95 UC-NRLF iTIONAL $B ^D7 ^^1 BIBLIOGRAPHIES. By R, A. PEDDIE. NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. PRINTING AT BRESCIA in the 15th century. A list of the issues. 1905. 5s. net. CONSPECTUS INCUNABULORUM. An index catalogue of 15th century books. Part I. A B. 1910. IDS. 6d. net. Part II. C G. in preparation. ENGINEERING AND METALLURGICAL BOOKS 1907-1911. In Press. GUIDE TO RESEARCH WORK IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. In preparation. With Mr. Quintin Waddington. THE ENGLISH CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1801-1836. [To be published at 0, 4s. net.] In jrreparation. National Bibliographies : a descriptive catalogue of the works which register the books published in each country. By Robert Alexander Peddie. London : GRAFTON & Co., 69, Great Russell Street, 1912. nt PRINTED BY WILtlAM BROWN & CO., LTD., 86-42, ST. MABV AXE, LONDON, E.C. PREFACE. The official, semi-official and trade bibliographies of a country are the bases of all bibliographical work. From them we learn (imperfectly, in most cases) what books are published, and their subject-indexes give us the first instalment of titles for our special bibliographies. It is necessary for all who make researches in any way touching the bibliographical field to become acquainted with these most valuable tools, and in the following pages they are described for the first time at length. Their deficiencies are noted and their arrangement described in a manner which will enable the student to ascertain without delay whether, and if so, in what work, the books published in a particular country during a particular period, have been registered. R. A. PEDDIE. S^. Bride Fowndation, Bride Lane, E.C. 252330 CONTENTS. Europe. PAGE. PAGE. India,' Burmah, Ceylon iq Belgium 2 y Bulgaria 3 Japan Philippine Islands . 21 25 .. 30 Croatia .S Straits Settlements. Cyprus 6 Denmark ... 6 Africa. Finland .. 8 Cape Colony ... 4 France .. 9 America, North. Germany II Canada 3 22 Great Britain 13 Mexico Holland .. 16 United States 32 Hungary .. 18 Iceland .. 18 West Indies. ' Ireland 20 Cuba . 6 Italy 20 Jamaica 21 Lithuania 22 Trinidad 31 Malta 22 America, Central Norway... .. 23 Guatemala . 16 Poland .. 25 Portugal .. 26 America, South. ROUMANIA .. 27 Argentine Republic. I Russia .. 27 Bolivia 2 - Scotland .. 28 Brazii 2 Servia .. 29 Chili 4 Spain .. 29 Colombia 5 Sweden .. 30 Ecuador . 8 . Wales 33 Peru . 24 Asia. Australasia. China 5 Australia I Hong Kong ... .. 17 New South Wales . 23 National Bibliographies. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. For the period 1780-1810, J. T. Medina has published in the Anales of the Museo de La Plata, but forming a separate volume of some four hundred pages, a bibliographical catalogue of the issues of the press in Buenos Ayres. Medina (J. T.). Historia y bibliografia de la imprenta en Buenos Aires, 1780-1810. La Plata, 1892. fol. It is arranged in chronological order with index of authors. For the period between 1810 and 1879 no record is known. In 1879 there was started an annual pubUcation. Anuario bibliografico de la Republica Argentina. Alio 1-9. 1879-1887. Buenos Aires, 1880-88. 12 mo. Each volume contains a classified list of the issues during the year with descriptive and critical notes, and an author index. The author died after issuing volume 9. Nothing in the shape of a contemporary record appears to have been issued since. AUSTRALIA. Up to the present year (191 1) no attempt was made to register the book production of Australia as a whole and only in the case of New South Wales was any local effort made to publish a catalogue. There has just been published Foxcroft (A.B.). The Australian catalogue. A reference index to the books and periodicals published, and still current in the Commonwealth of Australia. Melbourne, 191 1. 8vo. This is not a complete record for any special period but a list by author and title of the books in print at the time of publication. See also New South Wales. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. See also Bohemia, Croatia, Germany, Hungary. BELGIUM. For the publications before 1830, in what is now Belgium, reference may be made to the various general bibliographies of the Low Countries which are mentioned under the heading Holland. From 1830, reference should be made to : Koninck (A. de). Bibliographie nationale. Dictionnaire des ecrivains beiges et catalogue de leur publications, 1830- 1880. (Supplement A-G.). 4vois. Bruxelles, 1882-igoi. 8vo. It contains an alphabetical catalogue by authors without subject indexes. It is doubtful whether the supplement will ever be completed. For Flemish books published after 1830, there is a special catalogue. Potter (F. de). Vlaamsche bibliographie Lijst der boeken, vlug-en tijds-chriften, muziekwerken, kaarten, platen en tabellen in Belgie van 1830 tot 1890, verschenen. Gent, 1893. 8vo. This takes the form of a classified subject catalogue with an author index. The current bibliography is the Bibliographie de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1875, ^i^- 8vo. At present this is issued fortnightly. The annual volume is supplied with author and classified subject indexes. BOLIVIA. There are two works which deal with the productions of the Bolivian press. The first : Gutierrez (J. R.). Datos para la bibliografia Boliviana. (Supplement). 2 vols. La Paz, 1875-80. 8vo. Contains an alphabetical catalogue ot works, the majority of which are printed in the country. This work is supplemented by Rene Moreno (G.). Biblioteca Boliviana. Catalogo de la seccion de libros i folletos. (Supplement). 2 vols. Santiago de Chile, 1879- 1900. 8vo. The arrangement is alphabetical by titles, and there is an author index. BRAZIL. The literature of Brazil is inextricably bound up with that of Portugal, and reference may be made to the list of works under the heading of that country. The only bibliographical work special to Brazil is Alves Sacramento Blake (A.V.). Diccionario bibliogra- phic Brazileiro. Vol. i. A. Bruno. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. 8vo. This volume is the only one that has been seen and whether the work is being continued cannot be ascertained. BULGARIA. The only catalogue of Bulgarian literature that I have been able to trace, is Jireoek (J.). Bibliographic de la litterature bulgare moderne, 1806-1870. Viena, 1872. 8vo. The title only is in French. There is also a Bulgarian title. The work is an author catalogue with an alphabetical subject index. CANADA. There is no general catalogue of the books published in Canada, but for the province of Quebec there are two catalogues which, although rather summary in form, purport to be inclusive. Dionne (N. E.). Inventaire chronologique des livres, brochures, journaux et revues publies en langue anglais dans la province de Quebec depuis I'etablissement de Timprimerie en Canada jusqu'a nos jours. 1 764-1 906, Quebec et la Nouvelle France. Tom. j. Quebec, 1907. Bvo. The arrangement, as stated in the title is chronological. An index of authors and subjects is suppHed. Dionne (N. E.). Inventaire chronologique des livres, brochures, journaux et revues publies en langue fran9aise dans la province de Quebec depuis I'etablissement de I'imprimerie en Canada jusqu'a nos jours. Quebec et la Nouvelle France. Tom. i. Quebec, 1905. Bvo. The arrangement is the same as in the previous volume, but there are no indexes. Since April, 1888 there has been pubUshed in the Canadian Patent Office Record. Ottawa, 1888, etc. 4to. a List of Copyrights. This list does not appear to be anything like a complete register of Canadian publications. are Other works dealing with Canadian books which may be consulted Stevens (H.). Catalogue of the Canadian and other British North American books in the Library of the British Museum at Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8vo. Morgan (H. J ). Bibliotheca Canadensis, or a manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, 1867. 8vo. Gagnon (P.). Essai de bibliographic Canadienne. Quebec, 1895. 8vo. CAPE COLONY. The Cape Colony, in common with most other colonies, publish a Copyright List which is to be found in the British Museum. Cape Colony. Transcript of the [Copyright Register.] 1894-1901. Whether this is still issued is not known. CHILI. Chili has, for a South American State, a very good series of bibliographies. The most comprehensive is Briseno (R.). Estadistica bibliografica de la literatura Chilena [1812-1859]. Santiago de Chile 1862. 4to. 1860-1876. Santiago de Chile, 1879. 4to The main entry in these catalogues is alphabetically by the first word of the title. There is a chronological index, but curiously enough no author index. Supplementary catalogues are provided of periodicals, books relating to Chili printed abroad, and works of Chilian authors printed outside the country. There does not appear to be any trace of a later volume, and the next ten years do not seem to have a record. The National Library of Chili began publishing in 1887 the Annario de la Prensa Chilena. 1886 etc. Santiago de Chile. 1887 etc. 8vo. Each volume contains an alphabetical catalogue of titles, an author index and a catalogue of periodicals. This work is generally rather late in publication, the 1901 volume not being issued until 1904. It is supplemented to date, however, by the quarterly. Boletin de la Biblioteca Nacional de Santiago. Santiago de Chile. 8vo. This is the official register of Copyright, but contains in addition the general accessions to the Library. The earlier period (up to 181 7) is the subject of two special bibliographies. Medina (J. T.). Bibliografia de la imprenta en Santiago de Chile, des de sus origenes hasta febrero de 181 7. Santiago de Chile, 1891, 8vo. Montt (L.). Bibliographia Chilena. Vol.11. 1812-1817. Santiago de Chile, 1904. 8vo. Both of these works contain chronological lists with very full bibho- graphical descriptions and annotations. Of Senor Montt's work, Vol. IL is the only one published as yet, but it is complete in itself for the period mentioned. CHINA. Ignoring the native Chinese publications, the only bibliography of value is' Gordier (H.). L'imprimerie Sino-Europ^enne en Chine. Bibliographie des onvrages publics en Chine par les Europ6ens au 17^ et au i8^ si^cle. Paris, 1 90 1. 8vo. This is an alphabetical catalogue by authors with an index of titles and facsimiles. COLOMBIA. For books issued in Colombia the reader must use two biblio- graphies neither of which have any real pretence to cover the ground effectively. Laverde Amaya (I.). Apuntes sobre bibliografia Colom- biana con muestras escogidas en prosa y en verso. Bogota, 1882. 8vo. The first part of the work consists of a chronological record of authors and their works, to which is prefixed an index of names. The second part contains specimens of their works. This somewhat sketchy production may be supplemented by Pineda (A.). Biblioteca del Ex-Coronel Pineda o coleccion de la publicaciones de la imprenta en el Virreinato de Santafe i en las Republicas de Colombia i Nueva Granada de 1774 a 1850. Bogota, 1853. 8vo. The order in which the entries are printed is curious, being apparently the order in which the books stood on the shelves. The only index is to the titles of the periodicals occurring in the catalogue. CROATIA. Although Croatia is not independent it is sufficient of a nationality to be dealt with separately. Its bibliography is Sakcinski (I. K.). Bibliografia Hrvatska. Dio prvi Tiskane knjige. U Zagrebu. i860. 8vo. Dodatak k prvomu dielu. U Zagrebu. 1863. 8vo. Both the bibUography and the supplement are divided into three sections according to the character in which the books are printed : Glagolitic, Cyrillic and Roman. Each section is arranged alpha- betically by authors. CUBA. The most important works issued m Cuba will naturally be found in the Spanish bibliographies, but for the period before 1840 there is a comparatively complete separate list. Baohiller y Morales (A.). Catalogo de libros y folletos publicados en Cuba desde la introduccion de la imprenta hasta 1840. In his Apuntes par la historia de las letras etc. de la Isla de Cuba. Tomo. III. 1861. pp. 121-241. This is a chronological catalogue without indexes of authors or subjects. The Havana press has been specially dealt with by Seiior J. T. Medina in one of his elaborate monographs. Medina (J. T.). La imprenta en la Habana, 1 707-1810. Notas bibliogrdficas. Santiago de Chile, 1904. 8vo. Chronological arrangement with full bibliographical descriptions and notes. CYPRUS. Since 1889 there has been issued annually an official register of the issues of the press. Memoranda of books printed and published in Cyprus. Nicosia, 1889, etc. fol. The order of the entries is chronological, and no indexes appear to have been issued. DENMARK. The list of Danish books 1482-1830 is not yet completed. It was started as far back as 1872, and four volumes have now been issued. Bruun (C. V.). Bibliotheca Danica. Systematisk forteg- nelse over den Danske literature fra 1482 til 1830. Vol. 1-4. Kjobenhavn, 1877 [1872] -1902. 4to. It is a classified catalogue, and is based on the collections of the Royal Library at Copenhagen and other Danish libraries. Whether an author index is proposed to be issued is not known, but in the meantime there is Nyerup (R.) and Kraft (J. C). Almindeligt. Litteratur- lexicon for Danmark, Norge og Island. Kjobenhavn, 1820. 4to. This is an alphabetical catalogue of authors with short biographies and lists of their works. The regular series of bibliographies does not begin until the year 1 84 1, but for the intermediate period use may be made of Erslew (T. H.) Almindeligt forfatterlexicon for kongeriget Danmark med tilherende bilande fra 1814 til 1840. 3 vol. Kjobenhavn, 1843-53. 8vo. Supplement. . . indtil udgangen af aaret 1853. 3 vol. Kjobenhavn, 1858-68. 8vo. This again is a catalogue of authors with biographies and lists of their works. The Booksellers Association of Copenhagen issued the following work in I 84 I. Forlagsforeningen. Almindeligt Dansk-Norsk Forlags- Catalog. Catalogus librorum in Dania et Norvegia editorum secundum- eos, qui sumtus fecerunt distributus. Havniae, 1841. 8vo. It appears to be a catalogue of the books issued by a certain number of publishers only, but it seems to go back to about the year 1780. The author catalogue is followed by catalogues of maps and of portraits and a classified index by subjects. From 1 84 1 the Danish Catalogue is available. Dansk Bogfortegnelse for aarene 1 841 -1858. Kjobenhavn, 1861. 4to. 1859-1868. Kjobenhavn, 1871. 4to. 1869-1880. Kjobenhavn, 1881-82. 4to. 1881-1892. Kjobenhavn, 1893-94. 4to. 1893-1900. Kjobenhavn, 1903. 4to. Each volume contains an alphabetical author catalogue, together with a classified index of subjects. The series is supplemented by the annual catalogue. Dansk Bogfortegnelse for [each year] . Kjobenhavn. 8vo. This contains the numbers of the monthly or bi-monthly catalogue of Danish books, bound together with general alphabetical author and classified subject indexes ; also lists of music and Icelandic books. A title index to the literature of the years 1 881 -1906 has been issued. It deals with a select list of about 10,000 titles in the classes of Literature, Fine Arts, and Technical Books; school books and other similar sections are excluded. MuUer (A. F.). Stikords-katalog for den Danske Boghandel omfattende Aarene 1881-1906. Odense, 1906. 8vo. The arrangement is alphabetical by the first important word. ECUADOR. In the absence of any general bibliographies for this state covering any long period of time it is necessary to refer to two publications which together only bring up the record to 1818. The first Anrique, R. (N.). Noticia de algunas publicaciones Ecua- torianas anteriores 4 1792. Santiago de Chile, 1891. lamo. is a catalogue in chronological order of the books published in the towns of Ambato and Quito, previous to 1792. The second work relates to Quito only. Medina (J. T.). La imprenta en Quito, 1760-1818. Notas bibliograficas, Santiago de Chile, 1904. 8vo. This is a catalogue in chronological order with full bibliographica, particulars and annotations. FINLAND. Yasenius (V.). La litterature finnoise, 1544-1877. Cata- logue alphabetique et systematique. Helsingissa, 1878. 8vo. The literature of Finland is very well catalogued by (v.). La litterature finn que et systematique. Supplement I., 1878-1879. Helsingissa, 1880. 8vo. Supplement II., 1880-1885. Helsingissa, 1887. 8vo. Supplement III., 1886-1891. Helsingissa, 1892. 8vo. Supplement IV,, 1892-1895. Helsingissa, 1897. 8vo. Supplement V., 1896-1900. Helsingissa, 1905. 8vo. Each volume is alphabetically arranged by authors with a classified subject index. The second supplement has an index of translators which covers all the preceding volumes and this feature forms part of all the later issues. 8 FRANCE. The bibliography of the earlier period of French literature is very imperfect, and where the catalogues of special periods fail, recourse should be had to Brunet's Manuel du Libraire, which is very valuable for French books generally. For the works issued in the 15th century, or at least for such of them as were in the French language, there is Brunet (G.). La France litteraire au 156. si^cle ou catalogue raisonn^ des ouvrages en tout genre imprimes en langue fran9aise jusqu'a I'an 1500. Paris, 1865. ^^o. This is arranged by author's names and titles of anonymous works. The 1 6th century in France, as in nearly every other country, is the worst period for the bibliographer. The only authority for this period is Bibliotheques Fran9oises (Les) de La Croix, Du Maine et de Du Verdier, Sieur de Vauprivas. Nouvelle Edition, revue, cor- rigee et augmente par M. Rigoley de Juvigny. 6 vols. Paris, 1772-73, 4to. Vols. I and 2 of this work contain the Bibliotheque of La Croix du Maine, vols. 3-5 that of Du Verdier, while vol. 6 contains supplemen- tary matter. Each series is arranged in alphabetical order of christian names of authors, and there are indexes of surnames at the end of vol. 2 and at the end of vol. 6. The entries are almost entirely i6th century publications. The books of the 17th century have no native chronicler, and we have to go to a German work to get anything like a bibliography of this century. Georgi (T.). Allgemeinen Europaischen Biicher-Lexici* 5ter Theil in welchem die Frantzosischen Auctores und Biicher von alien Disciplinen so von dem 16 seculo an bis auf gegen- wartige Zeit geschrieben und gedrucket worden sind in Alpha- betischer Ordnung zu finden. Leipzig: 1753. Fol. The vast mass of the entries are of the 17th century, but many relate to the early 18th century. The arrangement is by authors' names, and the information given includes the number of sheets and price of each book. The 18th and the early 19th centuries are dealt with in Qnerard (J. M.). La France Litteraire. 12 vols. Paris, 1827-1864. 8vo. Vols, i-io of this work contain an alphabetical catalogue by authors. This part of the work was finished in 1839. Biographical notices are also given. Vols. 11 and 12, published 1854- 1864, contain "Correc- tions, additions, auteurs pseudonymes et anonymes d^villes. A-Rog." I'he completion was never published. 9 The work is continued on similar lines by Querard (J. M.). La litterature fran9aise contemporaine. ige. siecle. 6 vols. Paris, 1842-1857. 8vo. which contains one alphabet by authors' names. The later volumes, w^hich are not by Querard, are on a much smaller scale than the earlier portions of the work. Up to 1840 the bibliographical works relating to French literature are very unsatisfactory, even the work of the indefatigable Querard leaving much to be desired. From this date the work of Lorenz, now carried on by Jordrell, is the chief authority. Lorenz (O.). Catalogue general de la librairie frauQaise. Paris, 8vo. Vols. 1-4. 1840-1865. 5-6. 1866-1875. 7-8. Table des Matieres, 1840-1875. 9-10. 1876-1885. 11. Table des Matieres, 1876-1885. 12. 1886-1890. 13. Table des Matieres, 1 886-1 890. 14-15. 1891-1899. 16-17. Table des Matieres, 1891-99. 18. 1 900- 1 905. The catalogue gives a biographical note to most authors, and the later volumes refer back to the earlier for supplementary information. The "Table des Matieres " is an arrangement alphabetically by subjects. Under each subject the titles are alphabetized by their first word. From 1900 a new catalogue has been issued which is arranged in a different manner to Lorenz. Le Sondier (H.). Bibliographic fran9aise. 2e. Serie. Tom. I. 1 900- 1 904. Paris, 1908. 8vo. Tom. n. 1905-1909. Paris, 191 1. 8vo. These volumes contain author, title and subject entry in one alphabet. Lorenz and Le Soudier are supplemented to date by the annual volume of the Bibliographie de la France. This contains, in addition to the full titles in the weekly numbers, a general index by authors and a classified list with short titles. GERMANY. For the earlier period of German book production we have catalogues of books in the German language, but no record of the general output of literature. The 15th century is dealt with by Panzer (G. W.). Annalen der alteren deutschen Litteratur Oder Anzeige und Beschriebung derjenigen Biicher welche von Erfinding der Buchdruckerkunst bis 1520 in deutschen Sprache gedruckt worden sind. Niirnberg : 1788, 4to. Zusatze bis 1520. Leipzig: 1802. 4to. 1521-1526. Niirnberg: 1805. 4to. The arrangement is chronological with an author index. Panzer's work is supplemented for the period 1500-15 26 by Weller (E.). Repertorium typographicum. Die deutsche Literatur im ersten Viertel des i6ten. Jahrhunderts. Im Anschluss an Hains Repertorium und Panzers Deutsche Annalen, Nordlingen, 1864. 8vo. Supplement I. Nordlingen, 1874. 8vo. Supplement II. Nordlingen, 1885. 8vo. A chronological catalogue, with good descriptions followed by indexes of printers, authors and subjects. The period from 1526 to 1700 is almost a blank as far as special German bibliography is concerned. Recourse must be had for this period to general bibliogra'phies such as Georgi, Brunei, Graesse and Ebert. For books published between 1700 and 181 5, or at any rate for the years 1 700-1 750, the authority is Heinsius (W.). Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon oder vollstan- diges alphabetisches Verzeichniss aller von 1700 bis zu Ende 1810 (-1815) erschienen Biicher, welche in Deutschland und in den durch Sprache und Literatur damit verwandten Liindern gedruckt worden sind. 5 Bd. Leipzig, 1812-1817. 4to. Vols. 1-4 contain the alphabetical author catalogue 1700-18 10, with a supplement containing a title index of romances and plays. Vol. 5 deals with the period 1811-1815. After 1750 the most useful bibhography is Kayser, which is continued up to the present time. Kayser (C. G.). Vollstandiges Biicher-Lexikon enthaltend alle von 1750 bis zu Ende des Jahres 1832 in Deutschland und in den angrenzenden Landern gedruckten Biicher. Theil 1-6. Leipzig, 1834-36 4to. Theil 7-8. 1833-1840. Leipzig, 1841-42. 4to. Theil 9-10. 1841-1846. Leipzig, 1848 4to. Theil 11-12. 1847-1852. Leipzig, 1 85 3- 1 85 4. 4to. Theil 13-14. 1853-1858. Leipzig, i860. 4to. Theil 15-16. 1859-1864. Leipzig, 1866. 4to. Theil 17-18. 1865-1870. Leipzig, 1873. 4to. Theil 19-20. 1871-1876. Leipzig, 1877. 4.0. Theil 21-22. 1877-1882. Leipzig, 1883. 4to. Theil 23-24. 1883-1886. Leipzig, 1887. 4to. Theil 25-26. 1887-1890. Leipzig, 1891. 410. Theil 27-28. 1891-1894. Leipzig, 1895-1896. 4to. Theil 29-30. 1895-1898. Leipzig, 1899-1900. 4to. Theil 31-32. 1899-1902. Leipzig, 1903-1904. 4to. Theil 33-34- 1903-1906. Leipzig, 1907-1908. 4to. Each volume is arranged on the same plan and contains an alphabetical author catalogue. The subject indexes are somewhat irregular. After the tirst, which covers Kayser's first six volumes and the period 1750-1832, there is no index to Kayser until 1891-94; but during the years 1871-1885 Hinrichs issued a Repertorium to his half-yearly catalogues which serves the same purpose, and from 1883 there is the subject catalogue of Georg. Kayser (C. G.). Sachregister zu Kayser'schen Biicher- Lexikon. [1750- 1832.] Leipzig, 1832. 4to. Hinriohs (J. C). Hinrichs' Repertorium iiber die nach den halbjahrlichen Verzeichnissen i87i-i8t5 erschienen Biicher, % Landkarten, etc., bearbeitet von E. Baldarnus. Mit einem Sach- Register. Leipzig, 1877. 8vo. 1876-1880. Leipzig, 1882. 8vo. 1881-1885. Leipzig. 8vo. Georg (C). Schlagwort-Katalog. Verzeichniss der Biicher und Landkarten in sachlicher Anordnung 1883- 1887. Hannover, 1889. 8vo. Bd. IL 1888-1892. Hannover, 1898. 8vo. Bd. in. 1893-1897. 2 vols. Hannover, 1900-01. 8vo. Bd. IV. 1 898-1 902. 2 vols. Hannover, 1903-04. 8vo. Kayser (C. G.). Sach und Schlagwortregister. 1891-1894. Leipzig, 1896. 4to. 1895-1898. Leipzig, 1900. 4to. 1 899-1 902. Leipzig, 1904. 4to. 1 903- 1 906. Leipzig, 1908. 4to. The Kayser indexes are alphabetically by subjects, with a classified index of topics. Hinrichs' Repertorium is a classified short-title catalogue, with an alphabetical index of topics, and Georg's Schlagwort- Katalog is a subject catalogue alphabetically arranged. In addition to Kayser's first Sachregister there exists a classified arrangement of the books issued from 1750 to about 1820 with full titles. Ersch (J. S.). Handbuch der deutscher Literatur seit der Mitte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste Zeit. Neue Ausgabe. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1822-40. 8vo. It has full indexes of authors and topics. The current bibliography, which is issued half-yearly in two volumes, is Hinrichs' Halbjahrs-Katalog der im deutschen Buchhandel erschienenen Biicher, Zeitschriften, Landkarten u.s.w. Mit Registern nach Stichworten und Wissenschaften. Leipzig. 8vo. The first volume is an alphabetical author catalogue. The second con- tains an alphabetical subject index, with a classified list of topics added. 12 GREAT BRITAIN. There is no complete catalogue of the early productions of the printing press in this country, but Mr. Gordon Duff is believed to be at work on the 15th century books. For the works issued by Caxton the principal authority is Blades (W.). The biography and typography of William Caxton. 2nd edition. London, 1882. 8vo. Full particulars are given of each book with notes on the various copies extant. There has been recently published DeRicci(S.). A Census of Caxtons. London, 1909. 4to* jn which every known copy is fully described. The period from 1501 to 1556 has been dealt by the issue under the auspices of the Bibliographical Society. Bibliographical Society. Handlists of English printers, 1501-1556. J vol. London, 1895-1905. 4to. These contain short title lists with indications of the location of copies and the reproductions of printers' marks. The arrangement is by printers. From the date of the charter of the Stationers' Company, 1556, their Registers form a guide to the books published. These Registers have been transcribed and published by Dr. E. Arber up to the year 1640. Stationers' Company. Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of the City of London, 15 56-1 640. Edited by E. Arber j: vols. London, 1875-94. 4to. Vols. 1-4 contain the full transcript. Vol. 5 contains a chronological list of books from 1557 to 1603 arranged under each year by their printers, and indexes of the printers, publishers and booksellers mentioned throughout the work. For the period ending with the commencement of the Civil War in 1640, we have two other important helps, being catalogues of the books of this period in the libraries of the British Museum and of the University of Cambridge. British Museum. Catalogue of books in the library printed in England, Scotland and Leland, and of books in English printed abroad to 1640. j vols. London, 1884. 8vo. This catalogue is alphabetical by authors. Music books are catalogued in a separate alphabet at the end. There is a general index of subjects and names followed by an index of printers, publishers, booksellers and bookbinders. Sayle (C). Early Enghsh printed books in the University Library. Cambridge, i475-:^64o, 4 vols. Cambridge, 1900-07. 8vo. The arrangement of this catalogue is not hke the British Museum Catalogue by authors. The main body of the work is a systematic typographical catalogue and the author list is relegated to an index. Indexes are also given of subjects, printers, portraits, etc. It should 13 be noted that Vol. 3 is not complete without an appendix containing pp. 1 745-1804 which was issued in 1907. Several other libraries have issued catalogues of the books of this period which they possess, for instance, the John Rylands Library Manchester, Lambeth Palace Library and several of the college libraries of Oxford and Cambridge. For the succeeding period 1 641-1667, it is proposed to issue a transcript of the Stationers' Company's Registers. This has been compiled by Mr. H. R. Plomer and is believed to be now in the press. The period of the Civil War from 1640 to the year following the Restoration, 1661, is dealt with in British Museum. Catalogue of the pamphlets, books, newspapers and manuscripts relating to the Civil War, the Commonwealth and Restoration collected by George Thomason, 1640-1661. [Edited by G. K. Fortescue.] 2 vols. London, 1908. 8vo. This catalogue is arranged chronologically by the events described. The newspapers are catalogued under each month of each year so that for each month may be seen a list of the newspapers available. An index of authors, titles and subjects is added. The work only includes the Thomason collection and does not catalogue the works of that period in the library apart from that collection. From 1668 to 1709 there were published lists of books issued during each law term. With great difficulty a set of these lists was collated by Dr. Arber and reprinted. Arber (E.). The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709. 3 vols. London, 1903-06. 4to. The three volumes are each indexed separately. There is a title index followed by the general index which includes authors, printers, publishers, subjects, etc. The eighteenth century remains the most obscure of any period of English bibliography. The only general catalogue is Bent (W.). A general catalogue of books, 1700- 1786. London, 1786. 8vo. This is an alphabetical catalogue by authors, but of course is very imperfect. The books of the last few years of the century are to be found in Bent (W.). The London catalogue of books, corrected to August, 181 1. London, 181 1. 8vo. but these catalogues do not give the date of publication and are of very little value. The early part of the nineteenth century will be dealt with in a forthcoming volume. Peddie (R. A.) and Waddington (Q.). The English Catalogue of books, 1801-1836. In the press. This will include in one alphabet, author, title and subject entries of the books of the period, giving for the first time the details of date, publisher's name, etc. At present the only authorities for the years 1801-1836 are the 181 1 Catalogue mentioned above and the following 14 Bent (W.). The London Catalogue of books, 1810-1831. London, 1831. 8vo. Hodgson (T.). The London Catalogue of books, 1814-1846. London, 1846. 8vo. Hodgson (T.). The London Catalogue of books, 181 6-1 851. London, 1851. 8vo. These are all imperfect and do not give dates of publication. There are two subject indexes which are not so useful as their titles would appear to indicate. Hodgson (T.). Bibliotheca Londinenensis. A classified index to the London Catalogue of books, 18 14- 1846. London, 1848. 8vo. Hodgson (T.). The classified index to the London Catalogue of books, 1816-1851. London, 1853. 8vo. From the year 1835 the series of catalogues of English books is complete as regards those works registered in the trade bibliographies. Low (S.). The English Catalogue of book, 1 835-1 863. London, 1864. 8vo. 1863-1872. London, 1873. 8vo. 1872-1880. London, 1882. 8vo. 1881-1889. London, 1891. 8vo. These four volumes are author catalogues and give particulars of date, etc., which are not found in the earlier catalogues. There are subject catalogues which index titles and topics as follows : Low (S.). Index to the British Catalogue of books, 1837-1857. London, 1858. 8vo. Low (S.). Index to the EngUsh Catalogue of books. 1856- 1876. London, 1876. 8vo. 1874-1880. London, 1884. 8vo. 1881-1889. London, 1893. 8vo. The volumes for the later years are arranged differently. The index entries are incorporated with the author entries in one volume and in one alphabet and therefore the work is much handier to consult. The volume referred to above as in course of preparation for the years 1801- 1836 is on this plan and will range in every respect with these later volumes. The English Catalogue of books, 1890-1897. London, 1898. 8vo. 1898-1900. London, 1901. 8vo. 1901-1905. London, 1906. 8vo. 1 906-1 9 10. London, 191 1. 8vo. The annual volume brings the series up to date. The English Catalogue of books. London, Annual. 8vo. The many gaps in this list of the registers of British publications must be filled up by reference to the general bibliographies, Lowndes' Bibliographers' Mamial of English Literature, Watt's Bibliotheca Briiannica, and Hazlitt's Collections and Notes. 15 GUATEMALA. For this Spanish American state as for most of the others we have a bibliography by J. T. Medina. Medina (J. T.). La Imprenta en Guatemala (1660-1821). Santiago de Chile, 19 10. 4to. The arrangement is chronological and an index of authors and titles is added. HOLLAND. The series of bibliographies of Dutch books commences with Campbell (M. F. A. G.). Annales de la typographie N6er- landaiseau i5''si^cle. (Supplements 1-4). La Haye 1874-90. 8vo. This work contains full description of the issues of the press in the Low Countries before 1500. It is an alphabetical catalogue by authors, with an index of printers and their works. For the period 1 500-1 540 it is necessary to consult Nijhoff (W.). Bibliographic de la typographic Neerlandaise des annees 1500^ 1540: ouvrage faisant suite aux Annales de M. Campbell. Parts 1-16. La Haye, 1 901 -1906. Bvo. It contains full description of a large number of books. Each description is on a separate leaf and there is an index to each part. For the period from 1540 to 1600 and indeed for Dutch books generally, recourse must be had to Yanderhaeghen (F.). Bibliotheca Belgica. Bibliographic generale des Pays Bas. Gand, 1880, etc. izmo. This again is a series of descriptions on separate leaves. The first series binds up into twenty-six volumes, the last of which contains indexes by authors, printers and places, and a chronological list. From 1600 reference should be made to Abkoude (J. v.). Naamregister van de bekendste en meest in gebruik zynde Nederduitsche boeken, welke sedert het jaar 1600 tot het jaar 1761 zyn uitgekomen. Nu overzien, verbeterd en tot het jaar 1787 vermeerderd door R. Arrenberg. Tweede druk. Rotterdam, 1788. 4to. This is an author catalogue only. It deals with the books from 1600 to 1 76 1, and this edition contains additional matter, bringing it up to 1787. To the books of the next two years there appears to be no clue, but from 1790 the series is complete to the present day. The first volume deals with the period 1 790-1832. Alphabetische naamlijst van boeken. 1790-1832. 's Gravenhage, 1835. 4to. 1833-1849. Amsterdam, 1858. 4to. 1850-1862. Amsterdam, 1868. 4to. 1863-1875. Amsterdam, 1878. 4to. These are author catalogues only, and have no subject indexes. 16 The last two volumes, covering the years 1850-18 7 5, are rendered unnecessary by the issue of Brinkman's Catalogus. Meulen (R. v. d.). Brinkman's Catalogus het boeken, plaat- en kaartwerken, die gedureude de jaren 1850-1882 in Nederland zijn uitgegeven of herdrukt : in alphabetische volgorde geranschikt. Amsterdam, [1884.] 8vo. 1882-1891. Amsterdam, [1893 (?)] ^vo. 1891-1900. Leiden, [1901.] 8vo. These are the catalogues by authors. The subject catalogues, con- taining the topics in alphabetical order, are as follows : Meulen (R. v. d.). Repertorium op Brinkman's Cata- logussen, bevattende in alphabetische orde de onderwerpen benevens een beknopte titelbeschrijving der boeken etc de gedurende de jaren 1850-1882 in Nederland verschenen zijn. Amsterdam, [1884 (?).] 8vo. 1882-1891. Amsterdam, [i893(?).] 8vo, 1891-1900. Leiden, [1902.] 8vo. In addition to the subject catalogues, a title catalogue has been issued. Meulen (R. v. c). Brinkman's Titel-Catalogus van de sedert het begin dezer eeuw tot 1888 in Nederland verschenen werken op het gebied ds niewe letterkunde (Romans, novellen, gedichter tooneelstukken en kinderboeken). Amsterdam, [1890.] 8vo. 1888-1900. Amsterdam, [1902.] 8vo. This is a very useful work, an index of titles of novels and similar productions, preventing duplication. The above catalogues are supplemented to date by Brinkman's alphabetische lijst van boeken, landkaarten, etc. Leiden. 8vo. This is issued annually, and contains an author catalogue with a classified subject index. HONGKONG. Hongkong has published a list of the issues of its press since 1888. Return of books registered in Hongkong. Hongkong, 1888, etc. fol. In chronological order without indexes. 17 HUNGARY. Hungary can claim to have one of the most complete series of national bibliographies possessed by any country. It begins with Szabo (K.). Regi Magyar konyvtar. I. Az 1531-1711. megjelent Magyar nyomtatvdnyok kony- veszeti kezikonyve. II. Az 1473-161 1711-ig megjelent nem Magyar nyelvii hazai nyomtatvdnyok konyvezeti kezikonyve. III. Magyar szerzoktol kiilfoldon i48o-t61 1711-ig megjelent nem magyar nyelvii nyomtatvdnyoknak konyveszeti kezikonyve. J series in 4 vols. Budapest, 1879-98. 8vo. Szabo's work is divided as follows : I. Books in the Hungarian language, 1531-1711. II. Books published in Hungary not in Hungarian, 1473-1711. III. Books by Hungarian authors, not in Hungarian, published out of Hungary, Each of the three sections is arranged chronologically and has an author index. The period from 1712-1860 is covered by Petrik(G.). Bibliographia Hungariae 17 12-1860, seu catalogus librorum in Hungaria, et de rebus patriam nostram attingentibus extra Hungariam editorum. j vols. Budapest, 1888-91. 8vo. This is an author catalogue, and the notes, &c., are in Hungarian. From i860 the field is occupied by a continuation of the last entry. Petrik (G.). Magyar konyveszet i860- 1875. Budapest, 1885. 8vo. 1876-1885. Budapest, 1890. 8vo. 1886-1900. Budapest, 1903, etc. 8vo. These volumes contain author catalogues together with classified subject indexes. The work is brought up to date by the issue of Magyar Konyvkereskedok 6vk6nyve. I. Magyar Konyveszet. Budapest, 8vo. This is published annually and contains in addition to the author catalogue and classified subject index of books, lists of periodicals and other matter relating to the book trade. ICELAND. The principal catalogue of Icelandic books is : Lidderdale (T. W.). Catalogue of the books printed in Iceland from 1578 to 1880 in the library of the British Museum. London, 1885. fol. This is a chronological catalogue, with an author and subject index in one alphabet following. It is supplemented by : Fiske (W.). Books printed in Iceland, 15 78- 1844. A supplement to the British Museum Catalogue. (Bibliographical notices, I.) [Florence, i886.] 8vo. A second Supplement. (Bibliographical notices, II.) [Florence, 1889] 8vo. A third Supplement. (Bibliographical notices, V.) [Florence, 1890.] 8vo. A fourth Supplement. . . . With a general index to the four supplements. (Bibliographical notices, VI.) Ithaca, N.Y., 1907. 8vo. Each of the parts is chronological and the index in the fourth supplement is of authors. Since 1899 a catalogue of Icelandic books has been published annually as an appendix to the Dansk Bogfortegnelse. Islandsk Bogfortegnelse, 1899, etc. INDIA, BURMAH AND CEYLON. The whole of the provincial governments issue periodical lists of books registered under the various Ordinances for the regulation of the press. The following list is from the set in the British Museum : Bombay and Sind. Catalogue of books printed in Bombay and Sind. Bombay, 1867, etc. 4to. North-Western ProYinces. Statement of particulars regarding books published in the North-Western Provinces. 1867, etc. 4to. Bengal. Catalogue of books registered in Bengal. (Quar- terly Appendix to the Calcutta Gazette.) Calcutta, iS6g, etc. 4to. Oudh. Catalogue of books printed in Oudh. Lucknow, 1874-77. fol. Eastern Bengal and Assam. Catalogue of books regis- tered in Eastern Bengal and Assam. 1874, etc. 4to. Mysore. Catalogue of books registered in Mysore. Bangalore, 1875, ^^^' 4*0- Central Provinces and Berar. Catalogue of books printed in the Central Provinces. Nagpoor, 1875, ^^^- 4^0- Madras. Catalogue of books printed in Madras, (Quar- terly Supplement to the Fort St. George Gazette.) Madras, 1876, etc. 4to. Punjab. Catalogue of books registered in Punjab. Lahore, 1876, etc. 4to. Haiderabad Assigned Districts. Memorandum of books issued in the Haiderabad Assigned Districts. 1880- 190 2. 4to. 19 Mysore (Bangalore). Catalogue of books printed in Bangalore. Bangalore, 1884, etc. 4to. Ceylon. Supplement to the Government Gazette. Statement of books printed in Ceylon. Colombo, 1885, ^/