CATALOG UE OF THh: LIBRARY ( I | ; PATENT OFFICE AUTHORS: SUPPLEMENT, (pp. 1790) APPENDIX, (pp. 791848). L O N I) O N PKJNTED FOR HIS M A J I DY'I , i .; i \ OFFJCE, BY DABL1NU fe SON, L IACOI PUBLISHED AT -i n i. I'.vn OFFICE < OHASCBET LJ i. 1'ricc Ten ntl Sixjte EXCHANGE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE PATENT OFFICE. AUTHORS. SUPPLEMENT, (pp. 1790) AND APPENDIX, (pp. 791848). LONDON- PK1NTED FOE HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONEEY OFFICE. BT CABLING & SON, LTD., 34-40, BACON STEEBT, E. PUBLISHED AT THE PATENT OFFICE, 25, SOUTHAMPTON BUILDINGS, CHANCERY LAME, LONDON, W.C. 1910. PREFACE. The present Supplement and Appendix comprise entries of all works added to the Library from the printing of the 1898 Catalogue to the 31st December, 1909. In future it is proposed to print at much shorter intervals. A consolidated set of the Catalogue and Supplements will be kept in the Library on the Shenf Catalogue or Loose-Leaf Ledger principle. As it is not proposed to distribute or place on sale copies of future supplements, a few words of explanation are offered to users of the two published volumes. Enlrift : Some imperfect entries in the 1898 Catalogue are superseded by fuller entries in the Supple- ment or Appendix. A certain amount of reprinting also has been admitted in the present volume to avoid the repetition of the titles of different editions of the same work when brought together in the consolidated copy of the Catalogue. Collations appear for the first time in the Supplement and Appendix. The total number of pages in a volume, and the number of unpaged plates or tables are specified, but not the number of illustrations appearing in the text. Headings : Works containing the Author's name, initials or pseudonym are entered under these headings ; Anonymous works under the first word of the title (other than an article) ; Departmental and State publications under the country or place name followed by the name of the Department or Office, except in the case of English Departmental publications which are entered directly under the Department, e.g. Board <>/ Trade, Home Office, etc.; Society publications under the first word of the title with a reference from the place name, if contained in the title ; Periodicals under the first word of the original title with references from later titles. Subject Headings : These are confined to biographies of individuals, histories, &c. of corporate bodies, commentaries and criticisms of single works, reports of named Expeditions, Ships, &c. For the classification of subject-matter other than the above, recourse must be had to the Subject Lists in the Library Series, which is still in course of publication. A consolidated edition of these Subject Lists is kept for reference in the Library. A complete edition in slip form is also available for reference at the Central Desk in the Library. 1910. W. TEMFLE FRANKS, Comptroller-General. 814888 A] [ABBO CATALOGUE OF THB PATENT OFFICE LIBRARY. AUTHORS. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. L., A. Sit HANDBOOK of . American Artist. 1848. . . oil Painting. 8. (35863) By an A., L. E., [i.e. Euitache Audof], L'art de f aire, a peu de frais, lea Feux d' Artifice. 2e e"d. Parit, 1820. sm. 8. 58 pp. 10 pi. (33538) Aachen. See AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Aaron, Chas. Howard. Assaying. Ft. 1, Gold and silver ores. Ft. 2, Gold and silver bullion. Ft. 3, Lead, copper, tin, mercury. San Francitco, 1884-85. 3 pts. in 2 vols. sm. 8. (19759) The same. 3rd ed. Pts. 2-3. Son Francitco, 1900. sm. 8". 170 pp. (28767) The same. 4th ed. Pt. I. San Francitco, 1900. sm. 8. 142 pp. (28905) Notes on the Hydrometallurgy of Gold. 1888. See CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Annual Keport. 1888. pp. 836-846. G 500:883. Notes on the Hydrometallurgy of Silver. 1888. Hid. 1888. pp. 847-864. G 50 C : 883. Abadle-Xilotard, ., M.D. Etude sur la the'orie et 1'application d'un bon Corset. Le Corset "Ligne." Parii, 1904. 8. 80 pp. 3 pi. (31560) Abady, Jacques. See SIMMANCE, J. F., and ABADY, J. Description of the Simmance-Abady Photometer. [1904.] 8. (30562) Gas Analyst's manual. (Incorporating Hartley's " Gas Analyst's manual " and " Gas measurement.") London, 1902. 8. 578 pp. 8 pi. (37936) Abbaas, F. W. Der Metallarbeiter. 3te Aufl. des " Handbuches furGiirtler." Leipzig, 1903. 8. 202pp. (29099) Abbe, Cleveland. Dorpat and Poulkova. [Life and work of F. G. W. Struve.] 1867. S SMITHSONIAN INST. Report. 1867. pp. 370-390. B 13 8:847. 270 Wt J3688 12/08 DAS 2 3-1272 Abbe, Ernst. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Band 1. Abhandlungen uber die Theorie des Mikro- nkops. Z. Wissenschaftlicht Abhandlungen aus ver- sohiedenen GebieUn, PatenUchriften Gedttchtnisreden. 3. Sozialpolitische Schriften. Jena, 1904-06. 3 vols. 8. (30634) See RHEINBERG, J. On the collected papers of Abbe, etc. (Reprint.) 1905. 8. (33256) Abbot, Chas. Greeley. Recent progress in Astronomical research. 1906. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Report. 1905-06. pp. 161- 171. B 13 8:847. Abbot, Henry Larcom, Brig.-Gen. U.S. Army. Coast defence, including Submarine mines. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 13-28. 8. (24918) Problems of the Panama Canal . . . with history from 1890 to date. New York, 1907. 8. 282 pp. 8 pi. (34428) Abbot, John. A's improved [patented] Sulphate of Ammonia apparatus. London, 1882. 8. 14 pp 1 nl (35525) Abbot, W. Papyro-Optics ; or, the art of chamteleon tinting . . . producing ... by means of the reflec- tion of light, exact imitations of sculptured marble, etc. London, E. Wallis. [186 ?]. 12. 66 pp. (36533) Abbott, Alex. Crever, M.D. The Hygiene of Transmissible Diseases ; their causation, modes of dissemination, and methods of prevention. Philadelphia, 1899. 8. 312 pp. (26958) The principles of Bacteriology. 3rd ed. London, 1896. 8 s ". 494pp. (24869) The same. 6th ed. London, [1902]. m. 8. 672pp. (29530) Abbott, Arthur Vaughan, C.E. The electrical transmission of Energy. t\'ev> York, 1895. 8. (24772) The same. 2nd ed. New York, 1898. 8. 600 pp. 8 sheets of diagrams. (26012) ABBO] [ABNE Abbott, Arthur "Vaughan, C.E.cont. The same. 4th ed. New York, 1904. 8. 706pp. 11 pi. (31308) The evolution of a Switchboard. 1804. See WISCONSIN UNIV. Bulletin. Engineering series. Vol. i. pp. 69-100. E 12 Wi : Telephony. A manual of the design, construc- tion, and operation of Telephone Exchanges. New Fork, 1903-05. 6 vols. 8. (30316) Abbott, Henry G. :- The Watch Factories of America, past and present . . . from 1809 to 1888, etc. Chicago, 1888. 8. 144 pp. portr. (28835) Abbott, James W. Mountain roads. 1900. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE : Year-book, 1900. pp. 183-198. 3 pi. J 29 : 849 b. Mountain roads as a source of revenue. 1901. Ibid. 1901. pp. 527-540. 7 pi. J 29 : 849 b. - Use of Mineral Oil in Road improvement. 1902. Ibid. 1902. pp. 439-454. 3 pi. J 29 : 849 b. Abbott, Samuel W., M.D. Isolation Hospitals for infectious diseases. [1894.] See MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of health. Report [1892-93.1 PP- 691-737. H 23 M : The relation of Illuminating Gas to public health. [1884.] Ibid. Report, 1884. pp. 249-274. H23 M : Abbott, Wallace C., M.D. See WAUGH, W. P., and ABBOTT, W. C. A text- book of Alkaloidal Therapeutics. 2nd ed. 1907. 8. (35280) Abcarlus, J. John. English- Arabic dictionary. 3rd ed. [London. 1906.] 8. 1062pp. (33128) Abdeker. L' Abdeker moderne, ou le conservateur de la Sant et de la Beaute 1 . Nouv. 6d. [By Antoine Le Camus.] Bordeaux, 1819. 12. 180pp. (35285) Abderbalden, Emil. - Neuere Ergebnisse a. d. G. der speziellen Eiweisschemie. Jena, 1909. 8. 128 pp. (38065) Abegrg, Rich., Ph.D. Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. Leipzig, 1905, etc. 8. (33519) In progress. Die Theorie der elektrolytischen Dissociation. 1903. See SAMMLUNG CHEM. UND CHEM.-TECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 8. pp. 147-256. K 1 : 896 a. The Electrolytic Dissociation theory. From the German by C. L. von Ende. New York, 1907. sm. 8. 188 pp. (34429) Abel, Chas. Reoherches historiques sur les premiers essaia de Navigation a la Vapeur dans 1'Est de la France. Ex : "Me"moires lus a la Sorbonne," 1865, pp. 915- 921. 8". (34839) Abel, Emil., Ph.D. Hypochlorite und elektrische Bleiche. Tbeoretis- cher Teil. 1905. 112 pp. MONOGKAPHIEN UBER ANGEWANDTE ELEKTROCHEMIE. Band 17. D58:902. Abel, Sir Fred. Aug., F.R.S. See FRANCE : Dept. de la Marine. Memoires militaires, etc. Tome 4. Rocherches sur les sub- stances explosives, etc., par Nobel et Abel. 1877. 250 pp. F 94 : 873. Abel, Sir Fred. Aug., F.R.S. cont. Explosive agents, with special reference to their application to industrial purposes. 1876. 24 pp. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof, papers. (Occasional papers.) Vol. 1. Appendix 3. 8. F 90 : 844. The recent history of Explosive agents. 1874. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof, papers. New Series. Vol. 22. pp. 90-121. 8. F 90 : 844. Report on Scientific Inventions of a Chemical nature in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERN AT. EXHIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol. 2. Pt. 10. pp. 35-58. (15691) Abel, L. Die chemisch-trockene Reinigung von Kleidungg- stucken jeder Art, etc. 2te Aufl. von " Drossa : Die chemisch-trockene Reinisuag." Leipzig. ri897"|. 8. 64pp. (13204) Abel, Mary Hinman. Beans, peas, and other legumes as food. 1900. 32 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Farmers' Bulletin 121. J 29 Fa : Practical sanitary and economic Cooking, adapted to persons of moderate and small means. 1890. 202 pp. See AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. Lomb Essay. No. 5. (15592) Sugar as food. 1899. 26 pp. See U. 8. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 93. J 29 Fa : Abele, Hyacinth. The Violin and its story. From the German by G. Alwyn. (" The Strad " Library.) London, 1905. am. 8. 120pp. 2 pi. (31819) Abendroth, Heinrich von. Die Zunder der preussischen Artillerie in diesem Jahrhnndert bis zur Einfiihrnng der Brisanzmuni- tion nach ihrer historischen Entwickelung. Reisse, 1899. 8. 72pp. 29 pi. (32102) Abenclschcin. Albert. - The secrets of the old masters. London, 1907. sm. 8. 208 pp. (33164) Aberdeen and North of Scotland College of Agriculture. Bulletin. No. 1, etc. Aberdeen. 1904, etc. S". J 6 : 904. Aberdeenshlre Agricultural Association. See JAMIESON, T. Science and practice of Agriculture. [Experiments, etc., made by the Aberdeenshire Agric. Research Assoc., 1875-1903.1 1905. 8. (32344) Utilisation of Nitrogen in air by plants. Report 1-2. [By T. Jamieson.] [Aberdeen, 1905-06.] 2 vols. 8. (33666) Aberdeenshire Agricultural Research Association. See ABERDEENSHIRE AGRICUL- TURAL ASSOCIATION. Abignente, Giovanni, Prof, in Naples. La proprieta del Sottosuolo. 1888. 277 pp. See ANNALI DI AGRICOLTURA. 2a Serie. [No. 136.] J 25 : 882. Abney, Sir Wm. de Wiveleslie, Capt., F.R.S. Alpine Photography. 1898. See ELLIOTT AND SON. The Barnet book of photography, pp. 9-22. 8. (25915) . On a Diaphanometer. 1876. See ROYAL ENGINEERS : Prof, papers. New Series. Vol. 23. pp. 22-23. 1 pi. F 90 : 844. ABNE] [ACAD Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, dipt. F.R.S.cont. Evening talks at the Camera Club on the action of Light in Photography. London, 1897. sm. 8. 2C8 pp. (25878) Instruction in Photography. 10th ed. London, 1900. sm. 8. 502pp. 8 pi. (26793) The same, llth ed. London, 1905. sm. 8. 67(i pp. 10 pi. (31820) Organic compounds in the Sun. 1881. See ROYAL ESOINEEBS. Prof, papers. (Occasional papers.) Vol. 8. pp. 179-190. F 90 : 844. Photographic Printing processes. 1876. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM : Science and Art Dept. Special Loan Collection of Scientific appa- ratus. 1876. Free evening lectures, pp. 89-104. 8. (26272) The scientific requirements of Colour Photo- graphy. 1897. 24 pp. See OXFORD UNIV. (Junior Scientific Club.) Boyle Lectures. [6.] B 4 01 : The so-called Thermal Spectrum. 1878. See ROYAL ENGINEERS : Prof, papers. (Occasional papers.) Vol. 3, pp. 123-236. 8. F 90 : 844. A treatise on Photography. 3rd ed. (Text books of Science.) London, 1885. sm. 8. 340 pp. (26485) The same. 10th ed. (Ibid.) London, 1905. sm. 8. 444 pp. (31309) Aboul Hbassan All. See ALI, Abu Al Hasan, Al Marrakushi. Abraham, A. Les Machines i Vapenr des groupes e'lectro- eenes a 1'Exposition de 1900. See ANNALES DKS MINES. 9e Se'rie. Tome 19. pp. 278-332. G 64 : 816. Abraham, Henri. See SOCIETK FRANJJAISE DE PHYSIQUE. Collec- tion des mi'- moires relatifs a la Physique. 2e Si'rio. Re"nnis, etc., par H. A., etc. 1905. 8. (1617) and Ziang-evin, P. Les quantite's e'le'mentaires d'electricitd. Ions, electrons, corpuscules. 1905. 1154 pp. See SOCIKTK FRANQAISK DE PHYSIQUE. Collection des Mi' moires relatifs a la Physique. 2e Se'rie. 8. (1617) Abraham, Karl, C.E. Die Dampfwirtschaft in der Znckerfabrik. Mitydeburg, 1904. 8. 120 pp. (32103) Abraxas, Duff A. Tests of Brick columns and Terracotta block columns. By A. N. Talbot and D. A. A. 1908. 50 pp. See ILLINOIS UNIV. : Engineering Expi. Station. Bulletin 27. E 12 : 904. Abahoff, E., and Biisser, O. Elektricitat und Binnenschiffahrt. 1902. 16pp. See CONGRKS INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. I. Communication 2. [3.] F 43 : 888. Aburi Botanical Gardens, Gold Coast, West Africa. See LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY : Inst. of Commercial Research in the Tropics. A catalogue of the Aburi Gardens, etc. 1906. 4. (33959) Abwarme-K.raftmascb.lnen - Gescllschaft , Berlin. See JOSSE, E. Neuere Erfahrungen, etc., mit Abwarme-Kraftmaschinen. 1901. 4. (27954) 34722 Academla Electoralls IKogruntlna Scionti- arum Utilium. Acta Academies, etc. Tomns i-ii. Erfordise, 1757-61. 2 vols. 12. B 17 E. Acaddmie de IMcdocinc, Paris. See POISEUILLE, J. L. M. Rapport sur divers modes d'embaumement pre'sente's ... a 1'Acad. deMe'decine. 1847. 9 s . (33876) Acaddmle dea Sciences, Paris. Coraptes RenduH hebdomadaires des Stances de 1' Academic, etc. Paris, 1835, etc. 4. B 28 : 835. Tables gtmerales des Comptes Rendus. Tomes 1-31, 1835-50 ; 32-61, 1851-65 ; 62-91, 1866-80 ; 92-121, 1881-95. Paris, 1853, etc. 4 B 28 : 835. Divers ouvrages de mathematique et de physique, par MM. de I'Acade'cnie Royale des Sciences. [Ed. P. de la Hire, Sedilean, and L. Pothenot.] Paris, 1693. fol. 522pp. (29754) Instructions sur les Paratonnerres. Instructions ou Rapports de 1784, 1823, 1854, 1867 et 1903. (Actualites scientiftques.) Paris, 1904. sm. 8. 178 pp. 1 pi. (31484) Rapport fait a 1'Institut de France, (Academie des Sciences), sur les avantages, sur les inconve'nients, et sur les dangers compare's des machines a vapeur, dans les systemes de simple, de moyenne et de haute pression. Par une Commission composee de MM. De Laplace, Prony, Girard, Ampere, et C. Dupin. Paris, 1823. 8'. 46 pp. (33539) Recueil des me'moires et d'observations sur la formation et sur la fabrication du salpetre. Par les Commissaires nomme's par I'Acade'mie pour le- jagement du prix du salpetre. Paris, 1776. 8. 622 pp. 3 pi. (31059) Acaddmle des Sciences, Arts, et Belles lettres de Dijon. Notes et documents pour servir a I'histoire de 1'Acade'mie, etc. . . . snivis de la table methodique des travaux renferme's dans les Me'moires . . . 1769- 1869 par P. Milsand. [Ex. : Me"m. de 1'Acad., etc. 1871.] Dijon, 1871. 8*. 368 pp. B 29 D : Acaddmle Imperlale des Sciences de St. Pdtersbourgr. Catalogue des livres publies en langues 6trangeres. [1, Editions pe'riodiqnes. 2. Ouvrages publics separc-- ment. 3, Supplement.] St. Petersbourg, 1854-56. Spts. 8. 026086) - Obraztsi Piriftov, etc. [Specimen book of the Printing Office and Type foundry of the Academy, etc. Ed. P. Nagel.] St. Petersburg, 1870. 4. 36 pp. 156 sheets. (30547) Acaddmle du Card. Notice des travaux. Ann^e 1808. Par Trdlis. Nismes, 1809. 8. 502 pp. 3 pi. B 29 G. Academy Architecture and Annual Architectural Review. Vol. 1, etc. London, [1889, etc.], sm. 4. F 68 : 889. Title varied : ' Annual ' omitted with vol. 9. Publication : Half yearly with vol. 9. Editors: A. Koch and 0. W. English, 1889; A. Koch, 1890, etc. Indexet: Classified index, 1889-1902. (1902.) Academy of Science of St. Louis. Transactions. Vol. 1 (1856-60), etc. St. Louis, Mo., 1860, etc. 8. B 14 8. Publication: Vol. 1-7 (1850-97), irregular; vol. 8 (1898), etc. annual vol. Imlexei: Vol. 1-14(1856-1904). 24pp. In vol. 14. A2 ACCA] [ADAM Accademla del Clmento. Florence. Saffgi di Naturali Esperienze. Firenze, 1667. fol. 296 pp. portr (28795) Essayes of Natural Experiments, etc. Englished by R. Waller. London, 1684. 4. 194pp. 19 pi. (4873) sl'occhi, prospettiva pratica. 166 pp. 2 pi. (29854) Accoltl, Pietro. Lo inganno de Firenze, 1625. fol. Account. An account of the culture of Potatoes in Ireland. London, Shepperion and Reynolds, 1796. 8. 28pp. (32627) An account of the manure guano and of authentic experiments made with it in Great Britain and in France, together with instructions for using it. Liverpool. J. F. Cannell (printer), 1843. 8. 16 pp. (35948) Account of the qualities and uses of Coal Tar and Coal Varnish. [By Archibald Cochrane, 9th Earl of Dandonald.] [Letters Patent, No. 1785 of 1781.] London, T. and G. Wilkie, 1785. 8. 44pp. (375321 An account of the wonderful effects of the inhalation of ether in ... surgical operations. [Explanation of Mr. Hooper's ether inhaler.] London, Cleave, [1847?]. 8". 16pp. (36418) Accum, Friedrich Christian. Chemical amusement, comprising a series of . . . experiments in Chemistry, etc. 4th ed. London, 1821. 12. 396pp. 2 pi. (5559) Additional experiments to comolete the second and third editions of " Accncn's Chemical Amuse- ment." Printed from the 4th ed. London, [1821]. 12. 24 pp. (36217) Description of the process of manufacturing Coal Gas . . . now employed at the gas works in London, etc. 2nd ed. London, 1820. 8. 350 pp. 7 pi. (15197) A manual of analytical Mineralogy. 2nd ed. London, [1808]. 2 vols. 12. (38066) A practical treatise on Gas-light, etc. London, 1815. 8. 192 pp. 7 pi. (8682) The same. 4th ed. London, 1818. 8. 212pp. 7 pi. (36962) A system of theoretical and practical Chemistry. London, 1803. 2 vols. 8. (31237) Printed on straw paper. A treatise on the art of Brewing, exhibiting the London practice of brewing . . . malt liquors. London, 1820. 12. 282 pp. 1 pi. and 2 tables. (37123) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1821. 12. 262 pp. 2 pi., 2 tables. (25055) Accumulatoren - Fabrlk Aktleng-esell- B chaff, Berlin: Taschenbnch. Hagen i.W., 1898. sm.8. 254pp. (26730) Acetilene, (TV) e le sue applicazioni. Anno 1, Aprile 189S- [Series 2] Anno 3, No. 13, 1899. Milano. 4 vols. 4. K 43 : 896. Publication: Weekly. Title changed : " Luce e Calore," 1897-99. Deficient: July-Dec., 1897. Acetylen In Wisser.schaft und Industrie. Zeitscbrift desdeutschen Acetylen vereins. Jahrg. 1, etc. Halle a. S, 1898, etc. 4. K 43 : 898. Editors: M. Altschul and K. Scheel, 1899-1903; K. Scheel, 1904 ; T. Kautny, 1905, etc. Acetylene. London, 1903, etc. 4. K 43 : 903. Publication : Monthly. Acetylene, eclairage . . . chauffage, force motrice. Anne"e [i.e. Tome] 10, etc. Paris, 1901, etc. 4. K 43: 901. Publication: Bi-monthly; weekly from 12th Julv 1903. History,: Prior to 1901 formed part of the Journal de 1'Electrolyse. Title varied : With Annee [i.e. Tome] 12, " Revue gonc'nilu de 1' Acetylene." Achard, Auguste. La security publique sur les chemins de fer et dans les usines a vapeur par 1'embrayage e'lectrique. Grenoble, 1861. 8. 48 pp. (34717) Achenbach, Albert. Die Schiffsbilfsmascninen und Pnmpen fur Bordzwecke. (Grundritg det Maschinenbaues, 5.) Hannover, 1908. 2 vols. 8. (35755) Die Schiffischranbe. Teil i-ii. Kiel, [1905-] 1906. 2 vols. 8. (31744) Acheson, Paul, C.I-:. Essay on the collection and storage of water in Victoria. 1R60. See VICTORIA (Legislature). Victorian Government Prize Essays, pp. 1-49. 8. (11608) Ackerley, Chas. Henry, Lieut. R.N. A plan for the better security of Vessels navi- gating the River Thames. With appendices ou nautical subjects resulting therefrom. London, 1834. 8. 46pp. (29791) Ackermann, Alfred Seabold Eli. See CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS SOCIETY. Trans. Ed. A. 8. E. A. 1901, etc. 8. E 10 : 882 Coal-cutting by machinery in America. [A companion vol. to " Coal-cutting by machinery in the U.K.," by S. F. Walker.] (" Colliery Guardian" Handbooks.) London, 1902. 8. 142 pp. (28906) Ackermann, Eugene, Mining Engineer. Au pays du Caoutchouc. Rizheim, 1900. sm. 8. 62pp. 3 pi. (27496) Ackermann, Rudolph. Instructions for painting transparencies. 2nd ed. London. R. Ackermann, [1800]. sm. 8. 24 pp. (35795) Ackermann, Rud., and Co. Instructions for using A. and Co.'s Fantascopes, or optical delusions. II. Series, by T. T. Bury. [With 2 extra discs.] London, 1833. 6 discs, with screw-nut holder, in 4 cover. (32377) Ackland, Wm., L.S.A., F.R.M.S. Hints on Spectacles. 6th ed. London, 1873. sm. 8. 32pp. (36180) How to take Stereoscopic pictures. 2nd ed. London, 1857. 8. 120 pp. (13739) Acta JWedica et Fbllosopbica Kafnlenala Thorn Bartholini. 1671-79. [Vol. i.-v.] Hafnicc, 1673-80. 5 vols. in two. sm. 4. H 5 : 671 Actien-Gesellschaft. See AKTIEN - GESELL- SCHAFT Actualite's Sclentifiques. [Ed.] M. de Nansouty. Annee 1, etc. Paris, 1904, etc. 8. C 3 : 904 Adam, Edouard Jean, of Rouen. See GIKARDIN, J. P. L. Notice biographique sur E. Adam. 2e e"d. 1856. 8. (36670) ADAM] [ADDY Adam, Julius. Ueber den Ausfluss von heissem Wassor. 1906. See VER. DEUT. ISOENIECRK : Mittheilunge'i a.d.'5. - des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 35 - 36, pp. 1-52. E 13/857 b Adam, Paul. See ARCHIV. pfiR BCCHBINDEREI, etc. Hrsg. P. Adam. 1901, etc. 4. A 30 : 901 Der Bucheinband. Seine Tecbuik und seine . Geschichte. Leipzig, 1890. 268 pp. 8. (22559) Das Marmorieren des Buchbindors auf Sohleira- grund nnd im Kleisterverfahren. [Lvhrbiicher der BtKhbinderei, Heft ii.] Halla a. S. 1906. 86 pp. 11 pi. (32886) Die prnktiscben Arbeiten 5, etc. 8. G 63 : 906. Afctlen-Gesellschaft fur Anilln-Fabrika- tlon. (Photograpbische Abt.) Mittheilungen. Jabrg. 1, ft,: Berlin, 1900, etc. 8. All: 900. Publication : From 8-11 NOB. yearly. Alabama (State): Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report 2, 1889, etc. Auburn, Ala., 1890, etc. J 30 A : Bulletin. New Series. No. I, etc. Montgomery, Ala., 1888, etc. J 30 A : Alabama Polytechnic Institute : Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports. 1904, etc. Opelika, Ala., 1905, etc. 8. J 30 AP : Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations. Annual Report, 1906, etc. Washington. 1907, etc. 8. J30AI: Jtiitory: For prcfioui Reporti see U.S. Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 48, 62, 82, 94, and 169; and Annual Report, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 1901, 1902, 1903, and 1904. Bulletin. No. 1, etc. [Office of Experiment Stations, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.] Washington, 1902, etc. J30A1: Alas y TIrena, Genaro. Aplicacion de los caflones rewolvers en la fortifi- cacion perinanente. 1873. 24 pp. 2 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INQENIEROS. 2 a poca. Tomo 28. F 96 : 846. Mc-moria sobre la Defensa de las Costas. 1873. ii06 pp. 4 p). Ibid. 2 e"poca. Tomo 28. F 96 : 846. Proyecto de un Tiinel para conduccion de Agua. 1887. 52 pp. 1 pL Ibid. 3 epoca. Tomo 4. F 96: 846. Alayza y Faz-Soldan, Francisco. Informe sobre la Provincia Literal de Moquegua y el Departamento de Tacna. 1903. 123 pp. 6 pi. and maps. See PERU : Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas. Boletin No. 3. G 70 : 902. Albe, E. E. Fournier d'. E. E. Albert. L' Albert moderne, ou nouveaux secrets e'prouve's et lioites recueillis d'apres les decouvertes les plus reeentts. [By P. A. Alletz and Guy.] Paris, V. Duchesne, 1776. sm. 8. 354 pp. (29668) Albert, August, Prof, in Vienna. Das Aluminium in seiner Verwendung f Or den Flachdrnck. (Die Algraphie.) Halle a. S., 1902. 8. 36 pp. 8 pi. (29100) Der Lichtdruck an der Hand-nnd Schnellprcsse sammt alien Nebeuarbeiten. Halle a. S., 1898. 8 C . 200pp. 6 pi. (27547) Technischer Fiibrer durch die Reprodnktions- Verfahren, etc. Halle a. S., 1908. 8. 340 pp (36867) Verschiedene Reproductions- Verfahren mittels litbograpbiscben und typographischen Druckes nnter bes. Beriicksicbt. der photomechaniscben Prozesse. Halle a. S., 1900. 8. 190 pp. 15 pi (28360) S422-J 9 See FOURNIER D'ALBE, Albert, Friedr., Ph.D. Der Betrieb der Dentschen Landwirtscbaft am Schluss des xix. Jahrhunderts. Von H. Werner und F. A. 1900. 98 pp. See DBDTSCHB LAND- WIRTSCHAFTS-GESELLSCHAPT : Arbeiten. Heft 51 J 23 : 894. and Schiller, . Die landwirtschaf tlichen Maschinen auf der Pariser Weltausstellung, 1900. 1901. 66 pp. Ibid. Heft 65. J 23 : 894. Albert, Wilhelm August Julius. See HOPPB, 0. Beitrage zur Geschiobte der Erflndungen. Lief. 4. Das Drabtseil. Seine Erfindung (1834), etc. Lebenaskizze des Erfinders Albert (1787-1846). 1907. 8. (19561) Albertl, Girolamo. See JNTBODCZIONE all' arte nautica. [By G Alberti.] 1715. 4. (29192) Albert!, Giuseppe Antonio. La Pirotechnia, o' sia trattato del fuocbi d'arti- ficio. Venezia, 1749. 4. 136 pp. 21 pi. (28673) Wants pi. 20. Albertonl, P., Prof, in Bologna. See GIORNALE DI FARMACIA-CHIMICA, etc. Dir. P. A., etc. 1885-98. K 21 : 862. Albertus, Magnus, Bishop of Ratisbon. De mineralibus et rebus metallicis. Colonial, 1569. 12. 404pp. (29883) See LULL, R. De secretis naturae : his accesse- runt Alberti Magni : De mineralibus et rebus metallicis. 1541. 8. (10396) Alblneus, Nathan. Bibliotheca Chemisa Contracta. Geneva, 1653. 8. 4 pts. (3207) Four alchemical treatises with separate titles and pagination. Alblnus, C. F. Der vollkommene Daguerreotypist . . . Nebst Beechreibung, etc., eines bierzu anwendbaren Lichtmessers. Leipzig, 1844. 12. 56 pp. 2 pi. (29187) Alblnus or Weiss, Peter. Meissnische Land und Berg-Chronica. Dressde.n 1590. 2pt8. fol. (34829) Albrecht, Heinrich, Ph.D. Wohnungstatistik und Wohnnngsenquete. 1895. See WEYL, T. Handbuch der Hygiene. Band 4 pp. 13-34. (24547) Albrecht, M., Engineer. Antomobil-Lastwagen-Motore. (Kuster's Auto- technische Bibliothek. Band 12.) Berlin 1907 sm. 8. 164 pp. (34923) Alcan, Michel. See MONITEUR DES FILS ET Tissus. Fonde par M. A. 1884, etc. fol. E 80/884. and Simon, E. MateViel et precedes de la Filature. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 55. pp. 165-194. 8". (13828) Materiel dnTissageet des Apprets. 1868. Ibid. Classe 56. pp. 195-222. 8. (13828) Alcock, Nathaniel H., M.D. See SCIENCE PROGRESS IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. 1906, etc. Rds. N. H. A. and W G Freeman. G : 906 ALCO] [ALEX Alcock, Sir Rutherford. Art and Art Industries of Japan. London. 1878. 8". 300 pp. 1 pi. (37534) Alden, C. Ames. See PRATT, M. D., and ALDEN, 0. A. Street- railway roadbed. 1898. 8. (27203) Alderson, R. 0., Lieut.-CoL, R.E. Description of Siege Gun and Mortar platforms. 1845. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Papers. Yol. 8. pp. 25-32. 2 pi. P 90 : 844. On Mr. Kyan's process for the preservation of Timber from Dry-rot, with a description of the tank erected for that purpose in the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. 1836. Ibid. Yol. 1. pp. 126-139. 1 pi. 4". F 90 : 844. Alderson, Yictor Clifton. German Technical schools. (Reprint.) [Chicago, 1901.] 8. 22pp. Ipl. (31222) Aldini, Giovanni. See CASSIUS, J. J. J., and others. Precis succinct des principaux pbe'nomenes du galvanisme, suivi de la traduction d'un Commentaire de J. Aldini sur un Me'moire de Galvani : Des forces de I'e'lectricite dans le mouvement mnsculaire . . . 1803. 8. (33679) Art de se preserver de 1'action de la Flamme, appliqu^i aux pompiers et a la conservation des persounes expose'es au feu. Parii, 1830. 8. 150 pp. 5 pi. (34484) Aldrich, John Merton. A catalogue of North American Diptera (or two-winged flies). 1905. See SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLLECTIONS. Yol. 46. pp. 1-680. B 13 S : 862. Alembert, Jean Le Rond d'. See BOSSDT, C., and others. Nouvelles expeVi- ences sur la resistance des fluides, par MM. d' Alembert, etc. 1777. 8. (34719) Opuscules mathematiques ; ou, me'moires sur differens sujets de Gfiome'trie, de M^chanique, d'Optique, etc. Paris, 1761. 2 vols. 4. (29188) Aleottl, Giovanni Battista. See HERO, of Alexandria. Spiritalia ; (various editions by G. B. A.). 1589, etc. Alessandri, Paolo Emilio. Chimica applicata all'Igiene. (Manuali Hoepli.) Milano, 1900. 16. 536 pp. (27192) Alosslo, Alberto. Sulla teoria e la pratica della nuova Navigazione Astronomica. (Annesso della " Rivista Marittima," 1908 ; Appendice 1909.) Roma, 1908-09. 2 pts. 8. (36911) Alexander, A. B., Fishery expert. . Notes on the Boats, Apparatus, and Fishing methods employed by the natives of the South Sea Islands, etc. 1901. See U.S. COMM. OF FISH AND FISHERIES. Report, 1901. [1902.] pp. 743-829. 8 pi. H 58 : 873i. Alexander, C. A. Outline of the origin and history of the Royal Society of London. 1863. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report, 1863. pp. 137 - 152. B 13 S : 847. Alexander, J. Ranch- und Funkenverhiitung. 1908. See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbuch des Eisenbahn- maschinenwesens. Band 2. pp. 513-574. 8. (38111) Alexander, John. The Conquest of the Air. Preface by Sir H. S. Maxim. London, 1902. sm. 8. 160 pp. 1 pi. (28423) Alexander, Thoa.,M.Inst.C.E.L,a.nd Thomson, A. W. Elementary applied Mechanics. [2nd ed.] London, 1902. 8". 596 pp. Portr. (28907) Alexander-Katz, Paul. Die Rechtsverhaltnisse der hiiheren technischen Angestellten mit bes. Beriickaicht. ihrer Erfind- ungen. Berlin, 1906. 8. 38 pp. (32715) Alexander-Katz, Richard, and others. Der Anschluss der Deutscheu Reichs an die Internationale Union fiir gewerblichen Rechts- Schutz. Berlin, 1902. 8. 198 pp. (26246) Alexandre, Jacques, Benedictine Monk. Traite" jje'ne'ral des Horloges. Paris, 1734. 8. 404pp. 27 pi. (pi. 9 & 23 bis.) (28838) Ausfiibrliche Abhandlung von der Uhren, etc. Aus dem franzosischen von C. B. Berger. 2te Aufl. Lemgo, 1763. 8. 436 pp. 27 pi. (3576) Alexandre, Jeune. See ALEXANDRE, Jules Henri. Alexandre, Jules Henri. A travers Glaces. Recherches bistoriques et critiques. Origines. Anecdotes. Fabrication. Paris, 1862. 12. 212pp. (33258) Alexandre, Paul. Note sur la propagation de la houle a 1'interieur des ports a maree. 1889. 22 pp. See CoNGRfts INTERNAT. DES TBAVAUX MARITIMES, Paris, 1889. Compte-rendu, etc. F 40 : 889. AAESANAPOS, pseud., [i.e. Alexander Walker.'] Prolegomena to a natural system of Universal Science. London, J. J. Stockdale, 1822. 8. 218pp. 2 pi. (28869) Alexandrow, A. llo.iHbiii PyccKO-AHrjiiicKiii CjosapB. [Com- plete Russian-English Dictionary. Vol. 1, Russian- English. Yol. 2, English-Russian.] London, 1885. 2 vols. 8. (5916) The same. St. Petersburg, 1891-97. 2 vols. 8. (13794) Alexl, Theochar. Dictionar Romano-German. 2a ed. [Ruma- nisch-Deutsches Wb'rterbuch.] Brasov (Kronstadt), 1906. sm. 8. 516pp. (32153) AlexiB of Piedmont. The secretes of ... Alexis. From the French by W. Warde. London, 1559-66. 3 pts. (with separate foliation), sm. 4". (3019) Pt. 1 by H. Sutton ; Ft. 2 by B. Hall for N. Englande, 1662 ; Pt. 3 by H. Denham for J. Wyght. The same. [From the Italian. Book 1-3 by W. Warde, 4-5 by R. Ambrose.] London, W. Stansby, 1614. 5 pts. in four. sm. 4. 36811. (1940) Kunstbuch . . . von mancherleyen . . . Secreten oder Kiinsten, jetzt newlich auss Welscher und Lateinischer Sprach ins Teutsch gebracht durch H. J. Wecker. Basel, 1616. 2 vols. in one. sm. 8. (36479) Les secrets du Seigneur Alexis Piemontois. Revue, etc. Rouen, J. Bei-thelin, 1637. 8. 746 pp. (3074) The same. Rouen, J. Lucas, 1671. 8. 746 pp. (29667) 10 ALGL] AlfTlavc, I'.mile. See REVUE DKS COURS SCIENTIKIQCES, etc. HI. !.. A. 1864-80. 03:863. Albazen, [Abu Ali Albateu Bon Albazen]. Optica. See RISNER, F. Opticoe Thesaurus. l.">72. fol. (28679) 'Ali, Abi'i Al Hasan, Al Marral-mlii. Trditr des instruments astronomiques des Arabes - compose au treizi^me si<5cle . . . traduit de 1'Arabe sur le roanuscrit 1147 de la Bibliotheque Royale, par J. J. St'dillot et public par L. B. S&Ullot Parit, 1834-35. 2 vols. 4. Pagination continuou-. (5703) Aliamet, Maurice. See MONTPELLIER, J. A., and ALIAMET, M. ' ; mile pratique de niesures et essais industriels. 1899, etc. 8. (26141) See SARTIAUX, E., and ALIAMET, M. Principales dt : cou verte*, etc., conrernant 1'Klectricite de 1562 a 1900. 1903. 8. (30350) Allan, Francis J., M.D. Sff ROSENAU, M. J. A practical guide to dis- infection. Supplement by F.J. A. 1903. 8. (29709) Allan, G. E., B.Sc. See KLOCKER, A. Fermentation organisms. From the German by G. E. A., etc. 1903. 8. (29779) Allan, Thos., C.E., Edinburgh. See NATIONAL TELEGRAPH Co. Allan's system of cheap telegraphy. 1861. 8. (33075) Allanson-Winn. See WINS, B. G. Allanson-. Allard, I'.mile. Memoire sur la porttJe des Sons et sur les caractere* a attribuer aux Signaux Sonores. Parit, 1882. 4. 50 pp. 1 pi. (28761) Allard, I-Yli*. See COISEAU, L., and others. Notice snr les appareils lectriques, etc. [1893.] 8. (36665) Allard, H. A. The Fibers of long-staple upland Cotton. 1907. 7 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DKPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletins. J 29 PI : Alleged. On the alleged decline of Science in England. By a Foreigner. London, T. & T. Boosey. 1831. 8. 34 pp. (28868) A reply to Chas. Babbage's "Reflections on the decline of science in England." Preface by M. Faraday. Allemag-ne, Henry Rene d'. Les Cartes a iouer dn xiv 6 au xx e siecle. Paris, 1906. 2 vols. 4". (32075) Histoire des Jonets. Paris, [1903]. 4. 316 pp. 66 pi. (30142) Petit guide de 1'Exposition retrospective Fran- caise dea moyens de Transports. (Expos, inter- ti,it;>,,iale ile Milan, 1906.) [Paris, 1906.] 8. 38 pp 18 pi. (34252) Allen, A. Taylor. New Streets : laying out and making np London, [1904]. sm. 8. 176 pp. (36901) Allen, Alfred Henry, F.C.S. An introduction to the practice of Commercial Organic Analysis. London, 1879-82. 2 vols. 8 (19268) Commercial Organic Analysis'. 2nd ed. London 1885-98. 4 vols. in six. 8. (10419) - 34222 11 [ALLE Allen. Alfred Henry, F.C.S.cont. The same. 3rd ed., by A. H. Allen and H. Leffmanu. London, 1898, etc. 8. (27008). In progress. Allen, B. C. See ASSAM, Govt. of. Monograph on the silk Cloths of Assam. By B. C. A. 1899. 8. (30961) Allen, Clarence Edgar. See FEILDEN'S MAGAZINE. Ed. C. B. A. 1902 etc. E 20 : 899. Allen, Edward T. The Western Hemlock. 1902. 56 pp. 13 pi. See U.S. DEPP. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 33. 8. J 29 Fo :a Allen, Edwin West, Ph. D. The feeding of Farm animals. (Revised ed ) 1897. 32 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Farmers' Bulletin 22. J 29 Fa : Leguminous plants for green manuring and for feeding. 1894. 24 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 16. J29Fa: Allen, Eugene Thos. Comparison of a wet and crucible-fire methods for the assay of Gold Telluride ores, etc. By W. F. Hillebrand and E. T. A. 1905. 31 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY : Bulletin 253. G 30 : 883. Allen, Horace. Gas engines. 1904. 20 pp. See Asaoc. OF ENGINEERS IN CHARGE. [Paper?.] E 10:899. Gas producer plant and Gas engines. 1905. 12 pp. Ibid. Proceedings. Vol. 10. No. 2. E 10 : 899. Modern Power Gas Producer practice and appli- cations. London, 1908. sm. 8. 334 pp. (37026) Allen, J. Fenwick. Some founders of the Chemical Industry. London, 1906. sm. 8. 312 pp. 15 pi. (33657) Allen, James Titus, Examiner in U.S. Patent Office. See AMERICAN ELECTRIC and AUTOMOBILE PATENTS MONTHLY. Compiled by J. T. A. 1902, 8. D 52 : 902. See CYCLE MONTHLY. Compiled by J. T. A. 1892-98. 8. (11798) ELECTRICAL PATENTS, etc. Compiled, etc., byJ. T. A. 1899, etc. 8. D 52 : 899. Digest of agricultural implements, patented in the United States, 1789 to July, 1881. [Supple- ment. July, 1881 June, 1884.] Washington, 1881- 84. 3 vols. 8. (11485) Digest of Plows, with attachments, patented in the United States, 1789 to January, 1883. Washing- ton, 1883. 2 vols. 8. (35463) Digest of United States Patents of Air, Caloric, Gas, and Oil Engines, 1789-1905. Chronologically arranged ; drawings, letterpress, and indices. Washington, 1906. 5 vols. 8. (34716) Digest of United States Automobile Patents from 1789 to July 1, 1899, including all Patents officially classed as Traction ensines for the same period. [Supplement, July, 1899 January, 1902.] Washington, 1900-[1902]. 2 vols. 8. (27218) Digest of Seeding Machines and Implements patented in the United States. 1800-79. [Supple- ment (1-2) 1879-85.] New York, 1879-85. 3 vols. 8. (11484) B2 ALLE] [ALPI Allen, James Titus cant. Digest of Cycles or Velocipedes with attach- ments, patented in the United States from 1789- 1892. [Supplement to "Digest," etc., and to "Cycle Monthly," 1892-93. Patents and refer- ences.] Washington, 1892-94. 3 vols. 8. (24072) Allen, John. The Magic lantern ; its invention and history, with full directions for its use. London, [1873]. 16. 64 pp. (37898) Allen, John K. Swimming Pools ; their construction, mechanical installation, water supply, etc. Chicago, 1907. sm. 8. 64pp. 6 pi. (35265) Allen, John Parnell. Practical Building construction. London, 1893 8. 456pp. 3 pi. (23625) The same. 4th ed. London. 1903. 8. 546 pp. (31822) Allen, John Robins. Notes on Heating and Ventilation. Chicago, 1905. 12. 152pp. (31984) Allen, T., of Providence, R.I. See ALLEN, Z. Allen, W. 8. Mechanical appliances for the shipment of Coal. [Paper and discussion.] J894. 102 pp. 16 pi. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS : Trans. Vol. 6. F 81 : 889. Allen, Wm., F.R.S., F.L.S. See BABINGTON, W., and others. A syllabus of a course of Chemical Lectures. 1816. 8. (36088) See FAYLE. J. The Spitalfields Genius. The story of W. A.' 1884. sm. 8. (28523) Allen, Wm. Fred. Short history of Standard Time and its adoption in North America in 1883. [New York], 1904. 76pp. 8. (30795) Allen, Z., of Providence, R.I. Explosibility of Coal Oils. 1861. See SMITH- SONIAN INST. Report. 1861. pp. 330 - 342. B 13 8 : 847. Allezandre, Jacques. See ALEXANDRE, J. Allfeld, Philipp, Ph.D. Kommentar zu den Reichsgesetzen fiber das gewerbliche Urheberrecht, etc. Miinchen, 1904. 8. 836 pp. (37648) AllR'eineine Automobil-Zeltung'. Officieller Mittheilungen des Oesterreichischen Automobil- Club. Band 1, etc. Wien, etc. 1900, etc. 4. E 73 : 900. Publication : Weekly. Subtitle dropped in 1902. Allsremeine Elektricitats - G-esellschai't, Berlin. Allgemeine? iiber elektrische Anlagen. [Berlin], 1894. obi. 4. (15383.) Appendices A. -K. paged separately. Die Berliner Elektrizitatswerke bis Ende 1896. Geplant und erbaut von der A. E.-G-. Dargestellt von GL-Kemmann. Berlin, 1897. fol. 282 pp. Plans. (15905) Elektrische Kraf tubertragnng und Kraf tverteil- ung. 2te Ausg. Berlin, 1896. 8. 326 pp. (15313) The same. 3te Ausg. von C. Arldi. Berlin, 1901. sm. 8. 388 pp. (29005) Allgremelne Elektricitats - Gesellschaft, Berlin cont. Die Krafti'ibertragungs - Werke Rheinfelden. Technische und wirthschaftliche Darstellung der Ausniitzung der Wasserkrafte des Rheins bei Rheinfelden. Berlin, 1896. 8. 174 pp. 2 pi. (15335) Die Schopfwerke im Memel-Delta. Aus der " Elektrotechnischeu Zeitschrift." 1897. Heft 39. [Berlin, 1897.] 4. 24 pp. (15346) Allgremelne Zngrenieur-Zeltungr. See TECHNISCHE RONDSCHAU. 1901-06. E20:897. Allgremelne Oesterr. Chemiker- und Tcch- niker - Zeitung-. Zentral - Organ fur Petro- leum-Industrie. Jahrg. 26. etc. Wien, 1908, etc. 4. K 45: 884. Publication : 2i Nos. yearly. Editor: H. Urban. Supplement : Organ des " Vereins der Bohrtech- mker." Allgremelne Weln-Zeltungr. Illastrierte Zei- tung f iir Weinbau, Kellerwirtschaf t und Weinhandel. Jahrg. 25, etc. Wien, 1908, etc. K 86 : 908. Publication: Weekly. History : Amalgamated with " Die Weinlaube " in 1908. Allgremeiner Srfinderverband. Antipatentgesetz und Erfindernotwehr. Eine Denkschrift zur Patent-Reform. Berlin, 1908. 8. 96 pp. . (37212) Allgremeines Handbucb. 1853. Wien, 1854. sm. 8. 424 pp. F 98 : 853. Publication : Annual. Editor : J. Hirtenfeld. Allhuaen, Christian. [Memoir.] See ALLEN, J. F. Some founders of the chemical industry. 1906. 8. pp. 231-248. (33657) Alllot, Henri. See JACQUEMIN, G., and ALLIOT, H. La cidrerie moderne. 1902. 8. (29073) Allsop, Fred. Chas. Practical Electric Bell fitting. London, 1892. sm. 8. 154pp. 7 pi. (21830) The same. 10th ed. London, 1902. sm. 8. 186 pp. 8 pi. (28908) Practical Electric Light fitting. 6th ed. London, 1905. sm. 8. 300 pp. 6 pi. (36958) Allsop, Robert Owen. Public Baths and Wash-houses. London, 1894. 8. 104pp. 3 pi. (26314) Almada Kegreiros, . Colonies Portugaises. lie de San-Thom6. Paris, 1901. 8. 166 pp. Map?. (29374) Almanacb der Fortschritte neusten Erfindungren und Entdeckungen in Wissen- schaften, etc. Jabrg. 13-15. (Subtitle " Annalen der Fortschritte, etc." Band 1-3.) Erfurt, 1809-11. 3 vols. sm. 8. C 25:807. Editor: J. B. Trommsdorff, 1809-11. Second title : " Uebersioht der Fortschritte, etc." Alpinus. Prosper. Histoire du Baulme. Version _Francoise par A. Colin. 1619. 110 pp. See L'ECLDSE, C. de. Histoire des drogues, espisceries, etc. [Liv. iv]. 8. (34656) De plantis Aegypti . . . Accessit liber de Balsamo. Venetiis, 1592. 4. 96 pp. (29685) 12 ALPI] Alpinus, Prosper cont, - The presages of Life and Death in Diseases. In Seven Books. Trsl. R. James. London, 1746. 2 vols. 8 a . (2146) Alston, John. - Statements of the education, employment, and internal arrangements adopted at the Asylum for the Blind, Glasgow. [9th Annual Report . . . of the Asylum by J. A.] 4th ed. Glasgow, 1836. - 2pts. 8. (32767) Altmann. Josef. - See DECTSCIIER VEREIS /.DR FSRDERUNG DER LuFrsciiiFFFAHRT. Zeitschrift fiir Luftschifffahrt. 1900. Hrsg. J. A. E 60 : 882. - Erkl/irung und Berechnung der Seiten-Abwei- chung rotierender Geschosse. (Mit specieller Berechnung fiir das 9cm. Feldgeschiitz, M., 1875.) Wien, 1897. 8. 20 pp. (15646) Altschul, J. - See SCHNEIDER, A., and Ar/rscHDL, J. Tablitsa Reaktsii, etc. 1897. 8. (26099) Altschul, Michael, Ph. D. - See ACETYLEN IN WISSENSCHAFT, etc. Hrsg. M. A., etc. 1899-1903. 8. K 43 : 898. - See ZEITSCHRIFT FCit COMPRIMIRTE . . GASE. Hrsg. M. A. 1897-1906. sm. fol. E 59: 897. Aluminium, (L 1 ). Journal de Electrolyse, etc. Ann<$e 1, etc, Paris, 1895, etc. fol. and 4. D 58/895. Publication : Monthly to end of 1901 ; 24 Nos. yearly 1902, etc. Ann(?e 5-6 omitted in numbering of the series. Title varied: "Aluminium, 1'Or et 1'Argent," 1896- 99 ; " L' Aluminium 1'Acetylene, etc." 1899-1901 ; "Journal d'Electrolyse," 1902-1907 ; "Journal du Pour eleotrique, etc.," 1908, etc. Aluminium and Electrolysis. Yols. 1-3. London, 1896-98. 4. D 58 : 89(5. Publication : Monthly. History : In 1897 incorporated "The Journal of Electro-Chemistry," " Electro-Metallurgy," and " The Secondary Battery Review." Aluminum World. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1894, etc. 4. E 41: 894. Publication : Monthly. Title varied: "Aluminium World and Brass and Bronze Industries," 1897-1902 ; "Metal Industry," 1903, etc. History: Incorporates "The Brass-founder, etc."; " Electroplater's Review." Index: Vols. 1-4 in Vol. 4. Alvord, Henry E. - Breeds of Dairy Cattle. 1898. [Reprinted 1899.] 48 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Farmers' Bulletin 106. J 29 Fa : - Cheese making on the farm. 1903. 16 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 166. J 29 Fa : - Dairy development iu the United States. 1899. Ibid. Year book, 1899. pp. 381-402. 8 pi. J 29 : 849b. - The Dairy herd : its formation and manage- ment. 1894. Hid. Year book, 1894. pp. 295-316. J 29 : 849b. - The fame. [Reprinted] 1897. 24 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 55. J 29 Fa : - Dairy products at the Paris Exposition of 1900. 1900. I lid. Year book, 1900. pp. 599-624. 5 pi. J 29 : 849b. - Dairying at home and abroad. 1902. Ibid. Year book, 1902. pp. 145-154. 6 pi. J 29 : 849b. [AMER Alvord, Henry E. cont. The manufacture and consumption of Cheese. 1895. Ibid. Year book, 1895. pp. 453-474. J 29 : 849b. Utilization of by-products of the Dairy. 1897 Ibid. Year book, 1897. pp. 509-528. J 29 : 849b. Alwood, W:n Bradford. The Chemical composition of Apples and Cider. By W. B. A. and others. 1904. 46 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE: Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 88. J29C: The Fermenting power of pure Yeasts and some associated Fungi. 1908. 28 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 111. J 29 C : A study of Cider making in France, Germany, and England, with comments and comparisons of American work. 1903. 114 pp. 7 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 71. J 29 C : Alwyn, Geoffrey. See ABELE, H. The Violin and its story. From the German by G. A. 1905. sm. 8. (31819) Amaduzzi, Lavoro. II Selenio. (Attualita Scientiftche.) Bologna, 1904. 8. 150pp. (31564) Amateur-Photograph (Der). Band 12, etc. Diifseldorf, 1898, etc. 8. All: 898. Publication : Monthly. Title changed: " Photographische Welt," 1905, etc. Editori: R. E. Liesegang, 1898-99; M. Ferrare. 1900-05 ; H. Sporl, 1905, etc. Imprint changed : Leipzig, 1905, etc. Amateur Photographer. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1884, etc. 4. A 11 : 884. Publication: Weekly. Biitory: In 1908 amalgamated with "The Photo- graphic News." q.v. Ambourney, L. A. d'. Recueil de proce'de's et d'expt'riences sur les Teintures solides que nos v^gi^taux indigenes com- muniqnent aux laines et aux lainages. Paris, 1786. 4. 410 pp. (33352) The same. Nonv.e"d. Paris. An 2. [1793.] 8. 294 pp. (33353) Ambronn, Friedr. Auton Leopold. Handbnch der astronomischen Instrumenten- kunde. Berlin, 1899. 2 vols. 8. (26925) Ameilhon, Hubert Pascal. Me'moire dans leqnel on examine s'il est prouve' que les anriens aient connu le Telescope ou les Lunettes d'approche. Er: " Hist, de 1'Acad. Roy. des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres." Tome 42. 1786. pp. 496-536. 4. (29686) Amenc, Lon. Notes sur le Graissage des machines et la fabrica- tion des liuiles h graisser et sur le Godet Graisseur Automatiqne. Clermont, 1862. 8. 20 pp. (28048) American. The American Family Receipt Book : consisting of several thousand most valuable receipts, experi- ments, etc. (Cottage library.) London. [Re- printed from the American edition by Milner and Sowerby:} 1854. sm. 8. 448 pp. 2 pi. (30062) American Aeronaut and Aerostatist, (The). Vol. 1, ete. [Si. Louis.] 1907, etc. 8. E. 60 : 907. 1'nblication : Monthly. Editor : T. R. MaoMechen. Title varied; With vol. 1, No. i, "and Aerostatut" omitted. 13 AMER] [AMER American Architect, etc. " The Georgian Period," being measured draw- ings of Colonial work. By F. E. Wallis, etc. [Boston, Mass.'] 1898-1902. 3 vols. fol. (27004) .American Association of Farmers Insti- tute Workers. - Proceedings. 6th Annual Meeting, 1901, etc. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Experiment Station. Bulletin 110, 120, 138, 154, 165, 182, 199, etc. J 29 : 889. For bibliography of Proceedings 1-5 see above Bulletin, HO, p. 9. American Baking: Powder Association. See MORRISON, A. C. The baking powder con- troversy. 1904-07. 1 vol. in two. 8. (32146) American Bell Telephone Co. See also NATIONAL BELL TELEPHONE Co. A description of the Telephone and of the appa- ratus used in connection therewith. [South Fram- ingham, Mass., J. C. Clark Printing Co. (Printer.)] 1881. 8. 30pp. (36764) American Sottler. Vol. 2, etc. New York, 1882, etc. 4. K 90: 882. Publication : Monthly. Title varied: "American Carbonator and American Bottler," 1888-1905 ; " American Bottler," 1906, etc. American Carbonator, etc. See AMERICAN BOTTLER, 1888-1905. K 90 : 882. American Catalogue. Under the direction of F. Leypoldt. New York, 1880, etc. 4 and 8. (2412) [A] Author and title entries of books in print and for sale July 1, 187G. Subject entries . . . July 1, 1876. (1880-81). 2 vols. [B] Books recorded . . . July 1, 1876 June 30, 1884. (1885.) 2 pts. [C-G] Books recorded [C] 1884-90 (1891), 2 pts. ; [D] 1890-95 (1896), 2 pts.; [B] 1896-1900 (1901), 2 pts. ; [F] 1900-05 (1905); [G] 15*06-07 (1908), etc. Editors: [A] L.B.Jones; [B-F] R. B. Bowker. Size : Changed from 4 to 8 in 1905. American Ceramic Society. Transactions, 1st Annual Meeting, 1899, etc. Columbus, Ohio, 1900, etc. 8. K 71 : 899. See also SEGER, H. A. The collected writings of H. A. S. . . . Transl. . . . the American Ceramic Society, 1902. 2 vols. 8. (28553) A bibliography of Clays and the Ceramic Arts. By J. C. Branner. [2nd ed.] Columbus, Ohio, 1906. 8. 452pp. (37303) American Chemical Journal. Yol. 1, etc. Baltimore, 1879, etc. 8. K 1 : 879. Publication : Monthly. JSditors : I. Bemsen, 1879, etc. Indexes: Decennial. 1879-88, by W. K. Orndorff; 1889-98, by J. B. Gilpin. American Chemical Society. See also JOURNAL or INDUSTRIAL, etc., CHEMISTRY. Issued by the A.C.S. 1909, etc. 4. K 30: 909. Journal. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1879, etc. 8. K : 879. Publication : Monthly. Indexes : General Index, 1879-98, and to Proceedings, 1877-79 (1902). Imprint changed: Prom 1893, Eastern, Pa. Proceedings. 1894, etc. Easton, Pa., 1894, etc- 8. K : 879a. History : Issued with the " Journal " supra, with which it is bound for 1894-1900. Chemical Abstracts. Vol. 1, etc. Easton, Pa., WOT, etc. 8. K2:907. American Dental Association. Transactions, 1859, etc. Cincinnati, etc., 1860, etc. 8. H 10 : 859. History : Prel. Meeting, 1859. 1st Annual Meeting, 1860. So meeting in 1861. In 1897 new Associa- tion formed under title of " National Dental Association," amalgamating the " Southern " and " American " Dental Associations. Deficient: 1862-63. American Electric and Automobile Patents monthly. Including Air and Gas Engines, and Acoustics. Compiled by J. T. Allen. Vol. 1. Nos. 1-6 (all publ.). Washington, D.C., 1902. 8. D 52: 902. American Electrical Engineering 1 Asso- ciation. Patented Telephony. Cliicayo, 1897. sm. 8. 102 pp. 27 pi. (15130) American Electrician. See ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES, 1896, etc. fol. D 51/895. Electrical designs, comprising instructions for constructing small motors, testing instruments, etc. (Beprinted from the " Amer. Electrician.") New York, 1901. 8. 270 pp. (28565) American Electrochemical Society. Transactions. Vol. 1, etc. Philadelphia, 1902, etc. D 58 : 902 Publication: 2 vols. yearly. American Engineer (The). Vols. 19-22. Chicago, 1890-91. 4 vols. fol. E 20/890. Publication : Weekly. American Fertilizer (The). Vol. U,etc. Phila- delphia, 1901, etc. J 71 : 901. Publication : Monthly. American Fireproofingr and Cement Con- struction Co. The De Man system of Fireproof Construction. New York, [1901]. sm. 8. 80 pp. (28717) American Gas Institute. Proceedings, 1st Annual Meeting, 1906, etc. [New Albany, Ind.'] 1907, etc. 8. K 41 : 873a. History : An amalgamation of the Ohio, American, and Western Gas Associations. American Gas Xilg-ht Association. Proceedings. [Annual Meeting 1-33.] New York, etc., 1875-1905. 22 .vols. 8. K 41 : 873. History : Federated in 1905 with other Associations under the title of the American Gas Institute, q.v. Indexes: Vol. 1-8 (1889) in Vol. 8. American Hatter (The). Vol.34, etc. New York, 1904, etc. 4. E 90/904. Publication : Monthly. American Homes and Gardens. See SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Architects' and Builders' Edition. 1905, etc. F 68/885. American Institute of Architects. Quarterly Bulletin. Containing an Index of Literature ... on Architecture, etc., from January, 1900. Vol. 1, etc. Washington, D.C., 1900, etc. 4. F 60 : 870a. American Institute of mining* Engineers. Transactions. Vol. 1, etc. Philadelphia, [1873, etc.']. 8. G 62: 871. Indexes: Vols. 1-35, 1871-1904 (1907). Imprint changed: New York, 1884, etc. 14 AMER] American International Association of Railway Superintendents of Srldgres and Bullding-s. Proceedings. Vol. 1, etc. Concord, N. If., 1891, etc. F8:891. I'liblicnlivn : Annual. TStU clanged: " Assoc. of Railway Superintendents, rlc," \ '.:, I '.inT: "Am. r. Railway Bridge and KuiUling A- ,., Unix. ,tc. American Journal of Pharmacy. Published ' under the authority of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Vol. 59, ftc. Phihidflphin, 1887, etc. 8. K 21 : 887. Publication : Monthly. >: J.M. Maisoh, ] 887-93; H. Trimble, 1894-98 ; H. Kraemer, 1898. etc. Mem: 1825-70 (1878), by H. M. Wilder; 1871-80 (1881), by J. M. Maisch ; 1881-90 (1891), by H. M. Wilder. American Journal of Railway Appli- ances. Vol. 7, etc. New York, 1887, etc. fol. F J2/887 Publication : Monthly. Title varied : l; Journal of Railway Appliances," 1892-1901 ; " Railway Machinery," 1902, etc. American library Association. See LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Cataloguing rules. Compiled by Committees of the A. L. A., and the Library Assoc. 1908. 8. (37944) See UNITED STATES CONGRESS (Library). A. L. A. Catalog., 1904. 2 vols. in one. 4r. (31179) List of subject headings for use in Dictionary Catalogs. Boston, Mass., 1895. 8. 194 pp. (25153) The same. 2nd ed. with Appendix containing hints on subject cataloging, etc. Boston. Mass., 1898. 8. 212pp. (26554) American Locomotive Company. - Large Steam and Electric Locomotives. By J. E. Muhlfeld. New York, [1906]. obi. 8. 28pp. (2200) American Magazine of Aeronautics. Vol. 1, ' etc. New York, 1907, etc. 8. E 60 : 907. Publication : Monthly. Title varied : Vol. 2, No. 2, etc., " Aeronautics." American Manufacturer and Iron World. Vol. 70-78. Pittsbttrg, Pa., 1902-06. 9 vols. sm. 4. C 42 : 902. Publication : Weekly. American Men of Science. A biographical directory. Ed. J. M. Cattell. 1906. New York. 1906. 8. C 38 : 906. American Monthly Microscopical Journal. Vol. 1-23. New York, 1880-1902. 23 vols. 8. H : 880. Editors : K. Hitchcock, 1880-86 ; published sinoe 1887 by C. W. Smiley. Imprint changed: Boston, 1873; Washington, 1874- 1902. Indexes: Vol, 1-16, 1880-95 (1896). American Fomologrical Society. Catalogue of Fruits recommended for cultiva- tion ... by the American Pomological Society. 1897. 40 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Div. of Pomology. Bulletin 6. J 29 P : Revised Catalogue of Fruits recommended for cultivation in the various sections of the United States and the British Provinces. 1899. 63 pp. Ibid. Div. of Pomology. Bulletin 8. J 29 P : [AMER American Railway Association. See GENERAL TIME CONVENTION, 1894, etc. F 8 : 886. American Railway Bridge and Building' Association. See AMERICAN INTERNAT. ASSO- CIATION OF RAILWAY SUPERINTENDENTS, etc. American Railway Engineering 1 and Maintenance - of - Way Association. Bulletin. Vol. 2. No. 1, etc. [Chicago], 1900, etc. 8 . F 8 : 900. American School of Correspondence. See ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. American Sewage Disposal Company. Sewer building and Sewage disposal. [U.S. Patent No. 559,552.] Boston, Mass., [1899]. sm. 4. 52 pp. Ports, and 3 insets. (26965) American Shipbuilder. Vol. 8-34. New York, 1894-1907. 26 vols. in 12. fol. F 82/894. Publication: Weekly. American Silk Journal. A glossary of Silk terms. New York, [19051. 12. 24pp. (31960) American Society of Civil Engineers. Catalogue of the Library. June, 1900. New York, [1900]. 8. 704 pp. (27532) American Society of Keating and Venti- lating Engineers. Transactions. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1895, etc. 8. F 52 : 895. Publication : Annual vol. American Society of Irrigation En- gineers. Transactions, etc. Vol. 1-2. Denver. Col., 1894-97. 2 vols. 8. J 73: 892. Publication: Vol. 1, Annual vol.; vol. 2, No. 1-2 Jan.- April, 1895 ; No. 3, Jan. 1897. American Society of Mechanical En- gineers. Transactions. Vol. 1, etc. Netn York, 1880. etc. 8. E 30 : 880. Indexes : Vol. 1-20, 1880-99. (1899.) Committee on Boiler tests. Report. See POOLE, H. The calorific power of Fuels . . . Ap- pended, the Report of the Committee on Boiler tests of the American Soc. of Mech. Engineers. (Dec. 1897). 1898. 8. (25356) Report of the Committee on the revision of the Society Code of 1885, relative to a standard method of conducting Steam-boiler trials. With Discussion. Ex : " Trans. Am. Soc. of Mech. E." Vol.21. 1899. pp. 33-138. 8. (29338) American Street and Znterurban Railway Association. See AMERICAN STREET RAILWAY ASSOCIATION. Reports. 1906, etc. American Street Railway Association. Report 1, etc. Brooklyn. 8. F 30 : 882. Publication: Annual. Title. -changed : " Amer. Street and Interurban Rail- way Assoc.," 1906, etc. American Telephone Journal. Vol. 17, (No. 5). Vol. 18, (No. 9). New York, 1908, etc. 4. D 60: 908. Publication: Weekly. Hittory : Incorporated " Sound Waves," on Feb. 22nd, 1908. Amalgamated with " Telephony." 15 AMES] [ANDE Ames, T. L., Lieut. U.S.A. - The granulation of Smokeless Powder for Cannon. 1902. 7 pp. See U.S. WAR DEFT. Notes on Ordnance. 85. F 92 : 863c. Costanzo, pseud., [i.e. Francesco civile. Terni, 1675. 52 pp. Roma. 1684. 4. 56 pp. Amichevoli, Eschenardi~\. - - Architettura (36248) - Architettura militare. (36249) Amiot, Joseph, Fire. - See ART milifcaire des Chinois. Trad. [J.I A. 1772. 4. (35345) Among-st. - - Amongst Machines. By the author of " The Young Mechanic" [i.e. Rev. J. Lukin]. London, Triibner & Co., 1876. 8. 344 pp. (35835) The same. 3rd ed. London, Triibner & Co., 1891. em. 8. 344 pp. (19109) Reprint of 1st ed. Amoretti, Carlo. Instruction sur la culture et 1'usage des Pommes de terre. Trad, de 1'Italien par C. L. M. Dorfeuille. Niort, 1807. sm. 8. 62 pp. 1 pi. (35172) - Memorie storiche su la vita gli studi e le opere di Lionardo da Vinci. Si aggiungona le Memorie intorno alia vita del B. Oltrocchi, dal P. Cighera. Milano, 1804. 2 pts. 8. (32443) Amos, Andrew. - Lectures ... on the Law relating to Patents. See SMITH, J. W. An epitome of the law relating to Patents. 1836. Appendix 4. pp. 103-126. 12. (1363) Amoudruz, J. F. - Nouvel emploi de 1'Ecobuage, disinfection instan- tan6e de toute putrefaction, etc. Ex : " Annales de la Chambre roy. d'agriculture de la Savoie," 1844. pp. 247-287. 8- (34840) Ampere, Andre Marie. - Eulogy on Ampere. By [D. F. J.] Arago. 1872. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Report. 1872. pp. 111-171. B 13 S : 847. Amrine, T. H. - Comparative tests of carbon, metallized carbon, and tantalum filament Lamps. 1907. 44 pp. See ILLINOIS UNIV. : Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 19. E 12: 904. - Lighting country homes by private Electric Plants. 1908. 36pp. Ibid. Bulletin 25. E 12: 904. Amson, Georges. - Brosserie, Maroquinerie, Tabletterie et Vannerie. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rap- ports du Jury International. Classe98. pp. 5-118. 8. (29967) Amsterdam Universal Exhibition, 1883. - [Rapport.1 See GR ANDES USINES. Tome 15. [Liv. 288-98.] 176 pp. C 43 : 860. Amstutz, N. S. - Handbook of Photoengraving. An enlargement and revision of Jenkins' " Manual of photoengrav- ing." With chapters on ... half-tone color- work, by F. E. Ives and S. H. Horgan. 3rd ed. Chicago, 1907. 8. 440pp. 7 pi. (36411) Amy, Joseph, Advocate. Nouvelles Fontaines dotrestiques, approuvees par I'Acade'mie Royale des Sciences-, [ii. Question de me'decine. iii. Avis an public snr 1'usage des nouvelles fontaines domestiqueset de sante.] Paris, 1750. 3 pts. 12 (34659) Reflexions sur Jes Yaisseaux de cuivre, de plomb et detain, et division de 1'extrait du livre intitule^ " Nouvelles fontaines domestiques," etc. Paris, 1752. 2 pts. 12. (34802) An ales de Construcciones civiles, minas e industrias del Peru, public-ados por la Escuela de Ingenieros de Lima. Tomo 2-6. 2 a Serie. Tomo 1, etc. Lima, 1882, etc. 8. B 82 : 882. Deficient : All pub. between 1887 and 1901. Analyst (The). A monthly journal of Science, Literature, and the Fine Arts. Vol. 1-10. London, 1834-40. 10 vols. 8. A 40 : 834. Published : Quarterly from 1835. Editors : W. Holl and N. Wood, 1837, vol. 6 ; W. H. and B. Mammatt, 1837, vol. 7 ; E. M., 1838-40. Analyst (The), including the Proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts. Vol. 1, 1875, etc, London, 1876, etc. 8. K 18 : 875. Published: Monthly. Editors: G. W. Wigner, and J. Muter, 1877-83; J. Muter, 1884-1890 ; later by Editorial Com- mittee. Indexes: Vol. 1-20, 1877-95, (1897) ; 21-30, 1896-1905, (1906). By J. C. Welch. Imperfect : Vol. 1 wants No. 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11. Anbau. Ueber den Anbau der Runkelriibe, und die Ein- richtung der Runkelriiben-Zuckerfabriken. Prag, G. Haase Sohne, 1834. 8. 46 pp. (37451) Ar.cellin, Constant Francois. Trait^ pratique sur la nlatura du Lin et du Chanvre. 3e e~d. Paris, [186 ?]. 8. 148 pp. (38156) Ancona, Ugo. GraphischeTheoriederOtto-Gasmaschine. 1895. See VER. ZDR BEFORDERUNG DBS GEWERBFLEISSES : Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 74. pp. 333-368. 4. B67P: Andersen, Louis. [Andersch Bros.] Hunters and Trappers guide, illustrating the fur- bearing animals of North America. 2nd ed. Min- neapolis, 1906. 8. 438 pp. portr. (34116) Anderson, Miss A. M. See HOME OFFICE. Tinning of metals. Special report . . . by A. M. A., etc. 1907. fol. (35551) Anderson, B. G. Improvement of Virginia fire-cured Tobacco. By G. T. McNess and others. 40 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 46. J 29 S : Anderson, D. H. The Primer of Irrigation. Chicago, [1905]. sm. 8. 258 pp. 16 p!. (32861) Anderson, Frederic Alfred. Boiler feed water. {"Electrician" Series.) London, [1909]. 8. 166 pp. (37848) Anderson, Geo. Lucius, Major U.S. Artillery. Electricity and its applications in Artillery practice. 1893. 66 pp. See U.S. WAR DEPT. Adjutant- General's Office. Artillery Circular. C. 4. F 92/893. 16 ANDE] Anderson, Geo. Lucius cont. Handbook for the us<> of electricians, in the operation and care of Electrical machinery and api>aratus of the U.S. seacoast defenses. Neto York, 1902. 8 J . 162 pp. 25 pi. (28G10) Anderson, J. A. See RICHTMANN. \V. O., and ANDERSON, J. A. Spirit of nitrous ether, etc. 1900. 8. (33661) Anderson, James, LI. D.. F.R.S. S" K i .KIATIONS IN AGRICULTURE,^. Ed. J.A. 1799-1802. 6 vols. 8. J 5 : 799. Anderson, James, (.'./.'. Report relative to a design for a Chain bridge, proposed to be thrown over the Firth of Forth at Queensferry. Edinburgh, 1818. 4. 32pp. (32570) \Vnnts engraved plate. Anderson, Sir John, C.B., F.R.S. Description of the machinery used in the manu- facture of Cannon at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. 1845. Sre ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Papers. Vol. 8. pp. 42-60. 7 pi. F 90 : 844. . Report on Machine Tools. 1868. See, PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, British Comm. Reports. Vol.4, pp. 357-382. 8. (13626) Report on Machine Tools, Textile, and other Machinery. 1874. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, British Comm. Reports. Part 2. pp. 5-110. 8. (16762) Anderson, John Wemyss. Refrigeration. London, 1908. 8. 252 pp. 4 pi. (36351) Anderson, John Wm. The Prospector's handbook. 2nd ed. London, 1887. sm. 8. 132pp. (20445) The same. 9th ed. London, 1902. sm. 8". 188 pp. (28424) Anderson, Macfarlane. Photo-mechanical processes and guide to color work. New York, 1896. sm. 8. 182 pp. 9 pi. (26009) Anderson, Robert. Geology and oil resources of the Santa Maria oil district . . . California. By R. Arnold and R. A. 1907. 162 pp. 26 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 322. G 30 : 883. Preliminary report on the Coal in ga Oil District, Kre^no and Kings Counties, California. By R. Arnold and R. A. 1908. 142 pp. 1 map. Ibid. Bulletin 357. G 30 : 883. Anderson, Robert H. Hydrography of the Susquehanna River drain- age basin. By J. C. Hoyt and R. H. A. 1905. 215 pp. 29 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Water- supply, etc., Paper. 109. G 30 : 899. Anderson, Thos., M.D. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. Edinburgh. 1860. 8m. 8. 3L'8pp. (31733) Report on Phospho-guano. See LAWSON, P., and SON. Phospho-guano, etc. 1863. 8. (13705) Anderson, Wm. Japanese wood engravings : their history, tech- nique, and cbaracteristics. London, 1908. 12. 220 pp. (36315) Anderson, Sir Wm.. K.C.B. On the Conversion of Heat into Work. A practical handbook on beat-engines. (Specialists' Series.) London, 1887. 8. 260 pp. (20229) M222 17 [ANDE Anderson, Sir Wm., K.C.B. cont. The same. 4th ed. Ibid. London, 1901. sm. 8. 274pp. 2 pi. (28395) Hydro - pneumatic gear for Siege and Heavy Ordnance. 1884. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Prof . Papers. Vol.10, pp. 233-74. 10 pi. F 90: 844 The same. (Reprinted 1890.) 33 pp. 10 pi. See U.S. WAR DEPT : Ordnance Bureau. Notes, etc. 55. F 92 : 863c. Machinery. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. Reports, pp. 476- 490. 1887. 8. (9473) Anderson, Wm. A. Railway apparatus. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1878, U.S.Comm. Reports. Vol.4, pp. 417-469. 13 pi. 1880. 8. (33125) Anderson, Wm. Carrick. See SIMMERSBACH, O. The Chemistry of Coke. Trsl.W. C. A. 1899. sm. 8. (26641) Anderton, Basil. See NEWCASTLE - ON - TYNE (Public Library). [Author] Catalogue of the books, etc., on pure mathematics . . . by B. A., etc. 1901. sm. 4. (32837) And^s, Louis Edgar. Animal Fats and Oils, tbeir practical production, purification . . . properties, falsification, and examination. Trsl. C. Salter. London, 1898. 8. 252 pp. (25389) Die Bepeitigung des Staubes auf Strassen und Wegen, in Fabriks-und gewerblichen Betrieben uud im Haushalte. (Chem.-techn. Bibl.) Wien, 1908. sm. 8. 326 pp. (37260) Blattmetalle, Bronzen und Metallpapiere, deren Herstelluug und Anwendung. (Ibid.) Wien, 1902. sm. 8. 334pp. (28192) Drying Oils, boiled Oil, and solid and liquid Driers. London, 1901. 8. 356 pp. (27633) Der Eisenrost, seine Bildung, Gefabren und Verhiitung unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verwendung des Eisens als Bau-und Construc- tionsmaterial. (Chem.-techn. Bibl.) Wien. 1898. sm. 8. 300 pp. (25805) Iron corrosion, auti-t'ouling and anti-corrosive Paints. From the German by C. Salter. London, 1900. 8. 284pp. (27041) Die Fabrikation der Oopal-, Terpentinol-und Spiritus-Lacke. (Chem.-techn. Bibl.) Wien, 1883. sm. 8. 428pp. (11884) The same. 2te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, 1895. sm. 8. 520pp. (26718) Die Fabrikation der Papiermache- und Papier- stoff-Waareu. (Ibid.) Wien, 1900. sm.8. 382pp. (26881) Die Fabrikation der Stiefelwichse und der Leder- Conservirungsroittel. (Ibid.) Wien, 1893. sm. 8. 274 pp. (23204) The same. 2te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, [19051. 1906. sm. 8. 310pp. (31562) Das Gasgliihlicht nnd die Herstellung der G-luhstriimpfe . . . sowie Darstellung der Gluhlichtlampen fur fliissige Brennstoffe. nebst einem Anhang fiber die einschlSgigen Patente aller Lander. Leipzig, 1902. 8. 186 pp. (28459) Die Harzpiodnkte. Gewinnucg und Verarbei- tung der Rohterpentino zu Terpentinol und Kolophonium, etc. (Chrm.-techn. Bibl.) Wien, 1905. sm. 8. 432 pp. (31129) ANDE] [ANER AndcSs, Louis Edgar cont. Die Holzbiegerei und die Herstellang der Mobel aus gebogenem Holz. (Ibid.) Wien, 1903. sm. 8. 272 pp. (29375) Holz- und Marmor-malerei. Wien, 1901. 8.. and fol. atlas. 256 pp. (29707) Kokosbutter und andere Kunstspeisefette. (Chem.-Uchn. Bibl.) Wien, 1907. sm. 8. 248 pp. (33862) Oel-und Buchdruckfarben. (Ibid.) Wien. 1889. sm. 8. 280 pp. (21760) Oil Colours and Printers' Inks. Trsl. A. Morris and H. Robson. London. 1903. sm. 8. 224 pp. (31311) Papier-Specialitiiten. (Ibid.) Wien. 1896. sm.8. 304 pp. (24866) The treatment of Paper for special purposes. Trsl. 0. Salter. London. 1907. sm. 8. 252 pp. (35334) Praktisehes Rezeptbuch fur die gesamte Pett-, Oel-, Seif en- und Schmiermittel- Industrie. ( Chem.- Uchn. Bill.) Wien, 1904 [19031. sm. 8. 430 pp. (30075) Praktisches Kezeptbuch fur die gesamte Lack- und Farbm- Industrie. (Ibid.) Wien, 1904 [1903]. sm. 8. 436 pp. (30074) Schreib-, Kopier- und andere Tinten. (Ibid.) Wien, 1906. sm. 8. 240 pp. (32305) Die Surrogate in der Lack-, Firnis- und Farben- Fabrikation, nebst Priifung und Analyse der Lacke, etc. (Ibid.) Wien, 1908. sm. 8. 368 pp. 1 pi. (36357) Technologisches Lexikon. Wien. [1900]. 8. 956 pp. (27366) Die Verarbeitung des Strobes zu Geflechten und Strohhiiten, Matten, Flaschenhulsen, Seilen, in der Papierfabrikation, etc. (Chem.-teclm. Bibl. 232.) Wien, 1898. sm. 8. 264 pp. (25804) Zelluloid und seine Verarbeitung. (Ibid.) Wien, [1907]. sm. 8. 388 pp. (35139) Andom, Robert, pseud, [i.e. A. Barrett]. Industrial explorings in and around London. London, 1895. sm. 8. 312 pp. (24726) The same. 2nd ed. [Reprint.] London, 1896. sm. 8. 312 pp. (10698) Andraud, , C.E. L'Air comprime et dilate comme Force Motrice. 3 e 6d., augmente'e d'une partie experimentale en collaboration avec Tessi6 du Motay. Paris, 1841. 8. 144pp. Ipl. (34485) Andr<5, C. See NANCY : Conseil Municipal. Rapport de la Commission des horloges. C. Andre\ Rapporteur. 1884. 8. (33995) Andre, H. Les Dirigeables. Etude compl&te de la direction des Ballons. Paris, 1902. 8. 350 pp. (29061) Andrene, Johann Valentin. Collectanea mathematica. Tubingce, 1614. 4. 42 pp. 110 pi. with MS. additions. (29877) Andreoll, Emile Marie Hippolyte. See ELECTRIC OZONE SYNDICATE, LTD. Ozone. 1898. 8. (25337) Andreossy, Franrois. Histoire du Canal du Midi, connu prece'dem- ment sous le nom de Canal de Languedoc. Paris, [1800]. 8. 454pp. 2 pi. (34473) Andres, Erwin. Die Fabrikation der Licke, Firnisse, Buch- drucker-Firnisse und des Siegellackes. 2 te Aufl. (Chem.-techn. Bibl.). Wien, 1879. 216 pp. (19435) The same. 4 te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, 1891. sm.8. 272 pp. (26717) Andrew, Wm. Patrick. Break of gauge in India. Reports by [Sir] J. Fowler, [Sir] J. Hawkshaw, G. P. Bidder, and [Sir] G. L. Molesworth, etc. London, 1872. 8. 136 pp. 1 pi. (35797) Andrewes, F. W., M.D. Lessons in Disinfection and Sterilisation. London, 1903. sm. 8. 222 pp. (30003) Andrews, E. C. Molybdenum. 1906. 18 pp. 1 pi. See NEW- SOUTH WALES : Geol. Survey. Mineral resources. 11. G45N: Andrews, Ewart S. The theory and design of Structures. London, 1908. 8. 602pp. 7 pi. (38116) Andrews, H. B., C.E. Handbook for Street Railway engineers. New York, 1902. 32. 202 pp. 1 pi. (29506) Andrews, Herbert. SeeBECK, C., and ANDREWS, H. Photographic lenses. 3rd ed. [1903.] sm. 8. (30273) Andrews, Leonard. Electricity Control : a treatise on Electric Switch-gear and systems of Electric Transmission. London, 1904. 8. 248 pp. 2 pi. (31310) Andrews, W. S. Magic squares and cubes. With chapters by P. Carus, etc. Chicago, 1908. 8. 206 pp. (37188) Andrieu, Pierre. Treatment of Vintage by Diffusion. Trsl. R. Dubois and W. P. Wilkinson. 1898-99. 32 pp. 1 pi. (Reprint.) See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agri- culture. Bulletin. [New Series.] No. 2, 1902. J 8 A V : 902a La Viticulture, ses proce'de's et son materiel. Montpellier, 1901. 8. 312 pp. (32006) Andrieux, C. J. P. Etudes et solutions nouvelles sur la Viabilite a grande vitesse et les travaux publics. Paris, 1844. 4. 30 pp. 1 pi. (34718) Andry, Nicholas. See ANDRY DE BOISRESARD, N. Andry de Boisregrard, Nicolas. Orthopsedia : or, the art of correcting and pre- venting deformities in children. With Supplemsnt, a Defence of the Orthopaedia. From the French. London, 1743. 2 vols. 12. (37323) Anecdotes. Anecdotes des Beaux-Arts, contenant tout ce qua la peinture, la sculpture, la gravure, 1'architec- tare . . . off rent de plus curieux, etc. . . . Avec des notss historiques, etc. Par M. . . . [i.e. P. J. B. Nougaret and N. T. Le Prince.] Paris, 1776-80. 3 vols. sm. 8. (5258) Aneroid. The Aneroid Barometer, how to buy and how to use it. By a Fellow of the Meteorological Society. London, Houlston & Son, 1879. sm. 8". 32 pp. (37899) 18 ANEZ] Anez, Louis Marii'. Architect. See KEGNARD, J. Calorifcre a air chaud sature de [L. M.] Anez. 1867. 8. (36749) Anereli. Angelo. - Ueber einige sauerstoff haltige Verbindungen des Stickstofff. Ubersetzt von K. Arndt, 1908. See SAMMLUNO CHEM.-UND CHEM.-TECH. VORTRAGE. Band 13. pp. 1-50 K 1 : 896 Angrelo, T. '- The art of making Fireworks, made plain and easy. 3rd ed. London, [1830?]. 12". 28 pp. (33015) Ang-ely, A., C.E. Cbemin de fer a voie suspondue . . . pour service m^tropolitain, etc. [French Patent, No. 162,183.] Parit, 1884. 8. 14 pp. 4 pi. (33259) " Ang-erman. Claudius. - Die allgemeine Naphta-Geologie. Wien, 1900. 8. 98pp. (27696) Ang-ers. - See Sociferfe D'ETUDES SCIENTIPIQCES D'ANOERS. 1871, etc. 8. B 29 An : Angrersteln, Wilh., Ph.D. - See DEUTSCHER VEREIN ZUR FORDERDNG DER LCFTSCHIFFFAHRT : ZEIT8CHRIFT. Hrsg., W. A., 1882-90. E 60 : 882. Ansro. Pierre. - L'Optique. Paris, 1682. 12. 376 pp. 1 pi. (38137) Angruillara. Giovanni Andrea dell'. - See CANDA.T. V. Fantastici scherzi di chimiche curiosita sopra la terza ottava rima del lib. I delle sue metamorfosi di G. A. dell' A., etc. 1697. sm. 8. (31319) Angus, J. Keith. - Amateur acting. London, [1880]. sm. 8. - 172pp. 3 pi. (37375) Annalen der Elelitroteclmik. Jahrg. 1, etc., Darmstadt, 1906, etc. 8. D 52 : 906. Publication : Monthly. Editor : F. Hoppe, 1906, etc. Annalen der Fortschrltte, etc. In Wissen- achaften, Kunste, etc. See ALUANACH DER FORTSCHRITTE, etc. IN WjSSENjCHAFTEN, etc. 1809- 11. C 25 : 807. Annalen der OBnologle. Band 1-9. Heidel- berg, 1870-83. 9 vols. 8. K 86 : 870. Publication: Quarterly. Editors : A. Blankenhorn and L. Rosier, 1869-77 ; A. Blankenhorn, 1878-83. Annalen der Pharmacle. Indexei: Author and Subject, vols. 1-100, (1861); 101-16, (1861) ; 117-64 and Supplement 1-8, (1874) ; 165-220, (1885); 221-76, (1895): 277-328, (1906). In progrett. Annales Agrronomlques. Tome 21-28. Paris, 1895-1902. 8 vols. 8 Q . J : 895. Publication: Monthly. Editor, etc.: P. P. Dehe'rain. Published by the authority of the Ministry ot Agriculture. Annales d'Electricite" et de Matrn<5tisme. 1889-90; 1891-92. Paris, [1890-93]. 2 vols. 8. (22515) Editor : G. Dumont. Iliitury : Biennial supplement to his " Oict. d'Elec- ', etc." [ANNA Annales d'Hygrlene PubHque et do Me- declne Legrale. Parit. 8. H 26 : 829. Indexet: 1879-1908, (1905). Set : On order. Annales de Chimic analytlque applique'e, etc. Tome 1, etc. Paris, 1896, etc. 8. K 18: 896. Publication: Monthly. Ancales de la Brasserie et de la Distll- lerle. Ann4e 1, etc. Paris, 1898, etc. 8. K 80 : 898. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Editor : A. Fernbaoh, 1898, etc. Annales de la Science Agronomiquei fr.'iiii.'iiiso et e'trangere. 2e Se'rie. Annea 1, etc. Paris, 1894, etc. 8. J : 894. Publication: 8 Nos. (2 vols) yearly. Decennial Series. Editor : L. Grandeau, 1894, etc. Indexei: 1894-1905 in 1905. Annales des Falsifications. Bulletin Inter- national, etc. Anne"e 1, etc. Paris. 1908, etc. 8. H 95 : 908. Publication : Monthly. Editor : C. Franohe, 1908, etc. Annales des Mines de Belfflque. Tome 1, etc. Bruxelles, 1896, etc. 8. G 64 : 896. Publication : Quarterly. Siltory: Published by the Belgian Ministry of Industry, Dept. ot Mines. Annales des Travaux Publics de Bel- pique. Documents scientifiques, industrials ou administratifn concernant d'art des constructions, lea voiea de communication et 1'industrie mim'rale. Tome 1, etc. Bruxelles, 1843, etc. 8. E 20 : 843. Publication : 6 pts. a year. Indexa : 1843-75 in T. 33 ; 1876-99 (1900) in T. 56. Annales Sclentifiqnes de 1'Ecole Normale Superieure. See ECOLE NOKMALE SUPBRIECRE. B29E: Annall dl Agricoltura. Serie 2a. No. 48-223, Roma, 1882-99. 8. J 25 : 882. Publication : Irregular. Editor* : Italian Ministry of Agriculture. Sut> tenet : " Belazione sol servizio minerario." (Annual mineral statistics). Deficient : Series 1. Series 2 imperfect. Annall dl Chimlca Appllcata alia IWedi- clna, etc. 1862-84. See GIORNALE DI FARMACIA- CHIMICA, etc. K 21 : 862. Annall di Chimlca e dl Farmacologia. 1886-97. See GIORNALE DI FARMACIA-CHIMICA, etc. K 21 : 862. Annall dl Chlmloa IWCedico-Farmaceutica, etc. 1885. See GIORNALE DI FARMACIA-CHIMK,'A, etc. K 21 : 862. Annall dl Farmacoterapla, etc. 1898-1900. See GIORNALE DI FARMACIA-CHIMICA, etc. K 21 : 862. Annals of Chemical Medicine. Vol. 1. London, 1879. 8. K 12 : 879. Publication: Annual. Editor : J. L. W. Thudicham. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Para- sitolopry. Issued by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Vol. 1, etc. Liverpool, 1907, etc. H 5 : 907. Publication : Quarterly. Editor: K. Ross, 1907, etc. 19 c2 ANNE] [APPE Ann<$e Eiectrique, Electrothe'raplque et Kadioerraphique (!'). Anne"e 1, 1900, etc. Paris, 1901, etc. 8. D 52 : 885.1. Editor: F. V. Foveau de Courmelles, 1900, etc. Annee Zndustrlelle. Ann 1. 1901. Paris, 1887-1901. 11 vols. 12. O 23 : 887. -Editor: M. [C.] de Nansouty. History : Publication suspended, 1893-96. Anne's Technique du Repertoire g-6ra6rale. 1900-06. Paris, 1901-06. 6 vols. 8. 23 : 9CO. Editor: A. Da Cunha. Annesley, Wm. A description of his new system of naval archi- tecture. (Letters Patent, No. 4240 of 1818.) London, 1818. 8. 48 pp. 1 pi. (36576) Annuaire des Journaux, Revues et Publications pdriodiques. Aunue 20, 1899, etc. Paris, 1900, etc. 8. A G 50 I. Publisher : H. Le Soudier. Title changed : With 1905 " Catalogue " Tarif . . . des Journaux, etc. Deficient : 1900-04, 1906, 1908. Annuaire Farjas pour lea Inventeurs. Annee 1-3. Paris, 1898-1900. 4 vols. 8. 023:898. Editor : H. Farjas. Annuaire International de 1'Ace'tyleiie. 1907, etc. Paris, 1907, etc. 8. K 43 : 907. Editors : R. Granjon, P. Rosemberg, and P. Mauri- cheau-Beaupere, 1907 ; R. G. and P. R., 1908, etc. Annuaire International des Societ^s Savantes. 1903, etc. Paris, 1904, etc. A C 65. Editor : H. Delaunay. History : An annual continuation of his " Les Socie'te's savantes de France." 1902. Anschiitz, Richard, Ph.D. See RICHTEK, V. von. Ohemie der KoblenstoS- Verbindungen. 7te Aufl., etc. Hrsg. R A. Die Destination unter verminderten Druck im Laboratorium. Unter Mitwirkung von H. Reitter. 2teAufl. Bonn, 1895. 8. 90pp. 1 pi. (37852) AnscSiiitz-Jiaempte, Hermann. Der Kreisel als Richtungsweiser auf der Erde mit bes. Beriicksicht. ssiner Verwendbarkeit auf Schiffen. 1909. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GE- SELLSCHAFT : Jahrbuch. Band 10. pp. 352-369. F 81 : 900. Anadell, Gerrard, F.C.S. The physical properties of liquid Acetylene, 1879. Ex: "Proc. of the Roy. Society," No. 197. pp. 209-214. 8. (26643) On the physical constants of liquid Hydrochloric Acid. 1880. Ibid. No. 200. pp. 117-122. (26644) Ansell, H. The manufacture of glazed bricks and glazed sanitary ware. 2nd ed. (" British Clayworkers " Manuals.) London, 1898. sm. 8. 204 pp. (25815) Anslot, L. D. Instruction pour construire les Modeles en Bois a 1'usage des fondeurs, etc. Angers, 1844. sm. 8 52pp. Ipl. (34486) Ansted, David Thos., M.A., F.R.S. Water and Water-supply, chiefly in reference to the British Islands. Surface waters. London 1878. 8. 592pp. 7 pi. (33382) Anstey, Heury Chas., Lieut. R.N. See BERTIN, L. E. Marine boilers . . . With a new chapter on " Liquid fuel," by H. C. A. 2nd ed. 1906. (31823) Anstey, Thos. Henry, Lieut., R.E. Report on the principal objects [connected with] the art of War. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873 : British Comm. Reports. Part ii. pp. 231- 266. 8. (16762) Anstle, John, B.A., F.G.S. The Coal fields of Gloucestershire and Somerset- shire, and their resources. London, 1873. 8. 104 pp. 9 pi. (37238) Anstrutber, Robert Hamilton, Lieut., R.N., and Settembrlnl, R. Sea-faring pbrases and technical terms, English and Italian. Portsmouth, 1894. sm. 8. 134 pp. 18 pi. (26858) AnthemittB, Greek mathematician and architect. Fragment d'un ouvrage Grec sur des ' Para- doxes de mecaniques." Revu et corrige avec une traduction Francoise, des notes critiques et des observations, par L. Dupuy. (Greek and French.) Ex : " Hist, da 1'Acad. Roy. des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres," Tome 42. 1786. pp. 332-451. 2 pi. 4. (29687) Anthony, Gardner Ohace. The essentials of Gearing. (Technical Drawing Series.) Boston, Mass., 1897. obi. 8. 92 pp. 15 pi. (12798) Anthony's Fhotograpic Bulletin. Vol. 16- 33. New York, 1885- [April] 1902. 16 vols. 8. A 11 : 885. Publication: Semi-monthly. Editors : C. F. Chandler and A. H. Elliott, 1885-92 ; C. F. C., A. H. E., and F. P. Smith, 1893 ; 0. F. C. and F. J. Harrison, 1894-97 ; C. F. C. and W. J. Scandlin, 1898-1902. Hittory : Incorporated in 1902 with " The Photo- graphic Times-Bulletin." Anti-typhoid Inoculation Committee. See WAR OFFICE. Anti-typhoid Inoculation Committee. (31679) Antonio, de Cordova : Admiral, Royal Spanish Marine. A voyage of discovery to the Strait of Magellan, with an account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants, and of the natural productions of Patagonia. From the Spanish. London, [18201. 8. 112pp. 7 pis. (12338) Apianus, Petrus. Instrumentum Sinuum, sou primi mobilis, nuper a P. A. inventum, nunc autem ab eodem diligenter recognitum, etc. Norimbergcz, J. Petri, 1541. fol. 4211. (30525) Apllgrny. See LE PILEUE D'APLIQNY. Apollonius, Pergceus. Oonica. [Synopsis of contents.] See MER- SENNE, M. Universee geometrise . . . synopses. 1644. pp. 276-312. 4. (29761) Apothekervereln in nordlichen Teutsch- land. See PHARMACEUTISCHE MONATSBLATTER. 1822-50. 8. K 21 : 822. Appel, Rudolph. . A's. process of Anastatic Printing, and the anti- acid and anti-anastatic paper, invented by Messrs. Glynn and Appel. [Letters Patent No. 13747 of APPE] [ARCE Appel, Rudolph cant. A'f. process of Anastatic Printing, etc. cont. 1851.1 See SHARP, G. The Qilbart prize essay, etc. 3rd ed. [Specimen No. 13".] 1854. 8. (30582) Appcll, J. W. Report on Paper, Stationery, Painting and Drawing materials, and Bookbinding. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, British Comm. Reports. Vol. 2. pp. 135-150. 8. (13626) AppeU. Paul Emile. Coars de Mecauique. Paris, 1902. 8. 272 pp. , (29043) Traite 1 de Mecauique rationnelle. 2e 6d. Paris, 1902-04. 2 volg. 8 . (29044) Appert, Nicolas. (1750-1841.) See CAR&ME, M. A. Le Conservateur. Con- tenant : le Le livre de tons les Manages, par [N.] Appert. 5e<5d. 1842. 8". (35344) The art of Preserving all kinds of Animal and Vegetable substances for several years. From the French. London, mi. 12. 184pp. (30059) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1812. 8. 190 pp. (5502) Le livre de tous les Manages, ou 1'art de Con- server, pendant plusieurs anne'es, toutes les sub- stances animales et vege'tales. 3e <5d. Paris, 1813. 8. 176pp. Ipl. (34275) The same. 4e 6d. Paris, 1831. 8. 286 pp. 4 pi. (35451) Wants Pref. pp. iv.-xiv. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Appert, Li'ion Alfred. Note sur les Verres des Vitranx anciens. Paris, 1896. 8. 76pp. (30526) Appier, Jean, called Hanzelet. La Pyrotechnic de Hanzelet Lorrain, ou sont repttsentez les plus rares et plus apprevaez secrets des machines et des fear artificiels propres pour aseieger, battre, surprendre et deffendre toutts places. Pont a Mousson, 1630. 4. 270 pp. (30050) Appleg-ath, Augustus. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Appleton, Henry, Maj., R.E. The Olvusaa Suspension Bridge. 1895. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Prof. Papers. Vol.21, pp. 35-39. 5 pi. F 90: 844. Appleyard, RoIIo. The Conductometer and Electrical conductivity. London, 1904. 8. 40pp. (30977) Appolt, Chas. and Geo. (Appolt freres.) See VERIOT, E. Description d'un nouveau four a coke . . . de 1'invention de MM. Appolt freres. [1854.] 8. (34276) Apprentice (The) : a weekly journal, etc. Vol. 1-2. New Series, Vol. 1-2. London, 1844-45. - 4 voh>. in two. 4. C 40 : 844. (28419) Editor : The Artizan Club. Aragro, Dominique Francois Jean. Condorcet. A biography. 1878. Se SMITH- SONIAN INST. Report. 1878. pp. 180-235. B 138:847. Eulogy on Ampere. 1872. Ibid. 1872. pp. 111-171. B 138:847. Eulogy on Laplace. 1874. IbM. 1874. pp. 129-168. B 13 8 : 847. Historical eloge of James Watt. From the French, with additional notes and an Appendix, by J. P. Muirhead. London, 1839. 8. 272 pp. (34407) (Mimoir,) The history of my Youth : an autobiography of F. A. See ARAGO, F. Biographies of distinguished Scientific men. 1857. pp. 1-59. 8. (2920) Araldi, Antonio. El problema de las Letrinas en los cuarteles y edificios militares. Trad.por J. M. Aparici. 1883. ^0 pp. 3 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 2a epoca. Tomo 38. F 96 : 846. Aranaz 6 Xzagruirre, Ricardo, Col. of Artillery. Los explosives militares. Granada, 1904. sm. 8. 378 pp. 17 pi. (32160) Araujo, Hipolito. See FIOL, E., and ARAUJO, H. Memoria sobre la fabricacion y ttndido cte los Cables entre las Islan de Mallorca y Menorca, etc. 1873. fol. (26600) Arbel, . See DURANT, L. Roues des Chemin de fer, etc., du systeme Arbel. 1893. 4. (24110) Arbousset, L. de 1'. See LAURENT DE L' ARBOUSSET. Arbuthnot, John, M.D., F.R.S. An essay concerning the nature of Aliments and the choice of them . . . 3rd ed. . . . added, Practical rules of Diet in the various constitutions and diseases of human bodies. London, 1735 [-361. 8. 460 pp. (34052) Arcet. Jean Pierre Joseph d', M.D. M<5moire sur 1'action d'un feu ega', violent, et continued pendant plusieurs jours sur un grand nombre de terres, etc. Paris, 1766. 8. 122 pp. (34037) Mdmoire sur 1'art da dorer le Bronze. Paris, 1818. 8. 223pp. 6 pi. (34123) Note relative i 1'emploi de 1'appareil servant it pre'parer, a 1'Hospiee de la Charitt', mille rations de dissolution gelatineuse par jour. Paris, [1825 ?]. 8. 8 pp. 1 pi. (37406) Precis sur la mine de sel gemme de Vic, De'parte- ment de la Menrthe, et sur les priocipales de sel de 1'Europe. Paris, 1824. 8". 86 pp. 1 pi. (34178) Recherches sur les substances nutritives qne renferment les os . . . et me'moire sur 1'appli- cation spdciale . . . par A. de Puymaurin. Parii, 1829. 8. 176pp. 5 pi. (34487) Recueil de diverses notes ... a 1'appui de son memoire sur 1'extraction de la gelatine des os au moyon de la vapenr. Ex : " Reiueil Indus- triel, etc.' 1 1829? 8. 26pp. (37407) and Thenard, . De la emploi des corps gras comme hydrof uge. (Ibid.) Paris, 1828. sm. 8". 25 pp. 1 pi. (35950) 21 ARCH] [ARCH Archbuit, Leonard, F.C.S., and Deeley, B. M. Lubrication and Lubricants. London. 1900. 8. 476pp. (26774) Archer, Henry, Inventor of the postage stamp perforating machine. See PARLIAMENT. Postage Stamps. Report of Select Committe . . . [H. A.'s Patent, No. 12340 of 1848.] 1852. 8. (28102) Archer, Mark. William Hedley, the inventor of Railway Locomotion on the present principle. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1882. 8. 66 pp. 5 pi. (30060) Archer, Thos. Croxen. Report on apparatus and processes used in Agricultural works, and in works for the prepara- tion of Food. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1867, British Comm. Reports. Vol. 5. pp. 109-121. 8. (13626) Report on a collection of imports of Raw Materials exhibited. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1873, British Comm. Reports. Part 1. pp. 369-428. 8. (16762) : Report on the manufactures of Glass, including Enamels. Ibid. Part 3. pp. 171-210. 8. (16762) Report on Pottery and Porcelain. Ibid. Part 3. pp. 109-169. 8. (16762) Report on Woollen fabrics in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERNAT. EXHIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol. 2. pp. 1-42. (15691) Archer, Wm. Henry. See VICTORIA : Registrar-General. Statistical notes on the progress of Victoria, (1835-1880). .2nd ed. Parts 1 and 2. [I860-] 1861. 2 vols. in one. 4. (9600) Archimedes. Opera. Novisdemonstrationibuscommentariisqne illustrata, per D. Rivaltum. Parisiis, 1615. fol. .590pp. (29928) The works of Archimedes. Edited in modern notation, with introductory chapters, by T. L. Heath. Cambridge, 1897. 8. 512 pp. (26064) De sphajra et cylindro. De circuli dimensione. De conoidibus et sphseroidibus. De quadratura para- boles. Be spiralibus. De planis sequiponderantibns, etc. De iis quae vehuntur in humido. Arenarius. Supplementum. See MERSENNE, M. Universal geometrise . . . synopsis. 1644. pp. 92-178. 4. (29761) Un traite' de geome'trie ine'dit d'A. Par T. Reinach. See REVUE GENERALE DBS SCIENCES. Ann^e 18. 1907. pp. 913-928. C 3 : 890. Architect. See ARCHITEKT, etc. Architect's Electrical Bulletin. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1892, etc. 4. D 51 : 892. Publication : Monthly. Editors: Vol. 1-7, Interior Conduit &c. Co. ; Vol.8, etc., Sprague Electrical Co. Title varied : Vol. 8, etc., " Architects' and Engineers' Electrical Bulletin." Architects' magazine. See, SOCIETY OF ARCHI- TECTS. The Architects' Magazine, 1900, etc. F 60 : 888. Architectural Association Journal. See ARCHITECTDBAL ASSOCIATION NOTES. Oct. 1905, etc. 4. F 60: 887. Architectural Association Notes. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1887, etc. 8. and 4. F 60 : 887. Publication : Monthly. Title varied: " Architectural Assoc. Journal." Oct., 1905, etc. Architectural Quarterly Review (The). No. 1, June, 1851. [Prospectus No.] London, 1851. 8. 176 pp. F 68 : 851. Architectural Review (The). Vol. 5, etc. London, 1898, etc. 8. F 68 : 898. Publication : Monthly. Editors: A Committee of Architects, 1898-1904; M. E. Macartney, 1905, etc. Architecture. Architecture nouvelle. Choix de petites con- structions, Maisons de campagne, etc., executees par divers Architectes aux environs de Paris, etc. Dourdan, [1896]. fol. 194 pp. 100 pi. (25411) Architekt (Der). - Grabkapellen, Griifte, Crematorien, Leichen- hallen, Friedhofkapellen, Mausoleen und Grabdenk- male aller Art. Entwiirfe uud Naturaufnahmen. Separat Ausgabe der Zeitschrift " Der Architekt." Jahrg. 1-10. Wien, [1905]. fol. 4 pp. 56 pi. (31585) Archltekten- und Xngrenleur- Verein f. d. K.6nu-,r. Hannover. Zeitschrift. Hannover, 1855, etc. 4. F 60/855. Publication : Title varied : " Zeitschrift f. Architektur- und In- genieurwesen," 1896, etc. ffistorv : A continuation of the " Notizblatt." Indexes: Vol. 1-8 (Subject index), 1864; 9-16, (n.d.); 17-27. (1883;; 28-37, (1893) ; 38-47, (1904) ; etc Uebersicht der mittelalterlichen Baudenkmaler Niedersachsens. Band 1-3 (Heft 3). Hannover, 1857-69. 3 vols. 4. (26465) Jlhtory : Issued with the " Zeitschr.," of the Society. Band 1-2 cols, numbered continuously. Deficient : Band 3, Heft 4, etc. Archlv du Pharmacia. See PHARMACEUTISCHE MONATSBLATTER. 1839, etc. 8. K 21 : 822. Archiv fur Buchbinderei, etc. Jahrg. 1, etc. Halle a. S. 1901, etc. 4. A 30 : 901. Publication: Monthly. Editor: P.Adam. History : Incorporated in Nov., 1903, the " 111. Zeitung fur Buchbinderei, etc." Archiv fur Buchdruckerkunst, etc. Band 29, etc. Leipzig, 1892, etc. 4. A 20 : 892. Publication : Monthly. Editor: A. Waldow, 1892-99; Deut. Buchgewerbe- verein, 1900. Title changed : " Archiv f Ur Buchgewerbe," 1900, etc. Archiv fur Buchgrewerbe, 1900, eta. See ARCHIV FUR BUCHDRUCKERKUNST, etc. A 20 : 892. Archiv fur Hygiene. Band 69, etc. Munchen, 1909, etc. 8. H 24 : 909. Publication : Monthly. History : Founded by M. J. von Pettenkofer. Archiv fur Optlk. Internationales Organ, etc. Band 1, etc. Leipzig, 1907. etc. 4. D 20 : 907. Publication : Monthly. Editor : A. Gleichen, 1907, etc. Archiv fur physikalische SEedlzin und medlzinische Technlk. Band 1, etc. Leipzig, 1906, etc. 8. H 9 : 906. Publication : Quarterly. Editors: H. Kraft and B. Wiesner, 1906, etc. Supplement : " Fortschritte . . . der phya.-chem. und photogr. Industrie, etc." 22 ARCH] [ARKW Archiv fur Post und Telegraphic. Beiheft zum Atnt'blatt des Ueichs-Postamts. Jahrg. 17, etc. Berlin, 1889, etc. 8. D 60 : 889. Publication : 24 Nos. Yearly. Indrxes: 187.'t-1900. [190K] Archiv fur wlssenschaftllche Photo- srrapble. Jahrg. 1-2. Halle a. S. 1899-1901. 8. A 11 : 899. Publication : Monthly. Editor : W. E. Enghsch. Archives d'Blectrlcite Ittddicale, cxperi- mentaloa et cllnlquea. Anne'e 5, etc. Paris, 1897, etc. H 9 : 897. Publication : Monthly. Editor : J. Bergonie'. Archives de 1'Xngrgnieur-Consell. Juris- prudence, legislation, etc.. en matiere de Brevets d'invention, Marques de fabrique, etc. Vol. 1, etc. Paris, 1902, etc. 8. BI 70 : f. Publication : Irregular. Editor : A. 8. Picard. Archives of Clinical Sklagraphy. Vol. 1, etc. Lon-Jon, 1896, etc. 4. H 6 : 896. Publication : Quarterly, vol. 1-5 ; 6 Sos., vol. 6 ; 8 Nos., vol. 7 ; vol. 8, etc., monthly. Editors : Vol. 1, S. Rowlands ; 2, W. S. Hedley and 8. R. ; 3-4, T. Moore and E. Payne ; 5-7, C. M. Monllin and E. P. ; 8, J. H. Edwards and E. P. ; 9, etc., J. H. E. Title changed: Vol. 1, No. 4, "Archives of Skia- graphy " ; Vol. 2, etc. " Archives of the Roentgen Ray, etc." Archives of the Roentgren Hay. See ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL SKIAGRAPH y, 1897, etc. 4. H 6 896. Arclals de DXontamy, Didier Francois d'. Traits des Couleurs pour le Peimure en email et sur la porcelaine . . . Onvrage posthume. Paris, 1765. 12. 340pp. (32215) Arco, G., Graf von. Fortschritte in der drahtlosen Telephonie, 1908. See SCHIFFBAUTECHN. GESELLSCHAFP : Jahrbuch Band 9. pp. 407-426. F|81 : 900. Arenal, Ferdinando Garcia. Note snr le Ciment naturel a prise rapide de Znmaya (Espagne). 1889. See CONOR ES INTERNAT. DES TRAVAUX MARITIHES. Paris, 1889. Compte- rendu, etc. 20 pp. 1 pi. F 40 : 889. Arends, G. None Arzneimittel und pbarmazeutische Spezialitaten 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1905. sm 8 618 pp. (32076) Arendt, O. Die elektrisohe Wellentelegraphie. 1907. 178pp. 1 pi. See TELEQRAPHEN- UND FERNSPRECH- TECHNIK IN EINZELDARSTELLUNQEN 2. D 60 906. Arendt, Rudolf Friedrich Engen. See BOUTIONY, P. H. Studien iiber die Korper im sphiiroidalen Zustande. Uebersetzt von. R. A. 1858. 8. (35579) Grundziige der Chemie und Mineralogie. 6te Ann. Hamburg, 1897. 8. 426 pp. (13208) Tecbnik der Experimentalchemie. Leipzig. 1831. 2 vols. 8. (5829) The same. 3te Aufl. Hamburg, 1900. 8. 858pp. Ipl. (27325) Arenhold, L. Die allmiihliche Entwickelang des Segel- Schiffes von der Romerzeit bis zu Zeitder Dampfer. 1906. See SCHIFFBACTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT : Jahrbuch. Baud 7. pp 621-673. F 81 : 900. Argrand, Aim, ; . See BORDIER-MARCET, J. A., [Succeisor of Argand], la. parabole soumiso a 1'art, etc. 1819. sm. 8. (33551) D^couverte des lampes a courant d'air et a cylindre. [Letters Patent No. 1425 of 1784.1 Geneve, 1785. 8. 58 pp. (33541) (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Argentine Republic, Govt. of. Boletin Oficial de la Republica Argentina. Ano 8, etc. Buenos Aires, 1900, etc. fol. (27802) Tratados sancionados por el Oongreso Sad- Americano de Derecho Internacional Privado. 1888-89. Buenos Aires, 1889. 8. 72 pp. (25329) Ministry of Agriculture, etc. Official Report upon the mines, mining, metallurgy, etc., of the Argentine Republic. By H. D. -Hoskold. (St. Louis International Exhibition, 1904) Buenos Aires, 1904. 8. 478pp. (31189) Patent Office. Informe de la Oficioa de Patentes . . . 1867-74. Publ. 1-5. Buenos Aires, 1868-75. 3 vols. 8. (13384) Title changed : 1874, " Memoria de la Oficina, etc." Deficient : Vols. for 1872-3 (Patent Spec'ns. 62-102). Indice de las Marcas de Fabrica y Comercio registradas, 1876 a 1894. Con un trabajo der D. T. A. Le Breton sobre Competencia Desleal. Buenos Aires, 1895. obi. 4. 260 pp. (25586) Memoria de) Departamento de Obras Pub- licas, etc. [Patent List No. 708-1242, 1889-92.] Buenos Aires, 1893. 8. 62 pp. (29828) Patentes de iuvenci6n y Marcas de fabriea, de comercio y de Agiicultura. Publicaciuii oficial. Serie 2a. Vol. 1, 1901, etc. Buenos Aires, 1902, etc. 8. (28749) Argrus Automobile ... Publication integrate des brevets francais d'automobile, motocyclette et cycle. Annee 1-2. Paris, 1905-6. 2 voh. fol. E 73 : 905. Publication: Weekly. Editor : A. Muzct. Arlzoun e Zturralde, Ramon. Los ferro-carriles en la guerra Turco-Rusa de 1876 a 1878. 1881-82. See MEMORIAL DB INQE- NIEROS. 2a epoca. Tomo 36-37. 8. F 96 : 846. Arkansas (Stnte): Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report. 11, etc. Fayetteville, Ark., 1898, etc. 8. J 30 Ark: Arklv for Matematik, Astronoml och Fysik. Udgivet af K. Svenska Vetenskaps- Akademien. Band 1, etc. Stockholm, 1903, etc. 8. C 6 : 903. Publication : 4 Nos. yearly. Arkwrig'ht, Richard. (Biographical.) See- WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) 23 ARLD] [ARNA Arldt, C., Engineer. See ALLGEMEINE ELEKTRICITATS - GESELL- SCHAFT. Elektrische Kraf tiibertragung, etc. Bear- beitet von C. A. 3te Aufl. 1901. sm. 8. (29005) Die Funkentelegraphie . . . mit einer Einlei- tung iiber Wert der Funkentelegraphie fur die moderne Schiffahrt von O. Flamm. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 72 pp. (29805) Magnetiache Erscheinungen an Bord. 1907. See SCHIFPBAUTECHN. GESELLSCHAFr : Jahrbuch. Band 8. pp. 130-194. F 81 : 900. Arlldgre, John Thoa., M.D. The Hygiene, Diaeases, and Mortality of Occu- pations. London, 1892. 8. 588 pp. (24624) Mineral (non-metallic) Duats, the manufacture of Pottery, etc. 1893. See SANITARY INSTITUTE. Lectures on Sanitation, etc. [2.] 8. pp. 22-36. (16223) Textile manufactures, silk, cotton, woollen, and linen industries. 1893. Ibid. [4.] 8. pp. 57-73. (16223) Armag-nat, H. Instruments et methodes de Mesures Electriques indnstrielles. Paris, 1898. [1897.] 8. 588 pp. (11351) The same. 2e 6d. Paris, 1902. 8. 618 pp. (28478) The theory, design, and construction of Induc- tion Coila. Trsl. 0. A. Kenyon. New York, 1908. 8. 222 pp. (36793) Armand-Calliat, Th. Joseph. Orfevrerie, Eapport . . . complete?, etc., par H. Bonilhet, 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rapports du Jury international. Classe 94. pp. 201-356. 8. (29967) Ariaatag-e, Geo. Every man his own Cattle Doctor. 5th ed. London, 1882. 8. 914 pp. 3 pi. (29319) Tbe Sheep Doctor. London, 1895. 8. 636 pp. 16 pi. (26293) Armeng-aud, jeune, Chas. Le Trottoir Roulant de 1'Exposition. Historique et description de la Plate-forme mobile e"lectrique a deux vitesses. Paris, 1900. 8. 32 pp. 1 pi. (27174) Armeng-aud, dine, Jacques Eugene. Rgponae a M. Boquillon et a M. Gaultier de Claubry au sujet de 1'application deg lentilles de verre aur les chaudieres closes ' a evaporer et a cuire dans le vide. Paris, 1847. 8. 40 pp. 1 pi. (34277) Traite pratique des Brevets d'invention en France et a I'e'tranger. 2e e'd. Paris, 1901. 8. 606 pp. (27882) ,. Traite pratique dea Marques de Fabrique et de Commerce. Commentaire de la legislation fran- caise Resum6 des legislations 4trangeres, etc. Paris, 1898. 8. 324pp. (25412) Armeng-aud, jeune, Jules. Installation et exploitation des Lignes lele- phoniques. Paris, 1881. 8. 18pp. (36766) Armlt, Robert H., Lieut., R.N. The Wind in his Circuits : with an explanation of the origin and cause of circular Storms and equinoctial Gales. London, 1870. sm. 8. 144 pp. 11 pi. (33383) Armour, James. Power in Motion Hnrso power, wheel gearing, driving bands, and angular forces. London, 1871. sm. 8. 192 pp. (15485) The same. 2nd ed. (Weale's Series.) London, 1875. 12. 192 pp. (34463) Armour Institute of Technology ; American School of Correspondence. Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity. Chicago, 1905. 5vols. 8. (31608) Armsby, Henry Prontiss. The computation of rations for Farm animals by the use of energy values. 1909. 32 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Farmers' Bulletin 346. J 29 Fa : Feeding for Meat production. 1908. 90 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 108. J 29 An : a. Investigations on the maintenance ration of Cattle. [1892-97.] See PENNSYLVANIA (State College): Agric. Experiment Station. 1897-98. Suppt., pp. 159-346. 1 pi. 8. J 30 P : a. The principles of Animal Nutrition. With special reference to the nutrition of farm animals. New York, 1903. 8. 622 pp. (30040) and Fries, J. A. The available energy of Red Clover hay. J908. 61 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE: Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 101. J 29 An : The available energy of Timothy Hay. In- vestigations with the respiration calorimeter. 1903. 77 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. 51. J 29 An : 894. Energy values of Red Clover hay and Maize meah Investigations with the respiration calori- meter. 1905. 64 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. 74. J 29 An : 889. Armstrong:. Henry Edward. Hee MILLER, W. A. Elements of Chemistry. 5th ed. Pt. 3. Chemhtry of Carton Compounds. Revised, etc. by H. E. A. 'and C. E. Groves. 1880. 8 Q . (15754) Armstrong 1 . John Arthur, Major, R.E. Machine Sapping. 1883. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of '. Prof . Papers. Vol.9, pp. 21-24. 3 pi. F 90 : 844. Armstrong", Robert. A practical essay on Steam Engine Boilers. [ii. Steam Engine Chimneys and Furniees. iii. Sup- plement on Steam without Smoke.] Manchester, [1838-42]. 3 pta. 8. (35796) Armstrong-, Win. Geo., Baron. Report on the construction of wrought-iron Rifled Field Guns adapted for elongated projectiles. See ARMSTRONG, W. G., Baron, and others. The Industrial Resources of the Tyne, etc. 2nd ed. 1864. pp. 309-16. 8". (13285) (Armstrong Ordnance.) See TENNENT, Sir J. E. The story of the Guns. 1864. 8. (26980) Arnal, L. Traite de me'canique, statique, cinetnatique, etc. (Encycl. . . . des Connaissances civiles et militairei.) Partie i.-ii. Statique et cinematique. iii.-iv. Dynamique et hydraulique. v.-vi. Statique graphique et resistance des materiaux. vii. Chaudieres a vapeur, moteurs a vapeur et a gaz, par L. Arnal et G. Gauthier. ' Paris, [1888-97]. 4 vols. 8. (21972) 24 ARNA] Aroaldus tie Villa Nova. Libeilus regiminisde confortatione visas. Editio circa annum 1308. See PANSIER, P. Collectio ophtalmologica veterum auctorum. Fasc. 1. pp. 1-25. 8. (31495) Arnall, Thos. Permanent way for Tramways and light Rail- ways. (Railway Series.) London, [1905]. 4. 48 pp. (32663) Arnaud, D., and Francho, G. Manuel do Ceramique industrielle. Pan'*, 1906. 8. 684 pp. (35034) Arnaudon, Giacomo. Sulle Eaposizioni industriali, con alcune consider- azioni intorno alle cause che possono influire sul progresso delle industrie, etc. Firenze, 1870. 8. 112pp. (36890) Arndt, G., Engineer. Landwirtschaftliche Gewerbe nnd Industrien. 1897. See Been. Das Buch der Erflndungen, etc. 9teAufl. Band 4. pp. 421-745. 7 pi. 8. (33007) Arndt, Kurt. Ueber Beimengangen des Acetylens. Von G. von Knorre nnd K. A. 1900. See VER. znR BEF<">RUERUNO DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhand- lung^n. Jahrsr. 79. pp. 149-172. 4. B67P: Ueber die Bestimmung von Schmelzpunkten bei hohen Temperaturen. 1904. Ibid. Jabrg. 83. pp. 265-298. B 67 P : Die Entwickelung der Begriffe " Atom(?ewicht " und " Molekulargewicht." 1903. Ibid. Jahrg. 82. pp. 59-90. B 67 P : Neuere Untersuchungen a.d.G. der lonentheorie. 1902. Ibid. Jahrg. 81. pp. 415-422. B.67P: - Ueber physikalische Chorale. 1902. Ibid. Jahrj?. 81. pp. 53-80. B 67 P : Technischa Anwendungen der physikalischen Chemie. Berlin, 1907. 8. 312 pp. (34478) Ueber Vakuumpumpen. 1905. See VER. ZUR BEFSRDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhand- lungen. Band 84. pp. 451-486. B 67 P : Ueber die Verfliissigung der Gase. 1901. Ibid. Jahrg. 80. pp. 236-242. B 67 P : Arndt, L. See GROSSMANN, J. Lebrbucb der Uhrmacherei . . . Deutsche ubersetzt von L. A., etc. [1902, etc.] 8". (30358) Arnett, John Andrews, pseud., i.e. John Hannett. Bibliopegia ; or, the art of Bookbinding. London, 1835. 12. 216 pp. 8 pi. (34000) - The same. By John Hannett. 4th ed. London, 1848. 12. 170 pp. (2708) An inquiry into the nature and form of the Books of the Ancients ; with a history of the art of Bookbinding, from the time of the Greek* and Romans to the present day. London, 1837. 12. 216 pp. 14 pi. (31242) Arnd, Riccardo. See FERRARIS, G., and A. R. Ein neues System znr elektrischen Vertheilung der Energie. 2te Aufl. 1897. 8. (27157) Trasmissioni e distribution! polifasi. Torino, 1897. sm. 8. 54pp. (10620) Arnold, Christoph. See LEIBNITZ, J. J. Inclutse Bibliothecse Norimbergensis memorabilia . . . Accedit C. A., De Hydnotaphia . . . epistola. 1674. 4". (8012) 34222 25 [ARNO Arnold, Kngelbert, Prof, in Karltruhe. Armature windings of direct current Dynamos. From the German by F. B. De Gross. New York, 1902. 8. 130pp. (28617) Constructionstafeln f iir den Dynnmobau. Toil i. Gleichstrom-Maschinen. Teil ii. Wechselstrom- Maschinen, Wechsel-Motoren und Transf onnatoren. Stuttgart, 1897-99. 2 vols. obi. fol. (8962) Die Gleichstrotnmaschine. Berlin, 1902-03. 2 vols. 8. (28521) The same. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1906-07. 2 vols. 8. (33914) Die Wechselstromtechnik. Band i. Theorie der Wechselstrome und Transfor- matoren. Von J. L. La Cour. 1902. ii. Die Transformatoren. Von 10. A. et J. L. La Cour. 1904. iii. Die Wicklungen der Wechselstrominas- chinen. Von B. A. 1904. iv. Die synchroncn Wcchselstrommaschinen. Von B. A. und J. L. La Cour. 1904. .. v. Die asynchronen Wechselstrommaschine. Teil i. Die Induktionsniaschinen. Von E. A., and J. L. La Cour. 1909. Berlin, 1902, etc. 8. In progress. (29006) and La Cour, J. L. Beitrag zur Voransberechnung und Untersuch- ung von Ein- und Mehrphasenstrom-Generatoren. 1901. See SAMMLUNG EI.EKTROTECHNISCHER VOR- TRAOE. Band 3. pp. 1-108. 8. D 51 : 896. Der Kaskadeunmf ormer. 1904. Ibid. Band 6. pp. 95-174. D 51 : 896. Die Kommutation bei Gleichstrom- und Wech- selstrom - Kommutatormaschinen. 1906. I bid. Band 9. pp. 299-376. D 51 : 896. Arnold, John, Chronometer-maker. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Arnold, John Oliver. Steel works analysis. (Specialists' Series.) London, 1895. sm. 8. 360 pp. 3 pi. (24257) The same. [Reprint.] (Ibid.) London, 1898. sm. 8. 360 pp. 3 pi. (25410) The same. 2nd ed. (Ibid.) London, 1900. sm. 8. 362pp. 3 pi. (28705) and Ibbotson, F. Steel works analysis. 3rded. (Ibtd.) London, 1907. 8. 482pp. 4 pi. (36159) Arnold, R. Ammonia and Ammonium compounds. From the German by H. G. Colman. London, 1889. sm. 8. 138 pp. (22045) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1890. sm. 8. 138 pp. (28134) Arnold, Ralph. Geology and Oil resources of the Summerland district . . . California. 1907. 94 pp. 17 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY : Bulletin 321. G 30 : 883. The Santa Clara, Puente hills, and Los Angeles oil districts, Southern California. By G. H. Eldridge and R. A. 1907. 266 pp. 41 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 309. G 30 : 883. The tertiary and quaternary Pectens of Cali- fornia. 1906. 264 pp. 53 pi. Ibid. Prof. Papers 47. G 30 : 902. ARNO] [ART Arnold, Ralph, and Anderson, H. Geology and Oil resources of the Santa Maria oil district . . . California. 1907. 162 pp. 26 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 322. G 30: 883. Prelimiaary report on the Coalinga Oil District, Fresno and Kings Counties, California. 1908. 142 pp. 1 map. Ibid. Bulletin 357. G 30 : 883. Arnot, D. H. Gothic Architecture applied to modern resi- dences. New York, 1851. 4. 50 pp. 36 pi. (37124) Arnott, Neil, M.D. See JEFFREYS, J. Ventilation and warmth . . . strictures on Dr. A's. work on warming and ventilating. [184 ?] 8. (37498) Elements of Physics, or Natural Philosophy, general and medical. 2nd ed. London, 1827. 8 . 650 pp. (29297) The same. 4th ed. [Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Part 1.] London, 1829. 8. (791) Arnould, E., .17.73. See ARNOULD, J. Nouveaux elements d'Hygiene. 4ee"d. par E. A. 1902. 8. (29706) Arnould, Jules, M.I). De 1'Ecr^mage du Lait. (Soc. industr. du Nord de la France.) Lille, 1879. 8. 90 pp. (35173) Nouveaux elements d' Hygiene. 2e e'd. Paris, 1889. 8. 1420 pp. (21893) The same. 4e e'd. par E. Arnould. Paris, 1902. 8. 1032 pp. (29706) La Sterilisation alimentaire. Paris, 1894. sm. 8. 301 pp. (35909) Arnoux, Claude. 1 Systfeme de Voitures pour Chemins de fer de toute courbure. Paris, 1840. 4. 126 pp. 6 pi. (33260) Arnouz, E. La Lettre Electrique. Nouveau service t616- graphique. Paris, 1867. 8. 126 pp. 7 pi. (34488) Arnoux, Leon. Report on miscellaneous Pottery in the Inter- national Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERN. EXHIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol. 1. Pt. 5. pp. 57-82. (15691) Report on Pottery, 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, (British Comm.). Reports. Vol.2, pp. 391-414. 8. (13626) Aron, A. L'exploitation du Petrole en Roumanie. 1905. See ANNALES DBS MINES. lOe Sfirie. Tome 7 pp. 380-464. 3 pi. G 64 : 816. Note sur Tindustrie Francaise des Schistes Bitumineux. 1906. Jbid. lOe Berie. Tome 9 pp. 47-75. G 64 : 816. Arpln, Marcel. See DUPLAIS, P. Traits' de la fabrication dea liqueurs, etc. 7e eel. par M. A., etc. 1900. 2 vols. 8. (28025) Arrault, Paulin. Outils et process de Sondages. Paris, 1890 8. 56pp. 35 pi. (37870) ArrbenluB, Svante August. Immunochetnistry. The application of the principles of physical chemistry to the study of the biological antibodies. [Lectures delivered at the Univ. of California, 1904.] New York, 1907. 8. 318 pp. (35629) Immunochemie . . . Aus den engl. MS. ubersetzt von A. Finkelstein. Leipzig, 1907. 8. 210 pp. (33937) Text-book of Electrochemistry. Trsl. by J. McCrae. [Lectures at the Univ. of Stockholm, 1897. From the German ed. of H. Euler.] London, 1902. 8. 356 pp. (28909) Theories of Chemistry. [Lectures at the Univ. of California, 1904.J Ed. T. S. Price. London, 1907. b. 224pp. (34937) Arroqula, A. Rodriguez de Quijano y. See ROD- RIGUEZ DE QUIJANO Y ARROQUIA, A. Arrowamtth, A. See ARROWSMITH, H. W. and A. The House Decorator and Painters' guide. 1840. 4. (3440o) Arrowsmitli, H. W. and A. The House Decorator and Painters' guide. London, 1840. 4. 120 pp. 61 pi. (34403) Arson, A. Compensateur de la Deviation du Compas a bord des navires en fer. Paris, 1871. 8. 62 pp. 10 pi. (26431) Arson vwl, Arsene d', and others. Traiti de Physique Biologique. Publie sous la direction de MM. Arsonval, Gariel, Chauveau, Marey. Paris, 1901-03. 2 vols. 8. (30143) Art. L'art de composer et faire les Fusses volantes et non volantes. [By L. G. Baillet de Saint- Julien.] Paris, Nyon I'aine, 1780. 8. 422 pp. Ipl. (33542) Art de faire le Benrre et les meilleurs Fromages. D'apres . . . Anderson, Twamley, etc. Paris, Mme. Huzard, 1828. b. 294 pp. 5 pi. (35174) L'art de la Guerre change par 1'usage des machines aerostatiques,.^>. 1784. 24pp. See NOR- MAN, G. J. Aeronautica iilustrata. Vol. 8. [p. 37.] (5834) Art de la Teinture, d'apres la methode Anglaise ; suivi de 1'art do faire le vinaigre de bois, de distiller la houille et les pomtnes de terre. Trad, de 1'anglais, sur la lOe e'd., par [A.] Bulos. Paris, Audin, 1H27. 12. 240 pp. 4 pi. (36658) . [L'art de Voyager dans les airs ou les ballons] Supplement . . . contenaut le precis historique de la grande experience faite a Lyon le 19 Janvier, 1784. Et l'Expos6 d'uu moyen ingenieux [by P. Bulliard] pour diriger a volonte les ballons a^rostatiques. 8. 32pp. (9101) First part of work published at Paris, 1784. 144 pp. wanting in this copy. Cf. Tissandier, Bibliogr. Aeronaut. ? by Piroux. L'art de Voyager dans i'Air et de s'y diriger. M, 1901 ; Copenhagen, 1902 ; Lilian, 1904. 29 ASSO] [ATKI Association Internationale des Chitnlstes de 1'Zndustrie du Culr. 1st Conference. London, 1897. Report. Ed. H. R. Procter and J. G. Parker. London, [1898]. 4. 14 + 26 + 160 pp. K 70: 897. [Orgin.] See COLLEGIUM. 1902, etc. 8. K 70 : 902. Association Xnternationale des mgthodes d'essais des mate'riaux de construction. Proces-verbaux des Stances. [Paris, later Angers, printed.] 1902, etc. 4. E 5 : 902. Indexes: 1902-6 (Subject). Association Xnternationale pour la pro- tection de la Proprit6 Xndustrielle. Annuaire. ler Congres. 1897, etc. Paris, 1898, etc. 8. A 81 : 897a. . Transactions of the International Association, etc. London, 1898, etc. 8. A 81 : 897. Association of County Surveyors of the State of Ohio. Proceedings. 1880, etc. Granville, etc. 1881, etc. 8. E 12 O. Publication : Annual. Title changed: From 1883 "Ohio Soc. of Surveyors, etc." Association of Engineers in Charge. [Papers, later] Proceedings. [No. l,etc.~\. London, 1899, etc. 8 and 4. E 10 : 899. Publication : Irregular. Title varied : Originally constituted as " Association of Parochial Engineers." Association of Economic Biologists. Proceedings. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1905, etc. 8. H 52 : 905. Publication : One part issued yearly. Association of Economic Entomologists. Proceedings. 8th Annual Meeting, 1896, etc. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Div. of Entomology. Bulletin. N.S., No. 6, 9, 17, 20, 26, 31, 37, 40, 46, 60, etc. J 29 E : Association of Engineers of Virginia. Proceedings. No. 1-2. Roanoke, Va., 1891-93. 8. E 12 V: Publication : Irregular. Title varied : With No. 2, " Transactions." History: Continued in the "Association of Engineer- ing Societies" Journal, 1895-98. E 12 : 881. Association of Experiment Station Vete- rinarians. Proceedings. 2nd Annual Meeting. 1898. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 22. J 29 An : a. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official and provisional methods of Analysis. 19&7. 252 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 107. J 29 C : . The same. Revised ed. Ed. H. W. Wiley. 1908. 294 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 107. Rev. ed. J29C: Association of Railway Superintendents of Bridges and Buildings. See AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RAILWAY SUPERINTENDENTS OF BRIDGES AND BUILDINGS. F 8 : 891. Association of Water Engineers. . See BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF WATERWORKS ENGINEERS. Transactions. Vol. 11. 1906, etc. F46B: Associazlone Tlpografico-Xilbraria Xtall- ana. Catalogo generale della Libreria Italiana dall" Anno 1847 a tutto il 1899. Compilato dal Prof. A. Pagliaini. Milano, [1900] 1901-05. 3 vols. 8. (27309) Indice per materie. Torino, 1908, etc. 8. (27309) Ast, K. K. Regierungi-Rath. (i) Beziehimgen zwischen G-leis und rollendem Materiale. (ii) Die Schwelle und ihr Lager, (iii) Verstarkung des Gleis in Riicksicht auf die Erhoh- ung der Zugeeschwindigkeit. Von Ast. 1898. 4. 134 pp. See ORGAN F(JR DIE FORTSCHRITTB DES EISENBAHNWESENS, etc. Beilage. Jahrg. 1898. F 23 : 845. Ast, Feodor. Der Beton und seine Anwendung. [Beilage der " Tonindustrie-Zeitung."] Berlin, [1906] 1907. 4. 412 pp. (35385) Aster, Georg. Familienhauser fur RtacH und Land. Fortset- zung von " Villen und kleine Familienhauser." (Weber's lllustr. Katechismus, No. 174.) Leipzig, 1898. sm. 8. 264 pp. (37853) Astrophysical Journal (The). Vol. 1, etc. Chicago, 1895, etc. 8. D 32 : 895. Publication : Monthly. Editors: G. E. Hale and J. E. Keeler, 1895-1900; G. E. H., 1900-1902 ; G. E. H. and E. B. Frost, 1902, etc. Indexes : Vol. 1-25, by S. B. Barrett. 1908. 134 pp. Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian In- stitution. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : Astro- physical Observatory. Astruc, Henri. Le Vinaigre. (Encycl. Scientiftque del Aide- memoire.) Paris, [1905]. sm. 8. 164 pp. (32007) Atelier (Das) des Photographen. Band 13, etc. Halle a. S. 1906, etc. 4. All: 906. Publication : Monthly. Editors: A. Miethe and F. Matthies-Masuren, 1906, etc. Atherton, Wm. Henry, and Blellanby, A. L. The Resistance and Power of Steamships. Manchester, 1903. sm. 8- 206 pp. (29768) Atkins, Evan Arthur. Practical Sheet and Plate Metal work. London, 1908. 8. 496pp. (38027) Atkins, Samuel Elliott. See CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY, London. Some account of the Worshipful Company of Clock- makers. Compiled by S. E. A., etc. 1881. 8. (3^977) Atkinson, Albert A. Electrical and Magnetic Calculations. London, 1902. sm. 8. 318pp. (29260) Atkinson, Edward. See Du Bois, H. The Magnetic Circuit in theory and practice. Trsl. E. A. 1896. 8. (32572) See GANOT, A. Elementary treatise on Physics. Trsl. E. A. 1866, etc. Atkinson, Edward. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Suggestions regarding the Cooking of Food. By E. A. 1894. 8. (26228) 30 ATKI] [ATWA Atkinson, Edward Henry de Vere, Major R.E. ^ Drawing, lor engineer students. Part 1. 1904. 150 pp. 3 pi. See THOMASON C. E. COLLEGE. Roorkee treatise on Civil Engineering. Sect. xiii. 8. (31863) Atkinson, J. B., II. M. Inspector of Mines. See ATKINSON, W. N., and J. B. Explosions in coal mines. 1866. 8. (20446) See HOME OFFICE. Reports on ... an explosion ... at Wingate Grange Colliery. Oct. 1906. By A. H. Ruei?g and J. B. A. 1907. fol. (35552) llnil. Report ... on ... an explosion ... at Urpeth Colliery, Dec. 1906. By J. B. A. 1907. fol. (35548) Atkinson, John J., Inspector of Mines. [i.] On the gases met with in Coal Mines, and the general principles of ventilation, [ii.] On the friction of air in Mines. 1862. See MANCHESTER GEOL. SOCIETY. Trans. Vol. 3. pp. 218-289. G10M: A practical treatise on the gases met with in Coal Mines, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne,1811. sm.8. 81pp. [Reprint of above Papers.] (15086) The same. (Reprinted.) Neiacastle-upon-Tyne, 1879. sm. 8. 70 pp. (37742) A practical treatise on the gases met with in Coal Mines. [Van Nostrand's Science Series.'] (Re- print of [i.] above.) New York, 1875. 18. 54 pp. (18323) A practical treatise on Friction in Mines. [Ibid.] (Reprint of [ii.] above.) New York, 1875. 18% 69 pp. (18324) Atkinson, Philip. The elements of Electric Lighting, including electric generation, etc. 9th ed. New York, 1897. sm. 8. 286 pp. (14854) Atkinson, Richard, and Co. Poplin ; a short history of its manufacture, and introduction into Ireland. In English, French, and German. [Dublin, 1862.] 3 pts. 12. 1 pi. (36420) Atkinson, W. N., Inspector of Mines. - See HOME OFFICE. Courrieres Colliery disaster. Report . . . by H. Cunynghame and W. N. A. 1906. fol. (32982) Ibid. Report ... on ... an explosion ... at Genwen Colliery, March, 1907. By W. N. A., etc. 1907. fol. (35549) and Atkinson, J. B. Explosions in Coal Mines. London, 1866. 8. 144 pp. 12 pi. (20446) Atkjrntr, Arabella, pteud. - The Family Magazine : in two parts. Part. I. Directions in ... house-keeping and cookery. Part II. A compendious body of physick. London, 1741. 2vols. in one. 8. (36185) Atlas Portland Cement Company. Concrete Country Residences. New York, [1906]. 4. 94pp. (33-J41) Attfield, John. Water and water-snpplies ; and nnfermented beverages. 3ni ed. (Internal. Health Exhibition Handbooks.) London, 1884. 8. 124 pp. (30782) Attwood, Edward L. Text-book of theoretical Naval Architecture. London, 1899. sin. 8. 302 pp. 2 pi. (26017) War ships. London, 1904. 8. 300 pp. (31312) Attwood, Melville. Lithology of wall rocks. 1888. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Annual Report, 1888. pp. 771-784. 4 pi. G 50 C : 883. Atwater, Helen Woodward. Brea'l and the principles of bread making. 1900. 38 pp. See U.S. DBPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 112. 8. J 29 Fa : Poultry as food. 1903. 40 pp. Ibid. 182. J 29 Fa : Atwater, Wilbur Olin, Ph.D. Dietaries in public institutions. 1901. See U.S. DBPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1901. pp. M93-408. J 29 : 849b. Food and diet. 1894 . . . Ibid. Year-book. 1894. pp. 357-388. J 29 : 8496. Food and Diet. [With Appendix on " Human foods."] From the Year-book of the U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. 1894. pp. 357-388 ; 547-558. Washington, 1895. 8. (26229) Foods : nutritive value and cost. 1894. 32 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 23. J 29 Fa : Principles of Nutrition and nutritive value of Food. 48 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 142. 8. J 29 Fa. and Benedict, F. G. Experiments on the Metabolism of matter and energy in the human body. 1898-1900. 1902. 148 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 109. J 29 : 889. The same. 1900-1902. [Corrected Aug. 1904.] 1903 [1904]. 358 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 136. J 29 : 889. The Respiration Calorimeter. 1904. Ibid. Year-book. 1904. pp. 205-220. 1 pi. J 29: 849b. and Bryant, A. P. The chemical composition of American Food materials. Revised ed. 1899. 87 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 28. Revised ed. J 29 : 889. Dietary studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1896. 76 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 55. J 29 : 889. Dietary studies in New York City in 1896 and 1897. 84 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 116. J 29: 889. Dietary studies of University Crews. 1900. 72 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 75. J 29 : 889. and Iiang-worthy, C. F. A digest of Metabolism experiments in which the balance of income and outgo was determined. 1898. 434 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 45. J 29 : 889. and Rosa, E. B. Description of a new Respiration Calorimeter and experiments on the conservation of energy in the human body. 1899. 94 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 63. J 29 : 889. and Sherman, H. C. - The effect of severe and prolonged Muscular work on Food consumption, digestion, and meta- bolism. [With] The mechanical work and efficiency of bicyclers, by R. C. Carpenter. 1901. 67 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 98. J 29 : 889. 31 ATWA] Atwater, Wilbur Olin, Ph.D.cont. and Woods, Chas. D. Dietary studies in New York City, 1895-96. 118pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 46. J 29: 889. and others. Experiments on the Metabolism of matter and energy in the human body. 1899. 112 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 69. J 29 : 889 Report of preliminary investigations on the Metabolism of nitrogen and carbon in the human organism, with a respiration calorimeter of special construction. 1897. 64 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 44. J 29 : 889. Atwood, Wallace Walter. The interpretation of Topographical Maps. By R. D. Salisbury and W. W. A. 1908. 84 pp. 170 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY : Prof, paper 60. G 30 : 902. Aubenton, L. J. M. d'. See DAUBENTON, L. J. M. Aubert, Gustave. See REDAREZ SAINT-REMY, J. H. Me"moire sur la Chalcoglyphie [invented by G. A.]. 1864. 8. (35378) Aubert, Hermann Rudolf, M.D. Grundziige dc-r pbysiologischen Optik. [Hand- bitch der ges. Augenheilkwide. Hrsg. von A. Graefe und T. Saemisch. Band 2. pp. 393-696.] Leipzig, 1876. 8. (28762) Aubrey, John, F.R.S. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Aubulsson de Voislns, Jean Franfois d'. See DUPUIT, A. J. E. J. Traite" . . , de la conduite . . . des eaux, etc. Par d'Aubuisson. 1854. fol. Atlas (only). (37102) Traite d'Hydraulique a, 1'usage des ingenieurs. 2e e"d. Paris, 1840. 8. 658 pp. 5 pi. (34424) Aubury, Lewis E. The Copper resources of California. 1902. 282 pp. 8 maps. 1 pi. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Bulletin 23. G 50 C : 888. Aucamus, Eugene. Menuiserie, Serrurerie, Plomberie, Peinture et "Vitrerie. (Bibliotheqw du Conducteur de Travaux Publics.) Paris, 1898. sin. 8. 360 pp. (17805) and Galine, L. Tramways et Automobiles. Paris, 1900. 8. 492 pp. (27326) Auchincloss, Win. Stuart. The practical application of the Slide Valve and Link Motion to stationary, portable, locomotive, and marine engines. New York, 1869. 8. 170 pp. 18 pi. and Travel scale. (14343) The same. 13th ed. New York, 1897. 8. 142 pp. 18 pi. and Travel scale. (25522) Report upon Steam Engineering . . . 1867. 72 pp. 5 pi. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, (U.S.Comm.) Reports. Vol.4. 1870. 8. (33124) Auclalr, J. Examen critique de quelques me'thodes de mesure de la puissance utile des Voitures Auto- mobile*. 1907. 25 pp. See CONSERVATOIRE DBS ARTS ET METIERS. Laboratoire d'essais. Bulletin 12. E 5 : 903. [AUDS Aucoc, Louis. Objets divers de Maroquinerie, de Tabletterie, et de Vannerie. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 26, Sect. 2. pp. 441-500. 8 s . (13828) Auda, Domenico, of Lantosca. Breve compeadio di maravigliosi secreti . . . con un trattato . . . per conservarsi in sanita. Roma, 1652. 12. 300 pp. (10267) Audebard de Fe>ussac, Andre Etienne Justin Pascal Joseph Francois d', Baron de Ferussac. See BULLETIN GENERAL . . . DES ANNONCES ET DES NOUVELLES sciENTiFiQUEs, etc. Ed. Ferussac. 1823-31. 8. C 3 : 824. Audel, Theodore, and Co. A's. Gas Engine manual. New York, [1907-08]. 8. 494 pp. 4 pi. (36388) Aud'houl, Victor. See JAMES, C., and A., V. Guide pratique aux eaux mine'ralea de la France, etc. 16e ed. 1898. 12. (32453) Audlbert, Joseph F. L'art de faire le Vin avec les Raisins sees. 20e 6&. (Bibliotheque de I'Echo Univ. d' Agricul- ture.) [Paris,'] 1891. 8. 420pp. (26692) L'art de laire les Vins d'imitation. Madere, Malaga, etc. Vermouth, Amers, Liqueurs, Sirops, etc. lOe e~d. Paris, 1898. 8. 390 pp. (26693) Audot, Louis Eustache. See A., L. E. L'Art de faire ... les Feux d'artifice. 2e ed. 1820. sm. 8. (33538) Audouln, L., Capt. of Artillery. Esquisse d'un nouveau systeme d' Amelioration des Rivieres a fond mobile. Extrait de la " Revue de 1'Anjou." Angers, 1904. 8. 28 pp. 1 pi. (34841) Audouln, Edouard-Marie, Prof, in Poitiers. Compte-rendu d'un essai de Barrage oblique a vannes suspendues (Systeme [L] Audouin) pour 1'amelioration des rivieres a fond mobile. (French Patent No. 367,771.) Poitiers, 1906. 8. 12 pp. 3 pi. (33380) Audouln, Marie Eugene Paul. See PELOCZE, E. P., and AUDOUIN, M. E. P. Notice, etc., relatifs a 1'appareil coadensateur pour usinesagaz. 1878. 8. (36171) and B6rard, P. Etude sur les divers Bees employds pour 1'eclair- age au gaz, etc. Paris, 1878. 8. 94 pp. 2 pi. (34842) Audsley, Geo. See AUDSLEY, W. J., and G. Cottage, etc., architecture. [1868.] 4. (37,125) Guide to the art of illuminating, etc. 1862. sm. 8. (37782) AudBley, Geo. Ashdown. The art of Organ-building. New York, 1905. 2 vols. 4. (32159) Descriptive catalogue of Art works in Japanese Lacquer ... in the possession of J. L. Bowes. London, privately printed, 1875. 4. 100 pp. (37729) Audaley, Wm. James, and G. Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture, [(ii.) " Orders of architecture, (iii.) " Linear perspec- tive." (iv.) " Practical geometry." ] London, [1868]. 4. 4pts. 118pp. 150 pi. (37125) 32 AUDS] [AUST Audsloy, Wm. James, and G. emit. Guide to the art of Illuminating and Missal paintinsr. 3rd ed. London, 1862. am. 8. 162 pp. 9 pi. (37782) Auer. Hans. Borsengebaude. 1902. See DURM, J. Hand- bnch der Architektar. Theil 4. Halbband 2. Heft 2. pp. 247-302. 4 pi. 8. (22285) Anerbaoh, Felix, Ph.D., Prof, in Jena. Absolute Hiirtemcssung. [" Nachrichten TOD der Kgl.-Ges. der Wissenschaften, Gfittingen." No. 16. 1890. pp. 518-541. 1 pi. 8. With insertion. (26646) Ueber Ha'rtemessung, insbesondere an plasti- schen Korpern. Ex : " Annalen der Physik und Chemie." N. F. Band 45. 1892. pp. 262-276. 8. (26645) Das Zeisswerk und die Carl-Zeiss-Stiftnng in Jena. Ihro wissenschaftliche, tecbniscbe und soziale Entwickeluog und Bedeutnng. Jena, 1903. 8. 130pp. (29651) The Zeiss Works and the Carl-Zeiss Stiftung in Jena : their scientific, technical, and sociological development, etc. From the 2nd German ed. by 8. F. Paul and F. J. Cheshire. London, [1904]. 8. 154 pp. 1 pi. (28647) Auerbach, Friedr. Stndien iiber Formaldehyd. Mittheilung 1-2. 1905-06. See KAISERL. GESUNDHEITSAMT : Ar- beiten. Band 22, pp. 584-629 ; Band 27. pp. 183- 230. H 24 : 886. Auerbach, Gnstav. Das Anthracen und seine Derivate. Berlin, 1873. 8. 164pp. (34720) The same. 2te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1880. 8. 292 pp. (24591) Aufscss. Otto. Die physikaliscben Eigenschaften der Seen. ("Die Wissetischaft." Heft 4.) Braunschweig, 1905. 8. 130pp. (36522) Aug-er, Victor. Les noi'.veaux Produits Pharraaceotiques. [Conference.] 1902. 28 pp. See Soc. CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. Bulletin. 3e Sdrie. Tome 30 [at end.] 8. K : 858. Aug-htie, Herbert. The construction of Foundry Patterns. Man- chester, 1901. 8. 176 pp. (28233) Augrurellus, Joannes Aurelius. See ALBINEUS, N. Bibliotheca chemica con- tracts. J. A. A. Cbrysopooia utraque. 1653. 8. (3207) Aug'uetin, Friedr. Lndwig. Versuch einer vollstaadigen systematischen Geschichte der galvanischen Elektricitat und ihrer medicinischen Anwendung. Berlin, 1803. sm. 8. 300 pp. (29379) Aureliano, . Principaux instruments et travaux divers de 1'Agriculture. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports dn Jury International. (Jlassu 74. Sect. 3. pp. 106-187. 8. (13828) Aurlac, F. d'. De la production du Froid, applications in- dustrielles. Appareils Carrd. Paris, 1863. 12. 138 pp. (33544) W222 33 Auscher. Ernest Simon, C.I-:., and Quillard. C. Technologie de la ('.'ramie) no. (Encycl. Ittdus- trielle.) Paris, 1901. 16. 274 pp. (27697) Aussant, J. [? Jules.] Etudes sur les origines de la Chimin. (Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et Arts.) T184 ?1 8. 34 pp. (38138) Austen, Ernest E. See CALMETTE, A. Venoms, etc. Trsl. E.E. A, 1908. sm. 4. (37418) Austin, A. C. Practical Half-tone and Tri-color Engraving. Buffalo, N.Y., ISM. 8. 166 pp. 22 pi. (25675) Austin, L. Ueber den Warmedurchg'ang durch Heizflachen. 1903. See VER. DEUTSCHER INQENIEUEE. Mit- theilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 7. pp. 75-86. B 13/857b. Austin, Leonard Strong. The Metallurgy of the common Metals. Gold, silver, iron, copper, lead, and zinc. San Francisco, 1907. 408 pp. (34701) Australasian Institute of Mining: En- gineers i Transactions. Vol. 1, 1893, etc. Sydney, 1894, etc. 8. G 61 A : 893. Publication : Annual vol. Imprint changed : Adelaide, 1894-6 ; Melbourne, 1896, etc. Australasian Institute of Patent Asronts. Annual Report 1, etc. Melbourne, 1901, etc. fol. and 8. BI70:E. Biitory: Report 1-11, 1891-1902. No report issued for 1903-4. Society incorporated in 1906 at " Australasian Institute of Patent Attorneys (In- corporated)." New series of reports, 1, 1907, etc. Digest of the proceedings and copy of decisions in connection with the Application to amend the Victorian Specification [No. 5572 of 1888] oE ... the Cyanide Patent. Melbourne, 1899. 8. 66 pp. (26615) Australasian Institute of Patent At- torneys. See AUSTRALASIAN INST. OF PATENT AGENTS. Report. 1907, etc. 8. B I 70 : E. Australia, Commonwealth oft (Patent office). Chronological list (No. 1-6) of applications for Letters Patent under Sect. 29 of the Commonwealth Patents Act, 1903, from Feb., 1904 ; and Proceed- ings under the several States Patents Acts from June 1, 1904. (From the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette.) Melbourne, 1904-5. fol. (30839) History : Continued in the " Australian Official Journal of Patents," q.v. The Australian Official Journal of Patents. Proceedings of the Commonwealth of Australia Patent Office. Vol. 1, 1905, etc. Melbourne. 8. (30984) Publication : Weekly. With annual indexes and statistics. Australian International Exhibitions. [Sydney, 1879 ; Melbourne, 1880.] Report of the Royal Commission. London, 1882. 8. 492 pp. (32170) Australian mining- Standard. Vol. 7, etc. Sydney, 1891, etc. fol. G 61 A/ Publication : Weekly. Deficient: Vol. 12-27, 1896-June, 1902. AUST] [AUTO Australian Mining- Standard cont. Victoria : its Mines and Minerals. English ed. Special ed. of the " Australian Mining Standard," June 1, 1899. Melbourne, 1899. fol. 192 pp. (2S568) West Australian Mining Industry. Perth, etc., 1904. fol. 236pp. (2427) Australian Museum. See NEW SOUTH WALES (Australian Museum). Journal of Trade Melbourne, 1906, etc. 8. Australian Official Marks. Vol. 1, etc. (32836) Publication: Weekly. Austria. Gesetz vom . . . betreffend den Schntz von Erfindungen (Patentgesetz) [Added] Erlauternde Bemerkungen zu der Regierungsvorlage, betreffend den Schutz von Erfindungen. [Beilage zu den Stenogr. Protokollen des Abgeordnetenhanses. xi. Session, 1896.] [Wien, 1896.] 8. 112pp. (12662) K. K. Ackerbau-Ministerium. Geschichte der osterr. Land-und Forstwirtscbaf t nnd ihrer Indnstrien, 1848-1898. [Supplement- band. Nachtrage und Special - Abhandlungen.] Wien, 1899-901. 5 vols. 8. (28645) K. K. Handelsministerium. Uebersicht der gewerblichen Marken, welche bei den Handels-und Gewerbekammern . . . regis- trirt, umgeschreiben und geloscht wurden. Wien, 1881, etc. 8. (16872) Publication : Monthly. Title varied: 1891-1904, " Central-Marken Register; 1905, etc., Zentral-Marken Anzciger. Vorschriften fur die Herstellun? von Tele- graphen-, Telephon- und Rohrpostlinien. Wien, 1901. 8. 674pp. 3 pi. (28016) (Arbeitsstatistiches Amt.) Bleivergiftungen in hiittenmannischen und gewerblichen Betrieben. Ursacben und Bekampf ung. Wien, 1905-06. 4 pts. 4. (32142) K. K. Patentamt. Jahres-Katalog. 1899, etc. Wien, [1900, etc.'] 8. (26772) Oesterreicbische Patentschriften. No. 1, etc. Wien, 1899, etc. 8. (26305) Oesterreichisches Patentblatt. Jahrg 1, etc. Wien, 1899, etc. 8. (25749) Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Autenhelmer, Friedricb. See BAUMANN, G. Berechnungen uber das Gewindeschneiden. 7te Aufl. von F. A. 1895. 16. (11714) Autesserre, T. Lucien. See LOT : Chambre de Commerce. Amenagement dn Lot . . . Rapport . . . par T. L. A. 1901. fol. (28320) Author (The). Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors. Vol. 18, etc. London, 1907, etc. sm. 4. A 40 : 907. Publication: Monthly. Autler, . Expos6 du systeme de Moteur a Vapeur econo- mique ou a detente tres-prolongee. Delley, 1871. 8. 70pp. Ipl. (34180) Autocar (The). Vol. 1, etc. London, 1895, etc. 4. E 73 : 895. Publication : Weekly. Editors: H. Sturmey, 1895-1901; H. W. Staner, July, 1901, etc. Autolycus. De sphsera mobili. [Synopsis of contents.] See MERSENNE, M. Universes geometries . . . synopsis. 1644. pp. 243-246. 4. (29761) Automobile asrricole. Annee 1, etc. Paris, 1907, etc. 8. J 72 : 907. Publication : Monthly. Editor: G. Coupan, 1907, etc. Automobile and Carriage-builders' Jour- nal. See CARRIAGE BUILDERS' JOURNAL, etc. 1903, etc. fol. K 71/900. Automobile and Cycle Engineers' Insti- tute. See CVCLE ENGINEERS' INSTITUTE. 1904. E 72 : 899. Automobile Club. (i.) Catalogue of the Automobile Club Show, Richmond, June, 1899. (ii.) Judges' Report, Awards, etc. (iii.) Official programme of the 1000 Miles Motor Vehicle trial, London to Edinburgh and back, April-May, 1900. London, 1899-1900. 3 pts. 4. (26985) Automobile Club Journal. The official journal of the Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the Motor Union. Vol. 5, etc. London, 1903, etc. 4. E 73 : 903. Pitblication: Weekly. Title varied : " Royal Automobile Club Journal and Motor Union Gazette," 1907, etc. Automobile-Club de Trance. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL D'AUTOMOBILISME. 1903, te. E 73 : 900. Concours des poids lourds. Versailles, 1897. Rapport de la Cimtnission. Paris, 18tf7. 8. 104 pp. 2 pi. (34621) Paris-Marseille-Paria (1711 kilometres). Course de voitures automobiles. [Rapports . . . par G. Collin et H. de La Valette.] Paris, 1896. 8. 72pp. 2 pi. (34489) Automobile Commercial Vehicle Review. Vol. 1-8. London, 1903-08. 8 vols. 4. E 73 : 903. Publication : Monthly, 1903 Jan. 1905 ; Weekly, Feb. 1905 Jan. 1908: Monthly. Feb. Sept. 1908. Title changed : With Vol. 8, No. 14, ' Industrial Motor Review." Automobile Owner and Steam and Elec- tric Car Review. See STEAM CAR (The), etc. 1907, etc. E 73 : 906. Automotor '(The), and Journal. Vol. 1, etc. E 73 : 896. Publication : Weekly. Title varied : Vol. 7 etc., " Automotor Journal." The Antomotor and Horseless Vehicle Pocket- book of automotive formulae, etc. [Compiled by G. H. Little.] London, 1898. 16. K 74 : 898. Resilient wheels for motor cars. Reprinted from the "Automotor." (" Automotor " Library.) London, [1906]. 4. 20 pp. (33215) Speed indicators. Reprinted from the " Auto- motor." (Ibid.) London, [1906]. 4. 16 pp. (33231) Automotor Journal (The). See AUTOMOTOR (The). April, 1902, etc. E 73 : 896. Horseless Vehicle London, 1896, etc. 4. 34 AUTO] [B Autonautlque (L'). Vol. 1-4. Paris, 1905-08. 4 vols. 4. F 82 : 905. Publication : Monthly. . See KNOX, G. Description of an artiicial ana- tomical figure constructed by the Chev. A. 1834. 8. (36229) Avcd de Magrnao, Henri Julien. Instruments nouveaux. Metrosphere, Sphere Altazimutale, Navisphere. Paris, [187 ?]. 8. 16 pp. (34843) Avenlr de l'Actylene, (L'). Ann.V 1-2. Paris, 1897-98. 4. K 43 : 897. Publication : Weekly. Averly. A. i Le probleme gt'm'ral du Centrifuge. Paris, 1904. 8. Avery, John H. -i Architectural Photography. See ELLIOTT & SON. Tha Barnet Book of Photography, pp. 117- 130. 1898. 8. (25915) Avis. Avis pour le transport par mer, des arbres, des plantes vivacex, des semences, etc. [By H. L. Duhamel du Monceau. New ed.] See MKMOIRE instructif sur la maniere de rassembler, etc., les diverges cnriosites d'histoire naturelle. [Avis pour le transport par mer des arbres, etc.] 1758. 8. (34043) Avisse, E. . Le mate'riel, etc., des Usines Agricoles, etc. Par Cogniet et E. A. 1878. 118 pp. See PARIS UNIV, EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe52. 1883. 8. (25811) 'Vol" et la Force 112 pp. (31485) Axmacher, August. Praktischer Fiihrer durch den Zeugdruck. (Bibliothek der ges. Technik.) ffamtover, 1908. 2 vols. sm..8. (37189). Azstcr, August. See OSTERRIETH, A., and AXSTER, A. Die Internationale Ubereinknnft . . . vom 20 Miirz 1883. (Pariser Konvention.) 1903. sm. 8. (30288) Ayer, Lewis W. Experiments in growing Cuban seed Tobacso in Alabama. By G. T. McNess and L. W. A. 1906. 32 pp. 3 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin. 37. J 29 So : Aylmer, Fenton John, Major R.E. Notes on Bridging. 1894. See BOY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Prof. Papers. Vol. 20. pp. 221-37. 5 pi. E 90 : 844. Aynard, Theodore. Note historique snr 1'art de Fonder les Pouts. Lyon, 1866. 8. 32 pp. 1 pi. (34844) Aynsome Agricultural Station : Central Seed-Testing Laboratory. Farmers' Bulletin 1, etc, Ulventon, 1903, etc. 8. J 5 : 903. . Editor : J. S. Remington. Ay res, James C., Capt., U.S.A. Modern Guns and Mortars adopted in the U.S. Land Service. By C. C. Morrison and J. C. A. 1895. 270 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. WAR DEPT. Adjutant-General's. Office. Artillery Circular. I. F 92/893. 34222 Ayrton, Hertha, Mrs. The Electric Arc. (" Electrician " seriet.) London, [1902]. 8. 506 pp. (28291) Ayrton, Win. Edward. On the economical use of Gas Engines for the production of Electricity. London, [1881]. 8 D . 16 pp. (37336) Lecture on the Storage of Energy. [London,] 1882. 8. 20pp. (37346) Azan, Paul, (';/),'. Les premieres Mitrailleuses. (1342-1725.) Paris t 1907. 8. 62pp. (35669) Azunl, Domenico Alberto. Dissertation sur 1'origine de la Boussole. [From the Italian.] Paris, An xiii, (1805). 8". 150 pp. (35473) Apuntes para un manual del Minador. Coleccion de formulas, tablas y datos practices. 1880. 82 pp. 4 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 2a e'poca. Tomo 35. 8. F 96 : 887. B. and H., Serruriers de Paris. See GANDILLOT, freres and ROY ( ). Lettre en reponse a 1'examen et regulation de 1'invention des fers creux. Par deux serruriers de Paris. 1830. 8. (37419) B 000 , M., [$.e. Blanchot.] De la Marne, et de la maniere de 1'employer utilement a I'amendement et a I'amulioration des terres. [A dialogue.] Paris, 1788. 12". 54 pp. (34490) B ooooo j- i-e> William Blakey], Reflexions snr les progres de la fabrique dn fer et de 1'acier, dans la Grande-Bretagne. Extrait d'un ouvrage envoy . . . auComtede ********* Londres, 1783. 8. 38 pp. (37299) Attributed by Barbier to P. X. Burtin. B , A. J. D. M. L'art de Peindre et d'Imprimer les Toiles ea grand et en petit toint. Paris, Gceury, 1800. 158 pp. 8. (33262) B., C., [i.e., Claude Boutet], Eoole de la mignature . . . Avec le secret de faire les plus belles couleurs, etc. [Added, MS. " Instructions pour peindre, etc., les couleurs de la mignature." Extrait dn Tniite de J. P. Ferrand, imprimd a Paris en 1721.] Paris, C. Ballard, 1673. sm. 8. 160pp. [MS. 1811.'] (36652) Traite de mignature. 6e 6d. Lyon, J. Guerrier, 1694. 12. 252pp. (36935) B.. C. P. de la C. de P., [i.e. Bernard Nicolas Bertrand, Conseiller Palatin de la Cour de Pologne]. KIcmuus d'oryctologie, ou distribution rin'-tli- odique des Fossiles. Neuchatel, 1773. 8. 200 pp. (36495) 35 B 2 B] [BACH B., E. S. See THORN, W. H., and B., E. S. Useful hints to Sea-going Engineers. [1887.] sm. 8. (33761) B., J., [i.e. John Bate\. The mysteryes of nature and art : conteined in foure severall tretises. The first of water workes. The second of fyer workes. The third of drawing, colouring, painting and engrauing. The fourth of divers experiments. London, R. Mob, 1634. 4. 202 pp. (37126) B., J., [i.e. John Beetle"]. Herefordshire Orchards. Written in an episto- lary address to S. Hartlib. Added, The newest and best method of planting and managing the hop- garden. Dublin, 1724. 8. 40 pp. (30517) i See BRADLEV, E. New improvements of Planting, etc. Added, Herefordshire Orchards . . . byJ. B. 7th ed. 1739. 8. (31738) B., J., [i.e. John Badcoclc]. Philosophical recreations, or winter amusements: a collection of ... experiments in mechanics, arithmetic, optics, etc. London, T.Hughes, [182 ?]. sm. 8. 216 pp. 1 pi. (33496) B., J., Gent. [? Joseph Blagrove.] The epitome of the art of Husbandry. [" New additions," etc. 4th ed. ?] London, 1685. 2 vols. in one. sm. 8. (4875) B., J. F. Remarks on the maintenance of Macadamised Roads. Dublin, A. Thorn (printer), 1843. 8. 38 pp. (32769) I., M. E. Method for Schools. By a teaching plain Needlework Lady. [2nd ed.] London, in R. Hardwicke, '[1861]. 8. 50pp. 3 pi. and 2 insets. (36002) B., R. H., [i.e. Rowland Hill Blades']. Who was Caxton? William Caxton, Merchant, Ambassador . . . and Printer. London, 1877. sin. 8. 48 pp. 1 pi. (35594) B., T., Gent., [i.e. T. Barker]. Analecta : or, a collection of the choicest notions ... in more than forty Authors, phyloso- pbical, chymical, etc. London, R. Cumberland, 1693. 12. 120pp. (3304) Baader, Joseph von. Neue Vorschlage und Erfindungen zur "Ver- besserung der Wasserkunste beym Bergbau und Salinenwesen. Bayreuth, 1800. 4. 110 pp. 16 pi. (38139) Neues System der fortschaffenden Mechanik, oder vollstandige Beschreibung neuerfundener Eisenbahnen und Wagen, etc. Manchen, 1822. f ol. 224 pp. (29030) Vollstandige Theorie der Saug- und Hebe- Pumpen ... in Rucksicht auf Bergbau, etc. Bay- reuth, 1797. 4. 264pp. 6 pi. (29031) Baascb, Ernst Beitrage zur Geschichte des deutschen Scbiff- baues und der Schiffbaupolitik. Hamburg, 1899. 8. 358 pp. (26882) Babbagre, Chas. . Reflections on the decline of Science in England. London, 1830. 8. 244 pp (13404) Babbasre, Chas. cont. See ALLEGED. On the alleged decline of Science in England. By a Foreigner. 1831. 8. (28868) (Memoir). See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : Report. 1873. pp. 162-197. B 13 S : 847. Babbington, Cbas. Tuning and repairing Pianofortes. London, [1880]. sm. 8. 32 pp. (33697) Babcock, Stephen Moulton, and others. The cold curing of Cheese. 1903. 88 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 49. J 29 An : a. Babinet, Jacques. The Diamond and other Precious Stones. Trel. .1. Stearns. 1870. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. Report. 1870. pp. 333-363. B 13 S : 847. Etudes et lectures sur les Sciences d'Observation et leura applications pratiques. Paris, 1855-60. 6 vols. in three. 12. (32444) Babinet, Le'on, Capt. of Artillery. Notice sur Pilatre de Rozier. Metz, 1865. 8. 68 pp. (33980) Bablngton, Charles Cardale, F.R.S. Manual of British Botany. 4th ed. London, 1856. 8. 32 + 436 pp. (2871) The same. 8th ed. London, 1881. sm. 8- 48 + 485 pp. (21431) The same. 9th ed., by H. Groves and J. Groves. London, 1904. 12. 52 + 580 pp. (31307) Babing-ton, Wm., M.D. A systematic arrangement of Minerals. 2nd ed. [With MS. notes on Fuller's earth.] London, 1796. 4. 46 pp. (30124) and others. A Catalogue ... of the . . . collection of Minerals, of a gentleman deceased. [With Appendix and Table of references.] London, 1805. 8. 374 pp. (36189) A syllabus of a course of Chemical Lectures read at Guy's Hospital. London, 1816. 8. 156 pp. 1 pi. Interleaved with MS. notes and illus. (36088) Babu, L. Traite 1 . . . de Me'tallurgie generate. Paris, 1904-06. 2 vols. 8. (31486) Baccl, Andrea. De Thermis . . . de nova methodo ther- marum explorandarum. etc. Editio novissima. Patavii, 1711. fol. 394 pp. 1 pi. (32445) Bach, Carl. . Abhandlungen und Berichte. Aus Anlass der Feier des zwanzigjahrigen Bestehens des Wurttem- bergischen Berzirksvereines deutscher Ingenieure, zusammengestellt und diesem gewidmet. Stuttgart, 1897. fol. 306pp. 14 pi. (25489) Abhangigkeit der Wirksamkeit des Oelab- scheiders von der Beschaffenbeit des den Dampf- zylindern zugefiihrlen Oelcs. 1903. See VER. DEUT. INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 11. pp. 72-73. E 13,'857b. Arbeiten des Materialpriifungs-Ausschnsses des "Vereines deutscher Ingenieure. 1908. 64 pp. 8 pi. Ibid. Heft 59. E 13/857b. Die Bildung von Rissen in Kesselblechen. 1906. Ibid. Heft 33. pp. 43-69. E 13/857b. 36 BACH] [BACH Bach, Carl cunt. [i.] Druckvereuche mit Eisenbetonkorpern. [ii.] Die Aenderung der Ziibigkeit von Kesselblechenmit Zunahme der Festigheit. [lii.J Zur Kenntnis der Streckgrenze. [iv.] Zur Abhangiifkeit der Bruch- dehnnng von der Messlange. [v.] Versuche fiber die Verschiedenheifc der Elastizitat von Fox- und Morison-Wellrohren. 1905. 78 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Heft 26. E 13/857b. Elasticitut und Fetis?keit. Berlin, 1889-90. 8. 390 pp. 12 pi. (22303) The same. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1898. 8. 590pp. 18 pi. (25495) The same. 4te AuB. Berlin, 1902. 8 s . 672 pp. 18 pi. (28321) Die Ehstizitat der an verschiedenen Stellen einer Haut entnonomenen Treibriemen. 1902. See VER. DEUT. INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a., d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 5. pp. 1-31. E 13/857b. Die Elastizitats- und Festigkeits-eigenschaften der Eisensorten, fur webhe . . . die Aus- dehnnng durch die Warme ermittolt worden ist. 1903. Ibid. Heft 9. pp. 70-77. E 13/857b. Zur Frage des Warmwertea der iiberhitzten Wasserdampfes. 1902. Ibid. Heft 5. pp. 53-54. E 13/857b. Die Maschinenelemente. Ibre Bsreehnnng und Konstruktion. Stuttgart, 1881. 8. 405 pp. and obi. 4 atlas. 42 pi. (245) The same. 646 pp. 46 pi. The same. 8. (26101) The same. 8. (27919) The fame. 1908. 2 vok 4te Anil (24539) 7te AuH. Stuttgart, 1886. 8. Stuttgart, 1899. 2 vola. 8te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1901. 2 vols. Leipzig, lOte Aufl., von J. Bach. 8. (37612) Eine Stelle an maochen Maschinenteilen, deren Baanspruchung auf Grund der tiblichen Beresh- nung stark unterschatzt wird. 1902. See VER. DEUT. INOENIEURE : Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesen. Heft 4. pp. 35-45. E 13/857b. [i.] Untersuchungen fiber den Uuterschied der Elastizitiit von Hanguss . . . und von Gusseisen gewiihnlicher Harte. [ii.] Znr Frage der Propor- tionalitat zwiscben Dehuungen nnd Spannungen bei Sandstein. [iii.] Versnche uber die Abhangigkeit der Festigkeit . . . der Bronze von der Temperatur. [iv.] Versuche uber Arbeitsvermogen nnd die Elas- tizitat von Gusseisen mit hoher Zugfestigkeit. [v.] Versuche iiber die Druckfestigkeit hoohwer- tigen Gusseisens und uber die Abhangigkeit der Zugfestigkeit desselben von der Temperatur. [vi.] Untersuchungen iiber die Tomperaturverhaltnisse im Innern eines Locomobilkessels wahrend der Anheizperiode. 1901. Ibid. Heft 1. E 13/857b. Versuche mit einbetoniertem Thacher-Eisen. 1907. Ibid. Heft 39. pp. 51-56. E 13/857b. Versucbe mit Eitenbetonbalken. Theil i-ii. 1907. Ibid. Heft 39, 45^-47. E 13/857b. Versuche mit gewolbten Flammrohrbiiden. 1908. 106pp. 12 pi. Ibid. Heft 51-52. E 13/857b. Versuche mit Granitquadern zu Briickengelenken. 1904. Ibid. Heft 17. pp. 59-83. E 13/857b. Versuche mit Sandsteinquadern zu Briicken- gelenken. 1905. Ibid. Heft 20. pp. 1-30. 7 pi. E 13/857b. Versuche iiber die Abhangigkeit der Zugfestig- keit nnd Bruchdehnung der Bronze von der Temperatur. 1902. Ibid. Heft 4. pp. J-20. E 13/857b. Bach, Carl eon*. Versnche uber die Drehungsfestigkeit von Korpern mit tripezfdrmigem und dreieckigem Quersehnitt. 1906. Ibid. Heft 33. pp. 71-76. E 13/857b. Versuche iiber die Elastizitat von Flaaamrohren mit einzelnen Wellen. 1906. Ibid. Heft 33. pp. 39-42. 1 pi. E 13,857b. Versuche fibsr die Festigkeitigens2haften von Flusseisenblechen bei gewohnlioher und huherer Temperatur. 1905. Ibid. Heft 28. pp. 43-80. 4 pi. E 13/857b. ^ Versucho iibsr die Festigkeitseigenscbiften von Stahlgus? bei gewiihnlicher und noherer Tempe- ratur. 1905. Ibid. Heft 24. pp. 39-86. 2 pi. E 13/857K Versuche fiber den Gleitwiderstand einbe- tonierten Eisens. 1905. Ibid. Heft 22. pp. 1-42. B 13/857b. Versuche fiber die Widerstanisfahigkeit ebener Platteb. Berlin, 1891. sm. 8. 108 pp. (29101) Versuche fiber die Widerstandafahigkeit von Kesselwandungen. Heft 1-6. Berlin, 1893-1902. 4. (29007) Versuche zur Ermtttlung der Durchbiegung und der Widerstandsfabigkeit von Scheibenkolben. 1906. See VER. DEDT. INOENIEORE : Mittheil- ungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 31. pp. 1-44. E 13/857b. Zwei Verauche zur Klarstellung der Ver- schwachung zylindrischer Gefaise durch den Mannlocbausschnitt. 1903. Ibid. Heft 9. pp. 78- 83. K 13/8576. and R.OSCI-, E. Untersuohung eines drdigiingi?en Sohnecken- Getriebes. 1903. Ibid. Heft 11. pp. 36-59. E 13/857b. Bach, Julius. See BACH, 0. Die Maschinen-Elemeote. lOte Aufl., von J. B. 1908. 2 vols. 8. (37612) Bache, Alex. Dallas, Supt., U.S. Coast Survey. Eulogy [with bibliography]. By J. Henry. 1870. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : Report. 1870. pp. 91-116. B 13 8 : 847. Bachelet, L. L'Orfevrerie. 1878. 32 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 24. 1880. 8. (25811) Bacheller, , Painter. See HISTOIRE. L'histoire et le secret de la peinture en cire. [By D. Diderot.] [1756 ?] 12. (34211) Bachcllery, A. L'Attelage automatique des Vehicnles les cbsmins de fer am6ricains. 1900. See ANN ALES DES MINES. 9e s6rie. Tome 17. pp. 315-394. G 64: 816. Bachem, C. Unsere Schlafmittel. Berlin, 1909. 8. 88 pp. (37649) Sachet, Ciaude Gaspar, Sieur de Afeziriac. Problemes plaisans et delectables, qui se font par les nombres. Partie recueillis de divers autbeurs, partie inventez de nouvean. 2e e'd. Lyon, 1624. am. 8. 262 pp. (30092) Bacbhoffner, Geo. H. Chemistry as applied to the Fine Arts. London, 1837. 8. 188 pp. (36535) 37 BACH] [BAIL Bachmann, Josef Franz. See WEISS, J. Die Galvanoplastik. 4te Aufl. von J. F. B. 1896. sm. 8. (25787) Baclc, L. Les plaques de Blindages. Ex : " Bulletin de la Soc. d'Encouragement," Nov.-Dee. 1899. Paris, .1900. 4. 234pp. (27063) Bacon, G. W., and Co. Chart of the Atlantic telegraph. London, [1867 1}. folded sheet. (33385) Bacon, John Mackenzie, Rev. The Dominion of the Air : The story of aerial navigation. London, [1902]. 8". 356 pp. 25 pi. (28911) Bacon, Roger. [Of the Medicine or Tincture of Antimony.] See VALENTINUS, Basilius. Of natural and super- natural things . . . Added Frier Roger Bacon, of the medicine or tincture of Antimony. 1671. sm. 8. [pp. 151-182.] (30191) The ' Opus Majus ' of Roger Bacon. Ed., with introduction and analytical table, J. H. Bridges. [Supplement.] Oxford, 1897-1900. 3 vols. 8. (16548) Bacrl, D. C. . See BREVETS DE SUCRERIE (Les). Recueil ' mensuel ... par D. C. B. 1898, etc. 8. K 81 : 898. Badaloni, Giuseppe, M.D. II Morso della Vipera ed il permanganate di potassa. Eatratto dall " Archiyio et Atti della Soc. Italiana di Chirurgia." NapoU, 1883. 8. 22 pp. (11358) Viper-poison and Permanganate of Potash. From the " Medical Society's Proc." Vol. 6. London, 1884. 8. 16pp. (11364) * La Vipera ed il suo Veleno. Bologna, 1884. 8. 78pp. (11362) Badcock, John. - Seealso'B., J. Philosophical recreations. [182?] sm. 8. (33496) Bade, E. Praxis der Aquarienkunde (Siisswasser-Aqua- rium, Seewasser - Aquarium, Aqua - Terrarium). Magdeburg, 1899. 8. 200pp. 12 pi. (27064) Das Siisswasser-Aquarium. Geschichte, Flora und Fauna des Susswasser- Aquariums, seine Anlage und Pflege. Berlin, 1896. 8. 536 pp. 6 pi. (12144) Badln, . Tapis et Tapisseries. 1868. See PARIS UNI- VERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867 : Rapports du Jury International. Classe 18. Sect. 1. pp. 185-192. 8. (13828) Badminton library. See under respective authors. Badnall, Richard. See PROUT, J. Practical view of the silk trade. [A reply to R. B's. View of the silk trade.] 1829. 8. (16532) BadolB, Edmond. Hydraulique ge'nerale. Irrigations. Assain- issement. 1898. See Soc. DES INGENIEURS CIVILI DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 234- 249. 8. (25483) Badola, Edmond cont. R6cepteurs hydrauliques. 1898. Ibid. pp. 263- 266. 8. (25483) and Eieber, Albert. L' Assainissement compart de Paris et des grandes villes de 1'Europe, Berlin, Amsterdam, La Haye, Bruxelles, Londres. Paris, 1898. 8. 234 pp. (17813) aedoker, Julius, M.l>. Die Arson valisation. Behandlung mit Stromen von hoher Frequenz und starker Spannung, Tesla- striJmen, nach eigenen und anderen Befunden. Ex : " Wiener Klinik," 1901. Berlin, 1902. 8. 44 pp. (28361) Baumer, Wilb. See GEWERBEHALLE . . . redigirt von W. B., etc. 1863-70. A 1/863. Bagr, Portmanteau, and Umbrella Trader, and Fancy Leather Goods and Athletic Trades Review. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1907, etc. 8. E 91 : 907. Publication: Monthly. Ba^eri, Vittorio. See BOCCARDO, E. C. Trattato . . . diGeo- metria practice. Parte ii. Aoplicazioni della Topografia. Per V. B. 1901. (1898-1900.) 8. (23114) Costruzione della Sede stradale. Considerazioni generali sulla natura delle strade ferrate. Studio e rilevamento del terreno. Opere di consolidamento del terreni franosi. [1902-03.] 152 pp. 19 pi. See FADDA, S. Costruzione, etc., delle Strade ferrate. [1-3.] 8. (22310) Bagrnall-Wild, R. K. See WILD, R. K. Bagcall-. Bagot, . De la culture du Topinambour considered comme pouvant servir d'auxiliaire a celle de la pomms de terre. Paris, 1847. 8. 24pp. (35175) Bagrshaw, Walter. Elementary Photo-micrography. London, 1902. 12. 68pp. 6 pi. (29525) Bahn, ., Maj.-Gen. Die EntwicklungderRohrriicklauffeld-Haubitze. Berlin, 1907. 8. 86 pp. 5 pi. (33915) Baler, Julius. . Wind pressures in the St. Louis Tornado. Ex : "Amer. Soc. C.E. Papers." Jan. 1897. 8. pp. 55-124. 8 pi. (26237) Balgrneres, Francois Gustave. See DUMONT, G., and BAIGNERES, F. G. Les Engms de manutention. 1898. 8. (25450) Telegraphic et Tele'phonie. 1898. See Soc. DES iNGfoaEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 857-870. 8. (25483) and Bodary, F. , Applications [de 1'EIectricite] aux Chemins de fer. 1902. See HOSPITALIER, E., and MONT- PELLIER, J. A. L'Electricite a 1'Exposition de 1900. Tome 3. Fasc. 15, pp. 89-138. 1 pi. fol. (27149) Bailey, Fred. Manson. A companion for the Queensland student of plant life. 1893. 108 pp. See QUEENSLAND : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin. [No. 25a.] J 8 AQ : 888a. 38 BAIL] [BAKE Bailey, Fred. Manson cont. Contributions to the Queensland Flora, 1890- 1903. 1 bid. Botany Bulletin. No. 1-16. J8AQ: 888a. Continued from 1897-1900 in the "Queensland Agri- cultural Journal." A half-ceutnry of notes for the guidance of Fruit-growers, 1895. 32 pp. Ibid. Bulletin. 2nd series. No. 5. J 8 AQ : 888a. A Synopsis of the Queensland Flora. Supple- ment 3, 1890. 135 pp. 21 pi. Ibid. Annual report. 1889-90. J 8 AQ : 888. -V./J. The Synopsis and Supplement 1-2 were pub- lished 1883, IS*;, and 1888 respectively. Bailey, Gilbert E. The Saline deposits of California. 1902. 216pp. 3 mips. See CALIFORNIA (State): MINING BUREAU. Bulletin 24. G 50 C : 888. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Cyclopedia of American Agriculture. New York, 1907, . Lyon, 1693. sm. 8. 186 pp. (33659) Barbedlenne, Ferdinand. Bronzes d'art, fontes d'art diverges, objete en mttiux repousses. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapport dn Jury International. Clause 22. pp. 283-314. 8. (13828) Barber, Edwin Atlee. - Artificial soft paste Porcelain ; France, Italy. Spain, and England. London, [New York, printed], 1907. 8. 40pp. 15 pi. (34977) Lead glazed Pottery. Part 1 (Common clays). (Art Primer, Pennsylvania Museum, etc.) New York, 1907. etc. 8. (36406) (In progress.) The Pottery and Porcelain of the United States. 2nd ed. New York, 1901. 8. 562 pp. 1 pi. (28234) Salt glazed Stoneware. London, [New York, printed], 1907. 8. 32 pp. 19 pi. (34978) 34222 -I Barber, Edwin Atlee cont. Tin enameled Pottery : Majolica, Delft, and other stanniferous faience. (Pennsylvania Museum, etc. Art Primer. Ceramic Series. No. 5.) Phila- delphia, 1906. 8. 40 pp. 21 pi. (34637) Tulip Ware of the Pennsylvania-German potters. Philadelphia, 1903. 8. 234 pp. 2 pi. (30755) Barber, F. M., Litut. U.S.N. On drifting and automatic movable Torpedoes, Submarine guns, and Rockets. 1874. 40pp. 12 pi. See U.S. NAVY DEFT. (Ordnance Bureau.) Naval Ordnance Papers. [12.] 8 Q . F83:b. Lecture on Submarine Boats. 1875. 40 pp. 8 pi. Ibid. [10.] 8. F83:b. Lecture on the Whitehead Torpedo. 1874, 40pp. 7 pi. Ibid. [11.] 8. F83:b. Barber, Thos. Walter. See THAMES BARRAGE COMMITTEE. The Port - of London and the Thames barrage. Reports, etc., by T. W. B. and others. 1907. 4*. (34969) The Engineers' Sketch Book of mechanical move- ments, devices, appliances, etc., employed in the design and construction of machinery. London, 1889. 8. 244pp. (21832) The same. Srded. London, 1897. 8. 336pp. (6212) The same. 4th ed. London, 1902. 8. 336 pp. (29062) The great Thames Birra?e. From "Public . Works," Nov. 16, 1903. 4. 16pp. 2 pi. (30809) Barberot, E. TraitS pratique de Serrurerie. Constructions en fer, Serrurerie d'art. Paris. 1888. 8. 400 pp. (22225) The same. 2e .. Gen. U.S.A. Eulogy of the late J. G. Totten. 1865. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report. 1865. pp. 137-172. B 138:847. Barnard, W. S. Machinery and devices for the destruction of the [Cotton] Worm. 1885. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE : 4th Report of the U.S. Entomological Commission, etc. pp. 191-321. pi. 14-61. 8. (25445) Barnard, Wm. Stained windows and Painted Glass by ... Transfer process, or Diaphanie. London, f 18631 12. 12pp. 11 pi. (35785) Barnes, Almont. Keeping Goats for profit. 1898. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Year book. 1898 pp. 421-438. 2 pi. J 29 : 849 b. Barnes, Cutbbert W. The Electric Lighting of merchant vessels. 1902. [Paper and discussion.] 106 pp, 1 pi. See INST. OP MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 14. 105th Paper. F 81: 889. Barnes, Chas. Reid. Analytic keys to the genera and species of North American Mosses. Revised, eti.. by F. D. Heald. 1896. See WISCONSIN, Univ. Bulletin. Science Saries. Vol. i. pp. 157-368. 8. B14Wi:a. Barnes, David Leonard. Electric Locomotives. B.Udwin Locomotive Works, and the Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing Co. Philadelphia, 1896. 8. 124 pp. (27438) Barnes, Phineas. The present technical condition of the Steel Industry of the United States. 1885. 86 pp. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 25. 8. G 30 : 883. Barnes, Wm. C., and others. A collation of facts relating to fast Typesetting, with portraits and biographies. New York, 1887. 8. 80 pp. 1 pi. and ports. (35396) Barnet Photographic Record. Se PHOTOGRAPHER'S RECORD. 1904. 8. All: 892d. Barnett, Claribel R. References to the literature of Sugar beet, exclusive of works in foreign languages. 1897. 4. 10 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Library Bulletin 16. J 29 L : Barnett, Samuel Jackson. Elements of Electromagnetic Theory. New York, 1903. 8. 480 pp. (30451) Barnl, Edvardo. II Montatore Elettricista. 2a ed. \(Bibl. dell' Elettricita.) Milano, 1892. sm. 8 290 pp. (23355) The same. 6a ed. (Ibid.) Milano, 1901. sm. 8. 486 pp. (31682) Barnlkel, Johann Christoph. . . . Polygraphometrum novum. Leipzig, 1724. am. 8. 276pp. 27 pi. (27941) Barnout, Hippolyte. Navigation Ae>ienne. Le Rotaer, moteur atmo- gphe'rique, suivi d'un Appendice sur I'ai'rostatioii. Paris, 1858. 8. 56 pp. (34359) Systetne rationnel de Navigation Adrienne, a calculation stable, fondt' sur le principe de la separation des appareils, ainsi que sur 1'emploi du point d'appui. Paris, 1857. 8 . 16 pp. (34360) Baroia, . Rapport sur les recherches du Pe'trole de la Mer Rouse. [Le Caire, 1885.] 4. 16 pp. 1 pi. (31247) Barols, J. Des Reservoirs dan? les Indes Anglaise*. 1892. 20 pp. 1 pi. See CONGEES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGA- TION INT^HIEURE. 5e Congres. Question 4 [11.] F43: 88. Baron, W. B. An inquiry into the working of various Water- softeners. By C. E. stromeyer and W. B. B. 1903. 64 pp. See MANCHESTER STEAM USERS' ASSOCIA- TION. Memorandum by Chief Engineer. 1903. K 52 : 870. 45 BARO] [BARR Baron d'H Conference sur les applications de 1'Electrieite ;i 1' Agriculture. Paris. 1881. 8. 40 pp. (34492) Les Huiles. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 69. Sect. 1. pp. 105-116. 8. (13828) De 1'inBuence exerc^e par 1'atmosphere sur la ve'ge'tation. 1860. See SOCIET^ CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. Lecons de Chimie. 1860. pp. 241-288. K 858 C : Mdmoire sur les Eaux de Pluie recueillies a 1'Observatoire de Paris. 1854. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Me"m. par divers Savaus . . . 2e se>ie. Tome 12. pp. 265-339. B 28 : 750 Rapport sur les precedes de Tessi6 du Motay pour le trait^ment des eaux vannes des vidanges. - Paris, 1871. 8. 30 pp. (34772) Tabacs. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 43. Sect. 8. pp. 374-402. 8. (13828) Barral de Montaud, Chas. Accumulateurs Electriques genre Plante. Systeme B. de Montand. [Letters Patent No. 8573 of 1884.] Paris, [1886]. 8. 50 pp. (34585) Barrau, P. B. Trait6 des Assurances reciproques ou mutnelles contre les fl^aux et les cas fortuits, etc. 2e 6d. Paris, 1827. 8.. 632 pp. 6 pi. (36251) Barre, Chas. Armand Athanese. Notice sur le Chemin de fer gliasant a propul- sion hydrauliqufi. Systeme L. D. Girard. [Letters Patent No. 9682 of 1888 and No. 20,581 of 1889.] [French Patent, No. 173,726, Jan., 1886.] Pans, . 1889. 8. 36 pp. 8 pi. (33354) Barre, G. See GALIPPE, V., and BARR, G. Le Pain. [1895.] 2vols. sm. 8. (25758) Barr (5, L. A. Fonts me"talliques. 1894. 110pp. 14 pi. See VIGREUX, L. The"orie, etc., de 1'art de 1'IngtSnieur. Livr. [57-59]. 8. (18142) 33arr<5, Louis. See ENCYCLOPKDIE NATIONALS DES SCIENCES, etc. Ed. J. P. HouztS et L. B. 1852-53. 4. (28033) T See LANDAIS, N. Grand dictionnaire . . . des dictionnaires francais. I3e 6d., revu . . . par D. CWsurolles et L. B. 1859. 2 vols. 4. (6000) Barrell, Joseph. Geology of the Marysville mining district, Montana. A study of igneous intrusion and contact metamorphism. 1907. 178pp. 16 pi. 1 map. See (J.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Prof. Papers 57. G 30 : 902 Barres du DXolard, Alphonse de, Vicomte. Nouvean systeme de Fonts a grandes portees, ou moyen (sconomique de constmire des Arches de toutes grandeurs. Paris, 1827. 4. 106 pp. 3 pi. (33105) Barreswil, Louis Chas. Arthur. Parfumerie. 1858. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 25. pp 401-423. 8. (13828) Prodnits Pharmaceutiques. Par V. Fumouze and L. C. A. B. 1868. Ibid. Classe 44. Sect. 8. pp. 306-318. 8. (13828) See SCHMIDT, C. H. Handbuch dor Photo- graphie. 2e Anfl. Theil 2. Die Anwendung der Chemie anf die Photographic. Von Barreswil und Davanne. 1860. 12". (6746) and Davanne, L. A. Chimie photographique. Paris, [1854]. 8. 312pp. (31725) The same. 3e e"d. Paris, 1861. 8. 524 pp. (7781) and Sobrero, A. Appendice a tons les Trait^s d' Analyse Chimique. Recueil des observations publie'es depuis dix ans sur 1'analyse qualitative et quantitative. Paris, 1843. 8. 554pp. 1 pi. (37051) Barret. Chas. See BORDEAUX : Congres National des Peches Marl- times, 1907. Memoires, etc. Annexe : La mutualite maritime, par C. B. 1908. 8. (38143) Barret, Chas. Philippe. Capnologie, ou traite th^orique de la Fnmee, avec differens proc^d^s pour en preserver nos habi- tations dans tous les cas. Paris, 1788. 8. 56 pp. 1 pi. (34124) Barret, Louis. Note sur les Appareils Hydrauliques mus par 1'eau sous pression, suivie des experiences executees sur les engins en service dans les dtablissements de la Compagnie des Docks et Entrepots de Marseille. Marseille, 1870. 4. Lithogr. 228 pp. 12 pi. (27744) Barrett, A. See ANDOM, R., pseud. Barrett, J., Rev , of Colwall. A description of Malvern and its environs. Comprising an account of the efficacy of the Mal- vern waters, etc. Worcester, 1796. 16. 80 pp. (16630) Barrett, O. W. The Changa, or mole cricket in Porto Rico. 1902. 20 pp. See PORTO Rico AGRIC. EXPERIMENT STATION Bulletin 2. J 30 PR : The Yautias, or Taniers, of Porto Rico. 1905. 27 pp. 4 pi. [English and Spanish editions,] Ibid. Bulletin 6. J 30 PR : 46 BARR] [BARTT Barrett, Storrs B., Librarian, Yerkes Obserratory. See ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. General Index. Vol. 1-25. 1895-1907. [1908.] Compiled by S. B. B. 8. D 32 : 895. Barrett, Wm. Fletcher. The analogy between Light aad Sound. 1876. See SOUTU KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Special Loan Collection. Free evening lectures, pp. 434-470. 8. (26272) Telephones : old and new. (Lecture.) London, 1878. 8. 22pp. (36762) Bsrrlng-er, Daniel Moreanx, M.A. A description of Minerals of Commercial Value. New York, 1897. obi. 8. 168 pp. (25556) Barring-ton, M. J. The Illuminator ; thirty original designs, with instructions for colouring. London, [188 ?]. fol. 4pp. 30 pi. (37482) Barren, Archibald F. See NATIONAL APPLE CONGRESS. British apples. Compiled, etc., by A. F. B. 1884. 8. (36187) Barrow, Isaac, D.D. The Mathematical works of Isaac Barrow, [1664-79.] Ed.W.Whewell. [Litm.] Cambridge. 1860. 2vols.inooe. 8. (33203) Barrow, John. A new and universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences . . . Preface, tracing the progress of literature from the earliest ages, ets. London, 1751. fol. [1028pp.] 62 pi. (31049) Wants the Supplement, 1754. Barrus, Gen. H. - Engine Tests, embracing the results of ... feed-water tests and other investigations on various kinds of Steam engines. New York, 1900. 8. 340 pp. (27500) Barry, Ktienne. Manicre de bomfier parfaitement les Eaux cor- rompues. 2e e"d. Paris, An. xii [18011. 8. 160pp. (34722) Barry, Fred. Wm. See LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. Memorandum on certain methods in use for the sterilization of the exit air from the wards of small-pox hospitals. By F. W. B. 1894. 8. (26004) Barry, Patrick. Shoebnryness and the guns : a philosophical discourse. London, 1865. 8. 282 pp. 2 pi (36536) Barschall Impregnating: Company. A treatise on Wood preservation . . . With special reference to a new German process, [Hassel- mann's Patents, No. 25,240 of 1896, and No. 25,018 of 1898.] Neta York, 1900. 16. 32 pp. (26966) Bartelt, Konrad. Die Terpene und Campherarten. Heidelberg. 1908. 8. 400 pp. (37190) Barthollnua, Thos. - See ACTA MEPICA, etc., HAFNIENSIA, T. Bartho- lini, 1671-79. H5:671. Bartl, Josef. Die Berechnung der Zentrifugalregulatoren. Leiptig, 1900. 8. 94 pp (27327) Bartlett, E. P. Report on Books, Maps, Globes, Instruments, etc., suited for educational purposes, included in the educational collection in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERN. EXHIBI- TION, 1871. Reports. Vol. 2. Pt. 8. pp. 13-32. (15691) Bartlny, Sir Geo. Christopher Trout. Toys. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867 : Briiiih Comm. Report*. Vol. 3. pp. 125- 140. 8. (13626) Toys. 1876. Set BEVAN. O. P. British Munufacturing Industries. [8.] pp. 154-200. (17584) Toys and Games included in the educational collection in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERN. EXHIBITION, 1871. Reports. Vol. 2. Pt. 8. pp. 33-48. (15691) Bartolus, Abraham. Musicamathematica, etc. 1614. See ZEISING, H. Theatrummachinarum. Theil6. pp. 89-175. obi. 4. (32226) Barton, Edwin H. A text-book on Sound. London, 1908. 8. 704 pp. 1 pi. (37113) Barton, John K., Commander U.S. Navy. Naval Engines and Machinery. 2ud ed. An- napolis, Ma., 1906. 8. 620 pp. 1 pi. and 4 atlas. 37 pi. (33240) BaruchBon, Arnold. Beetroot Sugar : remarks upon the advantages derivable from its growth and manufacture in the United Kingdom, etc. London, 1868. 8. (29223) The same. 2nd issue. London, 1870. 8 . 128 pp. (16502) The history and progress of the manufacture of Beetroot Sugar, etc. [Liverpool, 1866.] 8. 32 pp. (29224) Sarus. Carl. The Compressibility of Liquids. 1892. 96 pp. 29 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 92. G 30 : 883. A continuous record of Atmospheric Nuclea- tion. 1905. 242 pp. See SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBU- TIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. Vol. 34. [No. 1651.] B13S: 851. - Experiments with Ionized Air. 1901. 104 pp. Ibid. Vol. 29. [No. 1309.] B 13 S : 851. High Temperature work in Igneous Fusion and ebullition chiefly in relation to pressure. 1893. 58 pp. 9 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SDBVEY. Bulletin 103. G30: 883. The mechanism of solid Viscosity. 1892. 138 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 94. G 30 : 883. The structure of the Nucleus. A continnation of " Experiments with Ionized Air." 1903. 190 pp. See SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. Vol. 29. [No. 1373.] B 13 S : 851. Subsidence of fine solid particles in Liquids. 1886. 54 pp. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 36. G 30 : 883. The Subsidence of fine solid particles in Liquids. Ex : " Amer. Jl. of Science," Feb., 1889. pp. 122- 129. 8. (2667G) A continuation of prtoioits paper. On the Thermo-electric measurement of high Temperatures. 1889. 314 pp. See U.S. GEOI,.- SURVEY. Bulletin 54. G 30 : 883. 47 BARU] [BATE Bar us, Carl cont. - The Viscosity of Solids. 1891. 140 pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 73. G30: 883. The Volume Thermodynamics of Liquids. 1892. pp. 100. 8 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 9G. G 30 : 883. - and Stroubal, V. -- The Electrical and Magnetic properties of the Iron-carburets. 1885. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 14, 238 pp. ; 27, pp. 30-61 ; 35, 62 pp. G 30 : 883. Barutell y Power, Carlos. - Ideas modernas sobre plazas maritimas. For E. del Castillo y C. B. 1904. 80 pp. See ME- MORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 4a epoca. Tomo 21. Collecion de memorias. 4. P 96 : 846. - Estudio sobre las aplicaciones del Obus de posici6n de 15 centimetros. 1905. 73 pp. Ibid. 4a e"poca. Tomo 22. F 96 : 846. Bar wise, Sidney, M.D. - The Purification of Sewage, being a brief account of the scientific principles of sewage puri- fication and their practical application. London, 1899. 8. 162pp. (25816) The same. 2nd ed. with appendix on the analysis of sewage and sewage effluents. London, 1904. 8. 234pp. 12 pi. (31314) Barzano, Carlo. - Meccanica generate. 1883. 40 pp. See MILAN : Esposizione Industr. Italiana del 1881. Relazioni deiGiurati. [Vol.10.] 8. (4646) Basch, E. E. - UeberfesteLosungen. VonG. Bruni. Deutsch von E. E. B. 1901. See SAMMLUN& CHEM.- UNO CHEM.-TECHN. VORTRAOE. Band 6. pp. 415-468. K 1 : 896. Bascom, Florence. - Water resources of the Philadelphia District. pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Papers. 106. G 30 : 899. 1904. 76 pp. 4 Water-supply, etc. Bashfortb, Francis, Rev. . Du Calcul des Trajectoires d'apres les ex- pediences de M. Bashforth sur la Resistance de 1'Air. Par H. Sebert. 1874. 110 pp. 2 fol. pi. [Ex : " Memorial de 1'artillerie de la marine.] See FRANCE : Deyt. de la marine. Memoires militaires, etc. Tome 2. 8. and fol. F 94 : 873. Basilc, Adrien, M.D. - See DESORMES, E., and BASILE, A. Polylexique methodique. [1899, eta.} 12. (26520) - Notions elementaires de Mathe'mati'qnes ap- pliquees a la Typographic. Paris, [1904.] 8. 72 pp. (30845) Baskerville, Chas. - Index to the literature of Zirconium. [1789- 1898.] ByA.C.Langmuir and C. B. 1899. 30pp. See SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLL. Vol. 41. B. 31 S : 862. , Radium and other Radio-active substances. Their application especially to Medicine. Phila- delphia, [1905.] 8. 164 pp. (32069) Baskerville, John. - See STRAUS, R., and DENT, R. K. John Basker- ville. A memoir. 1907. 4. (38257) (Biographical.) - See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec tion, etc. (12166) Basquin, Olin H. See BRITISH LUXFER PRISM SYNDICATE, LD. Manual of Luxfer Prisms, etc. By O. H. B. 1899. 8. (25907) Bass, W. L. Azucar de Cana. Cane Sugar. [Portuguese and English.] Nueva York, 1900. 8. 11 pts. with separate pagination. (27230) Basserxuaxm-JTordan, Ernst. Die Geschichte der Riideruhr unter bes. B:riick- sicht. der Uhren des bayeriscbeu National-Museums. Frankfurt a. M., 1905. 4. 114 pp. 24 pi. (32161) Basset, Nicolas. Traitd . . . de la Fermentation. (Biblio- theque des negociants en vins, etc.) Paris, [1857.] 12. 602 pp. (36252) Bassi, Agostino. Memoria . . . sui nuovi metodi di Vini- ficazione. Lodi, 1823. 8. 42 pp. 1 pi. (35910) Bastelaer, Rene van. La rivalitd de la Gravnre et de la Photographic et ses consequences. Etude du role de la Gravure en taille-douce dans 1'avenir. 1893. 94 pp. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES DE BBLGIQUE : M^moires in 8. Tome 61. B 22 : 840. Bastenalre-Daudeuart, F. L'art de fabriquer la Faience, recouverte d'un Email opaque blanc et colore, etc., . . . et d'un Vocabulaire des mots techniques. (Bibliotheque Industrielle.) Paris, 1828. 12. 496 pp. 2 pi. (36782) L'art de fabriquer la Faience blanche recouverte d'nn email transparent, etc. Paris, 1830. 8. 540 pp. 3 pi. (36188) L'art de fabriquer les Poteries communes usuelles, etc. Paris, 1835. 8. 592 pp. 3 pi. (36781) L'art de la Vitrification . . . Sum . . . d'un traite de la dornre sur crystal et sur verre. Paris, 1825. 8. 506 pp. 4 pi. (33263) Guide pratique ou 1'art de fabriquer la Porcelaine, etc. (Bibliotheque des Professions.) Paris, [1863]. 2 vols. 12. (36780) Bastin, Edson S. Road materials of Southern and Eastern Maine. By H. Leighton and E. S. B. 1908. 56 pp. 4 pi. See U S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 33. J 29 R : Basu, B. C. See BENGAL, Govt. of (Revenue Dept.~) Report on the agriculture of the district of Lohardaga. ByB. C. B. 1897. fol. (31846) Batard-Razellere, A. The construction of a Harbour in the Bay of Monaco. 1902. 10 pp. 1 pi. See CONGRES IN- TERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. II. Communication 10. [16]. F 43: 888. Batcbelder, Ernest A. The principles of Design. 3rd ed. Chicago, 1908. 8. 184 pp. 23 pi. (37300) Bate, Chas. McGuire, Major, R.E. Military Railways, Bridges, Locomotives, and rolling stock. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERN. ENG. CONGRESS. Div. of Military Engineering, pp. 225-37. 18 pi. 8. (24918) 48 BATE] Bate, John. See B., J. The mysteries of Nature and Art. 1634. 4. (37126) The mysteries of Nature and Art, in four several! parts. The first of water-works. The second of fier - works. The third of drawing, colouring, etc. The fourth of experiments. [New ed.j London, 1654. 4. 230 pp. 2 pi. 37127) Bate, John. Medallic Engravinpr. [Letters Patent No. 6254, A.D. 1832.] Ex : "Journal of the Belles Lettres." 1837. pp. 89-95. 1 pi. 4. (37741) Bate, Percy. . English Table Glass. London, [1905]. 8. 144pp. 67 pi. (31315) Bate, Robert Brettell. Tables for B's patent Paccbarometer, with directions for their use in ascertaining the values of wort or wash and low Wines. London, [1823]. 8. 10pp. 17 tables. (34682) Bateman, Ernest. The analysis and grading of Creosotes. By A. L. Dean and E. B. 1908. 44 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Foi-estry. Bulletin 112. J29Fo: Bateman, John Frederick La Trobe. See GLASGOW, Corporation of, etc. Minutes of Joint Committee ... on ... the sewer- age of Glasgow . . . with Report by Messrs. Bateman, etc. 1868. fol. (37908) Sates, Frank H. Technical Gas analysis. Philadelphia, 1901. sm. 8 (Industrial Gas Series.) 104pp. (28388) Bates, Lindon \V. See SociiTE COCKERILL. Hydraulic Dredger (Bate's system). 1900. fol. (26784) i Leg Dragues de grande puissance et leurs rap- ports avec la Navigation et la Navigation d'inte'rieur. 1898. 36 pp. 8 pi. See CONGR&S INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 3. Question 4. 8. F 43: 888. La Navigation Internationale et ses interests dans les ports et les Canaux du monde et les moyens pour leur amelioration. 1900. 46 pp. 12 pi. Ibid. 8e Congres. Question 3. [19.] F 43 : 88. Bates, W. T. Practical hints on Flour. London, 1899. sm. 8. 68 pp. (28914) Bath and West of England Society. See BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, etc. Report on . . . investigations into Cider-making carried out on behalf of the Bath, etc. Society, 1893-1902, byF. J.Lloyd. 1903. 8. (30967) Catalogue of Books belonging to the . . . Society . . . deposited in the library of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Inst. By C. P. Russell. London, 1864. 8. 46 pp. (1746) Letters and papers on Agriculture, Planting, etc. Originally published in nine volumes, abridged in two. Bath, 1802. 2 vols. in one. 8. J 5 ; 778 i. Bath Stone Firms, /.'/. " Fluate." A process for hardening and pre- serving calcareous Building Stones and Marbles. [Faure & Kessler's Letters Patent, No. 4954, of 1883.] Bath, 1891. sm. 4. 98 pp. (36645) 31222 19 [BAUD Bathurat, Fred. - Electric Wiring practice. (Reprint.) London, 1898. 8. 16pp. (25931) - The Prevention of Fires due to leakages of Electricity. (Reprint.) [London, 1897.] 8. 12 pp. (25933) Batissier, Louis. - Histoire de 1'Art Monumental dans 1'antiquite et au moyen age, suivi d'un trail ' de la Peinture snr Verre. 2e e"d. Paris, 1860. 8. 724 pp. (33981) Battle, Albert Ernest. - See NOAKES, H. W. Self instruction to the rule of the road at Sea. Battle's patent nautical indicator. [1906.] 8. (33842) - Fluid Waves. 1906. See INST. OF MARINE ENGINEERS : Trans. Vol. 17. pp. 220-234. 2 pi. F 81 : 886. Banch, R. - See ELEKTROTECHNISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Hrsg.R.B. 1906. D 51/883. Baud, Victor, M.D. - La Zeide, nouvelle substance alimentaire extraita du Mais (Zea mai's), ses influences sur la saute et sur la maladie. Paris, 1865. 8. 46 pp. (34287) Baude, E. - Percement de 1'Isthme de Suez. 1868. Set PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Claase 05. pp. 227-237. 8. (13828) - Routes et Fonts, Navigation inteiieure, Fomla- tions, etc. 1868. Ibid. Classe 65. pp. 140-214. 8. (13828) - Terres cuites et poteries. 1868. Ibid. Classe 65. pp. 95-99. 8. (13828) Baudot, Louis. - Filtration des Eaux Alimentaires. gable non submerge 1 . Paris, 1908. 8 (37172) Baudot, Jean Maurice Emile. - See POULAINE, ., and FAIVRE, . Tele% graphic. Conrs d'appareils Baudot . . . 1902. 8. (28729) - The Baudot printing telegraph system. 1907. 32 pp. 29 pi. See INSTITUTION OF P.O. ELECT. ENGINEERS. [Prof, papers, 6.] D 50 : 906. Baudoiiln, A., Lieut.-Col. La Plnie artiticielle. Pr^d^e de considerations sur la nature et 1'origine de la chaleur, la lumidre, et 1'electricite. Paris, 1900. 8. 30 pp. (27328) Baudrimont, Alexandre Udouard. Notice sur le Cbaulage et le Pralinage des Filtres a . 46 pp. Cereates. Bordeaux, 1856. 8. 28 pp. (34288) De le preparation et de 1'amilioration des Fniniers et des Engrais de Ferme en ge"ni$ral. Bordeaux, 1866. sm. 8. 168 pp. (3J493) Du Sucre et de son fabrication. Suivi d'un precis de legislation par A. Trebnchet. [ From the " Dictionnaire de 1'indnstrie manufactnriere, etc."] Paris, 1841. 8. 136 pp. (29291) Baudry de Saunter, L. , See LOCOMOTION, (La). Ed. L. B. de S. 1903- 06. 4. E 73 : 903. Ed. L. B. de S. 1908, etc. 4. See OMNIA. E 73 : 908. L'Allumage Paris, [1905J. dans les Moteura ;i 8. 524 pp. (32136) explosions. BAUD] [BATJM Baudry tic Saunter, L. cont. L' Automobile, etc. i. Motocycles et Voiturettes a pe'trole. ii. Voitures a pe'trole. Neuilly-Levallos, 1899-1900. 2 vols. 8. (26075) Manuel pratique de li Bicyclette. . . . Bicyclettes a pe'trole. Paris, [190?]. sm. 8. 298 pp. (29045) Les Motocyclettes. Par B. de 8. en collabora- tion avec A. Gatoux. Paris, [1904]. sm. 8. 260 pp. (31488) Bauer, Alexander. Humphry Davy (1778-1829). 1903. See VER. ZUR VERBREITUNO NATURW. KENNTNISSE. Schrif- ten. Band 44. pp. 155-209. B 19 : 860. Organic bases. 1872. See SMITHSONIAN IN- STITUTION. Keport. 1872. pp. 196-202. B13S: 847. Saner, Anton. Die feuerlose Damptmaschine mit Honigmann' schem Natronkesael. Aus der " Oesterr. Z. f. Berg- und Hiittenwesen." Jahrg. 33. Wien, 1885. 4. 34 pp. (33008) Bauer, Ernst. Die Uafallgefahren und ihre Beseitigung bei Meng-, Knet- und Mischmaschinen in der Nahrungs- mittel- Industrie. 1904. 52pp. See VEREIN DEUT. REVISIONS - INQENIEDRE. Sohriften 9. H 24 : 899. Bauer, Gustav. Berechnnng und Konstruktion der Schiffamas- chinen-und-Kessel. Miinchen, 1902. sm. 8. 680pp. 11 pi. (29102) The Miinchen, 1904. 8 same. 2 to Aufl. 744 pp. 17 pi. (31228) Marine engines and boilers, their design and construction. From the 2nd German ed. by E. M. and S. B. Donkin. Ed. L. S. Robertson, London, 1905. 8. 772pp. 16 pi. (31316) Uber moderne Turbinenanlagen fur Kriegsschiffe. 1909. See SCHIFFBAUTECUNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 10. pp. 301-351. 2 pi. F 81 : 900. Untersuchungen itber die periodischen Schwan- knneen in der Umdrehungsgeschwindipkeit der Wellen von Sebiffsmaschinen. Ibid. Jahrbuch. Jahrg. 1. pp. 311-352. F 81 : 900. Bauer, Hans. . See BRADE, L. Illustriertes Bucbbinderbuch. 4te Aufl. von H. B. 1902, etc. 8. (28639) Bauer, Heinz. . Telegraphie ohne Draht, Rontgenstrahlen, Teslalicht. Berlin, 1903. sm. 8. 234 pp. (30198) Bauer, Hugo. A History of Chemistry. Trsl. R. V. Stanford. London, 1907. sm. 8. 240 pp. (35756) Bauer, Louis Agricola. Report upon Magnetic work in Maryland, in- cluding the history and objects of Magnetic Surveys. See MARYLAND (State) GEOL. SURVEY. Report. Vol. 1. Part 5. pp. 405-529. 3 pi. 1897. 8. G30M: Bauer, M. H., Engineer. Graphische Methoden zur Bestimmung von statischen Gleichaewichtslagen des Schifies im glatten Wasser. 1901. SCCSCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 2. pp. 181-210. F 81 : 900. Bauer, M. H., Engineer cont. DasMotorboot und seine Behandlunpr. (Kuster's Autotechnische Bibliothek.) Leipzig, [ 1906]. sm. 8. 208 pp. 4 pi. (33943) Schnellaufende Motorboote. 1908. See SCHIFF- BAUTECHN. GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 9. pp. 211-247. F 81: 900. Bauer, Max Hermann, Ph.D. Edelsteinkunde. Leipzig, 1896. 8. 928 pp. 20 pi. (12441) Precious Stones. A popular account of their characters, occurrence and applications. With appendix on Pearls and Coral. From the German, with additions, bv L. J. Spencer. London, 1904. 8. 644pp. 20 pi. (37528) Lehrbuch der Miaeralogie. Berlin, 1886. 8. 574 pp. (11181) The same. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1904. 8. 936pp. (30702) Bauer, Steoban. Gesundheits - gefahrliche Industrien insbesondere . . . der Zundholzchenindustrie und . . . der Erzengung und Verwendung von Bleifarben. Jena, 1903. 8. 528 pp. (30635) Sauerman, Hilary. A treatise on the metallurgy of Iron. London, 1868. 8. 408pp. (13322) The same. 5th ed. (Weales Series.) London, 1882. 12. 528 pp. (37276) The same. 6th ed. (Ibid.) London, 1890. 12. 534pp. (22175) Baukunde. B.iukundo des Architekten. Unter Mitwirkung von Fachmannern der verschieienen Einzelgebiete, bearbeitet von den Herausgebern der Deutschen Bauzeitung und des Deutschen Baukalenders. Band 1. Theil 2. Band 2. Berlin, 1884-91. 2 vols. 8. (23878) The same. W 3te Aufl. Bandl. Theil 1. Berlin, 1893. 8. (23878) The same. 4te Anfl. Band 1. Theil 1-2. Berlin, 1895-96. 2 vols. 8. (11817) Baulard, Louis. See MOUVEMENT INDUSTRIEL, etc. Ed. L. B. 1906, etc. 4. C 43: 906. Baum, Frank Geo. The Alternating Current Transformer. New York, 1903. sm. 8. 202 pp. (30391) Baum, Georg. Die neueste Entwicklung der Wasserhaltung. Versuche mit verschiedenen Pumoensystemen Bericht der Versuchskommission. [Ex : " Gluck- auf." 1904. No. 34-38, 49, 51-52.] Berlin, 1905. 4. 116pp. 9 pi. (32078) Die Verwertung des Koksofengases, insbesondere seine Verwendung zum Gasmotorenbetnebe. [Ibid. Jahrg. 1904. No. 16-21.] Berlin, 1904. 128 pp. 5 pi. (31084) and Hoffmann, . Versuche an Wasserhaltungen. 1905. 86 pp. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a.d.G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 23. E 13/857b. Baum, Georg. See LEBBIN, G., and BAUM, G. Deutsches Nahrungsmittelrecht. 1907, etc. 2 vols. am. 8". (37269) 50 BAUM] [BAXT Baumann, Franz. Richtapparut fiir Artilleriekommandanten. Wien, 1905. 12 J . 38 pp. 2 pi. (32079) Baumann, Gottlieb. Bsrechnungen iiber daa Gewindeschneiden nach alien verkommenden Massen und Drehbank-Kon- struktionen. 7te Anfl. vonF. Autenheimer. Aarau, 1895. 1C . 152pp. (11714) Baumann, J. See SCHWACHSTROMTECHNIK (DIR) IN ElNZEL- DARSTELLUNOEN. Hfso. J. B. 1904, etc. 8. D 51: 004. See ZEITSCHRIKT FOR SCHWACUSTROMTECHNIK. Hrse.,J.B. 1907, etc. 8. D 51: 907. Der Schwachstrom-Monteur. 1908. 264 pp. See SCHWACHSTROMTECHNIK IN EIXZELDARSTEL- LUNGEN. Band 5. D 51 : 904. Der wahlweise Anruf in Telegraphen- und Tele- phonleitungen and die Eutwickluns; des Fern- sprechwesens. 1904. 104 pp. Ibid. Band 1. 8. D 51 : 904. Baumann, R. Die Festipkeitseigensehaften der Metalle in W;irrae und Kalte. Stuttgart, 1907. 8. 72 pp. (35093) Baumaterialienkundo. Internationale Rnnd- schau etc. Jahrg 12. Freiburg (Baden), 1907. 4. F 73: 907. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Editor: H. Giessler. Baumg, Antoine. Manuel de Cbymie, on exposS des operations da la Cbymie et de lears produits. 2e <-\. Paris, 1765. sm. 8. 520pp. (37673) Mtmoire sur les Argilles, ou recherches . . . chymiques et physiques sur la nature des terres les plus propres a agriculture, et sur les moyens de fertiliser celles qui sont steriles. Paris, 1770. sm. 8. 106 pp. (33871) Me'moire sur les Marrons d'Inde. Paris. 1787. 8. 96pp. (36965) Baume, Robert, M.D. Lehrbuch der Zahnhcilkunde. Leipzig, 1877. 8 3 . 626pp. (32581) Baumeiater, Reinbardt. The Cleaning and Sewerage of Cities. From the German by J. M. Goodell. 2nd ed. New York, [1895]. 8. 298pp. (26426) Die Kunstformen des Briickenbaues. 1880. See HEUSINGER VON WALDEQO, E. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften. Band 2. Abt. 1. pp. 340- 421. 3 pi. 8. (15500) The same. 1886. Ibid. 2te Anfl. Band 2. Abt. 1. pp. 475-560. 3 pi. 8. (22393) The fame. 1899. See HANDBUCH. Handbuch der Icgenieurwissenschaften. 3te Aufl. Band 2. pp. 475-560. 3 pi. 8 a . (27558) Baumsrartner, Friedr. Gotthelf. See MAGAZIN ALLER NEUEN F/RFINDUNGEN. etc. Hrsg. C. L. Seebass und F. G. B. 1803. 4. C 45 : 802. Baumgrarten, Paul von, See JAHKE-BKRICHT (JBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE IN DER LEHRE VON DEN PATHOGENEN MICROOR- GANISMEN. etc. Hrsg. P. von B., etc. 1896, etc. II 1 : 896. 34=22 bl Baumg-arten, T. G. von. - See GOTTGETREU, R. Die Hansschwamm- Fras-e der Gegenwart . . . nnter Banutzung der in Russischer Sprache hrsg. Arbeiten von T. G. von B. 1891. 8. (29643) Baumg-artner, F., and Graf, L. -- Handbucb Hes Miihlenbaues und der Miillerei. Leipzig, 1900-04. 3 vols. 8. (28557) Baumhauer, Eduard Heinrich von. - Appareils Densimdtriques. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867 : R-ipports du Jury International. Classe 12. pp. 501-520. 8. (13828) A universal Meteorograph ; designed for detached observatories. From the French by C. B. Young. 1874. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : Report. 1879. pp. 519-534. B 13 S : 847. Baumhauer, Heinrich Adolf. - Die neuere Entwickelung der Kristallographie. (" Die Witsenschaft," Heft 7.) Brauntchweig. 1905. 8. 192 pp. (36525) Baur, C. - ; D.as_elektiiscbe Kabel. Eino Darstellung der Grundlagen fiir Fabrikation, Verlegung und Betrieb. Berlin, 1903. 8. 340 pp. 1 pi. (30199) Baur. Brail. Von den Hydraten in wiisseriger Liisung. 1903. SeeSAMMLUNOCHEM.-UNDCHEM.-TECHN.VoRTRlGE. Band 8. pp. 466-488. K 1 : 896 a. Kurzer Abriss der Spektroskopie nnd Kolori- metrie. 1907. 130 pp. See BREDIG, G. Handbuch der angewandten physikalischen Chemie. Band 5. 8. (32426) Baurmolster, Th. - Ueber electrische Widerstandsmaasse. [Pro- gramm des Gymnatiums zu Gliickttadt, 1872.1 Gliickstadt, 1872. 4. 16 pp. (29380) Bausching-er, Jobann. - Acuerdos tornados en las Conferencias de Munich, Dresde, Berlin y Viena, para la unificacion de los metodos de ensayo de los materiales de con- struccion, etc. Trad. M. Cano y de Lion. 1894. 76 pp. See MEMORIAL DE INOENIEROS. 4a Ipoca. Tomo 11. F 96: 846. BauschHchor. August. - Die Kugellagerungen, ihre Konstruktion und ihre Anwendung fur den Motorwagen- und Mas- chinenbau. (AutomobiltechnischeBibliothek. Band 4.) Berlin, 1908. 8. 230 pp. (36833) Bausset-Boquefort, de, Marquis. Notice historique sur 1'invention de la Navigation r la vapeur. [Ex: "Mem. de la Soc. litteraire e Lyon. Ann^e 1863-64. pp. 252-288.] 8". (34846) Bautte, A., Chef. Modern French and English Cookery. London, 1901. 8. 636pp. 22 pi. (30455) Bawden, Peter. - Report on new machinery and processes em- ployed in the manufacture of Pottery. See LONDON INTERN. EXHIBITION, 1871. O racial Reports. Vol.1. Pt. 6. pp. 41-52. (15691) Baxter, Geo., Engraver and Colour Printer. (Li/'-) See BULLOCK, C. F. Life of G. Baxter . . . 1901. am. 4. (29239) o2 par de BAXT] [BEAL Baxter, Geo., Engraver and Colour Printer cont. See LEWIS, C. T. C. G. Baxter (colour printer), his life and work. 1908. 8. (36488) See WOODCROPT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Baxter, John, Printer, of Lewes. See SISTER. The sister arts . . . paper- making, etc. [By J. B.] 1809. sm. 8. (35426) Baxter, Wm.,junr. Commutator construction. New York, 1908. 8. 24 pp. (36499) Hydraulic Elevators. Chicago, 1905. 8. 150 pp. (32550) i Switchboards. For power, light, and railway service, etc. New York, 1906. sm. 8. 192 pp. (34007) Bayard, Henri. See COLSON, R. Me'moires originaux des crfjateurs de la Photographie. Nice'phore Niepce, Daguerre, Bayard, etc. 1898. 8. (25463) Baycn, Pierre, and Charlard, L. M. Recherches chimiques sur 1'Etain . . . ou r^ponse a cette question. Peut-on sans aucun danger employer les vaisseaux d'etain dans 1'usage e"conomique? Paris, 1781. 8. 294 pp. (36731) Bayer, R. See ROSENTHAL, H., and others. Neuere Schiffs- maschinen. [1907.] 8 and 4 atlas. (35790) Bayerische Museum, Niirnberg. See NUREM- BERG : Bayerische Museum. Baylay, Fred. Geo., Lieut.-Col., R.A. The effect of Projectiles on Masonry and Earth- works ... at Dungeness and Lydd, 1880-84. 1884. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Prof. Papers. Vol. 10. pp. 17-105. 10 pi. F 90 : 844 Modern types of Guns. 1883. Ibid. Vol. 9. pp. 167-196. 6 pi. 8. F 90 : 844. Bayle, D. C., Embalmer. L'Embaumement dans les temps anciens et modernes, etc. Paris, 1873. 12. 154 pp. (36253) Bayle, Pierre. Dictionnaire historiqne et critique. Suppl^- ment pour les Editions de 1702 et 1715. Geneve, 1772. fol. 458 pp. (28056) Bayley, R. Child. The complete Photourapher. London, [1906]. 8. 426pp. 65 pi. (33129) Modern Magic Lanterns. London, [1896]. sm. 8. 108 pp. (25741) i Photography in Colours. London, 1900. sm. 8. 74 pp. (26829) Saylis, Benjamin. OQ Puddling. By a Practical Puddler. London, 1866. sm. 8. 62 pp. 1 pi. (30033) Bayliss, William Maddock. The nature of Enzyme action. (Monographs on Biochemistry.) London, 1908. 8. 100 pp. (37938) Bayne, John. See LANCASTER (County Palatine of) County Council Education Committee : Agricultural Dept. Reports. 1903, etc. 8. J 5 : 903. Baynes, Robert Edward. See MEYER, O. E. The kinetic theory of Gases. . From the 2nd German ed. by R. E. B. 1899. 8. (26845) Baynton, Thos., Surgeon. Descriptive account of a now method of treating old Ulcers of the legs. 2nd ed. Bristol, 1799. 8. 152 pp. (35871) Bazaine, Pierre Dominique. M^moire sur la construction des nouveaux planchers destines a rendre les bailments incombus- tibles. 32pp. 13 pi. See ECK, C. L. G. Applica- tion g<$ae"ral du fer, etc. Vol. 2. fol. (37691) M6moire sur la theorie du mouvement des Barques a Vapeur, etc. St. Petersbourg, 1817. 4. 82pp. 3 pi. (36783) Bazalsrette, Sir Joseph Wm., C.E. See GLASGOW, Corporation of. Minutes of Joint Committee ... on ... the sewerage of Glasgow . . . with Report by Messrs. Bateman and Bazalgette. 1868. fol. (37908) See METROPOLITAN COMM. OP SEWERS. Com- munications ... in reference to the composition of Lambeth stoneware, and Aylesford pottery pipes ; and a report by Mr. B. on tneir compirative efficiency for sewerage purposes. 1855. 8. (32833) Bazln, Ernest. See also ERNEST-BAZIN, Roller ship. Navire rouleur liaziu. Extraits divers de journaux. [1894-97. Paris, 1897?] 8. 72 pp. 4 pi. (34735) Bazln, Henri Emile. Etude d'une nouvelle formule pour calculer le de'bit des Canaux de'couverts. Extrait de* " Annales des Fonts et Chausse'es." 4e Trimestre, 1897. Paris, 1898. 8. 56 pp. 1 pi. (25371) Expediences nouvelles sur I'ecoulement en de>ersoir exe'cute'es a Dijon de 1886 a 1895. Ibid. 1888-98. Paris, 1898. 8. 206 pp. (26102) Beach, E. H. _ Tools of Business. An encyclopaedia of office equipment and labor saving devices. Detroit, 1905. 8. 212 pp. (34665) Beach, Fred. Converse. Ttia Encyclopedia Americana. New York, [1903-]1904. 16vols. 8. (30027) Beadle, Alec Alfred. Electro - Metallurgical problems. From the "Electrical World." [London, 1902-03.] 8. 28 pp. (29523) Beadle, Clayton. See CROSS, C. F., and others. C. B. S. Units and Standard paper tests. 1903. 4. (12542) See THAMES BARRAGE COMMITTEE. The Port of London and the Thames barrage . . . Reports, etc., by T. W. Birber, and others. 1907. 4. (34969) Chapters on Papermaking. London, [1904-] 1908. 5vols. Rm. 8. (30844) Viscose and Viscoid. 1896. 12pp. See FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Reprints. [Vol. 2.] B 62 : 886. Beadon, Geo., Comm., R.N. Ten minutes reading of plain observations upon Canals and Navigable Rivers . . . and upon the question of the National defence of Great Britain. [With remarks on a better method of propelling our war steamers.] [Letters Patent, No. 10,789 of 1845.] London, 1848. 8. 38 pp. 2 pi. (33497) Seal, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles. Birds that injure Grain. 1897. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Year-book, 1897. pp. 345-351. J 29 : 849b. 52 BEAL] Seal, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles cant. The Crow Blackbirds and their food. 1894. Ibid. Year-book, 1894. pp. 232-248. J29 : 8491b. The Meadow Lark and Baltimore Oriole. 1895. Ibid. Year-book, 1895. pp. 419-430. J 29 : 849b. The relation of Birds to Fruit growing in California. 1904. Ibid. Year-book, 1904. pp. 241- 254. J29:849b. Seal, \V. H. Barnyard Manure. 1894. 32 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 21. J 29 Fa : The same. [Revised.] 1904. 32 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 192. J 29 Fa : Some practical results of Experiment Station work. 1902. Ibid. Year-book, 1902. pp. 589-606. J 29 : 849b. Seale, E. J. English Tobacco culture : being a description of the first English and Irish Tobacco crops of 1886. London, 1887. sm. 8. 130 pp. 1 pi. (25862) Beale, John. See BRADLEY, R. New improvements of Plant- ing, etc. Added : Herefordshire orchards, by J. B. [.., John Beale]. 7th ed. 1739. 8. (31738) Scale, Lionel Smith, F.R.S. Disease Germa ; their supposed nature. London, 1870. sm.8. 96pp. 4 pi. (26093) How to work with the Microscope. London, 1857. sm. 8. 136pp. (37829) Microscopical Researches on the Cattle plague. See PARLIAMENT. Cattle plague Commission. 3rd Report. Appendix, pp. 129-154. 5 pi. 1866. fol. (25575) Protoplasm : Physical life and law ; or nature viewed from without. 4th ed. London, 1892. sm. 8. 302 pp. (28109) Seale, Thos. Wm. See ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. The Oriental Biographical Dictionary. By the late T. W. B. 1881. 4. (31835) Seall, Geo. Handbook to B's Compass Deviascope. London, 1886. 8. 48 pp. 2 pi. (36577) Seals, Edward A. Rainfall and Irrigation. 1902. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book, 1902. pp. 627-642. J 29 : 849b. Bean, Percy, and Scarisbrick, F. The Chemistry and practice of Sizing. Man- chester, 1906. 8. 614 pp. 9 pi. (34479) Beard, J. T. Mine Gases and Explosions. New York, 1908. 8. 420pp. (37114) Beardsley. R. C. Design and construction of Hydroelectric Plants, including a special treatment of the design of Dams. New York, 1907. 8. 520 pp. (34979) Boasley , Henry. The Pharmaceutical Formulary. A synopsis of the British, French, German, and United States Pharmacopoeias, etc. Being the 12th ed. of Beas- ley's ' Pocket Formulary." Ed. J. O. Braithwaite. London, 1899. 16. 470 pp. (26062) [BEAU * : Beatae, Georges. L'industrie de la Ganterie. (Provinces de Brabint efc de Flandre orientals.) 1900. 154 pp. See BELGIUM : Ministere de I'Induitrie, etc. Office du Travail. Les industries i\ domicile en Balgique. Tome 3. 8. (35445) L'industrie du Menble :\ Malines. 1907. 54 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Vol. 8. 8. (35445) Seattle, Joseph Hamilton. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Seattle, W. R. Celery culture. 1902. 32 pp. U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 148. J 29 Fa : Celery. 1907. 36 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 282. J29Fa: Okra : its culture and uses. 1905. 16 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 232. J 29 Fa : The Repair of Farm equipment. 1909. 32 pp. Ibid. Farmer's Bulletin 347. J 29 Fa : Sweet potatoes. 1908. 40pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 324. J 29 Fa : Bcaufumc. E. Chauffage par le gaz. Systeme E. B. [Rap- port 1-2 par Grouvelle.] Pan*. 1857. 4. 40pp. 2 pi. (33545) Bcaulard, Fernand. La De'sharee Electrique dans les gaz rare'fie's. (Riyous de Cathode et Rayons de Rontgen.) (Ex: " Annales de 1' University de Grenoble. Tome 10.) Grenoble, 1898. 8. 384 pp. (26466) Beaulleu, Baron Treuille de. See TREUILLE DB BEAULIEU, Baron. Beaume, M. La. Sec LA BEAUME, M. Beaumont, Fred., f .'///.-., /,'./:. 1 Report on apparatus and processes used in Paper making. Dyeing, and Printing, 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867 : British Comm. Reports. Vol. 4. pp. 425-464. 1 pi. 8. (13626) Report on Machines, Instruments, and Processes used in various works. Ibid. Vol. 4. pp. 465-486. 1868. 8. (13626) Beaumont, John. See CLOTIIWORKERS' COMPANY. Report . . . on the Weavinsr . . . Schools of the Continent, etc. By W. S. B. McLaren and J. B. 1877. sm. 8. (34114) Beaumont, Roberts. See YORKSHIRE COLLEGE TEXTILE SOCIETY. Journal. Ed. R. B. 1888-90. 8. E 80 : 888. Beaumont, S. Le D^coupage en c6d6a et specimens. 4. 104 pp. (35397) Beaumont, Wm. Worby. See BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, etc. Oil engines for agricultural purposes. [By W. W. B.I 1904. 8. (30841) Electric Boats and Motor-cars. From " Modern Electric Practice." Vol.4, pp. 263-286. [London, 1904.] 8. (30843) Mechanical Road Vehicles. (Cantor Lecturei.) London, 1904. 8. 52pp. (30842) The same. Another copy. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 7.] B 51 : 872. Typographic . . . Pro- [Mantei-la-Jolie, 1894-95.] 53 BEAU] [BECK Beaumont, Wm. Worby cont. Motor Cars. Ex : " Cleveland last, of Engineers. Proc." Sess. 1896-97. pp. 220-278. 8. (15415) Motor Vehicles and Motors : their design, con- . struction and working by steam, oil, and electricity. London, 1900-06. 2 vols. 8. (27247) Motor Vehicles for Roads. [Manchester Assoc. of Engineers, 1897.] 8. [37pp.] (11397) Petrol Motor-Omnibuses. [Ex : " Proc. Inst. Mech. E." March -April, 1907. pp. 398-492. 10 pi. 8. (35162) A practical treatise on the Steam Engine Indi- cator and Indicator diagrams. 2nded. ("Electrician" Series.) London, [1906J. 8. 262 pp. (37855) For 1st ed., see AMICE, pseud. (21489) Beaursg-ard, F. A. Testud de. See TESTUD DE BEAUREGARD, P .A. Beauvais, A. De 1'emploi industriel de 1'AIcool. Paris, 1901 , 8. 18 pp. (36732) Beauvais, Arsene. Memoire descriptif d'un systeme d'Avertisseurs Automatiques ayant pour but de preVenir lea Collisions entre deux trains. Pithiviers, 1881. 8. 40 pp. 5 pi. (33264) Beauvais, Vincent de. See FERGUSON, J. Account of a copy of the first edition of the " Speculum majug " of V. de B. 1473. 1885. 4. (31716) Beauverle, J., D.Sc. Le Bois. (Encydopedie industrielle.) Paris, 1905. 8. 1414pp. (31489) Seavan, Arthur H. Tube, Train, Tram, and Car ; or, up-to-date Locomotion. London, 1903. 8. 310 pp. 1 pi. (31470) Beazeley, Alex. The reclamation of Land from Tidal Waters. London, 1900. 8. 326 pp. (27011) Beazley, Samuel. On the rise and progress of Gothic Architecture. 1806. See LONDON ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY. Essays, pp. 21-96. 8. (36117) Bebber, Wilhelm Jakob van. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. Stuttgart, 1890. 8. 404 pp. 5 pi. (11689) Die Wettervorhersage. Im Auftrage der. ... dentschen Seewarte. Stuttgart, 1891. 8 184 pp. (11744) Eecard, A. r Pouts. Fonts me'talliques Fonts en Mafon- nerie Fonts suspendns. 1898. See Soc. DBS INOENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire, 1848-98. pp. 41-64. 8. (25483) Bech. Marcel. Th^orie moleculaire du Recepteur Bell. Paris, [1897]. sm. 8. 40pp. (16367) Bechamp, Antoine. Sur la Constitution histologique et la composi- tion chimique comparees des Laits de Vache, de Chevre, d'Anesse et .de Femme. [188?]. See SOCIETE CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. Conferences. 1889- 92. pp. 251-313. K858b. Lecons sur la Fermentation Vineuse et snr la fabrication du Vin. [Ex : " Messager Agricole."] Montpellier, 1863. 8. 84 pp. (35911) Bechamp, P. J. A. De 1'Action Chimique de la Lumiere. (These.) Strasbourg, 1853. 8. 52 pp. (34723) Eecherches sur la Pyroxyline. (Thhe.) Stras- bourg, 1853. 8. 32 pp. 1 pi. (34724) Secher, Johann Joachim. Experimentum novum ac curioaum de minera arenaria perpetua . . . Loco supplement! tertii in Physicam suam subterranean). [Specimen Beccherianum, sistens fundamenta, documenta, experimenta, quibus principia mixtionis subter- raneea . . . demonstrantur. Ex autoris serip- tis . . . exhihet G. E. Stah!.] Lipsios, 1703-. 2 vols. in one. 8. (32582) Forms part of his " Phyaica subterranea." pp. 835- 1044 + 328. Kluger Haus-Vater und woblerfahrner Land- Medicus. Leipzig, 1685. 3 pts. 12. (37452) Bechhold, Jacob Heinrich, Ph.D. See UMSCHAU (Die). Hrsg. J. H. B. 1897-1906. C 5 : 897. Bechmann, G. Salubrit^ Urbaine. Distributions d'eau et assainissement. 2e eel. (Encyclopedie des Travaux publics.) Paris, 1898-99. 2 vols. 8. (25372) Beck, Carl Felix. Wie schiitzt sich der Landwirt am sichersten vor. Frostschaden ? Leipzig, 1895. sm. 8. 52 pp. (26374) Beck, Carl Richard. Lehre von den Erzlagerstatten. Berlin, 1901. 8. 742 pp. (27574) The same. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1903. 8. 752 pp 1 pi. (30200) The nature of Ore Deposits. Trsl., etc. W. H Weed. New York, 1905. 1 vol. in two. 8 3 . VOO pp. 1 map. (31939) Beck, Conrad. The theory of the Microscope. 1907. 60 pp. See SOCIETY OP ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 8.] B 51 : 872. and Andrews, H. Photographic Leases. 3rd ed. London, [1903]. sm. 8. 320pp. 46 pi. (30273) Beck, Otto, Edler von Nordenau, and Juda, A. Der Bau der Eisenbahn-Brucke iiber die Save bei Brood. 1878-79. 90 pp. See MITTH. UBEE GEGENSTANDE DES ARTILLERIE- UND GENIE- WESENS. Jahrg. 11. F 93 : 870. Beck, Richard. See BECK, Carl Richard. Beck, Tbeodor. - Beitrage zur Geschichte des Maschinenbaues. 2te Ann. Berlin, 1900. 8. 582 pp. (26804) Beck, Wilhelm. > Die Elektrizitafc und ihre Technik. Nebst einem Anhange : Das Wesen der Elektrizitat und des Magnetismus. Von I. G. Vogt. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1897. 2 vols. in one. 8. (27329) The same. 7te Aufl. Leipzig, 1906. 1 vol. in three. 8. 1768 pp. 34 pi. and 3 working models. (32702) Beck-Mannagretta, Paul, Hitter von. Das neue Osterreichische Patentrecht. Wien, 1897. sm. 8. 330pp. (25511) 54 BECK] [BECQ Becker, Ernst. Stromung5vorgange in ringformigen Spalten u nd ihre Beziehuni^en zum Poiseuillesoben Gesetz. 1907. See VER. DEDT. INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 48. pp. 1-42. E 13 : 857b. Becker, Ernst Emil Hugo. Thenne der Mikrometer und der mikro- raetrischen Messungen am Hinimel. Aus dem " Handworterbuch der Astronomie," hrcg. von W. Valentiner. Breslau, 1899. 8. 194 pp. (25633) Becker, Felix. See THIEME, TJ., and BECKER, F. Allge-neines Lexikon dcr bildenden Kunstler. 1907, etc. 8. (36347) Becker, Geo. Ferdinand. . Experiments on Schistositv and Slaty Cleavage. 1904. 34 pp. 7 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 241. G 30 : 883. Becker. H. Die Elektrometallurgie der Alkalimetalle. 1903. 144 pp. See MONOGRAPHIEN OBER ANGEWANDTE ELEKTROCHEMIE. Bind 9. D 58 : 902. Becker, Wilhelm. Kanalisierung der Fliisse. 1906. See HAND- BDCH. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenscbaf ten. 4te Aufl. Theil 3. Bind 5. pp. 231-296. 3 pi. 8. (31253) Beckert, Theodor. See BERICHT &BER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER EISENHOTTEN-TECUNIK. Hrsg. T. B. 1889-98. G 80 : 858a. . Die Darstellung des Eisens. [1896.] See VEREIJJ DEUTSCHER EISENHOTTENLEUTE IN Dfjs- SELDORF. Gemeiufassliche Darstelluue des Eisen- Imttonwesens. 3te Ann. pp. 1-64. 8. (26548) Leitfaden zur Eisenbiittenkuodo. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1898-1900. 2 vols. 8. (26103) Heft i. Feuerungsknnde. ii, Hilttenkunde. (In preparation,) iii. Metallurgische Technologic. Bcckmann, Ernst, i Das Laboratorium fiir angewandte Chemie der Universitat Leipzig in seiner neuen Gestaltung. Leipzig, 1908. 8. 84 pp. 3 pi. (36822) Beckmann, Jobann. Beytraje zur Gescbiohte der Erfindungen. Leipzig, 1786-1805. [1783-1805.] 5 vols. sm. 8. (27384) Band 1, Stuck 1-3, Zu-ote Ausyabe. Bcckmann, Johann Gottlieb. [i.] Gegriindete Ver&uche und Erfahrur\j>en von der zu unsern Zeiten hochst nothigen Holzsaat. Zweyie Auflage. [ii. Anweisung zu einer pfleglichen Forstwinbschafc. iii. Beytriige zur Verbesserung der Forstwissonschaf t.] Chemnitz, 1758-63. 3 vols. b. (37453) Beckurts, H. See PHARMACEUTISCHE MONATSBL/ITTER. Hrsg. E. Schmidt und H. B. 1890, etc. K 21 : 822. Beckwlth, Arthur, C.E. Report on Asphalt and Bitumen ns applied to the construction of streets and sidewalks m Paris. 1868. 31 pp. 4 pi. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867 : U.S. Comm. Report). Vol. 4. 1870. 8. (33124) Beckwlth, Leonard F. Report on BiSton-Coigaet, its fabrication and uses. 1868. 21 pp. 2 pi. Sec PARIS UNIV. EX- HIBITION, 1867 : ff.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 4. 1870. 8. (33124) Beckwlth, T. D. The effect of Copper upon Water Bacteria. By K. F. Kelierman and T. D. B. 1906. 20 pp. See U.S DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 100. Part 7. J 29 PI : Becquerel, Alexandre EJmond. ,See BECQUEREL, A. C., and A. E. Traite d'KIeclricite et de Magnetisms. 1855-56. 3 vols. 8. (28592) Applications de 1'Electricite a la Telegraphic. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. CUsae 64. Sect. 1. pp. 5-28. 8. (13828) Applications de I'.^lectricite' consideree au point de vue dynamique. 1868. Ibid. Classe 64. Sect. 3. pp. 37-42. 8. (13828) Effets Lumineux qui re'sultent de 1'action de la Lumiere sur les corps. See SOCIETY CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. Lecons de Chimie. 1861. pp. 173-217. K : 858 C. Les experiences de M. E. B. gur les actions chimiques de la Lumiere, etc. Par [A.] H. Bec- querel. 1892. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. SSr. 2. Tome 4. pp. 481- 494. B 76 : C. SurlesPbe'nome'nesKleetro-capillairesde'couverts par M. B. . . . par F. P. Le Roux. 1868. See SOCIETY CHIMIQCE DE PARIS. Lecons de Chimie. 1868-69. pp. 105-140. K : 858 C. Rechercbes Electro-chimiques sur les proprie'te's dea corps e'lectrise's. Par E. Fremy et A. E. B. 1852. 44 pp. 1 pi. See ELECTRICITY AND MAG- NETISM, etc. Excerpta. 8. Series. Vol. 1. (5421) Becquerel, Antoine Ce*sar, F.R.S. Des Eograis inorganiques en ge'ne'ral, et du sel marin (Chlorure de Sodium) en particulier. Paris. 1848. am. 8. 260 pp. 1 pi. (34183) Mi'moire sur les effets dlectriques obtenus dans les Tubercules, les racines et les fruits, an moyen d'aiguilles de Platine. 1850. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Me'moires. [Nouv. Collection.] Tome 23. pp. 301-337. 1 pi. B 28 : 666. Me'moire eurdenouveauxddveloppementsrelatifs aux effets chimiques produits au contact des solides et des liquides. 1852. Ibid. Tome 23. B 28 : 666. Me'moire sur la reproduction de substances minerales. 1852. Ibid. Tome 23. pp. 367-377. B 28 : 666. On the preservation of Copper and Iron in Salt water. [From the "Comptes Rendus." Vol.59.] 1864. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Reports. 1864. pp. 191-195. B 13 S : 847., Recherches sur les causes de I'Electricit^ Atmo- sphe'rique et Terrestre et sur le? effets chimiques produits en vertu d'actions lentes avec ou sins le concours des forces electriques. 1856. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Memoires. [Nonv. Collec- tion.] Tome 27. Part 2. pp. 153-292. 2 pi. B 28 : 666. Rechercbes sur les causes qui degagent de 1'Elec- tricite' dans les Ve'getaux et sur les courants Vege"to- terrestres. 1850. Ibid. Tome 23. pp. 35-66. B 28 : 666. BECQ] [BEHR Becquerel, Antoine Ce'sar, F.R.S.cont. Trait^ de Physique considered dans ses rapports avec la cbimie et les sciences naturelles. Paris, 1842-44. 2 vols. 8. (28591) and A. E. , Traite d'Electricite 1 et de Magnetisme, et des applications de ces sciences, a la Chimie, a la Physiologie et aux Arts. Paris, 1855-56. 3 vols. 8. (28592) BecQucrel, Antoine Henri. Les experiences de M. E. Becquerel snr lea actions chimiques de la Lumiere et 1'He'Hocbromie. 1892. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. Se"r. 2. Tome 4. pp. 481-494. B 76 : C. Becquerel, Louis Alfred. Forests and their Climatic influence. Trsl. from the " Atlas mfte'orologique de 1'Observatoire Imperial." 1867. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Keports. 1869. pp. 394-416. B 13 S : 847. Bedding:, Thos., F.R.P.S. See BRITISH JOURNAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ALMANAC, etc. Ed. T. B. 1897-1905. A 13 : 866. Beddoes, Thos., M.D. Considerations on the medicinal use, and on the production of factitious Airs. Part 1, by T. B. Part 2, by J. Watt. 3rd ed. Bristol, printed, 1796. 8. 246pp. 5 pi. (38211) Bedell, Fred. The Principles of the Transformer. New York, 1896. 8. 428 pp. 1 pi. (26180) Be~dolliere, G,. E. de la. See GIGAULT DE LA BtoOLLIERE, E. Bedos de Celles, Dom Francois, pseud, (i.e. J. F. Monniotte). See HAMEL, . Nouveau manuel complet du facteur d'orgues. Nouv. e"d., contenant L'Orgue de Dom B. de C., etc. 1903. 8 and 4 atlas. (29552) Manuel du facteur d'orgues, contenant 1'Orgue de Dom B. de C. 1849. 3 vols. 12. and atla. (4530) La Gnornonique pratique, ou 1'art de tracer les cadrans solaires avec la plus grande precision. . . . Avec des observations sur la maniere de regler les horloges. Paris, 1760. 8. 426 pp. 36 pi. (33546) Bedotti, Jean, of Turin. De la Restauration des Tableaux. Paris, 1837. 8. 48 pp. (33872) Beech, Franklin. The Dyein? of Woollen Fabrics. London, 1902. 8. 346pp. (28578) Beehler, Wm. H. Kohlenubernahme auf See, vermittelst der Spencer Miller-Transport- Vorrichtung. 1902. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jalll'buch. Band 3. pp. 271-282. F 81 : 900. Beer, August. ' Einleitung in die Elektrostatik, die Lebre von Magnetismus nnd die Elektrodynamik. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers hrsg. von J. Plucker. Braun- schweig, 1865. 8. 434 pp. (29381) Beer, Oh., and Dwelshauvers-Qery, V. Theorienouvelle des Regulateurs. Liege, 1877. 8. 30 pp. 1 pi. (26010) Beer, Georg Joseph. See ART. The art of preserving Sight. By an experienced oculist. [G. J. B.] 4th ed. 1817. 12. (13477) The same. 5th ed. 1822. 8 3 . (33729) Beer. Walter. See MEIK, C. S., and BEER, W. Proposed London main avenues. [1904.] obi. fol. (8079) The Monier system of construction. 1897. See la ST. OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Proceedings. Vol. 133. pp. 376-393. E 10 : 836. Beeton, Sam. Orcharb. Dictionary of practical Recipes and everyday information. London, [18711. sm. 8. 356 pp. (37674) Beetz, W., Ph.D. Die Fortschritte des Galvanismus . . . 1837-1847. 1849. 352 pp. 2 pi. See DOVE, H. W., and MOSER, L. Kepertorium der Physik. Band 8. 8. (11033) Begrbie, P. J., Col. See PIOBERT, G. Theoretical, etc., treatise on Artillery ... 3rd ed. Trsl. P. J. B. 1858. 8 3 . (26518) Beg-eer, B. W. The Metallurgy of Gold on "The Rand." Freiberg, 1898. 8. 156 pp. (25678) Boglingrer, W. Das Warmeleitungavermogen von Stahl und Eisen. 1896. See VEREIN ZCR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 75. pp. 33-61. B 67 P : Begrtrup, Julius. The Slide-valve and its functions, with special reference to modern practice in the United States. New York, 1902. 8. 152 pp. (28915) B<5g-uillet, Edme*. Manuel du Mourner et du Charpentier de moulins . . . re'dige' sur les Memoires de Sieur Ce"sar Buquet. Paris, 1775. 8. 196 pp. 5 pi. (34847) Bibliography of Author's writings. 3 pp. Begnin, Jean. Tyrocinium Chymicum ; or, chymical essays, acquired from the fountain of nature, and manual experience. London, 1669. sm. 8. 150 pp. (37301) Befcneke, Guillermo, C.E. Patent- und Markenschutzgesetze der Republik Chile nebst dem Vertrage Stidamerikanischen Staaten iiber Patentgesetze. Mit Nachtrag : Ver- fahren in Pateutsacben [Gesetz vom 6. Dez. 1905]. Valparaiso, 1897-1906. 2pts. 8. (24413) Bebr, Fritz Bernard, and Petit, G. The Lartigue elevated single rail Railway. London, 1886. 4. 26 pp. (35954) Behrend, Bernard Arthur. The Induction Motor. New York, [1901]. 8. 106 pp. (28088) Behrend, Elias Gottlieb. Die Abwarme-Kraftmaschine (System Behrend- Zimmermann). Halle a. S., 1902. 8. 32 pp. port. (29103) 56 BEHR] [BELQ Behrend, Elias Gottlieb cant. Ueber Ausschank von Lagerbierundiiberdiedazn gehorigen Kaume, Einrichtungen und Apparate fiir Bierwirthe uud Brauer. Halle, 1883. 8. 126 pp. (25679) Bis- und Kiilteerzeugunes-Maschinen. Halle a. S., 1883. 8. 172pp. (20532) The same. 4te Aufl. Halle a. S., 1900. 8. 612pp. 4 pi. (27330) Der Eiskellerbau mit einer Anzabl ausgefiihrter Anlagen. Halle, 1900. 4. 38 pp. (27331) Bchrendsen, August Wilhelm Otto. Zur Geschichte der Entwicklung der mecha- nischen Kunst. Neue Beitrage znr Gescbicbte der . Mechaniker Gottingens im 18 und in der ersten Half ce des 19 Jahrhunderts. Ex : " Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung." Berlin, 1907. 8. 30 pp. (35064) Bohrens, Henry John. See LEDIEU, A. La rotative Amuricaine Beh- rens, etc. 1870. 4. (25858) Behrcns. Theodor Heinricb. Anleitung zur mikrochamiscbea Analyse der wichtigsten organischen Verbindungen. Heft 14. Hamburg, 1895-97. 4 pts. 8. (20659) Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Opale. Aus der " Sitzungsb. der Kais. Akad. der Wisseu- gchaften. Math.-nat.i Classe. Band 54. Abt. 2. 1871. 8. pp. 519-566. 2 pi. (25939) . . i Mikrochemische Technik. Hamburg, 1900. 8. 76 pp. (27332) Behrens, Walter. La Machine Linotype. [Paris, 190 ?] 8. 36pp. (29311) Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. Tabellen zuin Gebrauoh bei mikroskopischen Arbeiten. Braunschweig, 1887. 8. 76 pp. (20583) The same. 3te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1898. 8. 246pp. (26328) Beig-el, Hermann, M.I). The Human Hair : -its structure, growth, diseases, etc. London, 1869. sm. U. 160 pp. (33387) Sell, Johann Adam, and others. Technologisches Worterbuch. 5te Aufl. Von E. von Hoyer und F. Kreuter. Vol. i. Deutsch- Englisch-Franzosisch ; ii. Englisch-Deutsch-Franzo- risch ; iii. Frnzosisch-Deutsch-Englisch. Wies- baden, 1902-04. 3 vols. 8. (28299) Bcilsteln, Friedr. Konrad. Handbuch der organischen Chemie. 2te Aufl. Hamburg, 1885-90. 3 vols. 8. (12561) The same. 3te Aufl. Band 1-4. 1893-99. [Ergunznngsband l-5[Register, etc."], hreg. von der Deutschen Cbemischen Gesellschaft, redigirt von P. Jacobson. 1901-06]. Hamburg, 1893-1906. 9 vols. 8. (24227) Beitrag-e zur Akustik und Kuslkwiaaen- schalt. Heft 1-3. Leipzig, 1898-1901. 8. D 10 : 898. Autttor: C. Stumpf . Beitrage zur Fragre der Begulierungr hydraullBcher Mot or en. Heft 1, etc. Wien, 1906, etc. 8. E 51 : 906. Editor : A. Budau. 34222 57 Bcltrasro zur chomischcn Phyalologrie und Pathologic. Band 8-11. Brauiuchweiy, 1906-08. 8. K 12 : 906. Publication : 12 parts yearly. Editor : F. Hofmeister. History : Amalgamated in 1908 with the ohemische Zeitschrift." ' Bio- Bekaar, A. A., and Nelemans, J. Moyens de prevention des Chomages par la Gel^e. 1894. 10 pp. See CONGRBS INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 6e Congres, 1894. Question 3. [9.] 8. F 43 : 888. Bcla de G-onda, . La riSgularisation des Fortes de fer et des autre* cataracies du Bai Danube. 1892. 80 pp. 5 pi. Ibid. 5e Congros. Question 10. [60.] 8. F 43 : 888. Belanger, Jean Baptiste Charles Joseph. Cours de M^canique rationnelle. \cole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris. Aniu'u soolaire 1844-45,1847-48.] 2 vols. 4. lithogr. (33769) Rdsum^du Cours d'Hydraulique. [Ibid. Aiun'c Bcolaire 1848-49.] 4. lithogr. 298 pp. 1 pL (33(J68) Belcher, S. D., .!/./'. Clean milk. New York, 1903. sm. 8. 146 pp 24 pi. (30253) Belgium. See BIBUOTH&QUE EOYALE DE BELaiQUE. See CONFERENCES Militaires Beiges. 1870-71. 12. (37836) Set BECUEIL DES TRAVAUX TECHNIQUES DES OFPICIERS on GENIE DE L'ARMEE BELQE. 1897 etc. 8. F 97: 897. Belgium, Ministere de I'Industrie et du Travail. See ANNALES DES MINES DE BELGIQUE. 1896, etc. 8. G 64 : 896. Les Filatures de lin. Etude d'hygiene pro- fessionelle. Bapport . . . par D. Gilbert Bruxelles, 1902. 8. 474 pp. 18 pi. (28559) Les industries a domicile en Belgique. Tome 3. L'indnstrie oloutifere eu Pays Wallon, par C. G^nart. L'induatrie de la gaoterie (Provinces de Brabant et de Flandre prientale), par G. Beatse. 1900. 7. L'industrie de la bouneterie, par B. Dubois. L'industrie de la oordonnerie a Herve, par L. Bouzohamps. 190o. 8. L'industrie du meuble a Malines, par G. Beatse. La broderie ur linge et 1 Indus- trie dn col, du corset, de la cravate et de la chemise, par K. Vermant. L'industrie du vetement oonfectiounc pour femmes, par C. G^nart. L'indnstrie as la corderic, par C. de Zuttere. 1907. Bruxelles, 1900, etc. 8. (35445) In progrett. Monographies industrielles. Tome 6. Fabrication des produits chimiques. 1905. 8. Industries textiles. Filature mecaniqne, etc., 1902. 14. Industries du papier. Fabrication . . . da papier et du carton. 1906. Bruxelles, 1905, etc. 8". (32162) In progress. Miuistere de Vlnterieur. (Bureau des Brevets.) Liste des Brevets aimules pour defaut de paye- ment et tombe's dans le domaine public. 1871, etc. Bruxelles, 1871, etc. 8 and 4. (26576) Liste des brevets delivr^s par arretes minis- t<5riels. 1879-99; 1905, etc. Ex :" Moniteur Beige." 1879, etc-, sm. fol. (1942) BELG] [BELL Belerium t'.ntit. Ministers des travaux publics. Lampes de Suretfi pour les Mines. Travaux de la Commission institute par arret6 ministe'riel du 20 Janvier, 1868. 1873. See ANNALES DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DE BELCUQUE. Tome 31. pp. 306-351. E 20 : 843. Be'lidor, Bernard Forest de. (Euvresdi verses . . . concernant 1'Artillerie et le Ge~nie. Amsterdam, etc. 1764. 8. 436 pp. 7 pi. (33948) Le Bombardier Francois, on nouvelle me'thode de jetter les bombes aveo precision. Paris, 1731. 4. 408 pp. 8 pi. (36030) ^ Le Bombardier Francois, ou nouvelle melhode de jetter les bombes aveo precision. Amsterdam, 1734. 4. 370pp. 8 pi. (29189) Me'moire sur une nouvelle the'orie de la science des Mines comprim^e par un grande nombre d'expeVi- ences. faites a 1'Ecole de 1'Artillerie de la fere. Dedie" a M. de Vallier en 1729. MS. 84 11. (Text only.) (32922) The'orie sur la science des Mines propres a la guerre ; f ondee sur une grand nombre d'expe'riences. [2 Memoirs.] 1756. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES. Histoire et Me"moires. Anne"e 1756. [2.] pp. 1-213. 1 pi. B 28 : 666. (Memoir.) Eloge de M. de Bffidor. 1783. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES. Histoire et Me'moires. Ann6e 1781. [1.] pp. 167-181. 4. B 28 : 666. Belin, Edouard. Precis de Photographic g4nerale. Paris, 1905. 2vols. 8. (32008) Bell, Alexander Graham. See BECH. M. The'orie mole'culaire du re'cepteur Bell. [1897.] sm. 8. (16367) . Aerial Locomotion. With a few notes of pro- gress in the construction of an Aerodrome. From the "Nat. Geographic Magazine." Vol. 18. No. 1. Jan. 1907. pp. 1-34. 8. (34691) Copy of the application of A. G. Bell for Letters Patent for improvements in Telegraphy . . . [No. 174,465.] With the official proceedings in relation thereto. Elizabeth, N.J., 1878. 8. 16 pp. (36760) - Lectures upon the mechanism of Speech. (Reprint.) New York, 1906. 8. 130 pp. (33827) Upon the electrical experiments to determine the location of the bullet in the body of ... Pres. Garfield, etc. With appendix. [Reprint.] Washington, 1882. 8. 58 pp. (28763) Upon the production of Sound by radiant energy. [Reprint.] Washington, 1881. 8. 46 pp. (36767) Sell, Alexander Melville. English Visible Speech for the million ; for cemmunicating the exact pronunciation of the language, etc. London, [Edinburgh printed, 1868]. 8. 16'pp. (35955) Visible Speech : a new fact demonstrated. London, 1865. sm. 8. 62 pp. (32773) . Visible Speech : every language universally legible exactly as spoken . . . based on a discovery of the exact physiological relations of sounds. [Edinburgh'], 1864. sm. 4. 16 pp. (32772) Bell, Alfred. The Steam Laundry. . . . Revised by Ex- perts. London, [1900]. 8. 156 pp. (27288) Bell, Arthur Morton. See SHELL TRANSPORT AND TRADING Co., LTD. Petroleum oil fuel. [By A. M. B.] [190 ?] obi. 8. (15492) Bell, Benjamin Taylor A. See CANADIAN MINING AND MECHANICAL RE- VIEW. Ed. B. T. A. B. 1891-1904. 4. G61C/ See CANADIAN MINING, IRON, AND STEEL MANUAL, Ed. B. T. A. B. 1896-1903. G 42 : 896. Bell, Chas., M.D. Remarks on Rinderpest. London, 1866. sm. 8. 40 pp. (32771) Bell, Geo. Arthur. Poultry management. 1907. 48 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 287. J 29 Fa : Standard varieties of Chickens. By G. E. Howard. Revised by G. A. B. 1907. 46 pp. Ibid. Farmer' Bulletin 51. J 29 Fa : Bell, Henry. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Bell, Sir Isaac Lowthian. On the manufacture of Aluminium. 1864. See ARMSTRONG, W. G., Baron. The industrial resources of the Tyne, Wear, and Tees. 2nd ed. pp. 144-147. 8. (13285) On the manufacture of Iron in connection with the Northumberland and Durham coalfield. 1864. Ibid. pp. 73-119. 8. (13285) Bell, J. Carter. See WARDLE, Sir Tho*., and BELL, J. C. On the recent continental system of the Adulteration of Silk, etc. 2nd ed. 1898. sm. 8. (17302) Bell, Jacoh, F.L.S. See PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL, etc. Ed. J. B. 1841-56. 8. K 21 : 841. Bell, James M. The action of Water and aqueous solutions upon Soil Carbonates. By P. K. Cameron and J. M. B. 1907. 64 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 49. J 29 S: The action of Water and aqueous solutions upon Soil Phosphates. By F. K. Cameron and J. M. B. 1907. 58 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 41. J 29 S : The Mineral constituents of the Soil solution. By F. K. Cameron and J. M. B. 1905. 70 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 30. J 29 S : Bell, John. Description of an apparatus for moving Statues together with their pedestals. 1845. See PARLIA- MENT. Commission on the fine arts. Report 4. 1845. Appendix, No. 5. pp. 13-15. fol. (30556) Sell, Louis. See BERLIN-ZOSSEN RAILROAD. The Berlin- Zossen electric railway tests of 1903. . . . Introduction [on] . . . train resistance, by L. B. 1906. 4. (32433) The art of Illumination. New York, 1902. 8. 346pp. (29669) 58 BELL] [BEND Bell, Louis ennt. Electric Power transmission. New York, 1897. 8. 492 pp. (4577) The same. 3rd ed. New York, [1901]. 8. 640 pp. 21 pi. (29205) The same. 4th ed. London, 1906. 8. 722pp. 24 pi. (32479) Power distribution for Electric Railroads. 3rd ed. New York, [1900]. 8. 312pp. (28572) Bell, Patrick, Inrmtur of the Heaping Machine. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Bell, Robert. See CANADA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY : Reports. Ed. R. B. 1899-1904. G 24 : Bell, Thos., F.B.S. The Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Teeth. 2nded. London, 1835. 8. 348pp. 11 pi. (35799) Bellena, Cha. Les C handlo re i a Yapeur poor 1'industrie et la Marine. 146pp. 1901. See HATON DE LA GOUPIL- I.IKKK, J. N. La Mdcanique a 1'Exposition de 1900. Tome 1 Livr. 2. fol. (27147) Trait6 des Chaudieres il Vapour. Etude sur la vaporisation dans lea appareils indnstriels. Paris, 1895. 8. 482pp. (27065) Bellet, Daniel. See FIGUIER, G. L. Le savant du foyer. Noav. to., parD. B. 1902. 4. (32909) Bellet, Joseph. . Le Tricycle arm 6 . . . sur la creation d'un corps do Tricyclarmes on d'Arquebusiers, suivi d'un rapide apercu sur uae tele'graphie steno-optique militaire, etc. Nice, 1892. 8. 14pp. (34494) Belleville, Julien. i Notice snr le GentSrateur inexplosible a Vapori- sation instantane'e. [Ncmcy, 1854?] 8. 10 pp. (33982) Wants plates 1-4, for which see " Doer. Brevets," 2e 8*"rie, 28, p. 457, pi. 44. Bellienl, H. La Photographie et ses multiples applications. 1904. See SOCIETE INDDSTRIELLE DE L'EST. Bulletin trimestriel. 21e Ann^e. No. 41. pp. 1-57. 8. B77Es:a. Belling-ard, P. . Applications nouvelles de la Photographie an Charbon et description d'un appareil degradateur. Lyon, 1889. 8. 44pp. (35357) Belllngratb, Ewald, and Dleekboff, . La Traction des Bateaux dans les bassins de 1'Elbe et de 1'Oder. 1892. 22 pp. See CONGRES JNTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIECRE. 5e Con- gres. Question 6. [20.] 8. F 43: 888. Belloc, G. Thermo - Klectricite du fer et des aciers. (These.) Paris, 1903. 8. 68 pp. (31565) Belloni, Luigi. . La Carrozza nella storia della locomozione. Milano, 1901. 4. 276 pp. 1 pi. (34029) Bellow, Henrich Rum. Factory glazes for Ceramic engineers. By a West Riding Expert [H. R. B.]. Series A. Lead- less sanitary glazes. London, 1908, ete. fol. (37029) In progress. 34222 59 Belluzzo, Giuseppe. Le Turbine a Vapore ed a Gas. Milano, 1905. 8. 428 pp. 22 pi. (32009) Le Turbine Idrauliche. Milano, 1901. 8. 186 pp. 1 pi. (28545) Beloe, Chas. Henry. On the construction of Catch-water Reservoirs in mountain districts. London, 1872. 8. 48 pp. 8 pi. (34666) The purification of Water and Sewage by the Magnetic Carbon process. 1888. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Prof. Papers. Vol. 14. pp. 199-222. 4 pi. 8. F 90: 844. Sewage purification. 1895. Ibid. Vol. 21. pp. 65-98. 3 pi. 8. F 90: 844. Seltzer, Francis J. G. La grande Industrie Tinctoriale. Paris. 1906. 8. 1074 pp. (32010) Belval, Th. Contribution a I'e'tnde des Sepultures au point de vue hygienique. Ex : " Bull, de 1'Acad. roy. de medecine." Annee 1892. 8. 30 pp. 4 pL (35474) Belvallette, N., and Quenay, E. La Carrosserie, le Charronnage. 1880. 82 pp. Se PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 62. 1880. 8. (25811) Bement, Alburto. See PEABODY COAL Co. The economical burn- ing of coal, etc. By A. B. 1904. sm. 8. (31171) Semmelen, J. A. van. See REPERTORIUM ANNUUM LITERATURE BO- TANIC* PERIODIC^. Ed. J. A. van B 1872 H 71 : 872. Bemmelen, Jakob Maartens van. Bouwstoffen tot de Kennis van de Kleigronden der Provincie Groningen. 1863. 250 pp. See SCHEIKUNDIQE VERHANDELINGEN, etc. 3de Deel. 2e Stuk. 8. K 30 : 857. Bemroae, Wm., Jun. Bow, Chelsea, and from original documents. 21 pi. (16840) Mosaicon : or Paper Mosaic, and how to make it London, [1875]. 8. 16 pp. 3 pi. (32756) 3nard, G. - L'essai, 1'entretien, la reparation des Sonneries Electriques et des Tableaux indicateurs. Paris 1901. 8. 308 pp. (28323) La pose des Sonneries Electriques et des Tableaux indicateurs. Paris, 1901. 8. 356 pp. (28479) La Telephonic domestique. Paris, 1902. 8. 230 pp. (29046) Bendemann, F. Ueber den AusSuss des Wasserdampfes und iiber Dampfmengenmessung. 1907. See VER. DEUT. INQENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieur- wesens. Heft 37. pp. 1-64. E 13 : 857 b. Bender, O. Feuerungswesen. (Bibliothek der get. Tech nils.) Hannover, 1907. sm. 8. 272 pp. 2 pi. (37191) Bendlx, Joseph. Mangan. 1873. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher-Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 1. Halfte 1. pp. 842-858. 1875. 8. (171093 Derby Porcelain . . . London, 1898. 8. 186pp. H2 BENE] [BENCJ B<5iioch, Louis, M.D. Hygiene des Voyageurs en chemins de fer. Aeration, ventilation, chauffiage, e'clairage, etc. . Paris, 1903. sm. 8. 134 pp. (29063) Benedicks, Carl. Recherches physiques et physico-chimiques sur 1'Acier au Carbone. (These.) Uppsala, 1904. 8. 228 pp. 13 pi. (32011) Benedict, Francis Gano. Experiments for Chemical Lectures. New York, 1901. 8m. 8. 450pp. (28235) Experiments on the Metabolism of matter and energy in the Human body. 1898-1900. By W. O. Atwater and F. G. B. 1902. 148 pp. SM U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 109. 8. J 29: 889. The same. 1900-02. [Corrected Aug. 1904.] By W.O. Atwater and F.G.B. 1903. [1904.] 358pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 136. J 29 : 889. The Respiration Calorimeter. By W. O. Atwater and F. G. B. 1904. Ibid. Year-book, 1904. pp. 205-220. Ipl. J29:849b. and Mllner, R. D. Experiments on the Metabolism of matter and energy in the Human body, 1903-04. 1907. 335 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 175. J 29 : 889. Senedlkt, Rudolf. Analyse der Fette nnd Wachsarten. Berlin, 1886. 8. 304pp. (20099) The same. 2te Au8. Berlin, 1892. 8. 476pp. (23272) See LEWKOWITSCH, J. Chemical analysis of Oils, etc. Founded on 2nd ed. of B.'s " Analyse der Fette." 2nded. 1898. 8. (17061) Analyse der Fette und Wachsarten. 4te Aufl. BearbeitetvonF.Ulzer. Berlin, 1903. 8. 954pp. (29639) The same. 5te Aufl. von F. Ulzer, etc. Berlin, 1908. 8. 1182pp. (36369) Benesch, LadUlaus von. Das Beleuchtungswesen vom Mittelalter bis zur Mitte dea XIX. Jahrhunderts, aus Oesterreich- Ungarn, insbesondere aus den Alpenlandern, etc. Wien, 1905. fol. 38 pp. 60 pi. (32438) Benevides, Fonseca. See FONSECA BENEVIDES. Bengal, Govt. of. See also CALCUTTA ; Royal Botanic Garden. Coal and mineral resources of India. of Committee. Calcutta, 1838. 8. (36768) The Farm manual. By A. C. Williams and D.J. Meagher. Calcutta. 1903. 8. 138pp. 59 pi (31838) Ganj&. Report on its cultivation and use. [By D. Prain.] Calcutta, 1893. fol. 80 pp. (30573) The Mechanical shipment of Coal. Report of the Committee appointed ... to investigate the circumstances connected with the shipping of coal at the Kidderpore Docks. Calcutta, 1901. fol 58 pp. 21 pi. (30932) Mechanical shipment of Coal . . . With a note on the system recommended for the Calcutta Docks. By E. H. Stone. Calcutta, 1903. obi. fol. 72 sheets of pi. and text. (30933) Monograph on the Cotton Fabrics of Bengal. By N. N. Banerjei. Calcutta, 1898. 8. 66 pp. 9 pi. (30924) Reports 96 pp. Beng-al, Govt. ofcont. Monograph on Dyes and Dyeing in Bengal. By N. N. Banerjei. Calcutta, 1896. 8. 44 pp. 9 pi. (30925) A monograph on the Silk Fabrics of Bengal. By N. G. Unkerji. Calcutta, 1903. fol. 148 pp. 17 pi. (30929) Municipal Engineering applicable to conditions existing in Benijal. Lectures ... by A. E. Silk. Calcutta,, 1899. 8. 116pp. 12 pi. (30935) Note on Tari in Bengal. [By Abhilas Chandra Mukerji.] With appendix. [Calcutta, 1895.] fol. 86 pp. (30574) Recent methods of Sewage disposal in England. By A. E. Silk. Calcutta, 1898. 8. 24pp. (30930) Snake poisoning. Report [of the Commission] on the effects of artificial respiration, intravenous injection of ammonia, etc. Calcutta, 1874. 8. 154 pp. 4 pi. (30931) Dept. of Land Records and Agriculture. Bulletin 1, 1895, etc. Calcutta, 1896, etc. 8. J12B: Burdwan Experimental Farm. Annual Report. 1894-95, etc. Calcutta, 1895, etc. 8 and fol. J12BB: Dumraon Experimental Farm. Annual Report. 1894-95, etc. Calcutta, 1895, etc. 8 and fol. J 12 B D : Sibpur Experimental Farm. Annual Report. 1894-95, etc. Calcutta, 1895, etc. 8. J 12 B S : (Finance Dept.) A Report on the Drainage and Sewerage system of the city of Berlin. By A. E. Silk. Calcutta, 1894. foL 40 pp. 7 pi. (31851) A Report on the Water-supply system of the city of Berlin. By A. E. Silk. Calcutta, 1894. fol. 18pp. 7 pi. (31852) (Public Works Deft.) Lecture on Irrigation Canals in Bengal. By C.W. Odling. Calcutta, 1893. 8. 26pp. (31857) Memoranda on the system of Brick-making at Akra. [By A. G. Bremner.] Calcutta, 1884. 8. 30pp. 17 pi. (31853) Memorandum on the different methods oE ascertaining the discharges of Rivers, Canals, etc., on the discharges of orifices and overfalls, and the flow of water in pipes. By C. W. Odling. With notes, on the lateral pressure of earthwork, by W. B. Bestic, and the discharge of sluices and weirs, etc. And supplement on the theory of long waves in canals, by G. C. Maconchy. [Calcutta. 1895-96.] 2pts. fol. (30934) Notes on the construction of Railways in India. Calcutta, 1902. fol. 18pp. 5 pi. (31859) Railway construction in Bengal. By S. Finney. Calcutta, 1896. fol. 48 pp. 11 pi. (31858) Sanitary Engineering in India. By A. J. Hughes. Calcutta, 1898. fol. 54 pp. (31854) Tables for use with Brandis' hypsometer for measuring; the height of trees, etc. By F. B. Man- son and H. H. Haines. Calcutta, 1892. 16. 46pp. (31856) (Revenue Dept.) Agricultural Experiments and enquiries in the Bnrdwan Division. Report by A. C. Sen. Calcutta, 1897. fol. 96 pp. (31843) Agriculture of the District of Cuttack. Report by N. N. Banerjei. Calcutta, 1893. 274 pp. 3 pi. (31844) 60 BENO] [BENS Bcngral, Govt. of. cnnt. (Revenue Dept) cont. Agriculture of the District of Lohdrd&ija. Report by B. C. Basu. Calcutta, 1897. fol. 236 pp. 1 pi. (31846) Handbook on Sericulture. By N. G. Mukerji. Calcutta, 1899. 8. 302 pp. 1 pi. (31848) A monograph on Ivory -carving in Bengal. By G. C. Dutt. Calcutta, 1901. fol. 12 pp. 4 pi. (31847) A monograph on Wood-carving in Bengal. By O. Ghilardi. Calcutta, 1903. fol. 6 pp. (31849) Monograph on the Woollen Fabrics o Bengal. By N. N. Banerjei. Calcutta, 1899. 8. 38 pp. (31850) System of Agriculture, etc., of the Dacca district. Eeport by A. C. Sen. Calcutta, 1897. fol. 96 pp. 1 pi. (31845) Bcnilan. Th. La Parfumerie. 1878. 12 pp. See PARIS UNIT. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe28. 1880. 8. (25811) Benlowskl, Bartholomew, Major. The French Testament vocabnlarized. London, 1843. 12. 40pp. Ipl. (35908) A French Vocabulary. [London, 1843.] 12. 16 pp. 1 pi. (35907) Improvements in Printing. London, 1854. 12. 96 pp. (35-236) Polygrammaticon. French Grammar phreno- tvped. [London, 1843.] 12. 36 pp. 4 pi. (35905) Benlschke, Gustav. See ELEKTROTECHNIK IN ElNZELDARSTELL- DNQEN. Hrsg. G. B. 1902, etc. 8. D 51 : 902. Die asynchronen Drehstrommotoren, ihre Wir- kungsweise, Priifung und Berechnung. 1904. 180 pp. 2 pi. See ELEKTROTECHNIK ix EINZEL- DARSTELLCNQEN. Heft 5. D 51 : 902. Die Grundgesetze der Wechselstromteehnik. 1902. 152 pp. Ibid. Heft 3. 8. D 51 : 902. Der Parallelbetrieb von Wecbselstrommaschinen. 1902. 64 pp. Ibid. Heft 2. 8. D 51 : 902. Die Schutzvorrichtnngen der Starkstromtechnik gegen atmospbarische Entladungen. 1902. 50 pp. Ibid. Heft 1. 8. D 51 : 902. Benjamin, Chas. Henry. i Modern American Machine Tools. London, 1906. 8. 340 pp. (33130) Notes on Heat and Steam. Cleveland, Ohio. [19 ?] 8. 46pp. (29670) Notes on Machine Design. 2nd e3. Cleveland. [Ohio]. 1902. sm. 8. 126pp. (29274) Notes on Mechanical Laboratory practice. Cleveland, 1896. 8. 104 pp. 15 pi. (29729) Benjamin, Ludwig. Das Kentern der Schiffe bairn Znwasserhssen. 1908. See SCHIFFBAUTECHN. GESELLSCHAFT. Jahr- buch. Band 9. pp. 439-469. F 81 : 900. Bennett, A. E. The Plum. 1893. (Prize Essay.) See VICTORIA : ' Dept. of Agriculture. Special Reports. 1892-96. [1.] pp. 101-108. 4 pi. J8AV:891. Bennett, Alfred Rosling. Historic Locomotives and " moving accidents," by Steam and Rail. London, 1906. obi. 4. 16 pp. 1U pi. (33131) Bennett, Alfred Rosling cont. - Proposals for London Improvements. [London], 1904. 4. 20 pp. 1 pi. (29965) Bennett, John Hughes, M.D. An investigation into the structure of the Tor- banehill mineral and of various kinds of coal. 1854. See ROY. Soc. OF EDINBURGH. Trans. Vol. 21. pp. 173-186. 2 pi. B 4 E : 788. Bennett, R. L. A method of breeding early Cotton to escape boll-weevil damage. 1908. 30 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AQEICDLTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 314. J29Fa: Bennett, Reginald A. R. Marine Aquaria. London, 1889. am. 8. 142pp. (13058) Bennett, Richard, and Elton, J. History of Corn Milling. London, 1898-1904. 4 voh. 8. (25800) Bennla, E., aad Co., Ltd., Bolton. Mechanical Coal-handling plant and boiler -bouse economy. (Reprint.) [London, 1905.] 4. 10 pp. (32565) Benolst, P. V. - See PILATE BALLYET, L. Quelqaes observa- tions sur la distillation du grain, adressees a P. V. B. 1821. MS. 4. (36730) Benoit, Kraile. Systeme de Drainage brevet^ s.g.d.G. La pr6- p;ir ition des terres a poterie ; la fabrication des tuyaux, briques, carreaux, etc. . . . Un mode de drainage des terres a surfaces ondulees, etc. Paris, 1857. 8. 22pp. Ipl. (34495) Benoit, Fi'lix. Etude sur la Ramie. E: : " Ball, des Sciences Naturelles de Saoue-et-Loire," 1902. Paris, 1901, [1902]. 8. 12pp. (28480) Benoit, J. ll'Mi.'. and Guillaume, C. E. Lea nouveaux. appareils pour la Mesure rapile des bases Ge'ode'siques. Paris, 1906. 8. 88 pp. (32562) Benolt-Xi6vy, Georges. La CiKi-Jardin. (Bibliothtque du Musee Social.) Paris, 1904. 8. 294 pp. 26 pi. (35735) 12 pp. See QUEENSLAND : Bulletin. 2nd ser. No. 13. Benson, Albert H. Spraying. 1897. Dept. of Agriculture. J 8 A Q : 888a. Benson, Chas. The ground-nnt (Arachis hypogaea). 1899. [14pp.] See MADRAS: Dept. of Land Records, etc. Bulletin 37. 8. J12M:894. A Sugar-cane pest in Madras. 1899. [22 pp.] Ibid. Bulletin 36. 8. J 12 M : 894. and Subba Rao, C. K. The Great Millet or Sorghum in Madras. 1906. Ibid. Bulletin. Vol.3, pp. 53-122. J12M:894. Benson, James \Vm. Time and Time-tellers. London, 1875. sm. 8. 198 pp. 1 pi. (28336) Tne same. [New ed.] London, 1902. sm. 8. 144 pp. 1 pi. (28902) Turret Clocks. [London, 1882.] 8. 70 pp. (35803) 61 BENS] [BERG Benson, Win., Architect. Principles of the Science of Colour . . . their . . . application in the decorative arts. London. 1868. [Reprinted 1876 with 2 pp. added matter.] 4. 56 pp. 11 pi. (28698) Bentnam, Sir Samuel. Desiderata in a Naval Arsenal . . . With an outline of a plan . . . for the improvement of the Naval Arsenal at Sheerness. London, 1814. 8. 44pp. (37483) Wants plate. Bentley, 11. L. Experiments in range improvement in Central Texas. 1902. 72 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRI- CULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 13. 8. J29P1: A report upon the Grasses and Forage plants of Central Texas. 1898. 38 pp. Ibid. Div. of Agrostology. Bulletin 10. 8. J 29 Agr : Bentley, Wallace. Sketches of Engine and Machine details. Halifax, 1898. 8. 86 pp. (25373) Benton, Frank. Beekeeping. 1897. 48 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 59. J 29 Fa : Beekeeping. 1905. 48 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 59. Bev. ed. J 29 Fa : Benton, Harmon. A successful Southern Hay farm. 1907. 16pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulle- tin.312. J 29 Fa : Bentwich, Herbert. Ll.B. See EDMUNDS, L. The law of copyright in designs. 2nd ed. by L. E. and H. B. 1908. 8. (36727) Benzon, Alfred. Ueber den Kryolith von Gronland und die darauf gegrundete Industrie. 1873. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873 : German Comm. Amt- licher-Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 1. Halfte 1. pp. 660-677. 1875. 8. (17109) B6rard, Paul. r See AUDOUIN, M. E. P., and BERARD, P. Etude sur les divers bees employe's pour 1'eelairage augaz. 1878. 8. (34842) Berbericn, A. See JAHRBUCH DER ERPINDUNGEN, etc. Hrsg. A. B. 1892-1901. C 25 : 865. Bercovitz, D., Engineer. Die technischen Messinstrumente. Von R. O. Heinrich und D. B. 1908. 92 pp. 1 pi. See HEINKE, C. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Band 2. Abt. 5. 8. (27178) Bere, F. Les Tabacs. (Bibliotheque des Sciences, etc.) Paris, [1895]. 8. 278 pp. (11382) Beresford, Chas. Fred. Cobbe, Col., R.E. Collection and transmission of Intelligence in the Field. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENG. CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 543-550. 8. (24918) Berg', Ernst Julius. See STEINMETZ, C. P. Theory, etc., of alternating current phenomena. With the assistance of E. J. B. Srded. 1900. 8. (31633) Bergr, Ernst Julius conl. Alternating - current generators. 1904. See MACLEAN, M. Modern electric practice. Vol. 1. pp. 183-227. 8. (30454) Electrical Energy : its generation, transmission, and utilization. New York, 1908. 8. 196 pp. (36726) Bergr, Heinrich. See HARTMANN, K., and KNOKE, J. O. Die Pumpen. 3te Aufl.von. H. B. 1906. 8. (33223) Die Wirkungsweise federbelasteter Pumpen- ventile und ihre Berechnung. 1906. See VER. DEUT. INGENIEURE. Mittheilungeu a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 30. pp. 1-48. E 13/857b Berg-eat, Alfred. See STELZNER, A. W. Die Erzlagerstatten. Bearb. A. B. 1904-08. 8. (32059) Berg-er, C., and G-uillerme, V. La construction enCiment Arm6. Paris, 1902. 8. 894 pp. Atlas. 49 pi. (28481) Berg-er, Emile, M.D. Loupe binoculaire simple et Lunette stereo- scopiques. Paris, 1900. 8. 40 pp. (27333) Berg-er, H. Georges. Les Expositions Universelles Internationales (leur passe 1 , lenr role actuel, leur avenir). Paris, 1902. 8. 164pp. (28369) Berg-eron, Cbas. Note sur un nouveau mode de Transport des Charbons de St. Etienne au Rhone. [Lausanne, 1870.] 4. lithogr. 24pp. (34848) Serg-eron, Pierre Joseph Jules. Mineralogie et Geologic. 1898. See Soc. DES INGENIEURES CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 513-542. 8. (25483) Bergrery, Claude Lucien. Roue verticale a aubes courbes, mue par dessous de M. Poncelet. [Analyse du me'moire de M. P. Ex : " Compte-rendu de la Soc. des lettres, etc., de Metz."] Metz, 1825. 8. 20 pp. 1 pi. (34849) Berg-es, Achilla. Sur la houille blanche. Installation et utilisation des chutes d'eau. 1909. See SOCIETK INDUSTRIELLE DE L'Esi. Bulletin 67. pp. 7-24. B 77 Es : Bergret, Alphonse. La Photographic des Couleurs par la methode interferentielle de M. Lippmann. 2e d. (Biblio- theque Photographique.) Paris, 1901. sm. 8. 82 pp. (27698) Le Radium. Nouv. e"d. Paris, 1907. sm. 8. 180 pp. 7 portr. (36302) Sorg-haus, Johann Isaac. Geschichte der Schifffahrtskunde bey den vor- nehmsten Volkern des Alterthums. Leipzig, 1792. 2 vols. 8. (33530) Berg-bof, Albert, Chemist. Die organischen Farbstoffe thierischen und pflanzlichen Ursprungs und deren Anwondung in der Farberei und Zeugdrnckerei. (Chemisch-tech- nische Bibliotltelc.) Wien, 1902. sm. 8. 404 pp. (28114) Berg-hcff, Victor. See LATERNA MAGICA. D 22 : 882. Hrsg. V. B. 1901-05. 62 BERG] [BERL Bergrlsche Fabrikanten-Vereln in Rem- scheid. Die nordamerikanische Kleineisenwaaren- Industrie. 1894. See VEREIN Z0R BEFORDEUUNO DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 73. pp. 313-364. B 67 P : Berg-manniacher Voroin zu Freiberg:. Freiberg's Berg- und Hiittenwesen. Bine kurze Darstollung der orograpbischen, geologischen, his- torisohen, technischen . . . Verbaltnisse. Freiberg, 1883. 8. 292pp. 10 pi. (37022) The same. 2te Aufl. Freiberg, 1893. 8. 348pp. 18 pi. (i4044) Bergrnannlsches Journal. Jahrg. 1-6. Frey- berg, 1788-93. 12 vols. sm. 8. G 63 : 788. Publication : Monthly. Editors: A. \V. Kahler, 1788-91; A. W. K. and C. A. 8. Hoffmann, 1792-93. Berg-man, Torbern Olof. : See PLOMQREX, C. A. Disquisitio chemica de calce auri fulminante. Prrea. T. B. [1769.] 4. (32774) A dissertation on Elective Attractions. From the Latin by ... [T. Beddoes.] London, 1785. 8. 396pp. 8 pi. (32278) Bergron, . Le materiel et les proce'de's de la Te'le'zraphie. 1878. 70 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports an Jury. Classe 65. 1881. 8. (25811) Bergronie', J. See ARCHIVES D'KLECTRICITB MBDICALE. Fonde" et publi^ par J. B. 8. H 9 : 897. Bergrrechtllche Blatter. Beilage zur " Osterr. Zeitschrift fiir Berg- und Huttenwesen." Jahrg. 1 etc. Wien, 1906, etc. 8. G 59 : 906. Publication : Quarterly. Editor: L. Haberar, 1906, etc. Bergratrasaer, Johann Andreas Benignus. Uebersichten und Erweiterungen der Signal- order und Zielschreiberei in die Feme, oder neue Synthematographe uhd Telegraphe. Leipzig, 1795. sm. 8. .216pp. 14 pi. (27942) Berg:- und Huttenmannische Rundschau. Jahrg. 1, etc. Katlowitz, 1904, etc. 4. G 63 : 904. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Berg:- und Huttenmannlsche Zoituntr. Jabrg. 1, etc. Nordhausen, etc. 1842-1904. 63 vols. 8 and 4. G 63 : 842. Publication : Weekly. Editort : C. Hartmann, 1842-58; K. R. Bornemann and B. Kerl, 1859-S3; B. Kerl and P. Wimmer, 1864-96 ; G. Kohler and C. Schnabel, 1897-99 ; G. Kohler and F. Kolbeck, 1900-01 ; G. K. and O. Doeltz, 1902-Oct. 1903 ; G. K. and P. fC. A 1 Peters, Oct. 1903-04. Berlcht liber die Fortschrltte der Eisen- hiitten-Technik im Jahre 1864-98. Ltipzia 1866-1902. 28 vols. 8. G 80 : 858a. Eilitort : A. von Kerpely, 1864-83 ; B. Kosman 1884-88 ; T. Beckett, 1889-98. Hittory : A continuation of the " Fortschritte des Eisenhilttengewerbes," 1858-62. Bcrlgrny, Chas. Me'moire sur nn procedd d'Injection propre a preVenir on arrcter les filiations sous les fonda- tions des ouvrages hydrauliques. Paris, 1832 8. 114pp. 5 pi. (36733) Bcrlntrcr, 0., and J. J. A text-book of Assaying for the use of those connected with mines. London, 1889. sm. 8. 416 pp. (22110) The same. 8th ed. by J. J. B. London, 1902. sm. 8. 472 pp. (28916) Bering-er, John Jacob. See BERINGER, C., and J. J. A text-book of Assaying. 1889, etc. Berkeley, Hon. Geo. Chaa. Grantley Fitzhardinge. The Potato dUease ... a letter to the Earl of Derby. London, 1854. 8. 16 pp. (32629) Berkeley, H. B., and Walker, W. M. Practical Receipts for the manufacturer, the mechanic, etc. London, 1902. 8. 250 pp. (28917) Berkitz, Paul. Zur Theorie des Elektrophors. 1904. See SAMMLUNQ ELEKTROTECHN. VORTBAQE. Band 5, pp. 463-475. D 51 : 896. Berlan, Francesco. La Invenzione della Stampa a tipo mobile f uso rivendicata all'Italia. Firenze, 1882. am. 8. 306 pp 1 pi. (35398) Berlese, Antonio, and Leonard!, G. Notizie intorno alle Cocciniglie Americane che miuacciano la frutticultura Europea. 1898. 182 pp. See ANNALI DI AQRICOLTURA. 2a serie. [No. 218.] J 25 : 882. Berller, Jean Baptiste. Projet de Vidange Pneumatiqne pour la villa de Paris. Paris, 1883. fol. 224 pp. 3 pi. (35358) Berlin. See KAISERL. GESUNDHEITSAMT. SeePOLYTECHNISCHE GfiSELLSCHAFT ZU BERLIN. See VERSUCHS- UND LEHBANSTALT rOB BRAUEREI IN BERLIN. Internationale Autatellung far Feuerschiitz, etc. 1901. See PRUSSIA : Ministerium des Innern. P'euer- schutz, fie. beim Beginn des XX Jabrhunderts. 1902. 4 U . (29849) Kgl. Technische Hochschule. Mittheiluuaenaus dem Maschinen-Laboratorinm. Heft 1, etc. Munchen, 1899, etc. fol. E 5/899. Publication : Irregular. Editor : E. Josse. Universitiit, Pharmaceutischei fmtitut. Arbeiten. Bind 1, 1903, etc. Berlin, 1904, etc. 8; K 21 : 903. Publication: Annual. Editor : H. F. A. Thorns. Zoolnginche Museum. Anleitung zum Sammeln, Konservieren und Verpacken von Tieren. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1907. sm. 8. 110 pp. (35706) Berlln-Zossen Bailroad. The Berlin-Zossen Electric Railway tests of 1903. A report of the test runs made on the Berlin-Zossen railroad, Sept.-Nov., 1903. From the German by F. Welz. With an introduction [on] . . . train resistance, by L. Bell. New York, 1905. 4. 116 pp. (32433) Berlin, , Major. Handbuch der Waffenlehre. [Nachtrag 1.] Berlin, 1904-06. 2 vola. 8. (32462) 63 BERL] [BERR Berliner, S. > Der Erfinder des sprechenden Telephons. Hann- over, 1909. 8. 24 pp. (38067) Berlingr, G. Neue Versuche fiber Oberflachen-kondensation mit getrennter Kaltluf t- uni Warmwasserf orderung. 1904. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbnch. Band 5. pp. 366-397. F 81 : 900. Vergleichsmessungen der Schiffsschwingungen auf den Kreuzen " Hansa " und " Vineta " der deutschen Marine. 1901. Ibid. Band 2. pp. 373- 391. 10 pi. F 81 : 900. Bermuda, Govt. of. Specifications and drawings of Patents. Nov. 1st, 1904, etc. Duplicate MS. copies filed. [Hamilton, 1904, etc.] fol. (32324) Bermuda Official Gazette. [Numbers con- taining notices rplatiog to Parents, Designs, and Trade marks.] Vol. 3, etc. Hamilton, 1904, etc. fol. (31649)i Bernadou, John Baptiste, Lieut. U.S. Navy. The development of Smokeless Powder. 16 pp. 1899. See U.S. WAR OFFICE : Ordnance Bureau. Notes, etc. 76. F 92 : 863c. Smokeless powder, Nitro-cellulose, and theory of the Cellulose molecule. New York, 1901. sm. 8. pp. 208. (27853) Bernaldez, Emilio. Notieia sobre la gran defensa. Nuevo metodo de fortificacion [1744]. Su autor F. Prosperi. 1868. 73 pp. 5 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 2a 6poca. Tomo 23. F 96 : 846. Bernard, Comte de Treves. See ZACAIRE, D. Opuscule . . . de la vraye philosophic naturelle des metaulx, etc. Avec le traicte' de M. B. . . . sur le mesme subgiect. 1568. sm. 8. (37374) Bernard, A., and Koch, . Flax : its manufacture on Schenck's patent system ; with directions respecting the erection and management of Retteries or steeping establishments. [Letters Patent No. 11,450 of 1846.] Dublin, 1851. 8. 30 pp. 1 pi. (28096) Bernard, Bayle, Mrs. Our common Fruits. London, 1866. sm. 8. 310 pp. 6 pi. (37856) Wants pi. 1,2, 4, 5,6. Bernard, H. Etude comparative et raisonnee des diffe'rants genres de Pavages. Nancy, 1898. 8. 200 pp. 2 pi. (26321) ' Bernard, Martial. La Joaillerie et la Bijouterie, 1878. 46 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION. 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe39. 1880. 8. (25811) Bernardin, . Les Odeurs de Mus>e, de Vanille et de Violette. [Ex : " Revue savoisienne." 18 ?] 8. 8 pp. (26763) Bernays, Albert James, Ph.D. Household Chemistry. 3rd ed. London, 1854. sm. 8. 400 pp. (38157) Berndt, G. B., M.D. Keine FuFsleiden mehr ! Neue Mittel nnd Wege zur Heilung f iir alle, die an kalten Fiissen, Schweiss- fiissen, Frostbeulen . . . schlechtem Gang, etc., leiden. Leipzig, [1905]. 8. 46 pp. (31490) Berndt, Otto. Maschinelle Hilfsmittel fiir die Befiirderung von Massengiitern. 1908. See HEUSINOER VON WALDEQCJ, E. Handbuch dor Ingenieurwissen- schaften. 2te Aufl. Tbeil 4. Bind 3. pp. 277- 379. 8. (22393) Berner, Otto, Engineer. Die Erzeugung des ub?rhitzten Wasserdampfes. 1904. See VEREIN DECTCHER INGENIEURE. Mit- theilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 14-16. pp. 1-206. E 13/857b. Die Fortleitung des iiberhitzten Wasserdampfes. 1905. Ibid. Hefc 21. pp. 1-31. E 13/857b. Bernhard, Earl. Der Eisenbahnbau in Deutsch-Ostafrika mit bes. Beriicksich. des Baues der Linie Tanga-Muhesa. Aus " Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Bafiirderung des Gewerbfleisses." Jahrg. 75-77. Berlin, i898. 4. 328pp. 16 pi. (25690) Konstrnktion der eisernen Balkenbriicken. 1907. See HANDBUCII der Ingenieurwissenschaften. 3te Aufl. Band 2. Abt. 3. pp. 1-172. 14 pi. 8. (27558) Bernler, L. L. Autogenous Welding of Metals. From Reports of the National School of Arts, etc., in France. Neui York, 1908. 12. 46 pp. (36871) Bernoulli, Christoph. Anfangsgrunde der Dampfmaschinenlebri. Basel, 1824. 8. 278 pp. 9 pi. (34496) Bernoulli's Dampfmaschinerilehre. 8te Aufl. von F. Freytag. Stuttgart, 1900. 8. 492 pp. 7 pi. (28324) Bernstein, Alex. Die electrische Beleuchtang. Berlin, 1880. 8". 84 pp. (29382) Bernthsen, Heinrich August. Eurzes Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie. 5te Aufl., unter Mitwirkung von E. Buchner. Braunschweig, 1895. 8. 588 pp. (24501) The same. 6te Aufl. Bearbeitet von E. Buchner. Braunschweig, 1896. am. 8. 590 pp. (25304) The same. 7te Aufl. Bearbeitet von E. Buchuer. Braunschweig, 1899. sm. 8. 586 pp. (27665) The same. 9te Aufl. Bearbeitet in Gemein- schaft mit E. Mohr. Braunschweig, 1906. 8. 658pp. (32080) Berrl, David Garden. The Art of Lithography. London, 1864. sm. 8. 44 pp. 6 pi. (37966) Monograms, historical and practical. London, 1869. 8. 48pp. 20 pi. (31643) Berry, A. E. . Carbonation of Beer. 1901. [6 pp.] See BREWING. Papers on brewing. Vol. 1. fol. (6279) Berry, A. F. Static Transformers and Rotary converters. 1904. See MACLEAN, M. Modern electric practice. Vol. 2. pp. 75-124. 8. (30454) Berry, Riley M. Fletcher. Fruit Recipes. A manual of the Food values of Fruits, etc. London, 1907. 8. 360 pp. 16 pi. (34938) 64 BERS] [BERT Bersch. Josef, Ph.D. Cellulose, Celluloseprodukte und Kautschuksnr- rogate. (Cliemisch-teclinische Bibliothek.) Wien, [1903] 1904. sm. 8. 408 pp. (30001) Cellulose, cellulose products, and artificial rubber. From the [4th] German [ed.] by W. T. Brannt. Philiiitrl/ih'tft, 1904. 8. 338pp. (31317) Chemi Die Fabrikation von Starkezucker, Dextrin, Maltosepraparaten, Zuckercouleur und Inven- zocker. (Ibid.) Wien, 1901. sm. 8. 408 pp. (27510) - Die moderne Landwirthschaft. Wien, [1902-] 1903. 9. 9GOpp. 35 pi. (28292) - Die Verwertung des Torfes. Aus der Abtbeil- nng fur Moorcullur, etc., der K. K. landw. cbem. Versuchsstation in Wien. Wien, 1902. 8. 8 pp. (30234) Waldstreu nnd Streutorf . Aus " Oesterr. Forst- und Jagd- Zeitung." 1902. 8. 6 op. (30235) and Zailer, V. Das Hochmoor " Saumoos " bei St. Micbael im Lungau (Salzburg). Eine vollstaudige Moorauf- nahme. Aus "Z. f. d. landw. Versuchswesen in Oesterreich." 1902. 8. 38 pp. 6 pi. (30233) 34222 65 Borsey, Walter Chas. - Electrically-propelled Carriages. London, 1898. 4. 84pp. 19 pi. (25836) Bersezlo, Yittorio, and others. - Torino. Torino, 1880. 8. 1000 pp. (37875) Borsor, A. See DEUTSCHER VEREIN ZUR FCRDERUNO DER LUFTSCHIPPPAHRT : ZEITSCHKIFT. HrSR. A. B. 1896-98. E 60 : 882. Bert, - Brevets d'invention, Marques, Modeles et Detains de fabrique. 1898. See SocifiTE DES iNQfeNIEURS ClVILS DE FRANCE. CiiNiuantonailv. 1848-98. pp. 771-782. 8. (25483) Bertelsmann, Wilhelm. - Der Stickstoff der Steinkohle. 1904. See HAMMLUNG CHEM. UND CHEM.-TECH. VORTRXQE. Band 9. pp. 329-414. 8. K 1 : 896a. - Die Entwicklung der Leuchtgaserzaugung seit 1890. 1907. Ibid. Band 12. pp. 231-320. K 1 : 896. - Die Technologie der Cyanverbindungen. Miin- chen, 1906. 8. 344 pp. (32227) Bertezen, Salvatore. - Thoughts on the different kinds of Food given to young Silk Worms, and the possibility of their being brought to perfection in the climate of England. London, 1789. 8. 48 pp. (36578) Berth, C. - Traite d'analyse chimiqua complete des Potasses brutes et des Potasses raffiuiSes. (ActualiUs scienti- faues.) Paris, 1880. 8. 68 pp. (34184) Bertbault - Ducreux, Claude Jean Baptiste Alexandre. - De 1'art d'entretenir les Routes. Paris, 1834. 8. 200pp. (34497) - De 1'entretien des Routes et du Roulage. Pan's, 1836. 8. 382pp. (34498) Des grandes Routes et des Cbemins vicinaux : proce'de's les plus ecoaomiques pour les construire, etc. Paris, 1829. 8. 220 pp. (34499) - The'orie et pratique des Mortiers et Ciments Romains. Paris, 1833. 8. 510 pp. (34185) Berthaux, Louis. - Le parfait Serrurier. Dijon, 1855. 8. 120 pp. 123 pi. (34289) Berthe, T. Trait^ de 1'Office. Ouvrage indispensable aux maitres d'hotel, valets de chambre, cuisiniers et cuisinieres, etc. Paris, 1876. sm. 8. 390 pp. (38068) Borthcld, Jos. - La Fouderie de Cloches de Xavier Cavillier a Carr^puits (Somme). Chateau-Thierry, 1891. 8. 14 pp. (35266) Bertbelot, Marcellin Pierre Eugene. Archeologie et histoire des soiences. Avec pub- lication nouvelle du Papyrus Grec chimique de Leyde et impression originale du Liber de Septua- giutadeGeber. Paris, 190G. 4. 378pp. (32690) - Les Carbures d'Hydrogene, 1851-1901. Re- cherches experimentales. Pan's, 1901. 3 vols. 8. ^ Animate. Prinoipes chimiques, etc. (Encycl. Scientiftque des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1899?]. 2 vols. sm. 8. (26341) BERT] Serthelot, Marcellin Pierre Eugene cont. Chimie Vegeiale et Agrirole. (Station de Chimie Vegetate de Meudon, 1883-1899.) Paris, 1899. 4 vols. 8. (26342) Combinaisons de la Glycerine avec les Acides et reproduction artificielle ties corps gras neutres. (These.) Paris, 1854. 8. 110 pp. (35475) 8ur la Force de la Poudre et des Matieres Explosives. Pares, 1871. 4. 40 pp. (33547) Leyon sur 1'Isome'rie. 1863. See SOCIETE CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. Lecons de Chimie. 1864-65. pp. 1-253. K:858c. La M^thode des Vases clos et ses applications. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 44. pp. 148-156. 8. (13828) Sur les principes Sucre's. 1862. See SOCIETE CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. Leyons de Chimie. 1862. pp. 183-332. K:858c. De la Synthese en chimie organiqne. 1860. Ibid. 1860. pp. 141-203. K:858c. Trait^ pratique de Calorimetrie chiroique. (Encycl. Scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris. [1894]. sm. 8.' 192pp. (24228) The same. 2e 4d. Paris. 1905. 8. 332 pp. (31491) and Jung-fleisch, E. 0. TraittS e^mentaire de Chimie organique. 2e ed. Paris, 1881. 2 vols. 8. (19417) The same. 4e ed. Paris, 1898-1904. 2 vols. 8. (25646) Serthelot, Sabin. De 1'industrie de la Cochenille aux iles Canaries. Paris, 1851. 8. 24 pp. (33265) Berthenson, Geo. Grundprincipien der physiologischen Mechanik und das Buttenstedt'sche Flugprincip. Berlin. 1894. 8. 28pp. (25706) Berthier, A. Some new modes of Lighting. From " Cosmos," May-June, 1904. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Reports. 1904. pp. 267-274. 1 pi. B 13: 847. Les Piles seches et leurs applications. Paris, 1905. 12. 96pp. (31492) Precedes d'Allnmage des Moteurs a explosion. Paris, 1907. 12. 160 pp. (33883) Bertbier. S. Trait^ de 1'Imprimerie a 1'usage des petites Machines. Paris, [1882]. 8. 72 pp. 4 pi. (35400) Berthollet, Ame'dee B. See BERTHOLLET, C. L., and A. B. Elements of the art of dye-ing, etc. From the French by A. Tire. Newed. 1841. 8. (33018) See POERNER, C. W. Instruction sur 1'art de la teinture, etc. . . . Revue, etc. par [ 1 Des- marets et [A. B.] B. 1791. 8. (33327) Berthollet, Claude Louis, Comte. See MOLLERAT, J. B. M^moires . . . gur la distillation du bois, etc. et rapports par MM Berthollet, etc. 1808. 8. (36278) Elements of the art of Dying. From the French. Edinburgh, 1792. 8. 122 pp. (37052) . and A. B. Elements of the art of Dyeing and Bleaching. From the French by A. Ure. New ed. London, 1841. 8. 556pp. 4 pi. (33018) [BERT Bertholon, Pierre , Abbe. De 1'Klectricite" des MtSteores. Luon, 1787. 2 vols. 8. (28593) * Author's forename is " Nicolas " according to Qudrard, and Arnault, Blogr. Conlemp. De I'EIectricite des Vegefcaux. Paris, 1783. 8. 468 pp. 3 pi. (35359) Berthon, Chas. Septimus, Major R.E. Notes on Fuzes. [A collection of MS. notes and cuttings, with pen and ink, and hand-coloured sketches.] [1893.] 4. 100 11. (26759) Berthon, Edward Lyon, Rev. T.he Fareham Life-boat. [Letters Patent No. 13,659 of 1851.] Fareham, 1853. 8. 24 pp 3 pi (33019) (Memoir.) A retrospect of eight decades. [An auto- biography.] London, 1899. sm. 8. 214 pp. 9 pi. (26018) Berthot, Pierre. Cbemins de fer. Superstructure, etc. 1898. Par A. Moreau et P. B. See SOCIETE DES INQENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. 8. pp. 65-128. (25483) Bcrthoud, Eugene. Trait de la Gravure sur Rouleaux. Precede 1 d'une introduction historique sur les modes de gravure usite's dans la toile peinte, par J. Depierre. Mulhouse, 1906. 8. 236 pp. (32012) Berthoud, Ferdinand. Essai sur 1'Horlogerie. Paris, 1763. 2 vols. 4. (28660) Ttie same. 2e 3d. Paris, 1786. 3 vols. 4. (8927) Histoire de la Mesure du Temps par les Horloges. Paris, 1802. 2 vols. 4. (28659) Berlin, Georges. Statistique dea O*, au point de vu3 de la chimie, des arts et de 1'agriculture. Nantes, 1843. 8. 254 pp. (36966) Berlin, L., Designer in furniture. Compositions nouvellesd'Ameublement. Dour- dan, [189 ?]. fol. 24 pp. 60 pi. (25413) LaMenuiseriemoderne (Compositions nouvelles). Paris, [1898?]. 4. 288 pp. Atlas. 112 pi, (3629) Bertin, Louis Emile, Director of Naval Construction. Chaudieres marines. Paris, 1896. 8. 436 pp. (20708) The same. 2e ed. Paris, 1902. 8. 564 pp. (28325) Marine boilers, their construction and working, dealing more especially with tubulons boilers. Trsl. L. S. Robertson. London, 1898. 8. 466 pp. (25852) The same. 2nd ed. With a new chapter on "Liquid fuel," by H. C. Anstey. London, 1906. 8. 094pp. 6 pi. (31823) Machines, Marines. Cours de machines a vapeur profess^ a 1'Ecole d'application du Genie maritime. Paris, 1899. 8. 726 pp. 2 pi. (26884) Les Marines de guerre a 1'Exposition Univer- selle de 1900. Paris, 1902. 8". 100 pp. (28326) Les Vagues et le Ronlis, le qualites nautiqnes des Navires. Ex: "Revue Maritime, etc.," 1876. Paris, 1877. 8. 176 pp. 1 pi. (34021) 66 BERT] [BESS Bertram, H. The recovery of Waste Products. 1906. 18 pp. See INSTITUTE OP MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 18. F 81 : 886. Bertran, H. See MAONIER, D. Nouveau manuel complet du Porcolainier, etc. Refondu par H. B. 1898. 12. (25381) Bertrand, C. Fr. Le Parfumeur Imperial, ou 1'art de prdparer leg odeurs, essences, parfums, etc. Paris, 1809. sm. 8. 418 pp. (33658) Bertrand, Elias. Dictionaaire universe! des fossiles propres, et des fossiles accidentels. Avignon, 1763. sm. 8. 638 pp. (37676) Bertrand, Gabriel. Les Oiydases ou Ferments solubles oxydants. [189 ?]. See SOCIETK' CHIMIQUB DE PARIS. Con- ferences, 1893-1900. 1903. pp. 193-218. K858:b. Bertrand, H., Engineer. See MALEPEYRE, C. F. Nouv. manuel complet de la fabrication des Colles. Nouv. 6d. par H. B. 1901. 12. (27900) Bertrand, Joseph Louis Francois. Le9ons sur la th6orie mathe'matique de 1'Electri- cit6 professe'es au College de France. Paris, 1890. 8. 310 pp. (29383) Bertrand, Jules. Le Livre d'or de St. Pierre-les-Calais. Histoire das dentelles, des tulles et de leur fabrication. Calais, 1885. 110pp. (34850) Bertrand, Victor. Chargeur electro-m(5canique des cornues hori- zontalea dans les Usines a gaz. Systeme brevete par la Socie'te' des Ateliers d'Oerhkon. [Brevet Fran?aise No. 338,661 ; Brevet Allemand No. 158,969.] 1905. See SOCIETIS INDUSTRIELLE DE L'EsT. Bulletin 43. pp. 111-126. B77E-i: Note sur la fabrication mecanique du Verre a vitres. 1909. Ibid. Bulletin 68. pp. 7-15. B77Es: Bertrand-Quinquet, , Printer. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Description des arts et metiers . . . Nouv. 6d. Tome 20. Trait^ de 1'imprimerie. par B.-Q. [1798-99.] 4. (3725) Berward, Christian. Interpres phraseologies metallurgies ; oder Erkliirung der furnembsten Terminorum und Ke- dearten welche bey den Bergleuten, Puchern, Schmeltzern, Probirern und Muntzmeistern getirau- chlich sind. Franckfurt a. M., 1673. fol. 48 pp. (29887) Interpres Phraseologies Metallicse, 1673. See ERCKER, L. Anla subterranea, etc. 1672-73. 2pts. fol. (38145) Berzellua, Jons Jacob, Baron von, F.B.S. See JAHRESBERICIIT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSISCHEN WlSSENSCHAFTEN. Hrsg. J. [J.] B. 1822-47. D2:822. See KAHLBAUM, G. W. A. The Letters of J. J. B. and C. F. Schonbein, 1836-47. 1900. sm. 8. (27023) The Analysis of Inorganic bodies. From the French, by G. O. Kees. London, 1833. 12. 172 pp. 1 pi. (35578) 34222 Berzellua, Jims Jacob, Baron von, F.R.S. con/. De 1'emploi du Chalumeau dans les analyses Chimiques et lea de'terminatibns Mine'ralosjiques. Trad, dn Suddois par F. Fresnel. Paris, 1821. 8. 402pp. 4 pi. (29742) Besan9nt. The same. 9th ed. by J. M. Thomson and A. G. Bioxam. London, 1903. 8. 884 pp. (30457) Bioxam, Matthew Holbeche. The principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Archi- tecture. 3rd ed. London, 1838. sm. 8. 124 pp. (37550) The same, llthed. With Companion. London, 1882. 3 vols. sm. 8. (4232) Bioxam, Win. Popplewell. See INDIA, Govt. of. Report ... of the research work on Indigo . . . 1905-1907, by W. P. B., etc. 1908. 8. (36246) Bludau, Alois. See ZOPPRITZ, K. Leitfaden der Kartenent- wurfslehre. 2te Aufl. von A. B. 1899-1908. 8. (26511) Blumelhuber, Michel. Bin lenkbares Luftfahrzeug. [Letters Patent, No. 27,195 of 1898.] Weimar, 1899. 8. 92 pp. 4 pi. (26859) Bliithner, Julius, and Crretschel, H. Der Pianofortebau. 3te Aufl. von R. Hanne- mann. Leipzig, 1909. 8. 168 pp. (37650) Blubm, Agnes, M.I). Hygienische Fiircorge fur Arbeiterinnen und deren Kinder. 1897. See WEYL, T. Handbuch der Hygiene. Band 8. pp. 79-106. 8. (24547) Blum, Krnil. Die hydraulischen Aufziige im Eisenbahn hotel zu Berlin. 1880. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DBS GEWERBPLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 59. pp. 16-23. B 67 P : Sachliche Wiirdigung der in Deutschland erteilten Patente. Klasse 31. Giesserei und Formerei. 1880. Ibid. Jahrg. 59. pp. 179-194 ; 481-493. B 67 P : and others. Die Eisenbahn-Technik der Gegenwart. Hrsg. [E.] Blum, Borries, Barkhausen. Band 1-4. Wiesbaden, 1897-1905. 6 pts. in seven. 8. (1717) In progress. The same. 2te Aufl. Wiesbaden, 1903, etc. 8. (32065) In progress. Blum, Ludwig. Lehrbuch der Physik und Mechanik. Leipzig, 1859. sm. 8. 504 pp. (35237) Blundell, Robert. Blundell's Drainage level. London, [1847]. 8. 8pp. Ipl. (36580) Blunt, Stanhope English, Lieut.-Col., U.S.A. The modern Infantry Rifle. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 397-426. 3 pi. 8. (24918) Blyth, Alexander Wyntor, M.D. Diet in relation to health and work. [4th ed.] (Internal. Health Exhibition Handbooks.) London, 1884. 8. 110pp. (30875) and M. W. Foods: their composition and analysis. 5th ed. London, 1903. 8. 642 pp. 6 pi. (31009) Blyth, James N. Notes on Beds and Bedding : historical and anecdotal. London, 1873. sm. 8. 90 pp. (36581) Blyth, John, M.D. See LIEBIG, J., Baron von. The natural IHWS of Husbandry. Ed. J. B. 1863. 8 Q . (25342) See LIEBIG, J., Baron von. Familiar Letters on Chemistry. 4th ed. by J. B. 1859. 8. (28135) Blyth, Meredith Wvnter. See BLYTH, A. W., and M. W. Foods : their composition, etc. 5th ed. 1903. 8. (31009) Boake, Win. Barcroft. - The production of Wine in Australia. 1899. 4 Vol. pp.] See BREWING. Papers on brewing. ol. 1.] fol. (6279) Board of Agriculture and Internal Im- provement. Communications ... on Oottages. London, 1796. 4. 42pp. 6 pi. (35802) Communications ... on Farm Buildings, etc. With preliminary observations [by Sir J. Sinclair] on the origin of the Board of Agriculture. London, 1796. 4. 156 pp. 33 pi. (35801) Board of Agriculture [from 1903 "and Fisheries"]. Agricultural Education. Minutes of evidence taken before the Departmental Committee appointed . . . to inquire into and report upon the subject of Agricultural Education in England and Wales. London, 1908. fol. 660 pp. (37229) Agricultural Seeds. Report of the Committee appointed to enquire . . . into the conditions under which agricultural seeds are at present sold. With minutes of evidence, etc. London, 1901. fol. 248 pp. (28209) Butter. [Interim and Final] Reports by the Board of Agriculture, and the Dept. of Agriculture &c. for Ireland, upon the desirability of regulations, . under Sect. 4 of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1899, for Butter. London, 1902. 3 pts. fol. (30968) Cheese. Report on the results of investigations into Cheddar Cheese-making, carried out . . . 1891-98. By F. J. Lloyd. London, 1899. 8. 252 pp. 7 maps. (26638) Chicory. Report on the cultivation and drying of Chicory in Great Britain and Belgium. [By R. F. Crawford.] London, 1904. 8. 32 pp. (30824) Cider. Report on the results of investigations into Cider-making, carried out on behalf of the Bath and West and Southern Counties Society, 1893-1902, by F. J. Lloyd. London, 1903. 8. 158 pp. (30967) Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1893. Report, Evidence, Appendices, etc. London, 1905. 2 vols. in one. fol. (31211) Forestry. Report of the Departmental Com- mittee. British Forestry. With minutes of evidence, etc. London, 1903. fol. 242 pp. 3 pi. (29974) Fruit industry. Report . . . upon the fruit industry of Great Britain, with minutes of evidence, etc. London, 1905. fol. 550 pp. (31670) Glanders Committee. Report . . . upon the working of the Diseases of Animals Acts in so far as they relate to Glanders, and ... to prevent the spread of that disease. London, 1899. fol. 128 pp. (26639) 78 BOAR] [BOAR Board of Agriculture cont. Report of the Departmental Committee ap- pointed . . . for the purpose of conducting experimental investigations with regard to the com- municability of the infection of Glanders . . . and the arresting and curative powers, if any, of -Mullein repeatedly administered. London, 1902. fol. 22pp. (29975) - Liver-rot in sheep. Reprint of articles in the ' Journal of the Royal Agric. Society " with copy of correspondence, etc. London. 1904. 8. 116 pp. (31193) - Milk and Cream Regulation)). Report of the Committee ... to inquire and report upon the desirability of regulations under Section 4 of the Sale of Food and Drags Act, 1899 for Milk and Cream. With minutes of evidence, etc. London, 1901. fol. 522pp. (27736) - Oil engines for Agricultural purposes. [By W. W. Beaumont.] From the " Journal of the Board of Agriculture,' March, 1904. London. 1904. 8. 28 pp. (30841) - Preserved Vegetables. Report on the Dutch brined Vegetable Industry. London, 1902. 8. 32 pp. 6 pi. (30593) Sheep. Report of the Departmental Committee [on the] Dipping and Treatment of Sheep. With evidence and appendices. London, 1904. 2 TO!S. in one. fol. (31212) - Sheep, diseases. Report of the Departmental Committee appointed ... to inquire into the aetiology, pathology, etc., connected with the diseases of sheep known as Lonping-ill and Braxy. Part i- iii. London, 1906. 3 pts. 4. (32365) - {Intelligence Division.) -- Annual Report of Proceedings under the Sale of Food and Drnps Acts, 1875-1899, the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887-94, the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1893, etc. 1900, etc. London, 1901, etc. 8. H 35: 900. - (Fisheries Dept.) -- See also SALMON FISHERIES. (England and Wales.) Reports. 1903, etc. H 58 : 861. -- See also SEA FISHERIES. (England and Wales.) Reports. 1903, etc. H 58 : 886. -- Report on the research work ... in rela- tion to the Plaice Fisheries of the North Sea. 1905-06. London, 1908, etc. fol. (37226) In Board of Education. See NOTES. Notes on building construction. 1875-91. 4vols. 8. (17288) - See also SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Board of Health, General. - See HOMERSHAM, S. C. Review of the Report . . . on the supply of water to the Metropolis etc. 1850. 8. (33504) 1 Cattle disease. Report on Murrain in horned Cattle, the public sale of diseased animals, and the effects of the consumption of their flesh on human health. London, 1857. 8. 78 pp. (37090) - Croydon Drainage. Further reporc. [London] 1853. 8. 34pp. (37091) - Nuisances removal, etc. Report ... on the measures adopted for the execution of the Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, and the Public Health Ait, up to July, 1849. London, 1849. 8. 13C pp. (37088) Board of Health, General cont. Pipe Sewers. Communication . . . and Reports ... in relation to the Reports of the Engineer of the Metropolitan Sewers Commission in respect to the operation of pipe sewers. London, 1855. 8. 104pp. (37092) Sanitary state of the People of England. Papers. By E. H. Greenhow. London, 1858. 8. 212 pp. (37089) Board of Inland Revenues. See GRAHAM, T., and others. Chemical report on the mode of detecting vegetable substances mixed with coffee. 1852. 8. (303) Government Laboratory. Report of the prin- cipal chemist. 1896, etc. London, 1898, etc. fol. H 35/897. Sugar Refining. Copies " of the Report . . . with correspondence ... on the subject of Dr. John Scoffern's Patent for Refining Sugar. [Letters Patent, No. 11,991 of 1847.] London, 1850. fol. 18pp. (25571) Board of Ordnance. See ORDNANCE COMMITTEE. ORDNANCE OFFICE. ORDNANCE SURVEY OFFICE. Board of Trade. Anchors. The Anchors and Chain Cables Act, 1899, with regulations as to testing, etc. London, 1900. 8. 42pp. (27404) Art education. School of design. Report [lst-5th] of the Council of the School of Design. London, 1841-46. 5 pts. fol. (30557) Central London Railway (Vibration). Report of the Committee appointed ... to enquire into the vibration produced by the working of the traffic on the Central London Railway. With appendices. London, 1902. fol. 28 pp. (28709) Commerce. Report . . . upon the present position and future prospects of British Trade in South Africa. By H. Birchenough. London, 1903. fol. 160 pp. 1 map. (30356) Cotton. Report ... on Cotton Cultivation in the British Empire and in Egypt. By Prof. W. Dunstan. London, 1904. fol. 40 pp. 8 pi. (30595) Gas. Metropolitan Gas Committee. Report . . . as to gas testing in the Metropolis. With evidence and appendices. London, 1904. 2 vols. fol. (30825) International Exhibitions. Report of the Com- mittee appointed ... to make inquiries with reference to the participation of Great Britain in Great International Exhibitions. With evidence, etc. London, 1907. 2 yols. in oue. fol. (35544) Iron ores. Reports on Iron Ore deposits in Foreign countries. London, 1905. fol. 294 pp. (31668) Life saving, marine. Instructions relating to the Rocket Apparatus for saving life from Ship- wreck. London. 1904. 84 pp. 1 pi. (31198) London traffic. Report of the Londnn Traffic Branch of the Board of Trade. London, 1908. fol. 184 pp. 4 maps. (37405) Merchandise Marks Acts. Return "setting forth all prosecutions which have been instituted by the Board of Trade under the Merchandise Marks Act since Jan., 1888, to end of 1896. London, 1897. fol. 6pp. (17340) 79 BOAR] Board of Trade cont. Patents. Eeport of the Committee appointed . . . to consider various suggestions which have been made for developing the benefits afforded by the Patent Office to Inventors. London. 1900. fol. 16 pp. (26968) Patents. Report [and Appendices] of the Committee appointed ... to inquire into the working of the Patents Acts on certain specified questions. [With] Note by the Solicitor-General on the Report . . . 1902. London. 1901-02. fol. 182 pp. (28020) Patent agents. Register of Patent Acrents' Rules. 1889-1891. [London], 1889-91. fol. (26703) The Register of Patent Agents' Rules, 1908. [London, 1907.] 8. 8 pp. (35393) ' Railway coupling?. Memorandum upon the use of Automatic Couplings on Railway Stock, with special reference to American experience. [By Sir F. J. S. Hopwood.] [London, 1898.] fol. 10 pp. (25937) Railways. Report on a visit to America . . . by Lieut.-Col. H. A. Yorke, Chief Inspecting Officer of Railways. London, 1903. fol. 48 pp. (29976) Reports of the Committee appointed . . . to examine, etc., Appliances designed to diminish danger to men employed in Railway Service. With appendices. London, 1907. fol. 14 pp. (35554) Railways, electric traction. Report ... on the Chemin de fer metropolitain de Paris, with remarks on shallow tunnels. By Lt.-Col. H. A. Yorke. London, 1902. fol. 12 pp. 2 pi. (28708) Steam boiler doors. Report upon M'Neil's Patent Steel embossed Man-and-Mud-hole doors : ' containing results of experiment!)! tests conducted by T. W. Traill . . . and P. Samson. Glasgow, [1888]. 8. 32pp. 9 pi. (25908) . Steel. "Experiments on Steel. Remarks of the Engineer Surveyor in Chief . . . respecting the mild steel manufactured by the Steel Company of Scotland ; also tabular results of tests. London, 1881. 8. 112pp. 5 pi. (36222) Steel Rails. Report of the Committee . . . to enquire into the loss of strength in Steel rails through use on railways, with appendices. London, 1900. fol. 124pp. 21 pi. (27401) ' Tonnage Measurement. Report of the Com- mittee ... to inquire into the operation of Sect. 78 and 87 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, in regard to the measurement of the tonnage of steam ships. With evidence, etc. London, 1906. fol. 430pp. (32619) Tunnel Ventilation. Metropolitan Railway (Ventilation of Tunnels). Report of the Committee appointed ... to inquire into the system of Ventilation of Tunnels on the Metropolitan Railway. With proceedings, evidence, etc. London, 1897. fol. 180pp. 11 pi. (17339) (Fisheries Dept.) Committee on Ichthyological Research. Report . . . as to the best means by which the State or Local authorities can assist scientific research as applied to problems affecting the fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland. With evidence, etc. London, 1902. fol. 194pp. 18 maps. (29363) (Library.') Catalogue of the Library of the Board of Trade. I. Subjects. II. Authors. [By W. M. Bucknall.] London, 1866. 8. 652 pp. (13670) [BOCK Boardman, Samuel L. Agricultural bibliography of Maine . . . with biographical sketches, etc. 1893. 118 pp. 2 pi. See MAINE (State) : Board of Agriculture. Annual Reports, 1892. J 30 Mai : Boardman, W. E., M.D. On the use of Zinced or Galvanized Iron for the storage aud conveyance of drinking-water. [1873.] See MASSACHUSETTS (State): Board of Health. 5th Report. [1873.] pp. 489-510. H23M: Boase, Frederic. -See INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY. Catalogue. Ed. F. B. 1891. 8. (32841) Modern English Biography . . . memoirs of persons who have died since the year 1850. Truro, 1892-1900. 3 vols. 8. (25397) The same. Supplement. Vol. 4, etc. Truro, 1908, etc. 8. (25397) Bobierre, Adolphe. Nouveaux precedes de Conservation des sub- stances animates, applicable; a 1'embaumement des corps, a la preparation des pieces anatomiques, et a la taxidermie, etc. Paris, 1845. 12. 70 pp. (36254) [i.] Des phdnomenes Electro-chimiqnes qui caract^risent I'alte'ration, a la mer, des alliages employed pour doubler les na vires, [ii.] Observa- tions relatives a 1'agricultnre de 1'ouest de la France. (Theses.) Nantes, 1858. 4. 116 pp. 1 pi. (28594) Boccardo, Ernesto C. Trattato elementare complete di Geometria pratica. Parte i-ii. [Appendice i-iii.] Torino, 1887-1901. 5 vols. 8. (23114) Parte ii. Applicazioni della Topografia, 1901 [1898- 1900], by V. Baggi. Boccardo, Gerolamo. Nuova Enciclopedia Italiana, ovvero Dizionario generate di Scienze, Lettere, Industrie, etc. 6a ed. Torino, 1875-88. 25 vols. 8. The same. Supplemento. Dal S. Pagliani. Torino, 1889-99. 5 vols. 8. (23113) Bocbet, A. Sur l ! emploi des Projecteurs Electriques a la guerre. 1901. See REVDE DU GENIE MILITAIRE. Tome 22. pp. 429-456 ; 497-528. F 94 : 803a. Bochet, H. Nouvelles recberches experimentales sur le frottement de glissement specialement sur les Rails de Chemins de fer dans des circonstances tres- diverses. Paris, 1861. 8. 106 pp. 3 pi. (33267) Socket, L. Les Automobiles a Petrole. 1900. See ANNALES DES MINES. 9e Serie. Tome 17. pp. 5-109. G 64 : 816. Bock, , M.D., and Hasenknopf, . Krie^schirurgen und Feldiirzte der erstern ffilfte des 19 Jahrhunderts (1795-1848). 1901. 344pp. 17 ports. 8 pi. See VEKOFFENTLICHUNGEN A. D. G. DES MIUTAR-BANITATSWESENS. Heft 18. 8. H 24 : 892. Bock, Emil. Die Brille und ihre Geschichte. Wien, 1903. 8. 62 pp. 1 pi. (30101) 80 BOCK] [BOEH Bock, Moiiz. - Der Aasbaa der EJisenbahnbriicke iiber die Save bei Brod, 1882-84. 1885. 72 pp. 8 pi. See MITTH. TIBER GEGENSTANDE DBS AKTILLEBIE- UND GENIE-WESENS. Jahrg. 16. F 93 : 870. Sock, Otto. - Der Ziegelofen. 2te Aufl. von Eokhart : Die Konstruktion von Brennofen, etc. Leipzig, [1902]. 8. 64pp. (29570) Bocqiiillon-Xiimousln, Henri. - Formnlaire de 1'Antisepsio et de la Disinfection. 2e 6d. Paris, 1896. 16. 338 pp. (25670) - The same. 3e <5d. Paris, 1905. 18. 348 pp. (32014) - Formulaire des AlcaloTdes et des Glucosides. 2e dd. Paris, 1899. [1898.] 16. 350 pp. (25669) - Formulaire des Medicaments nouveaux. 9e dd. ' Paris, 1898. 12. 328 pp. (17825) - The same. 14e 6d. Paris, 1902. 12. 324 pp. (28483) - The same. [17e e"d.] Paris, 1905. 12. 308pp. (31797) - The same. [19e <5d.] Paris, 1907. 12. 314 pp. (35038) Soda, Martin. - Die Sicherung des Zugsverkehres auf den Eisenbahnen. Prag, [1898-1903]. 2 vols. 8. (26886) Boddy, John. - Suggestions as to the prevention of Corrosion of tail end Shafts. 1901. [Paper and discussion.] 28 pp. 1. pi.. See INST. OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trang. Vol.13. 99th Paper. F 81 : 889. Bode, G. - Eisenbahnrettungswesen, 1908. See STOCKBRT, L. Mm. Handbuch des Eiaenbahn-Maachineu- wesens. Band 3. pp. 382-423. 8. (38111) - Materialpriifung. 1908. See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbuch des Eisenbihn-Maschinenwesens. Band 3. pp. 246-285. 8. (38111) Bodenborst, Geo. , - See WILLE, B. Etude sur la J'lastomuaite. Trad. G. B. 1898. 8. (25927) Bodcnstcin, Max. - See BUSSEN, R. W. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Hrsg. W. Oatwald und M. B. 1904. 3 vols. 8 J . (31494) Sodin, J. - Instruments Aratoires. Rennes, 1858. 8. 16 pp. 22 pi. (34501) Bodlandcr, Guido. - Sen und Elektrometallurgie an der Kgl. Technischen Hochschule zu Aachen. Abschnitt : Elektrische Messinstrumente, von H. Danneel. Halle a. S., 1903. 8. 62pp. (30236) Bordas, L., M.D. Contribution a 1'histoire naturelle de quelques Gryllidaa et notamment le Brachytrupes achatinus Stoll, qui, au Tonkin, cause des ravages dans les plantations de cafe. [Ex : " Annales de 1'Inst. Colonial de Marseille," 1900.] Marseille, 1900. 8. 70pp. 1 pi. (31229) Bordeaux i Congres National des Peehes Maritimes, 1907. i M^moires et Comptes rendus des Sciences, publics par J. Perard et Manley - Bendall. Annexe : Bapport d'ensemble snr la peche aux Colonies, par Bontellier. La mutualite maritime, par C. Barrat. Orleans, 1908. 3 pts. in one. 8. (38143) Bordenave, Jean. Expos, description, applications, re'sultats du Sid^ro - Ciment, systeme Bordenave. [Letters Patent, No. 4386 of 1887, and No. 22,172 of 1891.] Paris, 1898. 8. 82 pp. (27380) Bordier-Mar^et, J. A., Successor of Argand. La Parabola soumise a 1'art, ou essai sur la Catoptrique de l'6clairage, descriptif des nouvelles combinaisons et propri^tes de la Parabole, applt- qne'es au systSme d'e'clairage economique a grands effets de lumiere. Paris, 1819. am. 8. 100 pp. (33551) Borol, Louis Fauche-. See ANTIMEPHITICAL COMPANY. Moveable and. inodorous conveniences. 2nd ed. [L. F. Borel's Letters Pateat, No. 4410 of 1819.] 1820. 8. (3779) Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso. De vi percussionis et motionibua naturahbus a gravitate pendentibus, sive Introductionea . . . physico-mathematicsB ... ad opus . . . De motu animalium. Ed. prima Belgica. Lugduni Batavorum, 1686. 2 vols. in one. 4. (6916) ZSorg-atti, Edmondo, and Xiauino, P. Naovi tipi di apparecchi di scaricamento nei porci. Ex: "Giornale del Genio civile." Anno 36. 1898. pp. 285-352. 2 pi. 8. (26269) Borgrht, Richard van der. BeitraeezurGeschicbteder Deutschen Reisstarke- Industrie. Berlin, 1899. 8. 100pp. (26528) and others. R31es respectifs des Voies navigables et des Chemins de ler dans 1'industrie des transports. 1892. 82 pp. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGA- TION INTERIECRE : 5e Congres. Question 9. [40.] 8. F 43 : 888. Berg-man, Joseph. Die Feinlederfabrikation. 672 pp. (27699) Die Rotlederfabrikation. Berlin, 1904-05. 2 vols. 8. Berlin, 1901. 8. Hrsg. 0. (31433) Krauner. Borg-mann, Eugen. Anleitung zur chemischen Analyse des Weines. Wiesbaden, 1884. am. 8. 176pp. 2 pi. (19843) The same. 2te Aufl. von T. W. Fresenius. Wiesbaden, 1898 [1897]. 8. 242 pp. 2 pi. (25979) Borgrmann. Joseph. Die Chromgerbung. Berlin, 1902. 8. 328 pp. (30201) Borlani, Luigi. See GIORNALE DI FARMACIA CHIMICA, etc. Dir. L. B., etc. 1898. K 21 : 862. Boricky, Emanuel. Elemente einer neuen chemisch-mikroskopischen Mineral-und Gesteinsanalyse. Ex: "Archiv der Naturw. Landesdurchforschung von Bohmen." Band 3. Prag, 1877. 8. 80 pp. 2 pi. (26106) The elements of a new method of Cbemieo- rnicroscopic analysis of Rocks and Minerals. See MINNESOTA : Geological . . . Survey. 19th Report, 1890. pp. 1-82. 2 pi. G 30 Mi : 872. Boring- and Drilling:. Yol. 1-2. London, 1900- 02. 2 vols. sm. fol. G 60: 900. Publication : Monthly. Borlase, Wm. Copeland. Tin-mining in Spain, past and present. London, [1897]. sm. 4. 40 pp. 6 pi. and map. (25619) Borlinctto, Luigi. Fotografia alle polveri indellebili. Padova, 1869. sm. 8. 78 pp. (34189) Bormans, Stanislas. L e bon metier des Tanneurs de 1'ancienne cite de Liege. Liege, 1863. 8. 362 pp. 2 pi. (35177) 86 BORM] Bormlelde. . - Hauptpriifung von Kleinmotoren. Von Schiffmann and B. 1908. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAPT. Arbeiten. Heft 135. pp. 1-45. J 23 : 894. Borne, Louis. Etudes et documents sur la construction des Hopitanz. Texte et planches. (Bibliotheque de la Construction moderne.) Paris, [1898]. 2 vols. 8. . (25461) Bornecque, Jules Charles Constant. L' Aerostation Militaire en France et a I'tStranger. Paris, 1899. 8. . 82 pp. (26343) . Les Armes a feu portatives des armies actuelles et leurs munitions. Par un Officier Supe"rieur. [J. C. C. B.] Partie 1-2. Paris, 1894-1905. 2 vols. 8. (33167) Part 1 published anonymously. Bornemann, G. See JAHRBUCH DER ERFINDUNOEN, etc. Hrsg. G. B., etc. 1883-1901. C 25 : 865. Bornomann, Earl R. See BERO- UNO HUTTENMANNIBCHE ZEITUNG. Red. K. R. B., etc. 1859-63. G 63 : 842. Borns, H. Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1893, etc. [Es : "Chemische Industrie," 1894, etc.] sm.8. D 58:893. Borradaile, Whiting:, Jt Co. See WICKSTEED, T. Report upon . . . clothing of steam boilers, etc., with the patent felt, manufactured by Messrs. B., W., & Co. 1840. 4. (36438) Borrel, Georges. Horlogerie. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1900. Rapports du Jury International. Classe96. pp. 403-452. 8. (29967) Borrmann, Richard. Die Keramik in der Baukunst. 1897. 158 pp. - See DURH, J. Handbuch der Architektur. Tlieil 1. Band 4. 8. (22285) Borry, Edmond. Notice sur la fabrication du Vinaigre et sur la ' reglementation des Denaturations de Vins et d'Alcools. Poitiers, 1906. 8. 16 pp. (33379) Borslg-, A. . . Vortrage und Aufsatze iiber Elektricitat in der Landwirtbschaftundden elektrischenPflug. [Berlin, 1897?] obi. 4. 64pp. 5 pi. (25929) Sorthwlck, Thos. . Remarks on the elements of Language, and the physiology of Respiration, as the means of producing voice and speech, illustrative chiefly of the nature of Stammering. Edinburgh, 1836. 8. 60 pp. (32775) Bory, Paul, pieud. [i.e. P. Brunei]. Les grandes Entreprises modernes. Tours, 1889. 8. 408pp. (23004) '. Les Industries bizarres. Tours, [1902]. 8. 302 pp. 1 pi. (35005) Bos, Chas., and Tiaffarg-ae, J, La distribution d'Knergie Electrique en Alle- magne. Paris, 1899. 8. 580 pp. (26887) Bosob, Robert. Magnetelektrische Bosch - Lichtbogenziindung Type " D 4 " f ur 4 cylinder- Automobilmotor. Ber- lin, [1908]. Folded sheet. (37767) [BOST Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe. See LA. CAILLB, D. de. Lectionea elements res Optic* . . . Accessit, Brevis theoria Micro- metri Objectivi, a R. J. Boscovich. 1757. 4. (27896) Base, Jagadis Chunder. Comparative Eleotro-physiolozy. London. 1907. 8. 804pp. (35642) Plant response as a meins of Physiological investigation. London, 1906. 8. 820 pp. (32685) Response in the Living and Non-living. London, 1902. 8. 220pp. (28920) Bosheck, Wilhelm. Die Plorgewebe. Teppich, Pliisch, Samt, FrottierstoSe, etc. Wien, 1905. 8. 152 pp. (31133) Bosio, Edoardo, Advocate. See RIVISTA DELLE PRIVATIVE INDUSTRIALI, Diretta E. B. 1894-1901. BI : 70 f. La decadenza dei brevetti per maacata attuazione secondo 1'articolo 58 della Lesjge 30 Ottobre, 1859. Torino, 1906. 8. 66 pp. (33234) Bosqui, Francis L. Practical notes on the Cyanide process. New York, 1899. 8. 212jpp. 13 pi. (26434) Boss, Andrew. Meat on the Farm : butchering, curing, and keeping. 1903. 38 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AORI- CCLTORE. Farmers' Bulletin 183. J 29 Fa : Wheat. Varieties, breeding, cultivation. By W. M. Haya and A. B. 1898. See MINNESOTA (Univ.) : Agric. Expt. Station. Report, etc. 1898- 1899. pp. 321-492. J 30 Min : Sosse. J. van. Utilisation des Voies navigables naturellcs. 1900. 12 pp. 6 pi. See CONQRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION. 8e Congres. Question 3. [14.] F 43 : 888. Bosshardt, V. G. Fahrordnuog der Zuge. 1908. See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbuch des Eisenbahn-Maschinenwesens. Band 2. pp. 89-143. 8. (38111) Bosaut, Chas., Able. A general history of Mathematics from the earliest limes to the middle of the eighteenth century. From the French [by J. Bonnycastle]. London, 1803. 8". 570 pp. (36538) Me'moires de Mathe'matiqaes concernant la Navi- gation, 1' Astronomic physique, etc. Paris, 1812. 8. 412 pp. (34503) Traite eiiSmentaire d'Hydrodynamique. Paris, nil. 2vols. 8. (34725) and Vlallot, G. Rechercbes sur la construction la plus avan- tatfeuse des Digues. Paris, 1764. 4. 60 pp. 7 pi. (35362) . and others. Nouvelles experiences sur la Resistance des Fluides, par J. L. d'Alembert, le Marquis de Con- dorcet, et l'Abb< Bossut. Paris, 1777. 8. 232 pp. 5 pi. (34719) Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue of the Library . . . 1807-71. Part 1-5. Boston, [Mass.]. 1874-82. 5 vols. 8. (2853) 87 BOST] [BOUO Boston Manufacturers' mutual Fire Insurance Company. Insurance Engineering Experiment Station. Reports. No. 1, etc. Boston. Mass., 1902, etc. 4. F 48 : 902. No. 18, Aug. 1905, last issued. A 3rd ed. of No. 5 published in 1908. Boston Public Xilbrary. Annual List of new and important book* added to the Public Library of the City of Boston. Selected from the "Monthly Bulletin." 1896-07. Boston, Mass., 1898-08. 8. AH 10 : 898. Bulletin. Vol. 9-16. Monthly Bulletin. Vol. 1-13, No. 3. 3rd series. Vol. 1, etc. Boston, Mass., 1890, etc. 8. AH 14 : 890**. Publication: 1890-95, Quarterly; 1896-March 1908, Monthly ; Quarterly, June, 1908, etc. Catalogue of the Books relating to Architecture, construction and decoration in the Public Library of the City of Boston. Nov. 1, 1894. (Subject Catalogue 10.) Boston, Mass., 1894. 8. 150 pp. (29326) Handbook for Readers in the Boston Public Library. 9th ed. Boston, Mass., 1890. am. 8. 378 pp. (31297) Boston Transit Commission. Annual Report 1, etc. [1894, ete.] Boston, 1895, etc. 8. F 22: 895. The Boston Subway. (Reprinted from the Boston papers of Feb. 20, 1895.) Boston, [Mass.], 1895. 8. 16pp. 6 pi. (30363) The Subway. What the Commission ha* done. A comparison with other plans, etc. Boston, [Mass.l, 1895. 8. 24pp. (30362) Boswell, Peter. Bees, pigeons, rabbits, and the canary bird ; their habits, propensities, and dispositions. London, 1852. 12. 124pp. (38095) Boswortb, Newton. The Accidents of Human life ; with hints for their prevention, or the removal of their conse- quences. London, 1813. 12. 222 pp. (26937) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1834. 12 5 *. 206 pp. 5 pi. (36539) Botanical aiag-azine (The) ; or Flower Garden displayed. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1787, etc. 8. H 70: 787. Publication: Monthly. Editors: Wm. Curtis, 1787-99; J. Sims, 1800-26; Sir W. J. Hooker, 1827-64; Sir J. D. Hooker, 1865-1904; Sir W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, 1905-06; D. Prain, 1907, etc. Indexes: Vol. 1-53 (1828); Vol. 1-107, Ed. B. Tonks (1883); Vol. 1-130, Ed. W. B. Helmsley (with History of the Magazine). (1906.) Titlevaried : 1801, etc. " Curtis's Botanical Magazine." See also COMPANION TO THE BOTANICAL MAGA- ZINE. 1835-36. 8. H 70: 835. Sotella y de Hornos, Federico. Description geologica-minera de la Provincia de Murcia y Albacete. Madrid, 1868. fol. 210 pp. 22 pi. (37552) Bothamley, Okas. Herbert. Negative making. See ELLIOTT & SON. The Barnet Book of Photography. 1898. pp. 23-56. 8. (25915) Bothway, Joseph. Mechanical improvements connected with the Royal Navy . . . submitted . . . 1814 to 1830 ; with observations for the guidance of future speculators in mechanical inventions ; added, an Extract from a Report . . . 1829, on the law of Patents. Devonport, 1830. 12. 64 pp. (37785) The same. [Abridged ed.] London, 1831. 12. 20 pp. 1 pi. (37786) The same. 4th ed. Devonport, 1840. 12. 98 pp. 1 pi. (33021) Bottineau, Kliomic. Extrait du Me'moire . . . sur la Nauscopie, on 1'art de d^couvrir les vaisseaux et les terres a une distance considerable. [Paris ?], 1786. 8. 88 pp. (36004) Bottler, Max. Die animalischen Faserstoffe . . . sowie Bleichen und Farben thierischer Faserstoffe. (Chem.-techn. Bill.) Wien, 1902. sm. 8. 224 pp. (28113) Bleich- und Detachiermittel der Neuzeit. Wittenberg, 1908. 8. 172 pp. (36834) Klarnng und Filtration alkoholhaltiger Flussig- keiten. (Chem.-techn. Bibl.) Wien, [1905] 1906. am. 8. 204pp. (31409) D:e Lack- und Firnisfabrikation. 1908. 140pp. See MONOGRAPHIEN UBER CHEM.-TECHN. FABRIKA- TIONSMETHODEN. Band 16. 8. K 1 : 906. Die vegetabiliscben Faserstoffe. (Chem.-tcclm. Bibl.) Wien, 1900. sm. 8. 208 pp. (26888) Sottomley, W. See COLLET, A. Practical guide for compensa- tion of compasses. Trsl. W. B. 1885. 8. (36938) Bottone, Selimo Romeo. Klectric Bells and all about them. 2nd ed. London, 1890. sm. 8. 204 pp. (21551) The same. 6th ed. London, 1901. sm. 8. 214 pp. (28227) Electric Instrument making for amateurs. Srded. Lond,on, 1889. sm. 8. 184 pp. (21126) The same. 7th ed. London, 1900. sm. 8. 288 pp. (27245) Galvanic Batteries. (WhittaJcer's Library of Arts, etc.) London, 1902. sm. 8. 392 pp. (28690) Ignition devices for Gas and Petrol motors. London, 1902. sm. 8. 108 pp. 1 pi. (28921) Radiography and the " X " rays, etc. (Whittaker's Library of Arts, etc.) London, 1898. sm. 8. 186 pp. 7 pi. (25319) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1906. sm. 8. 218 pp. 10 pi. (32212) Wireless Telegraphy and Hertzian waves. ( Whit- taker's Library of Arts, etc.) London, 1900. sm. 8. 128 pp. (26826) The same. 2nd ed. (Ibid.) London, 1901. sm. 8. 136 pp. (28174) Talkinc machines and records. London, 1904. sm. 8. 92 pp. (31334) Bouant, Emile. Le Tabac, culture ot Industrie. (Encycl. In- dustrielle.) Paris, 1901. sm. 8. 360 pp. (27334) Bouchard, pere etfils, de Beaune. See CAREME, M. A. Le conservateur. Con- tenant . . . (3.) Monographie des vins, par MM. Joubert, Bouchard, etc. 1842. 8. (35344) 88 BOUC] fBOUL Boucher, , Crabb-, Capt. The Violet-leaf treatment : its value and efficacy. Brinol, 1903. am. 8. 40 pp. (31025) Boucherie, Henri. See CHEVALLIER, J. B. A., and others. Procdde's omonf " in 190 ? ' Cement " in 190 trick Builder. See BRITISH CLAY WORKER. 1895-1906 ; 1908, etc. K71 : 892. Supplement, 98 BRIG] [BRIG Bricquevllle, Eugene de. - Instruments de Musiqae. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Classe 17. pp. 491-574 8. (29967) - Notes historiquea at critiques sur 1'Orgue. Partie 1-5. Pan*, 1899. 8. 38 pp. (26GC8) Bridsres. John Henry, F.R.C.P. - See BACON, Roger. The ' Opus Majus ' of R. B. Ed. J. H. B. 1897-1900. 3 vols. 8. (16548) Bridg-es-Xiee, John. See LEE, J. Bridges-. Brldg-owater, Earl of. . S^pEGERTON, F. H. Description du Plan Incline Souterrain, execute par F. [H.] E. 1812. 8. (34203) Brldgrewater Treatises on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the Creation. viii. Chemistry, Meteorology and the function of digestion considered with reference to Natural Theology. By Win. Prout, MJX, F.R.8. London, 1834. 8. (2575) Bridg-man, H. L. - A new system of Ore-sampling, i, by H. L. B. ii, by D. W. Brunton. [New York, 1891.] 2 pts. 8. (25941) Bridsrman, Richard Wballey. - See BULLER, Sir F. An introduction to the law relative to Trials at Nisi Prius. With annotations, etc., by R. W. B. 7th ed. 1817. 8. (11330) Brief. Brief Instructions for making Observations in all parts of the world : as also for Collecting, Pre- serving and sending over Natural things. Being an attempt to settle a universal correspondence for the advancement of knowledge. [By John Woodward.] London, R. Wilkin, 16%. 4. 20 pp. (28874) Briere, . . Note on the tilting of flat-footed Rails based on observations carried out on the Orleans railway. Trsl. A Rewley. From the " Revue generate des chemins de fer, v> Avril, 1883. 1902. 14 pp. 2 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.). Technical section. Paper 103. E 23/. Brlouvres, Marguerite de, Mmr. - La tapisserie. Historique, etc. Modeles et des- sins de Mire. M. Songy. Paris [1907]. am. 8. 176 pp. (35671) , Thos. Hargreaves. Paper on the theory of Draught for Vehicles and a new arrangement for Traction. [London, 1889.] 8. 24pp. 5 pi. (34706) - Haulage by Hor?es. Ex : " Trans. Amer. Soc. of Mecb. Engineers." Vol. 14. 1893. pp. 1014-66. 8?. (12702) - The Mechanics of Horse haulage. 1897. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Prof . Papers. Vol.23. pp. 253-284. F 90: 844. Brig-es, C. C. - See JONES AND LAUGHLINS, Ld. Useful Infor- mation for Business men, etc. Compiled by C. C. B. 13th ed. 1898. obi. 64. (25984) Bri&grs, J. F. - See CROSS, C. F., and BEVAN, E. J. A text-book of paper-making. 3rd ed., with collaboration of of J. F. B. 1907. *m. 8 J . (36319) J422! Brig-grs, Lyman James. Electrical Instruments for determining the mois- ture, temperature, and soluble salt contents of Soils. 1899. 36 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AORICTJLTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 15. J 29 S : An electrical method of determining the tem- perature of Soils. By M. Whitney and L. J. B. 1897. 16 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 7. J29S: An electrical resistance method for the rapid determination of the moisture content of Grain. 1908. 8 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Circular 20. J 29 PI : a. The mechanics of Soil moisture. 1897. 24 pp. Hid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 10. J 29 8 : Objects and methods of investigating certain physical properties of Soils. 1900. Ibid. Year book. 1900. pp. 397-410. 2 pi. J 29 : 849 b. and Xiapham, M. C. Capillary studies and Filtration of Clay from Soil solutions. 1902. 40 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 19. J 29 S : and XMCcXiane, J. W. The moisture equivalents of Soils. 1907. 24 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 45. J 29 S : and others. The centrifugal method of mechanical Soil Analysis. 1904. 38 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 24. J 29 8 : Bribers. Warren Richard. Modern American School buildings. New York, 1899. 8. 424 pp. (26838) Brigrgrs, Wm. The Law of International Copyright, with special sections on the Colonies and the United States of America. London, 1906. 8". 870 pp. (32210) Bright, Chas. See BRIGHT, E. B , and C. The life story of Sir C. T. Bright. [1902.] 8. (24709) Ancient methods of Signalling. From the " Cornhill Magazine," Jan., 1898. 8. 6pp. (26092) Science and Engineering during the Victorian Era. 1837-1897. London, [1897J. 8. 24 pp. (17375) Submarine Telegraphs. Their history, construc- tion and working. Founded in part on Wiinschen- dorff' s " Traits' de Telegraphic sous-marine." Lon- don, 1898. 8. 780 pp. 36 pi. (17804) Submarine Telegraphy. (Lecture.) London, [1907]. 8. 32pp. 2 pi. (37554) Bright, Sir Cbas. Tilston. See BRIGHT, E. B., and C. The life story of the late Sir C. T. Bright. [1902.] 8. (24709) Bright, Edward Brailsford, and Chas. The life story of Sir Charles Tilston Bright, with . . . the story of the Atlantic Cable, and the first telegraph to India and the Colonies. Lon- don, [1902]. 2 vols. 8. (24709) Brig-htmore, Arthur Wm. See TODSBERY, J. H. T., and BRIGHTMORE, A. W. The principles of waterworks engineering. 3rded. 1905. 8. (31935) 99 N2 BRIK] [BRIT Erik, Juhann Kmil, and Xiandsbergr, T. Die eisernen Briioken im allgemeinen. 1909. See HANDBOOK. Handbnch der Ingenieurwissen- schaften. 4te Aufl. 2te Teil. Band 3. pp. 1-199. 1 pi. 8. (31253) Brlllat-Savarln, Antbelme. Physiologie des Gescbmacks, oder physiologische Anleitang zum Studium der Taf elgeniisse. Ueber- setzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von 0. Vogt. 3te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1867. sm. 8. 464 pp. (15263) BrillitS, II. TorpillesetTorpilleurs. Paris, 1898. 8. 204pp. (26891) Brillouin, Louis Marcel. Ley ons sur la Viscosit des Liquides et des Gaz. Paris, 1907. 2 pts. 8. (33169) Memoires originaux sur la circulation g^ndrale de 1' Atmosphere. Halley, Hadley, Maury, Ferrel, W. Siemens, Holier, Oberbeck, Von Helmholtz. Paris, 1900. 8. 184 pp. (27885) Propagation de 1'Electricite. Histoireet theorie. [Cours du College de France, 1901-02.] Paris, 1904. 8. 404pp. 4 pi. (30339) Brlnckmann. Justus. Holz Industrie. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher-Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 2. 1874. pp. 369-600. 8. (17109) The same. ( Aus dem " Amtlichen Berichte fiber die Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873.") Braunschweig, 1875. 8. 232 pp. (17600) Brindley, Harry Samuel Bickerton. Japanese Patents. A practical handbook to the Japanese laws relating to Patents, Utility devices, Designs, and Trade marks. London, 1909. 8. 56 pp. 1 pi. (38007) Brindley, James. (Biographical.) . See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Erinkinann, G. Die Entwickelung der Gesohutzaufstellung an Bord der Linienschiffe und die dadurch bedingte Einwirknng auf deren Form und Bauart. 1902. See SCHIFFBA0TECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahr- buch. Band 3. pp. 71-115. F 81 : 900. Briquet, C. M. Les filigranes ; dictionnaire historique des marques du papier des leur apparition vers 1282 jusqu'en 1600. Paris, 1907. 4 vols. 4. Pagina- tion continuous. (37175) Briquet, Moi'se. De quelques industries nouvelles dont le Papier est la base. [Ex : Bulletin . . . de la Soci6t des Arts de Geneve, No. 121, Mai, 1885.] 8. 32pp. (33531) Brlscoe, J. See SCRIBOE, J., pseud, [i.e. J. Briscoe]. Brlscoe, John Potter, and Kirk, S. J. A contribution towards a Bibliography of Hosiery and Lace, etc. [Nottingham Reference Library Class Lists, No. 20.] Nottingham, 1896. 8. 16 pp. (35438) Brisker, Carl. Berechnung nnd Untereuchnng des Eisenhoch- ofens. Halle a. S., 1909. 8. 110pp. (37723) Brison, Claude. See SOCIET^ CHAVANNE ET CIE. Notice sur le fours a cornuea du systeme Brison. ("1864 ?] 8. (36259) Brisson, Birnab. See MONQE, G. Geometric descriptive . . . extraite ... par [B.] B. 6e ed. 1838. 4. (33784) Brlsson, Mathurin Jacques. Observations sur les nouvelles decouvertes Aero- statiques et sur la probability de pouvoir diriger les Ballous. Suopldment a son " Dictionnaire raisonn^ de Physique." Paris, 1784. 4. 34pp. (34361) Pesantenr specifique des Corps. Paris, 1787. 4. 498pp. 2 pi. (35179) Bristol Naturalists' Society. Proceedings. New [3rd] Series. Vol. 1-10. 1875-1903 ; 4th Series. Vol. 1. 1904, etc. Bristol, 1876, etc. 8. B4Br: Deficient: Series 3. Vol. 1. Pts. 1-2; Vol. 2, Pt. 3: Vol. 4, Pts. 1-2. Britannia Company, Colchester. Buyers' guide to Technical Books in the Mechanical arts. Colchester, [188 ]. 8. 160 pp. [83-160 advt.] (32868) Screws and Screw-making, with a chapter on the Milling machine. Colchester, 1891. 8. 214 pp. (12953) . The same. [New ed.] With the 1902 ed. of " Catalogue of Machine Tools." Colchester, [1902]. 8. 198 pp. (32744) British and Foreign Heating 1 and Venti- lating' Company. Warming and Ventilating public and private buildings, Churches, Conservatories, Factories, etc. Hazard's Patent [No. 9307 of 1842J. [Bristol] 1846. 8. 30pp. (32988) British Association for the Advancement of Science. Catalogue of the illustrations of Manufactures, Inventions and Models, Philosophical instruments, etc., contained in the Second exhibition of the British Association . . . Birmingham, 1839. [Birmingham, 1839.] 8. 24 pp. (28804) Local industries of Glasgow and the West of Scotland. Ed. A. McLean. Glasgow, 1901. 8. 288 pp. 2 pi. (28285) British Association of Gas Managers Reports of Proceedings. 1-39. London, 1864-190L' 39 vols. in 37. 8. Publication : Annual. Vols. 1-3 reprinted from the " Journal of Gaslighting." Editors : W. H. Bennett, 1882-89 ; W. H. Harvey, 1890-92 ; F. G. Burfield, 1893-95 ; W. T. Dunn, 1896-1902. Indexes: Consolidated Index in each Vol. from 1893. History: 1882-89, "The Gas Institute"; 1890-1902, "The Incorporated Gas Institute"; in 1902, amalgamated with the Incorporated Institution of Gas Engineers and continued as the " Institution of Gas Engineers." q.v. British Association of Waterworks Engineers. Transactions. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1897, etc. 8. F 46 B : Publication: Annual. Editors: W. H. Brothers, 1896-98; P. Griffith, 1899, etc. Indexes: Consolidated Subject-matter Index issued with each vol. History : 1 906, etc. " Association of Water Engineers." 100 BRIT] [BRIT British Astronomical Association. The total Solar Eclipse, August, 1905. Report* <>f observations mide by members . . . Ed. F. W. Levander. Loailou, 1906. 8. 64 pp. (30788) British Baker, Confectioner, and Pur- veyor. New Series. Vol. 6, etc. London, 1889, etc. 4. J 98 : 889. Publication: Monthly, 1889-1895: Weekly, 1896, etc. Title varied: 1897, etc. "The British Baker." British Clay Worker. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1892, etc. 4. K 71 : 892. I'ublicatiwi: Monthly. Supplement* : 1895-1900. "The Briok Builder"; 1901-06, "The Brick Builder and Cement Maker"; 1907-08, "The Cement Maker"; Out. 1908, etc., " The Brick Builder." British Columbia, (Govt. of). The Year-book of British Columbia. By R. E. Gosnell. Victoria, B.C., 1897. 8. A 90 B C : British Columbia i Bureau of Mines. Annual Report . . . being an account of mining operations for gold, coal, etc. 1896, etc. Victoria, B.C., 1897, etc. 8. G 42 B : 896. Bulletin. No. 1, 1896, ete. See BRITISH COLUMBIA : Bureau of Mines. Annual Report. 1896, etc. Or 42 B : 896. Dept. of Agriculture. Report 1-7. (All publ.) Victoria, B.C., 1891- 1902. 8. J 10 CB : Bulletin 8, etc. Victoria, B.C., 1901, etc. 8. J 10 CB : a. Set imperfect. - British Columbia and its agricultural capa- bilities. Victoria, B.C., 1902. 8. 30 pp. 8 pi. (28232) British Columbia Mining: Record. Vol. 13, etc. Victoria, B.C., 1906, etc., 4. G 61 C B : Publication : Monthly. Editor : E. Jacobs, 1906, etc. British Dental Journal. 1900, etc. H 10 : 898. British Electrozono Corporation, Xitd. Electrozone and Meditrina. London, 1896. 8". 100 pp. (36071) British Engine, Boiler, and Electrical Insurance Co., Ltd., Manchester. See ENGINE AND BOILEK INSUKANCE Co., .LTD. 1904, etc. E 52 : 879. British Federated Society of Mining- Students. See BRITISH SOCIETF OP MINIM, STUDENTS. 1907, etc. G 60 : 879. British Fire Prevention Committee. See SACHS, E. O. Facts on fire prevention : the results of fire tests conducted by the B.F.P.C. 1902. 2vols. 8. (28972) Journal. No. 1, etc. London, 1904, etc. F 48 : 898a Publication: Quarterly. Publications. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1898, etc. 8. F 48 : 898. Editor: E. O. Sachs. 1898-1903. Lift of publicationa in each number. A record of the International Fire Exhibition, London, 1903 ... by E. O. Sachs. London, [1903]. 8. 376pp. 59 pi. (30213) See DENTIST, (The). British Food Journal, etc. Volt-i.iJd.' tuftidon, . 1899, te. 4. H 35: 899. * Publication : Monthly. *,.* **. History: Organ of the International* C6nimissi6n' off. Adulteration. 1899-1905. Editor: C. E. Casual, 1901, etc. British Ctuiana. Demerara after fifteen years of freedom. By a Landowner. London, 2. Bosworth, 1853. 8. 122 pp. (12467) British Guiana, (Govt. of.) List of Patents. 1861, ete. MS. fol. (26577) Botanic Gardens. Report on the Botanic Gardens and their work. 1888, etc. Georgetown, Demerara. 1889, etc. fol. H 74 : 888. Supplement: 1890-95. Report on the agricultural work in the Botanio Gardens. 2 vols. British Honduras. The Colony of British Honduras : its history, trade, and natural resources. [London, 1867.] 8. 40 pp. (29233) British Institute of Preventive Medicine. Transactions, etc. London, 1897, ete. 8. HI: 897. Publication : Monthly. Name varied: 1899-1903, "Jenner Institute of Pr* 1 ventive Medicine " ; 1904, etc., " Lister Institute, etc." British Invention. Vol. 1-2. London, 1900. 2 vols. 4. C 40 : 900. Publication : Weekly. 26 Nos. published. British, Irish, and Colonial Silk Company. See DANDOLO, V. The art of rearing silk-worms. "-- " the British, Irish, and 12". (33403) British Iron Trade Association. American industrial conditions and competition. Reports of the Commissioners appointed ... to enquire into the iron, steel, and allied industries of tha United States. Ed. J. S. Joins. London, 1902. 8. 616pp. 4 pi. (28624) British Journal of Catering- and Review. Vol. 1-2. London, 1887-89. 2 vols. 4. J 98 : 887. Publication : Monthly. British Journal of Photography. See LIVERPOOL PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL. 1860, etc. A 11 : 854. British Journal Photographic Almanac, 1866. etc. London, 1866, etc. sm. 8. A 13 : 866. Editor! : J. T. Taylor, 1866-79; W. B. Bolton, 1880-86; J. T. Taylor, 1887-96; T. Bedding, 1897-1905 ; G. E. Brown, 1906, etc. Deficient: 1867; 1869-71. British Iiuzfer Prism Syndicate, Xitd. Manual of Luxfer Prisms and Electro-glass ; being a short treatise on the introduction of day- light into buildings and the fire-prooflng of windows. By O. H. Bisquin. [Ewen'a Letters Patent Nos. 16,529 to 16,583 of 1897.] London, 1899. 8. 72pp. (25907) British Medical Association. Report of the Anaesthetics Committof. July, 1900. [London, 1900.] 4. 134 pp. (27501) From the [Italian] Colonial Silk Co.]. 182 [by J25. 101 BRIT] [BROA British Mirier Signal Syndicate, Ltd. The Miller Signalling system, illu3trated. [H. V. Milier'a ITo. 20663 of 1903.] [London, .1903?]'. $>, ' 34 pp. (30815) British museum. Librorum Impressorum qui in Museo Britannico adservantur Catalogus. LoudinL 1813-19. 7 vols. 8. (26089) i Catalogue of the printed books in the Library of the British Museum [to end of 1881 ; Supplement, 1882-99]. London, 1881-1905. 437 pts. in 75 vols. 4. (28863) Catalogue of Printed Books. Academies. Part l-5andlndex. London, 1885. 4. 1018+100 cols. (9540) Catalogue of Printed Books. Periodical Pub- lications. [Including Newspapers prior to 1700.] and Index. London, 1899-1900. 4. 1716 + 507 cols. (26569) Catalogue of Printed Books. Supplement. Newspapers published in Great Britain and Ireland, 1801-1900. London, 1905. 4. 531 pp. (31177) T Statements and suggestions respecting the want of space in that Institution. [By Sir A. Panizzi.] [London, 1857.] 8. 32 pp. 8 pi. (26073) A Subject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum in the years 1885-90 ; 1891-95. Compiled by G. K. Fortescue. London, 1891. 3 vols. 8. (26570) The same. 1881-1900. Ed. G. K. Fortescue. London, 1902. 3 vols. 8. (29272) The same. 1901-5. London, 1906. 8. (29272) Dept. of British, etc. Antiquities. A guide to the English pottery and porcelain in the Department of British and mediseval anti- quities. [London']. 1904. 8. 140 pp. 15 pi. (32577) Natural History Dept. Economic Zoology. Report l,eic. London, 1903, etc. 8. H 52 : 903. Editor: F. V. Theobald, 1903, etc. See CAMPBELL, F. Index-catalogue of Indian official publications in the Library, British Museum. [1899, etc.] 4. (29797) See PARLIAMENT. Report of the Commissioners on the constitution and government of the British Museum. 1850. 2 vols. fol. (8242) British Non-flammable Wood Co., Ltd. Non-flammable Wood, history and description of the process. London, [1898]. sm. 8. 60 pp 10 pi. (25589) British Optical Journal. Vol. 1-6. London 1901-Oct. 1907. 4. D 20 : 901. Publication: Monthly to Feb., 1905; Fortnightly March, 1905-Oct., 1907. Editors: A. C. Brookes, 1901-03; A. D. R. Jameson 1905-6. History : Incorporated in 1907 with " The Optician." British Printer. Vol. 1, etc. London and Lei- cester, Raithby, Lawrence, & Co., 1888, etc. 4. A 20 : 888. Publication : 6 parts yearly. History: Incorporating 1894, etc. "The British Bookmaker " and the " British Lithographer." British Refrigeration. Vol. 4-7. London, 1901-04. 4 vols. fol. E 88/901. Publication : Monthly. British Society of Mining: Students i Journal. Vol. 4, etc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1879, etc. 4. G 60 : 879. Publication : 6 parts yearly. Indexes: Vols. 1-20 (1876-98) in Vol. 20. Name varied: 1907, etc. " British Federated Society," etc. A union of the B. S.. etc., and the Birmingham University Society of Mining Students. British South Africa Company. Administration Reports, Rhodesia, 1897, etc. With appendixes. [London,] 1899, etc. 4. G 61 SA : 897. . The culture of Tobacco. By G. M. Odium. London, 1905. 8. 194 pp. 8 pi. (30900) Information as to Mining in Rhodesia. [Lon- don'], 1900. 4. 412 pp. (27253) Lists of Applications for Patents and Patents granted. MS. 1903, etc. [Salisbury.] fol. (29332) British South Africa Government Gazette. [Containing notices relating to Patents and Trade Marks.] No'. 439, etc. Salisbury, 1903, etc. fol. (29331) British Thomson-Houston Co., ltd. The Central London Railway. From ' Engineer- ing," Feb. and March, 1898. London, 1898. 4. 30 pp. 1 pi. (18715) British Westlnghouse Electric and Manufacturing' Co., Ltd. Electricity in British collieries. [London, 1904.] 8. 36 pp. (30891) British Vear-book of Agriculture and Agricultural Who's Who. 1908-9, etc. London, 1908, etc. 8. J 1 : 908. Britten, Bashley. The Armstrong Gun compared with Rifled cast iron Service Guns (unstrengthened) on B. Britten'a system. London, 1862. 8. 16 pp. (34143) Heavy Rifled Ordnance, cast iron and wrought iron. Review of the Report of the late Ordnance Select Committee, etc. London, 1871. 8. 146 pp. 2 pi. (36049) Hritten, Frederick James. Old clocks and watches and their makers. 2nd ed. London, 1904. 8. 744 pp. (31882) On the springing and adjusting of Watches, being a description of the balance spring and the compensation balance, with directions for applying the spring and adjusting for isochronism and tem- perature. London, 1898. 8. 152 pp. (25833) The Watch and Clockmakers' Handbook, Dic- tionary and Guide. 4th ed. London, 1881. sm. 8 a . 176 pp. (11868) The same. [5th ed.] 312 pp. (14147) 7th ed. 8. London, 1884. London, 1889. sm. 8. London, 1892. sm. 8. 492 pp. The same. 436 pp. (21666) The same. 8th ed. 444 pp. (23222) The same. 18th ed. London, 1902. 8. (28923) Broadbent, Frank. The application of Electric Motors in machine drivino. 1903. 24 pp. See ASSOCIATION OP ENGINEERS-IN-CHARGE. [Paper, No. 3.] E 10 : 899. Broadbent, Sir Wm. Henry, Bart., F.R.S. See BROWNE, Sir J. CRICHTON-, and others. The Standard family physician. 1907. 1 vol. in 3. 8. (35254) 102 BROA] [BROO Broadley, Arthur. Adjusting and repairing violins, 'cellos, etc. Lmdnn, 1908. sm. 8. 88pp. 1 pi. (36769) Broadway, \\' . E. Report on Agriculture in Carriacou [Grenada], 1898. 18 pp. See COLONIAL OFFICE. Colonial Reports. Misc. Series. 11. C 61 : 891a. Broca, Andr.'. Lea Signaux Optiqnes. (Etudes des couleurs faibles et des lumieres breves.) See CONSERVATOIRE HF.S ARTS KT METIERS. Annales. 3e Se"rie. Toms 4. pp. 114-134. B76C: La TcSliSgrapbie sans fll. 1901. Ibid. 3e Sdrie. Tome 4. pp. 135-153. B 76 C : La Telesp-aphie sans flls. ^ActualitesScientifiques.) 1',,,-is, 1899. 12. 210pp. (26892) Brocard. A. Manuel ou ijuide centre les Incendies. Paris, 1851. 18. 216pp. (34504) Broch, Ole Jakob. Allgemeine Gesetze der Wellenbewegung. 1844. See DOVE, H. W., and MOSER, L. Repertorium der Phvsik. Band 5. pp. 88-151. 8. (11033) Besondere Gesetz der Wellenhewegung. 1846. Hid. Band 7, pp. 1-119. 8. (11033) Erochet, Andre" Victor. , .. Electarochimie et Klectrotnetallnrgio. 1902. 140 pp. See HOSPITALIER, E., and MONTPELLIER, J. A. L'electricite' ii I'Exposition de 1900. Tome 3. Fasc. 12. fol. (27149) Brock, G. R. See ROYAL ENGINEERS, Corps of. Memoranda, etc., relating to the present course of practical archi- tecture. [ByG. R.B.] 1858. sq. 8. (33454) Brooke, D. Das Einmachen und Konservieren der Friichte nnd Gemuse. lOte Aufl. Leipzig, [1903]. sm. 8. 126 pp. (30202) Erockmann, Andreas. Hand-, Lehr- und Musterbuch fur Korb- nnd Strohflechter, Korbmobel nnd Robrwaren-Fabri- kanten 2te Anfl. (Neuer Schauplatz der KSnste, elc.) Weimar, 1882. 12. 176 pp. 16 pi. 4. (11764) For lit ed. of the work in 1843 >ee SCHMIED, C. (662'.) Brockmann y Abarzuza, Guillermo. Noticias sobre las obras del Canal de Panama. For M. Cano y de Leon y G. B. 1887. 180 pp. 1 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 3a <5poca. Tomo 4. F 96 : 846. Brode, Johannes. tiber die Oxydation des Stickstoffes in der Hochspaunungsflamme. Halle a. S., 1905. 8. 64 pp. (32105) Brodle, D. A. Building up a run-down Cotton plantation. 1908. 22 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmer's Bulletin 326. J 29 Fa : Brodle, James, Rev. The Alphabet explained . . . added, an inquiry into the origin and progress of Alphabetical Writing. Edinburgh, 1840. sm. 8. 264 pp. (36089) Brodie, John Shanks. The Ventilation of public Sewers. London, 1898. 8. 170 pp. (37147) Brodig-an, Thos. A ... treatise on the Tobacco plant. London, 1830. 8. 252 pp. (33025) Brdnner, Julius. Das Gasbiichlein des Herrn 0. F. A. Jahn. Eine Warnung f iir Gas-Consumeaten, etc. Anhang : BeleucbtuDgs-Verbesserung, Patent von A. Bron- ner's Fabrik. Frankfurt a. M., 1868. 8. 32 pp. (13501) Broido, Mile. S. See PODWYSSOTSKY, W. Le K6phir. D'aprSa la 5e edition russe par 8. B.. etc. 1902. 8. (28507) Broken Wind. Broken wind. Pneumarox. [By B. Clark.] [London, Luxford & Co. (printers), 1837?]. 4. 6pp. (36920) Bromfield, John Coley. Smokeless Fuel. (Paper read.) ("Letters Patent No. 5122 of 1881.] London, [1896]. 8. 18pp. 3 pi. (25326) Brommy, Rudolf, Rear- Admiral, and Xiittrow, H. von. Die Marine. Eine gemeinfassliche Dirstellung des gesammten Seewesens fiir die gebildeten aller Sta'nde. 3te Aufl. von F. von Kroaenfels. Wien, 1878. 8. 640pp. 17 pi. (25782) Brongrnlart, Alexandra, Director of the Porcelain Manufactory at Sevres. Coloring and Decoration of Ceramic Ware. With notes and additions by A. Salvetat. From the French by G. J. M. Ashby. Chicago, 1898. 8. 216 pp. (26295) Handbuch der Porzellan- uod Glasmalerei. [Aus dem Franzosischen] Von K. Strele. 4te Anfl. von E. Tscheuschner. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiiwte, etc.) Weimar, 1883. 8. 236 pp. 1 pi. (1509) Trait^ e'le'mentaire de MioeValogie, avec des applications aux arts. Paris, 1807. 2 vols. 8. (29746) Brongrnlart, Antoiue Louis. Tableau analytique des combinaisons et des decompositions de differentes substances, ou, pro- cSde's de Chymie. Paris, 1778. 8. 530 pp. (37676) Brongniart, Chas. See SOCIETB DE LlNousTRiE MINERALS. Etudes sur le terrain houiller de Commentry. Livre 3. Faunes ichthyologique, etc. [Partie 1.] Par C. B. 1888[-t894]. 8 and fol. atlas. (25989) Bronerniart, Victor. Expose' des proc^dds de D^corfcication perfect- ionne'e de M. Poissant (d 1 Amiens). Paris, 1866. 8. 48pp. (34292) Bronn, Heinrich Gaorg. Allgemeine Zoologie. 1858. 518 pp. See NEU. N'eue Encyclopiidie der Winsenschaften. 2te Aufl. Band 2. 8. (5992) Bronn, J. Verfliissigtes Ammoniak als Ldsangsmittel. Berlin, 1905. 8. 264 pp. (31493) Brooker, A. See SLINGO, W., and BROOKER, A. Engineering. 1890, etc. Elestrical 103 BROO] [BROW Brookes, Arthur C. See BRITISH OPTICAL JOURNAL. Ed. A. C. B. 1901-03. D 20 : 901. See SPORTS, GAMES, AND TOY TRADES' JOURNAL. Ed. A. C. B. 1902, etc. F 100 : 902. Brooklyn library. Analytical and Classed Catalogue. Authors, titles, subjects, and classes. [New ed.] Brooklyn, N.Y., 1881. 1110pp. 8. (30805) Brooks* Alfred llulsc. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Preliminary report on the Cape Nome gold region, Alaska. By P. C. Schraeder and A. H. B. 1900. 8. (29719) Ibid. Reconnaissances in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay regions, Alaska, in 1900. By A. H. B., etc. 1901. 8. (29721) The geography and geology of Alaska. 1906. 327 pp. 34 pi. Ibid. Prof. Papers 45. G 30 : 902. and others. Report on progress of investigations of mineral resources of Alaska in 1904. 1905. 196 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 259. G 30 : 883. Report on progress of investigations of mineral resources of Alaska in 1906. 1907. 235 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 314. G 30 : 883. Mineral resources of Alaska. 1908. 294 pp. 5 pi. and map. Ibid. Bulletin 345. G 30 : 883. Brooks, Christopher P. Cotton : its uses, varieties, fibre structure, classi- fication, etc. Also the manufacture of cotton seed oil, cotton seed meal and fertilizers. New York, 1898. 8. 362 pp. 2 maps and 1 pi. (25603) Brooke, David. Report on Telegraphs and apparatus. 1875. 44 pp. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 2. 8. (17905) Brooks, Frederick. Sewage disposal at Medfield, Mass. [1887.] See MASSACHUSETTS, (State) : Board of Health. 19th Report. [1886-87.] pp. 99-110. H 23 M : Brooks, Samuel H., Architect. Designs for cottage and villa architecture. Lon- don, [1839]. 4. 156 pp. Ill pi. (37129) Brooks, Win. Alexander. Treatise on the improvement of the Navigation of Rivers : with a new theory on the cause of the existence of bars. London, 1841. 8. 160 pp. (31802) Brooks, Wm. Keith. The Oyster. A popular summary, etc. 2nd ed. Baltimore, 1905. 8. 240 pp. 16 pi. (31961) Brookshaw, Geo. Pomona Britannica ^ ; . . . drawn and coloured from nature, etc. London,lS12. fol. 65pp. 90 pi (32330) Plates 39, 42, 46 not issued. Sroquelet, A., and Breycaut, L. Manuel complet de 1'imprimeur lithographe Paris, 1908. 12. 368 pp. 5 pi. (37174) BroBsarcl-Vidal., , Abbe. Notice sur 1'Ebullioscope Alcoome'trique, ou Alcoome'tre Vidal. [French Patent No. 354, 28th Nov., 1844.] Paris, 1846. 8- 28pp. Ipl. (34855) Brosse, R. de la. See LA BEOSSK, R. de. Brossette, H., i, 1905. sm. 8. 206 pp. (32480) Browne. T. J., M.D. See IRELAND ; Local Gort. Board. Report on the shell-fish layings on the Irish Coast. [By T. J. B. and 'E. J. McWeeney.] 1904. fol. (30971) Browne, Thos. The . . . method of Merchants Accompts, exemplified, etc. ... by the memorial vulearly called a Waste-book. London, 1680. fol. 29 11. (9115) Browne, W. H., Ph.D., etc. Firework making for amateurs. London, [1888]. 8. 205 pp. (25436) The art of Pyroteshny . . . for . . . amateurs. London, [1873-74]. sm. 8. 148 pp. Ipl. (32916) Browne, Wm. Henry, Treatise on the law of Trade-marks, etc. 2nd ed. With Supplement. 1898. Boston, Mass., 1885-98. 2vols. 8. (5416) Browning:, John, F.R.A.S., F.R.M.S. How to work with the Spectroscope. London, [1878?]. 8. 66pp. Ipl. (31726) Browning-, Philip Embury. Index to the literature of Gallium, 1874-1903. 1904. 12pp. See SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLLECTIONS. Vol. 46. B 13 S : 862. - Index to the literature of Germanium, 1886- 1903. 1904. 8 pp. Ibid. Vol. 44. B 13 S : 862. Index to the literature of Indium. 1863-1903. 16 pp. Hid. Vol. 46. 8. B 13 S : 862. Introduction to the Rarer Elements. New York, 1903. 8. 166pp. (30555) Bruce, Robert. Food supply . . . Appendix on preserved or concentrated foods, by C. A. Mitchell. (" New Land" Series.) London, 1898. sm. 8. 138 pp. 1 pi. (25596) Bruch, Wilhnlm. Das biologische Verfahren zor Reinignng von Abwassern. Berlin, 1899. 8". 180 pp. (26926) Brack. Richard. Die Praxis der Locoraotivheizung. Wien. 1902. sm. 8. 80pp. (29573) Brack, Robert. Die Elsassische Glasmalerei vom Beginn des XII. bis zum En Dietary studies in Chicago. By W. 0. Atwater and A. P. 13. 1898. 76 pp. Ibid. Experiment Station Bulletin 55. 8. J 29 : 889. i i- Losses in boiling Vegetables and the composition and digestibility oH potatoes and eggs. By H. Snyder, A. J. Frisby, and A. P. B. 1897. 32 pp. Ibid. Experiment 'Station Bulletin 43. J 29 : 889. Bryant, Walter W. A history of Astronomy. London, [1907]. 8. 370 pp. 34 pi. (36317) Brydon, H. Boyd. < See BATEAU, A. Experimental researches on the flow of steam through nozzles, etc. Trsl. H. B. B. 1905. am. 8. (31389) Bubendey, J. Fricdrich. Surmounting of great ascents. 1902. 18 pp. - See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION. 9e Congres. 1902. tect. 1. Question 1. [1.] F 43: 888. and Buchhelster, M. Renseignements caractfaistiques d'nne riviere a, man'e. 1898. 16 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. 7e Congrei. Rapports. Sect. 3. Question 1. F 43 : 888. Bubler, Edward Trevert. See TREVERT, B., pseud. Buch. . Das Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe und In- dnstrien. 9te Aufl. Leipzig, 1896-1901. 10 vols. 8 3 . (33007) Buch, Max. Automobil-Getriebennd-Kupplungen. (Kunier's Autoti'i-h ilia-he Bibliothek.) Leipziy, 1907. sm. 8. 128 pp. (34013) Automobil-Rahmen.- AchRen,- RMer und- Bereifung. (Ibid.) Leipzig, 1907. sm. 8. 118 pp. '_' pi. (34015) Automobil- Steuerungs-, Brems- und Regulie- rvmus - Vorrichtuncjen. (Ibid.) Leipzig, 1907. tni. 8. 96 pp. (33942) iucban, Alexander Peter, M.D. See DACBBNTON, L. J. M. Observations on indigestion. From the French [by A. P. B.] 1807, etc. Buchan, Win.. M.D. A letter to the Patentee [G. Holland] concern- ing the medical properties of the fleecy Hosiery. 4th ed. Lotidon, 1791. 8. 40 pp. (32631) Observations concerning the Diet of the common people, recommending a method of living less expensive, and more conducive to health, than the prosent. London, 1797. 8. 44 pp. (32777) Buchanan, Archibald. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (1216G) Buchanan, E. M. Forest tramways in the Andaiuans. 1899. 32pp. 2 pi. See INDIAN FORESTER. Vol. 25. Appendix [6.] J 75 : 875. Buchanan, Francis, M.D. A journey from Madras through the cauntrias of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. London, 1807. 3 vols'. 4. (29953) Buchanan, Geo,, F.R.S.E., C.E. Abstract of expositions [to the R. Scottish Soe. of Arts] on the Strength of Material- 1 . Including an account of the Newcastle high-level bridge, and the Conway and Menai tubular bridges, etc. Edin- burgh, 1848. 2 pts. 8. (32778) Heport relative to the theory und application of Prof. Leslie's Photometer. Edinburgh, 1824. 8. 14 pp. (32632) Buchanan, Geo. Seaton, M.D. See LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. Report on recent epidemic arsenical poisoning attributed to beer. By O. S. B. 1901. fol. (28216) Ibid. Report ... on administration in London with regard to meat of pigs affected by tuberculosis. [By] G. 8. B. 1906. fol. (32371) Buchanan, John F., Brasafounder. Brassfounders' alloys. London, 1901. sm. 8. 138 pp. 2 pi. (28404) Buchanan, Robertson, ('./'. Practical essays on Millwork and other machinery. Essay 3-7. London, 1814. 8. 175 pp. 15 pi. (38219) The sanre. [Essay 1-7.] 2nd el, by T. Tred- goid. London, 1823. 2 vola. 8. (732) The same. With notes, etc., by T. Tredgold. 3rd ed. by G. Rennie. London, 1841. 2 vols. 8 and 4. (926) Essay on the Shafts of Mills. [Practical Essays on Millwork, etc., 2.] London, 1814. 8. 156 pp. 18 pi. (37325) Bucheler, Max. and btfgier, E. Traifc; d la fabrication de 1'Aloool. Paris, 1899. 2 vols. 8. (27549) Buchere de Xi6plnois, E. P. A. de. S LEPINOIS. Buchetti, Jacques. Guide pour 1'essai des Moteurs i Vapeur, a Explosion, etc. 3e^d. Paris, [1902]. 8. 260pp. (28625) Engine tests and boiler efficiencies. From the 3rd [French] editwn, by A. Russell. Wettmintler, 1903. 8*. 272 pp. (3-J426) 109 BUCK] [BUCK Buchetti, Jacques cent. Manuel des Constructions me'talliques et me'can- iques. 2e e"d. Paris, 1891. 4. 372 pp. Atlas 32 pi. (27691) De la mesure du travail des Machines-outils, etc. Dynamos et Dynamometres. Paris, [1903?]. 8. 80pp. 17 pi. (29546) LesMoteurs Hydrauliques actuels. Paris, 1892. 2 vols. in one. 4 and fol. atlas. (23409) The same. 2e e"d. Paris, [1902]. 2 vols. in one. 4 and fol. atlas. (28484) LesTurbinesactuellesetiil'Expoaition Universelle de 1900 a Paris. Faismt suite au Traite" "Les Moteurs hydranliques actuels." Paris, 1900. 4. 72 pp. Atlas 30 pi. (27336) Buchhelm, Emma S. See HIESEMANN. M. How to attract and protect wild birds. Trsl. E. S. B. 1908. 8. (37745) Buchhelster, M. See GORZ, M., and BUCHHEISTER, M. Das Eisbrechwesen im Deutschen Reich. 1900. 8. (27581) Kenseignements caract(5ristiques d'une riviere a mare"e. Par J. F. Bubendey et M. B. 1898. 16pp. 2 pi. See CONOR ES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION. 7e Congrfes. Rapports. Sect. 3. Question 1. F 43 : 888. Surfaces relatives des diverses parties d'un port. 1898. 46pp. 3 pi. Ibid. 7eCongres. Rapports. Sect. 4. Question 2. F 43 : 888. Suchholz, P. . DieFabrikationder Dachfalzziegel. Berlin, 1899. am. 8. 148 pp. 1 pi. (27068) BuchViolz, Wilhelmine. Wasser und Seife, oder allgemeines Wasehebucb. Hamburg, [1866]. 8. 678 pp. (35324) Buchner, Eduard. See BERNTHSEN, H. A. Knrzes Lehrbuch der organischen Cbemie. Hrsg. E. B. 1895, etc. and others. Die Zymasegiiruag. Munchen, 1903. 8. 424pp. (29604) Bachner, Georg. Die Metallfarbung und deren Ausfiihrung mit bes. Berucksicht. der chemiachen Metallfarbung. Berlin, 1891. sm. 8. 372 pp. (23055) The same. 2teAufl. Berlin, 1901. 8. 276pp. (27969) The same. 3teAufl. Berlin, 1906. 8. 328pp. (32716) Buchner, Hans. See BUCHNER, E., and others. Die Zymasegcarun. 1903. 8. (29604) Bucholz, Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastien, M.D. Chymische Versuche iiber das Meyerische Acidum Pingue. Weimar, 1771. sm. 8. 96 pp. (36447) Buc'hoz, Pierre Joseph. See SECRET.?. Les se'crets de la nature, etc. [By P. J B.] 1769. 4 vols. 12. (3599) See TOILETTE DE FLORE. [By P. J. B.j 1771. 12. (36948) Recueil des secrets, a 1'usage des artistes. [Tome 1, all pubd.] Paris, [1782]. 12. 348pp. (35106) Trait^ usuel du chocolat . . . Kdition re"dige"e parl'auteur. Paris, 1812. 8. 112pp. (36498) Buchwald, August. Bleistifte, Farbstifte, farbige Kreiden und Pastellstifte, Aquarellfarben, Tusche, und ihre Herstellung, etc. (Chemisch technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1904. sm. 8. 288 pp. (30494) Buck, Geo. Watson. A practical and theoretical essay on oblique Bridge?. London, 1839. 4. 52 pp. 12 pi. (898) The same. 2nd ed., with " Description to diagrams for facilitating the construction of oblique bridges," by W. H. Barlow. London, 1857. 8. 62 pp. 13 pi. (33026) Buckell, G. T. Teasdale-. Experts on Guns and Shooting. London, 1900. 8. 618pp. Portr. (27012) Buckett, John. See LATHAM, E. Lecture on the " New Motor.'' Buckett's Patent Caloric Engine. [1883.] 8. (26617) Buckingham, Edgar. Contributions to our knowledge of the Aeration of Soils. 1904. 52 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 25. J 29 S : Studies on the movement of Soil moisture. 1907. 62pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 38. J29S: Bucking-ham, James Silk, M.P. See BRITISH AND FOREIGN INSTITUTE. Trans- actions. [Ed. J. S. B.] 1846. A 40: 8 13. National evils and practical remedies, with the plan of a Model Town. London, [1849]. 8. 542 pp. 2 pi. (34832) Buckle, John Staley. The Manufacturer's compendium ; being . . . tables compiled for the use of Manufacturers, Cloth agents, etc., for all kiuds of plain and fancy fabrics . . . with . . . calculations for plain cloths, ginghams, and mixed goods. With appen- dix. London, 1864-66. 2 pts. 8. (29238) Buckle, Wm. {Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Buckley, Arabella Burton [ Fisher.] The Fairy-land of Science. London, 1878. sm. 8. 252 pp. (19346) Science. (21797) 4th ed. A short history of Natural London, 1888. sm. 8. 540 pp. The same. 5th ed. London, 1894. sm. 8. 540 pp. 1 pi. (28706) Buckley, Ernest Robertson. On the Building and Ornamental Stones of Wisconsin. 1898. 566 pp. 69 pi. See WISCONSIN : Geological, etc. Survey. Bulletin 4. [Economic Series. 2.] G 30 W : The Clays and Clay industries of Wisconsin. 1901. 316 pp. 55 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 7. Pt. 1. [Economic, etc. Series. 4.] G 30 W : Highway construction in Wisconsin. 1903. 355 pp. 106 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 10. [Economic Series 6.] G 30 W : Bucknall, Benjamin. See GODON, J. Painted tapestry, etc. Trsl. B. B. 1879. 8. (36865) Bucknall, W. M. See BOARD OF TRADE (Library). Catalogue ... [By W. M. B.] 1866. 8. (13670) 110 BUCK] [BUFF Bucknlll, John Alexander S. The rise and growth of the protection of In- dustrial Property in the Transvaal. London, 1 906. 8. 34 pp. (32169) Sucknill, John Townshen 1, Major R.E. Large Explosions and their radii of danger. From " Engineering." London, 1897. 4. 42 pp. (25799) On the Electrical resistance of Conductors at high temperatures. 1878. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Prof. Papers. Vol. 2. pp. 17-21. 1 pi. F 90 : 844. Buckwell, G. \V. The expansion of Water by Heat. 1892. 14 pp. 5 pi. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 4. F 81 : 889. History of the Newhaven and Dieppe service. 1891. 52 pp. Ibid. Vol. 4. Paper 32. 8. F 81 : 889. The influence of Weather on the working of Paddle engines. 1890. 26 pp. Ibid. Vol. 2. Paper 15. F 81 : 884. Buclau, Arthur. See BEITRAGE ZUR FRAGE DER REGULIERUNG HYDRAULISCHER MoTOREN. Hrsg. A. B. 1906, etc. E 51 : 906a. Die Berechnung der hydraulisshen Tnrbinen- Regulatoren. 1906. 76 pp. Ibid. Heft 1. E 51 : 906a. Die Geschwindigkeitsreguliernng der hydr- auliscben Motoren, etc. 1906-09. 2 pts. ibid. Heft 2-3. E 51 : 906a. Die mechaniscben Grundgesetze der Flugtech- nilc, unter den vereinfachenden Annahme kon- stanten spezifischen Volnmens der atmospharischen Lnft. Anhang. Wien, 1904. 8. 52 pp. (30703) Ueber die Wirkungsweise des Wassers in den Lauf radern der Freiatrablturbinen. Ex : " Zeit. dea Oesterr. Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereines," 1902. Wien, 1902. 4. 10 pp. (32847) Budde, A. See PAASCH, H. From Keel to Truck. Dic- tionary of naval terms. . . . 4th ed. ... German section by Matthiesen and A. B. 1908. obi. 4. (35745) Budpre, John. The practical Miner's guide. London, 1825. 8. 146 pp. 15 pi. (754) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1845. 8. 234 pp. 1 pi. (36770) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1854. 8. 232pp. (6403) Biicb, Francis. Da Piano . . . son histoire, sa fabrication, si conservation, etc. Rouen, 1869. 8. 76 pp. 2 pi. (34038) Biicheler, Max. See EFFRONT, J. Die Diastasen. Dantsohe Ubersetzuug vou M. B. 1900, etc. 8. (27144) Buchner, Earl. Zur Frage der Lavalschen Turbinendusen. 1904. See VER. DEOTSCHER INGENIEORE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 18. pp. 47- 100. E 13/857b. Buchner, Louis, I/./). Force ani Matter : empirioo - philosophical studies, intelligibly rendered. Ed. J. F. Colling- wood. 3rd English ed. London, 1881. sm. 8. 290 pp. (9980) Biihler, G. L. W. von. Der laufende Schwamm in den Gebiinden, seine Entstehung, seine Vertilgung, etc. Stuttgart, 1845. sm. 8. 236 pp. (29104) Buhlmann, Josef. Die Gestaltung der ausseren und der inneren Architektur. 1893. See DURM, J. Handbuoh der Architektur. 2te Aufl. Theil 4. pp. 140-217. 1 pi. 8. (28712) The same. 1904. Ibid. 3te Ann. Theil 4. Abt. 1. pp. 142-278. 8. (32618) Buk, Julius von. Der Zieglermeister in Theorie nnd Praxis. (Chem.-tech. Bibl.) Wien, [1907]. 1908. sm. 8. 280 pp. (34712) Buel, Albert Wells, and Bill, C. S. Reinforced Concrete construction. London, 1905. 8. 444pp. 2 pi. (31139) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1906. 8. 512 pp. 7 pi. (33013) Biilow, Theodor Carl Heinrich Ernst. Chemische Technologic der A zof arbstoffe mil bes. Berucksicht. der Deutsohen Patentlitteratar. Leipzig, 1897-98. 2 vols. 8. (11765) Buerstenbindcr, . See JAHEESBEKICHT OBER DIE ERFAHRUNGEN . . . DER LANDWIRTHSCHAFT. Begriindet von Dr. B. 1901, etc. J 11 : 901. Busing, F. W. See DEUTSCHE BAUZEITUNG. Hrspr. K. E. 0. Fritsch und F. W. B. 1874-91. fol. F 68 : 867. and Schumann, C. Der Portland-Cement nnd seine Anwendungen imBauwessn. 2te Aufi 1 . Berlin, 1899. 8. 438pp. (26527) Biiaser, 0. Elektricitat und Binnenschiffahrt. Von E. Abshoff und O. B. 1902. 16 pp. See CONGRKS INTERNATIONAL DB NAVIGATION. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. I. Communication 2. [3.] F 43: 888. Biitschli, Jobann Adam Otto. Untersnchungen fiber Mikrostruktnren der erstarrten Schwefels nebst Bemerkungen fiber Sublimation, Ubersohmelzung und Ubersattigung des Schwefelg, etc. Leipzig, 1900. 4. 100 pp. 4 pi. (27069) Bxittrenbach, Franz. Die Nadel und ihre Entstehung. Aachen, 1897. 8. 66pp. (11781) Biittner, Max. Die Beleuchtnng von Eisenbahn-Personenwagen mit bes. Beriicksicht. der Elektrioitiit. Berlin, lyOl. 8. 134 pp. (27970) Buff, H. Der Zusammenhang der noueren Electricitate- lehre mit der Contakttheorie. Gieesen, 1842. 8. 14 pp. (29388) 111 BUFF] [BULL Buffalo, New York; Pan-American Exhibition, 1901. See LIEBETANZ, F. Die Panamerikanische Aus- stellung iu Buffalo. 1901. Verein zur Beforderunr/ des Gewerhfleisses. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 80. ' pp. 359-415. B 67 P : Buffard, . - L'Ourdissage et le Pliage simultan^ et par fil. [French Patent No. 11,876, 27 Apr., 1840.] Lyon, 1841. 8. 16pp. (34505) Buffeteau, Th. - L'origine du Graphique et ses applications a la marche des trains de chemins de fer. De>. 1884. Paris, 1885. 8. 60 pp. 11 pi. (33270) Buffo n, B. Nadault de. See NADAULT DE BUPFON, B. Butfon, Georg Louis Leclerc, Comte de. ' - Histoire naturelle des Minc'raux. Paris. 1783. 2 vols. 12. (36166)' Buffum, Burt 0. - The use of Water in Irrigation in Wyoming, etc. - 1900. 56 pp. 8 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICUL- TURE. Experiment Station Bulletin 81. J 29 : 889. Buffum, W. Arnold. The Tears of the Heliades, or Amber as a gem. 3rd e J. London, 1398. sm. 8. 130 pp. (31637) Bug-net, Abel Antoino. - See PHOTO JOURNAL (La). Ed. A. B. 1892- 1901. A 11 : 892 C. - La Physique photographiqne. [Photome'trie photographique.] 1892. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. Se"r. 2. Tome 4. pp. 495-517. B 76 C : Buhle, Max. - Massentransport. Stuttgart, 1908. 8. 390 pp. (37156) - Technische Hiilfsmittel zur Beforderung nnd Lagerung von Sammelkorpern (Massengiiteru). Berlin, 1901-06. 3 vols. fol. (27971) - Tranaport-und Lagerungs-Einrichtungen fiir Getreide nnd Kohle. Berlin, 1899. fol. 78 pp. 11 pi. (26344) Buijs, Jnkobus. -- De Bierbrouwer. (Volledige Beschrijving van alle Konsten, etc.) Dordrecht, 1797. 8. 88 pp. 4 pi. (29299) Builder (The). The " Builder Album " of Royal Academy Architecture. 1891 and 1892. London, [1891-921. 2 vols. fol. F 68/891. Builders' Journal and Architectural Record. Vol. 17, etc. London, 1903. etc. F 68 : 903. Publication : Weekly. Title varied: " Buildera' Journal and Architectural Engineer," 1908, etc. Builders' Merchant (The). Vol. 1-5. London, 1898-1903. 4. F 73 : 898. Publication : Monthly. History : Vol. 2, appeared as " Quarry and Builders' Merchant," published as Vol. 4 of the "Quarry." Builders' Reporter. See BUILDERS' WEEKLY REPORTER, 1890-96. -Builders' Weekly Reporter. Vol. 29-49 ; New series, Vol. 66-90. London, 1886^1906. 22 vols. fol. F 68/886. History: In July, 188G, incorporated the "Engineering and Building Times." In 1906 incorporated with the " Building Trade." Title varied: "Builders' Reporter," 1890-1906. Building- Trades Exhibition, 1903. See LONDON INTERNAT. BUILDING TRADES EXHIBI- TION, 1903. Building: World. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1895, etc. fol. F 68 : 895. Publication : Weekly. Buisson, H., and Fabry, C. Mesures de longueurs d'onde pour 1'e'tablisse- ment d'un systeme de reperes spectroscopiques. 1908. See JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE. 4e fcerie Tome 7. pp. 169-195. D 1 : 872 Buist, Robert. The Stormontfield Piscicultural experiments. 1853-66. (Odds and Ends, No. 14.) Edinburgh, 1866. 16. 32 pp. 1 pi. (32633) Bujard, Alfons. Leitfaden der Pyrotechnik. Einfiibrung in die Chemie der wiehtigsten Robmaterialien und Spreng- stoffa der Kunstfeuerwerkerei ; nebst Besprechung der einschlagigen Polizei- und Eisenbahuverkehr- ordnungen. Stuttgart, 1899. [1898.1 8. 270 pp (25634) Bulifon, Antonio. See N., N. Manegio dell' armi. Trad. A. B. 1685. 12. (34109) Bulkeley, Owen T. The Lesser Antilles. A guide for uettlers etc. London, 1889. gm. 8. 208 pp. 9 pi. (32587) Bull, B. A compendious system of Veterinary instruc- tion. London, 1835. 8. 314 pp. (37998) Buller, Sir Francis, Bart. An Introduction to the Law relative to Trials at Nisi Prius. Ed. R. W. Bridgman. 7th *d. London, 1817. 8. Sigs. A-RB. (11330) Bullet, Pierre. Traite" de 1'usage de Pintometre, instrume"t ge"ometrique. Paris, 1675. 16. 208 pp. (34022) Bulletin des Fabrlcants de Papier. Anne's 7, etc. Paris, 1890, etc. '4. K 74/890. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Title, varied : Anne'e 10, etc. " Bulletin-Journal, etc." Incorporating the " Journal des Fabricanti de Papier." Bulletin des Marques de Fabrique. Anneo 3-4. Paris, 190S-7. (31818) Publication : Monthly. Editor : A. Brunier de Larnage. Title changed : " Liste mensuelle des marques de fabrique, etc., 1906-Y." Bulletin des sciences agricoles et econo- miques. 1824-31. See BULLETIN GENERAL, etc., DES ANNONCES, etc., sciENTiFiQUES. Bulletin univ. des sciences, etc. 4a sect. C 3 : 823. Bulletin des sciences gdag-raphiques, etc. 1824-31. See BULLETIN "GENERAL, etc., DES ANNONCES, etc., SCIENTIFIQUES. Bulletin univ. des sciences, etc. 6e sect. 3 : 823. Bulletin des sciences historiques, etc. 1824-31. See BULLETIN GENERAL, etc, DBS ANNONCEB, etc., SCIENTIFIQUES. Bulletin univ. des sciences, etc. 7e sect. C 3 : 823. Bulletin des sciences mathexaatiqes, etc. 1824-31. See BULLETIN GENKRAL, etc., DES AN- NONCES, etc., SCIENTIFIQUES. Bulletin univ. des sciences, le sect. C 3 : 823. 112 BULL] [BUNT Bulletin des sciences medicales. 1824-31. See BULLETIN r.KNKi: vi., etc., DES ANNONCES, etc., SCIENTIFIQUES. Bulletin univ. des s.'ieiiros, etc. 3e sect. C 3 : 823. Bulletin des sciences militalros. 1824-31. See BULLETIN GENERAL, etc., DES ANNONCES, etc., SCIENTIFIQUES. Bulletin univ. des sciences, etc. 8e sect. C 3 : 823. Bulletin des sciences naturclles et de gr6olog-lo. 1824-31. See BULLETIN GENERAL, etc., DES ANXONCES, etc., sciENTiKiQUEi. Bulletin univ. dos sciences, etc. 2o sect. C 3 : 823. Bulletin des sciences technologriques. 1824-31. See BULLETIN GENERAL, etc., DES AN- NOXCES, etc., SCIENTIFIQUES. Bulletin univ. des sciences, etc. 5a sect. C 3 : 823. Bulletin sr^ntSral et unlversel des an- nonces et des nouvelles sclentlflques . . . publir sous la direction du Baron de Fdrussac. Tome 1-4. 1823. [continued an :] Bulletin universe! des sciences et de 1'industrie. Sect. 1-8. 1824-31. Sect. 1. Bulletin des sciences mathe'matiqucs, astro- nomiques, physiques et chimiques. Tome 1-16. 18-24-31. 2. Bulletin des sciences naturclles et de ge"ologie. Tome 1-26. 1824-81. 8. Bulletin des sciences mddicales. Tome 1-27. 1824-31. 4. Bulletin des sciences agricoles et e*cono- miques. Tome 1-18. 1824-81. 5. Bulletin des sciences technologiques. Tome 1-19. 1824-31. 6. Bulletin des sciences ge'ographiques. etc. Tome 1-28. 1824-31. 7. Bulletin des sciences historiques, etc. Tome 1-19. 1824-31. , 8. Bulletin des sciences militaires. Tome 1-11. 1824-31. Paris, 1823-31. 84 vols. 8. C 3 : 823. Bulletin International de 1'Eloctricite. Anne'e 1, etc. Pari, 1885, etc. fol. D 51/885. Publication : Monthly. Title varied: Anne'e 1, entitled, "Bulletin Interna- tional des Tele'phones." Deficient : Anne'e 16-19, 1897-99. Bulletin - Journal des Fabrlcants de Papier. See BULLETIN DES FABRICANTS DE PAPIER, 1893, etc. Bulletin Technique de la Sulsse Bo- mande. See Socifc/rfi VAUDOISB DES INGENIEURS. etc. . E 18/877. Bulletin universel des sciences et de 1'industrle. See BULLETIN OKXRAI., etc., DES ANNONCES ET DES NOUVELLES SCIENTIFIQUES. Bullettino Telegraflco del Hejrno d'ltalla. Torino, etc. 1865-94. 32 vols. 8. D 60 : 865. Publication : Monthly. Title changed: 1889-94, "*Bollettino del Ministero delle Poste e dei Telegran." Bullock, Chas. F. Life of George Baxter, engraver, artist, and colour printer. With a priced list of his works. Birmingham. 1901. am. 4 s . 30pp. 4 pi. (29239) Bullock, John Lloyd. See FRESENIUB, C. E. Instruction in chemical analysis (Quantitative). Ed. J. L. B. 1846. 8 (32415) 3122'J 113 Bullock, Win. A concise and easy method of Preserving objects of Natural History. 2nd ed. London, 1818. 12. 36 pp. 2 pi. (33703) Bumstead, Henry Andrews. See GIBBS, J. W. Scientific papers. [Ed. H. A. B., etc.] 1906. 2 vols. 8. (33835) Bund Deutscher Nahrung-smlttel-Fabri- kanten und -Handler. Borax und Borsiiure als Arznei-und Konservi- ernngsmittel. Heidelberg, [1905]. 8. 118 pp. (32019) Deutsches Nahrungsmittelbuch. Heidelberg, 1905. 8. 254pp. (37240) Bunet, P. Les applications m^caniques de I'Electrioitt-. 1901. See HATON DE LA GOUPILLIERE, J. N. La Mcaniqueal'Expositiondel900. Tome 3. Livr. 17. fol. (27147) Bungre, Gust.iv von. Lebrbuch der physiologisehen und pathologiscben Chemie. 4te Aufl. Leipzig, 1898. 8. 514 pp. (25635) Text-book of physiological and pathological Chemistry. From the 2nd German ed., by L. C. Wooldridge. London, 1890. 8. 482 pp. (22496) The same. 2nd ed. From the 4th German ed., Trsl. F. A. Starling. Ed. E. H. Starling. London, 1902. 8. 488pp. (29632) Bungre, Paul. Beschreibung der Wage-Instrnmente neuester Construction, nebst Constructions-Motiven. Ham- burg, 1880-84. 2 pts. 8 3 . (27946) Sunning:, Theodore Wood. A description of patents connected with Mining Operations. From the " Trans, of the N. of England Inst. of Mining Engineers." Vol. 17. Appendix No. 2. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1868. 8. 72 pp. 10 pi. (25781) Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Hrsg. W. Ostwald und M: Bodenstein. Leipzig, 1904. 3 vols. 8. (31494) On the intimate connection existing between the pseudo-volcanic phenomena of Iceland. See GRAHAM, T. Chemical Reports, etc. 8. 1848. 8. (228) [Memoir of R. W. B., by Sir H. E. Roscoe.] 1900. See CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Memorial lectures. 1893-1900. pp. 513-554. Portr., facsim. letter. 8. (30007) and Playfalr, Baron. Report to the British Association . . in 184.> on the gases evolved from iron furnaces with reference to the theory of the smelting of iron. [Reprint.] London, 1903. 8. 76 pp. 2 pi. and portr. (29961) Buntrook, Arthur. See OHEMISCUE ZEITSCHRIFT. Hrsg. A. B. 1907, etc. 4". K 1 : 901 See GENTELE, J. G. Lebrbuch der Farben- fabrikation. 3te Aufl., von A. B. 1906, etc. 8'. (33205) See TEXTIL-UND-FARBEREI-ZEITUNG. Hrsg. A. B., etc. 1903, etc. 8. E 80 : 903 See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR FARBEN-UND TEXTIL- CHEMIE . . . Hrsg. A. B. 1902, etc. i'. K 35 : 902 BUNT] [BURG Buntrock, Arthur cont. - See ZEITSCHRIPT FUR TEXTIL-!NDUSTRIE. Hrsg. 0. Johannsen and A..B. 1906. E 80 : 906. B tiny an, Arthur, Patentee. [Engraved form of assignment of patent No. 408, 1716.] - See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Bunzel, Hugo. - Die kiinstlichen Fiebermittel. Stuttgart, 1898. 8. 148 pp. (25490) Buonaccorsl cli Plstoja, Adolf, Graf von. - Lnftschifl'ahrtsstudien, mit vergleioheuden Be- trachtungen iiber Hydraulik. Aeraulik nnd auto- dynamische Flugkorper, etc. Wien, 1880. 8. 70 pp. (31588) Buonannl, Filippo. - Descrizione degl' istromenti armonici d' ogni genere. 2a ed. da G. Ceruti. [Italian and French.'] Roma, 1776. 4. 152 pp. 140 pi. (28764) Buquet, i - See BEGUILLET, E. Manuel du Meunier . . . redig< sur les M^moires du Sieur 0. B. 1775. 8. (34847) Burals, A. - See FERY, C., and BURAIS, A . Trait6 de Photo- graphie industrielle. 1896. sm. 8. (26475) Burat, AMEDEE. - Les Filons et les Mines du Hartz. 1867. See EEVOE UNIV. DBS MINES. Revue de 1'Exposition de!867. pp. 473-495. pi. 33-36. 8. (13210) - Forage et cuvelage cles Puits a niveau plein. 1867. Ibid. pp. 6-17. pi. 1-4. 8. (13210) - Ge'ologie applique'e, ou trait6 de la recherche et de 1'exploitation des Mine'raux utiles. Paris, [1843]. 8. 506 pp. 21 pi. (33027) - Installation des Puits d'extraction et des Ports sees ou Rivages pour le chargement des charbons. 1867. See REVUE UNIV. DES MINES. Revue de 1'Ex- position de 1867. pp. 18-35. PI. 5-9. 8. (13210) Burbank, Luther. - See HARWOOD, W. S. New creations in plant life. . . . The life and work of L. B. 1906. sm. 8. (31&04) - See VRIES, H. de. Plant breeding. Comments on the experiments of Nilsson and B. 1907. 8. (34972) Burchard, O. - Die Unkrautsamen der Klee- und Grassaaten mit bes. Berucksicht. ihrer Herkunft. Berlin. 1900. 8. 108pp. 5 pi. (27070) Burck, W. - See REPERTORIUM ANNUUM LITERATURE BOTANIC.E PERIODIC^;. Ed. W. B. 1873-76. H 71 : 872. Burckhardt, Fritz. See BURCKHARDT, K. F. Burckhardt, Karl Friedrich, (Fritz). - Die Erflndung des Thermometers nnd seine Gestaltung im xvii Jahrhundert. Basel, 1867. 4. 48pp. I pi. (13330) - Zur Geschichte des Thermometers. Basel, 1902. 4. 22 pp. (30203) - Die wichtigsten Thermometer des achtzehnten Jahrhnnderts. (Bericht der Gewerbeschule zu Basel, 1870-71.) Basel, 1871. 4. 42pp. (30332) Burckhardt, Robert. Die praktische Leder-Erzeuzung. (Chemisch- technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1903. sm. 8. 150 pp. 6 pi. (29183) Burdett, Sir Henry Chas., K.C.B. Cottage Hospitals, general, fever, and convales- cent. 3rd ed. London, 1896. 8. 402 pp. 13 pi. (36091) Burdwan Experimental Farm : Reports. See BENGAL : Dept. of Land Records, etc. Sure, Guillaume-Franfoise de. Bibliographic instructive : ou trait de la con- noissance des Livres rares et singuliers. Vol. de la Jurisprudence et des Arts et Sciences. Paris, 1764. 8. 800pp. (33489) Bureau fur Spreng-technik von Mahler &. Eschenbacher. See MAHLER, J. UND ESCHENBACHER, Bureau fur Sprengtechnik. 1881. 8. (28797) Buret de Iiongrag^ne, Marie Leon. Notice sur la Voiture Autolocomotrice a vapeur. . . . Systeme Buret. [Letters Patent No. 2107 of 1875.] Paris, 1879. 8 b . 46 pp. (34506) Burg-dorffer, A. C. Tentatives de DeMclage de quelques Rivieres Neerlandaises. Par C. B. Schuurman et A. C. B. 1894. 60 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE : 6e Congres, 1894. Question 3. [10.] F 43 : 888. Burg-erstein, Leo. Notizen zur Hygiene des Unterrichts und des Lehrerberufes. 1901. 78 pp. See WEYL, T. Handbueh der Hygiene. Supplement-Band 1. 8. (24547) Lestures. Oxford, Burg-os, Wm. Art applied to Industry. 1865. 8. 120 pp. (35325) Burg-ess, A. F. The Laws in force against injurious Insects and Foul Brood in the United States. By L. O. Howard and A. F. B. 1906. 222 pp. See U.S. DEPT. or AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 61. J 29 E : Burg-ess, Forsyth Francis Robert. Sporting Fire-arms for bush and jungle. London, 1884. sm. 8. 144 pp. 7 pi. (33704) Burg-ess, Francis. The Organ fifty years hence. [Lecture . , . Nov. 7, 1907.] London, 1908. 8. 32 pp. 1 pi. (37543) Burgress, Geo. Kimball. See DUHEM, P. M. M. Thermodynamics and chemistry. Trsl. G. K. B. 1903. 8. (30081) See LE CHATELIER, H. L., and BOUDOUARD, O. High-temperature measurements. Trsl. G. K. B. 1901, etc. Optical Pyrometry. By C. W. Waidner and G. K. B. 1905. See U.S. DEPT. OF COMMERCE, etc. Bureau of Standards. Bulletin. Vol. 1. pp. 189-254. 'E5:904. Burg-ess, Thos. H., M.D. See CAZENAVE, P. L. A. Diseases of the human hair. With a description of an apparatus for f umi- gating the scalp, by T.H.B. 1851. sm. 8. (33393) 114 BURG] Bursrhag-en, Otto. Die Schreibmascbine, etc. Hamburg, 1898. 8. 322 pp. (26166) Burgroyne, Alan H. See SUBMARINE NAVIGATION. Ed. A. H. B. 1901. F 87 : 901. Submarine Navigation, past and present. London, 1903. 2vols. 8. (30182) Burjroyne, Sir John Fox, K.C.B. Memoranda on Blasting rock. 1 840. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Papers. Vol.4, pp. 27-91. F 90 : 844. Rudimentarytreatise on the Blasting and Qnarry- ingof stone. ( Weale's Series.) Loiidon,1819. 12. 114 pp. (33705) The name. 3rd ed. (Ibid.) London, 1856. 12. 114 pp. (2892) Burg-uet, du. See Du BURGUET. Burkard, Paul. Traite des metiers a filer renvideurs, en particulier des renvideurs pour laines peigne'es. Paris, 1900. 8. 272 pp. 1 pi. (27071) Burke, Katharine A. See THOMSEN, H. P. J. J. Thermochemistry. From the Danish by K. A. B. 1908. 8. (36332) Bui-linsrame, H. J. Herrmann the Great. The famous magician's wonderful tricks. Chicago, [1897]. sm. 8. 304pp. portr. (37377) Burmah, Govt. Glass mosaics of Burma. By H. L. Tilly. Rangoon, 1901. fol. 12 pp. 13 pi. (30953) Manual of Forestry for Burmans. Rangoon, 1903. 5vols. 8. (31872) Report on Tube-wells in Rangoon. By E. G. Foy. Rangoon, 1903. fol. 10pp. 1 map. (30862) A treatise on Elephants, their treatment in health and disease. By G. II. Evans. [3rd ed.] Rangoon, 1901. 8. 270 pp. 21 pi. (30952) Burn, Chas. On the construction of Breakwaters, for harbours similarly situated as the one at Dover. London, 1859. 8. 34pp. 4 pi. (36223) Barn, Robert. A Naval and Military Technical Dictionary of the French language : with explanations of the various terms in English. Woolwich, 1842. sm. 8. 184 pp. (33706) Burn, Robert Scott. ^ Handbook of the Mechanical arts concerned in the construction and arrangement of Dwelling- houses, etc., with practical Mots on Road-making, etc. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1860. 8. 328 pp. (38322) The Steam-Engine, its history and mechanism. London, 1854. 8. 198 pp. (15727) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1857. 8. 142pp. 1 pi. (37277) Burning 1 . Burning the Dead, or Urn Sepulture. By a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, G. Philip and Son, 1857. 8 s . 54 pp. (33707) Burnley, James. The Romance of modern Industry. London. 1889. 8. 380pp. (36214) 34222 [BURY Burns, Cecil L. - See BOMBAY, Govt. of. A. monograph on ivory carving. By C. L. B. [1901.] fol. (30921) Burns, Daniel. Electrical practice in Collieries. London. 1903. sm. 8. 232pp. (29470) Burns, David. The Anthracitation of Coal. (Paper read.) London, 1904. 8. 16 pp. (30848) Burr, Geo. D. Instructions in practical Surveying, topographical plan drawing, etc. 2nd ed. London, 1847. 8. 242pp. 5 pi. (1017) For the first edition of this work, tee TREATISE. A treatise on practical Surveying, etc. 1829. 8. The same. 4th ed. London, 1864. sm 8 236 pp. 2 pi. (32967) Burr, Wm. Hubert. Ancient and modern Engineering and the Isthmian Canal. New York, 1902. 8. 490 on 2 pi. (29482) and Talk, M. S. The design and construction of Metallic Bridges New York, 1905. 8. 546 pp. 4 pi. (31896) Burrldgre, John. The Tanner's key to a new system of tanning sole leather, or the right use of oak bark, etc London, 1824. 12 3 . 158 pp. (33028) Burritt, Chas. H., Lieut., U.S.A. See U.S. WAR DEPT. : Div. of Insular Affairs. The coal measures of the Philippines. [Report 1 ByO. H. B. 1901. 8. (35171) Burroughs, Edward. Essays on practical Husbandry, and Rural economy. [Essay 1, 2nd ed.] London, 1820-21. 2pts. 8. (35832) Burrows, John Shober. Mine sampling and chemical analyses of Coals tested at the U.S. Fuel-testing plant, Norfolk Va in 1907. 1908. 24 pp. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY Bulletin 362. G 30 : 883. Burstyn, M. Elektrotechnischer Unterricht und Anleitung zum Betriebe elektrischer Anlagen, insbejondere auf Kriegsschiffen. 2te Aufl. Pola, 1898. 8. 358 pp (25512) Burt, A. Li. Swedish-English Dictionary. New ed. Neio York, [190 ?]. 2 vols. in one. 16. (27429) Burton, Wm. The use of Lead compounds in Pottery, from the potters' point of view. London, 1899. 8. 84pp. (35758) Burton, Wm. Kinninmond. Modern Photography. 5th ed. Reprinted with additions, from the " Photographic News." London, 1885. sm. 8. 138pp. (26007) Bury, Thos. Talbot. See ACKERMASS, R., AND Co. Instructions for using Ackermann and Co.'s Fantascope. 2nd Series, by T. T. B. 1833. 4. (32377) 115 r 2 BUSB] [BUTT Busby, James. Journal of a recent visit to the principal Vine. yards of Spain and France. London. 1834. sm. 8. 192 pp. (32588) Busch,, Emil. See RATHENOWER OPTISCHE INDUSTRIE - AN- STALT, VOKM. E. B. 1900. 8. (27273) Buech, H. tiber das Harten. 1907. 18 pp. See SAMM- LUNG BERO-UND HOTTENMANNISCHER ABHAND- LUNGEN. Heft 15. 8. G 63 : 906. Buschman, J. Ottokar von. Das Salz, dessen Vorkommen nnd Verwertung in samtlichen Staaten der Erde. Leipzig, 1909, 1906. 2vols. 4. (32704) Sush, Baron de. See BCSH, W. J., Baron de. Bush, Richard Arthur. See BOSH, W. J., Baron de, and R. A. Recipes for the manufacture of Aerated, etc., Waters. 4th ed. 1894. (35238) Bush, W. J., Baron de, and R. A. Recipes for the manufacture of Aerated and Mineral Waters and Cordials. 4th ed. London, 1894. 8. 94pp. (35238) Bushell, Stephen Wootton. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Chinese Art. ByS. W. B. 1904, etc. 8. (31194) Business Men's Association. The Water-power of the Falls of Niagara applied to manufacturing purposes. The hydraulic tunnel of the Niagara Falls Power Company. Niagara Falls, N.Y., [1890]. 4. 46 pp. 2 pi. (33490) Busk, Hans. Hand-book for Hythe : comprising ... the laws of projectiles, and an introduction to the system of Musketry. London, 1860. sm. 8. 192pp. 9 pi. (34410) The Rifle : and how to use it. 4th ed. London. 1859. sm. 8. 226 pp. 1 pi. (34108) Steam Life-ships and how to build them. London, 1870. 4. 24 pp. 4 pi. (35295) Busley, Carl. See HAACK, R., and BUSLEY, C. Die technische Entwicklung des Norddeutschen Lloyds, etc. 1893 4. (35071) Die modemen Unterseeboote. 1900. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch Band 1. pp. 63-124. F 81 : 900. Die Schiffsmaschine, ihre Construction, Wirk- nngsweise und Bedienung. Kiel, 1883-86. Text and atlas. 4 vols. 8. (12239) The same. 3te Aufl. Band 1 (all pub].). Kiel, [1891-]1901. 8 and obi. fol. atlas. (27812) Susquet, Le"on. Manuel de Hirudiculture, ou de 1'eleve des sangsues. Bordeaux, 1854. 8. 180 pp. (36257) Busquet, R. A manual of Hydraulics. Trsl. A. H. Peake London, 1906. sm. 8. 320 pp. (33133) Bus sard, Le'on, and Fron, G. Tourteaux de Graines Ole'agineuses. Paris, 1905. 8. 256pp. 6 pi. (31143) Busse, O. Die Unterhaltung der Eisenbahnbetriebsmittel. 1908. See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbuch des Eisen- bahnmaschinenwesens. Band 3. pp. 87-136. 8. (38111) Busae, Walter. Bericht iiber die Pflanzenpathologische Expe- dition nach Kamerun und Togo, 1904-05. See TROPENPFLANZER. Beiheft 4/5. Okt. 1906. pp. 163- 262. 4 pi. J61:897a. Forschungsreise durch den siidlichen Teil von Deutsch-Ostafrika. 1902. Ibid. Band 3. pp. 93- 119. J61:897a. Buason, Felix. Die Unfallverhiitung im Bergbaubetriebe. Leo- ben, 1908, etc. 8. (37768) In progress. Bussy, Antoine Alexandre Brutus. Nouvelles recherches sur 1'acide sulfurique de Saxe. Paris, 1824. 8. 20 pp. (36970) Buasy, P. Expose" elementaire des principes de sacchari- me'trie optique. Par G. Cesaro et P. B. 1902. 55 pp. See SOCIETE ROY. DES SCIENCES DE LIEGE. Me"moires. 3e se"rie. Tome 4. B 23 : 843. Butln, F., M.D. Considerations bygiiSniques sur le Corset. Paris, 1900. 8. 96pp. (27337) Butler. The butlers' and publicans' assistant on Brewing. 1801. See PRACTICAL. A practical treatise on the nature of Brewing, etc. 2nd ed. 4. (16789) Butler, David Butler. Portland Cement, its manufacture, testing, and use. London, 1899. 8. 366 pp. (26315) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1905. 8. 406 pp. (31826) Butler, J. W., Paper Company. The story of Paper-making. Chicago, 1901. sm. 8. 406pp. (29267) Buttol-Rcepen, H. von. Are bees reflex machines? Experimental con- tribution to the natural history of the honey-bee. Trsl. M. H. Geisler. Medina, Ohio, 1907. 8. 48 pp. (36417) Suttenstedt, Christian Heinrich Carl. See BERTHENSON, G. Grundprincipien der phy- siologischen Mecbanik und das Butteustedt'sche Flngprincip. 1894. 8. (25706) Butterfield, Win. John Atkinson. See LEEDS, F. H., and BUTTERFIELD, W. J. A. Acetylene. 1903. am. 8. (30013) Gas Manufacture : the Chemistry of. London, 1896. 8. 390pp. (24783) The same. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. London, 1904, etc. 8. (31881) In progress. The eame. 4th ed. Vol. 1. London, 1907, etc. 8. (34028) In progress. Butterweck, Otto Carl. The culture of Tobacco. 1898. 24 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 82. J29Fa: Butterworth, Hon. Benjamin, Comm. of Patents, U.S.A. See U.S. : Dept. of the Interior. The growth of industrial art. Arranged, etc., under direction of the Hon. B. B. 1892. fol. (35574) 116 BUTZ] [CAFF But z, Geo. 0. The cultivation of American Ginseng in Penn- svlvania. 1897. 24 pp. See PENNSYLVANIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin 27. J 30 P : b Buzarelng-uea, C. Girou de. See GIROU DE BUZAREINQUES, C. Byrd, Mary Emma. A Laboratory manual in Astronomy. Boston, Mass., 1899. am. 8. 284 pp. (26861) Byrn. Edward W. The progress of Invention in the Nineteenth century. Neio York, 1900. 8. 484 pp. (27430) Byrne, Austin T. Inspection of the materials and workmanship employed in construction. 2nd ed. New York, 1902. 556pp. (29483) Byrne, John, C.I'.. See BYRNE, O. Miscellaneous Mathematical papers. Ed. J. B. 1848. 8. (35957) Byrne, Oliver. Miscellaneous Mathematical papers. Ed. J. Byrne. Part 1. [All .] London, 1848. 8. 82pp. (35957) C. C * , J., [i.e. J. Cussoc\. Pisciceptologie, on 1'art de la peche a la ligne ; discours sur les poissons ... la peche aux filets, etc. Paris, 1816. 12. 412 pp. 29 pi. (29265) C., . See POERNER, 0. W. Instruction sur 1'art de la teinture, etc. Trad, de 1'Allemand par M. C . 1791. 8. (33327) C., A., [i.e. Archibald Constable]. Remarks on Live stock and relative subjects. FEx : Olino's " Observations on domestic animals."] 'Edinburgh, A. Constable, 1806. 8. 94 pp. (32659) C., B. The Ladies' monitor, being a series of letters . . . on the subject of female apparel, tending to favour a regulated adoption of Indian costume . . . with incidental remarks on Hindoo beauty, whale- bone stays, iron busks, Indian corsets, etc. By the author of "A vindication of the Hindoos." [M., i.e., Thos. Maurice.] London, J. Rodwell, 1809. 8. 226 pp. (33738) C., B., [i.e. Bracy Clark]. Original remarks on the general framing of the horse. 2nd ed. London, 1842. 4. 20 pp. 5 pi. (36914) Cabinet. - The Cabinet of useful Arts and Manufactures. Dublin, W. Folds and Son, 1825. 16. 180 pp 1 pi. (32590) Cabinet. The Cabinet of useful Arts and Sciences, or, ingenious man's companion . . . containing . . . receipts, etc., in arts, manufactures, and chemistry. 12th ed. Dublin, J. Charles, 1820. la". 228 pp. (38246) Cabinet-maker (The) : a Journal of designs, etc. London, 1868. fol. A 2/868. Designer! : R. Charles, etc. Cable Maker A' Association. - Tables of standard sizes of Conductors, dielec- tric, lead, and armour for underground mains. {London, 1902.] fol. 5 sheets. (29296) Cabrol, P. Notice sur une nouvelle invention relative a la fabrication de la Fonte. [French Patent No. 10,191, Jan 6, 1835.] Paris, 1835. 8. 16 pp. (38619) Cach, J. These de Me'canique. [Faculty des Sciences de Caen.] Caen, 1829. 4. 26 pp. 1 pi. (34023) Cadart, Gaston. Slip en travers de Rouen. Systeme Lab-it. 1889. 14 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRKS INTERNAL DEB TRAVAUX MARITIMES. Paris Congrcs. F 40 : 889. Cadart, Gustave, Engineer. Les Reservoirs du De'partement de la Haute- Marne. 1892. 40 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTER- NAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEUBE. 5e Congres. Question 4. [8.] F 43 : 888. Cadet, , jeune. See LABORIE, , and others. Observations sur les fosses d'aisance. 1778. sm. 8. (34761) Cade); de Oasslconrt, Chas. Louis Felix. Eloge d'A. A. Parmentier, lu ... a la Soci>''tr de Pharmacie de Paris, 16 mai 1814. [ Liste des ouvrages, pp. 43-48.] Paris, 1814. 8. 48 pp. (34857) Cadet-de-Vauz, Antoine Alexis. M< ; -no ire sur la matiere sucre'e de la Pomme, etc. Paris, 1808. sm. 8. 80 pp. (34858) Mrmoire sur la Peinture au Lait. Paris, [1801]. 8. 14pp. (35958) Nonveau precede 1 de Peinture . . . des habitations. Lettre a M. Bt'langer. Paris, 1814. sm. 8. 16 pp. (35914) Rapport sur le Moulin Dronsart. Extrait des Traites divers d'economie rurale, alimentaire et domestique. Paris, 1,821. sm. 8. 22 pp. (34859) Traite's divers d'Economie Rurale, alimentaire et domestique. Paris, 1821. 8. 136 pp. (37409) Cadman, John. See PARLIAMENT. Mines. Royal Commission on Mines . . . ventilation of coal mines, etc. Reports of an enquiry by J. C., etc. 1909. (38402) Caen. See SOCIETY ROYALE D' AGRICULTURE, etc., DE CAEN. Caesetnaelier, F. Eug. de. Aenmerkingen over de Brillen en derzelver gebruyk. Gend, 1841. sm. 8. 30 pp. (33873) Caffarcna, Louis. Etude critique snr les Abordages. Necessity d'<'/>/. du. See SOCIBTE ROYALE D' AGRICULTURE, etc., DE CAEN. 5e Exposition oublique de produits des arts da Ddpartement du Calvados. 1834. 8. (37440) Calvary, S., &. Co. Fiihrer durch die gesammte Calciumcarbid- nnd Acetylen-Literatur. Bibliographic . . . Bucher, Journale, etc., uud wichtigeren Patentschriften. Unter Mitwirsung von A. Ludwig. Berlin, 1899. 8. 52pp. (26929) Calvert, Fred. Grace. On Dyes and Dye-stuffs other than Aniline. (Cantor Lecture.) London. 1871. 8". 24 pp. (32889) Calvert's Mechanic's Almanack, and Work- shop Companion. 12th-21st year. London, 1885- 1894. 16. E 32 : 885. Calwer, C. G. Landwirthschaftliche und tecbnisohe Pflanzen- knnde. 3te Abt. Deutachlands technische Pflanzen. Stuttgart, 1854. 4. 58 pp. 12 col. pi. (37454) Cambace~res, Jules de. , Me'moire sur 1'application des Aciden gras a 1'Kclairage. Ex : " Compte-rendus de 1' Acad. des Sciences," 28 Mai, 1855. 4to. 18 pp. 1 pi. (34194) Gambler, R. See MIQUEL, P., and CAMBIER, R. TraitiS de bacWriologie. 1902. 8. (28556) Cambon, Victor. Fabrication des Colles animale?. Paris, 1907 8. 216pp. (35039) Cambray-Dlgrny, Louis Guillaume. Description d'une machine 1 feu construite pour les Salines de Castiglione . . . suivi d'un Me 1 - moire sur la construction des Salines et sur la qualit6 des Sels, etc. Parme, 1766. 4. 184 pp. 10 pi. (31254) Cambridge and Counties Agricultural Education Scheme : Report, 1897. See Cam- BRIDGE UNIVERSITY : Dept. of Agriculture. J 5 : 897. Cambridge University : Dept. of Agriculture. See JOURNAL OP AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, 1905, etc. J : 905. Annual Reports of field and feeding experi- ments, 1897, etc. Cambridge, 1898, etc. 8. J 5 : 897. Editor: T. B. Wood. ffietory: 1st Report issued by " The Cambridge and Counties Agricultural Education Scheme " ; later (Report 1, 1898-99, etc.) by the Dept. In 1900 the title of the publication was changed to " Experi- ments with Crops and Stock." Reports of field experiments at various stations. Cambridge, [1904-5]. 8. 4 pts. J 5 : 897a. Camera Club. Catalogue of the C. C. Photographic Library. 2nd ed., corrected to May, 1893. [London], 1893. 8. 28pp. (8164) Journal, etc. Vol. 1-19. London, 1886-1905. 19 vols. 8. A 10 : 886. Publication : Monthly. Title varied: Vol. 1. entitled " Proceedings." Camer^, . Traction sur les Rivieres canaltse'es. 1892. 34pp. 6 pi. See CONOR ES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 5eCongres. Question 6 [24]. F43: 888. and Xtlgraaz, P. Moyens de prevention des ChOmages par la Gele"e. 1894. 18 pp. 8 pi. Ibid, ler Congres, 1894. Question 3 [8J. F 43 : 888. Cameron. Frank Kenneth. The Chemistry of the Soil as relates to Crop production. By M. Whitney and F. K. C. 1903. 72 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 22. J 29 8 : Investigations in Soil fertility. Bv M. Whitney and F. K. C. 1904. 48 p:>. 4 pi. 'ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 23. J 29 8 : Soil solutions : their nature and functions, and the classification of Alkali lands. 1901. 40 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 17. J 29 S : and Bell, J. M. The astion of Water and Aqueous solutions upon Soil Carbonates. 1907. 64 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 49. J 29 S : The action of Water and Aqueous solu- tions upon Soil Phosphates. 1907. 58 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 41. J 29 8 : The mineral constituents of the Soil solu- tion. 1905. 70pp. Hid. Bureau of Soils. Bul- letin 30. J29S: and Oallagrher, F. E. Moisture content and physical condition of Soils. 1908. 70pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bul- letin 50. J 29 8 : and others. Solution studies of salts occurring in alkali Soils. 1901. 90 pp. 2bid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 18. J 29 S : 119 CAME] [CANA Cameron, Walter E. - Wolfram and Molybdenite mining in Queens- land. 1904. 14 pp. See QUEENSLAND : Geological Survey. Report. 188. 8. G 26 Q : Camp, Walter M. - Notes on Track, construction and maintenance. Cliicago, 1903. 8. 1222 pp. (30262) Campania, Steamship. - See ENGINEERING. The Cunard Royal Mail twin-screw steamers " Campania " and " Lucania," etc. 1893. fol. (8232) Campbell, Colin. - Vitruvius Britannicus ; or, the British Architect, containing plans of buildings in Great Britain with new designs. (English and French.) London, [1715-]1731. Svols. fol. (29320) Campbell, Lady Colin. - See STAFFE, Baronne (pseud.). The lady's dressing-room. From the French by Lady 0. C. 1892. am. 8. (33464) Campbell, Sir 1).. - Report on Railway apparatus. 1868. See PABIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, British Comm. Reports. Vol.4, pp. 487-520. 8. (13626) Campbell, Duncan, M'c Ivor, of Asknish. - Steam rams : their primary elements and proper functions. [Appendix.] Loch Gair, Argyllshire, 1870-72. sm. 8. 56pp. 5 pi. (32986) Campbell, E. S. N. j A dictionary of the Military science. 1830. 8. 296pp. (37678) London, Campbell, Frank. Index-catalogue of Indian Official Publications in the Library, British Museum. Part 1-2. With appendices and accessions. London. [1899-190 ?]. 2pts. 4. (29797) Campbell, Geo. W. Horticulture. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 5. pp. 343-418. 1880. 8. (33125) Campbell, Harry Huse. The manufacture and properties of Iron and Steel. [2nd ed.] New York, 1903. 8. 888 pp. (29484) The same. 4th ed. New York, 1907. 8. 662 pp. (36293) Campbell, Norman Rob. Modern Electrical theory. Cambridge, 1907. 8. 344pp. (36318) Campbell, Robert. Ruling Cases. With American notes by L. A. Jones. Vol. 20. Patent. London, 1900. 8. 880pp. (26880) The same. Vol. 25. [Tenant-Will.] London, 1901. 8. 854pp. (28440) Campbell, Wm. The Microscopical examination of the Alloys of Copper and Tin. 1901. 62 pp. 18 pi. See INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Alloys Research Committee. Repjrts", 1891-99. Appendix 8. (13436) Campbell, Wm. Wallace. The elements of practical Astronomy. 2nd ed. New York, 1899. 8. 276 pp. (26445) Campin, Francis. Iron and Steel Bridges and Viaducts. (Weales* Series.) London, 1898. sm. 8. 286 pp. 7 pi. (25425) Principles and construction of Machinery. London, [1870]. sm. 8. 294 pp. (35587) A ... treatise on Oblique Bridges in Stone and Brick. (" Railway Series of Text-books, etc." No. 2.) London, [1901]. sm. 8. 48 pp. (30276) Campion, Samuel S. Delightful history of the Gentle Craft : an illus- trated history of feet costume. 2nd ed. North- ampton, 1876. 8. 84 pp. 2 pi. (37485) Camporl, Giuseppe, Marquis. Notizie storiche e artistiche della Majolica e dell* Porcellana di Ferrara nei secoli xv e xvi. 1871. See VANZOLINI, G. Istorie delle fabbriche di majo- liche Metaurensi. Vol.2, pp. 102-248. 1879. 8 (30355) Campredpn, Ejugene. Le Papier. Etude monographique sur la Papeterie francaise et en particulier sur la Papeterie Charen- taise. Paris, 1901. 8. 92 pp. 4 pi. (28486) Campredon, Louis. Guide pratique du Chimiste Me'tallurgiste et de I'Essayeur. Paris, 1898. 8. 812 pp. (13725) Campy, David da Planis. See PLA.NIS CAMPY, D. de. Camus, J. Traitement dea Feus de Mines par 1'Acide Car- bonique liquide. Rive-de-Gier, 1903. 8. 16 pp. (30606) Canada. See ASSOCIATION OF DOMINION LAND SURVEYORS. E 27 : 889. See QUEBEC, Prov. of. ^ Dairy Commissioner. Reports. 1890-97 ; 1906, etc. Ottawa, 1891-98 ; 1906, etc. 8. J 83: 892. 1894-96 not issued. 1897 issued by the " Ccmm. of Agriculture and Dairying," (office abolished in 1898 and revived in 1906 under title of ' Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner.") Reports published as appendices to the "Report of the Minister of Agriculture." Bulletin 1, etc. Ottawa, 1905, etc. 8. J 83 : 890a. Dept. of Agriculture. Canada, its history, productions, and natural resources. By G. Johnsou. (Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904.) Ottawa, 1904. 8. 178 pp. 40 pi., 1 map. (31182) : Live Stock Commissioner. Bulletin ?,<*:. Ottawa, 1905,e. Tome 18. pp. 263-300. G 64 : 826. Trait6 d' Analyse des substances Mine'rales. Paris, 1898-1904. 2 vols. 8. (25374) Carnot, Sadi Nicolas Leonhard. See KELVIN, W. Thomson, Baron. An account of Carnot's Theory of the motive power ofHeat. 1849. 4. (28847) Caro, Nikodem. See VOGEL, J. H. Handbuch fiir Acetylen [Von N. C., etc.} 1904. 8. (30638) See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR CALCIUMCARBID-FABRIKA- TION. Mrsg. N. C. 1902-3. K 43 : 897. Die Explosionsursachen von Acetylen. 1906 See VEREIN ZDR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERB- FLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Band 85. pp. 205- 236 ; 245-292. B 67 P : Carot, Henri. Carnet de Des^ins de tous styles pour Vitrerie d'appartement. Paris, 1886. sm. 8. 62 pi. (33029) Carpene', Antonio D., J/./J. Nuovo processo d'Analisi delle materie coloranti introdotte nei Vini ed altri liquid! ed in sostauze alimentari solide. Torino, 1887. 8. 12 pp. 1 pi. (35916) Carpenter, Alfred. See METEOROLOGICAL COUNCIL. London Fog inquiry, 1901-02. Report ... by Capt. A. C. 1903. 4. (29355) 124 CARP] [CARS Carpenter, Chas. F., M.L>. Report on Instruments of Precision. [Horology Microscopes.] 1875. 38 pp. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 2. 8. (17905) Carpenter, Philip Peamll. Lectures on Mollusca ; or " shell-fish " and their allies. 1860. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Reports. 1860. pp. 151-233. B 13 S : 847. Carpenter, Holla Clinton. The effect of ... Muscular work on Pood consumption, etc. By W. O. Atwater, etc., and the mechanical work and efficiency of bicyclers, by R. C. C. 1901. 68 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRI- CULTURE. Experiment Station Bulletin 98. J 29 : 889. Heating and Ventilating Buildings. A manual for beating engineers and architects. 4th ed. Xeio York, 1902. 8. 578 pp. 1 pi. (28924) and Dioderlcho, H. Internal combustion engines. London, 1908. 8". 612 pp. (37263) Carpenter, Stephen. On the purification of Coal Gas. (1) Method of Working Lime purifiers for the purification of 0< nl Gas from Carbonic Acid, etc., so that the Lime may be used a second time. (2) Short method of working off the Sulphur test. [London, 1867?] 2pts. 8. Tables. (26322) Carpenter, Wm. Benjamin, M.D. Mechanical Philosophy and its application to the Arts. (Popular Cyclopaedia of Natural Science.) London,lS43. sm. 8. 320pp. (36092) The Microscope and its revelations. 3rd ed. London, 1862. sm. 8. 814 pp. 10 pi. (28670) - The same. 4th ed. London, 1868. sm. 8. 834 pp. (13288) The same. 914 pp. 26 pi. The same. 6th ed. (19537) 7th el. London, 1881. sm. 8. Partly rewritten, etc., by W. H. Dallinger. London, 1891. 8. 1117 pp. 21 pi. (23154) The same. 8th ed., by W. H. Dallinger. London, 1901. 8. 1202pp. 23 pi. (27854) Carpentler et Cic. . Rapports scientifiques et industriels . . . snr Ja Galvanisation du Per. Prose'de Sorel. Paris, 1849. 8. 96 pp. (38317) Carpentler, J. B. . See DONNADIEU, A. L. La Photographic ap- pliqui$e anx sciences biolojjiques, etc. Construit par J. B. C. 1884. 8. (34201) Carpentler, L. J. M. See NOEL, F. J. M., and CARPENTIER, L. J. M. Nouveau dictionnaire des origines, etc. 2e dd. 1833-34. 2 vols. 8. (37589) Carpentler, Paul. Notes snr la Peinture a la Cire caute'rise'e, ou proc<5d6 encaustique, d'aprea . . . Paillot York, 1899. 8=. 98pp. (38118) Carr, John. Report on the sprinkling of Malt, addressed to the Commissioners of Excise, etc. See REYNOLDSON, J. Practical, eta., principles of making malt . . . in answer to Mr. O.'s Report. 2nd ed. pp. 205- 293. 1809. 8. (31950) Carr, Maurice L. Resistance of Tubes to collapse. By A. P. Carman and M. L. C. 1906. 26 pp. 4 pi. See ILLINOIS (Univ.): Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 5. E 12 111 : 904. Carr, W. M. Open hearth Steel Castings. [Compiled from articles in the "Iron Trade Review," and the "Foundry."] Cleveland, Ohio, 1907. sm. 8. 118pp. (35631) Carrara, Giacomo. Elektrochemie der nichtwassrigen Losnngen. Ubersetzt von K. Arndt. 1908. See SAMMLDNQ CftEM. UNO CHEM. TECHN. VORTRAQE. Band 12. pp. 403-446. K 1 : 896. Carre", A. Taille de la Vigne (systeme de Royat). Aves un manuel pratique complet pour ['installation des fila de fer. 5e e"d. Montpellier, 1898. sm. 8. 284 pp. (26346) Carr<5, Chag. Etude sur les Arbres a fruits a Cidre dans le Departeroenc de la Sarthe. Paris, 1874. 4. 46 pp. (34861) Carre 1 , Fran<;oi--. Sur des me'prises judiciaires. Jugement in- voquant un document mate'riellement faux et en altt'rant d'autres a propos de charbons a lumiere fabrique"s a la filiere. Paris, 1888. 8. 80 pp. (34507) Carret, Franco's?, M.D. Mi'moir.) Bur I'lusalubritd des Poeles en fonte. ChamUry, 1869. 8. 100 pp. (33555) Carrlagre Builders' Journal, Wheelwright, and Saddlery and Harness Record. Vol. 4, etc. London, 1900, etc. 4. B 71/900. Publication : Monthly. Title changed : "Automobile and Carriage-Builders' Journal, 1903, etc. Carries, , Abbe. Hydrogcopographie et mi'talloscopographie, on 1'art de dt'couvir les eaux souterraines et les gise- ments me'talliferes au moyen de IMlectr tisme. Saintes, 1863. 8. 238 pp. (36662) Carring-ton, John T. See HARDWICKE'S SCIENCE GOSSIP. Ed. J. T. C. 1894-1902. H 50 : 865. Carro, Tht'ophile Etienne. Les Chemins de fer et la Navigation int<5rieure. Le Halage acc61ere des Bateaux par I'l'lectricitt* et par 1'air comprimr. Applications stategiques et aaronomiqnes de la Navigation. Meaux, 1893. 8 6 . 126 pp. (24313) Navigation Interieure. Note f ur un projet de barrage r^gulateur applicable aux de'versoirs et aux pertuis navigables. Meaux. 1870. 8. 48 pp. 1 pi. (34729) Cars, A. dea. See DES CARS, A., Comte. 125 CARS] [CASS Carstanjeji, . - Walzenwebre. 1902. 4 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION : 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 1. Communication 10. [20.] F 43:888. Carta da Farati (La). See PAPIER FEINT (Le). Carte, , Ordnance Storekeeper, Hull. See BOYAL HUMANE SOCIETY. Annual report 1848. pp. 29-33. C's. sea service Eocket, self acting Lifebuoy, etc. F 88 : 848. Carter, A. Cecil. See ST. Louis INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1904 ; Siamese Commission. The Kingdom of Siam. Ed. A. C. C. 1904. sm. 8. (31188) Carter, Edward Tremlett. Motive power and Gearing for Electrical mn- chinery. (" Electrician" Series.) London, [1896]. 8. 642 pp. 11 pi. (25284) The same. 2nd ed. By G. T. Davies. (Ibid.) London, [1905]. 8. 694 pp. 13 pi. (32545) , Carter, Herbert II. Cordage Fibres : their cultivation, extraction, and preparation for market. London, 1909. 8. 124 pp. 1 pi. (38639) . The manufacture of Linen, Hemp, and Jute fabrics. London, 1909. 8. 98 pp. 1 pi. (38454) Modern Flax, Hemp, and Jute spinning and twisting. London, 1907. 8. 220 pp. (34941) Eope, Twine and Thread making. London, 1909. 8. 152pp. 4 pi. (38640) The Spinning and Twisting of long Vegetable Fibres (flax, hemp, jute, tow, and ramie). London, 1904. 8. 376pp. 10 pi. (31026) Carter, Robert Brudenell. Eyesight : good and bad. 2nd ed. London, 1880. 8. 284 pp. 1 pi. (33394) Carter, W. E. H. Peat Fuel : its manufacture and use. 1902. See ONTARIO : Bureau of Mines. Report, 1903. pp. 191- 234. G 42 O : 891. Carteret, John Grand-. See GRAND-CARTERET, John. Carteron, Edouard. See ENCYCLOPDIE MODERNE. Complement, sous la direction de E. C. 1856-57. 6 vols. in two. 8. (28029) C artier, J. De 1'emploi des Sels Alcalins en Agriculture. Aix, 1866. 8. 134 pp. (34508) Cart-wright, Edmund, M.A. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Carulla, F. J. R. Cast iron in the construction of Chemical plant. Ex : " JI. Iron & Steel Inst." No. 1. 1908. pp. 71-86. London, 1908. 8. (36857) Carus, Paul. See ANDREWS, W. S. Magic squares and cubes. With chapter by P. C. 1908. 8. (37188) The foundations of Mathematics. A contribu- tion to the philosophy of Geometry. Chicago, 1908. sm. 8. 146pp. (37890) Carus- Wilson, Chas. Ashley. See WILSON, C. A. Carus-. Carvallo, Emmanuel. Thdorie du mouvement du Monocycle et de la Bicyclette. [1898-]1901. See ECOLE POLYTECH- NIQUE. Journal. 2e se'rie. Cahier 5 et 6. B 76 E : Carves, Francois. See BRECKON, J. R. " Facts and figures " con- c=rning the manufacture of coke, etc., by the Simon- Carves process. [1884.] 8. (38096) Gary, M. Die Bearbeitung der Bausteine. Kalk, Zement und Gips. Kunststeine. 1899. See BUCH. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 7. pp. 1-86. 8. (33007) Bericht uber das Verhalten hydranlischer Binde- mittel im Seewasser nach Versuchen der Kunil. techn. Versuchsanstalten zu Berlin. 48 pp. 3 pi. See KQL. TECHN. VERSUCHSANSTALTEN. Mittheil- ungen. Erganzungsheft 1. 1900. E 5 : 883a. Casas Barbosa, J. See GACETA INDUSTRIAL, etc. Dir. J. C. B. 1891-96. C 3 : 867. Casatl, Paolo. Fabrica et nso del Compasso di Proportione. 2aed. J5o%na,1685. 4. 258pp. 4 pi. (36150) Case. Gerald O. See OWENS, J. S., and CASE, G. 0. Coast erosion, etc. [1908.] 8. (36326) Casella, L. Description of the Bridges - Lee new patent Photo-theodolite, with instructions as to its manipu- lation, etc. 2nd ed. [Letters Patent No?. 11.958 and 14,460 of 1894, and No. 21,117 of 1896.] London, 1899. 8. 32pp. 2 pi. (26014) Caseneuve, Jean Martin. See CAZENEUVE, J. M. Cash, C. Our Slaughter-house system . . . and The German abattoir, by H. Heiss. London, 1907. 8. 224 pp. (34942) Caslon, H. W., &. Co., Type-founders. See CASLOX CIRCULAR, etc., 1904, etc. A 20: 904. Caslon Circular and Type-founder. No. 96, etc. London, 1904, etc. 4. A 20 : 904. Publication : Quarterly. Caspar, Alberta. Crystoleum. llth ed. London, [1884]. 12. 42 pp. (26486) Caspar!. Chretien Edouard. See CONGRES INTERNATIONALE DE CHRONOME- TRIE, Paris, 1889. Comptes Rendus, etc. Publies par B.C. 1890. 4. (27569) Cours d'Astronomie pratique. Paris, 1888-89. 2 vols. 8. (13723) Untersuchungen uber Chronometer und nautische Instrumente. Aus dem franzosischen von E. Gohlke. Bautzen, 1893. 8. 298 pp. 2 pi. (13212) Cassal, C. E. See BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL. Ed. C. E. C. 1901, etc. 4. H 35 : 899. Casse. . i Fils et tissus de Lins et Chanvres. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports da Jury International. Classe 28. pp. 69-95. 8. (13828) 126 CASS] Cassell &. Co. CasBeU's Cyclopaedia of Mechanics. Ed. P. N. Hasluck. London', 1908. 5 vols. 8. (37939) Cassolla. Leopold, <&. Cio, Frankfort on-Main. See Manufacture Lyonnaise de Matures Colo- rantea. Le* Coulenrs Di.imine Brevets de L. C. & Cie. 1896, etc. 8. (26555) Diamine Colours on S;itin (Silk and Cotton). [Frankfort on-Main, 189 ?.] 8. 16 pp. 162 specimens. (26252) Cassier's DXagrazine. The harnessing of Niagara. 4th ed. [Ex: "Cassier's Mag.," July, 1895.] London, 1899. 8. 9 11. (portr.). pp. 173-384. (30375) Electric Railway Number. Aug.. 1899. [Vol. 16, No. 4. pp. 257-540. 2 portr.] 8. (26461) Casslus, J. J. .!., and others. Pre'cis succinct des principanx phenomenes du Oalvaniame, suivi de la traduction d'un Commentaire de J. Aldiui, sur an Mi'aioire de Galvani, ayant pour titre : Des forces de I'iilectricit6 dans le monve- ment muscnlaira . . . et de 1'extrait d'nn onvrago de Vassalli-Eandi, ayant poor titre : Experiences et observations snr le fluide de 1'^lectromotenr de Volta. Par Cassius, Lircher Daubancourt et de Sjiatot. Paris, 1803. 3 pts. 8. (33679) Caaaon, Thos. Lecture ... on the pedal Organ, its history, design and control. London, 1905. sm. 8. 52 pp. 2 pi. ( 31 897) Modern pneumatic Organ mechanism. See INSTITUTION or MECH. ENGINEERS. Proceedings. 1908. pp. 491-526. E 30 : 847. Castardde-Iiabarthe, Paul. Du Chauffage et de la Ventilation des habitations privies. (Thtse.) Paris, 1869. 4. 236pp. 8 pi. (33556) Castel, Albert. Les Tapisserien. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris, 1876. sm. 8. 316 pp. 1 pi. (35608) Castel, R. P. L'Optique des Conleurs. Paris, 1740. sm. 8. 506pp. 2 pi. (31165) Castolbon, Ferroussat de. See FEBRODSSAT DE CASTELBON, . Castellan, Antoine Laurent. Description d'une machine a pniser 1'eau en usage dans le Levant. Paris, 1810. sm. 8. 24pp. 5 pi. (33557) Castellan!, Augusto. Delia orificeria Italiana. Roma, 1672. 8. 78 pp. (34280) Castellanl, Carlo. L'origine Tedesca e 1'origine Olandese dell' in- venzione della stampa. Venezia, 1889. 8. 68 pp. (35404) Castellanl, Luigi. . L'incandescenza a Gas. (Fabbricazione delle reticelle.) (Manuali Hoepli.) Milano. 1900. 16. 148 pp. Tables. (27193) Castell-Evans, John. See EVANS, J. Castell-. Castendijk, R. J. R^-gularisation des Riviferes en basses eanx. Par P. Van der Sleyden et R. J. C. 1894. 14 pp. See CONQBES INTERNET. OE NAVIGATION INTKBIEURE. 6e Congres, 1894. Question 7. [27.] F 43 : 888. [CATT Castondljk, R. J., and others. Relations entre la forme du trac^ des Rivieres et la profondenr du onanal. 1894. 4 pp. Ibid 6e Congrea, 1894. Question 6. [22.] F 43 : 888. Cast era, . Quatrieineme'moirerelatif aux moyeug de sauver les naufrage"a. [Paris, 1837.1 8. 46 pp 8 pi (35917) Castillo, Enrique del, and Barutell, C. Ideas raodernas ssbre plazas maritimai. 1904. 80 pp. See MEMORIAL DE INQENIEROS. 4a dpoca. Tomo21. Collection de memorias. 4. F 96: 846. Castle, R. Lewis. Packing and selling Fruit and Vegetables. Prize essiy, [written for the Fruiterers' Company] LonJon, 1903. 8. 138 pp. (30041) Castner, Julius. Discussion of Krupp Breech Mechanisms. 190.0. From the " Revue Internationale," Aug. 1900. By W. W. Gibson. 24 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. WAR DEFT. Notes on Ordnance. No. 80. 1901. F 92 863c. Militar Lexikon. Leipzig, 1882. sm. 8. 384 pp. (38323) Waffenindu?trie. 1900. See B0CH. Das Buch der Erflndungen, etc. 9te AuB. Band 6. pp. 4ii- 496. 8. (33007) Castor, A. Recueil d'appireils a Vapenr employe's aur travaux de Navigation et de Chemins de fer. Paris, 1860. fol. 60 pp. 20 pi. (29032) Cataneo, Girolamo. Opra del misurare. Breicia, 1572. 2 pts. 4. (29867) Dell'arte del misurare. Brescia, [1584]. 2 pts. 4. (31322) Gates, J. S., and Splllman, W. J. A method of eradicating Johnson grass. 1907. 16 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 279. J 29 Fa. : Catlin, Cbas. Albert. Baking Powders '. . . with special reference to recent improvements in Phosphate powders. Providence, R.I., 1899. sm. 8. 44 pp. 5 pi. (27207) Catsaras, Michel, M.D. Recherchts cliniques et expt'rimentales sur les Accidents survenant par 1'emploi des Ssaphandres. Paris, 1890. 8. 328 pp. 5 pi. (8450it) Cattaneo, Achille. Della Malattia dei Pomi da terra. 1882. 26pp. 2 pi. See ANNALI DI AORICOLTURA. 1882. J 26 : Cattoll. James Mclveen. See AMERICAN MEN or SCIENCE. 1906. C 38 : 906. Ed. J. M. C. Cattin, A. C. Telegraphie et Telephonic sans fils. Conference . . . Mai, 1905. . . . et Janvier, 1907. Nancy, 1908. 8. 84pp. (38030) Cattolica, Pasquale Leonard!. Trattato di Navigazione. Livorno, 18?3. 8. 712 pp. 4 pi. (31973) 127 CATU] [GAZA Catus, J. de, Baron. Petit trait^ de la construction et du greemont des modeles de Bateaux. Vevey, 1889. sm. 8. 52pp. 4 pi. (13724) Caubet, F. Liquefaction des melanges Gazeux. Paris, 1901. 8. 174pp. 6 pi. (27887) Cauchy, Augustin Louis. Memoire sur les conditions relatives aux limites des Corps, et en particulier sur celles qui conduisont aux lois de la Reflexion et de la Refraction de la Lumiere. 1848. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Memoires. [Nonv. Collection.] Tome 22. pp. 17- 28. B 28 : 666. Memoirs sur les Rayons lumineux simples, et sur les Rayons evanescents. 1849. Ibid. Tome 22. pp. 29-38. B 28 : 666. Gaunter, Geo. Henry. ' The handbook of Chemistry. London, 1839. sm. 8. 296 pp. (36706) des Gaz. Paris, 1899. 8 Cauro, J. La liqndfaction 84 pp. (26471) Caus, Salomon de. Les raisons des Forces Mouvantes avee diverses Machines, etc. Francfort, 1615. fol. 3 pts. (30545) (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Causae, Henri Eugene. Expos^ . . . de la Constitution des Alcaloi'des vegetaur. (These.) Paris, 1899. 8. 84 pp. (26521) Cauvin, Joseph. See BRANDE, W. T., and CAUVIN, J. A diction- ary of science, etc. 1842, etc. Caux, J. W. de. See DE CATTX, J. W. Cavaille-Coll. Aristide. Le grande Orgue de la nouvelle Salle de Concert de Sheffield en Angleterre. Pans, 1874. 8. 84pp. 1 pi. (35919) Cavallle'-Coll, MM., pere etfils. See LA FAGE, A. de. Orgue de 1'Eglise roy. de Saint-Denis construit par MM. C.-C. 2e ed. 1846. 8. (35928) Cavallero, Agostino. Motrici e Caldaie. 1884. 100 pp. See MILAN : Esposizione Industr. Italiana del 1881. Relazioni deiGiurati. [Tome 10.] 8. (4646) Cavalli, Giovanni, General. See RIVISTA D'ARTIGLIERIA, etc. Nel centenario della nascita del Gen. G. 0., 1808-1908. 1908. 8. (36683) Cavallier, C., and Daubing, F. Fonfage par congelation du Puits No. 1 de la mine de fer d'Aubone. 1900. See ANNALES DES MINES. 9e ser. Tome 18. pp. 379-484. 5 plates. G 64 : 816. Cavallo, Tiberius. . Description and use of the teleecopical mother- of-pearl Micrometer. London, 1793. 8. 42 pp. (34281) Cavare, . Matierea Tannantes. 1868. See PARIS UNI- VERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 41. pp. 95-102. 8. (13828) Cavar39. 1 pi. B 4 Ca : 820. Ceclllo da Costa, J. Ports de la cote occidentale du Portugal. 1902. 12 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVTIOAION IXTERIEURE. 9e Congres, 1902. Sect. 2. Communication 9. [15.] F43: 888. 31222 Celle'rler, Guatave. See CONTOURS NATIONAL DE COMPENSATION DE CHRONOMETRES, etc. Ale"thode de classement, etc. par G. C. 1885. 4. (28865) Celll, Angelo. Malaria according to the new researches. From the 2nd Italian ed. by J. J. Eyre. London, 1900. 8. 296 pp. 3 pi. (27277) " and Guarncri, G. Sull' etiologia dell' infezione malarica. 1889. 30 pp. 3 pi. See ANNALI DI AGRICOLTURA. 2a serie. [No. 160.] J 25 : 882. Celllere. Louis. Trait6 e'le'mentaire de Peinture en Ceramique. Paris, 1878. sm. 8. 76 pp. (34730) Celluloid-Industrie (Die). See GUMMI-ZEITUNQ. Beilage, 1900, etc. K 77/892. Colnart, Mme., pseud. Nouveau manual complet du Flenriste artificiel et du Feuillagiate. Nouv. rd. ( Manuels- Roret.) Paris, 1901. 18. 360 pp. (27700) Cement and Engineering- News. Vol. 15, No. 8, etc. Chicago, 1904, etc. 4. F72 : 903. Publication: Monthly. Cement Maker (The). See BRITISH CLAY WORKER. 1907-08. K 71: 892. Cenalls, Robertas, Bishop of Avranches. See SENALIS, R. Ceneau, Robert, Bishop of Avranches. See SENALIS. Cenninl, Cennino. A treatise on Painting, 1437 ; published in Italian in 1821, by G. Tambroni. Trsl. Mrs. Merri- field. London, 1844. 8. 208 pp. 9 pi. (29620) Central Chamber of Agriculture i Journal of the Proceedings. Vol. 1-7. London, 1901-07. 7vols. 8. J5:901. Publication : 7 or 8 numbers yearly. History : Incorporated with the " County Council Times." Centralblatt. For German periodicals under this word see ZENTRALBLATT. Ceramique (La). Annee 29, etc. Paris, 1898, etc. 4. K 71: 898. Publication : Monthly. Editor : L. Lefevre. Cercle de la Librairie. Paris. La Cercle de la Librairie de Paris a 1'Exposition du livre. Catalogue. [Seme Centenaire de Chris- tophe Plantin, Anvers, 1890.] Paris, 1890. 4. 174pp. (35434) Inventaire des Marques d'lmprimeurs et de libraires. Fasc. 1-3. (Bibliotheque technique du Cercle de la Librairie.) Paris, 1886-88. 3 pt=. 8. (35405) Cerole de la Presse Solentlfique. Commission de 1'Air Comprime'. H. Gaugaia, Rapporteur. Paris, 1858. 4. 48 pp. (34625) Cerebotanl, Luigi. See SANTONI, D. The teletopometer. A short description of Prof. C.'s geodeticil instruments. 1905. 8. (31400) Ceredl, Giuseppe. Tre discorsi sopra il modo d'alzar acque da' luoghi bassi. Parma, 1567. 4. 120 pp. 3 pi. (34411) 129 CERE] [CHAI Cerero, Rafael. Ante-proyecto para el hospital militar de' la Plaza de Cadiz. 1870. 62 pp. 1 pi. See MEMO- RIAL DE INGENIEROS. 2a e"poca. Tomo 26. F 96 : 846. Cerletti, G. 1 :., and Cubonl, G. Istruzione per conoscere e combattere la Pero- nospora della vite. 1886. 36 pp. See ANNALI DI AGRICOLTURA. 2aserie. [No. 112.] J 25: 882. Cernovsky, Josef, M.D. Ophthalmologisehe Losung der Distanzmesser- frage. Wien, 1908. 8. 118 pp. (36370) Cerrutl, A., and G-lpvanetti. B. Cenni sullearmi portatili degli eserciti Europe! . Ex : " Giorn. d'Artiglieria," 1869. Parte lla. 8. 56 pp. 13 pi. (36891) Cerutl, Giacinto, Abbate. See BDONANNI, F. Descrizione degl' istromenti armonici. 2a ed. da' G. C. 1776. 4. (28764) Cesare de Xiaugier, T., Conte. Brevi cenni storici di un testimone oculare al tentato recupero del pirosoafo Sardo " II Polluce." Livorno, 1841. 8. 44 pp. 1 pi. (33559) Cesaro, G., and Bussy, P. Expos^ e'le'mentaire des principes de Sacchari- me'trie Optique. 1902. 56 pp. See SocifcTE ROY. DES SCIENCES DE LIEGE. MSmoires. 3e se"rie Tome 4. B 23 : 843. Cessart, Louis Alexandre de. Description des Travaux Hydrauliques. Ouvrage imprim6 snr les manuscrits de 1'auteur. [Ed. . Du- Boh d'Arneuville.1 Paris, 1806-08. 2 vols 4 (32912) Ceylon, Govt. of. See ROYAL SOCIETY. Report to the Govt. of Ceylon on the pearl oyster fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar. By W. A. Herdman. 1903-06. 4 (30459) Mineral Survey. Report 1, 1903-4, etc. See COLONIAL OFFICE. Reports. Misc. Series, No. 5, etc. C 61 : 891a. Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya. Annals. Vol. 1, etc. Colombo. 1904, etc. 8 H 74 : 901. Editor: 3. C. Willis, 1904, etc. Circulars and Agricultural Journal. Vol. 2 No. 6, etc. Colombo, 1903, etc. 8. H 74 : 903. Imperfect set. Rubber Exhibition, 1906. Rubber in the East : being the official account of the Rubber Exhibition . . . Peradeniya Sept. 1906. Ed. J. C. Willis, etc. [Peradeniya Manuals of Botany, etc. No. 1.] Colombo. 1906 8. 270pp. 30 pi. (34997) Chabannes, Jeaa Baptiste Marie Fre'de'ric, Marquis de. Explanation of a new method for Warming and Purifying the Air in private houses and public buildings, etc. [Letters Patent, No. 3963 of 1815.1 London, 1815. 8. 26 pp. (36630) Chabrie', Pierre Camille. Sur la synthese des Fluorures de Carbone. Paris, 1890. 4. 4pp. (27750) Chabri<5, Pierre Camille cont. Sur la synthese de quelqnes Composes Se'le'nie's dans la serie aromatique. Ex : " Annales de Chimie." 6e se"r. Tome 20. Paris, 1890. 8. 84 pp. (27749) Traitd de Chimie applique"e. Paris, 1905-08. 2 vols. 8. (32021) Chabrler, J. Essai sur le vol des inseotes, et observations sur quelques parties de la me'canique des mouvemens progressifs de 1'homme et des animaux verWbre's, etc. Paris, 1822. 2 pts. 4. (37680) With MS. insets and notes. Chace, Edward Mackay. Chemical composition of some tropical Fruits and their products. By B. M. C., etc. 1904. 38pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 87. J 29 C : Chace, T. Die Werftanlagen der Newport News Ship- building and Dry "Dock Co. in Newport News, Virginien. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 2. 1901. pp. 431-485. 15 pi. F 81: 900. Chadley, James. A treatise on the formation of Flues of Chimneys . . . and . . . the new patent brick flue and chimney bar, invented by J. C. [Letters Patent, No. 5998 of 1830.] London, [1830 ?]. 8. 32 pp. 3 pi. (36540) Chadwick, Sir Edwin. Report on Dwellings. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, British Comm. Reporta. Vol.3. pp. 239-318. 8 (13626) On the sanitary and economical advantages of smooth and impermeable street surfaces. Ex : "Journal Society of Arts." London, 1871. 8. 16 pp., 1 inset. (38311) Chadwick, Osbert. See MIDDLETON, R. E., and CHADWICK, O. A treatise on surveying. 1899-1902. 2 vols. 8. (28963) Report on ... the manufacture of Fur- niture. 1868. See PABIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, British Comm. Reports. Vol. 4. pp. 415-424. 8. (13626) Chadwick, W. Well sinking by the Pneumatic process, Indus Bridge, Kotri. [1899.] 22 pp. 4 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.). Technical Section. Papers. No. 68. E 23/ Chaffey Bros. See VINCENT, J. E. M. The Australian irriga- tion colonies on the river Murray, etc. London, Chaffey Bros. [1888.] fol. (9454) Challly, Anatole. See VANAULD, F. La Continue par A. C. [1846.] genie de 1'industrie. 8. (32854) Chaino, J. See SOCIETK DES SCIENCES PHYSIQUBS, etc., DE BORDEAUX. Table generale des matieres des publi- cations, 1850-1900. Par J. C., etc. 1905. 8. B 29 B : 850. 130 OHAL] [CHAN Challamel, P. - See PAASCU, H. From Keel to Truck. Dic- tionary of naval terms. . . . 4th ed. Fiench and English sections, by P. C. 1908. obi. 4. (35745) Challeat, J. - Mdcanique des Affuts. (Encyclopedie Scien- tifique.) Paris, 1908. am. 8. 384 pp. (37952) - Theory of deformation Gun Carriages (gun- recoil carriages), etc. Ex : " Revue d' Artillerie," by J. W. Joyes. 1905. 120 pp. See U.S. WAR DEPT. Notes ou Ordnance. JSo. 86. F 92 : 863c. Challeton do Bruirhat. F. - Lea Armes. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1837. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 37. pp. 469-91. 8. (13828) Cbalmers'ache Znatltut, Gothenburg. - See TEKNISKA SAMFUNDET. Untersacbnng der Festigkeits-Eigenschaften Schwedischer Holzartcn in der Material-priifungs Anstalt . . . aus- gefiihrt, etc. 1897, etc. 8. (18227) Chalon, Paul - Applications [de I'Electricite'] anx Mines. 1902. Se HOSPITALIER, E., and MONTPELLIER, J. A. L'ElectricitcS il 1'Exposition de 1900. Tome 3. Fasc. 15. pp. 1-42. fol. (27149) Chamber of Commerce, London. See LONDON, Chamber of Commerce. Chamberlain, Joseph Scndder. - The commercial status of Durum Wheat. By M. A. Carleton and J. 8. C. 1904. 70 pp. 5 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 70. J 29 PI : - The feeding value of Cereals, as calculated from chemical analyses. 1909. 64 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 120. J 29 C : Chambers, Ephraim. - Cyclopaedia : or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences. 2nd ed. with supplement. London, 1738-53. 4 vols. fol. (31052) - The same. 7th ed. London, 1751-52. 2 vols. fol. (37901) - The same. [New ed.] With supplement, by A Rees. London, 1779-86. 5 vols. fol. (27724) Chambers, L. T. - The commercial aspect of Bee-keeping. 1893. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Special Reports. 1892-96. [1.] pp. 93-100. J8AV:891. Chambers, Sir Wm. - A treatise on the decorative part of Civil Architecture. 5th ed. Added, An essay on the principles of Design in Architecture, by J. B. Papworth. London, 1836. fol. 228 pp. (2588) Chambre Syndlcale de la Photographic et de ses applications. Bulletin. Paris. 1899-1901. 8. A 10 : 899. Publication : 8 numbers yearly. Hittory : Supplement to the " Moniteur de la Photo- graphie." Chambre Syndlcale dea Znventeurs: Bul- letin. - See REVDE TECHNIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE. Con- tenant le Bulletin de la Chambre Syndicale etc C 43/909. 34222 Chamgrarnler, P., /;/*. Trait6 . . . de 1'art de la Meunerie, suivi de la description du Vapovorateur ae>if ere appliqu< & la mouture des ct5rales et de celle du litboatrote. Paris, 1844. 8. 142 pp. (34282) Champeaux, de. - Poiswns, crnstace's et mollusques. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury Intermtional. Classe 82. pp. 451-466. 8. (13828) Champfleurjr, pseud, (i.e. Jules Fleury). - Bibliographic Ctiramique. Paris, 1881. 8. 368 pp. (35346) Champly. Rne. Les Bateaux Automobiles a pe'trole. Nouv. tirage. Paris, 1906. 8. 150 pp. (32022) - Etude snr 1'emploi des Conrroies dans les Voitures automobiles. Paris, 1907. 8. 142 pp. (34168) - The'orie et pratique de la Motocyclette. Paris, 1905. 12. 108pp. (32023) Champneya, Amian L. - Public Libraries. A treatise on their design, construction, and fittings. London, 1907. 8. 196 pp. (33861) Champs, de. See De Champa. Champy, L. La Ventilation des Tunnels et le systeme Sac- cardo. 1900. See ANNALES DES MINES. 9e ser. Tome 17. pp. 167-215. G 64 : 816. Chance, Henry. - Report on Crystal and Fancy Glass. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, British Comm. Reports. Vol.2, pp. 373-376. 8. (13626) Chance, James Fred. - The Lighthouse work of Sir James Chance, Bart. London, 1902. 8. 172 pp. 1 pi. and portr. (29507) Chance, Sir James Timmins, Bart. - On Optical apparatus used in Lighthouses. (Excerpt.) Lotidon, 1867. 8. 66 pp. 2 pi. (37927) See CHANCE, J. F. The Lighthouse work of Sir J. Chance. 1902. 8. (29507) Chancery, (Court of). An Order of the High Court of Chancery . . . relating to the Fees of the Officers, Clerks, etc. of the said Court, and other regulations for the benefit of the suitors thereof, etc. London, S. Billingsley, 1744. 12. 116pp. (2063) Chandelon, A. - Prodnits r^fractaires. 1868. See PAEIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports dn Jury International. Classe 51. pp. 439-454. 8. (13828) - Torres cuites et gres. 1868. Ibid. Classe 17. pp. 99-114. 8. (13828) Chandelon, Joseph Theodore Pierre. - See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, Belgian Commission. Rapport sur . . . porcelaines, etc. ParJ. T.P. C. 1869. 8. (37707) Chandler, Chas. Frederick. - See ANTHONY'S PHOTOGRAPHIC BULLETIN. Ed. C. F. C., etc. 1885-1902. A 11 : 885. Chandler, S. E. - See FREEMAN, W. G., and CHANDLER, S. E. The world's commercial products. 1907. 4. (34470) 131 K 2 CHAN] [CHAR Channel Tunnel Railway. Chemin de fer sous-marine entre la France et 1'Angleterre. Rapports sur les sondages execute's dans le Pas de Calais en 1875. Paris, 1875. fol. 42pp. 4 pi. (35961) Channing', Wm. Francis, M.D. The American Fire-alarm Telegraph. 1854. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Reports. 1854. pp. 147-155. B 13 S : 847. Chanoine, Jacques Henri Maurice. Notice sur les Barrages mobiles et automobiles. Paris, 1855. 8. 24 pp. 3 pi. (34731) and Xiagrrene', H. de. Me'moire sur les Barrages a bausses mobiles. Paris, 1862. 8. 188pp. 3 pi. (36541) Me'moire sur la Traction des Bateaux. [Ex : " Annales des Fonts et Chausse'es." 4e s^rie. Tome 6. 1863.] Paris, 1864. 8. 100 pp. 3 pi. (35348) Chantry, Leon. Etude sur les experiences faites a 1' Annexe de 1'Institut Pasteur concernant la Ceruse et le Blanc de Zinc. Lille, 1906. 8. 10 pp. (33187) Chapel, Alfred. Navigation AeYienne,systeineDebayeux. [Letters Patent No. 1195 of 1881.] Paris, 1880. 8. 22 pp. (33272) Chapel, E. Industrie du Caoutchouc et de la Gutta-percha. Objets de voyage et de campement. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 99. pp. 119-228. (29967) Chapelle, J. B. de La. See LA CHAPELLE, J. B. Chapln, Robert M. The analysis of Coal-tar, Creosote and Cresylic acid Sheep dips. 1908. 36 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulle- tin 107. J 29 An : a. Chaplet, A., and Rousset, H. Les suece'dane's de la Soie. Le mercerisage et les machines a merceriser. (Encyclopedic Scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1909]. sm. 8. 156pp. (38504) Chapman, A. Boiler Furnaces, especially a novel type. 1893. 38 pp. 2 pi. See INSTITUTE OP MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. 44th Paper. F 81 : 889. Chapman, Alfred Cbaston. The causes of turbidity in Beer and its preven- tion. 1903. [6 pp.] See BREWING. Papers on brewing. [Vol. 2.] fol. (6279) Hops. 1908. [7 pp.] Ibid. [Vol. 3.] fol. (6279) Single-cell Yeast with especial reference to its employment in English breweries. 1904. [7 pp.] Ibid. [Vol.2.] fol. (6279) Chapman, Edward J. On the fundamental relations of Mineralogy to Chemistry and Physics, etc. (Lecture.) London, 1851. 8. 30pp. (38633) Chapman, Henry Thos., M.R.C.S. An Atlas of Surgical apparatus. London, 1832. 4. 12pp. 20 pi. (36093) Chapman, W. Percy. Report on the Olive tree and Olive oil of Tuscany. 1896. 7 pp. See QUEENSLAND : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin. 2nd series 10. J 8 A Q : 887. Chapman, Wm., C. E. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, D. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Chapoy, , M.D. L'invention des Allumettes Chimiques et son origine Franc - Comtoise. [Ex : " Me'rn. de la Socie'te' d'dmulation du Doubs." 6e se'rie. Vol. 8. 1893. pp. 23-73. 1 pi.] Besancon, 1894. 8. portr. (33560) Chappe, Ignace Urbain Jean. See ECHTE. Aecbte und genaue Darstellung der neu-erfundenea franzosischen Fernscbreib- mascbine, genannt : der Telegraph. [Invention of I. U. J. C.] 1795. 12. (27947) See TELEGRAPO. Jl telegrafo . . . mac- china nuovamente retrovata in Parigi. [179 .] 8. (37141) Chaptal, Jean Antoine Claude, Comte de Cantaloupe. See O'REILLY, R. Esaai sur le blanchiment . . . par la vapeur, d'apres les proce'de's du Git. C. 1801. 8. (36745) See PARMENTIER, A. A. L'art de faire les Eaux-de-vie, d'apres la doctrine de M. C., etc. 1819. 8. (34175) [Art de faire le vin.] See ROZIER, F., and others. Le parfait Vigneron. 1811. 4. (32897) L'art de faire le vin. 2e ed. Paris, 1819. 8. 398 pp. 1 pi. (36505) Chimie applique'e a 1'Agriculture. 2e ed. Paris, 1829. 2 vols. 8. (37(381) Chimie applique'e aux Arts. Paris, 1807. 4 vols. 8. (36803) Ele'mens do Chymie. 3e dd. Paris, An V. [1796]. 3 vols. 8. (36663) Elements of Chemistry. From the French [by W. Nicholson]. London, 1791. 3 vols. sm. 8. (37902) . Traitm. 8. 656pp. (27338) Charpentler, J. F. W. Tonssaint von. See Tous- SAINT VON CHARPENTIER, J. F. W. Charpentler, Panl. Economic da Combustible fondee sur ['applica- tion a tous les foyers du chautfase au gaz e'cono- mique, par combustion complete et sous volume cons'-ant. Parit, 1872. 8. 58 pp. (33561) Timber . . . showing the different applica- tions and uses of timber in various trades, etc. From the French by J. Kennell. London, 1902. 8. 454pp. (28925) Charpentler-Cosslg'ny de Palma, Joseph Francois. Recherches physiques et chimiques sur la fabri- cation de la poadre a canon. Paris, 1807. 8. 418 pp. (37682) Charras, Moses. The Royal Pharmacopcea, galenical and chymical. Faithfully Enulished. London, 1678. 2 vols. in one. fol. (36050) Paris, 1870. 8. Charrlere, Joseph Francois Bernard, Surgical instrument maker. - Nouvelles dragues de sauvetago et nouveaux instruments pour douner dos secours aux asphyxias. Parit, 1840. am. 8. 32 pp. 1 pi. (35918) and others. -- Sauvetage des Incentive's. 170 pp. (34510) Chartered Institute of Patent Agents. - Patent Laws of the World. [3rd ei.] London, 1899. 2 vols. 8. (26283) for previous editions tee CARPMAEL. A., and R. - Patent Liws of the World. [Edition (3rd) of 1899.] Supplement, No. 1, etc. London, 1899, etc. 8. (268-22) In progress - The Register of Patent Agents. London, fol. (26753) Current number only kept for reference. Charvln, A. - De la Navigation Ae"rienne par les Aerostats. 2e I'd., avec une introduction et des notes nouvelles. Parit, 1864. 8. 32 pp. (33273) Chase, Leon Wilson. - See DAVIDSON, J. B., and CHASE, L. W. Farm machinery, etc. sm. 8. (36396) Chasse. - La chasse an Fnsil. [Supplement. Par G. F. Magn6 de Marolles.] Parit, Th. Barroii le jeune. 1788[-91.] 2 pts. 8. 8 pi. (34120) Wants title. Chaaseloup-Xiaubat, L. de. - Materiel Naval. 1898. See SOCIETB DES I<- GBNIEURS ClVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 399-420. 8. (25483) Ohassot de Florencourt, Carl. - See KOL. GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAPTEN zu GOTTINGES. 1. Uber die Bergwerke der Alten, vonC. C. 1785. sm. 8. (14305) Chastenet, Jacques Francois Maximo de, Marquis de Puytlgur. - See ETAT. Etat actuel de 1'art de la science milititire a la Chine. [Par de Saint Maurice de Saint Leu et J. F. M. de C.] 1773. sm. 8. (33954) Chatel, - See COLSON, L., and CHATEL, L. Culture, etc., du Manioc. 1906. 8. (35681) C hate lain. Mirtin, and Vollior, . -- La meillenro im-thodo de Maltage pratique. 3e ^d. Paris, 1862. 8. 94 pp. (33562) Chatlllon, Joseph. - See SOCIKT R6GIONALE DE VITICULTURE DE LYOX. Rapport . . . d'e'tudes, etc., contre la GrSle. Par J. C., etc. [1906-07.] 8. (34631) - and Blanc, B. -- Compte-reudu des experiences de Tir contre la Grele du Beaujolais. 1903, etc. Villefranche, 1903, etc. 8. (31134) In progress. Chatln, Adolphe. L'bistoire naturelle medicule a 1'Exposition Uui- verselle. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 43. pp. 295-368. 8 133 CHAT] [CHEL Cbatley, Herbert. The force of the Wind. London, 1909. sm. 8. 92 pp. (38455) The problem of Flight. London, 1907. 8. 130 pp. 1 pi. (34980) Chatter ton, Alfred. See MADRAS, Govt. of. The value of windmills in India. By A. C. 1903. 8. (30864") Experiments on the strength of Building Mate- rials used in Southern India. 1900. 24 pp. 1 pi. See MADRAS : College of Engineering. Professional Papers. No. 1. fol. 'E 11 1 : 900. Experiments with Water-lifts. 1896; 1897. See MADRAS: Dept. of Land Records, etc. Bulletin. [Vol. 2.] pp. 1-14. 6 pi. pp. 95-112. 1 pi. J 12 M : 894. Hydraulic experiments in the Kistna Delta. 1901. 66 pp. 12 pi. See MADRAS: College of Engineering. Prof. Papers. No. 2. fol. E 11 I : 900. Note on Irrigation by Dumping from a well at Melrosapnram. "1905. See MADRAS : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin. Vol. 3. pp. 35-51. 2 pi. J 12 M : 894. Chatto, Win. Andrew. Facts and speculations on the origin and history of Playing Cards. London, 1848. 8. 350 pp. 29 pi. (33517) Chatwood, Arthur Brunei. See JOHNSON, E., and CHATWOOD, A. B. Photo- graphy. 1895. 8. (12854) Chaudy, F. Machines Hydranliques. (Bibliotheque du Con- ducteur de Travaux publics.) Paris, 1896. sm. 8. 410 pp. (27888) Chauffeur (Le). Tome 1-10. Paris, 1897-1906. 10 vols. 8. E 73 : 897. Publication : 24 numbers yearly. Editor : L. Lockert, 1897-99. Hittory: Forms 4th Series of the " Technologiste," q.v. Chaulnes, Michel Ferd. d' Albert d'Ailly de. Description d'un Microscope, et de different s Micrometres, etc. 20 pp. 6 pi. See ACAD. DBS SCIENCES, Paris. Description des Arts et Metiers, etc. Vol. 14. fol. (2192) Chaumette, . D6convertes et Inventions les plus ntiles depuis les temps leS pins recule's jusqu'a nos jours. 2e . 4. Tome 5. pp. 649-653. D 1 : 872. 135 CHEN] [CHEV Chenou, J. C. ^ See DOUAI : Exposition des produits de I'in- dustrie, etc. 1827. Notice par [J. C.] C., etc. 1827. 8. (34513) See DOUAI : Exposition, etc. 1829. Rapport :>' . . par J. 0. C. 1830. 8. (34512) Chenu, E. La Traction des Bateaux sur le Canal de Chatleroi a Bruxelles. 1898. 38 pp. 1 pi. See CONORES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTSRIEURE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 2. Question 1. F 43 : 888. Cherblanc, Felix. Ae>age des Mines et Travanx souterrains par la Vapeur. Lyon, 1847. 8. 34 pp. 1 pi. (34732) Clidrou, . See PARVILLE, H. de. Rapport sur le nouveau precede de dragage, etc., des ports de MM. Vergniais etC. 1867. 8. (34784) Cherry, Frederick Clifford. See SOLLEYSEL, J. de. The art of sho[e]ing horses . . . Added, Notes on his practice, by F. C. C. 1842. 8. (31000) On the carrying of Baggage, as performed in the Army . . . Also, a description of an officer's complete equipment for the field, etc. 2nd ed. [Letters Patent No. 3759 of 1813.] London, 1835. 8. 16pp. 2 pi. (36879) Description of a Cart for Hospital service, and . Army Transport generally. London, [18 ?]. 8. 6pp. 5 pi. (36878) Observations on the defective state of Army Transport ; with suggestions for its improvement. London, 1825. 8. 48 pp. (36877) Cherry, T., M.D. A Dairy Farm building. 1904. 10 pp. 2 pi. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin. [New series.] 11. J 8 AV : 902 a. Modern Silage methods. 1905. 14 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Bulletin. [New series.] 23. J 8 AV : 902 a. The modern Silo. 1903. 14 pp. 3 pi. and supplement, 4 pp. Ibid. Bulletin. [New series.] 8. J8AV:902a. and others. Wheat : increasing the average yield per acre. 1905. 20 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. Bulletin. [New series.] 25. J8AV:902a. Chesbroug-h, E. S. Sewerage : its advantages and disadvantages, construction and maintenance. [1876.] See MASSA- CHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. 8th Report. [1876.] pp. 139-167. H23M: Cheshire, Fred. John. See AUERBACH, F. The Zeiss Works and the Carl-Zeiss Stiftung in Jena. From the 2nd German ed. by 8. F. Paul and F. J. C. [1904.] 8. (28647) Chesneau, G. Sur les dangers que penvent presenter les lampes de suret6 munies de rallumeurs a amorces fnlmi- nantes, [ii,] Rapport sur 1'amorcage systeme Lhenre. Par G. C. See ANNALES DES MINES. lOe s6r. Tome 12. pp. 111-140 ; 189-194. G 64 : 816. The detection and measurement of Fire-damp in Mines. Ex : " Trans, of the Amer. Inst. M.E." Aug. 1893. 8. 52 pp. (25943) Note sur les Travaux de la Commission du Grison de 1887 a 1900. See ANNALES DES MINES. 9e ser. Tome 17. pp. 621-659. G 64 : 816. Chesneau, G. cont. Principes theoriques des me'thodes d'analyse mine'rale fondles sur les reactions cbimiques. 1906. Ibid. lOe se"r. Tome 9. pp. 139-249 ; 255-315 ; 373-440. G 64 : 816. Rapport sur 1'industrie des Huiles de Scbiste en France et en Angleterre. Paris, 1892. fol. 36 pp. (34195) Sur les verres de Lampes de mines dits " Verres d'Je'na. Rapport. 1908. See ANNALES DES MINES. lOe se"r. Tome 13. pp. 229-235. G 64 : 816. Sur les nouveaux verres de Lampes de Mines des Cristalleries de Baccarat. 1908. Ibid. lOe serie. Tome 13. pp. 435-449. G 61 : 816. Chesnut, Victor King. Some common Poisonous Plants. 1896. See U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1896. pp. 137-146. J 29 : 849 b. Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States. 1898.60pp. Ibid. Bureau of Botany. Bulletin 20. 8. J 29 B : Some Poisonous Plants of the Northern stock ranges. 1900. Ibid. Year-book. 1900. pp. 305- 324. 3 pi. J 29 : 849 b. Thirty Poisonous Plants of the United States. 1898. 32 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 86. J 29 Fa : Cheater, Fred. Dixon. Bacteria of the Soil in their relation to agri- culture. 1902. 88 pp. 9 pi. See PENNSYLVANIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin 98. J 30 P : b. Chester, James, Capt. U.S.A. Permanent works and their attack by sieze operations. 1893. 40 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. WAR DEPT., Adjutant-General's Office. Artillery Circular G. 4. F 92/893. Ch5surolles, D. See LANDAIS, N. Grand dictionnaire . . . des dictionnaires franfais . . . 13e ed., revue par D. C., etc. 1859. 2 vols. 4. (6000) Chevalier, Anguste. See HUA, H., and CHEVALIER, A. Les landol- phie"eseale & 1'Exposition de Chicago. Par G. Richard. 1894. pp. 144-207. B 76 C : See KRUPP, F. Ausstellungs-Katalog der Guss- stahlfabrik . . . World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 1893. sm. 8. (28167) See also FRANCE : Service des Phares. Notices sur IRS appareils d'folairage exposes dans le Palais de 1'Electricite. 1893. 8 s . (33588) Chicago i International Congress of Charities, etc. 1893. Sect. 3. Hospitals, Dispensaries, and Nursing. Papers and Discussions. Ed. J. S. Billings and H. M. Hurd. Baltimore, 1894. 8. 734 pp. 50 pi. (38158) Chilcott, Ellery Channing. Some Soil problems for practical farmers. 1 903. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1903. pp. 441-452. J 29 : 849 b. Child, S. T. Water finding and the Divining rod (so-called). [Ipswich, 1902.] 8. 80 pp. portr. (29769) Child, Sam. Every man his own brewer. A practical treatise, etc. 9th ed. London, [1800?]. 8. 30 pp. (35960) Chill, Republic of. Salpetres et guanos du Desert a'Atacama. Mesures prises par le gouvernement Chilien pour en faciliter 1'exploitation. [French edition of the Reports of A. Pissis, etc.] Saint-Denis, 1877. 8. 86 pp 1 reap. (33564) Chili, Republic of cont. Sociedad Nacional de Mineria. Estadistica Minera de Chile. Tomo 1. 1903, etc. Santiago de Chile, 1905, etc. 8. G 51 : 903. Publication: Annual. ditor : G. Yunge. Chimloa Industrials. Anno 1-6. Torino, 1899- 1904. 6vols. 8. K 30/899. Publication : 24 Noa. yearly. Title changed: 1903, "Industria Chimica." Chlmie. Chimie du gout et de 1'odorat. [By P. Poncelet.] Paris, P. G. Le Mercier, 1755. sm. 8. 392 pp. 7 pi. (36031) Chinese. The Chinese Traveller. Containing a geo- graphical, commercial, etc., history of China. 2nd ed. London, E. and C. Dilly, 1775. 2 vols. 12. (37787) Chiosso, James. Gymnastics, an essential branch of national education. London, 1854. 8. 72 pp. (36094) Chipp, Herbert. See HEATHCOTE, J. M. Tennis, etc. New ed. Revised by G. E. H. Ross and H. C. 1903. sm. 8. (29000) Chltll, Willibald. Das Feuerloschwesen der K. K. Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt Wieii. Theil 1-7. Wien, 1903-04. 8. (30704) Chlsholm, Henry William. Standard Weights and Measures. 1876. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Special Loan Col- lection. Free evening lectures, pp. 493-524. 8. (26272) Chlttenden, Alfred Knight. Forest conditions of Northern New Hampshire. 1905. 100pp. 7 pi. and 2 maps. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 55. J 29 Fo : a. The Red Gum. With ... the mechanical properties of red gum wood, by W. K. Hatt. 1905. 56 pp. 6 pi. 1 map. Ibid. Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 58. J 29 Fo : a. Chittenden, Frank Hurlbut. The Asparagus beetles. 1896. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Year book. 1896. pp. 341-362. J 29 : 849 b. The Basket Willow. By W. F. Hubbard. With a chapter on insects injurious to the basket willow. 1904. 100 pp. 7 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 46. J 29 i?'o : a. A brief account of the principal insect enemies of the Sugar Beet. 1903. 72 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 43. J 29 E : The Fall army worm and variegated cutworm. 1901. 64 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 29. J 29 E : Insects affecting Cereals and other dry vegetable foods. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 4. Rev. ed. Chap. 8. pp. 112-131. J 29 E : Some little known Insects affecting Stored Yegetable products. 1897. 46 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 8. J 29 E : Insects injurious to Beans and Peas. 1 898. Ibid. Year book. 1898. pp. 233-260. J 29 : 849 b. 138 CHIT] [CHRI Chlttemlon, Frank Hurlbut cont. Some Insects injurious to Garden and Orchard Crops. 1899. 100 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 19. J 29 E : Some insects injurious to Garden Crops. 1900. 92 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 23. J29E: The more important Insects injurious to stored Grain. 1894. Ibid. Year-book. 1891. pp. 277- 294. J29:849b. i Some Insects injurious to stored Grain. Revised ed. 1897. 24 pp. Ibid. Fanners' Bulletin 45. J 29 Fa : Some Insects injurious to Vegetable Crops. 1902. 118 po. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 33. J 29 E : The Nut Weevil*. 1904. Ibid. Year-book. 1904. pp. 299-310. 3 pi. J 29 : 849 b. The Water-cress sowbug. The Water-cress leaf- beetle. 1907. 20 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 66. Part 2. J 29 E : and Hussell, H. M. The semitropical Army worm. 1909. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 66. pp. 53-70. J 29 E : Cbittenden, Rnssell Henry. ' See YALE UNIV. : Sheffield Scientific School. Studies in physiological chemistry. Ed. R. H. C. 1901. 8. (28570) The Nutrition of Man. London, [Cambridge, U.S.A., printed], 1907. 8. 332 pp. 9 pi. (35007) Chltty, Joseph, Junr. A Treatise on the Law of the Prerogatives of the Crown ; and the relative duties and rights of the subject. London, 1820. 8. 516 pp. (18733) Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrich. Die Akustik. Nene Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1830. 4. 268pp. (28827) Beytrage znr praktischen Aknstik und zur Lehre von Instrumentbau, enthaltend die Theories und Anleitung zum Bau des Clavicylinders, etc. Leipzig, 1821. 8. 196pp. 5 pi. (28792) Entdeckungen fiber die Tbeorie des Klanges. Leipzig, 1787. 4. 78pp. 11 pi. (28739) Neue Beytrage zur Akustik. Leipzig, 1817. 4. 102 pp. 10 pi. (28740) Traite d'Acoustique. Paris, 1809. 8. 604 pp. 8 pi. (33369) Chladni, Friedr. See CHLADNI, Ernst Florens F. Cboate, S. F. van. Ocean Telegraphing. Adaptation of new principles for the successful working of submarine cables, etc. Cambridge, [Mass.]. 1865. 4. 42 pp. 6 pi. (31728) Choisy, Auguste. L'art de Batir chez les Egyptians. Paris, 1904. 8\ 156pp. 24 pi. (31566) Modeles . . . de travaux publics. Par F. de Dartein et A. C. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1900. Rapport du Jury International. Classe 29. pp. 89-572. 8. (29967) Cholet de Jetphort, . Projet d'organisation de I'lmprimerie-Librairie, et des arts, t'tats, et professions qui y sont attaches ou qni en dependent, etc. Paris, 1807. 4. 172 pp. (3778) 3422J 139 Cholmondeley - Fennell. H. H. C. S PENNELL, Chomel, Pierre Jean Baptiste. Abre'ge' de 1'bistoire des plantes usuelles. Nonv. e"d. Paris, 1782. 8. 700 pp. (37683) Chopin-Dallory, . Oriqine de I'hdlice propulso-directenr et de la cbaudiere tubulaire. Hiatorique pre'ce'de' d'nne notice sur C. Dallery. Brevet Dallery, 29 Mars 1803. Paris, 1855. 8. 114 pp. 1 pi. (33566) Chordal, pseud. See SEE, J. W. Extracts from Chordal's Letters. New [9th] ed. 1901. sm. 8. (30588) Chouquot, Gnstave. Les Instruments de Musique, et les Editions musicales. 1878. 68 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHI- BITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classa 13. 1880. 8. (25811) Chowen, ( i. Some account of the rise and progress of Mining in Devonshire, from the time of the Phoenicians to the present. Tavistock, 1843. 8. 40 pp. (37241) Chre'tien-Xialanne, Luon Louis. Graphic representation of Numerical Tables. See KAEMTZ, L. F. A complete course of Meteor- ology. 1845. 12. (980) Chr6tlen-Xialanne, Marie Ludovic. See CURIOSITKS DES INVENTIONS ET DECOUVERTES. [ParM. L. C.] 1855. 16 a . (34039) Rechercbes sur le Feu Grc^geois, et sur 1'intro- dnction de la poudre a canon. 2e e'd. Paris, 1845. 8. 96 pp. Large paper copy. (12050) Christian, Gerard Joseph. Instruction pour les Gens de la Campagne sur la manii'ro de pn'parer le Lin et le Chanvre sang rouis- sage. Paris, 1818. 4. 44 pp. 6 pi. (33275) Christiania i Physiographiske Forening. See MAGAZIN FOR NATURVIDENSKABERNE. Udg. af den Physiographiske Forening i Christiania. 1873-1902. H 50 : 873. Christie, Wm. Wallace. Boiler-waters ; scale, corrosion, foaming. Nevt York, 1907. 8 C . 236 pp. (33804) Chimney design and theory. New York, 1899. 8. 172 pp. 21 pi. (26622) Furnace draft ; its production by mechanical methods. Paterson, N. J.. 1901. 16. 44 pp. (28654) Chrlstofle and Cie, Goldsmiths in Paris. Exposition Universelle de Londres, 1862. Or- fevrerie argente'e et d'argent, Argenture, Dornre, Galvanoplastie, etc. [Catalogue]. Paris, 1862. 8. 10 pp. (9911) La Galvanoplastie dans la manufacture de Christofle et Cie. Paris, 1866. 8. 12 pp. (33567) Chrlstoph, Julius Reinhold. Der praktische Topfer und seine Erfahrnncren von der Thongrube bis zum f ertig montierten Ofen. (jYeaer Schauplatz der Kiinste, etc.) Weimar, 1895. am. 8. 103 pp. (26329) Christophe, Paul. Le Buton armo et ses applications. 2e . 8 pp. (34813) The possibility and danger of the introduction of the San Jose scale into Great Britain. Ex : " Proc. Assoc. of Economic Biologists." Vol. 1. pp. 171-178. 1908. 8. (37111) Report on the injurious Insects and other Animals observed in the Midland Counties. 1903-7. Birmingham, 1904-08. 5 vols. 8. H 68: 903. Some investigations on the Black-currant Gall- mite (Eriophytes ribis). {Reports on Economic Zoology, No. 1.) Birmingham, 1904. 8. 12 pp. 1 pi. (34812) Colllngrrldg-e, Wm., M.l>. See LONDON, Corporation of the City of. Report on the Sanitary condition, etc. 1900, etc. H 20 : 894. Practical points on the Hygiene of Ships, etc. 1894. 44 pp. See SHIPMASTERS' SOCIETY. Paper 33. F 81: 890. Collins, Archie Frederick. Wireless Telegraphy : its history, theory, and practice. New York, 1905. 8. 310 pp. (31898) Collins, F. Howard. Author and printer . . . An attempt to codify the best typographical practices of the present day. London, 1905. sm. 8. 424 pp. (31336) Collins, Guy N. Economic plants of Porto Rico. By 0. F. Cook and G. N. 0. 1903. 270 pp. 48 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of botany. Con- tributions from the U.S. National Herbarium. Vol.8. J29B:b. The Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. 36pp. 15 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 28. J 29 PI. Collins, Henry Francis. The metallurgy of Lead and Silver. London, 1899-1900. -2 vols. 8. (26722) 149 COLL] [COLU Collins, Hubert E. Shaft Governors, centrifugal and inertia. ("Power" Handbooks.) New York, 1908. sm. 8. 136 pp. (37891) Colling, Joseph Henry. A handbook to the Mineralogy of Cornwall and Devon. Intro, 1871. 8. 120 pp. 10 pi. (38623) Colman, Harold G. See ARNOLD, E. Ammonia and Ammonium compounds. From the German by H. G. 0. 1889, etc. See ROSCOE, Sir H. E., and SCHORLEMMER, C. A treatise on chemistry. New [3rd] ed. revised by . . . H. G. C., etc, 1905, etc. (31372) Colombo, Emilio, and Solerti, Antonio. Pratiche amministrative concernenti gli atndi delle linee ferroviarie. Espropriazioni e modo di ottenerle per utilitH pubblica. [1895-96.] 272pp. 33 pi. See FADDA, S. Costruzione, etc. delle Strade ferrate. [4.] 8. (22310) Colomb-Pradel, Sur 1'utilisation agricole d'nn residu industriel. (Poussieres des hauts fourneaux.) 1899. See ANNALES DE LA SCIENCE AGRONOMIQUE. 2e se"r. Anne"e 5. Tome 1. pp. 287-295. J : 894. Colozner, Fi:lix, and Xiordler, C. Combustibles Industriels. Paris, 1903. 8. 566 pp. (29547) Coloney. Myron, of New Haven, Conn. See McLEAN, J. H. Dr. J. H. McLean's Peace- makers [joint invention of J. H. M. and Myron Coloney m the art of war]. 1880. (30056) Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886. . (British Commission.) Her Majesty's Colonies. A series of original Papers. Ed. A. J. E. Trendell. Introd. by J. E. Seeley. 2nd ed. London, 1886. 8. 538pp. 6 maps (37752) -^ (British Commission and Government of India.) Silk culture Court. Descriptive catalogue. By T. Wardle. London, 1886. 8. 46 pp. 44 pi (37751) (Indian Commission.) Empire of India. Special catalogue of exhibits by the Government of India and private Exhibitors. London, 1886. 8. 326 pp. 1 map. (37750) ^ (South Australian Commission.) South Australia : a sketch of its history and resources. By J. F. Conigrave. [Adelaide. 1886.1 8. 182pp. 8 pi. (32172) (Jamaica.) Jamaica at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. 4th ed. [London, 1886-1 8. 108 pp. 5 pi. (32173) (New South Wales Commission.) New South Wales ; its progress, present con- dition, and resources. Sydney, 1886. 8. 222 pp. (32174) The same. 2nd ed. Sydney, 1886. 8. 46 pp. map. (32175) See CUNDALL, F. Reminiscences of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. 1886. 4. (31392) Colonial Office. Colonial Eeports. Annual Series. No. 1, etc. London, 1891, etc. 8. C 61 : 891. The same. Miscellaneous Series. No. 1. etc. London, 1891. etc. 8. C 61 : 891a. Colonial Office cont. Asia Minor. Eeport on Agriculture in Aia Minor, with special reference to Cotton cultivation. By W. Dunstan. London, 1908. fol. 18 pp 2 maps. (38389) Nigeria. Correspondence [and] Further Corre- spondence relating to railway construction in Nige- ria London, 1905-09. 2 ptg. fol. (38390) Pacific Cable Committee. Eeport, Minutes of Proceedings, etc. London, 1899. fol. 206pp. 2 pi. (26637) Eeport by Prof. W. E. Dunstan on the Agri- cultural resources of Cyprus, with special reference to cotton cultivation. London, 1905. fol. 30 pp. 1 pi. (32362) Colorado (State): School of Mines: Quarterly. Vol. 1, etc. Golden, Col., 1906, etc. 8. G 62 : 906. Technical and Engineering Society. Bulletin. Vol. 1, etc. Golden, Col., WOO, etc. 8. G 62: 900. Colorado, Kt'ife. Geologist. Eeport on the development of the Mineral, Metallurgical, Agricultural, Pastoral and other resources of Colorado. 1881-82. By J. A. Smith. Denver, 1883. 8. G30 : Co. Colosseum. Regent's Park, London. Description of the Colosseum as re-opened in 1845. London, 1845. obi. 4. 24 pp. 10 pi. (9349) Catalogue printed from stereotype plates cst by the patent process of Messrs. Kronheim & Co. Letters Patent No. 10,275 of 1844. The same. 19th ed. London, 1847. obi. 4. 24pp. 14 pi. (35962) Colson, Iji'rm, and Chatel. L. Culture et industrie . Tome 4. pp. 173-191. B 76 C : Colt, Samuel, Col. U.S.A. See MAXIM-NORDENFELT G0NS, etc., Co., Ltd. What is the Colt system of automatic fire-arms? 1896. 12. (30036) See NEWTON. A. V. Col. Colt's small-arms manufactory. 1856. 8. (28055) See WOODCROPT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Columbia Engineer (The). See COLUMBIA UNI- VERSITY : Engineering Society. The Columbia Engineer. E 12 Col : Columbia University, New York. See SCHOOL OF MINES QUARTERLY. G 62 : 879. Engineering Society. The Columbia Engineer. Transactions of the Engineering Society, etc. 1898, etc. New York, 1899, etc. E 12 Col : Publication : Annual. 150 COLVJ [COMM Colvllle, Frederick V. Notes on the Plants used by the Klamath Indians of Oregon. 1897. See U.S. DEFT.- T>F AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Botany. Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium. Vol. 5. pt. 2. pp. 87-108. J 29 B : b Some additions to our Vegetable Dietary. 1895. Ibid. Year-book. 1895. pp. 205-214. J29:849b. Colvin. Frederick Herbert, and Stabel, . Threads and Thread cutting. 3rd ed. New York, 1908. 8. 32 pp. (36501) Turning and Boring tapers. New York, 1908. 8. 26pp. (36500) Colyer, Frederick, M. Just. C.E. Pumps and pumping machinery. Parts 1-2. London, 1882. 2 pts. 8 . (14392) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1892-1900. 2 vols. 8. (27311) Combe, Adolphe, M.D. L'Auto-intorication Intestinale. Parii, 1907, 8 C . 576 pp. (37242) Combe, Andrew, M.D. The Physiology of Digestion considered with relation to the principles of Dietetics. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1836. sm. 8. 378 pp. (32925) Combes, Chas. Pierre Mathieu. Ae>age des Mines. [Supplement.] Ex:"Annales des Mines." Tomes 15, 18. Paris, 1839-41. 2 vols. 8. (29749) Notice sur les Explosions Je Chandieres a vapsur. Es : " Aonales des Mines." Tome 20. Paris, 1842. 8. 88pp. 5 pi. (29750) " Traite de 1'exploitation des Mines. Liige, 1844-47. 3 vols. 8., and obi. fol. atla?. (29751) Combes, Paul. L'Eucalyptus et ses derives. 2e ^d. Parit, [1897]. sm. 8. 80 pp. (25376) Comitl des Forg-es de Trance. See REVUE DE METALLURGIE. Foml<' avec le concours . . . du Comitd des Forges, etc. 1904, etc. 4. 064:904. Commans, Robert Edden. The Concentration and Sizing of crushed ma- terials. 1894. Paper, discussion and correspondence. See INSTITUTION OP C.E. Proceedings. Vol. 116. pp. 3-113. E 10 : 837. Commelln, Jan. The Belgick, or Netherlandish Hesperides : That is, the management, ordering, and nse of the Limon and Orange trees, fitted to the nature and climate of the Netherlands. Made English by G. V. N. London, 1683. sm. 8. 194 pp. (31148) Commelyn. See COMMELIX. Commercial and Agricultural Magrazlne. [Series II.] Agricultural Magazine (The), or Farmers' Monthly Journal, etc. Vol. 1-2. 1807-08. London, 1807-08. 2 vols. 8. J : 807. Editor : R. \V. Dickson. LKficient : Vol. 1, No. 5 ; Vol. 2, No. 6-9. Commercial Motor (The). Vol. 1. etc. London, 1'."i5, etc. 4. E 73: 905. Publication : Weekly. Editor : E. S. Smith, 1905, etc. Commlnes de Marsilly, Louis Joseph August de. Les lois de la Matiere. Essais de me'canique molfculaire. Parit. 1884. 4. 138pp. (1174) Recherches sur les gaz provenant de la combus- tion du Coke et de la Houille dans les foyers des locomotives et des chaudieres a vapeur. Ex : "Me'tn. del'Acad., . . . dn Dept. de la Somme." 1865. pp. 421-451. 8. (36736) De la substitution de la Houille au Coke dans les foyers des Locomotive*. (Ibid. 1854-57. pp. 245-284. 1 pi.) 8. (34734) Commission de 1'Alr Comprim<5. See CERCLE DE LA PRESSE SCIEXTIFIQUE. Com- mission de 1'air comprime. 1858. 4. (34625) Commission de Perfectionnement de la Manufacture Rationale de Sevres. N-- FRANCE : Ministere de I'Instruction Publique. Commission des Alcools, Vlns et Spirl- tueuz, 1902. See FRANCE : Ministere des Finances. Commission des Conferences Re'erimen- taires. See FRANCE : Ministere de la Guerre. Commission des me'thodes d'essai des matdrlaux de construction, flee PARIS : Congres Internal, des methodes d'essai de) materiaur. de Construction. (27701) Commission des Phares. See FRANCE : Minis- tere de Vlnterieur. Commission du Clment Arm<5. See FRANCE : Ministere des Travaux publics, etc. Commission du Orison. See FRANCE : Ministere des Travaux publics Commission du Nivellement G6ne>al de la France. See- FRANCE : Ministere des Travaux Publics. Commission Internationale de Photo- mtrle. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DU GAZ. 1903. 8. (30628) Commission Internationale pour 1'Atiro- statlon scientifique. See INTERNATIONALE KOMMISSION FOR WISSENSCHAFTLICHE LUFTSCHIF- FAHRT. D 34 : 900. Commission Polaire Internationale. Projet de Traction auto-polaire pre'sente' par W. Crnyt et W. Van Brabant. [Proces-verbaux des Seances, etc. Session 1908. pp. 147-162. 1 pi.] Bruxelles, 1908. 8. (37049) Commission Temporaire des Folds et Meaures Republicanes. See FRANCE : Legis- lature. Commissioners of Works and Public Building's. Houses of Parliament (Fresco painting), [i.] Report of Committee of artists employed in the decoration of Westminster Palace. 1871. [ii.] Report of Committee appointed ... to inquire into the condition of the frescoes by D. Maclise, R.A., in the Royal Gallery at the Houses of Par- liament. 1874. London, 1871-74. 2 pts. fol. (30558) Committee of Council on Education. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Common, Alfred F. How to repair Violins, and other musical instru- ments. .London, [1908?]. sm.8. 52pp. (36772) 151 COMM] [CONG Commonwealth of Australia. See AUSTRALIA, Commonwealth of. Compagnie anonymc Continental pour la fabrication de compteurs a craz, etc. [ci-devant J. Brunt et Cie]. Album. Principaux appareils speciaux, avec texteexplicatif. Paris, 1879. 8. 214pp. (36097) Compasrnic Anonyme des houille"res de la Chazotte. See EVERAKD, M. Notice sur 1'usine d'agglome- ration des menus charbons de la Comp. Anon, des houilleres de la Chazotte. 1859. 8. (34868) Compagnie Continentalc d' Exploitation des locomotives sans foyer. Tramways a vapeur. Locomotive sans foyer. Systeme E. Lamm et L. Francq. [Letters Patent No. 903 of 1872.1 Ex : " Publ. Industrielle des machines, etc." Vol. 26. Paris, 1878. 8. 24 pp. 2 pi. (37131) Compagnie des Chemlns de fer de 1'Bst, Ligne de Paris a Mulhouse. Types employe's dans la construction du materiel de la voie. [Paris, 186 ?J lithogr. sm. fol. 26 pi. (33772) Notice sur les vitesses qu'atteignent en service courant les Locomotives Compound remorquant des trains ii marche rapide. Paris, 1900. fol. 4 pp. 3 pi. (7683) Compag'nie des Eaux de Paris. Prospectus de la fourniture et distribution des Eaux de la Seine a Paris, par les machines a feu. [Paris'], 1781. 8. 26 pp. (38141) Re'ponse a 1'ouvrage qui a pour titre : Sur lea actions de la Compagnie des Eaux de Paris, par le Comte Mirabeau. Paris, 1785. 8. 56 pp. (33142) Compagnie des Forges de Franche-Comte, Fraisans. Emploi des fers en J"V.-dits fers zores dans la construction des planchers. Par P. Schwaeble. Paris, 1865. 8. 40 pp. 5 pi. (34346) Compag'nie d'organisation g-e'ne'rale de Blanchlsseries, JLavoirs, Sechoirs, Bains, etc. [Bouillon, Muller & Cie.] [Construction d'appareils speciaux pourl'industrie et I'e'conomie domestique. Pratique du blanchissage domestique ou industriel.] Paris, 1858. 8. 24 pp. (34285) Compagnie du Chemin de fer du Nord. Notice descriptive des ,Appareils Electriques. [Exposition Internationale d" JElectricite, 1881.1 Lille, 1881. 4. 66pp. 6 pi. (34589) Compag'nie g-e'ne'rale d'Slectricite de Creil. Les Moteurs Electriques et leurs applications al'industrie. [Paris, 190 ?] 8. 130pp. (34803) Compagnie g-caerale des Asphaltea de France. Instructions pratiques pour la preparation et 1'emploi de 1'asphalte. [Paris, 1875?] 8. 42pp. 1 pi. (35478) Compag'nie ge'ne'rale des Voitures. . Etudes expe'rimen tales sur 1'alimentation du chevalde trait. Rapport . . . par L. Grandeau, etc. M6moire 1-7. Nancy, 1882-97. 7 pts. fol. aad8. (25013) Compag'nie Xndustrlelle des proc6d6s It. Pictet. Application au Transport et a la Conservation des Viandes f niches des machines a produire le f roid, systeme Raoul Pictet. Paris, 1880. 8, 32 pp. 1 pi. (34341) Compagrnie 1' Alliance. La Compagnie 1'Alliance et la lumiere electrique. Paris, 1869. 8. 46 pp. (35186) Compag'nie Parislenne de 1' Air Comprlme'. Installations d'Air Compriml et d'Electricite. (Proce'de's V. Popp.) Transport et distribution de la force motrice par 1'air comprime. Paris, 1889. 4. 24pp. 3 pi. (34593) Compag'nie pour la Fabrication des Compteurs, etc., a Gaz. Note sur le Compteur i gaz " Duplex." [Paris, 1904?] 8. 36pp. (3668;i) Coinpaing-, Chas. M6thode de coupe d'Habillements. [Paris, 1842.] 8. 32 pp. 6 pi. (36033) TraitiS complet de la coupe des Pantalons. [Paris, 1840.] 8. 32pp. 5 pi. (36032) Companion to the Botanical Magazine. Vol. 1-2. London, 1835-36. 2 vols. in one. 8. H 70: 835. Editor : Sir W. J. Hooker. History : For continuation see " Annals and Magazine of Natural History." Compere, . Chaudieres a Vapeur. Chaudieres fonctionnant aterre. 1898. See Sociih-K DES INGENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 283- 294. 8. (25483) Compton Dene, pseud. See VINE, F. T. Comstock, Cyrus Ballon. Notes sur I'ame'lioration du Mississippi. 1892. 8 pp. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INT^RIEURE : 5e Congres. Question 10. [50.] F 43 : 888. Corns-lock, Chas. H. Parquetry : past and present. [Cincinnati, 1898.] 8. 14 pp. (26013) Comstock, Geo. Cary. Studies in spherical and practical Astronomy. 1895. See WISCONSIN, Univ. Bulletin. Science Series. Vol. 1. pp. 57-107. B 14 Wi : a. Concas y Palau, Victor Maria. Desarrollo de los Blindajes mixtos y de acero. 1885. 40 pp. 2 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 3a 6poca. Tomo 2. F 96 : 846. Concours National de Compensation de Cnronometres pour les Temperatures. Methode de classement, calcul des bulletins et <5tude nume'rique de 1'erreur secondaire de Com- pensation, par G-. Gelle'rier. Geneve, 1885. 4. 78 pp. 12 pi. (28865) Concrete. Vol. 9, etc. Detroit, Mich., 1909, etc. F 72 : 909. Publication : Monthly. Concrete and Constructional Engineer- ing. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1906, etc. 8. F72:906a. Publication : 6 Nos. yearly. 152 CONDJ [OONQ Condor, Francis Eoubilliac, C.E. Treatment of Sewage by the Iron process. 1887. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Prof. Papers. Vol. 13. pp. 1-32. 2 pi. F 90 : 844. Conditioning-. On the conditioning of horses. Hippocomia. [By B.Clark.] [London, 1840?] 4. 4pp. (36921) Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de. See BOSSUT, C., and others. Nouvelles expeVi- enceg sur la resistance des fluides, par MM. d'Alembert, le Marquis de 0., etc. 1777. 8 . (34719) (Biographical.) Biography. By [D. F. J.] Arago. 1878. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Report, 1878. pp. 180-235. B 13 S : 847. Condy, Henry Bollmann. Air and Water : their impurities and purifica- tion. London, 1862. 8. 80 pp. (36096) Confectioners' Journal. Vol. 35, etc. Phila- delphia, 1909, etc. 4. J 98/909. Publication : Monthly. Editor : C. McD. Harvey. Conference Internationale pour la pro- tection de la Proprldte Industrlelle, Paris. Proces-Verbaux des Seances. (Miniitere de Afaires etrangeres.) Paris, 1880-83. 2 vols. fol. BI 50a/ Conference Internationale pour la pro- tection dea csuvros littgralres et artla- tlques i Actes de la 2e et 3e Conference, 1885-86. Berne, 1885-86. 2 vols. fol. BI lly/. Conference of leather-Trades' Chemists. See INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OP LEATHER- TRADES' CHEMISTS. K 70 : 897. Conferences. Conferences Militaires Beiges. Bruxelles (C. Muquardt), 1870-71. 12 3 . 10 pts. with separate pagination. (37836) Cong-res dela houillo blanche: Compte rendu des travaux, etc. Grenoble, [1902]. 2 vols. 8. (32860) Cong-res des Etudes e'conomlques pour lea emplols industrlels de 1'Alcool. See FRANCE : Alinistere de I' agriculture. Congres des Etudes, etc. 1903. 8. (29505) Cong-res International d' Agriculture. [ler] Congres. Paris, 1889. [Rapports et Comptes- rendus.] [2eme] Congres. La Haye, 1891. Compte-rendu. 3eme Congres. Bruxelles, 1895. [1.] Rapports pre"- liminaires. 1895. [2.] Compte-rendu des Seances. 1896. [4eme] Congres. Budapest, 1896. Comptes-rendus. 2 vols. (1897.) [In Hungarian and French.} 5eme Congres. Lausanne, 1898. [1.] Me"moires et Documents. [2.1 Compte-rendu des Stances. 2 vols. 8. 6eme Congres. Paris, 1900. [1.] Rapports. [2.] Compte-rendu. 2 vols. 8. See also PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Proces-verbaux sommaires des Congres Interna- tionaux. [Vol.1. Xo. 2.] Paris, etc. 1889, etc. 8. J 4 : 889. Cong-res International d'Automobolisme. ler Congres. Parit, 1900. Paris, 1903. 8. 2e Congres. Paris, 1903. Paris, 1903. 2 volt. S. E 73 : 900. Cong-res International de Chlmle Appli- que. ler Congres. Bruxellei, 1894. Organise* par 1' Associa- tion Beige des Chimistes. Comptes-rendu par F. Sachs. Bruxelles, 1894. 8. 2e Congres. Paris, 1896. Organise" par 1' Associa- tion des Chimistes de Sucrerie et de Distillerie de France, etc. Comptes-rendus par F. Dupont. Pari, 1897. 5 vols. 8. 3er Congress. Wien, 1898. Berioht von F. Strohmer. Wien, 1899. 3 vols. 8. [Report by H. W. Wiley.] See AMERICAN CHEMI- CAL, SOCIETY: Journal. Vol. 21. pp. 73-102. K : 879. 4e Congres. Paris, 1900. Compte-rendu par H. Moissan et F. Dupont. Paris, 1902. 3 vols. 8. 5er Congress. Berlin, 1903. Berioht von O. N. Witt und G. Pulvermacher. Berlin, 1904. 4 vols. 8. 60 Congresso. Roma, 1906. Atti. Vol. 1-7. Com- pilati a cura del B. Paterno e del V. Villavecchia. Roma, 1907. 7 vols. 8. 7th Congress. London, 1909. Explosives Section. The rise and progress of the British Explosives industry. London, 1909. 4. 432 pp. portr. The same. Another copy. (38557) K 30 : 894. Cong-res International de Chronome'trie, Paris, 1889. Comptes Rendus des Travaux, Rapports, etc. Publics par E. Caspari. Paris, 1890. 4?. 220 pp. (27569) See also PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Proces- verbaux sommaires des Congres Internationaux. [Vol.1. No. 137.] (29539) Cong-res International d'Kydrologle et de Cllmatologle. Comptes rendus. Session 1, 1886, etc. Paris. 1887, etc. 8. H 26 : 886. Cong-res International de 1'Ac^tylene. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DU CAEBURE ET DE L 1 ACETYLENE. K 43 : 899. Congres International de Ramie. 1900. See PARIS : Conjres Internal, de la Ramie. La Ramie, etc. 1901. 8. (27786) Cong-res International de Navlg-atlon Interleure. Ce Congres. La Haye, 1894. 1.] Questions, 1-7. Rapports. [2.] Communications. [3.] Compte- rendn. La Haye, 1894. 3 vols. 8. 7e Congres. Bruxellt.s, 1898. Rapports. Bruxellei. 1898. 4 vols. 8. 8e Congres. Paris, 1900. [1.] Compte-rendu, etc. Paris, 1900-01. 3 vols. in two. 8. [2.] Questions, 1-9. Paris, 1900. 2 vols. 8. 9e Congres. Diitseldorf, 1902. [1.] CongressfUhrer. Theil 1-4. Ausstellungs-Catalog, etc. BtrUn.1902. 7 pts. 8. [2.] Gesamint-Bericht. Berlin, 1903. 8. F 43 : 888. Cong-res International de Photographic. [lere Session. Paris, 1889.] Rapports et documents, (Exposition Univertelle de 1889.) 1890. 2eme Session. Bruxelles, 1891. Rapport ge'nlral de la Commission pcrmanente nomme'c par le Congros . . . a Paris en 1889. 1891. Compte-rendu, proces-verbaux. etc. 1892. "?" 9e Session. Paris, 1900. Proces-verbaux soinmaires, (Exposition L'niverselle de 1900.) Paris, etc. 1890, etc. 8. A 10 : 889. 153 CONG] [CONI Cong-res International de Physique. Paris. 1900. Rapports. Sous les auspices de la Socie'te' Franfaise de Physique. Public spar C. E. Guillaume et L. Poincare'. Paris. 1900-01. 4 vols. 8. (27568) See also PAHIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900: Proces- verbaux sommaires des Congres Internationaux. [Vol. III. No. 26.] (29639) Cong-res International des Chemins de fer. 2e Session. Milan, 1887. Compte-rendu. Vol. 1-3. 1888. 4e Session. Saint-Petersbourff, 1892. [1.] Compte- rendu. Vol. 1-4. 1893-94. [2.] Conclusions, etc. 5e Session. Londres, 1895. [l.J Compte-rendu sommaire. [French and English.'] 1895. [2.] Questions. [French and English.] [1895.] 7e Cougres. See PAEIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900: Proces-verbaux sommaires des Congres interna- tionaux. [Vol. 1. No. 11.] (29539; P 5 : 888. Bulletin de la Commission Internationale du Congres des Chemins de fer. Yol. 8-9. Paris, 1894-95. 4 vols. 8. F 5 : 894. Indexes: 1887-99 (1900). Bulletin of the International Railway Congress. [English ed.]. Vol. 10, etc. Bruxelles, 1896, etc. F 5 : 894. Indexes: 1896-1903 (1904). Deficient: Vol. 11, 1897. Cong-res International des Fabricants de Papier et Carton, Antwerp, 1894. Compte rendu des Stances. Bruxelles, 1894. 8. 164pp. (27607) Cong-res International des me'thodes d'essai des DXate'riaux de Construction. .. . See PARIS : Congres International des methodes d'essai, etc. 8. (27701) Cong-res International des IMCines et de la XlXe'tallurgrio, Paris, 1900. (1) Rapports pr6sent6s sur la demandede la Com mission d'or. - An inquiry into the theory and practice of Antiseptic Surgery. (Thesis.) Edinburgh, 1872. 8. 70 pp. 8 pi. (32783) Cumming-B, Uriah. - American Cements. Boston, 1898. 8. 300 pp. portr. (25516) Cundall. Frank. - See JAMAICA : Handbook of Jamaica. Ed. F. C., etc. 1907, etc. AR 974 : - Reminiscences of the Colonial and Indian Ex- hibition. London, 1886. 4. 132pp. 22 pi. (31392) Cundill, John Ponsonby, Lieut.-CgL, R.A. - Dictionnaire des Explosifs. Ed. Francaise par E. Ddsortiaux. Paris, 1893. 8. 252 pp. (17867) Cundy, Nicholas Wilcox, Architect. - Inland Transit. The practicability, utility, and benefit of Railroads ; the comparative attraction and speed of Steam engines, on a railroad, naviga- tion, and turnpike road. 2nd ed. London, 1834. 8. 166pp. 3 pi. (34406) Cunba, A. da. - See ANNE TECHNIQUE DU REPERTOIRE Ed. A. da C. 1900-06. , C 23 : 900. Cuniasse, Lncien. - See GIRARD, C., and CUNIASSE, L. Manuel pratique de 1'analyse des Alcools, etc. 1899. 8. (26352) Cunningham, Alexander W. - Notes on the history, methods, and technological importance of descriptive Geometry. Edinburgh, 1868. 8. 60pp. (38634) Cunning-ham, Allan. - See THOMASON C.E. ENGINEERING COLLEGE. The Roorkee manual of applied mechanics. By A. C. 2nd ed. 1896-1900. 2 vols. 8. (31865) - Hydraulic experiments at Roorkee, 1874-75. 1875. 114 pp. 8 pi. See PROFESSIONAL PAPERS ON INDIAN ENGINEERING. 2nd Series. Vol. 4. BUI: Cunning-ham, Brysson. - A treatise on the principles and practice of Dock Engineering. London, 1904. 8. 576 pp. 34 pi. (31338) - A treatise on the principles and practice of Harbour Engineering. London, 1908. 8. 296 pp. 15 pi. ' (36412) Cunning-ham, David Douglas, and Prain, Sir D. - A note on Indian Wheat -rusts. 1896. See INDIA : Botanical Survey. Records. Vol.1, pp. 99- 124. H 70: 893. Cunning-ham, Geo., See HOME OFFICE. Phosphorus. Reports . . . on the use of Phosphorus in the manufacture of Lucifer matches. By T. E. Thorpe, etc. 1899. fol. (25990) Cunning-ham, John F. See COLUMBUS HORTICULTURAL Soc. Proceed- ings. Ed. J. F. C. 1898. J 74 : 886. Cunning-ham, Joseph Thos. The preservation of Fishing Note. London, 1902. sm. 8. 64 pp. 1 pi. (29486) Cunning-ham, Peter, Surgeon, R.N. Hints for Australian emigrants : with engravings and explanatory descriptions of the Water-raising wheels, and modes of Irrigating land in Egypt, Syria, South America, etc. London, 1841. 8. 130pp. (34060) Cuno, Hermann. Die Herberge zur Heimat ; Ban und Einrichtung derselben. (Deutsche Bautechnische laschenbiblio- thek.) Leipzig, 1883. sm. 8. 26 pp. (15712) Cunyng-hame, Sir Henry Hardinge Samuel. See HOME OFFICE. Courrieres Colliery disaster. Report by H. 0., .etc. 1906. fol. (32982) Art enamelling upon Metals. 1899. 38 pp. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 6.] B 51 : 872. European enamels. (Connoisseur's Library.) London, [1906.] 8. 204 pp. 50 pi. (33135) On tne theory and practice of Art- enamelling upon Metals. London, 1899. sm. 8. 152 pp. 13 pi. (27015) Theory and practice of Clockmaking. 1909. 60 pp. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 7.] B 51 : 872. Time ani Clocks : a description of ancient and modern methods of measuring Time. London, 1906. sm. 8. 200pp. Ipl. (33136) Curey, C., Capt. of Artillery. L'Artillerie Japonaise. 1905. See REVUE D'ARTILLERIE. Tome 65, pp. 283-311 ; 365-377 ; Tome 66, pp. 54-73 ; 98-125. F 94 : 872. The same. 2e e"d. Pans, 1906. 8. 186 pp. 3 pi. (33887) Batterie automobile Schneider-Canet-Dn Bocage d'obusiers de 150mm. (Portugal.) Par L. Ferrus et C. C. See REVUE DE L'AETILLERIE. Tome 64, pp. 324-377. pi. 9-14. F 94 : 872. Fabrication des Tubes me'talliques sans soudure. 1900-01. See REVUE D'ARTILLERIE. Tome 57, pp. 328-339 ; Tome 58, pp. 29-51. F 94 : 872. Te'le'metre de cote a grande base horizontale, systeme du Col. De La Launitz. [Ex : " Revue d'Artillerie," Oct., 1905.] Paris, 1907. 8. 42pp. 1 pi. (35674) and Pesseaud, J. L'Artillerie a 1'Exposition Univeraelle de 1900. Pam,1903. 8. 356pp. 21 pi. (30146) Carle, Pierre. CEuvres. Publie"es par ... la Socie"te" Fran9aise de Physique. Paris, 1908. 8. 644 pp. 3 pi. portr. (37402) Le Radium et les ph^nomenes de Radioactivity. [Conference faite ... 13 Jan., 1904.] Ex: " Klectricien," 23 Jan., 1904, pp. 49-62. 8. (30405) 1>67 OURI] [CUSS Curie, Sklodowska, Mil me. Modern theories of Electricity and Matter. Ex : "Revue Scieutifique," Nov., 1906. See SMITH- SONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1906-07. pp. 103-115. B 13 8: 847. Radio-active substances. Ex :" Chemical News." [Vol. 88. 1903.1 2nd ed. London. 1904. B. 94 pp. (31042) Recherehes sur les substances Radioactives. (These.) 2ee"d. Pa,1904. 8. 156pp. (30630) Curleuse. Curieuse Nachricht von Erfindungen und Erfin- dern der Wissenschaf ten, Ktinste und Handwercken. Hamburg, B. Schiller,nQi. 12. 168pp. (36506) Curionl, Giovanni. L'arte di Fabbricare. [1-6. See printed Catalogue, 1898.] [7]. Mecoanica applicata alle Costruzioni. Per S. Canevazzi. 1890-92. 2 vols. (Appendice.) 1. La Resistenza del Materiali, etc. 1884. 308 pp. 22 pi. 2. Deformazioni dei corpi elastic! . . . Studio del progetto di un Ponte in ferro con archi. 1883. 424 pp. 23 pi. 3. Rottura e lavori di riparazione delta (rulleria dei Giovi . . . Costruzione delle gallerie in terreni mobili. Costruzione delle grandi gallerie a foro cieco. Perforatrioi a percussione. Maneggi pel servizio dei pozzi nella costruzione delle gallerie. 1883. 256pp. 31 pi. 4. ttaccolta di progetti di costruzioni iin Terra ed in Muratura. 1885. 576 pp. 10 pi. 6. Raccolta di progetti di costruzioni in Legno ed in Metallo per D. G. 1893, etc. Disp 1-2 (all publ.?). 6. Risultati di esperienze sulle Resistenze dei Ma- teriali da costruzione e sulle loro deformazioni. 1887. 25G pp. 17 pi. Torino. 1884-92. 14 vols. 8. (21732) Curlose K.unstler (der). Der zu vielen Wissenachaften dienstlich-anweis- ende und von neuen wieder anfgelegte Curiose Kiinstler vorgeatellet in einem neu-verfertigten und in zwey Theil eingerichteten Kunst-Hauss-Artzney- und Wunder-Buch. Nurnberg, J. L. Buggel, 1710. 4. 1006pp. (36476) CurloBite's. Curiosites des Inventions et Decouvertes. (Par M. L. Chre"tien-Lnlanne.] (Bibliothegue de Poche.) Paris, Paulin and Le Chevalier, 1855. 16. 472 pp. (34039) Curot, Ed. The use of Molasses as a feeding material. The physiological and therapeutic action of Sugar Mo- lasses as food. Prom the French, by J. A. Nunn. London, 1903. 8. 40 pp. (32666) Curr, Robert. Lake ship yard methods of Steel Ship construc- tion. Cleveland, 1907. 8. 176 pp. portr. (37808) Currle, Rolla P. Catalogue of the exhibit of Economic Ento- mology at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exhibi- tion, Portland, Oregon, 1905. 1905. 128 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Ento- mology. Bulletin 53. J 29 E : Curry, Chap. Emerson. Electromagnetic theory of Light. Part 1. Lon- don, 1905, etc. 8. (31339) (In progress.) Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Preface by L. Boltzmann. London, 1897. 8. 458 pp. (12813) Curry, Wm. Thos. See GREENWELL, A., and CURRY, W. T. Rural Water Supply. 2nd ed. 1899. sm. 8. (26051) Curtis v. Platt. [Trial for infringement of J. Wain's Patent, No. 2353 of 1854, for " Self-acting Mule."] Judgment of V.-C. Wood. [London, 1863.] fol. 16' pp. (28047) Curtis, J. G. Cockburn. Durand's Patent Chain Cables. [Letters Patent No. 664 of 1858.] Report . . . with Appendix containing the sizes, lengths, and breaking strains of Chain Cables, etc. Also an additional report . . . by C. George. London, 1861. 8. 24 pp. (25549) ' Curtis, Win. Practical observations on the British Grasses. 3rd ed. London, 1798. 8. 74 pp. 6 pi. (13687) The same. 5th ed., with additions by J. Law- rence. [Added] A short account of the causes of the diseases in corn, called the blight, the mildew, and the rust. London, 1812. 8. 116 pp. 8 pi. (34380) Curtis &. Harvey, Ltd. See NOTES on Shootine. By an old Manufac- turer. [London, Curtis & Harvey, 1887, etc.] CurttBS, Chas F. Raising Sheep for Mutton. 1899. 48 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Farmers' Bulletin 96. 8. J29Fa: Curtlus, Theodor, and Ztlssom, J. Geschichte dor Chemischen Universitats-Labo- ratoriums zu Heidelberg seit der Griindung darch Bunsen. Heidelberg, 1908. fol. 63 pp. 4 pi. (37244) Curwen, John Christian, M.P. See WORKINGTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The President's Report [J. C. C.], 1819. 1820. (9203) Curzon, H. The Universal or compleat summary of Science . . . with divers secrets, experiments, and curiosi- ties. London, 1712. 2 vols. sm. 8. (33371) Gushing 1 , Harry Cooke, Junr. Standard Wiring; for electric light and power. New York, 1903. sm. 8. 152 pp. (29969) The same, llth ed. New York, 1905. 16. 144 pp. (31472) Cushman, Allerton Seward. The Cementing power of Road materials. By L. W. Page and A. S. C. 1904. 24 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 85. J 29 C : The Corrosion of Fence wire. 1905. 32 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 239. J 29 Fa : The Corrosion of Iron. 1907. 36 pp. 7 pi. Ibid. Office of Road inquiry. Bulletin 30. J 29 R : The effect of Water on Rock Powders. 1905. 24 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 92. J 29 C : The Preservation of Iron and Steel. 1909. 40 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Office of Road Inquiry. Bulletin 35. J 29 R : The Testing of Road material ... By L. W. Page and A. S. C. 1903. 78 pp. 5 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 79. J 29 C : - The use of Feldspathic rocks as Fertilizers. 1907. 32 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 104. J 29 PI : 168 CUSS] Cussac, J. See C * , J. [i.e. J. Cussac.] Cust, A. M. The Ivory workers of the Middle ages. ( Sand- books of the Great Craftsmen.) London, 1902. urn. 8. 190pp. Ipl. (32728) Cust, Robert H. Hobarc. The Pavement masters of Siena. (1369-1562.) (Handbooks of the Great Craftsmen.) London, 1901. 8. 182pp. 4 pi. (32729) Cuthbortson, John. Practical fclectricity and Galvanism. London, 1807. 8. 292pp. (13009) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1821. 8. 318 pp. 9 pi. (32959) Cuthlll, Jumes. Practical instructions for the cultivation of the Potatoe . . . Also instructions on the manage- ment of asparagus, sea kale, rhubarb, etc. London, 1851. 12. 56 pp. 1 pi. (35965) The same. 5th ed. London, [1876]. 12. 36 pp. (37307) Cutler, Edward, K.C. A manual of Musical Copyright law. London. 1905. 8. 214pp. (32879) Cutlers' Company. History of the Company of Cutlers in Hallam- shire in the County of York. By R. E. Leader. Sheffield, 1905-06. 2 vols. fol. (31936) Cutter, Charles Ammi. Expansive classification. Part 1. The first six classifications. 1891-93. 160 pp. The seventh classification. Local List ; A. Generalia ; B. Philosophy (two schemes) to D. Ecclesiastical History ; E. Biography ; F. History ; G. Geography ; H.-K. Social Sciences ; L.-P. Natural Sciences ; Q. Medicine ; R. Useful Arts ; S. Engineering ; T. Machinery ; U-V. Recreative Arts ; W. Fine Arts ; X. Language ; Y. Literature ; Z. Book Arts. Boston, Mass. [189 -190 ]. 8. (26805) Not published : A. L. (except Lb.-Lg. Mathematics. Li Lz. Astronomy) O. P. Rules for a printed Dictionary Catalogue. 1876. 88 pp. See U.S. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Public libraries, etc., in the U.S. Part 2. 8. (17900) The same. 2nd ed. Ibid. Washington, 1889. 8. 140 pp. (35873) The same. 4th ed. Ibid. Washington, 1904. 8. 174 pp. (32623) Cutter Electrical and Manufacturing: Co., Philadelphia. See HERRICS, A. B. Modern Switchboards, etc. The Cutter Electrical, etc., Co. 1898. 4. (25414) Cutting:, R. C., &. Co. Lightning and Lightning Conductors . . . extracts from the Report of the Lightning Rod Conference. London, [1882 ?] 8. 32 pp. 4 pi. (35963) Cutts, Edward Lewes, Rev. An essay on Church Furniture and Decoration. London, 1854. 8. 144 pp. 10 pi. (36098) Cutts, Richard D. Report on Instruments of Precision, 1875. 14pp. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873., U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 2. 8. (17905) [OZYS Cuvior, Georges Leopold Chrdtien Fre'de'rio Dagobert de, Baron. Memoir of Cuvier [and] History of the works of Cnvier. By M. J. P. Flonrens. Trsl. C. A. Alexander. 1868. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report, 1868. pp. 121-165. B 13 8 : 847. Cycle and Motor Trader. Abstracts of British patents relating to Cycles, Motor Vehicles, and attachments and accessories. 1904. London, 1904. 2 vols. 4. (31386) Cycle Engineers' Institute. Proceedings. Vol. 1, etc. Birmingham, 1899, etc. 8. E 72 : 899. Publication: Annual. Title varied : " Automobile and Cycle Engineers' Institute," 1904 ; " Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engineers," 1905, etc. Imprint varied : London, 1906, etc. Cycle Monthly, or abridgments of U.S. patents for cycles with attachments. Vol. 1-7. Washington. 1892-98. 7 vols. in 5. 8. (11798) Editor : J. T. Allen. Title varied : " Cycle Patents Monthly," 1897-98. History: Supplement to Allen's "Digest of Cycles, ete.' r (24072) Cycle Patents Monthly. See CYCLE MONTHLY. 1897-98. 8. (11798) Cyclist (The), and Bicycling and Tricycling Trades Review. Vol. 5-9. London, 1884-88. E 72 : 884. Publication: Weekly. Exhibition Nos. Vol. 5-21. London, 1884-1900. 6 vols. 4. E 72: 884 a. Deficient: 1889-92. Czapek, K. W. Wolf-. See WOLF-CZAPEK, K. W. Czapskl, Siegfried, Ph.D. Gruudziige der Theorie der optischen Instru- mente nach Abbe. 2te Aufl . . . init Beitrageu von M. von Rohr. Hrsg. O. Eppenstein. Leipzig. 1904. 8. 496pp. (31090) Ueber die thermische Veranderlichkeit der elektromotorischen Kraft galvanischer Elemente und ibre Beziehung zar freien Energie derselben. (Dissertation.) Leipzig, 1884. 8. 40 pp. (29394) Czelia, Karl. Die experimentelle Untersuchung der Kommu- tations-Vorganee in Gleichstrommaschinen. (Dis- sertation). Stuttgart, 1903. 76 pp. 8. (30780) The same. See SAMMLUNO ELEKTROTECHN. VORTRAOE. Band 5. pp. 313-388. D 51: 896. Czihak, E. von. Sohlesischer Glaser . . . nebst einem beschrei- benden Katalog der Glasersammlung des Museums sehlesischer Altertiimer zu Breslau. Breslau, 1891. 8. 294pp. 4 pi. (35353) Czudnochowskl, Walther Biegon von. See BIEQON VON CZUDNOCHOWSKL Czyszkowskl, S. Les venues metallife'res de 1'Espagne, Portugal, Pyrenees, Corbieres, Montagne Noire, Manres, Corse, Sardaigne. Paris, 1897. 8. 436 pp. (17355) 34222 169 [DALC D. 1> * [i.e. A. N. Dezallier d' ' Argenville}. See SCHABOL, J. R. La pratique du jardiuage. R * [i.e. H. G. Duchesne']. Notice historique sur la vie et les onvrages de J. B. Porta, etc. Paris, An 9, [1801]. 8. 380pp. See PORTA, J. B. La magie naturelle, etc. Trad. H. G. D. Precede d'une Notice historique, etc. Par D * . 1816. Vol. I. fol. (31980) D., N. F. See FATIO DE DUILLIER, N. Dabney, John C. . The superior value of large, heavy Seed. By G. H. Hicks and J. C. D. 1896. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE : Year-book. 1896. pp. 305-322. J 29 : 849b. Dabovich, P. E. Nautisch-technisches Worterbueh der Marine. Hrsg. von der Redaction der " Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Seeweeens." Band i. Deutsch, Italienischj FranzBsisch und Englisch ; Italiemsch, Deutch, Fran- zosisch, und Englisch. 1883. Erganzung . . . bearbeitet von J. Ht-iuz. 1900. Vol. ii. English, French, German, and Italian ; French, English, German, and Italian. By E. von Normann-Friedenf els. Com- pleted by J. Heinz. Part 1., A-K., 1905. Pola, 1883, etc. 8. (5530) Dacre, Bartholomew, Rev. Testimonies in favor of Salt as a Manure, and a condiment for horse, cow, and sheep, with testi- monies of its vast importance in the arts, in manu- factures, and in the fisheries. Manchester, 1825. 8. 288 pp. (36544) Dacremont, Edouard. Electricit^. Pan's, 1898-99. 2 vols. 8. (26897) Daelen, R. M. Die Geblase fur den Bessemer-prozess. Preis- schrift, 1883. See VEREIN ZUR BEFSRDERUNG DES GEWERBPLEISSES : Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 62. pp. 173-186. pi. 12-19. B 67 P : Daft, Thos. Barnabas. (Biographical.) See WOODCROPT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Dag-g-ett, Ellsworth. The Russell process in its practical application and economic results. Compiled from Russell's Notes. Ex : " Trans, of the Amer. Inst. of Mining Engineers, 1888. 8. 134 pp. 2 pi. (25945) Dagruerre, Louis Jacques Mand. Historique et description des proce'de's du Daguer- r^otype et du Diorama. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1839. sm. 8 5 . 76pp. 7 pi. (27461) (Biographical.) See COLSON, R. M6moires originaux des crie. Tome 8. pp. 641-690 2 pi. B 28 : 750. 34222 Delalstre, J. R. - Encyclopedic de ITn^tSnieur, ou Dictionnaira des Fonts et Chansse"es. Paris, 1812. 3 vols. 8, and 4 atlas. (34684) Delalauae, , Abbe. See PARMENTIER, A. A., and others. Traits' . . . sur la culture des grains, etc. 1802. 2 vols. 8. (34339) Delamarohe, A. Elemente der unterseeischen Telegraphic. Mit Anhange : Die Kabellegungen im Mittelmeere. Nach dem Franzosischen von C. Viechelmann. Berlin, 1859. 8. 116 pp. 1 pi. (29395) Delamardelle, E., Baroness. The art of Fan-painting. Trsl. G. A. Bouvier. [With Lschertier, Barbe, & Co.'s price-list of Colours.] London, 1880. 2 pts. sm. 8. (30397) and G-oupil Fcsquet, F. A. A. Practical lessons in Painting on china, porce- lain, earthenware, faience, and enamel. Trsl. G. A. Bouvier. 5th ed. London, 1881. sm. 8. 88 pp. (32928) Delamarre, Achille. La Photographie panoramique. Paris, [1900]. urn. 8. 76 pp. (27341) Delamater, G. R. Washing and Coking tests of Coal at the Fuel- testing plant, Denver, Colo., July 1, 1907, to June 30, 1908. By A. W. Belden, G. R. D., etc. 1909. 54 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 368. G 30 : 883. Delamotte, F. G. The book of ornamental Alphabets, ancient and modern. 2nd ed. London, 1859. obi. 8. 54 11. 1 inset. (38070) The book of ornamental Alphabets, ancient and mediaeval. 12th ed. London, 1888. obi. 8. 54 pp. (26276) Examples of modern Alphabets, plain and orna- mental. 10th ed. London, 1888. obi. 8. 48 pp. (26277) Delamotte, Philip Henry, F.S.A. . On the various applications of Anastatic Print- ing and Papyrography. With illustrative examples. London, 1849. 8 . 24 pp. 16 pi. Imperfect. (31239) De la Rive, Augnste Arthur. Michael Faraday his life and works. Ex : " Bibliotheque Universelle, Oct. 25, 1867." See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : Reports. 1867. pp 227-245. B 13 8 : 847. Recberches sur la cause de 1'e'leetricite' voltai'que. Ex: "M6m. de la 8oc. de Physique, etc., de Geneve." Geneve, 1836. 4. 174 pp. (29446) Researches on the phenomena which characterize and accompany the propagation of electricity in highly rarefied elastic fluids. Ex : " Me'moires de la Soc. de Physique, etc., de Geneve." See SMITH- SONIAN INSTITUTION : Reports. 1863. pp. 169-192. B 13 8 : 847. (Appendix.) Eulogy ... By [J. B.] Dumas. 1874. Ibid. Reports. 1874. pp. 184-205. R 13 8 : 847. Delaroche, Philippe. Kmaux de Daraaaquine. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867 : Rapports dn Jury International. Clause 21. pp. 274-280. 8. (13828) 179 z2 DELA] Delarotblere, Joseph Auguste. See GREAU, J. Delarothiere, inventeur mecani- cienaTroyes. 1867. 8. (36729) Delarue. Tb^ophile. Du Papier de suretd et subsidiairement du papier-monnaie. Paris, 1849. 8. 94 pp. (35454) De la Rue, Warren, F.R.S., and nxiiller, H. W. On the length of the Spark from a Battery of 600, 1200, 1800, and 2400 rod-Chloride-of-silver cells, and some phenomena attending the discharge of 5640 cells. Ex: "Proc. Roy. Soc." 1876. pp. 167-170. 8. (29409) Dclasallc, A. See SENCIER, G-., and DELASALLE, A. Les auto- mobiles (Slectriques. 1901. 8. (27911) De la Tour, Henri Boy. See BOY DE LA TODB, H. Delannay, ('has. Eugene. Cours ele'mentaire d'Astronomie. (Bibliotheque Polytechnique.) Paris, 1853. 12. 630 pp. (30068) Cours e'le'mentaire de Mdcanique. 3e ed. (Ibid.) Paris, 1854. 8. 704 pp. (30069) Essay on the velocity of Light. Trsl. A. M. Mayer. 1864. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Reports. 1864. pp. 135-165. B 13 8:847. Delaunay, H. See ANNUAIRE INTERNATIONAL DBS Soci&rs SAVANTES. Par H. D. 1903, etc. A 065:903*. Les Socie'te's savantes de France. Notes et renseignements. Paris, 1902. 8. 418 pp. (29065) Delaunay, Nicolas. See TSCHEBYSCHEF, P. L. . . . Die Tsche- byschefschen Arbeiten in der Theorie der Gelenk- mechanismen, von N. D. 1900. 8. (27152) Delaunay, Belleville, and Co. See ADMIRALTY. Navy (Water tube boilers). Letter from Messrs. Delaunay, Belleville, and Co., commenting on the report of trials of H.M.S. "Hyacinth," etc. 1902. fol. (28707) Delaval, Edward Hussey, F.R.S. An experimental inquiry into the cause of the changes of Colours in opake and coloured bodies. London, 1777. 4. 76 + 138 pp. (33712) Delavau, E. F. Observations sur 1'appareil Vinificateur de Mile. Gervais, snivies de reflexions sur 1'opuscule de M. Gervais. Bordeaux, 1821. 8. 164pp. 1 pi. (35930) Delbruok, Jules. Bimbeloterte. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe39. pp. 527-538. 8. (13828) Delbruck, A., M.I). Hygiene des Alkoholismus. 1901. See WEYL, T. Handbuch der Hygiene. Supplement, Band 1. pp. 111-196. 8. (24547) Delbruok, Max. See BLATTER FUR GERSTEN-, HOPFEN-UND KARTOFFELBAU. Hrsg. M. D., etc. 1899-1901. 8. J 62 H : 899. SeeMAERCKER,M. H. Anleitung zum Brennerei- betrieb. 3te Aufl. von M. D., etc. 1904. sm. 8. (31529) See MAERCKEB, M. H. Handbuch der Spiritus- fabrikation. Aufl. 8, etc. Yon M. D. 1903, etc. [DELO Delbriick, Max cont. Brauerei-Lexikon. Berlin, 1909, etc. 8". (38507) In progress. Die Lage des Brennerei-Gewerbes. Die Yer- weudung des Spiritus zu technischen Zwecken : die Denaturirungspflicht. Berlin. 1901. 8. 16 pp. (27977) and Scbrobe, A. Hefe, Garung und Faulnis. Eine Sammlung der grundlegenden Arbeiten von Schwann, Cag- niard - Latour und Kiitzing, sowie von Auf satzeii zur Geschichte der Theorie der Garung, etc. Berlin, 1904. 8. 236 pp. 3 pi. (31499) Dele . . . . , Dup., pseud, [i.e. Jules Francois- Dupuis-Delcourt.] Du gaz Hydrogene et de son emploi dans le nouveau systeme d'eclairage. Paris, 1823. 8. 32 pp. (33573) Delepino. A. Sheridan, M.B. See MANCHESTER, (Univ.) Archives of the Public Health Laboratory. Ed. A. D. 1906, etc. H 21 : 906. Dele'pine, Marcel. Les Carbures me'talliques. Paris, 1904. 8. 180 pp. (31500) Delessard, Ernest. L'Industrie des Matieres Textiles a 1'Exposition Universelle de 1900. Paris, 1902. 228 pp. and folio atlas. 7 pi. 8. (28334) Delease, Achille Ernest Oscar Joseph. Mate'riaux de Construction. 1868. See PAEIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapport du Jury International. Classe 65. pp. 43-94. 8. (13828) Delbotel, E. Traite" de 1'^puration des Eaux naturelles et induatrielles. Paris, 1893. 8. 450 pp. (25674) De lisle, A. [Report on Weighing and Measuring Salt, with a sheet of diagrams, and a sketch of a weighing machine.] [Bombay, 1851.] 8. 32 pp. 4 p). (1750) Delllsae, V. See PAYEN, A. Conrs de Chimie appliquee. lere partie. He'd. Y. D., etc. 1847. 8 and fol. (33867) Delloye, Henri. Recherches sur la Calamine, le Zinc, et leurs divers emplois. Liege, 1810. 8. 110 pp. (34302) Del Mar, Alexander. A history of the precious Metals from the earliest times to the present. London, 1880. 8. 394 pp. (19078) - The same. 2nd ed. [With Appendix.] New York, 1902. 8. 510 pp. 1 pi. (28564) Delmart, Alfred, pseud, [i.e. Wilhelm Ziernf uss] . Die Stuck- und Kammgarn- Farberei. Reichen- berg, [1893, etc.]. 8. (30796) Lief. 1-13 [1893-1903]. Delom, G. See iNGfiNiEUR FRANQAIS, etc. Ed. A. S. Picard, G. D., etc. 1899-1903. C 43/899. Delon, Ciias. See DELON, F. C., and C. Exercices et travaux pour les enfants. 3e eU 1882. 8. (38215) Le Cuivre et le Bronze. 2e e"d. Paris, 1882. 16. 188 pp. 1 pi. (34301) 180 DELO] [DEMP Del on. Fanny ( '.. and C. Exercices et travaux pour les enfants selon la iin'ilin If et les precedes de Pestalozzi et Froebel. 3e ed. Paris, 1882. 8. 232 pp. 22 pi. (38215) Dolormois, . See LORMOIS, de. X>e Xioverdo, J. See LOVERDO, J. do. Delpoch, Augusta Louis Dominique. Du Secrdtage sans Mercuro den Peaux destinies an feutrage. Parti, 1872. 8. 16 pp. (34739) Belpeuch. . See SARTIAUX, B., and DELPEDCH, . Eclair- age eiectriqne. 1898. 8. (25483) Delpeuch, Maurice. . La Navigation sous-marine ii iravers les siecles. Paris, [1902]. 8. 460 pp. 1 pi. (28335) Dclthll, E., M.D. Dangers de 1'emploi de 1'Alun en contact avec le cuivre dans les preparations culinaires. L'Ahm agent de sophistication pour la boulangerie, etc. Paris, 1881. 8. 16 pp. (34303) Notice sur lea Tramways a air comprimf dits Cbemins de fer Nogentais et sur les regions qu'ils travergent. Vincennes, 1889. 8. 110 pp. 2 pi. (33283) Deltour, Em. . Le Sucre comme aliment de premier ordre. Suivi d'une Note sur les experiences faites par D. Demade. Bruxelles, 1904. 8. 62 pp. (30536) Delvaxix de Fenffe, A., Mining engineer. Notice sur la Fahrknnst de M. Hanrez, suivie de qaelqnes considerations sur 1'emploi des Man Engines en Angleterre. Ex : " Revue Universelle," 1859. Paris. 8. 48pp. 5 pi. (37309) Delvigrne, Henri Gustavo. Societe du Porte-amarre de sauvetage. [French Patent, No. 2772, Jan. 23, 1847.] [Paris, 1848.] am. 8. 16 pp. (35923) Demachy, Robert, and Puyo, C. lies proced^s d'art en Photographic. Paris, 1906. 4. 146pp. 42 pi. (33171) Demade, . See DELTOUR, E. Le sucre comme aliment de premier ordre. Suivi d'une Note sur les experiences faites par Dr. D. 1904. 8. (30536) De Man, Alphonse. See AMERICAN FIREPROOFING, etc. Co. The De Man system of fireproof construction. [1901.] sm. 8. (28717) Demandre, Claude Francois, Abbe. Observations . . . pour servir d'introdnction a la connoissance de 1'application de sa nouvelle machine a tous les objets les plus essentiels de la raecanique, avec les demonstrations qui prouvent la verit<5 des effets qui en resultent. Rome, 1788. 8. 60 pp. (36265) Osservazioni . . . per servire d'introduzione al conoscimento dell' applicazione della nuova sua macchina a tutti li oggetti piii essenziali della mec- canica, coll'aagiunta delle dimostrazioni, che pro- vanoi la verita, e certezza de' stupendi effeti prodotti col mezzo della suddetta macchina. Roma,, 1788. sm. 8. 68 pp. (36264) Demandres, C. F. See DEMANDRE, 0. F. Demanet, A. Dufrane. See DOFRANE-DEMANET, A. Demanot, Chas. Traite d'exploitation des Mines de Houille. 2e ed., par A. Duf rane-Demanet. Bruxelles. 1898-99. 3 vols. 8. (25377) Demarquay, Jean Nicolas, .'/./'. Aopareils et ouvrages de Gymnastique. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867 : Rapports du Jury International. Classe 11. pp. 339-362. 8. (13828) Essay on Medical Pneumatology : a physiological, clinical, and therapeutic investigation of the gases. Trsl. d. 8. Wallian. Philadelphia, 1889. 8. 316pp. (36545) Demarteau, J. G. J., Capt. Note sur une nouvelle manoeuvre pour Pont- levie a bascule en dessons. Anvers, 1853. 8. 16 pp. 2 pi. (38294) Notice sur un nouveau systeme de mecanisme pour Latrine inodore. Anvers, 1855. 8. 6 pp. 1 pi. (38296) Notice snr une nouvelle machine a confectionner le Mortier. Anvers, 1854. 8. 8 pp. 1 pi. (38295) Projet de Camp baraqut?. Anven, [1848]. 8^ 14 pp. 9 pi. (38293) Demenpre, Emile. Sur ('utilization des Gaz de Haut-fonrneau dans les machines. 1900. See SOCIBTE INDUSTR. DE L'EST : Bulletin. Fasc. unique. 1899-1900. pp. 123-156. 2 pi. B 77 : Es. Demengreot, Chas. Dictionnaire du Cbiffre-Monogramme dans lea Styles Moyen-age, et Renaissance, et Conronnes Nobiliaires Universelles. Pan's, 1881. fol. 122 pp, 31 pi. (27141) Demeny, Georges. Snr la Chronophotographie. 1892. See CON- SERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 2e Serie. Tome 4. pp. 131-160. B 76 C : De Morgan, Augustus. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. An explanation of the gnomonio projection of the sphere. By A. De M. 1836. 8. (33108) The Globes, celestial and terrestrial. London, 1847. 8. 162pp. (33109) Demoulin, Maurice. Las Paquebots a grande vitesse et les navires a vapeur. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris, 1887. sm. 8. 286 pp. (36795) Traite pratique de la Machine Locomotive. Introd. par E. Sauvage. Paris, 1898. 4 vols. 8. (17883) Demportea, J. B. Dupuy. See DUPUY DEMPORTES, J. B. Dempsey, Geo. Drysdale. Railways. 1845-47. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Papers. Vols. 7-9. F 90 : 844. Railways. Papers on the mechanical and engi- neering operations and structure* combined in the making of a railway. Ex : " Papers ... of the Corps of Roy. Engineers." Vol. 7. London, 1846. 4. 140pp. 27 pi. (28045) A rudimentary treatise on the Locomotive Engine. 2nd ed. (Wealf't Series.) London, 1856. 12. 156 pp. 1 pi. 14 pi. 4. (2915) The same. With additions . . . by D. K. Clark. (Ibid.) London, 1879. 12. 252 pp. (3G796) 181 DEMP] Dempsey, W. Description of the Saw mills and machinery for raising timber in Chatham Dockyard. 1843. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Papers. Vol.6, pp. 148- 162. 11 pi. F 90: 844. Dempster, Iloury. The "Problem" ; its origin and development, with a brief sketch of the life of the inventor, etc. Glasgow, 1843. 8. 84pp. (32310) Demuth, Theobald. 1 Meehanisohe Technologie der Metalle und des Holzes. Wien, 1907. 8. 380pp. 9 pi. (33888) Denayrouse, Auguste. Note sur 1'appareil plongeur Bouquayrol a air comprim^ et sur son emploi dang la marine. Paris, [18155]. 8. 80pp. (34523) The same. 2e e"d. Paris, [18661. 8. 88 pp. (345*0) Rapport de la Commission assemble a bord de la frigate " La Themis " pour experimenter 1'appareil plongeur Rouquayrol a air comprime'. Paris, 1865. 8. 8 pp. (34603) Rapport de la Commission charged d'e'xpe'ri- menter 1'appareil plongenr Rouquayrol a air corn- prim^ a bord de la frigate cuirasse'e "La Gloire." Paris, 1865. 8. 10 pp. (34602) Denayrouze, A. See DENAYKOUSE, A. Denayrouze, Louis. Lampe Clamond a incandescence par le gaz. Pans, 1882. 8. 8 pp. 1 pi. (34863) Denfer, J. Fumisterie, Chauffage et Ventilation. (Enoyel. des travaux publics.) Paris, 1896. 8. 726 pp. (25647) Denham. E. B. See CEYLON : Rubber Exhibition, 1906. Rubber in the East. Ed. ... E. B. D., etc. 1906. 8. (34997) Denises, G. Les Sels Mercuriques comme r^actifs en chimie organique. [Conference.] 1902. 20 pp. See SOCIETY CHIMIQ0E DE PARIS. Bulletin. 3e Se"rie. Tome 28. Travaux Strangers [at end], 8. K : 858. Deniker, Joseph. - Bibliographic des Travanx Scientiflques (Sciences mathc'matiqucs, physiques et naturelles), publiee par les Societ^s savantes de la France. Tome 1. Livr. 1-2. (All publ.) Paris, 1895-97. 4. 400 pp. (24655) Denll, G. Surmounting of great ascents. By H. Genard and G. D. 1902. 24 pp. 3 pi. See ' CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 1. Question 1. [2.] F 43 : 888. Doninsrer, Carl Franz. Leder- nnd Kautschuk- Industrie. 1874. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amthcher-Bericht. Band 1. pp. 349-400. 8. (17109) Denis, M. Lecomte-. See LECOMTE-DENIS, M. [DENT Denlson, Sir Wm. Thos. Description of the machinery in operation at the Royal Arsenal for the manufacture of Leaden Bullets by compression. 1842. See ROY. EN- GINEERS, Corps of. Papers. Vol. 5. pp. 219-223. 2 pi. F 90: 844. Denlaon University : Scientific Laboratories. Bulletin. Vol. 1, etc. Granville, Ohio, 1883, etc. 8. B13D: Denizet, F. Description du re"seau des Tramways Eleetriques de Marseille. 1902. See ANNALES DES FONTS ET CHAUSSEES. Me"moirea. 8e S^rie. Anne's 2. pp. 2-31. 5 pi. E 20 : 831. Denman, James Lemoine. What is Wine ? London, 1874. 8. 48 pp. (37349) Wine and its counterfeits. London, 1876. sm. 8. 68pp. (33033) Denmark i Patentlcommissionen. Oversigt over Patentkommissionens Virksombed i Tidsrummet fra 1, Juli, 1894 til 31, December, 1904, etc. Kjobenhavn, 1905, etc. 8. In progress. (13588) Denning 1 , David. Polishes and Stains for Woods : how to use and prepare them. London, [18951. sm. 8. 70 pp. (12815) Dennis, Louis Munroe. See HEMPEL, W. Methods of gas analysis. From the German, by L. M. D. 1892, etc. Dennstedt, Max Eugen Hermann. ^ Die Entwickeluug der organischen Elementar- Analyse. 1889. See SAMMLUNG CHEMISCHER UND CHEMISCH-TECHNISCHER VORTRAGE. Band 4. pp. 1-114. K 1 : 896. Denny, Geo. A. Diamond drilling for Gold and other minerals. London, 1900. 8. 168 pp. 1 pi. (27290) Denny, Wm. On Cooking and Heating by gas. Paper read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Dumbarton. 1881. 8. 28pp. 13 pi. (30474) On the speed and carrying of Screw Steamers. ("Papers of the Greenock Phil. Soc." No. 6.) Greenock, 1882. 8. 36 pp. 11 pi. (36586) Denoel, Lncien. - See WATTEYNE, V., and DENOEL, L. Les acci- dents survenus dans les chemiut'es d'exploitation. 1899. 8. (26935) Denoye's, J. Les Courants de haute frequence, proprie'te's physiques, physiologiques et thau und Betriebsmittel der schmalspurigen Industrie- und Feldbahnen. 1888. Ibid. Verhind- lungen. Band 67. pp. 337-405. B 67 P : 189 DIET] [DINE Dietrich, Max. See LEPS, W. Die Wasserrohrkessel der Kriegs- und Handels-Marine. Fortgesetzt, etc., von M D [1903-]1904. 8. (30114) Die Dampf turbine von Zoelly. 3te Aufl. Rostock. 1905. 8. 24 pp. 1 pi. (31092) Die gebrauchlichsten Dampf turbinen - Systeme fur Land- und Schiffszwecke nach Konstruktion und Wirkungsweise. Rostock i. M.. 1906. 8. 320 pp. (32027) Der moderne Dampfkessel der Kriegs- und HandelsschiSe, seine Konstruktion, Wirkungsweise, Behandlung und Bedienung. Rostock i. M., 1908. 8. 510 pp. 1 pi. (37193) Dietrich, Th. See JAHRESBERICHT . . . DEB AGRICULTUR- CHEMIE. Hrsg. A. Hilger und T. D., 1890-97 ; T. D., 1904, etc. J 1 : 858. Dletz, Rudolf. Das Porzellan. 1907. 102 pp. See MONO- GRAPHIEN tiBEB CHEMISCH-TECHNISCHE FABRIKA- TIONSMETHODEN. Band 4. K 30 : 906. Steinzeug, Steingut, Topferwaren. 1907. 114pp. Ibid. Band" 9. K 30: 906. and others. Ueber die Loslickkeit einiger Salze in Wasser. 1900. See PHYSIKAL. TECHN. BEICHSANSTALT : Abhandlnngen. Band 3. pp. 425-477. E 5/894. Dletz, Wilhelm. Bewegliche Brucken. 1907. 312 pp. 3 pi. See HANDBUCH der Ingenieurwissenschafteu. 3te Aufl. Band 2. Abt. 4. 8. (27558) Dletzschold, Curt. See GROSCH, H., and others. Praktisches Hand- bnch f iir Uhrmacher. 2te Aufl. 1907. 8. (33117) Abriss der Getriebelehre mit bes. Anwendung auf die Uhrmacherei und Feinmechanik. (Uhr- macher - BiUiothek.) Krems a. Donau, 1905. 8. 234 pp. 1 pi. (32110) Die Hemmungen der Ubren, ibre Entwicklung, Konstruktion, Reparatur und Behandlung vor der Reglage, etc. [Ibid ] Krems a. Donau. 1905. 8. 244 pp. (32111) Dieuclonne, C. Memoire sur la fabrication du Coke a Forbach et Hirschbach. Ex : " Annales des mines." Tome 15. 1859. Paris, 1860. 8. 68 pp. 6 pi. (34161) Different. The different modes of use, and exercises of Rockets, both for bombardment and in the field. [By Sir W. Congreve?] London, J. Whiting, 1808. 4. 16pp. 4 pi. (34115) The same. 2nd ed. [By Sir W. Congreve.] London, J. Whiting, 1810. 4 . 20 pp. 4 pi. (34146) Dlfficlles Nug-se. Difficiles Nug : or, observations touching the Torricellian experiment . . . especially touching the weight and elasticity of the air. [By Sir M. Hale.] London, W. Shrewsbury, 1674. 12. 318 pp. 2 pi. (37326) Dlgrby, Sir Kenelm. Of Bodies, and of Man's Soul, to discover the immortality of reasonable souls. With two dis- courses : Of the powder of sympathy, and of the vegetation of plants. London, 1669. 2 pts. 4 (19361) Dig-by, Sir Kenelm cont. A choice collection of rare Chymical Secrets and experiments in philosophy. As also rare and un- heard-of medicines, menstruums, and alkahests ; with the true secret of volatilizing the fixt salt of tartar. Published ... by G. Hartman. [In two parts.] London, 1682. sm. 8. 286 pp. 2 pi. (28229) Dlgrest of Physical Tests and Laboratory Practice (The). Vol. 1-3. Philadelphia, F. A. Riehle, 1896-98. 3 volx. 8. E 5 : 896. Publication : Quarterly. Editor : J. W. Bramwell, 1897-98. Dublin, [1904]. sm. 8. Digreres, J. G., Rev. The Irish Bee guide. 228 pp. 21 pi. (38162) Dlgronnet, Felix. L'lnventioa de 1' Aerostation a Avignon en 1782, et les premieres ascensions dane cette viile. Avignon, 1906. 8. 48pp. 6 pi. (32434) Dijon. See ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, etc. DE DIJON. Dlllaye, Fre*de~ric. Le DeVeloppement en Photographic aveo le froc^de au G61atino-bromure d'Argent. Paris, 1899?] 8. 430pp. Ipl. (26108) Diller, Joseph Silas. The educational series of Rock specimens col- lected and distributed by the United States Geo- logical Survey. 1898. 400 pp. 47 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL .SURVEY. Bulletin 150. G 30 : 883. Geology of the Taylorsville Region, California. 1908. pp.128. 5 pi. Imap. Ibid. Bulletin 353. G 30 : 883. A late Volcanic Eruption in Northern Carolina and its peculiar lava. 1891. 34 pp. 17 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 79. G30 : 883. Diller, Leopold. See LAUER, J. Anleitnng fur die rationelle Verwendung der patentirten Diller'schen Nitro- glycerinpnlver, etc. 1875. sm. 8. (37560) Dlllmont, Thi'rese de. Album de Broderies au point de croix. S^rie 1-2. [Mulhouse, 1885.] 2 pts. 4. (36960) Le Tricot. 2e Serie. Dornach, [18971. 4. 44 pp. 10 pi. (36194) Dillon, John Talbot. See PROU DE MONROY, . Foreign agriculture . . . Selected from . . . the French, with notes, by J. T. D. 1796. 8. (32787) Dllschneider, ., and Vionnois, . Notice sur le Char-e'boueur de 1'invention de M. Chardot. Ex : " Annales des Fonts et Chaussees," 1852. Paris, 1853. 8. 12 pp. 1 pi. (34162) Dimmlck, Chas. The Potato disease and its prevention. London, [1874]. 8. 36pp. (33713) Dlndurra, Enrique Perez. Marcas de Fabrica y de Comercio. Recopilacion de las disposiciones vigentes en la Peninsula y Ultramar. Madrid, 1892. sm. 8. 218pp. (28062) Dines, Wm. Henry. See METEOROLOGICAL COUNCIL. Report . . . upon an inquiry into the relation between the estimates of wind-force, etc. [With] Notes by . . . W. H. D. etc. 1906. 4*. (32367) 190 DING] [DOAN Dlngrlingrer, O., and Guillcry. C. Motorwagen und leichte Lokomotiven. 1908. . See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbach des Eisenbabn- maschinenwesens. Band 1. pp. 404-4G4. 8. (38111) Dinnoon. Patrick 8. An Irish-English Dictionary. Dublin, 1904. am. 8. 820 pp. (31340) Diogenes. Life in a tub ; with a description of the Turkish Bath. 3rd ed. Dublin, W. M'Gee and Co., 1858. 8. 50pp. (29167) Diol6, Fernand. Les matieres premieres employees dans la Pein- ture en Bdtiment . . . suivie d'une tude p und seine Anwendnng. 2te Aull. Braunschweig, 1882-98. 2 vols. 8. (28737) Dircks, Henry. . A biographical Memoir of Samuel Hartlib . . . with bibliographical notices of works published by him ; and a reprint of hia pamphlet entitled " An invention of Engines of Motion." London, [1865]. BUI. 8. 134 pp. (3277) Directions. Directions for preparing Manure from Peat. Instructions for Foresters. [By Allan Maconochie, Lord Meadowbank?]. Edinburgh, A. Constable & Co., 1815. 8. 98pp. (34413) Dlrlchlet, G. Lejeune. See LEJEUNE-DIRICHLET. Dirks, Henry B. . Tests of high-speed Tool Steels on cast iron. By L. P. Brechenridge and H. B. D. 1905. 54 pp. 1 pi. See ILLINOIS (Unit) : Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 2. E 12 : 904. Disclosure. A disclosure of the apparatus for making the new Tablet Shoe of expansion. 2nd ed. [By B. Clark.] [Letters Patent No. 2923 of 1806.] [London, 1836.] 4. 12pp. 6 pi. (36915) Discovery. Vol. 1-2. London, 1891-92. 2 vols. 4. 040:891. Publication : Vol. 1, monthly ; Vol. 2, weekly. Dlsdier, Francois-Michel, Surgeon. Traite" des Bandages. Paris, 1748. am. 8. 138 pp. (36034) ' Dissertation. A Dissertation on the nature of Soils, and the properties of Manure. London, J. Ridgway, 1828. 8. 148pp. (35811) Distribution. Distribution a domicile do 1'Air Comprime' comme force motrice dans Paris. Projet [par MM. Bier, fils et Cie.] Paris, A Chaix & Cie, 1867. 8. 72pp. (34524) Dlttnar, Rudolf. See ZEITSCHRIFT FOR CBEMIE, etc., DER KOL- LOIDE. HreK. 11. D. 1906, etc. sm. 4. K 5 : 906. Die Analyse des Kautschnks, der Guttapercha, Bilata Mini ihre Zusatze, mit Einsobluss Her Chemie der genannten Stoffe. Wien, [19081. 8. 296 pp. 4 pi. (37077) Der pyrogene Zerfall des Kantschuks. Ex : " Gnmmi-Ze.tung." Dresden. 1904. sm. 8. 42 pp. (31575) Ditto, Alfred, Prof, in Paris. Etude ge'ne'rale des Sel. Paris, 1906. 2 vols. 8. (32385) Introduction a 1'dfcude des Me'taux. Paris, 1902. 8. 490 pp. (28493) Metals in the Atmosphere. 1904. Ex : " Revue Scientiflque." Dec. 3, 1904. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Reports. 1904. pp. 235-247. B 13 S : 847. Trait-; e'le'mentaire d'analyse qualitative des matiereH mine'rales. Paris, 1879. 8. 388 pp. 3 pi. (11095) The same. 2e e"d. Paris, 1893. 8. 412 pp. 3 pi. (25689) Dlttenberg-er, W. Ueber die Ausdehnucg von Eisen, Kupfer, Aluminium. Messing, nnd Broaze in hoher Tem- peratur. 1903. See VEREIN DEUT. INQENIEURE : Mittheiluagen a. d. G. des Ingunieurweiens. Heft 9. pp. 60-69. E 13/857 b. \Varmedurchganst duroh Heizflachen. Von L. Flo) born und W. D. 1911. Ibid. Heft 2. pp. 56-65. E 13/857b. Dlttmar, Wm., Prof, in Glasgow. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Mangauoxyde. Ex : " Zeitschrift fur Chemie und Pharmacie," 1864. pp. 449-459. 8. (29889) Dittmor, R. See DEUTSCHBR SEEFISCHESEI- VEREIN. Ret- tungs-und Hiilfsmittel in Seenot, etc. Von R. D. 2teAufl. 1903. sm. 8. (30205) Dltton, Humphry. The new law of Fluids ; or, a discourse concern- ing the ascent of liquors, in exact geometrical figures, between two nearly contiguous surfaces. Added, The true state of the case about matter's thinking. London, [1713-]1714. 2 pts. sm. 8. (33034) Diz, Thos. A treatise on Land-surrey ing. 7th ed., by S. Maynard. London, 1841. 8. 268 pp. 1 pi. (38002) Dlxon, Hugh Neville. The Students' handbook of British Mosses. With illustrations, and keys to the genera and species, by H. G. Jameson. Eastbourne, 1896. 8. 566pp. 60 pi. (25938) Dlzon, Russell. See QUEENSLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: Reports. Index . . . Nos. 1-134. ByR.D. 1901. G26Q: Do, G. Ventilation de Chauffage des nouvelles Casernes a I'e'preuve. 1904. See REVCE DU GENIE MILI- TAIEE. Tome 28. pp. 379-418. F 94 : 803a. Doan, Martha. Index to the literature of Thallium, 1861-1896. 1899. See SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLLECTIONS. Vol.41, pp. 1-26. B 13 S : 862. 191 DOAN] [DOEL , of waste lands in 8. 204 pp. 8 pi. Doane, C. F. The Milk supply of twenty-nine southern cities. 1905. 40 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 70. J 29 An : a. and Xiawson, H. W. Varieties of Cheese : descriptions and analyses. 1908. 72 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 105. J 29 An : a. Doat, Taxile. Grand feu Ceramics. A practical treatise on the making of fine porcelain and grei. From the French by J. E. Robineaa. With notes on the use of American clays for porcelain and gres, by C. F. Binns. Syracuse, New York, 1905. 8. 208 pp. 1 pi. (31963) Dobell, Horace, M.I). On Diet and regimen in sickness and health. 5th ed. London, 1872. sm. 8. 208 pp. (37556) Dobrotyn-Dowkontt, A. M. de. Chemine"es caloriferes. Saint- Affrique, 1858. 8. 38 pp. (34200) Dobson, Sir Benjamin Alfred. Humidity in Cotton spinning. Revised, etc., by W. W. Midgley. Manchester, [1901]. 4. 152 pp. Ipl. (27873) Dobson, Edward, C.E. Pioneer Engineering . . new countries. London, 1877. (32929) Dobson, Matthew, M.I). A Medical commentary on Fixed Air. 3rd ed., with Appendix ... by W. Falconer. London, 1787. 2 voK in one. 8. (36880) Dobson, Samuel. Report on experiments made on board the "Isabella Croll," at Cardiff, Dec., 1858, for the purpose of ascertaining the comparative economic value, etc., for marine purposes, of the Steam Coals of Aberdare . . . and of Hartley. London, 1859. 8. 20pp. 2 pi. (32788) Dod, F. Wolley. Railways. 4th td. 1903. 154 pp. 20 pi. See THOMASON C.E. COLLEGE. Roorkee treatise on civil engineering. Sect. 9. 8. (31863) Dodd, George. See NOVELTIES. Novelties, Inventions, and Curi- osities in the arts and sciences. [By G. D.] 5th ed. 1858. 12. (15823) British manufactures. London, 1844-51. 6 vols. in three, sm. 8. (29171) The Cariosities of Industry. Calculating and Registering machines. (Routledge's Series of Treatises. No. 4.) London, 1853. 8. 28pp. (37928) -= The Food of London. London, 1856. 8. 536 pp. (31947) Railways, Steamers, and Telegraphs . . . their recent progress and present state. London, 1857. sm. 8. 332pp. 5 pi. (34816) Dodd, John, of Liverpool. Sewer gas and its effects . . . with special reference to the construction and ventilation of water-closets. [Letters Patent No. 2801 of 1875.] Liverpool, 1876. 8. 20 pp. 3 insets. (33460) Dodds, A. P. Treatise on [Flag] Signalling ... by a Young Soldier [A. P. D.] London, 1886. sm. 8. 16 pp. (18369) Dodds, Isaac. See HANN, J., and DODDS, I. Mechanics for praciical men. 1833. 8. (28035) Dodgre, Chas. Richards. A descriptive catalogue of useful Fiber Plants of the world, including thn structural an^ economic classification of fibers. 1897. 362pp. 13 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Fiber investigations. Report 9. J 29 Fi : Facts concerning Ramie. 1894. Ibid. Year- book, 1894. pp. 443-460. 2 pi. J29:849b. The same. Washington, 1895. 8. (26225) Flax for seed and Fiber in the United States. 1895. 16 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 27. J 29 Fa : Hemp culture. 1895. Ibid. Year-book, 1895. pp. 215-222. J29:849b. The present status of Flat culture in the United States. 1897. Ibid. Year-book, 1897. pp. 471- 486. J 29 : 849 b. Report on Flax culture for seed and Fiber in Europe and America. 1898. 80 pp. 4 pi. Ibid, Fiber Investigations. Report 10. J 29 Fi : Report on the culture of Hemp in Europe. 1898. 30 pp. Ibid. Fiber Investigations. Report 11. J 29 Fi : Report on the culture of Hemp and Jute in the United States, with statements concerning the practice in foreign countries, the preparation of the fiber for market, and remarks on the Machine question. 1896. 44pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Fiber Investi- gations. Report 8. J 29 Fi : A report on the cultivation of Ramie in the United State?, with statements concerning the practice in foreign countries, cost of cultivation, the machine question, and preparation of the fiber for manufacture. 1895. 64 pp. 4 j>l. Ibid. Fiber Investigations. Report 7. J 29 Fi : Dodgre, J. R. Report on Sheep and Wool. 1876. 56 pp. 11 pi. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol.1. 8. (17905) Dodgre, L. G. Cropping systems for New England Dairy farms. 1908. 24 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 337. J 29 Fa : Dodgre, Martin. Steel-track Wagon roads. 1898. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1898. pp. 291- 296. 3 pi. J29:849b. Dodgre, N. S. Memoir of Sir J. F. W. Herschel. 1871. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Reports. 1871. 109-135. B 13 S : 847. See PP. Doebner, Oscar. Organische Sauren. Von R. Biedermann und O. D. 1873. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher-Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 1. Hiilfte 2. pp. 403-464. 1877. 8. (17109) Doelter. C. See DOELTER Y CISTEBICH, C. A. 192 DOEL] Doelter y Cistorich, Cornelio August. See, OTTO, C. Vorbesserung der Gasfeuerungen etc. 2te Au. I. mit einom erganzenden Beitrage tiber Korund, von C. [A.] D. 1893. 8. (32865) Petrogenesis. (" Die Wissemchaft." ) Br. Some common Disinfectants. 1908. 12 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 345. J 29 Fa : Experiments concerning Tuberculosw. Part 1. The virulence of human and bovine tubercle bacilli for guinea pigs and rabbits. ByM. D. 1904. 30pp. 5 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 52. Pt. 1. J 29 An : a 34222 Dorset, Marion, M.D., and others. The etioloey of Host cholera. 1905. 102 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 72. J 29 An : a. Further experiments concerning the production of immunity from Hog cholera. 1908. 96 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 102. J29An:a. Dorsett, P. H. Spot diseases of the Violet. 1900. 8. 16 pp. 7 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Vegetable Pathology. Bulletin 23. 8. J 29 V : Dorsoy, Clarence W. Alkali Soils of the United States. A review of literature, etc. 1906. 196 pp. S'.e U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 35. J29S: Reclamation of alkili soil". 1906. 30 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 34. J 29 S : Dorveaux, Paul. Catalogue des Theses de Pharmacie soutenues en province . . . (1803-1894), suivi d'nn Ap- pendice au "Catalogue det theses soutenues devant 1'KcoIe de Pharmacie de Paris." Paris, 1894. 8. 118 pp. 1 pi. (31501) 1 Catalogue des Thfe-es sonfceuues devant 1'Eoole de Pharmacia de Paris, 1815-1889. Paris, 1891. 8. 82pp. Ipl. (31664) Doeoh, L. Die Orgel der Neuzeit, mit besond. Beruck- sicht. der Seraphon- nnd Labialzungen-Regisser. Leipzig, 1908. 8. 64 pp. (36334) Dosquet, Wilhelm. Die Fabrikation von Fleischkonserven. Ex : "Deut. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir offend. Gesund- heitspflege," Band 39. Braunschweig, 1908. 8". 44 pp. (36335) Dossie, Robert. See ELABORATORY. The elaboratory laid open. [By R. D.] 1758. 8. (25872) See HANDMAID. The Handmaid to the arts. [By R. D.] 1758, etc. Purification of Fi hone Drucke aus Pulvern hergestellt sind. 1902. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDEKUNG DES GEWERB- FLEI8SES. Verhandlungen. Band 81. pp. 325-338. 4. B67P: Drewry, Chas. Stewart. A memoir on Suspension bridges. London. 1832. 8. 224pp. 7 pi. (30989) Drewry, Thos. Propellers. 1890. 32 pp. 1 pi. See INSTITUTE OP MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. 22nd Paper. F 81 : 889. Drlebergr, Freclric de. See KOREFF, D. F. Reflexions sur la nouvelle machine a plonger, appoh'o " Triton." invent^e par F. deD. 1811. 4. (34562) Me'moire sur uae nouvelle machine a plonger, appelee " Triton." Prece^ de qnelques notions historiques sur co sujet. Par>, 1811. 4. 28 pp. 3 pi. (34525) 197 DRIB] [DUBI Drleu, A. F. Le guide du Pontonnier. militaires. Paris, 1820. 8. M6moire sur les ponts 280pp. 5 pi. (35191) Drion, Cliaa. Alexandre. See LOIR, A., and DRION, C. Notice sur un calorifere-ventilatenr propose . . . par M. Leras. Kapporc ... par A. Loir et C. [A.] D. ] 861. 8. (33609) and Fernet, 6. Trait^ de Physique 616mentaire. 2e e'd. Paris, 1861. 12. 884 pp. (34062) Droegre, J. Alb. - Yards and Terminals and their operation. New York, 1906. 8. 286 pp. 4 pi. (34632) Drb'sse, Hermann. Die chemisoh-trockene Reinigting. 2te Aufl. See ABEL, L. Die chemisoh-trookene Reinigung von Kleidungsstucken. [2te Aufl. von Drosse : Die Chemisch - trotkene Rainigung.l [1897.1 8. (13204) Droinot, F. Velociinetre Droinet, instrument propre a mesurer le sillage des navires et la vitesse des cnurants d'eau et d'air. [French Patent, No. 15,218, 24 Dec., 1852.] Havre, [1856]. 8. 28pp. (38297) Droit (Le) d'Auteur. Aim.V 14, etc. Berne, 1901, etc. 4. Billy: 901. Publication : Monthly. Indexes: 1888-1900. [1903.] History : Organ of the Bureau de 1'Union Internal, pour la protection des oeuvres litte'raires. etc. Dron, Robert W., M.E. The Coal-fields of Scotland. London, 1902. 8. 374pp. 16 pi. (28927) Droosr, Emile de. Contribution & IMtude de la localisation micro- cbimique des Alciloides dans la famille des Orchi- dacees. 1896. 30 pp. 1 pi. See ACAD. ROY. DE BELGIQUE. Me~m. in 8. Vol. 55. B 22 : 840. Droplach, Bernhard. Holzstoff und Holzcellulose, ihre Herstellung und Verarbeitung fur die Zwecke der Papierfabri- kation. Weimar, 1879. 8. 94 pp. (37023) Droth, A. Zabnrader. Hrsg. von der Redaktioa des Uhlandschen Zeitsohriften. Text bearbeitet von A. D. Leipzig, 1909 [1908]. 8. 52 pp. 16 pi. (37214) Drown, Thos. Messinger, H.D. On the amount and character of organic matter in Soils and its bearing on the Storage of Water in reservoirs. [1894.] See MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. 25th Report. [1892-93.] pp. 385- 398. H23M: The interpretation of Water analyses. [1893.] Ibid. 24th Report. [1891-92.] pp. 319-330. H23M: Drucker, K., Ph.D. Die Anomalie der starken Elektrolyte. 1905. See SAMMLUNO CHEMISCHER UND CHEMISCHTECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 10. pp. 1-66. K 1 : 896 Drude, Paul Karl Ludwig. Lehrbuch der Optik. Leipzig. 1900. 8. 512 pp. (27074) Physik des Aethers auf elektromagnetischer Grundlage. Stuttgart, 1894. 8. 608 pp. (29461) Drude, Paul Karl Ludwig cont. The Theory of Optics. From the German by C. R. Mann and R. A. Millikan. London, 1902. 8. 568 pp. (28426) Drummond, James. The art of Agriculture, established on true principles. New ed., with an engraving of a new sowing machine. Edinburgh, 1852. 8. 54 pp. (32789) Drummond, Wra., of Hawlhornden. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Drummond. W., <&. Sons. See DRUMMOND'S AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM. J 6 : 833. Report of the exhibition of agricultural pro- ductions, etc. 1832-33. With communications on . . . wedge and tile draining ; thorough drainage and deep ploughing ; bones as a manure ; the im- provement of agricultural plants. Stirling, 1833. 8. 78 pp. (32826) Drummond's Agricultural Museum, Stirl- ing. Report 3. 1833-34. Stirling, 1835. 8\ J 6 : 833. Drury, W. D. See WRIGHT, S. T. Fruit-culture for amateurs. With Appeodix on insect and other pests injurious to fruit trees. By W. D. D. 1897. sra. 8. (26058) Dry. Dry Batteries: how to make and use them. By a Dry Battery Expert. With notes, etc., by A. H. Schneider. New York, 1904. sm.8. 60pp. (31114) Dryden, James. Syllabus of illustrated lecture on the production and marketing of Eggs and Fowls. 1909. 20 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Farmers' Inst. Lectures 10. J 29 Fa I : Dryden, M. Alice. See PALLISER, Mrs. B. History of lace. [4th ed.] revised by M. Jourdain and A. D. 1902. 8. Q28267) Dubard, Marcel, and Eberharclt, P. Le Kicin, botanique, culture, industrie et com- merce. (Bibliotheque d' Agriculture Coloniale.) Pant. 1902. 8. 88pp. (28627) Dub<, Paul, M.D. De mineralium natura in universum, ubi prsa- sertim de .aqua minerali fontis Escarleiarum vulgo des Escharlis prop6 Montargiu, cuius vires in usura medicum expenduntnr. Parisiis. 1649. sin. 8. 142 pp. (36195) Dubern, H. A. De 1'application de 1'Air atmospherique aux Chemins de fer. Resume des opinions des inge'- nieurs franfais et anglais sur les chemins de fer atmospheriques. Paris, 1846. 8. 98 pp. (33284) Dublau, Paul. See FONTAINE, H. Note ... sur 1'e'mulseur de vapeur (systeme Dubiau). 1895. 8. (37417) Dublef, L. F., Distiller. L'art d'extraire la Fe'cule des Pommes de terre, ses usages dans 1'economie domestique, etc. Paris 1829. 8. 150pp. 3 pi. (35192) 198 DUBL] [DUCH Dubler, G. Die nrheberreehtliche Suhutz der Kunstwerke und der Muster und Modelle in der Schweiz und im Auslande. Bern, 1909. 8. 172 pp. (38508) Dublin i Exhibition of Art Induttry, 1853. Official Catalogue of the Great Industrial Exhi- bition (in connection with the Royal Dublin Society). 3rd ed. Dublin, [18531. 4. 208 pp. 1 pi. (37769) Duboc, Kmile. Le problfeme du Canot de Sauvetage a moteur. Paris, [1909]. 8. 8 pp. (38509) Dubocq, . Bondages du Sahara Oriental de la Province de Constantino. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867 : Rapports du Jury International. Classe 47, sect. 3. pp. 32-44. 8". (13828) Dubois, Ernest. L'industrie de la Bonneterie. 1905. 174 pp. See BELGIUM : Ministere de Vindustrie, etc. (Office du travail). Les industries a domicile eii Belgique. Vol.7. 8. (35445) Dubois, F. Paul-. See PAUL-DUBOIS, F. Dubois, Guillaume, and Frai^ois, .).. Belgian Engineer!. Air Coraprime. Appareils de perforation systeme Dubois et Francois. Liege. [1871]. 8. 12pp. 3 pi. (34526) Notice snr I'insiallation des appareils a Corn- primer 1'Air et de perforation aux Charbonnages de la 8ocie"t<> de Marihaye. Liege, 1873. 8. 22 pp. 4 pi. (34527) Notice sur les appareils i Comprimer I 1 Air et de perforation, systetne Dubois et Francois. Liege, 1878. 8. 52pp. 20 pi. (35480) Les perf oratrices a air comprim^ appliqne'es aux travaiix de mines. Systeme de MM. Dubois et Francois. Par A. Daxhlet. See REVCE UNIVEE- SELLE DES MINES, etc. Tome 33. 1873. pp. 63-85. 6 pi. G 64 : 857. Du Sols, Heiaricb, Ph.D. The Magnetic Circuit in theory and practice. Trsl. E. Atkinson. London, 1896. 8. 380 pp. (32572) Dubois, J. . - Notice snr les constructions en Ciment arms'. 2e 6d. Macon, 1898. 8. 102 pp. (26349) Dubois, Raymond. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Manual of modern viticulture, etc. By G. Foex. From the 6th French ed. by R. D., etc. 1902. 8". (31083) ^ Ibid. Viticultural Station. American Tines. By P. Viala and L. Rvaz. From the 2nd [French] eJ. by R. D., etc. 1901. 8. (494) Ibid. Viticullural Station. First steps in Ampelography. By M. Mazade. Trsl. R. D., etc. 1900. 8. (27310) Ibid. Viticultural Station. New methods of grafting, etc. From French authorities, by R. D., etc. 1901. V. (11858) Ibid. Viticultural Station. Studies on wine- stenlizmg machines. By U. Gayon. Trsl. R D etc. 1901. 8. (30781) ~ Ibid. Viticullural Station. Trenching and snbsoiling for American vines. From European authorities, by R. D., etc. 1901. 8. (1368) Dubois, Victor. Des Dents il pivots. Paris, 1909. 8. 186 pp. 45 pi. (38510) Du-Bols d'Arneuvllle, . See CESSART, L. A. de. Description des travaux hydrauliqnej . . [Ed. Du-B. d'A.] 1806-08. 2 vols. 4. (32912) Du Bols-Reymond. A. Erfindung uud Ernnder. Berlin. 1906. 8. 292 pp. 1 pi. (32717) Du Bois-Reymond, R. See DARMSTAEDTER, L., and Du UOIS-REYMOND, R. 4000 Jahre Pionier-Arbeit in den exakten Wissenschaften. 1904. 8. (30640) Duboscq, Jules. Catalogue des appareils employes pour la pro- duction . Etude d' Hygiene. Des liquides employes dans 1'Sclairage artiQciel. (These.) Paris, 1864. 4. 46 pp. (33579) Hygiene gSnSrale et Hygiene industrielle. (Encyclopedie des travaux publics.) Paris, 1896. 8. 746 pp. (25648) La Microphotographie. 1892. See CONSERVA- TOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. SSr. 2. Tome 5. pp. 61-109. B76C: Ducliochois, Pierre ('!.. />'..!. The Photographic Image. New York, 1891. 8. 226 pp. (34685) Duckcrins-, G. Elmhirst. See HOME OFFICE. Tinning of metals. Special report . . . With a report on au experimental investigation into the conditions of work in tinning workshops, etc. By G. E. D. 1907. fol. (35551) Ducket, Mark, Farmer, of Esher. See HARDY, J. An essay on drill husbandry . . . practised by Mr. D., of Esher. 1803. 8. (28756) Duck wall, Edward Wiley. Canning and preserving of Food products with bacteriological technique. Pittsburgh, 1905, etc. 8. (32532) Duclaux, Pierre Emile, Director of the Pasteur Institute. See INSTITUT PASTEUR : Annales, etc. PubliSes ... par P. E. D. 1888, etc. HI: 887. - Fermentation. (International Health Exhibition Handbooks.) 2nd ed. London, 1884. 8. 78 pp. (17818) Ferments et Maladies. Paris, 1882. 8. 284pp. 12 pi. (36861) Traits' de Microbiologie. Paris, 1898-1901. 4 vols. 8. (11497) Ducompex, E. A. Trait6 de 1'art du Peintre-flleur. Dourdan, [1902]. fol. 20 pp. 35 pi. (28337) Ducos du Kauron, Gaston. See Uncos DU HAURON, L. A. La Photographic indirecte des Couleurs. [PrSf. par G. D. du H. 1901.] am. 8. (28628) Ducoa du Hauron, Louis Arthur. La Photographie indirecte des Couleurs. [PrSf. par G. Ducos du Hauron.1 Paris, [19011. sin. 8. (28628) Ducournau, J. Analyse et perfectionnements nouveaux pour 1'emploi des Ciments dans les ouvrages a 1'Air. Paris, 1877. 8. 180 pp. 6 pi. (34202) Ducoux, . Notice sur Denis Papin, inventeur des machines et des Bateaux a vapsur. MSmoire couronnS en 1837 . . . Suivi de notes et documents par M. Bannistere. 2e Sd. Blois, 1854. 12. 142 pp. 3 pi. (35774) Ducrctet, E. Guide pratique de tSlSgraphie Hertzienne sang fil aux grandes distances. [Additions.] Paris, 1901-04. 4pts. 8. (28338) Ducretot, P. TraitS SISmentaire de TSlSeraphie et de TS1S- phonie sans fil (applications militaires et maritimes). Paris, 1903. 8. 90pp. (29811) Ducreiix, C. J. B. A. Berthault-. See BERTHAULT- DUCREUX, C. J. B. A. Ducrocq, . Entrepots du port du Havre et des ports mari- times en gSnSral. Par VStillart et Ducrocq. 1898. 18 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGA- TION INTERIEURE : 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 4. Question 1. 8. F 43 : 888. Ducrot, Airliv. Presses modernes Typographiques. Paris, 1904. 4. 162 pp. (32028) Duclebout, A. Appareils d'essai a Froid et a Chaud des Moteurs a vapeur. (Encyclopedic Scientifique des Aide- memoire.) Paris, [1892]. sm. 8. 198 pp. (25459) Dudley, Dud., Ironmaster. Mettallum Martis. 1665. See BAGNALL, J. N. [Tracts on metallurgy, etc. Collected and reprinted at Wolverhampton.] 1854. 4. (1470) - Dudley, Plimmon Henry. Structure of certain Timber-ties ; behavior aud causes of their decay in the road-bed ; with experi- ments on the adhesion o Spikes. 887. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Div. of Forestry. Bulle- tin 1. Appendix, pp. 31-65. 19 pi. J 29 Fo : a. Dudley, Stanton. The Paint Question. [Added, Paints in Archi- tecture.] [New York, 1898?] sm. 8. 46 pp. (26664) Dudley, Win. Lofland. Iridium. 1884. See U.S. GEOLOG. SURVEY. Mineral Resources of the United States. 1883-84. pp. 581-591. G 50 : 882. Dudzius, Wilhelm. Die Schnell-Konservierung der Fischkonserven. (Erganzung zum Lehrbuch der Fischbereitung von W. Dunker.) Stettin, [1899]. sm. 8. 64 pp. (27142) Diimmler, Karl. Das Brennen der Ziegelsteiae. 2te Aufl. der Abhandlung : Das Anfeuern und der Betrieb des Ringofens, von F. Hoffmann. Halle a. S., 1904. sm. 8. 86 pp. (30642) 200 DUEM] [DUHA Diimmlor, Kirl coat. Handbuch der Ziegel - Fabrikation. Unter Mitwirknng von F. Hoffmann, llalle a. S., 1897- 1900. 8. 582 pp. (10662) The same. 2te Au8. Halle a. S., 1908, etc. 4. (36869) Diinkelbergr, Friedrich Wilhelm. Encyclopiidie und Methodoloide der Cultur- techmk. lirniinwhtoeig, 1883. 2 vols. 8. (17341) Die landwirthseha'tlicho Betriebslehre in ibren naturgesetzlichen, volkswirthschaf tlichon und cultur- tochniscben Grundlagen. Braunschweig, 1889-90. 2 vols. 8. (17377) Die Ueinigung des Wassers . . . durch ein neues . . . pateutiertes Kilter-system. Nebst einer Anweisung zur Massanalyse und Hartebestim- mung des Wassers von . Hanamanu. Berlin, 1906. 8. 106pp. (32464) Die Technik der Reinigung stadtisctier und industrieller Abwasser durch Berieselung und Filtration. Braunschweig, 1900. 8. 154 pp. 1 pi. (27535) During:, Hugo. Englisch-deutsches Patenttechnisches Worter- buch. Mit einem ausfiilirlichen deutschen Worter- verzeichnk Berlin, 1900. sm. 8. 258 pp. (27075) Diirkop, E. Die Nutzpflanzen der Sahara. 1903. See TROPENPFLANZEK. Beihefte. Band 4. pp. 157- 204. J61:897a. Diirre, Ernst Friedrich. -^ Handbuch des ges. Eisengiesserei-betriebes. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1875. 2 vols. 8. (20522) The same. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1892-96. 2 vols. 8. and fol. atlas. (26163) Die Hochofenbetriebe am Ende des xix Jahr- bunderts. Berlin, 1901. 4. 178 pp. 19 pi. (27579) Vorlesungen fiber allgemeine Hiittenkuade. Halle a. S., 1899. 4. 358 pp. (25491) Diisaeldorf Exhibition, 1902. See DANNEEL, H. Die Elektrochemie, etc., anf der Industrie- und Gewerbe- Ausstellung in Diissel- dorf. 1903. 4. (29843) See KRUPP, F. Notes on some of Krupp's exhibits at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 1902. sm. 8. (12268) Fuhrer durch die Krapphalle. Diisseldorf, 1902. sm. 8. 152pp. (32249) See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNQ DES GEWERB- FLEI8SE8, etc. Verhandl. Band 81. Die Indus- trie- und Gewerbe - Ausstellung zu Diisseldorf. Von F. Liebetanz. pp. 137-68. 2 pi. B67P: Buff, Edward Gordon. See PRIDEAUX, S. T. An historical sketch of Bookbinding. With a chapter on early stamped Bindings, by E. G. D. 1893. 8. (37886) Duff, James C. The manufacture of Sausages. New York, [1899]. sm. 8. 132pp. (26971) Dufour, Guillaume Henri. Experience sur la force des Fils de Fer. [Ex : " phys. et Imt. naturelle." Tome 2. pp. 123- 144. 1 pi.] Geneve, 1823. 4. (35481) 34222 Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre. - Traitez nouveaux et curieux du Cafe", du ThiS et du Chocolate. 2e e"d. Lyon, 1688. sm. 8. 468 pp. 1 pi. (36086) Dutrauo-Domanot, A. - See DEMANET, C. TraitiS d'exploitation des Mines de Houille. 2e e"d. par A. D.-D. 1898-99. 3 vols. 8. (25377) Dufrosne, P. L. - Etude historique sur 1'emploi de 1'Air Com- prim<5 comme agent de transmission du travail a distance. Paris, 1889. 8. 32 pp. 3 pi. (34622) Dutrast, J. - I/Industrie Oleieole. (Fabrication de 1'huile d'olive.) {Encyclopedic Scient. des aide-memoire.) Paris, [1904]. sm. 8. 176 pp. (31094) - Vinification dans les pays chiuds, AlgtSrie ot Tunisie. Paris, 1900. 8. 282 pp. (27342) Dug-gar, Banjamin Minge. - The cultivation of Mushrooms 1904. 24 pp. ' See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 204. J 29 Fa : - The principles of Mushroom growing and Mushroom spawn making. 1905. 60 pp. 7 pi. 1 bid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 85. J 29 PI Dugrgrar, J. F. - Potato culture. 1896. 24 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Hiilletin 35. J 29 Fa : - Sweet Potatoes : culture and uses. 1897. 30 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 26. J 29 Fa : Le Grand Diviseur a Dugl^re. [Chevalier's French Patent No. 9493 of 1853.] [Paris, 1853.] 4. 12pp. lithogr. (37448) Dugruld, Alexander. - See BARNES, W. C., and others. A collation of facts relating to fast typesetting. 1887. 8. (35396) Dugrnld, James. - See WOOD PULP. K 74 : 896. Ed. J. D. 1896-98. 3 vols. Duhamel dn JMConcoau, Henri Louis, F.R.S. See MEMOIRE instructif sur la maniere de ras- sembler, etc., les diverse^ curiosit^s d'biotoire natn- relle. [Avis pour le transport pir mer des arbres, etc. By H. L. D. dn M. New ed.] 1758. 8. (34043) Essais sur la conservation des grains, et en particulier du froment. 1745. See ACAD. DBS SCIENCES, (Paris'). Hiatoire, etc. Annee 1745. pp. 41-56. B 28 : 666. De 1'exploitetion des Bois. Faisant partie du " Traits complet des bois et des forets." Paris, 1780. [Reprinted 1835.] 2 vols. 4. (34040) Moyeas de Conserver la Sautd anx equipages des vaisseaux ; aveo la maniere de purifier 1'air des galles des hopitiux ; et une courte description de 1'hopital Saint Louis a Paris. Paris, 1759. sm. 8. 268 pp. 5 pi. (34648) Du transport, de la conservation et de la force des Bois. Faisant la conclusion du " Trait6 com- plet des Bois et des Forets." IParis, 1780. Re- printed] 1835. 588pp. 27 pi. (34041) 201 2c DUHA] [DUMO Dubamel du XUonceau, Henri Lnuis cont. Trait^ de la Pabrique des Manoeuvres pour les Vaisseaux, ou 1'art de la Corderie perfectionce. Pom, 1747. 4. 40 + 464 pp. 5 pi. (28115) Inserted at end ; Statement of Abate' s patent ropes and chain cables, The same. 2e e"d. Paris, 1769. 4. 608 pp. 13 pi. (29756) Trait^ de la Garance, et de sa culture. Nouv. y's Erfindung. 1859. 8. (37601) Dumesnll, Fernand. - Boissons diverses. 1902. See. PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Gruppe 10. Classe 62. pp. 445-552. (29967) Dumesny, Paul. - Conservation des Bois. Sdchage rapide, impu- trescibilit^ et ininflammabilit6 des bois. Paris, 1902. sm. 8. 36 pp. (28341) - and Noyer, J. -- L'industrie chimique des Bois. Lenrs derives et extraits industriels. (Bibliotheque des aclualites industrielles.) Paris, [1906]. 8. 406pp. (33172) -- Wood Products, Distillates and Extracts. From the French by D. Grant. London, 1908. 8. 336 pp. (36810) Du DSqncel, Theodore, Vicomte. - L'Eclairage Electrique. Paris, 1879. sm. 8. 346 pp. (32930) - The same. 3e e"d. Paris, 1883. 2 vols. 12. (14631) Le Microphone, le Radiophone et le Phono- graphe. (Bibliotheque des merKeilles.) Paris, 1882. sm. 8. 304 pp. (34384) - Notice sur 1'appareil d'Induction Electrique de RuhmkorfE, et les experiences que Ton paut faire avec cet instrument. 3e 6d. Paris, 1857. 8. 238 pp. (34530) - Rapport . . . sur lea effets produits dans les Piles a Bichromate de Potasse en general et avec les sels excitateurs de MM. Voisin et Dronier en particulier. Paris, 1872. 8. 50 pp. (34532) 202 DUMO] Du XMConcel, Theodore coiit. Recherches sur la non-homogneit6 de 1'Ktincelle d'Intluction. Paris, 18t50. 8. 116 pp. (34531) The Telephone, the Microphone, and the Phono- graph. Authorised translation, with additions and corrections by the Author. London, 1879. sm. 8. 37 1 pp. (32282) The same. 4th ed. London, 1892. am. 8. 374 pp. (23651) Dumoiit, A. Santos-. See SANTOS-DuMONT, A. X>umont, Francois Marcellin Aristide. De I'etat aetuel de la question des Eaux potables a Lvon. Lyon, 1844. 4. 1'JG pp. 1 pi. und map. (34741) Dumont, Georges, Electrical Engineer. Automobiles sur rails. (Encycl. Scienttfique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1898]. sin. 8. (25464) and Baig-neres, G. Les Engins de manntention. Ex : " Ge'nie Civil." Paris, 1898. 8. 158 pp. (25450) Dumont, Jean, Prof, in Grignnn. Les Engrais bumiques. Paris, 1905. 8. 72 pp. (31503) Les matieres humiques du Sol. Paris, 1905. 8. 138 pp. (32114) Dumont, Jean. Instructions ponr Stereotyper. (Bibliotheque technique.) Bruxelles, 1899. 8. 34 pp. (35408) Dumousticr, . Balisage. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 66. pp. 451-455. 8. (13828) . Sauvetage. 1868. Ibid. Classe 66. pp. 456- 66. 8. (13828) Dnmraon Experimental Farm. Reports. 1894, etc. See BENGAL : Dept. of Land Records, etc. J 12 B D : Duaant, Philippe. Trait*! des Marques de Fabrique et de Com- merce ... en Snisse. Geneve, 1898. 8. 658 pp. (25405) Dunbar, ., and Thumm, 1C. Beitrag zum derzeitigen Stands der Abwasser- reinigunssfrage mit bes. Beriicksicht. der biolo- gi?cheu Reinigungsverfahren. Milnchen, 1902. 8. 142 pp. (28365) Dunbar. W. P., Prof, in Hamburg. S KROHNKE, O. Beitrag zur Fracte fiber die Reinignng von Milch. Gegen Dr. W. D.. etc. 1902. sm. 8. (28649) Duncan, Daniel, M.D. Wholesome advice against the abuse of hot liquors, particularly of Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Brandy, and Strong- waters. From the French. l'castle-upon-Tyne, 1848. 8. 372 pp. 27 pi. (1029) The same. 2nd ed. Newcastle -on-lyne, 1852. 8. 40fipp. 13 pi. (30990) Dunn, Russell L. Drift Mining in California. 1888. See CALI- FORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Annual Report. 1888. pp. 737-770. G 50 C : 883. River Mining. 1889. Ibid. Annual Report. 1889. pp. 262-81. 4 pi. G 50 (! : 883. Dunn, Thomas, (1813-71), C.E. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) 3 2c2 DUNN] [DUPU Dunn, Thos. The first principles of Tyre construction. [Londcm, 1901 ?J fol. 6pp. (28130) Dunn, Wm., F.R.I.B.A. See MARSH, C. F., and DUNN, W. Manual of reinforced concrete, etc. 1908. am. 8. (38082) Dunning:, S. Wright. See RAILROAD GAZETTE. Ed. S. W. D.. etc. 1873-83. fol. F 22/873. Dunstan, B., F.G.S. Graphite in Queensland. 1906. 20 pp. See QUEENSLAND GrEOLOdlCAL SURVEY. Report 203. G26Q: Dunstan, Wyndham Rowland, F.R.S. See BOARD OP TRADE. Report ... on cotton cultivation in the British Empire, etc. By Prof. W. D. 1904. fol. (30595) See COLONIAL OFFICE. Report by Prof. W. D. on the agricultural resources of Cyprus, etc. 1905. fol. (32362) Ibid. Report on agriculture in Asia Minor, with special reference to cotton cultivation. By W. D. 1908. fol. (38389) See IMPERIAL INSTITCTE. Technical Reports, etc. Ed. W. R. D. 1903. 8. (29335) Dunton, W. F. A treatise on the grouping of Electric Cells. London, 1906. sm. 8. 52 pp. (33139) Dupain, 8. Notice historique sur le Pav de Paris depuis Philippe-Auguste jasqu'sl n<>8 jours. Paris, 1881. 8. 342 pp. (34649) Du Pare, Leo::, Cup!. De la vis el autrea propellenrs pour les batiments a vapeur. 1842. See ANNALES MARITIMES, etc. 2eSerie. Tome 2. pp. 885-938. 1 pi. F 82: 816. Duparc, Louis, and Pearce, F. Traitd de Technique Min^ralogique et P6tro- graphique. Leipzig, 1907, etc. 8. (34457) Dupasquier, Alphonse. Rapports sur la fabrique d'Eaux Mine'rales Artiflcielles de M. Bourgeois, ainiS, etc. Lyon, 1832. sm. 8. 20 pp. (36269) Dupin, Fran9ois Pierre Chas., Baron. See NICHOLSON, J. The Operative Mechanic. 4th ed. With Supplement ... by Baron Dupin, etc. 1853. 8. (36776) Force productive des nations concurrentes depuis 1800 jusqu'a 1851. See LONDON INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1851 : French Commission. Travaux, etc. Tome 1. Partie 1-6. 8. (9643) Mathematics practically applied to the useful and fine Arts. Adapted to the state of the arts in England, by G. Birkbeck. Halifax, 1854. 8. 318 pp. 15 pi. (33790) Duplals, P., (line. Distiller. Trait6 des Liqueurs et de la distillation des Alcools. 2e ed. Versailles!, 1858. 2 vols. 8. (35110) The same. 7e d. par M. Arpin et E. Portier. Paris, 1900. 2 vols. 8. (28025) Duponceau, Peter Stephen. , See D'UoMEROUE, J., and DUPONCEAU, P. S. Essays on American Silk. 1830. 12. (29241) Duponchel, Adolphe. Ville de Marseille. Clarification des eaux de la Durance. ExposS du projet de A. D. Marseille, 1867. 8. 28 pp. 1 pi (34742) Extracted from his " Traitd d'hydraulique et de Ge'ologie Agricolee." Dupont, Francois. See CONGRESS INTERNAT. DE CHIMIE APPLIQU!SE. 2e Congres. 1896. Comptes rendus par F. D. 1897. 5 vols. 8. K 30 : 894. Ibid. 4e Congres. Paris, 1900. Compte rendu. Par H. Moissan et F. D. 1902. K liO : 894. Dupont, Henri, and Canet, L. F. Les Machines a Ecrire ; historique, avantages, descriptions, et traitS complet de Dactylographie. Paris, 1901. 8. 348 pp. portr. (27978) and S<5nchal, G. Les Machines a Ecrire. Paris, 1906, etc. 8. (33938) Dupont, Justin. L'industrie des Matieres Odorantes. [Con- ference.] 1902. 24 pp. See SociETfc CHIMIQUB r>E PARIS : Bulletin. 3a serie. Tome 28. Travaui Strangers, [at end.] 8. K : 858. Duprast, H. Eclairage par 1'Oxygene. [Paris, 1868.] 8. 16 pp. (33581) Dupr, ., M.D. See POISEUILLE, J. L. M. Rapport sur divers modes d'embaumement prSsentes par MM. D., etc. 1847. 8. (33876) Dupre, ., Capi. of Fire Brigade. Nouveau nianuel du Sapeur-pompier. Paris, 1848. 12 Q . 190pp. 3 pi. (34533) Dupre, L. W. See KRAUCH, C. The testing of chemical re- agents for purity. From the 3rl German ed. by .1. A. Williamson and L. W. D. [1902.] 8. (29491) Duprez, Franfois Joseph Ferdinand. Report on Atmospheric Electricity. Trsl. from the " Memoirs of the Royal Acad. of Brussels," by L. D. Gale. 1858. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITU- TION : Report. 1858. pp. 290-371. B 138 : 847. Dupula-Delcourt, Jules Francois. See also DELC . . . Dup., pseud. Du gaz hydrogene, etc. 1823. 8. (33573) Dupuit, Arsene Jules Etienne Juvenal. Essai et experiences sur la tirage des Voitures, et sur le Frottement de seconde espece, etc. Paris, 1837. 8. 172 pp. 1 pi. (29757) TraitS . . . de la conduite et de la distribu- tion des Eaux. Suivi d'un extrait de 1'Essai sur les moyeiis de conduire, d'Slever et distribuer les eaux, par [R.] Genieys, et de la Description des filtres uaturels de Toulouse, par d'Aubuisson. Paris, 1854. fol. 2 pts. 48 pi. Atlas only. (37102) The same. 2e 4d. Paris, 1865. 2 vols. 4 and atlas. (17709) Dupuit, J. See DUPUIT, A. J. E. J. Dupuy, L. See ANTHEMIUS. Fragment d'un ouvrage grec d'AnthSmius snr des Paradoxes de mecanique. Revu, etc. . . . avec une traduction Francoise . . . parL. D. [1786.] 4. (29687) 204 DUPU] [DUSS Dupuy de Xidme, Stanislas Chas. Henri Laurent. Mdmoire sur la construction des Batiments en Per. Paris, 1844. 4. 126 pp. (35737) Dupuy Demportea, Jean Baptiste. Le Gentilhomme cultivateur, ou corps complet d' Agriculture. Paris, 1761-62. 3 vols. 4. (37219) Durand, ., pert et fils. Instructions sr les Moulins a bras, months sur charriot, etc. . . . Invents et perfectionne's par les citoyens Durand, pera et fils, redigees par [J. A.] Chnrlemagne. Parts, 1793. 8. 56 pp. 2 pi. (3(5739) Instructions sur 1'usage des moulins a bras, inventds et perfectionn^s par les citoyens Durand, p^re et fils, redigees par [J. A.] Charlemagne. Paris, 1793. 8. 87 pp. 2 pi. (34866) Durand, A. Considerations sur la Nitrification et Mir leg eflets de la propagation lente du Caloriqne cou- sideie' comme identique avec l'Electricit6 Naturelle. Toulouse, 1824. 8. 122 pp. (36270) Durand, Adrien. Notice sur les Containers a Langres au Moyen Age. L-mgres, 1870. 8. 46 pp. (37413) Durand, Cbas. Etude sur 1 Chanvre et le Liu, sur la fabrica- tion des Toiles, etc. Paris, 1898. 8. 46 pp. (25465) Durand, Chas., Prof, in Nancy. Les grandes industries mia^rales en Lorraine. (Sel, soude et fer.) Nancy, 1893. 8. 58 pp. (34250) Durand, Jean Claude. See CURTIS, J. G. C. Dnrand's Patent Chain Cable. Report. 1861. 8. (25549) Durand, Wm. Frederick. Motor Boats . . . their design, construc- tion, and operation. [Reprint.] New York. 1907. 8. 210pp. (34008) Practical Marine Engineering. New York, 1901. 8. 720 pp. 1 pi. (28381) Researches on the performance of the Screw Propeller. Washington, 1907. 8. 62 pp. 4 pi. (36933) The Resistance and propulsion of Ships. New York; 1898. 8. 442 pp. (25353) Durand-Claye, Alfred Augustin. Le materiel et les process des Industries Auricoles et Forestieres. 1880. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Ciasse 51. 8. 398pp. (25811) Dureau, B. Etat de I'indnstrie du Sucre. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Claase 72. pp. 251-334. 8. (13828) Dureau, George?. - L'industrie du Sucre a 1'Exposition Universelle de 1900. Parit, 1901. 8. 124 pp. (27578) Dureau de la Malle, Adolphe Jules Cesar Auguate. Poliorce'tiqne desanciens, ou del'attaque et de la defense des places avant 1'invention de la pondre. Paris, 1819. 8. 532 pp. (36271) New York, 1903. 8". 1881. See DURM, Theil 2. Band 1. 1885. Ibid. Duret, Adolphe. -^ Alcoolisation des tiges du Mai's et du Sorgho snore 1 . Alcool, cidre, biere, vins artificiels, etc. Paris, 1856. 12. 68 pp. (34743) Durln, A. Recherches snr 1'emploi du Fixateur univerael servant a fixer tous les genres de Dessins. Paris, [1853?]. 8. 16pp. (37414) Durley, R. J. Kinematics of Machines. 388 pp. (29774) Durm, Josef. Die Bauknnst der Griechen. J. Handbuch der Architektur. 8. (22285) Die Baukunst der Etrusker. Thpil2. Baud 2. 8. (22285) Die Batikunst der Renaissance in Italien. 1903. 574pp. Ibid. Theil 2. Band 5. 8. (22285) Die Baukunst der Romer. 1885. Ibid. Theil 2. Band 2. 8. (22285) Handbuch der Architektur. Unter Mitwirkung von Faohgenoisen, hrsg. von J. Durm, etc. Darm- stadt, 1880, etc. 8. (22285) For supplement, see " Fortschritte a. d. Q. der Arohi- tektur." 1884-1901. F 70: 894. The same. 2te AuB. Darmstadt, 1889, etc. 8- (28712) The same. 3te Aufl. Hrsg. yon E. Schmitt. Stuttgart, 1904, etc. 8. (32618) Duroy de Sruigrnap, A. Calcul da travail des Helices et Carenes. Recherche de principes et formulas. Paris, 1898. 8. 158 pp. 1 pi. (25769) Durozlez, A. M. Manuel du Peintre a la Cire. Application des divers proce'de's propres a la peinture artistique, etc. De la peinture a cire et huile (dite de Taubenheim). [Nouv.e"d.] Paris, 1844. sm.8. 62pp. (33286) Notice sur la Peintnre a la Cire dite peintnre Encaustique. Paris, 1838. 8. 38 pp. (33287) Durvelle, J. P. Nouvelle guide da Parfumeur. Paris, 1895. 12. 450 pp. (37790) Du Sert, Fleury Percie. See ROSTAING, L., and others. Pre'cts historiqne, etc. des VegiStaux propres a la fabrication de la Cellulose et du Papier. [1900.] 8. (27251) Dussauce, H., Chemist. A practical guide for the Perfumer. Edited from notes, etc. of Debay, Lnnel, etc., with additions. Philadelphia, 1868. xii., 25-376 pp. 12. (29242) Treixtisa on the Coloring Matters derived from Coal Tar ; their practical application in dyeing cotton, wool, a r id silk, etc. Philadelphia, 1863. :xii., 25-196 pp. sm. 8. (30376) Dusaerre, . Emploi du Nitrate de Soude et des Engrais chimiques en Agriculture et en Viticulture. 1904. See ANNALES DE LA SCIENCE AORONOMIQUE. 1904. Tome 2. pp. 210-449. J : 894. Dussleuz, . S ROZIER, F., and others. Le parfait Vigneron. 1811. 4. (32897) 205 DUSS] [DYER Dussieux, Louis Etienne. Essai BUT 1'histoire de la Peinture sur Email. Ex : " Enoyclope'die Nouvelle." Paris. 1859. 8. 16 pp. (36951 ) Du Temple. Louis, Prof, in Brest. Du Scaphandre et de son emploi a bord des Navires. Paris, [1861]. 8. 30pp. 2pl. (34534) Duthle, Arthur Louis. Decorative glass processes. (" Westminster " Series.) London, 1908. 8. 280pp. Ipl. (37652) Dutllloeul, A. Precis du cours de Te'Ie'grapMe optique. Bruxelles, 1889. 8. 142pp. 8 pi. (37311) Dutrochet. Rene 1 Henri Joachim. Recberches physiques sur la force epipolique. Paris, 1842. 8 s . 238 pp. 2 pi. (36972) Dutt, D. C. See BENGAL, Govt. (Revenue Dept.) A mono- graph on ivory carving in Bengal. By D. C. D. 1901. fol. (31847) Button, S. T. Block Signalling on double and single line, East Indian Railway. [1903.] 14 pp. 2 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.) Technical section. Paper 146. E23/ Duval, Louis. Documents pour servir a 1'histoire de la fabrica- tion du Point d'Alencon. Alencon. 1883. 8. 108 pp. (36740) Duveau, Edouard. See SOCIET6 LIBRE D'EMULATION . . . DE LA SEINE-INFERIEURE. Essai sur la Serrurerie a travers lea ages. [Par C. Loquet et E. D.] 1908. 8. (37160) Duvel, Joseph Wm. Tell. The storage and germination of wild Rice Seed. 1905. 16 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICUL- TURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 90. Part 1. J 29 PI : The vitality and germination of Seeds. 1904. 96pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 58. J 29 PI : The vitality of buried Seeds. 1905. 22 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 83. J 29 PI : Duvelleroy, . Fabrication des Even tails. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867 : Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Classe 34. pp. 322-329. 8. (13828) Parapluies et Ombrelles, Cannes, Fouets, et Cravaches. 1868. Ibid. Classe 34. pp. 315-321. 8. (13828) Duvlnagre, Louis. C.E. See MICHEL, H. Les inventions industrielles a r. 196 pp. (26898) Machines motrices. 1. Machines a rotuti.m di- recte. 2. Moulins a vent. 3. Machines a vapeur fixes. 4. Machines a gaz. 1867. See REVUE UNIV. DES MINIS. Revue de 1'Exposition de 1867. Tome 1-2, pp. 36-117; 497-544; pi. 10-24; 36-40; Tome 3, pp. 439-468 ; pi. 21-29. 8. (13210) Dwlg-ht, Arthur S. A glossary of Spanish-American Mining and Metallurgical terms. 1903. See AMER. INST. OP MINING ENGINEERS : Trans. Vol. 32. pp. 573-603. G 62 : 871. Dwyer, John. The principles and practice of Hydraulic En- gineering. 2nd ed. Dublin, 1852. 8. 212 pp. 2 pi. (36055) Dybowskl, J. Trait6 pratique de Cultures Tropicales. Parit. 1902, etc. 8. (29068) In progress. Dyce, Wm , R.A. On the Employment of a solution of Starch in Fresco-painting. 1853. See PARLIAMENT. Fine Arts. Report 10. 1854. Appendix No. 2. pp. 12-14. fol. (30556) Observations on Fresco-painting. 1846. Ibid. Fine Arts. Report 6. 1846. Appendix No. 4. pp. 11-19. fol. (30556) Dyck, Carl. Anleitung znr Bebaudlun und Betrieb der verscbiedenen Kreiasagen. Bunzlau, [1905]. 8. 18pp. (32115) Dyck, Walther von. See MUNICH : Deutsches Museum. Fiihrer durch die Sammlungeu [VonW. von D.]. [1907.1 obi. 4. (35949) Ueber die wechselseitigen Beziebungen zwischen der reinen und augewandte Mathematik. Miinchen, 1897. 4. 38pp. (25338) Dye, Frederick. Hot Water Supply. London, 1888. sm.8. 92pp. (21138) The same. 5th ed. London, 1902. sm.8. 86pp. (29510) Lighting by Acetylene. London, 1902. sm. 8. 200 pp. (28243) A practical treatise upon Steam Heating, em- bracing methods and appliances for warming buildings, 1; eating water and cooking by steam. London, 1901. 8. 252pp. (27503) See HISTORY. The History of the " Coal- devouring " cooking range, etc. [By F. D.] [5th ed.] [1894 ?] sm. 8. (38415) Dyer. The Dyer and Colour Makers' companion : con- taining . . . receipts for making colours . . . for all styles and fabrics. New ed. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1855. 12. 104 pp. (9161) 206 DYER] [EAST Dyer cont. The same. New ed. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird ind uses. With the . . . Fertilisers and Feeding Scuffs Act, 1893 . . . and Notes oa the Act by A.J.David. 2nded. London, 1897. sm. 8. 130pp. (3293) The same. With the . . . Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906 . . . and Notes on the Act, by A. J. David. 5ih ed. London, 1908. sm. 8. 168 pp. (36422) The Manuring of Hops. 1903. See BREWING TRADES REVIEW. Vol.17, pp. 256-261. K 84: 886. Result' of investigations on the Rothamsted Soils. 1902. 180 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE. Experiment Station Bulletin 106. 8. J 29 : 889. Dyer, R. H., M.R.C.V.S. A few observations on Shoeing. Torquay, 1865. 12. 12 pp. (38657) Dyer, Sir Wm. Thistleton, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. See BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Ed. W. T. D. 1905-06. 8. H 70 : 787. Dykes, Rob. See GOODCHILW, W. Precious stones. With a chapter on artificial stones, by R. D. 1908. 8. (36485) !> mock, Cressy. See INVENTION. An invention of engines of motion. [Two letters to S. Hartlib by C. D.] 1651. Reprinted, sm. 4. (30505) See DIRCKS, H. A biographical memoir of S. Hartlib . . . and a reprint of his pamphlet entitle! "An invention of engines of motion" [by C. D.]. [1865.] sm. 8. (3277) Dymond, T. S. Agricultural Industry and Education in Hungary. Chelmgford, 1908. 178 pp. 23 pi. (37033) . Studies in elementary Chemistry. Chelmsford, 1896. 8. 60pp. (37039) Dysart, Samuel. Live stock. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 5. pp. 301- 341. 1880. 8. (33125) Dyson, S. S. Practical Testing of raw materials. London, 1901. 8. 178pp. (28793) Dziobek, Otto Franz. Ueber den heutigan Stand der Prazisions- M'tchanik. 1900. See VEREIN ZUR BEFURDERUNQ - DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhan^lungen. Jahrg. 79. p;>. 273-306. B 67 P : E. E., W., [/.. W. Emerson]. The projection of the Sphere, orthographic, stereogrnphic, and gnomonical. 2nd ed. London, 1769. 8. 62pp. 12 pi. (38166) Bads, James Buchanan. C.K. See SOUTH PASS JETTY Co. Report on the Mississippi jetties. By J. B. E. [1876.1 8. (36433) Baser. John. A brief account of ... Mr. Eager's pupils in music, educated upon Mr. Logier's system . . . added, observations on the chiro- plast, etc. Appendix. [Letters Patent No. 3806 of 1814.] London, 1819. 8. 46 pp. (36196) Earle, Frank Sumner. Fig culture in the Gulf States. 1897. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Div. of Pomology. Bulletin 5. pp. 23-32. J 29 P : Earle, G., and T., Ltd., Cement manufacturers, Hull. Standard methods of testing Cement. [London,"] 1901. 4. 98pp. 10 pi. (29273) Sarlo, Sir James, F.R.S. An account of a new mode of operation for the re. n oval of the opacity of the eye, called Cataract. London, 1801. 8. 72 pp. 2 pi. (35841) Earnshaw, Lawrence. (Biographical. ) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec tion, etc. fol. (12166) Eassie, Wm., C.E. See CREMATION SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. Trans- actions. Ed. W. E. 1880. H 39 : 880. Cremation of the Dead, its history and bearings upon Public health. London, 1875. 8. 142 pp. 6 pi. (33716) East Africa Protectorate, Director of Agri- culture. See FOREIGN OFFICE. Reports ... on the Government farms at Nairobi, etc. 1905. fol. (31666) East Indian Company. See HOYLE, J. F. On the culture, etc. of Cotton in India. With an account of the experiments made by the E. I. Co. 1851. 8. (1749) A classified list of books in the Office of Record, Examiners' Department, East India House, Feb. 1856. London, 1856. 4. 50 pp. (1851) East of Scotland College of Agriculture. See EDINBURGH, etc., COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. Eastern and Eastern Telegraph Com- panies. The Silver Jubilee of Submarine Telegraphy to the Far East, July, 1894. [Report of banquet and reception.] London, 1894. 4. 148 pp. 1 map. 1 port. (35297) Eastern Counties <3as managers' Asso- ciation. See ASSOCIATIONS OF GAS ENGINEERS, etc. 1889, etc. K 41 : 883. 207 EAST] [EOKB Eastlako, Sir Cbas. Lock. Fresco - painting. [184t.] See PARLIAMENT. Fine Arts. Report, etc., 1841. pp. 74-76. fol. (30560) Means of preventing Damp in "Walls. 1843. Ibid. Fine Arts. Report 2. Appendix No. 4. pp. 45-52. fol. (30556) On the means of preventing Damp in Wnlls. 1845. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corpg of. Papers. Vol.7. Appendix 2. pp. 204-215. F 90 : 844. Methods of Painting adapted to Mural decora- tion. 1844. See PARLIAMENT. Fine Arcs. Report 3. 1844. Appendix No. 14. pp. 47-54. fo!. (30556) Eastman, H. B. Experiments with Railway Cross -ties. 1908. -'2 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Forest Service. Circular 146. J 29 Fo : c. Eastman Photographic Materials Co., Xitd. Kodak Portfolio. Souvenir, etc. London, [1897]. 8. 4pp. 14 pi. (19191) The same. Royal edition. London, [1897]. 8. 17 pi. (19192) Easton, James Marshall, Bar.-at-law. See COPINQER, W. A. The Law of Copyright. 4th ed., by J. M. E. 1904. 8. (31286) Eastwood, Arthur, M.D. See PARLIAMENT. Tuberculosis. 2nd Interim Report. Part 2. Vol.4 Comparative histological and bacteriological investigations. By A. E. 1907. fol. (35557) Eaves, Wm. See BROWN, J., & Co., LTD. The Ellis and Eaves (Patent) system of Induced draught. [1899?] 4. (27373) Ebblewhlte, Ernest Arthur. See TIN PLATE WORKERS, etc., COMPANY, London. A chronological history of the Worshipful Company . . . byE.A. B. 1896. 4. (33368) Eberhard, von. Das Wesen der modernen Visiervorrichtungen der Landartillerie. Im Auftrage von F. Krupp, A.-Q-. Ex : " Artilleristische Monatshef te." Berlin, [190 ?]. 8. 52 pp. 5 pi. (36837) Eberhard, Heinrich Wilhelm. Die Anwendung der cbemischen Druckart auf Metallplatten. Mainz, 1821. 4. 16 pp. 8 pi. (35443) Eberhardt, . See NECKAR - DONAU - KANAL - KOMITEE. Die wiirttembergischen Grossschiffahrtsplane. Von Gugenhan und E. 1908. 8. (36394) Eberhardt, Philippe. See DUBARD, M., and EBERHARDT, P. Le Ricin, etc. 1902. 8. (28627) Ebert, Hermann, Prof, in Kiel. See WIEDEMANN, E., and EBERT, H. Physika- lisches Praktikum. Aufl. 3, etc. 1897, etc. Die Elektrophysik uad die Theorie des Elektro- magnetismus. Von F. W. C. Heinke und H. E. 1902-04. See HEINKE, F. W. C. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Band 1. 2 vols. 8. (27178) Eborall, Alfred Cecil, M.I.E.E. Polyphase Electric working. (Society of Arti. Howard lectures. 1901.) London, 1902. 8. 80pp. (16509) Ecclea, Robert Gibson, M.D. Food Preservatives, their advantages and propel use. New York, 1905. 8. 208 pp. 1 pi. (31618) Echemont, Francois. M^moire pour F. Echement ; contre Popelin- Ducarre. Sur sa plainte en coutrefacon ; (2) Pour usurpation des medailles, etc., accordees a 1'inventeur de la carbonisation des menus bois. PariK, 1852. 8. 52 pp. (348G7) Echte. Aeohte und genaue Darstellung der neu-erfun- denen franzosischen Fernschreibmaschine, genannt : der Telegraph. [Invention of I. U. J. Chappe]. Wien, 1795. 12. 24 pp. (27947) Eck, Chas. Louis Gustave. Application des Globes au Pots creux a Fart de batic les planchers, cloisoas, etc. Paris, 1831. 8. 16 pp. 1 pi. (37415) Application generate du fer, de la fonte, da la tole, et des poteries dans les constructions civiles, industrielles et militaires, etc. Paris, 1841. 2 vols. fol. (37691) Trait6 de Construction en Poteries et Fer . . . suivi d'un reoueil des machines approprie'es a 1'art de batir. 2e tirape. Paris, 1841. 2 pts. 66 pi. with descr. text. fol. (37312) Eckardt, Arthur. Die Gasmaschine, insonderheit die Viertakt-Gas- maschine, etc. Braunschweig, 1908. 8. 88 pp. 2 pi. (36838) Eokardt, Wilhelm R. ^ Der Baurawollbau in seiner Abhangigkeit vom Klima an den Grenzen seines Anbau-Gebietes. 1906. 114 pp. See TROPENPFLANZER. Beihefte. Band 7. 1-2. J 61 : 897. Eckel, Edwin Clarence. Cement materials and industry of the United States. 1905. 396 pp. 15 pi. See U.S. GEO- LOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 243. G 30 : 883. Cements, Limes, and Plasters ; their materials. manufacture, and properties. New York, 1905. 8. 746 pp. 4 maps. (31632) Contributions to Economic Geology. By S. F. Emmocs and E. C. E. 1906. Part 1. Metals and non-metals, cscspt fuels. 1907. 506 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 315. G 30 : 883. The materials and manufacture of Portland Cement. 1904. See ALABAMA : Geological Survey. Bulletin 8. pp. 1-59. G 30 A : b. Eckels, Howard S. The practical Embalmer. Philadelphia, [19031. 8. 196pp. 12 pi. (31623) Eckenbrecher, C. von. See BLATTER FOR GERSTEN-, HOPFEN- UND KARTOFFELBAU. Hrsg. M. Delbruck, C. von E., etc. 1899-1901. J 62 H : 899. Eckensteln, Ed. Entwiekelung und Fortschritte der Malzfabri- kation in den letzten vierzig Jahren. Berlin, 1908. 8. 216 pp. (36371) 208 ECKH] [EDMO Eckhart, A., Architect. Die Konstruktion von Breunofen fiir Zie^eleien und Thonwaaren- Fabrikeu. Leipzig, 1881. sm. 8. 44 pp. (8245) -- See BOCK, O. Der Ziegelofen. [1902.] 2te Autt. von A. E. '' Die Konstruktion von Brenn- ofen," etc. 8. (29570) Eckhartshausen, . von. - - Neue Erfahruugen iiber kiinstliche Salpeter- Prodnction und em besaere PuUer-FabricatioD. Regensburg, 1802. sm. 8 3 . 72 pp. (33674) Eckles, C. H. - A chemical and physical study of the large and small flat globules in cows' milk. By 11. H. Shaw and C. H. E. 1909. 16 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGBICULTUKE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bul- letin 111. J 29 An : a. Eclalraffo Eloctrlquo (L.'). Revue, etc. See LUMIERE ftLECTRiQUE. 1894-1907. D 51 : 879. Ecole Centrale des Arts et manufactures, Paris. - [Lecture notes, by L. Baret, 1846-49.] [Paris, 1845-49]. 12 vola. 4. and fol. MS. (33766) - Mdmoires relatifs aux projets. Par L. Baret. [Paris, 1847-48.] MS. fol. 6111. (33767) - Travaux Publics. [Lecture notes by L. Baret.] Ann^e 1844-48. [Par, 1844-48.] 3 vols. Lithogr. text and Atlas. 50 pi. fol. (33781) Ecole Xudustriclle do Bruxelles. Catalogue de la Bibliothfeque Technolos;ique. [Supplement 1, etc.] Bruxelles, 1895, etc. 8. (35161) Ecole Normale Sup6rieure, Paris. Anniles Scientifiques. le se"rie. Tome 1-7, 1864-70 ; 2e sdrie. Tome 1-12. 1872-83 ; 3e se"rie. Tome 1-11. 1884-93. Paris, 1864-93. 4. B29E:864. Publication : Monthly. Editors: L. Pasteur. 1864-70; H. Sainte - Claire Deville, 1872-82 ; H. Debray, 1883-88 ; Ch. Her- mite, 1889-1900 ; Comite" de Redaction, 1901, etc. Indexes: 1864-83 (1886) ; 1884-93 (1894). Boole Polyteciinique de Delft. Annales. Tome 1-6. Leide, 1885-90. 6 vols. 4. B 74 : Economic Geology. Vol. I, etc. Lancaster, Pa., 1905, etc. 8. G 3 : 905. Publication: Semi-quarterly. History : Incorporated " The American Geologist." Economy. - Economy of the hands and feet, fingers and toes. By an old Army Surgeon. 3rd ed. London, Effing- ham Wilson, 1831. 12. 150 pp. 1 pi. (33407) Edelphe. See PLANIS CAMPY, D. de, called I" Edelphe. Edelsteln, Siegmund. - Die Fachbildegetriebe am mechanisation Web- stnhle. Leipzig, 1909. 8. 158 pp. (38511) Eder, Josef Maria, Ph.D. - Ansfuhrliches Handbuch der Photographie. Theil 1-4. Halle a S., 1882-96. 14 pts. in 4 vols. 8. (21991) - The same. 2te Ann. Theil 1-4. Ibid. 1898- 99. 15 pt8. and Supplement in 4 vols. 8. (25058) - The same. [3rd ed.] Ibid. 1903, etc. 8. (30523) Theil 1-3, 1903-06. MM Eder, Josef Maria cont. Formuleg, rejettes ot tables pour la Photographie et les proct5di5s de Reproduction. Trad, de 1'Alle- mand par J. Braun. (Bibliotheque Photographique.) Pfiris, 1900. sm. 8. 186 pp. (37614) Systdme de Sensitome'trie dei plaque* photo- graphiques. Trad, de 1'AHemand par E. Belio. [1902-08.] 150 po. See 8)014x4 FRANgAiSE DE PHOTOORAPHIE. Laboratoire d'essais. MSmoires. Tome 3. A 10 : 855 a. Theorie und Praxis der Photographie rait Brom- silber-Galatine. 2taAufl. WJe,1883. 8. 264pp. (35588) Ed-rcumbe, Kenelm. Industrial Electrical Measuring instruments. London, 1908, 8. 212 pp. (36681) Edsro. Thoa. J. Veterinary Medicines 1898. 24pp. See PENN- SYLVANIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin 35. J 30 P : b. Edinburgh i Exhibition of Decorative Handiwork. 1888. Catalogue. Edinburgh. 1888. sm. 8. 138 pp. (37731) ^ Royal Botanic Garden. Notes. No. 1, etc. Edinburgh, 1900, etc. 8. H 74 : 900. Edinburgh and East ot Scotland College of Agriculture. Bulletin, No. 1, etc. Edin- burgh, 1903, etc. 8. J 6 : 903. Deficient : Hoe. 6 & 6. Edison, Thos. M v.i. See TEWKSBURY, G. E. A complete manual of the Edison Phonograph. Introd. by T. A. E. 1897. 8. (25831) (Biographical.) See JONES, F. A. T. A. Edison : Sixty years of an inventor's life. 1907. 8. (35653) See PREECE, Sir W. H. The Phonograph . . . invented, etc., by T. A. Edison. [1878.] 8. (27630) Edkins, Wm. Catalogue of the celebrated collection of English Porcelain and Pottery . . . sold by auction, [London], April, 1874. 8. 36 pp. 5 pi. (30907) Edler, Robert, Prof, in Vienna. Entwurf von Schaltungen und Sohalt-Apparaten (Schaltungstheorie). Hannover, 1905, etc. sm. 8. (32029) Edler, Wilhelm. Anban-Vereuche mit verschiedenen Sommer- und Winterweizen-Sorten. Begonnen von Dr. Liebscher, weitergefuhrt, etc., von Dr. E. 1898 & 1901. S* DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT : Arbeiten. Heft 32 & 63. J 23 : 894. Dreijahrige Erbaen - Anbauversuche, 1902-04. 1905. 102 pp. Ibid. Heft 109. J 23 : 894. Dreijahrige Roggen-Anbauversuche, 1899-1902. 1903. 172 pp. 9 pi. Ibid. Heft 84. 8. J 23 : 894. "Vierjahrige Hafer - Anbauversuche, 1901-1904. 1906. 370 pp. Ibid. Heft 114. J 23 : 894. Edmonds, Geo. The Country Brewer's assistant, and English vintner's instructor. London, 1749. sm. 8. 134 pp. (36435) 209 2D EAST] [EOKE Eastlake, Sir Cbas. Lock. Fresco - painting. [1841.] See PARLIAMENT. Fine Arts. Report, etc., 1841. pp. 74-76. fol. (30560) Means of preventing Damp in "Walls. 1843. Ibid. Fine Arts. Report 2. Appendix No. 4. pp. 45-52. fol. (30556) On the means of preventing Damp in W:)lls. 1845. See Roy. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Papers. Vol. 7. Appendix 2. pp. 204-215. F 90 : 844. Methods of Painting adapted to Mural decora- tion. 1844. See PARLIAMENT. Fino Arts. Report 3. 1844. Appendix No. 14. pp. 47-54. fol. (30556) Eastman, H. B. Experiments with Railway Cross -ties. 1908. L'2 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Forest Service. Circular 146. J 29 Fo : c. Eastman Photographic Materials Co., Ltd. Kodak Portfolio. Souvenir, etc. London, [1897]. 8. 4pp. 14 pi. (19191) The same. Royal edition. London, [1897]. 8. 17 pi. (19192) Eastern, James Marshall, Bar.-at-law. See COPINGER, W. A. The Law of Copyright. 4th ed., by J. M. E. 1904. 8. (31286) Eastwood, Arthur, M.D. See PARLIAMENT. Tuberculosis. 2nd Interim Report. Part 2. Vol.4. Comparative histologieal and bacteriological investigations. By A. E. 1907. fol. (35557) Eaves, Wm. See BROWN, J., & Co., LTD. The Ellis and Eaves (Patent) system of Induced draught. [1899 ?] 4. (27373) Ebblewhite, Ernest Arthur. See TIN PLATE WORKERS, etc., COMPANY, London. A chronological history of the Worshipful Company . . . byE.A. E. 1896. 4". (33368) Eberhard, von. Das Wesen der modernen Visiervorrichtiingen der Landartillerie. Im Auftrage von F. Krupp, A.-Q-. Ex : " Artilleristische Monatshef te." Berlin, [190 ?]. 8. 52 pp. 5 pi. (36837) Eberhard, Heinrich Wilhelm. Die Anwendung der chemischen Druckart auf Metallplatten. Mainz, 1821. 4. 16 pp. 8 pi. (35443) Eberhardt, . See NECKAR - DONAU - KANAL - KOMITEE. Die wurttembergischeo Grossschiffahrtsplane. Von Gugenhan und E. 1908. 8. (36394) Eberhardt, Philippe. See DUBARD, M., and EBERHARDT, P. Le Ricin, etc. 1902. 8. (28627) Ebert, Hermann, Prof, in Kiel. See WIEDEMANN, E., and EBERT, H. Physika- lisches Praktikum. Aufl. 3, etc. 1897, etc. Die Elektrophysik uud die Theorie des Elektro- magnetismus. Von F. W. C. Heinke und H. E. 1902-04. See HEINKE, F. W. C. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Band 1. 2 vols. 8. (27178) Eborall, Alfred Cecil, M.I.E.E. Polyphase Electric working. {Society of Art. Howard lectures. 1901.) London, 1902. 8. 80pp. (16509) Eccles, Robert Gibson, M.D. Food Preservatives, their advantages and propel use. New York, 1905. 8. 208 pp. 1 pi. (31618) Echemont, Krammiw. Me'moire pour F. Kchement ; contre Popelin- Duearre. Sur sa plainte en coutrefacon ; (2 Pour usurpation des me'dailles, etc., accordees 1'inventeur de la carbonisation des menus bois. Paris, 1852. 8. 52 pp. (34867) Echte. Aechte und genaue Darstellung der neu-erfun- denen franzosiscben Fernschreibmaschine, genannt : der Telegraph. [Invention of I. U. J. Chappe]. Wien, 1795. 12. 24 pp. (27947) Eck, Chas. Louis Gustave. Application des Globes au Poti creux a 1'art de bfitir les plaochers, cloisons, etc. Paris, 1831. 8. 16 pp. 1 pi. (37415) Application g6aera!e du fer, de la fonte, da la tcUe, et dea poteries dans les constructions civiles, industrielles et militaires, etc. Paris, 1841. 2 vols. fol. (37691) Traits' de Construction en Poteries et Fer . . . suivi d'un recueil des machines appropriees a 1'art de batir. 2e tirage. Paris, 1841. 2 pts. 66 pi. with descr. text. fol. (37312) Eckardt, Arthur. Die Gasmaschine, insonderheit die Visrtakt-Gas- maschine, etc. Braunschweig, 1908. 8. 88 pp. 2 pi. (36838) Eckardt, Wilhelm R. Der Baurawollbau in seiner Abhangigkeit vom Klima an den Grenzen seines Anbau-Gebietes. 1906. 114 pp. See TROPENPFLANZER. Beihefte. Baud 7. 1-2. J 61 : 897. Eckel, Edwin Clarence. Cement materials and industry of the United States. 1905. 396 pp. 15 pi. See U.S. GEO- LOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 243. G 30 : 883. Cements, Limes, and Plasters ; their materials. manufacture, and properties. New York, 1905. 8. 746 pp. 4 maps. (31632) Contributions to Economic Geology. By S. F. Emmons and E. C. E. 1906. Part 1. Metais and non-metals, escspt fuels. 1907. 506 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 315. G 30 : 883. The materials and manufacture of Portland Cement. 1904. See ALABAMA : Geological Survey. Bulletin 8. pp. 1-59. G 30 A : b. Eckels, Howard S. The practical Embalmer. Philadelphia, [19031. 8. 196pp. 12 pi. (31623) Eckenbrecher, C. von. See BLATTER FUR GERSTEN-, HOPFEN- UND KARTOFFELBAU. Hrsg. M. Delbriick, C. von E., etc. 1899-1901. J 62 H : 899. Eckenstein, Ed. Entwickelung und Fortschritte der Malzfabri- kation in den letzten vierzig Jahren. Berlin, 1908. 8. 216 pp. (36371) 208 ECKH] [EDMO Eckhart, A., Architect. Die Konstruktion von Brennofea fiir Ziegeleien und Thonwaaren- Fabrikeu. Leipzig, 1881. sm. 8. 44 pp. (8245) See BOCK, O. Der Ziegelofen. [1902.] 2te Auti. von A. E. '' Die Konstruktion von Brenn- ofen,"te. 8. (29570) EcUhartshauaon, . von. -> Neue Erfahruugen iiber kiinstliche Salpeter- Production und om besaere Pulror-Fabrication. Regensburg, 1802. am. 8 3 . 72 pp. (33674) Eckles, C. H. A chemical and physical study of the large and amall flat globulea in cowa' milk. By B. H. Shaw and C. H. E. 1909. 16 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGBIC0LTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bul- letin 111. J 29 An : a. Eolalrage Electrique (L.'). Revue, etc. See LUMIERB ELECTRIQUE. 1894-1907. D 51 : 879. Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris. [Lecture notes, by L. Baret, 1846-49.] [Paris, 184B-49]. 12 vola. 4. and fol. MS. (33766) M<5moires relatifs aux projets. Par L. Baret. [Paris, 1847-48.] MS. fol. 61 11. (33767) Travaux Publics. [Lecture notes by L. Baret.] Ann^e 1844-48. [ Paris, 1844-48.] 3 vols. Lithogr. text and Atlas. 50 pi. fol. (33781) Ecole Induatriolle do Bruxelles. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Technologique. [Supplement 1, etc.] Bmxelles, 1895, etc. 8. (35161) Ecole Normale Sup^ricure, Paris. Annales Scientifiques. le aerie. Tome 1-7, 1861-70 ; 2e s^rie. Tome 1-12. 1872-83; 3e ae"rie. Tome 1-11. 1884-93. Paris, 1864-93. 4. B29E:864. Publication: Monthly. Editors: L. Pasteur, 1864-70; H. Sainte - Claire Deville, 1872-82 ; H. Debray, 1883-38 ; Ch. Her- mite, 1889-1900 ; Comite" de Kedaotion, 1901, etc. Indent: 1864-8* (1886) j 1884-93 (1894). Ecole Polytecimique de Delft. Annales. Tome 1-6. Leide, 1885-90. 6 vols. 4. B 74 : Economic Geology. Vol. I, etc. Lancaster, Pa., 1905, etc. 8. G3:905. Publication : Semi-quarterly. History : Incorporated " The American Geologist." Economy. Economy of the hands and feet, fingers and toes. By an old Army Surgeon. 3rd ed. London, Effing- ham Wilson, 1831. 12. 150 pp. 1 pi. (33407) Edelpbe. See PLANIS CAMPY, D. de, called I'Edelphe. Edelstein, Siegrmmd. Die Fachbildegetriebe am mecbanischen Web- atuhle. Leipzig, 1909. 8. 158 pp. (38511) Eder, Josef Maria, Ph.D. Ausfiihrliches Handbuch der Photographic. Theil 1-4. Halle a S., 1882-96. 14 pta. in 4 vols. 8. (21991) The same. 2te Aufl. Theil 1-4. Ibid. 1898- 99. 15 pta. and Supplement in 4 vols. 8". (25058) The same. [3rd ed.] Ibid. 1903, etc. 8. (30523) Theil 1-8, 1903-06. S4222 Eder, Josef Maria cont. Formulea, rejettes et tables pour la Photographic et les proc6di5s de Reproduction. Trad, de 1'Alle- mand par J. Braun. (Bibliotheque Photographique.) Paris, 1900. sm. 8. 186 pp. (37614) SystiSme da Seasitom6trie dei plaques photo- graphique*. Trad, de 1'AlIemand par E. Belin. [1902-03.] 150 po. See Sjcifrr* FRANCHISE DE PIIOTOORAPUIE. Laboratoire d'essais. Me'moires. Tome 3. A 10 : 855 a. ' Theorie und Praxis der Photographic rait Brom silber-Galatine. 26oAufl. Wien, 1883. 8. 264pp. (35588) Edg-cumbe, Kenelm. Industrial Electrical Measuring instruments. London, 1908. 8. 212 pp. (36681) Edgre, Thos. J. Veterinary Medicine*. 1898. 24pp. See PENN- SYLVANIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin 35. J 30 P : b. Edinburgh I Exhibition of Decorative Handiwork, 1888. Catalogue. Edinburgh, 1888. sm. 8. 138 pp. (37731) Royal Botanic Garden. Notes. No. 1, etc. Edinburgh, 1900, etc. 8. H 74 : 900. Edinburgh and East ot Scotland College of Agriculture. Bulletin, No. 1, etc. Edin- burgh, 1903, etc. 8. J 6 : 903. Deficient: Nos. 5 & G. Edison, Thos. Alva. ^ See TEWKSBUKY, Q. E. A complete manual of the Edison Phonograph. Introd. by T. A. E. 1897. 8. (25831) (Biographical.) See JONES, F. A. T. A. Edison : Sixty years of an inventor's life. 1907. 8. (35653) ^ See PREECE, Sir W. H. The Phonograph . . . invented, etc., by T. A. Edison. [1878.] 8. (27630) Edkins, Wrn. Catalogue of the celebrated collection of English Porcelain and Pottery . . . aold by auction, [London], April, 1874. 8. 36pp. 5 pi. (30907) Edler, Robert, Prof, in Vienna. Entwnrf von Suhaltungen und Sohalt-Apparaten (Schaltungstheorie). Hannover, 1905, etc. sm. 8. (32029) Edler, Wilhelm. Anban-Veranche mit verschiedenen Sommer- und Winterweizen-Sorten. Begonnen von Dr. Liebscher, weitergefiihrt, etc., von Dr. E. 1898 & 1901. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT : Arbeiten. Heft 32 & 63. J 23 : 894. Dreijahrige Erbsen - Anbauversuohe, 1902-04. 1905. 102 pp. Ibid. Heft 109. J 23 : 894. Dreijahrige Roggen-Anbanverauche, 1899-1902. 1903. 172 pp. 9 pi. Ibid. Heft 84. 8. J 23 : 894. Vierjahrige Hafer - Anbanverauche, 1901-1904. 1906. 370pp. Ibid. Heft 114. J 23 : 894. Edmonds, Geo. The Country Brewer's assistant, and English vintner's instructor. London, 1749. am. 8. 134 pp. (36435) 209 2D DMU] [EGRO Edmunds, Lewis, Bar.-at-Law. The Law of Copyright in Designs, together with the practice relating to proceedings in the Courts and in the Patent Office. London, 1895. 8. 310pp. (24466) The same. 2nd ed. by L. E. and H. Bentwich. London, 1908. 8. 532 pp. (36727) Edrldgre - Green, F. W. See GREEST, F. W. Edridge. Edser, Edwin. Heat for advanced students. London, 1905. ' sm. 8. 498pp. (33929) Light for students. London, [reprinted,] 1904. sm. 8. 588 pp. (33930) Measurement and Weighing. A course in prac- tical physics. London, 1899. sm. 8. 118 pp. (27017) Educational. The educational uses of Toys. London, A. N. Myers & Co., 1854. 12. 48 pp. (38437) Edwardes, M. Silkworms . . . Mulberry-leaf and Oak-leaf Silkworms. (Dean's Practical Guide Books.) Lon- ' don, [1895]. sm. 8. 62 pp. (25364) Edwards, , Major, R.E. Report on apparatus used in Shooting, Fishing tackle, and implements used in gathering fruits without culture. By Edwards and W. T. Cole. 1868. See PARIS UNIT. EXHIBITION, 1867, British Comm. Reports. Vol. 5. pp. 93-108. 8. (13626) Edwards, Frederick, Jun. See also EDWARDS & SON. On the economical use of Fuel, and the preven- tion of Smoke in domestic Fireplaces'. London, 1864. 8. 82pp. 16 pi. (36547) A treatise on Smoky Chimneys, their cure and prevention. 5th ed. London, 1869. 8. 62 pp. - 8 pi. (33408) The same. 6th ed. London, 1871. 8. 58 pp. 8 pi. (15105) Edwards, Frederick, M.I.N.A. Edward's patent Air Pump. [Letters Psttent, Nos. 5175 of 1894, and 21,034 of 1896 ; Valve stud, No. 9653 of 1896.] London, 1897. 16. 64 pp. (27371) Edwards, Geo. Project for tunnelling under navigable rivers . . . applied to vehicular subways. [Letters Patent, No. 3864 of 1883.] fol. 8 pp. 3 pi. (35815) Edwards, J. Hall. See ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL SKIAGRAPHY. Ed. J. H. E., etc. 1903, etc. H 6 : 896. Edwards, Kioard Baghott. Garden ground, and how to make the most of it. {London, 1878.] 12. 24 pp. (38636) Edwards, Milne. See FRANCE : Ministere de I' Agriculture, etc. Rapport sur la production, etc., du Sel en Angle- terre, par M. E. 1850. 4. (34246) Edwards, Percy J. See LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. History oi London street improvements, 1855-1897. By P. J. E [1898.] fol. (32675) Edwards, S. F. Milk machines. By H. H. Dean and S. F. E. 1907. 24 pp. See ONTARIO : Agric. College, etc. Bulletin 159. J 10 CO : b. Edwards and Son. Improved Fire-places. London, 1876. 8. 8pp. 6 pi. (36225) Efiront, Jean, D.Sc., Prof, in Brussels. Die Diastasen und ihre Rolle in der Praxis. Deutsche Ubersetzung von M. Biiclieler. Band 1. Die Enzyme der Kohlebydrate und die Oxydasen. Leipzig, iyOO. 8. 352 pp. (27144) Enzymes and thftir applications. Trsl. S. C. Prescott. Vol. 1. The Enzymes of the Carbo- hydrates. The Oxidases. New York, 1902. 8. 334 pp. (28244) Les Enzymes et leurs applications. Paris, 1899. 8. 370 pp. (25881) Egran, Edward. . Organisation de la traction des bateaux sur le canal des portes de fer dans le Bas-Danube. 1900. 12 pp. 8 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTEBIEURE : 8eCongres. Question 4. [25.] F 43 : 888. Eg-erton. Francis Henry, 8th Earl of Bridgewater. Description dn plan incline 1 souterrain, exiicute' par Francis Egerton, Due de Bridgewater . . . de son canal souterrain dans ses mines de charbon de terre de Walkden-Moor, dans le Lancashire. Paris, 1812. 8. 48 pp. 1 pi. (34203) Egrerton, Granville George Algernon, Col., C.B. Miniature range shooting. 2nd ed. London, 1909. sm. 8". 20 pp. (37984) Egerton, J. See PHOTOGRAPHY. Photography : a popular treatise. By " An Amateur " [J. F.., i.e., J. Egerton.} 1847. 12. (32657) Eg-erton, R. W. Note on rebnrning Cement. [1893.] 4 pp. 2 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.). Technical Section. Papers 66. E 23/ Eg'g-ert, Otto. See JORDAN, W. Handbuch der Vermessungs- kunde. 7te AufL.von O. E. 1908, etc. 8. (38149) Eginton, Francis. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Egleston, Nathaniel H. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Report upon Forestry. Vol. 4. 1884. J 29 : Fo. Connection of railroads witb forest fires. 1887. With Papers on Spark- Arresters, by J. N. Lauder and G. W. Tilton. 1887. Ibid. Div. of Botany. Bulletin 1. Appendix, pp. 129-137. J 29 B : Egleston, Thos., Ph.D., LL.D. Investigations on the Ore Knob Cooper process. Ex : " Trans, of the Amer. Inst. Mining Eng., May, 1881." 8. 34pp. 3 pi. (25946) The law of fatigue and refreshment of Metals. Ibid. Sept., 1879. 8. 8 pp. (25947) Egrot, . Correction des Eaux employees a 1'alimentation des g^nerateurs de vapeur par 1'Hydrhyaline Esrot. [Egrot and Tinea's French Patent, No. 179,620. 12 Nov., 1886.] Le Mans, 1897. 8. 42 pp. (25458) 210 EGYP] [EITN Bsrypt i Geological Survey. Reports. [No. 1, etc.'} Cairn, 1900, etc. 8. G 31 E : 900. Ehcmann. G. A. Hydraulische Motoren . . . Wasserrader und Turbinen, etc. Leipzig, 1901. 8. 76 pp. 9 pi. (27670) Ehrenbergr, Christian Gottlieb, M.D. See MANDL, L. Tr.iitd pratique du microscope . suivi de recherches sur J 'organisation des anlmaux inf usoirea, par 0. G. E. 1839. 8. (36179) Ehronbersr, Richard. Die Unternehmnngen der Bruder Siemens. Jena, 11)06, etc. 8. (35096) Ehrenkrook. F. von. Die Fisch-Torpedos. Ihre historische Entwick- elung, Einnchtung, etc., sowie deren Eiufluss anf zukunftigo Seekriege. Berlin. 1878. 8. 92 pp. (29009) Ehrcnthal. M. von. Die Waffensammlung der Fiirsten Salra-Reiffer- schiidt zu Schloss Dyck. Leipzig, 1906. 4. 222 pp. 6 pi. (38004) Z2b.rb.ardt. Ad. See BOUVIER, M. P. L. Handbuch der Olmalerei. 7te Aufl. von A. E. 1895. 8. (25707), Gustav. See WILLE, R. Ehrhardt-Geschutze. 1908, etc. 8. (37994) Se WILLE, R. Entwickluug der Verschliisse fiir Kanonen unter bes. Beriicksicht. der nenesten Verscblusse system Ehrhardt. 1903. 8. (30232) Earlch. E. See BIERBRAUER, (Der). Hrsg. E. E., 1899-1904. 8. K 84 : 859. Ehrllch, Paul. Encyklopadie der mikroskopischen Technik mit bes. Beriicksicht. der Farbelehre. Berlin, 1903. 8. 1416 pp. (29641) Eibner, Alexander. Zur Geschichte der aromatiscben Diazo-Verbin- dunsen. Miinchen, 1903. 8. 278 pp. (30643) Malmaterialienkunde ah Grnndlage der Mal- tecbnik. Burl'm, 1909. 8. 504 pp. (38512) Eich, . Moyens de consolidation des talus des Cananx Maritimes. 1898. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE : 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 3. Question 3. 8 pp. 1 pi. F 43 : 888. Etchhoff, P. J., M.D. Praktische Kosmetik. 2te Aufl. Leipzig. 1902. 8=. 282pp. (28494) Eichhorn, Gnstav. See JAHBBUCH DER DRAHTLOSEN TELEGRAPHIC, etc. Hrsg. G. E. 1907, etc. D 60 : 907. Wireless Telegraphy. London, 1906. 8. 126pp. (33140) Etchlott. R. See MILCHWIRTSCHAFTLICHE8 ZENTRALBLATT. Hrsg. R. E. 1905, etc. J 83 : 905. Eidherr, Ed. Der chemisch-technische Brennereileiter. Popu- lares Handbuch der Spiritus-und Pressbefe-Fabrika- tion. 4te Aufl. (Chemiach-technische Bibliothe!.:) Wien, 1898. son. 8 b . 304pp. (26109) 34222 Eiffel, Alexandra Gustave. La Tour Eiffel en 1900. Paris, 1902. 4. 372 pp. 10 pi. (35738) Eilcrs, A. Contributions to the records of Lead-smelting in blast-furnaces. 1872. See U.S. CoMM. OF MINERAL STATISTICS. Statistics of the Mines, etc., West of the Rocky Mountain*. [5th Report.] pp. 349-360. 1873. 8. G 50: 866. Elnecko. Albert, Ph.D. Uber Beziebungen zwiscben Nabrungsfett, Kor- perfett und Milchfett. 1903. See LANDW. INST, DER KONIGL. UNIV. BRESLAU. Mittheilungen. Band 2. pp. 559-645. J 51 : 899. Die Verdaulichkeit des Torfes als Melassetraser. Von T. Pfeiffer nnd A. E. 1904. Ibid. Band 2. pp. 683-694. J 51 : 899. Elsolen, F. See DEttTSCHE BAUZEITUNG. Hrsg. A. Hofmann und F. E. 1901-08. F 68 : 867. Elsolen, Jobann Christoph. Haadbuch . . . des Torfwesens, etc. Band 2. Belehrung tiber die Mittel und Geschirre, zum . . . Transport des Torfes aus den Mooren bis zum festen Wege. Berlin, 1811. 8". 364 pp. 4 pi. (37458) The same. 2te Ansg. Band 1. [Vorbereitung der Torfmoore, etc.] Berlin, 1802. 8. 456 pp. 7 pi. (37457) Elsen, Gastav August. Edible figs : their culture and curing. 22 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Div. of Pom- ology. Bulletin 5. J 29 P : The Raisin industry. San Francisco, 1890. 8. 228 pp. 8 pi. (37053) Eisenbahntechniacho Zeltsohrlft. See IL- LUSTRIRTE ZEITSCHRIFT FOR KLEIN- UNI> STRASSENBAHNEN, etc. 1905-06. F 30 : 904. Eiaenlohr. . Entstehung, Bau und Bedeutung der Mann- heimer Hafenanlagen. 1908. See SCHIFFBAU- TECHN. GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 9. pp. 89-110. 2 pi. F 81: 900. Elsenlohr, Ludwig, Architect. See ART-WORKMAN (The). Series 5. Ed. L. E. f etc. [1882.] A l/863b. Eisenstoin, A. See BENEDIKT, R. Analyse der Fette nnd Wachsarten. 5te Aufl. von F. Ulzen . . . und A. E. 1908. 8". (36369) Elssler, Manuel. The Cyanide process for tbe extraction of Gold and its practical application on the Witwatersrand Gold fields in South Africa. London, 1895. am. 8. 108 pp. 11 pi. (24279) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1898. am. 8. 158 pp. 16 pi. (25817) Tbe same. 3rd ed. London, 1902. 8. 202pp. 18 pi. (28928) The Hydro-metallurgy of Copper . . .in- cluding the manufacture of Copper vitriol. London, 1902. 8. 240pp. (28929) Eitner, Ignaz. See GERBER (Der). Red. W. und I. E. 1887, etc. K 70 : 887. 211 2 D 2 Kol af Branntorf. (27455) Jonkoping, EITN] Eitncr, Paul. Untersiichungen iiber die Explosionsgrenzeu brennbarer Gase und Dampfe. (Thesis.) Milnchen, 1902. 8. 148pp. (28585) Eitner, Wilhelm. SeGERBER (Der). Red. W. und I. E. 1887. etc. K 70 : 887. Ekelund, II. Komprimeradt 1891. 8. 60 pp. ^laboratory. The Elaboratory laid open ; or, the secrets of modern Chemistry and Pharmacy revealed. [By Robert Doggie.] London, J. Nourse, 1758. 8. 390 pp. (25872) Elbenne, Menjot d'. See MENJOT D'ELBENNE, . Elbs, Earl. Ubungsbeispiele fiir die elektrolytische Dar- gtellung chemigcher Praparate. Halle, 1902. 8. 198 pp. (28310) Electrolytic preparations. Trsl. R. 8. Button. London, 1903. 8. 112 pp. (30206) Elder, David. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Eldridgre, G. Morgan. A Thermograph : a new apparatug for making a continuous graphical record of the variations of Temperature. 1882. 6 pp. 1 pi. See FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Reprints. [Vol. 2.] B 62 : 886. Eldridgre, Geo. Romans, and Arnold, B. The Santa Clara, Puente hills, and Los Angeles oil districts, Southern California. 1907. 266 pp. 41 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 309. G 30 : 883. Eldridgre, Maurice 0. Construction of good Country Roads. 1898. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1898. pp. 316-324. 2 pi. J29:849b. Earth Roads. 1902. 24 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 136. J 29 Fa : Good Roads for farmers. 1900. 47 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 95. J 29 Fa : Progress of Road building in the United States. 1899. Ibid. Year-book. 1899. pp. 367-380. 4 pi. J 29 : 849b. Electra. Tijdschrift voor Electrotechniek, etc. Jaarg. 1-8. Amsterdam, 1895-1902. 8 volg. 4. D 51/895. Publication : Monthly. 1895-98 ; weekly, 1898-1902. Editors : G. C. J. Verkerk, etc. Electric Accumulator (The). Yol. 1-3. London, 1906-08. 3 vols. 4. D 58 : 906. Publication : Monthly. Electric Agre (The). Vol. 7-9. New York, 1888- 91. 3 volg. 4. andfcl. D 51/888. Publication: 24 Nos. yearly, 1888-9; weekly, 1890-91. Editor: T. B. TaltavaU. Supplement : See " Street Railway News " (Railway Dept. of the " Electric Age,") 1891. F 30/891. Electric Club Journal. Vol. 1, etc. Pittsburg, Pa., 1904, etc. 8. D 51: 904. Publication : Monthly. Editor: A. H. Molntire, 1906, etc. Title varied: " Electric Journal." June 1906, etc. Jndexet: Cumulative topical index at end of each vol. [ELEC Electric Club Journal ',,/. Railway gignaling. By a Staff of Expert Signal Engineers. (Reprinted from the " Electric Journal, 1907.") Pittsburg, 1908. 8. 108 pp. (37404) Electric Journal. See ELECTUIC CLUB JOURNAL. June, 1906, etc. D 51: 904. Electric Ozone Syndicate, Ltd. Ozone . . . E. Andreoli's Patents. London. 1898. 8. 32pp. (25337) Electric Power. Vol. 1-3. New York, 1889-91. 3 vols. 4. D 51: 889. Publication : Monthly. Editors : R. W. Pope and G. H. Stockbridge. Electric Railway Advertiser. Vol. 1-2. Boston, Mass., 1890-91. 2 vols. in one. fol. F 30/890. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Electric Railway Journal. See STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. June, 1908, etc. F 30/884. Electric Railway Review. See STREET RAIL- WAY REVIEW. July, 1906, etc. F 30/904. Electric Railway Test Commission. See ST. Louis INTERNAT. EXHIBITION, 1904. Report of the Electric Railway Test Commission. 1906. 8. (32423) Electrical Engineering-. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1907, etc. fol. D 51/907. Publication: Weekly. Electrical Engineering- and Telephone Ittagrazlne. Vol. 14-26. Chicago, 1899-1905. 13 vols. 8. D 60: 899. Publication : Monthly. Title varied : " Telephone Magazine," 1900, etc. History : Incorporated with " Telephony." Electrical Field. Devoted to the interests of the Contractor. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1908, etc. 8. D 51 : 908. Publication : Monthly. Electrical Industries. Vol. 6-17. New York, 1895-1905. 11 vols. fol. D 51/895. Publication : Monthly. Title varied : " American Electrician," incorporating " Electrical Industries," 1896-1905. History : Incorporated with the " Electrical World." Electrical BXagrazlne. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1904, etc. 8. D 51 : 904. Publication : Monthly. Editor: T. Feilden, 1904, etc. Electrical Patents, Reigsueg, Trade Marks, and Designs . . . granted weekly by the United States relating to Electricity and electrical devices. Vol. 1-2. Washington, 1899-1900. 8. D 52 : 899. Publication : Monthly. Compiler : J. T. Allen. Electrical Progress. Vol. 6, etc. London, 1899. etc. 4. D 51: 899. Publication: Monthly. Editors: G. Piggott & Co. Electrical Review. Vol. 2, etc. New York, 1883, etc. fol. D 51/883. Publication : Weekly. Editors: G. Worthington, 1883-91; C. W. Price, 1892-1908 ; A. A. Gray, Nov. 1908, etc. Title varied: Vol. 1, 1882-83, published under the title of " Review of Telegraph and Telephone " ; amalgamated with the " Western Electrician " and issued under the joint title " Electrical Review and Western Electrician," Nov. 1908, etc. 212 ELEC] Electrical Society of Cornell University. See CORNELL UNIVERSITY, etc. Electrical Times. See LIGHTNING. July, 1902, etc. D 51/891. Electrical World. Vol. 3, etc. New York, 1884, etc. fol. D 51/884. Publication: Weekly. Editort : T. C. Martin and W. D. Weaver, 1899, etc. Hillary : Incorporated " The Electrical Engineer " in 1899, and " The Anier. Electrician " in 1905. Indexa: 1883-96(1897). 8. Electrical World and Record. Vol. 1, etc. Manchester, 1908, etc. em. fol. D 51 : 908. Publication: Weekly. Electrician (The). The Post Office Telephone service. [Reprinted from the " Electrician."] London, 1903. 8. 94 pp. 1 pi. (30352) " Electrician" Primers [1-38]. Vol. 1, Theory. Vol. -2, Practice. London, 1891. 2 vols. 8. (10138) The same. [80 Primers.] [2nd ed.] Ed.W.R. Cooper. Vol. 1. Theory. Vol. 2, Electric traction, etc. Vol. 3, Telegraphy, etc. London, [1906]. 3 vols. 8. (32537) Electrician (The). Vol. 1-27. New York, 1882-99. 27 vols. 4. D 51 : 882. Publication : Monthly, 1882-90 ; weekly, 1890, etc. editors : F. L. Pope, 1884-90 ; T. C. Martin and J. Wetzler, 1890-99. Title varied : " Electrician and Electrical Engineer," 1884-87 ; " Electrical Engineer," 1888-99. History: Incorporated in 1899 with the "Electrical World." Electricity. Vol. 1-30. New York, 1891-1906. 30 vols. fol. D 51/891. Publication: Weekly. Electricity, Masrnetism, etc. Exccrpta. 1748- 1858. Vol. 1 [chiefly from the "Philosophical Trans."]. 1792-1848. Vol. 2 [French], 1748-1857. Vol. 3 [Italian], 1788-1858. Vol. 4 [from the "Scelta di Opuscoli, etc."], 1781-95. 4 vols. 4. (10302) Electrochemical and Metallurgical In- dustry. See ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY, 1905, etc. D 58/902. Electrochemical Industry. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1902, etc. 4. D 58/902. Publication : Monthly. Editor : E. P. Boeber, 1902, etc. Title varied : " Electrochemical and Metallurgical Industry," 1905, etc. Place of publication : Philadelphia, Vol. 1., No. 1-10. Electro-chemical Review (The), comprising the " Electro-Colourist." Vol.1. Manchester, 1900. 4. D 58 : 900. Publication: Monthly. Editor : A. Sansone. Electro-Chemist and Metallurgist (The). Vol. 1-4 (Part 1). London, 1901-04. 3 vols. 4. and 8. D 58/901. Publication : Monthly. History : Vol. 3-4. Organ of the Paraday Society. Electrochimie (L'). Anne~e 1-12. Paris, 1895- 1906. 11 vols. 4. D 58: 895. Publication : Monthly. Editor : A. Minet. [ELEK Elektretohestvp. [Electricity. Journal issued by the Imp. Russian Technical Society.] No. 1, etc. St. Petersburg, 1898, etc. 4. D 51/898. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Elektrlsche Bahnen. Jahrg. 1, etc. Miinchen, 1903, etc. 4. F 30 : 903. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly, 1904 ; 36 Nos. yearly, 1905, etc. Editors : W. Kttbler, 1903-06 ; W. Reichel, 1907, etc. Title varied : " Klektrische Bahnen und Betrieb," 1905-06 ; " Elektrische Kraftbetriebe und Bahnen," 1907, etc. Elektron. Jabrg. 1. Berlin, 1907-08. 4. D 51 : 907. Publication : Fortnightly. Editor: P. Wangemann. Elektrotechnlk in Elnzeldarstellungen. Heftl.ete. Braunschweig, 1902, etc. 8. D51:902. Editor : G. Benischkc. Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau. See ELEKTBOTECHNISCHER VEREIN IN WIEN. Zeit- schrift. 1906, etc. D 51/883. Elektrotechnische BXltteilung-en. Jahrg. 1-2. Halle As., 1901-02. 2 vols. 8. D 51 : 901. Publication : Monthly. Editor: J. Zaoharias. Elektroteohnische Patontblattor. Jahrg. 1. (No. 1-13.) Berlin, 1906. 8. D 52 : 906. Publication : Fortnightly. Editor : W. Boehm. Elektrotechnische Rundschau. Jahrg. 1-23. Frankfort a. M., 1883-1906. 23 vols. 4. and fol. D 51/883. Publication : Monthly, 1883-90 ; 24 Nos. yearly, 1891- 1905 ; weekly, 1906. Editors: T. Stein, 1883-86; G. Krebs, 1887-1903; F. Liebetanz, 1904-05 ; B. Bauch, 1906. Title varied: " Elektrotechnische nnd Polytechnische Rundschau," 1904-05. Elektrotechnische und Polytechnische Rundschau. See ELEKTROTECHNISCHE RUND- SCHAU. 1904-5. D 51/883. Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. Jahrg. 1, etc. Berlin, 1880, etc. 8. and fol. D 51 : 880 and /890. Publication: Weekly. Indexes : 1890-1902. By G. Reiohardt (1904). Elektro-tecbnischer Anzeigrer. Jahrg. 1, etc. Berlin, 1884, etc. 4. D 51/884. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly, 1884-87 ; 36 Nos. yearly, 1888 ; twice weekly, 1889, etc. Editors: A. Wilke, 1884-90; F. Gtlnther & Son, 1891-97 ; F. GrUnwald, 1898, etc. Elektrotechnischer Veroin in Wlen i Zer - schrift. Jahrg. 1, etc. Wien, 1883, etc. 8 and 4. D 51/883. Publication: 24 NOB. yearly, 1883-97; weekly. 1902, etc. Editors: J. Kareis, 1883-97; J. Seidener, 1902. etc. Title varied : " Zeitschrift fur Elektrotechnik,'' 1884- 1905; "Elektrotechnik und Maschinenban," 1906, etc. Elektrotechnisches Echo. Jabrg. 3-17. Magdeburg, 1890-1904. 14 vols. fol. D 51/890. Publication: Weekly. Editor : M. Krieg. Deficient : Band 5. Elektrotechnisches Jahrbuch. See HERZOO'S ELEKTROTECHNISCUES JAHRBUCH. D 52 : 909. 213 EMPE] [ENGE Empergrer, Fritz von cont. Bauausfiihrungen aus dem Hochbau und Bau- geaetza. Von A. Natorp und F. von B. 1909. 258 pp. See EMPERGER, F. von. Handbuch fiir Eisenbetonbau. Band 4. Teil 3. (35150) Handbuch fiir Eisenbetonbau. Berlin, 1907-09. 4 voU. 8. (35150) Die Eolle der Haftfestigkeit im Verbundbalken. 1905. 20 pp. 1 pi. See FORSCHERARBEITEN A. D. G. DES EISENBETONS. Heft 3. F 72/904. Versuche rait Saulen aus Eisenbeton und mit einbetonierten Eisensaulen in Stuttgart und in Win. 1908. 58 pp. 7 pi. Ibid, Heft 8. F 72/904. Emtagre, Wm. Thos. Allder. Light. London, 1896. sin. 8. 358pp. (27504) Emy, . L'art de bien faire les places d'office ; oa, les vrais principes pour congeler tour les rafraich- issemens. Avec un Traites of Hydraulic Cement. 1904. 276 pp. See OHIO (State) : [4th] Geological Survey. Bulle- <. tin 2. G 30 O : a. Enquirer, (The) ; or, literary, mathematical, and philosophical repository. Vol. 1-3. London, 1811- 13. 3 vols. 12. A 40: 811." Publication : Quarterly. Editors: Vol. 1 & 2, W. Marratt and P. Thompson; Vol. 3, W. Marratt. ESnsl, Gaspard, [? Ens or Ensz]. Thaumaturgus mathematicus, etc. Nunc denno correctior et auctior. Colonice, C. Munich, 1651. 8. 324 pp. (29694) Entdeckte. Entdeckte Grufft naturlicher Gebeimniisse, etc. . . . ' Von e'inem Liebhaber guter Kiinste. Leipzig, J.C.Martini, 1717. 4. 198pp. (37557) Ephralm, Fritz. . Das Vanadin nnd seine Verbindungen. 1904. See SAMMLUNG CHEM. UNO CHEM.-TECH. VOHTRAGE. Band 9. pp. 81-192. 8. K. 1 : 896. Ephralm, Julius Leopold. Die Acetylen- und Calciumcarbidindustrie von patentrechtlichen Standpunkt, Halle a. S., 1900. sm. 8. 64pp. (27145) Ephralm, Julius Leopold cunt. Deutsches Patentrecht fiir Chemiker. [1908.] 636 pp. See MONOGRAPHIKX UBER ANGEWANDTE ELEK.TROCHEMIE. Band 25. D 58 : 902. Ueber den NeubeitsbegriflE bei chemischen Erfin- dungen. 1898. See SAMMLUNG CUEMISCHER, etc. VORTRAGE. Band 3. pp. 297-384. K 1 : 896. Eppcnstoln, O. See CZAPSKI, S. Grundziige der Theorie der optischen Instrumente nach Abbe. 2te Aufl. Hrsg. von 0. E. 1904. 8. (31090) Equevllley, Raymond d'. Les Bateaux Sous-marins et les submersibles. (Encycl. Sclent, des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1902?] am. 6. 164 pp. (28342) Eracllus, De coloribus et artibus Romanorum. See RASPE, R. E. A critical essay on oil-painting, etc. pp. 98- 119. 1781. 4. (38225) Sraut, Sydney. See HOME OFFICE. Special Report upon the causation, etc., of Accidents at Docks, etc. By J. S. Maitland and S. E. 1SOO. fol. (27402) Erban, Franz. Laboratoriumsbuch fiir Tinktorial-Chemiker, . . . und technische Reisende in Farbereien, Druckereien, Farbeu-, Lack- und Papierfabriken. 1908. 122 pp. See LABORATORIUMSBUCHER FUR DIE CHEMISCUE, etc., INDDSTRIEN. Baud 4. K 30 : 907. Theorie und Praxis der Garnfarberei roit den Azo - Entwicklern. Berlin, 1906. 8. 500 pp. (32465) Ercker, Lazarus. Aula subterranea . . . dis ist, untererdische Hofhaltung . . . oder griindliche Beschreibung derjenigen Sachen so in der Tieflfe der Erden wachsen, etc. [Interpres Phraseologies Metallicaa . . . durch 0. .Berwardum. ] Franckfurt am Mayn, 1672-73. 2pts. fol. (38145) Erdmann, Hugo. Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie. Braun- schweiq, 1898. 8. 782 pp. 4 pi. 6 pp. tables. (26110) The same. 3te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1902. 8. 816 pp. 4 pi. (29109) Erdmann, Otto Linns', and Konlg 1 , C. R. Grundriss der allgemeinen Warenkunde unter Beriicksicht. der Mikroskopie und Technologie. 12te Au8., von E. Hanausek. Leipzig, 1895. 8. 584 pp. (24595) The same. 13te Aufl. von E. Hanausek. Leipzig, 1901. 8. 768pp. (27671) The same. 14te Aufl. von E. Hanausek. Leipzig, 1906. 8". 946 pp. (33204) Erfurt. See AcADiyiiA ELECTORALIS MOGUNTINA . . . quffi Erf ordiffi est. B 17 E : Erfurt, Julius. Farben des Papierstoffs. Praktisches Anleitung . . . mit 145 Proben im StofE gefarbten Papiere. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1900. 8. 152 pp. 145 specimens. (27212) The Dyeing of Paper Pulp. From the 2nd German ed. by J. Hiibner. London, 1901. 8. 194 pp. 157 specimens. (27524) 218 ERHA] [ESCA Erharcl, Christian Hugo Theodor, Ph.D. Dcr elektrische Betrieb im Bergbau . . . mit besond. Beriicksicbt. der Betriobssicherheit. flalle - a. S., 1902. 8. 160 pp. (28523) Erhardt, W. ZeitgemJisse Gasthauser. Frankfurt a. M. t 1902. 8. 16 pp. (17742) Ericsson, John, Capt. (Appendix.) See BofiTins, H. Die Ericsson "sche oalorische Maschine. 1860. 8. (27944) Sec WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Erlwcin, Georg. Cvanid-Prozesse zar Goldgewinnung. Von M. von Uslar und G. E. 1903. 106 pp. See Moso- ORAFUIBN rilF.l: ANQBWANDTE ELBKTBOCHEMIE. Band 7. D 58 : 902. ' Die Ozon-Wasserwerke Wiesbaden- Sebierstein niul Paderborn nach System Siemens und Halske A. G. Leipzig, 1903. sm. 8. 26 pp. 13 pi. (30105) Cbcr Trinkwasserreiniguna; durch Ozon and Ozonwasserwerke. Leipzig, 1904. sm. 8. 36 pp. 14 pi. (30644) Ermack, fee-breaking ship. See INSTITUTION OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Transactions. Vol. 14. [Paper 106a.] Voyages of the ice-breaker " Ermack." By A. Gulston. 1903. F 81 : 889., . Le mateYiel et les proce'de's de la Papeterie, des Teintures et des Impressions. 1881. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe60. pp. 297-312. 8. (25811) Ernault. Armand. See NIEWENOLOWSKI, G. H., and ERNAULT, A. La Photographic directe dea Conleurs, par le proc6d<5 de Lippmann. 1895. sm. 8. (26820) Erneoke, Erich. t'ber elektrische Wellen und ihre Anwendnng zur Demonstration der Telegraphic ohne Draht nach Marconi. Experimmtalvortrag irebalten in Berlin, Okt. 1897. Berlin. 1897. 8. 16 pp. (25977) Ernest-Bazln, Roller ship. See EEED, Sir E. J. Rapport sur les experiences du navire rouleur " Ernest- Bazin." 1897. 4. (10913) See THEVENET-LEBOUL, J., and DIBOS, M. Rap- port snr les experiences du navire ronlenr " Ernest- Bazin." 20 juillet, 1897. 1897. 4. (10909) Ernst, Adolf. Ansruckbare Knpplungen fiir Wellen nnd Riiderwerke. Berlin, 1890. 8. 286 pp. 3 pi. (29010) Die Hebezeage : Tbeorie nnd Kritik ausgef iihrter Konstruktionen. Berlin, 1883. 2 volg. 4. (22925) The same. 2to Aufl. Berlin, 1895. 2 vols. 8. (24542) The same. 3te Aufl., unter Mitwirknng von W. Maier und R. Ran. Berlin, 1899. 3 vols. 8. (26532) The same. 4te Aufl. von J. Kirner. Berlin. 1903. 3 vols. 8. (33220) 34223 219 Ernst, Friedrich Gustav. On the application of suitable mechanism to a case of amputation of both hands. London, 1893. 8 J . 16pp. 20 pi. (38120) Ernst, Maurice. Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, [Orling- Armstrong system]. London, [1903]. 8. 32 pp. ( -, . 'f ' 1 i J Errora, Luigi. Distribuzione del vapore nella Locomotive. [1900.] 72 pp. 11 pi. See FADDA, S. COSTRU- ZIOXE, etc., delle Strade ferrate. [32.] 8. (22310) Erreiirs. Erreurs deVoilees des physiciens modernes dans 1'explication des phdnomenes ; examen critique du " Trait6 de chiraie," de M. Thenard. Parit, Dufart, 1831. 8. 464pp. 2 pi. (36035) Erscb, Jobann Samuel, Prof, in Ilalle. Literatur der Mathematik, Natur- und Gewerbs- kunde, mit Inbegriff der Kriegsknnst und anderer Kiinste ausser den schunen, seit der Mitte des achzehnten Jahrhunderts, etc. Neue Ausg. von F. W. Schweigger-Seidel. Aus der neuen Ausgabe des Handbuchs der deutschen Literatur. [6te Abt.] Leipzig, 1828. sm. 8. 10 pp. 1740 col. (7921) Ersklne-Murray, J. See MURRAY, J. ERSKINE-. Erste Oesterrelchlsche Xilnolenm-Fabrlk, Triest. Linoleum. [Wien, 189 ?] sq. 12. 24 pp. (26593) Erwaat, Karl. Snomalais - Saksalainen Sanakirja. Finnisch- Deutsches Worterbuch. HiimeenUnnaua \Tawaste- &], 1888. 8. 806 pp. (32116) Esc ales, Richard. Die Explosivstoffe. Mit Berucksioht. der neueren Patentliteratur. Heft 1. Das Sohwarz-pulvor, etc. 1904. 150 pp. ' 2. Die Sohiessbavimwolle (Nitrooellulosen). 1905. 316 pp. 3. Nitroglyeerin und Dynamit. (1908.) 342 pp. Leipzig, 1904, etc. 8. (30645) Escard, Jean. Le Carbone et son industrie. Paris, 1906. 8. 782 pp. (34453) Le Diamant et les Pierres Prdcieuses. Paris, [1905]. 8. 34pp. (37245) L'Electro-Siderurgie. Paris, 1908. 8. 102 pp. ' (37178) Les Fours Electriqnes et leurs applications in- dustrielles. Paris, 1,905. 8. 548 pp. (32030) Les Industries Klectrochimiquen. Paris, 1907. 8. 802pp. (36303) , - Le Magne'tisme. Etude des lois qui r^gissent leg ahnants et les actions magn^tiqnes terrestres. Paris, [1905]. 8. 26 pp. (37246) Lei Ph^nomenes Radioactifs. Le Radium et sos propriett'*. (Bibliolhiqite des actualities imlus- trielles.') Paris, [190 ?]. 8. 152 pp. (37248) Les Piles Hydro- electriques. Leur origine, les transformations, etc. Paris., [1905]. 8. 48 pp. (37247) L'Uranium, ses gisements, ?a prdparation et ses proprietiis. Ex :" Revue de Lille." [Paris, 1907.] 8. 24pp. (37249) Le Verre et sa fabrication au four Slectrique. Grenoble, 1907. 8. 54 pp. (37250) 2 E 2 ESCH] [ETUD Each, W. See HEIL, A., and ESCH, W. Handbunh der Gummiwaren-Fabrikation. 190S. 8. (33916) Eschauzier, Jacob Samuel. Life-preserving bed, or mattrass, for sea-faring people. [J. 8. Eschauzier's and H. C. Jennings' Letters Patent, No. 3629 of 1812] Shacklewell, 1813. 8. 20pp. Ipl. (37366) Eschenardi, Francesco. See AMICHEVOLI, C., pseud, [i.e. F. Eschenardi]. Escher, Rudolf, Prof, in Zurich. Die Theorie der Wasserturbinen. Berlin, 1908. 8. 280 pp. 1 pi. (36372) Escluse, C. de V. See L'ESCLUSE, C. de. Escuela de Ing-enleros de Ziima,. See ANALES DE CONSTRDCCIONES CIVILES, etc., DEL PERU. Publ. por la Escuela de Ingenieroi de Lima. B 82 : 882. Esmarch, von. Ueber Desinfektionsapparate. 1889. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Jahrg.68. Sitzungsberichte. pp. 205-2 12. B67P: Espag-net, Jean d'. Enchiridion physicse restitutse, in quo verus naturae concentus exponitur. [2] Arcanum Her- metica? Philosophise opus. Utrnmque opus ejusdem autboris anonymi : Spes mea eat in Agno. Tertia editio. Parisiis, 1642, 1638. 16. 2 pts. (33684) Espitalller, Georges Frederic, Lieut.-Col. Aeronautique. La technique du ballon. (Encycl. Scientifique.) Paris, 1907. 8. 484 pp. (35683) Les Ascensions en Ballons au-dessus de la mer. 1903. See SociETfc INDUSTRIELLE DE L'EST. Bulletin trimestriel 35. pp. 143-164. 8. B 77 Es: Le Granit-asphalte et 1'Asphalte arm<$. 1906. See REVUE DU GENIE MILITAIKE. Tome 31. pp. 63-74. F 94 : 803a. Transport automobile des poids lourds. 1905. See SOCIET& INDUSTRIE LLE DE L'EST. Bulletin trimestriel 43. pp. 77-104. B 77 Es : Essay. An essay on the mythological and symbolical history of the Rose. From the German by C [arolinel Wfintour]. London, Trainer & Co., [186 ?]. 8 . 36pp. (34063) An essay upon Tune. Being an attempt to free the Scale of Music, and the Tune of Instru- ments, from imperfection. [By John Maxwell.] Edinburgh, C. Elliot, 1781. 8. 294 pp. 19 pi. (3653) Essays. . By a Society of Gentlemen. Dec. 1716 ; Jan. 1717. London, 1716-17. 2 pts. 8. C 40 : 716. Essays on husbandry. 1. A general introduction. 2. ... the culture of lucerne. [By W. Harte.] London, J. Hinton, [Bath, printed]. 2 vols. in one. 8. (33491) Esselborn, Earl, and others. Lehrbuch des Tiefbaues. 2te Aufl. Bearbeitet von [K.] E., [T.] Landsberg, [H.] Wegele, und [L.] von Willmanii. Leipzig, 1907. 8. 870 pp. (35097) Essenweln, August. Quellen zur Ueschichte der Feuerwaffen. Hrsg. vom Germanischen Museum. Leipzig, 1872. fol. 184pp. 197 pi. (28597) Essex Education Committee. The Essex fieH exp3rinnents, 1896, etc. Chelms- ford, 1901, etc. 8. J5:899a. Notes on Agricultural Analyses, 1896, etc. Chelmsjord, 1901, etc. 8. J 5 : 899 b. [Reports, etc.] Chelmoford, 1899, etc. 8. J 5 : 899. Essex Technical Instruction Committee. See ESSEX EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Essllngrer, Rudolf. Die Fabrikation des Wachstuches, des Ameri- kanischen Ledertuches, des Wachs - Taffets, der Maler- un^i Zeichen-Leinwand, etc. (Chemisch. tech- nische BMiothek.~) Wien, 1880. sm. 8. 200 pp. (19484) The same. 2te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, [1906]. sm. 8. 184 pp. (32378) Estaunid, Edouard. Traits pratique de Telecommunication Klec- trique. (Telegraphic -Telephonic.) Paris, 1904. 8. 690 pp. (30810) Estes, John M. Tobacco : instructions for its cultivation and curing. 1892. 8 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRI- CULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 6. J 29 Fa : Sstienne, Chas., .If. I)., and Ziiebauit. J. L' Agriculture et Maison rustique. Derniere ed. [Avec] La caasiedu loiip . . . par J. de Glamorgan. Lyon, 1622. 4. 764pp. (32321) Estlenne, J. E. Notes sur les Teiemetres. 1904. See REVUE DE L'ARTILLEKIE. Tome 65. pp. 77-109. F 94 : 872. Berlin, 1901. 8. 32 pp. Estorff, von. Das Gewehr (27979) Esty. Wm. See FRANKLIN, W. S., and Esxr, W. The elements of Electrical Engineering. 1906-07. 2 vols. ^8. (34946) Etat. Etat actuel de 1'art de la science militaire a la Chine : tire des livres militaires de Chinois. [Par . de Saint Maurice de Saint-Leu, et J. F. M. de Chastenet.] Paris, Didot I'aine, 1773. sm. 8. 288 pp. 9 pi. (33954) Ethelbert, W. Henry. Contact Printing on Bromide paper. See ELLIOTT & SONS. The Barnet Book of Photo- graphy. 1898, etc. Eticnne, Jean d'. Memoire sur la decouverte d'un ciment impene- trable a 1'eau ; et sur 1'application de ce mOine ciment a une terrasse de la maison de 1'auteur. Paris, 1782. 4. 20pp. (34204) Wants plate. Etten, Henry van, pseud, [i.e. J. Leurechon]. . See MYDORGE, C. Examen du livre des Re- creations Mathematiques. 1630. 8. (30530) Recreation Mathematique, composee de plusieurs problemes plaisants et facetieux en fait d'arith- metique, geometrie, mechanique, opticque, etc. 2e ed. Paris, 1626. sm. 8. 202 pp. 5 pi. (28385) Etudes. P^tudes comparees des appareils de cuisine em- ployes specialement dans les h6pitaux militaires, casernes, hopitaux civils, lycees, communautes, etc. [Memoire sur les cuisines Ji vapenr, par A. Corbin, 1872.] [Lyon, 1876 ?] 8. 62 pp. (34310) 220 ETZL] [EVAN Etzler, John Adolphus. The Paradise within the reach of all men, with- out labour, liy powers of nature and machinery. Parti. 2nd English ed. London, 1842. 8 s . 56pp. (37162) The New World, or mechanical system, to per- form the labors of man imd beast by inanimate powers, that cost nothing, for producing and pre- paring the substances of life. Sequel to his "Paradise." Philadelphia, 1841. 8. 76pp. 1 pi. (37163) Euclid. Elementa. See MERSENNE, M. Universre geo- metriaa . . . synopsis. 1644. pp. 1-64. 4. (29761) Eutle, Emile. . Expo-itiou retrospective de la Me'canique. 1902. 61 pp. See UATON DE LA GOUPILLIERE, J. N. La Mi'cinique a I'Exposhion de 1900. Tome 3. fol. (27147) i Histoire documentaire de la Mccanique fran- caise. (Fragments) d'aprJs le Muse's centennal de la Jlecanique ii 1'Exposition Univ. de 1900. Paris, 1902. 8. 332 pp. portr. (29069) Eude, Gabriel. Les Inst illations Meeaniques do 1'Exposition [de 1900]. 1900. 92 pp. 5 pi. See BATON DE LA GOUPILLIERE, J. N. La Me'ciniqus a 1'Exposition de 1900. Tome 1. fol. (27147) Les Machines a Vapeur. 1902. 304 pp. Ibid. Tome 1. fol. (27147) Euler, Hans von. See EULER-CHELPIN, H. von. Baler, Leonbard, F.R.S. See BROWN, H. The true principles of gunnery . . . comprehending translations of Prof. Euler's " Observations upon the new principles of gunnery, etc." 1777. 4. (34293) Euler-Caelpin, Hans von, Ph.D., Prof, in Stock- holm. Grundlagen nnd Ergebnisse der Pflanzen-Chemie. Nach der Schwedischen Aufl. Braunschweig, 1908, etc. 8. (37194) Eustace, Harry Joshua. Syllabus of illustrated lecture on potato diseases aud their treatment. By F. C. Stewart and H. J. E. 1904. 30 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Office of Expt. Stations. Farmers' Inst. Lectures 2. J 29 Fa I : Evans, A. E. See LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY : Institute of Com- mercial Research in the Iropics. A catalogue of the Aburi Gardens, etc. Prepared . . . by A. E. E. 1906. 4. (33959) Evans, Chas. American Bibliography. A chronological dic- tionary of all books, pamphlets, and periodical publications printed in the United States of America. 1639-1820. Chicago, 1903, etc. 4. (31609) Evans, Frank. The Linotype. Its mechanical details and their adjustment. [Kamat City, Mo.']. 1897. 16. 108pp. (27597) Evans, G. H. See BURMAH, Govt. of. A treatise on Elephants . . . by G. H. E. [3rd ed.] 1901. 8. (30952) Evans, Geo. G. History of the United States Mint at Phila- delphia. Philadelphia, G. G. Evans, 1885. 8. 16ipp. 13 pi. (37826) Preface subscribed G. G. E. Evans, Geo. H. Practical notes on Hydraulic Mining. 2nd ed. San Francisco, [1899]. 16. 48 pp. (26441) Evans, Henry Ridgeley. Magic and its professors. London, [1902]. 8. 226 pp. (30255) The old and the new Magic. Chicago, 1906. 8. 384 pp. 1 pi. (32691) Tue Spirit World unmasked. Illustrated in- vestigations into the phenomena of Spiritualism and Theosopby. [New ed.] Chicago, [1902]. 8. 302 pp. 10 pi. in text, and portr. (37379) Evans, John Brown. A new system of Wire Fencing, fully described and illustrated. [Letters Patent No. 12,966 of 1885.] London, 1888. 8. 388 pp. 9 pi. (32520) Evans, John Castell-. Physico-chemical tables. Vol. 1. Chemical engineering and physical chemistry. London, 1902, etc. 8. (28930) Evans, John Henry. Ornamental Turning : a work of practical instruction. London, 1889. 8. 300 pp. (21844) Tnesame. [New ed.] London, 1903-04. 3 vols. sm. 8. (31342) Evans, Lewis. See DICKINSON, J., and Co. The firm of John Dickinson . . . With an Appendix on ancient paper-making, by L. E. 1896. sm. 4. (20774) Evans, Manrice S. See WOOD, J. M. Natal plants. [Vol. 1, by J. M. Wood and M. S. E.] 1898. 4. (26432) Evans, Thos. W., M.D. Chirurgie Dentaire. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Classell. pp. 389-411. 8. (13828) Report on instruments and apparatus of Medi- cine, Surgery and Hygiene ; surgical dentistry and the materials which it employs ; anatomical pre- parations ; ambulance tents and carriages, and military sanitary institutions in Europe. 1868. 70 pp. Ibid. U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 5. 1870. 8. (33124) Voitnres et tentes d' Ambulance. 1868. Ibid. Rapports da Jury International. Classe 11. pp. 378-88. 8. (13828) Evans, Ussher Williamson, Major, R.E. Notes on Platelaying on light Railways by native military labour in India, etc., 1903. See ROYAL ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 29. pp. 181- 226. 8. F 90: 844. Evans, Walter Harrison. The agricultural outlook of the Coast region of Alaska. 1897. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Yearbook. 1897. pp. 553-576. 4 pi. J29:849b. Evans, Wm. Art and history of the Potting business. Shelton, 1846. sm. 8. 84pp. (32322) Evans-Jackson, J. E. See JACKSON, J. E. Evans-. 221 EVEL] [EXPO Evclcif; h, Geo. See PATENT GAS Co., LTD. Report . . . upon Dr. E's. patent system of manufacturing gas. - [1872]. 8. (38106) Everett, Alice, M.A. See HOVESTADT, H. Jena glass. Trsl. J. D. Everett and A. E. 1902. 8. (29004) Everett, Joseph David, F.R.S. See HOVESTADT, H. Jena glass. Trsl. J. D. E. and A. Everett. 1902. 8. (29004) Illustrations of the Centimetre- Gramme- Second (C.G.8.) system of Units. London. 1875. . 8. 104 pp. (17315) The same. 2nd ed. See infra " Units and Physical Constants." (7478) The same. [4th ed.] London, 1891. sui. 8. . 236pp. (24630) The same. [5th ed.] London, 1902. sm. 8. 306 pp. (28245) Everitt, P. F. See TAYLOR, J. T. The Optics of photography, etc. 3rd ed. With a chapter on anastigmatic lenses, by P. F. E. 1904. sm. 8. (31893) Evers, Henry, Ll.D. Steam and the Steam engine. London, 1873. 8. 374 pp. (35340) The same. [4th ed.] Glasgow, etc., C1880]. sm. 8. 396 pp. (32404) Every. Every man his own Blacking and Boot-top Liquid manufacturer. A ... collection of upwards of thirty receipts for liquid blackings, etc. London, W. GUndon, [1830]. 12. 60 pp. (32984) Eves, C. Washington. See LIVERPOOL : Royal Jubilee Exhibition, 1887. Jamaica at the Royal Jubilee Exhibition. By C. W. E. 1887. 8. (32179) Evrard, Maximilien. Notice sur 1'usine d'agglomeration des menus charbons de la Compagnie Anonyme des houilleres de la Chazotte. [French Patent No. 15,374, 15 Jan. 1853]. Saint-Etlenne, 1859. 8. 10 pp. 2 pi. (34868) Ewart, Alfred J. See PPEFFER, W. The physiology of plants. 2nd ed. Trsl., etc., A. J. E. 1900. 2 vols. 8. (31241) Ewbank, Thos. A descriptive and historical account of Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, ancient and modern. London, 1842. 8. 598 pp. (932) The same. 13th ed. New York, 1854. 8. (7275) The same. 16th ed. New York, 1870. 8. 628 pp. (30141) On the Propulsion of Steamers. See U.S. - PATENT OFFICE. Annual Report. 1849. pp. 595- 626. 6 pi. 8. (1165) Swell, Ervin Edgar. Exhibit of the Bureau of Chemistry at the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N.Y., 1901. . By E. E. E. and others. 1901. 30 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 63. J 29 C : The fertilizing value of Street Sweepings. 1898. 19 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 55. - J29C: Ewlng-, James Alfred, F.R.S. Magnetic Induction in Iron and other metals. London, 1892. 8. 370pp. (8011) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1900. 8. 412 pp. (27246) The Mechanical production of Cold. London, 1908. 8. 214 pp. 1 pi. (37530) Keprint of " Howard " Lectures, 1897, with additions, etc. The Strength of Materials. Cambridge, 1899. 8. 258pp. (27291) Excelsior, pseud., [i.e. C. E. Fritts]. A practical treatise on the Balance Spring . . . also the adjustment for heat and cold. New York, D. H. Hopkinson, 1876. 8. 144 pp. (28839) Excise Inquiry Commission. See TREASURY, Lords Commrs. of the. Exner, Felix M., and Poch, R. Phonographische Aufnahmen in Indien und in Neu-Guinea. 1905. 8 pp. See KAISERL. AKAD. DER WISSENSCHAFTEN zu WiEN. Bericht der Phonogramm-Archiv-Komtnission 5. 8. (33373) Exner, Franz, and Haschek, E. Weilenlaogen-Tabellen fur spektralanalytische Untersuchungen anf Grund der ultravioletten Funkenspektren der Elemente. Teil i-ii. Leipzig, 1902. 2pts. 8. (37267) Wellenlangen-Tabellen fur spektralanalytische Untersuchungen auf Grund der ultravioletten Bogenspektren der Elemente. Teil i-ii, Leipzig, 1904. 2 pts. 8- (37266) Exner, G. F. Les produits des exploitations et des industries Forestieres. 1881. 55 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878 : Rapports du Jury. Classe 44. 8 C . (25811) Exner, Wilhelm Franz. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873. Beitrage zur Gefchichte der Gewerbe und Erfindungen Oesterreichs, etc. Kedigirt von W. F. E. 2te Reihe. 1873. 8. (33200) Das' Biegen des Holzes . . . fiir Mobel- fabrikanten, Wagen-und Schifibauer, Bottcher, etc. 3te Aufl. von G. Lauboeck. Weimar, 1893. 8. 86 pp. 8 pi. (27673) Das moderns Transportwesen im Dienste der Land-und Forstwirthschaft. Weimar, 1877. 8. 232 pp. and 15 pi. 4. (37459) Experiences. Experiences faites en Angoumois d'une mdthode . . . pour mettre les bles en ir jusqu' anx moindres insoctes. [Paris, Impr. Royale, 1763.] 4. 10 pp. (34745) Export Review. See GERMAN EXPORT REVIEW. 1902-04. C 64/902. Exposition du Word de la France, Arras, 1904. See LOZE, E, Les mines et la me'tallnrgie a 1'Exposition du Nord de la France . . . 1905. 8. (31527) Exposition Internationale d'Automobile jft.gricole et d'Alcool Industrie!, Bourges, 1908. Catalogue Official. Bourges, 1908. 8. 28 pp. (37653) . . . 222 EXTR] IPADD Extracts. Extracts from Parliamentary Paper on R. W. Thomson's Patent Road steimer ; or, locomotive for common roads. [Letters Patent, No. 2986 of 1867.] London, C. A. Macintosh, 1870. 8. 32 pp. (35997) Extracts from practical essays on the benefit to Flocks and Herds which would accrue from givin? them running water to drink, etc. Hastings, F. J. Parsons (Imp.). 1882. 8 3 . 24pp. (35966) Eyck, Hubert van. See RASPE, R. E. A critical essay on oil-painting ; proving that the art ... was known before the pretended discovery of J. and H. van Eyck. 1781. 4. (38225) Eycli, Jan van. - Sec RASPE, R. E. A critical essay on oil-painting ; proving that the art . . . was known before the pretended discovery of J. aud H. van Eyck. 1781. 4. (38225) Eyer, Philipp. Die Eisenemaillierang. Leipzig, 1907. 8. 54 pp. (37215) Eyermann, Wilhelm H. Die Dampf turbine. Miinchen. 1906. 8. 220pp. 8 pi. (32031) Eyre, John Joseph. - See CELLI, A. Malaria. From the 2nd Italian ed. byJ. J. E. 1900. 8. (27277) Eyre, Vincent, Major. On Metallic Boats and floating Waggons for naval and military service, with some observations on American life-preserving cars. [J. Francis' Patents, No. 2325 of 1854, and 171 of 1856.] London, 1856. 8. 64 pp. 3 pi. (28039) F. F. Id^es snr le Mouvement Perpe'tuel. Audot, 1813. 8. 44 pp. 2 pi. (34746) Introduction subscribed F. Paris, F . See CAREME, M.A. Le conservateur. Contenant . . . 2. Anciens proce'de's de conservation des fruits, etc., par F . 1842. 8. (35344) F., L. [i.e. L. Ferrus']. Curiosite's cyclistes. Changements de vitesse. 1902. See REVUE D'ARTILLERIE. Tome 61. pp. 130-140, 226-236. F 94 : 872. F., L. M. D. L. Me'moire sur un nouveau systeme de guerre et de construction maritime, et sur un moyen nouveau de navigation sans voiles. Paris, 1825. 8. 76 pp. (33583) Plates wanting. Fabins de Champville, (!. ' Les ennemia du Ble". Paris, 1901. 8. 152 pp. (28343) Fabre, Chas. La Chimie Photographique. 1892. See CON- - SERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 2e Se"r. Tome 4. pp. 289-308. B 76 C : Fabre, Chas. cant. Les Industries Photos?raphiques. (Encycl. In- dustrielle.) Paris, [1904 ?] 8. 602 pp. (30611) Traitd encyclopedique de Photographic. Tome 1-4. [Supplement A, etc.] Paris, 1892, etc. 8. (21959) Trait*! pratique de Photographie Stereoscopique. Paris, 1906. 8. 208 pp. (32092) Fabre, J. Antoine. Essai sur la maniere . . . de construire lea Machines Hydranliques, et en particular les Moulins k bled. Paris, 1783. 4. 418 pp. 6 pi. (32915) Fabrd, Victor Hiopolyte. Th^orie des Voutes e'lastiques et dilatable* d'une application sp^ciale aux arcs miHalliques. Paris, 1859. 8. 62 pp. 1 pi. (35927) Fabre- Volpellere, D. Essai sur remplacement dn honblon dans la fabrication de la Biere. Ex : " Bulletin de la Socie'te' d' Agriculture, etc., de Poligny." Nos. 1 and 2. 1863. Poligny, 1863. 8. 16 pp. (33584) Fabri, Ottavio. L'uso del la squadra mobile, etc. Venetia, 1598. 4. 60 11. (31257) Fabriks - Feuerwebr. See ZEITSCBRIFT FUR GEWERBE-HYOIENE, etc. Beiblatt. H 29 : 898. Fabry, Chas. Mesures de longueurs d'onde pour r. Gescuichte und Behandlung der seitlichen Riick- Rratsverkrummung (Skoliose). Strassburg, 1885. 8. 174 pp. (31214) Fischer, Ferdinand, Ph.D., Prof, in Gottingen. See JAHRESBERICBT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER CHEMISCHEN TECHNOLOQIE. Hrsg. F. F., 1880, etc. 8. K 32: 855. Die chemische Technologic der Brennstoffe. 1. Chemischer Tail, [1880-J1897. 2. Presskohlen, Kokerei, Waasergas, Alischgas, Generatorgas, Gas- feuerungen, 1901. Se BOLLEV, P. A. Handbnch der chemischen Technologic. Band 1. Gruppe 3. Abt. 1 and 4. 8. (16252) Das Wasser, seine Verwendung, Reinigung und Beurtheiluog mit bes. Berucksicht. der geworbUchen Abwasser und der Flussverunreinigung. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1902. 8. 490 pp. (28524) Fischer, H. L. Versuch einer Theorie der Beriihrnngs-Elek- trieitat, nebst einer Untersuchung iiber das Wesen der Masse. Wiesbaden. 1889. 8. 26 pp. (29398) Fischer, H. W. Der Anerstrumpf. 1906. See SAMMICNO CHEM. UND CHEM. TECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 11. pp. 145- 174. K 1 : 896. Fischer, Hermann, Prof, in Hanover. Der Seifensieder. 8te Aufl. Leipzig, 1904. sm. 8. 288 pp. (32118) Die WerkzeuKraaschinen. Berlin, 1900-1901. 2 vols. 4. (27077) Fischer, J. C. Historische undpraktischeUutersuchungen iiber die Natur ds Goldpurpurs. 1866. See POLY- TECUNISCHES JOURNAL. Band 182. pp. 31-40, 129-139. C 45 : 820. Fischer, L. A. The testing of Clinical Thermometers. By C. W. Waidner and L. A. F. 1905. See U.S. DEPT. OP COMMERCE, etc. : Bureau of Standards. Bulletin. Vol. 1. pp. 275-289. 10 pi. E 5 : 904. Fischer, Otto. Kinematik organischer Gelenke ("Die Wiseen- sch>ift"). Braunschweig, 1907. 8. 274pp. (36531) Fischer, Paul, Kais. Reg.-Rath. Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen auf der Pariser Welt- ausstellung, 1900. 1901. See VEREIN ZUR BEPOR- DERUNG DBS GEWEKBPLEisSES : Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 30. pp. 144-182. 2 pi. B 67 P : Fischer, Paul, Ph.D. Sedimentbildung am heutigen Meeresboden dar- gestellt auf Grund der neueren Tiefseeforschungen. Ex : " Jahresbericht des Stadtischen Realgymna- siums zu Leipzig." Leipzig, 1901. 4. 66pp. 2 pi. (27675) 233 2 o FISO] [FLAG Fischer, K. Die Beseitigung, Vernichtigung undVerarbeitung der Schlrtchtabfiillo und Tierleicheu unter bes. Be- riicksicht. des Anwohner-und Arbeiterschutzes. Stuttgart, 1905. 8. 168 pp. (32117) Fischer-Hitmen, J. Die Wirkungsweise, Berechnung und Konstruk- tion elektrigcher Gleichstrom-Maschinen. 3te Aafl. Zurich, 1897. 8. 340 pp. (4299) The same. 5te Aufl. Zurich, 1904. 8. 548 pp. 13 pi. (32032) Continuous-current dynamos in theory and prac- tice. London, 1899. 8. 438 pp. 6 pi. (26050) Flscher-Treuenfeld, II. TOD. Index of publications on methods of communi- cation in the Field and on Torpedo Warfare. London, [1889]. 8. 78 pp. (36695) Fischer von Roslerstamm, Hugo. Die Dampfheizung der Eisenbahnwagen, deren Berechnung, Details und neue Systeme. 1889. 60 pp. 4 pi. See TECHNISCHE VOKTRAGE, etc. Heft 11. 8. E 20 : 884. Fisher, Albert Kenrick, M.D. Hawks and Owls as related to the farmer. 1894. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE : Year-book. 1894. pp. 215-232. 3 pi. J 29 : 849b. Fisher, Alexander. The art of Enamelling upon Metal, with a short appendix concerning Miniature painting on enamel. London, 1906. 4. 38 pp. 26 pi. (32483) Fisher, Arthur Thos., Major. The Farrier, or ' No foot, no horse.' London, 1893. sm. 8. 182 pp. (26280) Fisher, Cassius A. Geology of the Great Falls Coal Fields, Montana. 1909. 86 pp. 13 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 256. G 30 : 883. Fisher, J. A. A short treatise on Electricity, and the manage- ment of Electric Torpedoes. [Appendix ; Firing Guns by Electricity.] Landport, [1868]. 8. 134pp. 3 pi. (25867) Fisher, J. Alfred. . The mining, manufacture and uses of Asbestos. 1892. 34pp. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS: Transactions. Vol. 4. F 81 : 889. Fisher, Richard Thornton. A study of the Redwood. 1903. &eU.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 38. pp. 1-28. 14 pi. J 29 Fo : The Woodlot . . . by H. 8. Graves and R. T. F. 1903. 90 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 42. J 29 Fo : Fisher, Theodore W., M.D. Ventilation of Railway Cars. With chemical analyses, by W. R. Nichols. [1874.] See MASSA- CHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. 6th Report. [1874.] pp. 227-240. H 23 M : Fisher, Wm. Richard, M.A. See SCHLICH, W. Manual of forestry. 2nd ed. Vol. 4, Forest protection ; Vol. 5, Forest utiliza- tion. By W. R. F. 1907-08. 8. (37450) Forestry. 1899. See ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. Economic Proceedings. Vol. 1. Part 2. pp. 73-108. B 4 Du : 899. Fisher-Hitmen, J. See FISCHER-HINNEN, J. Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. See LONDON IN- TERNATIONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITION. Fishery Board for Scotland. See also NORTH SEA FISHERIES INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE. Report of investigations on the Life-history of the Salmon in fresh water. Ed. D. N. Paton. Glasgow, 1898. 8. 180 pp. 3 pi. (25570) Flske, Geo. B. Poultry appliances and handicraft. New York, [1902]. sm: 8 s . 128 pp. (29208) Poultry Architecture. New York, 1902. sm. 8. 138 pp. (29209) Flthlan, A. W. Practical Collotype. London, T 1901. sm. 8. 90 pp. 1 pi. (29606) Flttica, Friedr. Bernard. See JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER CHEMIE, Hrsg. F. F. 1875-92. (1900.) K 2 : 847. Geschichte der Sulfitzellatoff - Fabrikation. Leipzig, 1902. 8. 48 pp. (29110) Fitz-Crerald, Desmond G. The Lead Storage Battery. London, [1900 ?]. sm. 8. 396 pp. (27307) Fitz-Crerald, Francis A. J. Carborundum. Ubertragen von M. Huth. 1904. 50 pp. See MONOGRAPHIEN UBER ANGEWANDIE ELEKTROCHEMIE. Band 13. D 58 : 902. Kiinstlicher Graphit. Ubertragen von M. Huth. 1904. 60 pp. Ibid. Band 15. D 58 : 902. Fltzgrerald, Geo. Francis, F.R.S. Scientific writings. [1876-1902.] Ed. J. Lar- mor. Dublin, 1902. 8. 640pp. portr. (30435) Fitzirerald, Robert. Salt-water sweetned ; or, a true account of the great advantages of this new invention both by sea and by land, etc. [Letters Patent No. 226 of 1683.] London, 1683. 4. 18 pp. (33003) The Supplement to a small treatise called Salt- water sweetned. 8th ed. London, 1684. 12. 22 pp. (33004) See ARWARKER, E. Fons Perennis. A poem, etc. 1686. 4. (33006) See GREW, N. New experiments . . . con- cerning seawater made fresh. 1684. 12. (33005) Fitzwygram, Sir Frederick Wellington John, Bart. Horses and Stables. London, 1869. 8. 624pp. 24 pi. (14381) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1886. 8. 772 pp. 34 pi. (21537) The same. 5th ed. London, 1901. 8. 568 pp. 56 pi. (31685) Notes on Shoeing Horses. London, 1861. 8. 80 pp. 6 pi. (30992) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1863. 8. 78 pp 6 pi. (13455) Flachat, Eugene. See LE CHATELIEB, L., and others. Guide dn Mecanicien Constructeur de machines locomotives. 1851. 2 vols. 8. (34931) Marine a Vapenr commercials. 1867. See REVUE UNIV. DES MINES. Revue de 1'Exposition de 1867. Tome 3. pp. 171-216. 8. (13210) 234 FLAG] riachat, Engine, and Coldschmldt, T. von. Chemins de fer. Expose iSconomique. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rnpports du Jury International. Claase 63. pp. 339-396. 8. (13828) Voie et materiel Die de la Voie. 1868. Ibid. Claase 63. pp. 397-422. 1868. 8. (13828) Flad, Henry. Wood preservation. With notes, etc., by H. Constable. 1887. See U.S. DEPT. OF AURICOL- TURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 1. Appendix, pp. 60-98. J 29 Fo : Flamaohe, A., and Hubert!. A. Trait.' d'exploi- tation des Chemins de fer. Bruxelles, etc. 1885- 99. 4vols. 8. (21214) Tome Z-A by A. F., A. H., and A. SWvart. Flaman. . Materiel roulant des Chemins de fer. 1898. See SOCIETE DES INONIEUKS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquautenaire. 1848-98. pp.|129-162. 8. (25483) Flamm, Oacar, Prof, in Berlin. See ARLDT, C. Die Funkentelegraphie. Mit einer Einleitnng iiber Wert der Funkentelegraphie f iir die moderne Schiffahn von O. F. 1903. 8. (29805) Flamm, Oswald. . Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Wirknngsweise der Schiffsschrauben. 1908. See SCHIFFBAUTECHN. GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 9. pp. 427-438. 4 pi. F 81 : 900. Resistance au mouvement des Bateaux. 1898. 10 pp. 1 pi. See CONORES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGA- TION INTERIEURE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 1. Question 4. F 43 : 888. Der Schiffbau auf der Weltansstellnng zu Paris, 1900. 1902. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBKLEISSBS. Yerhandlangeu. Jahrg. 80. pp. 112-27. 4 pi. B 67 P : Die Scb.iffsschra.ube nnd ihre Wirkung auf das Wasser. Miinchen, 1909. 8. 24 pp. 31 pi. (38515) Schiffswiderstand im freien Wasser. 1902. 28 pp. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. Com- munication 5. [10.] F 43 : 888. Sichcrheits-Einrichtungen der Seeschiffe. Berlin. 1904. 8. 206pp. (30309) Was lehrt die "Vergangenheit, was fordert die Zukunf t vom deutschen Schiffbau ? Leipzig, [1907] sm. 8. 96 pp. 18 pi. (35691) Flamm, Pierre. Le Verrier du XIXe siecle. Paris, 1863. 8. 520 pp. (33358) Flamateed, John, Astronomer-Royal. See WHEWELL, W. Newton and Flamsteed. 1836. 8. (9535) Flanders, W. T. Galvanizing and Tinning. New York, 1900. sm. 8". 94 pp. (27598) Flandre, C. de. See DE FLANDRE, 0. . Flannery, Sir James Fortescue. The transport of Petroleum in bulk. 1893. See CONGRKS INTERNAT. DES TRAVAUX MARITIMKS. 1893. Sect. B. Paper 28. pp. 62-82. F 40 : 889. 34222 [FLEI Flather, John Joseph. Dynamometers and the measurement of Power. New York, 1895. sm. 8. 238 pp. (24719) The same. 2nd ed. Neu> York, 1900. sm. 8". 404 pp. (27019) Flather, Samuel. Patent Medicine analyses and special formulas. Manchester, 18^7. 12. 76 pp. (25554) Practical Recipes for making artificial mineral waters, fruit syrups, etc. Manchester, 1897. 12?. 60 pp. (25553) Trade Recipes, etc. New. ed. Manchester, 1896. sq. 12. 136 pp. (25552) Flatters, Abraham. The Cotton Plant ... and the ... structure of the Cotton fibre. London, 1906. sm. 8. 92pp. 5 pi. (33832) Methods in Microscopical research. Vegetable histology. London, 1905. 4. 126 pp. 23 pi. (34945) Flavicn, E. See INDUSTRIE TEXTILE, (L'.) He'd. B. F. 1895-96. E 80/895. Flavltsky, J. Notice sur un proca'de' de Chauffage et de Ventil- ation par des doubles fenetres. Paris, [1876]. 8. 16pp. Ipl. (34869) Flaxman, John, R.A. Lectures on Sculpture. With a brief memoir. London, 1829. 8. 272 pp. 53 pi. (30598) Fleck, A. Maschinengewehre, ihre Technik und Taktik. Berlin, 1909. 8. 178 pp. 15 pi. (37655) Fleck, Wilhelm Hugo. See BIERBRAUER, (Der). Hrsg. W. H. F. 1870-73. 8. K 84 : 859. See GEINITZ, H. B., and others. Die Stein- kohlen Deutsohlands, etc. Band 2. Geschichte, etc. Von [W.] H. F., etc. 1865. 4. (8749) Die Fabrikation chemiscber Producte aus thier- ischen Abfallen. 1862. 166 pp. See BOLLEY, P. A. Handbuch der ohemischen Technologie. Bjnd2. Gruppe2. 8. (16252) The same. 2te Aufl. 1878. 170 pp. Ibid. N. F. Bandl. 8. (16252) Fleischer, . Relation entre les caraoteres des feux et des signaux de brume qni leur sont associe's. 1889. 8 pp. 1 table. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DES TRA- VAUX MARITIMES, Paris, 1889. Compte-rendn, etc. F 40 : 889. Fleischmann, Wilhelm. Einiges fiber die Technik bei der Bereitung von Magerka'sen. 1877. 32 pp. See MILCHWIRTH- SCHAFTL. VEREIN : Schriften 5. J 83 : 874. Das Swartz'sche Aufrahmverfahren. 1874. 16 pp. Ibid. 2. J 83 : 874. Uberpraservierte Butter. 1883. 16pp. Ibid. 15. J 83 : 874. Ueber das Buttern aus verschiedenartigen Butter- nngsmaterial. 1878. 16pp. Ibid. 8. J 83 : 874. Zur Hebung der Kaserei in Deutschland. 1880. 12 pp. Ibid. 12. J 83 : 874. Lehrbuch der Milchwinhschaft. Bremen, 1893. 268 pp. 8. (23968) The same. 2teAufl. Bremen, 1898. 8. 496pp. (17381) 235 2 o 2 FLEI] [FLEU Flelschmann, Wilhelm cont. Untersuchtmg der Milch von sechszehn Hol- lander Kuben. 1891. 368 pp. See LANDW. JAHR- -BCCHER. Bind 20. Snppt. 2. J 23 : 872. Der Zentrifugenbetrieb in der Milchwirthschaf t. 1885-86. 3 pts. See MILCHWIRTHSCUAFTLICHEB VEREIN : Schriften 16, 16A, 16u. J 83 : 874. Flemer, John Adolphus. An elementary treatise on Phototopographic methods and instruments. New York, 1906. 8. 458 pp. 107 pi. (32386) Fleming', Geo., Vet. Surgeon. Animal Plagues : their history, nature, and pre- vention [to 1844]. London, 1871-82. 2 vols. 8- (36100) ' Practical Horse-shoeing. London, 1872. 124 pp. 8. (15740) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1878. 8. 140 pp. (35625) The wanton mutilation of Animals. (Docking and ear-clipping.) Ex : " Nineteenth Century," .March, 1893. London, 1898. 4. 24 pp. 7 pi. (36101) Fleming-, John Ambrose, F.R.S. The alternate current Transformer in theory .and practice. (" Electrician " Series.) London, 1889-92. 2 vols. 8. (12619) The same. New ed. Vol. 1. (Ibid.) London, 1896, etc. 8. (24921) - The same. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. (Ibid.) London, [1900, etc.]. 8. (27617) The Centenary of the Electric Current. 1799- 1899. London, [1899]. 8. 62 pp. 1 pi. (26616) Electric Lamps and Electric Lighting. ("Elec- trician " Series.) London, 1894. 8. 230 pp. (24161) - The same. 2nd ed. (Ibid.) London, 1 899. 8. 274 pp. (26685) Electrical Oscillations and Electric Waves. 1900. 62 pp. See SOCIETY OP ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 6.] B 51 : 872. An elementary manual of Radiotelegraphy and R-idiotelephoay. London, 1908. 8. 354 pp. (37535) A handbook for the Electrical Laboratory and Testing room. London, [1901-03]. 2 vols. 8. (27843) . Hertzian Wave Telegraphy. 1903. 72pp. See SOCIETY OP ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 7,] B 51 : 872. Magnets and electric currents. An elementary treatise, etc. London, 1898. sin. 8. 424 pp. (16877) The measurement of High Frequency Currents and Electric Waves. 1905. 32 pp. See SOCIETY OP ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 8.] B 51 : 872. The principles of Electric Wave Telegraphy. London, 1906. 8. 690 pp. 9 pi. (32214) Waves and ripples in water, air, and aether. London, 1902. sm. 8. 312 pp. 1 pi. (29512) yiemming 1 . Louis Andrew. Practical Tanning. Philadelphia, etc., 1903. 8. 472pp. (29917) Fletcher, Austin B. ,. , The construction of Macadam Roads, 1907. 56 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 29. J 29 R : Macadam Roads. 1908. 40 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 338. J 29 Fa : Fletcher, Banister, and B. F. A history of Architecture . . . from the earliest period. 3rd ed. London, 1897. sm. 8. 332pp. 116 pi. (16550) Fletcher, Banister Flight. See FLETCHER, B., and B. F. A history of Architecture, etc. 3rd ed. 1897. sm. 8. (16550) Quantities. A text-book for Surveyors. 4th ed. London, 1884. SID. 8. 276pp. (20697) The same. 7th ed. by H. P. Fletcher. London, 1903. sm. 8. 574 pp. 8 pi. (29513) Fletcher, Herbert Phillips. See FLETCHER, B. F. Quantities. 7th ed. by H. P. F. 1903. sm. 8. (29513) Fletcher, Hugh, B.A. See CANADA : Geological Survey. Note on the Sydney coal field, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia . . . Summarized, with additions, by H. F. 1900. 8. (29724) Fletcher, John Devonald, Bar.-at-law. The Weights and Measures Acts, 1878 to 1904 . . . with notes thereon. London, 1908. 8. 142 pp. (37985) Fletcher, Wm. English and American Steam Carriages and Traction eneines. London, 1904. 8. 448 pp. Ipl. (30428) Fletcher, Wm. Younger. English Bookbindings. 1894. See CHURCH, A. H , and others. Some minor arts as practised in England, pp. 8-26. fol. (32399) Flett, John S. See LOVEGROVE, E. J. Attrition tests of road- makini* stones. With petrological descriptions, by J. S. F., etc. [1906.] 4. (33149) Fleurent, Emile Chas. Albert. La science dans lea rapports actuels avec les industries de la Meunerie et de la Panification. 1903. See SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L'EST. Bulle- tin trimestriel, No. 36. pp. 5-24. 8. B 77 Es : Les grandes Industries Chimiques a 1' Exposition Universelle de 1900. 1901. See CONSERVATOIRE DBS ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 3e Se>. Tome 3. pp. 13-91. 8. B76C: Du r61e de la science dans les progres de la Moutnre au xix Sieele. 1900. Ibid. 3e Serie. Tome 2. pp. 111-132. B76C: La vie et les travaux d'Aim6 Girird. 1899. Ibid. 3e S^rie. Tome 1. pp. 114-144. B 76 : Fleuret, , Prof, of Architecture. L'art de composer des Pierres Factices . . . et recherches sur la maniere de batir des anciens, sur la preparation, 1'emploi et les causes du dnr- cissement de leurs mortiers. Pont-a-Mousson, etc., 1807. 4. 298pp. 32 pi. (34163) Fleurlals, Georges Ernest. (i) Gyroscope-collimateur ; (ii) Rapport & 1'Acad. des Sc. pr De Fauque de Jonquieres ; (iii) Suite au nume~ro (1). 1886-87. See REVUE MARITIME ET COLONIALE. Tome 91, pp. 452-518 ; Tome 92, pp. 223-239 ; Tome 94, pp. 225-227. F 82 : 816b. Horizon gyroscopique. Paris, 1891. 8. 90 pp. (35040) Fleurquln, A. See SCHamiques. Faiences d. Tome 12. pp. 111-140; 169-194. G 64 : 816. -- Commission dn Nivellement general de la France. Etudes sur les methodes et les instruments des Nivellements de Precision, par C. M. Goulier. I With] Etude sur les variations de Longueur des Mires d'apres les experiences dn Col. Goulier, par C. Lallemand. Paris, 1898. 4. 250 pp. 9 pi. (26555) - (Direction des routes, etc.) -- Recherches experimentales snr le materiel de la Batellerie. Par F. B. de Mas. Parii, 1891-97. 4. 132pp. 39 pi. (34474) (Service des Phdres.) --- Notice sur les appareils d'edajrage (Modeles et dessins) exposes dans le Palais de 1'Electricite (Ex- position Universdle a, Chicago en 1893). Paris, 1893. 8. 158pp. 8 pi. (33588) -- (Serpice des Topographies souterraines.) --- Etude des Gites Miueraux de la France. Bassin houiller du Pas -de-Calais. Partie 1-2. Par A. Soubeiran. Paris, 1895-98. 2 vols. 4. and fol. atlas. (25386) --- Etudes des Gites MineYaux de la France. Les assises crdtaciques, etc., du Nord de la France. Par J. Gosselet. Fasc. 1, etc. Paris, 1904, eta. 4. and fol. atlas, (32735) --- Etudes des Gites Mineraux de la France. Structure et origins des gres du tertiaire parisien. Par L.Cayeux. Paris, 1906. 4. 168pp. tOpl. (33515) [FRAN France cont. Ministere du Commerce. Recueil des Documents sur les Accidents du Travail. No. 1. Lois, riSglements et circulaires. (Jan. 1902.) Paris, 1902, etc. 8". 296 pp. (28408) France Automobile (La). Aunee2, e(c. Paris, 1897, etc. sm. fol. E 73 : 897. Publication: Weekly. France Horlogrere. Recueil de precedes pratiques de rhabillage d'Horlogerie. 2eed. Besancon, 1904. 8. 212pp. (31572) Franche, Chas. See ANNALES DES FALSIFICATIONS, etc. Ed. C. F, 1908, etc. H 35 : 908. Manuel pratique du Fabricant de Vinaigre. (liililinthfqiie des industrielles.) Paris, [1901]. 8. 290pp. (38678) Franche, Georges. See ARNAUD, D., and FRANCHE, G. Manuel de c6ramique industrielle. 1906. 8. (35034) See TKDEDOUX, P., and FRANCHE, G. Le Grais- sage indostriel. 1904. 8. (32725) Accessoires des Chaudieres. Paris, 1905. 8. 384 pp. (32388) Precedes et machines au jet de Sable. Er : "Revue de mecanique," 1904. Paris, 1905. 8. 86pp. (32719) Francis, Chas. Kenworthy. The modification of Illinois coal by low tem- perature distillation. By 8. W. Parr and 0. K. F. 1908. 48 pp. See ILLINOIS (Univ.) : Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 24. E 12 111 : 904. Francis, Geo. Wm., F.L.S. Chemical experiments. London, 1842. 8. 256pp. (937) The same. 6th ed. London, 1851. 8. 254 pp. (36720) The Dictionary of the Arts, Sciences, and Manufactures. London, [1840-]1842. 8. 464pp. unnumbered. (30993) Francis, Jabez. See PRINTING. Printing at home. 3rd ed. [ByJ. F.] [1880.] 12. (38134) Francis, James Bicheno. See MULLER, W. Die Francis-Tnrbinen, etc. 1901, etc. Francis, Joseph. See FRANCIS' METALLIC LIFE-BOAT CORPORA- TION. Francis, Wm. See CHEMICAL GAZETTE (The). Ed. W. F. 1842-59. K 30: 842. Francis 1 Metallic Life-boat Corporation. [Francis' Letters Patent, Nos. 2325 of 1854 and 171 of 1856.] 2nd ed. New York, 1853. 8. 132pp. 2 pi. .VS. addition. (28043) See ErHE, V. On metallic boats and floating waggons. [J. F.'s Patents, Nos. 2325 of 1854 and 171 of 1856.] 1856. 8. (28039) Franck, Adolphc. See LEKMINA, J. Collection d'ouvrages relatifs aux sciences hermetiques. [Precede de] Paracelsa et 1'alchimie au XVIe siecle, par [A.] F. 1889. sq. 8. (29911) 245 FRAN] [FRAN Francoeur, Louis Benjamin. Me'moire sur 1'Are'ome'trie, et en particulier sur rAre"om6tre centigrade, suivi d'une instruction a 1'usage des fabricants d'Are'ome'tres. Paris. 1842. 4. 66 pp. 1 pi. (28766) Franpols, Jean, Jesuit. La Science des Eaux . . . leur formation, communication, mouvemens, et ineslanges, etc. Pan's, [1655]. 4. 6 pts., with separate paginations. (0079 i) Francois, Joseph. See DUBOIS, , and FRANCOIS, . Notice sur 1'installation des appareils a comprimer 1'air, etc. 1873. 8. (34527) Notice sur 1'emploi de 1'Air Comprim^ au ' creusement des Eoches. 1869-97. Ex : " Revue Univ. des Mines, etc." Tome 39. 1897. Liege, [1897]. 8. 56pp. 5 pi. (25757) Francis, Jules. Travaux de captage des Eaux mine'rales, e'tab- lissements thermaux. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe47. pp. 45-55. 8. (13828) Fran9ois, Jules, Seer, of Agr. Association of North France. Syndicat de Battage. Renseignements pour le choix, 1'achat et le fonctionnement d'une . (L'Action Populaire, No. 117.) Reims, [1906]. sm. 8. 16 pp. (34171) Francois de Neufchatoau, Nicolas Louis, Comte. See SOCIETY ROYALB, etc., D' AGRICULTURE. Rapport sur les fosses . . . de MM. Cazeneuve et Cie . . . suivi d'un Supplement . . . snr I'utilite' de 1'urine par rapport a 1'agriculture, par le Comte F.deN. 1818. sm. 8. (34912) Francou, A. Goudronnage des Routes par le feu supprimant 1'usure, les poussieres et la boue. 2e 6d. Auch. 1905. 8. 38pp. (38663) Fran cq, L6on. See COMPAGNIE CONTINENTALS D'EXPLOITATION DES LOCOMOTIVES, etc. Locomotive sans foyer. Systeme E. Lamm et L. P. 1878. 8. (37131) La locomotive sans foyer applique'e aux tram- ways tt aux cbemins de fer sur route. Syste'me Franeq et Lamm. [Letters Patent, No. 903 of 1872.] Paris, [1878?] 4. 12pp. (37145) Francqui. J. !'.., and others. Appreciations du procedij de 0. Sabinski et de J. de Zadora-Paszkowski, pour la fabrication du Gaz Ae>ogene. [Letters Patent, No. 1888 of 1866.] Bruxelles, 1867. 8. 20 pp. (33589) Frank, A., of Stassfurt. (i) Stassfurter-Kali Industrie (ii) Vorkommen und Verarbeitung der Kali-salze in Kalusz. (iii) Kalidiingmittel. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher-Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 1. Halfte 1. pp. 351-397. 1875. 8. (17109) Frank, Albert. Neuere Ermittlungen iiber die Widerstande der Lokomotiven und Bahnzuge mic bes. Beriicksicht. grosser Fahrgeschwindigkeiten. 1903. See VEREIN DEUT. INGENIEURE : Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Beft 11. pp. 60-71. E 13/857b. Frank, Albert Bernhard, Prof, in Berlin. Kampfbuch gegen die Schadlinge unserer Feld- Friicbte. Berlin. 1897. 8. 316 pp. 20 ol. (25917) A manual of agricultural Botany. From the German by J. W. Patersou. Edinburgh, etc., 1898. sm. 8. 210 pp. (16291) Neuere Erfahruagen a. d. G. des Ackerbaiies. (10) Pflanzenschutz. 1898. pp. 279-290. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. - GESELLSCHAFT : Arbeiten. Heft 3S. J 23 : 894. Ueber Zellstofffabrikatiou. 1888. See VEREIN ZUR BEFURDERUNG DES GEWEKBFLEISSES : Jahrg. 67. Sitzungsberichte. pp. 3-21. B 67 P : Frank, Royal T., Col. U.S.A., and others. Description and Service of Machine guns used in tbe U.S. Army. 1896. 96 pp. See U.S. WAR DEPT. : Adjutant-General's Office. Artillery Circular. K. F 92/893. Franke, Erwia. Kaffeo, Kaffeekonserveu und Kaffeesurrogate. (Chemisch - technische Bibliothek.) Wien, [1906]. sm. 8. 230 pp. (32843) Frankenfield, Budd. See SWENSON, B. V., and FRANKENFIELD, B. Testing of electro-magnetic machinery, etc. 1904, etc. 8". (30736) Frankenfield, Harry Crawford. Report on the Kite [Meteorograph] Observations of 18y8. [Temperature, humidity and wind direction.] 1899. 72pp. 7 pi. See U.S. WEATHER BUREAU : Bulletin F. [208.] 4. D 34 : 892a. Frankfort-on-the-IKCaiu. See PHYSIKALISCHEK VEREIN zu FRANKFURT AM MAIN. Internationale Elektrotechnische Ausstellung, 1891. See UPPENBORN, F. Die Versorgungvon Stadten mit elektriscoem Strom. 1891. 4 . (29428) Frankland, Sir Edward, F.R.S. See METROPOLITAN BOAKD OF WORKS. Report on communication from Dr. Letheby, with reference to quantity of arsenic in perchloride of iron. By Dr. H of maim and Dr. F. 1860. 8. (32831) Ibid. Report on the deodorization of sewage. By Dr. ... Hofmarm and Dr. F. 1859. 8. (32830) Ibid. Report on tenders for the supply of per- chloride of iron. etc. By Drs. Miller, Hofmann, andF. 1860. 8. (32829) Ibid. Report on the use of lime as a disinfectant of sewage. By Drs. Miller, Hofmann, and F. 1860. 8. (32828) Lecture notes for Chemical students : embracing mineral and organic Chemistry. London, 1846. sm. 8. 442 pp. (32414) The same. Vol. 1. Inorganic. London, 1876. sm. 8. 220 pp. (14933) The same. Vol. 2. Organic. 3rd ed. by F. R. Japp. London, 1882. sm. 8. 320 pp. (12809) [i.] DasMagnesium-Licht. [ii.] Sonttadt's Dar- steliung des Magnesiums. Ex: " Journal fur Gas- beleuchtung," 1865. pp. 88-96. 8. (27949) Ueber Trinkwasser. Aus dem Englischen von A. W. H[ofmann]. 1873. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicber- Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 1. pp. 47-73. 1875. 8. (17109) 246 FRAN] Fr.inkland, Grace ('., Mrs. See FKAMKLAND, P. P., and G. C. Pasteur. 1898. 8m.8 . (25717) Bacteria in daily life. London, 1903. am. 8. 216 pp. (31619) Frankland, Percy Faraday, F.R.S. The Bacterial purification of Water. 1898. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Paper*. Vol. 24. - pp. 159-182. F 90: 844. and G. C. Pasteur. (Century Science Seriei.) London, 1898. m.S. 230pp. 2 pi. (25717) Franklin, Alfred. Dictionnaire historiqne des Arts, Metiers et Professions exerce's dans Paris depuis le treizieme sieele. Paris, 1906. 8. 882 pp. (31976) Franklin, Benjamin. (Biographical.) See UNITED STATES CONGRESS : (Library). List of the B. Franklin papers. 1905. 8. (31426) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Franklin, \Vm. Suddird?, and Esty, W. The elements of Electrical Engineering. New York, 1906-07. 2 vols. 8. (34946) and Williamson, !t. B. - The elements of Alternating Currents. 2nd ed. . New York, [1901]. Reprinted, 1903. 8. 362 pp. (30452) Franks, Sir Augustus Wollaston, F.R.S. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Japanese pottery . . . Introd. etc., by Sir A. W. F. 2oded. 1906. 8. (32375) Franzius, Geo. L'ameliorution des Fleuves dans lour partie maritime. 1892. 28 pp. 7 pi. See CONGRBS INTEKNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 5e Con- gres. Question 10. [53.] F 43: 888. Appropriation des ports de commerce aux exigences de la navigation. 1900. 9 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. 8e Centres. Questions. [45. j F 43: 888. Dock installations. 1902. 14 pp. Ibid. 9e Congres, 1902. Sect. 2. Question 3. [14.1 F 43 : 888. and DZdncb, H. - Hafendatnrre, tlfermauern und Schiffsbau- anstalten. 1901. See HANDBDCH der Ingeoieur- wii-senschaften. 3te Aufl. Band 3. Abt. 3. pp. 627-745. 8 pi. 8. (27558) Franzlus, Lndwig. Einwirkungen des Meeres auf die Kiisten und Seeuferban. 1901. See UANDBDCH der Ingenieur- mssenschafcen. 3te Aufl. Band 3. Abt. 3. pp. 139-192. 1 pi. 8. (27558) Renseignetnents caracteVistiques d'une riviere a mare'e. 1898. 8pp. 2 pi. 6'e CONGRBS INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTEKIEURE. 7e Congres. Rap- ports. Sect. 3. Question 1. F 43: 888. and Schilling-, C. Das Meer und die Seeschiffahrt. 1901. See HANDBUCB der Ingenieurwissenscbaf ten. 3te Aufl. Band 3. Abt. 3. pp. 1-138. 2 pi. 8. (27558) [FREE Franziua, Ludwig, and Thierry, .G. de. Die Einwirkungen dog Meeres auf die Strora- mundnngen uud deren Korrektion. 1901. See HANDBUCH der Ingenieurwissenscbaften. 3te Anfl. Bands. Abt. 3. pp. 193-346. 7 pi. 8. (27558) aud others. Seehafen. 1901. See HANDBUCH der In- genieurwissenschaf ten. 3te Auil. Band 3. Abt. 3. pp. 347-626. 8 pi. 8. (27558) Fraps, Geo. Stronach. Principles of Dyeing. New York, 1903. sm. 8. 282 pp. (30009) Fraser, Theodore, Capt., R.E. On the resistance of Timber to crushing. 1876. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. N.S. Vol. 23. pp. 15-19. F 90 : 844. Use of the suspension principle for Military Bridginc. 1874. Ibid. N.S. Vol.22, pp. 47-65. 1 pi. F 90 : 844. Fratrel, Joseph. La Cire allie'e aveo 1'hnile, ou la peinture a huile-cire. Trouve'e par le Baron de Taubenheim. Manheim, 1770. 8. 296 pp. 1 pi. (33289) Frattini, Giovanni. Storia e statistica della Industria Manifatturiera in Lombardia. Milano, 1856. 8. 266 pp. (36889) Frazer, Daniel. Paper, Pens, and Ink : a brief sketch of the principal writing materials used in all ages. 2nd ed. Glasgow, 1878. son. 8. 136 pp. (33718) Frazer, Persifor. Search for causes of injury to Vegetation in an urban villa near a large industrial establishment. [1906.] 1907. See AMERICA* Soc. MECH. EN- GINEERS. Trans. Vol. 38. pp. 498-555. R 30 : 880. Frear, Wm. See AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. Ed. W. F. 1892- 94. J 10 : 887. The use of Lime upon Pennsylvania soils. 1900. 170pp. See PENNSYLVANIA: Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin 61. J 30 P : 896. Frechencourt de Gtribeauval. See GKIBEAU- VAL, J. B. V. F. de. Frederick. Frank Forrest. PI ister Casts and how they are made. New York, 1899. sm. 8. 132 pp. (26973) Frederlks, J. G. Johxn Lipperhey ... en Uitvinder der Verrekijkers. [' Gravenhage], 1885. 8. 30 pp. See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Freeman, E.iuard Monroe. Minuesota Plant diseases. 1905. 456 pp. 1 pi. See MINNESOTA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 9. Botanical Series 5. G 30 Mi : 887. and Johnson, E. C. The loose Smuts of Barley and Wheat. 1909. 48 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 152. J 29 PI : Freeman, Strickland. Observations on the mechanism of the Horse's Foot, its natural spring explained, ;md a mode of shoeing recommended. London, 1796. 4. 116pp. 16 pi. (26978) 247 FREE] [FEES Freeman, \V. G. See SCIENCE PROGRESS IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Ed. N. H. Alcock and W. G. F. 1906, etc. C : 906. and Chandler, 8. E. The world's Commercial products. London, 1907. 4. 400pp. 12 pi. (34470) Freeman, Win. Marshall, Bar. at-law. The Patents and Designs Act, 1907, with notes thereon, and an Appendix on Chemical Patents. London, 1908. 8. 146 pp. (38147) Freer, Paul C., and others. On the water relations of the Coconut pilra (Cocos nucifera) on the oil produced from the nuts the factors entering into the rancidity of the oil, and the insects attacking the trees. Ex : " Philippine Journal of Science," Vol. 1. No. 1-3. Jan.-April, 1906. Manila, 1906. 8. pagination irregular. 31 pi. (35137) Frehse, Ernst. Was muss Man von Orient-Teppichen wissen ? Berlin, [1907]. 8. 68 pp. 1 pi. (35708) Freind, John, M.D. Prselectiones Chymicoe, in quibus omnes fere operationes chymicas ad vera principia et ipsius naturae leges rediguntur. London, [1704]. sm. 8. 114 pp. (32592) Freise, Fr. Geschichte der Bergbau- und Hiittentechnik. Berlin, 1908, etc. 8. (35709) In progress. Skizzen znr Geschiehte der hergmannischen FSrderung bis um die Mitte des XIX. Jahr- hunderts. 1907. pp. 32. See SAMMLUNG BERG- UND HOTTENMANNISCHER AUHANDLUNGEN. Heft 13. 8. G 63 : 906. Freitagr, Joseph Kendall. Architectural Engineering, with special reference to High Building Construction. New York, 1895. 8. 250 pp. (24700) The same. 2nd eel. New York, 1901. 8. 422 pp. (28397) The Fireproofing of Steel Buildings. New York, 1899. 8. 326 pp. (26842) Fremantle, Hon. Thos. F., V.D., Major. The book of the Rifle. London, 1901. 8. 576 pp. 1 pi. (28428) Notes on the Rifle. London, 1896. 8. 186 pp. 1 pi. (28427) FrSminet. . Precis sur la Machine Hydrostatergatique. [Paris, 1784.] 4. 8 pp. 1 pi. (34539) Fre'mlnyille, Ancoine Joseph de. Marine Commerciale. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury Interna- tional. Classe66. pp. 372-411. 8. (13828) Marine Militaire. 1868. Ibid. Classe 66. pp. 412-50. 8. (13828) Traite pratique de Construction Navale. Paris, [1864]. 2vols. in one. 8. (38439) Plates wanting. Fremont, Chas. Essai des Me'taux. 1898. See SocifcTfc DES IN- GENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 462-466. 8. (25483) Etude expeVimentale du Rivetage. 1906. 146pp. See Socifrrfi D'ENCOURAGEMENT POOR L'INDUSTRIE NATIONALS. M^moires. [3] B 76 En : a. Fremont, Chas. cont. Evolution de la Fonderie de Cuivre d'apres les documents du temps. Ouvrage publi^ sous Ja direction de A. Muller et P. Roger. Paris, 1903. 4. 364 pp. 1 pi. 4 + 360 + xlv-lii + 79-[90]. (35118) Fremy, Edmond. L'Acier en 1867. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 40. pp. 462-482. 8. (13828) Discours pre'liminaire sur le deVeloppement et les progre's regents de la Chimie. Ex : " Encycl. Chimique." Paris, 1881. 8. 388 pp. (27464) The Fame. See FREMY, E. Encyclopedic Chimique. Tome 1. Fasc. 1. pp. 1-383. 8. (11342) Encyclope'die Chimique publi^ sous la direction de M. Fremy . . . par uce reunion d'anciens eleves de 1'Ecole Polytechnique, de Professeurs et d'industriels. Tome 1-10. Paris, 1882-1905. 94 pts. (77 and 78 not used). 8. (11342) Subject index by M. Chastaing. (1899.) 350 pp. Pt. 49 (2-3), Metallurgy of Tin and Lead not pub- lished. Sur la ge'ne'ration des Ferments. Paris, 1875. 8. 218 pp. (36862) Frena. The Frena handbook. No. 2. Quarter plate size. By the inventor [J. T. Clarke]. London, R. & J. Beck, 1898. sm. 8. 182 pp. (36773) French. The French Family Cook. From the French. London, J. Bell, 1793. 8. 364 pp. (3711) The French Polisher's manual. By a French Polisher. London, E. & F. N. Span, 1888. 16. 32 pp. (28807) French, C. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. A hand- book of the destructive insects of Victoria. By C. F. Part 1-3. 1891-1900. 8. (5565) Economic Entomology : some advantages to be derived from its study. 1893. Ibid. Special Re- ports. 1892-96. [1] pp. 64-74. J 29 A V : 891. French, Lester G. Steam Turbines. Brattleboro, Vt., 1907. 8 424pp. (35632) Frenzel, Karl. See DONATE, E., and FRENZEL, K. Die tech- nische Ausnutzungdosatmospharischen Stickstoffes. 1907. 8. (33889) Frenzel, Paul. Das Gas und seine moderne Anwendnng. Mit bes. Berucksicht. der Gasgliihlicht-Intensivbeleuch- tung, der Gasheizapparate, etc. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1902. am. 8*. 240pp. (28421) Frcsenius, Carl Remigius. See ZEITSCHRIFT FOR ANALYTISCHE CHEMIE. Hrsg. C. R. F. 1862-97. K 18 : 862. Anleitung zur quantitativen chemischen Analyse. 6te Aufl. 5ter Abdruck des 1875 erschienenen Werkes. Braunschweig, 1903-05. 2 vols. 8. (30106) Instruction in Chemical analysis. (Quantita- tive.) Ed. J. L. Ballock. London, 1846. 8. 646 pp. (32415) Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 5th ed. by A. Vacher. London, 1870. 8. 386 pp. (14812) 248 FEES] [FRIE Fresenlus, Carl Remigius cont. The same. 7th ed. From the 6th Gorman ed. Vol. 1 by A. Vacher, 1876 ; Vol. 2 by C. E. Groves. [1886-11900. London, 1876-1900. 2 vote. 8. (20275) Fresnel, Augustin Jean. CEuvres completes, publiees par H. de Senar- mont, K. Verdet. et L. Fresnel. Paris, 1867-70. 3 vols. 4. (13334) ( Biographical.) See ARAQO, F. Biographies of distinguished scientific men. pp. 399-471. 1857. 8. (2920) See MOON, R. Fresuel and bis followers. A reply to the calumnies of the ' Athenaeum." 1849. 8. (37431) Fresnol, F. See BERZELIUS, J. J. Baron von. De 1'emploi du cbalumeau dans lea analyses cbimiques, etc. Trad. F. F. 1821. 8. (29742) Freudenrelch, Bduard von. Die Bakteriologie in der Milchwirtschaft. 3te Aufl. Jena, 1906. 8. 106pp. 1 pi. (32121) Freund, Emil. Milchwirtschaftliche Maschiuen und Gerate. Leipzig, 1908, etc. 8. (38072) In progress Freund, Ida. The study of Chemical Composition. (Cam- bridge Physical Series.) Cambridge, 1904. 8. 666 pp. 1 pi. (34947) FrtSvlllo, . Manuel des Frileux, ou moyens simples de se chauffer parfaitement sans fumee, sans danger quelconque, et a peu de frais. Paris, 1813. 12. 248 pp. (37367) Frey, Heinrich. Das Mikroskop und die mikros-kopische Technik. Leipzig, 1863. 8. 476 pp. (30125) Freyer, Carl Das Skioptikon in der Scbule. Beschreibnog des Apparates " Rossmiissler," sowie Anleitung zur Ausfuhrung der verschiedenartigsten Versnche mittels optiecher Projektion and Anweisung zur Herstellung einfacher Hilfsapparate. 2te Aufl. Dresden, 1901. sm. 8. 202 pp. (28558) Freysoldt, Oscar. Die dissiparische Arheits-Methode zur Behand- lung fliissiger und gasformiger Massen im Gross- betriebc, besonders der Abwasser aus Stadten, Bergwerken, Fabriken, etc. Berlin, 1901. 8. 56pp. 4 pi. (28345) Freytagr, Fr. See BERNOULLI, C. Bernoulli's Dampfmas- chinenlehre. 8te Aufl. von F. F. 1900. 8. (28324) Die Dampfkessel und Motoren auf dio Saohsis- chen-Thiiringiscben Industrie- und Gewerbeaus- stellung zu Leipzig, 1897. Ex : " Zeit. des Ver. deutscher Ingenieure." Band 41-42. Berlin, 1898. 4. 68pp. Ipl. (29011) Freytagr, H. Feuertelegraphie. 1908. See HEINKE, F. W. C. H'indbueh der Elektrotechnik. Baud 2. pp. 235- 333. 8. (27178) Fribourar, 0., Commandant. La Photographic Militaire et la Photo-Carto- graphie. 1892. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 2e Sei. Tome 5. pp. 201- 230. 4 pi. B76C: 34222 Friobot, Kmile. Etudes et recherches sur le Grain de Bid, suivies d'un jiroivili'' da sterilisation et de blanchinaent des 0<5r<$ales et de lenrs farines. Dreux, 1899. 8. 248 pp. (33987) Frlck, Joseph, Ph.D. Die physikalische Technik. 3te Aufl. Braunsch- weig, 1864. 8. 680 pp. (13296) The same. 6te Auti. von O. Lehmann. Braunsch- weig, 1890-95. 2 vols. 8. (24659) The same. 7te Aufl. von O. Lehmann. Braunsch- weig, 1904, etc. 8. (32082) In progress. CJhren. 1874. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher-Bericht. Band 2. pp. 536-551. 8. (17109) Friok, R. Der Langston-Anker. 1906. See SCHIFFBAU- TECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 7. pp. 182-187. F 81 : 900. Frloker, , Naval Engineer. ' Rivetsge. (Encycl. Scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1906]. 168 pp. (33175) Friedberg-, Wilhelm. Die Fabrikation der Knockenkohle und des Thieroles. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1877. sin. 8 b . 216pp. (19452) The same. 2te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, [19061. sm. 8. 194 pp. (32552) Die Verwerthung der Knocken auf chemischem Wege. (Ibid.) Wien, 1884. sm. 8. 356 pp. (11879) The same. 2te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, 1901. sm. 8. 320 pp. (27625) Friodbursr, Louis Henry. See ROBERT, K. Practical Toxicology. Trsl. L. H. F. [1897]. 8. (14938) Friedel, Chas. (Biographical.) [Memoir, by J. M. Crafts.] 1900. 28 pp. See CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Memorial lectures. 1893-1900. 8. (30007) Frledenfels, Edward von Normann. See DABOVICH, P. E. Nautisch - technigches Worterbnch der Marine. Vol. 2. 1905, etc. Com- piled by E. von N. F. 8. (5530) Friedenwald, Harry, M.D. The history of the invention and of the develop- ment of the Ophthalmoscope. Kx : " Journal of the Amer. Medical Assoc." Vol. 38. pp. 549-552. Chicago, 1902. 4. (31941) Frledbeim, Carl. See GMELIN, L. Gmelin-Kraut's Handbuch der anorganischeo Chemie. 7te Aufl. von A. Hilger und C. F. 1905, etc. 8. (31421) Einfiihrung in das Studium der qualitativen ohemischen Analyse. 8te Aufl. von C. F. liammels- berg's " Leitfaden der qualitatiren chemiscben Analyse." Berlin, 1894. 8. 368 pp. (32992) Frledlaender, Paul. See llr.r.M ANN, K. Die Anilinfarben, etc. Theil 2-3. Fortgesetzt von P. F. 1898-1900. 8. (21522) Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation und ver- wandter Industriezweige. Berlin, 1888, etc. 8. (21448) Theil 1, 1877-87. Theil 2, 1887-90. Theil 3, 1800-94. Theil 4, 1894-97. TheU 5, 1897-1900. Theil 6, 1900-02. Theil 7, 1902-04. Theil 8, 1906-07. 249 2 I FRIE] [FROE Frledlander, Siegfried. Einleitung in die Photochemie. (Deutche Photo- graphen-Bibliothek.) Weimar, 1898. 8. 212 pp. (26112) Frledrlch, Adolf. - Kulturtechnischer Wasserbau. Btrlin, 1897. - 8. 772pp. 32 pi. (26350) Kulturtechniscbe Wasserbauten in Norditalien. Ex : " Allg. Bauzeitang," 1906. pp. 31-43. pi. 30- 37. fol. (32848) Friedrlch, Carl. Die alcdeutschen G laser. Beitrsg zur Ter- minologie und Gesobicbte des Glases. Hrsg. vom Bayerischen Gewerbemuseum in Nurnberg. Niirn- berg, 1884. 8. 272 pp. 5 pi. (35355) Friedricb, Josef. Das optische Distanzmessen und dessen Bezie- hung zur direoten Laiigenmessung mit bes. Beriick- sicht. des Ocularfilar-Schraubenmikrometer, nebst Beschreibuag eiuiger geodatiseben Hilfsinstrnmente. Wien, 1881. 8. 112 pp. 16 pi. (27950) Fries, J. August. The available energy of Red clover Hay. By H. P. Armsby and J. A. F. 1908. 62 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 101. J 29 An : The available energy of Timothy Hay. By H. P. Armsby and J. A. F. 1903. 78 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 51. J 29 An : Energy values of Red clover Hay and Maize meal. Investigations with the respiration calori- meter. By H. P. Armsby and J. A. F. 1905. 64 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. - Bulletin 74. J 29 An : Friese, Robert M. Das Porzellan als Isolier- und Konstruktions- material in der Elektrotechnik mit bes. Beriickaicht. des Leitungsbaues. Im Anftrage der Porzellan- fabrik Hermsdorf-Klosterlausnitz. [Berlin,'} 1904. 8. 280pp. (32119) Frig'erio, Jacques Antoine. De'sinfecteurs Chloro-camphre's, assainisaans. [French Patent, No. 3000 of 1831.] [Paris, 1831.] 8. 16 pp. (34748) Frilley, Re"gis. Les process de commande a distance au moyen de I'e'lectricite'. (Actualites scientifiques.) Paris, 1906. sm. 8. 198pp. (32033) Frlsby, Almah J., M.D. Losses in boiling Vegetables and the composi- tion and digestibility of potatoes and eggs. By H. Snyder, A. J. F., etc. 1897. 32 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE : Experiment Station Bulletin 43. J 29 : 889. Fritsch, . Les Dynamites ; e'tude . . . de quelques poudres brisantesde'rive'es de 1'azote. 1872. 414pp. 4 pi. See MEMORIAL DE L'OFFICIER DU GENIE. No. 2. F 94 : 803. Fritsch, Gustav. Beitrage zur Dreifarben-Photographie. Halle a. S., 1903. 4. 34 pp. 2 pi. (30308) Fritsch, J. Fabrication de la Margarine et de Graisses ali- mentaires. Paris, 1905. 12. 282 pp. (31505) Fritsch, J. cont. Fabrication et raffinage des Huiles Ve^tales. Paris, 1905. 8. 608 pp. (32034) Les Huiles et Graieses d'origine aniinale. Paris, 1907. 8. 408 pp. (37953) Utilisation a la ferine des De'chets et Residus industriels. (L' Agriculture au XXe Siecle.) Paris, [1906.] sm. 8. 248 pp. (33176) Fritsch, John Frederick, Painter. See LAIRESSE. G. de. The art of painting. Trsl. J. F. F. 1778. 4. (36116) Frltscb, K. E. 0. See DEUTSCHE BAUZEITUNG. Hrsg. K. E. O. F. 1868-73 ; K. E. O. F., etc., 1874-1900. F 68 : 867. Frltzsche, O. Untersuchungen tiber den Stromungswiderstand der Gase in geraden zylindrigchen Rohrleitungen. 1908. 72 pp. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 60. E 13/857b. Fritschi y Garcia, Roberto. Memoria dtscriptiva sobre los Tiineles y per- foracion por el Aire Comprimido. 1901. 58 pp. See MEMORIAL DE INGENI^ROS. 4a dpoca. Tome 18. F 96 : 846. Frltts, Chas. Edgar. See EXCELSIOR, pseud. Fritz, Georg, of the State Printing Office, Vienna. Handbuch der Lithographie und des Stein- druckes. Band 1. (all publ.). Halle, [1897-] 1901. 4. 496 pp. 21 pi. (9297) Fritzsche, Curt, M.D. Porzellanfullungen und deren Imitationen. Berlin, 1908. 8. 66pp. (37724) Frizell, Joseph Palmer. Water-power. New York, 1901. 8. 570 pp. (27654) Frobenius, H. Militar - Lexikon. [Erganzungsheft 1, etc.] Berlin, 1901, etc. 8. (29642) In progress. Frochot, Maurice. L'Etain en Bolivie. 1901. Se ANNALEB DES MINES. 9e Se"rie. Tome 19. pp. 186-222. G 64 : 816. Frodsham, Chas., Horologer. On the laws of Isochronism of the Balance Spring, as connected with the higher order of adjustments of watches and chronometers. Ex : "Proc. Inst. C.B." 1847. London, 1849. 8. 34pp.* (28860) Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August. Set DELON, F. C., and C. Exercices et travaux pour les enfants selon la m^thode . . . de Pestalozzi et Froebel. 3e e"d. 1882. 8. (38215) See RONGE, J., and B. A practical guide to the English Kindergarten . . . being an expo- sition of Froebel's system. 17th ed. 1889. 4. (36130) Frolich, Oscar. Die Entwickelung der elektrischen Messungen. (" Die Wissenschaft") Braunschweig, 1905. 8. 204pp. (36523) ber Isolations- und Fehlerbestimmungen an elektrischen Anlagen. Halle, 1895. 8. 234 pp. (29532) 250 FROI] [FUEL Frols, Marcel. Captage, Evacuation et utilisation des Pousieres industrielles. Paris, 1908. 8. 348 pp. (36304) Fromberg-, P. F. H. Se MULDER, G. J. The chemistry of vegetable and animal physiology. From the Dutch by P. F. H. F. [1845.] 8. (38285) Fron. Georges. See BUSSARD, L., and FROV, G. Tourteaux de graines ole'agineuses. 1905. 8. (31143) Frontault, Henri. ^ Ks.-ui sur la transformation de la MiHallurgie au Bois dans 1'Ari^ge. Paris, 1871. 8. 72 pp. (37418) Frontinus, Sextus Julius. Frontinus, and bis II books on the Water supply of the City of Rome, A.D. 97. Lecture . . . by C. Herschel. 1894. See CORNELL (Univ.) : Assoc. of Civil Engineers. Trans. Vol. 2. pp. 13- 53. E 12 Cor : Froom. G. B. Oil Burners as used on the River Volga. 1897. 50 pp. See INSTITUTE OP MARINE ENOINEERS : Trans. Vol. 9. F 81 : 889. Frost, Edwin Brant. See ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. Ed. G. E. Hale Bud E. B. F. July 1902, etc. D 32 : 895. Froat, J. Flachsbau und Flachsindustrie in Holland, Beleien und Frankreich. 1909. 142 pp. 20 pi. See DEOTSCHER LANDWIRTSCHAFTSRAT. Bericht 9. J 23 : 907. Frost, Robert, Bar.-at-law. The Patents and Designs Act, 1907. London, 1908. 8. 284 pp. (35710) A treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. With Appendix of Statutes, Rules, etc. London, 1891. 8V 828 pp. (22707) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1898. 8. 976 pp. (25593) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1906. 2 vols. 8. (33364) Frost, Thos. The Lives of the Conjurors. New ed. London, 1881. 368 pp. (35288) Frothlnffham, E. H. i Douglas Fir : u study of the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain forms. 1909. 38 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Circular 150. J 29 Fo : c. Frond, A. G., Lieut. Heating of Ships and Cargoes : waste of heat in steamers. 1891. 30 pp. See SHIPMASTERS' SOCIETY. Papers No. 15. F 81 : 890. Froude, Wm., F.R.8. See ADMIRALTY. Report ... on experi- ments for the determination of the frictional resistance of water . . . by W. F. [1st and 2ud Report, 1872.] 1874. 8. (30034) Fruhllngr, August. Anlagen zur Abf iihrung der Brauch- und Regen- wasser. 1903. See HANDBUCH der Ingenieur- wissenschaften. 4te Aufl. Theil 3. Band 4. pp. 1-410. 6 pi. 8. (31253) Fruiterer's Company. See CASTLE, R. L. Packing and selling fruit, and vegetables. [Prize essay, written for the Fruiterer's Company.] 1903. 8. (30,041) Fruwlrth, Carl. D-it Ackerfuchsschwanz (Alopecurus agrestis L.) 1908. 20 pp. 6 pi. See DfiurscHE LANDW.- GESELLSCIIAPT : Arbeiten. Heft. 136. J 23 : 894 Die Zuohtung der landwirthschaf tlichen Knltnr- pflanzen. Berlin, 1901-07. 4 vols. 8. (27580) Fry, Geo. The Varnishes of the Italian Violin-makers of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries and their influence on tone. London, 1904. 8. 182 pp. (31394) Fry, Heory. Tbe history of North Atlantic Steam Navigation. London, 1896. sm. 8. 338 pp. 2 pi. (28429) Fry, Joseph Storrs. 1 An essay on the construction of Wheel Carriages, as they affect both the roads and the horses. London, 1820. 8. 146 pp. (34670) Fryer, Alfred. The Concretor. [Reprint of articles, lectures, etc., 1865-66.] [Fryer's Letters Patent No. 418 of 1865.] Manchester, 1865. 8. 74 pp. Folding plate of machinery inserted. (36590) Fuchs, Edmond. See FUCHS, Ph. J. E. Fuchs. Paul. Der Warmeubergang und seine Verschieden- heiten innerhalb einer Dampfkesselbeizflauhe. 1905. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIF.URE. Mitteilangen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft. 22. pp. 59-72. E 13/857 b. Die wirtschaf tliche Erkundung einer ostafrikan- ischen Siidbahn. 1905. See TROPENPPLANZER (Der). Beihefte. Band 6. pp. '219-410. 18 pi. J 61 . 897 a. Fuchs, Ph. J. Edmond. Combustibles artiBciels. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports da Jury International. Classe 40. pp. 259-291. 8. (13828) Zinc. 1868. Ibid. Class 40. pp. 627-660. 8. (13828) and Xiaunay, L. de. Trait^ des Gites mim'raux et mdtalliferes. Paris, 1893. 2 vols. 8. (29550) and Worms de Romilly, P. Fontes et fers. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Classe 40. pp. 483-545. 8. (13828) Fuhrer durondle Bhelnlseh-Westf attache Bergwerks-Xndustrle. Hrsg. von W. For- schepiepe. [Jahrg. 1.] Oberhausen, [1880]. 8*. G 63 : 880. Fulscher, . Costs of construction and maintenance of Iron and Wooden Lock Gates. 1902. 10 pp. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION IN- TfeRiEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. Question 1. [1.1 F 43 : 888. Moyens de consolidation des talus des Canaux maritimes. 1898. 10 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 3. Question '6. F 43 : 888. 251 2 I 2 FUEN] [FUNK . . With instruo- London, 1897. 8. Funfsprachlgres. Fiinfsprachigea Worterbuch fiir dea Gummi- warenhandel. Deutscb, Franzoaisch, Englisch, Italieniach, Spanisch. Dresden, Steinl:opff& Springer, [1904]. obi. 8. 144pp. (32122) rarer, F. A. Salzbergbau- und Salinenkunde. Braunschweig, 1900. 8. 1144pp. 2 pi. (27344) Fuertcs, James Hillhouse. Water Filtration works. New York, 1901. sm. 8. 302 pp. 1 pi. (27856) Fuess, Heinrich Ludwig Rudolf. See LEISS, C. Die optischen Instruments der Firma R. Fuess. 1899. 8. (26396) Fuhrmann, G-eorg Arwed. Anwendungen der Infinitesimalreohnung in den . Naturwissenschaften, im Hoehbau und in der Technik. Theil 2-4. Berlin, 1890-1903. 3 vols. 8. (26927) Tiie same. Theil 1. 2te AuB. Berlin, 1900. 8. (27234) Fuller, Geo. A calculating Slide Rule . tions for the use of the rule. 16 pp. (35968) Fuller, Geo. Warren. Experiment . . . upon the purification of Water by Sand filtration. [1892.] See MASSA- CHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. 24th Report, [1891-92]. pp. 449-538. H 23 M : Report [on experimental Water purification plant] to the Chief Engineer, etc., Cincinnati. ' Cincinnati, Ohio, 1899. 8. 34 pp. (26287) Fuller, John, Senr. Art of Copperscoithinsr. New TorJc, 1894. 8. 336pp. 2 pi. portr. (23904) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1904. 8". 334 pp. 2 pi. (32387) Fuller, Myron Leslie. Summary of the controlling factors of Artesian flows. 1908. 44 pp. 7 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 319. G 30 : 883. Underground waters of Eastern United States. 1905. 286 pp. 18 pi. Ibid. Water-supply, etc., Papers 114. G 30: 899. and Sanford, S. Record of Deep -well boring, 1905. 1906. 300 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 290. G 30: 883. and others. Henord of Deep-well drilling for 1904. 1905. 106 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 264. G 30 : 883. Fuller, Wm., Ice-pai. A manual containing numerous original recipes for preparing Ices ; with a description of Fuller's Neapolitan Freezing machine. London, 1851. sm. 8. 36 pp. 1 pi. (37692) Fuller DXaitland, J. A. See MAITLAND, J. A. FULLER. Fullerton, John Davidson, F.R.G.S. Recent progress in Aerial Navigation. (Lecture.} London, 1906. 8. 44pp. (33524) Some remarks on Aerial Warfare. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENG. CONGRESS. Div. F Military Engineering, pp. 569-574. 8. (24918) Fullone, Abel. Descrittione et uso dell' Holometro. Per saper misurare tutte le cose, che si possono veder coll' ocehio cosi in Innghezza, larghezza ; come in altezza, e profondita. Venetia, 1564. 4. 70 pp. (31260) Fulton, Chas. H. The Cyanide process in the Black Hills of South Dakota. 1902. 88 pp. 9 pi. See SOUTH DAKOTA SCHOOL OP MINES. Bulletin 5. G 62 : 899. Metallurgical practice in the Black Hills of South Dakota. 1904. 64 pp. 9 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 7. G 62: 899. Fulton, David, Bar.-at-law. The law and practice relating to Patents, Trade Marks, snd Designs, with a digest of Colonial and foreign patent laws. [2nd ed.] London, 1902. 8. 830 pp. (28307) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1905. 8. 720 pp. (32308) Fulton, John. Coke. With special reference to ... coke from . . . American coals. Scranton, Pa., 1895. 8. 348 pp. 4 pi. portr. (24919) The same. 2nd ed. Scranton, 1905. 8. 498pp. 22 pi. (31987) On the methods of coking Coal for furnace use ; its efficiency and economy, as compared with anthra- cite coal in the metallurgy of Iron. 1876. See PENNSYLVANIA : Geological Survey. [Miscellaneous and Special Reports.] L. Appendix A. pp. 117- 145. G 30 P : 875. Fulton, Robert. De la machine infernale maritime, on de la tactiqne offensive et defensive de la Torpille. Trad. M. E. Nunez de Taboada. Paris, 1812. 8. 104pp. 5 pi. (33951) (Biographical.) See THURSTON, R. H. Robert Fulton, his life, etc. [1891.] sm. 8. (28569) See WOODCROFT. B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Fulton, S. H. The Apple in cold storage. By G. H. Powell and S. H. F. 1903. 64 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 48. J 29 PI : The cold storage of small Fruits. 1907. 24 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 108. J29: PI Cold storage, with special reference to the Pear and Peach. By G. H. Powell and S. H. F. 1903. 28 pp. 7 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 40. J 29 PI : Famouze, Victor, and Barreswil, L. C. A. Produits pharmaceutiques. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Claase44. pp. 306-318. 8. (13828) Funck-Brentano, Th. Die Entdeckung des Gesetzes und der Bedina- ungen der Luftschiffabrt. Aus dem Franzosiachen iibersetzt von A. von Prollins. Berlin, 1904. 8. 30 pp. (31225) Funk and Wag-nails Company. A standard Dictionary of the English Language. [Supplement.] New York, 1895-1904. 3 vols. 4. (24503) 252 FURN] [GADD Furnisher (The). Vol. 1-3. London, 1899-1901. fol. A 2/899. Publication : Monthly. Furniture and Decoration. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1890. etc. fol. A 2/890. Publication : Monthly. Title varied: " Furniture Record," 1899, etc. History : Incorporates the " Furniture Gazette," " Furniture and Decoration," aud the " Furnishing Draper." Furniture Gazette. The Cabinet-makers' Pattern Book : being examples of mojarn furniture of the character most in demand . . . Supplements to the " Furniture Gazette." 5th Series. London, 1886. fol. 84 pp. (20116) Furniture Record (The). See FURNITURE AMD DECORATION, 1899, etc. A 2/890. Furnlval, Wm. James. Leadless decorative tiles, faience, and mosaic. . . . with . . . recipes for tile-bodies, and for leadle glaze.s and art-tile enameK Stone, Staff., 1904. 8. 874 pp. 37 pi. (31289) Researches on Leadless Glazes. Stone, Staff. [1898.] 8. 144pp. (32975) Furtenbaoh, Joseph. See FURTTENBACII, J. Furttenbach, Joseph, the elder. Architecture civilis. Ulm, 1628. fol. 98 pp. 40 pi. (29859) Plates bound separately. Architectura martialis : Dass ist, Aussfuhrliches Bedencken, uber das, zu dern Geschiitz nnd Waffen gehorii^e Gebau. [Anno 1630. Das Giornal, oder Tag Buck] Ulm, 1630 2 pts. fol. (29861) Architecture navalK Ulm, 1629. fol. 152 pp. 20 pi. (29860) Plates bound separately. Architecture privata. Augspurg. 1641. fol. 90 pp. 15 pi. (29864) Plates bound separately. Architecture recreationis. Augspurg, 1640. fol. 144pp. 36 pi. (29863) Plates 'bound separately. Architecture nniversalh. Das ist : Von Kriegs- Statt- und Wasser Gebiiwen. Ulm, 1635. fol. 1 vol. in 2 pts. 184 pp. 60 pi. (29862) 1 Biichsenmeisterey-Schul. Augspurg, 1643. fol. 166pp. 45 pi. (29866) Halinitro-pyrobolia. Beschreibung einer uewen Biichsenmeisterey, nemliclien : Griindl'.cber Bericbt, wie der Salpeter, Schwefel, Kohlen unnd das Pulfer zn pnepariren, zu probieron, etc. Ulm, 1627. fol. 126 pp. 44 pi. (-^9858) Plates bound separately. Mannbafter Kunst-Spiegel, odsr Coatinuatio, nnd Fortsetzung allerhand niathem itisch- und mecbanisch-hochnutzlich -sowol anch&ehrerfrolichen Delectationen, nad . . . freyen Kiinsten. [In 16 Acten abgetheilt]. Augspurg, 1663. fol. (6264) Fuss, W. E. Ueber die Darstellung von Bubinglas durch Goldauflosung und Zinnoxyj. [1833.] See VEREIN ZUR BgpOBDERUNG DE3 GEWERBFLEISSE8 : Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 15. pp. 20-41. B 67 P : Filters, T. Campbell. The Mechanical Engineering of Collieries. Lon- don, 1905-08. 2 vols. 4. (31901) Fyfe, Herbert C. Submarine Warfare, pist, present, and future. London, 1902. 8. 360 pp. Itlus. (28606) Fynn, Vatere Alfred. The classification of Alternate-current Motors. Ex: "Electrician." London, [1906]. 8. 42 pp. 2 pi. (26331) G. O [i.e. Nicolas Gauger], La me'camque du Feu . . . Ifera Partie, con- tenant le Trait^ de nouvelles Chemine'es. Paris, 1713. 12. 268pp. 12 pi. (27784) For other editions, see 6AUOER, N. QOOOOO r,- e _ GautJiier], Nouvelle Chimie de Gout et de 1'Odorat. Paris, 1819. 2 vols. 8. (38281) a., L. Cenni storici sull' Aeronautica fine alle recenti aacensioui fatte dal Sig. [Chas.] Green e Corrpagni da Londra e da Pariiri, con Appendice. Firenze, 1838. 8. 176 pp. (35460) O., L. S. P. W- Die cotbigsten nnd wicbtigsten Kenntnisse von Eisenwerken, besondors von Hutten-Schmelz-uud Hammer werken. Von einer Gesellschaft oorre- spondirenden Freunde znsammeugetragen. Mit Forsotzung. Frankfurt a. M., Jdger, 1803. 2 vols. in one. 8. [Preface signed L. S. P. W. G.] (38169) &., P. M. - See ISAACUS, J. Opera Mineralia ... in Latinnm translate, a P. M. G. 1600. sm. 8". (28702) G-., T. de la. See TAILLEPIED DE LA GARENNE, , Vicomte. Gabba, Luigi. L'industria dell' Alcool e della Vinificazione in Germania ed in Austria. 48 pp. See ANXALI Dl AORICOI/TURA. 2a serie. [120.] J 36 : 882. Gabor, August. Der praktische Destillateur und Spirituosen- fabrikant. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1901. am. 8. 274pp. (28013) G-acota Economlsta. Bevista economico-po- litica. [2nd series.] Tomo 1-8. Madrid, 1860-65. 8 vols. 8. C 70 : 860 Publication : Monthly. Gaceta Sconomlsta. Periodico de comercio, etc. A8ol-9. Madrid, 1860-68. 10 vols. 4. 070/860. Gacota Industrial, etc. Afio 3-27 ; [New Series.] Tomo 1-17. Madrid, 1867-1906. 42 vols. 4 and fol. C 9 : 867 and /871. Publication : Weekly. Editor : J. Alcover, 1867-90 ; J. Casas Barbosa, 1891- 96; R. Bencerro de Bengoa, 1897-1902; D. de Cortazar, 1903-06. History: In 1891 amalgamated with the "Ciencia Electrica " and " Natnraleza," and issued under the title of "Gaceta Industrial y Ciencia Elec- trica" (1891, Jan. -Jane), and (July 1891, etc.) "Naturaleza, Giencia e Industria. From 1901-fi title abbreviated to " Naturaleza." Size : 1871-74, issued in folio size. Index**: 1875-84, in Afio 1884. O-aches-Sarrauto, Mme., M.D. Le Corset. Etude physiologique et pratique. Paris, 1900. 8. 134 pp. (27080) G.idd, Wm. Lawrence. Soap manufacture. (Technological Handbooks.) London, 1893. sm. 8. 234 pp. 2 pi. (23516) The same. [2nd ei.l Ibid. London, 1899. sm. 8. 240 pp. 2 pi. (27599) 253 QAED] Gaedickc, J. Der Q-ummidruck (Direkter Pigmentdruck). Berlin, 1898. sm. 8. 80 pp. 2 pi. (25693) Gaertner, Nicolas. - Die Weissblechfabrikation. 1888. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Ver- handlangen. Jahrg. 67. pp. 192-250 and 299-336. 6 pi. B67P: - The same. Another copy. Berlin. 1888. 100pp. 6 pi. 4. (21737) Gactzschmann, Moritz Ferdinand. - Anleitung zur Grubenmauerung. Schneeberg, 1831. 4. 202 pp. and obi. fol. atlas. 35 pi. (29727) Gaff ky, Georg, and others. -- Berioht iiber die Thatigkeit der zur Erfors- cbung der Pest iin Jahre 1897 nach Indien entsandten Kommission. 1899. See KAISERL. GFSUNDHEITSAMT. Arbeiten. Band 16. 356 pp. 9 pi. H 24 : 886. Gag-e, Stephen De Meritte. - Contribution to the biochemistry of Sewage Puri6cation ; the bacteriolysis of peptones and nitrate?. 1905. See AMER. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol.26, pp. 327-363. K : 879. - Studies of the efficiency of Water Filters in removing different species of Bacteria. [1901.] See MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. 32nd Report. [1899-1900.] pp. 527-535. H23M: - On the value of tests of Bacteria of specific types as an index of Pollution. By H. W. Clark and S. de M. G. [1903.] Hid. 34th Report. [1901-02.] pp. 247-281. H 23 M : Gages, Jacques Le'on. - Essais des Meiaux. Machines et appareils. (Encyclopedie Scientifiqiie des aide-memoire.) Paris, (1903?] sm. 8. 150pp. (30147) " Fabrication eltctrique de I'Aciar par le proc6d6 Gin. 1903. See REVUE D'ARTILLERIE. Tome 62. pp. 361-375. F 94 : 872. - Trait6 de Metallurgie du Fer. Paris, 1898. 2 vols. 8. (25393) Gagret, Maurice. La Navigation Sous-marine. Paris, 1901. sm. 8. 472 pp. (27553) Galffe, A. - Notice sur les appareils electro-me'ciicaux con- strnits par A. Gjjiffe . . . , prececle'e d'un aperju 'Electricite', 1'Electro-physiologie et Paris, 1874. 8. 208 pp. g6ne>al sur 1' l'Electro-the>apie. (34540) Oalllard, D.D., Capt., U.S.A. Wave action in relation to Engineering struc- tures. (Prof. Papers. Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., 31.) Washington, 1904. 8. 232 pp. 38 pi (30859) G-air drier, Wm. Tennant, M.D. - Public Health in relatiou to Air and Water. Edinburgh, 1862. sm. 8. 378 pp. (33719) Galrns, John Francis. - Locomotive compounding and superheating. London, 1907. 8. 210 pp. 1 pi. (33522) Gaisbergr, S. von. - Tasehenbuch fur Monteure elektrischer Beleuch- tungsanlagen. 3te Aufl. Milnchtn, 1888. 16. 148 pp. (21675) [GALL Gaisberg-, S. von cont. The same. 25te Aufl. Unter Mitwirkung von O. Gorling und Michalke. Miinchen, 1902. sm. 8. 220 pp. (29575) Galand, . Chasse et Tir, arrnes et munitions. Parii, [1905]. 16. 102pp. 19 pi. (32123) Galante, Henry. De 1'emploi du Caoutchouc vulcanises dans la theVapeutique m4dico-chirurgica!e. Paris, 1869. 8. 364 pp. (38679) Galbort, Alphonse de. Arbres fraitiers et fruits. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 86. pp. 567-595. 8*. (13828) Galbraith, Joseph Allen, and Haughton. S. Manual of Hydrostatics. 3rd ed. London, 1859. stn. 8. 96 pp. (13072) The same. New ed. London, [1869]. sm. 8. 106 pp. (33720) Galbraitb, S. J. Vanilla culture as practised in the Seychelles Islands. 1898. 24 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Botany. Bulletin 21. J29B: Galder, Chas. L'Or, compost m^tallique. Formation naturelle et production artificielle. (Encyclopedie alchimique.) Paris, 1908. sm. 8. 48 pp. (37581) Gale, John, Mathematician. Cabinet of Knowledge : or, miscellaneous recrea- tions. 4th ed. London, [Norwich, printed], 1808. 12. 380pp. 6 pi. (38695) Galileo, Galilei. (Biographical.) See FAHIE, J. J. Galileo, his life and work. [Bibliography.] 1903. 8. (37879) Ueber Galilei Von. F. Rziha. 1878. See VER. ZUR VERBREIT NATURW. KENNTNISSE. Bd. 19. Bl 9 : 860. Galine, L. See AUCAMUS, E., acd GALINE, L. Tramways et Automobiles. 1900. 8. (27326) Exploitation technique des Chernins de fer. Paris, 1901. 8. 714 pp. (27692) and Saint-Paul, B. Eclairage. (Bibliotheque du Conducteur de Travaux publics.) Paris, 1898. sm. 8. 430 pp. (25467) The fame. 2e 6d. Paris, 1904. 8. 698 pp. (30613) Galippe, Louis Marie Victor, and Barre', G. LePain. (Encycl. Scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1895]. 2 vols. sm. 8*. (25758) Gallag'ber, Francis E. Absorption of Vapors and Gases by Soils. 1908. 50 pp See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 51. J 29 So : Moisture content and physical condition of soils. By F. K. Cameron and F. E. . 1908. 70 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 50. J29So: Gallard, Theophile, M.D. Le Cuivre et lea conserves de legumes. Paris, 1883. 8. 44pp. (34312) 254 GALL] LGALY Galleiro y Samoa, Edaardo. Seceiones de telegrafia ligera para acompafiar a la Caballeria. 1900. 64 pp. 1 pi. See MEMORIAL DE IXGENIEROS. 4a dpoca. Tome 17. F 96 : 846. Gallet . J. C. ' See PARMENTIER, A. A., and others. TraitS . . . sur la culture , grains, etc. Augment^ de notei, etc., par J. C. G. 1802. 2 vols. 8. (34339) Galliot, , Engineer. Elevation mdcaniqne de bief eu bief des eaux servant a 1'alimentation d'un canal. 1898. 14 pp. 2 pi. See CONOR ES INTEBNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 2. Question 4. F 43 : 888. Progres des applications de la me'canique a 1'ali- mentation des Cauaux. 1900. 10 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. 8e Congres. Question 2. [12.] F 43 : 888. Touage e'lectnquR des Bateaux. 1892. 18 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. 5e Congres. Question 6. [29.] F 43 : 888. Galloway, Beverly Thos. Effect of Spraying with Fungicides on the growth of Nursery stock. 1894. 42 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Vegetable Pathology. Bulletin?. J29V: Frosts and freezes as affecting cultivated plants. 1895. Ibid. Year-book, 1895. pp. 143-158. J 29 : 849b. The health of Plants in Greenhouses. 1895. Ibid. Year-book, 1895. pp. 247-256. J 29 : 849b. Some destructive Potato diseases. 1894. 8pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 15. J 29 Fa : Potato diseases and their treatment. 1899. llpp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 91. J29Fa: Progress in the treatment of Plant diseases in the United States. 1899. Ibid. Year-book, 5899. pp. 191-200. J 29;.- 849b. Progress of commercial growing of Plants under glass. 1899. Ibid. Year-book, 1899. pp. 575-590. 3 pi. J 29 : 849b. A record of some of the work of the Division of Botany. Section of vegetable pathology. 1889. Ibid. Bureau of Botany. Bulletin 8. pp. 41-67. J29B: School gardens. 1905. 48 pp. 5 pi. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 160. J 29 : 889. Spraying for Fruit diseases. 1896. 12 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 38. J 29 Fa : and Woods, A. F. Diseases of shade and ornamental Trees. 1896. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Year-book, 1896. pp. 237-254. J 29 : 849b. Water as a factor in the growth of Plants. 1894 Ibid. Year-book, 1894. pp. 165-176. J 29 : 849b. Galloway, Elijah, C.E. History and progress of the Steam Engine. Witb Appendix by L. Herbert. London, 1829. 8. 869 pp. (110) The same. [New ed.] London, 1833. 8. 856 pp. 1 pi. (36507) Galloway, Robert, F.CS. A manual of Qualitative Analysis. 3rd ed. London, 1861. sm. 8. 260 pp. (38628) The same. 5th ed. London, 1870. sm. 8. 446pp. 1 pi. (14713) The Second step in Chemistry. London, 1864. sm. 8. 792 pp. (57754) Galloway, Robert L. Annals of Coal Mining and the Coal trade. London, 1898-1904. 2 vols. 8. (26023) Galloway, Wm. See CRESWICK, W., and others. Essays on the prevention of Explosions, etc., in Coal mines. Essay II. By W. G. 1874. 8. (37243) See SOUTH WALES INBT. OF ENGINEERS. Course of Lectures on Mining. By W. G. 1900. 8. (26791) Gallup, F. L. Report on the Molding Sands of Wisconsin. By H. Ries and F. L. G. 1906. See WISCONSIN : Geological, etc., Survey. Bulletin 15. pp. 197-247. G30W: Galiusser, Hans. Ein Beitrag zur Vorausberechnung der Kommu- tationsverhaltnisse bei Gleichstrommaschinen und des Spannnngxabfalls beiWechselstromgeneratoren. 1902. See SAMHLUNG ELEKTROTECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 3. pp. 875-434. D 51 : 896. Gallwoy, Sir Ralph Payne-, Bart. The Crossbow . . . With a treatise on the Batista and Catapult of the ancients. London, 1903. 4. 350pp. Ipl. (29775) A Summary of the history, construction and effects in Warfare of the Projectile-throwing Engines of the Ancients, with a treatise on the structure, etc., of Turkish and other oriental Bowa. London, 1907. 4. 70 pp. (33848) Gait, Hugh, The Microscopy of the more commonly occur- ring Starches. London, 1900. sm. 8. 114 pp. (28932) Gal ton, Sir Douglas, F.H.S. Hospital construction, 1898. See ROY. ENGINEERS Prof. Papers. Vol. 24. pp. 37-60. 3 pi. F 90 : 844 Galvani, Lnigi Aloisio, M.D. Opere edite ed inedite. Raccolte, etc., per cura dell' Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. Bologna, 1841. 4. 506 pp. 9 pi., and portr. (29400) See UASSIUS, J. J. J., and others. Pre'cis suc- cinct des principaux phe'nom&nes du galvanisms, snivi de la traduction d'un Commentaire de -F. Aldini sur un Me'moire de Galvani : Des forces de I'eleetricite dins le mouvemeut musculaire . . . 1803. 8. (33679) Galvanismus (Der). Band 1. Heft 1-2. shut, 1802. sm. 8. D 51 : 802. Editor : J. Weber. Galvano, Antonio. See GALVAO, A. Gaivao, Antonio. The discoveries of the world from their first original, unto . . . 1555. Written in Portu- guese by A. G. Published by R. Hakluyt. See CLARKE, J. S. The progress of maritime discovery. Appendix (A). 4. (3748) Galvayne, Sydney. Horse Dentition . . . with tabulated forms of cattle and sheep dentition. 2nd ed. Glasgow, [189 ?]. am. 8. 32 pp. 21 pi. (36904) Galy-Cazalat, . See ASSOCIATION DES INVENTEURS, etc. Ktude sur les proce'de's de fabrication du gaz a la houille, etc., proposes par Galy-Cazalat. 1855. 8. (33655) 255 GAME] [GARC Gamble, Cbaa. W. Photography and the Printing Press. The application of Photography to the production of surfaces for printing. Ex : " Journal of the Boy. Scottish Soc. of Arts," June-July. 1907. pp. 279- 34fi. 8. (34387) Gamble, James Sykes. See INDIAN FORESTER. Ed. J. S. G. 1878-82 ; 1891 ; 1898-99. J 75 : 875. A manual of Indian Timbers : an account of the structure, growth, distribution, and qualities of Indian Woods. Calcutta, 1881. 8. 572 pp. map. (21113) The same. New ed. London, 1902. 8. 882 pp. 18 pi. (28730) Gamble, Josias Christopher. (Biographical.) See ALLEN, J. F. Some founders of the chemical industry, pp. 39-66. 1906. 8. (33657) Game. The game of Croquet, its laws and regulations. [London, 186 ?]. 12 s . 56 pp. 1 pi. (36226) The same. [Another ed.] [London, 1870?]. 16. 32 pp. 1 pi. (38170) Gamgree, Joseph Sampson. On the advantages of the Starched apparatus in the treatment of fractures and diseases of Joints. London, 1853. 90 pp. (35777) Gammle, G. A. Hints on the principles and operations of Gardening for Poona and the Deccan. 1904. 32 pp. See AGRI-HORTICULTURAL, Soc. OF WESTERN INDIA. Bulletin 1. J 12 : 839 b. A note on Plants used as Food during famines and seasons of scarcity in the Bombay Presidency. 1902. See INDIA : Botanical Survey. Records. Vol. 2. pp. 171-196. H 70 : 893. Gandlllot freres and Roy, . Lettre ... en rtSponse- a 1'Examen et refutation de 1'invention des fers creux, par deux serruriers de Paris. Paris, 1830. 8. 24 pp. (37419) Gaudy, Joseph. Desigus fur Cottages, Cottage farms, and other Rural Buildings ; including entrance gates and lodges. London, 1805. 4. 38 pp. 43 pi. (33041) Gannal, Adolphe Antoine. See CAREME, M. A. Le conservateur. Con- tenant : le. Le livre de tons les manages, par [N.] Appert. 5e 6d., par Prieur-Appert et Gannal. 2e. . . . Conservation des viandes par le precede du Gannal. 1842. 8. (35344) Gannal, Fe'lix, Pharmacist. ' Des Plantes feculentes susceptibles do fournir de 1'amidon al'industrie et aux arts. Paris, 1856. 8. 64 pp. (35368) Gannal, Jean Nicolas. See POISEUILLE, J. L. M. Rapport sur divers modes d'embaumement presented par MM. Dupre', Gannal et Sucquet. 1847. 8. (33876) Fronde's Gannal . . . Embaumemect appli- qu6 a la conservation . . . dts oiseaux, quad- rupedes, etc. 3e ed. Paris, 1840. 12. 70 pp. Ipl. (36939) Gannett, Henry. See U.S. CENSUS OFFICE: \\th Census, 1890. Statistical Atla<* of the United State?, by H. G. 1898. fol. (25423) The aims and methods of Cartography . . . 1898. See MARYLAND (State) : Geolog. Survey. Reports. Vol. 2. pp. 243-335. 8 pi. 2 maps. G30M: Manual of Topographic methods. 1906. 88 pp. 8 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 307. G 30 : 883. Ganot, Adolpbe. Elementary treatise on Physics, experimental and applied. Trsl. E. Atkinson. 2nd ed. London, 1866. 8. 808 pp. 1 pi. (13043) The same. 8th ed. London, 1877. (5887) The same. 12th ed. London, 1886. 5 pi. (21175) The earae. 15th ed. London, 1898. 8 9 p!. (26024) The same. 938 pp. 1046 pp. 1154pp. London, 17th ed. by W. Reinold. 1906. 8. 1182pp. 9 pi. (38712) Gaasberarhe, L. van. Les dragagcs de 1'Escaut maritime. 1898. 13pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIOATION INTERIECRE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 3. Question 4. F 43 : 888. Ganswlndt, A. Einfubrung in die moderne Farberei, enthaltend die Spinnfasern, die Chemikalien, die gesammten Farbstoffe, etc. Leipzig, 1902. 8. 514 pp. (28464) Die Technologie der Appretur. Wien, 1907. 8. 328 pp. (35042) Theorie und Praxis der modernen Farberei. Leipzig, 1903. 2 vols. 8. (30107) Ganthony, Robert. Practical Ventriloquism and its sister arts. London, 1903. sm. 8. 168 pp. portr. (37380) Garbe, H. Deiche. 1900. See HANDBUCH. Handbuch der Icigenieurwissenschaften. SteAufl. Band 3. Abt. 2. pp. 607-724. 8. (27558) Garbe, Robert. Die Dampf-lokomotiven der Gegenwart. Berlin, 1907. 8. 516pp. 24 pi. (35760) Heissdampf-lokomotiveu. 1908. See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbuch des Eisenbahnmaschinenwesens. Band 1. pp. 305-364. 8. (38111) Garcia, Andn's, J. R. V. Dictionary of engineering terms in English and Spanish, with indexes in both languages. London, 1906. 16. 186pp. (33812) Garcia, Manuel. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Garcia-Xiopez, Rafael. Manual para el cultivo y beneficio delTabaco en Filipinas. Madrid, 1875. sm. 8. 134 pp. (21979) Garcia y Roure, Jacobo. See SANCHEZ TIRADO, A., and GARCIA ROURE, J. Aerostacion militar. 1 889. 8. (22615) Aerostacion militar. For A. Sanchez Tirado y J. G. R. 1889. 102 pp. See MEMORIAL DE IN- OENIEROS. 3a 6poca. Tomo 6. F 96 : 846, 256 GARC] Garcia y Roure. Jacobo cont. iDstruccion sobre Heliografos. 1885. 16 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. 3a e"poca. Tomo 2. F 96 : 846. Mesa Breguet para mediciones electricas. Apun- tes para su description y uso. 1889. 64 pp. Ibid. 3a epoca. Tomo 6. F 96 : 846. G-arcin, Caroline. See ADAM, U. L., and GARCIN, C. La Couseuse antomate. 1871. 8. (34314) Oarcin, J. See BLONDLOT, P. R. "N" rays . . . TrsL J. G. 1905. sm. 8. (31008) Garcon, Jules. La Bibliograpbie Indnstrielle. Ex "Bulletin do la Snc. d'Encouraeement," Mars, 1901. Paris, 1901. 8. 16 pp. (27605) The same. 2e e"d. Paris, 1907. 8. 92 pp. (34927) Encyclopedic Universelle des Industries Tinc- tori iles, etc. Teinture et Impression, Blanchiment et Apprets. Paris, 1900, etc. 8. (27473) In progress. Repertoire ge'ne'ral, ou Dictionnaire me'thodique de Bibliographic des Industries Tinctoriales. etc., depuis les origines jusqu'a la fin de 1896. Techno- lofiie et Chimie. Paris, 1900-01. 3 volg. 8. (26831) Trait^ [-repertoire] general des Applications de la Chimie. Paris, 1901-07. 2 vols. 8. (27554) Card. See ACADI'IMIK DU GARD. Garden City Association. Town planning in theory and practice. Report of Conference. Oct., 1907. London, [1908]. 8. 72 pp. (36320) Gardiner, Florence Mary. Furnishing and fittings for every home. London, [1894]. sm. 8. 130 pp. (36227) Gardiner, \Vni. The Music of Nature ; or, an attempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasing in the art of singing, speaking, and performing upon musical instruments is derived from the sounds of the animated world. 2nd ed. London, 1843. 8. 506 pp. (28757) Gardner, D., Lecturer on Chemistry. (Biographical.) See WOODCROPT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Gardner. Frank Duane. . The Electrical method of Moisture determina- tion in Soils : results and modifications in 1897. 1898. 24 pp. 3 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICUL- TURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 12. J 29 8 : Fertility of Soils as affected by Manures. 1908. 60 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 48. J29S: Gardner, James. Taxidermy made easy. 5th ed. London, 1880. 12. 100 pp. 1 pi. (33410) Gardner, John, M.D. See LIEBIO, J. von. Familiar Letters on Che- mistry. Ed. J . G. 1843, etc. Gardner, John Starkie. See MEYER, F. S. A handbook of Art smithing. From the German by J. S. G. 1896. 8. (26851) See SOOTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Ironwork. By J. S. G. 1893-96, etc. 34223 257 [GARN Gardner, John Starkie cont. See Tuou, J. .A new booke of Drawings ... of Iron worke. Reproduced, etc. by J. S. G. 1896. fol. (26857) English Enamels. 1894. See CHURCH, A. M., and others. Some minor arts as practised in England, pp. 68-82. fol. (32399) Foreign Armour in England. London, 1898. 8. 96pp. 8 pi. (36797) Gardner, Paul. Die Mercerisation der Baumwolle mit spei. Beriicksicht. der in- und ausliindischeu Patente. Berlin, 1898. 8. 148 pp. (25918) Gardner, Walter M. See RAWSON, C., and others. A dictionary of dyes, etc. 1901. 8. (31414) Garels, C. Patentgesetzgebung. Sammlung der geren Patent gesetze, . . . welche wartig in Geltung stehen. Berlin. 1879-95. sm. 8. (16981) Band 4-6 by A. Werner. Patentgesetzgebung. Band 7, fie. Die Patent- Muster- nnd Markenschutzgesetze des Erdballs. Berlin, 1896, etc. sm. 8. (16981) Band 7-8 by A. Werner ; 9-12 by A. Osterrieth. Garlel, Chas. Marie. See ARSONVAL, A. d', and others. Trait6 de physique biologique. 1901-03. 2 vols. 8. (30143) Garland, C. M. Tests of a Liquid Air plant. By C. S. Hudson, and C. M. G. 1908. 20pp. See ILLINOIS (Univ) : Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 21. E 12 111 : 904. wichti- gegen- 6 vols. Garlmg-house, F. L. See JONES AND LAI-OUT. INS, Ltd. Standard Steel Construction. Revised by F. L. G. [3rd ed.] 1898. sm. 8. (25983) Garner, Wightman Wells. Method of testing tbe burning quality of Cigar Tobacco. 1906. 14 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bul- letin 100. Pt. 4. J 29 PI : A new method for the determination of nicotine in Tobacco. 1907. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 102. pp. 60-69. J 29 PI : Principles and practical methods of curing tobacco. 1909. 54 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 143. J 29 PI : The relation of the composition of the leaf to the burning qualities of Tobacco. 1907. 26 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 105. J29P1: The relation of nicotine to the quality of Tobacco. 1908. 16pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 14. J29P1: Garnett, \Vm. Hubert Stuart, Bar.-at-law. Turbines. London, 1906. 8. 298 pp. 1 pi. (32485) Garnler, Chas., Architect. Le Theatre. Paris, 1871. 8. 478 pp. (35272) Garnler, Kdouard. Dictionnaire de la Ceiamiqne. Faiences- Gres- Poteries. Guide du Collectionneur. (Bibliotheque Internationale del' Art.) Pom, [1893]. 8. 322pp. 20 pL (26351) 2x GARN] [GATE Gamier, < J . L'Electro-Side'rurgie. (Partie documentaire). 1903. See Mois SCIENTIFIQUE, etc. Ann^e 5. - Monographic 1. pp. 3-20. C 23 : 899. G-arnier, Jules. Avant-projet d'un Chemin de fer aainissemeut. Pan's, 1889. fol. 82pp. (34873) Applications du Ge'nie Sanitaire. Materiel de disinfection. 3e e"d. Paris, 1889. fol. 44 pp. (34874) Applications du Ge'nie Sinitaire. Veniilation- chauffage. Paris, [1889]. fol. 48 pp. 31 pi. (34875) Geneva. See SOCIETE DES ARTS DE GENEVE. Geneva : Exposition Nationale Suitse, 1896. Rapport Technique. Geneve, 1898. 4. 904 pp. (25978) Ge'nie Civil. Tome 1, etc. Paris, 1880, etc. fol. E 20/880. Publication: Weekly. Indexes: 1880-92, [1893] ; 1892-1902, [1903]. Genioys, R. See DOPUIT, A. J. E. J. Traite" . . . de la conduite, etc., des eaux. Suivi d'uu extrait de 1'Essai sur les moyens de conduire, etc. les eaux, par [R.] G., etc. Atlas only. 1854. fol. (37102) 261 GENN] [GEOL Gennes, A. de. - L'Exploitation MeVjanique dans les carrieres des Etats-Unis. 1904. See Soc. INDUSTRIELLE DE L'EsT. Bulletin trimestriel. 21 e Anne"e. No. 39. pp. 21-36. B 77 : E. L',Exploitation M<3canique dans les houilleres des Etats-Unis. 1900. See ANNALES DES MINES. 9e S6rie. Tome 18. pp. 217-48. 4 pi. G 61 : 816. Gonoud, . See LORTET, , et GENOUD, . Notice sur 1'appareil photothe'rapique de MM. Lortet et Genoud. [1901.] 8. (14298) Gensccke, W. Untersuchung einei mittelbaren Dampfsma- schinenregelung. 1908. 64pp. See VEREIN DEUT- SCHER INGENIEORE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 53. E 13/857b. Gentele. J. G. iiehrbuch der Parbenfabrikation. Braunschweig. 1860. 8. 368pp. (13229) The same. 2te Aufl. Bmunschioeig, 1880. 8. 620 pp. (19582) The same. 3te Aufl. von A. Bnntrock. Braunsch- weig, 1906, etc. 8. (33205) In progress. G-enth. Friedrich August Ludwig Karl Wilhelm. The Minerals of North Carolina. 1891. 120 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 74. G 30 : 883. Preliminary Report on the Mineralogy of Penn- sylvania. With Appendix on the hydrocarbon com- pounds, by S. P. Sadtler. 1875. 168 pp. See PENNSYLVANIA : Geological Survey. [Miscellaneous and Special Reports] AA. G 30 P : 875. Gentil, Andr6 Antoine Pierre, M.D. Dissertation siir le Caff<;, et sur les moyens propres a preVenir les effets . De la fabrication du Fromage. Trad.del'Italien par V. Rendn. Paris, 1843. 8. 252 pp. 2 pi. (35195) Gerard, G. Prodnits de 1'industrie du Caoutchouc et de la GnttaPercha. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. 44. pp. 182-211. 8. (13828) Gerard, Le'on. Notes et experiences sur la Traction Electriqne sur les Voies navigables. 1900. 30 pp. See CON- GRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTKRIEURE. 8e Congr&s. Question 4. [28.] F 43 : 888. Traction e"leotrique des Bateaux. D6termina- tinn des efforts de dcmarrago et de traction. 1902. 32 pp. Ibid. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 1. Com- munication 2. [2.] F 43: 888. Ge>ardln, R. L. See GIRARDIN, R. L. de. Gerber (Der). Jahrg. 13, etc. Wien, 1887, etc. 4. K 70 : 88T. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Editors : W. and I. Eitner. 1887, etc. Indexes : 1874-99, in Vol. for 1899. History: Organ of the Cbem. techn. Versuchsanstalt fur Leder-lndustrie, etc. Gerber-Xeller <-. Renard freres et Franc. See ENGELHARD, M. rouges d'aniline. M^moire pour M. G.-K., contre R. freres et F. 1861. 4. (38299) Gercbe, Hermann. Die Torpedowaffen, ihre Geschichte, Eigenart, Verwendnng und Abwehr. Mit einem Anhange : Ueber den Untergani; des Panzerschiffes " Maine." Berlin, 1898. 8. 122 pp. 8 pi. (25694) Gerdau, B. Surmounting of great ascents. 1902. 9 pp. 1 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DK NAVIGATION INTBRIEURE. 9e Congrfes. 1902. Sect. 1. Ques- tion 1. [4.] F 43 : 888. Die weitere Entwicklung der Hebewerke. 1898. 20 pp. 1 pi. See DEUT. OESTERR.-UNGARISCHER VERBAND FOR BINNENSCHIFFAHRT. Verbands- Schrif ten. Heft 34. F 43 : 896. GerdeB, Peter. Eiufiihrnng in die Elektrochemie. Nacb der elektrolytischen Dissociationstheorie. Halle a. S. 1902. sm. 8. 132pp. (29111) 263 GERD] [GERM construction and Series.) London, G-erdtzen, G. Adolph. The problem of economical Heat, Light, and Power supply for Building blocks, School houses, Dwellings, etc. 1896. See WISCONSIN (Univ.) : Engineering Series. Bulletin. "Vol. 1. pp. 261- 329. 8. E 12 Wi : Gerdy, Pierre Nicolas. Traits' des Bandages et appareils de Pansement. Paris, 1826. 8 662 pp. and 20 pi. 4. (34652) Gerhard, Wm. Paul. Sanitary Engineering. New York, 1898. sea. 8. 132 pp. (25526) Gerhardl, C. H. W. Electricity Meters : their management. (''Electrician" [1906]. 8. 352pp. (32374) Gerhardt, Paul. Fischwege und Fischteiche. Leipzig, 1904. 8. 148 pp. (31507) Handbuch des deutschen Dunenbaues. Berlin, 1900. 8. 684pp. (31220) Moyens de consolidation des talus des Canaux Maritimes. 1898. 12 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTEENAT. DE NAVIGATION iNTfiRiEURE. 7e Con- gres. Rapports. Sect. 3. Question 3. F 43 : 888. Begen, Grundwasser, Quellen und stehende Gewiisser. 1905. See HANDBUCH der Ingenieur- wissenschaften. 4te Aufl. Theil 3. Band 1. pp. 1-115. 2 pi. 8. (31253) Gerlach, Otto. Ansiedlungen von Landarbeiten in Norddeutsch- land. 1909. 866 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT : Arbeiten. Heft 149. 8. J 23 : 894. Zur Theorie des Hodographen. (Dissertation.) Eostock, 1889. sm. 8. 68 pp. (26648) and HLrusrer, . Versuche iiber Ackerbewassernng angestellt vom Kaiser-Wilhelms-Inst. zu Bromberg. 1908. 52 pp. 9 pi. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELL- SCHAFT : Arbeiten. Heft 141. J 23 : 894. Gerland, Anton Werner Ernst. Papin und der Erfindung des Datnpfschiffes. 1908. S6 SCHIFFBAUTECHN. GESELLSCHAFT : Jahr- buch. Band 9. pp. 475-486. F 81 : 900. and Traumiiller, F. Gesehichte der physikalischen Experimentier- kunst. Leipzig, 1899. 8. 456 pp. (26492) Germain de RXontauzan, C. . Essai sur la science et 1'art de 1'Inge'nieur anx premiers siecles de TEmpire Romain. Paris, 1909. 8. 142 pp. (38517) German Empire : Kais. Gesuiidheitsamt. Arbeiten. Band 1, etc. Berlin, 1886, etc. 8. H 24 : 886. (Biologische Abt. fur Land- und Forstwirth- schaft.) Arbeiten. Band 1, etc. Berlin, 1900, etc. 8. H 24 : 886a. . The Imperial Health manual. Authorised Eng- lish ed. of the Official Health manual issued by the Imperial Health Dept. of Germany. Ed. A. Roche. 2nd English ed. London, 1902. sm. 8. 320 pp. 1 pi. (28249) German Empire cont. Kais. Patent- Ami. Blatt fur Patent-Muster und Zeichenwesen. Berlin, 1894, etc. 8. B I 70 G : Indexes : 1894-1903, containing an index to foreign patent laws in the " Pateutblatt," 1877-94. 117 pp. ; 1904-07. Die Geschaf tsthatigkeit der Kai^erl. Patentamts und die Beziehungen des Patentschutzes zu der Entwicklnngder einzelnen Industriezweige Deutsch- lands, 1891-1900. Berlin, 1902. 8. 396pp. (28318) Liste der Patentanwalte und Gesetz betreffend die Patentanwalte vom 21 Mai, 1900, neb*t Priif ungs- ordnung vom 25 Juli, 1900. Amtliche Ausg. vom Marz, 1902. Berlin, 1902. sm. 8. 36 pp. (28390) ( Patentschriften.) Patentschrif ten. No. 1, etc. Berlin, 1877, etc. 8. (19226) The same. Arranged in class order of the 1906 Classification (7950 groups). 8. (38597) 1. Verzeichniss der Patentklassen nabst Unter- klassen. 2. Vergleich der neuen Patentklassen mit den bisherigeL. 3. Hinweis zur leichteren Ermit- telung der zutreffenden Patentklassen. 1900, 1904. [Berlin, 1900-04.] 3 pts. 8. (27695) Verzeicbnis der deutschen Patentklassen und ihre Einteilucg in Unterklassen und Gruppen. Berlin, 1906. 8. 266 pp. (2488) Nummerliste der deutschen Patentschriften nach 8000 Gruppen sichlich geordnet. Berlin, 1907. 8. 780 pp. (34046) Verzeichnis der deutsehen Patentschriften, nach der laufenden Nummer geordnet, mit Angaba der zngehorigen Klassen und Gruppen. [No. 1-No. 194, 520.] Berlin, 1908. 8. 1086 pp. (36655) ( Warenzeichen.) Hinweis zur Ermitteluna; der Warenzeichen- Klassen. [Muster zum Warenverzeichnis der Klasse42.] [Berlin, 1906?] 8. 32pp. (33372) Waarenzeicbenblatt. Berlin, 1894, etc. 8. (10647) The same. Gesammt - Inbalts - Verzeichniss, 1894-1898. [1899.] 8. The same. Zeichenregister. Verzeichniss der laufenden Nummern . . . eingetragenen Waaren- zeichen, 1894-1902. [1903.] (BiUiathek.) Katalog der Bibliothek, etc. (Nach dem Bestande von Dezember, 1879.) Berlin, 1880. 8. 150 pp. (19104) The same. [2te Aufl.] Berlin, 1896. 8. 758 pp. (14526) The same. [3ta Aufl.] [Nachtrag, 1901, etc.] Berlin, 1900, etc. 8. (27468) Kriegsministerium. Leitfaden betreffend das Gewehr und Seiten- gewehr 98. Vom 19 Januar 1899. Unter Einarbei- tung der bis Juli 1902 ergangenen Aenderungen und Deckblaiter. Berlin, 1902. sm. 8. 80 pp. (29018) Reichs-Marine-Amt. Beschreibung der wichtigsten deutschen See- fischerei-Fanggerate in der Nord- und Ostsee und ihrer Kennzeichung, nach Angaben des deutschen Seefischerei-Vereins. 2te Aufl. Berlin, [1903?] 8. 16 pp. (29702) The same. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1905. 8. 20pp. (31145) 264 GERM] [GEYE en Allemaa-ne. 1898. Congti'3. Rapports. :888. 26 pp. Sect. 3. German Export Review. Vol. 1-6, licrlm, 1901-04. 4 J . 064/901. Publication: Quarterly. 1901-Oi; 21 Nos. yearly, r.)02-0-, <-t<: Editor: A. Blom, 1901-04. Title varieil : Export Review, etc." 1902-04. Germelmann, . Choinasfessur les Canaaz etlesRivierescanalisees. 1892. 8 pp. See COMJRKS INTEKSAT. DE NAVIGA- TION INTERIECHE. 5eCongres. Questions. [15.] F 43 : 888. Les Dngages 2 pi. Ibid. 7e Question 4. P 43 G ermine t, Gustave. -- lie Chauffage par le Gaz. Suivi d'une notice sur les ruoteurs Ji gaz. (Bibliothequedes Professions, etc.) Paris, [1876.] gm. 8. 254 pp. (36698) Traite pratique du Chauffage par le Gaz. Paris, 1868. 12. 64 pp. (33591) Gernaert, J. A. - Bondages. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHI- BITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 47. pp. 5-12. 8. (13828) Oernaert, Jules. - [" Circular Letter," and " Model Patent Specifi. cation," for examination for novelty.] Brussels, 1906. fol. 3 leaflets. (32850) Gernez, D. < - Notice sur la vie et lei travaux de Paul Haute- feuille. [Conference.] 1903. 20 pa. SeeSociKTK CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. Bulletin. 3e 8. Appareils plongeurs et seaphandres. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867 : Rapports An Jury International. Classe 49. Sect. 3. pp. 284-92. 8. (13828; Articles de Peche. 1868. Ibid. Classe 49. Sect. 1. pp."26i-76. 8. (13828) Gillette, Halbert P., and Hill, C. S. Concrete construction, methods and cost. New York, 1908. 8. 698 pp. (36484) Gllllland, E. T. The Edison improved Phonograph. 1888. 12pp. See ELECTRIC CLUB OF NEW YORK : Paper No. 12. D 50 : 877. G-illmore, Joseph, Mathematician. See STEELE, Sir R., and GILLMORE, J. An account of the fish-pool, etc. 1718. am. 8. (31691) Gillot, A. Carbonisation du Bois et emploi du Combustible dans la m^tallurgie du fer. Partie 1-3. Paris, [1872-73]. 8. 400 pp. 1 pi. (27754) Gillot, Edouard, Lt.-Col. of Artillery. Armement et materiel de I'Artillerie. 1902. 518pp. 22 pi. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 116. 8. (29967) Gillott, Joseph. (Biographical.) - - See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Gillow and Company. Gillow's : a record of a Furnishing firm during two centuries. London, 1901. 4. 78pp. (27840) Gllpln, Edwin, Ll.D. See NOVA SCOTIA, Dept. of Mines. The Minerals of Nova Scotia. By E.G., jr. 1900. 8. (12822) The Minerals of Nova Scotia. Halifax, N.S., 1901. 8. 78pp. (27837) New Mineral discoveries in Nova Scotia. Ex : "Trans, of the Nova Scotian Inst.' 1 Vol. 10. pp. 79-90. 8. (26743) Ores of Nova Scotia. Gold, Lead, and Copper. Halifax, N.S., 1898. 8. 46 pp. 1 map. (26053) Gilpln, Joseph Elliott, and Cram, M. P. The fractioaation of crude Petroleum by Capil- lary diffusion. 1908. 34pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 365. G 30 : 883. Gllpln, Wm., Vicar of Boldre, Hants. A Catalogue of Drawings, and Books of Drawings by the Rev. W. G., to be sold ... 6th May, 1802. Added, the Author's account of the drawiugs contained in it ; and of the principles on which they are executed. [Prefixed, A priced sale-catalogue ot' the collection.] London, 1802. 8. 3 pts. 3 pi. (12464) Glltay, E. Das Sehen, besondors mit Riicksicht auf den Gebrauch optischer Instrumente. Leiden, [1902]. sm. 8. 86pp. 2 pi. (29112) G-ime'nez Xiluesma, Eusebio. Ferrocarriles sesundarios. 1906. 180 pp. 9 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INQENIEROS. Colleccion de memorias. 4a 6poca. Tomo 23. F 96 : 846. Gimtng-ham, C. T. See HALL, A. D., and others. Nitrification in acid soils. [1908.] 8. (36912) Gin, Gustave. . The Electrical manufacture of Steel. [From the French.] [1904.] See CANADA : Dept. of the Interior. Report . . . [on] Electrothermic pro- cesses for the smelting of iron-ores, etc. pp. 165- 177. 2 pi. 8. (31168) M^moire sur 1'electroraetallurgie du Manganese en Russie par le procudtS Gin. [Paris, 1902.] fol. Typewritten. 46 sheets. (28370) Glnorl, Carlo, Marquis. Manifattura Gitiori a Doccia presso Firenze. Album delle Poreellane e Maioliche. Anno 1873. Firenze, [1873]. 8. 25 pi. (36009) Glnorl Porcelain Works, Doccia, Tuscany. See LORENZINI, C. Memoir on the manufactory of porcelain at Doccia, Tuscany. 1862. 8. 28 pp. (36426) Glntl, Wilhelm Friedrich. Handbuch der Weisst;erberei und der ges. Weisleder-Farberei. 2te Aufl., von C. H. Schmidt's " Handbuch der Weissgerberei." (Neuer Schauplatz der Kunste, etc.) Weimar, 1873. sm. 8. 356 pp. 4 pi. (32451) Globert, Giovanni Antonio. Trait^ sur le Pastel et 1'extraction de son Indigo. Paris, 1813. 8. 432pp. 4 pi. (34130) Glornale d'Artlgrllerla. 1861-97. Torino, 1861-97. 74 vols. 8 and 4 atlas. F 95 : 861. Publication: Monthly. Title varied : " Giornale d'Artiglieria e Genio, 1874-97. Imprint varied : Rome, 1874-97. Indexes: 1861-73, 1874-80, 1881-83,1886-89,1890-93. History: Published in two sections: (1) Official; (2) Non-official. Supplement, " Raccolta di tutti Afgiunti e Variant!, etc," 1862-77. Glornale d'Artig-lieria e Genlo. ^See GIOR- NALE D'ARTIGLIERIA, 1874, etc. F 95 : 861 Glornale del Genlo Civile. Parte non- nmciale. Anno 22-31. Roma, 1884-93. 10 vols. 8. E 20 : 884. Glornale del Genlo BXllltare. Anno 1-11. Torino, 1863-73. 21 vols. 8 and fol. atlas. F 95/863. Indexes: 1863-73, [1873]. Imprint varied : Florence, 1868-73. Giornale dell' Xndustrla Serlca. Anno 1-39. Torino, 1867-1905. 4 and fol. J 89/867. Publication : Weekly. Title varied: " L'Industria Series," 1898-1905. Glornale dl Agricoltura Fratlca. Yol. 21, etc. Asti, 1903, etc. 8. J 25 : 872. Publication : -Weekly. Editor : F. Ravizza, 1903, etc. History: Incorporated the " Gazzetta delle Cam- pagne," etc. Giovanetti, E. See CERRUTI, A., and GIOVANETTI, E. Cenni sulle armi portatili, etc. [1369.] 8. (36891) 268 GIRA] [GIRO Oirard, A. ! ... and Pecheux, ! I. Les Produits ladustriels. (Encyclopedie lech- nologique, etc.) Paris, 1908. sm. 8. 4 pts. with separate pagination. (36305) Girard, Aim.-. Aperi,-u du commerce et de la preparation des Peanx en poils dites Pelleteries ct Fourrnros. 1890. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. Ser. 2. Tome 2. pp. 1-39. B7GO: . Faiences fines, Faiences d^coratives et Porcelaines tendres. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. ClasselV. Sect. 2. pp. 115-168. 8. (13828) and Lindet, L. Le Froment et sa Mooture. D'apres un MS. inacheve de A. G., par L. Lindet. Paris, 1903. 8. 364pp. 3 pi. (29551) (Biographical.) La vie et les travaux d'Aimr Girard. Par !'.. Fleurent. 1899. See CONSERVATOIRE DBS ARTS ET MKTIERS. Annales. 3e Serie. Tome 1. pp. 114- 144. 8. B76C: Glrard, Aim.' Ch., and Rousseauz, E. Recherches sur les exigences du Tabac en principes fertilisants. 1901-04. Ste ANNALES DE LA SCIENCE AGRONOMIQUE, etc. 1901, Tome 2, pp. 297-377; 1902-03, Tome 1, pp. 329-379; 1904, Tome 1, pp. 376-471 ; Tome 2, pp. 16-47. J : 894. Girard, Albert. See STEVIN, S. Les oeavres mathrmatiques . . . Le tout reven, etc. par A. G. 1634. fol. (31065) Girard, Uhas. See AGENDA DU CHIMISTE. Ed. C. G., etc. 1889-97. K 3 : 877. and Cunlasae, L. Manuel pratique de 1'analyse des AIcools et des Spiritueux. Paris, 1899. 8. 454 pp. (26352) snd Xiaire, G. de. Traite des derives de la Houille applicables a la prodnction des matieres colorantes. Paris, 1873. 8. 648pp. 12 pi. (30377) Girard, H. Construction et enoploi des defenses aceessoires. 1870. 90 pp. 2 pi. See CONFERENCES Militaires Beiges. [6.] 12. (37836) Girard, J. B. Trait^ pratique des Chaudieros Marines. Paris. 1897 8. 588pp. 20 pi. (13698) Trait^ pratique des Machines Marines motrices, des machines auxiliaires, des machines a pr.trole et ;i gaz. Par/8, 1901. 2 vols. siu. 8. (27893) Girard, J. de. Platrage des Vins. Discussion de li partie cbimique du rapport presente par M. Marty a 1'Acad. de Me"de-ine. Ex : " Moutpellier Medical, etc." A6nt 1888. Monlpellier, 1889. 14 pp. (27965) Girard, L. D. L-3 Chemin de fer glissant a propulsion hy- draulique. Paris, 1867. 12. 68 pp. (33295) " See BARRE, C. A. A. Notice s;ir le chemin de fer glissant a propalsion hydraulique, systeme L. D. G. 1889. 8. (33354) Girard de Caudembergr, . - Notice sur de nouveaux Mortiers hydrauliques, qu'on obtient avec Irs arenes ou sables fossiles argileux. Paris, 1827. 8. 70 pp. 1 pi. (34208) Girardln, Jean Pierre Loujs. - Notice biographique sur Kdonard Adam. 2e ed. Rouen, 1856. 8 . 40 pp. 6 pL and 2 facsimile MSS. (36670) Nouvelles experiences sur le chaulage des He's. Ex : " Si>c. Ceutrale d' agriculture de la Seine- Inferieure," Oct. 1845. Rouen, 1845. 8. 24 pp. (31313) and Preisser, . -- Observations sur 1'dpuration et la disinfection des Huiles de Poissoa . . . et experiences chimico-judiciaires par J. Girardin et Morin en Oct. 1840. Rouen, 1841. 8. 20 pp. 2 tables. (34209) Girardin, Ben6 Louis de, Victe. D 1 Ermenonville. An essay on Landscape. From the French. London, 1783. *m. 8. 216 pp. 1 pi. (32284) Glrardon, H. - Amelioration des Rivieres en busses Eaux. 1894. 72 pp. 7 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGA- TION INTERIEURE. 6e Congres. 1894. Question 7. [26.] F 43 : 888. Giraud, . - See GOULET, N. Inconvdniens des fosses d'aisance. Nouv. c'd., augmentee de r^ponse a un Memoirs de M. G. intitule : Com- modites portatives. 1787. sm. 8. (34878) Giraud, (.'has. Joseph Barthe'lemy. La Dharrue Latine et sa description par Virgile, dans le pocme de Georgiques. Ex : " Revue d'Anjou." [184 ?] 8. 10pp. (34544) Giraud, Pierre, Architect. Les Tombeaux, ou essai gur les sepultures. 2a ed. Paris, 1801. 4. 52 pp. 2 pi. (35370) Glrault, A. A. - The Lesser Peach borer. 1907. 48 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Ento- mology. Bulletin 68. Pt. 4. J 29 E : c. Glrault, Chas. - Cinematique. Premiers principes de la theorie geometrique des excentriqnes et des cngrenages. Caen, 1869. 8. 20 pp. (34749) - Elements de Geometrie appliquee a la trans- formation du mouvement dans lei Machines. Caen, 1858. 8. 304pp. (27755) - De la resistance de 1'Air dans le mouvement oscillatoire du Pendule. Ex : " Memoires de 1'Acad. des Sciences, etc., de Caen." Caen, 1858. 8. 46 pp. (28859) Giranlt, Emile. - MtSmoire sur un projet d'Eclairage par le Gaz, de Chauffage par la Vapeur et de Ventilation. Paris, 1848. 8. 16 pp. (33592) G-iroclon, . - Rnbans. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION,. 1867 : Rapports da Jury International. Classe 31. Sec. 3. pp. 209-219. s . (13828) Girou de Buzarelngrues, Chas. - Memoire sur Roquefort, ses caves, ses fromages, et 1'agricultnre de s^s environs. Ex : " Annales" . . . dc 1'apriculture francaise." Tome 6. 1830. 8. 16 pp. (35190) 269 OIRY] [GLAU G-iry, Arthur. Notice sur un Traite du moyen ilge intitulu, " De coloribus es ,anibus Romanorum." Ex : " Bibliotheque de 1'Kcole prat, des haute* etudes." Fasc. 35. 1878. pp. 209-227. 8. (35485) Glsborne, Frederick Newton. (Biographical.') See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Gisevius. . Anbauversuche mit Rotklee verschiedener Her- kunft. 1903. 182 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeittn. Heft 83. J 23 : 894. Gisslnsr. Frederick T. See BJORLING, P. R., and GISSING, F. T. Peat : its use and manufacture. 1907. 8. (34035) See BURLING, P. R., and GISSING, F. T. The Technical Dictionary-cyclopaedia. Part 1. 1903. (allpubl.) 4. (29597) Gladstone, John Hall, F.R.S. On Davy's and Faraday's apparatus. 1876. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM : Special Loan Collection. Free evening lectures, pp. 155-172. 8. (26272) Gladstone, Wm. Ewart, M.P. Wedgwood : an Address. London, 1863. 6m. 8. 64 pp. 1 pi. (35326) Glahn, CarlJ. Chemiach-technische Fabrikations-Verfahren aus der Praxis. Berlin, [1899]. 8. 32pp. (26863) Die Fabrikation aller Hans-, Schmier, Toilette-, und medicinischen Seifen. Leipzig, [1899J. 8. 40 pp. (26493) Glance. A glance at the interior of China obtiined during a journey through the Silk and green Tea District*. Taken in 1845. [No. 1 of the " Chinese Miscellany, etc."} [Shanghai, 1849.] 8. 192 pp. 8 pi. (38217) Glasenapp, M. VOD. . See RIGASCHE INDUSTRIE-ZEITUNG. Hrsg. M. G. 1908, etc. C 45 : 908. Studien fiber Stuekgips, totgebrannten und Estrichgips. Berlin, 1908. 8. 54 pp. (38130) Glaser, Christopble. Traite de la Ohymie. 416 pp. 2 pi. (38172) Glasgrow, Corporation of, Clyde Trustees, etc. Minutes of Joint Committee . . . on . . . the Sewerage of Glasgow, and the purification of the River Clyde, with Report by Messrs. Bateman and Bazalgette. Glasgow, 1868. fol. 42 pp. 6 pi. (37908) Glasgro w I International Engineering Congress, 1901. Report of the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Papers lead. Glasgow, 1902. 8. 410 pp. (28695) Sect. 1. Railways. Proceedings. London, 1902. 8. 90pp. 17 pi. (28317) Sect. 2. Waterways and maritime works. Proceedings. London, 1902. 8 232 pp. 27 pi. (28283) Sect. 3. (Mechanical.) Proceedings. See INSTI- TUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Proceedings. 1901. No. 4. E 30 : 847. 2e 63. Paris, 1668. 8 Glasgow : International Engineering Congress, 1901. cont. Seel'. 6. Mining and Metallurgy. Proceedings. EJ. M. W. Brown. 306 pp. 15 pi. See MINING INSTITUTE OF SCOTLAND. Trans. Vol. 24. 8". G 60 : 879. Sect. 7. Municipal. Proceedings. Ed. T. Cole, London, 1901. 8. 156 pp. 23 pi. (28170) International Exhibition, 1888. See INDIA, Govt. of. Art manufactures of India. [Compiled for the Glasgow International Exhibition, 1888.] By T. N. Mukharji. 1888. sm. 8. (30906) See DAVISON, T. R. Pen-and-ink notes at the Glasgow Exhibition, 1888. 4. (31393) International Exhibition, 1901. Official Catalogue of the Scottish History and Archaeology section. Glasgow, [1901]. 8. 278pp. 2 pi. (32277) Glasg-ow and W eat of Scotland Technical Collegre. Agricultural Report 1-6, 1893-99. Glasgow, 1893-99. 6 vols. 8. J 6 : 893. Publication : Annual. Glasg-ow Science Lectures Association. [Lectures] delivered in the City Hall, Glasgow, 1875-77. London, etc. 1875-77. 10 pts. sm. 8. (34821) Glaahiitte (Die). Jahrg. 2-19. Dresden, 1872-89. 18 vols. 4, etc. K 71 : 872. Publication: Weekly, 1872-77; 24 Nos. yearly, 1878-89. Editor: 3. Fahdt, 1872-89. Title varied : " Glashtttte und Keramik," 1872-86. Imprint varied: Leipzig, 1879-86. Size varied : 1873-74, in fol.; 1878-81, in 8. Deficient: 1871; 1872, Nos. 1-19 ; 1877, Nos. 27-52. . Der praktische Glasschmelzer. . . . sowie einer Sammlung 250 besterprobter Glasr^zepte. 2te Aufl. Dresden, 1908. sm. 8. 304 pp. (38554) Rezeptbuch fur alle Zwtije der Keramik. Dresden, [1907]. sm. 8. 320 pp. (35013) Glass and Pottery World. Vol. 11-17, etc. Chicago, 1903-Feb. 1909. 4. K 71/903. Publication : Monthly. History: Vol.13 incorporates "House Furnisher": " China, Glass, and Pottery Review "; amalgamated after Feb. 1909 with " Glass and Pottery." Glass, Henry Alexander. Three lectures on Roads and Road makers. London, 1864. 8. 114 pp. (38710) Glasse, Mrs. Hannah. See ART. The art of Cookery. By a Lady [H. ti.]. 6th ed. 1758. 8. (3559) Glasaer, E. Les richesses Mine'rales de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. (Rapport.) 1903-04. See ANNALES DES MINES. lOe S5rie. Tome 4, pp. 299-392, 397-536, pi. 11-13 ; Tome 5, pp. 29-154, 503-620, 623-699, pi. 1-2 and 12. G 64: 816. Glauber, Johann Rudolph. Apologia contra meadaces C. Famneri calum- nias. Ex Germanico iu Ladnum idioma traiisfusn. Amstelodami, 1655. sm. 8. 94 pp. (32354) Consolatio navi?antiiim, in quit doaetur . . . quomodo per maria peregrinant?s a. fame ac siti . . . sibi providere ac suppetiari liceat. Amsteln-. dami, 1657. sm. 8. 96 pp. (32355) 270 GLAU] [GMEL Glauber, Johann Rudolph cant. Gxplicatio verborum Salomonis in herbis, verbis et lapiaibus magna est virtus. Adjuncta, Tracta- tiuneula T. DE LA HAUTE-SAONE. [Publications.] Table, etc. par G. Letonnelier et C. G. 1908. 8. B 29 H : Goddard, Dwight. - Eminent Engineers. Brief biographies etc. New York, 1906. sm. 8. 280 pp. and 1 pi. portr. (32538) Godde de liancourt, C.iliste Anguste, Comte. ' See SOCIETE GENERALE INTERNATIONALE DBS NAUFRAGES. Traits pratique des moyens de sauvetage. Termini par deux trace's . . . par C. A. G. de L. 1841. 8. (36696) Godefroy, L. Fabrication de 1'Alcool d'industrie chimique- ment pur. Paris, 1888. 8. 34 pp. (34750) Godfernaux, Raymond. La Traction Mecaniqae des Tramways. Etude des differents systemes, etc. Paris, 1898. 8. 374 pp. (13727) Godfrey, John T. See WARD, J. MSS. relating to the county of Nottingham. Transcribed, etc. by J. T. G. 1900. 4. (27795) Godon, Julien. Painted Tapestry and its application to interior Decoration. Trsl. B. Bucknall. London, 1879. 8. 108pp. 6 pi. (36865) Godson, Richard. 1 Practical treatise on the Law of Patents for Inventions and Copyright. London, 1823. 8". 488pp. (7139) The same. 2nd cd. With Supplement. London, 1840-44. 2 vols. 8. (28036) The same. 2nd ed. [Reprinted.] With Supple- ment by P. Burke. London, 1851. 2 vols. in one. 8". (1423) Godwin, Edward Wm. Drcsi, and its relation to Health and Climate. [2nd ed.]. (Health Exhibition Handbooks.) London, 1884. F. 80 pp. 1 pi. (30874) Goebel, Theodor. Friedrich Koenig und die Erfindung der Schnell- presse. Bin biographisches Denkmal. Stuttgart, 1883. fol. 288pp. 5 pi. (35411) Frederic Koenig et 1'invention de la Presse mecanique. Trad. P. Schmidt. Paris, 1885. 8. 390 pp. portr. (35413) Die graphischen Kiinste der Gegenwart. Ein Ftihrer durch das Buchgewerbe. Hrsg. F. Krais. Stuttgart, 1895. 4. 252pp. 183 pi. (24878) The same. Neue Folge. Hrsg. F. Krais. Stutt- gart, 1902. fol. 266 pp. 156 pi. and specimens. (29627) - Unsere Farbe. Ex : " Sshweizer. Graphische Mitteilungen." St. Gallen, 1886. em. 8. 80 pp. 3 pi. (35412) Goldel, Paul. Die Praxis und Theorie des Eisenbetons. Berlin, [1907 08]. 8. 246pp. (35872) Gbpel, Fritz. Die Bestimmung des Ungleiohformigkeitssra'les rotirender Maschinen dnrch das Stimmgabelver- fahren. 1901. See VEREIN DEUTSCHEK INGENIEURE. Mittheilangen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 2. pp. 34-55. E 13/857 b. Goerens, Paul. Introduction to Metallography. Trs'. F. Ibbot- son. London, 1908. 8. 224 pp. (36354) GdrllngT; O. See GAISBERG, S. von. Taschenbuch fur Mon- teure elektr. Beleuchtnngsanlagen, unter Mitwir- kung vcn O. G., etc. 25te Aufl. 1902. sm. 8. (29575) Gorz, M., and Buchueister, M. Das Eisbrechwesen im Deutschen Reich. Berlin, 1900. 8. 258 pp. 46 pi. (27581) Goscben, Henry. Report on Harness and Saddlery, 1 868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, British Comm. Reports. Vol. 5. pp. 187-192. 8. (13626) Goesel, J. G. Minerals and Metals. A reference - book of useful data and tables, etc. New York, 1906. sm 8. 302 pp. (33243) Gossling-, Willy. Die Arzneimittel. Ihre Herstellung, Eigens- chaften und Verwendungen. (Bibliothelc der ges. Technik.) Hannover, 1909. sm. 8. 174 pp. (38518) Goethals, Felix Victor. Notice historique sur la vie et les travaux de Simon Stevin, Bruxelles, 1841. 8. 84 pp. portr, (27387) 272 aOET] [GOLD Goetbe, Rudolph. Nenere Erfahrunpen a. d Or. des Ackerbaues. (8.) Lnndwirtschaftlicher Obstbau. 1898. See DEUTSCHE LASDW. GESKI.I.nbury,19Q7. 8 C . 340pp. (35711) G-otz. Norbert. Ueber Massenfabrikation im Mascbinenbau. Von A. Emicben und N. G. 1894. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEissES : Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 73. pp. 96-124 ; and 265- 296. B 67 P : Gog-grs, J/M. L. H. A guide to Crystoleum Painting, etc. London, [1882?] sm. 8. 48pp. (25584) Gog-uet, Antpine Yves. The origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and their progress among the most ancient nations. [From the French by . Dunn and R. Spearman.] Edinburgh, 1761. 3 vols. 8. (32285) Goblke, E. See CASPAKI, Chronometer, etc. (13212) Golzet, Louis Henry, .I/./'. Hygiene du Vetement. 8. 48pp. (34877) Gold and Silver Wire-Drawers, Company of, London. History of the Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre-drawers, etc. By H. Stewart. London, 1891. 4. 156 pp. 1 pi. (29621) Gold Coast Colony, Govl. of. List of Patents registered, 1900, etc. With MS. copies of Specification?, 1906, etc. Accra, fol. MS. (37815) List of Trade marks registered, 1901, etc. Accra, MS. fol. (37850) Gold Coast Colony Government Gazette. [Containing notices, etc., relating to Patents and Trade-marks.] No. 1, etc. Accra, 1904, etc. fol. (30370) Goldberg:, Jacques. Die deutsche Lampe in Wort und Bild. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1906. 8. 232 pp. (32720) Zylinder-formen. Verzeichnis samtlicher Fayon- zylinder f iir Brenner dentschen Fabrikates. Berlin. [1908.] 8. 16pp. (36373) Golden. The Golden Receipt Book, containing nearly four hundred useful recipes. Sluidatone. J. T. Pickbum, [186 ?]. 32. 64 pp. (34386) 3422.' C. E. Untersucbungen fiber Ubersetzt Ton E. G. 1893 8. 2e 63. Paris, 1876. Goldenbergr, . Acier. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHI- BITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 40. pp. 292-461. 8. (13828) Goldle, John, Shipwright, etc. A new treatise on Ship-building improved, also the Mast-maker's guide, and the Mast-maker's role explained. South Shields, 1816. 8. pp. 11-122. (32312) Title and pi. in MS. Goldle, Mark Henry Geo., Col. R. E. Graduated arcs for Heavy Guns. 1882. Sea ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 8. pp. 15- 32. 2 pi. F 90 : 844. Goldlngr, F. Y. The manufacture of Boots and Shoes. London, 1902. 8. 304 pp. (28934) Goldlngr, John. See AIRMAN, C. M. Milk : its nature and com- position. 3rd ed., bv J. P. Sheldon and J. G. 1909. sm. 8. (38449) Goldlng-ham, Arthur Hugh. The design and construction of Oil Engines. 2nd ed. New York, 1904. sm. 8. 268 pp. 16 pi. (31416) The Gas Engine, etc. St. Joseph. Mich.. [1907]. 8. 196pp. (34834) Goldmann, Hugo, M.D. Die Hygiene des Bergmannes, seine Berufs- Krankheiten, erste Hilfeleistung and die Wurm- Krankheit (Ankylostomiasis). Halle, 1903. 8. 106 pp. (30648) Goldney, Wm. Henry, Major, R.E. The international system of Sewage disposal as adopted at Cahir barracks. 1894. i>' ROY. ENGI- NEERS : Prof. Papers. Vol. 20. pp. 239-248. 1 pi. F 90 : 844. Goldaohelder, Alfred, and Jacob, Paul. Handbuch der physikalischen Therapie. Leipzig, 1901-02. 4 vols. 8. (28465) Goldschmldt, Carl. Formaldebyd. Bonn, 1903. 8. 48 pp. (30207) Goldscbmldt, Hans. Grosse Schweissungen mittels Thermit im Schiff- bau. 1906. See SCHIFPBADTECHNISCHE GEBELL- SCHAFT : Jabrbncb. Band 7. pp. 188-193. F 81: 900. Goldsohmldt, Theodqr von. Chemins de fer. Expose 1 e"conomique. Par E Flachat et [T. von] G. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 63. pp. 339-396. 8. (13828) Voie et materiel fixe de la Voie. Par E. Flacbat et [T. von] G. 1868. Ibid. Cksse 63. pp. 397- 422. 8. (13828) Goldschmldt, Theodor. (1817-75.) Zinn. 1875. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicber-Bericht. Band 3 Abt. 1. Haifte 1. pp. 986-992. 8. (17109) Goldschmldt, Victor. From the borderland between Crystallography and Chemistry. 1904. See WISCONSIN (Univ.) : Bulletin. Science Series. Vol. 3. pp. 21-38. B 14 Wi : a. 3 2 M GOLD] [GOOD Goldstein, Eugen. Untersuchungeu uberdie elektrissher Entladung in Gasen. 1. Eine neue Form elektrischer Abstos- sung. (all publ.) Berlin, 1880. 8. 206 pp. 6 pi. (20582) Goldston, Will. See MAGICIAN (The). Ed. W. G. 1904, etc. F 100 : 904. Goldthwalt, James Walter. The abandoned Shore-lines of Eastern Wiscon- sin. 1907. 144pp. 11 pi. See WISCONSIN GEOLOG., ETC., SURVEY. Bulletin 17. G 30 W : Gollmer, E. Die Blocksicherungs - Einrichtnngen auf den Preussischen Staatsbahnen. Berlin, 1907. 8. 48 pp. (35099) Gomez de Salazar, Ignace. La Mineria de f rente a la Propriedad Territorial. Examen del Preambulo y Decreto sobre mineria, puMicados en la Gaceta de 1 de Enero de 1869. [" Bevista"] Madrid, 1869. 8. 64 pp. (14348) Gomez Nunez, Severo, Commander of Artillery. Manual de Explosives. Madrid, 1902. sm. 8. 414 pp. (28383) Imperfect. Issued with the " Memorial de Artilleria." Gommez, B. Piping and Ornamentation. London, 1895. am. 8. 104pp. 9 pi. (28935) Gompertz, Lewis. Mechanical Inventions and suggestions on land and water locomotion, tooth machinery, etc. 2nd ed., with Appendii. London, [1850 ?]. 12. 104 pp. 18 pi. (25543) Moral inquiries on the situation of Man and of Brutes . . . Observations ... on the Tread mills. Added, Some improvements in Scapers, or substitutes for carriage wheels, a new plan of the tame, and some other mechanical subjects. [Appen- dix.] London, 1824. 12. 188 pp. 1 pi. (25544) Gon.-la, Be'la de. See BfeLA DE GONDA, . Gofil y TTrqulza, E-nilio. Obras del saneamiento de la Villa de Bilbao. 1905. 68 pp. 13 pi. See MEMORIAL DE!NGESIEROS. 4a epoia. Tcmo 22. F 96 : 846. Gonzenbach, Ernest. Engineering preliminaries for an Interurban Electrii Railway. New York, 1903. 8. 72 pp. (36685) Gooch, Sir Daniel, JJurt. (Biographical.) Diaries of Sir Daniel Uooeh, Baronet. London, 1892. 8. 278pp. 3 pi. (34705) Gooch, Frank Austin. See YALE UNIVERSITY : Kent Chemical Labora- tory. Research papers . . . Ed. F. A. G. 1901. 2vols. 8. (28223) and Whltfield, J. E. Analyses of Waters of the Yellowstone National Park, with an account of the methods of analysis employed. 1888. 77 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 47. G 30 : 883. Good, Arthur. Magic at home. [From the French.] With notes by Prof. Hoffmann. London, 1891. 8. 240pp. Ipl (37381) Goodchlld, G. F., and Tweney, C. F. A Technological and Scientific Dictionary. London, [1904-06]. 8. 884 pp. (31043) Goodchild, W. Precious Stones. With a chapter on artificial stones, by R. Dykes. (" Westminster " Series.)- London, 1908. 8. 318 pp. (36485) Goode, Geo. Brown. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. The Smith- sonian Institution, 1846-1896. Ed. G. B. G. 1897. 8. (16858) See U.S. COMMISSION OF FISH AND FISHERIES. The fisheries', etc., of the United States. By G. B. G., etc. Sect. 1. Text and atlas. 1884. 2 vols. 4. (19878) American Fishes, a treatise upon the game and food fishes of North America. New ed. by T. Gill. Boston, [1903]. 8. 630 pp. 6 pi. (30724) Goodell, J. M. See BAUMEISTER, R. The cleaning and sewerage of cities. From the German by J. M. G. 2nd ed. [1895.] 8. (26426) Goodenoug'h, Geo. Alfred. An extension of the Dewey decimal system of classification applied to the engineering industries. By L. P. Breckenridge and G. A. G. 1906. 72pp. See ILLINOIS (Univ.): Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 9. E 12 : 904. and Moore, L. E. The strength of chain links. 1907. 74 pp. See ILLINOIS (Univ.) : Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 18. E 12 III : 904. Goodeve, Thos. Minchin, Bar.-at-law. The elements of Mechanism. 2nd ed. London, 1865. sm. 8. 172pp. (33044) '. The same. [New ed.] London, 1870. sm. 8. 278 pp. (14999) The same. Another ed. London, 1880. sm. 8. 346 pp (19381) The same. Another ed. London, 1886. sm. 8. 346 pp. (20506) The same. New impression. London, 1905. sm. 8. 360 pp. (33230) Ou Gas Engines. London, 1887. sm. 8. 60pp. (20500) The same. With Appendix describing a recent Engine with tube igniter. London, 1893. tm. 8. 80 pp. 1 pi. (23653) Thesime. Newed. London,lW2. &m.8. 80pp. Ipl. (29488) Report ou Mechanical Inventions in the Inter- national Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON IXTERNAT. EXHIBITION, 1871. Report. Vol. 2. pp. 1-34. (15691) Goodfellow, John. The elementary principles London, 1895. sm. 8. 204 pp. of Breadmaking. (28936) Goodman, John. Mechanics applied to engineering. London, 1899. sm. 8. 612pp. (26300) The same. 4th ed. London, 1904. sm. 8. 736 pp. (31344) Goodman, John D. The Birmingham Gun trade. See TIMMINS, S. The resources, etc., of Birmingham, etc. 1866. pp. 381-431. 8. (13114) 274 GOOD] Goodrich, Walter Francis. The economic disposal of Towns' Refuse. ("Engineering Times" Library.) London, 1901. 8. 356 pp. (27655) Fuel economisere and Steam generation. 1907. 28 pp. Sec ASSOCIATION op ENGINEERS IN CHARGE. Proceedi ngg. Vol. 12. No. 4. K 10 : 899. Refuse disposal and Power production. West- minster, 1904. 8 3 . 400 pp. 2 pi. (30430) Goodwin, H. B. Position line Star tables : for firing ship's posi- tion by reduction to meridian and prime vertical. London, 1906. 8. 110pp. (35000) Goodwin, Joseph. A ne* system of Shoeing Horses. 2nd ed. London, 1824. 8. 392 pp. 12 pi. (36103) Goodwin, Win. See KELLNER, O. The scientific feeding of animals. Trsl. W. G. 1909. 8. (38460) Goodwyn, Henry, Major. A resultant system for the construction of Iron tension Bridges. 1849. See ROYAL ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 10. pp. 189-220. F 90 : 884. The Taper Chain tension Bridge at Bailee Khal, near Calcutta. 1847. Ibid. Vol. 9. pp. 83-144. F 90 : 844. Goodyear, Charles. Gum-elastic and its varieties, with a detailed account of its applications and uses, and of the discovery of vulcanisation. [Vol. 2, entitled, *' The application and uses of vulcanised Gum Elastic."] New Haven, 1855. 2 vols. in one. 8. (35112) Paper copy, without plates. Pagination irregular, especially throughout Vol. '2. Possibly an auddg- inent of the 1853 edition. (Bioyraphical.) See PEIRCE, B. K. Trials of an inventor : life, etc., ofO. G. [1866.] sm. 8. (36164) Goodyear, W. A. Coal [in California]. 1877. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. 1877. pp. 117-178. G 50 (J : 883. Petroleum, Asphaltnm, and Natural gas [in California.] 1887. Ibid. Report. 1887. pp. 65- 114. G 50 0:883. Goold, Joseph. Aer.ited Waters and how to make them. (Rev. ed.) London, 1880. 8. 120 pp. (33723) The same. Revised reprint. See UNITED KINGDOM MINEBAL WATER TRADES REVIEW. Mineral Water Makers' Manual. 1887. K 90 : 873a. The same. [New ed.] Ed. J. T. Norman. Ibid. 1896. K 90 : 873a. Goppelsroeder, Friedrich. Farbelectrochemische Mittheilnngen. Miil- kausen, 1889. 3. 20 pp. 2 pi. (34545) Gordlan. Zeitschrift fur die Kakao- Schokoladen- und Zuokerwaren- Industrie, etc. Juhrg. 13-14. Hamburg, 1908-09. 2 vols. 8. J 98 : 908. Publication : 24 numbers yearly. Gordon, Emy. Der Tief brand. Eine Anweisungfiirden flachen und plastischen Tiefbrand. Leipzig, 1902. sm. 8. 54 pp. 3 pi. (29113) MM [GORK Cordon, Geo. On a new method of purifying and regenerating Animal Charcoal in Sugar refining. [Gltugoto, 1867.] 8. 20pp. Autograph letter. (29226) Gordon, John William, Bar. -at- Law. Compulsory Licenses under the Patents Acts. London, 1899. 8. 480pp. (26435) The Statute Law relating to Patents of Inven- tion and Registration of Designs. London, 1908. 8. 220 pp. (38148) Gordon, Tims. Principles of Naval Architecture. Added, some observations on the structure of carriages for the purposes of inland commerce, agriculture, etc. London, 1784. 8. 278 pp. 5 pi. (33045) Gordon, W., Capt. See WELCH, C. History of the Boehm fiuts . . . and an examination of Mr. Rockstro's ver- sion of the Boehm-Gordon controversy. 3rd ed. 1896. 8. (28898) Gordon, W. B., Capt. U.S.A. Disappearing Gun-carriages. 1893. Se CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS : Div. F. Mili- tary Engineering, pp. 587-614. 13 pi. 8. (24918) Gordon, William John. Our Carriage Horses. London, [189 ?]. 4. 42 pp. 1 pi. (35300) Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum. (Well- come Research Laboratories.) Reports 1, etc. Khartoum, 1904, etc. 4. H 5 : 904. Gore, H. C. Studies on Apples. By W. D. Bigelow, H. C. G., etc. 1905. 100 pp. 5 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 94. J29C: Studies on Peaches. By W. D. Bigelow arid H. C. G. 1905. 32pp. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 97. J29C: Unfermented Apple juice. 1908. 24 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 118. J 29 C : Gore, James Howard. The Decimal system of Measures and its history. 1895. See CORNELL (Univ.) : Assoc. of Civil En- gineers. Trans. Vol. 3. pp. 1-17. E 12 Cor : Gorprou, P. Machines-outils. Ontillage, V^rificateurs. Paris, 1909. 8. 236pp. (37954) Gorgron, /f.Jf.S. See KEY, A. C. A narrative of the recovery of H.M.S. " Gorgon," stranded in the Bay of Monte Video. 1847. 8. (13460) Goring- , C. R., M.D., and Pritchard, A. Micrographia : practical essays on ... micro- scopes, micrometers, eye-pieces, etc. London, 1837. 8. 240pp. 3 pi. (30126) Gorlnl, Pilolo. The first Crematory in England and the collec- tive Crematories. From the Italian by G. L. Lirkins. London, 1879. 8. 60 pp. (33411) Gorkum, van, Col. See SMYTH, Sir J. 0. Memoir upon the Topo- graphical system of Col. van G., etc. 1828. 8. (36135) 275 2 M 2 GORL] [GOUL Gorlay, , and others. Espouse au Me'moire [de M. de Montaignac] aur le Zinc malleable. [Paris, 1810 ?] 4. 20 pp. (37420) Gorrierl, Domenico. Raccolta di progetti di costruzioni in legno ed in metallo. 1893, etc. See CCRIONI, G. Arte di fabbricare. Appendice. Vol. 5. 8. and fol. atlas. (21732) Gorup-Eesanez, Eugen Franz Cajetan von. Lehrbuch der Cbemie. Braunschweig, 1859-62. 3voU. 8. (29599) Goschler, Chas. Les Chemins de fer a 1'Exposition Universelle . [de 1867]. 1867. See REVUE UNIV. DBS MINES. Revue de ('Exposition de 1867. Tome 1-2. pp. 639- 703. pi. 51-54. 8. (13210) Gosebruch, W. Untersuchungen fiber die Dnrchla?sigkeit von Wanden, etc. fur Luft. 1898. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhand- lungen. Jahrg. 77. pp. 365-414. 3 pi. B 67 P : Gosllch, Walther. Brauerei - Maschinenkunde. Theil 1. Dampf- betrieb. Berlin, 1902, etc. 8. (29012) The same. 2te Aufl. Theil 1. Berlin, 1906, etc. 8. (32467) Gosnell, R. E. See BRITISH COLUMBIA. The Year-book of British Columbia. By R. E. G. 1897. A R 821. Cross, Arthur. Nutrition investigations in New Mexico in 1897. 1898. 20 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Experiment Station Bulletin 54. J 29 : 889. Goss, Win. Freeman Myrick. Comparative tests of run of mine and briquetted Coal on Locomotives, including torpedo-boat tests and some foreign specifications for briquetted Fuel. 1908. 58 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 363. G 30 : 883. High Steam - pressures in Locomotive service. 1908. 46 pp. See ILLINOIS (Univ.) : Engineering . Expt. Station. Bulletin 26. E 12 : 904. Locomotive sparks. New Fortfc,1902. 8. 180pp. (293C6) Gossagre, Wm. (Life, etc.) See ALLEN, J. F. Some founders of the chemical industry, pp. 1-36. port. 1906. 8. (33657) Gosse, Philip Henry, F.R.S. Evenings at the Microscope. London, [1859]. sm. 8. 518 pp. (19392) A handbook to the Marine Aquarium. 2nd ed. London, 1861. am. 8. 56 pp. 1 pi. (33412) GoBBelet, J. See FRANCE : Minietere des Travaux Publics. Service de lopographies souterraines. Etudes des gites mine'raux de la France. Lesassisescretaciques, etc., du Nord de la France. Par J. G. Fasc. 1, 1904, etc. 4 and fol. atlas. (32735) Gossell, Otto. [German Standard sections of rolled Steel joists, channels, angles, tees, etc.] [London, 190 ?J fol. 44 pp. 24 pi. (37838) Gossin, Henri. See JUDE, R. H., and GOSSIN, H. Physics. By H. H. Jude and partly from the French (3rd ed.) ofH. G. 1899, etc. 8. (27281) Gostkowski. Roman von. Eisenbahnbremsen. (Allgemeiner Teil.) 1908. See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbuch des Eisenbahn- maschinenweaens. Band 1. pp. 541-599. 8. (38111) Gothenburg-. See CHALMERSSCHE INSTITUT. Gottsretreu, Rudolph. Die Hauaach warn m Frage der Gegen wart . . . u ntcr Benutznng der in Russischer Sprache hrsg. Arbeiten von T. G. von Bautngarten. Berlin, 1891, 8. 102 pp. 1 pi. (29643) Physische und chemische Beschaffenheit der Baumaterialien. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1874-75. 2 vols. in one. 8. (26649) Gotz, J. R. Tables of conjugate Foci ... in connec- tion with photographic lenss*. (Based upon Suter'g metrical tables.) London, 1885. 8. 12 pp. (36229) Goubaud, Madame Adolphe. Point Lace Book. Instructions and patterns. [2nded.] London, [1878?] sm. 8. 56pp. 1 pi. (37909) G-oudart, . See TBAITE. [Traite eomplet de la culture etc., dn Tabac.] Extrait . . . ordonn^, etc., par I'Assemblea Nationale, sur la rapport de M. G. Paris, 1791. 8. 42 pp. (37688) Goudie, Wm. John. The geometry of the Screw Propeller. London, 1906. 4. 48pp. (32668) Gouffe, Alphonse. See GOUFFE, J. The book of preserves. From the French by A. G. 1871. 8. (31703) Gouffe, Jules. The book of Preserves. From the French by A. G. London, 1871. 8. 342 pp. 1 pi. (31703) Gouillon, A. F. Manuel me'thodique de 1'art du Teinturier- Degraisseur. 3e ed. Paris, [1904]. 12. 664 pp. 1 pi. (32036) TraitS miSohodique de la fabrication des Encres et Cirages, Colles de bureau, Cires a cacheter. Paris, 1906. 12. 540pp. (32694) Gould, Chas. Newton. Geology and Water resources of Oklahoma. 1905. 178 pp. 22 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Water-supply, etc. Papers 148. G 30 : 899. The Geology and Water resources of the E istern portion of the Panhandle of Texas. 1906. 64 pp. 16 pi. Ibid. Water-supply, etc. Papers 154. G 30 : 899. Gould, H. P. Orchard Fruits in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge regions of Virginia and the South Atlantic States. 1908. 102 pp. 5 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRI- CULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 135. J 29 PI : Goulet, Nicolas, Architect. Inconve'niens des Fosses d'aisance. Nouv. ed., augmente'e . . . de reponse a un Me'moire de M. Giraud intitul^ : Commodites portatives. Parii, \ 1787. sm. 8. 92 pp. (34878) 276 GOUL] [GRAF Goulet, Nicolas cunt. Dos moyens d'eviter leg incendies, et dV'cono- raifer le bois dans la construction des batimens. [Pirn*, Mdme. Uuzard, printer, 179 ?] 4. 8 pp. (37421) Goulichambaroif. See GUI.ISHAMBAROV. Oonller, C. M . Col. See FRANCE : if !ni uteri; d?s Ti-araux Publics. Commission du Nivellement, etc. Ktudeg sur lea rae'thodes et les instruments des Nivellements de Precision, par C. M. G. 1898. 4. (26555) Ktudes . . . sur les levers topometriqnes et en particulier sur la Tachdometrie. 1892. 592pp. See MEMORIAL DE I.'OFFICIER no GENIE. No. 28. (2e Se"rie. Tome 13.) F 94 : 803. Goupil Fesquet, Freddric Aagustc Antoine. See DELAUARDKLLE, E., and GOUPIL FESQUET, F. A. A. Practical lessons in painting on china, fe. 5th ed. 1881. am. 8. (32928) Gourller. ., Architect. Expose d'un nouveau mode de construction des tuyaux de cheminee renfermes dans I'e'paissjur des mun en briques faites exprtSs. Paris, 1823. 8. 16pp. 4 pi. (37422) Goury, G., aine. Recherches historico-monnmentales, concernant les sciences, les arts de I'antiquitu et leur emigra- tion d'Orient en Occident. Paw, 1833. 8. 616 pp. 2 pi. (38680) Gouvy, A. La MiUallurgie du Fer et de 1'Acier dans les Provinces du Rhin et de la Westphalie. 1903. See SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE i/EsT. Bulletin trimes- triel 35. pp. 37-67. 8. B 77 : Es. Govi, Gilbert, Prof, in Turin. Recherches historiques sur 1'invention du niveau 11 bulle d'air. 1870. See BULLETTINO DI BIBLIO- GRAFIA, etc., DELLE SCIBNZE, etc. Tomo 3. pp. 282-296. AC 501 : 868. Cowans, Sir James, Architect. The maintenance oE the health of the people and the beauty of oar City. Edinburgh, 1885. sm. 8. 20 pp. (38173) Gowell, Gilbert M. Poultry investigations at the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. By C. D. Woods and G. M. (i. 1906. 42 pp. 5 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 90. . J 29 An : a. Gowland, \Vm. See INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Alloys Research Committes. Report 6. li)04. Com- pleted by W. G. (13436) Goy, J. See SACHTLEBEN, J. H. L'art M'e'conomiser le bois, etc. Trad, de 1'Allemand par J. G. 1792. 8. (346G3) ' Grabowslii, Kazimir. Formanderungsirbeit der Eissnbetonbauten bei Biegung. 1906. 86 pp. See FORSCHERABBEITEN A. D. G. DES EISENBETONS. Heft 4. F 72/904, GrackUiuer. 0. Verzeichniss sammtlicher Schriften iiber Mech- anik und Maachinenbaukunde, mechanische Tech- nologic, etc., welche in deutschen Buchhandel erschienen Bind, 1865-87. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1887. 8. 68 pp. (31299) Graefe, Ed. Die Braunkohlenteer- Industrie. 1906. 111! pp. See MONOfiUAlMIIKN PUER CllEM.-TECHNISCUEN FABRiKATioxsMF.TiioriEN. Band 2. K 30 : 906. Laboratoriumsbuch fiir die Brauukohlanteer- Indiistrie. 1908. 192 pp. See LABORATORIUMS- lli'CUER FOR DIE CHEMISCIIE, etc., INDUSTBJEN. Band 6. K 18 : 907. Oracle, Rudolf, M.D. See SCHREBER, D. G. M. Arztliche Zimmer- gvmnastik. 23ce Aufl., von R. G. 1889. 8. (36946) Ctr&fenborgr, Leopold. Beitrasie zur Kenntniss des Ozons. (Disserta- tion.) Gottingen, 1903. 58 pp. (30357) Graciror. Nicolaus. See QCARIZIUS, C. G. Die kiinstliohe Darstel- lung aller gangbaren moussirenden GetrSoke, etc. 3te AnB. von N. G. 1870. 8. (28197) Die fabrikmasige Darstellung chemischer Pro- dukte . . . der anorganiscben Chemie ; mit Angabe ihrer Eipenschafcen und titrirmetrischen Priifong, etc. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiimte.) Weimar, 1865. 2 vola. urn. 8. and 4. atlas. (25636) Graeael, Arnim. Handbuch der Bibliothekslehre. 2te Aufl. dr "Grundziicte der Bibliothekslehre, Neubearbeitung von D. J. Petzholdt's Katechismus der Bibliotheks- lehre." Leipzig, 1902. 8. 594 pp. (29114) Grasse, Jobann Georg Theodor. Beitrage zur Gescbichte der Gefassbildnerei, Porzallantabrication, Tiipfer- und Glasmacherkunst bei den verschiedenen Nationen der Erde. Dresden, 1853. sm. 8. 122pp. (37732) Graetz, Leo. Die Elektricitat nnd ihre Anwendnng zur Be- leuchtung, Kraftubertragung, Metallurgie, Tele- phouie und Telegraphic. Stuttgart, 1883. 8. 362 pp. (9143) The same. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1855. 8. 434 pp. (21057) The same. 5te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1895. 8. 524 pp. (24603) The same. 7te Aafl. Stuttgart, 1898. 8. 596 pp. (25637) The same. 9te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1902. 8. C36 pp. (28346) The same, lite Aufl. Stuttgart, 1904. 8. 668 pp. (31435) Kurzer Abriss der Elektricitat. Stuttgart, 1897. 8 C . 190pp. (38697) Graf, L. See BADMGARTNER, F. Handbuch des Muhlen- baues und der Miillerei. Band 2. Mullerei von F. Banmgartner und L. G. 1904. 8. (28557) Grafflgrny, Henry de, [pseud, i.e. R. Marquis]. Les Aeroplanes, historique, calcul et construc- tion. 2e e'd. (Bibliotheque des Actualites indut- trielles.) Paris, [1909]. 8\ 140pp. 2 pi. (38519) Les Agglomere's. (Petite Encycl. Scientifique, etc.) Paris, 1900. urn. 8 C . 160 pp. (27555) Dictionnaire des termes techniques employe's dans les Sciences et dans 1'Industrie. Paris, 1906. am. 8. 850 pp. (32842) Guide-manuel pratique du Motocycliste. (Biblio- tl< ique. des Professions.) Paris, [1900]. 12. 274pp. (27175) 277 GRAF] [GRAN Gratfuvny, Henry de cont. Industrial Electricity. Trsl. A. G. Elliott. {Electro-mechanical Series.) London, 1898. sq. 8. 160 pp. 1 pi. (23550) Manuel de 1'Horloger et du Meeanicien amateur. 2e eel. (Bibliotheque des Professions, etc) Paris, [1892]. 12. 336 pp. (26781) Les Moteure anciens et modernes. (Bibliotheque des Merveilles.) Paris, 1881. em. 8. 302 pp. (37078) . Les Moteurs Idgers applicables a I'industrie, etc. Paris, 1899. 8. 344 pp. (26353) L'Outillage-Agricole. Paris, [1902-1 8 - 196pp. (38586) Les Turbo-moteurs et les Machines relatives. Pans, 1904. 8. 286 pp. (31509) Graft io, H., and Karaulow, N. von. Ausnutzung der Wasserkriifte an Wehren kanalisirter Fliisse. 1902. 8 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTE- RIEURE. 9e Congre?. 1902. Sect. 1. Communi- cation 4. [11.] F 43: 888. Grafton, W. McC. Railway Signaling. 1895. See WISCONSIN (Univ.). Bulletin. Engineering Series. Vol. 1. pp. 147-84. 8. E12Wi: Grafton, Walter. A handbook of practical Gas-fitting. London, 1901. 8. 340pp. (27637) Graham, Alexander J. S. See PRACTICAL. A practical inquiry into the laws of excavation, etc. By a Resident Assistant Engineer [i.e., A. J. S. Graham]. 1840. 8. (37604) Graham, David Allan. The principle of the valuation of Gas coals and Cannels. Oklham, [1875]. 8. 80 pp. 2 pi. (35242) Graham, John. . An elementary treatise on the Calculus. (Finsbury Technical Manuals.) London, 1896. 8. 266 pp. (3346) T&e same. 2nd ed. (Ibid.) London, 1900. 8m. 8. 288 pp. (27505) The same. 3rd ed. (Ibid.) London, 1905. sm. 8. 288 pp. (34948) - Impact and fatigue in Railway Bridges. [1903.] 10 pp. 8 pi. See INDIA : Govt. (P.W.D.) Tech- nical section. Papers. No. 119. E23/ Graham, John W. The destruction of Daylight. A study in the Smoke problem. London, 1907. sm. 8. 158 pp. 1 pi. (34639) Graham, Malcolm, Rer. Cup and Saucer Land . . . methods of Earthenware productions. London, [1908]. 4. 48pp. 50 pi. (37940) Graham, Thos., F.R.S. (Biographical. ) See THORP, Si)- T. E. Essays in historical chemistry. [2nd ed.] 1902. pp. 206-293. 8. (28978) Graham, W. R. Farm Poultry, with the results of some experi- ments in fattening chickens. 1903. 40 pp. See ONTARIO : Agric. College, etc. Bulletin 127. J 10 CO: b. Grahame, Thos., nf Glasgow. Description of a plan fcr passing the clivities on canals, with little or almost no expenditure of water. [Letters Patent No. 7092 of 1836.] Glasgow, [1836.] 4. 14 pp. 4 pi. (31291) Essays and letters on subjects conducive to the improvement and extension of Inland Communi- cation and Transport. Westminster, 1835. 4. 62 pp. 1 pi. (31290) Grahn, E. Die Art der Wasserversorgung der Stadte del deutschen Reiches mit mehr als 5000 Einwohnern. Miinchen, 1883. 8. 374pp. Map. (26114) Die stadtische Wasserversorgung. Band 1. Statistik der stadtischen Wasservers-vrgung mit einer geschichtlichen Einleitung. Beachreibnng der Anlagen in Bau und Betrieb. Miinchen, 1878. 8. 432 pp. (25780) Die stadtische Wasserversorgung im deutschen Rekhe.'sowie in einigen Nachbarlandern. Miinchen, [1898-]1902. 2vols. 4. (29115) Gralngrer, James, M.D. The Sugar-cane : a poem. London, 1764. 4. 174 pp. 1 pi. (35565) Grammar. The grammar of House Planning : hints on arranging and modifying plans of Cottages, Street- houses, etc. By an M.S. A. and M.R.A.S. Edin- burgh, A. Fullarton and Co., 1864. sm. 8. 200 pp. 31 pi. (26271) Grand-Carteret, John. Li Voiture de demain. Histoire de 1'Auto- mobilisme (Passe'-Pre'sent-Technique, etc.) Paris, 1898. 12. 448pp. 3 pi. (25468) Grandeau, Louis. See ANNALES DE LA SCIENCE AGRONOMIQUE, etc. Ed. L. G. 1894, etc. J : 894. Arts chimiques. Industrie du Tabac. 1867. See REVUE UNIV. DBS MINES. Revue de 1'Expo- sition de 1867. Tome 1-2. pp. 705-764. 8. (13210) Les Engrais industriels et le controle des Stations Agronomiques. Ex : " Annales de la Soc. d'agri- culture de Meurthe-et-Moselle." Paris, 1873. 8. 82 pp. (34546) Poudrerie Royale de Wetteren pres de Gand (Bplgique). 1867. See REVUE UNIV. DES MINES. Revue de 1'Exposition de 1867. Tome 1-2. pp. 797- 819. 1 pi. 8". (13210) La production electriqae de 1'Acide Nitrique avec les elements de 1'Air. 1906. See ANNALES DE LA SCIENCE AGRONOMIQUE. 3e SSr. Tome 1. pp. 1-60. J : 894. The same. Paris, 1906. 8. 60 pp. (32695) Trait6 d' Analyse des Matieres Agricoles. 2e ed. Paris, 1883. sm. 8. 816 pp. 2 pi. (5105) - The same. 3e e"d. Paris, 1897. 2 vols. 8. (26115) Grandldier, Alfred. i Rapport suv les Cartes et les appareils de Geographic et de Cosmographie, sur les Cartes Geologiques, etc. 1878. 747 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 16. 1882. 8. (25811) Grandmont, A. Gillet de. See GILLET DE GRANDMONT, A. 278 GRAN] [GRAY Grandsaigrnes, 10. Tabarii's de. See TABARIES DE GRANDSAIGXES, E. Grandvolnnet, Jules Aluxandre. See SAIXT-LI'I : Concoura special de Pressoirs, 1882. Rapport du Jury ... par M. G. 1884. 8. (27757) Charrues. Semoirs, Distributeiirs d'engrais. etc. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Clause 74. pp. 58- 105. 8. (13828") Priucipes d'action des divers appareils proposes pour aider ou reraplacer les Meules. Conference. Pan*, [1888]. 8. 32 pp. (27756) Granger, Albert Alexandra. Li Ct'ramique Industrielle. Chimie-Technologie. (Bibliotheqiif Technologique.) Paris, 1905. 8. 654 pp. (32037) Contribution il IVtude des Phosphures mtStal- liques. (Theft.) Paris, 1898. 8. 90pp. (25469) Progres recents dans 1'industrie du Verre. 1903. 39 pp. See Mois SCIENTIFIQDE, etc. Annoe 5. Monograpliie No. 4. C 23 : 899. Granges, C. Des. See DES GRANGES, C. Granjon, R. See ANNUAIRE INTERNAT. DE L'ACETYLENE. Ed. R. G., etc. 1907, etc. K 43 : 907. See REVDE DE LA SOCDURE AUTOGENE. Ed. R. G., etc. 1909, etc. E 41: 909. Grant, Allan Ewen, M.I:. The Indian manual of Hygiene, being King's Madras Manual of Hygiene, revised, etc. Vol. 1. Madras, 1894. 8. 566 pp. (26938) Grant, Arthur J. See PUNJAB, Govt.of. Monograph on the leather industry of the Punjab, 1891-92. [By A. J. G.] 1893. fol. (30948) Grant, Donald, Chemist. See DOMESNY, P., and NOYER, J. Wood pro- ducts, etc. From the French by D. G. 1908. 8. (36810) See PETIT, G. The manufacture, etc., of white lead and zinc white paints. From the French by D. G. 1907. em. 8. (35658) Grant, Geo. The Panorama of Science. Dublin, 1849. sm. 8. 320 pp. 1 pi. (35740) Grant, L. G. Duff. " Smokeless Powder " : its appliances, practice and purpose. Lecture . . . delivered at the Museum of -Practical Geology, Oct.-Nov. 1896. [London, 1896.] 2 pts. obi. 8. (13950) Grant, Ulysses Sherman. Preliminary report on the Lead and Zinc ore deposits of South-western Wisconsin. 1903. 110pp. 4 pi. See WISCONSIN GEOLOGICAL, etc., SURVEY. Bulletin 9. '[Economic Series 5.] G 30 W : Report on the Lead and Zinc deposits of Wis- consin. 1906. 100 pp. 17 pi. 18 maps in case. Ibid. Bulletin 14. 8* and 4. G 30 W : Graperon, J. B. E., M.D. Memoire snr un Galvanometre. Paris, [1802]. 12. 24 pp. 1 pi. (34547) Graphic and Historical Illustrator. Vol. 1. No. 1-6. London, 1833-34. 4. AO 89 : 834. Editor : E. W. Brayley. Graphic Arts and Crafts Tear Book. Hamilton, Ohio, 1907, etc. 4 U . A 20 : 907. Editor : J. Mcadon. Graahof, Franz. Angewandte Mechanik. (Allg. Encyklopiidie dtr Physik, Band 5.) [Leipzig, 1856-63?]. 8. 288pp. 2 pi. (26087) Wants title and contents list. Grasset, Albert. La defense des Cotes. Paris, 1899. 8. 680pp. 29 pi. (27176) Grasshoff, Jobann. Die Retusche von Photographien, nebst ausf iihr- licher Anleitung zum Kolorieren mit Aquarell-und Olfarben. lOte Aufl., von F. Loeacher. (Photo- graphische Bibliothek.) Berlin, 1U06. sm. 8. 124 pp. 5 pi. (57617) Grass!, Guido Giovanni. See MOORSOM, W. S. Report . . . on the adaptation of the screw to locomotive engines for the ascent of steep gradients on railways, patented byG. G. [1867.] 8. (29244) Graasineau. James. A musical dictionary . . . abstracted from . . . the Greek, Latin, Italian, French, and English languages. London, 1740. 8. 360 pp. 2 pi. (36104) Grateau, Ed. Foyers fumivores. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe47. pp. 112-122. 8. (13828) Instruments de mathematiques et modules pour 1'enseignement des Sciences. 1868. Ibid. Classel2. pp. 521-547. 8. (13828) Sur 1'Kclairage des Mines a grisou. 1867. See REVOE UNIV. DES MINES : Revue de 1'Kxposition de 1867. Tome 3. pp. 469-484. PI. 30-31. 8. (13210) Gratry, Auguste, Major. Du Pain, des diff<5rents modes et systemes em- ploye's pour sa fabrication. Bruxelles, 1872. 8. 52pp. 2 pi. (33792) i Memoire sur les moyens de communiquer le feu aux Fourneaux de Mine. Anvers, 1860. 8. 92 pp. (31412) Gratry, J. B. Les Cercueils en Ciment. Neuilly, 1875. 8. 32 pp. 1 pi. (35371) Grattan, John. Description of a new Craniometer, etc. [Belfast, 1862?] 4. 16pp. 14 pi. (28743) Gratzingrer, Josef. Das magnetische Heilverfahren. 2teAufl. Wien, 1905. 8. 114 pp. (31576) Crauer, Earl. Die Preisbewegung von Cbemikalien seit . . . 1861. 1902. See SAMMLUNG CHEM. UNO CHEM.- TBCHNISCHER VoRTRAGE. Band 7. pp. 29-136. K. 1 : 896. Gravatt, Wm., F.R.S: A letter on Steam Gun-boats of shallow draught and high speed. London, 1854. 8. 12 pp. (36591) Graves, Henry George. A contribution to the history of Fire-damp. Ex : Federated Inst. of Mining Engineers, Trans. Vol. 6. 1893. 8. 16 pp. (29973) 279 GRAY] [GREA Graves, Henry Solon. Practical Forestry in the Adirondacks. 1899. 84 pp. 20 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 26. J 29 Fo : The practice of Forestry by private owners. 1899. Ibid. Year-book. 1899. pp. 415-428. 4 pi. J 29 : 849b. The Woodsman's handbook. 1902. 148 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 36. J 29 Fo : and Fisher, R. I. The Woodlot : a handbook for owners of wood- lands in Southern New Zealand. 1903. 90 pp. 4 pis. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 42. J 29 Fo : Gravler, Chas. - - Les proc<5des nsuels de la Photographie et lenrs applications. 1892. See CONSERVATOIRE DBS ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 2e Srie. Tome 5. pp. 113-158. B 76 C : Grawlnkel, C. See ELEKTROTECHNISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Hrsg. 0. G., etc. 1887-90. D 51/883a. Gray, A. A. See ELECTRICAL REVIEW. Ed. A. A. G. Nov., 1908, etc. D 51/883. Gray, Andrew, F.R.S. A treatise on Magnetism and Electricity. Vol. 1. London, 1898, etc. 8. 498pp. (16930)' A treatise on Physics. Vol. 1. Dynamics and Properties of Matter. London, 1901. 8 a . 714 pp. (27638) Gray, Asa. . Biographical memoir of Joseph Henry. 1878. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Reports. 1878. 143-177. B 13 8:847. Gray, 0. E. The Cream separator on Western farms. By B. H. Webster and C. E. G. 1904. 24 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 201. J 29 Fa : The fat testing of Cream by the Babcock method. By E. H. Webster and C. E. G. 1904. 30 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 58. J 29 An : a. Investigations in the manufacture and storage of Butter. 1. The keeping qualities of butter - made under different conditions and stored at different temperatures. 1906. 24 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 84. J 29 : An: a. Gray, C. J., Commr. of Mines, Natal. See NATAL : Comm. of Mines. Report on the mining industry of Natal, 1898, etc. f ol. G 43 Na/ Gray, Edward. See VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADENA, M. A new pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. Revised, etc., by E. G., etc. 1903. 2vols. 8. (29798) Gray, Elisha. Copy of the caveat . . . describing certain improvements in the art of transmitting vocal sounds telegraphically [filed Feb. 14, 1876] ; with the official proceedings in relation thereto. Eliza- beth, N.J., 1878. 8. 10pp. (36758) Telephone. 2 papers. Ex : " Journal of the Amer. Electrical Society." Chicago, 1878. 8. 24 pp. (36759) Gray, Frederick A., Inspector of Mines. See HOME OFFICE. National Colliery explosion. Reports ... by F. A. G., etc. 1905. fol. (33693) See HOME OFFICE. Reports . . . on . . . an inundation of water ... at Caradog Vale Colliery, June, 1906. By F. A. G.. etc. 1907. fol. (35550) Gray, John, F.R.S. A treatise on Gunnery. London, 1731. 8. 137pp. Ipl. (33793) Gray, John, of Liverpool. Specification of Letters Patent [No. 7745 of 1838]. (1-2) Disclaimer aod Memorandum of alteration. (3) Description of the method of working steam engines on the expansive system by the link motion. 1848. 8. and fol. See WOOD- CROFT, B. Lives of Inventors. Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Gray, John, M.R.C.S. Preservation of the Teeth . . . being a 2nd ed. of "Dental practice." London, [18381. 32. 88 pp. (32794) Gray, John, B.Sc. Electrical Influence Machines. London, 1890. sm. 8. 252 pp. 3 pi. (22124) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1903. em. 8. 312 pp. 2 pi. (29567) Gray, John Macfarlane. The balancing of Engines. 1900. 56 pp. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Traus. Vol. 12 Paper 92. F 81 : 889. The rationalization of Regnault's experiments on Steam. 1899. See INSTITUTION OF MECH. ENGINEERS : Proceedings. 1889. pp. 399-468. E 30 : 847. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Gray, Thos., of Leeds. See WILSON, T. The railway system and its author, T. Gray. 1845. 8. (37602) Gray, Thos., Assistant Sec.. Board of Trade. Observations on the rule of the road at S?a. 2nd ed. London, 1879. sm. 8. 100 pp. (37910) On the value of coloured side lights as a means for preventing Collisions at Sei, etc. London, [1867]. 8. 32pp. Ipl. (35302) Regulations for preventing Collisions at Sea. A few remarks respecting the rule of the road for steamers. [By T. G., i.e., Thomas Gray]. [London, 1867.] 8. 12pp. 5 pi. (35301) Gray. Thos., F.M.S.E. See WIMSHURST, J. Static electricity. The " Influence machine," etc. With remarks on a compound form, etc., by T. G. 1886. sm. 8 D (35303) Gray's Inn, Hon. Society of (Library). Catalogue of the books in the Library . . . with an Index of Subjects. Compiled ... by M. D. Severn. London, 1906. 8. 968 pp. (32851) Great. The great improvements of commons that are enclosed ... an experienced method of enrich- ing every sort of soil, and improvements . . . for raising timber, etc. London, J. Roberts, 1732. sm. 8. 64 pp. (30748) 280 GREA] [GREE Groat Britain. Se INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY OP GREAT BRITAIN, etc. Groat Britain, Steamship. See CLAXTOX, C. . The " Great Britain " steam- ship. 1847, etc. See WEALE, J. The " Great Britain " Atlantic steamship. Engravings. 1847. 2 pp. 25 pi. fol. (1024) The giant steamer. A descriptive account . . . of the " Great Britain " steamship. London, O. Gilbert, [1845]. 8. 4 pp. (37313) Great Eastern, Steamship. See ACCOUNT. Some account of the largest steamship in the world. 1855. 8. (12723) See YATES, J. Some account of the largest steamship in the world, belonging to the Eastern Steam Navigation Co. 1855. 8. (18922) The Great Eastern steamship. London, H. G. Clarke New experiments and useful observations con- cerning Sea-water made fresh, according to the Patentee's invention. [B. Fitzgerald's Letters Patent, No. 226 of 1683.] 8th ed. London, 1684. 12. 26pp. (33005) Grey, Bichard, />./>. Memoria Technica. 2ud ed. London, 1732. 12. 206 pp. (5037) The same. New ed. Oxford, 1836. sm. 8. 238 pp. (32758) The same. New ed. Oxford, 1851. sm. 8. 238 pp. (31737) Grlbbln, H. Vienna and other fancy Breads. London, [1902]. 16. 122pp. (28431) Griboauval, Jean - Baptiste Yaquette Frechen- court de. Beglement concernant lea fontes et IPS con- structions de 1'Artillerie de Fraace [propose'es ou approuvees depuis 1764 jusqu'en 1789, par M. de G., executes . . . par M. de Hanson], Paris, [1792 ?] 3 vols. in four, fol., and 2 vols. atlas, fol. [151 plates.] (33114) Contains 15 additional plates on Marine Artillery not in Brunet, Tome 2, p. 1738. Grlendel, Jobann Franz. Micrographia nova. Niirriberg, 1687. 4. 64 pp. 32 pi. (29285) Grlerson, Thos. Benjamin. Electric Lighting by water-power. 2nd ed. Dublin, 1883. 8. 44pp. (37338) Grlerson, W. W. Railway construction. 1900. See ROYAL ENGI- NEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 26. pp. 197-234. 8. F 90 : 844. Gries smarm, Arno. Beitrag znr Frage der Erzeugungswarme des uberhitzten Wasserdampfes und sein Verhalten in der Nahe der Kondensationsgrenze. 1904. See VEKEIN DEUT. INGENIEURE. Mittheilnngen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 13. pp. 1-58. E 13/857b. Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark, Chief of Div. of Bibliography, Library of Congress. See U.S. CON- GRESS (Library). Griffin, G. W. New South Wales : her commerce and resources. Sydney, 1888. 8. 294 pp. (32405) Griffin, Harry Hewitt. Cycles and cycling. Series.) London, 1903. 283 [4th ed.] (All-England am. 8. 212 pp. (35603) 2 N 2 GRIF] [GRIM Griffin, James. Flags, national and mercantile. Portsmouth, 1888. 8. 22 pp. 16 pi. (21849) The same. 3rd ed., with Supplement. Ports- mouth, 1895. 8. 42 pp. 48 pi. (28937) Griffin, John, Chemist. A practical treatise on the use of the Blowpipe, etc. Glasgow, 1827. 12. 324 pp. 5 pi. (37278) Griffinl, Saverio, General. Delia corazza Muratori. lorino. 1867. 8. 20 pp. (36892) Griffisch, G. J. See BARBILLION, L., and GRIFFISCH, G. J. Trait6 pratique de traction electrique. 1903-04. 2 vols. 8. (30338) Griffith, A. Stanley, M.D. . See PARLIAMENT. Tuberculosis. Report . . . into the relations of human and animal tubercu- losis. 2nd Interim Report. Part 2. Vol. 1. The pathogenic effects of bovine viruses. By A. S. G. Vol. 3, Investigations of bovine and human viruses. ByL. Cobbett, A.S. G., etc. 1907. fol. (35557) 'Griffith, F., M.D. , See PARLIAMENT. Tuberculosis. Report . . . into the relations of human and animal tubercu- losis. 2nd Interim Report. Part 2. Vol. 3. Investigations of bovine and human viruses. By F. G., etc. 1907. fol. (35557) Griffith, Percy. " Pumps and air Lifts for raising water. 1904. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 30. - pp. 83-103. 4 pi. F 90 : 844. Griffiths, Arthur Bower. Manures for Fruit and other Trees. London, 1908. 8. 276pp. (36390) Griffiths, David. Feeding Prickly Pear to stock in Texas. 1906. 24 pp. 3 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 91. J 29 An : a . Forage conditions and problems in Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, North-eastern Cali- fornia, and North-western Nevada. 1903. 52 pp. 9 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 38. J29P1: Forage conditions on the Northern Border of the Great Basin (Northern Nevada and Southern Oregon). 1902. 60 pp. 16 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 15. 8. J 29 PI : The Prickly Pear and other cacti as food for stock. 1905. 46pp. 5 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 74. J 29 PI : Range improvement in Arizona. [Grass and forage plant investigations.] 1901. 32 pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 4. 8. J 29 PI : Range investigations in Arizona. 1904. 62 pp. 10 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 67. J29P1: The "Spineless" Prickly Pear. 1909. 24 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 140. J 29 PI : and Hare, R. F. Summary of recent investigations of the value of Cacti as stock food. 1907. 16 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 102. pp. 7-18. J 29 PI : Griffiths, David, and Hare, R. F. cont. The Funa as food for man. 1907. 74 pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 116. J29P1: Griffiths, Ernest Howard. The Thermal measurement of Energy. Cam- bridge, 1901. sm. 8. 144 pp. (28250) Griffiths, Harold. The Plenum or Propulsion system of Heating and Ventilation. London. [19051. 8. 108 pp. (31887) Griffiths, John Win., Naval architect. Treatise on Marine and Naval Architecture. New York, 1851. 4. 416pp. 30 pi. (33724) The same. New ed. London, 1857. 4. 196 pp. (9855) Griffiths, Samuel. Gnide to the Iron trade of Great Britain [for the year 1872]. London, 1873. 8. 356 pp. 23 pi. (36710) Griffiths, Thos. Chemistry of the four seasons . . . concern- ing natural phenomena admitting of interpretation by chemical science, etc. London, 1846. sm. 8. 516pp. (32759) Grigrnard, V. Les Combinaisons Organo-magn^siennes mixtes et la synthese organique. 1904. See HALLKR, A. Les r(5cents progres de la chimie. Conferences, etc. pp. 121-156. 8. (31516) Grillet, Laurent. Les ancetres du Violon et du Violoncelle, les Luthiers et les fabricants d'archets. Preface par T. Dubois. Paris, 1901. 2 vols. 8. (34131) Grlmaldl, Domenico, Marquis. Memoria sulla Economia Olearia, antica e mo- derna e sull'antico frantojo do olio trovato negli scavameati di Stabia. Napoli, 1783. 4. 72 pp. 3 pi. (34210) Grimaud, Emile, fits. See CHEVALLIER, A., and GRIMAUD, E. Les Secrets de I'industrie, etc. 1857. 8. (33949) Grimaud de Cam, Gabriel. Essai sur les Eaux Pubhques et sur leur applica- tion aux besoins des grandea villes. Paris, 1841. 8. 174 pp. (34751) Grlmaux, Louis Edouard, M.D. Lavoisier, 1743-1794, d'apres fa correapondance, ses manuscrits, ses papiers de famille, etc. 3e ed. Paris, 1899. 8. 414 pp. 10 pi. (30614) Grimm, Curt. Die chemischen Stromquellen der Elektrizitat. 1908. 224 pp. See SCHWACHSTROMTECHNIK in EINZELDARSTELLDNGEN. Band 4. D 51 : 904. Grimm, Hans. Die Fabrikation des Feldspat-Porzellans. (Chem- isch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1901. sm. 8. 176 pp. (28014) Grimonprez, Constant. Tissage analyse. Theorie et pratique. Saint- Quentin, 1878. 8. 688 pp. fol atlas. 135 pi. (3840) The same. 2e e"d. St. Quentin, 1897. 8. and 2 vols. 4. atlas. (25471) 284 GRIM] [GROS Crlrashaw, Robert. Modern Milling. Philadelphia, 1881. 8. 54pp. (36550) Modern Workshop hints. London. 1902. am. 8. 444pp. (29473) Grlinsley. Geo. Perry. Clays, Limestones, and Cements. [1905.] 565pp. 44 pi. See WEST VIRGINIA : Geological Surrey. [Reports.] Vol. 3. G 30 V : The Gypsum rf Michigin and the plaster in- dustry. See MICHIGAN : Geological Survey. [He- ports.] Vol. 9. Part 2. G 30 Mio : Grirathorpo, Edmund Beckett Denison, Baron. A book on Building, civil and ecclesiastical, with the theory of domes and of the great Pyramid, and u catalogue of sizes of churches and other large buildings. London, 1876. 8. 376 pp. (38708) The same. 2nd ed. (Weale's Series.) London, 1880. 12. 406pp. (38716) Lectures on Church-building ; with come prac- tical remarks on bells and clocks. 2nd ed. London. 1856. 8. 326 pp. 8 pi. (34668) A rudimentary treatise on Clocks and Watches and Bells. 5th ed. With new Appendix. (Weale's Series.) London. 1 86S. 12. 424pp. 1 pi. (16241) The same. 6th ed. Ibid. London, 1874. 12X 396 pp. (34388) The same. 8th ed. Ibid. London, 1903. am. 8. 420 pp. (30303) Grindley, Harry Sands. - Experiments on losses in Cooking Meat. 1898- 1901. 1901. 64 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL- TUKE : Experiment Station Bulletin 102. J 29 : 889. and Ennr.ett, A. D. Studies on the influence of Cooking upon the nutritive value of Meats at the Univ. of Illinois, 1903-04. 1905. 230 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRIC. Expt. Station Bulletin 162. J 29 : 889. and Mojonnler, T. Experiments on losses in Cooking Meat. 1900- 1903. 1904. 96 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CDLT. Experiment Station Bulletin 141. J 29 : 889. and others. - Nutrition investigations at thn University of Illinois, etc., 1896-1900. 1900. 42 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Experiment Station Bulletin 91. J 29: 889. Studies of the effect of different methods of Cooking upon the thoroughness and ease of digestion of Meat. 1907. 100 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station . Bulletin 193. J 29 : 889. Grlnicgrer, Lron. " La Lampe a Incandescence : Lam reparations. Paris, 1900. 8. 8( (28497) Grlnnell, Henry. Prolonging the life of Telephone poles. 1905. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Year-book 1905. pp. 455-464. 1 pi. J 29 : 849 b. Grisard, Jacques Jules. Notice snr essii de Pnits Arte"sien a. Bellecour en 1829-1830. Ex: "Construction Lyonnaise " Lyon, 1884. 8. 86 pp. (34752) Grisenthwalte, Wm. A new theory of Agriculture. Wells, 1819. sm. 8. 148 pp. (35821) B neuves et pp. 1 pi. Orison. Thlophile. Le Teiiiturier au xix Siecle. Paris, 1860. 8. 288pp. Specimens. (31945) Traite . . . de 1'art du Teinturier au xixe Siecle. Paris, 1869. 8. 288 pp. 103 dyed specimens in text. (37314) Grissault, , M.D. Toiletten - Geheimnisse. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, [1908]. sm. 8. 80pp. (38101) Grivel, Richard. De la Guerre Maritime avant et depuis les nouvelles inventions. Etude historique et str.itr- giqne. Paris, 1869. 8. 284 pp. 2 pi. (33047) Grocer (The), and Oil Trade Review. Vol. 76, etc. London, 1899, etc. 4. K 99 : 899. Publication: Weekly. Grocers 1 monthly (The). Vol. 3-12. London, 1898-1905. lOvols. 4. K 99 : 898. Grohe, . Construction des Cananx de navigation permet- tant une exploitation a grande vitesse. 1894. Set CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE : 6e Congres, 1894. Question 1. (1.) 34 pp. 1 pi. F 43 : 888. Modes de traction mecanique le long dps canaux. 1898. Ibid. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 2. Question 1. 16 pp. 2 pi. F 43 : 888. Groller Club, New York. A tentative scheme of Classification for the Library of the Grolier Club. New York, 1901. 20 pp. (28411) Grollier, Marquis de. See CHAVAGNAC, X., Comte de, et GROLLIER, Marquis de. Histoiro des manufactures franchises de porcelaine. 1906. 8. (33170) Oronwald, H. Das Feuerloschwesen anf See. Rottock, 1903. 8. 46 pp. (30650) Gros. Jean Baptists Louis, Baron. Qaelques notes snr la Photographic sur plaques m^talliques, en Janvier, 1850. Paris, 1850. 8. 114 pp. 1 pi. (33297) Grosch, Hermann. Praktisches Handbuch fur Uhrmacher. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiinste, etc.) Weimar, 1879. 8. 296pp. 4. atlas. 15 pi. (19835) The same. 2te Anfl. Leipzig, 1907. 8. 328pp. (33117) Grosclaude, L. A. L'Ecbappement a ancre e'tudie au point de vue du trace', 1'inertie, du frottement, etc. Ex : " Journal Suisse d'horlogerie," 1884. Geneve, J884. 8. 36pp. 5 pi. (28853) Gros-Renaud, Chas. Des Mordants en Teinture et en Impression. (Bibliotheque de la Revue generale des matieres colorantes, etc. Paris, 1898. sm. 8. 336 pp. 60 specimens. (25470) Gross, Emannel. Der Hopfen in botanischer, landwirthschaft- licher und technischer Beziehung, sowie als Handels- waare. (Archiv fur Landwirthschaft.) Wien, 1899. 8. 264 pp. (26535) 285 GROS] [GROV Gross, Emanuel cont. Hops in their botanical, agricultural and tech- nical aspect, and as an article of commerce. From the German by C. Salter. London, 1900. 8. 354 pp. (27047) Leipzig, 1776. sin. 8. Gross, Johann Friedr. Elektriache Pausen. 136 pp. (29402) Grossbauer, Josef. Der Hufbeschlag mit bes. Beriicksicht. der prakiischen Dnrchfuhrung. Anhang : Der Klauen- beschlag. 2te Aufl. Wien, 1904. 8. 296 pp. (31096) Grossbauer von Waldstatt, Ernst. Die Erfindung der Schiffsschraube durch Josef Ressel . . . im Jahre 1829. Ex : " Oesterr. Forst- and Ja?d- Zeitung, Mai, 1906." sm. 8. 26 pp. See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors. Collection, etc. (s. v, Ressel.) fol. (12166) Grossbetrleb, (Der). Jahrg. 1-3. Berlin, 1901- 04. 3vols. fol. 045/901. Publication : 24 numbers yearly. Grosse, Eduard. Der Gold-und Farbendruck auE Calico, Leder, Leinwand, Papier, Sammet, Seide, etc. Nebst Auhang : Grundziige der Farbenlehre und Orna- mentik. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1889. sm. 8. 264 pp. (21488) The same. 2teAufl. Ibid. Wien, 1905. sm.8. 256 pp. (31411) Grosse, W. Die gebrauchlichen Polarisationsprismen mit bes. Berucksicht. ihrer Anwendung inPhotometern. ClaustJial, 1887. 8. 72 pp. 2 pi. (30208) Grossmann, Erwin. Technisches Bauhandbuch. [Hrsg. E. G.] Hannover, 1902. 2 vols. 8. (29616) Grossmann, Hermann, Director of the State School for Clockmaking, etc., at Neuchatel. See GROSSMANN, J. Lehrbuch der Uhrmacherei. Hrsg. H. G. [1902, etc.'] 8. (30358) Grossmann, Hermann, Ph.D. See PHYSIKALISCH-CHEMISCHES CENTRALBLATT. Hrsg. M. Rudolphi und H. G. 1909, etc. K 5 : 903. Die Berteutung der chemischen Technik fur das deutsche Wirtscbaftsleben. 1907. 152 pp. See MONOGKAPHIEN DBER CHEM.-TECHN. FABRIKATIONS- METHODEN. Band 8. K 30 : 906. and Schiiek, B. Neue analytische Trennungsmethoden des Nickels vom Kobalt, Zink und Eisen. 1907. 10pp. See SAMMLUNG BERG UND HDTTENMANNISCHER ABHANDLUNGEN. Heft 16. 8. G 63 : 906. Grossmann, Jacob. The elements of Chemical Engineering. London, 1906. 8. 160 pp. (32670) Ammonia and its compounds. (Handbooks of Chemical Technology.) London, 1906. sm. 8. 162 pp. (33142) Grossmann, Jules, Director of the Clockmakers' School at Lode. Lehrbuch der Uhrmacherei nach den Gesetzen der Mechanik. Hrsg. etc. von H. Grossmann. Deutsch von L. Arndt und L. Defossez. Bautzen, [1902, etc.]. 8. (30358) Grossmann, Louis Adolph. Beitrar zurGescbichte und Theoriedes Psychro- meters. Ex : Meteorologische Zeitschrif t," 1889. 8. 22 pp. (29689) Grossmann, M., Clock-maker. See SAUNIER, C. Lehrbuch der Uhrmacherei. 3e Aufl. Uebersetzt von M. G. 1902-05. 8. (30754) Grotn, Lorentz Albert. The Potash salts : their production and applica- tion to agriculture, industry, and horticulture. London, 1902. 8. 298 pp. (28999) Grotb, Paul. Chemische Krystallographie. Leipzig, 1906-08. 2 vols. 8. (33891) Physikalische Krystallographie und Einleitung in die krystallographische Kenntniss der wichtigsten Substanzen. Leipzig, 1876. 8. 544 pp. 3 pi. (35825) The same. SteAufl. Leipzig, 1895. 8. 800pp. 3 pi. (24999) Grothe, Hermann. Die Brennmaterialien und die Feuerungsanlagen fur Fabrik, Gewerbe und Haus. (Neuer Schauplatz derKiinite,etc.) Weimar, 1870. 8. 424pp. Atlas. 71 pi. (34132) Die Construction der Webstiihle, die Fichbildung und die Eintraggerathe beim Weben im Alterthum. 1883. See VEREIN ZCK BEFORDERONG DES GE WERB- FLEISSES : Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 62. pp. 227-266. B67P: Die Familienstrickmaschine. 1879. Ibid. Jahrg. 58. pp. 155-183. 4 pi. B 67 P : Leonardo da Yicci ala Ingenieur und Philosoph. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der induktiven Wissen- scbaften und der Technik des Maschinenwesens. 1875. Ibid. Jahrg. 54. pp. 96-188. B 67 P : The same. Another copy. Berlin, 1874. 4. 94 pp. (17436) Sachliche Wiirdigung der in Deutschland er- theilten Patente. Klasse 8. Bleichen, Farben, Zeugdrnck und Appretur. 1880. Ibid. Jahrg. 59. pp. 331-429. B 67 P : Klasse 76. Spinnerei. (1877-79) 1879. Ibid. Jahrg. 58. pp. 415-449. B 67 P : Klasse 29. Gespinnstfasern. Klasse 76. Spin- nerei. (1879-83) 1884. Ibid. Jahrg. 63. pp. 187-298. B 67 P : Klasse 86. Weberei. 1882. Ibid. Jahrg. 61. pp. 169-294. B 67 P : Grouvelle, Philippe. See BEAUFUMK, E. ChanfEage par le gaz. [Bap- ports par [P.] Grouvelle.] 1857. 4. (33545) Rapports et notes sur Jes travaux de P. Grou- velle. Chauffage, ventilation, me'canique et hy- draulique. Sceiux, 1855. 8. 44 pp. (34918) Handbuch iiber den Bau . . . aller Arten von Dampfmaschinen. 3te Aufl. Deutsch bear- beitet von C. Hartmann. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiinste, etc.) Weimar, 1861. 2 vols. 12. (6708) Grove, Sir George, D.C.L. Dictionary of Music and Musicians. (A.D. 1450-1889.) Ed. G. G. [Appendix.] London, 1880-89. 4 vols. 8. (19540) The same. Index. By Mrs. E. R. "Wodehouse. London, 1890. 8. 192 pp. (19540) Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Ed. J. A. Fuller Maitlaad. London, 1904, etc. 8. (31345) GROV] [GRUN Grove, O. Konstruktionslehre der einfachen Maschinen- teile. Leipzig, [1902-11906. 8. 568 pp. 28 pi. (29116) G-rovcr. Frederick. The economic Combustion of Fuel. Ex : " Practical Engineer." Manchester, 1896. 8. 12 pp. (25848) ^- Experiments on the pressures and explosive efficiency of mixtures of Acetylene and Air. Leeds, 1898. sm. 4. 32pp. (25834) Notes on Boiler testing. Manchester, 1900. sm.8. 42pp. (28939) A practical treatise on modern Gas and Oil Engines. Mancheater, 1897. sm. 8. 2fi2 pp. (10112) The same. 3rd ed. Manchester, 1902. sm. 8. 378 pp. (28938) Grover, Frederick W. [1.] The absolute measurement of Inductance. [2.] The absolute measurement of Capacity. By E. B. Rosa and F. W. G. 1905. See U.S. DEPT. OF COMMERCE, etc. Bureau of Standards. Bulletin. Vol. 1. pp. 125-187. 3 pi. E 5 : 904. Grover, G. E. Report on Fire-clay goods in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTEKNAT. EXHI- BITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol. 1. Pt. 6. pp. 29-40. (15691) Groves, Chas. Edward, and Thorp, W. Chemical Technology. (Incorporating Richard- son and Watts' Chemical Technology.) London, 1889-1903. 4vols. 8. (21969) Groves, Henry. See BABINGTON, C. C. Manual of British botany. 9th ed. by H. G., etc. 1904. 12. (31307) Groves. J. W. Washing and coking tests of Coal at the Fuel- testing plant, Denver, Colo., July 1, 1907, to June 30, 1908. By A. W. Belden, G. R. Delamater, and J. W. G. 1909. 54 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 388. G 30 : 883. Groves. James. See BABINOTON, C. C. Manual of British botany. 9th ed. by H. and J. G., etc. 1904. 12. (31307) Grueber. von. Die Superphospbatfabrikation. 1907. 84 pp. See MONOGRAPHIEN OBER CHEM.-TECHN. FABRIKA- TIONSMETHODE. Band 5. K 30 : 906. Grubler, Martin Furchtegott. Allgemeine Eigenschaften der zwanglaufigen tbenen kinematischen Ketten. 1885. See VEREIN ZOR BEFURDERUNG DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 64. pp. 179-223. 1 pi. B 67 P : Vergleichende Festigkeitsversuche an Korpern aus Zementmortel. 1907. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilnngen a. d. G. des Ingenieur- wesens. Heft 40. pp. 21-40. E 13/857 b. Versuche iiber die Festigkeit von Schmirgel- und Karboruntluinscheiben. 1903. Ibid. Heft 10. pp. 31-48. E 13 : 857 b. Griindling-, Ernst. Die fiir Heilzwecke in Anwendung kommenden elektrischen Apparate. Leipzig, 1905. 8. 106 pp. (31510) Griineberur, H. Potasche. 1873. See VIENNA UNIT. EXHIBI- TION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher-Bericht. Bnd 3. Hiilfte 1. Abt. 1. pp. 398-409. 1875. 8. (17109) Grunlinsr. F. See ZEITSCHRIPT F(!R KRYSTAU.OQRAPIIIE, etc. Repertorium der mineralogiachen . . . Literatur, 1885-97, und Generalregister der Zsitschrift flir Krystallograpbie.eic. Band 21-30. Hrajf. E. Wein- sobenk und F. G., 1899-1900. G 39 : 877. Grunwald. F. See ELEK.TRO-TECHNISCHER ANZEIQER. Hrsg. F. G. 1898, etc. D 51/884. Griison, Johann Philipp. Beschreibung und Gebrauch einer neu erfun- denen Rechenmaschine. 2te Aufl. [Beschreibung der Gruson'schen Rechenmaschine, von W. Klewiz.] Halle ; [2] Magdeburg, 1792-95. 2 pts. sm. 8. (27952) Griitzmacher, Friedrich. Untersuchung von Thermometern aus tilteren Glassorten und Nachprufung von Hauptnormal- thermometern der Physikalisch-technischen Reich- ganstalt. 1900. See PHYSIKAL. TECHN. REICHSAN- STALT. Abhandlungen. Band 3. pp. 229-268. B 5/894. Grunclke, H. Landwirtschaftliche Maschinen und Gerate auf der Weltausstellnng in Paris, 1900. Ex : " Zeit. des Ver. deutseher Ingenieure." Band 46. Berlin, 1902. 4. 52pp. (31221) Gruner, Anton. Mechaniscbe Webereipraxis sowie Garnnumerir- ungen und Garnumrechnungen. (Mechanisch-tech- nische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1898. 8. 152 pp. (26202) Power -loom Weaving and Yarn numbering . . . with conversion tables. Trsl. C. Salter, London, 1900. sm. 8. 162 pp. (27048) Gruner, E. Depreciation of Coal and Coke by shipment. 1902. 16 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. I. Question 3. [27.] F 43 : 888. Gruner. Hans. Neuere Erfahrungen a. d. G. des Ackerbaues. (2) Die kalkarmen Formationen und Bodenarten. 1898. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAPT. Arbeiten. Heft 36. pp. 19-56. J 23: 894. Gruner, Louis Emmanuel. Etudes sur lea Hants- Fourneaux. suivies d'nne notice sur les appareils a air chaud. Ex : " Annales des Mines," 1872. Paris, 1873. 8. 144 pp. 4 pi. (30342) Trait4 de M^tallurgie. Ire Partie. Metallurgie g^n^rale. Tome 1-2. Paris, 1875-78. 2 vols. 8. and fol. atlas. (15237) Grunmach, Ludwig Leo. Absolute barometrische Bestimmungen unter Eontrole des Vakuums durch elektrische Lichter- scheiuungen. 1885. See METRONOMISCHE BEITRAGE. No. 4. pp. 1-12. E 4/870. Lehrbucb der magnetischen und elektrischen Maasjeinheiten, Messmechoden und Messapparate. Stuttgart, 1895. 8. 648 pp. (29442) 287 GRUN] [GUEN Grunmach, Ludwig Leo cont. Die physikalischen Ersoheinungen und Krafte, .ihre Erkemitmss und Verwertung im praktischen Leben.. 1898. See BUCH. Das Bach der ErSnd- ungen, etc. 9e Aufl. Band 2. pp. 193-618. 3 pi. 8. (33007) G-ruson, Jacques Hermann August. ' See ENGINEER (The). Report on Gruson's experiments at Buckau, etc. (Reprint.) 1890. 4. (26290) Guareachi, Icilio. See SELMI, F. Enciclopedia di Chimica. Supplemento annnale. Dir. I. G. 1884, etc. 8. (23060) Einf iibrung in das Studium der Alkaloide mit bes. Beriicksicht. der vegetabilischen Alkaloide and der Ptomaine. Deutsch von Kunz-Krause. Berlin, 1896-[97]. 8. 666pp. (25499) Nuova Enciclopedia di Chimica scientifica, tecnologica e industriale. Torino, [1900, etc.]. 8. (26691) In progress. Guarinl. Emile. L'6tat actuel de 1'EIectroculture. Ex : " Bevue Scientifique." Paris, [1903]. 8. ,24 pp. (18697) Etat actuel du Labourage Klectrique. Ex : " Genie Civil." Paris, 1903. 8. 16 pp. (30708} Guarini-Foresio, Emile. Transmission de 1'Eleetricite sins fil. 2e ed. Liege, 1900. sm. 8. 72 pp. portr. (26921) Guarneri, G. Sull'etiologia dell'Infezione Malatica. Per A. Celli e. G. G. 1889. 30 pp. 3 pi. See ANNAH DI AGRICOLTURA. 2a Serie. [No. 160.] J 25 : 882. Guay, Marcel. De la repression de la contrefacon en matiere de Proprie'te" Litteraire, etc. Paris, 1877. 8. 66 pp. (34753) Gu^bhard, Adrien. Notes photographiques. Silhonettage. Irradia- tion. Ex : " Comptes Eendus," etc. 1905. 4. (31747) Un mode nouveau d'Inversion Photographique. (Reprints.) Paris, 1904. 2 pts. 8. (31746) Guedon. Joseph. See HAMEL, M. P. Nouveau manuel complet du facteur d'orgues. Nouv. 6d. . . . completee . . . par J. G. 1903. 8 and 4 atlas. (29552) Guedori, Pierre. Les Locomotives nouvelles. Paris, 1898. 12. 542 pp. 16 pi. (17941) Guldner, Hugo. i Das Entwerfen und Bereohnen der Verbren- nuugsmotoren. Berlin, 1903. 8. 560 pp. 12 pi. (29644) The same. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1905. 8. 642pp. 30 pp. (32390) Konstruktion und Betriebsergebnisse von Fahrzeuf motoren fur fliissigen Brennstoffe. Berlin, 1901. fol. 60pp. (27704) Giimbel, L. Ebene Transversalschwingungen freier stab- formiger Korper . . . mit spez. Beriicksicht des Schwingungsproblemes des Schiffbaues. 1901 See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahr buch. Band 2. pp. 211-94. 6 pi. F 81 : 900. Das Stabilitatsprohlem des Schiffbaues. Berlin 1897. 8. 56pp. 6 pi. (26116) Guenaux, Georges. Entomologie et Parasitologie agricoles. (En- cyclopedic Anricnle.) Paris, 1904. 12. 600 pp. (32038) Guene?., E. Decoration c^ramique au feu de monfle. (En- cyclopedic Scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1893.] soa. 8. 200 pp. (25759) Gueaot-Xiecointe, Georges. Physiologic du Gant. Paris, [1841.] 16. 126 pp. 1 pi. (35446) Gunther, A. Versuche iiber Stallmist-Behandlung. Von J. Hanson und A. G. 1898. 142 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 30. J 23 : 894. GiintSier, Carl. See HYGIENISCHE RUNDSCUAU. Hrsg. C. G. etc. 1904, etc. H 24 : 904. See BERLIN : kgl. Priifungsanstalt fur Wasser- Versorgung.etc. Mittheiluugen. Hrsg. A. Schmidt- mann und C. G. 1902, etc. H 24 : 902. Giinther, Emil, Mining engineer. Die Darstellung des Zinks auf elektrolytischem Wege. 1904. 258 pp. See MONOGRAPHIEN HBER ANGEWANDTE ELEKTROCHEMiE. Band 16. D 58 : 902. Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Kupfer und Nickel aus kupfer-und nickelhaltigen Magnetkiesen. (Dissertation.) Berlin, 1903. 8. 32pp. (29844)" The same. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIECBE. Mittheilucgea a. d. G. dea Ingenieurwesena. Heft 10. pp. 1-30. E 13/857b. Giinther, Nicolai. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der im Sumach, in den Myrobalanen und in der Dividivi vorkommenden Gerbsauren. (Thesis.) Dorpat, 1871. 8. 34 pp. (26765) Beurtheilung der analytischen Methoden, welche zur Bastimmung des in Catechu, Ratanhia, Kino und einigen anderen gebrauchlichen Droguen vor- handenen Gerbstoffi's zur "Verfiigung stehen. Ex : Pharmaceutische Zeit. fur Russland, Jahrg. 1870. St. Petersburg, 1870. 8. 56 pp. (26766) Griinther, Otto. See OSTERR. INGENIEDR- UND ARCHITEKTEN- VEREIN'. Norm-ilieQ fur Abflussrb'hren. [Bericht vonO. G.] 1903. 8. (29407) Giinther, Siegmund. See MITTEILUNGEN ZUR GESCHICHTE DER MEDIZIN, etc. Red. S. G., 1906, etc. G 35 : 902. Giintz, Max. Haudbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Litteratur ! Theil 1, bis ca. 1750 ; 2, bis zur Gegenwart ; 3, Er- ganzungsheft. Leipzig, 1897-1902. 3 vols. 8. (31511) Landwirthschaf tliche Gesellschaf tsreise in Italien im Mai 1896. Zwei Berichte (a) landwirtschaft- licher, von [M.] Giintz. 52 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft. 22. J 23 : 894. Guenyveau, A. Nouveaux procedes pour fabriquer la Fonte et le Per en barres. Paris, 1835. 8. 158 pp. 2 pi. (34315) GUER] [GUIL qui 8. Guerard, A. Amelioration de I'embouchure du Rh&ne. 1892. 42 pp. 6 pi. See CONOR KS INTERNAT. DE NAVIGA- TION INTERIEUKE. 5e Congres. Question 10. [56] F43 : 888. - Note sur la construction des Jetties il la raer. 1889. 38 pp. See CONORKS INTKRNAT. DES TRA- VAUX MARITIMES, 1889. Compte-rondu, etc. F40: 889. - Surfaces relatives des diversos parties d'un port. 1898. 26 pp. 2 pi. See CONORES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTKKIEURE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 4. Question 2. F 43 : 888. - Transport by means of sea-going barkers or lighters. 1902. 29 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. Question 2. [12] F 43: 888. Gucrbet, Marcel. - La Tropine et ses derives (AlcaloTdesdessolandes et de la coca.) Paris, 1904. 8. 150 pp. (31512) Guerin, F. W. - Portraits in Photography by the aid of Flash light. [New York, 1898.] "am. 8. 58 pp. 1 pi. (25729) Guerln-BXo'neville, 1'Y-lix Kdouard, and Per- rottet, S. -- Me'moire sur un insecte et un champignon qui ravagent les Cafiers aux Antilles. Paris, 1842. . 40pp. 2 pi. (35197) Guerre-tavisrne, A. - Cours pratique de coupe et d'essayage. Trait(5 complet coraprenant la coupe, ['assemblage, les rec- tifieitions de . . . V^tements pour dames et enfants et la lingerie. Paris, 1885. 8. 198 pp. (33413) Gurtler, M. - Das Weben. 1898. See BUCK. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 8. pp. 339-398. Ipl. 8. (33007) Guest, Richard. - The British Cotton manufactures, and a reply to an article on the Spinning machinery contained in a recent number of the "EJinburgh Review." Manchester, 1828. 8. 230 pp. (38012) Guettard, Jean Etienne. - Mi'-moires sur differentes parties [de 1'hiatoire naturelle] des Sciences et Arts. Paris, 1768-83. 5 vols. 4. (28830) Crugrenban, . - See NECKAR - DONAU - EAXAL - KOMITEE. Die wiirttembergischen GrossschifEahrtsplane. Von . Gugenhan, etc. 1908. 8. (36394) Guiard, . - Me'moire sur la correlation entre le trace des Rives et le regime dn chenal dans les Fleuves. Par Mengin-Lecreulx et G. 1894. 18 pp. 4 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INT&RIEURE. 6e Congres, 1894. Question 6. [21.] F43 :888. Gulbal, . - De 1'emploi de 1'Eau comme organe de Trans- mission et de modiBcation de Mouvement a de srandes distances. Ex : ''Mom. de 1'Acad. de Toulouse," 1857, pp. 361-369. 8. (34879) Guichard, Marcel. - Recherches sur les Oxydes, les Sulfures et les lodures de Molvbdene. (These.) Paris, 1900. 8. 74pp. (27705) 34222 Guichard, Pierre. See VILLON, A. M. Dictionniira de Chimie indnstrielle. [Tome 2, 3, par A. M. Villon et P. G.] [1896-1902.] 8. (23613) La Photographic sous-marine. Paris, [1899]. 8. 70pp. (26818) Guide (A) to the current Periodicals and Serials of the United States and Canada. 1907, etc. Ann Arbor, 1907, etc. 8. A G 20i. Publication: Annual. Compiler : H. O. Severance. Gulcrre, A. L'avenir de la Torpille et la guerre future. Paris, 1898. sin. 8. 296 pp. (25650) Guicu. . De la Ve'locipe'iie militaire. Paris, 1891. 4. 8 pp. 1 pi. (34548) Guilbert-lttartln, . Conference sur le Verre, le Cristal, les Emaux et li MosaTque d'uomil. (Bibliotheque municipale professionnelle, etc.) Paris, 1886. sm. 8. 32 pp. (33298) Oullfoyle, \\'m. R. Fibres from plants . . . eligible for in- dustrial culture and experiment in Victoria. 38 pp. 6 pi. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Special Reports. 1891-94. [5.] J 8 A V : 891. Glimpses of sirn? British Botanical gardens and their Conservatories. 1893. Ibid. Spesial Re- ports. 1892-96. [1.] pp. 75-85. J8AV:891. Guillaume, Chas. Edouard. See BENOIT, J. R., and GUILLAUME, C. E. Les nouveaux appareil < pour la mesnre rapide des bases ge'ode'siqnes. 1906. 8. (32562) See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE PHYSIQUE. Paris, 1900. Rapports. Public" par C. E. G.. etc. 3 vols. 8. (27568) -^ Les applications des Aciers au Nickel, avec un appendice sur la the'orie des aciersau nickel. Paris, 1904. 8. 222pp. (31513) Recherches sur le Nickel et ses alliages. Ex : " Archives des Sciences physiques," etc. Paris, 1898. 8. 58pp. (25887) Las regents progres du systeme me'trique. Er : " Travaux, etc., dn Bureau International des poida et mesnres." Tome 15. Paris, 1907. 4. 94 pp. (36355) Guillcmin, Am^dee Victor. Les Chemins de For. 3e <53. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris, 1869. sen. 8. 364pp. (35612) La Lumiere et les Couleurs. 2e 6d. (Petite Encycl. Ponulaire.) Paris, 1875. 12. 310 pp. (37628) The same. 4ee"d. (Ibid.) Paris, 1883. sm. 8. 310pp. (20292) Le Son. Notions d'Acoustique physique et musicale. 3e e"d. (Ibid.) Paris, 1882. am. 8. 268 pp. (17962) LaVapeur. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris, 1875. sm. 8. 304pp. (35627) Guillemin, Augnste. Sur la ge'ne'ration de la Voix et du Timbre. (Encyclopedie generate de la Voixparlee, etc.) Pans, 1897. 8. 392pp. (28769) Gutllcrmc, V., See BERGER, C., and GUILLEKME, V. La con- struction en Cimerit Armd. 1902, etc. 289 2 o GUIL] [GUTE Gulllery, C. Anlagen fiir die Eeinigung der Wagen. 1908. See STOCKEKT, L. von. Handbuch des Eiaenbahn- maschinenwesens. Band 3. pp. 350-381. 8. (38111) Motorwagen und leichte Lokomotiven. Von G. Dinglinger und C. G. 1908. Ibid. Band 1. pp. 404-464. 8. (38111) ... Zugforderung auf gleisloser Strasse. Von H. von Littrow and C. G. 1908. Ibid. Band 2. pp. 632-712. 8. (38111) and Stockert, L. von. Verbundlokomotiven. 1908. See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbuch des Eisenbahnmaschinenwesens. Bandl. pp. 251-304. 8. (38111) Oulllet, A. See PoiNCARti, J. H. Cin.'-iiv. . Album du fabricant de Billards. Paris, [186 ?]. obi. 8. 22 pi. (33988) Guinness Research Laboratory : Trans- actions. Vol. I, etc. [Dublin], 1903, ete. 8. K84: 903. Editor : H. T. Brown, 1903, etc. Guldberg-, C. Hoegh-. See HoEGH-GULDBERO, C. Gullshambarov, Stepan losifovich. Essai d'une Bibliographic ge'ne'rale de I'industrie des Ptroles. lere Partie. Litte'ratnres : allemande, anglaise, francaise, latine, italienne, bollandaise, suldoise, espagnole, japonaise et polonaise. [Part 2, Russian Literature.] St. Petersburg, 1883-84. 2 vols. 8. (23555) r Neftianoe Otoplenie, etc. [Liquid fuel for steamers, locomotives, boilers, furnaces, etc. 3rd ed.] St. Petersburg, 1894. 8. 344 pp. (28724) GulHck, Tims. John. Report on Wood Engravings in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERNAT. EXHI- BITION, 1871. Reports. Vol.1. Pt.3. pp. 13-28. (15691) and Timbs, J. Painting popularly explained. London, 1859. sm. 8. 336pp. 1 pi. (36106) G-ullo, Luigi. Sulla applicazione dell' Olio Minerale alia illu- minazione dei Fari di Francis. Ex : " Giornale del Genio Civile." Roma, 1877. 8. 88 pp. 4 pi. (34690) Gulston, Arthur. Voyages of the Ice breaker "Ermack." 1903. (Lecture.) 20 pp. See INSTITUTE OP MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 14. [106a Paper.] F 81 : 889. Gumbinner, Sven. Refining and coining of the Precious Metals. 1889. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Annual Report, 1889. pp. 62-104. G 50 C : 883. Gumlich, Ernst. Optiscbes Drehungsvermiigen des Quarzes fur Natriumlicht. 1895. See PHYSIKAL. TECHN. REICHSANSTALT. Abhandlungen. Jiacd 2. pp. 201- 256. E 5/894. Gun Makers Company, London. See DEANE, G., and DEANE, J. . . . De- fence of themselves and their guns, from charges brought ... by the Company of Gun Makers, etc. 2nded. [1850.] 8. (34144) Gunn, W. See GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Scotland. Memoirs [1]. The Geology of Cowal, etc. By W. G., etc. 1897. 8. (26003) Guntz, Antoine Nicolas. Les derniers perfectionnements de 1'Eclairage. 1907. See Soc. NDUSTR. DE L'EST. Bulletin 52. pp. 6-16. B 77 Es : L'Ozone et ses applications. (Sterilisations des eaux potables.) 1904. Ibid. 39. pp. 53-69. 8. B 77 Es : Guppy, Henry. See MANCHESTER : Joint Architectural Com- mittee. A classified catalogue of the works on Architecture . . . etc., in the principal libraries of Manchester, etc. Ed. H. G., etc. 1909. 8. (38220) Gurlitt, Cornelius. Kirchen. 1906. 568 pp. 6 pi. See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4. Halbband 1. Heftl. 8. (22285) Gurlitt, Johann Gottfried. On Mosaic-woik. Magdeburg, [1798]. MS. 4. 24 pp. (30490) Gurney, Sir Goldsworthy. See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Gurnlk, Georg. Das Messingwerk. (Chemisch-technische Siblio- thek.) Wien, [1907.] 1908. sm. 8. 48 pp. (34713) Gussmann, Paul. Lehrbuch fiir den Periickenmacher. Leipzig, 1904. 8. 182pp. (34704) Gutbler, Alexander. Studien iiber das Tellnr. Leipzig, 1902. 8. 96 pp. (28297) Gutermuth, Max F. Die Abmessungen der Steuerkaniile der DampE- maschinen. 1904. See VEREIN DEDT. INGENIEUBE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 19. pp. 63-77. E 13/857b. Versuche iiber den Ausfluss des Wasserdampfes. 1904. Ibid. Heft 19. pp. 45-62. E 13/857b. 290 GUTH] [GUYT Guthrie, Francis, /.'.// Hoat and Work. 1870. See. SOOTH KENSING- TON MUSEUM. Special Loan Collection. Free evening lectures, pp. 198-217. 8. (26272) Guthrie, Frederick, F.R.S. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Outline of experiments, etc., illustrating elenneotary education in Acoustics, etc. By F. G. 1877. 8". (36(J40) Cold. 1876. Ibid. (Science and Art Depl.) Special Loan Collection. Free evening lectures. pp. 25-38. 8. (26272) Letters on the Sugar-cane and on Cane-sugar. [Mauritius, 1863.] 8. 90pp. (29221) Without title page. Guthrie, Herbert. Patent machinery and kilns for the manufac- ture of Bricks, Tiles, Terra cotta, ornamental goods, and artificial fuel. [Letters Patent. Nos. 28 and 3624 of 1876; No. 128 of 1877.] Manchester, [1877?] 8 = . 16pp. 2 pi. (28099) Guthrie, Matthew, M.D. Letter ... on ... Manures. 1795. See BOARD OK AORICULTUKE. Outlines of the Fifteenth Chapter of the proposed general report. Appendix No. 5. pp. 61-64. 4. (8982) GutterlcUre, Win, Surreyoi- and Mathematical Instrument Maktr. The Ne Plus Ultra : being the only correct practice of valuing Spirituous Liquors, etc. London, 1827. sm. 8. 120pp. (35826) Guttmann, Oscar. Blasting . . . in mining, tunnelling, quarry- ing, etc. London, 1892. 8. 190 pp. (23517) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1906. 8. 196pp. 4 pi. (33143) The eatly manufacture of Sulphuric and Nitric Acid. Ex : "Journal of the Soc. of Chemical In- dustry," Jan. 31, 1901. 16. 16 pp. (27470) Explosion* and the buildings of explosion works. Ibid. July 15, 1908. London, 1908. 4. 6 pp. 3 pi. (36755) Machinery for the manufacture of Smokeless Powder. Ex: "Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers." Vol. 143. 1901 8. 48 pp. 1 pi. (27469) The manufacture of Explosives. Twenty years' progress. (Cantor Lecture, 1908.) London, 1909. 8. 90pp. 10 pi. (38073) Monumenta Pulveris Pyrii. Reproductions of ancient pictures concerning the history of gun- powder. With explanatory notes. [In English, German, and French.] London, 1906. 4. 34 pp. 102 pi. (32522) The oldest document in the history of Gun- powder. Ex : "Journal o the Soc. of Chemical Industry," June, 1904. 16. 4 pp. (32621) Schiess- und Sprengmittel. Kx : " Maspratt's Chemie." 4te Au8. Band 7. Braunschweig, 1900. 8. 256pp. (27177) Some modern Chemical Plant. [Sulphuric acid manufacture.] Ex : " Journal ot the Soc. of Chemical Industry," July 15, 1008. 16. 12 pp. (36756) Gutton, Camille. La Te'le'graphie sans 81 et ses applications. 1907. See Soc. INDDSTR. DE L'EST. Bulletin 50. pp. 1-11. B 77 Es : 34322 Gutton. P. L'application da la Photographic a 1'obtention des mises en cartes pour tissas Jacquart. 1904. See Soo. INDOSTR. DE L'EST. Bulletin 42. pp. 5-25. B 77 Es : Guy, Albert E. Experiments on the flexure of Beams, resulting in the discovery of new laws of failure by buckling. Ex : " Amer. Machinist," Dec., 1901-Feb , 1902.] New York, 1903. 8'. 122 pp. 5 pi. (30011) Guye, Philippe Augnste. .S'e JOURNAL DECHIMIE PHYSIQUE. Ed. P. A. G. 1903, etc. K 5 : 903. Ouytfnot, P., M.D. La Chaleur Badiante Lumineuse agent th<5ra- peutique. Les appareils Dowsing. Bains d'air chaud . . . Bains de chaleur et de lumiere. Pom, 1901. 8. 50 pp. 3 pi. (27894) Guy on,. II., and M6tais, L. L'Eclairage Llectrique par le gaz dynamogene. La production du gaz dynamogene, son emploi, etc. Paris, [188 ?]. 4. 26 pp. 1 pi. (33594) Guyot, Arnold. See JOHNSON, A. J. Johnson's new universal Cyclopaedia. Ed. F. A. P. Barnard and A. G. 1874-78. 4voh. 8. (35585) Guyot, Jules. La Viticulture et ses produits. 1868. See PARIS' UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports dn Jury Inter- national. Classe 86. Sect. 2. pp. 596-618. 8. (13828) Guyot, Prosper. La pulverisation des entjrais et des roches. Paris, 1878. 8. 100 pp. (34549) Guyot, Yves. L'Inventenr. [Di'veloppement des forces in- dividuelles ; 1'inventeur ; 1'inventeur et la famille . . . Proprie'te' mdmtriello, etc.~\ Paris, 1867. 8. 480pp. (35372) Travail sur la proprie'te' indnstrielle dans 1'ancien regime. (" Conference La Bruyere," 1864-65, pp. 77-105.) 8. (34919) and Raffalovich. A. Dictionnaire dn Commerce, de 1'Industrie et de- la Banque. Paris, [1901]. 2 vols. 8 P . (28409) Guyot-Sionnest, , and others. Machines a vapeur. Machines fixes et Loco- mobiles. 1898. See Soc. DES INGKNIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 301- 335. 8. (25483) Guyou, Kmile, Capt. See FRANCE : Service hydrographique de la Marine. Description et usage des Instruments Nautiques. Par E. G. 1889. 8. (14825) Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard, Baron. See LEPKRE, G. Recneil des rapports, etc., sur les experiences . . . pour re ro placer la pouzio- lane, etc. Suivi du Memoiro de M. G.-M. snr les cimens, etc. 1805. 4. (36274) Digressions acade'miques ; on. Essais sur quel- ques suji-ts de physique, de chymie, etc. Dijon, 1762. 12. 424pp. (36036) Traite des moyens de Ddsinfecter 1'Air, de preVenir la contagion, etc. Paris, 1801. 8. 338 pp. ! (34754) 291 2 o 2 GUYT] G-uyton Morveau. See GDYTON DE MORVEAU, L. B., Baron. Owllt, Joseph. Rudiments of Architecture. 2nd ed. London, 1839. 8. 244pp. 17 pi. (36057) Sciography ; or, examples of Shadows, with rules for their projection. 3rd ed. London, 1833. 8. 64pp. 24 pi. (35566) Gwinner, Robert, and K.autsky, J. Die elektrische Theater-Beleuchtung. 1885. See KLEIN, F. Bericht uber die Internac. Elek- trische Ausstellnng, Wien, 1883. pp. 541-551. 8. (7708) Gyfford, E. Designs for elegant Cottages and small Villas. London, 1806. 4. 28 pp. 26 pi. (37103) Gydrgry, Andrew. See DABANYI, I. The State and Agriculture in Hungary. Trsl. A. G. 1905. 8. (37830) H. B. A. j e> Benoit- Andre IIouard-Dal- lier'l - Plan et description de la Scie mecanique, on machine pour recfiper ou couper les pieux au fond de 1'eau, sans batardeau ni epuisement. Paris, 1806. 8. 16pp. Ipl. (34358) H., A. D' [.., A. D'Houdetot]. - Le tir au Pistdlet. Causeries theoriques. 2e eel. Paris, 1843. sm. 8. 132 pp. 1 pi. (34172) B., C. - See Do0AY : Exposition des produits de I'indus- trie, etc. 1827. Notice ... par [J. C.] Chenou etC. H. 1827. 8. (34513) H., F. De la transformation du Havresac de 1'infanterie en un sac lorabaire sans aucune depense pour le budget. Paris, 1904. 8. 46 pp. (33232) H., F. P. [i.e., Pierre Hebrard']. - Caminologie, ou traits' des Chemine'es, etc. Dijon, 1756. sm. 8. 44 + 187 + 8 pp. 20 pi. (34653) Introduction signed H. F. P. H., F 18 M ie , Architect. - Manuel du Foyer domestiqne. Lyon, 1853. 8. 138 pp. 1 pi. (33595) Haack, 11. - Die Einsenkung der Schifie und ihr Einfluss auf die Bewegungen und den Widerstand der Schiffe. 1901. 32 pp. 8 pi. See DEUT. OESTEKR. UNGAB. VERBAND FUR BINNENSCHIFFAHRT : Verbands- schrif cen. Neue Folge. No. 1. F 43 : 896. - Schiftswiderstand und Schiffsbetrieb, nach Yer- suchen anf dem Dortmund-Ems-Kanal. Berlin, 1900. 4. 116 pp. 2 pi., and fol. atlas. 77 pi. (35070) - and Busley, C. -- Die technische Entwicklung des Norddeutschen Lloyds und der Hamburg- Amerikanischen Pacfcet- fahrt - Aktiengesellscbaf t. [Ex: "Zeit. des Ver. deut. Ingenieure." 1890-92.] Berlin, 1893. 4. 244pp. 45 pi. 2diag. (86071) [HA3E Kaack, R., and Eng-cls, H. Schiffswiderstand, insbesondeie anf Kanalen. 1902. 14 pp. 1 pi. See CONGRBS INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTKRIE.URE. 9e Congrea. 1902. Sect. 1. Communication 5. [12.] F 43 : 888. Leipzig, 1891-1902. Haarmarn, A. Das Eisenbahn-geleis. Svols. 8. (23171) Haarjnann &. Reitner v. F. Fritsche &. Co. See UEDLING, W. Rechtsgutaehten zur Prozess- sache der l ( 'irma Haartnann & Reimer wider die Firma F. Fritzsche & Co. 1899. 8. (26425) Haarmann's Zeitscbrift fur Bauhand- werker. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BACHANDWERKER. Hrsg F. L. Haarmann. 1857-63 ; G. H., 1864-90 ; L. H., 1891, etc. F 68/857. Kaase, Friedrich Hermann. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR LUFTUNG UND HEIZUNG. Hr?g. F. H. H. 1906, etc. K 39/906. Der Ofenbau. Einrichtung und Ausfiihrung der Zimmerof en, der Calorifere, der Kiichenofen und der Badeofen. Abt. 1, Die Kachelofen. Berlin, 1902. 4". 46pp. (29117) Haber, Fritz. Grundriss der tecbnischen Elektrochemie anf tbeoretischer Grundlage. Jliinchen, 1898. 8". 594pp. (25451) Thermodynamik techniscber Gasreaktionen. 7 Vorlesnngen. Miinchen, 1905. 8. 312 pp. (31436) Thermodynamics of technical Gas-reactions. 7 lectures. Trsl. A. B. Lamb. London, 1908. 8. 376 pp. (36356) Haberer, Ludwig. See BERGRECHTLICHE BLATTER. Hrsg. L. H. 1906, etc. G 63 : 906. Habermann, R. UeberEia-undKalteerzeugungsmaschinen. 1888. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERB- FLEISSES : Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 67. pp. 23-51 ; 84-109 ; 146-182. B 67 P : Habernoll, P. Die geschichtliche Entwickelung des Zwischen- fruchtbans. 1899. See BRESLAU, (Univ.) : Landw. Institute. Mittheilungen. Band 1. pp. 1-44. J : 899. Kabets, Alfred. /See ASSOCIATION L'ECOLE DE LIEGE : 1903. E 14 : 882. Conrs d'exploiration des Mines. Paris, 1902-04. 2vols. 8. (30615) Le matdriel des Mines. (Exposition TTniverselle de Paris, 1900.) Ex : " Revue Univ. des Mines," [1901-1903]. Paris, 1904. 8. 196 pp. 18 pi. (31515) Le materiel et les precedes de 1'exploitation des Mines et de la Me'tallurgie. 1878. 296 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe50. 1880. 8. (25811) ^ Preparation mecaniqne des Minerals et des Charbons. 1867. See REVUE UNIV. DES MINES. Revue de 1'Exposition de 1867. Tome 1-2. pp. 545- 635. pi. 41-50. Tome 3. pp. 327-433. pi. 14-20. 8". (13210) The same. Another copy. [Paris, 1867.] 2pts. 8. (27758) DES INGJSNIEURS SORTIS DE Annuaire. Dir. A. H. 1882- 292 HABF [HAEP Habianitsch, Siegfried. Neuere Zement-Forschungen. Berlin, 1908. 8. 124 pp. (36839) Habl, Wenzel. Vollstiindiges Handbacb der Zuschnyidekunst nach patentierten Koordinaten- System. ( Ausgabe fiir Herrenschneider.) [German Patent, No. 116423.1 Wiesbaden, [1901]. fol. 42pp. 112 pi. (27932) Hachc. . Transportvorrichtongen fiir MassengiUer, wie Koble, Erz, Erde. etc. 1908. 32 pp. See SAMM- I.UNG BERG- UXD HCTTENMANNISCHER ABHAND- LUXGEX. Heft 19. G 63 :906. Hackwood, Frederick Wm. Wednesbury, ancient and modern. Es : '' Wed- nesbury Herald," 1901-02. Wednesbury, 1902. 4. 134 pp. (28611) Baddan, J. L. Uono.-nieil one-rail railway for Jndi, the Colonies, and sparsely-populated countries. London, 1871. S. 14pp. 3 pi. (37350) Hadrian, Reginald. The Inventor's adviser and Manufacturer's handbook to Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks. London, 1894. 452 pp. sm. 8. (17250) The same. 4th ed. London, 1898. sm. 8. 406 pp. (25606) The same. 5th ed. London, 1900. sm. 8 J . 466 pp. (27213) The same. 6th ed. Londoti, 1905. 8*. 480 pp. (31014) The same. 7th ed. London, 1908. 8'. 490 pp. (3650 t) Hadery, Aug. Li Regie a calcnls. Paris, 1845. 12. 72 pp. Ipl. (38302) Hadfield, Geo., Inventor of Cask making machinery. See NEWTON, A. V. Benson's machine-made cask factory. [G. H's. Patents, 1859-62.1 1864. 8. (28054) Kadfield, Robert Abbott. Alloys of Iron and Nickel. Er : " Proc. Inst. C. E." Vol. 138. L-mdon, 1899. 8. 172 pp. (30242) Alloys of Iron and Tungsten. Ex : "Iron and Steel Institute Journal," 1903. Vol. 2. 1903. 8. 68pp. 5 pi. (30243) On Manganese Steel. Ibid. 1888. Vol. 2. 8 3 42 pp. 7 pi. (7763) Hadl, Saiyid Muhammad. See INDIA : United Prorincet of Agra and Oudh. The sugar industry of the United Provinces . by S. M. H. 1902. 4. (30941) Haebler, Oskar. See TEXTILE KUXST UNO 0. H. 1908, etc. E 80 : 908. Heecker, T. L. [1.] Invest ; gation in Milk production. [2.] Feeding Dairy Cowg. 1900. See MIXXESOTA (Univ.): Agric. Erpt. Station. Report, etc. 1899- 1900. pp. 333-556. J 30 Min : Investigations in Milk production. 1902. Ibid. Report, etc. 1902-03. pp. 89-148. J 30 Min : INDUSTRIE. Hrsg. Ilaeder, Hermann. Die Dampfmaschineu, etc. Diiueldorf, 1890. sm. 8. 430 pp. (22938) The same. 5te Aufl. Duleburg, 1898. sm. if. 588 pp. (25888) The same. 7te Aufl. Dtilsburq. 1903. 4 vols. 8. and 4. (29845) The same. 9te Autt. Wietbaden, 1908, etc. 8. (372511 Kalkulieren von Maschinen und Maschinenteileu. Duiiburg, 1901. 8. 208 pp. (29607) Kleinmotoren. Wietbaden, [19091. sm. 8". 146 pp. (38555) Pumpen nnd Kompre=soren. Duitburg, 1901. 2 vols. m. 8. and obi. 8". atlas. (27922) Haedicke, Hermann. Der Angriffspnnkt des Anftriebes. 1902. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNIBCHE OESELL8CHAFT. Jahrbuch Band 3. pp. 284-301. F 81 : 900. Die Herstellung des Fahrrades. 1898. See VEREIN ZUR BEFURDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 77. pp. 415-468. B67P: Die Verarbeitung des Bisons. 1900. See BUCK. Das Bnch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Bandtj pp. 1-410. 4 pi. 8. (33007) Haefcke, Hermann. Stadtische nnd Fabrik-Abwasser. Ihre Natur, Schadlichkeit und Reinigung. (Chemisch-technischf Bibliothek.) Wien, 1901. sm. 8. 496 pp (27626) Die technische Verwerthung von thierisshen Cadavern, Cadavertheileu, Schlachtabfallen, etc. (Ibid.) Wien, 1899. sm. 8. 288 pp. (26494) Haeg-hen, G. vander. See JOURNAL DES BKEVETS. Ed. G. van der H. 1906, etc. (31949) Coura publics sur les Armes a Feu portative^ Liege, [1909, etc.]. 8. (38596) Haenel, Erich, and Tscharmann, H. Die Wohnung der Neuzeit. Leipzig, 1908. 8. 288 pp. 16 pi. (38520) Haenig-, A. Die Kriegswaffen auf der Weltausstellnn" Luttich, 1905. [Suhl i. T!t., 1906.] 4. 44pp. (32513 1 ) Hanle, Christian Friedrich. Galvano-Epikalymmaiik, oier hydroelektrischt; Metalluberziehung, etc. 2te Aufl. Lahr, 1867. 8 134 pp. 1 pi. (29403) Kaenloin, Friedrich Hermann. Die Dentschen Reichs-Patente der Klasse 28 (Gerberei). 1901. See DEUTSCHE GERBERSCHULE zu FREIBERG. Jahresbericht 12. 1900-1. K 70 889. Die Dentschen Reichspatente der Klasse 28 (Gerberei). Alphabetis^h und ^achlich zngammen- gestellt, etc. Freiberg, 1901. 8. 68 pp. (27726) Das Lebon und Wirken Prof. Dr. Julius vou Schroeder. [1895.] See DEUTSCHE GERBERSCHULE zu FREIBERG. Jahresbericht 7. pp.1-67. K70:88'J. Kaenasgren. Oswald H. Suction Gas. Cincinnati, [1904]. 12. 92 pp. (31771) Hapke, Lndwig. Die Selbstentziindung voa Schiffsladungen, Baumwolle und anderen Faserstoffen, Steinkohlen. Heuhafen, Tabak, etc. sowie deren Verhiitung. 2te Ann. Bremen, 1893. 8'. 112pp. (25515) 293 HAES] Haes, Oscar de. rr- Proce'de's des Coloristes anciennes. Wazemmes. 1856. 8. 32pp. (34373) Haseler, Ernst. Stiitz- und Futtermauern. 1897. See HANDBUCH. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften. 3te Aufl. Band 1. Abt. 2. pp. 235-329. 4 pi. 8. (27558) r- The same. 1905. Ibid. 4te Aufl. Theil 1. Band 2. pp. 294-407. 4 pi. 8. (31253) Hausscr, F. Ueber die Salpetersauredarstellung mittels ex- plosibler Verbrennungen. 1995. See VER. ZUK BEFURDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEissES. Verhand- lunjren. Band 84. pp. 295-317. B67P. Uber die Verbrennung dea Stickstoffs in ex- plodierenden Leuchtgas - Luftgemischen. 1906. Ibid. Verbandlunzen. Band 85. pp. 37-55. B67P. Untersuchungen fiber explosible Leuchtgas- Luftgemische. 1905. See VER. DEUT. INOENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 25. pp. 1-39. E 13/857 b. Hafak, Max. Einzelheiten des Kircbenbaues. 1903. 394 pp. 12 pi. See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 2. Band 4. Heft 4. 8. (22285) Hagre, C. 1). *- Sea-going River boats. 1902. 5pp. See CON- GRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTKRIEURE. 9e Congre*. 1902. Sect. 2. Question 2. [9.] F 43 : 888. Hag-en, Carl Gottfried, M.D. Diatribe chemica Vitriariorum Magnesiam eiusque partem terream alcalinam considerans. [App. N. Act. Phys. Med. Tome 6. pp. 330-352.] [Norinberffae, m'8.-] 4. (33299) Dissertatio chemico-medica inauguralis ex- pendens Stannum. Regiomonti, [i.e. Kanigsberg], 1775-77. 3pts. 4. (36451) Hag-en, G. Memoir of Encke. Trsl. C. A. Alexander. 1868. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Reports, 1868. pp. 193-202. B 138:847. Hag-en, Hans. Neue Entwiirfe fur moderne Glasatzereien. 2te Aufl. [und Neue Folge]. Hannover, [1904]. fol. 62+24 pi. (30751) Hag-enbach, August. See WULLNER, F. H. A. A. Lehrbucb der Ex- perimental physik. 6te Aufl. Band 1. Allgemeine Physik, eta. Von A. Wullner und A. H. 1907. 8. (35705) and Stonen, H. Atlas of emission Spectra of most of the Elements, prepared from photographs with explana- tory text. English ed. by A. S. King. Jena, 1905. 4. 76pp. 28 pi. (31422) Hag-er, Hermann. Handbuch der pharmaceutiscben Praxis. 7er Abdruck. Berlin, 1888. 3 vols. 8. (21951) The same. Neu bearbeitet und brag, von B. Fischer und C. Hardwich. Berlin, 1900-02. 2 vols. 8. (27082) Hag-maun, J., and Brutschke, F. Aufzlige und Abladevorriohtungen fur Heu und Getreide. 1908. 110 pp. See DEUT. LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 140. J 23: 891. [HAIN Hag-ue, James Duncan. Minincr Industries. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1878, U.S.Comm. Reports. Vol.4, pp. 163- 361. 1880. 8. (33125) Halm, Alban von. Buch der Spiele. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1900. 8*. 522pp. (27170) Hahn, Hans. Eisenhiittenkunde, Eisenmetallgiesserei, Schinie- den, Walzen. [1906.] 152 pp. 3 pi. Sec UHLAND, W. H. Handbuch fiir den prakt. Maschinen-Kon- strukteur. 2te Aufl. Band 3. Heft 2. (32476) Hahn, Martin. See BUCHNER, E., and other.-. Die Zymase- garung. 1903. 8. (29604) Hahnemann, Samuel Christian Friedricb. Exposition de la doctrine Me'dicale Homoeo- pathique, etc. Trad, de 1'allemmd sur la 5e 6d., avec divers opuscules de 1'autenr, et une traduction, sur la 5e eM., de la " Phartnacope'e Homoeopathique" de [F.] Hartmann. Par A. J. L. Jourdaii. 2e ed Paris, 1834. 666 pp. portr. (32931) ZCald, M. Die modernen Ziele der Erdmessung. (Festrede.) Karlsruhe, 1901. 8. 20 pp. (28584) Kaier, F. See HAMBURG : Verein fiir Feuerungs-Betrieb, etc. Feuerungsuntersuchungen . . . [von] F H 1906. 8. (32477) Dampfkessel-Fenerungen zur Erzielung einer moglichst rauchfreien Verbrennung. Berlin, 1899 4. 162pp. 20 pi. (26391) Hairrh, Eccles. The Potato disease, and the Curl disease in Potatoes. London, 1875. sm. 8. 44 pp. (35973) Haig-ht, W. R. Canadian Catalosrue of Books- Part 1. Toronto, 1896. 8. A G 22**. Kailer, H. Deutscblands Kartoffel-Absatz. 1904. 136 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDWIRTSCHAFTS-GESELLSCHAFT : Arbsiten. Heft 93. J 23 : 894. Hainaut, R. L., Clockmaker in Rouen. Recherches sur 1'origine de 1'Horlogerie. Sotte- ville-les- Rouen, 1896. 8 . 110 pp. 1 pi. (30529) Hainbach, Rudolf. Technik der Dekorierung keramischer Wareo. Nebst einer Anleitung zur Herstellung von Sidero- lithware. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1907. [1906.] sm. 8. 320pp. (32844) Haines, H. H. See BENGAL, Govt. of,P.W.D. Tables for use 'with Brandis' hyp someter, etc. By F. B. Manson and H. H. H. 1892. 16. (31856) Haines, Henry S. American Rail way management. Addresses and Papers. New York, 1897. sm.8. 372pp. (26450) Haines, Richard. i- The prevention of Poverty : or, a discourse of the causes of the decay of trade, fall of lands, etc., throughout the Nation ; with csrtain expedients for remedying the same. London, 1674. 4. 28 pp. (26739) 294 HAJO] [HALL Hajda, S. Uber die Umlaufswerte Woltmann'scher Fliigel. 1901. 50 pp. See DEUTSCH - OESTERR.-UNGAR. VERBAXU FOR BINNENSCIIIFFAHRT. Verbanda- Schriften. Neue Folge. No. 9. 8. F 43 : 896. Halasz, Alexandra. Roles respectifs des Voies Navigables et des Chemins de Fer dans l'induv Mr. Ducket, of I'.-ti. T . . . and the descrip- tion of an instrument for levelling ground. Dublin, 1803. 8. 48pp. 5 pi. (28756) Hare, A. T. The constrnction of large Induction Coils. Lon- don, 1900. 8. 156 pp. 5 pi. (27293) Hare, R. F. Experiments on the digestibility of Prickly Pear by cattle. 1908. 38 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 106. J 29 An : ^ Summary of recent investigations of the value of Cacti as stock food. By D. Griffiths and R. F. H. 1907. 16 pp. 1 ol. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 102. Pt. 1. J 29 PI : The Tuua as food for man. By D. Griffiths and R. F. H. 1 907. 74 pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 116. J 29 PI : Harel, . Description des divers appareils propres 4 I'conomiser le terns et le combustible. [Poele- Fourneau, Fourneau-Potager, etc.~\ Paris, 1827. 12. 72pp. (37423) Hare-reaves, James, (? 1778). (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors. Collection, etc. fol. (12166) IX a ring-ton, Sir John. The Metamorphosis of Ajax : a cloacinean satire, with the Anatomy an-i Apology. Added, Ulysses upon Ajax. Chiswick, 1814. 4 pts. 8. (29740) A reprint of the editions of 1596, with a new general title page. Harker, Alfred. Petrology for Students. 4th ed. (Cambridge Geological Seriei.) Cambridge, 1908. sm. 8. 344 pp. (37725) Harlelan Miscellany. Contents of the Harleian Miscellany, with an Index. Compiled at the Public Library of New South Wales. Sydney, 1885. 4. 46pp. (31163) Harley, John, .V.I). See ROYLE, J. F. Manual of Materia Medica, etc. 6th ed., by J. H. 1876. sm. 8. (33084) Barman, Edward Alfred. Slot-meter system. Ex lighting," May 25, 1909. 8. Harman, F. E. Report on Coffee Leaf Vaitatrix). Bangalore, 1880. Harmar, John, Rev. (Biographical.) See WOODCROKT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Harmet, Henri. The compression of Steel by Wire-drawing during solidification in the ingot mould. Ex : " Iron and Steel lust. Journal," 1902. No. 2. 8. 64 pp. 2 pi. (28161) Treatise on Electro-metallurgy of Iron. [From the French.] [1904.] See CANABA : Dept. of the Interior. Report . . . [on] electro - thermic processes for the smelting of iron-ores, etc. pp. 124-164. 8 pi. 8. (31168) " Journal of Gas- 12pp. (38659) Disease (Hemileia 4. 42pp. (25446) 301 HARM] [HARR Harms, Bernhard. Zur Entwickelungs-Geschichte der Deutschen Buchbinderei in der zweiten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Tubingen, 1902. 8. 192 pp. 6 tables. (28466) Harms-worth, Alfred Cecil. See NORTHCLIFFE, A. 0. Harmsworth, Baron. Harnoth, Adolph. Versnche fiber den Einfluss einiger Futtermittel auf die Beschaffenheit des Milchfettes. 1902. See BRESLAU, ( Univ.) : Landw. Institute. Mittheil- ungen. Band 2. pp. 72-108. J : 899. Harper, C. G. See WILKINSON, W. T. Photo-engraving, etc. With a note on the preparation of drawings for reproduction, by C. G. H. 5th ed. 1894. sm. 8. (35432) Harper, Chas. Water tube Boilers. 1902. 24 pp. See ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS-IN-CHARQE. [Papers, No. 2.] E 10 : 899. Harper, Walter B. - The utilization of Wood waste by Distillation. St. Louis, Mo., [1907]. 4. 156 pp. (35789) Agricultural College. 4. J 5 : 907. Harper Adams Newport, Salop. Bulletin 1, etc. Stafford, 1907, etc. Publication : Quarterly. Field experiments in Staffordshire and Shrop- shire, etc. Joint Report. Stafford, 1906, etc. 4. J 5 : 906. Publication : Annual. Harper's New monthly Dlag-azine. Index. Vol. 1-40. June, 1850-May, 1870. New York, 1870. 8. 433 11., printed on one side only. (26074) Har'pf, August. Die Erzeugung von Holzschliff und Zellstoff. Ex : " Geschicbte der osterr. Land-und Forstwirt- schaft, etc., 1848-98." Wien, 1901. 8. 56 pp. (28499) Flussiges Schwefeldioxyd. Darstellung, Eigen- schaften und Versendung desselben. 1900. See SAMMLUNG CHEM., etc., VORTBAGE. Band 5. pp. 235-414. 5 1 : 896. Harquevaux, L., and Felletier, L. Recreations intellectuelles. Jea d'esprit a la portea de tous. Pam, 1901. 8 C . 210 pp. (38075) Harrap, Geo. Thoa. See ICE AND COLD STORAGE. Ed. G. T. H. 1898, etc. E 58/898. See SCHWARZ, O. Public Abattoirs, etc. From the German by G. T. H., etc. [1901.] 8. (27620) Harries, Carl. See MEYER, V. J., and JACOBSON, P. H. Lehr- buch der organischen Chemie. Band 2. Theil 1, bearbeitet von C. H. [1895-]1902. 8. (22963) Harriman, Norman F. See CLASSEN, A. Quantitative analysis. From the 5th German ed. by N. F. H. 1902. 8. (30259) Harris, G. Montagu, and Wakelam, H. T. The First International Road Congress. Paris, 1909. London, [1908]. 8. 158 pp. (37883) Harris, Geo. F. The science of Brickmakin?. (" British Clay- worker" Manuals.) London, 1897. sin. 8 3 . 160pp. (25713) Harris, Gilbert Denison. ' See LOUISIANA (State): Geology and Agriculture. Reports by G. D. H., etc. 1899, etc. G 30 L : The establishment of Tide Gage work. 1905. 28 pp. 7 pi. See LOUISIANA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY : Bulletin 3. G 30 L : a. Harris, Henry Graham. Continuous Brakes. 1888. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof, papers. Vol. 14. pp. 91-132. 8 pi. F 90 : - 844. Electric Welding. 1891. Ibid. Vol. 18. pp. 1-40. F 90 : 844. Petroleum as a producer of energy. 1890. Ibid. Vol. 16. pp. 181-222. F 90 : 844." Harris, Henry L., Lieut. U.S. Artillery. Range and Position finding. 1893. 28 pp. 8 pi. See U.S. WAR DEFT. Adjutant- Gen. Office. ' Artillery Circular E. F 92/893. Harris, John. See KUKLOS, pseud. Harris, Joseph. Undeveloped sources of wealth. [Plant accli- matization.] 1893. See VICTORIA : Dept. of A gri- culture. Special Reports. 1892-96 [1]. pp. 22-44. J 8 AV : 891. Harris. Walter. See LEMERY, N. A course of Chymistry. Trsl. W. H. J677. 8. (27238) Harris, Wm. Torrey. See WEBSTER, N. A supplement to Webster's International Dictionary. Ed. W. T. H. 1902. 4. (28515) Harrison, Edgar. A dissertation upon Guns and Shooting. London, 1906. 8. 256pp. 4 pi. (32566) Harrison, F. C. See ONTARIO (Prov. of): Dept. of Agriculture. The weeds of Ontario. By F. C. H. 1900. 8. (26797) - A Bacterial disease of Cauliflower (Brassica Oleracea) and allied plants. 1904. 32 pp. See ONTARIO : Agric. College, etc. Bulletin 137. J 10 CO :b. Bitter Milk and Cheese. 1902. 32 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 120. J 10 CO : b. Foul brood of Bees. 1900. 32 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 112. J10CO:b. Gas - producing Bacteria and their effect on Milk and its products. 1905. 8 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 141. J 10 CO : b. Pasteurization of Milk for Buttermaking. By H. H. Dean and F. C. H. 1902. 16 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 117. J10CO : b. Yeast and its household use. 1902. 16 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 118. J 10 CO : b. and Barlow, B. Co-operative experiments with nodule-forming Bacteria. 1906. 18 pp. See ONTARIO : Agric. College, etc. Bulletin 148. J10CO:b. Some Bacterial diseases of plants prevalent in Ontario. 1904. 20 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 136. B10CO :b. 302 HARR] [HART Harrison, F. C. cont. and Connell, W. T. A comparison of the bacterial content of Cheese cured at different temperatures. 1903. 24 pp. See ONTARIO : Agric. College, etc. Bulletin 130. J 10 CO : b. and Day, G. E. Grasses of Ontario. 1895. 66 pp. See ONTARIO: Agric. College, etc. Bulletin 99. J 10 CO : b. and Ziochhead, W. The Weeds of Ontario. 1903. 96 pp. See ONTARIO : Agric. College, etc. Bulletin 128. J 10 CO : b. and Streit, H. Roup. 1902. 16 pp. See ONTARIO : Agric. College, ttc. Bulletin 125. J 10 CO : b. Koup : an experimental study. 1903. 48 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 132. J 10 CO : b. Harrison, F. J. See ANTHONY'S PHOTOGRAPHIC BULLETIN. Ed. C. F. Chandler and F. J. H. 1894-97. 8. A 11 : 885. Harrison, George. The Stourbridge Fire-clay. See TIMMINS, S. The resources, etc., of Birmingham, etc. 1866. pp. 133-137. 8. (13114) Harrison, Gnstavus. Agriculture delineated : or, the Farmer's Com- plete guide. London, 1775. 8. 434 pp. (38629) Harrison, Henry. Instructions for the mixture of Water-colours adapted to ... Miniature-painting, etc., with the elements of Painting in Water-colours. London, [1830?] 8. 48pp. (35827) Harrison, John Henry Chenevix, Major, R.E. See THOMASON C. E. COLLEGE. The Roorkee manual of applied mechanics. By A. Cunningham. 2nd ed. by J. H. C. H. 1896-1900. 2 vols. 8. (31865) Graphic solution of Engineering problems. 1901 . See ROYAL ENGINEERS : Prof, papers. Vol. 27. pp. 1-24. 8. F 90 : 844. Harrison, Newton. Practical alternating Currents and Power Trans- mission. New York, [1906]. sm. 8. 376 pp. (37196) Harrwitz, Fritz. See MECHANIKEK (Der). Hrsg. F. H. 1893, etc. D 3 : 893. See TASCHENBCCH FOR PRAZISIONSMECHANIKER, etc. Hrsg. F. H. 1901, etc. 16. D 4 : 901. Harshberg-er, John Win. Maize : a botanical and economic study. 1893. See PENNSYLVANIA (Univ.) Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory. Vol. 1. pp. 75-202 4 pi. H 74: 892. Hart, Alice M. [3fr. Ernest A. Hart.1 See HOUSE (The). Ed. Mrs. E. H. 1904-05 A 2/897. Hart, Amos W. Digest of Decisions of law and practice in the Patent Office and the United States, and State Courts in Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights, and Labels, 1886-1898. Chicago, 1898. 8. 410 pp. (25719) Hart, B. A description of the diseases and accidents in- cidental to the horse ; wherein the Barbadoes naphta . . . has proved a particularly useful remedy, with plain directions . . . for itg . . . Use in horses, dos, cattle, sheep, etc. London. 1835. 12. 48pp. (36059) Hart, Mrt. Ernest Abraham. See HART, Alice M. Hart, Geo. H. Rabies and its increasing prevalence. 1908. 26 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Circular 129. J 29 An : b. Hart, J. Hinchley. See TRINIDAD: Royal Botanic Gardens. Reports. 1890, eta. By J. H. H. H 74 : 890. A treatise on the cultivation and curing of "Cacao." 2nd ed. Trinidad, 1900. 8. 124 pp. 9 pi. (30183) Hart, John W. External Plumbing Work. London. 1900. 8. 280 pp. (27049) Hints to Plumbers on Joint wiping. Pipe bending, and Lead burning. 3rd ed. London, 1901. 8. 322 pp. (27415) The principles of Hot Water supply. London, 1900. 8 & . 186pp. (28252) Hart, Josef. Constructionen aus dem Maschinenbau . . . Wasserrader und Turbinen. (Jahrbuch des Polytech- nischen Vereins zur Carlsruhe.) Miinchen, 1877. 8. and fol. atlas. 64pp. 20 pi. (26427) Constructionen aus dem Maschinenbau . .* . Pressen. Spindel- und Kniehebelpressen. Hydran- lische Pressen. Presspumpen. (Ibid.) Miinchen, 1878. 8. 68 pp. 3 pi., and fol. atlas 20 pi. (26726) Hart, Thos, Rope driving. Blacllurn, [1909]. 8. 80 pp. (38443) Essays on husbandry. 1764. 8. (33491) [ByW.H.] Harte, Walter. See ESSAYS. 2 vols. in one. Barter, L. L. The comparative tolerance of various plants for the Salts common in Alkali lands. By T. H. Kearney and L. L. H. 1907. 22 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 113. J 29 PI : The influence of a mixture of soluble Salts, principally podium chlorid, upon the Leaf Structure and Transpiration of wheat, oats, and barley. 1908. 22 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 134. J29PI: The variability of Wheat varieties in resistance to toxic salts. 1905. 48 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 79. J 29 PI : Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. Annual Reports. 1876- 77. Hartford, Conn., 1877-78. 2 vols. 8. E 52 : 876. History : Subsequently published in the " Locomo- tive," 1880, etc. Hartigr, Ernst Earl. See, GEINITZ, H. B., and others. Die Stein- kohlen Deutschlands, etc. Band 2. Geschichte, etc. Von [W.] H. Fleck und E. [K.] H. 1865. 4. (8749) 303 HART] [HART Hartiff, Robert. Der echte Haufschwamm und andere das Bauholz zerstorende Pilzo. 2te Aufl. von C. von Tubeuf. Berlin, 1902. 8. 114 pp. (29013) Lehrbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. 3te Aufl. des "Lehrbuohes der Baumkrankheiten." Berlin, 1900. 8. 334 pp. 1 pi. (27083) Hartlgr, Theodor. Ueber den Gerbstoff der Eiehe. Stuttgart, 1869. 8. 40 pp. (17970) Karting-. Pieter, M.D. Das Mikroskop. Aua dem Hollandischen iiber- tragen von F. W. Theile. Braunschweig. 1859. 8. 970 pp. 1 pi. (30127) The same. 2te Aufl. Hrsg. von P. W. Theile. Braunschweig, 1866. 3 vols. in one. 8. (29629) Hartleb, R. Neue Untersuchungen iiber Salpeter-zerstorende Bakterien. Yon A. Stutzer und R. H. 1899. See BKESLAU, (Univ.) : Landw. Institute. Mittheilungen. Bandl. pp. 108-118. J : 899. Untersuchungen iiber die boi der Bildung von Salpeter beobachteten Mikroorganismen. Von A. Stutzer und R. H. 1899. Ibid. Band 1. pp. 75- 99 ; 197-232. 3 pi. J : 899. Hartley, Benjamin. A guide to Collodio - Etching. New York, 1881. sm. 8. 52 pp. 7 pi. (18639) Hartley, Chas. P. Broom corn. 1903. 32 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 174. J 29 Fa : Corn growing. 1904. 32 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 199. J 29 : Fa : The cultivation of Corn. 1903. Ibid. Year- book, 1903. pp. 175-192. 5 pi. J29:849b. Improvement in Corn by seed selection. 1902. Ibid. Year-book, 1902. pp. 539-552. 7 pi. J 29 : 849 b. Injurious effects of premature Pollination ; with general notes on artificial Pollination, etc. 1902. 40 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 22. 8. J 29 PI : The production of good seed Corn. With an Appendix on selection and care of seed corn, by H. J. Webber. 1905. 24 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 229. J 29 Fa : Hartley, David, M.P., (1732-1813). (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Hartley, Walter Noel, F.R.S. Air and its relations to life. Lectures delivered, 1874. London, 1875. sm. 8. 260 pp. (37493) The Thermo-chemistry of the Bessemer process. 1898. 38 pp. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 6.] B 51 : 872. Hartlib, Samuel. See B., J. Herefordshire Orchards. [New ed.] Written . . . to S. H. 1724. sm. 4. (30517) See WESTON, Sir R. A treatise concerning the husbandry and natural history of England. Pref. byS. H. 2nded. 1742. 8. (38256) His legacie ; or an enlargement of the discourses of husbandry used in Brabant, etc. [Written by Sir R. Weston, but issued under the name of Hartlib.] 2nd ed. With Appendix [entitled "Anno- tations " etc., pp. 99-118 and 2nd Appendix entitled " An Interrogatory, etc. 14 11.] London, 1652. sm. 4. 152pp. (3102) Hartlib, Samuel cont. The same. 3rded. [With Appendix attributed to A. Beati, but without the ' Interrogatory, etc."] London, 1655. sm. 4. 318 pp. (27621) (Biographical.') See DIRCKS, H. A biographical memoir of S. H. [1865.] sm. 8". (3277) Hart man, Qeo. See DIGBY, Sir K. A choice collection of rare chymical secrets, etc. Published by G. H. 1682. sm. 8. (28229) Hartmann, ., Ph.D. Landwirtschaftliche Gesellschaftsraise durch die Niederlande. 1908. 70pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 142. J 23 : 894. Hartmann, Carl. See HARTMANN, Carl Friedr. Alexander. Hartmann, Carl Friedrich Alexander. See GROUVELLE, P. Handbuch iiber den Bau. pp. F 43 : 888. Hatschek, Kmil. The Mechanism of Filtration. Ex: "Journal Soc. Cbem. Industry," June 15, 1908. London, 1908. 4 J . 8pp. 2 pi. (3(5715) Hatt. J. Arthur H. The Oolorist. New York, 1908. sm. 4". 96 pp. 3 pi. (38610) Katt, W. Kendrick. Experiments on the strength of treated timber. _'nd eii. 1906. 32 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL- TURE. Bureau of Forestry. Circular 39. J29Fo:c. Holding force of Railroad Spikes in wooden ties. 1906. 8 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Forestry. Circular 46. J 29 Fo : c. ' Instructions to Engineers of Timber testa. 1906. 56pp. Ibid. Bureau of Forestry. Circular 38. J 29 Fo : c. The Mechanical properties of Red Gum Wood. 1905. Ibid. Bure'iu of Forestry. Bulletin 58. [pp. 40-54.] J 29 Fo : a Strength of Packins? Boxes of various woods. 1906. 8 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Forestry. Circular 47. J 29 Fo : c. Hatter's Gazette, (The). Vol. 25, etc. London, 1901, etc. 4. E 90 : 901. Publication : Monthly. Hattorsley, John. The Potato disease and its remedy. Manchester. 1859. 8. 16pp. (35975) Hatzfeld, Jobann Conrad Franz von. The Case of the Learned represented according to the merit of the ill progress hitherto made in Arts and Sciences, chiefly in Philosophy, showing, 1, the cause of ... attraction and repulsion ; 2, what Nature is, etc. London, 1724. sm. 8. 192 pp. (37911) Hauchecorne, Louis Achillc. See BOUTTEVILLE, F. L. T. de, and HAUCHE- CORNE, L. A. LeCidre. 1875. 8. (35268) Kauok, Karl. Schutz der Staubarbeiter. Ex : " Zeitschrift fur Gewerbe-Hygiene, etc." Jahrg. 9. Wien, 1902. 4. 16 pp. (28721) Hauck, W. Philip. Die galvanische Batterien, Accnmulatoren nnd Thermosaulen. (Elektro-techn. Bibliothek.) Wien, 1883. sm. 8. 336 pp. 1 pi. (811) The same. 4te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, 1898. sm. 8^. 336pp. (12578) Die galvanischen Elemente, Accamulatoren und thermo-elektrischen Sanlen. 1885. See KLEIN, F. Bericbt fiber die Internat. Elektrische Ausstellung, Wien, 1883. pp. 111-160. 8. (7708) Die Grnndlebren der Elektricitat mit bes. Riicksicht auf ihre Anwendungen, etc. (Elektro- techn. Bibliothek.) Wiett, 1883. sm. 8. 294 pp. portr. (1H328) The same. 3te Anfl. Ibid. Wien, 1896. am. 8. 318pp. (25794) Les Piles electriques et Thermo-e'lectriques. 3e 6d. Franfaise par G. Fonrnier. (Bibliotheque des Actualites Indunlrielles.) Paris, [1899?]. sm. 8. 264pp. (26354) 34222 307 Kaudloquer de Blancourt, Francois. De 1'art d* la Verrerie, etc. Pom, 1697. sm. 8 J . 624pp. 7 pi. (33803) Haxidoin. Hippo]yte. See SOULIE, E., and HAUDUIN, H. Le Pe'trole. 1865. 12. (33649) Kauer, Julius, H'-tt, , von. See. VOLK, C. Geriithe und Maschinen znr berg- manniscbeu P'orderung. Mit TheilwuUer Benutzung der J. von Hauer'schen Schriften. 1901. 8. (27687) Haulage and winding appliances used in minus. Based on the works of J. von H. From the German by C. Salter. 1903. 8. (30296) Haucr, Karl von. Anton von Kripp's chcmische Untersuchungen des ost-und westgahzischen Salzgebirges und der dort gewonnenen Hiittenprodukte, sowie einiger nngarischor und siebenbiirgischer Steinsalzsorten. 1869. See K. K. GEOLOGISCHB REICHSANSTALT IN WIEN : Jahrbuch. Band 19. pp. 75-90. G 13 : 850. Der Salineubetriob an der Sndwerken zu Hallein und Hall in chemiscber Beziehung. 1865. Ibid. Jahrbuch. Band 15. pp. 369-385. G 13 : 850. Der Salinenbetrieb im osterreichischen und steirmarkischen Salzkammergute in chemischer Beziehung. 1864. Ibid. Jahrbucb. Band 14. pp. 257-302. G 13 : 850. Kauer, Martin. Die Fabrikation der Parfii merle waren. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiinste, etc.) Weimar, 1895. 8. 140 pp. (25394) Die feineren Toiletteseifen und ihre Fabrikation in Deutschland, etc. Weimar, 1897. 8. 88 pp. (17388) Hautsch, Hanns (1595-1670). Kurtze Verzeuohnus der Gross und Kleinen Wasser Spritzen. [Niirnberg, 1658.] Engraved pi. (31329) Hatty, Rend Just, Abbe. Exposition raisonne'e de la the'orie de 1'lilec- tricit(i et du Magne'tisme, d'apres les priocipes de M. -ffipinns. Paris, 1787. 8. 266 pp. 4 pi. (33676) (Biographical.) Memoir of. By Baron Cuvier. Tran*l. C. A. Alexander. 1860. See SsHTHSONr AN INSTITUTION : Report 1860. pp. 376-392. B 13 a : 847. Hauff, J., and Co., of Feuerbach. Handbook explaining the use of Photographic preparations manufactured by J. H., and Co. [London, 1908.] sm. 8. 104 pp. (37930) Hauer, Rudolf. Hygiene de 1'Oreille. Trad. C. Cbauveau et M.Menier. Paris, 1906. 8. 96pp. Ipl. (32039) Haugrb, J. J. Higher Arithmetic. 16th ed. Dublin. 1905. am. 8. 302pp. (34986) Haug-hton, Samuel, Rf.r., M.D., F.R.S. See GALBRAITH, J. A., and HAUGHTON, S. Manual of Hydrostatics. Ed. 3, etc. 1859, etc. See SMITH, A. The Blowpipe vade mecum. Kd. S. H., etc. 1862. 8. (29735) On the relation of Food to Work, and its bear- ing on medical practice. 1870. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : Report 1870. pp. 268-294. B 13 S : 847. 2 Q 2 HAUG] IHAUS Haufrhtcm, Walter Raleigh. Report on Sand Pump Dredgers. [1898.] 10pp. 2 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.). Technical Sec- tion. Paper 59. B 23/. Haupt, Georg. Die Stollenanlagen . . . Unter Beriicksicht. der beim Stollenbau vorkommenden bergmiinnischen Gewinnungaarbeiten und der dabei angewandten Rohrmaschinensysteme. Berlin, 1884. 8. 262pp. (25776) Haupt, Herman. - General theory of Bridge construction. Neio York, 1853. 8. 268 pp. 15 pi. (36060) The same. New York, 1866. 8. (13790) Tunneling by machinery . . . Prepared in explanation of the machines ... at the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867. Philadelphia, 1867. 8. 66pp. 4 pi. (34002) Haupt, Herman, Jun. List of periodical Engineering Literature (pub- lished in the Englis'i Hnguage), prepared at the " Rogers Engineering Library." Philadelphia, 1879 . 8. 92 pp. (9072) Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg. Automatic removal of Ocean bars by application of natural forces. 1902. 4 pp. See CONGRES IN- TERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INT^RIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. [17.] P 43 : 888. Kauptmann, Augustus, M.D. Neues chymisches Kunst Project nnd sehr wichtiges Bergk-Bedencken, fiber die allergrosten Hauptmangcl des Bergckwercks . . . Benebenst einen . . . historischen Bergk-Berichte, wie wunderlich die beyden hohen Metallen, insonderheit aber das Silber, in der Erden eediegen wacbset und gebohren werde, etc. Leipzig, 1658. sm. 8. 110pp. 2 pi. (38175) Kaupttnann, Josef. Die Marmorierkunst und die Konservierung des Caragheengrundea fiir eine lange Haltbarkeit sowie die Behandlnng der neuen Bronzefarben und Son- nenstrahlphantasien . . . nach Halfer's Me- thode. 3te Aufl. Gera, 1906. 8. 40 pp. 14 pi. (33224) Kausbrand, E. Hilfsbuch fiir den Apparatebau. Berlin, 1901. sm. 8. 112 pp. (27983) Das Trocknen mit Luft und Dampf. Berlin, 1898. 8. 72pp. 2 pi. (26355) The same. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1903. sm. 8. 96pp. 2 pi. (29645) The same. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1908. 8. 128 pp. 3 pi. (36374) Drying by means of Air and Steam. From the German, by A. C. Wright. London, 1901. sm. 8. 78 pp. 2 pi. (27631) Verdampfen, Kondensieren und Kuhlen. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1900. 8. 408pp. (26928) The same. 3te Ann. Berlin, 1904. 8. 418 pp. (31437) The same. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1909. 8. 446 pp. (38521) Evaporating, Condensing, and Cooling appa- ratus. From the 2nd German ed. by A. C. Wright. London, 1903. 8. 424 pp. (29608) Die Wirkungaweise der Rectificir-und Destillir- Apparate. Berlin, 1893. 8. 108 pp. 14 pi. (27084) Hausburg-, 0., and K.uhn, F. 0. Schlaohthiiuser und Viehhofe. 1882-83. See BEKLIN. Allg. deutsche Autttellung der Hygiene, etc. Bericht. Band 2. pp. 36-74. 1885. (520568) Hausdlng-, A. Handbuch der Torfgewinnung nod Torfverwer- tune, etc. 2te Ann. Berlin, 1904. 8. 514 pp. (30651) Hauser, Fritz. Die Anfertigung derMetall-Archivplatte. 1905. 4 pp. See KAISERL. AKAD. DEU WISSESSCHAFTEN, Wien. Bericht der Phonogramm-Archiv-Kom- mission. 6. 8. (33373) Bin Apparat zur Kopierung phonographischer Schrift von Edison- Walzen auf die Flatten des Archivphonographen. 1906. 6 pp. Ibid. Bericht der Phoncgramm - Archiv - Kommission. 8. 8. (33373) Gebrauehanweisung fiir die Type III. des Archivphonographen. 1906. 8 pp. Ibid. Bericht der Phonogramm - Archiv - Kommission. 7. 8. (33373) Uber einige Verbesseruneen am Archivphono- graphen. 1903. 10pp. Ibid. Bericht der Phono- gramm-Archiv-Kommission. 3. 8. (33373) Hauser, Henri. Bises fondamentales d'unc Loi universelle sur les Brevets d'Invention. Madrid, 1901. 8. 14 pp. (27480.) Hausmann, Erich. See SHELDON, S., and others. Alternating- current machines. 7th d. 1908. 8. (38221) Hausner, A. The manufacture of Preserved Foods and Sweetmeats. From the 3rd German ed. by A. Morris and H. Robson. London, 1902. sm. 8. 232 pp. (28823) Kausrath, Hans. Eine Differentialmethode zur Messung kleiner Widerstande und ihre Anwendung zur genauen Absleichung von Starkstrommesswiderstanden. 1905. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTROTECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 7. pp. 425-472. D 51 : 896. Haussmann, Nicolas Valentin. Des Subsistances de la France. Dn blutage et du rendement des farines et de la composition du pain de munition. Ex : " Annales d'hygiene pub- lique, etc." Tome 39. Partie 1. Paris, 1848. 8. 76pp. (34882) Haussncr, Alfred. Der Hollander. Eino kritische Betrachtung seiner Arbeitsweise mit Bezug auf die Einzel- abmessungen seiner Teile und die Verarbeiteten Fasern. Stuttgart, 1902. 8. 134 pp. (28467) Vorlesungen fiber mechanische Technologie der Faserstoffe, Spinnerei, Weberei, Papierfabrikation. Leipzig, [1906-]1907. 8. 526pp. 8 pi. (32124) Haustechnische Rundschau. See ZEITSCHRIFT FDR HEIZUNGS-, LOFTONGS- UND WASSERLEITUNGS- TECHNIK. 1907, etc. K 39/901. Hauswaldt, Hans. Interferenz-Erscheinungen an doppeltbrechenden Krystallplatten im konvergenten polarisirten Licht. [Reibe 1-3.] Magdeburg, 1902-07. 3 vols. fol. ^38656) 308 HAUT] [HAWN Hautefeullle, Paul. (Biographical,) Notice sur la vie et les travaux de P. H. Par D. Gernez. [Conference.] 1903. 20 pp. See SOCITE CHIMIQUE DE PAKIS : Bulletin. 3e Seiie. Tome 30. 8. K : 858. Hauvel, ( 'has. Ammoniaqae. Brevets pe'rime's, 1864-78. [Traitement des eaux ammoniacalea da gaz, des eanx vannes et des vidanges. Preparation des sels ummoniacaux.] [Paris, 1878.] 4. MS. 41 II. illus. (36383) Havard, Henry. La Ct'ramique Hollandaise. Histoire des Faiences de Delft, Haarlem, Rotterdam, Arnheim, Utrecht, etc., et des Porcelaines de Weesp, Loosdrecht, Am- sterdam, et La Haye. Amsterdam, 19C9. 2 vols. fol. (38034) Haven, II. M. See LOBENZ, H. Modern refrigerating ma- chinery . . . With chapters on American prac- tice, etc., by H. M. H., etc. 1905. 8. (31911) Havers, Geo. A general collection of discourses of the Virtuosi of France, upon questions of all sorts of Philosophy ml other Natural Knowledg. Rendered ia English by G. H. [2.] Another collection of Philosophical Conferences of the French Virtuosi, etc. Rendered into English by G. H. and J. Davies. London, 1664-S5. 2 vols. fol. (3170) A translation of the "Recneil general, etc," of T. Kenaudot. Havestadt, Christian. Uber die Vervrendung von Heberverschlussen bei Kammerschleosan. Berlin, 1908. 8. 70 pp. 2 pi. (36375) Havre, W. van. Notice sur les decouvertes de Hittorf, Ph. Lenard, Goldstein et W. K. Roentgen. Ex : " Rev. de 1'Univ. de Brnxelles," Annde 1, 1895-96. pp. 119-130. 1896. 8. (27825) Hawaii : Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report 1906, etc. Washington, 1907, etc. 8. J 30 H : e. ffittory : Previous Reports issued in the " U.S. Dept. of Agric. Expt. Station Reports," 1901-04, and ' Expt. Station Bulletin," No. 170. Bulletin No. 1, etc. Washington, 1901, etc. 8. J 30 H : d. Board of Agriculture and Forestry. See HAWAIIAN FORESTER, etc. 1906, etc. J 30 H : b. Report 1900, etc. Honolulu, 1901. etc. 8. J30H : Publication: Annual. (Div. of Entomology.) Bulletin No. 1, etc. Honolulu, 1903, etc. 8. J 30 H : a. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist. Vol. 3, etc. Honolulu, 1906, etc. 8. J 30 H : b. Publication: Monthly. Editor : It. G. Blackman, 1906, etc. HawelB, Mrs. H. R. .Sec HAWEIS, Mary Eliza. Haweis, Mary Eliza [.l/>-s. H. R. Haiaeis]. The art of Beauty. London, 1873. 8. 312 pp. 1 pi. (33726) London, London, London, London, London, 1816. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1833. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 350 pp. 492 pp. 460 pp. 480 pp. 530 pp. Hawels, ilary Eliza cont. The art of Decoration. London, 1881. 8. 432 pp. 1 pi. (33727) Beautiful Houses. 2nd ed. London, 1882. sm. 8. 124 pp. 1 pi. (36110) Halves, Arthur B., Capt., Bengal Army. Rifle Ammunition. London, 1859. 8. 112pp. 15 pi. (36551) Hawker, Peter, Lieut.-Col. Instructions to Young Sportsmen, on the choice, care, and management of Guns ; hints for the preservation of game ; directions for shooting wildfowl, etc. 2nd ed. 6 pi. (31292) The same. 3rd ed. 10 pi. (29931) Tne same. 4th ed. 10 pi. (30030) The same. 5th ed. 10 pi. (31803) The same. 7th ed. 7 pi. (31804) The same, llth ed. by P. W. L. Hawker. London, 1859. 8. 574 pp. 8 pi. (33521) Hawker. Peter Wm. Lance. See HAWKER, P. Instructions to young sports- men, etc. llth ed. by P. W. L. Hawker. 1859. 8. (33521) Hawkins, Chas. Caesar. The theory of Commutation. London, [1900?]. 8. 82pp. (27294) and Wallls, F. The Dynamo ; its theory, design, and manu- facture. (Specialists' Series.) London, 1893. sm. 8. 534pp. 5 pi. (23471) The same. 2nd ed. (Ibid.) London, 1896. sm. 8. 540pp. 7 pi. (3050) The sime. 3rd ed. (Ibid.) London, 1903. sm. 8. 940pp. 55 pi. (31285) Hawklna, Sir John. A general history of the science and practice of Music. New ed. London, 1853. 2 vols. 8. (29739) Hawkins, John Sidney. An history of the origin and establishment of Gothic Architecture . . . and an inquiry into the mode of painting upon and staining glass as practised in the . . . Middle Ages. London, 1813. 8. 280 pp. 11 pi. (33417) Hawks, Emma B. A bibliography of Poultry. 1897. 32 II. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Library Bulletin 18. J29L: Hawkshaw, Sir John. See ANDREW, W. P. Break of gauge in India. Reports by ... [Sir] J. H., etc. 1872. 8. (35797) Hawley, J. H. Motors in principle and practice. Appendix by F. H. Bramley. London, 1901. sm. S 6 . 224 pp. 1 pi. (28149) Hawney, Wm. The compleat Measurer, or, the whole art of Measuring. In two parts. London, 1717. 12. 322 pp. (33049) 309 HAWT] [HAYW Hawthorn, J. 6. Boiler soale and Incrustation. 1898. 22 pp. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 10. Paper 76. F 81 : 889. The Marine Engine considered as a machine. 1890. 20 pp. Ibid. Trans. Vol. 1. Paper 10. F 81 : 889. Hawthorn, Robert, Co!. R.E. Instructions for the use of the Mechanics' Improved Sliding Rule. Neiecastle-upon-Tyne, 1841. 32. 42 pp. (38682) Notes on practical Artillery. [Woohoich, 1850.] sm. 4. MS. 630pp. (31805) Hay, Alfred. Electric and Magnetic Measurements, 1904. See MACLEAN, M. Modern electric practice. Vol. 1. pp. 1-77. 8. (30454) An introductory course o Continuous Current Engineering. London, 1907. 8. 338pp. (36391) The principles of Alternate-current working. London, [1897]. sm. 8. 292 pp. (11155) The same. [2nd ed.] London, [1901]. sm. 8. 358 pp. (31349) Hay, David Ramsay. The laws of harmonious Colouring adapted to interior decoration?, manufactures, etc. 4th ed. London, 1838. 8. 94 pp. 5 pi. (33110) The same. 6th ed. Edinburgh, 1847. sm. 8. 208pp. Ipl. (32760) The natural principles of Beauty, as developed in the Human figure. Edinburgh, 1 852. 8. 48 pp. 5 pi. (37351) Haydn, Joseph. The Book of Dignities ... of the British Empire. London, 1851. 8. 610 pp. (16519) Hayduck, M. See WOCHENSCHRIFT FUR BRAUEREI. Hrsg. M. Delbruck und M. H. 1895-98. K 84/95. Hayem, Julien, and Mortler, A. Industries di verses du VStement, 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 86. pp. 115-679. 1 pi. 8. (29967) Hayes, C. F. See O'CONNOR, J. C., and HAYES, C. F. English- Esperanto dictionary. 1905. am. 8. (31932) Hayea, Chas. Willard. Contributions to Economic Geology, 1902, 1903. By S. F. Emmons and C. W. H. 1903-04. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 213, 225. G 30 : 883. and Xilndgrren, W. Contributions to Economic Geology. 1907. Parti. Metals and non-metals, except fuels. 1908. 482 pp. 5 pi. See CJ.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 340. G 30 : 883. Hayes, John L. Report upon Wool and manufactures of Wool. By E. R. Mudge and J. L. H. 1868. 144 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 6. 1870. 8. (33124) Hayford, John Fillmore. The Transcontinental Triangulation along the thirty-ninth parallel. 1900. See WISCONSIN (Univ.). Bulletin. Science Series. Vol. 2. pp. 173-184. B 14 Wi : a. Haynes, Thos. A treatise on the improved culture of the Straw- berry, Raspberry, Gooseberry, and Currant. 3rd etf. London, 1823. 8. 120 pp. 4 pi. (25339) Hays, Jos. W. Combustion and Smokeless Furnaces. New York, 1906. 8. 110 pp. (33970) Hays, Wiltet Martin. Plant breedin. 1901. 72 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Div. of Vegetable patho- logy, etc. Bulletin 29. J 29 V : Progress in Plant and Animal breeding. 1901. Ibid. Year-book. 1901. pp. 217-232. 3 pi. J 29 : 849 b. and Boss, A. Wheat, varieties, breeding, cultivation. 1898. See MINNESOTA (Univ.) : Agric. Expt. Station. Report, etc. 1898-1899. pp. 321-492. J 30 Min : and Parker, E. C. The cost of producing Farm prodnc's. Methods of investigation. Cost of growing Minnesota field crops, 1902-04. 1906. 90 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Statistics. Bulletin 48. J 29 St : b. Hays, Win. Bennett. Description of the Glenelg Pier, South Australia: with W. B. Hays' patent wrought iron 1'ouvred Breakwater. Ex : " Civil Engineer and Architects' Journal." [Letters Patent No. 769 of 1855.] London, 1856. 8. 8pp. 5 pi. (28110) Hayter, C., C.B., and Kelly, H. Manual of Packing and Loading Drill, etc. Bombay, 1883. 8. 82pp. 47 pi. (37872) Hayward, Joseph. An inquiry into the causes of the fruitf ulness and barrenness of Plants and Trees, with practical instructions for the management of Gardens and Farms, etc. London, 1834. sm.8. 300pp. (38413) Haywood, John Kerfood. The chemical composition of Insecticides and Fungicides, with an account of the methods of analysis employed. 1902. 62 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 68. J29C : Injury to Vegetation by Smelter fumes. 1905. 24 pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bul- letin 89. J 29 C : Injury to Vegetation and Animal life by Smelter wastes. 1908. 40 pp. 8 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 113. J 29 C : Insecticide studies. 1903. 64pp. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 76. J 29 C : Insecticides and Fungicides : chemical composi- tion, etc. 1902. 16 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bul- letin 146. J 29 Fa : The Lime-sulphur-salt wash and its substitutes. 1907. 30 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bul- letin 101. J 29 C : Paris Green spraying experiments. 1904. 32pp. 2 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 82. J29C: and Smith, B. H. Mineral Waters of the United States. 1905. 100 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 91. J 29 C : 310 HAYW] [HEBR Haywood, John Kerfood eont. and 'Warner, H. J. Arsenic in Papers and Fabrics. 1904. 54 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 86. J 29 C : Commercial Feeding Stuffs of the United States : their chemical and microscopical examina- tion. 1908. 94pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 108. J 29 C : Haywood, Wm. See LONDON, Corporation of the City of; Com- missionen of Sewers. Hawkes. Henry Philip, Lieut.-Gen. See PHOTOGRAPHY. Photography in a Nutshell. Bv the " Kernel " [H. P. Hawkes.] 1891. sm. 8. (22718) The same. 4th el. 1891. sm. 8. (23148) Report upon the Oils of Southern India. [Madras, 1855.] 8. 62pp. (29942) Hawkesbury Agricultural College, etc. See NEW SOUTH WALES : Dept. of Mines, etc., Hawkesbury Agricultural College, etc. J 8 AN : b. Hazard, G-eo. S. Report on Cereals. By S. B. Rnggles and G. S. H. 1869. 26 pp. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 5. 1870. 8. (33124) Hazard, Robert. See BRITISH AND FOREIGN, etc., HEATING AND VENTILATING Co. Warming and ventilating . . . buildings, etc. Hazard's Patent. 1846. 8. (32988) Kazen, Allen. See WILLIAMS, G. S., and HAZEN, A. Hydraulic tables. 2nded. 1909. 8. (38483) Chemical precipitation of Sewage at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. [1894J See .MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. Report 25. pp. 597-624. H 23 M : Some physical properties of Sands and Gravels, with special reference to their use in Filtration. [1893.] Hid. Report 24. pp. 541-555. H 23 M : A practical plan for Sand filtration in Phila- delphia. 1896. 20 pp. 1 pi. See FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Reprints. [Vol. 2.] B 62 : 886. Head, Jeremiah. On a simple construction of Steam Engine Governor, etc. Ex : " Proc. Inst. Mech. Engineers." 1871. pp. 213-228. 4 pi. 8. (36883) Headlam, Cecil. Peter Vischer. London, 1901. sm. 8. 156 pp. portr. (37494) Headrlck, James. Essay on Manures. 1796. 60 pp. See BOARD OP AGRICULTURE. Outlines of the Fifteenth Chapter of the proposed general report. Appendix No. 4. 4. (8982) Heald, Fred De Forest. Analytic keys to the genera and species of North American Mosses. By C. R. Barnes. Revised, etc., by F. D. H. See WISCONSIN (Univ.) : Bulletin. a EH Science Series. Vol. 1. pp. 157-368. Wi : a. Health Mews. Vol. 1, No. 1-9 : Vol. 11, No. 1-7 ; Vol. 12, No. 1-33. London, 1894 ; 1897-98. 4. and fol. H 21/894. Health of Towns Association. Analysis of evidence laid before the Health of Towns Comoiis-ion and the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Metropolitan Sewage manure ; with extracts . . . showing the value of the refuse of towns, and the advantages . . . of its application in a liquid form to agricultural purposes. London, 1847. 8. 32 pp. (29201) Hearne, R. P. Aerial Warfare. London. 1908 [1909]. 8. 278 pp. 44 pi. (37536) Heath, F., If its. See JONES, E. G. A manual of plain Needle- work, etc. New ed. by Miss H., etc. 1892. sm. 8. (37757) Heath, Josiah Marshall. See MAHON, R. H. A report upon the manu- facture of iron, etc. Appendix 2. The Porto Novo Iron Company and its founder J. M. H. 1899. fol. (26698) See UNWIN v. HEATH. In the House of Lords, etc. [1852.] 4. (11579) Heath, T. L. S ARCHIMEDES. The works of Archimedes. Ed. T. L. H. 1897. 8. (26064) Heathooat, John, M.P. (1783-1861.) (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Heathcote, C. G. Lawn tennis. 1903. See HEATHCOTE, J. M., and others. Tennis, etc. Newed. pp. 127-349. sm.8. (29000) Heathcote, Geo. H., M.D. Some observations on the Cold-water treat- ment, as witnessed at Grafenberg. London, 1843. 8. 36pp. (29165) Heathoote, J. M., and others. Tennis. By J. M. Heathcote. Liwn tennis, by C. G. Heathcote. Rackets, E. 0. P. Bouverie ; Fives, by A. C. Ainger. New ed. Revised by G. E. H. Ross and H. Ohipp. (Badminton Library.) London, 1903. sm. 8. 506 pp. 12 pi. (29000) Heating 1 and Ventilating: Ittagrazinc. Vol. 6, etc. New York, 1909, etc. 8. K 39 : 904 Publication : Monthly. Heaton, Ralph. Birmingham Coinage. See TIMMINS, S. The resources, etc., of Birmingham, etc. 1866. pp. 552- 559. 8. (13114) Heavlside, Oliver. Electromagnetic Theory. (" Electrician " Series.) London, 1893[-99]. 2 vols. 8. (24157) Hcbert, Luke. See GALLOWAY, E. History and progress of the Steam Engine, etc. Appendix by L. Hebert. 1829, etc. The Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopaedia. London, 1836. 2 voU. 8. (128) The same. New ed. London, [I860]. 2 vols. 8. (34389) Hebrard, Pierre. See H. F. P. Caminologie, ou trait^ des Che- minees, etc. 1756. sm. 8. (34653) 311 HECHJ [HEID Hecht, Hermann. See SEGER, H. A. Seger's Gesammelte Schriften. Hrs?. H. H., etc. 1896, etc. Handbnch der ges. Them waarenind us trie. Von B. Kerl. 3te AuB., von E. Cramer und H. H. 1907. 1630 pp. See BOLLEY. A. P. Handbuch der chcmischen Technologie. Band 3. Gruppe 2. 8. (16252) Die Tbonindustrie auf der Weltausstellung, 1900. 1900. VEBEIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBPLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 79. pp. 224-254. 1 pi. B 67 P : Die Thonwarenindustrie. 1899. See Bucn. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 7. pp. 87-168. 1 pi. 8. (33007) Hccke, van. See VAN HECKE, . Heckel, A. Bibliographicheskii Ykazatel, etc. [Biblio- graphical Index to the literature of Explosives, 1529-1882.] St. Petersburg, 1886. sm.8. 334pp. (18188) Heckel, Edouard. - Les Graines Grasses nouvelles ou peu connues des Colonies Franeaises. Pan's, 1902. 8. 190pp. (31230) Les Plantes M^dicinales et Toxiques de Mada- gascar, avec leurs noms et leurs emplois indigenes. Marseille, 1903. 8. 148pp. (30616) Heckstall-Smith, B. See SMITH, B. H. Hedg-cock, Geo. Grant. The Crown-gall and Hairy-Root diseases of the Apple tree. 1905. 8 pp. 3 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 90. Pt. 2. J 29 PI : - The wrapping of Apple grafts and its relation to the Crown-gall disease. By H. von Schrenk and G. G. H. 1906. 12 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 100. Pt. 2. J 29 PI : Hedges, Killingworth. Modern Lightning Conductors : an illustrated supplement to tbe Report of the Lightning Research Committee of 1905, etc. London, 190?. 8. 126 pp. 1 pi. (31905) Hedley, Win. (Biographical.) - See AECHER, M. W. Hedley, the inventor of railway locomotion. 1882. 8. (30060) Hedley, Wm. Snowdon, M.D. See ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL SKIAGRAPHY. Ed. W. S. H., etc. 1897. H 6 : 896. Bedrlck, Ellen A. List of references to publications relating to Irrigation and Land Drainage. 1902. 182 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Library Bulletin 41. J29L: Been, Pierre de. Prodrome de la thiSorie me'canique de 1'Electri- cite. 1904. 15v!pp. See SOCIETE ROY. DBS SCIENCES DE LIEGE. Memoires. 3eSeiie. Tome 5. B23 : 843. Heepke, W. Die modernen Vernichtungsanlagen organischer Abfallstoffe. i. Die Leichenverbrennungsanstalten (die Krematorien). ii. Die Kadaververnichtungs- anlagen. Halle a. S., 1905, etc. 8. (31600) To be completed in 3 parts. Heerma, Jan. Abhandlung Tiber eine Vorrichtung zum Auf- faDgen des Stosses bei Schiffskollisionen und zur Vertiiitung des Sinkens angerannter Scbiffe. Patent- amtlich geschiitzt. [Letters Patent No. 27554 of 1902.] Hamburg, [1903]. 8. 32 pp. (30209) Hcermann, Paul. Farbereichemische Untersuchungen. Anleitung zur Untersnchung, Bewerthung und Anwendung der wichtigsten Farbarei-, Druckerei-, Bleicherei- und Appretur-Artikel. Berlin, 1 898. 8. 144pp. 2 pi. (26117) Koloristische und textilchemische Untersuchun- gen. Berlin, 1903. 8. 408 pp.- 3 pi. (30852) Hotter, Gostav. Technologie der Fette und Ole. Berlin, 1906-08. 2vols. 8. (33225) Hegel, S. Die Chrovngerbung. Unter bes. Beriicksicht. der in- nnd ausliindischen Patentlitteratnr. Berlin, 1898. 8. 110 pp. (25500) Heg-emann, Hans. Die Herstfcllung des Porzellans. Berlin, 1904. sm. 8. 436pp. (31438) Heg-enbarth, Max. Bowlen-, Punsch-, nnd KafEeehaus-Getriinke- buch. 3te Aufl. Dresden, 1903. 8. 92 pp. (30210) Heger, liana. See OESTEEEEICHISCHE CHEMIKER-ZEITUNG, etc. Hrsg. H. H. 1898, etc. K 30/898. Hehl, R. A. Eisenbahnen in den Tropon. Spurweiten, Biu und Rotrieb. Berlin, 1902. 8. 250 pp. (30211) Fliissige Luft. Halle a. S., 1901. 8. 40 pp. (29119) Helden, Eduard, Ph. D., and others. Die Verwerthung der stiidtischen Fiicalien. Im Auf trage des Deutschen Landwirthschaf tsraths bear- beitet von E. Heiden, A. Miiller, und K. von Lings- dorff. Hannover, 1885. 8. 484 pp. (29868) Heiden, Max. Die Textilknnst des Alterthnms bis zur Neuzeit. [Issued loiZfe "Wissen," 1908-09.] Berlin, 1909. 4. 16 pp. + 480 col. (38580) Heldennaln, Martin. Ueber chemische Umsetzungen zwischenEiweiss- korpern und Anilinfarben. Bonn, 1902. 8. 118pp. (28641) Heidenrelcb, E. Lee. Monier Constructions [in armoured cement]. [Letters Patent No. 3835 of 1886.] Chicago, 1900. sm. 8. 40 pp. (26967) Heldeprlem, C. Die Unfallverhiitung im Dampfkesselbetriebe. 1902. Von C. H., etc. 138pp. 4 pi. SeVEREiN DEUTSCHER REVISIONS - INGENIEURE. Schriften. No. 4. H 29 : 899. Heldeprlem, Eugen. Die Reinigun^' des Kesselspeisewassers. 1899. 52 pp. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER REVISIONS-IN- GENIEURE. Sahriften. No. 1. H 29 : 899. 312 HEID] [HEIN Heidsieck &. Co. [Correspondence with the Board of Trade, on decision of Court of Chancery for the removal of their mark " Monopole " from the Register of Trade Marks.] [London, 1891.] 4 g . 8 pp. (29466) Hell, Adolf, and Each, W. Handbuch der Gummiw.iren - Fabrikation. Dresden, 1906. 8. 256 pp. (33916) Hellbrun, Richard. Klementare Vorlesunzen fiber Telegraphic nnd Telephonic. Berlin, 1906. 8 = . 592 pp. 5 pi. (32084) Hellemann, Walter. Baitrage zur Kenntnis des Wirkungsgrades trockener Lnftkompresaoren. 1908. 80 pp. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INQENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. 6. des Ingenieurweseus. Heft 58. E 13/857B. Hoilmann, Josue (1798-1852). (Biograph ical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Heilmann. Tli. See PIONCHON, J., and HEILMANN, T. Guide pratique pour le calcul des lignes e'lectriques ae"rienneu. 1902. 8. (28633) Holm, Carl. See FERRARIS, G., and ARN6, R. Bin nenes System zur elektrischen Vertbeilung der Energie. Deutsche Uebersetzung von C. H. 2te Aufl. 1897. 8. (27157) Die Einrichtung elektrischer Beleuchtungsanlagen fur nieiebstrombetrieb. 4te Anfl. Leipzig. 1903. 8 3 . 684 pp. (30320) Heincke, Friedricb. Naturgeschichte des Herings. 1898. 2 vols. 4. See DEUTSCHE SEEFISCHEREI-VEREIN : Abband- lungeu. Band 2. Heft 1 and 2. H 58/897. Heine, H. DieHeubereitung. Beschreibtmg den Methoden zur Konservierung der Griinfutterpflanzen. Slittt- gart, 1892. sm. 8. 112pp. (29120) Heine, H. Meyer-. See METER-HEINE, H. Heinel, C., Engineer. See MlTTEILUNOEN FUR DIE PRE8SLTTFT -INDUS- TRIE. Hreg. C. H. 1903-05. E 59 : 897a. Die Pressluf t-Erzengnng und Verwendung. i, etc. Weimar, 1904, etc. sm. 8. (31439) Heinemann, Hugo. Die Rational-Theorie der Bewegung des Wassers als Lehrbuch der Hydrodynamik, und fiir den praktiachen Gebrauch des Hydrotekten auf voll- standig neuen Grundlagen bearbeitet. Hagen. 1872. 8. 300 pp. (26392) Heinicke, Hermann. See ZACHARIAS, J., and HEINICKE, H. Prakti- ^ches Handbuch der drahtlosen Telegraphic, etc. [1907.] sm. 8. (34641) Heinkc, Friedr. Wilhelm Curt. Die Grundlagen der Messtechnik. 1905. See HEINKE, F. W. C. Handbucb der Elektrotechnik. Band 2. pp. 1-68. 8. (27178) 34222 3J3 Keinke, Friedr. Wilhelm Curt conl, - Handboch der Elektrotechnik. Leipzig, 1900, etc. 8. (27178) Inprogress. Die Hauptbegritfe der Gleieh-und Wechsel- stromtechnik unter Benutzung meobaniscber Hilfs- vorstellungen. 1898. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTRO- TECHNISCHER VORTRAGE. Band 1. pp. 191-254. D 51 : 896. Ueber Wellenstrom-Energie. 1900. See VEREIN ZCR BEFURDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Ver- h&ndlungen. Jahrg. 79. pp. 115-126. B 67 P : Untersnchungen am Wellenstrom-Lichtbogeu. 1904. Ibid. VerhandluDgen. Jahrg. 83. pp. 403- 428. B 67 P : Wecbselstrommessungen, Wellenstrommessungen und magnetiscbe Messungen. 1908. 348 pp. See HEINKE, F. W. C. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Band 2. Abt. 4. 8. (27178) and Ebort, H. Die Elektrophysik und die Theorie des Elektro- magnetismus. Abt. 1-2. 1902-04. See HEINKE, F. W. C. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Bandl. 2 vols. 8. (27178) Hcinrlch, Joseph Placidus. Die Phosphorescenz der Korper, Niirnberg, 1811-15. 2 vols. 4. (38176) Heinricb, Placidus. See HEINRICH, Joseph P. Hcinrlch, R. < >., and Bercovltz, D. Die technischen Messinstrumente. 1908. 92 pp. 1 pi. See HEINKE, C. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Band 2. Abt. 5. 8. (27178) Keinrlch, Reinhart. Diinger nnd Dungen. 5te Aufl. Berlin, 1904. 8. 112 pp. (30653) Heintz. C. Einige Bemerkungen zur Fabrikation vnn Uber- leder. [1894.] 52 pp. See DEUTSCHE GEKBF.R- SCHULE zu FREIBERG : Jahresbericht. 6. K 70 : 889. Heinz, Julius. See DABOVICH, P. E. NautUch-technisches Worterbuch der Marine. Band 1, Erganzung ; Band 2, bearbeitet von J.H. 1900, etc. 8. (5530) Helnze, A. i Der Pferdestall, sein Ban et seine Ausslattuug. Leipzig, 1906. 8. 128 pp. 4 pi. (32040) Heinzerling-, Christian, Ph.D. Uber Chromsaure-Gerbung. 1904. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES : Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 83. pp. 299-328. B 67 P : Kantschuk und Guttapercha. Die Wachstuch- und Linoleumfabrikation. 1898. See BUCH. Das Buch der Erfindnngen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 8. pp. 696-719. 8. (33007) and Fahl, Wilhelm. Untersuchungen fiber die fordernden und schsidigenden Einfliisse der ublichenBeimischungen zu Kantschuk und Guttaperoha, etc. 1891-92. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERB- FLEISSES : Verhandlnngen. Jahrg. 70. pp. 351- 440, 2 tab. ; Jahrg. 71. pp. 25-51. 4 pi. t tab. B67P: 2n HEIN] [HELM Helnzerllngr, Friedrich. " Die Brucken der Gegemvart. Abt. 1. Heft 1. Die Massiv- und Blechbalkenbriicken. 2te Aufl. 1884. 76 pp. 7 pi. 2. Die eisernen Parallelbalkenbrilcken. 2ter Abdruok. 1882. 46 pp. 6 pi. 3. Eiseme BrUcken. 1876. 88 pp. 6 pi. 4. Die eisernen BogenbrUcken. 2ter Ab- druck. 1882. 58 pp. 8 pi. 5. Die eisernen Hang-BrUcken. 2ter Abdruok. 1882. 56 pp. 7 pi. 6. Die eisernen Viaducte. 1887. 130 pp. 6 pi. Abt. 2. 1. Steinerne Durchlasse. Wegbrucken und kleine Flussbrllcken. 2ter Abdruck. 1882. 48 pp. 6 pi. 2. Steinerne BrUcken. 1887. 46 pp. 9 pi. Abt. 3. Die holzernen BrUcken und LehrgerUste. 2ter Abdruck. 1882. 48 pp. 6 pi. Abt. 4. Die beweglichen BrUcken. 1883. 86 pp. 7 pi. Aachen [later] Leipzig, 1876-87. fol. (17841) The same. 2te Aufl. Abt. 1. Heft 1. Biserne BalkeubrUcken mit Massiv- nnd Blechtragen. 1884. 76 pp. 6 pi. 2. Eiserne Balkenbrllcken mit geglie- derten Paralleltragen. 1885.96pp. 6 pi. 3. Eiseme Bogen - Balkenbrticken. 1897. 136 pp. 8 pi. Abt. 2. 1. Dnrchlasse und kleine gewolbte BrUcken. 1891. 90 pp. 6 pi. 2. Steinerne BrUcken. 1900. 100 pp. 7 pi. Abt. 3. HOlzerne BrUcken und LehrgerUste. 1891. 98 pp. 6 pi. . Leipzig, 1884, etc. fol. (23084) In progress. Holzerne Brucken. 1880. See HEUSINGER VON WALDEQG, E. Handbuoh der Ingenieurwissen- schaften. Band 2. Abt. 1. pp. 283-339. pi. 18- 20. 8. (15500) The sime. 1886. Ibid, 2te Aufl. Band 2. Abt. 1. pp. 375-458. pi. 20-23. 8. (22393) The game. 1899. See HANDBUCH. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften. 3te Aufl. Band 2. Abt. 1. pp. 352-445. pi. 21-25. 8. (27558) Heiso, F. Spren mit bes. ] . le 1904. toffe und Ziindang der Sprengschiisse eriicksicht. der Sohlagwetter- und Koh- auf Steinkohlengruben. Berlin. 252pp. (30654) Heiss, Hugo. Set CASH, C. Our slaughter-house system. And the "German abattoir," by H.H. 1907. 8. (34942) Das Betauben der Scblachttiere mittels blitz- artig-wirkender Betaubungsapparate. Leipzig. 1904. 8. 94pp. (31518) Helsa, Philip. Bierbrauerei. SeeLEYSER, E. Die Bierbrauerei. 9te Aufl. von Heiss : Bierbrauerei. 1893. 8. (16310) Kelene, Maxime. La Poudre a canon et les nouveaux corps ex- plosifs. (Biblioiheque des Merveilles.) Paris, 1878. sm. 8. 326 pp. (38414) Holf'enbergrer Annalcn. Band 1, etc. Dresden, 1886, etc. 8. K 23 : 886. Editors : " Papier und chemischer Fabrik E. Diete- rioh in Helfenberg," 1886-95; K. Dieterich, 1890, tie. H. A course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy. Published by B. Robinson. 2nd ed. Londan, 1743. 8. 414pp. (9935) The same. 3rd ed., by B. Robinson. London, 1755. 8. 414 pp. 11 pi. (34687) The same. 4th ed. London, 1767. 8". 414pp. 11 pi. (498) Homardinquer, Oh. See VAI i.Ai'.r.i. i.i'., A. de, and HEMARDINQUER, C. La science au Theatre. 1908. 8. (36367) LesAlliasresm^talliques. Paris, [1908]. sm.8. 48pp. (37582) Hemery, Antoine d'. See EMERY, A. d'. Hemming:, Edward Hughes. Progress in Barrack design. 1900. See ROYAL ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 26. pp. 41-68. 8. F 90 : 844. Hemming 1 , Harry Baird, Bar.-at-law. See SEBASTIAN, L. B. The Law of Trade Marks. 4th ed. by the Author and H. B. H. 1899. 8. (26558) Hempel, Walther Mathias. See SEYFFART, J. Kesselhaus-und Kalkofeu- Kontrole. Genaua Anweisung zur Handhabung der Hempel'schen Apparate, etc. 1898. 8. (25687) . Nene Methode znr Analyse der Gase. Braun- schweig, 1880. 8. 140pp. (1515) Gasanalytische Methoden. 2to Aufl. Braun- schweig, 1890. 8. 382 pp. (22322) The same. 3te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1900. 8 D . 456pp. (27086) Methods of Gas Analysis. From the 2nd Ger- man ed., by L. M. Dennis. London, 189i. sm. 8. 400pp. (22894) The same. From the 3rd German ed., by L. M. Dennis. New York, 1902. sm. 8. 510 pp. (28994) . Untersuchungen der mit konzentrirteu Sauer- stoff (Lindeluft) gewonnenen Generatorgise. 1902. See VEB. ZUR BEFORDERUNO DES GEWERBFLEISSES : Verhandlnngen. Jahrg. 81. pp. 242-267. B 67 P : Vergleichender Bericht iiber eine Experimental- untersuchung, ausgefiihrt zum Zweck dor Prufuag der gebrauohlichsten Verfahrungsweisfn der Bes- timmung des im Eisen enthaltenen Kohlenstoffs, etc. 1893. Ibid. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 72. pp. 460-483. B 67 P : Hemptinne, Alexandra Panl de. Sur 1'action chimique des Efflnves Electriqnes et des Rayons de Rontgen. 1896. 36 pp. See ACAD. ROY. DE BELGIQUE : M^m. in 8. Vol. 55. B 22 : 840. Action dee Vibrations Electriqnes sur quelques substances. 1897. 28 pp. Ibid. Me"m. in 8. Vol. 55. B 22 : 840. Hems. Harry. Wood-carving. 1903. See SUTCLIFFE, G. L. The modern Carpenter, Joiner, etc. Div. vol. 6. pp. 155-174. 4. (30464) 315 2 R 2 HENO] [HENR Henckels, J. A. Ueber die Herstellung der Messer und Soheeren in der Fabdk voa J. A. Henckels in Solingen. Von D. Steroken. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES : Verhandlnngen. Jahrg. 79. pp. 127-148. 2 pi. B 67 P : Henderson, Geo. E. American text-book of Lithography. Indiana- polis, Iml., 1906. 8tn. 8. 246 pp. 1 pi. (34119) Henderson, John, of Kingkerswell, S. Devon. The Chinese Potato : or, the Dinscorea Batatas, and Holcus Saccharatut. London, 1855. 8. 40pp. 2 pi. (35974) Henderson, John, Translator. See MALO, L. On asphalte roadway?. Trsl. J. H. 1886. 8. (34476) Henderson, Robert. A treatise on the breeding of Swine, and curing of Bacon ; with hints on agricultural subjects. 2nd ed. Leith, 1814. 8. 146 pp. 2 pi. (37279) Henderson, Win., M.I). See RASPAIL, F. V. A new system of organic chemistry. Trsl., etc., W. H. 1834, etc. Henderson, Win. - On the manufacture of Carpeting. 1864. See ARMSTRONG, W. G., Baron. The industrial re- sources of the Tyne, Wear, and Tees. 2nd ed. pp. 228-243. 8. (13285) Hendley, Thos. Holbein. See INDIA, Govt. of (Revenue Dept.). Jeypore enamels. By 8. 8. Jacob and T. H. H. 1886. fol. (31837) Henfrey, Arthur. See STOCKHARDT, J. A. A familiar exposition of the chemistry of agriculture. From the German, by A. H. 1855. sm. 8. (35020) Henkel, Alice. American Mediciual bark*. 1909. 60 pp. See U.S. DEPT. or AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 139. J 29 PI : . American Root Drugs. 1907. 80 pp. 7 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 107. J 29 PI : Peppermint. 1905. 16 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 90. Part 3. J 29 PI : Weeds used in Medicine. 1904. 48 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 188. J 29 Fa : Wild Medicinal Plants of the United States. 1906. 76 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 89. J 29 PI : Henfclngr, H. Austernknltur und AusternSscherei in Nord- Amerika. 1907. 206 pp. 19 pi. See DEUTSCHE SEEFISCHEREI- VEREIN, Abhandlungen. Band 10. H 58/897. Die Garneelenfischerei an der Oldenburgischen und Preussischen Kiiste bis zum Dollart in 6 Be- richten. Von H H., etc. 1900. 86 pp. 8 pi. Ibid. Abhandlungen. Band 5. H 58/897. Hennebergr, Ernst. Geschichte des Vereins deutscher Fabriken f euer- fester Prodnkte E.V. zusammengestellt aus Veran- lassung des 25 jahriaen Bestehens im Auftrage des Vorstandes vou E. H. 1881-1906. Freien- walde a. 0., 1906. 4. 64 pp.- (38671) Henneberg 1 , Johann Wilbelm Julius. Zur Kenntniss der Milchsaurebakterien der Brennereimaische, der Milch, des Bieres, der Press- hefe, etc. Ex : " Zeitschrif t fiir Spiritnsindustrie." 1903. Berlin, 1903. 4. 52 pp. 2 pi. (31519) Hennebergr, W. See HENNEBERG, Johann Wilhelm Julius. ZZennebert, Eugene, Lieut.-Col. L'Artillerie de Bange. Paris, 1885. 8. 32 pp. (36197) HenneblQue, Francois. See MOUCHEL, L. G. The Hennebique ferro- concrete system. [1902, etc.'] Hennegruy, Felix. Insectesutilesetleursproduits. Insectes nuisibles et v6gan Chas., M.D. Du K:ii-in et de ses applications tMrapeutiques. Etudes sur . . . ampelotherapie. Paris, 1865. 12. 362 pp. (38274) Recherches i-conomiques sur le Son ou 1'ecoree da Kroment et des autres Graiaes (Jt'reale*. Paris, 1833. sm. 8. 36 pp. (34318) Herrc, O. Die Auwendung des ueberhitzten Dampfes im Dampfnmschinenbecriebe. Ei : " Dinner's Poly- techn. Journal," Band 312. Stuttgart, [1899]. fol. 42 pp. (27088) Bewegung.flnechanism. Regulatorea. Vorricht- nngen zum Messen und Wiigen. [1907.] 120pp. 1 pi. See UHLAND, H. Handbueh ftir die Mas- chinankonstrukteur. Band 1. Heft 2. Abt. 1. 4. (32476) Moderne Dampf kesselfeuerungen. Er : " Ding- ler's Polytechn. Journal," Bind 315. llittweida, 1901. 4. 22pp. (27741) Herrick, Albert B. Modern Switchboards and the appliances used thereon. (Cutter Electrical, etc., Co.) Philadelphia, 1898. 4. 154pp. (25414) Kerrlok, Rufus Frost. Denatured or Industrial Alcohol. New York, 1907. 8. 526 pp. 1 pi. (34169) Herrick, Wm. Hale. See CLASSEN, A. Quantitative chemical analyis by Electrolysis. From the German by W. H. B. 1887, etc. Herring', Richard. , . Mr. Herring and the Telegraphs. [Improved method of recording telegrams.] [Letters Patent No. 2845 of 1 8 70.] London, [ 1 874] . sm. 4. 40 pp. (33730) ... A Lecture on personal experiences of English Departmental Government. [Herring's Telegraph printing instrument and the Post Office.] London, 1877. sin. 8. 30 pp. (28108) A practical guide to the varieties and relative values of Paper, illustrated with samples of nearly every description. London, 1860. 4. 36pp. 2 pi. 234 specimens. (36693) Herrmann, Carl. Geschichte der Setzmaschine, etc. Wien, [1900]. 8. 164 pp. (27556) Uber Setzmascbinen . . . "Linotype," ' Typograph," " Monoline," " Thome," und " Kas- tenbein," etc. 2te Aufl. Ex : " Oesterr. Ungar. Buchdrucker-Zeitung." Wien, 1899. 8. 30 pp. (26865) Die Stereotypie. Ibid. Wien, 1900. 8. 30 pp. (27557) The same. 2te Aufl. Mit Anhang : Die zehn Gebote der Negativ- und Relief stereotypie. Leipzig, [1904]. 8. 40pp. (32085) Herrmann, Carl Compare, Conjurer, See BURUNGAME, H. J. Herrmann the Great, etc. [1897.] sm. 8. (37377) Herrmann, F. Uber ein neues Verfahren zur Vergoldung auf nassemWege. 1906. See VEHEINZURBEFODERUNG DEB GEWERBFLEISSES : Sitzungsberichte. Band 85. pp. 7-16. B67P: 319 HERR] [HERZ Herrmann, F. C. Small Reservoirs in Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota. 1907. 100 pp. 8 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE : Expt. Station Bulletin 179. J 29 : 889. Herrmann, Gustav. See WEISBACH, L. J. Lehrbuch der Ingenieur- nnd Maschinen-Mechanik. Hrsg. G. H. Theil iii. 1876, etc. Die graphische Theorie der Turbinen und Kreisel- pumpen. 1884. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DBS GEWERBFLEISSES : Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 63. pp. 307-379 and 521-580. 7 pi?. B 67 P : The same. Another copy. Berlin, 1887. 8. 220pp. 7 pi. (21022) Die Zahnflachenund ihre automatisohe Erzeu- gung. 1877. Ibid. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 56. pp. 61-110. 6 pis. B 67 P : Herrmann, Ludwig. See GNOM (Der). Red. L. H. 1898-1901. G 63/898. Herron, James. A practical description of Herron's patent Trellis Railway structure . . . with account of the process of Kyanizing Timber : and the recent dis- coveries of M. Boucherie. Philadelphia, 1841. 4. 58 pp. 4 pi. (28046) Herschel, Clemens. Frontinus, and his II books on the Water supply of the City of Rome. A.D. 97. Lecture by C. H. 1894. See CORNELL (Univ.): Assoc. of Civil En- gineers. Trans. Vol. 2. pp. 13-53. E 12 Cor : Herschel, (Biographical.) - See ARAGO, F. Biographies of distinguished Scientific men. 1857. pp. 167-195. 8. (2920) Memoir of Sir J. F. W. Herschel. By N. S. Dodge. 1871. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : Report 1871. pp. 109-135. B 13 S : 847. A synopsis of the Scientific writings of Sir W. Herschel. By E. S. Holden and C. S. Hastings. 1880. Ibid. Report 1880. pp. 509-622. B 13 S : 847. Herschell, Geo., M.D. Soured milk and pure cultures of Lactic Acid Bacilli in the treatment of disease. London, 1909. 8. 36 pp. 1 pi. (38556) Horsen, C., and Hartz, R. Die Fernsprechtechnik der Gegenwart. (Ohne die Selbstanschluss - Systeme.) 1909, etc. See TELEGRAPHEN-UND FERNSPRECHTECHNIK IN EIN- ZELDARSTELLUNGEN 5, etc. D 60 : 906. Hersent, Georges. Re'publique Argentine. Port du Rosario. 1904. 8S pp. 6 pi. See SOCIETE D'ENCOURAGEMENT. etc. Me"moires No. 2. 4. B 76 En : a. Hertev, Christian A. The action of Sodium Benzoate on the human body. 1909. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE. The influence of Sodium Benzoate on the nutrition and health of man. pp. 565-784. 8. (38661) Herter, M. Zucbt, Fiitterung und Haltung des Schweins in Nordamerika. Nach dem original des G. M. Rom- mel. 1905. 70 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELL,- SCHAFT : Arbeiteu. Htf t 102. J 23 : 894. i, Sir John Frederick Wm., Bart. Hertllngr, Ph. von, Engineer and Patent Agent. Ubersichtliche Zusammenstellung der wesent- lichen Bestimmungen aus den Patentgesatzen der Hauptkulturstaaten. Berlin. 1905. 8". 28 pp. (32524) Herttwlgr, Christoph. Neues . . . Berg-Buch, besteheud in sehr vielen und raren Berg-Handeln und Bergwercka- Gebrauchen. Absonderlich aber iiber 200 vorhin iioch nicht edirten . . . Berg-Urtheln und Abschieden. Dresden, etc. 1710. fol. 448 pp. (29890) Herty, Chas. Holmes. A new method of Turpentine orcharding. 1903. 44 pp. 1 6 pi. See U.S. DEI J T. OF AGRICULTURE ; Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 40. J 29 Fo : Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph. See LODGE, 0. J. Signalling across space with- out wire?. Being a description of the work of Hertz, etc. 3rd ed. [1900.] 8. (26725) The principles of Mechanics presented in a new form. Introd. by H. [L. F.] von Helmholtz. Trsl. D. E. Jones and J. T. Walley. London, 1899. 8 D . 304 pp. (26776) Die Versuche von H. Hertz iiber den Zuaammen- hang von Licht und Elektricitat. Von E. Lecher. 1890. See VER. ZUR VERBREIT. NATURW. KENNT- NISSE. Band 30. pp. 349-370. B 19 : 860. Hertz, Paul. Zur Theorie des Saitengalvanometers. (Thesis.) Leipzig, 1909. 8. 74 pp. (38523) Herve', Henri. Cerfs-volants et Ballons de Sauvetage maritime. 1901. See ASSOCIATION INTERNAT. DE LA MARINE : Congres de Monaco, 1901. pp. 179-224. F 82: 901. Herve', Louis. Le Memorial Agricole de 1867, ou 1'Agriculture a Billancourt et an Champ-de-Mars. Paris, 1867. 4. 384 pp. (34553) Herz, Walter Georg. Chemische Verwandtschaftslehre. Die Lehre von den Gleichgewichten in homogenen und hetero- genen Systemen, etc. 1903. See SAMMLUNG CHEM. UND CBEM.-TECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 8. pp. 351- 408. K 1 : 896. Ueber die Molekulargrosse der Korper im f esten und fliissigen Aggregatszustande. 1899. Ibid. Bind 4. pp. 377-420. K 1 : 890. Die Lehre von der Reaktionsbeschleunigung durch Fremdstoffie (Katalyse). 1906. Ibid. Hand 11. pp. 103-144. K 1 : 896. Pbysikalische Chemie als Grundlage der ana- lytischen Chemie. 1907. 114 pp. See CHEMISCHE ANALYSE. Band 3. 8. K 18 : 907. Ueber die wichtigsten Beziehungen zwischen der chemischen Zusammensetzung von Verbindungen und ihrem physikalischen Verhalten. 1898. See SAMMLUNG CHEM. UND CHEM.-TECHN. VORTRAOE. Band 3. pp. 233-296. K 1 : 896. Herzbergr, Wilhelm. Papier-Pruf ung. Berlin, 1888. 8. 94 pp. 2 pi. (21094) The same. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1902. 8. 154 pp. 16 pi. (29015) The same. 3te Aufl. Berlin. 1907. 8. 224pp. 17 pi. (35713) 320 HERZ] [HEUS Herzl'eld, Alexander. See VEREIN DER DEUTSCHEX ZUCKER-FABRIKA- TION. Experimental- Dnterauchungen a. d. G. der Zuckerfabnkation . . . 1887-1903. Von A. H. 1904. 8 J . (31586) Die cbetnische Beschaffenheit des Nesselharzes. 1888. See VEREIN ZUR BEFURDERUNG DES GEWERB- FLEISSES. Vsrhandlungen. Jahrg. 67. pp. 183- 191. B67P: Kerzfeld, J., Ph.D., and Korn, Otto. Cbe-uie der seltenen Erden. Berlin, 1901. 8. 218 pp. (27706) Kerzfeld, Jacob. Die tecbnische Pruf ung der Game und Gewebe. (Mechaniich-technische BMiothek.) Wien, 1896. 8. 168 pp. (25449) The Technical Testing of Yarns and Textile Fabrics. Trsl. C. Salter. London, 1898. 8. 222 pp. (26260) Herzogr, Josef. Elektrischer Antrieb von Lasthebemaschinen. Von C. Feldman und J. H. 1908. See HEUSINOER VON WALDEOO, E. Handbucb der Ingenieurwis- tenscbaften. 2tc Aufl. Theil 4. Band 3. pp. 173-276. 8. (22393) and Feldmann. C. Handbuch der elektrischen Beleuchtung. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1901. 8". 632 pp. 5 pi. (27707) Herzogr, Siegfried. See HERZOO'S ELEKTROTECHNISCHES JAHRBDCH. Hrsg. S. H. 1909, etc. D 52 : 909. See SCHWEIZERISCHE ELEKTROTECHNISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT. Hr#g. S. H. 1904, etc. D 51/904. See TECHNISCHE ABHANDLUNQEN ACS WISSEN- SCHAFT, etc. Hrsg. 8. H. 1904, etc. E 20 : 904. Elektromechanische Anwenduugen. Leipzig, 1907. 8. 428 pp. (35045) Herzog-'s Elektrotechniachea Jahrbuch. Jahrg. 1, etc. Stuttgart, 1909, etc. 8. D 52 : 909. Editor: S. Herzog. Heaekicl, Adolf, &. Co., Berlin. See PHOTOORAPHISCHE BERICHTE. Hrsg. A. H. & Co. 1900-1906. All: 900. Heae, A. H. Hochbau. 1908. See UHLAND, W. H. Hand- buch fur den prakt. Maschinen-Konstrukteur. 2te Aufl. Band 5. Teil 1. pp. 1-32. (32476) Hess. August. . Melioratiouen (landwirthecbaftliche Verbes- serungen). 1900. See HANDBUCH. Handbuch der Ingenieurwisenscbaf ten. 3te Aufl. Band 3. Abt. 2. Halfte 1. pp. 1-86. 8. (27558) Hess, Enos H. Dairy Feeding as practiced in Pennsylvania. 1896. 126 pp. See PENNSYLVANIA : Deft, of Agriculture. Bulletin 16. J 30 P : b. Hess, Frank L. The Maonesite deposits of California. 1908. 68 pp. 12pl. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL. SURVEY. Bulletin 355. G 30 : 883. The Bampart Gold Placer Region, Alaska. By L. M. Prindle and F. L. H. 1906. 54 pp. 7 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 280. G 30 : 883. Hesse-Darmstadt : Landw. Vereine. Zeitschrift. Jahrg. 45, etc. Darmstadt, 1875, etc. J 23 : 875. Publication : Weekly. Title varied: Hessische Landw. Zeitschrift. 1900, etc. 34222 Hease, Friedrich. Die Cbromolithographie, mit bes. Borucksicht. der modernen, auf photographischer Grundlage beruhenden Verfahren und der Technik dws Aluminiumdrucks. 2tn Aufl. Halle a. S. [1904-] 1906. 8. 400pp. 20 pi. (31502) Hosser. Wilbelm. Die Fabrikation der Trikotwaren-sowie Strurapf- waren und deren Kalkul.ition. (Ghent. techn. Bibliothek.) TFen,[1903]. sm.8 J . 2^6 pp. (29182) Hesslacbe landwirthschaftliohe Zclt- achrlft. See HESSE-DARMSTADT : Landio. Vereine. Zeitschrift. 1900, etc. J 23 : 875. Houbach, Julius. Der Drehstrommotor. Berlin, 1903. 8. 474 pp. Ipl. (30321) Theorie der kompensierten Asynchronmasehine. 1904. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTROTECHN. VORTRAGE. Bai>d 6. pp. 1-62. D 51 : 896. Der Wechselstrom-Serien-Motor. 1903. Ibid. Band 4. pp. 1-54. D 51 : 896. Heumann, Karl K. Die Anilinfarben und ihre Fabrikation. Braun- schweig, 1888-1906. 4 vols. in seven. 8. (21522) Anleitung zum Experimentiren bei Vorlesungen iiber anorganische Chemie. Braunschweig, 1876. 8. 702pp. (1167) The same. 3te Aufl. von O. Kiihling. Braun- schweig, 1904. 8. 849 pp. (30656) Keun, Karl. Die kinetiscben Probletne der wissenschaftlichen Technik. Ex : " Jabresbericht der deatsshen Mathematiker - Vereiuiganc." Band 9. Leipzig, 1900. 8. 130pp. (27346) Heurteau, Chas. E. Les Charbons Gras de la Pensylvanie et de la Virginia Occidentale. 1903. See ANNALES DBS MINES. lOe Se"rie. Tome 3. pp. 379-473. 1 p^i G 64 : 816. L'industrie du Petrole en Calif ornie. 1903. Ibid. lOe SiSrie. Tome 4. pp. 215-249. 1 pi. G 64 : 816. Heuslng'er von WaldegrgT, Edmund. Handbuch der Ingeniourwissenschaften. 1, Vor- arbeiten, etc. ; 2, Briickenbau ; 3, Wasserbau ; 4, Baumascbinen ; 5, Eisenbahnbau. Leipzig, 1880, etc. 8. (15500) Band 5 in progress. The same. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1882, etc. 8. (22393) Band 5 in progress. For subsequent editions, see HAI7DBCCH. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissen- schaften. Handbnch fiir specielle Eisenbahn-Technik. 2, Der Eisenb-ihn-Wagenbau ; 3, Der Locomotivbau ; 5, Ban nnd Betrieb der Secundar- und Tertiar- bahnen. Leipzig, [1869-11878. 3 vols. 8. (15055) The same. 2te Ann. 1, Der Eisenbabnbau ; 2, Der Eisenbahn-Wagenbau ; 3, Der Locomotivbau ; 4, Die Technik des Betriebes. Leipzig, 1871-82. 6 vols. 8. (32528) Die Ziegel-, Rohren- und Kalkbrennerei, etc. 4te Aufl., von P. Kayser. Leipzig, 1891-92. 2 vols. 8. (22940) The same. 5te Aufl. Theil 1, Ziegel- und Kohrenbrennerei von L. Schmelzer ; 2, Kalkbren- nerei nnd Cementf abrikation von C. Naske. Leipzig, 1901-03. 2 vols. 8. (27925) 321 2 s HEUS] [HIGG Heusler, Friedrich. The Chemistrv of the Terpenes. Trel. ^and enlarged by F. J. Pond. London, 1902. 8 C . 458 pp. (28940) Heuz6, Gustave. Les Cr<5ales alimentaires. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Classe 67. Sect. 1. pp. 1-37. 8. (13828) Matidres Fertilisantes. (Cours d 'agriculture pratique. Tome ii.) 3e e"d. Versailles, 1857. 8. 692pp. (37693) ' - Lea Plantea lgumieres cultive'es en plein champ. 2e 6d. (Cours d' agriculture pratique.) Paris, 1898. 12. 384 pp. (25472) La Pratique de I'Agriculture. (Ibid.) Paris, 1891. 2vols. 12. (23426) Produits agricoles non alimentaires. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rapport du Jury International. Classe 41. pp. 613-706. 8. (29967) Rapport sur t'espfeee porcine. 1882. 10 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Ministere de I' Agriculture, etc. Rapports. Classe 80. 8. (25811) Hewitt, Abram S. The production of Iron and Steel in its economic and social relations. 1868. 184 pp. 1 pi. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol.2. 1870. 8. (33124) Hewitt, Peter Cooper. See COOPER HEWITT ELECTRIC Co. The Hewitt mercury vapour lamp. [1903.] 8. (30368) Hewlett, Richard Tanner, M.D. A manual of Bacteriology, clinical and applied. Appendix on bacterial remedies, etc. London, 1898. 8. 448pp. (25597) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1902. 8. 546 pp. 20 pi. (28941) Heyland, Alexander. Eine Methode zu experimentellen Untersuch- ungen an Induktionsmotoren. 1900. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTROTECHNISCHER VORTRAGE. Band 2. pp. 39-76. D 51 : 896. Heyn, E. Bericht uber die mikroskopische Untersuchung der . . . Legierungen. 1904. SeeVERElNZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhand- lungen. Jahrg. 83. pp. 355-397. 31 pi. B 67 P : " Heyne, Benjamin, M.D. Tracts, historical and statistical,' on India . . . also, an account of Sumatra. London, 1814. 4. 462pp. (29954) Heyne, Paul. Praktisches Worterbuch der Elektrotechnik und Chemie in deutscher, englischer und spanischer Sprache. Mit bes. Beriicksicht. der modernen Mas- ehinen-Technik, G-iesserei und Metallurgie. Dres- den, 1898-1900. 3 vols. 8. (26118) Heyse, Johann Christian August. Fremdworterbuch. Neu bearbeitet . . . von C. Bottger. 3te Stereotyp-Aufl. Leipzig, 1875. 8. 892 pp. (26825) Hibberd, Shirley. Home-culture of the Water-cress. London, 1878. sm. 8. 52 pp. (25340) Hibbert, Walter. - Electric Ignition for Motor vehicles. London, 1907. sm. 8. 128 pp. (33249) Hick, John, C.E. - Self Help. (Lecture.) Bolton. 1852. 8. 32 pp. (38653) Hicktnan, Richard W. - The dehorning of Cattle. 1909. 14 pp. See U.S. DEPT OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 350. J 29 Fa : - Scabies in Cattle. 1902. 24 pp. Ibid. Far- mers' Bulletin 152. J 29 Fa : Hicks, Gilbert H. - Grass Seed and its impurities. 1898. See U.S. DEPT. or AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1898. pp. 473-494. 5 pi. J 29 : 849 b. - Oil-producing Seeds. 1895. Ibid. Year-book. 1895. pp. 185-204. J 29 : 849 b. Pure Seed investigation. 1894. Ibid. Year- book. 1894. pp. 389-408. J 29 : 849 b. - and Dabney, J. C. -- The superior value of large, heavy Seed. 1896. Ibid. Year-book. 1896. pp. 305-322. J29:849b. - and Koy, 8. -- Additional notes on Seed testing. 1897. "Ibid. Year-book. 1897. pp. 441-452. J 29 : 849b. Hide and Leather. - Modern American Tanning. Compiled from original articles ... in " Hide and Leather." Chicago, 1902. 8. 292 pp. (29176) Kldlen, Auguste. Materiel et preceded des exploitations rnrales. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900 : Rapport du Jury International. Classe 35. pp. 1-258. 8. (29967) Hieaemann, Martin. - How to attract and protect wild Birds. Trsl. E.S.Buchheim. London, 1908. 8. 90pp. (37745) Hlgrgrinbottom, John, F.R.S., F.R.C.S. - An essay on the use of the Nitrate of Silver ; in the cure of Inflammation, Wounds, and Ulcers. 2nd ed. London, [1829]. 8. 204 pp. (28S08) Addendum slip, dated 1863, inserted. Hlg-gins, Bryan, M.D. - See PRIESTLEY, J. Philosophical Empiricism : containing remarks on a charge of plagiarism re- specting Dr. H - s. 1775. 8. (34468) Hig-jrins, James Edgar. - The Banana in Hawaii. 1904. 54 pp. 1 pi. See HAWAII AGRIC. EXPT. STATION. Bulletin 7. J 30 Hi : 901. - Citrus Fruits in Hawaii. 1905. 32 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 9. J 30 Hi : 901. - The Mango in Hawaii. 1906. 32 pp. 10 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 12. J 30 Hi : 901. - Marketing Hawaiian fruits. 1907. 44pp. 8 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 14. J 30 Hi : 901. Biggins, Sydney H. - See MANCHESTER (Univ.). Dyeing in Germany and America. Report by S. H. H. 1907. 8* (34268) g, Win. Mullinger. - The Experimental Philosopher. London, 1838. sm. 8. 496 pp. (37912) 322 HIGG] [HILL Description of a Bath, 1838. 8. Hig-g-lns, Wm. Mullinger coiil. The philosophy of Sound, and history of Music. London, 1838. sm. 8. 264pp. 1 pi. (29152) With additional title "The Philosophy of Sound and Musical Composition." Bigrh. The high antiquity of Balloons and Aeria! voy- ages proved. By an Experienced Aeronaut, n.p. P finitely i.rintcd. [c. 1820.] 8 J . 12 pp. See NORMAN, G. J. Aeronautic! Illustrata. Vol. viii. fol. (5834) Hierh Court of Justice, England. Roles of the Supreme Court. Procedure in actions for infringements of Patents and under the Patents and Designs Act, 1907. [London, 1908.] 8 Q . 10 pp. (36136) Hig-xnan, Wm. Henry. Thoughts on Shipwrecks. newly -in vented Life-buoy, etc. 32 pp. front. (30760) Hig-nette, . . Materiel Agricole. 1898. See Sociiffc DES iNOfiMEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantcnairo. 1848-98. pp. 480-492. 8. (25483) Hildebrandt. A. Die Luftschiffahrt nach ihrer geschichtlichen und gesjenwartigen Entwicklung. Miinchen, 1907. 8. 432pp. 2 pi. (35046) Airships past and present. Trsl. W. H. Story. London, [1908]. 8. 380 pp. 1 pi. (35590) Blldebrandt, H. Lubrbnch der Metallhuttenkunde. (Grundriss des Maschinenbauen, 2.) Hannover, 1906. 8. 548 pp. (33207) Hildebrandt, Paul. Das Spielzeug im Leben des Kindes. Berlin, 1904. 8. 440 pp. (31522) Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar. Origin, value, and reclamation of Alkali Lands. 1895. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Year- book. 1895. pp. 103-122. 1 pi. J 29 : 849b. Report on the Geology and Agriculture of the State of Mississiopi. Jackion, Miss., 1860. 8. 418pp. 3 pi. (38223) Uilg-ard, Julias Erasmus. On Tides and Tidal action in Harbors. 1874. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : Report 1874. pp. 207-226. B 13 S : 847. Hllg-er, Albert. See GMELIN, L. Gmelin-Kraut's Handbuch der anoreaniscben Chemie. 7te Aufl. von A. Hilger, etc. 1905, etc. 8. (31421) See JARRESBERICHT UBEK DIE FOETSCHRITTE DEE AGRICULTURCHEMIE. Hrsg. A. H.. 1878-89 ; A. H., etc., 1890-1903. J 1 : 858. Bill, . See ROMME, C. Description des moyens pro- pose's pour supplier en raer i la perte du gouvernail d'un vaisseau . . . Avec des additions du pre- cede" de M. Hill . . . [1848?]. 4. (35940) Kill, Alfred E. See HILL, W. H., and others. A. Stradivari. 1902. 4. (28612) Bill, Arthur F., F.S.A. See HILL, W. H., and others. A. Stradivari. 1902. 4. (28612) 34222 pp. 5 pi. '(36573) London, 1882. 4^. Bill, C. L. Wood paving in the United States. 1908. 24 po. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau- of Forestry. Circular 141. J 29 Fo : c. Bill, Chas S. See BDEL, A. W., and HILL, C. S. Reinforcc-d concrete construction. 1905, etc. See GILLETTE, H. P., and HILL, C. 8. Concrete construction. 1908. 8. (36484) See PRELINI. C. Tunneling. Additions by C. S. H. 1901. 8. (27810) Bill, Edward Jacob, and Clark. J. L. Hill and Clark's patent Boat-lowering and detaching apparatus. [Letters Patent No. 907 of 1875.] London, 1877. 4. 34 pp. The sime. Another ed. 18 pp. (36574) Bill, Geo. C. Marketing Farm produce. 1897. 28 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Farmers' Bulletin 62. J 29 Fa : Practical suggestions for Farm Buildings. 1901. 48 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 126. J 29 Fa : Bill, H. B. The Adulterations and Impurities of Food. [1871.] See MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. Reports. [1871.J pp. 132-159. H23M: The same. [1872.] Ibid. Report 4. 1872.] pp. 390-394. H 23 M : Bin, J. G. Telephone Transmission. 1906. 30 pp. 6 pi. See INSTITUTE OF P. O. ELECTE. ENGINEERS : [Prof. Papers 2.] D 50 : 906. Bill, Sir John. A general Natural History. London, 1748-52. 3 vols. fol. (9966) Bill, John W. The puriScation of Public Water Supplies. Neio York, 1898. 8. 314 pp. (25354) Bill, Robert T. Notes on the Forest conditions of Porto Rico. 1899. With 15 plates made directly from the wood. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 25. J 29 Fo : Bill, W. Henry, and others. Antonio Stradivari, big life and work (1644- 1737). London, 1902. 4. 320 pp. 32 pi. (28612) Bill, Walter N. Notes on Explosives, and their application in Submarine Warfare. 1875. 60 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. NAVY DEPT.: (Ordnance Bureau). Papers. [No. 13.] F83:b. Blllebrand, Wm. Francis. The analysis of Silicate and Carbonate Rocks. 1907. 200 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 305. G 30 : 883. Praktische Anleitung zur Analyse der Silikatges- teine nach den methoden der Geologischen Lande- sanstalt der Yereinigten Staaten. Nebst Einleitung "Einige Prinzipien der petrographisch-chemischeu Forschung " von F. W. Clarke und W. F. Hillebrand. tibersetzt von E. Zschimmer. Leipzig, 1899. 8. 86 pp. (26866) and Allen, E. T. Comparison of a wet and crucible-fire methods for the assay of Gold Telluride Ores, etc. 1905. 32 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 253. G 30 : 883. 323 2 s 2 HILL] [HINE Hillebrand, Wm. Francis cont. and Allen, E. T. Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Rocky Mountains. By W. Cross and W. F. Hillebrand. 1885. 114pp. Ibid. Bulletin 20. G 30: 883. Killer, Edward Geo. Notes on material, construction, and design of Land Boilers. Manchester, 1903. 8. 8* pp. (29819) Working of Steam Boilers. Manchester, 1898. 8. 58pp. 12 pi. (25772) Hilling'er, Heinrich. Die osterreichischen Wasserstrassen. 1902. 38 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVI- GATION INTERIEURE. 9e Consrres. 1902. Sect. 1. Communication 11. [21.] F43 : 888. and others. Ueber die Einrichtung eine* regelmassigen Betriebes auf kunstlichen Wasserstrassen. 1897. 36 pp. See DEUTSCH-OESTERREICHISCH-UNGARI- SCHER VERBAND FUR BINNENSCHIFFAHRT. Ver- bands-Schriften. No. 15. F 43 : 896. Klllman, F. H. Descriptions of the seeds of the commercial Bluegrasses and their impurities. 1905. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 84. pp. 15-38. J 29 PI : Dodder in relation to Farm Seeds, 1907. 28 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 306. J 29 Fa : Seed of Red Clover and its impurities. By E. Brown and F. H. H. 1906. 24 pp. Ibid. Far- mers' Bulletin 260. J 29 Fa : The Seels of Rescue Grass and Chess. 1902. 4 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 25. J 29 PI : Hills, H. F. i Gas and Gas Fittings . . pas, power-gas, and acetylene. Series.) London, 1902. sm. 8. . coal-gas, water- (Builder Students' i56pp. (28573) Hills, Monson. A short treatise on the operation of Cupping. London, 1832. 12. 88 pp. 3 pi. (36701) Hills, Wm. B., M.D. Report upon Arsenic in Wall-paper and Fabrics. 1892. See MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. 23rd Report. [1890-91.] pp. 701-713. H 23 M : Hlllyard, Clarke. On the present prospects of British Farming. [London, 1849.] 8. 8 pp. (32698) Hillyer, Geo. Public Water Supplies. Address. Ex : " City Government," N.Y., Aug. 1898. 12. 12 pp. (26286) Hiltebeltel, Adam Miller. See GAUSS, K. F. General investigations of curved surfaces. Trsl. J. C. Morehead and A. M. H. 1902. 4. (29210) Hlltner, Lorenz. See NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR LAND- UND FORSTWIRTSCHAFT. Hrsg. K. von Tubeuf und L. H. 1903, etc. J : 903. Uber neuere Erfahrungen und Probleme a. d. G. der Bodenbakteriologie, unter bes. Beriicksicht. rlerGrundiingungundBrache. 1904. See DEUTSCHE L INDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 98. pp. 59-78. J 23 : 894. Himo. Frederick, Lieut.-CoL, R.E. Subaqueous Boring. 1876. See ROY. EN- GINEERS. Prof. Papers. New Ser. Vol. 23. 2 pp. 2 pi. F 90 : 844. Hime. Henry Wm. Lovett, Lieut.-Col., R.A. Gunpowder and Ammunition, their origin and progress. London, 1904. 8. 274 pp. (30561) Himly, Friedrich Carl. De Caoutchouk ejusque destillatiouis siccae productis ec ex his de Caoutchino, novo corpore ex hydrogenio et carboneo composite. (Disserta- tion.) Gottingae, 1835. 8. 122pp. 1 pi. (33010) Himmelwrig-ht, A. L. A. The Pistol and Revolver. New York, 1908. sm. 8. 158 pp. (36684) Himstedt, Franz. Radioactivity. [From the German.] 1906. See SMITHSONIAN INSTFTUTION. Report. 1905-07. pp. 117-130. B 13 S : 847. Hind, Henry Yonle. Essay on the Insects and Diseases injurious to the Wheat crops. Toronto, 1857. 8. 140 pp. (36552) Hind. Jesse W. See KNOX, H.. and HIND, J. W. The law of Copyright in Designs. 1839. 8. (27227) Hinden, Heinrich. Ueber deformierte Wechselstrome mit bes. Btriicksioht. eisengeschlossener Apparate. 1903. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTKOTECHNISCHEU VORTRAGE. Band 4. pp. 413-466. D 51 : 896. Hlndorf, Richard. See SEMLER, H. Die tropiche Agrikultur. 2te Anfl. von R. H. 1901-03. 3 vols. 8. (30177) Hinds, Warren Elmer. Carbon Bisulphid as an Insecticide. 1902. 28 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Far- mers' Bulletin 145. J 29 Fa : The Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil. By W. D. Hunter and W. E. H. 1904. 116 pp. 16 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 45. J 29 E : The same. 1905. 182 pp. 23 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 51. J 29 E : Proliferation as a factor in the natural control of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil. 1906. 46 pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 59. J29E: Hine, James Stewart. Habits and life histories of some Flies of the family Tabanidse. 1906. 38 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Entomology. Tech- nical Series. No. 12. Pt. 2. J 29 E : d. Hinrichs. Gustavus Detlef, M.D. The absolute Atomic weights of the Chemical elements. St. Louit, U.S.A., 1901. 8. 318 pp. 4 pi. (28398) Introduction to general Chemistry. St. Louis, Mo., 1897. 8. 400 pp., [including 80 pi.] (29212) Hinrlchs, J. C., Bookseller in Leipzig. Hinrichs' Fiinf jahrc-Katalog der im deutschen Buchhandel erschienenen Biicher, Zeitschriften, Landkarten, etc. Titelverzeichnis und Sachregister bearbeitet von H. Weise. Band 9, 1891 bis 1895, etc. Leipzig, 1896. etc. 8. AG 60 A consolidation of the weekly and half-yearly indexes obtained for temporary use. 324 HINR] Hinrlchs, \V .1 Ausfuhrune und Unterhaltung der eisjrnen Briicken. 1903. See HANDBUCH. Handbuch der lugenieurwissenschaften. 3te Aufl. Band 2. Abt. 6. pp. 158-368. 9 pi. 8. (27558) Hinrichsen, Frieir. Willy. . Ueber den gegenwtirtigen Stand der Valenzlehre. 1902. See SAMMLUNQ CHEM. UNO CHEM-.TECIIN. VORTRAGE. Band 7. pp. 189-282. K 1 : 896. Hlnson. Walter M. Experiments in growing Cuban Saed Tobaoco m Texas. By G. T. McNess and W. M. H. 1905. 44 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 27. J 29 S : Hinton. Henry L. See NATIONAL FIRE-PROOFING Co. [Handbook.] Abridged ed. Compiled by H. L. H. 1903. sm. 8 . (30549) Hinton, J. W. Organ Construction. London, 1900. 4 . 174 pp. 14 pi. (27397) Hinton, Richard J. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Report of . . Artesian, etc. investigations. By R. J. H. 1890-91. 8. (26224) Hintragrer, Carl. Die Volkschulhanser, etc. (1) in Schweden, Noriterii'ttitiul KrhlhMon, 1862.] London, 1862. 4. 12 pp. (33492) Hoblyn, Richard Dennis. , A manual of Chemistry. 320 pp. (32416) Hobson, Albert J., Master Cutler. See HANDICRAFTS that survive. Souvenir of the Master Cutlership of A. J. H. [1902.] obi. 8. (29536) Koch, Julius. Feuerschutzturen. Wten, 1908. 8. 128 pp. (36336) Schlosser, Geldschrinke, eiserne Mobel. 1900. See BUCH. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. . Band G. pp. 497-578. 8. (33007) Uochfelden, Brigitta. Das Sticken mit der [1904]. 8 Q . 40pp. 1 pi. Hockin, John Brent. Photography, on Glass and Paper. Reprinted from the "Collodion and positive paper process," . . . [with] addition of the " Negative paper pro- cesses, etc." London, 1854. 12. 34pp. (33731) Hocking:, Wm. John. See MINT, Deputy Master of the. Catalogue of the coins, etc., in the Museum of the Royal Mint. ByW.J.H. 1906, etc. 8. (32372) Hodder, Wm. Morgan. The destruction of Mosquitos. An account of . . . works carried out . . . 1902-03 at St. Lucia, West Indies. Chatham, 1904. 8. 70 pp. 5 pi. (31482) Hodg-etts, J. W. See PABKES, S. Chemical Essays. Ed. 3, etc., revised, etc., by J. W. H. 1830, etc. Hodgkln, John. Transfer printing on Pottery. Part 1. John Sadler, the inventor. Part 2. A catalogue of Liver- pool tiles. Ex : " Burlington Magazine." Vol. 6. pp. 232-234; 315-326. 1904. 4. See WOOD- CROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) i.o. Sadler. Hodsrkinson, Eaton. (1) On the forms of the Catenary in Suspension bridges. [2. The chain bridge at Broughton. 3. A few remarks on the Menai bridge.] Ex " Memoirs of the Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc." 2nd Series. Vol.5. 1828. pp. 354-406. 8. (30137) Impact upon Beams. Ex : " Report of the British Association," 1835. pp. 93-116. London. 1836. 8. (38711) Theoretical and experimental researches to ascer- tain the strength and best forms of Iron Beams. (Ibid.) 2nd Series. Vol. 5. pp. 407-544. {Man- Chester, 1830.] 8. (30138) (Biographical.) Memoir of Eaton Hodgkinson. By R. Rawson. 1865. (Reprint.') 1868. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. Report 1868. pp. 203-230. B 13 S 847. Hodg-Bon, Frederick Tho. - Thj Hardwood Finisher. 2nd ed. 1901. sm. 8 5 . 110pp. (21)673) New York, Hodsraon, James, - The hws of Stenographic Projection. 1723. See ROYAL SOCIETY. Miso. Curiosa. Vol. 2. 8. pp. 362-72. B 1:723. Hodfrson, R. R. - Chemistry of the Mine, or the Miners' pocket companion. London, 1881. s:n. 8. 110 pp. 4 pi. (33050) Hodg-son, Richard Broom. - Emery Grinding machinery. London, 1903. tin. 8. 192 pp. (29514) Machines and Tools employed in the workiag of Sheet metal?. Manchester, 1903. sm. 8. 322 pp. (30280) Hortson, Chas. Wm. . ___ Note on grade compensation for Curve resist- ance. [1901.] 18 pp. 3 pi. S INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.) Technical Section. Paper No. 98. E23/ Notes on the relation of Wheel diameter to Axle loads and its effect on Haulage power. By F. J. E. Spring and C. W. H. [1902.] 14 pp. Ibid. Paper No. 120. E 23/ - On the revised Bridge rules of 1903. [1904.] 96 pp. 17 pi. Ibid. Paper No. 122. E 23/ Sulivan's staging for erection of Girders. [1902.] 4 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Paper No. 125. E 23/ Hodson, E. R. - Rules and specifications for the grading of Lumber adopted by the various lumber manufactur- ing Associations of the United States. 1906. 128 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 71. J 29 Fo : Hodson, Horace Malcolm. - See SMITH, R. H. Commercial economy in steam, etc., power-plants. Diagrams by H. M. H 1905. 8. (31615) Hoe, Robert. - A short history of the Printing Press, etc. New York, 1902. 8. 92 pp. (29935) Hober, Rudolf Otto Anselm. Physikalische Chemie der Zelle und derGewebs. Leipzig, 1902. 8. 356 pp. (29122) Hofer, Hans. - Das Erdol (Petroleum) und seine Verwandten. 1888. 192 pp. See BOLLEY, P. A. Handbuch der chem. Technologic. Band 1. Gruppe 2. Abt. 2. Theil 1. Lief. 1. 8. (16252) - The same. [ With new title only.] Braunsch- weig, 1888. 8. 194 pp. (.21913) - The same. 2te AuB. 1906. 296 pp. See BOLLEY, P. A. Handbnch der chem. Technologic. N. F. Lief. 14. 8. (16252) Hoefer, Johann Christian Ferdinand. - Dictionnaire de Chimie et de Physique. 3e eel., augmented d'nn Supplement. Paris, 1860. sm. 8. 502 pp. (35341) Hotter, E. - Sachliche Wurdieung der in Deutschland er- theilten Patente. Ueber Flechtmaschinen. 1885. See VEBEIN zus BEFORDEKUKO DBS GEWERB- FLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 64. pp. 23-52; 75-100. B67P- 327 HOEF] [HOFF Hofflmayr, Martin, and Priickner, C. P. Die Fabrikation des Blausalzes, oder des krystallisirten Kalium-Eisen-Cyaniirs im Grossen. Hof, 1837. 8. 84 pp. 1 pi. (36975) Hoelinsrhott', H. Haobliche Wurdieung der in Deutschland erteil- ten Patente. Die Plomben. 1881. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNO DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 60. pp. 403-486. B 67 P : Bofler, Alois. - Natnrlehre, etc., Unter Mitwirkung von E. Maisa und F. Poske. Braunschweig, 1903. 8. 422 pp. 9 pi. (37935) Hoesrh-G-uldbergr, C. Unndvcerlig Haandbogfpr Enhver, indeholdende stere Tusinde nyttige Anvisninger for Kunstnere, etc. Kjobenhavn, 1867. sm. 8. 740 pp. (36072) Kdgrner, Paul. Lichtstrahlung und Belenchtung. 1906. 76pp. 6 pi. See ELEKTROTECHNIK IN EINZELDARSTEL- LUNGEN. Heft 8. H 51 : 902. Hohnel, Franz Bitter von. Die Gerberinden. Berlin, 1880. 8. 172 pp. (29870) Hochncl, M. Die o&emischen uad physikalischen Eigemchaf- ten der naturlichen Vaseline. Ex : " Pharmaceu- tische Zeitun?," No. 39. 1901. 8. 4 pp. 1 table. (28076) Bok, W. Uber Trunkdeck-Dampfer. 1904. See SCHIFF- BAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jabrbuch. Band 5. pp. 220-237. F 81 : 900. Kolblinsr, Victor. Die Fabrikation der Bleichmaterialien. Berlin, 1902. 8. 290pp. (28349) Fortschritte in der Fabrikation der anorganischen Sauren, der Alkalien, des Ammoniak and verwand- ter Industriezweige. An der Hand der svstematisch geordnetea Patentliteratur. 1895-1903. Berlin, 1905. 8. 770pp. (31523) Xioend Wronakl, J. Machines a Vapenr ; apercu de leur e^at actuel sous les points de vue de la me'canique et de 1'industrie. Avec un supplement. Paris, 1829. 4. 52pp. Ipl. (32307) Koenselaars, Wilhelm. See NOACK, P., and HOENSELAARS, W. Moderne Geschafts-Einrichtungen. [1902.] fol. (29633) Hoepli, Ulrioo, Publisher in Milan. Catalogo cronologico, alfabetico-critico, etc. delle Edizione Hoepli, 1872-96. Milano. [1896]. 8. 510pp. portr. (26824) Koernecke, . Ueber die Sichernngsmassregeln gegen schla- gende Wetter beim Steinkohlenbergbau, etc. 1883. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERB- FLEISSES. Verbandlungen. Jahrg. 62. pp. 337- 405. B67P: Ho ernes, Hermann. Lenkbare Ballons. Leipzig, 1902. 8. 372 pp. 6 pi. (29123) Die Luf tschiffahrt der Gegenwart. Wien, 1903. sm. 8. 280pp. lp!. (29261) Die Planet Luf tschraube. Salzburg, 1907. 8. 22 pp. (35151) H oerachelmann, Emile F. de. Aperfu historique du deVeloppement des Voies Navigables de 1'Euppire de Russie. 1894. 62 pp. 1 pi. See CONORES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 6a Congres. Communications. F 43 : 888. Des principaux Reservoirs etablis en Russie. 1892. 12pp. 15 pi. Ibid. 5e Congres. Question 4. [14.] F 43 : 888. Les Fortes d'&luse a un seul vantail sur les canaux de navigation en Russie. 1898. 8 pp. Ibid. Rapports. Sect. 2. Question 2. F 43: 888. Sur quelques travaux de consolidation des Herges des Uanaux executed en Ruasie. 1892. 12pp. Ibid. 5e Congres. Question 1 [4]. F 43: 888. Hostile, von. - Die alten Papiermuhlen der Freien Reiohsstadt Augsburg, sowie alte Papiere und deren Wasser- zeichen im Stadt-Archiv und der Kreis-und Stadc- Bibliothek zu Augsburg. Augsburg, 1907. sm. fol. 40pp. 37 pi. (35714) Geschichte der alten Papiermuhlen im ehemaligen Stift Kempten und in der Reichstadt Kempten. Kempten, 1900. 4. 110pp. 7 pi. (27923) Boey, D. G. The science of Ventilation. 1890. 20 pp. 4 pi. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 2. F 81 : 889. Boey, Wm. A monograph on Trade and Manufacture in Northern India. Lucknow, 1880. 4. 216 pp. (29945) Bofer, Bruno. Handbuch der Fischkrankheiten. Ex : '' Kgl. Bayer. Biol. Versuchsstation fur Fischerei." Man- chen, 1904. 8. 376 pp. 18 pi. (30709) Bofif. Jacobus Henricus van't. - See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE. Hrsg. \V. Ostwald nnd J. H. van't H. 1887, etc. K 5 : 887. Ansichten Uber die organische Chemie. Braun- schweig, 1881. 2 vols. in one. 8. (27089) La Chimie dans 1'Espace. Rotterdam, 1875. sm. 8. 44pp. 2 pi. (36011) Chemistry in Space. From " Dix Annees dans 1'histoire d'une theorie." Trsl. and ed. J. E. Marsh. Oxford, 1891. sm. 8. 134 pp. 1 pi. (227,56) . Etudes de dynamique chimique. Amsterdam. 1884. 8. 220 pp. (10364) See COHEN, E. Stndien,zur chemischen Dy- namik, nach J. H. v't H's. " Etudes de dynamique chimique." 1896. 8. (36346) La Force Osmotique. [189 ?] See SOCIETE CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. Conferences. 1893-1900. 1903. pp. 1-26. K : 858b. Physical Chemistry in the service of the scieucea. English version by A. Smith. (Chicago Univ. Decennial Publications.) Chicago, 1903. 8. 144 pp. 1 pi. portr. (30591) Theorie der Losungen. 1%0. See SAMMLUNG CHEM. UND CHEM.-TECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 5. pp. 1-30. K 1 : 896. Vorle&ungen fiber theoretische und pb.ysikalis.ue Chemie. Braunschweig, 1898-1900. 3 vols. 8 a . (26119) ^ Lectures on theoretical and physical Chemistry. Trsl. by R. A. Lebfeldt. London, [1898-1900]. 3 vols. 8. (26026) 328 HOFF] [HOFM Hoffman, Friderick. Se<- HOFFMAXX, Friedrich. Hoffmann, . Versuchean Wasserhaltungea. Voa [G.] Bium und H. 1905. 86 pp. See VEKEIX DEUTSCHER IXGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieur- wesens. Heft 23. E13/857b. Hoffmann, Cave August Siegfried. See BERGMAXXISCHES JOURXAL. Hrsg. A. W. Kohltr uad C. A. 8. H. 1792-93. G 63 : 788. Hoffmann, Fr. See GILDEMEISTER, E., and HOFFMANX, F. Die aetherischen Oele. 1899, etc. Hoffmann, Franz. An account of the experimental investigation of Vehicle-resistance carried out in 1884 by the Sixon State Railway. Ex : " Organ fiir die Fortsohritte des Eisenbahnwesens," 1885. Heft 5-6. [1900.] 18 pp. 12 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.). Tech- nical Section. Paper No. 88. E 23/ Hoffmann, Frederick. See PHARMACEUTISCHE RDXDSCHAU, etc. Hrsg. F. H., 1883-95 ; F. H. and E. Kremer, 1896-1900. K 21 : 883. Hoffmann, Friedrich, the Younger. New experiments and observations upon mineral waters. Extracted . . . and illustrated, with notes, by P. Shaw. London, 1731. 8. 245 pp. (36111) . Observationum phyaico-chymicarnm selectiornm Libri 3. Halce, 1722. 4. 428 pp. (38700) A treatise of the extraordinary virtues and effects of Asses' Milk in the cure of various dis- eases. From the Latin of ... F. Hoffmann (tic). London, 1754. 8. 58pp. (31806) Hoffmann, Friedrich. See DEUTSCHE TOPFER-UND ZIEGLER-ZEITUNG. Hrsg. F. Hoffmann. 1901, etc. K 71/901. See DOMMLEK, K. Das Brennen der Ziegel- steine. 2te Aufl. der Abhandlnng : Das Anfeuern und der Betrieb des Ringofens, von F. H. 1904 sm. 8. (30642) Hoffmann, Gnstav Rcinhold. Ueber die Entwickelungder TTItramarin-fabrika- tion von 1862 bis 1873. 1873. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlioher- Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 1. pp. 678-692. 1875. 8. (17109) Ultramarin. Braunschweig, 1902. 8. 160 DD. (28298) Hoffmann, J. F. See BLATTER FUR GERSTEN-, HOPFEN- UND . KARTOFFELBAU. Hrsg. M. Delbruck . . . J. F. H etc. 1900-01. J 62 H : 899. Das Versuchs-Kornhaus und seine wissenschaf t- lichen Arbeiten. Berlin, 1904. 8. 606 DD 8 ol (31136) Hoffmann, Johann J., Prof, of Chinese. See OuKKAKi-MoRiKOUNl. Yo-san-fi-rok. L'art d'elever les vers k soie au Japon. Trad J H 1848. 4. (33681) Hoffmann, Louis, Prof., pseud, [i.e. A. J. Lewis']. See GOOD, A. Magic at home. [From the French], with notes, by Prof. Hoffmann. 1891. 8. (37381) 34222 Hoffmann, Louis cont. The book of Card and Table Games. London, 1893. 644 pp. 8. (23240) The same. 3rd ed., with a section on " Bridge," by A. Dunn. London, 1903. 8. 666 pp. (26547) Card tricks with apparatus. London, [189 ?]. sm. 8. 124 p;. (37384) Conjuring tricks with dominoes, dice, balls, hats, etc. London, 1902. sm. 8. 128 pp. (37385) Later Magic. London, [19041. 8\ 572 pp. (31029) Mechanical puzzles. London, [189 ?]. sm. 8 3 . 152pp. (37386) Modern Magic, llth ed. London, 1901. Re- print of 1st ed. 1876. 8 3 . 526 pp. (31027) More Magic. London, 1893. 8. 570 pp. (31028) Tricks with Cards. London, 1899. sm. 8. 260 pp. (37387) Hoffmann, Max, Engineer. See MASCHINENBAUER, (DER). Hrsg. M. H. 1897-1900. E 31/893. See JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE ERFAHRUNGEN, etc. . . . DER LANDWIRTHSCHAFT. Hrsg. M. H., etc. 1904, etc. J 1 : 901. Bakterien und Hefen in der Praxis des Land- wit tochaftsbetriebes. Berlin, 1899. 8. 126 pp. (26120) Diingungsversuche mit Kalk. 1905. 276 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDWIRTHSCHAFTS-GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 106. J 23 : 894. Mittlere Zusammensetzung der wichtigsten Wirt- schaftsdiinger und Handelsdiinger. 1909. Folded table. Ibid. Arbeiten. Heft 160. J 23 : 894. Hoffmann, Oscir. Qualitatsstahle . . . mit bes. Beriicksicht. des Stables zu Werkzeugen. Krefeld, 1907. 16. 80 pp. (34422) Hoffmann, Reinhold. See HOFFMANN, Gustav Reinhold. Hoffmann, Robert. See JAHRESBERICHT CHEHIE. Hrsg. R. H. . . . DER AGRICULTUR- 1858-64. J 1 : 858. Hoffmann, \V. Macht Linoleum einen warmen Fussboden ? Ex : " Archiv fur Hygiene," Band 68. Munchen, [1908]. 8. 46pp. (38572) Hoffmann, Xia Roche, tft Co., of Bale. Thiocol " Rocbe " (a new soluble Guaiacol de- rivate) (!). F. Hoffmann's patent No. 14,367 (!) London, [1899]. sm. 8. 16 pp. (26325) Hofman, Heinrich Oscar. The metallurgy of Lead and the desilverization of base bullion. 3rd ed. New York, 1893. 8. 424pp. 10 pi. (23573) The same. 5th ed. New York, 1899. 8. 576 pp. 21 pi. (26027) Recent improvements in desilverizing Lead in the United States. [1883-84.] See U.S. GEOLO- GICAL SURVEY. Mineral resources of the U.S. 1883-84. pp. 462-73. G 50 : 882. Hofman-Bangr, Pierre, Patent Agent. See IxTERNATlONAL BUREAU, Copenhagen. Patenter (Eneretsbevillinger) udtagne i Danmark. 1885-89. Udarbejdet af P. H. 1891. 8". (14789) 829 2 T HOFM] [HOKK Hofmann. Albert, Architect. See DEDTSCHE BAUZEITONG. Hrsg. K. E. O. Fritsch und A. H. 1892-1900 ; A. H. etc. 1901- 1908. F 68 : 867. Denkmaler. 1. Geschichte des Denkmales. 2. Denkmaler mit architektonischem oder vorwiegend architektonischem Grundgedanken. [1905.] 840 pp. 26 pi. See DUKM, J. Handbuch der Arcbi- tektur. Theil 4. Halbband 8. Heft 2. 8. (22285) Hofmann, Albert. Die Pi axis der Farbenphotographie naoh dem Dreif irbenprozess. Nach eigenen Methoden. Wies- baden, 1900. 8. 102 pp. (27197) Hofmann, August Wilhelm von, F.R.S. See METROPOLITAN BOABD OP WORKS. Eeport . . . with reference to the quantity of arsenio in perchloricie of iron. By Dr. H., etc. 1860. 8. (32P31) Report on tenders for the supply of perchloride of iron. By Drs. Miller, H., etc. 1860. 8. (32829) Eeport on the deodorization of sewage. By Dr. H., etc. 1859. 8. (32830) Eeport on the use of lime as a disinfectant of sewage. By Drs. Miller, H., etc. I860. 8. (32828) On Ammonia and its derivatives. Ex : " Quar- terly Jl. of the Chemical Society." London, 1859. 8. 116pp. (37057) The Chemical Laboratories ... of Bonn and Berlin. Eeport. Ex : 13th Eeport of the Science and Art Dept. London, 1866. 4. 80 pp. (37066) and others. Die Denaturirung des Spiritus durch Vermisch- ung mit Holzgeist. Von A. W. H., G. Kraemer nnd L. Loewenherz. 1881. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBPLEISSES. Verhandlua- gen. .Jahrg. 60. pp. 557-81. B 67 P : Matieres colorantes driv<3es de la honille. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Eap- ports du Jury International. Classe 44. Sect. 7. pp. 223-305. 8. (13828) (Biographical.) See DEUTSCHE CHEMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Be- richte. Jahrg. 53. Sonderheft. A. W. von Hof- mann. Bin Lebensbild. von J. Volhard und E. Fischer. 1902. 8. K : 868. [Memoirs, by Lord Playf^ir, Sir F. A. Abel, W. H. Perkins, and H. E. Armstrong.] 1893. See CHKMICAL SOCIETY. Memorial Lectures, 1893-1900. pp. 575-732. 8. (30007) A. W. Hofmann. Von E. Benedikt. 1893. See VEREIN ZUR VERBR. NATURW. KENNTNISSE. Band 33. pp. 325-351. B 19 : 860. Hofmann. Carl. Die Fabrikation der Spirituosen-Extracte. lin, [1898?]. 8. 32pp. (25708) Ber- Hofmann, J. Sachliche Wiirdigung der in Deutschland erteil- ten Patents. Klasse 45. Hackselmaschinen. 1882. See VEREIN ZDR BEFORDERDNG DES GEWERB- FLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 61. pp. 107-161. B67P: Hofmann, Karl Andrea. Die radioacdven Stoffe. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 54 pp. (29577) The same. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1904. 8. 76 pp. (31099) Hofmann, Max, Mechanical Engineer. Handbueh der praktischen Werkstatt Meuhinik. Metall- und Holzdreherei. ^fech'inisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1896. 8. 182 pp. (25447) Hofmann, Ottokar. Hydrometallurgy of Silver. New York, 1907. 8. 356 pp. 1 pi. (33806) Hofmelster, Franz. See BEITRAOE ZUR CHEMISCHEN PHYSIOLCGIE, etc. Hrsg. F. H. 1906-08. K 12 : 906. Hofsten, K. von. Trade marks of the Chemical and Mechanical Wood pulp milis in Sweden and Norway. Gothen- burg, 1908. 3 pts. 8. (36359) Hogran, Louise E. History, etc., of instruction in Cooking in the Public Schools of .New York City. 1899. 70 pp. 12 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTCRE. Expt. Station Bulletin 56. J 29 : 889. Hog's 1 , Jabez. Elements of Experimental and Nitural Philo- sophy. London, 1853. 8. 362 pp. (38349) The Microscope : its history, construction, and applications. London, 1854. 8. 456 pp. 15 pi. (32407) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1855. 8. 498 pp. (2863) Trie same. 15th ed. London, 1898. 8. 728 pp. 21 pi. (26077) The Ophthalmoscope. 2nd ed. London, 1858. 8. 148 pp. 1 pi. (37913) A practical manual of Photosraphy, containing a couc:se history of the science, its connection with optici, etc. 4th ed. London, 1853. sm. 8. 76 pp. (25583) Ho; ir, John Eoberta. Notes upn narrow-gauge Eollinj; stock. 1883. SeEoY. ENGINEERS. Prof . Papers. Vol.9, pp. 107- 113. 5 pi. F 90 : 844. Ho^pr. Phillip Granville Hardinge. Silvage and destruction of Shipwrecks. 1904. See EOY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 30. pp. 157-168. F 90 : 844. Hohag-e, Karl. Die elektrische Minenzundung. 1908. S HEINKE, F. W. C. Haudbuch der Elektrotechnik. Band 11. pp. 193-234. 8. (27178) Ueber einige Anwendungen des Elektrometers bei Wechselstrommessungen. 1903. See SAMM- LUNG ELEKTRO-TECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 4. pp. 237-66. D 51 : 896. Hohenlohe-InarelSn^en, Carl August Eduard Friedrich zu, Kraft. Letters on Artillery. Trsl. N. L. Walford. 2nd el London, 1890. sm. 8. 440 pp. 6 pi. (33778) Hokkaido Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Sapporo, Japan. Bulletin 1, etc. [In Japanese language."] Saoporo, 1905, etc. 8. J 40 : Eeport 1, etc. [In Japanese language.! Sapporo, 1905, etc. 8. J 40 : 330 HOLA] [HOLL Kolablrd, Samuel B., U.S.A. The Transport of troops and supplies. 1893. See CHICAGO INTKRXAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F, Military Engineering, pp. 489-98. 8. (24918) Holborn. Ludwig Friedr. Christian. See KOHLKAUSCU, F., and HOLBOHN, L. F. C. Das Leitvermiiuen der Elektrolyte, insbesondere der Losungen. 1898. 8. (26128) and Dittenborg-or, W. Warmedurchgang duroh Heizflaehen. 1901. See VEREIN DEUTSCIIER IXGEXIEUKE. Mittheil- ungen a. d. G. Hes Ingenieurwesens. Heft 2. pp. 56-65. E 13/857b. Kolbrook, Martin Luther, 31. D. See SCHLICKEYSEN, G. Fruit and bread. From tha German by M. L. H. 1877. 8. (34088) HoldoUelss, Friedrich. Neue Versuche iiberdas Ligern des Stalldungers. 1899. See BRESLAU (Kgl. Univ.) : Landw. Institute. Mittheilungen. Band 1. Heft 2. pp. 233-249. J : 899. Ueber die Umsetzungen der Phosphoreaure mineralischer Phosphorite und das Verhalten stick- stoffhaltiger Verbmdungen in humoseii Medien. 1877. See LANDW. JAHRBCCHER. Band 6. Suppt. 1. pp. 159-216. J 23 : 870. Ueber Hie Werthbestimmung der Kartoffeln. 1377. Ibid. Band 6. Suppt. 1. pp. 107-157. 1 pi. J 23 : 870. Weitere Uuter*uchungen iiber den Einfluss der Garung auf den Wert des Heues. [1899.] See BRESLAD (Kgl. Univ.) : Landw. Institute. Mit- theilungen. Band 1. Heft 1. pp. 58-74. J:899. Holdefleiss, J. Eine abgekurzte Methode der Rohfaserbestim- mung. 1877. See LANDW. JAHRB(CHER. Band 6. Suppt. 1. pp. 103-107. J 23 : 870. Holden, Edward Singleton. A catalogue of Earthquakes on the Pacific Coast. 1769-1897. 1898. 258 pp. 5 pi. See SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLLECTIONS. Vol.37. B13S: 862. Earthquakes in California in 1890 and 1891. 1892. 30 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Bulletin 95. G 30 : 883. and Hastings, C. S. A hyuopsis of the scientific writings of Sir W. Horschel. 1880. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1880. pp. 509-622. B 13 8 : 847. Holden, Eustace C. i Notes, tables and other information on Factory Drivinsr. Manchester, [190 ?]. sm. 8. 24 pp. (32265) Holden, Henry. Flat-foot or Splay-foot (Valgus). 4th ed. London, 1905. 8. 16 pp. (30975) Holden, Sir Isaac. See MASHAM, S. C. Lister, Baron. The square motion combing machine : its origin. Corre- spondence between S. C. Lister and I. H. I" 1872- 86.] 8. (28755) Holden, J. See HOUZEAU, J., and others. Mdmoire snr un projet depuration des eaux . . . par MM. Houzeau, Devedeix et J. H. [1867 ?] 8. (34770) W222 Holder, William., D.D. A treatise on the natural ground*, and principles of Harmony. London, 1694. sm. 8. 212 pp. 2 pi. (33051) Kolderness Agricultural Society. Extracts from the Minutes of the H. A. S., 1795-1850. Kingston-upon-Hull, 1883. 8 3 . J 5 : 795. Holdlcb, Benjamin. An essay on the Weeds of Agriculture . . . also practical remarks on their destruction . . . Ed. G. Sinclair. London, 1825. 8. 94 pp. Post- humous work. (34416) Holdicb, Sir Ttios. Hungerford. Geographical Surveying. 1887. See ROY. ENQINEEBS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 13. pp. 207- 246 ; 3 pi. F 90 : 844. Holdsworth, Joseph. - On the extension of the English Coal-fields beneath the secondary formations of the Midland counties. Also, does Coal 'exist near London ? geologically considered. London, 1866. 8". 112pp. (36699) Hole, Walter. The distribution of Gas. London, [1907]. 8. 706 pp. (35651) Koll, Wm. See ANALYST (The). A 40 : 834. Ed. W. H., etc. 1837. Holland, John. . See TREATISE. A treatise on the progressive improvement ... of the manufactures in metal. [By J. H.] 1883, etc. Holland, Thomas, Rev. (1645-1730.) ( Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Holland, Thos. Henry, F.R.S. . See INDIA : Geological Survey. Sketch of the mineral resources of India. By T. H. H. 1908. 4. (37216) The Mica deposits of India. 1902. 130 pp. 9 pi. See INDIA : Geological Survey. Memoirs. Vol. 34. Part 2. G 27 : 856. Hollandua. See JOANNES ISAACUS, called Hol- landus, Holleman, Arnold Frederick. Lehrbnch der anorganischen Chemie. [Deutsche Ausgabe]. Hrsg. W. Manchot. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1903. 8*. 438pp. 2 pi. (30120) A text-book of Inorganic Chemistry. 3rd English ed.,in cooperation with H. C. Cooper. New York, 1908. 8 3 . 510 pp. 1 pi. (37116) A text-book of Organic Chemistry. From the 2nd Dutch ed. by A. J. Walker and O. E. Mott. New York, 1903. 8. 574 pp. (29778) Hollrun-.r. M. See JAHRE9BERICHT UBER DIE NEUERUNGEN, etc., A. D. (i. DES PFLANZEN8CHUTZE3. Hrsg. M. H. 1898, etc. H 69 : 898. Handbuch der chemischen Mittel gegen Pflan- zenkrankheiten. Berlin, 1898. 8. 186 pp. (25696) 331 2x2 HOLM] [HOME Holm, E. Das Objectiv im Dienste der Photographie. Berlin, 1902. 8. 142 pp. 34 pi. (30699) Photographie bei kunstlichem Licht. Berlin, 1903. 8. 134pp. 6p!. (30752) Holme. Chas. See STUDIO (The). Colour photography, etc. Ed. 0. H. 1908. 4. (36863) Ibid. Modern design in jewellery and fans. Ed. C. H. 1902. 8. (35753) Holmes, Arthur Bromley. Practical Electric Lighting. London, 1883. sm. 8. 154 pp. 1 pi. (12796) . The same. 2nd ed. London, 1884. sm. 8. 172 pp. 1 pi. (34475) The same. 3rd el London, 1887. sm. 8. 184 pp. 1 pi. (21145) The same. 4th ed. London, 1889. sm. 8. 184 pp. 1 pi. (22131) Holmes, Edward More!!. i See PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OP GREAT BRITAIN. Catalogue of the Hanbury Herbarium. Compiled by E. M. H. 1892. 8. (30469) Catalogue of the medicinal plants in the Museum . . . by E. M. H. 1896. 8. (30468) The Museum Report. 1893, etc. Compiled by E. M. H. 1895, etc. 8. (30470) The Japanese Seaweed industry. 1907. See PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY. Museum Report. 1903-06. pp. 51-68. K 21 : 893. Holmes, Sir George Carey Vincent, Seer. Inst. of Naval Architects, 1878-1901. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Ancient and modern ships. Parts 1 and 2. By Sir G. C. V. H. 1906. 2vols. 8. (33202) Marine Engines and Boilers. By G. C. V. H. 1889. sm. 8. (21812) The same. Reprinted, 1898. sm. 8. (1075) Holmes, Geo. Kirby. Practices in Crop rotation. 1902. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year - book. 1902. pp. 519-532. J 29 : 849b. Progress of Agriculture in the United States. 1899. Ibid. Year-book. 1899. pp. 307-334. J 29 : 849b. Holmes, James. Calculations in Cotton Weaving. Burnley, 1896. 12. 144 pp. (35011) Holmes, Joseph Austin. Proceedings of the North Carolina Good Roads Convention, 1902. 72pp. 5 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Office of Road Inquiry. Bulletin 24. J29R: Road building with convict labor in the Southern States. 1901. Ibid. Year-book. 1901. pp. 319-332. 5 pi. J 29 : 849b. Holmgren, Andreas. Schiessversuche mit einem nenen brisanten Sprengstoffe angestellt in Schweden. 1903-1905. Stockholm, 1906. 8. 14 pp. 3 pi. (32514) Holms, A. Campbell. Practical Shipbuilding. London, 1904. 8. 646 pp. and obi. 4. atlas. 115 pi. (30485) Holmstrom, J. G. Scientific Horse, Mule, and Ox Shoeing. Chicago, [1902]. sm. 8. 120 pp. portr. (29674) Holroyd, H. I'... and Setts, H. S. - Tests of Vehicle and Implement Woods. 1908. 30 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Circular 142. J 29 Fo : c. Kolt, H. F., Capt. Shipping : stability and stowage. 1890. [Re- issued, 1894.] 2 pts. See SHIPMASTERS' SOCIETY. Papers. Nos. 2 and 18. F 81 : 890. Holt, Richard. A short treatise of Artificial Stone. [Letters Patent No. 447 of 1722.] London, 1730. sm. 8. 64 pp. (30750) Holtz. See Holz. Holjroake, Manfred. The Conservation of Pictures. London, 1870. sm. 8. 88 pp. (33732) Holz, Julius. Die Technik der Perser- und Smyrnateppichs und ein Wort zur Hebnng der deutschen Kniipf- teppichindustrie. Leipzig, [1905]. 8. 32 pp. 7 pi. (32042) Die Teppichkniipferei und der neue zusammen- lei;bar<) Webstuhl. D.R.P. 129549. Leipzig, [1903]. 8. 16 pp. (29806) Holz. Nikohus. Uber Wasserkraftverhaltnisse in Skandinavien und im Alpengebiet. Berlin, 1901. fol. 48 pp. 8 pi. (32904) Holzapfel, A. C. Der Anstrich von Schiffsbodtn. 1904. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESKLLSCHAFT. Jahrbucfa. Baud 5. pp. 398-416. F 81 : 900. Holzkunst. Holtzkunst. Verzeichnuss der figuren uand nsuwen ofen, von der ersparung der neuwen er- fundenen Holtzknnst. 1564. Nach dem Uuicum in der Ziircher Stadtbibliothek in facsimile heraus- gegeben. Millhausen, P. Schmid, 1564. [Reprinted,'] Strassburg, Heitz & Mundel, 1896. fol. rnbr. title. 4 pi. covers. (35115) Holzt, Alfred. Die Schule des Elektrotechnikers. Leipzig, [1896-1905]. 4vols. 8. (31720) Homann, . Die aichfahigen Gasmesser-Constructionen. Ex : '' Journal f iir Gasbeleuchtang, etc." Milnchen, 1894. 8. 38 pp. (26867) Homans, James Edward. Self-propelled Vehicles. New York, 1902. 8". 638 pp. 1 pi. and portr. (29072) Homassel, , of the Gobelins, Paris. Cours . . . de la Teinture en laine, soie, fil, coton, etc. 2e e'd., par [E. J. B.] Bouillon- Lagrange. Paris, 1809. V. 424 pp. 1 pi. (37793) The same. 3e e'd. Paris, 1818. 8. 404 pp. 1 pi. (33301) Home, Francis, M.D. The principles of Agriculture and Vegetation. 2nd ed. London, 1759. 8. 216 pp. (35828) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1776. 12. 216pp. (37495) 332 HOME] Home Art Work. Vol. 23, etc. London, 1906, tic. 4. A 1 : 906. Publication : Quarterly. lliitory : New Series of the " Art Designer," founded by Mrs. C. Morrell and edited by her to April, 11109 j Ed. R. D.'A. Morrell, July, 11)09, etc. Home-brewed. Home-brewed Beer. [1803?] See PRACTICAL. A practical treatise on brewing Fine Ales, etc. 4. (18629) Home Office. (Report!, etc.) Acetylene generators : Report of Committee, with covering report by Cspt. J. H. Thomson. London, 1902. fol. 36pp. (28211) Ambulance service in the Metropolis : Report of Committee. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1909, etc. fol. (38392) Building Accidents : A memorandum on the causes of common Accidents that occur on Buildings in course of construction or repair, and hints for their prevention. [London, 1902.] fol. 8 pp. 1 pi. (28225) Report of Departmental Committee. With Draft for regulations, Evidence, etc. London, 1907. fol. 222 pp. (35545) Colliery Explosions : Report ... on the causes of death in Colliery explosions and under- ground fires . . . by J. Haldane. London, 1896. fol. 40 pp. 4 pi. (25626) Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1896. Reports . . . on tbe working of the Home Office Testing Station for tbe years 1897 and 1898, by Major A. Cooper-Key. London, 1899. fol. 16 pp. (25991) National Colliery explosion, Wattstown, llth July, 1905. Reports 1>y E. M. Jones, F. A. Gray, and J. T. Robson. London, 1905. fol. 26 pp. 6 pi. (33693) Explosion of fire damp and coal dust at Gen- wen Colliery, Carmarthen, 5th March, 1907. Re- port by W. N. Atkinson and J. D. Lewis. London, 1907. fol. 10pp. 2 pi. (35549) Explosion of fire-damp and coal dust at Urpeth Colliery, near Birtley, Durham, 17th Dec., 1906. Report by J. B. Atkinson. London, 1907. fol. 16 pp. 3 pi. (35548) Explosion at Wingate Grange Colliery on the 14th Oct., 1906. Reports by A. H. Ruegg, R. D. Bain, and J. B. Atkinson. London, 1907. fol. 36 pp. 4 pi. (35552) Cremation Act, 1902. Report of Committee. London, 1903. fol. 68 pp. (29361) Explosives (38 Viet., c. 17) : H.M. Inspectors of Explosives. Annual Report. 1875, etc. London, 1876, etc. fol. F 99/875. Index, 1876-1905. (1907.) Special Reports. No. 1, etc. London, 1876, etc. fol. F99/875a. Index, 1876-1907. (1907.) List of Explosive*, [I'lter] Authorized Explo- sives. 1897, etc. London, 1897, etc. fol. F 99/875b. Report ... on the testing of Explosives for use in Coal mines. London, 1897. fol. 14 pp. 2 pi. (25566) - Table showing distances from protected works for Magazines and other danger Buildings London, 1903. Sheet. (38445) Guide to the Explosives Act, 1875, etc. With remarks upon the Explosive Substances Act, 1883. By J. H. Thomson. 2nd ed. London, [1905]. soi.8. 410pp. (33823) [HOME Home Office cunt. Explosives cont. Report of the Departmental Committee on Bobbinite. With Evidence, etc. London, 1907* 2 vols. in one. fol. (35546) Factories and Workshops. Mill gearing and the management of Belts. Prevention of Accidents. Trsl. G. J. Williams, from a pamphlet issued by the Association des Industriels de France contre les accidents du Travail. London, 1900. fol. 26 pp. (27403) Finger Prints. Memorandum on the working of the Fiuger Print system of Identification, 1901-04. London, 1904. 8. 12 pp. (31200) Gas manufacture. Report of the Royal Society . . . on the subject of gas-lights [1814] ; and . . . Reports of the person appointed [Sir W. Congreve] to inspect the gas-light establishments existing in the Metropolis. [1822.] London, 1823. fol. 42 pp. (33964) Lead Compounds in Pottsry. Report . , on the employment of compounds of Lead in the manufacture of Pottery, etc. By Sir T. E. Thorpe an-1 Sir T. Oliver. London, 1899. fol. 50 pp. (25998) Pottery Industry in France. Report by Sir T. Oliver. London, 1899. fol. 18 pp. (26640) Work of the Government Laboratory. Report by Sir T. E. Thorpe. London, 1901. fol. 38 pp. (28213) Use of lead in the manufacture of pottery. Reports from [Sir] T. E. Thorpe. London, 1901. fol. 14 pp. (28214) Supplementary special rules for the manufac- ture of Earthenware and China. London, 1902. fol. 4 pp. (28710) Lead poisoning. Report on the manufacture of paints and colours containing lead, as affecting tbe health of the operatives employed. By T. M. Legge. London, 1905. fol. 19 pp. 8 pi. (31667) Mine accidents. Snaefell Lead Mine Accident. Reports ... on the circumstances attending an underground fire at the Snaefell Lead Mines, Isle of Man, May, 1897. By 0. Le Neve Foster, an I A. E. Miller. London, 1898. fol. 36pp. 3 pi. (25565) Methods of preventing falls of roof adopted at the Courrieres collieries. Report. London, 1901. fol. 26 pp. (28212) Courrieres Colliery disaster. Pas de Calais, France, March 10, 1906. Report by [fir] H. H. 8. Cunynghame and W. N. Atkinson. London. 1906. fol. 18 pp. 11 pi. (32982) Inundation of water at Caradog Vale Colliery, 26 June, 1906. Reports by Sir D. B. Jones and F. A. Gray. London, 1907. fol. 20 pp. 2 pi. (35550) Underground fire at Hamsted Collieries, March, 1908. Report by R. A. S. Redmayne. London, 1908. fol. 20pp. 3 pi. (37230) Irruption of water at Brereton Collieries, South Staffordshire, 15th February, 1908. Report by H. Jobnstone. London, 1908. fol. 10 pp. 4 pi. (37231) Mines working by electricity. Electricity in Mines Committee. Report. With Evidence, Ap- pendices, etc. London, 1904. 2 vols. fol. (30828) Mineral Oil Lamp. Suggestions for the care and use of petroleum lamps. London, 1901. sheet. (28205) 333 HOME] [HONT Home Office cont. Mineral statistics of the United Kingdom, etc., 1882-96. London, 1884-97. fol. G 41/882. Publication : Annual. History : 1853-82 published in the " Memoirs of the Geological Survey, etc." For continuation see " Mines and Quarries. General Report, etc." pt.8-4. Miners' Hygiene. Health of Cnrni.r : The suspension of Solids in (lowing Water. Ex : " Aroer. Soo. of Civil Engineers." Papers. Aug. 1896. pp. 353-438. (26236) Kooker, Sir Joseph D*lton, M.D., F.R.S. See BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Ed. J. D. H., 1865- 1904. 8. H 70 : 787. Kooker, W. A. Inform ition concerning the North American Fever Tick, etc. By W. D. Hunter and W. A. H. 1907. 8S pp. 4 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL- TURE : Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 72. J29E: The Tobacco Thrips, a new and destructive enemy of shade-grown Tobacco. 1907. 24 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology Bulletin 65. J29E : Kooker, Sir Wm. Jackson, Ll.D., F.R.S. See BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Ed. W. J. H. 1827-64. H 70: 787. See COMPANION TO THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Ed. \V. J. H. 1835-36. H 70 : 835. Kooley, Edgar Purnell. Management of Highways. London, [18951. 8. 104pp. (38683) Koop, A. H. van der. - Wirbelstromverluste im Ankerkupfer elektrischer Maschinen. Von B. Loewenherz und A. H. van der H. 1905. See VEREINDEUTiCHERlNGENIEURE. MittheiluDgen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwe-:ens. Heft 28. pp. 1-42. E1S/857D. Kooper, Benjamin. Practical treatise upon Leather manufacture London, [1891]. sm. 8. 94 pp. (32933) Kooper, David. See INDIA (Govt.) Dept. of Revenue, etc. Re- view of Mineral Production in India. Ed D H 1897, etc. fol. G 47 : Kooper, George N. The inventions and improvements in Road Carriages since the ... Exhibition held in London [1862], as illustrated in the Carriage Department of the Inventions Exhibition, 1885. (Paper.) London, 1885. 8. 36 pp. (34671) Kooper, George N. "/(/. ' Notes on the construction of private Carriages in England ; and Reports on the Carriages of the International Exhibitions : Paris, 1855, London, 1862, Dublin, 1865, Paris, 1867, London, 1873. [A series of reprinto.] London, 1876. sm. 8. 270 pp. (38630) Kooper, Wm. Concise account of Mr. Hooper's Submarine Telegraph Cables, with extracts from Government Report. [Letters Patent No. 881 of 1859.] [London], 1862. 8. 12 pp. 2 pi. (32795) Koopea, Josiih. Sex in Plants. 1897. 18 pp. See PENNSYL- VANIA : Deft, of Agriculture. .Bulletin 30. J 30 P : b. Kope- Jones, F. See JONES, F. Hope-. Hopkins, Albert A. See SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. The Scientific American Cyclopedia of receipts, notes and queries. Ed. A. A. H. 1889. etc. " Scientific American " Reference book. Com- piled by A. A. H., etc. [1904]. 1905. 8. (31169) Hopkins, Andrew Delmar. The Black Hills Beetle, with further notes on its distribution, life history, and methods of control. 1905. 24 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRI- CULTURE : Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 56. J29E : Contributions toward a monograph of the Scolytid Beetles. I. The genus Dendroctonus. 1809. 164pp. 8 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Technical Series. Bulletin 17. pt. 1. J 2:) E : d. Catalogue of exhibits of Insect enemies of Forests and Forest products at the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition . . . 1904. 1904. 56 pp. 22 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology . Bulletin 48. J 29 E. Some of the principal Insect enemies of Coni- ferous Forests in the United States. 1902. Ibid. Year-book. 1902. pp. 265-282. 2 pi. J 29 : 849b. Insect enemies of Forest reproduction. 1905. Ibid. Year-book. 1905. pp. 249-256. J 29 : 849b. Insect enemies of the Pine in the Black Hills forest rtserve. 1902. 24 pp. 7 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin N. S. 32. J 29 E : Insect enemies of the Redwood. 1903. Ibid. Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 38. pp. 32-40. J 29 Fo : Insect enemies of the Spruce in the North-east. 1901. 48pp. 16 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 28. J 29 E : Insect injuries to Forest products. 1904. Ibid. Year-book. 1904. pp. 381-398. J 29 : 849b. Insect injuries to Hardwood Forest trees. 1903. Ibid. Year-book. 1903. pp. 313-328. 1 pi. J 29 : 849b. Some insects injurious to Forests. The Locust borer. 1906. 16 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 58. Pt. 1. J 29 E : Hopkins, Erastus. The Oil-Chemists' handbook. New York, 1900. 8. 80pp. 6 tables. (29730) Kopklns, Evan. On the connexion of Geology with terrestrial Magnetism. London, 1844.8. 138pp. 24 pi. (971) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1851. 8. 216pp. 30 pi. (37839) 335 HOPK] CHORD Hopkins, 6eo. M. Experimental Science. Elementary practical and experimental Physics. New York, 1890. 8. 734 pp. 1 pi. (22133) The same. 23rd ed. New York, 1902. 2 vols. in one. 8. (29174) Hopkins, James Love. The Law of Trade marks, Trade names and unfair competition. 2nd ed. Chicago. 1905. 8. 954 pp. (32863) The Law of Unfair Trade, including Trade marks, Trade secrets, and good will. Chicago, 1900. 8. 482pp. (27600) Hopkins, John. A drawing an^ explanation of a new Safety Bail for Railways. With remarks upon its general advantages. [Letters Patent No. 10J749 of 1845.] London, [1845?]. 8. 14pp. 1 pi. (34003) Hopkins, Nevil Monroe. Experimental Electrochemistry. London, 1905. 8. 298 pp. (31965) Model Engines and Small Boats. New York, 1898. sq. 8. 82 pp. 1 pi. (25720) Twentieth Century Magic. New York, 1898. sm. 8. 166 pp. (26187) Hopkins, Thos. Experiments and observations on diverging streams of Compressed Air. Ex : " Mem. Lit. and Phil. Soc. of Manchester," 1827. Manchester, 1830. 8. 20 pp. 1 pi. (37165) Hopkins, Thos. Cramer. Clays and Clay Industries of Pennsylvania. 1. Clays of Western Pennsylvania (in part). 1897. 184 pp. 20 pi. See PENNSYLVANIA (State College). Annual Report, 1897. Appendix. J 30 P : a. Marbles and other Limestones. 1890. 466 pp. 28 pi. See ARKANSAS (State) : Geological Survey. Report. Vol. 4. G 30 Ar : and Siebenthal, C. E. The Bedford Oolitic Limestone of Indiana. 1896. See INDIANA : Geological Survey. Report. 1896. pp. 291-427. 23 pi. and maps. G 30 In : Hopkins, Wm. J. The Telephone. New York, 1898. 8=. 94 pp. (25820) Telephone Lines and their properties. London, 1893. sm. 8. 274pp. (23670) The same. New ed. New York, 1901. sm. 8. 328pp. 14 pi. (27858) Hopklnson, B. See HOPKINSON, J. Original Papers. Ed., with Memoir, B. H. 1901. 8 vols. 8. (27841) Hopklnson, Cbas. See REDDAWAY, F. Practical notes on belting, etc. With the Reports on tests of belting, by C. H. 1906. 8. (32980) Hopklnson, John, F.R.S. Original Papers. Ed., with memoir, B. Hop- kinson. Cambridge, 1901. 2 vols. 8. (27841) Hopklnson, John, sian, and Marlatt, L. cont. The San Josa Scale : its occurrences in the United States, with a full account of its life history and the remedies to be used against it. 1896. 80 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 3. J29E: Howard, Thos., Surgeon Dentist. The loss of Teeth ; and on the best means of restoring them. 10th ed. London, 1854. am. 8. 94 pp. 1 pi. (28891) The game. 36th ed. London, 1857. em. 8. 60 pp. (18581) toward lectures. Howard Lectures. See SOCIETY or ARTS. Howe, Elias, Inventor of the Sewing machine. ( Bioffraph ical. ) See NEWTON, A. V. On the introduction of machinery to the manufacture of clothing [Thomas's (Howe's) Patent No. 11,464 of 1846]. 8. (28053) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Howe, Geo. Wm. Osborne. See TiiOMALEN, A. A text-book of electrical engineering. From the German by G. W. 0. H. 19U7. 8. (35062) Howe, Henry Marion. Copper smelting. 1885. 104 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 26. G 30 : 883. A direct process of Copper smelting. Ex : " Trans. Amer. Inst. of Mining Engineeris," Oct., 1878. 8. 14pp. (25951) Iron, Steel, acd other alloys. Boston, Mass., 1903. 8. 476pp. 2 pi. (30488) Metallurgical Laboratory notes. Boston, Mass., 1902. 8. 154 pp. (29307) Howe, J. Allen. ] See LOVEGROVE, E. J. Attrition tests of road- making stones With petrological descriptions, by J. S. Flett and J. A. H. [1906.] 4. (33149) Howe, James Lewis. Bibliography of the Metals of the Platinum group. Platinum, Palladium, Iridium, Rhodium, Osmium, Ruthenium. 1748-1896. 1897. 318 pp. See SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLL. Vol. 38. B 13 S : 862. The same. Another copy. Washington, 1897. 8. 318pp. (25960) Howell, Frederick John. . Annual Report on the work of the Clwmical branch, 1903-04. 1904. 40pp. 2 pi. See VICTORIA: Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin 19. [New Series.] J 8 AV : 902a. Co-operative Forage experiments in Southern Victoria. 1903. 28 pp. 13 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 6. [New Series.] J 8 AV : 902a. Field experiments of the past year by the Chemical branch. 1903. 28 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 7. [N. S.] J 8 AV : 902a. Field experiments in Manuring, 1903-04. 1904. 60 pp. 9 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 13. [N. 8.] J 8 AV : 902a. Tho position cf Chemistry as a factor in Agri- cultural advancement. 1904. 16pp. Ibid. Bulletin 16. [N. S.] J 8 AV : 902a. Two years' field work of the Chemical branch. 1903. 22 pp. 1 pi. Jbid. Bulletin 5. [N. S.] J 8 AV : 902a. 340 HOWE] [HUEL Howcll. Geo. The Royal Commission on nnseaworthy Ships. An examination of the Renort< and Evidence of the Commission. London, 1874. 8. 24 pp. (36633) Kowell, Mm. Mary J. The Hand-book of Millinery . . . Appended, a treatise on taste, and the blending of colours ; also an essay on corset making. London, 1847. 8. 136 pp. (33418) Howlett, Samuel Kurt. Description of a Barometer that requires no corrections either for zero or for temperature. 1839. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 3. pp. 164-3. F 90 : 844. Hou-ley, James P. Newfoundland. Mineral Resources of the Colony. 1896. 82 pp. 5 maps. See COLONIAL OFFICE. Colonial Reports. Miscellaneous Series. No. 7. C 61 : 891a. Howortb, J. The art of repairing nnd riveting Ghsj, China, and Earthenware. Ex :" Pottery Gazette." London, 1896. 8. 22pp. (27050) Hoyer, Egbert von. See BEIL, J. A., and others. Technologisches Worterbnch. 4te Aufl., von E. von H., eic. 1887- 91. 2voh. 8. (21491) The same. 5te Anfl., von E. von H., etc. 1902- 04. 3vols. 8. (28299) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden mechanischen Technologie. Wiesbaden, 1875-78. 8. 916 pp. (17131) The same. 3te Aufl. Wiesbaden, 1897-1900. 2 vols. 8. (8477) Boyt, John Clayton, and Anderson, R. H. Hydrography of the Snsquehanna River drain- age basin. 1905. 216 pp. 29 pi. See U.S. GEO- LOGICAL SURVEY. Water-supply, etc , Papers. No. 109. G 30 : 899. Hoyt, John W. An Agricultural Survey of Wyoming. 1893. 72 pp. 1 map. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Statistics. Misc. Series. Report 7. J 29 Ht : a. Hrabak, Josef. Die Dr-ihtseile. Berlin, 1902. 8. 236 pp. 13 pi. (28636) Theorie und praktische Berechnnng der Heiss- dampfmascbinen. Mit einem Anhange iiber die Zweicylinder-condensatiors-maschinen mit bohem Dampfdruck. Berlin, 1904. 8. 106 pp. (31440) Hna, Henri, and Chevalier, A. Les Landolphie'es (Lianes a caoutchouc) du Senegal, dn Soudan et de la Gnine'e Francaise. Paris, 1901. 8. 36 pp. (31231) Hubbard, Arthur John, M.D., and G. Neolithic Dew-ponds and Cattle- ways. 2nd ed. London, 1907. 8. 140 pp. (35652) Hubbard, Ernst. Die Verwendung der Holzabfalle. (Chemisch- tecJtnische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1887. am. 8. 206 pp. (20673) The same. 2te Anfl. (Ibid.) Wien. 1900. sm. 8. 222 pp. (27263) The Utilisation of Wood-waste. From the 2nd German ed. by M. J. Salter. London, 1902. urn. 8. 208pp. (28943) Hubbard, Geo. See HUBBAJID, A. J. and G. Neolithic dew- pond?, etc. 2nded. 1907. 8. (35652) Hubbard, Henry G. Ambrosia Beetles. 1896. AORICULTUBE. Year-book. J 29 : 8496. See U.S. PEPT. OF 1896. pp. 421-430. 1909. 46 pp. See Farmer's Bulletin U.8. 341. Hubbard, Win. F. The Basket Willow. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. J 29 Fa : The Basket Willow. With a chapter on insects injuiious to the basket willow, by F. H. Chittenden. 1904. 100pp. 7 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 46. J 29 Fo : Maple Sugar anl Sirup. 1906. 86 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 252. J 29 Fa : Huber, Emil. Xeue Stromzufuhrungsanlage fur elektrigch- betriebene Eisenbahnen. System Oerlikon. 1904. 68 pp. See TECHN. ABHANDLUNGEN AUS WISSEN- SCBAFT, etc. Heft 1. E 20: 904. Huber, Lndwig. - ' Die neue, niitzlichste Bienenzucht. 14te Aufl. Lahr, 1905. sm. 8. 360 pp. (32086) Hubou, Ernest. - Applications de 1'Electrioite' am Chemins de fer. 1898. See SociErfe DBS INGENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. 8. pp. 871- 886. E 14 : 848. Hudson, C. S., and Garland, C. M. - Tests of a Liquid Air plant. 1908. 20 pp See ILLINOIS (Univ.) : Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 21. E 12 : 904. Hiibl. Arthur, Baron. Die photographischen Reproductionsverfahren. IJalle a. S., 1898. 8. 140 pp. 13 pi. (25920) D;r Platindruck. 2te Aufl. (Encyklopddie der Photographie.^ Halle a. S., 1902. 8. 160 pp. (28642) Three-colour Photography. Three-colour Print- ing and the production of photographic pigment pictures in natural colours. Trsl. H. O. Klein. London, 1904. 8. 148 pp. 5 pi. (31068) Hiibner, Julius. See ERFURT, J. The dyeing of Paper Palp. From the German by J. H. 1901. 8. (27524) Paper manufacture. 1903. 46pp. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 7.] B 51 : 872. Hiibner, Laurent. Memoire sur 1'analogie de I'Klectricite' et da Magntisme. 1784. See SWINDEN, J. H. van. Recueil dee memoires sur 1'analogie de 1'e'lectricite' et du magne"tisme, etc. Tome 2. pp. 267-328. 8. (8400) Huelin f Arsau, Carlos. Technological Dictionary in the English, Spanish, German, and French languages. Madrid, 1906, etc. em. 8. (32530) In progress. Hulle, Friedrich Wilhelm. Die Werkzeugmaschinen und ihre Konstruk- tiongelemente. Berlin, 1906. 8. 288 pp. 2 pi. (32087) The same. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1908. 8. 422 pp. 4 pi. (36843) 341 HUEP] [HULL others. Praktisches 2te Aufl. 1907. 8. Hueppe, Ferdinand. Bakteriologie und Biologie der Wohnung. 1896. See WEYL, T. Handbuch der Hygiene. Baud 4. Abt. 2. pp. 917-941. 8. (24547) Handbuch der Hygiene. Berlin, 1899. 8 3 . 676 pp. (26122) Die Methoden der Bakterien-Forschung. 5te Aufl. Wiesbaden, 1891. 8. 504 pp. 2 pi. (25638) The principles of Bacteriology. From the German by E. 0. Jordan. Chicago, 1899. sm. 8. 478 pp. 6 pi. (26302) Huet, Edmond. Alimentation en Eau et assainissement des Villes. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1807. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 65. pp. 238-294. 8. (13828) Percement du Mont Cenis. 1868. Ibid. Rap- ports du Jury International. Classe 65. pp. 215- 226. 8. (13828) Huttlg-, Albert. See GROSCH, H., and Handbuch fur Uhrmacher. (33117) Huffaker, E. C. See CORNELL INCUBATOR MANUFACTURING Co. Artificial incubation and brooding. By E. C. H. 1903. 8. (29923) Hug-grins, Sir Wm., F.R.S. Lecture on the results of Spectrum analysis applied to the Heavenly bodies. 1866. See SMITH- SONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1866. pp. 195-208. B 13 8 : 847. Hug-hes, Arbuthnott James, Major, It. A. Field Artillery and Okehampton experiences. 1895. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol.21, pp. 1-26. 4 pi. F 90 : 844. Hug-hes, Arthur John. See BENGAL : Govt. of (Public Works Dept.) Sanitary engineering in India. By A. J. H. 1898. fol. (31854) Hug-hes, G. W., Capt., U.S.A. Report on the system of Drainage of Low lands in Holland, the mechanical means employed therein, etc. 1843. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 7. pp. 165-199. F 90 : 844. Hug-has, Herbert Wm. Pocket-book of tables . . . for Hydraulic Engineers. Calcutta, 1874. obi. 32. 388 pp. (29792) A text-book of Coal-minins. 2nd ed. London, 1893. 8. 448 pp. 1 pi. (23520) The same. 4th ed. London, 1901. 8. 542pp. 2 pi. (27640) The same. 5th ed. London, 1904. 8. 580 pp. . 4 pi. (38707) Hug-hes, M. Louis, (,'iipt. See WAR OFFICE. Manual of Chiropody. By M. L. H. 1902. sm. 8. (29347) Hug-hes, Richard Hugh. Colliery Explosions, and a means of preventing them. London, 1861. 8. 12 pp. (32635) Hug-hes, Samuel. Gas Legislation : being . . . the Metropolis Gas Act, 1860 ; with a commentary, etc. London, 1861. 12. 248pp. (37105) Hug-hes, Thos. The practice of making and repairing Roads ; of constructing Footpaths, Fences, and Drains, etc. London, 1838. 8. 108 pp. (33734) Hughes, Wm. Carter. The American Miller and Millwrights' assis- tant. New ed. Philadelphia, 1859. 12. 292 pp. 10 pi. (7321) The same. New ed. Philadelphia, 1884. 8. 292 pp. 9 pi. (34391) Hug-ounenq, P. Phosphatage des Vins. Nouvelle methode de clarification et conservation des Vins. [Added] Nouvelle m6thode de Vinification. Phosphatage des Vins, proee'de' Hugounenq. Montpellier, 1889-95. 2 vols. in one. 8. (25406) Hug-uenet, Isidore. Considerations generates sur 1'origine et la formation des Asphaltes et de leur emploi comme ciment naturel appliqu6 aux travaux d'utilit6 publique, etc. Paris, 1847. 8. 248 pp. 1 pi. (34212) Asphaltes et Naphtes . . . 1'origine et la formation des bitumes fossiles . . . lenr emploi, etc. 2e ed. Paris, 1852. 8. 424 pp. (34213) Huapuenln. John. litablissage des montres a repetition. Ex: "Journal Suisse d'horlogerie," 1883. Geneve, 1883. 8'. 32 pp. (28855) Huguenot Society of Xiondon. Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization for Aliens in England, 1509-1603. Ed. W. Pa?e. Lymington, 1893. 4. 314 pp. (38631) Hug-ues, . Semoir-Hugues. Rapports sur les resultats des experiences agricoles faites sur differens points de la France . . . 1832-33. [2. Reponse de M. Hugues a M. Aubernon. 1837.] Paris and Bor- deaux, 1832-37. 2 pts. 4. (34554) Hug-uin, A. Notice sur les Fosses anti-mephytiques portatives, etc. [French Patent No. 7893 of 1840.] Parii, 1840. 8. 6 pp. 1 pi. (37424) Huldschiner, Gottfried. Ueber das Pendeln parallelgeschalteter Dreh- stromgeneratoren. 1906. See SAMMLUNQ ELEKTRO- TECHNISCHER VORTRAGE. Band 9. pp. 227-297. D 51 : 896. Hullngr, Chas. C. American Candy maker. sm. 8. 342 pp. (30725) Philadelphia, 1902. Bull and District Institution of Engineers and Naval Architects. Transactions. Vol. 1-11. 1885-96. Hull, 1886-97. 11 vols. 8. E 10 : 885. Publication: Annual Editor: G. H. Strong. Hull, Edmund C. P. Coffee ; its physiology, history and cultivation. Madras, 1865. 8. 226 pp. (30160) Coffee planting in Southern India and Ceylon. 2nd ed., of " Coffee, its physiology, history, and cultivation." London, 1877. sm. 8. 344 pp. (35198) 342 HULL] [HUMP Hullah, John. Report on Muical Instruments, Books, etc. suited for educational purposes, included in the Education collection in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERNAT. EXHIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol.2. Ft. 8. pp. 76-88. (15691) Hullett, J. W. H., of Adelaide. Practical Hydraulics. Part 1. Kutter's Formulas ' simplified. 2nd ed. London, 1898. 8. folded card. (25807) Hulls, Jonathan, Yeoman, etc. (Biographical.) See INSTITUTE OF "MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 18. The introduction of steim navigation [by Jonathan Hulls]. By J. H. Hulls. 30 pp. F 81 : 889. See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Hulls, J. H. The introduction of Steam Navigation. J906. 30 pp. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 18. F 81 : 889. Hulme, D. i The work of the [Engineering] Standards Com- mittee. 1905. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 17. Ft. 1. pp. 6(5-76. F 81 : 889. Hulme, Edward Wyndham. (1) English glass-making in the 16th and 17th Centuries ; (2) The French glass-makers in England in 1567 ; (3) Old English glasses. A review. Ex : " Antiquary." Vols. 30-34. 1894-98. 4. 21 11. (3C802) History of Sumach tanning in England, etc. See LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Sound Leather Com- mittee. Leather for libraries. 1905. pp. 5-14. 8. (31430) [Papers on Patent Law.] (1-2) A sketch of the early history of the English Patent System, with a list of the Elizabethan Monopoly Grants for new Industries and Inventions, A.D. 1561-99. Ex : " Law Quarterly Review," Apr. 1896, and Jan. 1900. (3) On the Consideration of the Patent Grant, past and present. Ibid. July 1897. (4) On the history of Patent Law in the 17th and 18th centuries. Ibid. July 1902. (5) English Patent Law : its history, literature, etc. Ex : " The Library," Feb.-Apr. 1898. 1896-1902. 5 pts. 8. (16543) Hulme, Frederick Edward. Cryptography ; or, the history, principles, and practice of Cipher- writing. London, [1898?]. sm. 8. 192 pp. (25365) Worked examination questions in Plane Geo- metrical Drawing. London, 1882. 8. 34 pp. 61 pi (33735) Hulme, Robert Thos. The Teeth in health and disease ; with practical remarks on their management and preservation. London, 1864. sm. 8. 236 pp. (32796) Hulslus, Levinus. Instrumenta mechanica. (1) Demonstratio novi (jeometrici Instrument! planimetrum dicti. (2) Usus Baculi, ac novi Quadrantis Tormentarii [et virgse v^oriffij. (3) Descriptio, etc. Circini proportionalis Jnsti Burgi. Francofurti, 1605. 3 vols. in one. 4. (28701) Hultsch, Friedrich Otto. Die Gewichte des Alterthums, uach ihrem Zusammenhange dargestellt. Ex : " Abhandluogen der phil. hist. Classe der Kieuro du bassin du Rhin. 1892. 26 pp. See CONQRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INT^RIEURE. 5e Congres. Question 8. [36.] F 43 : 888. Inarna-Sterneg-g-, Carl Theodor von. Beitrage zur Gescbichte der Preise. 1873. 48 pp. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873. Offi- cieller Ausstellungs-Bericht. Heft 22. 8. (16635) Incandescent Gas Iiig-ht Co., Iitd. See CONTINENTAL GAS GLUHLICHT ACTIEN GESELLSCHAFT, etC. V. THE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT Co. LD. Verbatim report of evidence, etc. [1897-98.] 4. (25419) Ince, Joseph. See HANBURY, D. Science papers. Ed., with memoir, J.I. 1876. 8. (34069) Incendies. Des Incendies et des moyens de les preVenir et de les combattre. Par un Ancien Fonctionnaire. Paris, P. Dupont, 1869. 12. 366 pp. (34559) Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engineers. See CYCLE ENOINEERS' INSTITUTE. 1905, etc. E 72 : 899. 348 INCO] Institution of Gas En- Incorporated gineers. - Transaction?. Vol. 1-12. 1891-1902. London, 1892-1903. 12vols. 8. K 41: 891. History : Amalgamated with the " Incorporated Gas Institute" and continued as the "Institution of Gas Engineers." Incorporated Law Society. - Catalogue of the printed books in the Library f the Incorporated Law Society. By F. Boase ; Supplement, 1891-1906. By W. M. Sinclair. London, 1891-1906. 2 vols. 8. (32841) Incorporated municipal Electrical Asso- ciation. Proceedings. See MUNICIPAL ELEC- TRICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings. 1901, etc. i> 50 : 896. Incorporated Society of Authors. See AUTHOR, (The). 1907, etc. BI 11 y. Incubators. - Incubators and Chicken rearing appliances, how to mike and use them. Ex : " Work." London, Cassell & Co. 1898. urn. 8. 64 pp. 1 pi. (26259) Index do la Presse Technique. See INDEX OF THE TECHNICAL PHESS. C 39 : 902. Index of the Technical Press. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1903, etc. G 39 : 903. Publication: Monthly. Title varied : " Engineering Press Monthly Index Review," 1904 ; ' Revue de I'Inge'nieur et Index Technique," 1905-07; "Technical Index," 1907, etc. India. - See AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL OP INDIA. 1906, etc. J 12 : 906b. - See PARLIAMENT : India. Report on sanitary measures in India. 1874, etc. H 22/874. See PUNJAB, Govt. of. India (Govt. of). (Bibliography.) - General Catalogue of all publications of the Government of India and local governments and administrations. Calcutta, 1903, etc. 8. AGSlu**. Published in 3 sections : 1, General ; 2, Acts and regulations ; 3, Publications not for sale. (Reports.) Drugs, indigenous. Report of proceedings of the Central Indigenous Drnga Committee of India. Vol. 1, 1896-99, Calcutta, 1899, 8. (30903) Indigo. Report to the Government of India, containing an account of the research work on Indigo performed in the University of Leeds, 1905- 1907, by W. P. Bloxam, etc. {London, 1908.] 8. 118 pp. (36246) Irrigation. Report of the Indian Irrigation Commission. 1901-1903. London, 1903. 4 vols. fol. (30888) - Paper, etc. Report on the manufacture of Paper and Paper Polp in Burma. By R. W. Sindall. Rangoon, 1906. fol. 32 pp. 1 pi. (33252) (Publicationi.) - Art manufactures of India. [Compiled for the Glasgow International Exhibition, 1888.] By T. N. Mnkbarji. Calcutta, 1888. sm. 8. 452 pp. 1 pi. (30906) - A manual of Forest Engineering for India. By C. G. Rogers. (30910) Calcutta, 1900-02. 3 vols. 8. [INDI India (Govt. of)cont. The Imperial Gazettear of India. New ed. Oxford, 1907-09. 2G vols. 8. (34974) Vol. 28, Index ; Vol. 26, Atlas. The Merchandise Marks manual. [By L. F. Morshead.] Calcutta, 1908. 8. 72pp. (36520) The pests and blights of the Tea plant. 2nd ed. By Sir G. Watt and H. H. Mann. Calcutta, 1903. 8. 446pp. 24 p). (30911) Archasological Survey. Moghul Colour Decoration of Agra. By E. W. Smith. Part 1. Allahabad, 1901. 4. 34 pp. 103 pi. (30938) ^ Army. Scientific Memoirs by Medical Officers of the Army of India. Part 1, 1884, etc. Calcutta, 1885, etc. H 5 : 884. Editor! : Sir B. Simpson,1884-90 ; W. R. Rice, 1891- 94 ; J. Cleghorn, 1895-97 ; R. Harvey, 1898-1901. Title varied: "Scientific Memoir* by the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Govt. of India." New Series. 1902, etc. Treatise on Military Carriages and stores con- nected with them. Indian Supplement. Corrected to 1st April, 1901. Calcutta, 1901. 8. 252 pp. 94 pi. (30913) Board of Scientific Advice. Annual Report. 1903-04, etc. Calcutta, 1905, etc. fol. and 8. C 1 1/903. Size changed: Report 1904-05, etc., in 8. Botanical Survey. Records. Vol. 1, etc. Calcutta, 1893, etc. 8. H 70 : 893. Reports of the Director, 1894-95, etc. [Calcutta, 1895, etc.] fol. H 70 : 893a. Publication : Annual. . Commercial Intelligence Dept. See INDIAN TRADE JOURNAL. Dept. of Commerce and Industry. See also Patents Office, below. Dept. of Revenue and Agriculture. (Later, Dept of Agriculture.) See also Patents Office , below. (Periodical publication!.) Annual Report of the Imperial Bacteriologist. 1895-96, etc. [Bombay, 1896, etc.] fol. J 92/895. Final Report of Dr. J. W. Leather, Agricultural Chemist to the Government of India. [1893-97.] [Dehra Dun, 1897.] fol. 122 pp. (30905) Memoirs. Chemical Series. Vol. 1, etc. Calcutta, 1906, etc. 4. J 12 : 906. Memoirs. Entomological Series. Vol. 1, etc. Calcutta, 1906, etc. 4. J 12 : 906a. Statement showing quantities and value of important Minerals produced in each British Province and Native State of India. 1888, etc. Calcutta, 1889, etc. fol. G 47 : Publication: Annual. Editori : G. Watt, 1894-96 : D. Hooper. 1897. Title varied : " Review of Mineral Production in India," 1893-97. . Statistics of Mineral Production in India, 1890, etc. Calcutta, 1900, etc. fol. G 47 : Publication: Annual. Vol. 1 quinquennial (1894-98,); subsequent vols. decennial periods, 1890-1900, etc. 349 INDI] India (Govt. of) cont. Dept. of Revenue and Agriculture cont. (Publications.) Jeypore enamels. By S. S. Jacob, and T. H. Hendley. London, 1886. fol. 12 pp. 28 pi. (31837) Geological Survey. Records. Vol. 1, etc. Calcutta, 1868, etc. 8. G 27 : 868. Publication : Quarterly. Indexes : Vol. 1-20, 1868-87 ; 21-30, 1887-97. History: Discontinued between 1897 and 1904, the papers being published in the Memoirs. Sketch of the Mineral Resources of India. By T. H. Holland. Calcutta, 1908. 4. 104 pp. 3 maps. (37216) Patents Office. * Transferred from Dept. of Revenue and Agri- culture to the Dept. of Commerce and Industry in 1905. (Acts.) The Inventions and Designs Act 1888. With an explanatory memorandum and directions. Cal- cutta, mi. 8. 88pp. (34464) (Patent Lists, etc.) 1. List of Patents granted in India during 1866 to 1879 under Acts vi. of 1856 and xv. of 1869. 2. List of Patents granted [with] Index [quarterly], 1880-91. 3. Alphabetical index to applications for exclusive privilege in respect to inventions under Act v. of 1888 [1888 under Acts xv. of 1859 and v. of 1888]. 1888-1904. Calcutta, [1885-1904]. fol. and 8. (539) Proceedings. Notifications of Patents, January, 1889-January 3, 1895. Inventions and Designs. Notifications. Janu- ary 10, 1895, etc. Calcutta, 1889, etc. fol. (7568) Inventions and Designs in 1905, etc. [Lists and Indexes.] Calcutta, 1906, etc. 8. (31983) Inventions. Subject-matter Index, 1901-07. Calcutta, 1908. 8. 22pp. (37085) Public Works Dept. Graphic Hydraulic diagrams for channels in earth, giving discharges and mean velocities for varying bed widths, depths, and slopes, based on Ganguillet and Kutter's formula. By R. G. Kennedy. [Roorkee, 1895.] obi. 4. 2pp. 10 pi. (31839) .Committee of Locomotive and Carriage Super- intendents for India : Proceedings. Vol. 3-6. [With] Reprint of the Proceedings, Vol. 1-5. 1889-93. Simla, 1892-95. 6 vols. fol. F 12/889. Publication: Annual. 'Indexes : Vol. 1-6. Technical Section. Papers. No. 2a, etc. Simla, 1887, etc. fol. E 23/. India : Central Provinces. Cotton cultivation in Berar or the Hyderabad assigned Districts. [By F. W. Francis.] Hydera- bad, 1898. 8. 12pp. (30956) Dept. of Land Records and Agriculture. ' Report, 1892, etc. Nagpur, 1894, etc. fol. J 12 C P : Publication: Annual. Title varied : " Dept. of Agriculture," 1902, etc. [INDI India : Central Provinces cont. Dept. of Land Records and Agriculture cont. Report on the Nagpur Experimental Farm in the Central Provinces. 1883, etc. Nagpur, 1884-90. fol. J12CPN. Publication: Annual. N.W. Province* and Oudh. See alto INDIA : United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. Cawnpore Experimental Farm [later, and other Experiment Stations]. 1897-98, etc. Allahabad, 1898, etc. fol. J 12 N.W.P. : A. monograph on the Brass and Copper wares of the North- Western Provinces and Oudh. By G. R. Dampier. 2nd ed. Allahabad, 1899. 4". 40 pp. (30936) A monograph on Cotton Fabrics produced in the N.W. Provinces and Oudh. By C. A. Silberrad. Allahabad, 1898. sm. fol. 63 pp. [8 pi.] (30937) A monograph on Ivory Carving in the North- Western Provinces and Oadh. By L. M. Stubbs. Allahabad, 1900. 4. 14 pp. (30940) A monograph on Silk Fabrics produced in the North-Western Provinces and Oudh. By A. Tusuf Ali. Allahabad, 1900. 4. 132 pp. 3 pi. (30942) A monograph on Woollen Fabrics in the North- western Provinces and Oudh. By A. W. Pirn. Allahabad, 1898. 4. 18 pp. (30943) . r United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. See also INDIA : N.W.P. and Oudh. See THOMASON CIVIL ENGINEERING COLLEGE. The Sugar industry of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. By S. M. Hadi. Allahabad, 1902. 4. 116pp. 16 pi. (30941) India museum. See INDIAN MUSEUM. India Office. Beer casks. Memorandum by Dr. Forbes Watson, referring to boring Beetles infesting Beer casks in India, and suggesting certain measures for the prevention of their attacks, etc. [London, 1867.] fol. 4 pp. (29952) _ Guras, etc. Report by Dr. M. C. Cooke, on the gams, resins, oleo-resins, and resinous products in the India Museum, or produced in India. London, 1874. fol. 156pp. 4 pi. (16066) . Oils. Report by Dr. M. C. Cooke on the oil seeds and Oils in the India Museum, or produced in India. London, 1876. fol. 86 pp. (32893) Wheat. Report of the Conference on Indian Wheat impurities, held at the India Office, May, 1889. [London, 1889.] fol. 56 pp. (29956) Indian. Indian Domestic economy and Receipt Book. By the author of "Manual of Gardening for Western India." Bombay, J. T. Bell, 1849. 8. 532 pp. (38121) Indian Agrriculturiat, (The). Vol. 30, etc. Calcutta, 1905, etc. fol. J 12 : 905. Publication : Monthly. Indian Electrical, etc., Mews. See INDIAN TEXTILE, etc., NEWS. 1904-08. E 80/891. Indian Import and Export Trades Jour- nal. Vol. 1-2. Bombay, 1900-01. 2 vols.' fol. .C 61/900. Publication : Monthly. History : Amalgamated with the " Indian Textile Journal." 350 INDI] [INGH Indian Industries and Power. See INDIAN TEXTILE, ,-tc., NEWS. 1903, etc. E 80/891. Indian Law Reports. Complete Series. Vol. 1, etc. Calcutta, 1876, etc. 8. BF31. Publication : Monthly. Allahabad Series. Vol. 3, tit. Allahabai, 1881, etc. 8. BF 39*. Bombay Series. Vol. 3, etc. Bombay, 1878, etc. 8. BF 35. CalcntU Ssries. Vol. 4, etc. Calcutta, 1879, ec. 8. BF 36. Madras Series. Vol. 2, etc. Madras, 1878, etc. 8. BF 33. Indian Museum. See INDIA OFFICE. Report . . , on the Gums, etc., in the India Museum, etc. 1874. fol. (16086) Report ... on the Oil Seeds, etc., in the India Museum, etc. 1876. fol. (32893) Notes on Economic Entomology. No. 1, etc. . Calcutta, 1888, etc. H 68 : 888. Title varied : " Indian Museum Notes," 1889, etc. Indian Railway Conference Association. Proceedings of the Locomotive and Carriage Superintendents' Committee, Simla, Sept., 1908. Bombay, 1909. 8. 398 pp. 20 pi. (38266) Indian Railway Gazette. Vol. 2, etc. Cal- ,;,tla, 1908, etc. 4. F 21 : 908. Publication: Monthly. Indian Textile Journal. Diary and Reference Book. 1904, etc. E 80 : 904. The Bombay Cotton Mills. The spinning of lO's, 20's, and 30's counts. By a Retired Mill Manager. Bombay, 1907. 8. 32 pp. (34370) Indian Textile, mechanical, and Elec- trical News. Vol. 1, etc. Bombay, 1903, etc. 4. E 20 : 903. Publication : Monthly. Title varied: " Indian Electrical, etc.. News," 1904- 07 ; " Indian Industries and Power, 1908, etc. Indian Trade Journal. Vol. 1, etc. Calcutta, 1906, etc. 4. C 61 : 906. Publication : Weekly. Histnry : Issued by the Commercial Intelligence De- partment of the Government of India. Indlcateur. =-^- L'Indicatenr Electrique du nivean d'ean a Sig- nanx optiqnes et acoustiques. Vienne, [187 ?], H. Engel et fils. 4. 8 pp. 3 pi. (27953) Xndustria Chlmica, (L'). See CBIMICA INDUS- TRIALS, (La), 1903, etc. K 30/899. Industrial. ^-^- Industrial Self-Instructor (The), and Technical Journal. By numerous practical writers and tech- nical experts. .Vol. 1-5. [Re-issue.] London, Ward, Lock, & Co., [1885-88]. 5 vols. 4. (36198) Industrial Motor Review. Ste AUTOMOBILE COMMERCIAL VEHICLE REVIEW. 1905-08. E 73 : 903. Industrial Property, (The). No. 1, etc. [In Japaness language.] Tokyo, 1905, etc. 8. BI70z. Publication : Monthly. Salary : Organ of the Association for the Protection of industrial Property. (Japan.) Industrial World. 40th year. No. 1-26. Pitts- burg, 190fi. 4 s . C 42 : 906. Hiitory: Incorporates the " American Manufacturer and Iron World." Industrie, (Die) comprimirter Qaao. See ZEITSCHRIFT FOR DIE OES. K.OIILENSAUHE-INDUS- TRIE. 1901, etc. K 90 : 896. Industrie Electro - Chimique, (L'). Annde 1-9. Paris, 1897-1905. 9 vols. iu three. 4. D 58 : 897. Publication : Monthly. Editor : H. Becker. History: Nos. for Doc., 1899; Jan-Dec.. 1902; July- Deo., 1904 ; Nov.-Dec., 1905, not issued. Industrie Textile, (L'). Annee 11, etc. Paris, 1895, etc. 4. E 80/895. Publication : Monthly. Editor: H. Flavien, 1895-6 ; A. Benouard, 1897, etc. Industritldningren Norden. See NORDBN IN- DU9TRITIDNINGEN, 1905, etc. 49/895. Ing-alls, James M., Capt. U.S.A. -^ Ballistics. 1893. With Supplement, 1895. 190 pp. See U.S. WAR DEFT. : Adjutant-General's Office. Artillery Circular F. F 92/893. ^- Ballistic Tables. 1900. 146 pp. Ibid. Artillery Circular M. F 92/893. Interior Ballistios. 1893. See CHICAGO INTER- NAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 461-488. 8. (24918) Ing-alls, Walter Renton. Lead Smelting and Refining, with some notes on Lead mining. New York, 1906. 8. 334pp. 3 pi. (33807) The metallurgy of Zinc and Cadmium. New York, 1903. 8. 720 pp. (29990) ij- Production and properties of Zinc. New York, 1902. 8. 336 pp. 4 pi. (28947) Ingren-housz, Jan, F.R.S. An essay on the Food Plants and the renovation of Soils. 1796. 20 pp. See BOARD OF AGRICUL- TURE. Outlines of the Fifteenth Chapter of the proposed general report. Appendix. No. 3. 4. (8982) Experiments upon Veget ibles, discovering their great power of purifying the common air in the sunshine, and of injuring it in the shade and at night. [Added], A new method of examining the accurate degree of salubrity of the atmosphere. London, 1779. 8. 370 pp. 1 pi. (32287) Iner<5nieur Francais, (L'.), et la Revue dcs Brevets d'Inventlon (re-nnis). Annee 4-8. Paris, 1899-1903. 4 vols. fol. C 43 : 899. Publication: Monthly, 1899-00 and 1902; 24 Nos. yearly, 1901. Editort : A. 8. Picard, G. Delom, and P. Perrand. Inerham, Edward, and Davies, B. A discussion on higb and low pressure Steam. Added, Appendix, by E. Ingham on the value, etc., of the indicator . . . theory and practice of condensation, etc. [Reprinted from " The En- gineer" 1857-50.] Manchester, 1866. 2 ptt. 8. (35779) Ing-ham, Wm. - Household Boiler explosions : their cause and prevention. London, 1882. sm. 8. 48 pp. 6 pi. (35243) 3E1 INGL] [INST Xngrle, Harry. - See INGLE, H., and H. 1900. sm. 8. (27021) Chemistry of Fire, etc. Ingle, Herbert. Manual of Agricultural Chemistry. London, 1902. 8. 418 pp. (28948) - and H. -- The Chemistry of Fire and Fire Prevention. New York, 1900. sm. 8. 300 pp. 1 pi. (27021) James Chas. The Permanent Way of Railways. ROYAL ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. 107-125. F 90 : 844. 1899. Vol. 25. See pp. Xiiglls, Thos., Col. R.E. - Casemate and Shield experiments. 1870-73. See ROYAL ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 18, 20, and 21. F 90 : 844. - Notes on Armoured defences. 1882. Ibid. Vol. 7. pp. 253-294. 13 pi. F 90 : 844. - Recent Armour-plate experiments. 1883-84. Ibid. Vol. 9, pp. 147-165; 10, pp. 213-232. F 90 : 844. Targets for the trial of recent heavy Ordnance. Part 1-5. 1877-80. Ibid. Vol. 1,2,4. F 90: 844. " Inland Printer " Company. - A practical guide to Embossing and Die-stamp- ing. [Revised ed.1 Chicago, 1908. 8. 78 pp. 3 pi. (37809) First written and published by P. J. Lawler. Inland Revenue. S/-f BOARD OF INLAND REVENUE. limes, Chas. H. - Air Compressors and Blowing engines. Man- chester, 1906. sm. 8. 290 pp. (33146) - The Centrifugal Pump, Turbines, and Water motors. Manchester, [1893]. sm. 8. 186 pp. (23764) - The same. 3rd ed. Manchester, 1901. sm. 8. 234 pp. (28253) - The same. 4th cd. Manchester, 1904. sm. 8. 348 pp. (31350) - The Fan : including the theory and practice of centrifugal and axial Fans. Manchester, 1904. sm. 8. 258 pp. 5 pi. (31017) - Problems in Machine Design. Manchester, 1894. sm. 8. 196 pp. (12445) - The same. 2nd ed. Manchester, 1899. sm. 8. 266 pp. (26623) Innes, W. - Notes on the supply, storage, and testing of Portland Cement. 1873. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 21. pp. 1-16. 1 pi. F 90 : 844. Xnstitut electrotechnique ZtKontefiore. See LIEGE (Univ.): Institut electro-technique, etc. Xnstitut fur Gahrung-sgrewerbe in Berlin. See BLATTER FUR GERSTEN, HOPFEN-UND KARTOF- FELBAU. Im Auftrage des Institutes fur Gah- rungsgewerbe in Berlin. 1899-1901. J 62 H : 899. - Das Institut fur Gahrungsgewerbe und Sta'tke- fabrikation in Berlin. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1900. 4. 48pp. (26830) Institut International de Bibliographic. See REPERTOIRE DES BREVETS D'INVENTION DELiVRfis EN BELGIQUE. Liste syst^matique e~tab!ie par 1'Institut. (33866) Bibliographia Bibliographica [016 : 01.] [Reper- toire annuel des travaux de bibliographie. 1898, etc. Bruxelles, 1900, etc. 8. AK 40 j A reissue from the Bulletin, below. Bulletin. Anne"e 1. etc. Bruxelles, 1895, etc. 8. AK 39 Manuel du repertoire bibliographique universel. Bruxelles, 1905. 8. [13 pts. with separate pagina- tion in 1 vol.] (31660) (Sectional publications.) Locomotion et Sports (tourisme, cyclisme et automobilisme) . . . apres la classification bibliographique decimale. Edition Fran9aise, etc. Bruxelles, 1902. 2 pts. 8. (30534) Photographic . . . apres la classification de'cimale. Edition Francaise. Bruxelles, 1900. 2 pts. 8. (30532) Sciences physiques . . . apres la classifica- tion decimale. Edition Francaise. Bruxelles, 1899. 8. 158 pp. (30533) Xnstitut Pasteur. Bulletin. Tome 1, etc. Paris, 1903, etc. 8. HI: 887a. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings. Part 1, eta. London, 1903, etc. 8. K : 903. Publication : 3 Nos. yearly. Institute of Commercial Research in tbe Tropics. See LIVERPOOL (Univ.): Institute of Commercial Research in the Tropics. Institute of Land Surveyors of the Transvaal. Journal. Vol. 1, etc. Johannes- burg, 1905, etc. 8. E 27 : 905. Institute of Marine Engineers. Transactions, comprising Papers, Discussions, and Reports. Vol. 1, etc. Stratford, 1889, etc. 8. F 81 : 889. Index : Vol. 1-8 in Vol. 8. Institute of Sanitary Engineers. Proceedings. Vol. 2, etc. London, 1898, etc. 8. F 52 : 898. Publication : Annual, 1898-190G ; Quarterly, 1907, etc. Title varied : " Journal," 1905, etc. Institution of Civil Engineers. See ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. B 5/903. Catalogue of Library. [1. Authors.] [2.] Sub- ject-Index. London, 1895-1904. 5 vols. 8. (14784) Report of the Committee appointed ... to consider and report . . . upon . . . the best methods of tabulating the results of Steam-engine and Boiler trials. London, 1903. 8. 118 pp. 2 pi. (32908) Report of the Committee . . . upon the subject of the definition of a standard or standards of thermal efficiency for Steam-engines. London, 1898. 8. 38 pp. 1 pi. (25437) Institution of Civil Engineers in Ire- land. Transactions. Vol. 1-27. 1844-98. Dublin, 1845-98. 27 vols. 8. E 10 : 844. Publication : Annual. Indexes : Vol. 1-9 in Vol. 9. 352 INST] [INTE Institution of Gas Engineers. Transactions. London, 1903, etc. 8. K 41 : 864b. Publication : Annual. Hiitury : An amalgamation of the " Incorporated Gas Institute," and the " Incorporated Institution of Gas Engineers." Institution of Junior Engineers. See JUNIOR ENGINEERING SOCIETY. 1894-1902. E 10 : 886. Institution of mechanical Engineers. Se ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. E 5/ 903. Alloys Research Committee. Report 1, etc. Ex : " Proceedings of the Inst. Mech. Engineers." Appendix. The microscopical examination of the alloys of copper and tin. By W. Campbell. 1901. London, 1891, etc. 8. (13436) Edttort : Report 1-5 by Sir W. C. Roberts-Austen ; Report 6 by Sir W. C. R.-A., completed by W. Gowland. Institution of Naval Architects. See EN- GINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. E 6/903. Institution of Permanent-way Inspec- tors. Reports, etc. Vol. 1, etc. Gloucester, 1884, etc. 8. F6: Publication: Annual, 1889-91 ; twice yearly, 1892, etc. Title varied : " Permanent-way Institution, ' 1896, etc. Place of Publication : London, 1892, etc. Institution of Post Office Electrical Engineers. See POST OFFICE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS' JOUR- NAL. 1908, etc. D 50 : 908. [Professional Papers.] [No. 1, etc.'} London, 1906, etc. 8. D 50: 906. Institution of Surveyors. Transactions. Vol. 1. 1868, etc. London, [1869, etc.'] 8. E 27 : 868. Publication : 12 NOB. yearly. Title varied: " Surveyors' Institution," 1881, etc. Indexa: Vol. 1-38, 1868-1905. Deficient: Vol. 4-5. Professional Notes. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1886, etc. 8. E 27 : 868a. Publication : 4 Nos. yearly. Indexei : Vol. 1-8. 1886-98. With Appendices. Institute Naclonal de Oeografia y Eata- dlstlca de la Republlca Mexicana. Boletin. Tomo 1-12 ; 2a Epoca, Tomo 1-4. Supplemento 1-3. Mexico, 1862-72. 17 vols. 8. AR 95x. Title varied : " Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia, etc.," 1852-68 ; " Sociedad de Geografia, etc., de la Republics Mexicana," 1869-72. Instruction. Instruction pratique gar 1'emploi des larapes de gurete 1 dans les mines, et sur les inoyens de pe'ne'trer sans danger dans les lieux muphitises. [Paris, Imp. Royale.} 1824. 8. 72 pp. 3 pi. (34215) Instruction pour les gens de guerre, ou Ton traite de 1'Artillerie, etc. [Par Gautier.] Paris, J. Cognard, 1692. 12. 210 pp. 14 pi. (34158) Instruction sur la manure de se servir de la regie a calcul. 2e t'd. Paris, Bachelier, 1825. sm. 8. 122 pp. 21 pi. (38305) Instruction sur le Revolver modele 1892. Paris, H. C. Lavauzelle, [1903]. 16. 42 pp. (30741) 34223 Instructions. Instructions for cutting out Apparel for the poor . . . containing patterns, directions, and calculations ... of cloathing of every size . . . Published for the benefit of the Sunday school children at Hertinjrfordbnry, Hertford. London, J. Walter, 1789. 8. 104 pp. 13 pi. (37914) Instructions for the adjustment of Sir W. Thomson's Patent Compass of 1879. [Excerpt.] 8. 22 pp. (35529) Instructions for the use of Farriers attached to the British Cavalry, and to the Honourable Board of Ordnance. London, 1796. 8. 42 pp. (38701) Instructions in all kinds of Gymnastic Exercises as taught, etc. in the gymnastic institutions of Germany. By a Military Officer. London, G., and W. B. Whittaker, 1823. 8. 112 pp. 11 pi. (30196) Instructions snr la nouvelle me'thode de preparer le Mortier-Loriot. Paris, J. Barbou, 1775. sm. 8. 16 pp. 1 pi. (34214) Insurance Engineering: Experiment Sta- tion. See BOSTON MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE Co. F 48 : 902. Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia. See MELBOURNE : Intercolonial Exhibition. International Association, etc. See under French official title ; failing which, under the official title of the Association, etc. in the country of origin. International Association of Fire Engineers. See NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE ENGINEERS. 1895, etc. F 48 : 880. International Association of Municipal Electricians. See NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL ELECTRICIANS. 1900, etc. D 50 : 899. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. Published for the International Council by the Royal Society. 1st Annual Issue. 1902, etc. London, 1902, etc. C 39 : 902, Issued in 17 sections, lettered A-R. [Reports, classification schedules, etc.'] London, 1898-1900. 2 vols. 8. (32348) German Bureau. See BIBLIOORAPHIE DEH DEUTSCHEN NATCRWISSENSCHAFTLICHEH LlT- TERATUB. 39 : 901. Queensland volume. By John Shirley. Brisbane, 1899. 8. 160pp. (35874) International Congresses. See under French official title. For Congresses held in connection with International Exhibitions see under Exhibition heading. International Directory of Booksellers and Bibliophile's Manual. Ed. J. Clegg. 6th Issue, etc. Rochdale, 1903, etc. 8. A 32 : 903. International Harvester Co., of America. Farm Science. By J. E. Wing, etc. Chicago, 1906. 8. 128pp. (35160) International Marine Engineering. See MARINE ENGINEERING, 1906, etc. F 82 : 897. International Sugar Journal. See SUGAR CANE, (The). 1899, etc. K 81 : 869. Internationale Kommlsslon, etc. See COM- MISSION INTERNATIONALE, etc. 353 2 Y INTE] [IRIA Internationale Tapete, (Die). See PAPIER PEINT, (Le). Internationales Instltut fur Tecbno- Bibllog-raphle, Berlin. See TECHNISCHE Aus- KUNFT. 1909, etc. C 39 : 909. Internationales Zentralblatt fur Bau- keramlk und OlaslnduBtrle. See ZENTRAL- BLATT FUR GLAS INDUSTRIE, etc. 1907. etc. 1C 71/897. Interstate Commerce Commission, U.S.A. See U.S. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Introduction aux Observations sur la Physique, etc. See OBSERVATIONS SUR LA PHYSIQUE, etc. 1771-72 Supplement. (1777). 03:771. Introduzione. ^ Introduzione all'Arte Nautica per ufo do piloti, etc. [By G. Albert!.] Venetia, 1715. 4. 308pp. 26 pi. (29192) Intze, Otto. Ueber die Wasserverhaltnisse in Gebirge, deren Verbesserung und wirthschaftliche Ausnutzung. Ex : " Zeitschrif t fur Architektur und Ingenieur- wesen." Hannover, [1899]. fol. 48 col. (27150) Invention. An invention of Engines of Motion lately brought to perfection. [Two letters to Samuel Hartlib, by Creasy Dymock.] London. 1651. am. 4. 14pp. (305U5) Reprinted in his Biographical Memoir of 8. Hartlib. by H. Dircks. (3277) Inventors' Record and Industrial Guardian. Vol. 1-26. London, 1879-1902. 26 vols. fol. C 40/879. Publication: Weekly. Title varied : " Invention ana Inventor's Mart " 1884-86 ; " Invention," 1886-1902. Ion. A journal of Electronics, Atomistic?, lonology, Radioactivity, and Raumchemistry. Vol. 1, etc. London, [Halle a. S., printed], 1908,ete. B 53 : 908. Publication : Monthly. Editor: C. H. Walter, 1908, etc. lorns, M. J. Pine-apple growing in Porto Rico. By H. C. Henrickson and M. J. I. 1909. 42 pp. 6 pi. See PORTO Rico : Agric. Expt. Station. Bulletin 8. J 30 PR. Iowa Civil Engineers' and Surveyors' Society. See IOWA SURVEYORS', etc., ASSOCIA- TION, 1895-97. E 12 lo : Iowa Engineering Society. See IOWA SURVEYORS', etc., ASSOCIATION, 1898, etc. E 12 lo : Iowa Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors. See IOWA SURVEYORS', etc., ASSO- CIATION, 1889-94. E 12 lo : Iowa Surveyors' and Civil Engineers' Association. Proceedings. Glenwood, fete.'] 1888, etc. 8. E 12 lo : Publication: Annual. Title varied: "Iowa Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors," 1889-94 ; " Iowa Civil Engineers' and Surveyors' Society," 1895-97 ; " Iowa Engineering Society," 1898, etc. Irelan, Linna. Pottery. 1889. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Min- ing Bureau. Annual Report. 1889. pp. 240-261. 3 pi. G 50 C : 883. Ireland. See INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Ireland, Lord Lieutenant of. Bann and Lough Neagh Drainage. Report by Sir A. R. Binnie. Dublin, 1906. fol. 30 pp. (32364) Commission on Arterial Drainage. See PARLIAMENT, Ireland. Arterial drainage. 1907. 2 vols. in one. fol. (35561) Commission on Irish railways. See PARLIAMENT, Ireland. Railways. 1907, etc. (35560) Commission of National Education. Manual of Needlework. Dublin, 1882. sm.8. 106 pp. (32960) Dept. of Agriculture and Technical Instruction. (Periodicals.) See IRISH FISHERIES, Inspectors of. Reports . . . 1900, etc. H 58 : 868. Annual general Report, 1, etc. 1900-01, etc. Dublin, 1901, etc. 8. J 7 : 900 a. Journal, No. 1, etc. Dublin, 1900, etc. 8. J 7 : 900. Publication: Quarterly. Report of Proceedings under the Diseases of Animal-i Act, 1903, etc. Dublin, 1904, etc. 8. J 92 : 903. Publication: Annual. (Publications.) See BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Butter. Re- ports by the Board of Agriculture and the Dept. of Agriculture, etc., for Ireland . . . [on] . . . regulations under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1899, for butter. 1902. 3 pts. fol. (30968) A description of the Soil-geology of Ireland . . . with notes on Climate, by J. R. Kilroe. Dublin, 1907. 8. 300 pp. 2 maps. (35567) Handbook of artificial Flies for Salmon and Trout ae used in the different Fishery districts of Ireland. Dublin, 1902. 8. 66 pp. 1 map. (29377) Ireland, industrial and agricultural. [Revised ed. by W. P. Coyne.] Dublin, etc. 1902. 8. 542 pp. 94 pi. (28949) Irish Industrial Exhibition, World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. Handbook and Catalogue of Exhibits. Part 1-3. [Dublin, 1904.] 8. 3 vols. in one. (31187) Local Government Board. Report on the Shell-fish layings on the Irish Coast, as respects their liability to sewage contami- nation. [By T. J. Browne and E. J. McWeeney.] Dublin, 1904. fol. 158 pp. 7 pi., and 35 maps. (30971) Iriarte, Ciriaco de, and Kavarro, L. Topograf la f otograf ica. Madrid, 1899. 480pp. 8. and obi. 4. atlas, 26 pi. (26920) 354 IRIB] [ITAL Irlbas, Juan L. See VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADENA, M. A new pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. Revised, etc., by E. Gray and J. L. I. 1903. 2vols. 8. (29798) Irish, Chas. W. Climate, soil, characteristics, and irrigation methods of California. 1895. See U.S. DEPT. OF AORICULTCRE. Year-book. 1895. pp. 475-486. 2 pi. J 29 : 849b. Irish Association of Gas Managers. S ASSOCIATIONS OP GAS ENGINEERS, etc. 1901, etc. K 41 : 883. Irish Builder, (The), and Engineer. Vol. 48, etc. Dublin, 1906, etc. fol. F 68/906. Publication: Fortnightly. Irish Fisheries, Inspectors of. Reports. 1868, etc. Dublin, 1869, etc. fol. and 8. H 58: 868. Publication : Annual. History: Issued by the Dcpt. of Agriculture, etc., 1900, etc. Irish Forestry Society. See QUARTERLY JOURNAL OP FORESTRY. 1907, etc. J 75: 907. Irish Feat Co. , Proceedings of the First annual meeting . . . 1852, [and] of a special general meeting, 1853. [Compauy founded on R. Recce's Letters Patent, No. 12,436 of 1849.] London, 1852-53. 2 ptg. 8. (25740) Iron and Steel Institute. See ASSOCIATION DBS MAITRES DE FORGES DE CHABLEROI. Notices sur la Me'tallnrgie lues dans la session de Nov. 1877 de 1'Inst. du fer, etc. 1878. 8. (34279) See ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. E 5/ 903. . Pyrometers suitable for Metallurgical work. [With List of British Patents for Pyrometers, by H. G. Graves, and Bibliography.] [London, 1904.] 8. 62 pp. (30193) Iron and Steel Magazine. See METALLO- GRAPHIST, (The). 1904-06. G 90 : 898. Iron and Steel Metallurgist, etc. See ME- TALLOGRAPHIST, (The). 1904. G 90 : 898. Iron and Steel Times. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1909, etc. 8. G 80 : 909. Publication! Weekly. Ironmongers' Chronicle, (The). Vol. 7-8. London, 1899-1900. 2 vols. 4. E 41 : 899. Publication : Monthly. Ironmongers' Chronicle and Hardware- man. See HARDWAREMAN, (The). 1908. etc. E 41 : 904. Ironmongers' Company, London. See NOBLE, T. C. A brief history of the Wor- shipful Company of Ironmongers, etc. 1889. 8. (37572) Ironmongers' Journal, and Metal, Hardware, and Iron Trade Review. Vol. 1-2, [No. 1-15]. London, 1886-87. 4. E 41 : 886. Publication : Monthly. MB Irvine, Hans W. H. Report on the Australian Wine trade [1896?]. 36 pp. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Special Reports, etc. [14.] 1892-96. J8AV:891. Isaachsen, J. Die Bedingungen fur eine gute Regulirung . . . bei Dampfmascbinen und Turbinen. Berlin, 1899. 8. 76 pp. (29016) Das Verhalten der Scbornsteingase nach dom Verlasson des Schornsteinp. 1902. See VERRIN ZUR BEPORDERUNG DES GEWEKRFLEISSES. Ver- haudlungen. Jahrg. 81. pp. 171-227. 4. B 67 P : Isaacs, Hon. I. A. The New Agriculture. [1901.] 52 pp. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Special Reports. 1895-1901. [14.] J8AV:891. Isaacs, John D. Preservation of structural Timber. 1896. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Annual Report, 1895-96. pp. 647-655. 1 sheet of tables. G 50 C : 883. Isaacs, Lewis H. A practical treatise on Sewerage and Drainage. London, 1859. 8. 46pp. 6 pi. (36554) Isaaous, Joannes. See JOANNES ISAACUS, cilled Hollandut. Iselln, J. F. Report on materials and appliances for Science Teaching included in the educational collection in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERNAT. EXHIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol.2. Pt. 8. pp. 49-64. (15691) Isendahl, W. Maschinentechnisches Taschenworterbuch in drei Sprachen mit bes. Rucksicht auf Automobilis- mus und Elektrotechnik. Franzonsch - Deutsch- Englisoh. Berlin, 1902. sin. 8. (28527) Iskolski, D. Flussfahrzeuge von geringerem Tiefgang als 75 cm. 1902. 6 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTER- NATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 1. Communications. [6.] F 43: 888. Isler, C. Well-boring for water, brine, and oil. London, 1902. 8. 206pp. IpL (28254) Islosman, Fishing vessel. See NAPIER, J. R. Description of the Great West of Scotland Fishery Company's Steamer "Islesman." 1858. 8. (2943) Issaleff, Theodore W. Directions for making the Camembert type of Oheese. 1907. 22 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 98. J 29 An : a. Issel, Hans. Illustriertes Handlezikon der gebranchlicben Binstoffe. Leipzig, [1902]. 8. 512 pp. (29578) Italy. See ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE DEI MUOSAI ITALIANI. J 96 : 885. Italy I Army. Regolamento delle Istruzioni pratiche dell' Artiglieria. Vol. 7-8. Manopere dei Pontieri. Torino, 1861. 2 vols. 12. (38112) 355 2 Y 2 ITAL] [JACK Italy : cont. . Ministero del lavori pubblici. Relazione sull'inchiesta amminiatrativa intorno alle cause che produssero la rotta dell'argine del Po avvenuta a Gnarda Ferrarese nel 28 mai 1872. [Roma, 1872.] 4. 390 pp. 8 pi. (35025) Salle opere idrauliche dei Paesi Bassi. Rela- zione . . . dello I. Maganzini. Roma, 1877. fol. 234pp. 14 pi. (34928) Ministero delle Paste e dei lelegrafi. Bullettino. See BULLETTINO TELEGRAFICO DEL REGNO D'ITALIA. 1865-94. D 60 : 865. Ministero di Ayricoltura. Delia coltivazione del Cotone in Italia. Rela- zione . . . di G. Devincenzi. Londra, 1862. 8. 48pp. 3 pi. (6849) On the cultivation of Cotton in Italy. Report ... by G. Devincenzi. London, 1862. 8. 48 pp. 3 pi. (6850) (Patent Office.) Catalogo delle Privative Industrial! in vigore nl 1 gennaio del 1901. Roma, 1903. 4. 1188pp. (12549) Xter. Iter per Mundum Cartesii. See VOYAGE. Iter per Mundum Cartesii. 1694. 12. (4902) Ivorscn, Johannes. Die deutsche Charkuterie, Wurst- und Fleisch- waren-Fabrikation. 4te Aufl. Leipzig, [1905]. sm. 8. 318 pp. (32738) Zves, Frederick Eugene. See AMSTITTZ, N.S. Handbook of photo-engrav- ing . . . 3rd ed. With chapters on . . . half-tone colorwork by F. E. I., etc. 1907. 8. (36411) KrSmskop Color Photography. With chapters on the nature of Light and theory of Color . . . London, 1898. sm. 8. 80 pp. 1 pi. (23547) Ivey, G. F. Carding and Spinning. Hickory, N.C., [1904]. sm. 8. 220 pp. (31625) Loom-fixing and weaving. [2nd ed.] Raleigh, 1901. sm. 8. 116 pp. (31626) Izarn, Joseph. Manuel du Galvanisme. Paris, [1805]. 8. 326 pp. 6 pi. (34560) Xzart, J. See RAVIGNEAUX, P., and IZAKT, J. Principes etrecettes. 1906. sm. 8. (31767) Canots automobiles et House-boats. (Biblio- theque du Chauffeur.) Paris, 1909. sm. 8. 258 pp. (38524) J. Jabs, Asmus. Torfkoks und Kraftgas. Ein Beitras; zur Torfverwertung. Berlin, 1908. 8. 32 pp. (36845) Uber Torfdestillation und Torfverwertung. Berlin, 1907. 8. 40 pp. (35072) Jackson, Benjamin Daydon. A Glossary of botanic terms with their deriva- tion and accent. London, 1900. sm. 8. 338 pp. (27860) Jackson, C. F. Y. The Opal-mining industry and the distribution of Opal deposits in Queensland. 1902. 34 pp. 22 pi. and map. See QUEENSLAND : Geological Survey. Report, No. 177. 8. G 26 Q : Jackson, Daniel Dana. The normal distribution of Chlorine in the Natural waters of New York and New England. 1905. 32 pp. 5 pi. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Water-supply, etc. Papers. No. 144. G 30 : 899. Jackson, Dugald Caleb. See NEW YORK AND OHIO Co. Transformers and their profitable use. By D. C. J. [1899.] 8. (25985) Jackson, F. Hamilton. Intarsia and Marquetry. London, 1903. 8. 172pp. 55 pi. (32880) Mural painting. (Handbooks for the Designer and Craftsman.) London, 1904. 8. 198 pp. 39 pi. (31396) Romanesque Decoration. 1907. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 8.] B 51 : 872. Jackson, Mrs. F. Nevill. Toys of other days. (" Country Life " Library.) London, 1908. 4. 332 pp. 49 pi. (38558) Jackson, Frank Geo. Metal work. Chasing and repousse 1 for home art workers. London, 1903. 8. 70 pp. (30432) Jackson, Henry, Chemist. An essay on Bread ; wherein the bakers and millers are vindicated from the aspersions contained in two pamphlets ; one intitled, Poison detected, [by P. Markham], and the other, The nature of Bread honestly and dishonestly made, [by J. Manning]. London, 1758. 8. 56 pp. (38351) See MARKHAM, P. A final warning to the public . . being an exposure of the dangerous falsities, etc., in " An essay on Bread " [by H. J.]. 2nd ed. 1758. 8. (9092) An essay on British Isinglass; wherein its nature and properties are compared with the foreign sorts. [Letters Patent, No. 749 of 1760.] London, 1765. 8. 108 pp. (27940) Jackson, Herbert. Detergents and Bleaching agents used in Laundry work. 1907. 38 pp. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 8.] B 51 : 872. Jackson, John Edward Evans-. Notes on Patents and Trade Marks. 2nd ed. London, 1904. 8. 92pp. 1 pi. (30833) Jackson, Louis, Capt. R.E. ' ; On entrenched Camps and detached Forts. 1887 See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 13. pp. 247-87. 5 pi. F 90 : 844. Jackson, Louis D'Aguilar. Canal and Culvert Tables, based on the formula of Kutter, under a modified classification. London, 1878. 8. 406 pp. 1 pi. (37497) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1884. 8. 426 pp. 1 pi. (10936) Ten centuries of European progress. London. 1891. 8. 384pp. 13 pi. (33186) Jackson, W. A text-book on Ceramic calculations. London, 1904. sm. 8. 86pp. (33838) 356 JACO] [JAEH Jacob, Emil. Der Plug. Bin auf der Wirkung strahlenden Luftdrncks beruhender Vorganj;. Bad Kreuznach, 1908. 8. 124 pp. 4 p!. (37986) Jacob, Ernest Henry, M.D. Notes on the Ventilation and Warming of houses, churches, schools, and othsr buildings. (Manuals of Health.) London, 1894. sra. 8. 124pp. (38178) Jacob, Georg. Geachichte des Schattentheaters. Berlin, 1907. 8. 168 pp. (35073) Jacob, Paul. See GOLDSCHEIDER, A., and JACOB, P. Hand- buch der physikalischen Therapie. 1901-02. 4vols. 8. (28465) Jacob, Paul L., pseud, [i.e., Paul Lacroix]. _ See FONTAINE, A. Catalogue de livres . . . He la librairie A. F. Pre'ce'dg d'un note par P. L. J. 1878-79. 8. (37734) Jacob, Samuel Swinton. See INDIA, Gout. of(Dept. of Revenue, etc). Jey- pore enamels. By 8. S. J., etc. 1886. fol. (31837) Jacobl, Chas. Thos. Modern Book-printing. 1904. 20 pp. See SOCIETY OP ARTS. Cantor Lectures. Vol. 7. B 51 : 872. Jacobl, Moritz Hermann von. . Galvanoplastie. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHI- BITION 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Tome 8. Classe 47. Sect. 8. pp. 123-153. 8. (13828) , Me'moire sur replication de I'Electromagne'tisme an mouvement des Machines. Potsdam, 1835. 8. 60 pp. 1 pi. (28770) Jacobs, E. See BRITISH COLUMBIA MINING RECORD. Ed. E. J. 1906, etc. G 61 BC : 906. Jacobs, H. W. Betterment Briefs. A collection of published papers on organised industrial efficiency. [2nd el.] New York, 1909. 8. 272 pp. 1 pi. (38407) Jacobson, Paul Heinnch. See BEILSTEIN, F. K. Handbuch der organiscben Chemie. 3te Aufl. Erganzungsband 1-5 redigirt von P. H. J. [1901-06.] 8. (24227) See DEUTSCHE CHEMISCHE GESELLSCHAPT, Ber- lin. Berichte. Hrsg. P. J. 1898, etc. K : 868. See MEYER, V. J., and JACOBSON, P. H. Lehr- bnch der organischen Chemie. Aufl. 1, eta. [1891, etc.] JacobBthal, . Ueber einige Arten orientalischer Mosaik- Arbeiten. 1889. See VEREIN ZUR BEF^RDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Sitzungsberichte. Jahrg. 68. pp. 70-89. B 67 P : Jacoby, Henry Silvester. See MERRIMAN, M., and JACOBY, H. 8. A text- book on Roofs and Bridges. 1888, etc. Jacoutot, Auguste. Chocolate and Confectionery manufacture. Lon- don, [1903]. 8. 228 pp. portr. (29796) Jacqmln, A. Exploitation des Chemins de fer. 1898. See SocifeTfe DES INGENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. 8. pp. 163-192. (25483) Jacqmln, F., and Cheysson, E. Service m^canique et service hydraulique [a I'Exposition de 1867]. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Tome 8. Classe 52. Sect. 1. pp. 477-537. 8. (13828) Jacquard, Joseph Marie, (1752-1834). (Biographical.) See WOODCROPT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Jacquomier. R. See SAVIN, J. Etude sur le Conducteur Epicy- oloidal, etc., de R. J. 1875. 8. (33644) Jacquomin, E., and Marote, E. Influence des travaux de Re'gularisation sur le re'gime de la Meuse Beige et de 1'Onrthe Inf eVieure. 1900. 12 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 8e Congrea. Ques- tion 1. [3.] F 43: 888. Jacquomin, Georges. Les Fermentations rationnelles (Vina, Cidres, Hydroinels, Alcools.) Malzeville-Nancy, 1900. 8. 886 pp. 7 pi. (27348) and Alllot, Henri. La Cidrerie moderne. Malzeville- Nancy, 1902. 8. 744 pp. (29073) Jacquet, Louis, Engineer. La fabrication des Eanx-de-Vie. (Encyclopedic Scientifique des Aide-mimoire.) Paris, [1894]. am. 8. 228 pp. (38702) Jacquler, Edme. Exposition t'lt'mentaire de la The'orie Me"caniqne de la Chaleur appliqm'o aux machines. Paris, 1867. 8. 60pp. (28831) Jag-er, Ernst. Denis Papin nnd seine Nachfolger in der Erfin- dnng der Dampfmaschine. Mit zwei Anhaagen betreffend die Steuerung der einfacb-wirkenden Watt'schen Dampf- (Kornwall-) Maachine, und der Briefwechsel zwischen Papin und Leibnitz uber Aerzte und Heilmittel. Stuttgart, 1902. sm. 8. 42pp. (28528) Jaegrer, Gustav, M.D. Health-cultare. Trel. L. R. S. Tomalin. Revised ed. London, 1897. sm. 8. 188 pp. (33421) Jag-er, Gustav. Die Fortachritte der kinetiaohen Gastheorie. ("Die Wisienschaft." Heft 12.) Braunschweig, 1906. 134 pp. (36528) Japrer, Hermann. . Die Erziehung der Pflanzen ana Samen. Von H. J., und von dem Herausgeber (Ernst Benary). Erfurt, 1887. 8. 422pp. (25868) Jabns, Max. Atlas zur Geschichte des Kriegsweaena von der Urzeit bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. Zu seinen Vorlesungen an der Konigl. Kriegs- Akademie. 1878. Berlin, 1878. obi. 4. 100 pi. (30025) i Handbuch einer Geachichte des Kriegswesens von der Urzeit bis zur Renaissance. Technischer Theil : Bewaffnung, Kampfweise, Befestigung, Belagerung, Seewesen. Text. Leipzig, 1880. 1 vol. in two. 8 s . (30025) 357 JAEH] [JAHR Jahns, Max cont. Entwickelungsgeschichte der alten Trutzwaflen, mit eine Anhange iiber die Feuerwaffen. Berlin, 1899. 4. 416pp. 40 pi. (27708) Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften vornehm- lich in Deutschland. 1889-91. See GESCHICHTE DEE WlSSENSCHAFTEN IN DEUTSCHLAND. Neuere Zeit. Band 21. 1 vol. in three. 8. (27232) Jahns, l; . Der Viel-Messer (Patent 1873), ein neues Feld- messinstrument zu universalem Gebrauch auf dem Messtische. [Prussian Patent, No. 6 of April, 1873.] Berlin, 1874. 8. 24 pp. 8 pi. (26651) Jaffa, M. E. Further investigations among fruitarians at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1901-02. 1903. 82 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 132. J 29 : 889. Nutrition investigations among fruitarians and Chinese . . . 1899-1901. 1901. 44 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 107. J 29 : 889. Nutrition investigations at the California Agri- cultural Experiment Station, 1896-98. 1900. 40 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 84. J 29 : 889. Nuts and their uses as food. 1908. 28 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 332. J 29 Fa : Jaffe', Franz. Ausatellungsbauten. [1905.] See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architektur. 2te Aufl. Theil 4. HalbbaadG. Heft 4. pp. 559-744. 3 pi. 8. (28712) Jagro, Wm. Chemistry of Confectioners' materials and pro- cesses, and chemical valuation of materials. 1902. 40 pp. See SOCIETY OP ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol.7.] B 51: 872. Jahn, C. F. A. Die Gasbeleuchtung und die Darstallung des Leuchtgases. Leipzig, 1862. sm. 8. 168 pp. 24 pi. (27494) See BRONNER, J. Das Gasbuchlein des Herrn C. F. A. J. 1868. (13501) Jahn, John. Die Herstellung der Lokomotiven. 1908. See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbuch der Eisenbahn- mascbinenwesens. Band 1. pp. 114-223. 1 pi. 8. (38111) Die Herstellung der Wagon. 1908. Ibid. Band 1. pp. 224-250. 2 pi. 8. (38111) Jahn el, August. Flussfahrzeuge von geringerem Tiefgang als 75 cm. 1902. 8 pp. 4 pi. See CoNGRfea INTER- NATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Con- gr&s. 1902. Sect. 1. Communication 3. [7.] F 43 : 888. Jahr, H. Polizei- Verordnnng beta-offend die Einrichtung und den Betrieb von Aufziigen (Fahrstiihlen). 4te Aufl. Hagen i. West/., 1908. 16. 64 pp. (36846) Jahr, Torstein, and Strohm, A. J. Bibliography of Co-operative cataloguing and the printing of Catalogue cards, with incidental references to International Bibliography and the Universal Catalogue (1850-1902). See U.S. CON- GRESS (Library). Report of the Librarian, etc. 1901-02. pp. 109-224. AN 36**. The same. Reprint. Washington, 1903. 8. 116 pp. (29722) Jahrbuch der Auto mobil- und Motorboot- Zndustrie. Jahrg. 1, e'c. Berlin, 1904, etc. 4 E 71 : 904. Editor : E. Neuberg. Jahrbuch der clrahtlosen Telegraphic und Telephonic. Jahrg. 1 etc. Leipzig. 1907, etc. 8. 060:907. Editor : G. Eichhorn. Jahrbuoh der orgranlachen Chemle. Jabrg. 1, etc. Jahrg. 1907, etc. Stuttgart. 1908, etc. 8. K 10 : 907. Editor : J. Schmidt. Jahrbuoh der Bacllo-aktivltat und Elek- tronlk. Band 1, etc. Leipzig, 1904, etc. 8. D 53 : 904a. Editor : 3. Stark. Jahrbuoh fur Acetylen und Carbld. li-ud 1-3. Jahrg. 1899-1901. Halle a. S., 1900-02. 3 vols. 8. K 43 : 899. Editor: M. Altschul, etc. Jahrbuch fur das Eisenhiittenwesen. Jahrg. 1,1 900, etc. Diiueldorf, 1902, etc. G 80: 900. Editor : 0. Vogel, 1900, etc. History : Supplement to " Stahl und Bisen." Jahrbuch fur das llthographlsche Ge- werbe. Kalender, etc. Jahrg. 8, etc. Karlsruhe, 1908, etc. sm. 8. A 21 : 908. Jahrbuoh und Kalender fur die Baum- wolle-Industrie. See KALENDER FUR TEXTIL- INDUSTRIE. 1909, etc. E 81 : 880. Jahresberloht iiber die Erfahrung-en und Fortschrltte a. d. G. der Xiandwirth- schaft. Jahrg. 16, 1901, etc. Braunschweig, 1902, etc. 8. J 1 : 981. Hditors: R. Thomson, and M. Willner. 1901-03; M. Hoffmann, and A. Kostlau, 1904-5 ; M. H., and C. Langenbeok, 1906, etc. Jahresberloht fiber die Fortschrltte der Chemle, etc. See JAHRESBERICHT USER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSI8CHEN WlSSENSCHAFTEN. 1842-49. D 2 : 822. Jahresberlcht fiber die Fortschrltte der physischen Wissenschaften. Aus demschwe- disohem uebersetzt von F. Wohler. Jahrg. 1-28. Tubingen. 1822-49. D 2 : 822. Editors : 3. Berzelins, 1822-47 ; L. Svanberg, 1847-49. Indexes : Jahrg. 1-25. (1847). Title varied : " Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie," 1842-48 ; " Jahres- bericht Uber die Fortschritte der Chemie," 1849. Jahresberieht fiber die Fortschrltte des Zeug'drucka, etc. Jahrg. 1, etc. Leipzig, 1908, etc. 8. K 35: 908. Editor : A. Sansone. History: Supplement 2, etc., to "Lauber's Prakt. Uandbuch des Zeugdrucks." Jahresberlcht fiber die Fortschrltte 1m landwlrthschaftlichennxaschlnenwesen. See FORTSCHRITTE IM LANDWIRTHSCHAFTLICHEN MASCHINENWESEN. 1875. J 23 : 875. Jahresberlcht fiber die Fortschrltte In der Ziehre von den Gabrungrs-Orgranls- men. Jahrg. 1, 1890, etc. Braunschweig, 1891, etc. 8. HI: 890. Editor: A. Koch. 358 JAHR] [JAME Jabreaberlcnt iiber die Fortschritte in der Xiehre von den pathogrenen Mikro- orsracismen, amfaasend Bacterlen, Pilze und Protozoen. 1896, etc. Braun- schweig, 1898. 8. HI: 896. Editor i: P. von Baumpirten and F. Tangl, 1896, etc. Jahresboricht uber die Xielstungren, et<: a. d. O. des Mllltar-Sanltatswesens. See ROTH'S JAHRESBERICIIT, etc. H 24 : 906. Jabresbericht iiber die Neuerungren und ielatung-en a. d. O-. des Pflanzenkrank- helten. See JAHRESBERICIIT CBER DIE NEU- ERUXGEN, etc. A. D. G. DBS PFLANZENSCUCTZE8. 1901, etc. H 69 : 898. Jahresberlcbt fiber die Neucrunsren and Iieiatung-en a. d. O>. dos Pflanzen- schutzea. Band 1, 1898, etc. Berlin, 1899, etc. 8. H 69 : 898. Editor : M. Hollrung, 1898, tie. Title varied: " Jahresberioht Uber die Neuerungen etc., a. d. G. ties Pflanzenkrankheiten," 1901-04. " Jahreabericht Uber das Gebiet dcr Pflanzenkrank- heiten." 1905. etc. Jahresberlcnt liber die Veranderung-en und Fortschritte im Mllitarwesen. .Tahrg. 1-29. Berlin, 1875-1902. 30 vols. 8. F 98 : 874. Editort: H. von Lubell. 1874-91 ; T. von Jarossky, 1892-93 ; I'elet-Narbonne, 1894-1902. Jaillant, L. Nouveau manael complet du Boarrelier, Sellier, Harnachear. (Manueh-Roret.) Paris, 1903. 12. 390 pp. (30150) Jakob, Max. Techimch - physikalische Untersuchungen von Aluminium-Elektrolytzellen. 1906. See SAMMLUNO CHEMISCHER etc., VORTRAGE. Band 9. pp. 1-131. K 1 : 896. Ueber die Abhaugigkeit der gpezifischeu Warme Cp des Wasserdampfes von Draok und Temperatur. Von O. Knoblauch und M. J. 1906. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER iNGENJEURE. Mittheilnngen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 35-36. pp. 109-152. E 13/857b. JakobB, Eilt. Bin nener Lot-Apparat. 1907. See SCHIFF- BAUTECHN. GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuoh. Band 8. pp. 380-386. P 81 : 900. Jal, Augusts. Aroh^ologie navale. Paris, 1840. 2 vols. 8. (38416) La Flotte de C6sar ; Svarov Naw^oxov d'Homere ; Yirgilius Nauticus. Etudes snr la marine antique. Paris; 1861. 12. 430 pp. (38417) Jamaica. See ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF JAMAICA. Jamaica, Govt. of. Handbook of Jamaica, llth year, etc. King- ston, 1891, etc. 8. A 90 : W I J : Editors : 8. P. Musson and T. L. Roxburgh, 1891-97 : T. L. R., and J. C. Ford, 1898-1902 ; J. C. F., and A. A. C. Finlay, 1903, etc. Board of Agriculture, etc. *- Annual Report, 1904, etc. Kingston, 1905, etc. fol. J 16 J : 904. Jamaica, Govt. ofcont. - Board of Agriculture, etc. cant. -- Bulletin of the Dept. of Agriculture. Vol. 1, etc. Kingston, 1903, etc. 8. J 16 J : 887a. Publication : Monthly to March 1908. 2 Nos. yearly April 1909, etc. Editor: W. Fawoett, 1903-08. H. H. Cousins, 1909, etc. Hittorv : A continuation of the Bulletin of the Botanical Dept*, q.t>. -- Report [s] on the . . . Sugar Experiment Statioa. By H. H. Cousins. 1906, etc. Kingston, 1908, etc. 8. J 16 J : 904a. i Botanical Dept. -- Bulletin. No. 1-50. April 1887. New Series, Vol. 9. 1902. Kingston, 1887-1902. fol. and 8. J 16 J : 887. Publication : Monthly. Sditor: W. Fawcett, 1887-1902. Indexes: 1887-1902 in N.S. Vol. 9. Jamaica Agricultural Society. - Journal. Vol. 1, etc. Kingston, 1897, etc. 8. J 16 J : 897. Publication: Monthly. James, Alfred. - Oyanide practice. London, [1902]. 4. 186 pp. lip!. (28255) James, Ghas., Major. A new and enlarged military dictiouary, in French and English. 3rd ed. London, 1810. 2 vols. 8. (34072) James, Chas. Carkeet. . Drainage problems of the East . . . revised edition of "Oriental Drainage." Bombay, 1906. 2 vols. 8. (32905) James, Constautin, and Aud'houi. V. Guide pratique auz Eaux Minuralea de la France et de l'e"tranger. 16e e"d. Paris, 1898. 12. 352 pp. (32453) James, E. Trait4 des Sonneries . loges et Montres. Geneve, (26670) James, Robert, M.D. - See ALPINUS, P. The presages of life and death, etc. Tral. R.J. 1746. 2 vols. 8. (2146) James, William Henry, (1771-1837). (Biographical.) - See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Jameson, A. D. R. - See BRITISH OPTICAL JOURNAL. Ed. A. D. R. J. 1905-6. D 20 : 901. Jameson, Andrew, Q.C. - - See TREASURY, Lords Commissioner* of the. Telephone Exchange Service v. Glasgow. Report . . . by A. J. 1898. fol. (26C36) Jameson, H. G. - See DIXON, H. X. The students' handbook of British Mosses. With illustrations, etc., by H. G. J. 1896. 8. (25938) Jameson, Lewis. i Manufacturers' practical Recipes. London, 1902-03. 4 vols. 8. (28794) . de Pendules, Hor- 1899. 12. 98 pp. 359 JAME] [JANZ Jainetel, Maurice. ' L'ncre de Chine, son histoire et sa fabrication, d'apres des documents Chinois. Paris, 1882. 12. 124 pp. 20 pi. (33177) Jamloson, Alex., /.!./>. i A dictionary of mechanical sciences, arts, manu- factures, and miscellaneous knowledge. London, 1827. 2 vols. 4. (37746) A dictionary of mechanical arts, manufactures, and miscellaneous knowledge. 6th ed. London, 1828. 4. 1074 pp. 71 pi. (35604) A manual of Map-making and mechanical geo- graphy. London, 1846. sm. 8. 114 pp. 1 pi. (38077) ^ Report on the mechanical properties of Porter's patent Anchor [No. 7774 of 1838]. [Observations and reports ... by Porter & Co.] London, 1843[-44]. 8*. 2pts. 4 pi. (31645) Jamloson, Andrew. A text-book on Steam and Steam - engines. London, 1886. sm. 8. 402pp. 4 pi. (19446) 4th ed. London, 1889. sm. 8. (21768) llth ed. London, 1896. 8' J . The same. 402 pp. 4 pi. The same. 1 pi. (2353) The same. 13th ed. London, 1901. 8. 4 pi. (27861) The same. 16th ed. London, 1909. 8. 14 pi. (37942) 470 pp. 602 pp. 852 pp. Jauiieson, John, /)./>. - An etymological Dictionary of the Scottish language. Edinburgh, 1808-25. 4 vols. 4. (6178) The same. New ed., by J. Longmuir and D. Donaldson. [Supplement, with memoir and intro- duction, by D. Donaldson.] Paisley, 1879-87. 5 vols. fol. (22503) Jamieson, Tims. i See ABERDEENSHIRE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. Utilisation of Nitrogen in air by plants. Report 1-2 [by T. J.]. [1905-06]. 2 vols. 8. (33666) Science and practice of Agriculture. Farmer's Handbook. [Experiments, etc., made by the Aber- - deenshire Agricultural Research Association, 1875- 1903.] [Aberdeen,'] 1905. 8. 174 pp. 2 pi. (32344) Jamin, Jules Cc'lestin. See WKOBLEWSKI, 8. de. Comment 1'Air a e'te' liquefii'. Re'ponse a 1'article de J. Jamin. 1885. 8. (29042) Petit traite" de Physique. Paris, 1870. 8. 690 pp. (38955) Photochemistry. Ex : " Revue des Cours Scienti- fiques de la France, eta." 1867. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report. 1867. pp. 363-369. B13S: 847. Vegetation and the atmosphere. Ex : " Revue des Deux Mondes. 1864. Ibid. Report. 1864. pp. 178rl90. B 13 8:847. Janasz, Stanislaus. Beschreibung einiger Zuckerriibenrassen. 1904. See BRESLAU (Univ.): Landw.Inst. Mittheilungen. Band 2. Heft 5. pp. 913-970. 1 pi. J : 899. Janet, Paul Andre Marie. Lecons d'Electrotechnique gene'rale. Paris. 1900. 8. 624pp. (27092) Janet, Paul Andre Marie cont. Premiers principes d'Electricit^ Industrielle. Piles, accumulateurs, dynamos, transformateurs. 5ee"d. Paris, 1903. 8. 288pp. (30343) Valeurs comparatives des trois e'talons lumineux a flamme : Carcel, Hefner, Vernon-Harconrt. Par A. Perot et P. Janet. 1906. 12 pp. See CON- SERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Laboratoire d'essais. Bulletin 9. E 5 : 903. Janlii, , Seigneur de Combe-Blanche. L'Antime'phitique, ou moyens de de'trnire lea exhalaisons . . . des fosses d'aisance, etc. Paris, 1782. 8. 102 pp. (34883) Janku, Johann Baptist. Der Farbenstich als Vorlaufer des photograph- ischen Dreifarbendrucks und nach seinen technischen and geschichtlichen Entwicklungs - Bedingungen. Halle a. S., 1899. 8. 46 pp. (26537) Jannettaz, Paul. Chimie Industrielle. 1898. See SOCIET DES INGENIEUHS CIVILS DE FRANCE Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 717-740. 8. E 14 : 848. Mrique de 1'industrie suisse des Matieres Colorantes Artificielles. Geneve, 1896. 8. 106 pp. (26079) L'lndustrio du Goudron de Honille. (Encyclo- pedic scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1898], 16. 172 pp. (25889) Matieres Odorantes aitificielles. (Ibid.) Paris, [1900?]. 16. 190pp. (27093) L'Industrie des Matieres Colorantes Azoiques. (Ibid.) Paris, [1899]. 16. 168 pp. (VJ7709) Jaubert, Pierre, Abbe. Dictiouuaire raisonne' universel des Arts et Mr tiers, contenant 1'histoire, la description, etc., des fabriques et manufactures de France et des pays Grangers. Nouv. 6d. Paris, 1773. 5 vols. sm. 8. (32595) Jaubert de Fassa, Jacques Francois, Baron. Memoiro sur la culture du Che"ne-Liege, sur la recolte et la fabrication du Lit'jje. (Ex : " Mdm. de la Soc. . . . d' Agriculture," Ann^e 1836.) [Paris, 1837.] 8. 112 pp. 2 pi. (34756) Jaunez, A. See BONNEVILLE, P., and others. La fabrica- tion des briques, etc. Nouv. tirage. Partie 2. Les prodnits ceVamiquss, par A. J., etc. 1880. 8. (19135) Jaunez, L. See BONNEVILLE, P., and others. La fabrica- tion des briques, etc. Nouv. tirage. Partie 2. Les produits ceramiques, par A. et L. J. 1880. 8. (19135) Javal, E. Manuel . . . du Strabisme. Paris, 1896. 8. 396pp. 49 p). (35511) Jay's, Ltd. See DAVEY, R. A history of mourning. Jays, Ltd., [1889]. 4. (37969) Jeamson, Thos. See S., M. Artificiall Embellishments ... [By T. J.]. 1665. sm. 8. (30096) Joan, Ferdinand. See DALICAN, A., and JEAN, F. Me'thodes chimiqnes servant a determiner la valeur commer- ciale des matieres grasses, etc. 1872. 12. (34197) 361 2 z JEAN] Jeancard, Paul, and Satie, C. Abreg6 de la Chimie des Parfums". (Encyclo- pedie scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [19041. 16. 190 pp. (31567) Jeanjean. A. Le Platre dans les arts. de son emploi dans 1'agriculture et Nines, 1859. 8. 64 pp. (36976) Jeanmalre, . L'art moderne du Ouir. Traite artistiqne, etc. [Supplement. Paris, 1901-03.] 2 pta. 8. (29554) Jeanneney, P. Calculs sur la sortie de Vapeur dans les Machines Locomotives. Paris, 1841. 8. 198 pp. 7 pi. (33303) Jeans, James Hopwood. The dynamical theory of Gases. Cambridge, 1904. 8. 358 pp. (31351) The mathematical theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Cambridge, 1908. 8. 544 pp. (36321) Jeans, James Stephen. See BRITISH IRON TRADE ASSOCIATION. Ameri- can industrial conditions and competition. Reports, etc. Ed. J. S. J. 1902. 8. (28624) Jeays, Joshua. The orthogonal system of Hand-railing, with practical illustrations of the construction of Stairs. 2nd ed. London, 1864. 8. 84 pp. 10 pi. (33054) Jebb, Sir Joshua, K.C.B., Major-Gen. R.E. Notes on ... sinking Artesian Wells. 1842. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 5. pp. 266-280. pis. 43-48. F 90 : 844. On the construction and ventilation of Prisons. 1845. Ibid. Vol. 7. pp. 10-32. pis. 10-19. F 90 : 844. A practical treatise on the attack of Military posts, villages, intrenchments, etc. Supplement to "the Defence of Outposts." Chatham, 1837. 8. 90 pp. 5 pi. (37695) .1 A practical treatise on strengthening and defending Outposts, Villages, etc. Madras, 1841. 8. 74pp. (12916) Reprinted from the 1st ed., 1836. The same. 2nd ed. Chatham, 1837. 8. 92 pp. 16 pi. (37694) Jeep, Wilhelm. . Die Anfertigung der Kitt- und Klebemittel fur die verschiedenen Gegenstande. 4te Aufl. von " Thon's Kittkunst." (Neuer Sehauplatz der Kiinste.) Weimar, 1895. 8. 134pp. (26899) t'euerungsanlagen. 2te Aufl. von E. Wustandt. Leipzig, 1905. 8. 576 pp. (31524) Jetfery, Alfred. , Notes on the Marine Glue. - [Letters Patent No. 9323 of 1842.] London, 1843. 8. 26 pp. 4 pi. (33503) Jeffreys, Julius. Ventilation and Warmth : irrefragable truths . . . comprised in strictures on Dr. Arnott's wwrk on warming and ventilating. [London, 184 ?]. 8. 36pp. (37498) Jehl, Francis. . The manufacture of Carbons for Electric Light- ing, etc. (''Electrician" Series.) London, [1899]. 8. 242pp. Ipl. (26679) [JENN Joif, Ernest Arthur, Bar.-at-Law. Piracy ia Trade Names and Descriptions. Ex : " Law Mag. and Review." "' Vol. 32. pp. 299-309. 1898. 8. (25557) Jelllffe, Smith Elv, M.D. See BROWNE, Sir J. C., and others. The Stan- dard Family Physician. 1907. 1 vol. in three. 8. (35254) Jelllnek, S , M.D. Mediziniscbe Anwendungen der Elektrizitat. 1906. 478 pp. See SCHWACHSTROMTECHNIK IN EINZELDARSTELLUNGEN. Band 3. D 51 : 904. Jenkln, Henry Chas. Fleeming, F.R.S. Telpherage. 1884. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 10. pp. 1-16. 3 pis. F 90 : 844. Jenkins, Cbas. Francis. Animated Pictures. An exposition of the historical development of ehrono-pbotography, etc. WaMngton, 1898. 8. 134 pp. 8 pi. (26627) Picture riboons . . . used in Projecting Lanterns to eive the appearance of objects in motion. Washington, 1897. sm. 4. 58 pp. 6 gl. (25742) Jenkins, Edward Hopkins, and Wlntpn, A. L. A compilation of analyses of American Feeding stuffs. 1892. 156 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRI- CULTURE : Expt. Station Bulletin 11. J 29 : 889. Jenkins, H. A manual of Photo-engraving ... in relief and half-rone. With chapters on dry plate develop- ment and half-tone colour work. Chicago, 1896. sm. 8. 130 pp. 32 pi. (27220) See AMSTUTZ, N. S. Handbook of photoengrav- ing . . . Revision of Jenkins' " Manual of photo- engraving." Srded. 1907. 8. (36411) Jenkins. N. S., M.D. See BHUCK, W. W. Das Fallen der Zahne mit Porzellan. (System Jenkins.) 1902. 8. (28294) Jenkins, Rhys. . Motor Cars and the application of mechanical power to road vehicles. London, 1902. 8. 390 pp. 1 pi. (28950) Paper-making in England. Part 1-4. 1495- 1788. Ex : " Library Association Record." Sept. 1900-April 1902. 4 pts. 8. (30801) Jenkins, Thornton A., Commodore, U.S. Navy. See U.S. NAVY DEPT. (Bureau of Navigation) Ships' Compasses. By T. A. J. 1869. 8. (30398) Jenkins, Thos. E., M.D. Chemical and pharmaceutical processes and pre- parations. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 4. pp. 1-162. 2 pi. 1880. 8. (33125) Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine. See BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, 1899-1903. HI: 897. Jenningrs, Arthur Seymour. See DECORATORS' AND PAINTERS' MAGAZINE. Ed. A. S. J., 1901-02. A 2 : 901. See DECORATOR, (The). Ed. A. S. J., July, 1902, etc. . A 2/902. Wallpapers and wall coverings. New York, 1903. 8. 162 pp. 3 pi. (29213) 362 JENN] Jennings, Hennen. The economics of the Transvaal Gold Mining Industry. SYATES, J. Present day metallurgical Kiu'iLocriii),' on the Rand. Appendix ... by H. J. 1898. 4. (25625) Jenning-a, Henry Constantino. See ESCHAUZIER, J. S. Life-preserving bod, etc. [J. 8. Eschauzier's and H. C. Jennings' Patent.] 1813. 8. (37366) Jennlson, Francis H. The manufacture of Lake Pigments from artificial colours. London, 1900. 8. 136 pp. 6 pi. (27313) Jensch, Edmund. Das Cadmium, sein Vcrkommen, seine Darstel- lung und Verwendung. 1898. See SAMMLUNG CHEMISCHER, etc. VoRTRAGE. Band 3. pp. 201-232. K 1 : 896. Jensen, Chr., and Sleveklng-, H. Anwendungen des Mikrophonprinzips. Ex : " Jabrbuch der Hamburgischen wissenschaftl. Anstalten" 23. 1905. Beiheft 4. Hamburg, 1906. 8. 64pp. (33972) Jensen, Gerard J. G. House Drainage and sanitary fitments. London, 1900. am. 8. 278 pp. 1 pi. (26758) Modern Drainage inspection and sanitary sur- veys. London, 1899. sm. 8. 132 pp. 1 pi. (26047) Jensen, Peter, Patent Agent. A few notes on the Patent Office Library. (Paper.) London, 1891. 8. 10 pp. (19193) Jenson, Nicholas. See SARDIM, G. Esame . . . overo storia critica diN. J. 1796-98. 3 vols. fol. (5399) Jentsch, O. Telegraphic und Telephonic. Vou J. Noebels, etc. 812 pp. 1901. See HEINKE, C. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Band 12. 8 (27178) Jepson. Geo. Cams and .the principles of their construction. New York, 1905. 8. 60 pp. 2 pi. (31988) Jerie, Gottlieb D. Mascbinenelemente. 1906. 254 pp. 12 pi. See DHLAND, W. H. Handbuch fur den praktischen Maschinen-Konstrukteur. 2te Aufl. Band 1 ; 4. (32476) Skizzen zu den Vortragen liber Gas-, Benzin-, Petroleum-und Spiritusmotoren. 5te Aufl. Mitt- weida, 1903. fol. 2 pi. 22 pi. (30319) Jervey, Henry, Lieut., U.S.A. Military Surveys and reconnaissance and Map duplication in the field. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS : Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 169-79. 8. (24918) Jervls, Henry Jervis-White, M.P., Capt., R.A. Our Engines of War, and how we got to make them. London, 1859. 8. 124 pp. 1 pi. (33422) Jervis, John. The Horse and Carriage Oracle. See KITCHINER, W. The Traveller's Oracle. 3rd ed. Part 2. 1828. sm. 8. (38078) Jess, Paul. Kompendium der Bakteriologie und Blutserum- therapie. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1903. sm. 8. 144 pp. 10 pi. (29646) 34222 [JOCL Jetpbort, Cholet de. See CHOLET DE JETPHORT. Jettmar, Josef. Das Farben des lohgaren Leder*. Leipzig, 1900. 8. 192 pp. T27094) Handbuch der Chromgerbunij, einscbliesslich der iibrigen Mineralgerbungun mit bes. Beriicksicht. der Kombinations-Gerbeverfahren. Leipzig, 1900. 8. 624 pp. 2 pi. (27676) Jewelers' Circular, and Horolojrical Re- view. Trade-marks of the Jewelry and kindred Trades. 2nd ed. New York, [1904]. 8. 264 pp. (31662) Jewell, L. E. The determination of the relative quantities of Aqueous Vapour in the Atmosphere by means of the absorption lines of the Spectrum. 1896. 12 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. WEATHER BUREAU : Bulletin 77. D 34 : 892. Jewitt, Llewellynn, F.S.A. A history of the Coalport Porcelain Works. Ex. : " Art Journal." London, 1862. sq. 8. 30 pp. (37747) The Wedgwoods : [with] a history of the early Potteries of Staffordshire. London, 1865. 8 . 456 pp. 1 pi. (25840) Jicinsky, Ladislav, M.D. Anleitung zur ersten Hilfeleistung in Gruben nnd Hutten. Miihr. Ostrau, 1909. sm. 8. 232 pp. (38923) Joanne, Benigne, and others. Entreprise des Bateaux Haleurs pour remonter le Rhdne, par la seule impulsion du courant, etc. Dijon, [1825]. 8. 16 pp. 1 pi. (34757) Joannes. See also Johannes. Joannes Xsaaous, called Hollandus. Opera mineralia, sive de hpide pbilosophico. Xum: primum ex optimis MSS. Teutonicis in Latinum translata, a P. M. G. Middelburgi, 1600. sm. 8. 448 pp. (28702) [Opus batnrni.] See VALENTINUS, B. Of natural and supernatural things . . . Added . . . J. I. Holland, his work of Saturn . . . 1671. sm. 8. (30191) De salibus et oleis metallorum. See STAHL, G. E. Fnndamenta Chymise. Ed. 2, pare. 1. pp. 239-55. 1746. 4. (25346) Jocelyn, Julian Robert John. See WAR OFFICE. Notes on Electricity. [By J. R. J. J. [3rded.] 1902. sm. 8. (29346) Jochmann, E. See FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK. Hreg. E. J. 1859-64. D2:845. Jocle't, Yictor. Cbemische Bearbeitung der Schafwolle, oder Das Farben, Waschen und Bleichen der Wolle. 2te Aufl. brag, von W. Zanker. (Chemisch-tech- nisclie Bibliothek.) Wien, 1901. sm. 8. 384 pp. (27623) Die Knnst- und Feinwiischerei, etc. (Ibid.) Wien, 1880. sm. 8. 134 pp. (19478) The same. 3te And. (Ibid.) Wien, 1895. sm. 8. 208 pp. (27624) 363 2 z 2 JOER] [JOHN Jorg-easen, Alfred Peter Carlslund. Die Hefe in der Praxis. Anwendung und Untersuchung der Brauerei-, Brennerei- und Wein- hefe. Berlin, 1901. sm. 8. 112 pp. (27985) Die Mikro-organismen der Garungsindustrie. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1898. 8. 358 pp. (25921) The same. 5te Aufl. Berlin. 1909. 8. 498pp. (38924) Micro-organisms and Fermentation. New ed. From the 3rd German ed., by A. K. Miller and E. A. Letmholm, revised by tbe Author. London, 1893. 8. 266pp. (23759) The name. 3rd ed. Trsl. A. K. Miller and A. E. Lennholm. London, 1900. 8. 332 pp. (27022) Practical management of pure Yeast. The application and examination of brewery, distillery, and wine yeasts. Trsl. R. Grey. Loiidon, 1903. 8. 68pp. (29833) Jorg-ensen, Sofus Mads. Die Entdeckung des Sauerstoffes. Aus dem Danischen von V. Ortwed und M. Speter. 1909. See SAMMI.UM: CHEMISCHEK UND CHEMISCH-TECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 14. pp. 111-172. Kl:896. Johannes tie Casso. Tractatus de conservatione sanitatis oculorum. A.D. 1346. See PANSIEK, P. Collectio ophtalmo- logica veterum auctorum. Fasc. 1. pp. 27-35. 8. (31495) Johannscn, Otto. See ZEITSCHRIFT F(}R TEXTIL-!NDUSTRIE. Hrso. O. J., etc. 1906. E 80 : 906. Handbnoh der Baumwollspianerei, Rohweiss- weberei und Fabribanlagen. [3te Aufl. von Werkes "Die BanmwolUpinnerei," von B. Niess.] Leipzig, 1902. 2vols. 8. (32978) Mitteilungen uber Mikrophotographie von Faserstoffen im durchfallendea und auffiallenden Lichte. Reutlingen, [1906]. 8. 32 pp. 13 pi. (32531) John Crerar Library, Chicago. See CRERAB (JOHN) LIBRARY. John Rylands library, Manchester. See RYLANDS, (JOHN) LIBRARY. Johnsoi, A. J." Johnson's' new Universal Cyclopaedia. Ed. F. A. P. Barnard and A. Guyot. New York, 1874- 78. 4 vols. 8. (35585) Johnson, A. L. Economical designing of Timber Trestle Bridges. 1896. 58 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 12. J 29 Fo : a. Johnson, A. N. Second Report on the Highways of Maryland By H. F. Reid and A. N. J. 1902. See MARY- LAND : Geological Survey. Reports. Vol. 4. pp. 95-202. 6 pi. G30M. Johnson, Alfred E. The Analysts' laboratory companion. London. 1888. sm. 8. 100 pp. (21575) The same. 2nd ed. London. 1897. sm. 8. 108 pp. (31705) Johnson, Arthur. See SCHELLING, F. W. J. von. The Philosophy of Art. From the German, by A. J. 1845. sm. 8. (35748) Johnson, Arthur Thos. Metcalf. Electric Flashes, or the systems of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony. London, 1904. sm. 8. 174 pp. (30813) Johnson, Chas. The Seed grower. Marietta, Pa., 1906. am. 8 192 pp. 1 pi. (32539) Johnson, Chas. Morris. Rapid methods for the Chemical Analysis of special Steels, Steel-making alloys, and Graphite. New York, 1909. 8. 228 pp. (35559) Johnson, Cuthbert Wra., F.R.S. An essay on the uses of Salt for agricultural purposes and in horticulture. 3rd ed. London. 1830. 8. 176pp. (37353) On the improvement of Peat soils. Ex : " Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc.," 1841. Prize London, 1842. 8. 12 pp. (37354) On increasing the depth of Soils. London, 1840. 8. 74pp. (38703) On Saltpetre and Nitrate of Soda as fertilizers. London, 1840. 8 C . 52 pp. (37355) Johnson, Edmund Chas. Report on the . . . methods and results of teaching . . . the blind and the deaf and dumb, etc. See LONDON INTERNAT. EXHIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol.2, pt.9. pp. 49-66. (15691) Johnson. Edward C. Tbe loose Smuts of Barley and Wheat. By E. M. Freeman and E. C. J. 1909. 48 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 152. J 29 PI : Johnson, Geo. See CANADA : Dept. of Agriculture. Canada, its history, etc. By G. J. 1904. 8. (31182) Johnson, Geo. Lindsay. Photographic Optics and Colour Photography. London, 1909. 8. 318 pp. 14 pi. (38848) Johnson, Geo. Wm. The agricultural and horticultural uses of Gas lime, Ammoniacal liquor, and Tar. London, [1848 ?]. sra. 8. 8 pp. ' (26256) The same. London, [185 ?] 2 pts. sm. 8. (28887) Science and practice of Gardening. London, .1870. sm. 8. 380pp. (32408) Johnson, Grove. The student's manual of Yeast culture. London, [1908]: 8. 208pp. 2 pi. (37635) Johnson, Harold. Mould Fungi : their utilisation in the Fermen- tation industries. 1901. [6 pp.] See BREWING. Papers on brewing. [Yol. 2.] fol. (6279) Johnson, Henry Lewis. See PRINTING ART, (The). Ed. H. L. J. 1903, etc. A 20 : 903. Johnson, Henry M. W. P. . Practical Navigation with reference to the in- creased speed of Steamers. 1891. 22 pp. 9 pi. See SHIPMASTERS' SOCIETY. Papers No. 12. F 81 : 890. Johnson, James, and J. H. An epitome of the law and practice connected with Patents for Inventions . . . and a sum- mary of Foreign and Colonial Laws. 3rd ed. London, 1900. sm. 8. 172pp. (27215) 364 JOHN] [JOHN Johnson, John B. The Gun ; and how to use it. 2nd od. London, 1860. sm. 8. 100pp. (36113) Johnson, John Butler. Recently improved methods of Sewaje dis- posal. 1900. See WISCONSIN, (Univ.). Bulletin. Engineering Series. Vol. 2. pp. 209-27. E 12 Wi : Johnson, John Henry. See JOHNSON, J., and J. H. An epitome of the law and practice connected with Patflnts for Inven- tions. 3rd ed. 1900. sra. 8. (27215) See JOHNSON, W., and J. H. The Patentee and Inventor's guide. [1851 ?] 8. (32798) Johnson, Otis Coe. See PRESCOTT, A. B., and JOHNSON, 0. C. Qualitative chemical analysis. Ed. 4, etc. 1890, etc. Johnson, Robert, and Chatwood, A. B. Photography, artistio and scientific. London, 1895. 8. 258pp. 28 pi. (12854) Johnson, Samuel, Ll.D. Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. Ptinted with patent types. [Letters Patent No. 2620 of 1802.] Rusher's edition. Banbury, 1804. 8. 136 pp. (35424) Johnson, Samuel Win. Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry. 1859. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1859. pp. 119-194. B 13 8: 847. Johnson, T. The Irish Peat question. 1899. 72 pp. See ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. Economic Proceed- ings. Vol. 1. Part 1. B 4 Da : 899. Johnson, T. B. The Shooter's companion. 2nd ed. London, 1823. sm. 8. 406pp. 3 pi. (36114) Johnson, Valentine Edward, B.A. Egyptian Science from the monuments and ancient books treated as a general introduction to the history of science. London, [18911. sm. 8. 216 pp. (37499) Johnson, W. H. The cultivation and preparation of Para Rubber. London, 1904. 110 pp. 6 pi. (34352) Johnson, Win., and J. H. The Patentee and Inventor's guide . . . Added, an illustrated index of ... the three first volumes of the " Practical Mechanic's Journal." London, [1851 ?]. 8". 16 pp. (32798) Johnson, Willis Grant. Fumigation methods . . . for farmers, fruit- growers, etc. New York, 1902. sm. 8. 330 pp. portr. (28549) . Nursery Fumigation and the construction and management of the fumigating house. 1899. 24pp. See PENNSYLVANIA : Board of Agriculture. Bulletin 56. J 30 P : b. Johnston, Alexander Keith, Ll.D. The Royal Atlas of modern Geography. New ed Edinburgh, 1879. fol. (18697) The same. New ed., with additions and correc- tions, by T. B. Johnston. Edinburgh, 1894. 1. fol. 57 maps. (13560) Johnston, Clarence T. Egyptian Irrigation : a study of Irrigation methods, etc. in Egypt. 1903. 100 pp. 24 pi. See U.S. DBPT. OP AORICULTUKE. Expt. Station Bulletin 130. J 29 : 889. Irrigation iu Wyoming. 1909. 60 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 205. J 29 : 889. The usi of Water in Irrigation. Report . . . [by] E. Mead and C. T. J. 254 pp. 50 pi. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 80. J 29 : 889. and Stannard, J. D. How to build small Irrigation Ditches. 1902. 28 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 158. J 29 Fa : Practical Irrigation. 1900. Ibid. Year-book. 1900. pp. 491-512. J 29 : 849b. Johnston, H. J. The Jhelum Canal headworks. [1902.1 18 pp. 11 pi. See INDIA: Govt. (P.W.D.). Technical section. Papers. No. 133. E 23/ Johnston, James Finlay Weir. See MULDER, G. J. The chemistry of vegetable and animal physiology . . . With notes by J. F. W. J. ?1845.] 8. (38285) The Chemistry of Common Life. [Edinburgh, etc., 1854-55.] 2 vols. sm. 8. (31706) The same. New ed., by A. H. Church. Edin- burgh. 1885. sm. 8. 618 pp. (19545) The same. New ed., by A. H. Church. Edin- burgh, 1891. sm. 8. 618pp. (23673) The UBS of Lime in Agriculture. London, 1849. sm. 8. 288 pp. (25438) Johnston, John R. The bud-rot of the Coconut Palm. 1909. 6pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Circular 36. J 29 PI : a. Johnston, Robert M. See TABMANIAN OFFICIAL RECORD. Ed. R. M. J. 1890-92. AR 22 See TASMANIA. Handbook of Tasmania. 1892- 93. ByR. M. J. 2 vols. in one. 8. AR 22 Johnston, T. B. See JOHNSTON, A. K. The Royal Atlas of modern geography. New ed., by T. B. J. 1894. 1. fol. (13560) Johnston, W. D., M.I). Clays. 1889. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Annual Report. 1889. pp. 287-308. G 50 C : 883. Johnston, W. E., M.D. Report on the preparation of Food. 1868. 18 pp. See PARIS UNIT. EXHIBITION, 1867, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol.5. 1870. 8. (33124) Johnston, Wm. Dawson. See UNITED STATES : Congress (Library). His- tory of the Library of Congress, 1800, etc. By W. D. J. 1904, etc. 8. (31178) Johnstone, D. C. See PUNJAB : Govt. of. Monograph on brass and copper ware in the Punjab, 1886-87. [By D. C. J.] 1888. fol. (31870) See PUNJAB : Govt. of. Monograph on woollen manufactures of the Punjab in 1884-85. [By D. C. J.] 1886. fol. (30951) Johnstone, Hugh, H.M. Inspector of Mines. See HOME OFFICE. Report . . . on . . . an irruption of water ... at Brereton Collieries . . . 1908. ByH. J. 1908. fol. (37231) 365 JOHN] [JONE Johnstono, James. British Fisheries, their administration and their problems. London, 1905. 8 Q . 382 pp. 1 pi (31940) Johnstonc, \V. H. Railway Curves. 1882. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 8. pp. 157-166. 1 pi. F 90 : 844. Johow, Hans. Hilfsbueh fur den Schiffibau. Berlin. 1884. 8. 688 pp. 2 pi. (21003) The same. 2te Aufl. von E. Krieger. Berlin, 1902. sm. 8. 1130pp. 6 pi. (29647) Jollivot, Pierre Jules, Historical Painter. Peinture en Email sur lave, sa raison d'etre, etc. Paris, 1862. 8. 52 pp. (33304) Joly, . Costs of construction and maintenance of Iron and Wooden Lock gates. 1902. 34 pp. See CONGEES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION IN- TERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. Question 1. [4.] F 43 : 888. Joly, Adrien, M.D. Tableau-guide pour la direction ge"nerale de 1'alimentation du nouveau- 06 . . . Allaitement artificial (Lait de vache an biberon). Bourges, 1899. 8. 26pp. Ipl. (26357) Joly, Alphons Alexandre. Ruthenium. 1900. See FREMY, E. Encycl. chimique. Tome 3. Cahier 17. pp. 137-256. 8. (11342) Joly. Chas. Les Serres et le materiel de 1'Horticulture. 1878. 1880. 28 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 85. 8. (25811) Joly, Chas. Jasper. See PRESTON, T. The theory of Light. 3rd ed. byC. J. J. 1901. 8. (27865) Joly, G. de. Protection des Phares, etc. contre les prejudices cause's a leur fonctionnement par les installations prive'es. 1902. 14 pp. See CONGR^S INTERNA- TIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congrfes. 1902. Sect 2. Communication 2. [4.] F 43 : 888. Joly, Hubert. See TECHNISCHES AUSKUNFTSBUCH. Hrsg. H. J. 1906, etc. E 22 : 906. Joly de nialzeroy, Paul Ge'de'on, Lieut.-Col. Traite" sur 1'art des Sieges et les machines des anciens. Paris, 1778. 8. 414 pp. 7 pi. (36848) Jolyet, Ant. Le transport des Bois dans les Forets Coloniales. Ex : " Agriculture pratique des Pays Chauds." Paris, 1903. 8. 38 pp. (31232) Jones, A. Coppen. See FISCHER, A. The structure and functions of Bacteria. Trsl. A. C. J. 1900. 8. (27292) Jones, Alfred Seymour-. Provenance, characteristics and values of modern bookbinding leathers. See LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Sound Leather Committee. Leather for libraries. 1905. 8. pp. 29-38. (31430) Jones, Alfred Stowell, and Xtoechllngr, H. A. Natural and artificial Sewage treatment. London, 1902. 8. 104pp. C29515) Jones, Chapman. See JONES, Henry Chapman. Jones, Chas., Capt. R.A. See LE BOULENGI&. Description and use of Le Boulenge"'s chronograph. Trsl., etc., C. J. 1870. 8. (38731) Jones, Clement Roes. The Cotton Bollworm : a summary of its life history and habits, with some results of investiga- tions in 1905 and 1906. By F. C. Bishopp aud C. R. J. 1907. 32 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRI- CULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 290. J 29 Fa : Jones, Daniel Evan. See HERTZ, H. R. The principles of Mechanics. Trsl. D. E. J., etc. 1899. 8. (26776) Jones, Sir David Brynmor, K.C., M.P. See HOME OFFICE. Reports ... on ... an inundation of water ... at Caradog Vale Colliery, June, 1906. By Sir D. B. J., etc. 1907. fol. (35550) Jones, Edward Wm. Milner-, Bar.-at-law. See HOME OFFICE. National Colliery explosion. Reports . . . by E. W. M.-J., etc. 1905. fol. (33693) Jones, Emily G. A manual of plain Needlework and cutting-out. New ed., by Miss Heath and Miss Loch. London, 1892. sm."8. 128pp. 8 pi. (37757) Jones, Francis Arthur. Thomas Alva Edison : sixty years of an in- ventor's life. London, 1907. 8. 392 pp. 17 pi. (35653) Jones, Frank Hope-. Electrical Time-service. Ex : " Proc. Inst. Electr. Engineers." Vol. 29, 1900. [Letters Patent Nos. 1587 of 1895, and 7868 of 1897.] 8. 36 pp. (27081) Jones, Forrest Robert. Machine Design. New York, 1898-99. 2 vols. 8. (25532) Jones, Geo. Horatio. Dentistry : its use and abuse. London, 1872. sm. 8. 104 pp. (38103) Jones, Harry Clary. See BILTZ, J. H. Practical methods for deter- mining Molecular Weights. Trsl. H. C. J., etc. 1899. 8. (26942) - The electrical nature of Matter and Radio- activity. London, 1906. 8. 220 pp. (32672) The elements of Physical Chemistry. New York, 1903. 8. 578 pp. 1 pi. (30460) The Freezing-point, Boiling-point, and Con- ductivity methods. Easton, Pa., 1897. 8. 72 pp. (25721) Outlines of Electrochemistry. New York, 1901. 8. 112 pp. (28389) Principles of Inorganic Chemistry. New York, 1903. 8. 542pp. (29490) The theory of Electrolytic Dissociation and some of its applications. [2nd ed.] New York, 1900, [reprinted, 1904]. sm. 8. 302 pp. (27280) Jones, Helsbam. i A short outline of the Irrigation Canals of. Lower Egypt. 1883. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 9. pp. 25-30. 1 pi. F 90 : 844. 366 JONE] [JORD Jones, Henry Chapman. The science and practice of Photography. 4th ed. London, 1904. am. 8. 570 pp. (31031) Jones, Henry Macnaughton-, M.D. Asepsis and antisepsis in abdominal S'ira[ery and Gynaecology. London, 1898. 8. 72 pp. 6 pi. (38717) The Health of the Senses. 2nd od. London, 1884. stn.8 . 188pp. (27542) Jones, Hilda Yernon. See KING, P. S., AND SON. Catalozne of Par- liamentary papers, 1801-1900. [Compiled by Miss H. V. J.j [190 ?] 8. (30390) 'Jones, John, Watchmaker. The history and object of Jewellery. London, [1847]. sm. 8 a . 70pp. (33036) Jones, John Alfred. See MADRAS, Govt. of. Report on (1) the appli- cation of windmills, etc. to pumping water, etc. By J. A. J. 1903. fol. (31840) Jones, Lewis Ralph. Disease resistance of Potatoes. 1905. 40 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant In lustry. Bulletin 87. J 29 PI : Jones, M. W. The testing and valuation of raw materials used in Paint and Colour manufacture. London, 1900. sm. 8. 88 pp. (27051) Jones, Mary Cadwalader. See FLORY, M. A. A book about fans. With a chapter on fan-collecting, by M. C. J. 1895. 8. (36987) Jones, Mrs. Mattie M. See TBALL, R. T. The hygeian home Cook- book. 2nd English o I., with Appendix, by Mrs. M. M. J. 1884. sm. 8. (38235) Jones, P. R. The Grape-leaf Skeletonizer. 1909. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 68. pp. 75-90. J 29 E : Jones, Robert, Capt., R.A. A treatise on Skaiting. [New ed., by T. C. Rickman.] London, 1797. 8. 60 pp. 4 pi. (17228) The same. London, 1818. 8. 58 pp. 4 pi. (36115) Jones, S. See JONES, Wm. and S. Chemical recreations. 1800. sm. 8. (31056) Jones, Thos., Rev. The case of Thos. Jones, of Ely, Cambridge- shire, respecting bis present state of confinement, etc., together with some introductory remarks on the state of the Bedford Level, particularly the South part of it. London, [17771. 4. 40 pp. (10139) Jones, Thos. and T. G. Machine drawing. Book 2. Part 1-2. Man- chester, 1898-1901. 2 vols. 4. (28256) The same. 6th ed. Book 1. Manchester, 1902. 4. 50 pi. (28257) Jones, Thos. Gilbert. See JONES, Thos. and T. G. Machine drawing. 1898, etc. Jones, VV. J. Cast-iron Tanks. 1904. 20 pp. See ASSOCIA- TION OF ENGINEERS IN CHARGE. [Paper No. 9.] 4. E10:89y. Jones, Walter. Heating and Ventilation. Paper read before the lMn Ipl. (34758) Jorio, Andrea di, Canon. bul metodo degli antichi nel dipingere i vasi e sulle rappresentanze de' piu' interessanti del R. Museo. Due lettere, etc. Ex : " Biblioteca An- alitica." [Napoli, 1813.] sm. 8. 48 pp. (33305) Josse, E. See BERLIN : Kql. techn. Hocnschule. Mittheil- ungen aus dem Maschinen-Laboratorium. Hrsg E. J. 1899, etc. E 5/899. Neuere Erfahrungen und Vereuche mit Abwarme- Kraftmaschinen. [Abwarme-Kraftmaschinen-Ge- sellschaft, Berlin.] Ex : " Mittheilungen aus dem Masehmen-Laboratorium der Kgl. Techn. Hoch- schule zu Berlin." Munchen. 1901, 4 42 pp (27954) Josse, E. cunt. Die Oberflachen-Kondensationen der Dampf- turbinen, iiisbesoDdere fur Scbiffe. 1909. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELISCHAFT. Jahtbuch. Band 10. pp. 174-227. F 81 : 900. Josse, H. See INGENIEUR, (L'.). Moniteur du brevet^. Red. H. J. 1887-1905. 043:887. Jost, Louis, Baker in Weimar. See CNYRIM, A. Das Backergewerbe der Neuzeit. Aufl. 5, etc. Von L. J. 1887, etc. Joat, Ludvug. Lectures on Plant Physiology. From ihe German by R, J. H. Gibson. Oxford, 1907. 8. 578 pp. (34952) Jouart, A. Application de la Photographie aux Leves militaires. Paris, 1866. 8. 76 pp. 2 pi. (33306) Joubert, . See CAREME, M. A. Le Conservateur. Con- tenant . . . 3e Mouographie des vins, par MM. J., Bouchard, etc. 1842. 8. (35344) Joubert, Jules. See FOSTER, G. C., and PORTER, A. W. Ele- mentary treatise on Electricity, e}c. Founded on Joubert's " TraitS l. Ibid. Bureau of Biological Survey. Bulletin 21. J29O: The economic value of the Bobwhite. 1903. Ibid. Tear-book. 1903. pp. 193-204. 1 pi. J 29 : 849 b. Four common Birds of the Farm and Garden. 1895. Ibid. Year-book. 1895. pp. 405-418. J 29 : 849b. The food of Nestling Birds. 1900. Ibid. Year-book. 1900. pp. 411-436. 5 pi. J29:849b. The relation of Sparrows to Apiculture. 1901. 98 pp 1 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Biological Survey. Bulletial5. 8. J 29 O : Jade, Alexander. The theory of the Steam Turbine. London, 1906. 8. 306 pp. 5 pi. (33147) Judc. R. H., and G-ossin, Henri. Physics, experimental and theoretical. By R. H Jude, and partly from the French (3rd ed.) of H. Gossin. Vol. 1. London, 1899. 8. 950 pp. (27281) (allpubl~) Judaon, Wm. Pierson. City Roads and Pavements suited to cities of moderate size. 2nd ed. New York, 1902. 8. 196 pp. 1 pi. (30757) Road preservation and Dust prevention. New York, 1908. 8. 146 pp. (37117) Jiiptner von JoustorfF, Hanns von. Beitrage zur Theorie der Eisenhiittenprozesse. 1907. See SAMMLUNG CIIEM. UND CHEM.-TECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 11. pp. 175-222. K 1 : 896. Beitrage zur Theorie des Generator-(oder Luft) und des Wassergases. 1904. Ibid. Band 9. pp. 415-474. K 1 : 896. Grundzuge der Siderologie. Leipzig, 1900-04. 3 vols. 8. (27677) Siderolozy. From the German, by C. Salter. London, 1902. 8. 352pp. 11 pi. (29001) Lehrbuch der chemischen Technologic der Ener- gien. Leipzig, 1905-08. 3 vols. in four. 8. (32125) Jiirgensen. See JURGENSEN. Jiirgensen, Alfred. See JURQENSEN. Jurgrensohn, Arved. Patentgesetzgebungund Erfinderschicksale. Ber- lin, 1906. 8. 126 pp. (37726) Jaettner, Otto. Modern Physio-Therapy . . . including a chapter on X-ray diagnosis. Cincinnati, [1906]. 8. 522 pp. (32864) Jugre, J. lies Chemins il Roulettes, ou la question des ohemins de fer vicinaux resolue par un nouveau mode de locomotion individuelle et popalaire. Paris, 1860. 8. 108 pp. (33307) Julie;, Jean Baptiste Auguste., See MATTUIEU, . L'Evolution cycliste et I'inde'pendance des pedales avec le frein Juhel. 1898. 8. (25407) Jukes-Browne, Alfred Joseph. See BROWNE, A. J. Jukes-. Julia de Fontenelle, Jean Slbastien Eugene. See BLACHETTE, L. J., and ZOEGA, F. Manuel du fabricant, etc., de Sucre. 2ee"d., par J. S. E. J. de F. 1833, etc. Manuel complet du Verrier et du fabricant de Glaces, Cristaux, etc. (Hanuels Roret.) Paris, 1829. 12. 336 pp. 3 pi. (32973) Julian, H. Forbes, and Smart, E. Cyaniding Gold and Silver ores. London, 1904. 8. 426pp. 35 pi. (31353) Jullen, Edmond. Halage a vapeur sur le canal de Gand a Ustenae par locomotives routieres. Bruges, 1871. 8. 32pp. Ipl. (28822) Julius, Ch., Belgian Engineer. L a Traction Electrique par contacts supernciels du systeme Diatto. [Letters Patent No. 23,944 of 1894.] Paris, 1902. 8. 66pp. 7 pi. (29074) ^S*' SCHULTZ, G. T. A. O., and JULIUS, P. Tabellarische Uebersicht der kunsthchen orgam- schen Farbstofle. 1888, etc. 370 JULI] [JUTE Julius, Willem Henri. Bolometrische Untersncbung einiger Absorp- tionsspektra iin Ilinblick auf ihren Zuearamenbang mit intrarnolekularen Vurh:iHiii.-su. 1893. S VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 72. pp. 231-279. B76P: Ueber die Licht- und Warmestrahluog ver- brannter Gase. 1889. Ibid. Jahrg. 68. pp. 357- 442. 4 pi. B 76 P : Jullien, ('has. Edouard. A propos de Verres, ou les trois solutions du probleme de chimie MO { MO 1 { MO' mises en presence. Paris, 1867. 12. 94pp. (33308) and VaWrlo, O. Notice sur un nouveau systeme de Cbemins de Fer Atmosphe>iques. Paris, 1845. 8. 8 pp. 1 pi. (33309) Jumau, L. Les Accumulateurs Electriques. 2e e'd. Paris, 1907. 8. 1112pp. (35050) Electric accumulators. Trsl. C. A. Wonham [from the 2nd French ed.]. London, 1908. 4. 32 11. (all publ.). (36301) JumelaiS, Ange. Mouvement Francais, donnant au moyen de 1'air extt'rieur agissant librement ... la forca illimitee appelee il remplacer tous les moteurs. [Prov. Patent No. 1093 of 1859.] Paris, 1859. 8. 48pp. (33599) Jumelle, Henri Lucien. Les Plantes a Caoutchouc et a Gutta dans les Colonies Fran9aises. (Produits nalurels des Colonies et Cul'ures Tropicales.) Paris, 1898. 8. 194 pp. (25890) Les Plantes a Caoutchouc et a Gatta : exploita- tion, culture et commerce dans tons les pays chauds. Paris, 1903. 8. 556 pp. (36307) Junes, Joseph-Jules. La Glace et les Glacieres. Notice humoristiqne, etc. Paris, 1873. 16. 32 pp. (33600) Quelques mots sur le Lait, le Benrre et lea Barattes. Paris, 1871. 18. 36 pp. (35199) Jundzill, Adam Dunin. Du Tdlegraphe des Locomotives de G. Bonelli. Systeme ilestint' a pruvenir les collisions sur les chemins de fer. Paris, 1856. 8. 16 pp. (34561) Jong-, Carl, M.D. Lehrbuch der zahnarztlichen Technik. Leipzig, 1897. 8. 206pp. (17982) Junge, August. Scbiffs-Collisionen auf See und auf den mit der See in Verbindung stehenden Gewassern. 3te Aufl. Hamburg, 1900. 4. 70 pp. (27095) Jungre, Frai.z Erich. Gas Power . . . design and construction of large Gas Engines, etc. New York, 1908. 8. 562pp. 8 pi. (36294) Jung-flelsch, Emile Clement. See BERTHELOT, M. P. E., and JUNGFLEISCH, E. Traite t'lementaire de Chemie organique. 1881, etc. Jung-ner, J. B. Die Zwergzikade (Cicadula sexnotata Fall.), und ihre Bekatnpfung. 1906. 50 pp. 1 pi. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLfeCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 115. J 23 : 894. Leipzig, 1908. 8. Junior Engineering: Society. Transactions. Vol. 1, etc. London, 186, etc. 8 s . E 10 : 886. Publication : Annual. Titlt varied : " Institution of Junior Engineers," 1894-1902 ; " Junior Institution of Engineers," 1902, etc.; Vol. 1-4, issued as "Addresses and Papers." Junior Institution of Engineers. See JUNIOR ENGINEERING SOCIETY. 1902, etc. E 10 : 886. Junius, Adrian, M.D. See SCHELTEMA, J. De Geloof waardigheid van A. Junius gehandhaafd, etc. 1834. 8. portr. of Junius, and added matter. (7940) Jurgrensen, Louis ITrbain. See JORGENSEN, U. Principes gt'neraux de 1'exacte mesure du temps par les horloges. !ie ^d., parL. U. J. 1838. 4. (28841) Jnrgrensen, Urbain. Principes ge'ne'raux de 1'exacte mesure dn temps par les borloges. 2e ed., par L. U. Jurgensen. Paris, 1838. 4. 276 pp. 17 pi. (28841) Jurlsch, Konrad Wilhelm. Salpeter und sein Ersatz. 364 pp. 25 pi. (36826) Jurist, (The). Containing Reports of Cases deter- mined iu Law and in Equity. Vol. 1-18 ; New Series, Vol. 1-11. London, 1837-60. 30 TO!S. in 58. 4. B F *2 : 837. Hittory: From 1842-60, divided into two parts (1) Reports of Cases ; (2) Original articles, etc. Jurtbe, Emil, and DXletzsobke, 0. Handbucli der Fraserei. 2te Aufl. Frankfurt a. M., 1903. 8. 406pp. (30121) Just, , and Suadicani, . Schutz der L^uchtfeuer und sonstigen See- zeichen gegen Beeiotrachtiguntr ihrer Wirkun? durch private Anlagen. 1902. 12 pp. See CON- GRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. II. Communication 2. [3.] F 43: 888. Just, Alexander. Die analytischen Reaktionen der technisch-wich- tigen Elemente. Mit Anhang : Anleitung zur Auf- suchung und Trennung der Elemente. ( Chem.-techn. Bibliothek.) Wien, 1904. sm. 8. 144 pp. (30543) Justamond, John Obadiab, F.R.S. An account of the methods pursued in the treat- ment of Cancerous and Schirrous disorders, etc. London, 1780. 8. 182 pp. (35840) Justice, James, F.K.S. The Scots Gardiners director. Edinburgh, 1754. 8. 446 pp. 1 pi. (34830) Jute, Hemp, and Flax Spinners' and Manufacturers' Rope and Twine Makers' Journal. Vol. 1-2. London, 1907-09. 2 vols. 4. E 87 : 907. Publication : Monthly. 371 3 A 2 [KAIS K. K., J. Neu-eroffnete guldene Kunst-Pforte, zu aller- liand raren Curiositaten, Kunst und Wissenschaf ten, etc. [Newed.] Niirnberg, G. C. Weber. 1734. sm. 8. 918 pp. 1 pi. (36478) K., I!. Observations on the use of Spectacles, extracted from . . . writings ... on Optickg. London, 1753. 8. 32pp. I pi. (36518) HLadalnka, Viktor. Elemente der Elektrizitat und Elektrotechnik fur Bert>leute. (Elektro - technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1905. sm. 8. 292 pp. (31226) Kaempfer, David. liber die Messung electrischer Krafte mittelst des electrischen Flugrads. (Dissertation.) Marburg, 1883. 8. 36pp. (29406) Kaempfcr, Engelbert. Amoenitates exoticaa politico - physico-medicae, quibus continentur varixe relationes, observationes t descriptiones reram Persicarum et ulterioris Asi. Lemgomcs, 1712. 4. 964 pp. 12 pi. (34392) Kaempffert, Waldemar B. See MATHOT, E. E. Gas-engines and producer- gas plants. From the French by W. B. K. 1905. 8. (31361) Kaeppelin, Eodolphe. Les progres du Feu. Eevus ge^rale des pro- ce'dfis d'allumage, de cbauffage et d'eclairage. Honfleur, 1879. 8. 98 pp. (33601) Kaftan, , C. E., and others. Das Donau-Moldau-Elbe-Kanalprojekt. 1897, etc. See DEUTSCH-OESTERR.-UNGARISCHER VER- BAND FORBiNNENSCHiFFAHRT. Verbands-Schriften. No. 5, 12, 22, 46, 58. F 43 : 896. Kahlbaum, Georg Wilhelm August. See DIEGABT, P. Beitrage aus der Geschichte der Cbemie dem Gedaehtnis von G. W. A. K. 1909. 8. (38071) See MITTEILUNGEN ztra GESCHICHTE DER MEDIZIN, etc. Ked. G. W. A. K., etc. 1902-05. C 35 : 902. The Letters of J. J. Berzelius and C. F. Schon- bein, 1836-1847. Trsl. F. V. Darbishire and N. V. Sidgwick. London, 1900. sm.8. 112pp. (27023) Studien fiber Dampfspannkraftmessungen. Basel, 1893-97. 3 vols. 8. (24418) and Darbishire, F. V. The Letters of Faraday and Scnoenbein, 1836- 1862, with notes, comments, etc. Bdle and London, 1899. 8. 392 pp. portr. (27179) and Thou, E. J. von Liebig und C. F. Schonbein. Brief- wechsel, 1853-1868. Leipzig, 1900. 8. 300 pp. (27097) Kahlenberg 1 , Louis Albert Berthold. The action of Solutions on the sense of Taste. 1898. See WISCONSIN (Univ.). Bulletin. Science Series. Vol. 2. pp. 1-31. B 14 Wi : a. Kahlenbergr, Louis Albert Berthold cont. and others. The theory of Electrolytic Dissociation. 1901. See WISCONSIN ( Univ.). Bulletin. Science Series. Vol. 2. pp. 29-351. B 14 Wi : a. Stalin, Joseph. Illustrated handbook of Dr. Kahn's Museum and Gallery of Science. London, [186 ?]. 8. 92 pp. Ipl. (35834) Itahn, Julius, Junr. The Coal Hoists of the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company. Ex : " Amer. Soc. C.E." Trans. Dec. 1898. pp. 835-858. 8. (26243) K.ahn, Max. Der Ubergangswiderstand von Kohlenbiirsten. (Dissertation.') Stuttgart, 1902. 8. 58 pp. (29829) The same. Another copy. See SAMMLUNO ELICTROTECHN. VoRTRAGE. Band 3. pp. 435-491. D 51 : 896. Part 1. New York, [1906]. ZLahrs, Friman. Glue handling. sm. 8. (34692) Siaigrorodov, , Capt. of Russian Artillery. Fabrication de la. poudre a gros grains a la poudrerie d'Oker, en Su6de. Trad. H. de Poyen. 1876. 19 pp. Ex : Memorial de 1'artillerie de la marine. See FRANCE : Dept. de la marine. Me~moires militaires, etc. Tome 3. 8. F 94 : 873. Kains, Maurice G. Chicory Growing etc. 1898. 52 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Botany. Bulletin 19. J 29 B : Ginseng. Its cultivation, harvesting, etc. ; with a short account of its history and botany. New York, 1899. sm. 8. 58 pp. (26602) Zlaiser, Georg. Construction der gezogenen Geschiitzrohre. 2te Aufl. Wien, 1900. 8. 428 pp. and fol. atlas. 14 pi. (26806) Construction der Kriegsfuhrwerke. Wien, 1895. 8. 144pp. 7 pi. (25681) M^moire sur la construction des Affuts. Trad. de 1'allemand par J. de Marre, 1879. 97 pp. [Ex : Memorial de 1'artillerie de la marine.] See FRANCE : Dept. de la marine. Memoires militaires, etc. Tome 6. 8. F 94 : 873. Kaiser, Joseph. Das Deutsche Patentgesetz vom 7. April, 1891. Unter Berucksicht. der wichtigaten Bestimmungen des Auslandes, etc. Leipzig, 1907. 8. 342 pp. (33893) Kaiser, Wilhelm. Die Technik des modernen Mikroskopes. 2te Aufl. Wien, 1906. 8. 622 pp. (32739) K-aiserer, Jakob. Ueber meine Erfindung, einen Luftballon durch Adler zu re ier. Soc. of Meoh Engre.," Dec., 1899. pp. 451-577. 5 pi. (27439) Kerr, Wm. Alexander. Peat and its products. Glasgow, 1905. 8. 334 pp. 21 pi. (31354) Kerr, Wm. Williamson, Bar.-at-Law. A treatise on the law and practice of Injunctions. 3rd ed. London, 1888. 8. 754 pp. (27226) Kerrlson, Lady Caroline. Plans and estimates for Labourers' Cottages London, 1864. 4. 4 pp. 12 pi. (33058) Kersey, John, Surveyor, etc. See K.., J. A new English Dictionary. 8th ed. 1772. sm. 8. (3616) Elements of Chemistry. K. 4th ed. 1799. 8. or, how to plan parsonage to the 8. 496pp. 45 pi. 34222 379 3 B 2 KERS] [KILB Kershaw, G. B. Reports ... on Land-treatment of Sewage. 1904. 132 pp. 60 pi. See PARLIAMENT. Sewage disposal. Royal Commission. 4th Report. Vol. 4. Part 4. fol. (28715) Kershaw, John Baker Cannington. See BOOTH, W. H., and KERSHAW, J. B. C. Smoke prevention, etc.- 1904. 8. (31041) . See NEUMANN, B. The theory, etc., of Electro- lytic Methods of Analysis. Trsl. J. B. C. K. 1898. sm. 8. (17184) The Electric Furnace in Iron and Steel produc- tion. London, 1907. 8. 70 pp. (34825) Electro - metallurgy. (' Westminster" Series.) London, 1908. 8. 320 pp. (36486) Die elektrocbemische und elektrometallurgische Industrie Grossbritanniens. Ins Deutsche iiber- tragen von M. Hutb. 1907. 190 pp. See MONO- GKAPHIEN DEER ANGEWANDTE ELEKTROCHEMIE. Band 28. D 58 : 902. Die elektrolytische Chloratindustrie. [1903.] Ins Deutsche iibertragen von M. Huth. 1905. 124 pp. Ibid. Band 19. D 58 : 902. Fuel, Water and Gas analysis for steam users. London, 1907. 8. 178 pp. (34434) Kerstein, Friedrich Sylvester. See CHEVALIER, C. [L.]. Die Mikroskope und ihr Gebrauch. Bearbeitet . . . mit einer Ab- handluns fiber die katadioptrischen Liasen versehen vonF. S. K. 1843. 8. (38620) Kervller, Rene. . Des Projectiles cylindro-coniques ou en olive depuis I'antiquite' jusqu'a nos jours. 2e d. Ex : " Bulletin de la Socie^e arch6ologique"de Nantes, etc., 1883." Nantes, 1884. 8. 14 pp. 1 pi. (37696) Kestlerus, Joannes Stephanus. -i See KIRCHER, A. Physiologia Kircheriana ex- perimentalis, etc. Ed. J. S. K. 1680. fol. (33794) Ketchum, Milo Smith. . The design of Steel mill buildings, and the calculation of stresses in framed structures. New York, 1906. 8. 380 pp. (31989) The design of Walls, Bins, and Grain Elevators. New York, 1907. 8. 410 pp. 2 pi. (34953) Kettenbach, Friedrich. Der Miiller und der Miihlenbauer. Leipzig, 1907. 2vols. 8. (35051) Die Schal-Industrie und Miillerei-Nebenzweige. Leipzig, 1908. 8. 158 pp. 10 pi. (37159) Key, A. Cooper-. See HOME OFFICE. Colliery Explosions. Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1896. Reports ... on the working of the Home Office Testing Station for the years 1897 and 1898. By A. C. K. 1899. fol. (25991) Key, Sothoron. Additional notes on Seed testing. By G. H. Hicks and S. K. 1897. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE. Year-book. 1897. pp. 441-452. J 29 : 849b. Keyes, Chas. Rollin. Coal deposits of Iowa. 1894. 536 pp. 18 pi. map See IOWA : Geological Survey. Annual Rsports. Vol.2. 8. G 30 lo : Keyes, Chas. Rollin cont. Geology and Underground water conditions of the Jornada del Muerto, New Mexico. 1905. 42 pp. 9 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Water- ' supply, etc. Paper No. 123. G 30 : 899. Paleontology of Missouri. See MISSOURI : Geological Survey. [Subject reports.] Vol. 4-5. 1894. G 30 Mis : 1, etc. Keyes, W. S. Notes on Western Lead smelting. 1888. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Annual Report : 1888. pp. 804-831. G 50 C : 883. Keying', Chinese junk. DESCRIPTION of the Chinese junk "Keying." 1848. 8. (15547) Keystone, (The). Organ of the Jewelry and Optical trades. Vol. 19, etc. Philadelphia, 1898, etc. fol. E 47/898. Publication : Monthly. Watch and Clock escapements. Philadelphia, 1904. 8. 180pp. (31152) Kick, Friedrich. Vorlesuogen uber mechanischen Technologie der Metalle, des Holzes, der Steine, etc. Leipzig, 1898. 8. 672pp. (7469) The same. 2te Aun. Leipzig, 1908. 8. 604 pp. (36387) Kicli, Paul. Gebaude fur Banken und andere Gold-Institute. 1902. See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architektur. TheiU. Halb-band2. Heft 2. pp. 139-246. 8. (22285) Kldd, John, M.D. Outlines of Mineralogy. Oxford, 1809. 2 vols. 8. (34074) Kiel ! Versuchistation fur Molkereiwesen. Arbeiten. Heft 1, etc. Leipzig, 1901, etc. 8. J 83 : 901. Editor : H. Weigmann, 1901, etc. Klelmeyer, A. Die Entwickeluug des Druckerei und Farberei. 80 pp. (27099) Klenlen, P. See LUNGE, G. Fabrication electrolytique de la Soude, etc. Trad. P. K. 1898. 8. (20190) Klepenbeuer, Ludwig. Kalk und Mortal. Koln, 1907. 8. 390 pp. 7 pi. (35052) Klernan, John. Hints on Horse-shoeing : being an exposition of the Dunbar system, taught to the farriers of the U.S. Army. Washington, 1871. 4. 12 pp. 33 pi. (35447) Kiessling', Johann Gottfried. Relatio practica de Arte Probatoria mineralium et metallorum, das ist : Griindliche Erzehlung, wie Mineralia auf gewisse Metalle probieret und geschieden werden. Andere Aufl. Leipzig, 1752. 8. 318 pp. 1 pi. (36453) Kllbourne, Chas. E., Capl., U.S.A. The use of Meteorological Instruments. 1893. 50 pp. See U.S. WAR DEFT. Artillery Circular D. F 92/893. Anilinschwarz in Leipzig, [1893]. der 8. 380 KILRJ [KING Kllroo. J. R. - See IRELAND : Dept. of Agriculture, etc. A de- scription of the soil-geology of Irelaud . . . with notes on climate, by J. E. K. 1907. 8. (35567) Ztiraber. Thos. Construction of Vauban's first system of forti- fication. 2nded. Lowfon, 1852. 8. 48pp. (30301) Kimmle. ., M.D. - Kriegschirurgen und Feldarzte in der Zeit von 1848-68. 1904. 234 pp. 15 pi. See VEROFFENT- LICI1CNGEN A. D. G. TIES MlLITAR-SANITATSWESENS. Heft 24. H 24 : 892. Kinahan, G. Henry. - The Sea-weeds of Yar-Connaught, and iheir us-s. 1869. See QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Vol. 6. pp. 331-341. 1 pi. : 864. Kiaberg-, W. Peterson-. See PETERSON-KINBERG, W. HLindelan y Ouany, Alfredo. - Les Ascens'oues libres en la Compafiia de Aeros- tacion. 1905. 70 pp. 3 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INUKXIEROS. Oollecion de memorias. 4u opoca. Tome 22. F 9(5 : 846. B.indl, F. H. - See CARNEGIE STEEL Co., LTD, Pittsburg, Pa. Pocket companion . . . appertaining to the u^e of Steal. 1896, etc. Kindle, Edward Martin. - The Whetstone and Grindstone Rocks of Indiana. 1895. See INDIANA : Geological Survey. Annual Report, 1895. pp. 329-368. map. G 30 : I. Kinealy, John Henry. - Centrifugal Fans. New York, 1905. sm. 8. 218 pp. (31418) - Mechanical Draft. New York, 1906. am. 8. 152 pp. 13 pi. (32753) Kinematog-raph, (Der). Jahrg. 1, etc. Diissel- dorf, 1907, etc. 4. D 22 : 907. Publication: Weekly. Kinematog-raph and Lantern Weekly. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1907, etc. 4. D 22: 907. King-, Alfred Chi?. - Report on School buildings, fittings, and furni- ture included in the Educational collection in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERNAT. EXHIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol. 2. Pt. 8. pp. 1-12. (15691) -, Arthur Scott, Ph.D. See HAGENBACH, A., and KONEN, H. Atlas of emission Spectra, etc. English ed., by A. 8. K. 1905. 4. (31422) King-, Chag. R. - Cenui storici e descrittivi sn alcune anttche e ticonosciute applicazioni del Surriscaldamento alle Locomotive a vapore. Superheateis for Loco- motives. Some forgotten applications. Ex : " In- gecrneria Ferroviaria." Roma, 1909. 8. 64 pp. (38870) Xing', D. Ward. - The use of the split-log Drag on Earth Roads. 1908. 14 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 321. J 29 Fa : King-, Francis P. Preliminary report on the Corundum deposits of Georgia. 1894. 138 pp. 6 pi. map. See GEORGIA : Geological Survey. Bulletin 2. G30G:1. King:, Franklin Hiram. Investigations in Soil management. 1905. 206 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 26. J 29 So : Irrigation in humid climates. 1896. 26 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 46. J 29 Fa : Principles and conditions of the movements of ground water. 1899. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SUR- VEY. Annual Repart. 1897-98. Part 2. pp. 59- 295. pi. 6-16. G 30 : 880. Some results of investigations in Soil manage- ment. 1903. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1903. pp. 159-174. J 29 : 849b. King-, George. See CALCUTTA : Royal Botanic Garden. Annual report. 1895-97. Ed. G. K. H 74 : 895. King-, Henry. See GRANT, A. E. The Indian manual of Hygiene, beinif King's Madras manual of Hygiene, revised, etc. 1894. 8. (26938) Xing', P. 8., and Son, Publishers. Catalogue of Parliamentary Papers, 1801-1900, with a few of earlier Hate. [Compiled by Miss H. V. Jones.] London, [190 ?]. 8. la. paper. 326 pp. (30390) King', Richard Duckworth. Remarks on Naval Battle training, Battle exer- cises, Conning towers, Range finding, etc. Ports- mouth, 1883. 8. 68 pp. 3 pi. (33424) Sting-, S. I. See DEITE, C. Manual of Toilet Soapmaking. Trsl. S.I. K. [1905.] 4. (31621) Xing', Stephen H., M.D. See BILTZ, H. Practical methods for deter- mining Molecular Weights. Trsl. H. C. Jones and S. H. K. 1899. 8. (26942) King:, Thos., Furniture pattern-drawer. The Cabinet-makers' Sketch book, of plain and useful designs. London, [1840?] 2vols. 4. 60 pi. (38721) Klcgr, W. R. Controllable Torpedoes operated from shore stations. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGI- NEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineer- ing, pp. 57-67. Ipl. 8. (24918) King-, Wm., Student of Christ Church, Oxford. The Art of Cookery, in imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry. By the Author of the Journey to London [Dr. W. K.]. London, B. Lintott, [1709]. 8. 166 pp. (6978) The same. 2nd ed. London, B. Lintott, [1710?]. 12. 112pp. Ipl. (12747) King:, Wm., Director, Geol. Survey of India. Provisional Index of the local distribution of . . . Minerals, Gem stones, and Quarry stones in the Indian Empire. Ex : " Resordi of the Geol. Survey of India." Vol. 22, pp. 237-286 ; Vol. 23, pp. 130-203. [Calcutta, 1889-90.] 8. (30571) and Pope, T. A. Gold, Copper, and Lead in Chota Nagpore and the adjacent country. Calcutta, 1891. sm. 8. 180 pp. 1 map. (36199) 381 KING] [KIRC London, 1797. 8. 68pp. 8. 44 pp. King-don, Boughton. See CANDOLLE, A. P. de. Vegetable organo- graphy. Trsl. B. K. 1841. 2 vols. 8. (31702) King-sbury, Benjamin. A treatise on Razors. (16795) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1802. (35598) King-stem, Win. Henry Giles. Infant amusements ; or, how to make a nursery happy. London, 1867. BUI. 8. 202 pp. 4 pi. (38419) Klng-zett, Chas. Thos. Nature's Hygiene . . . Containing also an account of the chemistry and hygiene of the Euca- lyptus and the Pine. 2nd ed. London, 1884. 8. 352 pp. (20610) The same. 4th e<3. London, 1894. 8. 516 pp. (25869) Klnlpple, Walter Robert. Monolithic construction of Sea works under water by cement grouting. 1893. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DBS TRAVAUX MARITIMES, London, 1893. Minutes of Proc. Sect. 1. Paper 6. pp. 78-88. F 40 : 889. Subaqueous Foundations. 1889. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 15. pp. 1-69. 28 pi. F 90 : 844. Kinzbrunnor, Carl. See DEINHARDT, K., and SCHLOMANN, A. The Deinhardt-Sehlominn Series of technical diction- aries. Vol. 2. Electrical engineering, etc. Ed. C. K. 1908. 8. (32482) . See KRAUSE, R. Starters, etc., for electric motors, etc. Trsl. C. K., etc. 1904. 8. (31073) See ROSENBERG, E. Electrical engineering. From the German by W. W. H. Gee and C. K. 1903, etc. Alternating Current Windings, their theory and construction. London, 1906. 8. 94 pp. 3 pi. (31783) Constructions of Electric Machines and Appa- ratus. London, 1906, etc. fol. (31782) In progress. Continuous Current Armatures, their winding and construction. London, 1906. 8. 92pp. 4 pi. (31784) Die Gleichstrommaschine. (Sammlung Goschen.) Leipzig, 1905. sm. 8. 142 pp. (31584) The Testing of Alternating Current machines in laboratories and testing rooms. London, 1907, etc. 8. (34989) In progress. The Testing of Continuous Current machines in laboratories and test-rooms. London, 1904. 8. 336pp. (30786) Kinzer, Heinrich. Technologie der Handweberei. 1. Die Schaft- weberei ; 2. Die Jacquardweberei. 4te Aufl. Leip- zig, 1906[-1908]. 2 vols. 8. (33939) and Walter, K. Theory and practice of Damask Weaving. From the German by A. Morris and H. Robson. London, 1903. 8. 110pp. 18 pi. (30413) Kipping 1 , Frederick Stanley. See PERKIN, W. H., and KIPPING, F. S. Organic Chemistry. 1900, etc. Kipping 1 , Robert. Elementary treatise on Sails and Sailmaking. 5th ed. London, 1860-61. 12. 200 pp. 1 pi. (38722) Sails and Sail-making. 9th ed. (Weals' s Series.) London, 1870. 12. 204 pp. (35306) Klrby, Edmund B. The sampling and measurement of Ore-bodies in Mine examinations. 1894. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Report, 1895-96. pp. 679-700. G 50 0:883. Klrby, Win. . Monographia Apum Angliaa ; or, an attempt to divide into their natural genera and families, t\nh species of ... Apis as have been discovered in England. London [Ipswich, printed], 1802. 2 vols. 8. (37460) Klrchbergr, Emil. Grundziige der Walzenkalibrierung. Dortmund, 1905. 8. 82pp. 8 pi. (32148) Kircher, Athanasius. See SCHOTT, G. Pantometrum Kircherianum. 1660. 4. (36397) See SEPIBUS, G. de. Romani Collegii Societatis Jesu Musseum . . . P. A. K. novis et rans inventis . . . instruxit, etc. 1678. fol. (38254) China monumentia . . . illustrita. Amstelo- dami, 1667. fol. 260 pp. 18 pi. portr. (38038) Magneticum Naturae Regnum, sive disceptatio physiologica de triplici in natura rerum Magnete, etc. Amstelodami, [1667]. 12. 228 pp. (37075) Phonurgia nova, sive conjugium mechanico- physicum artis et naturaa, etc. Campidonce, 1673. fol. 290pp. 3 pi. (33779) Physiologia Kircheriana experimentalis. Quam ex vastis operibus A. Kircheri extraxit et in hunc ordinem per classes redegit Romae-anno 1675 J. S. Kestlerus. Amstelodami, 1680. fol. 262 pp. (33794) Prioritise Gnomonicse Catopricaa, hoc est, Horo- looiographise novae specularis, etc. Avenione, 1635. 4? 254pp. Ipl. (36075) Klrchhoff, Gustav Robert. . Vorlesungen iiber mathematische Physik. Band 2-4. Leipzig, 1891-94. 3 vols. 8. (17577) The same. 4te Aufl. Band 1. Mechanik. HKg. von W. Wien. 1897. Leipzig, 1897. 8. (17603) Klrchner, , Engineer. Apparate zu Tiefseemessnngen. 1880. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 59. pp. 147-78. B 67 P : Klrchner, Ernst. Das Papier. Biberach, 1896, etc. 8. (26495) In progress. Issued in parts by the " Wochenblatt fur Papier- fabrikation, etc. Teil i, Geschichte, etc., 1897. ii. Rohstofflehre, etc., 1896. iii. Halbstofflehre, etc. A. Holzschliff, 1898, B. & C. Zellstoff, 1907. Kirchner, W., Editor of the Eisen-Zeitung, Berlin. Fortschritte in der Eisengiesserei - Praxis [Berlin, 1898.] 8. 120pp. (26167) 382 KIRC] [KITT Kirchner, Wilhelm Leopold. Handbuch der Milchwirtschaft. Berlin, 1882. 8 J . 626 pp. (5616) The same. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1898. 8. 664 pp. 8 pt. (25922) The s*tne. 5te Aafl. Berlin, 1907. 8. 710 pp. (35076) Kirk, Edward. The Cupola Furnace. Philadelphia, 1899. 8. 380 pp. (26428) Kirk, Florence. Old English Games and Physical Exercises. London, 1906. 4. 60 pp. (32673) Kirk, S. J. See BRISCOE, J. P., and KIKK, S. J. A contri- bution towards a Bibliography of Hosiery and Lace. 1896. 8 3 . (35438) Kirkaldy, David. Results of an experimental inquiry into the comparative tensile strength, etc., of various kinds of \Vrou durch don '' Blitzkamm." Bremer- haven, 1902. sin. 8. 212 pp. (29094) - Lehrbuch der Akustik. Nacb System Kleyer. Bremerhaven, 1904, etc. fP. (31442) In progress. Band 1, 2, 3 (pt. 1-2), publ. Kllmscb'B Jahrbuch. Eine Ubersicht iiber die Fortscliritte auf graphischem Gebiete. Band 3, etc. Frankfurt a. M., 19u2, etc. 8". A 21 : 902. Indtxet : Band 1-8, 1900-08, in Band 8. KLUncksieck, Oskar. - Dreisprachiges Auslands - Worterbuch. Ein deutsoh - enelisch - franzosiscbes Handbuch, etc. [Anbang. Bnglisches und franzosisches alpba- betisches Worter-Verzeicbnbs.] Berlin, 1909. 3 vols. 8. (37884) Xlinsre, A. G. - Manuale Pharmaceuticum, etc. [Russian diction- ary under Latin headings.] St. Petersburgh, 1903. 8. 208pp. (15259) . Novyia. . . Liekarstvennyia Sredstva, etc. [New and latest medicinal products in alphabetical order.] 1899, 1902, 1904, 1905, etc. St. Petersburg, 1899, etc. 8. (26098) Annual Supplement to Russian Pharmaceutical Journal. Sbornik, etc. [Collection of selected receipts in pharmaceutical and technical productions. 2nd ed.] Moscow, 1898. 8. 198 pp. (25335) K.lingrenberg', G. - Elektromechanische Konstruktionselemente. Skizzen, etc. Berlin, 1902, etc. fol. (29017) In progress. In 10 Lief. 1-4 nnd 6 and 7 pnbl. - Langenanderung nnd Magnetisimng von Eisen nnd Stabl. 1897. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 76. pp. 124-155. pi. 8 and 9. B 67 P : Xlocker, Alb. - Die Garnngsorganismen in der Theorie und Praxis der Alkoholgarungsgewerbe. Stuttgart, 1900. 8. 334pp. (27350) Fermentation Organisms. From the German by G. E. Allan and J. H. Millar. London, 1903. 8 s . 412 pp. (29779) Klosc. A. - - See MOTORWAGEN. Hreg. A. K. 1898-1901. fol. E 73 : 8!)8. Georg Simon. - Abhandlung von der beaten Einricbtung des Fcuerspriitzen, zum Gebranche des platten Landes. Berlin, 1774. 4. 34 pp. 2 pi. (26652), Albert. - See MONATSHEFTE FUR LlTHOGRAPHIE, etc. Hrse. F. v. Biedermann nnd A. K., 1902-05 ; A. K., 1905, etc. A 21/902. Knabel, A. - Industrielle Fabriken nnd Etablissements. (Deutiche bautechn. Tnschenbibliothek.) Leipzig. [1882-] 1884. am. 8. 424 pp. (32360) M222 385 [KNIG K.nap, Goorgia, Mech. Engineer. Les secrets de fabrication des Moteurs il essence pour Motocycles et Automobiles. Troyes, 1899. 8. 334 pp. (26476) Knapp, S. A. The present status of Rice culture in the United States. 1899. 56 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICUL- TURE : Bureau of Botany. Bulletin 22. J 29 B : Recent foreign explorations, as bearing on the Agricultural development of the Southern States. 1903. 44 pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Plant In- dustry. Bulletin 35. J 29 PI : Rice culture in the United States. 1900. 28 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 110. J 29 Fa : Knauff, M. Die Mangel der Schwemmkanalisation gegeniiber dem Shone-system mit Hinblick auf die Kanalisa- tion der Stadt Berlin. Berlin, 1884. 8. 60 pp. 1 pi. (25697) and Weyl, T. Asyle, niedere Herbergen, Volkskiichen, etc. See WEYL, T. Handbuch der Hygiene. Band 6. Heft 3. pp. 141-178. 1895. 8. (24547) Knauss, Friedrich von. Selbstschreibende Wuudermaschinen, auch mehr andere Kuust- und Meisterstucke, etc. Wien, 1780. 186 pp. 10 pi. portr. (31324) ILnecht, Edmund, and others. Handbnch der Farberei der Spinnfasern. Deutsche Ausgabe . . . von E. Loewentbal. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1900. 2 vols. 8. (31635) Xjxelp, Karl, and Brauer, K. See UHLAND, W. H. Handbuch fur den prakt. Masch.-Konstrukteur. 2te Aufl. Band 5. Teil 2. Die technischen Hilfswissenschaften. [1909.] 244 pp. 4. (32476) K.nelpp, Sebastian. My Will. A legacy to the healthy and the sick. From the 9th German ed. Jfempten, Bavaria, 1896. 8. 392pp. 29 pi. (38958) Knlgrht, Chas., Publisher. Cyclopaedia of the Industry of all Nations. London, 1851. 8. 24 pp. 1810 col. 37 pi. (32935) Knowledge is Power : a view of the productive forces of modern society, and the results of labour, capital, and skill. 2nd ed. London, 1859. sm. 8. 434 pp. 24 pi. (32961) Knlgrbt, Edward H. Agricultural Implements. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol.? 5. pp. 1-256. 3 pi. 1880. 8. (33125) Clocks and watches. Ibid. Vol. 4. pp. 403- 415. 1880. 8. (33125) A study of the Savage Weapons at the Centen- nial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. See SMITHSO- NIAN INSTITUTION. Reports. 1879. pp. 213-297. B 13 S : 847. Knlgrbt, John Henry. Light Motor cars and Voiturettes. London, 1902. sm. 8. J20pp. Ipl. (28366) K.nig'bt, Stephenson Y. Railway Brakes. London, 1904. 3 pi. (31397) 8. 52 pp. 3 c KNIG] [KOBE Knight, Thos. Andrew, F.R.S. A treatise on the culture of the Apple and Pear, and on ... Cider and Perry. Ludlow, 1797. 8. 128 pp. (5408) The same. 2nd ed. Ludlow. 1801. sm. 8. 182 pp. (34426) The same. 4th ed. London, 1813. 12". 194pp. (17031) Knight, DKorry, and Eilcy. Birmingham. . A treatise on a patent anticorrosive and eccen- tric wet Gas Meter. Birmingham. 1855. sm. 8. 8 pp. (28885) Knlgrhtley, Thos. Edward. Stable Architecture. London. 1862. fol. 48pp. 28 pi. (30506) Knlspel, Oskar. Die Massnahmen zur Fordernng der Nutz- geflugelzuoht in Deutschland. 1908. 362 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 145. J 23 : 894. Die (iffentlichen Massnahmen zur Forderung der Schweinezucht nach dem Stande vom Jahre 1902. 152pp. Ibid. Heft 77. 8. J 23: 894. Die offentlicben Massnahmen zur Forderung der Rinderzucht nach dem Stande vom Jahre 1904. 1905. 502 pp. Ibid. Heft 108. J 23 : 894. Knitters' Circular and Monthly Record. Yol. 1, etc. Leicester, 1894, etc. 4. E 82/894. Editor : J. H. Quilter, 1 895, etc. Title varied: " Hosiery Trade Journal," 1900, etc. Knoblauch, Oscar, and Jakob, M. Ueber die Abhangigkeit der spezifischen Warme Cp. des Wasserdampfes von Druck und Temperatur. 1906. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mitt- heilnngen a. d. G. der Ingenieurwesens. Heft 35-36. pp. 109-152. E 13/857b. and others. Die thermischen Eigenschaften des gesattigten und des iiberhitzten Wasserdampfes zwischen 100 und 180 0, Theil 1. Bericht iiber die Bestim- mung der Dichte des gesattigten . . . Wasser- dampfes. 1905. Ibid. Heft 21. pp. 33-55. 1 pi. E 13/857b. Knoch, C. .. Die Magermilch-Verwertung in den Molkereien. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 230 pp. (30661) Neuere Milchpalver, ihre Herstellungsmethoden und ihre Bewertung. Leipzig, 1904. 8. 24 pp. (31525) Knochenhauer, Karl Wilhelm. Allgemeine Physik. 1846. See DOVE, H. W., and MOSER, L. Eepertorium der Physik. Band 7. pp. 121-238. 8. (11033) Kndael, Th. - See SCHUBERT, M. Die Cellulogefabrikation. 3te Aufl., von T. K. 1906. 8. (32139) Knoke, J. O. See HAHTMANN, K., and KNOKE, J. 0. Die Pumpen. 2te Aufl. 1897, etc. Die Kraftmaschinen des Kleingewerbes. Berlin, 1887. 8. 368pp. (21373) _ The same. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1899. 8. 542 pp. (29075) Knoll, Rudolf. Das Knallquecksilber nnd ahnliche Spreng- stoffe. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1908. am. 8. 200 pp. 1 pi. (36358) Knoll, Rudolf cant. Synthetische und isolierte Riechstoffe und deren Darstellnng. 1908. 146 pp. See MONOORAPHIEN UBER CHEM-. TECHN. FABRIKATIONSMETHODEN. Band 10. K 30: 906. Knoop, Douglas. American Business enterprise. (Univ. of Man- chester. Gartside Reports on Industry, etc.) Man- chester, 1907. 8. 124 pp. (35875) Knopf, Adolph. Geology of the Seward Peninsula Tin deposits of Alaska. 1908. 72 pp. 9 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 358. G 30 : 883. Knopf, Siegmund Adolph, M.D. Tuberculosis as a disease of the masses, and how to combat it. Prize essay. Adapted for use in England by J. M. Barbour. London, 1902. 8. 76 pp. (28952) Knorro, Georg Karl von, and Arndt, K. Ueber Beimengungen des Acetylens. 1900. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWEKB- FLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 79. pp. 149- 172. 4. BC7P. Knott, Cargill Gilston. The physics of Earthquake phenomena. Oxford, 1908. 8. 296pp. 4 pi. (38849) Knowles, Chas., Admiral. See LA CROIX, de. Abstract on the mechan- ism of the motions of floating bodies. From the French by C. K. 1775. 4. (32314) Knowlaon, John C. The Yorkshire Cattle-doctor and Farrier. 4th ed. London, [Otley, printed], 1846. 8. 286 pp. 1 table. 1 pi. (38723) Knowlton, Frank Hall. Fossil Wood and Lignite of the Potomac forma- tion. 1889. 72 pp. 7 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 56. G 30 : 883. Knoz, Alexander. See WAR OFFICE. Rules for the transliteration of Place-Names occurring on . foreign Maps. By A. K. 1906. 16. (33825) Knoz, G. Description of an artificial anatomical figure, constructed by the Chevalier [L. T. J.] Auzoux, exhibited in 1832 ... in London. Madras, 1834. 8. 36pp. (36229) Knox, Harry, Bar.-at-law, and Kind, Jesse W. The Law of Copyright in Designs : with the statutes, rules, forms, etc. London, 1899. 8. 264 pp. (27227) Knuth, Paul. Handbook of Flower Pollination, based upon H. Muller's " The fertilisation of flowers by insects." Trsl. J. R. A. Davis. Oxford, 1906, etc. 8. (34485) Kpbert, Rudolf. Practical Toxicology. Trsl. L. H. Fried burg. London [and] New York, [1897]. 8. 216 pp. (14938) Kobes, Karl. Der Druck auf den Spurzapfen der Reaktions- turbinen und Kreiselpumpen. Leipzig, 1906. 8. 182 pp. 8 pi. (33208) 386 KOOH] [KOEH Koch, . Der Feldgemiisehau und seino Bedeutung fiir die deutsche Landwirtschaft. 1906. See DEUT- SCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 117. pp. 1-11. J 23: 894. Koch, Alexander, Architect. See ACADEMY ARCHITECTURE, e'c. Ed. A. K., etc., 1889 ; A. K., 1890, etc. F 68 : 889. Koch, Alfred. See JAHRESBERICHT OBER DIE FOUTSCHRITTE ix DER LEURE VON DEM GAHRCNOS-ORQAXISMEX. Von A. K. 1890, etc. H 1 : 890. Untersuchungen fiber die Ursachen der Reben- miidigkeic mit bos. Beriicksicht. der Schwefel- kohlenstoffbehandluug. Im Auftra'je der Heben- diingungs-Koramiasion in dea Jahren 1893-1896. 44pp. 5 pi. See DECTSCHE LANDVV. GESELLSCUAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 40. J 23 : 894. Koch, Friedrioh Carl Ludwig. Beitrage zur Kenntniss krystillini.scher Hfitten- prodnkte. Giittingen, 1822. am. 8. 88 pp. 2 pi. (38180) Koch, Georg Heinrich Ernst, M.D. On the Bacteriological diagnosis of Cholera, Water-filtration and Cholera, and the Cholera in Germany during the winter of 1892-93. Trsl. G. Duncan. Edinburgh, 1894. 8. 154 pp. (30479) Koch, Gustav. Beschreibung und Erlauterung des G. Koch "schen Systems zur Herstellung von lenkbaren Luftschiffen [Nachtrag.] [ Milnchen, 1882.] 8m. fol. lithogr. 22 pp. 1 pi. (29193) Koch, Hans. Geschiehte des Seidengewerbes in Koln vom 13. bis zum 18. Jahrhnndert. Leipzig, 1907. 8. 140pp. (35716) Koch, Hugo. Ausbildung der Fmsboden-, Wand- und Decken- fliichen. 1903. 364 pp. See DURM, J. Handbnch der Architektnr. TheiJ 3. Band 3. Heft 3. 8. (22285) Dachdecknngen. 1894. Ibid. Theil 3. Band 2. Heft 5. pp. 1-282. 8. (22285) Fenster, Thfiren und andere bewegliche Wand- vewcblusse. 1896. 394 pp. Ibid. Theil 3. Band 3. Heft 1. 8. (22285) Nebenanlagen der Dacher. 1894. Ibid. Theil 3. Band 2. Heft 5. pp. 358-476. 8. (22285) Koch, J. A. See BIIER, B. F. Elements of Glass and Glass making. Chemically revised by J. A, K. [1899.1 8. (27653) Koch, J. F., Engineer. . Uber den heutige Stand der Rontgen-Elektro- technik. Ex : " Elektrotechn. Zeitschrift," 1906. Heft 30. Berlin, 1906. 8. 12 pp. (32636) Koch, Karl Richard Robert. See CRANZ, C., and KOCH, K. R. Untersuchungen fiber die Vibration des Gewehrlaufs. 1899-1901 2pts. 4. (27156) Koch, Robert, M.D. Die Bekampfung dea Typhus. 1903. 22 pp. See VEBUFFENTLICHUNGBX A. D. G. DES MILITAU- SANITATSWESENS. Heft 21. H 24 : 892. 34223 Kocher, ., of Berne. See PERROT, . Machine Litbographiqae [et la machine Kocher]. 1844. 8. (34'J02) Kodak News. Vol. 1-3. London, 1895-97. 3 vols. 4. A 11 : 895. Publication : Monthly. Kodltek, Johann. Repertorium der wichtigsten Zeitschriften des Hochbauwesens. [(1), 1836-83 ; (2), 1884-94 ; (3), 1895-1906. Leipzig, etc. 1887, etc. 8". (24813) Title varied: (2), Literatur Naohweis, etc. ; (8) Technische Zeitschriftenschau , etc. Koebke, E. Die Lilipnt-Lampe. 1904. See SCHIFFBAU- TECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jalirbuch. Band 5. pp. 541-545. F 81 : 900. Koechlln, Jules. Tissus de coton imprimis. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 27. Sect. 3. pp. 49-86. 8 . (13828) Koachlln-Schwartz, Alfred. Les fils et tissus deLaine Peigne'e. 1881. 40pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 32. 8. (25811) Kocby, 0. Ueber dea Kraftbedarf und die Leistnng der Holzbearbeitungsnmchinen. 1885. See VKKKIN ZDR BEFORDERUNd DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 64. pp. 147-178. B 67 P. Ueber Schwungradexplosionen. 1886. Ibid. Verhaudlungen. Jabrg. 65. pp. 25-80. 3 pi. B67P: Ueber ein eigenthiimliches System pseudo- astatischer Centrifugalregulatoren. 1884. Ibid. Verhandlungen. Jabrg. 63. pp. 79-104. 5 pi. B67P: Ueber die Theorie der geschlossenen Heissluft- maschinen. 1888. Ibid. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 67. pp. 433-470. 1 pi. B 67 P : Koecker, Leonard, Surgeon- Dentist. An essay on artificial Teeth, Obturators, and Palates, with the principles for their construction and application. London, 1835. 8. 202pp. 21 pi. (32597) Kdhler, Albert, M.I). Kriegschirurgen und Feldarzte dor Neuzeit. 1904. 386 pp. 32 pi. See VEROFFENTLICHUNGEN A. D. G. DES MILITAR-SANITATSWESENS. Heft 27. H 24 : 892. Die Kriegschirurgen nnd Feldarzte Prenssens und anderer deutscher Staaten in Zeit- und Lebens- bildern. Thul 1. Kriegschirurgea nnd Feldarzte des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. 1899. 270 pp. Ibid. Heft 13. H 24 : 892. Kdhler, Alexander Wilhelm. See BEROMANNISCHES JOURNAL. Hreg. A. W. K. 1788-91 ; A. W. K., etc., 1792-93. sin. 8. G 63 : 788. Kdhler, Armin, M.D. Ueber Trombose nnd Transfusion, Eiter- und septische Infection und deren Beziehung zum Fibrinferment. Durpat, 1877. 8. 134 pp. (30281) Kdhler, G. See BERG- TOD HOTTENMANNISCHE ZEITUNO. Hrsg. G. K., etc. 1897-1904. 4. G 63 : 842. 387 3 c 2 KOEH] [KOEN Koehler, Georg Wilhelm. RaschlaufpumpenfiirElektromotorantrieb. 1903. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DBS GEWERB- PLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 82. pp. 197-210. B67P: Die Bohrbruchventile. Untersachungs Ergeb- nisse und Konstruktions-Grundlagen. 1906. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIECRE. Mittheilnngen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 34. pp. 1--58. E 13/857b. Kohler, Hippolyt. Die Chemie und Technologie der naturlichen und kiinstlichen Asphalte. 1904. 450 pp. See BOLLEY, P. A. Handbnch der Chemisohen Tech- nologie. Band 1. Gruppe 2. Abt. 2. Theil 1. Lief. 3. 8. (16252) Die Fabrikation des Russes und der Schwarze aus Abfallen und Nebenproducten, etc. 1889. 112pp. See BOLLEY, P. A. Handbuch der chem. Technologic. Band 5. Gruppe 3. 8. (16252) The same. 2te Aufl.' 1906. 228 pp. Ibid. Neue Folge. Lief. 15. 8. (16252) Die Industrie des Steinkohlentheers, etc. Von G. Lunge. 4te Aufl. von H. K. Ibid. Neue Folge. Lief. 10-11. 1900. 8. (16252) Kohler, Hjalmar von. Der automatische Loggregistrier-Apparat von Hjalmar von Kohler. Von J . Drakenberg. 1904. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahr- buoh. Baud 5. pp. 238-245. F 81 : 900. Kohler, Johann David. Auweisung fiir reisende Gelehrte, Bibliothecken, Munz-Cabinette . . . mit Nutzen zu besehen. Frankfurt, etc. 1762. am. 8. 300 pp. (26090) Koehn, Theodor. Ausbau voa Wasserkraften. [1907-]1908. 1256 pp. 84 pi. See HEUSINGER v. WALDEGO, E. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften. Theil 3. Band 13. Text and atlas. 8. (15500) Der elektrische Betrieb mittels Dreiphasen- Drehstrom auf den itilienischen Vollbahnlinien im Valtellina. [Niirnberg, 1903.] 4. 56 pp. 4 pi. (30323) Koehoorn, Baron. See COEHOORN. Konigr, Arthur. 1 See HELMHOLTZ, H. L. F. von. Vorlesungen iiber theoretische Physik. Band 1, Lief. 1, 3, & 5 von A. K. und U. Range. 1897-1903. 8. (7941) See PHYSIKALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT z0 BERLIN. Verhandlungen. Hrsg. A. Rosochatius und A. K. 1888 ; A. K. 1889-1901. D : 883. Konlg 1 , Christian Rudolph. See ERDMANN, O. L., and KONIG, C. R. Grundriss der allgemeinen Warenkunde. Aufl. 12, etc. 1895, etc. Kbnig-, Ernst. See VOGEL, H. W. [Handbuch der Photo- eraphie.] Band 1. Photochemie, etc. 5te Aufl. vonE. K. 1906. 8. (33214) Das Arbeiten mit farbenempfindlichen Flatten. (Photographische BiUiothek.) Berlin. 1909. sin. 8. 76pp. 6 pi. (38926) Natural-colour Photography. From the German, with additions, etc., by E. J. Wall. London, [19061. ie. Tome 30 [at end]. 8. K : 858. Xostaneeki. St. de. Les syntheses dans les groupes de la Flavone et de la Chromone. [Conference.] 1903. 38 pp. See SOCIETE CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. Bulletin. 3e Serie. Tome 30 [at end]. 8. K : 858. Kostlan, A. See JAHEESBERICHT UBER DIE ERFAHRUNGEN, etc. . . . DER LANDWIRTHSCHAFT. Hrsg. A. K., etc. 1904-05. J 1:901. Kostlivy, 8. ' See OESTERR. GESELLSCHAFT FUR METEORO- LOGIE. Zeitschrift. Namen- und Sacbregister, 1866-85. Bearb. von 8. K. 1896. 8. D 34 : 866. Kosutany, Thos. Des ungarische Weizen und das ungarische Mebl vom Gesichtspunkte des Landwirtes, des Miillers und des Backers. Budapest, 1907. 8. 356 pp. 1 pi. (37461) Kov&cs, Jeno. Uber Asphalt, sein Vorkommen, etc. Aus dem Ungarischen. (Intermit. Verbandfiir die Material- prilfungen der Technik.) Budapest, 1901. 8. 30pp. (28581 ) Kovarik, Othmar. Beitrage zur Losung der europaischen Gewehr- frage. Berlin, 1903. 8. 40 pp. (30111) Versuch eines kriegsbrauchbaren Systems fur den Munitionsersatz im Infanteriekampfe. Berlin, 1903. 8. 50pp. 2 pi. (30112) Kovb, A., Engineer. Untersuchung einer von van den Kerchove in Gent gebauten Tandemmaschine von 250 PS. Von M. Schroter und A. K. 1904. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des lugenieurwesens. Heft 19. pp. 1-44. 1 pi. E l3/857b. K.oyl, C. Herachel. Pure water for Steam boilers. Ex : " Railroad Gazette," 1900. New York, [1900]. 12. 42pp. (27413) Kozlik, Bernard. Technologie der Gewebeappretur. Berlin, 1908. 8. 248pp. Ipl. (37657) Kozlov, Ivan. . Das russische Patentgesetz ... 20. Mai, 1896. Aus dem russisehen iibersetzt. Nicht- officielle Ausg. ^0,1898. 8. 64pp. (25698) Kraatz, A. Maschinen-Telegraphen. 1906. 136 pp. See TELEGRAPHEN- UND FERNSPRECH- TECHNIK IN ElNZELDARSTELLUNGEN. Heft 1. D 60 : 906. Kraeger, Josef. . Die Untersuchung und Beurteilung des Bieres und der bei der Bierbrauerei verwendeten Rohstoffe. (Chem.-techn. BiUiothek.) Wien, 1906. sm. 8. 142pp. (31971) Kraemer, G. Die Denaturirung des Spiritus durch Vermi- schuug mit Holzgeist. Yon A. W. Hofmann, G. K., etc. 1881. See VEREIN ZUR BEFOKDERUNG DBS GEVVERBFLEISSES. Verhandl. Jahrg. 60. pp. 557-81. B67P: and Bottcher, W. Ueber die deutschen Rohpetrole, deren Untar- suchung und Verarbeituns. 1887. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEI?SES. Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 65. pp. 549-572. B 67 P : SLvaemer. Henry. See AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. Ed. H. K. 1898, etc. K 21: 887. Kramer, Josef, Engineer. See MEISSNER, G. Die Kraftiibertragung, etc. 2te Aufl. von J. K. [1898-]1899. 2 vols. 8. (26169) Konstruktion und Bereohnung fiir zwanzig ver- schiedene Typen Dynamo- Gleichstrom- Maschinen. 2te Au8. Leipzig, 1900. 8. 110 pp. 25 pi. (29602) Wirkungsgrade und Kosten elektrischer und mechanischer Kraft-Transmissionen. Leipzig, 1895. 8. 96pp. Ipl. (29445) Krautermann, Valentin, pseud, [i.e., Chr. von Hellwig~\. Der accurate Sjheider und kiinstlicher Probierer. Franckfurth, etc. 1717. sm. 8. 320 pp. 1 pi. (38181) Straff t, Guido. Lehrbuch der Landwirtschaft, etc. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1884-85. 4 vols. 8. (14520) The same. 7te Aufl. Berlin, 1899-1903. [1904.] 4 vols. 8. (29839) Kraft, Heinrioli. See ARCHIV FUR PHYSIKALISCHE MEDIZIN, etc. Hrsg. H. K., etc. 1906, etc. H 9 : 906. Kraft, Maximilien von, Prof, in Brunn. Geschichte, Herstellung und Verwendung des Papiers. 1898. See BUCH. Das Buch der Erflnd- ungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 8. pp. 103-237. 8. (33007) Die Liiffcnng der Werkstatten. [1894-]1897. See WEVL, T. Handbuch der Hygiene. Band 8. pp. 179-224. 8. (24547) Maschinelle Einrichtungen gegen Unfalle in Fabriken. [1894-]1897. Ibid. Band 8. pp.111- 173. 8. (24547) Die Stickerei und Spitzenfabrikation. Seil- und Taufabrikation. 1898. See BUCK Das Buch der ErSndungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 8. pp. 471-541. 1 pi. 8. (33007) Krahmann, Max. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PRAKTISCHE GEOLCGIE. Hrsg. M. K. 1893, etc. G 3 : 893. Krahner, Oscar. See BORGMAN, J. Die Rotlederfabrikation. Hrsg. O.K. 1904-05. 2 vols. 8. (31433) Krals, Felix. See GOEBEL, T. Die graphischen Kiinste der Gegenwart. Hrsg. F. K. 1895, etc. Kramer, Ernst. Das Laibacher Moor, das grosste und interres- anteste Moor Osterreichs, etc. Laibach, 1905. 206pp. 5 pi. (32129) 392 KRAM] Kramp, Christian. Geschichte der Aerostatik, etc. Strasburg, 1784. 2 vols. 8. (29195) Krans, r'.-liv. Etude sur le Four a Gar et a Chaleur re'ge'ne're'e de M. Siemens. Bruxelles, 1869. 8. 148pp. 5 pi. (38724) Krapf, Philipp. Formeln und Versuche uber die Tragfiihigkeit eingerammter Pfahle. 1906. 28 pp. 2 pi. See FORTSCHRITTE DER INGENIEURWISSENSCHAFTEN. 2te Gruppe. Heft 12. G 20 : 892. Kratzert, Hcinrich. Grundriss der Elektrotechnik. 2te Aufl. Theil 1-2. Leipzig, 1899-1903. 7 vols. in three. 8. (28312) Krauch, C. Die Priifung der chemiscben Reagentien auf Reinheit. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1896. 8*. 420 pp. (37862) The testing of Chemical Reagents for purity. From the 3rd German ed. by J. A. Williamson and L. W. Dupre". London, [19021. 8. 350 pp. (29491) Krans, C., Prof, in Munich. See GNOM. (Der). Hrsg. L. Herrmann und C. K. , 1898-1901. G 63/898. Die Lagerung der Getreide. Stuttgart, 1908. 8. 438pp. (35764) Kraus, Rudolf, and Levadlti, C. Handbuch der Technik und Methodik der Immunitatsforschung. Jena, 1908, etc. 8. (36864) In progress. Krause, Eugen. Sachliohe Wurdigung der in Dentschland ertheilten Patente. Klassa 78. Sprengstoffe und Zundwaaren. 1883. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDE- BUNO DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 62. pp. 310-336. 2 pi. B 67 P : Krauae, F. Sling contrivances for Projectile Weapons. 1902. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1904. pp. 619-638. 4 pi. B 13 S : 847. Krause, Hermann Kunz-. See KUNZ-KRAUSE, Jobann Wilh. H. Krause, Hugo. Chemisches Auskunftsbuch. (Cfiemisch-tech- nische Bibliothek.') Wien, 1909. sm. 8. 264 pp. (38570) Krause, Max. Ueber Borsigketten nnd Kenterschakel. 1909. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahr- bucb. Band 10. pp. 149-168. F 81 : 900. Krause, Rudolf. Anlasser und Regler ffir elektrische Motoren nnd Generatoren. Berlin, 1902. 8. 92 pp. (28638) Starters and Regulators for Electric Motors and Generators. Trsl. C. Kinzbrunner and N. West. London, 1904. 8. 132 pp. (31073) KrausB, F. G. Methods of Milking. 1905. 16pp. See HAWAII : Agric. Expt. Station. Bulletin 8. J 30 H : d. 34213 393 [KREL Krauas, Fritz. Die Circulation in Wasserrohrenkesseln. Ex : " Zeitscbrift der Dampfkesseluntersuchung?. etc." Wien, 1899. 8. 62 pp. (26901) KrauBz, Sigmund. Practical Automobile Dictionary. English- French-German ; Fremh-English-German ; Ger- inan-French-English. New York, [19051. sm. 8. 142 pp. (32540) Kraut, Carl. See KRAUT, Karl Johann. Kraut, Karl Johann, Prof, in Hanover. Cum grano salis. Die Kali-indnstrie im L, -me- nu. I Wesergebiete und das Gutachten der Kgl. Wissengchaf tlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinal- wesen fiber die Einwirkung der Kali-iudustrie- Abwasser auf die Fliisse. Berlin, 1902. 8. 78 pp. 2 pi. (28529) Krawlnkel, Wilhelm. Uber stadtische Entwassernngskanale. (Disser- tation.) Krefeld, 1904. 8. 44pp. 5 pi. (31303) Krebs, Adolf, Ph.D., of Brussels. Moderne Dampfturbinen. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1905. 8. 58pp. (31101) The same. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1908. 8. 124 pp. 1 pi. (36828) Krebs, Georg. See ELEKTROTECHNISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Hrsg. G. K. 1887-1903. D 51/883. Krebs, L6on. Le Conservateur, ou livre de tons les Manages, conteuant les difforents precedes de conservation des substances alimentaires, etc., d'apres les travaux de Carfeme, Appert, etc. Paris, [1886]. sm. 8. 572pp. (38080) Kreft, Engelhard. See SocifeTE POUR LA FABRICATION MECANIQUE DE LA PIERRE ARTIFICIELLE. Fabrication de la Pierre artiflcielle silico-calcaire. [Proc^d6 E. K.] [1904.] 8. (31123) Kreidl, Alois, and Reg-en, J. Physiologische Untersuchungen uber Tierstim- men. (1. Mittbeilnng.) Stridulation von Gryllus campestris. 1905. 26 pp. 1 pi. See KAISERL. AKAH. DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Bericht der Phono- grammarchiv-Kommission 4. 8. (33373) Krelslngrer, Henry. The significance of drafts in steam-boiler prac- tice. By W. T. Ray and H. K. 1909. 62 pp. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 367. G 30 : 883. Krell, Otto, Sen., Engineer. Altromische Heizungen. 124 pp. 1 pi. (28615) Miinchen, 1901. 8 Krell, Otto, Jun., of Berlin. Die Erprobung von "Ventilatoren nnd Versnche fiber den Luftwiderstand von Panzergratings. 1906. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahr- bnch. Band 7. pp. 408-445. 1 pi. F 81 : 900. Der gegenwartige Stand der Scheinwerf ertechnik. 1905. Ibid. Jahrbnch 6. pp. 312-350. F 81 : 900. Hydraulische Riicklanfbremaen. 1908. Ibiil. Jahrbuch. Band 9. pp. 370-408, F 81 ; 900. Krell, P. F. Die Gefasse der Keramik. Schildernng des Entwicklungsganges der Gefiisstopferei. Stuttgart, 1885. fol. 78pp. 3 pi, (26394) 3 D KREM] [KROM Kremann, Robert. i See PHYSIKALISCH-CHEMISCHES GENTRALBLATT. Hrsg. M. Rudolph! und R. K. 1907-08. K 5 : 903 Ueber die Anwendung der thermisohen Analyse zumNachweis chemiscber Verbindungen. 1909. See SAMMLUNG CHEMJSCHEK UND CHEM.-TECHNISCHER VORTRAGE. Band 14. pp. 213-288. K 1 : 896. Jtremonezky, Johann. Die Leitungen fiir starke Strome. 1885. See KLEIN, F. Bericht iiber die Internat. Elektrische Ausstellung, Wien, 1883. pp. 47 1-486. 8". (7708) Kramers, Edward. See GILDEMEISTER. E., and HOFFMANN, F. The volatile oils. Trsl. E. K. 1900. 8. (33009) See PHARMACEDTISCHE RUNDSCHAU, etc. Hrsg. F. Hoffmann and E.K., 189fi-1900 ; E.K., 1900-08. K 21 : 883. See MIDLAND DRUGGIST, etc. Ed. E. K. 1909, etc. K 21 : 909. Xdreznaer, Y. See DEUTSCHER VEREIN ZUR FORDERUNG DER LUFTSCHIFFFAHRT. Zeitsohrift, etc. Hrsg. "V. K. 1891-95. E 60 : 882. Xtresnik, P., Engineer. ' Wasserbewegung durch Boden. Neue Filtrations- versuche. 1906. 18 pp. 2 pi. See TECHNISCHE VORTRAGE UND ABHANDLUNGEN. Heft 33. E 20 : 884. Kress, Wilhelm. Aerove'loce. Lenkbare Flugmaschine etfunden ... von W. K. Wien, 1880. 8. 26 pp. 3 pi. (31589) Aviatik. Wie der Vogel fiiegt und wie der Mensch fliegen wird. Wien, 1905. 8. 106 pp. (31443) Aviation. Comment 1'oiseau vole, comment 1'homme volera. Trad. R. Chevreau. Paris, 1909. 8. 100 pp. (37956) Xretschmer, Otto. See DICK, C., and KBETSCHMER, 0. Handbnch der Seemannschaft. 3te Aufl. 1902. 2 vols. 8. (29008) K.r cuter, Franz. See BEIL, J. A., and others. Technologisches Worterbuch. 5te Aufl. von E. von Hoyer and F. K. 1902-04. 3 vols. 8. (28299) Der Flussbau. 1900. See HANDBUCH. Hand- buch der Ingenieurwissenschaften. 3te Aufl. BandS. Abt.2. Half te 1. pp. 161-482. pi. 7-14. 8. (27558) Kreuzpolntner, Paul. Riddles wrought in Iron and Steel. 1900. 12 pp. See FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Reprints. [Vol. 3.] B 62 : 886. K.rieg-er, Alfred. Ueber Abkomtnlinge des 1.5.Diamidoantbra- chiaons. {Dissertation.') Karlsruhe, 1903. 8. 72 pp. (29830) Xrieger, Eduard. See JOHOW, H. Hilfsbuch fiir den Schifibau. 2te Aufl. von E. K. 1903. sm. 8. (29647) lirlemler, Carl J. Gleichgewichts-figuren vollkommen elastiseher auf Biegung beanspruchter Stabe mit bes. Beriick- sicht. der Knickvorgiinge. (Thetis.) Karlsruhe, 1901. 4. 56pp. 10 pi. (28588) XC.rlem.ler, Carl J. cont. - Von der Erhaltung der Energie nnd dem Gleich- gewicht des nachgiebigen Korpers. (Virtuelle Versehiebungen.) Wiesbaden, 1905. 8. 60 pp. (31657) ILrlgar-IKenzel, Otto. See HELMHOLTZ, H. F. L. von. Vorlesungen iiber theoretisobe Physik. Band 1. Lief. 2. Band 2 and 4. Hrsg. O. K.-M., etc. 1898-1907. 8. (7941) Krlzlk, Franz. Das elektrieche Blocksignal, System Krizik. Von A. Prasch, 1901. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTROTECH- NISCHER VORTRAGE. Band 2. pp. 331-414. D 51 : 896. 25.roh. Friedrich. Zur Technik der Oelmalerei . . . unter Beruckgicht. der Konservierung und Restauration der Oelgemalde. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1903. sm. 8. 118 pp. (30664) Xrohnlie, B. Methode zur Entsilberung von Erzen, betrieben seit dem Jahre 1863 in Chile uad Bolivia, spatea auch eiagefiihrt in Peril und Mexico. Stuttgart, 1900. 8. 216pp. (27392) Krttlmke, G. H. A. Handbook for laying out Curves on Railways and Tramways. [New ed.] London, 1896. sm. 8. 174pp. Ipl. (32762) HLrohnke, 0. See DEGENER, P. Das Kohlebrei-Verfahren . . . Zugleich eine Erwiderung auf die Abhand- lungdesDr. K. 1901. 8. (27740) Beitrag zur Frage der Milchfiltration. Ex : " Milchzeitung," 1902. Kiel, 1902. 8. 16 pp. (28166) Beitrag zur Frage iiber die Reinigung von Milcb. Gegen Dr. W. Dunbar nnd Dr. R. Weil. Hamburg, 1902. sm. 8. 30 pp. (28649) Die Reinigang des Wassers fiir hausliche nnd gewerbliche Zwecke. 1900. See SAMMLUNG CHEM. UND CHEM.- TECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 5. pp. 55-188 . K 1 : 896. and Mullenbach, H. Das geaunde Haus. Stuttgart, 1902. 8. 656 pp. (29610) Kroncke, Claus. See WIEBEKING, C. F. von, and KRONCKE, C. Allgemeine . . . Wasserbaukunst. 1798-1807. 5 vols. 4., and fol. atlas. (38377) X.rdnigr, A. See FORTSCHRITTB DER PHYSIK. Hrsg. A. K., etc. 1850-57. D 2 : 845. Kroll, Berg-er dt Co. See CONTINENTAL GAS GLUHLICHT ACTIEN GESELLSCHAFT, VORMALS KROLL, BERGER & Co. XCrom, Stephen R. Description of S. R. Krom's ore crushing and concentrating machines. [U.S. Patent No. 330,408, Nov. 17, 1885.] New York, 1885. 8. 62 pp. (36425) Kromar, Konrad. Repetier- und automatiache Handfeuerwaffen der Systeme F. von Mannlicher. Wien,l9QO. obi. fol. 16pp. 37 pi. (27584) 394 KRON] Kronenfels, J. Ferdinand von. See BROMMY, R., and LITTROW, H. VOD. Die Marine. 3te Ann. von [J.] F. von K. 1878. 8. (25782) Xronser, Victor Nicolaus, M.D. Der Schwefel-Aether. Seine chemisohe Bereit- ung, Eigensohaf t und Artwendnng. Wien, 1847. 8. 76 pp. 1 pi. (36977) Kronthal, Paul. Lexikon der teohnisohen Kiinste. Berlin, 1898- 99. 2vols. 8. (27103) KrUtrener, B. Die Hand-Camera (Detectiv-Camera) und ihre Anwendung t'iir die Moment-Photographie. Berlin, 1898. am. 8. 172pp. (25699) K.rug'er, ., of Bromberg. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Wasserwirtschaf t in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. 1906. 60 pp. 9 pi. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. QESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 119. J 23 : 894. "Versuche tiber Ackerbewasserung angestellt vom Kaiser-Wilhelms Inst. zn Bromberg. Von [0.] Qerlacb und Kruger. 1908. 52 pp. 9 pi. Ibid. Heft 141. J 23 : 894. Xrugrer, E. A. Die Herstellung der elektrischen Gliihlampe. Leipzig, 1894. 8. 110pp. 5 pi. (26332) K-rUg-er, Fritz. Uber Kleben und Klebstoffe. 1905. See VER- EIN ZDR BEPORDERUNG DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Band 84. pp. 131-181. B 67 P : Krusrer, Julius. Die Zinkograviire ; oder das Aetzen in Zink zur Herstellung von Druckplatten aller Art. (Chem- igch-techmsche Bibliothek.) Wien, 1878. sm. 8. 150 pp. (18785) The same. 4te Aufl. yon J. Husnik. (Ibid.) Wien, 1905. sm. 8. 224 pp. 5 pi. (31410) Kriigrer, Richard. Handbuch der BaustofBehre. Wien, 1899. 2vols. 8. (26902) K.rug-er, Rndolf. Die Kondensation der permanenten Gase. (Beil- age zum Programm der Realgymnasiumt zu Stral- tund, 1900.) Stralsund, 1900. 4. 24 pp. (27593) Krugrer, Wilhelm. Das Znckerrohr and seine Kaltnr mit bes. Berucksicht. der VerhSltnisse und Untersnchungen anf Java. Magdeburg, 1899. 8. 588 pp. 14 pi. (26168) BLrummel, Otto. Der Ozean. Eine Einfuhrnng in die allgemeine Meereskunde. Leipzig, 1886. sm. 8. 250 pp. (38726) Kruss, Alexander Gerhard, and A. H. Beziehungen zwischen der cbemischen Xatur und den Spectren eiofacher nnd zusammengesetzter Korper. [1898.] See GRAHAM-OTTO. Ansfuhr- licbes Lehrbuch der Chemie. 3te Aufl. Band 1. Abt. 3. pp. 669-702. 8. (11138) K.russ, Andres Hugo. See DEUTSCHER VEREIN VON GAS- UND WASSER- FACHMANNERN. Bericbt Uber die Arbeiten der Lichtmess-Commission. Bearbeitet von [A.] H. K. 1898. 8. (25891) [KUEM Kriiss, Gerhard. See KRt'ss, Alexander G. Kruss, Hugo. See KRUSS, Andres H. HLrufr, Wra. H. Chemical studies of some Forest products of economic importance. 1902. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1902. pp. 321-332. J 29 : 849b. BLrupp. A., of Vienna. Die Legirungen. (Chemisch-technischeBibliothek.) Wien, 1879. sm. 8. 428 pp. (19467) The same. 3te Anfl. (Ibid.) Wien, 1909. sm. 8. 456 pp. (38328) Krupp Steel Works, Essen. Ausstellungs-Katalog der Gnssstahlfabrik F. Krupp . . . World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Essen, 1893. sm. 8. 210 pp. (28167) Notes on some of Krupp's exhibits at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 1902. Ex : "Engineering." [London, 1902.] sm. 8. 38 pp. 10 pi. (12268) See DUSSELDORF EXHIBITION, 1902. Fiihrer durch die Krupphalle. 1902. sm. 8. (32249) See KOEPPER, G. Das Gnssstahlwerk Fried. Krupp nnd seine Enstehung. [1897.] 8. (26127) ZLublerschky, Koorad. Die deuteche Kaliindnstrie. [1906.] 122 pp. See MONOGRAPHIEN CBER CHEM.-TECHN. FABRIKA- TIONSMETHODEN. Band 3. K 30 : 906. Kuckuk, Friedrich. Der Gasrohrleger und Gaseinrichter. Miinchen, 1904. 8. 228pp. (32089) The same. 2te Aufl. Miinchen, 1909. 8. 336 pp. 1 pi. (38959) Kiibcl, F. See MULLENDORFF, E., and K(!BEL, F. Die Antomobilen. 1899. sm. 8. (26931) Kubler, Wilhelm, Engineer. See ELEKTRISCHE BAHNEN. Hrsg. W. K. 1903-06. F 30 : 903. Der Drehstrommotor als Eisenbabnmotor. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 104 pp. 23 pi. (29581) Die venneintlichen Gefahren der elektrischen Betriebe. 1906. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jabrbnch. Band 7. pp. 197-263. F 81 : 900. and Schlmpff, Gustiv. Ein Entwurf fur die Einf uhrnng des elektrischen Betriebes auf der Wannseebahn. 1898. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNGDESGEWERBFLEISSES. Verhand- lungen. Jahrg.77. pp. 163-194 ; 242-262. B 67 P : Kuhling-, Friedrich Tbeodor Otto. See HEUHANN, K. K. Anleitung zum Experi- mentieren bei Vorlesungen uber anorganiscbe Chemie. 3te Anfl. von O. K. 1904. 8. (30656) XLiihlmann, Karl Friedrich. See KUIILMASN, Cbas. Frc'ii. Kiihn, Rudolf. See KORZEN, A., and KUHH, R. Waffenlehre. 1904, etc. 8. (32156) K.ummel, Henry Barnard, State Geologist, New Jersey, q.v. The Clay and Clay industry of New Jersey. By H. Ries and H. B. K. 1904. 576 pp. 56 pi. 5 maps. See NEW JERSEY (State) ; Geol. Survey. Final Report. Vol. 6. G 30 N : b. 395 3 D 2 KUEN] Xuer.en, Johannes Petrus. Theorie der Verdampfung und Verfliissigang von Gemischen und der fraktionierten Destination. 1906. 256 pp. See BREDIG, G. Handbuch der angewandten physikalisphen Chemie, etc. Band 4. 8. (32426) Die Znstandsgleichung der Gas nnd Flussig- keiten und die Kontinuitatstheorie. ("Die Wissen- schaft," Heft 20.) Braunschweig, 1907. 8. 252 pp. (36376) XLunkler, A. Die Harzindustrie. Heft 1-2. Mannheim, etc., 1897-1905. sm. 8. (31578) Kiirth, A. Ueber die Beziehung der Kngeldrnckharte zur Streckgrenze und zur Zerreissfegtigkeit zaher Me- talle. 1909. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Ulittheilungen a. d. G. des IngeDieurwesens. Heft 65. pp. 63-104. E13/857b. Kiistel, Guido. New Leaching and Chlorination process for Silver ores. [1869.] See U.S. COMM. OF MINERAL STATISTICS. Statistics of Mines, etc., West of the Rocky Mountains. [2nd Report.] pp. 741-748. 1870. 8. G 50: 866. Kuster, Friedrich Wilhelm Albert. See ZEITSCHRIFT FOR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE. Namen- und Sachregister. 1887-97 (1900-04), von F. W. [A.] K. und T. Paul ; 1898-1905 (1909, etc.), von F. W. [A.] K. K 5 : 887. In progress. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE CHEMIE. Hrsg. R. Lorenz und F. W. [A.] K., 1899-1903. K 7 : b92. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen, physikalischen und theoretischen Chemie. (Zugleioh 7te Aufl. des All- gemeinen und physikalischen Teiles von Gmelin's Handbuch der Chemie.) Heidelberg, 1906, etc. 8. (32965) In progress. Kuster, Julius. Das Automobil und seine Behandlung. 2te Aufl. (Kuster s Autotecknische Bibliothek.) Leipzig, 1906. sm. 8. 202 pp. (33253) Patent-, Muster- und Marken - Schutz Motoren- nnd Fahrzeug-Industrie. (Ibid.) 1908. sm. 8. 324 pp. (36646) Personen- und Lasten - Dampfwagen. Berlin, 1908. sm. 8. 234 pp. (36983) Kuster, Otto. Bestimmung des okonomischen Werthes der rotirenden Dampfmaschine. Vergleich zwischen eincr gewohnlichen Dampfmaschine und einer rotirenden. Wermelskirchen, 1893. 8. 94 pp. 1 pi. (26653) Kiitzlngr, Friedr. Traugott. See DELBRUCK, M., and SCHROHE, A. Hefe, GSrung und Fanlnis. Eine Sammlung der grnnd- legenden Arbeiten von . . . Kiitzing, etc. 1904. 8. (31499) Kuhlmann, Chas. Frederic, Prof, in Lille. - Recherches scientifiques et publications diverses. Paris, 1877. 8. 746 pp. (37058) [Collection of Reprints, 1839-46.] [Lille.l 13 pts. 8. (38808) < Transport de certains liquides industriels, (Societe Induitrielle du Nord de la France.) Lille. 1878. 8. 12pp. (34628) in der Berlin, (Ibid.) [KUNS K.uhn, Alexander. Bericht iiber die von der Deutschen Kolonial- gesellschaft dem Kolonial-Wirtschaftlichen Kom- mitoe ubertragene Fischfluss-Expedition. Reisen und Arbeiten in Deutsch-Siidwestafrika im Jahre 1903. See TROPENPFLANZEB. Beihefte. Band 5. pp. 165-321. J 61 : 897a. K.ubn, C., Engineer. Bin Beitrag zur Geschichte der Acetylen- Industrie. Miinchen, 1901. 8. 38 pp. (27924) Kubn, F. Oswald. Krankenhauser. 1897. 982 pp. 21 pi. See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4 Halb-band 5. 8. (22285) KLnhn, Richard. Surmounting of great ascents. 1902. 14 pp. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. I. Question J. [10.] F 43: 888. Kuhnert. R. Der Flachs, seine Kultur und Verarbeitung. Nebst Vorschlagen zur Hebung des Flachsbaues. (Ihaer-Bibliothek.) Berlin, 1898. sm. 8. 204 pp. (17634) Soil der Flachsban wieder aufgenommen werden ? 1904. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELL- SCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 98. pp. 177-210. J 23 : 894. Kuklos, pseud, [i.e. John Harris"]. Report to the Public of England on certain matters of science. [The celestial sphere and the earth's orbit.] London, 1877. 8. 68 pp. 3 pi. (28884) K.ulturtechnlker, (Der), Jahrg. 9, etc. Breslau, 1906, etc. 8. J 72: 906. Publication : Quarterly. Editon: B. Wynoken and B. Seyfert, 1906, etc. Kunard, R. The book of modern Conjuring. London. 1890. sm. 8. 216 pp. (37389) Kunath, , Ph.D. Der Rbabarberanbau. 1906. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 117. pp. 12-44. J 23 : 894. Kunhya Lall, Lalla, Engineer in the P.W.D. Punjab. See THOMASON C.E. COLLEGE : Roorlcee. A collection of designs for wooden bridges, etc. 1860, etc. Kunka, Joseph. De la construction des Tours Blindees. Trad. E. Lacroix. Ex : " Annales du G6nie Civil.' 2e Se"rie. 5e Anne"e, 1876. 8. 52 pp. 4 pi. (34655) Kuiikel, Adam Josef. Handbuch der Toxikologie. Jena, [1899-]1901. 8. 1132pp. (26123) XLunst. Die Knnst, allee Arten der . . . schwarzen als buntfarbigen Tinten zu machen. [With second title page], Geheimnisse, alle Arten Tinte zu machen and mit Muscheln, Gold und Silber zu schreiben. 4te Aufl. Leipzig, 1804. sm. 8. 92pp. (29893) ,396 KUNZ] [LABE Kunz, Geo. Frederick. 1 Gems, Jewelers' materials and Ornamental Stones of California. 1905. 172 pp. 2 pi. Se CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Bulletin 37. G 50 C : 888. and Stevenson, C. H. The book of the Pearl. London, 1908. 8. 568 pp. 101 pi. (37268) Kunz, Jakob. Ueber die Indnktion der in Drehfeldern rotierenden Kugeln. 1906. See SAMMLUNG ELEK- TROTECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 9. pp. 134-192. D 51 : 896. K.unz-K.rause, Johann Wilbelm Hermann. See GUAKESCHI, I. Einfiihrung in das Studinm der Alkaloide. In dentscher Bearbeitnng hrsg. von [J. W.] H. K.-K. 1896[-97]. 8. (25499) K.unze, Carl Sebastian Heinrich. Scbauplatz der gemeinniitzigsten Mascbinen. Naoh J. Leopold, etc.. bearbeitet. Hamburg, 1796- 97. 2 vols. 8. (27955) Kurtz, Andreas. See ALLEN, chemical industry. 8. (33657) (Jliographical.) J. JT. Some founders 101-150. pp. of the portr. 1906. K.UBB, H. Notes sur les principaux appareils destines venir 1'eavoi des Cages aux molettes et leurs chocs contre ies taquets du fond. 1903. See ANNALES DES MINES. lOe Srie. Tome 3. pp. 479-582. 7 pi. G 64 : 816. Kusserow, R. See MlTTHEILUNQEN FOR KORNBRENNEREI, etc. Hrsg. E. K. 1903, etc. K 85 : 903. Xutter, W. K. See HULLETT, J. W. H. Practical Hydraulics. 2nd ed. Part 1. Ku tier's Formulae simplified. 1896. 8. (25807) See JACKSON, L. D' A. Canal and culvert tables, based on the formula of Katter. 1878. 8. (37497) K.vasay, Eugene de. Influence des travaux de re'gularisation gur le regime des cours d'eaa en Hongrie. 1900. 22 pp. 1 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIOATION INTKRIEUBE. Question 1. [6.] F 43 : 888. Kyan, John Howard. - On Mr. Kyan's process for the preservation of Timber from Dry-rot. By Alderson. See EOT. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 1. pp. 126-139. 1 pi. F 90 : 844. Xylbergr, Wilhelm. . See MOSSKDLTUR - FORENINGENS TlDSKRIFT. Red. W. K. 1887-92. 1887, etc. K 44 : 887. Kynoch Journal, (The). Vol. 1-8. Birmingham, 1899-1907. 8 vols. 4. and 8. F 99 : 899. Publication. : 6 Nos. yearly, 1899-1903 ; quarterly, 1904-1907. Jtyser, Herbert. - Die elektrischen Bahnen und ihre Betriebsmittel. 1907. 162 pp. 10 pi. See ELEKTROTECHNIK IN ElNZELDARSTELLUNGEN. Heft 9. D 51 : 902. L. Ii., G. P., [i.e. G. P. Tareniie de Laval]. Le Patissier a tout feu, on nouveaux principes i?conomiques de patisserie. 2e eel. Paris, Audot, 1838. 12. 282 pp. 6 pi. (35125) Xi., J. [.. Noel Marie Paymal Lerebours]. Traitd de Galvanoplastie. Paris, N. P. Lerebours et Secretan, 1843. 8. 122 pp. (33603) The same. 2e eel. Paris, N. P. Lerebours et Secretan, 1845. 8. 136 pp. (33780) X.., W. B. The Corset and the Crinoline. A book of modes and costumes from remote periods to the present time. London, Ward, Lock & Tyler, [1868]. sm. 4. 240 pp. [inol. 54 pi.]. (30070) Xiaas, Walter. Entwickelnng und Zukunft der grossen Segel- schiffe. 1907. SeSCHIFFBAUTECHN.GE8ELL8CHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 8. pp. 275-379. 32 pi. F 81 : 900. Entwurf eines Heringsloggers tnit Hilf smaschine. 1897. See DEUTSCHER SEEFISCHEREI-VEREIN. Abhandlnngen. Band!, pp. 1-29. 4 pi. H 58/897. Die grossen Segelschiffe. Ex : " Jahrb. der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft," 1907. Berlin, 1908. 8. 136pp. 32 pi. (36378) Messung der Meereswellen und ihre Bedeutung fur den Schiff ban. 1906. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 7. pp. 391-407. 2 pi. F 81 : 900. Xiabadie, Ernest. . Lettres sur la Ce>amique. Correspondance de J. Hustin, Fa'iencier Bordelais ( 1715-1720). Publie"e, avec un avant-propos et des notes par E. L. Bordeaux, 1904. 8. 70 pp. (38352) Xiabadlni, Ausano. II Forno Enrale Cooperative. Note tecniche. [1887.] 1889. See ANNALI DI AGRICOLTDRA. 2a Serie. [No. 163.] 264 pp. J 25 : 882. Xiabarraque, Antoine Germaine. L'art du Boyaudier. Paris, 1822. 8. 128 pp. (34759) De 1'emploi des Chlornres d'ozide de Sodium et de Chaux. Paris, 1825. sm. 8. 48 pp. (34760) Xiabarthe, P. Castarede-. See CASTAREDE- LABARTHE, P. Xiabat, . Slip en travers de Eouen. Systeme Labat. Par G. Cadart. 1889. 14 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DES TRAVAUX MARITIMES, Paris, 1889. Compte-rendu, etc. F 40 : 889. Xiabbl, Henri. Essais des Huiles Essentielles. (Encycl. Sclent. des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1899]. 16. 188 pp. (26903) Xia Beaume, Michael. On Galvanism, with observations on . . .its chymical properties and medical efficacy in chronic diseases. London, 1826. 12. 298 pp. 3 pi. (33736) 397 LABE] [LACO Zia Beaume, Michael cant. Remarks on the history and philosophy, but particularly on the medical efficacy of Electricity in the cure of nervous and chronic disorders, etc. 2nd ed. London, 1820. sna. 8. 374 pp. 1 pi. (37915) Xiabeslue, . Kurze Anleitung zutn Molkereibetriebe. 2te Aufl. 1881. 58 pp. See MILCHWIRTHSCHAFTLER ' VEREIN. Schriften. No. 11. J 83 : 874. Xia Boessiere, de, Master-at-arms. Trait6 de 1'art des Armes, etc. Paris, 1818. 8. 332pp. 20 pi. (35105) labor at oiro d'Essals XIKgcanlques, Phy- siques, Chlmiques et de Machines. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Iiaboratoiro d'tudes de la Sole. See LYONS : Chambre de Commerce. Iiaboratoriumsbucher flir die chemische und verwandte Xndustrlen. Band 1, etc. Halle a. S., 1907, etc. 8. K 18 : 907. Editor: L. M. Wohlgemuth. Xiaborde, J. The clarification and limpidity of white Wines. Trsl. D'A. Burney. 1905. 16 pp. See VICTORIA. Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin. [New Series.] 22. J 8 AV : 902a. Iiaborio, , Chemist, and others. Observations sur les Fosses d'Aisance, et moyens de preVenir les inconve'niens de leur vuidange. Paris, 1778. sm. 8. 110 pp. (34761) Xiabosne, A. Instruction sur la Regie a Calcul. Paris, 1872. 8. 60pp. (38308) JLa Brosse, R. de. Les Installations Hydro-e'lectriques dans la region des Alpes. [3e 6d.] Ex : " Annales des Fonts et Chausse"es, 1901. Grenoble, 1902. 8. 92pp. (32852) Xiabrousse, A. See SICARD, H. Traite" de Cine'matique theorique. Avec des notes par A. L. 1902. 8. (38883) Xiabrousse, Chas. Les Incendies dans les usines et e'tablissements industriels. Moyens preVentifs et d'extinction. Lille, 1879. 8. 68pp. (34563) Traite" du Tonage sur Ohaine noye'e. Ex : "Revue Univ. des Mines, etc." Tome 18. 1865. Paris, 1866. 8. 280 pp. 9 pi. (34024) Xiabrousse, H., Vice- Admiral. Experiences exe'cute'es en 1870 et 1872 . . . sur un affut a Eclipse. 1874. 26 pp. Ex : " Memorial de 1' Artillerie de la Marine." See FRANCE : Dept de la marine. Memoires militaires, etc. Tome 1. 8. and fol. F 94 : 873. Xiabuan, Govt. of. Gazette notifications. Trade marks registered under the Merchandise Marks Amendment Ordi- nance No. IV of 1893. [Labuan, 1904, etc.] fol. (2711) Xiabye, L. de Locht-. See LOCHT-LABYE, L. DE. ta Caille, Nicolas Louis de. See BOUGUER, P. Optiee de diversis luminis gradibus dimetiendis opus posthnmum, in lucem editum a D. de la C. 1762. 4. (28796) Leeons e'le'mentaires de Mdchaniqne, ou traite" abre'ge' du mouvement et de I'e'quilibre. Nouv. e'd. Paris, 1765. 8. 202 pp. 5 pi. (27897) Lectiones elementares Opticse ex editione Parisina 1756 in Latinum traductse a C. S. . . . Accossit, Brevis theoria Micrometri Objectivi a R. J. Boscovich, 1757. Viennce, [1756-57]. 4. 150pp. 8 pi. (27896) Trait6 d'optique. 2e e'd., suivie du Trait6 de la Perspective. Paris, 1808. 8. 252 pp. 18 pi. (37369) Lacan, Ernest. See MONITEUR DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE. Red. E. L. etc. 1861-79. A 11 : 861. Xiacassag-ne, Joseph, and Thlers, R. Nouveau systfeme d'Eclairage Electrique [Letters Patent No. 2456 of 1856.] Paris, 1857. 8. 142 pp. (33604) Iiacepede, Bernard Germain Etienne de La Ville- sur-Illon, Comtede. Essai sur I'Electricite" naturelle et artificielle. Paris, 1781. 2 vols. 8. (28832) Xiach, Be"la. Die Gewinnung und Verarbeitung des Glyzerins. 1907. 92 pp. 1 pi. See MONOGRAPHIEN OBER CHEM. TECHN. FABRIKATIONSMETHODEN. Band 7. K 30 : 906. Die Stearinfabrikation. 1908. 180 pp. Ibid. Band 15. K 30 : 906. La Chapelle, de, Abbe. Trait6 de la construction . . . dn Scaphandre, ou du bateau de 1'homme. Paris, 1785. sm. 8. 48 + 328 pp. 4 pi. (34564) Traits des Sections Coniques, et autres courbes anciennes. Paris, 1765. 8. 374 pp. 10 pi. (37697) Xiachaume, Jules. Les. Fleurs naturelles. Traite" sur 1'art de com- poser les conronnes, les parures, les bouquets, etc. Paris, 1847. sm. 8. 180 pp. (34133) Xtachez, Theodore. Acoustique et Optique des Salles de reunions publiqnes, Theatres, etc. Paris, 1848. 8. 150 pp. 3 pi. (28771) Ziachman, Arthur. The spirit of Organic Chemistry. An introduc- tion to the current literature of the subject. New York, 1899. sm. 8. 248 pp. (26183) Xiachman, Henry. Manufacture of Wines in California. 1903. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau vf Chemistry. Bulletin 72. pp. 25-40. J 29 C : Xiacolongre, Louis Ordinaire de. See ORDINAIRE DE LACOLONGB, L. Lacombe. Paul. Les Armes et les Armures. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris, 1868. 12. 302 pp (35291) Xiacombe de Prezel, Honored See P., M. D., li.e. M. de Prezel]. 398 LACO] [LAGE Xiacon, Win. Stirling. The lots of the Orion, the Amazon, and the Itiikenhead. A letter . . . ou the management of ships' boats. London, 1852. 8. 64 pp. (37356) Xiaconquie, Guibal. Essai sur des Machines a Air . . . exemptes des grandes d^penses qu' entruincnt IV'tablisseraent, 1'entretien et 1'aliment des machines u feu, et pouvant les remplacor. Ex : " Journal d'Histoire Naturelle," 1789, pp. 162-175 ; 317-332. 2 pi. 8. (34921) Zia Cour, Jens Lassen, Engineer. See ARMOLD, E. Die Weohselstromtechnik. Band 1. Die Transformatoren. Von E. Arnold und J. L. La C. 1902, etc. (29006) Ibid. Band 4. Die synchronen Wechselstrom- maschine. Von E. Arnold und J. L. La C. 1904. 8. (29006) Beitrag zur Vorausberechnung und Untersuchung . von Ein- und Mehrphasenstromgeneratoren. Von E. Arnold und J. L. la C. 1901. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTROTECHNISCHER VORTRAGE. Band 3. pp. 1-108. D 51 : 896. Der Kaskadenumformer. Von E. Arnold und J. L. La 0. 1904. Ibid. Band 6. pp. 95-174. D51: 896. Die Kommutation bei Gleichstrom- und Wechsel- stromkommutatormaschinen. Von E. Arnold und J. L. La C. 1906. Ibid. Band 9. pp. 299-376. D 51 : 896. Zia Cour, Paul. . Die Windkraft nnd ihre Anwendung zum Antrieb von Elektrizitats-Werken. Aus dem danischen von J. Kanfmann. Leipzig, 1905. 8. 88pp. (32045) Zia Coax, H. de. Industrial uses of Water. From the French by A. Morris. London, 1903. 8. 362 pp. (30414) L'Ozone ec ses applications industrielles. Paris, 1904. 8. 558pp. (31122) Zta Croix, de, Commistaire General de la Marine. Abstract on the mechanism of the motions of floating bodies. From the French by C. Kuowles. London, 1775. 4. 54 pp. 1 pi. (32314) Xiacroix, Eugene. See BlBLIOGRAPHIE DBS INGENIEURS, etc. Publie"e par E. L. 1863-67. 3 vole. 4. E 21 : 863. Xiaoroix, Panl. See also JACOB, P. L., pseud. Ziadd, Geo. Edgar. Preliminary report on a part of the Clays of Georgia. 1898. 204 pp. 17 pi. map. See GEORGIA: Geological Survey. Bulletin 6.\. G30G:1. Ziadenburgr, Albert. Die Entwickelnng der Chemie in den letzten 20 Jahren. 1900. See SAMMLUXG CHEM. UND CIIEM.- TECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 5. pp. 31-54. K 1 : 896. Ueber Eicemie. 1903. Ibid. Band 8. pp. 449- 65. K 1 : 896. Vortriige fiber die Entwicklnngsgeachichte der Chemie von Lavoisier bis zur Gegenwart. 4te Aufl Brauntchiceig, 1907. 8. 432 pp. (35101) Xiaer, Henri van. Disease-producing Yeasts. 1901. [4 pp.] See BREWING. Papers on brewing. [Vol. 2.1 fol (6279) Xiaer, Willem van. Weg-wyz:r voor aankoomende Goud en Zilver- smeeden. Amsterdam. 1768. sm. 8. 222 pp. 6 pi. (26205) La Fagre, Juste, Adrien Lsnoir de. Orgue de 1'Eglise Boyale de Saint-Denis, con- struit par MM. Cavaille'-Coll. 2a ed. Paris, 1846. 8. 96 pp. (35928) Ziafajole, de Faramond de. See FARAMOND DE LAFAJOLB, de. Xiafar, Franz. Handbuch der technischen Mykologie. 2te Aufl. Jena, 1904, etc. 8. (30764) In progress. Technical Mycology ; the utilization of Micro- organisms in the arcs and manufactures. Trsl. by C. T. C. Salter. London, 1898, etc. 8. (18456) In progress. Xiafarg-ue, E. La the'orie sur le Tir appliance au Fusil module 1886. Paris, [189 ?]. 8. 118pp. (25473) Xiafay, J. Aide-memoire d'Artillerie navale. Paris, 1850. 8. 754pp. 50 pi. (38420) Zia Faye, Polycarpe de. Recherches sur la preparation que les Remains donnaient i la chanx dont its se servoient pour lours constructions, et sur la composition et 1'emploi de lenrs raortiers. [Supplement.] Paris, 1777-78. 2 vols. in one. sm. 8. (34216) Xiaffarerue, J. See Bos,,C., and LAFFARGUE, J. La distribution d'Energie Electrique en AUemagne. 1899. 8. (26887) Recettes et proce'de's utiles. (5e Se"rie.) (Petite BiUiotheque de " La Nature.") Paris, [1899]. sm. 8. 338 pp. (26199) For Series 1-4 tee Tissandier, G. Ziaffitte, Le"on. See DUBS, H., and LAFFITTE, L. La Poste Electrique. 1900. 8. (38662) Xia Fosse, Etienne Guillanme. Guide du Marshal . . . ensemble, un traite de la Ferrure, etc. Paris, 1818. 8. 432pp. 10 pi. (38726) Observations and discoveries made upon Horses, with a new method of Shoeing. [From the French.] London, 1755. sm. 8. 128pp. 4 pi. (33119) Zia Fuonto, Jose 1 de. Esperiencias de Tiro en el Campo de Maguncia. Por G. Rossler. Trad. J. de La Fuente. 1869. 58 pp. 3 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 2a epoca. Tomo 24. F 96 : 846. Proyecto de organizacion de una brigada de Telegrafia de Campafia. 1872. 156 pp. 8 pi. Ibid. 2a poca. Tomo 27. F 96 : 846. Zia Garde, Louis A., Surgeon, U.S.A. Gunshot Injuries by jacketed projectiles of the small bore rifle. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineer- ing, pp. 977-82. 7 pi. 8. (24918) ' Iiafferhjelm, P. Fursok att bestamma valsadt och smidt Stang- jerns ; tathet, jemnhet, spanstighet, smidbarhet och styrka. Stockholm, 1827. 2 vols. in one. 8. (2354) Issued with " Jern Kontorets Annaler." 399 LAGR] [LALO and LAGRENE, H. des Bateaux. 1864. de. Lajfrenc, Henri de. See CHANOINE, , Memoire sur la Traction (35348) Memoire sur les barrages a hausses mobiles. 1862. 8 Q . (36541) Cours do Navigation Inte'rieure. Paris, 1869-73. 3 vols. text and 3 voh. atlas. 4. (36784) la Karpe, Ch. de. Notes et Formules de 1'Ing^nieur et du Oon- structeur - M^canicien. 6e . The artificial Eye. Trsl. E. A. Browne. London, 1879. 8. 20pp. (36906) 402 LAND] [LANG Xiandolt, Kl., Prof, in Zurich. Forstwirthschaft, Jagd und Fischerei. 1884. 120 pp. SeeSCHWEIZERISCHELAXDESAUSSTELLUNG, Zurich. Bericht. Gruppa 27-28. 1884. 8. (23052) Xiandolt, Hans Heinrich. Die Beziehungen zwischen optischem Drohungs- vermogen organischer Substanzen und deren chemischer Zusammeusetzunsj. [1898.] ScGRAUAM- OTTO. Ausfiihrlicbes Lehrbuch der Chemie. 3te Aufl. Bmdl. Abt. 3. pp. 703-790. 8. (11138) . Optical activity and Chemical composition. Trsl. J. McCrae. London, 1899. sm. 8. 170 pp. (26697) Das optische DrehnngsvermOgen organischer Substanzen und die praktischen Anwendungen des- selben. Braunschweig, 1879. 8. 250 pp. (22338) The same. 2te Au8. Braunschweig, 1898. 8 . 678 pp. (25639) The Optical rotating power of Organic sub- stances and its practical applications. 2nd ed. Trsl. J. H. Long. Easlon, Pa., 1902. 8. 774 pp. (28674) Die Soda-Industrie. 1873. Set VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher- Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 1. pp. 418-468. 1875. 8. (17109) and Bornstein, R. Physikalisch-chemisehe Tabellen. Berlin, 1883. 8. 262pp. (19616) The same. 2te AuB. Berlin, 1894. 8. 476 pp. (24687) The same. 3te Aufl. von R. Bornstein und W. Meyerhoffer. Berlin, 1905. 8. 878 pp. (31563) Xiandrln, Henri, Mining Engineer. See PAULIN-DESORMEAUX, A. O., and LANDRIN, H. Nouvaau manuel complet du Serrurier. Nouv. Sd. 1901. 18. (27718) Dictionnaire de Mineralogie, de Geologic, et de MiStallurgie. Paris, 1852. am. 8. 654 pp. (34930) The eame. [Re-issue.] Paris, 1856. 12. 554 pp. (10262)' ' Manuel complet du Maitre de Forges. (Manuels- Roret.) Paris, 1829. 2 vols. 18. (34258) Ziandrln, Henri C., Jan., C.E. See LANDRIN, Henri, Alining Engineer. Xiandry, Alphonse. The art of Spinning and Casting Sugar. London, 1872. 12. 64pp. 9 pi. (30035) Xiandsbergr, Theodor. See ESSELBORN, K. Lehrbuch dea Tiefbanes. Bearbeitet von [K.] Esselborn, [T.] Landsberg, etc. 2teAufl. 1907. 3 d . (35097) Die Brucken in allgemeinen. 1899. See HAND- BUCH der Ingenieurwissenschaften. 3te Anfl. Band 2. Abt. 1. pp. 4-126. 8. (27558) Die Briickenbahn (Fahrbahnen, Fusswege und Gelander). 1907. Ibid. 3te Aufl. Band 2. Abt. 3. pp. 173-266. 2 pi. (27558) Dachstuhl-Constructionen. 1897. See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architecktnr. Theil 3. Band 2. Heft 4. pp. 72-374. 2 pi. 8. (22285) Die eisernen Brucken im allgemeinen. Yon J. E. Brik und T. L. 1909. See HANDBDCII der Ingenieurwissenschaf ten. 4te Aufl. Teil 2. Band 3. pp. 1-199. 1 pi. 8. (31253) 34222 Xiandsberg-, Theodor cont. Konstruktion der eisernen Bot;enbrucken. 1906. Ibid. 3te Aufl. Band 2. Abt. 5. pp. 304-426. 5 pi. 8. (27558) Die Statik der Hochbau-Constructionen. 1889. 274 pp. See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architektur. 2te Aufl. Theil 1. Band 1. Hatfte 2. 8. (28712) Iiandwirthschaftlich -physlolofrisohes Xiaboratorium und . . . Garten der Unlversltat Konigrebersr. See KUNIOSBERQ SUniv.) : landw.-physiologisches Laboratorium, etc. : 882. Xiandwirthschaftllche Vcrclno dca Gross- herzogrtnumB Hesson. See HESSE (Grand Duchy) : Landw. Vereine. XiandwirthschaftHches Znstltut der TJnl- veraltiit Kbnigrsbergr. See KUNIQSBERU (Univ.): landtoirthschaftliche$ Institut. Xiane, Alfred Church. Lower Michigan Mineral Waters ; a study into- . the connection between their chemical composition and mode of occurrence. 1899. 98 pp. 2 maps. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Water-supply, etc. Papers. No. 31. G 30 : 899. lane, Clarence B. The Milk and Cream exhibit at the National Dairy Show, 1906. 1906. 22 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. . DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal In- dustry. Bulletin 87. J 29 An : a. Records of Dairy Cows in the United States. 1905. 184 pp. 17 pL Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 75. J 29 An : a. Xiano. Howard. Electric Traction : a new system of closed circuit, with surface contact. Birmingham, [1900 ?]. 8pp. (26956) Xianff, Ed. i Uebergangsgleise bei Gleisverschiebungen. 1898. See ORGAN F(>R DIE FORTSCHRITTE DBS EISENBAHN- WESENS, etc. Part 2. pp. 133-162. t pi. F 23 : 845. Xiangr, W. H. See STRASBURGER, E., and others. A test-book of Botany. 2nd [English] ed. by W. H. L. 1903. 8. (29937) Xiang-beln, Georg. "Vollstandiges Handbuch der galvanischen Metall- Niederechlage (Galvanostegis und Galvanoplastik). Leipzig, 1886. 8. 308 pp. (20921) The same. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1895. 8. 442 pp. (24395) The same. 5te Aufl. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 680 pp. (30113) i A complete treatise on the Electro-deposition of Metals. Trsl., with additions, by W. T. Brannt. Philadelphia, 1891. 8. 28 + 17-404 pp. (24067) The same. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1902. 8*. 590 pp. 1 pi. (28400) The same. 5th ed. From the 5th German ed. with additions by W. T. Brannt. Philadelphia, 1905. 8. 694pp. (31601) Iianire, H. See MAERCKER, M. Anleitung zum Brennerei- betrieb. 3te Aufl., von M. Delbriick nnd H. L. 1904. am. 8. (31529) 403 3 E 2 LANG] [LANG Lang-e, Jobs. Die Stettiner Masohinenbau-Aktien-G-esellschaft Vulcan, Stettin-Bredow. 1907. See SCHIFFBAU- TECHN. GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbnch. Band 8. pp. 467-576. 1 pi. F 81 : 900. Jiang-en, Arnold. Untersuchungen iiber die Driicke, welche bei Explosionen von Wasserstoff und Kohlenoxyd in ceschlossenen Gefassen anftreten. 1903. See VEEEIN DEUTSCHEK INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 8. pp. 1-54. E 13/857b. Lansrea, Eugen. See CONTINENTALS GESELLSCHAFT F(JR ELEK- TRISCHE UNTERNEBMUNGEN. Chemins de fer suspendus a rail unique. Brevets E. L. [189 ?] ob). 4. (27352) Xiangenbeck, C. See JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE ERFAHRUNGEN, . . . DER LANDWIRTHSCHAFT. Hrsg. M. Hoff- mann und C. L. 1906, etc. J 1 : 901. Xiangrer, Carl. Selbsttatige Feuermelder. Leipzig, 1904. sm. 8. 30pp. (31102) and Meyer, V. J. Pyrochemische Untersuchungen. Braunschweig, 1885. 8. 82pp. (28799) LanR'evin, Paul. See SOCIETY FRANgAisE DE PHYSIQUE. Collec- tion dea me'moires relatifs a la Physique . . . re'unis, etc., par H. Abraham et P. L. 2e SeYie. 1905. 8. (1617) Sur 1'origine des Radiations et 1'inertie 41ectro- mafme'tique. 1905. See JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE. 4e Se"rie. Tome 4. pp. 165-183. D 1 : 872. Xiangford, T. Plain and full instructions to raise all sorts of Fruit Trees that prosper in England, etc, London, 1681. 8. 160pp. (37502) Wants title and preface. Xiang-gutb, P., Mining Engineer. Elektromagnetische Auf bereitung. 1903. 68 pp. See HANDBUCH der Elektrochemie. [2.] 8. (29118) Lang-heinrich. Ernst. . Amerikaniscbe Eisenhiitten und deren Hulfs- mittel. Ex : " Stahl und Eisen," 1901. No. 18-23. 8. 84 pp. (29127) Xiangllle, H. D. . Forest conditions in the Cascade Range forest reserve, Oregon. By H. D. L., etc. Introd. by H. Gannett. 1903. 298 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. GEO- LOGICAL SURVEY. Prof. Papers. No. 9. G 30 : 902. Lang-ley, Batty, and T. The Bailders' Jewel. New ed. London, 1737. aq. 16. 24 pp. 100 pi. (38727) Langley, Samuel Pierpont. See SMITHSONIAN INST. : Astrophysical Observa- tory. Annals. Director : S. P. L. 1900. D 31/900. Experiments with the Langley Aerodrome. 1904. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Report. 1904. pp. 113- 125. 1 pi. B 13 : 847. and Very, F. W. On the cheapest form of Light. 1901. 20 pp. 3 pi. See SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLLECTIONS. Yo). 41. B 13 8:862. Lang-ley, Thos. See IiANGLEY, B., and T. The Builders' jewel. New ed. 1737. sq. 16. (38727) Langlois, Eustache Hyacinths. Memoire sur la Peinture sur Yerre, et sur quelqucs "Vitraux remarquables des Eglises de Rouen. Ex : " Soc. libre d'<5mulation de Rouen, 9 Juin 1823, pp. 41-88. 5 pi. (38850) Langlois, Hippolyte, Colonel. Lea Artilleries de Campagne de 1'Europe en 1874. Bruxelles, 1875. sm. 8. 174 pp. 8 pi. (38081) Lang-lois, L. Constructions civiles. Bfitiments. Charpentes en Fer. 1898. See SOCIKTB DES INGENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire, 1848-98. pp. 28-40. 8. (25483) Lang-Iois, Y. Material de 1'Eelairage Electrique. 1898. See SOCI^T^ DES INGENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire, 1848-98. pp. 816-826. 8. (25483) Langrmuir, Arthur Comings, and Baskerville, C. Index to the Literature of Zirconium. [1789- 1899.] 1899. 30 pp. See SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLL. Yol. 41. B 138:862. Lang-ridge, A. The Premier system of cutting gentlemen's Garments. 2nd ed. London, [1907]. 4. -222pp. portr. (38461) Lang~sdorf, Karl Christian von. See HALLER; A. von. Bemerkungen iiber Schweizerische Salzwerke. Hrsg. K. C. L. 1789. sm. 8. (36477) Lang-stroth, Lorenzo Lorrain. The Hive and Honey Bee. Reviaed, etc. by C. Dadant and Son. Hamilton, 111., [1888.] Re- printed, 1890. 8. 552pp. 19 pi. (31474) Lang-net, A. Du touage avec bateau-f rein . . . D'un blind- age flottant protecteur des bergea. 1835. 8 pp. 2 pi. See COXGRES INTERNAT. DES TRAVAUX MARITIMES. Paris, 1889. Compte-Rendu. F 40 : 889. Lang-worthy, Chas. Ford. A digest of Metabolism experiments. By W. O. Atwater and C. F. L. 1898. 434 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 45. J 29: 889. A digest of recent experiments on Horse feeding. 1903. 76 pp. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 125. J 29 : 889. Eggs and their uses as food. 1901. 32 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 128. J 29 : Fa. Fish as food. 1898. 30 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 85. J 29 Fa : The same. (Revised ed.) 1905. 32 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 85. J 29 Fa : Fruit and its use* as food, 1905. Ibid. Year- book. 1905. pp. 307-324. J29:849b. The Guinea fowl and its use as food. 1905. 24 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 234. J 29 Fa : Principles of Horse feeding. 1903. 44 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 170. J 29 Fa : . Potatoes and other root crops as food. 1907. 46pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 295. J 29 Fa ; 404 LANG] [LARD Lang-worthy, Cbas. Ford coat. The value of Potatoes as food. 1900. Ibid. Year-book. 1900. pp. 337-348. J 29 : 849b. Soy beans as food for man. 1897. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 58. pp. 20-24. J 29 Fa : Xianino, Pietro. See BORGATTI, E., and LANINO, P. Nuovi tipi di npparecchi di scaricamento nei porti. 1898. 8. (26269) Lankester, Edwin, M./>. On Food. Lectures delivered at the South Kensington Museum. London, 1864. sm. 8. 394pp. 1 pi. (32289) Xiansac, Henri de. Les Michaux. Biographies et souvenirs de P. et E. Michaux, iaventeurs de la " PtSdale." E., F. Michanx, lenrs collaborateurs. Levallois-Perret, 1900. 8. 72pp. portr. (34251) Lansing-h, van Rensselaer. Sec CRAVATH, J. R., and LANSINGH, v. R. Practical Illumination. 1907. 8. (35589) Lanston Monotype Corporation, Ltd. Mechanical Type Composition. The Lanston Monotype machine. London, 1901. 4. 12 pp. 2 pi. (35416) Xiantelres, . Batardeaux en Rivieres. Toulouse, 1877. 8. 24 pp. lithogr. 2 pi. (34762) Xianteri, Giacomo. Dae dialogbi . . . del modo di disegnare le Piante delle Fortezze secondo Euclide ; et del modo di comporre i modelli et torre in disegno le piante delle citta. Venetia, V. Valgrisi & B. Costantini, 1557. 4. 102 pp. (31261) Xiantosca, Auda di. See ADDA, Domenico, of Lantosca. Lantz, David Ernest. The brown Rat in the United States. 1909. 54 pp. 3 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Biological Survey. Bulletin 33. J 29 O : Deer farming in the United States. 1908. 20 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 330. J 29 Fa : Meadow Mice in relation to agriculture and horticulture. 1905. Ibid. Tear-book. 1905. pp. 363-376. 4 pi. J 29 : 849b Methods of destroying Rat". 1907. 8 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 297. J 29 Fa : The relation of Coyotes to stock raising in the ' West. 1905. 24 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 226. J29Fa: Xianzonl, Giuseppe. Tractatus de Balsamatione Cadaverum. Geneva, 1696. 12. 116pp. (36288) Xiapham, Mu v H. Capillary studies and filtration of Clay from soil solutions. Bv L. J. Briggs and M. C. L. 1902. 40 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 19. J 29 S : Lapi, Giovanni. Metodo sicuro per distruggere i Succiameli, con alcime reflessioni d'Agricoltura. Firenze, 1767. eq. 8. 106 pp. (36200) . Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de. (Biographiml.) See ARAGO, F. Biographies of distinguished Scientific men. pp. 196-241. 1857. 8. (2920) The same. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report. 1874. pp. 129-168. B 13 8:847. Xiapparent, de. Poids et mesures, Monnaios. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Olassa 12. pp. 485-500. 8 . (13828) Xiapparent, Albert August Coelin de. Courg de Mine"ralogie. Paris, 1884. 8. 572 pp. 1 pi. (14606) The same. 3e 6d. Paris, 1899. 8. 722 pp. 1 pi. (3-2046) La Siecle da Fer. Paris, 1890. 12. 360 pp. (38728) Traite" de-Ge"ologie. Paris, 1883. 8. 1296pp. (14000) The same. 4e iode, 1324-1354. Paris, 1862. 12. 88 pp. 1 pi. (34672) Lardorel, Francois, Comte de. Album des diverses localities f ormant les rtablisse- mens industrials d'Acide Boraciqne, fondi'.s en Toscane (1818). Paris, [1853?]. fol. 22 pi. and portr. (38957) Lardner, Dionysim. Common Things explained. Ex: " The Museum of Science and Art." London, 1856. sm. 8". 192- pp. (34466) 405 LARD] [LASS Lardner, Dionysius emit. A discourse on tho advantages of Natural Philo- sophy and Astronomy as part of a general and professional education. Introductory lecture . . Univ. of London, Oct. 1828. London, 1829. 8. 42 pp. 3 pi. (4784) Mechanics. 3 Treatises. 1829. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Natural Philosophy. Vol. 1. 8. (13815) Pneumatics. 1829. 32 pp. Ibid. Natural Philosophy. Vol. 1. 8. (13815) A popular account of Newton's Optics. 1832. 64 pp. lUd. Natural Philosophy. Vol. 2. 8. (13815) Steam and the Steam Engine. Ex : " Museum of Science and Art." No. 48 and 53. London, [1863]. 2pts. sm. 8. (25581) The Steam engine, Steam navigation, Roads, and Railways, explained and illustrated. 8th ed. London, 1851. 8. 434pp. (32454) Time, its measure and reckoning explained. Ex: "Museum of Science and Art." London, [1863]. sm. 8. (25582) A treatise on Heat. (Cabinet Cyclopcedia.) London, 1833. sm. 8. 438 pp. (34393) The same. New ed. London, 1853. 12. 450 pp. (5649) The same. New ed., by B. Loewy. (Handbook of Natural Philosophy.) London, 1877. sm. 8. 468 pp. 1 pi. (18090) Xiaris, Eugen. Rohholzgewinnung und Gewerbseigenschaften des Holzes. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1909. sm. 8. 192pp. (37882) Xia Riviere, , and Barbet, L. A. Portes d'Ecluse a un seal vantail. 1898. 24 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVI- GATION INTERIEURE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 2. Question 2. P 43 : 888. and Bourgrain, . Modes de traction me'caniqne le long des canaux. 1898. 32 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTER- NATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 2. Question 1. F 43 : 888. Progres des applications de la me'canique a 1'exploitation des voies navigables. Monopoles de traction. 1900. 30 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. 8e Congres. Question 4. [23.] P 43 : 888. Xiarkln, James. The practical Brass and Iron Founder's guide. Philadelphia, 1853. 12. 204pp. (33060) The same. 5th ed. Philadelphia, 1866. 12. 302pp. (8600) Larkins, Geo. L. See GORINI, P. The first crematory in England, etc. From the Italian by G. L. L. 1879. 8. (33411) Xiarmor, Joseph, F.R.S. See FITZGERALD, G. P. Scientific writings . . . Compiled, etc., by J. L. 1902. 8. (30435) Aether and Matter . . . including a dis- cussion of the influence of the earth's motion on optical phenomena. Cambridge, 1900. 8. 394 pp. (27862) Laroque, L., Builder. See CLAUDEL, J., and LAROQUE, L. Pratique de 1'art de Construire. 4e eU 1870. 8. (33107) Xiaraen, A. Dansk-Norsk-Engelsk Ordbog. 3je Udgave. Gennemset af J. Magnussen. Ktybenhavn, 1897. 8. 696 pp. (36696) Xiarsen, Axel. See BICHEL, C. E. New methods of testing explosives. [From the German] by A. L. 1905. 8. (31895) Xiarsonnier, . Tissus de pure Laine peignde, tisaus de laine mdlange'e d'autres matures, etc. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Classe 29. Sect. 2. pp. 119-138. 8. (13828) Xiarter, A. F., B.Se. See DOWSON, J. E., and LARTER, A. F. Pro- ducer gas. 1906. 8. (33137) Xiartlgrue, Chas. Francois Marie The'rese. See BEHR, F. B., and PETIT, G. The Lartigue . . . railway. 1886. 4. (35954) La Rue, de. See DELARUE. la Saussayo, J. F. de P. L. de. See PETIT DE LA SACSSAYE, J. F. de P. L. Ziasohe, 0. Die Reibnngsverhaltnisse in Lagern mit hoher Umfangsgeschwindigkeit. 1903. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEDRE. Mittheilungen a. d. . - Die Schwefelkohlenstoff-Vergif tnng der Gnmmi- Arbeiter unter bes. Berucksicht. der psychischen und nervosen Storungen und der Gewerbe-Hygiene. Aus der Psychiatrischen und Nervenklinik der Univ. Leipzig. Leipzig, 1899. 8. 240 pp. 2 pi. (26188) Lauder, J. N. - Connection of Railroads with Forest fires. By N. E. Egleston. With oapers on Spark arresters by J. N. L., etc. 1887. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL- TURE : Div. of Botany. Bulletin 1. Appendix, pp. 129-137. J 29 B : Laudien, K. - Die Maschinenelemente. (Grundriss des Mas- chinenbaues.') Hannover, 1907. 8. 210 pp. (35765) Laue, Max. - See Helmholtz, H. L. F. von. Vorlesungen iiber theoretische Pbysik. Band 4. Elektrodynamik and Theorie des Magnetismus. Hrsg. O. Krigar- Menzel und M. L. 1907. 8. (7941) Lauer, Johann, Capt. Austrian Engineers. - Anleitnng fur die rationelle Verwendung der atentirten Diller'schen Nitroglycerinpnlver : eisses Dynamit und Rhexit im Berg-und Eisen- bahnban, etc. [Austrian patents, 2 June 1871, 31 Jan. and 5 Aug. 1873, 1 June 1875.] Wien, 1875. sm. 8. 92 pp. (37560) - Felssprengnngen unter Wasser bei den Regu- lierungs-Arbeiten in der Donan zwischen Moldova und Turn Severin. Wien, 1900. 8. 130 pp. 5 pi. (27353) pat We 407 LAUF] [LAUR Xiaufer, Berthold. Historical jottings on Amber in Asia. Ex : "Mem. Amer. Anthropological Soc." Vol. I. 1907. pp. 215-244. 8. (35356) Laug-el, Auguste. The Sun : its chemical analysis, according to the recent discoveries of MM. Kirchoff and Buusen. Ex : " Revue des Deux Mondes," Jan. 1862. Sec SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : lieport 1861. pp. 175- 190. B 13 8 : 847 Lauprhton, James W. The general Receipt-Book, containing . . . receipts connected with domestic economy. 90th ed. London, 1838. 12. 24 pp. (10273) The same. [101st ed.] London, [1843 ?] 12. 24 pp. (37971) The same. 2nd Collection. 2nd ed. London, 1838. 12. 48pp. Cuttings added. (10374) Xiaumann, E. M. La Machinerie au Theatre depuis les Grecs jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, [1897.1 8. 158 pp. (34135) Launay, Jean Baptisto, of Avranches. Manuel du Fondeur sur tous nnStaux, etc. (Manuels Roret.) Paris, 1827. 2 vols. 12. (37464) Launay, Jean Piocbon de. See PIOCHON DE LAUNAY. Ziaunay, Louis de, Prof, at the School of Mines, . Paris. See FUCHS, E., and LAUNAY, L. de. Traite" des gites mineraux, etc. 1893. 2 vols. 8. (29550) Etude micrographique sur les Roches de la region de Commentry. 1888. See SOCIETY DK L'INDUSTRIE MINERALS. Etudes sur le terrain houiller de Commentry. Livre I. Partie 4. pp. 547-593. 1888. 8. (25989) . La formation charbonneuse supracre'tace'e des Balkans. 1905. See ANNALES DES MINES. lOe Se"rie. Tome 7. pp. 271-349. 2 pi. G 64 : 816 Notes sur la the'orie des gites mine'raux. [i. La geologie du graphite, ii. Le rfile du titane en geologic, iii. Observations sur les kaolins de Saint- Yrieix.] Ibid. lOe Se"rie. Tome 3. pp. 49-116. G 64 : 816 L'origine et les caracteres des gisements de fer Scandinaves. 1903. Ibid. lOe Sene. Tome 4. pp. 49-211. 6 pi. G 64 : 816 Recherche, captage et ame'nagement 'des Sources thermo-mlne'rales. Paris, 1899. 8. 646 pp. (28131) Les Richesses Mine'ralea de 1'Afrique. Paris 1903. 8. 396pp. (29809) Launay, Marie de. Etat de 1'agriculture et de 1'industrie dans le Levant. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports dn Jury International. Classe 43. Sect. 12. pp. 453-481. 8. (13828) Xiaur, A. J. Guide du proprie'taire pour la culture et 1'exploit- ation des Garances en Limagne . . . description des nouveaux instruments agricoles breveted. Paris, 1842. 8. 140 pp. 2 pi. (34566) Xiaur, Francis, Mining Engineer. See REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE . . . DES METAUX ET ALLIAGES. He'd. P.L., 1908, etc. G 90 : 908 Xiaur, Francis cont. Les Mines et Usines a 1'Exposition Internationale de Bruxelles en 1897. Paris, 1897. 8. 432 pp. (26376) Les Mines et Usines au XXe Siecle. Les mines- et la me'tallurgie a 1'Expositiou Universelle de H'OO. Paris, 1900-01. 6 vols. 8. (29159) Xiaurant, Auguste. Histoire des Barometres et Manometres an<5r- oides. Biographie de Lucien Vidie, Inventeur da baroaietre, etc. Paris, 1867. 8. 408 pp. port. (35116) Laurcll, P. Surmounting of great Ascents. 1902. 10 pp. 6 pi. See CONGRKS INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 1. Question 1. [13.] F 43 : 888. Laurence, John, Rector of Yelvertoft. Kee LAWRENCE, J. Laurencin, Panl. L'Etincelle Electrique, son histoire, ses applica- tions. (Bibliotheque de la science pittoresque.) Paris, 1869. 12. 228pp. (29410) Laurens, and Thomas, . Locomobile-Waggon et Machine demi-fixe munies de chaudieres a foyer amovible. Ex : ' Portefeuille des Machines." Paris, 1861. 8. 14 pp. 1 pi. (27771) Laurens, L. Recherches sur les Savons du commerce, etc. Ex : "Me'moires de 1'Acad. de Marseille," Aout, 1811. 8. 34pp. (34219) Laurent, Armand, M.D. Du Chauffage des Voitures et du danger de 1'emploi des briquettes, charbons ou combustibles agglomere's. Rouen, 1882. 8. 30 pp. (34567) Laurent, Auguste. Recherches diverses de Chimie Organique. Sur la densit^ des argiles cuites a diverses temperatures. (These.) [Paris, 1837.] 8. 118 pp. (34568) Laurent, Chas. Anguste. See DEGOUSEE, J., and LAURENT, C. A. Guide du Sondeur. 2e ed. 1861 2 vols. 8., and 8. atlas. (29753) Details des travaux recents de Sondage. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 47. Sect. 2. pp. 13-31. 8. (13828) Laurent, G., Ingenieur des Arts, etc. Nouveau manuel complet du Potier d'Etain et de la fabrication des Poids et Mesures. Nouv. d. (Manuels-Roret.) Paris, 1909. 18. 476 pp. (38823) Laurent, H. See LAURENT, Matthieu P. H. Laurent, Louis. Les Produits Colonianx d'origine mine'rale. (Bibliotheque coloniale.) Paris, 1903. 12. 360 pp. 12 pi. (30151) Laurent, Matthieu Panl Hermann. Thdorie des Jeux de Hasard. (Encyclopedie Scientifiqite des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1893]. em. 8. 176 pp. (25474) Laurent, P., Engineer. De'culassement des Bouches a feu. (Encyclopedie Scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1898?]. sm. 8. 158 pp. (25652) 408 LA.UR] [LAVO Ch. See LAURENT, Chas. Xiaurent-Degrous6, Auguste. tauront do Lara, David. Elementary instruction in the art of Illumina- tion and missal painting on vellum. London, [I860], sm. 8. 48 pp. 8 pi. (36929) Laurent do 1'Arboussct, A. On Silk and the Silkworm. From the French by Eliz. Wardle : ed. by Sir T. Wardle. Leek, 1905. sm. 8. 296 pp. 4 pi. (32701) Laurent do Vllledeuil, Pierre Charles. Bibliographic des Chemins de far. Paris, 1903, etc. 8. (30217) In progress. Laurie, Arthur Fillans. Oils, Varnishes and Mediums used in the Paint- ing of Pictures. Ex : " Jl. Soc. of Arts." April 5, 1907. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Report 1906-07. pp. 459-68. 1 pi. B 13 8 : 847. Xiaussedat, Aim. 1 . Colonel. Leg applications de la Perspective an lever des Plans. 1890-91. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. Serie 2. Tome 2-6. B76C: L'Iconome'trie et la M^trophotographie. 1892. Ibid. Annales. S6rie 2. Tome 4. pp. 373-420. Ipl. B76C: Recherches sur les instruments, les m^tbodes et le dessin topographiques. 1895-1902. Ibid. Annales. 2e S6rie, Tome 7-10 ; 3e Stude des mouvements, r^glage. Avec la collaboration de P. Fre"con. Saint-Etienne, 1899. 8. 288 pp. 8 pi. (25770) Le Tissage du ruban. Cours e'le'mentaire, etc. Avec la collaboration de P. Fre'con. Saint-Etienne, 1898. 4. (Litho.) 226pp. (25771). lie Bon, Gustavo. The Evolution of Matter. From the 3rd [French] ed., by F. Legge. London, 1907. sm. 8. 466 pp. 1 pi. (35257) Xiebon D'Humbersin, Philippe. . <* See WINSOK, F. A. ... British Imperial patent light ovens and stoves, etc. [Impt. on Lebon's French patent for the " Thermolamp," No. 356, 1799, and certificate of addition 1801.] 8. (30510) Xieboucq, ., Engineer. Alimentation des Canaux de la Belgique. 1892. 28 pp. 4 pi. See CONQRES INTERNAT. DE NAVI- GATION INTERIEURE. 5e Congres. Question 2. [5.] P 43: 888. lie Boulengrd, Paulus Aemilius, Officer in Belgian Army. Description and use of Le Bouleng^'s Chrono- graph. Trsl. . . . with some additional ex- planations, and results of experiments made . . . in comparison with Navez-Leurs's instrument, by C. Jones. [Letters Patent No. 1840 of 1864.] London, 1870. 14 pp. 2 pi. (38731) Response aux appreciations - 8. (27889) Xieg-entil, Alexandre Fi'lix. Tissus de fibres ve^tales Equivalents du lin et du chanvre, 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBI- TION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 28. pp. 96-104. 8. (13828) Xigg-er-Dorez, H., Surgeon-Dentist. Un nouveau proce'de' d'obturation des Dents et des Os au moyen de blocs de porcelaine fondue. Tours, 1898. 8, 14 pp. (26333) Xieg-g-at, John. - Continuous-current Generators. By W. C. Mountain and J. L. 1904. See MACLEAN, M. Modern electric practice. Vol. 1. pp. 127-181. 8. (30454) Xieg-g-e, F. - See LE BON, G. The Evolution of Matter. From the [French] 3rd ed. by F. L. 1907. sm. 8. (35257) Xiegrgre, Thomas Morrison, M.D. - See HOME OFFICE. Lead poisoning. Report on the manufacture of paints and colours containing lead . . . byT. M. L. 1905. fol. (31667) -- Tinning of metals. Special Report . . . by Miss A. M. Anderson and T. M. L. 1907. fol. (35551) Iieffprett, Edward Humphrey Manisty. - Siege Railways. With special reference to traffic organization. 1898. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 24. pp. 255-88. 3 pi. F 90: 844. Xiegrgrett, Thos. Haight. - Electric Power transmission plants and the use of electricity in mining operations. 1894. See CALIFORNIA (State) : Mining Bureau. Annual Report, 1892-94. pp. 413-455. 10 pi. G 50c : 883. Xiggier, Emile. - See BDCHELER, M., and LEGIER, E. Traite 1 de la fabrication de 1'Alcool. 1899. 2 vols. 8. (27549) Xiegorreta, Jos<5 L. - Rapid-fire Gnns and Mitrailleuses. 1893. CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. F. Military Engineering, pp. 801-22. 3 pi. (24913) See Div. 8. (Bibl. des Aclualiles 8 b . 48 pp. (37959) . . des precedes et et sur verre. (33313) Paris, 1825. Xiegrand, Frantz. Signaux phoniques sous-marins. 1907. See REVUE MARITIME. Tome 175. pp. 241-263 ; 479-501. F 82 : 816b. lie Grand, G. Les Omnibus Automobiles. Industrielle.) Paris, [1909]. lie Gray, Gustave. Photographic. Traite 1 . , manipulations sur papier Paris, [1853 ?]. 8. 228 pp. Xiegris, Jean, Engineer. La nouvelle M&anique Agricole. 8. 496pp. 2 pi. (34631) Xiegros, L. A. Typecasting and Composing machinery. Ex: Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. 1908. Pt. 3-4, pp. 1027-1222. 15 pi. 8. (38304) Xiegrros, L4on. Berechnung eines stadtischen Lichtverteil- ungsnetzes. 1904. 40 pp. See TECHNISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN AUS WISSENSCHAFT, etc. Heft 3. E20: 904. Xieg-uln, Stephen. Description and use of the new invented instru- ments for facilitating the knowledge of the longi- tude at sea. [Letters Patent No. 1753 of 1790.] London, 1790. 8. 20 pp. (36595) Xieherlc, , Capt. of Naval Artillery. Me'moire sur le cassage des bouches a feu en f onte au moyen de la dynamite. 1877. 30 pp. [Ex : "Memorial de 1'Artillerie de la marine." See FRANCE : Dept. de la marine. Memoires militaires, etc. Tome 5. 8. and fol. plates. F 94 : 873. Xiehfeldt, Robert Alfred. See HOFF, J. H. van't. Lectures on theoretical and physical chemistry. Trsl. R, A. L. [1898- 1900.] 3 vols. 8. (26026) See NERNST, H. W. Theoretical chemistry, etc. From the 4th German ed. Trsl. R. A. L. 1904. 8. (31034) Electro-Chemistry. Part 1, General theory. Including a chaper on the relation of chemical con- stitution to conductivity, by T. S. Moore. (Text books of Physical Chemistry.) London, 1904, etc. sm. 8. (31018) In progress. Xiehmann, Arthur. Apparate und Maschinen zum Formen und Mustern von Seife, zngleich sachliche Wiirdigung der diesbeziiglichen Patente in Klasse 23. 1887. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERB- FLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 66. pp. 506- 534. pis. 3-8. B67P: Xiehmann, Curt, Pi-of. in Berlin. See WOLFF, E. Rationelle Futternng der land- wirtschaftlichen Nutztiere. 7te Aufl. von C. L. 1899. sm. 8. (28002) Die Probeschur in Berlin-Sehoneberg im Jahre 1906. 1909. 168 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 155. J 23 : 894. Die Probeschur in Danzig im Jabre 1904. 1906. 122pp. Ibid. Arbeiten. Heft 94. J23 : 894. Die Probeschnr in Halle a. S., im Jahre 1901. 1902. 106 pp. Ibid. Arbeiten. Heft 75. 8. J 23 : 894. Die Probeschur in Hannover im Jahre 1903 1904. 88pp. Ibid. Arbeiten. Heft 94. J 23: 894. 416 LEHM] Lohmann, Hans. Beitriige zur Theorie und Praiis der direkten Farbenphotographie mittels stehender Lichtwellen nach Lippmann'a Methode. Freiburg i. Dr., 1906. 8. 94pp. 5 pi. (32515) Xichmann, Johana Christian von. Der Basalt. Frankfurt am Main, 1789. sm. 8. 78 pp. (36454) Beschreibung einea Bergbohrers. Leipzig, 1750. 70 pp. 1 pi. (36455) Xiehmann, Otto, Prof, of Phytics. See MOLLER, J. H. J. Qrundriss der Physik. 14te Aufl. von O. L. 189d. 8. (29417) Elektricitat und Lioht. Einfiibrung in die mes- sende Elektricitiitslehre und Photometrie. Braun- ichweig, 1895. 8. 406 pp. 3 pi. (30333] Die elektrischen Lichterscbeinungen, oder Ent- ladungen bezeichnet als Glimmen, Buschel, Funken und Lichtbogen, in freier Luft nnd in Vacuum- robren, Halle a. S., 1898. 8. 578 pp. 10 pi. (30359) Flussige Kristalle, sowie Plastizitiit von Kris- tallen in Allgemeinen, etc. Leipzig, 1904. 4. 270 pp. 39 pi. (36829) Physik und Politik. (Festrede.) Karlsruhe, 1901. 8. 56pp. (27800) Xiehmann-Felakowakl, G. Der deutsche Schiffbau. 1900-1906. Berlin, [1906]. fol. 264pp. (35718) The Shipbuilding industry nf Germany. London, 1904. 4. 186 pp. 9 pi. (30461) lie limbeck, Tbeodor, Automobile Engineer. Der Automobil-Motor. (Rasters' autotechnische Bibliothek). Leipzig, 1907. sm. 8. 222 pp. (34012) Automobilmotor und Landwirtscbaft. (Ibid.) Leipzig, 1906. sm. 8. 128 pp. 1 pi. (34017) . Handbuch des Automobilbaues. Berlin, 1909. 8. 596pp. 27 pi. (37988) Lehner, Sigmund. Die Imitationen. Eine Anleitung zur Nachahm- nng von Natur- und Knnst-producten. (Chemisch- technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1883. 8m. 8*. 256pp. (7989) The same. 3te Ann. (Ibid.) Wien, 1909. am. 8. 304pp. (38329) Ink manufacture ; including writing, copying, lithographic, marking, stamping and laundry inks. From the 5th German ed. by A. Morris and H. Robson. London, 1902. sm. 8. 174 pp. (28824) Die Kitte und Klebemittel. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) TPien,1877. sm.8 b . 128pp. (19451) The same. 6te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, 1904. sm. 8. 144 pp. (30566) DieKunststeine. (Ibid.) Wien, [1902]. sm. 8. 364 pp. (28362) XielbiuB.E. See PEREIRA-ARNSTEIN. A. de Baron. Is there a second renaissance of Painting within sight ? [Trul. E. L.] 1892. 8. (30496) Xieibnitz, Johann Jacob. Inclutae Bibliotbecaa Norimbergensis memora- bilia . . . Accedit C. Arnoldi . . . de hydriotaphia . . . epistola, etc. Norimbergai, 1674. 4. 60pp. 7 pi. (8012) 31222 [LEIP Xieldie', Iviiilo Jules. Palladium, Iridium, Rhodium. 1901. 396 pp. See FREMV, E. Encycl. Chimique. Tome 3 Cahierl7. Faso. 3. [30.] 8. (11342) Xieldlg-h, Arthur H. Milo as a dry-land grain crop. By 0. R. Ball and A. H. L. 1908. 24 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 322. J 29 Fa : Iieidy, Joseph, M.D., Ll.D. Researches in Helminthology and Parasitology, with Bibliography. [1845-91]. 282 pp. S SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLLECTIONS. Vol.46. 1904. B 13 8 : 862. lioltchlld, John R. Cornwall : its mines and miners. London, 1855. sm. 8. 310 pp. (32612) Xielgrli, Evan, (1811-1876). (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Iiolsrhton, Henry. See RIES, H., and LEIGHTON, H. History of the Clay-working industry in the United Stltes. 1909. 8. (38768) and Bastln, E. S. Road materials of Southern and Eastern Maine. 1908. 56 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICUL- TURE : Office of Road Inquiry. Bulletin 33. J29R: Xieig-hton, Marshall Ora. Field assay of Water. 1905. 78 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Water-supply, etc. Paper 151. G 30: 899. Preliminary Report on the pollution of Lake Cbampliin. 1905. 120 pp. 13 pi. Ibid. Water- supply, etc. Paper 121. G 30 : 899. Quality of water in the Snsqnehanna River drainage basin. With introductory chapter on physiographic features, by G. B. Hollister. 1904. 76 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Water supply, etc. Paper 108. G 30 : 899. Xioiner, Franz. Der Gehangebau. 1909. 86 pp. See FORT- SCHRITTE DER INGENIEURWISSENSCHAFTEN. L'te Grnppe. Heft 21. E 20: 892. Lelncr. Oskar, Publisher. Leiner's elektrotechnischer Katalog vereinigt mit Elektrotechnikers literarischetn Auskunftsbuch. 1884-1908. 8te Aufl. Leipzig, 1909. 8. 244pp. (38927) Leipzig : Kunstgewerbe-Museum. Ansstellung von Werken alter Kunstgewerbes aus Sachsisch - Thiiringischem Privatbesitz. 1897. Leipzig, [18971. sm. 8. 190 pp. (37735) Sdchsisch-Thuringische Industrie und Geicerbeaus- stellung, 1897. See FREYTAG, F. Die Dampfkessel und Motoren auf der Sachsisch-Thiiringisoben Indnstrie- und Gewerbe-Ansstellung zu Leipzig. 1897. 4. (29011) . (Univ.) : physikalisch-chemischer Institut. Arbeiten. Band 1-4. 1887-96. Leipzig, 1897. 4vols. 8. K5:887. Editor : W. Ostwald. 417 3 G LEIP] [LEMA Xieipzlgrer Uhrmacher-Zeitung-. Leitfaden fiir die Gehilfen- und Meisterpriifung im Uhrmacher-Gewerbe. Von W. Diebener, etc. Leipzig, 1906. 8. 182 pp. (32109) Xielsering-, A. Gottlob Th., and Hartmann, H. A. Der Fuss des Pferdes in Rucksicht auf Bau, Verrichtungen und Hufbesohlag. lOte Aufl., von A. Lungwitz. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 478 pp. (36775) Xielshman, Win. Boog. See WAR OFFICE. Anti-typhoid inoculation Committee. Eeport . . . by W. B. L. 1905. ' 8. (31679) Loiss. Carl. Die optisohen Instrumente der Firma R. Fuess, - deren Beschrdibung, Justierung und Anwendung. Leipzig, 1899. 8. 412 pp. 3 pi. (26396). lie 1st, Carl. Die Steuerungen der Dampf masehinen. 4te Aufl. - der gleichnamis;en Werkes von E. Blaha. Berlin, 1900. 8. 786pp. (27108) The same. 2te Anfl., zugleich als 5te Aufl. des gleichnamigen Werkes von E. Blaha. Berlin, 1905. 8. 958pp. (31444) Zieith, Cbas. Kenneth. Iron-ore reserves. Ex: "Economic Geology." Vol. 1. 1906. See SMITBSONIAN INST. Report 1906-07. pp. 207-214. B 13 S : 847. Bock cleavage. 1905. 216pp. 27 pi. Sec U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 239. G 30 : 883. Lelthner, Ernst, Baron. Die bestandige Befestigung und der Festungs- kriesr. 2te Aufl. Wien, 1894. 8 and fol. atlas. (25683) Zieitzmann, , Kgl. Eisenb.-Bauinspektor. Berechnung der Zugkraft und Leistungsfabig- keit der Lokomotiven. 1895. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhand- lungen. Jahrg. 74. pp. 71-106, 111-127, and 193-210. 4 pi. B67P: Schnellfahrversuche mit 3 verscheidenen Loko- motiv - gattungen auf der Strecke Hannover- Spandau. 1906. Ibid. Verhandlungen. Band 85. pp. 61-109. 10 pi. B67P: Versuche mit einem Dampf - Antomobilwagen. 1905. Ibid. Verhandlnngen. Band 84. pp. 319- 339. B 67 P : Versuche mit einer */ 5 gekuppelten viercylin- drigen Lokomotive. 1902. Ibid. Verhandlnnsen. Jahrg. 81. pp. 339-376. 4. B67P: Versuchsfahrten mit Lokomotiven und Bearbei- tung ihrer Ergebnisse. 1900. Ibid. Verhand- lungen. Jahrg. 79. pp. 35-68 and 71-113. 10 pi. B67P: Iicjeiiue, Etnile. Guide du Briquetier, dn fabricant de tniles, carreaux, tuyaux. etc. Paris. 1870. 8. 634 pp. (36653) The same. 2ee"d. Part?, 1886. sm.8. 430pp. (19620) Nouveau mannel du Briqoetier et du Tuilier. . 4e 6d., revue, etc. par C. Bonneville et [H. de] Graffigny. (BibliotTieque des Actualites Industrielles.) Paris, [1906 ?]. sm. 8. 550 pp. (33178) Guide du Chaufournier, du fabricant de ciments, batons et mortiers hydrauliqnes. 3e 6d. (Biblio- theque des Actualites Industrielles.) Paris, [19001. era. 8. 352 pp. (38737) ZJejeune-Diricblet, Peter Gustav. - Mathematische Physik. 1837. See DOVE, H. W., and MOSER, L. Repertorium der Pbysik. Band 1. pp. 152-174. 8. (11033) Xieland, Chas. Godfrey, and Ward, H. S. -- Useful Arts and Handicrafts. London, 1900-02. 4 vols. sm. 8. (26922) Zielasseux, Louis, and BZarque, R. -- L' Aeroplane pour tous. Snivi d'une note de P. Painleve' sur lea deux ecoles d'aviation. Paris, 1909. sm. 8. 128 pp. (38583) Loleu, V., Capt. in French Artillery. - Armes a feu portatives de guerre, avec un historique de leurs progres pendant le XIX 6 Siecle. (Exposition Univ. de 7900.) Ex : " Bevue d'Artil- lerie," 1901. Paris, 1902. 8. 188 pp. 3 pi. (29057) - Le Fusil Allemand 98. 1900. See REVUE D'ARTILLERIE. Tome 57. pp. 235-59. 1 pi. F 94 : 872. - Pistolets a repetition. Pistolet automatique Borcbardt. 1895. Ibid. Tome 46. pp. 60-68. F 94 : 872. - Revolvers et pistolets automatiques re'cents. Ex : " Revue d'Artillerie," 1902. Paris, 1903. 8. 116pp. 4 pi. (30152) KSliavski, N. - Des courants fluviaux et de la formation dn lit fluvial. 1894. 50 pp. 8 pi. See CONQRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 6e Con- gres, 1894. Question 6. [23.] 8. (26130) Zielongr, N. - Encyclopedia d' Architecture navale. Fasc 12. Partie 1. Les bateaux sp^ciaux a la Belgique et alaHollande. Pans, 1896. 8. 52pp. (10554) lie! outre, Georges. - L'Echappement dans lea machines a Tapeur. ( Encyclopedic Scienti/ique des Aide-memoire.) Paris. [1900]. 16. 156pp. (27109) , John Mounteney, Bar.-at-Law. - Copyright Law Reform : an exposition of Lord Monkswell's Copyright Bill . . . with extracts from the Report of the Commission of 1878, and an Appendix containing the Berne. Convention and the American Copyright Bill. London, 1891. sm. 8. 110 pp. (28122) Lemalre, Eugene. - The role of Chemistry in Paintings. Trsl. from " La Nature," Feb. 16, 1907. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Report 1906-07. pp. 453-458. 1 pi. B138: 847. Ziemalro, Jules, M.D. - De 1'Acide Phenique, de son action snr lea ve'ge'taux, les animaux, les ferments, etc. Paris, 1863. sm. 8. 434 pp. (38353) - The same. 2e 6"d. Paris, 1865. sm. 8. 754 pp. (37698) toman, A. - - Untersuchungen uber die Proportionalitat der Schreibzeuge bei Indikatoren. Von H. F. Wiebe und A. L. 1906. See VEREIN DEDTSCHER IN- GENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. Ingenieurwesens. Heft 34. pp. 59-68. E 13/857b. lie Mans. See MANS, (Le). 418 LEMA] Xiemare, Pierre Alexandre. Notice sur les caiefacteurs-Lemare. Appareils . . . brevets. 1826-32. 28e 5d. Paris, 1833. 8. 28pp. (34322) Xiembcke, Erail R. Mechanisohe Wobstiihle. [Fortretzung 1-7.] Braunschweig, 1886-96. 9 vols. 8". and 4. atlas. (21691) The same. 2te Aufl. Band 1. Abt. 1. Braunschtoeig, 1894. 8. and 4. atlas. (24507) Die Vorbereitungs-Mascbinen in der mechan- ischen Weberei. Leipzig, 1877. 8. 248 pp. aud 4. atlas. 30 pi. (25395) Iidmery, Louis, M.I). Traite des Alitnen.". 3e <5d., J. J. Bruhier. Paris, 1755. 2 vols. 12. (37796) ternary, Nicolas. See POMET, P. A compleat history of druggs. . . . Added, what is further observable on the same subject, by MM. Lemery, etc. 2nd ed. 1725. 2 vols. in one. 4. (35517) Cours de Chymie, contenant la maniere de faire les operations qui sont en usage dans la m6decine par une methode facile. Nouv. &!., revue, etc., par [Tb.] Baron [d'Hdnouville]. Paris, 1756. 4. 968pp. 8 pi. (33795) A course of Chymistry, etc. From the French by W. Harris. With appendix. London, 1677-80. 2 vola. in one. 8. (27238) Modern curiosities of art and nature. [Attri- buted in error to N. L.] See EMERY, Le Sieur. Traite universe! des Drogues simples, [mise en ordre alphabe"tique.] Paris, 1698. 4. 916 pp. (34077) Dictionnaire universel des drogues simples. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1759. 4. 1044 pp. 26 pi. (32992) Iiemetheyer, , Chevalier. Arbalete de sauvetage. Appliqude au remor- quage, a la correspondance en pleine mer et uux secours i porter dans les incendies sur terre. Graville, 1846. 8. 16 pp. 1 pi. (36674) Lemmermann, Otto. Kritische Studien fiber Denitrifikationsvorgange. (Thesis.) Jena, 1900. 8. 92 pp. (28073) Xiemmoin-Cannon, II. See CANNON, H. Lemmoin. Lomoine, H. Les Menbles, etc. Par Tronquois et H. L. 1878. 50 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 17-18. 1880. 8. (25811) Lomoino, M. L'action chimiqne de la Lumiere comparee a celle de la chaleur. [189 .] See SOCIETY CHIMIQUE DE PARIS : Conferences, 1893-1900. 1903. pp. 131-158. K : 883. Xjemoine, Raoul, and Da Manoir, C. Manuel pratique de la fabrication des Couleurs . . . Essences et Vernis. Paris, [1898]. 8. 368 pp. (25655) Iiemon, Robert. Catalogue of a collection of printed Broadsides in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries of London. London, 1966. 8. 240pp.. (35568) 34222 [LENO Xiemoyne, ., Engineer. Memoire sur la machine it calculer dite Arith- moinctre de M. Thomas, de Colmar. Ex : " Annnles de la Soo. il'umulation du Depart, des Vosges," 1853. pp. 144-163. 1 pi. Epinal, 1854. 8. (34764) Xiompfert, R. O. K. See METEOROLOGICAL COUNCIL. The life history of surface air currents. By W. N. Shaw and R. G. K. L. 1906. 4. (32368) LemstrSm. Karl Selim. " Elektrokultur. Uebersetzt von O. Pringsheim. Berlin, 1902. 8. 48 pp. (28531) Electricity in Agriculture and Horticulture. (" Electrician " Series.) London, 1904. 8. 76 pp. 4 pi. (30701) Observations upon the Electricity of the Atmos- phere and the Aurora Borealis, made during the Swedish expedition of 1868 to the North Pole. 1874. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : Report 1874. pp. 225-238. B 13 8 : 847. Lena, Innocenzo della. A dissertation on the . . . virtues of fixed phlogistic earth. London, [1801]. 8. 72 pp. (35837) Xiencauchez, A., ('.!'. Etudes sur divers Gaz Combustibles utilises pour divers usages industrials, en general et principale- ment pour la production dela force motrice. Paris, 1899-1902. 2 vols. in one. 8. (29327) Notes et observations sur 1'emploi de la vapeur comme puissance motrice. Ex : " Mdmoires de ia Soc. des lugt'nieurs Civils de France. Juin, 1898. Pari.", 1899. 8. 110 pp. 1 pi. (26133) Traite sommaire concernant la Tourbe, son extraction et son emploi comme combustible Indus- trie!. (Publications scientijiques, etc., de E. Lacroix.) Paris, [1876]. 8. 90 pp., and 4. atlas. 17 pi. (30334) Ziendonfeld, R. von. . Relation of Wing surface to Weight. 1904. Ex : " Naturw. Wochenschrift," Nov. 20, 1904. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Report 1904. pp. 127- 130. B 13 8:847? Xieng-len, . See ROBINE, R., and LENGLEN, . L'industrie des Cyanuree. 1903, etc. Xieng-nick, Arthur. Die Frage der nnterseeischen Boote. 1901. See MlTTHEILUNGBN A. D. G. DES SEEWESENS. Vol. 29. pp. 365-416. F 82 : 873. licnicquo, Henri. Etat actuel de la preparation mfoanique des Minerals. Paris, 1904. 8*. 72 pp. 1 pi. (32048) Iienoble, E. Snperiorite du pouvoir couvrant de la Ceruse sur celui du Blanc de Zinc dans la peinture a 1'huile. Lille, 1906. 8. 52 pp. (33190) lie Normand, Louis Sebastien. - See FOURNIEB, J. B. Essai sur la preparation, etc., des substances alimentaires, etc. Redige par L. S. LeN. 1818. 8. (34206) L'art du Distillateur des Eaux-de-vie et des Esprits. Paris, 1817. 2 vols. 8. Atlas. 12 pi. (34137) Manuel du Chandelier et du Cirier suivi de 1'art da fabricant de cire a cacbeter. (Manuelt- Roret.) Paris, 1827. 18. 352pp. 3 pi. (34222) 419 3 o 2 LENO] L'LEPL lie Normarul, Louis Sc'bastien cont. The same. Nouv. e'd., par F. Malepeyre. (Ibid.) Paris, 1851. 18. 392 pp. 9 pi. (4569) Manuel pratique de 1'art du Degraisseur. 2e 6d. [Reprinted from his " Nouveau Manuel du Tein- turier."] Paris, 1819. sm. 8 = . 192 pp. (29194) and others. Nouveau manuel complet de 1'Horloger. Nouv. . Modern Therapeutics. Formulary and notes of the products of Dr. Lepriuce. Paris, [190 ?]. 8. 60 pp. (32255) Le Prince, Nicolas Thomas. See ANECDOTES. Anecdotes des Beaux-Arts. Psr !!.* [P. J. B. Nougaret et N. T. Le P.] 1776-80. 3vols. sm. 8. Lops, Walter. Die Wasserrohrkessel der Kriegs- und Handels- marine, ihre Bauart, Wirkungsweise, Behandlung und Bedienuug. Fortgesetzt und beendet von M. Dietrich. Rottock, [1903-J1904. 8. 304 pp. (30114) Iicraa, . . See LOIR, A., and DRION, C. Notice snr un Calorifere-Ventilateur propose . . . par M. L. 1861. 8. (33609) Xierbergrbe, A. van. L'art de Moudre, ou m^moire sur les moyens employes pour ompecher que la chalenr prodnite par la pression et le frottemeut des meules soit prejudiciable a la farine. Paris, 1849. 8. 46 pp. (34889) Xierch, Otto. See LOUISIANA (State). Geology and Agricul- ture. Prel. report 1-2, 1892-93. By 0. L. G30L : Xierebours, Noel Marie Paymal, Optician. See GAUDIN, A., and LEREBOURS, N. M. P. Derniers perfectionnements apporWs au Daguerr^o- type. 1841. 8. (33291) See L., J. [i.e. N. M. P. Lereboursl. Traite de Galvanoplastie. 2e ed. 1845. 8. (33780) . De 1'emploi des Lunettes pour la conservation de la vue. Paris, 1861. 8. 138 pp. (38309) . Instruction pratique sur les Microscopes. 3e d. Paris, 1846. 8 s . 102 pp. 1 pi. (34042) Xieredde, B., M.D., and Pautrler, L. - Pnototherapie et Photobiologie. R61e thc'ra- peutiqne et r61e biologique de la luraiere. Paris, 1903. 8. 268pp. (29558) Xiermlna, Jales. Collection d'ouvrages relatifs aux sciences her- metiques. L'or et la transmutation des mt'taux, par G. T. Tiffereau. [Precede de] Paracelse et falchimie au XVIe. siecle, par [A.] Franck. Paris, 1889. sq. 8. 192pp. (29911) Iiormuslaux, Laurent. See PROUTEAUX, A. Des Lampes de Surete . . . Lamps de L. L. 1861. 8. (34786) Ziernet, A. Bewegliche Uferschutzbauten und Sohlenver- gicherungen. 1901. 22 pp. See TECHNISCHB VOR- TRAGE UND ABIIANDLUNOEN. 31. E 20 : 884. Lo Ronil, L. La construction des Fonts en Amerique. 1896. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annalos. 2e Serie. Tome 8. pp. 329-360. B76C : lie RoBBlgrnol, James Edward. Monopolies past and present. New York, [1901]. am. 8. 256 pp. (28066) lie Roux, Francois Pierre. Les machines , magneto-eieetriques Fra^ais et 1'application de 1'Klectricite a I'^clairage des phares. 1867. See Socifexfe D'ENCOURAQEMENT, etc. Bulletin. AnntSe 66. 2e Serie. Tome 14. pp. 677-711 ; 748-790. B 76 Ea : Iieroy, . See LASSERRE, A., and others. Nouveau manuel complet des Jeux de Calcul, etc. Nouv. 6d. 1853. 12. (4600) Leroy, A. Traite pratique des machine? locomotives. 4e ed. Dijon, 1879. 8. 546 pp. 4. atlas. 9 pi. (58155) Iieroy, Alphonse, M.D. See LEROY, A. Y. L. A. Iieroy, Alphonse Vincent Louis Antoine, M.D. Recherches stir les habillemens des femmes et des enfans. Paris, 1772. sm. 8. 354 pp. (33853) Iieroy, Benoit. Nouvelles observations sur la plus grande action de la pesanteur de 1'eau, consider*^ comme puissance mSchanique ; et projet d'ex^cutions pour recevoir cette plus grande poussee, etc. \_Lyon], 1769. 2 pts. am. 8. (34765) Le Roy, Edouard Louis Emmanuel Julian. See POINCARE, J. H. Coura de physique matlu-matique. [xi.] Th^orie du Potentiel New- tonien. Redig^es par E. Le R., etc. 1899. 8. (22867) Leroy, Isidore. Les Papiers Feints, Papiers de fantaisie et stores. 1878. 26 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 22. 1880. 8. (25811) lie Roy, Julien David. La Marine des anciens peuples, expliquc'e et considered par rapport aux lumieres qu'on en peut tirer pour perfectionner 1% marine moderne. Paris, 1777. 8. 250pp. 6 pi. (33796) Iieroy de la Fandlgnere, . Maniere de prevenir et gudrir les maladies des Gencives et des Dents. Paris, 1780. 8. 40 pp. (32799) Xierwal, J. W. Flugtechnische Studien als Beitrag zur modernen Flugtechnik. Wien, 1902. 8. 112 pp. (28300) Ziesagre, . Travaux divers de 1' Agriculture. 1868. See PARIS Umv. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports dn Jury International. Classe 74. Sect. 5. pp. 182- 187. 8. (13828) Lesbros, Joseph Aim*'. Experiences hydrauliques sur les lois de IV-coule- ment de 1'eau a travere les orifices rectangulairee verticaux a grandes dimensions. 1828-35. 1850. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Mem. par divers Savans . . . 2e Serie. Tome 13. pp. 1-509. 37 pi. B 28 : 750. 421 LESC] [LETTJ Loscluze, 0. de. Lea secrets du Coloris. Guide pratique d'obser- vations exp^ritnentales sur les harmonies colorizes. Suite a lYdition de 1900. Bruges, [1901, Reprinted?] 1904. 8. 216pp. 8 pi. and"Tablature-Gamme" sheets, (31790) Lescuyer, Lucien. De Ja pauvrete" me'lodique et harmonique du Piano accuel (type Sebastian Erard) parcomparaison avec le Piano-normal it rfoonnateur melodique et harmonique de L. Lesouyer. [Letters Patent No. 12609 of 1884.] Pans, [1887]. 4. 14pp. (28772) Leaieur, , a'me, and Michel, . Des divers systemes de Pavage, etc. Paris, 1845. 4. 8pp. Ipl. (37426) Lesley, J. Peter. The Boyd's Hill Gas Well at Pittsburg. 1876. See PENNSYLVANIA : Geological Survey. [Miscel- laneous and Special Reports.] L. appendix E. pp. 217-237. G 30 P : 875. Lesley, Robert W. Portland and other Cements. [The Portland Cement industry of Pennsylvania.} 1901. See PENNSYLVANIA : Dept. oj Internal Affairs. Report. Part 3. Vol. 29. pp. 59-82. 5 pi. 62 : 888. Leslie, Sir Bradford. Bridges in the Bengal Presidency. 1890. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 16. pp. 223- 57. 4 p!. F 90 : 844. Leslie, F. D. Engineers' and Machinists' pocket book. Cleve- land, Ohio, [1897]. 32. 382 pp. (26016) Leslie, Frank. Report on the Fine Arts. 1868. 44 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, (U.S. Comm.\ Reports. Vol. 1. 1870. 8. (33124) and others. The Fine Arts applied to the useful Arts. 1868. 8 pp. 32 pi. Ibid. Reports. Vol. 1. 1870. 8. (33124) Lesobre, . Notice sur les appareils de Panification Rolland. Petrin mecanique. Four a air chand et a sole tournante. Paris, [1857]. 8. 40 pp. (35141) Panification. Reponse . . . a M. Pommier. Paris, 1857. 8. 20pp. (35142) lie Soudier, Henri. See ANNUAIRE DES JOOBNAUX, etc. Public" par H. Le Soudier. 1899, etc. .AG 50 i : 899. lie Sourd, Paul. Vins et Eaux-de-vie de Vin. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Classe 60. pp. 1-380. 8. (29967) Lesser. Erich. See MlTTEILUNGEN FUR DIE PRESSLUFT-lNDUS- TRIE. Hrsg. E. L., etc. 1906, etc. K 59 : 903. Englisch-Deutsches Fachworterbuch dfs Mas- chinenbaues und der Elektrotechnik. Weimar, [1907]. sm. 8. 84pp. (36377) Leasing:, Julius. See MODENWELT, (Die). Muster altdeutscher Leinenstickerei. Ite Sammlung. 7te Anfl. 1883. [and] 2te Sammlurg. 4te Aufl. 1882. 4. (37082) Lester, Win., Agricultural Implement Maker. The economy of the Barn ; or, a dialogue . . . on the separation and preservation of Corn. London, 1811. 4. 46pp. 6 pi. (32894) Lestlboudols, The'mistocle. Exposition collective de I'Alg^rie. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 18(i7. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 43. Sect. 11. pp. 423-52. 8. (13828) Le Strangle, Guy. See PALMER, E. H. [ii.l A concise dictionary, English-Persian . . . completed, etc., by G. Le S>. 3rd imp. 1906. sm. 8. (35516) lie Sueur, E. Notice sur 1'emploi du Zinc comme pre"servatif des incrustations a 1'inte'rieur des chaudieres a vapeur. Poitiers, 1877. 8. 36pp. (33610) Xie'tangr, Marc. Note sur un bee Manchester perfections. [Tours, 1908.] 4. 2 pp. (37811) lie Terme, . Reglement general et notice sur les Marais de 1'Arrondissement de Marennes. [Marais salans.] Rochefort, 1826. 8. 320 pp. 5 pi. (35201) Letostu, Marie. Rapports . . . sur le systeme de Pompes invent^ par M. L. [French Patent No. 5279 of 1839.] Paris, 1844. 8. 136 pp. (34571) Refutation d'un Me'moire pubhe* contre les Pompes du syste'me Letestn. [French Patent No. 5279 of 1839.] Paris, 1844. 8. 40 pp. (34572) Letheby, Henry, M.B. See LONDON : Commissioners of Sewers. Report . . . upon the carburation of gas, etc. [With Appendix by H. L.] 1861. 8. (28889) . Ibid. Report ... on the existing con- ditions, etc., affecting the gas supply in the City of London. By W. Haywood and H. L. 1864. 8. (28888) See METROPOLITAN BOARD OP WORKS. Report on communication from Dr. L. with reference to the quanti ty of arsenic in perchloride of iron. 1860. 8. (32831) Ibid. Report on tenders for the supply of perchloride of iron, and on Drs. Odling and L.'s observations on its use as a deodorising agent. 1860. 8. (32829) See METROPOLITAN COMM. OP SEWERS. Com- munications . . . with reports by Prof. Miller, Way, and L. ... in reference to the com- position of Lambeth stone ware, etc. 1855. 8. (32833) On the right use of Disinfectants. (Reprint.) London, 1873. 12. 24 pp. 1 table. (32800) Lotonnelier, Gaston. See SOCIET^ D'AGRICULTURE, etc., DU DEFT. DE LA HAUTE-SAONE. [Publications.] Table, etc., par G. L., etc. 1908. 8*. B 29 H : Lettre. Lettre sur la mort de M. Richmann, Prof, a Pe"tersbonrg, tue" par le tonnerre, etc. [By C. Rabiqueau?] Paris, 1753. 8. 14pp. (36463) lie Turc, . Description des Fermes, sur lesquelles on ceinire actuellement en France, Its grandes arches des ponts. Londres, 1781. 8. 14 pp. 1 p). (3G012) 422 LEUC] [LEVY Xieuohara, Robert B. A practical treatise on the construction, heating, and ventilation of Hot-houses. New York, 1865. am. 8. 366 pp. 1 pi. (38960) Zieuchs, Johann Carl. Allgemeines Ertindungs-Lexifcon, oder abc'sehe Angabe der Erfindungen, Entdeckungen, Gewohn- hoiten, Berirrungen und l-'ortschritte, vom Anfange der Welt bis anf unsere Zoiten. 2te Ausg. Niirn- berg, [1851]. 2 voU. in one. 8. (20654) Die Lichter-Fabrikation in ihrer grossten Voll- kommenheit. 2te Ausg. Niirnberg, 1844. 8. 233 pp. (34575) Der Starkmehl-Fabrikant. . . . Bereitung ties S;, ; irkmchU und des Haarpuders aus Getreide, etc. Niirnberg, 1835. 8. 164 pp. 1 pi. (34223) Zicue, Geurg. Der Leue-Apparat zum Bekohlen von Kriegs- gcbiffeu in Fabrt. 1906. See SCHIFFBAUTECH- NISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 7. pp. 477-500. F 81 : 900. Zieuner, Oscar. Description of Frankels' graphic Deflection- meter. [1893.] 2 pp. 3 pi. See INDIA, Govt., (P.W.D.). Technical Papers. No. 30. E 23/ Lcupold, Jacob. [Theatrum Machinarum.] See KUNZE, C. 8. H. Schauplatz der gemeinnutzigsten Masshinen. Nach J. L,., etc. 1796-97. 2 vols. 8. (27955) Leurechon, J. See ETTEN, H. van, pseud. Lours, J. The new Destructor Plant of the City of Brussels. Ex : " Annils of Public Works of Bel- gium." Vol. 4. [London, 1903.] sm. 4. 42 pp. 1 pi. (31724) Zjcasae, Paul de, Count. Distillation agricola de la Pomme de terre, des Topinamhours et des Grains. Paris, 1863. 12. 154 pp. 5 pi. (38310) Lovacher-D'Urcle", Felix, pseud. See DEPEBLAS, F. Xievaditl. C. See KRAUS, R., and LEVADITI, C. Handbuch der . . . Immunitationsforschung. 1908, etc. 8. (36864) Xievander, F. W. See BRITISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. The total solar eclipse, 1905. Reports of observations, etc. Ed. F. W. L. 1906. 8. (30788) Levat, Kdouard David. Guide pratique pour la recherche et 1'exploita- tion de Tor en Guyane Francaise. 1898. See AXNALES DES MINES. 9eSe>ie. Tome 13. pp. 386- 616. 6 pi. G 64: 816. Memoirs sur le* Phosphates noirs des Pyrenees. Ex : ' Annales des Mines," Jan., 1899. Paris. 1899. 8. 100pp. 2 pi. (26362) Riehesses Min^rales des possessions Rnsses en Asie Centrale. 1903. See ANNALES DES MINES. lOaSerie. Tome 3. pp. 181-354. 5 pi. G 64: 816. Levaur. P. F. Etudes sur la manipulation des matieres textiles, animates et v<5getales. Tome 2. Industrie Coton- ntfre. 2e ed. Louvain, 1890. 8. 402 pp (38739) From the Turkish original published in 1888. Ijevequo, J. Les Ardoisieres du Bassin de Fumay. Charle- ville, 1905. 12. 56 pp. 9 pi. (33946) Lever, Ellis. See LEVER'S ILLUSTRATED YEAR-BOOK. 1861. 8. G 60 : 8fi. lie Verrier, Urbain. Les applicat'ons de ['Electrolyse A la M^tal- lurgie. 1896. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annale?. 2e Berie. Tome 8. pp. 29- 84. B 76 : The same. Another copy. Paris, 1896. 8. 56 pp. (25214) Cours de M^tallurgie, professe" a 1'Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne. Partie 2-3. Paris, 1887- 94. 2vo!s. fol. (22255) The same. [Partie 1.] Nouv. eel. Saint- Etitnne, 1896. fol. 386 pp. 44 pi. (25142) Me'tillurgie geneVale. Precedes de chauffage. Paris, 1902. 8. 368 pp. (29060) Meiallargie ge'ne'rale. Proc^d^s m^tallurgiques et y, Auguste Michel. De 1'emploi du Microscope polarisant a lumiere parallele pour lYtude des plaques minces de roches ^ruptives. Ex : "Annales des Mines." Nov., Dec, 1877. pp. 392-471. 3 pi. Paris, 1877. 8. (27760) L6vy, G. Benoit. See BENOIT-LEVY, G. L5vy, Joseph. Les machines, instruments, et process usite's dans divers travaux. 1878. 196 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports dn Jury. ClasseSl. 1880. 8. (25811) 423 LEVY] Xievy, Leonard A., and Willis, H. G. Radium and other radio-active elements. London, [1904]. 8. 106 pp. 20 pi. (wrongly numbered 26) (35,675) Xie~vy, Lucien. See MOREAU, G., and LEVY, L. Traite" complet de la fabrication des Bieres. 1905. 8. (32051) Microbes et Distillerie. (BiUiotheque Techno- logique.) Paris, 1900. 8. 330 pp. (27355) Les Mouts et les Vins en distillerie. Paris, 1903. 8. 656 pp. (29559) La pratique du Maltage. Paris, 1899. 8. 248 pp. 1 pi. (26363) levy, Maurice, D.Sc., Prof, in Paris. Transport Electrique de I'e'nergic me'canique, La verit^ snr les experiences de Creil. Ex : Rapport de M. L6vy . . . modified par E. Boistel. Paris, 1887. 4. 50 pp. (20456) levy, Siegmund. - Anleitung zur Darstellung organischer Praparate. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1890. 8. 178 pp. (22950) The same. 4te Aufl. von A. Bistrzycki. Stuttgart, 1902. 8. 232 pp. (29847) Iievylicr, . - Vocabulaire Technique [de 1'Electricite*], Francais - Anglaijs - Allemand. See FORMULAIRE PRATIQUE DE L'ELECTKICIEN. 1897. pp. 357-395. D 63 : 884. L6vy Salvador, Paul. Hydrauliqne Agricole. (Bibliothtque du Con- ducteur de Travaux publics.) Paris, 1896-1900. 3vols. sm. 8. (17984) Utilisation Hes chutes d'ean pour la production da 1'Energie Eleetrique. Application aux usages agricoles. Paris, 1903. 8. 122 pp. (30154) Lew [or Levin], Ignatz. Beitrage znr Kenntniss des Kankasischen Petro- leums. (Dissertation.) Karlsruhe, 1886. 8. 68 pp. (20180) Lewes, Vivian Byara. Acetylene. 1899. 36 pp. See SOCIETY OF ARTS : Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 6.] B 51 : 872. Acetylene. A handbook for the Student and Manufacturer. Westminster, 1900. 8. 1004 pp. (27000) Fire, Fire risks and Fire prevention. 1906. 36 pp. See SOCIETY OP ARTS : Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 8.] B 51 : 872. Fuel and its future. 1908. 32 pp. Ibid. [Vol. 8.] B 51 : 872. The future of Coal Gas and allied illuminants. 1902. 46 pp. Ibid. [Vol. 7.] B 51 : 872. Incandescent Gas Mantle and its uses. 1900. 24 pp. Ibid. [Vol. 6.] B 51 : 872. Liquid and Gaseous Fuels and the part they play in modern power production. London, 1907. 8. 348pp. (35655) and Brame, J. S. S. Service Chemistry. 3rd ed. London, 1906. 8. 692 pp. 7 pi. (35676) Lowes Mechanics' Institution. Lecture on Glass. [Lewes, 1830.] 4. MS. 24 11. (30491) [LEWI Lewickl, Ernst. Die Anwendung hoher Ueberbitzung beim Be- trieb von Dampfturbinen. 1904. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a.d.G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 12. pp. 1-95. E 13/857b. Lowin, Georg Richard. Anatomie der Haut nach mikroscopischen Pra- paraten. Berlin, 1893. Sheet on rollers, with 4 " Table 7 ' sheet attached. (30666) Lewis, Angelo John. See HOFFMANN, Louis, Prof, pseud. Lewis, C. T. Courtney. George Baxter (colour printer), his life and work. London, 1908. 8. 294 pp. 32 pi. (36488) Lewis, Dio, M.D. The new Gymnastics. 8th ed. London. 1866. 8. 268 pp. (37503) Lewis, Exum Percival. The effects of a Magnetic Field on Radiation. Memoirs by Faraday, Kerr, and Zeeman. (Scientific Memoirs 8.) New York, [1900]. 8. 120 pp. (27431) Lewis, G. P. Modern Retort settings : their construction and working. 2nded. London, [1908]. sm. 8. 128pp. (37152) Lewis, Geo. Observations ota the present state and future prospects of Agriculture, illustrative of the advan- tages of an experimental farm. Edinburgh, 1836. 8. 132 pp. (32801) Lewis, Geo. Randall. The Stannaries : a study of the English tin miner. (Harvard Economic Studies.) London, 1908. 8. 318 pp. (35794) Lewis, H. E., M.D. Embalmer's guide. Appendix, by A. Renouard, etc. Chicago, [189 ?]. 8. 234 pp. 20 pi. (33428) Lewis, J. Dyer, Inspector of Mines. See HOME OFFICE. Colliery Explosion. Ex- plosion ... at Gen wen Colliery, March, 1907. Report by W. N. Atkinson and J. D. L. 1907. fol. (35549) Lewis, James Frederick, Col. R.E. Fortification for Coast defense, including sub- marine mines. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineer- ing, pp. 45-55. 8. (24918) Lectures on permanent Fortification. 1880-82. See ROY. ENGINEERS, Corps of. Prof. Papers. Vol. 7. pp. 1-252. 24 pi. F 90 : 844. Types of Works for Coast defence. 1887. Ibid. Vol. 13. pp. 33-73. 3 pi. F 90 : 844. Lewis, James J., Prof, at Illinois Univ. Pocket Optical Dictionary. 3rd ed. Chicago, 1908. 16. 232pp. (36496) Lnwis, John H., and Capper, P. A. Irrigation in Oregon. 1909. 68 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 209. J 29 : 889. 424 LEWI] [LIAR Lewis, Joseph Volney. Co.-uudum, etc., of Western North Carolina- By J. H. Pratt and J. V. L. 1905. 464 pp. 45 pi- See NORTH CAUOUXA : Gail. Survey. [Special Reports.] Vol. 1. G 30 NC : a. Corundum and tho basic magne&ian rocks of Western North Carolina. 1896. 108 pp. 6 p!. Ibid. Bulletin 11. G 30 NC : b. Lewis, Myron H. Waterproofing an Engineering problem. Ex : " Municipal Engineers of the City of New York." Papers, 1908. pp. 207-260. pi. 77-83. Neto York, [1908]. 8. (38984) Lewis, Philip Edward. Panorama Drawing from nature and from maps. London, 1908. 8. 24 pp. 3 pi. (36322) Lewis, Samuel. A topographical dictionary of Ireland. London, 1837. 2 vols. 4. (31646) lewis, W. T. Friction, lubrication and the lubricants in Horology. Chicago, 1896. sm. 8. 96 pp. (16423) Lewis, Win., C.E., and Green, C. F. Part 1. Narrow gauge railways, Ireland. By W. Lewis. Part 2. Light railways, or remunerative railways for thinly-populated districts. By C. F. Green. Dublin, 1882. 8. 78 pp. 4 pi. (35523) lewis, Wm., M.D., F.R.S. A course of practical Chemistry. London, 1746. 8. 468pp. 9 pi. (32417) Edinburgh new Dispensatory . . . being an improvement [by J. Rotherham] of the "New Dispensatory," by Dr. Lewis. 5th ed., with . . . an account of the new chemical doctrines published by Mr. Lavoisier. Edinburgh, 1797. 8. 654 pp. 3 pi. (33754) An experimental history of the Materia Medica, or of the natural and artificial substances made use of in medicine. London, 1761. 4. 648 pp. (31217) Lewis, Wm. Greatheed. A catechism of Hydraulics. London, 1825. 12. 54 pp. 1 pi. (35028) A catechism of Hydrostatics. London, 1825. 12. 60pp. Ipl. (35029) A catechism of Optics. London, 1825. 12. 72pp. (35031) A catechism of Pneumatics. London, 1825. 12. 60pp. (35032) A catechism of the principles of Architecture. London, 1824. 12. 38pp. Ipl. (35026) A catechism of the principles of Astronomy. London, 1824. 12. 54 pp. 1 pi. (35027) A catechism of the principles of Mechanics. London, 1824. 12. 72 pp. (35030) Lewkowitsch, Julius Isidor. Ph.D. Chemical anilysis of Oils, Fats, Waxes, and the commercial products derived therefrom. Founded on Benedikt's 2nd ed. of " Analyse der Fetto," 2nd ed. London, 1898. 8. 856 pp. (17061) Chemical technology and analysis of oils, fats, and waxes. 3rd ed. London, 1904. 2 vols. 8. (31045) The same. 4th ed. London, 1909. 3 vols. 8. (38463) ' The laboratory companion to fats and oils industries. London, 1901. 8. 160 pp. (28260) 34723 Lewkowitsch, Julius Isidor coiit. Oils and Fats : their uses and applications. 1904. 52 pp. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. Vol. 7. B 51 : 872. Iieydeu (L'niv.) : Laboratory of Physics. Communications. No. 1, etc. Leiden, 1885, etc. 8. D : 885. Editor: H. Kamerlingh Onnes, 188J, etc. Supplements [or Reprints of papers] ; No. 1, etc. appended to above series from 1899. Xieyder, J., Professor in Gembloux. See MARCKER, M. Recherches sur la Ventila- tion naturolie, etc. Trad. J. L. 1873. 8. (33613) Xieygrue, L4on. Nouvelle recherche sur la PoussfJa des Torres et le profil de revetment le plus (Sconomique. Ex : "Annales des Ponts et Chausse'es," Nov., 1885. Paris, 1886. 8. 220 pp. 10 pi. (25859) Xieyland, John. See NAVAL ANNUAL. F 84 : 886. Ed. J. L. 1900-01. Iieymann, Hermann. Die Verunreinignng der Luf t durch gewerbliche Betriebe. 1903. See WEYL, T. Handbuch der Hygiene. Supplement-Band 3. Lief. 2. pp. 29- 126. 8. (24547) Xioyser, Emil. Die Bierbrauerei mit bes. Berucksicht. der Dickmaischbrauerei. 8te Aufl. von Heiss : " Die Bier-Brauerei." Stuttgart, 1887. 8. 558 pp. (21038) The same. 9te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1893. 8. 676pp. (16310) lieyva, Patricio. Torpedoes for Coast Defense. By L. Ve'lez Arriago and P. L. Trsl. W. F. Hancock. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 869-94. 8. (24918) Iiez<5, B. Les industries du Lait. 2e 6d. (Bibliotheque de I'enseignement agricole.) Paris, [1904]. 8. 704pp. (30618) Utilisation des debris des Animaux et de"chets de la Boncherie. (Encyclnpedie de I'agriculture, etc.) Paris, 1907. 12. 290 pp. (38528) Xiheure, . Nouveau dispositif d'amorca?e des explosifs. 1908. See ANNALES DES MINES. lOeSe'rie. Tome 12. pp. 169-194. G 64 : 816. Lhomme, J. B. C. B. Trait6 de la tenue et do I'e'ducation des Merinos, par rapport aux Paris, 1817. sm. 8. 204pp. (35202) Xihullller, A. Quelques ide"es nouvelles sur 1'art d'employer 1'Eiu comme moteur des Roues Hydranliques. Paris, 1823. 8. 68 pp. 2 pi. (33611) Xilancourt, Godde de. See GODDE DE LIANCOURT. Xilardet, Francis. Professional recollections on points of seaman- ship, discipline, etc. Portsea, 1849. 8. 328 pp. (36508) 425 3 H LIAR] [LIEB Xilardot <. Johnson. - Summing up of Lord Mansfield. Together with reports of the Trial, from the " Morning Post," " Public Advertiser," and " Monthly Review." 1778. MS. 32 11. 4. (28165) Xilautard, Alexander Francis, - Animal Castration. 9th ed. New York, 1902. sin. 8. 178 pp. portr. (28956) Ziibavlus, Andrew. - Syntagma selectorum . . . Alchymise ar- canorum. Francofurti, 1615, 1613. Appendix, 1615. 4 vols. in two. fol. (28552) Dedication dated 1611. Liberty and Company, ltd. - History of feminine Costume. London. [1900?]. sm. 8. 3911. (38740) Xiibioulle, N. - Les nouvelles Armes a Feu portative^ de guerre et lea munitions a leur usage. Paris, 1872. sm. 8. 422 pp. 42 pi. (36942) Library. - The Library of Secrets. Containing choice and original receipts and wrinkles. No. 1-7. [No. 1 is of the 3rd ed.] London, S. Y. Collins, [c. 1846]. 12. 110 pp. (33062) library Association. Cataloguing rules. Author and Title entries. Compiled by Committees of the American Library Association and the Library Association. English ed. London, 1908. 8. 100 pp. (37944) Class list of best books, and Annual of Biblio- graphy. 1905, etc. London, 1906, ete. 8. AN23* Sound Leather Committee. -- Leather for Libraries. By B. W. Hulme, J. G. Parker, A. Seymour-Jones, C. Davenport, and F. J. Williamson. London, 1905. 8. 58 pp. 6 specimens of leather. (31430) libri Carruccl dalla Sommaia, Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone, Count. - M6moire sur la the'orie des Nombres. 1825. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Me'm. par divers Savans . . . 2e Siirie. Tome 5. pp. 1-75. B 28 : 750. liieetus, Fortunius. - Litheosphorus, sive de lapide Bononiensi. Utini, 1640. 4. 288 pp. (35864) Xiichtenfeld, Joseph. - Principles of modern Hairdressing. London, [1881]. sm. 8. 34pp. 10 pi. (33429) - Principles of physiognomical Hairdressing. London, [1883]. 12. 42 pp. 14 pi. (37504) Xilchtenfelt, H. - Literatur zur Fischkunde. Bonn, 1906. 8. 144 pp. (32427) liddoll, Arthur B. - See GENTSCH, W. Steam turbines. From the German by A. R. L. 1906. 8. (31902) Xiidstone, C. A., Master mariner. - The Course Indicator Lights. A proposition for the improvement of the present system of side- lights, etc. [Calcutta, 1884.] 4. 4 pp. 3 pi (36596) Liebault, Jean, M.I). See ESTIENNE, C., and LIEBAULT, J. L'Agri- culture et Maison Rustique. 1622. 4. (32321) Gesamt-Inhaltsver- Bearbeitet von F. L. Xiicbcnow, Carl Heinrich Joachim Bernbard. - Der elektrische Widerstand der Metalle. Halle, 1897. 8. 64pp. (27678) IiisSbcrt, Georges Auguste. - La Photographie au Charbon par transferts et ses applications. (Bibliotheque Photographique.) Paris, 1908. 8. 292 pp. 1 pi. (37658) Xiiebetanz, Franz. - See ELEKTROTECHNISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Hrsg. K. L. 1904-05. D 51/883. - See STAHL UNO EISEN. zeichnis . . . 1881-1906. 1908. 8. G 80 : 882. - Calciumcar'oid und Acetylen. Ihr Wesen, ihre Darstellun? und Anwendungen. Leipzig, 1898. 8 280pp. (25640) - Handbuch der Calciumcarbid- und Acetylen- technik. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1899. 8. 432 pp. 7 pi. (26134) - Die Industrie- und Gewerbe-Ausstellung, verbun- den miteiner deutsch-nationalen Kunst-Ausstellung zu Diisseldorf. J902. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDE- RUNO DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 81. pp. 137-168. 2 pi. 4. B 67 P : - Die kunstgewerblichen Metallarbeiten auf der Pariser Weltausstellung 1900. Ibid. Verhand- lungen. Jahrg. 79. pp. 342-360. 4 pi. 4. - Die Panamerikanische Ausstellung in Buffalo. 1901. Ibid. Verhaadlungen. Jahrg. 80. pp. 359- 416. 4. B67P: liiebigr, Georg, Freiherr, 3I.D. - Der Luf fcdruck in den pneumatischen Kammern nnd auf Hohen. Vom arztlichen Standpunkt. Braunschweig, 1898. 8. 248 pp. 8 pi. (25682) Justus von, Baron. - Chemistry in its applications to Agriculture and Physiology. 4th ed. by L. Playfair and W. Gregory. London, 1847. 8. 430 pp. (28137) - Familiar Letters on Chemistry. Ed. J. Gardner. London, 1843. sm.8. 192pp. (28136) - The same. 2nd ed. [Series 1-2.1 London, 1844. 2 vols. 12. (967) - The same. 3rd ed. [Ed. W. Gregory.] London, 1851. 12. 550pp. (1072) - The same. 4th ed. Ed. J. Blyth. London, 1859. 8. 552pp. (28135) - Manual pour 1' Analyse des substances organiques. De 1'Allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan ; suivi de 1'examen critique des precedes et des re'sultats de 1'analyse des corps organises, par F. V. Raspail. Paris, 1838. sm. 8. 170 pp. 2 pi. (28882) - Matieres fertilisantes d'origine organique ou mindrale. Trad. M. Rempp. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 48. Sect. 4. pp. 211-233. 8. (13828) - The Natural Laws of Husbandry. Ed. J. Blyth. London, 1863. 8. 436 pp. (25342) - Principles of Agricultural Chemistry, with special reference to the late researches made in England. [Trsl., etc., W. Gregory.] London, 1855. sm. 8 C . 144 pp. (25343) - Researches on the Chemistry of Food. Ed. from author's MS., by W. Gregory. London, 1847. 8. 176pp. (30480) Researches on the motion of the juices in the animal body. Ed. W. Gregory. London, 1848. 8. 116 pp. (32613) 426 LIEB] [LIGU Justus von, Bumu cunt. (Biographical.) - See KAHLBAUM, G. W. A., and Tuos, E. Justus von Liebig und Christian F. Scbonbein. Brief- wechsel, 1853-68. 1900. 8. (27097) - See SHEXSTONE. Justus von Liobi^, his life and work. 1895. sm. 8'. (37514) - See VOLIIAKD, J. Justus voa Liebig. 1909. 2 vols. 8. (38024) - Ein Gedenkblatt zu seinem 25 jabrigen Todes- tage, 18 April, 1898, von W. Both. See SAMMLUNU CIIEMISCHER, etc. VORTKAGE. Band 3. pp. 165- 200. K 1 : 896. Iilebrecbts, . - Embarcations u Vapcur pour la Navigation en ean pen profonde. 1902. 14 pp. 1 pi. See CONGRKS INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INT- KIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 1. Commuui- cationlG. [26.] F 43: 888. Iilcbreich, Matbia? Eugen Oscar, M.D. - Effects of Borax and Boracic acid on the human system. From the German. London, 1899. 8. 48 pp. 2 pi. (27024) - Ueber die praktiscbe Verwerthung des Stick- oxydulgases. 1873. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher-Bericbt. Band3. Abt. 1. Hiilfte 1. pp. 214-218. 1875. 8. (17109) Xileckfeld, G. Aus der Gasmotoren-Praxis. MiincJien, 1893. 16. 80 pp. (23990) - The same. 2te Ann. Munchen, 1906. sm. 8. 128 pp. (33210) Iiiegre (Univ.) : Institut electrotechnique Montefiore. -- Lea installations etles programmes de 1'Institut, etc. Pom, [1903?]. fol. 54pp. (30404). International Exhibition. 1905. See HAENIO, A. Die Kriegswaffen auf den Weltnusstellung Liittich, 1905. [1906.] 4. (32513) - See SCHLESINGER, G. Die Werkzeugmaschinen auf der Weltausstellung in Luttich, 1905. 1906. 4. (32473) Xiieseg-angr, F. Paul. - See LIESEQANO, P. E. Die Projeklions-Kunst, etc. 12te Aufl., von F. P. L. 1909. 8. (38529) - Die Fernphotographie. Diisseldorf, 1897. am. 8. 134 pp. (26395) Handbuch der praktischen Kinematographie. Leipzig, 1908. 8. 302 pp. 1 pi. (36202) Xiieseg-ang-, Paul Eduard. - See LATERNA MAQICA. Hrsg. P. E. L. 1882- 1896. D 22 : 882. - See MONITEUR DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE. R^d. P. E. L., etc. 1861-69. A 11: 861. Der Kohle-Druck und dessen Anwendung beim Vergrosserungs-Verfahren. 9te Aufl. der deutschen Ausgabe. 12te Ann. der in verscbiedenen Sprachen erschienenen Ansgaben. (Deutscb, engliech, franz- iisisch.) Diisseldorf, 1889. 8. 144 pp. (21963) A manual of the Carbon Process, etc. From the 6th German ed., by R. B. Marston. London. 1878. 8. 154pp. Ipl. (35520) - Photographische Schmelzfarbenbilder auf Email, Porzellan nnd Glas. Neu bearbeitet von R. E. Liesegang. 3te Aufl. Dusaeldorf. 1898. 8. 94 pp. (26905) 34222 Xiiesegrang-, Paul Kduard cont. Die Projektions- Kunst und die Darstellungvon Lichtbildern. 12ta AuH. von F. P. Liesegang. Leipzig, 1909. 8. 308 pp. (38529) liiesegrans", Raphael Eduard. See AMATEUR - PHOTOGRAPH, (Der). Hrsg. R. E. L. 1898-99. A 11: 898. See LIESEGANG, P. E. Photographische Schmelz- farbonbilder. Neu bearbeitet von R. E. L. 1898. 8. (26905) Beitrage zum Problem des eltktrischen Fern- sehens. Diisseldorf, 1891. 8. 140 pp. (23328) The same. 2te Aufl. Diisseldorf. 1899. 8. 228 pp. (27110) Photochemiache Studien. Diisseldorf, 1894. 2 pts. 8. (26906) Photograpbische Chemie. 2te Aufl. Diisseldorf t 1898. sm. 8. 172pp. (26907) Photographische Physik. (Mit Ausnabme der Optik). Diisseldorf, 1899. 8. 84 pp. (26807) Xiletzmann, J. C. H. Erfabrungen a. d. G.der Gerberei. Berlin, 1862. 4. 62 pp. 11 pi. (37562) Die Horatellung der Letter in ihren chemischen nnd physikalischen Vorgangen. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1880. 8. 448pp. (32455) Xiieusaou, P. P. AristiJe, Hydrographic Engineer. Recbercbes sur les variations qui affectent la marclie des Pendules et des Chronometres. [Pre- ceded by the Report on the Memoir of the Bureau des Longitudes.] Paris, [1853]. 8. 180 pp. (28861) Life-bed. The Life-bed . . . [rendering seamen's and passengers' bedding a complete life-bed.] (Eschan- zier's Patent No. 3629 of 1812.) [London, 1852]. 8. 18 pp. (36882) Xilgrer, Fran9ois, Architect. Fosses d'aisances, latrines, nrinoirs, et vidanges. (Dictionnaire . . . de la Voirie, de la Con- struction, etc.) Paris, 1875. 8. 554 pp. (38182) Xilffht, Heat and Power. Vol. 7-1 1. Phila- delphia, 1889-91. 5 vols. fol. K 39/889. Publication : Weekly. Xiisrht Railway and Tramway Journal. Vol. 14, etc. London, 1906, etc. fol. F 30/906. Publication: Weekly. Xiig-htning-. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1891, etc. 4- D 51/891. Publication : Weekly. Title varied: "Electrical Times," (with which is incorporated " Lightning ") 1902, etc. Xilgrntnlngr Research Committee, 1905. See HEDGES, K. Modern lightning conductors . supplement to the Report of tbe Lightning Research Committee, 1905. 1905. 8. (31905) Iiigrnltz, V. von, General. Znr Hygiene des Krieges. Berlin, 1905. sm. 8. 112 pp. (37863) Xilg-on, Richard. A true and exact history of tbe island of Bar- bados. London, 1657. fol. 136 pp. 9 pi. (10359) Xilgrue contre la niortalite Infantile : Com- mission du Lait. Rapport pr6sent6 par H. de Rothschild. Traite- ment du lait re'colte', etc. Paris, [Macon, Impr.] 1908. 4. 48 pp. (38043) 427 3 H 2 LILL] [LIND Xiillle, Cbas. - The British Perfumer. 6th ed. London, [18221. 12. 396 pp. (31809) llllio, G. K - Udaipur-Chitorgarh light railway. [1903.] 20 pp. 1 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P. W. D.). Technical section. Papers. No. 137. E 23/ Xiilly, "Walter Elsworthy. The design of Plate-girders. London, 1904. 8. 142 pp. 1 pi. (31357) - Pump Valves. 1894. 36 pp. 9 pi. See INSTITUTE OP MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 5. Paper 50. F 81 : 889. Lima : Escuela de Ingenleros. - See ANALES DE CONSTRUCCIONES CIVILES, etc., DEL PERU. Pub. por la Escuela de Ingenieros de Lima. 1901, etc. B 82 : 882. Limbeck, Zdenko, Baron. - The Fish Propeller. Trsl. from the" Allgemeine Bauzeitung." Vienna, 1904. 4. 12 pp. 3 pi. (30792) - Stiitzwande. Ex : " Oesterr. Wochenschrift f iir den offentlichen Baudienat." Heft 27, 1905. Wien, 1905. 8. 4pp. 2 pi. (17966) See SOCIETE- ROY. D' AGRICULTURE DE LIMOGES. Limojros : Exposition des Sciences et Arts appliques a I 'Industrie, 1886. - Catalogue. Partie retrospective. Partie moderne. Limoges. 1886. 8. 10 pts. (38183) Limousin, . and others. -- Le materiel de? Arts Chimiques, de la Phar- macieetdelaTannerie. 178pp. See PARIS TJsriv. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 53. 1883. 8. (25811) Limousin, H. Bocquillon-. See BOCQUILLON- LlMOUSIN, H. Xiincke, Felix. - Lasthebemaschinen. 1908. See HEUSINGER von WALDEGG, E. Handbuch der Ingenieur- wissenschaften. 2te Aufl. Theil 4. Band 3. pp. 1-172. Ipl. 8. (22393) Lincoln's Inn (Library.) Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the HOD. Society of Lincoln's Inn. Supple- mentary volume . . . 1859-1890. By J. Nicholson. London, 1890. 8. 468 pp. (32839) lilnd, H. W. - Die Nahmaschine. 1898. SeeBucn. DasBuch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 8. pp. 445- 470. 8. (33007) Xilndau, Gnstav. - See ZENTRALBLATT TUB BAKTERIOLOQIE, etc. General-Register. Abt. 1-2. 1875-1905. Von G. L. HI: 895. - See HASELHOFF, E., and LINDAU, G. Die Bescbadigung der Vegetation durch Rauch. 1903. 8. (30170) - See SORAUER, P. Handbuch der Pflanzenkrank- heiten. 3te Aofl. in Gemeinschaft mit G. L.. etc. 1905, etc. 8. (31551) Xiinde, Carl Paul Gottfried. - Sauerstoffgewinnung mittels fraktionierter Verdampfnng flussiger Luft. 1902. See VEBEIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE: Zeitschrift. Band 46. pp. 1173-1176. E 13/857. Xiinde, Richard. Die thermiscbe Eigenschaften des gesattigteii und iiberhitzteu Wasserdacupfes zwischen 100 und 180C. Theil 2. Theorotische Folgerungen. 1905. See VEREIN DEOTSCHEU INGENIEURE : Mitthei- luDgen a. d. G . des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 21. pp. 57-92. E 13/857 b. Xilndeman, Moritz. Die geaenwartige Eismeer-fiscberei und der Wal- fang. 1899. 134 pp. See DEUTSCHEB SEEFIS- CHEREI - VEREIN. Abhandlnngen. Band 4. H 58/897. Xitndemann, A. Die Markthallen Berlins, ihre baulichen Anlageu nnd Betriebseinrichtungen. Btrlin, 1899. fol. 90 pp. 33 pi. (29020) Lindemann, Wilhelm. Der Lokomotivrahmen als starrer Balkan auf federnden Stiitzen. (Dissertation.) Berlin, 1904. 4. 32pp. 3 pi. (30882) Lindenberg-, Felix. Die Asphalt-Industrie. (Chemisch - tecJinische BibliotheJc.) Wien, [1906.] sm. 8. 330 pp. (31959) Linuerf elt, Klas August. Eclectic Card Catalog Rules, Author and Title entries, based on Dziatzko's ' Instruction ' compared with the rules of the British Museum, Cutter, etc. With list of oriental titles. Boston, 1890. 8. 112 pp. (29258) JEiindot, . Les origines du Moulin a Grains. (Excerpt.) Paris, 1899. 8. 42 pp. (34767) Lindet, Leon Gastoa Ainu'. See GIRARD, A., and LINDET, L. G. A. La Froment et sa mouture. D'apres un MS. inacheve', parL. L. 1903. 8. (29551) Materiel et precedes des industries agricoles. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900 : Rap- port du Jury International. Classe 37. pp. 389- 444. 8. (29967) Xilndgren, Waldemar. Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Pacific Coast. By W. H. Melville and W. L. 1890. 32 pp. 3 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY : Bulletin 61. G 30 : 883. Contributions to Economic Geology. 1907. By C. W. Hayes and W. L. Part 1. Metals and non-metals, except fuels. 1908. 482 pp. 5 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 340. G 30 : 883. The Copper deposits of the Clifton-Morenci district, Arizona. 1905. 376 pp. 26 pi. Ibid. Prof. Papers No. 43. G 30 : 902. Tests for Gold and Silver in shales from Western Kansas. 1902. 22 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 202. G 30 : 883. Xiindheimer, Otto. Aquarien. 1893. See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 4. Band 6. Heft 4. pp. 454- 471. Ipl. 8. (22285) The same. [1905]. Ibid. 2te Aufl. Theil 4. Band 6. Heft 4. pp. 542-558. Ipl. 8. (28712) Ziindley, Geo. A guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden. Ed.J.Lindley. London,1831. 8. 634pp. (38424) Observations on Mangel Wurzel. [Norwich, 1813.] 8. 14pp. (35978) 428 LIND] [LIPP Lindley, John, M.D., FM.S. See LJXDLEY, G. A guide to the Orchard, etc. EJ. J. L. 1831. 8. (384->4) Botany. 1838. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUS- ION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Natural Philosophy. Vol.4. 8 3 228pp. (Imperfect at end.) (13815) Lindner. Georg. Dampfhammer-Diagramme. 1902. See VEREIN DEUTSCIIER INOENIECRE : Mittheilungen a. d. G. des> Inzenieurwesens. Heft 4. pp. 28-34. K 13/*57 b. Theorie der Gasbewegung. 1889-90. See VEREIK ZUR BEFURDERUXO DBS GEWERBFLEISSES : Verhandl. Jnhrg. 68-69. B 67 P : Ziindner, Paul. Atlas der mikroskopigchen Grundlagen der Garungskando. mit bes. Beriicksicht. der biologi- schen Betriebskontrolle. Berlin, 1903. 8. 10 pp. Ill pi. (29840) Mikroskopiscbe Betriebskontrolle in dem (rarungsgewerben, mit einer Einfiihrung in die Hefenkultur, Infektionslehre und Befenkunde. Hrrlin, 1895. 8. 288 pp. 4 pi. (24688) The same. 3te Anfl. Berlin, 1901. 8. 480 pp. Stables. 4 pi. (30667) Lindsay, Wm. Scbaw. On ancient Galleys, and their mode of propul- sion. London, 1871. 8. 46 pp. 5 pi. (37972) Xiindsey, Joseph Bridges, Ph.D. The Feeding value of Corn Stover. 1896. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1896. pp. 353-360. J29:849b. Xitaeham, Wilfrid James. A text-book of Mechanical Engineering. London, 1884. sm.8 u . 792pp. 18 pi. (24285) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1895. 8. 1004 pp. 1 pi. (3060) The same. 6th ed. London, 1903. 8. 1064 pp. 20 pi. (29325) Ling-, Arthur Robert. See SYKES, W. J. The principles and practice of Brewing. 3rd ed., revised by the Author and A. B. L. 1907. 8. (36415) The Carbohydrates of Barley and Malt. 6 pp. See BREWING. Papers on Brewing. Vol.2, fol. (6279) Recent developments in our knowledge of Fermentation and their practical bearing. 1899. 10pp. Ibid. Vol.2, fol. (6279) Xilngr, Pehr Henrik. See ROTHSTEIN, H. The Gymnastic free exer- cises of P. H. Ling. Tral. M. Roth. 2nd ed. 1855. *m. 8". (38251) Linke, Franz. Moderne Luftschiffahrt. Berlin, 1993. 8. 296 pp. 23 pi. (30218) Xiinke, Friedrich. Die Maierfarben, Mai- und Bindemittel und ihre Verwendung in der Maltechnik. 2te Aufl. Esilingen, 1908. 8. 134 pp. (37270) Xiinollte Company. [1.1 Report on the photometry of Linolite. By .). S. Dow. [2.] Report on the life and candle- power of linolite lamps. By J. S. Dow. [3.] A test and comparison of the illumination produced by linolite and ordinary electric incandescent lamps. By D. L. Sands. [A. W. Boutell's Patent No. 9488 of 1902.] London, 1903-05. 3 pts. 4. (30785) Linotype. Linotype manual. Chicago, J. W. Sutherland, [1898]. 16. 88pp. (30072) Linotype Co., Ltd. The Linotype. Its mechanical details and their adjustment. Instructions as to its care and repair. oHrfo,[t899?]. 12. 46pp. (25911) Linotype Notes. Vol. 6, etc. London, 1902, etc, 8 and 4. A 20 : 902. Publication : Monthly. Title varied: "Linotype Notes and Printing Ma- chinery Record," 1908, etc. Llntner, Joseph Albert. (Biographical.) Memorial of the life, etc., of J. A. Lintner. By E. P. Felt. 1899. See NEW YORK (Slate) : Museum. Bulletin. Vol. 5. pp. 303-400. 1 pi. H 50: 887 a. Zilnton, Wm. Ancient and modern colours, from the earliest periods to the present time : with their chemical and artistical properties. London, 1852. 2 pts. 8. (33063) Description of a mode of Encaustic-Painting, with wax, resin, and oil. 1846. See PARLIAMENT. Fine Arts. 6th Report of the Commissioners on the Fine Arts. 184(i. Appendix No. 6. pp. 23-27. fol. (30556) Lint on, Wm. James. Wood-Engraving. A manual of instruction. London, 1884. 8. 138 pp. 7 pi. (35417) Lion, Alexander, M./i. Tropenhygienische Ratschlage. Miinchen, 1907. 100 pp. (38355) Lion. Heyman, Chiropeditt. Complete treatise upon Spinae Pedum. Edin- burgh, 1802. 8. 428 pp. 5 pi. (34660) Lions, Jean. Manuel du Tisseur, contenant les armures et les montages usit6s pour la fabrication des divers tissus. Roubaix, 1840. 8. 56 pp. 8 pi. (33314) Zilot, W. B., Capt. Panama, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepeo ; or, con- siderations upon the question of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. London, 1849. 8. 68pp. 2 pi. (38356) Xiiotard, Ernest, Af.D. Les Huiles Essentielles. Partie 1 ; Partie 2, Essences antiseptiques. 2e 6d. Nice, 1909. 2vols. sm. 8. (37989) Xiiotard, P. V. Le Carbure de Calcium, I'Ace'tylene et leurs applications agricoles. Paris, 1909. 8. 16 pp. (38970) Iiipman, Jacob Goodale. A review of investigations in Soil Bacteriology. By E. B. Voorhees and J. G. L. 1907. 108 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 194. J 29 : 889. Lipperheide, Frieda. Muster alt-italienischer Leinenstickerei. Samm- lungen 1 und 2. (Musterbiicherfilr weibliche Hand- arbeit.) Berlin, 1883. 2 vols. 4. (36961) Sammlnng 1, 2te Aufl. 429 LIPP] [LIVE Xilpperhey, Hans, Inventor of the Telescope. (Biographical.) See WOODCEOPT. B. Lives of Inventors. Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Iiipplnoott, Joseph Barlow. Water problems of Santa Barbara, California. 1905. 100pp. 8 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Waier-supply, etc. Paper 116. G 30 : 899. LIppmann, Edmund Oskar von. Die Chemie der Zackerarten. 2te Aufl. der " Die Zuckerarten und ihre Derivate." Braunsch- weig, 1895. 8. 1200 pp. (25001) The same. 3te Aufl., etc. Braunschweig, 1904. 2vols. 8. (31469) Die Entwickclung der deutachen Zuckerindustrie von 1850 bis 1900. Fe&tscbrif t zum f unf zigjahrigen Bestande des Vereins der dentschen Zuckerindus- trie. Leipzig, 1900. 8. 350 pp. (27254) Zur Goschicbte des Schiesspulvers und der alteren Feuerwaffen. Es : " Zeit. f ur Naturwissen- schaften." Band 71. 1898. pp. 295-346. Stutt- gart, 1899. 8. (32130) lilppmann, Kdouard. Bondages. 1898. See SOCIETE DES INGENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 543-568. 8. E 14 : 848 Xiippmann, Gabriel. La Photographic des Coulenrs. 1892. See CON- SERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 2e Se"rie. Tome 4. pp. 161-172. B 76 C : See BERGET, A. La. Photographie des Couleurs par la methode interferentielle de M. L. 2e e"d. 1901. sm. 8. (27698) See NEUHAUSS, R. Die Farbenphotographie nach Lippmann's Verfahren. 1898. 8. (25684) See NIEWENGLOWSKI, G. H., and ERNAULT, A. La Photographie directe des Couleurs, par le pro- ce"de"deG. L. 1895. sm. 8. (26820) lilppmann, Otto. Zeichengerate nnd Lehrmittel, deren Beschaf- fenheit, Behandlung und Anwendung. Dresden, [1906]. sm. 8. 32 pp. (34807) Xiiahman, G. P. The analytical valuation of Gas-coals. Ex : " Trans, of the Inst. of Mining Engineers." London, 1904. 8. 14pp. (30850) Llssajous, Jules Antoine. See SYMPALMOGRAPH, (The). A machine for drawing, etc., Lissajous curves. [187 ?] 8. (29669) Instruments d'astronomie, de ge'ode'sie, de topo- graphie, de marine, d'optique et d'acoustique. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 12. pp. 446-484. 8. (13828) Lissak. Ormond M. Ordnance and Gunnery. New York, 1907. 8. 618 pp. 28 pi. (34932) List, G. H., and Morse, A. Description of ... interlocking [facing point signals] for roadside stations, combining List-Morse patents. [1899.] 6 pp. 9 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.). Technical Section. Paper 63-63A. E 23/ Xilate mensuelle des marques de fabrique, etc. 1906-07. See BULLETIN DES MARQUES DE FABRIQUE. (31818) Lister, Samuel Cunliffe. See MASHAM, S. C. Lister, Baron. Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine. See BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, 1904, etc. H 1 : 897. Litchfceld, R. B. Tom Wedgwood, the first Photographer. London, 1903. 8. 288pp. 9 pi. (29780) Xilthanode and General Electric Co., Ltd. [Lithanode batteries, storage cells, etc.l London, [1892]. 4. 28pp. (27223) Xiltherland, Peter, (1756-1804). (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Little, Geo. See BRETT, A., and LITTLE, G. Compendium of improvements effected in Electric Telegraphs, etc. 1847. sm. 8. (36629) Little, Geo. Herbert. See ADTOMOTOU AND HORSELESS VEHICLE JOURNAL. The Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Pocket book, etc. [Compiled by G. H. L.] 1898, etc. E 74 : 898. Petroleum Tank Steamers : their design and construction. 1892. 24 pp. 6 pi. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 4. F 81 : 889. Some remarks on the building and working of Ships and Steamers. 1893. 58 pp. 7 pi. See SHIPMASTERS' SOCIETY. Papers. No. 26. F 81 : 890. Little, Wm. John, M.D. On the nature and treatment of the Deformities of the Human frame. London, 1853. 8. 422pp. (33737) Littrow. Heinrich von. See BROMMY, R., and LITTROW, H. von. Die Marine. 3te Aufl. 1878. 8. (25782) and Cruillery, C. - Zugforderung anf gleisloser Strasse. 1908. See STOCKERT, L. von. Handbuch des Eisenbahn- maschinenwesens. Band 2. pp. 632-712. 8. (38111) Xilvache, Achille. The manufacture of Varnishes, Oil crushing, refining and boiling, and kindred industries. From the French by J. G. Mclntosh. London, 1899. 8. 412 pp. (26694) The same. 2nd English ed., by J. G. Mclntosh. London, 1904-08. 2 vols. 8. (36851) Xilvelngtt, Thos. See BEST. The best mine above ground . . . 2nd ed. [T. Liveings' Letters Patent No. 506 of 1729.] 1739. sm. 8. (30749) Iilvermore, W. R., Major, U.S.A. Military Surveys and reconnaissance and Map duplicating in the field. 1893. See CHICAGO IN- TERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 753-62. 8. (24918) Liverpool, Corporation of. WaterWorks. Annual Report of the Engineer. 1899, etc. Liverpool, 1900, etc. 8. F 46 : B L. Free Public Libraries. Liverpool Prints and Documents. Catalogue of maps, plans, etc. . . . relating to Liverpool. Liverpool, 1908. 4. 382 pp. (36909) 430 LIVE] Liverpool, Corporation of cont. - Royal Jubilee Exhibition, 1887. -- Jamaica at the Royal Jubilee Exhibition, Liverpool, 1887. By C. \V. Eves. London, 1887. 8. 92pp. 4 pi. (32179) Liverpool : Thompson Yale* Laboratories. -- Reports. Vol. 1, etc. Liverpool. 1900, etc. 4. - .- R. Boyce and C. S. Sherrington. ffutory: Vol. 1 Reprints, 1898-99 ; vol. 2 Reprints and Reports, 1898-99. The reports in vol. 2-4 also fonn part of the Memoirs of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Title I'arieJ: Thompson Yates and Johnston Labora- tories, 1903, etc. Liverpool (Univ.) : Institute of Commercial Research in the Tropics. -- Quarterly Journal. Vol. 1, etc. Liverpool, 1906,efc. 4. J61 : 906. -- A catalogue of the Aburi Gardens . . . (Sold Coast, West Africa. By A. E. Evans. Liver- pool, 1906. 4. 40 pp. (33959) -- Maize, Cocoa, and Rubber. Hints on their production in West Africa. Lectures ... by Viscount Mountmorres. Liverpool, 1907. 4. 44 pp. (33958) Liverpool and Manchester Photographic Journal. See LIVERPOOL PHOTOGRAPHIC JOUR- NAL, 1857-58. All :854. Liverpool Financial Reform Association. Governmental Gun-making. (Financial Reform Tracts. New Series No. 20.) Liverpool, [1857]. 8. 46pp. (7744) Liverpool Photographic Journal. Vol. 1, ' etc. Liverpool, 1854, etc. 8. A 11 : 854. Publication : Monthly, 1854-56 ; 24 Nos. yearly, 1859- June 15, 18G4 ; Weekly, July 1, 1864, etc. Kditor: G. Shadbolt, 1859-63. Title farted : " Liverpool and Manchester Photo- graphic Journal," 1857-58 ; " Photographic Jour- nal. ' 1859 ; " British Journal of Photography," 1860, etc. Deficient : Vol. 4-5. 1857-58. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. - See ANNALS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, etc. Issued by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 1907, etc. H 5 : 907. - - Bulletin. No. 1, etc. Liverpool, 1909, etc. 8. H 5 : 901a. - Memoirs 1, etc. Liverpool, 1901, etc. 8 and 4. H5 : 901. History : For memoirs 2, 4 and 7 deficient in the 4 series, See LIVERPOOL: Thompson Y ate i Labora- tories : Reports. H 6 : 898 Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic Associa- tion. See SELF-PROPELLED TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION. 1899, etc. E 73 : 898. Llvesey, J. F. - The testing of Boilers. 1893. 26 pp. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 5. :889. Llvet and Co., Ltd. - Extracts from the official report of tests made ... for ... the Smoke Abatement Ex- hibition, 1881-82, containing references to the various inventions, etc., patented by Messrs. Livet & Wery. [London, 1882.] 8. 14 pp. 2 pi. (35530) Livet, Fountain. - See LIVET AND Co., Ltd. Extracts . . . containing references to the various inventions, etc., of Messrs. Livet and Wery. [1882.] 8. (35530) [LLOY ..,,, j '--' Livingston, Burton Edward. Furthsr studies on the properties of unproduc- tive Soils. 1907. 72 pp. 7 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OK AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 36. J29S : The role of Diffusion and Osmotic pressure in Plants. ( Univ. of Chicago : Decennial Publications. 2nd Series. Vol. 8.) Chicago, 1903. 8. 164 pp. (30462) and others. Studies on the properties of an unproductive S )il. 1905. 40 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL- TURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 28. J29S : Livingstone, R. ^ The mechanical design and construction of Commutator-*. ("Electrician" Series.) London, [1907]. 8. 98pp. (34482) Livonins, O., Vice-Admiral. Ueber Vorrichtungen zur Rettnng von Men- schenleben bei See-Unf alien. Berlin, 1900. 8. 30 pp. (27594) Livtschak, Joseph. Die Losung des aeronautischen Problems (Der Luftschiffahrts-Frage). Wien, 1869. 4. 36 pp. (33064) Lizaso, Eusebio. Memoria relativa a la instalaci'on de Filtros de Porcelana de amianto en algunos edificios de Zara- goza, etc. 1904. 104 pp. See MEMORIAL DE I \- GENJEROS. 4a dpoca. Tomo 21. F 96 : 846. Llaurado, A. de. Reservoirs e"tablis en Espagne. 1892. 20 pp. 1 pi. See CONGRKS INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTBRIEURE. 5e Congres. Question 4. [10.] F 43 : 888. Llewellln, John, Junr. See X, Y, Z. Bells and Bellfounding . [By J. L., Junr.] 1873. sm. 4. (19943) Lloyd, Edward. Mathematical Geography. 1834. 32 pp. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOW- LEDGE. Natural Philosophy. Vol. 3. 8. (13815) Lloyd, Edward, Bar.-at-Laio. The Law of Trade Marks, with some account of its history and development in the decisions of the Courts of Law and Equity. London, 1862. sm. 8. 100 pp. (38382) Lloyd, Emily. The Skin, its care and treatment. 2nd ed. Chicago, [1904]. sm. 8. 258 pp. 1 pi. (31627) Lloyd, Ernest Marsh. The Mine Warfare. At Sebastopol. 1877. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 1. pp. 93-111. 5 pi. F 90 : 844. Lloyd, Francis. Practical remarks on the Warming, Ventilation, and Humidity of Rooms. London, 1854. 8. 52 pp. (36597) Lloyd, Frederick. See MORRELL, R. A., and LLOYD, F. New magical sleights and fakes. 1906. sm. 8. (37392) 431 LLOY] [LOCH Lloyd, Frederick James. See BOARD OP AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES. Cider. Report on ... investigations into Cider- making . . . 1893-1902. By F. J. L. 1903. 8. (30967) Ibid. Cheese. Report on the results of inves- tigations into Cheddar Cheese-making . . . 1891-98. By F. J. L. 1899. 8. (26638) Lloyd, Frederick Lindsay. Oil Engines, heavy and light oils, for traction work and motor vehicles : comparison between them and electrically-driven vehicles from economic points of view. 1903. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 29. pp. 83-97. 8. F SO : 844. Xiloyd, IT. J. Physical Geography. 1834. 64pp. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Natural Philosophy. Vol. 3. 8. (13815) Xiloyd, Humphrey. Miscellaneous Papers connected with Physical Science. Ex: "Trans, of the Roy. Irish Acad.;" "Reports of the Brit. Assoc.," etc. London, 1877. 8. 514 pp. (30378) A treatise on Light and Vision. London, 1831. 8. 432 pp. (33065) Xiloyd, John Horatio, Bar.-nt-Law. See DANSON, F. M., and LLOYD, J. H. Mercan- tile Cases. Vol. 1. 1830. 8. (18726) Xiloyd, Thos. Augustus. See HALL, W. H. The New [Royal] Encyclo- pedia. Revised, etc., by T. A. Lloyd." [179 ?] 3vols. 8. (36989) Xiloyd Botanic Garden, Darjeeling. See CALCUTTA : Royal Botanic Gardens. Annual Reports. 1906, itc. fol. H 74 : 895. Iiloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping 1 , Committee of. Report . . . concerning the dismasting of large iron sailing ships. London, [18861. 8. 198 pp. 19 pi. 17 tables. (26453) Rules and regulations for the construction and classification of vessels [later, steel vessels]. 1845- 46 ; 1899, etc. London, 1845, etc. F 82 : 845. Rules and regulations for the construction and classification of yachts. 1894-95 ; 1905-06, etc. London, 1894, etc. 4. F 82 : 894. Local Government Board. Byelaws. Model Byelaws . . . for the use of Sanitary Authorities. 1-16. London. 1879-86. 16 pp. 8. (37106) Reports ... on Public Health and Medical matters. New Series, No. 1. etc. London, 1909. etc. 8. H 21 : 909. Arsenical poisoning. Report ... on recent epidemic arsenical poisoning attributed to beer. By Dr. G. S. Buchanan. London, 1901. fol. 26pp. (28216) Christchurch, Hants. Report ... on the sanitary circumstances etc. of the Borough, etc. By F. St. G. Mivart. London, 1898. fol. 24 pp. 1 pi. (26005) Food preservatives. Report of the Depart- mental Committee appointed to inquire into the use of preservatives and colouring matters in the preservation and colouring of food. With Evidence, etc. London, 1901. fol. 534 pp. (28711) Local Government Board conl. Hospital ventilation. Memorandum on certain methods in use for the sterilization of the exit air from the wards of small-pox hospital?. By F. W. Barry. Oct. 1893. London, 1894. fol. 14 pp. 13 pi. (26004) Maps. Suggestions as to the preparation of district maps ; and of plans for main sewerage, drainage, and water supply. By [Sir] R. Rawlinson. (Revised to 1878.) London, 1878. fol. 13 pi. Atlas of 11 pi. la. fol. (20264) Quarantine. Report ... on the arrange- ments made in Germany for the isolation of small- pox cases. By R. B. Low. London, 1904. fol. 16 pp. 9 pi. (30535) Rag flock. On the manufacture of rag flock in reference to the possible dissemination of infectious disease, etc. By H. F. Parsons. Ex : " Annual Report of the Medical Officer of the L. G. Board, 1885." London, 1887. 8. 16 pp. (24460) Rats. [1.] Reports . . . on the destruction of rats and disinfection on shipboard, by J. S. Haldane and J. Wade. [2.~| Report ... on further experiments on sulphur dioxide as applied in the destruction of rats and disinfection on ship- board, by J. Wade. London, 1904-06. 2 pts. fol. (33692) Tuberculosis. Report ... on administra- tion in London with regard to meat of pigs affected by tuberculosis. [By'| G. S. Buchanan. London, 1906. fol. 60pp. (32371) Typhoid fever. Borough of Maidstone. Epi- demic of typhoid fever, 1897. Report of inquiry and appendices. London, 1898. fol. 84pp. 15 pi. 3 tables. (25999) Vaccination. Report on the preparation and storage of glycerinated calf vaccine lymph. [By Sir R. Thome Thorne and Dr. S. M. Copeman.J London, 1897. 8. 32 pp. 6 pi. (17342) Medical Department. Reports of Inspector of Foods. Xo. 1, etc. London, 1906, etc. fol. and 8. H 35/906. Locard, Arnould. Manuel pratique d'OstreMculture. (BibUothique des connaissances utiles.) Paris, 1900. sm. 8. 384 pp. (31780) Loch, S., Miss. See JONES, E. G. A manual of plain Needle- work, etc. New ed., by Miss Heath and Miss L. 1892. sm. 8. (37757) Xiocher, Carl. Die Orgel-Register und ihre Klangfarben. 3te Aufl. Bern, 1904. sm. 8. 158 pp. portr. (30668) Lochhead, Wm. See ONTARIO, (Prov. of) : Dept. of Agriculture. The San Jos6 and other scale insects. By W. L. 1900. 8. (26796) The Hessian Fly in Ontario. 1901. 16 pp. See ONTARIO : Agric. College, etc. Bulletin 116. J 10 CO : b. Peas and Pea Weevil. By C. A. Zavitz and W. L. 1903. 32 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 126. J 10 CO: b. The Weeds of Ontario. By F. C. Harrison and W. L. 1903. 96 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 128. J 10 CO: b. 432 LOCH] [LOEF Iiochman, Wolfgang. Instrumentum instrumentorum mathemati- corura. fioitock, 1638. 4. 130 pp. 7 pi. (29872) lochner. Mas. Grundlagen der Lnfttechnik. Berlin, 1899. 8. 34 pp. 2 pi. (26538) locht-lataye, ],>':, de. La Te'le'phonie, pa thiiorie, ses applications. Le Pantt'K'phonc. Paris, 1880. 8 a . 120 pp. (36765) Lock, Chas. Geo. Warnford. Gold milling, principles and practice. London, 1901. 8. 844pp. (27G58) Xiooke, John, 'Irartllcr. History of Navigation from its original to the jear 1704. With an explanatory catalogue of voyage?. See CLARKE, J. S. The progress of maritime discovery. Appendix (B). pp. 75-202. 4. (3748) locKert, Louis. See CHAUFFEUR, (Le). Ed. L. L. 1897-99. E 73 : 897. Petroleum Motor-cars. [From the French.] London, 1898. 8. 234 pp. (25824) Xiockyer, Sir Joseph Norman, F.R.S. Contributions to Solar Physics. London, 1874. s . 698 pp. 7 pi. (29156) ' Recent researches into the Chemical constitution of the San. 1876. 24 pp. See GLASGOW SCIENCE LECTHRES ASSOCIATION. [Lecture 5.1 sm. 8. (34821) Locomotion, (La). Annee 3, etc. Paris, 1893, etc. 4. B 73 : 903. Publication : Weekly. Editors: L. Baudry de Saunier, 1903-1905; P. Ravigneanx, 1906. etc. Title varied: "Vie Automobile," 1904, etc. locomotive Engineering. Vol. 10, etc. New York, 1897, etc. 4. F 22 : 897. Publication : Monthly. Title varied : " Railway and Locomotive Engineer- ing," 1901, etc. locomotives. The Locomotives of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 1839-1903. Er : " Loco- motive Magazine." London, Locomotive Pubg. Co., 1903. sm. 8. 254 pp. 1 pi. (30045) locomotives and Railways. Yol. 1-4. Manchester, 1900-03. sm. 4. F 20 : 900. Publication: Monthly. Hiitory : Incorporated with the " Locomotive Maga- zine," and issued as " Moore's Monthly Magazine." Xiodeman, Ernest Gustavus. Pruning and training of Grapes. 1896. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1896. pp. 499-542. J29:849b. lodsro, Alfre 1. Sec DOLBEAR, A. E. Matter, Ether, and Motion. English ed. by A. L. 1899. sm. 8. (26850) lodsre, Edmund, Norroy King-at-Arms. The Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 34th ed. London, 1865, 8. 892 pp. (17783) 34222 XiOdgre, Sir Oliver Joseph, F.R.S. Electrons, or the nature and properties of nega- tive electricity. London, 1906. 8. 246 pp. (33840) Modern views on matter. 2nd ed. (Romanes Lecture.) Oxford, 1903. 8 J . 30 pp. (30219) Pioneers of Science. With portraits, etc. London, 1904. sm. 8. 420 pp. (31358) Secondary batteries and the electrical storage of Energy. 1883. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. Vol. 1. [No. 9.] B 51 : 872. Signalling across space without wires. Being a description of the work of Hertz and his successors. 3rd ed. With additional remarks concerning the application to Telegraphy, etc. London, {19001. 8. 134 pp. (26725) The fame. 4th ed. London, [1908]. 8. 156 pp. (36162) Xiodln, Arthur. Elimination du Sonf re des produits side'rurgiques. 1906. See ANNALES DBS MINES. 10eS6rie. Tome 9. pp. 76-129. G 64 : 816. La fusion pyriteuse (Pyritic smelting). Ex : " Annales des Mines." lOe Si-rie. Tome 6. pp. 55- 101. Pom, 1904. 8. (31155) Metallnrgie du Zinc. 1905. 810 pp. 25 pi. See FREMV, E. Encycl. Chimique Tome 5. 2e Sect. 2e Partie. Fas. 5-6. 8. (11342) The same. Another copy. Paris, 1905. S 3 . 810pp. 25 pi. (31526) lob, Walther. See CLASSEN, A. Quantitative chemical An- alysis bv Electrolysis. In co-operation with Dr. W. L. 3rd English ed. 1898. 8. (25324) Leitfaden der praktiscben Elektrochemie. Leipzig, 1899. 8. 252 pp. (27111) Die Elektroehemie der organischen Verbin- dungen. 3te Aufi. Halle a. S., 1905. sm. 8. 328 pp. (32131) Electrolysis and electrosynthesis of organic com- pounds. From the 2nd German edition by H. W. F. Lorenz. New York, 1898. sm. 8. 118 pp. (26266) Electrochemistry of organic compounds. From the 3rd [German] edition, by H. W. F. Lorenz. New York, 1906. 8. 318 pp. (33120) loebc, R. Die Beseitignng stadtischer Abwassor mit besond. Beriicksicht. der Berliner Abwaaserfrage. Berlin, 1909. 8. 64pp. (38928) lobe. William, Ph.D. Anleitnng zum rationellen Betriebe der Ernte und zur Aufbewahrnng der Ernteerzengnisse. 3te Aufl. von L. Meyer. Neudamm, 1909. 8. 220 pp. (38530) Der Futterbau auf Sandboden. Leipzig, 1861. 8. 90 pp. (34574) LandwirthschaftJiehe Futterbau, mit besond. Riicksicht anf Dene Futttrpflanzen und Fntter- gemenge. Berlin, 1872. 8. 246 pp. (34573) Xioffler, Carl, Ph.D. Das Chinagri'm (Lu-Kao.) Seine Geschichte, Bereitung und Anwendnng in der Seiden-, Wollen- und Baumwollen-Farberei und-Druckerei. Weimar, 1861. sm. 8. 136pp. 3 pi. (37561) Xioffler, Friedrich August Johann, M.D. Das Laboratorium zu Untersuchungen fiber Infectionskrankheiten nnd Deainfection. 1885. See BERLIN : Allgemeine deutsche Austtellung der Hygiene, etc. 1882-83. Band 1. pp. 34-63. 8 J . (20568) 433 3 I LOEF] [LOHM Loftier, Friedrich August Johann cont. Das Wapser und die Mikroorganismen. 1896. See WEYL, T. Handbuch der Hygiene. Band 1. Abt. 2. pp. 545-734. 8. (24547) and Sendtner, R. Die Beurteilung des Trinkwassers. 1896. Ibid. Band 1. Abt. 2. pp. 735-782. 8. (24547) Die Untersuchang und Beurteilung des Trink- wassers. 1896. Ibid. Band 1. Abt. 2. pp. 507- 544. 8. (24547) Xioeg-el, D. Die Lichtquellen und die fiir Bergwerksanlagen in Frage kommenden Belenchtungsarten. 1908. 34 pp. See SAMMLUNG BERG- UND HOTTENMAN- NISCHER ABHANDLUNGEN. Heft 29. G 63 : 906. Iiohnoyss, Georg Engelhard von. Griindlicher . . . Bericht von Bergwercken . . . Sampt beygefugter niitzlicher Berg-Ord- nung und Bericht von der Bergleute Verrichtung und Freyheiten. Leipzig, 1690. fol. 366 pp. 16 pi. (36716) Xioescher, Fritz. See GRASSHOFF, J. Die Betnsche von Photo- graphien. lOte Aufl. von F. Loescher. 1906. sm. 8. (37617) - Vergrossern und Kopieren auf Bromsilberpapier. 2te Aufl. (Photographische Bibliothek.) Berlin, 1905. sm. 8. 120 pp. 1 pi. (37619) Xidschncr, Hans. Uber Sonnenuhren. BeitragezuihrerGeschichte und Konstruktion, nebst AufsteJIung einer Fehler- theorie. 2teAufl. Graz, 1906. 8. 166pp. (32706) Xioeske, M. See SAUNIER, C. Lehrbuch der TThrmacherei, etc. 3te Aufl, von M. L. 1902-05. 4vols. 8. (30754) Xib'ener, Hans. Levitation und Flngproblem. Gotha, 1904. sm. 8. 18 pp. (31103) Xioessl, Friedrich, Baron. Die Luf twiderstands-Gesetze, der Fall dnrch die Luft und der Vogelflug. Wien, 1896. 8. 304 pp. (29764) Xioetzer, C. E. Treatise on the Slide-valve and Locomotive Valve-setting. \Towanda. Pa.], 1902. 16. 48pp. (29215) Zioew, Oscar Carl Benedikt. The energy of living Protoplasm. London, 1896. sm. 8. 120 pp. (31829) Liming of Soils from a physiological standpoint. 1901. pp. 1-36. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 1. J 29 PI : The physiological role of Mineral Nutrients. 1899. 60pp. Ibid. Bureau of Vegetable Pathology. Bulletin 18. J 29 V : The physiological role of Mineral Nutrients in Plants. [Revised ed.] 1903. 70pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 45. J 29 PI : Iioewe, . The Emperor William Canal. 1902. 28 pp. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTEBIEURE : 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. Com- munication 8. [14.] F 43 : 888. Iioevcre, M., M.D. A treatise on the phenomena of Animal Mag- netism. London, 1822. 8. 130 pp. (37282) Xioewenherz, Bruno, and Hoop, A. H. van der. Wirbelstromverluste im Ankerkupfer elektri- scher Maschinen. 1905. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE : Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieur- wesens. Heft 28. pp. 1-42. E 13/857b. Xjoewenherz, L. Die Denaturirung des Spiritus durch Vermis- chnns; mit Holzgeist. Von A. W. Hofmann, G. Krsemer und L. L. 1881. See VEREIN ZUR MEFORDERUNG DER GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandl. Jahrg. 60. pp. 557-81. B 67 P : Loewenstein, Louis Centennial. See STODOLA, A. Steam turbines. From the 2nd German ed. by L. C. L. 1905. 8. (31074) Xioewenthal, Richard. See KNECHT, E., and others. Handbuch der Farberei der Spinnfasern. Deutsche Ausgabe von R. L. 2teAnfl. 1900. 2 vols. 8. (31635) Die Fiirberei nnd Appretnr, nebt Bleicherei und Zeugdruck. 1898. See BUCH. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 8. pp. 542-618. 8. (33007) Die Farberei der Spinnfasern, nebet Bleicherei und Zeugdruck und einem Anhange " Die Appretur derGewebe." Leipzig, 1898. 8. 98pp. (25641) Xioewer, . Bauart, Leistungen und Kosten von Loffel- und Greifbaggern. 1902. 10 pp. 5 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. Communication 3. [5.] F 43 : 888. Xidwisr, Carl. Chemie der organischen Verbindungen. 2te Aufl. Zurich, 1844-45. 2 vols. 8. (27239) Principles of Organic and Physiological Chemistry. Trsl. D. Breed. Philadelphia, 1853. 8. 482pp. (35780) liowy, Josef, Engineer. Die elektrische Zundung bei Automobilen und Motorfahrraden. (Kuster's Autotechnische Biblio- tliek.) Leipzig, 1906. sm. 8. 132 pp. 1 pi. (34014) Das Elektromobil und seine Behandlung. (Ibid.) Leipzig, 1906. sm. 8. 124 pp. (34016) Was sind und wie entstehen Erfindungen ? Bin entwicklungstheoretische Studie. Wien, 1907. 8. 18 pp. (33239) Xiogran, Sir Wm. Edmond. See CANADA : Geological Survey. Reports. Ed. Sir W. L. 1853, etc. G 24. Xio G-atto. Domenico. Comparison of Gas and Electric Light in Light- houses with optical apparatus of large dimensions. 1893. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DES TRAVAUX MARITIMES, London, 1893. Minutes of Proc. Sect. 4. Paper 39. pp. 186-199. F 40 : 889. Xiogler, John Bernard. See EAGER, J. A brief account ... of . . . the second examination of Mr. Eager's pupils in music, educated upon Mr. L.'s system, etc. 1819. 8. (36196) Xiohmann, C..E. Julius. Uber die Giftigkeit der deutschen Schachtel- halmarten, insbesondere des Dnwocks (Equisetum palustre). 1904. 70 pp. 2 pi. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 100. J 51 : 894. 434 LOID] [LOND " Xioidls," pseud. Swing Bridges. (" Railway Series of text-books.") London, " Railway Engineer" [190 ?]. BOO. 8. 116 pp. 1 pi. (30284) XiOir, A., Prof, in Besanron, and Drlon, C. Notice sur nn Cal'orifere-Ventilateur, proposi' pour le chiuffage des ecoles, par M. Leras. Rap- port, etc. Besangoa, 1861. 8. 24 pp. (33609) Xiojander, Hugo. Beitriige zur Kenntnis Strassburg, 1887. 8. 78 pp. dor Draehenblutes. 9 pi. (26135) XiOlliot. Henry L. Divtionar Enlez-Romun. Bucuresci, [1907]. 2volg. 8. (35656) Xiomax, Chas. J. Collection, treatment and disposal of town refuse. Little Bolton, 1892. 8. 114pp. (31272) Xiombard-airln, . Notes sur le Touage du Rhone. 1900. 12 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION IN TKKIECRE. 8e Congres. Question 4. [24.] F43: 888. Ziommel, Eugen Cornelius Joseph von. Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik. 5te Aufl. Leipzig, 1899. 8. 568 pp. 1 pi. (26331) Zionde, Albert. La Photographie Me"dica!e. 1892. See CON- SERVATOIRE DBS ARTS ET METIERS. Anilillo-. Se>. 2. Tome 4. pp. 309-344. B 76 : La Radiographie et ses diverges applications. 1899. Ibid. Be Sr. Tome 1. pp. 153-192. B76C : Traite pratique dn deVeloppement. 3e eel. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris, 1898. 8m. 8. 154 pp. (25656) The same. 4e c"d. (Ibid.) Paris, 1904. gm. 8. 154 pp. (30619) Ziondon. The London and Country Brewer. [Part 1-4.] 7th ed. London, J.Astley, 17 59,17 5S. 8". 332pp. (33066) Xiondon: Bakers. See BAKERS. The Baker's appeal. 1730. 12. (17247) London : Corporation of the City of. See MANSION HOUSE COMMITTEE. Reports of Artisans . . . Paris Universal Exhibition, 1889. 8. (25318) Report on the Sanitary condition of the City of London, 1894, etc. London, 1895, etc. 8. & fol. (from 1902). H 20 : 894 Title varied: Report of the proceedings of the Public Health (Sanitary! Dept., etc., 1900 ; Report of the Medical Officer of Health, etc., 1901, etc. MeJical Officer of Health : W. S. Saunders, 1894-99 ; W. Collingridge, 1900, etc. Commissioner} of Sewers. . Report upon works executed. 1832, etc. London, 1849, etc. 8. & fol. F 50 EL : and EL/. Publication: Animal. Engineer! : W. Haywood, 1848-1892; D. J. Ross, 1893-1904 ; F. Sumner, 1905, etc. Title varied : " Public Health Department," 1898, etc. Report ... on the Accidents to Horses on Carriageway Pavements. By W. Haywood. London, 1873. 8. 144 pp. 1 map. (34673) 34222 XiOndon: Corporation of the Cityofcont. Commissioner* of Sewera cant. Rapport sur 1'Aspbalte et les Pavages en Bois adressi' aux metnbres de la Commission de la Voirie de la Ville de Londres par W. Haywood. Paris, 1874. 8. 52pp. (34550) Report . . . upon the Carburation of Gas as supplied to the Public Gas Lamps, by the process of the United Kingdom Carbarating Gas Coy. By W. Haywood. [With Appendix by H. Letheby,] London, 1861. 8. 14 pp. (28889) Report to the Special Gas Committee . . . on the existing conditions and circumstances affect- ing the pas supply in the City of London. By W. Hay wood and H. Letheby. 10 Dec., 1864. London, 1865. 8. 116 pp. 1 pi. (28888) Report ... on the traffic and improve- ments in the Public Ways of the City of London. By W. Haywood. London, 1866. 8. 112 pp. 1 pi. (38825) (Library Committee.) Catalogue of the Library . . . arranged alphabetically under Authors, with an index of subjects. London, 1887-89. 2 vols. 8. (13110) Public Health Dept. See Commissioners of Sewers, 1898, etc., above. Xiondon : Chamber of Commerce. Cement Trade Section. Report re Cement Admixtures, with evidence of experts. London, [1897]. fol. 158 pp. (26708) London : County Council. Bye-laws and Regulations [Buildings, Dairies, Slaughterhouses, Sewers, Theatre tires, etc.']. London, [1876-93]. fol. (25G07) Fire extinction. Manual of Fire Drill, including . . . the use and maintenance of Gear, etc. By L. Wells. London, 1898. sq. 16. 124 pp. (25609) Sewerage. Main drainage of London. Joint Report of Sir B. Baker and the Chief Engineer of the Council, [Sir A. R. Binnie]. February, 1891. London, 1894. 8. 36 pp. 1 map. (25623) The experimental Bacterial treatment of London Sewage, being an account of the experiments carried out between the years 1892 and 1903. By F. Clowes and A. C. Houston. London, [1904]. 8. 254 pp. 45 pi., etc. (31046) Street improvements. History of London street improvements, 1855-1897. By P. J. Edwards. London, [1898]. fol. 314 pp. Ill pi. 2 maps. (32675) Tramway traction. Report by J. A. Baker. [Added] Comparative costs and profits of Cable, Electric conduit and Horse tramway operation in New York City, from the " Street Railway Journal," Nov., 1898. London, [1898]. fol. 28 pp. 12 pi. (25825) Shallow Underground Tramways/ Joint Report . . . on the construction and working of the Boston, U.S.A., subway, and on the Rapid Transit subway now under construction in New York . . . 1901. London, 1901. fol. 20 pp. 2 pi. (28141) Watercress. Report of the Medical Officer, to which is appended Reports by F. Clowes and A. C. Houston, on Watercress and Watercress beds in the neighbourhood of London. London, 1905. fol. 18 pp. (31306) 435 3 i 2 LOND] London : County Council emit. (Main Drainage Committee.) [Returns and reports.] 1893, etc. London, 1894, etc. fol. (28139) (Public Control Committee.) 1. London Gas Supply. Reports ... on price, enrichment, and testing. 1894. 2. Petroleum lamp accidents. Report ... as to causes of petroleum lamp accidents, and as to the measures necessary for preventing them. 1895. London, 1894, etc. fol. (28140) (Public Health Dept.) 1 . Report ... by Dr. Young on the collection and disposal of house refuse by London Sanitary Authorities. 1894. 2. Report ... on the provisions which have been made . . . for disinfecting and destruc- tion of infected articles, and for the shelter of persons. 1895. London, 1894, etc. fol. (25608) (Technical Education Board.) Report of the special Sub-committee on the application of Science to Industry. [Reissue.] London, 1902. fol. 48 pp. (11993) _ (Bolt Court Technical School) Reports. 1896, etc. London, [1897], etc. fol. A 21/896. Publication : Annual. Title varied : " School of Photo-engraving, etc." 1900, etc. Instruction Pamphlets. No. 1, etc. London, [1905, etc.} 8. A 21 : 905. School of Photo-engraving and Lithography. See LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL : T.E.B. (Bolt Court Technical School.) London : Livery Companies. See CLOCKMAKEKS' COMPANY, etc. See CLOTHWOKKEHS' COMPANY, etc. See FRUITERERS' COMPANY. See GLASS-SELLERS' COMPANY, etc. See GOLD AND SILVER WIRE-DRAWERS' COM- PANY, etc. See GUNMAKERS' COMPANY, etc. See IRONMONGERS' COMPANY, etc. See TIN PLATE WORKERS, etc., COMPANY, etc. London : ( University). The Libraries of London. By R. A. Rye. London, 1908. 8. 90pp. (36996) Ziondon and West of Ireland Fishing:, etc. Co., Ltd. See SYMONDS, T. E. Observations on the fishe- ries of the West Coast of Ireland, etc. 1861. 8. (36566) London Architectural Society. Essays. [Modern architecture, by E. Aikin, 1806 ; the rise and progress of Gothic architecture, by 8. Beazley, 1806 ; Villas and dilapidations, by J. Woods. 1807.] London, 1808. 8. 152 pp. 4 pi. (36117) London Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd. See RUCKER v. THE LONDON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORPORATION, Ltd. Report, etc. [1900.] 4. (27449) London Genuine Tea Company. The history of the Tea Plant . . . Added, remarks on imitation tea, etc. London, [1820?]. sm. 8. 60 pp. 2 pi. (36634) [LOND London : International Aero and motor Boat Exhibition, 1909. See SOCIETY OP MOTOR MANUFACTURERS, etc. London : International Building: Trades Exhibition, 1903. Official catalogue. London, [1903]. 8. 212 pp. (34159) London International Exhibition, 1851. See BONTEMPS, G. Examen hiatorique, etc., des verres de 1'Exposition Universslle de 1851. 1851. 8. (34188) See CASSELL, J. The Illustrated Exhibitor. 1851. 8. (1082) See POLE, Wm. Musical instruments in the Great Industrial Exhibition of 1851. 1851. 8. (28449) See ROYLE, J. F. On the culture, etc. of Cotton in India . . . Appended, Papers relating to the Great Industrial Exhibition. 1851. 8. (1749) See STEPHENSON, R. The Great Exhibition ; its palace, etc. 1851. sm. 8. (33465) London International Exhibition, 1862 : (Royal Commission'). Report. London. 1863. 8. 266 pp. 1 pi. (32244) Auttria. Kurze Mittheilungen iiber die Berg- und Hiittenwesens - Maschinen und Baugegenstaade. Von P. Rittinger. Wien, 1862. 8. 120 pp. (32246) See CHRISTOFLE AND CIE. Exposition Uni- versel de Londres, 1862. Catalogue de Orfevrerie argentee, etc. 1862. 8. (9911) See DRESSER, C. Development of ornamental art in the International Exhibition. 1862. 12. (38436) See HOBBS AND Co. On the application of steam machinery to the manufacture of locks and keys. 1862. 4. (33492) Ziondon International Exhibitions, 1871- 1874. A special Report on the Annual International Exhibitions of the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874. By Sir H. Cole. London, 1876. 8. 258 pp. (32243) Iiondon International Exhibition, 1871. The Key ... A programme and record, etc. No. 1-23. May-Nov. 1871. [London,! 1871. 4. (32233) See ART JOURNAL. The " Art Journal " Cata- logue of the luternational Exhibition. Div. 1. International Exhibition, 1871. [London.! fol. (10740) London International Exhibition, 1872. The Key. A programme and record, etc. [No. 24-48. May-October], 1872. [London,! 1872. 4. (32234) _ See ART JOURNAL. The " Art Journal " Cata- logue of the International Exhibition. Div. 2. International Exhibition, 1872. [London.! fol. ( 10740 J London International Exhibition, 1873. The Key. A programme and record, etc. [No. 49-77. April-October,] 1873. [London!, 1873 4. (32235) 436 LOND] [LOOT London International Exhibition, 1873 ''int. Victorian Committion. The Victorian Exhibition, 1872-73. Official Catalogue of exhibits. Melbourne, 1872. son. 8. 212 pp. (32197) London International Exhibition, 1874. The Key. A programme and record etc. [No. j 78-107. April-October,] 1874. [London], 1874. 4. (32236) See SITGES, J. B. Observaciones acerca de la | riqueza alcoholiea do los Vinos Esp.lnoles pre- soutados en la Expos. Intern, celebradet en L6n- dres . . . en 1874. 1875. 16. (18259) London International Fire Exhibition, 1903. See BRITISH FIRE PREVENTION COMMITTEE. A record of the International Fire Exhibition. Lon- don, 1903 . . . by E. O. Sachs. [1903.] 8. (30213) London International Health Exhibition, 1884. . S SANITARY RECORD. The Exhibition Record. A descriptive account of the principal exhibits at the International Health Exhibition, 1884. 1885. 8. (37931) See SOCIETY OP ARTS. Report of Conference on Water Supply held at the International Health Exhibition, July, 1884. 8. (7564) London International Tramways and Lipht Railways Exhibition, 1900. Official Catalogue. London, 1900. 8. 174 pp. (26983) London Royal Naval Exhibition, 1891. Official Catalogue and Guide. 5th ed. London. 1891. 8. 602pp. (32180) London Society of Cabinet Makers. The Cabinet-makers' London book of Prices, and designs of Cabinet work. 2nd ed. London, 1793. 4. 282pp. 24 tables and 29 pi. (34396) London (Watford) Spring- Water Com- pany. See HOMERSHAM, S. C. London (Watford) Spring Water Co. Report to the directors. 1850. 8 (33505) See HOMERSHAM, S. C. Review of the Report by the General Board of Health on the supply of water to the Metropolis ; . . . Report to the directors of the London (Watford) Spring Water Co. 1850. 8. (33504) Iiones, Thos. E. A history of Mining in the Black Country. Ex : " Dudley Herald." Dudley, 1898. sm. 8. ; 134pp. (26249) Long-, James. ' Poultry for prizes and profit. New ed., by W. M. Elkington. London, 1909. sm. 8. 200 pp. 1 pi. (37945) Long 1 . John Harper. See LANDOLT, H. H. The optical rotating power of organic substances. 2nd ed. [1898.] Trsl. J. H. L. 1902. 8. (28674) Long:, John Harper cunt. Investigations on the effects of Sodium Benzo.ite on the health and general metabolism of mun. 1909. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Report No. 88. Toe influence of Sodium Benzoate on the nutrition and health of man. pp. 293-564. 8. (38661) Longfellow, Wm. P. P. The Column and the Arch. Essays on archi- tectural history. London. 1899. 8. 308 pp. 16 pi. (26437) Long-maid, Wm. W. L.'s Patent, for improvements in treating ores and other minerals, and . . applicable to the manufacture of alkali, etc. [3 Reports.] [Ply- mouth, 1845.] 8. 16 pp. 1 table. (38741) Longrmulr, John. See JAMIESON, J. An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language. New ed. by J. L., etc. 1879-87. 5vols. fol. (22503) Longrmuir, Percy. See McWiLLiAM, A., and LONGMUIR, P. General Foundry practice. 1907. 8. (35002) Long-ridge, Cecil Clement, Capt. A Glossary of Mining Terms. With illustra- tions and Geological map signs. London, 1897. obi. 8. 98 pp. (30282) Gold Dredging. London, 1905. 8. 194 pp. 42 pi. (31359) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1907. 8 352 pp. 87 pi. (34955) Hydraulic Mining. London, 1899-1901. 4 vols. 8. (25904) The same. 3rd ed. Part 3, Reservoirs, etc. London, 1902. 8. 130 pp. 16 pi. (28878) Oil motor cars of 1902. Ex : " Proc. Inst. Mech. Engineers." 1902. pp. 661-903. 3 pi. London, 1902. 8. (29527) A precis of Lead Smelting. London, 1901. 8. 36pp. (27651) Long-ridg-e, James Atkinson. Modern gun construction. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS : Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 239-274. 8. (24918) Xioomls, Elias. > The Aurora Borealis, or polar light. 1865. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1865. pp. 208 248. B 13 S : 847. Loomls, H. M. Report on Colors : the solubility and extraction of colors, etc. [Colouring-matter for foods.] 1907. 52 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTDRE : Bureau of Chemistry. Circular 35. J 29 C : a. Loos, Victor. See TECHNISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Hreg. V. L. 1901-06. E 20: 897. Looser, Robert Frederick. See PUNGA, F. Single - phase commutator motors. From the German by R. F. L. 1906. 8. (33689) Lootens, Ch. Recherches experimental sur la formation du Son dans les instruments a boucbe de Flute. Ex : '' Revue des questions scientifiques." 1898. Paris, 1898. 8. 76 pp. (28502) 437 LOPE] [LORE Lopez cle Roda, Manuel. - Alcantarillas. For J. Vilarrasa y Fournier, y M. L. de B. 1895. 36 pp. 1 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 4a e"poca. Tomo 12. F 96 : 846. Xiopez G-arvayo, Francisco. Ametralladoras. Descripcion y uso de los sistemas mas empleados. 1883. 124 pp. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 2a 6poca. Tomo 38. F 96 : 846. - Aplicaciones militares de la Luz Electrica. Aparatoa de proyeccion. 1883. 52 pp. Ibid. 2a e"ooca. Tomo 38. F 96 : 846. - Cupulas, casamatas y escndos metalicos. 1885. 128 pp. Ibid. 3a epoca. Tomo 2. F 96 : 846. 2a ed. Madrid, 1882. Xiopez y Camunas, - Diamante del Vinicultor. 8. 532pp. 3 pi. (32220) Loppg, Francois. - Sur les Accumulateura Electriques. 1 900. See SOCIETE INDUSTR. DE L'EST. Bulletin. Fasc. unique, pp. 185-205. , 1899-1900. 8. B77Es: - Les Accumulatenrs Electriques. 2e <5d. (Encyclo- pedie Scientifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1901]. sm. 8. 200 pp. (27899) - Formnles et Tables pour le calcul des Conduc- teurs Ae"riens. Paris, 1902. 8. 104 pp. (29076) - - and Bouquet, B. P. -- Alternate Currents in French by F. J. Moffett. practice. From the (Specialists' Series.) London, 1898. sm. 8. 386 pp. (16648) Iioquct, Chas. See SOCIETE LIBRE D'EMULATION . . . DE LA SEINE - INFSRIEURE. Essai sur la Serrurerie a travers les ages. [Par C. L., etc.! 1908. 8. (37160) Ziorck, Therese. See MANGOR, A. M. Das Einmachen von Friichte und Gemiisen. Nach den 33. Aufl. der diinischen ubersetzt, etc., von T. L. 1906. sm. 8. (32723) Xiord, Edwin C. E. Examination and classification of Bocks for Boad building. 1907. 30 pp. 10 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Office of Public Roads. Bulletin 31. J 29 B : Lord, Geo. VV. Essays upon Boiler Incrustation and Corrosion, Boiler explosions, and the history of natural water contamination. [Philadelphia, 1898.] 8. 78 pp. (26512) Lord. Jobn. Memoir of John Kay, of Bury. Rochdale, 1903. sm. 8. 180 pp. 3 pi. portr. (30738) Lord, John P. The dangers of Sludge. London, 1907. 8. 12 pp. (33962) Liquid Sewage. Its dangers and disposal. [London, 1907.] 8. 10pp. (33960) Sewer gas and Sanitation. The dangerous side of the gaseous constituents of sewerage. [London, 1907.] 8. 10pp. (33961) Lord. Nathaniel Wright. Experimental work conducted in the Laboratory of the United States Fuel-testing Plant at St. Louis, Mo., Jan., 1905-July, 1906. 1907. 50 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 323. G 30 : 883. Lord, Nathaniel Wright cent. Notes on Metallurgical Analysis. 2nd ed. Columbus, Ohio, 1903. 8. 228 pp. (30727) Lord, Bichard Thos. Decorative and fancy textile fabrics. London. 1898. 8. 208pp. (27053) Lordier, Chas. -. See COLOMER, F., and LORDIEH, C. Combus- tibles industries. 1903. 8. (29547) Loreu, Leonor, F. Track. 1894. See WISCONSIN (Univ.). Bulletin. Engineering Series. Vol.1, pp. 1-24. E 12 Wi : Zioreln, B. A. TraitiS de la preparation des Substances Alimen- taires. lere partie. La cuisine proprement dite, la charcuterie, la patisserie, les cremes, les gelees, les compotes, etc. Paris, 1830. 8. 484pp. 4 pi. (34324) Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon. La theorie 61ectromagn6tique de Maxwell et son application aux corps monvants. Ex : " Archives Nderlandaises." Tome 25. 1892. pp. 363-552. 8. (28682) The theory of Electrons and its applications to the phenomena of Light and radiant Heat. Lectures delivered in Columbia University . . . 1906. Leipzig, 1909. 8. 332 pp. (38773) Lorenz, Hans. Die Aenderung der Umlaufzabl und des Wirk- ungsgrades von Schiffschrauben mit der Fahrgesch- windigkeit. 1907-09. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieur- wesens. Heft 40, pp. 51-62 ; Heft 71, pp. 37-48. E 13/857b. Lehrbuch der technischen Physik. Miinchen, 1902-04. 2vols. 8. (29129) Neue Theorie und Berechnung der Kreiselr/ider. Wasser- und Dampfturbinen, Schleuderpumpen und -Geblase, Turbokompressoren, Schraubenge- blase und Scbiffspropeller. Miinchen, 1906. 8. 158 pp. (33895) Neuere Kuhlmaschine, ihre Konstruktion r Wirkungsweise und industrielle Verweudung. Miinchen, 1896. sm. 8. 228 pp. (1754) The same. 2te Aufl. Miinchen, 1899. 8. 326 pp. (26498) Modern Eefrigerating Machinery, etc. From the 3rd German ed., by T. H. Pope. With chapters on American practice, etc., by H. M. Haven and F. W. Dean. New York, 1905. 8. 406 pp. (31911) Die spezifische Warme des uberhitzten Wasser- dampfes. 1905. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGE- KIEUKE. Mittheilnngen a. d. G. des Ingenieur- wesens. Heft 21. pp. 93-103. E 13/857b. ' Theorie und Berechnung der Schiffspropeller. 1906. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 7. pp. 367-390. F 81 : 900. Vergleichsversuche an Schifischranben. 1907. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilun- gen a. d. G. des Ingenienrwesens. Heft 40. pp. 41- 50. E 13/857b. Lorenz, Henry Win. Frederick. See LOB, W. Electrolysis, etc., of Organic compounds. Trsl. H. W. F. L. 1898, etc. 438 LORE] [LOUI Xiorenz, Richard, Prof, in Zurich. See ZEITSCHRIFT F(JK ANORGANISCHE CUEMIE. Hri?. B. L., 1895-98 ; E. L., etc., 1899-1903 ; B. L., 1904 ; G. Tnmmann und B. L., 1904. etc. K 7 : 892. Elektrochemisches Praktikutn. sm. 8. 248 pp. (27927) - Die Elektrolyse geschmolzener Salze. Theil 1-3. 1905-06. See MONOGRAPHIEN CBEB ANQE- WANDTE ELEKTROCUEMIE. Band 20-22. D 58 : 902. Xiorenzi, Oirolamo. II Carroccio, sna oritriue e vario uao nel medio evo. Milano, 1876. 16. 28 pp. 1 pi. (34643) Xiorenzini, Carlo. Memoir on the manufactory of Porcelain at D.iccia, Tuscany. London. 1862. 8. 28 pp. (36426) Xiorey. Fritz. Wasserleitungs- und Kanalbriicken. 1899. See HANDBUCH. Handbuch der Ingenienrwissen- schaften. 3te Anfl. Band 2. Abt. 1. pp. 446- 70. 1 pi. 8. (27558) Ziorllleuz, Chas., et Cie. Trait^ de Lithographie. Histoire, thdorie, pratique. [Paris'], 1889. 8. 380 pp. 3 portr. (35418) Xiorini, Buonainto. Le Fortificitioni . . . Amplrate . . . con I'ajjgiunta del sesto libro. Veneiia, 1609. fol. 316pp. (26206) Ziorlot, Antoine Joseph. . M^moire sur une de'couverte dans 1'art de B&tir. La mi'thode de composer nn ciment on mortier propre a une infinite d'onvrages, tant pour la con- struction que pour la decoration. Paris, 1774. sm. 8. 54 pp. (34225) See INSTRUCTIONS sur la nouvelle methode de pre'parer le Mortier-Loriot. 1775. sm. 8. (34214) Xioriquet. Chap. Les Tapisseries de Notre-Dame de Reims etc Reims, 1876. sm. 8. 284 pp. (36062) Xiormois, de. L'art de faire 1'Indienne ft 1'instar d'Angleterre, et de composer toutes les Coulcurs, bon teint, propres a 1'indienne. Suite de "Nouvean tein- turier parfait." Paris. 1770. 12. 118 PD (33282) Ziorrain de Vallemont, Pierre de, Abbe. Curiositez de la Nature et de I' Art sur la vegdta- tion, ou 1' Agriculture, et le jardinage dans lenr perfection. Paris, 1705. 12. 744 pp. 13 D l (25844) Lortet, Louis, and Crenoud, . Notice sur 1'appareil phototberapique de MM. Lortet et Genoad. \_Lyon. 1901 ?1 8. 8 pp 1 pi (14298) Xioss, Henrik V. The flow of Steel. 1901. 10pp. See FBANKLIN INSTITUTE. Reprints. [Vol. 3.] B 62 : 886. The Pressing of Steel ; with special reference to economy in transportation. 1899. 22 pp Ibid [Vol. 3.] B 62 : 886. Xiossicr, L. Etude sur la th<>orie du Rlglagc, d'apri-s le miSmoire de mfme titre de J. Grossmann. Art. 1-12. Ex : "Journal Suisse d'Horlogerie," 1887-88. 8. 12Nos. (32361) For continuation >ee " Journal Suiste d'Horlogorie." Annde 13-1 1. tot, Dept. of the: Cliambre de Commerce. Amunagement du Lot. Emploi des forces hydrauliques pour la navigation. 1'industrie et 1'agriculture par I'electricite 1 . Rapport . . . par T. L. Autesserre. Suivi d'un rapport sur la navigation dn Lot par [ Berget]. Cahore. 1901. fol. 46pp. 5 pi. (28320) Ziottermoaer, Alfred. tiber anorganische Colloide. 1901. See SAMM- LUNO CHEMISCHEK UND CHEHISCH - TECHNIBCHER VORTRAGE. Band 6. pp. 161-240. K 1 : 896. Xiouandre, Chas. Leopold. See MONTEIL, A. A. Histoire de 1'Industrie Fran9aise, etc. Introduction, Supplement, etc., par C. [L.] L. 1872. 2 vols. 12. (37798) Xioubat, Jean, and Weill, L. Manuel pratique de Polissage et de Nickelage. Paris, 1898. sm. 8. 234 pp. (25379) Xioudon, Jane (Mrs. John Claudius L.). See LOUDON, J. C. An encyclopedia of Cottage . . . Architecture, etc. New ed.. by Mrs. London. 1846. 8. (37505) Zioudon, John Claudius, F.L.S. An account of the Paper Roofs used at Tew Lodge, Oxoo. London, 1811. 8. 14 pp. 1 pi. (10376) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1811. 8. 12 pp. IpJ. (35833) An Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture. Newed. London, 1839. 8. 1158pp. (895) The same. New ed., by Mrs. London. London, 1846. 8. 1342pp. (37505) Reprint of 1833, ed. with Supt., pp. 1126-1296. On the laying out, planting, and managing of cemeteries ; and on the improvement of church- yards. With 60 engravings. London, 1843. 8. 128pp. 3 pi. (33430) Zioug-hlln, Gerald Francis. The Clays and Clay industries of Connecticut. 1905. 122 pp. 15 pi. See CONNECTICUT (State) : Geological Survey. Bulletin 4. G 30 Con : Xiougrhridg-e, Robert Hills. Distribution of water in the soil in furrow Irrigation. 1908. '64 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 203. J 29 : 889. Ziouls, Andn'. La Cuisine des malades et des convalescents, recettes culinaires et cooseils hygioniques. Paris, [1894]. sm. 8. 282pp. (38044) Xionia, Henry. See SCHMEISSER, K., and VOGELSANG, K. The Gold-fields of Australasia. Trel. H. L. 1898. 8. (25829) See SCHNABEL, C. Handbook of Metallurgy. Trsl. H. L. [Ed. 1, etc.]. 1898, etc. 439 LOUI] [LOWE Louis, Henry cont. The dressing of Minerals. London, 1909. 8. 556pp. 19 pi. (38464) A handbook of Gold Milling. London, 1894. Bm. 8. 518pp. 3 pi. (23682) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1899. sm. 8. 608 pp. 4 pi. (26454) The production of Tin. Ex: " Mining Journal." London, [1900]. sm. 8. 40 pp. 1 pi. (28580) Louisiana, (State) : Geological Survey. See LOUISIANA (State) : Geology and Agriculture. G30L: Geology and Agriculture. Preliminary report 1-5 [1892-99] ; Special report 6, 1902, etc. Baton Rouge. 8. G 30 L : Editors : Under the direction of the State Experiment Station, O. Lerch, 1892-93 ; W. W. Clendenin. 1896-98?; G. D. Han-is and A. C. Veatoh, 1899 ; G. D. H., etc,, 1900, etc. Bulletin 1, etc. Baton Rouge, 1905, etc. 8. G 30 L : a. Publication : Under the direction of the State Ex- periment Station. Louisiana Engineering: Society. See ASSO- CIATION OP ENGINEERING SOCIETIES. Journal. 1899, etc. E 12: 881. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. See ST. Louis INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. Zioup, Michel. Solution du probleme de la Locomotion Aerienne. Paris, 1853. sm. 8. 80 pp. 3 pi. (34136) Louvel, A., M.I). Conservation des Grains an moyen du vide. Paris, 1863. 8. 32 pp. 1 pi. (34325) Systems de la conservation des Grains, Graines et Farines au moyen du vide. Saint-Denis, 1867. 8. 60pp. (34326) Systime de la conservation des Grains, Graines et Farines au moyen du vide. Saint-Denis, 1870. 8. 172 pp. 1 pi. (34327) Xiov, Adolph. Die Losung der Ranch- und Russfrage durch 'eine nene Theorie der Ranch verbrennung. Berlin, 1899. sm. 8. 36 pp. (26539) Love, Henry Davison. See MADRAS : Civil Engineering College. Build- ing materials and Construction . . . 3rd ed. by H. D. L. 1904. obi. 4. (31841) Iiovegrove, Edwin James. Attrition tests of Road-making Stones. With petrological descriptions by J. S. Flett and J. A. Howe. London, [1906]. 4. 100 pp. (33149) Lovell, Geo., Inspector of Small-arms. Suggestions for the cleaning and management of Percussion Arms. London, 1842. sm. 8. 32pp. (36598) Novell, Wm. H. The Plane Table and its use in Surveying. New York, 1908. sm. 8. 54 pp. I pi. (37200) Xiovendal, A. S. Dictionnaire technique Francais-Anglais des Outils et Ustensiles employes dans les me'tiers manuels, la petite Industrie, le manage, etc. Paris, [1899]. sm. 8. 166pp. (26261) Xioverdo, Jean de, Engineer. Les Abattoirs Publics. Vol. 1. Construction et agencement des abattoirs. Par J. de L. Vol. 2. Inspection et administration des abattoirs. Par H. Martel, etc. Paris, 1906. 2 vols. 8. (32979) Le Froid artificial et ses applications indus- trielles, commerciales et agricoles. Paris, 1003. 8. 660 pp. (30153) Les nouvelles applications du Froid etl'iudustrie de la Viande. 1907. See Socifrri INDUSTRIELLE DE L'EsT. Bulletin 55. pp. 5-21. B77Es: Low, Albert Howard. - Technical methods of Ore Analysis. New York, 1906. 8. 290pp. (33121) Xiow, David. Elements of practical Agriculture. 3rd ed. London, 1840. 8. 738 pp. (31419) Low, Frederick R. The Compound Engine. Ex : " Power." New York, 1900. 8. 52 pp. (27432) Condensers. (Ibid.) New York, 1900. 8 3 . 80 pp. (27209) Low, Geo. Description of a Rock-Boring Machine. Ex : " Proc. Inst. Mech. Engineers," 1865. pp. 179-200. 11 pi. (38742) MS. note prefixed. 3 pp. Low, Robert Bruce, M.D. See LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. Dr. R. B. L.'s Report ... on the arrangements made in Germany for the isolation of small-pox cases. 1904. fol. (30535) Low, Wm. Cheruin de fer sous-marin entre la France et 1'Angleterre. Ventilation. London, 1873. 8. 14pp. (33315) Low, Wm., Gardener, Table Decoration. London, 1887. 8. 48 pp. 19 pi. (36118) Loire, Edward Joseph. See MAGAZINE OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Ed. E. J. L. 1856. 8. D 34 : 856. Lowe, Houston. Hints on painting structural steel, and notes on prominent paint materials. Dayton, Ohio, 1900. sm. 8. 28 pp. (26993) Lowe, James. [Statement of J. L. relative to an agreement with J. J. Oddy Taylor respecting L.'s screw pro- peller (Letters Patent No. 7599 of 1838), and copy of the agreement (MS. 3 11.). With excerpt from the " Nautical Magazine," May, 1908, containing a reproduction of the MSS., and notes on the Inven- tion by Rhys Jenkins.] [London.] 8. (37328) Lowe, Joseph. Copyright. Ex : " Encyclopedia Brittanica, ' [1838.] See NICKLIN, P. H. Remarks on Literary Property, pp. 98-144. 12. (8126) Lowe, Solomon. See GREY, R. Memoria technica . . . Sub- joined Lowe's Mnemonics delineated. 1836, etc. Lowe v. Penn. [Action for infringement of Letters Patent, No. 7599 of 1838 for Screw Pro- pellers.] (Reprint.) [London, 1845.] 8. 48pp. (31655) 440 LOWN] [LUDW Xiowndos, Francis. Observations on Electricity . . pointing out a new . . . methoJ of applying this remedy by electric vibrations. London, 1787. 8. 52pp. (35839) toy son, .Tules-Tlit' xlosc, Al)bi. Les Cristalleries de Baccarat. Ex : " Corro- spondant." Paris, 1866. 8'. 40 pp. (33316) liozg, Ed. Les (Jharbons Amdricains, production et prix, havage et roulage me'caniques. 2e 6d. Paris, 19U2. 8. 150pp. 8 pi. (29077) Les Mines et la Mdtallurgie ;'i 1'Exposition da Nord de la Franco (Arras, 1904). Paris, 1905. 8. 416 pp. (31527) Xiucania, Steamship. See ENGINEERING. The Cunard Royal Mail twin-screw steamers "Campinia" and "Lucania," etc. 1893. fol. (8232) X>ucar, Cyprian. See TARTAGLIA, N. Three bookes of Colloquies concerning the arte of Shooting, etc. Trsl. C. L. Also ... a treatise named Lucar Appendix. 1588. fol. (30509) ^ A treatise named Lucarsolace devided into tower books ... in part . . . collected out of diverse authors ... in part devised by C. L. London, Rich. Field for J. Harrison. 1590. 4. 172pp. 3 pi. (30197) Lucas, Alfred. The disintegration of Building Stones in Egypt. 1902. 18 pp. See EGYPT : Geological Survey. Report [12]. G 31 : 900. A preliminary investigation of the soil and water of the Fayum Province. 1902. 18 pp. Ibid. Report [11]. G 31 : 900. A report on tne soil and water of the Wadi Tumiiat lands under reclamation. 1903. 26 pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Report [13]. G 31 : 900. Lucas, Andre, M.D. See LUCAS, F., and A. Klectricitu me'dicale. 1900. 12. (26908) Xiucas, Edward Wm. Practical Pharmacy . . , With a chapter on the analysis of Urine. London, 1898. 8. 544pp. (25628) Lucas, Ft'-lix, and A. Electricite Me'dicale. Pan*, 1900. 12. 406 pp. (26908) Lucas, Frederick. English- French and French-English dictionary of the Motor Car, Cycle, and Boat. London, 190o. sm. 8. 172pp. (31912) Lucas, J. L. Dies and Die-making. [Providence, 5.7.], 1897. 8. 98pp. (18878) Lucas, Richard. Bibliographie der radioaktiven Stoffe. Hamburg, 1908. 8. 92pp. (37201) Lucciardi, J. S. Notes sur divers Instruments de Pesage. (Snp- pk'ment au " Traitd de la Balance.") Annecy, 1906. 8. 132 pp. (33896) ZiUce, \V. B. Kites and experiments in aerial Photography. Higham Centre, Mass., 1898. 16 D . 32 pp. (26415) 34223 441 Iiucc o Galore. K 43 : 896. See ACETILENE, (L.'). 1897-99. Xiuobalre, Henri. Appareils et precedes d'Kolairago non-61ectrique. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Rap- ports du Jury International. Classe 75. pp. 4;9- 540. (29967) Xiuchard, Edmond. [1.] Machines fixes et demi-fixes. [2.] Petits moteurs industriels r.utres ,que ceux mm par la vapeur. See LACROIX, E. F.tuJ<.>s sur 1'Exposition de 1878. Tome 6. pp. 469-584. (1177) Xiuoion, R. Elektrolytisehe Alkalichloridzerlegung mit fliis- sigen Metallkathoden. 1906. 214 pp. See MONO- GBAPHIEN ODER ANGEWANDTE ELEKTROCHEMIE. Band 23. D 58 : 902. Lucko, Chas. Edward, and Woodward, S. M. Tests of Internal - Combustion Engines of alcohol fuel. 1907. 90 pp. 20 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 191. J 29 : 889. The use of Alcohol and Gasoline in farm engines. 1907. 40 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 277. J29Fa: Luckley, Geo. On the manufacture of Hemp and Wire Ropes. 1864. See ARMSTRONG, W. G., Baron. The indus- trial resources of the Tyne, Wear, and Tees. 2nd ed. pp. 250-263. 8. (13285) Lucy. W., and Co., Ltd., Eagle Ironworks, Oxford. Frahm's Speed Indicator, Frequency Teller, and Revolution counter. [Letters Patent, No. 13,888 of 1901.] [Oxford, 1901 ?] 8. 16 pp. (2691) XiUdewlgr, H., Prof, in Berlin. Allgemeine Theorie der Turbinen. 1889-90. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DBS GEWERB- FLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 68-69. B67P: The same. Another copy. Berlin, 1890. 4. 202pp. (22596) Ludowig-, Julius. Der Ban von Telegraphenlinien. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1870. 8. 344pp. (29411) Iiudwlg-, Anton. See CALVARY AND Co. Fuhrer durch die ges. Calciumcarbid- und Acetylen - Literatnr. Unter Mitwirkung von A. L. 1899. 8. (26929) See VOGEL, J. H. Handbuch fur Acetylen. [Von N. Caro, A. L., etc.] 1904. 8. (30838) See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR CALCIUMCARBID-FABRIKA- TION. 1897-1903. Hrsg. A. L. K 43 : 897. Xiudwigr, Daniel. Opera omnia. 1, de pbarmacia ; 2, de volatili- tate salis - tartari ; 3, de morbis castrensibns et dysenteria ; 4, observationes physico - chimico- medicse, etc. Ed. J. C. Michaelis. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1712. 4. 776 pp. (28138) Xiudwigr, Johann Friedrich Herrmann. See PHARMACEUTIBCHE MONATSBLATTER. Hrsg. L. Bleynnd [J. F.] H. L. 1863-67 ; [J. F.] H. L. 1868-72. K 21 : 822. Iindwlk, C. Schiffs-Hebewerke der Yereinigten Maschinen- Fabriken. Ex : " Technische Blatter," Jahrg. 33. Frag, 1902. 8. 22 pp (28551) 3 K LUDWJ [LUKI Ludwik, Paul. - Die Kegelprobo. Ein neues Verfahren zur Hartebestimmung von Materialien. Berlin. 1908. . 8. 36pp. (36379) - Vergleichende statisohe und djnamische Ketb- biegeproben. Von A. Leon and P. L. 12 pp. 1 pi. See VIENNA : k.Tt. techn. Hochschule. Mit- tf-ilungen aus dem mecb. techn. Laboratorium 6. E 5 : 908. Lubbert, H. O. - Die Einfiihrung von Motor und Sehernetz in die deutsche Segelfiacherei. 1906. 188pp. 16 pi. See DEUTSCHER SEEFISCHEREI-VEREIN. Abhand- lungen. Band 8. H 58/897. Lubke, Wilhelm. - Ueber die alten Glasgemalde der Schweiz. Zurich, 1866. 8. 58 pp. (33612) Ziiiders, Johannes. - Die Verteidigung des Patentes No. 80974 dnrch Prof. A. Riedler und Genossen. Aachen, 1899. 8. 116 pp. (27112) Xiuders, Th. - See HOPPE, O. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Erfindungen. Lief 3. Das Zellenradgeblase, etc. [Eine Erfindnngen von Luders . . . ] 1881. 8. (19561) Xjiidicke, Arthur. - Versuche mit einem Lufthammer. 1901. See VEREIN DEDTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen . d. G. Ingenieurwesens. Heft 2. pp. 66-73. E 13/857b. luegrer, Otto, and Fischer, E. -- Einzelbestandteile der Wasserleitungen. 1908. 546 pp. See SCHMITT, E. Der stadtisahe Tief bau. . Band 2. Abt. 2. 8. (23061) Xiiihmann, 11. - Ueber die Widerstandsfahigkeit anf Druck beanspruchter eiserner Baukonstruktionstheile bei erhohter Temperatur. Von M. Moller und R. L. 1887. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERB- FLEISSES. Verhaudlungen. Jahrg. 66. pp. 571- 636 ; 701-795. 5 pi. B 67 P : Xiiipke, Robert Theodor Wilhelm. - Grundziige der Elektrochemie auf experimen- tellen Basis. 2teAnB. Berlin, 1896. 8. 198pp. (25145) - - The same. 3te Aufl. Berlin. 1899. 8. 298pp. (26364) - The elements of Electro-chemistry treated experimentally. From the 2nd [German] ed., by M.M.P.Muir. London, 1897. 8*. 240pp. (3399) - The same. 2nd ed., from the 4th German ed.. by M. M. P. Muir. London. 1903. 8. 272 pp. (30453) Xiuppo-Cramer, . - Kolloidcbemie und Photographie. Dresden, 1908. 8. 162pp. 2 pi. (37271) : - Photographische Probleme. (Encyklopiidie der . Photographie.) Halle a. S.. 1907. 8. 226 pp. (35388) . J., Capt. Instruction pour le Micrometre Lugeol, con- struit par Oolombi ... a Brest. Brest, 1849. 8. 14pp. 2 pi. (35509) Otto. Butterflies and Moths injurious to our fruit pro- ducing plants. 1899. See MINNESOTA (Univ.) : Agric. Expt. Station. Keport, etc. 1898-99. pp. 55-320. 24 pi. JSOMin: Insects injurious in 1895. Ibid. Report, etc. 1895. pp. 97-243. 16 pi. J 30 Min : Insects injurious in 1896. Ibid. Report, etc. 1896. pp. 31-71. J 30 Min : The Orthoptera of Minnesota. 1897-98. Ibid. Report, etc. 1897-98. pp. 91-375. J 30 Min : Xmhmann, E. See MEITZ, 0. Die Fabrikation der moussiren- den Getriinke. 3te Aufl. von E. L. 1897. sm. 8. (25790) Die Fabrikation der fliUsigen Kohlensaure. Berlin, 1904. sm. 8. 208pp. (31175) Die Industrie der alkoholfreien Getriinke. (Chemiach - technitche Bibliothek.) Wien, 1905. sm. 8.. 378pp. (31131) Die Industrie der verdichteten und verfliisaigten Gase. (Ibid.) Wien. 1904. sm. 8. 328 pp. (30495) Die Rohlensiinre. Ein ausf uhrliche Darstellung der Eigenschaf ten, des Verkommens, der Herstel- lung und der techmschen Verwendung dieser Sub- stanz. (Ibid.) JPzen, 1885. sm. 8 Q . 256pp. (9347) The same. 2te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, [1906]. sm. 8. 330 pp. (32347) Xiuigrgi, Luis. Docks. 1902. 10 pp. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. Question 3 [19]. F 43 : 888. Moyens employe's en Italie pour 1'etanchement des Canauz. Par G. Bompiani et L. L. 1892. 18 pp. Ibid. 5e Congres. Question 3 [7], F 43 : 888. Recent Breakwaters and Sea Defences in Italy. 1893. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DES TRAVADX MARITIMES, 1893. Sect. 1. Paper 2. pp. 16-30. 5 pi. table. F 40 : 889. Xiuiken, (Jan). See AFBEELDING der menschelyke bezigheden, etc. [1725.] 4. 100 pi. (6999) Xiuiken, Rasper. See WEIGEL, C. Abbildung der gemein-niitz- lichen Hauptstande von denen Regenten. etc. 1698. 4. [pi. engraved from the designs of K. L., etc.] (36957) Lukasiewicz, Gregor. See NEUMANN, F. Die Metalldreherei. 5ta Aufl. vonG. L. 1906. 8. (32430) Das Berechnen und Schneiden der Gewinde. 2te Aufl. Weimar, 1897. 8. 100 pp. (11933) The same. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1904. 8. 96 pp. (33216) Xiukin, James, Rev. See AMONGST Machines. By the author of " The Young Mechanic " [i.e., Rev. J. L]. 1876, etc. See YOUNG. The Young Mechanic. [By the Rev.J. L.] 1871. sm. 8. (37722) Xiukin, Lionel. The invention, principles of construction, and uses of unimmergible boats. [Letters Patent No. 1502 of 1785.] London, 1806. 8. 36 pp. 1 pi. (38045) 442 LULL] [LUNG Ziallln, Chas. - Des Associations rurales pour la fabrication du lait, connues en Suisse sous la nom de fr'ruitii N res. Paris, 1811. 8. 124 pp. 1 pi. (35203) August. - See SociETi 1 : ANONYME . . .A. LUMIERE ET FILS. Description of the Ciuematographe of A. and L. L. 1897. 8\ (25739) Lumierc, Louis. - Sec Socifcrfc ANONYME . . . A. LUMIEREET FILS. Description of the Cinematographe of A. andL. L. 1897. 8, (25739) Lumiuro Eloctriquo. 1879-84 ; 1894, etc. Paris, 1879. etc. 4. D 51 : 879. Publication : Weekly. Imlcxa: 1879-83;. 1894-1900. Title varied : " Eclairage electrique," 1897-1907 ; " Lumiere plectrique " 2e sdrie. 1908, etc. History : Publication suspended, 1880-93. Ziummer. Otto Richard. - See MOLLER-PouiLLET. Lehrbuch dcr Pbysik und Meteorologie. 9te Anfl. Band 3. Abt. 1. [Optik]. Unter Mitwirkung von O. [R.] L. 1897. 8. (20901) - Contributions to Photographic Optics. Trsl. 8. P. Thompson. London, 1900. 8 . 144 pp. (27511) - Observations on Vision in brightness, and in obscurity, with a hypothesis on the cause of Color- blindness. Ex : " Verbandluogen der Deut. Phy- sikal. Gesellschaft." 1904. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Report 1904. pp. 249-258. B 13 : 847. - Die Ziele der Leuchttechnik. Miinchen, 1903. 8. 112pp. (30220) - and Prlngshelm, E. -- A determination of the ratio (x) of tha Specific Heats at constant pressure and at constant volume for air, oxygen, carbon-dioxide, and hydro- gen. 1898. pp. 30. See. SMITHSONIAN CONTKIBU- TIOSS TO KNOWLEDGE. Vol. 29. B 13 S : 851. Xiuna, Gilberto, Major, Mexican Army. - A short comparative study of the mati'riel of the regulation Mountain Artillery and that proposed by Maj. M. Mondragou. Trsl. G. P. Cotton and W. F. Hancock. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNET. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. P. Military En- gineering. pp. 895r935. 4 pi. 8. (24918) Xiunardl, Vincenzo. - Account of his ascension and aerial Voyage, from the New Fort, Liverpool . . . 20th July, 1785. [Liverpool, 1785.] 8. 40 pp. (32638) ' Luna y Orfila. Josr de. - Memoria sobre el Abastecimiento de Agua necesaria para las obras del Monte de San Cristobal en Pamplona, por medio de una maquina de vapor. 1880. 68 pp. 2 pi. See MEMORIAL DE IXGENI- EROS. 2a e"poca. Tomo 35. F 96 : 846. - Noticia tobre una maqnina trituradora. 1885. 3C pp. Ibid. 1 pi. 3a 6poca. Tomo 2. F 96 : 846. Lund, Percy. - See PRACTICAL PHOTOGRAPHER, (The), etc. Ed. P. L. 1898-1903. A 11 : 890. Ziunden, Harald. - Afflnitatsmessurjgen an schwachen Sauren und Baser. .1908. See SAMMLONG CBEM. UND CUE.M.- TECHN. VOKTRAGE. JBand 14. pp. 1-110. K 1 : 896 34222 Ziunel, Adolphe Beaestor. See DCSSAUCK, H. A practical guido for the perfumer. From notes, etc., of Dabay, L., etc. 1868. 12. (29242) Xiungre. Ernest, Bar.-ai-Law, and Dukea, B. Patents and Designs. Mr. Lloyd George's Bill. Critical notes. London, [1907]. 8". 48pp. (33452) Patents and Design*. Mr. Lloyd George's Bill as amended. Critical note?. London, [19071. 8. 84 pp. (34272) Xiungrc, Georg. See WINKLER, C. Handbook of technical Gas analysis. Trsl., with additions, by G. L. 1885, etc- Cbemisch-technische Untersuchungs-methoden. Mit Benutzung der friiheron vou F. Bdckmann bearbeiteten Auflagen. Hrsg. G. L. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1899-1900. 3 vols. 8. (26540) Thesame. 5te Aufl. [Anhang.J Berlin, 1904-05. 3 vols. in four. 8. (31445) Technical methods of Chemical Analysis. From the [2nd] German ed., adapted to English condi- tions ot manufacture, edited bv C. A. Keane. London, 1908, etc. 8. (37538) In progress. Teohno-Chemical Anilysi". Trsl. A. I. Calm. New York, 1905. sm. 8. 142 pp. (31475) Zur Geschicbte der Entstehung und Eatwick- . lung der chemischen Industrien in der fcchweiz. Zurich, 1901. sm. 8. 72pp. (27928). Handbuch der Soda Industrie und ihren Neben- zweige. 1879. 2 vols. See BOLLEY, A. P. Hand- buch der chem. Technologie. Baud 2. Gruppe 1. Lief. 3-5. 8. (16252) The came. 2to Anfl. 1893-96. 3 vols. Hid. NeueFolge. Lief. 7-9. 8. (16252) The same. 3te Aufl. Band 1. 1903, etc. Ibid. Neue Folge. Lief. 12, etc. 8. (16252) A theoretical and practical treatise on the manu- facture of Sulphuric Acid and Alkali, with the collateral branches. London, 1879-81. 3 vols. 8. (1928O) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1891-96. 3 vols. 8. (23152) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1903, etc. 8. (30285) In progress. Fabrication Electrolytiqne de. la sonde, du chlore, dea liqueurs de blanchiment et des chlorates. Trad. Fran^aise, snivie d'une etude sur lesdiff events systemes d'Evaporation par P. Kienlen. Paris, 1898. 8. 198 pp. (20190) A transl. from the 4th Book of the 2nd ed. of Lunge's Sulphuric Acid, etc. Die Industrie des Steinkohlentheers und Am- moniaks. 4te Aufl. von H. Kohler. 1900. See BOLLEY, A. P. Handbuch der chemischen Tech- nologie. Nene Folge. Lief. 10 and 11. 8. (16252) Coal-Tar and Ammonia. Being the 2nd ed. of "A treatise on the distillation of Coal-Tar and Ammoniacal liquor." London, 1887. 8. 756 pp. (21154) The same. 3rd ed. [by G. L. and H. Kohler]. London, 1900. 8. 946 pp. (27512) Researches on Nitrocellulose. Ex : " Journal of the Amer. Chem. Soc.," Aug., 1901. 36 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. WAR DEPT. : Ordnance Bureau. Notes on Ordnance. 81. F 92 : 863c. Xiung-wltz, Ant. See LCNGWITZ, Clemens Anton. 443 3 K 2 LUNG] Xiung'wltz, Clemens Anton. See LEISERING, A. G. T., and HARTMANN, H. A. 10te Aufl " von [a] A " L " - A text-book of Horseshoeing. From the 8th German ed. by J. W. Adams. Philadelphia, 1898. 8. 168 pp. (13141) - The complete guide to Blacksmithing, Horse- shoemsr, Carriage and Wagon Building and Paint- . ing. With chapters on carriage-ironing, etc., by c - P. Adams. Chicago, [1902]. sm. 8? 222 pp. (^ _ ,'_ 1 U 1 - Die Verwendung des Gummi im Hufbeschlage. (Vortriiqe fur Thierdrzte, Serie 3. Heft 8 and 9 ) Jena, 1880. 2 pts. 8. (25923) E, Johann Max. Ubungen am Hufe. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 76 pp. (36686) Xiuug-witz, M. See LUNGWITZ, Jobann M. Xiunn, Francis, Rev., and others. Encyclopedia of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology. Ex : " Encyclopaedia Metropolitana." Vol. 4, pp. 587-762 ; Vol. 6, pp. 465-808. 10 pi . London, [1845]. 4. (38646) Iiunt. Joseph. See CAPE (Observatory). Spectroscopic re- searches. 2. The spectra of silicon, etc., by J. L. 1S06. 4. (33822) Xiupton, Arnold, and others. Electricity as applied to Mining. London, 1903 8. 288pp. 2 tables. (29493) Xiupton, Thos. See THOUSAND. A thousand notable things of snndrie sorts. [By T. L.] 1631, etc. liuquer, Lea Mcllvaine. Minerals _ in Rock sections. The practical methods of identifying Minerals in rock sections with the microscope. New York, 1898. 8. 126pp. (26438) Xiushingrton, P. M. Notes on the Sandal Tree in Southern India. 50 pp. 1900. See INDIAN FORESTER. Vol. 26 Appendix [6]. J 75 : 875. Xiustgrarten, J. See ZEIDLER, J., and LUSTGARTEN, J. Electric arc lamps. 1908. 8. (35668) Iiustremant, . Emploi de 1'eau sous pression. 1898. See SOCIETK DES INGENIEDRS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 267-274 8 (25483) Luthmor, Ferdinand. Gold- und Silberarbeiten Das Buch der Erflndungen, etc. pp. 628-682. 8. (33007) Lutschaunig-, Victor. Lehrbuch der Scbiffbaukunde. Theil 1. Die Theorie des Schiffes. (All publ.) Triest, 1879. 8. 176pp. (25777) XiUtter, Wilhelm. Die Knopffabrikation. (Chemisch - technische Bibliothek.) Wien, [1906]. sm. 8. 248 pp (32573) 1900. See BUCH. 9te Aufl. Band 6 [LYDA XiUtterman, James B. - The Tobacco manufacturer's manual. Edited by li Vesuvian." London, 1887. sm. 8. 176 pp. Lutz, Louis. - Les Microorganismes fixateurs d'Azote (morpho- logic et biologie). Paris, 1904. 8. 188 pp. (o!528) - Proc636s de conservation des Champignons avec leurs conleurs. Ex : " Bulletin de la Soc. Myco- logique de France." Tome 17. fasc. 4. Paris 1901. 8. 6pp. (28371) XiUtz. B. - Zur Regelung von Automobilmaschinen. 1909. 78 pp. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mit- theilungen a. d. G. des Ingenienrwesens. Heft 69. E 13/857b. Iiuuyt, P. - Machines ;\ vapeur, chaudieres, ge"ne"ratenrs, etc. 1868. SM PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 53. Sect. 5 pp. 72-95. 8. (13828) Xiuvini, Giovanni. - Sette studi sopra, (1) lo stato sferoidale ; (2) lo esplosioni delle macchine a vapore ; (3) le trombe ; (4) la grandine : (5) 1'elettricita atmos- ferica ; (6) la rifrazione laterale ; (7) 1'adesione tra solidi e liquidi. (Italian and French.) Torino. 1884. 8. 228pp. (35933) Iiux, Friedrich. - Die Gaswage. Apparat zur automatiscben Bestim- mung der specifischen Gewichts und der Zusam- mensetzung von Gasen. Ludwiqshafen, 1887 8 30pp. (29895) - Neueste Fonnen und Verbesserungen der Lux'- schen Gaswage. [LudwigsUafen, 1888.] 8. 24 pp (29896) Lux, H. - See ZEITSCHRIFT PBR BELEUCHTUNGSWESEN, etc Hrsg. H. L., 1895, etc. K 39/895. Xiuzan y Garcia, Manuel de. - Hospitales militares. Estudio de le construc- cion, etc. 1879. 58 pp. 5 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 2a e"poea. Tomo 34. F 96 : 846. - Un proyecto Italiano de hospital militar. 1885 70 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. 3a e"poca. Tome 2. F 96 : 846. Iiuxmoore, Chas. Mann, D.Sc., F.I.C. - See READING COLLEGE. On the Soils of Dorset Reports 1-3. 1899-1902. By D. A. Gilchrist and C. M. L. Report 4-5, 1903, by J. Percival and C. M. L. J 5 : 894a. Xiuynes, Victor de. - Rapport sar la C^ramique. 1878. 186 pp. See PARK UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jurv Classe 20. 1882. 8. (25811) IiVOff, . - The Engineers' pocket Dictionary, French-Eng- lish. London, [1904]. sm. 8. 80 pp. (32003) tyallpur, Experiment Farm. - See PUNJAB, Govt. of. Annual Report of the Experimental Farm, Lyallpur. 1902, etc. J 12 P : Xiydall, Francis. - See WILSON, traction. 1907. 444 E., and LYDALL, F. 2vols. 8. (35063) Electric LYDE] [MAAS Lydekker. Richard. The Royal Natural History. London, 1893-96- 6 vols. 8. (31278) Lydtln, A., M.D. Die korperliche Entwicklang dor deutschen Hinder. 1904. 184 pp. + 142 pp. (tables). See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCIIAPT : Arbeiten. Heft 90. 8. J 23: 894. Systemo dos Punktierrichtens fiir Hinder und Has System der Deutschen landw. Gesellschaft. 1904. 64 pp. Ibid. Arbeiten. Heft 87. 8. J 23 : 894. and Hermes, A. Der Reinzuchtbegriff und seine Auslegung in dentschen und auslandisohen Ziichtervereinigungen. 1909. 190 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELL- SCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 157. J 23 : 894. and Werner, H. Das deutsche Rind. Beschreibung der in Deatschland heimischen Rinderschl/ige. 1899. 132 + 902 pp. obi. atlas, 41 pi. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCIIAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 41. .J 23 : 894. Lylo-Salnt-lttartln, de. Des avantages d'un Semoir t'conomique, etc. Ex : " Mtfmoires de 1' Acad. de Marseille," tome 12. 1814. pp. 36-64. 1 pi. 8. (34576) Lyndon, Lamar. Storage Battery Engineering. New York, 1903. 8. 390pp. 4 pi. (30251) Xiynn, Wm. See MILLER, T. W., and TAPLIN, R. Copy of the Report ... by Messrs. Taplin and Lynn, on the properties of Welsh steam coal . . . 1859. 8. (37237) Lyon, Gustave Frantz. See PLEYEL, WOLFF, ET CIE. La nonvelle Harpe cliromatique sans p6dales (Systeme G. Lyon). [1897.] 8. (25555) Lyon, L. Franklin and Fonics. [Chronology of phonetic spelling, 1225-1876.] Rlngoi, N.J., 1899. sq. 8. 12pp. (35419) Lyon, P., Gardener. Observations on the barrenness of frnit trees, and the means of prevention and cure. Edinburgh, 1813. 8. 80 pp. 1 pi. (36210) A treatise on the physiology and pathology of Trees ; with observations on the barrenness and canker of Fruit-trees, the means of prevention and cure. Edinburgh, 1816. 8. 182 pp. 1 pi. (25344) Lyon, Tbos. Lyttleton. Improving the quality of wheat. 1905. 120 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 78. J 29 PI : and Hitchcock, A. S. Pasture, Meadow, and Forage Crops in Nebraska. 1904. 62 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL- TURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 59. J 29 PI : and Montgomery, E. G. Examining and grading Grains. [Lincoln, JVe6.].1904. 8. 64pp. (31656) The same. [New ed.] Boston, [1907J. sm. 8. 108pp. (34990) Lyonrrriin, Arnold. Vorbilder fiir KuiHtverglasungen im Style der Neuzeit Serie 1 [-Serie 2]. Berlin, [1900]. 2 pts. fol. (27398) Lyons, Cltambre de Commerce. Notice sur le Laboratoire d'etudes de la soie : Travaux, collections, documents. Lyon, 1894. 8. 54 pp. 21 pi. (35COO) Rapport . . . sur de nouvelles races de vers il soie dn Mftrier, par E. Maillot. Lyon, 1888. 8. 54pp. (35601) Laboratoire d' Etudes de la Soie. Rapports. Vol. 1. 1884, etc. Lyon, 1885, etc. 8. J 29/884. Lyons, Albert Brown, M.D. Plant Names, scientific and popular. 2nd ed. Detroit, 1907. 8. 630 pp. (36993) Lyons, Timothy Augustine. A treatise on Electromagnetic Phenomena, and on the Compass and its deviation aboard ship. New York, 1901-03. 2 vols. 8. (30186) Xiyater, Anthony G. Travaux rdcemment execute's et en projet au port de Liverpool. 1900. 12 pp. 2 pi. See CON- ORES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTKRIEURE. 8e Congres. Question 7. [37.] F 43 : 888. M. M., [i.e., F. Mairet]. Notice BUT la Lithographic. Dijon, Mairet, 1818. 12. 64pp. 5 pi. (38046) M. , pseud. See ANECDOTES. Anecdotes des Beaux-Arts. Par M. *. 1776-80. 3 TO!S. sm. 8. (5258) M. , J., Capt. of Artillery. Chimie conside're'e dans ses rapports avec 1'artil- lerie. Paris, U. Canel, 1825. 8, 36 pp. (36743) BK., R. L. V., [i.e., Robert Lord Viscount Molesicortk}. Some considerations for the promoting of Agri- culture, and employing the poor. Dublin, 1723. sm. 4. 44pp. (30511) M. y B., J. Datos Eobre almacenes para polvoras, explosives y municiones de guerra. 19CO. 252 pp. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 4a poca. Tomo 17. 8. F 96: 846. Maandblad voor toegrepaste Schelkunde. See TOEGEPASTE SCHEIKUNDE. 1870-88. K 30: 865. Maass, Otto. See OESTERREICHISCU - UNQARISCHE MOLLER, (Der). Hreg. O. M. 1884-Feb., 1896. J 96/884. AXaasB, Rudolf. See OESTERREICHISCH - UNGARISCHE MOLLEK, (Der). Hrsg. B. M. Marz, -1896, etc. J 96/884. 445 MACA] [MACC Macadam, Stevenson John Chas. Geo. Practical Chemistry. 3rd ed. London, 1869. sm. 8. 160 pp. (32936) Me Adic, Alexander Geo. Protection from Lightning. 1894. 22 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. WEATHER BUREAU. Circulars o Informa- tion. [1.] D 34 : 892b. and Henry, A. J. Lightning and the Electricity of the Air. 1899. 74 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 197. D 39 : 892a. BEc Alpine, Daniel, F.C.S. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Additions . to the Fungi on the vine in Australia. By D. M., etc. [189 ?] 8. (13989) Fungus diseases of stone-fruit trees in Australia. ByD. M. 1902. 8. (29292) Black spot of the Apple ; together with spraying for fungus diseases', 1902. 30 pp, 11 pi. See VIC- TORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin [New Series] 3. 8. J 8 AV : 902. Black spot of the Apple ; together with spraying for fungus diseases. 1904. 32 pp. 19 pi. Ibid. Bulletin [New Series] 17. J 8 AV : 902. Botany in its relation to Horticulture. [1892.] Ibid. Special Reports, 1892-96. [1.] pp. 7-18. J 8 AV : 891. Fungus diseases of Cabbage and Cauliflower in Victoria, and their treatment. 1901. 38pp. 11 pi. Ibid. Special Reports, 1895-1901. [16.] J 8 AV: 891. Fungus diseases of Citrus trees in Australia, and their treatment. 1899. 132 pp. 31 pi. Ibid. Special Reports, 1895-1901. [9.] J 8 AV : 891. Report on Fairy Rings, and the fairy ring puff- ball. 1898. 12 pp. Ibid. Special Reports, 1895- 1901. [7.1 J8AV:891. Take-all and White-heads in Wheat. 1904. 30 pp. 5 pi. Ibid. Bulletin [New Series] 9. J 8 AV : 902. Two new Fungi parasitic on Scale Insects. 1904. 6pp. 2 pi. Ibid. Bulletin [New Series] 14. J 8 AV : 902. TCcArdle, Fred, and Helmholtz, H. Air brake text for Engineers and Firemen. Chicago, 1909. 8. 380 pp. 4 pi. (38587) Locomotive text for Engineers and Firemen. Chicago, 1909. 8. 460 pp. (38589) Westinghouse diagramatic and sectional views. Air-brake and Air-signal instruction charts. Chicago, 1909. obi. fol. 32 pi. (38588) OXcArthur, J. D. A comparison between the performances of two Steamships. 1899. [Paper and discussion.] 50pp. 2 pi. See INSTITUTE OP MARINE ENGINEERS : Trans. Vol. 11. 83rd Paper. F 81 : 889. BZaeArthur and Jackson, Lubricating Oil Makers, Glasgow. Lubrication and Lubricating Oils. [In English, French, and German.] Glasgow, 1887-91. 3 parts. 16. (25751) Kacartney, James. The Engine Room Telegraph. 1899. 14 pp. 1 pi. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS : Trans. Vol. 11. 86th Paper. F 81 : 889. macartney. M. E. See ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW. Ed. M. E. M., 1905, etc. F 68 : 896. 1894. 32 pp. See U.S. Farmers' Bulletin 14. ZVXcAtee, W. L. The Horned Larks and their relation to Agricul- ture. 1905. 38 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Biological Survey. Bul- letin 23. J 29 : Itt'Bride, Duncan. General instructions for the choice of Wines and spirituous liquor?. London, 1793. 8. 102pp. (35838) IttcBryde, C. N., M.D. Filtration experiments with Bacillus Cholerse Suis. 1909. 32 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL- TURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 113. J 29 An : a. The germicidal value of Liquor Cresolis Ccm- positus (U.S.P.). 1907. 24 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 1UO. J 29 An : a. McBryde, J. M. Fertilizers for cotton. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. J29Fa. BXcCabe, Geo. P. The new Meat-Inspection Law and its bearing upon the production and handling of meaK 1907. 16 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Circular 101. J 29 An : b. Me Galley, Henry. Report on the Warrior Ccal basin. 1900. 340 pp. 7 pi. 1 map. See ALABAMA : Geol. Survey. Report. [9.] G 30 A : a. McCallie, S. W. Preliminary report on a part of the Iron ores of Georgia, Polk, Bartow and Floyd Counties. 1900. 190 pp. 9 pi. See GEORGIA (State) : Geol. Survey. Bulletin 10A. G 30 G : 1. Preliminary report on the Coal deposits of Georgia. 1904. 122pp. 24 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 12. G30G:1. Preliminary report on the Marbles of Georgia. 2nd ed. 1907. 126 pp. 54 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 1. G30G:1. Preliminary report on the Roads and road- building materials of Georgia. 1901. 264 pp. 28 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 8. G 30 G : 1. Preliminary report on the Underground Waters of Georgia. 1908. 370 pp. 30 pi. Ibid. Bulle- tin 15. G30G:1. Report on the Artesian- Well system of Georgia. 1898. 214pp. 7 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 7. G30G.-1. Report on the fossil Iron Ores of Georgia. 1908. 200 pp. 27 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 17. G30G: 1. Report on the Marbles of Georgia. 1894. 94pp. 16 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 1. G30G:1. Report on a part of the Phosphates and Marls of Georgia. 1896. 104pp. 3 pi. Hid. Bulletin 5. G30G:]. OTcCallum, David. The Globotype Telegraph. A recording instru- ment, by which small coloured balls are released, one by one . . . over a series of inclined planes, etc. [Letters Patent No. 2924 of 1855.] London, 1856. 8. 32pp. Ipl. (36599) BXcCann, Joseph Wm. See BARNES, W. C., and others. A collation of facts relating to fast Typesetting. 1887. 8. (35396) 446 MACC] [MACD McCarthy, John. Tobacco. By G. Watt ami J. McC. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Colonial and Indian Exhibi- tion, 1886. Reports. 1887. pp. 233-247. 8. (9473) Ittaccary, Ange, M.D. Memoire sur la fabrication do la troisieme Huile, iaconnue dans lo midi de la France, nominee vulgairement LavOe en Ligurie. Ex : " Bull, de la Soc. d'Aericulture de 1'Hdrault," 15 Mars 1810. sm. 8. 12 pp. (34226) McClatchle, Alfred James. Eucalypts cultivated in the United States. 1902. 106 pp. 92 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CDLTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 35. 8. J 29 Fo : a. Irrigation at the Station farm. 1902. [48 pp.] See ARIZONA (Univ.) : Agric. Expt. Station. Bulletin 41. J30Ar: Relation of Weather to Crops. 1904. [110 pp.] Ibid. Bulletin 48. J 30 Ar : Utilizing our Water Supply. 1902. [88 pp.] Ibid. Bulletin 43. J 30 Ar : Winter Irrigation of deciduous Orchards. 1901. [38 pp.] Ibid. Bulletin 37. J 30 Ar : McClay, James Lynn (Cumee O'Lynn). . Emigration, the growth and management of Flax, and our Irish Fisheries. 2nd ed. Dublin, 1880. 8. 44pp. (38744) ZffcClellan, Wm. Thermometer class at higher temperatures. 1901. 10 pp. Se FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Reprints. Vol.3. [11.] B62: 886. McClure, John. See U.S. WAR DEPT. : Bureau of Engineers. Annual Reports of the Chief of Engineers. An- ,-ilytical . . . Index. 1866-1900. Compiled ... by J. McC. 1902-03. 3 vols. 8. E 25 : McConnell, Primrose. The elements of Agricultural Geology. London, 1902. 8. 330pp. 9 pi. (28958) i Note-book of agricultural facts and figures. Oth ed. London, 1897. urn. 8. 470 pp. (16594) Soils : their nature and management. London, 1908. am. 8. 116 pp. 1 pi. (37758) McConnell, Richard Geo. See CANADA : Geol. Survey. Preliminary report on the Klondike gold fields. By R. G. McC. 1900. 8. (29723) McConnell, T. F. Steer feeding experiments. By G. H. True and T. F. McC. 1905. [60 pp. 1 pi.] See ARIZONA (Univ.) : Agric. Expt. Station. Bulletin 50. J 30 Ar : MacCord, Chas. Wm. Slide valves. New York, 1897. 8. 174 pp. (17311) Velocity diagrams, their construction and their uses. New York, 1901. 8. 116 pi. (28261) McCormack, Mary A. Spool Knitting. New York, 1909. sm. 8. 78 pp. 1 pi. (38985) MoCrae, John. See ARRHENIUS, S. Text-book of electro- chemistry. Trsl. J. McC. 1902. 8. (28909) - See LANDOJ.T, II. Optical activity and chemical composition. Trel.J.McC. 1899. sm.8. (26697) BCacCulloch, John, M.D., F.K.S. r- Conjectures respecting tbe Greek Fire of the Middle Ages. 1828. See ROYAL INSTITUTION : [Quarterly I Journal, etc. Vol. 14. pp. 22-40. B 3 R : 816. McCulloch, John Ramsay, nfH.M. Stationery Office. A statistical account of tbe British Empire. [British Isles only.] 2nd ed. London, 1839. 2 vols. 8. (37973) McCulloch, R. W. Coffee-growing and its preparation for market. 1893. 22 pp. See QUEENSLAND : Dept. of Agri- culture. Bulletin. 2nd Series, 1. J 8 AQ : 888* Rice growing and its preparation for market. 2od ed. 1894. 20 pp. Ibid. Bulletin. 2nd Series, 2. J 8 A Q : 888a Sericulture ; or, silkworms and how to rear them. 1893. [24pp. 19 pi.] Ibid. Bulletin 23. J 8 A Q : 8881 The same. Another copy. Brisbane, 1893. 8. [24 pp. 19 pi.] (14883) McCulloh. Richard S. See U.S. TREASURY DEPT. Reports . . . of scientific investigations in relation to sugar, .:/.-. ByR. S. M. Revised ed. 1848. 8. (30772) See U.S. TREASURY DEPT. Report of the com- putation of tables, to be use! with tbe hydro- meter, etc. ByR. S. M. [1851.] 8. (30777) IttcCullum, John. Tbe structural weakness of Steamers, and its influence on the Propelling Machinery. 1895. 54 pp. 1 pi. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE EN- GINEERS : Trans. Vol. 7. Paper 56. F 81 : 889. McCurdy, J. N. The Quadruples Repeater : experiments and working at Nevin. 1907. 20 pp. 3 pi. See IN- STITUTION or P.O. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS : [Prof, papers, 7.] D 50 : 906. McOormott, Geo. Robert. Screw Propeller computer. Ithaca, N.Y., 1902. sm. 4. 52 pp. With folding case containing tables and movable diagram. (28959) HS'Donald, A. An essay upon raising and dressing of Flax and Hemp, and winning their seedi, etc. Edinburgh, 1784. 8. 70pp. (36600) MacDonald, Bernard. See SANDERS, W. E., and others. Mine timber- ing. 1907. 8. (36295) OZacdonald, Hector Munroe. Electric Waves. Cambridge, 1902. 8*. 214pp. (28672) Wacdonald, John, F.R.S. A treatise on Telegraphic Communication, naval, military, and political. London, 1808. 8. 186 pp. 5 pi. (31727) BXacDonnoH, Alfred Creagb, Major, R.E. Progress in the practice of Surveying. 1900. S ROYAL ENGINEERS: Prof. Papers. Vol. 26. pp. 1-39. 8. F 90 : 844. DXacDougral, Daniel Trembly. . See ARTHUR, J. C., and MACDOUGAL, D. T. Living plants. 1898. 8. (19335) Titles of literature concerning the Fixation of free Nitrogen by plants. Ex : " Minnesota Botanical Studies," Sept. 1894. pp. 186-221. 8. (26231) 417 MACE] [MAGI MacEwan, Peter. See ART. The art of Dispensing. 6th ed. by P.M. 1901. sm. 8. (14408) See CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, (The). Pharma- ceutical Formulas. Collated . . . with anno- tations by P. M. Ed. 3, etc. 1898, etc. Macey, Frank W. Specifications in detail. 2nd ed. London, 1904. 8. 644 pp. (35061) Reprint of 1898 edition. XVXacfadden, Bernarr. Macfadden's new Hair Culture. 3rd ed. New York, [1901]. sq. 8. 140 pp. 1 pi. (28434) XiKcFadyean, J. See JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS. Ed. J. McF., etc. 1903, etc. J 92 : 828a. Maofic, Robert Andrew. Copyright and Patents for Inventions. Edin- burgh, 1879-83. 2 vols. 8. (18711) Ittaeglllivray, Evan James, Bar. -at- Law. A digest of the law of Copyright. With Ap- pendix of statutes. London, 1906. 8. 130 pp. (32911) A treatise upon the law of Copyright in the United Kingdom and the dominions of the Crown, and in the United States of America. London, 1902. 8. 439pp. (29178) nXcCrlasson, Robert. Screw Propellers, reversing screw propellers, and non-reversing engines. 1893. 62 pp. See INSTITUTE of MARINE ENGINEERS : Trans. Vol. 6. Paper 49. F 81 : 889. DXcGowan, Geo. Report . . . by G. McG., etc. on methods of chemical analysis as applied to Sewage and sewage effluents. 1904. 70 pp. See PARLIAMENT. Sew- age disposal. Royal Commission. 4th Report. Vol.4. Part5. fol. (28715) Reports ... on land treatment of sewage. Chemical Report, by G. McG. 1904. 332 pp. 39 pi. Ibid. 4th Report. Vol. 4. Part 2. fol. (28715) McOrew, T. F. American breeds of Fowls. 1. The Plymouth Rock. 1901. 32pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 29. J 29 An : a. American breeds of Fowls. The Wyandotte. 1901. 30 pp. 8 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 31. J 29 An : a. Turkeys : standard varieties and management. 1904. 40 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 200. J 29 Fa : XtXacli, Ernst. Die Mechanik in ihrer Entwickelung. Historisch- kritisch dargestellt. Leipzig, 1883. sm.8. 494pp. (21023) The same. 6te Aufl. Leipzig, 1908. 8. 594pp. (36830) The science of Mechanics. From the 2nd German ed. by T. J. McCormack. Chicago, 1893. sm. 8. 548 pp. (24188) The same. From the German by T. J. McCor- mack. 2nd [English] ed. Chicago, 1902. 8. C26pp. (28676) DXacb, Ernst cont. Popular-wissenschaftlicheVorlesungen. Leipzig, 1896. sm. 8. 342pp. (25296) The same. 3te Aud. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 414 pp. (29675) IVZachet, J. P. Alimentation Publique. Fromentine, nouvelle pate alimentaire au gluten pour potages, entremets, etc. [French Patent No. 31462, Mar. 27, 1857.] Paris, 1861. 8. 32 pp. (34328) Le Pain, meilleur et a meilleur marche. Paris, 1862. 8. 204pp. (34890) machinery. Vol. 9, etc. New York, 1902, etc. sm. fol. E 31/902. Publication : Monthly. Machinery's Reference Series . . . Revised and republished from "Machinery." [By various authors.] New York, [1908], etc. 8\ (36874) In progress. machinery Chronicle. See AGRICULTURAL CHRONICLE, 1907-08. J 72 : 902. DXacblnes-Outils et Outlllagre Ge"nral. Annee 1, etc. Paris, 1907, etc. 8. E 31: 907. Publication : Monthly. DXcIntlre, A. H. See ELECTRIC CLUB JOURNAL. Ed. A. H. M. 1906, etc. D 51: 904. DX'Xntosh, Chas., Botanist. The Greenhouse, Hot-house, and Stove. Newed. London, 1846. sm. 8. 422 pp. 16 pi. (25440) macintosh, Chas., F.R.S., r. Everingrton. [Report of trial for infringement of Macintosh's Patent for Waterproofing No. 4804 of 1823.] 1836. fol. MS. 684 pp." (28040) Macintosh, Chas. A. Popular outlines of the Press, ancient and modern ; or, a brief sketch of the origin and pro- gress of printing, etc. London 1859. sm. 8. 236 pp. (39020) XttcXntosb, John. Photography with Roll Films. London, 1903. sm. 8. 196pp. 9 pi. (30014) nicXntosh, John Geddes. See LlVACHE, A. The manufacture of Varnishes, etc. From the French by J. G. Mel. 1899. [1st English ed.], etc. See NEUBURGER, H., and NOALHAT, H. Tech- nology of Petroleum. From the French by J. G. Mel. 1901, etc. 8. (27813) See SEELIGMANN. T., and others. India-rubber and Guttapercha. From the French by J. G. Mel. 1903. 8. (29500) See TAILFEK, L. Practical treatise on the Bleach- ing of Linen, etc. From the French by J. G. Mel, 1901. 8. (27529) Industrial Alcohol. London, 1907. 8. 260pp. (33841) The Technology of Sugar. London, 1903. 8. 422pp. (30416) IKcXntosh, Wm. Carmichael, M.D. The resources of the Sea as shown in the scientific experiments to test the effects of Trawling, etc. London, 1899. 8. 264pp. 18 pi. (26055) Mac-Ivor, Wm. Notes on Lubricants. 2 pi. (28101) London, 1879. 8 3 . 8 pp. 448 MACK] [MACL Mack, Joseph Lathrop. See LE CHATELIER, H. L. Experimental re- searches on the constitution of Hydraulic Mortar*. From the French by J. L.M. 1905. sm. 8. (31952) McKay, Alexander. See NEW ZEALAND : Mines Department. Report on the older Auriferous drifts of Central Otago. By A. McK. 1897. 8. (26750) Gold deposits of New Zealand considered in relation to the comparative quantities of reef and alluvial gold on the various gold fields of the <;olonies. Ex: "New Zealand Mines Record." Wellington, 1903. 8. 82 pp. (9618) McKenney, Randolph Evans Bender. Fertilizers for special Crops. By A. F. Woods and R. E. B. McK. 1902. S U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1902. pp. 553-572. J 28 : 849b. The Wilt Disease of Tobacco and its control. 1903. 6 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 51. Part 1. J 29 PI : Mackcnscn, E. Der Tunnelbau. 1902. 442 pp. 11 pi. See HANDDUCH der Inpenieurwissenschaften. 3te Aufl. Band 1. Abt. 5. 8. (27558) Mackenzie, Archibald Thos. . See MADRAS, Gout, of. History of the Periyar project. By A. T. M. 1899. 8. (38788) Mackenzie, Colin. Five Thousand Receipts in all the useful and domestic Arts, etc. 5th ed. London, 1825. sq. 12. 830 pp. (3877) The same. A new American . . . edition, by an American Physician. Pittsburgh, [1829]. 8. 456pp. (32290) One thousand processes in manufactures and experiments in Chemistry. 5th ed. London, 1825. 8. 652pp. 22 pi. (35858) Mackenzie, Sir Morell, M.lJ. The use of the Laryngoscope in diseases of the throat. London, 1865. 8. 168 pp. (35865) Mackenzie, Patrick, M.D. Practical observations on the medical powers of the most celebrated Mineral Waters, and of the various modes of Bathing. London, 1819. 12. 158 pp. (38357) Mackenzie, R. Description of a Collecting and Compressing Machine for CO'- 1905. See INSTITUTION OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trana. Vol. 17. Pt. 1. pp. 93-113. Ipl. F81: 889. Some experiences with CO' cylinders. 1905. Ibid. Vol. 17. Pt. 2. pp. 181-198. F 81 : 889. Mackenzie, Thos. Mechanical appliances on board Ship. 1893. 32 pp. See SHIPMASTERS' SOCIETY. Papers. No. 29. F 81 : 890. Mackle, David. Prospects of Electro-Magnetism as a prime mover. With a notice of R. Davidson's electro- magnetic locomotive. 1842. See PRACTICAL MECHANIC AND ENGINEER'S MAGAZINE. Vol. 2. pp. 48-52. 40 : 841. Mackie, W. W. Reclamation of White-ash Lands affected with alkali at Fresno, California. 1907. 48 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 42. J 29 S : 449 M'K.lllop, James. Coal and American coal mining. Airdrie, 1876. 8. 92pp. 10 pi. (38425) Mackintosh, A. Wood-working tools and machinery. 1903. See SUTCLIPFE, G. L. Tbe modern Carpenter, Joiner, etc. Div. Vol. 2. pp. 125-192. 4. (30464) Mackintosh, Chas. Sec MACINTOSH. Mackrow, Clement. Tbe Naval Architects' and shipbuilders' pocket- book. London, 1879. 12. 534 pp. (19373) Thesame. 6thed. London, 1896. 16. 710pp. (25070) The same. 8th ed. London, 1902. sin. 8. 760 pp. (28960) Mackworth, Herbert. The Ventilation of Metallic Mines. 1853. Er : " Report of the Roy. Soc. of Cornwall." Vol. 21. 8. 28pp. 2 pi. (36601) Maclag-an, E. D. See PUNJAB, Govt. of. Monograph on the gold and silver works of the Punjab, 1888-89. [By E. D. M.] 1890. fol. (30949) MoXiane, John W. The Moisture equivalents of Soils. By L. J. Briggs and J. W. McL. 1907. 24 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 45. J 29 S : Maclaren, J. Malcolm. Gold : its geological occurrence and geographical distribution. London, 1908. 8. 712 pp. 39 pi. (37946) BXcXiaren, John. McLaren's Traction Engines and their uses, Leeds, 1904. 4. 52 pp. (32266) Maclaren, T. Systematic Memory. London, 1866. 12. 56 pp. (36121) MoXiaren, Walter S. Bright. See CLOTHWOBKERS' COMPANY. Report . . , on the weaving . . . schools of the Continent, etc. ByW.S.B.McL.,fc. 1877. sm.8. (34114) McLaren, Win. , Pipe arrangements on board Steamships. 1897-98. 56 pp. 3 pi. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS : Trans. Vol.9. Paper 71. F 81: 889. Ventilation and its appliances for Steamships. 1907. 16 pp. Ibid. Trans. Vol. 18. Paper 136. F 81 : 889. Maolaurin, Richard C. The theory of Light. Cambridge, 1908, etc. &'. (36323) In progress. McLean, Angus. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE. Local industries of Glasgow, etc. Ed. A. McL. 1901. 8. (28285) McLean, Embury. The balanced draft Gas Producer Furnaca as applied to steam boilers. New York, 1906. 8 . 14pp. (33974) 3 c MACL] [MACS Maclean, Hector. -. Popular Photographic Printing Processes. Lon- don, 1898. sm. 8. 168 pp. 3 pi. (2605G) McLean, James Henry, M.I). - Dr. J. H. McLean's Peace-makers. [Joint inven- tion of J. H. McL. and Myron Coloney.] New York 1880. 8. 200 pp. (30056) Maclean, Magnus. Modern Electric Practice. London, 1904-05. 6 vols. 8. (30454) McLean, Peter. Suggestions for building a cool Dairy. 1891. . 4 pp. 3 pi. See QUEENSLAND : Dent, of Agriculture. Bulletin 11. J8AQ:888a. Maclehose, Louisa 3. See VASARI, G. On technique. Tral. L. S. M. 1907. 8. (35791) BK'Xieod, Herbert. -> Some properties of Gases. 1876. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM (Science and Art Dept.). Special Loan Collection. Free evening lectures. pp. 384-400. 8. (26272) Macleod, John, M./>. See MADRAS, Govt. of. Papers relating to [ Dr. J.M's.] Magnesia Cement. [1826-37.] [1898.] fol. (30915) Maclise, Daniel, R.A. Report on the " Water-glass " or " Stereochrome " method of Painting. 1861. See PARLIAMENT. Fine arts. 12th Report of the Commissioners on the fine arts. 1861. Appendix No. 3. pp. 14-23. fol. (30556) MacMechen, T. R. - See AMERICAN AERONAUT AND AEROSTATIST. Ed. T. R. M. 1907-08. E 60 : 907. MacRIicking-, Thos. On wedge aud tile Drains. 1833. See DRUM- MOND, W., AND SONS. Report of the Exhibition of a?ricultural productions, etc. 1832-33. pp. 45-48. 8. (32826) MacMlllan, Conway. Minnesota Plant life. 1899. 594 pp. 4 pi. See MINNESOTA (State) : Geological Survey. Bul- _ letin 9. Botanical Series 3. G 30 Mi : 887. McMillan, T). Ratios and distribution of Power in Compound Engines. 1891. 24 pp. 2 pi. See INSTITUTE OP MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 3. Paper 29. F 81: 889. McMillan, J. G. Canadian Cheddar Cheesemaking. 1905. 20 pp. ' 5 pi. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin [New Series] 24. J 8 A V : 902a. McMillan, W. G. p A treatise on Electro-metallurgy. London. 1890. 8. 404pp. (25288) The same. 2nded. London, 1899. 8. 460pp. (26778) McMurtrie, Win. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Report on the culture of the Sugar Beet, etc. by W. McM. 1880. 8. (25443) Macnab, Frances. British Columbia for Settlers ; its mines, trade, and' agriculture. London, 1898. sm. 8. 370 pp. 3 pi. (25631) KcNally, Christopher John. See MADRAS, Govt. of. The elements of Sanitary Science. By C. J. M. 3rd ed. by J. W. Cornwall. 1903. 8 3 . (30964) Macnausrhton-Jones, H. See JONES, H. M-. McNcill, H. C. Some forms of Magnetic Separators and their applications to different Ores. 1899. See IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. Journal. 1899. No. 2. pp. 18-44. G 80 : 869. McNcss, Geo. T., and Ayer, L. W. Experiments in growing Cuban seed Tobacco in Alabama. 1906. 32 pp. 3 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 37. J298: and Hlnson, W. M. Experiments in growing Cuban seed Tobacco in Texas. 1905. 44pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 27. J 29 S : and Xtlassey, G. B. Tobacco investigations in Ohio. 1905. 38 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 29. J 29 S : and Rlat'newson, E. H. Dark fire-cured Tobacco of Virginia and the possibilities for its improvement. 1905. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1905. pp. 219-230. 4 pi. J 29 : 849b. and others. Improvement of Virginia fire-cured Tobacco. 1907. 40 pp. 6 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGUI- CULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 46. J 29 S : Maconchy, G. C. See BENGAL, (Govt. of) : Public Works Dept. Memorandum on the different methods of ascertain- ing the discharges of rivers, etc. With notes by . . . G. C. M. on the discharges of sluices, etc. [1895], and on the theory of long waves in canals, etc. [1896.] fol. (30934) M'Fhail, James. A treatise on the culture of the Cucumber. 2nded. London, 1795. 8. 330pp. 1 pi. (38986) Macpherson, Hugh Alexander, Rev. A history of Fowling ... in different parts of the world. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8. 526 pp. 4 pi. (25871) McQuhae, Win. The Decorator's and Artizan's Guide book . . . Recipes for mixing and using cements, paints, stains, varnishes, etc. Cocker/mouth, 1890. sm. 8. 78 pp. (37699) The Technical Instructor ; a useful hand-book and guide to arts and crafts. Burnley, 1892. sm. 8. 146 pp. (8042) The same. 2nd ed. Burnley, [189 ?]. sm. 8. 180 pp. (30057) Wood carving, fretwork, and repousse work for amateurs. Burnley, [188 ?]. sm. 8. 14 pp. (37736) 450 McSnane, Chas. The Locomotive up to date. Chicago, 1900. 712 pp. 3 pi. (30995) 8. MACV] [MAER Report on [By T. J. & (30971) 8 Macvlcar, John Gibson. [Elements of the Economy of Nature, etc.] See PROPOSALS. Proposals for a new scientific journal. [Containing a review of Macvicar's " Ele- ments of the Economy of Nature, etc."] [1833?] 8. (12034) McWeeney, E. J., .)/./>. See IRELAND : Local Gorl. />'< the shell-fish layings on the Irish Coast. Browne and E. J. McW.] 1904. fol. McWllllam, Andrew, and Xiongmuir, P. General Fonndry practice. London, 1907. 384 pp. (35002) Madagascar : Colonie de Madagascar et Depen- dunces. Bulletin faonomique. Annee 1, etc. Tananarive, 1901, etc. 8. C 63 : 901. Publication: Monthly, 1901 ; Quarterly, 1902, etc. Madamet, Albert, Marine Engineer. Distribution de la Vapour. 2e <5d. (Encyclopedie Scientifique des aide - memoire.) Paris, [1902]. am. 8. 158 pp. (29560) Tiroirs et distnbuteurs de Vapeur. 2e 6d. (Ibid.) Paris, [1899]. 16. 150 pp. (26909) Traitu et aide-memoire des deviations dea Compas. Paris, 1882. 8. 328 pp. 16 pi. (25475) Madan, Henry Geo. See WILSON, G. Inorganic chemistry. [New ed.] by H. G. M. [1872.] 8. (31711) Madden, Samuel, D.D. A letter to the Dublin Society, on the improving their funds ; and the manufactures, tillage, etc., in Ireland. Dublin, 1739. sm. 4. 56 pp. (30519) Printed on Irish-made paper. Madras, (Gort.). See MADRAS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. The elements of Sanitary Science. By C. J. McNally. 3rd ed., revised, etc., by J. W. Cornwall. Madras, 1903. 8. 288 pp. (30964) The engineering works of the G<5davari Delta. Compiled . . . by G. T. Walch. Madras, 1896. (30578) of the Periyi'ir Project. By A. T. Madras, 1899. 8. 182 pp. 57 pi. Medici of Madras. By Mohideen . Vol. 1. Madras, 1891. 8. 172 pp. 2 vols. History Mackenzie. (38788) Materia Sheriff . . (30916) A monograph on the Cocoa-nut Palm, or Cocos nucifera. By J. Shortt. 1885. Madras, [1888]. 8. 22 pp. 10 pi. (30914) ' Monograph on Stone carving and inlaying in Southern India. By A. Rea. Madras, 1906. fol. 38 pp. 31 pi. (38787) Note on simple machines for extracting Plan- tain Fibre. By R. L. Proudlock. Madras, 1901. 8. 8 pp. (30917) Papers relating to [Dr. J. Macleod's] Magnesia Cement. [1826-37.] [Madras, 1898.] fol. 16 pp. (30915) Report on Light-house construction and illu- mination. By F. W. Ashpitel. Madras, 1895. 4. 150 pp. 87 pi. (30863) . . Report on (1) The application of Windmills or Aermotors to pumping water for irrigation or town supplies ; (2) The Liernnr and Shone systems of Sewerage ; (3) Certain Sewerage purification schemes. By J. A. Jones. 46pp. 2 pi. (31840) 34223 451 London, 1903. fol. Madras, (Govt.) cont. The Saidapet Experimental farm manual and guide. [Madras, 187 ?]. 8. 118 pp. 1 pi. (35781) The value of Windmills in India. By A. Chatterton. Madras, 1903. 8. 16 pp. 2 pi. (30864) Civil Engineering College. See MADRAS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Department of Land Records and Agriculture .* Forest Branch. Bulletin. No. 1, 1894, etc. Madras, 1895, etc. 8. J12M:894. Madras Coliepre of Engineering 1 . Professional Papers. No. 1, etc. Madras, 1900. etc. fol. Ell I: 900. Building Materials and Construction. By B. O. Reynolds. Ed. H. D. Love. 3rd ed. (College of Engineering Manual.) Madras, 1904. obi. 4. 224 pp. (31841) Madrid i Armeria. See JUBINAL, A. La Armeria Real . . . de Madrid. [1839-1846 ?] 3 vols. in one. fol. (28598) Maerckcr, Max Heinricb. Anleitung zom Brennereibetrieb. 3te Aufl. von M. Delbriick und H. Lange. (Thaer-BMiothek.) Berlin, 1904. sm.8 c . 212pp. (31529) See BRACHVOGEL, J. K. Industrial alcohol . . . Based on Dr. M.'s " Introduction to dis- tillation." 1907. 8 a . (34001) Chemische Unterauchungen a.d.G. der Spiritus- fabrikation. 1877. See LANDXV. JAHRB('CHER. Band 6. Suppt. 1. pp. 217-350. 6 pi. J 23 : 872. Handbuch der Spiritnsfabrikation. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1886. 8. 128 pp. (20639) The same. 7teAufl. Berlin, 1898. 8. 808pp. (25700) The same. 8te Aufl. von M. Delbriick. Berlin, 1903. 8. 960pp. 4 pi. (30669) The name. 9te Aufl. von M. Delbriick. Berlin, 1908. 8. 1024 pp. 6 pi. (36852) Recherches sur la Ventilation naturelle et la Ventilation artificielle. Trad. J. Lsyder. Bruxelles, 1873. 8. 86pp. (33613) Spiritusfabrikation. 1873. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 1. Halfte 2. pp. 211- 273. 1877. 8. (17109) Ontersuchnngen fiber die Diffusion von Kohlen- siiure durch porose Scheidewande. 1877. See LANDW. JAHRBOCHER. Band 6. Snppt. 1. pp. 1- 102. J 23: 872. Vegetationsversuche mit Kalisalzen. 1898. 52 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 33. J 23 : 894. and Schnoidewind, W. Untersuchuagen fiber den Wert des nenen 40 prozent. Kalidungesalzes gegenuber dem Kainit. 1901-02. S DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 56, 67. 8. J 23 : 894. Marker, Max. See MAERCKER, M. H. Maerz, Ulrich R. See POLYTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT ZU BERLIN. Verhandlungen. Hreg. U.R.M. 1880-88. B67B: 3 L 2 MAFF] [MAGN Maffiotti, ( i . B. II Planimetro a Soure di H. Prytz. Torino. 1899. 8. 30pp. (27186) Maganzlnl, Italo. ' See ITALY : Ministero del lavori pulblici. Sullo opare idrauliohe dei Paesi Baspi. Relazione . . . dellel. M. 1877. fol. (34928) Masrazlti aller neucn Erfindungen, Bnt- deckungen und Verbesserungen fur Fabrikanten, etc. Leipzig. Baumgdrtner. [1802-]1832. 7 vols. 4. 045:802. Editor: Band 1-2, [1802-3?], issued without editor's name ; Band 3, [1803 ?], C. L. Seebass and F. G. Baumgartner ; S. F. Band 1-4, 1816-32, J. H. M. etc.," 181G-32. Deficient: Band 4-8 (1801-08) ; Band 1-3 (1805 ?-15). Magazin der neuesten Erfindungen, etc. See MAGAZIN ALLER NEUEN ERFINDUNGEN, etc., 1816-32. C 45 : 802. TOag-azin for Naturvidenskaberne. Bind 19-40. Christiania, 1873-1902. 22 vols. 8. H 50 : 873. Editor : " Physiographiske Forening i Christiania." Indexes : Bind 16-20, in vol. 20. Title varied : " Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne," 1872-1902. Magazin fiir Farber, Zeugdrucker, and Bleicher. Band 1-8. Berlin, 1806-20. 8 vols. 8. K 35 : 802. Editor: S. F. Hermbstadt. History : Band 1-3 are of the 2nd ed. Title varied : Band 7-8 have as second title, " Neues Magazin fiir Farber, Coloristen, etc.," Band 1-2. Magazine of Natural Philosophy. [Vol. 1.1 . London, 1856. 8. D 34 : 856. Editor : E. J. Lowe. Mager, Henri. Lea radiations des corps mineraux. Recherche des mines et des sources par leurs radiations. Paris, 1909. fol. 72pp. (38184) Maggrard, James H. The Traction Engine, its use and abuse. Re- vised, etc., by an Expert Engineer. Philadelphia, 1898. sm. 8. 136 pp. (25718) The same. 3rd ed., revised by Expert Engineers. Philadelphia, 1905. sm.8 c . 302pp. 1 pi. (31603) Magic. Magic, pretended miracles, and remarkable natu- ral phenomena. Remarkable delusions ; or, illus- trations of popular errors. London, Religious Tract Soc. [1848.] 2 vols. in one. 16. (37563) The Magic Lantern, how to buy and how to use it ; also how to raise a ghost. By " A Mere Phantom." London, HouUton & Sons, 1877. sm. 8. 96 pp. 1 pi. (34078) Magic. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1900, etc. 4. F 100 : 900. Publication : Monthly. Editor : E. Stanyon. Indexes: Vol. 2-4, 1901-04, in vol. 4. Magician, (The). Vol. 1, etc. Liverpool, 1904, etc. F 100 : 904. Publication : Monthly. Editor : W, Goldston. Magln, Ernst. TTntersuchnng iiber den AusfluBs von Luft durch eine Lavaldiise. 1908. See VEREINT DEUTSCBER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d.G. des Ingenienr- wesens. Heft 62. pp. 1-30. E 13/857b. Magrinnls, James Porter. Reservoir, Stylograpbic, and Fountain Pens. 1905. 72 pp. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Cantor Lectures. [Vol. 8.] B 51 : 872. Maginnis, Owen B. Bricklaying. New York, [1899-1900], 8. 86 pp. (27809) How to frame a house ; or, house and roof framing. New York, 1901. 8 = . 96 pp. (28401) Maglln, E. Fonderie et travail des Metaux. 1898. See SOCIET^ DES INGENIEURS CIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinquantenaire. 1848-98. pp. 661-670. 8. (25483) Magnae, Aved de. See YVON-VILLARCEAU, A. J. F., and MAGNAC, A. de. Nouvelle Navigation astronomique. 1877. 4. (20035) Magne, Lucien. L'Art dans 1'industrie des Tissus. 1899. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. SeSdrie. Tome 1. pp. 20-50. B 76 C : Magn< de Marolles, 0. F. See CHASSE. La chasse au Fusil. Par G. F M. deM. 1788[-91]. 2 pte. 8. (34120) La Chasse au Fusil. Nouv. e"d. Paris, 1836. 8. 510pp. 10 pi. (34121) Magnlac, Chas., M.P., and Smith, R. H. 8. Report on Porcelain in the International Exhibition of 1871. See LONDON INTERNAL EX- HIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol. 1. PC. 5. pp. 21-56. (15691) Magniac, Chas. Lane. Delhi Durbar light Railway. By H. A. L. Hepper and C. L. M. [1903.] 26 pp. 8 pi. See INDIA : Govt. (P.W.D.). Technical Section. Paper 131. E23/ PZagnier, D&ire'. See LE NORMAND, L. S., and others. Nouveau manuel complet de 1'Horloger. Nouv. ed. 1863. 18. (34261) Nouveau manuel complet de 1'Eclairage et dn Chauffiage au Gaz. Nouv. e'd. par E. Bancelin. (Manuels-Roret.) Paris, 1899. 2 vols. 12. (26377) Nouveau manuel complet de la fabrication et de 1'emploi des Huiles Mine'rales . . . Ainsi des Appareils d'clairage et de Chauffage au moyeu des huiles minerales. (Ibid.) Paris, 1867. 18". 376pp. 2 pi. (27618) The same. Nouv. ed., par N. Cbryssochoi'des. (Hid.) Paris, 1908. 18. 476pp. (36361) Nouveau manuel complet du Porcelainier, Fai'en- cier, Potier de terre. Refondn par H. Bertran. (Ibid.) Pam,1898. 12. 552pp. (25381) Magnus, Heinrich Gustav. (Biographical.) Life and Labours. From the "Archives des Sciences physiques, etc." 1870. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1870. pp. 223-230. B 13 S : 847. 452 MAGN! [MAIL Magrnuason, Carl Edward. - The anomalous dispersion of Cyanin. 1900. See WISCONSIN (Univ.). Bulletin. Science Series. Vol. 2. pp. 247-96. B 14 Wi : a. Magrrini, EfTreu. Infortoni sul Lavoro : Mezzi tocnici per pre- venirli. (Uanuali Hoepli.) Milatio, 1903. sm. 8. 284 pp. (29848) Magrini, Luigi. Continuous vibratory movement of all matter, ponderable and imponderable. Ex : " Revue des Cours Scientifiques." 1867. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1867. pp. 281-291. B13S: 847. Masruire. F. C. - The Sewage of Towns : its value and distribu- tion, agricultural and commercial, with tables of revenue, irrigation areas, etc. London, 1860. sm. 8. 16 pp. (32802) Magruire, Peter. - Economy in Indigo Dyeing. Ex : " Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colonrists," Feb. 1907. sm. 8. 20 pp. (34263) - West African Dyeing. Ex : " Journal of the African Society," 1906. pp. 151-153. 8. (34257) Maprus, - Le Magicien Amateur. 2e Se'rie [de " Physique amusante.''] Paris, 3. Gautier, 1897. 8. 234 pp. (25676) - Magie Blanche en famille. [le Se'rie de "Physique amusante."] Paris, H. Gautier, 1894. 8. 388pp. (25677) Wahan. C. A. - The cultivation of Tobacco in Kentusky and Tennessee. By W. H. Soherffius and others. 1909. 32pp. See U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 343. J 29 Fa : Mahiatrc, Gabriel Alcippe. L'art de tracer les Cadrans solaires. 3e i'd. Paris, 1880. 16. 32pp. (34577) Mahler, Julius*, and Eschenbacher i Bureau fur Sprengtechnik. -- Die Sprengtechnik im Dienste der Civiltechnik mit ihren wcsentlichsten Hilfsmitteln : Dynamite, Zeit- und elektrische Zundung, Bohr-Maschinen und Bohrwerkzeuge. Wien, 1881. 8. 146 pp. 10 pi. (28797) Mahler, P. - Contribution a 1'etude des Combustibles. Deter- mination indnstrielle de leur puissance calorifique. Ex : " Bulletin de la Sociute d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie Nationale." Paris, 1893. 4. 74 pp. 2 pi. (26136) Mahlmann, Wilhelm. - Mittlere Vertheilnng der Wiirme auf der Er- doberflache. 1841. See DOVE, H. W., and MOSBR, L. Repertorium der Physik. Band 4. pp. 1-174. 8 J . (11033) Mahomed, Horatio. - The Bath : a concise history of Bathing as practised by nations of the ancient and modern world. London, 1843. 12. 80 pp. (33431) - The Vapour Bath. A slight sketch of the value of the Indian medicated bath. London, 1852, 8". 16pp. (37917) Mahomed, Sake Deen. Shampooing ; or benefits resulting from the use of the Indian medicated Vapour Bath, etc. Brighton, 1822. 8. 128pp. col. portr. and pi. (32424) Mahon, John. Butter ami Cheese making. 1891. 16 pp. See QUEENSLAND : Dept. of A griculture. Bulletin 12. J 8 AQ : 8881. Dairying 1896. 40 pp. Ibid. Bulletin. 2nd Series 9. J 8 AQ : 888a. Mahon, Reginald Henry. A report upon the manufacture of Iron and Steel in India. [Appended, (1), Report on the coking qualities of Indian coals. (2), The Porto Novo Iron Company and its founder, Mr. J. M. Heath. (3-4).] Simla, 1899. 2 pts. fol. (26698) Maiohe, Louts. Notice snr les Piles Electriques et leurs applica- tions. Le Mans, 1882. 8. 24 pp. 1 pi. (34578) Maier, Julius. Die astherischen Oele, ihre Gewinnung, cheini- schen und physikalischen Eigenschaften, Zusam- meusetzang und Anwendung. Neue Ausgabe. Stuttgart, [1867J. 8. 212 pp. 1 table. (29873) Maler, Karl. Die Ausbruche, Secte und Sudweine. 2te Aufl. (Chemisch - technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1881. sm.8. 240 pp. (19428) The same. 5te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, [1906]. sm. 8. 208pp. (32435) Maler, Wilhelm. Warmekraftmaschinen. Ruckblick, etc. Stutt- gart, 1908. 8. 32 pp. (37202) Maigrne, P. Dictionnaire classiqne des origines, inventions, et de'couvertes dans les arts, leg sciences et les lettres. 3e <5d., revue et augmenti'e d'un Complement. Pari, [187?]. 12. 704pp. (20953) Hiscoire de 1'Indnstrie et exposition sommaire des progres realises dans les principales branches du Travail Industriel. 2e ed. Parit, 1874. 12. 630pp. (26655) Malgne, W. See MAUQIN, J. C., and MAIONE, W. Nouveau manuel complet du Lutbier. Nouv. rd. 1894. 18. (26138) Nouveau manuel complet du fabricant d'objets en Caoutchouc, Gutta-percha, Gomme factice, etc. [Nouv. <5d.] (Manuels-Roret.) Paris, 1880. 2 vols. 18. (21643) The same. Nouv. 6d. par G. Petit. (Ibid.) Paris, 1906. 2 vols. 12. (32391) Malgrnien, P. Projet de Chasse-Neige pour deblayer les voies ferrees. Paris, 1868. 8. 8 pp. 1 pi. (33317) Malfrnen, Prosper Augnste. Water, preventable disease, and filtration. London, P. A. Maignen, 1884. 8. 40 pp. (33432) Malllard, Sebastian von. Memoiro sur la tht'orie des Machines a Feu. St. Petersburg, [1793]. 4. 72pp. 1 pi. (36744) Mailliot. V. ChOmages des Cananx et des rivieres canalizes enBelgique. 1892. 12pp. See CONQRKS INTEBNAT. DE NAVIGATION INT^RIEURE. 5a Congres. Ques- tion 5. [16.] F 43: 888. 453 MAIL] Maillot, Eugene. - See LYONS : CJiambre de Commerce, etc. Rap- port . . . sur de nouvelles races de Vers a Soie - . par B. M. 1888. 8. (35601) Les Insectes utiles. Par G. Balbiani efc E. M iSl. 56 pp. See PAKIS UNIV. EXHIBITION. 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 83. 8. (25811) and Xiambert, F. - Traite sur le Ver a Soie du mftrier et sur le Mont PelUer, 1906. 8. 632 pp. 2 pi. [MALA Dlailloux, C. O. - - Electrolysis in the metallurgy of Copper, lead zinc, and other metals. 1882. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL Mailly, Kdouard. The Royal Institution of Great Britain Trsl C. A. Alexander. 1867. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. Report, 1867. pp. 201-226. B 13 8:847. Main, Robert, Rev. Astronomical Instruments. 1876. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM: Science and Art Dept. bpecial Loan Collection. Free evening lectures pp. 173-197. 8. (26272) Main, Thos. John, and Brown, T. The Indicator and Dynamometer, with their practical applications to the steam-engine. 2nd ed London, 1850. 8. 62 pp. 1 pi. (33067) The same. London, 1864. 8. (13311) ~,^o Th oo Marine st eam-engine. 2nd ed. London, 1852. 8. 422pp. (33433) Maindron, G. R. Maurice. Les Armes. (Bibliotheque de V enseignement des Beaux-arts.) Pans, [1890]. 8. 344pp. (38745) Maine (State): Board of Agriculture. . Agriculture of Maine. Report of the Secre- tary ot the Maine Board of Agriculture 33-45 Io w Series 1, fc.] 1889, etc. Augusta, 1890, etc. Publication : Annual. From 1902 Reports issued by the Commissioner of Agriculture. fnaiieet: Subject Index, 1850-97, in Report 40. for ioift, Deficient : Report 43. Commissioner of Agriculture. See MAINE V%% : Board of Agriculture. Reports. 1902, etc. J 30 Mai : Maine, U.S. Battleship. - GERCKE, H. Die Torpedowafter. Mit einem Anbange " Ueber den Untergang des Panzerschiffes 'Maine.'" 1898. 8. (25694) - See U.S. CONGRESS. Message from the President ot the U.S. transmitting the report of the Naval Court of inquiry upon the destruction of the U.S battleship " Maine." 1898. 8. (28747) Mainz. See MENTZ. Maire, . See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1900 : Con- gress International d'Aquiculture, etc. Me'moires et Maire, Albert. - Catalogue des Theses des Sciences soutenus en France de 1810 a 1890 inclnsivement. (Bibliographic des Tlieses, No. 2.) Parit, 1892. 8. 236 pp. 454 Maire, Albert cont. Materials used to write upon before the Inven- tion of Printing. Ex : " Revue Scientifique," Aug 13-20, 1904. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Re- port, 1904. pp. 639-658. 8 pi. B 13 S : 847. Mairet, F. See M. Notice sur la Lithographic. 1818. 12. (38046) MalBch, John Michael. See AMERICAN JOURNAL OP PHARMACY Ed J. M. M. 1887-93. K 21 : 887. Maison. La Maison des jeux academiques. [Par C Sorel.] Paris, E. Loysel, 1668. 12. 308 pp! (33797) Malss, Eduard. SeeHOFLER, A. Naturlehre. UnterMitwirkune vonE. M., etc. 1903. 8. (37935) Mainland, A. Gibb. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA : Minister of Mines. Reports ... in connection with the Water Supply of the Goldflelds. [By A. G. M.] 1897. lol. (18692) Bibliography of the Geology of Western Aus- tralia. 1898. 32 pp. See WESTERN AUSTRALIA Geological Survey. Bulletin 1. G 26 W : a. Maitland, Eardley, Major R.A. A brief sketch of the present state of British Gunnery. 1877. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof Papers. Vol.1, pp. 112-131. F 90 : 844. Mainland, J. S. See HOME OFFICE. Raising and lowering ma- chinery. Special Report upon the causation, etc, of Accidents at Docks, etc. By J. S. M., etc. 1900. fol. (27402) Mainland, John Alexander Fuller. See GROVE, Sir G. Dictionary of music and musicians. [New ed.] Ed. J. A. F. M. 1904, etc. 8. (31345) Majendie, Sir Vivian Dering, Col. R.A. Report of trial of " Fire-proof Gunpowder Magazines." Ex : " Proc. R.A. Inst." Vol 9 No. 1. 1872. 8. 20pp. (36602) Majid, Abdul, Bar.-at-Law. See ASSAM, Govt. of. Monograph on Wood- carving in Assam, by A. M. 1903. 8. (30963) Makower, Walter. The radioactive substances, their properties and behaviour. (International Scientific Series.) London 1908. 8. 314pp. (36812) Makslmoviecz, Nicolas. Observations sur la formation des fonds dang un fleuve dont le cours est regularise' an moyen de digues et de barrages. 1894. 14 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEUBE 6e Congres, 1894. Question 6 [24]. F 43 : 888. Malan, Ernest de M. Electro-pneumatic Signalling. 1901. See ROY ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 27. pp. 25-48!" 8. F 90 : 844. Malapert, P. P., Pharmacist. Me'moire sur la congelation artificielle de 1'eau et sur le moyen de transporter la Glace pendant les, chaleurs. Ex : " Bull, de la Soc. de Me"decine de Poitiers," 1835-39. 8. 20 pp. 2 pi. (33614) MALA] [MALU Malay, Federated States of. See NEGRI SEMBILAN ; PAHAXC; ; PEKAK ; SE- I.ANGOR. Malcltis. Louis. Recherches experimentales sur lea Dii'leetriques. (These.) Paris, 1908. 8. 104 pp. (38531) Maiden, Walter J. The conversion of arable land to pasture. (Af/riciilliinil Series.) London, 1898. sm. 8. 198 pp. (25510) Maldonado y Hernandez, Sentm. Memoria de la conduction de aguas a travel de la babi'a de la Habana desde la dipitania del puerto .i la casa Marti, al pie" de la Cabaiia. 1901. 70 pp. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 4a t'poca. Vol. 18. 8 J . P 96 : 846. Malenkovio, Basilius. Die Holzkonservieruog im Hochbaue mit bes. Riicksichtnahme auf die Bekiimpfunir de< Haus- schwammes. Wien, 1907 [1906]. 8. 318 pp. (32381) Malepeyre, Ch. Francois. See RIFFAULT DES HETRES, J. R. D., and others. Nouv. manuel complet du Peintre en Bailments, etc. Nouv. ed., par C. F. M. 1870. 12. (32998) Nouveau manuel coraplet d'Alcoome'trie. (Manuels - Roret.) Paris, 1868. 12. 140 pp. (38746) Nouveau minnel complet du fabricant de Bougies stlariques et de bougies de paraffine. Contenant ... la fabrication des acides gras concrets, 1'acide oldique, la glycdrine, etc. Nouy. eel. par G. Petit. (Ibid.) Paris, 1904. 2 vols. 12. (31532) Nouveau mannel complet de la fabrication des Colles, etc. (Ibid.) Paris, 1856. 12. 202 pp. 4 pi. (4643) The same. Nouv. eM. par H. Bertran. (Ibid.) Paris, 1901. 12. 512 pp. (27900) Rapport . . . sur les grands appareils de Ghauffage de L. Duvoir-Leblanc. Paris, 1844. 8. 56pp. (33615) Malherbe, Renter. De 1'Assainissement des Villes. Motis, 1870. 8. 102 pp. 5 pi. (34769) JMallssarU-Taza. . ^ Notice sur U Cloche plongeante pour deroche- inents sous-marir.s, dn port de Brest et sur les barrages mobiles, uoluses et ponts du Canal de 1'Est. [Anzin, 1878.] 8. 18 pp. 2 pi. (34579) Malkln, Sir Benjamin Heath. Astronomy. 1834. 256 pp. See SOCIETY FOE THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Natural Philosophy. Vol.3. 8. (13815) MalkmuB, Bernard. See DEUTSCIIE TIERARZTLICHE WOCHENSCHRIFT. Red. B. M. 1905, etc. J 92 : 905. Mallard, Francois Ernest. See FRANCE : Min. des Travaux Publiques. Com- mission du Grisou. Rapport par E. M., etc., 1882. 8. (25961) Mallen. Rafael. Tha future Infantry Weapon. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering. 8. pp. 763-771. (24918) Mallet, Alain Manosson. .Scc'MANESSON MAI.LKT. Mallet, John Wm., I'ruf. in the Univ. of Virginia, Cotton . the chemical, geological, and meteoro- logical conditions involved in its successful cultiva- tion. With an account of the actual conditions and practice of culture in the Southern . . . States of North America. London, 1862. sm. 8. 200 pp. 1 pi. (33374) The physiological effect of Creatin and Creatinin an-} their value as nutrients. 1899. 24 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 66. J 29 : 889. Report on an investigation of analytical methods for distinguishing between the Nitrogen of proteids and chat of the simpler amids or amide-acids. With a chapter on the separation of flesh bases from proteid matter by means of bromin. By H. W. Wiley. 1898. 30 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 54. J 29 C : Mallet, P., Engineer. Revue des principales innovations apportes dans I'industrie du Gaz depuis la fondation de la Soci6t<5 technique do I'industrie du gaz en France. Paris, 1903. 8. 202 pp. (30621) Mallet, Robert. See FIELD, G. The rudiments of Colours and of Colouring. [New ed.] by R. M. 1870. sm. 8. (28741) On the artificial preparation of Turf, etc. Er: "Trans. Inst. C.E., of Ireland." [Vol. 1. pp. 1-49. pi. 1-2.] Dublin, 1845. 8. 8 + 50 pp. 2 pi. (37167) Rnpport sur le Chemin de fer e'tabli suivant le systf'ine atmosphe'rique de Kingstown a Dalkey, en Irlande, et sur 1'application de ce systeme uux chemins de fer en gdnlral. Paris, 1844. 8. 70pp. 2 pi. (33318) Mallinckrodt, Edward. Dietary Studies with Harvard University students. 1905. 64 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE: Expt. Station Bulletin 152. J 29 : 889. Mallmann, Paul J. Coke Ovens and their history. [Westminster, 1904.] fol. 60pp. 17 pi. (31281) Mally, Frederick W. The Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil. 1901. 30 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Farmers' Bul- letin 130. J 29 Fa : Malo, Ldon. L'Aspbalte, son origins, sa preparation, ses applications. 3e ed. Paris, 1898. sm. 8. 382 pp. 2 pi. (25380) On Asphalte Roadways. Trsl. J. Henderson. London, 1886. 8. 66 pp. (34476) La Sdcnritd dans les Chemins de fer. Paris. 1882. 12. 330pp. (33319) Malta Government Gazette. Extracts . . . containing notices relating to Patents and Trade marks. Feb. 1900, etc. .Valla, 1900, etc. fol. (29542) Malus, Ktienue Louis. (Biographical.) See ARAGO, F. Biographies of distinguished Scientific men. 1857. pp. 362-398. 8. (2920) 455 MALV] Malvezin, Frantz. Manuel de Pasteurisation des Yins et traite- ment de leurs maladies. Paris, T1898 ?1. 8. 278pp. 10 pi. (25476) Viellissement des Vins et Spirituous. Nouveau traitement des vins, ou pastouroxyfrigorie. T2e ed.l Paris, 1903. 8. 152 pp. 7 pi. (30249) Mamxnatt, Edward. See ANALYST, (The). Ed. W. Holl and E M 1837 ; E. M., 1838-40. A 40 : 834. Mamy, Henri. Appareils de Se"curite. 1902. 78 pp. See HATON DE LA GOUPILLIERE, J. N. La Me'canique a, 1'Exposition de 1900. Tome 2. Livr. 9. fol. (27147) Comment on defend les ouvriers contre les Eclats et les poussi&res de 1'atelier. Paris, [19011. sm. 8. 54 pp. (27711) Ittanby, Geo. Wm., Capt. An address to the . . . Society ... of Arts . . . With a vindication of the Author from an imputation . . . that he had pirated his system of rescue from shipwreck on a lee-shore, from . . . Lieut. Bell ; and a complete exposi- tion of that system. London. 1816. 8. 64 pp. (36603) Essai pratique et de'monstratif sur les moyens de preVenir les naufrages et de sauver la vie aux marins naufrages, etc. [? Paris, 1827.1 48 pp. Ipl. (33582) Wants title and following leaf. General report on the survey of the East Coast of England, for . . . carrying into effect and establishing the system for saving shipwrecked persons. London, 1813. 8. 118 pp. (36153) Malice, Sir Henry Christopher. On the respective merits and durability of Gutta-percha and India-rubber joints. Ex : " Proc. Soc. Telegraph Engineers." 1875. 8. 6 pp. (28140) Manchester. Manchester and District. Iron, Steel, and allied trades. London, Robinson & Co. ("1899?! obi. 8. 88pp. 4 pi. (26789) Manchester. See EYLANDS, (JOHN) LIBRARY, Manchester. Manchester, (Corporation). Report on the Health of the City of Manchester, 1899, etc. Manchester, 1900, etc. 8. H 20 : 899. Publication : Annual. Medical Officer of Health: J. Niven, 1899. etc. Electric Works. Particulars of generating and distributing plant, etc. [By C. H. Wordingham.] Manchester, [18991 8. 18pp. (26790) Free Library. Catalogue of the books in the Manchester Free Library. Reference Department. [Vol. I.] Pre- pared by A. Crestadaro. Vol. 2. Comprising the additions from 1864 to 1879. [Parts 1-2.] Index of Names and Subjects. London, 1864-81. 4 vols 8. (5806) Rivers Dept. Experts' Report on treatment of Manchester Sewage. Manchester. [1899]. 8. 64 pp. 25 pi (36168) [MANO Manchester, (University). - See OWEN'S COLLEGE, Manchester, - Archives of the Public Health Laboratory of the University of Manchester. Vol. 1. etc. Man- chester, 1906, etc. 4. H 21 : 906. Publication: Annual. Editor: A. S. De!?pine, 1906, etc. - The physical Laboratories of the University of Manchester. A record of 25 years' work. Pre- pared in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Election of Dr. A. Schuster, to a professorship in the Owens College. Manchester. 1906. 8. 142 pp. 15 pi. (33745) (Gartside Reports,) - 1 The Argentine as a market. By N. L. Watson. Manchester, 1908. 8. 64 pp. 1 pi. (36604) - Chemical industry on the Continent. Report by H. Baron. 1905. Manchester, 1909. 8. 8tpp. (38264) - Cotton Spinning and manufacturing in the United States of America. Report by T. W. Uttley. 1903-04. Manchester, 1905. 8. 82 pp (34270) - Dyeing in Germany and America. With a chapter on colour production. Report by S. H. Higgins. 1905-06. Manchester, 1907. 8. 12(5 pp. (34268) Engineering in the United States. Report by F. Foster. 1904-05. Manchester, 1908. 126 pp. (34257) - Some electro-chemical centres. By J. N. Pring. Manchester, 1908. 8. 152 pp. (37466) Some modern conditions and recent develop- ments in Iron and Steel production in America. Report by F. Popplewell. 1903-01. Manchester, 1906. 8. 136 pp. 1 pi. (34269) Manchester : British and Colonial Industrial Exhi. bition, 1894. -- Catalogue. [Manchester, 1894]. sm. 8. 96pp. - Chamber of Commerce. -- Compulsory working of Patents. Deputation to the President of the Board of Trade .... April, 1906. Report. Manchester, 1906. 8. 36pp. (32991) - Joint Architectural Committee. -- A classified catalogue of the works on Archi. tecture and the allied arts in the principal libraries of Manchester and Salford. Ed. by H. Guppy and G. Vine. Manchester, 1909. 8. 336 pp. (38220) Manchester and Salford Sanitary Asso- ciation. - Lamp Explosions in Manchester. Report on the Flash point of Oils. [By W. Thomson.] Ex : "Manchester Guardian," April 14. 1899. sm. 8. 4 pp. (26336) Manchester District Institution of Gas Managers. - See ASSOCIATIONS OP GAS ENGINEERS, etc. 1883, etc. K 41: 883. Manchester Geological Society. Trans- actions. Vol. 1-29. Manchester, 1841-1905. 19vo!s 8. G10M: Title varied : " Manchester Geol. and Mining Society," History : Federated with the " Inst. of Mining Engi- neers," in T904. 456 MANC] [MANN Manchester, Liverpool, and District Tanners 1 Federation. Year-book. 1905, etc. ZM<, 1905, fc. 8 J . K 70: 905. Kilitor : C. E. Parker. Titlf rarifJ: 'Tanners' Year Book." Organ of the United Tanners' Federationi> of Great Britain and Ireland. 1'JOi), etc. Manchester Steam Users' Association. Chief Engineers' Report, 1870, etc. Mancheiter, 1870, etc. 8. B 52 : 870. I > iihtn : >i't"/t : Annual. Title varied: "Reports of Proceedings," 1885-92; " Memoranda by Chief Engineer," 18'J3, etc. Deficient : 1891, 1893, 1897. Manchot. Wilhelm Konrad Karl. See HOLLEMAX, A. F. Lehrbach der anor- ganifchen Chemie. [Deutsche Aasg.] hreg. von \V. M. 2te Aafl. 1903. 8. (30120) Das Stereoskop. Seine Annendun? in den technischen Wissenschaften. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 74 pp. (21)130) Mancion, Giovanni. Nuovo processo chimico per iniezione di traverse di ferrovie e di pali da telegrafo. Roma, 1874. 8. 14 pp. 1 pi. (33616) Mamlel. John Alfred. See HAMMERSTEX, 0. A text book of Physio- logical Chemistry. Trsl. J. A. M. ed. 2, etc. 1898, etc. Man ell, Louis, M.l>. - TraitiS pratique du Microscope . . . suivi de recherches sur 1'organisation des animaux infusoires, par C. G. Ehrenberg. Paris, 1839. 8. 500 pp. 14 pi. (36179) Manes, . Rcsumt'- des observations faites jusqn'a ce jour sur les Explosions de Chaudieres i vapenr. Ex : " Acad. des Sciences de Bordeaux." Actes, 1851. pp. 235-291. 8. (33617) Man ease, Denia Joseph, Abbe. Traite sur la raaniere d'empailler et de congerver leg animaux, les pelloteries, et Jes laines. Paris, 1787. 12. 196pp. (35349) Manesson-Mallet, Alain. Les travanx de Mars, on 1'art de la Guerre. Derniere e"d. La Have, 1696. 3 vols. 8. (35261) Manfal, Eduard. Das geloste Problem der Aeronantik. Ver- gleichende Kritik der bis hente znr Liisung der aeronautischen Aufgabe in Vorecblag gebrachten Projecte, etc. Wien, 1895. 8. 52 pp. (25709) Mang-elsdorff, Friedrich. Ueber Ovalwerke. 1902. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUXG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlun- gen. Jahrg. 81. pp. 423-445. 4. B 67 P : Mansreot, H., Goldsmith. Trait6 dn Fusil de Chasse, et moyens d'en amHiorer la portee, le fini et la dnrde. Bruxelles, 1851. 8 J . 320pp. 9 pi. (35782) Mangrln, Louis. See PRIVAT-DESCHAXEL, A., and FOCILLON, A. Dictionnaire general des sciences. 5e n Gervais Marie. Les Sucres et leura principanx de'rive's. Paris, 1900. 8. 1034 pp. (27113) Maragre, R. M., M.D. Etude des Cornets Acoustiques par la Photo- fraphie des Flammes de Kcenig. Paris, [1897]. 8. 8 pp. 6 pi. (17786) Note sur un nonveau Cornet Acoustique servant en meme temps de Masseur du Tympan. Paris, [1897]. 8. 16 pp. (25657) Marat, Jean Paul, M.D. D' Andr Edmond. Lemons pur la Niivigition A^rieniie. [1903-04. Avec Annexes.] Paris, [19041. 2 pts. 4 . lithoar (31104) Les modifications permanentes du Verre et le deplacement du zero des Tbermometres. Ex : " Memoires de la Soc. des Sciences physiques et nattirelles de Bordeaux." 5e S^rie. Tome 5. Paris, 1898. 8. 446pp. 2 pi. (26379) LesMot?urs a essence pour Automobiles. Ln-ons professees en 1903-04. Paris. 1904. 8. 480 pp. (30336) Production et utilisation des gaz pauvres. Paris, 1908. 4. 328pp. (35686) Production et utilisation du Froid. Paris, 1906. 8. 590 pp. (33898) Marcke, van. De 1'abolition des Brevets d'Invention. Dis- conrs. (Conference du jeune barreau de Lieye. Stance du 9 Nov., 1869.) Paris, 1869. 8. 26 pp. (35229) Marckwald, Willy. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen den Schmelz- punkten und der Zusammensetzuug der chemischen Verbindnngen. [1898.] See GRAHAM-OTTO. Aus- fuhrliches Lehrbucb der Chemie. 3te Aufl. Band 1. Abt, 3- pp. 503-532. 8. (11138) Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen den Siede- punkten nnd der Zusammensetzang der chemischen Verbindnngen. [1898.] Ibid. 3te Aufl. Band 1. Abt. 3. pp. 533-564. 8. (11138) Marcoaldi, Oreste. Delle fabbriche di Terraglia e Majoliche di Fabriano. (Reprint.) See VANZOLINI, G. Istorie delle fabbriche di majoliche Metaurensi. Vol. 2. pp. 93-101. 1879. 8. (30355) Marconi, Guglielmo. Recent advances in Wireless Telegraphy. (Re- print.) 1905. See SMITHSONIAN INST. Report 1906-07. pp. 131-145. B 13 S : 847. (Appendix.) See TARCHI, A. II Telegrafo senza fili di G. Marconi. 1897. sm. 8. (19355) Marconi International Marine Communi- cation Co., Ltd. Ten years of the Marconi system of Wireless Telegraphy. London, [1905]. 4. 50 pp. portr. (38488) Marcucel, Lorenzo. Saggio analitico-chimico sopra i Colori Mineral! e mezzi di procurarsi gli artefatti gli smalti e le vernici. Colle note del P. Palmaroli. 2a ed. Roma, 1816. 8. 264 pp. 1 pi. (36427) 459 3 M 2 MARC] [MARG Marcus de V<5ze, J. " La Transmutation des Mdtaux. L'or alohimique, 1'argentaurum. Paris, 1902. am. 8. 48 pp. (28352) IWar<5chal, , Abbe. Notice our 1'Asbeste, ses variet^s, et ses usages. Ex : " Ball de la Soc. Naturelle du Depart, de la Moselle." 1844. pp. 3-9. 8. (34580) Mar<5chal, Henri. Les Chemins de fer Electriques. Pan's, 1904. 8. 604pp. (30344) , Les Tramways Electriques. Paris, 1897. 8. 212 pp. (19251) The same. 2e e"d. Paris, 1902. 8. 334 pp. (28353) OTareine, . Notice sur la construction et 1'usage d'nn Char ;i delayer les neiges. Ex : " M^m. de la Soc. libre d'emulation de Doubs." D6c. 1847. pp. 89-96. 1 pi. 8. (34629) IHiarek, Gustav. See K8NIGSBERG ( Univ.) : Landw. physiologische Laboratorium. Mittheiluncen. Hrsif. G. M., 1882-89. J 882a. Marek, \V. Das osterreichische Saccharometer und der osterreicbische Bierwiirze - Kontroll - Messapparat. Wien, 1906. 8. 396pp. (35134) Maresch, Cornel, Engineer. Kraftmaschinea zum Betriebe dynamo-elek- trischer Stromerzeuger. Leipzig, 1898. 8. 244 pp (25642) Maresclial, Jules. - Du droit he're'ditaire des Auteurs et des erreurs du Congres de Bruxelles, suivi d'nn discours sur les Beaux-arts. Paris, 1859. 8. 182pp. (38749) Blarestier, ., Engineer. Me'moire sur les bateaux a vapeur des Etats- Unis d'Ame'rique. Precede 1 du rapport . . . our ce Me'moire par MM. San^, Biot, Poisson et C. Dupin. Paris, 1824. 4. 290 pp. Wants plates. (32315) Marey, Etienne Jules. See ARSONVAL, A. d', and others. TraitS de Physique biologique. 1901-03. 2 vols. 8. (30143) . La Chronophotographie. 1899. See CONSERVA- TOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 3e 8^r. Tomel. pp. 283-318. B76C: The same. Another copy. Paris, 1899. 8. 40 pp. (26819) Lectures on the phenomena of Flight in the animal kingdom. Ex : " Revue des cours gcienti- fiques." 1864. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1869. pp. 226-285. B 13 S : 847. La m. See JACKSON, H. An essay on bread ; wherein the bakers, etc., are vindicated from the aspersions contained in ... " Poison detected," [by P. M.], etc. 1758. 8. (38351) Markovltch, 6. P. Die Bereehnung der elektrischen Konstanten paralleler Wechselstromoberleitungen. 1905. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTROTECHN. VORTRAGE. Band 7. pp. 325-424. D 51 : 896. Spannungserhohnng in elektrischen Netzen in- folge Resonanz und freier elektrischer Schwingun- gen. 1905. Ibid. Band 6. pp. 411-476. D 51: 896. Marks, Edward Chas. Robert. The evolution of modern Small Arms and Ammunition. London, [1898]. sm. 8. 178 pp. (25612) The manufacture of Iron and Steel Tubes. London, [1897]. sm. 8. 108 pp. (8497) The same. 2nd ed. Manchester, 1903. sm. 8. 164 pp. (30286) Notes on the construction of Cranes and lifting machinery. Manchester, 1892. sm. 8. 146 pp. (8177) The same. New ed. Manchester, 1899. sm. 8. 196 pp. (26844) The same. 3rd ed. Manchester, 1904. sm. 8. 268 pp. (31360) Marks, Geo. Croydon, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E. Hydraulic Power Engineering. A practical manual on the concentration and transmission of Power by hydraulic machinery. London. 1900. 8. 376 pp. (26783) 461 MARL] [MARS Marlatt, Cbas. Lester. The annual loss occasioned -by destructive In- sects in the United States. 1904. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1904. pp. 461-474. J 29 : 849b. Important Insecticides : directions for their preparation and use. 4th ed. 1898. 32 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 19. J 29 Fa : The same. [Revised ed.], partly re-written. 1901. 42 pp. Hid. Farmers' Bulletin 127. J 29 Fa : Insect control in California. 1896. Ibid. Year- book. 1896. pp. 217-236. 1 pi. J 29 : 849b. New species of diaspine Scale Insecis. 1908. 32pp. 9 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Tech- nical Series, 16. Pt. 2. J 29 E : The Peach Twig-borer. 1898. 16 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 80- J 29 Fa: The Periodical Cicada (Cicada, Septendecim.). 1898. 148pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bul- letin. New Series, 14. J 29 E : The Periodical Cicada. 1907. 182 pp. 6 pi. Hid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 71. J 29 E : The principal household Insects of the United States. By L. 0. Howard and C. L. M. 1902. 132 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin. New Series, 4. Revised ed. J 29 E : The principal Insect enemies of the Grape. 1895. Ibid. Year-book. 1895. pp. 385-404. J 29 : 849b. The same. [Reprinted from Year-book, 1895]. 24 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 70. J 29 Fa : The principal Insect enemies of growing Wheat. 1901. 40 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 132. J 29 Fa : The San Jose Scale. By L. 0. Howard and C. L. M. 1896. 80 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Ento- mology. Bulletin. New series, 3. J 29 E : The San Jose Scale : its native home and natural enemy. ' 1902. Ibid. Year-book. 1902. pp. 155- 174. 6 pi. J29:849b. The San Jose or Chinese Scale. 1906. 90 pp. 9 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 62. J29E: The Scale Insect and mite enemies of Citrus trees. 1900. Ibid. Year-book. 1900. pp. 247-290. 6 pi. J 29 : 849b. Scale insects and mites on Citrus trees. 1903. 44 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 172. J 29 Fa : and Orton, W. A. The control of the Codling moth and Apple scab. 1906. 22 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL- TURE. Farmers' Bulletin 247. J 29 Fa : Marlow, Thos. G. See SPONS' ENGINEERS', etc., BOOK OF PRICES. Ed. T. G. M. 1903-04. E 22 : 877. Marotc, E. Influence des travaux de regularisation sur le regime de la Meuse Beige et de 1'Ourthe Inferieure. Par E. Jacquemin et E. M. 1900. 12 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTE- RIEURE. 8e Congres. Question 1 [3]. F 43 : 888. Marpmann, Georg. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR RIECH- UND GESCHMACK- STOFFE. Hrsg. G. M. 1909, etc. K 51 : 909. Illustrirte Fachlexika des ges. Apparaten-, In- strumenten- und Maschinenkunde, der Technik und Methodik fur Wissenschaft, Gewerbe und Unterrieht. Band 1, etc. Leipzig, 1901, etc. 8. (27586) In progress. Marqfoy, Gustavo. Nouveau systeme d'appareils electriques destines ii assurer la se'cunte' des chomins de fer. Bordeaux, 1857. 8. 78 pp. 6 pi. (33320) Marqu<5, de, Lieut. Abrdgd de diSveloppemens divers it 1'appui de 1'idee . . . de substituer lo fil de fer au fil de caret dans la confection des manoeuvres dormantes. Brest, 1832. 8. 32pp. 4 tables. (33618) Marque, ]!<;<. See LELASSEUX, L., and MARQUE, R. L'A6ro- plane pour tous. 1909. sm. 8. (38583) Marquerie, Eduardo. Las Helices aereas. 1906. 30 pp. See MEMO- RIAL DE INGENIEROS. 4a 6poca. Tomo 23. F 96 : 846. Marquet de Vasselot, J. J. Les Emaux Limousins a fond vermicule (xiie et xiiie siecles). Ex : " Revue Arch^ologique." Tome 6. Paris, 1906. 8. 46 pp. 9 pi. (33180) Marre, Jacob de. Des instruments pour la mesure des distances. 1880. 320 pp. 17 pi. See FRANCE : Mm. de la Marine (Service de V Artillerie). Me'moires mili- taires, etc. Tome 7. 8 and fol. F 94 : 873. Marseilles : Chambre de Commerce. Le Caoutchouc des Colonies Francaises. Pro- duction, preparation, importation. Rapport par [F.] Bohn. Marseille, 1905. 8. 10 pp. (35490) Marsh, Cbas. Dwight. The Loco-weed disease of the Plains. 1909. 130 pp. 11 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 112. J29An:a. Marsh, Chas. Fleming. Reinforced Concrete. London, 1 904. 8. 546pp. 1 pi. (31019) and Dunn, W. Manual of Reinforced Concrete and concrete block construction. London, 1908. sm. 8. 302 pp. 2 pi. (38082) Marsh, Geo. Perkins, LL.D. The Camel. 1854. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1854. pp. 98-122. B 13 S : 847. Marah, Sir Henry, Bart , M.D. The evolution of Light from the living human subject. Ex: " Provincial Medical Journal." Dub- lin, 1842. 8. 60 pp. (33434) Marshall, Alfred W., and Greenly, H. Flying Machines ; past, present, and future. London, [1907]. sm. 8. 134pp. 12 pi. (34436) Marshall, Chas., Vicar of Brixworth. A plain and easy introduction to the knowledge and practice of Gardening, with hints on fish-ponds. 4th ed. London, 1805. sm. 8. 420 pp. (32456) Marshall, Elizabeth. The Young Ladies' guide in the Art of Cookery ; being a collection of useful receipts. Newcastle, 1777. 8. 210pp. (25935) Marshall, Julian. Report on Engraving, Lithography, etc., in the International Exhibition, 1871. See LONDON INTER- NAT. EXHIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol. 1. Pt. 3. pp. l-ll. (15691) 462 MARS] [MART Marshall, Percival. See ENGINEER IN-CHAROE. Ed. P. M. 1900, etc. E 20 : 906. See MODEL ENGINEER, etc. Ed. P. M. 1898, etc. E 34 : 898. Marshall. Wm. The Rural Economy of Gloucestershire ; includ- ing its dairy : together with dairy management of North Wiltshire ; and the management of orchards and fruit liquor, in Herefordshire. Gloucester, 1789. 2vols. 8. (17274) Marston. Robert Bright. See LAYRIZ, O. Mechanical traction m War. Trsl. R. B. M. 1900. 8. (26984) See LIESEGANG, P. E. A manual of the Carbon Process. From the 6th German ed., by R. B. M. 1878. 8. (35520) Marteil, Victor. Fonderie de Fonte. Paris, 1908. 8. 318 pp. (38532) Martel, Chas., pseud, [i.e. Thos. Delf.] See CHEVREUI-, M. E. The principles of Har- mony etc., of Colours. From the French by C. M. 1854. sm. 8. (28866) The principles of Colouring in Painting. 2nd ed. London, 1855. Bin. 8. 64 pp. (34056) The same. 17th ed. London, 1886. urn. 8. 72pp. (20845) Martel. H. Set LOVERDO, J. de. Les Abattoirs publics. Vol. 2. Inspection et administration, etc. Par H. M., etc. 1906. 8. (32979) Martelet. J. Cuivres bruts et affined. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 40. pp. 590-603. 8. (13828) Fers et Aciers ouvre's. 1868. Ibid. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 40. pp. 546-589. 8. (13828) Martelly, F. Marseille. Filtration natorelle <3e* eaux du Canal. Marseille, 1866. 8. 16 pp. (34774) Marten, Elward Dimmack. L'exhaussement des Barrages existants com- pard aux dragages. 1898. 8 pp. 1 pi. See CON- ORES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTKRIEURE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 1. Question 1. F 43 : 888. DdTutilisation des Chutes aux barrages comme force motrice. 1898. 4 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 1. Question 3. F 43 : 888. Marten, Edward Bindon. Records of Steam Boiler explosions. [Appended] Brief abstracts from Reports on Steam-boiler explo- sions . . . [1866-78]. London, [1869-]1878. . 2vols. in one. 8. (35309) Martens, Adolf. HandbuchderMaterialkundefiirden Maschinen- bau. Theil 1. Materialpriifungnwesen, Probir- niaschiuun und Messmstrumente. Berlin, 1898. 8. 540 pp. 20 pi. (25701) Handbook of Testing Materials for the Con- structor. Trsl. G. C. Henning. Part 1. Methods, machinery, and auxiliary apparatus. New York, 1899, etc. 8. (27025) Die Messdose als Kraf tmesser in der Material- prufmaschine. 1907. 46 pp. 1 pi. See VEREIN DEUTS(?HER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 38. E 13/857b. Martens, Adolf cont. The microstructure of Ingot iron in cast ingots. Ex : " Trans, of the Amer. Soc. of M. E." Aug., 1892. 8. 28 pp. 14 pi. (25952) Ueber die Priifung der Sohneidwerkzeuge. 1900. VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERDNG DES GEWERBFLEISSEI. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 79. pp. 140-148. 1 pi. B67 P: Zugversuche mit eingekerbten Probekorpern. 1901. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INOENIEURE. Mit- theilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 3. pp. 35-55. E 13/857b. Martig-nat, . Le Liege, ses proriuits et ses sous-produits. ( Encyclopedic scieiitijique des Aide-mtuwire.) Paris, [1904J. sm.8. 158pp. (31530) Martin, . Guilbert-. See GUILBERT -MARTIN. Martin, Arthur John. The purification of Sewage by Bactsria. London, 1899. 8 s . 24pp. (27002) The Sewage Problem : a review of the evidence collected by the Royal Commission on Sewage dis- posal. London, 1905. 8. 380 pp. (32529) Martin, Benjamin, Optician. The description and use of both the Globes, the Armillary Sphere, and Orrery. London, [177 ?]. 8. 210pp. 5 pi. (30353) The description and use of an universal Sliding Rule. London, J177 ?]. 8. 22pp. (28897) The description of a new construction and appli- cation of a portable apparatus of Microscopic Instruments. [London, 177 ?]. 8. 8 pp. 1 pi. (28896) (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Martin, C. C. . The Harness-maker's complete guide. Chicago, 1891. sm. 8. 160pp. (31946) Martin, Casimir, Piano- Manufacturer. Methods de Cbirogymnaste, on gymnase des doigts. Para, 1843. 8. 56 pp. 6 pi. (35205) Martin, Chas. J. See JOURNAL OP HYGIENE. Ed. G. H. F. Nuttall, J. 8. Haldane, A. Newsholme and C. J. M. 1906, etc. H 21 : 901. Martin, E. A. Der Drechsler. 8te Ann 1 , von C. Marggraf. Leipzig, 1905. 8. 414 pp. (32049) Martin, Edward Alfred. Dew-Ponds. Ex : " Knowledge, etc." May- June. 1907. 8. 12pp. (34371) Palaeozoic rocks under South-Eastern England. (Reprint.) London, 1908. 8. 12 pp. (37343) Some considerations concerning Dew - Ponds. Ex : " Trans. South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies," 1908. pp. 65-86. 8. (36342) i Some observations on Dew-Ponds. Ex : " Geo- graphi"al Journal," Aug. 1909. pp. 174-195. 8. (38818) Martin, Kmile, Metallurgical Engineer. See MARTIN, Francois Marie E. Martin, F61ix. L'Eucalyptua et ses applications industrielles. Paris, 1877. 8. 72pp. (37429) 463 MART] [MART Martin, Franjois Marie Emile. Du fer dans les Fonts Suspendus. [Paris. 1829.] 4. 22 pp. (37428) Martin, Geo. Curtis. The Petroleum fields of the Pacific coast of Alaska, etc. 1905. 64 pp. 7 pi. See U.S. GEO- LOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 250. G 30 : 883. Martin, Henry, Engineer. Production et distribution de 1'^nergie pour la Traction Electtique. Pen-is, 1902. 8. 750 pp. (28354) Martin, J. R. See BOMBAY, Govt. of. A monograph on tannine, etc., in the Bombay Presidency. By J. R. M. 1903. fol. (30922) Martin, James. The Screw cutter's guide. Deptford, 1862. 16. 116 pp. 1 pi. (32088) Martin, John, K.L. Outline of a comprehensive plan for diverting the Sewage of London and Westminster from the Thames and applying it to agricultural purposes, for improving the navigation of the river, and for establishing a supply of pure water to the metropo- lis. London, 1850. ' sm. 8. 16 pp. (29202) Reprint of Report of the Committee appointed to take into consideration Mr. Martin's plan for rescuing the River Thames from every species of pollution. [London, 1836.'] 8. 20 pp. (39011) Martin, Joseph S. See HOME OFFICE. Miners' Hygiene. Health of Cornish miners. Report by J. S. Haldane, etc. 1904. fol. (30829) Martin, Julius, Electrical Engineer. See WALLING, B. T., and MARTIN, J. Electrical installations of the United States Navy. 1907. 8. (37290) Martin, Montgomery. See MARTIN, Robert M. Martin, P. D., Ingenieur des Ponts-et-Chaussees. Description du Pont Suspendu, construit sur la Garonne, ii Langon . . . suivie du detail des travaux execute's pour sa construction. Paris, 1832. 4. 102pp. 8 pi. (34775) Martin, Robert Montgomery. The history, antiquities, topography, etc., of Eastern India. Vol. 2. Bhagulpoor, Goruckpoor, and Dinajepoor. London, 1838. 8 . 1058 pp. 28 pi. 3 maps. (37759) Martin, Rudolf. Das Zeitalter der Motorluftschiffahrt. Leipzig, 1907. 8. 110pp. (35054) Martin, Thos. Commerford. See ELECTRICAL WORLD. Ed. T. C. M. 1889, etc. D 51/888. Martin, Thos. Henri. Sur les instruments d'optique faussement attri- bues aax anciens par quelques savants modernes. Ex : " Bull, di Bibliogratia . . . delle Scienze mate- matiche, etc." Tome 4. 1871. Borne, 1871. 4. 74 pp. (29692) Martin, Wm., Editor of the " Educational Magazine, etc." The illustrated Natural Philosophy. 4th ed. London, Darton & Co., [186 ?| 12. 324 pp. (27478) Martin, Wm. cont. The same. 6th ed. London, Simpkin, Marshall cfi Co., [186 ?]. 12. 324 pp. (29302) Martin, Wm., Bar.-at-Law. The construction or interpretation of Specifica- tions of Letters Patent and the application of the results obtained. (A synopsis of a chapter in Patent Law.) London, 1900. 8. 36 pp. (27185) The English Patent system. (Temple Primers.) London, [1905]. sm. 8. 146 pp. 2 pi. (30978) Martin, Wm. C'nas. Linnaeus. The Hog. See FARMER. The Farmers' Library. Animal Economy. [1847-48.] Vol.2, pp. 389-492. 8. (3915) The Ox. Ibid. [1847-48.] Vol. 1. pp. 1-184. 8". (3915) Poultry. Ibid. Vol.2, pp. 493-603. 8. (3915) The Sheep. Ibid. Vol. 2. pp. 1-220. 8^. (3519) Martin de Brettes, Jean Baptiste. Appareils Chrono-electriques a induction. Ap- plication aux experiences balistiques. Paris, 1858. 8. 206pp. 4 pi. (34330) Martin de Moussy, V. L'AnKjrique Centrale et 1'Amerique Meridionale a 1'Exposition Universelle de 18R7. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 43. Sect. 13. pp. 488-549. 8. (13828) Produits Agricoles, non-alimentaires, de 1'Ame- rique m<$ridionale. 1868. Ibid. Classe 43. Sect. 12. pp. 482-487. 8. (13828) Viandes et Poissons. Par A. Payen et M. de M. 1868. Ibid. Classe 70. pp. 151-182. 8. (13828) Martlndale, John. The Farmer's and Gardener's guide to the Analysis of soils and manures ; and to the practical application of agricultural chemistry. Sunderland, [1849]. sm. 8. 150 pp. 1 pi. (38358) Martlndale, Wm. Coca and Cocaine, their history, medical and economic uses, etc. 2nd ed. London, 1892, sm. 8". 76 pp. 1 col. pi. (34079) The Extra Pharmacopoeia, with the additions introduced into the British Pharmacopoeia, 1885. Medical references and therapeutic index by W. W. Westcott. 5th ed. London, 1888. 18. 462 pp. (21490) The same. 8th ed. London, 1895. 18. 612 pp. (25128) The same. 1898. Serotherapy, Organotherapy, Medical references, and a Therapeutic Index, by W. W. Wtstcott. 9th ed. London, 1898. sm. F, 654 pp. (25806) The same. 12th ed., revised by W. H. Martin- dale and W. W. Westcott. London, 1906. 16. 1075 pp. (34437) The same. 13th ed., by W. H. Martindale and W. W. Westcott. London, 1908. 16. 1204 pp. (37153) The pharmacy of Phosphorus. Ex : " Phar- maceutical Journal," March 14, 1896. sm. 8. 8 pp. (34166) Martlndale, Wm. Harrison. See MARTINDALE, W. The Extra Pharmacopoeia. Ed. 12, etc., by W. H. M. and W. W. Westcott. 1906, etc. 464 MART] [MARV Martinolli, M. See. BARATTA, M., and MAUTINELLI, M. Dizio- nario d'Elettricitik, etc. [1889-91.] fol. (1702) Martinenq, Benjamin. Aide-mumoire du Construoteur de Navires, de machines et cbaudii-res marines, du mrcanicien, etc. 2e< : d. Paris, 1901. 12. 1320pp. 4 pi. (27901) Martinet, Kmile. L'Imprimerie et la Librairie. 1880. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 9. 120 pp. 8. (25811) Martinez, Marcial. See SOCIEDAD DE FOMENTO FABRIL. Las Pa- teutes de privilejios exclusivos. For M. M. 1904. 8. (31158) Martlny, Benno. Bericht uberdieHnuptprufungderMilchflachen- Spiilmaschinen nnd Vorpriifung neuer Molkerei- gerate, Stuttgart, 1908. 1909.76pp. SeeDEDTSCHE LANDWIUTSCHAFTS - GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 156. J 23 : 894. Die Butterbereitung. 1874. 14pp. SeeMlLCH- WIRTHSCHAFTLICHE8 VEREIN. Schriften [No. 11 J 83 : 874. Die Kennzeichnnng von Zuchttieren. 1899. 32 pp. See DEOTSCHE LANDWIRTSCHAFTS-GESELL- SCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 46. J 23 : 894. Preisausschreiben des DeutschenMilchwirtschaft- lichen Vereins betreffend das hollandische Aufstall- verfahren. 1908. 34 pp. 1 pi. See MILCHWIRTU- SCHAFTLER VEREIN. Schrii'ten. No. 34. 8 J 83 : 874. Priifnng der " Thistle "-Melkmaschine. 1899. 202 pp. See DEUTSCHB LANDWIRTSCHAPTS-GES- ELLSCHAPT. Arbeiten. Heft 37. 8. J 23 : 894. Sechs Priifungen milchwirtschaftlicher Gerate 1904. Ibid. Arbeiten. Heft 92. 29 pp. 8. J 23 : 894. Vorpriifung neuer milchwirtschaftlicher Gerate . . . Diisseldorf 1907. 1908. 68 pp. Ibid Arbeiten. Heft 144. J 23 : 894. Vorpriifung neuer Molkereigerate der Wander- anstellung zu Danzig, 1904. 1905. 80 pp. Ibid Arbeiten. Heft 110. J 23 : 894. Vorpriifung neuer Molkereigerate der Wander- ausstellung zu Munohen, 1905. 1906. 50 pp Ibid Arbeiten. Heft 22. J 23 : 894. Vorpriifnng neuer milchwirtschaftlicher Gerate 1906-07. 1907. 120 pp. Ibid. Arbeiten Heft 126. J 23 : 894. Martins, Johann Nikolaus. Unterricht in der natiirlichen Magie . umgeirbeitet von J. 0. Wiegleb. Berlin, 1779 *8* 432pp. 9 pi. (38186) Marton, A. M. I A new treatise on the modern methods of Carbon Printing. (2nd ed.) Bloomington. HI.. 1905. 8 260pp. (31990) Marty, . See GIRARD, J. de. Platrage des Vins. Discus- . du rapport par M. M. 1889. 8. Ittarvi y Mayer, Jose*. Calculo de Cercbas sin Tirante. Me'todo abre- viado. 1882. 76 pp. 4 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 2a e"poca. Tomo 37. F 96 : 846. 34232 Marva y Mayer, Joed con/. Descripcion y uso del Escuadrimetro. 1886. 2 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. 3a e"poca. Tomo 3. F 96 : 846. Impurtancia de algunos detalles de ejecucidn en los reultados de pruebas de heladura do piedras. 1902. 52 pp. Ibid. 4a e"poo. Tomo 19. F 96 : 846. Informe sobre disposicion, sistema de construo- ci(5n y materiales mas convenientes para los alma- cenea de explosives. 1903. 18 pp. Ibid. 4a epoca. Tome 20. F 96 : 846. Noticia do algunas Baterias de Costa construidas durante el Afio 1896. 1897. 42 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. 4a (Spoca. Tomo 14. F 96 : 846. Noticia hist6rica y descriptiva dei Laboratorio del Material de Ingenieros. Madrid, 1899 8 28pp. 23 pi. (26741) Proyeoto de Puente m^talico portatil para car- reteras y vias ferreas. 1886. 104 pp. 8 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INQENIEROS. 3a ^poca. Tomo 3 F 96 : 846. Besolucion grafica de un problema de construc- ciones. 1881. 19 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. 2a dpoca. Tomo 36. F 96 : 846. Marvin, Cbas. Petroleum. 1888. See Roy. ENGINEERS. Prof Papers. Vol.14, pp. 223-246. 12 pi. F 90: 844 1 Marvin, Chas. Frederic. Anemometer tests. 1900. See U.S. WEATHER BUREAU. Bulletin 223. 8. D 34 : 892a. Anemometry. 1893. 40 pp. Ibid. Circular D. D $4 : 892. The fame. 2nd ed. 1900. 68 pp. 1 pi. Ibid Bulletin 233. D 34 : 892a. Barometers and the measurement of atmospheric- pressure. 2nd ed. 1901. 94 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 241. D34:892a. Instructions for aerial observers. 1898. 34 pp 3 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 166. D 34 : 892a. Instructions for obtaining and tabulating record* from Recording Instruments. 1898. 32 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 167. D 34 : 892a. Instructions for the care and management of Sunshine Recorders. 1896. 18 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 109. D34:892a. Kite Meteorograph, construction, and operation. 1899. Ibid. Bulletin 208. pp. 7-12. 4. D 34 - 892a. Measurement of Precipitation. 1899. 28 pp Ibid. Bulletin 193. D 34 : 892a. A monograph on the mechanics and equilibrium of Kites. 1897. 72 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 122. D 34 : 892a. Psychrometric tables for obtaining the vapor pressure, relative humidity, and temperature of the dew-point. 1900. 84 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 235. The use of Kites in the exploration of the upper air. 1898. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 849 b. The same. Another copy. Ex of the Dept. of Agriculture," 1898. 8. (27571) 1898. pp. 201-212. 1 pi. J 29: " Year-book pp. 201-212. Marvin, J. D. The theory and practice of Granulating Gun- powder. 1875. 24pp. 7 pi. See U.S. NAVV DEPT. : (Ordnance Bureau). Papers [No. 14.] 8. F 83 : b 465 3N MARX] [MASS Guromiwarenhandler. (37990) Marx, Erich Anselm. ; Ueber wahre und scheinbare Abweichungen vom Ohmschen Gesetz. 1903. See SAMMLUNG ELEK- TROTECHNISCHER VoRTRAGE. Band 4. pp 467- 480. D 51 : 896. Marx. Erwin. Massive Steindacher. 1894. See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architektur. Theil 3. Band 2. Heft 5. pp. 344-357. 8. (22285) Marx, Geo. Walter. The art of drawing and engraving on wood. London, [1881]. sm. 8. 56 pp. 1 pi. (35466) Maryland (State) : Geological Survey. [County Reports.] 1, etc. Baltimore, 1900, etc. .8. G30M: [Reports.] Vol. 1, etc. Baltimore. 1897, etc. 8. G30M: [Systematic geology Reports.] Vol. 1, etc. Baltimore, 1901, etc. G 30 M : Marzoll, Fritz. Warenknnde fur den Berlin, [1908]. 8. 178 pp. Marzy, E. L'Hydraulique. (Bibliotheque des merveilles). Paris, 1868. 12. 334 pp. (37812) Mas, F. B. de. See FRANCE : M in. des Travaux Publics (Direc- tion des routes, etc.) Recherches experimentales sur le materiel de la Batellerie. Par. F. B. de M. 1891- 97. 4. (34474) Oours de Navigation Inte'rieure. [1.] Rivieres a courant libre. 1899. [2.] Rivieres canalise'es. 1903. [3.] Canaux. 1904. 3 vols. 8. (29561) Resistance au mouvement des Bateaux. 1898. 12 pp. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE : 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 1. Question 4. F 43 : 888. and Hlrsch, J. Traction et Propulsion sur les Canaux, sur les rivieres canalisfjes, et sur les rivieres a courant libre. 1894. 46 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE : 6e Congres, 1894. Question 4 [13]. F 43 : 888. Mascart, Eleuthere Elie Nicolas. Trait^ d'ElectricitS Statique. Paris, 1876. 2 vols. 8. (33201) Trait^ de Magnetisme Terrestre. Paris, 1900. 8. 448 pp. (27114) Maschlnen - und Metalllndustrie -Zelt - unjr. See ZENTRALBLATT PiiR MASCHINEN- INDUSTRIE UND EISENGIESSEREI. 1900, etc. E 31/896. Masbam, Samuel Cunliffe Lister, Baron. The square motion Combing machine : its origin. Correspondence . . . between S. C. Lister and LHolden. [1872-86.] London, [1886]. 8. 62pp. (28755). (Biographical.) Lord Masham's Inventions. Written by him- self. Bradford, 1905. 4. 92 pp. 16 pi. (32341) See WOODCROPT, B. Lives of Inventors Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Maskell, Alfred. Ivory, in commerce and in the arts. 1906. 52 pp. See SOCIETY OF ARTS Cantor Lectures [Vol. 8]. B 51 : 872. Paris, 1899-1904. Maskelyne, John Nevil. " Sharps and Flats " . . . secrets of cheating at games of chance and skill. 2nd ed. London, 1895. 8. 350pp. 4 pi. (30436) Maskelyne, Mervin Herbert Nevil Story. See MANSFIELD, C. B. Theory of Salts. [Ed. M. H. N. S. M.] 1865. 12. (32457) What is a Crystal ? 1876. See SOUTH KENSING- TON MUSEUM (Science and Art Dept.) Special Loan Collection. Free evening lectures. 8 pp. 294-316. (26272) Crystallography. A treatise on the morphology of crystals. [Parti.] Oxford, 1895. 8. 532pp. (26869) Maslen, T. J., Lieut. Suggestions for the improvement of our Towns and Houses. London, 1843. 8. 270pp. (36555) Mason, Francis, Rev. The natural productions of Burmah. Maulmain, 1850. sm. 8. 354 pp. (37565) Mason, G. F. -^ Some reasons for the increased number of de- fective tail shafts since the introduction of the Triple Expansion Engine. 1900. 48 pp. 1 pi. See INSTITUTE OP MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 12. Paper 91. F 81 : 889. Mason, Hobart. See SHELDON, S., and MASON, H. Dynamo- electric machinery. [Vol 1] Direct-current ma- chines. 3rded. 1902. 8. (28995) The same. [Vol. 2] Alternating-current ma- chines. 1902. 8. (28664) See SHELDON, S., and others. Alternating-cur- rent machinery. 7th ed. 1908. 8. (38221) Mason, Otis Tufton. ^ Aboriginal American Basketry : textile art without machinery. See INSTITUTION. Report 1901-02, pt. 2. 248 pi. B 13 S : 847. Aboriginal American Harpoons : a study in ethnic distribution and invention. Ibid. Report 1899-1900, pt. 2. pp. 189-304. 19 pi. B 13 8:847. Basket-work of the North American Aborigines. Ibid. Report 1884. pt. 2. pp. 291-306. 63 pi. B 13 S : 847. Throwing-sticks in the [U.S.] National Museum. Ibid. Report 1884, pt. 2. pp. 279-289. 17 pi. B13S :847. Mason, Wm. Pitt. Examination of Water (chemical and bacterio- logical). New York, 1899. sm. 8. 136 pp. 2 pi. (26306) Sanitary problems connected with municipal - Water supply. 1897. 22 pp. See FRANKLIN IN- STITUTE : Reprints. [Vol. 2.] B 62 : 886. Massachusetts (State) : Board of Health. Water Supplv and work of the Metropolitan Water District (Boston and its vicinity). Boston, 1900. 8. 44pp. 38 pi. (27839) Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Courses in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. [Including description of the Chemical Labora- tories.] Boston, 1899. 8. 32 pp. 6 pi. (26788) Massalskl, J. Dispositifs re'cents des dragues a grande puis- sance. 1898. 24pp. 5 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 7e Oongres. Rap- ports. Sect. 3. Question 4. F 43 : 888. studies in a SMITHSONIAN pp. 171-548. 466 MASS] Massart, Jean. La Cicatrisation chez les Vi>ge"taux. 1896. 68 pp. See ACAD. DE BELGIQUE. Me"m. in 8. Tome 57. B 22 : 840. Henry Jean Louis Joseph. Pewter Plate : a historical and descriptive hand- book. London, 1904. 8. 322 pp. (30437) Masse, R., Alining Engineer. Les appareils de Levage et de Manutention. 1901. 108 pp. See HATON DE LA GOCPILLIKRE, J N La Mecanique A 1'Exposition de 1900. Tome 2. Livr. 8. fol. (27147) Les Pompes. 1900. 8G pp. Ibid. Tome 2. Livr. 6. fol. (27147) Massee, Qeo. A text-book of Plant Diseases caused by crypto- gamio parasites. London. 1899. sm. 8. 470 pp. (26455) Masselln, O. Traite technique . . . des travaux de Pem- tnre et Drcors. Paris, 1898. 8. 102pp. (25477) Massenbach, G-eorg von. Praktische Anleitung zur Rimpauscben Moor- dammknltur. 3te Anfl. von K. von Maasenbach. Berlin, 1904. 8. 40 pp. (30670) Massenbach, Karl von. See MASSEXBACH, G. von. Praktische Anlei- tung zur Rimpauscben Moordammknltur. 3te Au8. K. vonM. 1904. 8. (30670) Massey. Edward. See BILL, R. A short account of Massey s patent log, etc. 1806. 8. (36627) Massey, Geo. B. Tobacco investigations in Ohio. By G. T. McNess and G. B. M. 1905. 38 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulle- tin 29. J29S: Ittaasey, Geo. Betton, M.I). See BIGELOW, H. R. An International system of Electro-Therapeutics. 2nd ed. by G. B. M. 1901. 8. (34638) Massien, F., Mining Engineer. Metnoire sur la Locomotive a adherence totale et ii essieux convergents de M. Rarchaert. Suivi d'nne note de 1'inventenr. Ex : " Annales des Mines." 7e Serie. Tome 10. Paris, 1877. 8. 21Cpp. 4 pi. (27763) Massisnon. H. See PIESSE, G. W. S. Chimie des Parfume. Ed. francaise par F. Chardin-Hadancourt, H. M., etc. 1890. sm. 8. (22866) - See PIESSE, G. W. S. Histoire des Parfums. Ed Francaise par F. Chardin-Hadancourt, H. M., etc. 1890. 1ST. (37814) Masslot, . See RADIGUET, ., and MASSIOT, . Notice sur les conrants de haute frequence, etc., appliquc'es a la Me-decine. [190 ?] 8. (29824) Masson, Antoine Philibert. Thgorie physique et math<5matiqne des phe"no- menes Electro - dynamiques et du Magnetisme. Paris, 1838. 8. 90pp. 1 pi. (34581) Masson, P. Le parfait Limonadier, ou la maniere de pre- parer le The", le Caffe", le Chocolat, etc. Parit, 1705. 2 pta. 16. (36955) 34222 [MATH Master Builder, (The). Boitoii, Mats., 1908, etc. sm. 4. F 68 : 908. Publication : A year-book issued in monthly sections. Master Car Builders' Association. Reports of Proceedings. 1867, etc. New York, 1874, etc. 8. F 8 : 867. Publication : Annual. History and first ix reports in volume, 1867-72, (1886). Indexes : Vol. 1-34, by G. L. Fowler, (1902). Deficient : 1873, 1876, 1901, and 1904. The Car-builders' Dictionary. Compiled by M. N. Forney, etc. New York, 1879. obi. 12 . 506 pp. (19269) The same. [3rd ed.] Compiled by J. C. Wait, etc. New York, 1895. fol. 152pp. 394 pi. (24457) . The same. Revised ed. Added, a vocabulary of terms used in English railway carriage and wagon construction, by A. M. Wellington. Neu> rorfc,1884. obi. 8. 204pp. 175 pi. (33069) The same. [4th] ed. By R. Hitt. New York, 1903. fol. 374pp. (30393) Master Printer, (The). Vol. 1, etc. Birmingham, 1906, etc. 4. A 20 : 906. Publication : Monthly. Masure, l-Vlix. Mi: moire sur les a vantages compare's de la Marne et de la Chaux employees en Agriculture. Orleans, 1865. 8. 108pp. 4 tables. (35934) Mate>iaux de Construction, (Les). See BAUMATERIALIENKUSDE. 1907. F 73 : 907. Mather, Fred. Modern Fish culture in fresh and salt water. New York, 1900. sm. 8. 334 pp. 1 pi. (27198) Mather, James. An account of the Ship Life-boat. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1830. 8. 52pp. 2 pi. (32639) The Coal Mines . their dangers and means of safety. London, 1853. 8. 10* pp. 4 pi. (30996) Mather, W. On the machinery used in boring Artesian Wells, and its application to mining purposes. 1866. See SOUTH WALES INST. OP ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 4. pp. 51-78. G 60 : 857. Matheson, Ewing. Aid Book to Engineering enterprise abroad. Parts 1 and 2. London, 1878-81. 2 vols. 8. (19543) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1889. 8. 878 pp. (22146) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1898. 8. 928 pp. (26030) Steel. 1886. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 12. pp. 159-208. 5 pi. F 90 : 844. Mathet, F., Mining Engineer. ^ L'Air Comprim^ aux mines de Blanzy. 1888. 2e e"d. Saint-Etienne, 1889. 8. 144 pp. 6 pi. (27764) Mathet, L. Traite" de Chimie photographique. 2e e"d. Paris, [1901]. 2 vols. 8. (28630) Mathews, Edward Bennett. The Bnilding and Decorative Stones of Mary- land. By G. P. Merrill and E. B. M. 1898. See MARYLAND (State) : Oeol. Survey. Report. Vol. 2. Part 2. pp. 45-124. pis. 4-6. G 30 M : The Maps and Map-makers of Maryland. 1898. Ibid. Report. Vol. 2. Part 3. pp. 337-488. pis. 43-48. G 30 M : 467 3 N 2 MATH] [MATT Calcul, etc., des Coupoles Trad. D. M. 1901. 8. Mathews, Edward Hazard. - The philosophy of Bread-making : showing the wasting effects of yeast, etc. London, [1847?]. am. 8. 16 pp. (35742) Mathews, John Alexander. Review and Bibliography of the Metallic Car- bides. 1898. 32 pp. See SMITHSONIAN Misc. COLLECTIONS. Vol. 38. B 13 S : 862. The same. Another copy. Washington, 1898. 8. 32pp. (25421) Mathewson, E. H. Dark fire-cured Tobacco of Virginia and the possibilities for its improvement. By G. T. McNess and E. H. M. 1905. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICUL- TURE. Year-book. 1905. pp. 219-230. 4 pi. J 29 : 849 b. Improvement of Virginia fire-cured Tobacco. By G. T. McNess, etc. 1907. 40 pp. 6 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 46. J 29 S : Mathics, , of Dortmund. i Moyens d'assurer l'6tancb5. F 9C : 84G. Maycock, Wm. Ptrren. Electric lighting and power distribution. London, .1*92-11)03. 2 vols. sm. 8. (23566) - The same. Vol. 1. 5th ed. London, 1902. sra. 8. (30394) - The same. Vol. 1. 7th ed. London, 1908. 8. (37060) - Electric wiring, fittings, switches, and lamps. (Library of Arts, Sciences, and Industries.) London, 189'J. sm. 8". 462 pp. 5 pi. (26720) Forms Part 1. Vol. 2, of new ed. of his " Electric Lighting and power distribution." - The same. 3rd ed. (Ibid.) London, 1902. sm. 8. 500 pp. (28574) Mayence. See MENTZ. Mayer, Adolf. . Lehrbuoh der Agrikulturchemie. 3te Aufl. Anhang ; Lebrbuch der Gahrungscbemie. 3te Ang. (1878.) Heidelberg, 1886, 1878. 3 vo e. 8. (5346) - The same. 5te Ann. Heidelberg, 1901-08. 3 vols. in four. 8. (28614) Mayer, August. - The Cattle Tick in its relation to Southern agriculture. 1906. 22 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Fanners' Bulletin 261. J 29 Fa : Mayer, Chas. - See ZERR, G., and RUBENCAMP, R. A treatise on Colour manufacture. Englinh ed.. by C. M. 1908. 8. (37161) Mayer, Christopher Albert. De Tinctura Antimonii tartarisata. lion.) Altorfii Norimbergewium, 1728. (28810) (Ditserta- 4 4 . 36 pp. Mayer, Clarence. - Telephone construction, methods and cost. With Appendices. Chicago, 1908. 8. 296 pp. 1 table. (38122) Mayer, Fritz. . Die Warmeteo'nnik des Siemens-Martinofens. Halle a. S., 1909. 8. 124 pp. 29 pi. (38616) Mayer, Hans. - See NOWICKI, R., and MAYER. H. Fliissige Luft. 1906. 8. (32133) Mayer, Johann Engen. - Das Rechnen in der Technik nnd seine Hilfs- mittel. Rechenschieber, Rechentafeln, Rechen- maschinen, etc. (Sammlung Goschen.) Leipzig, 1908. am. 8. 128pp. (37660) Mayer, Joseph, F.S.A. - On the art of Pottery. Liverpool, 1871. 8. 42pp. (37566) Mayea, Chas. E*say on the manufactures more immediately required for the economical development of the resources of the Colony, with special reference to those manufactures the raw materials of which are the produce of Victoria. 1860. See VICTORIA (Legislature). Victorian Government Prize Essays. pp. 241-387. 8. (11608) Maynard, Geo. C. Development of Smill Arms. The gun collec- t.ion in the National Museum, Washington. Ex : "Sportins; Goods Dealer," Jan. 1902. 4. 6 pp. (8412) Maynard, Samuel. See Dix, T. A treatise on Land-surveying. 7th ed., by S. M. 1841. 8. (38002) Mayor, Mathias Louis. Essai sur 1'Anthropo-Taxidermie, ou sur 1'appli- cation a I'espeee hnmaine des principes de 1 em- paillage. Paris, 1838. 8. 104 pp. (36275) Mayr, Friedricb. Das Bessemern von Kupfersteinen. Freiburg i. S. 1906. 8. 40 pp. 3 pi. (32740) Mayr, M. Die Brandmalerei mit Stift nnd Pinsel . . . nnd der Kerb- und Tiefbrond. Neue Aufl. (Mayr't kunittechnische Lehrbiicher.) Milnclien, 1907. 8. 108 pp. (37847) Das Formen und Modelliren. 5te AuS. (Ibid.) Miinchen, 1909. 8. 112 pp. (37845) Keramische Malerei. 2te Aufl. (Ibid.) Miin- chen, 1904. 8. 126 pp. (37846) Das technische und mechanische Zeiohnen, Malen, und Vervielfaltigen. 2te Aufl. (Hid.) Miinchen, 1908. sm. 8. 128pp. (37865) Techniken der dekorativen und monumentalen Malerei nnd des Anstriches. (Ibid.) ^fiinchen, 1905. sm. 8. 120pp. (37329) Mayreder, Karl. Stadtische Bauordnungen mit bes. Beriickdcht. der WohnungsfraRe. 1903. 36 pp. See OESTERR. GESELLSCHAFT PUR ARBEITERSCIIUTZ. Schriften. Heft 5. H 24 : 902. Mayrhofer. C. A. (Jeber das Centraluhrensystem von C. A. Mayrhofer. 1888. Von Dr. Orth. 1888. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Jahrg. 67. Sitzungsberichte. pp. 109-118. B67P : Mazade, Marcel. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. (Viticultural Station.) First steps in Ampelography. By M. M. Trsl. R. Dnbois and W. P. Wilkinson. 1900. 8. (27310) Mazeret, Constantin. and Perrot, A. M. Miroir des Graces, ou dictioinaire de parure et de toilette. Paris, [1821]. 12. 180 pp. 5 pi. (38751) Mazotto, Domenico. See MAZZOTTO, D. Mazoyer, . Renseignements sur les cliomages des Voies navigables de la region dn centre de la France. 1892. 12 pp. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVI- GATION INT^RIEURE. 5e Congies. Question 5. [19.] F 42: 888. 471 MAZO] Mazoyer. . cont. Touage me'canique etabli au bief de partage du canal du Nivernais. 1902. See NOUVELLES ANNALES DE LA CONSTRUCTION. 5e S^rie. Tome 9. pp. 74-79, 86-96, and 98-108. pi. 26-29. E 20/855. Mazure, F. A. N. Exaruen d'on nouveau systfcme d'Artillerie de Campagne propose par Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte. Ex : "Spectateur Militaire," Aout-Sept 1851. Paris, 1851. 8. 80 pp. 2 pi. (35206) Mazzotto, Domenico. DrahtloseTelegraphieuad Telephonic. Deutsoh bearbeitet von J. Baumann. 1906. 392 pp. See SCHWACHSTROMTECHNIK IN ElNZELDARSTELLUNGEN. Band '_>. D 51 : 904. iii Telegraphie sans fil. Trad, de 1'italien par J. A. Montpellier. Paris, 1905. 8. 442 pp. (31531) Mazzuoii, !.. Sui Combustibili Fossili importati in Italia. 1889. 130 pp. 1 pi. See ANNALI DI AGRICOL- TUEA. 2aSerie. [No. 161.] J 36: 832. Mead, D. \V. See TURNEAURE, F. E., and RUSSELL, H. L. Public Water Supplies. With a chapter on pump- ing machinery by D. W. M. 1901. 8. (28028) Mead, Elwood. Irrigation in Northern Italy. Part 1, 1904, etc. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Experiment Station Bulletin 144, etc. J 29 : 889. Irrigation in the United States. Evidence before the U.S. Industrial Commission, 1901. Reprint. 1901. 48 pp. 12 pi. Ibid. Experiment Station Bulletin 105. J 29 : 889. Plans of structures in use on Irrigation Canals in the United States. From drawings exhibited .... at Paris in 1900 and Buffalo in 1901. 1903. 51pp. [22 pi.] obi. 4. Ibid. Experiment Station Bulletin 131. J 29 : 889. The relation of Irrigation to dry farming. 1905. Ibid. Year-book, 1905. pp. 423-438. 2 pi. J 29 849b. Report of Irrigation investigations for 1901. 1902. 402 pp. 62 pi. Ibid. Experiment Station Bulletin 119. J 29 : 889. Report of Irrigation investigations in California. 1901. 412 pp. 29 pi. Ibid. Experiment Station Bulletin 100. J 29 : 889. Report on Irrigation investigations in humid sections of the United States in 1903. 1904. 46 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Experiment Station Bulletin 148. J 29 : 889. Report of Irrigation investigations in Utah. 1903. 330 pp. 19 pi. Ibid. Experiment Station Bulletin 124. J 29 : 889. Rise and future of Irrigation in the United States. 1899. Ibid. Year-book, 1899. pp. 591-612. 5 pi. J 29 : 849b. - Some typical Reservoirs in the Rocky Mountain States. 1901. Ibid. Year-book, 1901. pp. 415-430. 8 pi. J 29 : 849b. and Johnston, C. T. The use of water in Irrigation. Reports of investigations made in 1899. Including reports by special agents, etc. 254 pp. 50 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Experiment Station Bulletin 86. J 29 : 889. [MECH Mead, Richard, M.D. A mechanical account of Poisons. 3rd ed. London, 1745. 8. 368 pp. 4 pi. (35842) Meade, Henry. All about dyestuffs, oils, tanning substances, fibres, etc., found in Ceylon. (Compiled circa 1850.) See FERGUSON, J. Notes on Aloe, etc. 1901. 8. pp. 27-45. (3042!) Meade, Richard Kinder. Portland Cement, its composition, raw materials, manufacture, testing and analysis. Euston, Pa., 1906. 8. 394pp. 6 pi. (33122) 2nd ed. of " The chemical and physical examination of Portland cement." Meadon, Joseph. See GRAPHIC ARTS AND CRAFTS YEAR-BOOK. Ed. J. M. 1907, etc. A 20 : 907. Meagrlier, D. J. See BENGAL, Govt. of. The Farm manual. By A. C. Williams and D. J. M. 1903. 8. (31838) Meano, Yictor. El nuevo teatro Colon, Buenos Aires. Ex : " Anales de la Sociedad CientiBca Argentina." Tome 36. Buenos Aires, 1893. 8. 88pp. 20 pi. (26598) Means. On the means of comparing roads with reference to the power of draught required. [London. J. Barker, printer, 183 ?] 8. 18 pp. (32803) Means, James. See AERONAUTICAL ANNUAL. Ed.J. M. 1895-97. E 60 : 895. Means, Thos. Herbert. Agricultural explorations in Algeria. By T. H. Kearney and T. H. M. 1905. 98 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 80. J 29 PI : The Alkali Soils of the Yellowstone Valley. By M.Whitney and T. A. Means. 1898. 40pp. 17 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 14. J 29 8 : Crops used in the reclamation of alkali lands in Egypt. By T. H. Kearney and T. H. M. 1902. Ibid. Year-book, 1902. pp. 573-588. 4 pi. J29: 849b. An Electrical method of determining the soluble salt contents of Soils, etc. By M. Whitney and T. H. M. 1897. 30 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 8. J 29 S : Reclamation of Alkali Lands in Egypt, as adapted to similar work in the United States. 1903. 48pp. 8 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 21. J29S: Soil survey in Salt River Valley. 1902. [50 pp. 4 pi.] See ARIZONA (Univ.) : Agric. Expt. Station. Bulletin 40. J 30 Ar : The soluble mineral matter of Soils. 1898. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book, 1898. pp. 495-504. J 29 : 849b. Meares, John W. Electric traction. Six lectures delivered . . . at the C. E. College, Sibpur. Bengal, 1902. 8. 148pp. Ipl. (36866) Mechanical Engineer, (The). Vol. I, etc. Manchester, 1898, etc. fol. E 31/898. Publication: Weekly. Editor: W. H Fowler, 1898, etc. 472 MECH] [MEID Mechanical Engineer, (The) ..'?. Fowler's "Mechanical Engineer" Pocket Book. Ed. W. H. Fowler. Manchester, 1899. 12. 418 pp - (9408) Mechanical Engineer. New Series. Vol. 13-47. New York, 1887-April, 1908. 33 vols. in 22. fol. E 31/887. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Title varied: " Engineer," 1888-1902: " Engineer and Steam Engineering," 1902-08. Hutory: Incorporated in April, 1908, with "Power," q.v. Imprint varied : Chicago, 11103-08. Mechanical Review, (The). See TRADE JOURNALS' REVIEW, 1903-04. C 40/901. Mechanics' Almanack and Workshop Companion. See CALVERTS' MECHANIC'S AL- MANAC, etc. E 32 : 885. Mechl, John Joseph. See STOCKHARDT, J. A. A familiar exposition of the Chemistry of Agriculture . . . Added . . . irrigating with liquid manure, by J. J. M. 1855. sra. 8. (35020) Profitable Farming, being the second series of the sayings and doings of J. J. M. London, 1872. sm. 8. 448 pp. (32962) Mecredy, R. J. See MOTOR NEWS, (The). Ed. R. J. M. 1903, etc. E 73 : 903. The Daimler Car ; its mechanism, and how to drive it. Er : "Motor News." Dublin, [1902]. 4. 16 pp. (28750) De Dion - Bonton motor carriages. Their mechanism and how to drive them. 3rd ed. Dublin, [19051. sm. 8. 140 pp. 1 pi. (37330) The Encyclopaedia of Motoring. Dublin, [1906]. sm. 8. 570pp. (32676) Medem, Rudolf. . .Ueber Selbstentzundung nnd Brandstiftung. Griefswald, 1895-1904. 4 pts. 8. (31465) Deficient : Heft 3, 4, and 7. Heft 1 and 2 are of the 2nded. Medical Observer, (The). No. 1. On adver- tised or empirical Medicines, etc. London, 1806. 8. H 5 : 806. Mecllock, Henry. Outlines of Qualitative Analysis. London, 1856. 8. 28pp. 6 tables. (38752) Medrado, Alcides. S BRAZILIAN MINING REVIEW. Ed. A. M. 1902, etc. G 70 : 902. Medusa, French frigate. SAVIGNY, J. B. H. and CORREARD, A. Nauf- rage de la frigate "La Meduse," etc. 1817. 8. (12928) Meehan, Thos. ' Investigations in the Bark of Trees. 1897. 18 pp. See PENNSYLVANIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin 29. J 30 P : b. i, C. E. Kenneth. - .Se SHEPPARD, S. E., and MEES, C. E. K. Investigations on the theory of the photographic process. 1907. sm. 8. (34993) - The Photography of coloured objects. Croydon, 1909. 8. 76pp. 16 pi. (38465) , J. P. La Mar.. Engineer. . Die Kraftiibertragung auf weite Entfernungen und die Construction der Triebwerke und Ragula- toren. Fortgesetzt und vollendet von K. Hartmann. Jena, 1883-87. 2 vols. 8. (25029) y The same. 2te Aufl., hrsg. von J. Kriirner. - Jena, [1898-]1899. 2 vols. 8. (26169) " Die Maschinen zur Appretur, Farberei und Bieicherei, deren Bau und praktische Behandlung. Berlin, 1873. 2 vols. in one. 8, and obi. fol. atlas. (16077) Meissner, Georg C. F. Uatersuchungen iibsr den Sauerstoffi. Hanover, 18C3. 8. 3S2 pp. 1 pi. (29874) Meissner, Paul Traugott. Die Heizung mit erwiirmter Luft. 3te Aufl. Wien, 1827. 8. 330 pp. 22 pi. and 3 tables. (29036) Vortrage uber Pyrotechnik. [ Wien, 1852.] 4. 182pp. obi. fol. atlas. 74 pi. lithogr. (8422) OTcister, Ed. Me'thodes d'essais . . . sur les propriety's de resistance du Fer et fi'autres Metaux. Par L. Tetmajer. Trad. E. M., etc. [1890.] 312 pp. - 16 pi. See ZURICH : Schweizerische Polytechnilcuin. Mittheilungen der Anstalt zur Priif ung von Bau- materialien. Heft 4. E 5 : 884. Mcitz, Oscar. Die Fabrikation der moussirenden Getranke und der kiinstlichen Mineralwasser. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1881. sm. 8. 140 pp. (11873) The same. See Anfl. Wien, 1897. sm. 8. 192 pp. (25790) Meixmoron de Dombasle, Ch. See DIDELOT, . Album des instruments aratoires da la fabrique de M. Meixmoron de D. 2ae"d. 1868. 8. (33194) Mclan, Josef. Konstruktion der Hjingebriieken. 1906. See HANDBUCH. Handbuch derlngenieurwissenschaf ten. 3te Aufl. Band 2. Abt. 5. pp. 201-303. 6 pi. 8. (27558) Theorie der eisernen Bogenbrucken und der Hiingebriicken. 1906. Ibid. 3te Aufl. Band 2. Abt. 5. pp. 1-200. 3 pi. 8. (27558) IKCelani, Alfredo. Svaghi artistic! femminili. Ricami, pizzi, gioielli, ventagli, specchi e vetri di Murano. Milano. [1891]. 4. 348pp. 17 pi. (37221) Melbourne : Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, 1866-67. Essay on the agricultural resources of Victoria. (Board of Agriculture.) Melbourne, 1867. 8. 20 pp. (32271) Notes sur la Vegetation indigene et introduite de 1'Australie. Par F. Mueller. Trad. E. Lissigno!. Melbourne, 1866. 8. 54 pp. (32248) On Gems and Precious Stones found in Victoria. By J. J. Bleasdale. Melbourne, 1867. 8. 12 pp. (32270) Melbourne : International Exhibition, 1880. Victorian Commission. Official Catalogue o exhibits, with introductory notices of countries exhibiting. 2nd ed. Melbourne, 1880. 2 vols. 8. See also AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI- TIONS, [Sydney, 1879 ; Melbourne, 1880]. (32170) Meldahl, K. G. Materialspannungen in ausgeschmittenen und verdoppelten Flatten. 1904. See SCHIFFBAU- TECIINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 5. pp. 480-523. F 81 : 900. Meldola, Raphael, F.R.S. The chemical synthesis of vital products and the inter-relations between organic compounds. Vol. 1. London, 1904. 8. (310^0) The position and prospects of Chemical Research in Great Britain. Ex: "Trans. Cbetn. Soc." Vol. 91. pp. 626-659. 1907. 8. (34658) 2VXellanby, Alex. Lawson. See ATHERTON, W. H., and MELLANBY, A. L. The Resistance and Power of Steamships. 1903. sm. 8. (29768) Mellet, F. N. See TOURASSK, , and MELLET, F. N. Essai sur les Bateaux a Vapeur, etc. 1828-29. 4. (31001) Ittellet, Francois Loui Edouard, M.D. Manuel pratique d'Orthope'die. Paris, 1835. . 16. 540pp. 17 pi. (33435) Xtlellmann, P. Chemisch-techniscbes Lebrbueb des Beizens, Bleichens, Schleifens, Polierens und Lackierens der Holzer, nebst einer Einfiihrung in die Chemie und in den Bau der Holzer. Berlin, 1899. 8. 232 pp. (26381) Xttellor, J. W. Chemical Statics and Dynamics, including the theories of chemical change, catalysis, and explosions. London, 1904. sm. 8. 542-pp. (31362) The Crystallization of Iron and Steel. London, 1905. sm. 8. 154 pp. 23 pi. (32489) Higher Mathematics for students of Chemistry and Physics, with special reference to practical work. London, 1902. 8. 566 pp. (28961) IWellor, T. Randolph. See PATENT GAS Co., LTD. Report . . . upon Dr. Eveleigh's patent system of manufacturing gas. With remarks of . . . T. R. M. [1872.] 8. (38106) Me'lotte, . Cost of construction and maintenance of iron and wooden Lock Ga'tes. By Pierrot, and Me"lotte. 1902. 20 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. Question 1. [2.] F 43': 888. 474 MELO] [MEND Mtilotte, . cent. Travaux dY'tanchement du Canal de Maestricht ;\ Bois-le-dnc..l898. 8pp. 2 pi. Ibid. 7e Congros. . Rappgrts. Sect. 2. .Question 3. F 43 : 888. Melon, do, C Notice sur " L'art au morier," impression xylo- fjraphique du XV 1 ' siecle. Ex : " Mi'in. de la Soc. des Sciences, etc:, de Lille.'' [186 ?] 8 J . 16 pp. 1 pi. (35743) Melville, John. See WISE, H. An analysis of one hundred voyages, etc. . . . Appendix, containing a de- scription of Melville's patent propellers, etc. 1839. 8. (373C3) Melville, \Vm. Harlow, and Xilndgren, W. Contributions to the mineralogy of the Pacific Coast. 1890. 30pp. 3 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SI-KVKY. Bulletin.61. G 30 : 883. Melville, Wm. Wilkie. Economises. 1907. 16 pp. See ASSOCIATION OP ENGINEERS-IN-CIIARGE. Proceedings. Vol. 12. Xo. 3. E 10 : 899. Melvin, A. D. The Federal Meat-Inspection service. 1908. 40 pp. 15 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Circular 125. J 29 An : b. Me'moire. Mt'moire instructif sur la mauiero de rassembler, de pre'parer, de conserver, et d'envoyer les diverses curiosite's d'Histoire Natnrelle. [By E. F. Tnrgot, Marquis de Cousmont] ; auquel on a joint un Memoire intitul^ ; Avis pour le transport par mer, des arbres, etc. [By H. L. Duhamel da Monceau and R. H. Barrin, Marquis de La Gallissoniere.] Paris, J. M. Bruyset, 1758. 8. 252 pp. 25 pi. (34043) Memoire pour la conservation des bibliotheqnes des Communautc'.H se'culieres et regulieres de Paris. Paris, Bailly, 1790. 8. 20 pp. (36204) Mdmoire sur le Plomb laming, qni se fabrique a Paris et a D<$ville-les-Rouen. Ripports, etc. Paris, Henee, 1807. 8. 52 pp. (36678) Mcmoires militaires et scientifiquea. See FRANCE : Min. de la Marine (Service del'Artillerie). Mcmoires Militaires, etc. 1873-81. F 94 : 873. Memorial de Artilleria. Entrega extraordinaria en el primer centenario del dos de Mayo de 1808. Madrid, 1908. 8. 300 pp. 17 pi. (36984) Memorial de 1'Artillerle, ou Recueil de m^moires, experiences, observations et process . relatifs au service de 1'artillerie. No. 1-5. Paris, 1826-42. 5 vols. 8 and obi. 8 atlas. F 94 : 826. The same. No. 1-8. Bruxelle*. 1839-67. 8 vols. in six. 8. F 94 : 839. Hittory: A re-issue of the Paris ed. with additions. Memorial de 1'Artillerle de la Marine. See FRANCE : Jfiu. de la Marine (Service de J'A rtillerie). Me'moires Militaires, etc. (Extrait du Memorial, etc.) 1873-81. 8 and folio atlas. F 94 : 873. 34222 475 Memorial de 1'Officler du O6nie. Recueil de me moires, etc., proprea 11 perfectionner la forti- fication ec IBS constructions militaires. No. 1-18. 2e Se>ie. Tome 1-13. Paris, 1803-92. 27 vols. 8. F 94: 803. Indexes: 1803-48 ; 1854-92 in Tome 28. Deficient: Tome 2. History : Replaced in 1887 by the " Revue du Gc'nie Mihtaire." Memorial du Q<5nio maritime. 3e St'rie. Fasc. 1, etc. Paris, 1901, etc. 8. F 82 : 901. Publication : Annual. History: Issued by the " Ministers de la Marine." Men of tbe Time. Men of the Time : a dictionary of contem- poraries, etc. New ed., by E. Walford. London, 1857. 8. 910pp. (2918) The same. 8eh ed., by T. Cooper. London, 1872. 8. 1016pp. (15807) The same. 9th ed., by T. Cooper. London- 1875. SID. 8. 1062pp. (27543) The same, llth ed., by T. Cooper. London, 1884. sm. 8. 1176pp. (27544) Incorporated in 1901 with " Who's Who," q.v. Mcnalcas, pseud., [i.e. Bracy Clark], Remarks on French shoeing. By an English Shoeing Smith. [London . . . 1830?] 4. 6 pp. (36917) Mendelyef, Dmitri Ivanovich. ^ An attempt towards a Chemical conception of tbe Ether. [1902.] From the Russian by G. Kamensky. London, 1904. 8. 52 pp. (30438) The principles of Chemistry. Trsl. from the Russian (5th ed.), by G. Eamensky. Ed. A. J. Greenaway. London, 1891. 2 vols. 8. (23156) The same. Trsl. from the Russian (6th ed.) by G. Kamensky. Ed. T. A. Lawson. London, ' 1897. 2 vols. 8. (25431) The same. 3rd English ed. From the Russian (7th ed.). by G. Kamensky. Ed. T. H. Pope. London, 1905. 2 vols. 8. (36363) Osnovy, etc. [Principles of Manufactures and Industries. Part I. Introduction. Fuel.] St. Petersburg!!, 1897. 8. 196 pp. (9191) Pyrocollodion Smokeless Powder. From Russian by J. B. Bernadou. 1899. 14 pp U.S. WAR DEPT. : Notes on Ordnance, F 92 : 863 c. (Biographical.) See THORPE, T. E. Essays in historical chemistry. [2nd ed.] pp. 483-499. 1902. 8. (28978) Mendenball, Walter Curran. Development of underground waters in the Eastern [Central and Western] coastal plain region[s] of Southern California. 3 pts. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Water-supply, etc., Papers 137-139. G 30 : 899. The geology of the central Copper River region, Alaska. 1905. 134 pp. 20 pi. Ibid. Prof. Papers 41. G 30 : 902. Reconnaissance from Fort Hamlin to Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. 1902. 68 pp. 9 pi. Ibid. Prof. Papers 9. 4. G 30 : 902. and Schrader, F. C. The Mineral resources of the Mount Wraneell district, Alaska. 1903. 72 pp. 10 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Prof. Papers 15. 4. G 30 : 902. 3 o 2 P N P o. the See 75. MEND] [MERC Mendes-Cruerreiro, J. V. Le Tage Portugais. 1892. 12 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 5eCongies. Question 10. [52.] F43 : 888. Travaux les plus rikents execute's dans les prin- cipaux ports littoraux ou maritimes du Portugal. 1900. 12 pp. 8 pi. Ibid. 8e Congres. Question 7. [44.] F 43 : 888. Menclizabal y Brunet, Carlos. - Proyecto de un Canon automatico de 50 mili- metros. 1891. 76 pp. See MEMORIAL DE INGE- NIEROS. 3a <;poca. Tomo 7. F 96 : 846. Meneely, E. A., and G. R., Bell-founders. Church, Academy, Factory . . . and other Bells ; also Chimes and Peals. [West Troy, N.Y.~], 1873. 8. 108 pp. 1 pi. (37932) Monelaus, of Alexandria. Sphaerica. [A synopsis of contents only.] See MERSENNE, M. Universes geometrise . . . sy- nopsis. 1644. pp. 201-230. 4. (29761) Menprin-Iiecreulx, Me'moire sur la puissance hydraulique des Fleuves a mare"e. 1889. 40 pp. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DES TRAVAUX MARITIMES. Paris, 1889. Compte-rendu, etc. F 40 : 889. La Seine Maritime. Suivi d'une Note sur les conditions d'e'tablissement des traces rationnels des rives artificielles d'une riviere navigable a fond mobile, par Fargue. 1892. 26 pp. 13 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 5e Congres. Question 10. [57.] F 43: 888. and G-ulard, . Me'moire sur la correlation entre le trace' des rives et le regime du chenal dans les fleuves. 1894. 18 pp. 4 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGA- TION INTARIEURE. 6e Congres, 1894. Question 6. [21.] F 43 : 888. DKenler, A. S. , Pulverisation des engrais et les meilleurs moyens d'accroitre la fertility des terres. Me'moire 1. Paris, 1875. 8. 204 pp. 4 pi. (34582) M^nier, Emile Justin. Cafe 1 , succe'dane's du cafe", cacao et chocolat, coca et the" mate". 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 72. Sect. 3. pp. 259-280. 8. (13828) Mcnicr, M. See HACG, R. Hygiene de 1'Oreille. Trad., etc. C. Chauveau et M. M. 1906. 8. (32039) Menjot d'Elbennc, . Constructions rurales. Moyen de perfectionner les toits, etc. Paris, 1808. 8. 62 pp. 2 pi. (35936) Mennicko, Hans. Znr Yerwertunsr, speziell der Wiedergewinnung des Zinns von "VVeissblechabfallen. 1902. See SAMMLUNG CHEMISCHER UNO CHEM.-TECHNISCHER VOHTRAGE. Band 7. pp. 377-444. Kl:896. Mensch, L. J. Architects' and Engineers' handbook of re- inforced Concrete constructions. Chicago, [1904], sm. 8. 218 pp. (31156) Mente. Otto. , See ZEITSCHRIFT PUR REPRODUKTIONSTECHNIK. Hrsg. A. Miethe and 0. M. 1905, etc. A 21 : 899. [VXcntiennc, Adrien. 1 La de'converte de la Photographie en 1839. Description du procdde" f aite . . . par Daguerre, inventeur. Paris, 1892. 8. 172pp. 6 pi. portr. (35207) IWontz z Vereinfiir Feuerbestattung, etc. Das Krematorium auf dem stadtischen Fried- hofe zu Mainz. Mains, 1903. 8. (30250) BXentz, Walter. Schiffskessel. Ein Handbuch fiir Konstruktion und Berechnung. Munchen, 1907. 8. 314 pp. 5 pi. (34477) Menzel, Johannes. Automobil-Vergaser (Karburatoren). (Kuster's Autotechnische Bibliothek.) Berlin, 1907. em. 8. 230 pp. (34709) Menzel, Otto Krigal-. See KRIGAL-MENZEL, 0. Menzel, Rudolf. Der praktische Verzinker. Leipzig, 1909. 8. 70 pp. (38929) Mercadler, E. Systeme de telegraphic multiple reversible ou multiplex. 1900. See Soc. FRANQAISE DE PHY- SIQUE. Stances. 1900. pp. 84-108. D : 873. Mercatl, Michele. Metallotheca. Opus posthumum. Opera . . . J. M. Lancisii . . . illustratum. Romas, 1717. fol. 456 pp. (29898) M creator, G. Die Verwendung kiinstlicher Lichtquellen zu Portraitaufnahmen und Copirzwecken. (Encyclo- pddie der Photographic.) Halle a. S., 1898. 8 120 pp. (18467) Merchants' Record Company. The art of Decorating Show windows and interiors. [Compiled by C. A. Tracy.] 3rd ed. Chicago, [1906.] 4. 410 pp. (32866) Itterche, C. Me'moire sur les principaux systemes de Ferrure. Ex : " Recueil des M^moires . . . sur 1'hygiene et la me'decine ve'terinaires militaires." Tome 11. Paris, 1862. 8. 278 pp. (36276) Mercier, Ernest. Les Cuirs et Peaux. 1878. 16 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1878. Rapports du Jury. Classe 49. 1880. 8. (25811) Merck, E. Annual Report [of new medicinal preparations]. 1895, etc. Darmstadt, 1896, etc. 8. K 21 : 895. See also " MERCK'S DIGEST." K 21 : 895a. infra. Merck's Index. 2te Aufl. [Darwtadt, 1902.] 8. 380 pp. (28851) Reagentien-Verzeichnis, enthaltend die gebrauch- lichen Reagentien und Reactionen geordnet nach Autornamen. [Darmstadt, 1903.] 8. 174 pp. (30672) Merck, Rlemens. Warenlexikon fur Handel, Industrie und Gewerbe. 4te Aufl. Hrsg. von G. Heppe. Leipzig, 1890. 8. 730pp. (27929) Merck's Digest ... of reports on new chemicals and drugs. No. 1-11, London, [1900- 01]. 8. K 21: 895 a. Deficient : No. 6. 476 MERC] [MERR Merckcl, Curt. Briicken und Viadukte. 1901. See BOCH. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 9. pp. 379-412. 8. (33007) Die geschichtliche Entwickelung des Verkebr- wesens. 1901. Ibid. Band 9. pp. 3-54. 1 pi. ('33007) 1 Die Ingenieurtechnik im Alterthum. Berlin, 1899. 8. 678 pp. 1 pi. (26139) Landstrasaen. 1901. See BUCH. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 9. pp. 55-74. 8. (33007) Die Taucherkunst und die Hebung und Ber- gung verungliickter Schiffe. 1901. Ibid. Band 9. pp. 571-590. 8. (33007) ami others. Wasserstrassen. 1901. See Been. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 9. pp. 413- 516. Ipl. 8. (33007) Mercur, James. Military Land Mines. 1893. See CHICAGO IXTERXAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. P. Mili- tary Engineering, pp. 69-79. 8. (24918) Merczyngr, H. Die elektrischen Anlagen der russischen Wasser- strassen und Hafen vom okonomischen und tech- nisclien Standpunkte. 1902. 4 pp. See CONGRBS INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INT^RIEUHE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 1. Communication 13. [23J F 43 : 888. Flussfahrzeuge von geringerem Tiefgang als 75 cm. 1902. 4pp. Ibid 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 1. Communication 3. [9.] F 43 : 888. Meredith, N. The description and use of pocket cases of Mathematical, or Drawing instruments. London. [1780?]. 8. 52pp. 2 pi. (36605) Rudiments of Chemical Philosophy. London, 1810. 12. 174pp. Ipl. (33739) Mergroux, , (',-.. Description des proce'des employe's . . . afin d'introduire les Pommes de Terre dins la fabrica- tion du Pain. [Paris, 1816.1 4. 10 pp. 1 pi. (34894) Itte'risreault, E. The'orie des Motenrs a Gaz et a Pe"trole. 1905. See ANNALES DES MINES. lOe S^rie. Tome 7. pp. 153-202. G 64 : 816. Me'rime'e, Jean Francois Li'onore. De la Peinture a I'Huils, etc. Paris, 1830. 8. 546 pp. (33854) Toe art of Painting in Oil, and in Fresco. Trsl., with original observations ... by W. B. 8. Taylor. London, 1839. 8. 416 pp. 1 pi. (38872) Itterke, H. Ueber Verw<ung, Betrieb und Einrichtung der Krankenhiiuser. 1899. See WEYL, T. Handbuch der Hygiene. Bind 5. Lief. 3. pp. 285-570. 8. (24547) Merlin, Joseph, Mechanic. A catalogue of ... articles which lately formed part of [his] Museum, 11, Princes Street, Hanover Square. [London, 1804.1 8. 32 pp. (28754) Merlot, Jules. Principes de la construction des Machines-Outils. Paris, 1907. 8. 648 pp. (33900) Merrell, John P. Lecture on galvanic batteries and electrical machines as used in Torpedo operations. 1875. 3 pts. See U.S. NAVY DEPT. Naval Ordnance Papers. [No. 16-18.] 8. F 83 : b. Merrlam, Edmund S. See DANNEEL, H. Electrochemistry. Trsl. E. S. M. 1907. 8. (34983) Merrlfield, John. A treatise on Navigation. 4th ed. London. 1897. sm. 8. 316 pp. 2 pi. (26031) Merrlfield, Mary Philadelphia, .!//,<. See CENNINI, C. A treatise on painting ... 1437 ; published in Italian in 1821 . . . by Sig. Tambroni. Trsl. Mrs. M. 1844. 8. (29620) Dress as a fine art. London, 1854. sm. 8 . 188 pp. (30271) Merrill, Elmer Drew. The North American species of Spartina. 1902. 16 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 9. 8. J 29 PI : Merrill, Fred. James Hamilton. Road materials and road building in New York. 1897. 46 pp. 14 pi. map. See NEW YORK (State) : Museum of Natural History. Bulletin. Vol. 4. No. 17. H 50: 887 a. Merrill, Geo. Perkins. The non-metallic Minerals ; their occurrence and uses. New York, 1904. 8. 426 pp. 32 pi. (31106) The Onyx marbles : their origin, composition, and uses, both ancient and modern. Ex : " Report of the U.S. National Museum, 1893. pp. 539-585. 18 pi. 1895. 8. (25962) Stones for building and decoration. New York, 1891. 8. 462pp. 11 pi. (12382) The same. 2nd ed. New York, 1897. 8. 516 pp. 19 pi. (3510) The same. 3rd ed. New York, 1903. 8. 552 pp. 33 pi. (30047) and Mathews, Edward B. The Building and Decorative Stones of Mary- land. 1898. See MARYLAND (Stale) : Geol. Survey Reports. Vol. 2. Part 2. pp. 47-123. 2 pi. G30M: Merrill, Lucius Herbert. A report of investigations on the digestibility and nutritive value of Bread. By C. D. Woods and L. H. M. 1900. pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Ezpt. Station Bulletin 85. J 29 : 889. Studies on the digestibility and nutritive value of Bread . . . 1899-1903. By C. D. Woods and L. H. M. 1904. 78 pp. Ibid. Experiment Station Bulletin 143. J 29 : 889. Merrlman, C. Hart. See U.8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Durability and economy in Papers for permanent records. Report . . . by H. W. WUey and C. H. M. 1909. 8. (26547) 477 MERR] [METE Mcrriman, Mansfield. A text-book on the Mechanics of Materials, and "of beams, columns, and shafts. With key. New York, 1885. 8. 160 pp. (19615) The same. 9th td. New York, 1800. 8. 378 pp. (27526) The same. lOtU ed. New York, 1905. 8. 518 pp. (31913) A treatise on Hydraulics. 5th ed. New York, 1895. 8. 435pp. (24558) The same. 8th ed. New York, 1903. 8. -594pp. (30046) and Jacoby, H. S. A text-book on Roofs and Bridges. New York, 1888-98. 4vols. 8. (21699) The sane. Part II. Graphic Statics. 3rd ed. New York, 1898. 8. 242 pp. 5 pi. (25847) The same. Part I. Stresses in simple trusses. . 4th ed. New York, 1898. 8. 192 pp. (25827) Merriman, Owen, pseud. Gas Burners, old and new. A treatise on the " progress of invention in lighting, embracing an account of the theory of luminous combustion. Ex : "Journal of Gas Lighting." London, 1884. 8. . 80 pp. (27221) Merry-weather, James Compton. The Fire Brigade handbook. London, 1888. 8. 258 pp. (36063) Merryweather and Sons. ~ A record of two Centuries. Being a short " history of the House of Merryweather and Sons ' ... 1690-1901. London, 1901. 8. 86 pp. (27801) Merscnne, Marin. Cogitata physico-mathematica. Parisiis, 1644. -3pts. 4. (33782) Universaa Geometric, mixtseque Mathematicse , synopsis, et bini refractionum demonstratarum tractatus. Parisiis, 1644. 4. 620 pp. portr. (29761) L'Optique et la Catoptrique. [1651.] 146 pp. See NICERON, J. P. La Perspective curieuse. Avec 1'Optique, etc., de [M.] Mersenne. 1663, 1651. fol. - (28684) Mershon, Ralph Davenport. Drop in Alternating Current lines. With a description of the Westinghouse Type P compen- sator. Ex : " American Electrician," June, 1897. London, [1897]. 8. 32pp. (27440) Morson, Olivier. Lea Vitraux. (Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des Beaux-arts.) Paris, [1895]. 8. 316pp. (38753) Mertens, Ludwig. Eiserne Dacher und Hallen in England. Berlin, 1899. fol. 18pp. 20 pi. (26930) Merz, Hermann. - Der Phosphor und die Phosphorsaure. Beilage zum " Jahresbericht des Gymnasiums Burgdorf," 1897-1898. Burgdorf, 1898. 8. 132pp. (26189) Merzbacher, Sigmund. See SAMMLUNG VON ENTSCHEIDUNGEN IN WAREN- ZEICHENSACHEN. Hrsg. S. M. 1905, etc. BK 49 p : Messer und Feile. Jahrg. 6, etc. Ludwigshafen, 1899, etc. fol. E 40/899. Publication: Monthly, 1899-1904. 24 Nos. yearly, 1905, etc. . . History : Originally published as " Sage nnd Feile." Messerschmitt, A., Engineer. Calculation und Technik der Eisengiecserei 3te Aufl. Essen, 1903-04. 2 vols. sm. 8. (29582) Mctais, L., Mechanic. See GUYON, H., and MKTAIS, L. L'Kchirage Klectrique par le gaz dynamogene, etc. [188 ?] 4. (33594) Metal Industry. See ALUMINUM WORLD. 1903, eta. E 41 : 894. Mctallog-raphist, (The). Vol. 1-11. Boston, Mass.. 1898-1906. 11 vols. 8. G 90 : 898. Publication: Quarterly, 1898-1903, Monthly, 19C4-OG. Editor : A. Sauveur. Title varied: " Iron and Steel Metallurgist," etc, 1904 ; " Iron and Steel Magazine," 1904-06. History : Incorporated with " Electrochemical and Metallurgical Industry." Metallurg-le. Jahrg. 1, etc. Halle a. S., 1904. etc. 8. G 90 : 904. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Editor: [J. A.] W. Borchers, 1904-05; [J. A..] W. Borchers and F. \VUst, 1906, etc. Metalworker, (The). House Chimneys. A series of articles etc. on chimney troubles and their remedies. Ex : " Metal- worker!" New York, 1901. sm.8. 62pp. (28071) Kitchen Boiler Connections. A selection of practical letters and articles relating to Water Backs and Range Boilers. Ex : " Metal Worker." New York, 1894. 8. 30 pp. (24561) The same. 5th ed. New York, 1899. 8. 196pp. (26417) Tlie Roofing, Cornice, and Skylight manual. [Chiefly from the " Metal Worker."] New York, 1901. 8. 176 pp. 8 pi. (29678) M6taux et Alliag-es. See REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE, etc. DES METAUX ET ALLIAQES. 1908, etc. G 90 : 908. Metcalf, John (1717-1810). (Biographical.) See GLASS, H. A. Three lectures on Roads and Road makers. 1864. 8. pp. 1-37. (38710) Metcalf, M. A'. . Knitting. Chicago, 1909. 8. 378 pp. 22 pi. (38324) Metcalfe, Henry, Capt., U.S.A. Projectiles. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military En- gineering. 8. pp. 443-47. (24918) Meteorological Council. The Beaufort scale of Wind force. Report of the Director, etc. With a report . . . by G. C. Simpson, and notes by Sir G. H. Darwin, W. H. Dines, and C. Hepworth. London, 1906. 4. 54pp. 7 pi. (32367) The life history of surface Air Currents. By W N. Shaw and R. G. K. Lempfert. London,' 1906. 4. 108pp. 26 pi. (32368) + London Fog Inquiry, 1901-02. Report . . . by Capt. A. Carpenter. London, 1903. 4. 28 pp. 11 pi. (29355) The Observer's handbook. A new and revised edition of R. H. Scott's instruction in the use of Meteorological Instruments. London, 1908. 8. 134 pp. 7 pi. (38395) 478 METE] Meteorological Office. Report, 1867, etc. London, 1868, etc. 8. D 34 : 867. Publication : Annual. ry: "Reports" issued by the Meteorological Dcpt. of Board of Trade ( ? ..) 1354-68; the . Meteorological Committee of the Royal Society, 1867 June 1877; the Meteorological Council, July is 7 7 March 1905; the Meteorological Committee f the Treasury, 11)06, etc. See Kcport, 1903, pp. ta 109. Metius, Jacob, of Alkmar (fl. 1C09). (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Meteorolo~ische Zeitsohrift. Jabrg. 1, etc. Berlin, [1884, etc.]. 8. D 34 : 884. Publicition: Monthly.':,rt: W. Kilppen, 1881-85; J. Hann and W. K., 1886-91 ; J. H. and [J. G.] G. Hillmann, 1892- 1!>07 ; J. H. and R. Stlriug, 1908, etc. //;.../)_// . Issued by the Deutsche Meteor. Ges., 1884- 85, and by Deutsche Meteor. Ges., and the Oesterr. Ges. f. Meteorologic from 188G. Kathode. M^thode de lever les plans* et Irs cartes de terre et de mer, etc. [By J. Ozanam.] Paris, J. B. /'./., 1700. bm. 8. 226pp. 9 pi. (37702) Metronomische Boitraere. No. 1, etc. 1870, etc. Berlin, 1870, etc. 4. E 4/870. Titlt varied: Wissenschaftliche Abhandlnngen der " Kaiserl. Nornial-Aiohungs-Kommission." 1895, etc. No. 1-3. Metropolitan Board of Works. ' See AGRICULTURAL. The agricultural value of the sewage of London, examined ia reference to the principal schemes submitted to the Metropolitan Board of Works. 1865. 8. (32832) . Report on communication from Dr. Letheby with reference to the quantity of Arsanic in Per- cliloride of Iron. By Dr. Hofmann and- Dr. Frank- laid. London. 1860. 8. 8 pp. (32831) Report on tenders for the supply of Perchloride of Iron, and on Drs. Odling and Letheby'u observa- tions on its use as a Deodorizing agent. By Drs. Miller, Hofmann, and Frankland. London, 1860. 8. 8pp. (32829) Report on the Deodofization of Sewage. By Dr. Hofmann and Dr. Frankland. [London], 1859. 8. 16 pp. (32830) Report on the use of Lime as a Disinfectant of Sewage ; and on ... the use of Perchloride of Iron, liy Drs. Miller, Holmann, and Frankland. [London], 1860. 8. 6 pp. (32828) Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. Communications from Mr. Pilton, of the Ayles- ford Works, and Messrs. Doulton, etn., with reports by Prof. Miller, Way, and Letheby ... in reference to the composition of the Lambeth stone ware, and Aylesford pottery pipes ; and a report by Mr. Bazalgette on their comparative efficiency for sewerage purposes. London, 1855. 8. 40 pp. . (32833) [Report ... by T. Wicksteed. 1854.] See ELLIS, T. The Metropolitan Sewage [a reply - to the Reoort of T. Wicksteed]. [1861.1 8 . (32790) . ' [MEWE Metz, Jean de. See BKDIIAT, J. Lo laboratoire municipal de Paris . . . (Lettres de J. de M.) 1'e od. 1884. 8. (34192) Metzeltln, E. Neufere Lokomotiv-steuerungcn. 1908. S STOCKKHT, L. von. Handbach dos Eisenbahu- maschinenwesens. Bind 1. pp. 465-491. 8. (38111) Mctzner, Renu. Suj quelques compost's du Selenium et du Tellnre. (Thete.) Paris, 1898. 8. 88 pp. (25658) Mounter, Etienne Stanislas. See PAGE, D. Ge'ologie technologique. Trad. [E.1S. M. 1877. sm. 8 s . (27766) La G<5olo2ie experimentale. Paris, 1899. 8. 320 pp. (20477) Meunier, J. Joseph. Notice sur la Peiuture sur Verre ancienne, la fabrication dos couleurs, et la construction du four. Pans, 1843. 8. 16 pp. (33993) Meunier, Louis, and Vancy, C. - La Tannerie. (Encycl. industrielle.) Paris, 1903. 8. 648pp. (29822) Meunier, Stanislas. See MEUNIER, Etienne S. Meunier, Victor. L'dtamage des glaces remplace par 1'argenture selon le precede' exploits par H. Brossette et Cie. Paris, 1862. sm. 8. 72pp. (33322) Mlvllle, H. de. Motor- Jachten, ihre Einrichtung und Hand- habung. (Autotechn. Bibliothek.) Berlin, 1908. sm. 8. 104pp. 3 pi. (36647) Mewes, Rudolf, Engineer. See DALCHOW, E. Mewes-Motor. 1901. 8. (27976) See TURBINE, (Die). Red. R. M. 1904-09. E 51 : 905. See ZEITBCHRIPT FUR SAUERSTOFP- UND STICK- STOFF-INDUSTRIE. Hrsg. R. M. 1908, etc. E 59: 908. Dampfturbinen, deren Entwickelung, Bo,u, Leistung und Theorie, nebst Anhang iiber Gas- und Druckluftturbinen. Berlin, 1904. 8. 310 pp. (30711) Die elementare Physik des Aethers (Kraft- und Masse). -Berlin, 1896. 2 vols. in one. 8. (26382) Die Grundlagen der Wiirmetechnik nach During, Gross und Mewes, Slaby und Casalonga. 1901. See VEKEIN ZUR BEFORDERUXG DES GEWERB- FLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 80. pp. 211- 235. 1 pi. B 67 P : Kiiblverfahren nach Siemens, Linde und Mix. 1900. Ibid. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 79. pp. 184- 194. B67P: . jjiolit-, Elektrizitiits- und X-Strahlen. Beitrag zur Erklarnng der Aetherwellen. 2te Ausg. Berlin, 1899. 8. 132pp. (26140) Theoretische Schlnssfolgerungen aus den neu- esten Versuchen mit Sprengstoffen. 1900. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNQ DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 79. pp. 255-72. 1 pi. 4. B67P: Metropolitan Gas Referees. See also BOARD Mewes, Wilhelm. OF TRADE. Moderne Kunstverglasungen. Vorbilder. ' Metropolis gas. Notification of the Gas Referees. Serie 1-3. Berlin, [1899-1901]. 40 pi. 1906, etc. London, 1905, etc. fol. K 38/906. (26641) 479 etc. fol. MEXI] [MEYE Mexico : Oficina de Patentes, etc. Gaceta oficial de la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas. Afio 1, etc. Mexico, 1903, etc. (30369) Publication : Monthly. Reaumen de las Patentes expedidas del 1 Octubre, 1903, etc. Mexico, 1908, etc. 4. (32256) Secretaria de Fomento. Boletin, etc. Afio 1, etc. Mexico, 1901, etc. 8. (29802) La Pumagina y el Pulg6n de los Cafetos (Mealy bug) en la Republics Mexicana. Mexico, 1897. 8. 116 pp. 1 pi. (17138) Mey, P. de, Engineer. L'Exaut maritime. 1892. 22 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 5e Congres. Question 10. [49.] F 43 : 888. On the mode of establishment and maintenance of Ports on Sandy Coasts liable to deposits of silt. 1893. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DBS TRAVAUX MARITIMES. 2e Congre's. Sect. 1. Paper 9. pp. 106-135. P 40 : 889. Meycliar, Leo. English-Russian and Russian-English Engineer- ing Dictionary. London, [1909]. sm. 8. 96 pp. (38466) Meyer, , M.D. Die Haarkrankheiten. Ihre Enstehung, Ver- hiitung und Behandlung. Miinchen, 1902. 8. 32 pp. (28503) Meyer, Albert. A handbook ... of the Patent, Trade- mark and Designs Laws in Japan and Korea. lokyo, 1909. 8. 42 pp. (38865) Meyer, Arthur. Die Grundlagen und die Methoden fiir die mikroskopische Untersuchung von Pflanzenpulvern. Jena, 1901. 8. 264 pp. (27791) Meyer, D. See TECHNIK UND WIRTSCHAFT. Hrsg. H. Beck und D. M. 1908, etc. E 22 : 908. Meyer, Ernst Sigismund Christian von. Geschichte der Chemie von den altesten Zeiten bis znr Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1889. 8. 476 pp. (22882) The same. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1905. 8. 592 pp. (32428) A history of Chemistry from the earliest times to the present day. Trsl. G. McGowan. London, 1891. 8. 578pp. (22726) The same. 3rd English ed., from the 3rd German ed., by G. McGowan. London, 1906. 8. 718pp. (33150) Meyer, Eugen. Die Hauptprufung von Spirituslokomobilen. 1902. 60 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELL- SCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 78. 8. J 51 : 894. Untersuehungen am Gasmotor. 1901-03. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 3, pp. 1-34 ; Heft 8, pp. 55-107. E 13/857b. Untersuchungen iiber Hartepriif ung und Harte. 1909. Ibid. Heft 65. pp. 1-62. E 13/857b. - Versuche an Spiritusmotoren und am Diesel- Motor. 1904. Ibid. Heft 17, pp. 1-52. 8. E 13/857b. Meyer, F. Andreas. Entrepots et Hangars dans les ports maritimes. 1898. 22 pp. 3 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 7e Congres. Rap- ports. Sect. 4. Question 1. F 43: 888. Die stadtische Verbrennungsanstalt fur Abfall- stoffe am Bullerdeich in Hamburg. 2te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1901. 8. 48 pp. 13 pi. (27930) Meyer, Frank John, and Wernlgrb, W. Steam Towing on rivers and canals by means of a submerged cable. With a description of their cable system. [Appendix.] London, 1876. 8. 64 pp. 1 pi. (33375) Meyer, Franz Sales. A handbook of Art Smithinz. From the 2nd German ed. Introd. by J. S. Gardner. London, 1896. 8. 216pp. (26851) A handbook of Ornament. 2nd English ed. Revised by H. Stannus. London, 1894. 8. 564 pp. (24134) The same. 3rd English ed. by H. Stannus. London, 1896. 8. 562 pp. (30287) Meyer, G. Friedrich. Zur Geschichte der Zuckerfabrikation (25 Jahre ohne Knochenkohle). Braunschweig, 1905. 8. 124pp. (32429) Meyer, Gustav. Vorarbeiten fur Eisenbahnen. Bauleitung. Von L. Oberschnlte und G. M. 1898. 402 pp. 7 pi. See HANDBUCH. Handbuch der Ingenieur- wissenschaften. 3te Aufl. Band 1. Abt. 1. 8. (27558) and Xaseler, E. Erd- nnd Felsarbeiten. Erdrntschungen. Stutz- und Futtermauern. 1897. 352 pp. 13 pi. See HANDBDCH. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissen- schaften. 3te Aufl. Band 1. Abt. 2. 8. (27558) Meyer, Hans Johannes Leopold, Ph.D. Analyse und Konstitntions-ermittelung organ- ischer Verbindungen. Berlin, 1903. 8. 726 pp. (30171) Determination of Radicles in Carbon compounds, Trsl. J. B. Tingle. New York, 1899. sm. 8. 144 pp. (27316) The same. 2nd ed. New York, 1903. sm. 8, 174 pp. (32393) Meyer, Hermann. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen mechanischen Tech- nologie der Metalle. (" Grundries des Maschinen- baues.") Hannover, 1907. 8. 194 pp. (35693) Meyer, Hermann J. Meyers Konversations - Lexikon. Bin Nach- schlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens. 5te Aufl. Leipzig, 1893-1901. 21 vols. 8 C . (28143) Meyer, Julius Lothar. See LUBE, W. Anleitung zum rationellen Betriebe der Ernte, etc. 3te Aufl., von L. M, 1909. 8. (38530) Die Phasentheorie und ihre Anwendung. 1905. See SAMMLUNO CHEM. UND CHEM.-TECHN. VOR- TRAGE. Band 10. pp. 359-408. K 1 : 896. (Biographical.) [Memoir, by P. P. Bedson.] [1896.] See CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Memorial Lectures. 1893- 1900. 8. (30007), 480 MEYE] [MICH Meyer, Moritz, '/./>. Die Elektricitiit in ihre Anwendung auf prak- tische Medicin. Berlin, 1854. 8. 182pp. (29414) The same. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1868. 8. 444 pp. (29415) Meyer, Oskar Emil. The kinetic theory of Gases. From the 2nd G-erman ed. by B. E. Baynes. London, 1899. 8. 486 pp. (26845) Meyer, R. J. Bibliograpbie der seltenen Erden. Ceriterden, Yttererden und Thorium. Hamburg, 1905. 8. 80 pp. (31533) Meyer, Richard Emil. Die Tbeerfarbstoffe. Begonnen von P. A. Bolley und E. Kopp. Fortgesetzt von R. Gnebm fund R. M.]. 1867-97. 3 vols. See BOLLEY, A. P. Handbuch der chemischen Technologie. Band 5. Gruppe 1. 8. (16252) The same. Another copy. Braunschweig, 1867-97. 3 vols. 8. (25766) Meyer, Rudolf. Die Blaufarben und Ultramin - Fabrikation. Quedlinburg, 1845. sm. 8. 56 pp. 1 pi. (30179) Meyer, Stefan, and Schweidler, E. von. Untersuchungen iiber radioaktive Substanzen. Mittheilnng 1-10. Ex : " Sitzungsberichte der k. Akad. der Wissenschaften in Wien. Math.-naturw. Klasse. Abt. 2a. Band 113-116. Wien, 1904-1907. 10 pte. 8. (35152) Meyer, Tb. Ueber zweidimensionale Bewegungsvorgange in einem Gas, das mit Ueberachallgeschwindigkeit stromt. 1908. See VEREIN DEDT. INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 62. pp. 31-67. E 13/857b. Meyer, Theodore. Die Fabrikation von Sulf at- und Salzsaute, 1907. 112 pp. See MONOGRAPHIEN flBER CHEM.-TECUN. FABRIKATIONSMETHODE. Band 6. K 30 : 906. Meyer, Victor Johann. See LANGER, C., and MEYER, V. J. Pyro- chemische Untersuchungen. 1885. 8. (28799) and Jacobson, P. II. Lehrbuch der organiachen Chemie. Leipzig, [1891-]1893. 1903. 2 vols. in three. 8. (22963) The same. 2te Aufl. Hrsg. von P. [H.] Jacobson. Leipzig, 1907, etc. 8 . (35720) (/ progress.) (Biographical.) See THORPE, T. E. Essays in historical chem- istry. [2nd ed.] 1902. pp. 422-482. 8. (28978) [Memoir, by T. E. Thorpe.] 1900. See CHEM- ICAL SOCIETY. Memorial Lectures. 1893-1900. 8. pp. 169-206. 1 pi. (30007) Meyer-Heine, H. La Photographic en ballon et la Telepnoto- graphie. 1899. See CONSERVATOIRE DBS ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 3e Se>. Tome 1, pp. 193- 223. 8. B 67 C : The same. Reprint. Paris, 1899. 8. 32 pp. (26798) Meyerhoffer, Wilhelm. See LAXDOLT, H, H. and BURNSTEIN, R. Physikalisch-chemische Tabellen. 3te Aufl. von R. Bernstein und W. M. 1905. 8 3 . (31563) 34222 Meyerstein, Moritz. Ueber eine neue Liingetheilungsmascbine. Ex : " Gewerbe-Blatt." Heft 6. 1844. 8. 2 pp. 1 pi. (26656) Mez, Carl, Prof, of Botany. Der Hausschwamm und die iibrigen holz-zerstor- enden Pilze der measchlicben Wohnungen. Dresden, 1908. 8. 268 pp. 1 pi. (36338) Mikroskopische Wasseraualyae. Anleitung zur Untersuchung des Wassers mit bes. Beriickaioht. von Trink- und Abwasser. Berlin, 1898. 8. 650 pp. 8 pi. (25924) Mezhov, Vladimir Izmailovicb. Sistematicheskii katalog, etc. [Systematic cata- logue of recent Russian literature. 1825-69.] St. Petersburg, 1869. 8. 1010 pp. (14943) Miall, Louis Compton. Injurious and useful Insects. London, 1902. sm. 8. 264 pp. (28962) Mlcolollo, Alfred. A6ronef dirigeable plus lourd que 1'air (Hdlicop- t&re). 2e 6d. Paris, 1908. 8. 62 pp. 1 pi. (37961) Mlohaells, Johann Conrad, M.D. See LUDWIG, D. Opera omnia . . , Accedit prajfatio nova de medicinal hndierniu corruptela . . . Ed. J. C. M. 1712. 4. (28138) Mlchaolis, G. See POLYTECHNISCIIE GESELLSCHAFT ZU BERLIN. Bericht. Hrsg. G. M., 1855-80 ; G. M., etc., 1881- 86. B 67 B : Ittlchaells, Leonor, Ph.D. See BIOPHYSIKALISCHES ZENTRALBLATT. Hrsg. C. Oppenbeimer und L. M. 1905, etc. 8. K 12 : 905. Michaelis, Wilhelm. Das Verhalten der hydranliscben Bindemittel zum Meerwasser. 1896. See VEREIN ZUR BE- FORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEissES. Verhandl. Jahrg. 75. pp. 157-189. B67P: The Hardening process of Hydraulic Cements. Trsl. W. Michaelis, Junr. Chicago, [1907], sm. 8. 24pp. (36392) Mlchalke, Carl. See GAISBERG, 8. von. Taschenbuch fur Mon- teure elektr. Beleuchtungsanlagen, unter Mitwirk- ung von O. Gorling und [C.] M. 25te Ann. 1902. sm. 8. (29575) Die vagabundierenden Strome elektrischer Bah- nen. 1904. 92 pp. See ELEKTROTECHNIK IN EINZELDARSTELLUNGEN. Heft 4. D 51 : 902. Stray currents from Electric Railways. Trsl. 0. A. Kenyon. New York, 1906, sm. 8. 106 pp. (33151) Mlchaux, Family. See LANSAC, H. de. Les Michaux. Biographies et souvenirs de Pierre et Ernest Micbanx, inventeurs de la "Peclale," Edmond, Henry, et Francisqne Michaux, leurs collaborates*. 1906, 8. (34251) Michel, . - See LESIEUR, , and MICHEL, . Des divers gystemes de pavage, etc. 1845. 4. (37426) L'art de fabriquer la Chandelle avec economic et d'ope'rer son parfait blanchiment. (Encyl. pnpu- laire des arts, etc.) Paris, Audot, 1828. 16. 84 ptx. (34583) 481 3 F HIGH] [MIDD Michel, A. F. Recherches sur la matiere colorante des Nerpruns indigenes. See EONDOT, N. Notice du Vert de Chine, etc.' 1858. 8. (34661) Michel, Carl. Lehrbuch der Bierbrauerei mit bea. Beriicksicht. der pneumatischen Miilzerei, der Dampfkochung, der Vacuumgahrung und der Hefe-Einzucht. 3te Aufl. Augsburg, 1900. 8. 730 pp. (27713) i Geschichte des Bieres von der altesten Zeit bis . zum Jahre 1900, mit Einschluss der einschlagigen Gesetze. Augsburg, 1901. 8. 156 pp. (27712) Manual fur den practischen Brauereibetrieb. 4te Aufl. Augsburg, 1901. 4. 112 pp. (27714) Michel, Edmond. Essai sur 1'histoire des Payences de Lyon. Lyon, 1876. 8. 20pp. 4 pi. (33620) Michel, Henri. Manuel des Tireurs a la Carabine. Paris, 1868. 16. 266 pp. (33994) Michel, Hugo. Les Inventions industrielles a re'aliser. De 1'Allemand par L. Duvinage. 2e id. Paris, 1908. 8. 42 pp. (37588) Michel-levy, H. Essais de Comptenrs d'Eau. Par A. Perot et H. M. L. 1906. 28 pp. 5 pi. See CONSERVA- TOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Labonitoire d'essais. Bulletin No. 8. E 5 : 903. Michclin Tyre Co., Ltd. Instructions for fitting, detaching and repairing . Michelin tyres for motor-cars, yoiturettes, and : motor-cycles. London, [1905.] 16. 90 pp. (31798) Mlchelotti, Francesco Domenico. Sperimenti idraulici. lorino, 1767-71. 2 vols. 4. (31262) Mlcbels, . See SEMPER, , and MICHELS, . Die Sal- peter-industrie Chiles; 1904. 4. (31116) Michelson, Albert Abraham. i Light waves and their uses. [Eight lectures delivered at the Lowell Inst. 1899.] [University of Chicago Decennial publications, 2nd Series, Vol. 3.] Chicago, 1903. 8. 166 pp. 3 pi. (30256) Michenfelder, C. Neuere Transport- und Hebevorrichtungen. Leipzig, 1906. 2 pts. 4. (32707) . Transporttechnische Gesichtspunkte bei Hel- lingen. 1909. See SCHIFFBAUTECHNISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 10. pp. 452-538. 2 pi. F 81 : 900. Michie, Christopher Young. The Larch ... its culture and general management. Edinburgh, 1882. am. 8. 294 pp. 4 pi. (25345) Michie, Peter 8. American military roads and bridges. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering. 8. pp. 615-25. (24918) Michigan (State) : Board of Health. Teachers' Sanitary Bulletin. Vol. 1-8. Lansing, Mich., 1898-1905. 8 vols. in three. 8. H 23 Mi:b. Publication : Monthly. Deficient -. Vol. 1. No. 2 and 6. Public Health, Michigan. Vol. 1, etc. Lansing, Mich., 1906, etc. 8. H 23 Mi :c. Publication : Quarterly. History : A continuation of the " Teachers' Sanitary Bulletin." r Proceedings of the quarter-centennial celebra- tion of the establishment of the Michigan State Board of Health held at Detroit, Aug. 9, 1898. Supplement, " Annual Report of the Michigan State Board of Health," 1899. 8. 100 pp. (26067) Geological Survey. [Reports.] Vol. 9, etc. Lansing, Mich., 1903, etc. 8. G30Mic: Library. Catalogue of the . . . Law Department. Compiled by S. A. Tomlinson. Lansing, Mich., 1896. 8. 686pp. (32840) Catalogue of the Michigan State Library. U.S. Documents, State documents, Foreign ex- changes. [By Mary C. Spencer]. Lansing, Mich., 1898. 8. 276pp. (32254) (Univ.): Engineering Society. Selected Papers. 1882, etc. Ann Arbor, 1883, etc. 8. E 12 Mi : 882a. Publication: Annual. Title varied: "The Technio," 1886-1903; "The Michigan Technic," 1904, etc. Mlcbigran Association of Surveyors and Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Vol. 3, etc. Ann Arbor, 1882, etc: E 12 Mi : 882. Publication : Annual. Title varied: "Michigan Engineering Soc.," 1885-88 ; "Michigan Engineers' Annual," 1889, etc. Michigan Engineering: Society. See MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OP SURVEYORS, etc. 1885-88.- E 12 Mi : 882. Michigan Engineers' Annual. See MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF SURVEYORS, etc. 1889, etc. E 12 Mi : 882. Michigan Technic, (The). See MICHIGAN (Univ.) : ENGINEERING SOCIETY. 1904, etc. E 12 Mi : 882a. Mlchotte, Fi'licien. - Connaissances pratiques pour conduire les Auto- mobiles a p<5trole et e'lectriques ; suivies du nouveau reglement. Paris, [1-899]. sm. 8. 272 pp. (263,97) Etude . . . de 1'Incendie, ses causes, sa prevention, son extinction. Paris, 1905. 8. 570pp. (32050) Moyens de defense a la port^e de tous centre le Feu. Paris, [1903]. sm. 8. 280 pp. (36277) Mlckleham, R. S. See MEIKLEHAM, R. S. Mlddeldorpf, Albrecht Theodor. Die Galvanocaustik, ein Beitrag zur operativen Medicin. Breslau, 1854. 8. 288 pp. 4 pi. (29416) 482 MIDD1 [MILA Mlddendorf, F. L. Benmstuni; und Takelung der Schiffe. Berlin, . 1903. 8. 410pp. 15 pi. (30172) Die Steuervorrichtungen der Seeschiffe, insbes- ondere der neueren grossen Dampfer. 1900. See SCHlFFBAtTTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 1. pp. 143-267. 28 pi. F 81 : 900. Widerstand der Schiffe und Ermittelung der Arbeitsleistung f iir Schiffsmaschinen. Ibid. Band 1. pp. 355-385. F 81 : 900. Mlddlobrook. J. E. Illustrations of Diamond Industry from " Mining the ground " to " Diamonds classified for shipment." [A collection of photographs with accompanying description.] Kimberley, S.A., [1892].. obi. 16. 24 pi. (25537) Mlddlemore. Thoa. The Birmingham Saddlery trade. See TIMMINS, S. The resources, etc., of Birmingham, etc. 1866. pp. 463-476. 8. (13114) Middleton, A. E. Memory aids, and how to use them. Workington, 1882. sq. 16. 52 pp. (35979) Mlddleton, Chas., of Long Acre, London. Magic Lantern dissolving view painting. London, 1876. 8. 32pp. 10 pi. (38754) Mlddleton, George Alexander Thomas. Building Materials, their nature, properties, and manufacture. London, 1905. 8. 428 pp. 12 pi. (31363) Mlddleton, Sir Hugh. See MYDDELTON. Mlddleton, John. General view of the Agriculture of Middlesex ; with observations on the means of its improvement, and several essays on Agriculture in general. 2nd ed. London, 1813. 8. 720 pp. map. (37506) Mlddleton, Reginald Empson.and Chadwlck, 0. A treatise on Surveying. A compilation. London, 1899-1902. 2 vols. ft (28963) Mids-ley, W. W. See DOBSON, Sir B. A. Humidity in cotton spinning. Revised, etc., by W. W. M. [1901.] 4. (27873) Midland Agricultural and Dairy Insti- tute. Reports, 1903, etc. Kingstan-on-Soar, 1904, etc. 8. J 5 : 903. Publication : Annual. Midland Drug-gist, (The), and Pharma- ceutical Review. Vol. 43, etc. Columbus, Ohio, 1909, etc. K21 : 909. Publication : Monthly. JCditort : 3. H. Heal and E. Krcmers. History : Incorporated in 1909 the " Pharmaceutical ReTieW." Mldy, Felix. lie Drainage radii; . . . sanstuyaux. Paris, 1858. 8. 48 pp. (35917) Mle, Gnstav. - Die neueren Forschungen iiber Jonen und Elek- tronen. 1903. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTROTECHN. VORTRAOE. Band 4. pp. 55-94. D 51 : 896. Miebe, Hugo. tiber die Selbsterhitzung des Henes. 1905. 2te Aufl. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. . Heft 111. pp. 76-91. J 23 : 894. 34222 483 Miera, Henry Alexander, D.Su., If. A., F.R.S. Mineralogy. London, 1902. 8. 602pp. (29494) Mlera, John. Description of the machinery employed in Dept- ford Dockyard for spinning hemp and manufacturing ropes and cables. 1842. See ROYAL ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 5. pp. 233-265. 17 pi. F 90 : 844. Mlerach, Ella Emilie. Reading List on House decoration and furnish- ing. 1899 See NEW YORK (State): Library. Annual Report 83. 1899-1900. Appendix 5. pp. 661-678. AM07 00 . Mierzinaki, Stanislaus. See SCHMIDT, 0. H. Die Erd-, Mineral- und Lack- Farben. 4te Aufl. von S. M. 1881. 8. (19867) Die Desinfectionsmittel. Berlin, 1878. 8, 92 pp. (29875) Uandbuch der Farben-Fabrikation. (Chemisch- techn. Bibliothek.) Wien, 1898. 2 vols. sm. 8. (17647) Die Industrie der Essigsaure und der essig- saueren Salze. Leipzig, 1905. 8. 218 pp. (31107) Die Praxis und Betriebs-kontrolle der Schwefel- saure-Fabrikation. (Chemisch - techn. Bibliothek.) Wien, 1904. sm. 8. 256pp. (30374) The Waterproofing of Fabrics. From the German by A. Morris and H. Robson. [Added] Abridgments of English patents for waterproofing garments, 1877-1902. London, 1903. sm.8. 104pp. (30415) Mlethe, Adolph. S ATELIER, (Das) DES PHOTOGRAPHEN. Hrsg. A. M., etc. 1906, etc. All: 906. See PHOTOGRAPHIBCHE CHRONIK. Hrsg. A. M. 1899, etc. All:899a. See ZEITSCHRIFT FOR REPRODUKTIONSTECHNIK. Hrsg. A. M., etc. 1899, etc. A 21 : 899. Der Erfindung der Photographic und ihre Ent- wickelung bis zur Gegenwart. 1901. See BUCH. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 10. pp. 339-394. Ipl. 8. (33007) , Dreif arbenphotographie nach der Natur. (Ency- klopadie der Photographie.) Halle a. S., 1904. 8. 80 pp. 1 pi. (31446) Mletzschke, Otto. S JURTHE, E., and MIETZSCHKE, O. Hand- ' buch der FrasereL 2te Aufl. 1903. 8. (30121) Mlgula, Walter. ^ Compendium der bakteriologischen Wasserunter- snchung, nebst vollstandiger Uebersicht der Trink- wasserbakterien. Wiesbaden, 1901. 8. 446 pp. 2 pi. (27728) Mlkan, Jobann Christian, Ph.D. Ueber Zucker- Erzeugung aus Ahorn-Saft. Prag, 1811. 4. 76pp. 2 pi. (37471) Mikolaaohek, Karl. Mechanische Weberei. 3te Aufl. Wien, 1904, etc. 8". (31108) Milan l Laboratorio d'Esperienze sulla Seta. Sullo sfilacciarsi delle Sete tinte. MUano, 1905 8. 44pp. (38828) Expotizione Internazionale, 1906. S ALLEMAGNE, H.R. d'. Petit guide . . . des Moyens de Transports. [1906.] 8. (34252) 3 P 2 MILA] [MILL Milandre, Chas. Moteurs a. gaz. Par C. Vigreux et C. M. 1904. 102 pp. 13 pi. See VIGREUX, L. ThtSorie, etc. de 1'art de l'Inge"nieur. [Livr. 64.] 8. and f ol. atlas. (18142) Turbines 1899. Par C. Vigreux en collaboration avecC. M. 160pp. Ibid. [Livr. 62.] 8. (18142) and Bouquet, H. P. Trait6 de la construction, de la conduite, et de 1'entretien des Voitures Automobiles. Paris, 1898- - 99. 4vols. stn. 8. (25659) Milchwirthschaftlichcr Vcrcin. . Schriften. Vol. 1, etc. Bremen, 1874, etc. 8. J 83 : 874. Title varied : " Deutscher milchwirthschaf tliohe Verein, 1895, etc. OTilchwirtschaftlichcs Zentrablatt. Jahrg. 1, etc. Leipzig, 1905, etc. 8. J 83 : 905. Publication : Monthly. Editor : R. Eiohloff, 1905, etc. History : Supplement to " Milch-Zeitung." Wilch-Zeltung-. J 83 : 905. Supplement : See Milchw. Zentralblatt, 1905, etc. Miles, Wm., of Exeter. The Horse's Foot, and how to keep it sound. 7th ed. Appendix on shoeing iu general and hunters in particular. London, etc., 1850. 8. 130 pp. 14 pi. (30997) The same. 8th ed. London, 1856. 4\ 150 pp. 16 pi. (34461) The same. 9th ed. London, 1863. 8. (18237) Milet, Ambroise. Histoire d'nn Four a Verre de 1'ancienne Normandie. Paris, 1871. 8. 48 pp. (33376) Historique de la Faience et de la Porcelaine de Rouen au XVIIe Siecle. Rouen, 1898. sm. 8. 32pp. 2 pi. (35276) Milhe-Poutingron, A. i See KEVUE DES CULTURES COLONIALES. Publie'e par A. M. P. 1901-04. 8. J 61 : 901. Military. ^ Military and National practicality, or, sugges- tions for an up-to-date training of the Army and Nation. Bombay, " Times of India," 1902. 8. 132 pp. (38187) . A Military Dictionary . . . 3rd ed. . . . Added, a Sea-dictionary of all the terms of naviga- tion. By Officers who serv'd several years at Sea and Land. London, J. Morphew, 1708. 12. 149 11. 2 pi. (37317) Milla, Karl. See DEUTSCHER VEREIN ZUE FORDERUNG DER LUFTSCHIFFFAHRT. Hrsg. K. M. 1899. E 60 : 882. Die Flogbewegung der Vogel. Leipzig, 1895. 8. 96pp. 2 pi. (31590) Millar, James. . A new course of Chemistry . . . With a succinct account of the several drugs used in the preparation of chemical medicines. London, 1754. 8. 400 pp. 5 pi. (36169) Millar, James Hill. See KLOCKER, A. Fermentation organisms. From the German by G. E. Allan and J. H. M. 1903. 8. (29779) Millar, John, M.D. See WILLIAMS, J. The natural history of the mineral kingdom. 2nd ed., by J. M. 1810. 2 vols. 8. f36144) Observations on Antimony, read before the Medical Society of London and published at their request. London, 1774. 8. 110 pp. (28811) Mllle, A., Engineer. See MOLL, L., and MILLE, A. Ville de Paris. Application des vidanges a la culture. 1857. 8. (34771) Emploi agricole des Eaux d'egout. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 65. Sect. 8. pp. 295- 305. 8. (13828) Miller, A. E., M.B. See HOME OFFICE. Mine Accidents. Snaefell Lead Mine Accident. Reports by C. Le N. Foster and A. E. M. 1898. fol. (25565) Miller, Fred., Artist. Wood-carving, practically, theoretically, and historically considered. London, [1885]. sm. 8. 114 pp. 11 pi. (32938) Miller, Geo. Stairs and Handrailing. 1903. See SUTCLIFFE, G. L. The modern carpenter, joiner, etc. Div. Vol. 6-7. pp. 177-217. 4. (30464) Miller, Henry Valentine. See BRITISH MILLER SIGNAL SYNDICATE, LTD. The Miller Signalling system. [1903?] 8. (30815) Miller, Hugo W. See DE LA RUE, W., and MILLER, H. W. On the length of the spark from a battery of 600, 1200, etc., rod-chloride o silver cells. [1876.] 8. (29409) Miller, James, Prof, of Surgery, Edinburgh. Surgical experience of Chloroform. Edinburgh, 1848. 8. 60pp. (32804) Miller, Kempster B. American Telephone practice. 3rd ed. New York, [1900]. 8. 530 pp. (27199) The same 4th ed. New York, 1905. 8. 904 pp. (31914) Miller, M. E. See ENGINEERING NEWS, etc. Indexes, 1890- 1904. By M. E. M. E 20/887. Miller, Merritt Finley. The evolution of Reaping Machines. 1902. 44 pp. 9 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 103. J 29 : 889. Miller, N. H. J. See HALL, A. D,, and others. Nitrification in acid soils. [1908.] 8. (36912) Miller, Patrick, of Dalswinton. (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Miller, Philip, F.R.S. The Gardener's Dictionary. 7th ed. London, 1759. fol. 711. + Sig. 1-15-B. 18 pi. (36428) 484 MILL] Miller, Samuel, D.D., of Princeton, N.J. A brief retrospect of the Eighteenth Century. Part the First, in three volumes . . . contain- ing a sketch of the revolutions and improvements . in science, arts, and literature, during that period. London, [New York, printed,] 1805. 3 vols. 8. (3S359) Miller, T. W.. and Taplin, B. Copy of the Report of Messrs. Miller and Taplin, on the comparative power and economic value of Hartley coal ; and, of a similar report, by Messrs. Taplin and Lynn, on the propertien of Welsh steam coal, presented to the Board of Admiralty, with plans of boilers, furnaces, etc. With Appendix. London, 1859. 8 a . 80 pp. 7 pi. (37237) Miller, Wilbelm von, and Kiliani, H. Kurzes Lehrbuch der analytischen Chemie. Miinchen, 1884. 564 pp. 1 pi. 8. (1166) The same. 4te Aufl., von H. K. Miinchen, 1900. 8. 642 pp. 1 pi. (27180) The same. 6le Aufl., von H. K. Miinchen, 1909. 8. 656 pp. 1 pi. (38930) Miller, Wm. Allen, F.R.S. See METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS. Report on the use of lime as a disinfectant of sewage. By Dr. M., etc. 1860. 8. (32828) . Ibid. Report on tenders tor the supply of per- chloride of iron, etc. By Dr. M., etc. 1860. 8. (32829) See METROPOLITAN COMM. OF SEWERS. Com- munications . . . with repirts by Prof. M., etc., in reference to the composition of the Lambeth stoneware, etc. 1855. 8. (32833) Elements of Chemistry. Part 1. Chemical phy- sics. Part 2. Inorganic chemistry. Part 3. Organic chemistry. London, 1855-57. 2 vol. 8. (4263) Pagination -of Part 2-3 continuous. Miller-Kauenfela, Albert R. von. Der muhelose Segelflug der Vogel nnd die spgelnde Lnf tschiffahrt, etc. Wien, 1890. 8. 66 pp. (31591) Millet, C., Inspector of Forests. - Notice sur la culture des Oseraies dans le Do- partement de 1'Aisne. Nouv. e"d. Paris, 1841. 8. 26 pp. (35491) Millikan, Robert Andrews. See DRUDE, P. The theory of Optics. From the German by C. R. Mann and R. A. M. 1902. 8. (28426) Mechanics, Molecular Physics and Heat. Chicago, 1902. 8. 242pp. (36123) New instruments of precision from the Ryerson Laboratory. Chicago, 1903. 4. 8 pp. (30325) Milling-ton, John. Elements of Civil Engineering. Philadelphia, 1839. 8. 726pp. 9 pi. (36509) Hydraulics. 1829. 32 pp. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Natural Philosophy. Vol. 1. 8. (13815) Millis, John, Capt. U.S. Army. Le service des Phares des Ktats-Unis. 1900. 38 pp. 2 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION tNTiiRiECRE. 8e Congres. Question 6. [34.] F 43 : 888. [MILN Mills, A. E. Paddle Wheels. 1898. 36 pp. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 10. Paper 74. F 8t : 889. Water-tube boilers. 1903. 102 pp. Ibid. Trans. Vol. 15. Paper 110. F 81 : 889. Mills, Fred. Wm. An introduction to the study of the Diatomacea!. With a bibliography, by J. Deby. London, 1898. 8. 256 pp. (27026) and Ponton, A. C. Stenopaic or Pin-hole Photography. London, 1895. 8. 28 pp. 1 pi. (26808) Mills, Geo. A treatise on an improved mode of cultivating the Cucumber and Melon . . . with directions for growing and forcing Asparagus and Sea-Kale. 3rd ed. London, [1845]. sm. 8. 124 pp. 2 pi. (38188) Mills, Hiram F. The Filter of the Water Supply of the City of Lawrence [Mass.] and its results. [1894.] See MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. 25th Report. [1892-93.] pp. 545-560. H 23 : M Mills, James E. Binders for Coal Briquets. Investigations made at the Fuel-testing plant, St. Louis. 1908. 56 pp. See U.S. GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin 343. G 30: 883. Mills, Rebecca. The influence of well-made Stays on the health and beauty of Woman, and the great injuries which ill-made ones inflict. [Letters Patent No. 3894 of 1815.] London, 1841. sm. 8. 94 pp. 9 pi. (33436) Mills, Wm. Hemingway. Railway Construction. (Longman's Civil Engrg. Series.) London, 1898. 8. 372 pp. (16629) Millswood, G. The new Receipt Book . . . in . . brewing, making . . . British wines, dying, rural and domestic economy. Derby, [1825?]. 12. 60pp. (10545) Milne, afterwards Milne-Home, David. Report of a visit to the Farms of Mr. Rigden, Sussex ; Mr. Huxtable, Dorset ; and Mr. Morton, Gloucestershire, with remarks on agricultural im- provement, etc. Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1850. 8. 64 pp. (32640) Milne, John, F.R.8. Seismology. (International Scientific Series'). London, 1898. sm. 8. 336 pp. (25726) Milne -Home. David. See MILNE, afterwards MlLNE-HOME, D. Mllner, Kate. See WARDLE, Sir T. An examination into the divisibility of the brin ... of the silk of Bombyx Mori . . . [With] . . . Report of a similar investigation ... in the Labora- tory of the Societa . . . per la Stagionatura, etc., delle Sete et affini, Milan. From the Italian, by K. M. and Sir T. Wardle. 1908. 8. (38087) Mllner, R. D. The cost of Food as related to its nutritive value. 1902. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1902. pp. 387-406. J 29 : 849 b. 485 MILN] [MINN Milner, E. D.. cont. Development of the Nutrition investigations of the Department of Agricnlture. By A. C. True and R. D. M. 1899. Ibid. Year-book. 1899. pp. 403-414. J29:849b. Dietary studies at the Government hospital for the insane, Washington, D.C. By H. A. Pratt and R. D. M. 1904. 170 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. Experi- ment Station Bulletin 150. J 29 : 889. Experiments on the metabolism of matter and energy in the human body, 1903-04. By F. G. Benedict and B. D. M. 1907. 336 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Expt. Station Bulletin 175. J 29 : 889. Mllroy, M. E. W., Miss. Home Lace-making. 60pp. 3 pi. (37701) Milroy, R. The Telegraph Acts. London, 1906. sm. 8 1906. 32 pp. See INSTI- TUTION OF POST OFFICE ELECTE. ENGINEERS. [Prof, papers 1.] 8. D 50 : 906. Milsand, Philibert. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, etc., DE DIJON. Miologie pure et applique^ a la medecine et a 1'hygiene. Paris, 1902. 8. 1076 pp. (28556) Mlrabeau, Honore Gabriel Riqnetti, Comte. - See COMPAGNIE DES EAUX DE PARIS. Ri'ponse a 1'ouvrage qui a pour titre "Snr les Actions de la Cie des Eaux de Paris," par M. le Comte de Mira- bea-j. 1785. 8. (38142) Mirault. . Kapport concernant la Peinture en Email sur lave de volvic emailliie. Ex : Soc.-libre des Beaux- Arts, 1834. sm. 8. 16 pp. (35980) Ittirbel, C. F. B. de. Nouvelles notes sur le Cambium, extraites d'un travail sur 1'anatomie de la racine du Dattier, 1839. S ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Me'moires. [Nouv. Collection.] Tome 18. pp. 727-806. 12 pi. B 28 : 666. and Payen, A. Organographie et Physiologic vdgetales. Mt'moire sur la composition et la structure de pluaieurs organismes des plantes. 1846-50. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Md moires. Tome 20, pp. 497- 532. 3 pi ; tome 22, pp. 525-568. pis. 4-16. B 28 : 666. Miron, Francois. Les Hniles Minerales. P^trole, Schiste, Lignite. (Encycl. Scifntifique des Aide-memoire.) Paris, [1897]. sm. 8. 198pp. (25727) Mlroudot da Bourg", Jean Baptiste. Mrmoire sur le Ray-Grass ou faux - seigle. Nancy, [1760]. 8. 50 pp. (35208) Mirror, (The) of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Vol. 13. London, 1829. 8. A 40 : 829. Publication: Weekly. Miscellanea. Miscellanea Chymise et Metallurgies ; oder, Hundert und f iinf und funfzig wahre Experimenta, aus denen hinterlassenen Schrif ten eines beruhmten Chymici, etc. Ho/., J. G. Vierliny, 1766. sm. 8. 158 pp. 1 pi. (36456) Mises. Richard von. Theorie des Wasserrader. Ex : " Zeitschrift f flr Mathematik und Physik." Leipxig, 1908. 8. 120 pp. (38014) Mississippi River Commission. Reports. See U.S. WAR DEPT. (Bureau of Engineers). Reports (Supplement). 1901-05. E 25 : Missouri (State) : Board of Agriculture. Bulletin. Vol. 2, etc. Columbia, 1902, etc. 8. J 30 Miss : b. Publication : Monthly. Bureau of Mines and Mine Inspection. Annual Report 18. 1904, etc. Jeflerson City, Mo., [1905, etc.]. G 50 Mo : Geological Survey. [Subject reports con/.] 8. Annnal Report for 1894, by C. B. Keyes. Crystal- line rocks of M., by E. Haworth. 1896. 10. Surface features of M. and bibliography. By C. It. Keyes. 1896. 11. Clay deposits. By H. A. Wheeler. 1896. 12. Reports on Area! Geology. By B. M. Shepard, etc., 1898. Missouri River Commission. Reports. See U.S. WAR DEPT. (Bureau of Engineers). Reports (Supplement). 1901-02. E 25 : Mitchell, Alexander. On Submarine Foundations, particularly the screw-pile and moorings ; and an account of the Maplin Sand lighthouse, by J. B. Redman. Ex: "Proc. Inst., C.E." London, 1848. 8. 62 pp. 5 pi. (36606) Mitchell, Clias. Ainswortb. See OPPENHEIMEB, C. Ferments and their actions. From the German by C. A. M. 1901. 8. (28435) See WRIGHT, C. R. A. Animal and vegetable fixed oils, fats, etc. 2nd ed. by 0. A. M. 1903. 8. (30022) Flesh Foods, with methods for their chemical, microscopical, and bacteriological examination. London, 1900. 8. 350 pp. 1 pi. (27027) Preserved or concentrated Foods. See BRUCE, R. Food supply . . . Appendix on preserved or concentrated foods by C. A. M. 1898. sm. 8. (25596) and Hepworth, T. C. Inks ; their composition and manufacture, including methods of examination and a full list of English patents. London, 1904. sm. 8. 266 pp. 4 pi. (31033) Mitchell, Frederick Scott-. Practical Gilding, Bronzing, and Lacquering. (" Decorator " Seriet.) London, 1905. sm. 8. 176 pp. (37540) Mitchell, Geo. F. Home-grown Tea. 1907. 16 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 301. J 29 Fa : 487 MITC] [MOEL Mitchell, Margaret J. Course in Cereal Foods and their preparation, for movable schools of agriculture. 1908. 78 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 200. J 29 : 889. 1 The fireless Cook book. A manual of ... appliances for cooking by retained heat, with 250 recipes. New York, 1909. sm. 8. 328pp. (38988) Mltibrd, Bertram. A plain and popular explanation of the Pendulum experiment. London, 1851. 8. 24 pp. (36124) Mlttagr, Richard, Engineer. Sachliche Wiirdigung der in Deutschland ertheilten Patente. Klasse 38. Holzbearbeitungs- Mascbinen und Werkzeuge. 1883. See VEREIN ZUR BEPORDERUNG DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 62. pp. 187-215, 285-3C9, and 427-472. pis. 20, 21, 24, and 25. B 67 P : " Sachliche Wiirdigung der in Deutschland erteilten Patente. Klasse 65. Schiffbau und Schiffsbetrieb. 1892. Ibid. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 61. pp. 60-99. B 67 P : Mittellungren aus dem Markscheider- weaen. Neue Folae. Heft 1, etc. Freiberg i. S., 1899, etc. 8. G 2 : 885. Publication: Annual. Editors : H. Ullrich and H. Werneke. History : Vereinsschrift des Deutschen Markscheider- vereins. Deficient : 1st Series, 1884-98. Mittellungren aus der chemisch-techni- schen Vorsuchsstation von K. Passow In Blankenese. Heft 1, etc. Leipzig, 1904, etc. 8. E 5 : 904. MitteilunR-en fur die Fressluft-Zndustrie. Jahrg. 1, etc. Weimar, 1903, etc. 8. E 5J) : 903. Publication : 6 Nos. yearly. Editors: C. Heinel, 1903-05 ; E. Lesser und F. Greger. 1906, etc. Title varied: " Kompressor und Pressluft," 1908, etc. Mittellungren fiir Gewerbe und Handel. 1834-40. See VEREIN ZUR ERMUNTERUNO DES GEWERBSGEISTES IN BOHMEN. B 67 Bo : Mlttellung-en fiir XLornbrennerel und Pressnefefabrlkatlon. No. 7, etc. Berlin, 1903, etc. 8. K 85 : 903. Publication : Quarterly. Editor : R. Kusserow. Title varied : " Mitteilungen fiir Brennerei. etc.," Oktr., 1906, etc. Mitteilunsen iiber Forscaunprsarbeiten a. d. G-. des Ing-enieurwesens. 1901, etc. See VEREIN DEDTSCHER INQENIEURE. E 13/857b. Mitteiluns'cn uber Zement, Beton- und . Elsenbctonbau. Jahrg. 1, etc. See DEUTSCHE BAUZEITUNG. Beilage, 1904, etc. F 68 : 867. Mltteilungren zur G-eschiclite der Mcdizin und der Naturwissenschaften. Jahrg. 1, etc. Hamburg, 1902, etc. G 35 : 902. Publication : 3-5 Nos. yearly. Editors: G. W. A. Kahlbaum. M. Neuburger, and K. Sudhoff, 1902 ; G. W A. K. and K. S., 1903-05 ; S. GUnther and K. S., 1906, etc. Mlttel. Mittel Briefe, oder irgend einen Korper der ein gewisses Gewicht nicht iibersteigt, mit einer tele- graphischen Geschwindigkeit von 100 Lieues in der Stunde f ortzuschaffen. Aua dem Franzosischen von einem bayer. Artillerie-Offizier. Munchen [G. Franz, printer], 1845. 8. 30 pp. (37135) Mlttheilungren. See MITIEILUNGEN. Mivart, F. Saint George, M.D. See LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. Christchurch, Hants. Report ... on the sanitary circum- stances, etc., of the Borough of Christchnrch. By F. S. G. M. 1898. fol. (26005) Mizaldus, Aiitonius. See MIZAULD, A. Mlzauld, Antoine, M.D. Alexkepns, sen auxiliaris et medicus hortus, etc. Colonies, 1576. sm. 8. 224 pp. (36457) Moch, Gaston. A general review of existing Artillery. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 639-752. 8. (24918) Model. The model Steam Engine, how to buy, how to use, and how to construct it. By " A steady Stoker." London, Houlston & Sons, 1871. sm. 8. 96 pp. 1 pi. (34080) Model Engineer and Amateur Electrician. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1898, etc. 4. E 34 : 898. Publication : Monthly. Editor : P. Marshall, 1898, etc. Title varied: " Model Engineer and Electrician," 1903, etc. Modenwelt, (Die). Muster altdeutscber Leinenstickerei. (JUuster- buch fiir weibliche Handarbeit.) Berlin, 1881-88. 5vols. 4. (37082) Ite Sammlung, 7te Aufl. von J. Leasing. 1883. 2te 4te Aufl. von J. Lessing. 1882. 3te 2te Aufl. 1881. 3te 4te Aufl. 1888. 4te 1888. Modern. Modern improvements in Agriculture. By a Practiser of both the Old and New Husbandry. 1774-76. 3 pts. See FORBES, . The modern improvements, etc. New ed. 1784. 8. (35818) Modern Machinery. Vol. 5*, etc. Chicago, 1899, etc. 4. E 31/899. Publication: Monthly. Moderne Maschinentechnlk. Gesamtiiber- sicht uber die einschlagigen deutschen Patente. Berlin, 1909, etc. 4. E 31 : 909. Publication: Weekly. Moedebeck, Hermann W. L., Major. Die LuftschifEahrt, ihre Vergangenheit und ihre Zuknnft, insbesondere das Luftschiff im Verkebr und Kriege. Strassburg, 1906. sm. 8. 144 pp. (32394) Taschenbuch znm praktischen Gebrauch fiir Flugteehniker und Luftschiffer. Berlin, 1895. 16", 206 pp. (24689) The same. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1904. sm. 8. 596 pp. 1 pi. (30311) Pocket-book of Aeronautics. Trsl. W. M. Var- ley. London, 1907. sm. 8. 508 pp. (33529) Moller, ., Prof, in Carlsruhe. Ueber den Begriff, Reibung und Bewegungs- grosse bei niessenden, schwingenden und gleitenden Massen. 1890. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG- DES GEWERBPLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 69. pp. 231-252. B67P; 488 MOEL] [MOHR Ittoller. Alfred. Hauaschwaram- Forschungen in amtlichem Anf- trage. Jena, 1907, etc. 8. (38617) In progress. Moller, Johann. Die elektrochemische Reiiuktion der Nitroderi- vato organischer Verbindungen, etc. Halle a. S., [1903]. 8. 120pp. (31534) Moeller, Josef. See OEISSLER, E., and MOELLER, J. RealEnzykl- opadie der gea. Pbarmazie. -'to Aufl. 1904, etc. 8*. (32143) Mikroskopio der Nahrungs- nod Genussmittel aus dem Pflaczenreiche. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1905. 8. 616pp. (32090) See WINTON, A. L., and MOELLER, J. The Microscopy of Vegetable Foods. 1906. 8. (32397) Ittoller, Julius. Ueber Hufnagelfabrikation. 1888. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DBS GEWERBFLEISSES. Jahrg. 67. Sitzungsberichte. pp. 79-108. B 67 P : Moller, Max Kmil Karl. Apparat zur Veranuchaulichung des Bewegungs- gesetzes elektrischer Strome. 1901. See VEREIN ZUR BEFURDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 80. pp. 129-143. B 67 P : Bin Beitrag znr Systematik der Krafte. 1896. Ibid. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 75. pp. 117-156. B67P: and Zitihmann, B. Ueber die Widerstandefahigkeit auf Brack beanspruchter eiserner Baakonstraktionstheile bei erhohter Temperatur. 1887. See VEREIN ZDK BE- FURDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlnngen. Jahrg. 66. pp. 573-636, and 701-798. pis. 8-12. B67P: Moller, Paul, Engineer. Untersuchungen an Drucklufthammern. 1907. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheil- ungen a. d. G. des Ingenienrwesens. Heft 37. pp. 65-96. B 13/857b. Aus der amerikanischen Werkstattpraxis. Er : " Zeits. des Vereina deutscher Ingenieure." Berlin. 1904. 4. 142pp. (31447) Ittbnch, H. Hafendamme, Ufermauern nnd Schiffsbanans- talten. Von G. Franzius und 11. Monch. 1901. See HANDBUCH der Ingenieurwissenschaften. 3te Aufl. Band 3. Abt. 3. pp. 627-745. 8 pL 8. (27558) Moeasard, Paul, Prof, of Topography at the School of Saint Cyr. L'Optiqne Photographique. Parti, 1898. 8. 156 pp. (26478) lies Panoramas Photographiques et lea appareils panoramiques. 1892. See CONSERVATOIRE DES AKTS ET METIERS. Annales. Ser. 2. Tome 4. pp. 451-480. B 76 C : L'Objectif Photographique, utude pratique, examen, essai, choix et mode d'emploi. Paris, 1899. 8. 212pp. Ipl. (26799) Ittoflatt, W. B. A letter ... on the supply of pure water to the Metropolis. London, 1849. 8. 12 pp. (39012) Ittotfott, Cleveland. The Gyroscope. L. Brennan's Mono-rail car. [With] The gyroscope and ocean travel, by H. S. Williams. Ex : " Windsor Mag.," June, 1908. pp. 36-49. 8. (36510) Ittoflott, Francis J. See LOPPE, F., and BOUQUET, R. P. Alternate currents in practice. From the French, by F. J. M. 1898. sm. 8. (16648) Moffit, Frederick H. Mineral resources of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Gold fields of the Turnagain Arm region. 1906. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 277. pp. 1-52. 12 pL G 30 : 883 Ittolil, Hugo von. Mikrographie, oder Anleitung zur Kenntniss und /.inn Gebranche des Mikroskops. Tubingen, 1846. 8. 362pp. 6 pi. (30133) DKobler, John Bobbins. Infectivencss of Milk of Cows which have reacted to the tuberculin test. 1903. 93 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 44. J 29 An : a Milk Fever : its simple and successful treatment. 1904. 16 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 206. J 29 Fa : Texas Fever (otherwise known as tick fever, splenetic fever, or Southern cattle fever). With methods for its prevention. 1905. 48 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 78. J 29 An : a The Tuberculin test of Cattle for Tuberculosis. 1909. 8pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bulletin 351. J29Fa: The Tuberculin test of Hogs, etc. By E. C. Sohroeder and J. R. M. 1906. 52 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 88. J 29 An : a and Morse, G. B. Necrotic Stomatitis with special reference to its occurrence in Calves (calf diphtheria) and pigs (sore month). 1905. 48pp. 5 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 67. J 29 An : a and Wasbburn, H. J. A comparative study of Tubercle Bacilli from varied sources. 1907. 88 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 96. J 29 An : a Foot-rot of Sheep : its nature, cause, and treat- ment. 1904. 40 pp. 3 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 63. J 29 An : a Takosis, a contagious disease of goats. A pre- liminary report on its nature, cause, and prevention. 1903. 44 pp. 5 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 45. J 29 An : a Ittohr, (Jims. Theodore. Notes on the red Cedar. 1901. 38 pp. 3 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 31. J29Fo:a Plant life of Alabama. (Alabama edition.) 1901. 934 pp. 13 pi. map and 2 portraits. See ALABAMA : Geol. Survey. Reports. [10.] G 30 A : a Timber Pines of the Southern United States. With a discussion of the structure of their wood, by F. Roth. 1896. 72 pp. 9 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin 13. 4. J29Fo:a 489 MOHRJ [MOLL Mohr, Ernst. See BERNTHSEN, A. Kurzes Lehrbuob der organischen Chemie. 9te Aufl., bearbeitet in Gemeinschaft mit E. M. 1906. 8. (32080) Mohr, Wilhelm. Leitfaden des practiscben Hufbescblags. Wiirz- burg, 1879. 8. 122 pp. 9 pi. (33879) Itloig-no, Fra^ois Napoldon Marie. AVbe. On accidental or subjective Colors. Persistence of images, contrast, irradiation, Daltonism, etc. From his " Repertoire d'Optique," etc. See SMITH- SONIAN INSTITUTION. Report 1866. pp. 211-53. , B.13 S : 847. 1 L'art des Projections. (Actualites scientifiques.~) Paris, 1872. am. 8. 172 pp. (35492) Les Eclairages modernes. Paris, 1867. 12. 104pp. (33622) Repertoire d'Optique moderne. Paris, 1847-50. 4vols. 8. (29447) Ittoir, A. The construction of Telephone lines. 1906.12pp. 9 pi. See INSTITUTION OF POST OFFICE ELECTK. ENGINEERS. [Prof, papers 5.] D 50 . 906. OTois Scientifique et Industrie!. No. 1, etc. Paris, 1899, etc. 8. C 23 : 899. - La production economique de la Force Motrice. (Monographies, No. 12-13.) Paris, [19071. 2 pts. 8. (35055) Moise, Chas. Du Gnz d'^clairage, chauffage et force motrice dans )e Departement de la Seine. Paris, 1888. 1(3. 148pp. (33798) Moissan, Henri. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE CHIMIE AP- PLIQUEE. 4e Congres. 1900. Compte rendu. Par H. M., etc. 1902. 8. K 30 : 894. Das Fluor und seine Yerbindungen. Deutsche Ausg. von T. Zettel. Berlin, 1900. 8. 356 pp. (27988) Le Four Electriqne et la reproduction du Diamant. 1893. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 2e S6r. Tome 7. pp. 207- 236. B 76 C : The Electric Furnace. Trsl. A. T. de Mouilpied. London, 1904. 8. 318 pp. (31021) Der elektri?che Ofen. Mit Anbang, Nachtrage, 1900. Deutsche Ausgabe von T. Zettel. Berlin, 1897-1900. 2 pts. 8. (27989) Minerale. Paris, 1904-06. . and others. Traite" de Chimie 5vols. 8. (31109) Ittoisseiff, Leon 8. See CONSIDERE, A. Experimental researches on Reinforced Concrete. Trsl. L. S. M. [Ed. 1, etc.'] 1903, etc. Moissenet, Louis, Marine Engineer. The"orie du Yacht. Paris, 1898. sm. 8. 406 pp. (25382) BEolsson, A., Capt. of Naval Artillery. Notice sur le Cbronographe ii diapason et a etincslles d'induction. (Systeme Scbultz.) 1875. 52 pp. Ex : " Memorial de I'artillerie de la marine." See FRANCE : Dept. de la Marine. M' varied: "Monatahefte fUr graphisches Knnst- gewerbe," 1903, etc. Monckhoven, Desird Chaa. Emmanuel van. Mdtbodes simplifies de Photographie sur papier. Paris, 1857. 8. 132 pp. (33323) Traite" d'Optique Photographique. Paris, 1865. sm. 8. 272 pp. 5 pi. (38756) Ittonckton, C. C. F. Radio '- Telegraphy. ("Westminster" Series.) London, 1908. 8. 290 pp. (36487) Moncrief, John, oflippermallwli. - Tippermalluch'j receipts. Being a collection of many useful and easy remedies for most distempers. 2nd ed. Leith, 1775. 12. 136 pp. (32547) axoncrieff, Alexander, Capt. R.E. Moncrieff's system of working Artillery. 1870. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. New Ser. Vol. 18. pp. 1-85. 2 pi. F 90 : 844. Moncricff, Sir Colin Campbell Scott-, Capt. R.E. Irrigation in Etrypt. 1893. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 19. pp. 209-254. 6 pi. F 90 : 844. Irrigation, in Southern Europe. With Appendix. London, 1868. 8. 392 pp. 28 pi. (38105) Moncrleff, Geo. Kenneth Scott-, Major R.E., Assoc. List. C.E. The design of Soldiers' barracks, 1895. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 21. pp. 125- 136. 11 pi. F 90 : 844. The Frontier Railways of India. 1885. Ibid. Vol. 11. pp. 213-56. 10 pi. F 90 : 844. Lessons to be derived from Engineering Works. in Great Britain. 1898. Ibid. Vol.24, pp. 225- 254. . 10 pi. F 90 : 844. Notes on recent researches on Illumination by Coal Gas. 1898. Ibid. Vol. 24. pp. 61-84. F 90 : 844. The principles of Structural Design. Chatham, 1897-98. 2 vols. 8. C10288) Moncrieff, W. D. Scott-. The Biolysis of Sewage. 1899. See ROYAL ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 25. pp. 259- 293. 11 pi. F 90 : 844. Modern Sanitation. 1897. Ibid. Vol.23, pp. 173-220. 14 pi. F 90 : 844. Monde Pharmaceutique et Medical. Anne"e 31, etc. Paris, 1900, etc. fol. and 4. K 21 / 900 and : 903. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Size varied : 4 series, 1903, etc. IttontlrapTon, Enrique, Capt. Mexican Army. Synthetic and analytical monograph on Explo- sives. Trsl. G. P. Cotton and W. F. Hancock. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CON- GBESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 937-75. 8. (24918) DSondragron, Manuel. A comparative study of the materiel of the regulation Mountain Artillery and that proposed by Maj. M. Mondragon. By G. Luna. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 895-936. 4 pi. 8. (24918) 491 3 2 MOND] [MONT Mondratron, Manuel cunt. and Oil, L. G. The Moodragon Rifle. Tral. W. F. Hancock. 1893. See CHICAGO INTERNAT. ENGINEERING CON- GRESS. Div. F. Military Engineering, pp. 835-868. Ipl. 8. (24918) Moncll, Samuel ! I ., M.D. A system of instruction in X-ray methods and medical uses of light, hot-air, vibration and high- frequency currents. New York, [1902]. 8. 1026 pp. 160 pi. and chart. (32553) i The treatment of Disease by Electric Currents. 3rded. New York, 1902. 8.' 1100 pp. (32147) Monet, , Engineer. .. Du regime des Ports de navigation inte'rieure. 1892. 30 pp. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVI- GATION INTRIEURE. 5e Congres. Question 8. [39.] F 43 : 888. and Dardenne. . L'outillage des Ports de navigation inte'rieure en France. 1894. 80 pp. 8 pi. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEDRE. 6e Con- gres, 1894. Question 1. [4] F 43 : 888. Monet, Adolphe Lucien. Machines typographiques et proce'dds d'impres- sion. 3e 6&. Paris, 1898. 8. 492 pp. (26552) Monfronl, , Capt., Austrian Army. Prismatic Powder : a lecture , . . From the German by W. M. Folger. 1872. 14 pp. 1 pi. See U.S. NAVY DEPT. (Ordnance Bureau). Naval Ordnance Papers. [No. la.] F 83 : b Ittong-e, Gaspard, Comte de Peluse. Ge'ome'trie descriptive, suivie d'une throne des ombres et de la perspective, extraite . . . par [B.] Brisson. 6e e"d. Paris, 1838. 4. 208 pp. 28 pi. (33784) Monercz, Jean Andre. < See OBSERVATIONS SUE LA PHYSIQUE, etc. Par 1'Abbe Rozier, J. A. M., etc. 1778-93. 03:771. XVXonle, Hugh, Junr. Sizing ingredients, Size mixing, and Sizing. Manchester, [1897]. 8. 70 pp. 1 pi. (8503) The same. [3rd ed.] Manchester, [1903]. 8. 70 pp. 1 pi. (31153) Monler, E. La Te"le"graphie sans fil et la Te'le'me'canique a. la ported de tout le monde. Paris, 1906. sin. 8. 126pp. Ipl. (33181) Monier, P. A. Joseph. (Appendix.) The Monier system of construction. By W. Beer. 1897. See INST. OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Proceedings. Vol. 133. pp. 376-393. E 10 : 837. See HEIDENREICH, E. L. Monier constructions. 1900. sm. 8. (26967) See WAYSS, G. A. Das System Monier. 1887. 8. (30775) IMonin, Ernest, M.D. The Hygiene of Beauty. [From the French, by B. Oardwell.] 7th ed. London, 1893. sm. 8. 184 pp. (32677) Monitcur de la Cdramique, de la Verrerle, etc. Anne'e 1, etc. Paris, 1869, etc. 8 & fol. K 71/869. Publication : Monthly, 1869-Apr. 1872. 24 Nos. yearly May 1872, etc. Deficient : 1877-1883. Size varied: Fol, Series, 1884, etc. Monlteur gre'ne'ral de la Oulncaillerle et de 1'Outillage de la Petite Me'taUurgie Fransaise et (jtrangere. Anne'e 20, etc. Paris, 1900, etc. fol. E 41/900. Publication : 24 Nos. yearly. Monlteur Industrie!. See MONITEUE INDUS- TRIEL BELGE. 1879-1906. C 43/874. Monlled, Manuel Ruiz. Causas frecaentes de siniestro en las Vias F6rreas. 1901. 40 pp. See MEMORIAL DE INGE- NIEROS. 4a Spoca. 1'omo 18. 8. F 96 : 846. IVtonmcrqutS, Louis Jean Nicolas. Lea Carrosses a cinq sols, ou les Omnibus du dix-septieme siecle. Paris, 1828. 12. 74 pp. 1 pi. (33856) Monneret, Jules Edonard Augusta, M.D. See CANNEVA, A. Livre du Tailleur. Suivi de 1'hygieoe des tailleurs, par [J. E. A.] M. 1838. 12. (35477) Monogrrapbien fiber anercwandto Eloktro- chemie. Band 1, etc. Halle a. S., 1902, etc. 8. D 58 : 902. Editor : V. Engelhardt, 1902, etc. Monog-rapblen fiber chemisch-technische Fabrikationsmetboden. Band 1, etc, Halle a. S., 1906, etc. 8. K 30 : 906. Editor: L. M. Wohlgemuth. Monoban, G. S. The text-book of Roller Skating. London, [1909]. sm. 8. 72pp. (37947) Monpillard, F. La Micro photographic. 1899. See CONSERVA- TOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 3e Se'rie. Tome 1. pp. 363-383. 8. B 76 C : Monroe, Wm. S. Steam Heating and Ventilation. (" Engineering Record" Series.) New York, 1902. 8. 150pp. (29217) Monroy, de. See PROU DE MONROY. Montagru, Geo. Ten years of Locomotive progress. London, 1907. 8. 168pp. 16 pi. (34439) Montagru, Lord. See MONTAGU OF BEACLIEU, J. W. E., Baron. Montagru, Lord Robert. Naval Architecture . . . with suggestions for a new method of laying down vessels, London, 1852. 8. 184pp. (30037) Montagru of Beaulleu, John Walter E. Douglas- Scott-Montagu, Baron. See CAR, (The). Ed. Lord M. 1908, etc. E 73/908. See LEECHMAN, G. D. Carburetters, etc. Ed. LordM. [1909.] sm. 8. (38462) Montagrue, Gilbert Holland. . The rise and progress of the Standard Oil Company. New York, 1904. sm. 8. 150 pp. (30484) OTontaisrnac, . i See GORLAY, . Re'ponse au Mlmoire [de M. de M.] sur le Zinc malleable. [1810?] 4. (37420) Montal, C. L'art d'accorder soi-me'me son piano. 2e ed. Pans, 1838. 8. 268pp. 7 pi. (34140) 492 MONT] [MOOR Montalembert, Marc Rend de, Marquis, M4moire sur 1'effet des Canons dans lea case- mates. Paris, 174. 8. 32 pp. (38757) Montana (State) : Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin [and Annual Reports]. No. 1. 1894, etc. Boteman, Mont., 1895, etc. 8. J 30 Mo : Inspector of Coal Mines. Report, 1905-08, etc. Helena, Mont., 1906, etc. 8. O 62 : 905. I'ublicatlun: Biennial. Inspector of Mines. Report, 1905-06, etc. Helena, Mont., 1906, etc. 8. G50Mo: I'lilllcatinn : Biennial. Montana Society of Civil Engineers, 1888, etc. See ASSOCIATION OF ENCHNKKIUNO SOCIETIES. E 12 : 881. Montanistische. Montanistische Bibliothek. Verzeicbniss der im Deutschlaud und im Auslande in 1866-1870 a. d. G. dei Berg-, Htitten- und Salinenwesens, etc., erschienenen Biicber, etc. Mit Materien-Register. Leipzig, Quandtd; Handel, 1871. 8. 88pp. (4671) Montaud, B. de. See BARRAL DE MONTAUD, C. Montauzan, C. Germain de. See GERMAIN DE MONTAUZAN, C. Monte, Guidubaldo del. De Cochlea. Venetiis, 1615. fol. (29929) Monteath, Robert, Wood surveyor, Stirling. The Forester's guide, etc. Added, a description of a new-invented machine for measuring and valuing standing trees. Stirling, 1820. son. 8. 212 pp. 2 pi. (33437) Monteil, Amang Alexis. Histoire de 1'industrie Frani/aise et des Gens de Metiers. Introduction, supplement et notes par C. Louandre. Paris, 1872. 2 vols. 12. (37798) Monteverde, R. D. . Commercial and technical terms in the English and Spanish languages, together with weights and measures. London, [1908]. sm. 8. 124 pp. (37866) Montezemolo, Vittorio Cordero di. Studio sulla Navigazione Aerea. Roma, 1903. 8. 208pp. 6 pi. (12215) Montgomery, Mrs. A. See FLOHR, A. The German Christmas-eve, etc. Ed. Mrs, A. M. [1846.] 8. (34065) Montgomery, E. G. See LYON, T. L., and MONTGOMERY, E. G. Ex- amining and grading grains. Ed. 1, etc. 1904, etc. Monthly Gazette of Health. Vol. 1-15. [New Series], Vol. 1. London, 1816-31. 16 volg. 8. H 5 : 816. Editor : B. Heecc. Hittory : Vol. 2-7 are of the 4th ed. Monthly literary and Scientific Lecturer. Containing lectures delivered in Mechanics' Insti- tutes, etc. Vol. 3-4. London, [Dewsbury, printed!, 1852-53. 2 vols. 16. A 40 : 852. Monthly Miscellany of Husbandry. Plant- ing-, and Gardening-. [London, 1733?] sin. 8. J 5 : 733. Editor : 8. Switzer. Jlittory : A collection of papers and letters addressed to S. S. Without title page. Montigrny, Louis Edme, Comte de. Manuel de Piqueurs, Cochers, Grooms, et Pale- freniers. 2e E FRANCE. Ciuquantenaire, 1848-98. pp. 336-365. 8. (25483) Signaux optiquas et ncoastiquea. 1868.. See PAISIS UNIVERSAL EXHIIIITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 63. Sect. 5. pp. 517- 526. 8. (13828) Morant, Alfred Win. Whitehead. Description of the Leeds Sewage Works, and of the various processes which have been tried for the purification of the sewage. London, 1876. 8. JO pp. (36607) Ittorck, E. Theorie der Wechselstromziihler nach Ferraris- schem Prinzip und deren Priifung an nnsgefiihrten Appiraten. 1905. See SAMMLUNG EI.KKTROTECHN. VORTRAGE. BandS. pp. 277-392. D 51: 896. Moreau, A. La Biere. Proce'de's modernes do fabrication et utilisation des sous-produits. Paris, 1907. am. 8. 42 pp. 1 pi. (35056) Morcau, Auguate. Moteurs a gaz. 1898. See SoCIETE DES INGE- xiEnis OIVILS DE FRANCE. Cinqnantenaire, 1848- 98. pp. 366-373. 8. (25483) Trait6 des Chemina de f er. (Eucycl. des ennnais- sances ctviles et militaires.) Paris, [18981. 4 vols. . 8. (25760) and Berthot, P. Chemins de fer. Superstructure et materiel . fixo. 1898. See SOCIETE DES INGKNIECRS CIVILS DE FRANCE. (Jinquantenaire, 1848-98. pp. 65-128. 8. (25483) Moreau, Camille, M.I). Modele de Morgue a proposer aux communes. Ex : " Ann. . . . de medecine K'gale de Bel- gique," Sspt. 1890. 8. 6 pp. 1 pi. (35494) Korean, Frederic, and Oayffior, E. de. Grainea et plantes foreatieres. Proce'des divera de repenplement des Forets. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Classe 87. pp. 621-642. 8. (13828) Moreau, G-., Prof, in Doitai, and Zivy, L. Traite complet de la fabrication dea Bieres. Paris, 1905. 8. 674pp. 5 pi. (32051) Moreau, George, Engineer. Lea Moteurs a explosion. Etude a 1'nsage des constructeurs et conducteurs d'automobiles. Paris. 1900: 8. 448pp. (27116) Note sur le regime des moteurs a explosion (moteura a quatre temps). 1901. See AN.NALES UES MINES. 9e Se"rie. Tome 20. pp. 203-269. : G 64: 816. Theorie -des Moteurs it gaz. Conferences faites ;"i 1'Antomobile Club de France. Paris. 1902. 8. 224 pp. (29078) Moreau de Tours, A. Le Mate : etude historiqne, chimique et phyaio- logique. Paris, 1902. 8. 80 pp. 3 pi. (29162) Morehead, James Caddoll. -H See GAUSS, K. F. General investigationa of curved surfaces. Tral. J. C. M., etc 1902. 4. (29210) Morel, A. M. Th. Trait*? pratique des Feux d'artifioe, pour le spectacle et pour la guerre. Paris, 1818. 8. 164pp. 11 pi. (33828) Morel, Marie Auguste. Le Ciment Arm(5 et ses applications. (Encyd. Scientiftque des aide-memoire.) Paris, [19021. sm. 8. 158pp. (29095) Les Matdriaux artificiels. (Ibid.) Paris, [1903?]. sm.-8?. 178pp. (30165) Moreno y Tovlllas, Santiago. Pararayos. 1876. 214 pp. 3 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 2i , etc. Paris, 1906, etc. 4. C 43 : 906. Publication : Weekly. Editor : L. Baulard. Mouzin, Philiberc. See JOAXNE, B., and others. Entreprise des Bateaux haleurs pour remonter le Rhone, etc. [1825.] 8 U . (34757) Mowat. Alexander. See MOWAT, W., and A. A treatise on Stair- building, etc. 1900. 8. (27028) Mowat, Wm., and A. A treatise on Stairbuilding and Handrailing. London, 1900. 8. 388pp. 11 pi. (27028) Mower, Chas. D. How to build a Motor Launch. New York, 1904. 4. 42pp. 4 pi. (31991) Mowrjr, Arthur May. See MOWRY, W. A., and A. M. American In- ventions and Inventors. [1900.] sq. 8. (27433) Mo wry, Wm. A., and A. M. American Inventions and Inventors. New York, [1900]. sq. 8. 298 pp. (27433) Mozon, Joseph, F.R.S. Mechanick Exercises : or, the doctrine of Handy- works. Vol. 2. Applied to the art of printing. [Supplement to " The Caxton Magazine," Apr.- Dec. 1901.] London, 1683. [Reprinted 1901.] 4. 128 pp. 13 pi. (34833) Reprint of No. 1-9 only. Moyer, James Ambrose. The Steam Turbine . . . including a dis- cussion of the gas turbine. New York, 1908. 8. 378 pp. Chart. (38049) Moyle, G. Roaring Rails. [1904.] 24 pp. 2 pi. S INDIA : Govt. (P.W.D?). Technical section. Papers. No. 158. E23/. Moynct, J. L' Knvurs du Thc'atre, machines et decorations. (Bibliolheque des merveilles.') Paris, 1875. 12. 290 pp. 1 pi. (33377) Moyscn, Chas. Henri. Nouveaux Instruments Aratoires iriventc's et de"crita ... par M. [C. H.] M. Nouv. e"d. Paris, 1854. 8. 104 pp. (34586) Trait4 et description d'Instruments Aratoires invent^ par M. [C. H.] M. Paris, 1851. 8. 48 pp. (36279) Muck, Josef, Mining Engineer. Der Erdwachsbergbau in Boryslaw. Berlin, 1903. 8. 224pp. Ipl. (29841) Mudere, E. R. Report upon Cotton. With a supplemental report, by B. F. Nourse. 1869. 116 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION. 1867, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol.6. 1870. 8. (33124) and Hayes, J. L. Report upon Wool and manufactures of Wool. 1868. 144 pp. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, U.S. Comm. Reports. Vol. 6. 1870. 8. (33124) Muhlbacher, Alfred Parzer-. See PAHZER- MCHLBACHER, A. 499 3 E 2 MUEH] [MDEL Miihlen- und Speloherbau, (Der). Jahrg. 1, etc. Frankfurt a. M., 1908, etc. *'. J 96 : 908. Publication : 24 NOB. yearly. r : E. Schmitt, 1908, etc. MiihlscbloK'cl, 6. - Regulierversuche an den Turbinen des Elek- trizitiitswerkes G-erathofen am Lech. 1907. See VEREIN DEUTSCHEK INGENIEURE. Mittheilnngen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 41. pp. 55-66. E 13/857b. Mulder, Eduard. See MULDER. Mulder, Gerrit Jan. See MULDER. Miillenbach, H. - See KROHNKE, O., and MULLENBACH, H. Das gesundo Haus. 1902. 8. (29610) - See ZEITSCHRIFT FOR HEIZUNGS-, LOFTCNOS- UND WASSERLEITCNGSTECHNIK. Hrsg. H. M., 1904, etc. K 39/901. Uber Zweck und Ausfiihrung der Filter bei Wasserreinigungsanlagen. Ex : " Zeitscbrif t fur Heiznngs-, Liiftungs- und Wasserkitnngstechnik." Halle a. 8., 1900. 8. 28pp. (27559) Miillendorff, E., and Kiibel, F. Die Automobilen, ihr Wesen und ihre Behand- lung. Berlin, 1899. sm. 8. 54 pp. (26931) Muller, A. C. Tb. - Die Entwickelung der Scbichauschen Werke in Elbing, Danzig und Pillau. 1906. See SCHIFFBAU- TECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbuch. Band 7. pp. 101-161. 2 pi. F 81 : 900. Muller, Albin. - Der Former und Giesser. Lossnitz, 1901. 8. 60pp. (27716) Muller, Alfred. - - Die Entwicklung des Erflndungsscbutzes und seiner Gesetzgebung in Deutschland. Milnchen, 1898. 8. 80pp. (25416) Muller, Arthur. - - Allgemeine Chemie der Kolloide. 1907. 214 pp. See BREDIG, G. Handbucb der angewandten pby- sikalischen Cbemie. Band 8, 8. (32426) - - Bibliograpbie der Kolloide. [1835-1904.] 1904. - See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE CHEMIE. Band 39. pp. 121-151. K 7 : 892. - Anleitung zur Ausfuhrung textil-chemischer Untersuchnngen. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1904 [1903]. sm. 8. 176 pp. (30002) - Die Theorie der Kolloide. Leipzig. 1903. 8 64 pp. (33901) Muller, August. - See HDMPHRYS, C. Der englisobe Zeichenmeister. Mit deutsehen Zusatzen, etc., von A. M. 1831 sm. 8. (37861) Miiller, C. - Die Erfindung nnd die Technik dor Bach- druckerkunst. 1901. See BUCH. Das Buch der Erfindungen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 10. pp. 125-204 1 pi. 8. (33007) Muller, Conrad, Prof, in Goltingen. - See KLEIN, C. F., and M(!LLER, C. Encyklo- padie der mathematischen Wissenschaften 1901 etc. 8. (36345) Muller, E., Telegraph Engineer. - See WILKE, A. Uber die gegenseitigen Beein- flussungen der Fernsprechleitungen nach Miiller's Theorie. 1896. 8. (29432) Muller, Emil. Die Portland- Zeent - Fabrikation in den Vereinigten Staaten 'n Amerika. Berlin 1W; 4. 50pp. (32132) Muller, Felix. Ftthrer durch die Uhematische Literaturmit bes. BeriickBicht. der h x>risch wichtigen Schriften (Alhandlungen zir Gykichte der math Wisten schaften, Heft 27.) 1'pzig, 1909. 8. 262 pp. (oo015) Mueller, Ferdinand, L 'on von, M.D., D.Sc. See MELBOURNE : ntercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, 1866-67. Notes snr la vegetation . . . de 1' Australia. Par F. M. 8. (32248) Muller, Ferdinand. Lehrbuch der Mem lenhaar- Priiparation 2te Aufl. Berlin, [1907]. >. 68 pp. (35077) Muller, Friedrich. Das Wasserwesen dc Niederlandischen Provinz Zeeland. Berlin, 189fc 638 pp. Atlas 10 nl (25503) Muller, G. C. M., [or . L. C.]. Anleitung zur Verrtignng des Glasfliisse, kiinstlicher Edelsteine, maille und der Sehmelz- farben, des Auftrageni des Silbers, Goldes nnd Platines, so wie aach dei Inpf eretiche anf Porzellan und Steingut, etc. Regefurg, 1828. 8. 420pp. 1 P 1. (38192) Muller, G. L. C. See BLLEB, G. C. M. Muller, Hermann. See KNUTH, P. Han ook of flower pollination based upon H. Mailer's " le fertilisation of flowers by insects." 1906, etc. (34435) Muller, Johann August Versuch eines hiitten inniscben Berichts fiber einen sehr vorthcilbring den Prozess Silber und Blei aus ihren Erzen trot in zn scheiden Leipzig 1825. 8. 218pp. 3 taw. (38191) Muller, Johann Heinric Jakob. Grundriss der Phys mil bea. Beruoksicht. von Molekular-physik, E! trotechnik und Meteoro- logie. 14te Aufl. von O ehmann. Braunschvxig. 1896. 8. 844 pp. 2 p] , (29417) Kurze Darstellnng < i Galvanismns. Nach Turner und Faraday. Da kstadt, 183S. 8. 108pp. (29418) Lehrhuch der kosmh en Physik. 2te Ann. (Milller-Pouillet's Lehrbu der Physik, etc. Band 3.) Braunschweig, 1861. 8. 586 pp. 4 atlas. 27 pi. (38259) Lehrbuch der Physik d Meteorologie. Theil- weise nach Ponillet's Le buch der Physik bear- beitet. 5te Aufl. Bra tchweig, 1858. 2 vols. 8. (38224) The same. 8te Au von L. Pfaundler. Braunschweig, 1877-81. cils.infonr. 8. (2869) For tubitfuent editions si aider MiiLLEB-POCILLET. Principles of the Mec ,nical theory of Heat. 1868. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Beport 1868. pp. 245-280. B 13 : 847. Beport of recent pro sea in Physics. [Trel. by W. Baker and others 1855-58. Ibid. Re- ports 1855-58. B 13 8 : 500 MTJEL] Muller, Johannes, of the lie il Library, Berlin. - Die wissenachaftlichen r ereine und Gesell- sehaf ten Dcutschlands im n( azehnter Jahrhnndert Bibliographie ihrer Ver<" Ti tlichungen seit ibrer Begriindung bis auf die Gepwart. Berlin, 1883- 87. 4. 900pp. (268. Muller, Karl. Ausfiihrliche Anleituni; r die Herstellung und Verwendung von Kunsttic resp. Steinholz aus verschiedenen Rohmatervlii nnd billigen Abfall- stoffen. 3teAufl. [Go^nt, 1908.] 8. 200pp. (38534) Muller, Ludwig, Hard -e lamifaclurer. Die Bronzewaaren - Kil kation. (Chemisch- technische BMiothek.) l!7< 1877. sm. 8. 246 pp. (19455) The same. 2teAufl. (1 d.) Wien, 1902. sm. 8. 240 pp. (28420) Muller, M. See HOSENTHAL, H., and hers. Neuere Schiffs- uiaschinen. [1907.] 8" an. t atlas. (35790) Muller, Martin. Griindlicher Bericht, w ans des Erdbodens Beschaffenheit vorlangstt ni unweit Ulm . . . dass unfehlbar Turf ocier Port vorhanden seyn miissen, beurtheilet . . worden. Ulm, 1752. sm. 8. 128pp. Ipl. (3' 70) Muller, N. J. 0., Prof, of ttany, Munden. Nene Methoden der IJa erienforschung. Ex : " Beitragen znr wissenschaf 1 ;hen Botanik." Stutt- gart, 1898. 8. 176 pp. 4 pi. (25513) Muller, Otto. See JAHRBUCH DER EB NDUXQEN, etc. Hrsg. 0. M., etc. 1892-1901. C . : 865. Mueller, Otto H. Das Pumpenventil. Lenta, 1900. 8. 162pp. (27357) Muller, W. Der Bau eiserner Trap n. Leipzig. 1899. 4. 16pp. 25 pi. (26335) Muller, W. A. Tb. Der Automobil-Zug. I ie Studie liber . . . der Automobilzug-SystenN durchgefuhrt an dem Beispiel des Train-Renard (Automobil-technische Bibliothek, Band 2.) Befit. 1907. 8.. 108 pp. 4 pi. (37294) Mailer, Wilbelm, Eny Die eisernen Wasserra r. Berechnnng, Koa- struktion and Bestimman ihres Wirkungsgrades. Leipzig, 1899. 2 vols. in'ae. 8. and 4. atlas 33 pi. (25896) Die Francis-Tnrbinen u, 1 die Entwickelung des modernen Tnrbinenbanes. Hannover, 1901. 8 340 pp. (27931) The same. 2te Aufl. ; Hannover. 1905. 8. 476pp. 24 pi. (31110) ! Hydrometrie, Praktiscb Anleitung znr Wasser- mesgung. Hannover, 1905 8. 156 pp. 3 pi (30673) Miiller, Wolfgang Adolf. See ZEITSCURIFT FTR a GES. TURBINENWESEN Hreg. W. A. M. 1904-06. E 51 : 904. Muller-Breslau, Heinrk F. B. Die graphische Statik ir Baukonstruktionen 3te Au8. Bind 1-2. Ah 1. Leipzig, 1901-03 2 vols. 8. (29132) [MUKE Muller-Pouillet. Lehrbnch der Physik und Meteorologie. 9te Aufl., von L. Pfanndler. Braunschweig, 1886-1898. 3 vols. 8. (20901) The same. lOte AuB., von L. Pfaundler. Braunschweig, 1906, etc. 8. (32091) In progress. Milliner, Alfons. Qeschichte des Bisons in Inner-Osterreich von der Urzeit bis zum Anf ange des XIX. Jahrhundurt. Wien, 1908, etc. 8. (37449) In progress. Mttnob, A. Entwickelung der Welttelegraphie. 1901. See Bucn. Das Buch der Erfinduogen, etc. 9te Aufl. Band 10. pp. 89-124. 1 pi. 8. (33007) MiLnohener Vereln fur Iiuftachlffahrt. See OBERRHEINISCHER VEREIN FOR LUFTSCHIF- FAHRT. Organ des Miinchener . . . Vereins fur Luftschiffahrt. 1898, etc. E 60 : 897. Mttnker, E. Neuere Gliih- und Wiirmofen. 1908. 14 pp. See SAMMLUNG BERG- UND H(JTTENMANNISCHER ABHANDLUNGEN. Heft 22. G 63 : 906. Mttnnieh, Wilhelm. Mechanik und Teohnik des Pianoforte. Berlin, [1901]. sm.8. 152pp. (28064) Mttntz, J. H. Encaustic : or Count Caylus's method of paint- ing in the manner of the Ancients. London, 1760. sm. 8. 150pp. Ipl. (31293) Mutze, . Traction des Bateaux sur les canaux et les rivieres a courant libre du bassin du Rhin. 1892. 32 pp. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE : 5e Congrfes. Question 6. [21.1 F 43 : 888. Mublfeld, J. E. See AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE Co. Large Steam and Electric Locomotives. By J. E. M. [1906.] obi. 8. (2200) Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison. See LOPKE, R. The elements of Electro-che- mistry treated experimentally. 2nd ed., from the 4th German ed., by M. M. P. M. 1903. 8. (30453) A History of Chemical Theories and Laws. New York, 1907. 8. 576 pp. (34644) The Story of the wanderings of Atoms, especi- ally those of Carbon. (Library of Useful Stories.) London,\m. 16. 192pp. (27612) Mnlr, Robert, M.D., and Ritchie, J. Manual of Bacteriology. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, 1902. sm. 8. 566pp. (29495) Mulr, Wm., Mech. Engineer. See SMILES, R. Brief memoir of the late "William Muir. [1888] sm. 8. (29714) Mulrhead, James Patrick, M.A. See ARAGO, D. F. J. Historical eloge of James Watt. From the French ... by J. P. M. 1839. 8. (34407) Mukerjl, Nitya Gopal. See BENGAL, Govt. of. A monograph on the Silk Fabrics of Bengal. By N. G. M. 1903. fol. (30929) (Revenue Dept.) Handbook of Sericulture. ByN. G. M. 1899. 8. (31848) 501 MUKH] [MUNI Mukharji, T. N., F.L.S. - See INDIA. Govt. of. Art-manufactures of India . . . By T. N. M. 1888. am. 8. (30906) Mulder. Kiluunl. - - De Indigo, uit een scheikundig oogpunt besch- ouwd. 1858. 94 pp. See SCHEIKUNDIGE VER- HANDELINGEN, etc. 2Je Deel. 3de Stuk. K 30 : 857. Mulder, Gerardus Joannes. See MULDER, Gerrit Jan. Mulder, Gerrit Jan., M.D. - Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis van het schei- kundig gebonden Water. 18>4. 358 pp. See SCHEIKUNDIGE VERHANDELINGEN, etc. 3de Deel. 3de Stuk. K 30 : 857. - Het Bier. Seheikundig beschouwd. 1857. 374pp. Ibid. IteDeel. 3de Stuk. K 30: 857. - The Chemistry of Vegetable and Animal Phy- siology. From the Dutch by P. P. H. Fromberg, with introduction and notes by J. F. W. Johnston. Part 1-3. [Edinburgh, 1845-17.1 8. 618 pp. 8 pi. (38285) Versuch einer allgemeinen physiologischen Chemie. Braunschweig, 1844-51. 1 vol. in two. 8. (37569) Die Scheikunde der droogende olieen en hare toepassing. 1865. 332 pp. See SCHEIKUNDIGE VERHANDELINGEN, etc.. 4de Deel. lie Stuk. K30 : 857. Muldoon, P. .See FOURNEL, H. Description of the asphaltic mine of the Val-de-Travers . . . Appended, Remarks on the works executed by the Seyssel, etc., Companies, in Paris, etc., by P. M. 1838. 8. (32791) Mulb, D., M.D. - Essai sur 1'art de faire vivre 1'homme sous 1'eau et sur les divers travaux qu'il peut faire. Pau, 1836. 8. 256pp. 3 pi. (34587) Muller, . Appareils d'Economie Domestique. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 24. pp. 337-400. 8. (13828) Muller, A. - See FREMONT, C. Evolution de la Fonderie de Cuivre. Publie' sous la direction de A. M., etc. 1903. 4. (35118) Muller. G.,fils, Breioer. - De la Biere et de son traitement dans la cave des debitanta et a la vente au de'tail. Paris, 1861. 8. 64 pp. (33623) Muller, John, Prof, at Woolwich. - A treatise of Artillery. Prefixed, a theory of powder applied to firearms. London, 1757. 8. 326pp. 28 pi. (15597) - The same. 2nded. London, 1768. 8. 262pp. 29 pi. (38759) Muller, P., Brewer. - Manuel du Bras&eur. (38275) Muller, Paul Thie~baud. - Lois f ondamentales de 1'Electrochimie. (Encycl. Scientifique des Aide - memoire.) Paris, [1904.] sm. 8. 186 pp. (32052) Paris, 1862. 8 P . 432pp. Mullet, J. J. Clement-. See CLEMENT-MULLET. J. J. Mullln, Alfred. L'art de faire et conserver le Vin d'apres IPS precedes modernes. Chambery, 1903. soi. 8. 110 pp. (29660) Trait^ <51<3mentaire d'Electricite industrielle. Paris, 1899. 8. 722 pp. (26142) Traite e'letnentaire d'Optique instrumentale et d'optique photographique. Paria, [1898 ?] 8. 360 pp. (25660) Mulllns, E. Roscoe. A primer of Sculpture. London, 1890. sm. 8. 112 pp. 1 pi. (30417) Mundy, Arthur J. Acoustic Triangulation and its application to submarine signalling. Boston, \Mass.~\. 1900. 8. 16pp. (27475) Munich : Deutsches Museum. Fiihrer duroh die Sammlungen. [Von W. von Dyck.] Leipzig, [1901]. obi. 4. 158pp. (35949) Katalog der seitens der I-'irmen Siemens und Halske . . . und Siemens-SchuckertwerkeG. . . . - dem D. Museum . . . gestifteten Gegentande, darstellend die fur die Entwickluns; der Elektro- technik wichtisen Erzeusnisse ihrer Werke. [Berlin, 1906.] 4. 228pp. (32995) Verwaltungs-Bericht 3, 1905, etc. Miinchen, 1906, etc. fol. B 67 M/905. Kgl. techn. Hochschule. Darstellungen aus der Geschichte der Technik der Industrie und Landwirtschaft iu Bayern. Fesfcgabe, etc. Miinchen, 1906. 4. 338pp. 21 pi. (33219) Kraft-und Arbeitsmaschinen-Ausstellung. Officielles Organ der II. Kraft- und Arbeits- maschinen-Ausstellung, Miinchen, 1898. No. 1-29. (Published with the " Bayerisehes ludustrie- und Gewerbeblatt.") Miinchen, 1897-99. 4. 236 pp., [No Title or Index published]. (26682) For I. Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen-Ausstellung, 1888. See "BAYEEISCHES INDUSTRIE- UND GEWEBBEBLATT," Jahrg. 20, 1888. Municipal Electrical Association. Pro- ceedings. Huddersfield, 1896, etc. 8. D 50 : 896. Publication : Annual. Title varied : " Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association," 1901, etc. Municipal Engineers' Specification. No.' 1-2. London, 1905-06. fol. F 54/905. Publication : Annual. History: Amalgamated with "Specification for Architects, etc," in 1907. Municipal Journal and Engineer. Vol. 11, etc. New York, 1901, etc. 4. F 54/901. Publication : Monthly, 1901-05 ; weekly, 1906, etc. Munler, Etienue. Memoire . . . sur la maniere de bruler ou de distiller des Vins, etc. 1770. See SOCI^TE ROY. D'AGKIC. DE LIMOGES. De la fermentation des Vins, etc. pp. 193-266. 8. (35469) Munler, Jh. Appareils . . . pour recevoir les Eaux de pluie et les preserver de tout contact et de tout melange avec les souillures des toits. Bayonne, 1908. 8. 22pp. (37800) 502 London, 1889: obi. 32 d London, 1893. obi. 32. London, 1895. obi. 32. London, 1903. obi. 32. MUNK] Munk. Leo. Dag Oesteneichische Patentgesetz. Kommentar zn dem Gesetz vom 11 Jiianer 1897. Berlin, 1901. 8. 474pp. (27990) Munro, Donald SmeatoD. Safety devices for Tramway Trolley Wires. Ex : "'Electrical Review," Mar., 1903. London, 1903. 8. 14pp. (30269) Munro, John, aud Jamieson, A. A pocket-book of Electrical Bules aud Tables. 2nded. London, 1884. obi. 32. 483pp. (11748) The same. 6th ed. '-*- 1 5l2pp. ' (-22150) The same. 'Jth ed. 702 pp. (23251) . The same, llth ed. 708 pp. (24876) The same. 16th ed. 766pp. (30422) Munro, Robert Douglas. Kitchen Boiler Explosions. London, 1895. sm. 8. 58 pp. 1 pi. (35310) . Steam Boilers : their defects, manaeement, and construction. London, 1887. sm. 8. 118pp. 1 pi. (20862) The fame. 2nd ed. London, 1892. sm. 8. 170pp. 2 pi. (1188) ' The same. 4th ed. London, 1903. 8. 170 pp. 2 pi. (29781) Munroc, Chas. Edward. See ROBINE, R., and LENGLEN, . The Cyanide Industry. Appendix [U.S. Patents relating to cyanide processes! by C. E. M. 1906. 8, (32320) - Index to the literature of Explosives. Parts 1-2. Baltimore, 1886-93. 8. 196pp. (24250) Munroe, Henry 8. The losses in Copper dressing at Lake Superior. Ex : " Trans. Aroer. Inst. of Mining Engineers." 1879. 42pp. (25953) Munson, Lewis Storms. Olive Oil and its substitutes. By L. M. Tolman and L. S. M. 1903. 64 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 77. J29C: and others. Fruits and Fruit products : chemical and micro- scopical examination. 1902. 114pp. 12 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 66. J 29 C : Monster, Sebastian. Horologiographia, post priorem aeditionem . . . recoznita . . . adjectis multis novis descrip- tionibns et figuris. Basilece: H. Petrus, [1533]. 4. 390. pp. 1 pi. (36076) Muratorl, ., Col. See GRIFFINI, S. Delia Corazzo Muratori. 1867. 8. (36892) .Murdoch, Alex. Light without a Wick. A century of gas-light- ing. A sketch of Wm. Murdoch, the inventor. With Appendices. Glasgow, 1892. sm. 8. 86 pp. 1 pi. (32259) Murdoch, John. A study of the Eskimo Bows in the U.S. National Museum. 1881. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. Report 1881. Part 2. pp. 307-316. 12 pi. B 13 S : 847a. [MURR Murdoch, Wm , Inventor of Gas-lighting. (Biographical.) - See MURDOCH, A. Light without a wick . . . A sketch of W. Murdoch, the inventor. 1892. sm. 8 C . (322.^9) - See TANGYE'S, Ltd. The earliest locomotive in England. James Watt and W. Murdoch. [1888]. bq. 10. (32450) - See WOODCKOFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Murdock, William. See MURDOCH, W. Murgrue, Daniel. - Experimental investigations on the " loss of head" of Air-currents in underground working*. Ex : Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. Tram. 1893. 8. 50 pp. (25954) Murie, James. - See KENT AND ESSEX SEA FISHERIES COM- MITTEE. Report on tbe Sea Fisheries, etc., of the Thames estuary. (Prepared by J. M.) Part 1. 1903. 8. (30784) Murphy, Shirley Forster, M.D. - See LONDON : County Council. Watercress. Re- port ... on Watercress and watercress beds in the neighbourhood of London. By S. F. M. 1905. fol. (31306) Murphy, Wm. S. - Captains of Industry. Glasgow, [1901]. 8. 312 pp. 1 pi. (38269) Murray, A. J., Pro/, in Cirencester. - The Cattle Plague : its history, treatment, and prevention. London, 1865. 8. 20 pp. (32641) Murray, Andrew, M. Inst. C.E. - - Ship-Building in Iron and Wood. And Steam- ships by R. Murray. 2nd ed.' [Reprinted, in en- larged form, from the 8th ed. of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica."] Edinburgh, 1863. 4. 178 pp. 27 pi. (31810) Murray, Andrew, F.L.S. - Report on products of useful Insects. 1868. See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1867, British Comm. Reports. Vol.5, pp. 263-282. 8. (13626) Murray, Arthur, Lieut. U.S.A. - Mathematics [for artillery gunners]. 1893. 94 pp. Stables. (82 pp.) See U.S.A. WAR DEFT. : Adjutant-general's Office. Artillery Circular H. jutant- 92/893. Murray, Donald. - Reply to criticism of tbe Murray automatic printing telegraph system. 1908. 26 pp. See INSTITUTE OF POST OFFICE ELECTR. ENGINEERS. [Prof, papers, 12.] D 50 : 906. Murray, George. - Aerial Locomotion. Liverpool, [1867]. sm. 8. 36pp. 9 pi. (33074) Murray, Henry, F.S.A. - The art of Portrait Painting in Oil Colours. 7th ed. London, 1855. sm. 8. 68 pp. (34055) - The same. 40th ed. London, 1886. sm. 8. 72pp. (20829) Murray, J. C. - See CANADIAN MINING AND MECHANICAL REVIEW. Ed. J. C. M. 1907, etc. G 61 C/ 503 MURR- [MYDD Murray, James Erskine. See RUHMER, E. Wireless Telephony. From the German by J. E. M. 1908. 8. (35661) A handbook of Wireless Telegraphy : its theory and practice. London. 1907. 8. 338 pp. 1 pi. (35657) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1909. 8. 388 pp. 2 pi. (38851) Murray, John, F.S.A. Experimental researches on the Light and luminous matter of the glow-worm, the luminosity of the sea, the phenomena of the Chameleon, etc. Glasgow, 1826. 12. 178 pp. (36556) A manual of experiments illustrative of Chemical Science, systematically arranged, 5th ed. London. 1839. 12. 164pp. (38760) Murray, Robert, C.E. See MURRAY, A. Ship-building in iron and wood. And, Steamships, by R. M. 2nd ed. 1863. 4. (31810) A rudimentary treatise on Marine Engines and Steam Vessels. 3rd ed. (Weale's Series.) London, 1858. 12. 254pp. (2967) The same. 7th ed. (Ibid.) London, 1878. 12. 288pp. (33741) - The same. 8th ed., with additions, by R. Carlisle. (Ibid.) London, 1886. 12, 314 pp. 1 pi. (19823) Museum. Museum of Mankind. [Plan, prospectus, etc., for founding a museum of Ethnology.] [London : Clowes & Sons, printers, 1842.] 8. 34pp. (37168) Museum, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross, London. A descriptive inventory of the several . . . pieces of mechanism and jewellery comprised in the Schedule . . . to an Act . . . enabling Mr. James Cox to dispose of his Museum by way of lottery . . . etc. London, 1773. sm. 8. 46 pp. (36631) Museum of Artillery, Woolwich. See ROYAL ARTILLERY INSTITUTION. Official Catalogue of the Museum of Artillery, etc. 1889 [-1901]. 8. (31680) Museum of Economic Geology, etc. See MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. Museum of Practical G-eolog-y. Catalogue of specimens illustrative of the com- position and manufacture of British Pottery and Porcelain, etc. By Sir H. De la Beche and T. Reeks. London, 1855. 8. 204 pp. (30999) The same. 2nd ed., by T. Reeks and F. W. Rudler. London, 1871. 8. 286 pp. (15570) The same. 3rd ed., by T. Reeks and F. W. Rudler. London, 1876. 8. 352 pp. 1 pi. (11994) A handbook to the Museum of Practical Geology. [By F. W. Rudler.] London, 1896. 8. 176 pp. (28125) See SOPWITH, T. Account of the Museum of Economic Geology and Mining Records Office, etc. 1843. am. 8. (30097) Musical Association. Proceedings. Session 2-13. 1874-87. London, 1875-87. 7 vols. 8. D 10 : 874. Publication: Annual. Deficient: 3rd, 6th, 10th, Hth and 12th Sessions. Musll, Alfred. Bau der Dampfturbinen. Leipzig, 1904. 8, 234pp. (31111) Musll, Alfred cont. Wiirmemotoren. . . . nnter specieller Beriick- sichtung des Dieselmotor. Braunschweig,l8S%. 8. 112pp. (27932) Musmacber, C. Kurze Biographien beriihmter Physiker. Frei- burg im Breisgau, 1902. sm. 8. 288 pp. (31536) Muspratt, James Sheridan, M.I). See PLATTNEB, C. F. The use of the Blowpipe. From the German, by J. S. M. 1845. 8. (34083) (Biographical.) See ALLEN, J. F. Some founders of the Chemical Industry, pp. 67-100. portr. 1906. 8. (33G57) Musschenbroek, Jan van. See MUSSCHENBROEK, P, van. Beginselen der Natuurkunde. Waar by gevoegd is eene Beschry ving der nieuwe Luchtpompen, door J. v. M[usschen- broek]. 1736. 4. (29878) Mussclienbroek, Petrus van. Beginselen der Natuurkunde, beschreven ten dienste ; der Landgenooten. Waar by gevoegd is eene Beschryving der nieuwe en onlangs uytge- vonden Luchtpompen, door J. v. M[nsschenbroek]. Leyden, 1736. 2 pts. 4. (29878) Musterbuch. Musterbnch f iir graphische Gewerbe. Serie 1-3. Stuttgart, W. Engelhorn, [1887-93]. 3 vols. fol. (35439) Musterbuch fur Kunstschlosser. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, [1885]. 4. 4pp. 124 pi. (36785) Im- perfect. Musu-Spy, Roberto. Lo Zinco. (Manuali Hoepli.) Milano, 1909. sm. 8. 236 pp. 3 pi. (38774) Muter, John. See ANALYST, (The). Ed. G. W. Wigner and J. M., 1877-83 ; J.M., 1884-90. K 18 : 875. Muth, Franz. Untersuchungen ttber die Entwickelung der Inflorescenz nnd der Bliithen, sowie iiber die ange- wachsenen Achselsprosse von Symphytum officinale. (Thesis.) Miinchen, 1902. 8. 62 pp. 7 pi. (28586) Muthnpn, J. M. Trait6 des Forges dites Catalanes, pu 1'art d'ex- traire directement et par une senle operation le fer deses mines, etc. Turin,lBOS. 8. 238pp. (33533) Muybrldg-e, Eadweard. Animals in Motion. An electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal pro- gressive movements. London, 1899. obi. 4. 264pp. (26307) Descriptive Zoopraxography, or the science of animal locomotion made popular. [Philadelphia,] 1893. sm. 8. [48pp.] portr. (36884) Muykens, Theodor. See MORLEY, C. L. Collectanea Chymica Leidensia. In Ordnung zusammengetragen , . . durchT. M. 1696. sm. 8. (36458) Muzet, Alphonse. See ARGUS AUTOMOBILE, (L'.). Ed. A. M. 1905-06. E 73 : 905. Myddelton, Sir Hugh (1560 ?-1631), (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) 504 MYDO] [NAPH Mydorpe, Claude. Conica. See MERSENNE, M. Univerta) geome- trise . . . synopsis. 1644. pp. 329-372. 4. (29761) Examen du livre des Recreations Mathe'matique?, et de ses problemes en ge'omo'trie, mechaniquc, optique et catoptrique, ftc. [By H. van Etten. pseud.] [Notes sur les recreations matht5matiques. Par D. H(enrion), P. E. M.] Paris, 1630. 4 pK 8. (3053U) Prodromi catoptricorum et dioptricorum : sive conioorum operis ad abdita radii reflexi et refracti mysteria prajvij et facem prteferentis Li'ori quituor priores. Parisiis, 1639. fol. 308 pp. (31057) Myrlck, Herbert. The American Sugar Industry. New York, 1899. 4. 240 pp. portr. (27201) The Hop, its culture and cure, marketing and manufacture. New York, 1899. sm. 8. 308 pp. (27200) Mysore, (State of). List showing applications made, and exclusive privileges acquired under the Mysore Inventions and Designs Regulation, No. xi. of 1894. Bangalore, 1894, etc. fol. (30895) Myszkowaki, E. Cryptographie ind<$chiffrable basee sur de nouvelles com binaisona rationnelles. Paris, 1902. 8. 78pp. 7 pi. (29562) N. ***., [i.e. P. J. B. Nougaret], - See ANECDOTES. Anecdotes des Beaux-Arts. 1776-80. 3vols. 8. (5258) N.. G. V. - See COMMELIX, J. The Belgick, or Nether- landish Hesperides . . . Made English by G. V. N. 1683. sm. 8. (31148) *., N. . Manegio dell'armi, ouero compendio di qnanto e pin necessario all'arte militare. Trad, dal frScese di A. Bulifon. Napoli, 1685. 12. 204 pp. 3 pi. (34409) N., T. 8. A natural history of the Tenthredo, or Saw fly . . . with an introduction on the cultivation of the turnip. Norwich, J. Fletcher, [1836]. 12. 48 pp. 1 pi. (36608) Nachtweh, Alwin, Ph.D. - Beitrage zur Kenntnis, Theorie nnd Benrteilnng der Mahmaschinen. 1903. See LANDWIRTSCHAFTL. JAHRBCCHER. Band 32. pp. 655-772. J 23 : 872 Beitrage znr Theorie und Beurteilung der Mahe- magchinen. [Dissertation.] Merseburg a. S., 1903. 8. 48 pp. 6 pi. (30876) Dungerstreumaschinen . . . ihrer Konstruk- tion und Wirkungsweise. Ex : " Schweizer. landw. Centralblatt," 1900. Frauenfeld, 1900. 8. 60 pp. (27560) Die Hanptpriifung der Bindem;'iher. 1902. 63 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiteu. Heft 79. 8. J 23: 894 Nachtweh. Alwin cont. Uber Neuerungen a. d. G. des landwirthscbaft- lichen Mascbinenwesens. Ex : " Fiihlings landw. Zeitung." Heft 1. Stuttgart, 1903. 8. 84 pp. (30312) Nadault de Button, Benjamin. Trait<5 . . . des irrigations envisages sous les divers points de vue de la production agricole, de la science hydraulique, et de la legislation. Paris, 1843-44. 3 vols. 8., and 4. atlas. 26 pi. (34635) Hydraulique Agricole. Des submersions fertil- isantes, compreuant lea travaax de colmatage, limonage, irrigations d'hiver. Paris, 1867. 8. 492 pp. (35119) Nagrel, A. Versnche an der Gasmaschine tiber den Einfluss des Mischungsverhaltnisses. 1908. See VEREIN DEUTBCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 54. pp. 43-91. E 13/857b Versuche uber die Zundgeschwindigkeit explo- sibler Gasgemische. 1908. Ibid. Mittheiluugen a. d. G. des Ingenieurwesens. Heft 54. pp. 1-42. E 13/857b Nagrel, Oskar. The mechanical appliances of the Chemical and Metallurgical Industries. New York, 1908. 8. 316 pp. (38591) Magrelvoort, J. B. See FLUCKIOER, F. A. Reactions. Trsl. J. B. N: 1893. 8. (36102) Nag-pur : Experimental Farm. See INDIA : Central Provinces. Dept. of Land Records, etc. Report on the Nagpur Expt. Farm. 1883. J 12 CPN : Nairz, 0. Die Radiotelegraphie. (Wissen und Konnen.) Leipzig, 1908. 8. 280pp. (38601) Name, Ralph Gibbs van. See GIBBS, J. W. Scientific papers. [Ed. H. A. Bumstead and R. G. van N.] 1906. 2 vols. 8. (33835) Namlas, Rodolfo. I modern! process! fotomeccanici. (Manuali Hoepli.) Milano, 1899. 16. 332pp. 9 pi. (27189) Nancy : Conseil Municipal. Rapport de la Commission des Horloges. C. Andre, Rapporteur. Nancy, 1884. 8. 58 pp. (33995) Nansouty, Max Champion de. See FIOUIEB, L., and NANSOUTY, M. [C.] DE. Les Merveilles de la Science. [Nouv. e"d.] [1908, etc.] 8. (35775) See PIETRA SANTA, P., and NANSODTY, M. [C.] DE. La Cremation. 1881. 8. (36281) Actaalite's gcientifiqnes. L'air liquide, 1'Artil- lerie para-grele, la ConquSte de 1'espace, Te'le'graphio interside'rale, le Ver a poie me"canique, les ponts grants, les gants ^lectriques, etc. Paris, [1902]. 8. 304 pp. (29661) For annual continuation to this work, see hit ACTU- ALIT6S SCIKNTIFIQUKS. C 3 : 904 Naphta, Jahrg. 9-16. 8. K 45 : 901 Lemberg, 1901-08. 8 vols. Publication : Bi-monthly. Editor : R. Zaloziecki. 505 3 s NAPI] [NATI 56 specimens. of Electro - metallurgy. 2nd ed. sm. 8. 164 pp. (37760) 4th ed. London, 1860. 8. 162 pp. with 1874. Napier, E. H. S. Report on working of Wells' lightning Painter. [1899.] 2 pp. 1 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.). Technical Section. Papers. No. 74. E 23/ Kapler, James, F.R.S.E., F.C.S. A manual of Dyeing Receipts for general use. London, 1855. sm. 8. 84 pp, (34936) A manual London, 1852. The same. (10648) -^ The same. 5th ed. London. 1876. 8. 230 pp. (17630) Manufacturing Arts in ancient times, special reference to Bible history. London, sm. 8. (16682) The same. [New ed.] Paisley, 1879. sm. 8. 372pp. (32511) Kapler, John, Baron of Merchiston. ( Biographical.) See NAPIER, M. Memoirs of John Napier, of Merchiston, etc. 1834. 4. (38360) Kapler, Mark. Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston . . . with a history of the invention of Logarithms. Edinburgh, 1834. 4 550 pp. 12 pi., and portr. (38360) Kaples : Real Fabbrica della Porcellana di Napoli. See RICCIO, C. M. Delle Porcellane della R. Fabbrica di Napoli. 1878. 4. (35015) See RICCIO, C. M. Gli artefici, etc. della Real Fabbrica della Porcellana di Napoli. 1878. 4. (35016) Reale Museo Borbonico. See JORIO, A. di. Sul metodo degli antichi nel dipingere i vasi e sulle rappresentanze de' piu' interessanti del R. Museo, etc. [1813.] sm. 8. (33305) See VENDTI, D. Interpretation des peintnres dessin6es sur un service de table. 1787. 4. (2292) Napole'on XXX., Emperor of the French. Etudes sur le passe" et 1'avenir de 1'Artillerie. [Ouvrage continue" . . . par [I.] Fav<;, tomes 3-6.] Paris, 1846-63. 6 vols. 4 b . (30739) Histoire du Canon dans les armies moderues. Paris, 1848. 12. 88 pp. (33996) Kartell, Georges. ; Modes de Cubature des Volumes de Mare"e. 1898. 20 pp. 5 pi. See CONGRKS INTERNAT. DE NAVIGA- TION INTERIEURE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 3. Question 2. P 43 : 888. . Moyens de prevention des Chomages par la gele"e. 1894. 24 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. 6e Congres, 1894. Question 3. [7.] P 43 : 888. Nasarvanji Jivanji Ready-money. Science of Nature-history. [A guide showing how or where to think on, or collect facts in, nature- history order so as to describe and define events from nature-history point of view.] Bombay, 1907. 8. 104 pp. (37510) Nash, Geo. Valentine. : American Ginseng : its commercial history, protection, and cultivation. 1898. 32 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Botany. Bulletin 16. Revd. ed. J 29 B : Naske, Carl. See HEUSINGER VON WALDEGG, E. Die Ton-, Kalk-, Cement- und Gips-Industrie. . 5te Aufl. Theil 2. Die Kalk-brennerei, etc. von C. N. 1903. 8. (29819) Die Portland - Cement - Fabrikation. Leipzig, 1903. 8. 310pp. 3 pi. (29583) The same. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1909. 8. 422 pp. 2 pi. (37661) Nasmlth, Joseph. The Students' Cotton Spinning. 4th ed. [re- print of 3rd ed.l Manchester, [189 ?]. 8. 622 pp. (39021) Nasmyth, James, Engineer. See BAKER, T. Elements of Mechanism. 2nd ed. With Remarks on tools and machines, by J. N. 1858-59. 12. (35321) Remarks on the introduction of the Slide prin- ciple in Tools and Machines employed in the pro- duction of Machinery. 1841. See BUCHANAN, R. Practical essays on mill work, etc. 3rd ed. Appendix B. [pp. 393-418.] 8. (926) (Appendix.) Description of James Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer. 1845. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 8. pp. 66-69. pi. 20-21. F 90 : 844. Description of James Nasmyth's Patent Steam Pile-driving machine. 1845. Ibid. Vol. 8. pp. 70-75. pi. 22. F 90: 844. Katal, Govt. of. Report of the Coal testing Committee. 1904- 1905. Maritzlurg, 1905. fol. 90 pp. 11 pi. '(2801) Commissioner of Mines. Report on the Mining Industry of Natal, 1898, etc. Pietermaritzburg, 1899, etc. fol. G43Na/. Publication: Annual. Commissioner of Mines : C. J. Gray, 1898, etc. Trade-marks Office. Schedule of Trade mirks registered in the Office of the Comptroller of Trade marks. 1st Jan., 1905, etc. [With representations of marks.] fol. (24440) Natalia, Friedrich. Die selbsttatige Regulierung der elektrischen Generatoren. 1908. 120 pp. 1 pi. See ELEKTRO- TECHNIK IN ElNZELDARSTELLUNGEN. Heft 11. D 51 : 902. Nathan, Matthew, Major, R.E. The Sudan Military Railway. 1885. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 11. pp. 35-55. 1 pi. F 90 : 844. Nathuslus, Simon von. Messunzen an Stuten, Hengsten und Gebranchs- pferden. 1905. 234 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 112. J 23: 894. National Academy of Sciences, United States. Annual. 1863-66. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1865- 67. 3 vols. sm. 8. B 12 B : 863a. National Apple Congress. British Apples. Compiled, etc., by A. F. Barron. London, 1884. 8. 248 pp. 5 pi. (36187) National Art Library, Smith Kensington. See SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM (National Art Library). 506 NATI] [NATI National Association of Fire Engineers. Proceedings. Convention 8, etc. Cincinnati, 1880, etc. 8. F 48: 880. Publication : Annual. Title varied : " International Assoc. of Fire En- gineers." 1895, etc. National Association of Manufacturers of the United States. Commerce and Industries of Japan. A report ... by K. P. Porter. Philadelphia, 1898. 8. 174 pp. map. (18672) National Association of Master Bakers and Confectioners. See NATIONAL ASSOCIA- TION REVIEW. 1908, etc. J 98 : 908. National Association of Master Heating- and Domestic Engineers. Journal. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1905, etc. 8. K 42: 905. Publication : Quarterly. National Association of Municipal Elec- tricians. Proceedings. 4th Convention, 1899, etc. Boston, Mass., 1900, etc. 8. D 50 : 899. Publication : Annual. Title varied: "International Assoc. of Municipal Electricians," 1900, etc. National Association Review. Vol. 25, etc. London, 1908, etc. 4. J 98 : 908. Publication: Weekly. Ilittory : Issued by the Nat. Assoc. of Master Bakers and Confectioners. National Sell Telephone Co. See a/so AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE Co. Description of the Telephone Exchange system, and of the apparatus used in connection therewith, etc. Boston, J/as., 1880. 8. 44 pp. (36763) National Biscuit Co., New York. Trade Mark Litigation. Opinions, orders, in- junctions and decrees o United States Courts relating to ... infringement of trade marks. 3rd ed. [New York, 1906.] 8. 142 pp. (32263) The same. 4th ed. [New York,] 1907. 8. 166 pp. (34031) National Dental Association. See AMERICAN- DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 1897, etc. B. 10 : 859. National Explosives Company, Ltd. The manufacture of Gun-cotton charges. Solid block process. [G. W. Bell's patents.] [London,] 1905. 4. 32 pp. and inset. (33251) National Fire-proofing Company, Pitttburg, U.S.A. [Handbook] of the National Fire-proofing Com- pany. Abridged ed. Compiled by H. L. Hinton. [Construction tables, tests, etc., of Porous ("Cellular") terra cotta, for the fireproof con- struction of buildings.] New York, 1903. sm. 8. 248 11., printed on one side only. (30549) National Gallery, London. . i See DOYLE, J. A letter ... on the future location of the National Gallery, etc. 1850. 8. (8229) See FERGUSON, J. Observations on the ... National Gallery, etc. 1849. 8. (8214) National Good Roads Convention, St. Louis, 1903. Proceedings. 80 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Office of Road Inquiry. Bulletin 26. J29E: 34232 National Meter Company. Statistics, tables and water rates of cities and towns, together with facts about Water Meters. New York, 1887. 8. 82 pp. 4 tobies. (38963) National Mineral Water Trade Recorder and Bottlers' Advocate. Yol. 16-24 ; New Series, Vol. 1. London, 1891-1900. 8 volu. 4. K 90: 891. Publication : Monthly. Title varied: " Mineral Water Recorder and Bottlers' Advocate," 1898-99 ; ' Aerator and Bottler," 1900. National Phonograph Company. The Phonograph and how to use it. New York, 1900. 8. 182pp. (27270) National Physical laboratory. Collected researches. Vol. 1, etc. [London, 1905, etc.'] 4. D 901 : a. Publication: Annual. Reports. 1901, etc. London, 1902, etc. 8. D901. Publication : Annual. (Appendix.) See TREASURY. National Physical Laboratory. Report of the Committe appointed ... to inquire generally into the work now performed at theN.P.L. 1908. 2 pts. fol. (37234) National Poultry Company, Ltd., Bromley, Kent. See GEYELIN, G. K. Poultry breeding . . . as carried out by the National Poultry Co., Ltd. 1865. 8. (32793) National Poultry Organisation Society. Report on the Poultry industry in America. By E. Brown. London, 1907. 8. 132 pp. 8 pi. (33863) Report on the Poultry industry in Denmark and Sweden. By B. Brown. London, 1908. 8. 122pp. 8 pi. (36324) National Provisioner Publishing- Com- pany. The manufacture of Glue and Gelatine ; tbe application and uses of machinery, etc. New York, [1898]. 8. 224pp. (25730) National Railroad Master Blacksmiths' Association. Reports. 6th Annual Conven- tion, etc. Lima, Ohio, 1898, etc. 8. F 8 : 898. Title varied : " International Railroad Master Black- smiths' Association," 1905. National Road Parliament, Atlanta, 1895. Progress of Road construction in the United States. Reports by delegates to National Road Parliament, 1895. 1897. 86 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Office of Road Inquiry. Bulletin 19. J 29 R. National Telegraph Company. Allan's systems of cheap Telegraphy, and adapta- tion of Postal principles to Telegraphic communi- cation. [Letters Patent No. 13,352 of 1850 ; 14,190 of 1852 ; 2204 of 1859.] London, 1861. 8. 20 pp. 1 pi. (33075) National Telephone Journal, (The). Vol. 1, etc. London, 1906, etc. 4. D 60/906. Publication: Monthly. National Training- School of Cookery. Official Handbook. [By Edith (Mrs. Chas.) Clarke,] [New ed.] 1st Series, etc. London, 1902, etc. sm. 8 . (29516) In progress. 507 3 s 2 NATI] [NEHB National United Association of Rope and Twine Spinners of Great Britain and Ireland. The system of manufacturing Rope yarns for Rope Cordage, etc. London, 1874. 8. 62 pp. 1 table. (36635) Natorp, A., and Empersrer, F. von. Bauausfuhrungen aus dem Hochbau und Baugesetze. 1909. 258 pp. See EMPERGER, F. von. Handbuch fur Eisenbetonbau. Band 4. Teil 3. (35150) Natural Gas Journal. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1907, etc. 4. K 39/907 Publication : Monthly. Naturaleza, etc. See GACETA INDUSTRIAL, ,e(c. 1891, etc. C 3 : 867 Natural History. [The natural history of coffee, etc. 1682.] See SCHATZ-KAMMER rarer und nener Curiositaten . . . 1697. pp. 619-656. Naturgemasser Be- schreibung der Coffe'e, The'e, etc. Ans der Englis- schen in die Hochteutsche Sprache iibers. durch J. L. M. C. 8. (36469) Naturforscbende Gesellsebaft in Zurich. Abhandlungen. Band 1 and 3. Zurich, 1761-66. 2 vols. 8. H 50 : 761 Naturwlssenscbaftllcbe Zeltscbrlft fur land- und Foratwlrtschaft. Jahrg. 1, etc. Stuttgart, 1903, etc. J : 903 Publication: Monthly. Editors : K. von Tubeuf and L. HUtner, 1903, etc. Natuur, (De). Jaarg. 1, etc. Utrecht, 1881, etc. 8. 07: 881 Publication : Monthly. Editors: A. van Hennekeler and N. van de Wall, 1882-85; A. van H., 1886-1903; Z. P. Bouman, 1904, etc. Naudet, G. i La Gomme bichromate^. Proc^d6 photogra- phique permettant d'obtenir des e'preuves positives artistiques de toutes conleurs. (Annales photogra- phiques.) Paris, 1899. 12. 22 pp. (26910) Naumann, Karl Friedrich, Prof, in Leipzig. Anf angsgriinde der Krystallographie. 2te Aufi. Leipzig, 1854. 8. 308pp. 26 pi. (35866) Nautilus, Hydraulically-propelled ship. See RUTHVEN, M. W. Ruthven's patent hy- draulic propeller, rudder, and steering apparatus. With a description of the hydraulic vessel "Nautilus" trial trips, etc. 1866. 8. (18454) Navarro, Leandro. See CIRIACO DE IRIARTE, , and NAVARRO, L. Topografia Fotografica. 1899. 8 and obi. 4 atlas. (26920) Navez, Auguste Joseph Antoine, Col. Belgian Artillery. See ORDNANCE COMMITTEE. Report [1-2] on Ballistic experiments, by W. H. Noble [being Reports on experiments made with Navez's Elec- tro-ballistic apparatus. 1861-64.] 1863-65. 2 vols. in one. 8. (26080) Navier, Claude Louis Marie Henri. Rapport . . . et m^moire sur les Suspendus. Paris, 1823. 4. 252 pp. (29762) Fonts 13 pi. Nayler, Geo. See COTTLE, E. W. The hair in health and disease, partly from notes by G. N. 1877. sm. 8. (33400) Naylor, Wm. Trades Waste : its treatment and utilisation. With special reference to the prevention of rivers pollution. London, 1902. 8. 282 pp. 28 pi. (28577) Neander, Johannes. - Tabacologia : hoe est, Tabaci, seu Nicotianae descriptio medico-cheirurgieo-pharmaceutica . . . Una cum variis tabacum adalterandi rationibus, etc. Lugdini Batavorum, 1622. 4. 298 pp. (27622) Neate, Ambrose C. Victorian Land in its relation to cultural effort. 1893. See VICTORIA : Dept. of Agriculture. Special Reports. 1892-96. [1.] pp. 86-92. J 8 AY: 891 Neckar-Donau-Kanal-lLomltee. Die wiirttembergischen Grossschiffahrtsplane. Von . Gugenhan und . Eberhardt. Stuttgart, 1908. 8. 58pp. 2 pi. (36394) Necfcclotbltanla. Neckclothitania ; or, Tietania : being an essay on starchers. By One of the Cloth. London, J. J. Stockdale, 1818. sm. 8. 38 pp. 1 pi. (28812) Nedham, Marchamont. See BOLNEST, E. Medicina instaurata. Also, an epistolary discourse, [by M. N.]. 1665. sm. 8. (3172) Neely, Samuel T. Traction tests. 1896. 22 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Office of Road Inquiry. Bulletin 20. J 29 R : Neesen, Friedrich. See PHYSIKALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT zu BERLIN. Yerhandlungen. Hrsg. F. N., 1884-85. D 883 Kathoden und Rontgenstrahlen, sowie die Strah- luog aktiver Korper. (Elektro-techn. Bibliothek.) Wien, 1904. sm. 8. 248 pp. (31125) Die Sicherungen von Schwach- und Starkstrom- Anlagen gegen die Gefahren der atmospharischen Elektricitat. Braunschweig, 1899. 8. 128 pp. (26501) Negrer, Franz Wilhelm. Die Handelspflanzen Deutschlands, ihre Ver- breitung, wirtschaf tliche Bedeutung und technische Verwendung. (Chemisch - technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1904. sm. 8. 192 pp. (29927) Negrelros, Almada. See ALMADA-NEGREIROS, . Negrettl and Zambra, Meteorological Instrument Makers. A treatise on Meteorological Instruments. London, 1864. 8. 172 pp. (30481) Negrl Sembllan. Return of Patents granted, 1897, etc. MS. fol. (27265) Nebbel, H. Brennerei und Hefenfabrikation. [1909.] See UHLAND, W. H. Handbuch fur den praktischen Maschinen-Konstrukteur. 2te Aufl. Band 4. Teil 2. pp. 95-116. 1 pi. 4. (32476) 508 NEIG] [NEUB Neighbour, Alfred. The Apiary ; or bees, beehives, and bea culture. 3rd ed. London, 1878. sm. 8. 386 pp. 3 pi. ' (30482) Xell, C. Lang. After-dinner sleights and pocket tricks. London, 1904. sm. 8 J . 92 pp. (37393) Modern Card manipulation. London, 1904, sm. 8. 94 pp. (37394) Nellson, Robert Morrison. The Steam Turbine. London, 1902. 8. 176 pp. S pi. (28604) The same. 2nded. London, 1903. 8. 312pp. 5 pi. (29994) The same. 4th ed. London, 1908. 8. 628pp. 11 pi. (36364) Ne'laton, Eugene, M.D. Instruments de Chirurgie, 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 11. Sect. 2. pp. 332-338. 8. (13828) Nelemans, J. . . Cost of construction and maintenance of Iron and Wooden Look gates. 1902. 16 pp. See ' CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTE- RIEOBE. 9e Congrfes, 1902. Sect. 2. Question 1. [7.] F 43: 888 "Moyens de prevention des Chomages par la ge!6e. Par A. A. Bekaar et J. N. 1894. 12 pp. Ibid. Oe CongrSs, 1894. Questions. [9.] F 43: 888 Nelson, Aven. The Red desert of Wyoming and its Forage resources. 1898. 72 pp. 5 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Div. of Agrostology. Bulletin 13. J29Agr: Nelson, Edward Milles. The theory of Telescopic Vision. London, 1892. 8. 24pp. 2 pi. (37508) Nelson, Edward Wm. .. The Agaves, a remarkable group of useful plants. 1902. See U.S. DEFT. OP AGRICULTURE. Year- book. 1902. pp. 313-320. 4 pi. J29:849b Nelson, Richard John, Lieut. R.E. Notes on Shot Furnaces. 1840. See BOY. ENGINEERS. Papers. Vol. 4. pp. 12-22. 3 pi. F 90: 844 Remarks and experiments on various Woods, both foreign and domestic. Ibid. Vol. 5. pp. 90- 139. 4". F 90: 844 Ncnticn. . Etude snr les Gites Mine'ranx de la Corse. Ex : "Annales des Mines," Sept. 1897. Paris, 1897. 8. 70 pp. 1 pi. (18060) Nerl, Antonio, of Florence. L'Arte Vetraria distinta in libri sette . . . Impressione seconda, ricoretta, etc. Fireme, 1661. sm. 8. 202 pp. (31263) Nernst, Hermann Walther. See ZEITSCHRIFT *CR ELEKTROTECHNIK, etc. Hrsg. W. N. 1894-1900. D 58 : 894 Experimental and theoretical applications of Thermodynamics to Chemistry. [Lectures delivered at Yale Univ., Oct.-N'ov. 1906.] London, [New York, printed], 1907. 8. 134 pp. (34957) Theoretische Chemie vom Standpunkte der Avogadro'schen Regel und der Thermodynamik. Jte Aufl. Stuttgart, 1898. 8. 720 pp. (26143) Nernst, Hermann Walther cant. The same. 5te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1907. 8. 800. pp. (35102) Theoretical Chemistry from the standpoint of Avogadro's rule and Thermodynamics. Trsl. C. S. Palmer. London, 1895. 8. 724pp. (24470) The fame. From the 4th German ed. [Trsl. R. A. Lehfeldt] London, 1904. 8. 796 pp. (31034) and Schonflies, A. Einf fihrung in die matbematische Behandlung der Naturwissenschaften. Lehrbuch der Differ- ential- un 1 Intdgralrcchuung mit bes. Berucksicht. der Chemie. 3to Aufl. Milnchen, 1901. 8. 352pp. (29096) Nerval, Ge'rard de. See TURGAN, J. Les Ballons. Introduction par G. deNerval. 1851, 16. (37804) Nerz, F. Scheinwerfer und Fernbeleuchtung. 1899. See SAMMLD.NG ELEKTROTECHNISCHER VORTRAGE. Bandl. pp. 367-454. D 51 : 896 Searchlights : their theory, construction and applications. Trsl. C. Rodgere. London, 1907. 8. 144 pp. 1 pi. (34958) Nesblt, D. M. Sweet Potatoes. 1901. 40 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 129. J 29 Fa : Nesblt, John Collis. On Agricultural Chemistry, and the nature and properties of Peruvian Guano. London, 1856. 8. 126 pp. (4223) The same. 5th ed. London, [1856]. 8. (32940) Nesbltt. Tbos. H. See DOUGLAS, Isle of Man, (Borough of). Report, etc., in relation to Electric Traction. By T. H. N. 1897. 8. (33775) Nesom, G. E. See PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURAL REVIEW. Ed. G. E. 1909, etc. J 45 : 909 Neste, Kurt. The Mule Spinning process, and the machinery employed in it. Manchester, 1865. 8. 100 pp. 11 pi. (38791) Nettlefold, J. S. Practical Housing. Letchworth, 1908. 8. 216 pp. 32 pi. (36203) Nettleton, E. S. The Reservoir system of the Cache la Poudre Valley. 1901. 48 pp. 14 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Experiment Station Bulletin 92. J 29 : 889 Notiiksa, M. A. Technika Chercheniia. etc. [Mathematical instruments . . . 2nded.] Moscow, 1899. sm. 8. 398 pp. 11 pi. (30245) Neubergr, Carl, Ph.D. See BIOCHEMISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT. Bed. C. N. 1906, etc. K 12 : 906 Neubergr, Ernst. See GASMOTORENTECHNIK, (Die). Hrsg. E. N. 1901, etc. E 56 : 901 See JABRBUCH DER AUTOMOBIL- UND MOTOH- BOOT-INDUSTRIE. Hrsg. E. N. 1904, etc. E 73: 904 509 NEUB] [NEUV Neubergr, Joseph Jean Bipliste. Sur les lignea tracees par le Curvigraphe Victor Lebeau. 1904. 40 pp. See SOCIETE ROY. DES SCIENCES DE LIEQE. M^moires. SeSiSrie. Tome 5. B 23 : 843 Neuburgrer, Albert. See KALENDER FUR ELEKTROCHEMIKER, etc. Hrsg. A. N. 1897-1905. D 63 : 897 Handbuch der praktischen Elektrometallurgie. (Oldenbourg's Technische Handbibliothek.) Munchen, 1907. 8. 486pp. (37203) Die Herstellung von Eisen und Stabl auf elek- trischecn Wege und ihre wirtschaftliehe Bedeutung. 1905. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Sitzungsberichte. Band 84. pp. 81-110. B 67 P : Neuburprer, Henry. See JOURNAL DU PETROLE. etc. K 45 : 901 Bed. H. N. 1901, and Noalhat, H. Technologic du Petrole. Tome 1. (All publ.) Paris, 1900. 502 pp. 21 pi. (26479) Technology of Petroleum. From the French by J. Or. Mclntosh. Vol. 1. London, 1901. 8. 670pp. 26 pi. (27813) Kiel, 1904. 8. 90 pp. Neudecli, Geoi-g. Die Dampfturbine. (31176) Neu-erofnete. Das neu-erofnete Arsenal, worinnen . . . - das Merckwfirdigste von der Artillerie kurtzlich . . . abgehandelt wird. Hamburg, B. Schiller, 1704. 12. 144pp. 7 pi. (36459) Neueste. Neueste Erflndung zur bequemen und zweck- massigen Feldequipage f fir Officiere, etc. Frankfurt a.M. ?] 1794. sm. 8. 136 pp. 10 pi. (29196) Neuesten E:itdcckunsen In der Chemle. See CHEMISCHES JOURNAL, etc. 1781-86. K 30 : "778 " Neuffer, Carl Heinrich. Das Kalksteinmehl im Dienste der Landwirt- sohaft, nebst einigen anderen wichtigen Dunger- ' fragen. Heilbronn, 1898. 8. 68 pp. (26564) Neug-ebohrn, Carl. Untersuchungen fiber die Aenderung des Selbst- ' induktionskoeffizienten im Magnetfelde. (Disserta- tion.) Braunschweig, 1904. 4. 20 pp. 3 pi. (30883) Neuhauss, Richard, M.I). Die Farbenphotographie nach Lippmanri's Verfahren. Halle, 1898. 8. 72 pp. 1 pi. (25684) Neumann, , of Herford. Landwirtschaf tliche Gesellschaftsreise durch die Schveiz. 1909. 80 pp. 18 pi. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCHAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 159. J 23 : 894 Neumann, Bernhard. See NEUMANN, Heinrich B. Neumann, Carl, Prof, in Univ. of Leipzig. See NEUMANN, F. E. Ueber ein allgemeines Prinzip der mathematischen Theorie inducirter elektrischer Strome. [1846.] Hrsg. C.Neumann. 1892. sm. 8. (29420) Neumann, Carl cont. Die elektrischen Kriifte. Darlegung und Er- weiterung der von A. Ampfere, F. Neumann, W. Weber, G. Kirchhoff [Theil ii, von hervorragenden Physikern] entwickelten mathemitisohen Theorieen. Leipzig, 1873-98. 2 vols. 8. (29419) Neumann, Franz, M.D. See SCHNESSLER, K., and NEUMANN, F. Die Geheimnrittel und die Heilschwindler. 1905. 8. (32533) Neumann, Franz Ernst. See WANGERIN, C. A. F. Neumann und sein Wirken, etc. 1907. 8. (36532) Ueber ein allgemeines Princip der mathemati- scben Theorie inducirter elektrischer Striime. [1846.] Hrsg. C. Neumann. (Ostwald's Classiker der erdkten Wissenschaften.) Leipzig, 1892. sm. 8. 96 pp. (29420) Neumann, Friedrich. Die Metalldreherei. 5te Aufl. von G. Luka- siewicz. Leipzig, 1906. 8. 232 pp. (32430) For previous editions see HABTMANN, C. P. A. Die Windkraftmaschinen. 3te Aufl. von M. Conrad. Leipzig, 1907. 8. 180 pp. 8 pi. (33123) Neumann, Fritz. Die Zentrifugalpumpen, mit bes. Beriicksicht. der Schaufelschnitte. Berlin, 1906. 8. 206 pp. 7 pi. (33226) Neumann, Heinrich Bernhard, Ph.D. See POST, J. Chemisch-technische Analyse. SteAufl. vonB. N. 1906, etc. 8. (35153) Elektrometallurgie des Eisens. 1907. 186 pp. See MONOGRAPHIEN OBER ANGEWANDTE ELEKTRO- CHEMIE. Band 26. D 58 : 902. Die Metalle. Geschichte, Vorkommen und Gewinnung, nebst ansfuhrlicher Produktions- und Preis-Statistik. Halle a. S., 1904. 8. 428 pp. 26 pi. (30674) The theory and practice of electrolytic methods of Analysis. Trsl. J. B. C. Kerahaw. (Specialist's Series.) London, 1898. sm. 8. 264 pp. (17184) Neumann, Hermann. Die Herstellung der Drehergewebe in der mechanischen Weberei. Hof i. B., 1909. 8 Q . 42 pp. (38535) Neumann, Oscar. Waarenzeichnen der gesammten Textil-In- dustrie eiugetragen beim Kaiserl. Patentamt in Berlin ... 1 Oct., 1894, bis 30 Sept., 1896. [German and English title page.] [Berlin, 1896.] 8. 220 pp. (26250) Neumann, Robert. Gebaude fur den Post-, Telegraphen-, und Fern- sprechdienst. 1896. 148 pp. 5 pi. See DURM, J. Handbuch. der Architektur. Theil 4. Heft 3. 8. (22285) Nenreutner, zu D. See OBERRHEINISCHER VEREIN FUR LUFTSSCHIF- FAHRT. Illustrirte Mittheilungen. Hrsg. zu D. N. 1903-04. E 60 : 897 Neuville, H. Les Ferments industriels d'Extreme - Orient. (Biologie, emploi et produits.) (Encycl. scientiftque des aide-memoire.) Paris, [1902]. sm. 8. 192 pp (29079) . 510 NEVA] [NEWM Nevada, (State) : Agricultural Efpsriment Station. Annual Reports, 1, 1888, etc. Reno, 1889, etc. J 50 Ne : Bulletin. No. 2, etc. Reno, 1888, etc. 8. J30Ne: Set imperfect. Neville, i I. A. A note on Euler's formula and the deflection of Columns. [1903.] 10 pp. 1 pi. See INDIA, Govt. (P.W.D.). Technical section. Papers. No. 129. E23/ Neville. John, C.E. - Hydraulic Tables, coefficients, and formulas for finding the discharge of water through orifices, notches, weirs, pipes, and rivers. London, 1853. 8. 240 pp. (33076) The fame. 3rd ed. London, 1875. sin. 8. 510 pp. (12795) New. A New and complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. By a Society of Gentlemen. London, \\\ <>;, 1754-55. 4vo!s. 8. (37571) The game. 2nd ed. Vol. 1, 2, and 4. London, W. Owen, 1763-64. 3 vols. 8. (3577) The New Family Receipt Book. New ed. London, J. Murray, 1837. sm. 8. 562pp. (37918) The new Market Gardening ... by means of the hot bed and bell glass. Berlin, Cable Print- ing, etc., Co. [1908.] 12. 58pp. 6 pi. (37761) A new method of improving cold, wet, and barren lands, particularly clayey grounds. With the manner of burning clay, turf, and mole-hills, as practised in North Britain. Added, the method of cultivating and raising fruit trees in such soils. [By Alexander Blackwell.] London, J. Walthoe, 1741. sm. 8. 150 pp. 8 pi. (30747) A new Royal and Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences ; or, complete system of human know- ledge. By M. Hinde, etc. London, J. Cooke, 1770- 71. 2 vols. fol (28075) A new system of Domestic Cookery. By a Lady, [Mrs. M. E. Rundell]. New ed. London, J. Murray, 1818. sm. 8. 406pp. 10 pi. (37974) A new system of practical Domestic Economy. New ed. London, H. Colburn, 1825. 8. 494 pp. [with index]. (32541) A new Universal history of Arts and Sciences, showing their origin, progress, theory, use and practice, and exhibiting the invention, structure, improvement, and nses of the most considerable instruments, engines and machines. London, J. Coote, 1759. 2 vols. 4. (27191) Newall, G. W. The uses of India-Rubber on board ship. 1901. [Paper and discussion.] 88 pp. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 13. 90th Paper. F81 : 889 Newblgrg-lng-, Thos., C.E. - Handbook for Gas Engineers and Managers. 5tb ed. London, 1889. 8. 540 pp. (8154) The same. 6th (Centenary) ed. London, 1898. 8. 552pp. portr. (25613) The same. 7th ed. London, 1904. 8. 600 pp. (30487) A hundred years of Gas Enterprise. Ex : " Gas World." London, [1901]. 8. 64pp. 1 pi. (27645) and Wm. The principles and practice of the valuation of Gas, Electricity, and Water Works for Assessment purposes. Appendix of decided cases. 2nd ed. London, 1899. 8. 120 pp. (26601) Newbiergringr, Wm. See NEWBiaoiNa, T., and W. The principles, etc. of the Valuation of Gas, etc. Works. 2nd ed. 1899. 8. (26601) Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of. Observations upon experimental philosophy . . . Added, the description of a new blazing world. [Wanting in this copy.'] 2nd ed. London. 1668. fol. 466pp. (32331) Newonstle-on-Tyne, (Public Library). [Author] Catalogue of the Book and Tracts on Pure Mathematics in the Central Library. By B. Anderton and R. T. Richardson. Newcastle-on- Tyne, 1901. sm. 4. 56 pp. (32837) Newcomen, Thomas, (1663-1729). (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) Newell, Fred Haynes. Proceedings of the Second Conference of Engineers of the Reclamation service, with accompanying papers. 1905. 268 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SDRVEY. Water-supply, etc. Papers. No. 146. G 30 : 899 Irrigation on the Great Plains. 1896. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year - book. 1896. pp. 167-196. 2 pi. J 29 : 849b New Explosives Company, Xitd. Gun Cotton and its uses. London, [189?]. 8. 36pp. 7 pi. (26611) Gun-Cotton : its history, proparties, manufacture, and uses. London, 1906, etc. 4. 44 pp. (32329) A new and improved method of moulding and pressing Gun Cotton. Added, Report on Hale and Reavil's safety fuse. London, [1899]. 4. 20 pp. (26612) Newfoundland, Govt. of. List of Letters Patent issued in Newfoundland, 1851, etc. Typewritten, fol. (27243) List and description of Trade marks registered, March, 1890, etc. Typewritten, fol. (28903) Newfoundland Royal Gazette, etc. [Con- taining notices relating to Patents and Trade- marks.] Vol. 96, etc. St. John's, Newfoundland, 1903, etc. fol. (29711) New Jersey (State): Board of Health. Annual Reports, 26, 1902, etc. Trenton [later] Somerville, N.J., 1903, etc. 8. H 23 N J : Geological Survey. Final Report. Vol. 5-6. Trenton, N.J., 1902- 04. 2 vols. 8. G 30 N : a Newman, Alice. Index to subject Bibliographies in Library Bulletins to December 31, 1897. See NEW YORK (State) Library. Annual Report 81. pp. 365-436. 8. AMG7 Newman, C. See SALAZAR, A. E., and NEWMAN, C. Examen quimico . . . de las aguas potables. 1890. 8. (37511) Newman, Francis Wm. See SMITH, J. Substance of the work entitled "Fruits and farinacea the proper food of man." Ed. F. W. N. 1873. sm. 8. (35330) Ell NEWM] [NEWT Newman, Geo., M.D. See SWITHINBANK, H., and NEWMAN, G. Bacteriology of Milk. 1903. 8. (30226) Bacteria, especially as they are related to the economy o nature, to industrial processes, and to the public health. London, 1899. 8. 368 pp. (26456) Newman, John, C.E. Foundations in Sand. 1894. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Prof. Papers. Vol. 20. pp. 131-62. 1 pi. P 90 : 844 Scamping Tricks and odd Knowledge occasionally practised upon Public Works. London, 1893. am. 8. 138 pp. (26618) New Mexico (University). Bulletin. No. 47, etc. Albuquerque, 1908, etc. 8. B14NM: Publication : Quarterly. Newsholme, Arthur, .)/./). See JOURNAL OP HYGIENE. Ed. G. H. Nuttall, J. S. Haldane, and A. N. 1901, etc. H 21 : 901. School hygiene. New ed. by A. N. and C. C. Pakes. [With a] chapter on Eyesight by J. Kerr. London, 1903. sm. 8. 320 pp. 1 pi. (29496) Occupation and Mortality. 1893. See SANITARY INSTITUTE. Lectures on Sanitation (I.), pp. 1-21. 8. (16223) New South African Engineer. See SOUTH AFRICAN ENGINEER. E 20/904 New South Wales : Australian Museum. Technological, Industrial, and Sanitary Museum. Report 4-10. 1883-90. Sydney, 1883-91. fol. B56N: Publication: Annual. A research on the Encalypts, especially in regard to their essential oils. By R. T. Baker and H. G. Smith. (Technical Education Series, No. 13.) Sydney, 1902. 4. 308 pp. 46 pi. (30065) Dept. of Agriculture. See also NEW SOUTH WALES : Dept. of Mines and Agriculture. Reports 1-9. 1891-99. Sydney, 1892-1900. 9vols. fol. J8AN: Publication : Annual. Title varied : " Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry," 1893-99. The Farmers' and Fruit-growers' guide. 5th ed. By W. H. Clarke. Sydney, 1904. 8. 582 pp. 15 pi. (37456) Dept. of Mines. Annual Reports. 1877, etc. Sydney, 1878, etc. 4. and fol. G45NS/ Title varied: "Dept. of Mines and Agriculture." 1891, etc. Deficient : 1883 and 1888. Geological Survey. Memoirs. Geology. No. 1, etc. Sydney, 1887, etc. 4". G 26 NS : a Deficient: No. 4. Memoirs. Palaeontology, etc. No. 1, etc. Sydney, 1888, etc. 4. G 26 NS : b Deficient : Nos. 10 and 12. Records. Vol. 1, etc. Sydney, 1898, etc. sm.4. G 26 NS : c New South Wales cont. Geological Survey cont. (Publications.) Handbook to the Mining and Geological Museum, Sydney. By G. W. Card. With special references to the Mineralogical collections. Sydney, 1902. 8. 202pp. 9 pi. (28728) Mineral Resources. No. 1, etc. Sydney, 1898, etc. 8. G 45 N : The mineral resources of New South Wales. By E. F. Pittman. Sydney, 1901. 8. 496 pp. 63 pi. (27821) Problems of the Artesian Water Supply of Australia ; with special reference to Prof. Gregory's theory. By E. F. Pittman. (Clarke Memorial Lecture, 1907.) Sydney, 1908. 4. 30 pp. 3 pi. (36490) Haiokesbury Agricultural College and Experiment Farm. Report 1, 1891, etc. Sydney, 1892, etc. J8AN:b Patent Office. Applicants for New South Wales Letters Patent. Name index, 1887-1900. Sydney, 1902. fol. 180 pp. (28876) Registrar General. Returns, etc. [Includes Trade Mark Statistics.] 1894-1904. [Typewritten], 1894-96 ; [printed,] 1897-1905. fol. (27499) Statistical Dept. [Collection of pamphlets relating to the Agri- culture, Mining Industry, Timber resources, etc., of New South Wales.] By T. A. Coghlan. Sydney, 1900. 6pts. 8. (27454) Technological, etc., Museum. See Australian Museum, above. Newstead, Robert. See ORMEROD, Miss E. A. Notes of Observa- tions of Injurious Insects. General Index, 1877-98. ByR.N. 1899. 8. (21442) Newth, Geo. Samuel. A text-book of Inorganic Chemistry. 8th ed. London, 1900. sm. 8. 686 pp. (31707) Newth, Samuel, Rev. The elements of Mechanics, including Hydro- statics. 4th ed. London, 1864. sm. 8. 374 pp. (32292) Newton, A. J. See LONDON: County Council, T.E.B. (Bolt Court Technical School, etc.). Report, etc. 8th Session, 1902-03. [By A. J. N.] 1903. A 21/896. Ed. A. N. 1865-70. H 54 : Newton, Alfred. See IBIS, (The). 860 Newton, Alfred Vincent, Patent Agent. Benson's Machine-made Cask Factory, Bootle village (near Liverpool). [G. Hadfield's patents, 1859-62.] (Reprint.) London, 1864. 8. 12pp. 1 pi. (28054) Col. Colt's Small - arms Manufactory, with remarks on the system pursued by the English manufacturers. (Reprint.) [1856.] 8. 22 pp. 2 pi. (28055) On the introduction of Machinery to the Manu- facture of Clothing. [Howe's patent No. 11,464, of 1846.] (Reprint.) [1856.] 8. 8pp. (28053) 512 NEWT] [NEWZ Newton, .s'ir Isaac. Opticks : or, a treatise of the reflexions, refrac- tions, inflexions, and colours of Light. Also, two treatises of the species and magnitude of curvi- linear figures. London, 1704. 4. 2 pts. (31218) The same. 3rd ed. London, 1721. 8. 390 pp. 12 pi. (4995) See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Natural Philosophy. Vol. 2. A popular account of Newton's Optici [by D. Lard- nerj. 1832. 8. 64pp. (13815) (Biographical.) See WHEWELL, W. Nawton and Flarasteed. 1836. 8. (9535) Newton, Wm. K. Oleomargarine. See NEW JERSEY : Dairy Com- missioner. Report 1886. pp. 13-30. H 35: 886 Newton and Son, Mathematical Instrument Makers. Improved Newtonian Globes. [London, 186 ?] 12. 24 pp. (38658) New York (City). Piano Manufacturers? Association. Proceedings of a meeting . . . called to consider the report of the Committee recommend- ing fork A435 as a standard international pitch for Musical Instruments. [New York, 1891.1 8. 28pp. (28775) Public Library. Bulletin. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1897, etc. 8. AH14. Publication : Monthly. Kapicl Transit Commission. Report on ... the effect of the Metallic Dust of Subway. 1907. See TECHNOLOGY QUAR- TERLY. Vol.20, pp. 218-245. B63M:887. New York (State) : Agricultural Experiment Station. Technical Bulletin. No. 1, etc. Geneva, N.Y., 1906, etc. 8. J30NeY:b Board of Railroad Commissioners. Report of competitive tests of Street Car Brakes. 1899. Albany. N.Y., 1900. 8. 60 pp. . 71 pi. (27474) Entomologist. Reports. See NEW YORK (State) : Museum of Natural History. Bulletin. H50 : 887a ' Geologist. Reports. See NEW YORK (State) : Museum of Natural History. Bulletin. H 50 : 887a Library. Annual Report [and] State Library Bulletins. No. 77, 1893-94, etc. Albany. 1897, etc. 8. AM07" Museum. Index to Publications of the New York State Natural History Survey and New York State Museum. 1837-1902. By Mary Ellis. 1903. See NEW YORK (State) : Museum. Bulletin 66. [pp. 237-653.] H 50 : 887a New York Academy of Sciences : Memoirs. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1895, etc. 4. H50 : 823c New York and Ohio Company. Transformers and their profitable use. By D. C. Jackson. Warren, Ohio, [1899]. 8. 28 pp. (25985) 54222 New York Industrial Exhibition, 1853-54. General Report of the British Commissioners, [with Special Reports]. London, 1854. 6 pts. fol. (354) The Industry of the United States in machinery, manufactures, and useful and ornamental arts. Compiled from the Official Reports of Messrs. Whitworth and Wallis. London, 1854. sm. 8. 192 pp. (37895) Special Report of Mr. J. Whitworth. London, 1854. 8. 74pp. (11935) New York Merchants' Association, etc. An inquiry into the conditions relating to the water-supnly of the City of New York. [New York], 1908. 8. 668 pp. 27 maps. (37107) New York microscopical Society. Journal. Vol. 1-16. New York, 1885-1901. 14 vols. 8. H : 885 Publication : 9 Nos. yearly, 1885-88 ; Quarterly, 1887-1901. Editor : B. Braman, 1885. ffiitory: Publication suspended Jan., 1898-Jan., 1900. New Zealand i Geological Survey. Bulletin. New Series. No. 1, etc. Wellington, 1906, etc. 4. G26NZ:b Legislature. An Act to assist the development of low-grade Ores, and otherwise promote the Mining Industry, by acquiring certain patent and other rights relating to the extraction of gold and silver by ... the cyanide process, and making that process available on the Goldfields at reasonable rates of Royalty. [Wellington, ,1897.] 4. 6pp. (16832) Coal-mines of New Zealand (Report of Royal Commission . . . on the working of.) Welling- ton, 1901. fol. 340pp. (28416) Mines Department. See NEW ZEALAND MINES RECORD. 1898. etc. G 61 : 898 Report on the older auriferous drifts on Cen- tral Otago. By A. McKay. 2nd ed. Wellington. 1897. 8. 126 pp. 7 pi. (26750) Patent Office. last and representations of Trade Marks. 1868- 80. With List of Proprietors of Trade Marks registered from 1866 to Dec. 31, 1880. MS. fol. (26584) -Name Index : Patents, 1861, etc. Wellington, 1908, etc. 4. (38345) Vol. 1, 1861-89 (1908). Trade Marks. Name Index. Vol. 1, 1868, etc. 1906. Wellington, 1909, etc. 4. (32877) VoLl. 1868-1906. New Zealand Exhibition, 1865. Reports and awards of the Jurors. With Appendix. Dunedin, 1866. 8. 532 pp. (32202) New Zealand Institute of Mining 1 En- gineers. Minutes of Proceedings. Vol. 1-2. Auckland, 1897-98. 2 vols. 8. G 61 ANZ : History : Amalgamated with the " Australasian last, of Mining Engineers." New Zealand Mines Record. Vol. 2, etc. Wellington, 1898, etc. 4. G 61 ANZ : 898 Publication : Monthly. History : Issued by the Mines Department. 513 3 T NEYE] [NICH Neyea, Emil. Das Luftsehiff ohne Ballon. [Letters Patent No. 84 of 1908.] Berlin, 1908. 4. 34 pp. 6 pi. (36854) Niag-ara Falls Power Company. See BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION. The Water- Power of the Falls of Niagara . . . The hydraulic tunnel of the Niagara Falls Power Co. [1890.] 4. (33490) Niaudet, or Niaudet- Bregruet, Alfred. Te"le"phones et Phonographes. Paris, [1878]. 8. 17(5 pp. (28773) Klblett, J. T. Electric Storage Batteries. 1904. See MACLEAN, M. Modern Electric practice. Vol. 2. pp. 125- 171. 8. (30454) Nicaisc, A. L'Artillerie de Campagne Beige. 1870. 86 pp. 9 pi. See CONFERENCES Militaires Beiges. [8.] " (37836) 12 Niceron, Jean Francois. La Perspective Curieuse. Avec 1'optique et la catoptrique de [Marin] Mersenne. Paris, 1663 : 1651. 2vols. fol. (28684) Thaumaturgus Options. Pars Pritna. Lutetice Parisiorum, 1663. fol. 250 pp. 55 pi. (28683) Nice-viHe, , de. MtSmoiresur 1'utilite* dea Tarares dans la fabrica- tion des Farines, suivi d'une notice sur les Monlins a Ble^ et sur les rones bydrauliques. Metz. 1832. 4. 36pp. Ipl. (34227) Nichol, John, Prof, in Glasgow Univ. Tables of European History, Literature, Science, and Art, A.D. 200 to 1898 ; and of American History, Literature, and Art. 4th ed. Glasgow, 1888. 4. 12pp. 20 tables. (38793) Nlcholl, Edward. Auxiliary Machinery on board Ship. 76 pp. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 10. 82nd Paper. F 81 : 889 Propeller shafts. 1900. 18 pp. 6 pi. [Dis- cussion. 40 pp.] Ibid. Trans. Vol. 12. 90th Paper. F 81 : 889 Scotch, or cylindrical multitubular Boilera. 1903. [Paper and discussion.] 52 pp. 2 pi. Ibid. Trans. Vol. 15. 109th Paper. F 81 : 889 Nlcholls, Samuel, of the Kirkstall Forge, near Leeds. The . . . Boiler-maker and Engineers' reference book. New York, sm. 8. 280 pp. 16 pi. (27225) Original published o. 1876. Nichols, Arthur Howard, M.D. The effects on health of the use of Sewing- machines moved by foot - power. [1871.] See MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. Report 3. pp. 180-221. H 23 M : Report on the adulteration of milk. [1872.] Ibid. Report 4. pp. 280-306. B 23 M : Nichols, James R., M.D. Chemistry of the Farm and the Sea. Boston. 1867. sm. 8*. 124pp. (39097) Nichols, Thos., Purveyor of the Navy. Methods proposed for decreasing the consump- tion of Timber, in the Navy, by means oE pro- longing the duration of our Ships of war ; with observations on fastening ships with iron knees ; added, some remarks on the present timbered state of the Kingdom [and] on the way of keeping, seasoning, and converting Timber, before it is used in Shipbuilding. Southampton, 1793. 8. 78 pp. (37357) Nichols, Tho?., of the British Museum. A handbook for readers at the British Museum. London, 1866. sm. 8. 182 pp. (31424) Nichols, Win. Ripley. On the constitution of the air of the ground- atmosphere. [1874.] See MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. Report 6. pp. 207-224. H 23 M : The same. (Excerpt.) pp. 207-224. 8. (20206) The Pollution of Rivers ... By J. P. Kirkwood. With . . . chemical analyses, by W. R. N. [1875.] See MASSACHUSETTS (State) : Board of Health. Report?, pp. 23-174. H23M: The Pollution of Streams, etc. . . . With chemical examinations, by W. R. N. [1876.] Ibid. Report 8. pp. 21-136. H 23 M : A study of the relative Poisonous effects of Coal and Water Gas. By W. T. Sedgwick and W. R. N. [1884.] Ibid. Report 16. pp. 275-313. H23M: Ventilation of Railway Cars. By T. W. Fisher. With chemical analyses, by W. R. N. [1874.] Ibid. Report 6. pp. 227-240. H23M: Nicholson, Edward Donald. Chilled Rolls and why they break. [Paper.] Brierley-hill, 1899. 8. 16pp. (25849) Nicholson, John, C.E. The operative Mechanic and British Machinist. London, 1825. 8: 810 pp. 96 pi. (16256) The same. 4th ed. With Supplement relating to British public works, by Baron Dupin and C, Taylor ; and a further supplement . . . by C. F Warr. London, 1853. 8. 1014pp. 113 pi. (36776) Nicholson, John, Librarian. See LINCOLN'S INN (Library). Catalogue of the printed books . . . 1859-1890. By J. N. 1890. 8. (32839) Nicholson, Michael Angelo. See NICHOLSON, P., and M. A. The practical Cabinet-maker, etc. [1826.] 4. (38194) Nicholson, Peter. See PRACTICAL. Practical Masonry, etc. [By P. N.] 1830, etc. An Architectural Dictionary. London, 1819-. 2 vols. 4. (32598) The Carpenter's new guide. [2nd ed.] London, 1793. 4. 88pp. 78 pi. (29164) The Student's instructor in Drawing and work- ing the fine orders of Architecture. 2nd ed. London, 1804. 8. 34 pp. 33 pi. (38792) A treatise on the construction of Staircases and Hand-rails. New ed. London, 1847. 4. 40 pp. 39 pi. (31811) and M. A. The practical Cabinet-maker, Upholsterer, and complete Decorator. London, [1826]. 4. 164pp. 80 pi. (38194) (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) 514 NICH] [NIET Nicholson, Wm., Mathematician and Chemist. A dictionary of practical and theoretical - Chemistry, with its applications to the arts and manufactures. London, 1808. 8. 416 11. 12 pi. and 21 tables. (33077) Nicholson, Wm., Smoke Inspector, Sheffield. Practical smoke prevention. London, [1898]. sm. 8 J . 30 pp. (25587) Smoke Abatement. London, 1905. 8. 270 pp. (31889) Nlcklea, J. M. Bibliography of North American geology for 1906 and 1907. By F. B. Weeks and J. M. N. 1909. 318 pp. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 372. G 30: 883 Nlckle's, Jerome. Scientific Congress of Carlsruhe. Ex : "Me'moires de l'Acade"mie de Stanislas, Nancy," 1859. Trsl. C. A. Alexander. 18fiO. See SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. Report 1860. pp. 355-375. B 13 S : 847 Nicloux, Maurice, M.D. Contribution il 1'tStude de la Saponification des Corps Gras. Parts, 1906. 8. 76 pp. (33183) Nlcol, Walter. The Gardener's Kalendar ; or, monthly directory of operations in every branch of Horticulture. Edinburgh, 1810. 8". 672 pp. (38051) Nicolaide*s, N., of the Greek army. Tln'orie du mouvement d'une figure plane dans son plan. Application aux organes des machines. Memoirel. Paris, 1863. 8". 32pp. Ipl. (27768) Nlcolardot, Paul, Capt. Industrie des Me'taux secondaires et des Terres Rare?. (Encydopedie Scientifique.) Paris, 1908. sm. 8. 444 pp. (37182) Le Vanadium. 1903-04. See REUE D'ARTIL- LERIE. Tome 63, pp. 224-234, 271-295, 350-378 ; Tome 64, pp. 40-59, 118-135, 240-280. 3 pi. F 94 : 872 The same. Another copy. [Encycl. Scientifique . det aide-memoire.] Paris, [1905]. 6m. 8. 180pp. (31537) Nicolas, Vale, Bar.-at-Law. The Law and practice relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. London, 1904. 8. 354 pp. (30987) The Patents Act, 1902, and notes thereon. London, 1904. 8. 32 pp. (30860) Nlcoll, Donald. See PUBLICITY. An essay on Advertising. [By D. N.j 1878. 8. (38816) Nicolls, Wm. Jasper. Above ground and below in the Georges' Creek Coal region. Baltimore, 1898. sm. 8. 32 pp. 13 pi. (26596) Nlcolson, John Thos., and Smith, D. Lathe design for high and low-speed Steels. London, 1908. 8. 412pp. 12 pi. (37154) Nlcon, P. La Su^de. Ses minerals de fer. Son industrie side'rurgique. 1908. See SOCIBTE INDUSTR. DE I/EST. Bulletin 65. pp. 7-31. B 77 Es : and Schlumberg-er. C. L'Industrie Miniere et Me'tallurgicfue dans les Asturies. 1905. See ANNALES DES MINES. lOe S^rie. Tome 7. pp. 203-257. -1 map. G 64 : 816 Niederosterr. Ootperbo-Auatellunff, Wien, 1880. Bericht. 1881. Sec. MITTH. OBER GEGEN- STANDS DES ARTILLERIE- UNO GENIK-WESENS. Jahrg. 13. 1881. 8. F 93 : 870 Nlepce, Joseph-Nice'pbore. (MiograpMcal.) See COLSON, B. Me'moires originaux des cr6a- teurs de la Photographie. N. N., etc. 1898. 8 J . (25463) See DAVANNE, L. A. Nice'pbore Niepce, in- venteur de la Photograpbie. 1886. 8. (34647) i See FOUQUE, V. La verit6 sur 1'invemion de la Photographie. N. N., sa vie, etc. 1867. 8. (31323) Niepce de Saint-Victor, Abel. (Biographical.) See COLSON, R. Me'moires originanx des crdateurs de la Photographie. Nice'phore Niepce, Daguerre, Bayard, Talbot, A. N. de Saint- V., etc. 1898. 8. (25463) Niepce de Saint- Victor, Claude Marie Francois. TraitS pratique de Gravure hi'Iiographiquu sur acier et sur verre. Paris, 1856. 8. 62 pp. portr. (38794) Nless, Benno. See JOHANNSEN, O. Handbuch der Baumwoll- spinnerei, etc. [3te Anfl. des Werkes " Die Baum- wollspinnerei," etc., von B. N.] 1902. 2 vols. 8. (32978) Nless, Hermann. Die Bekampfung der Wassersand (Schwimm- sand-) Gefahr beim Braunkohlenbergbau. Freiberg i. S., 1907. 8. 104 pp. (35088) Niothammer, Fritz. Die Dampftnrbinen. 1905. 124 pp. See TECHNISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN AUS WISSENSCHAFT, etc. Heft 9. E 20 : 904 Bin- und Mebrphasen- Wechselstrom- Erzeuger. 1900. 344 pp. 10 pi. See HEINKE, C. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Band 4. (27178) Berechnung nnd Entwurf elektriscber Masehinen, Apparate und Anlagen. Stuttgart, 1903, etc. 8. (30675) Elektromotoren fur Gleich- und Weohselstrom. 1901. 236 pp. 20 pi. See HEINKE, C. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Band 9. (27178) Die elektrischen Bahnsysteme der Gegenwart. 1905. 160 pp. See TECHNISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN AUS WISSENSCHAFT, etc. Heft 8. E 20 : 904 Generatoren, Motoren und Steuerapparate fur elektrisch betriebene Hebe- und Transportmaschinen. Berlin, 1900. 8. 438pp. 4 pi. (27117) .Magnetismus. 1901. See SAMMLUNG ELEKTRO- TECHNISCHER VORTHAGE. Band 2. pp. 415-75. D 51 : 896 Moderne Gesichtspunkte fiir der Entwurf elek- trischer Masehinen und Apparate. Miinchen, 1903. 8. 196pp. 4 pi. (30173) Turbodynamos und verwandte Masehinen. Zurich, 1906. 8. 144 pp. 3 pi. (33211) Wechselstrom- Kommutatormotoren. 1905. 84 pp. See TECHNISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN ACS WISSENSCHAFT, etc. Heft 12. E 20 : 904 Die Wechsel- und Drehstromganeratoren. [1900.] See SAMMLUNG ELEKTROTECHNISCIIER VORTRAGE. Band 2. pp. 77-112. D 51 : 896 ton 515 3 T 2 NIET] Nietzki, Rudolf Hugo. Ueber Anilinschwarz. 1877-79. See VEREIN . ZUR BEFORDERONG DBS GEWERBPLEISSES. Ver- handlungen. Jahrg. 56-58. 4. (1151) Cbemie der organischen Farbstoffe. Berlin, 1889. 8. 268pp. (21741) The same. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1897. 8. 354 pp. (17658) The same. 4te Aufl. Berlin,190l. 8. 350pp. (27991) The same. 5teAufl. Berlin, 1906. 8. 376pp. (32724) Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der kiinstlichen - organischen Farbstoffe. 1902. See SAMMLUNG CHEM. TJND CHEM.-TECHN. VORTR&GE. Band 7. pp. 159-188. K 1 : 896 Nicva y Quinones, Luis de. Subida de Agua a Chloritoqnieta. 1888. 32pp. 1 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 3a e'poca. Tomo 5. F 96 : 846 Niewenglowskl, Gaston Henri. Application de la Photographic aux arts in- dustriels. (Encyclopedic gcientifique des Aide- memoire.) Paris, [1899]. sm. 8. 194 pp. (26144) - Chimie des manipulations photograpbiques. Photo - copies positives. (Ibid.) Paris, [18991. sm. 8. 166 pp. (26481) Chimie des manipulations photographiques. Photo-type negatif. (Ibid.) Paris, [18991. sm. 8. 199 pp. (26480) Le Radium. Luminescence, rayons cathodiques et rayons x, rayons uraniques de M. Becquerel. etc. Paris, [1905]. cm. 8. 96 pp. (31538) Trait^ complementaire de Photographie pratique. Paris, 1906. am. 8. 412 pp. (37620) Trait^ ele'mentaire de Photographie pratique. Paris, 1908. 12. 426 pp. (37820) and Ernault, A. La Photographie directe des Couleurs (Chromo- photographie) par le proce^ de G. Lippmann. (Bibliothtque generate de Photographie.) Paris, 1895. sm. 8. 104 pp. 1 pi. (26820) ' Nijni-Novcvoroil. 7- See VERSTRAETE, M. La Russie industrielle. Etude sur 1'Exposition de Niini-Novgorod. 1897 8. (25667) Nilson, Lars Fredrik. (Biographical.) [Memoir, by 0. Pettersson.] 1900. See CHEMI- CAL SOCIETY. Memorial Lectures. 1893-1900. pp. 1277-94. 8. 1 pi. (30007) Nilsson, Hjalmar. See TRIES, H. de. Plant breeding. Comments on the experiments of Nilsson. etc. 1907. 8 (34972) Nimfiihr, Raimund. Leitf aden der Luf tschiffahrt und Flugtechnik in gemeinverstandlicher Darstellung nnd mit besond. Berucksicht. der historischen Entwicklnng. Wien 1909. 8. 460pp. (38016) Nlppoldt, Wilhelm August. Die Entstehung der Gewitter und die Prinzipien des Zweckes und Baues der Blitzableiter. Mit einem Anhang iiber die Methoden der Blitzableiter- priifungen. Frankfurt a. M., 1897. 8. 80 on (25518) 516 [NIVE Nisbet, John, of the Indian Forest Service. The Forester. A practical treatise on British Forestry and Arboriculture. Edinburgh. 1905. 2 vols. 8. (31916) Note on the Haskin process of Vulcanizing Timber. 10pp. 6 pi. 1899. See INDIAN FORESTER. Vol. 25. Appendix [12]. J 75 : 875 Nisbet, Wm., M.D. A general Dictionary of Chemistry. London, 1805. 12. 424pp. (37076) Nissenspn, H. Einrichtungen von elektrolytischen Laboratorien unter bes. Berucksicht. der Bediirfnisse fur die Hiittenpraxis. 1903. 58 pp. See MONOGRAPHIEN UBER ANGEWANDTE ELEKTROCHEMIE. Band 4 D 58 : 902 Die Untersuchungsmethoden des Zinks unter bes. Berucksicht. der technisch wichtigen Zinkerze. 1907. 140 pp. See CHEMISCHE ANALYSE. Band 2. 8. K 18 : 907 and Pohl, W. Laboratoriumsbuch fiir den Metallhiitten- chemiker. 1907. 90 pp. See LABORATORIUMS- BUCHER FitR DIE CHEMISCHE, etc., INDUSTRIES Band 2. K 30: 907 Nisser, Pedro. Sketch of the different Mining and Mechanical Operations employed in some of the South American Goldworks . . . and the relative situation of the different mineral deposits, etc., particularly those of the Province of Antioquia in New Granada. [Stockholm, 1834.] 8. 68 pp. 4 pi. (34335) Nitze, Henry B. C. Iron ores of North Carolina. Preliminary report. 1893. 240 pp. 21 pi. See NORTH CAROLINA : Geological Survey. Bulletin 1 . G 30 NC : b Monazite, and Monazite deposits in North Caro- lina. 1895. 48 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bulletin 9. GSONCrb and Hanna, G. B. Gold deposits of North Carolina. 1896. 200pp. 14 pi. See NORTH CAROLINA : Geological Survey Bulletin 3. G 30 NC : b and Wllkens, H. A. J. Gold Mining in North Carolina and adjacent South Appalachian regions. 1897. 164 pp. 6 pi. - See NORTH CAROLINA : Geological Survey. Bulletin 10. GSONCrb Nltzsch, F. Ueber Fangvorrichtnngen an Bergwerksforde- rungen. 1879. See VEREIN' ZDR BEFOKDERUNG DES GEWERBFLEISSES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg 58 pp. 345-406. 23 pi. B 67 P : The same. Another copy. Berlin, 1879 4 62pp. 23 pi. (24005) Nlvcn, James. See MANCHESTER, Corporation of. Report on the Health of the City of Manchester. 1899 etc By J. N. 8. H 20 : 899. Nivcn, N. The Potato Epidemic, and its probable conse- quences. Dublin, 1846. 12. 44pp. (35981) Nlvot, A. Etude sur la Chaux d'Echoisy (Charente ) Angouleme, 1867. 8. 56 pp. (34779) NIX] [NOER Nix, L. See HERO of Alexandria. Herons von Alex- andria Mecbinik, etc. Hrsg. nnd iibersetzt von I.. N., etc. 1900, etc. sm. 8. (27386) Nixon, John, Pioneer of the Steam Coal Irade. - See VINCENT, J. E. John Nixon ... a memoir. 1900. 8. (33968) Noack. Paul, and Hoonsclaars, W. Moderne Geschaf ts-Einrichtungen, mit Details in natiirlicher Grosse. [Mit] Preis-Berechnungen. Diieicldorf, [19021. fol. 20 pp. 32 pi. and 20 sheets of working drawings. (29633) Noad. Henry Minchin, F.R.S. - Chemical manipulation and analysis. London, 1848. 8. (1030) - The same. New ed. London, 1852. 8. 432 pp. (32418) - - The Student's text-book of Electricity. London, 1867. sm. 8. 528 pp. (32409) ... The same. New ed., with additions by Sir W. H. Preece. London, 1895. sm. 8. 632 pp. (18770) A reprint of 1879 edition. Noakes. Herbert Win.. ' ',,/. - Self instruction to the rule of the road at sea. Battle's patent nautical indicator. [Letters Patent Xo. 5331 of 1906.] London, [1906]. 8. 2 work- ing models. (33842) Noalhat, H. - See BARA, E., and NOALHAT, H. Les Torpilles automobiles. 1898. 8. (16398) - See FOREST, F., and ISOALHAT, H. Les Bateaux sons-marins. 1900. 8. (27146) - See NEOBURGER,. H., and NOALHAT, H. Tech- nologie dn Pe"trole. Vol. 1. 1900. 8. (26479) - See NEUBURGER, H., and NOALHAT, H. Tech- nology of Petroleum. From the French by J. G. Mclntosh. 1901. 8. (27813) Berlin, 1876. 8. de. The Inventor of (Excerpt.) 1898. 8. Nobbo, Friedrich. Handbuch der Samenkunde. 642 pp. 1 pi. (29022) Nobel, Alfred Bernard. See MOSENTHAL, H. Dynamite [A. B. N.]. (25895) Nobel, C. Construction and working of the Floating Docks of the Town of Rotterdam. 1902. 28" pp. 1 pi. See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEUBE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. II. Ques- tions. [18.] 'F43 :888 Noble, Sir Andrew, Bart., F.R.S.* Artillery and Explosives. Essays and lectures. London, 1906. 8. 564 pp. 77 pi. (32920) and Abel, Sir F. A. Recherches sur les Substances Explosives. Combustion de la Poudre. Trad. Aloncle et He"don. 1877. 250 pp. Ex : Memorial de 1'artil- lerie de la marine. See FRANCE : Dept. de la marine. Memoires militaires, etc. Tome 4. 8. and fol. pi. F 94 : 873 Noble, Frederick. Colour Printing. See SOUTHWARD, J. Prac- tical printing. 5th ed. (embracing the work on Colour printing by F. N.). 1900, etc. 8. (27302) Noble, Frederick cont. Difficulties in Machine Printing, and how to overcame them. London, 1883; 8. 72 pp. (35440) Imperfect copy. The principles and practice of Colour Printing stated and explained. London, 1881. sm. 8 J . 180 pp. 50 pi. (35441) Noble, H., Engineer. Fabrication de 1'Acier. Paris, 1905. 8. 610 pp. 9 pi. (31539) Noble, Theophilas Chas. A brief history of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers, London, A.D. 1351-1889, with an Appendix containing some account of the Black- smith's Company. [Reprinted from the " Iron- monger."] London, 1889. 8. 86 pp. 2 pi. (37572) Noble, Wm. Henry. See ORDNANCE COMMITTEE. Report [1-2] on Ballistic experiments [being Report[s] on experi- ments made with Navez's Electro- ballistic apparatus, by Lieut. Noble . . . 1861-64.] 2 vols. in one, 8 s . (26080) Nook, J. K. Camphor cultivation in Ceylon. Ex : " Tropical Agriculturist." Colombo, 1905. sm. 8. 8 pp. (37813) Nodier, Chas, and Plohot, A. [Es^ai critique sur le gaz Hydrogfene et les divers modes d'Eclairage artificials. 1823.] See DELC , Dup., pseud. Du gaz hydrogene et son emploi dans lie uouveau systeme d'Eclairage. 1823. 8. (33573) Noebels, J., and others. Telegraphic und Telephonie. 1901. 812 pp. See HEINKE, F. W. C. Handbuch der Elektro- technik. Band 12. 8. (27178) Noel, , Engineer. Recherche snr la construction et la meilleure disposition des Digues pour les rendre capables de resister aux efforts de la mer. Caen, 1781. 8. 160 pp. 5 pi. (34780) Noel, Francois Joseph Michel, and Carpentier. L. M. J. Nouveau Dictionnaire des origines, inventions et de'coavertes dans les arts, etc. 2e ed. par Puissant. Tome 1-4. Paris, 1833-34. 2 vols. 8. (37589) Noel de la Moriniere, Simon Barthdlemi Joseph. See RAEPSAET, J. J. Ri'ponse aux observations de M. N. de la M. snr 1'invention de Caquer le Hareng. 1819. 8. (35144) Noeltingr, Domingo Emilip, and Xiehne, A. Anilinschwarz und seine Anwendnng in Far- berei nnd Zengdruck. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1904. 8. 178 pp. 32 specimens. (30676) Aniline Black and its applications in dyeing and printing. Trsl. A. Morris. London, 1909. 8. 216 pp. 2 pi., and 45 dyed specimens. (38647) Norg-aard, Victor A. Cattle dipping, experimental and practical. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. pp. 453-472. J 29 : 849b 517 1898. 1898. NOET] [NORT Nbthling-, Ernst. See SIDDONS, G. A. Ratgeber in der Kunst des Schleifens, etc. 5te Anfl. von E. N. 1897. 8. (26914) Der Schutz unserer Wohnhauser gegen die Feuohtigkeit. Weimar, 1885. 8. 44 pp. (29584) Noctzll, E. Practical Drapery Cutting. A handbook on cutting and fixing curtains, draperies, etc. London. 190(5. 4. 136pp. 30 pi. (32490) Noisette, . Bourrelerie et Sellerie. 1868. See PARIS UNI- VERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 62. pp. 329-336. 8. (13828) Notes, Geo. Augustus. See, SEKON, G. A. Nolet, Paul. De la Surchauffe et du SurchaufEeur Schwoerer. Bruxelles, [1901]. sm. 8. 24pp. (28107) Noll, Fritz. See STRASBURGER, E., and others. A text-book of Botany. From the German by H. C. Porter. 2nd [English] ed. by W. H. Lang. 1903. 8. (29937) Nollet, Jean Antoine, AUbf. LeQons de Physique expeVimentale. 2e e"d. Tome 6. Paris, 1765. sm. 8. 532 pp. 20 pi. (27318) The same. 3e e"d. Tome 5. Paris, 1765. sm. 8. 600pp. 24 pi. (27319) The same. 4e tton and its control. 1900. 16 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Vegetable Physiology, etc. Bulletin 27. J 29 V : and Webber, H. J. Some disease* of the Cowpea. 1902. 36 pp. 6 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE. Bureau of Plant Industry^ Bulletin 17. J 29 PI : Ortas, Jacqnes, Col. of Artillery. Le Fusil de Guerre de 1'avenir. Paris, 1895. 8. 398pp. (35277) Orvanne, A. B. de. See BOURGEOIS D'ORVANNE, A. Osadchy, P. S. Vybor sistemy telefonov, els. [Selection of Telephone systems for large ci tie?. Suppt. to " Elek- irichestvo." No. 8. 1901.] pp. 267-306. S<. Petersburg, 1901. 8. (28093) Osann, Gottfried Wilhelm. Die Kohlenbatterie in verbesserter Form. Erlangen, 1857. 8. 24 pp. (29421) Oeborn, Herbert. The Hessian Fly in the United States. 1898. 58 pp. 2 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE .- Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin N. S. 16. J 29 E : Insects affecting domestic animals ... in North Americj, etc. 1896. 302 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin N. 8. 5. J 29 E : The Pedicnli and ATallopbaaa affecting man and the lower animals. 1891. 56 pp. Ibid. Bureau 'if Entomology. Bu'letin 7. J 29 E : Osborn, Wm. Treatise on the process and manufacture of fine Indigo. Indian Lithogr. Press. 1832. sm. 8. 46 pp. [lithogr. text and wash drawings on one ideof page only.] (28407) CSCH] [OTT Oschmann, A. Lastkraftwagen in der Landwirtschaft. Priif- ungsbericht. 1906. 136 pp. See DEUTSCHE LANDW. GESELLSCUAFT. Arbeiten. Heft 120. J 23 : 894 Spirituskraftwagen fiir den landwirtschaf tlichen Betrieb. 1903. 90 pp. Ibid. Heft 86. J 23 : 894 O'Shaug-hnessy, Sir Wm. Brooke, M.D. Report ... on the manufacture of an improved pottery from native clays. [Appendix No. 1 to " The Bengal Dispensatory and Pharma- copoeia."] [Calcutta, 1840.1 8". 18 pp. 1 pi. (29944) Oshima, Kintaro. A digest of Japanese investigations on the Nutrition of Man. 1905. 224 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Expt. Station Bulletin 159. J 29 : 889 Osinag-a, Andre's Fernandez. Locomotoras de vapor recalentado. 1903. 56pp. See MEMORIAL DB INGENIEROS. 4a e'poca. Tomo 20. F 96 : 846 Oslender, Aug. Schulbrausebiider mit bes. Beriicksicbt. der Kol- ner Systems. H&ncKen, 1897. 8. 70pp. 16 pi. (26870) Oslct, (iiistavc. Oours de Construction. (Encyclopedic . . . des Connaissances civiles, etc. 16e Partie.) Trait6 pratique de Fumisterie, Chauffage, Ventilation et Ohaudronnerie concernant le bStiment, par V. Maubras. Paris, [1899-90 ?]. 2vols. 8. (37797) Osmond, Floris. Sur la Cristallographie du Fer. 1900. See ANNALES DBS MINES. 9eSe'r. Tome 17. pp. 110- 166. G 64: 816 Microscopic analysis of metals. Ed. J. E. Stead. London, 1904. sm. 8. 188 pp. (31364) Microscopic Metallography. Ex : " Trans, of the Amer. Inst. of Mining Engineers," Aug. 1893. 8. 24 pp. (25956) Ofsowski, Casimir von. Rules of practice relating to Patents, Trade marks and Designs in Russia. Berlin, 1898. sm. 8. 40 pp. (25934) The Patent Law of Finland, with . . . intro- duction. Berlin, [1899]. sm. 8. 38 pp. (27236) Oat, Hermann. Prof, in Hanover. Lehrbuch der chemischen Teohnologie. GteAnB. Hannover 1907. 8. 744pp. 8 pi. (35694) Ostcrbout, Winthrop John van Leuven. Experiments with Plants. New York, 1905. sm. 8. 512pp. (32492) Osterrleth, Albert. SeeGAREls, C. Die patentamtlichen und gericht- lichen Entscheidungen in Patentsachen. Neue Folge. Band 2, etc., fortgefiihtt von A. O. 1899, etc. (21876) Patentgesetzgebung. Band 9-12. Von A. 0. 1899-1904. sm. 8. (16981) Lehrbuch des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes. Leipzig, 19C8. 8. 564 pp. (35521) and Axstcr, A. Die Internationale tlbereinkunft zum Schutze des gewerblichen Eigentums vom 20. Miirz 1883. (Pariser Konvention), nebst den ubrigen Vertragen des Deutschen Reicbs fiber den gewerblichen Rechts- schutz. Berlin, 1903. sm. 8. 392 pp. (30288) Ostertag-, Robert, M.D., Prof, in Berlin. Bibliographie der Fleischbescbau. Zugleich Ergiinzung zum " Handbuch der Fleischbeschau." Stuttgart, 1905. 8". 462 pp. (32134) Handbuoh der Fleischbeschau. 4te Aufl. Stutt- gart, 1902. 8. 912 pp. 1 pi. (28505) Handbook of Meat Inspection. Trsl. E. V. Wilcox. London, 1904. 8. 920 pp. 1 pi. (31399) Ostboli, Georg. Miirkte fur Pferde und Hornvieh. 1891. See DURM, J. Handbuch der Architokten. 2te Aufl. Theil4. Halb-band3. pp. 268-27 3. 8. (28712) Schlachthofe und Viehmarkte fur Lebensmittel. 1891. Ibid. Theil 4. Halb-band 3. pp. 5-193. 11 pi. 8. (28712) Ostniann, 0. See ZEITBCHRIFT FUR PRAKTISCHE BAUKI-N^I. Red. O. O. 1832-83. F 68/841 Ostwald, Wilhelm. See BUNSEN, R. W. Gesammelte Abbandlungeu. Hrsg. W. O., etc. 1904. 3vols. 8. (31494) See LEIPZIG (Univ.): Phyaikalisch-chemischer Institut. Arbeiten. Band 1-4. 1887-96. Hrsg. W. O. 1897. K5:887 See ZEITSCHRIFT F(JR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE. Hrsg. W. O., etc. 1887, etc. K 5 : 887 Die Energie. (Wissen und Konnen.) Leipzig, 1908. 8. 168 pp. (38598) Erfinder und Entdecker. (Die Gesellschaft.) Frankfurt a.M. [1908.] sm. 8. 100 pp. (38017) [Grundlinien der anorganischen Chemie.] 1900. The principles of Inorganic Chemistry. Trsl. A. Findlay. London, 1902. 8. 814 pp. (28965) The same. 3rd ed. London. 1908. 8. 838 pp. (36325) Grundriss der allgemeinen Chemie. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1890. 8. 412 pp. (22970) The same. 4te Aufl. Leipzig, 1909. 8. 672 pp. (38536) tjber die Herstellung von Salpetersa'ure aus Ammonia!;. 1907. 16 pp. See SAMMLUNG BERG- UND HfiTTENMANNISCHER ABHANDLUNGEN. Heft 5. 8. G 63 : 906 Uber Katalyse. Leipzig, 1902. 16. 32 pp. (28622) The scientific foundations of analytical Chemis- try. Trsl. G. M'Gowan. London, 1895. sm. 8. 226 pp. (24790) The same. 3rd Eng. ed., from the 4th German ed., by G. M'Gowan. London, 1908. sm. 8. 270 pp. (36813) Vorlesungen iiber Naturphilosophie. 2te AuB. Leipzig, 1902. 8. 472 pp. (29149) Ostwald, Wolfgang. See ZEITSCHRIFT FUR CIIEMIE . . . DER KOLLOIDE. Hrsg. W. O. 1907, etc. K 5 : 900 Grundriss der Kolloidchemie. Dresden, 1909. 8. 540pp. portr. (38537) Ott. Josef. Die Fabrikation der Gemusekonserven. (Che- misch-technische Bibliotliek.) Wien, [1908]. sui. 8 s . 152pp. (36931) Ott, Imdwig. Untersucbungen zur Frage der Erwarmung elek- trischer Maschinen. 1906. See VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. Mittheilungen a. d. G. des Ingenieur- wesens. Heft 35-36. pp. 53-108. E l3/857b 528 OTTE] [OWEN Ottenatoin, Simon. Das Nutenfeld in Zahnarmaturen und die AVir- belstromverluste in massiven Armatur Kupferloi- tern. (Dissertation.) Stuttgart, 1903. 48 pp. 8. (30787) The same. Another copy. See SAMMLUNO ELEKTROTECHN. VoRTKAGE. Band 5. pp. 157-204. 051:896 Ottln, L. Le Vitrail, son histoire, ses manifestations a travers les Ages et les peuples. Paris. [18961. 4. 376 pp. 34 pi. (33378) Otto, Carl. Verbesserung der Gasfeuerungen durch Binfuh- rung oiner Verbrennung unter oonstantem Volnmen. 2te Aufl. mit eiuem erganzenden Beitrage iiher Korund, von Dr. 0. A. Doelter fv Cisterich.] Berlin, 1893. 8. 40 pp. 1 pi. (32865) Otto, Jacob August. A treatise on the structure and preservation of the Violin . . . with an account of the most celebrated makers, etc. Trsl. J. Bishop. London, 1848. 8. 62pp. 2 pi. (28745) The same. 2nded. London. 1860. 8. 100pp. 3 pi. (38797) The same. 3rded. London, 1875. 12. 104pp. (17631) Otto, Marcus Paul. D.Sc. L'industrie de 1'Ozone. Ex : " M<$m. de la Soc. des Ingenieurs Civils," Feb. 1900. Paris. 1900. 8. 72pp. (27358) L'industrie des Parfums d'apres les theories de la chimie moderne. Paris, 1909. 8. 554 pp. 9 pi. (38538) Oudomans, Jan A. C., and Rauwenholl, N. W. P. De scbeikandige verschijnselen bij de Kieming der Planten-zaden. 1858. 140 pp. See SCHEIK- UNDIGE VERHANDELINQEN, etc. 2de Deel. Stnk 1. K 30 : 857 OUdln, Maurice Agnus. Standard polyphase apparatus and systems. London, 1900. 8* 250 pp. (27029) The same. 3rd ed. New York, 1902. 8. 290 pp. (29002) The same. 5th ed. New York, 1907. 8. 370 pp. (34975) Oudot, Jules. Le fermage des Autrncbes en Algerie. Incuba- tion artificielle. Paris, 1880. 8. 278 pp. 5 pi. (31233) Oudry, L. , Applications en grand de la Galvanoplaslie et de 1'Electro-me'tallurgie. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury Inter- national. Classe 47. Sect. 9. pp. 154-172. 8. (13828) Notice snr I'Klectro-rrn'tallurgie appliqut'e an Cuivrage galvanique . . . du fer et de la fonte et sur la galvanoplastie et ses applications artistiques dans 1'usine e'lectro-me'tallurgique d'Anteil. [Paris,'] 1866. 8. 72pp. (33627) Ouekaki-Morlkounl. Yo-San-fi-rok. L'art d'enir, etc. Rouen, 1884. 8. 32 pp. (36676) Owen, C. I! . The principles and practice of modern Artillery. London, 1871. 8. 488 pp. 18 pi. (15129) The same. 2nd ed. London, 1873. 8. 610 pp. (26267) and Dames, T. L. Elementary lectures on Artillery. 3rd ed. [Appendix, 1863 : Gunpowder : Manufacture of Ordnance ; Manufacture of Platforms, carriages, etc. ; Manufacture of Ammunition. Woolwich, 1861[-1863]. 4. 234pp. 40 pi. Appendix 71 11 (lithogr. text). 6 pi. (29003) Owen, < 'ins., D.I). An essay towards a natural history of Serpents. In two parts. Added, a third part [on Serpent worship]. London, 1742. 4. 276 pp. 6 pi. (26211) Owen, F. A. The Dyeing and Cleaning of Textile fabrics. Based partly on notes of H. U. Standage. New York, 1909. sm. 8. 260 pp. (38592) Owen, Walter C. Telephone Lines and methods of constructing them overhead and underground, London, 1903. sm. 8. 406pp. Ipl. (29497) 529 3 x OWEN] [PAGE Owens, John S., and Case, G. 0: Coast erosion and foreshore protection. London, 1908. 8. 148pp. (36326) Owens Collegrc. Manchester. See ROSCOE, Sir H. E. Record of work done in the Chemical Department of the Owens College, 1857-87. 8. (26659) Oxford. Oxford Night-caps. Being a Collection of receipts for making various beverages used in the University. [By Richard Cook.] 2nd ed. Oxford, H. Slatter, 1835. sm. 8. 48 pp. (37705) Oxygen Companies (The). [Brin's Patents."] Some medical applications o oxygen. With Appendix containing illustrations of apparatus, etc. London, [1896]. 2 pts. 8. (34112) Ozanam, Jacques. See METHODS. M6thode de lever les plans, et les cartes de terre, etc. [By J. Ozanam.] 1700. sm. 8. (37702) Dictionnaire Math6matique, ou id6e g^ne'rale des mathe'matiques. Paris, 1691. 4. 742 pp. 22 pi. (27905) La M4chanique : traitiS des machines simples et composers, etc. Paris, 1720. 8. 294 pp. 28 pi. (27906) Recreations mathe'matiques et physiques. . . Avec un traitiS nouveau des horloges . Police. See also PARIS : Laboratoire Municipal. Sapeurs- Pompiers. Nouveau manuel complet dn Sapeur-Pompier. Imprim^ par ordre du Ministre de la Guerre. (Manuels - Roret.) Paris, 1851. 18. 70 pp. (4436) The same. 6ee"d. (Ibid.) Paris, 1880. 18. 464 pp. (38831) , The same. Ed. refondne. Public" par ordre dn Ministere de l'Inte te'trospectif de la Classe 12, Photographic (Materiel, precedes et produits) a 1'KzpoaitioD Univerpeljfl de 1900 a. Paris. Rapport du Comit<5 d'Installation. [Saint Cloud, 1900.] 8. 102 pp. 10 pi. (38800) Rapport pe'ne'ral administrstif et technique. Par A. Picard. (Jttin. du Commerce, etc.) Paris, 1902-03. 8 vols. 8. and case of mps. (30407) Rapports du Jury International. Paris, 1902- 03. 39pts. 8. (299G7) Austrian Commission. Berichte. Wien, 1901-02. (27729) 12 vols. fol. Bruxelles, 1900. 8. Beliian Commission. Catalogue Officiel. 460pp. (27831) British Commission. Collection of forms, etc., issued by the Royal Commission for the Paris Exhibition of 1900. [London. 1898-1900.] fol. (29538) " British Official Catalogue. London, [1900]. 8. 336pp. (27818) Report oE H.M's. Commission, etc. London, 1901. 2 vols. 8. (27807) The Royal Pavilion. [With reproductions of specimens of British paintings of the eighteenth century.] By I. Spielcoann. London, [1901]- fol. 152pp. Ipl. (28169) Deutsche Ge&ellichaft fiir Mechanik, etc. Special Catalogue of the Joint Exhibition of German Mechanicians and Opticians. Berlin, 1900. 4. 254 pp. (27317) Finland Commission. Notices sur la Finlande, publie'es a 1'occ.ision de 1'Exposition ... en 1900. Helsingfors, 1900. opts. 8. (27833) Finland Geological Commission. Catalogue d'une Collection de cartes geVilogiques, roches, etc. expose . . . dans le Pavilion Fin- landais sum d'un apeicn de la gdologie de la Finhnde. Helsingfors, 1900. sm. 8. 84 pp. (27834) German Commission, Official Catalogue Exhibition of tbe German Empire. [Berlin, 1900.] 4. 424 pp. (27832) Noiioegian Commission. La Norvege a 1'Exposition Univereelle de 1900. Catalogue special. Redig6 par K. V. Hammer. Kristiania, 1900. obi. 12. 130 pp. (27835) Russian Commission. La Russio a la fin du 19e Siecle. [Edition Francaise par A. Raffalovitch . et P. Apostol.] Paris, 1900. 8. 1010 pp. (27838) United States Commission. Report. Washington, 1901. 6 vols. 8. (2839-1) (Appendix.) See BERTIN, L. E. Les Marines de guerre a 1'Expasition, etc. 1902. 8. (28326) See BOUCHERS, W. Die Elektrochemie . . . auf der Weltausstellung, etc. .1901. 8. (27548) Paris Universal Exhibition, 1900 cont. Sec BOUTTE, . Leu GeneVateurs de Vapeur a 1'Exposition, etc. 1901. 8 C . and fol. atlas. (28328) See BOUTTE, . Le materiel . . . de 1'exploit- ation des Mines a. 1'Expoiition, etc. 1902. 8. and fol. (28329) See BCCIIETTI, J. Les Tutbines nctuelles et a 1'Exposition, etc. 1900 4. and fol. atlas. (27336) See CHEMIXS DE FER DE L'OUBST. Notice sur lo materiel, etc. prdseates a 1'Expocition de 1900. 4. (28719) See CUREY, C., and PES*EAUD, J. L'Artillerie a 1'Exposition, etc. 1903. 8. (30146) See DECRESSAIN, P. L'Horloaerie dlectrique a 1'Expositinn, etc. [1903.] 8. (30340) See DEERINT. HARVKSTER Co. Official retro- spective exhibition of the development of harvesting machinery for the Paris Exposition, 1900. 8. (28094) See DELESSARD, E. L'industrie des Matieres Textiles a 1'Exposition, etc. 1902. 8. and fol. atlas. (28334) See EUDE, E. Histoire dooumentaire de la Me"canique franchise. 1902. 8. (29609) See FERRAND, A. Les Dynamos ... a l'Expositioo,te. 1902. 8. and fol. atlas. (28344) See FRANCE : Ministere de la Guerre. Com- mission militiire de 1'Expnsition de 1900. Rapport. 1902. 4 vols. 8. (29918) See GRUNDKE, H. Laudwirtschaftliche Mas- cbinen,ec. auf der Weltausstellung, etc. 1902. 4. (31221) See HABETS, A. Le materiel des Mines. (Expo- sition Universelle cte Paris, 1900.) 1904. 8. (31515) See HATON DE LA GOUPILLIERE, J. N. La M^oanique a 1'Exposition de 1900. fol. (27147) See HENRIVAUX, J. La Verrerie a 1'Exposition, etc. 1902. 8. (28348) See HORSIN-DBON, P. Li Sucrerie a 1'Exposi- tion, etc. 1902. 8. (28350) See HOSPITALIER, E., and MONTPELLIER, J. A. L'Electricite" a 1'Exposition, etc. 1900-02. 3 vols. fol. (27149) See LAUR, F. Les Mines et la M<5tallurgie a 1'Exposition, etc. 1900-01. 6 volg. 8. (29159) See LELEU, V. Armes a feu portatives de guerre. 1902 8. (29057) See REICHEL, E. Der Turbine:>bau auf der Weltau98tellung, etc. 1902. 4. (29023) See SARTIAUX, E., and ALIAMET, M. Principales d^couvertes, etc., concernant 1'Electricit^ de 1562 ii 1900. Monographic du Mus^e retrospectif Franrais de 1'^lectricite a 1'Exposition, etc. 1903. 8. (30350) See TBOUVE, G. Exposition Univ. de 1900. Comment d'Exposant enthousiaste on arrive a ne plusexposer. [1900.] 8. (26773) Die Weltausstellung in Paris 1900. Von W. Gentsch. See VEREIN ZUR BEFOHDEKTTNG DES GEWERBFLEISSFS. Verhandlungen. Jabrg. 79. pp. 173-183. B 67 P : ( Congnstei.) Proces verbaux sommaires. (Min. du Commerce, etc.) Paris, 1900-02. 61 pts. in 4 vols. 8. (29539) Congres International d? Aquiculture et de Peche, 1900. M^moiresetComptes-rendusdesSeances publics par J. PeVard et M. Maire. (Ministere du Commerce, etc.) Parts, 1901. 8. 44 +602 pp. 10 pi. (28332) 535 PARI] [PARL Paris Universal Exhibition, 1900 cont. Congres International de la Ramie, 1900. -- La Ramie, culture, preparation, utilisation in- dustrielle. Paris, 1901. 8. 108 pp. (27786) - Congres International de Mecanique appliquee. -- Rapports, etc. Parts, 1900-01. 3 vols. 4. (27340) Conyres International des metliodes d'essai des materiaux de Construction. -- Communications, etc. Paris, 1901. 4 vols. in three, fol. (27701) 1 Congres International des Mines et de la Metal- lurgie. -- Rapports. See SocifcTti DE ^'INDUSTRIE MINERALS : Bulletin. 1900-01. G 64 : 855 3e Sdrie. Tome 14-15, - Congres International pour I'unification du nume- rotage des fils, 1900. -- Compte Rendu in extenso par F. Roy. Paris. 1901. 8. 116 pp. (27973) (Permanent Congresses.) - See CONGRES INTERNATIONAL, etc., DU CARBURE, etc. 3e Congres. Paris, 1900. 8. (27195) Paris, John Ayrton, M.D. - See PHILOSOPHY. Philosophy ia Sport, etc. [By J. A. P.] 6th ed. 1846. sm. 8. (29790) - A memoir on the Physiology of the Egg. London, 1810. 8. 28 pp. (34419) - On the Accidents which occur in the mines of Cornwall in consequence of the premature explosion of Gunpowder in blasting rocks, and on the methods . . . for preventing it, by the introduction of a safety bar, and . . . the shifting cartridge. Penzance, [1817]. 2 pts. 8. (34418) Park, James. - The Cyanide process of Gold extraction. 2nd ed. Auckland, N.Z., 1896. 8; (1844) - The same. English ed. from the 3rd ed. pub- lished in New Zealand. London. 1900. sm. 8. 136 pp. 9 pi. (27030) - The same. 3rd English ed. London. 1904. 8. 204 pp. 10 pi. (30440) - Die Cyankalium-Laugung von Golderzen, James Park's "Cyanide process of Gold extraction," frei bearbeitet, etc., von E. Victor. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1902. sm. 8. 214 pp. 15 pi. (28198) -- A text-book of Mining Geology. London. 1906. 8. 230 pp. (32678) Parker, Edward C. - The cost of producing Farm Products. Methods of investigation. Cost of growing Minnesota field crops, 1902-04. By W. M. Hays and E. C. P. 90 pp. 4 pi. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Statistics. Bulletin 48. J 29 St : b Parker, J. Gordon. - The causes of decay in Bookbinding Leather. See LIBRARY ASSOCIATION : Sound Leather Com- mittee. Leather for libraries. 1905. 8. pp. 15-28. (31430) Parker, John Henry. - See GLOSSARY. A glossary of terms used in Grecian, etc., Architecture. [By J. H. P.] 2nded. 1838. 8. (876) - The same. 5th ed. 1850. 3 vols. 8. (29155) Parkes, , Mrs. . See WEBSTER, T., and PARKES, Mrs. An encyclo- paedia of domestic economy. New ed. 1847. b. (36569) Parlies, Josiah, ('.{:. Fallacies on Land-drainage exposed. London, 1851. 8. 16 pp. 1 pi. (32642) Parlies, Louis Coltman, M.D., and Kenwood, H. Hygiene and Public Health. London, 1901. sm. 8. 742 pp. (27513) Parkes, Samuel, F.L.S. Chemical Essays, principally relating to the arts and manufactures of the British Dominions. London, 1815. 5 vols. 12. (19960) 2nd ed. London, 1823. 2 vols. 8. The same. (726) The same. London, 1830. The same. London, 1841. 3rd ed. By J. W. Hodgette. 1. 670pp. 14 pi. (22022) 4th ed. By J. W. Hodgetts. 1. 670pp. 14 pi. (19999) A letter to the Farmers and Graziers of Great Britain to explain the advantages of using Salt in the various branches of agriculture, etc. 2nd ed. London, 1819. 8. 96 pp. (699) A letter to Farmers and Graziers on the advan- tages of using Salt in agriculture and in feeding cattle. 4th ed. London, 1819. 8. 108 pp. (34085) The rudiments of Chemistry ; illustrated by experiments. London, 1810. 12. 306 pp. 8 pi. (38801) The same. 4th ed. London, 1826. 12. 380 pp. Ipl. (102; Thoughts on the laws relating to Salt ; with arguments for the repeal of those laws. London, 1817. 8. 230 pp. (34084) Parkin, John, M.D. The prevention and treatment of disease in the Potato and other crops. London, 1847. 8. 84 pp. (35983) Parkinson, James. Hints for the improvement of Trusses. London, 1802. S 3 . 22 pp. 1 pi. (36511) Parkinson, Joseph Chas. The Ocean Telegraph to India. Edinburgh, 1870. 8. 340pp. 10 pi. (33443) Parkinson, Richard Marion. Light Railway construction. London, 1902. 8. 256 pp. (28966) Parlatore, Philippe. MtSmoire sur le Papyrus des Anciens et sur les Papyrus de Sicile. 1854. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Me'm. par divers Savans . . . 2e Sdtie. Tome 12. pp. 469-500. 2 pts. B 28 : 750 Farlee, Norman W. See SANDERS, W. E., and others. Mine timber- ing. 1907. 8. (36295) Parliament. (Billt, Acts, Rules, etc.) Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes. A.D. 1235-1895. [13th ed.] London, 1896. 2 vols. 8. BF02 The same. A.D. 1235-1906. 22nd ed. London, 1907. 2 vols. 8. B F 02 The same. A.D. 1235-1908. 24th ed. London, 1909. 2 vols. 8. BF02 536 PARL1 [PARL Parliament emit. Statutory Rules and Orders other than those of a local, personal or temporary character . . . with a list of .statutory orders of a local character arranged in classes, an Appendix of certain Orders in Council, etc. 1908, etc. London, [1908, etc.]. 8. BF03 Copyright. Collection of Bills, Acts, etc., relating to Artistic and Literary Copyright. London, 1900, etc. fol. (^6989) Cutlery. An act [1624. Anno 21 Jac. No. 31] for the good order and governemt. of the makers of knives, sickles, sheercs, sissers, and other cutlery wares in Hallamsbire in the Countie of Yorke, etc. [London, reprinted, 18 ?] 8. 6 pp. (30372) Siil-Cloth. [Collection of acti relating to the protection, etc., of the sail-cloth industry in Great Britain. 1713-51. [London.] sm. fol. (30520) (Reportt, including minutes of evidence, etc.) Accidents to Railway servants, etc. E.G. Report, etc. London, 1900. fol. 380 pp. (26714) Agricultural Produce (Marks) Bill. S.O. Report, etc. 'London, 1897. fol. 248 pp. (17343) Agricultural depression. R.C. on Agriculture. Report 1-3, etc. Reports of Assistant Commis- sioners. 18 pts. London, 1894-98. 26 pts. fol. (23617) Arsenical poisoning from beer. R.C. Report, etc. London, 1901-04. 4 pts. fol. (28220) Arts and Manufactures, Design in. S.C. Report, etc. London, 1835-36. 2 yols. fol. (30559) Boiler registration and inspection. S.C. Report, etc. London, 1900. fol. 288 pp. (27737) Butter trade. S.C. Report, etc. London, 1906. fol. 582 pp. (32874) Canals and Waterways of the United Kingdom. R.C. Report, etc. London, 1906, etc. fol. (33696) Cattle plague. R.C. Report 1-3, etc. London, 1865-66. 3To!s. fol. (25575) Coal supplies. R.C. Report 1-3, etc. London, 1903-05. 3 vols. fol. (29985) See COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Digest of the evidence given before the Royal Commission on coal supplies. 1905-07. 3 vols. eq. 8. (31279) Coast Erosion and the reclamation of Tidal lands in the United Kingdom. R.C. Report 1, etc. London, 1907, etc. fol. (35555) In progress. Copyright. Copyright Bill [H.L.] and the Copyright (Amendment) Bill [ELL.]. Report,efc. London, 1898. fol. 296 pp. (25994) Electrical Energy (Generating Stations and supply). Joint Select Committee. Report, etc. London, 1898. fol. 202 pp. (25996) S.C. [H.L.]. Report on supply of Electricity Bill. London, 1904. fol. 126 pp. (30836) Explosives. S.C. Report, etc. London, 1874. fol. 470 pp. (29357) Fine Arts [in connexion with the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament]. S.C. Report, etc. London, 1841. fol. 104 pp. (30560) Report 1-13. London, 1842-63. 13 pts. fol. (30556) Fisheries (United Kingdom). Committee on Fishery investigations. Minutes of evidence, and Appendices. London, 1908. fol. 576 pp. (37227) Gas (Metropolis). S.C. Report on Gas light establishments. [Report of Royal Society, 1814 . . . and of the person appointed to inspect the Gas light establishments in the Metropolis, 1822.] London, 1823. fol. 90 pp. (33965) 34222 .537 Parliament cont. S.C. Reports, etc. London, 1858-60. 3 pts. fol. (33966) S.O. Report on the London (City) Corporation Gas Bill, etc. London, 1866. 2 pts. fol. (37098) S.C. Special report. London, 1867. 2 pts. fol. (37100) Health of Towns Committee, 1844-45. See WICKSTEED, T. Analysis of the evidence in favour of the constant supply system, given before the Health of Towns Commissioners. 1846. 8. (33507) Hops. S.C. Report on the Hop Industry, etc, London, 1908. fol. 644 pp. 2 pi. (37233) House of Commons (Ventilation and lighting). S.C. Reports. London, 1852. 8. 702 pp. (37097) S.O. Report on House of Commons (Ventila- tion), etc. London, 1903. 2 pts. fol. (30832) [i.] Report, etc., by Dr. M. H. Gordon. 1905. [ii.] Report, etc., of the Committee appointed to investigate and advise the First Commissioner of Works on the question of improving the ventilation of the House of Commons. 1906. [iii.] Report by Dr. M. H. Gordon, on an investigation of the Ventilation of the Debating Chamber of the House of Commons. 1906. London, 1905-06. 3 pts. fol. (33695) India. Report on Sanitary measures in India. Vol. 8. 1874, etc. London, 1876, etc. fol. 198 pp. H 22/874. Ireland. Arterial drainage. Vice-regal Com- mission. Report, etc. Dublin, 1907. 2 vols. in one. fol. (35561) Inland Fisheries. Report of the Commissioners. With Appendices 1-3. Dublin, 1901. 4 pts. fol. (28215) Railways. Vice-regal Commission. Reports. Dublin, 1907, etc. fol. (35560) London, Port. R.C. Report [on] the admini- stration of the Port of London. London, 1902. 3 vols. fol. (28714) London traffic. R.C. Report upon the means of locomotion and transport in London. London, 1905-06. 8 vols. fol. (31672) See also MEIK, C. S., and BEER, W. Proposed London main avenues. 1904. obi. fol. (8079) S.C. Report etc. on Cabs and Omnibuses (Metropolis) Bill. London, 1906. fol. 338 pp. (32875) London Underground Railways. Joint Salect Committee Report, etc. London, 1901. fol. 460pp. (28219) Mines. R. C. Reports, etc. London, 1907, etc. fol. (35556) R. C. Reports . . . into the ventilation of Coal mines and the methods of examining for Firedamp . . . by J. Cadman and E. B. Whalley. London, 1909. 112pp. 40 pi. (38402) Motor Cars. R. C. Report, etc. London, 1906-07. 2rols. fol. (32622) North Sea Fishery Investigations. Reports of British Delegates attending the International Con- ferences. London, 1903, etc. fol. (29984) Official Publications, etc. 8. C. Report, etc. London, 1906. fol. 202pp. (32876) Patent Law. R. C. Minutes of evidence, etc. [London, 1863.] fol. 418 pp. 1 pi. Advance copy with MS. contents list, etc. (10642) Petroleum. 8. C. Report, etc. London, 1894-98. 4 vols. fol. (24993) 3 Y PAUL] [FARM Parliament cont. Postage Stamps. [H. Archers' Patent for per- forating postage stamps, No. 12,340 of 1848.] S. C. Report, etc. London, 1852. 8. 274 pp. (28102) Radio-Telegraphy. 8. 0. Report, etc. on Radio- Telegraphic Convention. London, 1907. fol. 436 pp. (35559) See also CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DE LA TELfeaRAPHIE SANS FIL. Railways. Gauge Commission. Sec SIDNEY, S. The history, etc., of the railway system, illustrated by the evidence given before the Gauge Commis- sion. 2nded. 1846. 8. (33089) Rivers Pollution. R. C. Report 1-3. (1, Thames ; 2, Lee ; 3, Aire and Calder.) London, 1866-67. 6vols. fol. (26711) Royal National Lifeboat Institution. S. C. Report, etc. London, 1897. fol. 1044 pp. (25627) Salt. S. C. Report on the use of rock salt in the fisheries, etc. London, 1817. fol. 44 pp. (33967) Sanitary Commission, 1869. R. C. Report, etc. 1-2. London, 1870-74. 3 vols. fol. (29356) Scotland ; Ordnance Survey. S. C. Report, etc. London, 1851. 8. 356 pp. (37096) Roads. Report of the Commissioners for in- quiring into matters relating to public roads in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1859. 2 vols. 8. (37095) Sewage disposal. Metropolitan Sewage Manure. S. C. Report, etc. [London, 1846.] fol. 192 pp. (29981) R. C. [appointed 1908]. Reports, etc. London, 1902, etc. fol. (28715) ' Spirits. Report[s] respecting Scotch Distillery duties and Distilleries in Scotland, etc. [London,! 1798-99. 2 vols. fol. (37228) British and Foreign. S. C. Report, etc. London, [1891. Reprinted,] 1908. fol. 176 pp. (37232) (Whiskey, etc.) &. C. Interim Report, etc. London, 1908, etc. fol. (37086) Steam Engines, etc. S. C. Report, etc. [London, 1819.] 'fol. 24pp. 9 pi. (29983) S. C, Report and special report ... on Steam engines and boilers (persona in charge) Bill. London, 1901. fol. 264 pp. 3 pi. (28218) Telephones. S. C. Report, etc. London, 1898. fol. 696pp. (25997) Tonnage. Report, etc. . . . [on] the present operation of the law for the measurement of Tonnage. London, 1881-82. 2 vols. 8. (29358) Trade Marks Bill. S. C. Report, etc. London. 1905. fol. 222pp. (37225) Tuberculosis (effect of food derived from tuberculous animals on health.) R. C. Report, etc London, 1895. 2 pts. fol. (25993) (administrative procedures for controlling danger to man throngh the use as food of the meat and milk of tnbercutous animals.) R. C. Report, etc. London, 1898. 2 pts. fol. (25568) (relations of human and animal tuberculosis.) R. C. Interim report 1-2. London, 1904, etc. fol. (35557) Unseaworthy ships. R. C. Report. See HOWELL, G. The Royal Comm. on unseaworthy ships. An examination of the Reports, etc. 1874 8. (36633) Parliament cont. (Light load line.) S. C. [H. L.] Report, etc. London, 1903. fol. 392 pp. 6 pi. (29980) Vivisection. R. C. Report, etc. London, 1907, etc. fol. (35558) Water Supply (Metropolis) R. C. Report, etc. London, WOO. 4 vols. fol. (27399) London Water Supply. Joint Select Committee Reports, etc. ... on London Water Bill. London, 1902. fol. 710 pp. (29367) West Indies. R. C. Report, etc. London, 1897. 4 vols. fol. (25564) Wireless telegraphy. See Radio-telegraphy, above Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues of the Crown. Report 1-17. London, 1787-93. 17 pts. in 2 vols. fol. (33691) (Ret urni.) Channel Tunnel, etc. Correspondence. London, 1875. fol. 80pp. 5 pi. (30596) Parloa, Maria. Canned Fruit, preserves, and jellies : household methods of preparation. 1904. 32 pp. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Farmers' Bulletin 203. J 29 Fa : Parmontier, Antoine Augustin. See LABORIE, , and others. Observations sur les Fosses d'Aisance. 1778. sm. 8. (34761) [Art de faire les Vinaigres.] See ROZIER, F., and others. Le parfait vigneron. 1811. 4. pp. 351-75. (32897) L'art de faire les Eaux-de-vie, d'apres la doctrine de M. Chaptal ; ou 1'on trouve les proce'des de Rozier, pour economiser la depense de leur distilla- tion . . . Suivi de 1'art de faire les Yinaigres, etc. Paris, 1819. 8. 210 pp. 5 pi. (34175) Avis aux bonnes me'nageVes des villes et des campagnes sur la meilleure maniere de faire leur pain. [Paris, Impr. Roy., 1777.] 8. 108 pp. (34696) Expediences et reflexions relatives a 1'Analyse du Bled et des Farinea. Paris, 1776. 8. 198 pp. (34699) Instruction sur les moyens de supplier le Sucre dans les principaux usages qu'on en fait pour la me'decine et 1'economie domestique. Paris, 1808. 8. 96 pp. (34899) Maniere de faire le Pain de Pommes de Terre, sans melange de farine. Paris, Impr. Roy., 1779. 8. 56pp. (34697) MSmoire . . . sur . . . le meilleur proce'de' de conaerver le mai's ou bl(5 de Tnrquie, etc. Bordeaux, 1785. 4. 108 pp. 1 pi. (34922) Nouvel apercn des resultats obtenns de la fabri- cation des Sirops et Conserves de Raisins . . . avec des reflexions gone'rales concernant lea sirops et les sucres extraits des autres vegrtaux indigenes. Paris, 1813. 8. 438 pp. 4 pi. (34898) Le parfait Boulanger, etc. Paris, 1778. 8 692pp. (34177) Recherches sur les Ve'ge'taux nourriasans, qui, dans les temps de disette, peuvent remplacer lea alimens ordinaires, etc. Paris, 1781. 8. 616pp. 1 pi. (33800) TraitS de la Chataigne. Bastia, 1780. 8. 186 pp. (34698') TraitS sur rait de fabriqner les Sirops et les Conserves de Raisins, etc. 3s ed. Paris, 1810. 8. 388pp. (33799) 538 FARM] [PARS Parmentier, Antoine Augastin cotil. and Ddyoux. N. PrtSeis d'experiences et observations sur les diffiSrentes especes de Lait, consider^es dans leurs rapports avec la chimie, la medecine et I'economie rarale. Stratbourg, An 7, [1809]. 8' 428 pp. (34176) and others. TraitS ... snr la culture des Grains, suivi de 1'art de faire le Pain ... Les principes gne>aux de Rozier, Fabroni, Duhamel, Tail, A. Young, sur la culture des terres, les moyens de se procurer les meilleures rtScoltes en froment, seigle. avoine, orge. mais, riz, etc. Augment^ des notes etc., par J. C. Gallet. Paris, An 10, 1802. 2vols. 8. (34339) (Appendix.) See BALLAND, A. La Chimie Alimentaire dans 1'ceuvre de Parmentier. 1902. 8. (28368) See CADET DE GASSICOORT, C. L. F. Eloge d'A. A. Parmentier. 1814. 8. (34857) Farnlckc, A. Die maschinellen Hilfsmittel der chemischen Technilt. Frankfurt-a.M., 1894. 8. 328 pp. (24196) The same. 3teAufl. Leipzig, 1905. 8. 514pp. (31448) Parodl, Lorenzo. Die Schwefelindustrie Siciliens. A us dem Be- richt des L. Parodi im Anszuge mitgetheilt von A. Barbaglia. Aus dem Italienischen von A. W. H[ofmann]. 1873. See VIENNA UNIV. EXHIBI- TION, 1873, German Comm. Amtlicher-Bericht. Band 3. Abt. 1. 8. pp. 144-153. (17109) Parow, Edmund. Handbuch der Kartoffeltrocknerei. Berlin, 1907. 8. 218 pp. 9 pi. (33922) Parr, Alfred. Machine Tools and Workshop practice. London, 1905. 8. 468 pp. 8 pi. (31365) Parr, Geo. Dudley Aspinall. See LUPTON, A., and others. Electricity as applied to Mining. 1903. 8. (29493) Electrical Engineering in theory and practice. London, 1906. 8 s . 458pp. (32493) Electrical Engineering Measuring Instruments. London, 1903. 8 s . 336 pp. (29464) Electrical Engineering Testing. London, 1902. 8. 482 pp. (28967) Parr, Sam. Wilson, and Francis, C. K. The modification of Illinois Coal by low tem- perature distillation. 1908. 48 pp. See ILLINOIS (Univ.): Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 24. E 12 : 904 and Hamilton, N". D. The weathering of Goal. 1907. 38 pp. See ILLINOIS (Univ.): Engineering Expt. Station. Bulletin 17. E 12 : 904 Parra, N. Pistolets automatiques. 1899. See REVUE D'ARTILLERIE. Tome 54. pp. 45-63 ; 139-158 ; 240-61. pi. 1-3 and 6. P 94 : 872 Parry, Ernest John. . ., The chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial Perfumes. London, 1899. 8. 420 pp. (26871) S4223 539 Parry, Ernest John cont. and Coste, J. H. The chemistry of Pigments. London, 1902. 8 J . 288 pp. (28268) Parry, L. The assay of Tin and Antimony. 2nd ed. London, 1906. 8. 50 pp. (33849) Notes on Alloys. London, [1906]. 8. 64 pp. (38952) Systematic treatment of Metalliferous Waste. London, [1909]. 8. 122 pp. 1 pi. (38468) Parry, Leonard A., M.D. The risks and dangers of various occupations and their prevention. London, 1900. 8. 196 pp. (27054) Parry, Tbos. Gambier. Report on Mosaic and Glass Painting in the International Exhibition, 1871. See LONDON IN- TEKNAT. EXHIBITION, 1871. Official Reports. Vol. 1. pt. 1. pp. 43-53. (15691) Parsell, Henry V. A., Junr., and Weed, A. J. Gas Engine construction . . . and the design, etc. of a half horse power gas engine. London, 1900. 8. 296 pp. (27210) Parseval, A. von, Major. Motorballon und Flugmaschine. Wiesbaden, 1908. 8. 40 pp. (38083) Parsey, Arthur. Compressed Air Power and the patented com- pressed air engine. [Letters Patent Nos. 8093 of 1839, and 10,352 of 1844.] London, 1851. 12. 24 pp. 1 pi. (32987) Parsb.aH, Horace Field, and Robart, H. M. Electric Generators. London, 1900. 4. 396pp. (27283) Electric Machine design. Revised ed. of " Electric generators." London, 1906. 4. 602 pp. 16 pi. (32985) Electric Railway Engineering. London, 1907. 8. 500 pp. 51 pi. (33250) Parsons, lion. Chas Algernon. The progress of the Steam Turbine. 1897. 30 pp. See INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol.9. Paper 69. F 81 : 889 Parsons, Chas. Lathrop. The chemistry and literature of Beryllium. Easton, Pa., [1909]. 8. 186 pp. (38694) Parsons, Floyd W. See ENGINEERING! AND MINING JOURNAL. Coal mining. Compiled by F. W. P. 1908. 4". (35889) Parsons, H. de B. The disposal of Municipal Refuse. New York, 1906. 8. 196pp. 4 pi. (33185) Steam-Boilers : their theory and design. London, 1903. 8. 388pp. (30441) Parsons, Hon. Richard Clere. The history and theoretical laws of Centrifugal Pumps. Ex : " Proc. Inst. C.E.," Vol. 47. London, 1877. 8. 18pp. Ipl. (29816) Parsons, S. Jones. Malleable Cast Iron. London, 1909. 8. 184 pp. (38989) Parsy, P. Notice sur le Remiss ige Industriel. Lille, 1886. 8. 14pp. Ipl. (34900) 3 Y 2 PART] [PATE Partlngrton, Chas. Frederick. See FERGUSON, J. Lectures on Electricity. New ed., by C. F. P. 1825. 8. (36589) The Builder's complete guide. ("Mechanic's Gallery of Science and Art," Vol. 1. pp. 289-592. 5 pi.) London, 1825. 8. (38802) Parton, James. Captains of industry. 1st and 2nd Series. Boston, [1884-91]. 2 vols. sm. 8. (36163) Partrldg-e, Setb. The description and use of an instrument, called the Double Scale of Proportion. London, 1692. 8. 192 pp. 3 pi. (38198) Partsch, Paul. See VIENNA : K. K. Hof-Mineralien-Cabinet in Wien. KatalogderBibliothek. Von P. P. 1851. 8. (38179) Parville, Fra^ois Henri Peudefer de. Rapport sur le nouveau proc^d^ de Dragage, Curage, et Assainissement des Ports de MM. Vergniais et Cheron. Paris, 1867. 8. 50 pp. (34784) Parvllle, Henri de. See PARVILLE, Francois Henri Peudefer de. Parzei'-Miihlbacher, Alfred. Die modernen Sprechmaschinen (Phonograph, Graphophon und Grammophon), deren Behand- lung und Anwendung. Wien, [1902?]. sm. 8. 122 pp. (28436) Pascal, Blaise. (Biographical.) See BOSSUT, C. Me'moires de Mathematique?. pp. 305-397. Discours sur la vie et les ouvrages deP. 8. (34503) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collec- tion, etc. fol. (12166) Pascaud, V., M.D. La Couveuse artificielle chez les nouveau-neV. (These.) Paris, 1899. 8. 80 pp. (26262) Paschen, E. Die Kosten des Bremsens von Eisenbahnziigen. 1894. See VEREIN ZUR BEFORDERUNO DES GEWERB- FLEI3SES. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 73. pp. 385- 394. 1 pi. B 67 P : Pasley, Sir Chas. Wm. Capt. Sandham's mode of curing or improving Smoky Chimneys, etc. 1838. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Papers. Vol. 2. pp. 251-262. F 90 : 844. The exercise of Military Bridges of Casks [Chatham], 1822. 8. lithogr. 50 pp. (34153) Exercise of the new decked Pontoons, or double Canoes. Chatham, 1823. 8. lithogr. 74 pp. (34L52) . Observations on Limes, calcareous cements, etc. London; 1838. 8. 362+124 pp. (6351) The same. 2nd ed. Pt. 1. London, 1847. 8. 224 pp. (36557) . Pasley, T. H. A treatise on Heat, Flame, and Combustion. London, [Chatham, printed], 1820. 8. 86 pp. (28880) Pasquier- Vauvillicrs, . Arsenaux et e"tablissements de la marine mili- taire. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 66. Sect. 6. pp. 467-481. 8. (13828) Pasquler-VauvilHers, . cont. Gales et bassins de Radoub, Docks fiottants, etc. 1868. Ibid. Classe 66. Sect 1. pp. 357-371. 8. (13828) Passaro, Enrico. Fisica e Metereologia dell 'Agriculture. Di F. Contarino e E. P. 1885, etc. See PALMERI, P., and PEPE, M. Scienza, etc., dell'Agricoltura. Vol. 1. Parte 1. 8. (23013) Pasacdoit, B. Notice sur les Instruments et Machines Agri- coles construits dans les ateliers de Saumnr et a Cholet. Angers, 1859. 8. 52 pp. (34590) Passemant, Claude-Simon. See CONSTRUCTION d'un Telescope de Reflexion de seize pouces de longueur, etc. [Par C. S. P.] 1738. 4. (34707) Description et usage des Telescopes, Micro- scopes, ouvrages et inventions de Passemant. Revus et augmented par ses eleves et successeurs. Paris, [1763]. 12. 116pp. Ipl. (35468) Passer!, Giovanni Battista. letoria delle Pitture in Majolica fatte in Pesaro. [Ed. G. I. Montanari.] 1838. See VANZOLINI, G. Istorie delle fabbricbe di majolicbe Metaurensi. Vol.1, pp. 1-101. 1879. 8. (30355) Passmorc, Augustine C. Sand and Clay : their analysis and physical pro- perties. London, 1907. sm. 8. 48 pp. (34959) Passow, Hermann. See MlTTEILUNGEN AUS DER CHEMI8CH-TECH- NISCHEN VERSUCHSSTATIOS VON H. P. IN BLANK- ENESE. 1904, etc. E 5 : 904 Die Hochofenschlacke in der Zementindustrie. Wiirzburg, 1908. 4. 76 pp. 3 pi. (35721) Pasteur, Louis. See ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE. Annales scientiBques. Ed. L. P. 1864-70. B29E : 864 (Biographical.) - [Memoir, by P. F. Frankland.] 1897. 62 pp. See CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Memorial Lectures. 1893-1900. 8. (30007) See BOUTET, J. F. Pasteur et ses Sieves. 1898. sm. 8 3 . (25671) . See FRANKLAND, P. F., and G. C. Pasteur 1898. sm. 8. (25717) See VALLERY-RADOT, R. La vie de Pasteur. 1900. 8. (27565) Pastoralista' Review, (The). Vol. 19, 'etc. Melbourne, 1909, etc. J 8 : 909 Publication: Monthly. Pastrovich, P. See BENEDIKT, R. Analyse der Fette und Wachsarten. 5te Aufl. von F. Ulzer, P. P., etc. 1908. 8. (36369) Patent and Trade Mark Review. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1902, etc. 8. B I 70a Publication : Monthly. Editors: Richards & Co, 1902-Nov. 19,1906 ; W.W. White, Dec., 1906, etc. Patent Gas Company, ltd. Report of T. W. Keates and Prof. W. Odling, on experiments upon Dr. Eveleigh's patent system of manufacturing Gas, with the remarks of the Company's Consulting Engineer, T. R. Mellor. [Letters Patent No. 443 of 1871.] London, [1X221. 8. 44pp. (38106) . 540 PATE] [PATE Patent Indented Steel Bar Co., Xitd. - Indented Steel Bars for all systems of Rein- forced Concrete construction. London, [1906], obi. 8. 210 pp. (32421) Patent Office, Great Britain, etc. \ AV... ini'l Rtffulatiom.) > - Patent rules, 1903. (2) Patent Rules, 1905. London, 1903-04. 8. 2 pts. (18657) - The Patent rules, 1908. [London,'] 1907. 8. 78 pp. (35391) - The Designs rules, 1908. [London, 1907.] 8. 51 pp. (35392) - Tr rade Marks. Guide to the classification of goods under the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Acts, 1883-1888. London, 1901. 8. 16 pp. (28119) - Trade mark rule?, 1906. [2. Instructions to persons who wish to register trade marks, 1906.] London, 1906. 8. 97 pp. (32558) (Specification!, etc.) - Copies of Letters Patent, etc., not included in the Official Series. (A.D. 1554, etc.) MS. fol. (37087) In progress. - List [of Prices] of printed Specifications of Patents enrolled under the Old Law. [With] List of Prices of Speci8cations, 1852-1866. [London, 186 ?] 8. (1986) ' (Applications for Patents.) - Chronological List of patent applications not included in the Official Series of Letters Patent, compiled from the Home Office Warrants for the preparation of hills under the Great Seal from 24th April, 1783-24th July, 1834. MS. (37756) In progress. (Indexw.) - Subject-matter Index. Old Law 1617-1852. [Examiners' revision, prepared from the specifica- tions but unfinished.] MS. fol. 58 pts. + 4 vols. portfolio, General Index and Key. (13946) - The same. 17 Specimen classes. [London, 1881-83.] 4. [144pp.] (37171) (Claitifieation.) - Abridgment Class and Index Key. 1899. With Appendix, Jone, 1905. London, 1899- 1905. 2 pts. 8. (35523) (Abridgments.) Abridgments of Patent Specifications. (Sab- divided and re-arranged. Experimental volumes.) 1877-96. (27322) Class 7. Air and Gas Engines. Sub-class Carburet- ting-apparatus. .. 9. Ammunition. Sub-class Explosives. 9. Ammunition. Sub-class Torpedoes and Explosive mines. 28. Cooking. (10 Sub-classes.) ., 51. Furnaces. Sub-class Gas producers or generators. 51. Furnaces. Sub-class Liquid and gaseous fuel fittings. 51. Furnaces. Sub-class Smoke preventing and consuming in furnaces and kilns. 52. Furniture and Upholstery. Sub-class Castors. 81. Medicine, etc. Sub-class Dentistry. 81. Medicine, etc. Sub-class Disinfecting, inhaling and vaporising. 103. Railway and Tramway Vehicles. Sub- class Automatic couplings.* "* This vol. covers 1854-68 and 1877-96. Patent Office, Great Britain, etc. cunt. (Library.) Chronological list of works and papers relating to bleaching, printing and dyeing fabrics, etc. [Appendix B to Abridgments of Specifications " Dyeing, Calico-printing, etc." No. 14. pp. 705-22.] London, 1859. 12. Interleaved with MS. addition and continued to 1874. (7608) -- Collection of Foreign and Colonial Laws re- lating to Industrial Property (Patents, Trade- marks, Designs, and Merchandise Marks). Laws in force, fol. (10629) -- Collection of Foreign and Colonial Laws re- lating to Industrial Property (Patents, Trade-marks, Designs, and Merchandise Marks). Laws not in force, fol. (10630) -- List of applications for Prolongation and Extension of term of Letters Patent, A.D. 1688, etc. (2) List of applications for Confirmation of Letters Patent, A.D. 1794, eta. Excerpta and MS. 8. (26940) Extracted from the Commissioners of Patents Journal, etc, -- Registers (Green Series) of stages of progress of Letters Patent from Application to Seal. 1884, etc. fol. -- Registers (Red Series) of payments of renewal fees, prolongation of patents and voids. 1860, etc. 8. and fo). The 8. series consists of copies of the Chronological Indexes and Chronological and descriptive Indexes 1866-1876, posted up from the " Commissioners of Patents Journal." -- Library Guides. ( Contents.) (1) Key to the Classification of French Patent Specifications. [1899.] 32pp. (26957) . (1) 2nd ed. Key to the Classifications of the Patent Specifications of France. Germany, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Switzerland. 1905. 208 pp. (85998) (2) Subject list of works on Photography, etc. 1900. 62 pp. (26997) (2) 2nd ed. Subject list of works on the Fine and Graphic Arts, (including Photography), etc. 1904. 374 pp. (32559) (3) Subject list of works on the laws of Industrial Property (Patents, Designs and Trade Marks) and Copyright. 1900. 82 pp. (27479) Superseded. See New Series BF BL, below. (4) Guide to the Search Department of the Patent Office Library, with a dictionary of " Trade or Fancy "words. 1901. 100pp. (27531) (4) 2nded. 1903. 126pp. (30565) (4) 3rd ed. 1908. 162 pp. (36001) ('<) Key to the Classification of the Patent Specifica- tions of Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Norway in the Library of the Patent Office. 1901. 74 pp. (27828) Superseded. 'See 2nd ed. of No. 1, above. (6) Subject list of works on Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 1901. 106pp. (27829) (7) Subject list of works on certain Chemical in- dustries. 1901. 100pp. (28120) (8) Class list and Index of Periodical Publications. 1902. 192 pp. (29268) (8) 2nd ed. 1906. 298 pp. (32560) (9) Subject list of works on Domestic Economy, tit, 1902. 136 pp. (29269) (10) Subject list of works on the Textile Industries . . . including the culture and chemical techno- logy of textile fibres. 1902. 128pp. (29270) (11) Subject list of works on General Science Physics, Sound, Music, Light, Microscopy, and Philosophical instruments. 1903. 184pp. (29271) (12) Subject list of works on Architecture and Build- ing Construction. 1903. 164pp. (30563; 541 PATE] [PAUL Patent Office, Great Britain, etc. cont. (Lilrary) cont. Library Guides cont. (13) Subject list of works on the Mineral Industries. 1903. 302 pp. (30564) (14) Subject list of works on Electricity, Magnetism, and Electro-technics. 1904. 286 pp. (30820) (15) Subject list of works on Agriculture, etc. 1905. 424 pp. (31750) (16) Subject list of works on Heat and Heat engines (excluding Marine Engineering). 1905. 200 pp. (31751) (17) Subject list of works on Aerial Navigation and Meteorology. 1905. 64 pp. (31752) (18) Subject list of works on Military and Naval Arts, including Marine engineering. 1907. 304 pp. (35394) {New Series.) AA BE. Subject list of works of reference, Bio- graphy, Bibliography, the auxiliary Historical Sciences, etc. 1908. 336 pp. (39037) BP BL. Subject list of works on the Law of Industrial Property (Patents, Designs and Trade Marks) and Copyright. 1909. 84 pp. (39038) London, 1899, etc. 16. (Appendix.) See HULME, E. W. [Papers on Patent Law.] (5.) English Patent Law, its history, literature, and library. Ex :" The Library." 1898. 8. (16543) See JENSEN, P. A few notes on the Patent Office Library. 1891. 8. (19193) Ibid. The Patent Office Library. 1884.' 8. (15710) Patent Star, (The). Vol. 4-6. Boston, 1871-73. fol. C 42/871 Publication : Monthly. Deficient: Vol. 4, No. 11 ; Vol. 5, No. 4, 12. Patent Victoria Stone Company. Patent Victoria Stone. [London,] 1883. 8. 108 pp. 1 pi. (38803) Patentes y Marcas. Ano 1, etc. Buenos Aires, 1900, etc. 8. (26744) Publication: Monthly. Editor: T. A. Le Breton. 1900, etc. Patents ... an illustrated scientific journal of Invention, etc. Vol. 7, etc. London, 1901, etc. fol. and 4. C 40/901 Publication : Monthly. Patents and Designs . . . The organ of the Patents and Designs Act, 1907. Vol. 1-2. 22nd Aug., 1908-6th Peb , 1909. London, 1908-09. 4. C 40 : 908. Publication : Weekly. Pater, Paul. De Germanise miracnlo . . . typis literarum, earumque differentiis, dissertatio qua simul artis typographicse universam rationem explicat P. P. Lipsice, 1710. 4. 92 pp. 2 pi. (35442) Faterno, E., and Clngrolani, it. Nuovo processo di Disinfezione delle acqne potabili. Ex : " Gazz. Chim. Italiana." Anno 37. Partel. Roma, [1907]. 8. 56pp. (35746) Faterson, David. i The Colour Printing of Carpet Yarns. London, 1900. 8. 148 pp. 1 pi. (27055) The science of Colour mixing. London, 1900. 8. 140pp. 8 pi. (27056) Colour-matching on Textiles. London, 1901. 8. 138pp. 5 pi. (27878) Paterson, John W. See FRANK, A. B. A manual of agricultural Botany. From the German by J. W. P. 1898. sm. 8. (16291) Paton, D. Noel, M.D. See FISHERY BOARD FOR SCOTLAND. Report of investigations on the life-history of the salmon in freshwater. Ed. D. N. P. 1898. 8. (25570) Patrick, Geo. Edward. Household tests for the detection of Oleomar- garine and renovated butter. 1901. 10 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Farmers' Bulletin 131. J29Fa: Patschke, A., Engineer. Transversal Dampf turbinen f fir elastische Kraf t- mittel. Miilheim a. d. Ruhr, 1904. 8. 74 pp. 16 pi. (31112) Patte, Pierre, Architect. Essai sur 1' Architecture The"atrale. Paris, 1782. 8. 212pp. 3 pi. (35350) Patten, Harrison Eastman. Heat transference in Soils. 1909. 54 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 59. J 29 S : and Gallagher, F. E. Absorption of vapors and gases by Soils. 1908. 50 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 51. J 29 S : and Wagrgraman, W. H. Absorption by Soils. 1908. 96 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Soils. Bulletin 52. J 29 S : Patterson, D. W. See WEHRENFENNIG, E., and F. The analysis, etc., of Boiler Feed-Water. Trsl. D. W. P. 2nd ed. 1906. 8. (33910) Patterson, Flora W. A collection of economic and other Fungi. 1902. 32 pp. See U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE : "Bureau of Plant Industry. Bulletin 8. J 29 PI : Pattisson, Wm. . Plans and elevations of Cottage villas and country residences, etc. London, 1852. fol. 8 pp. 33 pi. (37708) Paul, , Civil Engineer. See BONNEVILLE, P., and others. La fabrication des Briques, etc. Nouv. tirage. Partie 3. Des Pierres Artificielles par M. P. 1880. 8. (19135) Paul, B. Saint-. See SAINT-PAUL, B. Paul, Benjamin Horatio. Drugs, chemical and pharmaceutical products. See SOCIETY OF ARTS. Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. Reports 1887. pp. 248-259. 8. (9473) Paul, Karl. Die Kakao-, Schokoladen- und Zuckerwaren- Fabrikation, Gran, [1908]. sm. 8. 264 pp. 9 pi. (37272) Paul, Lewis, (16 1759). (Biographical.) See WOODCROPT, B. Lives of Inventors, Collection, etc. fol. (12166) 542 PAUL] [PAYE Paul, Siegfried Frautz. See AUERBACH, F. The Zeiss Works and the Carl-Zeis< Stif tung in Jena. From the 2nd German ed. by 8. F. Paul and F. G. Cheshire. [1904.] 8. (28647) Paul, Theodor. See ZEITSCHRIFT fCn PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE. Namen- und Sachregister, 1^87-97. von T. P., etc. K 5 : 887 Paula Bojas, Francisco de. Los Globos en la guerra. Por J. Suarez de la Vega y F. de P. R. 1899. 224 pp. 25 pi. Sec MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 4a 6poca. Tomo 16. F 96 : 846 Pauloke, Wilhelm. Der Skilful f . Seine Erlernung und Verwendung, etc. 2te Aufl. Freiburg i. Bi:, 1903. sm. 8 . 188 pp. 8 pi. (29585) Fauldingr, Chas. P. Practical laws and data on the Condensation of Steam in covered and bare pipes. Added, a trans- lation of Pe"clet's " Theory and experiments on the transmission of heat through insulating materials." .Veu> York, 1904. 8. 102 pp. (31078) The transmission of Heat through cold-storage insulation. New York, 1905. sm. 8. 42 pp. (31992) Paul-Dubols, F. See BLONDEL, A., and PAUL-DUBOIS, F. La Traction Electrique, etc. 1898. 2vols. 8. (25460) Paulct, Mazime, Chemist. L'Engrais Humain. Histoire des applications de ce produit . . . avei description des plus anciens proce'des de Vidanges, etc. Paris, 1853. 8. 436pp. (34591) Simples indications pour propager 1'application de I'Engrais-Vidanges dans les diverses contre'es de France, et notes relative aux engrais-vidanges de Paris. Paris, 1872. 8. 46 pp. (34901) Les Vidanges-Engrais de Paris. Paris, 1858. 8". 56 pp. (37433) Paul!, R. Die Synthese der Azofarbstoffe auf Grund eines symbolischen Systems unter Beriicksicht. der dents- chen Patentschriften No. 1-140,000 der Klassen 8, 12, und 22, desgleichen anderer Quellen. Leipzig, 1904. 8 3 . 556pp. (30678) Paull, W. - Kolloidchemische Studien am Eiweiss. Dresden, 1908. 8. 28pp. (37253) Paulian, Aim^-Henri. Dictionnaire de? nouvelles De'convertes faites en Physique, pour servir de supplement anx different^ Editions da Dictionnaire de Physique. Ximen, 1787. 8. 566 pp. 2 pi. (37296) Faulln-De'sormeaux, A. O., and Landrln. H. Xoovean mannel complet du Serrnrier. Nouv. ed. par Chryssochoides. (Manuels Roret.) Paris, 1901. 18. 508pp. 16 pi. (27718) Faullinl, Christian Franz. De Asino, liber historico - physico - medicus. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1695. 12. 22 11. + 288 pp. (35513) Lycograpbia, sen, de natura et usu Lupi, libellus physico-higtorico-medicns. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1794. 12. 234pp. (35514) Pautrler, L., M.D. w- See LEREDDE, E., and PAUTKIEK, L. Photo- therapie, etc. 1903. 8. (29558) Pavie, G., Engineer. Consolidation des radiers des barraxes. 1898. 10 pp. See CONGRKS INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INT&RIEURE. 7e Congres. Rapports. Sect. 1. Question 2. F 43 : 888 Rek'vement du niveau de la retenue d'un barrage existant. 1898. 16 pp. 1 pi. Ibid. 7e Congrts. Rapports. Sect. 1. Question 1. F 43 : 888 Pavlof, Michel A. Album of drawings relating to the manufacture of Opea-hearth Steel. Part I. Open-hearth Fur- naces. [Title and contents in Russian, English, and French.] Ekaterinoslav, 1904, etc. obi. fol. (30592) Atlas of designs concerning Blast Furnace practice. Ekaterinoslav, 1902. obi. 4. 12 pp. 127 pi. (29611) Pawcck, Heinrich. Die elektrolytische Einrichtung an der k. k. Bergakademie in Leoben. Ex : " Oesterr. Zeits- chrift fur Berg- uod Huttenwesen," Jahrg. 46. Leoben, 1898. 8. 20 pp. 1 pi. (25754) Paxxnan, E. H. Die Kali-Industrie. Berlin, 1903. 8. 64 pp. (30679) Die Kaliindnstrie in ihrer Bedeutung und Entwicklung von privat- und nationalwirthscbaft- lichen Geaichtspunkten. 2te Aufl. Stastfurt, 1899. 8. 128 pp. (26405) Paxton, Sir Joseph. See HEREMAN, 8. A handbook of Vine . . . cultivation as adapted to Sir J. Paxton's Patent hothouses. New ed. 1863. 8. (36080) Payen, Alphonse. Tissns de Soie. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 31. Sect. 2. pp. 176-208. 8. (13828) Payen, Anselme. Bilre. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBI- TION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 73. Sect. 3. pp. 381-394. 8. (13828) Conrs de Chimie applique"e. le Partie. Chimie organique. Re'dige par V. Dellisse et Poinsot. (All published.) Paris, 1847. 8. 338 pp. Aths, 50 pi. fol. (33867) Levnre pressde allemande. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 67. Sect. 4. pp. 71-74. 8 5 . (13828) Memoire sur 1'Amidon, la Dextrine et la Diastase considers sous les points de vue anatomique, chimique et physiologiqne. 1843. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. Me"m. par divers Savans . . . 2eSe'rie. Tome 8. pp. 209-372. 8 pi. B 28 : 750 Memoires [1-7] sur la composition chimique [les de'veloppements] des ve'ge'taux. 1835-46. Ibid. 2e S^rie. Tome 8 and 9. B 28 : 750 Memoire sur la structure et la composition chimique de la Cinne a Sucre. 1849. Ibid. Me'moires. [Nouv. Collection.] Tome 22. pp. 569-586. 2 pi. B 28 : 666 Me'moire sur les Bitumes, leur exploitation, et leurs emplois utiles. Paris, 1824. 8. 62 pp. (34231) 543 PAYBT Site. r. (MM) Ib i. BM. _ .. OHH) PEAR] [PEIL plan?, with notes on 4. 12 pp. 46 pi. Pearson, A. X. cont. Memorandum on Milk preserving. 1890. 30 pp. Ibid. Bnlletin 8. J 8 AV : 888 Report on Field Experiments in Victoria, 1887- 1900. Section : Manuring. [1901.] 124pp. 26 pi. Ibid. Special Reports, 1895-1901 [13]. J 8 AV : 891 The scientific directing of a country's Agricul- ture. 1900. 32 pp. Ibid. Special Reports, 1895- 1901 [11]. J8AV :891 Soils and their cultivation. 1891. Ibid. Special Reports, 1891-94 [1]. pp. 128-168. 5 pi. J 8 AV : 891 Pearson, Henry Clemens. Crude Rubber and compounding ingredients. New York, 1899. 8. 262 pp. (26517) The same. 2nd ed. New York, 1909. 8. 316 pp. (38964) hubbor planting on the Isthmus of Tohuantcpec. Ex: "India Rubber World," 1903. New York, 1903. 4. 28pp. (29964) Rubber Tires and all about them. New York, 1906. 8. 282pp. (33975) Pearson, J. Herbert. Suburban Houses . . . design, etc. London, 1905. (31917) Pearson, Karl. The Grammar of Science. 2nd ed. London, 1900. 8. 566pp. (26949) Pearson, Leonard, and others. Diseases of the Horso. Revised ed. 1903. 600 pp. 40 pi. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Animal Industry. [Special Reports, 6.] J 29 An : 889 Pearson, Raymond Allen. Care of Dairy utensils. 1896. See U.S. DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Year-book. 1896. pp. 431- 444. J 22 : 849b Care of Milk on the farm. 1897. 40 pp. Ibid. Farmers' Bnlletin 63. J 29 Fa : Dairy Schools. 1896. 38 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 17. J 29 Facts about Milk. 1896. 30 pp. Ibid. Far- mers' Bulletin 42. J 29 Fa : National and State Dairy laws. 1900. 110 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 26. 8. J 29 An : a Notes upon Dairying in California and the export of California butter to the Orient. 1900. 30 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin 24. 8. J 29 An: a Pearson, Richard, M.I >. A shore account of the nature and properties of different kinds of Airs, BO far ai relates to their Medicinal use. Birmingham, 1795. 8. 28 pp. (33444) Pan, Alonzo. See PETIT DE LA SAUSSAYE, J. F. de P. L., and PEAN, A. La vie, etc., de Denis Papin. 1869. 8. (14808) Pochan, Josef. Anleitung zur Ablegung der Heizerpriifung (Priifung der Dampfkesselwarter). 3te Anfl. Leipzig\lW2. urn. V. 96 pp. (28506) 34222 < Peoheux, H., Prof, in Aix-la-Chapelle. See GIRARD, A. L., and PECHEUX, H. Leg Produits Industriels. 1908. am. 8. (36305) Peokham, Elizabeth Gifford [J/r*. G. W.Peckham]. On the instincts and habits of the Solitary Wasps. By G. W. Peckbam and E. G. P. 1898. 254 pp. 14 pi. Se WISCONSIN (State) : Geol. and Nat. History Survey. Bulletin 2. Scientific Series 1. G30W: Peckham, Geo. Wm., and E. (! . On the instincts and habits of the Solitary Wasps. 1898. 254 pp. 14 pi. See WISCONSIN (State) : Geol. and Nat. History Survey. Bulletin 2. Scientific Series 1. G 30 W : Peokham, Stephen Farnam. What is "Parianite." 1900. 32 pp. See FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Reprints. [Vol. 3. j B 62 : 886 Peokston, Thou. S. The theory and practice of Gas - Lighting. 2nd ed. London, 1823. 8. 456pp. 14 pi. (33081) Plclet, Jean Claude Eugene. See PAULDINO, C. P. Practical laws, etc., on the condensation of Steam, etc. Added, a translation of Pe'clet's " Theory, etc., en the transmission of heat through insulating materials." 1904. 8. (31078) Nouveaux documents relatifs au Chauffage et a la Ventilation des etablissements publics, suivm de nouvelles recherches snr le refroidissement et la transmission de la Chalenr, pour servir de suppliS- ment ii la seconde Edition du " Traiti' de la Chaleur." Paris, 1853. 4. 172 pp. 8 pi. (12169) TraitcS de 1'Eclairage. Pom, 1827. 8. 328pp. 10 pi. (36558) Peotor, S. See SOCIETY FRANQAISE DE PHOTOGRAPHIE. Notice historique ... par S. P. 1905. obi. 8". (32563) Pedrotti, Marco. Der Gips nnd seine Verwendung. (Chemisch- technische Bibliothek.) Wien, 1901. sm.8. 272pp. (27848) Peel, Sir Robert, 1st Baronet, (1750-1830). (Biographical.) See WOODCROFT, B. Lives of Inventors, Col- lection, etc. fol. (12166) Peele, Robert. Compressed Air plant for Mines. New York, 1908. 8. 338pp. 3 pi. (37118) Notes on Air Compressors, etc. Ex : " School of Mines Quarterly." Vol. 18, 1897. pp. 196-348. Neio York, 1897. 8. (18890) Peffer, Elwood S. Beet Sugar Analysis. China, Cal, 1897. sm. 8. 224 pp. 1 pi. (26203) Pelgrnot, Ktienne Gabriel. Dictionnaire raisonno de Bibliologie. Paris, 1802-04. 3vols. 8. (8051) With MS. additions. Pelllard, Chas. Jean Baptiste. Le Fer (Slastique. Ferrure physiologique. 2e i-d. [Letters Patent No. 3015 of 1869.] Paris, 1870. 12. 124 pp. (36978) 645 3 z PEIR] [PENN Pelrce, Bradford Kinney. Trials of an Inventor: life and discoveries of 0. Goodyear. Neto York, [18661. sm. 8. 224pp. 4 pi. (36164) Pelet-Narborme, Gerhardt von. Das Militarwesen in seiner EJntwickelung wahrend der 25 Jahre 1874-1898. See JAHHESBERICHTE UBER DIE VERANDERUNGEN UND FORTSCHRITTE IM MILITARWESEN. Jahrg. 25. Theil 1-2. F 98 : 874 Peli^ot, Eugene Melchior. Douze Le90ns snr 1'art de la Verrerie. Augment^ d'un Notice sur la Peinture sur Verre ; [ii], Produits ce'ramiques ; [iii], Industrie du Verre, par [A.] fcialvetat. Pans, [1863]. 8. (38806) A reissue of four extracts with a common title page and index, by the publisher, E. Lacroix. Eecherches snr I'analyse et la composition chimi- ques de la Betterave a Sucre ; et sur 1'organisation anatomique de cette racine, par J. Decaisne. Paris, 1839. 8. 50 pp. 1 pi. (38807) and Bontemps, G. Verrerie. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EX- HIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 16. pp. 57-87. 8. (13828) Pelig-ot, Henri. Allumettes. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EX- HIBITION, 1867. Eapports dn Jury International. Classe 24. Sect. 4. pp. 389-400. 8. (13828) Lampes servant a i'eclairage au moyen dcs huiles animates, veg^tales ou minerals. 1868. Ibid, Classe 24. Sect. 3. pp. 367-388. 8. (13828) Pellat, Joseph Solange Henri. Instruments de Precision. Monnaies et m^dailles. . 1902. . See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900. Eap- ports du Jury International. Classe 15. pp. 331- 454. 8. (29967) Pellehn, G. Der Pantograph. Von Urstorchschnabel zur modernen Zeichenmaschine. 1603-1903. Ex : "Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitnng," 1903. Berlin, 1903. 8. 20pp. (30360) Pellet, Henri Jean Baptiste. Etudes des Proc<5d<;s d'analyse, suivis au Labora- toire Municipal de la Ville de Paris. Analyses des Beurres. Caen, 1884. 8. 16 pp. (35212) Pellet, Maurice. Essais sur le PMtre. Par E. Leduc et M. P. 1907. 26 pp. See CONSERVATOIRE DES ARTS ET METIERS. Laboratoire d'essais : Bulletin 11. E 5 : 903 Pelletier, L. See HARQUEVAUX, L., and PELLETIER, L. E^- creations intellectuelles. 1901. 8. (38075) Pclletreau, , Engineer of Constantine, Algiers. Considerations sur les Grands Barrages en mayon- nerie. 1892. 44pp. Ipl. See CONGRES INTERNAT. DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 5e Congres. Ques- tion 4. [12.] F 43 : 888 Pelletreau. G., Engineer. Le Froid industriel et ses applications. 30 pp. 1903. See Mois SCIENTIFIQUE, etc. Annee 5. Monographic 2. C 23 : 899 L'Incandescence par le Gaz. 1903. 42 pp. Ibid. Ann^e 5. Monographic 3. C 23 : 899 Pelllzer, Joseph Emanuel de, Abbe. Me'moire pour servir aux nouveaux principes d'Hydrauliqne et d'A^rom^trie centre les pr^tendus effets de la gravite sp^oiflque da 1'atmosphere. Lon- dres, etc., 1787. 8.' 50 pp. 1 pi. (34592) Pelouse, Edmond. See PELOUZE, E. Pelouze, Edmond. Art du Briquetier, Chaufournieret Charbonnier, comprenant la fabrication du Vinaigre de bois. Paris, 1828. 12. 430 pp. 3 pi. (34232) Die chemische Kunstwascherin in der Haushal - tung. 6te Aufl. von M. Felsberg. Weimar, 1891. 12. 62 pp. (27674) Secrets modernes des Arts et Metiers. Paris, 1831-32. 2vols. 16. (38199) Trait^ miSthodique de la fabrication dn Coke et du Charbon de Tourbe. Paris, 1842. 8. 112 pp. 4 pi. (34044) Pclouzo, Eugene Philippe. Usines a gaz. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Eapports du Jury International Classe 51. "Sect. 2. pp. 394-405. 8. (13828) and Andouln, M. E. P. Notice et certificats relatifs a 1'Appareil Con- densateur pour Usiries ii Gaz. [Letters Patent No. 322 of 1874.] Paris, 1878. 8. 56 pp. 2 pi. (36171) Pelouze, Tbe'ophile Jules. M^moire sur 1'action mntuelle de 1'Acide Phos- phorique et de 1'Alcool. 1835. See ACAD. DES SCIENCES, Paris. M^m. par divers Savans . . . 2e Se~rie. Tome 6. pp. 369-388. B 28 : 750 Me'moire sur 1'Asparamide (Asparagine de M. Eobiquet), etc. Par Boutron-Charlard et Pelouze. 1833. Ibid. Mm. par divers Savans . . . 2e S6rie. Tome 6. pp. 353-368. B 28 : 750 Me'moire sur le Tannin et les acides galliqne, pyro-gallique, etc. 1834. Ibid. Me'm. par divers Savaus . . . 2e Se'rie. Tome 6. pp. 241-270. B 28 : 750 Peltereau, Placide. Cuirs et Peaux. 1902. See PARIS UNIV. EX- HIBITION, 1900. Eapports du Jury International. Classe 89. pp. 149-358. 8. (29967) Pembertoni T. Edgar. James Watt of Soho and Heathfield. Annals of industry and genius. Birmingham, 1905. sm. 8. 224 pp. 3 pi. and portr. (31036) Pendreil, Vaughan. The Eailway Locomotive. (" Westminster " Series.) London, 1908. 8. 322 pp. (38150) Pennell, Elizabeth Eobins. See PENNELL, J., and E. E. Lithography and Lithographers. 1898. fol. (28176) Pennell, Harry Cholmondeley. Spinning Tackle : what it is, and what it ought to be. New ed. of " Spinning for Pike." 2nd ed. London, 1862. 16. 32 pp. 1 pi. (36234) Pennell, Joseph, and E. E. Lithography and Lithographers. London, 1 898. fol. 294pp. 6 pi. (28176) Pennetler, Georges. Le Caf^. Origine, caracteres physiques et microssopiques, etc. Ex : " Annales du Museum d'histoire natnrelle de Eouen." Tome 4. 1878. pp. 86-131. 8. (35213) JM6 PENN] [PEPP Pennsylvania (State) : Board of Agriculture. Agriculture of Pennsylvania. 1890, etc. Harrisburg, 1890, etc. 8. J 30 P : b Publication: Annual. Title varied: Dcpt. of Agriculture, 1895, etc. History: Contains Reports of the Pcnnsylvanian State Board of Agriculture. Agricultural Society. Dairymen's Association, Horticultural Society, and College. Bulletin. No. 14, etc. Harrisburg, 1896, etc. 8. J 30 P : b Dept. of Health. Pennsylvania Health Bulletin. No. 1, etc. Harrisburg, Pa., 1909, etc. 8. H 23 P : a Publication : Monthly. Dept. vf Internal Ajfain (Bureau of Mines'). Reports, 1897-1902. See Inspectors of Coal Hines below. Dept. of Mines. See Inspectors of Mines, below. [1st] Geological Surrey. The Geology of Pennsylvania . . . with a general view of the Geology of the United States, essays on tha Coal-formation, etc., and a description of the Coal-fields of North America and Great Britain. By H. D. Rogers. Edinburgh, 1858. 2 vols. in three. 4 and 1 vol. maps. (30131) Geological Surrey, 1836-58. Reports. See PENNSYLVANIA : 2nd Geological Survey. [Report.] A. G 30 P : 2nd Geological Survey. (Contents.) 1874-76. Historical sketch of geological ex- ?lorations in P., etc. By J. P. Lesley. Appendix. 876. 206 + 26 pp. [A.'.] 1881. A special report . . . upon . . . waste in raining anthracite. By F. Platt. Chapter on the methods of mining, by J. P. Wetherill. 1881. 148 pp. maps. [B.J 1874. Preliminary report on the mineralogy of 'P. By F. A. Genth. Appendix on the hydro- carbon compounds by S. P. Sadtler. 1876. 21 2 pp. map. [C.C.] 1874-76. Progress reports, etc. ByP.Frazer. 1876-77. 2 vols. [D.D.] 1875-76. Progress report. The Brown Hematite deposits of the Siluro-Cambrian lime- stones of Lehigh County, etc. By F. Prime. 1878. 110 pp. maps. [E.] 1875. Special report on the trap dykes and azoic rocks of S.E. Pennsylvania. By T. 8. Hunt. Part 1. 1878. 276 pp. map. [F.] 1874-75. Progress report in the Juniata dis- trict on the fossil iron ore beds of middle P. By J. H. Dewees, etc. 1878. 356 pp. maps. [F3.] Progress report, etc. 1888-89. By B. V. d'Invilliers. 1891. [GJ 1874-78. Progress report in Bradford and Tioga counties. [1878.] 284pp. maps. [H2.H4.1 1875-77. Progress report, etc. By F. and VV. G. Platt. Parti [-8]. 1877-78. 8 vols. [12.] Oil well records and levels. By J. F. Carll. 1877. [Pnbl. in advance of 13.] 414 pp. map. [15.] Report 7 on the oil and gas fields of W. Penn- sylvania for 1887-88. By J. F. Carll. 1890. 364 pp. maps. [K, K3.] Progress report, etc. By J. J. Stevenson. 1876-78. 3 vols. [A.] plO! [L.] 1875. Special report on the coke manufacture, etc. By F. Platt, etc. 1876. 258 pp. maps. [O.I Catalogue of the Geological Museum. ByC. E. Hall. 1878. 218pp. map. [P4.] A dictionary of the fossils of P.. etc. By J. P. Lesley. 1889-90. 3 vols. Pennsylvania (State) coat. 2nd Geological Survey cunt. [Q.] Progress report ... By 1. C. White. 1878. 390 pp. map and pi. Annual Report for 1886. pt. 2. 1887. New general map of the anthracite region. Revised to 1890. 34-J2-J Final report. Vol. 1-2. By J. P. Lesley. 1892. 2 vols. Wants vol. 8. Harrisburg, 1875-92. 28 vols. 8. G 30 P : Initpectors of Coal Mines. Reports. 1878, etc. Harrisburg, 1879, etc. G 62 : 878 Hatory: From 1897-1902, reports of the Bureau of Mines, (including the reports of Mine Inspectors) issued as part 5 of the Dept. of Internal Affairs ; 1903, etc., issued by the Dept. of Mines in 2 parts : 1, Anthracite region ; 2, Bituminous legion. (University). Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory. Vol. 1, etc. Philadelphia, 1892, etc. 8. H 74 : 892 Pennsylvania Health Bulletin. See PENN- SYLVANIA (State): Dept. 'of Health. Pennsylvania Health Bulletin. 1909, etc. H 23 P : a Penroae v Francis, Surgeon. An essay on Magnetism. Oxford, 1753. sm. 8. 40 pp. (34785) Penrose, Richard Alexander Fullerton. Manganese : its uses, ores, and deposits. 1891. 670 pp. 2 pi. 1 map. See ARKANSAS (State) : Geological Survey. Reports. 1890. Vol. 1. G 30 Ar : The Iron deposits of Arkansas. 1892. 166 pp. 4 pi. Ibid. Report, 1892. Vol. 1. G 30 Ar : Nature and origin of deposits of Phosphate of Lime. 144 pp. 3 pi. See U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin 46. G 30 : 883 Fenzis , 0. Studi botanici sugli Agrumi e sulle piante affini. 1887. 590 pp. 58 pi. fol. See ANNALI DI AGRI- COLTURA. 2a Serie. [No. 116.] J 25 : 882 P6pln, , of the Museum d' Hisloire Nalurelle. Fruits et Le'gumes a I'Stat frais. 1868. See PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. Rapports du Jury International. Classe 71. Sect. 1. pp. 183-214. 8. (13828) Peppol, Samuel Vernon. The Limestone resources and the Lime industry in Ohio. By E. Orton and S. V. P. 1906. 376 pp. 1 map. See OHIO (State) : [4th] Geological Survey. Bulletin 4. G 30 O : 903a The manufacture of artificial Sandstone or Sand - How brick. 1905. 80 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 5. G 30 : 903a Pepper, John Henry. Cyclopaedic Science simplified. London, 1869. sin. 8", 700pp. (29246) The same. Revised ed. London, [1870]. sm. 8". 702 pp. (15692) The 'same. London, 1895. 8. 748 pp. 1 pi. (10634) Heat : embracing thermometric heat, conduc- tion of heat, latent heat, steam. London, [1873J. 8. 38pp. (28774) The Playbook of Metals. London, 1861. sm. 8. 512pp. Ipl. (38084) The true history of the Ghost ; and all about metempsychosis. London, 1890. sm. 8. 46 pp. 1 pi. (35570) 547 3 z 2 PERA] [PERK Dept.). 1903. Perak, (State). Return of Patents granted. 1898. etc. MS. . fol. (27267) Peralta, Rafael. Foto - taquimetria, nuevo procedimiento de Topografia-fotografica. 1901. 32 pp, 2 pi. See MEMORIAL DE INGENIEROS. 4a 6poca. Tomo 18. F 96 : 846 Perard. Joseph. See BORDEAUX : Congres National deg Peclies Maritime*, 1907. Memoires, etc., publics par J. P., etc. 1908. 8. (38143) See PARIS UNIV. EXHIBITION, 1900 : Congres International d'Aquiculture, etc., 1900. Me'moires, etc. Publics par J. P., etc. 1901. 8. (28233) Etude stir les Gene'rateurs a Vapeur. Ex : "Revue de 1'Expos. Univ. de 1867." Tome 4. Paris, [1867]. 8. 100 pp. 14 pi. (35120) Machines et appareils. [Batteuse Locomobile. Essoreuses.] 1867. See REVUE UNIV. DBS MINES. Revue de 1'Exposition de 1867. Tome 1-2. pp. 119-133. PI. 25-26. 8. (13210) Trait^ du chauffage et de la conduite des Ma- chines a Vapeur fixes et locomobiles. Paris, 1864. 8. 234pp. 17 pi. (33628) De 1'utilite' du Calcul pour I'interpre'tation des phe'nomenes naturels, et pour la recherche des lois les re"gissent. 1849-50. See ANNALES DES UNIV. DE BELGIQUE. Anne"e 8-9. B 23 : 842 Percival, John, M.A. See READING COLLEGE : (Agricultural On the soils of Dorset. Reports 4 and 5 By J. P., etc. 3 5 : 894a Ibid. Keport on the soils of Dorset, with sug- gestions on manuring, cultivation, etc. 1906. J5: 894a Agricultural Botany. London, WOO. 8. 810pp. (27864) Percival, Thos., M.D., F.R.S. Observations and experiments on the poison of Lead. London, 1774. 16. 134pp. (S5&43) Percy, John, M.D., F.R.S. See RONNA, A. Etat actuel de la MES PONTS ET CHAUSS^ES. Mfimoires. 8e Se'rie. Anne'e 1. pp. 210-245. E 20 : 831 Philippeo, . Lighter trade. 1902. 18 pp. 3 pi. See CON- GRES INTERNATIONAL DE NAVIGATION INTERIEURE. 9e Congres. 1902. Sect. 2. Question 2. [13.] F 43 : 888 Philippine Agricultural Review. Yol. 1, etc. Manila, 1908, etc. 8. J 45 : 908 Publication : Monthly. Editor : G. B. Nesom. History : Issued in English and Spanish. Deficient: Vol. 1, No. 1-10. Philippine Islands : Mining Bureau. Bulletin 1, etc. Manila, 1902, etc. 8. G 72 : 900a Report 2, 1899, etc. Manila, 1901, etc. 8. G 72 : 900 Publication : Annual. Vol. 1-3 are reprints. Deficient: Beports, 1898-99, 1901-02. Phllipson, John. The art and craft of Coachbuilding. (Techno- logical Handbooks.) London, 1897. sm. 8. 196 pp. 8 pi. (31687) Phillips, Arthur F. See SANFORD, F. G. The Art Crafts for be- ginners. Ed. A. F. P. 1906. sm. 8. (37512) Phillips, David. The relative corrosion of Iron and Steel under various conditions. 1890. 72 pp. 5 pi. See INSTI- TUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS. Trans. Vol. 2. Paper No. 8. F 81 : 889 Phillips, Edouard. See RIVOT. L. E., and PHILLIPS, E. Descrip- tion d'un nouveau proce'de de triitement metallur- gique des minerals de Cuivre. 1857. 8. (27778) Memoire snr le Spiral r^glant des Chronome'tres et des Montres. Ex : " Acad. des Sciences : Savants Etrangers." Tome 18. pp. 129-229. 5 pi. Paris. [I860]. 4. (27957) Memoire sur les Ressorts en Acier employe's dans le materiel des chemins de fer. Ex : " Annales des Mines." 5e Se'rie. Tome 1. 1852. Paris, 1857. 8. 144 pp. 1 pi. (27774) 554 PHIL] [PHON Phillips, Kdouard conl. Mi'moiic sur le gisercent, 1'exploitation, la pre"- paration miScanique et le traitement metallurgique des minerals de Plomb de Bleiberg en Carinthie. Ex: "Annales des Mines." Tome 8. 1845. Paris, 1857. 8. 64 pp. 5 pi. (27773) Thdorie de la Coulisse servant il produire la detente variable dans les Machines it Vapeur et par- ticulierement dang les Machines Locomotives. Ex : " Annales des Mines." Parig, 1853. 8. 64 pp. 1 pi. (27772) Phillips, Ernest Alfred Wm. " No Conscription " or " Defence not Defiance." Being a brief description of an invention for rendering serviceable existing abandoned Rifle- ranges and forming additional Rifle-ranges in the heart of London. [Letters Patent No. 2296 of 1898.] London, [1900]. fol. 12pp. 2 pi. (27260) Phillips, Everett Franklin. A brief survey of Hawaiian Bee keeping. 1909. See U.S. DEPT. OP AGRICULTURE : Bureau of Ento- mology. Bulletin 75. pp. 41-58. 6 pi. J 29 E : The rearing of Queen Bees. 1905. 32 pp. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 55. J 29 E : The status of Agriculture in the United States. 1909. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 75. pp. 57-80. J 29 E : Wax Moths and American foul brood. 1907. Ibid. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 75. pp. 17-22. 3 pi. J 29 E : Phillips, <.;<>. Rudiments of Curvilinear Design . . . applic- able to the arts and manufactures. London, [1838- 40]. fol. 47 pi. (26172) Phillips, Henry, F.L.S. History of cultivated Vegetables ; comprising their botanical, medicinal, edible, and chemical qualities, etc. London, 1822. 2 vols. 8. (32896) Pomarium Britannicum ; an historical and botanical account of Fruits known in Great Britain. 3rd ed. London, 1823. 8. 382 pp. 3 pi. (33445) Phillips, John, F.R.S. Thoughts on antient Metallurgy and Mining in Brigantia and other parts of Britain, suggested by a page in Pliny's Natural History. From the " Proc. Yorkshire Phil. Soc.," Mar. 1848. [London, 1848.] 8. 16pp. (37403) Phillips, John Arthur, F.R.S., and Darling-- ton. J. Records of Mining and Metallurgy . . . for the use of the mine agent and smelter. London. 1857. sm. 8. 312pp. 2 pi. (29528) Phillips, Philip Lee. See U.S. CONGRESS (Library). Phillips, Sir Richard. Four dialogues between an Oxford tutor and a disciple of the Common-sense Philosophy, relative to the proximate causes of material phenomena. London. 1824. 8. 212 pp. (34086) A Million of Facts, of correct data, and elemen- tary constants, in the entire circle of the sciences, etc. New ed. London, 1835. 8. 20 pp. 1048 cols. 1 pi. (32599) The same. Stereotyped ed. London, 1853. 8". 48 pp. + 1126 cols. + 32 pp. 1 pi. (32626) The same. Revised ed. London, [1872]. 8. 48 pp. + 1216 cols. + 32 pp. (37673) Phillips, S. Chas. See TEXTILE JOURNAL, (The). Ed. S. 0. P. 1902-06. E 80 : 902 The use of Wood Pulp for Paper-making. 1905. 34 pp. Ex : " Journ. Soe. of Arts," Vol. 53. See INDIAN FORESTER. Vol. 31. Supplement 11. J 75 : 875 Phillips, Samuel E., F.C.S. Old or new Chemistry : which is fittest for survival ? and other essays in Chemical Philosophy. London, 1886. sin. 8. 90 pp. (38385) Phillips, Wm., F.R.S. An elementary introduction to the knowledge of Mineralogy. 3rd ed. London, 1823. 8. 536 pp. 1 pi. (39269) Phillips, Wm. Battle. Ironmaking in Alabama. 1896. 380 pp. See ALABAMA : Geological Survey. Reports. [7.] 8. G 30 A : a The same. 2nd ed. 1898. 388 pp. Ibid. Report. [7.] 8. G30A:a Report on a part of the lower Gold belt of Alabama. 1892. 98 pp. Ibid. Bulletin 3. 8. G30A:a Texas Petroleum. 1901. 102 pp. 2 pi. See TEXAS (University). Mineral Survey Bulletin 1. G50T: Phillips, Wm. Henry. Fires and Conflagrations. Chemistry of Com- bustion, etc. [Letters Patent No. 10,212 of 1844.] London, 1861. 8. 36 pp. (33446) Phlllpots, Arthur Thos., Lieut.-Col., R.E. Report on the Canal Navigation of the Canadas. 1842. See ROY. ENGINEERS. Papers. Vol. 5. pp. 140-193. 6 pi. F 90: 844 Philosophical. . A Philosophical Enquiry into some of the most considerable phenomena's of nature . . . con- formable to the doctrine of Fermentation. London, W. Hears, 1715. 12. 200 pp. (30095) Philosophical Society of Glasg-ow. Proceedings. Vol. 1, etc. Glasgow, 1844, etc. B4G: Title varied : " Royal Philosophical Society," 1901, etc. Indexes: Vol. 1-20, 1841-89, [1892]. Deficient : Vol. 7. Philosophy. Philosophy in Sport made Science in earnest. [Bv J. A. Paris.] 6th ed. London, J. Murray. 184"6. sm. 8. 518pp. (29790) Phin, John. The Seven Follies of Science. A popular account of the most famous scientific impossibilities and the attempts which have been made to solve them. London, 1906. 8. 184 pp. (32679) Phlpson, Thos. Lamb. Researches on the past and present history of the Earth's Atmosphere. London, 1901. sm. 8. 206pp. (27652) The utilization of Minute Life ; being practical studies on insect?, Crustacea, mollusca, worm?, polypes, infusoria, and sponges. London, 1864. sm. 8. 302pp. (30732) Phonogrammarchiv Kommisslon. See KAISERL. AKADEMIE DEE WISSENSCHAFTEN, Wien. Bericht der Phonogrammarchiv Kommis- sion. 1903, etc. (33373) 34272 555 4 A 2 PHON] [PI AN Phonographlsche Zeitschrift. Jabrg. 1, etc. Berlin, 1900, etc. D 15 : 900 Publication : Weekly. Editor : G. Rothgiesser, 1900, etc. Die Sprechmaschinen. Ex : " Phonographische Zeitschrift," 1907. Berlin, 1908. 8. 56 pp. (36382) Photo Era, (The). Vol. 6, etc. Boston, Mass., 1900, etc. 8. A 11 : 886a Publication : Monthly. History : Amalgamated in 1900 the " Amer. Journal of Photography." Photosram, (The). "Vol. 1, etc. London, 1894, etc. 8. All: 894 Publication : Monthly. Editors : H. S. and C. W. Ward, 1894, etc. Title varied: "Process Photogram." 1895-1905. Is- sued in two sections, (1) " Process Engraver's Monthly" ; (2) " Photographic Monthly," 1907, etc. Annual Supplement : " Photograms of the Year " 1895, etc. (1895-98 wanting.) An Index of Photographic Trade Numos. Ex : " Photogram," June, 1899. 8. 24 pp. interleaved. (2Z244) Photograms of the Year 1895, etc. See PHOTOGRAM, (The). Annual Supplement. A 11: 894 Photographers' Record. Vol. 1-2. New Series. No. 1[-50?]. Barnet, 1892-1904. 4 and 8. A 11 : 892 Publication : Monthly, 1892-94 ; Quarterly or bi- Monthly, 1895-1904. Publishers : Elliott & Sons. Title varied : " Barnet Photographic Record," 1901-04. Photographic Chronicle, (The). Vol. 1-2. London, 1901-02. 2 vols. 4. A 11 : 901 Publication : Weekly (except Nos. 1-5, issued fort- nightly). Photographic Dealer's Annual. London, 1902-05. 4 vols. 8. A 13 : 902 Editor : A. C. Brookes. Deficient : 1906, last published. Photographic Journal. See LIVERPOOL PHOTO- GRAPHIC JOURNAL. 1859. A 11 : 854 Photographic Monthly. See PHOTOGRAM, (The). 1907, etc. A 11 : 894 Photographic Slfclngrs. Vol. 1-2. Aug., 1898- June, 1899. London, 1898-99. 2 vols. 8. A 11 : 898 Publication: Monthly. Photographic Society of London. Illustrated Catalogue of the Eoyal Photographic Society's International Exhibition, at the Crystal Palace, 1898. London, 1898. 8. 314 pp. (25547) Photographic Times. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1871, etc. 8 and 4. A 11 : 871 Publication : Monthly, 1871-Nov., 1884 ; Weekly, Dec. 1884-94; Monthly, 1895, etc. Editors : J. T. Taylor, 1881-85 ; W. I. L. Adams, 1886-93 ; W. B. Woodbnry, 1895-1901 ; C. F. Chandler, 1902 ; C. F. C. and S. B. Hord, 1903 ; C. F. C., W. I. L. Adams, and S. B. H., 1904: W. I. L. A. and S. B. H., 1905 ; W. I. L. A. and C. H. Plump, 1906, etc. Size varied : 4 Series, 1885-1900. Photographische Berichte. No. 1-76. Berlin, _ v 1900-06. 8. A 11: 900 Publication : Monthly. Publishers : A. Hesekiel & Co., Berlin. Photographischo Chronlk. Jahrg. 7, etc. Halle a. S. 1899, etc. 8. A 11 : 899 Publication : 104 Nos. yearly. Editor: A. Miethe, 1899, etc. History: Forms a supplement to the "Atelier dee Photographen" and the "Zeitschrift fur Repro- duktionstechnik." Supplements : (I) Nachrichten dcs Rechtsechutz- Verbandes des D. Photographen ; (2) Handwerks Karamer-Nachrichten f . d. Photographen-gewerbe. Photog-raphlsche DXitthellung'en. Jahrg. 3. [1866], etc. Berlin, 1867, etc. 8. A 11 : 866 Publication : Monthly. Editors : H. W. Vogel, 1864-92 : H. W. and E. Vogel. 1893-98; E. V. and P. Hanneke, 1899-1900; P. H., 1901, etc. History : Organ of the Photogr. Ver. zu Berlin. Photog-raphische Welt. See AMATEUR-PHOTO- GRAPH, (Der). 1905, etc. A 11 : 898 Photography. Photography : a popular treatise, etc. By " An Amateur." [Preface signed, J. E., i e. J. Egerton.] Brighton, It. Folthorp, 1847. 12. 58 pp. (32657) Photo-Journal. Journal des Socie'te'i Photo- graphiqnes. Tome 211. vols. 8. A 11 : 892c Paris, 1892-1901. 10 Publication: Monthly. Editor : A. Buguet, 1892-1901. Physical Society of London. Physical Memoirs, selected and translated from foreign sources. Vol.1. Part 1-3. London, 1888- 90. 8. 196pp. 5 pi. (25366) Physlkalisch- Chemlsches Centralblatt. Band 1, etc. Berlin, 1903, etc. 8. K 5 : 903 Publication : 24 NOB. yearly, Editors : M. Hudolphi, 1903-06 M. R. and R. Kre- mann, 1907-08 ; H. ferossmann, 1909, etc. Title varied : " Fortschritte der Chemie, Physik und physikal. Chemie," 1909, etc. Physlkalische Cresellschaft zu Berlin. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 3. 1884, etc. Berlin, 1885, etc. 8. D : 883 Editors : F. Neesen, 1884-85 ; E. Rosochatius, 1886- 87; E. R. and A. KSnig, 1888; A. K., 1889-1901; K. Scheel, 1902, etc. Title varied : " Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft," 1889, etc. History: Jahrg. -1-4 issued with the "Fortschritte der Physik," 34-36 ; Jahrg. 1892 appeared in " Annalen der Physik," Baud 45^48 only. Indexes : Name index 1882-98 (1904). Physlkalische Zeitschrift. Jahrg. 1. [1899], etc. Leipzig, 1900, etc. 8. D 1 : 899 Publication : 25 Nos. yearly. Editors : E. Biecke and H. T. Simon, 1899, etc. Pbyslkallscher Vereln zu Frankfurt am Main. Jahresbericht, etc. Frankfurt am Main, 1846, etc. 8. D : 846 Deficient : 1837-46, 1847-49. Planimetrla. Italian Manuscript consisting of four treatises : [1.] Pianimetria ouero Misura delle snperfioie Piane con la (Jiunta Delia Misura d'alcuni superficie. 24 11. 58 col. figs, in text. 1 diagr. inserted. [2.] Problem! Mecanici (1-60) ouero Element! delle Machine da mouer Pesi. Praticamente Trattati. Da A. Moretti. 64 11. Many col. figs, in text. 1 table (should be 2). [3.] Aritmetici. Radice quadrata. Radice cubica. 811. [4.1 II tratato dell' Artiglieria ... in cinque Parti . . . Appendice del Pettardo. 42 11. fig. 1-58 wanting. MS. c. 1700. sm. 4. 8^ x 5J. (30395) 556 PIAN] [PICT Piano Manufacturers' Association, New York. See NEW YORK, etc. Piarron de DXonde'sir, G. Ventilation par 1'Air Comprimu, Roponse il . . . Morin. Paris, 1876. 8. 72 pp. (33629) Plaz, Antonio dal. Die Konservierung von Traubenmost, Frucht- siiften und die Herstellung alkoholfreier Getn'inke. (Chemisch-technische Dibhothek.) Wieii, 1902. sm. 8. 184 pp. (28422) Die Weinbereitung nnd Kellerwirthschaft. (Ibid.) Wlen, 1878. sm. 8. 382 pp. (18789) The same. 5te Aufl. (Ibid.) Wien, 1909. sm. 8. 434 pp. (38330) Plcard, A. 8., Directeur fie I'Office Pieard. See ARCHIVES DE L'lNofcNiEUR-CoNSEiL. Par A. 8. P. 1902, etc. B I 70 : f See INONIEUR FRANC.AIS, (L'). Ed. A. 8. P., etc. 1899-1903. C 43 : 899 See PICARO'S PATENT JOURNAL. 1899-1902. B I 70/899 Lies Brevets d'lnvention. Precis, syste'matique de legislation dans les principaux Ktats. Paris, 1902. 8. 110pp. (38861) Les Brevets Tunisians disposes sous . . . la Loi da 22 Rabia-et-Tani (26 December, 1883). Classes et coordonne's par I'Office Picard. Paris, 1898. 8. 20pp. (26557) Dictionnairo des Brevets Francais pour les rechercbes d'ante'riorite's aux inventions. Annee 1900, 1904, etc. Paris, 1902, etc. 4. and 8. (29992) French Laws relating to Patents for Invention, Trade marks, Models and Designs, etc. Paris, 1900. "8. 32pp. (27414) French Laws relating to Patents of Invention, Trade marks, Models and Designs, etc. Paris, 1909. 8. 48pp. (38862) laste des .Brevets d'Invention d'Artillerie d