptera. Douglas & Scott. . 652 British Husbandry. Vol.1 - 661 Vol.2 662 British Moths. Westwood. Vol. 1 1572 Vol.2 1573 Butterflies. Brown 1028 Butterflies. Scudder : 1278 Butterflies of the Eastern U. S. and Canada. Scudder. Vol.1 1555 Vol.2 1556 Vol.3.... - 1557 Butterfly Hunters. H. Conant 1340 Campan. and Oleac. Orders. Bentham 1139 Calendar Sydney Technical College. 1890_ _ 933 California Blue Book. 1891 _ 959 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. / Title of Book. Number. California Cackler . _ _ _ 1462 California Exhibits at New Orleans 1430 California Fruits. Wickson. First edition 674 Second edition _.. 675 California Grape Growers and Wine Makers 504 California Illustrated _._ 1463 California Irrigation Lands. Hilgard 956 California Prune Industry. Lelong 414 California Trees and Flowers 702 California Waters and Supply. Hilgard 1011 Canadian Horticulturist. 1885 856 1886 677 Canales. Llaurado 465 Canning and Preserving. Rorer 1358 Carp, River Trout, etc., of Massachusetts. Garman 1197 Catalogo della Mostra Collettiva 862 Catalogue British Hymenoptera. F. Smith _ _ _ . 636 Catalogue California State Library 607 Catalogue Claflin University. 1 888-89 ... 954 Census of Plants of New South Wales. Chas. Morris ._ 173 Century Dictionary. Vol.1 1626 Vol.2 1627 Vol.3 1628 Vol.4 1629 Vol.5... 1630 Vol.6 1631 Ceylon Agaricus. Berkeley & Broome __ 1679 Ceylon Fungi. Berkeley & Broome 945 Chapter on Trees. Kirby 1328 Chemical Reaction. Dreschel 1379 Chemistry. Henfrey 1 387 Chemistry of Plants. Draper 1691 Chime Agricole. Pierre. Vol.1 1412 Vol.2 .' 1399 Chronological History of Plants. Pickering 1552 Citrus Culture in California. Lelong 1148 Citrus Fruits. Garcelon & Lelong 415 Class Book of Botany. Woods 1288 Clay Lands and Loamy Soils. Donaldson 1427 Code of Civil Procedure. Newmark.. 29 8 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Coleoptera of America. Henshaw 437 Coleoptera, Neuroptera, and Lepidoptera of North America. Le Conte 569 Colori Nei Vegetali. Baccarini 1 683 Coltivazione Degli Agrumi. Alfonso . 1065 Coltivazione dell' Olivo. Cappi 859 Coltivazione del Riso 1699 Commercial Organic Analysis. Allen. Vol. 1 __. 398 Vol.2 _ 399 Vol.3 400 Commercial Relations. 1882-3. Vol. 1 571 Vol.2 572 Common Objects of the Microscope. J. G. Wood 1434 Compendio di Apicultura 1255 Condition of Crops. 1890 771 Condition of Tropical and Semi-Tropical Fruits in the United States. 1887 705 Condizion della Agricoltura in Italia. Vol. 1 1666 Vol.2 1667 Vol.3 1668 Vol.4.. '.-.. 1669 Conferenzi Scientifici Popolari. Selmi . 141 7 Cone-Bearing Trees of the Pacific Slope. J. G. Lemmon 424 Conservation of Water, New South Wales. No. 1 472 No. 2 1609 No. 3_. .__.. 1625 Council of Agricultural Education. 1888-9 1130 Country Life. Copeland 676 Cranberry Culture. White 1362 Cryptogamic Botany. Bennett & Murray 1038 Cry ptogamic Botany. Berkeley 525 Cuban Fungi. Berkeley & Curtis 1134 Cultivation of the Peach, Pear, Quince, and Nut-Bearing Trees. Black . 1 053 Cultura delP Olivo in Italia. Pecori. Part 1 1461 Part 2 1689 Cultural Industries of Queensland. Bernays 987 Culture of the Vine in the Gironde. Cazenave 772 Culture and Raising of Silkworms. L. S. Crozier 1143 Cushing's Manual 1253 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 9 Title of Book. Number. Customs Handbook of New South Wales 467 Cut Worms. Lintner __ 442 Cyclopedia of Practical Floriculture. Turner 1558 Department of Mines, N. S. W _-_ : 1614 Destructive Insects. Craw I 864 Diction re de Botani. Baillon 1622 Dictionarie de Botanique. Baillon. Parti 1692 Part 2 1693 Dictionary of Gardening. Nicholson. Vol.1 1574 Vol.2 1575 Vol.3 ._ 1576 Vol.4 1577 Different Form of Flowers on Plants of the same Spe- cies. Darwin 1054 Directory California Grape Growers and Wine Makers. 1888. 775 1891 1155 Diseases of Field and Garden Crops. Vol. 1 1350 Vol.2 _ _.._ 1351 Diseases of Fruit Trees. Kirk 1150 District Irrigation Laws of California. 1891 _ 431 Draining for Profit and Health. Waring 1357 Dwellers in Our Gardens. Wood 1299 Economic Entomology. Murray 1025 Economic Plants. Saunders 1099 Economic Rurale. Legouteux 1408 Elementary Manual of Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Perkins ' 1246 Elementi d'Agricoltura 1260 Elements of Agriculture. Waring 1380 Elements of Botany. Balfour 1295 Elements of Entomology. Dallas 1272 Elements of Natural History of the Animal Kingdom. C. Stewart 118 Elements of Scientific Agriculture. Norton 1381 Eleventh Census. Porter 1174 Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 1 1487 Vol. 2 .__ 1488 Vol. 3 . 1489 10 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. 1 1632 Vol. 2 . 1633 Vol. 3 1634 Vol. 4 1635 Vol. 5 1636 Vol. 6 __.- 1637 Vol. 7 1638 Vol. 8 1639 Vol. 9 1640 Vol. 10 1641 Vol.11 1642 Vol.12 1643 Vol.13 1644 Vol.14 1645 Vol. 15 1646 Vol. 16 1647 Vol.17 1648 Vol.18 1649 Vol. 19 1650 Vol. 20 1651 Vol.21 1652 Vol.22 1653 Vol. 23 1654 Vol. 24 1 655 Vol. 25 1656 Encyclopaedia Dictionary. Webster 1 705 Encyclopaedia of Plants. Loudon 531 English Gardener. Wm. Cobbett 1318 Enos' Statement to California State Horticultural Society 1019 Ensilage. Bailey .__.__.. 858 Entomology . 1023 Entomology. Comstock 637 Entomology. Kirby - 539 Entomology. Kirby & Spence. Vol.1 641 Vol.2 642 Entomology. Say. Vol. 1 _ . 522 Vol.2 523 Etude Chimequesne POlivier. Paparelli 468 European Ferns. Britton. _ _ 1495 Expend. National and Local Works, N. S. W 466 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 11 Title of Book. Number, Experimental Chemistry. Stockhardt & Heaton 1386 Facts for Farmers and the Family Circle. Robinson. Vol. 1 1499 Vol.2 1500 Family Kitchen Garden. Buist __-_ __. 1298 Farm, The _. _ _._ 1337 Farm Conveniences. Orange Judd 1361 Farm Drainage. French 1356 Farm Gardening and Seed Growing. Thurber _ _ _ 1363 Farm and Household Encyclopedia 1446 Farm Insects. John Curtis 1595 Farmers' Every-Day Book. Blake 580 Farmers and Merchants' Manual. Waring 594 Fern Garden, The. Hibberd 1300 Ferns in Their Homes and Ours. Robinson 1043 Field Notes on Apple Culture. Bailey _ _ . . 1 336 Fig Caprification. Lelong 1186 Fig Industry. Lelong 419 Fisheries of the Colonies of New South Wales 1615 Flax Culture. Orange Judd 1158 Flora Belle, The. Comstock 857 Flora Cestrica. Darlington 1042 Flora Dalekarlica. Linnseus 874 Flora Franchise. Mutel. Vols. 1-2 1263 Vols. 3-4 1264 Vol. 5 . 1265 Flora Italiana. F. Parlatore. Vol. 1 883 Vol.2 __. _. 884 Vol. 3 885 Vol. 4 886 Vol. 5 887 Flora Italiana. Continued by Caruel. Vol. 6 963 Vol.7 961 Vol. 8 962 Floral Decorations for Dwelling Homes. Hassard 1341 Florida Fruits. Harcourt 1368 Florists' Directory. Mains 1410 Flower Garden. Breck ___ 1048 Flower Garden. Charlotte Elizabeth _ 1032 12 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Flower Garden. Paxton. Vol. 1 1492 Vol. 2 1493 Vol. 3 _., 1494 Flower Stalk. Bennett 1682 Flowers of Basin de Rhone. Saint-Lager 1498 Flowers of Field and Forest. Her vey 1610 Food Composition and Analysis. Blyth 1 377 Forest Trees. Bryant 1301 Forestry in Europe. Porter 397 Fourteen Weeks in Botany. Wood & Steele 1292 Fruit Culture. Gregg 1330 Fruit Culture. Lelong 418 Fruit Culture. Strong 1349 Fruit Culture in Colorado. Pabor 1 078 Fruit Culture in Foreign Countries 706 Fruit Garden. Barry 1327 Fruit Garden. Rivers 1360 Fruit Industry in California. Chipman 497 Fruit Manual. Hogg 964 Fruit Preservers' Manual. Culver. 1401 Fruit Trees. De Breuil 1343 Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden. Neill . _ . '. 1303 Fruits. R. Manning 1338 Fruits, Flowers, and Farming. Beecher 1339 Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. Downing 382 Fungi. Cooke& Berkeley 1395 Fungi Hypogali. Tulasne _ _ . . _ _ _ . 1 603 Gandolfi Saggio Sopra 119 Garden Management. Duncan 1 307 Gardeners' Calendar. Mawe _ 139 Gardeners' Text-book. Schenck 1261 Gardening for Money. Barnard 1041 Gardening for Pleasure. Henderson 1 304 Gardening for Profit. Henderson __ 1302 Gardening for the South. White 1311 Geflugelzucht. L. Pribyl 1442 Geholzzucht. Hartwig 1444 Gemusebau. Uslar 1445 Genera Planatarum. Linnaeus 111 Genus Crocus. G. Maw . 1612 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 13 Title of Book. Number. Geological Survey of California. Vol. 1 __. 1 563 Vol.2 1564 Geological Survey of Canada. 1880-1-2 390 Geological Survey of Canada. Canadian Plants _ _ 530 Geological Survey of Illinois. Vol. 4 1 559 Vol. 5... = _. 1560 Vol.6 1561 Geological Survey of Missouri 386 Geological Survey of United States. Powell. 1883-4. . 102 1885 103 1886... 104 1887 105 1888 106 Geology of Arkansas 1 698 Geology of Vermont. 1861. Vol. 1 _. 1707 Vol.2 _ 1708 Gewachshauser. Hartwig 1441 Gleanings of British Algae. Berkeley 391 Government Forestry Abroad. Pinchot 1175 Governmental Roster. 1889 958 Grande Enezclopedie d'Economic Domestique 1554 Grape Culture. Hyatt 1376 Grape Culturist. Fuller 1365 Grape Growers' Guide. Chorlton 1321 Grasses of New South Wales. Turner. Vol. 1 917 Vol.2 __. 918 Grevillea. Cuvier. Vols. I-II 665 Vols.III-IV 666 Vols. V-VI . 667 Vols. VII-VIII 668 Vols. IX-X __. 669 Vols. XI-XII... _. '.... 670 Guide to Methods of Insect Life. Ormerod 1283 Guide to the Microscope in Botany. Hervey 664 Guide to the Study of In sects. Packard 51 8 Guide to the Science of Photo-Micrography. Bonsfield_ 412 Half Hours with Insects. Packard 1022 Handbook of Agriculture. Schlipf 986 Handbook of British Mosses. Berkeley _. 568 14 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Num ber . Handbook of Coleoptera. H. E. Cox. Vol. 1 653 Vol.2 654 Handbook of Destructive Insects of Victoria. French. 861 Handbook of Field Botany. Manton 1 259 Handbook of Florida. Norton 1317 Handbook of Orange Culture. T. W. Moore 1342 Handbook of Plants. Henderson 1 565 Handbook of Sulphur Cure. W. J. Flagg 1406 Handbook of Tree Planting. N. H. Eggleston 1391 Handbook of Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants. Decaisne ___ 527 Handbook for Fruit Growers. F. R. Elliott 1420 Handbuch des Obstkulture. Gaucher 388 Hedges and Evergreens. Warde 1058 Henochilus Wheatlandii. Garman 1171 Het Enter Van Vruchtboomen en Heesters. Part I 1686 Partll 1684 Histoire des Plants. Baillon. Vol. 1 1531 Vol. 2 1532 Vol.3 _ 1533 Vol. 4 - 1534 Vol. 5 1535 Vol. 6 ..._._ 1536 Vol. 7 1537 Vol. 8 1538 Vol.9 1539 Historical Sketch State Normal School, San Jose 396 History of the World. Ridpath. Vol. 1 1 501 Vol. 2 1502 Vol.3 _ 1503 Honey Bee, The. Langstroth 1382 Hop Culture. Orange Judd 1168 Horticulture. Lindley 1 355 Horticulturists' Rule Book. Bailey 1 389 Household and Farmers' Encyclopedia 385 How Crops Grow. Johnson 1369 How Plants Grow. Gray. 1035 How the Farm Pays. P. Henderson 570 How to Get a Farm 1335 How to Raise the Price of Grapes. Wetmore 1231 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 15 Title of Book. Number. How to Work with the Microscope. Beale 593 Humboldt's Views of Nature 1376 Hyacinth Flower Stalk. Bennett 1 673 II Credito Agrario. Robustelle 1252 II Credito e la Banca Nazionale. Robustelle 1254 II Giovinetta Campagnoula. F. Garelle. Vol.1 1431 Vol.2 _._ : 1432 II Vino e la Birra. Figuier___< 1688 Impatiens Fulva. Bennett 950 Index to Consular Reports. 1886-9 813 1889 995 Index Perfectus Species Planatarum. Linnaeus 1251 Indian Corn. Enfield * 1333 Industries of New South Wales. 1596 Injurious Insects. Ormerod 908 Injurious Insects of California. M. Cooke 994 Injurious Insects of the Farm and Garden. Treat 1274 Injurious Insects of the Orchard, Vineyard, etc. M. Cooke 660 Injurious and Other Insects of New York. 1888 656 1889 657 1890___ _ 658 1891 427 Insect, The. Michelet 520 Insect, The. Westwood. Vol.1 ._. 643 Vol. 2 644 Insect Architecture. Wood__ 1271 Insect Life. 1 888 922 1 888-9, Part I 638 1888-9, Part II L 639 1 889-90 640 Insect Lives. Ballard 1282 Insect World. Figuier 1273 Insects. Cuvier. Vol. 1 361 Vol. 2 362 Vol. 3 363 Insects Affecting the Orange. Hubbard 901 Insects at Home. Wood 521 Insects Injurious to Fruits. Saunders 841 Insects Injurious to the Hop Plant. Whitehead 1026 Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Flint 655 16 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Insect Pests. Bulletin Caffey College 1 149 Intoxicating Drink Inquiry, N. S. W 476 Investigation of Condition of Men on Waterfront 1010 Investigation of Condition of National Building and Loan Associations 1100 Investigation of Practices of Cooperative Insurance Organizations 430 Irrigation Development. Hall 891 Irrigation in California. Hall 890 Istrizione Scientifiche Pei Viaggiatori. Issel 912 Jardin de la Malmaison. Ventenat 1528 Journal d'Agriculture Pratique. Vol. 1, 1873 _ 1471 Vol. 2; 1873 1472 Vol. 1, 1874... _ __ 1473 Vol. 2, 1874 1474 Vol. 1,1875 1475 Vol.2, 1875... _ _ 1476 Vol. 1,1876 1477 Vol. 2, 1876. _ 1478 Vol. 1,1877 1479 Vol. 2, 1877 .'_ 1480 Vol. 1,1878. _. 1481 Vol.2, 1878 1482 Vol. 1, 1879 1483 Vol.2, 1879 1484 Vol. 1, 1880... 1485 Vol.2, 1880. 1486 Journal of Horticulture. Johnson & Hogg. Vol.1 1670 Vol.2 _.i 1671 Kitchen Garden. Delamer 1426 Ladies' Companion to the Flower Garden. Loudon 1046 La Giovinetta Campagnoula 1416 L' Agriculture de la France 1409 L'Amante dei Fiori. Marinis 141 5 L'Arbre Fruitier des Jardin. De Saint-Briac 1413 Latte, Burro, Gaceo. Sartori 1262 Laws and Practice of Legislative Assemblies. Gushing _ 34 Lectures on Practical Agriculture. Johnston 1055 Letters on Landscape Photography. H. P. Robinson _ _ 880 Life of North American Insects. B. Jaeger 1284 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 17 Title of Book. Number. Linnaeus -- 1604 L'ltalia Agraria e Forestale. Regno d'ltalia 389 Local Flora. Behr 1315 Locust or Grasshopper Plague. Riley 1044 L'Ogiene del Contagini 1433 L'Olivo ePOlio. A. Aloi 1418 Los Angeles County r 1 694 Maison Rustique. Vol. 1_ 1464 Vol.2 1465 Vol.3... 1466 Vol.4 1467 Vol. 5 1468 Medical Botany. Griffin _ 528 Medical Botany in North America. Johnson 532 Memoir of Peter Henderson 436 Memoria. M. Del Amo ~ 1460 Merariglie della Vegetazion 1400 Meteorological Report. 1889 996 Methods of Destroying Scale Insects. Coquillett 1195 Methods of Fermentation . Hilgard 955 Michigan Flora. Wheeler & Smith . _ . 184 Microscope, The. Hogg 1202 Microscopic Fungi. M. C. Cooke 1419 Milch wirthschaft Die 1439 Mines and Minerals 1429 Ministere de 1' Agriculture Bulletin 1 700 Money in the Garden. Quinn 1305 Monoc. and Die. Plants. Allemao ^ 1697 Monografia Statistica ed Agragra in Italia 172 Monograph of British Aphides. Buckton. Vol. 1 645 Vol.2 646 Vol.3 647 Vol.4 648 Monograph of British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. Cameron. No. 1 _ 649 No. 2 650 Monograph of Collembola and Thysanura. Sir John Lubbock 651 Moths and Butterflies. Ballard.. 663 2-B 18 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Muck Manual. Dana - - - 1 367^ My Vineyard at Lakeview. Orange Judd _ 1 346 New American Farm Book. Allen 1366 New American Orchardist. Kenrich 1370 New Bee-Keepers' Text-book. King 1372 New Facts about Southern California 496 New Law and Form Book. Triplett 35 New South Wales 1191 Nitrate of Soda for Manure. Harris 483 Nomenclato Botanico 1039 North China Plants. Hance 940 Notizie Intorno alle Condizione della Agricoltura 579 Notizie e Studi Sulla Agricoltura. 1876 384 1887 . 1582 Notizie e Studi Sulla Agricoltura in Italia 182 Noxious and Beneficial Insects. S. A. Forbes _ 833 Nurserymen's Directory 1507 Nurserymen's Specimen Book of America 1695 Objects of the Microscope. Clarke 1396 Obstbau. R. Noack__ 1436 Obstbaunkrau. Sorauer 1443 Olacacese Genera. Miers 948 Olacinea. Bentham 1074 Olive, The. Caruso 1459 Olive, The. Coutance 1562 Olive, The. Marvin 1597 Olive Culture. E. Cooper 1076 Olive Culture. Flamant 680 Olive Culture. V. Lamartia 485 Olive Culture. E. Cooper and Louis A. Bernays 999 Olive Culture in California. Lelong _ J 993 Olive Culture in the Alpes-Maritimes 697 Olive Tree, The. Bleasdale ._ 473 Open- Air Grape Culture. Phin 1374 Orangeries, Les. Joly 1000 Orange Culture. Gallesio 475 Orange Culture. Lelong 420 Orange Culture in California. Lelong 1148 Orange Culture in California. Wm. A. Spalding 926 Orange Culture in California. T. A. Garey 1421 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 19 Title of Book. Number. Orange Culture in New South Wales. Bennett 950 Orange Culture in New Zealand. Alderton 939 Orange Insects. Ashmead 991 Orchard House, The. Rivers 1354 Orchidies de Nice. Barla 1602 Our Farm Crops. Wilson __ 1049 Our Farm of Four Acres. Orange Judd 515 Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology. Goebel 1505 Pacific Rural Handbook. Shinn 1375 Pamphlet. Llaurado 469 Parks and Gardens of Paris. Robinson 567 Parliamentary Proceedings. Crocker 1258 Passifiora. Scott 1 132 Passiflora of Ecuador and New Granada. Masters 949 Passifloracese. Masters 1 675 Peach Culture. Fulton 1359 Peach Yellows. Lelong. 1891 417 Peach Yellows. Smith. 1889 834 1891 835 Peach and Nectarine. Glenny & Ormerod 1435 Pear Culture. Fields _ 1322 Pear Culture for Profit. Quinn 1353 People's Cyclopedia. De Puy __ 1709 Permanent Census Bureau. 1891 _ _ 1201 Pests of the Pomologist. Lintner 1696 Petals of Flowers. West 140 Philosophica Botanica. Linnseus. Vol.1 114 Vol.2 117 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Vol. 168 1710 Photographic Amateur. J. T. Taylor 188 Photography in the Field and Studio. Estabrooke 1397 Physiology of Plants. Saohs 364 Piante Industriale. Gorini _ 12 Picturesque California. Vol.1 1529 Vol.2 _ 1530 Pines of California. Steele ._ 1239 Plant Life. Grindon 1324 Plantse Europse. Linnaeus. Vol.1 120 Vol.2.. 121 20 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Plantse Europse. Linnaeus Vol.3_ 122 Vol.4_ .._. 123 Plants of Galapagos Archipelago. Hooke 1672 Plants of the Holy Land. Osborn 845 Plants of Ireland. Hart __ 943 Plants of New South Wales. Wm. Woolls _ 1036 Plants with Perfect Seeds. Smith 1678 Poisons for the Codlin Moth. Forbes 1138 Political Code of California. Newmark. 1885 30 Pomologie Generale. Vol. 1 _ 1447 Vol. 2 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 Vol.lO.__ 1456 Vol.11 1457 Vol.12 1458 Pomona Italiana 1135 Popular British Entomology. Catlow 1285 Popular California Flora. Rattan 1313 Popular Flowers. E. S. Rand, Jr 1040 Popular Geography of Plants. Daubeny 1293 Popular Greenhouse Botany. Catlow 1280 Popular History of Palms. Seemann.. 1279 Popular Science Monthly. 1875 ___ 904 Poultry Breeding. Geyelin 1392 Popular Botany. Bower & Vines 1294 Popular Floriculture. Henderson 1308 Popular Landscape Gardening. Kern 1047 Popular Treatise on Culture of the Grape. Allen 1329 Popular and Scientific Fruit Culture. Baker. _. 1051 Postal Guide. 1886 416 Practical Agriculture. Low 671 Preparing, Treatment, and Examination of Wine. Nekler 1066 Present and Future Production of Florida. Neck _ 698 Vol 3 Vol 4 .. Vol 5 Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 . Vol. 9 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 21 Title of Book. Number. Prime Arborum. Rae 471 Prime Nozioni Pei Uso delle Scuole Elementari 1136 Principli Coliore Agrarie 1526 Products of California. Turrill 1344 .Profitable Plants. Archer 1033 Profitable Orange Culture in Southern California. Fish 1403 Propagation. Lelong 413 Propagation of Plants. Fuller 1323 Propagation and Improvement of Cultivated Plants. Burbidge _ : 1045 Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Thorpe 1388 Queensland Guide. Grimes. 1060 Quince Culture. Meech 1347 Railways and Tramways of New South Wales 1613 Rain and River Observations, New South Wales 916 Raisin Industry, The. Eisen 1506 Rearing Silkworms. Rienzi 1404 Reclamation of Arid Lands by Irrigation 779 Register of Purdue University. 1888-90 952 Register of University of California. 1 886-7 1008 1891-2 426 Regno Vegetable. Travella 1332 Report upon Forestry. Hough 28 Revista Agricolo do Instituto Fluminense de Agricultura. No. 1 1583 No. 2 1584 No. 3 1585 No. 4 1586 No. 5 1587 No. 6 1588 No. 7 1589 No. 8 1590 No. 9 1591 No. 10___ 1592 No. 11 1593 Ringworm Fungus. Morris & Henderson 1020 Riverside, Southern California 1188 Riverside Natural History. 'Vol. 1 1 657 Vol.2 1658 Vol. 3 . 1659 22 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Riverside Natural History Vol.4 _. 1660 Vol.5 1661 Vol. 6 1662 Rose, The. Ellwanger _ 1312 Rose, The. Parsons 1 310 Rural Economy. Boussingault 1394 Rural Essays. Downing 381 Rust in Wheat 1250 Rust on the Orange. Hubbard ' 907 Rustic Adornments for Homes. S. Hibbard 984 Saggi de Agricoltura Practica. C. Verri 1064 Santa Clara County. Belden 482 Scale Insects. Chapin 957 School Botany. Lindley 1037 School Entomology. M. Cooke 659 Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales 1 194 Select Extra Tropical Plants. Von Mueller 673 Selected Fruits for the Garden and Market. Downing.. 1075 Silos and Ensilage. Thurber 1393 Skeleton Leaves. Tilton 1289 Sketches of British Insects. Houghton 1 276 Small Fruit Culturist. Fuller. 1371 Societe Botanique de France. Vol. 1 533 Vol. 2 534 Vol. 3 . 535 Vol. 4 _ 536 Vol. 5 537 Vol. 6 538 Vol. 7 539 Vol. 8' 540 Vol. 9 , 541 Vol. 10 542 Vol.11 543 Vol.12 544 Vol.13 545 Vol.14 546 Vol. 15 547 Vol. 16 548 Vol. 17 _ 549 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 23 Title of Book. Number. Societe Botanique de France Vol. 18 _._ 550 Vol. 19 __ 551 Vol.20 __ 552 Vol.21 553 Vol.22 i 554 Vol.23 555 Vol.24 556 Vol. 25 557 Vol.26 558 Vol.27 559 Vol.28 560 Vol.29 561 Vol.30 562 Vol.31 563 Vol.32 564 Vol.33 565 Societe Botanique de France. Congress 566 Species Plantarum. Linnaeus. Vol. 1 115 Vol. 2 116 Standing Rules California Legislature 1013 State Board of Trade. 1892 432 Statistical Register of New South Wales 1611 Statistics of New South Wales 171 Storia delle Piante. Figuier 612 Strawberry Culture. Pardee 1326 Strawberry Culturist. Fuller 1424 Structural and Systematical Botany. Gray 843 Studi Botanica Sugli Agrumi. Vol. 1 1 600 Vol.2 1601 Studi de Legislazione Forestale. A. Rabbeno 1422 Subtropical Cultivations and Climate 1 050 Success with Small Fruits. E. P. Roe 590 Sweet Potato Culture. Fitz 1407 Synopsis of the Queensland Flora. F. M. Bailey 888 System of Instruction in Quantitative Chemical Analy- sis. Fresnius 604 Systema Vegetabili. Linnaeus r 112 Sy sterna Vegetabili um. Linnaeus. Vol. 1 130, 1578 Vol.2 131,1579 24 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. N umber. Sy sterna Vegetabilium. Linnaeus Vol.3 132,1580 Vol.4 133 Vol.5 134 Vol.6 135 Vol.7. 136 Vol.8 137 Vol.9 138 Systema Vegetabilium. Linnaeus 113, 124 Systematis Vegetabilium. Linnaeus. Vol. 1 605 Vol.2 606 Systema Vegetabilium. Sprengel. Vol. 1 125 Vol.2 126 Vol.3 . 127 Vol.4 128 Vol.5 129 Systematic and Economic Botany: Balfour 1296 Taille des Arbres Frutiers. Hardy 960 Taille Raisonnee des Arbres Frutiers. DeButret 1256 Technical Education of New South Wales. 1889 1244 1872 428 Techno-Chemical Receipt Book. Brannt 1378 Tests for Olive Oil. Cannizzaro _ 1190 Thoughts in my Garden. Mrs. Ware ___ 131 9 Timber Trees of New South Wales. Nilson 860 Tiny World, The. Dodd-Mead 1286 Tobacco Culture. Orange Judd _ 11 59 Toot Plant and Poisons of New Zealand. Lindsay 942 Trade between United States and Spanish America. Curtis 1 1 51 Trade Guilds of Europe 611 Trade of Consular District of San Francisco. 1890 _._ 1179 Traite de Botanique. Bertrand 168 Transformation of Insects. Duncan 832 Treasury of Natural History. S. Mamder ._ 1398 Treatise on Citrus Family. Gallesio 11 64 Treatise on Culture of the Orange. George W. Davis _. 1405 Treatise on Insects Injurious to Fruit and Fruit Trees of California. W. G. Klee 1162 Treatment of the Fungous Diseases of Plants. Galloway 699 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 25 Title of Book. Number. Tree Pruning. A. Des Cars _. _ 1348 Trees of Northeast America. Thomas Newhall 938 Tremellineous Fungi. Tulasne 947 United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. King : 1711 Universe, The. Pouchet 387 Vademecum. Hitschmann 1 269 Vegetable Creation and God. Moule 1402 Vegetable World, The. Figuier 1390 Vegetables of America. Burr 1366-g Vieharzneibuch. Rohlwer 1437 Vinegar Acetates, Cider, Fruit- Wines, etc. Brannt 589 Walks of a Naturalist. Houghton 1270 Wattles and Wattle Barks. Masden 929 Wayside Flowers and Ferns. A. B. Hervey 1608 West American Oaks. Kellogg 1605 West American Scientist. Orcutt 1240 Western Fruit Growers' Guide. Elliott 1 334 What I Know of Farming. Greeley 1368^ White Grub of the May Beetle. Lintner 441 Wild Flowers of the Pacific Coast. E. H. Thayer 1607 Wild Grapes in North America. Munson 1012 Window Flower Garden. Heinrich 1314 Window Gardening. Williams 985 Wine Press and the Cellar. Rixford 1052 Winter Greeneries at Home. Johnson 1325 Wonders of Flora. H. A. Kresken 1316 Wonders of Insect Life. J. E. Willet 1281 Young Botanist, The. Opie . _.. 1029 Young Gardener's Assistant. Bridgeman 524 Yuba County Horticultural Commission 1428 Zimmergarten. Th. Rumpler 1440 Zoe. 1891 1185 Zygsenidse and Bombay cedae of North America. Stretch. 479 26 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. AGRICULTURAL. Title of Book. Number. Agricultural Bureau of New South Wales. 1890 1676 Agricultural Districts of New South Wales. Campbell. 474 Agricultural Journal. Vol.3 1687 Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales. Vol. 1, No. 2_ 1107 Vol.1, No. 3 1089 Vol. 2, No. 3 1106 Vol. 2, No. 4 1105 Vol. 2, No. 6 1112 Vol.2, No. 7 1113 Vol. 2, No. 8 1109 Vol. 2, No. 9 1108 Vol. 2, No. 10 1111 Vol. 2, No. 11 1110 Vol. 2, No. 12 440 Vol. 3, No. 1. 439 Vol. 3, No. 2__ 438 Agriculture in Germany 780 Agronomia. Muricci 1268 Almanach des Agriculturs 1257 American Weeds and Useful Plants. Darlington 1309 Annales de 1'Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture des Montpel- lier. Vol. 2, 1886 1470 Vol. 3, 1887 ._- 1469 Annales de 1'Institut National Agronomique 1701 Annali di Agricoltura. Caserta 1115 Cremona 881 Genoa 920 Lodi 92 8 Special 1527 1882 906 1883 927 1884 847 1885 934 1886 617 1887, No.l 615 1887, No. 2 616 1887, No. 3 852 1888, No. 1.. 849 AGRICULTURAL. 27 Title of Book. Number. Annali di Agricoltura 1888, No. 2 850 1888, No. 3 851 1888, No. 4 : 923 1889, No. 1 848 1889, No. 2 1146 British Husbandry. Vol. 1 661 Vol.2 662 Chime Agricole. Pierre. Vol. 1 1412 Vol.2 1399 Colori Nei Vegetali. Baccarini 1683 Condizion della Agricoltura in Italia. Vol. 1 1666 Vol.2 1667 Vol.3 1668 Vol. 4 1669 Coltivazione deglia Agrumi 1065 Council of Agricultural Education. 1888-9 1130 Elements of Scientific Agriculture. Norton 1381 Handbook of Agriculture. Schlipf 986 Indian Corn. Enfield 1333 Journal d' Agriculture Pratique. 1873, Vol. 1 1471 1873, Vol. 2 1472 1874, Vol. 1 1473 1874, Vol. 2 1474 1875, Vol. 1 1475 1875, Vol.2 1476 1876, Vol. 1 1477 1876, Vol. 2 1478 1877, Vol. 1 1479 1877, Vol.2 1480 1878, Vol. 1 1481 1878, Vol. 2 1482 1879, Vol. 1 1483 1879, Vol. 2 1484 1880, Vol. 1 1485 1880, Vol. 2__ 1486 L' Agriculture de la France 1409 Lectures on Practical Agriculture. Johnston 1055 Merariglie della Vegetazion 1400 Ministere de 1' Agriculture Bulletin 1 700 28 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Monografia Statistica ed Agragra in Italia 172 Notizie Intorno alle Condizione della Agricoltura 579 Notizie e Studi Sulla Agricoltura. 1876 384 1887_ 1582 Notizie e Studi Sulla Agricoltura in Italia 182 Practical Agriculture. Low 671 Principli Coliore Agrarie _._ 1526 Regno Vegetable. Travella 1 332 Revista Agricolo do Instituto Fluminense de Agricultura. No. 1 1583 No. 2 1584 No. 3___ : 1585 No. 4 _. 1586 No. 5 1587 No. 6-_. 1588 No. 7 1589 No. 8._ 1590 No. 9 1591 No. 10 1592 No. 11 1593 Saggi de Agricoltura Practica. C. Verri 1064 Vegetables of America. Burr 1366^ What I Know of Farming. Greeley 1 368^ AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Title of Book. Number. Agriculture of Massachusetts. 1886 140 1887 141 1888 . 142 1889 143 1890 144 1891 145 California State Agricultural Society. 1859 146 1868-69 147 1870-71 148 1872 _ .... 149 1873 150 1874.. 151 AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 29 Title of Book. Number. California State Agricultural Society 1875 152 1876 153 1877 154 1878 155 1879 156 1880 .- . 157 1881 158 1882 159 1883 160 1884 161 1885 162 1886 163 1887... - 164 1889 165 1890 166 1891 167 Commissioner of Agriculture of Florida. 1889-90 755 Council of Agricultural Education. 1884-87 1070 Illinois State Department of Agriculture. 1883 977 Kansas State Board of Agriculture. 1881-82 25 Melbourne Department of Agriculture. No. 3 974 No.4 975 No. 5 756 No. 6 1248 No. 7 --- 1137 No. 8 757 No. 9 1249 Michigan State Board of Agriculture. 1879 109 1880 ---- 110 1889 27 New South Wales Department of Agriculture. 1 890 588 1891 513 New York State Agricultural Society. 1 883-84 26 New Zealand Agricultural Gazette. 1890 733 Ontario Agricultural Department and Art. 1885 383 Pennsylvania State Agricultural College. 1889 870 1890. ._ 169 Royal Commission on Vegetable Products of Vic- toria. 1890.. 1003 30 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. United States Department of Agriculture Agriculture and Kindred Subjects 255 Food Adulterants 435 Food and Food Adulterants 731 Forestry 729 Horticulturists, List of 768 Its Origin and History 1425 Meteorological Work for Agricultural Institutions. _ 433 Pathology 1206 Pomology Bulletin. No. 1 992 No. 2 1067 No. 4 512 Register Station Reports __. 749 Report. 1866 3 1868 4 1869 5 1870 6 1871 7 1873 8 1876 9 1877 -10 1878 11 1879 12 1880 13 1881-82 14 1883 15 1884 16 1885 17 1886 18 1887 19 1888 20 1889 21 1890 22 March, 1891 582 May, 1891 581 Bulletins 81 6 Special Bulletins. June, 1888 1059 July, 1888 1117 April, 1889 1069 Statistician. No. 91 1123 Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. 1889 980 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 31 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Title of Book. Number. Alabama 602, 735, 785, 1004, 1121 Arkansas 635, 777, 1130 California 629,736, 1098 Colorado 271,713,716,784, 1018,1097 Connecticut 633, 727, 767 Dakota 1219 Delaware 421,422, 423,744, 778, 1101, 1120 Georgia 759,1129 Illinois 597, 745, 751, 937, 1094, 1208,1234 Iowa 965,1084,1213,1214 Kansas 596,760, 972 Maine 721, 732, 1073 Massachusetts 631, 717, 741, 752, 753, 766, 774, 1127 Maryland 714, 730, 1002, 1080, 1104, 1210 Michigan 170, 599,748, 898, 1082, 1088 Minnesota 728, 738, 740, 765, 1116 Mississippi 456, 509, 739, 969, 1005, 1212 Missouri 510,764, 966, 1220 Nebraska 718, 724, 737, 936, 967 Nevada 455, 630,968 New Jersey 457, 600,720, 1071, 1095 New York (Cornell University) 719, 747, 1056 Ohio 179, 508, 586, 587, 595, 613, 899, 1096 Oregon 488, 723, 743, 1218 Pennsylvania ...591,592,1068, 1091 Rhode Island 632,715,754,781, 1072,1124 South Carolina . 514,734 South Dakota 1221 Tennessee 628, 725, 1083 Texas 333, 726,970, 1122 Vermont 626, 971, 976 Virginia 711 Washington _ 746 West Virginia 722, 1006, 1209 Wisconsin .410, 598, 624, 634, 742, 902, 988, 1087 Wyoming 1211 United States Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin. No.4 ... 768 No. 5 _ . 1001 32 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. United States Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 6 776 No. 7 . 462 No. 8 1093 No. 9 1118 United States Agricultural Experiment Station Record. Vol.1, No. 1 1015 Vol.1, No. 2 998 Vol. 1, No. 3 . 583 Vol. 1, No. 4 761 Vol. 1, No. 5 584 Vol.1, No. 6 181 Vol.2,No. 1 585 Vol. 2, No. 3 1007 Vol. 2, No. 4 1102 Vol.2, No. 12 1085 Vol. 3, No. 1 1086 Vol. 3, No. 2 1103 Vol. 3, No. 3 .._ 1114 Vol. 3, No. 4 1074 Vol. 3, No. 5 1128 Vol. 3, No. 6 461 Vol. 3, No. 7_ 460 Vol. 3, No. 8_ 459 Vol. 3, No. 9 458 December, 1890 503 BOTANY. Annales de la Societe Botanique de Lyon. Vol. 1 1540 Vol. 2 1541 Vol. 3 1542 Vol. ,4 1543 Vol. 5 ._.- 1544 Vol. 6 1545 Vol. 7 . 1546 Vol. 8 1547 Vol. 9.... 1548 Vol. 10 . 1549 BOTANY. 33 Title of Book. Number. Annales de la Societe Botanique de Lyon Vol. 11 - 1550 Vol. 12 _ 1551 Archives Botaniques du Nord de la France 529 Book of Botany. Youman. Vol.1 1290 Vol.2 1291 Botanic Gardens. Edwards. Vol. 1 1496 Vol.2 1497 Botanical Text-book. Gray 526 Botanique. M. LeMaout 1685 Botanists 7 Manual, The 1031 Botany. J. Rennie 1030 Botany. Gray 844 Botany. Mrs. Lincoln 1034 Botany. Paxton. Vol.1 365 Vol. 2 366 Vol. 3 367 Vol. 4 368 Vol. 5 369 Vol. 6 _ 370 Vol. 7 ..__ 371 Vol. 8 372 Vol. 9 373 Vol. 10 374 Vol. 11 375 Vol.12 376 Vol.13 377 Vol.14 378 Vol. 15 - 379 Vol. 16 380 Botany. Wood & Steele 1292 Census of Plants of New South Wales. Charles Morris 173 Class Book of Botany. Woods 1288 Chronological History of Plants. Pickering 1552 Cryptogamic Botany. Bennett & Murray 1038 Cryptogamic Botany. Berkeley 525 Cyclopedia of Practical Floriculture. Turner. 1558 Diction re di Botani. Baillon 1622 Dictionary of Gardening. Nicholson. Vol. 1 1574 Vol.2 1575 3-B 34 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Dictionary of Gardening. Nicholson Vol.3 1576 Vol.4 1577 Dictionarie de Botanique. Baillon. Parti 1692 Part 2 1693 Different' Form of Flowers on Plants of the same Species. Darwin 1054 Dwellers in Our Gardens. Wood 1299 Economic Plants. Saunders. 1099 Elements of Botany. J H. Balfour 1295 Encyclopedia of Plants. Loudon 531 English Gardener. Wm. Cobbett 1318 European Ferns. Britten 1495 Fern Garden, The. Hibberd 1300 Ferns in Their Homes and Ours. Robinson 1043 Flora Belle, The. Comstock 857 Flora Cestrica. Darlington. __ 1042 Flora Dalekarlica. Linnaeus 874 Flora Frangaise. Mutel. Vols. 1-2 1263 Vols.3-4 1264 Vol. 5 1265 Flora Italiana. F. Parlatore. Vol. 1 . 883 Vol.2 884 Vol.3._ 885 Vol.4 886 Vol.5 -.- 887 Flora Italiana. Continued by Caruel. Vol. 6 _ 963 Vol.7 961 Vol.8. _ 962 Floral Decorations for Dwelling Homes. Hassard 1341 Florists' Directory. Mains 1410 Flower Garden. Breck 1048 Flower Garden. Charlotte Elizabeth 1032 Flower Garden. Paxton. Vol. 1 1492 Vol.2 1493 Vol.3 _ 1494 Flower Stalk. Bennett. 1682 Flowers of Basin de Rhone. Saint-Lager 1498 Flowers of Field and Forest. Hervey 1610 Fourteen Weeks in Botany. Wood & Steele ... A 1292 BOTANY. 35 Title of Book. Number. Garden Management. Duncan _ 1307 Gardeners' Calendar. Mawe _ _ _ 139 Gardeners' Text-book. Schenck _ _ 1261 Gardening for Money. Barnard 1041 Gardening for Pleasure. Henderson 1 304 Gardening for Profit. Henderson 1 302 Gardening for the South. White 1311 Genera Planatarum. Linnaeus 111 Guide to the Microscope in Botany. Hervey 664 Handbook to British Mosses. Berkeley 568 Handbook of Field Botany. Manton 1 259 Handbook of Plants. Henderson 1 565 Histoire des Plants. Baillon. Vol. 1 1 531 Vol.2 1532 Vol.3 1533 Vol.4 1534 Vol. 5 1535 Vol. 6 1536 Vol. 7 1537 Vol.8 1538 Vol.9 1539 How Plants Grow. Gray 1035 Hyacinth Flower Stalk. Bennett 1673 Index Perfectus Species Planatarum. Linnseus 1251 Ladies' Companion to the Flower Garden. Loudon 1046 Linnseus 1604 Local Flora. Behr 1315 Medical Botany. Griffin 528 Medical Botany in North America. Johnson 532 Michigan Flora. Wheeler & Smith 1 84 Monoc. and Die. Plants. Allemao 1697 Nomenclato Botanico 1039 North China Plants. Hance 1 940 Passiflora. Scott 1132 Passiflora of Ecuador and New Granada. Masters 949 Passifloracese. Masters 1675 Petals of Flowers. West 140 Philosophica Botanica. Linnseus. Vol. 1 114 Vol.2 117 Physiology of Plants. Sachs 364 36 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Plant Life. L. H. Grindon 1324 Plantse Europse. Linnseus. Vol. 1 120 Vol.2 121 Vol.3 122 Vol. 4 123 Plants of Galapagos Archipelago. Hooke 1672 Plants of the Holy Land. Osborn 845 Plants of Ireland. Hart 943 Plants of New South Wales. Wm. Woolls 1036 Plants with Perfect Seeds. Smith 1678 Popular California Flora. Rattan 1313 Popular Flowers. E. S. Rand, Jr 1040 Popular Geography of Plants. Daubeny 1293 Popular Greenhouse Botany. Catlow 1280 Popular History of Palms. Seeman 1279 Popular Botany. Bower & Vines 1294 Popular Floriculture. Henderson 1308 Popular ^Landscape Gardening. Kern 1047 Profitable Plants. Archer 1033 Propagation of Plants. Fuller 1323 Propagation and Improvement of Cultivated Plants. Burbidge 1 045 Rose, The. Ellwanger 1312 Rose, The. Parsons 1310 School Botany. Lindley 1037 Selected Extra Tropical Plants. Von Mueller 673 Skeleton Leaves, tilton 1289 Societe Botanique de France. Vol. 1 533 Vol. 2 534 Vol. 3 535 Vol. 4 - 536 Vol. 5 537 Vol. 61 538 Vol. 7 539 Vol. 8 540 Vol. 9 541 Vol. 10 542 Vol.11 543 Vol. 12 544 Vol. 13 . 545 BOTANY. 37 Title of Book. Number. Societe Botanique de France Vol.14 546 Vol. 15 547 Vol. 16 _.. 548 Vol. 17 549 Vol. 18 550 Vol.19 551 Vol. 20 552 Vol. 21 _ 553 Vol. 22 554 Vol. 23 555 Vol. 24 556 Vol.25 _._ 557 Vol. 26 558 Vol. 27 _. 559 Vol. 28 560 Vol. 29 561 Vol. 30 562 Vol.31 _. 563 Vol.32 564 Vol. 33 565 Societe Botanique de France. Congress 566 Species Planatarum. Linnaeus. Vol.1 115 Vol.2 _... 116 Storia delle Piante. Figuier 612 Structural and Systematical Botany. Gray 843 Studi Botanica Sugli Agrumi. Vol. 1 1600 Vol.2 1601 Synopsis of the Queensland Flora. F. M. Bailey 888 Systema Vegetabili. Linnaeus __. 112 Sy sterna Vegetabilium. Linnaeus. Vol.1 130,1578 Vol.2 131, 1579 Vol.3 132,1580 Vol.4 133 Vol.5 134 Vol. 6 135 Vol.7 136 Vol.8 r __. 137 Vol.9 138 Systema Vegetabilium. Linnaeus 113, 124 38 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Systema Vegetabilium. Sprengel. Vol. 1 125 Vol.2 126 Vol.3 _... 127 Vol.4 128 Vol.5 129 Systematic and Economic Botany. Balfour 1296 Systematis Vegetabilium. Linnaeus. Vol. 1 605 Vol.2 606 Thoughts in my Garden. Mrs. Ware 1319 Traite de Botanique. Bertrand 168 Vegetable World, The. Figuier 1 390 Wayside Flowers and Ferns. A. B. Hervey 1 608 West American Oaks. Kellogg __ 1605 Wild Flowers of the Pacific Coast. E. H. Thayer 1607 Window Flower Garden. Heinrich 1314 Window Gardening. Williams 985 Winter Greeneries at Home. Johnson 1 325 Wonders of Flora. H. A. Kresken 1316 Young Botanist, The. Opie 1029 Young Gardener's Assistant, The. Bridgeman 524 CHEMISTRY. Title of Book. Number. Agricultural Chemical Analysis. P. F. Frankland 1385 Agricultural Chemistry. Johnston 1287 Agriculture. Storer. Vol. 1 1062 Vol.2 1063 AlkaliLands. Hilgard 770 Alkali Lands of California, and Irrigation. Hilgard 1009 Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils. Brannt 401 Borax Deposits 298 California Irrigation Lands. Hilgard. 956 Chemical Reaction. Dreschel _ 1379 Chemistry. Henfrey -- 1387 Chemistry of Plants. Draper 1691 Commercial Organic Analysis. Allen. Vol. 1 . . 398 Vol.2 399 Vol. 3 400 Elementary Manual of Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Perkins.. 1246 CHEMISTRY ENTOMOLOGY. 39 Title of Book. Number. Experimental Chemistry. Stockhardt & Heaton 1386 Food Composition and Analysis. A. W. Blyth 1377 Methods of Fermentation . Hilgard 955 Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Thorpe 1388 System of Instruction in Quantitative Chemical Analy- sis. Fresnius 604 Techno-Chemical Receipt Book. Brannt _ 1 378 Tests for Olive Oil. Cannizzaro & Fabris _ 1190 ENTOMOLOGY. Title of Book. Number. Account of New Zealand Scale Insects. Maskell 519 Animal Kingdom. Cuvier 842 Arcana Entomologica. Westwood. Vol. 1 359 Vol. 2 360 Australian Fungi. Berkeley 946 Brazilian Burmanniacese. Miers 1680 Brazilian Fungi. Berkeley & Cooke 941 Brisbane Fungi. Berkeley & Broome 1671 British Beetles. Rye 1275 British Butterflies. Humphreys & Westwood 1 504 British Coleoptera. W. Spry 1024 British Hemiptera and Heteroptera. Doug] as & Scott _ 652 British Moths. Westwood. Vol. 1 1 572 Vol.2 1573 Butterflies. Brown 1028 Butterflies. Scudder 1278 Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada. Scudder. Vol. 1 1555 Vol. 2 1556 Vol. 3 1557 Butterfly Hunters. H. Conant 1340 Campan. and Oleac. Orders. Bentham 1139 Catalogo della Mostra Collettiva 862 Catalogue British Hymenoptera. F. Smith 636 Ceylon Fungi. Berkeley & Broome 945 Coleoptera of America. Henshaw 437 Coleoptera, Neuroptera, and Lepidoptera of North America. Le Conte__ 569 40 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number.. Common Objects of the Microscope. J. G. Wood 1434 Cuban Fungi. Berkeley & Curtis 1134 Cut Worms. Lintner 442 Destructive Insects. Craw 864 Diseases of Fruit Trees. Kirk 1150 Economic Entomology. Murray 1025 Elements of Entomology. Dallas 1272 Elements of Natural History of Animal Kingdom. C. Stewart ' 118 Entomological Society of Ontario. 1885 914 1887-8 840 Entomologist, Department of Agriculture, U. S. 1888__ 931 1890_ 1021 1890-1 1079 1891 1 205 Entomologist, New York 577, 846, 924 Entomology 1023 Entomology. Comstock 637 Entomology. Kirby 539 Entomology. Kirby & Spencer. Vol.1 641 Vol. 2 642 Entomology. Say. Vol. 1 522 Vol. 2 .". 523 Farm Insects. John Curtis 1595 Fungi. Cooke & Berkeley 1395 Fungi Hypogali. Tulasne 1603 Genus Crocus. G. Maw 1612 Gleanings of British Algse. Berkeley 391 Grevillea. Cuvier. Vols. I-II . 665 Vols. III-IV 66a Vols. V- VI 667 Vols. VII-VIII 668 Vols. IX-X 669 Vols. XI-XII . 670 Guide to Methods of Insect Life. Ormerod 1283 Guide to the Study of Insects. Packard 518 Half Hours with Insects. Packard 1022 Handbook of Coleoptera. H. E. Cox. Vol. 1 653 Vol.2 654 Handbook of Destructive Insects of Victoria. French. 861 ENTOMOLOGY. 41 Title of Book. Number, Injurious Insects. Ormerod 908, 915 Injurious Insects of California. M. Cooke 994 Injurious Insects of the Farm and Garden. Treat 1274 Injurious Insects of the Orchard, Vineyard, etc. M. Cooke 660 Injurious and other Insects of New York. 1888 656 1889 657 1890 658 1891 427 Insect, The. Michelet 520 Insect, The. Westwood. Vol. 1 643 Vol.2 . 644 Insect Architecture. Wood 1271 Insect Life. 1888 922 1888-9, Parti 638 1 888-9, Part II 639 1889-90 640 Insect Pests in -Southern California. Bulletin CafTey College 1149 Insect Lives. Ballard 1282 Insect World. Figuier 1273 Insects. Cuvier. Vol. 1 361 Vol. 2 362 Vol. 3 363 Insects Affecting the Orange. Hubbard 901 Insects at Home. Wood 521 Insects Injurious to Fruits. Saunders 841 Insects Injurious to the Hop Plant. Whitehead 1026 Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Flint 655 Life of North American Insects. B. Jaeger 1284 Locust or Grasshopper Plague. Riley 1044 Methods of Destroying Scale Insects. Coquillett 1195 Microscopic Fungi. M. C. Cooke _ _' 1419 Microscope, The. Hogg 1202 Monograph of British Aphides. Buckton. Vol. 1 645 Vol. 2 646 Vol.3 647 Vol. 4 648 Monograph of British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. Cameron. No. 1 649 No. 2 _ 650 42 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Monograph of Collembola and Thysanura. Sir John Lubbock 651 Moths and Butterflies. Ballard 663 New York Committee on Entomology 425 Noxious and Beneficial Insects. S. A. Forbes 833 Objects of Microscope. Clarke 1396 Orange Insects. Ashmead 991 Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology. Goebel 1505 Peach Yellows. Lelong 417 Peach Yellows. Smith. 1889 834 1891 835 Pests of the Pomologist. Lintner 1696 Poisons for the Codlin Moth. Forbes 1138 Popular British Entomology. Catlow 1285 Ringworm Fungus. Morris & Henderson 1020 Scale Insects. Chapin 957 School Entomology. M. Cooke _. 659 Sketches of British Insects. Houghton 1276 Tiny World, The. Dodd & Mead 1286 Transformation of Insects. Duncan 832 Treasury of Natural History. S. Maunders 1398 Treatise on Insects Injurious to Fruit and Fruit Trees of California. W. G. Klee 1 1 62 Treatment of the Fungous Diseases of Plants. Galloway 699 Tremellineous Fungi. Tulasne 947 White Grub of the May Beetle. Lintner 441 Wonders of Insect Life. J. E. Willet 1281 Zygsenidse and Bombay cedse of North America. Stretch. 479 HORTICULTURAL. Title of Book. Number. American Fruit Culturist. Thomas 267 American Pomological Society 1 690 American Weeds and Useful Plants. Darlington 1309 Apple Culturist, The. Todd 1367 Apple and Pear. Hogg. Vol.1 1598 Vol. 2 1 599 Appleton's Home Book 1352 HORTICULTURAL. 43 Title of Book. Number. Asafoetida Plants. Balfour 1681 California Fruits. Wickson. First edition ._ 674 Second edition 675 California Trees and Flowers T 702 Canadian Horticulturist. 1885 '. 856 1886 677 Canning and Preserving. Rorer 1358 Chapter on Trees. Kirby 1 328 Citrus Culture in California. Lelong 1148 Citrus Fruits. Lelong 41 5 Coltivazione dell' Olivo. Cappi 859 Coltivazione del Riso 1699 Condition of Crops. 1890 771 Condition of Tropical and Semi-Tropical Fruits in the United States. 1887 705 Country Life. Copeland 676 Cranberry Culture. White 1362 Cultivation of the Peach, Pear, Quince, and Nut-Bear- ing Trees. Black 1053 Cultura dell' Olivo in Italia. Pecori. Part 1 1461 Part 2 1689 Cultural Industries of Queensland. Bernays 987 Etude Chimequesne 1'Olivier. Paparelli 468 Facts for Farmers and the Family Circle. Robinson. Vol.1 1499 Vol.2 1500 Family Kitchen Garden. Buist 1298 Farm, The 1337 Farm Conveniences. Orange Judd 1361 Farm Gardening and Seed Growing. Thurber 1363 Field Notes on Apple Culture. Bailey 1336 Fig Caprification. Lelong 1 186 Fig Industry. Lelong 419 Flax Culture. Orange Judd 1158 Florida Fruits. Harcourt 1368 Fruit Culture. Gregg 1330 Fruit Culture. Lelong 418 Fruit Culture. Strong 1349 Fruit Culture in Colorado. Pabor 1078 Fruit Culture in Foreign Countries 706 44 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Fruit Garden. Barry 1327 Fruit Garden. Rivers 1360 Fruit Industry in California. Chipman 497 Fruit Manual. Hogg _- 964 Fruit Preservers' Manual. Hogg 1401 FruitTrees. Du Breuil 1343 Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden. Neill 1303 Fruits. R. Manning 1338 Fruits, Flowers, and Farming. Beech er 1339 Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. Downing 382 Grasses of New South Wales. Turner. Vol. 1 _ _ . 917 Vol . 2 918 Handbook of Orange Culture. T. W. Moore 1342 Handbook of Tree Planting. N. H. Eggleston 1391 Handbook of Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants. Decaisne 527 Handbook for Fruit Growers. F. R. Elliott 1420 Hop Culture. Orange Judd 1168 Horticulture. Lindley 1355 Horticulturists 7 Rule Book. Bailey 1389 How Crops Grow. Johnson 1 369 How the Farm Pays. P.Henderson 570 How to Get a Farm '_ 1335 Journal of Horticulture. Johnson & Hogg. Vol. 1 1670 Vol.2 1671 Kitchen Garden. Delamer 1426 L'Arbre Fruitier des Jardin 1413 L'Olivoe 1'Olio. A. Aloi 1418 New American Farm Book. Allen 1366 New American Orchardist. Kenrick 1370 Olacacese Genera. Miers 948 Olacinea. Bentham 1074 Olive, The. Caruso.... 1459 Olive, The. Coutance 1562 Olive, The. Marvin 1597 Olive Culture. E. Cooper 999 Olive Culture. E. Cooper and Louis Bernays 1076 Olive Culture. A. Flamant 280 Olive Culture. V. Lamantia 485 Olive Culture in California. Lelong 993 HORTICULTURAL. 45 Title of Book. Number. Olive Culture in the Alpes-Maritimes 697 Olive Tree, The. Bleasdale 473 Open- Air Grape Culture. Phin 1374 Orangeries, Les. Joly :__ _ 1000 Orange Culture. Gallesio 475 Orange Culture. Lelong 420 Orange Culture in California. Wm. A. Spalding 926 Orange Culture in California. T. A. Garey 1421 Orange Culture in New South Wales. Bennett 950 Orange Culture in New Zealand. Alderton 939 Orchard House, The. Rivers 1354 Orchidees de Nice. Barla 1602 Our Farm Crops. Wilson 1049 Our Farm of Four Acres. Orange Judd 515 Peach Culture. Fulton 1359 Pear Culture. Fields 1322 Pear Culture for Profit. Quinn 1353 Philosophical Transactions of Royal Horticultural Soci- ety 1710 Pomologie Generale. Vol. 1 1447 Vol. 2 1448 Vol. 3 1449 Vol. 4 1450 Vol. 5 1451 Vol. 6 1452 Vol. 7 1453 VoL 8 1454 Vol. 9 1455 VoL 10 1456 Vol.11 1457 Vol. 12 1458 Pomona Italiana 1135 Popular and Scientific Fruit Culture. Baker 1051 Present and Future Production of Florida. Neck 698 Products of California. Turrill 1344 Profitable Orange Culture in Southern California. Fish 1403 Propagation. Lelong 41 3 Prune Industry, The. Lelong 414 Quince Culture. Meech 1347 Selected Fruits for the Garden and Market. Downing _ 1075 46 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Small Fruit Culturist. A. S. Fuller 1371 Strawberry Culture. Pardee 1326 Strawberry Culturist. Fuller 1424 Sub-Tropical Cultivations and Climate 1050 Success with Small Fruits. E. P. Roe 590 Sweet Potato Culture. Fitz 1407 Taille des Arbres Fruitiers. Hardy 960 Taille Raisonnee des Arbres Fruitiers. DeButret 1256 Treatise on the Citrus Family. Gallesio 1164 Treatise on the Culture of the Orange. Geo. W. Davis. 1405 Tree Pruning. A. Des Cars 1348 Trees of Northeastern America. Thos. Newhall 938 Western Fruit Growers' Guide. Elliott 1334 What I Know of Farming. Greeley 1 368^ HORTICULTURAL REPORTS. Title of Book. Number. American Association of Nurserymen. 1890 491 1891 _.. 1181 American Horticultural Society. 1888 245 American Florist Society . 704, 796, 913, 1198 American Forestry Association 502, 1192, 1183 California State Board of Forestry. 1887-8 1237 California State Board of Horticulture. Second Conven- tion. 1882 1165 Report. 1882 684 1884 685 1885-6 ... 686 1887-8 687 1889 688 1890 609 1891 610 Tenth Convention. 1889 866 Eleventh Convention. 1889 1156 Columbian Fruit Growers' Association. 1891 486 Columbus Horticultural Society. 1870_ 295 Colorado Horticultural Society. 1 882-3-4 242 1885_. 1187 HORTICULTURAL REPORTS. 47 Title of Book. Number. Colorado Horticultural Society 1886 799 1887-8 .. 690 1889 678 1889-90 243 Farmers' Institute of Wisconsin. 1889 622 Illinois Horticultural Society. 1884 192 1886. ... 193 1887 194 1888 195 1889 196 1890 197 Indiana Horticultural Society. 1876 1152 1880 1153 1882 256 1884 r 257 1885.. 258 1886 259 1887 . 1 260 1888 261 1889 262 1890 263 1891 270 Iowa Horticultural Society. 1871 198 1872 199 1873 . 200 1874... _.._ 201 1875 202 1876 ...'. _ 203 1878. 204 1879 205 1880 _ _.. 206 1881 207 1882 ___ 208 1883 ._ 209 1884 _ 210 1885 .._ 211 1886 212 1887. _ 213 1888. . 214 48 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Iowa Horticultural Society 1889 "_ 215 1890 216 Kansas Horticultural Society. 1883 236 1884 237 1885 238 1886 239 1887-8 240 1889-90 241 Maine Pomological Society. 1885-7 983 1886 394 1888 393 1889 1196 1890 ._ 1184 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 1884-6 244 1885 818 1887 819 1888 700 1889, No. 1. 682 1889, No. 2 679 1890 683 Michigan Horticultural Society. 1881 227 1882 228 1883 229 1884 230 1885 231 1886 . 232 1887 : 233 1888 ./_ 234 1889 235 Michigan Horticulturist ___ 480 Michigan Pomological Society. 1872 107 1875 108 Minnesota Horticultural Society. 1866-73 217 1874 1233 1875 1177 1875-6 490 1876-7 499 1877 218 1880__ 219 HORTICULTURAL REPORTS. 49 Title of Book. Number. Minnesota Horticultural Society 1881 220 1882 221 1883 222 1884 223 1885 495 1886 224 1887 1229 1888 689 1889 1169 1890 225 1891 226 Mississippi Valley Horticultural Society. 1883 _ _ 246 1884 . 247 1887-8 1243 Missouri Horticultural Society. 1883 248 1884 - 249 1885 250 1886 251 1887 252 1888 253 1889 254 1890 255 Montreal Horticultural Society. 1877 266 1878 267 1879 1142 1880 1141 1881 _.._ 1147 1881-2 268 1882-3 269 1884-5 272 1884-5-6 273 1885 919 1887-8 274 New York Horticultural Reports 81 7 Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association. 1888 707 Ohio Horticultural Society. 1 884-5 175 1885-6 291 1887-8 293 1890-1. 292 4-B 50 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Ohio Horticultural Society 1891 __ - 454 Ontario Fruit Growers' Association. 1872 481 1873 492 1875 1170 1876 1180 1879 1594 1883 ... 294 1884 _... 1176 1885 296 1886 I 489 1887-8 392 1888 177 1889 174 1890 . 470 1891 451 Oregon State Board of Horticulture. 1891 _ _ _ 297 Pennsylvania State Horticultural Association 176 1891 1232 Royal Horticultural Society. 1880-1 276 1881-2 277 1882-3 1126 1884-5 278 1885-6 ---- 279 1886-7. _ 1119 1887-8.-.. 285 Seine Societe d' Horticulture. 1890 1217 Smithsonian Institution. 1883 . _ 94 1884, No. 1 95 1884, No.2 96 1885, No. 1... - 97 1885, No.2 98 1886, No. 1- -.- 99 1887 ,--- 100 1889 101 Southern California Horticultural Society. 1891 453 Texas Horticultural Society. 1891 _ _ . 484 United States Pomologist's Report. 1890 944 Washington State Board of Horticulture. Bulletin No. 1 494 Wisconsin Horticultural Society. 1 880 978 VITICULTUBAL VITICULTURAL REPORTS* 51 Title of Book. Number. Wisconsin Horticultural Society 1888 .* 265 1890 .-. 264 Yuba County Horticultural Commission. 1890 _ _ 41 1 VITICULTUBAL. Title of Book. Number. American Grape Growing and Wine Making 1364 California Grape Growers and Wine Makers 504 Culture of the Vine in the Gironde. Cazenave 772 Directory California Grape Growers. 1888 775 1891 -..- 1155 Grape Culture. Hyatt 1376 Grape Culturist. Fuller 1365 Grape Growers' Guide. Chorlton 1321 How to Raise the Price of Grapes. Wetmore 1231 My Vineyard at Lakeview. Orange Judd _.. 1 346 Open- Air Grape Culture. Phin . _ 1374 Popular Treatise on Culture of the Grape. Allen 1329 Preparing, Treatment, and Examination of Wine. Nek- ler 1066 Raisin Industry, The. Eisen _ 1506 Wild Grapes in North America. Munson 1012 Wine Press and the Cellar. Rixford. . 1052 VITICULTUBAL BEPOBTS. Title of Book. Number. California State Viticultural Commission. 1881, No. 1. 691 1881, No. 2 879 1882 878 1882-3-4 873 1887 877 1888, No. 1__ __ 692 1888, No. 2 773 1889-90 178 Appendix. 1 882 51 7 52 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. CODES AND STATUTES. Title of Book. Number. Annotated Codes and Statutes of California. Deering. Vol.2 1663 Vol.4 _... 1664 Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly 26th session. Vol. 1 44 Vol.2 _ 45 Vol. 3 46 Vol.4 47 Vol. 5 48 Vol. 6 49 27th session. Vol. 1 50 Vol. 2 51 Vol.3 52 Vol.4 .__ 53 Vol.5 54 Vol. 6 ---- 55 Vol. 7 56 Vol.8 57 28th session. Vol. 1 59 Vol.2 60 Vol.3.. 61 Vol. 4 62 Vol. 5 63 Vol.6 - 64 Vol. 7 ._. 65 Vol.8 66 29th session. Vol. 1 69 Vol.2 70 Vol. 3 71 Vol. 4 72 Vol. 5 73 Vol. 6 _. 74 Vol. 7 75 Vol. 8 76 Journal of the Senate. 23d session 42 25th session 43 28th session 68 29th session 77 Journal of the Assembly. 28th session 67 29th session _ 78 UNITED STATES CONSULAR REPORTS. 53 Title of Book. Number. Journal of the Senate and Assembly. 27th session 58 Statutes of California. 1880 37 Statutes and Amendments of Codes of California. 1883. 36 1883 __ 38 1885-4_. __ 32 1885-84 (extra session) 41 1887-86 (extra session). __ 31 1889 40 1891 . 33 United States Statutes at Large. 46th Congress. 1620 47th Congress ._ __ 1621 48th Congress _ 1617 49th Congress 1619 50th Congress 1616 United States Statutes. Supplement ,... 1618 UNITED STATES CONSULAR REPORTS. Title of Book. Number. Fruit Culture in Foreign Countries 853 Fruit Preservation in Foreign Countries __ 893 Labor in Foreign Countries. Vol. 1 _ _ 573 Vol.2 574 Vol.3 575 Report. '1881 825 1 882 828 1 883 826 1884 . 822 1884 830 1885... 831 1885. _. 827 1885 820 1886 450 1888 821 1888... ._ 823 1888 _ 824 1 888 * 829 April, 1889 710 July, 1889 909 August, 1889 989 54 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Report September, 1889 1193 October, 1889 787 November and December, 1 889 889 January, 1890. ._ __. _ 786 February, 1890 806 March, 1890___ _ 808 April, 1890 __ __. 809 May,1890 812 June, 1890 805 July, 1890 ._ 810 August, 1890 '. 811 September, 1890 807 October, 1890 . 803 November, 1890 804 December, 1890 . 892 January, 1891 894 February, 1891 . _ _ _ _ . 895 February, 1891 896 March, 1891 .. 897 April, 1891 801 May, 1891 802 June, 1891 814 July, 1891 - 815 August, 1891 1235 September, 1891 507 October, 1891 449 November, 1891 448 December, 1891 447 January, 1892 446 February, 1892 445 March, 1892 444 Report of Vice-Consul Mortimer 1016 Trade and Finance. 1891 . 443 REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS. Title of Book. Number. Botanic Gardens 1623 Bussey Institute 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795 California State Board of Education. 1887-8. . 782 REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS. 55 Title of Book. Number. California State Board of Equalization. -1889-90 1199 1891 1172 California State Board of Health. 1871 280 1873 281 1874-5 284 1876-7 283 1877 . 282 1878-9_ _ 290 1879-80. 289 1880-1 __ 288 1886 287 1888 -_ 286 California State Board of Prison Directors. 1890 1160 California State Board of Railroad Commissioners. 1880-1-2. .. 872 1883 869 1884 871 1885 . 875 1886 877 California State Board of Silk Culture. 1886 493 1888._. 762 California State Board of Trade. 1892 432 California State Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1886 854 1888 855 1889-90 _ 1238 1890 865 California State Controller. 1889-90 1204 California State Mineralogist. 1885-6 . 299 1887 300 1888 302 1889 303 1890 _ 304 California Secretary of State. 1888 1173 California State University. 1887 750 1889 . 498 1890 . 997 Commerce and Navigation of United States. 1891 23 Commissioner of Transportation of California. 1887-8. 981 Department of Public Instruction, New South Wales 428 56 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. District Irrigation Laws of California _ _ . 431 Electrical Conference at Philadelphia 576 Industrial Exposition Mechanics' Institute. 19th 395 24th _._ 953 Insurance Commissioner. 1891 183 Interstate Commerce Commission 24, 187, 618, 979 National Assembly of Sciences. 1882 925 New Zealand Minister of Public Instruction 1624 San Francisco Park Commissioners. 1890 _ _ 696 1891 500 San Francisco Produce Exchange 51 6 Stanford University. 1891 511 State Schools. 1890 910 Technical Society of Pacific Coast. 1889 783 United States International Exhibition. Vol. 1 402 Vol.2 403 Vol. 3 404 Vol. 4 405 Vol. 5 406 Vol.6 407 Vol. 7 408 Vol.8 40$ United States Patent Office. 1847 79 1848_. 80 1849-50 81 1850-1 82 1851-2 83 1852-3 84 1853. 85 1853 86 1854 87 1855 1 1856 88 1857 89 1858... 90 1859 91 1860 92 1861 93 1863.. 2 MISCELLANEOUS. 57 Title of Book. Number, United States Treasury Department. Statistical Ab- stracts. 1886-8 982 1890 1241 Statistics of Imports, Exports, Irrigation, and Navi- gation . 1 89 1 798 Statistics of Imported Merchandise. 1884 506 1886 501 1888 797 1890 1203 Statistics of Imports and Exports. 1890 1230 Willard Insane Asylum. 1887 1125 Wisconsin Dairymen's Association. 1889 623 World's Industrial and Cotton Exposition at New Orleans.. 1154 MISCELLANEOUS. Title of Book. Number. Addresses Inauguration of Horace Davis. Berkeley, 1888 769 Alimentazione Bestiame. Selmi 1414 American Newspaper Annual. 1 887 _ 1 704 Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Vol. 1 305 Vol. 2 306 Vol. 3 307 Vol. 4 . 308 Vol. 5 309 Vol. 6 310 Vol. 7 . 311 Vol. 8 312 Vol. 9 313 Vol. 10 314 Vol.ll 315 Vol.12 316 Vol.13 317 Vol.14 318 Vol. 15 319 Vol. 16 320 Vol. 17 : 321 Vol. 18 322 Vol. 19 _ 323 58 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Vol.20 . 324 Vol.21 325 Vol.22 326 Vol.23 327 Vol.24 328 Vol. 25 329 Vol. 26 ._ 330 Vol.27 331 Vol.28 332 Annual Address before State Agricultural Society. Mills 1207 Annual Statistician. 1885 1222 1887 1223 1888 1224 1889. . 1225 Apicoltura. Canestrini 1266 Arizona 1247 Bay of San Francisco. Vol.1 1490 Vol.2 1491 Beacon, The 477 Bee-Keeping. Quinby 1383 Brabourn Papers 1157 Calendar Sydney Technical College. 1 890 _ _ . 933 California Blue Book. 1891 959 California Cackler 1462 California Exhibits at New Orleans 1430 California Illustrated 1463 California Waters and Supply. Hilgard 956 Canales. Llaurado 465 Carp, River Trout, etc., of Massachusetts. Garman 1197 Catalogue California State Library 607 Catalogue Claflin University. 1 888-9 _ 954 Century Dictionary. Vol.1 __ _ 1626 Vol.2 1627 Vol.3 1628 Vol. 4 1629 Vol. 5 1630 Vol. 6 1631 Clay Lands and Loamy Soils. Donaldson 1427 Code of Civil Procedure. Newmark _ 29 MISCELLANEOUS. 59 Title of Book. IS umber. Commercial Relations. 1882-3. Vol. 1 571 Vol.2 572 Compendio di Apicoltura 1255 Conferenzi Scientifici Popolari. Selmi 1417 Conservation of Water, New South Wales. No. 1 472 No. 2 . 1609 No. 3 1625 Culture and Raising of Silkworms. L. S. Crozier 1143 Cushing's Manual 1253 Customs Handbook of New South Wales 467 Department of Mines, New South Wales . 1614 Draining for Profit and Health. Waring. ... 1357 Economie Rurale 1408 Eleventh Census. Porter 1174 Encyclopaedia Americana. Vol. 1 1487 Vol. 2 ... 1488 Vol. 3_ 1489 Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol.1 . 1632 Vol. 2 ... 1633 Vol. 3. 1634 Vol. 4. 1635 Vol. 5 1636 Vol. 6-._ 1637 Vol. 7 1638 Vol. 8 1639 Vol. 9 1640 Vol. 10 1641 Vol. 11 1642 Vol. 12 1643 Vol.13. 1644 Vol. 14 1645 Vol.15 1646 Vol. 16 _ 1647 Vol. 17 1648 Vol. 18 1649 Vol. 19 1650 Vol.20 , 1651 Vol.21 1652 Vol. 22 1653 Vol. 23 . 1654 60 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. 24 . -. 1655 Vol. 25 1656 Encyclopaedia Dictionary. Webster 1 705 Enos' Statement to California State Horticultural Society 1019 Ensilage. Bailey 858 Expend. National and Local Works, N. S. W 466 Farm Drainage. French 1356 Farm and Household Encyclopaedia 1446 Farmers' Every-Day Book. Blake 580 Farmers and Merchants' Manual. Waring 594 Fisheries of the Colonies of New South Wales. 1615 Forest Trees. Bryant 1301 Forestry in Europe. Porter 307 Gandolfi Saggio Sopra 119 Geholzzucht. Hartwig 1444 Geflugelzucht. L. Pribyl 1442 Gemusebau. Uslar 1445 Geological Survey of California. Vol. 1 1563 Vol.2 1564 Geological Survey of Canada. 1880-1 -2 390 Geological Survey of Canada. Canadian Plants 530 Geological Survey of Illinois. Vol.4 1559 Vol. 5 1560 Vol. 6 1561 Geological Survey of Missouri 386 Geological Survey of United States. Powell. 1 883-4 _. 102 1885 103 1886 104 1887 105 1888 . 106 Geology of Arkansas 1698 Geology of Vermont. 1861. Vol. 1 1707 Vol. 2 1708 Gewachshauser. Hartwig 1441 Government Forestry Abroad. Pinchot 1175 Government Roster. 1 889 958 Grande Enezclopedie d'Economic Domestique 1554 Handbook of Florida. Norton 1317 Handbook of Sulphur Cure. W. J. Flagg 1406 MISCELLANEOUS. 61 Title of Book. Number. Handbuch des Obstkulture. Gaucher Henochilus Wheatlandii. Garman 1171 Het Enter Van Vruchtboomen en Heesters. Part 1 ___ 1686 Part2 1684 Historical Sketch of State Normal School at San Jose__ 396 History of the World. Ridpath. Vol. 1 _ 1501 Vol. 2 1502 Vol. 3 1053 Honey Bee, The. Langstroth 1382 Household and Farmers' Encyclopedia 385 How to Work with the Microscope. Beale 593 Humboldt's Views of Nature 1376 II Credito e la Banca Nazionale. Robustelle 1 254 II Giovinetta Campagnoula. F. Garelle. Vol.1 1431 Vol.2 1432 II Vino e la Birra. Figuier 1688 Impatiens Fulva. Bennett 950 Index to Consular Reports. 1886-9 813 1889 995 Industries of New South Wales 1596 Intoxicating Drink Inquiry, New South Wales 476 Investigation Condition of Men Working on Waterfront. Tobin 1010 Investigation of National Building and Loan Associa- tions. Tobin.. 1100 Irrigation Development. Hall 891 Irrigation in California. Hall 890 Istrizione Scientifiche Pei Viaggiatori. Issel 912 Jardin de la Malmaison 1 528 La Giovinetta Campagnoula _ _ 1416 L'Amante dei Fiori. Marinis 1415 Latte, Burro, Gaceo 1262 Laws and Practice of Legislative Assemblies. Gushing. 34 Letters on Landscape Photography. H. P. Robinson . _ 880 L'Ogiene dei Contagini _. 1433 Los Angeles County 1 694 Maison Rustique. Vol. 1 1464 Vol.2 ._ 1465 Vol. 3 1466 Vol. 4 1467 Vol. 5 . 1468 62 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Title of Book. Number. Memoir of Peter Henderson 436 Meteorological Report. 1889 996 Milch wirthschaft Die 1439 Mines and Minerals 1429 Muck Manual. Dana 1367^ Mycology. Vols. 1-2 334 Vols.3-4 335 Vol.5 336 Vol.6 337 New Bee-Keepers' Text-book. King 1372 New Facts about Southern California 496 New Law and Form Book. Triplett 35 New South Wales 1191 Nitrate of Soda for Manure. Harris 483 Nurserymen's Directory 1 507 Nurserymen's Specimen Book of America 1695 Obstbau. R. Noack 1436 Obstbaunkrau. Sorauer 1443 Pacific Rural Handbook 1375 Pamphlet. Llaurado 469 Parks and Gardens of Paris. Robinson 567 Parliamentary Proceedings. Crocker 1258 People's Cyclopedia. De Puy 1709 Permanent Census Bureau. 1891 1201 Photographic Amateur. J. T. Taylor 1 88 Photography in the Field and Studio. Estabrooke 1397 Piante Industriale. Gorini 12 Picturesque California. Vol. 1 1529 Vol.2 1530 Pines of California. Steele _ _ 1239 Political Code of California. Newmark. 1885 30 Popular Science Monthly 904 Poultry Breeding. Flint 1392 Prime Arborum 471 Queensland Guide 1060 Railways and Tramways of New South Wales 1613 Rain and River Observations, New South Wales 916 Rearing Silkworms. Rienzi 1404 Reclamation of Arid Lands by Irrigation 779 Register of Purdue University. 1 888-90 952 MISCELLANEOUS. , 63 Title of Book. Number. Register of University of California. 1886-7. _ 1008 Report upon Forestry 28 Riverside, Southern California 1188 Riverside Natural History. Vol. 1 1 657 Vol.2 1658 Vol. 3 1659 Vol.4 1660 Vol.5 1661 Vol.6 1662 Rural Economy. Boussingault 1394 Rural Essays. Downing 381 Rust in Wheat 1250 Rustic Adornments for Homes. S. Hibbard 984 Santa Clara County 482 Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales 1194 Silosand Ensilage. Thurber 1393 Standing Rules California Legislature ; 1013 Statistical Register of New South Wales 1611 Statistics of New South Wales. 171 Studi de Legislazione Forestale. A. Rabbeno 1422 Technical Education of New South Wales 1244 Timber Trees of New South Wales 860 Tobacco Culture. Orange Judd 1159 Toot Plant and Poisons of New Zealand. Lindsay 942 Trade between United States and Spanish America. Curtis 1151 Trade Guilds of Europe 611 Trade of Consular District of San Francisco. 1890 1179 United States Geological Exploration, Fortieth Parallel. King... 1711 Vademecum. Hitschmann 1 269 Vegetable Creation and God. Moule 1402 Vinegar Acetates, Cider, Fruit- Wines, etc. Brannt 589, Walks of a Naturalist. Hough ton 1270 Wattles and Wattle Barks. Masden 929 West American Scientist __ 1 240 Zimmergarten. T. Rumpler __ 1440 64 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. AUTHORS. Name. Number. ALLEMAO 1697 ALLEN. Vol.1 398 Vol. 2 399 Vol.3 400 ALOI, A 1418 APPLETON 1352 ASHMEAD 991 BACCARINI 1683 BAILEY, John M 858 BAILEY, F. M. __. 888 BAILLON. Hist. Plants. Vol.1 1531 Vol.2 1532 Vol.3 1533 Vol.4 1534 Vol. 5 1535 Vol.6 1536 Vol. 7 1537 Vol. 8 1538 Vol. 9 1539 Diet. Bot. Part 1 1692 Diet. Re di Bota 1622 BALFOUR 1681 BALLARD. Insect Lives 1282 Moths and Butterflies 663 BARLA 1602 BARRY 1327 BEHR 1315 BENNETT, A. W. Flower Stalks 1682 Hyacinth Flower Stalk 1673 Impat. Fulva . _ 950 BENNETT, George 1 951 BENNETT & MURRAY 1038 BENTHAM. Campan. and Oleac. Orders 1139 Olaci T __. 1074 BERNAYS 987 BERTRAND 168 BERKELEY. Aust. Fungi 946 British Mosses 568 Crypt. Bot. 525 AUTHORS. 65 Name. Number. BERKELEY & BROOME. Bris. Fungi 1671 Cey . Agar. 1 679 Gey. Fungi 945 BERKELEY & COOKE 941 BERKELEY & CURTIS 1134 BLACK . 1053 BLYTH 1377 BOUSINGAULT 1 394 BRANNT. An. and Veg. Fats 401 Vin., Cider, etc , 589 BRECK 1048 BRITTON 1495 BROWN 1028 BRYANT 1301 BUCKTON. Vol. 1 645 Vol.2 646 Vol. 3 647 Vol. 4 648 BUIST 1298 CAMERON. Vol. 1 649 Vol.2 650 CAMPBELL 474 CANESTRINI 1 266 CAPPI 859 CARUEL. Vol. 6 _ '. 963 Vol.7 961 Vol. 8 962 CARUSO 1459 CAZENAVE 772 CHAPIN 951 CHORLTON 1321 CLARKE 1396 COBBETT, Wm 1318 COMSTOCK 637 CONANT, Helen 1340 COOKE, Matthew. Inj . Insects of Cal 994 School Ent. 659 COOKE, M. C. 1419 COOKE & BERKELEY 1395 5-B 66 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Name. Number. COOPER, Ellwood. Part 1st 999 Part 2d 1076 COPELAND . 676 COQUILLETT _ . 1 195 COUTANCE __. 1562 Cox, H. E. Vol. 11 653 Vol.2 . . 654 CRAW 864 CROCKER - . . 1258 CROZIER, L. S 1 143 CURTIS, John 1595 CURTIS, W. E 1151 GUSHING. Prac. of Leg. Assem 34 Proc. and Deb. 1253 CUVIER. Animal Kingdom 842 Grevillea. Vols. I-II 665 Vols. III-IV 666 Vols. V-VI 667 Vols. VII- VIII 668 Vols.IX-X 669 Vols. XI-XII ... 670 Insects. Vol . 1 361 Vol.2 362 Vol.3 363 DALLAS 1 272 DANA ---- 1368 DARWIN 1054 DAVIS, Geo. W 1405 DEBUTRET 1256 DEL AMO, M. 1460 DBS CARS, A 1348 DOUGLAS & SCOTT 652 DOWNING. Fruits and Fruit Trees of Amer 382 Rural Essays 381 DRAPER 1691 DRESCHEL 1379 DUNCAN, H. P 1307 DUNCAN, P. Martin 832 EDWARDS. Vol. 1 1496 Vol. 2 . 1497 AUTHORS. 67 Name. Number. EGGLESTON, N. H 1391 EISEN, Gustav 1 506 ELIZABETH, C . _ 1032 ELLIOTT, F. R 1 420 ELLWANGER 1312 ENFIELD 1 333 FIELDS 1322 FIGUIEB. Insect World . 1273 Storia Piante 612 Veg. World 1390 Vino la Rivva 1688 FISH 1403 PLAGG, W. J 1406 FLAMANT, A 680 FLINT 655 FORBES, S. A. Nox. and Ben. Insects 833 Poisons for Codlin Moth 1138 FRENCH, C 861 FRENCH, Henry F 1356 FRESNIUS 604 FULLER, A. S. Grape Cul 1365 Prop, of Plants 1323 FULTON _ _ _ 1359 GALLESIO. Orange Cul 475 Treat, on Git. Family 1164 GALLOWAY 699 GARELLI, F. Vol. 1 1431 Vol.2 1432 GAREY, T. A. 1421 GARMAN, S. Carp, etc., of Mass 1197 Hen. Wheatlandii 1171 GAUCHER 388 GLENNY & ORMEROD 1435 GOEBEL 1505 GRAY. Botany 844 Bot. Text-book 526 How Plants Grow . 1035 Struc. Bot. 843 GREGG 1330 GRIFFIN. . 528 68 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. Name. Number. HALL. Irrig. in Cal 890 Irrig. Devel 891 HANCE 940 HARCOURT 1368 HARDY 960 HARRIS 483 HART 943 HARTWIG. Gewach 1441 Geholz 1 444 HEINRICH 1314 HENDERSON, Peter. Gard. for Pleas . 1304 Hb. of Plants _ 1565 How the Farm Pays 570 Pop. Floricul 1308 HENFREY 1 387 HERVEY, A. B. Micro, in Bot. 664 Wayside Flowers 1608 HIBBERD, S 984 HILGARD. Alkali Lands 770 Alk. Lands and Irrig. 1009 Cal. Irrig. Lands 956 Cal. Waters 1011 . Methods of Fermen 955 HOGG. Fruit Manual 964 Microscope 1202 HOOKE 1672 HOUGHTON 1276 HUBBARD, H. G. Insects Affec. the Orange 901 Rust on the Orange 907 HUMPHREYS & WEST WOOD 1 504 HYATT 1376 ISSEL. 912 JAEGER, B. 1 284 JOHNSON, E. A 1325 JOHNSON, Laurence 532 JOHNSON, J. W 1 369 JOHNSON & HOGG. Vol. 1 1 670 Vol.2 1671 JOHNSTON, F. W. Agric. Chem 1287 Prac. Agric. 1055 AUTHORS. 69 Name. Number. JOLY 1000 KELLOGG . 1605 KING 1711 KIRBY, M. & E.__ 1328 KIRBY, W. F 839 KIRBY & SPENCER. Vol. 1 641 Vol.2 r 642 KIRK : [ 1150 KLEE, W. G 1 1 62 KRESKEN, H. A.. 1316 LAMANTIA, Vincent _ 485 LANGSTROTH i 1382 LELONG, B. M. Cit. Cul 1148 Cit. Fruits 415 Fig Capri 1 186 Fig Indus. 419 Fruit Cul . 418 Olive in Cal. 993 Orange Cul 420 Peach Yellows 417 Propagation 413 Prune Indus. 414 LEMAOUT, M 1 685 LINCOLN, Mrs 1034 LINDLEY 1355 LINDSAY '_ 942 LINN^US. Fla. Dalek , 874 Gen. Plant 111 Index Per. Spec. Plant 1251 Phil. Bot. Vol. 1 114 Vol. 2 117 % Plant. Europ. Vol. 1 120 Vol.2 121 Vol. 3 122 Vol.4 123 Plant. Rariorum 1 604 Spec. Plant. Vol. 1 115 Vol.2 116 Systema Veget. Vol. 1 130 Vol.2 131 Vol. 3 . 132 70 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Name. Number. LTNN^EUS Sy sterna Veget. Vol. 4 133 Vol.5 134 Vol.6 _. 135 Vol.7 136 Vol. 8 137 Vol.9 138 Sy stematis Veget. Vol. 1 . 605 Vol.2 606 LlNTNER 1 696 LLAURADO. Canales 465 Pamph 469 LOUDON 531 Low 671 LUBBOCK, Sir John 651 MAIN, James 1410 MANNING, R. . _ _ 1 338 MANTON _ 1259 MARINIS ^ 1415 MARVIN 1597 MASDEN 929 MASKELL 519 MASTERS. Passi _ 1675 Passi. of Ecuador 949 MAUNDER, S 1398 MAW, G _ 1612 MlCHELET 520 MIERS. Braz. Burman _ 1680 Loac. Gen 948 MILLS 1207 MOORE, T. W _. 1342 MORRIS, Chas. ,173 MORRIS & HENDERSON 1020 MOULE 1402 MUNSON _ 1012 MURICCI 1268 MUTEL. Vols. 1-2 1263 Vols. 3-4 1264 Vol.5 1265 NECK _ 698 AUTHORS. 71 Name. ' Number. NEILL 1303 NEWHALL, Thos. 938 NEWMARK. Civil Proced ._ 29 Pol. Code, 1885 . 30 NOACK, R - ----- 1436 NORTON, C. L. 1317 NORTON, J. P 1381 ORMEROD. Injur. Insects , 908 Methods of Insect Life 1283 PACKARD. Half Hours with Insects 1022 Study of Insects 518 PAPARELLI . -. 468 PARDEE 1 326 PARLATORE, F. Vol. 1 883 Vol.2 884 Vol.3 885 Vol.4 886 Vol.5 887 PARSONS 1 310 PAXTON. 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