.;;*?' \ 4^ -.-^ ^vL-^ "^rt^ r^V'-'o.^ SOME GHNERAL UBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS OK' VAI.UK rn THE STUDENT OF ENGEISH COMPILED BY ]'ai'f Un-ivcrsitv Lihrarx ^C R A y /.' -fa* *2lcAUFq!s:i> VALK UNIVERSITY igoi CONTENTS. 1. Bibliography of Bibliographies, 2. General Bibliographical Works, 3. Annual Reports and Summaries, 4. Books published in the United States, British Isles, France, 7- ' " " Germany, 5. Publications of Learned Societies, etc., 9. Theses, Programs, etc., . 10. Magazines and Newspapers, . 11. Collected Essays in English, . 12. Bibliographies of Selected Topics ; a. History and Biography, /'. Archaeology and Art, (. Classical Philology and Literature, ti. Italian Philology and Literature, 1-. French Philology and Literature, 25 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS FOR THE STUDENT OF ENGLISH. [This list is issued in connection with a lecture on bibliography delivered before the English Club of Yale University. Its chief aim is to give such reference books as are of general use to students of English, but, in order to make the list of more value for its special purpose, bibliographies are also given on a few related topics.] I. Bibliography of Bibliographies. J. Petzholdt's Bibliotheca hibliographica (Leipzig, 1886), L. Vallee's Biblio graphic des bibliographies (2 vols., Paris, 1883-87), and H. Stein's Manuel de bibliographie generale (Paris, 1897), are all useful. In English the best are G. W. Porter's List of Bibliographical Works in the Reading Room of the British Museum (2nd ed., Lond., 1889), and J. L. Whitney's Handbook for Readers: Bibliographies of Special Subjects in the Boston Public Library (9th ed., Boston, 1890). 2. General Bibliographical Works. W. S. Sonnenschein's Best Books (2nd ed., Lond., 1891) is a list of about 50,000 volumes in every department of knowledge, arranged by subjects; it was supplemented in 1894 by the Reader's Guide, of almost equal size, bringing the record down to the end of 1893. G K. Fortescue's Subject- Index of Modern Works added to the British Museum is in 3 volumes (1880-85, 1886-90, 1890-95); a fourth (1895- 1900) is in preparation. Printed catalogues of large libraries are good general bibliographies. The British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books is now practically completed, and a Supplement (to be finished in two years) \\\\\ bring it down to the end of o "> / er r^ Memoranda of Additional Books. 1899; many of the headings (e. g., Bible, Aristotle, Luther, Napoleon, Dante, Shakespeare) have also been issued separately. The French Bibliotheque Nationale has begun the publication of its Catalogue generate des livres imprimes, and three volumes (A-Ari) have been issued. The cata- logues of the Peabody Institute at Baltimore (5 vols., 1883-92; Suppl., 1896-99), and of the Boston Athenaeum (5 vols., 1874-82) should be familiar to every student. Much valuable bibliographical information is contained in Notes and Queries (Lond., weekly, 1849 to date) ; there is a general index to each series of 12 volumes. Each volume of the Great Writers series has a careful bibliography by J. P. Anderson of the British Museum. 3. Annual Reports and Summaries. Annual summaries exist for every great department of knowledge e. g., the Jahresbericht der classischen Alter- iumswissenchaft (1873-99), ^- Germanischen Philologie (1879-98), d. Romanischeti Philologie (1890-96), d. Ge- schichtswissenschaft (1878-98) ; the Jahrbuch fiir National- okonomie nnd Statistik (1863-1900); the Pddagogischer Jahresbericht ( 1885-1889) ; etc. 4. Books published in the United States. The United States Catalog (Minneapolis, 1900) is an author-list of books in print, 1899 ; it has a title-index, but no subject-index. It is supplemented by the monthly Cumula- tive Book Index (Minnp., 1898 to date), which is an author-, title-, and subject-list of new publications ; as each issue incorporates that of the previous month, it is necessary to look in but one place for any book of the year. The Ameri- can Catalog (N. Y., 1880) gives a list of books in print and for sale on July ist, 1876. Supplements cover the years 1876-84, 1884-90, 1890-95, 1895-1900. "The Annual Ameri- can Catalog (N. Y., 1886-1900) is cumulated from the Publishers' Weekly (N. Y., 1872 to date), which is the Memoranda of Additional Books. original record at the foundation of American trade-bibli- ography. The Publishers' Weekly also cumulates its entries quarterly. The Publishers' Trade List Annual (N. Y., 1873- 1900) is a collection of publishers' catalogues arranged alphabetically by firm-names; fuller titles and descriptions are given than are to be found in lists previously mentioned, but dates are generally omitted, and the name of the pub- lisher must be known before the work can be used. For the older American books, J. Sabin's unfinished Dic- tionary of Books relating to America (20 vols., N. Y., 1868- 92) is undoubtedly the best catalogue, but its great cost ($500) makes it generally inaccessible. Use must, therefore, be made of the list of American books to 1776 appended to I. Thomas' History of Printing in America (2nd ed., 2 vols., Albany, 1874) ; to Triibner & Co.'s Bibliographical Guide to American Literature (Lond., 1855) ; to O. A. Roorbach's Bibliotheca Americana, 1820-1860 (4 vols., N. Y., 1852-61) ; and to J. Kelly's American Catalogue, 1861-70 (2 vols., N. Y., 1866-71). Consult also special local* lists such as J. Williamson's Bibliography of Maine (2 vols., Portland, 1896). S. A. Allibone's Critical Dictionary of English Literature (3 vols., Phila., 1859-71), with its supplement by J. F. Kirk (2 vols., Phila., 1891) is useful biographically as well as bibliographically. A chief use of it is for its references to reviews and other critical notices. 5. Books published in the British Isles. J. Whitaker's Reference Catalogue of Current Literature (last ed. in 2 vols., Lond., 1898) is a collection of publishers' catalogues arranged alphabetically by firm-names ; a good author-, title-, and subject-index is prefixed to the first volume. Current publications are listed in the Publishers' Circular (Lond., 1837 to date, weekly), and cumulated into the annual English Catalogue of Books (Lond., 1863- 1900). The Memoranda of Additional Books. latter work is published also in five volumes (1835-62, 1863- 71, 1872-80, 1881-89, 1890-97). These are all author-lists. The English Catalogue has, however, issued an Index of Subjects for the years 1837-57, 1856-75, 1,874-80, and 1881- 89 ; from 1890 the author-, title-, and subject-lists are in a single alphabet. For earlier English books consult G. Bullen's Catalogue of English Books in the British' Museum to 1640 (3 vols., Lond., 1884) ; E. Arber's Transcripts of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London between 1 554-1660 (5 vols., Lond., 1875) ; R. Clavell's Catalogue of Books, 1666-1700; the London Catalogue, 1700-1855; R. Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica (4 vols., Edinb., 1824), and W. T. Lowndes's Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, edited by H. G. Bohn (11 parts, Lond., 1869). Consult also the lists of new books printed in each number of the Gentleman's Magazine, the London Magazine, etc., in the eighteenth century; also local bibliographies such as R. Bowes's Catalogue of Books, printed at Cambridge (Camb., 1894). The British Museum Catalogue {supra) is of course especially valuable for British and Irish publications. AUi- bone's Critical Dictionary {supra) is as useful for English as for American books. Careful bibliographies are usually appended to articles in the Dictionary of National Biography {infra). 6. Books published in France. For French books consult J. M. Querard's various bibli- ographies his France litteraire (12 vols., Paris, 1827-64), La litterature frangaise contemporaine, 1827-40 (6 vols., Paris, 1840-57) which, with O. Lorenz and D. Jordell's Catalogue de la librairie frangaise, 1840-90 (13 vols., Paris, 1867-96) make a record covering 1700-1890; a new volume of Jordell covering 1891-99 is now publishing. D. Jordell's Catalogue annuel de la librairie frangaise Memoranda of Additional Books. (Paris, 1849-99), and his Repertoire bibliographique (monthly) bring the French Hsts to date. The Bibli- ographie de la France is the official list, and covers the years 181 1 to date; it is issued weekly, H. Le Soudier's Bibli- ographie frangaise (2d ed., Paris, 1896; new ed. announced) is a collection of publishers' catalogues arranged alphabet- ically by firm-names ; it has an excellent index. For incunabula see G. Brunet's La France litteraire au XV' siccle (Paris, 1865). 7. Books published in Germany. In Germany the chief help is C. G. Kayser's Vollstdndiges Biicher-Lexikon, 1750-1898 (30 vols., Leipzig, 1833-1900) ; it has subject-indexes for the years 1750- 1832, and 1891-98. J. C. Hinrichs' Halbjahrs-Katalog and his Wochentliches Verzeichnis bring the German lists to date. The Allge- meines Bilcher-Lexicon of W. Heinsius, which covers the period 1700 to 1892, is no longer published. A. Russell's Gesammtz^erlags-Katalog {iy\o\s., 1881-93) is a collection of publishers' catalogues issued in Germany, Austria, and Ger- man Switzerland ; there is no general index. J. Kiirschner's Deutscher Litteratnr-Kalender (22 vols., Leipzig, 1879- 1900) is an annual list of living German writers and their publications. 8. Publications of Learned Societies, etc. The last volume of Lowndes {supra) records the publica- tions of English literary and scientific societies, printing clubs, private presses, and similar exceptional issues, to 1863 ; the record is continued in the English Catalogue of Books {supra) to 1899. For the years 1884 to date, see also the Year-book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland (16 vols., Lond.). The British Museum Catalogue (under the heading "Academies") is of great service for British and foreign publications of this Memoranda of Additional Books. character. The Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1883 (11 vols., Lond., 1867-96), is an author- list of the articles in 1500 periodical publications, but it deals ^ >,^&t;^ only with the mathematical and physical sciences. S. H. a Scudder's Catalogue of Scientific Serials, 1633-1876 (Camb., Mass., 1879), and H. C. Bolton's Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 1665-1895 (2d ed., 1897) are con- cerned with pure and applied science. R. R. Bowker's Publications of American Scientific, Literary, and other Societies from their Organisation (N, Y., 1899) is the best general guide. For French academies see E. Lefevre-Pontalis' Bibliographic des societes savantes de la France (Paris, 1887). J. Miiller's Die zviss ens c haft- lichen Vereine iind Gesellschaften Deutschlands (Berlin, 1883-88) is well done ; many German academical publica- tions are also indexed in F. Dietrich's Bibliographic der Zeitschriften ( infra ) . 9. Theses, Programs, etc. For German dissertations, etc., consult R. Klussmann's Systematisches Verseichnis der Abhandlungen in den Schulschriften, 1876-85, 1886-90, 1890-93 (3 vols., Leipzig) ; the lists issued by the Konigliche Bibliothek in Berlin entitled Jahres-Verzeichniss der an den deutschen Schul- anstalten erschienenen Abhandlungen (Berlin, 1890, etc.), and J ahres-V erseichniss der an den deutschen Universitdten erschienenen Abhandlungen (Berlin, 1887, etc.) ; also G. Fock's Bibliographischer Monatsbericht iiber neu erschie- nene Schul- und Universitdtsschriften (since Oct., 1889). Swiss theses are listed in the Jahresverseichnis der schiveiserischen Universitdtsschriften (since Oct., 1889). For French theses see A. Alourier and F. Deltour's Notice sur le doctorat-cs-lettres, suivie du catalogue et de V analyse des theses latines et frangaises admises par les Facultcs des lettres depuis 1810 (nouv. ed., Paris, 1880) ; and H. Welter's Les theses de lettres soutenues en France Memoranda of Additional Books. aNT/EKSlTY 1 >gl.CALtFO^ (Paris, 1896). The Ministere de I'lnstruction publique has published annually since 1884-85 a Catalogue des theses et ccrits acadciniques publics en France; there is a general index every five years. There are also lists on special subjects, such as H. Vam- hagen's Systematisches Veraeichniss der Programinabhand- Inngen, Dissertationen, u. s. w., aus dent Geheite der romanischen iind englischen Philologie (2d ed., Leipz., 1893), and G. Fock's Catalogus dissertationum philologic- ariim classicarmn (2 vols., Leipz., 1894-99). 10. Magazines and Newspapers. Besides Poole and its larger supplements, there is the Annual Literary Index (N. Y., 1892-99), which indexes over 120 leading American and English periodicals ; also the Cumulative Index to Periodicals (Minneap., 1896 to date), issued monthly, and cumulated quarterly. A school edition of Poole will appear shortly. There is an English work issued by the Review of Reviews, entitled the Annual Index to Periodicals (Lond., 1890-99) ; it is well compiled, but has no author-list. Current Literature gives monthly a magazine reference-list classed under nine heads. The English and the American Review of Reviews (monthly) give contents of the principal foreign as well as home magazines. French reviews are indexed in D. Jordell's Repertoire hiblio graphique des principales revues fran- gaises (Paris, 1897 to date), which gives author- as well as subject-indexes. The publications indexed in F. Dietrich's Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschr if ten-Liter atur, 1896- 99 (6 vols., Leipzig) are scholarly in character; there are author- and subject-lists, but the references are awkward; announcement is made that future issues will contain a supplement of the Recensionen appearing in about 1,000 German journals. The London Times is the only daily journal in the world completely indexed. The New York Tribune Index ( 1875- 13 Memoranda of Additional Books. 99) J and the New York Times Index (1863-96) are of more value for home affairs. These indexes will in many cases serve equally well for other newspapers. II. English Essays. The A. L. A. Index to General Literature (Boston, 1893) indexes about 1500 volumes of biographical, historical, and literary essays and sketches ; a greatly enlarged edition will be published shortly. It is supplemented by the Annual Literary Index {supra), which analyzes each year about 60 composite books. 12. Bibliographies of Selected Topics. a. History and Biography. The most valuable treatises on historical method are E. Bernheim's Lehrbuch der historischen Methode (2nd ed., Leipzig, 1894), and C. V. Langlois and C. Seignobos' Intro- duction aitx etudes historiques (Paris, 1898; transl. by G. G. Berry, Lond. and N. Y., 1898). Berry's translation of the latter work has indexes which are wanting in the original. C. V. Langlois has a volume on Instruments bibliogra- phiques in his Manuel de biblio graphie historique (Paris, 1896). C. K. Adams' Manual of Historical Literature (3d ed., N. Y., 1889) comprises "brief descriptions of the most important histories." R. Flint's History of the Phil- osophy of History (Vol. i, N. Y., 1894) is the best of its kind. The I ahresb. d. Geschichtswissenschaft (Berlin, 1878 to date), the Historische Zeitschrift (Miinchen, 1859 to date), and the Revue historique (Paris, 1876 to date) con- tain excellent summaries and estimates of new books and reviews. The best introduction to ancient history is C. Wachsmuth's Einleitung in das Studium d. alten Geschichte (Leipz., 1895). The Handbuch d. klass. Altertuniszuissenschaft, edited by 15 Memoranda of Additional Books. I. von Miiller (i6 vols., Miinchen, 1886-1900), and the Handbiicher d. alien Geschichte (8 vols., Gotha, 1886, etc., still publishing) contain useful classified bibliographies. For the Middle Ages consult A. Potthast's Bibliotheca his- torica medii aevi [to 1500] (2d ed., 2 vols., Berlin, 1896). For France see G. Monod's Bibliographie de I'histoire de France [to 1789] (Paris, 1888). For Germany, F. C. Dahlmann and G. Waltz's Quellenkunde der dentschen Ge- schichte (6th ed. by E. Steindorff, Gottingen, 1894), and the Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geschichtswissenschaft (Freiburg, 1889 to date). For the United States, E. Channing and A. B. Hart's Guide to the Study of American History (Boston, 1896), J. Winsor's History of America (8 vols., Boston, 1884-89), and his Reader's Handbook of the Ameri- can Revolution (Boston, 1880). The American Library Association has in preparation an Annotated Bibliography of American History, edited by J. N. Earned. See also A. P. C. Griffin's Index of the Literature of American Local History (to 1889 in the Boston Public Library Bulletin, vols. 5-6; 1890-95 published separately, Boston, 1896), and the American Historical Reviezv. C. Gross's Sources and Literature of English History [to 1485] contains a systematic survey of sources, and a selection of secondary literature; it is proposed to supplement the work to date. The best accounts of the chroniclers are found in T. D. Hardy's Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland [to 1327] (Rolls Series, 4 parts, Lond., 1862-71), to which valuable additions were made by R. Pauli and F. Liebermann in Monumenta Germaniae historical Scrip- tores, vols. 13, 27-28 (Hannover, 1881-88) ; and in J. M. Lappenberg and R. Pauli's Geschichte von England [to 1509] (5 vols., Hamb., 1834-58) which gives, at the end of each subject, a critical review of the sources and secondary literature. The second volume of S. R. Gardiner and J. B. Mulhnger's Introduction to the Study of English 17 Memoranda of Additional Books. History (London, 1894) is entirely devoted to a description of "Authorities." See also S. R. Scargill-Bird's Guide to the Principal Classes of Documents in the Public Record Office (2d ed., Lond., 1896), and the English Historical Review (Lond., 1886 to date). For general American bio-bibliography see Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography (7 vols., N. Y,, 1887- 1900), and the National Cyclopaedia of American Biography (10 vols., N. Y., 1898-1900) ; the best, however, is Lamb's Biographical Dictionary of the United States, ed. by J. H. Brown (vols. 1-3, A-H, Bost., 1900). D. S. Durrie's Index- to American Genealogies (5th ed., Albany, 1900) is the best guide on this subject. For England, the Dictionary of National Biography (63 vols., Lond., 1885-1900) is best; two supplementary volumes to be issued shortly will- bring the record to 1900. France possesses no national biography, but J. C. F. Hoefer's Nouvelle biographic generate (46 vols., Paris, 1855-66) "puisse presque tenir lieu d'une biographic particuliere a notre pays." Germany has the Allgemeine deutsche Biographic (46 vols., Leipzig, 1875- 1900). For contemporary biography see Who's Who? (the last ed., Lond., 1901, incorporates Men and Women of the Time) ; Who's Who in America? (Chicago, 1899) ; and G. Vapereau's Dictionnaire des contemporains (last ed., Paris, 1893). b. Archaeology and Art. A. Man's carefully classified Katalog der Bibliothek des Kais. deutschen archdologischen Instituts in Rom (vol. i, Rome, 1900) is the most comprehensive bibliography yet issued. K. Sittl's Archdologie der Kunst (in L von Miiller's Handbuch d. klass. Altertumswiss, VL, Miinchen, 1895) and K. B. Stark's Systematik u. Geschichte d. Archdologie d. Kunst (Leipzig, 1880) are the best guides to the ancient 19 Memoranda of Additional Books. world. Current bibliographies are found in the Jahrhuch d. Kais. deutschen archdologischcn Institiits (Berlin, 1886 to date), and in C. Bursian's Jahresh. d. class. Altertumswissen- schaft (Berlin, 1873 to date). For Christian antiquities see V. Schultze's Archdologie d. altchristlichen K tins t (Miinchen, 1895) ; F. X. Kraus's Real-Encyklopddie der christlichen Altertiimer (2 vols., Freiburg, 1882-86) ; and W. Smith and S. Cheetham's Dictionary of Christian Antiquities [to 814] (2 vols., Lond., 1875-80). E. Vinet's unfinished Bibli- ographic mcthodiqne des beaux-arts (2 vols., Paris, 1874- yy) is still the best general guide. See also the American Library Association's Annotated Bibliography of the Fine Arts, edited by R. Sturgis and H. E. Krehbiel (Boston, 1897), and the first volume of J. D. Champlin and C. C. Perkins's Cyclopaedia of Painting and Painters' (4 vols., N. Y., 1886-87) . The Catalogue of the Avery Architectural Library at Columbia College (N. Y., 1895) is an author- and title-list of some 13,000 works on historical architecture, sculpture, and the other decorative arts; a subject-list is promised. The Repertorium filr Kunstwissenschaft ( Stutt- gart and Berlin, 1876 to date) contains semi-annual bibli- ographical lists. c. Classical Philology and Literature. The best introduction to general philology is A. Boeckh's Encyclopadie der philologischen Wis sense haft en (2d ed., by R. Klussmann, Leipzig, 1886). For classical philology see E. Hiibner's Bibliographic der klass. Altertumswissenschaf- ten (2d ed., Berlin, 1889) ; the second volume of L von Miiller's Handbuch{2d ed., Miinchen, 1890) ;and A. Pauly's Real-Encyclopddie (3d ed., by G. Wissowa, now publish- ing). W. Engelmann's Bibliotheca scriptorum classicoruni gr. et lot. (2 vols., Leipzig, 1880-82) lists the editions and critical works (including periodical literature) from 1750 to 1878, in continuation of the work of J. A. Fabricius. J. B. Mayor's Guide to the Choice of Classical Books (2d ed., Memoranda of Additional Books. Lond., 1885) gives special prominence to English editions. The bibliography of Greek literature in vol. 7 of I. von Miiller's Handbuch (2d ed., Miinchen, 1890) is not so full as that for Roman literature in vol. 8 of the same work. C. Bursian's Jahresh. d. class. Altertiimsivissenschaft {Berlin, 1873 to date) is the best of the annual reports, and its bibliographies form the best supplement to Engelmann. d. Italian Philology and Literature. G. Korting's Encyklopddie d. roman. Philologie (3 vols., Heilbronn, 1884-86; abridged ed., 1896), and G. Grober's Grimdriss d. roman. Philologie (2 vols., Strassburg, 1888- 97) "ive abundant bibliographies. The Jahreshericht d. roman. Philologie began in 1892, and the Zeitschrift fUr roman. Philologie in 1875. The notices in A. d'Ancona and O. Bacci's Mannale della letteratura italiana [1300-1896] (5 vols., Florence, 1895- 96) are excellent from the bibliographical point of view. A. Gaspary's Geschichte d. italien. Literatur (2 vols., Berlin,. 1885-88) is the best of all the larger histories, but is unfortu- nately left incomplete, breaking off at the Renaissance ; the Italian translation by N. Zingarelli (2 vols., Turin, 1887-91) has better bibliographies ; the English translation by H. Oelsner covers only the period to the death of Dante, but supplements the bibliographical notes to 1899. Only three volumes of G. Korting's Geschichte d. Litteratur Italiens (Leipzig., 1878-84) have been published; they deal respec- tively with "Petrarca," "Boccaccio," and "Die Anfange d. Renaissancelitteratur.'' G. Ottini and G. Fumagalli's Bibliotheca bibliographica italica (Rome, 1889) is a list of bibliographies published in or relating to Italy. The Bibliografia dantesca of P. Colomb de Batines (2 v. in 3, Prato, 1845-46; Indice, 1883) was continued by C. F. Carpellini in his Letteratura dantesca, 1845-65 (Siena,. 23 Memoranda of Additional Books. i866). J. Petzholdt's Bibliographia dantea ah anno 1865 inchoata (new ed., Dresd., 1880) is supplemented in the Neuer Anseiger for 1884. See also G. Biagi's Giunte e correzioni inedite alia "Bibliografia dantesca" (Florence, 1888). W. C. Lane's Dante Collections in the Harvard Col- lege and Boston Public Libraries (Harvard, 1890), and T. W. Koch's great Catalogue of the Dante Collection at Cornell (2 vols., Ithaca, 1898-1900) are essential. G. J. Ferrazzi's Bibliografia petrarchesca (Bassano, 1878) and his Bibliografia ariostesca (Bassano, 1881) are the best guides to these authors. A. Solerti's Vita di Torquato Tasso (3 vols., 1895) contains excellent bibliographies; and the author has since published (in the Rivista delle Biblioteche, 1896) a bibliography of all that appeared on the occasion of the third centenary of the death of Tasso. e. French Philology and Literature. Works on the Romance languages in general are given at the head of the preceding section (12 d). L. Petit de Julleville's Histoire de la langue et de la litter ature frangaise des origines a ipoo (8 vols., Paris, 1896-99) is the best guide in this department. Of the smaller works, F. Brunetiere's Manuel de Vhistoire de la litt. frangaise (Paris, 1898) pays most attention to bibli- ography. For Old French consult the bibliographical notes appended to G. Paris' Litterature frangaise au nioyen age (Paris, 1898). H. P. Thieme's La litterature frangaise du ig^ siecle (Paris, 1897) is a list of the works of some 200 authors, with a selection of biographical and critical notices appear- ing in essays, periodicals, etc. Many valuable monograph bibliographies exist. Amongst them are E. Picot's Bibliographie cornelienne (Paris, 1876) ; the Bibliographie molieresque of P. Lacroix (Paris, 1875), and that forming the ninth volume of the Oeuvres de Moliere, edited by P. Mesnard and E. Despois (ii vols., Paris, 1873- 25 Memoranda of Additional Books. 93) I H. M. Boiirseaud's Oiivrages de Bossuet (nouv. ed., Paris, 1897) ; and M. Clouard's Bibliographie d' Alfred dc Musset (Paris, 1883). The best list of current publications is that given in the Zeifschriff fi'ir franzosische Sprache und Literatur (1879 to date). ^7 Memoranda of Additional Books. THIS SOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO SI. GO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. OCT 22 1932 X5^S3* JUN 6 1939 fC n 1939 LD 21-50m-8/32 ^3-^ 17 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY