ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1278 1900 BY CHARLES SAYLE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CAMBRIDGE 1916 u*^ ^v^ REPRINTED FROM 'THE LIBRARY' OF ig^S o TO FRANCIS JENKINSON Who first taught me to appreciate the significance and human interest which underlies all that is contained in the term THE PRINTED BOOK 466534 PREFACE. THE colledion of notes, from which the present is an extradl, was commenced at the request of Mr. Jenkinson, more than nineteen years ago (21st August, 1896). It received every encouragement from the late Registrary, J. W. Clark. At one period, in fad, the whole manuscript was placed in Mr. Clark's hands, at his urgent desire, in order that it might receive such treatment as his particular knowledge and energy should think fit. But it was too late. The manuscript came back to me at his death pra6lically untouched. Mr. Clark's notes, compiled after he had decided upon the task, are now MS. Add. 5090. He also colleded and bound in 1 90 1 a chronological series of documents relating to the library. *The learned and industrious authors who have hitherto investigated the antiquities of Cambridge, are all silent touching the foundation of the University Library.' With these words the writer of the preface to the first volume of the Catalogue of Manuscripts, published in 1856, commences his remarks. Since that date a good deal has been printed. First, the Catalogue of Manuscripts itself, in five volumes, taught a good deal. In 1869 Henry vi PREFACE. Bradshaw published seven papers in the * Cambridge University Gazette.'' In 1870 Dr. H. R. Luard printed his * Chronological List of Graces.' In 1886 appeared the chapter in the ' Architedlural History of the University of Cambridge,' by Willis and Clark, which contains all that is necessary to know, and probably all that we ever shall know, relating to the buildings. As to the books, C. H. Hartshorne's ' Book-rarities of the University of Cambridge' (1829) had contained a little. That work, admirably conceived, would have been a monumental work had not its author been compelled to prepare in haste what should only have been compiled at leisure. As it is, it still remains the only book on the bibliographical colle6lions in the University as a whole, and it is much to be desired that a new edition of it should be undertaken.^ The few notes, which are all that are at present offered to the reader, grew out of an article printed, almost accidentally, in the 'Cambridge Review' of 2nd December, 1 9 14, and reprinted four days later in pamphlet form. At the suggestion of Mr. Madan, Bodley's librarian, a copy was sent to * The Library,' and Mr. Pollard offered the hospitality of its pages to a compressed account of the Cambridge collection. But for him, as it seemed, this book would not have appeared. Yet on the very day on ' Afterwards printed as No. 6 of his 'Memoranda' (1881), and again in the ♦ Collected Papers' (1889). ' The work is so far incomplete that it merely deals with five librarieSj namely, the University Library, King's, the Pepysian, Trinity, and St. John's. PREFACE. vii which the first pamphlet was issued, a generous friend in India wrote to me offering to defray the expenses of printing the volume. That friend was Mr. Alwyn Scholfield. C. S. 6 May 1916. POST-SCRIPT. It is, I hope, not necessary to say that in compiling these notes I have had before me always one great exemplar for admiration and imitation. The Rev. W. D. Macray's ' Annals of the Bodleian Library,' first published in 1867, and re-edited in 1890, serves as a model of painstaking research in a subjeft which, after all, is but a backwater of history. ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE UNI- VERSITY LIBRARY. O secular libraries in England are so ancient as those which grew up in the Universities. The University collec- tion at Oxford dates back to 1337, and though 1424 is the date usually assigned to the commencement of our Public Library, yet references to colleftions of books at Cambridge date back far earlier. Some of these we shall quote, adding also notes as to the founda- tion of different colleges and their libraries, in these Annals of the University Library, in order to illustrate its surroundings. 1278. Shortly before this year Nigel de Thornton, a physician, gave to the University part of the ground upon which the Library now stands.' 1286. Hugh Balsham, bishop of Ely, and Founder of Peterhouse, left by his will to his scholars ' many books in divinity and other sciences.'^ ' ' Archite6tural History of the University of Cambridge,' by Professor Willis and J. W. Clark, iii, 3. ^ Dr. J. B. Mullinger, 'The History of the University from the Earliest Times,' i, 228 «. 2 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1293. Queen Eleanor, wife of King Edward I, gave in this year the sum of 100 marks, thereby associating her name with a chest for the use of members of the University. These chests play a peculiar part in the history now under consideration, for books were often deposited as the ' cautiones,' or pledges, by means of which money could be borrowed for payment of a fee or other purposes. A list of these chests is given in T. Fuller's ' History of the University of Cambridge,' ed. Prickett and Wright (1840), p. 130: Chest. Donor. Time. Billingford Richard de Billingford 1400 Blide William de Elide Blondel John de Blondel, redor of Clifton St. Botolph Thomas of St. Botolph's Darlington [Cf Caius MS. 82] [n.a. 1400] Ely John de Ely, Bp. of Norwich 1320 Exeter Thomas Beauford, Duke of 1401 Exeter Fen [Hugh Fenn, Cf. 'Endowments,' [n.a. 1480] 1904] Gotham William de Gotham, Chancellor 1376 St. John [Cf. Caius MS. 10. U.L.C. Ff [n.a. 1388] 6. 20] Ling Richard de Ling or Harling, 1352 Chancellor ^ I (Walter Neele, citizen of London ( iNeele |johnWhithorn,re6lorofHalstead )' ^^^"^ The Queen Queen Eleanor 1293 Ronbery Gilbert Ronbery [Cf Caius MS. 91] St. Trinity William Bateman, Bp. of Ely 1348 This list differs materially from that printed in UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 3 the ' Endowments of the University of Cambridge,' ed. J. W. Clark (1904), pp. 554 seq. In Dr. James's Catalogue of the MSS. at Caius College, the ' cautiones ' noted in thirty manu- scripts are fully described. Among these other chests, Lufnam (MS. 2), Vaughan (14), Turbervile (14), Countess of Warwick (257), Lincoln (293), Gylford (444), and Wynton apud Oxon (479), are named. All of these (except Lufnam) relate to Oxford. See H. Anstey, 'Munimenta Academica' (1868). On the chests see also J. W. Clark in C.A.S. 'Proc' xi, 78-101. 1294. In the ' Institutiones' in Caius College Library' occurs the ' cautio ' : Pignus Johannis de Hann' impignoratum in communi cista pro viii s. In crastino annunciationis dominice a.d. m°. cc. nonagesimo quarto. 1300. Thomas de Insula, bishop of Ely, gave a large Bible to Peterhouse this year.^ A ' cautio ' of this year occurs in a manuscript in the library : Cautio magistri Johannis de Hodon exposita in cista de . . . die sabb. proxima ante festum omnium san6torum pro xj anno domini 1305.'' ' M. R. James, 'Catalogue,' ii, 631 (no. 600). ^ C.A.S. ' Proc' ix, 398. 3 MS. Ff. 3. 28. The name of the chest is erased with very great care, Stc post 1307, 4 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1307. A second ' cautio ' occurs, in the manuscript already quoted, under this year : Cautio Henrici de . . . et Walteri de . . . exposita in cista domini Roberti et magistri W . . . pro x solid, die sabbati proxima ante festum Sandi Edmundi regis et martyris anno domini 1307.' A half-obliterated ' cautio ' of this year remains in a manuscript of Aristotle's ' Physica ' in Caius College.^ 1324- This year saw the foundation of Michael House, afterwards part of Trinity College ; and in 1326 was founded University Hall, afterwards Clare Hall. 1333- A volume of commentaries on the Decretals in Caius College (MS. 257) became a 'cautio' for the Countess of Warwick's Chest. 1337- With the foundation of King's Hall in 1337, and Clare Hall in 1338, our record of books and libraries becomes fuller (see the entries for 1394 and 1355). 1344- The statutes of Peterhouse, dated this year, class the books of the Society with the charters and muniments. The regulations for their safety are set out in full by J. W. Clark, ' Care of Books,' PP- 134-5- ' MS. Ff. 3. 28. See ante 1305. The chest has not yet been identified. - MS. 452. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 5 1346. December. A Vatican manuscript of Anselmus ' De veritate, Cur deus homo,' contains the follow- ing ' cautio ' : Cautio fratris lohannis de Wynch, exposita ciste de Blida pro quinque solidis die sabbato proximo post festum sande Lucie virg. anno domini m° ccc° xlvi'" et habet suplementum Reynaldum cum ledura quinque librorum decretalium in eodem volumine cooperto albo coreo in asseribus.* 1346-7- March 23. Another MS., ' Quodlibeta,' in the same colleftion has the ' cautio ' : Cautio fratris Johannis . . . ordinis sand:i augustini exposita ciste de Neel pro xxvi "sol . . . et habet suple- menta libros Anselmi et summam Reymundi secundum consuetudinem dicfti. . . .- ^ 347; February 1 5. Before this date the University possessed buildings on the north of the site of the Old Quadrangle, for a lease of this date speaks of ' our great schools in School Street ' (' de magnis scholis nostris in vico scholarium '). The date of foundation is not recorded, but Sir Robert Thorpe, first Master of Pembroke Hall, and afterwards Lord Chancellor of England, is said to have laid the foundation stone.^ ' MS. Ottob. 103. See H. M. Bannister, *A Short Notice of some MSS. of Cambridge Friars,' etc. (British Society of Franciscan Studies, v, 124-40). 2 MS. Ottob. 196, ut supra. 3 Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, lO, See post 1372. Pembroke Hall was founded in this year. 6 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1348. Gonville Hall, the home of many manuscripts, was founded this year. 1350- WiUiam Bateman, bishop of Norwich, in founding Trinity Hall in this year, added a gift of eighty-four books. The catalogue of these has been printed.' The books were kept in a chamber at the east end of the chapel.^ December 21. Bishop Bateman also gave books to Gonville Hall, the second foundation of which took place on this day. 3 John of Tyrington, one of the original staff of fellows in 1351, also gave Peter Lombard's ' Sententiae ' (no. 279).+ 1352. Richard de Ling, Chancellor of the University in the years 1339, 1345, and 1351, founded a chest. 5 ' M. R. James, 'Catalogue of MSS. in Trinity Hall' (1907). See also G. E. Corrie in C.A.S. 'Comm,' II, 73. These were in two divisions, (i) for the use of the fellows, (2) for the bishop during life. See J. W. Clark, ' Care of Books,' p. 144. - Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 411. ■'' Two books given by him still remain. See M. R. James, Descriptive Catalogue, Vol. I, Intro, p. vii. For the history of the library see Dr. J. Venn's 'Biographical History,' III, 189-95. 4 Venn, op. c'lt. Ill, 282. 5 See J. W. Clark in C.A.S. ' Proc' xi, 97. The date is given by Fuller nt supra. Prickett and Wright give his name as Richard de Herling, and give R. Parker as the authority for the name of Lyng, who states that he was Archdeacon of Norwich, and died in 1354. See Nichols's edition, who quotes Perne. There is a portrait of Richard de Ling in the University Library, presented by a Mr. Patterson, of Hull, in 18 10. For the use made of his chest see Caius College MSS. 2, 10, 82, and 412. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 7 November 7. This day was founded Corpus Christi College. 1355- This year Elizabeth de Burgh, Lady of Clare, presented to her foundation,' besides service books, * I Hugucion, I Legende sandorum. i poire de decretals, i livre des questions, et xxxii quaiers d'un livre appelle, De causa Dei contra Pelagianos.'' 1362. Michael Causton, Chancellor of the University, 1362, and Master of Michael House, gave eight manuscripts to Caius College. 3 1364. About the year 1364 books w^ere presented to Pembroke Hall by William Styband, elefted fellow between 1347 and 1364. The list of works pre- sented to the college during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries has been printed. + 1365- On the fly-leaves of a copy of the 'Inforciatum' in Caius College Library ^ are the following ' cautiones ' : 1. Richardi de Derham . . . ciste de Lyng . . . a.d. 1394. 2. Joh. Ne6lon . . . ciste S. Trinitatis . . . 138 1, with par decretalium and libri Anselmi. ' E. Edwards, < Memoirs,' i, 374. Gottlieb, ' Mittelalt. Eiblio- theken,' p. 401. ^ John Nichols, ' Colledlion of Wills,' 1780, p. 31. 3 Venn, 'Bio2;. Hist.' iii, 282. 4 G. E. Corrie, ' A List,' etc., in C.A.S. ' Comm.' 11, 13 (1864). 5 M. R. James, ' Descriptive Catalogue ' (1907), i, 2. 8 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 3. Name erased, and Mag. Joh. de Wodehylle . . . ciste de Lufnam . . . 1365. 4. Original name erased, Nicholai Cleye substituted . . . in cista de Nel . . . 1370. Supplement: Hugo in albo coopertorio. John Lynsted, reftor of Cawston in Norfolk, gave to Gonville Hall the ' Distinftiones Simonis de Boraston ' and Gregory's ' Moralia.' ' 1373-4. Dr. Adam Lakenheath, chancellor, 1373-4, gave two MSS. (nos. 295 and 466) to the same institution. 1372. June 29. Sir Robert Thorpe, who had laid the foundation of the north schools, dying this day, left 40 marks to the University. With this sum, and other help, the walls were carried up nearly to the level of the first floor, when the work was stopped for some years for want of funds. ^ 1376. August 21. Thomas de Eltisle, first master of Corpus Christi College, dying this day, left to the college all his books. He was noted for his liberal donation of books to the college during his master- ship. 3 Sunday^ ^une 16. During the rising in East Anglia the rioters who, in the previous April, had broken into the University Treasury and abstrafted ^ M. R. James, 'Descriptive Catalogue' (1907), i, 2i and 33 (nos. 27 and 40). - Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 10. 3 R, Masters, 'History of Corpus Christi College' (1753), App. p. 20. H. P. Stokes, 'Corpus Christi College' (1898), p. 26. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 9 many valuable charters and muniments, which they burnt, entered the monastery of the Carmelite Brothers, which stood on the site now occupied by Queens' College, and seized a chest standing in their church, full of books and valuables, belonging to the University.' The value of these was after- wards estimated at £20. It is not possible to claim that these books were of a literary as apart from a domestic or liturgical characSler. 1390. A 'Digestum Novum' in Caius College contains no fewer than eight ' cautiones ' of various years extending from 1382 to 1390. The ' cautio ' of 1 390, which is the longest, reads : Cautio M. Will. Somersham . . . ciste de neel pro iii It . . . 1390 et habet 2 supplementa viz. inforciatum et unam peciam argenti cum quinque cocliaribus et preculis argent.^ Walter Harlyng, re6tor of Mattishall about 1 39 1, gave a copy of Aristotle's ' Physica ' (MS. 452) to the same society. 1394. At King's Hall, eighty-seven volumes are enumer- ated in the library this year.3 ' British Museum, Arundel MSS. 350, fol. 15-18. Quoted in Edgar Powell's 'The Rising in East Anglia in 1381 ' (1896), pp. 50-62. - MS. 10, This manuscript was exhibited by J. W. Clark to the Cambridge Antiquarian Society on 25th January, 1904. See C.A.S. ' Proc' xi, loi. 3 J. W. Clark, 'Care of Books' (ed. i), p. 144. lo ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE ^396. A book which deserves mention at this point is the ' Tretis of viij chapitres necessarie for them that given hem to perfeccion, which was founden in a book of Maister Lowes de Fontibus at Cante- brigge, and turned into Englisch bi Maister Water Hilton of Thurgarton.' The author of this treatise is otherwise unknown. The manuscript, once Stillingfleet's, is now in the British Museum. The death of Hylton is ascribed to about this year, and the reference is therefore given here.' .^397• Before this year WilHam Pickworth, provincial prior of the Dominicans in England, had written the following note in a manuscript, ' TracStatus metaphysices,' now at the Vatican : Iste liber est fratris Wilh. Jpicworth ordinis predica- torum quern propria manu scripsit quando erat studens in conventu Londoniensi et vol. quod incatlnetur in comuni libraria Cantebrig. . . .^ 1398. ^une 20. Before this date Sir William Thorpe (brother of Sir Robert) and his wife, Lady Grace Thorpe, finished the Divinity School, together with a chapel, ' perfe6tly,' and ' caused also the windows to be glazed.' For this benefadlion, on this day, Eudo de la Zouch, Chancellor of the University, agreed that Masses should be said on 6th and 19th May of each year for the repose of their souls. ^ 'Tanner, 'Bibl. Brit.' 425. Herbert, ' Typ. Ant.' 262. D.N.B. xxxvi, 436. - MS. Ottob. 862, ut supra. ^ Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, lo-ii. Mr, Clark states that 'the west window still (1886) contains the Royal Arms in the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. ii 1400. From 1400 to 141 8 Thomas de Castro Bernardi was Master of Peterhouse. He is probably the donor of a ' Liber Decretorum ' and ' Decretales ' found in the first catalogue of 1424. 1408. In Higden's Polychronicon (no. 82) at Caius College is the note ' Caucio M" H. Osborne, ex- posita ciste Lyng, 1408.' 1412. Richard Pulham, master of Gonville Hall, 1 393-141 2, gave two volumes of Aristotle to his college (458, 509).' 1415. William Loring, prebendary of Lincoln, left to the Common Library all his books of Civil Law. Item volo quod omnes libri mei Juris Civilis remaneant in communi libraria scolarium universitatis Cantebrigg' in perpetuum.- It has been conjedlured that William Holler, vicar of Halvergate in Norfolk from 141 5-1426, centre, flanked by those of Thorpe.' The shields have not been there these twenty-five years, and four are those now inserted in the west windows of the tower, eredled over the old gateway of King's College, rebuilt by Pearson in 1890. ' Venn, ' Biog, Hist.' iii, 282. ^ Lambeth Wills: Chichele, part i, fol. 290b. He made other bequests to Merton College, Oxford. [In lift. G. H. Fowler, MS. Add. 4251.) One of the MSS. is Dd. 7. 17. 12 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE is the person mentioned as having presented Holkot ' Super librum Sapientie,' and a ' Fasciculus morum.' * 141 6-17. This year a new library was begun at King's Hall to replace an older and probably a smaller building. Willis and Clark, ' Arch. Hist.' iii, 41 1. 1418. Christmas Eve. On this day, to quote Dr. MuUinger, ' an unknown hand at Peterhouse com- pleted a catalogue of the library belonging to that foundation.'^ The catalogue still exists. ^ 1419. A Vatican manuscript of Bonaventura ' Ques- tiones ' contains the following inscription : Iste liber est de comunitate Cantebr. fratrum minorum . . . Anno domini 141 9 fuit iste liber noviter reparatus in ligatura asseribus coopertura et clausura.'' 1420. May 22. John Thornhill, redor of Ingoldmells, CO. Lincoln, by his will dated at Cambridge this day bequeathed to the University of Cambridge a book of ' Decretalia.'5 The will was proved on 2ist September. I He is mentioned by F. Blomefield, ' Hist, of Norfolk,' xi, 105. See H. Bradshaw, ' Collefted Papers,' pp. 22 and 54. ^ Op. cit. i, 324. ^ 3 See M. R. James, ' Catalogue of Peterhouse MSS. 4 MS. Ottob. 611, ut supra (but see Mr. Bannister's note). 5 Alfred Gibbons, 'Early Lincoln Wills,' p. 153. Between 1420 and 1430 a library was being built at Clare Hall. Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 411. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 13 1 42 1. 'January 8. This day the University acquired on lease from Trinity Hall, at an annual rent of two silver pennies, the second part of the site upon which the library now stands/ 1422. March. A Vatican manuscript of Egidius Romanus, ' Quaestiones,' contains the ' cautio ' : Cautio magistri Johannis Will. Ludham. (?) exposita ciste tn[nitatis] a°d'miil°4°et 22°, diemensis marcii. . . .^ 1424. Dr. Richard Holme, warden of King's Hall, whose will dated Cambridge i8th April was proved 22nd May in this year, gave sixteen volumes to the University. ^ These will be found in the catalogue compiled in or about this year. As it has been printed already in full,+ it is here abridged : Theology. Donor's Name. I, 2. Una Biblia in duobus voluminibus Ric. Holme 3. Alia Biblia Aylemer 4. Concordancie Biblie „ 5. Psalterium Rob. Tye 6-8. De Lira, in tribus voluminibus Ric. Holme 9. De Lira, Super Epistolas, etc. Tho. Paxton 10. Magister Historiarum [Petrus Aylemer Comestor] » Willis and Clark, ' Arch. Hist.' iii, 3-7. 2 MS. Ottob. 468, ut supra. 3 The will is printed by the Surtees Society, 'Test, Ebor.' vol. I, p. 205. See Bradshaw, ' Colledled Papers,' p. 53. -t Bradshaw, I.e. pp. 19-34. The list seems not to have been finished as it contains no books on civil law [F. Jenkinson]. H ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25- 26. 27. 28, 30- 31- 32. 33- 39- 40. 41- 42. 43- 44. 45. T//eo/ogy — cont. Donor's Name. Allegoric historiarum, cum Sermone Nic. Ive Lincolniensis Gregorius [Opera quaedam'] Joh. Preston Wallensis [Varia'] „ Augustinus De cluitate dei & Re- Ric. Holme tradationes Augustinus et [Varia'] Joh. Chirche Wallensis Summa Colledionum J. Matissal Chrysostomus in Imperfecflo Tho. Paxton Tradatus Rhetorice sec. T. de Novo J. Walker Mercato & De arte predicandi sec. Waleys Anselmus [Varia'] J. Paxton Holcot Super Librum Sapientie Will. Holler Parisiensis De viciis Jac. Matissale Abbaville Sermones dominicales „ Legenda sandorum J. Water Tradatus de penitentia, etc. J. Matissale Fasciculus morum W. Holler Compendium pauperum J. Preston Biblia beate Marie, etc. „ 29. Januensis [i.e. Jac. de Voragine] J. Water Sermones Opera quaedam' Januensis Distinftiones „ Expositio super Ecclesiasticum Glosa super Epistolas Pauli 38. Postillas Summa Predicantium J. Thorp Gregorius In Moralibus T. King' Petrus de Aurora, Super Biblia Gorham Super Psalterium Gregorius [Opera quaedam-'] . Lincolniensis De lingua 46. Magister historiarum Set out in the catalogue. Set out in catalogue. J. Holbrook T. Thurkill C. Kirkby - Vicar of Dunmow. -t Master of Peterhouse, 14 18. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 15 Theology — coyit. Donor's Name. 47. Nottingham Super Euangelia J. Paris ' 48-50. De Lira, in tribus voluminibus Bp.T. Langley 51. De Lira Moralitates „ 52. Ambrosius Super Lucam N. Upton 53. Thomas Secunda Secundae R. Alne 54. Hampolle Melum Contemplativorum „ Theologia Dispiitata. ^^. Magister Sententiarum R. Teye 56. Media Villa Super 1 & II Sententiarum N. Ive 57. Tharantarius Super III & IV „ 58. Thomas Contra Gentiles J. Preston 59. Bonaventura Super IV J. Matissale 60. 61. Thomas Summa Pt. I „ 62. Sutton Quodlibeta 63, 64. Albertus Super Summam 65, 66. Thomas Summa 67. Baconthorpe Super Librum Sententiarum R. Blynforth 68. Altisiodorensis „ „ Chr. Kirkby 69. Thomas super Secundam Secundae J. Paris Moral Philosophy. 70. Egidius super RhetoricamAristotelis&c. Hug. Paris 71. „ De regimine principum Tho. Paxton 72. Boethius De consolatione philosophie J. Croucher- 73. „ Tho. Paxton 74. Albertus super Metha'''"° J. Skot Natural Philosophy. 75. Palladius De agricultura T. Paxton 76. Textus methe" J. Wroughby 77. Thomas super xii libros. Me" „ 78. Tabula Natural. Phi*-' N. Ive 79. Aristotle De anima J. Wroughby 80. Burley Super odo libros phi""'™ J. Aylemer ' ' Capellanus.' ^ MS. li. 3. 21. See 4. Bradshaw Coll. Papers, 17 ; 186. i6 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE Natural Philosophy — cont. Donor's Name. 8 1. Textus Natural' Phi' J. Matissale 82. Averroes Commentum super libros phi'-"'" „ 83. Antonius Super Methe'^'" 84. Burley Super lib' De anima J. Smith ' 85. Aristotle. Problemata R. Alne 86. Petrus Paduwanens super Probl. „ Aristotelis Medicine. 87. 88. Galen [opera quaedam &c.''] ) 8q. Avicenna Libri III cum Serapionis ( t u t- ^1 r>i---Ai •«- /J oh- lesdale 90. Rhasis in Almasoris occr ( '' 91. Galen De morbo &c.^ J Logic. 92. Textus Logice* J. Matissale Sophistry. 93. Ferebrigge & W. Heytesbury cum aliis Grammar. 94. Hugucio T. Paxton 95. Porphyrius cum aliis 96. Priscianus in maiori 97. Lucanus. De bellis romanis 98. Priscianus in maiori et minori Kendale 99. Petrus Helias in maiori et minori „ ' Westhawe.' ^ Canon Law. 100. Decreta Ric. Holme 10 1. Archidiaconus in Rosario - „ 102. Speculum Judiciale Joh. Aylemer 103. Reportorium Duranti cum aliis „ ' Vicar' de Castre. ' Cited in full in Catalogue. 3 Probably Tliomas Westhaugh, Fellow of Pembroke. See Bradshaw, 'Coll. Papers,' pp. 31, 54; M. Bateson, 'Catalogue of Syon Monastery,' 1898, p. xxvii. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 17 Canon Law — cont. Donor's Name. 104. Decretales Ric. Holme 105, 106. Johannes in Novella „ 107. Decretalia Liber sextus „ 108. Joh. in Novella super Sextum „ 109. Decreta Tho. de Castro Bernardi ' no. Decretales „ 111. Hostiensis in Summa Ric. Holme 112. Johannes in Colledoria „ 113. Decretales J. Thornell 1 1 4- 1 16. Johannes in Novella Super Decretales J. Aylemer 117. Innocentius Super Decretales R. Holme 118. Liber Clementinarum J. Aldewyck 119. Speculum Judiciale 120. Joh. de Antona Super Constt. Othonis & Ottobonis 121. Decretalia 122. Archidiaconus in Rosario Rob. Alne June 21. A further document relating to Holme's bequest is preserved at the Registry, but it is so dilapidated that it is pradically illegible. ^ 1425. This year the library at Michael House was extensively repaired and possibly rebuilt. Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 411. H3I- The building of the library at Peterhouse was begun in this year. See Willis and Clark, ' Arch. Hist.' iii, 408. 1431-2. March 1 1. This day the ' garden of the Hostel of the Holy Cross,' usually called Crouched Hostel, ' Master of Peterhouse, 1400-18. ^ See MS. Add. 5090. C i8 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE part of the present site of the library, was bought by the University from WilHam Hulle, Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem.' 1435- Robert FitzHugh, bishop of London, formerly warden of King's Hall, dying this year, bequeathed two books to the University : Item lego librarie communi universitatis Cantebrigie textum Moralis Philosophie, item Codeton super 4 libros sententiarum." Thomas Langley, bishop of Durham and cardinal, who died this year, gave books to the library ;^ but as his will was not proved till 1439, they will be found mentioned under that date. 1438. y«/y 10. King Henry VI granted to the chancellor, masters, and scholars of the Uni- versity, having petitioned the King, ' the manor of Ruyslep in the County of Middlesex, with a certain place called Northwode, with lands, &c., to that manor pertaining, after the death of John Somerseth, to whom it is given for life,' in aid of the support of a common library, and of chaplains celebrating mass in the beautiful chapel. + I Willis and Clark, ^ Arch. Hist.' iii, 8. ^ Lambeth Wills, Chichele I, 457^/. U.L.C. MS. Add. 4565, fol. 40. 3 Cooper,' Memorials,' iii, 67. H. Bradshaw,' Coll. Papers,' p. 54. 4 Patent 16 Hen, VI, pt. 2, memb. 13. Hare MS. Paper copy, vol. ii, p. 134. Prickett and Wright, 'Documents,' i, 41. See also Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 11. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 19 1439- July II. King Henry VI granted to John Langton, Chancellor of the University of Cam- bridge, and the masters and scholars of the same, and their successors, of the manors of Great and Little Ogbourne in the county of Wilts, with all their rights, etc., after the death of John Saintlo, who holds them for life, in aid of the support of a common library, and of chaplains celebrating mass in their beautiful chapel.' December 17. This day Cardinal Langley's will was proved at ' Medilham.' It contains the following clause : Item lego communi Librariae Cantabrigg Ledluram integram Nicolai de Lira, in tribus voluminibus, et Ledturam Moralem ejusdem, in uno volumine.^ These books will be found in the Catalogue of 1473. 1440. This year the University, in selling to King Henry VI the greater part of the property acquired from William Hulle in 1431, received a piece 68 feet from east to west by 10 feet from north to south, which was required for the eredtion of new schools (' pro nouis scholis super di(5lam parcellam edificandis ').3 December 24. Robert Alne, 'Parson' of the Choir at York and officer in the ecclesiastical court there, in his will of this date, besides ' Patent 17 Hen. VI, p. 2, m. 15. Documents I, 41-2. 2 Surtees Society, ' Hist, Dunelm. Scriptores tres,' App. p. ccxlv. Bradbhaw, I.e. pp. 25, 54. 3 Willis and Clark, ' Arch. Hist.' iii, 8. 20 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE bequeathing several books to the cathedral church there, and to other places, adds : Item lego communi librariae Universitatis Cantabrigiae Archidiaconum in Rosario, Sandum Thomam Secunda Secundae et librum cum Problematibus Ar'" et alium librum cum tabula super Boecio de Consolacione Philoso- phiae, et aliis Tradatibus, et Ricardum de Hampull vocatum Melos, cum Orilogio Divinae Sapienciae qui fuit [antedicti] Magistri Thomae Hebbeden, ad orandum pro anima ejusdem ; et librum cum Francisco de Remedio Utriusque Fortunae, cum aliis Tradlatibus ; ita quod magister Johannes Otryngham, magister sandi Michaelis Cantebrigias, habeat usum dicfti libri ad terminum vitas suae.' These books are also found in the Catalogue of 1473. 1441. At Gonville Hall this year the first library was built on the w^est side of the quadrangle, the books having been previously kept in a strong room.^ 1442. Walter Crome is stated to have presented books to the library in this year, still in the collecflion,^ but the fa(5l cannot be substantiated. 1443- Thomas Rotherham, afterwards Archbishop of York and Lord Chancellor of England, a great benefa6lor of the library, was eledled fellow of King's College in this year.'^ It is worth pointing ' Surtees Society, ' Testamenta Eborac.,' ii, 78. See Bradshaw, I.e. p. 54. - Willis and Clark, 'Arch, Hist.' iii, 411. 3 Venn, 'Biographical History,' vol. i, p. 5. For his gifts see post 1444 and 1452. ^ A. Austen Leigh, 'King's College' (1899), p. 21. i UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 21 out to those not familiar with the buildings that the college at this time was contiguous with the schools on the west side. 1444. November 17. On this day Walter Crome, D.D., gave to the library the volume of St. Augustine, ' De verbis Domini et de Verbis Apostoli,' at the end of which is the following inscription : Liber beati Augustini, etc., donatus communi librarie scolarium Universitatis Cantabrigie per Magistrum Walterum Crome sacre Theologie Professorem, anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo quadrageslmo quarto; studentes orate pro eo et anima ejus. Primus liber donatus in ordine, 2"' donatus liber Armakanus cum Augustino contra Donatistas. It now stands MS. li. i. 28. The 'Armachanus cum Augustino contra Donatistas,' which is men- tioned as ' secundus donatus,' was the work ' De pauperie Christi,' but it has disappeared, unless indeed in a mutilated state it is MS. Ff 4. 32.' Crome also gave on the same day another volume consisting of St. Augustine 'De doftrina Christiana' and other works, which he had bought in 1432.'' It contains the following inscription [MS. li. 3. 9]: Donatus iste liber Augustini de do6lrina Christiana per M. Walterium Crome Communi Librarie Universitatis ' MS. Ff, 4. 32. It was mutilated before the seventeenth century, see Abraham Wheelock's curse on the miscreant, written in the volume. ^ 'Liber magistri Walteri Crome sacre Theologie Professoris emptus ex magistro Willelmo Lavender, pret xxvis viiid, solutum ex pecuniis di 1447-8. March 12. The will of King Henry VI, dated this day, ' provided a noble library, one hundred and ten feet long by twenty-four feet broad, on the ^ Bradshaw, Coll. Papers,' 18, 54. Crome was redior of S. Benedi(5l Sherehog in London (Cooper, ' Memorials,' iii, 67). 2 Op. cit, 185. 3 A. Austen Leigh, ' King's College' (1899), p. 19. 4 See Venn, 'Biog. Hist.' i, 8, T^nA po$t 1473. Catalogue 172. 5 Cf. A. Ogle, 'Canon Law in Medieval England' (1912), p. 199. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 23 western side of the proposed quadrangle of King's College' (Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 408). This would have been ten feet longer than the present Catalogue Room of the University Library, the old Senate House of the University. 1448. Marmaduke Lumley, bishop of Lincoln and Chancellor of the University, bequeathed a manu- script bible in three volumes to Queens' College Library. Home's ' Catalogue,' p. xi. (MS. Add. 5090). 1450. In Peterhouse Library is a MS. of the Com- mentary of Johannes Canonicus on the Physics of Aristotle, written by Tydeman, a Swede, at Cam- bridge this year (C.A.S., ' Proceedings,' ix, 403). 1452. June 25. On this day Dr. Walter Crome pre- sented another volume of St. Augustine, consisting of the ' Contra Faustum,' the ' Sermo Arianorum,' and the 'Contra Perfidiam Arianorum.'' This brought the number of books presented by him to the library up to 93 : Donatur liber iste . . . communi librarie Universitatis Cantabrigiensis per magistrum Walterum Crome, a.d. 1452 ad usum studentium in eadem in crastino Johannis Baptiste et est in numero librorum donatorum 93.- ' Bradshaw, Coll. Papers, i8, 54. He also left seven books in this year to Gonville Hall. Six of these are certainly still there. Venn, ' Caius College,' p. 260. Cf. Cat. of MSS. V, 253. - MS. li. 4. 29. At Pembroke Hall this year a storey was added over the Hall for a library. Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 411. 24 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE August 5. Crome's will was proved this day.' 1453- A catalogue of the old library of King's College, dated this year, contains 174 volumes/ 1454. June 25. The library and new chapel of the University were now rising together : Item in crastino natiuitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste pro plumbo noue capelle et librarie extradtum vj Marc And later in the same year : Item pro obturatione foraminum librarie et capelle xvijd. Item pro clauis paruis ad reparacionem fenestralium in libraria ob.-' c. 1455. Gift of John Salle (MS. li. 2. 28) : Rationale Divinorum. Ex legato M' Joh'^ Salle decretorum dodtoris nuper socii Aule Sande Trinitatis.'' There is no date, but the book must have been given between 1440 and 1473, as it appears as no. 246 in the catalogue of the latter year. The donor may have been John Salle, Vicar of Happisburgh in Norfolk, 1429-55.5 1456. Item pro cathenacione librorum in communi libraria xiiijd.*^ ' Venn, ' Biographical History,' i, 5. Cf. MS. Add. 5090. - Willis and Clark, ' Arch. Hist.' iii, 404. 3 Grace Book A, fols. 2a^2b. The name of the bookbinder of the period is Gerard Wake, as another entry on the same page shows, relating to books, not necessarily from the library. See G. J. Gray, 'Earlier Cambridge Stationers,' p. lo, 4 Bradshaw, ' Collected Papers,' 47, 54. See seal of J. Salle in C.A.S. 'Comm.' vol. vi, p. 345. 5 H. Bradshaw in C.A.S. ' Comm.' ii, 278. 6 Grace Book A, fol. 8^. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 25 A 'cautio' of this year occurs in a manuscript: Cautio . . . exposita in cista de Turvyll anno domini mcccclvj decimo die mai et jacet pro iii marcas ix solidos et 4d.* 1457- July 5. On this day the commission for build- ing new schools or a library was appointed, no gremial being forced to contribute : Anno domini millessimo quadringentesimo quinqua- gesimo septimo quinto die Julii in plena congregatione regencium et non regencium fada tuit commissio Cancel- lario in absencia sua vicecancellario magistro Millyngton Magistro gay Magistro Stoyll Magistro Edmundo Cunnyss- burgh duobus procuratoribus Magistro Waltero Smyth Magistro Willelmo Raynoldson consencientibus omnibus do6loribus secularibus et religiosis vt ipsi habeant plenam et plenariam potestatem disponendi providendi excogitandi pro edifficatione Noue Scole philosophie et iuris civilis vel librarie in fundo vniuersitatis prouiso semper quod per hanc commissionem nullus ad tunc gremialis artetur ad soluendum aliquid de propriis.- 1457-8. The fire which broke out in King's College (then west of the library) this year seriously endangered the colle(5lion. To this the proclors' accounts bear witness : Item pro custodia librorum communis librarie tempore quo ignis erat apud nouum collegium xijd. Item dodori thome Stoyle pro diuersis expensis fadis per ipsum circa salvationem communis librarie tem- pore quo ignis estuabat in regali collegio vs. vjd.^ • MS. Ff. 3. 27. For the Turbeville chest see ante 1293. - Grace Book A, 6 ^. See Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 12. 3 Grace Book A, fol. loa. 26 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE April 9. A syndicate, consisting of the Chan- cellor and others, including the two Prodtors, was appointed to supervise the building work. "June 30. A second Grace betrays that -the Schools of Philosophy and Civil Law are in a state of irremediable decay and ruin, and must shortly fall to the ground unless some remedy be applied. The Schools to be built next to the School of Canon Law/ 1458-9. The expenses incurred from the lire were not over by the following year : Item roberto Coker pro ceruisia et pane laborantibus circa librarian! in tempore incendii camerarum in nouo coUegio. xxd." Also an ordinary expense : Item in opere ferreo fenestris vitriis in liberaria. iiijd,^ 1459. March 25. This day another part of the ground now occupied by the library was leased to the University for ninety-nine years at an annual rent of two shillings, by John Botwright, Master of Corpus Christi College. The plot measured 30 by 292 feet, and was surrounded by a stone wall. The School of Civil Law had already been built on part of it. A plan or sketch of the Schools as they then existed is preserved in the White Book (' Liber albus ') at Corpus Christi College. It shows the ' Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 12-13. - Grace Book A, fol. 13/;. ^ lb. 13 a. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 27 new Library (' Libraria noua ') over the School of Canon Law, now the Periodical Room.' 1461-2. Ordinary charges : Item pro cathenis librarie vniuersitatis. viijd." 1462-3. Item pro ligacione duorum librorum communis librarie xxiiijd^ Item pro cathenacione libri medicinalis jd^ 1463- November 3. This day in full congregation it was ordered that the Librarian should receive an annual salary of 40 shillings from the rent of the School of Canon Law. Memorandum quod Anno domini m'" cccc" sexagesimo iij" die 3° Nouembris decretum est in plena con- gregatione Regencium et non Regencium quod Gustos librarie recipiet annuatim de denariis scole canonici iuris xP.^ One payment of this sort is entered : Item pro custode librarie de pecuniis scole Juris canonici xx^^ 1464-5. Item pro reparacione tedi librarie xxijd.^ ' The sketch is reproduced in Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 5, where the whole history of the schools site is very carefully described. ^ Grace Book A, fol. 23 tf. Venn, 'Caius College,' p. 260. 5 lb. 2Sa. ^ lb. 2 5 /a ? Ih. 27/;. *" lb. 2()a. The entry has been drawn through. 7 //,, 23^?. 28 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1465. John de Breton, a priest, who died this year, is said to have paid for the glazing of the windows of the library.' 1466-7. Item pro emendacione fenestrarum in Cappella et Libraria vjs.- 1468. OSlober 2. This day John Beverley, fellow of Gonville Hall and prebendary of Lincoln, gave by deed fifteen volumes to his colleo^e. The ma^ni- tude of the gift, valued at ^40, was acknowledged by the establishment of an 'obit' in his memory. If this was omitted the Chancellor might claim the books for the University Library. ^ 1469-70. Item solutum Loppeham vitreario pro vna fenestra vitrea xvj pedum iuxta gradum ducentem ad nouam librariam viijs.^ 1470. Item pro deposicione le crane ere6te in orto collegii Regis pro noua fabrica vniuersitatis iiijd. Pro fenestris in turri scolarum xxjd.^ The east wing of the building was commenced this year, when payment was made ' for building two new schools next the schools gate.' ^ ^ C. H. Hartshorne, Book-rarities, p. 4. For the destrudion of this glass see post 1748. - Grace Book A, fol. 38 b. -^ Venn, ' Biog. Hist.' iii, 282. ^ Grace Book A, fol. 83 a. 5 Univ. Accounts, 1470, p. 84^7. See Willis and Clark, iii, 14, 6 Willis and Clark, Ibid. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 29 1 470- 1. Chains and donors' names are attached to the books this year : Item pro quatuordecim cathenis pro libris iiijs. viijd. Item pro fadlura vnius stalli in libraria et hostii in turri et pro clauis pro eisdem iijs. iiijd. Item pro coopertoriis quatuordecim librorum xs. vjd. Item pro tenui cornu et clauis ad insinuacionem nominis ' collatoris librorum predidorum xs. Item in expensis pro litera vniuersitatis missa archiepis- copo eboracensi [George Neville] pro libris datis vniuersitati per comitem Wigornie ixd. Item pro mundacione librarie iijd. Item pro uno grate in libraria vjs. viijd. Item pro vno lates ad idem xijd.' John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, here mentioned, was beheaded for high treason in this year, i8th October, 1470.^ By his death his intention was apparently frustrated. 1471-2. One of the earliest documents relating to the history of the Library is the Statute regulating restri(5ted admission. Owing to some previous informalities it is ordered that no one, not being a graduate, shall presume to enter the library unless with a graduate, and that he must leave it with him ; that no graduate, not being a gremial, shall come in except in his proper academic dress ; and that any one who shall be convi6led before the chancellor or his representative of disobeying these ' Grace Book A, fol. 64^, - See Cooper, 'Memorials,' iii, 67. The earl was a donor to Oxford. See W. D. Macray, Annals, pp. 1 1 and 400. His tomb is on the south side of the ciioir of Ely Cathedral. 30 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE injun6lions, shall be excluded for ever.' The document is so interesting that it is here reprinted : De communi lihraria universitatis. Saepe contingit quod ea quae ad remedium sunt provisa ad noxam tendere cognoscuntur, quod equidem experientia edocet et ipsa res manifestat. Cum enim retroaftis tem- porlbus nobis permittentibus consuetum fuerat scholares nostros quoscunque in communi libraria nostra ad suum commodum et ut credidimus incrementum virtutum ita libere quemadmodum gremiales nostros usum librorum inibi habuisse quod in grave praejudicium nostras universi- tatis cedere non dubitamus, ea propter nos volentes circa praemissa remedium providere ordinamus et statuimus quod de cetero in di6lam nostram communem librariam qui graduatus non fuerit nisi cum graduato intrare non praesumat et cum eodem recessurus : adjiciendo quod nullus graduatus non gremialis intret in bibliothecam sive librariam praefatam absque habitu suo gradui competent! et quod si quis hujus statuti violator extiterit et super eodem coram cancellario vel ejus vices gerente convi6lus fuerit perpetuam bannitionem incurrat ipso fado : quod quidem statutum per singula collegia et hospitia infra odto dies volumus publicari.- This is referred to in the following entry : Item deliberatum M. Hanson pro vino dato presidenti et dodloribus in edificatione statuti pro ingredienti- bus librariam ixd ^ 1472. Geoffrey Champneys, Vicar of St. Stephen's, Norwich, dying this year, bequeathed certain books ' Statuta Acad. Cantab. (Cantab. 1785, 4°), p. 83. This statute at the time of its promulgation was ordered to be published throughout the colleges and hostels within eight days. ^ Ut supra. 3 Grace Book A, fol. 68<7. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 31 to Gonville Hall and others to the University Library.' Do . . . librarie communi universitatis librum notabilem scilicet communem glosam super quinque libros sapientiales et Hugonem de Vienna in margine. The second extant catalogue of books is pre- served in the same volume with the catalogue of 1424 in the Registry. It has been printed in extenso more than once, and vs^ill be found in Henry Bradshaw's 'Collefted Papers,' pp. 35-53. It shows the library to have contained at this date 330 volumes, arranged as follows:^ North South I Grammar (19) (15) Civil Law I II Medicine (21) (17) Canon Law II III Natural Philosophy (i8) (14) „ III IV Moral Phi ilosophy (19) (14) „ IV V Theology (26) (27) Theolo2;ia Disputata V VI (26) (21) Theology VI VII (24) (15) „ VII VIII (17) (23) „ VIII (14) » IX 170 + 160 = 330 H74-5- Tables were hanging up in the library at this time : In primis solutum Magistro Songer pro tabulis pen- dentibus in libraria xs.^ • Norwich Consistory Court Register, ' Jekkys,' fol. 275. See J. Venn, ' Biographical History,' vol. i, p, 7. Information and extradl kindly supplied by the Rev. Dundas Harford, of Hampstead, 24th December, 19 10. The book occurs in the catalogue of 1473, see poit^ under nos. 279 and 305, but has apparently since disappeared. See Bradshaw, /.c. 187. -^ Grace Book A, fol. 77 />. 32 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE Item pro fadlura duorum descorum in libraria tribus hominibus per decern dies xiiijs. Item pro fadtura omnium sedilium in libraria noua xls. xxd. Item pro lignis et mensulis ad idem opus emptis in foro. ixs. vjd. Item pro vno Estrysch borde xiiijd. Item pro fadura le crestes in libraria vs. iiijd.* Item solutum Alano Semper bedello pro diuersis ex- pensis in libraria xs. xd.^ May 13. Before this date Thomas Rotherham, Bishop of Lincoln, afterwards Archbishop of York, had completed his first gift to the University, for on that day a statute was passed placing him among the ' first ' benefa6lors of the University, and de- creeing that a mass should be said for him annually on the first day of the Easter Term during his life, and a requiem mass after death. The clause re- lating to the University Library was as follows : in honorem Dei, incrementum studii, et universitatis nostrae profedum, scholas novamque superius librariam polito lapide, sumptuosa pompa, ac dignis oedificiis per- fecerit, eamque, omnibus ut decuit rebus exornatam, non paucis vel vilibus libris opulentam reddidit etc. . . .^ The gift consisted of some 200 volumes, many of which still remain. 5 » Grace Book A, fol. 79 tf-^. ^ Luard, 11. 3 We have the catalogue of books presented to Catharine Hall, at its foundation in this year by Dr. Woodlark. They were placed in seven stalls. (Camb. Ant. Soc, Quarto Series, no. i, 1840.) ^ Documents i, 414. 5 Among the MSS. given by him is a Catholicon (Dd. i. 31), and among printed books the 'Speculum Historiale,' 1473, F°. (This has the date of gift 1484.) The list of Rotherham's books UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 33 The arms of Rotherham, vert, three bucks trippant argent armed or, are on the tower of Great St. Mary's Church. These arms, with the badge of the white rose, to show his affection for his patron Edward IV, were in every pane of glass in the old library ; and possibly remained until September, 1748.' For Rotherham's benefa6tions at Jesus College, Rotheram ; Lincoln College, Oxford; Whitehall, and elsewhere, see D.N.B. : Humphry, duke of Gloucester, gave 20 marks, and the Earl of Oxford (whose chaplain the said Rotheram was) gave lo/i; whose arms are inward, on the wall of the little library.' 1476. April 20. Hugh Damlet bequeathed ' to the common library of the University, Hugo ' de Sacramentis,' the 'quodlibeta' of Scotus, Sutton and others in one volume.' ^ Item pro scriptoribus indenturarum inter dominum cancellarium et vniuersitatem pro libris receptis xxd. Item pro scribentibus tabulas omnium librorum in libraria communi et ad dominum cancellarium missas xijd.'' is given in the ' Donors' Book,' in the University Library, pp. 3-9, The accuracy of this list has been denied by Dr. M. R. James. ' Cole MSS. V, 13. See post 1748. Quoted by Hartshorne, p. 4 note. 2 Baker MSS. 10, p. 337. [U.L.C. Add. MS. 3332 (E) p. 35.] Also quoted by Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 14. 3 Baker MS. 26 [U.L.C. Mm. i, 37]. He was also a benefador of Pembroke Hall. See Cat. of MSS. v, 253. 4 This list still exists. See Grace Book A, preface by S. M. Leathes, p. xlii. 34 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE Item exposuimus pro reparacione liberarie pro vno foder de cake et sabulo iijs iiijd.' Item pro cathenacione xxv librorum iijs xd. Item pro cathenis vjs viijd. Item tradidimus quibusdam laborantibus circa ordinem et imposicionem librorum in libraria vjd. Item tradidi laborantibus pro reparacione librorum in libraria iiijd. Item pro reparacione librorum in libraria domini cancellarii ijd/ 1478-9. The sum of eightpence was paid for gilt nails for the books given by the Chancellor (Rotherham) : Item solutum pro duodecim catenis pro libris domini [cancelarii] et pro alio libro in magna libraria catenato iijs. Item pro cattenacione librorum domini cancellarii xijd.^ It may not be out of place to mention at this point that in 1478 Friar Laurentius Gulielmus de Saona compiled at Cambridge his 'Nova rhetorica,' which was printed by Caxton about 1479, and at St. Albans in 1480. A copy of the latter is in the University Library. 1479-80. The following charges are presumably for the library : Item pro x cathenis emptis de Seymper iijs. viijd. Item pro cathenis xxviij emptis londoniis vijs. Item pro vedura mensurarum et cathenarum iiijd. Item pro vedura xxvij voluminum que dedit dominus cancellarius ijs viijd. Item Magistro Rooch pro littera [missa] ad dominum cancellarium ijs. ' Grace Book A, fol. 88 «. ^ lb. 89^. ^ lb. 92 «. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 35 Item pro 6 cathenis in anno preterite emptis de sempar xxijd.' In this year, 1480, a special additional statute was made for the library at Peterhouse. It is printed in Willis & Clark, ' Arch. Hist.' iii, 395. 1480-1. Item pro cathenis libri M. Bowre viijd.^ 1483-4. Item solutum pro ligacione trium magnorum librorum in libraria vniuersitatis scil lire^ et duorum iuris viijs. iiijd.'' Item pro scriptura vnius indenture et pro intitulacione viginti librorum quos dominus Cancellarius dedit vniuersitati quando hie ultimo aderat XJd.^ 1484-5. Both of these probably refer to the library : Item Waltero'' pro ligacione vnius magni libri ijs. Item to floryse pro cathenacione librorum viijd. 1487-8. Item pro cathenacione libri ex dono magistri Greyn iijd.' Item pro clasuris Hbrorum in libraria viijs. OBober 24. Vincentius in Speculo Morali de- livered to John Butler, the Chancellor's servant, to copy.^ ' Grace Book A, fol. 98^. 2 Grace Book A, fol. 104a (Luard, 18). Luard queries this for Archbishop Bourchier? 3 Lyra. 4 Grace Book A, fol. 135/'. ^ Ih. 136^. ^ Grace Book A, p. 199. For Walter Hatley, stationer, see G. J. Gray, 'Earlier Cambridge Stationers,' pp. 12, 13. 7 Grace Book A, p. 219. ^ Luard, 21. 36 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1488. Item pro ligatura ix librorum communis librarie xiiij^ vj'^. Expenses conne6ted with the gift of a Bible : ' Item pro carriagio biblie et xx^' solidorum collatorum vniuersitati per magistrum Lyndsey — xij*^. Item pro cathenacione vnius biblie — viij^ 1489- Item pro vigesies duodecim paribus signaculorum pro libris in libraria^ ij'' v' iiij''. 1490. Item^ pro reparacione cere et noue clave ad hostium librarie viij^ OSlober 1 6.+ Item sol' pro Reparatione noue bibliothece plumbario xix^ ix^. Item pro Reparacione fenistrarum am- barum librariarum, scole theologice, scole canonice, scole artium, scole ciuilis xvj' viij'^. 1492. Expenses connected with the stru6lure : Expense fa6le per didos procuratores Johannem Syclyng et lohannem Wall circa reparaciones vtriusque Librarie et alia necessaria vniuersitatis : Memorandum that the cysterne & the pype of the gargyll of the librarie nexte y^ college ^ate weyth i C" et di I'l'" & ix" Item Waltero Bechin vno die & di super librariam ix^ I Grace Book B, fol, 14. (Luard, 22.) - Grace Book B, fol. 25. 'Signacula.' Possibly what we should now call labels. The word is used once again in this book (fol. 228), but then in its usual sense of seal. The word for a clasp was 'clausura,' see post 1493. 3 Grace Book B, fol. 34. ^ lb. 35. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 37 Item Johanni Nycolson carpentario vno die ibidem vj^. Item pro xxvj pedibus de asseribus pro reparatione librarie vj^. Item pro dimC de 4 peny nayle pro dida reparatione ij"*. Item pro dimC de 3 peny nayle ij^ Item pro cathenacione duorum librorum iiij"^. Item pro duabus cathenis pro eisdem vj"^. Item pro cathenacione & cornu libri a M'° Dodore Fyrby vniversitati legati ' iij^. Memorandum quod nos didli procuratores pro repara- cione vtriusque librarie recepimus de plumbario xxvjC. dim. quarta. et xvij" precium cuiuslibet li ob q*. Et precium C. vij', Summa totalis ix" viij' iij"^ ob q'"*. Item pro labore vnius lathomi uno die et dim. super librariam ix'^. Item pro uno modio carbonum et tribus ffasculis pro igne iiij"*. Item pro Clavis pro reparatione dide librarie ij*^. Summa totalis xv''. With other entries.^ April 6. William Woode, Warden of the College at Sudbury, bequeathed a work by Henricus Bouhic : Lego Librarie Universitatis Cantabrigie Henricum Bouhic in duobus voluminibus cathenandis.^ In the Pro6tors' accounts occurs note of a book given by Archbishop Rotherham : ' Grace Book B, pp. 46-7. - Ibid. 3 Information supplied by Frederick Johnson, Esq., of Norwich, i8th December, 191 1. This must have been a manuscript, as the ' Distin6liones' were not printed till 1498. There is no trace of the manuscript in the library. 38 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE Item pro cathenacione vnius libri quern dedit Archie- piscopus Eboracensiscumscripturaduorum librorum H93- Item pro clausuris duodecim librorum cathenatorum in communi librarie ex dono Magistri W. Tornour xviiij'*. The plumber's account for this year is also pre- served, and the cost of the carriage from London 6f the books given by the Archbishop is given. ^ 1495-6. Item pro reparatione veteris librarie et pro plumbo empto pro reparacione eiusdem-^ xvj* x^ Item soluitur vetriario pro reparacione fenestre finalis in libraria vniuersitatis'' ij^ "June 25. This day died John Gunthorpe, for- merly master of King's Hall, and afterwards Dean of Wells. Four manuscripts in the library contain his name.5 1500. Archbishop Rotherham left, through his exe- cutors, a large number of additional volumes, some of which were manuscript, to the University this year.^ ^ Grace Book B, p. 53. -'lb. 62 (Proftor's Accounts). 3 lb. 97 (Proctor's Accounts). 4 Ih. 129. 5 MSS. Dd. 7. I, 2; Dd. 10. 29; Ff. 6. 20 (used by him as a cautio in 1452, and afterwards given to Jesus College, Cambridge), and Mm. 3, 4. C. H. Cooper in the ' Memorials of Cambridge,' iii, 67, speaks of the Jerome as his bequest, perhaps, on insufficient evidence. Gunthorpe also gave books to Syon Monastery. See D.N.B. for a notice of him. '' ' Cat. of MSS.' I, vii. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 39 This year the Statute was relaxed in favour of monks studying for a time in this University: Conceditur monachis studentibus in ista vniuersitate pro tempore studii in eadem ut possent liberum habere introitum in Hbrariam communem vniuersitatis non obstante statuto.' Also the inevitable plumber appears : ^ Item pro plumbario et reparacione vtriusque librarie iij" vj vj"*. 1500-I. Item Walter battle pro ligacione librorum diuersorum in biblioteca et reparacione eorundum et aliorum v^^ The plumber at last reveals his name: + Item solui Johanni Mervell plummer pro reparacione librarie et scolarum cum famulo ^^'f- II. I5OO-164O. 1507. A GRACE was passed allowing two monks, bachelors in arts, John Spylman, canon, and Robert Browenn, canon, to enter the Common Library, notwith- standing the statute restri(5ling the use of it. 5 ' Grace Book B, p. 145, ^ /^^ j^g. 3 Ih. 166. See ante 1485. 4 /^. 169. 5 U. r, fol. 35^ (Luard 31). 40 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1509. At last the name of a library keeper, Hobbes, appears : Item magistro obbis pro confeccione cuiusdam Instru- menti xij^ Item plumbario pro emendacione librarie per super- uisum magistri obbis ' xlij^ 1510. From the prodlors' accounts : ^ In primis pro scriptura statuti imponendi ostio librarie iiij''. 1511. This year Erasmus was eledled to the Lady Margaret Professorship, and it may reasonably be presumed that this illustrious man taught in the Divinity School, now the ground floor of the Catalogue Room. 3 1513- We find the following loan of books, on deposit of a silver cup or of money as caution : Memorandum quod do6lor Schyrton habet de noua libraria Crisostomum super epistolas pauli ad corintheos usque ad festum sandi michaelis prox' pro quo posuit caucionem in manibus magistri Osteby viz. vnum ciphum argenteum stantem cum coopertorio partim deaurato.^ ' Grace Book B, fol. 268. He seems to have been also clerk of St. Mary's. ^ /^. 281-2. 3 He had been allowed to incept in theology in 1506. Grace Book B (1903), p. 222. 4 Grace Book B, fol. 317. Osteby was cross-bearer in the follow- ing year. See H. P. Stokes, ' Chaplains ' (1906), p. 83. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 41 Item D. Naase habet Alexandrum Super Metaphisicam de magna libraria vsque ad idem festum pro quo posuit caucionem in manibus iunioris procuratoris et est x^ in auro. 1515. Item fabro lignario pro reparacione stallorum in biblio- theca et aliis scolis' xvj^ Item Nycholao stacionario pro ligatura libri iniuste ■ abstradli a bibliotheca tandem restituti universi- tati" ij^ mf. 1518. This year a fire broke out in the Terence School or west wing.3 1520. Item* recepi de Magistro belt pro dispensatione scil. abesse in generalibus processionibus et intrand' bibliothecam sine habitu iij^ iiij''. 1522. OSlober 20. Richard Sharpe, chaplain to Bishop Fisher, writing to Nicholas Metcalfe, the master of St. John's, says : Mylorde . . . desireth your maistershipe that by your gude means he may have wryten iiij sermons of seynt John Chrisostome contra iudeos with certaine homelies de incomprehemibilitate dei & other moo as they follow in the same boke. The boke lyeth in the new lybrary of the ' Grace Book B, fol. 337. ^ Ih. 338. N. Spering. See G. J. Gray, 'Earlier Cambridge Stationers,' pp. 43, etc. 3 //,. ^6^^ ^Si. "> lb. 406. 'Item eidem [Do6lor Nicholas] pro potu et aliis expensis circa combustionem librorum Martini Lutheri. ij* ' [lb. 416). 42 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE Universite (that byshop Rotheram made) and was de- lyuered at the last beyng of my lorde then For he had borowd y' of the Uniu''site before.' Item concedebatur Johanni pereson ordinis Minorum vt possit intrare communem librariam ad placitum.^ 1528. July 4. Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of London, shortly before his translation to Durham, presented various books, including the Complutensian Bible and several Greek books, from the Aldine and other early presses, as well as some manuscripts, the earliest Greek books the University possessed. They all bear the manuscript inscription : ' Cuth- bertus Londoniensis episcopus studiosis dono dedit.'3 1529. September 12. The West Room (as it is now called) from this time to 29th September, 1 545, was devoted to the teaching of ' Literae Humaniores.'* Item 5 pro noua cera in noua bibliotheca vj . 1533- John Leland's account of the books in the library is as follows : 1 See Mr. G. J. Gray, 'Letters of Bishop Fisher' (The Library, April, 1913). - Grace Book B, fol. 452. 3 See Donors' Book and H. Bradshaw's annotated list in MS. Add. 4595. 4 John Caius, quoted in Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 20. s Grace Book B, fol. 518. 'Item pro facibus ad libros com- burendos iiij^' The trial of Sygar for heresy is recorded at the same time {Jib. 520). UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 43 In biblioiheca publica majori. CoUediones Wallensis. * Cum colledionis huius.' Hildebrandus super evangelia, qui postea Gregorius Septimus didus fuit. Nicolaus Trivet super Genesim. Distindiones theologicae Gulielmi,Lincolniensis ecclesiae cancellarii. 'Arcus dicitur Christus.' Expositio Nicolai Trivet super libros Boetii de consola- tione. * Explanatio librorum Boetii &c.' Boetius de consolatione, Anglice. In hihliotheca pub. minoriy quam Cuthebertus Tunstallus insigni numero Gr^ecorum voluminum auxit. Lincolniensis de dodrina cordis. Compendium de didlis & fadlis memoralibus incerto autore. * Sapientiam antiquorum.' Andronici Calysti Byzantii interpretatio in libro : Arist : de generat : & corrupt. Summa philosophiae, autore Grostest. Barptolomaeus Facius de felicitate vitae. furto sublatus.* 1534. Some further security was necessary about this time, for we find in the Grace Book : Item yt ys grauntyd y^ for y^ more saffgarde of yo"" books yn youre comon library y' y^ ouermer [sic] dore at y" stayrs bed may be locked so y' yt shall be lawfull for only gremyall or graduat & nonother to provyde them & have a key to go yn & study at ther pleasure." ' J. Leland, ' Colledlanea,' iii, 15 (Ed. T. Hearne, Lond., 1770, vol. iv, pp. 15, 17). ^ Grace Book P, fol. 148(7. For the University Stationers appointed at this time see C.A.S. ' Comm.' xxvi, p. 289. 44 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1535- A grace was passed to sell the useless books in the chests, and to place any useful ones, which are now being moth-eaten, in the library: Item concedatur ut magister vicecancellarius et pro- curatores vestram habeant authoritatem vendendi vestras vacuas cistas modo in earum locis illarum pretio subselia erigantur & praeterea eos libros ex quorum lecflione nihil prassentis utilitatis capi potest ita tamen quod pecunia in illis reponatur cistis unde sumuntur libri, & reliqui si qui utiles reperti fuerint qui modo tineis & blattis coroduntur & corrumpuntur in communi vestra bibliotheca cathe- nentur & si quid pecuniae supersit reponatur in cista communi.' The Royal Injundions of this year forbidding the study of Canon Law, the school on the west side on the ground floor, previously given to this, was assigned to Logic. ^ 1536. Extra<5ts from Robert Stokes, the Junior Pro<5lor's, accounts : Expenses ffor y^ Reparationes off the lybraryes oth common scholys. In primis to one laborer for diggyng one dore thorow the brick wall iiij • Item for naylles to the settyng vp off the braise an thangell in y*^ gret lybrary ij'^- Item for the removyng off the bookes and makyng clene off the lybraryes xij'^. Item to my servandes helpyng vp off y^ lede and downe and contynuall watyng vpon the workmen by the space off three weekes to take hed to the bookes and lede ij' ' Grace Book T, fol. 152^. " Willis and Clark, ill, 20. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 45 1536-7. Item to the provlncyall off the austen-frers for ilj C and j quarter off old lede xij^ vj''. Item to James caryer for 7 C and 3 quart, of lede caryng from bennytt colledge to the blak frers and 6 new webbes from y'^ frers to the scholys vj^ Item to M"" generall off the blake frers for one foder and a halff off lede almost all in webbes vj'' xiij' iiij''. Item to Roger glasyer for glase, workmanship and byndyng off all such quaryes as were loose in y^ new lybrary x® Item to James the caryer for bryngyng from the blak frers 7 C off lede to benyt colledge wich the vnyuersite borowed off them, and for caryng the gret long ledder ffrome the scholys to the blak frers vj- Item I dyd gyve among ix or x scholers for takyng the seid ledder down ij"*. Item for carrying away from afore the scholys dust that was cast owt off the tower ' ii^. 1540. Roger Ascham in this year borrowed the work of Polyaenus to transcribe.^ 1541. Sir John Cheke this year borrowed commen- taries on Homer and Hesiod for sixteen months in order to edit them, his printer, Veale, to give security for their return with copies of the printed edition. 3 ' Grace Book B, fol. 575. ^ Grace Book F, fol. i-job. 3 Grace Book F, fol. I'j^a. 46 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1543- Cheke borrowed in this year Leo ' de aciebus instruendis ' under a bond of five pounds. The book was to be returned before Christmas, 1544.' The old library had fallen by this time into complete decay, and it was determined to use the room for a new theological school : — ' formandi ex vetusta bibliotheca novam scholam theologicam quoniam ut nufic nulli est usui & formosior schola ex ea formari potest quam ulla est reliquarum.'^ This arrangement remained in force until 1586, when the room was restored to its original use. 1549. John Bale, in the introdu6lion to a register of English writers, annexed to 'The Laboryouse Journey and Serche of Johan Leland,' published about this time, says : Sens I returned home agayne from Germany, whereas 1 both collefted and emprented my symple worke, de Scriptoribus Britannicis i haue for the full correccyon and further augmentacyon of the same, perused many libraries both in Cambridge and Oxforde. In the famouse cytye of London, is but one knowne library, so farre as I can learne. This year the West Room, which had so far been known as the Terence School, was converted to the study of Rhetoric by the Visitors of King Edward the Sixth. ^ 1550. ^ Among the Junior ProcSlor's accounts i'^ Item pro mundanda bibliotheca. et exportando pulvere et fimo columbarum vi^.^ ' Grace Book A, fol. 3^. ^ Grace Book A, fol. iq/- (Luard 43). 3 Willis and Clark, iii, 20. ^ Audit Book, 1545-69, fol. 33/-. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 47 1556. The Catalogue of the Library written by Hugh Gwin, junior pro(5lor, is preserved,' and enumerates 172 volumes, set out in shelf order; ten stalls on the right hand, and ten on the left. Seventeen years from this time the library only contained five more volumes. 1561. At the end of the University accounts for this year occurs : Memorandum quod duae sunt obligationes magistri Jo. Cheke pro quibusdam libris mutuo acceptis e publica bibliotheca academic que remanent in custodia D. vice- cancellarii.^ I 564. August 5. Queen Elizabeth was in the build- ing, if not in the library, during her visit to Cambridge.^ 1566. November 23. Specimen of the voucher of this period : Memorandum that I Thomas Byng Orator of thuniver- sitie of Cambridge have borowed of M"" D. Beaumont Vicechancellor of the same vniversitie, one of the univer- sitie books entituled 'AiXtavov aTparnyiKa written in greek. In witnes whereof I have to these presents subscribed my name the day & year above written. Thomas Byng.^ ' Prodors' Accounts, Audit Book, fol. 60^. ^ Audit Book, fol. 90^. 3 J. Caius, ' Hist. Canteb. Acad.' (1574), p. 88. ■* Registry MS. 31.2.2. A note by H. Bradshaw says : ' There is no further trace of the history of the volume, any more than of those borrowed by Sir John Cheke. MS. Add. 4560, pp. 21-2. 48 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1572. A view of the library in this year is found in Archbishop Parker's ' De antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesia'' (Lond., 1572, F^.). 1573- Two catalogues made in this year of the books in the library still exist. They show an increase of only five volumes, and one list adds that there are thirty chains 'lacking their books' on one side of the library, and twenty-six ' voied chaynes ' on the other, and notes : ' Most parte of all theis books be of velam and parchment but very sore cut and mangled for the lymned lettres and pictures.' ^^ February. Mr Stokes, I have not forgotyn y^ Vniuersitie in my talk with my Lord of Canterbury and my Lord of Winchester, as you shall know at my returne. In the meantyme I praye you send me the just lenkthe, breadthe, haythe and number of all the stales in the Vniuersitie Librari and remove all the bokes of the furthermost stale on the right hand as you entre into y^ librari and place those bokes removed on other stalles in the librari and then wright what bokes be on every stale and I do trust to get of my L. a store of notable bokes to occupie the foresayde furthest stale and to have all ther names printyd that are on every stale. Yf you will have the waightes of brasse^ ' Reproduced in S. Drake's edition of 1729. 2 Liber Gratiarum A, fols. 33o/'-33ifl. 3 The Elizabethan Bushel Measure, dated 1601, is still pre- served at the Registry. C.A.S. 'Proceedings,' xi, 219. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 49 and the Q. Ma"" armes wright to me lykwise. Thus fare you well. From Lambeth the xiiij of Februarij 1573. You"" lovinge friende Andrew Perne.' 1574. May 16. James Pilkington, bishop of Durham, gave twenty volumes.^ May 24. Mathew Parker, archbishop of Can- terbury, gave twenty manuscripts and twenty-five printed books. ^ September 22. Sir Nicholas Bacon gave seventy- three volumes. + Some of these are still distinguished by his gift-plate in colours, probably the earliest English bookplate. Robert Home, bishop of Winchester, gave fifty ' Magna volumina.'s Caius in his ' Historia Cantebrigiensis Acade- miae,' published in this year, speaks of the books that had been by then stolen (suffurantium vitio). But he also gives a very clear account of the ' Registry MS., 31. 2. 3. ^ Donors' Book, p. 17. 3 Donors' Book, p. 10. The contemporary list is on the fly- leaf of MS. Dd. 2. 5. 'In 1566 the then Dean and Chapter (of Exeter) had given to Abp. Parker that well-known MS. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels, Leofric's gift to his Church, which was transferred by the Archbishop in 1574 to the University.' W. D. Macray, 'Annals' (1890), p. 28 note. Parker's gifts are described in Bernard's Catalogue of 1697 as preserved 'in cista quadam ' in the Library. 4 Donors' Book. C. H. Cooper, ' Memorials,' iii, 67, says 103. 5 Donors' Book. 50 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE library at the time. He distributes the extant volumes under the following heads : 1. Grammatica, Poetica. 2. Dialedica, Philosophica. 3. Rhetorica, Historica. 4. Arithmetica, Geometria, Astronomia. 5. Cosmographia, Musica. 6. Biblica, Dodlores. 7. Theologica. 8. Legalia. Speaking of the two libraries he says: 'Altera privata nova, altera publica seu vetus dicebatur' (p. 39).' Among the Vice-chancellor's accounts :^ Item for 27 chaynes for the newe books' in the librarye vij^ vj'^ for 34 rynges xxij*^ for 4 libs of copper ij' viij'^ for wyer iiij^ for nayles ij'' to John Shires setting out 72 chaynes ij* to hillarye helping hym viij'' and for setting on my lorde keepers armes and wryting the names of the books and figures iij' vj^ Item for a frame for my lorde of Canter- buries armes xij'' & for a wryting deske } if v'f > xviij' viij'^. xvnj'^ }■' 1575- February 27. This day came up to Cambridge John Bois, afterwards the famous divine and trans- lator of the Bible (d. 1644). He 'is said to have worked in the university library from four in the morning till eight at night.' ^ ' Cf. ' Cat. of MSS.' i, pp. vii, viii. 2 Audit Book, 1545-1659, fol. 129/- (given in Willis and Clark, iii, 431). 3 His diary, 1627-39, is MS. Add. 3855. F. Peck, 'Desiderata,' ii, 329- UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 1575-6. Among the Senior Pro6lor's accounts Item for bynding of xx bokys gcven by the "] Lorde keper & patet per billam 1576 Lorde keper & pro alijs necessarijs ut Wxij^ vij**. Thomas Perkinson, S.T.B., reftor of Willing- ham, presented a copy of the editio princeps of Homer (Florence, 1488, F^.)-' ^577- July. This month W. James, M.A., of Peter- house, was elected librarian, at an annual stipend of ^10. Educated under Perse and probably chosen by him, he is probably the person who succeeded Matthew Stokys in this year as Registrar of King's College.^ At the same time a grace of the senate was passed (on loth July) fixing ^10 as a yearly stipend to the Keeper.'^ August 15. A letter was addressed by Giles Fletcher, deputy orator, to Wotton, nephew of the late Dean of Canterbury, Nicholas Wotton (d. 26 January, 1567), partly of thanks and partly to beg some of his uncle's books for the University. 5 Among the Senior Pro6lor's accounts : ' Audit Book, 1 545-1 659, fol. 131 <^. * Donors' Book, p. 21. 3 See Bradshaw, 'Coll. Papers,' p. 191. James only held office till Midsummer, 1581. •^ Grace Book A, fol. \2\b. 5 'Epp. Acad.' ii, 455. 52 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE Item to widdow Brickman for certayne books brought in to the librarye at the commandment of the L keper and as ' ^ yet by his lordshipe not payed 1580. June 22. On this day John Parker, a son of the Archbishop, presented a portrait of his father; and Edward Grant portraits of Lady Margaret, and of Robert earl of Leicester/ 1581. Richard Moodie, formerly school-keeper,^ was appointed librarian with a salary of 5 marks a year. June 30. By grace passed this day graduates of the rank of B.A. contribute 4d., M.A. 8d., B.D. 1 2d,, and all Do6tors i6d. for the Salary of the Librarian.-^ Ju/y 7. A Syndicate was appointed to draw up rules for the government of the library. Richard Barnes, bishop of Durham, gave ten books, 5 the list of which is preserved. December 6. On this day Theodore Beza pre- sented the famous Codex of the Four Gospels, known as Codex D, and also after himself Codex Bezas, to the University. In a letter he declares his reasons for depositing it here. Item for a boxe & cotton to send Ires to ^ theodorus beza who sent iij old books J>v^ to thuniversitie '' J ' Audit Book, fol. 135. ' Grace Book A, fol. 326 <^. The first and last are still in the Library. 3 Moodie only held office till 1583. * Grace Book A, fol. 134^. ^ Donors' Book, p. 21. ^ Grace Book A, fol. 141^. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 52 >■ xxviij^' Item to Mr. Thomas for byndyng books " geven by y^ bishop of Durham [R. Barnes] viz for Chronica Othonis ij' iiij'* Rosimi ij' iiij'', Crispini duobus iiij' viij"* hispanie ij' vj'' p. Jovij opera 2''"' v' theatr hortelij v' Cronitrij S^euop! y' iiij** ejusdem Danea suecia &c ij^ vj'' & certayne statutes with strings ij' ij'^ 1582. Payments :^ Item Richardo Modye & henrico frogg pro custodia librarie Ixvj^ viij'^. 1583- Henry Frogge, of Trinity College, was appointed librarian this year.^ March 2. Bishop Whitgift borrows the Codex Bezae, on a bond of ^\o^ not to go away from Cambridge. In the Vice-Chancellor's accounts :+ Item to mr Stokys for thexchange of the centuries ^ in 7 volumes xij', for iengthenyng of xiv chaynes x"^ for chayning certayne books in the librarye iij^ iiij'' .584. October 10. Bishop Whitgift allowed the Codex Bezas again. 05iober 12. Lupoid von Wedel, a German noble, saw the Codex Bezae on this day. To Kameriz or Kamerich (Cambridge) twelve miles. Here is a high school, and we visited the Colleges fourteen in number ; in one of them we saw a book which one of ' Fol. 142. - Univ. Audit Book, fol. 143 verso. 3 Scrivener, pp. x, xiv. He held office till 1587. •» Audit Book, fol. 145 verso. 5 See p. 54. 54 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE the disciples of St. John the Evangelist had written with his own hands. It was in Greek.' December i6. Boethius borrowed, under a bond, by Robson of St. John's, on this day, George Gardiner, dean of Norwich, presented 'Ecclesiastica Historia Magdeburgica' (Basil, 1564), in seven volumes.^ In the Vice-chancellor's accounts:^ Item for a carte to bring certayne written books ] from peter howse to the schooles gyven by | m' D' perne to the Hbrarye x*^ for twoe y' did \ \f helpe to lade and unlade the same viij'^ and | for one booke browght from London vj'^ J 1586. December 16. It was decided to restore the Old Library, now known as the First Room, which had been converted into a new Theological School in 1547. A Grace providing for this was passed this day;+ and from the University Audit Book we learn the expenses incurred : ^ Item for the changes of y^ librarye vt per librum cxxv" xiij^ iiij"*. 1587. John Matthew was appointed librarian this year in succession to Henry Frogge.^ About this time the University made an official request for books. ^ Royal Historical Society, Trans. N. S. ix, p. 249. « Donors' Book, p. 46. 3 Fol. 147. 4 Grace Book A, fol. 153^. ^ Fol. 148^. 6 He held office till 1 594. The first payment appears MS. 1587- MS. 1588, fol. 150 verso. See R. Bowes, 'Printers,' pp. 335-6. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. SS August 24. The letter is preserved in which Lord Lumley promised books and duplicates to the library : To the right worshipful) my very loving freendes the Vicechancellor, the non Regents, & Regents, in the Vniversitie of Cambr. Were I as able to declare my love vnto learnyng as I am willing to wytnesse my afFedion to yo*^ Vniuersitie you should bothe receive greater monuments for common benefitt, and my best furtherance for yo' honest studdies. I have not been inflexible to yo"" request, as yo' solicito""^ can reporte, neyther wylbe vnmindful of yo"" peticion, as the advente shall prove. Yet let not the staye of present performance take awaye yo' right judgement of my intente. For my purpose is to conferre the catalogue of yo' bookes with myne, and the Authors w""'' I fynd double, and be wanting in yo"" librarie, I promys shalbe yours. Whereto I wyll ioyne some convenient nomber of other bookes, as an increase of my former inclination, and good wyll towards you. Thus desiring onlye yo*" good tolleracion of some tyme, and a friendlie acceptance of yo' assured frendly disposition, I commit you to gods good favo"". From Nonesuche this xxiiij of Aug. 1587. Yo" assuredly Lumley.' The books did not come for ten years, but the gift then was a noble one. The history of the colleftion will be found at the later date (061ober, 1597). 1588. March 20. William Chaderton, bishop of Chester, formerly president of Queens' College, gave the Bomberg Hebrew Bible in 4 vols. F^.^ ' Registry MSS. 'Liber Rer. Memorab.,' fol. 187^ (178 :)• ^ Donors' Book, pp. 21, 40. 56 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1589. April 26. This day died Dr. Andrew Perne, dean of Ely, and the library's great benefaftor. His Will,' dated 25th February, 1588, contains the following : Item. I do give to the Chancellor Masters & Scholars of the University of Cambridge ... to the augmentation of a stipend of a learned scholar that shall be appointed for the safe keeping of the books of the University Library forty shillings yearly, for that I being the chief procurer of all the said books did promise the giver of them towards a stipend for the safe keeping of the same for ever by orders of the University the which I would wish always to be done by one that is both honest faithful and learned. . . . Item. I do give my greatest black book of Antiquities of Gold & Silver and coynes of Emperors & Consuls of Rome and other antiquities in the same to the Chancellor Masters & Scholars of the University of Cambridge and their successors, to be kept always in the inward Library of the University in a chest with three keys whereof the Vice Chancellor to have one, & the two Prodors to have eyther of them another.' 1591. May I. This day died Thomas Lorkin,3 M.D., Regius Professor of Physic. He bequeathed a valuable colledlion of medical works (about 140 in number). I Diocesan Registry, Peterborough. It appears that the Uni- versity Librarian is an ex-officio Visitor of the Peterhouse Library. His visit takes place towards the end of April, and for this he receives one shilling from the College Bursar (Registry MS. 31.2. 6). - Cooper ('Memorials,' iii, 68) gives these under 1581, and adds that the colledtions are now in the Fitzwilliam Museum. 3 He was educated at Peterhouse. See D.N.B. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 57 William Cecil, Lord Burghley, and Chancellor 1559-98, gave during his chancellorship a number of Greek and Latin authors in law and medicine.' 1591-2. Item for writei ng a Catalogue of such bookes ) ...g ....^ as D' Larkln gave to the Vniuersitie j ^ ^ ' Item to Birdsall the ioyner for a presse for \ D"" Larkins bookes by the hands of M' [ P. Smith Bedell ' ) 1593- Item to m"' Duckett for a keye and certayne \ hengills about the library & to one that I ..^ ^ 3 made cleane the library for him at diverse [ ^ tymes ) It would appear from this that Gabriel Duckett, M. A. Trin., was appointed librarian before Michael- mas, 1594, in succession to John Matthew.'^ 1594. This year Robert Hare presented MS. Ff. 6. 13. December 10. This day the books bequeathed by T. Lorkin in 1 59 1 were received at the Library. 5 1596. The handsome plaster-work upon the ceiling of the Catalogue Room may be attributed to a date not earlier than this year. It contains at the west end on the north side the arms of Jegon. John Jegon, D.D., Master of Corpus Christi College, ' He was educated at Peterhouse. See D.N.B. 2 Univ. Audit Book, fol. i6i <^. ^ lb. 165. 4 lb. fol. 170 verso. He held office till 1623. 5 Donors' Book, p, 24. 58 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE was Vice-Chancellor from 1596 to 1599, and the arms have been attributed to him,' 1 597-, OBober 20. Lord Lumley's promise of ten years earlier was now remembered, and on this day Anthony Watson, bishop of Chichester, wrote to the Vice-Chancellor : To the right Wor" my very good friend M' D' Jegon, Vicechancellor of the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. Sir, it was a parte of my Lord Lumley, his promise, to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, that such Bookes as were double in his library, & not conteyned in their Catalogue, should be bestowed vppon their Library. That promise is now performed, and the said bookes are sent by Hobson the Charrier, whose names as also the Kyes of the hampers I have enclosed in this letter, pray- inge you to give ordre that they may be receyved & that my Lord may understand of your good acceptance, which may be some inducement to a better remembrance. When D' Howland now Bishopp of Peterborough was Vice- chancellor, I obtayned to satisfy my Lord Lumleyes desire an old copy of Boetius englished, which at the appointed tyme was restored. My Lord is now againe desirous to see the same Booke, for which I will give my word or letter, or any caution that it shall be safely sent backe, when he hath taken his pleasure. Thus with my harty commendations, wishing all happinesse to yourselfe and the whole Vniuersitie, I committ you to the tuition of the all mighty god. Odlober 20"' Your assured lovinge frend Antho : Cicestrensis.- ' Willis and Clark, 'Arch. Hist.' iii, 82. He was Vice-Chan- cellor again 1601-1602. His brother. Dr. Thomas Jegon, Master of the same College, was Vice-Chancellor 1608-9. 2 Registry MS. Letters, 1596-7, p. 123. Cf. U.L.C. MS. Mm. I. 35, p. 375 sqq. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 59 OSiober 22. The letter was acknowledged by the Vice-Chancellor, who apparently was so grateful that he entirely forgot the Boethius, though offering ' if there be aught wherein you may use my service, to command me.'' Bishop Watson replied on the 27th, asking for it again. ^ November 2. This day the thanks of the Uni- versity were offered to Lord Lumley and to the bishop, and in turn acknowledged by the latter on the 30th. 5 The books were eighty-seven in number. 1597-8. In the University accounts appears i"^ Item to Hobson for carienge bookes given to I .g ....^ the Vniuersitie by the Lord Lumley j J ^^'J * 1599. Item spent by m"" Brooke about Lettres to y^ Chancellor, y^ L. Lumley, ^ L. B. of I Chichester about bookes given to the Librarie vt patet per billam Item for a paire of gloues presented then by m' Brooke vj* viij'^ 5 1600. In this year appeared Thomas James' ' Ecloga Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis ' (London, 4^), containing an account of the MSS. in this library. He gives them as 259 in number. Archbishop Parker's MS. donations are given separately, the list not being quite accurate.^ ' Registry MS. Letters, 1596-7, p, 120. - lb. 126. 3 lb. 129, 130, 143. 4 Audit Book, fol. 176/'. 5 lb. ijSb. ^ The MSS. appear, at some time in the seventeenth century, to have borne the number given by James. See MS. Ee. 6. 11, which still bears ' 181 ' printed in gold on the back. 6o ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1601. Philip Baker, formerly provost of King's College (1558-69), at this time resident beyond seas, pre- sented Gregorius de Valentia ' Commentarii.' 4 torn. Venetiis, 1598-1601. F^.' 1603. March 24. 'The reign of James the First, is an entire blank in the library. A volume of the King's own works, with a letter signed by the King, and two volumes of Bacon's given by him- self, are the only matters to be noticed during the first quarter of the seventeenth century.' ^ 1603-4. The University fee for bachelors at this time was 4d. per head. The following entry in the Audit Book will show its extent i^ Item solutum Magistro Duckett pro feodo ^ sue in custodiendo [sic] Bibliothecas ad \ iij'' 'f 4"* 184 Bachalaureos pro singulis 4^^ in toto J 1605. Lionel Ducket, fellow of Jesus College, this year gave three books.^- 1606. The charges for the library at this time were : M.A.'s 8d., Dodlors of Divinity and Physic as usual. The amount paid this year was £6 12s. ' ' [G*. 8. 7-10.] See Donors' Book, p, 46, and A. Austen Leigh, ' King's College,' s.v. - Henry Bradshaw, 'Colleded Papers,' pp. 193-4. ^ Fol. 198. + Donors' Book, p. 46. 5 Univ. Audit., fol. 202 verso. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 6i 1607-8. The number of Inceptors in Arts paying the library fee this year was 143, and Doftors 10; Inceptors in Medicine and Law 6 ; Bachelors in Theology 33.' 1 6 10. July 28-9. Casaubon, on the occasion of his visit to Cambridge, does not seem to have visited the library.^ He was shown over the Colleges, the morning after his arrival, by Richard Thomson, his old correspondent. 3 But during the three months following this date, while this distinguished man was living at Downham with Bishop Andrewes, it appears that he drew on Cambridge for books. The account of the books read by him then is still extant. He stayed again in Cambridge at the conclusion of the visit, and was entertained officially at the vice-chancellor's. He then saw over the rest of the colleges also.* OBober 28. On this day Archbishop Bancroft drew up his will bequeathing his library to his suc- cessors, and failing them to the college of Chelsea, ^ Audit Book, fol. 208. ^ He lodged at Peterhouse, the master of which, Dr. Richardson, afterwards Master of Trinity, lent him some books for use during his visit to Downham (Pattison's ' Life of Casaubon,' 2nd edition, P- 347)- 3 'Hodie mane Collegia Cantabrigiensia lustravimus, Pembroke- anum, Reginale, Regale, Clarense in quo Thomson, Caii medici, item Trinitatis, et S. lohannis quae duo postrema omnium sunt quae ha6lenus vidi maxima et magnificentissima' (' Ephemerides,' ed. Russell, ii, 855). 4 The University Audit Book contains the entry: 'Item pro expensis in excipiendis Dno Causabone & Dodtoribus tunc presentibus liij^ iij**.' 62 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE and failing that to the University. The subsequent history of the library will be given later.' i6i I. April II. This day died Robert Hare, ofGon- ville Hall, antiquary. He spent the greater part of his life 'in colle6ting and arranging the numerous documents which elucidate the history, rights, and privileges of the University and Town of Cam- bridge. The result was a series of valuable volumes now preserved among the academical archives. These he presented to the University, receiving its special thanks, and being enrolled among its chier benefactors.'^ He gave two MSS. to the library. ^ 1612-13. February 9. Some time previous to this date Thomas Erpenius probably visited this library ; for we are told that before his appointment as extra- ordinary professor of Oriental languages at Leyden (on this day) he visited the libraries of London, Oxford, Cambridge, Milan, Heidelberg, Venice, etc.* 1613. A view of the University Library, engraved on copper by L. Gaultier, is to be found on the title- page of the Eton Chrysostom of this year. ' See /)w/ 1645, 1647, etc. The Catalogue of Lambeth books is MS. Ff. 2. 34 and Oo. 7-51. ^ D.N.B. The binding of one of the volumes of archives, with Hare's coat of arms, was discovered by Mr. F. Jenkinson in a shop in Botolph Lane, offered for sale in the form of a blotting case. He presented it to the Library in 1913. ^ Ff. 6, 11 and 13. 4 J. E. B. Mayor, 'Visit to Cambridge of Z. C. von Uffenbach, published in 191 1. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 63 1 614. August 19/ There was a deputation of the heads of houses to the Earl of Suffolk, Lord Treasurer, at Audley End, then newly elecSled Chancellor of the University,- to ask his countenance and authority for undertaking the new library. The business, however, was not concluded, and the heads re- turned to Cambridge ' having been very honour- ably entertained and richly feasted.' The deputa- tion must have been an imposing one. Lorkin, who describes the visit during the week, says that there were ' 20 Do(5lors in their formalities and upon their footeclothes, and four score other of a second and inferior rank. After dinner the Vicechancellor made a speech in Latine, which was seconded by another from the University Orator. His Lord- ship answered them in English, and announced that he had moved the King to pay a visit ^ to the University.' (Letter from Thomas Lorkin to Sir Thomas Puckering, who was then at Tours : 'The heads of y"" houses are the primi motores who are already about to buy y" soile, & to provide y^ materials.') Sir Fulke Greville Intended a gift of jTioo, to be returned if the ground was not fully prepared by ist November, 161 5. If the work was begun, he promised ^100 a year for ten years. If by that time it was not finished, the money was to be re- ' The Tuesday before 20th August, according to T. Lorkin (Registry MS. 31. 2. 6«). - He had succeeded his uncle, Henry, Earl of Northampton, who had died. 3 He came on 7th March next year, and again on 13th May. 64 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE turned. The whole gift was conditional on at least £2^^ ^ y^^^ being spent on the building.' There was some question of purchasing this year the colle6lion of manuscripts made by William Crashaw. They were eventually bought by the Earl of Southampton (-f 1624), and presented by his heir to St. John's College, Cambridge. Brad- shaw, in speaking of an early Flemish engraving in this coUedlion, says of our loss on this occasion : ' They have certainly been better cared for than they would have been if they had gone to the larger colledtion ; and the engraving . . . would have disappeared in company with Occleve's por- trait of Chaucer and other precious things which used to lie exposed to the common chance of pillage on the open shelves of the University Library in the eighteenth century.' The entry in the University accounts is : Item pro itinere Stationariorum London in examinanda bibliotheca Magistri Crashawe xxj' 1615. Stephen Perse, M.D., senior fellow of Gonville and Caius College, bequeathed this year ^100 towards a new library, on condition that it was commenced within five years. ^ The eleventh part of Sir Edward Coke's Reports, published this year, was presented by the author. 4 ' MSS. Gonv. and Cai. 73 (51). Not signed nor dated. 2 Audit Book, fol. 232. H. Bradshaw, 'Coll. Papers,' 250-1. 3 C. H. Cooper, 'Memorials,' iii, 68. 4 Donors' Book, p. 20. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 65 1616. Francis Godwin in his ' De praesulibus ' has a passage in praise of Rotherani's Library.' Patrick Young, Hbrarian to James I and Charles I, collated Codex Bezae about this time.^ Pierre de Laune presented the French transla- tion of the Book of Common Prayer with an inscription. 5 John Pits, dying this year, leaves but a sparse account of the library. (' Relationum pars I,' 1619, 4to, p. 51.) 1619. February 17. Robert Johnson, the founder of Oakham and Uppingham Schools, in a letter to Gwynn, the master of St. John's, says : I heard there was the purpose of building a new library ... I know some that would furder it much. I praye you help it forward, it would be a most worthy monument to the benefit of posteritye.'* 1620. King James the First presented a copy of his works, with a prefatory inscription in Latin re- hearsing his desire to find a safe repository for them and the advantages of Cambridge in this respe6l.5 ' Quoted in Louis Jacob ' Trai6le des plus belles bibliotheques,' Paris, 1644, i2mo, p. 270. ^ Scrivener, p. xiii. 3 [B* 5. 26 (D).] Pierre de Laune, Peterhouse. See W. J. C. Moens, 'Tfie Walloons and their Church at Norwich' (Huguenot Society Publications), vol. i, pp. 230-1. 4 Registry MS. 31. 2. 7. With it are two copies of a draft of a reply encouraging him to get subscriptions. 5 Copy signed Robt. Naunton. Registry MS. Vol. of Letters, F°, no. 2. Also 'Epp. Acad.' ii, 799. 66 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE May 1 8. The University answered in a letter couched in extravagant language, already printed more than once/ In the University accounts : ^ Item to WoodrofFe for making the deske for the Kinges book ^13 ,. 6 ,, 8. Item to Moody for trimming the desk ut patet per billam^ ;^io .> 13 „ 2 December 16. Richard Montague, B.D., borrows Gildas and Nennius' ' Historia Britonum ' under bond for eight months."^ OSiober 31. This day Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, the lord chancellor, presented a copy of his ' Novum Organon,' with a Latin letter.5 November 4. The thanks of the University were conveyed to him in a letter by the public orator, George Herbert. 5 Item for entertaininge the messenger that brought 1 the L"* Chancellor Bacons booke to the Uni- \ xxx^ uersitie*^ J The Vice-Chancellor's account supplements this with the following entry 'J '^ Cooper, 'Annals,' iii, 134, from Herbert's 'Remains,' 213. For an account of the reception of a similar gift to Oxford, see Hearne, ' Reliquiae Hearnianae,' ed. Bliss, i, 74-6. ^ There is an entry in the college books at Caius College this year: 'for carrying up to the Treasury the chaines and the iron barres that were taken from the bookes and off the desks in the library.' Venn, ' Caius College,' p. 259. 3 Univ. Audit Book, fol. 255. ^ Grace Book Z, p. 19. 5 'Epp. Acad.,' ii, 800. Printed in Bacon's 'Letters and Life,' ed. Spedding, vol. vii, pp. 135-6. ^ Audit Book, fol. 256. ? lb. 257. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. (^j Imprimis to M' Jones my L"" Chancellor his 1 gentleman who brought my L''' newe booke \ xj" to y^ Vniversitie J 1622. yune 25. This day it was ordained that the University printer should send a bound copy of every book printed by him to the library within a month, under penalty of four times its price/ 1623. This year Thomas Brooke, M.A., Trinity Col- lege, was appointed librarian in succession to Gabriel Duckett/ Bacon also presented his ' De augmentis scien- tiarum ' to the University, with a Latin letter/ 1624. November 13. The date of the death of Thomas Erpenius leads us to the history of the donation to the University by the Duke of Buckingham, then Chancellor, and his widow, of the MSS. of this distinguished linguist. It is best told in Sir Henry Wotton's words : Here it were injurious to overslip a noble ad in the duke during the employment [of pawning the crown jewels at the Hague in 1625] which I must, for my part, celebrate above all his expenses : there was a colle6tion of certain rare manuscripts, exquisitely written in Arabick . . . whereof the duke getting knowledge . . . gave . . . for them £1^00 ; a sum above their weight in silver, and a ' Grace Book Z, p. 40. 2 He held office till 1629, and is possibly identical with the printer of this name. See R. Bowes, ' List of Printers,' p. 298. 3 'Epp. Acad.' ii, 541. Printed in Bacon's 'Letters and Life,' ed. Spedding, vii, 438-9. 68 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE mixed a6l, both of bounty and charity, the more laudable, being out of his natural element.'' 1626. "June 16. Archbishop Ussher to Sam. Ward: ' I have dealt with your chancellor very effectually for the erefting of your library, to w^hich he is of himself exceedingly forward : I have procured him to send unto Leyden for all the printed books of Erpenius his library ; which, together with his manuscripts which he hath already, he purposeth to bestow on your university. I have also per- suaded him to send thither /or the matrices of the Syriac, Arabick, ^thiopick, and Samaritan letters, and to bestow them likewise upon you.' June 23. Same to same: 'Since I wrote unto you last, I have received intelligence from Leyden, that both Erpenius's printed books are already sold; and his matrices of the Oriental tongues are bought by Elzevir the printer there ; so that you must now content yourselves with his manuscripts only, which are a very rare treasure indeed, and for which your university shall rest much beholden unto your chancellor.'^ 1627. March 24. Letter of Joseph Mead to Sir Martin Stuteville : ' We talk here of a magnificent library which our great Chancellor will build, and bestow no less toward it than £jooo presently.' ^ ^ ' Life and Death of George Villiers,' duke of Buckingham. Quoted by Professor Mayor in his 'Uffenbach,' ut infra^ and by Professor E. G. Browne, in the 'Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,' July, 1894, pp. 419 seq. See post 1632 and 1633. The MSS. are in Bernard's ' Catalogus,' nos. 2440-2502. ^ J. E. B. Mayor, 'Visit to Cambridge of Z. C. von Uffenbach.' 3 Heywood and Wright, ii, 357. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 69 Certificate respedting the site and houses to be pulled down for the new library, 1627.' August 7. This day Gerard Johann Vossius pre- sented his ' De historicis latinis ' with a long Latin letter.^' , o 1628. On 1 8th January, 1 851, Mr. C. Howard Kenyon communicated to ' Notes and Queries ' (Ser. I, iii, 37) the following sonnet, said to have been pub- lished in a ' Colle6tion of Recent and Witty Pieces by several eminent hands,' London, printed by W. S. for Simon Waterson, 1628, p. 109: On the Librarie at Cambridge. In that great maze of books I sighed and said, — It is a grave-yard, and each tome a tombe ; Shrouded in hempen rags, behold the dead, Coffined & ranged in crypts of dismal gloom, Food for the worm and redolent of mold. Traced with brief epitaph in tarnished gold — Ah, golden lettered hope ! — ah dolorous doom ! Yet mid the common death, where all is cold, And mildewed pride in desolation dwells, A few great immortalities of old Stand brightly forth — not tombes but living shrines, Where from high sainte or martyr virtue wells. Which on the living yet work miracles, Spending a relic wealth richer than golden wines. J. M. 1627.3 ' Heywood and Wright, ii, 359, ^ 'Epp. Acad.' ii. 543. He gave three other books and one manuscript. See Donors' Book. p. 40. 3 As Milton was in residence at Cambridge from 1625 to 1632 it was natural that Mr. Kenyon should ask: 'Is it possible that this may be an early and neglected sonnet of Milton's ? ' But the question has not been favourably answered. No copy of the * Colledtion ' is known to exist. 70 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1628. August 23. This day the Duke of Buckingham, Chancellor of the University, and a good friend to its library, was assassinated by John Felton. September 30. This day died Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, who bequeathed ^100 towards a new library, with ^(^loo a year for its endowment, provided the building should be finished within a prescribed period.' 1629. This year Michael Honywood, fellow of Christ's, afterwards Dean of Lincoln, gave Bradwardinus ' De Causa Dei,' London, 1618, Fo. ; John Alsop gave ' Briggij professoris savilliani, Oxonio-Canta- brigiensis, Logarithmeticam,' London, 1624; Mr. Clapham, Londiniensis, M. A., Christ's College, gave Novum Testamentum (Ebr., Grec. Lat. and German) ; William Williams, bookseller, of Cam- bridge, gave ' Draudij Bibliotheca,' Francofurti, 1625.^ August 27. A letter from Dr. John Boys to Abraham Wheelock, S.T.B., Trinity College, shows Wheelock already hoping to succeed Thomas Brooke as librarian. He must have been ap- pointed shortly afterwards, as on 26th September he gave his bond in accordance with the statutes of 1582,3 for jr20o for due discharge of his duties as librarian.''- He held office till 1653. Sixteen volumes are entered as his gift in the Donors' Book, p. 41. A curse by him is in MS. Ff. 4. 32. ^ Cooper Memorials, iii, 69. 2 Registry MS. 31. 2. 9. Donors' Book, pp. 40-1. "^ " " ' [46. ^ Registry, Drawer xxxi, i. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 71 1630. September 12. In a letter from William Bedwell to Abraham Wheelock, on this day, the writer renews his promise to bestow his Alcoran upon the library.' Bishop Joseph Hall's ' Occasional Meditations,' published first in this year, contains the lines 'Upon the sight of a great Library,' inspired in all proba- bility by this library. Books were presented by Dr. Love, Clare Hall; Henry Hopkins, formerly fellow of Clare ; John Siclemor, of Ipswich ; and D'. Barnes, of Clare. ^ 1631. William Bedwell, sometime fellow of Trinity College, fulfilled his promise by presenting an ' Alcoranum Mahumeds Arabicum,' and other books were given by the librarian, by John Hey- ward, re6tor of Coton (co. Cambs.) and Mr. PhiHps, former fellow of Magdalene. ^ 'June 1 1. The librarian to have 5 marks annually ,+ to be paid in two equal portions at the Feast of the Annunciation and Michaelmas. ' The Tournament of Tottenham ' was pubhshed by William Bedwell this year, from a manuscript in this library. 5 ' Original in MS. Dd. 3, 12, with other letters. 2 Registry MS. 31. 2. 9. Donors' Book, pp. 2i and 44 (omit- ting Barnes). 3 Ibid. ■* Grace Book Z, p. 213, and MS. Mm. 5, 53. 5 .MS. Ff. 5. 48. It was then attributed to Gilbert Pilkington, as also in the reprint by R. Butcher, in his ' Survey of Stamford,' in 17 1 7. Pilkington was merely the transcriber. Tliomas Wright reprinted the 'Tournament' in 1836, in 12". 72 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1632. yu7ie 13. The University sent a Latin letter' to the dowager Duchess of Buckingham, containing condolences, nearly four years late, on her husband's murder. An English petition, ' no doubt,' says Professor J. E. B. Mayor, ' sent with the above,' prayed for the library of Erpenius.^ To this the duchess replied : ' The manuscripts you desire are not as yett in my power, yett I will endeavour to gett them, and prevent your sending againe unto mee in this particular.' The books came in the same month. The inscription upon the press containing the books was on vellum, framed : Quod felix faustumque sit reipublicae litterariae. Codices eleganter manu exaratos, nostro orbi hospites, universo vix parabiles,ad hastam locates a Thomae Erpenii Leidensis vidua magno pretio coemptos a magno duce Bukingamae, turn temporis apud ordines Belgii legato, cancellario postea nostro, nobisque inter cetera quae divinus heros medita- batur ingentia donaria Cantabrigiensibus donates, non nisi Cantabrigiae servari tandem voluit principis praecel- lentiss. fidissima coniux, maestissima (proh scelus et dolor !) vidua pientissimaque Catharina, ducissa Buckinghamiae, mense iunio mdcxxxii.^ William Bedwell, M.A., bequeathed a MS. Arabic lexicon with types for printing.* ^ 'Epp. Acad.' ii, 603. It is also given in Add. MS. 3126 (fol. 55). ^ Baker MS. 33, p. 214-5 (transcripts in Registry MS. 31.2. 9^). 3 The inscription was seen and copied by Uffenbach, when he visited the library on 5th August, 17 10. It has long vanished, and no other copy, as far as I am aware, exists. 4 For a full account of this and its subsequent history see D.N.B. iv, 120 a (by W. Robertson Smith). UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 73 OBober. The University Audit Book for this academic year contains the following entries : For the carriage of the Arabicke bookes to and from the schooles i' o^' Paid to Edward Woodruffe for a presse for the Arabicke bookes £6.'^ Item for carrying the Trunke of bookes to the schooles y^ second time i' o"^.^ In this year Caleb Dalechamp presented his 'Christian Hospitalitie ' (Cambridge, 1632, 4°), with a MS. inscription. 1633. M' Clerks charges that brought M' Bedwells bookes 2" 1 6' 6^ Item to Edward Woodruffe for a newe presse in the Library on the East side 500 Item to Anthony Nicholson for binding vpp the old Manuscripts in the Library 13 o o Item to the Smith for Locks, barrs and plates for the presse in the Library for the Dukes bookes 140 Item for wrighting the Dukes inscription vpon his deske of bookes in the Library"* 10 o January 13. A royal decree was issued to Laud for the purchase of Greek type to print MSS. from the Royal Library or the Libraries of the Universi- ties of Oxford and Cambridge. 5 1635- February 14. On the fly-leaf of MS. Dd. 8. 14 is the following inscription : 14th Feb. 1635. This booke, intituled Compilationes Roberti Prions de Berlintona in Epistolas Pauli Apostoli, I Univ. Audit Book, fol. 313. ^//;. 314. ^Z-^. 315. '' /^. 324-5. 5 T. B. Reed, 'Hist, of Old English Letter Foundries,' p. 143. 74 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE being bequeathed to the publike Library of this Univer- sity of Cambridg by the last Will and Testament of Mr Thomas Peirson, Re6lor of Brampton Brian in the County and Diocess of Hereford, sometimes Master of Arts in Emanuele Colledg, was brought and delivered by Mr Christopher Hardy one of the Executors of the saide Mr Peirson. This Mr Peirson was in his yonger days a frequent coadjutor to the great theologue Mr Perkins.' 1636. About this time the library became possessed of the manuscript of Waterhouse's Songs, the inscrip- tion in which is here set out : The gyfte of M'' Henry Bury clerke deceased ; that branch of his last Will which concerneth this book is as followeth, viz. Item my will is that my two song bookes, either of which containeth all M' Waterhouse' song of 2 parts in one, upon the plaine song of Myserere about a 1000 waies, shall be given, the one of them to Oxford & the other to Cambridge ; whear I hope they shall be kept or published in print for the credit of Englishmen and for better preserving & continewing that wonderful work. Wheelock's interest in Arabic studies is evident from the follow^ing:^ Item to him for Avicen in Arabick for the Vniuersitie Library 8" 10^ o^ 1637. . ^une 30. A letter from Sir Henry Spelman, to Wheelock, thanks him for the loan of Gildas and Simeon of Durham (probably Ff. i. 27). ^ August 4. In a letter to Wheelock, dated this ' Cat. of MSS. i, 342. Cf. William Perkins. 2 Audit Book, fol. 351. 3 Letter in MS. Dd. 3. 12. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. -j^ day, Sir Henry Spelman writes : 'Yesternight, late as I was going to bed, your transcript of some part oi iElfrick's Saxon Canons was brought me.' ' ' As amanuensis of the public library,' Wheelock ' came to be employed by Sir Henry Spelman to copy Anglo-Saxon manuscripts, and in order to remunerate him for his services, as well as to found a school of Anglo-Saxon, Spelman (who had en- deavoured without success to obtain promotion for him from the bishop of Ely) established in 1638 a chair for a " ledturer and reader of the Saxon language and the history of our ancient British Churches," for which he provided a stipend, besides presenting Wheelock to the living ot Middleton in Norfolk.'" Michaelmas. Item to a painter for setting figures on 113 manuscripts in the Library'' 3* 4^*. Thomas Waley, vice-master of Trinity College, presented Varro ' De re rustica,' and a Hebrew manuscript."^ 1638. June 12. Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, having presented ^600 towards a new library, the University this day returned him their thanks in a Latin letter by the public orator, Robert Creighton.5 Wheelock's further purchases included a ' Proclus ' Original in MS. Dd. 3. 12. Printed in Camden Society, 'Letters of Eminent Men,' p. 153, The letter is addressed to Wheelock, ' Arabick Lecturer, at his house near Queen's College, Cambridge.' ^ D.N.B. s.v. Wheelock. 3 Univ. Audit Book, fol. 360. 4 Donors' Book, p. 44. 5 'Epp. Acad.' ii, 619. 76 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE his theolog : Platon ' and ' Eusebius his prepar : Euan : et Demon.' ' April 4. John ? oden, Master of Arts, of Clare Hall, presented ' Liturgia Suecica,' Stockholmiae, 1576, F°, with an inscription. 1639. ' Buckstone his Didtionary ' cost the University ^i 1 8s. this year.'' September 13. Spelman sends back 'your Pub. Library Psalter.' September 17. Spelman to Wheelock : 'Will make the same present to the Publick Library and to Benet as to Trinity College.' 3 February 1 1 . Lord Herbert, ot Cherbury, having presented his book ' De veritate,' the Uni- versity returned him their thanks in a Latin letter.^ 1640. From the Accounts : In publica Bibliotheca Tabule Topographice et historia Regum "] Anglie in 2' voluminibus per Johannem \ 3" 10^ o'^ Speed J Pro buUis et fibulis eisdem affigendis 300 Varia et sele6ta volumlna de novo ligata 415 o Liber chartaceus eleganter compadus in "] quo Commemoratio Benefa6lorum Aca- ^ i 6 8 demie quotannis publicanda J Liber Chartaceus ad vsum Bibliothecarlj in] quo librorum omnium Academicorum \ 13 4 Catalogus J Johanni Hickman in expensis per billam 630 ^ Audit Book, fol. 367. ^ lb. 375. 3 MS. Dd, 3, 12. 4 'Epp. Acad.' ii, *57i. Donors' Book, p. 21. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 77 Gull. Scambler et Nath : Bridge pro diuersis "I j expensis in ffabrica eiusdem Bibliotheca j ^ John Hickman, who is thus probably the writer of the Catalogue, was also about this time appointed Sub Library-Keeper, a post which is now mentioned for the first time.- yune 1 1. He was allowed ^6 annually for taking care of and transcribing MSS.^ OBober 27. William Bedwell was enrolled among the benefadlors for presenting his Arabic Lexicon. + III. 1641-1800. 1643. December 21. Between this date and 3rd January, 1643/4, it is probable that the building was visited by William Dowsing, the iconoclast. An eye witness describes him as going ' about the Country like a Bedlam breaking glasse windows, having battered and beaten down all our painted glasse, not only in our Chappies, but (contrary to order) in our publique Schooles,Colledge Halls, Libraryes, and Chambers.' 5 1645. February. A petition was presented to Parlia- ment by the University praying that the library of Archbishop Bancroft might be delivered to them.^ I Audit Book fol. 382. ^ lb. 389. 3 Grace Book Z, p. 392. 4 H. R. Luard, List of Documents, p. 7. s D.N.B. xv, 407. ^ Lord's Journal, viii, 17 1-2. 'Epp. Acad.' ii, 583. Hey wood and Wright, ii, 467. C. H. Cooper, ' Annals,' iii, 399. 78 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1646. February 15. Parliament this day granted the request of the University for the Lambeth Library.' 1647. March 24. The Commons passed resolutions to spend ^2000 on the Library, and ^f 500 on the purchase of a colle6lion of Hebrew books which had formerly belonged to an Italian Rabbi, Isaac Pragi. The former resolution did not take effedl, but the latter was entrusted to Selden and Light- foot to carry out.^ 1648. Among donors at this time, Sir Symonds D'Ewes presented some medals ;^ Robert Sheringham, M. A., fellow of Caius College, presented his 'Joma,' Codex Talmudicus; and Christopher Cartwright, of Peterhouse, his ' Electa Thargumico-Rabbinica,' both printed in London this year.+ 1649. August 29. This day died the Rev. Richard Holdsworth, D.D., Master of Emmanuel College (1637-44). His library was originally intended for his own college, but eventually passed to the University. 5 ' Willis and Clark, op. c'lt. iii, 27, note 3. The books did not come till 1649. 2 C. H. Cooper, 'Annals,' iii, 420-1. Henry Bradshaw, * Colle6ted Papers,' pp. 195-6, See a forthcoming paper by Mr. I. Abrahams, in the 'Trans, of the Jewish Historical Society,' vol. viii. 3 'Epp. Acad.' ii, *59i. 4 Donors' Book, pp. 40-1. 5 See post 1664. The library consisted of 10,095 volumes, includina; 186 manuscripts. For the catalogue of it see MSS. Dd. 8. 45, and Ff. 4. 27. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 79 September 3. By this date the Lambeth books had arrived, and a Grace was passed to provide additional room/ Samuel Crooke, redlor of Wrington, co. Somer- set (1602-49), presented the works of Gregorius Nazianzenus and Gregorius Nyssenus.^ 1650. Christopher Arnold presented his ' Templum Pacis Germaniae,' printed at Leyden in this year.^ April 8. This day died Sir Symonds D'Ewes. In addition to the gift already mentioned, he had given a manuscript Anglo-Saxon-Latin glossary and preparations for a Lexicon of those languages. ""• Dury's ' Reformed Library Keeper,' printed at London in this year, contains the following passage : ' I understand that all the book-printers or stationers of the Commonwealth are bound of every book that is printed to send a copy into the University Library,' etc.^ August 20. J. Hevelius gave his '^{kr\vo^pa<^[a with an inscription dated this day. 1652-3. Item^ for a banket, and wine in the Uni- ] versity Library, when the Commis- [>2'' 16' o^ sioners about the Fennes were here J ^ Univ. Audit Book, fol. 456. Willis and Clark, iii, 28. ^ Donors' Book, p, 40. 3 For him see 'Allg. Deutsch, Biographic.' This book is not there given among his works. 4 MS. LI. I. 4. 5 Quoted in R. Garnett's 'Essays in Librarianship' (i899),p. 186. ^ Univ. Audit Book, fol. 484. 8o ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1653. September. This month died Abraham Wheelock, librarian/ OBober 11. This day WilHam Moore, M.A., fellow of Caius College, was eledled librarian in succession to Wheelock. Nove??iber 30. Dr. Metcalfe bequeathed ^20 to the library.^ To Pindar for his pains in the Universitie Librarie, 4'.^ Forty books were given by Francis Ash, mer- chant of London. They contain a book-label with inscription. 1654. August 31. John Evelyn visited the University: ' The Schooles are very despicable, and Public Librarie but meane, 'tho somewhat improv'd by the wainscotting and books lately added by the Bp. Bancroft's Library and MSS. They shew'd us little of antiquity, onely K. James's Works, being his owne gift and kept very reverently.' This year, Simon Ash, M.A., of Emmanuel College, presented the works of Albertus Magnus, Lugd. 1 65 1, in 21 volumes, folio. + This year also died Alexander Ross. He be- queathed ^50 to the library. 5 I See D.N.B. - Grace Book H, p. 122. Donors' Book, p. 46. 3 Harl. MS. 7028, p. 245. Printed in Hartshorne's 'Book- Rarities,' p. 333 note. Mr. Robert Bowes, in his ' Notes on the University Printers,' gives a colledtive note on the Pindar family. (C.A.S. 'Comm.' V, 310.) + There is a commemorative label in each volume. 5 See D.N.B. Also Donors' Book and Registry MS. 31. i. 12. His books bear a commemorative label. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 81 1655. April 23. William Morden, bookseller of Cam- bridge, gave Edward Lively's MS. Commentaries.' July 16. Osbert Fowler, registrar of King's College, presented a manuscript bestiary.- Nicholas Hobart, M. A., fellow of King's College, gave a collection of Greek and Oriental manuscripts acquired by him on a journey to Constantinople. ^ Henry Some, a fellow of the same college, pre- sented his 'Valor Ecclesiasticus.'^ Sir William Dugdale presented his ' Monasticon Anglicanum,' printed this year. John Rant, formerly fellow of Caius College, gave manuscripts. 5 William Neland, Cambridge Bookseller, pre- sented a manuscript.^ Thomas Fuller's ' History of the University of Cambridge,' published this year (1655), contains the following passage : * This library formerly was furnished with plenty of choice books . . . but these books, by the covetousness of some great ones, and carelessness of the library-/<3j^rj (for \\\^r-^ry -keepers I cannot call them), are for the most part imbezzled, to the great loss of the University, and learning in general.'^ 'January 18. The Protestor having given Llanrhaiadr, near Denbigh, as a settlement on the librarian, a letter of attorney from the University to Thomas Bucke was granted this day to agree ' Donors' Book, p. 45. MS. Ee. 6. 33. ^ ^g^ Y\. 4. 26. 3 Cooper, ' Memorials,' iii, 69. MSS. Ff. 3. 4, 30. 4 MS. Dd. 13. 23. 5 MSS. Ff. 6. 50; li. i. 16, 17. 6 MS. li. 1.6. 7 See ' Cat. of MSS.' I, vii-viii. 82 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE with Dr. Lewis Du Moulin for his life interest In the same/ August 24. Richard Foxton, M.A., of Em- manuel College, bequeathed ^^40/ Bryan Walton's Polygot Bible published this year was presented by John Allen, of Gray's InnJ Margaret, Marchioness of Newcastle, presented her ' Natures Figures,' published this year.+ 1657. May 12. This day Thomas Holler, chirurgeon of London, presented the ' Herbarium ' of Taber- naemontanus in High Dutch, Francofurti, 1588. *To Mr. Hughes for the charge in procureing manu- script bookes out of Wales 135. o^.' To Wardell the Smith for scouring, and mending the brass Spheare^ 10 . o To him allso for mending the brass about the globe 8 . 6 To Woodruff the ioyner for mending the globes, and their frames 5 . 6 To him allso for making . 3 . tables for them and the Spheare to stand upon^ i . 12 . o Item to Jonath Pindar ex concessione Auditorum in consideration of his paines in the library in transcribing seuerall Catalogues' 5 . 0.0 ^ Registry MS. 31. 2. 10. 2 Donors' Book and Registry MS. 31. i. I2. The books contain a commemorative plate dated this day. For him see C.A.S. ' Proceedings,' xv, 84. 3 The letter of thanks is MS. Add. 4447 (4). ^ Sel. 3. 57. s This must be the 'great Latten Speare' given by Bacon in 1583. A Dutchman was paid for scouring it in 1590. (Univ. Audit. Book, fF. 145^, 150^, 161 v.) ^ Univ. Audit Book, ff. 510-11. 7 Audit Book, fol. 513. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. S^ 1658. yune 1 2. Sir William Dugdale presented a copy of his ' History of St. Paul's Cathedral.' August. This month Samuel Morland, who had been Cromwell's envoy to the Duke of Savoy, presented the Waldensian MSS. which he had colle(5led and used in his ' History of the Evan- gelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont,' pub- lished this year.' John Stearne, M.D., professor in the University of Dublin, presented a copy of his ' Animi Medela,' Dublini, 1658, 4^.^ April 18. This day William Moore, librarian, was buried in Great St. Mary's Church. ' He colleded into one body the university statutes, and made a catalogue of all the MSS. in the public library, except the oriental, writing the whole with his own hand, notwithstanding a severe illness. He desired to be buried in his own college chapel, but being refused by Mr. Dell, the master, the use of the liturgy, which was his last request, was laid in St. Mary's church, under the stone he used to kneel on.' ^ April 26. T. Smith, B.D., Christ's College, was elected librarian.* ^ See H. Bradshaw, 'Colledled Papers,' pp. 1-15, and 'Memoir,' p. 84. ^ The author was a pensioner of Sidney Sussex College, and the book is dedicated to the University of Cambridge. 3 Carter, 'Hist, of the University,' p. 232. Printed in R. Gough, ' Brit. Top.' i, 223. Moore's Life was written by his successor, T. Smith, and printed in 1660. 4 The friend and correspondent of Sir Thomas Browne. See J. Peile, ' Biographical Register' (1910), i, 468, and E. Gosse, 'Sir Thomas Browne' (1905), p. 107. 84 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE The hours of the library at this time were, from 0(5lober to March, 9.0-1 i.o and 1.0-3.0. In the rest of the year from 8.0-1 i.o in the morning, and from 2.0-5.0 in the afternoon, excepting Saturday afternoon throughout the year. The chief Hbrary keeper was to attend two hours at least every day from April-September, and one hour at least in the other months except upon urgent occasions, approved by the Vice-chancellor. None but gremial M.A.s or Bachelors of Law or Physic allowed to study in the library, and they not until they had taken oaths not to take away or wilfully misuse anything. At the bottom of the rules is a Memorandum : Some course to be thought on for the procuring of moderne Authors of which there have been none added the 20 last yeares.' Septe?nber 3.^ 1661. OSlober 5. Isaac Dobson, B.D., Corpus Christi College, was appointed librarian this day. 1662. May 10. Archbishop Juxon now preferred his request for the return of the Bancroft books to Lambeth. 3 ' Registry MS. 31. 2. 11. 2 For an amusing story told by Thomas Smith relating to a visit to the library of Corpus Christi College on this day, see John Peile's ' Biographical Register ' (1910), i, 468. The applicant was told to come again on 6th August of the following year. "^ Registry MS. 31. 2. 12. It was suggested that as the Holds- worth books were still in London, the boxes which brought these down might take the Lambeth books back. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 85 A temporary A61 of this year provided that three copies of every printed book should be re- served for the King's library and the libraries of the two Universities/ 1663. yuly II. The Marchioness of New^castle pre- sented her ' Philosophical and Physical Opinions,' 1663, F^. September 2. This day the new archbishop, Gilbert Sheldon, wrote to Dr. Rainbow, the vice- chancellor, formally demanding the delivery of the Bancroft books to Dr. Franke, master of Pembroke, his chaplain.^ 1664. yune II. Henry Lucas, Esq., of London, a Master of Arts of St. John's College, and sometime burgess in parliament for the University, by his will of this date bequeathed all his books to the University. The library was a very extensive one, consisting of 812 books in folio, 3,226 books in quarto, odtavo, etc., and ' 29 bundles of several pamphletts.'^ December 10. This day the adjudicators of the Holdsworth Library gave their decision in the Hall of Doctors' Commons. The books were assigned to the University, and the University was to pay £200 to Emmanuel College. + ' 13 and 14 Car. II, ss. 2, 3, 10, 16, 17. Cooper, 'Annals,' iii, 502. See post 1674. ^ Original in Registry MS. 31. 2. I2, with the archbishop's seal. 3 Registry MS. 31. 2. \\a. For the Catalogue of them see MS. Mm. 4. 27 (D). 4 See ante 1649. Registry MSS. Drawer xxxi, 2. 86 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1666. "June I. Tobias Rustat, Esq., yeoman of the King's robes, by deed dated this day, gave /^looo to be laid out in lands, the rent to be applied in the purchase of the best and most useful books for the library.' August. John Ellis, re6lor of Waddesdon, late of S. Catharine's Hall, presented a copy of the Bible printed in Hebrew, Chaldaic, and Rabbinic (Venice, 1517-9).^ 1667. February 24. This day died Sir Thomas Adams, founder of the ledlure in Arabic. He left to the library a sum of money. ^ March 13. The Duke of Newcastle presented his work on Horsemanship. March 16. Isaac Dobson resigned the librarian- ship. March 18. Robert Peachey, M.A., fellow of Pembroke Hall, was this day eledled librarian. 1668. OBober 11. The Duchess of Newcastle pre- sented a copy of her works. "^ On the same day the works of Hevelius were sent by the Author to the library through Henry Oldenburgh, secretary of the Royal Society. February 2. John Cosin, bishop of Durham, by deed this day, covenanted to give £100 for the erection of a commencement-house and new library, as promulgated in 1640. This sum to be ^ See ' Endowments,' p. 449. ~ Donors' Book, p. 60. 3 D.N.B. See MS. Or. Ee. 5. 7 for a memorial plate. 4 ' Epp. Acad.' ii, *598. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 87 paid as soon as the ground on both sides of the Regent walk between King's and Caius Colleges should be purchased ; and when the ground was made clear he covenanted to contribute ^100 a year for four years if the works were carried on vigorously.' 1669. May I. Cosmo de Medici, prince of Tuscany, afterwards Cosmo III, visited Cambridge. ' His Highness went away escorted by the vice-chancellor and heads of houses, and accompanied more espe- cially by a retinue of the noble scholars, to see the library.'^ 1670. 05lober 21. This day died John Hacket, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. He bequeathed 1000 volumes to the library. ^ 1672. December 20. Isaac Abendana received ^f 5 from Dr. Mapletoft for a Hebrew manuscript. + 1674. May 28. This day the Stationers' Company passed an edid enforcing the A6t of 1662.5 1676. August 8. The Duke of Newcastle presented a copy of his late wife's works to the library.^ ' Cooper, 'Memorials,' iii, 70. ^ C. H. Cooper, 'Annals,' iii, 535. 3 These contain his book-plate by W. Faithorne. See H. Brad- shaw, 'Coll. Papers,' 184. The books were placed in the 'little library' {lb. 200). -* Univ. Accounts. s Registry MS. 31. 4. i (2). See ante 1662, and post 1709; and Cooper's 'Annals,' iii, 558. ^ ' EpP' Acad.' ii, *6o9. 88 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE 1677. August 20. Robert Mapletoft, master of Pem- broke 1664, dean of Ely 1667, dying this day, gave jTioo 'towards the purchase of the oriental Library of Golius for the University Library.'' 1678. ' Sir Christopher Wren prepared Plans Elevation and Sedion of a Theatre or Commencement House with a library annexed (' Parentalia,' 342).^ 1683. January 18. The state of the library by this time had become so bad, so many books missed, that a grace of the senate was passed ordering all books to be returned. January 19. As a consequence of this, librarian Peachey gave in his resignation. James Mansfield, M.A., Trinity College, was appointed. 1685. January 22. This day John Laughton, M.A., of Trinity College, was eleded librarian. 1686. April 7. This day thirty-eight manuscripts in Hebrew, Arabic, Ethiopic, and Coptic were re- ceived, the bequest of Dr. Edmund Castell. To each of these 'the effigies of Dr. Castell was affixed, or his name inscribed. '^ ^ ' Cat. of MSS.' V, 246-7 (p. 240). ^ C. H. Cooper, ' Annals,' iii, 566. The plans are in the library at All Souls College, Oxford. A photographic copy, made in 1913, is preserved in the University library. [Broadsides, xvii.] 3 yune 30. This day the library of Edmund Castell was sold by Millington, at the Eagle and Child opposite Benet Church. See J. Nichols' ' Lit. Anecd.' iv, 29 note. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 89 'July 5. A sale of duplicates was this day decreed by grace of the senate. 1687. March 4. The Rev. Matthew Scrivener, reftor of Haslingfield, by his will' of this date bequeathed Vittoria's ' Cantica' and ' Misss ' (Romas, 158 1-3, F^) to the library. They bear an inscription that they were taken out of the great Church of Cadiz in July, 1596, by Robert Bacon. The will continues: ' I give fifty pounds in trust for the use of the public Library, either by buying chains for the securing the books at present therein contained, or for the increase of the number of them,' 1693. John Spencer, dean of Ely and master of Corpus Christi College, dying this year, gave ^C^^^ ^° ^^^ library. 1695. May 16. Ralph Thoresby visited the library.^ February 19. John Clerke, late fellow of Caius College, was this day deprived of his degrees and licence of preaching for stealing books from the library. > 1697. The ' Catalogi librorum MSS. Anglias et Hibernias in unum collefti,' published at Oxford, by Bernard, this year, contains a list of the University collec- tion. It is for the most part a reprint of James' ' H. Philpott, ' CoUeftion of Documents relating to St. Catharine's College,' p. 125. ^ Cooper, ' Annals,' iv, 30. 90 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE ' Ecloga,' with an 'Audtarium e Bibliotheca v.c. Thorns Erpenii.'' 1699. Humphrey Wanley's appreciation of the Cam- bridge system is worthy of note: 'The truth is, the Cambridge gentlemen are extremely courteous and obliging, and, excepting those of Bennet College [where the rules are prohibitive], I can borrow what books I please.'^ 1705- Wanley's ' Antiquae Literaturae Septentrionalis Liber alter,' published this year at Oxford in foHo, being the second volume to G. Hickes's 'The- saurus,' contains a list of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts in the library. ^ /707- The Armenian Patriarch visited the library and presented five volumes. + 1708. August 26. The medals in the University chest were this day ordered to be placed in the library. 1709. April 5. The royal assent was given to the Copyright A(5l, which provided that copies of every book published should be delivered for the Royal Library, the Libraries of Oxford and Cam- bridge, the four Universities in Scotland, the ' Bernard says Parker's manuscripts were preserved at this time ' in cista quadam.' 2 Ellis, 'Letters of Lit. Men,' 289. 3 Pp. 152-65. 4 For an account of him, and his visit to the Bodleian Library, see W. D. Macray, 'Annals,' ed. 2, pp. 175-7. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 91 Library of Sion College, and the Advocates' Library at Edinburgh.' June 21. William Worts, Esq., M.A., St. Catharine's College, by his will dated this day, gave a considerable portion of the annual proceeds of his estate to the library.^ 17 10. August I. This day Zachary Conrad von UfFen- bach visited the library. He describes it as in ' two mean rooms of moderate size. In the first on the left-hand side are the printed books, but very ill arranged, in utter confusion. The catalogue is only alphabetical, and lately compiled on the basis ot the Bodleian Catalogue. ... In the second room, which is half empty, there were some more printed books, and then the MSS., of which, however, we could see nothing well, because the librarian, Dr. Laughton (or as they pronounce it, Laffton\ was absent ; which vexed me not a little, as Dr. Ferrari highly extolled his great learning and courtesy. Rara avis in his terris. 'We met here however by accident the librarian of St. John's Library, Mr. Baker, a very friendly and learned man, by whose help we saw several other things ; for otherwise the maid, who had opened the door and was with us, would have been able to show us but little. I asked first for the cod. evangeliorum Bezae, which is the Palladium hujus academiae. . . . After this I enquired with great eagerness for the ancient monuments of the church oi Waldenses or Vaudois brought by Sir Samuel Moreland from Piedmont and given here. . . . Chamberlayne is not a little mistaken when he boasts of 14,000 volumes in this library, as there seem to be at most barely 6 to 8,000, as far as I can judge from my own colledion. ' Cooper, 'Annals,' iv, 98. See ante 1674 znA post 1775. ^ lb. iv, 86. 92 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE ' Afterwards we saw many oriental books, all brought from the library of Th. Erpenii. . . . Hard by were also many turkish MSS. On the opposite side stood the 7 folios lexici arahici MS.y by Bedwell. . . . We saw also some very fine codices anglo-saxonicos. . . , Mr. Baker showed us also a little 12° with this title : Edward sixieme [roy d'Anglet.) petit traite a Vencontre de la primaute du pape^ written in french very neatly in the king's own hand. Lastly we saw also a good number of ancient and modern coins, lying all covered with dust, without any order, in a deep, poor drawer, unlocked and left open. There were 20 and odd gold coins, with various silver and copper ; among the last I noticed an Ottonem aeneum magni moduli deauratum^ sed spurium, on the reverse of which was an adlocutio populi cum inscriptione : Securitas publica^' etc' 1712. Oaober 3. Philip Brooke, B.D., of St. John's College, was this day elecSted librarian. 1715. September 20. King George I presented the library of John Moore, bishop of Ely, containing 30,755 volumes (including 1790 manuscripts), purchased by the king for ^6,450.^ ^ See ante 1626. ^ The circumstances at the moment gave rise to the epigram : 'King George, observing with judicious eyes The state of both his Universities, To Oxford sent a troop of horse ; and why ? That learned body wanted loyalty. To Cambridge books he sent, as well discerning, How much that loyal body wanted learning.' Answered by Sir William Browne : 'The King to Oxford sent a troop of horse For Tories know no argument but force With equal skill, to Cambridge books he sent, For Whigs admit no force but argument.' UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 93 1716. July 2. The room known as the Dome Room (now used for the exhibition of newly added books) was added to the library.' 1717. March 6. Bookcases were ordered for the West Room.^ March 8. Baker to Strype : * One part . . . almost finisht, tho' It will not hold much above half the Books.' ^ yidy 16. The Dome Room to be fitted up for manuscripts.^ September 28. Two years had now passed. Baker writes to Strype : * Not one book yet put up ; nor one class towards receiving them, and when all is finished will be a very unequal Repository to so noble a gift.' 1718. December 10. This day P. Brooke, the librarian, resigned, and Thomas Macro, M.A., fellow of Caius College, was elected. March 6. The space allotted for the King's books had proved quite inadequate. In con- sequence a Syndicate was appointed to raise ' Over what was formerly the Porter's Lodge of King's College. Up to this date, no communication existed between the South Room and the West Room except by descending into the Quad- rangle. Willis and Clark, iii, 31. ^ From John Austin and Coleman. lb. iii, 31. 3 MS. Add. ID (117). Probably the West Room, for the accounts for 1 718-19 contain a charge * for carrying up the King's books to the new library.' (Willis and Clark, iii, 34.) 4 Registry MS. 31. 2. 29. 94 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE subscriptions for the purchase of houses on the north side of the Regent walk (now the Senate House)/ 1721. December 14. S. Hadderton, M.A., Trinity College, was elected librarian. December 15. This day the new office of Proto- bibliothecarius was created, and Conyers Middleton, D.D., appointed. 1722. yune 22. This day the foundation stone of the Senate House was laid.^ 1723. In this year Dr. Conyers Middleton printed his ' Bibliothecae Cantabrigiensis ordinandae methodus qusdam ' (Cantabrigiae, 4^). 1724. February 8. John Bellers the philanthropist, dying this day, ordered that his works should be reprinted in one volume ' on good large paper and well bound in Turkey Leather.' A copy was to be presented ' to the Envoy of every Sovereign Prince and State in Europe who shall have Envoys residing at our British Court for their respe(5live Masters' perusal and one to every publick Library in London and Westminster and to the publick Librarys of Oxford and Cambridge.' ^ There is no trace of such a book here or elsewhere. ^ Grace Book I, p. 6. - Cooper, 'Annals,' iv, 169. 3 Extradl from his will proved 27th August, 1725, communi- cated by Mr. Norman Penny [MS. Add. 2717]. See D.N.B. for his life. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 95 1725. OBober 16. John Worthington, M.A., Peter- house, presented a large number of books to the library. 1726. The Rev. George Lewis, archdeacon of Meath, presented the cabinet containing manuscripts, coins, and curiosities, which still bears his name.' February 21. Thomas Baker to Thomas Hearne alludes to the general confusion. ' Fox's Martyrs,' 1 563, is ' now out of its place, for he cannot find it as before.' ^ 1727. April 25. West to Thomas Hearne : ' The university library is not yet put into any order. They just saw it in heaps.' 3 1728. April 25. Died John Woodward, M.D., founder of the le<5lureship in Geology, subsequently the professorship. By his will, bequeathing his col- lection of fossils to the University, he ordains that copies of the catalogues of these are to be ' reposited in the publick Library of the said University, for greater security that the said Fossils be preserved with great care and faithfulness.'*^ 1730. May 31. A visitor to the library on this day has left the following account 5 : ' See post 1730. 2 'Reliquiae Hearnianae,' ii, 641. 3 //,. ii^ 65i. 4 Clark and Hughes, ' Life of A. Sedgwick,' i, 1 83, Sec post 1 730. 5 S. Dale, MS. Add. 3466. 96 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE * Through the assistance of Mr. Hough we had admit- tance into the Publick Library, it now consists of 3 Gallerys. We went first into that of the South at the end of which in a separate apartment stands Dr. Wood- ward's 4 Cabinets of Fossils, and in the middle a curious one of American Cedar on the front of which on the Middle drawer is a Brass plate on which is engraved in large Letters Bibliotheca Orientalis.' The upper part consists of Shelves full of Books of the Oriental Language some finely illuminated, and the Alphabets of divers on them, as Arabick, Persian, Indian, Chinese, Japonick, &c., and under is the Figure of a Chinese Idol of Alabaster in a sedent posture. In the drawer on which the Inscription is are several sorts of Oriental Money both in Silver and Gold, as likewise some of their brass weights. Here is likewise an Indian Proclamation and other writings. In another drawer is 2 boxes of Cards, one of which is on Boards finely painted containing 48 cards or 4 sets — and the other 96, or 8 sets on Tortois shell: each set contains 12 cards 10 of which are so many numbers, the other two a man on Horseback and the King on the Throne : these are distinguished by marks as Suns, Moons, Swords, Helmets, fruits, folks. Billets, etc. The Idol above men- tioned is placed as in a chariot whereby it can be drawn out of the Cabinet for the better seeing it, the Back of which is made of a grey Stone, on w"" is cut an Inscrip- tion in 4 Oriental Languages viz' 2 living and two dead or scolastick : on the breast of the Idol hangs a Medal by [a] chain about the Neck. On each side of the Idol are two open places in one of which a large Purpura Triangu- laria Bonan. Recreat. Ment. et Oculi' p. 151 n°275 which that author writes comes from the Persian gulfe . . . 1 Presented in 1726. The manuscripts are still in the library. The coins have been deposited in the Fitzwilliam Museum. The statue is at the Archaeolo2;ical Museum. 2 Filippo Buonanni, ' Recreatio mentis et oculi.' Romae, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 97 There was likewise in that Cabinet a Book of writing on Palm leaves, cut with a graver, it resembled a file the leaves being strung upon a sort of cord . . . There are many other rarities in thecolledion which Mr. Had[derton] the Sub-Librarian shewed us, which I cannot now recolledl. The King's Library here which K. Geo. I. gave the Uni- versity is very large, a great many [ski of which are set up in the Greek School . . . until the new Library is eredled for them. In the East Gallery we did see a Book of plants painted : they had Arabick names to them. In the entring this last Gallery stood a Model of a building, which was designed to be eredled for the Schools and Library by the D. of Buckingham ... At the upper end of this Gallery stands an Alter on which K. Jam. I. layed his Books and was his present to this University. And about the middle of this Gallery are doors, within which are the Universities Manuscripts. August 5. King George's books had been in the possession of the University for fifteen years, and we have seen from various letters the condition in v^hich they had remained. On this day it was decided that the old Senate House should be fitted up for the enlargement of the library and for the reception of the King's books.' 1731- James Essex fitted up the old Senate House as the new library.^ August 2. A considerable theft of books was perpetrated by Dr. Nichols of Trinity Hall.3 Grace Book I, p. 277. The new Senate House had been opened on 6th July. 2 Willis and Clark, iii, 469. - 3 ' Hist. MSS. Commission Report,' vi, 39 (Duke of Portland). H. R. Luard, 'Chronological List,' p. 15. H 98 ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE March 17. J. Taylor, M.A., of St. John's College, was clefted librarian. 1733- May 23. On this day it was agreed to make an entrance from the ' East end of the Library ' into the old Senate House.' 1734- December 31. T. Parne, B.D., Trinity College, was eledled librarian. 1735- . February 4. Henry Justice was arrested for stealing books.' February 18. At the same time large depreda- tions had been made upon the books presented by King George.'' It was discovered that ^2000 worth of these had come into the possession of Jonas Thompson, of the city of York, gentleman. On discovery an attempt was made to ship them beyond seas. 1739. Montfaucon's ' Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum,' published at Paris in this year, devotes two columns to the manuscripts in this library. W. Thurlbourn, Cambridge bookseller, presented ' Hieronymi Epistolae,' Ven., 1476. Folio. 1740. July 2. Thomas Baker, B.D., ejected Fellow of St. John's College, dying this day, bequeathed eighteen volumes of his great historical colle(5tion, and several valuable printed books. ^ ' Luard, 'Documents,' p. 16. ^ Registry MS. 31. 2. 4. Luard. 3 D.N.B. R. Masters' 'Memoirs,' 1784. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 99 1742. March 29. A sale of duplicates was held this day.' 1743- April 22. The Hon. George Townshend pre- sented a mummy. ^ OBober 26. This day in the suit of Joseph Bentham and others versus Thomas and Robert Baskett various books were ' received from the Public Library.' 3 1744. June 25. This day died Roger Gale, fellow of Trinity College. He bequeathed his colledlion of coins to the University, with a catalogue pre- pared by himself + '745- 'A list of printed books in the Tunet' is preserved in the Bodleian Library. 5 . '748. February 1 1 . This day died John Colbatch, Vice-Master of Trinity. A large number of books with his bookplate are in the library.^ 'July 13. 902 volumes reported as missing from the old library. September. During Dr. Paris his vice-chancellorship, the front of the schools facing St. Marie's Church was now repaired, and the windows new glazed with crown glass, and all the ' The catalogue was printed, ^